Oh wow, it actually showed up. On to the things I'm most interested in: upcoming new editions!
Shadowrun 6th Edition!
>Strenght only affects unarmed damage
>Armor does not protect, it only gives you edge points (max +2) if your armor value beats the attacker's attack value by four points or more. But if you reverse it (AV beating DV by four or more), the attacker gets a point of edge. This goes for both PCs and NPCs.
>Magic seems stronger than before.
>Also no more background counts
>Noise still exists, just to drive home the magicrun a little more
>Skills have been consolidated into a total of 19 skills
>Everybody gets one major action and two quick actions, I think higher initiative gives you maybe one more quick action?
>The german Beginner's Box is free, english costs cash AND is full of errors
>A few pages of the Core was leaked. Instead of talking about it, Catalyst DMCA'd the leak.
>There was no public playtesting and probably no internal either
This one is gonna be a shitshow.
Pathfinder 2!
>Race is now ancestry (humans, elves, dwarves, goblins and all the other races now share the same genetic lineage) One race, the human race!
>All races gets +2 to two set attributes, +2 to any one attribute of their choice, and -2 to one set attribute. Except humans, they get +2 to any two attributes of their choice, and no drawbacks.
>Remember how dwarves were resistant to poison and elves resisted sleep effects? You can chose that now as a heritage, but fuck getting the rest of your racial traits package. yes, they turned them into fucking feats. You get one at level 1
>Half-elves and half-orcs used to cost human's lvl 1 heritage feat, this was rectified LATE
>Goblins and alchemists are now core having played alchemist before, I can say that it has been improved in some areas, but all classes, including alchs, have also been heavily gutted. Rip pallys
>Paladins can be any alignment now, because fuck having to roleplay a lawful good character with divine powers
>skill points are no longer a thing. Instead you get stages of expertise; untrained, trained, proficient, expert, master, legendary. This also goes for weapons and armor.
>90% is made worse than PF 1, which is a fucking surprise. They went the goddamn way of D&D 5E, but minus the extensive playtesting.
Remember, dogs, birds, fish and insects all have different races. But humans are all the same.
>Also, the human section of the race chapter had a fucklong list of nationalities. I don't remember how many were actually white, if any at all. Humans were the ONLY ones to have such a list, so elves and dwarves all come from the same place.
>Goblin Paladins are now a thing SOMEBODY CALL THE GOBLIN SLAYER
Cyberpunk RED Kickstarter rules!
Fuck if I know, it seems RTG is keeping a pretty tight lid on this. Most I have heard is that some stuff has been streamlined, maybe classes have been removed. Mike Pondsmith is at the helm. Here's hoping Hitler is used as an example for high level rockerboys again.