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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Hry /tg/, what game system would be best for playing alternative apocalypse scenarios? Like say if all the water that evaporates from earth goes away mysteriously, a small nation that gets such a thick an avalanche of rocks and dirt that they start running out of food and water to survive, aliens programing toys a mind of there own to systematically kill off all humans, a wizard that accidentally cause everyone in the 1st world to switch their geographic location with people in the 3rd world at random?

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File: 58aef5ba0b7efe3⋯.jpeg (19.15 KB,259x400,259:400,images (3).jpeg)

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>t. Fallout dev

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>What game system would be best for playing alternative apocalypse scenarios?

Narrativist tic tac toe. Granted the rules for chargen can get a little complicated, and the only characters likely to survive the first few levels are the kindof unholy neckbearded OP fests that haunt your nightmares; but the core mechanic is simple, intuitive, and perfectly balanced.

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File: 63b07a42eb1283b⋯.pdf (4.33 MB,Nechronica.pdf)

Bow down memequeens

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File: 57a2d8930117364⋯.png (578.98 KB,682x799,682:799,ClipboardImage.png)


Good taste but does it really count as "survival" when every PC is dead?

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>Like say if all the water that evaporates from earth goes away mysteriously

That's rocks fall everyone dies-tier apocalypse. How the fuck is humanity supposed to survive beyond the first month or two? You can't grow crops to make alcohol without water.

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If it all evaporates, eventually it should return as rain, but if it's all just gone then the planet is fucked beyond saving. I think the complete lack of water in the atmosphere would fuck up the atmosphere and cause everything to just combust.

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It'll be about surviving as long as possible, or until you give up.

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Some people view "zombies" as no traces of humanity left. Nothing more then beasts wanting to consume. In Nechronica, the girls have a glimmer of humanity and the game revolves around fighting to not lose your humanity. Its twist to the usual serving of the zombie genre.

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Would Rifts work for this?

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