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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: d408941e67207a9⋯.jpg (153.41 KB,1024x512,2:1,Jesus-Water-to-Wine.jpg)

05c451 No.11744

Does oinos mean wine or grape juice?

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877fce No.11747

Teetotalism is a mature position to hold yourself to but not a clear enough one to demand of others. I can't drink as a rule of my seminary.

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399058 No.11748


You've any tips for studying the Bible or learning Koine Greek, Latin, Aramaic, or Classical Hebrew?

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947d39 No.11749


Use good curriculum and not any book you find on the topic, especially not if they're from a liberal institution

In languages its almost entirely about devoting time to it

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4c8581 No.11757


Thanks mate.

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3cd6fe No.11759


Wine. Making it grape juice twists the context and meaning of the word found in the New Testament.

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0af420 No.11761


Wine is juice. Usually wine refers to fermented (alcoholic) juice, but sometimes the word wine is used when the juice is not alcoholic as in Isaiah 65:8.

From this we can conclude that the word "wine" doesn't necessarily mean alcohol when it's unspecified, so in cases like the wedding feast at Cana we can plausibly say that our Lord gave unfermented "good wine" to a "well drunk" crowd.

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8d9e2d No.11773


It can mean either, but ussually means wine in the NT.


Study Attic Greek first, (Athenaze is a good curriculum you can find free online), and then use an older grammar like Machen's when you move to Kione Greek. Doing it this way you avoid a lot of modern theological bias, and you can just learn the language. Also try learning with modern pronunciation since there's ample material to help you get sounding like a Greek.

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959a03 No.11780

It's wine. Nobody even knew how to create unfermented grape juice until the 1800's. Grapes start fermenting immediately and it takes modern technology to prevent it from happening so that non-alcoholic juice can be made.

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63876b No.11798

Wine. Obviously! Wine is symbolic of maturity, and Sabbath rest (that's why Noah drinks it after he comes out of the Ark. The Flood is creation backwards, a global baptism. Just as after God creates He rests, so Noah rests after the Flood). This is particularly because children can eat grapes and drink grape juice, but only adults can appreciate the taste of wine. Priests in the Tabernacle/Temple and Nazarites are not allowed to drink wine because the Sabbath for Israel has not come yet. It comes in Jesus, and that's why we drink wine in the Eucharist.

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52ffd8 No.12407

Proverbs 31:6

Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, And wine unto the bitter in soul:

The "strong drink" has been rendered varyingly as mead in the Septuagint and as "sicera" in the Vulgate; elsewhere in the Septuagint it is also rendered as 'síkera'. Perhaps a fizzy beverage like a beer or a cider could have been what was had in mind as opposed to something like distilled spirits which didn't spread throughout the world until around the High Middle Ages; but perhaps it might have also been any other sort of strong fermented concoction.

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a94400 No.12463

File: 445e40222e3bf8c⋯.jpg (213.6 KB,801x1200,267:400,NYET!.jpg)

Proverbs 23:19–21:

>Hear, my child, and be wise, and direct your mind in the way.

>Do not be among winebibbers, or among gluttonous eaters of meat;

>for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe them with rags.

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29794f No.12933


But that passage is clearly referring not to those who drink wine or eat meat, but specifically to those who do so IN EXCESS. The passage does not forbid drinking wine, or eating meat for that matter, as a whole, it merely discourages one from being a drunk or glutton, or associating with those who are. Also

>Using a Soviet propaganda poster to make a point in a Christian board

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