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/9chan/ - 9 Chan

9 Chan


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File: aef601b853a2ff1⋯.jpg (82.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,TOLL_FREE_NUMBER.jpg)

534ab3 No.543 [Open thread]

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File: c6b7b9221b1784a⋯.jpeg (86.46 KB,923x555,923:555,IMG_7085.jpeg)

de4129 No.542 [Open thread]

What’s going on here?

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File: e17c93c1f1ef3d3⋯.jpeg (547.71 KB,1162x1408,581:704,IMG_7058.jpeg)

dd04ca No.541 [Open thread]

Research and Development


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File: c54cc3be82e642b⋯.jpeg (4.2 MB,5712x4284,4:3,IMG_1588.jpeg)

82a31f No.540 [Open thread]

Eat the bread.

Follow the recipe.

Leave breadcrumbs.

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File: 7a7cd879a7d0376⋯.jpg (193.95 KB,1163x768,1163:768,jason_.jpg)

88f263 No.535 [Open thread]

Be Jason, admin of 9chan

Wake up, coffee, check site, big mistake

Board's a mess, worse than usual, think it's time for a reset

Decide to delete everything, like a digital scorched earth policy

Try to delete, but guess what?

Internet's like a cockroach, it just won't die

Every time he hits 'delete', some autist has already mirrored the content

Jason's sweating, "Maybe if I just unplug everything?"

Nope, someone's already screenshotting, laughing their ass off

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79204f No.536

File: 3dbc14bd2e51ff6⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,1284x2211,428:737,IMG_6103.jpeg)

File: 80641dafb4abf83⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,1284x2487,428:829,IMG_6104.jpeg)

File: 5c980aad56cf2bd⋯.jpeg (2.06 MB,1208x2457,1208:2457,IMG_6105.jpeg)

File: 970a17e9cc03228⋯.jpeg (602.28 KB,1284x1195,1284:1195,IMG_6106.jpeg)

File: 19716ae77fcf669⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB,1195x2490,239:498,IMG_6107.jpeg)

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79204f No.537

File: f1040773dcdee38⋯.jpeg (18.12 KB,197x256,197:256,IMG_2372.jpeg)


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