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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: b218a45cc35f792⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,2550x3300,17:22,The_Destruction_Of_My_Peop….jpg)

7006aa No.13118

The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

"I will destroy, My son. The level of wickedness has gotten too great all over the land. My people must be destroyed, they no longer serve Me, they serve themselves. The pastors have brought them far away from Me; paths of righteousness have been forsaken. Every man does what is right in his eyes, not My will. My will goes neglected, few do it. This nation, this mighty land of yours will be but a memory, gone forever. My people have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. Few will be left who call themselves Christians; My will must be done; few will do it; few will be left when I Am finished with this land of selfishness and greed, My son. Few will serve Me; all care about their own, not My things. My Church lies forsaken; few will serve Me in Spirit and truth. All have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken, My son. Amen."

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