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If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: fe8cca1644ef598⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,2550x3300,17:22,PROPHECY_The_Great_Falling….jpg)

95b589 No.13072

The Great Falling Away Is Occurring Now, My Son

“My people refuse to obey Me. They do not have My grace working in their lives because they refuse to obey Me. Therefore, they depend on the world for their grace and sustainment. They will be caught up in My Great Falling Away. They will not obey Me, so they shall die horrible deaths by plagues from the world. I said ‘get out of Babylon,’ but still they love this place, its creature comforts, its wealth, all the things of Satan meant to trap men’s’ souls back into his kingdom of sin. Therefore, they shall be lost forever, unless they repent and begin to obey Me once again, the Living God. They will not obey Me, they have been living in disobedience so long that their hearts are hardened against Me. So, they will not obey to go out and preach My Gospel around the world. The Great Falling Away is going on all around you now with people rejecting Me and falling for Satan and his world of sin. Repent My people, the time is short. I shall return at any time. Your LORD has spoken. Amen”

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