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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: 3812a6860c41cd3⋯.jpeg (58.83 KB,1024x683,1024:683,d9e5480a16a001828e41480fd….jpeg)

bbd007 No.10823

ROME - Recently - and, many observers would say, belatedly - the Catholic Church has awoken to the reality of anti-Christian persecution around the world. The emblematic case is the Nineveh Plains in northern Iraq, where Catholic organizations such as the Knights of Columbus and Aid to the Church in Need have meant the difference between life and death for a resilient Christian minority struggling to rebuild post-ISIS.

Pope Francis routinely talks about anti-Christian persecution as a fact of life in the early 21st century, invoking an “ecumenism of blood” to express the reality that oppressors don’t generally make distinctions among the types of Christianity practiced by their victims.

This activism is warranted by the threats faced by tens of millions of Christians around the world - to invoke the language of the Catholic Mass, it is “right and just.” For a Catholic witness to be effective, however, it must be consistent and apply across the board, lest it seem mere confessional self-interest.

And that, by a short route, brings us to the small town of Cuamontax Huazalingo, Mexico, population around 700 souls, located in Hidalgo State in the central part of the country just north of Mexico City.

Last Sunday, four Protestants were kicked out of town by village leaders in Cuamontax Huazalingo, apparently in retaliation for their refusal to sign an agreement barring Protestants from entering the community and also for a press conference held by their lawyer accusing the Mexican government of failing to defend religious freedom.

A home belonging to Gilberto Badillo, his adult son Uriel Badillo and their wives, all Missionary Baptists, was attacked on Sunday while they were away, with all their belongings carted off and the windows smashed in order to make the home uninhabitable. In consequence, the Badillos left town and sought refuge in a nearby city.

According to religious freedom watchdog groups, there was ample warning the family was in danger but local and regional government officials refused to intervene, instead giving interviews to media blaming the family for their refusal to participate in, and give financial support to, Catholic activities.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports that beginning in 2018, community leaders cut the electricity, running water and sewage services to the handful of Protestant inhabitants, demanding that they sign an agreement to financially support all village activities, including Catholic festivals, and also pledging that no Protestant missionaries would enter.

(cont) https://cruxnow.com/news-analysis/2019/08/02/rural-mexico-a-gut-check-for-catholic-church-on-religious-freedom/

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665331 No.10830

Just like /christian/

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95495e No.10833

>media blaming the family for their refusal to participate in, and give financial support to, Catholic activities.

>demanding that they sign an agreement to financially support all village activities

>Witnesses reported that roughly 30 traditionalist Catholics assaulted López, shouted Catholic slogans at him, dragged him into a hall for a “trial,” sentenced him to death and forced him to dig his own grave, then smashed his head with rocks.

<this is about religious freedom!

<absolutely no mention of (((communism))) anywhere

Pride and wilful ignorance will bring upon the destruction of Rome soon enough.

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49e646 No.10863


>Acting like Muslims


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d22360 No.10867

How evil. I'm thankful for my US Baptist ancestors who fought against such a system.


This is a religious freedom case. The state church is the roman cult, and Baptists are being persecuted on account of their religion. The way it ought to be is that no church has the coercive power of the monopoly on violence from the government, because there is inevitably a conflict of interest.

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5bde8b No.10869


Communism is always in conflict with religious freedom, so it's a matter of both. The telling part is that the RCC doesn't acknowledge the eerie parallels been their "traditionalists" and the soviets of old.

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df9ef9 No.11173


lmao, heretics BTFO.

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4bc156 No.11178


Uh, buddy, Mexico is not exactly the nation you want to proudly wave around as Catholic exemplar.

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bbb2ba No.11226


Have you said your prayers to Pachamama today, anon?

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bbeb78 No.11229


Stop acting like this is the norm, it's one family in Mexico. You're behaving like a Jew, you should be thanking the Catholics for building the west for you instead of accusing them of being a cult.

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c54601 No.11230



>you should be thanking the Catholics for building the west for you


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583ad2 No.11271

File: f1f87ab65ff9f4e⋯.jpg (35.21 KB,800x450,16:9,Screen_Shot_2019-01-17_at_….jpg)


>apparently in retaliation for their refusal to sign an agreement barring Protestants from entering the community

Isn't that, like, extremely invalid as a contract, from a judicial POV?

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bbb2ba No.11286


You get that is happening in Mexico yeah?

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b245df No.11293


Based Mexibros.

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f58354 No.11322


Protgressives need to learn their place.

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4da564 No.11323



>Baptists don't sign a document which would ban their religion, criticize the government

>Catholics loot and destroy a Baptist's house

>Catholics itt: "based" "good, protgressives need to learn their place"

You aren't Christian, but that goes without saying since you're catholic.


I pray that many Mexicans who were born into the papist cult will have their eyes opened by this story.

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d623f2 No.11325

Good, we need more actions against dangerous religious cults like that.

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7b9342 No.11335

File: 1d0066aa6ffcf27⋯.jpg (78.72 KB,724x456,181:114,1543710405-WORLD-NEWS-MEXI….jpg)

>Anything under attack from anyone in Mexico

I'm sorry for the people suffering the violence. However, I do have to wonder to what extent is it religious violence and to what extent it is just Mexico being a failed state. I wouldn't be surprised if local politics and loyalties were involved and had more relevance than religion in that conflict.


To be honest, there were some baptist in /christian/ that were destroying the board from the inside. The mods did overreact, however, and the board became quite stale as a consequence.

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d21ed6 No.11336


>To be honest, there were some baptist in /christian/ that were destroying the board from the inside.

What does that even mean lol

People posted, mods censored. Simple as.

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7b9342 No.11337


Some people were trying to turn every thread into a fight, pushing hard the denomination meme. Most people do not join christian communities just to see which denomination has the largest benis. If a christian board is as toxic as /b/, then there's a problem.

But as I said, mods did overreact and a lot of people felt like they were being hunted and discriminated against, and they left the board.

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bbeb78 No.11338


We need a rule against disrespecting each other in general, there's people like the assblasted baptists ITT that reduce the overall board quality with anti-Catholic s—posts. The community is small as it is, we don't need that kind of s— right now.

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e93b2f No.11340


Are you kidding?

The thread is literally about an article documenting violence by Catholics against Baptists, and Catholics are applauding it.


Just simply not the case. There was no Baptist conspiracy to subvert the board, and in fact the board was started by a Baptist.

IFB were just the 4pol Australians of /christian/ and mods couldn't respond appropriately

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7b9342 No.11341


I fear that rule would inevitably be too broad and led to mismanagement and arbitrary banning.


No one's applauding violence. And there was no Baptist conspiracy but the most prominent sh*tposters were Baptist, which led to mods policing anything Baptist much more closely, which in turn created an anti-Babtist bias in moderation.

I don't claim it was a conscious coordinated attempt at destroying the board, but the result still was that it felt unwelcoming to most Christians, who joined just to see everyone bickering about everything.

But again, I don't think creating a Baptist exodus was a good solution. Sure, it's a calmer board now, but it's also a huge hug-box populated with LARPers.

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665669 No.11342

yep, the old catholics vs baptists vs latter day saints, vs protestants vs orthodox s—……..

not a single s— given about race, or anything of any importance at all, just "well I am better at worshiping my imaginary friend than you". Don't get me started on how Christians mistakenly believe that they are conservative, when they never have been. They are the very reason leftism is the religion of the west today. Christianity is in fact proto-leftism.

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de58cd No.11345


>No one's applauding violence






But I agree with your conclusion that there doesn't need to be a fracture in the userbase

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bbeb78 No.11346


t. 16 year old brainlet who just discovered /pol/

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de58cd No.11347


>not a single s— given about race, or anything of any importance at all

Feel free to make a thread about whatever topic you feel is important

Here's one we had about race a while ago >>10628


>They are the very reason leftism is the religion of the west today.

The traditional religion of the west is to blame for the evil new religion of the west?

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bbeb78 No.11349



It seems more like a reaction to what Baptists are saying about Catholics more than anything. This thread in general didn't need to be made, it was basically just an article thrown out to start a division amongst each other, the OP didn't even commentate on it or attempt to discuss what caused this or how future conflicts could be resolved.

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665669 No.11351


>The traditional religion of the west is to blame for the evil new religion of the west?

You are demonstrating my point right now. Christianity isn't white people, it is a global religion that originated in the f—ing middle east, that was forced apon the west by the sword and later embraced by kings because it gave them more power over their own subjects than they had originally, the so called "divine right of kings"

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665669 No.11353


>The traditional religion of the west is to blame for the evil new religion of the west?

You are demonstrating my point right now. Christianity isn't white people, it is a global religion that originated in the f—ing middle east, that was forced apon the west by the sword and later embraced by kings because it gave them more power over their own subjects than they had originally, the so called "divine right of kings"

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bbeb78 No.11354


This is historic revisionism at its finest. I feel as if you're too far gone to even attempt to explain just how insufferable and stupid you sound. If you want a religion of the blood, go LARP on /pol/, you clearly don't know anything about Christianity.

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bbeb78 No.11355

Accidentally posted to the wrong guy.



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23cb4d No.11356


>don't talk about crimes when catholics are the perpetrators

It's a news article. We don't need to justify talking about it.

>It seems more like a reaction to what Baptists are saying about Catholics more than anything

Where? You're grasping at straws.

Baptists, other protestants and EOs are condemning what happened, catholics are applauding it. Don't try and deny it.

If the roles were reversed I would feel the same way.

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bbeb78 No.11360


>We don't need to talk about the OP being blatant bait or be constructive about it because I said so


>Where? You're grasping at straws

The first Baptist post preceded any Catholic posts. It honestly doesn't matter either way, this isn't representative of Catholicism and we all know it. That was my point since the start, literally nothing good comes of it because it's an abnormality, this just serves to promote division and s—posts.

>If the roles were reversed I would feel the same way.

I'm not Catholic, this is just common sense.

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b33952 No.11361


The OP is literally a verbatim paste of a news article.

And what is wrong with the first Baptist post?

Who is saying that this is representative of Catholics worldwide? Certainly not that post. All s—posts itt are in favor of the violence.

You are acting as an apologist for textbook victim blamers. Cut your losses and stop.

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bbeb78 No.11362


The fact it's a verbatim post makes it low quality af, it definitely ticks a bait box.

>And what is wrong with the first Baptist post?

It's a typical anti-Catholic post, don't be a blind nigger.

>Who is saying that this is representative of Catholics worldwide? Certainly not that post.

He calls it a "system" and assumes Catholicism is a state cult, therefore greater than that local populace of Mexico. You're trying to get rid of context for some reason.

>Stop blaming the victims ;(

I'm not condoning anything that happened to them, but I'm also not condoning anti-Catholic rhetoric that stems from s— like this.

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b33952 No.11364


The system is state religion, you illiterate. In this case it's Catholic Mexico.

You are moving the goalposts so hard.

The s—posters are Catholic. Say it. They're applauding violence. There was one single Baptist post in this thread and it's tame, the worst you could say is that it's calling the RCC a cult.

Just for the record, I don't believe you when you say you're not a Catholic yourself. Nobody imagines that some opposing group is being slandered like you're doing.

The cause of antisemitism is Jewish behavior, and the cause of anti Catholic posting on imageboards is Catholic behavior.

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bbeb78 No.11366


I'm done with your faggot s—, all you've proven is protties have a persecution complex and Catholics laugh at them.

>I- I don't believe you!

Cope harder.

>The cause of antisemitism is Jewish behavior, and the cause of anti Catholic posting on imageboards is Catholic behavior

Kek, that's not what the case was before 8ch got shut down.

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bbeb78 No.11368


>Boohoo Charlemagne btfo 3000 raiding Saxons ;(

Maybe read a book about how Christians managed to convert pantheist barbarians to the true faith instead of being a brainlet who looks at a singular event in history to determine the entirety of it's conversion process.

Like I said, /pol/ has rotted your brain from the inside out. I simply can't help the fact your IQ is too low to do any research into anything before spouting s— about it.

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bbeb78 No.11369


Congratulations on spamming your incoherent indoctrination. Maybe you might be better received on reddit or something.

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dfde90 No.11379


You came into this thread, a thread about Protestant persecution by catholics in Mexico, and started whining about Baptists and making excuses for the actions of catholics.

You're just another asshurt papist who can't stand the fact that /christianity/ doesn't auto-censor anything vaguely anti-catholic even if it's literally just a news article.

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bf74ea No.11385


you're something else

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e8a6b6 No.11390


>Charlemagne executed in the massacre of Verden over 4500 people who had already surrendered.

And it ended up being his version of Benghazi, for the rest of his reign.

>This was a single well documented massacre

And among the only ones.

Which is why when you ask larpagans about this massive heathen persecution supposedly happening everywhere that they talk about, they invoke the Saxons and….that's pretty much it?

Maybe Olaf Tryggvason, if they are autistic about history.

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bbb2ba No.11391


Your containment board is calling, bro.

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