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File: d5ccdc242380d4e⋯.jpg (73.26 KB,453x262,453:262,download.jpg)


Post plot hooks here. Mostly some side-adventures because derailing the entire campaign is bad.

PCs enter the monstrous mushroom kingdom.


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File: 3b8cd8a89fbf03d⋯.jpg (57.7 KB,614x768,307:384,20190609.jpg)

Fire & Ice

Help a mage procure a magma-stone from the icy north.

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[Precious artifact] was stolen from [place in which it resides].

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File: 669eb13fda70779⋯.png (51.33 KB,175x215,35:43,ClipboardImage.png)


>A precious thing was stolen

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No wait, I have an idea

>Telepathy/mind reading/detection spells can only work on the target if they're in the astral plane or asleep

>A powerful wizard, king, or other prominent figure is fucking losing it because they don't want to sleep for even a minute, lest their enemies find out where they are

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File: 7418559a54eeea7⋯.jpg (216.39 KB,672x936,28:39,20190623.jpg)

File: db07f699c66d2b2⋯.jpg (247.58 KB,1280x1347,1280:1347,20190609.jpg)


That Which Was Taken

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A powerful organization's hitmen ambushed you because the guy(s) who wronged them looked exactly like one (or more) of the PC's due to a coincidence/shapeshifter/identity theft, you have to convince them it wasn't you/escape certain death and find the real guy.

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File: 0a6e0c1e1982f04⋯.jpg (59.14 KB,690x502,345:251,20190623.jpg)

This happens. What do you do?

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File: ee6068c9afa297c⋯.png (627.25 KB,473x724,473:724,Adventure Introduction Tab….png)


The only thing you need.

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what if I want a 13th option?

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File: 7253ba0757b69f0⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1194x2176,597:1088,1466051863536.jpg)


Then you use this one.

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That's the "sexy" option.

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File: 2ff0a8115e16bd7⋯.jpg (93.02 KB,1200x722,600:361,20190630.jpg)


I think I had enough sexy, thank you.


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File: 69da38a39af6014⋯.jpg (86.84 KB,525x695,105:139,1291770794493.jpg)

>Take a good movie

>Steal the shit out of the plot

>Tweak if necessary




A wizard has been abducting people and placing them into puzzles to escape. Do the PCs rescue the latest captive or fall into a trap themselves?


A celestial has fallen to earth and lost it's powers. It's god will surely reward you if you manage to deliver the fallen angel to the temple the next town over. However, evil cultists seek to abduct the angel for their own nefarious deeds.

A Quiet Place:

The party is stalked by creatures that hunt only by sound. Does the Paladin remove his plate armor to improve his stealth checks?

The Bride of Frankenstein:

The party hears that several graves have been defiled. Upon investigation, they learn a necromancer is attempting to create a wife for his favorite zombie. Is he a weirdo playing house or is he attempting to play god with his undead Adam and Eve?

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari:

The party is hired to find a killer. The twist? Villagers are murdering each other, but all claim they were controlled by dark magic during the act. Can the party kill an innocent villager who is being mind-controlled to attack them? Can the party find the puppetmaster who is compelling these people to murder? And to what end?

The Jungle Book:

The party is being led through the woods by a ranger. The ranger begins to notice the tracks of not a beast, but a child. Suddenly, a savage boy appears. He doesn't speak common. He also bears the birthmark of the royal family. Does the party return him to the city so he can grow into a rightful king, or do they allow him to reign over the forest? (Beware his animal companions!)

Free Solo:

A monk stands at the base of a gigantic mountain. He believes if he can climb to the top, he will reach enlightenment. However, Harpies attack any who venture up the mountain, trolls live at the treeline, and they say the Aarakocra at the summit only allow the pure of heart to pass.

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PCs are traveling to a city and see a noble leading a small warband marching the other way. He asks the PCs to deliver a letter the way he came.

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>a long time ago, one of the gods gave a mortal man a crater of wine that would never run empty

>for centuries it has stood, forgotten, in the basement of a dusty castle built into the side of a mountain

>one day a small earthquake knocks it onto its side

>a few days later, local villages start noticing their well water tastes funny, and there's a weird red liquid trickling down the mountain trails

I find that taking a high-level, high-fantasy magic item (or even a common one like a bag of holding) and transplanting it into a low-fantasy setting or imagining what peasants would do with it leads to some very interesting hooks.

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Go steal that bank over there.

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There's a dungeon and it has treasure in it.


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Sounds like a good way to make PC argue all day about something trivial.

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File: 773445ff8c3bb63⋯.jpg (229.25 KB,813x1200,271:400,20190707.jpg)

You witness this. What do?

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The weak should fear the strong. I cast Death Spell and cull anything with low HD, then Charm Person on the survivors.

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File: b75859d4fae4364⋯.jpg (54.75 KB,510x625,102:125,a563dfb1144c826adefada073d….jpg)


Witness it where? The reaction depends on where the location is.

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anon, bra hooks ≠ plot hooks.

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I don't see a bra

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Monks should fight better

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File: 79502e68b1f60b6⋯.jpg (127.56 KB,1080x766,540:383,y2.jpg)


A delicacy for dwarfs.

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I pretty much did 18 once. And despite the ancient lich-ish thing making a point of calling the party's martial artist out while vaguely implying knowledge of her mysterious past, and promoters promising guaranteed prize money win or lose, the party never bit. I was a little disappointed.

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File: 1d2d45324f070a3⋯.jpg (90.53 KB,793x1157,61:89,2019D4W5WvPUEAA8WPi.jpg)

This is how I amazon


My amazon tribe is made of the same dozen female templates of various ages.

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File: 8c43aa6d863e1e2⋯.gif (1.98 MB,500x600,5:6,tumblr_ohj800IquR1r4dhkuo1….gif)

Radio and surveillance equipment is found in the wilderness.

Worse, it seems to still be working.

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Checked for vintage.

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Demand virgin sacrifices.

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I really miss having friends. ;_;

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File: b536c185be7f918⋯.jpg (107.26 KB,850x1052,425:526,_mak.jpg)


Same. That's what I get for going overseas..

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File: 7b1c9b19ac4254c⋯.jpg (298.03 KB,1440x1374,240:229,hypothesis.jpg)

An untouchable crime boss has a massive safe door in his office wall. No one's ever tried for it, fearing retribution more than the difficulty of getting in. Better still if he hires the party for one unrelated job, so you can show rather than tell.

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going to use this for my next campaign, thanks Jumanji reboot

>have each player create two character sheets, let them choose one to start with and I take the rest

>during the start of the journey the players encounter a mysterious artifact that, when activated, transports them to an alternate dimension where their characters are changed

>swap each of their character sheets with the ones they gave me at random, so they're each playing someone else's character and any tricks they had to break the game are thrown out the window unless they metagame like a bunch of faggots

>final boss battles them back in the real dimension with their initial, low-level characters

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