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If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: 3f1719fa2467cff⋯.png (147.08 KB,1200x1592,150:199,sspx.png)

07d41a No.9225

What's this boards opinion on the SSPX?

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9a37d6 No.9230

File: b780eb9b59b32a5⋯.jpg (659.74 KB,1920x1280,3:2,TraditionalLiturgy.jpg)

File: 15527512534fc2b⋯.jpg (90.43 KB,749x799,749:799,traditionalmassbackonit.jpg)

File: f3080d55ad0f0fb⋯.png (673.3 KB,1883x1029,269:147,OrientationMass.png)

They saved the true Mass and Sacraments, Lefebvre (along with Bishop de Castro Mayer, Plinio, Feeney, all fought against modernism)

The Novus Ordo isn't a single 'Standard Operating Procedure'. The NO is a mess. It varies from one place to the next, from one vernacular translation to the next. Therefore NO varies in form, and from form, intention follows. Most NOs in vernacular are ILLICIT and INVALID. While the best form of NO is at least illicit, to begin with (because it's a Protestant service), most NO variants in vernacular are mistranslated. They vary in *form* and from altered form follows *altered intention*. Therefore, local NO in vernacular is, therefore, both illicit, AND invalid.


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07d41a No.9234



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ebdf82 No.9236

Romanist heretics who need to hear the true gospel of Jesus Christ

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07d41a No.9239

File: 17d0a057320e888⋯.jpg (24.47 KB,600x400,3:2,snake handlers.jpg)


We published and compiled the Gospel for you only for you misinterpret it leading to thousands of different churches that all believe something different and often times equally as crazy.


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ebdf82 No.9240

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07d41a No.9241

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eb9530 No.9243

They're the continuation of traditional Roman Catholic practice, which means they're wrong for all the reasons the Roman church's soteriology is always wrong just without hippy nonsense

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148bc7 No.9364


Caring about whether the mass is said in latin or the local vernacular is the epitome of caring about form over substance and is for people who care about the aesthetic of mass more than the meaning

If there's mistakes in NO mass then the solution is to correct it not to go back to latin

Latin mass made sense in the early days of the church when it made it easier to detect and prevent heretical teachings. That problem doesn't exist in the modern world with modern communications and oversight systems

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6ec0a5 No.9368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>That problem doesn't exist in the modern world with modern communications and oversight systems

You are a flagrant modernist. St. Pius V’s Apostolic Constitution Quo Primum, Canon IX (a dogmatic canon) of Session XXII of the Council of Trent, Pope Pius VI’s Constitution Auctorem Fidei (see the 33rd of 85 propositions which are condemned, Denzinger 1533), the Ottaviani intervention Pope Pius XII’s Encyclical Letter Mediator Dei, all show that the Traditional Mass is of DIVINE LAW and CANNOT BE SUBSTITUTED (OR ABROGATED) FOR ROMAN RITE CATHOLICS. Full stop. The Novus Ordo is a schismatic rite that was concocted by modernists and masons, to be ecumencial and less offensive to Protestants. It's based on antiquarianism as well, something condemned by Pius XII.

>Thus, to cite some instances, one would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in Churches; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer's body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings; and lastly were he to disdain and reject polyphonic music or singing in parts, even where it conforms to regulations issued by the Holy See.

The genuflections/kneeling and all the essentials of the TLM were passed on by Saint Peter, to the Church. Saint Ambrose says that the Apostles specifically worshipped in that manner. Pope Saints Damascus (4th cent) and Gregory (sixth cent) perfected it. The unbroken use of the essential parts of the Mass are of Apostolic origin. Even the Canon of the Mass is older than any Eastern Rite. All that was obliterated in favor of a Cranmer table and no references to the sacrificial nature of the Mass. (Changing the theology as well, by omitting Catholic attributes of the Mass and changing "for many" (a reference to God's Elect) to "for all" during the consecration of the host). The Novus Ordo does not fulfill one's Sunday obligation, in fact, it's a mortal sin to go and participate, because it's non-Catholic worship.

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148bc7 No.9507


I don't know what you are talking about

I've been to several novos ordo churches and they all had the image of christ suffering on the cross along with the station of the cross where you can go through Christs suffering. It's just as central as it aways was

We don't sing modern music in any of the novos ordos churches I've been to it's still strictly traditional

Face it, the one fact that latin massers can't get around is the fact that is purely asthetic. The only difference between a mass said in latin and the novos ordo mass - the doctrine is still the same and latin massers are clinging to the old mass for aesthetic not theological reasons

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9a37d6 No.9511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they all had the image of christ suffering on the cross

They use "Resurrifixes" all the time.

>We don't sing modern music in any of the novos ordos churches I've been to it's still strictly traditional

That hardly matters, because making the Novus Ordo like a Tridentine Mass still does not change the theological issues.

>clinging to the old mass for aesthetic not theological reasons

The Novus Ordo is a Lutheran service. Read the Ottaviani intervention. 99% of Novus Ordites think Mass is just for communion. Mass is a reintroduction of the sacrifice of Calvary, in which God the Son offers Himself as an unbloody sacrifice to God the Father, as a propitiatory offering for sin. The Novus Ordo is not that.

And you completely ignore

>one would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments

Surprising isn't it? I only ever see white for the so called "Requiem" "Masses" of Novus Ordites, and they now have their infidel Novus Ordo abomination of desolation modernist brick "churches" in which THERE IS ONLY A TABLE ALTAR AND NO HIGH ALTAR.

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ebdf82 No.9557


>they all had the image of christ suffering on the cross

It's a sin and blasphemy to depict God

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5716b8 No.9558

File: 93e0424eb2e454a⋯.jpg (61.7 KB,626x626,1:1,ortho_vs_sede_mental_gymna….jpg)



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37914d No.11191


>one heresy away from excommunication

just like every other catholic

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484cee No.11329


Redundant ever since Summorum Pontificum and the FSSP

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484cee No.11330




I can't tell if this is concern trolling or not

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d9ddce No.11333

File: 3acb1f9121d14ea⋯.jpg (74.84 KB,660x350,66:35,852px-August_Kraus_Pius_V_….jpg)

SSPV > SSPX > Sedes

Tradition is important, and it's there for good reasons. We should however avoid LARPing and being "more papist than the Pope". Many online SSPX advocates are overly aggressive, in a way that seems quite at odds with a proper christian way of being. The actual SSPX, though, the one you find when you go to their chapels, is alright. They help preserve an important part of our faith that is way too often ignored. If I had to complain about them, I'd say they ignore ecclesiastical authorities way too often, and are sometimes a bit uncharitable towards other factions of the Church (even if we dislike modernist theology, we shouldn't berate the modernist themselves). But the real world SSPX is more calm and reasonable than the internet ones. Many of the people who online claim to adhere to the SSPX come off as "Holier than thou" extremist who started praying two months ago; nothing particularly wrong with that, but their faith may need some time to cool off and reach a more mature, cohesive state.

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40aae3 No.11407


The FSSP is the definition of controlled opposition. There's a reason they still haven't been given a single bishop after 50 years. In my city they aren't even allowed their own church, they're forced to share a church with a Novus Ordo congregation and the FSSP priests are only allowed to call themselves "associate pastors," they're under the authority of the Novus Ordo priest.

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571a55 No.11411

People who saw the systemic corruption in the RCC but simply can't force themselves to break away due to years and years of conditioning so started a new thing but say it's the original thing.

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