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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: 69a997b9891a814⋯.png (9.49 MB,4830x2991,1610:997,69a997b9891a814f624d9e0926….png)

9afbcc No.9229

This confuses and angers the prot.

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46144c No.9231

The new rites of Episcopal consecration and ordination are of doubtful validity, so…

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e7e7c1 No.9235

nice shitpost

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85b9d2 No.9245

Just asserting a position works on 4/pol/ but you need to start out with supporting evidence if you want discussion around here

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907932 No.9293


Why would I be angry over fanfiction?

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33aac0 No.9342


9 MB picture is to large for those who have bad internet. Though I'm sure RC have that issue as well

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