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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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bf7f8d No.13058

An orthodoxy, is a past movement, of self, inside childhood.

A rabbinical, is the act of placing a statement of truth, upon own family.

Therefore, a rabbinical orthodoxy, wishes to repeat their relationship with their mother; impossible, given lack of witness, to actual acts of events intrinsic to their parent's background.

Hence, they assist and aid, through others, with the rape and capture and childbirth, through a woman, they kidnap, in contradiction to their mother's actual allegiance, to raise a child as they see themselves living vicariously to repeat their own failures.

Therefore, it can be assumed that their mother, was an enemy agent, towards the war of pride the family takes upon itself to salute in tradition of common media; media not being necessarily film or fiction, but the propaganda immersed of the state.

You could therefore see, that the Rabbi, has raped a woman, in lie of his mother's parenting, to make himself a festering ball of feces, the actual term without insult; the festering, the Rabbi's perception of self, with feces, being the delusion of the toilet given shaking fears of own failure of mother having robbed pride of country from the Rabbi.

In other words, the Rabbi, raises a rape baby, rejected from all society, by the rape baby's own act, male or female; not to be homosexual, a refusal of spouse, but to be a bachelor or bachelorette, the bigotry against homosexuals being potential Rabbinicals, if gay or lesbian in open experiment, a rapist to a woman or man in forced coitus.

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bf7f8d No.13059

Booth, kidnaps Gore; Bavarian Sheriffs.

Luciano, kidnaps Iscariot; National Security Agency.

Manson, kidnaps Tudor; Homeland Security.

Keenan, kidnaps Bourbon; External Security.

Adams, kidnaps Romanov; Committee for Security Services.

Kalashnikov, kidnaps Nazarene; al-Mossad.

Kennedy, kidnaps Agnew; Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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bf7f8d No.13060

"Syriana": The placement of the wealthy elite, inside law academies in Brazil, Israel, the United States, India, and Britain, to simulate the Sisak death camps, by training them as Down's Syndromes; authentic Germans, of World War 2.

"The Dark Knight": The interdiction of social organizations from Twelve Steps, Jews for Jesus, LGBTQ Pride, the Freemasonic Lodge, and IDF Para-Recon, inside trade unions and internet vigilance monitors.

"The Departed": The purge of Jewish texts of Holy Rabbinical, from Churches of State of Italy, by introduction of bagging laws to autistic savantes; Down's Syndromes, with Iscarim bloodlines, through the shutdown of small business of Canada and the captures of the Bulger lieutenants, "the boys from class D", a US Army term for gangster soldiers.

"John Wick": The straight line of patents, to be protected, by the switch between Newton clarity, and Leibniz fugue, by placing self through contradecibel effects, to out musicians as child molesters, any and all of them; thieves of child pattern of being, as a child molester, through guitar crescendo and bass low.

"Venom": The interview with famous criminals, to introduce them to potent venom sabotage compounds; therefore, criminals have something to fear, the confinement for having printed literature for an arms brokerage bureau; a giant beam, from outer space, to cause an earthquake.

"Star Trek: Picard": The freedom for Sunnis, to practice as they may, without control from China, and the PaGodas, the actual Synagogues, not Temples or Bondage Homes.

"The Matrix 4: Resurrections": The print of media of spies behaving badly, to strike terror into rival agents, all of them with foreign Church predilections; outside of political Congresses, those plying their trade on foreign estate's soul, however on your waters, as Americans.

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