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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: be7e3641234d5b3⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2550x3300,17:22,The_Digital_World_Will_Be_….jpg)

8ea87f No.13076

The Digital World Will Be Gone In A Flash!

“The Digital world will be gone in a flash! Do not depend on it, My son. What will you do when all is gone? I have preordained its destruction; electromagnetic pulses are ready to do My bidding, says the LORD. What will you do when all is gone? The world and its devices will come to a sudden end—its back to the Stone Age for all of you! Few will survive what is coming. All depend on electricity for their livelihood. Few will go back to the Dark Ages; few will survive what is coming. Electromagnetic pulses will be everywhere. Digital data will be gone! If you depend on it—woe unto you! The world and its data will be a thing of the past. The idols must fall! Destruction will be everywhere! Society cannot cope with the loss and the Modern Age will be no more. Expect it! Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen.”

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