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What wargames and companies are worth supporting these days? We know all the bad ones so what's some good ones?

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Only faggots care if the corporation trying to make money in the modern marketplace has morals they don't share. Just play whatever game has the rules and lore you enjoy.

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<op asks for games without pozz

>just play the pozzed games if you like the rules and lore

go back to 4cuck faggot

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you're welcome.

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He's from the MTG thread. Still huffing the poz.

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Maybe Wargamer, they made "by fire and sword" wargame, were kikestarting a fantasy skirmish game but they have a delay.

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Make your own game, or buy used copies of stuff. Or, pirate the books and print them off with a Laserjet.

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>non-pozzed modern company

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Why buy anything new these days? So much good older stuff or free stuff there’s no point in cucking to any of them.

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Try older edition rules and then makeup your own lore.

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>giving money, and thus power, to people who hate you

For what reason?

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They don't actually hate you. They like money and think they can get money by catering to trannies. It's a subtle difference, but one you have to understand and internalize lest you result as a lonely old faggot who doesn't get to play any games.

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You're presuming that the people in charge over there have fully stated (and honestly) their intentions. Trannies are a fraction of 1% of the population. No one in their right minds thinks that catering to trannies is going to make bank. What are they thinking? That the shame of the white devil is going to be cast upon them unless they are sufficiently woke, aka they hate white people who aren't tranny enabling pedo loving nigger cock sucking faggots.

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If you weren't clinically retarded then you would know the best stance to make money is to be as neutral as possible.

>What do you think about trannies

>We're just a gaming company.

>Do you support feminism?

>We're just a gaming company.

>Do you support white genocide

>We're just a gaming company

The moment you take sides you lose customers. If you just don't comment at all both sides can consider you on their side or at least not their enemy.

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If a company thinks it can make money by hating white men it doesn't really matter if they REALLY hate white men, or if they are just trying to appeal to 1% of the population who finds "I hate white men" to be something they want to support. Either way the actions and words are the same.

Yes, people often lie about their intentions. In marketing especially. But you shouldn't just disbelieve people because you want them to be lying. Especially when it makes no monetary sense for them to lie, they use their personal social media accounts to reinforce what they are saying, and they keep making a point to go as hard as they can on said message. At some point you have to take them at their word. Because it doesn't matter if they are lying or not. If you goto a resteraunt and the waiter says "I spat in your food!" regardless of wether he is lying or not, you shouldn't eat there. And you should tell your friends and family to avoid it at all costs. Someone on an anonymous imageboard might say "but you're presuming they are telling the truth. They think they can get money by catering to people that WANT spit in their food!" But anyone with a right mind would of course ignore that idiot. Because that's fucking retarded right there.

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You also have the issue that people act how they want to be perceived. If we have people saying they want to get rid of white men, they want to be seen as someone genocide people.

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>retarded lolberg with no knowledge of history thinks corporations exists for profit and are misguided

(((Dutch East India))) only dealt with tea and spices, right?

Profits are merely the means to secure grounds for pushing an agenda.

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but if you're not with us, you could be agaisnt us. thats how politics works.

big companies are not known for their courage against any amount of dissent and displeasure

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>Oy vey just consume our products goy!

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This is how you access the rules you want without having to give them any money.

>buy a good laser printer (ink printers are a scam and a ripoff)

>find a cheap off brand toner distributor (I found a toner manufacturer that runs $15 for 3,000 pages of toner, compared to $99 for an oem toner that gives 1,500 pages).

>pirate whatever rules you want to use.

>print the pages off, three hole punch it and stick it in a binder.

>if you must own a few of the core books, buy them used on eBay.

I have the PHB & DMG for 5e, bought them used on ebay. For everything else, I print it and stick it in a binder. I'm currently planning a campaign using the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, but I printed the whole thing off and put it in a binder. Best part? I cut all the pozzed art before I printed it off.

Ideally, you use a non pozzed game from a non pozzed company, but the reality remains that DnD is an easy system to introduce people into the hobby.

The other option is to make your own rules and your own system.

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You ever thought of getting into binding your own books. Would look/feel less poverty than just printing it.

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>They like money and think they can get money by catering to trannies.

So why would I give them money, if they have that kind of deplorable attitude?

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That's the problem. No matter how hard you try to be neutral, it's not going to help. You could make a RPG where you play as sentient rocks and not mention gender, pronouns, races or anything in the whole damn book. But the moment your game gets just a tiny bit of traction, there's going to be some insane faggot on RPG.net writing a huge rant about how it's lacking inclusivity and isn't expressively friendly to paraplegic muslim bulbhead trans wamens, and there you have it. If you don't respond by stating you wnat to kill all white men and love everything that's insane and shit-coloured, you'll be stamped as a problematic something-phobic nazi.


Consume product. Be excited for next product.

And the majority of people, soyboys and normies alike, are such literal fucking sheep that they won't even think twice about paying for something that openly advocates for genocide against them. A lot of them would even be proud of their cucking.

You know what we need? We need a official Clown world honker. Sort of like those X-cards that faggots promoted. Just have it along when you play a game and the moment something degenerate and clownish is brought up, you let loose a nice big honk.

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I play Warhammer Underworlds, Malifaux and Monsterpocalypse.

>Underworlds: competitive board game with fixed warband of warhammer minatures means theres no attention whoring over models and all that matters is your skill level, which naturally drives away attention whores

>Malifaux: excellent skirmish game with the only world with lore deeper than OG skirmish titles with mainstream appeal in the past like Mordheim, but the soylent gentry keep trying really hard to colonise this like they did wizards

>Monsterpocalypse: Fast, fun and its Kaiju VS Robots so whats not to like? but its Privateer Press so stock is none existent, support outside the US is dead and PP who already kills games for no good reason is in a bad way.

The only one i'm enjoying with any sign of stability is Warhammer Underworlds but the worry being GW is power creep. The last main box -the game does a main box with 2 warbands, all the tokens and two boards in a main box then warbands with the decks and extra cards for every other deck per 'season'- introduced magic spell cards, caster characters and magic dice and theres confirmed a new mechanic coming soon so maybe there will be a problem with this. But thus far it and monpoc are the only things i play not infested. Worse i have to deal with is now and then someone playing the Sigmarine warband but thankfully thats rare since nobody likes them and the trogg warband is so OP metacucks follow that and the rest of us stick to skaven, gobbos, skeles, dryads and whatever.

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You're neglecting the fact that for the most well known games the established player base IS the product. It's tautological; people play DnD because people play DnD. While you may not be directly giving them money, by contributing to the "community" you support the system, the company, and its practices. It doesn't matter if it's DnD with pirated books, MtG with proxies, or 40k with recasts.

To answer OPs question, historical wargames are notably poz resistent. Turns out that having to demonstrate competent knowledge of the era and conflict screens out the bullshit; who new?


>We need a official Clown world honker.

So just a bike horn, then?

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What do you mean by that?

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Gripping Beast was until they released the shield maiden warband. Spartan games RIP was not against being politcally incorrect as the Americans were confederates however more like mark twain/general Robert E Lee type southern gentlemen than slave owners.

Maybe some stuff done by the Perry Bros or even Kings of War.

Privateer Press is the worst though

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Catalyst Game labs are doing some good stuff with Battletech, and the staff seem to be good old boys who steer well clear of weird political shit. They’re doing a bunch of really nice resculpts of their original miniatures, the second round of which has a kikestarter inbound.

Steve Jackson games seem to also be somewhat resistant to the pozz, and Gurps is a fine old-style RPG system.

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It's a buzzword. Originally it meant people so far up their ass on social justice they're high on poop gas and think it's the enlightened teachings of Simone de Beauvoir, but in practics faggots like the OP use it to refer to anything they don't like.

So basically, it's the same way leftists use the word nazi.

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That isn't what "pozzed" means you ingrate. "Pozzed" refers to the fag subculture of willingly and intentionally becoming HIV POSitive (asking to be pozzed) and it's used by anons to mean "full of faggot AIDS."

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What the fuck am I reading?

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>If you don't respond by stating you wnat to kill all white men and love everything that's insane and shit-coloured, you'll be stamped as a problematic something-phobic nazi.

I wonder why nobody has yet arrived at a conclusion not to respond to such posts at all, whether on some niche forums or huge social media. Total radio silence with the exception of game-related news and Q&A's where the questions unrelated to the game are ignored.

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I'd make the case that's part of the running problem, honestly.

Too many people just ignored shit, and as a result, companies got the impression that everyone else deosn't care, and it's best to cave to the crazies because they'll make a scene if you don't.

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If only. See the whole buttstorm with "historical accuracy" of A Black "Brit" in King Arthur's Court.


>They like money and think they can get money by catering to trannies.

This implies decision making and command chain that are not completely dysfunctional.

While at the same time it requires having the decision maker's head stuck far up the ass regarding the target audience and being too stupid to simply have someone check the path before they commit.

Which is contradictory.


>big companies are not known for their courage against any amount of dissent and displeasure

Because big companies are not managed by responsible decision makers, they are overrun with ass-covering bureaucrats who care more about favor of HR commissars than where company rolls. At best.

At worst, poz spreads and takes over, like in Mozilla.

The only way to deal with this is to make "get woke go broke" as popular as possible.

Disney may be too big to fall, but most are not Disney and have something to fear.

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Assault Vector: Tactical?

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I'm rather against paying people who seem to actively hate me. Especially when that dislike is forced into their products and storytelling,.

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I'm rather against getting pissed on, both literally and metaphorically. Therefore I am not keen on supporting people who are likely to act like tapirs.

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Bolt Action seems good but which faction?

amazon review complains of jap infantry models having glasses and buck teeth.

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>What wargames and companies are worth supporting these days?

Support indie game makers.

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What you do, is you don't reply to those things. Let them scream into the void. No answer will ever be as good as ignoring them and just focusing on your game. They'll get bored of not getting attention and move onto the next target.

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