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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14

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a251c1 No.13114

True Christians vote for T

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cb383e No.13127


That’s idolatry, also trump lost his mind since 2020 and right wingers have succumbed to overindulgence disease. Also real Christians aren’t pouring all their eggs into the basket of one man and making it the solution of all their problems. That’s delusional and heretical, that’s what fake non-denominational yuppie churches with purple lights, women pastors, and gross acoustic rock do.

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f2df9d No.13128


I have MANY problems with trump

but as a president, he is the best option we really have, feel free to disagree, but we are not going to vote are way out of this mess

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f2df9d No.13129


As a president alone, he is the greatest we have ever had in MANY years, he did everything he promised to do, we are much better off with trump.

But he's not going to save us all, he works for the jews like any president, Democracy is dead.

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