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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14

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File: 225d86a26c73f2e⋯.jpg (578.67 KB,2481x3508,2481:3508,The_Global_Persecution_Of_….jpg)

e6c1d5 No.13139

The Global Persecution Of My People

"My son, it will happen. It is the persecution of My people on a global scale. They will be marginalized, locked out of employment, and forced to live off the land to survive. It will come, My son, prepare! The global persecution of My people will come by the hands of Satanists who have taken over the governments of the land. They want them dead! Already prison camps have been built to incarcerate My people and to eliminate many of them from the land. Satan wants no hindrance to his planned New World Order, and his One World Government- the appearance of his Antichrist. Prepare! You haven't got much time left. Ask what you can do for Me, your LORD, before time is up, and it is too dark in the world to do anything for Me, your Savior. Prepare! Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

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