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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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47558d No.11767

God bless you all in the coming days to do His will!

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cdf088 No.11768

I really hope Jesus comes back this decade guys.

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bb307f No.11772


me 2 :)

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c25acb No.11775

>make a list of at least 14 people you know

I'm out

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94e9cb No.11776

Happy New Years and God bless!

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eb12fe No.11797


Happy New Year to you everyone else. Many the light of Christ shine brightly in your lives in the year ahead.

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e9ca37 No.11808


Even if He doesn't, we are at least one decade closer. There is still hope.

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