>be me
>like 6 years ago
>catholic, used to be prot
>work at prot camp for special needs kids
>can’t stand the prot stuff but all the autists and downies are awesome
>enjoy time with most of my prot friends but hate this one guy
>he’s a prick to the special needs campers and everyone else
>barely over 5 ft, has real LMS
>he’s even an indie lib, it just can’t get any worse
>we’ll call him smallanon
>camp sessions run a week then we have two days off
>camp term just ends
>me and some pals are about to drive to a random town and explore
>smallanon invites himself to go with us
>friends are too nice to say no
>get in the car and start chewing the fat
>we start mocking speaking in tongues
>smallanon gets off his phone and starts defending it
>learn that smallanon is Pentecostal
>hell yes
>im usually pretty civil arguing religion but I let the SOB have it
>wasn’t being a charitable catholic but boy was it delicious
>i absolutely obliterated every argument he tried to make
>finally he pulls out his trump card, something like they’ve done brain scans of tongue speakers and have shown parts of the brain being activated that are literally impossible for humans to do
>therefore it must be a spiritual presence helping them tongue speak
>don’t know enough about brains to say he’s full of it but who cares
>“smallanon, I do believe that these are spiritual experiences you’re having but it’s not God doing it, you’re being demonically possessed”
>we haven’t even gotten to the town yet
>mfw he silently weeps for the almost the rest of the ride
>mfw he doesn’t say one more word on that trip or to me the rest of our summer at camp
That was legitimately the last time I ever talked to him. You think I changed his mind? Did I go too far?