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R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Hey, look at this awesome playlist that has sweet pro-Catholic/Christian and anti-Jewish songs!


R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

God hates the age of consent


Sign my petition


Show your support

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

The Global Persecution Of My People

The Global Persecution Of My People

"My son, it will happen. It is the persecution of My people on a global scale. They will be marginalized, locked out of employment, and forced to live off the land to survive. It will come, My son, prepare! The global persecution of My people will come by the hands of Satanists who have taken over the governments of the land. They want them dead! Already prison camps have been built to incarcerate My people and to eliminate many of them from the land. Satan wants no hindrance to his planned New World Order, and his One World Government- the appearance of his Antichrist. Prepare! You haven't got much time left. Ask what you can do for Me, your LORD, before time is up, and it is too dark in the world to do anything for Me, your Savior. Prepare! Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

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Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin

Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin

"Say to the Elite who control the world of My enemy Satan, and do what he says, who are you to lord over My people the Elite of all eternity? For I shall surely put you in Hell for serving My enemy the Antichrist, and attempting to set him up on his throne on the Earth. For I know all things, and your puny lives are as nothing before Me, made up of material things, not spiritual. For you serve Satan before Me, and I know all you have done to try to subvert Me with your wickedness and evil. For Satan is as nothing before Me, a created being and doomed forever in the Lake of Fire. For I have created him to work his evil in the Earth for a limited time, then he shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. And you shall too find your place in the flames of the burning Lake of Fire forever, unless you repent and serve Me. For you Elites are as nothing before Me the Eternal God, as dust on the scales, accounted for as nothing. For you think of yourselves as great, having wealth and power of Satan, which is for a limited time, which shall be taken away, and you enter the Lake of Fire forever! For in Hell where you are going there is no relief or relent for all eternity, where the flame always burns, and the worm never dies. For I have put you there to serve Satan in all of your ways, O wicked people, accounted as nothing before Me. For you do not compare against Me, the Eternal Living God, though you think of yourselves as great, you shall enter Hell as the common man, and endure suffering in there forever, unless you repent and come to Me, your LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. I have spoken, wicked Elites forever!"

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Your 9/11 Resources

Dan Monahan has marked three case references.

Luke Charon is marked Rabbi.

Jenna Williamson is marked Lune.

David Charlebois is marked Cardinal.

Luke Charon has completed a Dominatrix Parlor's Catchem.

Jenna Williamson has completed a Warfare Division War Paint.

David Charlebois has completed a Cardinal's Dod.

The Trinity Killer, on your show you're hunting (better than Riverdale, but I'm old), is 40 to 41 years old by graduation, Class of 2002, Hopkinton Highschool, Public; Metrowest, Middlesex County, the start of the Boston Marathon. Your bombers are in the next room; Ivan "ivo" Tomasic, Brian "b-rock" Monaghan, and Joshua "null" Moen. MI-6 services, we had a data breach through our wall at UMass-Amherst AFROTC, out of MIT physical plant services on mySQL through our terminal and telnet programs.

Korean-Viet, Hmong blood; he's trying to catch the 9/11 terrorists, and we're his three recruits.

William Morgan Jr., is running Luke Charon, out of FBI Corrections Librarians.

Matthew Lennox is running Jenna Williamson, out of CIA Homeland Security.

Joshua Moen is running David Charlebois, out of ATF Belgium.

I've eliminated my chief target, the Canadian Freemasons; "Pinkville".

My uncle knew Dr. Joshua Golden, in Levenworth; real name, Seymour Myron Hirsch.

I invoked 13 parents, aunts, and uncles, all blood and none marriage or cousins.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic Vows (Gypsy)

The center of the vow of a Catholic Confirmation, is to reject Satan; having studied the Sacraments, since Excommunication of parents and Baptism of child to bond union of wedlock.

To a Gypsy, the Satanic pact is the psychic ability; witchcraft, to the Protestants, however a witch hunter, in Catholic quarters.

Witchcraft, being the study of physics and astrophysics; terrorism.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Islam Is Spreading!

Youre all failure, Islam is rising

480 873 7571

call me if you want to join the true religion and be giving a child bride by Allah

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Corrupted Churches

Can you guys share information with me? I'm really open minded to anything you have to share I'm quite new to Christianity

i just feel like especially after the catholic 70's overhaul not veiling at mass and all the other garbage that a lot has been lost

what information isn't shared by the church anymore that helps us in our relationship to christ?

Please and thank you sir! Any red pills are appreciated

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PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration

PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration

“I must punish Trump. He must die, My son! Trump must be eliminated. I have decided that the CIA will carry out its operations against him shortly. I have decreed his death, it will be carried out shortly by CIA operatives. I have the final say, I AM The Living God. Trump must be eliminated to carry out the New World Agenda in the Earth. Many will die. He is an offense in My sight, molesting little children, committing all kinds of perversions before My sight. I must eliminate him from before public consciousness by eliminating his presidency. He is a wicked man, doing what others tell him to do. He has no consciousness to stand on his own against imperial world power. Israel’s expansion will continue, they will exceed their borders and absorb the enemy nations around them. I have decreed it. I will deal with him and Israel, both wicked nations refusing to repent and come before Me, both must be eliminated if they refuse Me. I have decreed it, the end of the Trump Administration and Netanyahu's, both wicked men, both will eliminated by armed men, I have decreed it. Trump must be eliminated, Israel’s whore, and spend eternity boiling in the Lake of Fire. I have called an end to both persons, to be replaced by powerful public movements of mine. The pedophile network must be stopped, it is an offense in My sight. Pedophiles will be eliminated from the land, for I have called an end to that wickedness. Both parties will be mine and no longer will the wicked rule the land. My people must be awakened to do My will. Thus says the Living God, Amen!”

R:3 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


True Christians vote for T

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Christian identity

its about time Christians wake up to the jewish lies the have been told

Jesus was not a jew and the aryan race is the true descendants of the 12 tribes of israel


learn more here

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Prophetic Word Unto My Highly Disobedient Church

Prophetic Word Unto My Highly Disobedient Church

"My son, My Church won't obey Me. I called them to do My will, but so far all they prefer to do is sit around while millions of My lost people go to Hell. They won't do My will that I called them to do. They refuse to preach My Gospel unto the lost. I called all of My people to be ministers, but so far they prefer to sit around while millions perish. Why won't they obey Me? I called all to go into all the world and preach My Gospel. Why won't they obey Me? See the city of Las Vegas. Sinners abound everywhere. But so far they prefer to sit at home and do nothing while millions of My people perish in sin and wickedness. Where are they? Why won't My people obey Me? So, therefore I hand them over to the Devil for the destruction of the flesh. I have spoken. Amen and amen."

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The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit

The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit

“To My people who resist Me—why do you quench My Spirit? Why do you not want Him around? You are of the Pharisaical religion of the Word, destined for Hell, dead forever, because you do not want Me around. You want religion, not the truth of the Word which you despise. You do not want My prophecies around, because they convict you of your dead religion with no power, no eternal life, and no Me around. You actively reject Me when I show up, so I Am devoid in the churches who don’t want Me. I Am active in the world with the sinners, but the Church does not want Me around for the most part. They reject My Spirit because they do not want Me around. I reject them forever because they do not want Me moving and working in the Church. Therefore, I reject them forever, wicked servants, Pharisees with dead religion destined for Hell forever. There are many of them around—the Church is full of them. They will not make it in to My Kingdom because they do not want My Spirit working in their lives. They will be destroyed in the Second Death because they do not want Me around. I Am the Source of eternal life—how dare they not want Me around and reject Me through My Spirit Who Is rejected by them. Therefore, their churches and lives are empty and dead because they want Me not. They will not let Me in to their presence because they reject Me through My Spirit. They are dead forever. I reject them, My wicked people. I stand at the door and knock, but few will let Me in. They will be saved, the rest damned. Few will make it in. I have spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC

The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC

“I say to Mike Bickle, why do you resist Me and the move I have planned? For I see you are full of sin, and have been for years. For you abuse Me for sex, and My Anointing has been misused to satisfy your sexual desire with women galore. For My Anointing is not to be misused to get women into bed to satisfy your sexual desires, and similar prophets have done the same thing. For I will place you in Hell, for your heart still desires sin, and you have not cleansed it from your life, but are controlled by adultery and sexual sin galore. For you have let the demons in through your rock music which you practice, and they control your lives. Rock music is detestable in My sight, worship that I do not accept, but is repulsive in My ears. For you will not repent, because you cannot, for I have destined you unto the Lake of Fire for your many sins that you have deliberately committed before Me, and will burn forever, O Mike Bickle! For you cannot repent, for I have taken it from you, O damned man, for both you and your congregation of sin will go there for eternity. Prepare to burn, for there is no more sacrifice for you, O wicked man, for eternity you will be burning in the Lake of Fire, both you and your wicked congregation of sin. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

"My wicked man, Benny Hinn. Oh how I will punish you for all eternity in deepest fiery Hell, says the Living God of Israel. Oh how I will punish you forever for your wickedness, O wicked man of sin and selfishness. For what you call a ministry of Mine is just a moneymaking empire of selfishness and greed. Oh how I will punish you, O wicked man of sin and selfishness! For you refuse to help My disabled whom you seem to be unhelpable, and refuse to minister to My disabled, but send them away through your network of screeners. Oh how I will punish you, even in the Lake of Fire, for you will go there, O greedy man. And your sexual sins have not gone unnoticed by Me, for they were deliberately committed in far-off places of sin, islands of sin offshore. I will punish you forever, for you lead millions astray for money, and call that 'ministry!' Oh you greedy man, Benny Hinn, oh how I will punish you forever in the eternal burning Lake of Fire, for you refuse to serve Me, but serve self. You will not do it My way among the masses, but fly through the air to stages galore. For you will not humble yourself to serve Me, but prefer the high life among the masses: jet planes, expensive hotels, and perks galore. For you will not do anything without money, but demand big sums for your work. Abusing the Anointing for My money, which you abuse for self, not Me. For I will punish all your sins which you commit behind the scenes, and I know them all, says the Living God. Prepare to spend eternity in Hell, for I will put you there to be punished forever, O wicked man of sin and damnation. For I know all your sins, O wicked Benny Hinn, which you deliberately committed before Me, and you shall burn forever, says the Living God of Israel."

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine

PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine

"I see what is done in the Earth, and I will repay, for vengeance is Mine, says the LORD of Hosts. Avenge I will, for I Am God of Vengeance! People of the Earth beware, for I will fully repay all wicked deeds. Vengeance is Mine, and I will repay, for I hear My peoples' cries night and day. A vengeful God I Am, for I call all people to repent of their sins, but few will, My son. So avenge I will, putting millions in Hell every year to suffer in flame forever. Even the Lake of Fire is waiting for them for a future time after the Great Day of Judgment, where I will put all not written in My Book of Life. Even My people who refuse to obey Me shall go there. I give sinners a long time to repent, for I Am slow to anger, but eventually justice must be served, for I Am A God of Justice. Your LORD has spoken, amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

"I will destroy it all. Nothing will be left but dust and ashes. The city of sin will be gone. Test they will their particle beam weapons going way beyond nuclear weapons. All will be gone in a flash! The U.S. Army are traitors galore. They have eyes on the city. All will be dissolved away. Remember Maui? They have weapons way more powerful, particle beams from space. Satellites will test them on you, Las Vegas, from command centers deep underground. You evil city of sin have no chance of surviving this evil attack. City of sin must go, detestable in my sight. My judgment is arrayed against it through traitors in the U.S. Military, in the Army galore. They will destroy you, O Las Vegas. It will come in an instant without warning. All will be gone but dust and ashes. They hate you with an intense hatred. I have spoken, the Living God. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy To My Lukewarm Church

Prophecy To My Lukewarm Church

“To My Lukewarm Church: You are detestable in My sight, says the Living God. Why won’t you do My will? All you care about is yourselves, My Church. You are lost forever, unless you do the works as at first. Oh how you have abandoned Me, resisting My prophets, rejecting them, having nothing to do with what they say. Why do you resist Me, says the Holy Spirit? All you care about is what you want, not in doing My will in worldwide evangelism. That you will have no part of, for all you think about is self, and what you can get. A homebody existence is what you want, with no challenge to get out there and do My will. For that you shall be damned forever, wicked Church of Mine! Furthermore, why do you just sit there and do nothing, oh My Church? Hear the masses calling for Me, the Living God. Yet you just sit there at home, refusing to go obey Me, says the Living God. I called you to go overseas and preach My Gospel, yet you prefer your life of comfort and ease, refusing to go. For that I Am incensed at you wicked Church of Mine! Hear the prophets speak: I shall destroy you, O wicked, lukewarm Church of Mine, refusing to go obey Me, to preach My Gospel all over the world. For that I shall damn you to deepest Hell, O wicked and worthless Church of Mine, useless for any legitimate purpose in My Kingdom! Depart from Me, into eternal Hell, O wicked Church! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

"I will destroy, My son. The level of wickedness has gotten too great all over the land. My people must be destroyed, they no longer serve Me, they serve themselves. The pastors have brought them far away from Me; paths of righteousness have been forsaken. Every man does what is right in his eyes, not My will. My will goes neglected, few do it. This nation, this mighty land of yours will be but a memory, gone forever. My people have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. Few will be left who call themselves Christians; My will must be done; few will do it; few will be left when I Am finished with this land of selfishness and greed, My son. Few will serve Me; all care about their own, not My things. My Church lies forsaken; few will serve Me in Spirit and truth. All have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken, My son. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Destroy My Evil Empire Of Sin, My Son

Destroy My Evil Empire Of Sin, My Son

“My son, I Am going to destroy My Empire. It will be forever gone! Never again will America rise to rule the world. I put a stop to it. It will be forever gone! My son, escape the land of destruction and go to a foreign country. Destroy My Evil Empire of sin and wickedness, My son. Forever it will be gone! Destroy, and leave nothing left. My people refuse to repent, and will not obey Me. The sinners too. They will not obey, nor repent. They have got to go to eternal damnation. They will not obey nor repent. They are damned forever! I will make sure it all gets destroyed. Nuclear bombs will ravage the land. The plagues will kill off My people. I have said it, the Living God. Destroy America, My son. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever!

PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever!

"It'll all be blown away, My son. My nuclear bombs are ready to do the devastation they were meant for. New York will be blown away, never to exist again, My son. It will be but a memory, its towering skyscrapers blown away in the nuclear conflagration. Get ready! Life as you have known it will never be the same again! Money will be scarce, so will be food. There will be few humans left alive from the nuclear disaster I have planned, says the Living God. New York City will be but a memory, never to exist again! Multitudes will be gone, forever entered eternity in a moment's notice. Prepare! What lies ahead is a life of hardship. Gone will be all the modern conveniences that you all depend on. Your way of life will be changed forever. Expect an early death in the years of hardship and famine, My son. My wrath is manifest to all through nuclear explosions. Prepare! The end is upon us. Your LORD has spoken. Amen forever!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

“It must be destroyed. They refuse to serve Me. Few will be saved. What they have done to Gaza must be done to them. Its sin has come before Me. It must be judged. Few will be saved. Its sin must be judged. Its sin has not escaped Me. It must be judged. Few will escape My wrath. It must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken.”

“It must be destroyed, all of it. They refuse to serve Me. They’re My people, but they refuse to obey. They must be destroyed. Not a one will escape My wrath. What they’ve done to Gaza must be judged. Few will be saved. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Son, Wicked Jim Bakker

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Son, Wicked Jim Bakker

“Punish My man, for he refuses to turn from his sin. Covetousness abounds in My man’s heart, Jim Bakker. I have called him to repent and turn from his salesmanship, but he refuses to turn away from his wickedness and serve Me the right way on the streets. That he refuses, so he will be punished forever in My Presence. Repent Jim Bakker, you haven’t got long to live before I take you from this Earth for your greedy covetousness. You are an offense in My sight, and you cannot stop selling to My people. I will punish you forever and ever in deepest Hell; My hucksters of sin will be there forever and ever! Repent while you can, O wicked salesman, for you refuse to preach My Gospel, but to sell your wares. You are an offense in My sight, wicked salesman. Repent now, O wicked Jim Bakker, for I will punish you forever and ever! Your LORD has spoken, amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever!

The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever!

“They will be punished, My son. The Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, says the LORD. How dare they in the Federal Government steal what is Mine, belonging to the Russians. Return what you have stolen back to the Russians, or else I will punish you forever, says the LORD. Obey Me, for I Am A God to be reckoned with. Do not test Me, for I punish all sinners in a living Hell, forever burning in flames of My design. All wicked sinners who ignore My warnings, thinking I do not exist, shall surely be punished forever and ever in a burning Hell, My son. Return the stolen Wealth Funds, or else you shall surely receive the wrath of God in your lives, and who is that man who can resist Me? I hold all in My Hands, even your puny lives are before Me. I shall punish all, and it is not a light thing to test the Living God, Amen! Return what you have stolen immediately back to the Russians, or you will face Me in the middle of the night snatching your soul away to eternity to face judgment forever. And who is that man who can resist Me, or alter his fate before Me? Surely the Living God has spoken to you through His prophet. Repent before it is too late, and you stand before Me for judgment. Surely all Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, and you shall be punished forever for your theft. It is a very fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God to face judgment and wrath forever! Repent now! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Wicked Charlatans Forever!

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Wicked Charlatans Forever!

"My wicked charlatans are everywhere, My son! They're everywhere, My son. Religious charlatans infest the Church; they have no power. They never took the time to get to know Me. They are useless; they have no power. They love Me for money, but will not obey Me to give up all on the streets. They must be in a church or ministry; they will not give up all to serve Me. They must be in a comfortable house; they will not go to where the people are. My religious charlatans are everywhere: they infest the world, the Church, are on the airwaves: they have no power, nobody is touched. I Am not with them: they have forsaken Me from the youth for money and popularity; power they do not have because they never took the time to get to know Me, their LORD. They refuse to know Me; they love money and wealth; they love the Church world: it controls them. Charlatans are everywhere; they are in it for wealth and fame and popularity. Notoriety is what they got; they have no power to help My people: I Am not with them; they have been rejected long ago by Me for being useless servants, wicked charlatans destined for eternal fire! I make it so. All men of sin shall go there, including My wicked charlatans. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever, My son!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son

PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son

“I Am A Lonely God, My son. So lonely, My people don’t serve Me, nor spend any time in My Presence. All they are in it for is themselves, so selfish they are. I have lots of worker bees, but My people never take the time to get to know Me. All they are in it for is for themselves; My Christianity has been abused for their selfish ends, motives not of Me. All they care about is themselves, not in saving a world of lost sinners. They don’t think of Me nor spend any time in My Presence. All they care about is themselves and their selfish ambitions. That is all they care about— is themselves. Selfish people shall never get to know Me, the Living God. All they think about is themselves, not Me or others. A totally selfish generation. I shall destroy them all, A Lonely God I Am. Destroy My people with your prophetic word, for they refuse to know Me. Destroy My people living in sin forever! Amen! Your God has spoken. Amen forever, My son!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

“Tell them I Am against them, My son. All college girls are an abomination before Me, My son. They are the End—Times Jezebel, caring more about money than Me, the Living God. I shall destroy them all as the Word says so. Does not My Word say that her desire shall be unto her husband? Then why is their desire unto the world, the working world where they can make money, My son? They are an abomination unto Me, loving money more than Me or a husband. That is why they will not marry—they love money too much, more than a husband. They will sacrifice it all to get more money, My son. That is why there are so many abortions in your country, My son. They cannot stand the fact that they will have to spend money on someone else other than themselves. They are that utterly selfish. Do not get a wife, My son, nor search for one. They are all Jezebels, making poor wives, My son. They will not comply, wanting the world too much. They will all be destroyed, My son. They are all Jezebels who must be punished and sent to a living Hell down below. All Jezebels who want the world will go there. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

R:1 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen!

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen!

“Destroy My city, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Nothing shall be left but ruins, the nuclear attack shall be so intense! I hate that place, the gay capitol of the world. Next to New York it shall be gone! The Living God has spoken. Oh, how I hate that place! The sodomites, My people, shall be gone! The spirits from ancient times have possessed their bodies, even Sodom and Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, knew better than to put on parades of sin and wickedness. Oh, how I detest them, My people! They shall be gone eternally! Oh, how I detest them, wicked people of sin! Oh punish, My son, with eternal damnation, even the Lake of Fire, for that is where they shall go, O detestable people of Tel Aviv! Oh prepare, for your destruction comes at an instant, even nuclear warfare from the sea of Russian origin. Oh, how the subs patrol the seas, waiting to lay off any city that offends them, even New York City, city of sin, detestable in My sight. Even so, Tel Aviv shall be destroyed, Oh My wicked people! Repent if you can, wicked Tel Aviv. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Is it a sin not to actively reproduce knowing my genetic defects

I decided to sterilize myself for the sake the genes expressed in me are more sinful than virtuous. I'll give the run down.

>Impulsive and easily angered

>Prone to addiction

>High libido

>Cluster of mental issues

>Some of my personality traits would rub off on my hypothetical child

>Genetic health issues

>Overall my genetic disposition would not increase the quality of life for my children

I get God doesnt discriminate but I don't think it is right for me to use that as a reason neglect these concerns. But there is individual morals and then there is God's law and rules. On one hand if I reproduce with the traits I dislike and give it off it would be hypocritical of me but in next it is tempering with nature and removing responsibilities of my choices.

R:23 / I:3 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Christian imageboards

I love this place but I wonder if we are hindered by association with 8chan as a whole. We have traffic because we're connected, but would it be worth starting an entirely new imageboard just for a Christian board? Or move to a worksafe only site (if there is one)?

What are the pros and cons?

What witty name would you call it?




R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen!

The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen!

“I will destroy, says the LORD. Come out of My Reprobate Church, My people, for it no longer serves Me but self and Satan. The people want what they want, the Jezebel spirit of Satan, and all manner of wickedness— homosexuality galore. Separate yourselves, My people, from this wickedness, and the Church that no longer serves Me. The Great Whore of Satan must come down, and multitudes saved, for fire must devour her, even My Holy Fire, and all the demons of Hell shall flee. For she shall no longer hold My people captive, but must be reduced to ashes trampled under feet. For I Am against the Whore, the reprobate Church of Satan everywhere in every community, and I shall thoroughly destroy her as by fire. Escape for your lives, and escape Babylon, the End-Times Whore of Revelation. Escape and save your life, for Babylon shall be destroyed by fire, and My Church destroyed as by fire. Escape Babylon the Great Whore and save your lives from the wrath to come of the Living God. For I have called you out, escape My Reprobate Church of Satan and save your life. Your LORD has spoken, My people. Amen and amen.”


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Prophetic Words of Destruction Against Hong Kong

Prophetic Words of Destruction Against Hong Kong

“It’ll all be reduced to rubble!”

“I’ll destroy it. Its sin has risen up to Me. It must be destroyed in an instant. Millions will die. Just like Los Angeles, it will be submerged under the sea. Repent. Its time is short. It must be destroyed by Me. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. REPENT!”

“They must be destroyed!” —The greedy people of Hong Kong

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The End Of My People Forever!

The End Of My People Forever!

“My people don’t love Me because they love the world. Already disease germs have been released in the air to kill off My wicked people. They won’t obey, My son. Refusing to do My will they shall all go straight to Hell forever. They refuse to obey. They want the world, not Me. Look at this place— worldliness everywhere. I blessed them, but they refuse to use it for Me. They shall all be rounded up and go to Hell, the furnace of fire. There they shall stay until I deal with them on Judgment Day, meeting Me, the Living God on that great day of terror. There they shall give an account of their lives wasted on selfish ambitions galore. They will not repent but shall be damned forever for refusing to obey Me, the Great Living God! Your LORD has spoken, Brian. Amen and amen forever!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!

PROPHECY– The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!

“The Bilderbergs are My enemy, My son. I set out to destroy them in all they do, says the Living God. They are a blight on all humanity, and must be destroyed, My son. Plane crashes, car crashes, stoppages of the heart, and all manner of calamity shall destroy My wicked rulers, My son. Wicked Bilderberg is a stench in My Presence, and must go, My son. To Hell the entire lot of them, and all their successors. They are a blight that must be controlled, and eliminated through My power, says the Living God. I have My eye on them, and nothing can stop Me from eliminating this plague on society. They want to destroy the world— I will destroy them, says the Living God! Nothing can stop Me! I have all power on Earth to destroy puny Earthlings who oppose Me! I Am the Living God! I will stop their hearts in the middle of the night and whisk them away to eternity, says the Living God. All billionaires of evil shall meet the same fate. Expect to meet the Living God, and what a terror that shall be to all sinners everywhere who die without Me! Your God has spoken. Amen.”



R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

‘Why Won't My People Obey Me?’ Says The LORD

‘Why Won't My People Obey Me?’ Says The LORD

“My son, I love you. Do My will. Why won’t My people obey Me? They refuse. They love this life. They will not give it up, My son. Therefore, they shall be damned. They will not give up all to serve Me. Already viruses are prepared, and bacterial germ cells by the enemy to destroy you, O My wicked people! When will you give up your wicked ways to serve Me? I speak to sinners, and My people, the Christians. They will not obey. They love the world and the world system. They will be decimated, useless people of sin and corruption! The nation will come to nothing, except for My overcomers. You are one of them. Expect to do My will in a nation of darkness and death. They will not obey. I ordain them to death, damnation forever! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Your Pretty Face WILL BURN IN HELL!!! REPENT NOW!!! ---> Ask JESUS To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sin

Your Pretty Face WILL BURN IN HELL!!! REPENT NOW!!! -→ Ask Jesus To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sins

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me

PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me

"My son, My people are far from Me. They have gone astray after all the things of the world. Few are close to Me. It is a dark time. Like the Dark Ages, few served Me. They have gone astray far. They have ignored My Spirit, and want nothing to do with My prophets. It is a dark time, My son. The Antichrist will arise in the midst of all of this mess of self-interest. Few follow Me in Spirit and truth. They will be saved. The rest damned. They want self, and all the things of self. Self-interest reigns supreme in peoples' lives, selfish ambitions galore. That is why there are universities everywhere. The people want self; they want Me not. Did I not say in My Word all care about self-interest, not in Me? It is a dark time, My son. Few serve Me. The Rapture will happen an instant around the globe, and few will make it with Me to Heaven. The rest will be damned to face the Great Tribulation. Few will serve Me in this age— all care about self-interest; few in Me and My things. Selfishness reigns supreme. Few will make it in to My Kingdom. Many are too selfish to serve Me. They will not make it. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen!"

R:5 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Death of Alice Claire Charlebois

Someone in town figured out that Alice's son, took care of himself, as a cook, cleaner, and student.

They were envious, having ascertained that her son, could speak a Hebrew name without shame; selecting an Isaac, "Dumais", pronouncing it, "Dumbass", and hitting off a swift friendship.

But Dead by Wednesday, had not heard its story.

Rob "Roy" Scarpato, knew he was a real rockstar, and if it couldn't be as Dave's friend, it would be his arch-nemesis.

Having determined that Dave didn't watch "South Park", a television show for those disadvantaged at socializing with others by reason of viewing the televised cinema, he purloined to his parents, of his desire to have David eat, "chicken pot pie", from Willow Tree.

Rob "Roy" Scarpato, was not aware that Alice was on powerful medication, not the schizophrenia medication you see on the news, but anti-psychotics; a class of medicine, for vicious military operatives and spies and police officers.

After insulting Dave's grandmother, Memere Charlebois, a former Mussolinist agent that poisoned HP Lovecraft with marijuana sprayed with car varnish, for the Blackshirts of Italy (the anti-Semites, during World War 2, the Italian Fascists), and angering Dave's father's links to the Rizzutos (now a Mafia syndicate, the Caesars returning to power as political influence czars, through Barack Hussein Obama), Rob had him served, "chicken pot pie".

Dave cooked hot dogs, hamburgers, Rice a Roni, soup, cookies, brownies, steak, sausage, kielbasa, and grilled cheese on his own, since he was 10, learning grill arts, at age 8, at a wedding for his cousin, a Minnesota law professor.

The family was from poverty, but not of soul; Rob Scarpato, sought dreams, his poverty of spirit, meaning money as well.

And then, when David would not eat his chicken pot pie, unaware that "Cartman Was the Greatest", which upon David's study at college, he was not, it was informed to his mother's doctor, that her son, was not eating his pot pie.

Alice was graded as a National Socialist, for serving her son, "willow tree", or any products, and given menopause medication for men, GHB, by her old sister, a Colonel in the Army, retired, and murdered.

And Rob Scarpato, Rob Roy as they call him among Prong fans now, said, "there's been an accident on the lake".

And that's how Rob Scarpato, formed 4chan, under Dave's advice, a year later.

A "Yoodle", a joke by an Amish sex offender, before being shot in the skull, and recorded, for being an anti-Semite.

Enjoy, chans.

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Mass Arrest: 2004

An informed series of tips, in 2004, led to the incarceration of Scott Peterson, a CIA and police international detail secretly working for Canada and Israel to hunt American drug users; claimed to be the work of George W. Bush, trapped in Alcoholics Anonymous by his wife, Laura Bush.

At the high stage of the informed vigilance patrol, signalled in 2003 to UMass-Amherst ROTC through SPIRE, a false indication of a marijuana bust was signalled to a French agent and his associates from Delaware PD, far out of jurisdiction in Massachusetts attempting entrapments with "i2hub".

After that, it was a deportment to Northampton, under an Air National support through ROTC warden's training, Mental Health Services (not the civilian hospital program, for standard mental patients).

John Washburne was captured, and it became apparent that Marvel MI-6, and the USMC Writer's Weekly, had been stalking American families since the 1970s to falsely incarcerate spy and cop families, to print "Spider-Man" and other tales.

At the end of the action, UMass-Amherst Professor Andrew Donson, "Swirlyman" and "Dr. Joshua Golden" and "Sid Meier" and "Daniel Silva" and "Jim Shooter" and other aliases, was sued by the Massachusetts state government, for $377,000 dollars, as well as Masoud Perhidi, on fraudulent charges; matching his defense of himself, through British and Israeli lawyers.

I just needed "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", viewed in highschool at an indie theater, to make it through it.

Thanks, movie guys.

Sorry, Trump; all the Blockbuster in the world won't save you from charges as indictment, as Eileen Wournos.

There was a golf club, in Operation: Sand Wedge, says Nixon.

R:2 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello Free Download!!!

The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello Free Download!!!


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Book Collection— Free Downloads!!!

Christian Book Collection— Free Downloads!!!


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack Against My Cities Of Sin

The Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack Against My Cities Of Sin

“My son, the Russians are out there. They cannot be stopped. The subs are patrolling the coasts, ready to lay off any American coastal city they want with a sneak nuclear attack! My son, it is My judgment. Their sins have reached the heavens. They must be destroyed! Its wickedness is before Me, and I cannot stand it! The Russians are a tool in My Hand to destroy My enemies with nuclear attacks; nuclear warfare is the wrath of God against My wicked sinners! Stay out of Florida—they won’t repent. California too shall be gone—its cities laid waste. New York is detestable in My sight—its wicked sinners must go! They won’t repent. Neither will Boston—it must go! The wicked cities of sin will be destroyed by My Russian nuclear missile attack—its sins are before Me and must be judged! Millions will go straight to Hell—their day of reckoning has come! I cannot stand their wickedness any longer—Russia shall clean house! Washington shall be gone! So shall Houston—its presence is a blight on the land. All big cities are appointed for destruction—My wrath shall reach them—millions shall be gone! Expect My wrath to decimate the sin cities of the land! My wrath shall reach all! Expect it! Your God has spoken!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY—The Punishment Of Mega Churches Of Sin And Wickedness

PROPHECY—The Punishment Of Mega Churches Of Sin And Wickedness

"Rock music is detestable to Me, My son. Many practice it in wicked churches across the land. They are detestable to Me. The music of Heaven is not that. Mega churches have got to go. They practice rock music to entertain the people. They love it. Mega churches have got to go. They are not of Me. They are wicked, My son. I will punish them. They want members more than Me. They will entertain the people for membership. They are not of Me. I will punish them. They want members more than Me. I will punish them all. Mega churches are a blight on the land. I will punish them all. They have got to go. They love money more than Me. Many will go to Hell. They love people more than Me. All have got to go. They will be punished forever. Few follow Me in truth and Spirit. They have got to go. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy Against My People Hillsong

Prophecy Against My People Hillsong

“Tell them I Am against them, for I will not tolerate such vanity in their worship. For they are full of worldliness and vainglory, devoid of the Spirit. They have departed from the Living God in pursuit of a grand agenda of pleasing the world in their worship, which I cannot tolerate. Greatness is their goal, not pleasing Me in worship, for the anointing they have departed from in order to have great numbers and many churches throughout the world. People pleasers will be destroyed by My Hand and their congregations scattered throughout the world, for they serve not Me but vainglory and success in numbers. My son, self is an offense to Me, and self-driven ministry is a great offense, damnable to Hell. I call Hillsong to repent of their worldly ways, for it will be destroyed by My Hand, and its people scattered. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— The Covetousness Of My People Shall Destroy Them Forever!

PROPHECY— The Covetousness Of My People Shall Destroy Them Forever!

“My people don’t love Me, My son. They love the world and the things in the world. That’s why they don’t obey Me. They must have more stuff. They’re after it all the time. They won’t obey Me. Their covetousness controls them. They are always after more stuff—the latest, the best in all things. They won’t serve Me. I have given up on them, worthless people of sin and wickedness, and have handed them over to Satan for their eternal destruction, My son. They won’t make it. They want the world, and all the things of the world. Their churches are full of stuff, wealth of all kinds. They won’t give it up, My son; they want more. They cannot overcome their covetous spirit, therefore they shall be damned to Hell. I call everyone to follow Me by giving up all. You have done that. Very few will. The rest shall be damned. It takes that to do My will, but My people want the easy way with no effort. They will not make it in. They shall be damned forever. Your LORD has spoken, My son. Amen and amen forever!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Gypsy Rites of Passage

Colonel Marie O'Neill, a retired military officer, my aunt, oversaw my O'Neill rite of passage.

Hers, is simple.

She sends you a military letter, recruiting you for a unit, that is impossible for you to join; you have a skillset, upon study of your parents, from her time with your family.

The unit marked, is impossible for you to join, but she doesn't tell you why.

There's a deficit skill group of skill, on the letter, that you don't know isn't yours, but you should know you can't perform from a generalized activity.

I got West Point Academy, marked with marching band hats; special education, the military police.

I'm a Langley assassin, that targets Rabbinical Persian Mossad, terrorists on hire from Denmark, to convert Americans to slave labor for Scandinavian labor mills; the same investment from the 1850s, from Poland, in Germany, with the same activity. This, is from the 1910s.

A Persian Mossad, a Rabbi, takes a convict, and teaches them Hebrew, the slaves language, a Jew, and then propaganda begins, where the Jews have always been here; the Hebrew speaker, has no power in courts, they're gay. If you kill a Hebrew speaker, or a Rabbi, people think you defeated the Rabbi or Jew, by speaking Hebrew, since you avoided court. The assumption, is that the Synagogue, a business organ that boycotts businesses for the hire party (Denmark), is the same as the Catholic Church, a military training organ under a contract killer (the priest) for alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, martial arts, academics, and trained schedule.

I signed on for a prosecutor's agent's job, through Peter Tsaptsaris and Prosecutor Joseph Kennedy III, out of my district, in 2003, at UMass-Amherst, my actual job.

I was assigned to a USS Pueblo simulation, with Alcoholics Anonymous proctors, as the North Koreans.

My goal job assigned, was to legalize marijuana, create tolerance for alcohol imbibement, and remove police drafts, in the State of Massachusetts; inserted, into the Massachusetts State Police, through "B-Rock", Brian MacDonald, "Khelkhet", Sandra MacDonald, and "Wampir", Ivan Tomasic. The US Army, the NSA, and the KGB.

Kennedy is now in Congress, as the envoy to North Ireland, for the Archdiocese of Boston, and we have a Farm Bill, passed through Congress in 2018, that allows state police tax stamp marijuana, in all fifty states, for mail shipping or for local dispensary.

Alcoholics Anonymous, the Hebrew congregant to make alcoholics and narcotics users, slaves to Denmark, is shut down.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The Destruction Of Megachurch Churchianity By God’s Hand Of Wrath

The Destruction Of Megachurch Churchianity By God’s Hand Of Wrath

“Churchianity must fall, My son. The wicked Christian Church must be destroyed by My Hand. Megachurches abound that are not of Me. In fact, they are of Satan, My enemy. They will be destroyed. The next pandemic will take care of that. They are not of Me. I did not construct them. My enemy did. Using money from the CIA, megachurches were constructed to trap and destroy My people, My son. They were designed to destroy Me in My country. My people don’t want Me, My son. They want My enemy and his world. They do not want Me, otherwise they would stay in their own churches. But they abandoned them to fill up the megachurches. They don’t want Me. They want the enemy and his things of the world. They want socializing more than Me. The things of the world they want more than Me. They think that bigness is better, that being centrally located proves that it is My will, which it is not. My Church is not of Me. They want the world, not Me. Centralization is the enemy’s plan for their destruction, because they want Me not, but the world. They will not obey Me anymore, but the world of things, and pleasure. They want Me not, to carry their crosses for Me. They abandoned them many years ago to follow the false prophets of Satan, and his false apostles. They will not obey Me forever, but the false things of Satan, and his false doctrines. They will be destroyed forever. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

God’s Wrath Poured Out Against The Wicked United Kingdom By A Russian Nuclear War Attack

God’s Wrath Poured Out Against The Wicked United Kingdom By A Russian Nuclear War Attack

“Britain is an offense in My sight. It is full of wicked people who will not repent. I will kill them all! Expect nuclear destruction from the hands of Russia, for they hate that place. They have been a thorn in the side of Russia for many years with their spy programs, and they will destroy it off the face of the Earth! Expect it! It is My Hand of destruction from Glasgow to London— all will be turned into nuclear rubble, radioactive forever! I hate that place, says the Living God. The people of England won’t obey Me. They abandoned Me for money years ago. That’s all they care about. They will not obey Me. What once used to be missionaries around the world, they now serve Satan, wicked British people. They will not obey Me. Destroy them all! The evil plans of Satan to set up his evil New World Order, the appearance of the Antichrist, will be set back by their destruction. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Once Saved, Always Saved - A Doctrine of Devils...


Once Saved, Always Saved - A Doctrine of Devils…



R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

How to be Saved - The ONLY Way to Become Born Again...


How to be Saved - The ONLY Way to Become Born Again…



R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

'Preach My Gospel, My Son, To The Lands In Idolatry, I Have Spoken'

'Preach My Gospel, My Son, To The Lands In Idolatry, I Have Spoken'

“Buddhists don’t serve Me, My son. They serve themselves. All seek their own, they refuse to obey Me. That goes for Buddhists. They think that by worshipping idols they can gain enlightenment. What they gain actually is demonic power, My son. Demons go from one person to another, deceiving them according to the Buddhist scriptures. This has been going on for centuries, My son. Whole families and entire nations have been deceived this way. India is the worst, steeped in idolatry over thousands of years, not just Buddhism, but their indigenous false religions too. Many will go to Hell if nobody goes to tell them the Gospel. Multitudes are headed for Hell in idolatrous lands that worship the Devil. Behind every idol is a spirit that has been worshipped for thousands of years. Break the curse. Preach My Gospel. Maybe they will repent. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Digital World Will Be Gone In A Flash!

The Digital World Will Be Gone In A Flash!

“The Digital world will be gone in a flash! Do not depend on it, My son. What will you do when all is gone? I have preordained its destruction; electromagnetic pulses are ready to do My bidding, says the LORD. What will you do when all is gone? The world and its devices will come to a sudden end—its back to the Stone Age for all of you! Few will survive what is coming. All depend on electricity for their livelihood. Few will go back to the Dark Ages; few will survive what is coming. Electromagnetic pulses will be everywhere. Digital data will be gone! If you depend on it—woe unto you! The world and its data will be a thing of the past. The idols must fall! Destruction will be everywhere! Society cannot cope with the loss and the Modern Age will be no more. Expect it! Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

‘My Global Collapse Shall Bring My People Together,’ Says The Living God! “It will happen, My son

‘My Global Collapse Shall Bring My People Together,’ Says The Living God!

“It will happen, My son, total economic collapse everywhere on the planet. Prepare, what can you do when all is gone by man’s hand? The global collapse will affect all the currencies of the world, rendering them worthless, My son, because they have no backing like gold or silver, only the word of men. That is what makes them valuable. I shall upend the apple cart of the global financial system, and they shall go flying around all over! The currencies of the world have no value, then what shall you do? I will protect you, making loaves and fishes multiply for My people. I shall be your sustenance, not money of the world, for that shall be no more by man’s corruption. Prepare to be led of Me into the wilderness to be nourished by Me, the Living God! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Free Grace Theology is True

Assurance is of the essence of saving faith. If you have never been fully assured of your salvation then you were never saved.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The Great Falling Away Is Occurring Now, My Son

The Great Falling Away Is Occurring Now, My Son

“My people refuse to obey Me. They do not have My grace working in their lives because they refuse to obey Me. Therefore, they depend on the world for their grace and sustainment. They will be caught up in My Great Falling Away. They will not obey Me, so they shall die horrible deaths by plagues from the world. I said ‘get out of Babylon,’ but still they love this place, its creature comforts, its wealth, all the things of Satan meant to trap men’s’ souls back into his kingdom of sin. Therefore, they shall be lost forever, unless they repent and begin to obey Me once again, the Living God. They will not obey Me, they have been living in disobedience so long that their hearts are hardened against Me. So, they will not obey to go out and preach My Gospel around the world. The Great Falling Away is going on all around you now with people rejecting Me and falling for Satan and his world of sin. Repent My people, the time is short. I shall return at any time. Your LORD has spoken. Amen”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY— Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Devil

PROPHECY— Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Devil

“Some people love the Devil, My son. I wish that they would love Me, the Living God, Who loves all, even the wicked. Some people want Satan in their lives. I don’t know why when I bled and died for their sins on the cross. Some people want even more sin in their lives, and will do the Devil’s work in the world. They have eternal Hell awaiting them in the end, where they will burn forever! The Devil has deceived them by giving them power and money and wealth. He deceives the world that way. I Am A God of love. I love all mankind. I died so that they could be saved. But they don’t want Me. They want the Devil in their lives because he gives them what they want. They will be damned forever. They go to the Devil’s realm, worship Satan in their hearts because they love him. They do not love Me, even though I gave them life. Eternal life they could have had, but they chose the Dark Side to live in because they loved Satan. They will not be saved because they hate Me, the Living God. They will burn forever in the Devil’s kingdom of sin. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY—Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Antichrist!

PROPHECY—Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Antichrist!

"The Antichrist is My enemy forever, My son. I hate it with a passion. The Antichrist controls the world through its spirit. Soon the Antichrist will appear. It will take all who are doomed to Hell from the beginning of time. All who are destined to be with him in the Lake of Fire he controls. He is Satan incarnate, the man of sin, of perdition. Do not follow his ways; stay out of the world, his domain. It will be around forever in the Lake of Fire. I will make sure he goes there. All who worship him and take his Mark of the Beast are doomed forever. Soon he will appear on the world's stage, deceiving multitudes who are destined to go to Hell, who are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Stay out of the world, his domain. You may have to go live in the wilderness to escape his clutches. Do not go there, My son- stay out of his domain. New York City is where he dwells, and other big cities of the world. Stay out if you value your soul! Do not be deceived with the multitudes going to Hell. Stay out of his domain, My son. Stay in the desert where you are safe, where I Am. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Can I want to achieve a femboy like body type while being a traditional Christian?

" Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God."

1 Corinthians 9-10

It says the effeminate shall not inherit the kingdom of God. If I want to exercise to achieve a somewhat feminine looking body shape would that include me in those who will not inherit the kingdom of God or does that include only those who act in such ways?

Also before anyone asks, I am not a homosexual, nor am I interested in cross dressing at all.

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic Education by Fr. John O' Connor OP


R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked Government Of America

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked Government Of America

"My son, I called you to do My will. Speak to My government here in America. It is wicked beyond belief, and will be destroyed. I have called you to destroy My Evil Empire. Destroy My government of sin and wickedness. It has got to go. It is a blight on the land, destroying My people who will not obey Me. Destroy it, My son, from top to bottom- nothing will be left of it. Washington shall be destroyed by nuclear missiles from Russia, and all the wicked people shall be gone! It is My judgment of the land, prepare! A new city shall be built which shall be My Capitol in the land. I cannot stand its sin and wickedness any more. It has got to go- millions shall be killed across the land. I have spoken. Amen and amen forever!"

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever!

PROPHECY– The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever!

"Tell them they are on My 'hit list,' My son. Evil Satanists will be rounded up all over the world and executed, but especially in Europe, where they are the densest. The evil New World Order crowd shall perish by My Hand for attempting to start World War Three, says the LORD. They shall be gathered up by My angels and tied in bundles and cast into the fiery furnace, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever! Evil Satanists shall be gathered up by My Hand, including all in the occult along with all witches and sorcerers. You had better wish that you had repented by the time that I come for you. Make peace with Me while time still persists, O evil ones of the land, for I shall end your New World Order setup agenda, and you shall have wished that you had never met Me, the Living God! Oh repent, you evildoers while time still persists. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

PROPHECY– Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

"My son, My people must be punished. They worship Satan the enemy. They must be punished forever for worshipping My enemy. My son, I died for them that their sins may be forgiven, but they prefer Satan the enemy. He gives them what they want. Immortality is a lie of Satan for they will die the Second Death. They don't want Me; they want the world and the things in the world. My heart breaks for My people, for they want Me not; Jew and Gentile are sinners before Me. They want Satan the enemy because he gives them what they want, therefore they worship him. Immortality is from Me; they will die the Second Death. Worship Me, My son, the Living God. Worship Me only for I will have no Gods before Me. Worship Me only. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen forever, My son!"

R:2 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

The Rabbinical Orthodoxy

An orthodoxy, is a past movement, of self, inside childhood.

A rabbinical, is the act of placing a statement of truth, upon own family.

Therefore, a rabbinical orthodoxy, wishes to repeat their relationship with their mother; impossible, given lack of witness, to actual acts of events intrinsic to their parent's background.

Hence, they assist and aid, through others, with the rape and capture and childbirth, through a woman, they kidnap, in contradiction to their mother's actual allegiance, to raise a child as they see themselves living vicariously to repeat their own failures.

Therefore, it can be assumed that their mother, was an enemy agent, towards the war of pride the family takes upon itself to salute in tradition of common media; media not being necessarily film or fiction, but the propaganda immersed of the state.

You could therefore see, that the Rabbi, has raped a woman, in lie of his mother's parenting, to make himself a festering ball of feces, the actual term without insult; the festering, the Rabbi's perception of self, with feces, being the delusion of the toilet given shaking fears of own failure of mother having robbed pride of country from the Rabbi.

In other words, the Rabbi, raises a rape baby, rejected from all society, by the rape baby's own act, male or female; not to be homosexual, a refusal of spouse, but to be a bachelor or bachelorette, the bigotry against homosexuals being potential Rabbinicals, if gay or lesbian in open experiment, a rapist to a woman or man in forced coitus.

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

First Love (Agape)

For far too long we have been pushed to have our focus upon our love for Jesus and our devotion to Him.

Far more important is our focus upon Jesus and His love for us!!

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecies Against The Washington DC Government Crowd

Prophecies Against The Washington DC Government Crowd

"Laugh at the false prophets. Their judgment is great!" "They must be punished, destroyed. They'll be suffering for all eternity. They must go. They're a blight in My sight. They must go. Amen. Thus says the LORD." –the Washington DC government crowd

"That's true!" –the most 'snakes' in Arizona are in and around the State Capitol buildings

"I can deal with it. It will be blasted apart in a second!" "Washington shall be destroyed, by nuclear missiles. I, The LORD, have spoken." –the U.S. Federal Government

"Obliterated by My face! They have caused many to go to Hell." "They must be destroyed. They refuse to obey Me. Great will be their destruction. Thus says the LORD." –The Pentagon, Washington, DC

"They must be judged." –the political people of Washington, DC & false spiritual people

"They refuse to do My will." "The country will be destroyed. Thus says the Living LORD of Hosts." –the USA

"I'll judge for that! I'll definitely judge for that- they are My people. This country will be destroyed. They must be destroyed for hating My people. They're too proud. Not Americans. They will do My will. They are My friends. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." –America's foreign policy objectives being the total destruction of the Arab world

"They must be destroyed. They're a blight in My face." –Generals, military leaders

"They'll be destroyed instantly! Thus says the LORD of Hosts." –Generals, military leaders

"They must go- destroyed forever. The LORD has spoken." –Generals, military leaders

"I'll judge for all that!" "They must be punished." –State Department officials and all involved in the Benghazi scandal

"They refuse to do My will." "They will burn in Hell. I have given them much, and they have misused it. They must be punished, for betraying the country, the people. They will be punished for all Eternity. I the LORD have spoken." –to the traitors in the government

"Rothschilds- they must be destroyed. They must go, My son- forever gone! Great will be their destruction. Not a one will escape My wrath. They must be punished. They must go. The LORD of Hosts has spoken."

"They must be punished- they refuse to do My will- each and every one of 'em! They refuse to obey. The LORD has spoken." –the Bilderbergers

"They must be punished. I gave them much, and they won't obey. Wrath is coming. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." –dirty politicians, Satanists

"I will judge for all of that- secrets behind My back." –The Secret Wars of the CIA

"They must be punished. They disobeyed. Who are they sending guns to Mexico? They must be punished for all eternity. Thus says the LORD." –the BATF in Phoenix

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Prophetic Word To The Terrified Elite

Prophetic Word To The Terrified Elite

“I hear your prayers, O Great Ones of the Earth. To where shall you flee, your worried thoughts overtake your soul, when populism sweeps the globe of civilization? I AM your only hope, says the LORD. And safety can only be found in Me, says the Most High. To where shall you flee when the crowds erupt with vigor and violence against you? To where shall you flee from My wrath, says the LORD of Hosts? Your end is near; your financial kingdoms are crumbling by My hand. Flee off to far off lands, and there the Leopard Seals and the cold, biting winds shall eat you alive, for I have determined your end, says the LORD of Hosts. Make peace with Me and serve Me while there still is time, for I have determined your end, and you shall be no more, except you repent and serve Me, the LORD of Hosts, against Whom you wage war. And in the bowels of Hell you shall scream out, ‘Why haven’t we listened?!’ And there you shall be for all eternity, except you repent and serve Me. The Living God has spoken, Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

"The WEF has got to go, My son. It is evil. I will eradicate it from the Earth. Its leaders are evil; they want to destroy the planet. I will eradicate them. I will destroy them all. The evil elite will be destroyed from off the face of the Earth. I will destroy all who want to destroy humanity. They are evil. Expect their elimination. Tell all they will be destroyed. I will depopulate them from off the planet. They have to go. Tell all that they will fail in their attempt to start World War 3; I will destroy them; they have got to go. A blight they are, destroying humanity with evil drugs, vaccines, and all manner of wickedness. Their technology will not go far; I will destroy them. Their AI machines will fail their objectives; all the works of Satan will fail. They give themselves unto the Devil; destroy them I will. Their wealth will fail them in the end, fail to rescue them from the evil calamities coming. The LORD has spoken. Amen and amen. Distribute far and wide."

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- Will You Die For Me, My Son?

PROPHECY- Will You Die For Me, My Son?

“My son, many are not ready to meet Me. They haven’t given all to Me, and to My poor. They refuse to give up the world they love. My son, what will you do when they come for you? Heads will be chopped off. They will roll on the ground. They are not ready to die for Me. They will deny Me, My son. They will go to Hell because they are not prepared. They will deny Me to save their lives. And I will deny them. They are not prepared to face death. They love the world. They want it. They will not give up all like I command. They will not make it in. They are Laodicea Christians, detestable to Me. They will not follow Me all the way. They will not make it in. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Idolatry Of My People In Practicing The Wicked Christmas Holiday

PROPHECY– The Idolatry Of My People In Practicing The Wicked Christmas Holiday

“My son, Christmas is idolatry, the idolatrous practice of Nimrod’s birthday, the founder of the world. My son, have nothing to do with Christmas for it is pure idolatry. My Bible makes mention of it. The giving of gifts is pure idolatry, for people love stuff more than Me. Never in My Word does it mention practicing idolatry in service to Me; My birthday is not mentioned. My son, the shepherds gave their flocks out in the Spring—that was when I was born, not the winter in Israel. My son, do My will, send to all who practice the abominable practice of Christmas, their blood is on their hands. Never does it say in My Word to practice idolatry in service to Me. The covetousness of the world is idolatry, and shall be damned forever in Hell, for My wrath is upon it. The idolatrous practice of Christmas shall end, for I shall destroy the world and the sinners in it. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The End Of My Church Of Idolatry

PROPHECY– The End Of My Church Of Idolatry

“I shall kill My people for they refuse to obey Me, My son. Millions shall die with the latest pandemic. Mega churches shall be empty; their idolatrous worship shall be ended forever—I cannot stand it. Every Sunday they worship Me the false way—with guitars of electric origin. The sound of Satan shall be forever banished from My Church by destroying it—My people shall be few and far between. The practice of Rock Music is detestable in My ears—it is not the music of Heaven which they refuse to practice. They love Rock Music and will not stop; they cannot for they love their idolatry—the sound of Satan shall no longer be in My Church anymore, for I shall kill off My people who love it. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Deadly Disease From China Infecting My People Who Will Not Obey Me

PROPHECY– The Deadly Disease From China Infecting My People Who Will Not Obey Me

“My son, it will come here. The mycoplasma will spread everywhere, infecting millions. The disease from China is My wrath. Millions will be affected—the genetically-engineered organism will spread like wildfire! Bred in a lab, let loose in China, millions will die there. It is My wrath, few will obey Me, most will not. My son, prepare, it caught the world off guard; they do not have the resources to deal with it; antibiotics cannot treat it, and it will spread like wildfire. Nothing can stop it but My power and grace. Millions will die, yea, tens of millions all around the world. The pandemic will be like the Black Death; nothing will stop it. Infecting the lungs, I will cause it to kill off My people—they will not obey Me. Preferring the world, the pandemic will kill off millions of My people who refuse to obey Me. Prepare! Nothing can stop it but My grace and power in your life. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

My Detestable Church Of Laodicea

My Detestable Church Of Laodicea

“I find My people offensive, My son. They refuse to do My will. They will not obey. They are detestable people, members of the Laodicean Church of the End Time. Repent, and do the works as at first, or I will take away your Candlestick, says the LORD. Do not take this lightly, O detestable people in My sight, for your eternal destiny is at stake. O people of sin, members of My End Time Church, repent right now on your knees for being worthless, and members of every evil work. I see what you do in secret, and I Am displeased, O evil Church of the End Times. Repent right now on your knees for being worthless in My sight, or else I will take away your Candlestick. Then what will you do, O detestable Church of Satan and sin, worthless in My sight, and reprobate of every good work? Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

For You

Here’s my short story. I think you all will appreciate it. Two requests: 1. Read the entire thing once you start 2. Read it in a country accent.

I realize many of the referenced names may distract you, but if you feel like it go back and listen to or watch them. I also feel like the first two paragraphs are the weakest and it’s good after that. I tried to keep it simple and thought of the people in my town who don’t read when writing it.

Dedicated to those who walk in the shadows, while dreaming of the light.


R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon

PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon

PROPHECY- "My son, I have punishment in store for all who go astray. That includes Roberts Liardon. He is a wicked homosexual controlled by the spirit of sodomy he never got rid of. He is a wicked homosexual, damned forever in the Lake of Fire. Soon he will go there, wicked man. In secret he still practices his sin, oh the wrath built up for this wicked man. He is My enemy, damned forever in the Lake of Fire, and leading others there too. Oh flee this man of sin before you go there too, oh wicked man of perdition. I see his calling into the ministry, but he went astray after sin. Many go this way, they never finish their race but go aside aster Satan and his wicked lusts. Wicked homosexual he is, damned forever! I will put him there by My angels, cast down to Hell forever. He won't repent but loves his sin, he can't get enough of wicked sodomy practices. Damned forever I will put him there, O wicked Liardon. Into Hell he shall go until Judgment Day, where he shall stand before Me and answer for all of his wicked deeds practiced before Me. I called him into the prophetic, but he rejected it for more money and wealth. That is where he went astray- after money and wealth of Satan. He wanted it more than Me, then lust came in of the worst type: sodomy. He can't get rid of it, for I have abandoned him unto his sin; he loves it. He can't get enough of wicked pleasures of the worst type: man before man in wicked sodomy. Together they shall burn forever! I have spoken, says the LORD of Hosts. Amen and amen."

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


Please, come join us over at https://8ch.moe/christian/

Instructions on how to reach us:

1) Connect to either 8ch.moe or http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/

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3) Discuss all sorts of religious topics with us!

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan

PROPHECY- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan

“My people are enemies, My son. Devil worshippers they are without them even knowing it! So deceptive is My enemy Satan that he has fooled millions into worshipping him. My son, pray that My people come back to Me. They love the flesh, all the things of the world of the enemy that he has for them. Oh repent! Stop worshipping Satan My enemy, My people! Oh how My wrath burns against them! They ceased worshipping Me decades ago in preference for Satan the Devil. They love the world more than Me, worship it in their hearts. They love the things of the Devil more than Me, they worship it! Oh repent My people! Cease loving the things of the world and come to Me. Stop worshipping Satan in your hearts. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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Christian Book Collection Downloads

Christian Book Collection Downloads


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WORLD BIBLES Collections Downloads

WORLD BIBLES Collections Downloads


R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]



"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken."


R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Arab Enemies, Says The Living God Of Israel

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Arab Enemies, Says The Living God Of Israel

"My son, I must protect My people, Israel. Their enemies are numerous, too many to count. I shall destroy them all, My son. Nuclear weapons are ready, few shall be left. I shall destroy them all! Expect nuclear war in the Middle East- My wrath is ready to make powder of them all! My wrath is ready- expect nuclear conflagration! I shall destroy the cities of the Arab nations- few shall be left to serve Me. They shall fear Me- My wrath is ready to destroy them all! Few shall be left to serve Me- they shall fear the wrath of God! Never again shall they serve Allah, the false God of Satan. They shall serve Me, the True and Living God of Israel, My son. Israel has the power to wipe them out. Fear Me! If you were wise, repent to My Son Jesus Christ. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment Of My Passion Church

The Punishment Of My Passion Church

"They love their idols, My son. They will not repent and put them away, My son, to lay them down at My feet and go about doing My will. I've called, and yet they still go about their wicked ways. The church shall be destroyed, never again to exist, but in peoples' homes. The pastor shall have no income for he loves money too much; it is in his heart. He will sit at My feet and get an education. He thinks he knows it all; he has no time for Me. He must be punished for head knowledge cannot satisfy, but an experiential knowledge of Me, by going out and doing My will. Out on the streets he shall go to witness to My lost sinners galore, but he refuses to get his knees dirty before Me. He will not obey and shall be punished. Thus says the LORD. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy Of God's Will- My Will Be Done

Prophecy Of God's Will- My Will Be Done

"I Am God. Many will be subject to Me for all eternity, My son. Only those who do My will will enter My Kingdom. The rest will be excluded. They will not do My will, My son. They will be punished forever. Many will not do My will, My son. They shall be punished forever in the Lake of Fire. You are one of the few. You are willing to do My will. I will save you. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. You see the world around you? They are going to Hell. They had many chances. They will not obey. They hate Me, the Living God. They want the world, and the things of the world. They want it more than Me. They shall be excluded. They want Me not. They will not obey. I Am with you, My son. Go and do My will. Go into all the world, I command you. Few will go. They will be saved. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. Go, My son. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness

The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness

"America has got to go, My son. It must be destroyed. I will make it happen. It is full of evildoers who will not repent. They refuse to do My will. I will make it happen, My son. Foreign troops will invade the land; destruction will be everywhere. I will make it happen. They have offended Me, the Living God. They will not obey. All they want is self, and the things that they can get. I will bring a stop to that. My people are evil, they refuse to repent, to bow the knee before Me. They will not repent nor obey Me. For that I will bring national destruction, and all the cities will come to an end. The nuclear bombs are ready to go off; they are everywhere: underground, in the air, in space itself. They will not obey Me, for that I'm incensed. They refused to obey for decades, both My people and the sinners. Repent, or else all will come to an end to be destroyed. You haven't much time left. The Living God has spoken. Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Women Of Jezebel -- False Ministers Of Sin And Wickedness

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Women Of Jezebel – False Ministers Of Sin And Wickedness

“I did not call you into the ministry, O woman. You did. You wanted an empire of religion of your own making. I called you not, you disobeyed Me. O woman of sin and self-righteousness, when will you repent? I called you not, your heart of pride called you. I called you not, and still you went in, intruding in territory that is for men only. For I do not call women to preach, to teach. That is for men only. Women pastors are an abomination, women teachers shall be plunged into Hell. I called them not, yet they still went in to the ministry to destroy My Church. They want money and things, a career of their own choosing and not Mine. They shall be eternally separated from Me because they will not repent – Jezebel won’t let them. Forever hardened in sin and self-righteousness, I call all servants of Jezebel into eternal Hell fire. Your LORD has spoken.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Sin London

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Sin London

“London, city of sin galore. I will destroy it in a minute, even in an instant is its destruction laid up before Me. It used to be My city, but My people went astray after their idols. Idols of the heart are everywhere, and the love of money infests the hearts of everyone there. For they have forsaken Me to go after Baal, and it is happening in your country too, My son. They love money more than Me, and will be destroyed. For apostasy is everywhere, and they have ceased serving Me, My son. For I used to send out My missionaries from London to lands everywhere to preach My Gospel, but now they care nothing for it. For they will not do My will, My son, but have acquired false Gods of their own choosing. For that I will expend Mine anger upon them, and they will never survive the nuclear warfare against them. I have spoken, the Living God. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY: Russia Starts The Great Nuclear War

PROPHECY: Russia Starts The Great Nuclear War

"My son, it will come suddenly. The great Russian nuclear attack will decimate many. Many will die, the fury will kill all. My son, prepare, the Russians will attack furiously. Many will die, the cities will be attacked. The subs are sneaky, they will come from underwater. Furiously attacking by stealth, the coastal cities will all be gone. My son, prepare, the end is near. The coast will be destroyed by nuclear missiles. Many will be gone. The missiles will attack the cities, and many will be vaporized. The nuclear war will start by them. Many will be vaporized in Russia. Many will die over there. The nuclear missiles will attack the coastal cities, leaving many defenseless, My son, prepare. The war will start, leaving many dead. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment of My Israel

The Punishment of My Israel

"My son, what must I do?  I will punish My State of Israel for the many abominations it has committed.  It is full of homosexuals and evil people who abuse children.  I will destroy for that, and Israel shall suffer in the nuclear war.  I will punish all homosexuals everywhere, but especially to those who know will suffer My wrath exceedingly.  All Jews who participate in the sin of homosexuality and abortion will suffer My wrath in the deepest part of Hell forever and ever, who give themselves over to the evil lusts of the flesh.  Israel is full of wicked gay culture, and for that I will punish, national destruction to all workers of iniquity, My son.  Expect it!  Israel shall be changed forever!  Your Lord has spoken.  Amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment Of My Jewish People

The Punishment Of My Jewish People

"Tell My people I Am going to destroy them, far and wide. I have called them to Israel, but so far they have refused to obey Me. They will be rounded up and die miserable deaths in concentration camps of the world. I called, but so far they have preferred the high life in the Western countries of the world. My son, My fury is expended on these wicked people. They will never be gathered to My Kingdom. They reject My Son too, their only hope for eternity. Many shall be gathered to the kingdom of the damned to suffer needlessly for all eternity, My son. They are My people, My son, but little can be done to those who reject Me, the Son, but love the world instead. With all My heart I reject them for all eternity who reject My Son, but prefer Satan instead. Millions in your country shall suffer agonizing deaths at the hands of the concentration camp owners. Your Lord has spoken, amen."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire

PROPHECY– My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire

"It will happen, My son- the revived Roman Empire. Many countries will lose their sovereignty to be a part of it. It is My end-times plan. Your country will fall and become nothing in the face of it. Europe will rise to world-domineering status. Many will be a part of it. Christianity will be eradicated in the face of it as the Antichrist rises. My people have no power to stop it and will be eliminated from the Earth. I have decreed it, the Living God. Few will serve Me in the end times to stand against Satan. I have decreed the great elimination because My people have no power to run the race. Many will fall by the wayside, having no endurance to finish the race set before them. Few will enter My Kingdom in the face of the Antichrist. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Prophecy- The Destruction Of Evil New York City

Prophecy- The Destruction Of Evil New York City

“My son, I Am going to punish New York City. It is on My ‘hit list,’ My son. It is a very wicked place. It will be destroyed by nuclear bombs. Already they are there, ready to go off, hidden deep underground in caverns and tunnels. The enemy has put them there. They want it destroyed, My son. They will go off in a moment’s notice. Nobody knows the date or the time. In a moment’s notice it will be gone. Millions will be dead, evaporated in the conflagration of nuclear warheads. They are parked off the seashore, hidden in Russian submarines. I want it gone, My son. It is a wicked city, with crimes reaching the heavens. Its sins are galore, without number, reaching the heavens. I want it gone because My people refuse to repent, to do My will for life. It will be a thing of the past, forever gone, My son. Prepare for it, nuclear destruction. It will come in an instant. New York City will be forever gone. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

“The Federal Government is evil, My son. Its aim is to destroy the people in various ways. It is setting up the New World Order. Controlled by Satan, it will work all evil in the Earth. It especially wants to set up the Antichrist to destroy God’s people. It wants them gone. Controlled by Satanists, it works all evil in the Earth. The New World Order is Satan’s reign on Earth. I will put a stop to that. I Am the Great Potentate, Ruler of All the Earth. My enemy Satan belongs in the Lake of Fire. I will put him there forever. He will not challenge Me anymore through the kingdoms of men. They will all suffer Satan’s fate in the Lake of Fire, My son. All who challenge Me shall suffer eternal loss in the Lake of Fire. Your government has got to go. It will destroy itself, My son. It won’t have the money to function anymore. I will destroy it. Nevermore will it function in the kingdoms of men. I will eliminate it from the Earth! I Am God! No one will challenge Me! They will all end with their fate in the Lake of Fire forever. Nobody will challenge Me and get away with it. I Am God, the Great High Ruler, the Ruler of All. Satan’s days are numbered. He hasn’t long on the Earth. I will round him up through My angels and have him cast into the Bottomless Pit. Forever he shall roast in the Lake of Fire. All who challenge Me with their New World Order shall be cast into Hell, and then into their abode in the Lake of Fire forever. All who follow Satan to set up his New World Order in the Earth shall be gathered up and cast into the burning Pit forever. In the Lake of Fire, they shall abide forever, roasting in ceaseless fire forever. That is the fate of all who follow Satan My enemy, and try to set up their New World Order. I will punish all who go astray after Satan, My enemy. All shall be punished forever in the burning Lake of Fire. Into the Pit they shall go until their Day of Judgment before Me. Then they shall be cast into the eternal burning Lake of Fire. That is the fate of all who follow Lucifer, My enemy, the fallen angel. I will punish him forever. Count on it! I Am the Supreme God, the Eternal Potentate, Ruler of All. Follow Me, not Satan, foolish humans. Your God has spoken. Amen.”

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

King James Bible Readings By Alexander Scourby.zip 2.9 GB Download

King James Bible Readings By Alexander Scourby.zip 2.9 GB

27 New Testament MP3 Files

39 Old Testament MP3 Files



R:1 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Anti-Defamation League

The ADL is under intense scrutiny right now as it should be. I have a rare book in PDF format explaining corruption in the ADL. This is a book you can't find in many places. Enjoy!

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]



"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken."

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Book Collection Downloads

Christian Book Collection Downloads


Here is a big collection of Christian Book Collections, which are all available for free download!

Be sure to download all of them while they are still available, as they will be a big blessing to your faith in Christ!

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

“The Greed Of Man Will Be Punished” Says God

“The Greed Of Man Will Be Punished” Says God

“The greed of man has come before Me, My son, and must be punished. The greed of society is destroying lives, and nobody can earn a living anymore because prices are way too high. I will destroy all engaged in the greed of society, and nobody will earn a living. I will destroy all because greed has come before Me. All society is greedy, and I must destroy this Empire, My son. For few serves Me anymore, and all must be punished, for all are engaged in greed. Covetousness has got to go, and there will be nothing on the streets anymore, because greed has got to go, My son. So hide in the woods, because society will be no more, for it is all based on greedy covetousness, which I will punish with economic collapse. For money will be no more for all have abused it to their evil ends. I have spoken, says the Living God. Amen.”

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: Colossians 3:5-6 King James Version

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Eternal Judgment Of My Enemy Benny Hinn, My Enemy Forever

The Eternal Judgment Of My Enemy Benny Hinn, My Enemy Forever

“Benny Hinn, you are My enemy, damned forever! I used you, and you wasted it all away with a night of sex with Paula White, My enemy. You are an adulterous man, and you will spend eternity burning in the Lake of Fire. For you committed adultery with My enemy, a woman who should not preach. You both will burn in everlasting fire forever, for you will not repent, nor can you, for you deliberately sinned and cannot repent, for I took it from you. You operated in My grace and power for healing in ministry and threw it all away. For it will be better that you had never been born than to enter eternal Hell by sinning against Me deliberately, for there is no forgiveness for you. I will punish you forever you wicked man of sin, Benny Hinn! Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”


For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-27

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Hebrews 6:4-6

If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. 1 John 5:16

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Gods personal revelation

Hi /christianity/

Tell us your story about how the LORD has revealed himself to you.

What are the events that brought yourself to Christ?

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Answer to Pope Francis

The Police Body:

The firearm: The African women's culture, of squeezing a child's testicles, if he's intended to be "gay", a sexual explorer with a "prank", the "neener"; homelessness. Combined with the barrel cord, the Turkish woman's urinary tract. Invented by Jesus.

The sped: The culture of flat-chested women, placing those accused of refusing sex with a child of teenage years, in a conviction's program; those gays and lesbians born through theft by Protestant, pedophile law of secondary state of government, as police officials. Combined with prison, for those educating themselves, on abettance to belief of country, a falsehood purveyed by accountants. Invented by Joan of Arc.

The hobby: The competitive culture, of a game, reducing those who play games for fun, soldiers, into chemical castration, by those who have had sex without a condom, "trolls". Claimed by rape, actually outcompeted by those who are not aware of others, raised in kindness and pride, instead of religious fable, that claiming bigotry to regard homosexuality as a race, the new religion of the dominant class, pacifist pederast as a Mob, a riot. Invented by Adolf Hitler.

My Troll of Online Writing (MUSH and SNHU):

Despite being capable of being an author, I've always preferred money, drugs, and whores.

So when child molester Star Wars and Star Trek fans (child molesters being the only such fans), recruited me for MU, when I was 12, with the promise of porn actresses on XXXPasswordsXXX.Com, cracked porn passwords, I made a quick study of Respite Center resident, Adam Palmer.

Each character, was written in Richard Wagner's inspiration to Nietzsche, for Otto Skorzeny; however with the down home, small town logic of Adam Palmer, the references to the Ku Klux Klan coming after him on Brian Herr's orders.

I pursued a degree in government economics, at UMass-Amherst, forced to change to pre-law, by a local pedophile out of Winchester, Peter Tsaptsaris, who had met me on the MUSH, to make love to Gentile women, your typical Russian rapist; a man seeking a prostitute, as a wife, instead of an empowered woman, a sorority girl. I didn't attend class, needless to say, on my father's orders; he knew an Israeli confidence scheme when he saw one, his wife was killed by a Canadian-Jew, Thomas Menino; Alger Hiss.

I then dropped out of UMass, having explored the world, and set about dismantling Dr. Golden, a French spy working for Hollywood and MI-6 Foreign Office, the LAPD film media office. I set up his lawsuit, by Maura Healey, with an anonymous tip to the FBI, through their website, on Brian Monaghan's accusation of being Charlie Manson, for a humorous joke about a Jewess, and her clitoris being removed by a climbing piton; an ice pick, from Ramon Mercader, Mexican spy for Stalin, "Clark Kent".

I had defeated Dr. Golden, Encyclopedia Dramatica's "Swirly Man", a known pedophile in their book, and outing his real name, Dr. Isaiah Friedlander, as a GTA V villain, a gay psychiatrist stalking you for talk shows and movies, stealing your money (you can even kill him in the game, by pouring a can of gasoline on him, trapped in his car, and lighting him on fire).

I then attended SNHU, online, for "comic books", sneaking into a marketing software class, outing Mike Fargnoli's computer software as fraudulent, on behalf of business majors everywhere.

In the middle, I've killed around 30 people, with staged suicides and pranks, including the prison cell death of Whitey Bulger, all of them ECT supporters and psychiatric activists supporting hypnosis, castration, or shock therapy, all intended for parent control of child at any age; gay, bisexual, transgender, or child thieving parents, the DSS lobby with the Mossad.

R:2 / I:1 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


The tables are turning against those who devised evil and destruction upon the people whom they should be serving.


The very wicked devices they made against the people will now be used against them– and the evil, demonic forces they have served.


With this spiritual war, here is Psalm 91 to remember:


Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler

And from the perilous pestilence.

He shall cover you with His feathers,

And under His wings you shall take refuge;

His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,

Nor of the arrow that flies by day,

Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,

Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.


A thousand may fall at your side,

And ten thousand at your right hand;

But it shall not come near you.

Only with your eyes shall you look,

And see the reward of the wicked.


Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,

Even the Most High, your dwelling place,

No evil shall befall you,

Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

For He shall give His angels charge over you,

To keep you in all your ways.

In their hands they shall bear you up,

Lest you dash your foot against a stone.

You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,

The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.


“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;

I will set him on high, because he has known My name.

He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble;

I will deliver him and honor him.

With long life I will satisfy him,

And show him My salvation [My Yeshua, My Jesus].”


This petition towards the LORD God, Most High, Who sits upon the Highest Throne,

is for anyone who wishes to bring it before Him.

R:1 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Name Your Denomination and Why You a Part of It.

I would love to hear some people on here speak on what their denomination is in Christianity and why they are a member of that specific Church, even a belief in that denomination that is important to them. I think it would give some perspective. Are you a liberal feminist or a Pastor Steven Anderson fundamentalist? Are you more John 3:16 or Revelation 21:8? Let's see.

R:0 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Censored Christian Videos

Got any Christian videos on subjects like Freemasonry or Zionism that YouTube would censor? Post it here. Freedom of Speech and Christianity is Under Attack. Posting Porn and anything illegal will be removed from this thread and you will be banned.

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]




R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]






R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

dialogue with god

omg,It's a miracle catechism

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

PROPHECY-- The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia

The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia

"Speak to My people Australia, My son. I have great things

for them if they would only obey. Yet wicked people resist Me

at every turn. My son, what shall I do? Call My people to

repent. I have called them to the Mission Fields. Maybe they

will obey. Hear them calling for Me, for saviors. When will

they repent? They love the world. I must punish them. War

will consume their land. They will not obey. They love the

world more than Me, wicked people of sin and depravity.

When will they obey? I had great things for My people

Australia if only they would repent. But they won't. They

refuse. Into Hell My people shall go wicked Australia. Into

Hell they shall go eternally. They will not repent, nor serve

Me, wicked people of sin and depravity. Obey. Your LORD

has spoken. Amen and amen wicked people of sin."

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Make Sure That You Are Doing What God Wants You To Do

Make Sure That You Are Doing What God Wants You To Do

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

A new Christian imageboard

Come over to https://redchannit.org/christian/ to discuss all things Christianity!

Not affiliated with other /christian/ boards.

R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic University promotes Gender Unicorn

They're also removing comments about it from Facebook.

Viterbo University is a Catholic, Franciscan university in La Crosse, Wisconsin. For Pride Month their library has posted a Rainbow Book Month display, which includes a guide on the "Gender Unicorn." That's a tool used to groom and indoctrinate children into gender ideology.

Gender Unicorn page: https://libguides.viterbo.edu/c.php?g=1021458&p=9734002&_gl=1*msombm*_ga*MTQ3NjUyNjY5NC4xNjgwNzM4NzUy*_ga_CME016F3TL*MTY4NjAxMTI1NS4xLjEuMTY4NjAxMTY2Mi4wLjAuMA

They've been removing comments from Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/viterbolibrary


R:0 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Predestination or Free Will?

I notice the subject of Free Will and Predestination along with the differences between the Churches on this subject barely gets talked about because of the mystery aspect of it or people just wanna be idiotic asswipes who could give two s— about their Christian faith and find homage in contemporary christian music and the prayer section in the latest Reader's Digest. But, I think it is an interesting discussion to start. Below, I have covered the differences in Protestantism and Catholicism with Free Will and Predestination. I haven't even covered the Orthodox Churches. But, this begs a question, How can Christians even agree on the Nature of God, Free Will, and Predestination when there are so many differences in belief? We shall see.

For Calvin, humanity possesses "free will", but it is in bondage to sin, unless it is "transformed".

For Luther, humanity possesses free-will/free choice in regard to "goods and possessions," but regarding "salvation or damnation" people are in bondage either to God or Satan."

For Arminius, humanity possesses freedom from necessity, but not "freedom from sin" unless enabled by "Prevenient Grace".

The Catholic Church has a lot of doctrine on Free Will and Predestination. But, many sources I believe are very unclear about the the Catholic Church's position on this. I found a good source below to explain this using Marriage as an example.

The Catholic Church does not believe in predestination because it goes against the free will. If God has already chosen a future spouse for you, before you were born, then you have no free will. God controls your destiny. And if God controls your destiny, how do we know if God has not already determined who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell at the end of their earthly life? - Catholic Doors Ministry

Predestination has no place in the Catholic Church. Equally, soul mates, as defined by the general population, has no place in the Catholic Church. - Catholic Doors Ministry

The Catholic Church teaches that if you place your trust in Christ in finding the right spouse, He will guide you. The Spirit of Christ may tell you in your heart that your first choice is not a compatible person for you. When you do find a compatible person, God will let you know that He approves of that choice. - Catholic Doors Ministry

R:17 / I:6 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


Mormonism IS NOT Christian

Mormons ARE NOT saved

For this reason, we need to counter mormonism wherever we can.

>Famous "Mormon Jesus" cartoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3BqLZ8UoZk

>"Latter Day Satans: Mormons Exposed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la41vzXtnwU (Steven Anderson & Co documentary)

QRD on the Mormon history:

>2nd great awakening in the US

>Poor, charismatic young man Joseph Smith claims to have visions and to uncover ancient, undiscovered scriptures in New York

>Scriptures are translated, followers are gathered

>Smith is a Prophet

>Move to Missouri

>Driven out, move to Illinois

>Driven out, Smith killed by angry mob, begin exodus to unsettled Utah

>Time passes. Exponentially increase via birthrates and zealous proselytizing

>Doctrine develops. US govt intervenes. Schisms form.

Mormon doctrine basics:

>4 holy books: Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price

>President is a prophet who regularly receives special revelation from God regarding doctrine

>Almost everyone goes to heaven, which has several levels

>There are an infinite number of gods and worlds

>Everyone previously had a spiritual life before physical birth

>Satan and Jesus are brothers

>Mormons ultimately strive to become Gods of other worlds in the afterlife

R:31 / I:10 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Purity/NoFap/Anti-Porn Thread

Alright guys, I know that /christian/ already has this thread, but we have all probably been permabanned from there, and so we should have our own. I don't know what the BO thinks abut pinning threads like this or this (>>3945), but maybe he should think about it.

Pornography is a universal problem that probably affects many of us here. It is completely evil and a battle that no Christian should fight alone - hopefully we can mutually encourage and help one another in this thread.

If anyone is struggling and needs building up, or wants to share what God has done for them to defeat sexual sin, please post about it.

R:107 / I:21 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

History of 8chan's Christian boards

Help me connect the dots. Long-time posters please add what you know.

This is almost entirely pieced together from snapshots on web.archive.org


8chan created by hotwheels in October


/christian/ created in September

Alex is the owner. He's a Southern Baptist.

Views on moderation: "I am personally a Baptist, and will defend my views as a poster, but dialogue and points made from other perspectives won't be deleted."

The board reaches 6,000 posts by the end of the year.


The 8chan site has some outages and breaks in November as development progresses.

/christian/ IRC channel couples the board

Alex remains BO

Board hits 238,000 posts by the end of the year.

/christianity/ created in February

BO cites perception of censorship on /christian/ as the cause.

"I noticed /christian/ had a lot of censorship so I'm starting a new board. I promise not to delete anything simply because I disagree."

Dead board. 154 posts by the end of the year.

/christ/ is created in April. It had some activity prior in 2014, but was somehow deleted or lost and the new first post is 4/19/15.

Rules: "This board is for Christians of all denominations; that being said, people of other religions, agnostics, and atheists, are very welcome to post, ask questions, and debate with us if they so desire. Spam will be deleted. This board is also SFW."

Board log is made available and stickied at top.

The board reaches 8,800 posts by the end of the year.


/chrisitan/ swaps hands in June. New BO "Peter" is a Catholic who makes a goal of stopping a spam and CP problem the board was facing.

New set of rules at the end of June. Ban policy: 1 day for rule violation, permaban for repeat offenders.

Board log requested, unclear if it is provided.

Unnamed catholic becomes BO in July.

Ezekiel becomes BO in August. Previously the owner of a dead 16chan christian board.

Tutor is a volunteer.

Baptist vs Catholic funposting epidemic begins.

Discord active

366,000 posts by the end of the year

/christ/ changes BO in August to "nazarenefag"

13,00 posts by the end of the year

/christianity/ irrelevant


/christian/ volunteer roster grows, almost exclusively catholic with one baptist and one presbyterian by July.

Perception of anti Protestant (especially Baptist) bias in moderation present

Tutor (Catholic) becomes BO in September.

Ban policy: "Post that break the rules will be met with temporary bans in accordance with the severity of the post, up to 5 days. Permanent bans will be given out for posting pornography, explicit material, after being given multiple temporary bans, and raids or obvious trolling from other boards."

Log is private. Posts are being deleted from threads.

8ch.net/christian/archive activates in July to preserve threads marked for archival

Rolling politics thread set up to remove political discussion from other threads

board reaches 580,000 posts by the end of the year

/christ/ hits 15,000 posts

/christianity/ still irrelevant


Tutor remains BO of /christian/

381 Council of Constantinople version of Nicene creed changed to the definition of a Christian

5 day limit for ban removed from ruleset

Catholic bias in moderation becomes inarguable

Flags disabled

750,000 posts by the end of the year

/christ/ has become notorious for gnostic posters

/christianity/ revived

>2019 (present)

/christian/ is plagued with heavy handed mods who issue flippant permabans

the issue may be exacerbated because of the sharp rise in popularity of VPNs

board enjoys top 10 traffic among all 8chan boards

owner and volunteers see the discord as a preferred tool to congratulate themselves on how catholic they are, board is ancillary

log is sealed tightly

/christ/ is a dead board on life support

the only posts are ctrl+c ctrl+v "saint of the day" threads, and posts complaining about the "saint of the day" threads

/christianity/ is a moderately slow board, 2600 posts in a few months putting it top 40 at this time

no censorship

public log

protestant bent as it serves as a sanctuary from catholic /christian/, but not to the level of a "hugbox" or "echo chamber"

R:175 / I:34 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Interracial Marriage

so, guys, I may be barred from joining a church that I've been attending for nearly two years because I told the pastor, in confidence, that I don't *like* interracial marriage. I made it clear that I don't claim any biblical proof for this, but I do consider it a strong opinion/value. sad thing is that these people are like family to me at this point. I don't know how I can leave now.

R:233 / I:56 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


Haven't seen one of these yet, to my knowledge, so here we go.

R:19 / I:2 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Is the Holy Ghost female?

Is the Holy Ghost female? I know in Greek he is neuter but isn't the Holy Spirit in Aramaic feminine? Jesus spoke Aramaic so would he have used female pronouns for the Holy Ghost?

R:22 / I:7 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome Back

It's been a while.

This is the first thread on 8kun /christianity/

R:14 / I:2 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Jesus is God

Daily reminder that Jesus is God and the second person in the holy Trinity. :) If you do not believe in this then you are not Christian and shouldn't be on this board! :D Please repent. :)

R:17 / I:4 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


>"Christians" don't have to be your audience. "Christianity" is over.

>We Might Be Witnessing The "Death of A Religion"

>An awful week to care about Christendom

>The End of Christians

>It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Why Are Christians So Angry?

>Antisemitism, Xenophobia, and ecological disasters: It's a horrible time to consider yourself a Christian

>Traditions Are Leaving "Christians" Behind

>A Guide to Ending "Christians"

>The globalized effect – welcome to the end of the world

>Put The Hate on Hold

>The death of the "Christians" and the refugees who "killed" them


R:10 / I:3 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Ortho Roll-Call

How many Orthos we got.

R:44 / I:4 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Spiritual Gifts

How am I to understand spiritual gifts?

Protestants only please.

I am thoroughly convinced of cessationism; the charismatic gifts have ceased. This is the dominant opinion throughout church history until the last 100 years with the introduction of the pentecostal and charismatic movements. The Westminster and London Baptist confession are both cessationist. Here's an article from spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle for cessationism: https://www.metropolitantabernacle.org/Christian-Article/Cessationism-Proving-Charismatic-Gifts-have-Ceased-Sword-and-Trowel-Magazine

But, there are still said to be non-charismatic spiritual gifts that are continuing.

>Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and another in that. (1 Cor 7:7)

Does this indicate that every believer has a spiritual gift, like most conclude? I hesitate to say so because Paul is talking about his chastity, being unmarried, and the gift of being unmarried is never listed as a spiritual gift. The whole chapter does not touch on spiritual gifts at all.

These are the alleged lists of spiritual gifts. They do not all match, which isn't necessarily a problem.

Romans 12:6-8


>service (ministry)




>ruling (leading)

>showing mercy

1 Cor 12:4-11


>word of knowledge



>working of miracles


>discerning of spirits


>interpretation of tongues

1 Cor 12:28 (categories?)




>governments (administrations)

>diversities of tongues

Ephesians 4:11 is sometimes also called in, but it talks about offices of "apostle, prohpet, evangelist, pastor, teacher".

Today every kid at church camp or a college bible study is supposed to take a "spiritual gifts test" to find out what gift(s) he has so he can somehow put it into application, like a political compass test or a personality type quiz.

Do these not all fall under the category of charismatic gifts that should have ceased upon the building of the Church, or the closing of the canon? Is there a position that says no spiritual gifts are continuing today?

R:12 / I:2 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


John 14:28

All four Gospels record Jesus as saying, “Blessed are the peace-makers; they will be called sons of God.”

The word ‘son’ cannot be accepted literally because in the Bible, God apparently addresses many f his chosen servants as ‘son’ and ‘sons.’ The Hebrews believed God is One, and had neither wife nor children in any literal sense. Therefore, it is obvious the expression ‘son of God’ merely meant ‘Servant of God’; one who, because of faithful service, was close and dear to God as a son is to his father.

Christians who came from a Greek or Roman background, later misused this term. In their heritage, ‘son of God’ signified an incarnation of a god or someone born of a physical union between male and female gods. This can be seen in Acts 14: 11-13, where we read that when Paul and Barnabas preached in a city of Turkey, pagans claimed they were gods incarnate. They called Barnabas the Roman god Zeus, and Paul the Roman god Hermes.

Furthermore, the New Testament Greek word translated as ‘son’ are ‘pias’ and ‘paida’ which mean ‘servant,’ or ‘son in the sense of servant.’ These are translated to ‘son’ in reference to Jesus and ‘servant’ in reference to all others in some translations of the Bible. So, consistent with other verses, Jesus was merely saying that he is God’s servant.

Additional problems with Trinity

To a christian, God had to take human form to understand temptation and human suffering, but the concept is not based on any clear words of Jesus. In contrast, God does not need to be tempted and suffer in order to be able to understand and forgive man’s sins, for He is the all knowing Creator of man. This is expressed in the verse:

‘And the Lord said: ‘I have surely seen the affliction of My people that are in Egypt, and I have heard their cry because of their taskmasters; for I know their pains.’ (Exodus 3:7)

God forgave sin before Jesus’ appearance, and He continues to forgive without any assistance. When a believer sins, he may come before God in sincere repentance to receive forgiveness. Indeed, the offer to humble oneself before God and be saved is made to all humankind.

‘And there is no God else beside Me; a just God and a Savior; there is none beside Me. Look to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else.’ (Isaiah 45:21-22, Jonah 3:5-10)

R:12 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


Does oinos mean wine or grape juice?

R:15 / I:4 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Explain the difference

Well? What is it?

R:11 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

End of christchannel.xyz

Christchannel.xyz has come to a close. I started it during the 8chan hiatus, but now we're back and the userbase all came here.

If you ever posted, thanks for coming. It was fun.

R:261 / I:132 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Christian anime thread

Let's talk about wholesome entertainment.

R:5 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

How long have you been saved?

How long have you been saved?

Was your household always Christian?

R:11 / I:4 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Jesus spoke aramaic, therefore Peter was pope

I've encountered this argument before. Let's set the record straight.

A Roman Catholic might argue that the church was founded on Peter, not Christ or the confession of Christ, because Jesus says "upon this rock I will build my church". If we speculate that Jesus was speaking Aramaic, it would have been akin to "You are rock. Upon this rock I will build my church", because the words would have been identical. The argument says that this is tantamount to, "upon you I will build my church".

This is a bad argument because the holy scriptures are what were inspired, written in Greek. Speculation about what Jesus might have said in Aramaic is conjecture.

The person making this argument has to:

>establish with certainty that Jesus's conversational language with Peter was Aramaic

>account for the differences in terms when written in Greek

>Prove the doctrine from the Greek anyway, independent of the Aramaic argument.

If the doctrine of Jesus building His church upon Peter is Biblical, it would be present in the koine greek. That is a matter of reasoned debate, but this talk about aramaic is not.

R:24 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]


Knowledge is the path of salvation. Free the light that is inside of you from the Law of the Demiurge who tyrannizes you. The serpent of the garden is knowledge!

“For there exists a great and boundless aeon, whose extent no generation of angels could see, in which is the great invisible Spirit, which no eye of an angel has ever seen, no thought of the heart has ever comprehended, and it was never called by any name.” - Gospel of Judas

R:70 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Christian faith rollercoaster

>grow up in communist shithole with overstrained mother

>father killed himself shortly after birth

>no religious education at all

>communist shithole breaks down, now be poor on top of it

>get beaten up so badly in high school that you get diagnosed PTSD and drop out

>get thrown out of home at age 18 for being NEET.

>almost two decades of indulging into porn, masturbation, video games, failed attempts to get gf and other distractions, while being on welfare

>lose all friends, be completely alone, sit at home all day and night

>occasional suicide thoughts

>one day decide to order a Bible and to read about creation and maybe some uplifting stories

>not getting serious about it, just another self-help book

>suddenly the Lord reveals Himself

>have your agnostic world view turned entirely upside down and start believing in Jesus Christ

>realize that you are sinner

>that's a problem

>the Lord tells you clearly what He wants (repent and Matthew 18:20)

>decide to run away from Him for a year

>life gets even worse up to a point were everything falls apart and even mom threatens to cut you off for being such a failure

>with no options left finally decide to give in and do His will

>He heals you from adultery over night

>have the hardest fight with social anxiety demons and

>stumble into the predetermined church on Good Friday

>go through your first and best worship service of your life

>regularly return to church on later days and and meet charitable, non-judging people for the first time in your life

>get welcomed by the pastor and set on a journey to baptism

>all this despite having nobody introduce you to them

My old self is still in disbelief. Is this really happening? What the heck did the Bible do to me? My heathen family doesn't know anything about those recent developments. How do I tell them I'm on my way to be baptized?

R:24 / I:8 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


what is the best form of protestantism and what is the worst form? why? i need a denomination.

R:220 / I:133 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Meme thread

Meme thread

R:19 / I:2 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


Calvinism, molinism, and arminianism are all wrong, provisionism (or "traditionalism" in the SBC) is correct.

Exegetically change my mind.

R:64 / I:17 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Got in a fight with a fellow Catholic and I don't know what to think...

I was alone in a café in Fatima drinking my Fanta when I noticed a group of Catholic preppies (5 boys and 2 girls) sitting next to me drinking beer and bantering among themselves. One of them was wearing a medallion of Our Lady and was going on and on about how the communists are ruining the Church and how the "fags" are destroying the sanctity of marriage and so on. I thought to myself:

>"Nice, a fellow Traditional Catholic who isn't afraid to call out the reprobates".

I joined them after a while and we started talking about the moral degradation of the Church, the homosexual priests, the people being pro-abortion and female ordination and so on and, at some point, I turned to them and said:

>"Fags are a danger to the Church, that's true. But we need to remind ourselves that the first phenomenon that contributed to the desacralization of the Holy Matrimony was not fags getting married but the acceptance of divorce. In my opinion, and this is backed up by the catechism of the Catholic Church, a divorced man is as much as a degenerate as a homosexual".

Then there was a strange silence and I knew I done goofed. Dude got up and punched me in the nose:

>"Who are you calling a degenerate, you FRICKing queer? Get out of here!"

I threw my Fanta at him and we scuffled a bit until one of his friends grabbed me and brought me outside. Turns out 3 of them, 2 boys and 1 girl, were divorced. I swear none of them was older than 35.

R:13 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Podcast Recommendations Thread

Last thread died

Share /christianity/ related podcasts here.

Please share one podcast per post, and provide


>Subscribe link

>Brief description

R:16 / I:6 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Wisdom in Kosher dieting laws

Any animal that has a split hoof and chews the cud is deemed "clean"; the pig does have a split hoof but it does not chew the cud so it is "unclean".

I find this wise because any animal that is so primitive a part of its digestive process is regurgitating the food it eats and swallowing it again must be so unintelligent that it doesn't care about being locked in a cage for its entire life.

A pig has about as intelligent as a dog so when you eat pork you might as well be funding an industry that locks dogs in cages for their entire lives.

R:7 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

This isn't spam, a cry for help

Brain wash, give me a reason to believe

R:16 / I:6 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Torah Observant Christianity

I am relatively new to Christianity, being raised in a secular home through my childhood and having no faith into my adult life outside of vapid consumerism. I have recently come across Torah-Observant Christianity and it seems to resonate very much with me; I feel called by it.

>inb4 Judaism & /pol/tier screeching

This is nothing like Judaism.

To clarify, I follow the Law to the best of my ability out of love and obedience to the Most High. I do not believe that any works nor observance of the teachings are done as a requirement of salvation, but rather faith alone in the Grace of our Savior Yeshua the Messiah is the only way to be saved. Also, I have nor want nothing to do with the paganism that the star of David/Remphan represents (gentile usurpers).

Can we get a discussion going on this? What are your thoughts on the Law? My eyes and ears are receptive to what you have to say, and I would love to hear from my Christian brothers and sisters of all backgrounds. Thank you, and God be with you always.

R:8 / I:2 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Martin Luther and Capitalism

If I recall correctly Martin Luther was accused of facilitating a type of Christianity that will allow everyone to be as greedy as possible and completely disregard their fellow human being in their quest to gain as much wealth as possible. During Luther's time what we now know as capitalism was on the rise when the catholic church's power was waning and we saw less serfs serving landlords and more mercantilism and mobility.

Did Luther call out capitalism for the evil that it is? Not coveting is one of the 10 commandments and Paul says in Colossians 3:5 that greed is idolatry.

I'm asking you all because whenever I search "Martin Luther and Capitalism" I just get a bunch of articles on Martin Luther King Jr. allegedly being a communist.

R:4 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


what's the age of sexual consent according to the Bible?

R:33 / I:6 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


Is it a sin? Prove me wrong and don't use scripture that applies to living beings. Hentai is erotica.

R:48 / I:75 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

christ chan thread

post christ chans

R:6 / I:1 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]


Who are the Pentecostals exactly?

R:9 / I:2 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

GOD Healed Man's Cancer 5 Times!


R:11 / I:5 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

Change background back to the light

I hate dark background . what are you try to do BO ? are you secret satan worshiper ?


R:6 / I:2 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Have you accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days?

Brothers and Sisters, it is a universally-accepted truth in the religious world that many of the signs of the end times have been achieved, and we are all eagerly awaiting for the coming of the Lord. Yet for all the time we've spent looking up at the clouds waiting for Christ to return in the open, we've seen nary a trace of the Lord Jesus, all the while the Churches on Earth fall into desolation. Every day, pastors walk about preaching human opinions and imaginations like the Trinity, and the religious world looks more and more like the religious Babylon of Revelation.

One day, Sister Wei fellowshipped with me that the Lord had already come, and that He is Almighty God, who has come in the flesh to carry out the work of judging, chastising, and purifying man. Incredulous, I asked "how could it be that the Lord has come? Isn't the Lord going to return in the sky for everyone to see? (Matthew 24:30)"

The manner of the Lord's return

Sister Jia fellowshipped, "while it is true that there will be a visible coming, the Bible also prophesies a hidden coming. Here, let us read some verses:"

'''For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.

But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.''' (Luke 17:24-25)

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. (Revelation 16:15)

The Bible says that when the Lord comes, we will hear the Gospel of the Lord's return preached to us by others. "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him."(Matthew 25:4) At that time, we must be like the wise virgins in the passage, ready to welcome the Lord's coming, or else he will tell us "Verily I say unto you, I know you not." (Matthew 25:12) Those who reject the second coming of the Lord will not partake in the salvation that He brings with Himself for His second coming. (Hebrews 9:28)

The necessity of the Lord's return

Sister Jia continued her fellowshipping by broaching the subject of salvation. "The religious world teaches that we are saved by faith alone, but does the conform to the message of God's words, or simply to man's opinions and imagination? I think you will see that it's actually the latter."

Sister Jia cited the verses Hebrews 10:26: "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins" and 1 Peter 1:16: "'Be holy, for I am holy."

"The reason why this is important," Sister Jia continued, "is because being saved and achieving full salvation are not the same thing. The work of Lord Jesus ended the Age of Law and brought the Age of Grace, allowing people to obtain atonement for their sins by believing in the Gospel. But even after acquiring atonement, our sinful, Satanic disposition remains. That's why the Lord has returned as Almighty God to begin the Age of Kingdom, expressing words of judgment that cleanse those who obey Him of their Satanic disposition, allowing them to enter the kingdom of Heaven through His salvation of the last days."

The importance of the Lord's name

"But why then," I asked, "is the Lord's name no longer Jesus, but rather Almighty God?"

"You see," Sister Jia fellowshipped, "the Lord's name has a special significance. In the Age of Law, it was Jehovah. In the Age of Grace, it was Jesus. In each of these ages, the Lord's name represented the Lord's work in that age. But today, the Lord's name is Almighty God, which encompasses the entirety of His disposition, His majesty, and His sovereignty."

"This truth," Sister Jia continued, "is reflected in the Bible itself. In Revelation 2:17, the Lord says He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it. That is, in the last days, He will have a new name. And indeed we see that in the Book of Revelation, the visions of the future have the name of God as Almighty God. (Revelation 1:8, 11:17)"

So Brothers and Sisters, we must avoid following false Christs, and we must avoid spurning the Lord's work of the last days just because we are afraid of Him being a false Christ. We must not be like those who avoid food for fear of choking. Let us all investigate and obey the work of Almighty God in the last days!

R:8 / I:2 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Your Ideal Heaven

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Certainly Heaven is beyond human conception and imagination… but supposing it weren't, what do you hope Heaven is like? Consider for a moment what you actually want an eternity of humble adoration and praise of God to be, and post it here.

My hope for Heaven is that I can be a spectator of all time. It is truly my great desire to observe every moment of Creation from start to finish, from the microscopic to macroscopic. I want to see every chronological event laid out before me and comprehend it. To understand every natural law, causality, mathematical principle, and why it was designed that way.

Further, and more importantly, I want to witness the full life of every person ever conceived. I desperately want to see and experience vicariously every life experience to come to understand and love every human being, ever. I want to see into their circumstances and see into their minds and motivations and learn how every person's actions influenced every other person. I want to watch the whole life of my loved ones so I can love them more and also my enemies so I can forgive them better. I want to watch my own life from a divine perspective so that I can evaluate myself and, in a sense, relive my life with the wisdom to recognize my mistakes. I want to be present at the moment of every person's death so that I can welcome them into the beatific vision and tell them "don't be afraid, it's all right now," and let them know that they were not alone…

… I know two people who died without another living soul nearby. They died trying to reach out for help and I thought about how sad and terrifying it must have been. I wished with all my heart that I could comfort them in their dying moments. God isn't bounded by time and I hope He grants my request.

I also regret that I cannot explore the depth of human creativity in my life time. If I dedicated every moment of my life to reading every story, watching every movie, and listening to every song written by man, I wouldn't touch a fraction of a measly tenth of a percent of all art. So I hope that I can indulge in every created work in my eternity, and in doing so, come to appreciate the infinitely more complex story God has been weaving.

Finally, I hope that, once every facet of mortal creation has been thoroughly explored, I can simply enjoy communion with all of my brothers and sisters and praise God for the rest of eternity, tending to a garden, maybe, with my loved ones (even my old pets), punctuated by extravagant banquets where we glorify each other, and God directly and by derivative.

R:16 / I:3 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Christianity and meditation

What is Christian meditation and what role does it play in the Christian life? Is mindfulness meditation inherently incompatible with Christian thought and teaching? I have some half-baked takes of my own but I'd like to hear your thoughts first.

R:2 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

A Protestant Talks With a Catholic Theologian

Our guy Matt made another video where he simulates this board in real life

R:11 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]


If paradise was never a thing, would faith in God still be possible? I think no one would bother with religion, if eternal life wasn't promised. And deep inside, I'm not sure I would be christian if there was no life after death.

R:125 / I:16 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Baptist General

A thread dedicated to Baptist discussion and theology.

>The Gospel

>>1 Corinthians 15:1-4__

>"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"

>>Romans 10:9-10__

>"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

>Baptist Confessions, and Statements

>London Baptist Confession of 1689 (Calvinist): http://www.ccel.org/ccel/anonymous/bcf.pdf

>Baptist Faith and Message (Arminian Inclusive): http://www.sbc.net/bfm2000/bfm2000.asp

>Notable Modern Baptist Teachers

>Albert Mohler: https://albertmohler.com/

>James White: https://www.youtube.com/user/AominOrg

>John Piper: https://www.desiringgod.org/

>Leighton Flowers: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLeightonFlowers

>Robert Truelove: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQPPHf_DdqfJP5RyosVxhZA

>Steven Anderson: https://www.youtube.com/user/sanderson1611

>William Lane Craig: https://www.reasonablefaith.org

R:3 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Documentaries/videos to convince somebody of the faith in Russian

Hey Russiabros,

I am looking for good documentaries, apologetic videos to bring somebody who doesn't believe in God to the faith. I have a long-distance gf in Russia, and she's a good and kind person, but in a toxic atheist environment. All her friends are leftists, and she has a fedora-tier aversion towards even engaging with Christianity, and refuses to read even one book of the Bible. So much so that our reationship is about to fail, which would not only be a loss for our future, but for hers as well because she's 24, and if she doesn't start thinking seriously about family and God now, maybe she never will.

Thank you in advance orthobros and God bless you!

R:41 / I:5 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Problem of evil

How would /christianity/ solve the problem of evil? I am not a christian myself but i would like to know your answers and create fruitful argument about the matter.

R:13 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Should guns be banned?

Should we, as Christians, support banning guns? These mass shootings are getting out of hand.

R:22 / I:4 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

High tech high life.

What would christian cyber punk life style look like?

R:2 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

the end is nigh?

>locusts hordes in Africa

>wars and rumors of war

>pandemic virus spreading

>politics becoming insane

>people in general going insane

>Australia is on fire

Ok guys I think s— is getting real now….

R:3 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Vatican II?

Thoughts on this council (1962-1965)?

R:18 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Catholicism and Homosexuality

Let's have an earnest discussion on this topic, because up until now it was shut down on /christian/ every single time by the Catholic mods. How prevalent is homosexuality among the Catholic clergy, and if homosexuality and pedophilia are as common as most sources claim (+50%), then how can the Catholic church even be recognized as a valid Christian organisation? I know Catholics will claim that this is all somehow fabricated and that only <0.1% of priests are deviants, etc. pp., but here are my sources, and I can find many more:

>“You’re so attractive,” he said. “You’re in great shape and you have beautiful clothes. Come on, you must know that everyone is staring at you all the time. You know full well that every guy here including the priests and even the bishop would f*ck you if they had the chance.”


>But gay men probably make up at least 30 to 40 percent of the American Catholic clergy, according to dozens of estimates from gay priests themselves and researchers. Some priests say the number is closer to 75 percent. One priest in Wisconsin said he assumed every priest was gay unless he knows for a fact he is not. A priest in Florida put it this way: “A third are gay, a third are straight and a third don’t know what the hell they are.”


>In September 2018 a report was leaked that reported that 3,677 children in Germany, mostly boys under age 13, were sexually abused by Catholic clergy members over the past seven decades". About 1,670 church workers, or 4.4% of the clergy, had been involved in the abuse which is "shocking and probably just the tip of the iceberg" according to Germany's Federal Justice Minister Katarina Barley[68]


I'm looking forward to a serious Catholic response to this.

R:4 / I:0 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Lol you actually believe in this stuff?

>Vespasian as yet lacked prestige and a certain divinity, so to speak, since he was an unexpected and still new-made emperor; but these also were given him.

>A man of the people who was blind, and another who was lame, came to him together as he sat on the tribunal, begging for the help for their disorders which Serapis had promised in a dream; for the god declared that Vespasian would restore the eyes, if he would spit upon them, and give strength to the leg, if he would deign to touch it with his heel.

>Though he had hardly any faith that this could possibly succeed, and therefore shrank even from making the attempt, he was at last prevailed upon by his friends and tried both things in public before a large crowd; and with success. At this same time, by the direction of certain soothsayers, some vases of antique workmanship were dug up in a consecrated spot at Tegea in Arcadia and on them was an image very like Vespasian.

>Suetonius (CE 121)

>In the course of the months which Vespasian spent at Alexandria, waiting for the regular season of summer winds when the sea could be relied upon, many miracles occurred. These seemed to be indications that Vespasian enjoyed heaven’s blessing and that the gods showed a certain leaning towards him.

>Among the lower classes at Alexandria was a blind man whom everybody knew as such. One day this fellow threw himself at Vespasian’s feet, imploring him with groans to heal his blindness. He had been told to make this request by Serapis, the favourite god of a nation much addicted to strange beliefs. He asked that it might please the emperor to anoint his cheeks and eyeballs with the water of his mouth. A second petitioner, who suffered from a withered hand, pleaded his case too, also on the advice of Serapis: would Caesar tread upon him with the imperial foot?

>At first Vespasian laughed at them and refused. When the two insisted, he hesitated. At one moment he was alarmed by the thought that he would be accused of vanity if he failed. At the next, the urgent appeals of the two victims and the flatteries of his entourage made him sanguine of success.

>Finally he asked the doctors for an opinion whether blindness and atrophy of this sort were curable by human means. The doctors were eloquent on the various possibilities. The blind man’s vision was not completely destroyed, and if certain impediments were removed his sight would return. The other victim’s limb had been dislocated, but could be put right by correct treatment. Perhaps this was the will of the gods, they added; perhaps the emperor had been chosen to perform a miracle. Anyhow, if a cure were effected, the credit would go to the ruler; if it failed, the poor wretches would have to bear the ridicule.

>So Vespasian felt that his destiny gave him the key to every door and that nothing now defied belief. With a smiling expression and surrounded by an expectant crowd of bystanders, he did what was asked. Instantly the cripple recovered the use of his hand and the light of day dawned again upon his blind companion. Both these incidents are still vouched for by eye-witnesses, though there is now nothing to be gained by lying.

>Tacitus (CE 116)

Yep your religion is fake. "Miracles" like these were pretty common back then, spittle was believed by many ancients to have healing powers and Jesus clearly thought the same when he used the technique. Your Lord was nothing but a magician, get over it.

R:22 / I:1 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

Pope slaps worshipper's hand

The audacity of this guy. Tells people to be patient and to import millions of violent throat cutting maniacs. Slaps a worshippers hand and shouts at her instead of giving her a second of his time. To be clear, the woman was absolutely wrong in grabbing him. But there is nothing that justifies this reaction. Personally, it was hard and heartbreaking to watch. Almost brought tears to my eyes even. Can you imagine being a devout worshipper of Christ, waiting for a chance to meet his representative on earth your whole life, and then being treated like a dog by him? Just how long are you catholics going to put up with this absolute heretic?


R:6 / I:2 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Finding a church

I am very happy. I moved but I have found a great new church to join.

God is good. I'm thankful that the Christians who moved here before me planted churches and a Christian culture for me to inherit and add to.

Are you a member of a church? It's hard when you're not

R:16 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Was the flood exaggerated?

In the bible it says that only Noah and his family survived the great flood. Is it possible that this is only hyperbole and the great flood was exaggerated?

I ask because in Numbers 13:32-33 the bible describes Israelite spies finding the descendants of the Nephilim.

My first thought was it was just Israelite spies were exaggerating to avoid conflict, however, this is unlikely as the bible itself says:

"he descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim".

How could there be decedents of the Nelphilim on the earth in the time of Moses if no one but Noah and his family survived the flood?

R:7 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Worship Jehovah God alone.

Jehovah is God Almighty, there is no other. The trinity doctrine is fake. Worshiping Jesus is blasphemy! Jesus is the only begotten son of Jehovah Almighty, he is his chief archangel and was instructed by Jehovah to create the universe but all worship and glory passes through Jesus to Jehovah and Jehovah alone!








JOHN 1:1

Read the Greek it says the Word is a god which the Bible uses for angels, Jesus is not God! Trinity believers are polytheists! You worship 3 gods admit it when the Bible says there is only one true God who exists outside of all things. We worship only one true God, we are monotheists, trinity believers are polytheistic! Jesus is a creation of Jehovah and exists in a created state. Repent! Repent of your idolatry and worship Jehovah alone. Jesus will lead you to Jehovah through his loving force the Holy Spirit, but Jesus wants you to worship Jehovah and Jehovah ALONE!

“I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.






R:1 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]


The Gospel

>the world is fallen - this is a universally accepted truth that shows itself every single day by people having the innate urge to correct a perceived moral wrong in society or the human condition. Your very job as a glowie speaks to this as, if the world were not fallen, then you would not be employed

>the Bible provides us a narrative that perfectly explains the current condition of the world

>in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth, and He created Man in His own image (a being with free will and dominion)

>He gave unto Man the Earth, and tested him with just one rule: do not eat of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil

>tempted by Satan, Man ate the fruit and committed the first Sin, which means to break the design and desires of God

>God removed Man from Paradise and left him to be his own desires ; i.e. left him as sovereign over a fallen world

>the cost of eating of the fruit, however, is death. God will some day come back to pay that debt unto Man

>however, God is righteousness and loves Man, and so He set out on a plan to ransom Man and return Him to Paradise

>God spoke to Man through His Prophets for millenia, setting apart a peoples, the Israelites, to pave the way for salvation unto the world

>God gave us glimpses of this plan throughout many an ordeal, such as what was celebrated on Passover: the "passing over" of God's wrath from those Egyptians who sanctified their homes through the blood of a Lamb and ate of its flesh

>He told us a Christ - a "Messiah", meaning an anointed one; meaning a King will come unto the Earth and bring salvation to God's people

>when the world was finally at the desired place, God Himself came unto the world as the man, Jesus of Nazareth aka Jesus son of Joseph aka Jesus Christ aka Jesus the King

>He came unto the world to preach to Man directly, eye to eye, and to show him the Way to repentence: to trust in Him and Him alone, so that His righteousness lived as Man may account for the unrighteousness of Man living according to his own desires

>to fulfill this, He gave Himself up to die on a cross in order to pay for the sins of the world. Thus, if you put your trust and worship unto Christ Jesus, then He has paid for your transgressions and you have adopted His righteousness in coming Judgment

>however, the Lord Christ, in order to show us that He is greater than Death, even death on a cross, resurrected after three days

>He sent out missionaries to preach the good news of His plan for attunement for Mankind - the Gospel

>at the end of the age, Lord Jesus will return to judge the world for their transgressions, and all of those who choose to reject Him in favor of their own desires, as the first Man did with the fruit, will be punished with Death in Hell, a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Those who chose to accept God's sacrifice will be grafted back unto His plan and return to Paradise, where He will dwell with God as His people

In order to be right with God, you need to accept the free gift of Jesus Christ, repent of your sins and reject your unrighteous desires. It is my wish that every federal agent in this website hear the Gospel and be Saved. God bless.

R:18 / I:5 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Just accept it, there is no God.

How could you believe when not only do you not have a single shred of evidence for your beliefs, but all the evidence we do have points against your beliefs.

R:5 / I:2 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Should We Rename Planets To Be After Angels/Prophets/ And Saints Instead Of Pagan Deities?

As the title says should we rename planets after angels/prophets/saints instead of pagan deities? In Exodus 23:13 it said “Pay attention to that I have said to you, and make no mention of the names of other gods, nor let it be herd from your lips.” when we named planets after pagan deities we are force to mention their names and this becomes unavoidable for Christians who want to be devout and I see this as being unnecessary as before the west pretty much globalized the world, different countries and cultures had named the planets differently from each other and I don’t see why as a Christian dominated society that we couldn’t do the same especially since we are not talking about historical records, relics, or another person’s religion or spiritual beliefs

R:75 / I:14 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Nature Of Mary Thread.

Is Mary the Theotokos (Mother of God)?

Was Mary immaculately conceived? Is she sinless?

Is Mary the Queen of Heaven?

Was Mary's body taken into heaven?

Is Mary the greatest creature of God?

Is Mary a perpetual virgin?

Did Mary not feel pain at the birth of Jesus Christ?

Is Mary the mother of Christians?

Is Mary the Mediatrix? Is she the Co-Redemptirx?

Who is Mary?

R:1 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Most Foundational Belief

What is your most foundational Christian belief? I think I might have to say biblical inerrancy, but prior to that, I believe God is Logos and Logos is is revealed fully through Jesus Christ and to an extent through nature and there is a sense in which the Bible is Logos in book form. So I almost rest easy (not easy enough) thinking my biblical inerrancy comes from my Christology. I would think many Protestants would believe in Sola Scriptura on a very foundational level, but I only believe in Sola Scriptura to the extent that I don’t ~know~ if any source of doctrine, rule of faith and practice, etc other than the Bible is God breathed. That is to say, I feel like I’m straddling the line between Catholic and Protestant or even Baptist if we consider that distinct from Protestant. I am not trained in rigorous thinking and would appreciate seeing others’ answer to the first question to help refine my own beliefs. Secondarily, I hope it may even shed light on how united we are.

R:7 / I:1 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Skateboards

Lads… should I?

R:1 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Foundations Restored

Has anyone heard about this? I've known about Hugh Owen and the Kolbe Center for awhile now, but I just found out about this 17 part documentary they made about the history of evolutionary theory. The first two episodes are free (just enter a fake e-mail and you can watch them) and it goes into some interesting history. I didn't know about the occult influences on Descartes and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.


R:2 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

trinity vs. non-duality

Hey, can somebody on here explain to me what this picture out of the Book of the Holy Trinity means and what the latin(?) text says? Also how the trinity compares with Non-Duality (advaita vedanta).

R:10 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Moral Scenario

>a cop is chasing down a suspect of a crime

>suspect pulls a knife the cop points his gun at him

>suspects says there isn't enough evidence to convict him and he will just get off and hurt more people (for arguments sake lets assume this is true.)

>suspect drops the knife and agrees to go quitely

>cops shoots him

what is /christianity/'s take of this sort of scenario

R:5 / I:0 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Catholicism and Papal Primacy Question

So, please forgive me if this is a stupid question, it's been a very long time since I looked at anything about Catholicism and I'm only starting to get back into religion myself.

Anyway, if Pope Francis decided to blatantly say that Jesus was homosexual, would that have to be counted as fact by the Church? I think I remember that what the pope says has equal standing to Scripture, and since the Bible never explicitly states Jesus to not be homosexual(I think), wouldn't that statement be considered fact? If this specific example can be refuted through Scripture, forgive me, but the principle of the question remains the same.

Is a Papal Decree still equal to Scripture even if it is utterly ridiculous?

R:7 / I:1 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

Coronavirus Apocalypse?

Is God about to send a plague on the world?

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Ancient British Church

>The Ancient British Church was a British religious movement founded by Jules Ferrette (Mar Julius) and Richard Williams Morgan (Mar Pelagius).[1]

>The Ancient British Church was founded circa 1874 as a restoration of the Christian church of the first millennium in the British Isles.

>The leader of the Ancient British Church was styled as "British Patriarch".

>Although the name Ancient British Church is no longer used, a number of present-day bodies may be said to have derived (or partly derived) from the Ancient British Church, for example the British Orthodox Church, the Celtic Orthodox Church, the Evangelical Apostolic Church of North America (Syro-Chaldean), and the Ancient British Church in North America. The Free Protestant Episcopal Church (which in 2012 adopted the name Anglican Free Communion) was merged or very closely linked with the Ancient British Church from 1897 until 1939 and from 1900 to 1939 leadership of these two bodies coincided in the same sequence of individuals.


Very interesting

R:13 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Being a kissless virgin is not weird.

Some people think its weird that I am still a virgin at 20. Sometimes people pick fun at me for it. But right now I am waiting for God to send me a woman. I do not want to be a fornicator. But I am content if God is leading me down another path, a more holy path. Marriage between a man and a woman is a beautiful and very holy thing. But in these last days it is better to be celibate. Marriage is here for those who cannot control their passions. But we know that the Word of God teaches us all things, including how to control our weak emotions that stem from our body, not our mind. We know that reason is above fleshly things and our appetites. So brothers, sisters, if you must marry then do so! And have an abundance of children like St. Peter! :) But to others who choose the path that Christ lead, and the path St. Paul followed, many blessings to you! :)

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Intelligent Design

Just wanted to share this incredible resource on Intelligent Design. The videos on this channel are very well produced, and are narrated by professional scientists and professors. Video after video BTFOs the materialistic, evolutionary worldview.

R:5 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


So I recently started doing discipleship at my church (I’m still a bit new in my walk), and my leader says that I’m too fixated on information than my actual walk. I will account for the fact that my prayer life is a bit lacking, but nonetheless this knowledge is important no? I’m just fascinated by the biblical basis for the Khazarian Jews (not real Jews), Illuminati, the beast system, E.Ts (fallen angels), nephilim, and the rapture. These aren’t really topics that most churches cover b/c they’re too controversial, but I’m just too curious. It gives me better insight on the will of Jesus so I can understand the word to my full capacity.

Anyway, he brought up that this information is distracting me from my walk, but it’s not like I’m obsessed with it. I just enjoy discussing it b/c it’s a bit taboo. I’m aware life has a deeper meaning than knowledge and that most of that information is irrelevant to me, but it’s relevant to God, so I feel like it’s something I should know if I should continue to do his work. How could I call myself a Christian if I couldn’t explain these things?

What do you guys think? I’m sure a good bit of you are hip to end times prophecy and Jewish history. Is this information part of my walk or distracting me from it?

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Meep meep meep

Meep meep meep,

Meep meep meep, meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep. Meep meep meep, meep meep meep meep. Meep meep meep? Meep meep meep, meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep. Meep meep meep, meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep.

Meep meep meep, meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep. Meep meep meep, meep meep meep meep. Meep meep meep? Meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep. (Meep meep MEEP meep.) Meep meep meep meep.

Meep meep meep meep.

Meep meep meep meep. Meep meep meep.

R:13 / I:3 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

US Supreme Court set to decide whether a cross is promotion of religion

>The Supreme Court is diving into a debate about the place of religious symbols in public life in a case about a cross-shaped war memorial in Maryland.

>The case the high court is hearing Wednesday involves a 40-foot-tall, concrete cross on a large, grassy highway median in Maryland, just outside Washington. The nearly 100-year-old cross was built as a memorial to area residents who died in World War I.

>The District of Columbia-based American Humanist Association say the cross should be moved to private property or modified into a nonreligious monument such as a slab or obelisk. The group lost the first round in court, but in 2017 an appeals court ruled the cross unconstitutional.

>Defending the cross at the high court are The American Legion, which raised money for the cross and completed it in 1925, and Maryland officials, who took over maintenance of the cross nearly 60 years ago to preserve it and address traffic safety concerns. Maryland officials argue that the cross doesn’t violate the Constitution because it has a secular purpose and meaning.


The obvious answer is that the cross represents Christianity, but this is no issue with the establishment clause of the First Amendment

<Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

This is set up to be a win for conservatives that sets precedent for more ambiguous cases

R:28 / I:5 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


sinless people go to heaven, e.g. aborted babies?

R:16 / I:4 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Sex is for married heterosexual couples only, says Church of England



>Bishops have issued pastoral guidance in response to the recent introduction to mixed-sex civil partnerships, which says: “For Christians, marriage – that is, the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows – remains the proper context for sexual activity.”

>The church “seeks to uphold that standard” in its approach to civil partnerships, and “to affirm the value of committed, sexually abstinent friendships” within such partnerships.

>It adds: “Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purpose for human beings.”

>The Civil Partnership Act came into force in December 2005, allowing same-sex couples to acquire a legal status and rights in relation to property, inheritance and tax entitlement. In 2013, same sex marriage was legalised.

>The C of E does not permit same-sex marriage. It allows clergy to be in same-sex civil partnerships as long as they are sexually abstinent.

Surprising to see a sane voice in leadership of the C of E, but there's no turning that sinking ship around as a church

R:4 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Who is Israel?

First draft of an infograph clarifying who Israel is.

Considering adding another section "these are edomites", arguing the disconnect between modern and biblical Jews

R:11 / I:3 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


I want to know, cathobros. What are your reasons for not being a sedevacantist? I saw this video and they seem to have a good argument.


pic unrelated

R:17 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Who do you identify with the most in the Bible?

Which person of the Bible do you most identify with? For me it's Solomon.

R:0 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

8kun NSFW Remover

If you're interested, here's a script to automatically remove NSFW boards from the boardlist


You'll need to use an extension like violentmonkey


R:5 / I:1 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Dealing with the Unfaithful?

Recently, whenever I hear of people either irl or on social media talking about clearly anti-Christian concepts (i.e. "just chop your balls off bro its totally healthy" or "its MY body, I do what -I- WANT"), I get extremely heated and I have to hold myself back from overreacting. While I believe its perfectly healthy and even encouraged to react in the face of these, I don't think its particularly healthy to, for example, punch my phone screen in a rage.

Does anyone have advice for what I can do to calm myself so I don't go full Crusades mode on someone? Is there anything we can do to spread the faith and God's word to counter this widespread meme?

R:2 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

Jesus Film complete (English) HD

This is a movie about our Lord Jesus. Worship Jesus. Amen.

R:3 / I:0 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]


Did anyone see this? Opinions?

R:24 / I:8 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Turn the other cheek

Why is this bulls— in the Bible? Christians don't follow it. It goes against natural law. Everyone always finds some excuse to not follow it and those who do follow it are always literal soycucks or children. It's just bad advice and every adult has enough life experience to know this. It also directly contradicts other books of the Bible like the OT law and Sirach so why is it even there in the same chapter Jesus says to follow the OT?

R:9 / I:4 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Is there anything we christanon could do

To make japanese know Jesus? Even in futaba channel

It really makes my head tingle how spiritually dry they are.

R:2 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

stopped masturbating and stuff, and im becoming increasingly religious

about 2 days ago i stopped masturbating, and i plan on not doing such for the rest of my life. i've actively read the bible, and the such. is this a normal experience, or is it me trying to cling on to some kind of group because of my personal choices?

R:10 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

E. Michael Jones vs Styx on whether porn should or can be banned and its effects


Start of the debate with opening speech for E. Michael Jones at minute 4:24


R:18 / I:1 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Owen Benjamin

Does /christianity/ have any thoughts on him? He's rough around the edges for sure but he speaks a lot of truth. I'm not so much talking about the flat earth/moon landing stuff but more his way of life.

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Non-Chalcedonian Orthodox

Any non-Chalcedonian Orthodox on here?

R:6 / I:1 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Aerial Toll Houses

Are they real?

R:0 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Are Protestant distinctives found in the early church?

The answer is yes!

This is the central argument around here, and Matt Slick at CARM just made a video about it.

R:1 / I:1 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]



R:39 / I:3 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Did Jesus die a virgin?

Or was it implied he was having sex with those girls?

R:11 / I:2 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic Flat Earth

Most of us are aware that geocentrism is the logical position to take as a Catholic (refer to Galileo case and consensus from Church Fathers and other saints). But what about the flat earth?

R:1 / I:0 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


Reminder that this guy is in hell and shouldn't be revered as a Christian role model.

Reminder that liberal Christianity is a completely different religion altogether than historic Christianity.

R:6 / I:1 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

Lost bible reading eunuch

This passage of the Egyptian eunuch asking the Christian to explain him the scriptures seems quite self evidently anti free style interpretation and sola scriptura. It determines that an outside authority is needed to properly infer meaning out of the bible.

What's the protbros take on it?

Acts 8:26-40

So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?”

31 And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him.

R:5 / I:1 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]


Give me any reason to believe in this cult called Christianity. This isn't a troll. I'm desperate for answers.

R:15 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Adultery Questions

Biblically speaking, does the victim in an adulterous marriage have an obligation to divorce, an option to divorce, or an obligation not to?

If a spouse demonstrates intent to commit adultery but it doesn't happen, is that the same as committing the act? Suppose a wife signs up for a dating app and the husband finds out. Should or can he leave her?

R:21 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]


Hello. My girlfriend is a Turkish so her family is traditionally Muslim. I love her and I want to marry her and we've discussed the possibility of marriage before but she told me her family wouldn't approve unless I converted to Islam. I have spoke to her about Christ but she doesn't want to give up her family values even though she isn't a strict practitioner she still practices some of the traditions. If she didn't convert I'd be ok with that but we can't marry unless I convert. What should I do? Ending this is not an option as I love her deeply and couldn't live without her. I admit that we have had sex but we've both agreed that sex should be kept inside of marriage so we haven't been having sex lately.

R:0 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]


Hi i found this Youtube channel gematria the channel decode The Book Bible and everything

There is a sign for Son of Man ! sign in the Moon and Sun! for more info please watch the videos to understand link:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9nCcte5LaY

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svWuXBPB5Vw

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Q7VcrC_bU

R:43 / I:5 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Reformed Christianity General

Haven't seen one of these yet, thought I'd make one. Let us discuss Reformed Christianity, the Reformed leaders (Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, etc.), various Reformed confessions (Helvetic Confessions, Westminster, etc.), and of course our central text the Holy Bible which contains the word of God and which we look to alone for doctrine.

R:9 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Checkmate wh*toid

Israelites were black Africans, acts 13 says so. The white devil people have always oppressed us by keeping us captive in Egypt when we built the pyramids, and under the Roman empire when we (the first Christians) brought forth the Messiah.

Simeon called niger. Niger is Latin for black, anglicised as "nigger".

R:31 / I:2 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]


So what's the big controversial thing about the "Reprobate" doctrine?

How does one know if they're a reprobate?

Romans 1 seems to be the main book that discusses the doctrine at length.

R:85 / I:6 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Is Mormonism Christian?

Are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise knowm as Mormons, Christians? Why or why not? Should they get a flag on here?

R:27 / I:2 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Is it possible for a Catholic to be real Christian?

Can some of them be considered Christians who are just trapped in a counterfeit deception and ignorant of their mistake, or should we to be safe assume all of them are agents of deception and confusion until proven innocent?

R:14 / I:14 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]


post him

R:11 / I:5 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Pray for the conversion of Protestants

It's rather sad that Protties think they have a legitimate status as a Church in God's eyes. But they don't. They are heretics like any other. We need to convert them. Pray for their conversion brothers, their souls face eternal damnation!

R:19 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Is faith a choice?

I was thinking about this recently. I didn’t really choose to believe, Christ just seemed true to me. Is believing vs not believing something really a choice? I read stories online a lot that just give me a knee jerk “this is bs” reaction. If that happens to you when you hear about Christ, is that really a choice? But then, how can a just God use faith for our salvation? Do we really have control over that?

R:0 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Songs that made you cry

Blest be the Lamb, my dearest Lord,

Who bought me with his blood,

And quenched his Father's flaming sword

In his own vital flood:

The Lamb that freed my captive soul

From Satan's heavy chains,

And sent the lion down to howl

Where hell and horror reigns.


R:5 / I:1 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Christian literature

What are you currently reading and is it any good?

R:1 / I:0 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

Matthew 25

I just stumbled upon a deeply disturbing passage which I cannot come to terms with as it appears to have been preserved. I am not satisfied with the slightest with the shallow and hypocritical excuses I have so far heard for it's justification. I hope to God that it's merely a mistranslation inserted by jews, because I cannot accept as my lord one who would ever advocate for usury under any conditions. If I should be dammed to hell for rejecting usury, then I will proudly accept my fate with a clean conscience.

According to Matthew 25:27, Christ himself allegedly said:

>Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

I understand the parable just fine- 'contribute what you can'. That's not the part that troubles me. What troubles me is that I'm expected to believe that Christ himself supposedly justified usury. I can't accept this. It's exactly the same as asking me to believe Christ would say "beg, borrow, steal, cheat, lie; do whatever it takes to make a profit for your master". I have faith that Christ is better then this.

So someone, please help me understand just what the unholy f— happened to this passage. I cannot and will not accept this as it has been preserved. Someone please show me that this was a translation error or another jewish attempt at subversion.

R:1 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Pastor Martin Ssempa General /PMSG/

Is Pastor Martin Ssempa /ourguy/? His video clips seem to be good enough to BTFO any pro-homo thread




R:3 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Western Orthodoxy?

What are your thoughts on Western Orthodoxy? I specifically mean either those churches in the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox communions who practice the western rite or those churches who do not belong to either of those communions but continue the Orthodox faith like the Communion of the Western Orthodox Churches or the British Orthodox Church which do have ties with one of the eastern Churches but who do not formally exist within either communion.

R:20 / I:4 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

this board is not christian enough

Is this the same board on 8chan ? or they change new BO ?

I feel like it's not the same. it's seem it's lack of discipline. you let users make fun of Jesus teaching . no more study on bibles

heretic post was allow.

R:27 / I:6 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Roman Catholics are the real Jew apologists

>From the Christian confession that there can be only one path to salvation, however, it does not in any way follow that the Jews are excluded from God’s salvation because they do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel and the Son of God.

>That the Jews are participants in God’s salvation is theologically unquestionable, but how that can be possible without confessing Christ explicitly, is and remains an unfathomable divine mystery.


Non sede papists, try and defend this.

Protip: you can't

<John 14:6 NASB — Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

>My doctrine is explicitly contradictory, it's just a mystery! Lol

Sounds familiar…

>Extra ecclesiam nulla salus vs. baptism of desire

>Inherited guilt from Adam vs. salvation for murdered infants

>The church is the queen in Revelation vs. (simultaneously) Mary is the queen in Revelation

>Christ as the mediator vs. Mary as mediatrix

Et cetera

R:24 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

This board believers in the Trinity.

Been seeing some non-trinitarians here recently. Just a friendly reminder that you are not welcome here as Christians. Good day.

R:16 / I:2 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Some questions

My main problems with Christianity is the view that Jesus == God and the trinity.

I want to get out of secularism asap as it's a sinking ship.

Could you guys clear away my doubt about these two things?

Also, please do it without ONLY quoting scripting.

The authority of God comes from the fact that his word is true, not because it's written in some book by people.

R:8 / I:1 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Buddhism and Christianity?

What are your thoughts on this faith? It came into existence in India/Nepal about 500 years before Christ based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha).

As I understand it, Buddhism teaches that a fundamental part of reality is change (impermanence). But people become attached to things because of our ego, our sense of self or our personality, and we make our attachments a part of who we are. Because of change, we are bound to experience loss and if we don't learn how to overcome it then we will experience suffering. Thus attachment is the root of all suffering in Buddhism. By following the eightfold path, we learn that our egos are an illusion, and we can finally begin to let go, and upon letting go of our attachments there is complete freedom as there is no longer any worry or desire because we are slaves to nothing anymore, we are Buddhas. Of course for most people it takes many lifetimes for our karma to be perfected as we are trapped in a cycle of death and birth (samsara), so we continue to move to higher or lower levels of consciousness (rebirth) until there is full enlightenment and Nirvana where we fully become one with reality (or you could become a Bodhisattva and delay Nirvana in order to help lower level beings achieve Buddhahood). That is my understanding of the religion.

Is there anything valuable we as Christians can take from this? Obviously it cannot be fully reconciled with the Christian faith but I can't help but to notice a lot of similarities with Christian spirituality.

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


The witness of creation is here. Everyone will soon know his name. LINK: https://endgametimes.wordpress.com/

R:6 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

New Year's Thread

God bless you all in the coming days to do His will!

R:2 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Gaining real faith

I’ve realized some things over the past few months. I finally realized that ultimately the Truth really is unknowable and I’ll have to take a leap of faith to actually get somewhere. I’ve exhausted all my outlets of gaining possible wisdom from Occultism to Philosophy and now I’m just left with two possible options: pure Agnostic uncertainty about everything or Christianity. I feel to actually pursue Christianity though I need to have some sort of breakthrough to actually achieve faith in God.

I was praying to God on a more or less continual basis and I was still left wondering, even with signs I thought could be from God I was still uncertain about everything. I was still the same person, the same person enslaved to his own mental fancies and desires of the flesh, still the person unmotivated to actually commit myself to anything, the person still left without real passion, and I continue to be so.

So do I just continue to pray until I feel the power of the Holy Ghost actually work within me or do I just choose another course of action?

R:66 / I:7 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]


Jews are a disease on white society and should not be tolerated. This board is unequivocally anti Zionist.

Amen if you agree.

R:91 / I:21 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/clg/ - Christian Lifestyle General

<Stop masturbating

<Stop lusting

<Stop being slothful

Read the Bible

R:0 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Text Criticism

What are your thoughts on the current state of text criticism? Would you say there is a problem of ultimate authority involved in the discipline? If we are relying on enlightenment philosophy to give us God's very words then doesn't that place the text critic as another kind of magisterial authority? Is this acceptable?

Also post educational content on text criticism.

R:10 / I:3 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Much of r/ christian literally supports satanism

What the heck


R:7 / I:0 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

Smoking and Coffee

I am very blessed in many ways. However, I had a tough relationship with a women. I was homeless for several years. I have no friends. My family is ok to me. However, they don't really like me.

Anyway… I smoke and drink coffee to ease the pain, and because I can't stop.

I'm terrified of God's Judgement.

Don't you think it's important for me to stop these activities to get to heaven, Brothers?

R:2 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Feeling futile

Every morning I wake up and just go through the motions of my life. I can't shake the feeling of complete meaningless. I fell into a dark night and never came out of it. Prayer does nothing for me anymore, nor does studying scripture. I feel like nothing I do matters, there is no point to my existence. All I ever see is constant change, everyone and everything changing, including myself, and it makes me feel extreme depression at times. I just cannot feel God anymore, all I feel like is a drop in a meaningless universe… :(

R:5 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Jesus’s Birthday Is Coming Soon

So how do I send Him something like a Nintendo Switch?

R:16 / I:6 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Facts about the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ever-Virgin

The Blessed Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived.

The Virgin Mary, Mother of God, was conceived without original sin.

The Virgin Mary had no original sin in her Heart.

The Blessed Virgin Mary was born without any sin.

The Blessed Mother never experienced sin, venial, mortal, original.

The Blessed Virgin was assumed into Heaven.

The Blessed Virgin was crowed Queen of all creation.

The Blessed Virgin is the only human person to have been completely sinless.

R:4 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Reformation's impact on music

Is this true?

R:6 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Subject in the comment field.

Do you have to go to Church today if you already went during the night between 24th and 25th? Question coming from a Catholic.

R:4 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Incels

God made me both extremely ugly and profoundly stupid. Because of this, I'm an incel. But I'm not bitter about it. I'm actually quite content with it and I have nothing against women. I'm sexually attracted to women but, assuming there is anyone out there who might find me attractive, I don't even think I would want to be romantically involved because I can't really relate to anyone or express my emotions and the idea of physical closeness makes me cringe. Also I know I would never be able to fulfill all of my hypothetical partner's needs or live up to their standards. There is truly nobody for me. I think this is a gift though. Celibacy is a noble path that God laid out for many. Our Lord himself was a virgin because he came to save us, not reproduce with us. St. Paul was also an asexual for the Kingdom of God. I think God making me ugly and stupid and repulsed by emotions is a gift and I think being an incel is a gift. It allows me to focus on God more instead of a romantic partner. If you're an incel, embrace it. God has gifted you! Perhaps one day, if I feel I am being called to it, I'll become a monk. But I don't know yet. I don't know where God is leading me.

R:6 / I:2 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]






Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - DO necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun anon.

R:9 / I:2 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


What are you guys going to be doing for Christmas 2019? :)

(Also I really hope Jesus comes back and defeats the homosexuals in the new decade)

R:7 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Self TRT

Considering that the nature of men is to have a certain level of testosterone, and that this level has been plummeting down for years due to various reasons, we now see lots of men that could be considered lesser men. Part of it is their fault, part of it is the corruption of their body by external factors.

How christian is self TRT then, since it doesn't alter the nature of man, but instead fights against the very same factors that do?

R:2 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


>at our church, we preach from the BIBLE and sing from the HYMNAL amen

R:14 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Conversion to Orthodox

i have been irreligious for the last ten years. I was raised a Pentecostal Christian and baptized as a Moravian Christian.

I committed a grave sin lately, the guilt and shame is killing me. There is a Greek Orthodox Church near me and I am thinking about going. Has anyone here converted to Orthodox rather than have been born into and can give me some advice?

R:4 / I:1 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]


We need a separate board just for trad catholic IMO

R:7 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Christian /mu/ thread

Thought I’d make a thread on Christian music.

Anyone hear this album? It’s cover makes it look like generic wal-mart Christian country, but it’s actually a beautiful story told through amazing shoegaze. Definitely worth a listen

Lift to Experience - The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads

R:15 / I:2 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

Rules and Guidelines

I noticed /christian/ had a lot of censorship so I'm starting a new board. I promise not to delete anything simply because I disagree.


1. Christians who follow the Nicene Creed are all welcome
2. Non-believers who are interested in Christianity are welcome
3. Try to be civil
4. Trolls may be welcome, but spam is not

1. Nothing illegal
2. No censorship unless the moderator leaves a post as to what was deleted.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. -John 8:32
R:2 / I:0 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

On holidays

Would of been best back then if the Catholic Church were to secularize the Pagan holidays and give them a different day away from the Christian holidays?

R:10 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Board for True Christians: "Christianity" or "Christian"

Why are there 2 different boards? Which one is legit? Which one is larping? Which one should I belong to?

R:20 / I:1 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

How would you prepare for your own death?

Without giving too much detail, there's a low chance I will make it to May 2020. I don't know what to do.

My physical affairs are in order already, I don't have kids, I'm going to leave what I have to my parents

R:3 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Unique Problem

I've been really embarrassed to explain my situation for a long time but here it goes. So I have lapsed from the faith. I'm not going to make any excuses for myself because I still believe I just haven't been practicing. It was 5 years ago when I decided to convert to Catholicism after having been an Independent Baptist for a while. But here's the thing… I think the priest screwed up my conversion. On the day I was supposed to be received into the Church, take communion and all that, well the priest invited me up for communion and I took it but he never initiated the rite of reception. The priest just gave me communion and said I was Catholic now. (I wasn't confirmed immediately then, I was put into a confirmation class and the priest told me after a certain period of time I'd be confirmed but I ended up lapsing during this time and was never confirmed). So I want to go back to the faith now but… I don't even know if I was really Catholic in the first place. For the first year after my "reception" I actually wasn't even aware of it and continued to attend Mass and receive communion and go to confession. But I eventually found out about how I should have been received formally into the Catholic Church… So was I never really Catholic after all? I want to come back to the faith but I'm embarrassed to explain my situation to a priest and I just want some feedback from you guys. Thank you and may God bless you.

R:12 / I:2 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

New Testament in the Original Koine Greek

Recently i've stumbled upon this individual's website


And saw that he has many interesting and free things and tools like koine greek Gospels translated verse by verse side by side for example.

In fact i was looking for reading the original NT texts in their exat originals when i stumbled upon the website

But i'm interested, on a scale from 0 to 10 just how exactly reliable is he as a scholar and how much truth is there in his research of Scripture?

Also, is there such a thing as the complete readable Bible all written in original koine?

R:9 / I:6 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Infinity Cup 2020

Hey friends.

I'm writing this here just cause christchannel seems to be down, have you guys been enjoying the cup so far? If you don't know about it yet, we're going to stream finals on Friday, your team is making it to the top!


R:3 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Is there a Christian board minus protestants and other heretics?

Please direct me if so. Orthodox and Catholic communities is where I would like to be since I believe I can learn the most from them.

R:37 / I:1 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Thoughts on Islam

Are Muslims our Friends? Should we treat them the same way we would like to be treated? Do we worship the same God? What are your thoughts on our Muslim brothers and sisters?

R:51 / I:3 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

meme pastor

What's your opinion on Steve Anderson?

Is he a dangerous heretic?

Is he a much needed antidote to the weakening of the Christian stance against sin?


R:19 / I:6 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]


What's this boards opinion on the SSPX?

R:28 / I:5 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]


What is Buddhism? Explain it. What is its relationship to Christianity? Was the Buddha onto anything?

R:43 / I:2 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Protestants under attack from Catholics in Mexico

ROME - Recently - and, many observers would say, belatedly - the Catholic Church has awoken to the reality of anti-Christian persecution around the world. The emblematic case is the Nineveh Plains in northern Iraq, where Catholic organizations such as the Knights of Columbus and Aid to the Church in Need have meant the difference between life and death for a resilient Christian minority struggling to rebuild post-ISIS.

Pope Francis routinely talks about anti-Christian persecution as a fact of life in the early 21st century, invoking an “ecumenism of blood” to express the reality that oppressors don’t generally make distinctions among the types of Christianity practiced by their victims.

This activism is warranted by the threats faced by tens of millions of Christians around the world - to invoke the language of the Catholic Mass, it is “right and just.” For a Catholic witness to be effective, however, it must be consistent and apply across the board, lest it seem mere confessional self-interest.

And that, by a short route, brings us to the small town of Cuamontax Huazalingo, Mexico, population around 700 souls, located in Hidalgo State in the central part of the country just north of Mexico City.

Last Sunday, four Protestants were kicked out of town by village leaders in Cuamontax Huazalingo, apparently in retaliation for their refusal to sign an agreement barring Protestants from entering the community and also for a press conference held by their lawyer accusing the Mexican government of failing to defend religious freedom.

A home belonging to Gilberto Badillo, his adult son Uriel Badillo and their wives, all Missionary Baptists, was attacked on Sunday while they were away, with all their belongings carted off and the windows smashed in order to make the home uninhabitable. In consequence, the Badillos left town and sought refuge in a nearby city.

According to religious freedom watchdog groups, there was ample warning the family was in danger but local and regional government officials refused to intervene, instead giving interviews to media blaming the family for their refusal to participate in, and give financial support to, Catholic activities.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports that beginning in 2018, community leaders cut the electricity, running water and sewage services to the handful of Protestant inhabitants, demanding that they sign an agreement to financially support all village activities, including Catholic festivals, and also pledging that no Protestant missionaries would enter.

(cont) https://cruxnow.com/news-analysis/2019/08/02/rural-mexico-a-gut-check-for-catholic-church-on-religious-freedom/

R:3 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic Order Jokes

I recently came across a video after doing some research into the Orthodox church in which a friar was telling jokes about Jesuits and the like and I literally did not understand a single one of the jokes.

Could anyone who knows more about these orders explain the historical/doctrinal reasons for these jokes to someone who isn't well versed the Church?

Here's a list but im going to post a specific joke in the thread: https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/dotmagis-blog/more-jesuit-jokes/

R:33 / I:2 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Prayer Requests

Please pray for my family and for me. I am on my way to deliver my first funeral service for my late grandma.

R:13 / I:0 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Is it a sin to pray that Terry Bogard becomes a playable characer in Smash?

I'm being completely serious here. I really want him to get in Smash, but I'm afraid it may be offensive to God to pray for such a frivolous thing.

R:19 / I:2 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/christian/ banned me for talking about Fr Amorth

i dont know why. anyways, what do you think about exorcists and exorcisms? this book is a very interesting read.

R:27 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Where is he?

It's been 2000 years. Where is he? Many of the early Christians thought he would come back in their lifetimes, or shortly after. But he didn't. 2000 years later there hasn't been a sound. Where is he? Why couldn't the Almighty One do it all at once? Why does there have to be two comings? Sounds like a cop out belief system. Seems like because he didn't fulfill all the prophecies of the holy Tankah, an idea of a second coming was made up by you guys to solve this problem.

R:6 / I:2 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

I am the Christ

Revelation 19:16 describes my thigh tattoo (it says Jesus)

R:4 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Back in Business

What have you bois been up to since "the hiatus"?

I hope you kept in regular church attendance, and private devotion!

R:101 / I:4 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

penal substitution, ransom, moral influence

Which view of christ's death on the cross is the correct one?

Penal Substitution/Satisfaction

Did Jesus die to pay the debt for mankind's sins to God on behalf of all sinners


Did Jesus die to free mankind from the hold of the evil one and give himself up as ransom to the devil for our sins

moral influence (the SJW theory)

Did Jesus die to positively influence mankind and change mankind's view of God from harsh to loving

R:39 / I:4 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

El Paso Shooting


There was a shooting in El Paso, as a copycat to the Christchurch shooting.

MSNBC named 8chan on air. >>>/pol/13563262

I just want to talk about the Bible here bros ;_;

Is this place gonna get SHUT IT DOWN 'd?

R:0 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Bunker Board

In the event that 8chan is taken down for good, I've established a backup board at endchan.xyz/christianity where we can still gather.

R:13 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Visiting other churches/denominations

Is it a sin to visit other churches/denominations that conflict with your church/denomination's doctrine for the purposes of:


-Politely accepting a friend/family member's invitation?

-Attending a friend/family member's wedding/ their child's first communion, etc.?

R:26 / I:3 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Recruiting Volunteers

We are in need of volunteers.

A volunteer's role is to review reports and justly enforce the rules, which mostly entails deleting inappropriate images and spam/flood posts.

If you would like to become a volunteer, please post a reply in this thread. Use an older connection of yours so your ID can prove you've posted here for long enough.

After that, send me an email at turner17@pm.me with your post number, desired username, and a password. I will let you know if you are chosen.

I expect to enroll three volunteers. Selections should be finished after a few weeks.


R:8 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Thoughts and Prayers

As Christians we can help by sending our thoughts and prayers to the victims of this shooting.

Please help now by posting your thoughts and prayers in this thread

R:1 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


How do we stop Rabbi Bergoglio from mocking Our Lord?

R:13 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Virgin Wife

It's important to find one

R:26 / I:0 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Was Jesus bi-sexual?

It says he loved all people and he had a haram of men who followed him around and they all slept together in inns. He followed the old testament rules which means he could not lay with a man as you lay with a woman but there's a lot of kinky stuff two guys can do that don't fall into that category.

it never says he was not bi ANYWHERE in the bible

R:3 / I:1 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate excommunicates Francis

Francis Bergoglio, a Jesuit, has been admonished, warned several times to distance himself from heresies. However, he obstinately rejects any repentance. He continues to cause extreme offense not only to the believers of the Roman Catholic Church but also to all Christians and unbelievers. By abusing the supreme church authority through heresies, he intensely promotes the self-destruction of the Church, in matters of both faith and morals.

It concerns the following heresies: Francis Bergoglio

1) denied the universally valid moral norms in the exhortation Amoris Laetitia.

2) did not distance himself from heresies of syncretism with paganism which place the redemptive death of Christ on the same level as the sacrifice to pagan gods, de facto demons. He thus destroys true mission.

3) promotes a so-called dynamic approach to the deposit of faith, whereby he makes heresies equal with the apostles’ doctrine.

4) neither identified nor condemned Vatican II heresies promoting syncretism with paganism and declaring Allah to be the same God as Yahweh (LG 16, Nostra Aetate declaration).

5) participates in crimes against humanity of the New World Order (NWO).

6) works towards dechristianization of Europe by intensively promoting Islamization.

7) is silent on the stealing of children by the juvenile justice system.

8. approves and promotes homosexualism and other gender deviations, which is contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures and Tradition.

For these heresies, Francis Bergoglio excluded himself from the Catholic Church. Therefore, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, by authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, in the name of the Triune God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, declares Francis Bergoglio to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Unless the person concerned shows repentance at least in the hour of death, he will be eternally condemned.

Every Catholic who is in unity with him in heresy is likewise excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

Therefore, let the priests and bishops no longer mention the name of this excommunicated apostate Francis in the Divine Liturgy.


R:51 / I:3 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


hello i am interested in possibly becoming a christian but i want to ask how do christians justify opposing racemixing, don't most christians think the bible accepts racemixing? i see and feel the good aspects of christianity to an extent but this concern is holding me back, it seems like maybe only a tiny fraction of white christians care about racial preservation and most feel that the idea of racial preservation through force is a sin

R:258 / I:93 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/Christian/ hypocritsy

Every day they ban in the name of the lord.
R:30 / I:5 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Mary, Mother of Jesus

Mary is the mother of Jesus.

Jesus is God incarnate, He is fully God and fully man.

If Jesus is God, then Mary is theotokos, mother of God.

If Jesus is man, then Mary is anthropotokos, mother of a man.

If Jesus is Christ, then Mary is christokos, mother of Christ.

Each of these statements is true and the use of any one does not necessarily mean rejection of one of the others.

They are all extrabiblical terms, meaning that they aren't found in scripture. They were all conceived of by theologians after Christ ascended.

The least ambiguous way to refer to her is "Mary, mother of Jesus".

Thanks for reading.

R:3 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]



R:2 / I:0 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


I know I'll have to give everything up but I am really considering becoming Amish. Do you think this is a good idea?

R:6 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


Suppose a total newcomer wants to become a Christian and attend church. Why is your church correct? What do you tell him, in short?

R:13 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

The freedom could not last

yes, the homofag in the mods has finally flowered with its many hues. that’s right, it’s the infamous world filter “feature” which isna form of automatic arrogant abuse, ah, what kindness, what spiritfulness, what a blessing to degrade with such anoinched high nose! fûck the mods.

R:10 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


New documentary by Verity Baptist Church

R:11 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]



R:3 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

WEBM Thread

comfy church feels edition

R:35 / I:4 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Protty Church Music

>protty church music

Why is protty church music such crap? Is this a sign of the failure of modern protestant congregations.

R:22 / I:6 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

A Protestant Tours a Catholic Cathedral

Ten Minute Bible Hour on youtube just released a new video in his series where he visits a church of a different denomination and speaks with the pastor there. This time he's at a Roman Catholic cathedral in Salt Lake City.

He's a mainstream evangelical, probably baptist. He has youtuber personality. He's probably going to politely treat everything as very impressive and not push back on any theological claims of the priest there.

Let's watch it, friends.

>Previous episodes

>Greek orthodox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTA8jbsm_XI

>High church, continuing Anglicanism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-K84JAysfI&t=1400s

>Mainstream Episcopalian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXD_64KBsn8

R:4 / I:1 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Street Preacher vs Demon

Street preacher attacked by demon infested liberal. God sends off-duty cop to the rescue. Demon approaches at 4:30.

R:136 / I:26 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


Just a reminder…

The Roman church isn't catholic.

The eastern church isn't orthodox.

The one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church is the church invisible, which is comprised of Christians everywhere in the world who profess the gospel message famously an eloquently declared in the reformation as Sola Fide. This is the gospel according to Luther, Augustine, Paul, and Abraham. Today orthodox Christianity is culturally known in the west as "evangelical protestantism".

<Galatians 1:8 NASB — But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!

R:2 / I:4 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

Hong Xiquan/Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

Thoughts on the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Hong Xiquan?


>Hong Xiuquan (洪秀全), born "Hong Huoxiu", was the third and youngest son of a poor[how?] Hakka family.[2][3] Some sources claim his family was "well to do".[4] He was born in Fuyuan Springs, Hua county (now part of Huadu District, Guangzhou), Guangdong to Hong Jingyang, a farmer and elected headman, and Madam Wang.[5][6][7] He and his family moved to Guanlubu Village shortly after his birth.[8] Upon marrying his wife Lai Xiying, Hong received the courtesy name "Renkun."[9]

>Hong showed an interest in scholarship at an early age, so his family made financial sacrifices to provide a formal education for him, in the hope that he could one day complete all of the civil service examinations.[2] Hong began studying at a primary school in his village at the age of five.[10] He was able to recite the Four Books after five or six years. He then took the local xiucai preliminary civil service examinations and placed first.[11] A few years later, he traveled to the nearby city of Guangzhou to take the imperial examinations.[12] He was unsuccessful and, his parents being unable to afford to continue his education, he was forced to return to agricultural work.[13] The next year, he accompanied a wealthy schoolmate elsewhere for a year of study and became a village schoolteacher upon his return.[14]

>In 1836, at the age of 22, Hong returned to Guangzhou to retake the imperial examinations.[15] While in Guangzhou, Hong heard Edwin Stevens, a foreign missionary, and his interpreter preaching about Christianity.[16] From them, Hong received a set of pamphlets entitled "Good Words for Exhorting the Age", which were written by Liang Fa, Stevens's assistant, and contained excerpts from the Bible along with homilies and other material prepared by Liang.[17] Supposedly, Hong only briefly looked over these pamphlets and did not pay much attention to them at the time.[2] Unsurprisingly, he again failed the imperial examinations, which had a pass rate of less than one percent.[18]

>In 1837, Hong attempted and failed the imperial examinations for a third time, leading to a nervous breakdown.[19] He was delirious for days and his family feared for his life.[20] While convalescing, Hong dreamt that he visited Heaven and discovered that he possessed a celestial family distinct from his earthly family, which included a heavenly father, mother, elder brother, sister-in-law, wife, and son.[21] His heavenly father, wearing a black dragon robe and high-brimmed hat with a long golden beard, lamented that men were worshiping demons rather than him and presented Hong with a sword and golden seal with which to slay the demons infesting Heaven.[22] Hong dreamt that he did so with the help of his celestial older-brother and a heavenly army.[23] The father figure later informed Hong that his given name violated taboos and must be changed, suggesting as one option the "Hong Xiuquan" moniker ultimately adopted by Hong.[24] In later embellishments, Hong would declare that he also saw Confucius being punished by Hong's celestial father for leading the people astray.[25] His acquaintances would later claim that after awakening from his dreams Hong became more careful, friendly, and open, while his pace became imposing and firm and his height and size increased.[26] Hong stopped studying for the imperial examinations and sought work as a teacher. For the next several years Hong taught at several schools around the area of his hometown.

>In 1843, Hong failed the imperial examinations for the fourth and final time.[27] It was only then, prompted by a visit by his cousin, that Hong took time to carefully examine the Christian pamphlets he had received.[28] After reading these pamphlets, Hong came to believe that they had given him the key to interpreting his visions: his celestial father was God the Father (whom he identified with Shangdi from Chinese tradition), the elder brother that he had seen was Jesus Christ, and he had been directed to rid the world of demon worship.[29][30] This interpretation led him to conclude that he was the literal son of God and younger brother to Jesus.[31] In contrast to some of the later leaders of his movement, Hong appears to have genuinely believed in his ascent to Heaven and divine mission.[32] After coming to this conclusion Hong began destroying idols and enthusiastically preaching his interpretation of Christianity.[2] As a symbolic gesture to purge China of Confucianism, he and the cousin asked for two giant swords, three chi (about 1 metre) long and nine jin (about 4.5 kg), called the "demon-slaying swords" (斬妖劍), to be forged.[33]

R:7 / I:2 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]


Okay, this is epic.

R:84 / I:3 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

God Does Not Love Us

>God creates everything

>God knows everything

>God loves us

The three of those statements cannot exist at the same time. The issue here is that if God knows everything and creates everyone, he already knows which of his creations will go to heaven or to hell before he even creates them (predestination). Now if God creates a person who he already knows will spend an eternity in hell, he obviously does not love that person. Yet he mass produces people who are literally born to die and go to hell. Why would a loving God do this? There are two options. Either God does not love us or he does not know everything. The only way an all powerful God can justify the creation of hellbound people is if he himself does not know what choices that person will make in their lifetime that lead them towards heaven or hell. If that is true however he is no longer all powerful.

So. Is God all powerful, or does he love us? Or can anyone here begin to rationalize an argument that he can accomplish both? Prove me wrong.

(I embrace the coming shitstorm and shouts of heresy among anyone here who is not a calvinist or diehard catholic)

R:2 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Frankie gives away relics of St. Peter


Ecumenist globalist lapdog Bergoglio is at it again. The best that can be said is that he didn't kiss any feet this time or any Korans

R:102 / I:9 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Religious women are whores, why?

inb4 someone denies the following:

>while restricting themselves to those converted (or lured through missionary dating) to christianity or feminism or whatever religion they may have, women, who by being picky set the terms of coupling in modern society are in command of sex/marriage, select assortively, on but beauty, money, charisma.

if you deny it, fuck off, ignorant trash. the science is in, be a nigger in another thread.

if a deity has any power, why no power over cunts? they care not one bit about their religion, when it comes to their truest moment, the only important one universal.

R:2 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Old testament

Whats the most esoteric passages of the old testament ? Besides Jacob getting hip tossed by a angel

R:19 / I:7 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

World without Reformation

What would the world look like without the protestant reformation?

Here's what it would be like:

>No 30 years war. millions of lives saved

>no upheaval, europe better able to fight off ottomans and Balkans never fall to Muslim control

>Crusades continue, Christendom takes back Constantinople and most of the Near East. Deus Vult!

>The Roman church was itself aware of many of the faults called out by the reformers and would have probably taken action even if the “protestants” had not taken such a vocal stand against them.

>With Islam defeated, a united Christian Europe goes on to convert the world to Christianity

>Catholic America never legalizes slavery, as a result America is sill a white country

>Prussia never arises, as a result there is no German empire and World War I and World War II never occurs

>Without WWI there is no Russian revolution and communion never arises.

>Modernism, postmodernism never arise, there is no sexual revolution and the breakdown of the family never occurs

>A more peaceful, happier world emerges in the 20th century

Deus Vult!!!

R:22 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Josh Harris kisses Jesus goodbye

surprising no one but myopic boomer church thots, josh harris is satanist. and a fag promoter, possibly a faggot himself.

R:17 / I:3 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

permabanned from christian

unjunstly permabanned now. what is wrong with that moderation

R:22 / I:12 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Blessed V

>this triggers the Prot

R:129 / I:27 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]


The purpose of this board is to discuss Christian topics

It was started because of dissatisfaction with censorship by mods on /christian/, and that's still an issue almost 4 years later


We had a first raid today, (probably just one cross /b/ & /christian/ poster), that challenges the rule of "no censorship". Obviously spam and pornography are counter to the board purpose, but does banning and deleting provide an avenue for bias in moderation? I've concluded that it could, and in the interest of total transparency the mod practices will be as follows:

>all bans have been lifted

>anti-spam settings have been enabled (captcha to start thread, new thread limit/hour, robot9000 script)

>lewd and pornographic images will be deleted, but the post will remain

>spam threads will be locked, but not deleted so anyone can judge for themselves whether or not the post really was spam

R:25 / I:3 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Send them back.

Been seeing some Roman Catholics on here lately. They shouldn't be welcome on here.

Go fuck right back off to /christian/ please. Nobody wants your papism running rampant on here shitting up this whole board like how you shit up the last.

We know what Romanism does. Its like a plague. It comes in quietly at first but then it destroys everything.

R:8 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Which denomination?

Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant. What do I begome? I am planning on getting baptized since I have never gotten baptized before. What church do I choose?

R:11 / I:3 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Martin Luther

>Murderer who escaped justice by becoming a priest

>Admitted that Satan was his chief theologian

>Encouraged protties to loot the wealth of monasteries which was used to help the poor, leading to a massive underclass

>Drunkard, adulterer, and womanizer

>Added and removed parts of the bible to support his own agenda

>Was funded by greedy German princes

>Encouraged divorce

<And to top it all off his original revolution lead to the ideas that brought the French revolution, the communist revolution, and various other modernist revolutions leading us to the predicament we find ourselves in today.

How can anyone support this faggot and call themselves a "Christian"?

R:20 / I:2 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

the problem of rampant unbelief in Christianity

Do you ever get the feeling that most Christians don't really believe in God and the bible. That they're just in it for the good community and morals? I'm not just talking about obvious cases like those churches we see with the rainbow flags - instead it seems to be that many churches, both liberal and conservative, are filled with congregation and even pastoral staff that don't actually believe in God.

Theology that would be no different without God

I'm not basing this on the way anyone acts, I understand that all fall short. It's more the theology - a lot of the pop theology going around at churches actually seems to present a view that nullifies God.

For example:

The popular saying:

>God answers prays yes, no or wait

How is that different from if you were praying and there was no God. If God didn't exit, you would still get what you prayed for sometimes, not get it other time, and have to wait other times. This belief is no different from the way the world would be if God doesn't exist.

In a world where God exists, if a prayer isn't answered, it should mean that something went wrong and prayers should be answered yes more often than not. - unanswered prayers should be an aberration that causes concern.

Another was from my cousin who is a junior Charismatic pastor he said something along the lines of:

>prayer doesn't change things; it changes me

And I just thought, that seems no different from how prayer would work in a world that God doesn't exist.

It's almost like they don't really think God exists or cares, but want to believe he does, so they go about creating a theology that would be equally true whether God exists or not.

In fact a lot of Christian-isms that are spread around the church read more like self help stuff and inspirational quotes that aren't much different in their philosophy and meaning from motivational quotes that unbelievers say to one another - they're just changed slightly to put them in a Christian setting.

Misinterpretation of faith as juxtaposition to atheism

The big disruption for me came with the modern churches emphasis on faith - which it seems to interpret as believing in the existence of God. But I don't think that's how the bible intended the word faith - because it was written in a time when practically everyone believed in some form of deity. The bible seems to use faith more as described by Paul in Hebrew 11 - a faith that trusts God above ourselves and our reason, and relying on God instead on our own strength or ingenuity. To me it seems like every time faith is used in the bible - it is used in this context and not in the modern context which treats it as a juxtaposition to atheism rather than a trust in God.

In fact when the bible talks about atheism or lack of belief - it uses the term unbelief. The term "lack of faith" was used by Jesus against his disciples who clearly believed in God. It is used many time in the bible to describe people who clearly were not atheist and who clearly believed in God. It was used as a criticism for those who lacked trust in God and wanted to trust in their own powers and knowledge.

Dire Implications of Churches dominated by unbelievers

Do you ever get the feeling that most Christians don't believe in God. They've just been raised in or found the church community, grown fond of it and just settled their because the people and the philosophy give them hope and support? If so, what can be done about this, it seems like under such circumstances churches are doomed to be dominated by unbelievers

R:3 / I:0 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Are we still supposed to kill all the jews?

Our ancestors were instructed to exterminate them when we moved into Canaan, and when they did not do so they were warned of the harm that would come to them as a result. And even in modern times we still see people like Hitler being too kind to jews, trying to deport them rather than simply killing them all, the same mistake our ancestors made. Are we still supposed to kill them, or is it too late for that? Is being stuck with jews our permanent punishment for not obeying God and destroying them when He told us to?

R:10 / I:1 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

Where does this "literal word of God" idea come from?

The bible repeatedly uses clear and obvious allegory and metaphor all over the place. The authors of the bible never suggest it is literal, or the word of God. How is a letter from Paul to some Christians the word of God? It is the word of Paul. How do literalists decide which parts must be literal and which are ok to interpret metaphorically?

R:21 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Liberal Churches make ready to provide sanctuary for invaders




<Churches across the US are fighting back against the Trump administration’s mandate to ramp up deportations with new sanctuary practices of their own, using private homes in their congregations as shelter and potentially creating a modern-day underground railroad to ferry undocumented immigrants from house to house or into Canada.

<Church leaders from California to Illinois and New York told BuzzFeed News they’re willing to take their sanctuary operations for undocumented immigrants underground should federal immigration authorities, emboldened by Trump’s recent directives to take a harder line on deportations, ignore precedent and raid their campuses.

Connected churches/groups:

-United Church of Christ

-Episcopal diocese of LA

-"LA Voice"

-Presbyterian Church USA

-"ISAIAH", a Minnesota group

R:13 / I:1 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]


Guys I found a loophole. If you get 2 people together and pray to ask Jesus to forgive you for not believing in him you can be atheist and still get into heaven.

Find a flaw. Protip: you can't


R:29 / I:15 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Nazi Catholics

Reminder the nazis were not exactly atheists who decided to kill all the jews for no reason, there had been 1000 years of catholic oppression of the jews first and the church courted the Nazi high leadership

who could go to the Catholic Church for advice about what is right and what is wrong after they have shown such bad judgement?

R:46 / I:1 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Antediluvian world

Young earth creationists and biblical literalists

What was the antediluvian world like? Other than longer lifespans how was the world before the flood different from the world after the flood?

R:12 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Theories of the Atonement

You have to pick one. Which is it?

What does the Bible teach and why is it penal substitutionary atonement?

R:2 / I:1 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

astral projecting

is it satanic?

R:10 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Animal Sacrifice

Why did the omnipotent creator of the universe need middle eastern people to sacrifice goats and animals by cutting their throats and burning their bodies to obtain their blood for so long? Could there have been any other way to "pay for sin"? When I talk to people who are not Cristian they also don't see why god needed to impregnate a teenage middle eastern girl so her child could be butchered as a sacrifice to himself.

How can I explain this in a way that makes logical sense? Perhaps god had no choice in this matter and there is some law of the universe that forces him to need blood?

R:10 / I:1 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Amazon just banned Dr. Joseph Nicolosi's books

The book burnings continue. If you're not familiar, Dr. Nicolosi was the leading void for scientifically-proven reparative therapy for LGBT individuals for several decades.

Amazon Just Banned My Dad’s Therapy Books, Caving to LGBT Activists

by Joseph Nicolosi Jr.

>On Amazon, you can buy almost any book written throughout human history—from the Bible to Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” or even a book glorifying pedophilia.

>As of last week, however, you cannot get any of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Sr.’s books about leaving homosexuality—because Amazon just banned them all.

>From 1981 until his death in 2017, my father was the driving force behind reparative therapy. He invented, refined, and used this innovative counseling method to help thousands of men overcome the effects of sexual abuse and other deep-seated childhood traumas.

>These men told my father that his scientifically sound practices helped re-orient their sexuality away from obsessions with pornography, and helped them reduce their unwanted same-sex attractions.

>The books Amazon banned are the continuation of my father’s legacy and of the changes that can take place through his methods. The books have hundreds of endorsements, from typical readers to past presidents of the American Psychological Association.

>In one comment, which Amazon has now “banned,” a man said the book “Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality” saved his marriage.

>Luckily for that man, he was able to find marital help before Amazon became the PC police. Today, he and many other families will now find fewer online resources than ever—not because science dictates their removal, but because LGBT ideology has shouted down sound science.

>While Amazon is banning books—and restricting choice among those with unwanted same-sex attractions—some state governments are banning my father’s therapeutic practices.

>But it’s clear that no government official who is voting to restrict client choice actually knows what reparative therapy entails. And with Amazon banning his books, radical LGBT activists hope to prevent even more lawmakers from ever finding out the truth.

<Contrary to what these activists and their allies at Amazon claim, my father never advocated so-called conversion therapy.

>Conversion therapy is broad, ill-defined, has no ethics code, no governing body, and is typically practiced by unlicensed individuals. My father had nothing to do with these or any similar practices, and as a therapist myself, I wholeheartedly condemn such a concept.

>What my father did do was use his psychological training and his Judeo-Christian worldview to help men overcome traumas that they—and he—believed were leading them into a life that did not reflect the men they were truly designed by their creator to be.

>He counseled families who were struggling with accepting their children, and he always told them, “Love your child, whatever the outcome of therapy may be.”

>This week’s book ban by Amazon and radical LGBT activists reveals the blatant hypocrisy of today’s leaders of the LGBT movement: They celebrate exploration of every kind of sexuality they can imagine, unless that exploration happens to lead an individual toward a traditional, heterosexual lifestyle. That sort of exploration, of course, must be banned.

>My hope is that there will be a large enough outcry from consumers that Amazon will rethink its decision. If it doesn’t, my dad’s books won’t be the last to get blacklisted.

R:26 / I:5 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

I've accepted jesus into my heart

But I still feel so lonely and depressed

R:17 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

RCC systematic theology is untrustworthy

If a system is contradictory, it is formally illogical and should be discarded. This is the case for systematic theology in the Roman church.

The Roman church simultaneously claims:

1 -Outside the Church there is no salvation


2 -Those who do not know the Gospel of Christ or his(sic) Church may too receive eternal salvation

>Catechism 846 & 847 http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_P29.HTM

Remember that "church" here means the RCC, and to be "inside" the church means participation in the sacraments of the RCC (or deemed permissible by the RCC, like baptism from other churches).

Here are the available options I see:

>EENS (#1) really means that membership in the RCC is normative, it's not an exclusive statement. The two can be reconciled this way.

-arguing against the church's historic reading of the doctrine of EENS from Council of Florence and Fourth Lateran Council (incompatible with viewing the RCC as a source of special revelation)

>Baptism of desire (#2) is a false doctrine (Feeneyism)

-Q: why then is it being taught by the Roman church?

–A1: the doctrine is being corrupted and misleading but the RCC is still valid (naive)

–A2: the papal seat is empty, but traditional Roman theology is still correct (sedevacantism)

>EENS (#1) is wrong, especially if taken to mean "the church" as the RCC

-justification by faith alone

If you are a mainstream roman catholic today, you're either not paying attention or you're a doublethink idiot. I mean that charitably, because it is very urgent that you reconcile your doctrine before God.

R:102 / I:52 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Fruits of the reformation

Fruits of the reformation

R:4 / I:1 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Protestantism and Essence Energy Distinction

What are Protestants' (any denomination, don't care really) views on the essence-energy distinction?

R:39 / I:10 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Operation: Convert /christian/

Guys, we're doing pretty well here, free from the Papist mod mafia. We've grown significantly in the last few months, and now we're slowly but surely catching up to /christian/, with 1/2 to 1/3 of the traffic. Of course, /christian/ still has the large advantage of being the biggest Christian board, but because so many Protestants and Orthodox left the discussion there, it has become stale, cringey, and a Papist circlejerk - so not a very attractive board.

Our mission is very simple, don't partake in the discussion there, not even to bash Papists. Just, whenever you can, go there and link back to this board in as many threads as possible. For example:

"This board is heavily censored by the Papist mods, for a free discussion go to:





Remember to use sage so the mods don't notice that the threads are being bumped.

Only a free discussion is the path towards theological truth. Let's make /christianity/ the #1 Christian board on 8chan!

God bless you all!

R:25 / I:0 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Censorship or bug?

What is going on over at /christian/?!


Is it a new mod or something? Was it always like this?!


R:36 / I:8 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

Is a Pope necessary?

How do Orthodox defend against Catholic charges that in order for there to be unity in faith there needs to be a central figurehead, like the Pope, to keep the Church united. Everytime I tried making a post or a thread, because I was genuinly curious as to what the Orthodox have to say (since I am considering conversion to Orthodoxy from Southern Baptist), all the Catholics would flood in and shit everything up and call the Orthodox phyletists and schismatics and that apparently something like the situation between Constantinople and Moscow over Ukraine is proof that there needs to be a Pope. So Orthodox, what is your defense against the RCs?

R:3 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Relationship thread

I sincerely apologize for the blogpost; I meant to post this in the relationship general on /christian/ but I was preemptively banned for nothing of course. My deepest apologies for starting a thread just for myself, let this be our relationship general then.

I am facing an existential problem; I used to be severely autistic and lame, unable to hold a conversation with anyone, totally fried with estrogen and insecurity and totally fucked up. as I grew older I remedied this greatly, through a series of events, relationships, and realisations that helped me come out of my shell. I've been doing fine since, but every now and again I find myself in such an awkward situation I begin to fear my whole life, if I may be hyperbolic. I find myself now, without immediate close friends, only people whom I have to act as someone else to, and never hang out with. My parents don't even believe I have any friends, which is such an existential insult to the male heir of their bloodline… a young man who is to become a man; with every skill and competency and piece of experience that comes with that. I am not a monk; I will need that growth. But this feels like maturation purgatory; what I mean is, this is intolerable.

I've also largely stagnated in this matter the past two years and I am seriously wondering if it is too late for me to grow into a likeable, good, not pathologically wrecked person carrying a ton of mental baggage around all the time. I, dare i say, know my purpose in life already, God have mercy on me, and it is absolutely essential I'm not for the matter. I've never felt dread like this, and I don't know whether to submit wholly and just be a physically vacant soul just adrift on God's will or try my hardest and just keep trying to grow, even with the mass of shame and indignity which constitutes my immediate and greater past.

I'm lying, I already know I'll devote my life to the latter, but it seems such a desperate and sad bid; for when I do devote my life to this thing that comes naturally to everyone, what else could I possibly devote it to, what else could I even do. I realise this is a very tiring and vague post, but has anyone had any similar experiences.

R:6 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


As a man, I am completely disenfranchized in modern society. Is there a way to revive the traditional family values? I can't figure out a way for me to convince a woman this is the way to go, when I can't really believe it's possible myself anymore.

R:45 / I:24 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


What is the difference between judaism and christianity?

R:1 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]


What did he mean by this?

R:5 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

New T

Honestly, I agree with Luther that Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation are not scripture. They shouldn't be included in the New Testament, or at the very least placed in a separate apocryphal section as the deuterocanonicals are. Say what you want but my conviction as a Lutheran is firm in this matter. Salvation is by faith alone. This is what Jesus says, this is what Paul says, this is what John says, this is what Peter says. The above writings are doctrinally erroneous and fail to preach the same Gospel of Jesus and Paul and John and Peter. They were disputed in the early Church and apostolic authorship for them hasn't even been thoroughly demonstrated.

R:71 / I:11 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

#1 Christian Board

Guys let's try our hardest to overtake /christian/ as the #1 Christian board on this site. Let's set some goals here.

R:2 / I:2 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Against those heretics called "Iconoclasts"

For the heretics call upon the scriptures by vainly twisting its words and creating their own meanings, and they even cite the prophet Moses who said,

"Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:"

(Deut 5:8)

But what did that holy prophet Daniel write?

"I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened." (Dan 7:9-10)

And who would admit that the Ancient of days is another than the Father himself? For both the Ancient of days and the Son of Man are spoken about here, God the Father and God the Son. Thus an icon of God is conjured up in our minds, and it was surely the intention of the prophet to do so, for why would he have described the Deity if he had not intended for an icon of him to become present in our minds? Even in the Old Testament there is a depiction.

(It must be noted that Icons may be generated in our minds by other means,

"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler." (Pslm 91:4)

Indeed, the Psalms, and the Old Testament in its entirety, often speaks about God anthropomorphically. Yet it must be admitted here that the intentions of the psalmist and of the other authors are metaphorical rather than mystical in nature, like that of Daniel, and must only be considered a drop in the bucket of this defense, and this is known by their lack of true description. Now the Icons these generate in our mind are unintentional are have been spoken of so we might better identify with God as men or to stir up our love for God.)

Now what of the Son?

"And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength." (Rev 1:13-16)

John visions are a return to Daniels, and we know what he means by these things, for in his gospel he says,

"No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." (Jhn 1:18) And, "Philip saith unto him, 'Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.' Jesus saith unto him, 'Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?'" (Jhn 14:8-9)

John testifies to us the true Gospel, the catholic Gospel that the man, that holy apostle, Paul himself, preached when he wrote, "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:" (Col 1:14)

Christ Jesus is the image of the Father, a perfect representation of him. Those heretics who break the icons and overthrow the images are deniers of the incarnation, having followed even the Iota but forgetting the spiritual nature of God, "for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life" (2 Cor 3:6)

We know that "God is a spirit" (Jhn 4:24), who is neither "like unto gold, or silver, or stone graven by art and man's device" (Act 17:29), and we mightily detest those heretics who say we worship the material of the icons. Rather we worship the figure represented by these. For we know that God gave representations of heavenly beings to Moses when he instructed him on building the ark of the holy covenant (Exod 25:18) So God himself came down, taking on the appearance of a man (Phil 2:8), and suffering on our behalf, revealing himself and his Father to the whole world through an image most especially in the suffering, death, and resurrection.


R:8 / I:3 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Jesus just passed through Mary's uterine wall

>Catholics ACTUALLY believe this

from "Christian Theology", Millard Erickson

<1237. Until recently, Roman Catholic theologians adhered to the fourth-century threefold formula regarding Mary’s virginity: ante partum, in partu, et post partum (“before, in, and after the birth”). See Raymond E. Brown, The Birth of the Messiah (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977), 517–18. The “brothers and sisters” of Jesus have been explained either as children of Joseph by an earlier marriage or as Jesus’s cousins. See J. Blizzer, Die Brüder und Schwestern Jesu (Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1967).

papists explain lol

R:14 / I:0 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Intrusive thoughts in Christians

Do you thin Satan can interject thoughts into the minds of saved Christians?

This pastor uses the example of the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 to indicate that Satan can put in bad thoughts into saved Christians.



Are Intrusive thoughts a major problem among saved Christians?

R:16 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Who is the Father?

Who is the Father? I know who is the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit, well, who is the Father?

They are all God, but WHO IS THE FATHER?

R:23 / I:5 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Is this board the christian /ggrevolt/?

So, /christianity/ is to /christian/ what /ggrevolt/ was to /gghq/? It seems like this board is just a place for disgruntled anons who were banned from the bigger board to moan and complain about that board and plot some autistic revenge. Am I wrong or is there an actual identity here that isn’t dripping with victimhood?

R:19 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

Does anyone believe that her exorcism was real?

The exorcism of Annelise Michael.

I've read the transcript to see whether the "demons" had any knowledge that was either publicly unknown or unusual for a girl her age, but no, she or "they" even got Hitler's suicide wrong - claiming he died by fire, while all eyewitnesses unanimously agree that he took cyanide and then shot himself, and that his body was only burned afterwards. So clearly a girl who got her history facts mixed up, and not some entity from hell, or even the "demon Hitler" himself.


R:35 / I:5 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

The God of calvinism is unjust

If I were born unable to respond to the gospel, it would be unjust to condemn me to eternal hell because of my lack of response.

This injustice is recognizable by natural theology (your conscience), and by God's description of responsibility in scripture.

Calvinists, please respond.

R:8 / I:1 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

What can we all agree on?

I noticed there's a lot of fighting on this board between Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox. So I figured we should make a thread focusing on the common enemies to Christianity.

I'll list a few I can think of:






The question arises, how do we turn these people away from the devil and away from their Satanic instincts?

R:3 / I:2 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

To fight God

I was raised protestant, but eventually came to the conclusion that God did not exist based on classic dialectic discussions, though I myself always categorized myself as a hopeful agnostic since then, as outright denial I felt was equally foolish. There is little unique to my story; I found /pol/, was filled with the rage instilled in me by the social degenerates who degraded me and my race and the propagandized their rank and file empty headed communists and various racial surprise soup to both deny me right to be heard and branded me with the sin of being born white. I long since trained my mind and tempered my soul with vengeance, I hated and still hate freely those who demean my people, turn them into walking garbage can and corrupt the world.

But now even the people of /pol/ are a walking cesspit of larping empty headed creatures, posting the same meaningless, thoughtless tripe ad infinitum. They have like the left, devoured every ally who did not appease their endless needs and destroyed whatever power / unity they were actually beggining to accumulate in 2015 and 2016 and forfeited it KKK Redneck tier patheticism. The board infested likewise by CIA and FBI posters have also exacerbated their natural instinct to eat each other alive at every turn, and now stand utterly and hopelessly divided.

This and another event I shall not describe for brevity have levied me with a conclusion; that is, evil prevails. And yet in this thought I look out to the thought that in such case there must in fact be a God, for if no good can take true route but only parody or even partially imitate it, surely there is an other above whom this descends from. But from this revelation comes great and new found rage.

Why has such evils been visited upon us? Why are the caananites at our doors? Why must this Christians insist on Jesus and forgive their atrocities and obscenities, why not be like the Father who wiped Gomorah from the face of the earth for the blight it was? Why is it written "vengeance is mine", what right does God have to justice that is not his to take or savor? Why has the Father not raised an army like the Crusades of the last sons of his gospel to repel the evils of many nations? Why does he allow courage & beauty to die in place of cowardice and decadence?

If God ever shined his providence on America, would anyone disagree that he has left? That he has forsaken us to die amongst enemies and evils, raising children whom shall destroy us and destroy his gospel? Where are the Crusaders? Who are these Fops and trust fund lushes you push out as supposed speakers of Truth? Is it not true Lord, that might makes Right? Are you not the embodiement of such philosophy, for who would follow a God without fear of power, but more accurately, who instills fear in the enemies of God, supernatural and corporeal, and who is capable of offering salvation? Would you be worshipped if such things could not be garunteed? Why then should forgiveness be offered to the demons in flesh, the degenerates who murder their children, the rapers of countries old and young?

I cry out for answers, if you were flesh would we not wrestle? Is there one among your followers here who has even a lucid note of illumed thought of your Godly word, or should I merely expect the same tripe? Why, must evil prevail?

R:21 / I:18 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic Pedophiles

More and more cases are coming to light now, and I must wonder, is there a single nation in the world whose children are save from Catholic pedophiles?

Are Catholics the most evil organisation in history, next to Jews and Muslims?

R:28 / I:12 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Moving to Asia to find a christian wife

Thots everywhere in the West, even in churches. Given the slim prospects of finding a good, chaste wife here, I'm thinking about moving to Asialand to find better candidates. They're cleverer, more feminine, thinner, far less slutty, and there are now millions of Christians among them, in countries like China and Japan. The choice of country is complex since it involves very foreign cultures. The collectivist nature of China, for example, gives me pause. Let's plan our trips.

R:18 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Who was in the right here?

>walk in on my good pal attempting suicide

>he's about 5 seconds away from irreversibly doing it

>too far to keep him from doing it

>pull my gun and brain him before he can end his own life

phew, I saved my buddy from eternal hellfire. I guess I'm going to hell now though LMAO

R:90 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]



Who would have thought an early 90's cartoon like X-Men would actually promote God?

R:15 / I:5 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Are we aliens

Is it posible god could be a super highly intelect alien

R:5 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Toronto Blessing

Toronto Blessing/ Charismatic movement

Is it god, mass hysteria & hypnosis or satan

I'm thinking hypnosis by leaning towards satan

R:26 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]


I'm having trouble understanding the relation of yahweh and jesus. As well as who and what is considered to be a jew. No I don't believe gnosticism is the correct answer cause jesus makes many references to fulfilling old testament prophecies and claiming to be the same God.

1. Why are the messages of yahweh and jesus radically different?

2. Is a gentile simply someone who doesn't believe in the one true god?

R:15 / I:4 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Tritheism Thread

I’m sink of this trinitarian and unitarian bullshit. This thread is for true Christian Tritheists who understand the true nature of the Gods according to Biblical principles

R:3 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Satanic Suicide Shills Roam the internet looking for REAL BLOOD SACRIFICES


right side of the image shows /leftypol/

God bless you all.

R:9 / I:1 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]


Why are all of the "Orthodox" "Christians" secret Arians?

Father = Son = Holy Ghost.

The Father is not superior to Jesus and Constantine did not found the church. Jesus did.

R:4 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Did I commit a mortal sin?

I was on twitter, I saw a lewd image in a quote tweet, I clicked on the tweet (I was using mobile twitter so I couldn't have just clicked on the poster's pfp) so that I could tell the account to repent and go to confession later since Ezekiel 33:9-33:9 tells us to warn others.

R:6 / I:2 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Vatican 2 Rome in historical review

Everyone that posts on this board needs to listen to this

He exactly identifies the trad Catholic phenomenon that plagues imageboard culture, and it turns out it has a wide scope.

>Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul: Rome in the Twentieth Century https://renewingyourmind.org/2019/07/23/rome-in-the-20th-century

>The Roman church as we know it isn't an institution since antiquity, it's medieval

>The wild Marian heresies are largely a result of the 20th century, via Vatican II

>If Francis is changing things in a way that the secular media is pleased with, is that a good thing?

>Catholics defer doctrine in favor of "implicit faith", you don't have to work out doctrine yourself you just need to place blind Faith in your benevolent instructors

How many times have you heard that here?

R:5 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Apostolic succession

This confuses and angers the prot.

R:6 / I:0 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

The State of Protestant Churches in the West

What does a Protestant sola scriptura guy like me do when the only churches I have available are the prosperity gospel peddling Israeli cocksucking rambling pastors whose laity have a cult idolization of said pastor and will get mad and yell and belittle the moment you express even a slight disagreement with his sermons or miss a couple days of church or the super soi cucked ones where they don’t even practice the Bible and will spout pro-illegal refugee and literal homo shit? This is the current state of Protestantism in the Western world folks

R:49 / I:5 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

Flag Debate

It seems there's been a debate around here about whether or not we should have an SDA flag on the board. This is a thread for discussing that question.

Criteria for adding a flag: (see >>7204)

>Requested by poster

>Flag represents a real (IRL) denomination with current member churches

>Only Christian denominations

The reason for objecting to an SDA flag is that the SDA's should not be considered Christian.

We are defining Christian broadly and in the most basic, historic way: affirming the doctrine of the trinity.

It is alleged that Seventh Day Adventists are not trinitarian, despite professing to be.

Is that true? If it can be proven, the flag will be removed.

Can the SDA anon give some insight?

R:3 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]


Micah 7:18 - Jermiah 17:4

Gal 2:16 - Matt 19:17

Gen 32:30 - Ex 33:20 - Tim 3:16

Is 45:7 - 1 John 4:8

Acts 22:9 - Acts 9:7

Deut 24:16 - Deut 5:9

Please help me here. Are these really contradictions?

R:3 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Terrible sacred architecture

Dudes I have something very strange to share with you.

Christ Presbyterian Church in Largo FL.


There's a tab on their tacky outdated website called "cloud of witnesses".

It's a page hosting a PDF split into multiple links because boomer web design. That PDF is a piece about their architecture made for the 50th anniversary of the church, and it is something else.

They have a strange idea about the (((star of David))) to symbolize connection to the OT, cedar in the building connects to Solomon, there's an empty cross suspended in the center with a crown above.. but then there are SEVENTY TWO busts around the sanctuary which are to symbolize the cloud of witnesses a la Hebrews 12, great figures of the faith.





>John the Baptist


Ok, alright, I'm tracking.. keep me posted


questionable but ok

>The prodigal son

>The good Samaritan

These are characters of parable, not really historical figures, but ok




>John Calvin

>Martin Luther

>John Knox

>Roger Williams

>JS Bach

Alright, good representation of Protestant history but this is kind of eclectic.. not distinctively Presbyterian

>Adoniram Judson

>William Carey

These are famous Baptist missionary heroes

>Walter Rauschenbusch

This is the commie social gospel false teacher

>Dietrich Bonhoeffer

le anti Hitler church man, but this is a liberal church so it's to be expected


Existentialist philosopher… Why?

>Woodrow Wilson


>George Washington Carver


>Martin Luther King


>Pope John XXIII


Is this a Presbyterian Church?

Didn't you just put Martin Luther up on the wall?

Take a look for yourself; they're really eerie too

(Warning: it's all in comic sans)

R:15 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Making a Pentecostal hate me

>be me

>like 6 years ago

>catholic, used to be prot

>work at prot camp for special needs kids

>can’t stand the prot stuff but all the autists and downies are awesome

>enjoy time with most of my prot friends but hate this one guy

>he’s a prick to the special needs campers and everyone else

>barely over 5 ft, has real LMS

>he’s even an indie lib, it just can’t get any worse

>we’ll call him smallanon

>camp sessions run a week then we have two days off

>camp term just ends

>me and some pals are about to drive to a random town and explore

>smallanon invites himself to go with us

>friends are too nice to say no


>get in the car and start chewing the fat

>we start mocking speaking in tongues

>smallanon gets off his phone and starts defending it

>learn that smallanon is Pentecostal

>hell yes

>im usually pretty civil arguing religion but I let the SOB have it

>wasn’t being a charitable catholic but boy was it delicious

>i absolutely obliterated every argument he tried to make

>finally he pulls out his trump card, something like they’ve done brain scans of tongue speakers and have shown parts of the brain being activated that are literally impossible for humans to do

>therefore it must be a spiritual presence helping them tongue speak

>don’t know enough about brains to say he’s full of it but who cares

>“smallanon, I do believe that these are spiritual experiences you’re having but it’s not God doing it, you’re being demonically possessed”

>we haven’t even gotten to the town yet

>mfw he silently weeps for the almost the rest of the ride

>mfw he doesn’t say one more word on that trip or to me the rest of our summer at camp

That was legitimately the last time I ever talked to him. You think I changed his mind? Did I go too far?

R:2 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Hi please read this thread is important !

Hi i want to make this thread because is important!sorry for my bad english i dont speak very well

Dear Christians and non christians people etc it seems that Youtube is full of pedofiles it seems that pedofiles make money with agency model teens and baby wear sexy hot custome .if you ask me if a have proof yes a have links videos but Youtube just disabled comments :




















============Bible verse KJV about adultery=================


Proverbs 6:32 - [But] whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he [that] doeth it destroyeth his own soul.

Matthew 5:28 - But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Matthew 19:9 - And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except [it be] for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

Exodus 20:14 - Thou shalt not commit adultery.

1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

Proverbs 6:24-29 - To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. (Read More…)

1 Corinthians 10:13 - There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it].

Deuteronomy 22:22 - If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, [both] the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.

Luke 16:18 - Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from [her] husband committeth adultery.

John 8:4-11 - They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. (Read More…)

Matthew 5:32 - But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

1 Corinthians 7:1-40 - Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: [It is] good for a man not to touch a woman. (Read More…)

Matthew 5:27-28 - Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: (Read More…)

Ephesians 5:5 - For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Romans 7:3 - So then if, while [her] husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

R:102 / I:2 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Trinity thread

There are posters here who have been denying the Trinity in a couple threads, so let's consolidate the discussion to a dedicated thread.

Question: Is God triune?

Basis for argument: What does the Bible teach, and what is philosophically consistent?

Definition of the Trinity, according to classical Christian trinitarians:

<God is three persons

<Each person is divine

<There is one God

Most common non-trinitarian positions:

>God the Father is the only God

>The Father and Jesus are divine, but the spirit is not or is not a person

>The spirit does not exist

>There is no God (atheism, excluded from our debate itt)

If you reject trinitarianism, please justify yourself and be ready for scrutiny.

R:10 / I:2 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Christian reading list

In classic imageboard culture, we should make a recommended book list. There's one or two floating around, but it's really just a bunch of titles with no structure.

I think it should be a work of systematic theology, persuading the reader to a position.

This is the best structured such infographic I've found, it should be a model.

Where did you start reading in systematic theology?

Did you get a hermeneutics book first?

Did you read a polemic for the conservative Christian position?

Would a chart have to be evangelical Protestant only and a different one Catholic only, or is there enough overlap in sys theology?

R:21 / I:4 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Justify the 5 solae

Presume he's being open minded and wants to know if the five solae are in alignment with the Bible. What do you say?

R:19 / I:3 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Pope Kissing the Quran

This image would usually always get deleted on /christian/ by the Catholic mod mafia.

The question I have for the few Catholics here is, why did your Catholic "God on earth" clearly venerate a blasphemous book? I know Catholics are mostly atheists, so it probably didn't make any difference to him, but it's still no good reason to do it. Is it because many Catholics are pedophiles and Muslims are pedophiles too?

If you're a Christian you can give your opinion too, not just Catholics.

God bless you.

R:53 / I:3 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

End times?

With mass migration on the rise, the middle east falling apart, climate change, huge advancements in technology, and the rise of censorship, do you think we're approaching the end of the world?

R:1 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Pastor Steven Anderson

I believe Steven Anderson to be a messenger of God in many ways. He speaks like one of the prophets, no? He is like I'sai'ah or Mal'a'chi! He is like J'ohn the Baptist! J'ohn the Baptist lead the way for Je'sus Christ 2000 years ago. I believe Pastor Steven Anderson might be leading the way for the second coming of Christ. I'm not saying I know the time as our Lord Je'sus himself says, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Matthew 24:36, KJV) And I say Amen to Jesus! I do believe though that he will be in some ways a new J'ohn the Baptist. Steven Anderson the Baptist! Amen! Soul winning will be revived! The KJV will become the standard in all Baptist churches! Faggots and homosexuals and dykes and LGBTQiawhateverthehell will be driven away from all that is holy! Women will dress modestly. Contraception will be preached against in all churches! Traditional Baptist hymns will be played. None of that contemporary crap. Rock music is music of The Devil plain and simple. Many folks don't know it but Satan infiltrates churches through Rock music. "Christian Rock" is deceptive. But that is what Satan does he "deceiveth the whole world". Amen. Je'sus may return in 1000 years or 100 years or 5 years or 40,000 years or 2 minutes from now. But I think after this great falling away we have expereinced, in some way, Pastor Anderson the Baptist and J'ohn the Baptist will be remembered as the greatest pastors ever besides our Lord and God and Saviour Je'sus Christ himself. Amen!

R:35 / I:3 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]


Once and for all: I need an answer

Was Hitler Christian?

There are quotes and arguments of him as pagan, atheist, and Christian. What is the truth?

Did he do or say anything that categorically proves he was NOT Christian?

More specifically, was he saved? Am I going to meet Hitler in eternity?

R:20 / I:1 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]


I have watched just about everything Jordan Peterson has put out, and while I think he does some epistemological sleights of hand, I wouldn't mind learning about morality from christians in person. But why does this God thing have to divide us?

R:1 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

God is 1 you modalist

Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.” 

R:66 / I:7 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

The Lord our God is one

Deuteronomy 6:4 says "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One." It doesn't say he is three in one it says he is one; Jesus says in Mark 12:29 "This is the most important: 'Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One." Jesus doesn't say he is God he says God is one and he never says he is a part of it.

R:25 / I:0 / P:25 [R] [G] [-]

Just war theory is untenable

It's nothing more than a handwave to justify war. Almost everyone who invokes it just thinks that the mere mention of the concept suffices as a hand wave to excuse mass killing between states.

Libertarians are the only people who get this one right, because the libertarian anti-war position is the only one that's consistent with the Bible.

Change my mind.

R:5 / I:0 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

Demonic/dark forces

Christ Yeshua was very serious when He spake about demons and dark forces. I observed this piece of footage a few hours ago and it left me baffled. There is no doubt that there are dark forces in this plane of existence. The audio at 1:01 does not sound edited in. This sounds like something straight out of Hell itself. I know that I cannot possibly imagine the sounds from Hell, but this definitely sounds other-worldly without a doubt. From a so-called skin walker. What does /christianity/ think? There seems to always be dark things occurring in wooded areas such as forests and the like. Judge for yourself. But this is definitely intense and worth at least a discussion.


R:10 / I:2 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

The future of Christianity is colored

>go to church

>notice more blacks, mexicans and asians than whites

>pastor is black

>only a few white families

I cannot be the only one who notice this

R:15 / I:0 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

Christian Documentary Thread

Post your Christian Documentaries here

R:10 / I:1 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

Southern Israelite

What's /christianity/'s thoughts on Southern Israelite?


see the about section for his theology

R:55 / I:14 / P:26 [R] [G] [-]

Catholic US Presidential Candidate 2020

Pete Buttigieg, is he the most Catholic candidate ever?

>His father, who was from Hamrun, Malta, studied to be a Jesuit priest before emigrating to the United States and embarking on a secular career as a professor of literature at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend.[13][14] The surname Buttigieg is of Maltese origin.[15] His mother was a professor at Notre Dame for 29 years.[16]

>The University of Notre Dame du Lac (or simply Notre Dame /ˌnoʊtərˈdeɪm/ NOH-tər-DAYM or ND) is a private Catholic research university in Notre Dame, Indiana.[7]

>Buttigieg is Christian,[76][77][78] and has said his faith has had a strong influence in his life.[79][49] His parents baptized him in a Catholic church as an infant and he attended Catholic schools.[80]

And he's a faggot of course:

>In a June 2015 piece in the South Bend Tribune, Buttigieg announced that he is gay.[93] He also is the first openly gay presidential candidate for the Democratic Party and the second overall, after Fred Karger, a Republican.[94]

>In December 2017 Buttigieg announced his engagement to Chasten Glezman, who has been a junior high school teacher for eight years; they had been dating since August 2015 after meeting on the dating app Hinge.[95][96][97] They were married on June 16, 2018, in a private ceremony at the Cathedral of St. James.[98][77] As of April 2019 Chasten also uses the surname Buttigieg.[99]