My working name for it is Strife and Glory atm.
My idea of the game is that you dont draw cards but instead have a "warboard" where at the top you have a (in)famous leader from history be he Oda Nobunaga, Charlemagne or Darius the Second. Then you would be their general.
You have a board full of your cards facing you. You are not allowed to touch it unless you are to play the card on the opposite side of the Warboard
3 ways of winning.
1. Opponent runs out of cards (represents resources and ideas
2. They run out of Morale (represents peoples belief in ideas and ability to win)
3. They run out of life (represents population)
Their would be the following types of cards:
Great Acts (like you liberated a foreign nation or made a great medicine)
Tech advancement
Leader specific cards (Hitler would have Blitzkrieg. Allows for multiple maneuevers until opponent has X tech advancements)
There could be card packs for each types.
Their would at the bottom of each card that would give a little info.
Their would be cards unique to each civilization.
So George Washington and Roosevelt would have unique cards as indivisual rulers but also share some American cards.
Their could be different "Eras" of play for varying levels of technology. Otherwise card names and soldier types could just be faceless numbers so that we could have Charlemagne duking it out with Julius Caesar.