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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 9c72a29af147b4b⋯.jpg (63.01 KB,1280x640,2:1,9c72a29af147b4bfb538c50682….jpg)

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9d28d5 No.155007 [Last50 Posts]

13SEP20 to 19OCT20


This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.

All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.

One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This is the 1st thread.

Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns

Make sure your buns have minimal errors we will not be editing or deleting full buns

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.155296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9d28d5 No.173238

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10623514 Q Research General #13595: Trump Rally in Minden, Nevada

Created 130028ZSEP20




>>102726, >>102734 No structural Damage U of Florida, Tractor fire at stadium

>>102727 San Fran might let 16 yr. olds vote

>>102728, >>102729 Pics from rally Nevada

>>102730 POTUS visiting Cal. Monday to see fires

>>102731 Qanon bigger than Covid

>>102732 Boat parade Green Bay, WI tom.

>>102733 Detroit police chief refuses to resign

>>102735 Big Tech's influence on entire movements

>>102736 Mighty Ducks star wants to run for Pres. as Independent

>>102737 George Floyd swallowed drugs prior arrest

>>102738 Planefag report

>>102739 Anon on Q drops

>>102740 BLM out on D.C. streets again

(13 notables, 15 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173239

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10624224 Q Research General #13596: Imminent Rally Ebake Edition

Created 130125ZSEP20




>>102741 Digs on Telegram app

>>102742, >>102758 POTUS mentions we have 311 miles of wall built. Mirror that! 11.3

>>102743 Netfix 'Cuties': Ted Cruz letter to AG Barr requesting investigation re pb

>>102744, >>102748 Transsexual Satanist anarchist wins GOP nomination for sheriff in NH county

>>102745 BLM Mob Back Out in the Streets of DC tonight — Threaten Reporters for Filming

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8NKd8TWVMIc - BLM Mob in Washington DC Threaten Reporters for Filming Protests on Saturday Night [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>102746 New Ben Garrison

>>102747, >>102771 #13595, #13596

>>102749 Solomon: Ex-judge reviewing Flynn cases urges guilty plea be upheld (Gleeson)

>>102750 Video - Lou Dobbs tonight 9/12/20: Justice Roberts screwed us/POTUS again

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y7RA67MT8KY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>102751 Scripps Research pays $10m settlement to US for improper grant funding usage

>>102752 Three more bodies located in rubble of Northern California fire

>>102753 Top Kek: Biden hiring actors for his rallies on Craigslist?

>>102754 Postal Service offering $50,000 reward for info related to mail carrier shooting

>>102755, >>102759 Map and list of Sanctuary Cities & Florida has 8 Sanctuary Counties

>>102756 NY judge greenlights deposition of Saudi officials in lawsuit by 9/11 victims’ families

>>102757 Fresh PDJT: Just landed in Nevada

>>102760 Complaint asks that Wisconsin cities be barred from using $6m from left-leaning group

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2586e3824f52d4e728956cd0edd4dcaf2dbf0d586be63f7c23fcce859f1d9be2.pdf

>>102761, >>102763 Man Takes Dump on Pelosi’s Driveway in San Francisco – Live-Streams It

>>102762 Susan Rice's Stepfather Alfred Fitt oversaw the second burial of JFK

>>102764 Portland Anon: Multiple reports of people igniting more fires around the state

>>102765 POTUS' Rally: Almost 100k watching Right Side Broadcasting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=--39HS7e9TM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Reno, NV 9-12-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>102766, >>102768 Scavino tweet and video of POTUS' motorclade

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16d18f57211833a9d8f72f23fb0ce2b0d389ed905d4bc8120726c671aedc01bb.mp4

>>102767 Thousands march today in anti-mask rally in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

>>102769 More arson in Oregon: Man arrested for arson after fire at Hillsboro restaurant

>>102770 Thu 09.10.2020

(25 notables, 31 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173240

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10625742 Q Research General #13598: POTUS ON FIRE - THE GLOVES ARE OFF Edition

Created 130311ZSEP20




>>102808 POTUS: They're gonna open up their suburban destruction program

>>102809 CDC calls expectant mothers 'pregnant people', suggests they stay 6ft from their babies

>>102810, >>102812, >>102818 The seventh flag behind POTUS & gold fringes

>>102811, >>102813 The Techniques of Communism: Invading Education

>>102814 DHS Proposes Massive Expansion Of "Biometric Modality" Collection

>>102815 POTUS said 38 at least 3 times: Q Post #38

>>102816 Former NSC Member: Iran Wants Joe Biden in the White House

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3mmMr-kkiu4 - Ambassador Robert Joseph Talks Iran on The Kyle Olson Show [Channel: Kyle Olson]

>>102817, >>102821, >>102822 Videos: Pelosi Watch

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/310974882d76094aab0b8d3f76de8150ebf5941c369285e46d4ead4988b698a8.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/45c7802440c3f6359c7515011a724ffee6f4bd2145be8e51d89ef3e132b1fe1f.mp4

>>102819 29 dead including 2 children, dozens missing from West Coast wildfires - POTUS to visit

>>102820 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY September 13, 2020

>>102823 New Scavino Rally Tweet: Happening Now !!

>>102824 Article: Why I chose to tackle Obama's sexuality

>>102825, >>102826 San Francisco “Poop Patrollers” Make $185,000 each

>>102827 Dog Comms from CBS Chicago?

>>102828 Planefag Reports

>>102829 Rally Clip: The Meuller Scam - Weissmann Team Illegally Wiped 31 Phones. Just like HRC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5b36d6e8f921d2965ff36ab5947c22f333ed75dae16e9a3c806faeecb80b7249.mp4

>>102830 Central casting call to dig

>>102831 Tweet & Video: US Veteran stands up to Biden

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/38c2223304484d1452fedc1261cf3fa7b447ef418fe1378981f0fac38d3eec8e.mp4

>>102832 Rally Clip: POTUS lays the blame for the rioters squarely at Local Dem Leaderships feet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7fb7d2ab7e3fd47e25ef14a64709c027e0abacd1e7e15a86bad050b39d35b606.mp4

>>102833 #13598

(20 notables, 26 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173241

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10626502 Q Research General #13599: AND WE WILL BAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! Edition

Created 130356ZSEP20




>>102834 POTUS tweet Thank you Nevada

>>102835 More Tranny Cops, TX this time

>>102836 Lou Dobbs calling out D's who arent investigating "Cuties"

>>102837 President Trump sits down with Judge Jeanine in exclusive interview

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xUHsUnVg-Oc - President Trump sits down with Judge Jeanine in exclusive interview [Channel: Fox News]

>>102838 Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills

>>102839 "1st" case of evactuation looting in Oregon.

>>102840, >>102849 Anderson Cooper also cleaning out his closet (tweets)

>>102841 Tom Hanks just deleted 3 years worth of tweets in the last hour

>>102842 Two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies 'fighting for their lives' after ambush in Compton (update)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8de230a8a83bc435a11bd3c4ffa650df25d6d09429129545def21be50e88ef34.mp4

>>102843 Video of LA County Sheriff's being shot

>>102844 POTUS tweet on Biden

>>102845 Tik Tok whiches trying to remain relavent

>>102846 Aussies fighting for their right to party

>>102847 POTUS tweet 47 months compared to 47 years

>>102848, >>102851, >>102853, >>102854 Central casting call to dig

>>102850 Marine deported from Philippines

>>102852 POTUS tweet MAGA message

>>102855 Beyonce joins forces with @jack

>>102856 Moar middle east peace talks

>>102857 PF Report

>>102858 POTUS Animals that must be hit hard tweet

>>102859 PapaD tweet

>>102860 #13599

(23 notables, 27 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173242

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10624997 Q Research General #13597: HIGH ENERGY NEVADA RALLY - POTUS TAKING TO THE PODIUM WRWY Edition

Created 130227ZSEP20




>>102772, >>102784 Motor Speech Phenotypes of Frontotemporal Dementia

>>102773, >>102777 POTUS: After I saw that ad, now I can be really vicious!

>>102774, >>102775 POTUS: No experience Hunter #WheresHunter

>>102776 Oregon Fire Marshal abruptly resigns after being put on leave amid historic wildfires

>>102778 Cuties wasn't the first time for Netflix…"Dancing Queen" and "Big Mouth" were questionable

>>102779, >>102794 Caps from POTUS' Reno, Nevada Rally

>>102780 POTUS on Biden: He's unstable

>>102781 Postal worker rented a storage unit to hide mail because he felt 'pressured' to deliver it

>>102782 10625314 FB launches college-only platform

>>102783 Soros was made by the Rothschild

>>102785, >>102787 POTUS is on FIRE!!!! Gloves ARE OFF!!

>>102786 Let's take a look at at this pedo shit show "Big Mouth"

>>102788, >>102789, >>102791, >>102801 Anons on the rally

>>102790 HRC's lawyer admitted under oath she was granted immunity by the DoJ in 2016

>>102792, >>102793 Climate Change: Most Brazen Scientific Hoax In Human History

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8455KEDitpU - My Gift To Climate Alarmists [Channel: Tony Heller]

>>102795 Rep. Paul Gosar retweeted Kurt Schlichter's defence of Q

>>102796, >>102798 2 Sheriff Deputies shot in Compton, LA, now fighting for their lives

>>102797 Snowden Responds to POTUS' 'Pardon' Comment, Urges to End 'War on Whistleblowers'

>>102799 70 thousand viewers on Fox

>>102800 112k viewers on RSBN

>>102802 Four Arrested for Arson on the West Coast,

>>102804 Nearly 20 black families buy 100 acres of land to create 'safe haven for people of color'

>>102805 Grenell slates Jeremy Diamond

>>102806 Planefag Updates

>>102807 #13597

(25 notables, 35 posts, 34 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173243

File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10628075 Q Research General #13601: Prayers for Compton Deputies and LEOs Everywhere Edition

Created 130715ZSEP20




>>102885, >>102886, >>102888 Protestors chanting "We Hope they die" and blocking ER entrance at hospital treating Deputies

>>102887, >>102889 Repost of "Biden is a Pedo" analysis vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YGxDAHJKuho - Where Are Biden's Boundaries? [Channel: Too Far Left Media]

>>102890, >>102891 UK: CoronaVirus tests capture and store DNA without permission for "future reference"

>>102892 BLM rioters chanting "Eff your Jesus"?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/146987b9a031b79dd12cc2fa02a03bb0deb67bf6ab22be7da19bcdabfa74c237.mp4

>>102893 Compton Deputies gunman vid - opened fire without warning or provocation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8de230a8a83bc435a11bd3c4ffa650df25d6d09429129545def21be50e88ef34.mp4

>>102894 Anon on PDJT holding all the cards, insurrection and mass arrests

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HH0AvaG3SqQ - Donald Trump warns it is 'calm before the storm' [Channel: The Telegraph]

>>102895 Resignation Anon rec'd threatening letter from AntiQue Clan

>>102896 Another possible arsonist detained connected to Federal Way arson - lighters and butane in his possession

>>102897 So. Carolina Fire destroys historic mental institution

>>102898 Bishops Bail out Biden - Silence them who condemn him

>>102899 (9.12.20) Chicago Gun Store Looter Released, Murders Walgreens Clerk

>>102900 100 BLM protestors shut down George Washington Bridge and clash w/NYPD

>>102901 Archive Anon "Thx and o7 Memefarmer" edition contains 13614 breads

>>102902, >>102903, >>102904, >>102905, >>102906, >>102908 (Huff Post Hit piece) QAnon impedes legit anti-trafficking efforts

>>102907 DoD twat: We salute Grandmas and Grandpas who served this great nation

>>102909 #13601

(16 notables, 25 posts, 19 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173244

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10627312 Q Research General #13600 Opticizing the night away Edition

Created 130516ZSEP20




>>102861 Oregon wildfire refugees will march on Oregon Government

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=J57uhlZsnVk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>102862 US Military Aviation History digg

>>102863, >>102866, >>102870, >>102876, >>102879 Planefags

>>102864 shot LA Sherrif Deputies update - alive and fighting

>>102865 poor taste

>>102867 'Beau' Biden was also supposedly fighting pedophiles

>>102868 L.A. County deputy alleges ‘Executioner’ gang dominates Compton sheriff station.

>>102869, >>102882 Facebook shitbag celebrating LA Sherriffs getting shot

>>102871 repost of MN police defense making motion to see if George Floyd was an FBI/LEO informant

>>102872, >>102873 L.A. Casting event

>>102874 Trans Satanist wins GOP nom for sheriff TWATTER/NY Post

>>102875 NAZI ship found off Norway TWAT

>>102877, >>102881 Los Angeles/ New Orleans Casting Events 9/16 and 9/17

>>102878 Jet streams are picking up heat generated from the manmade forest fires TWAT

>>102880 some POTUS great POTUS quotes Gabby Orr TWAT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/287601ad0801f6d86f9662fa6811a3ea97ef34ed5232ba7c4aa4b406cac81418.mp4

>>102883 Anon has success using border and black boxes meme (anecdotal)

>>102884 #13600

(17 notables, 24 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173245

File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10628867 Q Research General #13602: The Legit #13602 Edition

Created 131026ZSEP20




>>102910, >>102934 Link to the Rockefeller report that proposed a pandemic a decade ago (offsite pdf)

>>102911 Kayleigh Tw*t: Look at the patriots behind the press riser at Minden!

>>102912 Anon nom: Skyfall missile reported by UK MSM. Prepare for 'SKY IS FALLING' week.

>>102913 (9.11.20) Judge in Los Angeles Superior Court: rules against Grace Community Church - prohibits indoor worship services

>>102914 Jim Jordan tw*t: PJT's foreign policy wins

>>102915, >>102916 Oregon Fires - stories and arrested accused arsonists

>>102917 Another CA church prepares to battle for religious liberty: North Valley Baptist in Santa Clara "Needs to go to SC"

>>102918 Scaramucci says ex-officials will come out against PDJT in mid-October

>>102919, >>102921, >>102922, >>102924, >>102926 What is "The Scaramucci model"?

>>102920 Trump’s OSHA Is Fining Companies Pennies for Pandemic Violations

>>102923 New chief of defence staff expected to signal Liberals’ priorities for the military (Canada)

>>102925 Candace Owens tells MarK Levin conservatives have lost the education battle

>>102927 Shooting near Rutgers University under investigation

>>102928 Q Hit piece on front page in Swedish MSM

>>102929 Qanon Candidate, Lauren Boebert, getting twatter famous

>>102930 Mighty Ducks billonaire child star seeks to upend presidential race

>>102931 A Twin Cities man has been charged with starting a fire at Target headquarters during the recent rioting

>>102932 Protesters demand nursing home visits outside Gov. Cuomo’s NYC office

>>102933 Bubba Wallace Quits Richard Petty Motorsports After Noose Stunt

>>102935 Four people arrested for INTENTIONALLY starting blazes on West Coast as wildfires ravage the region

>>102936, >>102938 Jenna Jameson says Hanx deleted 3 years of twats

>>102937 WV Anon says fuckery afot on the ballot


>>102940 40 percent of parents don't want an LGTBQ education for their 6 yr olds

>>102941 U.N. Chooses Teen Prostitution Advocate for top human rights post

>>102942 Andrew Giuliani considering run for NYC mayor in 2021

>>102943 'Trans Satanist anarchist' wins Republican nomination for New Hampshire county sheriff after running unopposed

>>102944 Melania Trump – The Most Beautiful First Lady in History

>>102945 Gunman taken into custody following standoff outside of Arrowhead Stadium

>>102946, >>102947 ICYMI: Chinese virologist Li-Meng Yan claims she has evidence coronavirus was engineered in Wuhan lab

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7Lq3_rsBJ9w - Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Claims Coronavirus Lab 'Cover-Up' Made Her Flee China | Loose Women [Channel: Loose Women]

>>102948 #13602

(31 notables, 39 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173246

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10630464 Q Research General #13604: Incrumbing Brooms Edition

Created 131545ZSEP20




>>102984 Las Vegas #TrumpBoatParade

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82a3ce0e4e3b048657b4cc7ef39792d0634fded9572f962fdc2a2e1e0feb7fe2.mp4

>>102985, >>102988 planefaggin

>>102986, >>102991, >>102998 Protestors at hospital where cops who were "hit" are critical/moment of prayer call

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd8ce906ec22afab186d2b28caaf2d05f3b61d3ead220b527ebcf22fa6eee4ae.mp4

>>102987 Disclosure of recent Child Rape, Exploitation and Abuse supported by Democrat Party, Hollywood and MSM conspirators

>>102989, >>102992 Newsom signs bill reducing penalties for sodomy with minors

>>102990, >>102994, >>102996 ETF's and Physical metal: Gold and Silver

>>102993 We turn the internet into her bridgeFlag of United StatesFrog faceEarth globe americasRed heart!

>>102995 Check out this amazing picture of ‘Old Ironsides’ at sunset with our favorite dog,

>>102997 A stunning revelation came as Netflix attempted to shift the onus of the backlash onto the Sundance Festival

>>102999 ——————————————— EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW [AS WRITTEN]. FUTURE OF OUR REPUBLIC AT STAKE. Did Kevin set his alarm? SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>103000 Wake Co. Sheriff Says Staff Member in Gun Permit Office Tested Positive for COVID, Permit Delays Expected

>>103001 Dr. Fauci and NIAID accused of collaboration with China on the covid19

>>103002 Does the Federal Reserve own or hold gold?

>>103003 9-11

>>103004 #13604

(15 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

Q- >>102999

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173247

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10629696 Q Research General #13603: Attempts to 'Normalize' Will Fail Edition

Created 131347ZSEP20




>>102949 Tam Hanks deletes 3 years worth of tweets and leaves this one up?

>>102950 POTUS: January 1st. “This is going to be the biggest thing that nobody even knows about and it’s all signed”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/549bdb18d7d8eef6e6ad923ee11c3fa8270ad57bec3e968d7e84fbc193cfbc97.mp4

>>102951, >>102970 Chines Virus Reporting

>>102952 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>102953 Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is privately expressing concerns about Joe Biden’s presidential campaign

>>102954 Financefag news

>>102955 "WVU acknowledges ‘unfortunate’ timing of fee deadline followed by shift to virtual classes"

>>102956, >>102957, >>102976, >>102978, >>102982 BLM Antifa Terrorist Warfront

>>102958 Oak Ridge Supercomputer Discovers "Bradykinin Storm" Commonality In Severe C19 Patients From Wuhan

>>102959, >>102971, >>102972, >>102973, >>102980 Q drop Anon notes and decodes

>>102960, >>102966, >>102977 Planefag notes

>>102961 The old God, of the Y family.

>>102962, >>102963 Jack Flynn #BeNotAfraid Retweeted

>>102964 Research publications on role of bradykinins: anti-cancer, asthma, airway inflammation

>>102965, >>102967 Jake Tapper got caught lying so he pulled the plug on Peter Navarro.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/099fd5b31a59e3f541a0bb135729e38d740e355fb86d9555bbced3b89ca15c21.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BQZuD0_1Cz4 - Amber Lyon reveals CNN lies and war propaganda [Channel: Verantwoordelijke Pers]

>>102968, >>102969, >>102974 Brock Pierce Candidate Digs

>>102975 Gather intel on Antifa-type travelers en route to DC

>>102979 Naked man escapes house where imprisoned carrying severed hand in UK

>>102981 Weatherfag reporting on FL

>>102983 #13603

(20 notables, 35 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173248

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10631222 Q Research General #13605: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events] Edition

Created 131654ZSEP20




>>103005 The one thing that unites all people in America is FREEDOM.

>>103006, >>103023 Q graphic >SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>103007 GREENLAND?

>>103008 Oprah Winfrey’s Book of the Month Compares the US to India’s Caste System and Nazi Germany

>>103009 Trump wants ‘DEATH PENALTY’ for attacker who shot LA cops, as protesters chant ‘WE HOPE THEY DIE’

>>103010 Chinese Military Calls US "Destroyer Of World Peace", Citing Millions Dead & Displaced In Iraq, Syria, Libya

>>103011 Is There a New Global One World Police Operating in Victoria?

>>103012, >>103021 Analysis of FOX News Poll: When Adjusted for Party Affiliation and Reality – Trump is Destroying Hiden’ Biden

>>103013 WATCH Colombians scuffle with riot squads in Bogota as outcry over police brutality intensifies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rIQ43uDY5r0

>>103014 Facebook says it’ll REMOVE all posts alleging Oregon fires ‘were started by certain groups’

>>103015 Call to diggz! Strong Cities Network

>>103016 'Y'all gonna die one by one': BLM activists storm hospital where ambushed officers taken, block exits

>>103017 Running censored images through filters on apps such as PicsArt seems to be avoiding the censors.

>>103018, >>103022 National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families................

>>103019 PF updates

>>103020 Mike Bloomberg Pledges $100 Million to Flip Florida for Joe Biden

>>103024 French Police Catch Pregnant 13-Year-Old Migrant Pickpocket

>>103025 Former Louisiana Narcotics Cop Arrested in Drug Sting in Texas near Border

>>103026 Canada’s Trudeau Creates Race-Based $221m Fund for Black People Only

>>103027 Trump-Hating Drudge Report Continues to Hemorrhage Readers — Breitbart Takes the Reins as Largest Conservative Website

>>103028 17th Fourth Carter Page FISA?

>>103029 Bosnian Regional PM Calls on Italy to Help Stop Migrant Surge


>>103031, >>103034 LA Sheriffs: NPR Reporter Arrested For ‘Interfering’ With Cops As They Tried To Control BLM Protests Outside Hospital

>>103032 NY Assembly Bill Gives MOB BOSS Gov. Cuomo Power to Jail or Expel New Yorkers Diagnosed with COVID-19 — WITHOUT A TRIAL, DUE PROCESS

>>103033 Australia is a Full Scale Pilot Test For The New World Order

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iQeRj3zcuoU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103035 Judge Rules Kanye West Stays Off Ballot in Wisconsin

>>103036 Fall Is Coming, So Somali Refugees in Icy Minnesota Are Getting Ready for Their Annual Taxpayer-Subsidized Winter Vacations in Sunny Somalia

>>103037 2016 Obama defends BLM at police MEMORIAL in Dallas

>>103038, >>103039 'Worse Than Anything You Would See in a Horror Movie': Trial Begins for Accused Cannibal

>>103040 AP: Death toll from wildfires ravaging the West Coast has risen to 33, authorities say

>>103041 Has anyone made a video montage of Dems saying "No one is above the law". It might come in handy very soon

>>103042 Signs In Oregon Fire Zones Show Looters And Arsonists Will Not Be Tolerated

>>103043, >>103044 Kevin refresher

>>103045 So, Kevin Corke on 9/11, John Basham on 9/12, and Q on 9/13. Three completely independent sources. I'd say we're in for a helluva good time, kids.

>>103046 #13605

(36 notables, 42 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173249

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10631986 Q Research General #13606:Wakey Wakey KevinEdition

Created 131805ZSEP20




>>103047, >>103048, >>103050, >>103052, >>103053, >>103058, >>103066, >>103078 Other News

>>103049 Pro-Israel groups reportedly break law, media & Congress look the other way

>>103051 WA Gov. Jay Inslee: It's Time for Us to Call Wildfires What They Actually Are - The BS continues

>>103054 Did Kevin Set his Alarm?

>>103055 Inslee, Merkley criticize Trump for suggesting forest management to blame for wildfires

>>103056, >>103072, >>103074, >>103076, >>103077 #WhiteHouseSiege – Tactical Briefing #1-4 EYES ON

>>103057 Military helos in the city - Chicago. Happened 3 times in the past hour.

>>103059, >>103060 ——————————————— Who benefits the most? (Cap: )

>>103061 China mobilizing 'whole of society' in ramped-up intelligence operations, spy expert warns

>>103062 Coronavirus lockdown: Gov't approves three-week closure

>>103063 Rich v Fox News Network

>>103064 Pfizer Has COVID-19 Vaccine In Production, Says Rejecting Federal Funding Gave Scientists Freedom

>>103065 At Afghan Peace Talks, The Hard Work Begins

>>103067 Rep. Jim Banks: Radical left has moved from ‘Defund the Police to Death to Police’

>>103068 Senior Syrian Intelligence General Survived Assassination Attempt In Daraa

>>103069 A Tale of Two Mass Gatherings: Sturgis ‘Super Spreader’ Bike Rally vs. Black Lives Matter ‘Fiery but Mostly Peaceful’ Protests

>>103070 New Pro-Iranian Shiite Armed Group Surfaced In Iraq

>>103071 Still waiting for 10 million I see. - KEK

>>103073 Maybe what the SCO personnel didn't want everyone to know was that they were using encrypted comms to prevent the creation of a record after the fact of their communications

>>103075 Spokane Girl Arrested for Arson Posted Picture on Facebook “Feeling Cute, Might Burn All Your S**t Later”

>>103079 Man Who Threatened To “Off MAGA People” at Protest Pleads Guilty To Federal Charge

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OoqaGBuGIoY - Man with gun tackled at Lubbock protest [Channel: Everything Lubbock]

>>103080 While Pedophile Faces Death By Firing Squad For Molesting Children In Indonesia, California Passes Bill To Reduce Penalties For Sex With “Willing Children”

>>103081 GOP rally for St. Louis gun couple KO'd by Pennsylvania town

>>103082 NYC could lose $3 billion in federal aid over incomplete census forms

>>103083 Today's fire map real time. Fires obey border restrictions

>>103084 #13606

>>103085 ——————————————— How do you accomplish the following:

(27 notables, 39 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>103059, >>103085

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9d28d5 No.173250

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10632725 Q Research General #13607: Who benefits the most? Edition

Created 131902ZSEP20




>>103086 ‘Drama in the Court’ with Defense Witness Trevor Timm (and Kim Dotcom)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DWRqT8bc8qU - CN LIVE! S2E15 DRAMA IN THE COURT - Timm, Maurizi, Gosztola, Mercouris & Kim Dotcom [Channel: Consortium News]

>>103087 Isn’t this the same jackass who assaulted

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1aacd753945e076de34e19e74666ab2e03f95f3a457692b60d20dd684c014237.mp4

>>103088 By the Grace of God anons!

>>103089 Anon answers Q POST How do you accomplish the following 1 to 22 post in PB


>>103091, >>103094, >>103109 WHAT MAKES A PERFECT NOTABLE? - Reminder

>>103092 Party of Darkness: Democrats continue bleak message while pivoting to global warming

>>103093 Fort Jackson soldier, 29, found dead in barracks, marks 4th death at base in past year

>>103095 EasyJet passenger arrested after fights involving race, paper airplane: report

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ewRjZoRtu0Y - M.I.A. - Paper Planes [Channel: MIAVEVO]

>>103096 Navy fires Lackland training center CO

>>103097 Caleb S. Herndon , 21, Sailor dies in DC hit and run

>>103098, >>103099 ——————————————— Knowledge is power! (YT - https://youtu.be/R6fidkEp1eY?t=673 )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=R6fidkEp1eY - Board of County Commissioners Emergency Meeting - Sept. 10, 2020 [Channel: #ClackCo TV]

>>103100 WSU enforces virus mandate compliance following partnership with Incyte laboratories.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8842e3802a2969ae90b0f3123dabd3d6952da14cb1f77c521c73d140d7567b74.mp4

>>103101 Theunanswered and seemingly ignored questionsand answers from AG Barr and Durham’s Investigation on the attempted coup on a sitting President.

>>103102, >>103104, >>103105, >>103110 Video from Q post, Q timestamp 00:12:13 - 00:12:16 Antifa mentioned.

>>103103 WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump holds Latinos for Trump Roundtable in Las Vegas, NV

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_AiqKQRVHjE - WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump holds Latinos for Trump Roundtable in Las Vegas, NV [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>103106 Regarding the Fakeway Pundit Arson Arrest Article in Notables using the Miranda Lambert picture - PB

>>103107, >>103111 rt ———–––——–— 13:33 of the video.

>>103108 In 1944, USS Barb was making an approach on a Japanese ship when it encountered a new "antisubmarine weapon": USNAVY INSTITUTE

>>103112 #13607

(20 notables, 27 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>103098, >>103111

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173251

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10633515 Q Research General #13608: Knowledge is power! Edition

Created 131957ZSEP20




>>103113 Call to dig. Media blackout is criminal and time is ticking we need to fight . Check local arrests, news outlets, scanners, local social media accounts.

>>103114 Beijing Says TikTok's Algorithm "Not For Sale" As Deadline Looms

>>103115, >>103123, >>103124, >>103125 Antifa flag in pic was new, just unpacked, just unfolded, see the crease

>>103116 Always assume you are under surveillance.


>>103118 AXIOS: Oracle now most likely buyer of TikTok's U.S. operations

>>103119 Cost Of Living Far Higher Than Official Inflation Rate, Harvard Professor Finds

>>103120 FlashBack - PDJT 01/08/2013 Knowledge is Power

>>103121 EPIC! Massive Latinos For Trump Caravan Underway in Miami – More Than 400 Vehicles!

>>103122 Time’s Up Backs Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Fox News

>>103126 ——————————————— Antifa Arsonists (pic)

>>103127 ——————————————— Antifa Units Training and fighting in Syria

>>103128 China's 'hybrid war': Beijing’s mass surveillance of Australia and the world for secrets and scandal

>>103129 ——————————————— 1933 Communist Party, 2017 Communist Party

>>103130 All signs point to an interim report from John Durham before Election Day

>>103131 Oregon wildfire under criminal arson investigation

>>103132 Is America heading for a race war? Unless Democrats stop protecting criminals, it is inevitable

>>103133 Taped several days ago': CNN's Brian Stelter reacts to backlash for not asking Netflix CEO about Cuties controversy

>>103134 February 14, 2017 - The Anarchists vs. the Islamic State

>>103135 Canada’s Trudeau Creates Race-Based $221m Fund for Black People Only

>>103136 Call to dig anons - XRVision’s Sentinel AI system

>>103137 Environmental Warfare on American Citizens - Open Letter to Joint Chiefs of Staff - Dated August 25th, 2020

>>103138 "Nothing can stop what is coming." possible decode

>>103139 #13608

(24 notables, 27 posts, 27 media/files)

Q- >>103126, >>103127, >>103129

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173252

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10634266 Q Research General #13609: Antifa Arsonists Edition

Created 132041ZSEP20




>>103140 Satanic Portland

>>103141, >>103145 Forest management That's your crumb. Dig.

>>103142 San Francisco to Decide if 16-Year-Olds May Vote in Local Elections

>>103143 Princeton prof challenges university's 'systemic racism' narrative

>>103144 BREAKING: First confirmed photos of Global Warming captured! Wildfire updates

>>103146 Page not found.

>>103147 God is always telling us something… the problem is we don't listen.

>>103148 PF

>>103149, >>103151 Antifa fags trained in Rojava

>>103150 In 2020, Preborn Lives Are on the Line: We Have a Duty To Vote Accordingly

>>103152 It's Muslim Brotherhood that you have to worry about domestically.

>>103153 Cops say man paid $500 to BUY girl as sex slave

>>103154 Surprise, Surprise: Data Reveals Where the Majority of Biden's Donations Came from – and It's Bad News for Dems

>>103155 Author of Dystopian Classics Predicted Face Masks to Enforce Conformity 70 Years Ago

>>103156 Kid Rock to headline Trump rally in Michigan

>>103157 National Association of Fire Chiefs 2018 IRS Form-990

>>103158 ——————————————— Know your enemy.

>>103159, >>103160 rt ———–––——–— Strength and honor, warrior.

>>103161 Anti-fascist flag raised as Kurds advance on ISIS

>>103162 Proof that pantifa/BLM gets paid. I was surprised this was posted on public twitter

>>103163 Homeland Security Is Quietly Tying Antifa to Foreign Powers - AUGUST 3, 2020

>>103164 #13609

(22 notables, 25 posts, 23 media/files)

Q- >>103158, >>103160

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173253

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10635037 Q Research General #13610: Know Your Enemy Edition

Created 132132ZSEP20




>>103165 Spanish anti-ISIS volunteers face ‘terror’ charges

>>103166, >>103177, >>103179 FOREST MANAGEMENT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0b778685cfc3dea03abf3e4689a29f0a8b576ff7c9d9cc1ce1105bf39ed48a1.mp4

>>103167 Anons remember??

>>103168, >>103183 Grassley: This ear of corn is developed & will soon be ready for harvest

>>103169 Former JAG Officer Richard Black Warns of a Potential Military Coup

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iVXX8WIJpKk - Former JAG Officer Richard Black Warns of a Potential Military Coup [Channel: LaRouchePAC Videos]

>>103170 PF

>>103171 Possible ID on Arsonists

>>103172 CNN and Other Networks to Boycott Trump Rally in Henderson, Nevada: Report

>>103173 Armed Oregonians set up illegal roadblocks, ask for IDs amid wildfires

>>103174 Here POTUS again this afternoon. FOREST MANAGEMENT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01bee1ba4daa920d69bbce21b02a9446500637fae97154829c9e00ff607aa4b5.mp4

>>103175 I'm a fairly calm person most days but the blue checks who in recent days have insisted you must view child pornography before opining against it enrage me.

>>103176 Drone shooting incendiary over forest

>>103178 The bar is on upside down. A trick Professional Loggers use.

>>103180 The Red-Green Alliance and the Real Devil of Mogadishu

>>103181 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, NV 13 September 2020

>>103182 Time for an Investigation: Dr. Fauci and NIAID Accused of Collaboration with China on the COVID-19 Virus

>>103184 An unidentified photographer breached Joe Biden's Secret Service perimeter this afternoon as the candidate boarded his charter plane in Pennsylvania.

>>103185 ANTIFA ARSON hashtags

>>103186 #13610

>>103187 ——————————————— Potus: US designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization

(20 notables, 23 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>103187

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173254

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10635766 Q Research General #13611: Strength and honor, warriors Edition

Created 132224ZSEP20




>>103188, >>103192 Breaking911 vid on sheriff shootings in Compton

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/336079b7af6daa6b6c64594526c14b83906b7f14cee775aaf74c4913a47e995e.mp4

>>103189 No wonder they are panicking….

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa0831c2e7ee890bda1296f871847bc735a08dfde0cfbcac800dea50385c30d5.mp4

>>103190, >>103201 ——————————————— Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. (Cap: )

>>103191 Singapore’s facial recognition, video analytics startup XRVision gets investment from Boundary Holding

>>103193 National Park Service failed to warn residents in deadly Gatlinburg wildfires, judge rules

>>103194 POTUS even commented about people flying on a plane with gear. vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d8a85qiQoGQ - Offering no proof, Trump alleges plane 'of thugs' - News [Channel: Reuters]

>>103195, >>103197, >>103203, >>103205, >>103207, >>103209 Names checked for Arson arrests. mini bun

>>103196 NBC youtube for Trump Rally today.

>>103198 Q cap

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dcfc88945d4fc5cfc96713b2aad9d5e42d442ab145df5089ba478bae4227aaa8.pdf

>>103199 142 million USD estate for sale by Emad Khashoggi

>>103200 Whats up with XRVision and Yaacov Apelbaum

>>103202 >Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself

>>103204 Medal of Honor ceremony for Army Ranger Sergeant Major Thomas Patrick Payne (goes by Pat)vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7HpVdQi5m8s - President Trump Presents the Medal of Honor to Sergeant Major Thomas Payne, United States Army [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>103206 Facebook User Jeff Demologik Acord starts a live stream after claiming he just "happened to come upon" a fire.

>>103208 THE SUN: Prince Andrew being "airbrushed" from Duke of Edinburgh’s 100th birthday

>>103210 Looks like these are legit members of a fire crew.

>>103211, >>103212 ——————————————— Grassley: This ear of corn is developed & will soon be ready for harvest #cornwatch (Cap: )

>>103213 #13611

(18 notables, 26 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>103190, >>103211

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173255

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10637309 Q Research General #13613: Potus Rally REEEEEEEEEEE Edition

Created 140008ZSEP20




>>103244 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, NV

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-_onNfrHKUI - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, NV 9/13/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>103245 Mystery cases the 'biggest threat'; Queensland Chief Health Officer under protection after backlash

>>103246 Pentagon IDs Airman Who Died in Kuwait Military Vehicle Accident

>>103247, >>103255 Pier 58 collapses on Seattle waterfront

>>103248 Street Artist Sabo's Latest Stealth Hits Will Have You Roaring With Laughter

>>103249 Rupert Murdoch’s attempt to shakedown Facebook and Google is underwritten by Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party

>>103250 City of Henderson vs Potus

>>103251 US assured UAE it won’t back Israel annexation before 2024 at earliest, ToI told

>>103252 Sheriff Clarke closes his remarks with a call to “push back against this evil in America that is known as Black Lives Matter and Antifa” vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5399460e3b5f6e980bd323a48f4a050ad0428fc23d5d7da4cd3b8bba5d4fc324.mp4

>>103253 planefaggin

>>103254 Facebook And FBI Wage Infowar On West Coast Wildfire Arson "Conspiracy Theories"

>>103256 OFFICER INVOLVED SHOOTING IN ST LOUIS! eyez on for deets

>>103257, >>103265 The intelligence community isn’t exactly sure why Iranians would target Marks, who has few, if any, known links to Iran.

>>103258 US School Teacher Accused of Brainwashing Kids Over BLM Cartoon Comparing Cops to Slave Owners, KKK

>>103259 U.S. ambassador to South Africa

>>103260 $100K Reward In Manhunt For Gunman Who Ambushed LA Deputies

>>103261 my Best Wishes in Declaring Antifa a Terror Org.

>>103262 Georgia Deputy Fired After Seen On Video Repeatedly Punching Man During Traffic Stop

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=krYqr89txs4 - Clayton County deputies seen using excessive force on Roderick Walker [Channel: 11Alive]

>>103263 KimberlyG.:HUMAN SEX AND DRUG TRAFFICKERS no welcome here!!!

>>103264 Q What if?

>>103266 Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf offered a harsh evaluation of the anarchist group Antifa Wednesday, declaring that in certain capacities, the left-wing group “absolutely” meets the standards worthy of condemnation as a “domestic terrorist group.”

>>103267 The Shutdown has begun!

>>103268 Georgia Election Officials Receive Referrals for Nearly 100 Cases of Voter Fraud

>>103269 AG Barr directs creation of task force to counter anti-government extremists such as Antifa, 'Boogaloo' group, more

>>103270 New Catherine Herridge

>>103271 #13613

(26 notables, 28 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173256

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10636516 Q Research General #13612: Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. Edition

Created 132310ZSEP20




>>103214, >>103215, >>103221 Antifa photo is from Central PA antifa; current info from there.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WyjKFGCXoQ8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103216 U.S. Marshals Service Reveals Majority of Rescued Sex-Trafficked Children Came From Foster Care

>>103217, >>103220 Federal judge temporarily bans USPS from sending election mailers with 'false statements'

>>103218 Grassley: full vid.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70f909621c8de5cb5c8337402d6f1b1ce638e5f0892f4b25b6b78cb2aadf17b0.mp4

>>103219 Trump rally in Vegas almost to start.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-_onNfrHKUI - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, NV 9/13/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>103222 Video footage relevant to Q4677 (arsonist caught)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2211854e63673d2016921ab5cd20fa01edd990c6d6add6f2ca69250d81e94cca.mp4

>>103223 HIT PIECE: Australia burned under a "haze of misinformation". The US is next

>>103224, >>103231 Pantifa fightfighter on Reddit? DIGG & SEE

>>103225 Huge Trump 2020 Boat Parade on Lake Mead

>>103226, >>103228 Henderson NV has threatened the venue Trump to speak at with a $5mil fine (500 per person) & revoking their business license

>>103227 Sidney Powell RT of BLM trying to breach St Francis Hospital

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/89b79f2f854e3b73e5e2020be6f7d3c4912e01f5bdbffaad1a772dfbbc91a2b7.mp4

>>103229 South Dakota Attorney General Involved in Fatal Car Crash

>>103230 Netflix Won’t Cancel ‘Cuties’ at Home, But Might Have to Abroad

>>103232 400K sign on to ballot drive to repeal Michigan governor's emergency powers

>>103233 Russia Sends Elite Airborne Troops To Belarus For Drills As Putin Hosts Embattled Lukashenko

>>103234 Oregon Sheriff's Deputy Investigating Fires Pays Price for Saying Unkind Words About Antifa

>>103235 Economic schedule for this week

>>103236 Australia is a Full Scale Pilot Test For The NWO (see vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iQeRj3zcuoU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103237 More Than 10,000 Academics/Scholars Sign Stmt Against Cancel Culture

>>103238, >>103239, >>103240 Fake News: MASSIVE building collapse in Seattle—HUGE EMS response/It was a partial collapse of Pier 58 that was under demolition

>>103241 Zhenhua Data: 35,000 Aussies being spied on by China as part of ‘psychological war’

>>103242 Thousands gather in Cincinnati for pro-Trump 'rolling rally'

>>103243 #13612

(23 notables, 30 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173257

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10638133 Q Research General #13614: Is That Pepe Love On The Rally Stage Or What? Edition

Created 140115ZSEP20




>>103272 Article: Surveillance Detection and Counter-Surveillance

>>103273, >>103274, >>103275, >>103276, >>103277 §2381. Treason & other relevant laws

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cee28450c137f1111000c6cdadd0c3c0182342eb18e0a7751dfb1394e4094c13.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70ee1cd1c0abb10e23c48ada8ce897e8adf8f39608a0307e77be78657a46ad7b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09a2e8ea20fdd540cfb09b05547d7f66aa8e87070a73e3c5fc8d8934fd232f44.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60ddf2c49d77a005d4e86962554c56cb442fd5df42d736e1ed3e7242ac05cb67.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/be26420f6f49de3287e1a28df972945f3e6f52e26244c4e8afaf3d630cc79b7f.mp4

>>103278 Latest AI and Intel Algorithms Using Body Kinetics Show Mueller Was Not Honest in House Hearing

>>103279 China Injects $500 Billion In New Monthly Credit As Surge In US Real Yields Looms

>>103280 Biden pushes gun control less than 24 hours after attempted assassination on deputies

>>103281, >>103288 Q's picture of the "Antifas" in front of the ISIS flag is from at least 2015

>>103282 More Than 10,000 Academics and Scholars Sign 'The Philadelphia Statement' Against Cancel Culture

>>103283 Oracle to acquire Tik Tok?

>>103284 LIVE SOON: Clackmans Country Press Conference

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bhv6-poiCZ4 - Clackamas County Live Stream [Channel: #ClackCo TV]

>>103285 ICE assists in arrests of 5 suspected child sexual predators during 'Operation Home Alone 2'

>>103286 UNRELEASED photos of ANTIFA as requested by Q and anons he (you)'d

>>103287 Media calling POTUS 'Mr Trump', CBS calling it an indoor rally instead of a peaceful protest

>>103289 General Flynn Banner Change: #FIGHTBACK

>>103290 Anti-Antifa Fact Sheet / Poster

>>103291 ByteDance Rejects Microsoft Bid For TikTok US Operations

>>103292 Newsom signs legislation changing sex offender law in California

>>103293 Benghazi Government Resign

>>103294 Weiner's Laptop - Trace The Connections Graphic

>>103295 #13614

(19 notables, 24 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173258

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10638855 Q Research General #13615: LIVE FROM LAS VEGAS - POTUS WRWY Edition

Created 140218ZSEP20




>>103296 Gen. Flynn has added #CancelNetflix with his banner change

>>103297 Grenell slates Gov. Sisolak - Sisolak in PANIC!

>>103298 Anon theory: EVERY single FF has been announced 13 days prior to the event

>>103299 Anon disects the Antifa firefighter photo

>>103300 Embattled SoftBank renews talks on taking the group private

>>103301 POTUS: We are making that last turn, that round beautiful last turn

>>103302 Chinese state-run media argues it is “necessary” for the U.S. to “defund” its military

>>103303 POTUS: I think we are going to have 1,2, 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices

>>103304 ANTIFA fire brigade possibly identified (Q's photo)

>>103305, >>103306 Viewer Watch: 90,800 watching on RSBN, Fox News stream 85,000

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iLOURV_HWeU - Trump holds 'Great American Comeback' campaign event in Nevada [Channel: Fox News]

>>103307 Oregon Video: 28,000 firefighters & FEMA "It's the biggest we've ever had. It's crazy. It's crazy"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a22b01eb010b1764da1cdc9d749c493dfc545ad155244a7c24e6233e06fb5a1f.mp4

>>103308 Ngo: Antifa have purchased a bus. It's full of barrels - Eyes on

>>103309 Bloomberg: Oracle wins deal for TikTok's US operations

>>103310 Repost: The Gavin Newson 'climate change' MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a2890396066be10ac977b5a3258e9876e8936837c8dc4c68fa2e8075b63e0023.mp4

>>103311 Bodycam footage of officer involved shooting in Lancaster PA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dfc5233fc4b04f26f79309ca76f85318165e7f50cce87dcfbf4c6c4dcd657665.mp4

>>103312 Fire Expert: Wildfires Will Become Worse Thanks To Decades-Old Liberal Policies

>>103313 Social media warrior reports success: black box corner images not being censored

>>103314 LA County Sheriff: Deputies’ survival is ‘double miracle’; hunt on for suspect who shot them

>>103315 Memos: State Department reported Burisma paid bribe while Hunter served on board

>>103316 #13615

(20 notables, 21 posts, 20 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173259

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10639633 Q Research General #13616: "I'LL BE WITH YOU ALL THE WAY" : The After Rally Edition

Created 140313ZSEP20




>>103317, >>103318 (wheels and Walls) Potus signs BIG AIR "Q".. (saw it also) (W&W Wizards & Worlocks possible refrence) (Trump Rally)

>>103319, >>103321 (You), As students back to school …13 new schools open in the terror-liberated areas of Idleb countryside (sana.sy/en)

>>103320 7 Hospitalized Due to Possible Fentanyl Exposure During GG Bridge Crash Investigation (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7qMLPISPMcc - 7 Hospitalized Due to Possible Fentanyl Exposure During GG Bridge Crash Investigation [Channel: KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA]

>>103322, >>103329, >>103333 ByteDance drops TikTok's U.S. sale, to partner with Oracle (Reuters/yahoo.com)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5hqh7ZmQ4P4 - Oracle Said to Be Picked as Winner for TikTok’s U.S. Assets [Channel: Bloomberg Television]

>>103323 Trump issues executive order to lower Medicare drug prices for seniors; Order's 'most-favored-nation price' ties Medicare costs to those paid in other countries.Drugmakers outraged. (justthenews.com/whitehouse.gov/phrma.org/twatter)

>>103324, >>103326, >>103328 Officer Involved Shooting 300 blk. Laurel St. Body Camera Video 9/13/2020 (Youtube/Twatter/pennlive.com)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nYpHnJV9OI8 - Officer Involved Shooting 300 blk. Laurel St. Body Camera Video 9/13/2020 [Channel: Lancaster City Police Department]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/23c7706a5f403fed00ae56bca6bfa1ce9660541012fff124cde328d225816844.mp4

>>103325, >>103334, >>103344, >>103347 Colored pencil drawing of the President of the STRONG USA (Twatter) REALLY GOOD!!

>>103327 Possible BLM protestor who was ejected from rally (Twatter)

>>103330, >>103332, >>103335 Dan Scavino (Twatt) Overflow crowd tonight in Henderson, Nevada for President

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c012332bf85631e05589494c9207b10e67034873a3d15c0fd4b41c323c112ca.mp4

>>103331 ST. LOUIS: "An officer was shot in north St. Louis City Sunday night. (kmov.com)

>>103336 Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the torpedo, Ramius closed the distance before it could arm itself. (m.dailykos.com)

>>103337 Stay safe SouthernAnons! Tropical Storm Sally to reach Gulf Coast as a hurricane (YouTube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jegLVPuPNIA - Tropical Storm Sally to reach Gulf Coast as a hurricane [Channel: CBS Evening News]

>>103338, >>103351, >>103360 PF Fly Shizz

>>103339 Voat is downs (many sites tonight went down, possible practice runs?)

>>103340 Eyes On Anons, this will play out later "Trump’s ex-strategist Roger Stone calls on Trump to bring in martial law if POTUS loses election" (Sputnik)

>>103341 AG Barr decries the mainstream media as 'a collection of liars' (townhall.com)

>>103342, >>103343, >>103350, >>103357 PDJT (Twatt) Entire Summer, Sleepy Joe Hidin' was SILENT as left-wing mobs assaulted police officers. (24/7/365 Q drops)

>>103345 AZ man interferes with election, steals Trump/Pence 2020 sign.. lets make him famous, better yet.. apprehend him.. $750 fine, up to 4months in jail (twatter)

>>103346 Satanists and Witches for Biden (frontpagemag.com)

>>103348, >>103349 Kid Rock to Join Trump Jr. at MAGA Rally in Michigan Monday (newsmax.com/events.donaldjtrump.com/Twatter)

>>103352, >>103353, >>103354 Resignation Anon (UPDATE)

>>103355 Richard Grenell (Twatt) Dear, @GovSisolak, the Strip is filled with thousands of people with no masks. Right now.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f84022bf7d7ce0231ec3ac7904cd1fc28f0ad1af13d2e2d6f0783a9fa2de1be3.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32bf5befde14e72cc1637bf1c8072e04dec5401e58bf58b4d9f849c23b1f50e4.mp4

>>103356, >>103359 longer version of the LA sheriffs getting shot (embeded vid) from halfchan. (Twatter)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca6ea84667e83a9751a2a2e820fdd55eddb3d994b3b73437c2cbad7199677d45.webm

>>103358 Pompeo on Afghan Peace Talks: ‘We’re on a Pathway to Achieve’ Zero U.S. Forces in Afghanistan by Spring 2021 (Breitbart)

>>103361 Andy Ngo (Twatt) Antifa Groups in Portland are trying to win hearts and minds through "charity"

>>103362 #13616,

(26 notables, 46 posts, 48 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173260

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10641189 Q Research General #13618: CodeMonkey, Take Care of Yourself & Get Well Quick! Edition

Created 140643ZSEP20




>>103363 Mexican authorities are investigating after 137 dead sea lions washed up on a beach with no sign of how they died

>>103364 MCB Hawaii retweet

>>103365 Bytedance will not sell Tik Tok to Ora le or Microsoft

>>103366 Moar on FOIA lawsuit before Judge Sullivan

>>103367 Katy Krasnow, Hickman Co Antifa poster: on Nov 4, disguise yourself as patriots….ANONS DIG

>>103368 NJ man doxxed as Q suppoter on SGTReport

>>103369, >>103386 Anon on new EO on lowering drug prices

>>103370 S. Korea hails agreement normalizing Bahrain-Israel ties

>>103371 Fatal Bear Fire, Butte Co Fire vid - life-saving advice

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KSpcYuCtEDo - Fatal California Wildfire- 'North' fire-West Butte Co. California 12 Sept [Channel: blancolirio]

>>103372 Planefag post on TWY944 & comp'd celebs

>>103373 pb, pb, Request for planefag help on pinpointing fire locations

>>103374, >>103376, >>103377 Antifa bail funds by city

>>103375, >>103378, >>103381 pb, pb, Fake antifa firefighters DIG, con't.

>>103379 Latinos for Biden car parade - so sad

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/17d11741e8883c6a6bc0f5933e88687eb16251fc66f5328bf2c4f7ebb8ab517c.mp4

>>103380, >>103388 (9.11.20) Daniel Andrews has sold out Victoria to the Strong Cities Network - privatization of Police Force

>>103382 Teacher distributes BLM literature comparing LEOs to KKK. Parent: Enough is Enough

>>103383 Moar on Logically.ai - the startup that doxxed Qmap

>>103384, >>103391 Anon nom: Loren Cannon dig

>>103385 Seattle - Pier 58 partial collapse; two workers injured

>>103387 Anons connect Q posts - 2 Year Delta

>>103389 LA Times' Fire Fanaticism; Can't change their minds and won't change the subject

>>103390 Man killed in officer involved shooting; had confronted police in 2019 after stabbing 4 people

>>103392 Vancouver anti-mask rally; The QAnon hit pieces keep on comin'

>>103393 Anon Diggz on Hill-Snowden Foundation funding of Black-Led organizing - DoJ IG is on the board

>>103394 SALON PANIC

>>103395 #13618

(26 notables, 33 posts, 33 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173261

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10642012 Q Research General #13619: Anons Stand At The Ready Edition

Created 141038ZSEP20




>>103396, >>103397 Gen. Flynn adds #CancelNetflix to his banner page

>>103398 (embedded video) ‘Antifa’ lay siege to Lancaster police precinct following latest officer-involved shooting

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6240fc53623c11637749ee1d193b3f51b2a809e9b745f343db51163dbaa46a14.mp4

>>103399, >>103400 Elections are now under Homeland Security

>>103401 Albuquerque Police Work Closely with Company Investigated for Child Pornography and Targeted by National Security Agency

>>103402 Franklin, MA town clerk resigns after ballot 'mishap'

>>103403 Report: College Board Became ‘Key Partner’ With Chinese Regime

>>103404 US ambassador to China, Terry Branstad to step down next month

>>103405 UK Minister: Snitch on Your Neighbours If They Break Coronavirus Rules

>>103406 Portland cops: Man started small brush fire with Molotov cocktail. Police said they caught up with Lopez after a witness pointed him out

>>103407 (Live) Secretary Pompeo's opening remarks at the U.S. - Qatar Strategic Dialogue - 9:00 AM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lrKPsqy5E0o - Secretary Pompeo's opening remarks at the U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue - 9:00 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>103408 Authorities arrest 4 in connection to possible arson, fires along West Coast

>>103409 State Department reported Burisma paid bribe while Hunter Biden served on board, memos show

>>103410 #13619

(13 notables, 15 posts, 9 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173262

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10644330 Q Research General #13622: Killary-Kamala Koolaide On Tour Edition

Created 141619ZSEP20




>>103471 DOJ stepping in to prosecute when the dirty local prosecutor keeps letting these people go

>>103472, >>103473, >>103476 ——————————————— What is a ‘safe zone’? Infiltration not invasion. (Cap: )

>>103474 POTUS to fly to Sacramento to discuss FOREST MANAGEMENT

>>103475 BREAKING NEWS: A federal judge has ruled that Gov. Tom Wolf and Dr. Rachel Levine's shutdown order and business closures were unconstitutional.

>>103477, >>103489, >>103493 PF updates

>>103478 Sharpton To MSNBC: “I suspect” LA cop shooter was “planted” to make BLM look bad [VIDEO]

>>103479 Could not be more excited that Amy Poehler and @MayaRudolph are joining @HillaryClinton and me at our grassroots fundraiser tonight at 6pm ET.

>>103480, >>103481 ——————————————— Worth remembering [think what you see today]. Counterinsurgency ….. (Cap: pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ada48fbe9ecbb11369cc3bf2da744b78fb58fdcd77a02646aab964ff628c93bc.pdf

>>103482 ‘Persistent’ Tipster Gets $10 Million Award for Aiding SEC Case

>>103483, >>103491, >>103492 Oregon fire marshal Jim Walker abruptly resigns after being put on leave amid historic wildfires

>>103484 A Massachusetts town clerk has resigned after officials in the 4th Congressional District community lost track of thousands of ballots in the primary earlier this month.

>>103485 Potus now on AF1

>>103486 Black Lives Matter Protesters March in Charlotte Chanting “F**k Your Jesus”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_SMY4DkdjwE - BLM Rioters In Charlotte Shout 'F*** You, Jesus!' [Channel: Now The End Begins]

>>103487 Does TikTok/Oracle/WalMart 'Partnership' Accomplish Anything?

>>103488 Videos of Biden touching young girls flagged as 'child sexual exploitation' by Twitter despite being official public footage

>>103490 Organizers estimate 100,000 people rallied in Montreal Canada on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020 to “fight for freedom”

>>103494, >>103495 ——————————————— 'Very dangerous': Police and FBI investigate power poles cut with chainsaw in Snohomish County (Cap: )

>>103496, >>103497 rt ———–––——–— Graphic: Portland FBI says no credibility

>>103498 rt ———–––——–— Congrats to autist who made the graphic Q'd

(19 notables, 28 posts, 33 media/files)

Q- >>103472, >>103480, >>103494, >>103497

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173263

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10645095 Q Research General #13623: @23 Pain Infiltrations Are All Belong To US Edition

Created 141707ZSEP20




>>103499 Verizon to buy pre-paid mobile service Tracfone in $6.25 billion deal

>>103500 #13622

>>103501 FLOTUS Live discussing Sickle cell disease!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3CLd8rZhQPE - Improving the Lives of Americans with Sickle Cell Disease Roundtable [Channel: The White House]

>>103502 De Blasio Cancels Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

>>103503 rt ———–––——–— Congrats to autist who made the graphic Q'd

>>103504 UBS Contemplating Mega-Merger With Credit Suisse; Would Be Biggest Bank Deal Since Financial Crisis

>>103505 Potus: ABC’s Trump In Trouble Poll Surveyed Just 533, Not Likely Voters, Asked Over 20% More Biden Supporters Than Conservatives .......

>>103506 NHS admissions for cancer, heart attacks, other deadly illnesses fall by thousands amid Covid-19 outbreak in UK – report

>>103507, >>103521, >>103524 planefaggin

>>103508 Suga High: Abe's #2 Becomes Japan's Next PM After Landslide LDP Victory - What That Means For Japan

>>103509 China's Global Times Warns: "China Must Be Ready For A Potential War"

>>103510 Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg Asks Alexander Vindman If Trump is Russian ‘Asset’/They need moar traitors on it

>>103511 Trump’s Former Top Economic Adviser Says He’s Unsure Of Who He Will Vote For In 2020

>>103512 Potus: I didn’t know there would be even a question about this!

>>103513 UK Minister: Snitch on Your Neighbours If They Break Coronavirus Rules

>>103514 Police say they’re looking for a small white or silver 1990's Nissan pick-up with a black canopy that was spotted in the area. People with information in the case are asked to call 541-812-2260.

>>103515 Deer hunter, 14, is run over and killed by a corn harvester after he fell asleep in a field

>>103516 Man arrested twice in 12-hour span for starting fires near I-205

>>103517 Sally is now a hurricane

>>103518, >>103519 'Rogue' Chinese Virologist Joins Twitter, Publishes "Smoking Gun" Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab

>>103520 ——————————————— Antifa graphic w/mug shot ID

>>103522 Google Faces $3 Billion UK Suit Over Use of Children's Data

>>103523 "Paedophiles will lose their houses, cars and cash in new crackdown on child sex offenders"

(23 notables, 26 posts, 34 media/files)

Q- >>103503, >>103520

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173264

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10642783 Q Research General #13620: No Quarter For Traitors Edition

Created 141300ZSEP20




>>103411 d'oh

>>103412, >>103429 Fauci Spills The Beans: A Vaccine Won’t End COVID-19 Restrictions

>>103413 IRONY: The driver called for the sheriff…yet the NBA supports the BLM movement which calls for defunding of the police.

>>103414 Lots more tents have popped up illegally around Washington DC in past few days:…

>>103415 Portland police arrest a man for arson, release him and he starts more fires…

>>103416, >>103418, >>103419 New DJT bun w/CAPs

>>103417, >>103420 planefag reporting

>>103421, >>103424 Report Your Neighbors to Police If They Break Rule of Six, Minister Says-fr24news.com

>>103422 muh climate change: In Visiting a Charred California, Trump Confronts a Scientific Reality He Denies-nytimes via yahoo

>>103423 moar dog comms?- 4 dogs stolen from Campbell Co. animal shelter , 1 in need of medical treatment-msn.com

>>103425 Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold-bradenton.com

>>103426 Oregon air quality remains poor amid historic wildfires; Portland again worst among major cities-oregonlive

>>103427 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY September 14, 2020

>>103428 After a Pandemic Pause, ICE Resumes Deportation Arrests-nytimes via yahoo nooo not ICE kek

>>103430 in prefacing the result news: The Democrats May Not Be Able to Concede-atlantic sept 13

>>103431 Swing States See Gun Sales Boon, Activists Look to Capitalize-freebeacon.com

>>103432 NEW POTUS Twat: "Great, Just Out! 51% Approval Rating in Rasmussen Poll. 95% in Republican Party. Stock Market up BIG today…."

>>103433 NEW POTUS Twat: "Our people have all left Drudge…"

>>103434 Bear Fire Update- Butte County Sheriff-actionnewsnow

>>103435 #13620

(20 notables, 25 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173265

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10643550 Q Research General #13621: Monday Is Already Hot Edition

Created 141446ZSEP20




>>103436 Black Lives Matter is a Rapid Response Team for the Democrat Party.

>>103437, >>103440, >>103453 Um, anons. Just got this text from Trump campaign./Killary out with Kamala, need another K

>>103438 Louisiana judge convicted of sex crimes against underage girls

>>103439 Censoring Scott Atlas Should Be The Last Straw For Big Tech's Censorship

>>103441, >>103445 planefaggin

>>103442 Florida man, 56, is arrested for brutal rape and murder of 14-year-old girl in Rochester on Thanksgiving Day in 1984

>>103443 US ambassador to South Africa warned of possible Iranian assassination plot

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/80ae7cdeb1024a9bdc165ec134dbe292ca0516a6d255472b7fe9f80f156b47f1.pdf

>>103444 Have you ever read the text of the 14th amendment carefully?

>>103446 Migrants REFUSE new accommodation on Lesbos and demand to be let into Europe

>>103447 Re: Speed reference in Trump tweet.

>>103448 US ambassador to China stepping down to join Trump campaign

>>103449, >>103459, >>103466 2016 Strong Cities Network diggz/vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1bQ_XLRGSCk - There is ‘something really crook’ going on with the Victorian police: Rowan Dean [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>103450 Lawsuit Accuses YouTube Of Violating Childrens' Privacy

>>103451 Vancouver Canada crowd starts chanting Trump Trump Trump vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RutrXKA4VNA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103452 50 more days until Joe Biden is sent into retirement. For good.

>>103454 Biden a very unusual and valuable in-kind campaign donation/censorship knowledge trickles to normies

>>103455 Ngo: This is what antifa do to people they encounter in the street. Watch them assault and hit a man walking away from the antifa riot in SE Portland vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/605891c8187a295ef2fd540bcd41b0f913db112f5961c38134b19ce9b9497cd2.mp4

>>103456 Donald Trump Says ‘I Do’ To Joe Rogan-Moderated Debate With Biden

>>103457 Pompeo delivers opening remarks at the U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lrKPsqy5E0o - Secretary Pompeo's opening remarks at the U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue - 9:00 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>103458 Netflix diggz

>>103460, >>103461, >>103462, >>103463 Potus twat: Revolver, Grammatical errors comms?

>>103464 Push the elites to take their own vaccines!

>>103465 Live Updates: NYC Cancels Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, plus moar news

>>103467 Dan ScavinoFlag of United StatesEagle vid/hmm... familiar huh

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e3761519f2723f056353ae353780ee1e7922b0c8640b53ac1c110e2964ea2b1.mp4

>>103468 This is scheduled for 6pm EDT today…WATCH LIVE: President Donald Hosts Latinos for Trump Roundtable in Phoenix, AZ

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PrVTbVh6770 - WATCH LIVE: President Trump Hosts Latinos for Trump Roundtable in Phoenix, AZ [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>103469 Man arrested for starting at least 7 brush fires along I-205 = Domingo Lopez Jr.

>>103470 #13621

(27 notables, 35 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173266

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10645863 Q Research General #13624: Q's Callin Out Antifa Thugs Edition

Created 141759ZSEP20




>>103525 #13623

>>103526 Fri 09.11.2020

>>103527 VA Data Breach Leaves Personal Info of 46,000 Veterans Exposed

>>103528, >>103543 @CBS_Herridge should be brought to the attention FBI HQ + senior DOJ. WHY IT MATTERS…

>>103529 U.S. is in Middle East ‘to protect Israel’ not for oil, Trump says

>>103530 South King Fire reports 28 arson fires so far this year

>>103531, >>103545 9th circuit gives go ahead to end temp protected status for 300K El Salvadoans, to be deported

>>103532 Britain to invest $30m in Oman’s strategic Duqm port

>>103533, >>103534 While we discuss antifa arsonists, Biden calls POTUS CLIMATE ARSONIST! vid/Bam too!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2HReBiqgDfQ - Joe Biden calls President Trump "Climate Arsonist" [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>103535 Potus live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5dpuIKEjrFE - NewsNOW Stream Part 1 - 09/14/20 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>103536 POTUS just confirmed military operatives on the ground in cali

>>103537 OAN has been running segments CA and Newsome have approved letting non-violent felons become firemen after assisting with the current West Coast Fires.

>>103538 Mattis & Military Industrial Complex sends a warning to US President Trump vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dTEO8E9x_nE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103539 South Dakota AG May Have Left Scene Of Fatal Car Accident, Governor Reveals

>>103540 POTUS interviewed outside plane in Sacramento, CA

>>103541 The Republican and Democratic leaders on the Senate Intelligence Committee rejected a broad request from two Republican Senate leaders seeking access to the panel’s records to assist in their investigation into the Trump-Russia investigators.

>>103542 Short College Board Digg re pb

>>103544, >>103546 "I don't think science knows" - Trump vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CqeeR-f5TNg - 🔴 President Trump Delivers Remarks at Ceremony Recognizing the California National Guard [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>103547 Merkel Says Wrong to Fixate on Numbers When Asked How Many More Refugees Berlin Will Take

>>103548 "Water issues are the most immediate environmental issue facing the world right now. Under President @realDonaldTrump

>>103549 Alexander Downer scales the Rock of Gibraltar

>>103550 Hunter refresher

>>103551 New Audio Excerpts Released From Trump’s Conversation With Bob Woodward

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uX-kp7qWF74 - New audio excerpts released from Trump's conversation with Bob Woodward [Channel: CNN]

>>103552 ASSANGE HEARING DAY FIVE—Court Is Adjourned Until Tuesday After Sound of US TV Report Disrupted Proceedings

>>103553 @FBI Third Defendant Charged with Civil Disorder for Attacking Police Officers with a Laser During Violent Protests in the City of Rochester

>>103555, >>103562 What The $500 Million CNET Media Deal Means For Red Ventures

>>103556 Looking at the RSBN shot, I see a helicopter with 805 emblazoned on it.

>>103557 Citi CEO Leaves First Female Boss To Face Fed Music For Systems SNAFU


>>103559 Andrew Gillum comes out as bisexual months after he was found passed out in a hotel room with a gay male escort and meth

>>103560 ATF Needs help identifying

>>103561 Remarks by Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on the Settlement of Clean Air Act Claims against Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz USA LLC

>>103563 MA SC Justice dies

>>103564 #13624

(34 notables, 39 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173267

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10646640 Q Research General #13625: Climate Change My Ass! Edition

Created 141932ZSEP20




>>103565 Sat 09.12.2020

>>103566 Australia Goes Full Fascist: Issues 1st Ankle Tracker for Quarantine Violator

>>103567 Ron Paul Institute: Debt is the Real Pandemic

>>103568 Leaked Chinese database shows company's interest in Australia's space and science sector

>>103569 Wildfire smoke may be injuring/killing wildlife, birds

>>103570 American Thinker: The Enemy is Within (re: BLM alliance with Dems)

>>103571, >>103574 Anons digs info on alleged arsonists

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d6b6736044a8f1e8f91726f94017073d310d96c14ee47929a8526afdae4aa48.mp4

>>103572 Obama Lawyers Fund ‘Transition Integrity’ Group that Claims ‘Non-Partisan’, but Tied to Hunter Biden

>>103573 U.S. Reaches $1.5B Settlement with Daimler AG Over Emissions Cheating in Mercedes-Benz Diesel Vehicles

>>103575 AG Barr interview discussing Durham investigation timing re: FBI's Russia probe, DoJ efforts to remain non-political on the matter

>>103576 Unusual Features of SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Lab Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution; Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route

>>103577 US Trials For AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine On Hold Amid Probe Into "Serious Side Effect"

>>103578 Pence to headline Republican campaign rally Monday in Belgrade, Montana

>>103579 Study Shows Vaccines Ineffective for up to 780 million People (don't expected mount immune response)

>>103580 Hollywood actress exposes shocking scale of global child trafficking, pedophilia & abuse including raping, killing newborns

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hMVHz-1I1zY - Blake Lively Gives Emotional Speech on Child Pornography [Channel: Variety]

>>103581 China Virologist Claims Proof that COVID-19 Made in Lab

>>103582 Daimler to pay $1.5bn over emissions cheat claims in US

>>103583 Suspicious fires under investigation in Linn County, Oregon

>>103584 LE Evidence Anon on how to look for clues

>>103585 CNN Hit Piece: "QAnon fans spread fake claims about real fires in Oregon"

>>103586, >>103592, >>103594 Initial digs on David Coleman, head of College Board, also architect of Common Core, and worldwide educators' support for China

>>103587 Trump: "It'll start getting cooler, you just watch" (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/645d23b9121a9578ff35d98f9560bcca6d846a0778efc7aa6e6e0ab93f8a5b4b.mp4

>>103588 LAPD announces $100K reward for info on gunman who ambushed sheriff’s deputies

>>103589 CDC defies Trump's executive order, moves forward with critical race theory indoctrination

>>103590 Poll: Biden's Hispanic support in Florida slipping

>>103591 Anon collage: "Climate Change" (arson) Arrests

>>103593, >>103596 Planefags report

>>103595 CDC org charts

>>103597 CNN cuts Tapper interview of Peter Navarro

>>103598, >>103599 Justice Dept headlines (various crimes charged, pleaded, sentenced, remarks)

>>103600 Signs between Colton & Estacada warn looters of armed response

>>103601 Man stomped on by Victoria (Australia) police in Melbourne's north is in induced coma

>>103602 As Indiana cannibalism case begins, attorney says evidence resembles 'a horror movie'

>>103603 Trump Slams 'Fake' ABC Poll for Bias Towards Biden

>>103604 Bug in Biden campaign app gave anyone access to millions of voter files

>>103605, >>103607, >>103608, >>103609 Rolling Stone defends 'Cuties'

>>103606 Russian Fighters Scrambled to Intercept 3 US Bombers Over Black Sea, Russia Defence Ministry Says

>>103610 AP accidentally shows Biden's teleprompter in today's presser

(38 notables, 46 posts, 57 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173268

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10647437 Q Research General #13626: Bread Rises Despite DDoS

Created 142054ZSEP20




>>103611 Graphic: Fires stop exactly on the Canadian boder

>>103612 @tedcruz The media is bizarre.

>>103613, >>103623, >>103646 planefaggin

>>103614 EYES ON: Name in Q drop graphic is Anthony Paul Harrington - DIG

>>103615 Potus X2

>>103616 Short College Board Digg re pb

>>103617 #13625,

>>103618 "The Postal Service last month abruptly ordered its police officers to stop investigating mail theft that occurs away from post office property.....

>>103619 Potus: ….And Michigan, and North Carolina. Next up, phony Ballot voting Hoax!

>>103620 University of Chicago English department to accept only grad students interested in 'Black Studies' this year

>>103621 Belarussian SpecOp Team Neutralizes a Terrorist Group Planning a Maidan-Style Uprising

>>103622 Guanajuato firefighters travel north to help as forest fires rage in Oregon

>>103624 Breaking: Federal Judge Rules Wolf’s Pennsylvania LockDowns Unconstitutional

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V27rZM_NqTE - Federal Judge Rules Wolf Administration’s Shutdown Orders Unconstitutional [Channel: CBS Pittsburgh]

>>103625 LAW AND ORDER: FOX 10's John Hook EXCLUSIVE Interview With U.S. Attorney General William Barr

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-Ru2Xkceu8I - LAW AND ORDER: FOX 10's John Hook EXCLUSIVE Interview With U.S. Attorney General William Barr [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>103626 Potus: “Players take knee, raise fist, stay in locker room, during National Anthem”....

>>103627 City of Rochester has released a 323-page preliminary report regarding Daniel Prude's death and the ensuing investigations. You can see the full document here: #ROC

>>103628 NEW: @axiosupdated their article about Cuties to remove any mention of QAnon

>>103629 Trump administration rolls out new ban on Chinese imports made in 'concentration camp

>>103630 Climate change denier hired for top position at NOAA

>>103631 Biden campaign lawyers up for election-related court battles

>>103632 Trump Casts Doubts About Climate Change During Briefing On California Wildfires

>>103633, >>103636, >>103647 EYES ON: Suspected Forest Fire Arsonist/Insurgents

>>103634 Excerpts of Attorney General Lynch at the Launch of the Strong Cities Network

>>103635 Hurricane Hunter Watch

>>103637 BREAKING: Crowds claiming police “ran over” man at #Sacramento, #California anti-Trump rally

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f972cecbc70448445b626d85ba6be10aa78af48d1cd90be2f02a9cb07958aa2.mp4

>>103638 Video: Trump honors Calif. Nat'l Guard for fire rescues

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ajw7EUTE4cQ - Trump honors Calif. Nat'l Guard for fire rescues [Channel: Associated Press]

>>103639, >>103643 Diggz on Bill Clinton, Wheels Down, Maxwell, Wexner, Slush Funds & More

>>103640, >>103642 New Catherine Herridge tweets

>>103641 Gutfeld calls it: We now know there's a plan to burn our homes What do we do?

>>103644 20 - 25 ANTIFA destroying town property in Leesburg VA

>>103645 ——————————————— Patriot: noun

>>103648, >>103650 Jerry Harris from ‘Cheer’ under FBI investigation for allegedly soliciting sex from minors

>>103649 Pelosi: Trump ‘Hasn’t Been on the Level’ — Not a ‘Good Use of Time’ to Work With Him

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f27ce3f4b77e4f538f69bb5cb15cacf4a5160d5ea773ad3a81447a17df397872.mp4

>>103651 Chris Wallace moderating debate 1 = BIDen give me questions + Trump bashing

>>103652 #13626

(35 notables, 42 posts, 53 media/files)

Q- >>103645

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9d28d5 No.173269

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10648144 Q Research General #13627: The PATRIOT Edition

Created 142239ZSEP20




>>103653 Official public videos of Biden touching young girls flagged as 'child sexual exploitation' by Twitter

>>103654 LIVE: POTUS Hosts Latinos for Trump Coalition Roundtable | Phoenix, Arizona - 17,555 watching now

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V0pQj59oOhs - NewsNOW Stream Part 2 - 09/14/20 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>103655 3 dead and 3 injred in violent rampage in Tennessee

>>103656 Billionaire Steve Cohen agrees to buy the New York Mets

>>103657 Government guidance on how to run a COUNTERinsurgency operation - PDFs

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7f0d6d5f371e425fd83ca168f54aa5dd1c3dc0fd6b71d789fe713e3239a5ea93.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ada48fbe9ecbb11369cc3bf2da744b78fb58fdcd77a02646aab964ff628c93bc.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8fee58ebc2f69f82b67b7dcb215dcd97fc6ea0252382af4341e87748ef138cdc.pdf

>>103658 Antifa/BLM to march in Chadron Nebraska on Sept 17

>>103659 Rogue Chinese virologist joins twitter, publishes evidence CV was created in lab

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44d4b1bfa5486625bcb7744555d52098b584e19491597c9be7bb2a183d5542d0.pdf

>>103660 ——————————————— Domestic terrorism

>>103661, >>103664 More from Catherine Herridge: Money Shot - DHS 'whistleblower' accidentally reveals Antifa behind protests

>>103662 #13626

>>103663, >>103667 Axios Deletes Tweet Linking Criticism Of Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ To QAnon Conspiracy

>>103665 'Stay tuned': Ron Johnson poised to release interim report on Biden investigation

>>103666 CDC Ignores Presidential Order and Moves Forward with Critical Race Theory Program

>>103668 Philanthropist Susan Sandler of 'Pizza related map' fame, investing $200M in social justice organizations

>>103669 #13627

>>103670 ——————————————— Why are they provided safe haven by [D]s? @MrAndyNgo tweet (Cap: )

(16 notables, 18 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>103660, >>103670

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9d28d5 No.173270

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10648908 Q Research General #13628: Domestic Terrorism Edition

Created 142322ZSEP20




>>103671 More new Catherine Herridge re Portland violence being organized

>>103672, >>103675 Antifa protesting at 16/JFK in Jan 18 - Burning US Flags

>>103673, >>103676 ——————————————— Why are they provided safe haven by [D]s? @MrAndyNgo tweet (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1613d407094f635e590a04eb21b9deed6c014ad200603fbb3f86dd2a24befae4.mp4

>>103674 Videos: US Air Defense System Downs Hostile Targets Over Baghdad Green Zone

>>103677 Exhaustive Pentagon Review Finds No Evidence For NYTimes' "Russian Bounties" Story

>>103678, >>103683, >>103685, >>103688, >>103691, >>103692 Anons on who is funding Antifa? I

>>103679 Appeals court sides with Trump over drawdown of immigrant protections

>>103680, >>103684 ——————————————— Who is financing? Follow the pen. @CBS_Herridge tweet (Cap: )

>>103681 Video: Ric Grenell's Remarks At The Henderson NV Trump Rally

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=reQR2P5JJxQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103682, >>103690 Follow The Pen - Position and Previous Graphics

>>103686 Cook County Democrats Dump Judge Who Ordered Smollett Case Probe

>>103687 Biden Promises Fewer Fires, Floods, and Hurricanes if He Wins in November

>>103689 Video of Biden touching girls removed by Twitter as 'child sexual exploitation'

>>103693, >>103694, >>103696, >>103700 Anons on who is funding Antifa? II

>>103695 In a Strange Move, Joe Biden's Social Media Intern Tweets About Gun Control

>>103697 South Dakota AG Reported Hitting A Deer, But He Actually Hit And Killed A Man

>>103698, >>103699 Biden calls POTUS a 'climate arsonist' and The Five react (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=x3cEy4W9Rwk - 'The Five' react to Bernie Sanders' warning about Biden's message [Channel: Fox News]

>>103701 Elspeth Reeve works for The Atlantic

>>103702 Planefag Reports

>>103703 More from Catherine Herridge

>>103704 #13628

>>103705 Update: CM Feeling much better.

(22 notables, 35 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>103680

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173271

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10649665 Q Research General #13629: Who Is Financing? Edition

Created 150021ZSEP20




>>103706 List of US Sister Cities Throughout the World Alphabetically by State

>>103707 New from Catherine Herridge: Whistleblower Statement from @MarkSZaidEsq

>>103708 General Kellogg tweets his support for POTUS. 235 former military leaders support Trump

>>103709, >>103728 Did Biden Staffers Contribute to a Protester-Bailout Fund? Rudy and Snopes say YES

>>103710, >>103714, >>103719 Diggz on The BLM Seattle Freedom Fund

>>103711 ANTIFA man in Q's post: SM rips to dig

>>103712 Diggz on - Ted Wheeler's Antifa Terrorist Camp in Portland

>>103713 Comey career timeline: Relevant regarding the insurgency

>>103715 YouTube Censors White House Health Advisor

>>103716 University of Pittsburgh scientists discover antibody that 'neutralizes' virus that causes CV

>>103717 Rochester Mayor Fires Police Chief, Suspends Two Top Officials

>>103718 Maxwell Attorney filing from yesterday: Notice to Non-Parties of Possible Unsealing of Sealed Documents

>>103720 Feds: Nearly 400K American Victims of Identity Theft Never Notified by IRS

>>103721 Spreadsheet And Galleries Updated

>>103722 Video: Pelosi has hijacked the stimulus relief, unless she gets what she wants: Moore

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BlyCOBpQnXE - Pelosi has hijacked the stimulus relief, unless she gets what she wants: Moore [Channel: Fox Business]

>>103723 Inside Bail Funds' 'Nonstop' Efforts to Free the Thousands of Protesters Being Detained

>>103724 Minnesota Freedom Fund raises over $20M but spends $200k on bailing protesters, Internet demands transparency

>>103725 CRAM system has intercepted rockets targeting U.S Embassy in #Baghdad

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01129ed5fc935fd4528d638c775f526b6694115affe4f53aada4d4465c264e97.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02bf01c9dab577142b6a5f1b9587047ccfdec2c14346295db7e0f4f1fd9efbf0.mp4

>>103726, >>103727 Here’s Where You Can Donate to Help Protests Against Police Brutality

>>103729 ——————————————— Julian Assange

>>103730 ——————————————— Seth Rich

>>103731 ——————————————— John Brennan

>>103732 ——————————————— Guccifer 2.0

(23 notables, 27 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>103729, >>103730, >>103731, >>103732

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10650463 Q Research General #13630: Edition

Created 150135ZSEP20




>>103733, >>103734 rt ———–––——–— Already done (Cap: )

>>103735 DOJ watchdog opens investigation into Roger Stone's sentencing

>>103736 ——————————————— Hold the line, Riders. Justice is coming

>>103737 Does John Brennan Know Who Guccifer 2.0 is?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OtaZC4E5oeE - Russiagate and WikiLeaks feat. Ray McGovern Pt 1 [Channel: GroundZero magazine]

>>103738 Baltimore On Pace For Deadliest Year Ever: 46 Shot, 12 Killed Last Week

>>103739 Huge ddos ongoing the past couple hours. Sorry if there is a bit of downtime or slowdown as attacks are mitigated.

>>103740, >>103743 Veterans Affairs Hacked

>>103741 US ambassador to China to quit in move to Trump campaign

>>103742 All the Evidence' Suggests Guccifer 2.0 is Linked to CIA, Not Russia, NSA Whistleblower Says (Bill Binney)

>>103744 Chinese Virologist Dr. Yan says COVID was made in Wuhan lab

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7-nTwr0BAGA - Chinese Virologist Dr. Yan says COVID was made in Wuhan lab----TNT Daily 09142020 [Channel: VOICE OF GOOD]

>>103745 NEW PDJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/566ed8fe46550fc402e70f0b48a0c19fd58971b86484ee81c5a8352d9b992ed5.mp4

>>103746 Top HHS official accuses scientists of plotting against Trump, tells supporters to buy ammunition

>>103747 All assets deployed.

>>103748 #13630

(14 notables, 16 posts, 12 media/files)

Q- >>103734, >>103736

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173273

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10651283 Q Research General #13631: His Name Was Seth Rich Edition

Created 150213ZSEP20




>>103749, >>103750, >>103752, >>103757, >>103762 NEW PDJT

>>103751 Police to set up hundreds of checkpoints, impose high fines during lockdown

>>103753, >>103755 Tiny Antibody Component Highly Effective Against SARS-COV-2

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1OksrNgvVO0 - COVID-19 Drug: Tiny Antibody Component Highly Effective Against SARS-COV-2 in Animal Studies [Channel: SciTech Daily]

>>103754 Largest banks in Israel, UAE sign cooperation agreement

>>103756 For the Keks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/67c0a46b30763f2b722e66c108daee1d46bb60897bf4ec3d191ffe3f5494665b.mp4

>>103758 BIDEN'S TECH GURU (Possibly a throw from Brennan/Crowdstrike)

>>103759 WANTED 100k reward

>>103760 You never use counterintelligence to investigate another political party - Nunes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DgqRPW5kF9k - Nunes: ‘You never use counterintelligence to investigate another political party’ [Channel: Fox Business]

>>103761 Henderson NV fines Xtreme Manufacturing $3,000 for hosting 5,600-person Trump rally in violation of state emergency directives

>>103763, >>103767, >>103770 WALMART selling ANTIFA Handbook

>>103764 Brennan the spy - 08/01/2014

>>103765 Binney

>>103766, >>103768 pf order66 e4B spotted

>>103769 WRWY Qmapanon. Stay in the light and keep fighting.

>>103771 INSANE Cuomo Propaganda video with Paul Rudd , acting woke and demanding you wear a mask

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f9cba8a71079f83afb601bb157281e9425b753313bd79983b45c9bce6467f67.mp4

>>103772 Oregon Man Arrested Twice in 12 Hours for Starting Fires Near Portland Freeway

>>103773 Let us not forget this Fakeway Pundit tweet regarding doxing Jason and suggesting QAnon was influenced by Russian Propaganda

>>103774 John Durham Has Not Done Anyone a Favor for Taking So Long – It Should Have Been Released

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JZakZk2ebWo - Hannity GOES OFF: "John Durham Has Not Done Anyone a Favor for Taking So Long !" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>103775 Ex-aide to former Nissan boss Ghosn pleads not guilty over alleged financial misconduct

>>103776 Large convoy of cars with blacked out plates heading into Kenosha - please pray for our LEOs - Twitter report

>>103777 BOOM - Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs to be deposed in Seth Rich lawsuit: report

>>103778 #13631

(22 notables, 30 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173274

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10652096 Q Research General #13632: Hold the line, Riders Edition

Created 150309ZSEP20




>>103779 We have it all.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3473e95d057249b79e5606ff5a546385712c6e821d36aeb4f015bfccf0c2f034.mp4

>>103780 Apparently Kenosha, WI is burning again tonight.

>>103781 Killed to hide the cure, ensure ww panic fully set it?

>>103782, >>103783, >>103786, >>103792, >>103795, >>103796, >>103800, >>103802, >>103804 SaveOurChildren news roundup September 07 - 13, 2020.

>>103784 Butte Co Fire UPDATE Monday 14 Sept.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4SYRcNvSiOk - Butte Co Fire UPDATE Monday 14 Sept. [Channel: blancolirio]

>>103785, >>103801, >>103806 NEW PDJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2538b4db3e312b5a9592cacebb99e579b2237c8eb5d0c7f7e84799efe800ee67.mp4

>>103787 PF

>>103788 Sen. Johnson seeks subpoena for STEFAN HALPER and his FBI handler, STEVEN SOMMA.

>>103789, >>103794 The founder of the Satanic Temple wrote and Essay on Qanon.

>>103790 Define Projection: Biden Calls Trump 'Climate Arsonist' After President Says Weather 'Will Start Getting Cooler'

>>103791 FBI Raids Home Of ‘Netflix Star and Biden Surrogate’ For Allegedly Soliciting Sex From Minors, Report Says

>>103793 From Congress to countertops: Former Dem Rep. Anthony Weiner announces he's now CEO of company that makes glass products

>>103797 Once-standout DEA agent says he conspired with drug cartel

>>103798 POTUS talks about human trafficking, dreamers and much more

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JxA1u1kfe7o - EXCLUSIVE: FOX 10's Kari Lake One-On-One Interview with President Trump [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>103799 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY September 15, 2020

>>103803 Khazarian Mafia circling the wagons around the US election and their Manchurian Candidate

>>103805 #13632

(17 notables, 28 posts, 16 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173275

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10652853 Q Research General #13633: Justice is Coming Edition

Created 150410ZSEP20




>>103807, >>103812, >>103819, >>103823, >>103825, >>103827, >>103830, >>103834 Continuation of News Roundup for Sept.07-13 (Various)

>>103808, >>103810, >>103836 HuPo's White House pooler's "Editorial" comments+Cap

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc4bce81284f29bd63a24aea7eb1e1715a27c7766ee9e56e3b8f490ac5946cbe.mp4

>>103809 Check it

>>103811, >>103814, >>103816, >>103817, >>103821 Bill Binney (Various)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1vbTugrr2Ag - 2013: Maxine Waters on Obama 'Database' [Channel: Black & Blonde Media]

>>103813, >>103831, >>103833, >>103835, >>103837 PF FOB Coastal Carrier Moves & Boatfag has no Sight of em! Ghost! + Forestry Service!

>>103815, >>103826 Stop The Coup! A Re: to American Mind's "the Coming Coup"+Similarly Titled Article (Zero HedgeMedium)

>>103818, >>103822 ObamaSon? Alleged ANTIFA Member was in WH!

>>103820 Their Plans for Re-Election PDF W/Annotated References (PDF)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/850bf7e361b72bd1ad81b87d2f9d76e0d160de813cf6c6f8fdaae5bb097c4baf.pdf

>>103824 This has to be Re-Notabled.

>>103828, >>103829 An Analysis by Anonymous Conservative.

>>103832 JA, G2.0, DNC v Russia Federation (Cap)

>>103838 REMINDER: On May 3 2011, at a national event in Washington, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. did the unthinkable - He publicly revealed the identity of the special-operations unit responsible for bin Laden's killing, just to show that he "was in the know". (Special-Ops.org)

>>103839 Q Referenced Council: Before a Clackamas County sheriff’s deputy spread unfounded antifa wildfire rumors, a supervisor did (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UIfWBN08O4w - Before a Clackamas County sheriff’s deputy spread unfounded antifa wildfire rumors, a supervisor did [Channel: The Oregonian]

>>103840 WATCH chaotic protests grip Haiti’s capital as demonstrators torch cars & demand release of detained police officer (RT)

>>103841 Venezuelan Chief Prosecutor Brings Charges of Terrorism Against Alleged US Spy (Sputnik)

>>103842 When things talk when they shouldnt the way they do: ‘Irresponsible, Arrogant’: Nevada Gov. Sisolak Rips Trump For Holding Indoor Rally | All In | MSNBC (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ea-HRiHqd20 - ‘Irresponsible, Arrogant’: Nevada Gov. Sisolak Rips Trump For Holding Indoor Rally | All In | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>103843 700 due at White House Israel-UAE-Bahrain signing; Netanyahu to meet Trump first

>>103844 Abuse report leads police to discover girl has been missing for 10 years (1News.info)

>>103845 A friend in Los Angeles happened to drive by on Ventura Blvd. in the valley as a huge group of Trump voters drove by

>>103846 17 days… signalling?

>>103847 VIDEO: Huge Locust Repeatedly Lands On Joe Biden’s Face During Rant About ‘Environmental Justice’

>>103848 #13633

(22 notables, 42 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173276

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10653607 Q Research General #13634: 1,000 times greater in magnitude! Edition

Created 150533ZSEP20




>>103849 Deep M6.4 earthquake hits Kamchatka, Russia (The Watchers)

>>103850 Resignations in the news 9/14/2020 (Various)

>>103851 Food Shortages to Reduce the Population Brought to you by the COVID Triumvirate (Armstrong Economics.com)

>>103852 Well if FBI is as good at investigating Netflix's Jerry Harris as it is Portland's Arson "We have a problem"

>>103853 Trump on the way to a Full and Complete Endorsement from Homosexuals. 45% according to Newsweek

>>103854 "New"ell Digs Sharpie

>>103855 Before She Was Murdered: Benazir Bhutto was a Pakistani politician who served as Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996. (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oIO8B6fpFSQ - Benazir Bhutto|"Frost over the World" [Channel: Al Jazeera English]

>>103856 BREAKING: DHS leaked email confirms Antifa is an organized group (The Post Millennial.com)

>>103857 BUSINESS MEETING: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 10:15 a.m. Re: Crossfire Hurricane (Twitter)

>>103858 This is the owner of the salon in Pelosi-gate, who just posted saying her uncle was jumped and attacked by Antifa. (Twitter)

>>103859 ANOTHER Fire in Beirut, Lebanon (Twitter)

>>103860, >>103865, >>103873, >>103876, >>103877 PF Who's pickin' up some good triangulations?

>>103861 Antifa Reports (Facebook Caps)

>>103862 Pre Release study claiming treatment for C-19

>>103863 The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) is a definitive major player in the ANTIFA movement. It sponsors numerous bail funds and the following organizations... (AFGJ.org)

>>103864 Who Wants ta know? Is Trump breaking/beating the AI by being unpredictable/wild, which would explain some of his chaotic-seeming decisions and press conferences?

>>103866, >>103868 "Forming an ANTIFA group: A manual" on It's Going Down, an ANTIFA organizing group's website

>>103867 Injecta-Butt or Squat away the stretch marks? Choose Carefully Ladies and Gentlemen (News-Medical.net)

>>103869 Bureau of Land "Mis"-Management. . . (Various)

>>103870 Interesting Omission - Another case of...'Deleted' (Twitter)

>>103871 ANTIFA Syria Files

>>103872 Prince and Queen on the move. (Cap)

>>103874 Platinum Records: Live Platinum High: 969.00 (Cap)

>>103875 ANTIFA using Riseup.net to communicate (email, chat, list, and VPN service) (Center for Security Policy.org)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/18506a2737488a764457d7af531f676ef36f0ff8f4351fd48d76a014eaa494bb.pdf

>>103878 #13634,

>>103879 #13634

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9d28d5 No.173277

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10654419 Q Research General #13635: Crisis Meeting Edition

Created 150854ZSEP20




>>103880 LA arson fires increasing amid COVID-19 pandemic, LAPD data shows

>>103881 Racial Justice Agitators Are Killing Sports Along With Opportunities for at-Risk Black Youths

>>103882 New evidence makes Hunter Biden’s ‘business’ deals reek worse than ever

>>103883 Catherine Herridge: Memo Indicates Peter Strzok Approved His Own Draft To Open The Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

>>103884 If Biden can’t answer questions without a script, how can he run the country?

>>103885 Judge guilty of groping daughters' teen friends during massages, beach trips 'He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, hiding in plain sight before you'

>>103886 Report: Left-Wing Groups Plot Riots on Social Media

>>103887 Feds want 5 years in prison for Clare Bronfman in Nxivm case

>>103888 Joe Biden Confuses Sign Language Interpreter as He Speaks Gibberish About “Environmental Justice” During Virtual Event

>>103889, >>103896 North Carolina Democratic Senate Candidate Appears To Stifle A Laugh When Thom Tillis Mentions Police Officers Shot In LA

>>103890 FBI Raids Home of Netflix Star and Biden Surrogate Jerry Harris Over Underage Sex Allegation

>>103891, >>103894 'Proven leader': More than 200 former military leaders endorse Trump in open letter

>>103892 Greece, in conjunction with United States, will begin five-day military exercise using tanks Monday near land border w/Turkey

>>103893 Turns Out a Number of Fires on the West Coast Aren't Because of 'Climate Change'

>>103895 Planefag Reports

>>103897 Ann Getty, SF society figure and philanthropist, dies at 79

>>103898 Watch Sen. Kamala Harris refer to a "Harris administration, together with Joe Biden" (@1:40)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2CIFUNmVnKQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103899 Biden visiting Florida to woo Latinos: "I will talk about how I am going to work like the devil to make sure I turn every Latino and Hispanic vote"

>>103900, >>103903, >>103905, >>103906, >>103909, >>103913, >>103917, >>103920, >>103924, >>103925 DIGG CALL - Int't Anti-Fascist Defence Fund

>>103901, >>103902, >>103904, >>103907, >>103908, >>103910, >>103911, >>103912, >>103914, >>103915, >>103916, >>103918, >>103919, >>103921, >>103922, >>103923, >>103926, >>103927, >>103928, >>103929, >>103930 This is MUCH better than the crude 4 black corners

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed6e30fc3342d183a61ad51d174e238bf79b8e3e7d5d8c14e559c81c93283345.webm

>>103931 #13635

(21 notables, 52 posts, 62 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173278

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10655196 Q Research General #13636: Midnight Riders Counter Disinfo, Use Camo, Knowledge Is Power! Edition

Created 151234ZSEP20




>>103932, >>103941 Black Lives Matter Founder Admits to Not Just Marxist Beliefs but Occultist Practices

>>103933 Judicial Watch Twat Poll: Should #RobertMueller be investigated?

>>103934, >>103957 "Suspected Antifa starting fires"- Captain Jeff Smith of the Sheriff's Department

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MIrxqCD7viI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>103935, >>103937, >>103948 Planefag Reports

>>103936 UK: Ex-Tory MP Charlie Elphicke jailed for two years for sexual assaults

>>103938, >>103939 Jerry Harris from ‘Cheer’ under FBI investigation for allegedly soliciting sex from minors

>>103940 QANON is NOT considered a Terrorist Threat. The Bulletin going around the Fake News is Fake

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55c133fb44cc32cd36771bec910f16ae3d0ef56cff99c03cc38c750f4c41c92d.mp4

>>103942 Biden Votes in Person in Delaware Primary Monday, Proving in Person Voting Safe for the Elderly

>>103943 Guinea-Bissau migration agency boss arrested for alleged cocaine trafficking

>>103944 CNN’s Brian Stelter Ignores ‘Cuties’ Controversy in Interview with Netflix CEO Reed Hastings

>>103945 Pompeo Atlantic council live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4vYOk98hg2Q - Secretary Pompeo Participates in a Conversation with Atlantic Council President Kempe - 9:15 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>103946 Italian Youth League Is Latest International Group to Endorse President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize

>>103947, >>103959 Scientists discover antibody that 'neutralizes' virus that causes COVID-19 by blocking it from entering cells

>>103949 U. Chicago English Dept. Says It Will 'Only' Admit "Black Studies" Grad Students This Year

>>103950, >>103952 House Republican leaders hold news conference on Capitol steps to announce “Commitment to America” plan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VHjQSuzHEg8 - House GOP hold Commitment to America news conference [Channel: Fox News]

>>103951 Ohio Man Charged with Rape of 12-Year-Old Who Became Pregnant

>>103953 Israel's Leumi signs deals with First Abu Dhabi Bank, Emirates NBD

>>103954 China Struggling to Convince Citizens to Take Chinese-Made Flu Shots

>>103955, >>103964 SOS: Mailers sent by Postal Service to Nevadans contain inaccurate info regarding state’s voting process for general election

>>103956 New PDJT twat: We are advertising all over the place, but as much as we do, the Fake News likes to say we aren’t...

>>103958 City to pay millions to Breonna Taylor's mom, reform police

>>103960 The CDC Ignores Presidential Order and Moves Forward with Critical Race Theory Program

>>103961 Swiss Spiez Laboratory finds potential plant-based treatment for SARS-nCOV-2 Virus

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/863de372bf9ca8070f800f249a26faab9d3b9cf3458a4b067b1db7a35f897347.pdf

>>103962, >>103965 Following meeting w/POTUS in Sacramento, Gov. Gavin Newsom returned to Butte County for closer look at the Bear Fire damage

>>103963, >>103966 Judicial Watch FOIA Docs re Comey - Clinton Announcement (p 410)

>>103967 #13636

(26 notables, 36 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173279

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10655973 Q Research General #13637: Melania Tuesday ~ If We Had Honest Press It Would Be Great For US Edition

Created 151445ZSEP20




>>103968 This clip from the view needs to be re-tweeted around the world This will destroy Biden vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/12e26eb82da6f168522ace3e247e41e3b92b97977d594a3dc7ec5f31609c30ac.mp4

>>103969, >>103971 This is what it looks like when people have had enough. vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/263e282a9202beb75aaff63caad044b1e51ca470c6b1b4e84816b988053e539c.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8hmISMQPaJE - Liz Peek DESTROYS Feeble Joe Biden: "An Incredible Scam Being Perpetrated on the American Voters" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>103970 Police: Man arrested for starting several small fires next to I-205 in Portland

>>103972 Democrats Trying to Hand IMF $3 Trillion for Globalist Agenda

>>103973 whistle blower released a report exposing the Fake whistle blower

>>103974, >>103988, >>103993 PF updates

>>103975 What hospitals got paid for each Covid patient.

>>103976 12 adults, 1 juvenile arrested for arson, vandalism during protests over Lancaster police shooting

>>103977 Crime and Courts: Prosecutors: Time to do your job!

>>103978 Forbidden & Suppressed Books The Great Awakening

>>103979, >>103980 Open Letter from a Texan to the owner of the disgraced Texans.

>>103981, >>103986 Camo overlays. Made a few this morning and remembered there's piles of the damn things on the internet already

>>103982, >>103994 Feds issue GJ subpoenas to Bolton's pubisher

>>103983 Secretary Pompeo Attends the Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony at the White House - 12 p.m.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ideq0nJj2Fo - Secretary Pompeo Attends the Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony at the White House - 12 p.m. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>103984 Gina Haspel warned Durham inquiry would be a 'nightmare' for CIA: Woodward book

>>103985 The Sheriff has asked Lebron James to match the amount

>>103987 at 2 pm ET TODAY for "Camp David & Beyond: The Middle East Peace Process From Carter to Clinton," featuring our specialist Josh Montanari!

>>103989 Louisville agrees to multimillion-dollar settlement with family of Breonna Taylor

>>103990 Former DEA Agent and His Wife Plead Guilty for Roles in Scheme to Divert Drug Proceeds From Undercover Money Laundering Investigations

>>103991, >>103992 Refresher: Vindmans, X3

>>103995 President Trump and The First Lady Participate in an Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nA_3uYGjIgM - President Trump and The First Lady Participate in an Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony [Channel: The White House]

>>103996 Potus: HISTORIC day for PEACE in the Middle East — I am welcoming leaders from Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Bahrain to the White House to sign landmark deals

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e1f72ff4ba196728dbee5a5edb8704b5753a4e0fe3c70196922bae2a3e1940d1.mp4

>>103997 #13637

(23 notables, 30 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173280

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10657493 Q Research General #13639: Climate Change With A Flick of the Wrist No Moar! Edition

Created 151734ZSEP20




>>104042 Historic signing Abraham accords 1:38pm Sept 15, 2020

>>104043 ISIS Video from Late July Calls for Arson Attacks across US

>>104044 Scavino peace deal pic

>>104045 Cease and Desist notice served on Commonwealth of Australia Corporation, Video accuses the Gov of pedophilia at highest levels

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D-979pMVcbA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104046 Trump Middle East peace approach was not conventional. Here's what made the difference

>>104047 Merkel ‘ashamed’ of persistent anti-Semitism in Germany, as she attends anniversary of country’s largest Jewish group

>>104048 Stanford profs try to cancel Trump Coronavirus adviser…& White House strikes back

>>104049 Jerisalem old city walls, tonight

>>104050 "We Need China To Move": Senator Proposes Stripping China's Most-Favored-Nation Status

>>104051, >>104054 Putin Withdraws Russian Troops From Belarus Border After Uneventful Lukashenko Meeting

>>104052 Aaron Klein: Trump, Netanyahu Driving Mideast Peace Train

>>104053, >>104056, >>104065 PF updates

>>104055 Jim Cramer Calls Pelosi ‘Crazy Nancy’ Right To Her Face During Televised Interview

>>104057 Rand Paul quotes on Not wearing a mask

>>104058 Call to diggz on fires, Feinstein from past two years

>>104059 Blast from the PastThe Hollywood Ten: The Men Who Refused to Name Names

>>104060 Two Alleged Hackers Charged with Defacing Websites Following Killing of Qasem Soleimani

>>104061 Wildfire closes U.S. Hwy. 12 across White Pass in Cascades

>>104062 Trudeau to Announce Retaliatory Aluminum Tariffs Against U.S.

>>104063 BREAKING: NASA says the sun has entered a new “solar cycle”. Officially named “Solar Cycle 25”......

>>104064 “Its something we should all be proud of.“

>>104066 Former Employee At Los Alamos National Laboratory Sentenced To Probation For Making False Statements About Being Employed By China

>>104067 US Officials Fear Arrest Over Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

>>104068 Saginaw man charged with sexually assaulting 2 girls for years

>>104069 UK theme park Dinosaur World closes after owner convicted of child sex offences

>>104070 #13639

(26 notables, 29 posts, 30 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173281

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10656721 Q Research General #13638: Histroric ME Peace Deals Edition

Created 151617ZSEP20




>>103998 @DeptofDefense Partner flight

>>103999 Flotus: A historic day........

>>104000, >>104005, >>104007, >>104010, >>104011, >>104014, >>104020 President Trump on Tuesday predicted that the historic peace deals his administration brokered with Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will eventually force the Palestinians to come to the table, as more such deals follow.

>>104001 Potus Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nA_3uYGjIgM - President Trump and The First Lady Participate in an Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony [Channel: The White House]

>>104002 If you live in the northern states, here's why your sky is hazy. A wave of smoke in the upper atmosphere from Western fires is washing over the US.

>>104003 Some 235 retired senior military officers have signed a letter backing the reelection of President Donald Trump .....

>>104004 Lancaster protesters held on whopping $1 million bail after alleged riots

>>104006 Former lead activist for ‘comfort women’ charged with fraud & embezzlement in South Korea

>>104008 Clouds of chlorine vapor rise into the sky after chemical-packed warehouse catches fire near Atlanta, Georgia

>>104009 Arson suspected in fire that destroyed 2 Bothell homes

>>104012 Scientific America: I love the smell of desperation/KEK!

>>104013, >>104015, >>104021, >>104025 moar meme overlays

>>104016 Militant Islamists Slaughter More than 500 Christians in Ethiopia

>>104017 'The Cavalry is Coming:' Lincoln Project Joins With National Latino Groups To Boost Biden/FYI

>>104018 Q Saving Israel for last

>>104019 Top Terrorist Who Bankrolled Daesh Killed During Operation in Western Iraq

>>104022 Inslee refutes President Trump's wildfire claims: 'What a bunch of ignorance'.

>>104023 Pompeo Hopes for Full US Troop Exit From Afghanistan Next Year as Intra-Afghan Talks Start in Doha

>>104024 Top HHS spokesman runs through conspiracies in video and claims without evidence CDC scientists are working to resist Trump

>>104026, >>104037 planefaggin

>>104027 Facebook just censored our PAC's $4 million ad campaign in MI attacking @JoeBiden,@SenGaryPeters for their support for radical policies that would destroy women's sports.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/127458902ce19300a9bec627b18aab656d864ac74ef57e5c879ce663bca15308.mp4

>>104028 WTO rules that Trump’s tariffs on China violated global trade rules/no teeth!

>>104029 Kohls Announces New Line of BLM Shirts

>>104030 BREAKING Moussa Traore, who led Mali for 22 years until 1991, has died aged 83: family

>>104031, >>104033 Covid a 'catalyst' for QAnon's rise in Europe

>>104032 Kelso, WA: Man starting a fire in shrubs caught on security camera: Video from pb

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d2f43bd1bda0101ecdb99d4916faf972beb659e6ab3a103f5689aa2f6f64b6a.mp4

>>104034 NBC's Sunday Night Football ratings plummet nearly 30% compared to 2019

>>104035 Villanueva Thinking for himself.

>>104036 Texas billboard cautions drivers to enter Austin "at your own risk" after city reduces police budget

>>104038 Former U.K. Lawmaker Jailed for 2 Years in Sexual Assaults

>>104039 Bill Gates Slams FDA, Doubts Agency Can Be Trusted With COVID-19 Vaccine?

>>104040 Wildland Arson: A Research Assessment

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bb71639b8b68c46301545b1bd4cd11f47981fb6a57337e3e52f3dd456daddb9f.pdf

>>104041 #13638

(33 notables, 44 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173282

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10658267 Q Research General #13640: Peace Is The Prize Edition

Created 151841ZSEP20




>>104071 POTUS emphasized several times that “Biden is shot.”

>>104072 Kamala calls it the Harris administration and now Biden calls it the Harris /Biden administration

>>104073, >>104077 KimK shutting it all down

>>104074 Cuties accepted by left

>>104075, >>104078, >>104083, >>104091 planefaggin

>>104076 Trump hails new 'dawn' for Middle East as Israel signs accords with Bahrain and UAE

>>104079 Pompeo touts end of Palestinian 'veto' over Arab-Israeli ties

>>104080 Antero Midstream Corp. sold by CEO: $46.44m-Sept 14

>>104081 Spare us your card @JoeBiden I served under your administration. I lost my legs under your leadership.

>>104082 Nebraska President caught on hot mic saying announcement for return of Big 10 Football coming tonight.

>>104084 Gaza militants fire rockets at Israel as pacts signed in US

>>104085 CDC: Robert Redfield is scheduled to appear tomorrow before the Senate Subcommittee on Labor/HHS. I fully expect Senate Republicans to hold him accountable for violating the president's executive action.

>>104086 @780thC "We've got approximately 4,000 National Guardsmen that we would identify as cyber operational personnel within 59 units that are dedicated to a specific federal cyber mission," Col. George Haynes, chief of cyberspace operations for the NGB #cyber

>>104087 West Coast Air Quality

>>104088 Justice Department Watchdog Probing Handling of Stone Sentencing

>>104089 Officer Shot Outside Federal Courthouse In Downtown Phoenix

>>104090 (in #13640) Twitter Suspends Acct of Chinese Scientist Who Published Paper Alleging COVID Created In Wuhan Lab

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44d4b1bfa5486625bcb7744555d52098b584e19491597c9be7bb2a183d5542d0.pdf

>>104092 “THE $2.5 TRILLION THEFT”: RAND study uncovers massive income shift to the top 1%

>>104093 A Casino security guard beat up a manager over a "business dispute" in Serbia.

>>104094 ‘Cuties’ Backlash Led Netflix U.S. Cancellations to Spike Nearly Eightfold, Analytics Firm Says

>>104095 #13640

(21 notables, 25 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173283

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10659028 Q Research General #13641: College Football On? Pro Team Changes? For the Keks! Edition

Created 151956ZSEP20




>>104096 Scientific Evidence: ‘No Climate Effect’ on California’s Wildfires

>>104097 China Calls US Ban on Uyghur Slave-Picked Cotton ‘Naked Act of Bullying’

>>104098 Pompeo on Trump’s Peace Push: Deals All Connected to Trump’s Strategy Recognizing Iran as Primary Operator for Instability

>>104099 Dementia Biden exiting plane waves to empty field

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QhCg_q5IjjY - Joe Biden Waving To En Empty Filed [Channel: Art TakingBack]

>>104100, >>104107 Mother and cafe owner challenges Victoria curfew in Australian Supreme Court

>>104101 National Weather Service Data: 9 of 10 wildfires are set by humans

>>104102 Port of Los Angeles import container volume soared to all-time high in August

>>104103 Government Seeks [only] 5 Years in Prison for Clare Bronfman (NXIVM case)

>>104104 Judge Sets Bail at $1 Million Each for Lancaster Rioters

>>104105 Irish Doctor Speaks Out About Covid-19 Lies (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P9IufUtXumg - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>104106 Paper: Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44d4b1bfa5486625bcb7744555d52098b584e19491597c9be7bb2a183d5542d0.pdf

>>104108 lb Potential Connection between Murdered Pitt Researcher, and Small-Molecule Antibody for COVID

>>104109 Catherine Herridge thread on John Bolton

>>104110 Judge strikes down Pennsylvania lockdown; Gov. Wolf to appeal

>>104111 DoJ: Vermont Man Charged with Hiring Person to Kidnap & Kill a Man in a Foreign Country, & Producing & Receiving Child Porn

>>104112 DoJ: Former Los Alamos Nat. Lab. Employee Sentenced To Probation For False Statements About Being Employed By China

>>104113 FBI’s ‘Op Black Phoenix’ Arrests 18 In Drug and AR-15 Style Gun Bust

>>104114 Planefag

>>104115 #13641

(19 notables, 20 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173284

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10660570 Q Research General #13643: It's All About "Change" Night Shift Edition

Created 152223ZSEP20




>>104141, >>104155 Planefag Reports

>>104142, >>104157 MSM Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/842d668d5fb8bdf83f80cfaa4195a13673ee78dc6351b98acb455b4038dfc05f.pdf

>>104143 New iOS update gives opt in to the 'CV Exposure Notifications System' w/o app

>>104144 Twitter Suspends Chinese Scientist Whose Paper Alleges Covid Was Created In Wuhan Lab

>>104145, >>104148 More Q Post aggregator sites

>>104146 Chinese Scientist in note below to appear on Tucker tonight at 8pm EST

>>104147 Video: Jared Kushner highlights the effectiveness of President Trump's unconventional diplomacy - CNN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q2VP1qYtJzg - Jared Kushner highlights the effectiveness of President Trump's unconventional diplomacy [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>104149 US Travel Warning For China & HK: "Arbitrary Detention & Prolonged Interrogations"

>>104150, >>104156 Bronze statue of Melania Trump unveiled in Slovenia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xUf2PHWh29w - Bronze statue of Melania Trump unveiled in Slovenia [Channel: Associated Press]

>>104151 Kelso, WA: Man starting a fire in shrubs caught on security camera: Video from pb

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d2f43bd1bda0101ecdb99d4916faf972beb659e6ab3a103f5689aa2f6f64b6a.mp4

>>104152 Donald Trump Jr - Pennsylvania Sheriff Switches to GOP: 'The Democratic Party Has Left Me'

>>104153 Lancaster protest shut down swiftly as officers regain control of the city

>>104154 Homeland Security document says White Supremacy group biggest threat, local expert disagrees

>>104158 AG Jason Ravnsborg Who Killed Man While Reporting a Deer Now Says ‘I Discovered the Body’

>>104159, >>104173, >>104174, >>104175 Aussie WHISTLEBLOWER INSIDER gives EVIDENCE of Spygate origin I

>>104160 Greece: 5 arsonists believed to have started fires at the Moria migrant camp arrested

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WX1dHoHJe5I

>>104161 Destroy this TWITTER POLL: Do you support our POTUS?

>>104162 Fresh FLOTUS tweet: A historic day here at the @WhiteHouse

>>104163, >>104168 Bill Gates Sr., father of Microsoft co-founder, dies at 94

>>104164 History of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/216ac0eba6b1bc6021d7b94fa260976ad28530fa401ae34dc83ae0fc94a0ea02.pdf

>>104165 The Washington Times: The prospect of violence on Election Day

>>104166 Claim: Gilead sent death threats to French doctor for telling the world that HCQ cures CV

>>104167 REMINDER: POTUS is doing a town hall on ABC tonight 9:00

>>104169 Oregon Says Reports of Antifa Firesetters Are Nuts, So Why Did Clackman County Call for Curfew Because of Them?

>>104170 Woodrow Wilson and the Zionists Network

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e76cd7bf59e695c2e72249462447a88ec22fce2601f4acb34c9eb6f36b131a7.pdf

>>104171 Accused Rapist Justin Fairfax Made #MeToo ‘Enemies List’ Before Announcing Run for Governor

>>104172 Hollywood Director Judd Apatow: ‘China Has Bought Our Silence’

>>104176, >>104178, >>104179 Aussie WHISTLEBLOWER INSIDER gives EVIDENCE of Spygate origin II

>>104177 Bill Gates: CDC being 'written out of the picture' on Coronavirus

>>104180 Fresh PDJT: Great to be back in Philadelphia

>>104181 #13643,

(31 notables, 41 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173285

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10659796 Q Research General #13642: Anons decode "Biden is Shot"

Created 152105ZSEP20




>>104116 PF updates

>>104117 Summer Refresher: collapsing our economy

>>104118 President Trump Participates in the Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony at the White House vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZUaFtfJTSaQ - President Trump Participates in the Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony at the White House [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>104119 LIVE: Pro-Trump Patriots and protesters are gathered outside upcoming Trump Town Hall event in Philadelphia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4-3UOC_cVmw - Activists protest outside Trump Town Hall in Philadelphia [Channel: News2Share]

>>104120 ‘Transparency is not political’: Ric Grenell vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rraPuxeAPgM - ‘Transparency is not political’: Ric Grenell [Channel: Fox Business]

>>104121 09/15/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure to Philly

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wAW-1lw9pHY - 09/15/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>104122 What a shocker: Burning down cities, releasing criminals from prison, and inciting violence was a bad campaign strategy.

>>104123, >>104124 LAW AND ORDER: FOX 10's John Hook EXCLUSIVE Interview With U.S. Attorney General William Barr

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-Ru2Xkceu8I - LAW AND ORDER: FOX 10's John Hook EXCLUSIVE Interview With U.S. Attorney General William Barr [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VO1zR6sw08s - LAW AND ORDER: FOX 10's John Hook EXCLUSIVE Interview With U.S. A.G. Barr Part 2 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>104125 @USTreasury designated Chinese-state owned entity, Union Development Group, for seizing Cambodian land for the Dara Sakor. The project has left devastation...

>>104126 website for the Black Futures Lab, click on the “Donate” button. It will ask you to send your money to an obscure organization, the Chinese Progressive Association

>>104127 Federal officer shot in drive-by shooting in Phoenix vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AXoBC80VBTM - Federal officer shot in drive-by shooting in Phoenix: Report [Channel: Fox News]

>>104128 NY released MS-13 gang member facing federal murder charge

>>104129 Oregon opens state’s first mobile morgue amid deadly wildfires

>>104130 Texas Woman Charged with Fraudulently Obtaining Nearly $2 Million in COVID Relief Funds

>>104131 Aussie WHISTLEBLOWER INSIDER gives EVIDENCE of Spygate origin I

>>104132 Grand jury indicts man for laser use during protest

>>104133, >>104135 Harris visited a Venezuelan restaurant in Doral — unannounced — and it became a local news disaster....

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02c4c9fd76f9da08d2070814da7a22e0f13cf209906eaec836fbca83ad857d9f.mp4

>>104134 Kim Jong Un reportedly tours ‘socialist fairyland’ after typhoon destruction

>>104136 Air Force reveals it secretly built and flew new fighter jet

>>104137 The Bee: Trump Celebrates Middle East Peace Deal By Cooking Up His World-Famous Bacon-Wrapped Pork Ribs

>>104138 Baseball Game in Seattle Cancelled due to Arsons

>>104139 Scavino on Old City Wall Jerusalem

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ed3bb9f194e7af51da4923680c75cebc41d652476e91d80d5326721dbe6395f.mp4

>>104140 #13642

(23 notables, 25 posts, 30 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173286

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10661308 Q Research General #13644: Feelz Like An Early Nightshift Night Edition

Created 152349ZSEP20




>>104182 Anon theory: Watching the pens at the Israeli/UAE Peace Agreement Signing today. Step by step pen watch

>>104183 Assange Hearing Say Six: Prosecutor Says Government Can Prosecute Journalist for Publishing

>>104184, >>104186, >>104187, >>104195, >>104200 Video: Chinese scientist claims CV lab-created and intetionally released: On Tucker

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/732b5116b61b1fdd0d3b234ff1556adcbc9b28ba035472d44d9c4ffd86f3bae3.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a79f2268ab4e3fd5f1ab30d4063f11911cfc0dda7967baf86ba6d7e3ea8cd42a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/985a00498b533373ec650ac7b09e50e473016b5d7410899d3b0b16d35508b9c1.mp4

>>104185 Video: Smoke from Western wildfires reaches to New York City

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OV08lR3-ehY - Smoke from Western wildfires reaches to New York City [Channel: CBS Evening News]

>>104188, >>104190 Planefag Reports

>>104189 POTUS rt: Obama State Dept. was concerned with Hunter's ties to Burisma

>>104191 Philadelphia tweet report: Anti-Trump protesters now marching through dense traffic, stopping all vehicles

>>104192 Interactive graph of Jeffrey Epstein and his connections

>>104193 Video: Joe Biden in 2006 says don’t trust a spying President

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=03L3lGso_5w - Joe Biden in 2006 Says Don't Trust a Spying President [Channel: MichaelSavage4Prez]

>>104194 Does President Trump Have the Deep State Working Against Him at the CDC?

>>104196 Azek Company Inc. sold by Ontario Teachers Pension Plan: $454.49m-Sept 15

>>104197 - Link

>>104198, >>104201 >>1066200 JUST IN: The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is preparing a possible antitrust lawsuit against Facebook

>>104199 Statement of ABA President Judy Perry Martinez Re: United Nations Day - Mentions Climate Change - No mention of arson

>>104202 #13644

(15 notables, 21 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173287

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10662061 Q Research General #13645: 9pm Philadelphia Town Hall POTUS & George Stephanopolis On ABC Edition

Created 160107ZSEP20




>>104203, >>104222 Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on Tucker

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qFlqXPl_hZQ - Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on 'Tucker' [Channel: Fox News]

>>104204 Japanese Cabinet Resigns En Masse Ahead of Suga's Assumption of Premiership

>>104205 YouTube link to hannity show *live"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D3PAht44-yk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104206, >>104217 Kanye is being weird again: Tweets

>>104207 So You Want to Overthrow the State: Ten Questions for Aspiring Revolutionaries

>>104208, >>104214 Planefag Updates

>>104209 Shinzo Abe Resigning, Confirmation of Old News

>>104210 Anon came across this while digging on NOAA

>>104211 Dr. Li-Meng Yan on Tucker Carlson Tonight: Her paper in PDF

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3545377d5063bc28f2a3f683525103191dfb7f2235bbb96cad5f93a7688ffdfb.pdf

>>104212 Major fire threatens historic observatory near LA

>>104213 Video: Alan Dershowitz files multimillion-dollar defamation lawsuit against CNN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rn6tBfkFXHk - Dershowitz argues quid pro quo not impeachable because Trump’s election "in the public interest" [Channel: Global News]

>>104215 Bexar County (TX) to Cut 19 Constable Posts in 2021

>>104216 Fresh DJT tweet and video re the Mueller Team wiping phones

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/10f19130e7d93866b9ee3e9cea5650073f050a31ddd1bca6839e4a5f55f79b07.mp4

>>104218 Video: Busted: Stephanopoulos caught giving "kill" sign while Trump's lawyer was speaking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mk488cGZeSQ - Busted: George Stephanopoulos caught on camera giving "kill" sign while Trump's lawyer was speaking [Channel: Trump Fan Network]

>>104219 Fresh PDJT: IT'S STOPPED!

>>104220 Woman held for killing 8-year-old daughter over occult practices

>>104221 YT: Oregon man fights fires and misinformation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=L7HDeLKW6qA - Oregon man fights fires and bogus antifa rumors [Channel: KGW News]

(17 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173288

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10662841 Q Research General #13646: The Fuck China - Good Things For Everybody Edition

Created 160202ZSEP20




>>104223 BREAKING: Someone opened fire on marked police car traveling in Suffolk, Virginia tonight. The vehicle was struck multiple times but the officer inside was not hurt

>>104224 US Ambassador to #Hungary David Cornstein resigns

>>104225 Alleged Sureño Gang Members Charged With Selling Drugs, Guns At Concord ‘One-Stop’ Operation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TF3MmxLF6_E - Alleged Sureño Gang Members Charged With Selling Drugs, Guns At Concord ‘One-Stop’ Operation [Channel: KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA]

>>104226, >>104227 Witzke is the second QAnon supporter to win a GOP Senate primary in 2020 after JoRae Perkins in Oregon

>>104228 Drag The Interstate 1776 is an organizing point for car/truck parades. They're organizing rolling rallies in all 50 states on October 3, 2020. Drive from your local town to the capital city in your state

>>104229 Explosive email adds to mountain of evidence saying under-siege premier KNEW about Army quarantine offer, discussed AND rejected it.

>>104230 Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Coming ‘In A Matter Of Weeks’ But Health Experts Question Safety

>>104231 Kobe Bryant's widow takes swipes at LA County sheriff on social media after his challenge to LeBron James

>>104232 Donald Trump Opposes National Mask Mandate During Pandemic: A Lot of People Don’t Want to Wear Masks

>>104233 USA: Protesters march in DC against trilateral UAE-Bahrain-Israel peace deal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=chnC_Ey4w5w

>>104234 America's Largest Landlord-Blackstone-To Make $550 Million Bet On Trailer Parks

>>104235 Bahrain: Trilateral UAE-Bahrain-Israel peace deal sparks protests in Al Daih

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jR24Bp8G5-Q

>>104236, >>104240 After taking a break from rioting for several days because of the wildfire smoke in Portland, #antifa are planning to gather again. Their flyer says, “Spread Fire.” No, this is not fake. #PortlandRiots

>>104237 USA: Pompeo says UAE, Bahraini deals with Israel based on "best sovereign national interest"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tnrITe3Cse8

>>104238 PHILADELPHIA: songs to Jesus where the protest was taking place

>>104239 Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route

>>104241, >>104242 In a rambling statement yesterday Biden says if he is elected his administration will CURE cancer!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab4afaf0adcf44ba826adf15e5da710842234328acf8f44ac887c5b06878f4d0.mp4

>>104243, >>104247, >>104252, >>104254 Fat moron from The View posted a picture on Twitter

>>104244 US to Stop Using Russian Rocket Engine RD-180 in Mid-2020s - United Launch Alliance

>>104245 Michelle Malkin Eph. 6:11

>>104246, >>104249 PF

>>104248 Under the Media's Berlin Wall of Truth Suppression

>>104250 Milwaukee Trump Supporter Arrested for Brandishing a Gun at Black Lives Matter Mob That Was Surrounding His Home

>>104251 Kameltoe not welcome in Venezuelan restaurant!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2eb6859aeac5fb5c67a040f1c3929fd5c488b7aa2ccfd70d3e407d07600024f3.mp4

>>104253 What ISIS Can Tell Us About QAnon - PANIC

>>104255 Though Most Crime Rates Fell, Arson Surged During Pandemic, FBI Says

>>104256 #13646

(27 notables, 34 posts, 40 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173289

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10663601 Q Research General #13647: POTUS Kicked Ass Edition

Created 160305ZSEP20




>>104257, >>104285 Los Angeles-area authorities worked Tuesday to apprehend a suspected armed carjacker in a standoff amid suspicions he could be connected to the shooting of two sheriff's deputies over the weekend

>>104258, >>104264 BOMBSHELL: The Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Progressive Association, is actively funding elements of the BLM movement.

>>104259 Infiltration. Traitors first.

>>104260 On Sept. 16 at noon Eastern, Future Tense will host an online event called “How Should We Talk About QAnon?” For more information and to RSVP, visit the New America website.

>>104261 China Virologist Full paper.

>>104262 New board for MEMES anons

>>104263 POTUS Schedule for WEDNESDAY September 16, 2020

>>104265 It’s a free country. Anyone can organize. You DC types hate it when conservatives do what you do. - GRENELL

>>104266, >>104289, >>104293, >>104312 Commie Salt Responses to POTUS Townhall Minibun ← needs more salt

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/acf32dde60b6b3f63a9d9f463a723aad99141f59708aa5ec99331446540a4d75.mp4

>>104267 Australian police accessed Chinese diplomats' emails and messages as part of foreign political interference investigation

>>104268, >>104278 MOAR PANIC

>>104269 Another video of the heavy-set woman screaming at the BLM protest in Philadelphia.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a61748a771fb244623b47c2c4851901da56166800d6c79a783b057be736aa7db.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a3343a27d5866fed08fd9219ef0bb739c20c0fd7d66ae0ddc083b6c9b62eb5f3.mp4

>>104270 Pres. Trump says COVID-19 will go away even without a vaccine in part because of … “herd mentality.”

>>104271 The Battle of Midway and the confirmation that George H. W. Bush is a big fat f***g Nazi liar

>>104272, >>104275, >>104299, >>104300, >>104301, >>104302, >>104303, >>104304 Holy F* Cringe - Joe Biden begins speaking at a Hispanic Heritage Month event by playing “Despacito” on his cell phone

>>104273 Tucker/Nick Fuentes Mashup re: BLM Subversive Agenda

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d70dae93b46ef845a5944bd503086f0b6c0935166e275f2e72a270e2e5335c0.mp4

>>104274 Mask-Enforcing Humanoid Robots Set To Invade Office Spaces

>>104276 Haiti Chaos | Protesters torch cars & demand release of detained officer in Port-au-Prince

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=v0_Fr3jxjU0

>>104277 Video - BLM protesters in Milwaukee, Wisc. surround a man’s house. He has a Trump & US flag on the outside. He was reportedly arrested for brandishing a weapon.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3a2feb9b4147e4bda80145ac3f6b3a0ebc3622ce708417ecaf2d2509b4dea96.mp4

>>104279 "Federal Highway administration wants the DC government to remove the Black Lives Matter Plaza sign.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gVIuQd4Gm4s

>>104280 Why Dave Rubin And Many Others Are Leaving The Democratic Party

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fo380pcCdGE - Why Dave Rubin And Many Others Are Leaving The Democratic Party | POLITICS | Rubin Report [Channel: The Rubin Report]

>>104281 The View’ co-host Sunny Hostin calls Joe Rogan ‘misogynistic, racist, homophobic,’ not fit to host debate

>>104282, >>104284 Eddie Bravo is a based new age samurai

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r_CAu6OAv6o - Eddie Bravo: QAnon is Real! [Channel: JRE Clips]

>>104283 People fleeing Melbourne to be fined $5,000

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3A6s19ZHIag - People fleeing Melbourne to be fined $5,000 [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>104286 Oregon GOP wins voter guide lawsuit

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1c5Hq9eZHC0 - Oregon GOP wins voter guide lawsuit [Channel: KGW News]

>>104287 Antifa Organizing

>>104288 Texas Supreme Court blocks Harris Co. Clerk from sending mail-in ballot applications

>>104290, >>104291 EXCLUSIVE: Rare photos capture Epstein cavorting with scantily clad young women on his 'Pedophile Island

>>104292 Wildfires make it difficult to track COVID-19 cases

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=csxslgYKvg0 - Wildfires make it difficult to track COVID-19 cases [Channel: KGW News]

>>104294 Yep, a few of us knew this from Day One! #China made the virus a weapon.

>>104295 Grab and go! @USArmy

>>104296 Dr. Li-Meng YAN’s twitter account suspended after her appearance on TuckerCarlson.

>>104297 PF

>>104298 Kerry: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem Would Lead to a Mideast Explosion - Flashback

>>104306 NEW PDJT - It doesn't get any better than this.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ce0fc8f698e251842003e999666683f97c87f6dbe97b81c78452bd5e60996f0d.mp4

>>104307 Benghazi: The Forgotten "September 11th" Attack On The US Consulate In Libya

>>104308, >>104309, >>104311 Matt Whitaker Sky/Fortress Tweet Same day E4b ORDER66 Flying Fortress was spotted - Sept 13th

>>104310 Blackstone's Schwarzman emerges as Wall Street's top political donor

>>104313 #13647

(39 notables, 56 posts, 52 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173290

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10664358 Q Research General #13648: Biden Cringe Reaches Level Never Before Thought Possible Edition

Created 160445ZSEP20




>>104314 New DJT: What is this all about? (Biden w/phone)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ce0fc8f698e251842003e999666683f97c87f6dbe97b81c78452bd5e60996f0d.mp4

>>104315 MULEgate: U.S. Attorney John Durham Caught Mueller Once Before in Shocking 1990s FBI Corruption Probe

>>104316 rep massie on gate's vaccine, "they can stick a vaccine in me, over my cold dead body"

>>104317 @RickGrenell on Fox News

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rraPuxeAPgM - ‘Transparency is not political’: Ric Grenell [Channel: Fox Business]

>>104318, >>104321 What is this all about? Actual Biden clip (slightly dif than POTUS version....)

>>104319 Lyrics to Despacito (what Biden actually played): "I want to breathe your neck slowly"

>>104320 Tucker interview w/Chinese MD whistleblower in mp4

>>104322, >>104325, >>104328 9/11 second tower vid explosion without plane

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d826aa1521fef1b755801529f34bd841964e6e38108ad90efb6f81c597eb7e63.mp4

>>104323 Barbados to remove queen as head of state next year


>>104326 California Cities Using Their Streets As Collateral To Pay Down Pension Liabilities With Debt

>>104327 Female police officer jailed for using her badge to steal six properties

>>104329 Digital camouflage for digital soldiers - ways to make undetectable memes

>>104330 John Basham Don't be confused that I am a journalist or in any way apolitical

>>104331, >>104339 Meet Obama's Hatchet Man and The Architect of the Democratic Coup Playbook

>>104332, >>104337 Moar digs on Newell Brands

>>104333 Tucker Carlson Exposes Democrat Plan to Steal 2020 Election from Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m18AvUJ7iDo - Tucker Carlson Exposes Democrat Plan to Steal 2020 Election from Trump [Channel: Donald James]

>>104334 Jow Biden "Misses" Campaign Event

>>104335 U.S. is in Middle East ‘to protect Israel’ not for oil, Trump says

>>104336, >>104338, >>104340, >>104342 New Scavino FB: SIR - it's time to roll. Gloves off. Game on. Let's GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #MAGA

>>104341 Lawn fertiliser or bomb ingredients? New York firefighters find potassium nitrate in Queens home

>>104343 Démocrates Using "Color Revolution" Tactics Used Against Foreign Leaders To Try To Get Rid Of Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c6XO7SDNGic - Democrats Using "Color Revolution" Tactics Used Against Foreign Leaders To Try T [Channel: no one]

>>104344 LIVE: Streamer in Hurricane Sally. Crazy!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d65K7-ASEbk - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>104345 BREAKING Japan parliament elects Yoshihide Suga new prime minister

>>104346 Democrats tap Norm Eisen to consult on House Judiciary Committee

>>104347, >>104348 Tanks near Hwy I-84 headed towards Portland? ANONS DIG

>>104349 #13648

(27 notables, 36 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173291

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10665144 Q Research General #13649: Late Takin' Baker Scrambles for Notables Edition

Created 160653ZSEP20




>>104350, >>104362, >>104377 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>104351 Dark Web Voter Database Report Casts New Doubts on Russian Election Hack Narrative

>>104352, >>104373, >>104380, >>104381, >>104389, >>104397, >>104398, >>104407, >>104412 Meme Camo discussion

>>104353 Whitney Webb Exposes Upcoming 2020 Election Chaos

>>104354, >>104364, >>104371, >>104372, >>104374 David Brock /Norm Eisen + Assorted Scum

>>104355, >>104396, >>104401 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>104356, >>104360, >>104390 Financefag reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zYSkx4gGl6w - U.S. drops tariffs on Canadian aluminum ahead of retaliation [Channel: CBC News]

>>104357, >>104358 man tries to grab school children Orpington, Bromley, Greater London

>>104359, >>104393 Weatherfag reports

>>104361, >>104363 Ocean Policy Committee info

>>104365 More Digs on NY mansion from Joy Behar's tweet

>>104366, >>104367 Dig on Château de la Chèvre d'Or The Golden Goat France

>>104368 Marine Rotational Force – Darwin Tweet

>>104369, >>104370, >>104375 Bill Gates Sr Dead more notes

>>104376 On this day: Mayflower sets sail September 16, 1620

>>104378, >>104388, >>104394, >>104399, >>104406 Chinese Virus Reports

>>104379, >>104382, >>104383, >>104384, >>104386, >>104387, >>104392, >>104403, >>104410 BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d2f43bd1bda0101ecdb99d4916faf972beb659e6ab3a103f5689aa2f6f64b6a.mp4

>>104385 USPS operation vote by mail fraud

>>104391 City councilors choose no action against mayor over QAnon comments Deputy mayor said Armacost used free speech

>>104395 Multiple Arrests In Trafficking Operation

>>104400 Marine Rotational Force – Darwin Tweet + US Mil news

>>104402 There’s a reason why Rush is wondering if Biden is ever seen at night

>>104404 Mattel Releases Día De Los Muertos 2020 Barbie Doll (Skull Doll)

>>104405, >>104409 Gen. Flynn tweets.

>>104408 Barbara Sturm is a German dermatologist "I know all of Hollywood"

>>104411 WHAT IF, the private hospitals are the mechanism for obtaining huge govt. funding to pour into Antiifa/BLM!?

>>104413 September 17th, tomorrow, is Constitution Day.

>>104414 #13649

(28 notables, 65 posts, 83 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173292

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10665954 Q Research General #13650: Anons Keeping The Light Of Freedom On Edition

Created 161051ZSEP20




>>104415, >>104416 Mueller Team Had Lisa Page’s Phone It Claimed Was Lost, Email Shows

>>104417 Seattle City Council votes to use taxpayer dollars to pay for Kshama Sawant's legal fees connected to recall

>>104418 Seattle police arrest 11 people, use pepper spray in downtown protest

>>104419, >>104420 Aussie's need to take back control: Forcbile detention of “conspiracy theorists”. Chineee flu fuggery

>>104421 Joe Biden’s 2016 call with ex-Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko is leaked

>>104422 Second QAnon supporter wins Republican Senate primary

>>104423 If they start igniting more fires, people are gonna die. Antifa Arsonist Warning from Clackamas County Sheriff

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d200040de0a8fc6140e689ca0fa27b36926586d27e2169872f7f0843595eb3e.mp4

>>104424 Pennsylvania Lt. Governor wants bail lowered for accused rioters in Lancaster

>>104425, >>104427 New Gen Flynn w/CAP: When something is so vital to America’s survival...”Everyone needs to know the truth”

>>104426 Oregon Gov. Kate Brown orders extra cops to Portland amid protests

>>104428 planefag reporting

>>104429 Venezuela president behind crimes against humanity: UN probe

>>104430 Yard signs supporting Trump and police were stolen and spray-painted with 'BLM' in multiple areas

>>104431 WTH? Man Finds Suspected Brain Wrapped in Aluminum Foil on Wisconsin Beach

>>104432, >>104435 Fire Mapping: Current Large Incidents as of 9/16. NASA data sez wut?

>>104433 renoting: Joe Biden’s Campaign App Exposes Data on 191 Million Americans

>>104434 Abu Dhabi Takes $615 Million Stake in U.S. LNG Exporter Cheniere Energy Inc., the largest U.S. exporter of liquefied natural gas.

>>104436 DJT retwat w/CAP on biden bluedot

>>104437 Epstein’s Former Chef Is Cooperating With Feds on Sex Ring Investigation

>>104438 (LIVE) Ceremony inaugurates autonomous 'Mayflower' on 400-year anniv. of namesake's first trip

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8_Lz-dl5fxg

>>104439 #13650

(21 notables, 25 posts, 21 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173293

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10666730 Q Research General #13651: ALREADY DONE Edition

Created 161332ZSEP20




>>104440 New DJT w/CAP: Great News: BIG TEN FOOTBALL IS BACK…

>>104441, >>104446 Q AGGREGATOR LIST

>>104442 New Tom Fitton w/CAP: DOJ hid Mueller wiped phones. DOJ/FBI hiding/slow-walking text messages/emails on #ObamaGate as Durham seems frozen…

>>104443 Pompeo said on Tuesday that France’s intervention to resolve the crisis in Lebanon is bound to fail unless the issue of Hezbollah’s weapons is not dealt with first.

>>104444 Potus RT w/cap

>>104445, >>104454, >>104455, >>104463, >>104467 planefaggin

>>104447, >>104451 NHS coming into schools and giving children injections without parental knowledge or consent!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4aaacf6b7bec5b6512ec2c7c22a198f387bc7dc206775d64a9d66ba5b122a44.mp4

>>104448 To improve our ability to explore, map, and inventory waters under U.S. jurisdiction, ocean resources, increase our maritime domain awareness, and enhance security...

>>104449 13 day markers/FF?

>>104450, >>104469 Call to diggz: Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the "Color Revolution" Against President Trump - Revolver

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d7713b6763bdceacd44fe04a71fb126c0bb942b328d318b5b19c624bd45b412.mp4

>>104452 Japan PM Suga Wikileaks Dig

>>104453 Clergy sex abuse lawyer adds 3 to list of alleged perpetrators after settlement with Boston archdiocese

>>104456 Here's Every Musician With a Beef or Lawsuit Against Donald Trump

>>104457 Police detained a man after he allegedly decapitated a statue of Jesus inside a Catholic Church in El Paso, Texas

>>104458 JPMorgan Warns Of $200 Billion In Forced Month-End Selling

>>104459, >>104464 new Flynn filing/US National Security attorney Ken Kohl was just assigned to the Gen. Flynn case

>>104460, >>104461 13+ Celebrities You Didn't Know STILL Support Donald Trump For President In 2020

>>104462 Live: CDC Director Robert Redfield testifies on coronavirus response

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9Fz5sFA752w - CDC Director Robert Redfield testifies on coronavirus response [Channel: Fox Business]

>>104465 Potus: Democrats are “heartless”. They don’t want to give STIMULUS PAYMENTS to people who desperately need the money, and whose fault it was NOT...

>>104466 At least 10 Chinese companies have received FDA authorization for U.S. testing.

>>104468 Barbados to remove Queen as head of state next year

>>104470 Russia to increase state borrowing by $12 bln in 2021

>>104471 #13651

(23 notables, 32 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173294

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10667463 Q Research General #13652: Corney For The Poppin Edition

Created 161515ZSEP20




>>104472, >>104476 Fed judge blocked Trump adm. from seeking to limit asylum seekers ability to obtain work permits, also ruled Chad Wolf serving as DHS Sec unlawfully

>>104473 Secretary Pompeo joint press availability with United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab - 11:40 AM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cYbdvrNCTo4 - Secretary Pompeo joint press availability with United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Raab - 11:40 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>104474 McEnany explains Trump's claim that coronavirus will 'disappear' vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VtornTXTczY - McEnany explains Trump's claim that coronavirus will 'disappear' [Channel: Fox News]

>>104475, >>104479 @BarackObama vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a1c67f35a1d515f93eded75fceaa7a88b02fc51349ead77ffb23b3a316a3ed00.mp4

>>104477, >>104483 Senate Gov'tl Affairs Cmte approves dozens of subpoenas/depositions into inquiry of Obama Administration during 2016-2017 transition period

>>104478 Japan's new PM Suga fills cabinet with many familiar faces

>>104480 Redfield at Senate hrng: I might even go so far to say this face masks is more gauranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine/virus or election?

>>104481 Biden previously indicated that he would be releasing a list of potential Court nominees, specifically “African American women,” there is still no word from him on when

>>104482, >>104485 Final report: Boeing, FAA made 'serious' flaws, 'missteps' with 737 Max pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8083ab95c721006669dc649807b12c97b82888d6e1388fec58a98eb4afd39d1b.pdf

>>104484 There has been a synagogue in Dubai (UAE) since 2008, and a gigantic synagogue is being built in Abu Dhabi to be finished by 2022

>>104486 WHO now says your child's presence in school counts as 'informed consent' for vaccination - parental presence "not required"

>>104487 PF updates

>>104488 downtown Pensacola is under water vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/451d617b1d18b3469b2e58b9fc00930c782b812529500a1c9a47ef0490de38c4.mp4

>>104489 @DeptofDefense Member of the @USCG maritime safety ad security team deploy from a helicopter in Astoria, Ore.

>>104490 US banks underwrite ChemChina bonds despite Pentagon watchlist

>>104491 Latinos for Trump tagged for Biden vid

>>104492 Sheldon Adelson is plotting a spending spree to help Trump with under 50 days left until the election

>>104493 BREAKING: The Senate Homeland Security Committee has just authorized subpoenas for John Brennan, James Clapper and James Comey.

>>104494, >>104495, >>104497 ——————————————— @FBIPortland graphic (Caps: )

>>104496 #13652, #13653 . #13654

(20 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>104494

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9d28d5 No.173295

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10668220 Q Research General #13653: Crazy Nancy Pelosi Edition

Created 161634ZSEP20




>>104498 1) Schumer: I will introduce a resolution calling for a cessation of any Senate investigation or activity that allows Congress to act as a conduit for Russian information.

>>104499 ——————————————— antwiththecut phone message convo

>>104500 ——————————————— "Spread Fire."

>>104501, >>104507, >>104508, >>104509, >>104510, >>104513 Moar antwiththecuts

>>104502, >>104503 rt ———–––——–— Banks with truck filled to set fire

>>104504, >>104512 rt ———–––——–— Confirms water is their cover

>>104505, >>104516 Sec Def Esper confirms direct energy weopons exist, says chyna and russia have them

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0ed52c442ed64098ca9670aa9f9802fae26379e8dccfe8363b73bdce5c02bf55.mp4

>>104506 Newt Gingrich calls out George Soros

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d61f0f686ee4e73d4c2e60df1565d97180d4e63897f8b31191cbea3c830cbab.mp4

>>104511 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-DjYQD647m8 - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>104514 Whats Schiffty trying to say here ?

>>104515 Milwaukee Felon and Indicted Firebomber of Police Station Is Leading the BLM Targeting, Doxxing and Rioting at Trump Supporters’ Homes

>>104517, >>104518 ——————————————— Esper confirms Russia and China have DEW satellites (Cap: )

>>104519, >>104520 ——————————————— Tucker interview Chinese Virologist (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qFlqXPl_hZQ - Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on 'Tucker' [Channel: Fox News]

>>104521 ——————————————— Add it all up. Playbook known.

(14 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

Q- >>104499, >>104500, >>104503, >>104512, >>104517, >>104519, >>104521

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173296

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10669024 Q Research General #13654: @Portland Edition

Created 161719ZSEP20




>>104522 QAlert Drop Caps 4715 thru 4719

>>104523 Rocket Fired At US Embassy Baghdad Marks 4th Attack On Western Targets In 48 Hours

>>104524 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-DjYQD647m8 - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>104525 Turkish police detain 106 active & former soldiers over suspected links to Gulen movement

>>104526 Hitler pics & swastikas: 29 German police officers suspended amid major probe into Nazi content sharing

>>104527 Senate committee authorizes subpoenas in Russia probe targeting Obama officials

>>104528 Farage Watched French Warship Escort Migrant Boat into British Waters

>>104529, >>104530, >>104531 Moar Eisen diggz

>>104532 Almost 11% of US millennials & Gen Z think the Jews caused the Holocaust, new survey shows

>>104533 Beijing Cautions ‘Stupid’ Australia: End ‘Uncivilized, Rude’ Challenges to China’s Diplomats

>>104534 ‘No place in our Union’: EU chief bashes Polish 'LGBT-free zones' & promotes supportive strategy

>>104535 Catherine Herridge twat

>>104536, >>104540 planefaggin

>>104537 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange withheld 15,000 documents about Afghanistan war to 'protect innocents from being harmed', investigative journalist tells extradition hearing

>>104538 Space Force Chief: U.S. Doesn't Want War in Space, Must be Prepared for It

>>104539, >>104541 rt ———–––——–— The media is complicit. Mission: keep the public controlled and in the dark

(16 notables, 20 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>104541

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9d28d5 No.173297

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10669783 Q Research General #13655: Kayleigh Presser Edition

Created 161800ZSEP20




>>104542 anon bun / Police responding to BOMB THREAT at ‘Camp Road Middle School’ in #Charleston, South Carolina — evacuations underway.

>>104543 The Bee: Media Criticizes Trump For Ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines While Saving Baby From Oncoming Train

>>104544 Anarchy-99 Design

>>104545 Hillary calls for social media censorship

>>104546 anon bun / The following is a collection of articles, tweets and videos that show many of the fires on the West Coast have been initiated by Arsonists.

>>104547 anon bun / CDC has metastasized embedded “resistance unit” of anti-Trump scientists

>>104548 anon bun / Full Fact awarded $500,000 to build automated factchecking tools

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/67f9c64164d17def6a04ba2ece1f96c6bcf4697e94f68735f26219c30709553c.mp4

>>104549 CA Assemblymen Kiley and Gallagher File Brief in Lawsuit Against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ‘One-Man Rule’

>>104550 ——————————————— Why did it take an 'outsider' to finally deliver the 'start' of peace in the middle east? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Evil and corruption @ highest levels.

>>104551 Mueller Team Had Lisa Page's Phone It Claimed Was Lost, Email Shows

>>104552, >>104554, >>104556 PF updates

>>104553 anon bun / Three Fox News anchors & Newt Gingrich discuss how much riots are costing He decides to talk about how George Soros is helping fund bail.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_XC7SNmzCSs - Awkward Fox News George Soros Moment - 09/16/2020 [Channel: BLAndTrevor]

>>104555 Italian Priest Roberto Malgesini Stabbed and Murdered by Tunisian Migrant in Piazza San Rocco

>>104557 anon bun / Walmart partners with Zipline to test drone deliveries

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r4KpwR8anhw - Walmart partners with Zipline to test drone deliveries [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

>>104558 FOMC Statement: "The Committee will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2 percent for some time"

>>104559 Seven International Cyber Defendants, Including “Apt41” Actors, Charged In Connection With Computer Intrusion Campaigns Against More Than 100 Victims Globally

>>104560 Air Force Staff Sergeant Is 2nd to Die in Kuwait Vehicle Accident This Month

>>104561 WATCH LIVE: @EsperDoD visits the @RANDCorporation's Santa Monica headquarters and speaks about security competition with China and the state of the United States' defense industrial base at 2 p.m. EDT

>>104562 Fed Reserve Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6thA5ikaL74 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>104563 anon bun

>>104564 US designates Al Jazeera affiliate as foreign agent

>>104565 Top HHS spokesman Michael Caputo taking leave of absence after social media tirade against scientists

>>104566 Senior chief convicted of unauthorized absence from his unit

>>104567 #13655

(24 notables, 26 posts, 23 media/files)

Q- >>104550

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9d28d5 No.173298

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10670537 Q Research General #13656: $$$$$$$$$$$ Evil and corruption @ highest levels Edition

Created 161840ZSEP20




>>104568 “A Disgrace”: Amnesty International Blocked From Monitoring Trial of Julian Assange

>>104569 President Trump Nominates Atchley Jr., Crytzer, and Goodie for District Court Judge Positions

>>104570 German Archiveanon Archive Update

>>104571 POTUS calls for bigger COVID-19 relief package

>>104572 Sen. Blackburn on TikTok Deal (vid w/ Bartiromo)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Wzys-fQQ00M - Blackburn on TikTok Deal with Maria Bartiromo 09 16 2020 [Channel: Senator Marsha Blackburn]

>>104573 Top HHS comms official Michael Caputo medical leave of absence

>>104574 Belarussian Pres. Lukashenko says independent media outlets tell protesters when & where to gather

>>104575 On Contact Tracing Embeds in Phone OSs

>>104576, >>104590 DoJ: Latest Pleas, Indictments, Sentences, Arrests

>>104577 Senate Committee Subpoenas Key Obama Officials

>>104578 Belarusian opposition Kolesnikova charged with calling for seizure of power

>>104579 USAF tweet Boom Operator

>>104580 US Army Cyber Com recruitment tweet

>>104581 Poll: 45% of LGBTs back Trump

>>104582 5:00PM presser added to POTUS schedule

>>104583 Judicial Watch Fights for Truth on Clinton Email Scandal & Benghazi

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aMPR759FEgY - Judicial Watch CONTINUES to Fight for the Truth about the Clinton Email Scandal & Benghazi Attacks [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>104584, >>104585, >>104607, >>104612 Planefag

>>104586 Trump Admin Unveils Plan to Make Safe COVID-19 Vaccine Available to All Americans Interested in Getting Innoculated

>>104587 Directed Energy Laser Weapons (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jMx1-yaRLyQ - Directed Energy: The Time for Laser Weapon Systems has Come [Channel: Lockheed Martin]

>>104588 Project Veritas Vid Shows Amy McGrath Staffer Reveal Effort To ‘Deceive’ GOP Voters (McGrath vs. McConnell)

>>104589 Sun 09.13.2020

>>104591 Dershowitz Files $300M Defamation Suit Against CNN

>>104592 Will Nat.Assoc. Black Journalists recommendation produce more (or less) honest reporting?

>>104593 Police Arrest Chico (Ca.) Woman Suspected of Bidwell Park Arson

>>104594 US Threatens Sanctions on Arms Producers Who Deal With Iran

>>104595, >>104605 US Charges 5 Members of China-Linked APT41 for Global Malware Attacks

>>104596, >>104599 Biden’s 2016 call with ex-Ukraine Pres. Poroshenko leaked

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3b7aa7dd4346089546396a2710dd08d2e5f13d2b430a1e8fc8c1f439714fbdff.mp4

>>104597 How Fed Powell Won't Meddle In Election

>>104598 Democrat Michigan Sec State Misprints Trump Ticket on Ballots for Troops

>>104600 Anarchists Start WH Siege Tomorrow

>>104601, >>104602 #13652, #13653 . #13654

>>104603, >>104606 new Catherine Herridge follow-the-pen

>>104604 Officer-involved shooting NE of Ypsilanti, MI

>>104608 rt ———–––——–— Q#3788

>>104609 Barr: Prosecutors Could Charge Rioters for Conspiring to Overthrow US Govt.

>>104610 Fake news exposed

>>104611 Wildwood (NJ) PD Seeks Help to ID Arson Suspect

(37 notables, 45 posts, 53 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173299

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10671286 Q Research General #13657: Evil and corruption @ highest levels

Created 161941ZSEP20




>>104613 Fake News Caught Again – CBS Uses Photo From “Latinos for Trump” as Image for Biden Latino Outreach in Miami…

>>104614, >>104640 Senator Kennedy: "There Are Times When I Think Pelosi Has Eaten Tide Pods"

>>104615 ASSANGE HEARING DAY SEVEN— Ellsberg and Goetz Refute Informants Were Harmed and That Assange Was First to Release Their Names

>>104616, >>104626, >>104637 planefaggin

>>104617 rt ———–––——–— Q#3788

>>104618 Michelle Obama’s influence over Netflix led to release of pro-pedo movie ‘Cuties’

>>104619 BLM Agitators Who Stole Elderly Couple’s Drink And Screamed ‘F*** White People’ Charged in Pittsburg

>>104620, >>104623 Clackamas Co FireMed

>>104621 American Express Launches 'Coalition to Back Black Businesses,' Applications for First Round of $5,000 Grants Now Open

>>104622 Jim Carrey to play Joe Biden on 'SNL' Season 46


>>104625 North Carolina cop's ominous resignation letter amid mass police exodus goes viral: 'Evil is real'

>>104627 moar Catherine Herridge

>>104628 Sidney Powell .@CNN is dishonest, deliberately deceitful, and pathetic. There must be liability for frauds on the public like this.

>>104629 Chinese labor camp survivor explains why socialism is hell

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T3KbZOVEa_o - China Labor Camp Survivor Details Government Organ Harvesting [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>104630 CDC Director Robert Redfield Breaks With Trump Administration On Coronavirus Vaccine Timeline

>>104631 @USNavy Armed and Ready

>>104632 Jacksonville Woman Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Illegally Exporting Maritime Raiding Craft and Engines to China

>>104633 Two Iranian Nationals Charged in Cyber Theft Campaign Targeting Computer Systems in United States, Europe, and the Middle East

>>104634 U.S. Seeks to Recover More Than $300 Million in Additional Assets Traceable to Funds Allegedly Misappropriated from Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund

>>104635 Market Report-FOMC edition

>>104636 Minnesota Man Charged with Providing Material Support to ISIS

>>104638 Archiver Developers

>>104639 A declassified court order on the Carter Page FISA applications states that the FISA court "found violations of the government's duty of candor in all four applications" to spy on Page. At least two of the four applications have already been ruled illegal.

>>104641 AG Bill Barr Slams Democrats for Demanding ‘Biden or No Peace’: ‘Rule by the Mob’

>>104642, >>104643, >>104644 ——————————————— MIL SAT application(s) (Caps: )

>>104645 #13657

(27 notables, 33 posts, 48 media/files)

Q- >>104617, >>104642

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173300

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10672058 Q Research General #13658: Of Tide Pods and Biden Edition

Created 162031ZSEP20




>>104646 Hundreds Of Overseas Ballots List Wrong Running Mate For Trump

>>104647 REPORT: Attorney General Bill Barr Told Federal Prosecutors to Charge Violent Rioters with Sedition

>>104648 Not So Fast: TikTok-Oracle Deal "Falls Short Of Resolving Concerns", CFIUS Approval Suddenly In Doubt

>>104649 #13656

>>104650 Hope someone is watching Andy's 6.

>>104651 The Democrats’ War on Blacks

>>104652 Dept. of Defense Secretary Mark Esper CONFIRMS Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in space

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U0RfYQuCL_M - 9/16/2020 -- Dept. of Defense Secretary Mark Esper CONFIRMS Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in space [Channel: dutchsinse]

>>104653 ——————————————— Victoria's Secret models/Epstein

>>104654 ——————————————— Prince Andrew pics

>>104655 ——————————————— Bill Clinton pic

>>104656 ——————————————— Mickey Mouse Clock pic

>>104657 PF updates

>>104658 The Dark Side of Disney: Sex Trafficking & Child Predators

>>104659, >>104664 - Andrew in Phuket Q Photo

>>104660 Potus: Biden vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3457628c3e5048cf5232250c34617fc61a0235257e0f0659c9e26bcd7d90d577.mp4

>>104661 Potus: New Conference at 5:45. Enjoy!

>>104662 Q's MM clock, It's an echo device from Amazon

>>104663 Pentagon Seeks to Boost Funding for New Navy Ships Amid China's Buildup - Esper

>>104665 #13658,

(19 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

Q- >>104653, >>104654, >>104655, >>104656

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173301

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10672808 Q Research General #13659: Dew The DEW Edition

Created 162109ZSEP20




>>104666 The MEGA Group: Wexner, Bronfman, Spielberg, Maxwell, Lauder, MOSSAD Influence On US Policies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dzDWA9_mUgc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104667 Trump conference is starting soon!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-vNSd-RkRQg - President Trump Holds a News Conference [Channel: The White House]

>>104668 NYC Mayor de Blasio to furlough HIMSELF & nearly 500 staff for week amid revenue shortfall, blames Congress for lack of stimulus

>>104669 MM Clock info:

>>104670, >>104671, >>104674, >>104675, >>104677 Disney Clock research bun

>>104672 Foreign holdings of U.S. Treasuries rise for 3rd month in July

>>104673 From 2000-2018 the tiny town of New Albany OH had an absurdly large amount of defense contract money funneled into it...

>>104676, >>104679 "PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK." "Disney is a distraction."

>>104678 Today, we are at another inflection point – one where I believe unmanned technologies, AI, and long-range precision weapons will play an increasingly leading role.

>>104680 BREAKING - Representative Andy Biggs expected to hold special Order on the House floor to find out who is funding riots

>>104681 Q 1010

>>104682 #13659

(12 notables, 17 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173302

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10673590 Q Research General #13660: WTF Disney? Edition

Created 162200ZSEP20




>>104683, >>104684, >>104685, >>104689, >>104692, >>104694 Anons on the Mickey Mouse clock I

>>104686, >>104690, >>104697, >>104698, >>104704 Video: Fox News: "I'm not sure we need to bring George Soros into this"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d86c3d6e806053a500fe16d36ab5ae47242ea160c77b1afa111dafd5a0d4bf2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/666754edb9499483831ac1fdbf56b81d657c0f4bc1c46dd927bbfb2272cdbe96.mp4

>>104687 Q's Prince Andrew pic found in a Daily Mail article

>>104688 New from Catherine Herridge

>>104691, >>104693 Tom Hanks wears a Mickey Mouse watch in The Da Vinci Code

>>104695, >>104696, >>104700, >>104716, >>104717 Anons on the Mickey Mouse clock II

>>104699 Scientific Games Corp sold by Exec. Chair Ron Perelman: $262.52m-Sept 16

>>104701 Article: The Billionaire Backers of the ‘Insurrection’

>>104702 Kids clothes TWEEN BRANDS hosted fundraiser at LES WEXNERS HOME with 20,000 kids attending for an Arianna Grande concert

>>104703 Disney: Club 33 stories

>>104705 Today: President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees

>>104706 Buy HCQ online whether you have a diagnosis or symptoms or not

>>104707, >>104712 Martin Geddes shares his exhaustive collection of Disney related links via Google docs

>>104708 Presidential Determination on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries for 2021

>>104709 The guys who supposedly hacked Potus' twitter account, a while ago, were on Dutch television tonight

>>104710 Kansas Man Indicted on Federal Child Pornography Charges

>>104711 Guess which channel hosts the Victorias Secret fashion show? None other than Disney owned ABC

>>104713 ActBlue Raises Millions in Suspicious Gift Card Donations

>>104714 Planefag Reports

>>104715 Leaked Facebook memo describes company's underwhelming response to global political manipulation

>>104718 Jill Biden says voting will make 'this pandemic go away' in official party tweet—will Twitter label it misinformation?

>>104719 #13660

(22 notables, 37 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173303

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10674313 Q Research General #13661: Ten To The Hour - Disney Next? Edition

Created 162253ZSEP20




>>104720 Clockfag Does Disney

>>104721, >>104730, >>104739, >>104740, >>104741, >>104751 Anons on the Disney Clock

>>104722 DeVos Publishes Final Rule on Protecting Speech and Religious Freedom on Campus

>>104723 POTUS said Q1 in conference @ 49:38

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C7UMKv1nhkg - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds News Conference - 9/16/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>104724 Some Advertisers Returning To Facebook After Boycott Over Hateful Content

>>104725 NEW: Awareness of QAnon among American adults has doubled since March: New PEW poll released today

>>104726, >>104738 Tom Fitton tweet: Soros funded Fusion GPS

>>104727 Epstein victim's lawyer: Prince Andrew 'wants invitation from FBI on a silver platter'

>>104728 Bayer Settles Thousands of Roundup Cases With Trial Attorneys

>>104729 NEW MEME BOARD - >>>/qrmemes/ - Already started - Come drop off / pick up

>>104731 Ethics Complaint Filed Against Gideon Campaign: Watchdog claims Maine Dem illegally coordinated with Schumer super PAC

>>104732, >>104753 Planefag Reports

>>104733, >>104735 Health officials urge people stay indoors, suspect rare mosquito-borne virus in Michigan

>>104734, >>104744 LIVE: Clackamas County officials give an update on the wildfires burning in the county

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XRDa6YflhA4 - Watch Live: Clackamas County officials give an update on the wildfires burning in the county [Channel: KGW News]

>>104736 CNN is reporting that ICE is conducting forced sterilization

>>104737 Michigan group surpasses signatures needed for petition against Gov. Whitmer’s emergency powers

>>104742 Statement from Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott on positive developments from governors of California and Oregon

>>104743 Political Newcomer Who Supported QAnon, Lauren Witzke, Wins Delaware Senate Primary

>>104745, >>104746, >>104747, >>104748 WaPo: The GOP’s spin on the Russia probe doesn’t add up

>>104749, >>104757 Portland man faces federal arson charges stemming from fire pushed up against building housing Portland police North Precinct

>>104750 Baking Seminar at 70 EST tomorrow night with class focus on: The Dough

>>104752 Copyright Companies Want Memes That Are Legal In The EU Blocked Because They Now Admit Upload Filters Are 'Practically Unworkable'

>>104754, >>104756 Under age sex / Sexual Assault arrests & news

>>104755, >>104759, >>104762 Why is 10:10 the Default Setting for Clocks and Watches?

>>104758 Strzok: History Will See Me as a Patriot Defending America Against a Russian Attack on Our Elections

>>104760 Secretary Pompeo: Trump’s ‘Peace Agenda’ Successes Happening Outside ‘Multilateral Institutions’

>>104761, >>104763 Audio: New Biden audio tape released in Ukraine

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hg0GQF7sv-Y - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104764 US Officials Seize 500,000 Counterfeit Masks Entering US From China

>>104765 Video: BLM storming ICE in NYC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5985d11dc937de8a0b9d514e992a61e3cc63cc905f9b3710e8561a323b4013eb.mp4

>>104766 #13661,

(30 notables, 47 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173304

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10675080 Q Research General #13662: It's Almost 10 - The Disney Clock Continuted Edition

Created 170011ZSEP20




>>104767 List of Soros-funded district attorneys (& other groups)

>>104768 250 more active duty military assigned to fire suppression duty

>>104769 Fed pledges interest rates near zero for years

>>104770 Trump Says Isn’t Prepared To Sign Oracle-TikTok Deal Because Hasn’t Reviewed It — but ‘Won’t Be Happy’ If Reporting on the Terms Proves True

>>104771 Anti-Mask Shoppers March thru Target Store, Urge Facial Liberation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iW4wd_tzTY8 - Maskless Flash Mob at Target! (Full Length Official) [Channel: Chris Nelson]

>>104772 Anon dig on Vatican-China relationship

>>104773 DoD IG: Former Missile Defense Agency Civilian Chief Harassed Female Employee for 7 Yrs

>>104774, >>104791 Plane sightings

>>104775, >>104785, >>104794 Catherine Herridge tweet on AG Barr, Flynn

>>104776 How to Download All Q Drops into Single Searchable Offline Web Page including images

>>104777 COVID-19 deaths plummet to zero in Canada

>>104778 CIA-Disney connections

>>104779 Bail Fund Promoted By Kamala Helped Man Accused Of Raping Baby

>>104780 AG Barr Using Sedition Laws Against Those Engaged in $1.4B Property Loss Nationwide

>>104781 Police near Chicago believe bags of dismembered body parts link to KY homicide

>>104782 Pakistan PM Khan: Rapists should be hanged or chemically castrated

>>104783, >>104787 Treasury flagged foreign money flowing to Hunter Biden-tied firms as ‘suspicious’

>>104784 Review of Cuties, the revolting new Netflix film (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rF48aSA5C4s - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104786 Senate RINOs signal openness to working with Biden if he's elected

>>104788 Saudis Continue ‘Alternative Normalization’ For Now, Despite Intense US Pressure

>>104789, >>104793 Herridge: Clinesmith plea is bigger deal than thought

>>104790 Poland accuses Russian air traffic control of deliberately crashing president’s plane

>>104792 US Attorney General Barr livestream.hillsdale.edu

>>104795 CIA: Tom Bearden warned weaponization of electromagnetic fields

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/85bee0edabbd8ffe7cf93394962b5d720eecf0c2b5619956c149442de2c062f1.pdf

>>104796 US Army tweet re: Mission first - Never accept defeat - Never quit - Never leave fallen comrade - #WarriorEthos

>>104797 DoJ Looking at possible CHAZ-related charges for Seattle Mayor Durkan

>>104798 #13662

(27 notables, 32 posts, 47 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173305

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10676602 Q Research General #13664: The Who's Next? Edition

Created 170223ZSEP20




>>104831, >>104841, >>104842 Lindsey Graham announces James Comey will testify before Judiciary Committee-fox news vid and some chatter

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Zh7y_KPeXlo - Lindsey Graham announces James Comey will testify before Judiciary Committee [Channel: Fox News]

>>104832, >>104836, >>104838, >>104844, >>104846 Reported pipeline fire in OK and Crews responding to natural gas line explosion north of Piedmont 1 reported in Fort Smith, AK

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7180bc55140db7c72cfcbd6ffa8037c508d333d5ce3152c48f09a217e66cfa0d.mp4

>>104833 The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans program - Diggz

>>104834 Full Video: Dept of Defense Secretary Mark Esper CONFIRMS Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in space icymi

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U0RfYQuCL_M - 9/16/2020 -- Dept. of Defense Secretary Mark Esper CONFIRMS Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in space [Channel: dutchsinse]

>>104835 Bill Clinton is on Epstein's flight logs with an underage girl named Cindy Lopez

>>104837 On this Day September 16th, 1920-brittanica

>>104839 LEARN TO BAKE! Dooo it man!

>>104840 REQUESTING General House Democrat related memes

>>104843 Chinese Satellite Lasers-4 sources

>>104845 Scavino Twat

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8111941f1d8e3e63127e604a7199796974426f7d21cea7353ee1e81fe9f48daa.mp4

>>104847 #13664,

(11 notables, 17 posts, 19 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173306

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10675849 Q Research General #13663: Do Not Mistake Silence for Inaction

Created 170116ZSEP20




>>104799, >>104807 Operation Christmas - What is this?

>>104800, >>104801, >>104802, >>104804 Catherine Herridge on Barr: 'the appropriate people' are looking into the wiped FBI phones

>>104803, >>104825, >>104826 Norm Eisen and his Soros connections - Diggz

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FpNDptGfHzM - Unpacked: Presidential pardons and obstruction of justice [Channel: Brookings Creative Lab]

>>104805 Remarks by Attorney General William P. Barr at Hillsdale College Constitution Day Event

>>104806, >>104808, >>104809 US health agency spokesman Caputo takes leave after Facebook rant

>>104810 Treasury flagged foreign money flowing to Hunter Biden-tied firms as ‘suspicious’

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9919e709c6d3322e864f0003f8450a959e44a01bdfc76253248c273bfe29816.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/56521b7e1eda695ea7dde11645c0764dc45adc296aad46448194cf32632c43c3.pdf

>>104811 Video: DJT Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Attend an Idaho Fundraiser for President Donald J Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1zwqE_phkWs - Donald Trump Jr. an Kimberly Guilfoyle Attend an Idaho Fundraiser for President Donald J Trump. [Channel: steve O]

>>104812 POTUS Schedule for Thursday September 17, 2020

>>104813 Two Iranians charged in cyber scheme targeting computers in U.S., Europe, and Middle East

>>104814 On the religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court

>>104815, >>104821 Minnesota bail fund promoted by Kamala Harris helped free man accused of raping a child

>>104816 Celebration City-near Orlando, FL, built by Disney in 1994

>>104817 Board Update from Codemonkey

>>104818 AG Bill Barr Asked Federal Prosecutors to Consider Bringing Charges Against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan Re CHOP/CHAZ

>>104819 The Walt Disney Company Gave $100,000 In Humanitarian Aid To The Victims Of The Earthquake In Haiti

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JIRAC8LMkRs - Mickey Mouse Goes to Haiti [Channel: Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights]

>>104820 Richard Branson Joins Blank-Check Frenzy with $400 Million Deal

>>104822 Australia: Treasury economist resigns in protest at ‘police state’

>>104823 Clackamas County officials give an update on the wildfires burning in the county - Call 'conspiracy'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XRDa6YflhA4 - Watch Live: Clackamas County officials give an update on the wildfires burning in the county [Channel: KGW News]

>>104824, >>104827 US Citizen Who Joined ISIS Charged With Material Support Violations

>>104828 Republican Campaign Staffers Executed in Minneapolis

>>104829 GOP Senators To Introduce Act Creating Federal Penalties For Criminals Who Target Law Enforcement With Violence

>>104830 #13663

(22 notables, 32 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173307

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10678179 Q Research General #13666: 233 anniversary of the adoption of the United States Constitution Edition

Created 170514ZSEP20




>>104891 UK government to retain fingerprints and DNA profiles of COVID-19 infectees under national security

>>104892 Anti-pedophilia subreddit banned after moderator admits he’s addicted to child porn

>>104893 Statement from the Press Secretary LAW & JUSTICE

>>104894 New finding may lead to discovering Holy Grail, archeologists claim

>>104895 Billionaire critic of COVID-19 restrictions says Ottawa let her skip 14-day quarantine Social Sharing

>>104896, >>104910, >>104912, >>104918 Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” Against President Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FpNDptGfHzM - Unpacked: Presidential pardons and obstruction of justice [Channel: Brookings Creative Lab]

>>104897 326 Pounds of Meth Seized at Texas Border Crossing

>>104898, >>104906 PF

>>104899 Revolver Exclusive — Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” Against President Trump


>>104901, >>104903 'ADF available': Police chief diary note contradicts Andrews on military

>>104904, >>104916 Covid-19: Govt. Narrative Fundamentally False

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8UvFhIFzaac - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104905 Corney testifies a day before the Corn Harvest Moon

>>104907 COVID-19 emails from Nashville mayor's office show disturbing revelation

>>104908, >>104909 Chinese Election Interference defined: BLM

>>104911 Crazy Nancy Pelosi explains how information is weaponized in the fake news.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2a1bd4fcc0429f4c9520ee711b939cab451bde6287539d9d90eaea55b7d890f2.mp4

>>104913 Norm Eisen And The Colour Revolution Playbook! - Video 15 minutes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-iYybdpSur4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104914 OAN Playing Biden Touching Kids Video Compilation Every Hour

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY - Biden touching girls compilation [Channel: aoflex]

>>104917 Jack and Sheryl Sandberg have previously served on Walt Disney's Board of Directors; Sandberg connections with Larry Summers, an Epstein passenger

>>104919, >>104920, >>104921 Gene Sharp: CIA ‘Color Revolution’ Guru and Fraud

>>104923, >>104924, >>104925 AG Bill Barr Asked Federal Prosecutors to Consider Bringing Criminal Charges Against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan For Allowing Anarchists to Establish CHOP/CHAZ

>>104926, >>104927 The Democracy Playbook By: Norman Eisen, Andrew Kenealy, Susan Corke, Torrey Taussig, and Alina Polyakova - PDF

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfe96406bd662177ca2a18170e854e69d45e393a14fb71db91f53bce3df9657c.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1baa5447a0a581e1c36df9dec42532cfa2e07b8caeca2557cc3404ea4eaf428a.pdf

>>104928 Where has @Jack's money been going from his pledge to donating $1 Billion to coronavirus efforts?

>>104929 Where Are The Police?" After Voting To Defund Cops, Minneapolis City Council Baffled Over Recent Crime Wave

>>104930 60-Year-Old Black Man Arrested for Murdering White 19-Year-Old UC Berkeley Student Without Any ‘Warning or Provocation’

>>104931 Vaun Mayes Is Leading the BLM Targeting, Doxxing, Rioting at Trump Supporters' Homes

>>104932 #13666

(27 notables, 42 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173308

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10677402 Q Research General #13665: DDOS Don't Slo the Process, Just The Tellin, They Screwed Edition

Created 170356ZSEP20




>>104848 Did Esper call out anons?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U0RfYQuCL_M - 9/16/2020 -- Dept. of Defense Secretary Mark Esper CONFIRMS Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in space [Channel: dutchsinse]

>>104849 9 News Nancy - Biden Video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a3b1bbdacd22f9d1749a4f85389f5f1803d52cb78a987cf76783b4b09222e1e0.mp4

>>104850 FakeNews CNN Reports AG Barr sd 'coronavirus closures are the ‘greatest intrusion on civil liberties’ other than slavery'

>>104851 covid-19-emails-from-nashville-mayors-office-show-disturbing-revelation

>>104852 Billionaire critic of COVID-19 restrictions says Canada let her skip travel quarantine

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jzw1W7NDt50 - Billionaire critic of COVID-19 restrictions says Canada let her skip travel quarantine [Channel: CBC News]

>>104853, >>104863, >>104869 David Wilcock had a meltdown on Youtube Live tonight.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2ZXZIlWh8vk - David Wilcock: Time Travel Secrets Revealed... And Why It Matters Today! [Channel: David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL)]

>>104854, >>104858 Whistleblower Nails Fauci, Rothschilds, Highlands Group, DARPA CAP ( )

>>104855, >>104856 Mosquito Borne Illness Vaccine study is underway

>>104857 previous baker notes

>>104859 Amazon Echo to Echo/Clock= 1,000 day?

>>104860 Lindsey Graham Says Comey will Testify on Sept. 30

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y59wcxGRl9U - DISGRACEFUL: Lindsey Graham Says Comey will Testify on Sept. 30 -- But He Won't Subpoena Mueller [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>104861 The FBI is offering a reward of up to $1,000

>>104862 Seattle PD status - Detectives called to Cal Anderson Park

>>104864, >>104875 KEK HAS SPOKEN - TRUMP WILL WIN.

>>104865 setting up Trump supporters?

>>104866, >>104868, >>104870, >>104872, >>104873 Pope John Paul II has awarded papal knighthood to...

>>104867 Barr Tells Prosecutors to Consider Charging Violent Protesters With Sedition

>>104871 NJ County Finds Over 1,666 Uncounted Ballots From July Primary -Cheqt

>>104874 DOD MARK ESPER>>>>KEYWORDS ''Through long range fires'

>>104876 "AnonCentral" account Identified?

>>104877 Explosion in Fort Smith Arkansas

>>104878 today is the 233 anniversary of the adoption of the United States Constitution. September 17, 1787.

>>104879 America’s Color Revolution

>>104880 Thursday Sept 17 @11 GMT - New Moon

>>104881 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>104882, >>104883 BO - Activated the RSS Setting for following tripcodes

>>104884 Staffer for Lacy Johnson Who Is Running Against Ilhan Omar Shot Dead in Drive-By Shooting

>>104885 Dog COMMs

>>104886 Today (est) is September 17th, the planned #AntifaBLMDomesticTerrorists "surge" (insurgency) on the White House.

>>104887 Reminder - FBI Finds Horrific Frankenstein-Like Experiments At Body Donation Facility In Arizona

>>104888 Taiwan says Chinese anti-submarine aircraft off its coast

>>104889 Nashville Authorities Concealed Evidence That Hardly Any COVID-19 Cases Contracted At Bars And Restaurants:

>>104890 #13665

(33 notables, 43 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173309

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10678930 Q Research General #13667: NORM EISEN, REVOLVER AND THE COLOR REVOLUTIONS EDITION

Created 170744ZSEP20




>>104933 Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin in the news - 3 articles

>>104934, >>104936 Obama’s Man in China Now Beijing’s Man in Washington - reliable Trump critic

>>104935 Quebec's Anti-Mask Conspiracy, QAnon hitz; bonus - caller was near gun! shop!

>>104937 Victorian Govt. to debate a bill which would forcibly dtain conspiracy theorists and people "likely to spread CV"

>>104938 Gamer Mall attorneys "looking at" DoJ indictment papers re: extradition to US on 23 counts

>>104939 On how to dump Biden post-election theory (TownHall)

>>104940 Ex-DOE employee David Hag pleads guilty to CP charge

>>104941 Patriot stands up to tyranny (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ee7a4acfb1fd293cdd7c85a6e44ac87fc526a29ff6f62d83d3e1833400d9258.mp4

>>104942 Portland Protesters' lives upended after Mug Shots posted - sadz

>>104943 OAN - Hourly play of Biden touching Kids Video - MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3a03f7f57111fa6e7324fcc56714e90227ebe3563d7cf5f7b9f52e975d0c055f.mp4

>>104944 Anti-Maskers march through Target urging other to liberate their faces.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e91a6b9adae84ecdaa52b808efab2617635658ac481a018a284be84d5b2a462b.mp4

>>104945 #13667

(12 notables, 13 posts, 10 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173310

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10679748 Q Research General #13668: Unity Edition

Created 171049ZSEP20




>>104946 U.S. Air Force Has 'Built' the Future Sixth Generation Fighter. Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DFeKZZJc2XA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>104947 All 'ass'ets deployed: Former model alleges sexual assault by Donald Trump: 'I feel sick, violated

>>104948 Hussein twats new book for release Post-Election. 'I try to provide an honest accounting of my presidency'

>>104949 ActBlue raises millions in donations, but suspicions mount

>>104950, >>104951, >>104956 New DJT bun w/CAPs

>>104952 10 Years Ago WHO "faked" H1N1 pandemic for behavioral and monetary data?

>>104953 Boris Johnson contradicts ministers and says only snitch on neighbours if they are having 'Animal House' parties. Like when the germans bombed pearl harbour

>>104954 MA Man Installs Electric Fence to Guard Trump 2020 Sign. “It’s a shame I have to do this,”

>>104955, >>104957 New Grenell w/CAP: You are reckless, @SallyQYates. But we already knew that. Barr isn’t demeaning all DOJ staffers. Stop manipulating facts...

>>104958 important: Recently Released FISA Court Response to DOJ Reveals Direction of Durham Probe – DOJ Requested FISC Approvals

>>104959, >>104960 Opinion: Democrats' plan to abolish election night.

>>104961 (cspan) Wolf and Wray Testimony on National Security Threats. Chad Wolf no show

>>104962 New Catherine Herridge w/CAP: More on AG Barr’s speech @Hillsdale and lengthy Q + A

>>104963 COVID-19 emails from Nashville mayor's office show disturbing revelation

>>104964 moar dog comms??

>>104965 Graham calls out Mueller for declining to testify amid phone 'wiping' revelations

>>104966 Biden is a criminal suspect in Ukraine

>>104967 #13668

(18 notables, 22 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173311

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10681307 Q Research General #13670: Happy Constitution Day Edition

Created 171530ZSEP20




>>104989 Decades-Old Fire Lookout Towers Are Still Crucial to Stopping Wildfires in the U.S. West

>>104990, >>105003, >>105009 PF updates

>>104991 Cyber Threat Groups APT 10,39,41

>>104992, >>104993, >>104994, >>104997, >>105001, >>105002 My theory on the Micky Mouse clock

>>104995 Search dogs and sniffer honey bees

>>104996, >>105013 arsonist instag acct called out by Q

>>104998 Efforts to recall Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant can move forward, a judge ruled Wednesday.

>>104999 Child abuse CP arrests

>>105000 FBI opens new Chinese investigation every 10 hours

>>105004 City launches guaranteed income program using federal coronavirus relief funds

>>105005 Oregon Fires Show Power Lines Pose Threat Beyond California

>>105006, >>105007 Herridge: DOJ Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec confirms that at some point DOJ pursued bringing civil rights charges, either criminally or civilly, against Portland City officials....?

>>105008 White House on American History Live!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nEhSp7FYleg - White House Conference on American History [Channel: The White House]

>>105010 Two campaign aides shot in Minneapolis

>>105011 Why the State Patrol repeatedly shut down I-5 for Seattle protests. Emails shed light on internal debate.

>>105012 FBI Director Christopher Wray: “We view QAnon as less of an organization and more of a complex set of conspiracy theories”.

>>105014 Treasury Sanctions Cyber Actors Backed by Iranian Intelligence Ministry

>>105015 #13670

(18 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173312

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10680536 Q Research General #13669: Free Rent In [Their] Heads Edition

Created 171346ZSEP20




>>104968 Sec. Pompeo w/CAP: Today, 233 years after our Constitution was signed, we reaffirm our founders' ideals, strengthening our steadfast efforts...

>>104969 US DOJ and US Senator Graham and recently also the US Secretary of State have my SWORN Statement under the penalty of perjury that TRUMP


>>104971 Guard pulls gun on ICE protesters inside FBI building in NYC, video shows

>>104972, >>104975 Sen Kennedy twat vid: 'I think Nancy Pelosi is one of those people who tried Tide pods'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70acbcb35d797d7df3886042175906528f62f7352f31c192430893583089a416.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VowogedUV5Q - Nancy Pelosi had this video removed from Facebook [Channel: Carpe Donktum]

>>104973, >>104976 Chuck Ross w/CAP: Comey will testify before Senate Judiciary on Sept. 30; Mueller declined an offer because he "doesn't have enough time."

>>104974, >>104981 planefag reporting

>>104977 Netflix is running the "Social Dilemma" to convince normies that censorship is needed.

>>104978 Deutsche Bank Gold Manipulator: "Spoofing Was So Commonplace I Figured It Was OK"

>>104979 INDIANA GOVERNOR: "MASKS A FACT OF LIFE RIGHT NOW" despite having no evidence to support mask mandate

>>104980 Campaign staffer, 17, for Ilhan Omar's Republican congressional opponent is shot and killed in Minneapolis



>>104984 Nevada is now the 7th state to quietly reverse their decision to block HCQ prescriptions for COVID-19...

>>104985 List of Arson Crimes in Oregon

>>104986, >>104987 anon buns up wray testimony dialogs

>>104988 #13669

(17 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173313

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10682066 Q Research General #13671: MAGA FOR ALL Edition

Created 171648ZSEP20




>>105016 Obama used LRAD first

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QSMyY3_dmrM - Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) G20 Pittsburgh [Channel: glassbeadian]

>>105017 Obama's Former Ethics Czar Discusses Trump, And The Global Threat To Democracy

>>105018 Moar MM Clock thoughts

>>105019, >>105020 QAnon: Mysterious conspiracy leader points followers to Tucker Carlson interview warning of ‘coup’ against Trump

>>105021 Wray Claims “White Supremacists” Make Up the Largest Share of Racially Motivated Terrorists in the US as BLM Burns Businesses to the Ground

>>105022 City Council That Approved Abolishing Police: ‘Where Are the Police?

>>105023 ‘What a disgrace’: US Attorney General ripped for calling Covid-19 shutdowns ‘greatest intrusion of civil liberties’ since slavery

>>105024 FBI Director Christopher Wray Says Russia Currently Meddling in Election to ‘Denigrate Joe Biden’

>>105025 Auberry family says Harris and Newsom trespassed in damaged home for photo op

>>105026 Mike Ditka Tells NFL Players: "If You Can't Respect This Country, Get The Hell Out Of It"

>>105027 New Absentee voting law in South Carolina. Eyes On.

>>105028 Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #32 >>>/comms/25718

>>105029 TikTok, Oracle Reportedly Agree To New Treasury-Approved Deal Terms

>>105030 Tech sell-off hits Wall Street as jobless claims remain high

>>105031 Mexican president dismisses US govt report on illicit drugs as ‘opinion’

>>105032 Today, President Donald J. Trump will participate in an event commemorating the

>>105033 Cop Fired for Cowering in Fear as Gunman Slaughtered Children Gets Rehired, with Full Back Pay

>>105034 FBI Director Wray: 'Antifa is a real thing,' FBI has cases against people identifying with movement

>>105035 Gas pipeline explosion creates giant bright ball of flame near roadway in Oklahoma

>>105036 Donald Trump: States Sending Unsolicited Ballots Should ‘Give It Up NOW’

>>105037 Covid-19 graphic shown at White House Press Briefing

>>105038, >>105042 PA Supremes have extended the mail in ballot deadline to three days after the election

>>105039 Man Identified As ICE Doctor Behind Hysterectomies Previously Settled Medicare, Medicaid Fraud Case With Feds

>>105040 UK govt places nearly 2 million people in North East England under lockdown restrictions, imposes curfew & ban on visits

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lYqVFGqcY5Q

>>105041 Doug Collins Asks FCC to Bar Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ from Future Broadcast on Public Channels

>>105043 ODNI officers retake their oath to office to support and defend the Constitution on this day each year. To all Americans, Happy #ConstitutionDay!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7a1a31b04e4d8b5992655c8e53b790df8167b12a2c389ca66ab1647116aae01e.mp4

>>105044 Happy #ConstitutionDay! Now you can sign your name to a virtual version of the #Constitution on our website

>>105045 planefaggin

>>105046 Top Scottish law adviser resigns from UK’s government amid Brexit's legal turmoil

>>105047 Former UK Conservative Leader to Biden: Stay Out of Brexit, Worry About ‘Killing and Rioting’ in USA

>>105048 Whitaker calls Constitution our "North Star"

>>105049 Second UK Military Migrant Camp Set to Open in Wales, as Migrant Crisis Grows

>>105050 Australian airline Qantas' 'flight to nowhere' sells out in 10 minutes

>>105051 98 airmen have died by suicide so far in 2020, Air Force chief says

>>105052 China Poses "The Greatest Threat To World Order": UK Military Intel Chief

>>105053 Ebay founder stepping down…

>>105054 Iranian Hackers Indicted for Stealing Data from Aerospace and Satellite Tracking Companies

>>105055 House Freedom Caucus and Andy Briggs pushing to remove Pelosi….this will go no where..with/.Liz Cheney

>>105057 #13671

(39 notables, 41 posts, 61 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173314

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10682831 Q Research General #13672: Murica's Moral Compass Day Edition

Created 171806ZSEP20




>>105058 A judge sharply criticized federal prosecutors for failing to turn over important evidence to a businessman accused of violating U.S. sanctions on Iran.

>>105059 Potus: Unsolicited Ballots are uncontrollable, totally open to ELECTION INTERFERENCE by foreign countries, and will lead to massive chaos and confusion!

>>105060 Chairman Dan's Great Wall of Misery: Checkpoints, number-plate technology and police stationed in holiday towns will ensure Melburnians don't escape their city prison - as the lockdown lasts longer than Wuhan's

>>105061 Potus: I am lowering, not raising, Medicare Premiums!

>>105062 Regarding Possible ICC Investigation into Alleged Israeli War Crimes, Canadians Reject Double Standard for Israel

>>105063 Excerpts from President Donald J. Trump’s remarks at the White House Conference on American History

>>105064 Potus: Just out: Some people in the Great State of North Carolina have been sent TWO BALLOTS. RIGGED ELECTION in waiting!

>>105065 President Trump Delivers Remarks at the White House Conference on American History

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Pt8NLUWAYU4 - President Trump Delivers Remarks at the White House Conference on American History [Channel: The White House]

>>105066 Trump Nominates Telecom Exec with 5G Background for FCC

>>105067 Potus: PA Supremes affirmed ballot harvesting remains illegal-felony

>>105068 Senate Dems Announce $350 Billion Plan to Counter China

>>105069 Hero in Paris train terror attack makes competitive bid for Democrat-held Oregon House seat

>>105070, >>105083, >>105085, >>105087, >>105088 PF updates

>>105071 House GOP leader says he trusts Trump over CDC director on vaccine timing

>>105072 @CISAgov #NowHiring: We’re searching for motivated, technical leaders to join our Threat Hunting team and lead cyber defense operations....

>>105073, >>105075 Cheers star Jerry Harris arrested on child porn charges

>>105074 Potus: Biden and the Democrats want to get rid of the Private Healthcare Plans for 180 MILLION Americans that are happy. They’ll be put on socialized medicine!

>>105076 Senator Cotton questions witnesses about U.S. nuclear arsenal.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=45-nVLNXz70 - September 17, 2020: Senator Cotton Q&A at SASC Hearing [Channel: Senator Tom Cotton]

>>105077 Turkish Foreign Minister: Recent Talks With Russia On Greater Idlib Were Not Productive

>>105078 Bacterial infections from masks have the same symptoms as covid.

>>105079 Documents Reveal More Details Regarding Biden And Poroshenko’s Adventures In Ukraine

>>105080 Senator Tom Cotton's bill to revoke China's permanent most favored nation status

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ig80B6oKmV8 - September 17, 2020: Senator Cotton Speaks on the Senate Floor [Channel: Senator Tom Cotton]

>>105081 Raytheon Technologies To Cut 15,000 Jobs, Pratt & Whitney, Collins Aerospace Units To Be Hit Hard

>>105082 The first volume of former President Barack Obama's memoir is coming out Nov. 17, two weeks after Election Day./Bets he finishes in gitmo?

>>105084 POTUS live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Pt8NLUWAYU4 - President Trump Delivers Remarks at the White House Conference on American History [Channel: The White House]

>>105086 NHP just put out a BOLO for a stolen military HMMWV, tan in color, no plates or VIN, bumper number TD3-D, chains attached to vehicle. Las Vegas

>>105089 @USMC Prepare to be Raided

>>105090 @JoeBiden If you make under $400,000, you will not pay a penny more in taxes when I'm president. We're going to reward work — not wealth.

>>105091 #13672

(29 notables, 34 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173315

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10683601 Q Research General #13673: For God And Country Edition

Created 171908ZSEP20




>>105092 Americans are ‘Victims’ of Pelosi’s CV Aid ‘Extortion’ (Rep. Ken Buck R-CO)

>>105093, >>105103 Is Caesar Rodney the Midnight Rider? - He cast decisive vote for independence after midnight ride

>>105094 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Sides with Dems: Mail-In Ballot Deadline Extended 3 Days Post Election

>>105095 #Obamagate: Timeline of conspirators' pre-Mueller probe activity

>>105096 Twitter Expands QAnon Restrictions To Candidates, Elected Officials

>>105097 DoJ: State-Sponsored Iranian Hackers Indicted for Computer Intrusions at U.S. Satellite Companies

>>105098 Death of High-Dollar Pro Sports: NBA Game 1 E Conf Ratings Crash, League -45% Since '12

>>105099 Blue Bell Creameries Must Pay $17.25M Criminal Penalties re: 2015 Listeria Contamination

>>105100, >>105115 ——————————————— Sometimes non_domestic sources of information provide a more accurate report (Cap: )

>>105101, >>105106 Planefag

>>105102 Suspect Arrested in Slaying of 17-Year-Old Lacy Johnson Staffer (=GOP Challenger of Ilhan Omar)

>>105104 What Happened to Criminal Case against Goldman Sachs?

>>105105 Mental Health Eval for Suspect in Dolan Fire (CA) Arson Investigation

>>105107 Barbados Exits Commonwealth, Ejects QE2 As Sovereign

>>105108 Assange Hearing Day 8: Espionage Act Put in the Dock

>>105109 More on NXIVM cult

>>105110 Trump announces creation of national 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education

>>105111 Seattle Chop Zone Horrifying Murder

>>105112 Miner BHP tells Australian parliamentary inquiry it had approval to destroy Aboriginal sites

>>105113 Pres Trump: “We Will Never Submit To Tyranny” (vid clip)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6d5b414e31421b1f7433225341c878f9bd5ccbb279c3f88551ef6995751b7494.mp4

>>105114 Bruce Walker, DoE Cybersecurity, Stepping Down

>>105116, >>105118 rt ———–––——–— Arrests among Antifa highest ranks may be imminent

>>105117 DHS lies that all states are REAL-ID compliant

>>105119, >>105120 rt ———–––——–— This should be also. Countermeasures in place

>>105121 Netflix’s ‘Cheer’ Star, Biden Campaign Surrogate, Jerry Harris Charged with Producing Child Porn

>>105122 Biden: No Deportations for Illegal Aliens Until They Commit a Felony

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rOMCGizKDOo - WATCH: Biden says he will stop deportations in the first 100 days of presidency | Noticias Telemundo [Channel: Noticias Telemundo]

>>105123 #13673

(27 notables, 32 posts, 37 media/files)

Q- >>105100, >>105118, >>105120

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9d28d5 No.173316

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10684206 Q Research General #13674: Non_domestic info sources

Created 171943ZSEP20




>>105124, >>105128, >>105132 planefaggin

>>105125 The mayor of Seattle, like Peter Strzok are PROUD of their roles in the revolution and overthrow of the Trump Admin.

>>105126 Victoria, Australia police foundation selling face masks with Freemason logo

>>105127 DOJ Authority for Military Use to combat terrorists

>>105129 ‘The 1776 Commission’: Trump To Sign Executive Order Combating Schools Teaching Students To Be ‘Ashamed’ Of America. Follow the pen?

>>105130 Washington Gov. Jay Inslee gives maggot-infested apples to wildfire victims,

>>105131 Man, 39, charged with bestiality, child rape and pornography

>>105133 Oppo BS: Debunked QAnon conspiracy theories are seeping into mainstream social media. Don't be fooled.

>>105134 JUST IN: All Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats, including Kamala Harris, sign a letter calling for an inspector general investigation of political interference in the Durham probe./This is what PANIC looks like

>>105135 Ex-JPMorgan Trader Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison For FX Bid-Rigging

>>105136 2 year delta:PANIC IN DC.

>>105137 Lev Parnas and David Correia charged with conspiring to defraud investors in their fraud insurance company “Fraud Guarantee”

>>105138 #13674

>>105139 ——————————————— Focus on content [information]. Research for yourself. gatekeeper, a guardian; monitor

(14 notables, 16 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>105139

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173317

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10685149 Q Research General #13675: Can Taste Their Fear, Delish Edition

Created 172038ZSEP20




>>105140 BREAKING: Understanding the Threat, a counterterrorism consulting group run by ex-FBI, has secured matching grants of $60,000 to train local law enforcement in Portland & Austin to surveil & defuse violent and subversive activities of Antifa & BLM rioters

>>105141, >>105156 Senate Dems calling for IG Horowitz to investigate the Durham probe for political interference…

>>105142 Citigroup puts employee who ran QAnon website on paid leave

>>105143 Potus: The Democrats are just ANGRY that the vaccine and delivery are so far ahead of schedule....

>>105144 ‘It Looked Like a Chicken Breast’: US Man Finds Brain Wrapped in Foil on Beach - Graphic Photos

>>105145 "The legacy of 1776 will never be erased."

>>105146 Trump announces creation of national '1776 Commission' to promote 'patriotic education'

>>105147, >>105148 Twitter said Thursday it will extend its restrictions on #QAnon-linked accounts and content to political candidates and elected officials who promote the conspiracy theory

>>105149 Soros connections to Disneythere is Definately more…

>>105150 @USMC Blurred Motion

>>105151, >>105154 rt ———–––——–— If somebody comes to accept a truth or swallow a redpill without knowing it was associated with Q….

>>105152 Former defense contractor sentenced for taking $4 million in kickbacks and bribes

>>105153 Losers Story: “Taylor said it had been difficult to secure marquee names to speak out against the president because “the president has done a very effective job of creating a culture of fear.”

>>105155 ——————————————— RIG FOR RED

>>105157 Watch LIVE: POTUS Holds Campaign Event in Mosinee, WI - 17 September 2020 Scheduled start 21:00hrs EDT

>>105158 Kosovo awards highest honor on POTUS

>>105159 James Lee Carr Identified, Arrested for Allegedly Shooting Federal Officer

>>105160 The Department of Education has informed Princeton it is under investigation following the school president's declaration that racism was "embedded" in the institution.

>>105161 @USNavy Exercise Black Widow (spider pic)

>>105162 #13675

(20 notables, 23 posts, 27 media/files)

Q- >>105154, >>105155

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173318

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10685926 Q Research General #13676:RIG FOR REDEdition

Created 172123ZSEP20




>>105163 Potus: Volunteer to be a Trump Election Poll Watcher. Sign up today!

>>105164 Has anyone been using Rumble.com?

>>105165 BBG: U.S. working with Qatar to normalize Israel ties, says senior State Department official

>>105166, >>105172, >>105174, >>105177 Rig for Red in archives bun

>>105167, >>105180 .@FLOTUS made a special visit to Concord Hospital to spotlight their treatment program for babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome.

>>105168 So the commies cancelled their little 'White House Siege' today. I guess the money dried up. What cowards.

>>105169 The 1619 Project just got Trumped. Adios.

>>105170 Operation #MarketGarden started on September 17, 1944.

>>105171, >>105176 Witnesses Just approved for subpoenas include:....

>>105173 Today, we are seeing the results of decades of left-wing indoctrination in our schools.

>>105175 Fed Releases Scenarios For Second Bank Stress Test, May Extend Dividend, Buyback Limits

>>105178 Penn Judge Slashes Bail on Far Left Rioters Charged with Rioting and Arson in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

>>105179 Former Foreign Exchange Trader Sentenced To Prison For Price Fixing And Bid Rigging

>>105181 They don’t even know what Q is… they just oppose it.

>>105182 22 year old Portland Man Charged with Federal Arson Criminal Complaint in 26 June Police Precinct Fire

>>105183 BREAKING: The Senate has now confirmed EIGHT of Trump’s district court nominees in the past three days. Lifetime appointments to the federal bench.

>>105184 Potus: Restore rule of law.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53f3d7116e21cc63165ca94f45d66cd418c98e86725f3c15a13429b09e34070b.mp4

>>105185 Internal Polls Must Be Really Bad: After Initially Embracing Maoist Mob, Pelosi Now Calls For Prosecution of Rioters (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e3128438e4bb63901e0b69ae701272836b3d8ab5207bdffaf7c4d0fd8ffc7b22.mp4

>>105186 @realDonaldTrump's Administration is fighting for Native American communities—including the largest investment in Indian country in the history of our nation.“

>>105187 NFL gang , Baltimore, fed indictments

>>105188 SDNY finally getting called out?

>>105189 #13676

(22 notables, 27 posts, 31 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173319

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10686706 Q Research General #13677: PandoraSoros Box Open Edition

Created 172214ZSEP20




>>105190 House resolution condemns ‘anti-Asian sentiment’ related to CV, offers no relief to Americans

>>105191, >>105198 Former Model Amy Dorris Says Trump Sexually Assaulted Her

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HRoNYHe6L1Y - Former model alleges sexual assault by Donald Trump: 'I feel sick, violated' [Channel: The Guardian]

>>105192 Non-apology apology from Fox News re Soros and Gingrich yesterday: "We don't censor on this show"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aaac054ad228f20f8a5020e99ee06a222e1df84d464bda1bf7631208d792c386.mp4

>>105193 Video: Pence’s Former Lead CV Task Force Aide Slams Trump And Endorses Biden In New Video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f0j6adNroo4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>105194 Facebook Censors Ad On Biden Raising Taxes Despite Fact-Checker Contradicting Its Own "Mostly False" Rating

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P7XhHjCnZj8 - Too Risky (NC) [Channel: America First Action Super PAC]

>>105195 Penn Judge Slashes Bail on Far Left Rioters Charged with Rioting and Arson in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

>>105196 New Catherine Herridge re the #PortlandProtests

>>105197 Peter Nygard's son fears dad will flee Canada before sex assault investigation is complete

>>105199 Video: Introducing: "The Democrats!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db6bc328a7357a885316797af31c390063d1e30c065cfd84c8daf08b5153f990.mp4

>>105200 #13676

>>105201 Disaster for BBC as 237,000 families stop paying licence fee costing £40million

>>105202 Judge rejects bid to oust Santa Clara County DA from concealed-gun permit corruption case

>>105203 US Navy Tweet: "Prepare to be raided" (punisher symbol is being painted on as camo)

>>105204 KEK: BREAKING: White House siege canceled due to the rain ??!

>>105205, >>105206, >>105207 DJT Jr goes Nightshift

>>105208, >>105214 Planefag Reports

>>105209, >>105210, >>105211 Chicago Uni's English Dept Statement: Only accepting students interested in Black Studies

>>105212 Rep. Andy Biggs Calls on Barr to Use RICO Act Against Rioters

>>105213 Trump Jr calls for Jail Time For The Dem Mayor of Nashville Re COVID

>>105215 Judge issues nationwide injunction against Postal Service changes

>>105216 Q goes silent for a time after they've said "Rig for red" in past drops

>>105217 Operation Camouflage: How to "Algos [sniffers] bypass"

>>105218 Newsom signs bill requiring businesses to disclose coronavirus infections

>>105219 #13677

(24 notables, 30 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173320

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10687483 Q Research General #13678: The 'Prepare To Be Raided' Edition

Created 172324ZSEP20




>>105220 Indiana Republications Call on Health Dept to Repeal Mask Mandate

>>105221 New voter registrations plummeted during COVID in TX, where one can’t register online

>>105222 More on Muller team's wiped phones

>>105223 Learn to Bake Class in Session Naow

>>105224 New PDJT Twat: On Air Force One heading to Wisconsin. Biden refused to go there...

>>105225 Corrupt SDNY is After Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage & Conservatives for Building Southern Wall – Is Admonished by Judge for Corrupt Actions in Another Case

>>105226 The Dwight D. Eisenhower Commission hosts ceremony for his Memorial

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vKhJ90K8xi0 - Live: The Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission hosts a ceremony for the memorial [Channel: Fox News]

>>105227, >>105242 Watch LIVE: POTUS Holds Campaign Event in Mosinee, WI - 17 September 2020 Scheduled start 21:00hrs EDT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0NYbW9b3HCY - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mosinee, WI 9/17/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0NYbW9b3HCY - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mosinee, WI 9/17/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>105228 Palestinian Authority minister says Oman, Sudan, Comoros, Djibouti and Mauritania engaged in normalization discussions with Israel

>>105229 Amy Dorris (latest POTUS accuser) planning a speach for Clinton Global Initiative (2016)

>>105230 Black Lives Matter co-founder teams with pro-Chinese Communist Party group

>>105231 AG William Barr Constitution Day Speech – Transcript

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/540ddf20db1538553e3e494b2f915f88eccb7e590f093ba93fc7fe09252d4227.pdf

>>105232 Federal judge temporarily blocks USPS operational changes amid concerns about mail slowdowns, election

>>105233 New PDJT Twat: ...And I look at them as a bunch of well funded ANARCHISTS & THUGS who are protected because the Comey/Mueller inspired FBI is simply unable, or unwilling...

>>105234 Planefag Reports

>>105235, >>105243 Dan Scavino Twat: POTUS on his way to Mosinee, Wisconsin!

>>105236, >>105239 Two Arizona state troopers were ambushed by a teenager with an "assault rifle" in Phoenix

>>105237 Acting Bolivian President Jeanine Añez Withdraws From Upcoming Presidential Election

>>105238, >>105241 PDJT Twat: But Chris, you don’t see any activity from China, even though it is a FAR greater threat than Russia, Russia, Russia...

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e73cb680eb807c1a5642821346780ec0488228c72294e0833177d0f22d33c141.mp4


>>105244 #13678

(21 notables, 25 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173321

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10688262 Q Research General #13679: POTUS Poised To Win In Landslide ~ WI Ralley! Edition

Created 180037ZSEP20




>>105245 "BOOM!" #Paratroopers take cover as a bangalore torpedo explodes, taking out a mined wire obstacle during a combined arms live fire training...

>>105246 Anon is listening to this book on Alexander Hamilton. Poor bastard went through almost as much as POTUS but gave us the constitution via the federal papers...

>>105247 Former Illinois State Senator Pleads Guilty to Federal Tax Charge

>>105248 REVEALED: The Real Reason Fox News Censored Soros Debate

>>105249 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY September 18, 2020

>>105250, >>105252, >>105255, >>105267, >>105268 Planefag Reports

>>105251, >>105253, >>105256 10 flags tonight - not 6 like last rally

>>105254 FM Zarif: US not JCPOA participant anymore, can’t return Iran sanctions on 9/20

>>105257, >>105259, >>105263 Fmr. CIA Director John Brennan: 'I am more worried today than I ever have been before'

>>105258 Afghan Air Force Received Four Warplanes From U.S.

>>105260, >>105261, >>105262, >>105264, >>105269 POTUS WI Rally Pics

>>105265 Nevada utility invokes wildfire plan to cut power near Tahoe

>>105266 Democrat In PA: “I Look Out Over My Biden Sign…& I See A Sea Of Trump Flags & Yard Signs”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7t02Chy24h8 - Democrat In PA: “I Look Out Over My Biden Sign…& I See A Sea Of Trump Flags & Yard Signs” [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>105270 Watch: Charges filed in ‘disturbing’ human trafficking case in Texas

>>105271 Coronavirus whistleblower praised pandemic response before leaving White House

>>105272 #13679

(16 notables, 28 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173322

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10689045 Q Research General #13680: The Walls Are Crumblin' Down for Democrats Edition

Created 180140ZSEP20




>>105273 New WH twat "In 1787, 55 patriots gathered in Philadelphia…"

>>105274, >>105283 Scavino Twat POTUS arrives in Mosinee, WI

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70f6db7bbb83d194a1285168714a6eeb246d03f7b1f824f5ec13ba8e5e1017b2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a174ee5356d3773aaf27e6ccb67339ed8a4066dd7f3f44faff20fc1bbc818e9.mp4

>>105275 POTUS won't attend UN General Assembly in person, Meadows says-thehill

>>105276, >>105278 @ Herridge tweet "Interesting read.."

>>105277 John Brennan says he would testify before Congress and reacts to Durham investigation-washexam

>>105279 Oregon anon gets some relief

>>105280 Woman tells vet he should have died in Afghanistan because he had a MAGA mask on-soc media

>>105281 Make ‘Fahrenheit 451’ Fiction Again: ‘Harry Potter’ Book Burning Trends on Social Media-newsbusters

>>105282 Police launch search for woman who has been dumping dog poop inside mailboxes of Trump supporters-dailymail

>>105284 Teddy turns into Category 4 hurricane-jpost

>>105285 Biden Institute Board Member, Obama-Era Cabinet Sec Met With Chinese Communist Party To ‘Create More Ties,’ Visited Communist Propaganda Front-thenationalpulse

>>105286 POTUS says Caesar Rodney statue will be inside National Garden of American Heroes-msn

>>105287, >>105288 CCP announces plan to take control of China's private sector-asiatimesfinancial and xinhuanet

>>105289 California family accuses Newsom, Harris of trespassing on property for wildfire photo-op-foxnews

>>105290 Biden Volunteers Are Encountering a Shocking Number of Voters Pushing an Unhinged Smear-motherjones

>>105291 Fox News Anchor Apologizes for Co-Hosts Cutting Off Gingrich’s George Soros Rant-dailybeast

>>105292 #13680

(17 notables, 20 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173323

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10689792 Q Research General #13681: OOOOH NOOOOO Mr. Bill Edition

Created 180241ZSEP20




>>105293, >>105308 262 arrested pedos, 5 kids found

>>105294 Mayor hijack attempted for supporting Q

>>105295 AstraZeneca vaccine volunteer developed spinal inflammation

>>105296 Eisenhower Memorial

>>105297 Come to school, get arrested!

>>105298 Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations

>>105299 Betsy DeVos Calls Princeton's Bluff: If You Really Are Racist, No More Federal Funding

>>105300 Brennan willing to testifu

>>105301 POTUS tweets about China

>>105302 Pentagon says China’s Navy now largest in the World

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BiiZnmB_JqM - China has a 'bloodlust' and wants to use their new weapons: Gordon Chang [Channel: Fox News]

>>105303, >>105307 PF reports

>>105304 3 second Dan tweet

>>105305 POTUS tweet "They are comming after me..."

>>105306 More POTUS tweets

(14 notables, 16 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173324

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10690565 Q Research General #13682: Slow night in River City

Created 180356ZSEP20




>>105309 Paedophile cheerleading coach Nikola Marinovich jailed for child exploitation files

>>105310 Two-year-old girl rescued after being 'passed around child sex ring for drugs'

>>105311 Credit Karma app for voting

>>105312 I was using Turbo Tax!

>>105313, >>105335, >>105336 Penn dem to Biden: looks over his Biden sign to see a "sea" of Trump signs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7t02Chy24h8 - Democrat In PA: “I Look Out Over My Biden Sign…& I See A Sea Of Trump Flags & Yard Signs” [Channel: GOP War Room]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/62050874d938a7665352ee17d3bc2aefec4d907b148dbba3ac7a34e76d4dac28.mp4

>>105314 Call to DIGG on missing Biden-Poroschenko calls vid

>>105315 Wray was asked about Qanon in Congr. hearing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad242f51a76a9f2a244050c03ffd3521f6aa39e5e5a4e0c9c0b6a0fd9aa22063.mp4

>>105316, >>105323, >>105339 planefags aloft

>>105317 Shirley Temple & The Disturbing History of Baby Burlesk

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W9qNGhBcRNk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>105318 ‘Cheer’ star Jerry Harris arrested on child porn charges

>>105319 Anon focuses on red minute dashes on Mickey clock

>>105320, >>105321 Joe M: Goodbye Q. We are just patriots now.

>>105322 Rona Australia: NWO update

>>105324, >>105325, >>105326 AusAnon on FB tying links of Australian govt. and the push for vaccination

>>105327 China: Thousands infected with zoonosis disease after factory leak

>>105328 Man-made (Antifa) climate change in progress…

>>105329 120,000-year-old human, animal footprints discovered in #SaudiArabia

>>105330, >>105341, >>105344, >>105345 Anons testing Meme Scramble - made to defeat machine learning programs (try bigger squares?)

>>105331 Chinese mfg index predicts Trumpslide

>>105332 CNN: several thousand people in NW China have tested positive for a bacterial disease (coming soon to a country near u??)

>>105333 Powell rt: Weissman caught clearning their phones because they were under investigation

>>105334 BLM co-founder funded by gp linked to the CCP

>>105337 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Roll-Out May Provide Lessons For COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kva0AMaeDqc - 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Roll-Out May Provide Lessons For COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts [Channel: KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA]

>>105338 POTUS calling out FBI on SOROS, Antifa and BLM funding organizations

>>105340 #13681

>>105342 AG Curtis Hill defends Indiana’s voting procedures ahead of Election Day

>>105343 Controversial guidelines about who should be tested for CV were posted on the CDC website despite objections from scientists

>>105346 POTUS arrives back at WH

>>105347 #13682,

(29 notables, 39 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173325

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10691332 Q Research General #13683: Come Hell or High Water, Bakers Will Bake! Edition

Created 180547ZSEP20




>>105348 Missing Biden Calls today 7:30EST

>>105349, >>105351 Chris Wray Caroline Wray Which Wray is Asst. Editor of Crown Publishing (Publishes most of Obama's material)

>>105350, >>105358 Swine Flu Fraud. . .Not Bidans 1st Plandemic

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ydx_ok6gyiY - The Swine Flu Fraud of 1976 (60 Minutes with Mike Wallace) [Channel: Detox Life]

>>105352, >>105359, >>105365 West Coast Socialite Pay4Play get out of Jail Card Dig Rq

>>105353, >>105356, >>105364, >>105369, >>105370, >>105371, >>105373, >>105376 Twitter Algo updates

>>105354 Iran Deal 2

>>105355, >>105362, >>105367 Bill Gates Strikes Back

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b2db2a7c55cb196e7b058901c7646f97f112082fab99f8fb3219a416d3cef860.mp4

>>105357 Homey G n Famiry Chillin General Flynn Twitter (..Twitter)

>>105360 Suspects showed investigators 'how easy it was' to defraud EDD (KCRA)

>>105361 CNN panned for 'softball' Biden town hall: This isn't getting him ready for the debates (Fox)


>>105368 History Repeats Itself ! (Various)

>>105372, >>105374 "Im not sure we need to bring [GS] into this..." & "Cut it Cut it!" Redpills for normies when Fake News Faces Facts (Caps)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29cd076e659f19bd906c08f4f5e1ffc16d103a1bf9e085055c6cfc0f8127afa4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/27f11063eb2a372f4a36fba94c1866624f84f94688bfcdf7735cb09886bdfe64.mp4

>>105375 Iowa BLM Organizer Arrested on 9 felonies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9731fbbc908c0d976981b64280e63277a3e79da3a8b56befeb9c64dd5190d076.mp4

>>105377 Anon breaks it down on a possible decode for recent Q

>>105378 Tiff Trump: So Hot Right Now.

>>105379 #13683

(17 notables, 32 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173326

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10692112 Q Research General #13684: Silent Running Through 4AM Talking Points Edition

Created 180828ZSEP20




>>105380 USNE Tweets Happy 73rd Air Force

>>105381, >>105432, >>105433 MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA Funded by: ABPAC Funded by... You Guessed it! ActBlue (Various)

>>105382, >>105383 "Deepfake" coming soon?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ef446a353e0a45fd4e77e85d92ccdacb00e4a7b0f6a3dc7650f27b7a2cb8df2e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ce712e818e5a8ad9c4d95df11f0ce6d62c431f2cbbf5129044725c6b05b4574.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3a0ac7ec847205d49b6bbc0bf8d14ccf049f6ce45b2f06413704552bcc20632c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d6d8d5f88807eedde6448450070fb43f921805b082d3f8bf6d4396a0ed2149f.mp4

>>105384, >>105391, >>105394, >>105397, >>105404, >>105410, >>105415, >>105417, >>105418, >>105421, >>105424, >>105429, >>105435, >>105441, >>105445, >>105448, >>105450 Operator goes in on Media Hypocrisy and other Hot Topics on twitter (Youtube)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/21579164b902a4fd8699509c958b26217779588aad9462f2f9e0882a78b32149.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4484b9b19edf42043c46e1b8f9d05cc5f23546c7fc6e729b131afbab152a264c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bddc63ce7fbbc4a8bae710e806db75f5ce67fff1f8cc97f77670ba8da3a0e446.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/49729541af6b43e4b1d21dfa4092e5cdfef749e62b36dd57eebf2052bfc02f33.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04af89b2afd04a968911db83eecb6ddea4324961b3bb8e80efb2038945c236e2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4c9e5fd0ccca9134d2c6c3e563bd3d93cc9ccf0754a7762718c47f5738eef2f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d595fc3a09f3100b633f4cc780052f050af2f93e6bec9c67d8a4935c485e122.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/873f32ea73804277bcb266d027ff8798477e286a9e84b58868b224fb66575dbf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/453335d9d2f59f91e1e0a04fbd08945995939efc141d20d5639675e2f6714ab9.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6fb4afafb8d37524fd321b374cfda153878bb00bac0f221b05113f925aac7454.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/22e9b9f95c1115a3f165ffe6e5448747453e3eea915f403f0ad5b69a3e2fc473.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f57f2d977614e3b705fa83f1ea73b95d52b219126b7f959bedbdf6d56e1be01.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1fe33740d55c7fa13c80d6f673b521b668ff18037dd8e91fd75f0a1010f8f884.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f7978e19f71bc4b1b6a72af6a961fad48557af4fb690639211bb314399d1ebb9.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2591469ef65791fef67833d338c609fabc2218e27a82d58dafd4901842a74b85.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f174b8c6ac5683152b3dc6f43958ab93e275293930968c1d2935355a56329a4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40624ae41daa37a6e15af70c8d916e7612d03d9f9d254ee49d73a34424f4bf2c.mp4

>>105385, >>105386, >>105388, >>105389, >>105399, >>105401, >>105407, >>105409, >>105412 U.S. Military Prepares for Subterranean Combat (Various)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eca05ab61bbde6f1183eee072be8f9520535158c0e6587fd2e036f5104b83214.pdf

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d31Co8Q6Vr8 - Changes to one-station unit training [Channel: The U.S. Army]

>>105387, >>105390 If this is a joke noone is laughing try again and make it funny Fiona+Reminder (Twitter Cap)

>>105392 Dig Request Big Red Dog

>>105393, >>105402 Some comparisons to what is going on in schools versus correctional institutions and slavery+Stillface experiment

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3694c11d93061049ef8e5e28dcd593545090fc248eb41993024bb752e5122c57.mp4

>>105395, >>105474 Attacking AI with adversarial examples. Digital Camo - Attack the Ai - Poison the Filter (Towards Data Science.com)

>>105396 Illegal Aliens for Electoral Votes? Whos Dreams are really coming true here? Dreamers? or Schemers? (Various)

>>105398 Daily Morning Hit from NYT: Facebook Has Been a Disaster for the World + How Culpable Is Trump, and How Dangerous is QAnon? (Cap)

>>105400 How Trump Changed the World (Free Beacon)

>>105403 Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump (The Federalist)

>>105405 AMAZING! Trump Supporters Chant, “Nobel Peace Prize! Nobel Peace Prize!” at Wisconsin Campaign Rally (VIDEO) (The Gateway Pundit)

>>105406 Draconian: Australia Pushes New Measure To Detain COVID "Conspiracy Theorists" (Zerohedge)

>>105408 Meme Scripts for Windows and Linux to Adjust images TO BEAT the Algorithms

>>105411 Hunter Biden Offered D.C. Access to Chinese Company in Exchange for Investments (Free Beacon)

>>105413 -"The compulsory or forced vaccination with the Covid vaccine is the Greatest Threat to Life & Liberty in the history of mankind Educate Yourselves! (Educate-Yourself.org)

>>105414 [HRC] posts a graphic timeline of [their] planned censorship rollout. (Cap)

>>105416 Dick Morris: 'Horrified, Shocked' by Fox News' Pro-Soros Stance (Newsmax)

>>105419 School District Agrees To Stop Promoting Christianity After Being Sued (Newsweek)

>>105420 Media Hype Fearmongering Police Supporters and Citizens (Rasmussen Reports.com)

>>105422, >>105423 Gucci heiress files lawsuit accusing stepfather of sexual abuse (Independent)

>>105425, >>105427, >>105430 @Jo Ro... Having fun yet? Kek Speaking of Joe... (Business InsiderComplex.com)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Rl82OQDoOc - Joe Rogan Experience #1536 - Edward Snowden [Channel: PowerfulJRE]

>>105426 Has COVID Replaced influenza in Australia? (News.com/au)

>>105428 PETA Wants Accused Arsonist Charged With Animal Abuse (The Union Journal.com)

>>105431 Bidens Softball Town Hall (The Gateway Pundit)

>>105434, >>105436 Taiwan Meets China's 18 Birds in the Sky (RNZ News)

>>105437, >>105440 Comey Will Voluntarily Testify Before The Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 30, 2020 (Epoch Times)

>>105438, >>105439 Ex-Texas deputy sheriff gets 18 years in prison for sexually exploiting, cyberstalking two Massachusetts girls+Another wierdo (Fox/dfw.CBSlocal)

>>105442 Trump will win in a “landslide,” says Helmut Norpoth, a political science professor at Stoney Brook University who’s correctly predicted the outcome of five of the past six presidential elections (100 Percent Fedup.com)

>>105443 Who Killed George Floyd? (American Thinker)

>>105444 Zoonosis outbreak in China (The Sun)

>>105446 Herschel Walker slams BLM (Daily Mail)

>>105447, >>105452 Senate Democrats, including Kamala Harris, call for investigation into Durham Probe (Daily Caller)

>>105449, >>105453 What she was supposed to be - according to Alicia Keys (The Guardian)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=voFGElQazVI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>105451 Hezbollah bullshitting the world again with their threats from ratholes in the hills and the lands of oppression (Daily Mail)

>>105454 Moar Corruption Uprooted SF corruption scandal widens: Two business leaders charged with bribing City Hall official (SF Chronicle)

>>105455 Why New York then? Dozens of protesters were detained during a march in New York City against alleged unwanted hysterectomies of immigrant women at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center in Georgia (RuptlyYoutube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BPtl091lOGc

>>105456 The police protection racket (The Week.com)

>>105457 Washington Mayor Backs QAnon Conspiracy Theory as 'Truth Movement' (Newsweek.com)

>>105458 Ravaged by fires, much of Oregon now faces flooding (KOIN.com)

>>105459 Fully Charged QAnon Beyond Q (Bloomberg)

>>105460 ‘HIS SQUEEZE’ Stunning model pilot who ‘helped Jeffrey Epstein groom victims and romped with teen girls while he watched’ (The Sun)

>>105461 Seane Corn "yoga girl" is the latest #PedophileDenier and #coverupperer (CBC.CA)

>>105462 Intentional Gas Leak in Oklahoma? (RTCap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f222b925bba96426e08547525ffd035a473f84d60e9fd7cfc0f86de5b8ab3a1.mp4

>>105463 Whistleblower Accuses San Jose SU of Cover-Ups, Retaliation Over Misconduct Allegation (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KSXso1B0frU - Whistleblower Accuses San Jose State University of Cover-Ups, Retaliation Over Misconduct Allegation [Channel: KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA]

>>105464 The ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Lie Gets A Thorough, Well-Earned Debunking (Issue Insights.com)

>>105465 Keep Yo NASTEE ass at HOME! America (And world I bet) Sees Decline in STD Transfers (Cap)

>>105466, >>105476 AG Barr Continues To Alarm With Remarks About The Rule Of Law+Hitpiece FEAR (SMNBCYoutubeTheNation.com)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-IzamabdO6o - Attorney General Barr Continues To Alarm With Remarks About The Rule Of Law - Day That Was | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>105467 Rohrabacher around Assange Nothingburger? Or Something? (Twitter)

>>105468 One-time QAnon supporter Lauren Witzke won the Republican Senate primary in Delaware on Tuesday, campaigning on a pledge to institute a decade-long moratorium on all immigration and beating a rival candidate

>>105469 Pray for her and those in Law Enforcement down there! "‘Shoot the narcos,’ declares mayor of Hermosillo, Sonora" They've had enough. (Mexico News Daily.com)

>>105470 "Do you have a problem with going under?" Former West Virginia VA Doctor Pleads Guilty to Molesting Patients (Military.com)

>>105471 #13684-1

>>105472 #13684-2

>>105473, >>105475 Apple Watch Faces Q4730

>>105477 Twitter Tightens Security Ahead of US Presidential Election (Coindesk.com)

>>105478 Should they put nets over the skies? Coronavirus: 6,000 new cases a day estimated in England during first week of September

>>105479 The Soros Cover-Up (American Mind.org)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aaac054ad228f20f8a5020e99ee06a222e1df84d464bda1bf7631208d792c386.mp4

>>105480 The Freak Roundup: 262 suspects arrested, 5 children found during U.S. Marshals’ Operation Triple Beam in Oklahoma

>>105481 LB Queen STRIPS Weinstein of his 2004 CBE for contribution to British film industry after disgraced producer was jailed for 23 years for rape in New York

(62 notables, 102 posts, 153 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173327

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10692879 Q Research General #13685: One Ping Edition

Created 181215ZSEP20




>>105482, >>105483 In response to multiple requests, here now is @SDNYLIVE Judge Nathan's 42-page order today on prosecutorial misconduct is US v. Nejad, on Inner City Press'

>>105484, >>105489, >>105492, >>105501, >>105502, >>105509, >>105513, >>105536, >>105538, >>105539, >>105542, >>105547, >>105555 Disney and Amazon + Keystone&Related? [John Brennan]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5MwfBvJwMY4 - Echo Wall Clock - Disney Mickey Mouse Edition - see timers at a glance [Channel: FAG Deal]

>>105485 Bongino Interviews POTUS Full podcast Sunday

>>105486 "The dead shall rise in the last days" 349,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls

>>105487, >>105490 Twitter Censorship Expands amidst Election, All according to plan as stated 3 years ago. . Q59 Q61 Q64 Q73

>>105488 Trump 'approved' of pardon offer to #Assange in exchange for source of DNC leaks, Jen Robinson says (Sputnik)

>>105491, >>105505, >>105519 'Breaking: Commerce Department bans use of TikTok and WeChat in the U.S.' (CBSThe Hill)

>>105493 Trump’s ex-spy chief warns American democracy may not survive November election (Intel News.org)

>>105494 China's assertiveness is against its economic interests (Financial Times)

>>105495, >>105500, >>105511 Housley in Durham, investigating and getting info without getting leaks; Wray (Twitter)

>>105496 US accuses Hezbollah of stockpiling weapons and ammonium nitrate across Europe (The Guardian)

>>105497 Moar War Tunnels (Just the News.com)

>>105498 THE DAILY PANIC (Various) Keks Galore! (Various)

>>105499 John Solomon: Growing research indicates many COVID-19 cases might not be infectious at all (Just the News.com)

>>105503, >>105508, >>105544, >>105580 PF Quick Trips

>>105504 New racial justice target: Defund the police foundations. Racial justice advocates are calling on corporations to sever their relationships with police foundations. (Politico)

>>105506, >>105516 The Citi qmap.pub guy was put on paid leave by Citi, obviously for political reasons. This likely means lawyers are negotiating his severance terms and some kind of promise by the patriot not to sue Citi. (NYPO)

>>105507 Riveting! Steve Bannon Talks Trump and the Democrats’ Lawfare Machine on Tucker Carlson – The War Starts After November 3rd (The Gateway Pundit)

>>105510 Pompeo to sign Growth in America Agreement (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C0qVUXSFPFo - Pompeo to sign Growth in America Agreement [Channel: Fox News]

>>105512 Presidential Message on the 73rd Birthday of the United State Air Force; On the 73rd birthday of the United States Air Force, I join our grateful Nation in celebrating the world’s most powerful flying force. As Commander in Chief, I salute all of the Airmen who defend our country and promote peace with unparalleled service and excellence.

>>105514 The people (Mockingbird Insert/BHO @Fox) who gave the stand down orders re.GS

>>105515 "QAnon conspiracy theorist to feel warm embrace of Republicans in Congress. Marjorie Taylor Greene is all but certain to win a place in the House of Representatives" (The Guardian)

>>105517 Presidential Message on Rosh Hashanah, 2020; The First Lady and I wish our Jewish brothers and sisters Shana Tova and hope the millions observing this sacred day in America and around the world have a blessed start to the High Holy Days.

>>105518, >>105524, >>105533 Coopers got a problem. BOMBSHELL: Democrat Nashville Mayor John Cooper hid data on coronavirus infections emerging from area bars and restaurants in Lower Broadway because the numbers were too low, leaked emails unveiled show. (Breitbart)

>>105520 UPDATE: Utility cancels wildfire prevention plan to cut power in Lake Tahoe community (KRON4.com)

>>105521 WOW! Actor Jim Caviezel GOES OFF on Milquetoast Christian Leaders and Cancel Culture — Then Rolls His Eyes when FOX News Host Downplays his Stand of Faith (Fox)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cOP0FoVMXUM - Actor Jim Caviezel GOES OFF on Luke Warm Christian Leaders and Cancel Culture -- Then Rolls His Eyes [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>105522 "Calm Before The Storm" statement made of POTUS occurred on October 5 2017

>>105523, >>105527, >>105535, >>105541, >>105543, >>105546 Biden's Blunders- "Super effective Strategies at Losing"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hDIG688dpks - 'I'm not giving Joe Biden cover': Rep. Clyburn explains his 1994 crime bill vote [Channel: Washington Post]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_8EjjK_8IiM - “It Shattered My Life”: Former Joe Biden Staffer Tara Reade Says He Sexually Assaulted Her in 1993 [Channel: Democracy Now!]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tlLhZPgwuqM - As Joe Biden Hints at Presidential Run, Andrew Cockburn Looks at His “Disastrous Legislative Legacy” [Channel: Democracy Now!]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e8TkDorYCIc - The Case Against Joe Biden: How the Former VP Fueled Mass Incarceration and Protected Big Banks [Channel: Democracy Now!]

>>105525 NYC Delays in person instruction for 2nd time (WSJ)

>>105526 Speaking of GMOs… Corona isnt the first but it will likely be among the last (Various)

>>105528 18 Birds and Response Update - Taiwan China (Asia.nikkei.com)


>>105530 Biden asks Anderson Cooper about Gay Bath Houses

>>105531 New wildfire prevention bill introduced, focused on prescribed burns (Action News Now)

>>105532 QR Clock

>>105534 NEW POTUS Pelosi wants to take 30 Billion Dollars away from our great Farmers. Can’t let that happen!

>>105537 'Fellow Amphibian' Newt Calling for Soros Schemes to Croak (Zerohedge)

>>105540 Family Says Kamala Harris and California Governor Trespassed on Their Property for Wildfire Photo Op (Bongino)

>>105545 End User interaction with censorship and thought police. (Cap)

>>105548 Barr takes big bites out of rioting and soon rioters as Barr rounds up their bytes (Redstate.com)

>>105549 GOP Candidate For Washington Governor Claims Wildfires Are ‘Coordinated’ Arson (Huffpost)

>>105550, >>105557 ANONS ALERT! Listened to the audio of Hillsdale College: The Constitution and the Rule of Law event featuring William P. Barr, Attorney General of the United States. Details Law and Order under constitution and current events issues that challenge law understudies (Hillsdale.edu)

>>105551 Twitter's public policy director to join Biden transition team KEK

>>105552 Armenian church building burns in San Francisco, arson suspected

>>105553, >>105565 Fast Co., an aggressive social-engineering rag aimed at millennials, owned by Joe Mansueto+Insider trading. . .(Various)

>>105554, >>105559, >>105570 Someone pandering for votes? "Wow, Dems doing the right thing for citizens, they must get something out of it It must be re-election strategy…Kek" (Various)

>>105556, >>105560, >>105563, >>105566, >>105568, >>105571 Suspect in custody after confirmed arson at Raleigh hotel+Various similar

>>105558 Pence on the move (Twitter)

>>105561 Enjoy your weekend. Anthony

>>105562 "SFSU To Host Terrorists" A webinar event billed as “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice, & Resistance: A conversation with Leila Khaled” is scheduled for September 23, 2020… (Judicialwatch.org)

>>105564 Northern Boone County Hosts Federal Warrant. Weapons being removed from location

>>105567, >>105569 Failbook hits again going after 2nd amendment folks…

>>105572 Watch: CNN (Seriously) Claims That COVID Will Spread At Trump Rallies But Not BLM Protests

>>105573 The Chamber of Commerce SOLD SMALL BUSINESSES out to Globalism for 15 pieces of Silver.

>>105574, >>105575 Beware of Prophets and False Prophets

>>105576 Justice Dept.: Sedition charge may apply to protest violence

>>105577, >>105578 Fake News Pop Quiz

>>105579 Book excerpt: An FBI sex crimes investigator helped trigger 2016’s ‘October Surprise’

>>105581, >>105582 #13685-2, #13685-1, #13686

(59 notables, 101 posts, 116 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173328

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10693659 Q Research General #13686: Big News Roundup Edition

Created 181502ZSEP20




>>105583, >>105587, >>105590 BREAKING: White House announces surprise meeting with Head of State from Kuwait, 11:45am EST. Followed by Press Briefing from President Trump.

>>105584, >>105586, >>105592 This morning Nancy Pelosi is unveiling the new Democrat/Cabal/Globalist attack on America...... resistance

>>105585 Wray's daughter....hmmm....

>>105588, >>105591, >>105600, >>105602 New tool for digital camo for Windows

>>105589, >>105595 PF updates

>>105593 @RichardGrenell I have an Ivy League School Master’s Degree, I was the boss of CIA and NSA, and i would never criticize a President for loving his country. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. (Oh, and there’s an apostrophe S on Master.)

>>105594 Potus gets Kosovo's Order of Freedom award "for his exceptional contribution for freedom of Kosovo and strengthening peace in the region"

>>105596 Potus: Biden FAILED BADLY with the Swine Flu. It was the Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”.......

>>105597 Amal Clooney resigns as a special envoy for the UK government: “It is lamentable for the UK to be speaking of its intention to violate an international treaty signed by the Prime Minister less than a year ago…..”

>>105598 Before, POTUS says, Biden's shot. Now he says he can't shoot straight. What's POTUS trying to tell us?

>>105599 The President participates in a greeting with His Excellency Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of the State of Kuwait at 11:45AM., The President holds a news conference at 2:00PM.

>>105601 Nasal solution may stop spread of COVID-19, study finds

>>105603 Bill Barr Speaks At Hillsdale College Constitution Day Celebration. Audio Only

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qHsKm8qCKoc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>105604, >>105610, >>105614, >>105615 3 yr delta comin up yo, czech it

>>105605 Bill Barr Discusses the Current State Judges, Prosecutors & Crime

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-D-OsFYqiRU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>105606, >>105607, >>105609 HWY 40 east bound mile marker 160

>>105608 Twitter’s Public Policy Director Leaves to Join Biden Transition Team

>>105611 The most dangerous cult of our time

>>105612 October Surprise?

>>105613 Joe Biden’s Son, Beau, Died of the Same Type of Brain Cancer That Killed John McCain & Ted Kennedy

>>105616 #13685-2, #13685-1, #13686

(21 notables, 34 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173329

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10694446 Q Research General #13687: Be Inspired, Break The Chains Edition

Created 181627ZSEP20




>>105617, >>105618, >>105621, >>105656, >>105658, >>105659 Refresher: Biden Poroshenko vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9be70001101e885b502d1e386a0b60a7e635cde2ec2944d909046a6c3796bc3a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d83ad1c658b15dd7fcfa5553cfd6b6e05cd9d190cdaf283920d439d89234cb27.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3cdd36b390e351475f38a001bae4d134ccec6499216eb8460d2da2f78286a2fc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40231257c6b03074350f37ae2ce7ed30ee1bce5754860c83aaadaf373e432d5a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/24a41b6fb7de44a8cf6fbba75389228af010423b6ce487dd889e4938093ca8e4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c48797b5121d3eb262388f7d433e033e4dcb63cf2c27ab63e1c12d25dce05bb9.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/880d96bbd26d0f1791d17336c28cb59ea19d0a840e97510a85f72765f07f9b49.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9de9110f41d3716db7b93fd13cf7b6c9a31aac8d1f1cd18818f7bf15b3474a6e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/966f5980609216b891f0114a5767ddf68f2ccfcdb1da2b78bb9a2d373de5b32f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e9613e51695bb32b8376dc52f56acbddac5816d4aade3e1a3e34e96c9535e547.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fdc4103c1ad4926c61a7442b2a596931fefb6a2a4f0db11c720418950218b4fc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e918e93d7be062eb2767cccb59ff407f217ddb836c3f442e24d3c88701cd3ca6.mp4

>>105619 What's on the bus?

>>105620 HIGH ENERGY!!!! Minnesota Rally On!

>>105622 Four House committee chairs — Schiff, Nadler, Maloney and Lofgren — ask DOJ IG to conduct an "emergency investigation" into Bill Barr's handling of the Durham

>>105623 Your reminder that the Durham probe became criminal in nature ONLY after ITALY provided the investigators with information about Joseph Mifsud ....

>>105624, >>105631 #AssangeCase: Rohrabacher said he came with the knowledge and authorisation of president #Trump to offer a deal in which Julian Assange would reveal the DNC source in exchange for a pardon (Assange rejected the deal and indictment followed)

>>105625, >>105632, >>105636 >>>/qrmemes/

>>105626 Kayleigh McEnany: Media tries to ask Trump questions ‘that put him in a corner’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W-0axtNPYPk - Kayleigh McEnany: Media tries to ask Trump questions ‘that put him in a corner’ [Channel: Fox Business]

>>105627 Churches are closed and Abortion clinics are open.

>>105628, >>105630 6 days James B CORNEY?

>>105629 A hell of a lot more "domestic terrorist" under that treasonous POS than that! Have you never seen this article?

>>105633 Rino Romney Slams GOP’s ‘Political’ Hunter Biden Probe: ‘Not the Legitimate Role of Government'

>>105634 Victoria police could arrest people who ‘MIGHT’ breach Covid lockdown under proposed bill

>>105635 The Soros Cover-Up

>>105637 Israel becomes 1st country to start a 2nd NATIONWIDE lockdown over coronavirus

>>105638 Trump will ban US downloads of Chinese apps TikTok & WeChat starting September 20

>>105639 Michigan Joins Pennsylvania With Mail-In-Ballot Extension

>>105640 Flotus: Today we celebrate 73 years of the @usairforce

>>105641 Goldman Sachs Latest Wall Street Bank To Suffer Trading Floor COVID-19 Outbreak/bummer yo

>>105642, >>105643, >>105644 What's up with the lower case 'i'?

>>105645 ‘I lost all my friends’: Trump says being president has ruined his social life

>>105646 Joint UK-U.S. Task Group Seize £81 Million of Cocaine in Caribbean Busts

>>105647 UK: Londoners express frustration with shortages as they queue for COVID-19 tests

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jLl2Sr1d_pU

>>105648 Two Texas Men Arrested for Allegedly Sex Trafficking Teen Girl

>>105649 Davos>UN>WTO>WHO>IMF>WeCharity>WeChat>WeForum The Great Reset

>>105650 Federal judge BLOCKS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's 'politically-motivated' cuts and orders all election mail to go first class

>>105651 Germany: 150 unaccompanied minor migrants still to arrive from Greece - govt. spox. vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vGkOGHuwcMI

>>105652 Potus in 30

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VWXaJiuaHbI - President Trump Holds a News Conference [Channel: The White House]

>>105653 WH preppin shortlist to replace Wray

>>105654 Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

>>105655 Sadiq Khan is slammed for 'devastating' decision to scrap New Year's Eve fireworks in central London as industry bosses brand move another hammer-blow for the economy

>>105657 Not only are Black women the backbone of the Democratic Party, but never let it be said that the ladies of Alpha Kappa Sorority Inc. don’t take care of their own.

>>105660 Europe’s largest security organization said it plans to send just 30 election monitors to the United States instead of 500 because of the pandemic.

>>105661 Vice President Pence Participates in a Libre Initiative Roundtable Scheduled start @ 14:15 hrs EDT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Xnk3MvExoHU - Vice President Pence Participates in a Libre Initiative Roundtable [Channel: The White House]

>>105662 #13687

(35 notables, 46 posts, 56 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173330

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10695262 Q Research General #13688: Dubs For Infinite Gitmo Y Corney Edition

Created 181754ZSEP20




>>105663 Great thread on 4chan /POL/ The Great (((Reset)))

>>105664 House Dems Ramp Up Effort To Thwart Durham Probe, Call For 'Emergency Investigation', Republicans hit back, say Democrats are "absolutely terrified."

>>105665 POTUS holds a news conference Scheduled for 14:00 hrs EDT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cpQUhnZQw0w - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds News Conference - 9/18/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>105666 Knesset rejects bill to ensure full equality between all Israeli citizens

>>105667 Former VA doctor pleads guilty to molesting patients

>>105668 U.S. Marshals will assist staff from an Arkansas wildlife refuge in Indiana to rescue eight big cats

>>105669 Two Individuals Charged with Bribery Related to Iraq Contracts

>>105670 Phoenix police search for second suspect in 'ambush-style shooting' of Arizona Department of Public Safety trooper

>>105671 An FYI for any fags still buying Patagonia clothing.

>>105672 San Francisco State University to Host Terrorists

>>105673 SPowell for FBI DIR…

>>105674 The organization ‘OKVOTE’ has sent out mailers to Oklahoma residents, saying their voter registration is not up-to-date.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09d075a2560b8f19e16009495fbffce1ef9f23d54f22e6932c966b97e4eb252b.pdf

>>105675, >>105678 planefaggin

>>105676 Refresher: Hunter hunting

>>105677 Undercover Journalist Hits Planned Parenthood with Defamation Lawsuit

>>105679 Hayden is a disgrace.

>>105680 AP Investigation Finds Some Reports Of ICE Medical Misconduct, But No Evidence Of Mass Sterilizations

>>105681 Besides 22 Wiped Devices, 44 Mueller Team iPhones Had Zero Records

>>105682 Welcome the ‘snow gators For the keks

>>105683 Former DeVos chief of staff joins anti-Trump group/infiltration, not invasion

>>105684, >>105692 Democrats Pass Resolution Condemning Terms Such As ‘Chinese Virus’ and ‘Kung-Flu’

>>105685 Senate Ukraine Report On Biden, Burisma Expected ‘in days’, Says Top GOP Senator

>>105686 Rasmussen: Donald Trump Reaches Highest Job Approval Since Pelosi Announced Impeachment Inquiry 53%

>>105687 Pinterest Inc. sold by Chairman BoD/President/CEO/co-founder: $30.27m-Sept 1-17

>>105688 ASSANGE HEARING DAY NINE—El-Masri’s Story Is Told in Court

>>105689 Google Removes India's E-Commerce Payment Paytm App After Policy Violation

>>105690, >>105694 SIR Van Morrison to release lockdown protest songs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ig4l9bMzfFk - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/119d54f0a02a66cb5dd7eb51687dc431655517b6988187c28b4982f21c385d74.mp4

>>105691 Canada drops free trade talks with China: The Globe and Mail

>>105693 DETROIT POLICE CHIEF: ‘Real Issue’ Behind Riots Isn’t Race, But Really ‘Anarchy and Marxist Ideology’

>>105695 Man reportedly burns pro-Trump sign, punches elderly woman, pulls pocketknife during rally. Then a retired cop jumps into action.

>>105696 Potus: Voting starts in Virginia TODAY, and we are going to WIN. You have a crazy Governor who wants to take away your guns...

>>105697 #13688

(32 notables, 35 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173331

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10696028 Q Research General #13689: I Spy Now Missing Y Edition

Created 181914ZSEP20




>>105698 Trump announces statue of Caesar Rodney will be added to the National Garden of American Heros.

>>105699 Marshall University Professor Put on Administrative Leave For Saying She Hopes Trump Supporters Die of Covid Before Election

>>105700 John Roberts of Fox News promptly & publicly stated he did not know Jeffrey Epstein & had never been on Epstein’s jet.

>>105701 Wray resigns "fired", POTUS puts the Deputy FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley in as #1.

>>105702 Digg Cosney

>>105703 "Nobody's being mandated to take the vaccine."

>>105704 Arctic Tensions Rise as Britain Leads Show of Force Against Russia in the Barents Sea

>>105705, >>105712, >>105722, >>105725, >>105728, >>105730 PF updates

>>105706 Goldman Made $100 Million Trading Tesla Options, Converts In Recent Months

>>105707 U.S. Marshals arrest 262 suspects, locate five missing children during operation to reduce violent gang crime

>>105708 Early police arrest man in attempted kidnapping of 4-year-old girl

>>105709 Virginia Attorneys Sentenced for Attempting to Extort a Multinational Chemicals Company

>>105710 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Sept. 14, 2020

>>105711 Carpe Donktum response letter to lawsuit

>>105713 Navy to commission new destroyer USS Delbert D. Black at Port Canaveral

>>105714, >>105729 Prayer for Pelosi

>>105715 POTUS TEACHES. The difference between solicited vs. unsolicited ballots.

>>105716 General Atomics nets $7.4B MQ-9 Reaper contract with U.S. Air Force

>>105717 President Trump: This going to be the scam of all-time. [mass mail-in ballots]

>>105718 Canada Shelves Free Trade Negotiations With China - Foreign Minister

>>105719 Trump expects Covid-19 vaccines will be available for 'every American' by April 2021

>>105720 Al-Jaafari: Syria calls on Security Council to adopt a draft resolution obliging certain countries to bring back their terrorists

>>105721 US Military Working Dogs Should Be American-Born, Senator Says

>>105723 WH: As part of Operation Warp Speed, all of the most promising vaccine candidates are being manufactured in advance. When a vaccine is approved, it will be distributed within 24 hours.

>>105724 'Go ahead and build' another Chinese aircraft carrier, U.S. admiral says

>>105726 LIVE: Thousands of Trump supporters waiting for doors to open in Minnesota…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OCmNCpTFAec - LIVE: Thousands of Trump supporters waiting for doors to open in Minnesota... [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>105727 @DeptofDefense Where are we dropping in?

>>105731 #13689

(28 notables, 34 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173332

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10696832 Q Research General #13690: NO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS Edition

Created 182026ZSEP20




>>105732 National Emergency continuation from Potus to Pelosi

>>105733 Black Americans band together and demonstrate against BLM — and what they say could change the narrative

>>105734 No More Drill Sergeant 'Shark Attack': Army Moves Toward Kinder Basic Training Start

>>105735 “The United States has deployed Sentinel radar, increased the frequency of U.S. fighter patrols over U.S. forces, and deployed Bradley Fighting Vehicles to augment U.S. forces in the Eastern Syria.”

>>105736, >>105739 Tractors for Trump heading to the Peaceful Protest in #Minnesota tonight!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7508d70b76e87a50e628ffd4b0e8225841e918851a8b27ffaf4953bbb02f743a.mp4

>>105737 Trump extends Bush's 911 TERRORISM "National Emergency"

>>105738 Huge Crowd of Trump Supporters Line Up to Greet Joe Biden Outside Union Training Center in Minnesota

>>105740 VA: Voters Form Massive Lines For In-Person, Early Voting After Trump Encourages Healthy Americans To Go To Polls, Dems Tell Them To Vote By Mail

>>105741 419th Fighter Wing: SFS simulates deployment patrol: Airmen vs. insurgents

>>105742 Watseka Police Chief Douglas ISP Investigation

>>105743 @USMC Fly, Fight and Win

>>105744, >>105755, >>105759, >>105760, >>105761, >>105762 planefaggin

>>105745 Complete List Of U.S. Organizations Funded By George Soros

>>105746, >>105748 At least 24 people have been killed as bushfires have burned more than 12 million acres in Australia—an area approximately the size of the U.S. states of Vermont and New Hampshire combined

>>105747 Tulsi Gabbard Proposes Plan to Ban Ballot Harvesting for 2020 Election

>>105749 Potus: Sleepy Joe Biden just said that he wished I closed up one week earlier — but when I banned China from coming in.....

>>105750 First CMBS Mega-Casualty On Deck: $700MM Starwood Portfolio On Verge Of Default

>>105751 Trump PAC Threatens Libel Suit Over 'Blatant' Lies About Obama's Voice in USA Today 'Fact-Check'

>>105752 John Brennan Tells MSNBC He’s “More Worried Today Than I Ever Have Been Before” for America’s Future

>>105753 @3rdmaw Warhorse, Mount up

>>105754 UK, France, Germany Say Iran Sanctions Relief to Continue Past Sept 20

>>105756 Potus wheels up for Minnesota

>>105757 Watch LIVE: POTUS Holds Peaceful Protest in Bemidji, MN Scheduled start 19:00hrs EDT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kFZVuzXJMzk - 🔴Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Bemidji, MN 9/18/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>105758 Happy retirement to the Port of Brownsville #K9s Slacha, Laika, and Miki!

>>105763 Coffee Caps Worst Week in 22 Years on Overflowing Bean Glut

>>105764 Singapore will PAY its citizens up to £215 if they use Apple Watch fitness app

>>105765 Sen. John Thune Delaying Trump FCC Nominee Critical to Tackling Big Tech Bias

>>105766 #13690,

(28 notables, 35 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173333

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10697595 Q Research General #13691: 53-47 Approval hhmm..Tractor Rally Warm Up Edition

Created 182139ZSEP20




>>105767 Stargazers are in for a Halloween treat with a rare Blue Moon rising on October 31

>>105768, >>105779, >>105793 PF updates

>>105769 JUST UNSEALED: These are DOJ's responses to questions related to redacted portions of the Mueller report Judge Reggie Walton asked DOJ about few months ago.

>>105770, >>105776 Marshall University assistant professor hoping that Trump supporters die of COVID before the election


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df35f1b1f8565e8e812096cb0cf3133a7115c5ec1a4666a0e8459e80ff988e78.mp4

>>105772 Notables Correction

>>105773 WOW! Netflix’s US Cancellations Page Sees 187% Spike After ‘Cuties’ Release

>>105774 Money well spent by her parents…

>>105775 GP: Confirmed at Trial: President Trump Offered Julian Assange Deal

>>105777 Ronald Perelman selling almost everything as the pandemic roils his empire

>>105778 Anon requests videos/articles/caps regarding house Democrats and their continuing corruption

>>105780 Dig call: Pro-BLM group sending petition to schools - diversifyournarrative.com/

>>105781 Buzzfeed: Friends And FamilyOf QAnon Believers Are Going Through A "Surreal Goddamn Nightmare"

>>105782 Kek: Vox is recruiting for Q now

>>105783 FB fact checker labels full episode of Joe Rogan's podcast as false info

>>105784 UN-backed Libyan PM Farrej al-Sarraj mysteriously resigns

>>105785, >>105786, >>105790, >>105792 Sidney Powell reacts to reports that she's shortlisted to replace Wray

>>105787 POTUS Campaign Events This Week

>>105788 Indian American conservative team US IMPACT endorses Jo Rae Perkins for US Senate (Oregon)

>>105789, >>105791 #WhiteHouseSiege Watch

>>105794 POTUS' answers 'Do you want to replace Christopher Wray?' 25 mins ago

>>105795 New: FBI agent who found HRC's emails on Weiner's laptop calls agency's handling of case 'immoral'

>>105796 Fresh PDJT

>>105797 #13691

(24 notables, 31 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173334

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10698361 Q Research General #13692: Awaiting AF1 Touchdown : POTUS Peaceful Protest In Minnesota Edition

Created 182259ZSEP20




>>105798, >>105800, >>105801 Minnesota Rally Caps

>>105799 New POTUS tweets

>>105802 Resignation Anon to do a livestream

>>105803 Antifa BLM are rioting at the corner of #666 5th Avenue

>>105804 Survey of Household Economics and Decision making, July 2020 Update

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4iu8NoH-KWw - Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking, July 2020 Update [Channel: Federal Reserve]

>>105805 Schumer, Warren Introduce Resolution To Cancel $50,000 In Student Loans To "Close Racial Wealth Gaps"

>>105806, >>105810 POTUS LIVE NOW Rally links

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kFZVuzXJMzk - 🔴Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Bemidji, MN 9/18/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>105808 Assistant AG spoke to NAAG on responsible encryption and lawful access

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2L7TGD3oYeI - Assistant Attorney General Beth Williams spoke to NAAG on responsible encryption and lawful access [Channel: The Justice Department]

>>105809 Angry Judge Slams Bankrupt Hertz' "Offensive" Attempt To Pay Another $5.2 Million In Management Bonuses

>>105811 Democrats Pass Resolution Condemning Terms Such As ‘Chinese Virus’ and ‘Kung-Flu’

>>105812 Terrified Democrats demand emergency, claiming election tampering.

>>105813 Van Morrison criticizes fascist bullies

>>105814 Rudy Giuliani Common Sense Ep. 70

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xuWukdnovAk - SOROS Prosecutor Manufactures False Evidence, McCloskey EXCLUSIVE Part II | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 70 [Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani]

>>105815 US Congress Prepares to Approve Second-Largest Taiwan Arms Sale Valued at $7 Billion

>>105816 Pam chimes is re: JA

>>105817 PF reports

>>105818 Classic Rally Comments POTUS

>>105819 US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg DEAD at 87

>>105820, >>105821, >>105823, >>105824, >>105825 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 87, Dies of Pancreatic Cancer

>>105822 Past Q Post on RBG

>>105826 RBG Meltdown

>>105827 #13692

(22 notables, 29 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173335

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10699907 Q Research General #13694: HEY HO THE WITCH IS DEAD Edition

Created 190017ZSEP20




>>105846 Considering Democrat plan to contest election regardless of the result, and potential for the legal cases to go to SCOTUS, Trump has to nominate, and McConnell has to confirm, an RBG replacement BEFORE the election Cannot leave possibility of 4-4 decisions on election result

>>105847 Is Chief Justice John Roberts a Democrat Sleeper Judge?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zYMsuv_hClc - Chief Justice John Roberts Hit Back At President Donald Trump In Rare Rebuke | TODAY [Channel: TODAY]

>>105848 #13693

>>105849, >>105854 #BREAKING: Schumer: Ruth Bader Ginsburg seat should be filled by next president

>>105850 'We're going to fill it': Republicans ready for any Supreme Court vacancy

>>105851 Netflix Responds To Arrest Of Alleged Child Pornographer Jerry Harris: ‘Any Abuse Of Minors Is A Terrible Crime’

>>105852 pf

>>105853 Authorities ID body of man found burning in Jasper County ditch

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=md9sr9__dVs - Authorities ID body of man found burning in Jasper County ditch [Channel: KCCI]

>>105855 FBI sex crimes investigator reportedly contributed to launching Hillary Clinton email probe @FBI

>>105856 RBG posts.

>>105857 White House announces an $13 billion aid package for Puerto Rico three years after Hurricane Maria but days after Joe Biden courts Puerto Rican voters in Florida

>>105858, >>105859, >>105860, >>105862 SALT MINING

>>105861 Be a part of history - visit a Classic Salt Mine Thread

>>105863 QClock - Q-727, which only says "Ruth Bader Ginsburg"

>>105864 Bret Baier: She was an inspiration

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xa9xhnGCYVE - Bret Baier on the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: She was an inspiration [Channel: Fox News]

>>105865 University Suspends HAMBEAST Professor For Viral Video Wishing Trump Supporters Would ‘Die Before The Election’

>>105866 Grenell

>>105867 Lindsey Graham in 2018: "If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump's term, and the primary process has started, we'll wait to the next election. And I've got a pretty good chance of being the Judiciary (chairman). Hold the tape."

>>105868 HRC Tweets

>>105869 CARD Team Develops Checklist to Aid Searches for Missing Autistic Children

>>105870 RBG- "The Age of Consent For Sexual Acts Must Be lowered To Age12Years Old"

>>105871 Coulter - Red Alert

>>105872 "The US Is Deploying More Troops to Syria Increase in troop presence comes after US confrontations with Russian and Syrian forces"

>>105873 2 yr delta


>>105875 #13694

(26 notables, 30 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173336

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10700613 Q Research General #13695: GO WITH GOD, CLOCK ACTIVATED EDITION

Created 190050ZSEP20




>>105876 White House pool on POTUS not yet commenting on RBG

>>105877 Federal Prosecutors Guarantee Lev Parnas and Co-Conspirators More Fraud Charges

>>105878 Here are all the Q posts that mention RBG.

>>105879 PF

>>105880 Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Decision Requiring Illegal Immigrants in Census

>>105881 Lights, Camera, Action @USMC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0bad681d05874d56f6d2be12b8c584ef19ad962de0f5d77365039683792fe72f.mp4

>>105882, >>105884, >>105888, >>105889, >>105893 The Senate and the nation mourn the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the conclusion of her extraordinary American life. - Cocaine Mitch


>>105885, >>105887 Yesterday's rally in WI: POTUS mentions the wheel and the wall…Computers obsolete 12 days later…September 29th?


>>105890 Daniel Andrews' plan to give police the power to arrest people who haven't even committed an offence were put to parliament today.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77a9fc4f64e5bbca18db289093ffee279425e0bf0d3b03de0fea5afc1c4f2add.mp4

>>105891 RBG and Margaret Sanger 07/23/2020

>>105892 POTUS Says He Would 'Absolutely' Fill A Supreme Court Vacancy Before November August 11, 2020

>>105894 20 SCOTUS NOMS ( spelling errors included)

>>105895 BREAKING: A high-level Romney insider tells me Mitt Romney has committed to not confirming a Supreme Court nominee until after Inauguration Day 2021

>>105896 The Court must be at a full compliment should any election disputes such as Bush v Gore occur.

>>105897 Rinos attacking

>>105898 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

>>105899 If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down. -Sedition

>>105900 Citizens Group Demands Investigation Into Fauci, NIAID For Conspiring With Communist China Over Development of Coronavirus Bioweapon

>>105901 "She just died? I didn't know that.She led an amazing life, what else can you say?” Trump says per pooler

>>105902 EXCLUSIVE: Declassified satellite imagery and intelligence data show China's stockpile of ballistic missiles

>>105903 #13695

(23 notables, 28 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173337

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10701383 Q Research General #13696: The Military Tribunals Blockade just died EDITION

Created 190127ZSEP20




>>105904, >>105905, >>105907, >>105912, >>105913, >>105915, >>105918, >>105920, >>105923, >>105925 SALT AND INSURRECTION MINI-BUN

>>105906 Word of RBG reached pool about 10 minutes or so into speech. POTUS was already on the podium speaking and has not addressed her death.

>>105908 #13692

>>105909, >>105936 Dims unhabby

>>105910 Press Pool is setting up under AF1 wing. Stand by

>>105911, >>105916, >>105921 POTUS RESPONDS TO RBG DEATH "she lead an amazing life… She was an amazing woman" vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2726d413de7b77d52983ec2657bd78da64814be38c23e7944bc3fa455033cec6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9bef6bc18749626a78faa7108db1c030888a650102130cfb0072a5c5ff4cf4f6.mp4

>>105914, >>105922 planefaggin/diggz

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a023f622406e6f72531c06e230cd5e823db3807048be20ae7ef8a922bd2ff6c7.mp4

>>105917 Lisa Murkowski says she won't vote on a justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the election: 'Fair is fair'

>>105919 RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws. With

>>105924 @USArmy "BOOM!"

>>105926 anon bun / Hilary Clinton on RGB

>>105927 @sfcdavidpeters USArmy: A Green Beret Soldier helocasts into a lake from a CH-47 Chinook helicopter at @JBLM_PAO

>>105928 anon bun / Michigan Allows ‘Ballot Harvesting’ for More than Four Days

>>105929 anon bun / Anon decode

>>105930 anon bun / House passes Schiff amendment to broadcast Guantanamo bay proceedings

>>105931 anon bun / Trump releases 20 names for potential Supreme Court nominees ahead of election

>>105932 anon bun / Tweets on death RBG

>>105933 Romney spox refutes claims that says the senator won't support a nominee until after Inauguration.

>>105934, >>105937 anon bun


>>105938 #13696

(21 notables, 35 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173338

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10699150 Q Research General #13693: DEAD at 87 RBG Edition

Created 182348ZSEP20




>>105828, >>105831, >>105836, >>105840, >>105845 RGB Meltdown Watch

>>105829 Ginsburg died of complications from metastatic pancreatic cancer, the court said

>>105830 Kek: /pol/ predicted RGB's death this week

>>105832 Hold the line Riders, Justice is coming. A new Supreme Court Justice?

>>105833, >>105834, >>105838 POTUS: I'd been in DC 17 times. 17 times'

>>105835 California Crackdown On Benefits Fraud Sparks 72% Plunge In Pandemic Jobless Claims

>>105837 RGB: A Quick Overview on Filling of Vacancies

>>105839 POTUS Comms? Wendy's

>>105841 Tucker already talking about Amy Coney Barrett as RBG's replacement

>>105842 Anon's Side x Side on Q Post, POTUS SC List and RBG's death

>>105843 POTUS Says He Would 'Absolutely' Fill A Supreme Court Vacancy Before November

>>105844 Video: Fox News report the death of RBG

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YauW5TAj4bE - Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at age 87: Report [Channel: Fox News]

(12 notables, 18 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173339

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10702902 Q Research General #13698: Over Your Dead Bodies Can Be Arranged Rez Edition

Created 190250ZSEP20




>>105982 The reactions to this Karen’s response to his tweet is comedic gold.

>>105983 BIG NEXT WEEK anon decode

>>105984 Senate Ukraine Report On Biden, Burisma Expected ‘in days’, Says Top GOP Senator

>>105985 Observation: A lot of mainstream, public figures and intellectuals are calling for arson attacks and violent riots. They sound indistinguishable from antifa.

>>105986, >>105989, >>105990 Moar Sedition & Salt

>>105987 Anons watching the water? - TGD

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nwM4LFRWcZw - Live: (Back is back!) 3GD / Three Gorges Dam Live Multicam + Radar + Tunes / 三峡大坝 直播 / 三峡ダム ライブ [Channel: Derek Slenk]

>>105988 Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) stated that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should “not be replaced until a new president is installed

>>105991 Presidents are elected, NOT INSTALLED


>>105993 We’re now walking to Mitch McConnell’s house to protest.


>>105995 Statement from the President on the Passing of Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

>>105996, >>105998 PF

>>105997 Joe Biden struggles to read prepared remarks after passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

>>105999 Low IQ Maxine Waters Howls at the Moon! Orders Senate Democrats in Minority Not to Allow SCOTUS Appointment Before Election

>>106000 Notable (just after peaceful protest) Potus Response to first hearing about passing of Justice RBG (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mIDK9cYIoHs - President Trump on the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "She was an amazing woman" [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>106001 To Honor Ginsburg, Democrats Have One Choice: Go Nuclear - David Corn

>>106002 #13698

(18 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173340

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10702181 Q Research General #13697: She Is Gone And Take Liberal Rule With Her EDITION

Created 190205ZSEP20




>>105939 Kavanagh and LG Worth Remembering Supreme Court Enemy Combatants Military Tribunals

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3_gmOsnjrZw - Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law during war on terror [Channel: Sal From Texas]

>>105940 BREAKING: Amy Coney Barrett has inside track as Trump's SCOTUS nominee

>>105941 Flynn Lawyer Powell Eyed to Replace Wray at FBI

>>105942, >>105946, >>105963 Bangalore torpedo US ARMY

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=piOsTjd9Lic - U.S. ARMY WWII EXPLOSIVES AND DEMOLITION TRAINING FILM BANGALORE TORPEDO FILM 16004 [Channel: PeriscopeFilm]

>>105943 Lin Wood Twitter

>>105944, >>105949, >>105953 RBG marathon

>>105945 PLA Friday drills not warning, but rehearsal for Taiwan takeover: Global Times editorial

>>105947 Enjoy The Show @USMC

>>105948, >>105955, >>105959, >>105961, >>105962 PANIC over RGB death

>>105950 White House flag at half-staff for "trailblazer" RBG

>>105951 Biden Statement on Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lI1syc5f_Ow - BIDEN REACTION: Democratic Presidential Candidate Regarding Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>105952 There’s plenty of time to nominate RBG replacement

>>105954 Wray's Remarks on Q in this Testimony Before Congress

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PpRN47DkzOs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*


>>105957 Doug Collins RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that RBG

>>105958, >>105960 Cor n ey Tweets

>>105964, >>105968 Future proves past. Q Clock - Clock is turned sideways for better graph

>>105965 RBG Sex bias in the U.S. Code : a report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights ; April 1977

>>105966 Tiny Dancer 02/14/2016


>>105969 FLASHBACK - Jan 21, 2019 - “Strange Screen Appears Ruth Ginsburg Dead" Fox News

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LEfjUJCDN2o - Breaking “Strange Screen Appears Ruth Ginsburg Dead" Fox News [Channel: Paul Begley]

>>105970 FLASHBACK: Joe Biden on 6/30: "We are putting together a list of a group of African American women who are qualified and have the experience to be in the [Supreme Court]. I am not going to release until we go further down the line in vetting them as well."

>>105971, >>105973, >>105974 POTUS STATEMENT RBG

>>105972 Anons discuss lenghth shitshow 7-10 days?

>>105975, >>105976 Tom Fitton Tweet

>>105977 We have lost one of the most extraordinary Justices ever to serve on the Supreme Court. - Rape Eagle

>>105978 RBG Twitter Suspended

>>105979 Let me be clear: The voters should pick a President, and that President should select a successor to Justice Ginsburg.

>>105980 The Senate is in recess:

>>105981 #13697

(30 notables, 43 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173341

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10703676 Q Research General #13699: The Color Revolution Just Died With RBG Edition

Created 190342ZSEP20




>>106003 #Belarus is mobilizing it’s forces towards #Poland! Watch how #Russian border will be cleared from resistance!

>>106004 Megan Kelly Bleeding on twitter

>>106005 If reports of her "last wish" are true, then she had a fundamental misunderstanding of her role.

>>106006, >>106007 10 - 2 J - B

>>106008 Rep Omar Just Destroyed by ICE


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nJw81TgBqR8 - WAITING FOR THE HAMMER TO FALL!!! [Channel: Will Carter]

>>106010 The wicked witch of the SC is ded.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TJL4Y3aGPuA - Trololo 10 hours [Channel: HermTrololol]

>>106011 Melbourne Stazi doing their thing

>>106012 BEFORE, AFTER

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MKfRayyRrp4 - SUPREME COURT NOMINATIONS: President Trump Mentions Significance of Judges During MN Rally [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>106013 Warroom/Endchan displaying what projection is

>>106014 #13699

(11 notables, 12 posts, 5 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173342

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10705289 Q Research General #13701: God bless America, the land that I love. Edition

Created 190600ZSEP20




>>106035 Sidney Powell Reacts to FBI Dir possibility (TwitterCap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a608a3e1f90d58730345afcfb82b1869f512ac5e60459d8690b969fe0fe347d6.mp4

>>106036 Visual Purple dig bun / PB

>>106037, >>106038, >>106071, >>106072 12 down 2 deceased - Rochester, NY (BNOSKY News)

>>106039, >>106040, >>106041 MSM reporting Brucella bacteria leaked from state-owned vaccine manufacturer in Lanzhou, China while producing animal vaccines (Various)

>>106042 Rapist at large Brian "Dawson" Smith (Columbia Daily Herald)

>>106043, >>106045, >>106046, >>106047, >>106048, >>106049, >>106051, >>106057, >>106063, >>106077 Commie Hysteria (Various)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/af9410d1a65776d80fffa15f3f40592440398f116a19ec16104c49f5fcf2ea3f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ce2e70a6de0bbc6d76809831a0f33a75b903e9aa23187f128efc518bc15322d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2e5a7dc7e6939638a508b5f04853fa2ca48c824405c500e7532c5a0da67f0c99.mp4

>>106044 Informative Graphic outlining "Soros Influence" coinciding with 'Jihad' (Cap)

>>106050 Corney Condolences (Twitter)

>>106052, >>106053, >>106054 S&M Fags at it again. Quakes West Side. SesimicfagsQuakefagsShakersQuakers

>>106055, >>106064 The Japanese Military Is Now Officially Tracking UFOs (Popular Mechanics)

>>106056 Muh Club

>>106058 Speak the Word. Sharper than any two edged sword. (Cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/89d895d0acc92a407f2f925561d31700db9b733186a2e0105cd1ec1746750098.mp4

>>106059 Pray for Him Father of Scientologist shares Truth. (Daily Mail)

>>106060 The Vatican and China? Secret Deals? (Various)

>>106061 Follow Trends? Nothing Happening? Really Really? Just Transferred Right? Oh You High-High. . (Cap)

>>106062, >>106065 Anon Concernfagging is Reassured (Caps)

>>106066 Hollywood Save The Children March Today

>>106067 BOOMS! USAE's 12th CAB AH-64 Apache Gunship fires a 2.75 in. rocket during a Combined Arms Live Fire Training Exercise at Grafenwoehr Training Area, Sep. 3, 2020! (Twitter)

>>106068 There is a Time Machine and Anons are Confident of this.

>>106069, >>106073, >>106074, >>106075 President Trump Pours 'Covfefe' On Yanny Or Laurel Debate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RVAFlCeXQMI - Donald Trump weighs in on the Yanny or Laurel debate [Channel: Guardian News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xxhOEjR0a5E - LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN U.S. AIR FORCE MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION PROMOTIONAL FILM 33584 [Channel: PeriscopeFilm]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Q9wPAeC1KN0 - President Trump Pours 'Covfefe' On Yanny Or Laurel Debate | CNBC [Channel: CNBC]

>>106070 Muh Qanonners are Violent but MuhPhooseball Entertainment Does Not Glorify it or ENDORSE it. .

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FN1Bq8P6LZQ - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>106076 Attention All Federal Authorities in Pursuit of A Frederick Brennan. We have Located him. He is Inciting Violence at the Portland Riots Now!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/98abcd76e1de5f78eaa0c2fec37ea33f320e9e459aa37783ef0a5b4e2e8003b1.mp4

>>106078 Nessie Takes Twitter by Storm After Trump's Son Names Biden the 'Loch Ness Monster of the Swamp'

>>106079 Prepare for Presidential Appointment This Week

>>106080 #13701

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ce712e818e5a8ad9c4d95df11f0ce6d62c431f2cbbf5129044725c6b05b4574.mp4

(25 notables, 46 posts, 76 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173343

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10704425 Q Research General #13700: Rig for Dead Edition

Created 190435ZSEP20




>>106015 HAHAHA - Beautiful

>>106016 This comeback by Nick Short is funny and gross

>>106017 CNN imported shills from Texas and elsewhere for Biden's town hall in tiny Moosic, PA instead of using local townspeople.

>>106018 Montega Video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b157d117b584d385e6756d61f99b9086c0ac8645774e99eb1c57e25aaca9703.mp4

>>106019 God bless America, the land that I love.

>>106020 LIVE: my church is conducting 48 hours of fasting, repentance, and prayer for our country and our president, during this season of Rosh Hashana: the Feast of Trumpets! Join in at any time this weekend: SPIRITUAL WARFARE!!! ;)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jbkqA_OXh-c - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>106021, >>106022, >>106025, >>106026 A supreme champion of gender parity - Talking points are out.

>>106023 Salt Collage

>>106024 FTW

>>106027 PF

>>106028 California will give tax breaks to more immigrants

>>106029, >>106031, >>106033 BREAKING: 2 dead, 8+ injured after masa shooting in Rochester, New York; authorities responding from other jurisdictions due to recent issues with Rochester PD, 15 ambulances on-scene

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3ddc334039fbaa0a4988cf90f4b2ca40c052627587ba17b2737db8bce835107.mp4

>>106030 A firefighter died battling the California wildfire that was sparked by pyrotechnics at a gender-reveal party and could lead to criminal charges, authorities said Friday

>>106032 Doctors at the University of Michigan have separated 1-year-old conjoined twin sisters.

>>106034 #13700

(15 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173344

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10706110 Q Research General #13702: Brittney Spears Can't Save You Edition

Created 190809ZSEP20




>>106081, >>106096 Reminder: Fox News announced RBG's death in 2019

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aca00de48117b208cbfd38a916e35e1d7c1986e4e18ca5772eff002593495e42.mp4

>>106082 Unlawful assembly declared as protests resume outside Portland ICE building

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WX9MzXzeJ5A - Unlawful assembly declared as protests resume outside Portland ICE building [Channel: KGW News]

>>106083, >>106085 Anon theory on RBG death being a Q christmas gift

>>106084 National Review: America needs a full Supreme Court so that the election outcome is not a 4-4 decision if it comes to a decision

>>106086, >>106093 For Keks: Twatter RBG death meltdowns (vid embeds)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/da152e8f254a55a87f420a07f3f71a2462b6a1c8934345836df7d297d6f076fc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/af9410d1a65776d80fffa15f3f40592440398f116a19ec16104c49f5fcf2ea3f.mp4

>>106087 Ted Cruz Explains Perfectly Why RBG's Seat Must Be Filled Before the Election

>>106088, >>106092 Brian Greenspun of the Brookings institue linked to Bill Clinton diggs

>>106089 Reminder: Dems nuked the filibuster in 2013

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h2cIGTf7ncw - Majority Leader McConnell Says A Trump Supreme Court Nominee Will Receive Vote By Full Senate [Channel: CBS News Sacramento]

>>106090, >>106101 @USArmyEurope twat: #BOOM

>>106091 Inside the Free State of George Floyd

>>106094 Hillary Clinton: Dems Must Employ Every Possible ‘Obstacle’ to Stop McConnell from Replacing Ginsburg

>>106095 Blue Checks Vow Violence If McConnell Tries to Replace Ruth Bader Ginsbur

>>106097 Los Angeles County threatens holiday observances by Jewish families - Then backs down

>>106098, >>106100 . ICYMI: Tulsi proposes bill to stop ballot harvesting

>>106099 In 2011, 60 Minutes: Chinese Spy working bribing a US contractor to commit espionage

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eTu9kgsZoV0 - "60 Minutes" Presents: 21st Century Cons [Channel: CBS News]

>>106102, >>106103 MSNBC commentator drinks wine on camera while discussing Ruth Bader Ginsburg (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/61b146cd7df1bd77625dd4114a51ef789858116ae08c9bdd2ffbd16423394ed1.mp4

>>106104 Fugitive child sex abuse suspect busted at Connecticut gas station

>>106105 UK Gov mulls emergency measures that would enable networks to SWITCH OFF your electricity w/o warning or compensation.

>>106106 Interactive map of terrorist activity/jihadists in U.S. Check out Rochester, NY. Recent shooting conection?

>>106107, >>106112 @MaxineWaters twat: Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish

>>106108, >>106109 Radical Record of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

>>106110 Anon: Just woke up. The witch still ded?

>>106111 Chuck Schumer in 2016: Senate has confirmed 17 #SCOTUS justices in presidential election years. NO SUPREME COURT SHUTDOWN #DoYourJob

>>106113 Obama Statement on Ginsburg Demands GOP Senate Honors Her Dying ‘Instructions’

>>106114 The Federalist: Why Aren’t We Allowed To Talk About George Soros’s Plan To Remake America?

>>106115 LIVE Students rally at Bangkok’s Thammasat University for political reform (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XmpSDl39lVY

>>106116 @BillClinton twat: RBG’s life and landmark opinions moved us closer to a more perfect union

>>106117 Antifa thread on Riot formations

>>106118 Glenn Beck to Newsmax TV: Soros' Influence Reaches Top Echelon of Fox

>>106119 Legal Group: Zoom and California University in Violation of U.S. Law for Hosting Forum With Terrorist

>>106120 Sen. Ted Cruz on the Strategy to ‘Defeat’ China’s Communist Party

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jUZ9LtSoHfE - Sen. Ted Cruz on the Strategy to ‘Defeat’ China’s Communist Party | American Thought Leaders [Channel: American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times]

>>106121 What 5th Column was the most effective in history?

>>106122 #13702

(33 notables, 42 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173345

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10706892 Q Research General #13703: Pepe on the Shortlist for SCOTUS Edition

Created 191107ZSEP20




>>106123 @LisaPage twat: I'm scared

>>106124 John Solomon: Dean Cain to star in Obamagate film

>>106125 75 Years ago today, Justice Harold Burton unanimously voted to SCOTUS

>>106126 DailyBeast Panic: There’ll Be Hell to Pay as Republican Hypocrites Race to Replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg

>>106127 The most dangerous woman in Britain? Nurse who doesn't believe in COVID

>>106128, >>106135, >>106136 >> 10707391, Moar RBG is ded reactions

>>106129, >>106131, >>106149 Q signs spotted @ London CV19 protest w/livestream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xx4gjL62zxI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>106130 Daily Panic - multiple articles/sources

>>106132 RBG death stopped talk of Soros….Convenient

>>106133, >>106134 The Political ramifications of a political jurist (or activist - not a judge)

>>106137, >>106142 Rich Pedo Shelter Recap

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l3YiEfKlbyI - DarkToLight [Channel: ted mann]

>>106138, >>106143, >>106151 Anons connect markers from Q365

>>106139 Moar RBG is ded reactions

>>106140 Soros Past Diddlings in U.S. Politics

>>106141 Moar Rochester Mass Incident Reports

>>106144, >>106148 Biden campaign called a lid - No Slo Joe today

>>106145 Mob Mentality Continues…

>>106146 'Death to America' Shouldn’t Be a Lesson Plan

>>106147, >>106150 Some history on Women Supreme Court Justices

>>106152 Former Valdosta Scout leaders arrested on child porn charges

>>106153 Arrested Al Qaeda men planned to travel to Kashmir to deliver weapons

>>106154 President Trump’s Style is Working

>>106155 #13703

(23 notables, 33 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173346

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10707679 Q Research General #13704: For God And Country, She Gone Edition

Created 191332ZSEP20




>>106156 Visual Purple dig bun / /pb Training video demo

VIDEO https://vimeo.com/335987651 - Denied Area Security Force Training- PROFESSIONAL [1:33] [Channel: Visual Purple]

>>106157 Biden in Minnesota: A phony “pro-worker” spin on a right-wing campaign (WSWS.org)

>>106158 Credit to Scott E. Fahlman On this day… First Known Use Of Emoticons September 19th 1979 “:-)” would be a way of indicated a humorous or unserious post, whilst “:-(” would mark a post to be taken seriously.

>>106159 LIVE: Anti-abortion protesters march in Berlin: Counter-demo expected (Ruptly)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Vjtr07bY23o

>>106160, >>106170 Democrats Promise to Be Violent, Sore Losers (USANews.com)

>>106161 Missing N from "an immense loss". FLOTUS (Twitter)

>>106162 Key NXIVM Leader Allison Mack is Reportedly Back in College (Vice)

>>106163 Take Note Anons. RGB's "Most Fervent Wish" (Cap)

>>106164, >>106169, >>106172 Reminder to be Prayerfull

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cee28450c137f1111000c6cdadd0c3c0182342eb18e0a7751dfb1394e4094c13.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70ee1cd1c0abb10e23c48ada8ce897e8adf8f39608a0307e77be78657a46ad7b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/93a7c6290d2b4a25ec0e0f753a149dcda174d53caab4dd224bab6c32d557c5fc.mp4

>>106165, >>106167 The Attempted Normalization of Cannibalism: Aging well is it? (TwitterCNNCap)

>>106166 Open Society's RGB Documentary (Open Society)

>>106168, >>106177, >>106178, >>106179, >>106180, >>106181, >>106190 "Ghost?"

>>106171 Dan The LaserBeamMan Scanvino's Missing ST? Or Extra E? (Twitter)

>>106173, >>106176, >>106185, >>106191, >>106199, >>106201 PF Flying High!

>>106174 Obama! Obama calls on Senate not to fill Ginsburg's vacancy until after election (The Hill)

>>106175 "But Muh Chynah" (Kek! :)) CNET -How To Vote Early IN EVERY STATE! (CNET)

>>106182 What better way to blend during this confusing time now than to "Claim the set"? Walmart, Amazon among donors to QAnon-promoting lawmaker (The-Star.com)

>>106183 Media Considers Trump's Picks: "Who will Trump nominate to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Some possible contenders." (Yahoo)

>>106184 Cmon black folk what if they were brown? Would they have gotten that deal? LeBron James reacts to Lori Loughlin selecting prison of her choice In College Admission Scam. (Yahoo)

>>106186 Spotlight on Republican Trump-critics in Senate over potential nomination fight (Fox)

>>106187, >>106194 Anons, isn't someone special testifying today? Guess who nominated RBG btw... Her Hubby!

>>106188 Beginning to Look Outwardly Anon Speculates what foreign propaganda looks like.

>>106189, >>106193, >>106196, >>106202 Scalia Elmendorf Chronicles

>>106192 Tarmac, Mirror, POTUS KNEW? Of course he did.

>>106195 Robert Gore of W L Gore that invented Gortex has died. The company was worth billions as of March 2020. Just a note, Chris Coons worked as in house counsel for them.

>>106197 What RBG's Death Means for 2nd Circuit (which includes SDNY) (Various)

>>106198 POTUS Tweets ON RBG Replacement

>>106200 Ted Cruz urges Senate to fill seat, warns of 'constitutional crisis' on Election Day

>>106203 #13704

>>106204 Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC. Ann Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers, is the former CEO of BBC worldwide productions in the US and is described New York Times as a "Hollywood Outsider."

>>106205 #13704,

(31 notables, 50 posts, 74 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173347

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10708428 Q Research General #13705: Supreme Court of The Land Edition

Created 191456ZSEP20




>>106206 Pray for SCOTUS pick

>>106207 Take Back the House - Susie Lee for Nevada 3rd

>>106208, >>106209, >>106212, >>106230 Planefags

>>106210 Chad Pergram says Dems have 1pm conf call on Ginsberg seat

>>106211 Marxist “1619 Project” Nikole Hannah-Jones accuses Trump re: "1776 Commission"

>>106213, >>106219 Additions to President Trump’s Supreme Court List

>>106214 Replacing the Meme Warehouse: QR meme deposit board organized by subject >>>/qrmemes/

>>106215 LA Times hit piece on "QAnon"

>>106216 Supreme Court speculations

>>106217, >>106220 Bomb threat Princeton University (NJ)

>>106218 Claims Trump Approved Assange Pardon In Exchange for Source of DNC Leaks

>>106221 Schumer 2016 Tweet: No Supreme Court Shutdown; Senate has confirmed 17 justices in presidential election years

>>106222 Prince Andrew feels the squeeze to cooperate with FBI

>>106223 Facebook sued for alleged spying on Instagram users via phone cameras

>>106224 List of Senate Repubs up for reelection

>>106225 Trump tweet re: SCOTUS

>>106226, >>106231 Reminder: How to Nominate Notables and Help Bakers

>>106227, >>106228, >>106229 Former British diplomat Fraser Cameron investigated, allegedly sold info to Chinese spies

>>106232 #13705

(19 notables, 27 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173348

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10709147 Q Research General #13706: Ruthless!

Created 191609ZSEP20




>>106233 Mega removed Meme Warehouse then Memefarmer resigned. MF recommended >>>/qrmemes/

>>106234 Judge Napolitano: Trump ‘Can Appoint Kavanaugh in 10 Minutes’ Via Recess Appointment Power - Sep 24th, 2018

>>106235 Beware of con men claiming to work for us, DC Water warns

>>106236 UK's National Crime Agency - update on the dirty pedos of Rotherham - Needs Sauce

>>106237 We should be as civil and fair to the Democrats as they were to Justice Kavanaugh

>>106238 International News

>>106239 Portland antifa have announced a gathering (i.e. riot) tonight in honor of Justice Ginsburg. Last night they rioted outside the Portland ICE facility. The neighborhood was blanketed with smoke and gas by federal officers trying to clear out the black bloc.

>>106240, >>106245, >>106252, >>106260, >>106262 PF

>>106241 America needs a full Supreme Court so that the election outcome is not a 4-4 decision if it comes to a decision

>>106242 Hussein Flashback - 2016

>>106243 Kenya's Worst Author wrote a shit book

>>106244, >>106255 Princeton Letter 09.15.2020

>>106246 Statement from Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren on this morning’s mass shooting. Said she’s already been briefed by Chief Mark Simmons.

>>106247 Disney plans to reopen one of its water parks in 2021.

>>106248 The Biden campaign has called a lid at 8:35am, per pool. So we won’t see Joe Biden today.

>>106249 Ted Cruz We should follow Schumer’s advice.

>>106250, >>106251 White House Removes Pictures of Bill Clinton and GWB

>>106253 @USMC

>>106254 George Soros Donated Money to These 14 Republicans in 2016

>>106256 A stretch of a Minneapolis street that includes the place where George Floyd was killed will soon be named in his honor

>>106257 Unwritten rule with Supreme Court Justices seems to be the replacement is always of same gender

>>106258 Boatfag

>>106259 undiscovered stars

>>106261 Is it ridiculous to believe that powerful people conspire to kidnap children and have blood "rituals

>>106263 Are the liberal lunatics going to make sure they label their riots?

>>106264 #13706

(26 notables, 32 posts, 42 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173349

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10709986 Q Research General #13707: Thank you Harry! Edition

Created 191726ZSEP20




>>106265 Schumer: if Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans move forward with this, then nothing is off the table for next year. Nothing is off the table.”

>>106266, >>106272 Remember the term eye wash…as we move forward. Not being cryptic. Just an important term that will be more widely known.

>>106267, >>106275, >>106279, >>106288 planefaggin


>>106269 Lin Wood widsom

>>106270 (ICE) deported 39 Somali nationals this week, including 36 with criminal histories, despite Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar

>>106271 Visual Purple dig bun / /pb Visual Purple info

>>106273 Senators to Supremes

>>106274 #BREAKING: New York will honor the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a statue in Brooklyn, her birthplace

>>106276 These are the misspellings I've picked up on today. Note that some links are from PREVIOUS BREADS

>>106277, >>106278, >>106290 Who's Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? - Brian Cates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0ab04c8c2d1f647aa99644dedc3078472ca60cc258379e8fe2b28ca951deb25.mp4

>>106280 Deutsche Bank Trader Prosecuted By DoJ Was A London Gold And Silver Fixer

>>106281 Pelosi set up by Catholic church

>>106282 THE LEFT 2016-2024+ V2. vid/twat fitted

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2602843702aed4b7fe531594a1b416b237a9e13f31730b714243750ce508014a.mp4

>>106283 45 days starting today Nov 3rd.

>>106284 19 SEPTEMBER 1864—THIRD BATTLE OF WINCHESTER #CivilWar Maj Gen Philip H. Sheridan commanded the U.S. Army of the Shenandoah

>>106285 Precision planning.

>>106286 ‘Utter shambles’: UK court told escaped prisoner tried to turn himself in SEVEN TIMES but police refused

>>106287 Barack Obama, Joe Biden perform total 180 on filling Supreme Court vacancy in election year

>>106289 Trump Promises To Nominate A New Supreme Court Justice ‘Without Delay’

>>106291 51 Far-Left Antifa Anarchists Arrested After Attacking Police

>>106292 So Much for ‘Green Jobs’: Wind Turbine Manufacturing Work Goes to Communist China

>>106293 Sheldon Adelson to Spend $50M on President Donald Trump Reelection Effort

>>106294 Clinton in Debates 2016 says: Senate should do it's job and approve SCOTUS Obummer appt B4 Election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=smkyorC5qwc - The Third Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>106295 Iranian Propanda for the West/Fuck em

>>106296 Nadler indicating he'd like to expand the Supreme Court if McConnell pushes through a nominee in a "lame duck session."

>>106297 RBG was pronounced dead on the night of the new moon on Feast of the Trumpets

>>106298 #13707,

(28 notables, 34 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173350

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10712369 Q Research General #13710: Injure One Hair On His Head & We Will You What Burn It Down Means Edition

Created 192134ZSEP20




>>106393, >>106395, >>106403, >>106415, >>106420, >>106424, >>106425, >>106427 MOAR PIDGIN/RICIN/CASTOR OIL SEEDS

>>106394 BIAS VIRUS? Legal org warns universities of 'unconstitutional' COVID policies

>>106396 It’s pretty telling that everyone just assumes there will be rioting and violence whenever Democrats are upset about something.

>>106397, >>106399, >>106401 The October Revolution

>>106398 Amy Coney Barrett

>>106400 President Trump: We have great respect for the process. This has happened numerous times and every time there was a nominee as you know. There’s been many occasions frankly where it turned out to be during a presidential year. I think I heard 28 but whatever it might be

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c02343f3935239d999e482f6742dcfbdea58d3e708c693b2bd362c26414ab18.mp4

>>106402 Detroit Driver Arrested After Successfully Jumping Over Drawbridge

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FADZ4z0XJgU - Driver arrested after jumping car over drawbridge on Detroit's west side [Channel: Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV]

>>106404 RBG "Dead" On the Jewish New Year - Q Comms?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ikZ3WeZ0k0k - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>106405, >>106411 2020/3089/AU2020/SHE searching for it leads to a potential assassination attempt

>>106406 Celebs leap to defend Ginsburg's last wish in court seat fight


>>106408 pb Does Grassley tweet leads to news of ricin assassination attempt?

>>106409 If he holds a vote in 2020, we pack the court in 2021.

>>106410, >>106412, >>106414, >>106418, >>106421, >>106423 PF

>>106413 Amazon names first recipients of its $2 billion Climate Pledge Fund

>>106416, >>106419 ‘October Surprise’: New details emerge about FBI delay on Weiner laptop in 2016

>>106417 Statement by the Prime Minister on the death of John Turner

>>106422 SCOTUS battle prompts threats, calls for arson: 'Burn Congress down'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/93a7c6290d2b4a25ec0e0f753a149dcda174d53caab4dd224bab6c32d557c5fc.mp4

>>106426 Q's Mickey Echo Clock has the same time as POTUS tweet today: 10:10

>>106428 #13710

(20 notables, 36 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173351

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10710780 Q Research General #13708: Potus Negotiating With Terrorists Be Like......... Edition

Created 191845ZSEP20




>>106299 Rig for Red Wave

>>106300, >>106303 CNN reports ricin addressed to POTUS intercepted by SS

>>106301 Will Disloyals in Trump Admin Sneak Birthright Citizenship Activist onto Supreme Court?

>>106302 10711446 Planefags

>>106304 Feds Investigate New Assassination Attempt against President Trump, Less than 24 Hours after Ruth Bader Ginsburg Death Announced

>>106305, >>106321 AG Barr digs in on law & order, sedition charges for violent protesters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=daJ13FSZUj4 - AG Barr digs in on law & order. SEDITION for violent protestors [Channel: The Duran]

>>106306 Does Rig for Red Refer to Severe Terrorism Threat?

>>106307 Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Stmt on Belarus

>>106308 Iran general pledges "serious" retaliation re: Soleimani death

>>106309 John Turner, Canada's 17th prime minister, dead at 91

>>106310 #FBIStatement No known threat to public safety

>>106311 Consequences for XFL Players Who Kneel During Anthem

>>106312 Antifa rioters smash car in Philadelphia

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ff3bb2febc121812b31bcc702862cb6e063614b8edd6d2399f30afbf2abdc0a.mp4

>>106313 More on Ruth Bader Ginsberg history

>>106314 Thailand fails to block massive night protest near Grand Palace

>>106315 SCOTUS battle prompts threats, calls for arson: 'Burn Congress down'

>>106316, >>106317 Assange Hearing Day 9—US Again Insists Journalists Not Precluded From Prosecution Under Espionage Act

>>106318, >>106326 Anarchist ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Minneapolis Blocking Victim Emergency Calls

>>106319 Lindsey Graham says will support any effort to move forward by POTUS re: SCOTUS vacancy

>>106320 Spanish-language "disinfo" among Florida Latinos worries Dems

>>106322 Law enforcement intercepts package of ricin mailed to Trump

>>106323 Chinese drones over Australia raise security concerns

>>106324 Cuomo plans Ruth Bader Ginsburg statue in Brooklyn

>>106325 Obama Argued in 2016 to Fill Open SCOTUS Slot Immediately (vid)

>>106327 China And Russia to Set up a New Joint Satellite Internet Network

>>106328 What Ginsberg Said About Filling SCOTUS Vacancy in Election Year

>>106329 Obama’s 2016 Tweets Demanding Senate “Fill Supreme Court Vacancy” Come Back to Haunt Him

>>106330 Should POTUS Use Defense Production Act to Order Silicon Valley to Open Up to Free Speech?

>>106331 Sen. Murkowski won't vote for a justice before Inauguration Day

>>106332 Twitter Scraping Tool - No API Key Required

>>106333 #13708

(31 notables, 35 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173352

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10711482 Q Research General #13709: RBG, Ricin & Sedition, Oh My!

Created 192004ZSEP20




>>106334 Report Finds Nearly 350,000 Dead Voters Still on Rolls, Double-Voters ‘Casting Multiple Ballots’

>>106335 We are family

>>106336, >>106347, >>106354, >>106383 International News

>>106337 ActBlue Raises Nearly $31 Million Following Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death

>>106338 "I'm Speechless": Police Chase Down Tesla On Autopilot Doing 90 MPH With Driver And Passenger Asleep

>>106339 Lindsey Graham Says He Backs Trump in ‘Any Effort to Move Forward’ on RBG Vacancy

>>106340 “Julian Assange’s ‘crime’ is to have initiated a wave of truth-telling in an era of lies, cynicism and war.” John Pilger

>>106341 Visual Purple dig bun / /pb Tax Court info

>>106342 KEK threaten and incite riots on twitter for millions to see? What did she think would happen

>>106343 Hanoi Jane Fonda: ‘We Have to Rise Up and Not Allow’ McConnell, GOP to Replace Ginsburg — ‘Let’s Grow Some Balls and Ovaries’

>>106344 Moar on Ricin Attempt

>>106345 TikTok, WeChat Downloads Rise Ahead of Sunday's Ban

>>106346, >>106381 Recess appointments

>>106348 Visual Purple dig bun / /pb Wife bio

>>106349, >>106358, >>106361 PF

>>106350 Key NXIVM Leader Allison Mack is Reportedly Back in College

>>106351, >>106353 Live: POTUS' Peaceful Protest in Fayetteville, NC - 19 Sept 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8m-F1rwiANA - 🔴 Trump Rally LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Fayetteville, NC 9/19/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8m-F1rwiANA - 🔴 Trump Rally LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Fayetteville, NC 9/19/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>106352 Hunters become the Hunted?

>>106355 According to NPR - POTUS SCOTUS Nominee Announcement could be Monday or Tuesday

>>106356 Oct 11, 2019 Hanoi Jane Fonda

>>106357, >>106360 Harvey Milks Murderer is tweeting

>>106359 RBG was confirmed 96-3 in the Senate - Clock Activated

>>106362 How long does it take to confirm a Supreme Court justice? It can vary — a lot

>>106363 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "Let this moment radicalize you."

>>106364, >>106376 Here's what Ruth Bader Ginsburg said about voting on Supreme Court nominations in election year - 2016

>>106365 Next week's peaceful protest schedule, busy week for POTUS.

>>106366, >>106371, >>106375, >>106377, >>106380, >>106382, >>106385, >>106387, >>106388, >>106389 Grassley Dead Pigeon - Comms?

>>106367 Police probe possible political arson after donkey sculpture set ablaze in Bowdoinham

>>106368 Monday 2 Year Delta

>>106369 Dr. Carrie Madej, M.D. Speech to London Patriots About Disturbing Vaccine Developments

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YAedCCltKC0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>106370 SPEED

>>106372 Susan Collins Joins Murkowski – Releases Statement: “I Do Not Believe the Senate Should Vote on the Nominee Prior to the Election”

>>106373 Amazon is smearing Vaseline on Candace Owens book covers

>>106374 Amazon Keeps Spreading Across America, Plans 1000 Warehouses In Suburban Neighborhoods

>>106378 Amish Trump Supporters Hold COW, HORSE, WAGON AND CARRIAGE TRUMP PARADE in Fredericksburg, Ohio

>>106379 they’re getting desperate: attempted abduction of the child by a group of men in a store

>>106384 Visual Purple dig bun / /pb SavantX

>>106386 Media Completely Ignored Thousands Of Cubans Rallying For Trump In Florida At Mother Of All Caravans

>>106390 Oracle purchase of tiktok approved

>>106391 WATCH: Trump Literally Tells His Packed Maskless Crowd That Their Rally Is ‘A Protest Against Stupidity’

>>106392 #13709

(41 notables, 59 posts, 68 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173353

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10713966 Q Research General #13712: Peaceful Protest Celebration! Edition

Created 192335ZSEP20




>>106454, >>106457, >>106461, >>106464, >>106468, >>106479, >>106486 Anons on 'deer' and 'pidgin' in Grassley's twat

>>106455 Norm Eisen: Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” in the US

>>106456 #13711

>>106458, >>106465, >>106472 Fake News Freakouts on Q

>>106459, >>106462 . POTUS LIVE feed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5uSphsULGYY - Trump hosts 'Great American Comeback' event in Fayetteville, NC [Channel: Fox Business]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8m-F1rwiANA - 🔴 Trump Rally LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Fayetteville, NC 9/19/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>106460, >>106473 More info on Amy Barrett, former clerk under Scalia

>>106463 Leftist fashion madness - fruity porno

>>106466, >>106469, >>106470 pb Does Grassley tweet leads to news of ricin assassination attempt?

>>106467, >>106477 Visual Purple dig bun

>>106471 US Marines: wishing happy birthday to oldest living marine @107

>>106474 Trump to Nominate Female Justice Next Week Per Epoch Times

>>106475 US Commerce Department Puts Off TikTok Store Ban Until Sep 27

>>106476 Blow-by-blow on hysterial leftist Reeeeeeee!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/edb5c1be5bf4813f0adbf940fd3f803c5c2ed4bce17786b36ccd8a7c86dbeaf3.mp4

>>106478, >>106485 Scavino: FILL THAT SEAT!!

>>106480 Mark Dice: Obama wants RBG's SC seat filled ASAP

>>106481 THIRD of UK Covid victims in July and August 'died from OTHER causes'

>>106482 MAGA March in Beverly Hills - look at the signs!

>>106483 Sarasota man faces 200 child pornography counts

>>106484 ‘You Killed RBG’: Leftists Attack Couple Who Had Supreme Court Justice Officiate Their August Wedding

>>106487 #13712

(20 notables, 34 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173354

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10713168 Q Research General #13711: Deep State Assassins About to Aired Out After Failing Edition

Created 192237ZSEP20




>>106429 planefags aloft

>>106430 call for more digging: MOAR PIDGIN/RICIN/CASTOR OIL SEEDS

>>106431 Dinesh LIVE on vid

>>106432, >>106435, >>106438, >>106439, >>106440, >>106443 Get yer CAMO here!

>>106433 Scientists believe birds were able to survive impact from asteroid that hit Earth 66 million years ago (bird comms?)'

>>106434, >>106437, >>106442, >>106447 Live: POTUS' Peaceful Protest in Fayetteville, NC 19 Sept 2020 PLUS pix

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e7mFGq_yca4 - LIVE: President Trump in Fayetteville, NC #NorthCarolina [Channel: Donald J Trump]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8m-F1rwiANA - 🔴 Trump Rally LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Fayetteville, NC 9/19/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>106436 BLM's most controversial quotes

>>106441 NASA and FEMA Conduct Asteroid Impact Emergency Planning Exercise (2016, sep 2020 simulation)

>>106444, >>106448 NEW THREAD: Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

>>106445 Grassley: I assumed deer dead bc it was night and no carcass

>>106446 S Dakota AG issues stmt on fatal crash

>>106449 Glenn Greenwald On Why Mainstream Media Is Ignoring Assange Trial

>>106450 Iraq War Hero and Triple Amputee Brian Kolfage Refutes SDNY Charges

>>106451 Mail-in ballot law in Pennsylvania has driven out nearly a quarter of state's top election officials

>>106452 Lockdown protesters in Portsmouth branded 'prats'

>>106453 Amish Trump Supporters Hold COW, HORSE, WAGON AND CARRIAGE TRUMP PARADE in Fredericksburg, Ohio

(16 notables, 25 posts, 42 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173355

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10715464 Q Research General #13714: Best President/Peaceful Protestor Evah! Edition

Created 200130ZSEP20




>>106488, >>106509 #13713, #13714

>>106489, >>106491, >>106497 Suspicious letter sent to President Trump intercepted at mail facility: FBI vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=00zwAEtEy8s - Suspicious letter sent to President Trump intercepted at mail facility: FBI [Channel: Fox News]

>>106490 David Stockman on How the Stock Market Got to be Out of Touch with Reality

>>106492, >>106500 "Pedophiles are not generally violent, if there is such thing as pedophiles at all," Levin wrote./RBG

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5f18e917216e0540eb3bd3db074a4ecd2a781348acfc0f83fec721609186c76a.pdf

>>106493 Victoria’s new ‘Stalinist’ legislation goes against all civil liberties

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MGo-Qf-iVxw - Victoria’s new ‘Stalinist’ legislation goes against all civil liberties [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>106494 "Peak" SPAC: Playboy Enterprises Considering Going Public Through Blank Check Company

>>106495 FILL THAT SEAT: Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at his PEACEFUL PROTEST Rally in FayetteVille North Carolina

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YWmX0MhxW9k - FILL THAT SEAT: Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at his PEACEFUL PROTEST Rally in FayetteVille North Carolina [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>106496 All International Sanctions on Iran Reimplemented, Killing Nuclear Deal

>>106498 Earlier this month, Representatives Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) and Denver Riggleman (R-VA) introduced a bipartisan Resolution condemning QAnon,

>>106499 Portland’s never-used Wapato Jail set to open as a homeless shelter Oct. 2

>>106501 “Who Knows – They Give him a Big Fat Shot in the Ass and He Comes Out and He’s Better than Before” – Trump ROASTS Joe Biden in North Carolina

>>106502 How to setup your mobile device for Q alerts. This took me about 30 seconds.

>>106503 Antifa Guide: How To Deal With Far-Right Trolls And Media Outlets At Demonstrations And Beyond

>>106504 Tonight, Portlanders are encouraged to dim or turn off their lights for "Lights Out Portland." Light pollution can be harmful to humans, plants and other animals including the birds who are beginning their migration. Thanks @PortlandAudubon

>>106505 Supreme Court vacancies in presidential election years

>>106506 President Trump indicated Saturday that he likely select a female nominee to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of Justice Ruth Ginsburg.

>>106507 Pidgin, a chat program which lets you log into accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously, you can be chatting with friends on XMPP while sitting in an IRC channel

>>106508 DC BLM and Antifa descended upon a gay neighborhood tonight vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/018888ebdb385c698a6a51620e55261db0947fdf2167eb238887484854305887.mp4

(18 notables, 22 posts, 29 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173356

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10716213 Q Research General #13715: NO FEAR! Edition

Created 200244ZSEP20




>>106510, >>106514, >>106515 Report: John Durham Tapped by Sessions in 2017 to Investigate Comey Leak

>>106511 ‘Turning Point for the Nation’: Pro-Life Leaders Urge Trump to ‘Move Quickly’ to Fill SC Vacancy

>>106512 Trump Will Name One of These 12 People to the Supreme Court Next Week

>>106513 Analysts: China is using images of TikTok users to improve its facial recognition capacities

>>106516 Re Grassley tweet: 'Pidgin' is an anonymous Chat Client, see lb

>>106517 Politico article on Trump and supporters new rallying cry 'Fill that Seat'. kek 'Yes We Will'

>>106518 Popular childrens ap reportedly requested minor to take naked pictures: Aps Talking Angela & Talking Tom

>>106519, >>106526 HRC tweets 'her statement' on the passing of RBG

>>106520 Twitter Report: BLM supporter went into a restaurant and killed 3 white people while eating dinner

>>106521, >>106522 studyfinds.org: Coronavirus Origins: Covid-19 Wasn’t Produced In A Lab, Scientists Conclude

>>106523 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The CIA Killed My Father & Uncle

>>106524 Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

>>106525 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY September 20, 2020

>>106527, >>106528, >>106529 Videos: How the cabal uses IC and US military operators for criminal activities

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/494795dfed899623e28cb1583ffc207e84993368eb8a5ae10a44cad25a5c5863.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ouFMQKHIlCo - Illuminati Wife Tells All - The Kay Griggs Story (full) [Channel: ♦IMMORTALTRUTHZ♦]

>>106530 Video: POTUS on the phone with Colby Covington

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zL6AhQdP7Qw - TRUMP calls Colby Covington in post fight Interview ! 💪💯🇺🇸 [Channel: Anthony Bonacci]

>>106531 Grenell tweet re BLM: This is embarrassing for these gay guys!

>>106532, >>106534, >>106535 ——————————————— SEPT 21-25 [track & follow events] Running RED. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JDVT-8tUfiE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tpH5L8zCtSk - ★ U.S. Armed Forces - We Must Fight - President Reagan (HD) ★ [Channel: Canadianmatt3]

>>106533 Joe Biden spent decades warning of voter fraud — now called a myth by Dems

>>106536 #13715

(19 notables, 27 posts, 37 media/files)

Q- >>106532

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9d28d5 No.173357

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10716943 Q Research General #13716: Running RED Edition

Created 200404ZSEP20




>>106537, >>106538, >>106552 Anons on Running Red

>>106539, >>106541, >>106544, >>106561 RUNNING RED - 1998 Movie & Trailer

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QkA1SE4sIwU - RUNNING RED - Movie Trailer [Channel: Michael Derbas]

>>106540, >>106572 Photos of Team POTUS aboard AF1 with RBG news in the background

>>106542 'Eye Wash': Apparently a term to remember going forward

>>106543 POTUS call to Colby Covington after his win tonight

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed38b43659f9c20d44782e1c06bc2373f2260b008889d1cfaf545b55e1b37603.mp4

>>106545 Video keks: Antifa Girl (to the tune of In The Pines)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/27ca5459a71c00441f82ac124cf668d5ae42cfc5978a84f55f6833b29f7bfc80.mp4

>>106546 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK? POTUS talked about SCOTUS literally on the 2 year delta of RBG "dying"

>>106547 Video: Ben Swann Reality Checks Face Masks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wegZJI6NvpU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>106548 YouTube viewer numbers of Rally in FayetteVille North Carolina

>>106549, >>106574, >>106575 Colby in the post fight presser calls the guy he fought a COMMUNIST. This is going to be news!!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8e97DmnuuM4 - UFC Vegas 11 Post-Fight Press Conference: Covington vs Woodley | LIVE [Channel: MMAWeekly.com]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f9f87eae8cdfa4dc5b930d2e6d0813c98614f1d5c57dfb36c3f5ea5700f9f51.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abb2815dd3711a85c818daf51fc210356239d7c25e6cf951ada67d692c65eb18.mp4

>>106550 How the DS are conducting a Color Revolution against the US similar to Ukraine, Belarus and others

>>106551 RBG was the October Surprise? On the Gregorian Calendar, Friday was Oct 1

>>106553 BlackRock : Fed Hires BlackRock to Help Calm Markets. Its ETF Business Wins Big

>>106554 MSNBC Video: Brennan is freaking out "Threat to our democracy"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4p8Vet9avQM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>106555, >>106556, >>106557, >>106563 Strange tweet from Grassley - Comms?

>>106559, >>106560, >>106562, >>106567, >>106570, >>106571, >>106573 Planefag Updates

>>106564 Dog comms and Tweeting about Grassley's pidgin

>>106565 2 Year Delta between a POTUS Supreme Court tweet and Q's 'Justice is coming' post

>>106566 14 Secrets of Secret Service Agents

>>106568, >>106569 Re Grassley tweet: 'Pidgin' is an anonymous Chat Client, see lb

>>106576 #13716

(21 notables, 39 posts, 54 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173358

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10718465 Q Research General #13718: We Must Fight Edition

Created 200740ZSEP20




>>106601 Hussein in 2016: President's role is to fill vacant SCOTUS seats, election year or not (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xUuVhGHqZoc - President Obama on Supreme Court Vacancy (C-SPAN) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>106602 How WaPo described the passing of RBG compared to Scalia. Hypocrisy much?

>>106603 Anon digg on the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

>>106604 An Indian perspective of their confrontation with China in the region.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=30tzB69N1dA - Major Gaurav Arya Explains Current Situation in Ladakh [Channel: Defensive Offence English]

>>106605 The book of Ruth tells of a MOABite woman

>>106606 Even academics are now recommending archiving everything

>>106607, >>106608, >>106609, >>106611 PF Report: Blackhawks heading to Seattle

>>106610 Homeland Security’s cybersecurity has issued a rare emergency alert to gov departments

>>106612, >>106615, >>106616 Richard B. Russel sub, Whidbey Island, Sky King Infographics

>>106613, >>106630 RT article on Grassley's 'dead pet pidgin' tweet

>>106614 For keks: Anti Trumper admits "I don't have to smoke anything to be stupid" vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6a4ed68ca474ae78c9c311df6d7da084e9761f487c14017f70d3ed691d93c4e8.mp4

>>106617 The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) is a shadowy group that plans to concoct mayhem after the election

>>106618 Twatter libs openly threaten the life of Mitch McConnell

>>106619 Republican Party According to F&W (1952 Encylopedia)

>>106620 @AndyNgo: Antifa-BLM rioters burn a thin blue line flag while chanting "Blue lives splatter" (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d6104d45a21e4679ebcaf271550e693d04363554766abd6e7b1d65848cb335c.mp4

>>106621 Surveillance Detection and Counter-Surveillance

>>106622 PJ Media: Did China Concoct COVID-19 Just to Sabotage Trump's Reelection?

>>106623 Panic: Fresh Q hit pieces from the Guardian

>>106624, >>106626, >>106629 RBG Not a fan of Fake Black People, called Kapernick's antics dumb and disrespectful

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MsM8mVN-PjI - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>106625 'Bosch' star puts out fire, nabs arson suspect

>>106627 Andrews’ new ‘private militia’ is the next step in ‘Labor’s Orwellian nightmare’ (Australia)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ud94ScV9Dt8 - Andrews’ new ‘private militia’ is the next step in ‘Labor’s Orwellian nightmare’ [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>106628 Anon thinks the new Apple (Product)Red watch might be realted to Q's "Red" references

>>106631 Memory Lane: FBIAnon drops 2016

>>106632, >>106633 ActBlue donations surge as Democrats fundraise off Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death

>>106634 Emmy Awards Will Use Tuxedo Hazmat Suits to Hand Out Trophies

>>106635 "Our software is used to target terrorists and to keep soldiers safe. We have chosen sides, and we know that our partners value our commitment.

>>106636 informative long article on “Supervisory Intelligence Analyst” in Horowitz report/Brian J. Auten

>>106637 How a transsexual, satanist, anarchist trolled New Hampshire voters

>>106638 Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

>>106639 #13718

>>106640 Mon 09.14.2020

(31 notables, 40 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173359

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10719317 Q Research General #13719: Sunday Mornin Reflection Before The Shit Hits The Fan This Week Edition

Created 201121ZSEP20




>>106641 Potus: Winning Big. Next year, if I'm re-elected, will be our best year ever!....

>>106642, >>106643 Eyewash: How the C_A deceives it's own workforce about operations-WaPo

>>106644 Popcorn for Everyone!

>>106645 Jim Caviezel rips into the Churchian leadership of Protestants and Catholics alike:

>>106646 GREAT RED-pill material. Her response was "hate to admit it, but it's kinda true."

>>106647 Refresher: Lisa H Barsoomian

>>106648 MMA Champ Colby Covington Cheers Trump Trashes Spineless LeBron James! (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8b16f5355cba333c81ed375bc3ffc29ac361588feec442e7b93c49a6b38b68d4.mp4

>>106649 Refresher: 2017 EO National Space Council

>>106650 Three Supreme Court Justices Were Confirmed In Less Than 45 Days, Including Ginsburg

>>106651, >>106654 True the Vote Organization Releases Powerful Warning on the Marxist Coup in 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-2STo2Ttvtg - The Most Important Video of the 2020 Election | True the Vote 2020 - HD [Channel: True the Vote]

>>106652, >>106653, >>106655, >>106657, >>106660, >>106662 The real problem is that our govt no longer represents the people and hasn't in decades

>>106656 Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks at the Prestonwood Baptist Church - 10:30 AM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-OUKjioiNlA - Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks at the Prestonwood Baptist Church - 12:00 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>106658 The NFL gets woke and goes broke

>>106659 Pelosi making it clear whose side she's on, message received?

>>106661 Herridge: The short list maybe getting shorter

>>106663 #13719

(16 notables, 23 posts, 13 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173360

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10717745 Q Research General #13717: Nightshift. Always Running RED Edition

Created 200540ZSEP20




>>106577 Marty Usman, insults Colby, wearing his MAGA hat. Colby calls him Marty Fakenewsman

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/05ceae77eaa93fd97c778c4487af44b5982c5062f38582af1a7954c283b9bbad.mp4

>>106578 New Dan Scavino tweet and video of POTUS calling Colby Covington

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db1a25c756fbb99e079c7aadc67612513d06a5e69b8a8b8be0d4a621c798c355.mp4

>>106579 Palantir Technologies going public

>>106580 The Senate is not in recess next week! Was in previous notables that is was

>>106581 Sculpture on the West Pediment of the US Supreme Court Building (1933) by Robert Ingersoll Aitken

>>106582 Twitter poll to fliP

>>106583 Enterprise Cloud and DEOS Defence Enterprise Office Solutions diggz

>>106584, >>106585 @Andy Ngo: BLM protesters have been confronting people in the streets in Washington DC this evening (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/352d6c7f8a1aebfe0ae0293e50f1ba2eea6975d40dee57d4912cb53dbd242a22.mp4

>>106586 Anon finds a connection between a POTUS tweet and Q #722

>>106587 Amish Trump Parade in Fredericksburg, Ohio. (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4befcdc5fa3762dbeddbf3d6605e418e455fbe1434895d7fad4bd5ad6a9eb40d.mp4

>>106588 Anon finds a Q in the description Ronald Reagan speech video. When was it added?

>>106589 @AndyNgo: Antifa rioter Tracy Molina laughs at the shattered Portland Starbucks (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3e7c85a7bb0ede6b85aea4651bea29b7fb59f6bde67b857205b89fbd3ec56a07.mp4

>>106590 Attorney Lin Wood: @GenFlynn will join @realDonaldTrump as a historic figure in story of America.

>>106591 Israel Moving Members Of Possible Ancient Lost Tribe Back From India

>>106592 2 yr delta betwen POTUS PLaybook tweet and Q playbook drop

>>106593, >>106594 Ex-UK diplomat under probe over allegations of spying for China

>>106595 Woman becomes first healthcare cyberattack death after being turnerd away from German hospital b/c of hackers

>>106596, >>106598, >>106599 . Planefag report on weather baloons

>>106597 Anon diggs on RIZVI Traverse Management and Playboy conection

>>106600 #13717

(20 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173361

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10720090 Q Research General #13720: After Deep Reflection, Triggering Is The Way To Go Edition

Created 201343ZSEP20




>>106664 Anons take on the RBG/SCOTUS situation

>>106665 Whidbey Island Story - connection with Bank of America

>>106666 President Trump calls to congratulate Colby Covington

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ERX4j9cZ4ss - Colby Covington gets a call from President Trump after his victory vs. Tyron Woodley | ESPN MMA [Channel: ESPN MMA]

>>106667 Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN on gene drives.

>>106668 DJT Twat: "I gave no choice!"

>>106669 U.S. judge halts Commerce Department order to remove WeChat from app stores

>>106670, >>106691 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Calls Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem Protest ‘Dumb’

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5bf49857c0f5225a117bb02caf63df160b813f0a42ffcc8fa7fb3112289615a2.mp4

>>106671, >>106676 PF Update

>>106672 Events followed as per Q4686

>>106673, >>106681 MSM: Pelosi says Democrats will 'use every arrow in our quiver' to block Trump's Supreme Court nominee

>>106674 Iran's rial hits record low as tension spikes with the U.S.

>>106675 Old article on RBG's radical record

>>106677 Tim Pool vid: election fuckery afoot in PA. half of election officials resign in protest.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KVK29LICEJQ - Election Officials FURIOUS Over Insane Democrat Rules That BROKE The Election, QUIT Their Positions [Channel: Timcast]

>>106678, >>106679, >>106682, >>106683 Ten Stages of Genocide by Gregory H. Stanton

>>106680 Vid: Mark Levin on FOX: "We have a party in this Country, a 5th column that is undermining our government"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50ac446a4bc97b86267d8648fafe70cf659a81d83933d628998b44ecb9b370c1.mp4

>>106684, >>106685 Bill Gates says he's 'optimistic' pandemic 'won't last indefinitely' in 'Fox News Sunday' interview, lauds vaccine progress

>>106686 After finding of hundreds of cancer genes in MMR vaccines, FDA researcher admits viral cells in vaccines may “activate” genes and spread more disease

>>106687, >>106688 Be a poll watcher, every anon can do something

>>106689 StateDept FB/vid: Pompeo addresses Prestonwood babtist church

>>106690 OAN Vid: Toensing says George Soros' influence and power is pervasive at Fox

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nQXerjGCU00 - Toensing says George Soros' influence and power is pervasive at Fox [Channel: One America News Network]

>>106692, >>106694 Satire for he Keks!

>>106693 The United Nations and The Angry Birds Movie 2 Join Forces on the ActNow Campaign

>>106695 #13720

(23 notables, 32 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173362

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10721601 Q Research General #13722: Fill That Seat!

Created 201648ZSEP20




>>106716, >>106717, >>106718, >>106719, >>106720 Kay Griggs (cabal/deep state whistleblower) interview mini-buntell her story?"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/494795dfed899623e28cb1583ffc207e84993368eb8a5ae10a44cad25a5c5863.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ouFMQKHIlCo - Illuminati Wife Tells All - The Kay Griggs Story (full) [Channel: ♦IMMORTALTRUTHZ♦]

>>106721 In 'Power Grab,' Health Secretary Asserts Authority Over FDA

>>106722 Trump Holds North Carolina Rally

>>106723 BREAKING: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) becomes second GOP Senator to say she opposes voting on Supreme Court vacancy before the election

>>106724 The oldest confirmed Marine lives In North Carolina and is a Woman. She Celebrates Her 107th Birthday Today

>>106725 Carlos Osweds Thread/Video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3eea0233af2f49730ea1652f85293288d9e4295148a1edf4d3b0182e57e334de.mp4

>>106726, >>106728 ——————————————— THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. (CAP: )

>>106727 President Trump Identifies Judges Amy Coney Barrett, Barbara Lagoa as Possible SCOTUS Front-Runners: Report

>>106729 The West Pediment Information Sheet

>>106730 ——————————————— A Prayer Of Spiritual Warfare. (Cap: )

>>106731 You Thought That Was Beating? Wait Til Donald Trump Gets His Hands on Sleepy Joe!” – MMA Champ Colby Covington Cheers Trump Trashes Spineless LeBron James! (VIDEO)

>>106732, >>106733 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 - Pompeo

>>106734, >>106735 BREAKING: Leaked documents reveal how North Korea launders money through U.S. banks in elaborate scheme to skirt sanctions. - @NBCNews

>>106736 Agree Anon. Today is the day we open the flood gates of hell. Tick Tock. - CHECKED

>>106737 #13722

(15 notables, 22 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>106726, >>106730

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173363

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10720893 Q Research General #13721: Kamaltoe Admin Front and Center Edition

Created 201534ZSEP20




>>106696, >>106703 Corbett on homeland security to biosecurity to current global events (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oelAHCgbUbA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>106697 Social Media Request: NH Repub Candidate Matt Mowers

>>106698 Modern Digital Book-Burning: "The Library of Alexandria is On Fire" (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c4ov9XPzw7s - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>106699 DoJ Reminder: The Lockdown is Over

>>106700 US joint armed forces live-fire missile exercise Sep.19 to sink decommissioned ship via surface-, air-, & subsurface-launched ordinance

>>106701 Huckabee podcast with McEnany, "Kane," Gabbard, moar

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SuuSzsnzfBo - Taking 2020 UP A Notch: McEnany, "Kane," Gabbard And MORE! Huckabee #155 [Channel: Huckabee on TBN]

>>106702 Legal Reasons on Importance of Immediately Replacing Ginsberg

>>106704 How to access articles behind paywalls

>>106705 US Army asks $364M for Defender Pacific in FY21

>>106706 US Army plans for 2021 drills

>>106707 Dig on John A McCone, CIA Director when JFK was assassinated

>>106708 Pompeo: Trump realized real threat to Middle East peace was Iran (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=moK5ESLzckQ - Pompeo: Trump realized the 'real threat' to Middle East peace was Iran [Channel: Fox News]

>>106709 Federal courthouse in Louisville, KY boarded up in advance of expected anarchy

>>106710 Very unusual geophysical happening: Schumman Resonance exceeds 150Hz at strong amplitude

>>106711 US Government Delegation plus Special Advisor to the President, Richard Grenell, to visit Kosovo

>>106712, >>106714 How to Raise Your Digital Soldier Game with Digital Camouflage

>>106713 Fishy donors flooding Dem campaigns

>>106715 #13721

(18 notables, 20 posts, 10 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173364

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10722409 Q Research General #13723: THE DISEASE CALLED CORRUPTION. Edition

Created 201750ZSEP20




>>106738 Two Future Prisoners Blast GOP For Wanting To Swiftly Fill Vacant SCOTUS Seat

>>106739 US judge blocks Trump’s WeChat ban, halting removal of app from stores

>>106740 NEW PDJT

>>106741, >>106746, >>106747, >>106748, >>106749 Americans Know What Time It Is

>>106742 "We Have Our Options": Pelosi Doesn't Rule Out Impeachment Over Supreme Court Pick

>>106743 The Criminal Prosecution of Boeing Executives Should Begin

>>106744 Second AstraZeneca volunteer reportedly suffers rare neurological condition, but UK company says it’s not related to vaccine


>>106750 Riots return to Portland as protesters attack businesses, burn flags and force motorists to pledge loyalty to BLM

>>106751, >>106761 International News

>>106752 Catherine Engelbrecht and the Prestigious TRUE THE VOTE Organization Release Powerful Warning on the Marxist Coup in 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-2STo2Ttvtg - The Most Important Video of the 2020 Election | True the Vote 2020 - HD [Channel: True the Vote]

>>106753 Anon post re: Q drop linking to comment with Q from 2013

>>106754 On this day: Boeing moves corporate headquarters to Chicago in 2001

>>106755 Popular Children's App Allegedly Requests Minor To Take Naked Pictures

>>106756 Iran’s currency crashes to new record low amid flaring tensions with US

>>106757 Danish TV show that pairs kids and naked adults slammed as depraved

>>106758 Police engage in SHOVING MATCH with protesters at major rally against coronavirus measures in London

>>106759 3 dead in plane crash near an airport in Kokomo, Indiana; 1 person survived the crash - WISH

>>106760 Michigan election official calls cops on resident who displayed toilet with sign: 'Place mail-in ballots here'

>>106762 Schumer: ‘Nothing is off the Table’ if McConnell Moves to Fill SCOTUS Seat

>>106763 Police Arrested Nearly 90 Protesters at Abolish ICE Protest in NYC

>>106764 Protesters Gather Outside McConnell’s Home: ‘Ruth Sent Us’

>>106765 Deep State Senator Lisa Murkowski Says SCOTUS Vote Should Wait Until After The Election, Per The Epoch Times

>>106766, >>106770 Letter Sent to Trump Containing Ricin Originated in Canada

>>106768 UK to Penalise Schools Which Don’t Teach Children LGBT Lessons

>>106769 Nursing Homes Oust Unwanted Patients With Claims of Psychosis

>>106771 Space Force issues $298M contract for new anti-jamming satellite design

>>106772 Simone Gold

>>106773, >>106780, >>106783, >>106785, >>106787, >>106789, >>106792 Baker Calls out MOS poster, MOS proceeds to shill against Baker

>>106774 USSC Vacancies in Election Years

>>106775, >>106776 MoValley conference volleyball coaches are meeting this week to decide on playing. I’m one rather insignificant fan who pray u all use common sense and play. Surely we are as important as big 12 - GRASSLEY

>>106777 Special Operations Soldier is Killed in Vehicle Accident at Key West Navy Base

>>106778 MOAR OCCRP

>>106779 Planned Parenthood Hit with Big Lawsuit: 'Face the Truth'

>>106781 Campbell: It’s a QAnon, cancel culture, year of confusion

>>106782 The party that verifiably, falsely slandered and labeled Kavanaugh a “gang rapist” in front of his family and the whole world no longer gets to lecture us on decorum. Now, we make it sting. - Candace Owens

>>106784, >>106786 Deutsche Bank: Suspected of facilitating funds to ISIS in Iraq

>>106788 Scoop: Decisive meeting could lead to Israeli-Sudanese normalization - Axios

>>106790, >>106791 Six accused of starting Oregon blazes amid devastating wildfire season

>>106793 #13723

(40 notables, 56 posts, 40 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173365

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10723181 108 / I: 63 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-] Q Research General #13724: Spiritual Warfare Edition

Created 201855ZSEP20




>>106794, >>106806 In 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency sent four people on a mission into the Philippine and South China Seas and no-one came back

>>106795 U.S. Reimposes UN Sanctions on Iran Despite Europe's Opposition

>>106796 Democrats Raise $100 Million After Ginsburg’s Death

>>106797 Top Fatah official talks of ‘Zionist territorial designs from Nile to Euphrates’/Familiar parameters hmmmmm

>>106798 Mark Levin rightly condemned this blackmail, warning the Democrats are following a “Stalinist model.”

>>106799 Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.

>>106800 MOS - Media Object Server/not interchangeable with MOS Israeli Intelligence which is what Q post in dough post specifies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d855fc8051603606ad38d747ad3005cb17f03e6d3bfbaa12ce48e9b0e4fe92de.mp4

>>106801 PHOTOS: East Texas Boaters Rally in Pro-Trump Flotilla

>>106802 Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport

>>106803 Italy Defies Virus For Vote As Far-right Plots Seismic Change

>>106804 ‘Uncertainty’ Keeps UN From Taking Action on US’ Anti-Iran Sanctions’ Claims, Guterres Says

>>106805 Tenn. Man Accused of Kidnapping Ark. Girl Sentenced to 23 Years For Production of Child Porn

>>106807 Diversity Lags at Top of U.S. Spy Agencies

>>106808 DNI Ratcliffe Statement on Election Threat Updates to Congress

>>106809 Tech Elites Endorse Joe Biden to Secure More Foreign Workers for U.S. Jobs

>>106810 Erasing History and Erasing Truth: Censorship and Destroying Records Is the Cornerstone of Tyrants

>>106811 The poisoned letter addressed to United States President Donald Trump appears to have gone through Montreal.

>>106812, >>106818 planefaggin

>>106813 FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning

>>106814 A Digg You Can Do = Official Ballot Printers in Your State

>>106815, >>106816 The Bee: Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault

>>106817 @7h Shoutout to our incredible teammates in the National Guard. We're proud to have you on our Joint Force team!

>>106819, >>106821 Global banks defy U.S. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists/The FinCEN Files

>>106820 Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg’s Seat

>>106822 About 900 members of the Armed Forces of Spain participate from this Monday in the operational activation 'Eagle Eye 20-03'

>>106823 #13724

(26 notables, 30 posts, 33 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173366

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10723940 108 / I: 63 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-] Q Research General #13725: Running Red Answers Corruption Edition

Created 202029ZSEP20




>>106824, >>106825 moar FinCen diggz

>>106826 Australian and British men killed in Solomon Islands bomb blast

>>106827 @kimKBaltimoreUS House candidate, MD-7"The ladies of @TheView didn’t like what I had to say

>>106828 Canadian woman suspected of sending ricin package to Trump

>>106829, >>106830 Planefag Reports

>>106831 Trump can place a judge to temporarily fill SCOTUS seat via Recess appointment per law.

>>106832 2015 Economist Cover - 'Easter Eggs' = Asian Policeman in Surgical Mask

>>106833, >>106839 Queen Elizabeth II Could Be Removed by More Countries as the 'House of Cards Falls'

>>106834, >>106844 President Trump News

>>106835, >>106846 Chinese virus news

>>106836, >>106841 Amy Coney Barrett's Haitian Children

>>106837 BLM Antifa Terrorist War front

>>106838 Furious Democrats are considering total war

>>106840 BIDEN: “It’s estimated that 200 million people will die, probably by the time I finish this talk.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04e80f836bec449764ce0fffc3792f5284aa7480ff74ba9795a831a7500bdd61.mp4

>>106842, >>106848, >>106851, >>106852, >>106855, >>106857 RGB notes

>>106843 Bill Gates joins Chris Wallace on 'Fox News Sunday.'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6oH9An6uWhA - Bill Gates on committing $650 million to fight coronavirus [Channel: Fox News]

>>106845 OPERA titled Scalia/Ginsberg? Premiered 2015.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bkeIjC-sQN4 - Scalia/Ginsburg: You are searching in vain (excerpt) [Channel: ellenwiesersoprano]

>>106847, >>106850 finance news

>>106849 Not an Iceberg? New Study Reveals What Else Could Have Been Behind Titanic Disaster

>>106853 Some good and current 3 Gorges Dam tracking streams and data loggers:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nwM4LFRWcZw - Live: (Back is back!) 3GD / Three Gorges Dam Live Multicam + Radar + Tunes / 三峡大坝 直播 / 三峡ダム ライブ [Channel: Derek Slenk]

>>106854 Could Romney Backstab GOP Because He’s A Protege of Ghislaine’s Dad Who Profited off Aborted Fetuses?

>>106856 Democrats nervous lukewarm Biden reception in Minnesota bodes well for Trump

>>106858 Westside Sports Bar and Lounge in West Melbourne, Florida owner receives death threats after banning 'completely unnecessary' masks

>>106859 Social Effort: TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Chris Pappas

>>106860 Second AstraZeneca volunteer reportedly suffers rare neurological condition, but UK company says it’s not related to vaccine

>>106861 The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) United States federal legislation, signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954

>>106862 Open calls for burning down congress by leftists

>>106863 #12725

(28 notables, 40 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173367

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10724748 Q Research General #12726: RGB - Not A Dry Heat Edition

Created 202200ZSEP20




>>106864, >>106865, >>106872, >>106879, >>106898, >>106902, >>106913, >>106930, >>106931 Ridiculous. Let us defend ourselves! BREAKING: Omaha Bar Owner Charged For Killing Rioter That Attacked Him and His Business Has Committed Suicide (Various)

>>106866 Q4731 Sometimes non_domestic sources of information provide a more accurate report (Daily Sabah.com)

>>106867 ——————————————— A Prayer Of Spiritual Warfare. (Cap: )

>>106868 Control the Poll: Anons flipping another fake and biased poll utilized to provide statistics for reporting later. (KUTV2News.comTwitter)

>>106869, >>106874 SCOTUS Drama: GOP Senator Lamar Alexander Says He Supports Trump, Senate Effort to Fill Supreme Court Vacancy – Blasts Democrats + Maxine Waters: Democrats Must ‘Fight, Fight, Fight’ to Stop Trump from Getting SCOTUS Pick etc. (Various)

>>106870, >>106889 The Master Plan @ Work (Twitter)

>>106871 Think Mirror: "Is suicide Week upon us?"

>>106873, >>106891 Paul Sperry Reports on Twitter of DOJ Suppression of investigation into Clintons and Related+Q2697 (Twitter)

>>106875 Undercover Florida Detectives Arrest 11 Men in “Operation Park Cleanup” (Breaking911.com)

>>106876, >>106896, >>106911 Web caps and Links on Spiritual Warfare+Spiritual Ammunition (Cap)

>>106877 Former Marine and Current Illinois State Trooper Charged in Conspiracy to Steal, Sell, and Ship Government Property (Breaking911.com)

>>106878 Allegations of Forced Vaccinations: UK Parents be warned, NHS is injecting kids in school (TwitterCap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3045cf5d5d64b65cc2ca5d0a5ef233ff926d22e95ae54b016ef5e364059369cc.mp4

>>106880 '.@DouglasEmhoff to “virtually travel” to Texas on Thursday, @JoeBiden campaign announces. Further details TK.' (Twitter)

>>106881, >>106885 Fast Food Faggotry (Twitter..of course)

>>106882, >>106884 Kek… Massive 'F–k Cuomo and de Blasio' mural painted on Brooklyn street (We need the unblurred.) (NYPOTwitter)

>>106883 #13725

>>106886 RBG Coincidences No coincidences (Caps)

>>106887 Second Steeler to think for himself. The rest of the NFL needs to pay attention (WPXI.com)

>>106888 Eric Trump's Tweet Ages Gracefully (Twitter)

>>106890, >>106893, >>106899, >>106933 Suspect in Attempted Biological Attack on POTUS Apprehended - Canadian Woman according to FBI (Break911.comTwitter)

>>106892, >>106895 Morgan Ortegas Tweets: '4. How many missiles has Iran transferred to Hizballah and Hamas? How much does Iran pay the groups each year? Where does that money come from? #QuestionsforZarif' (Twitter)

>>106894 QFlexin Thru MM-NC (Twitter)

>>106897, >>106920, >>106921 R4R Emmys=Red Carpet Rollout. What Better Time? Paris? Gucci? Britney? Rose? Speak up Ladies! (Twitter)

>>106900, >>106908 "A WEEK TO REMEMBER"… (Historic NewsCap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/510ebbe525f7cdfc60df6d045f1029a132ecbcad79a0552249ae09b97da2248e.mp4

>>106901, >>106904, >>106907, >>106916, >>106918 Freaks in the Flesh 'Warning-Graphic' "Needs sauce…" + "Highest Classification…"(Caps)

>>106903 France, Germany, Romania Plan Observation Flight Over Russia… (Sputnik News.com)

>>106905, >>106910 POTUS On Mark Levin Tonight @8EST on Fox (TwitterFacebook)

>>106906 All passengers on Epstein's flight logs to be named 'sparking panic among rich pals' (Mirror.co.uk)

>>106909 Schumann Fag

>>106912 Satellite Locations What Rashida? (Twitter)

>>106914 Retired, Extremely Dangerous

>>106915 Massive FinCEN Leak Exposes How Biggest Western Banks Finance Drug Cartels, Terrorists & Mobsters

>>106917 PF

>>106919 Running RED: National Security Presidential Directive 51

>>106922, >>106923, >>106924 Andy Ngo Calls out Mohamad Safia (Twitter)

>>106925, >>106928 Dr OZ on FOX "FLU shot gives you COVID" FOX news cuts stream like it was soros mentioned Omitted.

>>106926, >>106927 ‘100% our fault’: Twitter apologizes for ‘racist’ photo-cropping algorithm as Team Woke scores another touchdown

>>106929 Lindsey Graham SLAMS on Senate Democrats and others.

>>106932 Moar Violent Incitement By BLM Terrorists Check Facebook Stream of Ken H. Braley

>>106934 POTUS Burns one with JoRo according to Babylon Bee! Calls Elon During Show (BabylonBee.com)

>>106935 Potus: Will be interviewed by @marklevinshow on @FoxNews tonight at 8:00 P.M. Enjoy!

>>106936 @CBS_Herridge “Senator McConnell is only doing what Democrat leaders have said they would do if the shoe were on the other foot.”

(42 notables, 73 posts, 90 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173368

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10726258 Q Research General #13728: MSN is all over the place Edition

Created 210033ZSEP20




>>106949, >>106950, >>106952, >>106953, >>106954, >>106955, >>106959, >>106960, >>106973

>>106951 #13727

>>106956, >>106958 Ivanka Trump, Attorney General Barr visiting Atlanta to discuss fight against human trafficking

>>106957 Schumer threatens re: Supreme Court nomination

>>106961, >>106962 Planefags

>>106963 Paul Sperry tweet: Strzok's book claims Putin tells Trump what to do telepathically

>>106964, >>106967 McConnell locks down key GOP votes in Supreme Court fight to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg

>>106965, >>106966 Biden in 2016: It’s fine to nominate SCOTUS even just before an election

>>106968 @BrentScher criticizes fake media for not asking a single question about Trump SCOTUS list

>>106969, >>106971, >>106982 Four die in Texas single-engine plane crash

>>106970 10726688 Catherine Herridge re: FOIA contains FBI records on origin of Russia probe, Mifsud, Durham

>>106972 Central Banks Tell Markets: "You’re On Your Own Now"

>>106974 Rep Dr Paul Gosar on constitutionality re: #FillTheVacancy SCOTUS

>>106975, >>106981, >>106986 Trump jokes "maybe I'll sign an EO you cannot have [Biden] as president" at NC rally

>>106976 Trump called for Sotomayor, Ginsburg to recuse from cases dealing with his administration (Feb 2020)

>>106977 Origin of Prayer Q #4739

>>106978 Rep. Nunes ANTIFA vid calls them Communists not Nazis

>>106979 Fox News Censors Criticism of George Soros (vid)

>>106980 Lawyer Toensing says Soros' influence & power is pervasive at Fox

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nQXerjGCU00 - Toensing says George Soros' influence and power is pervasive at Fox [Channel: One America News Network]

>>106983 Arrest of Biden youth outreach staffer for alleged pedo contact with boy

>>106984 Anon refutes claim by OCCRP Whistleblowers that they were resopnsible for Panama Papers Release

>>106985 Thousands of child porn images found at home of Southern Utah man who runs popular YouTube channel

>>106987 America 2050 Strategy

>>106988 Dozens of Pennsylvania counties election officials leave in 2020 since law on no-excuse mail-in voting

>>106989 #13728

>>106990 Sens. Murkowski and Landrieu on Martha's Vineyard with Maggie Nixon and family (pic)

(26 notables, 42 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173369

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10725459 Q Research General #12727: American Response To Trudeau and Ricin Mailer Edition

Created 202325ZSEP20




>>106937 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off the Philippines, USGS says

>>106938, >>106939 GOP set to release controversial Biden report

>>106940 Four-Star General: Trump Ending Iran Appeasement Could End Regime

>>106941 Woman suspected of sending poisoned letter to Trump arrested

>>106942 Twitter Locks Show’s Host Steve Malzberg for... You will have to click to see

>>106943 Japan's Defense Ministry eyes record $51.6bn in spending under Suga

>>106944 THIS IS WAR: Hollywood Vows Extreme Tactics in SCOTUS Fight

>>106945 California Burnin' — a Warning Against One-Party Rule

>>106946 NFL continues suicide attempt

>>106947 Neither rain nor sleet or....HEY NO SHOOTING


(11 notables, 12 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173370

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10727803 Q Research General #13730

Created 210327ZSEP20




>>107005 San Francisco mayor announces monthly payments to some pregnant women, but only if black or Pacific Islander

>>107006 Stephen Cohen Has Died. Remember His Urgent Warnings Against The New Cold War.

>>107007 Planefags watching Gate Foundation jet

>>107008 The GOP-led Senate Finance and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees plan to release a joint report on Biden

>>107009 Antifa show up for non-existent 'Proud Boys' rally in Philadelphia—attack media instead

>>107010 President Trump calls LA deputies injured in ambush

>>107011, >>107014, >>107021 ——————————————— A B-2 Stealth Bomber Drops a Massive Ordnance Penetrator (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/80aa86a30f77c2fd9114bd6cb84cc54eecd9119cf055e5c3ed34d8edd9773cdf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/43dad3ba42e134072d3c00bffb9be9f2071e453596ee40cdf6149d3baa052355.mp4

>>107012 Congress goes after PDJT's banking records this what they find related to (PB)

>>107013 #13729

>>107015 11 arrested at first major anti-Netanyahu protest since start of new lockdown

>>107016 Ivanka Trump, Attorney General Barr visiting Atlanta to discuss fight against human trafficking

>>107017, >>107020 Mickey Clock analyses

>>107018, >>107019 New Scavino vid - MAGA lion

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e820d89fc108c04de0bcd1832e0946b4385988359678591d0a11955ee47fa42.mp4

>>107022 Trump-supporting bar owner who defended his property from BLM rioter has taken his own life

>>107023 #13730

(15 notables, 19 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>107011

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173371

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10728510 Q Research General #13731: Hot Bread Goin' for a Spin Edition

Created 210429ZSEP20




>>107024, >>107032, >>107055 Poll Flippers, Let's Wrap this up for them (KUTVTwitter)

>>107025 Highlander Star Seagal's Novel... Novel Reflecting Eerie Relavence to now. (Vulture.com)

>>107026 The War on Populism: The Final Act (Consent Factory.org)

>>107027, >>107040 PF Dubbin it

>>107028 Q3599 Review 6OClock

>>107029 EGBU27 is known as the hammer (Cap)

>>107030 BLM Terrorists Attacking Citizens home with Paintballs (Twitter)

>>107031, >>107048 HAPPENING: BLMANTIFA Terrorist RAID ON Lindsey Graham andor Mitch McConnell HOUSE AT 6 AM TOMORROW (TwitterRairfoundation)

>>107033, >>107050 Nancy Nancy..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4e70b5895c184f390c5518132624ce63239ec98a737e3da78dc81ac85d461f6.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OIWm_Bp_cLA - Nancy Pelosi admits going to North Korea discussing arms trade [Channel: DailyWorldwideNews]

>>107034, >>107035 New Dan Scavino tweet

>>107036, >>107041, >>107042, >>107046, >>107052, >>107056, >>107060 Flashback: Eisenhower Filled SCOTUS Seat By Recess Appointment One Month Before 1956 Election+COVID-19 Batwoman!+RBG, Clinton in Arkansas

>>107037, >>107039 On 8Kun RusshiaChina - Notables Notable YOU! (Caps)

>>107038, >>107049, >>107053, >>107057, >>107058 Stay in the Truth & Pray for Clarity - Bible Debate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KteyU2x-qPU - MATHEMATICAL PROOF THE BIBLE IS TRUE [Channel: islandonlinenews]

>>107043, >>107044 Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why (Newsmax)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nQXerjGCU00 - Toensing says George Soros' influence and power is pervasive at Fox [Channel: One America News Network]

>>107045, >>107047, >>107054 Evening Night Shift Riders Anon is wondering. Those two bunker busters from the Bomber have me thinking...

>>107051 Hotel Hotbed?

>>107059 Anons Abundant RBG "News Timestamp Versus Anon Timestamp"

>>107061 #13731

(18 notables, 38 posts, 52 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173372

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10726974 Q Research General #13729: Stand Firm

Created 210144ZSEP20




>>106991 Murkowski and Landrieu families with Maggie Nixon

>>106992 Residents call for Sequim (WA) mayors removal after comments re QAnon…

>>106993, >>107004 Nebraska Anti-mask protest

>>106994 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY September 21, 2020

>>106995 H.R. McMaster 60 Minutes Translation: “My job was to tell the POTUS what he was allowed to do, while the coup plotters tried to ‘save the world’, and I fired all the President’s supporters to try and make it easier for them.”.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c349e7fc77c40e60c2c491ce8a19a6a2fe209b4f09da17c08795d853b84c1ed.mp4

>>106996 Psalm 91 A soldiers prayer.

>>106997 They Forced This United States’ Veteran to Crawl

>>106998 Killer Trump Ad

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pTtABxyqIUk - Joe's Teleprompter [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>106999 Former FDA Director shows evidence why.

>>107000 Three Second Dan tweet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbbbd275a40c2edfcd61d60a0e66edeb8450da6371b320f15b3ab128b7744cba.mp4

>>107001 BREAKING: Small plane crashes in Lackawanna County

>>107002 Nebraska mask mandate

>>107003 Pompeo Slams European Countries For Failing to Support Reinstating UN Sanctions on Iran

(13 notables, 14 posts, 12 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173373

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10729318 Q Research General #13732: MOP Edition

Created 210604ZSEP20




>>107062, >>107069, >>107074 Q told us to watch for the 10th Mountain Division… grabbed this off their twatter this weekend. (Twitter)

>>107063, >>107065, >>107066, >>107067, >>107068 Resignations in the news 9/15/2020 thru 9/20/2020 (Various)

>>107064 BOTS ON PARADE!

>>107070, >>107087, >>107100, >>107104, >>107105 EVERY FUCKING TIME, DIG ON MEIDASTOUCH + BDT Academy Down & Results of Meidastouch dig

>>107071 Monday Morning Proverbs (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-d2fYHoTqAI - Proverbs of the Day - Proverbs 1 - Read by Chuck Missler [Channel: Koinonia House]

>>107072 Hotel thugs dig results

>>107073 Staggering Ox, MT Pizzagate-like evidence research on half-chan

>>107075 Portland Resident goes off on ANTIFA (TwitterCap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6e0008292fe3112844179092470e5815b8e4fad7f227fa633b03df705ba04f7c.mp4

>>107076 Anon Suggests Akira method for overcoming FaceAche

>>107077 Prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas Suspended (TJP)

>>107078, >>107079, >>107082, >>107083 The Booms just keep getting BIGGER! QReview and RFK-Mike Tyson Interview

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9jzs7y_MIJs - Robert Kennedy Jr. | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson [Channel: Mike Tyson]

>>107080 Celebrity Endorsement: Biden digital ads target Puerto Rican voters with Marc Anthony (NBC)

>>107081 Process of filling the SCOTUS Seat

>>107084 What drove Double Jeopardy for the bar owner?

>>107085 Bytedance says it will own 80% of TikTok Global contradicting Trump’s claims

>>107086, >>107088, >>107089, >>107090, >>107092, >>107093, >>107094, >>107095, >>107097, >>107099, >>107107, >>107108 Q4740 Q328 Q432 Q435 - Video Drop Breakdown

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BrBVudn-ev0 - B-2 Spirit Drops A GBU-57A/B MASSIVE ORDNANCE PENETRATOR! (Demonstration/Training Event, May 2019) [Channel: Ultimate Military Channel]

>>107091 Wednesday 09.16.2020

>>107096 Enjoy the show.

>>107098 Several hundred news sources about crimes against children from 09/14/2020 - 09/20/2020. Proving once again anyone calling our concern a conspiracy theory must be the ones touching the fucking kids.

>>107101 DEVELOPING: All Passengers on Epstein’s Flight Logs to Be Named – Epstein’s Rich and Famous Pals Panicking (The Gateway Pundit)

>>107102 Comms. ConYe West? "Obsession" with Taylor Swift? Scooter?

>>107103 David Spade Throwin Shade from "The Cooler"!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0271410778bb832a2a0e4fb277ea922901318e7f580d42c1acb9c02ed3d1251e.mp4

>>107106 SCS News Cap

>>107109 #13732

(24 notables, 48 posts, 54 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173374

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10730094 Q Research General #13733: Enjoy The Show Edition

Created 210923ZSEP20




>>107110 Late LB Notable "#1 Alternative to Dredge" (WhatFinger.com)

>>107111 WATCH: Jennifer Aniston Fails to Put Out Fire After Jimmy Kimmel Burns Envelope to ‘Sanitize’ it in Emmy Bit Gone Wrong (MediaIte)

>>107112 LIVE: Rapper M.I.A. attends Assange extradition trial in London (Think of why it is titled as such…Censorship?) (Ruptly)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hYPi6PlpBVQ

>>107113, >>107115, >>107119, >>107123, >>107127 South China Sea Review/Discussion July-Aug-September (YoutubeSouth China Morning PostASEANPLUS News)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8eqtl0ym1p8 - The South China Sea dispute explained [Channel: South China Morning Post]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IbmpAk0zrbM - Washington’s hardened position on Beijing’s claims in South China Sea heightens US-China tensions [Channel: South China Morning Post]

>>107114 President Trump’s long history of kindness goes unreported by mainstream media (OANYoutube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BYI11_5QLes - President Trump’s long history of kindness goes unreported by mainstream media [Channel: One America News Network]

>>107116, >>107120 Professional Divisionfaggotry "Race Theory" (City-Journal)

>>107117, >>107118 A Look into Clown World (Caps)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4dcbf689fefc27e3f30b4809b2e3f53e4552a1f8e82a92ffc4248b9f88f83b5.mp4

>>107121 ‘Emergency’ investigation: House Democrats threaten to impeach AG Barr (Washington Times)

>>107122 Let’s Not Forget Mueller’s HSBC Money Laundering Scandal (2017) re (PB) HSBC in big trouble

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zqVvuLOkQqE - HSBC handled $4.4B in suspicious money: ICIJ investigation [Channel: CBC News: The National]

>>107124 Datefagging Q

>>107125 PF spots an X2 over UK

>>107126, >>107128 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was More Than A Political Icon REST IN POWER ? Guess she couldn't rest in peace HUFFPOST?

>>107129 RED PILL for normies…. Google: couple dies minutes apart from covid FAKE NEWS STORY OF THE YEAR

>>107130 Sauceless Notables on Parade

>>107131 A woman suspected of mailing President Trump a package containing highly-toxic ricin poison was arrested by federal authorities on Sunday

>>107132 Representative of Iranian Regime’s Supreme Leader Claims IRGS Will Kill President Trump

>>107133 Remarks by Attorney General William P. Barr at Hillsdale College Constitution Day Event

>>107134 Kim Klacik’s Campaign Ad Part 2 “The Plan”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wBebl5fqzCA - Kim Klacik’s Campaign Ad Part 2 “The Plan” [Channel: Kimberly Klacik]

>>107135 Israeli Accused of Sex Abuse in Australia Can Be Extradited, Court Says

>>107136, >>107144, >>107145, >>107146, >>107147, >>107156 Congress goes after PDJT's banking records this what they find related to (PB)

>>107137, >>107140 US Space Force deploys to vast new frontier: Arabian Desert

>>107138, >>107139 Israel aerospace giant paid $155m to opaque firms linked to Azeri elites

>>107141, >>107149, >>107150, >>107154 M.I.A at Assange hearing

>>107142, >>107143 Catherine Herridge thread re Russian Collusion

>>107148 I'm dead set on confirming @realDonaldTrump’s nominee

>>107151 PDJT Twat: Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M. Enjoy!

>>107152 Bill & Ted star Alex Winter left with ‘extreme PTSD’ after surviving sexual abuse as a child actor

>>107153 PDJT twat: "The Trump Century, How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever". On sale tomorrow.

>>107155, >>107158 Emmys 2020: Anthony Anderson makes Jimmy Kimmel chant 'Black Lives Matter' on stage

>>107157 WikiLeaks twat: If JA is guilty, so are others. The power has stepped in the quick sand

>>107159 #13733

(31 notables, 50 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173375

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10730868 Q Research General #13734: Arrests Among Deep State Highest Ranks May Be Imminent Edition

Created 211205ZSEP20




>>107160, >>107162, >>107171 Protest In Front of Lindsay Graham's house in DC NOW

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd83ae3bc1cf297dac6cecd7fd045b5bcb49a13dadba5ff2fb52adfcbfc18776.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06abb6354ca6d1703ca0956fd9083223541d11a6a3195854013c6f8976df0d8d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d963dd32082e929e993296c06f225801d11528434daeae04f4f796411f162be5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/135c55de46b4062051efa653dea94f06ab18ce1667fac38258f0ca20b7020fb1.mp4

>>107161 Let’s Not Forget Mueller’s HSBC Money Laundering Scandal (2017) re (PB) HSBC in big trouble

>>107163 A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip To Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021

>>107164, >>107168, >>107189, >>107196 TRUMP ON FOX RIGHT NOW (SCOTUS nominee to be named this Friday or Saturday)

>>107165 4 die when plane bound for Louisiana CRASHES in Texas

>>107166, >>107167, >>107169, >>107194, >>107197 FinCEN Files

>>107170 Second AstraZeneca volunteer reportedly suffers rare neurological condition, UK company says not related to vaccine

>>107172, >>107176, >>107178, >>107182, >>107183, >>107193, >>107201, >>107209, >>107211, >>107214 DOJ Identifies NY City, Portland, Seattle as Jurisdictions Permitting Violence/Destruction of Property

>>107173 Philippine Air Force receives first four of six Super Tucano aircraft

>>107174 I'm dead set on confirming @realDonaldTrump’s nominee (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c7603461bdcec26947df581c8c47ad4d63a187dcaeccfeb36637e06c75e4361.mp4

>>107175, >>107180 MSM: QAnon Linked to at Least 44 Election Candidates in 2020—and Some Could Win

>>107177, >>107179 U.S. Air Force twat: on importance of using time wisely in a high-stress career field like air traffic control

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/68459af2b843bc8748aeb93cc54651a1de58184d66c4d9ba94b46087ef2a6d30.mp4

>>107181 Lindsey Graham twat: Being lectured by Democrats about how to handle judicial nominations is like an arsonist advising the Fire Department

>>107184, >>107188 markets in the red this morn

>>107185, >>107186, >>107187, >>107190 DOJ: combined settlements rank as “largest False Claims Act recovery based on allegations of small business contracting fraud.”

>>107191, >>107192 Why Is FOX News Preventing Negative Reporting of George Soros? Gingrich and Toensing Speak Out

>>107195, >>107198, >>107199 FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary's Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase All of His Findings

>>107200, >>107206 Doug Collins twat: re Dems packing Supreme Court and introducing a Constitutional Amendment

>>107202 McConnell locks down key GOP votes in Supreme Court fight

>>107203, >>107205, >>107207, >>107212, >>107213 Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN

>>107204 Track & Follow at the DoJ

>>107208 LIVE: Secretary Pompeo Hosts Interagency Press Event on Iran Snapback Sanctions - 11 a.m.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U-kYoWZnbJ4 - Secretary Pompeo Hosts Interagency Press Event on Iran Snapback Sanctions - 11 a.m. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>107210 Planefag Reports

>>107215 #13734

(24 notables, 56 posts, 62 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10731613 Q Research General #13735: SEPT 21-25 [track & follow events] Running RED Edition

Created 211414ZSEP20




>>107216 Prince Charles Calls For 'Military-Style Campaign' to Fight Climate Change

>>107217 Magnitude 3.4 earthquake felt near Temescal Valley, California

>>107218, >>107220 Pedo Joe Claims Nearly Two-Thirds Of Entire Population Have Died From COVID-19!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/425d6cb7d889f4ebf418f15c2f8bd5f0f369d8ef6954e69e1de6138881f13959.mp4

>>107219 U.S. Secret Service twat: Do you live near Swanton, OH? SS and our partners have established a temporary "No Drone Zone" today, September 21st.

>>107221 Microsoft to acquire publisher of ‘Doom,’ ‘Elder Scrolls,’ ‘Fallout’ for $7.5 billion

>>107222 US officials accuse Khawaja, who holds Lebanese/US passports, of illegally transferring 3.5B euros to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign

>>107223 Video of A.G. Barr's brilliant speech/Q & A, Constitution Day at Hillsdale College

>>107224, >>107227, >>107228 Biden admits he doesn't have a chance!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33833f240701cd6d6a39d56699dab4a45c16d3ab39f68a37d86cc32b4eafed87.mp4

>>107225 George Soros is indeed an enabler of U.S. street violence

>>107226 Fox News Is Accused of Hiding George Soros’s Influence

>>107229 30-Year-Old Man Arrested in Connection With Manhattan Subway Derailment Sunday

>>107230 "Putin Has Banned Rothschild And His New World Order Banking Cartel Family From Entering Russian Territory"

>>107231 Multiple people have been reported missing across Maryland in recent weeks, and we are hoping you can help bring them home.

>>107232 Pro-Life Group: Ginsburg Used Sex Discrimination Law to Impose ‘Unlimited Abortion Regime’

>>107233 Secretary of State Pompeo Holds News Conference on Iran Sanctions

>>107234 ASoros: Don't make the election about the court or we will lose

>>107235 Raytheon Wins Navy Deal to Support MK-31 Missile Program

>>107236 Why China Is Suddenly Buying Record Amounts Of American Crude Oil

>>107237 The Art of the Deal

>>107238 Justice Ginsburg will lie in repose on Wednesday and Thursday of this week at the top of the main staircase outside the Supreme Court.

>>107239 #China appears to be moving towards some kind of mobilization after October 1st

>>107240 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut - Ami Bera California 7th

(22 notables, 25 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173377

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10732430 Q Research General #13736: Alex Soros Sees The Writing On The Wall Edition

Created 211553ZSEP20




>>107241, >>107245, >>107248 Oh Look: Black Lives Matter Removed the Insane "What We Believe" Page From Their Website

>>107242 Sleepless in Seattle, the Mayor Durkan remake

>>107243 Woman gets "nailed" by LEO Child Protection for soliciting minors. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ef63a2b0e8a482ffd6af6a416f1a290deb4c659be0a31d5a33dbd67a08da6ef2.mp4

>>107244 ICYMI: Department of Justice Identifies New York City, Portland and Seattle as Jurisdictions Permitting Violence and Destruction of Property

>>107246 Stealth Bomber - Red line [-21][-20][-19][-18]……….

>>107247 Ginsburg Supported Election-Year Confirmations and Opposed Court Packing

>>107249 The Chinese authorities threaten not to renew the 12-month residency visas and "go after family members as a way to exact punishment and revenge."

>>107250 DeSantis presser now

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n_C0JvAzZWU - NewsNOW Stream Part 1 - 09/21/20 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>107251 @USMC Moto Monday

>>107252 Army gives green light to shape vehicle electrification requirements

>>107253 Feinstein: "The DOGMA is strong in you!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/45a0bb829a67be0d2930860ab0f09fc37450340603f16b2b5866c5c8f918031c.mp4

>>107254 BAE awarded $111M contract for Navy's Archerfish mine neutralizers

>>107255 Colerain Township man indicted on 23 sex charges involving children

>>107256 Chris Matthews: Trump is right to show respect for RBG. True presidential behavior. Far too rare.

>>107257 LIVE: Human Trafficking Roundtable with Attorney General Barr and Ivanka Trump Barr live discussing human trafficking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n_C0JvAzZWU - NewsNOW Stream Part 1 - 09/21/20 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>107258 Kentucky GOP lawmaker indicted on assault, accused of strangling woman with ethernet cable

>>107259 Amy Coney Barrett and her 2 Haitian Kids

>>107260, >>107263 Emmys: Jimmy Kimmel and Anthony Anderson Chant Black Lives Matter +

>>107261, >>107265 On paper Lagoa runs circles around Barrett.

>>107262 Large QAnon flag at the front of the line at Trump’s Swanton OH rally

>>107264 Far Left DC Mob Harasses Senator Lindsey Graham at 6 AM — Blast Bullhorns, Flash Strobe Lights and Try to Enter His Yard

(21 notables, 25 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173378

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10733165 Q Research General #13737: Scotus, Haiti What's Next On The Docket? Edition

Created 211705ZSEP20




>>107266 China Military Releases War Simulation Video Of Attack On US Guam Base

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fj1wCjIitIU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107267 Funding patch would avert shutdown through Dec. 11, fund Navy’s Columbia program

>>107268 H.R. McMaster: Some WH Advisers ‘Cast Themselves In The Role Of Saving The Country And Maybe The World From Trump’

>>107269 Army Approaches Goal of Destroying Chemical Weapon Agents

>>107270 Microsoft To Buy 'Doom'-Maker Bethesda Softworks For $7.5 Billion

>>107271 Space Force continues work securing space from cyberattacks

>>107272 Sedition (Funk & Wagnells_1952)

>>107273 First Lady Melania Trump Hosts Sickle Cell Disease Roundtable at the White House

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rx2LW3KOxTY - First Lady Melania Trump Hosts Sickle Cell Disease Roundtable at the White House [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>107274 Stephen Cohen Has Died; Remember His Urgent Warnings Against The New Cold War

>>107275 Trump says to expect SCOTUS nominee Friday or Saturday, after Justice Ginsburg's funeral

>>107276, >>107277 Thousands of child porn images found at home of Southern Utah man who runs popular YouTube channel

>>107278 Trump narrows down list to 4 women, won't announce nomination till after RBG funeral.

>>107279 ViacomCBS Launches Mass ‘Vote For Your Life’ Campaign

>>107280, >>107282 (Ana Stoliarova) Lithuania + (Ahmad Khawaja) diggz

>>107281 TikTok Parent Company ByteDance Disputes $5 Billion Government Fee in Deal with Oracle

>>107283 DeSantis announced his support for a sweeping crackdown on what he called “unlawful assemblies” statewide.

>>107284 Farage: ‘Say No!’ to Second National Lockdown, Reject Boris Johnson’s ‘Elective Dictatorship’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mdkaq3S7nH0 - Say NO to another lockdown. [Channel: Nigel Farage]

>>107285 Mexican Border State Mayor Calls for Executing Drug Lords

>>107286 Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC and others laundered $2 trillion in sketchy transactions linked to drug dealers, terrorists & human traffickers.

>>107287 Delingpole: Boris Goes Full Fascist Against Lockdown Protests – But Not BLM or XR

>>107288 US Marshals: 35 missing kids recovered, Cleveland, OH

>>107289, >>107304 Refresher: United States: FinCen Issues Statement Regarding Publication Of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)

>>107290 Indictment Charges Alaska Man for Threatening a California Synagogue

>>107291, >>107298 The Central Intelligence Agency announced Monday the launch of its first-ever federal lab......

>>107292 Oregon Fire Map, Update as Nearly 1 Million Acres Burned and 6 Accused of Arson

>>107293 Donald Kendall, the former PepsiCo CEO who turned the company into a global consumer products powerhouse, has died.

>>107294 The Bee: Giggling Trump prank calls Merrick Garland to tell him he's ben shortlisted for scotus.

>>107295 McEnany previews Trump's coming Supreme Court nomination

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3Tzpy93u70M - McEnany previews Trump's coming Supreme Court nomination [Channel: Fox Business]

>>107296, >>107307 Trump 'Approved' Assange Pardon In Exchange For Source Of DNC Leaks: Court Testimony

>>107297 COUP 53 Sheds New Light on How CIA and MI6 Brought Tyranny to Iran

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uSK6wdqo0xY - COUP 53 - OFFICIAL TEASER (2019) [Channel: Coup 53]

>>107299 Navy’s undersea warfighting command celebrates 5 years

>>107300 Army mints new cyber research and development agreement with Estonia

>>107301 The banks are in trouble yet again

>>107302 China to lose access to Australian space tracking station

>>107303 NTSB looking into crashes that killed 10 people in 4 states

>>107305 Acting as Fed’s agent, JP Morgan is buying all silver to save Comex

>>107306 There’s a new federal court to handle all the expected COVID vaccine-injury claims

>>107308 CDC Beclowns Itself, Admits it Randomly Posted on Website Unproven Guidance that COVID-19 Remains Suspended in Air

>>107310 DESANTIS briefing in full. Rule. Of. Law. In. Florida.

>>107311 Prince Charles wants a military campaign against global warming. vid

>>107312 Black Voices for Trump

>>107313 6/25/18 How Comey intervened to kill WikiLeaks' immunity deal - By John Solomon

>>107314, >>107315 DOJ $101M to combat human trafficking

>>107316 demonstrators demanded Al-Sisi stand down

>>107317 U.N.E.S.C.O. (Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 1952)

>>107318 The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has arrested an officer for a felony charge of bribery of a public servant.

>>107319 Man Admits Using Kik to Solicit, Receive and Distribute Child Pornography

>>107320 CNBC: New York City police officer Baimadajie Angwang arrested on charge of acting as illegal agent for China

>>107321 Barr on the role of U.S. Marshall’s and human trafficking

>>107322 Treason (Funk & Wagnells_1952)

>>107323 Foot Locker to Turn Stores into Voter Registration Sites

>>107324 #13737

(52 notables, 58 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173379

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10733931 Q Research General #13738: Shortlist Is Out, Garland Ain't On It Edition

Created 211843ZSEP20




>>107325 Assange Hearing Day 10—Fairbanks Testifies Trump Ordered Assange Arrest

>>107326 Archaeologists Claim 27 Egypt Sarcophagi Unopened For 2,500 Years

>>107327 DoJ news: Chicago Tech Executive Charged with Illegal Export of Computer Equipment to Pakistan

>>107328, >>107329 Seven Soros-Linked Groups Behind Left's Push on Student Loans

>>107330 Trump Signs EO Reinstating Pre-Nuke Deal Iran Sanctions over UN Objections — Sanctions 27 Additional Targets

>>107331 AG Barr speech at Hillsdale College | The Constitution and the Rule of Law (repost - worth watching)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I0Ho5_DiRdc - William P. Barr | The Constitution and the Rule of Law [Channel: Hillsdale College]

>>107332 Violent Mass. Sex Trafficker Sentenced To Prison

>>107333 Report: COVID pandemic likely 'could have been prevented' if China, WHO acted differently

>>107334 Judicial Watch Sues State of Illinois for Refusing to Disclose Voter Roll Data in Violation of Federal Law

>>107335 GOP Lawmakers Introduce “Hold Rioters Accountable Act”

>>107336 Mueller 'Pitbull' Weissmann Lashes Out at Mueller and Fellow Russia Probe Lawyers in New Book

>>107337 Rep. Collins to introduce constitutional amendment to prohibit SCOTUS packing


>>107339 Judicial Watch Sues US Dept. of Transportation for Records of Communication with DC Government Over Black Lives Matter Street Painting

>>107340, >>107341 Manhattan Federal Judge orders Post Office to expedite Nov. election mail

>>107342 Jerusalem court orders extradition of Melbourne teacher Leifer accused of 74 pedo charges

>>107343 Palestinian security forces detain dozens of supporters of Pres Abbas' rival

>>107344 US military exercise Valiant Shield Sept. 14-25, Mariana Islands

>>107345 CDAN reveal mentions Pamela Anderson, George Soros, Julian Assange, others

>>107346 Track S. 4424: Holding Rioters Accountable Act

>>107347 LIVE: McConnell, Schumer speeches re: Ginsburg

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=76tEzPhkteI - LIVE: McConnell, Schumer speak on the Senate floor after death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg [Channel: Reuters]

>>107348, >>107356 FBI charges NYPD Officer Baimadajie Angwang as Illegal Agent of China

>>107349 Navy fires Kai Torkelson, Cdr Norfolk VA Naval Shipyard ("loss of confidence")

>>107350, >>107358, >>107372 Planefags

>>107351 US Marshals rescue 35 missing/endangered children age 13-18, Cleveland, OH area; >20% cases referred to Human Trafficking Task Force, Cuyahoga County

>>107352, >>107355 China CCP military propaganda used Hollywood footage

>>107353 POTUS LIVE:Campaign Event in Swanton, OH @ 19:00 EDT (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4O9HNyoL8P4 - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Swanton, OH 9/21/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>107354 Allegation: Family of Assange Judge Profits from the Case

>>107357 Pennsylvania Legislature Preps Federal Lawsuit to Challenge Mail Voting Rulings

>>107359 US billionaire and Clinton campaign donor Ahmad ‘Andy’ Khawaja arrested in Lithuania

>>107360 Sentenced! Undercover ICE Special Agents intercept NE Texas man preventing his murder, necrophilia, & cannibalism of minor plot

>>107361 Ivanka Trump and Bill Barr discuss human trafficking (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9Y_3Gmq9YPg - Ivanka Trump and Bill Barr discuss human trafficking [Channel: The Hill]

>>107362 Biden on TV - Fox

>>107363 Victor Davis Hanson @ Hillsdale College—The Weird Election Year of 2020 (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=k6L5C0uLFjE - Victor Davis Hanson | Plague, Panic, and Protests—The Weird Election Year of 2020 [Channel: Hillsdale College]

>>107364, >>107369 CDC walks back COVID airborne transmission "posted in error"

>>107365 DoJ: US Taxpayer in Panama Papers Investigation Sentenced to Prison

>>107366 DoJ: South Korean Jong Woo Son indicted in DC for largest online child sex exploitation market

>>107367 Sen. Hawley will Only Vote for a Justice Who Understands Roe v. Wade Was ‘Wrongly Decided’

>>107368 More on arrest in Montreal of alleged ricin mailer woman

>>107370 Swedish Space Corp. Ceases Assisting Chinese Companies Operate Satellites

>>107371 China loses access to Swedish-owned satellite trackers in Australia due to 'complex' market

>>107373 #13738

(42 notables, 49 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173380

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10734626 Q Research General #13739: DoJ IDs Anarchy Cities

Created 211950ZSEP20




>>107374 Politico: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP is scheduled to spend the night in Miami on Friday night the hometown of one BARBARA LAGOA, a candidate for the Supreme Court.

>>107375, >>107381, >>107390, >>107396, >>107397, >>107416 Justice Barbara Lagoa deets

>>107376, >>107386 @USNavy That's a lot of firepower.

>>107377 Boko Haram kills Nigerian Army’s Colonel DC Bako

>>107378 Former police commander: Immigrants are behind the wave of violent crime blighting Sweden, but the authorities refuse to admit it

>>107379 People are beginning to turn on each other….now we here that Andrew Weissmann when asked if Mueller had let the American people down: "Absolutely, yep.".

>>107380 Terrorists beware the US Army

>>107382 An unborn baby’s dying wish at Planned Parenthood today… “Fill the seat.”

>>107383 New FOIA - Calendar of Sally Yates (January 2017)

>>107384 New York City police officer spied on fellow Tibetans for China, prosecutors charge

>>107385 The pidgins life that ended near Grassley farm this wknd hailed from the Sheboygan flying club in Wisconsin I stand corrected it wasn’t a “pet” it was a racing pidgin thx to my followers for the info

>>107387 Madrid calls for army’s help as Spanish capital heads for partial lockdown amid Covid-19 surge

>>107388 Arizona Senate Race Could Impact Supreme Court Confirmation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9f1QCzUFcz4 - Arizona Senate Race Could Impact Supreme Court Confirmation | Craig Melvin | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>107389 DeSantis declarations


>>107392, >>107410 LMPD declares state of emergency ahead of Breonna Taylor decision

>>107393 Struggling Lufthansa to slash MORE jobs on top of previously announced 22,000 cuts

>>107394 POTUS LIVE: President Trump Holds Peaceful Protest in Vandalia, OH - 21 September 2020

>>107395 FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary’s Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase All of His Findings

>>107398 US Dow Plummets 509 Points Amid Fears of Pandemic Worsening

>>107399 Parsons Selected for $69 Million in U.S. Air Force Contracts

>>107400, >>107412 Secretary Pompeo Hosts an Interagency Press Event on Iran Snapback Sanctions vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VIZ6wesmXFY - Secretary Pompeo Hosts an Interagency Press Event on Iran Snapback Sanctions [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>107401 The ‘Oxford Black Panther’ behind Britain’s first black-led political party vows to make white men ‘our slaves’

>>107402 Planefag adds to pb notable - US flies B-52 bomber near Russia

>>107403, >>107405 Market Report

>>107404 POTUS delivers remarks before boarding Marine 1 vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sS00iBECTb4 - Trump announces he is looking at 5 women to fill vacant SCOTUS seat [Channel: Fox News]

>>107406 George Soros Ties to WikiLeaks

>>107407 Corporations Going ALL OUT With Massive Leverage! Debt Expansion Will Create Havoc?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eLFYptnOKd0 - Corporations Going ALL OUT With Massive Leverage! Debt Expansion Will Create Havoc [Channel: The Money GPS]

>>107408 New Flynn w/cap

>>107409 You think they’re panicking over #RBG ? Just wait till Roberts resigns soon…

>>107411, >>107417 Herridge twat w/cap

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0f9594e837e42472538f18af3ba1570b2980bb178906c023b9ba0a1a9f7fd888.pdf

>>107413, >>107414 Potus: Heading to the Great State of OHIO, will be there soon! #MAGA

>>107415, >>107418, >>107421, >>107423 planefaggin

>>107419 BARR: Democrat Hysteria Will Undermine The Very Institutions They Claim To Be Protecting

>>107420 A Conversation With Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif of Iran vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KLhCCot0pzw - A Conversation With Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif of Iran [Channel: Council on Foreign Relations]

>>107422 Potus: Early voting in MI has started......

>>107424 Here is a list of SCOTUS noms that took LESS than 42 days….

>>107425 Biden "allegiance" for the Keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/949c612799a312ee051374fc470668e49653e40c790782b09197bd4ef252f5ec.mp4

>>107426 McConnell Speaks on GOP Effort To Replace RBG vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xCQCtPGFTyI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107427 BAG FOR STRIFE Council sparks panic by telling people to prepare ‘grab bag’ ready to ‘flee home immediately without time to pack’

>>107428, >>107430 BREAKING: Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier Identified As Suspect In Poison Letter Sent To Trump

>>107429 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Vandalia, OH 9/21/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rbL8Mur9ejk - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Vandalia, OH 9/21/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>107431 Huber twat w/cap

>>107432 #13739

(44 notables, 59 posts, 58 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173381

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10737043 Q Research General #13742: POTUS WHEELS DOWN FOR RALLY NO II - RALLY DUBS Edition

Created 212351ZSEP20




>>107490, >>107491, >>107492, >>107495, >>107497, >>107508, >>107518 Rally Caps: Huge crowd at Swanton, Ohio

>>107493 #13741

>>107494 DoJ: DoJ Identifies NYC, Portland And Seattle As Jurisdictions Permitting Violence And Destruction Of Property

>>107496 Pelosi: ‘We Can Impeach’ Trump ‘Every Day of the Week for Anything He Does’

>>107498 Friends of the Israel Defense Forces charity: Diggz

>>107499 Planefag adds to pb notable - US flies B-52 bomber near Russia

>>107500 POTUS: I'm the only thing standing between you and chaos

>>107501 Dan Scavino tweet from the Swanton, Ohio Rally

>>107502 Pompeo warns the pope on the China concordat

>>107503 Video: Top Officials Optimistic About Renewal of Vatican-China Deal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JVRr1EUBruM - Top Officials Optimistic About Renewal of Vatican-China Deal [Channel: Currents News]

>>107504, >>107506 POTUS: on Ohio… I love you and you love me and that's the way it is

>>107505, >>107522 Planefag Updates

>>107507 Video: Famous French Film Critic on Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, the Illuminati, sex magic & etc

VIDEO https://vimeo.com/133807175 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107509 The Seattle PD withdraw their request for local media to submit unaired protest footage from May 30

>>107510 Eric Holder's CoS Met With Sally Yates the Day After General Flynn Was Set Up in the WH

>>107511 POTUS: Make America Great Again Again

>>107512 "End School To Prison Pipeline" - New Kim Klacik Ad Highlights How Liberals Destroyed Baltimore

>>107513 Ilhan Omar: Hate for Me Is ‘Anti-Muslim, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Black, Sexist’

>>107514 Statement from Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty re

>>107515 Xi and POTUS to face off at virtual UN General Assembly

>>107516 Another Bloody Chicago Weekend Sees Almost 40 Shot, With Homicides Up 50%

>>107517 Swanton Ohio famous for its Baker Company and Corn Festival. Comms from POTUS?

>>107519 POTUS called the teens up on stage who flew flags in support of LE at their game and suspended for it

>>107520, >>107521, >>107523 POTUS on 2016: "WE KICKED ASS!

>>107524 POTUS: We're President and They're Not

>>107525 New tweet from Sad Joe Biden

>>107526 #13742

(27 notables, 37 posts, 55 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173382

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10735438 Q Research General #13740: Rally Comin Up Edition

Created 212116ZSEP20




>>107433, >>107435, >>107437 PF updates

>>107434 The history of the American Revolution isn’t the only thing the New York Times is revising through its 1619 Project.

>>107436 As most are aware now, QAnon is a deranged collective delusion that has consumed tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Americans,/ I am "consumed" kek

>>107438 Trump calls LA County deputies wounded in ambush to wish them a speedy recovery

>>107439 If House Embarks on New Impeachment Push, ‘We’ll Win Entire Election’, Trump Says

>>107440 "what has been wrong with me?" kek

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42680af2de9777c5b5a0859bf33fbd5aee8c8f0f08b32b63e0414226da7be1fc.mp4

>>107441 England: Pubs and restaurants in England must have a 10pm closing time from Thursday in battle against coronavirus, PM to say

>>107442 "Paper Gold No Longer As Important" - BofA Finds Physical Demand Now Key To Gold Prices

>>107443 POTUS landed.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=avEdukpI73M - 🔴 LIVE: President Trump PEACEFUL PROTEST Rally in Dayton Ohio [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>107444 Nancy Pelosi Says ‘We Can Impeach’ Trump ‘Every Day of the Week for Anything He Does’ vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HA9E2a5mTXY - UNHINGED: Pelosi Threatens Democrats Can Impeach Trump “For Anything,” "Every Day Of The Week" [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>107445 Technofog exposing Yates and Holder on president meeting Jan. 5, 2017

>>107446 Furious Mayors Of New York, Seattle And Portland Respond To Trump's "Anarchy" Designation

>>107447 BREAKING: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Visits The White House Today as President Trump Leans Toward Nominating The Pro-Life Christian Conservative

>>107448 Watch Live: President Trump delivers remarks in Dayton, OH - 21 September 2020 Scheduled for 17:00hrs EDT, POTUS LIVE: President Trump Holds Peaceful Protest in Swanton, OH - 21 September 2020 Scheduled for hrs 19:00hrs EDT

>>107449 POTUS on stage!

>>107450 Nikola founder Trevor Milton has stepped away from his startup, which is working on making tractor trailers powered by hydrogen fuel cells....

>>107451 POTUS Rally: Comms for anons? '1584' and '1586' behind POTUS' on the podium - Q posts?

>>107452 President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zAVpc3pQoes - 09/21/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>107453, >>107460, >>107462 Caps from POTUS' rally in Vandalia, Ohio

>>107454 'First Solar sold by Lukas Walton*: $592.46m-Sept 21

>>107455 Madison Wisconsin judge: Absentee ballots can be counted 6 days after the election

>>107456 Florida's governor wants to crack down on violent and disorderly protests

>>107457, >>107461 Joint statement by Mayors of cities designated anarchist jurisdiction

>>107458 Video of RBG: "The President is elected for 4 years not 3 years, so the powers that he has in year 3 continue into year 4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/237343e5a092dbc93f5fddbd2a006e35be585eb2216f8a33c6c4b479202e28fa.mp4

>>107459 Mitch McConnell debunks 'myth' that the GOP won't have time to confirm a SCOTUS nominee

(25 notables, 30 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173383

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10736210 Q Research General #13741: POTUS LIVE IN VANDALIA OHIO - WRWY Edition

Created 212227ZSEP20




>>107463 Arson Arrest Map - Destroys Narrative of "Drought and Lightning"

>>107464 Video of Biden: I pledge allegiance to the United States of America. One nation, indivisible, under God, for real

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f375531c892874dd5701bf108e1d0541b86032f8854f0b2aaa326880cd4dbbc2.mp4

>>107465 POTUS: They spied on my campaign and they got caught. IT'S TREASON!

>>107466 Seattle Times: Seattle is an ‘anarchist’ city, Trump administration says

>>107467, >>107472 NYPD Officer Arrested, Charged With Spying For China

>>107468, >>107477 Caps from POTUS' rally in Vandalia, Ohio

>>107469 UK National Sentenced to Prison for Role in “The Dark Overlord” Hacking Group

>>107470 Video of Joe: Using a teleprompter during an interview

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04be3bad79998dcc66152c1112b089e0c654e94456b81b4875198e2db61215fa.mp4

>>107471 Ivanka: Today, AG Barr and I announced the largest investment for trafficking support services in US history

>>107473 Q hit with another 'fact checker': Nevada Did NOT 'Quietly Reverse' Its Decision To 'Block' HCQ

>>107474 Video: The Trump 2020 Caravan hits Grand Rapids, Michigan | RT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0LxRnsCJs-8

>>107475 CDC removes guidelines saying COVID-19 can travel beyond six feet

>>107476 NY Post: Who is Nadia Marcinkova, the model-turned-pilot from Epstein flight logs?

>>107478 Fox Business Video: DOJ declares NYC, Seattle, Portland as 'anarchist jurisdictions'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jeuqr9pahx4 - DOJ declares NYC, Seattle, Portland as 'anarchist jurisdictions' [Channel: Fox Business]

>>107479 Davita Inc sold by Berkshire Hathaway: $176m-Sept 17

>>107480 AG Barr provided an update on Operation Not Forgotten: Missing children located and rescued from traffickers

>>107481 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event No II in Swanton, Ohio

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4O9HNyoL8P4 - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Swanton, OH 9/21/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>107482, >>107483 C_A creates its own new federal lab

>>107484 Video: Clackamas County Wildfire Press Conference 9-21-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-mXKQ2Uoy6E - Clackamas County Wildfire Press Conference 9-21-20 [Channel: #ClackCo TV]

>>107485 Refresher: Who Betrayed Navy Seal Team 6?

>>107486 Planefags tracking AF1 - In Flight

>>107487 Pittsburgh restaurant told to close after not requiring employees or customers to wear masks

>>107488 New Video Exposes China Supporting Marxist Group Behind Mass Rioting in 40 US States

VIDEO https://vimeo.com/459567700 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107489 AF1 about to call the tower - Tune In

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4O9HNyoL8P4 - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Swanton, OH 9/21/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

(24 notables, 27 posts, 30 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10737897 Q Research General #13743: AND WE KICKED ASS! The After Rally Glow Edition

Created 220102ZSEP20




>>107527, >>107531, >>107534, >>107536 Videos: Goodbye Don Francisco from HRC, Hussein and Michael

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lsCWDMXis0o - Goodbye Don Francisco and Sabado Gigante | Hillary Clinton [Channel: Hillary Clinton]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nlW2UCdoodk - Michelle y Barack Obama envían emotivo mensaje a Don Francisco [Channel: Univision Noticias]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PQ33CaDocJA - Mike Patton ¡GRACIAS, DON CORLEONE! Teletón 2010 [Channel: ChileTeVe]

>>107528, >>107529, >>107538 Caps from the Swanton, Ohio Rally finish

>>107530, >>107540, >>107542, >>107543, >>107546 Anons on Justice Roberts on the Lolita Express

>>107532 The Sun: Massive new Epstein flight logs naming pedo’s pals ‘will make last list made public look like a Post-It note’

>>107533 State of Emergency Declared in Louisville, Kentucky in prep for the grand jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case

>>107535, >>107537 Techno Fog: The 9th Circuit has affirmed the dismissal of Stormy's defamation action against POTUS

>>107539 Sara: State Dept Silent Over Federally Funded University’s Plan To Host A U.S. Designated Terrorist

>>107541 Video of POTUS' kindness to others less fortunate which the MSN won't report: OAN Report

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BYI11_5QLes - President Trump’s long history of kindness goes unreported by mainstream media [Channel: One America News Network]

>>107544 New Scavino tweet & video from the Swanton, Ohio Rally

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3496c8de169ce0f1e9d701f8ebdb38ce1f2d072bb7aaacec2ede8c5f48f1eeba.mp4

>>107545 NBA Playoffs Sponsored by TikTok

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P_3V6jjMY8w - TikTok Sponsors NBA Playoffs [Channel: biffdiddle]

>>107547 jFrog sold by Scale Ventures and jFrog CEO/CTO/Director: $103.24m-Sept 18

>>107548, >>107553, >>107558 Article: The White Inferiority Complex

>>107549 Past WH physician of Biden's reports on his health

>>107550 Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) - Diggz

>>107551 Q references Ryan and she just happens to be on the SCOTUS list

>>107552 Video: Deborah Tavares Immediate Disclosure

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KH1ryO8H3Xs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107554 Maria Farmer and sister Annie Farmer, the self proclaimed victims of Epstein - Diggz

>>107555 Yale Publishes Graphic Guide to COVID-Proof Sex

>>107556, >>107562, >>107569 Planefag Reports

>>107557 Graham: We've got the votes to confirm RBG's replacement before the election (Breaking 911 - need more sause)

>>107559, >>107560, >>107565 Anons on Justice Roberts in Q's photo 'who took the photo'

>>107561, >>107563 Biden wearing a flesh-colored Ear Piece?

>>107564 Fresh PDJT tweet and photos from Ohio Campaign Events

>>107566 Donald Trump: ‘I’m So Angry at Republicans’ for Slow Investigations

>>107567, >>107568 Iran is ready for a full prisoner exchange with the US

>>107570 Michigan infant with COVID died from serious birth defect

>>107571 Video: Tucker's Open on Democrats Threatening to Fly to DC to Prevent Senate Vote on SCOTUS Nominee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VQGDwGQ8GUg - Tucker: The left’s extreme reaction to Ginsburg’s death [Channel: Fox News]

>>107572 Senate Report On Biden Ukraine Accusations To Drop Within Days

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xvIRVHNTsr0 - Bombshell Leaked Phone conversations @JoeBiden, @JohnKerry, and #Poroshenko #UkraineGate [Channel: AskUncleDavecom]

>>107573 #13743

(29 notables, 47 posts, 48 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173385

File: 7d39e18f092abfa⋯.png (499.42 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173386

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10738774 Q Research General #13744: NIGHT SHIFT RALLY Edition

Created 220218ZSEP20




>>107574 Lindsey Graham on Hannity tonight. "We have the votes in committee and the votes in the GOP to confirm President Trump's nomination before the election."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ErNcsC13l_Y - Lindsey Graham on Hannity talks about the SCOTUS confirmation 9 21 20 [Channel: RightNow]

>>107575 Pence +1

>>107576 Robert Kraft likely to get off in Florida massage parlor case/Robert Kraft likely to get off AGAIN in Florida massage parlor case

>>107577 Leaked Docs Show US Branches of Deutsche Bank Funneled Funds to ISIS

>>107578 USAF VIP 747 on ground at JBA from Toledo Express Airport, OH Landed about 15-20 minutes ago-delay icydk

>>107579 Matt Gaetz: If GOP Senators Murkowski and Collins Refuse to Vote for SCOTUS Nominee They Should Lose Funding from the GOP

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PYFsQTBczII - Matt Gaetz: If Murkowski and Collins Refuse to Vote for SCOTUS Nominee They Should Be Defunded [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>107580 Private School Teacher Charged with Sexual Assault of Minor

>>107581 Tomorrow the department welcomes Israel’s defense minister, Benjamin “Benny” Gantz, to the Pentagon with an enhanced honor cordon.

>>107582 Surveillance Detection and Counter-Surveillance

>>107583 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY September 22, 2020

>>107584 The USPS has now officially inserted itself into the 2020 Election. Desperation… Why did they want so bad to privatize the Post Office? This is why.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2aa70cde2379944bc8c6dc9921ec6d9c124b0ad29b78500c671f6111960ba907.pdf

>>107585 Iran says it is ready to swap all prisoners with U.S.

>>107586 GMAX case resumes tomorrow (9/22) with oral arguments "over the release of materials from her now-settled defamation lawsuit against Maxwell."

>>107587 Syneos Health Inc. sold by Chief Executive Officer & Director: $223.18m-Sept 17

>>107588, >>107589 Potus: Just returned to the @WhiteHouseafter a GREAT evening in OHIO!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83801beac9b51c7190cccc1cf0a8ffa189b1a3df5404b0e5ed0a74b86fb3881c.mp4

>>107590 #13744

(16 notables, 17 posts, 12 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173387

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10740479 Q Research General #13746: Diarrhea is more fatal than CV-19 Edition

Created 220544ZSEP20




>>107651 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Legislation Increasing Penalties For Rioting per Tw^tter account

>>107652, >>107653 #BREAKING 911 Tw^tter: 2 people were arrested outside an airport near Trump's Ohio rally today. The suspects were allegedly carrying 2 shovels, a pitchfork—a firearm, 200 rounds of ammunition and four tourniquets.

>>107654 (Video) Compromised: Peter Strzok And The Investigation Of Donald Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SakXMNTPajg - Compromised: Peter Strzok And The Investigation Of Donald Trump [Channel: Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California]

>>107655, >>107657 Foreign Minister Zarif discusses Iranian relations with the United States, the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and prospects for peace in the Middle East.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KLhCCot0pzw - A Conversation With Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif of Iran [Channel: Council on Foreign Relations]

>>107656 Lin Wood on Tw^tter: Do you have 11 minutes to learn truth? (About Kyle Rittenhouse)

>>107658 Zerohedge has an opinion: Exposing War Crimes Should Always Be Legal… Committing And Hiding Them Should Not

>>107659, >>107660 ——————————————— Simple logic answers the question. (Cap: )

>>107661 McConnell unexpectedly rejects Democrats' funding bill, leaving U.S. on the verge of government shutdown

>>107662 (VIDEO) WHO boss Tedros Adhanom must ‘resign’: House report into COVID-19

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1riLu4o_yK0 - WHO boss Tedros Adhanom must ‘resign’: House report into COVID-19 [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>107663 Kevin Corke on Tw^tter: As sure as the morning sun pierces the horizon

>>107664 Bezos linked thinktank official calls for Michael Anton's Execution for Exposing Anti Trump Color Revolution

>>107665 #13746

(12 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

Q- >>107659

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173388

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10739706 Q Research General #13745: Potus Home Safe, GMax Not Ever Again Edition

Created 220351ZSEP20




>>107594 Theories, Evidence, and Bombshells - Corey's Diggz

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C4dSs3FJ2rk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107595, >>107599 'Midnight Rockets': Whistleblower lawsuit reveals toxic releases by Ohio nuclear plant

>>107596, >>107601, >>107611 Kevin Corke tweet: Better question is… why am I smiling? #Justice

>>107597 Joe Biden: Voters Don’t Deserve to Know Whom I’d Appoint to Supreme Court

>>107598 US Embassy Manama Posts Security Alert For Americans in Bahrain After Deal With Israel

>>107600 WAPO goes all-in with domestic terrorism, now serves as haven for Antifa propaganda

>>107602 Norfolk Shipyard CO Is 4th Navy Leader to Be Fired in a Month

>>107603 Planefags aloft

>>107604 US Space Force deploys to vast new frontier: Arabian Desert

>>107605 Two people armed with gun and shovels arrested at Ohio airport ahead of Trump rally

>>107606 Federal judge rules Wisconsin can count absentee ballots six days after election

>>107607, >>107627 Anon on Pelosi interview on SCOTUS - Nancy making threats?

>>107608 McAfee: Diarrhea more fatal than CV-19

>>107609 China Military Releases War Simulation Video Of Attack On US Guam Base

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fj1wCjIitIU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107610 Strobe Talbott at Occidental College

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/170e8264c7a9f15d8e9c3896e709282af1016c4be7afac420d88714bea26e4b1.pdf

>>107612 DOJ denies House Dems' request for officials to testify citing treatment of AG Barr in prior hearing

>>107613, >>107617 Democrats cry ‘fascism’ as Florida Gov. DeSantis proposes making participation in ‘disorderly assemblies’ a FELONY

>>107614 Andy Ngo: BLM-antifa in Ptld in Laurelhurst moving toward Kelly Police Bldg

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d890bf1e951a18623689493939ededf17f26b67541c58145c826f34ac4068c07.mp4

>>107615 Assange's fiancee asks Scott Morrison to guarantee family's safety

>>107616 The Australian Cesspit - Dirty Money, Children & Espionage - whistleblower (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=je2kGMwNKto - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107618, >>107623 CM: New bug with media uploads sometimes failing. Investigating.

>>107619 The Art of the Deal - have some DS'ers made deals with POTUS?

>>107620 JPMorgan & top global banks moved trillions in dirty money for oligarchs & criminal networks

>>107621, >>107622 Kidnap/abuse stories from NYDailyNews - Fugitive sought

>>107624 Agitated black driver schools protesters as unrest renews in Portland (vid)

>>107625 US embassy Bahrain: issues security alert after terror attack attempt

>>107626 FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop w/HRC's Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase His Findings

>>107628 >10740251 Leaked docs show world's biggest banks allowed criminals to move $ around

>>107629 Online poster who threatened to bomb Trump Towers admits support for Hamas

>>107630 CDC changes, then retracts, web posting on how virus spreads

>>107631 20,000+ counterfeit N95 masks from Hong Kong seized in Boston

>>107632 Vermont grocery store worker fired after apprehending purse snatcher

>>107633 NEW: Grand jury indicts Kentucky state rep on strangulation, assault

>>107634 4-Star Gen. Jack Keane: Trump Ending Iran Appeasement Could End Regime

>>107635 Update – Ohio lawsuit on removing CV-19 restrictions - update

>>107636 Australia: Judges, QCs raise alarm over Andrews' new emergency powers

>>107637 Grassroots coalition pushing NY gov. to put moratorium on fadial recognition in schools

>>107638 Prince Charles wants a military-style campaign to fight global warming

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G2zDtsskkKk - Prince Charles wants a military-style campaign to fight global warming [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>107639 11/03 is day 1103 since the first Q-drop!

>>107640 Chad Pergram: Letter from DoJ to Hse Judiciary Cmte Chairman Nadler

>>107641 Invisible censorship from TikTok mods

>>107642 AOC: ‘William Barr has broken the law and should be impeached’ (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=M6-hpEToMMo - Schumer Nods Along As AOC Says Impeachment Is “On The Table” To Prevent Filling Of SCOTUS Vacancy [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>107643 Lin Wood on @FightBackLaw; also wonders if John Roberts in Ep. flt logs is sleeping well these nights?

>>107644 How the cabal uses IC and US mil operators for criminal activities w/ manipulation & lies (4min vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/494795dfed899623e28cb1583ffc207e84993368eb8a5ae10a44cad25a5c5863.mp4

>>107645 WaPo is promoting Russian ties to the Portland rally organizers

>>107646, >>107647 Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nQXerjGCU00 - Toensing says George Soros' influence and power is pervasive at Fox [Channel: One America News Network]

>>107648 Snowden reportedly agrees to pay United States $5 million from book, speeches

>>107649 Quebec woman identified as suspect in case of ricin letter mailed to White House

>>107650 #13745

(49 notables, 57 posts, 66 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173389

File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10741316 Q Research General #13747: Dark to Light Edition

Created 220755ZSEP20




>>107666 Prince Charles opens NYC's Climate Week 2020 (Sep 21-27) with keynote calling for a "reset for green, blue recovery" and "martial-like plan"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/62c75873e2c9287bafb6a9f8fc5a6cc140671bc7ef13e9748ddcdc565989b734.mp4

>>107667 (Video) NASA Starship Testing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AKO_xM8zVE8 - SCRUB: Starship SN7.1 Press to Failure Attempt [Channel: NASASpaceflight]

>>107668 A Court Has Ordered A Conspiracy Theorist To Pay $875,000 For Defaming An Aussie Politician

>>107669 POTUS EO Yesterday sanctioning anyone dealing with weapons etc. to Iran.

>>107670 ‘Covid-19 doesn’t infect during business hours?’ Britain's planned bar & pub curfew mocked online

>>107671, >>107672 All Passengers on Epstein’s Flight Logs to Be Named – Epstein’s Rich and Famous Pals Panicking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6DN4QvCEB3o - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107673 GOP Set to Release Dubious Biden Report

>>107674 Nancy Pelosi Stonewalls Bill (S.939-CONFUCIUS Act) That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S

>>107675 Lies, Damned Lies, & UK Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger Of False Positives

>>107676 (Video) ‘Trump 2020’ painted on Route 44 in six Massachusetts locations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rttV2AR1EXI - 'TRUMP 2020' Painted Onto Route 44 In Plymouth And Plympton [Channel: CBS Boston]

>>107677 Facebook and Instagram Censoring Tom Fitton

>>107678 Ginsburg and Providence in American Politics

>>107679 Two of the three most populous counties surrounding Nashville have now lifted their mask mandates.

>>107680 FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary’s Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase All of His Findings

>>107681 The Chief of Staff for Obama’s Former AG Eric Holder Met With Sally Yates the Day After General Flynn Was Set Up in the White House

>>107682 New Video Exposes China Supporting Marxist Group Behind Mass Rioting in 40 US States

>>107683 Public Schools Across Country Promote Black Lives Matter, Organize Protests

>>107684 Black Lives Matter accused of trying to cover up sinister aims after deleting pledge to END traditional ‘nuclear family’

>>107685 CDC stumbles again, mistakenly posts 'draft' guidance about airborne Covid-19 spread

>>107686 Revenge Porn Helpline Cases Surge In Lockdown, With ‘Sextortion’ On Rise

>>107687 Boston prof, who got $10mn for anti-racism research from Twitter’s Dorsey, catches flak after saying term ‘not racist’ is RACIST

>>107688 Protesters return to Southeast Portland

>>107689 The second LA County deputy shot in an ambush in Compton earlier this month has been released from the hospital

>>107690 DOD twat: Time to unload!

>>107691, >>107698 Interesting Grassley Tweets are Intersting

>>107692 U.S. Marines twat: Sea You

>>107693 Secret documents reveal potential dark side of prepaid debit cards

>>107694 Supreme Court ruling affects more than 800 'Indian Country' criminal cases in Oklahoma

>>107695, >>107696, >>107697 U.S. Navy twat: Welcome Home!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=01slYWbJuWY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107699, >>107701 Planefag Reports

>>107700 #13747

(31 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173390

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10742864 Q Research General #13749: A Better Future For Our Children Is In Reach Tues Mornin Melania Edition

Created 221318ZSEP20




>>107728 Just the News announced Tuesday it is getting into the television business

>>107729 Live: DOJ announces 'largest' crackdown on 'Darknet' drug sales

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0zRYRu9-iHc - DOJ announces 'largest' crackdown on 'Darknet' drug sales [Channel: Fox News]

>>107730 Disbarment Sought of FBI's Kevin Clinesmith (Sept 10)

>>107731, >>107732 Sheriff Eddie Guerra of Hidalgo County, TX was mailed Ricin

>>107733, >>107739, >>107761 Planefag Reports

>>107734, >>107748, >>107749 New PDJT twats

>>107735, >>107741, >>107742, >>107746 Unhinged Quebec Woman Pascale Ferrier Identified as Suspect Case of Ricin Letter Sent Trump WH

>>107736, >>107737 Senate Russiagate Report Left Big Stones Unturned – Two Being Mifsud and Assange

>>107738 New Evidence Supporting Erik Prince's Claim's Regarding Anthony Weiner's Laptop & HRC emails

>>107740, >>107743, >>107744 DOJ video presser this morning having difficulties re huge busts of illicit opioid sales on the darknet

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0zRYRu9-iHc - DOJ announces 'largest' crackdown on 'Darknet' drug sales [Channel: Fox News]

>>107745 Big 6 Media Platforms Attacking Q

>>107747, >>107750, >>107756 Upcoming President's Address To UN Assembly

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JcgSNdMAIhw - President Trump Delivers Remarks to the United Nations - 10:00 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_4Ox1zAOOck - Trump delivers UN address [Channel: Fox News]

>>107751 Spreadsheet & Off-Site Galleries Are Updated

>>107752, >>107759 Arms depot of Iran-backed Hezbollah explodes in south Lebanon, source says

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c26c6627ecc9e230d476097fc03bf42c20e14ac460cbf433ad3973167a44494c.mp4

>>107753 Hungarian ministry wanted list journalists' foreign trips "... and in our experience, the Soros-network is usually behind such attacks"

>>107754 Snap has registered750,000people to vote in 2020. Here’s its plan to keep going

>>107755 Free college, guaranteed income: State, local officials steer coronavirus aid money toward liberal priorities

>>107757, >>107758 Senator Mitt Romney: My statement regarding the current Supreme Court vacancy

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fcd4344875f0f3c46e078f98283087d2e6dcfae94ff478e312843007208ffa67.mp4

>>107760 WATCH: Senate convenes amid debate over vacant Supreme Court seat

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iv8bywkJlJ0 - WATCH: Senate convenes amid debate over vacant Supreme Court seat [Channel: Washington Post]

>>107762 Biden: No I won’t answer a legitimate question because Trump will use it against me

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fgC_kq3VaeA - Joe Biden on court packing: “It’s a legitimate question...I’m not going to answer that question.” [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>107763 Senator Capito supports moving forward with Supreme Court nomination process

>>107764 U.S. existing home sales near 14-year high in August

>>107765 Kayleigh McEnany: I'll be taking questions from the White House podium at 1 pm ET. See you all soon!

>>107766 House approves legislation making hacking voting systems a federal crime

>>107767 LIVE: President Trump EXCLUSIVE Interview At The White House Starting Soon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FvWzBPfUDAw - NewsNOW Stream Part 1 - 09/22/20 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>107768 #13749

(26 notables, 41 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173391

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10742081 Q Research General #13748: Focus on content [information]. Research for yourself Edition

Created 221057ZSEP20




>>107702 2 people were arrested outside an airport near Trump's Ohio rally today

>>107703 #13747 reposted in #13748

>>107704, >>107705 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, No Fan of Donald Trump, Critiques Latest Term (2016)

>>107706 NYPD cop accused of spying on Tibetan immigrants for China

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4182d21286d8b2cb5d96ba682a1116873c8d16eae3c9798bbf2ea00cc9f8c98d.pdf

>>107707 Prominent Critic Of Xi Jinping And Communist Party Sentenced To 18 Years In Prison

>>107708 NFL owner Bob Kraft gets away with supporting sex trafficking. He was officially cleared by the Florida court

>>107709 "PET" Grassley Comms

>>107710, >>107711, >>107712, >>107714 L Graham Republicans "got votes to confirm" SCOTUS nominee before election” + moving forward

>>107713, >>107715, >>107716 Four Years Later, Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Still Trapped In Kamala Harris’s Persecution for exposing PP

>>107717 Reminder: To quote Democrat representative Jerry Nadler, "Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=z3zxnnJHKu8 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>107718 Feinstein Caught On Camera Bullying Murkowski during Kavanaugh confirmation hearings

>>107719 Giuliani slams de Blasio as DOJ names NYC an 'anarchist city'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Jtz4OaOdMbs - Giuliani slams de Blasio as DOJ names NYC an 'anarchist city' [Channel: Fox Business]

>>107720 Planefag Reports

>>107721 Update in Giuffre v. Maxwell

>>107722, >>107723, >>107726 Moar Q hit pieces: Like a Virus, QAnon Spreads From the U.S. to Germany

>>107724 The Bobcat Fire started Sept. 6 and has already doubled in size over the last week (Sept 20th)

>>107725 Empty Shelves: Ammunition Sales Surge 139%

>>107727 #13748

(18 notables, 26 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173392

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10743629 Q Research General #13750: Based Mitch ~ We're Gonna Vote On This Nomination, On This Floor Edition

Created 221453ZSEP20




>>107769 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut - Stephanie Murphy Florida 7th

>>107770, >>107773 Pascale Ferrier diggz

>>107771 Grassley: I just heard the Democratic leader say on the Senate floor I wouldn’t even meet w Judge Garland WRONG

>>107772, >>107775, >>107776, >>107777, >>107778, >>107791 PF updates

>>107774 Kenosha teachers shut down schools

>>107779 POTUS addresses the UN general assembly!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MWFQ0sHnutk - President Trump Addresses the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>107780 Tucker Carlson’s Expose On George Soros As ‘Sensitive Content’

>>107781 President Trump on Monday welcomed two Ohio High School students who were suspended for carrying pro-law enforcement and first responder flags onto their football field.

>>107782 LIVE: Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, Fed Chair Powell testify before House

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RTBv0bUoN0s - Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, Fed Chair Powell testify before House [Channel: Fox Business]

>>107783 2010: Rockefeller’s ‘Operation Lockstep’ Predicted 2020 ‘Lockdown’

>>107784 This will be the Argument against ACB, and this will PROVE the D's are Satanists.

>>107785 GOOD! DOJ REFUSES to Send Top Civil Rights Official and Heads of Border Patrol and US Marshals to Testify Before Nadler’s Committee after Bill Barr Debacle

>>107786, >>107788 Deep State General H.R. McMaster on 60 Minutes Shows He’s Still Part of the Rolling Coup

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5GjwFC7moS0 - H. R. McMaster: The Policy “Battlegrounds” He Has Won, Lost, and Continues to Fight [Channel: Hoover Institution]

>>107787, >>107790 Rothschild funded Soros

>>107789 Advocates for Youth (AFY), youth arm of Planned Parenthood?, recently sent a mass email with this in the subject line: “Know anyone ages 11-15 to join this study?”

>>107792 Major explosion rocks southern Lebanon, reportedly hits ‘Hezbollah house

>>107793 Wisconsin Governor extends mask mandate for 2 more months

>>107794 WATCH LIVE: House Democrats hold news conference

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9ajGV4lv8P8 - WATCH LIVE: House Democrats hold news conference [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>107795 WH: 1p EST presser

>>107796 PRE-DEBATE SURPRISE: Senate to drop devastating report exposing Joe Biden conflict of interest in Ukraine involving Burisma

>>107797 DOJ OIG Releases Report on the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s Recognition and Accreditation Program

>>107798 #13750

(22 notables, 30 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173393

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10744405 Q Research General #13751: Soros Sore subject Faux News Edition

Created 221624ZSEP20




>>107799 GMax hearing moved to Oct 13th, 2p

>>107800 NYT Hit piece: Help! My Boss Is a Conspiracy Theorist

>>107801 Habbenin News Graphics

>>107802 Melissa Francis silenced Newtie on Soros

>>107803 Presidential Flag - seaflags.uswww.seaflags.us › personal › potus

>>107804 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=82NtfXH8voA - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>107805 Refresher: The DURHAM PROBE

>>107806, >>107807, >>107824 SK president calls end to Korean War.....

>>107808 EPA Administrator roasts Cuomo & di Blasio, threatens to pull office out of manhattan unless protection of workers can be guaranteed

>>107809 Washington & Beijing in standoff at UN over Covid-19 as Trump blames China for spread of coronavirus

>>107810 Bill O’Reilly Weighs In On Fox News’ Handling Of Gingrich’s Statements About Soros On ‘Outnumbered’

>>107811, >>107819 179 arrested & 500kg of drugs seized in worldwide crackdown on darknet opioid trafficking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GcwZxBbe6Hw - DOJ: 179 arrested in darknet opioid takedown [Channel: Associated Press]

>>107812 Kyle Bass Warns Beijing Could Manipulate TikTok To 'Brainwash' Millennials If Trump Doesn't Shut It Down/free speech?

>>107813 New Covid-19 restrictions in UK could be in place for SIX MONTHS, BoJo warns

>>107814 Bloomberg paying the fines of 32,000 Florida felons so they can vote

>>107815 Ex-Pence aide claims Trump said pandemic is probably a good thing because he didn't have to shake hands: "It's gross

>>107816 Vatican officials have defended their intention to renew an accord with Beijing that gives the pope say over the appointment of Chinese bishops

>>107817 The Justice Department and state attorneys general will meet Thursday and Friday in the hopes of finishing an antitrust complaint against Google

>>107818 An Obscure Law In Pennsylvania Could Result In 100,000 Mail-In Ballots Being Thrown Out Without Ever Being Counted

>>107820 @USNavy Looking SHIPSHAPE

>>107821 Hundreds of Millions in Tax Dollars Meant for COVID Supplies Went to Private Defense Contractors Instead

>>107822 Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono: Packing the court is 'long overdue'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-RJCyvbpFMU - Sen Hirono Insists Court Packing “Long Overdue,” To Be Discussed “If The Dems Take Back The Senate” [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>107823 CNN’s Don Lemon Says ‘We’re Gonna Have to Blow Up the Entire System’

>>107825 She’s Back! Theresa May Comes Out Against Boris’s Brexit Bill

>>107826 pf

>>107827 Herridge: ACB?

>>107828 POTUS rally tonight - Moon Township, Pennsylvania

>>107829 #13751

(28 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173394

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10745176 Q Research General #13752: Kayleigh Presser on Melania Tues, Anon Heaven Edition

Created 221746ZSEP20




>>107830 UK Leader OKs Use Of Troops To Support Police Enforcement of New Strict COVID-19 Restrictions

>>107831 Britons Are Swamping Police Line to Rat on Neighbours

>>107832, >>107845, >>107847, >>107868, >>107876 planefaggin

>>107833, >>107838 This Close To a Vaccine pic related

>>107834 Google Pushes Conservative News Sites Far Down Search Lists

>>107835 For any other felony conviction in Florida, a person is eligible to register and vote if......

>>107836 Worlds largest polluter wants a green recovery !

>>107837 Texas Border County Sheriff Says He Received Ricin Letters

>>107839 Why Do Americans Give Away So Much Control To Corporations?

>>107840 Police officer who helped turn round South Yorkshire force during Rotherham sex abuse scandal takes senior Scotland Yard job

>>107841, >>107842, >>107843 GENERAL KELLOGG (when talking about covid deaths) "SEDITION, I mean SEDATION"

>>107844 The Canadian woman charged for sending ricin to President Trump & law enforcement agencies in Texas was previously deported

>>107846 Camp Pendleton Marines, SoCal Civilians Charged In Alleged Drug Trafficking Ring Linked To Marine’s Death

>>107848 MI: vote to decriminalize shrooms


>>107850 The Second CONSTITUTIONAL CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776

>>107851, >>107853 Afghanistan: Over 100 Killed in Deadliest Clashes Since Intra-Afghan Talks Began

>>107852 Ellen selling millions worth of art

>>107854 Potus: #NationalVoterRegistrationDay

>>107855 I PICK SATURDAY: President Trump Declares Next Supreme Court Justice Nomination WILL HAPPEN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Bn0YqIdF3n0 - I PICK SATURDAY: President Trump Declares Next Supreme Court Justice Nomination WILL HAPPEN [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>107856 Graham Discusses Supreme Court Nomination Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FMEzrnc4tSE - Graham Discusses Supreme Court Nomination Updates [Channel: USSenLindseyGraham]

>>107857 Philadelphia Residents Face Months-Long Wait to Apply for Gun-Carry Permits

>>107858 Judge denies Gov. Wolf’s motion to stay after some COVID-19 orders ruled unconstitutional

>>107859 WH: "America will always be a leader in human rights."

>>107860 Atlanta Fed Forecasts the Largest Rate Increase in GDP in US History Coming in the 3rd Quarter 2020

>>107861 Maine Supreme Court Allows Use of Ranked-Choice Voting For 1st Time in Presidential Race

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xcGGH7E_vNk - Ranked-Choice Voting in Maine [Channel: Maine Department of the Secretary of State]

>>107862 Judicial Watch Takes On Cancel Culture

>>107863 Four Seasons singer Tommy DeVito dead at 62

>>107864 'Midnight Rockets': Whistleblower lawsuit reveals toxic releases by Ohio nuclear plant

>>107865 US Secretary of State Pompeo: Vatican must ‘forcefully’ call out Chinese Communist Party’s abuses

>>107866, >>107871 McMaster is losing it… Potus habby bout it

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Bs6_ws-Dyd4 - H.R. McMaster: China Is A Rival And We Need To Compete | Morning Joe | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>107867 Sanctions, COVID-19 Pandemic, Struggle for Global Stability: Key Takeaways From Putin's UNGA Speech

>>107869 Dr. Fauci is warning America again, says nation is entering into a Covid-19 ‘risk period’ this Fall

>>107870 Chris Wallace Picks Debate Topics, Appears to Omit Several Key Issues

>>107872 On Tuesday evening, a massive fire broke out at a dairy factory in the Iranian city of Eslamshahr, located in the southwest of Tehran province

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4bb712f436f58b3a0e79b6544f4b96d5754dbbb5391f5e906113707551c00483.mp4

>>107873 ASSANGE HEARING DAY ELEVEN—US Tries to Undermine Doctor’s Testimony About Assange’s ‘High Risk of Suicide,’ Alleging That Assange is Faking Illness

>>107874 The @simonwiesenthal Center releases report detailing the origins of QAnon/ Q expert promoted by Tapper

>>107875 @USNavy Last week, #USSSanJuan (SSN 751) participated in #ExerciseBlackWidow in the #AtlanticOcean to advance theater undersea warfare in a multi-domain environment

>>107877 #13752,

(39 notables, 48 posts, 42 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173395

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10745964 Q Research General #13753: Saturday SCOTUS Pick TBA Edition

Created 221911ZSEP20




>>107878 Freedom Starts by Refusing to Wear a Mask

>>107879 Netanyahu uses COVID Restrictions to Curb Protests Against Him

>>107880 AG Barr Updates on Operation Legend (long list of crimes charged in target cities)

>>107881, >>107889, >>107917, >>107919, >>107921, >>107924 Planefags

>>107882, >>107887 Is a Propaganda Campaign Against Russia Ongoing or Gaining Momentum?

>>107883 Every Epstein Passenger Soon Revealed? (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6DN4QvCEB3o - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>107884 Fox FOIA: Flight Logs Show Bill Clinton Flew with Epstein Much More Than Previously Known, Ditched USSS Detail

>>107885 Chicago Postal Workers Threaten Strike After Several Mail Carriers Shot

>>107886, >>107908, >>107913 Views, Data re: Amy Coney Barrett

>>107888 Manhattan DA threatens grand jury subpoena of Trump taxes

>>107890 US Dept. of State on China's Environmental Destruction (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Elmggu9zOdU - Addressing China's Environmental Destruction [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>107891, >>107893 Sec. Pompeo on more sanctions on Venezuela

>>107892 China Pres. Xi's Sept 22nd Speech at UN General Assembly (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TPA9Vcc9r8c - REPLAY: China President Xi Jinping's speech at UN General Assembly [Channel: FRANCE 24 English]

>>107894 Congressional Budget Office Long-Term Debt Forecast

>>107895, >>107896 We are Overdue for a History Lesson

>>107897 Hungary PM Orbán: Soros seeks to accelerate migration, destroy nationalism and hand power to global elite

>>107898 List of Soros-funded US organizations

>>107899 More on Soros activities

>>107900 DoJ: >2 dozen 'Mexican Posse' gang members arrested for drug, firearm offenses (Milwaukee area)

>>107901 Facebook Will Restrict Posting if Elections Cause Unrest

>>107902 RINO Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) says will vote against SCOTUS nominee if vote precedes Nov. election

>>107903 Matt Gaetz: Congress Can't Rein in Big Tech because It's Owned by Big Tech

>>107904 SCOTUS Vacancy Puts 2nd Amendment Front and Center

>>107905, >>107914 Lame Simon Weisenthal Center Hit Piece on "QAnon"

>>107906, >>107909 Armed ‘Freedom Fighters’ patrol Minneapolis streets in George Floyd aftermath

>>107907 Macron: Europe 'Will Not Compromise' With Washington on Iran Sanctions

>>107910 "Pen Guns" Latest Threat in Afghan Capital

>>107911 Northern Calif. Anon Sees Zero Biden Bumper Stickers on Commute through Liberal North Bay

>>107912 NC Dems Win Major Concessions on Vote-by-Mail in Consent Decree

>>107915 Car Chase Ends with South Texas Human Trafficking Stash House Raid

>>107916 Day 76 Of Protests To Take Down Bulgarian Government

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2BUWl7kYyis - Sofia, Bulgarian Anti-Government protest day 76 - the big day [Channel: Crazy Bulgarian]

>>107918 NC Joins MI, PA - OKs Late Ballots Up to 9 Days after Election and Ballot Harvesting

>>107920 Putin offers UN staff Free Dose of Russia’s 'Sputnik V' vaccine, calls for global meeting on Covid-19 vaccine

>>107922 UAE & US seek preliminary F-35 deal by December

>>107923 Has Deep State Worldwide Long Planned a 2nd COVID-19 Wave?

>>107925 Virgin Islands Catholic Bishop Resigned (4 days ago)

>>107926 Disney appeals to California: 'Time to reopen Disneyland'

>>107927 NV Anon Sees Zero Biden Signs

>>107928 Russian Scientists Claim Cancer Treatment Found in Anti-COVID-19 Compound Search

>>107929 #13753

(40 notables, 52 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173396

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10747540 Q Research General #13755: Cryin Chuckie Heckled Live, Laughs That Never Fade Edition

Created 222136ZSEP20




>>107963, >>107970, >>107980 planefaggin

>>107964 Sargeant Marine Inc. Pleads Guilty and Agrees to Pay $16.6 Million to Resolve Charges Related to Foreign Bribery Schemes in Brazil, Venezuela, and Ecuador

>>107965 Space Force and NASA Sign Momentous Collaboration Agreement

>>107966 Senator Joe Manchin says no Supreme Court vote before election

>>107967 Ambassador Ala: Partner countries in the war on Syria moved to the economic terrorism phase

>>107968 CDC Issues Holiday Guidelines: Thanksgiving Dinner Is Out, But Trick-Or-Treating Is Okay

>>107969, >>107972, >>107976 Disney appeal: 'It's time' to let Disneyland reopen: Reuters use a Mickey Mouse clock pic

>>107971 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Stephanie Murphy Florida 7th

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0oqPRo_BKkY - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Moon Township, PA 9/22/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>107973 Mitt Romney voices support for moving ahead with SC nomination & a past Q post about Romney

>>107974, >>107992 Gaetz calls for investigation into Mike Bloomberg for vote buying in the state of Florida

>>107975, >>107978 Reuters: Amy Coney Barrett's religious community under scrutiny. False story?

>>107977, >>107982 Rob Reiner (re Feldman & Haim) kingpin of Hollywood pedo ring? About to be exposed?

>>107979, >>107981 Refresh: Inside the ‘Q Group,’ the Directorate Hunting Down Edward Snowden

>>107983 Watch Tesla Battery Day Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iU-poglarHc - Tesla Battery Day LIVE [Channel: Now You Know]

>>107984 Video: Covid-19: Ohio Stands Up - Jon Rappoport Interviews Attorney Tom Renz - YouTube

>>107985 BBC under fire after comedian Sophie Duker ‘joked’ about “killing whitey”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5kKrDU-Jodw - BBC under fire after comedian Sophie Duker ‘joked’ about “killing whitey” [Channel: TalkTV]

>>107986, >>107988 China's capital reports massive explosions; Rumors of bank runs spread; More heavy rain, mudslides

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O12HciCcyRg - China's capital reports massive explosions; Rumors of bank runs spread; More heavy rain, mudslides [Channel: China in Focus - NTD]

>>107987 Reporter: NSA Q Group, 1000 agents set with sole task of distancing DC from any involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hnnHF3BoFxc

>>107989 Obamagate the Movie Is Being Censored by Twitter

>>107990 POTUS departs for Pennsylvania & Campaign Event

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/18478f675ffdde72778446ccf48b8b72757e2dd24fe11c00f0102285508f388f.mp4

>>107991 Illinois man arrested at the violent BLM-antifa Portland protest last week charged by federal authorities

>>107993 #13755,

(22 notables, 31 posts, 21 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173397

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10746730 Q Research General #13754: All Eyes on SCOTUS Vacancy

Created 222022ZSEP20




>>107930, >>107931 A heckler yells at Crying Chuck:"You ain't doin' shit. Stop lying to the people."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7989f4d8da5c14d33794069eb361f347b15eb93972f6f9b9795e5855cd090bc1.mp4

>>107932 Bubba Wallace To Drive For Michael Jordan's New NASCAR Team In 2021

>>107933 ‘Serious Security Threat’: Beijing Claims US Spy Planes Posed as Airliners Over 100 Times in 2020

>>107934 Leaked files reveal Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich is major donor to Israeli settler group

>>107935 Allison_Jones_Rushing diggz

>>107936 Grassley on CCC payments

>>107937, >>107940, >>107947, >>107949, >>107957, >>107960, >>107961 PF updates

>>107938, >>107939 Lin Wood twat/Rittenhouse vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E4dhPM99i4I - Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes [Channel: #FightBack]

>>107941 Dead registrants found

>>107942, >>107943 PPD, Inc. sold by Carlyle Group Mgmt.: $335.73m-Sept 21

>>107944 Tragedy as around 90 pilot whales die in Tasmania as rescuers battle to free 155 more

>>107945, >>107946, >>107948, >>107950 FinCen diggz

>>107951 Russia's Yandex in talks to buy online bank Tinkoff for $5.5 billion

>>107952, >>107954 The station is preparing to avoid a piece of unknown space debris being tracked by @NASA

>>107953 Hervé Ryssen Sentenced To 17 Months In Prison For Challenging Jewish Version™ Of World War II

>>107955, >>107956 ADT, Inc sold by Apollo Global Mgmt: $429.20m-Sept 18

>>107958 $138 Billion Bridgewater Set Up 50 "Tent Offices" In The Woods Outside Of Its HQ For Its Traders

>>107959 A Perth magician and escape artist is facing dozens of child abuse charges after police said they had uncovered more victims.

>>107962 #13754

(19 notables, 33 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173398

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10748275 Q Research General #13756: Eyes On Gaetz - Investigating Bloomberg For Vote Buying Edition

Created 222243ZSEP20




>>107994, >>107995 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Moon Township, PA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0oqPRo_BKkY - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Moon Township, PA 9/22/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mDF4cHHSmGQ - LIVE: President Trump in Moon Township, PA #Pennsylvania [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>107996 Barack Obama: 2020 Election Bigger than Joe Biden

>>107997, >>108004, >>108020, >>108025 Planefag Updates

>>107998 Fresh DJT - Re divisive and harmful sex and race-based ideologies - expanded ban to people and companies

>>107999, >>108001, >>108005, >>108008, >>108009, >>108011, >>108012, >>108013, >>108014, >>108021, >>108022 Caps from POTUS' Rally in Moon Township, PA

>>108000 Video of POTUS re SC Announcement // Saturday 5pm // tentative

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/221e538d2ede2018a836be62622f573cc6830ba95c16b8398faccb2553732f22.mp4

>>108002 The Vortex on RBG: Stone Cold Killer

>>108003 Codemonkey continues investigation into board image issue

>>108006 Journalist (a real one) breaks down important parts of POTUS EO on abolishing "Critical Race Theory"

>>108007, >>108010 New Catherine Herridge on mail-in ballot misinformation by foreign actors

>>108015 Australia: Conspiracy theorist ordered to pay $875,000 for online posts about Nationals MP Anne Webster

>>108016 Lyrics for "God Bless The USA"

>>108017 How algorithms influence your information

>>108018 Video: Cuck in Portland, Maine rips down a sign, gets caught, and owned

>>108019, >>108024 Antifa / BLM Balt / DC branches have begun targeting specific people, vehicles, homes

>>108023 Fresh ABC Hit-piece on Q: The Men Behond QAnon

>>108026 POTUS: Sometimes she calls me MR PRESIDENT, but she's only kidding

>>108027 POTUS: Why the hell did Biden spend all that money on plastic surgery and then wear a mask?

>>108028 #13756

(19 notables, 35 posts, 43 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173399

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10749787 Q Research General #13758: Moon Township Rally Ho! Edition

Created 230037ZSEP20




>>108068 Election Watchdog Finds 350,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls In 42 States

>>108069, >>108072, >>108077, >>108082, >>108091 Planefag Reports

>>108070 China is Spying on Millions of People. And They Aren’t in China

>>108071 New Jersey Dem Under Fire for Lobbying Against Sex Offender Registry: Rep. Tom Malinowski backpedals

>>108073 Jewish human rights organization warns about threat of QAnon

>>108074 Video: RBG Freakout Girl - May be the best one yet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/edb5c1be5bf4813f0adbf940fd3f803c5c2ed4bce17786b36ccd8a7c86dbeaf3.mp4

>>108075, >>108088, >>108089 Caps from POTUS' Rally in Moon Township, PA

>>108076 Activist Nelson Peltz' Hedge Fund Trian Buys Stake In ‘Undervalued’ Comcast

>>108078 POTUS says 2945 dollars when talking about Bush/Obama income

>>108079 BLM Communist Who Pointed a Gun at Drivers in Louisville ID'd & Linked to Soros-Funded Organization

>>108080 More diggz on on Drew (Andrew) Oosterbann

>>108081 Diggz on Corona, Italy cont.

>>108083 House passes bill to avert shutdown

>>108084 Documents released re the Burisma Investigation

>>108085 #StupidQuestionsForQAnon is trending. #FightBack with facts and counter-narratives

>>108086 Tesla's Elon Musk promises dramatic cuts in electric car costs, shares plunge

>>108087 Most of facebooks censorship board has ties to George Soros

>>108090 BREAKING: Burisma Investigation to be Released within 24 Hours: Finds Biden Family Guilty - Likely Criminal Actions

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PdP1dQ_SOiQ - Burisma Investigation to be Released within 24 Hours -- FINDS BIDEN FAMILY GUILTY PAY-FOR-PLAY [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>108092 POTUS SAYS FAIRWAYS When talking about Nasa at the end: It connects to a Q post Stringer

>>108093 #13758

(20 notables, 26 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173400

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10751296 Q Research General #13760: AF2 kills two Birds with one Stone Edition

Created 230253ZSEP20




>>108118 President Trump will announce his nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at 5 p.m. EDT on Saturday.

>>108119 VPOTUS got to take a C-17 ride home! pics

>>108120 planefaggin

>>108121 U.S. government has executed a former soldier who said an obsession with witchcraft led him to kill a Georgia nurse he believed had put a spell on him

>>108122 This summer, Portland looked like a war zone.....

>>108123, >>108133 Siberian cult leader arrested for organizing an illegal religion/hx of JHWitness arrests

>>108124 ESPN host claims 'extreme right-wing agitators' carrying out violence 'to make protests look bad'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tyNCy1Robi8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>108125 Canada's Speech From The Throne

>>108126 US involved in major Bathurst granny flat raid over alleged international drug and firearm crimes

>>108127 Love this lady Also for Keks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42680af2de9777c5b5a0859bf33fbd5aee8c8f0f08b32b63e0414226da7be1fc.mp4

>>108128, >>108130 Tom Pritzker on page 29 of Pstain flight logs

>>108129 Tucker Carlson airs new video of Kyle Rittenhouse and the Kenosha shooting/also on Lin Wood twat earlier today

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E4dhPM99i4I - Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes [Channel: #FightBack]

>>108131 New Jeffrey Epstein Flight Log Subpoena To Reveal Every Passenger On "Lolita Express"

>>108132 Huge natural gas leak in Jiangsu China, Suzhou province

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc5de1b4fe1f5ad91b599bdd7243644532f954d06099d7192f89773177afda6b.mp4

>>108134 Delaware Police Seize Enough Fentanyl To Kill At least 75% Of State's Population

>>108135 House Republicans introduce resolution to condemn court-packing proposals from Democrats

>>108136 White House says it can get SCOTUS confirmed before October 30th…

>>108137 #13760

(18 notables, 20 posts, 29 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173401

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10749040 Q Research General #13757: ROCK STAR MR PRESIDENT - RALLY LIVE FROM PENNSYLVANIA Edition

Created 222348ZSEP20




>>108029, >>108048 Bill Clinton secretly met Ghislaine Maxwell for an “intimate” dinner in 2014

>>108030, >>108040, >>108063 Air Force Two turns around carrying Mike Pence

>>108031 Anon reports Amazon drop and collection points like ATMs being installed

>>108032, >>108033, >>108043, >>108045, >>108059, >>108061 Planefag Updates - Look: Coming out of Whidbey Naval Air Station

>>108034, >>108036 "Moon" DIGGS (Pres. Moon, S Korea)

>>108035, >>108037 Bloomberg raises $16mn to restore voting rights to black & Hispanic felons in Florida

>>108038 Tim Tebow Teams With Trump Admin To Fight Human Trafficking

>>108039, >>108047, >>108058, >>108064, >>108066 Caps from POTUS' Rally in Moon Township, PA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fed98f98efdc54065df8cdbaf6962a79ada5827706b50e36bd5f0e143b849f6a.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UoDrvGk-9xs - President Trump Holds "Great American Comeback" Rally in Moon Township, PA 9/22/20 [Channel: One America News Network]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d14d077f98e25c1f90ca14548b5013b8e070abb53e97b0aa8ae9affd32a34d5.mp4

>>108041 Atkisson: "It's about to begin"

>>108042 Not a Random Act: Four Charged in Murder of Iowa Man Found Burning in Ditch

>>108044 Gaetz: on Hannity tonite re call for FL AG to investigate Bloomberg

>>108046 DIGG on Drew Oosterbann

>>108049 AF2 carrying VP Pence forced to turn around (what's the real story)?

>>108050 Pennsylvania Republicans Appeal Ballot Ruling to US Supreme Court

>>108051 It's a scam: 48299 covid cases at US universities; only 2 hospitalizations

>>108052 Biden schedule - every day with 'full lid' before noon

>>108053 John and Vicki Davison DIGG, con't.

>>108054 Scavino: TONIGHT IN PENNSYLVANIA!!!

>>108055, >>108056, >>108065 POTUS: "Corona sounds like a beautiful place in Italy" DIGG

>>108057 Five of the Seven Largest Wildfires in California History Are Currently Burning

>>108062 Christopher Rufo: President instructs the Attorney General to assess whether critical race theory trainings create a "hostile work environment"

>>108067 #13757

(22 notables, 38 posts, 47 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173402

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10750546 Q Research General #13759: After Rally Glow - Eyes On The Biden / Burisma Investigation Edition

Created 230135ZSEP20




>>108094 ‘A War Machine With a Country Attached’: US Pandemic Relief Revealed as Diverted to Defense Firms

>>108095, >>108104 Voter registration fuckery in Utah, dead links pics and vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f902cb1d793816a333dc9691696ab2b8140441f61935e9b33b4d9b18d6d960c1.mp4

>>108096 Babylon bee Archaeologists: Pre-Inca Child Sacrifice Site Was Actually A Planned Parenthood for keks

>>108097, >>108099 (2018) Some good news regarding the 2nd Amendment and Amy Barrett

>>108098 Trump’s New Trade War Tool Might Just Be Antique China Debt

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/80d04e91b26d146e7a587523be2c16b79426943a0b8f2c2a0ed3563e043b7f61.pdf

>>108100 Judicial Watch Sues State of Illinois for Refusing to Disclose Voter Roll Data

>>108101 Bridget Bade (B2) also on POTUS list

>>108102 LIVE: Black lives matter terrorists in DC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B9V7UyYGFJY - Activists Hold “Justice For Breonna Taylor” March In DC [Channel: News2Share]

>>108103, >>108108, >>108110 South Korean President MOON declares end to Korean War: complete denuclearization and permanent peace

>>108105 NASA, Space Force sign an agreement to collaborate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NRN1xqIHAx4 - NASA, Space Force sign an agreement to collaborate [Channel: Associated Press]

>>108106 Fitton tweets re Breonna Taylor

>>108107 Thank you, Jesus': DNA technology led to arrest in 1974 cold case murder of Carla Walker

>>108109 Australia: US Homeland Security, Border Force in South Bathurst police operation

>>108111 Apple Labels Police as Terrorists in Latest Update to Siri

>>108112 Biden for keks

>>108113, >>108114 Air Force Two Strikes Bird Upon Take-Off; Returns to Manchester Airport

>>108115, >>108116 Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nQXerjGCU00 - Toensing says George Soros' influence and power is pervasive at Fox [Channel: One America News Network]

>>108117 #13759

(18 notables, 24 posts, 18 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173403

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10752085 Q Research General #13761: Assange a Journo? Edition

Created 230426ZSEP20




>>108138, >>108140 The Dems/DS intend to "Take" the election.


>>108141, >>108152 International News

>>108142 POTUS Schedule for WEDNESDAY September 23, 2020

>>108143 This board has been under surveillance since POTUS made the calm before the storm statement, and has all 4/8chan posts under archive.

>>108144, >>108147 Gaetz calls for election bribery probe of Bloomberg over pledge to pay Florida felons' fines

>>108145 Bay of Pigs Veterans: We Awarded Trump for Fighting Totalitarian Regimes - 14 Sep 2020

>>108146 NYPD: Hillary Clinton Was Wearing “Invisible” Earpiece To Receive Stealth Coaching During Live NBC TV Town Hall - 2016 refresher

>>108148 Seattle City Council overrides Mayor's veto of cuts to police budget, the cuts to the Seattle Police Department can proceed

>>108149, >>108153, >>108158, >>108165, >>108166, >>108168, >>108169, >>108172 Diane Feinstein, Her Husband Richard Blum, Aoc, and the Chinese Spies.

>>108150 Have you ever seen the Disney movie "Bedknobs and Broomsticks?"

>>108151 Japanese firm develops first UV lamp that safely kills coronavirus

>>108154 Denver doctor sentenced to 23 years in federal prison for producing child porn

>>108155 @TIME has named @GenCQBrownJr one of the 100 most influential people in the world. USAF

>>108156, >>108164, >>108167, >>108170, >>108173, >>108176, >>108177, >>108179 Stealth Bomber? Bridget S. Bade

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bPdPRxCCASE - Investiture of Bridget S. Bade, United States Circuit Judge [Channel: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eVVgUfgsqh0 - Bridget Shelton Bade [Channel: Wiki4All]

>>108157 Sargeant Marine Inc. Pleads Guilty and Agrees to Pay $16.6 Million to Resolve Charges Related to Foreign Bribery Schemes in Brazil, Venezuela, and Ecuador - DOJ


>>108160, >>108162 “Burisma” lost the court and admitted that it had bribed Biden

>>108161 Pressure piles on Prince Andrew to speak to FBI

>>108163 Margaret A. Ryan

>>108171 Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the New World Order May Be Defeated Once More

>>108174 Pentagon Gave Coronavirus Aid Money to Defense Contractors

>>108175 #TeflonTrump


>>108181 Pope Tells Parents 'God Loves' LGBTQ Kids 'As They Are,' Describes Children with Autism as 'Flowers'

>>108182 Antarctic Program’s icebreaker makes rare appearance in S.F. at Pier 17

>>108183, >>108184, >>108185 Resignations in the news 9/21/2020 & 9/22/2020

>>108186 State audit: UC Berkeley admitted at least 55 underqualified students based on connections and donations

>>108187 Seattle pays ex-pimp $150,000 to offer 'alternatives to policing'

>>108188 Pittsburgh BLM mural vandalized with paintballs; help wanted to ID men responsible

>>108189 Inner-City Democrat awakens, is voting Trump!

>>108190 #13761, #13761

(32 notables, 53 posts, 48 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173404

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10752832 Q Research General #13762: Diane Feinstein, Her Husband Richard Blum, Aoc, And Chinese Spies Edition

Created 230653ZSEP20




>>108191, >>108193, >>108257 Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs Analysis Dershowitz (Archive.org)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e91a7956c414cb76c38100d0979bdc4ae29c975a96bc460ce9f5aa355bb9cff3.mp4

>>108192 Three Gorges "- Damn That's A LOT of Garbage!" (Twitter)

>>108194 Voter Fraud in Utah (MP4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f902cb1d793816a333dc9691696ab2b8140441f61935e9b33b4d9b18d6d960c1.mp4

>>108195, >>108234 Prosecutor claims Assange may be FAKING his depression after doctor says extradition could trigger suicide (RT, CBS)

>>108196, >>108206, >>108209 Wednesday Morning Review Ukraine - Today "...Finds Biden Family Guilty Of Criminal Actions." (WHPR,The Gateway Pundit, Fox)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PdP1dQ_SOiQ - Burisma Investigation to be Released within 24 Hours -- FINDS BIDEN FAMILY GUILTY PAY-FOR-PLAY [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>108197 Navalny discharged from hospital, which says full recovery from alleged poisoning possible (RT)

>>108198, >>108200, >>108220, >>108230, >>108232, >>108247 Planefags Explore RAUL BUENO EXPORTATION INC. + Mysteries of the Unknown Black Widow

>>108199 TED Talks + Bill Gates (Ted.com)


>>108203, >>108204, >>108207, >>108215 Carlos Osweda: Why this moment in American history was sixty years in the making (Youtube, Twitter)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=guOp-lkPvPs - @COsweda: The Beatniks are the progenitors of the American left. This is their story... [Channel: Reading Epic Threads]

>>108208, >>108214 Science "We're wrong sometimes. That's Science." (Forbes)

>>108210, >>108211, >>108212, >>108229 Dig Anons. What was / is the Jejune institute ? (Gizmodo, Caps)

>>108213 Doodle for google 2020 winner finds kindness in friendships based on personality not appearance. . 'Neets have known this for Decades. . .' (CNET)

>>108216 "The Rich '(not Wealthy)' Will Go Down FIRST!" Some People REALLY don't understand. Knowledge is POWER! (Cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c91e867ea74ccd57c2bf3e9e96244c766f3a6785b1d0c45bd22557599116ef8e.mp4

>>108217 Will Biden Survive the First Debate? 'Will he even make it there Legally?' (American Thinker)

>>108218, >>108225 THANK YOU DOJ! DEVELOPING: Mike Bloomberg Is Likely Breaking Federal Law by Paying off Felon Debts for Democrat Votes (The Gateway Pundit, Fox)

>>108219 Kyle Rittenhouse — The Truth in 11 Minutes (The Gateway Pundit)

>>108221 COVID-19: Does Sweden Have Herd Immunity?

>>108222, >>108235 "No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures" - Open Letter From 100s Of Doctors, Health Pros Urges End To Lockdowns

>>108223 Illuminati Home Page (Illuminati.orgVarious)

>>108224, >>108227, >>108231 Aussie Bio Containment Downundah in the Outback!+Joint US Bust Where the Toilet Water Goes The Other Way

>>108226 Feinstein InQuiry

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5dfb564828a55252a7f6827c5d8e29216ded79f4bda35184d6d01b3542c89ed6.mp4

>>108228 Michigan city decriminalizes magic mushrooms

>>108233 Miss This Last Night? General Charles Q. Brown Jr One of TIME's 100 Most Influential People (Time)

>>108236, >>108260 #13762

>>108237 Go for launch! Tom Cruise gets October 2021 date for NASA/SpaceX trip to make movie on board the International Space Station (Daily Mail.uk)

>>108238, >>108240, >>108241, >>108244, >>108246, >>108248, >>108249, >>108250, >>108251, >>108252, >>108253, >>108255, >>108256, >>108258, >>108259 Moar Qanoner Conspiracy Craziness [Panic] (Various)

>>108239, >>108242 CIA launches new research and development laboratory to compete with Silicon Valley (Intel News.org)

>>108243 Is evidence masks don’t work being purged from the internet? (Off-Guardian.org)

>>108245 Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping (White House.gov)

>>108254 A Morning Bible Study, Rightly Divide. Discern. FACT & TRUTH: THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT MARY Correcting False Catholic Dogmas & Doctrines Bible Verses About The Trinity (Various)

(31 notables, 70 posts, 88 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173405

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10753552 Q Research General #13763: Dershowitz 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Trips With Epstein and Biden Burisma Edition

Created 231015ZSEP20




>>108261, >>108263 Eiffel Tower evacuated over Bomb threat

>>108262 Virginia Dept of Health sends mail to VA families that ask kids to contact ASHA regarding questions about sex.

>>108264, >>108265 Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko is suddenly sworn in for a new term in unannounced inauguration

>>108266 Tommy DeVito: Four Seasons founding member dies of Covid aged 92

>>108267, >>108272, >>108275, >>108310 Tawain vs China potential conflict chatter

>>108268 Employee of a Florida Corporation attempts influencing Bolingbrook, DuPage Township Election

>>108269 Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, House Democrats duel over Election Day (Massachusetts)

>>108270, >>108274 Air Force 2 take off from Manchester Bird strike

>>108271, >>108273, >>108276, >>108279 Breaking: Senate report slams Bidens for conflicts of interest, evidence of Burisma bribe, suspicious foreign money transfers and sex trafficking.

>>108277, >>108293, >>108294, >>108295, >>108314 Hit pieces - QAnon Is Madness/The Qanon Orphans/etc...

>>108278, >>108297 PDF of Full Senate Biden and Burisma Report

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c04587effe2e41638b232717274d34b2fe7e8489acf9183676d0c54293b0cb6.pdf

>>108280, >>108281, >>108282, >>108304, >>108309 Excerpts and Screenshots of Biden & Burisma report

>>108283 LeBron James is looking to pay the fines, fees, and debts of Florida’s convicted felons

>>108284 Mark and Patricia McCloskey holiday cards. They signed a 1,000 of them

>>108285 New DJT: Never a fan of John. Cindy can have Sleepy Joe!

>>108286 Catherine Herridge on Senate Report on Biden's & Burisma

>>108287 Schumer invokes "two-hour rule" to block Senate committee hearings

>>108288, >>108290 Babylon Bee keks

>>108289 Congressional candidate's apparent ascent to Congress could be a 'bellwether' for QAnon

>>108291 Don Jr. landing headshots on Hunter

>>108292 Jim Carrey will play Joe Biden on SNL

>>108296 New DJT: Big news. Numerous great companies are seeing fantastic results.

>>108298 Hunter Biden Received Millions From Wife Of Ex-Moscow Mayor, Paid Suspects Allegedly Tied To Trafficking, Had Contacts With Individuals Linked To Chinese Military

>>108299 James O'Keefe Meeting w/ Mr. My Pillow to discuss some very big investigations

>>108300 Arbitrary indefinite imprisonment coming to Victoria, Australia!

>>108301 New 11-min Kyle Rittenhouse video reveals powerful evidence refuting murder charge

>>108302 'Zombie' Tropical Storm Paulette returns from the dead because it's 2020

>>108303 Planefag reporting

>>108305 For Keks: Epic troll. TittyPussy (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/28d0f5f657727e888545300ddc6c5771f24780b3bd78b6fea52c58b6a8b5c857.mp4

>>108306, >>108307 Gen. Flynn posted a message on Parler this morning!!

>>108308 With 95% homes hit, feds say no need for census extension

>>108311 Avi of Rebel News showing the ongoing police state in Victoria, Australia (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=URCXZQT0nRg - Police FAIL to stop me reporting at the latest protest [Channel: Avi Yemini]

>>108312 @USSOCOM: Suicide is tragic and complicated

>>108313, >>108316, >>108317, >>108325, >>108326 GLOBAL EMPOWERMENT MISSION BACK IN BUTTE COUNTY HELP BEAR FIRE VICTIMS - Seems Sketchy? Call to Digg

>>108315 Darpa Funded Implantable Biochip to Detect Covid-19

>>108318, >>108319, >>108320, >>108323 GLOBAL EMPOWERMENT MISSION Digg Cont.

>>108321 Reminder: Biden threw a tantrum when asked about Burisma last December

>>108322 Hanford contractors to pay nearly $58M settlement after whistleblowers allege massive fraud scheme

>>108324 Anon - wonder if any of the people Hunter was involved with are listed in the Annex on Potus' EO of December 2017?

>>108327 #13763

(40 notables, 67 posts, 73 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173406

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10754384 Q Research General #13764: The Senate Busts the Burisima Bidens Edition

Created 231323ZSEP20




>>108328 Social Operation: #5 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Charlie Crist Florida 13th

>>108329 PANIC IN THE HOUSE (Live Feed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KUTmVldu4tM - Pelosi, Dems to discuss 'major reforms package' [Channel: Fox News]

>>108330 Example Notable submission

>>108331, >>108352, >>108382 Grassley/Johnson 'Biden paid non resident women who were nationalist...

>>108332, >>108340, >>108342, >>108343, >>108348, >>108363, >>108366 Capponi GLOBAL EMPOWERMENT MISSION DIG

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X1tjqFbvnes - Nightclub mogul's speedboat smashes into... [Channel: LisaSundayNews]

>>108333 Senate report on Hunter Biden

>>108334, >>108344, >>108347 WarezHunter Recvd Millions from wife of Ex-Moscow Mayor

>>108335 Assange Dragged from Embassy “on the Orders of the President”

>>108336 US Naval Ins. Tora! Tora! Tora!

>>108337 WarezHunter Business Dealings 'Counterintelligence and Extortion Concerns'

>>108338 ARGGG M8TY USS KIDD flying Pirate Flag ("The black flag will fly above the dome")

>>108339 Event List

>>108341 fbi-seeks-public-assistance-in-locating-sex-trafficking-suspect

>>108345 John Roberts presiding over the carcass of RBG

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aKhiqKGwP2o - NewsNOW Stream Part 1 - 09/23/20 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>108346, >>108357, >>108365, >>108383 Planefag Reports

>>108349 Pelosi, Dems to discuss 'major reforms package' - Call for Video Edit Fag

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KUTmVldu4tM - Pelosi, Dems to discuss 'major reforms package' [Channel: Fox News]

>>108350 More dog/kid comms?

>>108351 Senate HELP with Coronavirus Task Force Agency Heads

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X-VcY2e6PvE - Senate HELP with Coronavirus Task Force Agency Heads [Channel: FedNet]

>>108353 Romney slams Burisma, Hunter Biden probe as 'political exercise

>>108354, >>108368 Michigan city decriminalizes magic mushrooms

>>108355 senate-finance-homeland-committees-release-report-hunter-biden-burisma-corruption-devastating (BOOM)

>>108356 report-order-to-shorten-count-wasnt-made-by-census-bureau

>>108358 It's Alive! 25-Ton Gundam Robot Moves for First Time in Yokohama (Chqt)

>>108359 mitt-romney-and-nancy-pelosi-have-ties-to-ukraine

>>108360 cop-accused-of-spying-raised-suspicions-at-party-with-aoc

>>108361 nancy-pelosi-makes-unannounced-visit-to-tibet/

>>108362, >>108387 New Hussein twat - PANIC?

>>108364 Americans-talking-politics-having-sex-men-doing-housework

>>108367 Recent increase of COVID-19 cases connected to Redding care facility

>>108369 Confirmation Hearing for Homeland Security Secretary Nominee Chad Wolf (LIVE!)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NYCreOzCxP8 - The Sword - Winter's Wolves [OFFICIAL VIDEO] [Channel: KemadoRecords]

>>108370 Senate report slams Bidens for conflicts of interest, flags possible criminal activity

>>108371, >>108373, >>108375 Happening News (Grafix)

>>108372 joe-biden-2008-john-mccain-an-angry-man-a-sidekick-a-coward

>>108374 10 most extreme 'Critical Race Theory' classes & trainings at US colleges

>>108376, >>108378, >>108385 Q Anon In the News

>>108377 POTUS soon Bay of Pigs (Live!)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LUAcQEgnXF8 - President Trump Delivers Remarks in Honor of Bay of Pigs Veterans [Channel: The White House]

>>108379 The Ginsburg Record and Standard

>>108380, >>108384, >>108388, >>108390 10 most extreme 'Critical Race Theory' classes & trainings at US colleges (Call For Dig)

>>108381, >>108393 Clock Fag Report

>>108386 'Hunter Biden' Currently #3 on twatter.

>>108389 Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks in the Senate Chamber of the Wisconsin State Capitol - 12:00 PM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dnW3VsLsyfI - Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks in the Senate Chamber of the Wisconsin State Capitol - 12:00 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>108391 Live: House Republicans speak to press

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rjNP1_X-vps - House GOP announce discharge petition to force vote on COVID-19 bill [Channel: Fox News]

>>108392 RBG pulled from every station


>>108395 #13764

(45 notables, 68 posts, 67 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173407

File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10755191 Q Research General #13765: Biden Burisma Busted Edition

Created 231508ZSEP20




>>108396 Ted Cruz blocks a U.S. Senate resolution to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg, citing a “partisan” amendment

>>108397 Louisville - Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Announcement - 1:30 EDT

>>108398 Secret Empires: Senate Report Says Biden Allowed Family to Enrich Themselves Abroad While He Was VP

>>108399, >>108403 It’s more than we think (the public-not anons), much more. We still are in danger

>>108400 President Trump Delivers Remarks to Honor Bay of Pigs Veterans vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5SxzGQ1VNQU - 🔴 President Trump Delivers Remarks to Honor Bay of Pigs Veterans [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>108401 Senate Committee: Hunter Biden Paid Women Linked to ‘Prostitution or Human Trafficking’


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5Zx1O3EGqYM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>108404 🔴 President Trump Delivers Remarks to Honor Bay of Pigs Veterans

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5SxzGQ1VNQU - 🔴 President Trump Delivers Remarks to Honor Bay of Pigs Veterans [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>108405, >>108410, >>108417, >>108422 Critical Race Theory on campus DIGG, con't. U Illinois admits ‘white supremacy,' 'white privilege' workshop is 'not a debate'

>>108406 Barack Obama’s Presidential Library Hits a Major Roadblock

>>108407 Here is the report that Grassley released attached as a PDF

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c641097fd5fb70c9bcb13dc11a1e9c5a3c0c20b045a8413512b6ee203319e02.pdf

>>108408 Refresher: 'FBI Director James Comey FULL STATEMENT on Hillary Clinton Email Investigation (C-SPAN)'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ghph_361wa0 - FBI Director James Comey FULL STATEMENT on Hillary Clinton Email Investigation (C-SPAN) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>108409 1986 Cuba Releases Last Prisoner From Bay of Pigs Invasion

>>108411, >>108419 Two Senate Dems released a report on Wednesday to counter the findings released by their Republican counterparts from an investigation into Joe Biden......

>>108412 POTUS just said at the 11am White House Hispanic Heritage Remarks: We will never be a socialist OR COMMUNIST country

>>108413, >>108414 Hunter Biden’s Firm Received $3.5 Million from One of Russia’s Most ‘Powerful’ Oligarchs

>>108415, >>108431, >>108437, >>108445 PF updates

>>108416 Records Show John Kerry Lied About Ignorance Of Hunter Biden’s Lucrative Position In Ukraine

>>108418 Media Matters is attacking Catherine Herridge/send em some love

>>108420 US blacklist filled with companies working for China military

>>108421, >>108436 Trump announces new sanctions on Cuba

>>108423 There is no age of consent in Cuba. The crime of "pedophilia" is non-existent there?

>>108424 BREAKING: Tesla suffering COMPLETE network outage — internal systems and connectivity features down. $TSLA

>>108425 Democrats' troubling adventure in a 'Wonderland' without 'rule of law'

>>108426 High school students awarded college scholarships for carrying flags onto football field on 9/11

>>108427 Czech it! Obama and Post American World

>>108428 #3 for the Docket Supreme

>>108429, >>108430, >>108433 The Justice Department Unveils Proposed Section 230 Legislation on Behalf of the Administration

>>108432 Former QAnon Followers Explain What Drew Them In — And Got Them Out

>>108434 RBG gots the wrinkled flag treatment

>>108435 Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns

>>108438 Schumer on Grassley/Johnson: Despite their desire to smear Vice President Biden & their family, Republicans found no evidence to support the conspiracy theory pushed by Putin's intelligence agents. Sens Grassley & Johnson should reimburse taxpayers for the money they wasted.

>>108439 Fifteen sex offenders in NI to have convictions rescinded due to accidental error in law

>>108440 Spain has temporarily banned sailboats from a stretch of its northwestern coast after several vessels were damaged in attacks by #orcas, or #killerwhales, in recent weeks

>>108441 Editorial: QAnon enters Illinois politics. Voters in two U.S. House districts, take note

>>108442 Former Solon schools band director arrested for alleged sex crimes involving 12-year-old

>>108443 NYC City expands furloughs to over 9,000 workers, Muh Road to Serfdom

>>108444 WTF isn't Kameltoe taking any questions?

>>108446 Diversity is about saving Marines' lives, not political correctness, commandant says


>>108448 #13765

(41 notables, 53 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173408

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10755960 Q Research General #13766: Report Is In, Bidens Are Out, Traitors Abound Edition

Created 231626ZSEP20




>>108449 House lawmakers unanimously pass bill that would allow Alwyn Cashe to finally receive the Medal of Honor

>>108450 Democrats caved to Republican pressure & put back CCC money in bill to prevent govt shutdown to help our farmers This political game proved who will always stand up for rural america Pres Trump + .....

>>108451 @realDonaldTrump announced at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast that will be signing an executive order protecting babies born alive after a failed abortion. God bless our great President.

>>108452 Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan says it would be a mistake to push through a Supreme Court pick before the election

>>108453 The "community organizers" of the left are in full wildebeest mode. Now is not the time for bending down, rolling over, or playing nice

>>108454 Ruth Bader Ginsburg's army of clerks stand guard at the Supreme Court

>>108455 Presidential Library Construction Completed dates

>>108456 Marines’ New Amphibious Combat Vehicles Will Start Arriving at Units Ahead of Schedule

>>108457 ICYMI: AOC with ChiCom NYPD spy n fam

>>108458 Wow! Drudge has a link to ABC's story about Q!

>>108459, >>108464 Melissa Francis just included George Soros with Steyer, Bloomberg as using wealth to influence election. Didn't she cut-off Newt for that the other day?

>>108460 #5 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Charlie Crist Florida 13th

>>108461 Whats this shit #ByeKayleigh is trending. They are scared, she is an angel of light destroying them!!

>>108462 Lisa Murkowski Reverses Position on Filling SCOTUS Vacancy, Won't Rule Out Vote to Confirm

>>108463, >>108465, >>108477 The real Russian collusion,

>>108466 Dr oz cut off fox after saying flu vaccine causes Covid 19

>>108467 BREAKING: Kentucky National Guard activated one hour before Breonna Taylor announcement

>>108468 A Utah company is giving up its suite at Jazz games, citing the players' decision to kneel during the national anthem.

>>108469 I’ve been asked the question “who is John Basham”? Here’s the answer

>>108470 HOW did pedo Joe REALLY make $15,000,000 in 2 years?

>>108471 Skippy weighs in

>>108472 "Fully Free Hemisphere"......

>>108473 BREAKING: US Mail Found in Ditch in Rural Wisconsin — Included Absentee Ballots

>>108474 Ok…so on9/11we activated 2 intelligence squadrons? In Space Force? Alot more going on here than we think…

>>108475 @USMC Launch Time

>>108476 Frmr Judge Nolan sentence to 20 years for human trafficking

>>108478 Hunter Biden Raised 'Counterintelligence And Extortion' Concerns, May Have Participated In Sex Trafficking

>>108479 PF updates

>>108480 Gayle Sayers, Hall of Fame Running Back, dies at 77, The golden years of the NFL.

>>108481, >>108482 One officer charged in Breonna Taylor case

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d2ymPeSd3dc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>108483 Seattle City Council Overrides Mayor’s Veto To Defund Police; Up To 100 Officers To Be Cut

>>108484, >>108485 ——————————————— 'Sex trafficking' [safeguarding women & children] topic(s) that unite all political factions against a common enemy [faith in Humanity]? Those you are taught to trust the most. (Cap: )

>>108486 ——————————————— CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

>>108487 OneWater Marine Inc. sold by Goldman Sachs Grp: $19.25m-Sept 22

>>108488 ——————————————— DOJ 230 proposal (Cap: )

>>108489 #13766

(36 notables, 41 posts, 38 media/files)

Q- >>108484, >>108486, >>108488

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173409

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10756737 Q Research General #13767: Very Sticky Wicket This Burisma Business Edition

Created 231736ZSEP20




>>108490 ——————————————— DOJ 230 proposal (Cap: )

>>108491 ——————————————— OIG: Hillary Clinton & Foundation Crimes Against Children

>>108492, >>108493, >>108495, >>108496, >>108498 The Justice Department Unveils Proposed Section 230 Legislation on Behalf of the Administration-justice.gov

>>108494 'Born Alive Protection Act' vs 'Crimes Against Children'

>>108497 ——————————————— Let the truth be told. Have faith in Humanity.

>>108499, >>108500 rt ———–––——–— Bigger Than You Can Imagine Q#3837

>>108501 YouTube Sued By PTSD-Stricken Moderator Over 'Beheadings, Rape, Child Abuse And Other Disturbing Content'

>>108502 Administration Sued for Records Detailing U.S. Role on Behalf of Glyphosate-maker Bayer in Pressuring Thailand to Reverse Plan to Ban Pesticide

>>108503 Cindy McCain endorses Biden.

>>108504 Posting reactions to Brianna Taylor… from Hashtag

>>108505 planefags

>>108506 US ambassador: It will take 6-7 years for UAE to get F-35 jets

>>108507 Fauci scolds Rand Paul during tense exchange at hearing


>>108509 US slaps sanctions on six individuals, two companies from Russia

>>108510, >>108511 ——————————————— No media coverage? Controlled media plays a major role in shaping the narrative(s) to keep you powerless [helpless] and asleep [unaware of truth] (Cap: )

>>108512 #13767

>>108513 ——————————————— Everyone has a choice to make. AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. (Cap: vid)

(18 notables, 24 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>108491, >>108497, >>108500, >>108510, >>108513

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173410

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10757501 Q Research General #13768: Crimes Against Humanity Edition

Created 231815ZSEP20




>>108514 “China Owns Joe Biden… Burisma Stinks Like Hell” – Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Jtz4OaOdMbs - Giuliani slams de Blasio as DOJ names NYC an 'anarchist city' [Channel: Fox Business]

>>108515, >>108516 ——————————————— Everyone has a choice to make. AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. (Cap: vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d73543624da507cd224e89eb1a41d04b1d56854dedcce9c8840c4034fd53064.mp4

>>108517 ‘Wired to make money’: Barclays’ private bankers serve ultra-rich, as watchdogs sound alarms

>>108518 Trump implements new travel restrictions to Cuba, bans purchase of rum and tobacco

>>108519 Democrats go full-on Antichrist as they attack potential Justice for her religion vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5D2A24zALOE - Trump met with potential SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett at White House: Rpt [Channel: Fox News]

>>108520, >>108525, >>108539 JUSTICE DENIED….AGAIN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8G871csJS6Q - Jamie Dimon to Analyst: 'That's Why I'm Richer Than You' [Channel: Bloomberg Originals]


>>108522, >>108524, >>108526, >>108527, >>108547 Antifa unloading weapons and shields from Uhaul truck in Louisville

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1584896d3773bae7fda87c2912ecb80c9f2d43eaf4bee0097278b5c365fd162e.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bEuBfnZEiyc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2e911d751f2f64c44a64cd0fa576d95214f06a18bce2889ac69749dc5f22269d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50acc204b46dc79bd0ab8840b798f2dc37cfaf08415757e52422e42977c6c813.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/113ef30a6f01f248fcad5f27e02d3d5f69c698aab3b99f50238edc5a57386f5d.mp4

>>108523 Scumbag Special Prosecutor Who Brought Charges Against Omaha Bar Owner Who Killed Rioter, Then Committed Suicide, Presser— Blames Him for Being a Trump Supporter

>>108528 The Election Integrity Crisis

>>108529 LeBron James has 'zero comment' on L.A. sheriff's challenge to double reward in deputies shooting

>>108530 New Flynn

>>108531 'Your Civil Rights Mean Nothing But The Criminal Has Total Autonomy': Read LMPD Sgt. Jon Mattingly's Viral Email to Police

>>108532 Brexit News: JPMorgan Shifting London Assets To Frankfurt, British Expats Losing UK Bank Accounts

>>108533 Barr Tells Nadler To Go Pound Sand As DOJ Rebuffs Jerry Over Disgraceful Treatment of AG

>>108534 The Obama Administration dodging questions on Burisma and Biden in 2014. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7ad957dd81fa692bbada1bcd481398840b9a2901017a52a5915e501e3e601008.mp4

>>108535 Justice Department Wants Internet Firms To Better Monitor, Manage Illicit Content, Or Lose Immunity

>>108536 House Passes Bill to Crack Down on Imports from China’s Forced Labor Camps

>>108537, >>108554 PF updates

>>108538 Refresher: Treasury Targets the “Thieves-in-Law” Eurasian Transnational Criminal Organization

>>108540 Trump Bans Gov. From Doing Business With Those Who Promote Critical Race Theory, White Privilege

>>108541 TikTok, ByteDance Voluntarily Dismiss Lawsuit Against Trump, Court Document Reads

>>108542, >>108549 Twitter restricts John Solomon…


>>108544 NYT: Senate Republicans into corruption allegations against Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic presidential nominee, and his son, Hunter,

>>108545 CA Gov. Newsom Announces Ban On All Gas-Powered Cars By 2035

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pB_ySQaR8k0 - Governor Newsom to Announce Major Climate Initiative: September 23, 2020 [Channel: California Governor Gavin Newsom]

>>108546 HTS, White Helmets & Turkish Intelligence To Prepare Chemical Provocation: Damascus

>>108548 FBI Offers Reward For ‘GirlsDoPorn’ Founder Who Fled After Trafficking, Child Porn Charges, up to $10,000 for information leading to the arrest of Michael James Pratt.

>>108550 Study: The Average American is Filmed by At Least an Estimated 238 Security Cameras a Week

>>108551 23 american flags @PAIN!

>>108552 Friday, 06 July 2018 Police Arrest ‘Thieves-in-Law’ in Historic Spanish Bust

>>108553 Solomon twat with link to article

>>108555 3-Count Felon, JPMorgan Chase, Caught Laundering More Dirty Money

>>108556 ——————————————— Different factions of foreign [primary] control? All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA]. (Cap: )

>>108557 #13768

(35 notables, 44 posts, 54 media/files)

Q- >>108556

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173411

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10758334 Q Research General #13769: Do It Q Edition

Created 231910ZSEP20




>>108558, >>108561 ——————————————— Different factions of foreign [primary] control? All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA]. (Cap: )

>>108559 Assange Hearing Day 12—Lewis Challenges Diagnosis of Assange’s Autism as Suicide Risk

>>108560 Louisville, KY (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=p1ogsjeYdE4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>108562 International Support Group Urges Lebanon's Leaders to Immediately Form New Government

>>108563 Daily Attacks On U.S.-led Coalition Convoys Continue In Iraq’s Saladin

>>108564 Twitter Admits To Stonewall Tactics (circuit-breaker to stop rumors going viral?)

>>108565 Polish president joins 5,000 pro-lifers to March for Life in Warsaw

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=K3ypzxzgKTs - Za rodziną, przeciwko toksycznym ideologiom [VIDEO] [Channel: PCh24TV · Polonia Christiana]

>>108566, >>108572 ——————————————— UK bread California political families System of Control (Cap: )

>>108567 ——————————————— Everyone has a choice to make. AGAINST ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. (Cap: vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2bde7927e0a5fb52a3274b8baa0c7c67a1d803e995c5026b99684aece6a43404.mp4

>>108568 Wed 09.16.2020

>>108569 COVID is a data-driven operation, but suppose the data are wrong?

>>108570 Breonna Taylor protests – live streams

>>108571 Heroic CDC Insider William Crews Ripped Anthony Fauci and the CDC

>>108573 Sextortionist Sentenced 40 Years Over Child Porn After Threatening To Post Nudes and Dox ~150 Underage Girls

>>108574, >>108578 rt ———————— 12/11/15 DJT Tweet: Dopey Prince Alwaleed wants to control our U.S. politicians (Cap: )

>>108575, >>108577, >>108580 Planefags

>>108576 ICE publishes monthly report on enforcement actions due to cooperative agreements

>>108579 Ukraine: US military aircraft fly over Kiev in joint drills

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b43c57d29f79ae039a412b33de3eda77dceda7449b25273c5e90d1527c6a797.mp4

>>108581 #13769

(19 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>108578

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173412

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10759056 Q Research General #13770: Soros & Alwaleed Influence Resurface

Created 231948ZSEP20




>>108582 Kevin McCarthy Vows to Remove Pelosi As Speaker if Impeachment over SCOTUS Seat Proceeds

>>108583 What the hell is wrong with "Waddles" Nadler?????

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9bb508983ccaddd43ad89126c270fac3d0d6fdd8e5b7e6106533d6ecb12535c9.mp4

>>108584 US Slaps Sanctions on 8 People and 7 Organisations With Links to Russia and Finland

>>108585 UBS CEO Joins JPMorgan In Push For 'A Return To The Office' For Staff

>>108586, >>108599 GO BACK 10 Minutes, protestors in Louisville are being directed another way by riot cops

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wt2Yso0IkK0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>108587 ‘How Dare You!’: Donny Deutsch Lectures Jewish Trump Supporters, Says There’s ‘No Difference’ From What Hitler Preached

>>108588, >>108590, >>108595, >>108601, >>108602, >>108603, >>108612 Hunter Refresher

>>108589 Thu 09.17.2020

>>108591 Biden losin it vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b565f4f47db4c7f1e0b706a78d3bccff4e50eb4f4113da2a77db4e73049def3.mp4

>>108592 Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks in the Senate Chamber of the Wisconsin State Capitol

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dnW3VsLsyfI - Secretary Pompeo delivers remarks in the Senate Chamber of the Wisconsin State Capitol - 12:00 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>108593 ‘No One Cross in Front of the Black Women’ Louisville Breonna Taylor ‘Protesters’ Segregate By Race and Gender

>>108594 Youtube clip of SCOTUS ceremony for RBG followed by comments from President Trump about the SCOTUS pick and the Breonna Taylor case.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fNsocYFJA3E - Trump Q & A on SCOTUS pick and Breonna Taylor 9 23 20 / SCOTUS mourns RBG [Channel: RightNow]

>>108596 Belarusian police deploy water cannon after protesters take to Minsk streets following Lukashenko’s surprise inauguration

>>108597 China blames US for ‘obstructing’ global fight against emissions, vows to go carbon neutral by 2060

>>108598 John Basham 🇺🇲 Retweeted 😐Did Naddless just Shart himself ?😂🤦‍♂️

>>108600 Bio-Surveillance: Singapore Issues New Bluetooth Tracking Tags for Citizens

>>108604, >>108605, >>108616, >>108619 Dopey Recap

>>108606 1 week from tomorrow is the anniversary of the Las Vegas Massacre at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival.

>>108607 Trust Grassley

>>108608 Police in 10 Countries Takes Down Cocaine Trafficking Gang

>>108609, >>108611, >>108614 planefaggin

>>108610, >>108613 Man behind Uhaul in Portland ID'd

>>108615 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds a News Conference - 9/23/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WEIngg7-lHQ - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds a News Conference - 9/23/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>108617 Tesla's Shares Plunge by Over 8% as Company Sues US Government Over Levies on Chinese Imports

>>108618 The Louisville Metro Police Department Is Livestreaming Their Own Response To Protests

>>108620 Dozens of Mafiosi Arrested in Massive Operations

>>108621 #13770

(27 notables, 40 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173413

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10759970 Q Research General #13771: Dopey, Sleepy Enemies F and D Edition

Created 232049ZSEP20




>>108622 Pinch to retire as Chairman of NYT BOD

>>108623 Why is this what they are focused on right now?

>>108624 Trump Says Supreme Court Will Decide The Election, Needs A Ninth Justice

>>108625 Hi, I'd like a non-retarded head of Homeland Sec. please.

>>108626, >>108627, >>108630, >>108631, >>108634, >>108636, >>108642, >>108644, >>108653, >>108655, >>108656, >>108657, >>108658 Louisville riots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ffbb2e21b5fb2adc22c08bb0cef8c8f4770bd45c59547f350baa07025f811f7.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wt2Yso0IkK0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>108628 Whitmer on Wednesday signed an executive directive setting a goal for the midwestern state to become carbon neutral by 2050, the ninth U.S. state to take on this target.

>>108629 Mexican Border City Cops Removed from Duty After Allowing Cartel Protests

>>108632 Danske Bank Facing US$1 Billion Money Laundering Suit

>>108633 [HRC] & TRUMAN NATIONAL SECURITY PROJECT A Shopping List Of Names

>>108635 Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., introduced a bill Wednesday that would ban the use of camouflage uniforms by federal law enforcement

>>108637 The Bee: Republicans Nervous Roe V. Wade Could Be Overturned, Eliminating Any Reason To Vote For Them

>>108638 @realDonaldTrump discussion with state Attorneys General focused on legal steps to "protect an open Internet and a free society."

>>108639 Solomon not censored per Solomon

>>108640 ChiFiDi 1997 Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections

>>108641 PPD, Inc sold by Hellman & Friedman LLC: $772.74m-Sept 21

>>108643 Predicted Mass Infections From Reopening Schools Fails to Materialize

>>108645 CrowdStrike to acquire Preempt Security for $96 million

>>108646 The consulting firm where the wife of acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf is an executive has been awarded more than $6 million in contracts from the DHS.

>>108647 New Data Shows States with Unemployment Over 10% Are ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS Except One

>>108648 Potus cap/vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ff240f6de58d20f17541fb8702532a6d70c68383eacea47a79d2e1e4320e8826.mp4

>>108649 PF updates

>>108650 U.S. Junk Bonds Set $329.8 Billion Sales Record Amid Yield Hunt

>>108651 Just when you think Commifornia can't get anymore shithole, they go out and TOTALLY UP THEIR GAME!

>>108652 1st day of harvest on the Grassley farm #cornwatch I’ll report regularly on how harvest goes

>>108654 Did you guys know that Paul Sperry wrote a book called:“Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington”

>>108659 #13771

(26 notables, 38 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173414

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10760747 Q Research General #13772: They Failin and Callin Us Out Edition

Created 232156ZSEP20




>>108660, >>108675 Trump to Sign Born-Alive Executive Order Protecting Babies who Survive Abortion

>>108661 Eleven UK police officers injured by 'corrosive substance' during London drugs raid

>>108662 Biden Campaign to Appear Alongside [Longtime Commie] Hanoi Jane [Fonda]

>>108663 New Mexico TV series to examine real-life witch's coven and abuse

>>108664 NY Judge Orders Eric Trump to Testify in Fraud Probe re: Family Organization Before Election

>>108665, >>108669, >>108670 . Holly Zoller Admits Live on Phone to Distributing Shields and Weapons to Louisville ANTIFA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Wuw7xJ_7fPA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>108666, >>108667, >>108676 LIVE: Trump news conference

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3y6Lsrn7oqY - Trump holds a news conference | 9/23/20 [Channel: Fox News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WEIngg7-lHQ - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds a News Conference - 9/23/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I4h_l8jFGRA - President Trump Holds a News Conference [Channel: The White House]

>>108668 Pompeo: China Peddling Communist Propaganda in US State and Local Governments

>>108671 Senate Report Links Hunter Biden to Human Trafficking Ring

>>108672, >>108673, >>108674, >>108678, >>108680 Planefags

>>108677 Buying votes, 2 years per offense - 18 USC §597

>>108679 All States with Unemployment >10% All Run by Dems (except MA)

>>108681, >>108685 Ringer at ABC Trump Townhall was actually a Kamala campaign worker

>>108682 Dems Panic as BLM Riots Backfire; New Data Shows Black Votes Bring Trump Victory

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GVXV1kxn4aI - Democrats PANICKING As BLM Riots Backfire, New Data Shows Trump VICTORY With Black Votes [Channel: Timcast]

>>108683 Investigators rule Lee County (Mississippi) bridge fire arson

>>108684 Herridge re: Bolton book lawsuit

>>108686 Ginormous V-shaped US Recovery

>>108687 Milwaukee COVID-19 death counts rebutted with data

>>108688 U-Haul Seen Distributing Shields, Potential Weapons to Louisville Rioters Rented to Holly Zoller of Soros-Connected Louisville Bail Project

>>108689 Gen. Flynn tweets + parls

>>108690 Louisville choppers

>>108691 Candace Owens tweet re: Breonna Taylor's career-criminal-drug-dealer boyfriend who fired at police first

>>108692 Election fraud! Greenville, WI police found 3 mail trays, including absentee ballots, in ditch

>>108693 POTUS on Meghan Markle: I wish a lot of luck to Harry, because he's going to need it

>>108694 Fake Townhall: At least 2 'uncommitted' voters blasted POTUS on social media

>>108695 CodeMonkey opinion: New Communications Decency Act Sec. 230 revision proposed by DOJ will kill online free speech

>>108696 NJ Dem Rep Tom Malinowski under fire for lobbying against sex offender registry

>>108697 New Kyle Rittenhouse vid ‘shows BLM protester fire FIRST’, claims suspect’s lawyer

>>108698 Dig: Who’s Funding The Bail Project?

>>108699 POTUS Left Press Conference for Phonecall

>>108700 Illinois Facebook Users Can Now File Claims for Payouts in $650 Million Lawsuit Settlement

>>108701 More on Holly Zoller re Antifa supplies and Uhaul, see notes below / (lb) Holly Zoller - Serial [Agitator]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RQp7PDka2Vs - Woman who says she was injured in Charlottesville speaks to the Lexington Council [Channel: Lexington Herald Leader]

>>108702 #13772,

(33 notables, 43 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173415

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10762273 Q Research General #13774: 2020 Divided By 666 = 30330 Donate To Biden Edition

Created 232347ZSEP20




>>108733, >>108735, >>108756 Tweets & Video: Louiseville justice building just set on fire by rioters

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/59c6a88e0c0f147b465c8adb92492c0c593ed2d833826dc02609fc3dd64d9f9c.mp4

>>108734 DHS tweet: "Incomplete and missleading report" from Reuters re White Supremecist threat

>>108736, >>108738, >>108739 Leaked docs expose massive Syria propaganda op by Western govt contractors & media

>>108737 Scavino tweet and video: vote.donaldjtrump.com & USA Flag video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32f3f8d3481ad6a96c82bea1697aeb581703023bff7007c9ff5ca37cf7ca0781.mp4

>>108740, >>108745 Antifa Uhaul linked to Soros organization members & Streamable link of Holly Zoller's phonecall

>>108741, >>108742, >>108744, >>108749, >>108759 ——————————————— The World is Waking Up. Virus or Election? (Cap: )

>>108743 Why Republicans Are Suddenly Thanking Harry Reid for a 2013 Tweet About Filibuster Reform

>>108746 HRC & Truman National Security Project: A Shopping List Of Names

>>108747, >>108758 Planefag Updates

>>108748 International Mayors still using the Paris Agreement to usher in climate change policies

>>108750 Lin Wood (Rittenhouse & Nick Sandman attorney) is a Q fan

>>108751 Senate Probe of Biden-Burisma Corruption Disproved Claims Nobody Made - Analyst

>>108752 Past Q Post: Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING. Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.

>>108753, >>108754 Healthcare Workers COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios

>>108755 Leftists Vandalize Minnesota Trump Supporter’s Garage Then Torch His Vehicles and Camper

>>108757, >>108760 Diggz on Brent Scowcroft, international security adviser connected to GW Bush and China

>>108761, >>108762 Baker got it wrong lb, the Sarah Sanders Joe 33050 tweet wasn't made by Sarah Sanders

>>108763 More on Benjamin Crump, Breanna Taylor's lawyer - The Freemason Lawyer

>>108764 #13774

(19 notables, 32 posts, 46 media/files)

Q- >>108741

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173416

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10761464 Q Research General #13773: Born-Alive Executive Order

Created 232245ZSEP20




>>108703 More: Florida Attorney General Orders Investigation into Mike Bloomberg

>>108704 DoJ tweet: AG Barr joined @POTUS for a discussion on protecting the American people against abuses by online platforms

>>108705 POTUS phone call sign language?

>>108706 Armed Militia Group Is Now Marching in Downtown Louisville

>>108707, >>108709, >>108711, >>108715, >>108729 Diggz on Breanna Taylor's lawyer Benjamin Crump

>>108708 Holly Zoller - The Louisville Uhaul operator for Antifa shields. Here's her rental contract

>>108710 Screen grabs of Slides from POTUS Presser

>>108712 MP4: Uhaul Driver at KY protests caught! Re Antifa supplies see note below

>>108713 Westpac pays up more than a billion for Austrac scandal

>>108714 Anon reports Senator Rand Paul re HUNTER BIDEN on Martha Fox. CRIMINAL REFERRAL TO DOJ TOMORROW!!!

>>108716 Firefighter found deceased in Oregon's Archie Creek fire

>>108717 Former Union President Sentenced for Violent Extortion

>>108718 Senate Race Updates

>>108719 More on Holly Zoller re Antifa supplies and Uhaul, see notes below

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RQp7PDka2Vs - Woman who says she was injured in Charlottesville speaks to the Lexington Council [Channel: Lexington Herald Leader]

>>108720 Article: Military Generals Are Just Another Group of Self-Interested Technocrats

>>108721 Trump just said Prince Harry has no balls

>>108722 Jerry Nadler Loses His Balance, Awkwardly Shuffles Away as Pelosi Gives Presser

>>108723 Correspondence Between Trump, Nixon Revealed For First Time Since '80s

>>108724, >>108725, >>108727, >>108728 Sarah Sanders goes full autist, dividing 2020 x 666 to get the 'text Biden' number

>>108726 Why is U.W.'s IHME still a credible source of Covid projections? Anon's Diggz

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ba2e64ab2847ab577cca9a486bb6f30793edb1333af8b13c0df455cb7fe14eb.mp4

>>108730 Will Aliens be the 'Ultimate October surprise?' Sara Carter Show

>>108731 Baltimore Prosecutor (of Freddie Gray & Baltimore Riots fame) Goes to Great Lengths to Keep Public Records Private

>>108732 #13773

(23 notables, 30 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173417

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10763029 Q Research General #13775: The World Is Waking Up - Virus Or Election Edition

Created 240040ZSEP20




>>108765, >>108766, >>108767, >>108768, >>108769, >>108777, >>108779, >>108781, >>108784, >>108786, >>108792, >>108798, >>108799 BLM protesters are shooting at the police.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=p1ogsjeYdE4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df67cd832095659ec5555b78a69764a79dd355fc56addb0c73f41bcd5a65acf8.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iVwveXf7DDk - LIVE | Two Police Officers Shot At Breonna Taylor Protest | Louisville Kentucky [Channel: Regg Life 2]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ac0668385bbac59de506bca0f9394abf4c77143b5849a9b0afaa25f63ce76f40.webm


>>108771 Officer down in Louisville.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50b6e2ecf8f51dcb95994c11a1384becb2c22d37df092a44bf40d060e7e0f1ad.mp4

>>108772 PF

>>108775 Governor Newsom to Announce Major Climate Initiative: September 23, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pB_ySQaR8k0 - Governor Newsom to Announce Major Climate Initiative: September 23, 2020 [Channel: California Governor Gavin Newsom]

>>108778 Pantifa has set up and arrest support hotline. You know what to do.

>>108780 Corporate media admits that TV is propaganda.

>>108782, >>108785 CBC Chair Bass: I Worry White Supremacist Groups Will ‘Infiltrate’ Taylor Protests and ‘Incite Violence’

>>108783 DNC Propaganda Times: ‘Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden’

>>108787 Trump Calls FDA Plan to Tighten Guidelines for COVID-19 Vaccine Approval 'Political Move'

>>108788 Is that fuckingLinda Sarsourguiding protesters at Louisville?

>>108789, >>108790, >>108791 ATLAS shrugs off the press today

>>108793 POLICE WITH LETHAL… BLM BEGGING THEM TO BE SHOT. “Go ahead, shoot it. Shoot it b*tch.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4c45dfe8148555363f6f80ea6a3fa82db3c18fd698abc0ffb47ed7a2ae0cae50.mp4

>>108794, >>108796 Two Louisville Police Officers Shot Amid Breonna Taylor Protests

>>108795 Sidney Powell I don’t think she’s from Kentucky, and if she’s not, I strongly believe that the @FBI and @TheJusticeDept should be looking at exactly what she was doing there

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3b2c75f126d1b15b4ef2748bd00e6df87d7b9dc73d711c7fbe81ac352a19bbad.mp4

>>108797 Seabees assigned to U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion @NMCB3 fabricate formwork for the construction of a Ground/Air Task-Oriented Radar #GATOR system housing project on board Camp Hansen in Okinawa.

>>108800 #13775

(17 notables, 36 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173418

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10763844 Q Research General #13776: Under Attack Edition

Created 240136ZSEP20




>>108801, >>108807, >>108816, >>108824, >>108827, >>108833, >>108834 MAOR L'ville

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D7Cc_PZ8wvY - louisville red hoodie [Channel: Q Revere]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iVwveXf7DDk - LIVE | Two Police Officers Shot At Breonna Taylor Protest | Louisville Kentucky [Channel: Regg Life 2]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b2be524b215d0df973356927adc63bd13b2ee1114f5855e7511ec815a1765ee8.mp4

>>108802 Police and National Guard are out protecting the hospital where the two officers who were shot are being treated.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a8d815be009b426c7b40a8197c68997ddec4905b72eebe863b4f49ad79d4b8d5.mp4

>>108803 BLM-antifa rioters in Louisville attack officers putting out the fires on the Hall of Justice. Rioters throw projectiles at them. One officer is hit in the head and knocked to the ground

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77aa9b791cea2d6a2f36a82e705e4464822c36684a4db72fbe5b85651eafbd44.mp4

>>108804 Belgian Doctors, Health Pros Demand End To Lockdowns

>>108805, >>108809 International News

>>108806, >>108812 Missouri governor and wife positive for covid!

>>108808 Where’s Hunter part 1

>>108810 Committing terrorism on video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99b6c5932dd40187fa5fed1fba494531791e3c85c5e4f9bee7bf3a09b4688aa1.mp4

>>108813 If Nancy Pelosi tries to impeach President Trump for appointing a Supreme Court Justice — as the Constitution requires him to do — we will take steps to remove her as Speaker. - Kevin McCarthy

>>108814 BREAKING: Dallas, Texas City Council Votes To Cut Police Overtime Budget By $7 Million

>>108815 Pentagon Informs Congress It's Preparing To Have "Zero" US Troops In Afghanistan By Spring

>>108817 Sep 14-18 event.

>>108818 Two Louisville Police Officers Shot Amid Breonna Taylor Protests

>>108819 Colleges nationwide enforce strict COVID policies, except during Black Lives Matter protests

>>108820 Canadian Blackface Says Country Facing Second Wave of Coronavirus Epidemic

>>108821 About to talk with @IngrahamAngleabout what I have seen in Louisville tonight.

>>108822, >>108823 MakeWay Foundation AKA Tides Foundation has ties to Kamala Harris - Weather Underground - Susan Rosenburg - Soros

>>108825 POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY September 24, 2020

>>108826, >>108831 Black Lives Matter Mob Terrorizes Diners in St. Petersburg, Florida – Threaten Drivers

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/331f0a4c741fe7c017e65f23733c2e034b8a789c75961a3c254628497c1d3d02.mp4

>>108828 Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Funds Bail Project Linked to U-Haul Providing Supplies to Louisville Rioters

>>108829 Contact report for Planefags

>>108830 They actually posted this headline.

>>108832 [FB] Link to video recorded live of Louisville Police Department presser - officer-involving shootings

>>108835 BREAKING: South Korea confirms North Korea killed, cremated South Korean citizen; demands justice

>>108836 Need everyone's prayers. Just found out my son was one of the 2 officers shot in Louisville

>>108837 HNA Group

>>108838 If the significance of the color blue to Satanism is pornography, what could the heart symbolize? Comet Pizza flyer+

>>108839 #13776

(28 notables, 38 posts, 51 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173419

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10764582 Q Research General #13777: Pray for L'ville, Pray for the Police Edition

Created 240234ZSEP20




>>108840, >>108847, >>108854, >>108856, >>108858, >>108865, >>108875, >>108877 Shills are trying to convince anons to break the law by interfering with the US mail, Shills are stupid

>>108841 Democrats worry ChinaStein can’t handle Supreme Court battle

>>108842 Sarsour spotted again

>>108843, >>108849, >>108862 PF

>>108844, >>108846, >>108853, >>108859, >>108861, >>108869, >>108873 Linda Sarsour and the Louisville Connection, Mysonne “the General” Linen - Needs MOAR DIGS

>>108845 NEW PDJT

>>108848 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

>>108850 CBS promotes socialism

>>108851 Find out who’s funding this domestic terrorism and if they’re American citizens, arrest and charge them. If they’re not American citizens, have someone pay them a visit in the dark.

>>108852 “I am committed,” “This is war” protesters marching in DC streets right now.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d413e23b4ce834272edb6fc6061079d60e431b2e26a57a2e97ac912d9be6409.mp4

>>108855 “I’m not a fan here’s (Megan Markel) and she probably knows it, but I wish Harry a lot of luck, because he’s going to need it”

>>108857, >>108864 REUTERS: Election software firm Tyler Technologies discloses unknown party hacked internal systems

>>108860 NEW Donald Trump Jr.

>>108863 Japan to reopen borders for all countries in Oct., but not tourists

>>108866 EXCLUSIVE: Democrat and Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour is Leading Rioters in Louisville Tonight Along with Members of Portland’s ‘Three Arrows’ Antifa Battalion

>>108867 ‘Hollywood Actors Are Pretty Stupid, They Only Dish Out Left-Wing Talking Points’

>>108868, >>108870 The Color Revolution Playbook (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0HaXZgPD1VU - CIVIL WAR: The Way America Could End in 2020 | Glenn TV [Channel: BlazeTV]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a0wWvV_KBXY - Civil War: The Left's Revolution Playbook EXPOSED | Glenn TV [Channel: BlazeTV]

>>108871 Back at the park, a big line of police are moving forward on a sort of scattered crowd

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ac3c55dee4e4d068d4e7bf8f594ced25aba25810bbab986e7def0861b9418148.mp4

>>108872 Holly Zoller admits that she rented U-Haul Truck and passed out gear to rioters in Louisville, KY.

>>108874 Amy Coney Barrett Demolishes the Qualified Immunity Claim of a Detective Accused of Framing a Man for Murder

>>108876 BOTH Louisville cops are in STABLE CONDITION.

>>108878 #13777

(22 notables, 39 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173420

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10765386 Q Research General #13778: Shills trying to convince anons to break the law, Shills Stupid Edition

Created 240354ZSEP20




>>108879, >>108880 How Saudi Arabia’s 33-Year-Old Crown Prince MBS Rose to Power: A Visual Explainer - 12/28/18

>>108881 BREAKING: FBI knew thru classified channels Kremlin had explosive kompromat on Hillary in '16dirt that wd have rocked her campaignyet Russia chose not to release it.

>>108882 President Donald J Trump ultimate inspirational tribute

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TQBWpMIZCe8 - President Donald J Trump ultimate inspirational tr [Channel: MateyProductions]

>>108883 US executes Army veteran for 2001 killing of nurse – 6th federal execution this year

>>108884 Arson, attemted murder of peace officers, rioting. #Democrats are the party of hatred, destruction and terrorism.

>>108885 COVID World – Resist!

>>108886, >>108887 Wtf... Parked Uhaul packed with supplies and signs for the rioters.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60de1a0eb3d2b563149f485e5273a124a93851fb1e695281b6e813368be31c4d.mp4

>>108888 Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba7e9f4c24b238c8b90e1ba80c07cbfb59421c1238f4382f640a2020fb403352.mp4

>>108889 St. Louis, Mo.: The police headquarters was set on fire by rioters.

>>108890 ‘Federal govt. ready to help’: Trump voices support for officers shot in Louisville, vows to send aid ‘immediately upon request’

>>108891 Gestapo in Hawaii

>>108892 NEW PDJT

>>108893, >>108894, >>108895, >>108903, >>108905, >>108907 A sampling of Bail Project "Team Members"

>>108896, >>108897 @LMPD tells me @ShelbyTalcott and @JorgeVentura05 will be charged with two misdemeanors related to breaking curfew & unlawful assembly

>>108898 Knowing what you know now about the smear against Q…

>>108899 BREAKING: Israeli Government approves total #coronavirus #lockdown starting Friday.

>>108900 Is tie dye the uniform tonight?

>>108901 Going down in LA and Portland

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GPUlbn6ITtk - Live Protests & Riots: Day 119 | Portland, Rochester, Louisville, Seattle [Channel: Not_WOKE]

>>108902 The crooked Clintons-someone was able to find them out and able to prove it

>>108904 Real GUNS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df67cd832095659ec5555b78a69764a79dd355fc56addb0c73f41bcd5a65acf8.mp4

>>108906, >>108908, >>108909 The 23rd time Trump has tweeted or retweeted "Law and Order" - NowComesTheP@IN–23

>>108910 Eviction possibly linked to double stabbing at luxury high-rise building in Seattle

>>108911 Two Portland protesters arrested as a result of the demonstrations on Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning are serial offenders, who were ultimately released for the fourth time

>>108912 Protestors have begun throwing fireworks at the East Precinct nearly striking officers in the process. The bulk of the protestors are in the intersection at 11/Pine St.

>>108913 Officers have deployed pepper spray after protestors cut security cameras at the East Precinct. Protestors have moved into Cal Anderson Park. Safe exit from the park is to the West and North.

>>108914, >>108915, >>108916 BTFO

>>108917 #13778,

(27 notables, 39 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173421

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10766163 Q Research General #13779: Late NIght Shills Get Late Night Wrecked Edition

Created 240619ZSEP20





>>108919, >>108923 Epic Keks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0f79b5fe4237a25af8cd4fd6ac2b0792681a4c1134f74647d1e51c90faf078c.mp4

>>108920 Barron Hilton, Bro to paris hilton and Nicki Rothschild. Married a german countess. Story courtesy of South China news.

>>108921 Another angle showing a rioter throwing a Molotov cocktail at @PortlandPolice

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81f3fb0fb850a549a03c23e98e66e18758bba1b6844bbab725f1f23e03de052a.mp4

>>108922 Dispersal orders have been issued to protestors at 11/Pine St due to property damage, a large fire in the intersection as well as assaults on officers. Please leave the area to the North or West.

>>108924, >>108926, >>108928 Chinese troops marching in Canada? - Anons say fake

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5dc1d24d03e65b6a36dc007451e8a44c76fb2a285454e17143d204024b4d5daf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91b2cbfb3f2f96806cc1ea45b022f227fadd9c7ea47621a31058c93af74212a0.mp4

>>108925 "ASTEROID FLYBY TODAY: There's no danger of a collision, but asteroid 2020 SW will come very close to Earth today.

>>108927 INSIDE ‘PEDO ISLAND’ Incredible never-before-seen pics show Jeffrey Epstein cavorting with young women in bikinis on his private island - Sep 16 2020

>>108929 Breitbart: Double Cop Killer Anthony Bottom Paroled in Gov. Cuomo’s NY

>>108930, >>108931 BREAKING: Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees Release DEVASTATING Report on Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption — CROOKED BIDEN FAMILY ENRICHED THEMSELVES AND OBAMA KNEW!

>>108932 BBC News Panic

>>108933 Evil's day is coming.

>>108934 Archbishop Viganò: Trump is ‘preparing to fight against the demonic forces of the deep state’ - Jun 29, 2020 Refresher

>>108935 China, still no ‘yes’ to Vatican agreement

>>108936 Judicial Watch Sues State of Illinois for Refusing to Disclose Voter Roll Data in Violation of Federal Law

>>108937 Taiwan Scrambles Jets, Deploys Missiles To Shoot Invading Chinese Anti-Submarine Aircraft

>>108938 Nice graphics in this Post story from @JaxAlemany. States handle processing and counting mail ballots on different timelines.


>>108940 Is a President Biden susceptible to foreign blackmail?

>>108941 Costco yanks product after founder calls BLM a 'terrorist' group

>>108942 Senate Ukraine Report

>>108943 Portland Rioters Throw What Appears to Be a Massive Molotov At Police, Just Hours After Two Cops Shot in Louisville

>>108944 Bulgaria expels two Russian diplomats for espionage, Russia vows to respond in kind

>>108945 FBI SWAT Team Moves in After TWO Louisville Police Officers Shot During Breonna Taylor Riots

>>108946 Marching With Antifa, CNN Claims Not 'Peaceful' But Not 'Violent'

>>108947 Wide Eye, a creative digital agency that is constantly being used by the Dems for their digital and content strategy, design, and websites

>>108948 pf

>>108949 Reminder that Asheville currently has at least one hotel full of urban out of towners.

>>108950 MTA workers had hidden ‘man cave’ below Grand Central tracks, IG report finds

>>108951 Delaware GOP Senate candidate defends controversial Ginsburg meme

>>108952 Last month, Mrs Clinton urged Mr Biden this time not to concede defeat "under any circumstances" in a close race on election night.

>>108953 #13779

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9d28d5 No.173422

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10767846 Q Research General #13781: Hold On To Yer Butts Edition

Created 241311ZSEP20




>>108982 anon posts screenshots of handler pointing out Portland policeofficer to be attacked with baseball bat

>>108983 #6 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Steven Horsford Nevada 4th

>>108984 (from May) Interesting: How to Replace a Presidential Candidate?

>>108985 Trump supporters line up more than 17 hours before president’s arrival in Jacksonville

>>108986, >>108991 (embedded video) Kevin McCarthy questions how Louisville protests are being funded. Suggests Antifa Has ‘Training Facilities’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U8FPc03aXbU - Kevin McCarthy questions how Louisville protests are being funded [Channel: Fox News]

>>108987 (continued from lb) WeWork sells majority stake in Chinese entity, seeks localization

>>108988 North Korea shot, burned missing South Korean official, military confirms

>>108989 Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Tweet: ‘Say Her Name’ amid Street Protests

>>108990, >>108998, >>109002, >>109006, >>109008 planefag reporting


>>108993 ChaplinAnon's prayer for POTUS

>>108994 Lebanese official says 49 ‘dangerous’ containers still at Beirut’s port

>>108995 WIRED PANIC

>>108996 NOMINATIONS & APPOINTMENTS: Allen Robert Souza, of North Carolina, to be Inspector General of the Intelligence Community

>>108997 Top FDA vaccine adviser recuses herself over tie to Moderna

>>108999, >>109000 U.S. Central Command w/CAP: Locked and Loaded #NavyReadiness

>>109001 Former Fox News Regular Joe diGenova Claims Network Is Beholden to George Soros

>>109003 Twin Cities Family Says Antifa Targeted Them, Painted 'Biden 2020' On Their Garage Before Burning It Down

>>109004 Suspect in shooting of 2 Louisville police officers identified as Larynzo Johnson

>>109005 Idaho Police Arrest 3 at Outdoor Church Worship Event in Defiance of Mask Mandate

>>109007 US Navy w/CAP: Welcome to Guam and the Maritime Team Flag of Guam

>>109009 Rep Jim Jordan w/CAP: Democrats still haven’t accepted the 2016 election results. They’re threatening to riot when Joe Biden loses...

>>109010 Another Soros AG identified

>>109011 Editotial: Qanon enters Illinois Politics

>>109012 California To Ban Sales Of Gasoline Cars By 2035

>>109013 #13781

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9d28d5 No.173423

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10766973 Q Research General #13780: Evil's Day Is Coming Edition

Created 240931ZSEP20




>>108954, >>108957, >>108958 (commentary) The Painful, but Necessary, Next Steps in the U.S.-Taiwanese Relationship. Related content

>>108955, >>108960 planefag reporting

>>108956 Rand Paul: I’m Sending Hunter Biden Report to DOJ for Criminal Referral


>>108961, >>108962 Nicolas Sarkozy has failed to have criminal charges over £42million of illegal payments from Colonel Gaddafi thrown out by judges in Paris

>>108963 Edward Snowden debunks cnn news story reporting he 'agreed' to give money from his book to US government

>>108964 Adam Schiff Urges Trump’s Own Staff To Walk Out Now While They Can

>>108965 A widely cited report claiming 93% of BLM "protests" were peaceful was funded by the State Dept. ACLED receives funding from the BCSO, a State Department office."

>>108966 Laundering??? Justice for Breonna Taylor (official)(#BREEWAYY): $6,690,470 raised of $500,000 goal

>>108967 Paul Sperry w/CAP: Durham investigators zeroing in on FBI 302s citing CIA liaisons and CIA assets and agency intel regarding US citizens during the 2016 election

>>108968, >>108969, >>108970 anon highlights Taylor legal team and backgrounds.

>>108971 Denver police detain driver after vehicle plows into Breonna Taylor protesters

>>108972 Obama gives out his phone number: 'Send me a text'

>>108973, >>108974, >>108975 Tyler Technologies, largest provider of election software to the United States, hacked and offline

>>108976 Senate Report Confirms Suspected Impeachment ‘Whistleblower’ Met With Ukrainian Prosecutors

>>108977, >>108978 (video) Mother Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing a Mask at Son’s Football Game

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oMIhuCVGgIw - Woman arrested as result in not wearing a mask. [Channel: The Timmyz]

>>108979 anon speculates on antifa battlefield cash flow drivers.

>>108980 Pineville, LA Police say officer shot himself and patrol car, then claimed he was ambushed

>>108981 #13780

(19 notables, 28 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173424

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10768641 Q Research General #13782: I Love The Smell Of Panic In The Morn'n Edition

Created 241449ZSEP20




>>109014 Bundeswehr Military Counterintelligence Service: MAD President Christof Gramm to be replaced

>>109015 from @Jim_Jordan asks FBI Director Wray whether bureau is investigating allegations against Hunter Biden in Senate report @SenRonJohnson+ @ChuckGrassley

>>109016 UPDATE: The Press Secretary holds a press briefing at 1:00PM

>>109017, >>109034, >>109040, >>109044 planefaggin

>>109018, >>109019, >>109022, >>109025 Grenell: Biden isn’t campaigning. Has he given up? +

>>109020 Killery all of a sudden thinks surrender is guud, hmmmmm

>>109021 Germany to launch 2nd green bond in November with five-year maturity

>>109023 @TheBabylonBee: Constitution To Be Replaced By List Of Ginsburg's Last Wishes

>>109024 Catherine Herridge pens overlaid on QClock, if that's even pertinent.

>>109026, >>109033 "microgrids"

>>109027 FBI's Christopher Wray Testifies on National Security Threats and global threats before the Senate Homeland Security Committee

>>109028 Treasury Secretary Mnuchin & Federal Reserve Chair Powell Testify on COVID-19 Impact on Economy

>>109029 Cyber Threats to Voting Processes Could Slow But Not Prevent Voting

>>109030 REMINDER: Joe Biden, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, The Clintons, Nancy Pelosi and George Soros All Have Connections to the Ukraine

>>109031 Potus: LOW ENERGY INDIVIDUAL, LEI…Legal Entity Identifier .....

>>109032 How China has poured billions into the Caribbean by investing in ports, roads and a five-star resort in a soft power grab

>>109035 Louisville, Thread on our reporters who were arrested in Louisville last night

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50acc204b46dc79bd0ab8840b798f2dc37cfaf08415757e52422e42977c6c813.mp4

>>109036, >>109037 Ohio girl tased and arrested for not wearing a MASK!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xynOcbuRkjc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109038 GOP senators press streaming giant on relationship with author who defended CCP's Uighur repression

>>109039 Biden Campaign to Appear Alongside Hanoi Jane

>>109041 Princeton Denies That Its ‘Embedded’ Racism Violates the Civil Rights Act

>>109042 Arizona Governor Halts Last-Minute Dem Push to Change Voting Laws

>>109043 350K Dead Registrants, Ballots Counted 9 Days After Election Day: What the Heck Is Going On?

>>109045 Graham Discusses Upcoming Supreme Court Nomination vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2Hnmtfrt6lM - Graham Discusses Upcoming Supreme Court Nomination [Channel: USSenLindseyGraham]

>>109046 Majority of BLM Protesters Are White Democrats: Pew Research

>>109047 Over 300 People Facing Federal Charges For Crimes Committed During Nationwide Demonstrations


>>109049 @18airbornecorps Here's a message worth considering long after #SuicidePreventionMonth

>>109050, >>109051 Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone.

>>109052 #13782

(30 notables, 39 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173425

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10769430 Q Research General #13783: Dyeing Wishes Edition

Created 241615ZSEP20




>>109053 Former Cancer Center President Indicted For Participation In Long-Running Antitrust Conspiracy

>>109054 Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney respond to Trump's peaceful transfer of power remarks

>>109055 C-SPAN link - President Trump and First Lady Pay Respects to Justice Ginsburg

>>109056, >>109071 Project Veritas to release undeniable video proof of systemic voter fraud 09.28.2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ok-yTLOSEMg - Project Veritas to release undeniable video proof of systemic voter fraud 09.28.2020 [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>109057 WTF? Pope Francis: God has instructed me to revise the The Ten Commandments

>>109058 13 arrested, vandalism reported at Seattle's Breonna Taylor protests

>>109059, >>109060, >>109061, >>109064, >>109065 Hunter Biden's Secret Service Flights and other Coinciding Occurrences

>>109062, >>109063 The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple

>>109066 Potus: Russian Billionaire wired Hunter Biden 3 1/2 Million Dollars.....

>>109067 DNI: briefed Congressioinal members on how China, Russia, Iran and other countries are actively trying to undermine US elections

>>109068 FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If they can arrest people for not wearing a mask, what other bullshit laws can they make up and have people arrested for not following? This is a very dangerous precedent.And yet the rioters are allowed to do whatever they want.

>>109069 Louisville Police Department Refuses To Release Daily Caller Reporters Despite Confirming Press Credentials

>>109070 "They've Killed God; I Can't Feel God; My Soul Is Dead" AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer "Develops Neurological problems"

>>109072, >>109073, >>109074 The blueprint for a military coup in the US as laid out in this article in "The Conversation" from 2017.

>>109075 President Trump's Niece Sues Family Claiming She Was "Defrauded" Of Inheritance

>>109076 GOP Rep. Jim Jordan Sends Letter to Director Wray Demanding to Know if FBI is Investigating Hunter Biden’s Crimes

>>109077 Potus: LOW ENERGY INDIVIDUAL, LEI…Legal Entity Identifier diggz

>>109078 Gorgeous picture of the Milky Way from Oregon Patriot. Feels like something magical is happening today.

>>109079 This is America? Three Christians Arrested for Singing Church Hymns Outside in Idaho without Masks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5ahhhFWbwrQ - Full video: Arrested for not social distancing [Channel: Daniel Foucachon]

>>109080 Prominent Hong Kong Activist Joshua Wong Arrested For Breaking 'National Security' Law

>>109081 Europe’s LOCKDOWN will kill more people worldwide than Covid-19 virus, German minister warns

>>109082 White House Link - 1:00PM Presser

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=euw3evCCJbE - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>109083 “Violence Has No Home in Portland” – Clown Mayor Ted Wheeler Crawls out from under Rock and Condemns “Alt-Right Groups” Planned Protest in Portland

>>109084 LIVE: Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at a Made In America Event

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xYCJsQv-paU - Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at a Made In America Event [Channel: The White House]

>>109085 Kaepernick: ‘White Supremacist Institution of Policing…Must Be Abolished’

>>109086 Flotus: @POTUS & I paused at the @USSupremeCourt to pay our respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

>>109087 New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft cleared of massage parlor sex charge in Florida

>>109088 10,000 a day contracting Covid-19 in UK says Health Minister Hancock, as he urges people to download new tracing app

>>109089 Teen charged after ‘hate-motivated comments’ made during online learning session, York police say

>>109090 B-1B Integrated Battle Station modification completed

>>109091 Pence: "We didn't need a Magic Wand; we just needed Donald Trump in the White House."

>>109092 Kayleigh at the podium first words out of her mouth - "Make no mistake, radicals are in charge of the Democrat Party."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=euw3evCCJbE - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>109093 #13783

(33 notables, 41 posts, 33 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173426

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10770198 Q Research General #13784: For The History Books Edition

Created 241730ZSEP20




>>109094 Masked Arsonist Torches Catholic Church in Tampa, Florida

>>109095 Chen Qiushi: Chinese journalist missing since February 'under state supervision'

>>109096 Farage: Britons Must Fight Against Coronavirus Government ‘Tyranny’

>>109097, >>109104 Judge Amy Coney Barrett Recently Approved Democrat COVID-19 Lockdown Policies

>>109098 Swedish 2021 Budget Spends More on Foreign Aid Than Police Force

>>109099 3 things to watch at President Donald Trump’s rally tonight in Jacksonville

>>109100 Presser

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=euw3evCCJbE - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>109101 #6 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Steven Horsford Nevada 4th

>>109102, >>109103 FBI finds military mail-in ballots discarded, 100% for Potus, PA

>>109105 Flashback: 2015 Pfizer Vice President Blows The Whistle & Tells The Truth About The Pharmaceutical Industry


>>109106, >>109107, >>109114, >>109115, >>109116, >>109120, >>109121, >>109135, >>109137 planefaggin

>>109108 Michelle Obama urges voters to ignore Donald Trump's 'conspiracy theories' about mail-in voting as she rallies Hollywood friends

>>109109 More than 10,000 people have unexpectedly died in their own home since mid-June amid fears Britons are STILL avoiding NHS for help

>>109110 How about that! Future proves past!

>>109111 Secretary Pompeo's video remarks at the "Prague 5G Security Conference"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vg5IjKrizCE - Secretary Pompeo's video remarks at the "Prague 5G Security Conference" [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>109112 Pompeo says China's NY consulate is major spy hub

>>109113 Democrats and Deep State Signal They Expect Next President Will Be “Installed” Not Elected into Office

>>109117 Cops arrest four members of a child sex trafficking ring as horrific video emerges of girl being tortured and threatened with a drill in Colombia

>>109118 companies like Amazon & Google could lose federal contracts if they put their employees through “critical race theory”-based trainings.

>>109119 You can’t hide from the truth. Durham is coming.

>>109122 Tony Blair: Ties between Arab states, Israel will lead to peace for Palestine

>>109123 NY Business: State to vet federally authorized Covid vaccines as mistrust grows

>>109124 And it wasn't just Biden…America is for sale. Many family & folks tied to politicians and appointed positions and the military get paid and get deals and get contracts.

>>109125 “Out of ammunition. God save the King."

>>109126 Netanyahu: ‘Populist politicians’ to blame for soaring virus rates

>>109127, >>109128 Open Secrets Org.


>>109130, >>109136 UN chief: World fails test of international cooperation amid coronavirus pandemic

>>109131 Number of countries use pandemic to settle scores with rivals, says Lavrov

>>109132 SPAC Stocks Fall After SEC Chairman Pushes For Additional Disclosures

>>109133 Grenell on Kosovo and Serbia

>>109134 Potus: Get Ready to Vote

>>109138 ————————————–——– Scope exceeds illegal spy campaign? There is a reason why this was leaked today. The 'Election Infection' cannot stop what is coming. (Cap: )

>>109139 #13784

>>109140, >>109141 rt ———–––——–— Make your depth 50ft.Zero bubble.

>>109142, >>109143 rt ———–––——–— It is the only way.

(36 notables, 50 posts, 53 media/files)

Q- >>109138, >>109141, >>109143

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173427

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10770958 Q Research General #13785: Respect and Dues To Our Heros Edition

Created 241839ZSEP20




>>109144 Senators Probe Netflix Partnership With Chinese Genocide Denier

>>109145 Southeast Texas businessman sentenced to life in prison for sex trafficking young girl following ICE investigation

>>109146, >>109153 What Is Zero Bubble? Bubble: The up or down angle of the boat, with a “zero bubble” being an even keel.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jr0JaXfKj68 - "One Ping Only" [Channel: droidmaker]

>>109147 Hussein gets it. PANIC PANIC EVERYWHERE

>>109148 New York to Doctors: Hand Over Private Patient Information

>>109149 Archive Update "Feindfahrt" Edition

>>109150, >>109157, >>109158, >>109164, >>109168, >>109169 PF updates

>>109151 Ex-Union President Sentenced for Violent Extortion in Church Brawl Case

>>109152, >>109156 ————————————–——– Scope exceeds illegal spy campaign? There is a reason why this was leaked today. The 'Election Infection' cannot stop what is coming. (Cap: )

>>109154 Trident D5

>>109155 Sen. Rand Paul will refer Hunter Biden for DOJ criminal investigation

>>109159, >>109160 rt ———–––——–— Hunters become the hunted


>>109162 Why Julian Assange, a Non-US Citizen, Operating Outside the US, Is Being Prosecuted Under the US Espionage Act

>>109163 Saudi-Backed Forces Shot Down Two Houthi Drones In Ma’rib Within 48 Hours

>>109165 ASSANGE HEARING DAY THIRTEEN–Prosecution Witness Leaves Out Reason Why Assange Was Sent to Belmarsh Medical Ward

>>109166 Potus: Thank you Jacksonville, Florida. See you all TONIGHT! #MAGA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3781b07ec0b0f19f375f4e7711fec376226958a02db3c9818151af9ab481dcc9.mp4

>>109167 Scope exceeds illegal spy campaign. Reminder Q2698

>>109170 #13785

(19 notables, 27 posts, 28 media/files)

Q- >>109160

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173428

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10771734 Q Research General #13786: Bubble Set, Even Keel, ComfyEdition

Created 241924ZSEP20




>>109171 U.S. ‘Electronic Attack’ Aircraft Spotted Over Iraq

>>109172 Sanders Demands Nonpartisan Commission to Oversee 2020 Vote Amid Fears of Trump 'Stealing' Election

>>109173 50ft. water (relative to vaccuum) no bubbles = 6.9804256964124995 psi (relative to atmosphere)

>>109174 Trump: Clinton vessel for 'corrupt' global establishment?

>>109175 zero bubble

>>109176 Report: Iranian Supertanker ‘Honey’ Loading Venezuelan ‘Top Grade Exportable Crude’

>>109177 Poll: Britons Would “Go To Prison Before Being Injected”

>>109178 Rep Jamie Mr. Raskin D-Maryland: Do you know what Frazzledrip is?

>>109179 Lake Trump!

>>109180 Walmart Is Hiring 20,000 Workers For Holiday Shopping Season

>>109181, >>109188 rt ———–––——–— Timing can be derived from picture. Anons have always known. Have faith in your research.

>>109182 Blue Cross Blue Shield insurers reach tentative antitrust settlement for $2.7 bln

>>109183 'Biden 2020,' 'BLM,' Anarchist Sign Spray-Painted on Garage Door Amid Suspected Arson Attack

>>109184 John Durham reviewing FBI handling of Clinton Foundation investigation

>>109185 ————————————–——– Never forget those in the background

>>109186 Justice Department Announces Results in Fight Against the Opioid Crisis Two Years after Launch of Operation S.O.S.

>>109187 planefaggin

>>109189, >>109191 Q cap

>>109190 Air Force awards $38M in contracts for upgrades to airfield in Iceland

>>109192 BLM-Antifa Thug Arrested and Charged with Attempted Murder After Hurling Mother-of-all-Molotovs at Portland Police

>>109193 DOJ recommends at least 3 years in prison for retired Navy Capt. John Nettleton

(21 notables, 23 posts, 30 media/files)

Q- >>109185, >>109188

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173429

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10772523 Q Research General #13787: Never Forget Those Behind The Scenes Edition

Created 242009ZSEP20




>>109194 @WhiteHousePresident @realDonaldTrump is wheels up for North Carolina

>>109195 Argentina is nearing economic collapse

>>109196 Husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein Admits Helping Well Connected Applicants to University

>>109197 PF September 15th Call sign JENA2

>>109198 Breitbart NBC’s Chuck Todd: Trump Making Up Mail-in Voter Fraud

>>109199 Anon decode Q powerfully reiterated an important lesson: trust yourself

>>109200 We are on day 9 of the 10 day "q team" instructed us to keep watch over events

>>109201 General Flynn Waits for Crooked Judge to End His Case

>>109202, >>109203, >>109204, >>109206, >>109208, >>109209, >>109212, >>109219 Plane Fag

>>109205 Updated DOJ statement on discarded Trump Ballots

>>109207 U.S. Accountant in Panama Papers Investigation Sentenced to Prison

>>109210, >>109214, >>109215 >>107729132, 2 years ago last month John Basham tweeted about "The @TheJusticeDept had a Boeing 757-223 tail number N119NA in Little Rock, AR"

>>109211 Little Rock, AR > FDA - NCTR Location National Center for Toxicological Research

>>109213 Referring to the C_A, under GHWB, running drug & arms out of Mena when Slick Willie was Governor?

>>109216 Aspects of U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation have been assumed by U.S. Attorney John Durham

>>109217 Techno-Fog lighting it up- new drops thread– Flynn from 2016

>>109218, >>109221 Moar Basham

>>109220 Key Vatican Cardinal Caught up in Real Estate Scandal Resigns Suddenly

>>109222 #13787

(19 notables, 29 posts, 47 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173430

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10773246 Q Research General #13788: Infinite Dubs Anons, Work Em Edition

Created 242059ZSEP20




>>109223 President Trump Delivers Remarks on the America First Healthcare Plan.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HKZ-PIGGDWA - President Trump Delivers Remarks on the America First Healthcare Plan [Channel: The White House]

>>109224 Flynn Memo - Sept 24 2020


>>109226, >>109230, >>109235, >>109236 planefaggin

>>109227 Clinton Foundation trending

>>109228 Tash Guahar NEXUS of POWER during Mueller Investigation?

>>109229, >>109231 caught a blocked DOJ flight from Little Rock in August 2018

>>109232 Well well well. Look who just took off out of Salt Lake City.

>>109233 FDA Delays COVID Vaccine Beyond Election Day; Trump Responds

>>109234 Julian Assange was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome

>>109237, >>109238, >>109239 ————————————–——– Tracking events? (Cap: )

>>109240 ComEd Executives Will Kick Off Special Hearing Into Springfield Bribery Scandal

>>109241 ————————————–——– *** Not long now.

>>109242 ————————————–——– PAN[DEM]IC_DEM_PANIC (Cap: )

(14 notables, 20 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>109237, >>109241, >>109242

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173431

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10774035 Q Research General #13789: Tracking Events? Edition

Created 242151ZSEP20




>>109243 U.S. Accountant in Panama Papers Investigation Sentenced to Prison

>>109244 Looking forward to discussing important  trade, security, and  religious freedom issues with my counterparts in Greece, Italy, the Holy See,  and Croatia  next week.

>>109245 ————————————–——– PAN[DEM]IC_DEM_PANIC (Cap: )

>>109246 @KF4LMT Don't say the Q-word…

>>109247 ‘Trump Was Right’: Explosive New FBI Texts Detail Internal Furor Over Handling Of ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Investigation

>>109248 New Flynn docs

>>109249 Sex Solicitation Charges Against NFL Patriots Owner Kraft Dropped After Court Blocks Sex Video

>>109250 DOJ Investigating Clinton Foundation According To New York Times Report

>>109251 MAY 8, 2020 Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation

>>109252 PF updates

>>109253, >>109254 famous meeting

>>109255 Senator Josh Hawley Pushes Vote on Proposed Section 230 Big Tech Censorship Legislation — Democrats Immediately Block the Vote

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Oteu5cXWJ7s - Senator Hawley: Let those who have been censored by Big Tech claim their rights, let them sue [Channel: Senator Josh Hawley]

>>109256 Conservative CJ Pearson Films MANDATORY LECTURE at University of Alabama Equating US to Nazi Germany and Trump to Hitler

>>109257 ————————————–——– Midnight Riders, Ride! INFORMATION WARFARE

>>109258 Potus: Up Bid in South Carolina

>>109259 BREAKING: Democrats to introduce bill limiting U.S. Supreme Court justice terms to just 18 years - Reuters

>>109260 United States v. FLYNN Docket Number: 1:17-cr-00232

>>109261 #13786

>>109262 #13788

>>109263 #13789

(20 notables, 21 posts, 17 media/files)

Q- >>109257

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173432

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10774815 Q Research General #13790: ]Durham[ Edition

Created 242229ZSEP20




>>109264 planefaggin

>>109265 Gregg County Texas commissioner and 3 others arrested today on election fraud charges

>>109266 Q's photo posted. Don't forget the people in the background

>>109267 She is amazing. God is amazing. This place is amazing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16fbdfab02381171b23695440c089a4a23a4ce3795c644554f526cef3398abd8.mp4

>>109268, >>109276, >>109277, >>109278 International Operation Nets 179 Suspected Darknet Users

>>109269, >>109279 D.C. the 5th jurisdiction to grant certain U.S. law school graduates be licensed to practice law w/out taking bar exam

>>109270 ————————————–——– PAN[DEM]IC_DEM_PANIC (Cap: )

>>109271 Bail Project Linked to Antifa U-Haul Got Up to $1M in Federal COVID Funds

>>109272, >>109274 Planefag Reports

>>109273 ‘Moderate’ New Mexico Dem Endorses Late-Term Taxpayer Funded Abortion

>>109275, >>109280 Watch LIVE: POTUS Holds Peaceful Protest in Jacksonville, FL 24 September 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pOeA5PNQM58 - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Jacksonville, Florida [Channel: Donald J Trump]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JawE-SNIkdM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Jacksonville, FL 9/24/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>109281 Lin Wood I can be contacted by email at lwood@fightback.law The violations of fundamental rights of Americans must stop

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca9d38a9fe1ec179c9677485ccbfdbe7e802752123c847b7a5cff9de2924fdf3.mp4

>>109282 FBI Chain of Command Graphicl re: Q/pb

>>109283, >>109285, >>109295 CH twat: #Durham BREAKING: primary sub-source for Steele dossier deemed possible “national security threat” + subject of 2009 FBI counter-intel probe

>>109284, >>109286, >>109290, >>109291, >>109292, >>109296 Ralley Caps

>>109287, >>109288 Flynn case bombshell: FBI analysts bought insurance fearing they'd be sued for misconduct

>>109289 Operation Legend: Case of the Day

>>109293 Police in Wisconsin found three trays of mail, including absentee ballots, in a ditch. An investigation is underway

>>109294 Op-Ed: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: It’s great that athletes are speaking out. But some of them are spouting nonsense

>>109297 #13790

(20 notables, 34 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173433

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10775646 Q Research General #13791: Hot On DS Trail, Run Like A Rebel ~ Anons Let's Ride! Ralley Edition

Created 242327ZSEP20




>>109298 FBI Director Wray Downplays Election Fraud as Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military, Marked For Trump Found in Pennsylvania

>>109299 (PB), ‘Trump Was Right’: Explosive New FBI Texts Detail Internal Furor Over Handling Of ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Investigation

>>109300 PDJT Youtube LIVE: President Donald Trump in Jacksonville, Florida

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pOeA5PNQM58 - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Jacksonville, Florida [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>109301, >>109302 Bulgarian soccer fans support Kyle Rittenhouse

>>109303 FBI texts uncovered by DOJ show FBI agents were so horrified by bureau's actions to take down Trump they purchased liability insurance after they got sued

>>109304 New White House Bible Study to Be Announced During DC Prayer March

>>109305, >>109307, >>109311, >>109315 Planefag Reports

>>109306 Mike Pompeo says China’s New York consulate is major spy hub

>>109308 Dianne Feinstein’s husband identified as UC regent who recommended less qualified student

>>109309, >>109310 Chairman Graham Releases Newly Declassified Summary Indicating FBI Knew Steele Dossier Source Was Likely a Russian Agent, Had Been Under U.S. Counterintelligence Investigation

>>109312 County Official, Conspirators Charged by Attorney General with 134 Counts of Mail-in Ballot Fraud

>>109313, >>109314 Maria Bartiromo twat: Here's another beauty from the newly released text messages from peter Stroyk & Lisa Page

>>109316 #13791

(13 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173434

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10777163 Q Research General #13793: Did You See The Polls Today? We're Winning Across By A Lot! Edition

Created 250104ZSEP20




>>109333, >>109336, >>109337 TRUMP: "Here tonight we have some of our unbelievable undercover operatives. If you don't mind, I won't introduce them. I want to so badly! — I want to hug them and kiss them, which I'm not allowed to do because of social distancing."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b830ea142ed8aa86329f95a4564a9e0d404a710a2b4b758d05bcc51914826b14.mp4

>>109334, >>109339 Planefag Reports

>>109335 Meet the ‘Five Nines’: The Israeli Army’s New Data Center for Everything From Combat to Intel

>>109338 Powerful Vatican Cardinal Becciu resigns amid scandal

>>109340 20 Inmates And Accomplices Charged In COVID-19 Unemployment Fraud

>>109341, >>109342 Dan the man, wait for it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ed701fc3e9c3ad055c6fad3fbfdb84a32e7bd23068168d13615f291e23f2683.mp4

>>109343 Kayleigh McEnany twat: WOW!! The only Russia collusion was with Hillary Clinton & the Democrats

>>109344 FBI Investigated Steele Dossier Source As A Possible Russian Spy Years Before Trump Probe

>>109345 Lawsuit blames Facebook for Kenosha violence, claims it failed to prevent ‘calls to arms’ from spreading

>>109346 DEVELOPING: Enormous number of internet services are down or experiencing outages

>>109347 TEXAS: Gregg County Commissioner and Three Others Arrested in Connection to Organized Ballot-Harvesting Scheme During 2018 Democrat Primary

>>109348 Democrats and Leftie Attorney Marc Elias Just Stole the Election in North Carolina — And the GOP Did Not Put Up a Fight

>>109349 EYES ON, RIDERS!! Special Election Imminent After Adam Weeks, Candidate In Minnesota's 2nd District, Dies

>>109350 ComEd Executives Will Kick Off Special Hearing Into Springfield Bribery Scandal

>>109351 Governor Parson Activates Missouri National Guard as Precautionary Measure in Response to Civil Unrest

>>109352 #13793,

(16 notables, 20 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173435

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10776391 Q Research General #13792: This Was A Big Day, Never Forget POTUS Rocks Rally! Edition

Created 250013ZSEP20




>>109317 Barr to Graham: FBI has declassed relevant portion of footnote..which states "the Primary Sub-source was subject of FBI counterintelligence investigation 2009 to 2011 that assessed his/her contacts w/suspected Russian intelligence officers”

>>109318, >>109319, >>109322 Rally Caps

>>109320 Amazon Ring unveils tiny IN-HOME DRONE to spy on your property while you’re out

>>109321 PDJT twat: Cheating on Unsolicited Ballots by political hacks, or anyone else, is against the law. We are closely watching!

>>109323 U.S. Marines retwat: Tonight, several Marines operating within Ground Combat Element of the Marine Air Ground Task Force were recognized during awards dinner Washington DC

>>109324, >>109328, >>109330 Planefag Reports

>>109325 PDJT retwat: BREAKING — Newly Disclosed FBI Text Messages Show Grave Concerns About Having Investigated General Flynn

>>109326 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announces 134 felony voter fraud charges in connection with 2018 Dem primary

>>109327 Apparently we're arresting people for singing hymns in America

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6d3ded197c9386a0256a50b00765edb815832fdf6542ad6dc05c55e02195d229.mp4

>>109329 Lin Wood's organization #FightBackLaw will help a mother tasered for not wearing a mask at Jr. High football game

>>109331 Interesting look at Johns Basham's response “that means their investigations are finished”

>>109332 #13792

(12 notables, 16 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173436

File: 29cfa064ab497da⋯.png (1016.5 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10777921 Q Research General #13794: Here Tonight We Have Unbelievable Undercover Operatives Edition

Created 250150ZSEP20




>>109353 Board Revokes License Of Psychologist After Alleged Sexual Relationship With Teen Patient

>>109354 Tonight's shitshow now playing: Louisville, Rochester, St Louis

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WOzdYNGr7_s - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109355 Stop the madness': Former Virginia gov. demands Trump rally be cancelled due pandemic rules — but the campaign says the show must go on

>>109356, >>109374, >>109378, >>109382 Biden wearing a comms device? Q proof?

>>109357 Accused cop slasher Fredrick Elrezz found dead in jail after attempted murder

>>109358, >>109384, >>109388 Kekistan Navy Reports - for keks

>>109359 Underground fires in Oregon - tunnels?

>>109360 #Durham Full Story: Primary sub-source for Steele dossier was subject of 2009 FBI counterintelligence case + …

>>109361 Texas Gov. Abbott announces plans legislation that will increase the penalties for crimes from rioting

>>109362 Google Services Experiencing Disruptions

>>109363, >>109375 Sara exclusive: McCabe allegedly at the center of Durham probe, new info reveals dossier source was suspected Russian agent

>>109364 Fresh POTUS: The Democrats are Rigging our 2020 election!

>>109365 Justice Dept orders Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to change ballot practices after military ballots found discarded

>>109366, >>109380 Planefag Reports - Eyes on an unusual habbening

>>109367, >>109368, >>109385, >>109386 On ID'ing man in Q's AF1 pic - Dan Scavino & Gary Cohn? No?

>>109369, >>109372 South China Morning Post: CIA clamps down on flow of Russia intelligence to White House

>>109370 Re Q's post: Seems Durham wanted to interview Strzok way back in 2017

>>109371 Pompeo 'Outs' Chinese Consulate in NYC as Another 'Hotbed for Espionage'

>>109373, >>109377 Scores injured after MASSIVE gas tanker explosion on outskirts of Lagos, Nigeria

>>109376 Amazon Ring unveils tiny IN-HOME DRONE to spy on your property while you’re out

>>109379 179 Arrested in Massive Global Dark Web Takedown - Operation Disruptor

>>109381 Pennsylvania election officials sound alarm over 'naked ballot' ruling

>>109383 Corporate Media Stays Silent on Wall Street Banks’ Crimes

>>109387 #13794

(24 notables, 36 posts, 46 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173437

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10778655 Q Research General #13795: Midnight Riders, Ride! Edition

Created 250255ZSEP20




>>109389 Pro-Antifa DA Drops Attempted Murder and Arson Charges For Terrorist Who Threw Molotov Cocktail At Police

>>109390 Victoria: Brutal question Daniel Andrews can't answer

>>109391 #13794

>>109392 A federal appeals panel says Gov. JB Pritzker is free to limit Republican political gatherings

>>109393 Pics from tonight's rally in Jax

>>109394, >>109403, >>109407, >>109410, >>109413, >>109417, >>109418 Anons work on ID'ing the man on AF1 in Q's pic

>>109395 News and events surrounding 9 August 2018 - four days prior to Peter Strzok being fired

>>109396, >>109400 @GoJackFlynn tweet: Whoever put the wheel in Motion and set Durham on his mission is the legend

>>109397 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY September 25, 2020

>>109398 Fox News: Art Laffer expecting ‘smooth and not chaotic’ election process

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MoWvfgI94rU - Art Laffer expecting ‘smooth and not chaotic’ election process [Channel: Fox Business]

>>109399 It's now clear - Trump will win election - Democrats will steal

>>109401 Michael Caputo, the top spokesman at the Department of Health and Human Services has been diagnosed with a metastatic head and neck

>>109402 Tucker Video: NEW low level fbi texts and they purchase liability insurance to cover themselves

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3h34fnSjSFE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109404, >>109416 More on Q's plane photo: DoJ plane found in Little Rock, AR re pb

>>109405 Dan Bongino seeking treatment for tumor in neck

>>109406 Planefag Reports

>>109408 Refresh: Steele's subsource was DC based lawyer Igor Danchenko

>>109409 Kimberly Strassel on the Dossier news

>>109411, >>109415 Skateboarding Icon Keith Hufnagel Dies at Age 46 After Brain Cancer Diagnosis

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=reSBtO4jg4Y - '90年代からストリートスケートを牽引し、現在はHUFのディレクター。キース・ハフナゲル / KEITH HUFNAGEL - GUEST TALK [Channel: VHSMAG SKATEBOARDING]

>>109412 In case you missed it: Catherine Herridge' breaking news on the Steele Dossier

>>109414 WTH? Fox News Poll has Sleepy Joe in the lead

>>109419 Large cache of docs leaked implicating Biden, Soros, HRC and Misfud's collusion and possible criminal activity in Ukraine. DL and Dig

>>109420 Molly Hemingway: Joe Biden has “not spoken accurately about his knowledge of his son’s involvement in Burisma”

>>109421 NEW: California Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband named in university admissions scandal

>>109422 Various repotage: John Durham Investigating FBI Handling Of Clinton Foundation Pay-To-Play Allegations

>>109423 The Ukranian General Prosecutor had a meeting with Eric Ciaramella

>>109424, >>109425 Secret Report: How CIA's Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary

>>109426 #13795

(28 notables, 38 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173438

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10779415 Q Research General #13796: Information Warfare - The Tracking Events Edition

Created 250413ZSEP20




>>109427 Democrats to Introduce Bill Limiting Supreme Court Terms to 18 Years

>>109428, >>109459, >>109467 Democrat Officials In Massachusetts DESTROY Over 1M Ballots from Senate Primary: Explanation by Dr. Shiva

>>109429 US School Districts Abandon Online-Curriculum Provider Over 'Racially Insensitive & Inaccurate' Content

>>109430 Hundreds of protesters gather outside PM’s residence in Israel, vow to keep demonstrating

>>109431, >>109446, >>109450, >>109457 Draw and Strike: Durham is completely outed now

>>109432 More on Q's plane photo: DoJ plane found in Little Rock, AR re pb

>>109433, >>109474 Urgent prayer request for Anon's missing son in the Mountains of VA

>>109434, >>109438, >>109439, >>109443, >>109444, >>109445, >>109448, >>109453, >>109458, >>109461, >>109464, >>109466, >>109468, >>109469, >>109470, >>109472 Anons work on Q's plane location

>>109435 Democratic Kentucky state lawmaker Rep. Attica Scott arrested during unrest in Louisville, charged with rioting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aWoPSPHh3U0 - Well-known Kentucky lawmaker among those arrested in Louisville protests [Channel: WHAS11]

>>109436, >>109455, >>109456 Anons work on ID'ing the man on AF1

>>109437 How Twitter Is Enhancing Security In The Wake Of Bitcoin Phishing Hack

>>109440 Video: Nadler's Poop Shuffle

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RbfMiqXOfK8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109441 Louisville officer shot in the line of duty shows up for roll call 1 night later

>>109442 All roads lead back to Chatham house. Diggz

>>109447 Trump: ‘They were trying to do a coup!’: FBI docs reveal agents bought liability insurance during Flynn probe

>>109449 NEW Technofog: "Barnett believed the prosecution of FLYNN by SCO (Team Mueller) was used as a means to 'get Trump'"

>>109451, >>109452 Solomon: Flynn case bombshell: FBI analysts bought insurance fearing they'd be sued for misconduct

>>109454 BLM rioters in Los Angeles (Hollywood) attack a driver on the road tonight

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f42933ee62f25d8aa2697ec62c7e4302ab779bd828b5dd16398e00ebee48d679.mp4

>>109460 NEW Technofog: Barnett briefed Special Counsel Rhee on the Flynn case. He told Rhee there was "no evidence of a crime"

>>109462 John Sullivan who called for POTUS to be dragged out of the WH, is currently in Portland. Good time to arrest

>>109463 Sidney Powell weighs in on Technofog's news

>>109465 The Rich People Who Rent U-Hauls For Riots In Louisville Where Cops Get Killed

>>109471 Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances

>>109473 Spreadsheet and Galleries Updated

>>109475 #13796

(25 notables, 49 posts, 52 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173439

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10780207 Q Research General #13797: Nadler Shits The Bread Edition

Created 250605ZSEP20




>>109476, >>109489, >>109497, >>109505, >>109507, >>109517, >>109526 Anons work on ID'ing the man on AF1's Q pic

>>109477 Biden hand-off: Has anyone ID'd the two individuals?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3e2fe8007ef976c255e787e2a816d74df0a777106faa5c4ca66587dcb8db5f87.mp4

>>109478 Zero Bubble: Means 'perfectly level'. It's what one does when getting ready to launch the nukes

>>109479, >>109527 Anons work on ID'ing the plane in Q's pic

>>109480, >>109484, >>109490, >>109496, >>109522 Anons work on ID'ing the man on AF1's Q pic: Secret Service Pins

>>109481, >>109495, >>109499, >>109525 >10780554, Anons look at the 'Raw Adrenochrome' dig. Fake or real?

>>109482 Man arrested in San Antonio for providing support to ISIS, discussing possible terror attacks on U.S. soil

>>109483 Anons diggz: Evelyn Farkas' ties to Burisma

>>109485, >>109486, >>109487, >>109488 American Mind Article anons liked: The Coming Coup?

>>109491, >>109510, >>109524 Hussein gives out his phone number, tells people he wants to hear from them. Why?

>>109492, >>109494 LIVE: Protesters engaging with drivers in Hollywood

>>109493 The Shift from City Centers to Suburbs: New House Sales Soar for 3rd Month, +46% YoY

>>109498 Man arrested at the BLM-antifa Portland riot said someone supplied him & others w/a backpack full of rocks

>>109500 CSPAN lets users create video clips?? Yes

>>109501 POTUS vs Biden: Youtube cap ~ September 25, 2020

>>109502 LIVE: Seattle Police going after terrorists in the streets

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g9CXh-cyR6I - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>109503 Please continue prayers for anons missing son. Update

>>109504, >>109506, >>109508, >>109520, >>109523 Anons look at the 'Raw Adrenochrome' dig. Fake or real?

>>109509 More pics of Biden wearing an earpiece?

>>109511 Legal battle brewing in NC over 2020 elections

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea4a6e51d61d03ec8611c4994206c9e2a8cf7ee6cc06a1ffbc586930db7af3f6.pdf

>>109512 Good clip to save from CSPAN in 2018: Russia Election Interference - China will be next

>>109513, >>109514, >>109518 Arrest finds Signal used by BLM to spread extensive criminal plans

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6VKv_3uOsjY - Matt Bruce says police fabricated texts saying he was planning to incite violent protests [Channel: KCCI]

>>109515 Jack Flynn tweet: The storm is coming now

>>109516 Video: China not tracking Americans? Chip found in surgical mask

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3ea5f3e7e05c4751d4d981f20cd38926f0eb88e83fc22c147e3326823f1f30ef.mp4

>>109519 China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal - MSM not reporting - collection of links

>>109521 Bernhard Stempfle was a Roman Catholic priest and journalist who helped Adolf Hitler write Mein Kamp

>>109528, >>109530, >>109531, >>109532, >>109533, >>109534 >10780939, One year delta on POTUS asking about the server in Ukraine

>>109529 ICYMI: Video of Obama and HRC on 'peaceful transiton of power'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13903868a2ba3bdab6847a4364791f5e2b967f2a027603e2e13e763e39904a0c.mp4

>>109535 Filmmakers to document history of witchcraft and sorcery in New Mexico

>>109536 #13797

(30 notables, 61 posts, 72 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173440

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10781789 Q Research General #13799: Not Long Now Edition

Created 251225ZSEP20




>>109583 New Dan Scavino w/CAP: BUCKLE UP! #MAGA

>>109584 Kratos Awarded $950 Million Multiple-Award, IDIQ Contract for U.S. Air Force Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)

>>109585 Marine Corps Fields First New Service Pistol in 35 Years


>>109587 Greta Thunberg leads climate protest outside Swedish Parliament. Looks like she's fading away...

>>109588 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announces 134 felony voter fraud charges in connection with 2018 Dem primary. Election fraud and mail-in ballot fraud

>>109589 Important. DOJ gave Danchenko immunity ahead of his January 2017 interviews, in which he apparently falsely claimed he had no contacts with Russian intelligence.

>>109590, >>109593, >>109597, >>109599, >>109600, >>109602 planefag reporting

>>109591 VOX PANIC

>>109592 Rep Doug Collins w/CAP: While all this new information is coming out, Chris Wray has been SILENT.

>>109594 PG&E may cut power to parts of Butte, Plumas and Yuba counties this weekend due to high fire danger

>>109595 #7 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Josh Gottheimer New Jersey 5th

>>109596 California Man Finds THOUSANDS of What Appear to be Unopened Ballots in Garbage Dumpster — Workers Quickly Try to Cover Them Up

>>109598 FISA goes both ways. were [they] being watched?

>>109601 BREAKING - Huawei's research lab in Dongguan City, China is on fire.

>>109603 #13799

(16 notables, 21 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173441

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10781018 Q Research General #13798: What A Beautiful Black Sky - The Storm Is Coming Now Edition

Created 250943ZSEP20




>>109537 Merced Police arrest 15 in human trafficking and prostitution sting

>>109538, >>109543 Anons still working hard to ID the man on AF1. SS?

>>109539 Dianne Feinstein’s husband named in UC Berkeley admissions scam

>>109540 Power pole arson causes major internet outage for Cox customers in north Phoenix

>>109541 Dr. Shiva: Massachusetts Destroys Over 1 Million Ballets Images in US Senate Primary Race

>>109542, >>109545 Online Mom Groups Are Sharing More QAnon Conspiracies Than Ever Before

>>109544, >>109557, >>109565 Planefag Reports

>>109546 Busy day ahead: Peter Kadzik, lawyer for Burisma consultant Sally Painter caught mailing Podesta re HRC inv.

>>109547 Capitol Hill Sues DC Mayor, Gov for barring it's worship services

>>109548 Daily Caller Threatens Lawsuit After Police Arrest Reporters, Refuse to Release Them

>>109549, >>109555, >>109556 Video: Huge fire at Huawei R&D Lab in Dongguan, China

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=k0bYiheATYk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/674607878608618bb5ad4b72bf835d5d7d4ffa7f6069b60ab5e6502fed36cf50.mp4

>>109550 How TikTok Teens Are Ending Up on Pornhub

>>109551, >>109553 Video: Charles Barkley reacted to the Breonna Taylor indictment decision

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f641ed719ec9ec257dc58021b42cbbde945361b699d3733257a9e1247a11eb85.mp4

>>109552 Video: Wild protest in Hollywood

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd9ffbcbacfd0d09c50c6b27856f8cff69acf61dae73184ab11c087e2d0f18cd.mp4

>>109554 NY Dem Fails to Disclose More Than $25 Million in Personal Financial Holdings

>>109558, >>109570, >>109571 Refresh: FULL CLINTON FOUNDATION Investigation Ongoing - US House Hearing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84196c651584aaa417e801d40048c40d568679326ead0487e2464e84d6dfbf64.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pbZSuN7vTXw - FULL CLINTON FOUNDATION Investigation U.S. House Hearing [Channel: NewsNOW from FOX]

>>109559 Fresh POTUS re inaccurate Fox Poll

>>109560 Delaware Police Seize Enough Fentanyl To Kill At least 75% Of State’s Population

>>109561 Diggz: This is kind of weird. A non-profit established to promote a county owned airport

>>109563 Republican members of the North Carolina State Board of Elections abruptly resign

>>109564, >>109573 Gen Flynn mentioned black sky in FBI ambush

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vWg31HP5cH4 - Beautiful Black Sky - J.T. Wilde - Lyrics [Channel: J.T. Wilde]

>>109566, >>109568, >>109569 AF1 guy ID'd? Derek S. Lyons is an American attorney and former WH Staff Secretary

>>109567 Meme Camouflage - Overlays - Covers - 20%ers & meme discussion

>>109572 Cult leader up out of Dallas Love Field has left US airspace

>>109574 Why is the US upset with the Vatican's deal with China?

>>109575, >>109576, >>109577 Eyes on - Is Derek Lyons the man on AF1? Photo comparisons

>>109578 FBI official on Mueller team said Flynn prosecution had 'get Trump' attitude, collusion probe was 'not there'

>>109579 Andrew Cuomo’s guest appearance in the Hunter Biden scandals.

>>109580 Kim Jong Un apologizes in letter to Seoul for shooting of South Korean official

>>109581 Judge Sullivan part of the plan… willingly or unwillingly?

>>109582 #13798

(31 notables, 45 posts, 51 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173442

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10784096 Q Research General #13802:Potus Fist Pump For Deplorables All Edition

Created 251648ZSEP20




>>109669 Effort to recall Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom gains support from volunteers all across the state

>>109670, >>109672 RON PAUL APPEARS TO HAVE A STROKE ON CAM/Prayers Out

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1821ad16504d8139b0530984f256c546d924c866f3420c5b76d8105e7bfaff55.mp4

>>109671, >>109673 MOTION TO DISMISS FLYNN CASE JUST FILED. Guess Powell wants to give Sullivan another chance to stop these document leaks hahaha.

>>109674, >>109675, >>109692 PF updates

>>109676 Duo allegedly planned terror attacks targeting Trump Tower, other sites: feds

>>109677, >>109683 Fire Breaks Out At Huawei's 5G Antenna Research Lab

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ad265b22e2fa59e9a76e036504ca12ad9745fd90e0762bcf80082320cace524.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/763a1a6af8af99e62ce84a4990196a6aecd6d006b0d848009d0b6ac3f1d8c73f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/da2f429080fa910026f87c82b5280f0e9154ee47e6da6075c6b2e11c43b12151.mp4

>>109678 6:38 PM ET tomorrow will be 50 hours away from the “50 ft depth” Q post. Hmmm …

>>109679 Scavino: Looks like it's about to storm!

>>109680 "Very Sorry": Kim Jong-Un Issues Ultra Rare Apology Over Killing Of South Official

>>109681 NEW POTUS: Just had a great #LatinosForTrump Roundtable in Doral, Florida...

>>109682 Israel restricts outgoing flights as Netanyahu govt bolsters 2nd coronavirus lockdown

>>109684 Reflections on Judging: A Conversation with Amy Coney Barrett

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j0ZN532f9d0 - Reflections on Judging: A Conversation with Amy Coney Barrett [Channel: Hillsdale College]

>>109685, >>109690 ————————————–——– Last of Mohicans (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9tjdswqGGVg - The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) [Channel: immortalsongs]

>>109686 "Get Trump": FBI Agent From Mueller Team Says Flynn Case Was Politically Motivated "Dead End" - Others Bought Misconduct Insurance

>>109687 Durham just finishing up!

>>109688 UK’s chief scientific adviser has £600,000 of shares in vaccine maker contracted by govt

>>109689 ESPN’s Mark Jones: Cops at Basketball Stadiums Should ‘Take the Day Off’ so My ‘Black Skin’ Won’t Make Them Shoot Me


>>109693, >>109695, >>109696 ————————————–——– "…..designates the KKK and Antifa as terrorist organizations." DA 'no proof' individual linked to Antifa argument coming? (Cap: )

>>109694 BOMBER ALERT US Air Force B-52 bomber ‘sends distress signal’ after mid-air emergency over Gloucestershire

>>109697 #7 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Josh Gottheimer New Jersey 5th

>>109698 France Demands Brussels Force Every EU Nation to Take Third World Migrants

>>109699 ————————————–——– Some will take the easy path and exit early

>>109700 ————————————–——– Judgement is coming.

>>109701 #13802

(25 notables, 33 posts, 38 media/files)

Q- >>109685, >>109693, >>109699, >>109700

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9d28d5 No.173443

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10782558 Q Research General #13800: BUCKLE UP! Edition

Created 251406ZSEP20




>>109604, >>109606, >>109608, >>109613, >>109632, >>109633 planefag reporting

>>109605 Democrats prepare bill limiting U.S. Supreme Court justice terms to 18 years

>>109607 MOMENTUM TRUMP – SERIOUSLY THIS IS INSANE – Over 187,000 Supporters Attend Trump Rallies Since Labor Day to Joe Biden’s 84

>>109609 Prominent D.C. Church Becomes First to Sue Over Mayor Muriel Bowser's Hypocritical Worship Restrictions

>>109610 Virginia governor and first lady test positive for coronavirus. The governor says he is asymptomatic.

>>109611 CT State Rep Supports Q

>>109612, >>109614 moar Flynn

>>109615 15 arrested in Merced after sex-trafficking sting, police say

>>109616 FBI Investigated Steele Dossier Source As A Possible Russian Spy Years Before Trump Probe

>>109617 Pompeo 'Outs' Chinese Consulate in NYC as Another 'Hotbed for Espionage'

>>109618 Happy Birthday, Bill (of Rights) !!!

>>109619 John Durham Investigating FBI Handling Of Clinton Foundation Pay-To-Play Allegations

>>109620 Feinstein’s husband named in audit of preferred admission for connected students at Calif. schools | Just The News

>>109621 Hello Alice, Alice Kang’ethe, Chief Operating Officer, CF

>>109622 @3rd_Infantry When someone is struggling, sometimes the hardest step to take is the first one- reaching out. Give that Dogface Soldier in your formation the tools. Take care of one another! #wereinthistogether

>>109623 F0X NEWS ALERT! RBG IS STILL DEAD! For the Keks!

>>109624 Alright, which one of you bought NewsWeak?? Quite the turnaround for them? Getting ahead of something? "Trump was right" about FBI scramble to assemble Russia evidence"

>>109625 Potus: No journalist asked BHO to explain Trump campaign spying, Flynn was framed, Perhaps it's time to ask

>>109626 DHS Proposes to Change Admission Period Structure for F, J and I Nonimmigrants

>>109627, >>109630 LIVE POTUS event

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lGHDqAkbc-4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lGHDqAkbc-4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109628 @usairforce conducted fast rope insertion & extraction system training using a CV-22 w/Ukrainian Special Operations Forces & the @USArmy

>>109629 follow resignations: NYT

>>109631 @USNavy We Sail Together We Train Together Flag of United States


>>109635 #13800

(25 notables, 32 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173444

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10784881 Q Research General #13803: Q Postin Judgement Is ComingEdition

Created 251741ZSEP20




>>109702, >>109706, >>109711, >>109721 planefaggin

>>109703 The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank – Dean Henderson

>>109704 Judgment vs. judgement

>>109705 President Trump Remarks in ATLANTA on Black Economic Empowerment: The Platinum Plan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=unGoR8c3jWk - 🔴LIVE: President Trump Remarks in ATLANTA on Black Economic Empowerment: The Platinum Plan [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>109707 Greece to Recruit 800 New Border Guards After Turks Push Migrants to Frontier

>>109708 ICE El Paso transfers 59 Mexican nationals with drug convictions to Mexico as part of the US-Mexico treaty transfer

>>109709 Well…the other day the WH quietly dropped a similar EO, but rahter than seize property and assets for those who deal in human trafficking, this has to do seizing assets of those who have/are funding, aiding, training, consulting, etc. the Iranian regime.

>>109710 Breaking on Faux News. Ron Paul is lucid, and comfirms he has been hospitalized as a precaution.

>>109712 "Source: #McCabe allegedly at the center of #Durham’s probe, as new info reveals dossier source was a suspected Russian agent

>>109713 Byrd, Killery, KKK

>>109714 Saturday 09.19.2020

>>109715 Sunday 09.20.2020

>>109716 @RichardGrenell : Toughen up, Jasmin.

>>109717 Judicial Watch Opposes State/Justice Department Request to End Remaining Discovery in Clinton Email/Benghazi Lawsuit

>>109718 Donald Trump Gives Seniors $200 Medicare Cards While Joe Biden Does ‘Debate Prep’

>>109719 Tuesday 09.22.2020

>>109720 Wed 09.23.2020

>>109722, >>109723 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. Think what you now know. (Cap: )

(18 notables, 22 posts, 17 media/files)

Q- >>109722

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9d28d5 No.173445

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10783310 Q Research General #13801: Happy B'day Billl Of Rights! Edition

Created 251528ZSEP20




>>109636 Goldman: Risk of Delayed US Election Result Overestimated

>>109637 Potus: Thank you, I will never let you down!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf98de646a2794c2c2c324613c7ac2c1cafb1dab0712fe2061ecd8756071ea11.mp4

>>109638, >>109641, >>109645, >>109646, >>109649 planefaggin

>>109639 Panic at the Disco.

>>109640 POTUS live Latinos for Trump!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1nQC_jgjMKQ - Trump holds 'Latinos for Trump' roundtable [Channel: Fox News]

>>109642 Pelosi: ‘Why Bother’ Holding a Presidential Debate? — Trump ‘Isn’t Committed to Our Constitution’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vNDDOtAenEs - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on what's next in Supreme Court fight, fate of the Affordable Care Act [Channel: CBS Mornings]

>>109643, >>109655 Crump/Lousiville

>>109644 Adam Housley twat: Setting the stage

>>109647 Multiple booms! In the last 36 hours, DOJ has:.....

>>109648 Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer is pro-abortion for Americans but anti-abortion for Israel…

>>109650 Nancy Pelosi warns Americans that Republicans are ‘Coming after your children!’ vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4AMC8NfB0lU - UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi Accuses Republicans Of "Coming After Your Children" [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>109651, >>109658 Two Charged in Coronavirus Outbreak at Veterans’ Home That Left 76 Dead

>>109652 The FBI is seeking the public's assistance in identifying the individuals who participated in an arson on September 23 at the Louisville Hall of Justice

>>109653 Coup evidence is now legally introduced by virtue of their own boomerang.

>>109654 Scavino: POTUS point and pumps to Anons at rally’s.

>>109656 NC Gov Candidate Dan Forest asks Feds to investigate consent order

>>109657 Bank of America issues $2 billion bond to promote racial equality

>>109659 Decision on whether Julian Assange will be extradited to the States won't be made until after US election, judge says

>>109660 Embattled Connecticut Republican lawmaker apologizes over QAnon car sticker

>>109661, >>109662 Seth Abramson needs some anon love! kek

>>109663 In regards to Durham and Clinton Foundation investigation..I'm told some questions being pursued are: Who gave the Foundation money and how much (foreign countries/otherwise)? Did the Foundation underreport the amounts? Where did the money go? Also James Comey's name comes up

>>109664 Never forget - Flynn Tweet

>>109665 Is there a Patriot at Rasmussen Reports?

>>109666 DeSantis lifting major restrictions in push to boost economy. Covid19 related

>>109667 Scavino on Wray

>>109668 #13801

(26 notables, 33 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173446

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10785623 Q Research General #13804: Durham On Killery Done Edition

Created 251824ZSEP20




>>109724 Jr.: Comey for prison 2021

>>109725 European Commission Appeals Ruling In Apple’s $15 Billion Irish Tax Case

>>109726 CBP Officers Seize Over 103 Pounds of Heroin, Fentanyl Pills at AZ-Mexico Border

>>109727 Chinese National Denied US Entry, Likely Due to CCP Membership: Lawyer

>>109728, >>109729, >>109731, >>109734, >>109737, >>109741, >>109743, >>109750, >>109752 PF updates

>>109730 Taliban Increasingly Uses Night Vision Equipment To Gain Upper Hand In Clashes

>>109732 The Army just conducted a massive test of its battlefield artificial intelligence in the desert

>>109733 Air Force special operators in New Mexico have switched to the service's new handgun, and they like what they see

>>109735 FINAL REPORT: ASSANGE HEARING DAY FOURTEEN—Baraitser Grants Defense 4 Weeks to Prepare for Final Argument, Citing US Election

>>109736 The US military is quietly killing terrorist leaders in Syria with its secret missile packed with swords

>>109738 The Expected Life of a sex slave

>>109739 Gov. Ron DeSantis reopens Florida, allowing bars and restaurants to operate at full capacity

>>109740 Xi has first call with Suga; no mention of Japan visit

>>109742 stansfield turner fbi vault drop

>>109744 Last 10 days of Q

>>109745 @usairforce The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. A dramatic leap forward in technology, the bomber represents a major milestone in the U.S. bomber modernization program. #ReadyAF

>>109746 Ron Paul twat with thumbs up!

>>109747 Grassley: Two pods fr two different fields #soybeanwatch

>>109748, >>109753 BREAKING: Military plane crashes during training flight in northeast Ukraine

>>109749 @FBI @CISAgov urge public not to panic if they hear about election hacking @politico @ericgeller

>>109751 Very historic and powerful moment in the history of this country is currently taking place in Atlanta.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=unGoR8c3jWk - 🔴LIVE: President Trump Remarks in ATLANTA on Black Economic Empowerment: The Platinum Plan [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>109754 #13804

>>109755 #13803

(23 notables, 32 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173447

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10786398 Q Research General #13805: Ron Paul Give The Thumbs Up, Comey, Well, Not So Much Edition

Created 251916ZSEP20




>>109756, >>109761 "Clap for that you stupid bastards"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5380e8bdd0fdfc10e3c0c4539c2d26b2feddf1068784cca457ae5eb3b2a538fa.mp4

>>109757 Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced Friday morning that Oregon State Police, Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, and Portland Police Bureau will be working together as a unified force Saturday to protect people during the protests expected in Portland. Teargas on

>>109758 @US_Stratcom The @USAirForce's #B52 Stratofortress has been the backbone of the bomber force for more than 65 years!

>>109759, >>109760 Statement by President of Russia Putin on a comprehensive program of measures for restoring the Russia – US cooperation in the filed of international information security

>>109762, >>109767, >>109769, >>109770, >>109771, >>109774 planefaggin

>>109763, >>109764, >>109765, >>109766, >>109768 Trump from 1987: Beliefs, positions and world-view have not changed in 33 years!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=A8wJc7vHcTs - Donald Trump: "I don't want to be president" - entire 1987 CNN interview (Larry [Channel: CNN]

>>109772 VIDEO: Biden in 2016 Tells US Airmen “Clap! You Stupid Bastards”

>>109773 @Herridge: FBI Used Russian Spy to Interfere in 2016 Election! Steele’s Main Dossier Source Was Subject of FBI Investigation Under Suspicion of Being a Russian Spy and “Threat to National Security”

>>109775, >>109777, >>109779 Here's the WaPo opinion piece Comey wrote that Q just linked from his twatter.

>>109776 Fort Worth 'Barbie', others charged with federal child sex trafficking in North Texas

>>109778 The boss just mentioned BLM, correctly saying that it's hurting the black community/companies who donated to

>>109780 KREMLIN: Europe’s Refusal to Recognize Lukashenko Goes Against International Law

>>109781, >>109782 ————————————–——– What is the over/under done in 30 months? What is the over/under Sullivan retires [steps down] by March 2021 based on public info re: possible coordinated efforts w: OSC Mueller? (Cap: )

>>109783, >>109785 rt ———–––——–— OVER THE TARGET.

>>109784 PM Scott Morrison urges countries to share vaccine knowledge at UN speech

>>109786 #13805

(16 notables, 31 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>109781, >>109785

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173448

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10787198 Q Research General #13806: Where's Hunter? Edition

Created 252016ZSEP20




>>109787 ————————————–——– Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.

>>109788 How the Commonwealth Bank helped a Bitcoin fraud suspect accused of laundering billions

>>109789 Dr. Atlas Breaks Down the REAL COVID-19 Numbers on The Ingraham Angle — Rebukes CDC Director Dr. Redfield on Scare Tactics

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=isrXRnufs1Y - Trump Advisor Dr Atlas Claims COVID-19 Deaths, Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits Are Down [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>109790, >>109791, >>109793 LOSBR Line Of Sight Beam Riding The standard method of firing against aircraft. The beam tracks the target and the missile rides up the beam.

>>109792, >>109796, >>109798, >>109800 planefaggin

>>109794 At Pentagon, fears grow that Trump will pull military into election unrest/panic is real

>>109795 Marker [2]. Set. Flynn Free on Sept 27, 2020. Done in 30. Future Will Prove The Past [again]. HA HA HA?

>>109797 ‘We Caught ’em Cold’ — Donald Trump Reacts to Major Steele Dossier Development

>>109799 Flynn's hearing is on the 29th

>>109801 Solomon: Trump set to declare Antifa a terror group, making good on vow he made at start of recent riots

>>109802 #13806

(11 notables, 16 posts, 17 media/files)

Q- >>109787

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173449

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10787940 Q Research General #13807: New Judgment? Beam Riders! Edition

Created 252054ZSEP20




>>109803, >>109805, >>109807, >>109812, >>109813, >>109814 PF updates

>>109804 John Legend: Americans may have to think about leaving country if Trump reelected

>>109806 Pelosi: We arrows in our quiver vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3FPPfjZCBpE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109808 22 died in Ukraine military plane crash

>>109809, >>109818 PapaD: the high level Italian official who introduced me to Midsud is under indictment

>>109810 Rebranding?

>>109811 Flynn Family Statement

>>109815 Command Guidance Missiles

>>109816 Texas no tolerance for rioting/One Riot - One Ranger.

>>109817 Potus: BIG NEWS! The @Smithsonian American History Museum reopened today in our Nation’s Capital!

>>109819 Nakasone @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA I'm pleased to welcome @USArmy Command Sgt. Maj. Sheryl D. Lyon as the new @US_CYBERCOM and @NSAGov Senior Enlisted Leader.

>>109820 Courtroom escape vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b06ef2b81c9821cbd8503d86ebce89d7774666fda0fb6ecf766a2fb0b6a1cb0a.mp4

>>109821 #13807

(13 notables, 19 posts, 18 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173450

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10788708 Q Research General #13808: Night Shift Entertainment Cause Here Come Da Judge Edition

Created 252150ZSEP20




>>109822 31st MEU perception of weakness throws a wrench (kek)

>>109823, >>109845 Justice Department: calls on SF mayor to end "one congregant" rules for places of worship

>>109824, >>109837, >>109848, >>109861 Anon noms WWG1WGA pic from inside mil plane (no sauce)

>>109825 When Biden calls a 'lid,' Democrats wet the bed (Politico)

>>109826 New DJT on Cuomo & vaccines

>>109827, >>109843, >>109868, >>109869, >>109871 Ben Collins hit piece on 8qun & qresearch (PLUS anon responses)

>>109828 Maxwell Mitchell @ Lousiville riots. Black Panther antagonist.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H_yYEHJ46rA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109829 Protesters file lawsuit, alleging Seattle, state didn't act to protect them

>>109830, >>109856, >>109857 planefags aloft

>>109831, >>109836 #7 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Josh Gottheimer New Jersey 5th

>>109832 Esper twat & Military precision - Q drop 309

>>109833 Sidney Powell on FOX bus NOW

>>109834 Florida opens at Level 3 (first state to do so? - ANONS DIG)

>>109835, >>109870 NYT: President Trump has nommed Judge Amy Coney Barrett for SCOTUS

>>109838 8kun Bread Launcher - new app for reading 8kun threads

>>109839 Comments on John Legend's UHaul Go Fund ME - Bongino, etc.

>>109840 Feinstein's Husband Caught Up In Latest University Admissions Scandal

>>109841 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Newport News, VA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dR0M-92na4U - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Newport News, VA 9/25/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>109842 Kamala Harris Praises ‘Brilliance’ of Black Lives Matter and Its Marxist Founders

>>109844 Fake Soros check made out to ‘Conrad Ann Teefa’ mocked after it’s posted as ‘proof’ billionaire is paying BLM rioters

>>109846, >>109849, >>109860 Live streams of Louisville, Atlanta, Orlando

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Keu5CkkCuls - DAY 121 - LIVE PROTESTS - WOKE.NET [Channel: WOKE]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H_yYEHJ46rA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109847 Epstein victims compensation fund starts payouts to accusers

>>109850, >>109853, >>109854 WH on US-Africa Institute for Epidemic Preparedness

>>109851 A three year HOAX. A failed COUP!

>>109852 'Urgent Need for Ships to Start Sailing' from Florida, Federal Maritime Commission Says

>>109855 American Airlines Gets Upsized $5.5 Billion Loan From US Treasury, Averting 19,000 Furloughs

>>109858 Maryland’s Web-delivered ballots — more than 110k so far — must be hand-copied by poll workers to be counted

>>109859 Virginia Officials Try to Cancel President Trump’s Newport News Rally Tonight, Calling it a “Severe Public Health Threat”

>>109862 China Will "Definitely Start A Just War" If US Troops Return To Taiwan: State Media

>>109863 Japanese PM Says Ready to Meet Kim Jong-Un Without Preconditions

>>109864 Video Surfaces of Joe Biden Calling Our Troops 'Slow, Stupid Bastards'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sQzQhq4YSeM - Joe Biden Calls military "stupid bastards" [Channel: William Wallace]

>>109865 Florida Man Friday: Probably Ineligible, Florida Ex-Con Voted Democrat in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016

>>109866 Antifa activist: Burning buildings stimulates the economy

>>109867 Another peaceful protest with vandalism outside KOMO in Seattle

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5de3378b5878e94bb8acf7fd50c33a6e6350e6d2b3981fdb30cd255669847ee2.mp4

>>109872 Busted: County workers 'improperly opened' and discarded Trump ballots in PA

>>109873 Was the identity of Q just revealed? (MSM at it again....)

>>109874 Dutch reporter has been looking for Q 'adepts' for an article (highest ranking anons?)

>>109875 #13808,

(38 notables, 54 posts, 59 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173451

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10789467 Q Research #13809: Revvin Up To Newport News Rally!Edition

Created 252247ZSEP20




>>109876 Bongino: pic of Midnight Riders?

>>109877 Kanye meets w/Haitian president & tennis star Naomi Osaka

>>109878, >>109879 The meme-fication of US politics: two films reveal the faces behind the posts

>>109880 Venezuela to Cooperate With Russia While Developing Domestic Weapons, Maduro Says

>>109881 Driver Who Hit Protester Bragged in 2017 About Doing the Same Thing

>>109882 The Daily Caller: 'Amy Activated' post and chanlike meme on twitter

>>109883, >>109884 Anons on "Some will take the easy path and exit early"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4kgmqPahsSE - Ron Paul Suffers Possible Stroke During Live Interview [Channel: Inside Edition]

>>109885 Pinterest sold by co-founder & chief designer: $14.08m-Sept 22

>>109886 Portland denies Proud Boys a permit citing corona; meanwhile, nightly leftist protests continue

>>109887 Employees threaten to strike if Spotify refuses to censor Joe Rogan

>>109888 Zoom Video Communications sold by CEO: $69.26m-Sept 23-24

>>109889 21-year-old faces arson charge, accused of setting fire to Portland police union building

>>109890 BEAM RIDER: These People Are Stupid - Beam Riding

>>109891 POTUS Announces Comprehensive ‘Platinum Plan’ for Black Americans

>>109892 Left-Wing Scholar Pushes to Censor SM Accounts Opposing Child Sex Trafficking by Tying Them to QAnon Movement

>>109893 Democrat Insider: Anti-Trump Postal Workers in GOP Neighborhoods Throw Mail-In Ballots in the Garbage

>>109894 At Least 1,400 Virginia Voters Received Multiple Absentee Ballots, State Republican Officials Say

>>109895 China-Australia Free Trade Agreement(ChAFTA) & Understanding ChAFTA

>>109896 Planefag Reports

>>109897 Australia has legislation with China about the 'Movement of Natural persons"

(20 notables, 22 posts, 21 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173452

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10790250 Q Research #13810: PRE RALLY REEEEEEE - YOU DON'T TAKE AN ARROW Edition

Created 252343ZSEP20




>>109898 Video Report: Soros Open Society running the Canadian Immigration Minister

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Vnc4mAyYasQ - EXCLUSIVE: Soros-funded Open Society preps speeches for Canada's Immigration Minister (PART TWO) [Channel: Rebel News]

>>109899, >>109916 Exclusive- Leaked docs show BLUE PRINTS for the radical left's entire plans for protesting POTUS' SC nomination

>>109900, >>109909 Court removes Pendley from role as Trump public lands chief? They can't

>>109901 What’s In Trump’s $500 Billion “Platinum Plan” For Black America

>>109902, >>109903, >>109923 BREAKING: High Level Italian Official Who Introduced PapaD to Mifsud Under Indictment in Italy

>>109904 Judge Orders Church Service Outside Planned Parenthood to Move

>>109905, >>109906 In Politically Charged Inquiry, Durham Sought Details About Scrutiny of Clintons

>>109907 Video: DeSantis: Trump's SCOTUS Nominee Will Side with Justices Like Alito and Thomas, Not Roberts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BItHkwnft9s - DeSantis: Trump's SCOTUS Nominee Will Side with Justices Like Alito and Thomas, Not Roberts [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>109908 FBI arrests two ISIS sympathizers for plotting ‘Netflix worthy’ attacks on Trump Tower & Wall Street

>>109910 Sara: ‘This must end’: Flynn Family Releases Statement Urging Judge Sullivan To Dismiss Case

>>109911, >>109926, >>109930 Planefag Updates

>>109912 Scavino Tweet & Video: POTUS wheels up soon for Rally in Newport News, VA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c1beae60d844065985a8db79f1595151df2b60f02195ba240ed99e3774c52c17.mp4

>>109913 If you want to listen in on the Flynn hearing below are the numbers to call

>>109914 Diggz on Judge Brian Morris from the notable below

>>109915, >>109929 🔴 LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Newport News, VA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dR0M-92na4U - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Newport News, VA 9/25/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DU4SNHKZFe4 - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Newport News, VA #Virginia [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>109917 Lin Wood tweet: Ron Coleman has been added to the Rittenhouse civil defense team

>>109918 Sidney Powell supposed to be on Mark Levine radio show RIGHT NOW

>>109919, >>109920, >>109922, >>109925, >>109927 New Catherine Herridge: Follow the pen

>>109921, >>109924 Track Events: Event List

>>109928 CRIMINAL: Facebook Censors and “Reduces Distribution” of Tucker Carlson Tonight’s Page

>>109931 Technofog Thread on the full 302 re new Catherine Herridge below

>>109932 DEVELOPING: Hannity : President Trump expected to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to fill RBG’s seat

>>109933 Secret Cables Reveal Britain Interfered with Elections in Chile

(23 notables, 36 posts, 62 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173453

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10791019 Q Research #13811: RALLY ENERGY INTENSIFIES - WRWY VIRGINIA Edition

Created 260037ZSEP20




>>109934, >>109935 10 flags behind the podium with a break between the 5 and 6 flags: 5:5

>>109936 Daily Beast running to Biden's defense

>>109937 BREAKING: The Clinton Foundation Is Now Morphed into a Criminal Investigation by Durham – KA-BOOM!

>>109938, >>109946 Planefag Reports

>>109939 FBI arrests Sir Maejor Page on charges of wire fraud, money laundering (BLM)

>>109940, >>109941, >>109942, >>109947, >>109948, >>109950, >>109951, >>109955 Caps from POTUS' Rally in VA

>>109943 Video of rally crowd overflow

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1889ad60a789bac1f4ae506d66d5c9c82db5aef96319b51cced3d31c51f0d4f8.mp4

>>109944 Uploader of the google docs re leftists SC plans is Ida Woldemichael

>>109945 DJT Pre-Rally Tweet

>>109949 Notable JFK Jr tweet

>>109952, >>109953, >>109954 Caps from Google docson Left's plans to protest POTUS' SC nominee

>>109956 and pb Lady Gaga gaga's new music video: 45 threat?

>>109957 Anon posts rally viewer numbers

>>109958, >>109961 POTUS talking about AF1 TVs again

>>109959 It seems like John Knows someting about something: 18 U.S. Code § 2385: Advocating overthrow of Government

>>109960 Trump's former Coast Guard chief: "Our constitutional rights are being infringed upon"

>>109962 #13809

(17 notables, 29 posts, 42 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173454

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10791754 Q Research General #13812: POTUS BLAZES ON - THE NON. STOP. WINNING. Edition

Created 260126ZSEP20




>>109963 POTUS: Kamala, she is like a comma

>>109964 POTUS has 10 flags behind him at the rally, it's 10 days to the start of early voting

>>109965 and pb Lady Gaga gaga's new music video: 45 threat?

>>109966 Video for next week: Nancy explains the Wrap Up Smear

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc58f97dab538dce1711c2feb7e02bd6311fe5e2f515af609aca4f87ce7dbee0.mp4

>>109967, >>109969, >>109971, >>109975, >>109978, >>109982 Caps from POTUS' Rally in VA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0aKd3a67vLk - President Trump Full Speech at Rally in Reno, NV 9-12-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]


>>109970 Fleet of 250 Chinese fishing boats monitored by Peru navy

>>109972 Video: Fox Business: Sidney Powell: Obama’s fingerprints are ‘all over’ Flynn investigation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wiBXaAcAr0g - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>109973, >>109977 Planefag Reports

>>109974 Logan Strain aka Travis View posts about GOP canadite wearing a mask; but see his mommy's avatar

>>109976, >>109979 Joe Rogan Experience #1531: Miley Cyrus drops pizza comms?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D7WUMXKV-FE - Joe Rogan Experience #1531 - Miley Cyrus [Channel: PowerfulJRE]

>>109980 Scavino tweet & video from POTUS' rally in VA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7af04d3cd2970149ca51f89897b2ee5bac4ffb99b5a58ec9df622af3a7340ac4.mp4

>>109981 California Man Finds TThousands of What Appear to be Unopened Ballots in Garbage Dumpster

>>109983 Woman accused in QAnon kidnapping plot pleads not guilty

(14 notables, 21 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173455

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10792555 Q Research General #13813: WE'LL WIN LIKE NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND - AFTER PARTY RALLY Edition

Created 260213ZSEP20




>>109984, >>109985 Bright Moon Below Saturn

>>109986, >>109991 for the keks:OPED: I was raped by whoever Trump picks to replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court

>>109987, >>109990 pf POTUS departs

>>109988, >>109989, >>109993, >>110001 More diggz on the Left’s Plan to Disrupt SCOTUS Nomination and Vote (google docs)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83f17f42a17583f51fdb1495747507e1883a4962768617b25b0dc4e0fe43703b.pdf

>>109992 MP4: POTUS Rally Dancing - Even the flags are dancing

>>109994 Agency Officials Offer Surprise Giveaway to 400,000 Indian, Chinese White-Collar Visa Workers-breitbart

>>109995, >>110003 In a veiled threat of violence, Bernie Sanders tonight on "Real Time with Bill Maher" signaled to his "millions" of Bernie Bros to go into "the streets" and confront Trump "in one form or another" -via soc. media

>>109996, >>109997 Kenosha police officer in the Jacob Blake shooting is offering info that Jacob Blake was kidnapping the children in the back seat. cnn via soc media

>>109998, >>110004 Two Men Arrested for Plotting ISIS Attacks on Trump Tower, NYSE: Officials-epochtimes icymi

>>109999 Sara Carter tweets re General Flynn

>>110000, >>110005, >>110006 CNN’s coverage of the Black Lives Matter protest in DC prominently features an Antifa flag in the background. soc media

>>110002 Police in Merced, #California, announced the arrests of 15 people in a #HumanTrafficking sting.-epochtimes

>>110007 #13811,

>>110008 #13813

(14 notables, 25 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173456

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10793308 Q Research General #13814: THE WINNING RAGES ON - OVER THE TARGET Edition

Created 260320ZSEP20




>>110009, >>110011, >>110020, >>110023 Legionaires Disease: Attacks lungs & mentioned in Bill Copper's book

>>110010 The Ninth Circuit Acts Responsibly – for a Change – in Ending Temporary Protected Status

>>110012, >>110013, >>110019 Fresh POTUS - After Rally Badass

>>110014 Migrant or blast victim? Lebanon starts DNA testing washed up bodies

>>110015, >>110033 Bellingcat running recon for antifa & BLM? Atlantic Council, Robert Evans, Stratcom and Travis View

>>110016 The Quivering Quiver: A second look at 'quiver'

>>110017 CV Testing Suspended at Boston Lab Due to Nearly 400 False Positives

>>110018 Report: US Top Supplier of Arms in the Middle East

>>110021, >>110029, >>110030 Anons discuss Legionaires Disease - Found in Hudson Valley - Watch the water?

>>110022, >>110025 Meet the leading Jewish political donors in this US election cycle

>>110024, >>110028 More on Durham investigating the CF

>>110026 Anon's list of all the things Trump's Platinum Plan accomplishes

>>110027 Scavino tweet and video: POTUS exits Marine One safely back at the WH

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3bbc7bcb7165f399f2deac129f07d35e1bacae932f294e6117bcf2fb59dea64a.mp4

>>110031 Ex-Deutsche Bank Gold Traders Found Guilty in Spoofing Trial

>>110032 George Floyd's Instagram found?

>>110034 Caps from Tucker this evening

>>110035 Sperry: The first client who hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump was.. Sen. Marco Rubio

>>110036 Fresh POTUS announcing the A2A Cross-Border Rail between Alaska and Canada

>>110037 The Democrat attacks on ACB for adopting children from Haiti have already begun-

>>110038 Nothing to see here: Obama + Dr. Fauci in a Lab, 2015

>>110039 Boatfag Reports

(21 notables, 31 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173457

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10794118 Q Research General #13815: Midnight Missile Riders Edition

Created 260439ZSEP20




>>110040, >>110041 Videos of different angles of the Huawei R&D center fire in Dongguan, China

>>110042 Video: Jennifer Palmieri & Hillary Clinton discuss how the virtual DNC convention went & the election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_lCfGdFEi0U - Hillary Clinton: Trump Can Only Win by 'Suppressing or Intimidating' Voters | THE CIRCUS | SHOWTIME [Channel: SHOWTIME]

>>110043, >>110061 The A2A Cross-Border Rail is a very big deal: Anons discuss

>>110044 More than 200 retired generals, admirals endorse Biden: PDF of names

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3cf185cdc728e039d2b2d7806aa8214ba2ec87744ba0ba03bcbcaac29c31e8c2.pdf

>>110045 What do Argentina, Uruguay, Epstein's Island, The Smithsonian, The Incan Sun God & Freemasonry have in common?

>>110046, >>110050, >>110051, >>110056, >>110065, >>110067 Anons on the Solstice clock / sun-dial symbol / Disney Clock re note below

>>110047 WH Press Schedule for Saturday, September 26

>>110048 RE pb: Who is the man holding Heather O’Rourke? Tobe Hooper? NO - Gary Sherman

>>110049 Video: Tucker on Mail In Voting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E3j8q5m9E5c - Tucker: Multiple military mail-in ballots found trashed in Pennsylvania [Channel: Fox News]

>>110052, >>110053, >>110059 VIDEO: Tom Cotton Sets up War Room to Fight Back Against Left During SCOTUS Nomination Process

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=34Hm7BYDqmU - Supreme Court War Room Announcement [Channel: Tom Cotton]

>>110054, >>110058, >>110063, >>110071 More diggz on the Adrenochrome Harvesting docs

>>110055 Watch the water: Brain-eating amoeba found in Texas water supply - potential Naegleria Fowleri

>>110057 AG Curtis Hill urges appellate court to protect pipeline construction

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/87cc67e7a0470d291949ff80f4b8d3ca6bf8d4bc618965ed0415eae0760c5303.pdf

>>110060 Anon reports from twitter: Black Community loving POTUS: "Plantinum Plan" is a winner campaign

>>110062 Video of full event: POTUS' Remarks in ATLANTA on Black Economic Empowerment: The Platinum Plan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=unGoR8c3jWk - 🔴LIVE: President Trump Remarks in ATLANTA on Black Economic Empowerment: The Platinum Plan [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>110064, >>110070 Twitter fags deduce from Q's posts that there may be a significant arrest or event tomorrow

>>110066 Who is the man in this photo holding Heather O’Roukre in a super creepy way? Tobe Hooper?

>>110068 Military fags call him Joe Bite me?

>>110069 Video: Joe Biden calling our troops "stupid bastards" and "a dull, slow bunch"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd4a855e40a7190cc9eead9533f1a01f05f4dad7f2c2cf08bb5c2a6e7c2a373f.mp4

>>110072 Video: Teaming up! Great ad…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cef166f2ce63451262bc41af5e3e5041032f626431dd0d28c914e5eabbfa3154.mp4

>>110073 Video: Google and NASA's Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab - Quantum Physics & Computing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CMdHDHEuOUE - Google and NASA's Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab [Channel: Google]

>>110074, >>110075 Diggz into CMY, Mental and Psychological Health for Kids & Dr. Maged Kodsi (re the Adrenochrome docs diggz)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qbSF2slChxs - Mental and Psychological Health for Kids - Dr. Maged Kodsi [Channel: St. Mary & St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church]

>>110076 Great photo of POTUS with the Military Team

>>110077 #13815

(24 notables, 38 posts, 49 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173458

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10795684 Q Research General #13817: Nothing Like The Smell Of Justice Coming In The Morning Edition

Created 261009ZSEP20




>>110126 Godfather and Q drop 4767, "Some will take the easy path and exit early. Q."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YJnQnD9EXnw - Law Abiding Citizen - "Its Gonna Be Biblical" [Channel: Dracu666]

>>110127, >>110148 POTUS signs an EO re protecting the rights of newborn children who are either extremely premature or born with disabilities.

>>110128, >>110132 Arabella Advisors DIGG

>>110129, >>110130 At least 20 dead in military plane crash in Eastern Ukraine: Interior Ministry reports

>>110131 Re Q on looking at the "background": what about behind POTUS?

>>110133 RE pb: Who is the man holding Heather O’Rourke? Tobe Hooper? NO - Gary Sherman

>>110134 Trump Admin seeks to combat Chinese influence at U.N.

>>110135 Emails Show Rod Rosenstein’s Fingerprints Were All Over Secret DOJ Memo Against Charging Trump with Obstruction

>>110136 Archbishop Viganò: President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Against Demonic Forces of Deep State and NWO

>>110137 ENoCH on Left's strategy of bringing up snatching kids from Haiti: unlikely 'plot twist'

>>110138 Dem lawmaker Vernon Jones: Trump's work for black's "unparalleled"; calls on POTUS to declare BLM a terror org

>>110139 CALAMITY COPS FBI ‘nearly blew £4m operation to arrest Ghislaine Maxwell when their noisy spy planes alerted neighbours

>>110140 Reminder: Malcolm X's warning to black America about liberals (1963)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V7YmjWW9tx4 - Malcom X || Warning Black America About Liberals [Channel: Walter B. Hoye II]

>>110141 Australian state law empowers officials to forcibly remove underwear to administer vaccine

>>110142 Spain Weighs Legacy of Juan Carlos I After Former King Moves to Persian Gulf

>>110143 @CBS_Herridge New DOJ documents give more information on Steele Dossier source, a suspected Russian agent WATCH

>>110144 Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: If America Falls, Where Will You Go?

>>110145 British Petroleum (BP) - the Rothschilds - ran Alaskan politics until Trump was elected.

>>110146 Written order shows state falsely claiming ‘isolation camps’ are ‘voluntary’

>>110147 China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal Is the News Now

>>110149 Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court/America yet while the U.S. is still at least 50% Protestant there is not one Protestant on the Court.

>>110150, >>110153 Alice in Wonderland - 1915: William H Barr - Coincidence?

>>110151 Digg! "BREAKING: A large cache of confidential foreign documents have just been leaked implicating Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Misfud's collusion and possible criminal activity in Ukraine.

>>110152, >>110154, >>110155 B2=Bill Barnett!

>>110156 #13817

(25 notables, 31 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173459

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10794883 Q Research General #13816: The Quickening Has Begun Edition

Created 260633ZSEP20




>>110078 “Misogyny” could end up becoming a criminal offense in England and Wales

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1CoVjr11_S4 - Every Man Should FEAR This Potential New Law... [Channel: TheQuartering]

>>110079, >>110080 UK Police Officer shot point blank and killed was a protection officer for Diana and the Queen Mother

>>110081 'Godess of Truth': Young Tiktok girl wants to be a wife and mother, not 'independent'. Anons say show on the SC wall

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d2e3867b7a75a47e2348d1ca6a5d168fee32cab71b5110e8ac3f1c2630af16f.mp4

>>110082 A quiver is the definition of a group of cobras

>>110083, >>110084, >>110087 'Arrow' is the name of an Israeli missile

>>110085, >>110086 US, Japan to hold 'Keen Sword' exercise amid fears of China attack on Taiwan

>>110088, >>110089, >>110090 Preemptive Swordy Strike | Future Proves Past!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G02wKufX3nw - Magic Sword - In The Face Of Evil [Channel: Magic Sword]

>>110091, >>110092, >>110093, >>110095, >>110097, >>110098, >>110103 Anons on 'P' and 'quivers'

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c830e9440fc83964f9aaafbe6d796e75d08a1b8e21b1719e11ba1eaed91606d0.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a46385bd80367a5657fa079ad8eef8d5e4a5610c33a8e84b8f7b88275b3444de.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/25133e66ffa6eebaf8f845187cfba64a7e0590dfde99b9fc101521a9767f9ead.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/953f022117c40cd85f2927c6d9a2a1be36f34d2932b7a95c1f57e19d479efaa4.pdf

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Dccz7e8L0W8 - SATURN = CHI-RHO! [Channel: u1615UN Of u1615ATURN]

>>110094 Soros' Open Society Policy Center: Interesting to see what they've been lobbying the US government for

>>110096 Astronauts Isolate As Mystery Air Leak Hunt Continues On International Space Station

>>110099, >>110101 More on P and 'quivers'

>>110100, >>110107 GWP: POTUS to Nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court

>>110102 Follow the White Rabbit | Physics book for children?

>>110104 MSM going nuts on man who died from eating too much liquorice…possible cure for COVID?

>>110105 Oregon Gov. Kate Brown declares a State of Emergency for Multnomah County ahead of the Proud Boys rally Saturday

>>110106, >>110109 Desantis' 'Arrow over the bow' on Antifa and BLM

>>110108, >>110114, >>110115, >>110119, >>110121, >>110123 Reports that China is ready to make moves on Taiwan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZInRE-KryGA - Pat Benatar - Shadows Of The Night [Channel: PatBenatarVEVO]

>>110110, >>110112, >>110113 On 'quantum physics validate what the Bible has said all along' claim

>>110111 China pushes emergency use of COVID vaccine despite concerns

>>110116 #13814

>>110117 Meghan Markle would 'seriously consider running for president'

>>110118 A “Culture of Lawlessness” in D.A. Offices: Progressive prosecuters have failed to pursue justice for the public

>>110120 Gregg Jarrett: Stunning revelations expose FBI’s Trump probe as dirtiest political trick in US history

>>110122 What they accuse Amy Barrett of is what they found out and blackmailed John Roberts for: Re adopted children

>>110124 Oregon Governor Finally Gets Tough on Protesters … Conservative Protesters Only

>>110125 #13816

(26 notables, 48 posts, 53 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173460

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10796461 Q Research General #13818: Pepe And His LOBSR Edition

Created 261313ZSEP20




>>110157 Kanye gettin Haiti out there for 31 million followers?

>>110158 Wray set the stage to allow Trump's Platinum Plan to declare the KKK a terrorist organization and lynching a national crime. Why is this genius?......

>>110159 Mike Novogratz is one of the people funding The Bail Project.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BtrVqskEd3s - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110160, >>110173 PF updates

>>110161 NEW: Senate Dems say they will press POTUS SCOTUS nominee to commit to recuse herself if the justices hear a case that could impact the outcome of the fall elections

>>110162 Suspect in Paris knife attack confesses to stabbings

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FJw3rr93QZ0 - Suspect in Paris knife attack confesses to stabbings [Channel: FRANCE 24 English]

>>110163 #8 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Ann McLane Kuster New Hampshire 2nd

>>110164 Former GOP lawmakers on endorsing Biden: Trump is no Republican, 'lacks basic self-control'

>>110165 Now read this article attached as PDF about Heresthetics and the Supreme Court.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60ecb3b13c367985b43f2b02d9bbee6fc3d8343a8c3880b72418c69fd5b75d90.pdf

>>110166 Theory on legionella?

>>110167 Archbishop Viganò Issues Warning to Catholics at Annual Breakfast: President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Against Demonic Forces of Deep State and New World Order

>>110168, >>110169, >>110170 LEAKED Inside Documents showBLUE PRINT of Radical Left’s Rapid Response Plan to Disrupt SCOTUS Nomination and Vote

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41c4fa68cf4bf87ae5a16b39ab962d40cb69b51654d4f0057aee4fe2e419d378.pdf

>>110171 "This is a guide to support and empower people who are ready to fight back this weekend when President Trump names a SCOTUS nominee".

>>110172 Revlimid is a case study in a process known as “evergreening” — artificially sustaining a monopoly for years and even decades by manipulating intellectual property laws and regulations.

>>110174 Sarah Palin Threatens Possible Primary Challenge to Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski

>>110175 General Flynn’s Family Releases Statement Following Release of New Evidence of Massive Corruption by Obama-Biden DOJ Targeting Gen. Flynn

>>110176 BREAKING - Riot police stormed anti-#COVID19 lockdown protest in London and allegedly arrested "conspiracy theorist" David Icke after giving a public speech.

>>110177 #13818

(18 notables, 21 posts, 18 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173461

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10798000 Q Research General #13820: Anons nominate Tom Fitton for Freedom Medal

Created 261621ZSEP20




>>110219 LIBS Meltdown!! mp4, for KEKS (sorta)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/083ceebcc3e60814e8546167de9c0622cea02755f44a8478ae07ad9b200ec003.mp4

>>110220 Coronavirus chaos in London as HUGE crowds gather to party after 10pm curfew; Icke arrested? ANONS DIGG

>>110221 RON PAUL LIBERTY REPORT censored by YT for questionning WHO

>>110222, >>110223, >>110227, >>110230, >>110233, >>110246, >>110249 planefags aloft

>>110224 Christians don't wear masks: "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord"

>>110225, >>110251 Portland Rapid Response Team now deputized as Federal Marshals. YES!!!!!

>>110226, >>110229 GLORY! Tens of Thousands of Christians Gather to Pray, Worship in DC

>>110228 POTUS on National Day of Prayer and Return

>>110231 Anon analysis of significance of events surrounding DJT re-tweet from 3 Jan 2017

>>110232 Image of Bill Barr in front of Tower of London; comms??

>>110234 Meghan Markle wanna run for pres???

>>110235 LIVESTREAM of DC Prayer March

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HPKR0pB_NEY - Prayer March 2020 with Franklin Graham [Channel: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association]

>>110236 Security video of plane hitting Pentagon released, adds, S'bite from Judicial Watch (title accurate?)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0SL2PzzOiF8 - Security video of plane hitting Pentagon released, [Channel: AP Archive]

>>110237 Judge Amy Coney Barrett & fam left home dressed for a special occasion

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54867da16a48f35ec7372e7272b2f1b6f7a6c054d15099162dd2e7ce3d543290.mp4

>>110238 Mollie Hemingway: The hatred and loathing from media figures toward conservative women is something, isn’t it.

>>110239 POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY September 26, 2020

>>110240 New York AG recommends police CEASE routine traffic stops to avoid confrontation

>>110241 Supreme Court fight pushes Senate toward brink

>>110242, >>110244 Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over"

>>110243 Another Biden gaffe from 2008: "slight Indian accent"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AEG1wuoa2hs - JOE BIDEN GAFFE (2008): "Slight Indian Accent" [Channel: BlazeTV]

>>110245 Louisville Man Who Fired Several Shots at a Line of Police Officers, Injuring Two Only Charged with Assault & Wanton Endangerment

>>110247 Donald Trump Jr. For the Win: Hunter Biden is Partaking in Sexual Trafficking — “Like the Sick Bastard He Is”

>>110248 Study says UK lockdown linked to thousands of excess deaths

>>110250 Lebanon’s PM-designate resigns after failing to form govt

>>110252 Real news? Ex-Fox journalist @adamhousley now independent

>>110253 Trump's Supreme Court pick to start confirmation hearing on Oct. 12

>>110254 #13820

(27 notables, 36 posts, 39 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173462

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10797250 Q Research General #13819: Flynn's Where Will You Go? Edition

Created 261444ZSEP20




>>110178 Anons nominate Tom Fitton for Freedom Medal

>>110179, >>110203 Don Trump Jr on Human Trafficking and Biden (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/62cec055afbc7985ff9adf120d31cdbb1a0a7913c98fece8d8d10654fed223d7.mp4

>>110180 Pompeo To Meet Pope, Demand Vatican End Its China Connections

>>110181 Quick digs AOC, China Spy, Tibet connection?

>>110182, >>110191 More re: Sarah Palin Possible Primary Challenge to AK Senator Murkowski (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pMtFeLKPcfc - Bizarre video of Sarah Palin talking about Lisa Murkowski and the Supreme Court [Channel: The Alaska Landmine]

>>110183 Is There a China-Vatican Secret 2-Year Deal?

>>110184 Did prior papal concordats begin world wars?

>>110185, >>110200 DJT Tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33e1f780fc747fd22a654b9f85ce41f2c11828f48365d2e5982e90d3442ef08b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fb69bb9766585d6b974c603f2cd47fe3c3e945e5d21ae72a8d5e4b8668ae9a4b.mp4

>>110186 UK police draconian enforcement of COVID curfew

>>110187, >>110204, >>110206 Anons wonder Legionella (Legionnaires' Disease) contamination of building water supplies post-shutdown

>>110188, >>110189, >>110195 Anons debate morality of criminal culpability for MK-Ultra multiple-personality victims

>>110190 Britain's reckoning with past[?] systemic child abuse is long overdue

>>110192 DoJ statements and charges re: Portland violence

>>110193 Call-in numbers for next Flynn hearing Sep 29, 11 AM EDT

>>110194, >>110208 10797690 Planefags

>>110196 FAKE NEWS WATCH: MSM Mis-reported NYPD Tibetan-Chinese Cop Spied for Taiwan whereas Actually Spied for Peoples Republic of China (CCP)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XSGJJ1euJ1s - NYPD Officer Caught Spying for China [Channel: China Uncensored]

>>110197 Human Trafficking: 292 Ebonyi Indigenes rescued by NAPTIP (Mali)

>>110198 US Space Force tweet

>>110199 CNN/Yahoo: "White supremacist gang member" killed in California shootout with police

>>110201 The Bail Project – Soros-Connected Entity Rented Uhaul in Louisville – Got $350k-$1m COVID Relief Loans

>>110202 US tightens export controls on China's top chipmaker

>>110205 Sched of UK hearings on Child Sex Exploitation

>>110207 Reminder: Pelosi admits visiting North Korea

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc58f97dab538dce1711c2feb7e02bd6311fe5e2f515af609aca4f87ce7dbee0.mp4

>>110209 ??? Pelosi Supported UN Agenda 21 in 1992 (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/301368eb368fd1463cafbb082243276ab1f39b97cf42b4d7d818cbd067e1e4fa.mp4

>>110210 Dems U-Turn on Mail-In Voting

>>110211 LIVE links for 5pm ET POTUS Trump Announces pick for SCOTUS

>>110212 Soros gets into cryptocurrency?

>>110213 @WH: POTUS Trump eliminating healthcare burdens (hidden costs, surprise billing, overpriced prescriptions, etc.)

>>110214 Ivanka Trump visit (North Dakota?) signals welcome progress on native justice

>>110215 Real news? Ex-Fox journalist @adamhousley now independent

>>110216 @USMC: In Good Hands

>>110217 Archive articles re: COVID, Wuhan Inst Virology, ACE2 Bat Proteins, SAR-COV

>>110218 #13819

(33 notables, 41 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173463

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10798779 Q Research #13821: National Day of Prayer w/DC Prayer March Edition

Created 261748ZSEP20




>>110255 (continued from lb) "We Do Not Consent" - 1000s Rally In London To Oppose Another COVID-19 Lockdown

>>110256 Voters in 4 Battleground States File Lawsuits Claiming Election Meddling Funded by Mark Zuckerberg

>>110257 Trump Kneecaps Chip Giant SMIC Over 'Concerns' US Exports Being Shared With Chinese Military

>>110258, >>110264, >>110266, >>110270, >>110271, >>110272, >>110274, >>110282 planefag reporting

>>110259 (continued from lb) More on Pfizer sci officer re false second CV wave

>>110260 German Minister Admits Lockdown Will Kill More Than COVID-19 Does

>>110261 (Live) 2020 National Prayer March in D.C.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HPKR0pB_NEY - Prayer March 2020 with Franklin Graham [Channel: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association]

>>110262 Judge denies Democratic donor Ed Buck's request to be released from jail, calling him 'a danger to the community

>>110263 Philly Treasurer Indicted For Embezzlement & Using A "Sham Marriage" To Obtain US Citizenship

>>110265, >>110275, >>110276 Portland denies protest permit for the Proud Boys, citing coronavirus risk. March goes on anyway

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C3xz-IzrpzI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110267 Barrett Did Not Affirm the Illinois Lockdown Order

>>110268 New White House w/CAP: President @realDonaldTrump will announce his nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court tonight at 5 p.m. ET from the Rose Garden.

>>110269 Confirmation hearing for Trump's Supreme Court pick to start Oct. 12

>>110273 'Permanent Coup' excerpt: How Biden pushed to quash investigation of company paying son $80k/month

>>110277 multiple streams of Saturday action.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G3SrvXhddb8 - DAY 122 - LIVE PROTESTS - WOKE.NET [Channel: WOKE]

>>110278 CDC and Fauci’s NIAID Add Non-Pneumonia Deaths to US COVID-19 Totals Unlike Other Countries! — If These Deaths are Removed US Has 86,000 COVID-19 Deaths

>>110279 Cali tightening the lockdown. sez 89% covid increase within next month.

>>110280 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake Hits South of Africa, USGS Says

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rGODyGG0O1M - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110281 Randy Quaid w/CAP: Got my new passport picture. Off to Uganda to work for the Red Cross, so I won’t be around. Probably ever again.

>>110283 #13821

(20 notables, 29 posts, 34 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173464

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10799588 Q Research General #13822: You Smell Dat Panic??? Edition

Created 261919ZSEP20




>>110284, >>110285, >>110288 MASSIVE Trump Train Parade Rolling into Huntingdon, PA #MAGA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HqYzLGJtnuI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110286, >>110289, >>110291, >>110293, >>110298 planefag reporting

>>110287 POTUS in Middletown, PA tonight!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b6abdcf24e6599395d3e7e898c59e47f96298f31419fccbf83be143250f49c09.mp4

>>110290 Joe Biden's Claim of Having Attended Historically Black College Refuted by School

>>110292 Colin Powell ally, Lawrence Wilkerson calls on House to begin ‘immediate’ impeachment hearings on Bill Barr

>>110294 keks: Juanita Broaddrick w/CAP: I believe in herd immunity. The Democrats have made us immune to their bullshit.

>>110295 Heiko Schöning, German Doctor arrested in Hyde Park. Loaded in to the back of a police van. Just for speaking out!

>>110296, >>110297 (live feeds) POTUS SCOTUS Nomination at 5pm ET today

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d_StCESBgg0 - President Trump Announces Nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States [Channel: The White House]

>>110299 Mastercard, Visa warned to cut ties with payments to terrorists. Companies could be exposed to criminal and civil liability

>>110300 #13822

(10 notables, 17 posts, 19 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173465

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10801105 Q Research General #13824: POTUS Nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrret Edition

Created 262126ZSEP20




>>110318 Report: Durham Investigating Andrew Weissmann / Main Justice Resistors Blocking FBI Subpoenas in 2016 re: Clinton Investigation

>>110319 Lebanese security forces killed 7 militants in heavy exchange of fire in NE Lebanon near Syrian border

>>110320 Two RINOs (Former Republican Congressmen) Endorse Biden

>>110321 List of States with No State Income Tax

>>110322 pb County of Sonoma (California) disputes ballot dumping report

>>110323 Pedo who fled US to Israel signs plea deal in rape of Israeli girl

>>110324 Evil Fuck Bill Maher Rips Barrett

>>110325, >>110327, >>110339, >>110344 Planefags

>>110326 SCOTUS new term will hear important business cases—Carney v. Adams, Google v. Oracle "copyright case of the century" so be alert for big tech attacks on Barrett

>>110328 Biden tweets against Barrett nomination

>>110329 TX Dems Arrested for Election Fraid, Mail Ballot Vote Harvesting Scheme

>>110330 Chinese company sending asteroid-mining robot into space in Nov.

>>110331 Appeals Court rules House Dems CAN sue Trump over Pentagon border wall funding

>>110332 Fungus treatment can increase Artemisinin content (component of Madagascar COVID treatment)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7419171607fcc7552a48bfa5b2a31d2b12a16c2bed36a41dba94c3dcd23d277d.pdf

>>110333 Mises.org refutes Bernie Sanders mantra "Should Billionaires Exist?"

>>110334 Placer County reopens COVID lockdowns in defiance of California, see COVID Decreases

>>110335 @Scavino45 Confirm ACB (vid)

>>110336 Fake Polls show Biden lost 9 points in Virginia past month

>>110337 PDJT: Congratulations Judge Amy Coney Barrett! (mp4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c5db0033180e60e7f2edd14f5c44fb76107f2e786e3dc3396adcfb55a7586f83.mp4

>>110338 Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for ANY Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically COVID-19

>>110340 Out of Shadows (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MY8Nfzcn1qQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110341 Is Australia Ill-Equipped to Face Challenges of Emerging New World Order?

>>110342 Pocahontas, Kamala attack Barrett nomination

>>110343 More Queensland (Australia) needle-in-strawberry incidents

>>110345 New Japan PM Suga and Putin plan to hold telephone talks on Tuesday

>>110346 Yorba Linda, CA anarchy (vid): Trump supporters came to march and break up BLM protest

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G3SrvXhddb8 - DAY 122 - LIVE PROTESTS - WOKE.NET [Channel: WOKE]

>>110347 WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows praises Barrett nomination

>>110348 Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks TX Voting Law (as Favor to Dems?)

>>110349 LIVE: Blue lives matter counter-protesters have BLM/Antifa backing down, Yorba Linda, CA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G3SrvXhddb8 - DAY 122 - LIVE PROTESTS - WOKE.NET [Channel: WOKE]

>>110350 FBI: Atlanta activist spent $200G in BLM donations on house, personal expenses

>>110351 #13824

(31 notables, 34 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173466

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10800366 Q Research General #13823: SCOTUS Nomination Bread Edition

Created 262042ZSEP20




>>110301 POTUS SCOTUS Annoucement LIVE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d_StCESBgg0 - President Trump Announces Nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States [Channel: The White House]

>>110302, >>110304 Senator Cotton joins Supreme Court Special on Fox News

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-BNeIw3rTZU - September 26, 2020: Senator Cotton joins Supreme Court Special on Fox News [Channel: Senator Tom Cotton]

>>110303, >>110306 PF Reports

>>110305 Sen. Mike Lee: How the Supreme Court Was Politicized (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qUoA2rty4tc - Sen. Mike Lee: How the Supreme Court Was Politicized & Why Amy Barrett Is Likely Trump's Pick [Channel: American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times]

>>110307 pb County of Sonoma (California) disputes ballot dumping report

>>110308 Portland Police Confiscate Van Load of Shields,

>>110309 NJ State Legislature Passes Ban On Paper Bags, Foam Food-Containers, And Plastic Straws

>>110310 Pence Chief of Staff Marc Short: ‘Pray for’ Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee Because She ‘Will Be Attacked Mercilessly’

>>110311 Trump, Pence Pray With Thousands of Christians Gathered in D.C. for a Day of Repentance

>>110312 Hundreds of US companies join Tesla to challenge Trump’s trade war tariffs

>>110314 President Trump’s ‘1776 Commission’ on Patriotic Education Is an Overdue Effort

>>110315 Leftist Italian Govt Set to Dismantle Salvini Anti-Mass Migration Decrees

>>110316 “WHO offered me 20million dollars to put a little toxic in my Covid-19 remedy” – Madagascar President exposes WHO

>>110317 Thousands show up to rally against government in Jerusalem

(14 notables, 16 posts, 13 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173467

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10801838 Q Research General #13825: Amy Coney Barrett nominated to SCOTUS

Created 262225ZSEP20




>>110352 Trump Campaign Claims over 2.2M Volunteers: ‘Largest Grassroots Movement in Presidential History’

>>110353 Sen. Blumenthal Tantrum re: Barrett

>>110354 Virus Update Sept 8th: Science, Logic, Data (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8UvFhIFzaac - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110355 Grenell puts down Blumenthal

>>110356, >>110361 Trolls Target Barrett's Adopted Children from Haiti; DJT-Jr defends

>>110357 @Scavino45 POTUS Trump departs for PA

>>110358 Experts Predict Long, Deep Solar Minimum

>>110359 Digital Camo thread archived at https://archive.is/hogSX : Cover up memes & test camo, before posting on social media

>>110360 Biden's handlers whine about Barrett nomination

>>110362 Planefags

>>110363 Sec. Commerce Ross stmt on President Trump's EO Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth

>>110364 Large crowd outside SCOTUS screams "CNN is fake news!" as CNN analyst tries to report live (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16f6dc03277a0e5221a9a4ad8f0ba27da99498db693e7d8df76cccb72753b93f.mp4

>>110365 Secret Report: How CIA's Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary

>>110366 Kamala Praises, Calls BLM Riots Essential (podcast)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ei8cDgYBsb4 - Kamala Harris PRAISES Leftist Riots Saying "Fight" Is Essential, Trump Declares Antifa A TERROR Org [Channel: Tim Pool]

>>110367 POTUS Trump 1st public comments post Barrett Nomination

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RS5DOkWQfk4 - Trump comments 9 26 2020 first comments after Amy Barrett SCOTUS pick. [Channel: RightNow]

>>110368 Venezuela Deploys Bitcoin Satellite Node

>>110369 Schiff scared Barrett would strike down Obamacare and overturn Roe v. Wade

>>110370 Dr. Robert Duncan on Neurotechnologies: Directed Sound, Voice Energy Weapons, Mind Hiving, Neural Influence Technologies (Aug 2020 - vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Es3kOq5RRTs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110371 The news media’s Steele dossier scandal is even worse than you thought

>>110372 Rebuke to Kamala's tweet about Comey Barrett

>>110373, >>110375 Oh Shit, Biden really said this, “by the time I got to the senate 180 years ago"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b6c4ab8560814046a78ac044a89d8ecfd93d980c7172a64181c134b49724b37.mp4

>>110374 LIVE: POTUS Peaceful Protest in Middletown, PA 26 September 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_qWE5S1oD1o - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Middletown, PA #Pennsylvania [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>110376 Video: POTUS spoke to the press as he departed for Pennsylvania

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/78c6fe176e2d6d5095867a2ef9d7e40f7b6a44a990b2dea9b71eacf7391487db.mp4

>>110377 #13823

>>110378 MP4: Remember this, caught on camera at the Kavanaugh hearing?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ab07d9bbf894916a065e55e4f4e6512a1a7e2fdcc5778c2bfa4e7d1a67419ec.mp4

>>110379 Caps from POTUS Rally in Middletown, Pennsylvania

>>110380 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? 1. Durham 'true' start?

(27 notables, 29 posts, 26 media/files)

Q- >>110380

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173468

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10802635 Q Research General #13826: POTUS WHEELS DOWN - PENNSYLVANIA WRWY Edition

Created 262334ZSEP20




>>110381 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? 1. Check Gmail?

>>110382 List of prosecutors assigned by Acting AG Sessions

>>110383, >>110384, >>110387, >>110392, >>110397, >>110401 Caps From POTUS' Rally in Pennsylvania

>>110385 #13825

>>110386 ————————————–——– Donald Trump in 1982 on the roof of the Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York

>>110388 MP4 of Amy Comey Barrett

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84ecc2b5dd69251790705bca79c8c4359acc9b6005c55832f9bc755989f06ff0.mp4

>>110389 Dig: What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?

>>110390 Video: 20202 - The Great Meme War Has Only Just Begun

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=A7cai2SZWHM - The Great Meme War Has Only Just Begun [Channel: TheGeekzTeam]

>>110391 BREAKING: Multiple Injuries After Car Plows Through Crowd of Trump Supporters in Yorba Linda, California

>>110393 'Ghost Frog' not seen for 80 years rediscovered in Chile

>>110394 Gavin Newsom tweet: Everything is on the line

>>110395, >>110396 POTUS: Obama knew - Crowd chant: Lock him up

>>110398 40 Groups Demand Congress Probe 'Gross Misuse' of $1 Billion in Covid-19 Funding by Pentagon

>>110399 Donald Trump Calls for ‘Respectful and Dignified’ Senate Confirmation Hearing for Amy Coney Barrett

>>110400 Diggz on Creative Artists Agency LLC or CAA, American talent and sports agency based in Los Angeles, California

>>110402 Interdasting post

>>110403 Scavino tweet and video from POTUS' Pennsylvania Rally: "Happening Now!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca17bc618f3603d1d1a5fed5a465efd59a0b6c484dc2f95d7ca92047a31c576f.mp4

>>110404 #13826

(18 notables, 24 posts, 27 media/files)

Q- >>110381, >>110386

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9d28d5 No.173469

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10803348 Q Research General #13827: RALLY LIVE - Friends From Pennsylvania - SINGING IN THE RAIN Edition

Created 270014ZSEP20




>>110405, >>110408 Chuck Grassley tweet re Amy Commey Barrett, anon connects to Q Post "Trust Grassley"

>>110406 Feds Say Election Staff Opened Then Threw Away Military Ballots in Luzerne County, PA

>>110407, >>110410 6.2 magnitude earthquake hits South of Africa, USGS says

>>110409 Anon links Q's posts to a past tweet from Comey

>>110411 Keks: #metoo changes name to #hetoo ahead of Trump’s female SCOTUS pick

>>110412, >>110414, >>110430 Caps from POTUS Rally in Pennsylvania

>>110413 Soros/Gates-Funded Org ($6.5M): World May Need ‘Climate Lockdown'

>>110415 Re DARPA, Q posts and the FB execs who have announced departure so far

>>110416 Keks: Amy Coney Barrett Holds Press Conference In Handmaid's Tale Costume Just To Mess With Liberals

>>110417 Mike Pence tweet congratulations ACB

>>110418 Is Q rounding up the 5G Huawei mess? Re the fire at the Huawei R&D center in China

>>110419 Keks: Dems: 'Without Abortion, Women Might Have To Settle For Having 7 Kids And Sitting On The Highest Court In The Land'

>>110420 ————————————–——– Video: Show Force Gilligan's Island Mosul Iraq Dec 04 (Caps: )

>>110421 Two Judiciary Democrats say they will not meet with Trump's Supreme Court pick

>>110422, >>110427 Appointed by Sessions: Richard Donoghue

>>110423, >>110426 Planefag Alert and Reports

>>110424 Apple, Eric Schmidt, Trump EO, CF, Human Trafficking

>>110425 Massive TRUMP Crowd Chants, “Lock Him Up!” After President Trump Says Barack Obama “Knew All About the Coup!”

>>110428 WATCH: CNN Forced To Drop Live Shot Covering Amy Coney Barrett’s SCOTUS Nomination After Hecklers Chant ‘Fake News!’

>>110429 WATCH: CNN’s Toobin Slams Feinstein’s ‘Incredibly Inept’ Questioning At Amy Coney Barrett’s Previous Confirmation Hearing

>>110431 #13827

(21 notables, 27 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>110420

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9d28d5 No.173470

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10804116 Q Research General #13828: LIVE FROM PENSYLVANIA - THE LOCK HIM UP Edition

Created 270057ZSEP20




>>110432, >>110435 ————————————–——– Video: Show Force Gilligan's Island Mosul Iraq Dec 04 (Caps: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2c635942803793efd60fb32c12e5ed9cf279b77fd19742bdcdc7923f126f1bb8.mp4

>>110433 #13827

>>110434, >>110437, >>110438, >>110440, >>110443, >>110444, >>110446, >>110450 Anon on Latest Q & Gilligan's Island - a show that premiered TODAY in 1967

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/62e864c32726d60be24d2cf2c2aca0ca8e9d2fb1b9d728e270ae6b228787889e.mp4

>>110436, >>110441 Rally (i mean peaceful protest) images

>>110439, >>110442, >>110453 John Bash, US attorney, to probe Flynn case

>>110445, >>110476, >>110480 Planefags aloft

>>110447 New Jimmy Dore on Clintons & Obamas (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iOfkBRaWmGE - What OBAMA Got Away With. [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>110448, >>110452, >>110459, >>110463, >>110464, >>110468 US Marines: Into the Heat

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d426a053f129f5df54064a13b09f947b7edfad5799552ea8d523c91acf1cf2f0.mp4

>>110449 Biden said he was a student at Delaware State University; school says otherwise

>>110451 Biden Says He Could Stay at Home During the Pandemic was because Black Women Stacked Grocery Shelves — WTH?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sExGofYTfuI - Biden Unscripted [Channel: Mr Reagan]

>>110454 Out of town pool report on POTUS rally

>>110455 New DJT: Together, we are taking back our Country

>>110456 CHIZ: Someone please make an Ad with Joe Biden dressed up as Ron Burgandy reading dumb shit off a Teleprompter.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e559bd50af28e3f740b2e13a2c88c1bc9faf835307a179eb3322fda564308c68.mp4

>>110457 Doug Collins to Comey: "So many answers. PS: there aren't many trees where you're going."

>>110458 New DJT: ...now you have a President who is standing up for America

>>110460, >>110465, >>110467, >>110469, >>110470 Did anyone establish a date and location for Q's latest image? ANONS DIG

>>110461 NEW Evidence of FBI Misconduct Implicates JOE BIDEN in Flynn Prosecution (13min vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q8SPEM5IiqQ - NEW Evidence of FBI Misconduct Implicates JOE BIDEN in Flynn Prosecution - Viva Frei Vlawg [Channel: Viva Frei]

>>110462 Syria minister calls Turkey main terrorism sponsor in region

>>110466 DIGG on Session appointees and what they're prosecuting

>>110471 Cases Previously Decided by Amy Coney Barrett

>>110472 FLOTUS: Today we welcomed Judge Amy Coney Barrett & her family to the @WhiteHouse

>>110473 Anon on recent Q's

>>110474 Lindsey Graham announces dates for Judge Barrett's SC nom

>>110475 Grassley: Judge Barrett is an inspiring American+highly respected jurist

>>110477 Top Fed Pulled into Trump's Battle in 2017 (reminder)

>>110478 #AnswerUsPedoTube is trending on Tw@tter!

>>110479 Remarks by POTUS on confirmation hearing

>>110481 #13828

(28 notables, 50 posts, 63 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173471

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10804907 Q Research #13829: AC-130 Gunship Lights up the Night Edition

Created 270201ZSEP20




>>110482, >>110499 DJT Tweets/r: Today, it was my great honor to nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c411622672bfd1d76885a128575f39af9960b6894ee5ef51f6023aae62e800e1.mp4

>>110483, >>110493, >>110498, >>110501 Peaceful Protests in Seattle

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f76b276add9a82aa3a95375f5aec7a2d64a0be9df178b1bc74d17f0f8b8e3502.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/89cb57fe6faad21a3f4ce66a54d11e3e8ddc24e11a6cf739c5cef508184cdcca.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5905d8d1b30020bcfd8fade0a4b94cb7a920fd86a8b40803688efa2d028e94a4.mp4

>>110484 QPost matched real time with Trump's Rally speech: weapons.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04e66ab4b781d60a44aff33453bd23c84080cac424cf9f9a24ab5a81b445a7fa.mp4

>>110485 GWP: Brennan overruled dissenting-analysts (concluded Russia favored Clinton)

>>110486 POTUS Schedule 9/29

>>110487 Grenell tweet: Well over 50,000 Christians lifting their prayer

>>110488 Spitnik: CIA insider 'claims' China has over 100 spies operating in city

>>110489 Cryin' Schumer: Justice Ginsburg must be turning over in her grave up in Heaven

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54e870bd76541bb889a3ecc1b332ab121e96727ab0414791fba7294e1e7b9204.mp4

>>110490 Teigen twat: "making me weak"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3caedf1e1350f53cd7d1947b4ad5c05a569f4821417034f648e98de7940614f6.mp4

>>110491 Dig on US Attorneys: G. Zachary Terwilliger

>>110492 Muh Roe v. Wade

>>110494 ZH: OC Sheriffs person into custody who ran car through crowd of Trump supporters.

>>110495 Dick Brainehas been elected as the leader of the UK Independence Party

>>110496 BREAKING: Brennan Cooked Up 'Putin-Helped-Trump’ Intel

>>110497, >>110502, >>110503 Amy Coney Barrett

>>110500 Voters File Lawsuits Claiming Election Meddling Funded by Mark Zuckerberg

>>110504 #13829,

(17 notables, 23 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173472

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10805682 Q Research General #13830: Meet the Entire Berrett Family Edition

Created 270314ZSEP20




>>110505, >>110506 Tomorrow on @foxandfriends exclusive interview w/ President

>>110507 AmThk: Proof positive Kamala Harris is a lying phony

>>110508 Changes to Election Law Acting Against the Constitution — Likely Be Overturned

>>110509 (vid) Liz gives Where’s Hunter a what’s for

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oy7SkXKoz-Y - EXPOSED: Hunter Biden's Russian collusion [Channel: Liz Wheeler]

>>110510 AdamHousley: case is being laid out. Barnett’s 302, Weiner Computer, Clinton Foundation

>>110511, >>110514 JW: This cruelty is so vile I can’t stand it. / When you are finally sick

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3b9940b619b470e9f5684f80164bb5a1518fe97e1fac00f04fd7e99c4ced4a1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f98a32e90cf80d196a3a81b32317eade802e465b3229ecc501afcd98b0fbda8c.mp4

>>110512 Dan: #ConfirmACB #SCOTUS

>>110513 Sidney Powell: By law SCOTUS confirmation hearings are not required

>>110515 JPost: Jewish progressives and Democrats > Barrett nomination a step backwards

>>110516 Biden Blasted for Comparing Trump to Nazi Propagandist Goebbels

>>110517 Fierce Clashes between Lebanese government forces and terrorist in Wadi Khalid

>>110518 Planefag reports

>>110519 Seattle Moar Peaceful Fires

>>110520 Bill Gates’ Global Agenda & How We Can Resist His War On Life

>>110521 QPost Dig: Comey, Emails, and Federal Bureau of Matters

>>110522, >>110523 CNN Trolled by people heckling and shouting, "CNN is fake news!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/916af85c66d976db3e9cbcbbfedfea711867c498970dd2b37ef1323e6463b5e0.mp4

>>110524 OC(Ca) Sheriff Release on Yorba Linda Protests and Vehicle Incident

>>110525 Texas woman says fired by Whataburger for BLM mask

>>110526 #13830

(19 notables, 22 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173473

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10807204 Q Research General #13832: Theres No Escape From The Midnight Riders Edition

Created 270659ZSEP20




>>110556 POTUS MP4: More text messages coming out in the next few days - Obama knew everything

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4e3913b01aef420a1af3195655a5a1336e45f63b68b7e2d1a2e5085fce7e35ed.mp4

>>110557, >>110563 Anons discuss Anonymous, Greenwald, Snowden, Manning

>>110558 Hugh Hefner's Playboy Bunnies - From Abuse To Humiliating Sex Rituals

>>110559 Keks: Re RBG wanting to lower age of consent: "Fact check" own themselves so hard. Worth a good read for a chuckle

>>110560 A 26-page pdf academic paper examined efforts to study halfchan and assess their association with the Alt-Right

>>110561 Sen. Scott Wiener, San Francisco talks about SB 145 and threats from QAnon

>>110562 Inside the QAnon cult as its contagion spreads to Scotland

>>110564, >>110570 Pompeo to Ask Vatican to Halt Accord With Communist China

>>110565, >>110567 Dig on Madeline Albright et al | "MKA" Dinners

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f77cce51453b5375049d4a5c5da69adceb6cac8be4e8820addab491f9990a248.pdf

>>110566 Coronavirus: Theory that Chinese propaganda encouraged Western nations to lock down

>>110568 Night Shifts are Tight Shifts: Live leak footage from Operator behind the scenes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/639780393aa925a0ba0b4391c1bb7c1e33edd3f7a6624b1375da88e34da13fac.mp4

>>110569 wearethene.ws is UP

>>110571, >>110573 Officer shot in the head at LAPD station in San Pedro; suspect reportedly in custody

>>110572 Taiwan is China's next 'target' after Hong Kong: foreign minister

>>110574 MP4: Prayer for POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/355de19e6dee1e0f8df3749edf11aa64034e5193fad21bcd20ae1f02f1d40c2c.mp4

>>110575 Jeff Daniels Calls for Political ‘War:' ‘This Is Not a Time To Be Nice' to Trump Voters

>>110576 Hacker collective Anonymous reveals Qanon controlled by hardcore pedophiles

>>110577 Estonia's Social minister: CV vaccine to be distributed free of charge

>>110578 Trump Supporters March in Beverly Hills

>>110579 'It’s got to stop': Rancher reports mutilated cow outside of Ukiah

>>110580 Brain-eating microbe: US city warned over water supply

>>110581 Why the QAnon conspiracy theory is gaining popularity

>>110582 Global mayors group lists Taiwan cities as part of China

>>110583 PDF of all Meganons Posts

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f0b5f2405602cd7d8fdaabb13a5e1e16daee51658f9ca207b53fe00d1f2f132.pdf

>>110584 #13832,

(25 notables, 29 posts, 45 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173474

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10806456 Q Research General #13831: 14-18, 21-25 Awake Yet Kevin? Edition

Created 270459ZSEP20




>>110527 Scavino tweet & video: Team POTUS getting into the YMCA with Great American Patriots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3180f69a3f5be23741c740cdd4d13973581a5d381025242d3201686500768f61.mp4

>>110528 Notables aggregator site wearethene.ws back online (this global will be removed on 9/30)

>>110529 Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Thomas Massie, Ron Wyden Join Forces To Unplug the President's 'Internet Kill Switch'

>>110530, >>110532 YT & MP4: CNN IS FAKE NEWS! Reporter can't talk over crowd shouting outside The Supreme Court

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fIATdmlbdSA - Crowd calling out CNN as Fake News. [Channel: BestProAction]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/916af85c66d976db3e9cbcbbfedfea711867c498970dd2b37ef1323e6463b5e0.mp4

>>110531 Kayleigh: New website tells you what time Sleepy @JoeBiden goes to sleep each day. Interesting!

>>110533 Google on homepage: Learn more about the history of racial injustice in America

>>110534 Scavino tweet & video re the Florida Rally

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd02df8c08222c383e6c655617e404b9334701fbe0aebf32baac304b2f72a445.mp4

>>110535 Per Kellyanne, 3 Ds voted yes for ACB on 7th circuit: Manchin, Donnelly and Kaine

>>110536 Parents sue LAUSD, blasting its online learning as an ‘educational crisis’

>>110537 The Flynn hearing is open to the general public via teleconference on the 29th

>>110538 More on the history of the Vanderbilt Mansion

>>110539 Planefag Reports

>>110540 Portland: Police have made more than a dozen arrests

>>110541 Newsom signs bill allowing male inmates who identify as 'women' to be housed in women's prisons in California

>>110542 Trump and Press - 1997 quote in New Yorker & great photo

>>110543 Large cache of confidential foreign docs have just been leaked implicating Biden, Soros, HRC and Misfud

>>110544, >>110546 Video: McMaster rejects CNN's question about whether the military would remove POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8839275dfc66efa2eb21bdd203b56fe341ab7c6d62755db5e84bc16260c1564e.mp4

>>110545 Re pb (Q's photo of DJT on top of Trump Tower in 1982)

>>110547 Re Q's video: 17 pound rocket, Gilligan's Island, Mosul Iraq

>>110548, >>110549 Talking points: Amy Coney Barrett questionable for accepting nomination "under these circumstances"

>>110550, >>110551, >>110552 Strozk/Page texts, The Clinton Foundation & NSD investigating Anthony Weiner's laptop

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Pr7MSM4MZuQ - Special Report with Bret Baier about status of FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton [Channel: Hugh Mongous]

>>110553 Richard Spencer on side with @Jack and Ibram X. "Antiracist" Kendi

>>110554 Biden pledges: Under God, for real

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/949c612799a312ee051374fc470668e49653e40c790782b09197bd4ef252f5ec.mp4

>>110555 #13831

(24 notables, 29 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173475

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10808818 Q Research General #13834: Bet Your Ass In The End Matters Edition

Created 271321ZSEP20




>>110613 #13833

>>110614 Alex Bolton: Dick Durbin confirms dems can't stop ACB from getting a confirmation vote before Election Day

>>110615 DARPA R US?

>>110616 Wray: "FBI has not seen evidence of nat'l voter fraud effort by mail" (ah, but have they LOOKED??)

>>110617, >>110620 Has Turkey has supplied #Azerbaijan with around 2,000 #Syrian #AlQaeda Jihadists?

>>110618 Anon: How does POTUS feel about us - his "undercover operatives"? Start @53:55

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pOeA5PNQM58 - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Jacksonville, Florida [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>110619 People Are Criticizing Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Over Instagram Photo of His Daughter Swimming

>>110621, >>110628, >>110629, >>110630, >>110631 DJT: the master troller ("strongly demanding" a Drug Test of Sleepy Joe) & anon comments

>>110622, >>110624 This is how police request customer data from Amazon

>>110623 NEW DJT re Blumenthal: "a Senatorial JOKE!"

>>110625 Re pb (Q's photo of DJT on top of Trump Tower in 1982)

>>110626, >>110636, >>110639, >>110640, >>110641, >>110642, >>110653 Planefags aloft

>>110627, >>110632 Social credit score being tested for UK public?

>>110633, >>110637, >>110644, >>110650 Last week was a world record for Schumman resonance - has gone from steady 7hz to THOUSANDS, new signal now @51hzs; comment on Sept 29 solar wind

>>110634 Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children - ANONS DIGG

>>110635 China's Nov war plot: Beijing could launch Taiwan invasion while US is 'distracted'

>>110638, >>110646, >>110649 Bartiromo: NO Durham interim report or indictments before election

>>110643 WAPO freaking out: Asst US atty for MS writes ltr to Boston Globe taking Barr to task for politicizing his office

>>110645 New Thread on /qrmemes/ - Amy Coney Barrett Memes and Other SC Battle Ammo

>>110647 Former WWE superstar and known ally of Pizzagaters just called out The Rock for his allegance to the elite pedos

>>110648 Pro-Antifa DA Drops Attempted Murder and Arson Charges For Terrorist Who Hurled Massive Molotov Cocktail At Police

>>110651 Focus shifts to Commerzbank's strategy after CEO (head of DB's private bank) named

>>110652 Baltimore's Kim Klacik under attack, Baltimore doesn’t want an uppity conservative to make things right

>>110654 Pelosi Dodges on Whether She Will Consider Impeaching AG Barr to Slow Down SCOTUS Pick

>>110655 Kim Jong Un may be planning an 'October surprise

>>110656 DeSantis clear Florida for large scale reopening

>>110657 #13834

(27 notables, 45 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173476

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10809541 Q Research General #13835: What's Up with Durham Probe? Earlies Edition

Created 271455ZSEP20




>>110658, >>110662, >>110666, >>110671, >>110678, >>110680, >>110683, >>110693 Planefags

>>110659 The Conspiracy Theory That Tears Our Country Apart (Dailywire Q hit piece)

>>110660 LIVE: Mike Huckabee now & again at 11am CT (noon ET) at 1st Baptist Dallas on “Is America Really That Great?”

>>110661 San Francisco passes law requiring large office-based business Work from Home 3 Days a Week because Muh Climate Change

>>110663, >>110676 Remembering 9-11, Look Carefully (vids)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/67a0ad691af30233b9fd2baa8484fbb86082c2a20c105b75f3a11325d7a45b27.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0fe2cc6bee5e7a281ea58eb1d31a07c71c13e52bc555f10474423de1caf57064.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/621e638a141895955342c1e5dedf63618dd569d2aacef44250d5e2867e7c183a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ebad55be0c272b3a1f03cd1f448e6a659308119f6688177a1baf3015b1e6d36.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77c6f4b2e8ecc4258b9ee6d005b3a58eb1770e0b530932a64efb4124cf1e70e3.mp4

>>110664 Republican Jewish group Sat. demanded Biden apologize for comparing POTUS Trump to Nazi propagandist Goebbels

>>110665, >>110669, >>110688 The Lord's Prayer, Psalm 11 For the Lord loveth righteousness, Anon prayer

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9aDEq3u5huA - Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 / Karajan · Berliner Philharmoniker [Channel: Berliner Philharmoniker]

>>110667 Spreadsheet and Off-Site Galleries Updated

>>110668 Sen. John Kennedy (R- LA): Dems better not turn upcoming SCOTUS into another “freakshow”

>>110670, >>110674 Anon decodes Q pic DJT 1982 on Trump Tower roof, as "Topped Off"

>>110672 LB Gov. DeSantis clears Florida for large-scale reopening

>>110673 Kenosha County (WI) Sheriff David Beth endorses POTUS Trump in opinion published in USA Today

>>110675 Florida Reopens Effective Immediately - No Masks Required in Any Venue

>>110677 "QAnon" Conspiracy on Ballots this Nov.

>>110679 Thread on POTUS Trump removal of Marxist critical race theory

>>110681 Disgusting Pro-Abortion RINO former PA Gov. Tom Ridge endorses Biden

>>110682 Re: Justice Scalia's untimely death; SCOTUS nominee ACB clerked for Scalia

>>110684 Bartiromo & Graham talk SCOTUS hearings, confirmation, Wed. Comey hearing, FISA abuse, Steele as Russian Spy (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JbBpUWdpZ6s - Maria Bartiromo speaks w/ Lindsey Graham 9 27 2020 all things SCOTUS / FISA / Comey [Channel: RightNow]

>>110685, >>110687 Indep. journo @AdamHousley: Durham won’t be a report, but rather indictments; timing uncertain; "I’m told nobody in the investigation cares about any made-up 60-day rule"

>>110686 Beverly Hills Vehicle Rally for Trump - Sep 26, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ej5k8twRtKA - Beverly Hills March 2 [Channel: Surcherca Stoke]

>>110689 Calif. Gov. Newsom signs law: Lock up trans inmates with men or women based on their "gender" choice

>>110690 US Curbs Exports from Chinese Chipmaker SMIC for Unacceptable Risks

>>110691 Lead federal election security agency CISA released Election Risk Profile Tool to help local officials understand risks, prioritize mitigations

>>110692 Interview Jenna Ellis, Sr. Legal Trump Campaign Adviser, re: Strategy to Fight Dem Attempts to Steal Election

>>110694 #13835

(25 notables, 37 posts, 43 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173477

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10808011 Q Research General #13833: New Text Messages Incoming - Obama Knew Everything Edition

Created 271017ZSEP20




>>110585 Video keks: Kids scream and run from Biden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qOaNZix0IVY - Joe Biden Scaring Little Kids (92620*) [Channel: Elkinsinboxinc Audiovisual]

>>110586 Video keks: Nancy buffering: "Good Morning, Sunday Morning"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Rk6KGw78uI - Nancy Pelosi GAFFE, "Good morning, Sunday morning" On ABC [Channel: Cooper Springsteen]

>>110587 Video: Is Biden now a Deep Fake? Great video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Fd7AhGWiZo8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110588 Video: Biden's sketchy history

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_jhyw7S8POA - Everybody Loves Joe Biden [Channel: Grifter]

>>110589, >>110592, >>110596 Anons on NSD, Durham & The Clinton Foundation

>>110590, >>110591 General Flynn: If America fails where will you go?

>>110593 Tuesday's debate should worry Dems

>>110594 Newt Gingrich: How the Bidens worked with China to get rich — at America's expense

>>110595 Video: In 1991 Biden lynched SCOTUS Nominee Clarence Thomas by conjuring sexual harassment allegations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZURHD5BU1o8 - Flashback: Clarence Thomas responds to Anita Hill [Channel: CNN]

>>110597 CIA insider: Chinese spies have NYC ‘under assault like never before’

>>110598, >>110599, >>110606 Planefag Reports

>>110600, >>110601, >>110602 Raleigh police announce arrests as demonstrations continue into the night

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7cccf4363fa7813b447f18ceb123f3f425f5528ce03a4a393c330b30e59285f.mp4

>>110603 More diggz on Madeline Albright et al | "MKA" Dinners

>>110604 Will A military Coup Undo November's Election, Donald Trump and The Republic Itself?

>>110605 Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry diggz

>>110607, >>110609 US Atty McSwain on the stunning arrest of the treasurer of Philadelphia, Christian Dunbar

>>110608 KEK - who cares what that dress-up fraud "pope" Francis thinks or says.

>>110610 Qanon people are spreading false intel about Ginsberg wanting age of consent lowered to 12./facts don't count huh

>>110611 Lebanon reels after efforts to form government collapse

>>110612 Heads in the sand….

(20 notables, 28 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173478

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10810284 Q Research General #13836: Debate Drug Tests are a Must

Created 271624ZSEP20




>>110695, >>110699, >>110702, >>110704, >>110724 ARMENIA SITREP - Armenian Unified Infocenter Martial law declared in Armenia

>>110696 See ya Delta. As a former top tier class member, let me tell you where you can stuff your SJW nonsense.

>>110697 Missed Potus twats w/caps

>>110698 @USMC Burn Out

>>110700 How the left's vast anti-Trump conspiracies turned to dust

>>110701, >>110703 Seattle: Drivers doing doughnuts outside the Space Needle hit people. Police have not responded to the lawlessness.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a32593d3e20e87c58c600b052859dafc80095ecae48ac7f5ebc1e6e64847f7a9.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5490c88fdc5b738cdb1ceb9f3138951a4e4fdf6705aa0f234a131cac48ed5b42.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/955af73248ecdbd8acf0b60c364a09bbae429b44d05a6ac752e164f069ade7fe.mp4

>>110705, >>110706 The Conspiracy Theory That Tears Our Country Apart (complete)

>>110707 #Hyperbole #FakeNews!!!

>>110708 Can we make sense of it b/c I think it's likely that "Check Gmail" in this case is some 'no coincidence' shit..

>>110709 Breonna Taylor timeline starting 3 years ago

>>110710, >>110712, >>110713, >>110714, >>110715, >>110719, >>110720, >>110721, >>110722, >>110725, >>110726 planefaggin

>>110711 Information Warfare SUCCESS

>>110716 NFL legend Joe Montana and his wife stopped a kidnapping when they wrestled their grandchild away from a home intruder, per @TMZ_Sports

>>110717 OANN honors fallen Police Officers and their K9s with a message about and for Law Enforcement at the end.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zU6vYqp-nmA - OANN honors fallen Police Officers and K9s 9 27 2020 [Channel: RightNow]

>>110718 NWO Refresher: Ukraine is keystone in US-Russia relations, - Tillerson

>>110723 REPORT: Trump Surging With Black And Hispanic Voters In Key States

>>110727 #13836

(17 notables, 33 posts, 45 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173479

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10811860 Q Research General #13838: Armenia In The News Martial Law Declared Edition

Created 271924ZSEP20




>>110770 /ourgeneral/ Michael J Flynn

>>110771, >>110778, >>110782, >>110799, >>110804, >>110806, >>110807 What you need to know about Amy Coney Barrett

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C9DL_hZDGRQ - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>110772 Q posted Antifa leaders arrest eminent: Atlanta BLM leader and activist arrested for money laundering

>>110773, >>110783, >>110789, >>110802, >>110808, >>110809, >>110811, >>110812, >>110813, >>110820 Other News

>>110774, >>110784, >>110792, >>110793, >>110805, >>110810, >>110815, >>110816, >>110817, >>110818, >>110819, >>110821, >>110825 PF

>>110775, >>110776, >>110779, >>110786, >>110788, >>110791, >>110795, >>110798, >>110828, >>110829, >>110830 International news/PANIC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W7RTyawRweY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/94ca12a18ca81cf78728cd19058c9585ac81b1f7b54fdad2ecdd11f796834568.mp4

>>110777, >>110787 Bush’s DHS Chief Urges Support for Joe Biden: Trump’s Actions are ‘Deplorable'

>>110780 Adam Housley - Clarifying again. Active investigations don’t have reports. Prosecutors don’t write reports. Durham isn’t writing a report. Durham has to get indictments through grand juries

>>110781 'Permanent Coup': Just as Mueller probe fizzles, anti-Trump cabal hatches new collusion tale

>>110785 Brand-new 'Obamagate' film to 'destroy' narrative of left

>>110790 Delaware State University DENIES Joe Biden was a student there after he claimed during town hall event that he 'got started out of an HBCU'

>>110794, >>110827 Sidney Powell’s Speech From March Is Now Making Waves as New Reports Indicate Clinton Foundation Is Under a Criminal Investigation

>>110796 POLL - For whom are you voting in the general election

>>110797, >>110803 Graham Discusses Durham Probe Developments and Upcoming Judiciary Committee Testimony

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jk2-Kt4E7Zg - Graham Discusses Durham Probe Developments and Upcoming Judiciary Committee Testimony [Channel: USSenLindseyGraham]

>>110800 MUST READ: Author and Analyst Larry Schweikart: WE ARE WINNING so Big that DemoKKKrats Have Literally Resorted to Civil War

>>110801 Trump ‘STRONGLY’ demands drug tests before debate says Sleepy Biden’s unnatural performance questionable

>>110814 Senator Cotton Joins Jake Tapper on State of the Union

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uQRVfa490Yo - September 27, 2020: Senator Cotton Joins Jake Tapper on State of the Union [Channel: Senator Tom Cotton]

>>110822 Bartiromo: “Sources Confirm No Interim Durham Report or Indictments Before Election”…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rYrrtUOrdw8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>110823 The Barnett 302 Released Last Week Proves Weissmann Ran the Mueller Gang and Wanted It to Last For Trump’s Term

>>110824 Liberal Groups Fear O’Keefe Election Sting

>>110826 NEW DJT Jr

>>110831 #13838

(22 notables, 62 posts, 75 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173480

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10811094 Q Research General #13837: Information Warefare Success! Edition

Created 271812ZSEP20




>>110728, >>110732 ARMENIA SITREP UPDATE: The Press Conference of Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan: LIVE "PROTRACTED WAR A POSSIBILITY"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zSdIk4jjINw - The Press Conference of Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan: LIVE [Channel: Armenian Public TV]

>>110729, >>110731, >>110740, >>110742, >>110749, >>110751, >>110757, >>110762, >>110764, >>110767, >>110768 PF updates

>>110730, >>110734 Q's/Armenia

>>110733 FBI Director Wray’s Corrupt Deep State FBI Continues to Redact Documents to Hide Its Crimes – Will Americans Ever See the Complete Picture of Deep State Crimes?

>>110735 "Feds Arrest Philly Treasurer For Theft, Fraduently Obtaining US Citizenship"

>>110736 NYC Principals' Unions Issue Vote Of No Confidence In Mayor De Blasio, Urge State To Take Over Schools

>>110737 Former Deutsche Bank Traders Convicted Of Fraud For Spoofing Precious Metals Between 2008 And 2013

>>110738, >>110739, >>110747, >>110748, >>110761 Azerbaijan follows Armenia in announcing martial law after intensive border clashes

>>110741 German Professor Arrested After Speaking At "We Do Not Consent" Rally In London

>>110743, >>110744, >>110745, >>110755 ACB talking points out

>>110746 California Gov. Newsom signs law allowing trans inmates to be locked up with men or women based on their gender identity

>>110750 Blumenthal on Packing SCOTUS: ‘Nothing Is off the Table’

>>110752 140 Arrested in U.S. Marshals’ Arizona Fugitive Gang Enforcement Op

>>110753 Hungarian Police Discover 16 Tunnels Used by Migrants to Cross Border

>>110754 UK Schools Told to Teach ‘Cancel Culture’ Is Harmful, Not to Promote ‘Victim Narratives’

>>110756 Orbán Rejects Migration Pact, Says EU Wants to ‘Manage Migration’ Not Stop It

>>110758 Refresher: Who is James Comey’s brother and why does it matter?

>>110759 #9 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Collin Peterson Minnesota 7th

>>110760 What OBAMA Got Away With.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iOfkBRaWmGE - What OBAMA Got Away With. [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>110763 Potus: 5:00PM Hold a news conference - James S. Brady Briefing Room

>>110765 U.S. legislation proposes that every citizen have an Fed account in which they can store Digital Dollars

>>110766 McCabe on the block

>>110769 #13837

(23 notables, 42 posts, 55 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173481

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10812617 Q Research General #13839: A-C-B Has Them M-A-D Edition

Created 272045ZSEP20




>>110832 McMaster: Trump Clearing Protesters from Lafayette Square ‘Was Just Wrong’

>>110833, >>110835, >>110836, >>110841 Other News

>>110834, >>110842, >>110844, >>110847, >>110856 PF

>>110837 One of last flowers to bloom at Grassley farm. Good for two more weeks til frost comes - Grassley

>>110838, >>110860 #13838, #13839

>>110839 Rescinding of responsible lending legislation means it's open slather for the big banks

>>110840 Attempted Subversion over Kitchen Meta being on /Qresearch/ instead of /comms/

>>110843 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>110845 Sunday "news" briefing With POTUS

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H0Z6QaKihbA - President Trump Holds a News Conference [Channel: The White House]

>>110846 Fedcoin: The U.S. Will Issue E-Currency That You Will Use

>>110848, >>110851, >>110852 Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough

>>110849 ICE Slams LA County For Continuing to Hinder Its Efforts to Detain Criminal Undocumented Immigrants

>>110850 Joe Montana And Wife Fight Grandchild Away From Attempted Kidnapper

>>110853, >>110859 Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough.

>>110854 BREAKING: A federal appeals court has temporarily halted a six-day extension for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin's presidential election, a victory for Republicans in the battleground state

>>110855 More Yashar Ali RRREEEESSS

>>110857 Sidney Powell speaking at length about Anthony Weiner's laptop

>>110858 Multiple Sources have POTUS TAX RETURNS

(18 notables, 29 posts, 29 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173482

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10814153 Q Research General #13841

Created 272257ZSEP20




>>110889 New York Times: We Have Trump’s Tax Returns

>>110890 Corrected dough

>>110891 Pennsylvania officials claim probe into discarded military ballots proves system 'works' New York South East Post

>>110892, >>110894 Louisville Riot U-Haul Driver Arrested According to Leaked Internal Documents

>>110893, >>110900, >>110903 PF

>>110895 Of note in this blockbuster story - there will be additional stories coming in the next few weeks. POTUS TAXES

>>110896 AstraZeneca's ‘Discrepancies’ in Vaccine Trial Accounts Spark Questions

>>110897 #HAITI AMY KNOWS !!!

>>110898 Left-wing Groups Protest Across Country to Oppose Amy Coney Barrett Nomination

>>110899 Utah man arrested for rape, sexual abuse of child after mother finds him in bed with girl

>>110901 Washington NFL Players Wear ‘Breonna Deserves Better’ Shirts Before Game

>>110902 Feds: Louisville man arrested after threatening to shoot LMPD officers during Facebook live

>>110904 McCabe Set To Testify Before Senate Oct. 6


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/52d6bba96b064931c7b2b27c2da8945b2e75b7c15eac097593b1e0081b2b3817.mp4

>>110906 Trump attacks ‘Hanoi Dick’ Blumenthal for lying about Vietnam, as Dem senators refuse to meet SCOTUS pick Amy Coney Barrett

>>110907 “Democrats Have Gone Beyond Socialist to Communist” – President Trump Warns America on the New Democrat Party

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1fG1Iowbth8 - President Trump calls them out: "Democrats Have Gone Beyond Socialist to Communist" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>110908 Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe To Impose Covid-19 Lockdown

>>110909 DoJ Argues TikTok "A Mouthpiece Of The Communist Party" As World Awaits Judge's Ruling On White House Ban

>>110910 The Trump Tax Returns illustrate three primary things:

>>110911 Madagascar President said same - $20 Million to poison COVID

>>110912 Burn Out @USMC

>>110913 #13841

(22 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173483

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10813388 Q Research General #13840: POTUS LIVE, DRUG TEST JOE Edition

Created 272155ZSEP20




>>110861 Why No Durham Activity Before Election — Likely The Interview of Agent William Barnett

>>110862 ACB nomination highlights adoptions of Haitian children.

>>110863, >>110872 PF

>>110864 CF revenue

>>110865 When Q drops the C-130 it means more damaging info is about to be declassifed in the coming days.

>>110866 We released real search footage from an FBI narcotics investigation. @FBI

>>110867 C19 NJ tracking system malfunctions


>>110869 #Trumpstaxes starting to trend by the looks of things.

>>110870 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

>>110871 Operation DisrupTor

>>110873 CDC Admits There is No Proof COVID-19 is Airborne Virus and They Have Been Misleading the Public All Along

>>110874, >>110877 Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests - qproof

>>110875, >>110885 -NEW PDJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/821b0a8ad76771a69d51f1e9e7913e0d67a2da8a76fe88d18b9661c553926705.mp4

>>110876 Lindsey Graham: Senate Judiciary Committee will approve Barrett on October 22

>>110878 A driver accused of attempted murder for driving a car into a crowd of Trump supporters in southern California and severely injuring two people has been revealed to be Tatiana Rita Turner, a major Black Lives Matter organizer.

>>110879 WWIII Anyone? The Crusades Are Returning To Caucasus As Violence Rages In Nagorno-Karabakh

>>110880 Crazy Nancy said some stuff but no one really cares anymore

>>110881 Florida reopens state’s economy

>>110882 Ballistics report doesn't support Kentucky AG's claim that Breonna Taylor's boyfriend shot cop

>>110883 Colorado Secretary of State dig

>>110884 Police in Ocean City arrest more than 100 at car rally in Maryland beach town

>>110886 WikiLeaks is open to any receive information from any source that is of political and/or historical significance - Seems like a trap

>>110887 Arrests in Portland protest follow fairly calm rally

>>110888 #13840

(25 notables, 28 posts, 30 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173484

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10814908 Q Research General #13842: No unreported connections to Russia Edition

Created 280008ZSEP20




>>110914 Editor’s piece ‘How To Cope When A Family Member Says They’re Voting For Trump’ goes viral for wrong reasons/For the early keks!

>>110915, >>110926 'Natural News' now persona-non-grata on 'Facebook', citing "abusive" content, the content is blocked in personal, private messages–that's the kicker.

>>110916 Student Told To Leave Virtual High School Class Unless He Removed Trump Flag Behind Him

>>110917 Kevin Shipp calling out Q ?

>>110918, >>110920 Here We Go… Hacks at Fake News NY Times Focus on Trump’s Tax Returns AGAIN Rather than the Biden Family’s Cash for Russian Hookers and Moscow Millions

>>110919 U.S. Plans 'Full Withdrawal' From Iraqi Embassy

>>110921 "Midnight Judges" is a thing……Midnight Riders?

>>110922 ‘Intergalactic Freak Show’: Sen. John Kennedy Says He Can’t Stop Democrats From Bringing The Protesters Back

>>110923 planefaggin

>>110924 APOLOGIZE: Backlash grows after Biden compares Trump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbles

>>110925 ‘Donald Capone’/Moar keks!

>>110927 'Excellent idea!': Ted Cruz responds to Dem senator's threat to boycott Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation

>>110928, >>110930 Federal Judge Blocks Trump's TikTok Ban Hours Before Midnight Deadline

>>110929 Millennia-Old Inscription Suggests Existence of a Biblical Character, Researcher Claims

>>110931, >>110932, >>110933 New Veritas:Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme: "Car is full" of absentee ballots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZWK56l2VaLY - Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme: "Car is full" of absentee ballots [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>110934 @USMC Permitted and Prohibited

>>110935 Jr. on Veritas/Omar

>>110936 #13842

(18 notables, 23 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173485

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10816459 Q Research General #13844: KAG Edition

Created 280216ZSEP20




>>110962 Scavino: Prayers with Brad and his family

>>110963, >>110964, >>110966, >>110970, >>110971, >>110978, >>110979 Anons look at Parscale twats, BP ref. in Q 860

>>110965 New Project Veritas Video Exposes Rep. ‘Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Scheme’

>>110967 Fort Wayne Trump rally: cars lined up for 25 miles

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HObSWhvCZQw - Thousands drive around interstate 469 in the 'Circle The Fort Trump Rally' [Channel: Fort Wayne's NBC]

>>110968 Anon on potential arsonist - ANONS DIGG

>>110969, >>110972, >>110981 Former Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale Hospitalized After Threatening Suicide

>>110973 Sanctuary Los Angeles Frees Illegal Aliens Charged with Murder, Sex Crimes

>>110974 UK Daily Mail claims Parscale was under investigation

>>110975, >>110980 Trish Regan twat on #taxes

>>110976 Anons, check out the docs on Flynn case on the Case 1:17-cr-00232-EGS Document 248-1

>>110977, >>110982 DIGG on Candice Blount (Parscale's wife)

>>110983 #13844,

(12 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173486

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10815681 Q Research General #13843: Sunday Night We Are The News Is Back Spice Edition

Created 280116ZSEP20




>>110937, >>110940 HBC-WHO? Biden’s claim he ‘got started’ at HBCU Delaware State University is denied by the school

>>110938 One unconfirmed twat from Broward and the media runs with it/Parscale

>>110939 Illinois State Coach Leaves Parting Message for BLM Before Quitting

>>110941, >>110950 Wicker/ NASA📎 Hearing + AUTHORIZING SUBPOENA of @jack/MZ/SP

>>110942 Trump, Pentagon collide over anti-diversity training push

>>110943 anon nom for Biden debate For Kek!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d015ff792da0b21c8386d104d700cc871c013cb8370014d9f388108b3c3a4fb7.mp4

>>110944 Refresher: Brad Parscale, who has been with me for a very long time and has led our tremendous digital and data strategies, will remain in that role

>>110945 Texas Residents Warned Their Drinking Water May Contain A "Brain-Eating Microbe"

>>110946 The Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh had this to say about Parscale:

>>110947, >>110949 Trantalis could not confirm it was the same Parscale assoc with Trump but says he knows he has a home there.

>>110948 "Pope 'refuses to meet Pompeo' as US seeks to turn Vatican against controversial deal with Chinese state"

>>110951 POTUS Scheduled for MONDAY September 28, 2020

>>110952 France vows to protect its Jewish community after stabbing

>>110953, >>110957, >>110958 Mark Rosenker, Washington Metrorail Safety Commission official and former NTSB head, dies

>>110954 Donald Trump Lays Out Evidence of Mail-In Voting Fraud to Reporters

>>110955, >>110959 New Herridge: Follow the PEN

>>110956 It was the Lincoln Project that false flagged Brad.???

>>110960 candace blount parscale

>>110961 #13843

(19 notables, 25 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173487

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10817236 Q Research General #13845: Let's Not Lose Focus On What's At Stake 45 KAG Edition

Created 280322ZSEP20




>>110984, >>110995 New Fake n Ghey from New York Times - PANIC

>>110985 New Meme Camo Thread at /qrmemes/ - Overlays & Covers, Frames & 20%'ers, Online Converters & Results

>>110986 Sweden DIDN'T have lockdowns, masks or social distancing: Look at the results

>>110987, >>110990, >>110997, >>110998 It's Brad Parscale's turn for the attacks: Anons discuss

>>110988 Anon adds more flavor to recent Herridge sauce

>>110989, >>110993 Anon connects POTUS' ballot harvesting tweet to a Q post

>>110991, >>110994 Grand Jury Testimony from Flynn, where he states he was a Foreign Agent for Turkey

>>110992 Pope Francis refuses to meet US Secretary Mike Pompeo amid Vatican – China row

>>110996 Bannon endorsed New Federal State of China claims Hard drives of child abuse videos by Hunter Biden, secret accounts of Xi Jinping and the CCP's biological weapons program owned by the US DoJ, Pelosi are in POTUS & DOJ's hands

>>110999 Economic Schedule: week of Sept. 27th, 2020

>>111000 MP4: POTUS pulls a Pepe at the Press Conference today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02614555f8da2ab5ae90120bfc80caf4725f0d91b30afbc0a89ab46584b51df5.mp4

>>111001 Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, armed, barricades self in Fort Lauderdale home, police called

>>111002 Fresh POTUS: Fake News !

>>111003 James Woods finally comes out as anon. o7 Captain

>>111004 Appellate Court Halts Wisconsin Ballot-Counting Extension

>>111005 Police find a group of 50 dressed in black costume gathered at a dock near the Chevron facility in Richmond, CA

>>111006, >>111008 Fresh POTUS re Ballot Harvesting by Omar's supporters in Minnesota: "This is toally illegal"

>>111007 POTUS rt'd this: The Clintons are going down !

>>111009 #13845

(19 notables, 26 posts, 42 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173488

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10818011 Q Research General #13846: Did Someone Say Nuclear Hard Drives? Edition

Created 280433ZSEP20




>>111010, >>111011, >>111046 Triumphant Pell returns to the Vatican amid financial scandal

>>111012 Anons discuss the Parscale news

>>111013, >>111027, >>111037, >>111041 Huge fire in Napa Co, just west of St Helena being called the #BoysenFire

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02249e0caa5a2dbef244e31e54fc040b757c94852bc0a399de5a396a2f54e430.mp4

>>111014, >>111028, >>111029, >>111030, >>111031, >>111032, >>111039 Q's AF1 pic: Who is on the TV in the background?

>>111015 Habberman: More to come re Trump's Taxes

>>111016 John Basham re the Durham info released today: Only The Beginnng… There WILL BE JUSTICE

>>111017 Screencap of the article re 'Nuclear hard Drives' from pb

>>111018 Solomon: Biden's bid to oust Ukraine prosecutor followed intense pressure by son's Burisma firm

>>111019 Anon reported -possible- arson in Riverside, CA (south CA) 4 hours ago today - re note below

>>111020 College football coach leaves 'All Lives Matter to Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ' note, quits team

>>111021 More on POTUS' rt endorsing David J Harris Jr's book re racisim in the US: 'Why I Couldn't Stay Silent'

>>111022 Watch this old lady unable to see her family. Cuomo and the others must be prosecuted

>>111023 Solomon: Hong Kong dissident Jimmy Lai slams Catholic Church for deal with Chinese Communist Party

>>111024 As Taiwan – China Tensions Remain High, New Japanese PM Urges Regional Stability

>>111025 Black Lives Matter: Tampa LLC Overview

>>111026 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens & Deceased to Register to Vote

>>111033, >>111036 Anon calculates: Ilhan: Ballot harvesting in 1st round of election hammered 2nd & def 3rd place finishers

>>111034, >>111035 Anon's father passes down wisdom: The price of freedom is always eternal vigilance

>>111038, >>111040 Anons link a Q post and Sara Carter to the Strzok/Page text re Carter Page

>>111042 Plane crash reported off the Isla Vista coast

>>111043 Graphic: AF1 pic - All persons aboard AF1 ID'd

>>111044 #13845

>>111045, >>111048 Call for and start of dig on People of Praise, re POTUS' letter from Arch Bishop Viganò

>>111047 A look at past Q post regarding 'ballots'

>>111049, >>111050 #13846

(25 notables, 41 posts, 87 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173489

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10818782 Q Research General #13847: The You'll Find Out Edition

Created 280616ZSEP20




>>111051 James Woods tweets 'Look at the size of Michelle Obama compared to Hillary Clinton. Or Blll.' (x3L's in Bill)

>>111052 Q-ships original purpose in 20th century, Surface Attacks, comparison to MSM hit pieces :Anon observation

>>111053, >>111054 Hanoi Dick, who lied for years by saying he was a war hero in Vietnam

>>111055, >>111076 Veritas Ballot Harvesting Video and anon's diggz

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZWK56l2VaLY - Ilhan Omar connected Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme: "Car is full" of absentee ballots [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>111056, >>111057, >>111063, >>111067 People of Praise diggz: DoD contracts? Lucis Trust/Press?

>>111058 Ilhan Omar's ballot harvester Somali is busting Project Veritas's balls on twitter: Admitting it?

>>111059 The Hill using same emoji regarding Chucks tweet about Trumps taxes

>>111060, >>111072 Plane Fag

>>111061, >>111062, >>111066, >>111081, >>111087, >>111096 Napa Fire Updates

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/48d7510d9622571f737e2d849f9ca056acb889e7e77995e4769b949dc0c1e10b.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Hwhd9j8-1HA - 'Glass' Fire Air Attack Update [Channel: blancolirio]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T2V8irFp_TA - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2e1be12834499a94c50d3deba05951eb204310f502860e39a464c64f648446c6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bf75a075708abe7f22d092ecbdab4cf5b1989d5dd7ef37aaaa7049918d9f6ddd.mp4

>>111065 Date on the Gun ship video…. Matches Date this report. About US arms deals with china

>>111068, >>111070, >>111071, >>111073, >>111075, >>111077 More on Lucis Press / Lucifer Press / People of Praise Diggz

>>111069, >>111078, >>111079 People of Praise Diggz

>>111074 Highest Ranking Anon Honor Goes To: QR Memefag who made the meme James Woods tweeted earlier

>>111080 Lucis Trust books are now Pay-To-Own

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40b9c0bdca4f4d94e4ef33026186af8413054471e2bfadac491781d87b945706.mp4

>>111082 Lucis Trust Registered as WORLD GOODWILL has Consultative Status with ECOSOC and NGO

>>111083 Lucis Trust established The Arcane School 1923, WORLD GOODWILL 1932 and Triangles in 1937

>>111084 PF B-52's in the air

>>111085 James Woods Tweet People have asked what this number is RBG

>>111086 Project Veritas uncovers ‘ballot harvesting fraud’ in Minnesota: Devine

>>111088 Pelosi Begins Process of House Picking President

>>111089 Astronaut Mark Kelly, Attending Forum Hosted by CCP Was the Beginning of Lucrative Relationship with China

>>111090 Project Veritas video exposes rep. ‘Ilhan Omar connected cash-for-ballots scheme’

>>111091 Here Are The People With Large Platforms Who’ve Warned Of Violence If The GOP Replaces RBG

>>111092, >>111093, >>111097 People of Praise / Lucis Trust diggz Archives of the 666 Fifth Ave Threads

>>111094 Taiwan fights back as President Xi orders companies to name Taiwan as part of China

>>111095 Yes, Joe Biden is compromised by his family's shady foreign dealings

>>111098 Hennepin County Attorney Jeff Wojciechowski ballot harvesting was: “Illegal, and we will be investigating.”

>>111099 #13847

(28 notables, 48 posts, 80 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173490

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10819608 Q Research General #13848: James Woods Honors Memefag - Hightest Ranking Anon Edition

Created 281008ZSEP20




>>111100 Joe Montana, wife Jennifer thwart kidnapping of grandchild

>>111101 'Maybe the Clintons won't get away with it after all':


>>111103 (continued from lb) additional info on Lucis Trust

>>111104, >>111105 QAnon Is Growing In South Africa

>>111106, >>111108 planefag reporting early

>>111107 George Pell to return to Rome for work with the Vatican months after being cleared of child abuse allegations

>>111109 China holds simultaneous military drills in four seas, again

>>111110 The Rise of "Conspirituality"

>>111111 H.Res.1154 - Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.

>>111112 legit??? Brad Parscale was hospitalized Sunday following reports of a suicide attempt at his Florida home

>>111113 Turkey prepares second indictment of six Khashoggi murder suspects

>>111114 Mike Pompeo to protest against Vatican's deal with China during visit

>>111115 The California Republican Party endorsed three candidates who say QAnon theories should be heard

>>111116 Kevin Corke w/CAP: Fellow Patriots, your enemy lies for sport and bathes in filth and deceit. For in them, there is no honor, no good thing...

>>111117 #13848

(16 notables, 18 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173491

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10820374 Q Research General #13849: Some Will Take The Easy Path and Exit Early Edition

Created 281247ZSEP20




>>111118 Reminder: Flynn's hearing: 9/29; Comey's hearing: 9/30

>>111119 Seth Rich: The Murder Washington Doesn't Want Solved

>>111120 Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ — Ignored By The Press — Could Tip Several Elections

>>111121 "Big Mike" Trending - kek!!!

>>111122 Big Week Starting 9/28. You are here...

>>111123, >>111126, >>111136 planefag reporting. crash reported

>>111124 CDC PANIC

>>111125 Activist Courts in Several Swing States that Approved Changes to Election Law Were Acting Unlawfully Against the Constitution

>>111127 renoting: "What the Clinton's have done in Haiti is unbelievable and the American people should know about it."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0e0d82f6d5e60688a2e413fdbc9c6ca5658ccbe134ee1172f1513c07f63fd812.mp4

>>111128 Indications Are that AG Barr Is Working on a Massive Sedition and Conspiracy Case Against Those Behind Violent Riots Across the US


>>111130 Florida: St Petersburg Patriots chase down BLM/Antifa

>>111131 Portland district attorney brings charges following week of BLM-Antifa arson attacks

>>111132 Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests

>>111133 anon posits: Wouldn't it be something is there was some overlap between project Odin (speech protected by block chain) and the USPS Patent (voting over block chain)?

>>111134 Reminder: Biden describes granddaughter at 12 as a 'little butterfly' but then there was 'a snake in the bed'

>>111135 Mourning the babies killed in Chicago’s violence in a summer of horror now ended

>>111137 Boston University professor is urged to resign for calling Amy Coney Barrett a 'white colonizer' who is using her two adopted Haitian children as 'props'

>>111138 Trump recieves 3rd Nobel peace prize Nomination

>>111139 #13849

(20 notables, 22 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173492

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10821150 Q Research General #13850: You're Gonna Love How This Movie Ends Edition

Created 281427ZSEP20




>>111140, >>111141, >>111142, >>111154 Potus: The Ballots being returned to States cannot be accurately counted. Many things are already going very wrong!...+w/caps

>>111143, >>111161 Hussein kiss my MAGA patriot ass./judge overturns extended election collection WI

>>111144 @USArmy During this edition of the @1stTSC's resiliency series, Sgt. Shadasia Rogers, Supply NCO, 1st Theater Sustainment Command, discusses how physical training helps her stay resilient.

>>111145 Did Anons note that HR 1154 is an emergency for the D's?

>>111146 NY Times Story on Trump’s Tax Records Actually Proves Trump Was Telling the Truth, Blows Apart Dem Conspiracies

>>111147, >>111148, >>111149 @SecPompeo In recognition of Yom Kippur, I am honored to pay my respects at the Thessaloniki Jewish Museum, which commemorates the city's once-vibrant Jewish community.

>>111150 JB is Nervous

>>111151 Grenell: The NYT spent years telling us there were secret Russian deals......

>>111152, >>111169, >>111172, >>111183 planefaggin

>>111153 The President of The United States has responded to our BOMBSHELL #BallotHarvesting investigation.

>>111155 @USAttorneys National #SuicidePrevention Awareness Month helps us to recognize how violence, depression, anxiety, and other stressors affect our communities—....

>>111156 Anons learn some fucking OPSEC

>>111157 2020 Nobel Peace Prize nominations

>>111158 What happens if a Dem Congressman speaks the truth. Watch and enjoy @RepVernonJones

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cccd3b763844a6dcdba8855a538675f68f8d0e24314e4e310eee2294be591752.mp4

>>111159 Anon uplifting message, "Make them ask one question."

>>111160 Anon on Potus and his most complex project, with great Trump Tower time lapse vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=37VigVScMKY - Trump Tower Time lapse [Channel: iamcapohorn]

>>111162 Postal worker caught on video dumping mail

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44f5d12596232cabc62d1bfdf780d727a4caf8de5c7b17c414325b8837e006a9.mp4

>>111163 @TheJusticeDept #OnThisDay in 1789, Edmund Jennings Randolph was appointed the first Attorney General by President George Washington. It would be another 81 years until Congress created the Department of Justice.

>>111164 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05786195 Date: 10/30/2015

>>111165 Yes, Joe Biden is compromised by his family's shady foreign dealings

>>111166 Long Term Care dementia patients

>>111167 @US_SpaceCom 18 SPCS now predicts debris-on-debris collisions in space, enhancing S

>>111168 @cmsaf_official May we continue to serve proudly and honor the legacy of A1C Elizabeth Jacobson and our fellow brothers and sisters that have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

>>111170 RudyG: The idea of Lyin’ Biden telling us we need a President who has integrity, excludes him.

>>111171 Supreme Court: What really is at stake is the survival Adminstrative State (deep state)

>>111173 Former GOP Gov. Tom Ridge endorses Biden/rhino

>>111174 #10 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Brad Schneider Illinois 10th

>>111175 Whitmer offers 'carbon-neutral' climate plan for Michigan

>>111176 ALL BLOWN UP US Air Force invents ‘bomb laser’ that can detonate explosives and landmines from 1,000 feet away

>>111177 China is holding simultaneous military drills in 4 seas — again

>>111178 Man accused of multiple child sex assaults wanted by Houston police: view his photo here, Information may be reported by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477), submitted online at www.crime-stoppers.org or through the Crime Stoppers mobile app.

>>111179 DeSantis: Are we quarantining hundreds of thousands of Americans who are not contagious?

>>111180 Gee!

>>111181 HILLARY CLINTON and GEORGE SOROS in Haiti. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2fa7cfbb413399a47a701947d66e6506614b64c07259fb85baf5faf73ded3ac5.mp4

>>111182 Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) recently denounced Hillary Clinton for advising Joe Biden to “not concede under any circumstances.”/Belarus

>>111184 #13850

(36 notables, 45 posts, 57 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173493

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10821901 Q Research General #13851: Weaponized For Max Effect, FAIL Edition

Created 281556ZSEP20





VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c79d625e5d40ad8599397501066e518bbaee2e6f0e2d1bfe187cf927b6162306.mp4

>>111186, >>111207 Trump Gets 3rd Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize

>>111187 This info is part of an upcoming report by the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute which has been looking into George Soros and his influence on the media.

>>111188 MH17 hearing postponed until 3 November

>>111189 Fox News analyst Judge Napolitano forced New Jersey waiter to engage in ‘bizarre sex act,’ suit claims

>>111190 Potus Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts

>>111191 The Mooch: Deep, dark secrets weigh heavy on people. I hate it for the innocent family members caught up in this fiasco.

>>111192 Former NM Dem Gov Bill Richardson is accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes and kickbacks to fund debauched lifestyle including 'sexual services and favors'

>>111193 French prosecutors said Monday they opened an investigation of Gerald Marie, former European boss of the Elite Models agency, on allegations of rape, including of a minor

>>111194 ACB hearing schedule

>>111195 Turkish prosecutors have indicted six new Saudis suspected of involvement in the 2018 murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, local media reported on Monday

>>111196, >>111197, >>111199 Darkness to Light Stewards of Children

>>111198 The weaponization of government by DC bureaucrats will continue until people are prosecuted for breaking the law.

>>111200, >>111202 Soros/Clinton/Haiti diggz

>>111201 Democratic Party organization hosts voter registration event in Yukon

>>111203, >>111204 New York Times editorial board presses for plan if Trump tweets he won election

>>111205 It's almost certain the Election for POTUS will go to SCOTUS.

>>111206 Refresher: Trump’s 2005 Tax Return Was Leaked. He Paid Far More Than People Thought

>>111208, >>111209 Next declassification could flip Russia collusion script, point to effort to hurt Trump

>>111210 Anons should be aware that the AC-130 gunship Q posts always preceed new damaging information declassifications.

>>111211 PF updates

>>111212 #13851

(22 notables, 28 posts, 31 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173494

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10822686 Q Research General #13852: They Nose Where The Bodies Are Buried Edition

Created 281713ZSEP20




>>111213, >>111219 New Herridge: #Whistleblower @CBSNews obtains quotes from @DHSgov response to Chairman Schiff staff on Whistleblower Brian Murphy

>>111214 President Trump Demands US Attorneys Launch Investigation Into ‘Ilham Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots’ Scheme

>>111215 Armenia and Azerbaijan fight over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region

>>111216 Chinese State Media Outlet Throws Support Behind Black Lives Matter


>>111218 Federal judge blocks Trump’s effort to ban TikTok from US app stores

>>111220, >>111226 Foreign aid workers on Lesbos probed for helping traffickers deliver migrants to Greece

>>111221 ANOTHER HUGE WIN! Judge Strikes Down Democrat Plan to Eliminate Signature-Matching in Ohio

>>111222 ‘We should not be taken for fools’: Hungary & Poland hit back at Brussels with institute aimed at scrutinizing rule-of-law in EU

>>111223 Child Reports Rape to Police and Is Assigned an Officer Who Sexually Assaults Her

>>111224 Twitter no longer showing search results from well-known Russian state news agency RIA Novosti

>>111225 DOJ Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Focuses on Search Engine Monopoly

>>111227 Joe Biden Exploited S-Corporation Loophole to Avoid Payroll Tax

>>111228 GEE?

>>111229 Michigan AG Nessel announces criminal investigation of group seeking repeal of Whitmer powers

>>111230, >>111231, >>111237 Why Poland wants a permanent US military base, and is willing to pay $2 billion for it

>>111232, >>111241 An “Unimaginable Nightmare”: The Abduction, Rape, and Forced Conversion of Christian Girls in Egypt

>>111233, >>111236 How British grannies are spreading QAnon conspiracy theory memes on Facebook

>>111234, >>111235, >>111240 Ms-rs No Name

>>111238 Presidential Message on Yom Kippur, 2020

>>111239 New Google ChromeOS updates cause 100% CPU usage, heating issues

>>111242 Church Ransacked and Robbed, 'Sleeping Madonna' Left Broken and Desecrated/Italy

>>111243 Miss. Child Protective Services Worker Accused of Sexually Abusing Children in Her Care

>>111244, >>111250, >>111256, >>111257, >>111258, >>111260 planefaggin

>>111245 They Want This Nightmare To Last Forever! Global Elite Pushing For Hard Lockdown Of Entire World As The 'Demonic New World Order'

>>111246 Putin Plans to Visit Seoul After Being Inoculated With Russian COVID-19 Vaccine, Moon's Office Says

>>111247, >>111254 The Navy is using a backpack loaded with 650 rounds of ammo that looks straight out of 'Predator'

>>111248 President Trump Gives an Update on the Nation's Coronavirus Testing Strategy - 2 p.m.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VqmsHTyqovU - President Trump Gives an Update on the Nation's Coronavirus Testing Strategy - 3:30 p.m. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>111249 Little Rock Teachers Union Refuses To Teach, Says We Will Not Be at Work Monday

>>111251 Family, Army offering rewards for information on missing Fort Bliss soldier

>>111252 Q-ships

>>111253 BOOM! 3 House Judiciary Dems Hit with Corruption Charges

>>111255 Looked for Happening after the May 13, 2020 AC-130 gunship Q post. Declassified Susan Rice Email Confirms Michael Flynn Was Personally Targeted

>>111259 Pics: 700 Texas National Guard soldiers deploy for Middle East operation

>>111261, >>111262, >>111263, >>111264 ————————————–——– Focus here [East Africa Operations]: The money never flows directly. (Caps: )

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8b1314d82c8afe0647f7231ded4d3e07a646b6c61359173942d3d1aef4bab8a6.pdf

>>111265 Comey bro diggz

>>111266 ————————————–——– Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: )

(37 notables, 54 posts, 68 media/files)

Q- >>111262, >>111266

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9d28d5 No.173495

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10823421 Q Research General #13853: CF/Haiti Comin Up Edition

Created 281836ZSEP20




>>111267, >>111269, >>111273, >>111276 GMax

>>111268 Comey and Robert Mueller. Barsoomian, with her boss R. Craig Lawrence, represented Bill Clinton in 1998

>>111270, >>111285, >>111289, >>111295 Dla Piper diggz

>>111271 Clinton foundation received up to $81m from clients of controversial HSBC bank

>>111272, >>111277 Peter Comey diggz

>>111274 The 3 Reasons Why Chinese Invest in Africa

>>111275 The Codebreaker Challenge is back

>>111278 Trial date: July 12, 2021

>>111279, >>111282 Maxwellhill 'conspiracy'; Ghislaine Maxwell's Reddit Admin account; that account STOPPED posting before the arrest;

>>111280 U.S. Air Force: The Airman Behind the Space Force motto vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wFAjqrF1eQ8 - U.S. Air Force: The Airman Behind the Space Force motto [Channel: U.S. Air Force Recruiting]

>>111281, >>111286 rt ———–––——–— Panic in DC

>>111283 Pompeo Urges Peace, Sides with Greece in Turkish Border Dispute

>>111284, >>111287 ————————————–——– Q#4778/John Solomon Report (Caps: )

>>111288 Sauce Article for Solomon twat

>>111290, >>111300, >>111309 PF updates

>>111291 8 ex-NFL players, athletic trainer indicted in alleged medical reimbursement scheme

>>111292 ASSANGE HEARING DAY FIFTEEN—Alexandria Jail and SAMs Isolation Conditions Described in Detail as Place Where Assange Would Be Detained

>>111293 Ceo of Reddit Steve Huffman bragging about eating human flesh

>>111294 China inoculates 350,000 while coronavirus vaccine still in trials

>>111296 the reddit link in Qpost led to this curious post: Someone Mysteriously Sent Almost $1 Billion in Bitcoin

>>111297 Flynn "was on path to closure until Kislyak conversation." Not involved in collusion.

>>111298 ————————————–——– Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: )

>>111299 Military Situation In Syria On September 28, 2020 (Map Update)

>>111301 Brad Parscale arrest vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U86UEfo3Dv0 - Video of Brad Parscale being taken into custody released by Fort Lauderdale police [Channel: WPLG Local 10]

>>111302, >>111303, >>111304, >>111305, >>111306, >>111307 Maxwellhill reddit intel

>>111308, >>111310 ————————————–——– Kamala Harris spouse leaving Dla? (Cap: )

(26 notables, 44 posts, 40 media/files)

Q- >>111284, >>111286, >>111308

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173496

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10824233 Q Research General #13854: July 12, 2021 How Long To Set Up A Narrative? Edition

Created 281939ZSEP20




>>111311 POTUS live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VqmsHTyqovU - President Trump Gives an Update on the Nation's Coronavirus Testing Strategy - 3:30 p.m. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>111312 The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court.

>>111313 here is Camels connection to the CF

>>111314, >>111343 #13853, #13854

>>111315 Trump Campaign, GOP, Sue to Block North Carolina’s New Mail-in Ballot Rules #StopTheSteal

>>111316, >>111327 Refresher: HSBC

>>111317 Lakeway Regional Medical Center LLC And Co-Defendants Agree To Pay Over $15.3 Million To Resolve Allegations They Fraudulently Obtained Government-Insured Loan And Misused Loan Funds

>>111318 Ghislaine Maxwell Was a Queen of Reddit, Moderator of Huge News Groups

>>111319, >>111337 DLA diggz

>>111320, >>111326, >>111336 planefaggin

>>111321 ICE announces more targeted arrests of criminal aliens in Mecklenburg County, many shielded by North Carolina non-cooperation policies

>>111322 Kamala Harris mistakenly refers to Notoriois BIG when talking about RBG during a speech today on Trump’s nomination of ACB

>>111323 Hennepin County Attorney Jeff Wojciechowski just announced that he will be investigating Rep. Ilhan Omar

>>111324 Killery likes Satanic porn

>>111325 Steven Crowder to hold Michigan rally demanding answers from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on virus deaths in nursing homes

>>111328 Comey the Cleaner

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B4Wa8RKQNS0 - BOMBSHELL: THE CLINTON CARTEL EXPOSED Pt 2 - James THE CLEANER Comey [Channel: CODGoddess]

>>111329 International Safe Abortion Day

>>111330 PLAGUE PANIC Chinese county declares emergency over Black Death plague after three-year-old boy becomes latest infected

>>111331 "Roger Meltzer, DLA Piper’s global co-chairman and Americas co-chairman, about defining the “global elite,"

>>111332 Estée Lauder and NASA partner for a skincare serum photoshoot on the International Space Station

>>111333 Y DLA

>>111334 The Fed Now Owns Nearly One Third of All US Mortgages

>>111335 Virgin Islands Suspends Nearly $1 Billion Bond Sale

>>111338 Strzok-Page texts released in the Flynn case last week have a new clue. "Typhoon" is unredacted in this new batch. That's FBI's code for @GeorgePapa19

>>111339 Current fires outline the Oroville Dam collapse plan for the state of CA

>>111340 ————————————–——– CLINTON FOUNDATION AT THE CENTER.

>>111341 Pic4 graph Clinton Foundation Revenue over time

>>111342, >>111344 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: )

(28 notables, 34 posts, 50 media/files)

Q- >>111340, >>111342

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9d28d5 No.173497

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10825022 Q Research General #13855: Satanic Porn/CF At The Center Edition

Created 282026ZSEP20




>>111345, >>111372 anon bun

>>111346 anon bun / Understanding Europe’s Phony ‘Second Wave’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EJmni3LVK3k - Something 'very strange' is occurring amid Europe's second wave of infections [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>111347 Denmark Heads to Pre-COVID Normality: No Masks or Distancing in Schools, Just Common Sense

>>111348 Fact Sheet: Clinton Foundation Amended Returns: 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013

>>111349 anon bun / Around 1,400 Virginia Voters Received Two Absentee Ballots In Mail

>>111350, >>111367 DLA Piper/Loop Cap connection?

>>111351, >>111357, >>111361 PF updates

>>111352 FBI Report on Crime Shows Decline in Violent Crime Rate for Third Consecutive Year

>>111353 /ourguy/ Chuck Grassley Investigating Charity Fraud since (2001)

>>111354 Ex-Sen. Mitchell, Now at DLA Piper, Named in Epstein Scandal

>>111355, >>111358, >>111359 anon bun / DLA Piper has a connection to Loop Capital

>>111356 Portland Mugshots: 30 Arrested Following Saturday’s Protests

>>111360 ————————————–——– Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net] Wife of Rod Rosenstein

>>111362 Enter Lisa Barsoomian, wife of Rod Rosenstein.

>>111363, >>111369, >>111371 DLA PIPER was in charge of the victim compensation fund for sexually abused

>>111364, >>111366 Barsoomian diggz

>>111365 anon bun / DLA Piper and Clinton Foundation partnered with New Perimeter in East Africa

>>111368 HAMBURG v. CLINTON pdf's

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3992f510300428b91fc3864543208af6819b95baaf22411d1a73e807a5e4348a.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa621e3eff3ef17251dbf2240408c250bc8f5c797d0c2b42556a0bba71eabf80.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f4d25e6981888d2ce93b24fc6125dfdc10575ffb4cd27e29d7c22d54f829bcf.pdf

>>111370 Still in Pacer. CASE #: 1:98-cv-01459-TPJ

>>111373, >>111374, >>111375 ————————————–——– Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 - 2005, Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003 Don't bite the hand that feeds you (Caps: )

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c6c2d2420569523c3ac72d0b5856b9f639dbcce8c4e71f95680d770635365d6.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c4667249d4d1467f17a93b4a2d85a04591defa684668411e79bd33516fc83001.pdf

(20 notables, 31 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>111360, >>111373

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9d28d5 No.173498

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10825800 Q Research General #13856: Barsoomian Zoom In Edition

Created 282113ZSEP20




>>111376, >>111409, >>111417 anon bun

>>111377, >>111385, >>111416 planefaggin

>>111378 anon bun / Who Is Lisa H. Barsoomian? (2018)

>>111379 anon bun / New York City Voters Wrongly Receive Mail-in Ballots Labeled for Military Use

>>111380 anon bun / Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM

>>111381 anon bun / Cindy McCain joins board of Biden's Presidential transition team

>>111382 Who is .. Tom Malinowski

>>111383 DLA Piper shows up one time in the HRC WikiLeaks search. Pro Bono Counsel praising Cheryl Mills.

>>111384 Around this same time another person of interest transferred to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS.

>>111386 H.Res.1154 - Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.

>>111387, >>111388, >>111390 Scraped titles from the cohengroup photogallery site…

>>111389 Two press release today w/ seventeen indicted + many where 17 is mentioned

>>111391 Huber is working on CF, but we werent supposed to know that.

>>111392, >>111407 Lisa Barsoomian works for R. Craig Lawrence, an attorney who has represented Robert Mueller 3 times, James Comey 5 times, Barack Obama 45 times, Kathleen Sebellius 56 times, Bill Clinton 40 times, and Hillary Clinton 17 times between 1991 and 2017. !!!Sauce!!!

>>111393 "Harris's connections also extend to D.C. law firms. Three attorneys at DLA Piper's Washington office ......

>>111394 anon bun / Pelosi urges colleagues to prepare for 2020 presidential election reaching Congress

>>111395 Why did Robert Mueller order that the nationwide investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks be run out of FBI Headquarters rather than independently out of each FBI Field Office?

>>111396 anon bun / DLA / Human Trafficking / East Africa

>>111397 Man Convicted of Racketeering Conspiracy for Laundering MILLIONS in International Cyber Fraud Scheme

>>111398 Hertz CFO steps down, finance VP Cheung takes on role

>>111399 anon bun / Barsoomian was a master fighting FOIA requests apparently

>>111400 CM Attack fully mitigated now

>>111401 A very interesting release from the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Michael Horowitz, [SEE HERE] outlines some very interesting information especially for those who have followed the arc of the NSA database exploitation for several years.

>>111402, >>111406 Actual Russians Involved in the Russia Collusion Scam Were Never Investigated – Is This Due to Their Connections with the UK and Ukraine?

>>111403 2005 article about HRC and rosenstein with a ton of background on rosenstein. Its been scrubbed from the net but wayback had a version.

>>111404 Federal grand jury indicts two Iranians in scheme to send export-controlled computer servers to Iran. An Orange County man and his equipment company were previously charged in the alleged conspiracy.

>>111405 #10 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Brad Schneider Illinois 10th

>>111408 The owner of some of Australia’s most iconic retail brands has been savaged for banking millions in taxpayer funds while posting record profits.

>>111410, >>111411, >>111413, >>111415 Potential issues w/ National Security Letters against Flynn.

>>111412 anon bun / Biden Dodged $500K In Taxes By Exploiting Loophole

>>111414 YesBarsoomianis Aremenian

>>111418 #13856,

>>111419 #13855

(33 notables, 44 posts, 50 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173499

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10826617 Q Research General #13857: Are You Woke Yet? Edition

Created 282209ZSEP20




>>111420 Gen. James C. McConville tweet

>>111421, >>111428, >>111435, >>111438 DLA Piper cited on the clinton Foundation website

>>111422, >>111425 ————————————–——– Video: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>111423 Anon looks at the NYT's 'Trup's Taxes' story and finds POTUS paid $1m in 2016 and $4.2m in 2017

>>111424 Interesting tweet from JFK JR: What is CMRSOCM?

>>111426, >>111429 The Main Document for Hamburg v. Clinton

>>111427 Kamala Harris husband Emhoff Douglas, attorney (on leave) at DLA Piper. Representative Matters he was involved in

>>111430 James Woods tweet: "The Clinton's are immunne to justice"

>>111431 Whoa, mucho grande ballot harvesting in TX

>>111432 CM tweet: Project Odin has been ready for a while now

>>111433 Let’s learn a little about Mrs. Lisa H. Barsoomian’s background

>>111434, >>111437 vault.fbi. gov/william-j.-clinton-foundation : What's a Grand Jury 'Red Rope'?

>>111436 Minneapolis Police tweet: Allegations of Voter Fraud being evaluated

>>111439 Major Clinton Foundation Donor Ted Waitt romantically Tied to Ghislaine Maxwell

>>111440 MP4: HRC statement during HRC/Trump debate re the SCOTUS Nominee process

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8479fa71addb15074ea52988d83c576967a825b0ea198ed2a62fb3c8dc6625ad.mp4

>>111441 #13857

>>111442 Actual Russians Involved in the Russia Collusion Scam Were Never Investigated: Due to Their Connections with the UK and Ukraine?

(17 notables, 23 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>111422

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9d28d5 No.173500

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10827398 Q Research General #13858: QR on Fire Edition

Created 282259ZSEP20




>>111443 #13857

>>111444 President Jair Bolsonaro's son Indicted today

>>111445 New York City School Principals Vote Unanimously to Have Mayor de Blasio Abdicate

>>111446 Rosenstein’s Wife Represented Bill Clinton Shortly After Rod Cleared Hillary As A Prosecutor

>>111447 More Surprises: FBI Releases Files On Bill Clinton's Pardon Of Marc Rich

>>111448 Graphic: Clinton attorney [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net] Wife of Rosenstein

>>111449 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Again: Clinton Foundation - Recognizing Our Generous Supporters

>>111450 Meet The Mastermind Behind JPMorgan's Gold And Silver Manipulation "Crime Ring"

>>111451, >>111452, >>111455 Follow the Pen new Catherine Herridge

>>111453 Eric Trump was getting subpoenaed or something out of SDNY

>>111454 Chicago: Mayor Lightfoot introduces ordinance modifying requirements for industrial uses in manufacturing districts

>>111456 Parscale Police Incident Report

>>111457 Media report tied Kamala Harris's husband to potentially shady Chinese business deals in the US

>>111458 Lisa Barsoomian in Gumshoe News

>>111459 Awake Art on display in small town America

>>111460 More Lisa Barsoomina diggz

>>111461 Hennepin County attorney says no cases of ballot harvesting reported following allegations from Veritas

>>111462 Owner of Bitcoin Exchange Convicted of Racketeering Conspiracy for Laundering Millions

>>111463 List Brokerage Firm Pleads Guilty To Facilitating Elder Fraud Schemes

>>111464 Thursday 09.24.2020

>>111465 How Mayor Rahm Emanuel Transformed Chicago’s Skyline (2019)

>>111466 #13858

(22 notables, 24 posts, 39 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173501

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10828195 Q Research General #13859: On a Wing and a Pray Edition

Created 282354ZSEP20




>>111467 Joe Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones Accused of Illegal Ballot Harvesting

>>111468 Save the Children? Qanon FUD piece

>>111469 Democrats Release New $2.2 Trillion Stimulus Proposal With $417BN In State And Local Aid

>>111470, >>111488 Grand juror files suit seeking release transcript Breonna Taylor case

>>111471 Bridgespan Group: Mitt Romney's offshoot to "consult" for charities…Bain & Co at it again influencing society this time through nonprofits

>>111472, >>111473 Q has posted this video more than 10 times. Has anyone noticed a pattern to it?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>111474 Biden’s Lead in Betting Markets Is Growing Ahead of the First Presidential Debate

>>111476, >>111477 Police departments report nationwide 911 outage

>>111478 Ex fbi lawyer charged making false statements Russia inquiry

>>111479, >>111485, >>111493 Plane Fag There are a ton of Helos Up We got your Blackhawks Apaches Chinooks

>>111480 Anon on why, TREASON (1st Instance) will be Proven

>>111481, >>111482, >>111486 Law enforcement agencies across the country reported outages of their 911 systems

>>111483, >>111484, >>111487 Richard Grenell just threw down the gauntlet.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3220180518d8113809690c50ee26afa820a60011ef5c215b86f6c868db6232c.mp4

>>111489 Andrew Cuomo touting lies, for keks

>>111490, >>111491 New DJT

>>111492 Barsoomian Case List miss spelling

>>111494 #13859,

(17 notables, 27 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173502

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10831074 Q Research General #13862: #YouAndMeBoth In GITMO Edition

Created 290335ZSEP20




>>111561, >>111562, >>111564 Pelosi’s “quiver of arrows” referring to Antifa and their “three arrows”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b05b57e07f6f166be3f73713eaa6aa212bd173a1f5def7bc32ea53dcdc1b2682.mp4

>>111563 Twitter pushing the misspelled version #Ballotharvesting in autocomplete

>>111565, >>111569, >>111583, >>111586 More on Antifa, Pelosi, arrows & quiver

>>111566 Fresh DJT: These people are sick!

>>111567, >>111568, >>111580 Ngo: Dem state lawmaker Laura Ruderman's son swung a metal bat at officer

>>111570 Recent dig on HRC and her Satanic Symbolism she doesn't hide

>>111571, >>111590 Multiple People Dead Following Hostage Situation In Salem, Oregon

>>111572, >>111575, >>111584, >>111591 Clinton doc diggz ongoing: Further finds

>>111573, >>111582, >>111585 Sydney Powell has invited us to listen to the Flynn Hearing tomorrow

>>111574 NZ Deputy PM Peters: NZ Serious Fraud Office = "A James Comey level of interference"

>>111576 US Indo-Pacific Commant tweet: Photos of Pepe green tipped bullets

>>111577 Biden visited Virginia governor who just tested COVID+: Announcement incoming?

>>111578, >>111581 Pics from Killary's new podcast photo: Book is from glassblowing artist Lucio Bubacco

>>111579 POTUS & Barron photo: 5:5

>>111587 Solomon: Fauci backpedals on COVID immunity theory he previously touted

>>111588 Former New Mexico Democratic Gov. Bill Richardson accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes

>>111592 Remember the big big LA guns raid? "Mistress of Getty" owned the property

>>111593 #13862

(18 notables, 32 posts, 67 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173503

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10829277 Q Research General #13860: Helos Up LOVE our Plane Fags Editio

Created 290109ZSEP20




>>111495 Fitton: Obama should be prosecuted and impeached

>>111496 Update on Media Matter's PPP loan investigation

>>111497 BOOM! 3 House Judiciary Dems Hit with Corruption Charges

>>111498 The Disturbing Intersection Between Antifa, BLM, & Public-School Teachers

>>111499 Keks: Winning Debate Strategy: Trump Will Simply Let Joe Biden Talk For The Full 90 Minutes

>>111500 Elon Musk: H and his family won't get a CV vaccine when it becomes available

>>111501, >>111520, >>111521, >>111525, >>111526, >>111527 Clinton doc diggz: Found so far

>>111502 Lin Wood: Nation’s 911 system goes down tonight & Microsoft 365 goes down today. Cyberattack? #Fightback

>>111503 House GOP Candidate Goes on QAnon-Promoting Podcast

>>111504 Richard Grenell: I’ll be on @seanhannity’s show soon

>>111505 Herridge: Green pen for military OPs? 911 blackout across USA? Graphic

>>111506, >>111513, >>111514 New from Herridge re Flynn and Strzok

>>111507 Clinton doc diggz re Q's post: Epstein and Lex Wexner's names found, US Atty Mary Jo White defend's wexner

>>111508 James Comey’s Wife an RPCV (Sierra Leone)

>>111509, >>111511, >>111516 Anon diggz: Do not overlook the importance of this DS two-step admission by IG Horowitz

>>111510 Clinton doc diggz re Q's post Marc Rich pardon in the 1st pdf. heavy redacted throughout

>>111512 Armenia: Will deploy missiles if Turkey uses American-built F-16 jets in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

>>111515 UK's Channel 4: Trump campaign strategy to deter millions of Black Americans from voting in 2016

>>111517 Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman faces 5 years in prison: To be sentenced this week

>>111518 New: Obama’s Deep State Provided Private Companies Access to US Databases to Illegally Surveil Americans

>>111519 Video: Jul 24, 2020: Protest outside Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, London, UK

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=v2qXmG0PvXI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>111522 Quack Dr. Fauci Attacks “Outlandish” Reporting by FOX News and his Differences with Dr. Scott Atlas

>>111523 De Blasio Tweets He Will Keep New York Under COVID-Unism Forever

>>111524 Anon finds flu deaths from last year mostly the same over/under to CV deaths: CDC figures

>>111528 #13860

(25 notables, 34 posts, 58 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173504

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10830260 Q Research General #13861: Grenell On Hannity Edition

Created 290220ZSEP20




>>111529, >>111530, >>111539 >10830690 BREAKING Veritas video: Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for Ballot

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MV7oDl8yDZk - Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot."We don't care illegal." [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>111531 Scavino: New tweet and video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2c0b6d40bd4117053a935ff6ea481fdf3595a3cb16f341907c3919356ca3987d.mp4

>>111532, >>111533 Sept 25, 2020: from The House of Representitives: Condemning QAnon & rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes

>>111534 DJT Jr tweets Veritas' breaking new video

>>111535 Diggz on the Getty family and "MEGA" photo agency - Re Q's post

>>111536, >>111557 Clinton doc diggz ongoing: Moar finds

>>111537, >>111540, >>111541, >>111548 Anons on the Veritas ballot harvesting and Somalians being paid for theirs

>>111538, >>111542 New POTUS campaign video: "We are taking back our country"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4704b3a57e377c62db0c5e2a1499c2b9dc65339770b7f360f2bf1541a3f1ce28.mp4

>>111543, >>111547 2016: Joe Biden’s Secret Meeting with the Pope

>>111544 Kayleigh: Media ‘Desperately Trying to Smear’ Trump, Who Has Already Donated $1.4 Million of Salary to Government

>>111545 Thu 09.24.2020

>>111546 Over 3,100 Shooting Victims in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago this Year

>>111549 NYC Voters Receive Mail-in Ballots Marked for Military Use Despite Never Having Served

>>111550 As many as 140,000 New Yorkers receive absentee ballots with incorrect names and addresses

>>111551, >>111558, >>111559 10831025, HRC: New podcast tomorrow, #YouAndMeBoth (in photo is a cabal art book by Lucio Bubacco)

>>111552 New Big Tech meme thread - Drop off and pick up

>>111553, >>111555 Tucker video: Photos found of Feinstein in a private airport lounge without a mask

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DgIHvdDGycw - Tucker releases exclusive photos of Sen Feinstein in airport without a mask [Channel: Fox News]

>>111554 Universal Health Services, Inc. to Pay $117 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations

>>111556 ‘Gee, I wonder why?’ Trump bashes Biden campaign’s drug-test refusal as MSM renew push to CANCEL ‘useless’ debates

>>111560 #13861

(20 notables, 32 posts, 46 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173505

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10832709 Q Research General #13864: It's All Comin' Down Graveyard Edition

Created 290849ZSEP20




>>111655, >>111659 pb Number re new corona cases suggests comms to anons

>>111656 #13863

>>111657 WND: Biden's handlers - and wife - are guilty of elder abuse

>>111658 Mail-In Fraud Update #72,346,598: Queens Voters Receiving Military Absentee Ballots

>>111660 Pompeo wraps up Greece visit with naval base tour

>>111661 Colorado caught asking illegal aliens, dead people to register to vote

>>111662 Brooklyn voters report mislabeled absentee ballots: ‘It’s a major problem’

>>111663 Amanda Knox joins bid to help NXIVM sex-cult leader Keith Raniere

>>111664, >>111665 New 15-min test for Wuhan virus

>>111666 Teachers, walk away from unions that keep fighting against reopening school

>>111667 Sidney Powell: Flynn case should be dismissed "with prejudice" - thus shifting blame to FBI

>>111668, >>111678 Kaitlan Collins DIGG

>>111669 Keep China out of US residential election drama, Beijing tells Trump, Biden

>>111670 Sweden, Finland and Estonia to look at new evidence on 1994 ferry sinking

>>111671, >>111674 New docs show subpoenas to spy on Flynn may have lacked legal authorization

>>111672 Pope snubs Pompeo to woo Beijing, Biden

>>111673 Obama's DS gave primate companies access to US db's to illegal surveil Americans

>>111675 WHO: Global partnership to make available 120 million affordable, quality COVID-19 rapid tests

>>111676 NCMEC: Reports of child exploitation have increased 126% since corona onset

>>111677 FBI: Violent crime down for 3rd straight year (since Trump's win)

>>111679 Loudoun County VA Schools Spend Hundreds of Thousands on Critical Race Theory

>>111680 Newsom declares state of emergency in 3 counties: Napa, Sonoma and Shasta, as fires rage

>>111681 planefag reporting

>>111682 Flynn Done in 30 Hearing. Will post streaming info here for eezy anon access.

>>111683 Why the QAnon conspiracy theory is gaining popularity

>>111684 kek: S.F. Supes delay resolution to condemn homophobic, antisemitic QAnon attacks on Sen. Scott Wiener -

>>111685 Texas appeals blocks lower court decision allowing straight-ticket voting for 2020 election


>>111687 #13864

(29 notables, 33 posts, 31 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173506

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10831863 Q Research General #13863: Pelosi's Antifa Arrows In Her Quiver Edition

Created 290506ZSEP20




>>111594, >>111606, >>111625, >>111627, >>111629, >>111632, >>111638, >>111640, >>111653 Ville D'este DIGG

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=idPilv1v4Lc - Villa d'Este, Tivoli (UNESCO/NHK) [Channel: UNESCO]

>>111595 James Woods on HRC's next podcast: survey

>>111596 DC Police seeking assistance id'ing a suspect defacing property

>>111597, >>111600, >>111604 Anon on Flynn investigation: Jan 3, 4, 5 2017 are critical days

>>111598, >>111614, >>111637, >>111643, >>111646, >>111652 Moar digging into Pelosi's "arrow" stmt - link to antifa of Economist 2015 cover?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b05b57e07f6f166be3f73713eaa6aa212bd173a1f5def7bc32ea53dcdc1b2682.mp4

>>111599, >>111609, >>111615, >>111621, >>111630, >>111636 Clinton doc diggz: "former FBI agent Robert Cordier to lead security at MetLife (2002)

>>111601, >>111605, >>111607, >>111610 Exclusive economic zones DIGG

>>111602 POTUS Schedule for TUES, 9-29-2020 - PRES. DEBATE @9pm ET

>>111603 Moar on pb James Woods twat on orphanage fire from Feb 14

>>111608 US & China: Emerging Technologies And The Race To Control The Future

>>111611, >>111616 Rasmussen: Wray say no voter fraud but Proj. Veritas uncovers ballot harvesting fraud

>>111612, >>111613, >>111618, >>111622 Anon discussion about mandatory masks for school children

>>111617, >>111619 Biden’s Texas Political Director Implicated in Massive Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Harris County

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xhQ7ngFqLSc - Worker harvests a ballot in Harold Dutton's race, 2018 Dem Primary. [Channel: Direct Action Texas]

>>111620 NJ waiter sues Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano for $15 million after he was 'forced to engage in bizarre sex act involving father-son role play'

>>111623 LIVE: Portland Police doing a great job tonight!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BEMWD05UehI - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>111624, >>111626, >>111628, >>111634 Anon discussion about mandatory masks for school children con't.

>>111631 Massive Chinese Fishing Fleet Leaves Area Near the Galapagos Islands

>>111633 Anon observing that lockdowns in nursing homes, etc., could be seen as hostage situations

>>111635, >>111642, >>111647 For KEKS: Aggressive Raccoon Attacks ‘Multiple News Crews’ Outside WH

>>111639 Twat: THIS IS EVIL! Antifa live streams confront a Seattle Police Offer sitting under his vehicle for holding onto his gun

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d377e397f3dfb41f406ed20f3ea607f68b9402381fd5dabb3b42c7df823550c.mp4

>>111641 FBI BURNS $8M QUEENS FRAUD RING (June 7, 2001)

>>111644 Q Fear porn: As the election looms, QAnon is seeping into local FB groups

>>111645 Anon from Clinton doc diggz on potential Ptech connection

>>111648 More Q fear porn: Daily Beast says "QAnon-linked slogan" #SaveOurChidren linked to murder of infant

>>111649 Project Veritas: Part 2, Ilhan Omar Exchanging Money For Ballots (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MV7oDl8yDZk - Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot."We don't care illegal." [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>111650, >>111651, >>111654 Dueling reports on China's imminent intentions re Taiwan; Indian anon also weighs in.

(26 notables, 61 posts, 80 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173507

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10833484 Q Research General #13865: EPIC Tuesday Begins Edition

Created 291217ZSEP20




>>111688 Jill Biden Gets Dismissive After Jake Tapper Asks About Her Husband's Gaffes

>>111689 Kevin Corke w/CAP: Hmmmm... could be a grab your popcorn kind of day. Courtroom drama by day... #debates stage drama by night and other stuff...

>>111690 archiveanon reporting: SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED

>>111691 Pennsylvania mom, daughter plead guilty in murders of 5 family members, including twin 9-year-old girls

>>111692 New Dan Scavino w/CAP: trump pic 'they're not after me. they're after you. I'm just in the way.

>>111693 The Truth About Hunter Biden’s China Entanglements Is Even More Sinister Than Previously Thought

>>111694 Wow listen to @RichardGrenell here. “I’m getting really impatient with those individual agencies that know exactly what I’m talking about..."

>>111695 renoting: Hillary Satanic Glass Art Book Display on live stream video feed

>>111696, >>111698 Former Indiana State Senator arrested after FBI raid

>>111697 legit??? Brad Parscale 'is under investigation for stealing up to $40M from Trump's campaign and $10M from the RNC'

>>111699, >>111701 planefag reporting

>>111700 kek: British Member of Parliament nominates 'Biden' for a Nobel Peace Prize

>>111702 anon posits on Neon Revolt flipping on Q and QR.

>>111703 BREAKING: Kuwait's ruler, Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, has died

>>111704 L.A. Vote by Mail Shenanigans. Everyone gets a mail-in ballot whether requested or not.

>>111705 #11 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Thomas Suozzi New York 3rd

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EhKZCjueB0s - Congressman Brad Schneider addressing in Chicago [Channel: s khalil]

>>111706 #13865

(17 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173508

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10834259 Q Research General #13866: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 291410ZSEP20




>>111707 Turkish F-16 shoots down Armenia jet in Armenian airspace

>>111708 (continued from lb) Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, has died at the age of 91, state media report.

>>111709, >>111711, >>111712, >>111713 MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD IN MINNESOTA

>>111710 Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection

>>111714 Trump campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters.


>>111716 anon starts digg on Rosenstein's sister, Nancy Messonnier. CDC infiltration

>>111717 The Biden campaign requested two breaks (one every thirty minutes) during tonight’s program…

>>111718 Plano Police Investigate Online Posting Involving Child Sex Trafficking

>>111719 Texas border patrol arrests two child sex offenders in the country illegally

>>111720 Assange May End up at Colorado Supermax Jail, UK Court Told

>>111721 Trump Campaign Releases "17 Questions Joe Biden Must Answer In The Debate"

>>111722 PF updates

>>111723 Britain imposes sanctions on Belarus leader (Lukashenko) and aides

>>111724 Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears

>>111725 UK’s chief scientific adviser has £600k shareholding in firm contracted to develop vaccines

>>111726 LIVE *General Flynn Hearing* LIVE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e5xU9-eVvKw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>111727 Joe Biden’s Campaign Asks for Breaks EVERY 30 MINUTES during Tonight’s First Debate.

>>111728 Guests you say?!

>>111729 JUST IN: British Member of Parliament nominates Biden for a Nobel Peace Prize

>>111730 @USMC Jump The Gun

>>111731 #13866

(22 notables, 25 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173509

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10835803 Q Research General #13868: Stage Is Set Edition

Created 291638ZSEP20




>>111775 ————————————–——– #3 Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time, assistance from special comm device (Cap: )

>>111776, >>111786 #13867, #13868

>>111777 ————————————–——– Those who scream the loudest…

>>111778 Portland unrest sends police sergeant to hospital; officers doused in chemicals, 24 arrested

>>111779 Chuck Schumer Refuses to Meet with Amy Coney Barrett, Says Process “Illegitimate”

>>111780 Scavino twat

>>111781 PF updates

>>111782 Biden has questions in advance

>>111783 NEW REPORT: Tom Malinowski DID lobby for sexual predators

>>111784 CNN: Former Nominee Biden


(11 notables, 12 posts, 15 media/files)

Q- >>111777

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9d28d5 No.173510

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10835005 Q Research General #13867: RBG Passed More Than "Away" Edition

Created 291525ZSEP20




>>111732 BBC star turned pastor, 44, launched sex attacks on 33 men and boys while they slept at church camps or events and filmed victims urinating and showering over 30-year reign of terror

>>111733 Nikola Founder Suspected of Sex Abuse

>>111734, >>111737 Refresher: Turkey, ISIS, Syria, No Name

>>111735, >>111736 DeWine has activated several hundred National Guard members for Tuesday night's presidential debate in Cleveland

>>111738 U.S. missile destroyer ship breaks Navy record for longest stint at sea

>>111739 Kayleigh: "The President has the truth and the facts on his side, Biden doesn't want to talk about anything with substance" vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oBN-0HnuInY - McEnany breaks down Trump's debate prep [Channel: Fox News]

>>111740 2013: Soros in China

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Wwja1QQuWE - George Soros at INET Hong Kong - The Most Pressing Global Issue? [Channel: New Economic Thinking]

>>111741 Twat Live updates in Flynn's hearing

>>111742 US State Department says outraged’ by rocket attack in Baghdad

>>111743 Left wing states secession: Instead of saying the pledge of allegiance every day they grab their ankles for blm

>>111744 J.P. Morgan settles lawsuit that accused firm of ‘spoofing’ precious metals markets trades

>>111745 Judge Dismisses New Mexico Lawsuit Against Google Over Children’s Data Privacy

>>111746 I predict chris wallace will be the one debating trump,

>>111747 Here is Rule 48(a) READ: “The government may, with leave of court, dismiss an indictment, information, or complaint.....

>>111748 This metro Atlanta man has been missing for 2 weeks. Anyone with information about Mr. Walker should contact Lt. Sellers with the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office at 706-342-1507

>>111749 CLINTONS AND CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING/Shipwrecked on Ten Islands

>>111750 12-year-old from Marietta begins sophomore year of college!

>>111751, >>111753 YT Flynn - Iran on Notice…. remember…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SIRGlfC2KIY - Michael Flynn puts Iran on notice [Channel: WPRI]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bab88fbf797db7dfc63fa63845b061c41b39b083fd6f87ad7e0c96a757c26140.mp4

>>111752 Stage set?

>>111754 Call to diggz Amanda Knox to help NXVM Raniere

>>111755 new law in California prompted by crash of Kobe Bryant, a crime for first responders to take unauthorized photos of deceased people at the scene of an accident or crime.

>>111756, >>111758, >>111760, >>111766 planefaggin

>>111757 "MN GOP Rep. @stevedraz recounts why he went to @jamesokeefeiii w/Ilhan-tied election fraud after reporting to FBI

>>111759, >>111763 HEY, you racist MFERS, ILHAN has a message for ya!

>>111761 Harris Co. TX (Houston) approving non-citizen voter registrations

>>111762 Potus/Q/22?

>>111764 Flynn hearing to resume @ 12:35 est.

>>111765 Media Gunning For Scott Atlas Because He Keeps Exposing Coronavirus Lies

>>111767 Peter Strzok kept up secretive searches of Michael Flynn after George Papadopoulos told FBI he received Russian 'dirt' tip

>>111768 QAnon ‘Much Larger Than Any Of Us Are Wrapping Our Heads Around’: Far-Right Conspiracy Group Stuns ’60 In 6′ On Quibi

>>111769 @JoeBiden he is reversing course, declining the inspection!

>>111770 Washington Post: Mueller Prosecutor Investigated For Misleading Congress About Political Pressure On Stone Case

>>111771 3 earthquakes recorded near San Jose within an hour

>>111772 Grenell: He can’t work for 90 mins without having two breaks?!

>>111773 Feinstein spotted without mask at Dulles Airport despite calls for 'mandatory' policy

>>111774 ————————————–——– #3 Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time, assistance from special comm device (Cap: )

(36 notables, 43 posts, 48 media/files)

Q- >>111774

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9d28d5 No.173511

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10837310 Q Research General #13870: All In For Flynn Edition

Created 291754ZSEP20




>>111820 Trump Admin Poised To Gift Israel $11 Billion In Bid to Secure Another Arab-Israeli “Peace” Treaty

>>111821 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Agrees To Pay $920 Million in Connection with Schemes to Defraud Precious Metals and U.S. Treasuries Markets

>>111822 Fri 09.25.2020

>>111823 Former Indiana State Senator and Gaming Executive Indicted for Violations of Federal Campaign Finance Laws

>>111824 ‘How Many More Get Away?’ Farage Releases Footage of Migrants Arriving ‘Under the Cover of Darkness’

>>111825 Why a decades-old border dispute just sparked tank battles and airstrikes and has Russia and a NATO member picking sides

>>111826 Kamala Sutra Underpaid Her 2019 Taxes And Was Penalised $1386

>>111827 backpack jammers

>>111828 Turkish F-16 warplane shoots down Armenian SU-25 fighter jet, Defense Ministry in Yerevan claims

>>111829 South Florida Lawyer Charged with Fraud Related to 1 Global Capital Investment Scheme

>>111830 Army Cyber Command is ‘evolving’ beyond cyber operations

>>111831 Ex-Trader Gets More Than Five Years in $20 Million Ponzi Scheme/Paul A. Rinfret

>>111832 North Carolina Man Charged with Fraudulently Seeking Over $6 Million in COVID Relief Funds

>>111833 Vice President Pence Visits the U.S. Capitol with Judge Amy Coney Barrett vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=76TbBvuvUYI - Vice President Pence Visits the U.S. Capitol with Judge Amy Coney Barrett [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>111834 McEnany breaks down Trump's debate prep

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oBN-0HnuInY - McEnany breaks down Trump's debate prep [Channel: Fox News]

>>111835, >>111837, >>111838 Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOGLE) Combined Market Cap Is Now Equal to 42% of Nasdaq 100 (NDX)

>>111836 California judge says Trump can’t ban WeChat because of the First Amendment, but Big Tech is never stopped from censoring Americans

>>111839 ICYMI: US Congress introduces bill condemning Qanon

>>111840, >>111842 Debate Night - Memetic Warfare

>>111841 Grace Under Pressure - That's Amy Barrett vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=t99DaboSrg8 - Judge Barrett’s Friend: “She Is Poised…Incredibly Rigorous & Focused” [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>111843 Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey donated $10M to that clown who said adopting black kids is an act of white supremacy

>>111844 Taxes could have to soar by £60BILLION - 7p for every pound earned - to avoid a new wave of austerity after Covid crisis, IFS think-tank warns

>>111845 #11 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Thomas Suozzi New York 3rd

>>111846 Refresher: Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa

>>111847 The Truth About Hunter Biden’s China Entanglements Is Even More Sinister Than Previously Thought

>>111848 #13870

(26 notables, 29 posts, 43 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173512

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10836531 Q Research General #13869: Boss Has This, Enjoy The Show Edition

Created 291712ZSEP20




>>111787 Biden releases 2019 tax returns hours before first presidential debate.

>>111788 LIVE Flynn coverage

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e5xU9-eVvKw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>111789 Corrupt Judge Sullivan Redacts Yesterday’s Document Drop in Flynn Case – Now AG Barr Sending Big Hitter to Today’s Hearing

>>111790 Turkish F-16 warplane shoots down Armenian SU-25 fighter jet, Defense Ministry in Yerevan claims

>>111791 Hero Dr. Scott Atlas ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield after their Ridiculous Attacks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TKOWbBVyG4g - Dr. Scott Atlas ABSOLUTELY Destroys Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield after their Disgusting attacks [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>111792 @TomFitton says John Durham is not willing to prosecute anyone and @POTUS should release all documents. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

>>111793 Tesla's Nevada Gigafactory Has The County's Highest COVID-19 Case-Count Since June

>>111794 The Man Who Kickstarted The Russia Investigation Is Running For Congress/Malinowski

>>111795 Antifa doxer ‘AntiFash Gordon’ slapped with federal lawsuit for getting New York Daily News employee fired

>>111796 British MP Urges Mandatory COVID Vaccinations For Anyone Wanting To Travel

>>111797 @USNavy Record Breaking!

>>111798 Former Ukraine President Poroshenko Contracts Coronavirus

>>111799 Biden campaign wants Facebook to crack down on voting ‘misinformation’ by Trump, after illegal pro-Dem ballot scheme uncovered

>>111800 planefaggin

>>111801 Christian crowdfunding site raises $500K for Rittenhouse legal defense

>>111802 JPMorgan & four other major banks moving trillions in dirty money like the FIVE CRIME FAMILIES of NYC – Max Keiser

>>111803 Sheriff & DA Arrested for Destroying Video of Cops Killing Man on ‘LIVE PD’ Over Bright Headlights

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Gc3723U5uwM - Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody indicted | Looking back at the controversies | KVUE [Channel: KVUE]

>>111804 Rep. Tom Malinowski to host virtual forum on QAnon, misinformation

>>111805 President Trump’s Economy in 2019 Had the Largest Increase in Median Household Income Ever – More Than Obama’s Increase in 8 Years

>>111806 AMA today with an Air Force Colonel and former Virginia state senator, who claims that the Deep State generals are planning a [hot] military coup against Trump

>>111807 US Navy ships, subs, and planes are training to meet a new kind of challenge from Russia in the Atlantic

>>111808 Kuwait's Ruler Emir Sheikh Sabah Dies At 91

>>111809 Tom Malinowski Bio

>>111810 Suga and Putin affirm goal of peace treaty based on 1956 declaration

>>111811 US carrier-launched airstrike targets ISIS in Iraq for first time in 2 years

>>111812 ————————————–——– Podcast yesterday. Intentional or careless?

>>111813 Dem Rep. Tom Malinowski: We need illegal immigrants to 'mow our beautiful lawns'

>>111814 CNN correction?

>>111815 Biden rejects request to inspect his ears prior to debate, Trump campaign says

>>111816 Happy Michaelmas, anons

>>111818 Joe Biden to have two Northeast Ohioans as guests during Tuesday's presidential debate in Cleveland

>>111819 #13869

(32 notables, 32 posts, 45 media/files)

Q- >>111812

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9d28d5 No.173513

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10838075 Q Research General #13871: SURPRISE! NOT For Anons Edition

Created 291837ZSEP20




>>111849 DOJ “Collusion”: How Hillary Clinton Is Avoiding Her Testimony

>>111850 New Herridge: Flynn hearing

>>111851 Heavy Casualties as Nagorno-Karabakh Fighting Continues

>>111852 Killary: chelseaclinton: "Ruth Bader Ginsburg was 'The Great Dissenter.' Now it is our turn to dissent against Trump’s choice for Ginsburg’s replacement and against the rush to confirm her before Election Day."

>>111853 Ignoring Clinton Charity Frauds To Attack Trump for Paying Taxes: Ortel

>>111854 US Offers $20Mln in Rewards for Info Leading to Arrest of 3 Ex-Venezuelan Officials, Pompeo Says

>>111855 Majority of voters think Biden has used his political career to enrich his family and friends

>>111856 Armenian PM says Azerbaijan’s operation in Karabakh was plotted during drills with Turkey

>>111857 Ukraine signs memorandum supporting Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center

>>111858 Killery to as cohost for pre-debate show MSDNC

>>111859 AMA with Colonel Richard Black goes live in 5 minutes. He claims that the Deep State is planning a military coup against Trump, if stealing the election fails.

>>111860 Nigel Farage releases TrumpCard podcast covering the debates.

>>111861 Important work. The Hasidic community has been smeared and this is how those "stories" get made.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca623755c97867486730033526cd3d998a3d2b9409c0fd3dc80f35812bcd377a.mp4

>>111862 Commander Of Sham Legion Assassinated In Syria’s Aleppo Province (Map Update)

>>111863 PF updates

>>111864 Has Donna Brazile leaked debate questions to Biden? Internet fears repeat of 2016 'fraud' involving Clinton

>>111865, >>111869 ————————————–——– 2016 DNI report declassified (Cap: )

>>111866, >>111870 rt ———–––——–— DNI report

>>111867 Pergram: DNI 2016

>>111868 ————————————–——– God woke you up for a reason

>>111871 #13871

(21 notables, 23 posts, 19 media/files)

Q- >>111868, >>111869, >>111870

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173514

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10839602 Q Research General #13873: Sydney Powell: "Hideoous Abuse of Power" Edition

Created 291958ZSEP20




>>111891, >>111892, >>111894, >>111898, >>111899, >>111902, >>111914, >>111915, >>111918 AF2 on approach to Lancaster PF updates

>>111893 10/9/2016 During a debate - Hillary Clinton accuses Trump of working with the Russians and against her. vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d64xCbofco8 - Hillary Clinton: Russia Trying To Influence Election For Donald Trump | CNBC [Channel: CNBC]

>>111895 Rep Ullman and Governor Tom Wolf caught on a hot mic referring to masks as “political theatre” that they want to get “on camera”. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c8a92b6df131794e2e6768a1134007872472474750f4820cb1e7127d5f9d208.mp4

>>111896 McMaster: Strategic competitors probably view the US as ‘weak’

>>111897 Latest Document Dump by DNI Ratcliffe Shows Hillary Camp Likely Hatched Plot on Russia TWO WEEKS AFTER SETH RICH MURDER AND 4 DAYS AFTER WIKILEAKS RELEASE

>>111900 On October 13th, 2015, Donald Trump tweeted an illustration of Pepe as himself standing at a podium ......

>>111901 Hotwheels trolling anons

>>111903 PANIC much ?

>>111904 Tulsi Gabbard believes Project Veritas’ ballot-harvesting claims against fellow dem Ilhan Omar, causing left-wing backlash

>>111905 Trump's Anti-Trust "Cop" Targets Wall Street's Data Pricing In Blow To Exchanges

>>111906, >>111919 November 03, 2019: A Clinton family ally reportedly tried to stop the publication of a book about a "deep state" plot to undermine President Trump./Sidney Blumenthal

>>111907 Who was Hillary's national security advisor anyway.. HA

>>111908 “Vertical Forest” Apartment Complex in China Transforms Into Mosquito-plagued Jungle Hell

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ChNePPmzKSU - Promising “vertical forest” in China overrun by plants and plagued by mosquito infestation [Channel: South China Morning Post]

>>111909 lots of Q's: Does anyone have a link to "US50-EIC guidelines" or "Section VII of the final report"? I have been searching and cannot locate this info to dig further.

>>111910 OnePlanetOneChild Board of Directors…. Father of Amy Klobuchar.

>>111911 Westpac Bank fined $400 million for aiding and abetting paedophiles and another $900 million for money laundering

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r8MwyqQk5dg - Westpac's $1.3b fine raises question of what banks learned from the royal commission | ABC News [Channel: ABC News (Australia)]

>>111912 Refresher: LTG Michael T. Flynn, USA

>>111913 Colonel Richard Black speaks out on coup against Trump in TheDonald.win AMA!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Yx6FDQhGS8A - Colonel Richard Black speaks out on coup against Trump in TheDonald.win AMA! [Channel: Declaring Independence]

>>111916 Germans have penetrated two Stalingrad factory complexes, "Red October" & "Red Barricades", which are now Red Army strongpoints- in danger of being overrun.

>>111917 Photographer Jak Wonderly’s photo, titled “Caught by Cats,” visualizes the deadly effect cats can wreak on their natural surroundings. For Keks!

>>111920 Just so we're clear: Brennan briefed Obama on Russian intelligence that Hillary was allegedly planning the Russia hoax, it was referred to Comey and Strzok for investigation, and the FBI still proceeded to go after Michael Flynn and fabricate evidence to the FISA courts

>>111921 Flynn hearing has wrapped. Judge Sullivan says he "will proceed with dispatch."

>>111922 PART C - Offences Involving Public Officials And Violations Of Federal Election Campaign Laws

>>111923 #13873,

(24 notables, 33 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173515

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10838847 Q Research General #13872: Thoughts And Prayers For ACB Edition

Created 291921ZSEP20




>>111872 ————————————–——– "Trump Swift Boat Project." - Clinton OP

>>111873 Trump Observers Are Being Blocked Entry to All Satellite Voting Locations in Philly #StopTheSteal

>>111874 National Guard Readies for Possible Unrest in Cleveland Ahead of Presidential Debate

>>111875 Swift-boating refers to the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that accused John Kerry of fabricating his exploits to win decorations

>>111876 Clinton campaign discussed ‘swift boat project’ to undermine Trump

>>111877 Jr.: Russian hoax was Killery plan, Bam-Biden WH was briefed on it

>>111878, >>111879, >>111882, >>111883, >>111884, >>111885 planefaggin

>>111880 Link to the Ratcliffe - Graham Letter

>>111881 ASSANGE HEARING DAY SIXTEEN–Anonymous Witnesses to Detail Alleged CIA Plot to Kill Assange

>>111886 Which Drugs Should Biden Take Pre-Debate?

>>111887 Leaked email: "Bernie needs to be ground to a pulp," Clinton adviser and lobbyist wrote to John Podesta

>>111888 The CIA in 2016 asked the FBI to investigate whether the Clinton campaign had approved a plan to distract from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s email troubles by “stirring up a scandal”

>>111889 The Nxivm-5 Go on CBS Morning to Defend Raniere; Vicente Responds to Clyne on Twitter

>>111890 #13872

(14 notables, 19 posts, 35 media/files)

Q- >>111872

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9d28d5 No.173516

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10840385 Q Research General #13874: "The Fucked" And The "We Wish" Edition

Created 292052ZSEP20




>>111924 CNBC: Disney to layoff 28,000 employees

>>111925, >>111926, >>111932, >>111940, >>111943, >>111946 planefaggin

>>111927 Media Gunning For Scott Atlas Because He Keeps Exposing Coronavirus Lies

>>111928 Mnuchin, Pelosi Meet as Democrats Release Details of $2.2 Trillion Stim Bill


>>111930 C before D/Clinton before Debate!/B00M! KeK!

>>111931 B-52 Stratofortress Scramble vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tXE4igocAbg - B-52 Stratofortress Scramble [Channel: AIRBOYD]

>>111933 Grassley: Just posted a photo @ United States Capitol

>>111934, >>111952 Killery disinfo spin begins

>>111935 Herridge: Follow the Pen

>>111936 AZ Governor Ducey Demands Crooked Secretary of State SHUT DOWN Illegal Voter Registration Hotline w/out Application or Signature!

>>111937 Trump Swift Boat Scam Creator

>>111938 Elon Musk says he won’t take Covid vaccine and calls Bill Gates a ‘knucklehead’

>>111939 "QAnon Child-Abduction Conspiracies Impede Colorado Efforts To Stop Actual Human Trafficking"

>>111941 BREAKING: declassified- •handwritten notes, frmr CIA Brennan briefed President Obama including the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal to vilify Trump by stirring up scandal

>>111942 The affidavit of former Houston police captain Mark Aguirre claims to have “video-taped interviews of witnesses attesting” to “widespread” fraudulent practices......

>>111944 Newsom signs bill designed to add more people of color on California juries

>>111945 Kuwaiti Cabinet announces the appointment of Crown Prince Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as Emir of the State of Kuwait

>>111947 Blexit Star KingFace Dead: MAGA Rapper & Instagram Star Dies at 38, Friends Say

>>111948 Nearly 100,000 Brooklyn Voters Got Wrong Ballot Return Envelopes

>>111949 Palantir’s Direct Listing Reference Price Set at $7.25 by NYSE

>>111950 Excerpts edited/condensed from UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA SWIFT BOAT VETERANS FOR TRUTH..

>>111951 The 2nd part is important…NOT RUSSIAN DISINFO

>>111953 President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden have touched down in Cleveland for Tuesday night's first presidential debate.

>>111954 September 27, 1940: The Tripartite Pact recognized the two spheres of influence. Japan acknowledged “the leadership of Germany and Italy in the establishment of a new order in Europe,” while Japan was granted lordship over “Greater East Asia.”

>>111955 New Potus twats w/caps

>>111956 Barr calls ER meeting with Potus-major discovery

>>111957 #13874

(28 notables, 34 posts, 50 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173517

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10841872 Q Research General #13876: Pre-Debate Energy HIGH - WRWY POTUS Show Them How It's Done Edition

Created 292241ZSEP20




>>111982 More on 'Swift Boat

>>111983 Rudi tweets a 'Biden Lies Bingo' card/meme

>>111984 Mollie Hemmingway tweets re the HRC Russia collusion news

>>111985 Fox: Obama admin briefed on claims HRC drummed up Russia controversy to vilify Trump, distract from emails

>>111986 Democrat Lawmaker and Pedo Protector Pushes Legislation to Condemn Group that Calls Out Pedos

>>111987 Did no name have Scalia 187'd? Side x Side graphic

>>111988 Chinese National Sentenced for Laundering Millions for Mexican Drug Cartels

>>111989, >>111990, >>111993, >>111994 Video breakdown of the [P] = Payseur material

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7DlXMs3zyGU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oh9R0H6X664 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4Nol07Dmo7M - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SYC-owQuIeE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>111991 Schiff tweets re Ratcliffe: "Obvious political errand"

>>111992 DoJ Awards More than $92 Million to Support Offenders Returning to Communities

>>111995 A union representing firefighters and paramedics in Philadelphia endorse POTUS' reelection bid

>>111996, >>111997 LIVE: 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage- Trump vs. Biden First Debate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qUgGVW4NgQk - 🔴WATCH LIVE: 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage- Trump vs. Biden First Debate [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>111998 KEK: NYT accidentally releases post-debate article

>>111999 #13876

>>112000 Request for Diggs on Fulford's Report

(15 notables, 19 posts, 15 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173518

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10841166 Q Research General #13875: God Woke Us For A Reason So Let's DewEet! Edition

Created 292150ZSEP20




>>111958 Schiff subpoenas Homeland Security, charges 'unlawful obstruction'

>>111959 Disney Slams California as it Lays Off 28,000 Employees

>>111960, >>111966 Bill Barr Meets With The President After Trump Ballots Found In Dumpster

>>111961, >>111973 Re: The Swift Boat Project

>>111962 Omar tweet: Trump paid no taxes

>>111963 Navy SEALs remove terms like 'brotherhood' from ethos to be more gender-neutral

>>111964 Dig worthy finds: Jennifer Palmeri was on Clinton’s campaign

>>111965, >>111972 Planefag Reports

>>111967, >>111968, >>111969 Robby Mook went on TV to kick off “Russia disinformation” for the HRC campaign

>>111970, >>111976, >>111978 More responses to the HRC / Russia Collusion news

>>111971 Ratcliffe shows HRC camp likely hatched plot 2 weeks after Seth Rich murder, 4 days after WL release

>>111974 Department of State tweet: Too much of the Chinese Communist Party’s economy...

>>111975 BOMBSHELL: Hillary Clinton May Have Cooked Up a Trump-Russia Hoax Back in July 2016

>>111977 Ferreira has been at Portland #Antifa riots for more than 100 days: Booked last night then released

>>111979 "Corruption !!!" - Furious Trump Questions Why Observers Were Barred From Early Voting Sites

>>111980 Scavino: President Trump’s walk-through finished around at 4:40pmE #Debates2020 #MAGA

>>111981 #13875

(17 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173519

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10842661 Q Research General #13877: POTUS IS GETTING STRONGER - WE LIFT HIM UP Edition

Created 292328ZSEP20




>>112001 Site of CA military plane crash. Air force have a couple testing ranges there

>>112002 Democratic Governor Wolf & Rep. Ullman of Pennsylvania call masks “political theater” for the camera

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c3e826e38f4bc3c1ed8df12ef075d7b62757b978a1957dde25c88e9c64b16530.mp4

>>112003 Trump Calls on Supreme Court to Restore Defamation Laws

>>112004, >>112006, >>112007, >>112008, >>112009, >>112018 Sydney Powell argues today DISMISS CASE NOW!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e5xU9-eVvKw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>112005 Gov Cuomo Threatens To Send In National Guard To Pick Up Trash

>>112010, >>112022, >>112024, >>112025, >>112032 Biden tweeted Nancy's brand of ice cream: Who is 'jeni's'?

>>112011, >>112038 #13876, #13877

>>112012 More reactions to the HRC / Russia collusion news

>>112013 Hostage situation in Oregon ends with 3 dead, including 11-year-old boy

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IKetEHJJcnc - OSP: 11-year-old boy among 3 killed in Salem hostage situation [Channel: KOIN 6]

>>112014 LIVE: POTUS and Joe Biden participate in the first presidential debate in Ohio: Stream links

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TrRFe6kimHA - WATCH LIVE: First Presidential Debate [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>112015 'Mighty Ducks' star and presidential hopeful Brock Pierce regrets Jeffrey Epstein ties

>>112016 New tweet from Sidney Powell

>>112017, >>112019, >>112029 Planefag Reports

>>112020 The Hill: Trump campaign buys out YouTube homepage ahead of first presidential debate

>>112021, >>112030 Reports of an Active Shooter in Edmonds, WA

>>112023 Daily Mail: Seth Rich Timeline (review)

>>112026 Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict: Reports of Azerbaijan drone(s) firing on Karabakh capital

>>112027, >>112028 Slum Lord Linked to Ilhan Omar Also Owned the Club Where George Floyd and Derek Chauvin Worked

>>112031, >>112033 CIA asked FBI to investigate Clinton campaign over 'stirring up' Trump-Russia allegations

>>112034 Video: Gaetz joined Lou Dobbs following the release of newly declassified documents

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8165zN_CuvY - Matt Gaetz Goes Off on Paul Ryan After Declassified Documents Show Hillary Hatched Russia Hoax [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>112035 Walmart Inc. sold by Walter S. Robson (Director): $103.18m-Sept 29

>>112036 Senate investigators to request DOJ/FBI open probe: Was Biden potentially "compromised" by Chinese mil intelligence?

>>112037 Washington State National Guard Responds to Antifa

(23 notables, 38 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173520

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10844169 Q Research General #13879: THE FIRST 2020 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE - THE TACTICAL NUKES Edition

Created 300056ZSEP20





>>112060 Gidley: Man…the signal from Joe Biden's ear piece is really interfering with Chris Wallace's mic right now

>>112061 US Navy (Twatt) Inspection Time!

>>112062 Schumann Resonance (habbening)

>>112063 3 Marine Corps Fighter Jets has crashed in Imperial County, California. Has been declared Hazmat Incident. (YouTube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6gB5mtPJ_So - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>112064 White House: Border Wall Grows 10 Miles Per Week (Breitbart)

>>112065 Joe keeps looking to his left. Body language ghost says he’s looking to the person in his ear

>>112066 Ivanka Checking in (Twatter)

>>112067 US Federal Reserve’s Plan to Hold Benchmark Rates at Zero for 3 Years a Boon for India, Experts Say (Sputnik)

>>112068 #13879,

(10 notables, 11 posts, 16 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173521

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10843390 Q Research General #13878: POTUS WRWY - THE DOITQ Edition

Created 300013ZSEP20




>>112039 Biden Bingo, Biden Drinking Game (for keks)

>>112040, >>112041, >>112049, >>112050 LIVE links for Presidential Debate (9pm ET)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qUgGVW4NgQk - 🔴WATCH LIVE: 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage- Trump vs. Biden First Debate [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ofkPfm3tFxo - Trump-Biden presidential debate moderated by Chris Wallace | FULL [Channel: Fox News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TrRFe6kimHA - WATCH LIVE: First Presidential Debate [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>112042 More QAnon hit pieces - Scottish child abuse protests linked to US conspiracy cult

>>112043 Indie journo Adam Housler complains Fake News CNN appropriated his video

>>112044 " - QAnon Child-Abduction Conspiracies Impede Colorado Efforts To Stop Actual Human Trafficking

>>112045 Swift Boat Team: 28 Special Operations Command members

>>112046 Black Hawk helicopter crashes in Imperial County, (sw) California

>>112047 Federal judge orders Indiana absentee ballots must be counted if postmarked by Election Day

>>112048 CNBC: Coordinated push of conspiracy theories target Biden hours before debate

>>112051 Planefag Reports

>>112052 Jill Biden: Joe's ready

>>112053 Biden Tweet: Ear Buds + (Jeni's) Ice Cream = Mocking Comms w/ "Jeni" Palmieri?

>>112054 2016 email in Wikileaks that includes Jeni's ice cream, Ohia debate, and Biden

>>112055 Kek Chaplain Corps: Pre-Debate Prayer for POTUS

>>112056 Radio Host Todd Starnes: Word on the Street Is That Biden Was Given Tonight’s Debate Questions Early

>>112057 Found on half-chan: The entire DNC Media Response leaked ahead of debates?

(16 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173522

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10845001 Q Research General #13780: PDJT is debating Moderator Edition

Created 300119ZSEP20




>>112069 Biden: Would you shut up, man?

>>112070 Top Biden Labor Ally Drops Reelection Bid Amid Federal Probe

>>112071 Chris Wallace has apparently decided that he is the Democrat nominee and wants to repeatedly argue with Trump

>>112072 Bongino: This is already a bloodbath for Biden. Holy shit!

>>112073 Chamber of Commerce’s Political Chief Resigns After Democrat Endorsements

>>112074, >>112077 Biden multitasks - tweets during debate

>>112075 Biden saying "he still doesn't have a plan" on coronavirus is just a horrible talking point

>>112076 Hotmic "I'm gunna take my mask off" (Twatter)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b8409c878a23604f48e6ca89c2ddaa98a7af005997cc7888a02d90ac6cc116b6.mp4

>>112078 Joe's got prison stripes on his KEK

>>112079 GWP: WOW! JUST INSANE! Debate “Moderator” Chris Wallace Starts DEBATING TRUMP in First 15 Minutes!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fbV3v-TlsoQ - WOW! Debate "Moderator" Chris Wallace Starts DEBATING TRUMP in First 15 Minutes! [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>112080 Our Marine Jets. It's been all over the scanner. It's now been turned over to the military

>>112081 Trump: There's nothing smart about you, Joe


>>112083 #13780

(14 notables, 15 posts, 12 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173523

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10845636 Q Research General #13781: Joe's earpiece is failing him EDITION

Created 300136ZSEP20




>>112084 Biden tweet: It is what it is because Trump is who he is

>>112085 PDJT (Twatt) Potus tweets Mid Debate KEK

>>112086 POTUS is interrupting to disrupt Joe's earpiece cheating

>>112087 Hillary Clinton: Trump’s Reality Show Presidency About to Be ‘Canceled’ (Breitbart)

>>112088 Anon catches Biden's ear piece

>>112089 Marine F-35B Crashes After Collision With KC-130 Over California; All Aircrew Recovered Safely (news.usni.org)

>>112090 KEK

>>112091 Brennan tweets re the debate



>>112094 Planefag Reports

>>112095 POTUS is not letting it go. Hammering Hunter

>>112096 #13781

(13 notables, 13 posts, 9 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173524

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10846483 Q Research General #13782: Chris Wallace Running Interference EDITION

Created 300156ZSEP20




>>112097 Sidney Powell tweet: WE ARE THE STORM

>>112098, >>112099 WINNING !

>>112100 Trump is unstoppable - TEAR EM UP POTUS !!

>>112101 Biden has called POTUS >Liar >Clown >Racist

>>112102, >>112105 MSN PANIC: Mika (Twat)

>>112103 POTUS is on fire! LOVE HIM!!!!

>>112104 Bread pace stats

>>112106 The Fed Has Given Big Business A Huge Advantage (brucewilds.blogspot.com)

>>112107 Dan Bongino (Twatt) Joe Biden thinks ANTIFA is a conspiracy theory. Lol. What a moron

>>112108 #13782,

(10 notables, 12 posts, 13 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173525

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10847218 Q Research General #13783: Joe is lecturing on Racism, not kidding.. EDITION

Created 300214ZSEP20




>>112109 POTUS just got Biden to admit his son was a cokehead

>>112110, >>112111 Trump: Name one police group that supports you. Biden: We don't have time

>>112112 Chris Wallace is challenging @realDonaldTrump much more than Mumbling Biden

>>112113 Schumann Resonance during debate

>>112114 Sleepy Joe just committed a crime live on tv. (law.cornell.edu)

>>112115 PDJT (Twatt) Joe Biden could not name a single Law Enforcement group that supports his candidacy!

>>112116 POTUS Debating 3 People - Biden > Wallace > [Ear piece]

>>112117, >>112122 Richard Grenell (Twatt) Chris Wallace blames the terrible California government mismanagement of water and forests on climate change

>>112118 Video: The Great Global Warming Swindle

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oYhCQv5tNsQ - The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentar [Channel: Wisdom Land]


>>112120 Did BoJo steal ‘Build back better’ tagline from BIDEN? Fact checkers can relax, as BOTH repeat an old UN slogan from JAPAN (RT.com)

>>112121 Debate viewer numbers

>>112123 Scientific Games Corp sold by Ronald Perelman (former exec chair): $263.67m-Sept 28

>>112124 #13783

(14 notables, 16 posts, 16 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173526

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10848724 Q Research General #13785: Joe wants people to believe there is NO problem w MAIL-N-VOTING Edition

Created 300255ZSEP20




>>112144 Biden claimed he didn't support the Green New Deal, then claimed his Green New Deal would "pay for itself"

>>112145, >>112162, >>112163 Anons catch Biden's ear piece?

>>112146 Bongino: Someone tell Wallace that Biden is on tape calling military men and women “stupid bastards”

>>112147 Comey Hearing Tomorrow

>>112148, >>112157 Colby Covington at the end: "President Trump, greatest President of all time. we love you President Trump!!!!"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2TTtlFpM5Ss - First Trump-Biden presidential debate moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace | FULL [Channel: Fox Business]

>>112149 Kellyanne Conway's twitter response

>>112150 Debate sponsored by Cleveland Clinic. Medical intervention for Biden?

>>112151 Video: State leaders discuss water supply in Lake Jackson, Texas after deadly, brain-eating amoeba found

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j1eFi62L6FI - State leaders discuss water supply in Lake Jackson, Texas after deadly, brain-eating amoeba found [Channel: KXAN]

>>112152 Chris Wallace didn't mention the HRC news

>>112153 Tomorrow's soundbites: Will you shut up man!!

>>112154 Currently winning this C-SPAN poll. Let's keep it up, anons - 24 hours to go

>>112155 James Woods tweets re the debate

>>112156 2016 Article: Clinton campaign discussed ‘swift boat project’ to undermine Trump

>>112158, >>112164 Biden had 2 sets of notes?!!!?? / (lb)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4758b2d982a87d107cb399b752bb6ec3349153b1d0a8286f34685dcc0547bfe0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d3e8ba063009557f69f8a81a03b539b2fba274356644d2223be1cf404d07678.mp4

>>112159 Video: Massive KEKS CNN calls debates "shit show"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/859a6824f01dd74138f41495a76fd9a360f38d4ab133739578b445eab165d645.mp4

>>112160 CNN meltdowns are the best meltdowns

>>112161 CSPAN taking calls - Here are the numbers

>>112165 Ngo tweet re Antifa groups. All violent

>>112166 Bee keks: Wallace's Impartiality Questioned Due To His Giant Foam Finger Reading 'Biden 2020'

>>112167 #13885,

(20 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173527

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10847965 Q Research General #13784: Hunter The CokeHead had no job till DADDY got in office EDITION

Created 300232ZSEP20




>>112125 James Woods: President Trump crushed his opponent Chris Wallace head to head in the debate

>>112126 POTUS: 'You gave the idea for the Logan act against Flynn, in front of Obama'

>>112127, >>112134 Here's the deal…NO DEALS!!!

>>112128 POTUS: "We've caught them all"

>>112129, >>112133 Melania looking gorgeous

>>112130 The tens of thousands of ballots at a California landfill were indeed 2020 mail in ballots for Trump, Snopes caught lying again (multiple sauz)

>>112131 Biden is obviously counting on mail-in vote fraud

>>112132 The drugs worked. Biden was able to make it through

>>112135 Anon spies: the blues in the background of Trump and Biden. Added orange for Trump.

>>112136 Gateway Pundit: Joe Biden stunned when Trump asks why Hunger got $3.5Mill from Mayor of Moscow's wife

>>112137 HUNTER BIDEN is the KEY: Joe got thrown off-guard heavily

>>112138 Dem Debate Talking Points

>>112139 @JACK's fake "anonymous" twitter account made a poll - time to flip it

>>112140 Joe's filled in ear - caps

>>112141, >>112142 Q post re the debates: Is it a countdown?

>>112143 #13784

(16 notables, 19 posts, 16 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173528

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10850219 Q Research General #13887: The Stand Back and Stand By Edition

Created 300408ZSEP20




>>112195 Keyleigh: There was no TRANSITION because the Democrats tried to wage a coup !!


>>112197, >>112209 Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate

>>112198 Latest CSPAN poll - Ridin' it

>>112199 Hannity tweet: Who won the debate? POTIS 60% Biden 30%

>>112200 Rule Changes In Swing States Mean More Votes Will Count, Results May Take Longer

>>112201 Twitter Trending: President Trump says Proud Boys should ‘stand back and stand by’

>>112202, >>112210, >>112220, >>112223 Plane & Boatfag Reports

>>112203, >>112206 MP4: Full clip of "Stand Back and Stand By" & 2 Year Delta on 'Operators Standing By'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e354bbff4b5c95ba62199fe4370debd5be39d046e794a132bff3ae9288b831f.mp4

>>112204, >>112211, >>112213, >>112215 POTUS got Joe riled up enough to reveal that he's a Muslim

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/105f97815dc887d3b4d62cfcb967b9e409b47fa74a2fa041ec8d5c8b4c860714.mp4

>>112205 2016: Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes sues Southern Poverty Law Center over hate group label

>>112207 Debate Clip: Biden Speaks of an Emergency Call to the Police as a (Nine Eleven)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6bfe95b27260faab58b32b72eba5c5c4246c3cbf551e7d51ed4ec4d35598865a.mp4

>>112208 Trump won the debate tonight and here's why. Who landed 100% of the body blows? Trump

>>112212 Side x Side of Joe's eye color change at the dabate

>>112214 POTUS Debate Clip: "We caught 'em all, we've got it all on tape"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d982dcf69e9ed47fbead3ec7613a8089db09c2889f2e15e5e902393177040ddf.mp4

>>112216, >>112228 More on Biden's 'Inshallah' (God Willing in Arabic)

>>112217 More on the Biden Brain Chip (actually the implanted Esteem Hearing Implant)

>>112218 Anon on how the muslim Brotherhood ties to everything

>>112219, >>112221, >>112226, >>112230 Cap of the object in Biden's cuff and his ear - PICC line?

>>112222, >>112224, >>112227, >>112231 Glover Park Group diggz

>>112225 BASED POTUS - Fresh DJT

>>112229, >>112232 President Trump and First Lady Melania have returned to The White House

>>112233 #13887

(23 notables, 39 posts, 46 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173529

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10849456 Q Research General #13786: MSM Meltdown - Salt Harvest ON - The Winning Edition

Created 300325ZSEP20




>>112168, >>112176 Spanish Speaking Voters on Telemundo LOVED Trump

>>112169 SpreadSheet and Off-Site Galleries Updated - TY SSAnon

>>112170, >>112172 Epic tweet from Carlos Osweda

>>112171, >>112173 Biden wore teleprompter contact lenses? Eyes turned from blue to brown

>>112174, >>112179 Video: Trump said Biden called US Troops 'stupid bastards - Here's the video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7639b63298e8838b30fee58aecc5a5215645105430bc2576c1ec7c9e51a1adf.mp4

>>112175 Tonight Biden said: There is NO proof of mail-in vote fraud problems - LIE

>>112177 Video: Biden interrupted Ryan in the VP debate in 2012 and was called a genius

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_f_3Kay43pQ - Biden dominates Ryan in 2012 debate [Channel: CBS News]

>>112178, >>112180 Obama left 128 federal judge seat open. Guess he figured she would never lose

>>112181 Biden had 2 sets of notes?!!!??

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a75af6f5329c444859274170c928fc1949b6389af110d3ab4bf71707a0dd2898.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d3e8ba063009557f69f8a81a03b539b2fba274356644d2223be1cf404d07678.mp4

>>112182 Another poll to FLIP

>>112183 Corn Harvest Tomorrow: CSPAN Link to the Comey Hearing

>>112184 How questionable money funds Democrats, anarchy and the Biden-Harris ticket

>>112185, >>112193 Planefag Reports

>>112186 Biden Debate Clip: POTUS accused the former VP of abusing the Logan Act against Gen. Flynn - Reaction

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/435cb85f82817215174636fc216c1a0573164cccaf88cef3c92be6bf1b1a667e.mp4

>>112187 POTUS Schedule for Wednesday September 30, 2020

>>112188 Was Biden's comms device the pen he was holding?

>>112189 POTUS Debate Clip: Proud Boys "Stand back and stand by!"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rQ0Fc14SuDg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>112190 Anons and Patriots PWNING the CSPAN poll

>>112191 Definitions of 'Stand back' and 'Stand by'

>>112192 What's under Biden's shirt cuff?

>>112194 #13886

(21 notables, 27 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173530

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10851007 Q Research General #13888: POTUS vs Biden - Wallace - [Eir piece] - TOOK EM ALL DOWN Edition

Created 300511ZSEP20




>>112234, >>112239, >>112252, >>112265 Debate clips: KeK: Anons catch clip of Biden's wire

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/059b8eafb5de1caab2b2d7a22bcefc353ed75f69861923d4f712ab919a85aa6b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c8d8e1f7c31d17ecb36c4e0fbebad4bb6ec150c997bf6b5f907e0e0705f5443b.mp4

>>112235, >>112238 Debate clips: MP4's of when Biden started losing it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/56e9385854e949769df9bf8004c15703dfdae083f088b080f142708ed4bbe652.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b50d74d10f395ef6c1926fc5d10d75c77b8681908a2d8e2bee100b44306a985d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/76480f28c4a586b9d40072192168f80a7392b55714d4a33b503abadd93bbb917.mp4

>>112236, >>112279 Polls still open for a hammering

>>112237 Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times. He interrupted Biden only 15 times

>>112240, >>112241, >>112245, >>112247, >>112277 Debate Clips: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TRUMP HOLY SHIT 'No you’re on number 2'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-JXteb4zCyM - "No, you're on number 2" - Trump - Biden Debate 9/29/20 [Channel: Jancsi Sobaka]

>>112242, >>112248 Moderator Chris Wallace Receives Blowback After Rocky Debate Performance

>>112243, >>112259, >>112260 Debate clips: The moment POTUS said "we've caught em all". kek

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wW1lY5jFNcQ - First 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>112244 Was Biden wearing a molar mic? Was that an antenna in his cuff? Military tech

>>112246 Video: AG Barr Delivers Remarks at the NCMEC Safety Pledge Webinar

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=87vLTLpvTL8 - Attorney General Barr Delivers Remarks at the NCMEC Safety Pledge Webinar [Channel: The Justice Department]

>>112249 Debate clips: ‘Will you shut up, man’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=St7hJQ1FxQc - Biden to Trump After Being Asked if He’ll Pack Courts: ‘Will You Shut up, Man?’ [Channel: Front Page Index]

>>112250, >>112254, >>112255 Stills from the exact moment that POTUS called out Sleepy Joe on his treason

>>112251 VIP Abuse Ring & Satanism in Victoria

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hZ_bX8G0rKE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>112253 Project Millstone - Australian Department of Education Protects Pedophile Teacher

>>112256, >>112273 >10851505, Alexa's Twatting Comey Threat?

>>112257 Video: CNN meltdown - MUST WATCH

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pKys4M-bi9g - 'Dumpster fire': See Jake Tapper and Dana Bash's blunt reaction to debate [Channel: CNN]

>>112258 Biden’s Political Director Dallas Jones Accused of Criminal Ballot Harvesting

>>112261, >>112262 Biden had Wallace's help, wore wire, had contact Lens Screens?, had a capped IV under sleeve, had notes

>>112263, >>112269 Telemundo is trending: 66 Percent of Spanish-Speaking Viewers Believe Trump Defeated Biden

>>112264 When POTUS said, "We've got it all on tape", anons connect this all back to Strzok's notes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/435cb85f82817215174636fc216c1a0573164cccaf88cef3c92be6bf1b1a667e.mp4

>>112266 James Woods: And there it is. #JoeWired

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/00674d9f78cfb71ca67ede8e7f9d53aab260172b1ccf36d1cf4a74ba6fd0b7fb.mp4

>>112267 Wray & Biden used same Talking Point: "Antifa is an ideology, not an organization"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7172a8b5ba4fdf28544e7a210dee6eb0b766bd1362628d47779f57554f4641c.mp4

>>112268 Video: Kamala, Senator Heels' reaction to the Trump thumping of Sleepy

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UpOk_cTBlO8 - Hear Kamala Harris' reaction to Trump and Biden's chaotic debate [Channel: CNN]

>>112270 Debate clips: Biden aide picking up folder from Joe's podium

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b22ab300af73741967101b12c798152e0379c77697b20b279c5a41bfcac4af0.mp4

>>112271, >>112278 Biden's augmented reality contact lenses? A teleprompter in the eyeball

>>112272 Biden TellsCo-DebaterChris Wallace He Does Not Support the Green New Deal — But That’s Not What It Says on His Website

>>112274 Video: Joe Biden 'C'mon Man' Remix

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dwoN-FvVEsA - Joe Biden C'mon Man REMIX - WTFBRAHH [Channel: WTFBrahh]

>>112275 The WW1 Q-Ships Were Heavily-Armed Decoy Vessels, Designed To Lure Unsuspecting U-Boats Into A Trap

>>112276 OUTRAGEOUS! Chris Wallace Calls Out Trump to Tell His Supporters to Not Riot!! WTH? What a Disgrace!

>>112280 Video: Trey Gowdy talks about Comey, HRC, Loretta Lynch and the tarmac

>>112281 #13888,

(30 notables, 48 posts, 66 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173531

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10851766 Q Research General #13889: The C'mon Man Remix Edition

Created 300646ZSEP20




>>112282, >>112283, >>112284, >>112285, >>112286, >>112288, >>112290 Resignations in the news 9/23/2020 thru 9/29/2020

>>112287, >>112292, >>112297, >>112300, >>112303 Lots more polls to SMASH

>>112289 BREAKING: Senate investigators to request DOJ/FBI open counterintelligence probe to determine if Biden potentially "compromised" by Chinese mil intelligence from millions laundered thru ChiCom shell companies & cutouts to Hunter & Jim Biden, making Biden potential blackmail target

>>112291 Origin of the Name Soros: An urn or receptacle for keeping the bones of the dead / a funeral couch

>>112293 Security footage of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch at Pheonix Airport / the Tarmac?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3754c8e216ea7af13509164e93b135be49c32188adf87d3ef092f12ece79e9c.mp4

>>112294 Anon found this video super creepy. Stepford High.

>>112295 Wallace would interrupt with "We are entering an open debate". That's what the American people want not this staged scripted crap

>>112296 March 2019: Who Are “Soros’s Men” in Armenia?

>>112298 Debate Clips: Bidens Incomprehensible Ramblings in Healthcare Segment of Debate

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a1ed62e52646058a7454d005ebb0522e3f884a3fd2621599c575275c393652cd.mp4

>>112299 Voter fraud via mail sorting machines

>>112301, >>112312 A 'Coney' turns up during a Paul Revere (Rivoire) digg

>>112302 CMS Administrator Gives New Details On Trump’s Health Care Plan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aMZhVBfW4CE - Trump Wont Let Red Tapes Stop A COVID Vaccine, Claims CMS Administrator [Channel: Daily Caller]

>>112304 Scavino: “Correct The Record: Biden Makes 33 False Or Misleading Claims At The Debate” 33 - Comms?

>>112305, >>112306, >>112308, >>112309, >>112310 Planefag Mini Bun & Digg

>>112307 James Woods: I just realized that Joe Biden didn’t answer a single question

>>112311 Australian Law Profs Nominate Trump For Third Nobel Prize For ‘Trump Doctrine’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OxGT_cQXpj8 - The ‘Trump Doctrine’ earns President third Nobel Peace Prize nomination [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>112313 Debate clips: Who is Biden mumbling to?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ce54f46a2b8c69ab751562cf7a7d1c1b80dd7afb836a914137e5513c760b684e.mp4

>>112314 Coey testifying today, adding Fox links

>>112315, >>112317 Not the first time Biden let "Inshallah" roll off of his tongue

>>112316, >>112320, >>112324, >>112327, >>112328, >>112341, >>112343 More on the Planefag dig in notable below

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ln2ona7zFPw - Aircraft engine catastrophic failure [Channel: Travis Stebelton]

>>112318 Biden's brother Frank owes dead man's family $1m for 80mph car crash but has never paid a cent in 20 years

>>112319 Even left leaning journalists disgusted with Chris Wallace the disrespect for the President

>>112321, >>112322, >>112323, >>112332, >>112333, >>112334, >>112335, >>112336, >>112337, >>112340 Air Traffic Control Audio of KC-130J's Collision With An F-35B (bun)

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db5ec61da437ec28f9dd42362bade028fb45e0cc57b5c06d9902867fdf472e03.mp3

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e4025bd39aa5583a95af23f4e2d9deffa112e6a2f97e531942ed749a597994ee.mp3

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9cb0ae673e751ecf1ba92f6a9a7fb73592fbcc9e6bcad5c8ff5e6e51227e76aa.mp3

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/48b818331bf6d9d0c6984ec27e5108c1252960cc70881ecb2c4646f3700ed973.mp3

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fe62d22b81632f4b07a5793a5238b5b07b3935742a609f00ceca4531d43bccd3.mp3

AUDIO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/289afcf9b7162cccc464f1ff401f78bc9eddb3adc3dca889c88e30f311e320ab.mp3

>>112325 Amish For Trump TikToc

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8056fd06d459c2b891028de486a25ad1ffe998b4f5c3f5a0599377a76a79fb2b.mp4

>>112326 MP4: Joe Biden NAFTA Vote

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/937fb36aa86c2590b56edd63297d63f0a6a3aae086e07d9fda786d83da0effb7.mp4

>>112329, >>112339 Anon Digz on Augmented reality contact lenses - Anons question if Biden was wearing them

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SpgXCeUeMR0 - Electronic contact lenses let you have vision like a Terminator Cyborg [Channel: MDJarv]

>>112330 Basham: David hogg apologizes for denouncing violence

>>112331, >>112338 Anon posts two vid clips of Biden calling PDJT a clown

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ff52c0aaca91f2e58cc14655ba991fcf27b125c9388150255de5af571b5fbcf5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/062acfc3938b82cc98729f6f9fce8639ff1fd877c15eb34c546a2053232d4cda.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9952263a06b3533685ea19845fee52a078166ad7fbfb3380170846d9b3689db.mp4

>>112342 Baku claims to have destroyed S-300 Air Defense system and killed/wounded 2300 Armenian soldiers

>>112344 #13889

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9d28d5 No.173532

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10853385 Q Research General #13891: Hit Peices And The Purge Edition

Created 301142ZSEP20




>>112365 James Comey testifies in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Starts @ 10 AM EST

>>112366 anon posts Bidens Incoherent Debate Ramblings

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eea8b791bf084347b93f0a4476d4095b879eb915f74b8969bd6b7d73078b183e.mp4

>>112367 Disney to lay off 28,000 employees as coronavirus slams its theme park business

>>112368, >>112369 Space station air leak forces middle-of-night crew wakeup

>>112370, >>112371 Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman set to be sentenced today in Nxivm sex-cult case. Link correction

>>112372, >>112373 Pompeo visit to Vatican mini-bun

>>112374 THE SUN: QAnon supporter ‘tortures girlfriend’s baby daughter to death’ after posting anti-pedo #SaveOurChildren rant on Facebook

>>112375 DOD Takes Steps to Safeguard Supply Chain

>>112376 LA TIMES: Facebook drove QAnon’s mad growth and enhanced its power to poison elections

>>112377, >>112378, >>112385 anon posts vid of debate and has marker id'd for biden transmitter

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wW1lY5jFNcQ - First 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>112379 #12 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Salud Carbajal California 24th

>>112380 (From 2016) Clinton campaign discussed ‘swift boat project’ to undermine Trump

>>112381, >>112382 If you are so inclined: CSPAN: Who won the first presidential debate? Who are you voting for?

>>112383 Lin Wood w/CAP: In addition to suing Facebook for being falsely accused of being mass murderer, Kyle Rittenhouse has defamation claim against Joe Biden...

>>112384 Rep. Doug Collins sends letter to FBI Director Chris Wray urging him to resign.

>>112386 (video) Chris Wallace Calls Out Trump to Tell His Supporters to Not Riot!! WTH? After BLM-Antifa Rip Apart the Country!

>>112387 Willamette Week: The QAnon Belief System Is Funneling Oregonians to Some Dark and Radical Places

>>112388 #13891

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9d28d5 No.173533

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10854162 Q Research General #13892: Next Up: Comey Center Stage Edition

Created 301338ZSEP20




>>112389 anon posits on camera color balance during debate

>>112390 Call for memes highlighting Bidens lies

>>112391, >>112394 LIVE: James Comey Testifies At Senate Hearing On President Trump Campaign "Russia" Allegation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vz7pcYfLpLQ - NewsNOW Stream Part 1 - 09/30/20 [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ILsBgjSAJoo - James Comey testifies in Senate hearing on Russia probe - 9/30 (FULL LIVE STREAM) [Channel: Washington Post]

>>112392 #13891

>>112393, >>112404, >>112406 planefag reporting

>>112395, >>112402 Helen Reddy “ I am woman” song writer dead 78. Same with Mac Davis. Also 78

>>112396 A Candidate for Congress (Jo Rae Perkins) Is Bringing the QAnon Conspiracy Theory to a Baseball Stadium Near You

>>112397, >>112405, >>112407, >>112408, >>112409, >>112410, >>112411, >>112413, >>112415, >>112416, >>112418 Comey hearing mini-bun

>>112398 Chris Wallace Just Gave The Most Embarrassing Moderator Performance In History

>>112399 Nets Cover-Up Evidence Russia Collusion Hoax Was Hillary-Approved Plot

>>112400, >>112401 American Muslims praise Biden after he says 'inshallah' during Trump tax discussion

>>112403 Vice: QAnon Is Going into Stealth Mode Ahead of the Election

>>112412 Taiwan trade deal on Trump administration's radar lawmaker says

>>112414 US Senator Rick Scott says he 'absolutely' has confidence in Florida mail-in ballot

>>112417 Chinese data center operator Chindata raises $540 million in U.S. IPO

>>112419 #13892

(16 notables, 31 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173534

File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10852594 Q Research General #13890: Nightshift Firing on All Cylinders Edition

Created 300917ZSEP20




>>112345, >>112346, >>112347, >>112352 Biden Debate Clips including 'peaceful transition'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e1a9b3b4f00fe6a02e56ac860e2ef8591cca264e5343998c7e3fed828159f79.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f404f70bb2070a07550d896e231cf5d3d25a38ee6fc759584986d1ae5e97721.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a1LrOVRLW-Y - Joe Biden Can’t Name Any Law Enforcement Group That Supports Him [Channel: GOP War Room]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9952263a06b3533685ea19845fee52a078166ad7fbfb3380170846d9b3689db.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/062acfc3938b82cc98729f6f9fce8639ff1fd877c15eb34c546a2053232d4cda.mp4

>>112348 RUSSIAGATE 2? Hillary ‘signed off plan to vilify Trump with Putin and Russia scandal to distract from email news’ and Obama ‘was told’

>>112349 (embedded) POTUS on 'peaceful transition' (expires 9/30 evening shift)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d982dcf69e9ed47fbead3ec7613a8089db09c2889f2e15e5e902393177040ddf.mp4

>>112350 Debate Hit Piece: Trump as bully, Biden as kindergarten teacher

>>112351 Reminder: Hunter Biden WAS discharged from Navy reserve after testing + for drugs. Joe denied during debate

>>112353, >>112354 Christine Watkins of Sports Grind Entertainment lobbing hit peices on Qanon and POTUS

>>112355, >>112359 More Schumman weirdness….this time in the OTHER direction. baker disclosure: don't know what any of dis means.

>>112356, >>112357 planfag reporting early

>>112358, >>112363 THE ATLANTIC PANIC

>>112360 wearethene.ws and qanonbin.com have been suspended

>>112361 Pompeo urges Vatican to condemn human rights abuses in China

>>112362 'I guess I'm debating you': Trump and moderator Chris Wallace clash in raucous debate

>>112364 #13890

(13 notables, 20 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173535

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10854929 Q Research General #13893: Comey Dindu Nuffin Edition

Created 301451ZSEP20




>>112420 Herridge: Senate Judiciary hearing. On @DNI_Ratcliffe letter + whether he received an “investigative referral” Sept 2016.....

>>112421 Last night at debate, Biden's eyes were brown, not blue.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2fb04d5835178f5035678def531bffa98591ef0df935080e8a988ff370e95f2f.mp4

>>112422 Corney: "I can't speak to that."

>>112423 “There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit.

>>112424 Lin Wood: I enjoy conversations on Twitter. I get to be a writer.....

>>112425, >>112428, >>112437 planefaggin

>>112426 " Mr Comey . . . I believe you know that the Carter Page FISA "Woods File" is missing . Do you have it with you ?

>>112427 Pompeo Calls on Vatican to Reconsider Deal With Beijing

>>112429 2009 the Steele dossier sub-source was under counter intelligence investigation.

>>112430 Watch live: Comey testifies to Senate about Russia investigation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YDLtiYjfydA - Former FBI Director James Comey testifies on possible ties between Trump campaign and Russia [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

>>112431 @comey “I don't remember any information reaching me about the source for Steele." WHY IT MATTERS: Newly declassified records show FBI Russia team knew as early as Dec 2016 the primary source for the Steele dossier was the subject of 2009 FBI

>>112432 OANN is Trump tv it is now available for FREE

>>112433 JUST IN: Rep. Doug Collins sends letter to FBI Director Chris Wray urging him to resign.

>>112434 Ngo: There is no “Portland Sheriff” but the sheriff for Multnomah County, where Portland, Ore. is, is this man.

>>112435 Chindata Group - Main Customer = [ByteDance] > 68% and 82% of Revenue (2019)

>>112436 When I take @JoeBiden deposition on cross-examination, no wire or computer contact lenses will save him.

>>112438 hunters eyes are also blue or blue with a little green

>>112439 In May of 2018, Sens. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., wrote to Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko asking the Ukraine government to keep four investigations open related to the Mueller probe

>>112440 Child porn case for ex-Harrisburg councilman moved to new judge to avoid conflict of interest: defense attorney

>>112441, >>112443 Correct The Record: Biden Makes 33 False Or Misleading Claims At The Debate

>>112442 Is antifa feeding you talking points?

>>112444 Texas grand jury takes no action against church security guard who killed shooter

>>112445 Seagram's heiress faces sentencing in upstate New York sex slave case

>>112446 #13893

(24 notables, 27 posts, 33 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173536

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10855689 Q Research General #13894: Obiden Edition

Created 301547ZSEP20




>>112447, >>112458, >>112461, >>112464 PF

>>112448 Trump shines spotlight on Portland’s county Sheriff

>>112449 Cruz: Was it practice in your FBI to fraudulently alter evidence that you submit to federal courts?

>>112450 Wallace, moderating the first presidential debate on Tuesday night, made a number of inaccurate statements in his questions to both candidates

>>112451 Cruz: Your recollection is false.

>>112452 TrumpWR: teacher/firefighter vs Hunter pay

>>112453 [CCP] Alters Bible Story in Chinese School Textbook = To say Jesus, a Sinner, Stoned the Woman Caught in Adultery

>>112454 Someone should tell @KristinFisher that quoting the @splcenteris supporting fringe organizations.

>>112455 Joe Biden Falsely Accuses Kyle Rittenhouse of Being a White Supremacist

>>112456 @USArmy Spc. Ivan Roe, a Manhattan, Montana native with the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit International Rifle Team, takes on this week's #TrickShotTuesday by shooting a pill (at two different angles) off the top of a balloon.

>>112457 Safe takaway from this joke of a hearing that James Comey could not care less about the lives of the human beings he destroyed

>>112459 Mittens: Enjoyed meeting with Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the President’s nominee to serve as Associate Justice on the Supreme Court.

>>112460 Comey vouches for Wray

>>112462 "BUILD BACK BETTER" For the Keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed22ae243d7a61695884e685ae3e4407dbd04f0241557821dba86dce69be15dc.mp4

>>112463 . @JoeBidenmade four personal attacks on President Trump. Then claimed Trump wasn’t Presidential. This is the Nancy Pelosi rule of haircare.

>>112465 .@tedcruzto Comey: "You're either deliberately corrupt or willfully incompetent. And I do not believe you are incompetent."

>>112466 James Wood retweeted Q not a Q supporter BUT Q himself….

>>112467 The system went off the rails due to the fact that Comey had a "higher loyalty" to the Clinton Crime Family than the Constitution of the United States of America.

>>112468 Scavino: Trump voters greet Biden's Train tour

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d46956e4ee9f2330a6d1c4bb0e3b309f11ba354d38db13ac77e5e68e38e482db.mp4

>>112469 Israel delivers first Iron Dome battery for US Army

>>112470 #13894

>>112471 Nice little tidbit of information from Weissmann. Now that he's verified there are backup to the wiped phones, someone needs to ask for that data.

(22 notables, 25 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173537

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10856454 Q Research General #13895: [Knowingly] Edition

Created 301652ZSEP20




>>112472 Between June 2019 and today, 61 quakes have been recorded, and USGS designated every single one as a "quarry blast",

>>112473 "Comey was briefed. KNOWING" - Senator Josh "The Devastator" Hawley

>>112474, >>112475, >>112476, >>112477, >>112478, >>112479, >>112480, >>112481 Hawley is killing it.

>>112482, >>112483, >>112487 Blumenthal is shaking Who are these Gowning Threat of White Supremacist's? is there a name he can use or just blanket all whites?

>>112484 The Army’s V-280 Drone Helicopter Just Completed a New Test Flight

>>112485 B-1B bombers fly over North Pole, join Norway's air force in training

>>112486 Q-Posts translated in different languages - currently dutch, french, german, italian and japanese!Translations are not complete yet, but a anons are working hard to complete them asap! (These are native speakers, we don't use google translate!) We are still looking for more translators - e.g. to translate to chinese, hindu, russian, spain, …

>>112488 Refresher: For those watching the judiciary committee and wondering what the fuck is the no hate law that applies to white supremacists, but not Antifa or BLM.

>>112489 This is huge news. Telemundo asks Spanish speaking voters who won Tuesday’s debate: Pres. Trump: 66%, Joe Biden: 34%

>>112490 Senator Dick Durbin Pushes Scam that Trump Is a Likely Putin Target Because He Holds Debt – Such BS

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Kl9titNloyc - Sen Dick Durbin Pushes Scam That Trump Is A Putin Puppet [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>112491 PF

>>112492 Scientists synthesize a material capable of degrading nerve agents in water

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5w0N9uQTGFA - FuniMAT [Channel: Instituto de Ciencia Molecular - ICMol]

>>112493 Unsurprisingly, Lindsey Graham is willfully, brazenly, & cravenly misrepresenting the facts in today’s Senate Judiciary hearing with Jim Comey.

>>112494 Okay, for those of you wondering - did Joe Biden really drop an “inshallah” with the appropriate sarcastic usage? Yes, he did. I confirmed with his campaign - that is indeed what the man said.

>>112495 Debate Poll update

>>112496 @MZHemingway Cruz asks Comey about May 2017 testimony that he'd never been an anonymous source.

>>112497, >>112499, >>112501 FCCED - Financial Crimes News

>>112498 China to probe Google over Android’s possible market abuse

>>112500 QAnon Amplified A Republican Attack On This Member Of Congress. Now He’s Facing Death Threats. Malinowski

>>112502 “Appalling… Stunning… Third World… Political Prosecution” Sidney Powell Announces She Is Filing a Motion to Disqualify Corrupt Judge Sullivan in Flynn Case

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B9aLhEpIOPo - Michael Flynn's attorney weighs in on her fiery exchange with Judge Sullivan [Channel: Fox Business]

>>112503 Formal demand for public retraction is being prepared for Biden/Harris Campaign on behalf of Kyle Rittenhouse.

>>112504 5 Times Joe Biden Dissed Bernie Sanders and the Radical Left During the First Presidential Debate

>>112505 CIVIL WAR AT FOX NEWS? Ingraham, Gutfeld, Others Attack Chris Wallace After Debate

>>112506 ‘The Tech Giants Are Silencing Those Who Hold Different Opinions’: Hungary Govt Twitter Account Suspended

>>112507 Biden says corruption claims against Hunter Biden are 'totally discredited.' But that's not true.

>>112508 JPMorgan Chase Admits to Two New Felony Counts – Brings Total to Five Felony Counts in Six Years – All During Tenure of Jamie Dimon

>>112509 #13895

(27 notables, 38 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173538

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10857243 Q Research General #13896: [Blumenthal] Edition

Created 301748ZSEP20




>>112510 How close is the NHS to being 'overwhelmed'? Just 1,800 out of 110,000 occupied beds are taken up by Covid-19 patients

>>112511 Who's Funding Shady Ballot Harvesting Schemes? What Is the "Center for Tech and Civic Life?"

>>112512, >>112513 'BREAKING: Comey swears he doesn't remember hearing anything about Steele's primary subsource, Igor Danchenko, being the subject of an FBI C.I. investigation

>>112514, >>112534 The Secret History Of How British Intelligence Created Amnesty International

>>112515 A federal judge in Montana has ruled that President Donald Trump’s acting Bureau of Land Management chief must step down because his position was never confirmed by the Senate.

>>112516 Incoming ambassador to UK called for “expanding” Israel’s borders

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Xz83IdsQGwM - Tzipi Hotovely wants Israel "expanding" into Jordan [Channel: The Electronic Intifada]

>>112517, >>112524 Twitter polls to flip

>>112518 Amy Coney Barrett's 65-page response to Judiciary Committee questionnaire: Answers reveal her plans to keep teaching as a justice, her most controversial career judgments including advocating gun rights for felons, and her ethics for approaching Supreme Court cases if confirmed

>>112519, >>112549 JUST IN: Commission on Presidential Debates say they will implement new measures for future Trump-Biden debates:

>>112520 UK: Students Threatened With Police Action For Displaying Anti-Lockdown Signs in Windows

>>112521 1 In 3 California Restaurants Expect To Close Locations, Shut Down Permanently Due To COVID Rules

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BS6yfW4Q9hs - 1 In 3 California Restaurants Expect To Close Locations, Shut Down Permanently Due To COVID Rules [Channel: KCAL News]

>>112522 Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax And “The Darkest Winter”

>>112523 LAPD cops use data-mining firm Palantir's controversial law enforcement tool to 'store personal information - including romances and jobs - of anyone who comes into contact with police' as they try to predict criminal behavior

>>112525 Israel’s war industry embraces Emirates with open arms

>>112526, >>112535 National Health Care Fraud and Opioid Takedown Results in Charges Against 345 Defendants Responsible for More than $6 Billion in Alleged Fraud Losses

>>112527 Hearing Reveals US Govt’s Invisible Hand in Protests Around the World

>>112528, >>112530, >>112531, >>112541, >>112542, >>112545, >>112548 PF

>>112529 Amazon Sidewalk to Expand “Smart Home” Capabilities Up to ½ Mile into Neighborhoods – Privacy Be Damned

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=POHYyP4EbzE - What your smart devices know (and share) about you | Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu [Channel: TED]

>>112532 DISGUSTING! Joe Biden Calls Trump a “Racist” then Lectures Americans on How Insults are “Demeaning” in Same Answer (VIDEO)

>>112533 IDF closes fighter jet squadron, ending 67 years of operations

>>112536 Secretary Pompeo's remarks on the "Advancing and Defending Religious Freedom through Diplomacy."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LHp0GUFGA3c - Secretary Pompeo's remarks on the "Advancing and Defending Religious Freedom through Diplomacy." [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>112537 Macron: It was a mistake not to establish European dialogue with Russia over disarmament

>>112538 Compton shooting: Charges filed in ambush of 2 deputies earlier this month

>>112539 House GOP Calls for Moving Vital Industries From China to America

>>112540 This is the Death Cult the FBI Says is Spreading Among Drug Cartels

>>112543 The Air Force’s New Jolly Green II Undergoes Weapons Testing

>>112544 Convicted ISIS Terrorist Out To Behead Pamela Geller, ‘Kill Boys In Blue’ Is Resentenced

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1Oc_M1fIH3k - David Wright Re-Sentenced To 30 Years For Plot To Behead Blogger Pamela Geller [Channel: CBS Boston]

>>112546 Europe’s Cocaine, Africa’s Trouble

>>112547 Suga to take up Abe's Indo-Pacific mantle with ASEAN tour

>>112550 US Embassy Employee Dies in Hospital After Being Beaten up in Kiev, Police Say

>>112551 #13896

(31 notables, 42 posts, 54 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173539

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10858003 Q Research General #13897: SAG Lifetime Nom Edition

Created 301851ZSEP20




>>112552 Europe-wide Operation Nabs 166 Crime Suspects from South-East Europe

>>112553 Pakistan Arrests Opposition Leader over Money Laundering

>>112554 German Government Reportedly Decides to Tighten Screws on Huawei Amid Push From US

>>112555, >>112569, >>112575, >>112577, >>112584, >>112587, >>112591, >>112596, >>112598, >>112601 PF

>>112556 Turkey’s Foreign Policy During The Erdogan Era

>>112557 F35 Crash Video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1d8ab5d761cf24cf416e6b6ccff79029b0448886f47ba59c8c0f451e23c7c228.mp4

>>112558 AMNESIA?: James Comey has convenient & MAJOR memory lapses during testimony

>>112559 Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘No One Has Established’ There Is ‘Fraud Related to Mail-in Ballots’

>>112560 Palantir opens up 38% in New York debut, valuation at nearly $22 bln

>>112561 ASSANGE HEARING DAY SEVENTEEN—US Intel Spying on Assange Detailed in Court, Including Plans to Kidnap or Poison Him

>>112562 Canola Oil: How Canada Convinced Us All To Eat Engine Lubricant

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AQ3oSp6_FOE - How Canada convinced the world to eat engine lubricant [Channel: National Post]

>>112563 Trump speaks to press after first debate with Biden vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=i3OP8Dq3xC0 - Trump speaks to press after first debate with Biden [Channel: Fox News]

>>112564 Finnish politician opens up about police investigating her for defending biblical view of homosexuality

>>112565 he's gonna tax the middle class

>>112566 Two Pesticides Approved for Use in US Harmful to Bees

>>112567 knew there was a clinton connection to EAC european adoption consultants

>>112570 ICE to Conduct Raids in Sanctuary Cities Before the Election

>>112571 New report shows FEMA money failing to get to those in need

>>112572 Proud Boys smeared by Fake News and Democrats in a very similar way as Q

>>112573 Chaos at U.S. Chamber of Commerce Over Group's Shift to the Left

>>112574 These Debate Moments May Haunt Joe Biden for the Rest of the Campaign

>>112576 October Brings Both the Harvest and Hunter's Moons!

>>112578 Japanese govt & TEPCO ordered to pay $9.5 million in damages over Fukushima disaster, high court rules

>>112579 Soros, Tides, and Arabella Advisors diggz

>>112580 Japan easing global entry restrictions on Thursday

>>112581 Trump fires off ‘told you so’ tweet as 100,000 NYC residents sent INVALID absentee ballots

>>112582 Judge approves $800M Las Vegas shooting settlement

>>112583 The look on Biden's face says it all

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/435cb85f82817215174636fc216c1a0573164cccaf88cef3c92be6bf1b1a667e.mp4

>>112585, >>112588, >>112595 Refresher: Internet sleuths, cross-referencing WikiLeaks emails and archived news reports, have linked Hillary Clinton and her foundation with convicted child stealer Laura Silsby and a convicted sex trafficker.

>>112586 Discussion among Obama, Comey, Yates, Biden, and Susan Rice.

>>112589 Netanyahu and Erdogan in Unlikely Alliance Against Iran in Nagorno-Karabakh?

>>112590, >>112593 The controllers/regulators of the global EM field, the airs.

>>112592 2 yr delta RED OCTOBER


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a03cdb8c1e78b9ef6597346a617b12b7d316af4227f104ea199d7efbfa6106d8.pdf

>>112597 Potus: Try getting a new Anchor and a smarter Democrat candidate!

>>112599 Citing 13 brigades-worth of non-deployable troops, Army looks to holistic health solutions

>>112600 US embassy employee in Ukraine found dead by railway tracks

>>112602 September 2020 habbenings calendar

>>112603 #13797

(39 notables, 51 posts, 93 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173540

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10858783 Q Research General #13898: [Wallace] Edition

Created 302012ZSEP20




>>112604 Q calls RGB death [30]?

>>112605, >>112620, >>112622 PF

>>112606 2 arrested in connection with child abuse death of Pueblo toddler

>>112607 Archive Update

>>112608 Trump Addresses Proud Boys Controversy; Calls on Biden to Condemn Antifa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=muNu2c2II3U - LET'S DEBATE: President Trump Wants More Debates With Joe Biden [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>112609 Largo Man Arrested For Possession And Transmission Of Child Pornography

>>112610 Arkansas pastor admits to attempting exorcism on child, using drugs with church members

>>112611 Russia Warns Against Use of Mercenaries in Karabakh Conflict, Calls for Their Immediate Withdrawal


>>112613 Potus: So weird to watch @FoxNewsinterviewing only failed Dems, like Represenative Tim Ryan of Ohio, who got zero percent in his recent presidential run, and following Sleepy Joe’s train to wherever.

>>112614 US Air Force adds vendors to list of companies that could make autonomous Skyborg drone

>>112615 NY POST: Seagram's heiress Clare Bronfman sentenced to more than 6 years for role in NXIVM sex cult

>>112616 Peter Schiff Battles A Marxist: "What We Have Now Is Not Capitalism"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hhPmV7kpqE8 - Peter Schiff Argues with Marxist Richard Wolff [Channel: Peter Schiff]

>>112617 Mnuchin Says There Is Still No Agreement on Fiscal Stimulus

>>112618 A federal appeals court on Wednesday rebuffed Wisconsin Republicans who had asked the court to temporarily halt a ruling that pushed back the battleground state’s mail-vote due date, possibly teeing up a GOP bid for review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

>>112619, >>112624 #13897, #13898

>>112621 MZHemingway: My conclusion after reading her running threads: Dems are just as dishonest and delusional as Comey.

>>112623 Comey Denials of Key Facts In FBI Investigation of Crossfire Hurricane are Not Worthy of Belief

(18 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173541

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10860338 Q Research General #13900: Minnesota FTW Rally EditionEdition

Created 302239ZSEP20




>>112655, >>112676, >>112685, >>112696 Clare Bronfman sentenced to 81 months in federal prison

>>112656 Bannon Weighs in on Biden’s Disastrous Night

>>112657 House Repubs Move to Cripple China’s Growing Military

>>112658 Reuters to Biden's Rescue: shows Proud Boy w/pointed gun in Portland - ANONS DIG

>>112659 Nearly 18,000 Ballots Rejected In Massachusetts Primary Election

>>112660 Congressional task force doubles down on DoD AI needs

>>112661 LawEnforcementToday: Clinton trying to distract re email scandal - people need to go to jail

>>112662, >>112686 NEEDED: Memes highlighting Biden's lies (repost but important)

>>112663 Biden's expression when he learns his unmasking of Flynn was recorded

>>112664 Comey only like attn from fam, not the public (must be for KEKS....)

>>112665, >>112668 Scavino: great vid on Joe's lies re DJT not caring about racism - great redpill

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4e5fa7bcc7c224f862404fea1bd3f5522cc738f0b4797a1c4f24e6fadd516750.mp4

>>112666 Biden holds campaign event in Penn (21min vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RtOB47APY3A - Joe Biden holds campaign event in Pennsylvania [Channel: Fox Business]

>>112667 Burgess Owens criticized after again appearing on QAnon-linked program

>>112669, >>112671 Suspect arrested in shooting of two LASD deputies (but they've had him for 2 weeks?)

>>112670, >>112679 ACTUAL incidence of KKK or other white supremicist rallies?

>>112672 Bongino on court packing

>>112673, >>112708, >>112709, >>112710 Trump is waging asymmetric warfare – and it’s working

>>112674, >>112681, >>112697 James Woods: Biden's eulogy of KKK leader Sen. Robert Byrd (twat vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99b1c81d643f4221969173934dddf89a36cc61704be3881f24dd638ee9be3b32.mp4

>>112675 Psychology Today going crazy about the psychology of Q followers ("inquiring minds wanna know")

>>112677 POTUS remarks to media after the debate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=muNu2c2II3U - LET'S DEBATE: President Trump Wants More Debates With Joe Biden [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>112678 In California wine country, wildfire-fatigued residents weigh the unthinkable: Moving out

>>112680, >>112691, >>112693 James Woods debate meme: for KEKS; more debate KEKS:

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2d37d90d53e20a41fca62f76ddbcb23cde859a682435a825367e0daaa57c929.webm

>>112682, >>112689 POTUS Rally LIVE - RSBN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4cesneuzsRU - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Event in Duluth, MN 9/30/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]


>>112684 Jake Tapper Slams Shut Tense Interview With Trump Campaign Spox Tim Murtaugh

>>112687 Rioting BACKFIRES On ANTIFA As Countless GET FIRED For Riot Related Criminal Records (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1pWt-MouOnU - Rioting BACKFIRES On ANTIFA As Countless GET FIRED For Riot Related Criminal Records! AMAZING [Channel: Liberal Hivemind]

>>112688 Gov't Has All The Data from Phones Wiped by Weissmann’s Special Counsel Gang?

>>112690 Presidential debate commission to give future moderators ability to cut off candidates' microphones?

>>112692 Biden's Rumored SecDef Pick Slams Idea of Using Troops for Election Security

>>112694 AFRICOM Headquarters Could Move to US as Troops Pull Out of Germany

>>112695 Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Biden Over 'White Supremacists' Campaign Ad

>>112698, >>112711, >>112717 Calls for poll flip

>>112699 Ohio Dem backs Trump after history of feuds with her party

>>112700 Philly official throws out Trump observor out of City Hall; says it's not a public bldg!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9da00cfd0f194eec1319648893d0f8591ef079a15f169df4754e9438893f411d.mp4

>>112701 Debate analysis by hour

>>112702, >>112704, >>112706 Stratfor 2020 Fourth-Quarter Forecast Summary

>>112703 Mississippi Mask mandate hearing

>>112705 Azerbaijani military report

>>112707 Pres. Debate Transcript Sep 29 2020

>>112712 London mayor requests $7.4 bln bailout for Transport for London

>>112713 Pentagon Hastily Awards $13 bln Contract For ICBMs to Northrop Grumman

>>112714 HYPOCRISY: Democrat Attempts To Discredit John Ratcliffe Letter Reveal Double Standard

>>112715, >>112716 Treasury reports rebut Biden's 'totally false' claims about Hunter's cash haul

>>112718 James Wood: President Trump crushed his opponent Chris Wallace...

>>112719 #13900,

(45 notables, 65 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173542

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10859584 Q Research General #13899: The 33 Lies of Biden Edition

Created 302120ZSEP20




>>112625 Goldman Cuts 400 Jobs As COVID-19 Layoff Moratorium Ends

>>112626 Audrey Strauss (USA who took over for Berman) is leaving SDNY.

>>112627 Seven People Injured in Apparent Drive-By Shooting Outside US Funeral Home

>>112628 Fed Extends Limits On Buybacks, Dividends Until End Of 2020; Brainard Dissents

>>112629, >>112635, >>112640, >>112643, >>112647 PF


>>112631 Classroom Indoctrination Season Is Here: NY Anti-Trump Professor Caught on Tape Is 'Reassigned' for 'Electioneering'

>>112632 Why Biden Said ‘Inshallah’ During the Debate

>>112633 Chris Wallace Is a Registered Democrat, but He Said It Was for Pragmatic Reasons

>>112634 The Global Semiconductor Market: China Deploys Sun Tzu to Prevail in the Chip War

>>112636 Ngo: US Attorney for Oregon rejects Wheeler's demand to remove deputized status of PP officers.

>>112637 Trump is waging asymmetric warfare – and it’s working

>>112638 @BernardGoldberg I detest Donald Trump. And I hope he wins in a landslide. #debate

>>112639 BREAKING: California will study and develop proposals for potential reparations for slavery under new law signed by Gov. Newsom

>>112641 Potus: Just landed in Minnesota. Hasn’t been won by a Republican since 1972, and we saved Minneapolis

>>112642 Ohio Democrat State Rep Endorses Trump For Reelection

>>112644 Senate votes 84-10 to align with House & approve bill to avert gov't shutdown tonight. Funds gov't through Dec 11. Bill now goes to Trump to sign

>>112645 Delaware Felon Ballot Harvesting Operation Run By Advocacy Groups

>>112646 US intelligence sources discussed poisoning Julian Assange, court told

>>112648 October Surprise tomorrow? I can't find a proclamation from POTUS for Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2020 STARTS TOMORROW

>>112649 Trump didn't disavow white supremacists is a lie

>>112650, >>112651, >>112652 Herridge: DECLAS INCOMING

>>112653 Notable D5 Thread.

>>112654 #13899

(24 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173543

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10861090 Q Research General #13901: Rally Rev Up! Edition

Created 302358ZSEP20




>>112720 How GOP-friendly firm behind Brooklyn absentee ballot bungle scored $4.6 million no-bid deal

>>112721 BIDEN LIES #15

>>112722 Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines were stolen from elections warehouse

>>112723 IMF Approves $6.5B Loan for Ecuador, Ecuadorian Pres. Says (Rothschild Retains Control)

>>112724 Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Project Veritas Omar Video Shows ‘need to ban ballot harvesting’

>>112725 Dig! Is Chris Wallace's father Mike the same Mike Wallace on Epstein flight logs?

>>112726 Jim Watkins' new video hosting/streaming site tora3.com reported to be excellent

>>112727 U.S. Dept of Energy Whirlwind Tour of Labs (vid)

>>112728 Marines: Live-fire training as sun sets over Philippine Sea

>>112729 Judge Bars Wisconsin School District From Hiding Students’ "Gender Identities" From Parents

>>112730 Anon analysis of human sacrifice throughout time (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EOL7jpxu1ZA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>112731 Body Language analysis - 1st Presidential Debate 2020 (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qG3AoawrYNk - Body Language: First Presidential Debate 2020 [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>112732, >>112741 AF1, Planefags

>>112733 California Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Opening Door To Paying Slavery Reparations

>>112734 Tokyo Stock Exchange temporarily suspends all trading, says probs with distribution of market info

>>112735 LIVE: POTUS holds Peaceful MAGA Protest, Duluth, MN - 21:00 ET

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uYboOGy_h7E - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Duluth, MN #Minnesota Text VOTE to 88022 [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>112736 Wife of Boston Marathon hero said Biden touched her in 'an inappropriate and uncomfortable way'

>>112737 Reminder of true enemy Ephesians 6:12

>>112738 Tucker Carlson guest clamis CIA Dir Gina Haspel blocking spygate declass

>>112739 Forbes: Did Biden Wear Mojo Vision Computerized Contacts as Shown in this Article? We Are The News

>>112740 Media call for cancellation of upcoming debates, urge Biden to back out

>>112742 Clare Bronfman Sentenced to 81 Months in NXIVM Sex-Cult Case

>>112743 Rep. Collins calls for FBI Director Wray to resign (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vnyKlh5QgQs - Rep Collins calls for FBI Director Wray to resign [Channel: Fox Business]

>>112744 Pope Francis lost $20M Euros from personal or discretionary acct in a banking scheme

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GdMiBbKMIhk - POPE FRANCIS lost $20 MILLION Euros in a banking scheme [Channel: Dr Taylor Marshall]

>>112745 Pope calls for new economic model to rebuild post-coronavirus world

>>112746 Mars pole may host buried salty lakes

>>112747 C-SPAN poll Trump won first debate 68.5% to Biden 19.1%

>>112748 #13901

>>112749 Prominent Hawaii Defense Contractor Arrested For CARES Act Fraud

(29 notables, 30 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173544

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10862612 Q Research General #13903: POTUS & DULUTH MINNESOTA WRWY Edition

Created 010202ZOCT20




>>112774 Twitter's former CEO is fantasizing on Twitter about overthrowing the gov and assassinating capitalists

>>112775 Obama WH Visitor Logs Graphic: Gates and Fauci visited on the same day

>>112776 Australia: Catholic Church's legal defence 'dismantled' after sex abuse pay-off thrown out

>>112777 Graphics: Bidens eye color change last night and 'wireless contact lens display' tech

>>112778 Video: Chris Farrell: Anti-Police Violence by Radical Left is "Domestic Terrorism!"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EEPcOGFMNHE - Chris Farrell: Anti-Police Violence by Radical Left is "Domestic Terrorism!" [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>112779 CA Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Opening Door To Paying Slavery Reparations

>>112780 Moar sauce re Hawaii CEO charged with CV-relief fund fraud (pb)

>>112781 Planefag Reports


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T91l2Yf4lNU - VOTER FRAUD CAUGHT ON TAPE? #CashforBallots--Tom Fitton w/ James O'Keefe [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>112783 More Than 500 JPMorgan Employees Inexplicably Got Emergency Virus Relief Funds

>>112784, >>112785 ————————————–——– SHADOW GAME (Cap: )

>>112786 #13903,

>>112787 ————————————–——– Marathon end (Cap: )

(13 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>112784, >>112787

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173545

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10861848 Q Research General #13902: POTUS Peaceful MAGA Protest in Duluth, MN

Created 010112ZOCT20




>>112750, >>112751, >>112753, >>112756 More on the 'Military on the Holistic Health Solutions' Notable

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XX6l8-EQGYQ - The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr Russell Blaylock Lecture [Channel: Morph314]

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4fb146090d3db8dd599c08c2267191e3a226b9a92d207aa4b50da25f6f92b706.pdf

>>112752 Veritas show up at Senate candidate Mark Kelly's home #Expose2020

>>112754 Politico: Brad Parscale stepping away from the campaign and seeking help for 'Overwhelming Stress'

>>112755 Video refresh: Parscale - We have new technology never been seen in American history

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9d25c87ef5850d5e50afea170dd6600bc511dc99debe4a0709c6aa2276d63e6.mp4

>>112757, >>112761 Earthquake swarm in Southern CA near San Andres Fault - 67 small quakes

>>112758, >>112762, >>112765 Planefag Notes

>>112759 Rally weather - Wind out of NW with scattered rain showers

>>112760, >>112764 Tangled Web Of Campaign Cash Connects Hawaii To Maine - Navatek/Martin Kau connects to Sen. Brian Schatz

>>112763 Biden's debate use of Arabic phrase sparks conversation among Muslims

>>112766 James Woods - Residential bulglaries soaring in Pelosi's San Francisco

>>112767 Bill Gates: West Must Finance Global Vaccine Distribution Network If It Wants To Defeat COVID-19

>>112768 Top US airlines starting 32,000 furloughs as bailout hopes fade

>>112769 More Bad News for Joe Biden: Google Searches for Hunter Biden Up Ten-Fold Since Presidential Debate

>>112770 BREAKING: CIA Director Gina Haspel Is Blocking Declassification Of Remaining Russigate Documents

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1dccf22cfa1254c525787593b323c3a20202a5ba4805773041970b618d9f8b18.mp4

>>112771 Breaking: Seven People Shot Outside Milwaukee Funeral Home

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bo7DZ_Zlj8w - WISCONSIN FUNERAL SHOOTING: Seven People Shot Outside Milwaukee Funeral Home [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>112772 CSPAN twitter poll still ongoing - still time to hammer it further: "Who won the first presidential debate?

>>112773 #13902

(17 notables, 24 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173546

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10863398 Q Research General #13904: Post Rally After Chill - Another Epic Day Edition

Created 010254ZOCT20




>>112788 Exclusive Interview: Joseph Flynn

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PBjEErx9Wz0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>112789 ————————————–——– Marathon end (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad1c2fc422e3db479bdb73cef8a20a22b62a402cf21ff6442888984ce18a8397.mp4

>>112790 Cap and MP4 of Q's latest post

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e0ab7db73b37c2239d5712f9c6f701c2d5f6d4ab1e268758282db88b9ad90a0f.mp4

>>112791 Republicans protest in Wilkes-Barre, call for Pedri to resign after ballots discarded

>>112792, >>112801 rt ———–––——–— Eyes on. Follow the family

>>112793 Re Q's post: The American Crisis by Thomas Paine

>>112794 NEW Ben Garrison: “I guess I’m debating you, not him, but that’s okay.”

>>112795 Planefag Updates

>>112796 Video: One-on-one with Donald Trump Jr. on the presidential debate and PA in the election

>>112797 Video of Sean Davis of the Federalist on Tucker re Gina Haspel blocking Russia Hoax document release

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lNpyziX2BD4 - Tucker Carlson Sean Davis CIA stops Declass 9 30 20 [Channel: RightNow]

>>112798 Fresh new Biden Meme Cache & 'Biden's Lies'

>>112799 Hunter Biden Burisma payments detailed in Treasury Department reports

>>112800 WINNING - Poll Results: 3 polls just closed including 2 large ones that we won

>>112802 Pennsylvania AG shines a light on alleged lead and asbestos cover-up in Scranton SD

>>112803, >>112804, >>112806, >>112809, >>112811, >>112815, >>112817 Diggz on Audrey Struass, husband Lucas Issacharoff & the Comey Family

>>112805 Gina Haspel was the CIA Station Chief in London in 2016 when the British Spy Agencies (GCHQ, Hakluyt) were spying on Trump

>>112807, >>112808 Past Q post from 2017 connects to recent: 'ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH' => GO TIME?

>>112810 12 Governors release joint statement on threats to American democracy

>>112812 Ukraine Probes Likely Murder Of US Embassy Staffer In Kiev Park

>>112813 Trump Directs Administration to Probe US Reliance on Foreign States for Critical Minerals

>>112814, >>112816 rt ———–––——–— Do you believe in coincidences?

>>112818 Comey's daughther investigated Epsteins suicide

(22 notables, 31 posts, 39 media/files)

Q- >>112801, >>112816

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9d28d5 No.173547

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10864179 Q Research General #13905: The MARATHON END Edition

Created 010335ZOCT20




>>112819 Anon on new damaging information declassifications to come this following week

>>112820 Fox News: Lost Jeffrey Epstein suicide attempt video is found: Prosecutors

>>112821, >>112822, >>112825, >>112837 Comey Family diggz

>>112823 10864596 Guess Whose Daughter Is Reportedly a Prosecutor in Jeffrey Epstein Case

>>112824, >>112833 rt ———–––——–— When does a Church become controlled?

>>112826, >>112829 rt ———–––——–— Information warfare

>>112827, >>112830 Diggz on Lucas Issacharoff's father Samuel Issacharoff

>>112828 POTUS Schedule for THRUSDAY October 1, 2020

>>112831 Et Tu Gina? – More Deep State Sabotage

>>112832 Facebook cracks down on extremist conspiracy group QAnon for hijacking Save the Children movement

>>112834 #13904

>>112835 Why did Fauci meet with a Dept of Homeland Security Deputy 12 times at the Obama White House?

>>112836 ————————————–——– RED OCTOBER

>>112838 WE Charity received a $99,000 COVID loan according to US Spending; charity has ties to individuals involved in sexual abuse

>>112839 #13905

(15 notables, 21 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>112829, >>112833, >>112836

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9d28d5 No.173548

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10864909 Q Research General #13906: The RED OCTOBER Edition

Created 010409ZOCT20




>>112840 Video: Graham - James Comey remembers what is damning for Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zIgSHROd58M - Graham: James Comey remembers what is damning for Trump [Channel: Fox News]

>>112841 Hospital Employee Is Fired After Speaking to The New York Times

>>112842 Video: Full Debate Breakdown a 17 comm and 2 HUGE BOOMS!!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iNcdIdk0uc0 - Full Debate Breakdown and 2 HUGE BOOMS!! [Channel: Where We Go... Logical Faction]

>>112843 Video of Rudi Interview: China OWNS the Biden Crime Family

>>112844 Video Refresh: Watch Ted Cruz's face as he questions James Comey

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0squnOeXqLU - Ted Cruz Confronts James Comey for Being Corrupt and Using Law Enforcement as a Political Weapon [Channel: BlazeTV]

>>112845 Search results in QResear.ch for Comey's wife

>>112846, >>112849 Planefag Reports

>>112847 Video Refresh: Josh Hawley Missouri Rep Destroys Comey - High quality

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MqePHHw_2Yo - Senator Hawley to Comey: How are the American people to trust you or the FBI after abuses like this? [Channel: Senator Josh Hawley]

>>112848 Comey Family diggz

>>112850 Proclamation on National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, 2020

>>112851 Former Benghazi staffer a committee whistleblower, Bradley Podliska, was Boehner’s point man for investigating Clinton’s email server. He has a lot to say about Benghazi but can’t because Pelosi and House Counsel won’t confirm his NDA is null and void. (twatter)

>>112852 case is being handled by the Office’s Public Corruption Unit. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Alex Rossmiller, Alison Moe, and Maurene Comey are in charge of the prosecution. (justice.gov)

>>112853 Black Chairman of Proud Boys Speaks Out after Liars Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Call Them White Supremacists (thegatewaypundit.com)

>>112854 #13906,

(14 notables, 15 posts, 13 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173549

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10866438 Q Research General #13908: Chrissy & John HAD no Baby Edition

Created 010724ZOCT20




>>112882, >>112897 NE having droughts

>>112883 Election debate coverage: Fake News 2016 vs Fake News 2020

>>112884 MS-Outlook down for the second time in a week

>>112885 LIVE baking class #34

>>112886 US Dept of Energy: Direct current episode takes you on a whirlwind tour of 17 nat'l labs in 17 mins!

>>112887 Facebook Removes Trump Post on Refugees and Bans Ads Promoting QAnon, Questioning Election Results

>>112888 Red October refs to Red China (not Russia?)

>>112889 Image of Comey's daughter from Q 4797 & finflam.com

>>112890 Vendor at Trump rally says he's seen uptick in QAnon merchandise demand (eff off, DS!)

>>112891 QANON: FB bans adverts pushing "far-right conspiracy theory" (moar lions/tigers/bears)

>>112892 Black AMERICAN PATRIOT - Why vote for Trump! (9min vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/483df3a057c7ba35402ededca9cb21c790676758073304167b791243b1fd980f.mp4

>>112893 "U.S. exported QAnon to Australia & New Zealand. Now it's creeping into CV-19 lockdown protests"

>>112894, >>112899 Anons on common core & its roots in Prussian education system

>>112895 University sets up support spaces for students traumatized by presidential debate (awwww…..)

>>112896, >>112901, >>112906 Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt 'Government Ideology' or Pay $100K

>>112898 American Thinker: The Trump debate decoded: He won, and he won big

>>112900 Daily Wire on Haspel: Did she block docs related to Russian investigation?

>>112902 Memory sticks used to program Philly's voting machines were stolen from elections warehouse

>>112903 Wife of Boston Marathon hero said Biden touched her in 'an inappropriate and uncomfortable way'

>>112904 Black Chairman of Proud Boys Speaks Out after Liars Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Call Them White Supremacists

>>112905 How QAnon conspiracy extremists are "luring in" Brits….

>>112907 Moar sauce re Hawaii CEO charged with CV-relief fund fraud (pb)

>>112908 New Dan Scavino w/CAP: video montage: Joe does the circles and three people someplace.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b25c22fdaf0213e125320ccd39c5603e152ad82235e2fde72c863f816094aa7.mp4

>>112909 renoting: CIA Director Gina Haspel Is Blocking Declassification Of Remaining Russigate Documents

>>112910 Jimmy Carter's bday today. fugger is 96?

>>112911 Kremlin says CIA ‘working with’ poisoned Putin critic Navalny

>>112912 #13908

(27 notables, 31 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173550

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10865589 Q Research General #13907 We have enough, time to do this Edition

Created 010503ZOCT20




>>112855, >>112856, >>112858, >>112868, >>112877, >>112879 KEKS "miscarriage" Chrissy Teigen and John Legend don't really suffer agony as they don't really lose baby boy.. (was a ploy to stay out of trouble from beginning) Anons know.. (Mirror.com)

>>112857 Police arrest woman for allegedly driving 6 children around upstate New York to rip down Trump campaign signs (theBlaze.com)

>>112859 Russian Opposition Figure Navalny Claims Putin Behind His Alleged Poisoning (Sputniknews.com)

>>112860 President @realDonaldTrump returns to the White House after a great evening in Minnesota! Wheels down on the South Lawn at 12:30amE with a “LID” called at 12:38am (so after day is done a lid is called.. shadilay PDJT)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/24c8f81f4653e4b6512b689438c9b8dd21b8bb97da026875a03d21ecc0e9b2b9.mp4

>>112861, >>112863 Bradley Podliska (Twatt) Benghazi/Killery: Adam is right. I’ve been waiting since 2019 for @SpeakerPelosi to confirm my NDA was null and void.

>>112862 U.S. Space Force: First Space Force Deployments (YouTube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XLFXZYyjUQ4 - U.S. Space Force: First Space Force Deployments [Channel: U.S. Air Force Recruiting]

>>112864 the NYT talking "Period Red".. WTMF is going on with these people??!?! Blood Comms? Tampon alert?! Aunt Flow wants to know. (TWAT-er)

>>112865 FSU student body president ousted after sharing Catholic beliefs speaks out (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9gEf3T0qRXs - FSU student body president ousted after sharing Catholic beliefs speaks out [Channel: Campus Reform]

>>112866 The "REAL" (as no Collins nor Murkowski) GOP Women Senators Press Conference (regarding ACB) (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nG1qwOJTumM - GOP Women Senators Press Conference 9 30 20 [Channel: Senator Marsha Blackburn]

>>112867 US EMBASSY KIEV (Twatt) We are heartbroken to report the death of an American member of the U.S. Embassy Kyiv community. Officials from U.S. Embassy Kyiv are currently working with authorities to determine the circumstances of the death.

>>112869, >>112870, >>112872, >>112873 10865922, , Possible Marker [9]

>>112871 Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines were stolen from elections warehouse (inquirer.com)

>>112874, >>112875 Resignations in the news 9/30/2020

>>112876 PA Governor Wolf And State Rep. Ullman Caught On Hot Mic Saying Masks “Political Theater” (multiple sauz's)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f148ea6e84e5425da8bf3c521bbe9575bcd70b3e51454e8d9a70b5d1a2a5f403.mp4

>>112878 Boston Marathon hero said Biden touched her in 'an inappropriate and uncomfortable way' (Washingtonexaminer.com)

>>112880 Today is halfchan's 17th birthday

>>112881 #13907

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Gs0t8LXH6lw - The Little Things Give You Away - Linkin Park (Minutes To Midnight) [Channel: Linkin Park]

(17 notables, 27 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173551

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10867279 Q Research General #13909: Enjoy The Show Edition

Created 011049ZOCT20




>>112913 New Jack Flynn w/CAP: Harvest Moon after the storm. Reap what you sow. #FightBack

>>112914, >>112915 California, Which Entered U.S. as Free State in 1850, to Study ‘Reparations’ for Slavery

>>112916 From hairstyles to child support, these are some of the new Maryland laws going into effect Thursday

>>112917 'Desperate times call for desperate measures': Democratic lawmakers strip down for voter education effort

>>112918 Michael Arrington w/CAP: Former CEO of twatter is excited to see us EXECUTED

>>112919, >>112922 1993 video of Biden on Blacks: We have no choice but to take them out of society...

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7oDHSt-CKtc - Joe Biden Warns Of "Predators On Our Streets" Who Were "Beyond The Pale" In 1993 Crime Speech [Channel: America Rising PAC]

>>112920 Protesters Slam Boston Mayor For Flying a Chinese Flag at City Hall

>>112921 Durham Grand Jury goes to SCOTUS. Manzano vs. United States. sex w/ minor and production of cp.

>>112923 US Navy SEALs change creed statement to become gender neutral. “Common 'citizens' with uncommon desire to succeed.”

>>112924 The U.S. Has Repatriated 27 Americans from Syria and Iraq Including Ten Charged with Terrorism-Related Offenses for Their Support to ISIS

>>112925 U.S. Army Research Lab Selects Palantir Technologies Inc. for $91M Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Development

>>112926 Catherine Herridge w/CAP: Did FBI run to ground CIA Clinton referral cited @DNI_Ratcliffe letter with same intensity + resources...

>>112927 Ann Coulter calls out Wallace: Is Chris Wallace a White Supremacist?

>>112928 White House Press Beatdown / Briefing 11AM ET

>>112929 More than 73 million watch Trump-Biden debate; Fox News draws record 17.8M (announcement expires evening of 10/1)

>>112930 Twitter removes 130 accounts for trying to ‘disrupt the public conversation’ during debate.

>>112931 anon posits: Q Drop 4800: Red October was posted 15 seconds into the month of October.

>>112932 American cyclist suspended from team over so-called 'divisive' tweet supporting Trump

>>112933 Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines were stolen from elections warehouse

>>112934 Facebook to ban QAnon, militarized social movement ads ahead of election

>>112935 #13909

(21 notables, 23 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173552

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10868067 Q Research General #13910: Follow the family Edition

Created 011314ZOCT20




>>112936, >>112940, >>112956 anons digg: The father of Lucas Isacharoff is Samuel Isacharoff...

>>112937, >>112938 New Rudy G. w/CAP: The debat.

>>112939, >>112941, >>112942 LONG BEACH, CA: WE’LL JUST LEAVE IT TO YOUR IMAGINATION...

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/625384f793af3c5571f5a7d9fdc5a10043e6fa118c196bfdc8a21efc25d77255.mp4

>>112943 TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Hunter Biden’s First Drug Bust Among Several Incidents was at 18 and Just Last Week He Was Linked to a Russian Human Trafficking Ring

>>112944, >>112945, >>112948, >>112954, >>112965 planefag reporting

>>112946 (continued from lb) anti trump fuggery continues: CA Technologies is sponsoring Trek-Segafredo (parent company broadcom)

>>112947 Extending the Range: Marines Secure Maritime Terrain, Depoly Rocket System

>>112949 Fredo losing his marbles while Ted Cruz calmly discusses nursing home deaths.

>>112950 #13 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Tom O'Halleran Arizona 1st

>>112951 Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) eviscerates pharma CEO with a brutal math lesson about his $13 million salary

>>112952 U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Fall to 837,000, A Bit Below Expectations

>>112953 Vatican Chief Denounces Intolerance of the ‘Politically Correct’

>>112955 Trump plans to slash refugee admissions to US to record low

>>112957 California Gov. Gavin Newsom Blocks Woke ‘Critical Theory’ From Becoming Public School Curriculum

>>112958 THAT’S WEIRD: The Man Arrested in Ambush Shooting of Two LA Deputies is Taller than the Shooter in the Video

>>112959 Michael Arrington w/CAP: Former CEO of twatter is excited to see us EXECUTED

>>112960 US praises 'historic' Israel-Lebanon agreement to seek mediation

>>112961 archiveanon reporting: SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED to Q post

>>112962 twatter up but sketchy. stay tuned.

>>112963 (video) Black Member from the Proud Boys debunks the Mainstream Media White Supremacist Claims

>>112964 Jack Flynn w/CAP: ...woke up to the sound of a cleansing furor. Wish everyone could be so lucky.

>>112966 #13910

(22 notables, 31 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173553

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10869580 Q Research General #13912: Kayleigh Cool Master in the Crazy House

Created 011554ZOCT20




>>112994 AP Issues New Guidance for Reporters to Cover Up Leftist Violence

>>112995 Fmr CEO twat: line em up and shoot em

>>112996 Democratic state House Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent endorsed President Donald Trump over former Vice President Joe Biden

>>112997 House debating health bill and condemning QAnon bill

>>112998, >>112999, >>113003 John Roberts losing it ,stop bashing the media

>>113000 Flotus: This October I am honoring National Substance Use Prevention Month by jo

>>113001 Trump is winning the voter registration battle against Biden in key states

>>113002 MOMENTS AGO: Kayleigh McEnany ends briefing stating, "President Trump continues to condemn white supremacy."

>>113004 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: )

>>113005 NASA’s Boeing 747 Telescope Is Flying To Hamburg

>>113006 PF

>>113007 Ted Cruz to CNN 'just 10 yrs ago Joe Biden Eulogized a KKK Grand Cyclops'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fpZ2GXGCVu0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>113008, >>113011 ————————————–——–" While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: )

>>113009 Senate committee subpoenas Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Google's Sundar Pichai for hearing on keeping their prized immunity from lawsuits in face of 'bias' claims

>>113010 @USNavy Strong Together US-Italy-Ghana


>>113013 The Presidential Debate Commission Tried, And Failed, To Ambush Trump

>>113014 Potus: I won the debate big, based on compilation of polls etc. Thank you!

>>113015 POTUS schedule today

>>113016 Basham: Amazon sow boy stamps on Trump sign like a sissy. "What are you doing about this employee?"

>>113017 Joe Biden Is Not a Good Guy

>>113018 #13912

(22 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>113004

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9d28d5 No.173554

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10868842 Q Research General #13911: Running A Sex Ring Getz You 81 Edition

Created 011448ZOCT20




>>112967 Hospitalized Brad Parscale under investigation

>>112968 Jack Flynn Tweet harvest moon (digits!)

>>112969 No one shows up to [Biden's] rallies (debate clip)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b25c22fdaf0213e125320ccd39c5603e152ad82235e2fde72c863f816094aa7.mp4

>>112970 Anon research on drinking adrenalized blood and flesh going back to Ancient times (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EOL7jpxu1ZA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>112971 Dig request. In Cares Act, Pelosi says $150B will be "given to the wealthiest people in the country"

>>112972 WH Press Secretary press briefing 11et

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=v-XxXz0psHk - Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>112973 Marathon Petroleum to cut 12% staff due to muh COVID

>>112974 US Marine Corps activates Base Camp Blaz (Guam) Oct. 1

>>112975, >>112977 Michigan Police locate 25 missing children from Wayne, Oakland & Macomb counties - Op MISafeKid

>>112976 Treas. Sec. Mnuchin awarded Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service

>>112978 Court approves $800M for Las Vegas shooting victims

>>112979 Gov. Whitmer announces $500M investment to rebuild Michigan's water infrastructure

>>112980 Appeals court rules no straight-ticket voting in Texas in 2020

>>112981 Latinos For Trump tweet

>>112982 Debate moderator Wallace: “never dreamt that it would go off the tracks the way it did”

>>112983 Senate Commerce Committee votes unanimously to subpoena CEOs of Facebook, Google & Twitter

>>112984 Planefags

>>112985 Cyclist Suspended By US Team For One Word 'Pro-Trump' Tweet

>>112986 House begins debate on HR 1154 Condemning "QAnon"

>>112987 McChrystal Endorses Biden, the man who got him fired for criticizing him

>>112988, >>112990 US Navy tweets Fight On!, Stronger Together

>>112989 Emergency responders test jet suit paramedic gear in Britain

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-7N24DsQMkU - 'Jet suit paramedic' trialled in Lake District [Channel: Guardian News]

>>112991 Unscientific Attacks on the Science of Dr. Scott Atlas

>>112992 #13911

>>112993 Canada Infrastructure bank to invest $10B in priority areas for COVID recovery

(25 notables, 27 posts, 30 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173555

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10870370 Q Research General #13913: ClinOBiden Approved Edition

Created 011643ZOCT20




>>113019 #13 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Tom O'Halleran Arizona 1st

>>113020 In Ira Stoll's report, headlined "Guess How the Times Knows So Much About Tax Losses Trump Uses," the Times is exposed

>>113021 Refresher: At least two of accused human trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell’s nephews worked in the Barack Obama administration

>>113022, >>113029, >>113032 ————————————–——– What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: )

>>113023 John Roberts: Those who scream the loudest

>>113024 @18airbornecorps "If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” – Martin Luther King Jr. #October1st

>>113025, >>113027 Karen Finney, an independent political consultant, and Steve Scully, a Senior Executive Producer at C-SPAN join the School of Media and Public Affairs as the 2019-20 Terker Distinguished Fellows.

>>113026 Who's Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? - Brian Cates

>>113028 Cryptos Crash After BitMEX Founders, Execs Face CFTC Charges

>>113030 PROVIDENCE – An operations manager of a North Dakota-based company that sells clothing and others items to the U.S. military, U.S. government, police, and others, has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Providence, RI

>>113031 CPD Announces 2020 Debate Moderators

>>113033 The Truth About Today’s Anarchists

>>113034, >>113041 PF

>>113035 CDC admits no proof Covid19 airborne

>>113036 Philadelphia’s Horrible Record of Democrat Voter Fraud Hits New Low – Voting Machine Laptop and Memory Sticks “Stolen”

>>113037, >>113038 United States Obtains Final Judgement and Permanent Injunction Against Edward Snowden

>>113039 Marathon End?

>>113040 Kremlin Alleges Navalny Is "Working With CIA" After Bombshell Charge: 'Putin Poisoned Me!'

>>113042 ‘The deadline lapsed yesterday’: EU launches legal action against UK over ‘problematic’ Brexit bill

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=M2jEXgYdYOE

>>113043 ————————————–——– Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] , Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>113044 CDC started as the center for Malaria Control…think Quinine and HCQ….and they act like they haven't tested the drug enough

>>113045 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: )

(22 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

Q- >>113022, >>113043, >>113045

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173556

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10871140 Q Research General #13914: Who's Gonna Be Lucky #2? Edition

Created 011727ZOCT20




>>113046 Q Cap/Snowden

>>113047, >>113064 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: )

>>113048 U.N. in Crisis as UNICEF Joins W.H.O. to Face Endemic Sex Abuse Claims

>>113049 Jewish Democrats’ Ad Compares Trump’s America to Nazi Germany

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0Zwj8Ir8mGk - Hate Doesn't Stop Itself, It Must Be Stopped [Channel: Jewish Democratic Council of America]

>>113050 Can they make it any more obvious that the deck is stacked against DJT/us?

>>113051 Text: United States Obtains Final Judgement and Permanent Injunction Against Edward Snowden

>>113052, >>113079, >>113083 PF

>>113053 Ariana Grande Concert Bomber Associated With Known Extremists, Was on Security Services Radar 18 Times

>>113054 Contracts Awarded for 40 Miles of New Walls on Texas Border

>>113055 The Epstein Suicide Photo is fake.

>>113056 UN Insists Record Boat Migrant Numbers ‘Not a Threat’ to Britain

>>113057 Trump Calls For Arrest Of Former FBI Director James Comey

>>113058 You can thank Russia for wiping out ISIS in Syria, Defense Minister Shoigu insists on 5th anniversary of Moscow's intervention

>>113059 The United States Has Repatriated 27 Americans from Syria and Iraq Including Ten Charged with Terrorism-Related Offenses for Their Support to ISIS

>>113060 Here’s a conspiracy, The Powers That Be want us to overthrow the government…

>>113061 Proof that the media is weaponized. Washington Post, not one negative tweet about Biden.

>>113062 Fox's John Roberts claps back at Twitter followers: 'Stop blaming the media'.

>>113063, >>113071 Clooney and Wallace…

>>113065 Jim Jordan: Protect Speech Act

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/20497de8185318199e9681e8df3fdbd2f46e794b39f13e98be7578f9ef8d9826.pdf

>>113066 COVID-19 'Phase 3' Vaccine Trial Participants Report Day-Long Migraines, Fever

>>113067 A Single Trade Just Pulled Half a Billion Dollars From TIPS Fund

>>113068 New guidance on AP Stylebook Online

>>113069 Israel Is Sending Weapons to Azerbaijan as Fight With Armenia Continues

>>113070 Free digital money for Wall Street… Printer broken for Main Street?

>>113072 Kayleigh refers John Roberts to his own WIFE'S reporting! top kek KM!

>>113073 Transverse myelitis cases have apparently been compensated in vaccine court/The world is watching.

>>113074 Trevor Loudon’s 2020 list of 65 communists, socialists and security risks in Congress

>>113075 Prepare for the Worst and Fight for the Best: A Citizen’s Guide to 2020 Electoral Interference/know thy enemy

>>113076 Amazon Announces Mail Surveillance And Palm Scanner For Point Of Sale "Ring" surveillance

>>113077 Judge Lamberth denies former NSA John Bolton’s motion to dismiss government’s lawsuit against him

>>113078 US to Keep Buying F-35 Parts From Turkey, Despite Purchase Ban

>>113080 Protesters storm Beirut bank, demand return of savings

>>113081, >>113085 JOHN ROBERTS' wife even TAGGED HIM in the tweet yesterday!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/970f9a3d1a3b008d5396feb8358c148dde33045787f428a170482de711ff6093.mp4

>>113082 Herridge on Bolton

>>113084 U.S. District Judge John Bates ruled the much-ballyhooed Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act, which requires government committees to receive input from “fairly balanced” viewpoints.

>>113086 Putin, Macron, Trump call for talks on Nagorno-Karabakh without preconditions

>>113087 Army Lt. Gen. Robert P. Ashley Jr. relinquishes the directorship of the Defense Intelligence Agency

>>113088 #13914

(38 notables, 43 posts, 61 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173557

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10871905 Q Research General #13915: The Lion Has Woke Edition

Created 011825ZOCT20




>>113089 Federal Judge Orders DOJ to Release Less-Redacted Version of Mueller Report

>>113090 US Army seeks market research for radios to integrate with augmented reality

>>113091 #BREAKING: President Trump to make campaign stops in Tucson, Flagstaff on Oct. 5, 6.

>>113092 Whistleblower Claims Chinese Communists Pay Vatican $2 Billion in Bribes


>>113094, >>113103 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c3c6b25e6c8311447dfa2533f2dce3c0006fa481d5b6dafee6285ce22c2644e4.mp4

>>113095, >>113099, >>113104, >>113107, >>113109, >>113113, >>113121 planefaggin

>>113096 Double the firepower: MQ-9 tests flying with eight Hellfire missiles

>>113097 Senate Panel Authorizes Subpoenas for CEOs of Twitter, Facebook, Google-epochtimes

>>113098 Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433) District Court, S.D. New York

>>113100 "Hong Kong Is China" - NYT Gives Communist Party "Free PR" With Op-Ed By Pro-Beijing Lawmaker

>>113101 @USMC History Happening

>>113102 Reminder to all anons, register to vote on these states ending soon, pass it on

>>113105 Hillary Clinton developing new drama, 'The Woman's Hour,' for CW

>>113106 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3UOx5himd58 - 10/01/20: Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Press Briefing [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>113108 Schumer PAC Backs Former Lobbyist by Claiming Lindsey Graham Is Beholden to Special Interests

>>113110, >>113116 ————————————–——– [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8db2bcd36ac204819abe61efcc3a7a7b6256c60caaa99a266ab1d33465941afe.mp4

>>113111 Belgium’s new justice minister has spoken of Jewish lobby

>>113112 Woods on Ngo

>>113114 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: (cap), )

>>113115 Tokyo Stock Exchange Halts Trading For Entire Day Due To Technical Glitch

>>113117, >>113118 Moar Clooney n Wallace

>>113119 Never forget those in the background.

>>113120 So the moderator for the next debate was once an intern for…

>>113122 @RichardGrenell Here’s an idea for the DC types running the Debate Commission, how about we get rid of the moderators?

>>113123 Armenia Recalls Israel Ambassador Over Arms Sales to Azerbaijan

>>113124 Scully at the Biden Beach Bash '16

>>113125 #13915,

(28 notables, 37 posts, 57 media/files)

Q- >>113094, >>113110

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9d28d5 No.173558

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10872683 Q Research General #13916: CDC Bigger Than You Can Imagine Edition

Created 011913ZOCT20




>>113126 July 2019 Steve Scully interview of Trump vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BJ0Ncf7qNak - Interview: Steve Scully of C-SPAN Interviews Donald Trump at The White House - July 30, 2019 [Channel: Factbase Videos]

>>113127 Anti-Defamation League Circulates Petition Urging Jews to Denounce Trump

>>113128 Ted Cruz: Senate to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court ‘Before Election Day’

>>113129 Urge You To Delay Consideration’ — Sen. Feinstein Formally Asks To Delay Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation

>>113130 Sat 09.26.2020

>>113131 Monday 09.28.2020

>>113132, >>113147 When you know you know…

>>113133 Jessica Hertz general counsel for Biden transition team

>>113134 Dear Chris Wallace: We Were In Kenosha, And No, White Supremacists And Militias Didn’t Cause Violence

>>113135 Moar Children Rescued

>>113136, >>113141, >>113142, >>113144, >>113145, >>113151, >>113152, >>113153, >>113155 PF

>>113137 - Open Invitation to Martial Arts Academy "Foundation Chicago" , wants to fight back against police, offers to help train others.

>>113138 Boeing Moves All 787 Dreamliner Production To South Carolina

>>113139 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: )

>>113140 Lori LIghtfoot goes full retard

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/34762650c28b36915dca23707ae86ed983ca3525e32a8a4b44e601006516f115.mp4

>>113143 Face-sized chunks of ash fell from the sky in California wine country, where the Glass Complex Fire has forced 70,000 to evacuate

>>113146 UK govt report claims Huawei security failings pose long-term risk, but company says defects not linked to ‘China interference’

>>113148 Japan to start work on new stimulus package by year's end

>>113149 US State Department cleared $83.5 billion in foreign military sales in FY20

>>113150 Fayetteville man gets 16 years for secretly recording minors having sex, porn of young children

>>113154 Israel, Lebanon Agree to U.S.-Mediated Talks to Resolve Maritime Border Dispute

>>113156 boaty

>>113157 #13916

(23 notables, 32 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173559

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10874195 Q Research General #13918: Trump Rejects Changes to Debate Format

Created 012117ZOCT20




>>113201 LIVE: Defense Intelligence Agency - Change of Directorship

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7f4Wv34RPpo - Defense Intelligence Agency Live Stream [Channel: Defense Intelligence Agency]

>>113202 Al Smith dinner tonight 7 pm - Biden & POTUS have pre-recorded remarks

>>113203 Lin Wood: Motions to Dismiss DENIED! in @N1ckSandmann defamation lawsuits vs. NY Times, Rolling Stone, ABC, & CBS

>>113204 Truth About the Commission on Presidential Debates (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E4XMo9DpjOA - Who's Afraid of an Open Debate The Truth About the Commission on Presidential Debates [Channel: deathrattlesports]

>>113205 NBC News Misrepresents Internal DHS Memo About Their Response to the Kyle Rittenhouse Case

>>113206 After ruling is obtained on Gannett motion (which we expect will also be denied), DISCOVERY in @N1ckSandmann defamation cases will commence.

>>113207 #13 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Tom O'Halleran Arizona 1st

>>113208 Three Belgian Cops Caught in Narcotics Dragnet That Seized Tons of Cocaine

>>113209 Motions to Dismiss @N1ckSandmann defamation lawsuits filed in KY federal court against NY Times, Rolling Stone, ABC, & CBS were just DENIED.

>>113210, >>113213, >>113221, >>113226 Photos of VP Biden and Xi Jinping

>>113211, >>113223 Planefag Reports

>>113212 Slate: QAnon Is Going After Members of Congress Now

>>113214 Hawaii CEO Charged with COVID-Relief Fraud

>>113215 Solomon: Just before Obama left office, U.S. officials feared Hunter Biden firm in Ukraine paid second bribe

>>113216 Black Proud Boys leader: We're not white supremacists, 'as you can see'

>>113217 Video: Jake Tapper asks Kamala Harris to 'give us a straight answer' on packing the Supreme Court. She refuses

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rHQbmRz1YW4 - CNN calls out Kamala Harris for dodging on court-packing [Channel: Washington Free Beacon]

>>113218 Video: What's being transferred from this USPS truck to a car?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/625384f793af3c5571f5a7d9fdc5a10043e6fa118c196bfdc8a21efc25d77255.mp4

>>113219 Maine court cites voter fraud concern in ruling against push for ballot harvesting, extending absentee deadline

>>113220 Video: Black dude redpills

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3fb7288716cea4c39ffdce6c8c289df4e2276448cef0ed8aaaf83a032e805c7e.mp4

>>113222 Fresh POTUS re SEALS going gender neutral: I will be overturning this ridiculous order immediately!

>>113224 Facebook Removes 216 Trump Ads About Joe Biden, Covid and Refugees

>>113225 'One and done’: Pelosi urges Biden to skip last two presidential debates after Trump-fueled debacle

>>113227 #13918,

(23 notables, 27 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173560

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10873438 Q Research General #13917: Q Bread Silent Majority n ACB Edition

Created 012018ZOCT20




>>113158 Trump rejects future debates changes, as Biden team seeks ‘mute button’

>>113159 Sports reporter fired after calling GOP Sen. Tim Scott an 'Uncle Tom'

>>113160 Trump Slashes Cap For Refugee Admissions To Record Low 15,000

>>113161 Discrimination? Minnesota's Mall of America offers free retail space for women- & minority-owned businesses impacted by riots

>>113162, >>113170, >>113172, >>113185, >>113188, >>113189, >>113195 . Planefags

>>113163 Facebook removes 216 Trump ads on Biden, coronavirus, refugees

>>113164 COVID mutiny in UK: Town of Middlesbrough revolts after mayor refuses to follow new lockdown rules

>>113165 66% of Spanish-speaking Viewers Believe Trump Won 1st Debate, Telemundo Poll Shows

>>113166 Trump Accuses "Swamp Monster" (Debate Organizers) of Colluding With Dems, Rejects Format Changes

>>113167 The Stakes of American History

>>113168 Obamas auctioning their clothing

>>113169 Microsoft responsible for recent nationwide 911 outage

>>113171 Perverting Youth: Virginia Governor Rolls Out Sex Textline for Teens

>>113173 US-bound migrant caravan enters Guatemala

>>113174 OAN: President Trump Condemns White Supremacists (sound-bites vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W7v_jDIqnyw - President Trump clearly condemns white supremacists [Channel: One America News Network]

>>113175 UNICEF Joins WHO to Face Endemic U.N. Sex Abuse Claims

>>113176 Media Duck Questions, After People-of-Praise Accuser Exposed for Fabulism (makin' up shit)

>>113177, >>113187 Debate Scorecard: List of Interruptions

>>113178 Biden campaigns on 'return to normalcy' despite some Dems eyeing radical changes to political system if they win

>>113179 Who are the Real Racists? White supremacists never send me racist msgs, but black and white liberals call me "coon" and "house nigger" daily

>>113180 Medical journal calls for mandatory COVID shots (assault upon my person)

>>113181 Thousands of Caravan Migrants Push into Guatemala

>>113182 Biden Eulogizes KKK Official Sen. Robert Byrd (2010) as "friend, mentor, guide"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qcBQYApjSa4 - Joe Biden calls former KKK member Robert Byrd a friend, mentor & guide [Channel: Trump War Room]

>>113183 Tampa Church Arsonist Arrested

>>113184 DHS Wall Update

>>113186 1,600 Deep State former DoJ lawyers accuse Barr of using DOJ to help Trump

>>113190 GOP cool to WH $1.6T COVID relief pricetag

>>113191 Wallace responds to criticism of his debate moderation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=17ChunWvOvs - Chris Wallace hits back at criticism of his debate moderation [Channel: Fox News]

>>113192 Over 60 former senior, national security officials endorse Trump

>>113193 Biden Interrupted Ryan 82x in 2012 debate

>>113194 Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkey update

>>113196 Dem Senators Schumer, Peters, Klobuchar call on DHS to label Trump a 'foreign influence to undermine elections'

>>113197 Just before Obama left office, U.S. officials feared Hunter Biden firm in Ukraine paid second bribe, memos show

>>113198 Reporter enters unsecured Pa. voting machine warehouse

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/24b50edd1a04b91f3ddba666a04abaffca7b2916c21c0be4e0deaea90e799999.mp4

>>113199 Mexico remittances (from US-based Mexicans) 2nd highest level ever in Aug.

>>113200 #13917

(36 notables, 43 posts, 49 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173561

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10874981 Q Research General #13919: Overturning This Ridiculous Order Immediately Edition

Created 012223ZOCT20




>>113228 Court Allows Justice Department Lawsuit Against Bolton to Proceed

>>113229 POTUS: I'm used to it!

>>113230 Sidney Powell to POTUS: RIGHT NOW! Fire every head of every agency and down until they declassify these documents

>>113231 Heads explode over BLM and Proud Boys joint statement

>>113232, >>113240 Diggz on Keneth Wollack: Co-chair of The Commission On Presidential Debates

>>113233 IT'S ON: Sandmann's Lawyer to Sue Joe Biden for Calling Kyle Rittenhouse a White Supremacist

>>113234 DOJ taps US attorney to 'coordinate' Ukraine inquiries

>>113235 PJ Media: Seriously? Moderator of Second Presidential Debate Served as an Intern for Joe Biden

>>113236 Daily Caller News Foundation Forces Government To Release Fauci, China, WHO Emails

>>113237 Maine Blocks Illegal Democrat Ballot Harvesting – Texas Blocks Straight Party Ballot Option

>>113238 DEVIL BOOK’: HRC fuels QAnon conspiracy theory after spotted with a book featuring glass devils having sex

>>113239 Planefag Reports

>>113241 RNC: 60% of Attendees of Trump’s Minnesota Rally Were Not Republicans

>>113242 Court rules recall effort against Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant can proceed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gqmuF8eodDE

>>113243 States stopped recording Flu & pneumonia deaths since Covid started – Only time they have ever done this

>>113244 Biden botches the Constitution again: Americans get 'to choose who they want on Supreme Court'

>>113245 Minnesota Rally: 60% of attendees were NOT Republican

>>113246 QAnon hit piece from Barstool Sports

>>113247 Democrats make it official, ask for delay on Trump's Supreme Court nomination

>>113248 Devin Nunes sounds off on newly declassified documents in the Russia probe

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ys5KlLluSBI - Devin Nunes sounds off on newly declassified documents in the Russia probe [Channel: Fox Business]

>>113249 Poll to FLIP - Can it be done?

>>113250 Techno Fog: Putting the White House Press Briefing into context -

>>113251, >>113252 TOP kek: John Roberts btfo by his own words

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c63a0384762029cc43e56ddb74d7434685b86217cf235d6d463eac2eba80a012.mp4

>>113253 Senator Ed Markey uses Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to expand U.S. Supreme Court

>>113254 Acting US Attorney for the SDNY, Audrey Strauss, Who Signed Off on ‘We Build the Wall’ Case Has Resigned

>>113255 List of 17 attorneys working with Special Counsel Robert Mueller as of March 21, 2018

>>113256 American cyclist suspended after posting support for Trump on Twitter

>>113257 #13919

(28 notables, 30 posts, 40 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173562

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10876525 Q Research General #13921: QAnon In The House - The PANIC Edition

Created 020030ZOCT20




>>113279, >>113284 HUGE! US Marshals Service: More than 1,300 Children IncVictims of Sex Trafficking rescued

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5i2KmiOejbo - US Marshals Announce Rescue of More than 1,300 Missing Children Since Fiscal Year 2016 [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>113280, >>113281 Melania: We light the WH in honor of #NationalBreastCancerAwarenessMonth (pink)


>>113283 Video: OP China task force members speak to press

>>113285 WATCH: Team Trump Online with Lara Trump, Dana White, and Sen. Marsha Blackburn!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pCK1tg2hVKg - WATCH: Team Trump Online with Lara Trump, Dana White, and Sen. Marsha Blackburn! [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>113286 'Proud Boys' founder Gavin Mclnnes tells Chris Salcedo he is suing Joe Biden, CNN and all the media

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gaY_0Z4Vb2w - 'Proud Boys' founder is angry, says he's suing Biden, CNN [Channel: Newsmax]

>>113287, >>113290 Hope Hicks reportedly tests CV+

>>113288 CNN: Cuomo falsely claims NY nursing homes never took in CV patients

>>113289 Planefag Reports

>>113291 MP4: Hogan Gidley Slams Biden’s Ties To ‘Exalted Cyclops of the KKK’ - ON CNN

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c675eb0ccd02795c8a14d4c833a96f95ebfb548646ce291e22d49c09cf4eded5.mp4

>>113292 #13921,

(11 notables, 14 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173563

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10875760 Q Research General #13920: We Are The News Now - The 'Devil Book' Edition

Created 012325ZOCT20




>>113258, >>113265, >>113268, >>113273 Chris Murphy, a senator from CT is in PANIC

>>113259 Smithsonian Comms re: VR experience dubbed "Curious Alice"

>>113260 Get Woke, Go Broke: Game 1 of 2020 NBA Finals loses HALF of 2019's audience

>>113261 Excellent Walk Away Video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=flp7gKg5G4E - I was wrong about the Democratic Party #walkaway [Channel: Georgia Howe]

>>113262 Update on the CSPAN poll: KILLED IT

>>113263 US Marshals rescue 11 missing runaway children in New Orleans; 2 boys were in 'extreme danger'

>>113264 Independent: Amazon reportedly clocks sale of Proud Boys merch with 'Stand Back Stand By' slogan

>>113266 Tomorrow: House expected to debate bill condemming QAnon

>>113267 Nassau County: Hundreds Received Wrong Absentee Ballot Envelopes

>>113269 PA Union Bosses Struggling to Convince Members to Vote Against Donald Trump

>>113270 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks at the New York Archdiocese’s Al Smith Dinner

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aNi4n7aEIWw - LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks at the New York Archdiocese’s Al Smith Dinner [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

>>113271 Planned Parenthood tweet sympathy to Teigen and Legend

>>113272 A Few Points About Zainab Ahmad, Member on Mueller's Team

>>113274 Ten Men Sentenced to Prison for Their Roles in a Child Exploitation Enterprise and Conspiracy

>>113275 Ilhan Omar Lashes Out at Project Veritas: “These People Are Disgusting”

>>113276, >>113277 OUT NOW: ‘The Trump I Know’ film

>>113278 #13920

(17 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173564

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10877281 Q Research General #13922: UNITED_WE_STAND Edition

Created 020132ZOCT20




>>113293 Video: Archbishop Carlo Viganò on what a victory for Biden would mean for the Church and for the world

>>113294 11 union officials charged with racketeering, fraud and bribery offenses

>>113295 Leaders of EU Countries Agreed During EU Summit on Sanctions Against Belarus

>>113296 Al SMith Dinner: "Did we just see a peaceful transition of the microphone? It wasn't so hard, was it Mr, President?"

>>113297 4 News Orgs File Motion To Toss Lawsuits From Nick Sandmann. They Were All Denied

>>113298 McMaster: Trump Sowing Doubt In The Election Is ‘Aiding And Abetting’ Putin

>>113299 FBI Stonewalling Again

>>113300, >>113301 Video: Mark Green pissed with the Dems and the relief bill

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1123f002f34bd764b2a0c513e0973fb0fe3bbb9994070a3527e89ba3fd164376.mp4

>>113302 FBI Cites ‘Law Enforcement Proceedings’ To Block Release Of Disciplinary Records Of Trump Probe Investigators

>>113303 BREAKING: Melania Trump's Former Aide Leaks Private Conversations To CNN

>>113304 More than 1M People Registered to Vote Using Snapchat; 65 Percent Under 25 Years Old

>>113305 Video: POTUS live on the telephone with Hannity earlier

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nF7XVQtbNQw - Trump: Let me be clear, I condemn the KKK, white supremacists and the Proud Boys [Channel: Fox News]

>>113306 State's attorney from Jussie Smollett case backs out of debate due to 'Trump-like' name calling

>>113307 Chris Wallace Works Through ‘PTSD’ to Relive Chaotic Debate

>>113308 #13922

(15 notables, 16 posts, 15 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173565

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10878812 Q Research General #13924: POTUS and FLOTUS in Quarantine Edition

Created 020325ZOCT20




>>113341 #13923

>>113342 @Q 3Letters and Other Election Observers

>>113343 Dillbert went all anti Trump. Then he changed his mind to screw with the Dems.

>>113344 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY October 2, 2020

>>113345 RFID powder chip embedded into each real ballot?

>>113346 Tonight's Harvest Moon.

>>113347 The second debate will take place October 15th 2020 After Quarantine

>>113348 DC Legal Circles Rumor Says Member of Mueller’s Prosecution Team Has “Flipped” for Durham

>>113349, >>113350, >>113351, >>113352, >>113355 Q1043 and Q1044 Net Shut Down reminder, Where is the internet?


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/435cb85f82817215174636fc216c1a0573164cccaf88cef3c92be6bf1b1a667e.mp4

>>113354 List of Chinese market player Companies in BIO Tech

>>113356 Navy conducts freedom of navigation operations off Venezuelan coast

>>113357 Viganò: Biden win would create new ally for apocalyptic ‘dictatorship of the New World Order’

>>113358 Planefag

>>113359 HOPE HICKS

>>113360 The James Comey Election

>>113361, >>113365 Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Thomas Massie, Ron Wyden Join Forces To Unplug the President's 'Internet Kill Switch'

>>113362 Unpacking Joe Biden’s lies about the Trump job-creation miracle

>>113363 Boatfag

>>113364 White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Race Riots Endorses Joe Biden

>>113366 Pelosi says she would take coronavirus vaccine if approved

>>113367 #13924

(22 notables, 27 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173566

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10878053 Q Research General #13923: WE LOVE YOU MELANIA Edition

Created 020227ZOCT20




>>113309 Orange County health officials don’t know why COVID-19 death data is delayed

>>113310, >>113311 Voice of Q vid/audio from 1982

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b5a71dc43bcd0a9d32232c7fc7d8b41bc93cb5bef631b0af3c354d748f760950.mp4

>>113312 What's the wire, Joe?

>>113313 Media Matters Chief Shares ‘Capitalists Lined Up Against the Wall and Shot in the Revolution’ Tweet, Denies Endorsing Violence

>>113314 Harvest Moon tonight

>>113315 Japan resumes stock trading after all-day system crash

>>113316 Jill Biden - DIG CALL

>>113317 FOX 35 INVESTIGATES: Florida Department of Health says some labs have not reported negative COVID-19 results

>>113318, >>113323, >>113327 NEW DJK: Hope Hicks...has just tested positive for Covid....POTUS/Flotus quarantining begun

>>113320 US court demands Edward Snowden cough up $5.2mn in royalties from memoir, claiming violations of NSA non-disclosure deal

>>113321 Planefags aloft

>>113322, >>113326 WH: Red Castle; Castle Lock? (quarantine begins....)

>>113324 Lebanon asks Interpot to arrest Russian ship captain owner over explosion

>>113325 Teacher Ben Nathan Kelly had sex with 14-year-old schoolgirl before shifts at KFC

>>113328 Ten men sentenced in child exploitation ring

>>113329 Melania Trump’s Former Aide Leaks Private Conversations To CNN

>>113330 US repatriating 27 Americans from Syria & Irag

>>113331 How would POTUS being locked-down in the White House for 2 weeks fit into the plan? DIG ANONS


>>113333 U.S. intel agencies failing to counter threat from China, says House Intelligence Committee report

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7cb52b34a316a9c2cf8ea93297f1df82259e865ca3312a47666f7b849b90263e.pdf

>>113334 California will now require more diversity on company boards

>>113335 Q 35 from 11-1-17 and HOPE

>>113336 FB Regulatory Counsel Joins Biden Transition Team

>>113337, >>113338, >>113339 Notable Q drop decode re quarantine

>>113340 First Presidential Debate. Body Language (Bitchute)

(25 notables, 31 posts, 43 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173567

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10879593 Q Research General #13925: HOPE HICKS feels better Edition

Created 020427ZOCT20




>>113368 L.A. Ordered to Pay NRA Six Figures After Losing First Amendment Case

>>113369 Dissident Jimmy Lai: Biden won't protect Hong Kong freedom fighters, Trump already is

>>113370 Definition Insulated = quarantined and Theory on Hope Hicks and Quarantine

>>113371 Donald Trump tested positive for COVID19 twice today.

>>113372 Connect the dots anons Hug and kiss comms

>>113373, >>113375, >>113376, >>113383, >>113393 Hope Hicks get better soon wishes

>>113374 Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over"

>>113377, >>113380, >>113382, >>113385, >>113387, >>113388 ITS BEGINS DJT positve to covid

>>113378, >>113379, >>113381, >>113384, >>113386, >>113396 DJT Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately

>>113389, >>113390 POTUS twat at 10:44pm tonight corresponds to Q's #1044 post? Internet kill coming while he's in quarantine?

>>113391 CM Wishes POTUS well soon

>>113392 33mins into House Session, Mary Gay Scanlon reported/introduced HR 1154 QAnon to the floor

>>113394 ECB applies for 'digital euro' trademark amid feasibility study

>>113395 The White House 12:15PM THE PRESIDENT hosts a phone call on COVID-19 support to vulnerable seniors

>>113397 Coronavirus live news: Donald Trump and wife test postive The Guradian

>>113398 #13925

(16 notables, 31 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173568

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10881063 Q Research General #13927: You better Be Home Soon Edition

Created 020625ZOCT20




>>113424 Mike Pence 'praying' for Trump and Melania as they test positive for coronavirus

>>113425 Dollar and Yen Jump, Shares and Oil Prices Slip After Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>113426 Q1044 decode

>>113427 US Court Refuses to Dismiss Trump Admin Lawsuit Seeking Bolton’s Book Proceeds

>>113428 POTUS and FLOTUS test positive, is the news now

>>113429 Trump to continue presidential duties: White House doctor

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bicEi7Y6vfA - Trump to continue presidential duties: White House doctor [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>113430, >>113431, >>113433, >>113435, >>113436, >>113437, >>113439, >>113442, >>113443, >>113446, >>113449, >>113452 Anons dig on Amharic Twatterlibs POTUS curses

>>113432 Executive Order 13951 of September 24, 2020

>>113434 US Military deploys nuclear ICBM command aircraft off the coast of Washington

>>113438, >>113447 Washington Post Tweet on POTUS covid

>>113440 E-6B TACAMO's showing up on ADS-B tracking sites

>>113441, >>113451 Good wishes towards POTUS and FLOTUS

>>113444 CIA, NSA chiefs opposed release of unverified Russia intelligence to Republican lawmaker: sources

>>113445 Several articles that range from the start of Covid confir, false positives

>>113448 Jeremy Corbyn Won't be fined for breaking Covid rule despite being caught on camera

>>113450 Rachel Maddow: God bless the President and First Lady. Pray for their recover

>>113453, >>113454 Pompeo and the Pope Clash

>>113455, >>113456 Chrissy Teigen's name on her hospital bracelet is Melissa Diane Washington. Possibly shopped.

>>113457 #13927,

(19 notables, 34 posts, 29 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173569

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10880335 Q Research General #13926: President Trump and Wife are POSITIVE Edition

Created 020529ZOCT20




>>113399 POTUS and FLOTUS covid-19 positive posts from last bread

>>113400 Red Castle FLOTUS tweet

>>113401, >>113408 Planefag2 doomsday planes are up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZZRH-k4TUuQ - It Could Nuke a Country: The E-6 Mercury is America's Deadliest Plane Ever [Channel: US Military News]

>>113402 POTUS and FLOTUS both finished the messages with together TO - GET - HER ?

>>113403 White house schedule updated

>>113404 Demonic bot accounts on Trump's twitter

>>113405, >>113407, >>113410, >>113412 HUGE Q decodes, what time is it?

>>113406 Pray for POTUS and Fam

>>113409 Resignations in the news 10/1/2020

>>113411 October 2020 brings two full Moons

>>113413, >>113415, >>113416 FLOTUS uses @potus instead of @realdonaldtrump

>>113414 SUICIDE WEEKEND panicked tweets

>>113417 Pence tweet to POTUS

>>113418 How do you prove to the world that HCQ is the CURE?

>>113419 Vile: Democrats Show Their True Colors in Response to Trump Announcing He and Melania Tested Positive for Coronavirus

>>113420 PF

>>113421 Elon Musk won’t take COVID vaccine, calls Bill Gates a ‘knucklehead’

>>113422 Dan Scavino Tweet

>>113423 #13926

(19 notables, 25 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173570

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10881925 Q Research General #13928: Twatter Libs Meltdown in Amharic Edition

Created 020802ZOCT20




>>113458, >>113460 What if 4,10,20 also means october 4th 2020?

>>113459, >>113463 CJNG Cartel Digg

>>113461 ICYMI Leaked Audio of FLOTUS (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9e1ffea86a14f2e1d4526365e3df034c7a01c3476278a63ab5c57fdeac644b7.mp4

>>113462 Trump announced he has the China virus on China's national day

>>113464 Europe Key to Middle East Peace Process After Abraham Accord, Pompeo Says

>>113465 US nuclear command aircraft deployed on the east AND west coast, after POTUS tests postive for CV.

>>113466, >>113469 Why did Twitter Satan, who was Q'd, post this Amharic text in December 2019?

>>113467, >>113468 QAnon is deeper in Texas politics than you think

>>113470, >>113471, >>113472 Ten Men Sentenced to Prison for Their Roles in a Child Exploitation Enterprise and Conspiracy

>>113473 Is Zoom is a China Surveillance Operation ?

>>113474 Praying for our law enforcement officers (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/79f37531574a369a33b700dc1e647fa59815725c7aba09ecd0465dd539587e0a.mp4

>>113475 These people are Sick, test positive 2yr Delta

>>113476 U.S Attorney Welcomes New District Court Judges

>>113477 Facebook's Latest QAnon Crackdown

>>113478 Stock futures, oil prices plunge after Trump tests positive for coronavirus

>>113479 Tom Arnold shares Hope Hicks' cell phone number after she tests positive for coronavirus

>>113480 Proud Boys Founder Suing Biden, CNNm and other reporters

>>113481 WHAT? Andrew Cuomo Now Claiming New York Didn’t Put Coronavirus Patients Into Nursing Homes

>>113482 Democrats Show Their True Colors in Response to Trump Announcing He and Melania Tested Positive for Coronavirus

>>113483 Twitter Poll - Smash it

>>113484, >>113485 Fakenews 'told you so' articles on POTUS testing postive

>>113486 National Black Dog Day – October 1

>>113487, >>113488 Never Forget Those In The Background - reported Hope Hicks gave the 'rona to Trump on AF1

>>113489 US opposes China's attempts to advance territorial claims in Arunachal: State Dept

>>113490 Hit Piece - Satan-Worshipping' Book Spotted in Hillary Clinton's Study Fuels QAnon

>>113491 USS Ronald Reagan changes commanders while on patrol in Philippine Sea

>>113492 Portland Spends $8 Million Responding to Anti-Police Riots

>>113493, >>113494, >>113495 America Locked in Cold War With China Former Navy Secretary Says

>>113496 Amid India-China Tensions, A US Navy P8 Submarine-Hunting Aircraft Landed At Andaman And Nicobar Islands Last Week

>>113497 The downfall of Fox News’s Chris Wallace and John Roberts

>>113498 Billionaire black entrepreneur: 'I haven't heard anything coherent from' Biden

>>113499 #13928

(32 notables, 42 posts, 39 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173571

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10883472 Q Research General #13930: Special Friday Morn'n Melania Edition

Created 021216ZOCT20




>>113517, >>113525, >>113529 planefag reporting. And pondering

>>113518 Leader McConnell w/CAP: POTUS and FLOTUS feeling well, acc'dng to WH Physician

>>113519 FOX’s Chris Wallace Plays the Victim After His Horrific Performance at First Presidential Debate

>>113520 Undercover child sex trafficking sting snares 3 Pa. men now facing federal charges and life in prison

>>113521 Spokesman announces results of COVID tests for VP Pence and Karen Pence: negatory

>>113522 file under fuukface: Tom Arnold shares Hope Hicks' cellphone number after she tests positive for coronavirus

>>113523 Joe Biden w/CAP: Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery...

>>113524 White House Press Pool: 12:15PM THE PRESIDENT hosts a phone call on COVID-19 support to vulnerable seniors

>>113526 John Basham w/CAP: Talk From Many DC Lawyers Saying One Of Special Counsel Robert #Mueller's Prosecutors Has "FLIPPED" & Is Now Cooperating...

>>113527 QAnon Lands on LinkedIn, Prompting Networking Site to Limit Spread

>>113528, >>113530, >>113534 anon diggz on ZOOM and notable stakeholders

>>113531 September Employment Report: 661 Thousand Jobs Added, 7.9% Unemployment Rate

>>113532 If you are so inclined: Enough Is Enough: Sign the Petition to Boycott Trump-Hater Chris Wallace and FOX News Sunday

>>113533 file under Best panic kek today: The Constitution is clear. The 25th amendment must be invoked. The President is no longer capable of performing his duties.

>>113535 CeeCee w/CAP: Well well.. What are the odds of this being posted with exact 2 year delta? “Test positive” - “Sick” Coincidence? (Q #2316)

>>113536 C-SPAN Live: HHS Secretary Azar Testifies on COVID-19 Response

>>113537 #14 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Dave Loebsack Iowa 2nd

>>113538 Richard Grenell w/CAP: Well this isn’t an endorsement anyone wants...

>>113539 #13930

(19 notables, 23 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173572

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10882640 Q Research General #13929: We Will Get Through This TOGETHER Edition

Created 021007ZOCT20




>>113500 NYT, Rolling Stone, ABC, and CBS’s motions to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought forward by teenager Nick Sandmann have all been denied

>>113501 CNN took part in releasing secretly recorded phone calls with Melania Trump, our nation’s FIRST LADY

>>113502, >>113504, >>113505, >>113506, >>113513 planefag early bird'n

>>113503 US Marshals Service Announces Rescue of More than 1,300 Missing Children Including Victims of Sex Trafficking — TRUMP Has Doubled the Number of Rescues!

>>113507 "No, Not Trump, Not Ever": Second Debate Moderator Worked For Biden, Tweeted Resistance Screed

>>113508 File under the awakening: Did The CIA, FBI And Hillary Launch A Silent Coup Against Trump?

>>113509 Biden the Preferred Dem on China Trade Policy, Chinese State-Owned Firm Says

>>113510 White House pressures Republicans to go after social media companies before election

>>113511 BREAKING - Armenian Armed Forces brought to full combat readiness amid Azerbaijani strikes continue.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed8cc8cfa0e6a765492a1703419456858742c70947f9420d6b84e0ff365846e0.mp4

>>113512 marketfag reporting. equity futures slide on flotus/potus covid newz

>>113514 NBC saying 10 days of isolation.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=utf2L96wTa0 - With Covid, Trump Needs To Isolate For 10 Days. Here's How That Differs From Quarantine. | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>113515 City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, has decriminalized psychedelic plants, including magic mushrooms.

>>113516 #13929

(13 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173573

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10885730 Q Research General #13933: We Are Q and We See (YOU) Edition

Created 021534ZOCT20




>>113586 Veklury (remdesivir) Now Available Directly from Distributor following Trump Administration’s Successful Allocations to States and U.S. Territories

>>113587 Lin Wood@LLinWood: I am receiving increased number of threats that I am going to killed, that my house will be burned down& that many “smear” articles will soon be published by my “friends” in media.

>>113588 Thousands heading to US in migrant caravan despite COVID-19 threat

>>113589 Jon Voight twat with clip: Evil

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7795a1b8760a0d77e658d6f9aa205ef308da2c4e812f651bb4aec7d7709790a6.mp4


>>113591 Sen. Lee Positive for Covid.10days iso

>>113592 Condemning Qanon violence. In the bread since Aug 1st 2018.

>>113593 Judge sentences man to 600 years in prison in child sex case

>>113594 This Congressional Condemnation of Qanon is Sponsored & Brought to you by sexual predator lobbyist: Tom Malinowski

>>113595 Unlock Michigan turns in 539k signatures to limit Gov. Whitmer’s emergency powers

>>113596 WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

>>113597 Hope to Pelosi, testing

>>113598 OC Cities Battle Explosion Of Non-Native ‘Ankle-Biter’ Aedes Mosquitos

>>113599 You shouldn't have defamed #KyleRittenhouse, @JoeBiden

>>113600, >>113601, >>113603, >>113606, >>113609 PF

>>113602 It was a roll call vote. Yeas won. Jayapal “demanded” the Yeas and Nays. Postponed until further proceedings.

>>113604 GIULIANI spox to NBC: "Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be getting tested for COVID-19 today. In the meantime, he has begun the quarantine process.”

>>113605 Trump did not call Covid-19 a 'hoax' - and other false claims

>>113607 DNI Ratcliffe Welcomes Lt. Gen. Berrier as DIA Director

>>113608 17 Nays

>>113610 #13933,

(21 notables, 25 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173574

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10884212 Q Research General #13931: 10 Days Of Isolation Edition

Created 021339ZOCT20




>>113540 Sidney Powell’s Closing Remarks in Tuesday’s Courtroom Lynching by Judge Sullivan and His ‘Special Counsel’ Were Poetic

>>113541 So POTUS just happened to announce COVID+ the SAME day as the anniversary of one of the nation's most memorable DS attacks (Las Vegas)…

>>113542 anon assesses positive scenarios with regard to covid diagnosis

>>113543 Steve Cox w/CAP: By “I hope they both die” I was talking about Trump *and* Biden. Not Melania. She seems nice.

>>113544 BREAKING - Ronna McDaniel, the RNC chairwoman, tested positive for the coronavirus on Wednesday, multiple sources say.

>>113545 NY Catholic diocese declares bankruptcy to protect itself from wave of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>113546 zerohedge w/CAP: What time do we go green

>>113547 Stella Immanuuel w/CAP: Whoever told the president to stop taking HCQ should be punched in the face...

>>113548 GrrrGraphics Cartoons w/CAP: At this time in history watch the reactions to the news of the President and First Lady testing positive for the Wuhan virus...

>>113549 US Army w/CAP: Jump on in, the water's fine! #BlueGreenTeam

>>113550, >>113553, >>113556 planefag reporting

>>113551 McConnell says Supreme Court confirmation will move forward despite coronavirus at White House

>>113552 Are You Not Entertained? The enemy of polite discourse isn’t Donald Trump, it’s the bloody establishment he is fighting.

>>113554 (embedded video) Devin Nunes sounds off on newly declassified documents in the Russia probe

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ys5KlLluSBI - Devin Nunes sounds off on newly declassified documents in the Russia probe [Channel: Fox Business]

>>113555 Flight of Boeing E-6B Mercurys amid Trump's coronavirus announcement 'purely coincidental': Strategic Command

>>113557 The U.S. Army Wants to Arm Its Troops With Micro-Drones

>>113558 General Dynamics Land Systems awarded $1.2 Billion U.S. Army Contract for Stryker IM-SHORAD Vehicles

>>113559 (Live) The house is calling us (Qanon) a cult and some bullshit about mass shootings we supposedly were behind…

>>113560 John Basham w/CAP: Signalling To The World President @realDonaldTrump Is IN CONTROL & Our MILITARY IS READY To React To ANY THREAT...

>>113561 #13931

(20 notables, 22 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173575

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10884978 Q Research General #13932: High Info Friday Edition

Created 021442ZOCT20




>>113562 Nuclear command centers Airborne! Twat thread

>>113563, >>113566, >>113569 House debating resolution to condemn QAnon and to reject its conspiracy theories.

>>113564 Why USO Attorney story might be true

>>113565, >>113570, >>113577 a corona offline post.

>>113567 Today is China's National Holiday Oct 1-7,2020.

>>113568 Transcript: Remarks by President Trump to Guests at the Al Smith Dinner -


>>113572 Deploy Camouflage.

>>113573 planefaggin

>>113574 Herridge: #TrumpCovid NOW

>>113575 Flotus: Thank you for the love you are sending our way. I have mild symptoms but overall feeling good. I am looking forward to a speedy recovery.

>>113576 Gitmo on?: I don't know anything about this site so treat sauce accordingly. However, timeline fits with overnight events.

>>113578 text of the resolution

>>113579 Potus read between the lines

>>113580 "sanitary" mask production

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ffcdcf5e09c6331792f92949386c19dd487a66851b04a7db013ab241554e323c.mp4

>>113581 You guys notice that people are now using @potus instead of @realdonaldtrump? Turtle call to Potus

>>113582 NYT disgraces itself again, publishing a ChiCom shill's praise for China's crackdown in Hong Kong

>>113583, >>113584 'Doomsday plane' flights preplanned, not tied to Trump COVID-19 diagnosis, Pentagon says

>>113585 #13932

(19 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173576

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10886519 Q Research General #13934: We got some question Mr. [Wallace] Edition

Created 021622ZOCT20




>>113611, >>113615 DOJ: Two HUGE sentences handed out today

>>113612 Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow spoke to reporters to try and reassure markets late Friday morning, a ploy that appears to be working - at least for now.

>>113613 Related to the mysterious pre-filled voter registration forms

>>113614 “Pleased to officially sign the MAC Protocol with @UNIDROITorg to finance mining, agriculture, and construction equipment to benefit developing nations. This legal framework could enable global economic gains of up to $30B in GDP gains a year.“

>>113616, >>113619 Knife-wielding man overcomes tazer, stabs cop & gets shot dead

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4095ad850bdec57dda935cb298300210efd46efc0b9432f7df877efe0851fae5.mp4

>>113617 JUST IN: Republican Sen. Mike Lee tests positive for Covid-19 days after meeting with Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett/they going to try to delay senate for barret

>>113618, >>113623, >>113626, >>113631, >>113632, >>113637, >>113638, >>113639, >>113642 planefaggin

>>113620 There is a silver lining. When Trump is out of this, he’ll be immune from Covid-19 and stronger than ever.My suggested motto going forward: “No more Mister Nice Guy”

>>113621 Michael Moore doubts Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis: 'He's not above weaponizing this'

>>113622, >>113640, >>113641 The Bee: Party That Wants To Run Your Healthcare Roots For Political Opponent To Die

>>113624 MEANWHILE #OPENBORDERSINC is back to business as usual. Here comes another Soros/U.N./Vatican/globalist illegal alien caravan…just in time for the U.S. presidential election cycle. Right on cue.

>>113625 Lin Wood's letter to Biden camp regarding Rittenhouse.

>>113627 2 Y Delta, Vote, Mother Fuckers

>>113628 USPS postal truck robbed in #LongBeach

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fb87494e1ddf3a655535e220dac5bc1337bda413ff53312da6563ff8d51bf3a3.mp4

>>113629 Russia, Russia, Russia

>>113630 POTUS liked a tweet from September 24 + related coincidences and possible theory: IT'S HAPPENING

>>113633, >>113635, >>113644 “If He Becomes Sick, It Could Raise Questions About Whether He Should Remain on Ballot” – NY Times Suggests Trump Should Quit 2020 Race/they are pushin this hard

>>113634 FBI rejects my FOIA for all disciplinary files for Crossfire Hurricane team members,citing “prospective or pending law enforcement action.”

>>113636 Oh shit! Is this a tracking operation by POTUS??

>>113643 JA verdict Jan 4, 2021

>>113645 #13934

(21 notables, 35 posts, 50 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173577

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10888041 Q Research General #13936: Anons Sending "Love" To MSM Edition

Created 021818ZOCT20




>>113685 Statement from Presidents of Russia, USA, and France on Nagorno-Karabakh

>>113686 Judicial Watch: Pennsylvania Counties Admit Gave Incorrect Voter Roll Info to Fed Government – Disclose Conflicting Numbers of Inactive Voters to Court

>>113687 Joint Chiefs of Staff: We’re not freaking out over Trump COVID news

>>113688 Ten Major D.C. Consensus Lies that President Trump Has Shattered Forever

>>113689 European Anti-Money Laundering Watchdog Starts Inspecting Vatican

>>113690 Planefags

>>113691 Unmanned underwater drones ("SEA HUNTER") developed for US military to be ready by year end 2020

>>113692 SoCal Earthquake Swarm south of Salton Sea, Rising Speculation About “The Big One”

>>113693 Pence-Harris Debate Still On, says commission

>>113694 House Resolution Condemning "QAnon" also condemns Antifa and BLM

>>113695 China prefers Biden re: Trade Policy

>>113696 More Hostilities in Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia conflict

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4IRCDEulxOY - Düşmənin canlı qüvvə və döyüş texnikası sarıdan ağır itkilər verməsinin daha bir videoyazısı [Channel: Azərbaycan Respublikası Müdafiə Nazirliyi]

>>113697, >>113699, >>113712 Rollcall on H.Res.1154 Condemning QAnon and rejecting "the conspiracy theories it promotes"

>>113698, >>113708 Some Declassed Hunter Biden flight records

>>113700 House Dems Propose to Remove Police Funding in Latest $2.2T Pkd — But Bill Will Bail-Out Poorly Run Dem States

>>113701 President Trump's Hannity Interview, hours before testing positive for China virus (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CokeEFsGoFI - Trump gives presidential debate reaction in 'Hannity' exclusive [Channel: Fox News]

>>113702 Sen. Murphy: "Trump Surrogate Putin Will Be Campaigning for Him" While He’s Quarantined

>>113703 Putin messages Trump: “I am sure that your inherent vitality, vigour and optimism will help you overcome the dangerous virus”

>>113704 Press Sec Kayleigh McEnany Comments to Reporters in WH Driveway

>>113705 Trump Campaign Cancels Rallies by President & 1st Family Members; Replaced with Virtual Events; Pence to Still Campaign

>>113706 Gallup poll: 56% expect Trump to win the election; 40% think Biden will

>>113707 Marketfag: Airbnb IPO aims to raise ~$3B

>>113709 Marine judge who was assigned to preside over 9/11 trial 2 weeks ago abruptly quit today

>>113710 Thousands of Doctors & Scientists Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns, Including Nobel Prize-Winning Biophysicist

>>113711 China state-run paper claims Trump 'paid the price' for his COVID-19 'gamble' after POTUS, FLOTUS test positive

>>113713 NY Plane Crash Update, Corfu, NY, registered to attorney Steve Barnes, Rochester NY. Passengers & their condition not yet known

>>113714 Ransomware: Gangs shift targets, raise ransom demands

>>113715 Anti-Lockdown Protests Explode Globally (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C09d05BxR9k - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>113716 @DeptofDefense Sunset training

>>113717 Tweet: ...known Trump since 2014...not racist...not white supremacist. He's a NYC businessman who has been denouncing the KKK longer than any private citizen turned politician. Just last week he designated Antifa and KKK as terror groups. Wallace knew this!

>>113718 Possibly related to Corfu plane crash

>>113719 China claims New Large Underwater Robot Could be Game Changer

>>113720 Michigan Gov. Whitmer rolls back Upper Peninsula into Phase 4, cites "COVID-19 case surge"

>>113721 #13936

(34 notables, 37 posts, 46 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173578

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10887270 Q Research General #13935: Round #2? Edition

Created 021719ZOCT20




>>113646 Guatemala vows to detain & send back caravan of illegal migrants heading to US

>>113647, >>113680 PF

>>113648 San Francisco mayor announces city will pay some pregnant women $1,000 a month — but only if they're black or Pacific Islander

>>113649 Democrat Chris Murphy: ‘No Business Should Proceed’ in Senate After Trump Coronavirus Diagnosis


>>113651 Colorado Grants Full, Unconditional Pardons to Thousands with Past Marijuana Convictions

>>113652 Armenian PM: Turkey in Azerbaijan to ‘Continue Armenian Genocide’

>>113654 Potus will tap Pence if symptoms worsen

>>113655 8,000 Lawsuits Against Bayer, Down 30%, Monsanto Death Spiral

>>113656 QAnon Followers Think Trump’s Covid-19 Tweet Had a Secret Message About Hillary Clinton?

>>113657 Court rules Nick Sandmann's lawsuits against NYT, ABC, CBS, Rolling Stone can proceed

>>113658 US widens probe into Astrazeneca's Covid jab after patient develops rare spinal disorder during trials

>>113659 NEW: 2 more coronavirus cases found at the White House; one in a staffer and the other one in a journalist. No word on their identities

>>113660 Brennan: It was fitting that a bunch of goats & a dead battery were in evidence when I spoke to @IsaacDovere at The Atlantic about the one & thankfully only time I met Donald Trump. I write about that surreal day in

>>113661 Brennan: When it comes to the health & welfare of others, we must ignore that which divides us, focusing instead on the humanity that unites us.

>>113662 The War On Terror Gone Mad: Chicago Police Consider Expired Parking A “Public Safety Threat”

>>113663 Hong Kong police arrest at least 60 people for attending a banned march on China's National Day after pro-Beijing leader Carrie Lam cheers the city's 'return to stability'


>>113665 The New York Fed, Pumping Out More than $9 Trillion in Bailouts Since September, Gets Market Advice from Giant Hedge Funds

>>113666 The president of the University of Notre Dame tests positive for Covid-19, the school says, about a week after he was seen at the White House shaking hands and not wearing a mask during Amy Coney Barrett's nomination

>>113667 Leader of 'white supremacist' Proud Boys is state director of unofficial support group called Latinos for Trump and has ties to Republicans including the president's son Don Jr., Senator Ted Cruz and Roger Stone, who is a member

>>113668, >>113672 10.02.2020 STATEMENT FROM THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN

>>113669 Fluor's Unit Wins $1.12B Contract Modification From US Navy

>>113670 JUST IN: Imprisoned Harvey Weinstein charged with six additional forcible sexual assault counts in Los Angeles

>>113671 Amash to Ali

>>113673 Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’

>>113674 Army discontinues Rapid Equipping Force

>>113675, >>113676, >>113677, >>113678, >>113679 House Representatives Votes Regarding Qanon

>>113681 BREAKING: Signalling To The World President @realDonaldTrump Is IN CONTROL & Our MILITARY IS READY To React To ANY THREAT

>>113682 John Brennan overruled CIA officers who disputed confidence in intelligence on Putin’s 2016 motivations

>>113683 UPDATE: #OperationLegend

>>113684 #13935

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9d28d5 No.173579

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10888772 Q Research General #13937: House Condemns "QAnon"

Created 021918ZOCT20




>>113722 An ambush of the State Police left a balance of six police officers and two armed men dead, in the Municipality of El Mezquital, Durango

>>113723 anon bun / Yes, Trump Should Be Taking Hydroxychloroquine Right Now

>>113724, >>113739 anon bun / I believe this, the CIA Dems and Comped Reps are trying to take him down Nalvany

>>113725 AG Barr Tests Negative for COVID-19

>>113726, >>113730 2016: Trump denounced white supremacy to Chris Wallace

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6dea362dca9e35c03ae4d1217e9ac4d737606d1f8e0aec4b9369539512347162.mp4

>>113727 Virtual Rally Cancelled Tonight

>>113728 anon bun / Bishop: Christians must refuse COVID vaccine derived from aborted babies, even if it means martyrdom

>>113729 anon bun / Message to President of the United States Donald Trump - Putin

>>113731 anon bun / FNC’s Wallace: The ‘Lesson’ of Trump Getting Coronavirus ‘Is Wear the Damn Mask’

>>113732, >>113737, >>113740, >>113748, >>113753, >>113754, >>113757, >>113758, >>113759, >>113761, >>113762 PF

>>113733 anon bun / CIA and MI6 behind Armenian–Azerbaijani conflict?

>>113734 What Is The 25th Amendment And How Is It Invoked?

>>113735 Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren indicted by grand jury, charged with scheme to defraud

>>113736 anon bun / Macron vows to fight Muslim separatism

>>113738 Liberal Reporter Exposes How the Media Uses 'White Supremacists' to 'Manufacture Hysteria'

>>113741 anon bun / Trump To Hold Virtual Campaign Rally Friday Despite COVID-19 Diagnosis

>>113742, >>113751 Two Members of Notorious Videogame Piracy Group “Team Xecuter” in Custody

>>113743 White House: Trump experiencing 'mild symptoms' after positive coronavirus test, 'in good spirits'

>>113744 anon bun / ‘Outraged’ W.H.O. to Investigate Itself over Charges of Worker Sexual Assault, Abuse

>>113745 anon bun / NY PLANE CRASH UPDATE

>>113746 Taiwan Deploys Jets, Air Defenses After Chinese Plane Enters Island Nation's Defense Zone

>>113747 watch tomorrow, 2 yr delta FEMA ALERT

>>113749 anon bun / So if it's a baseless conspiracy theory why do they need a resolution to condemn it????????

>>113750 2 yr delta 53-47

>>113752 anon bun / Hickenlooper Calls China a ‘Great Nation’

>>113755 In Major Shift, Army to Shut Down Asymmetric Warfare Group and Rapid Equipping Force

>>113756 Scott Co. soldier killed in WWII will finally be laid to rest in his hometown

>>113760 Harvey Weinstein is charged with six more counts of sexual assault involving two victims who say he raped them at a Beverly Hills hotel more than a decade ago

>>113763 #13937

(29 notables, 42 posts, 52 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173580

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10890370 Q Research General #13939: The Zen of Kek and Hell Yeah Rally On! Edition

Created 022122ZOCT20




>>113802, >>113807 On POTUS moving to Walter Reed FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS as a precautionary measure

>>113803 MI Supremes just ruled half-whit overstepped authority w/EO

>>113804, >>113813, >>113818, >>113819 PF

>>113805, >>113806 Trump to head to Walter Reed hospital following Covid-19 diagnosis

>>113808 FBO Human Trafficking Taskforce: Alabama man sentenced to 600 years in federal prison on CP charges

>>113809 Member of Mueller’s Prosecution Team Has “Flipped” for Durham ?

>>113810 Another one post poster: UNITED_WE_STAND

>>113811 New Court Documents on Maxwell Case

>>113812, >>113815 New documentary about Mike Wallace reminds us of journalism’s power - and responsibility

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dDSq2fF9flk - Mike Wallace Is Here - Official Trailer [Channel: Magnolia Pictures & Magnet Releasing]

>>113814 POTUS has isolated himself and he has not addressed the nation. Are we "here"? Q Post refresh

>>113816 Refresh 2019: Adam Schiff Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny

>>113817 Anon: Is it finally habbening?

>>113820 #13939,

(13 notables, 19 posts, 15 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173581

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10889579 Q Research General #13938: Shills Need Not Apply Edition

Created 022026ZOCT20




>>113764 Boeing wins $298 million Space Force contract for jam-resistant communications satellite

>>113765 anon bun

>>113766, >>113770, >>113780, >>113793, >>113795, >>113797, >>113798 planefaggin

>>113767 Federal judge denies New York Times, Rolling Stone, ABC, and CBS motion to dismiss Nick Sandmann's defamation lawsuit

>>113768, >>113772, >>113796 Call to diggz! Steve Barnes, attorney who died in the plane crash

>>113769 Number of Murders by Q Fans: 0, Number of Murders by Socialism Fans: 100,000,000

>>113771 Days after computer theft from Philly elections warehouse, reporter strolls inside, walks by rows of voting machines — with no one else around

>>113773 Russian authorities stage rabbi’s death in undercover terror sting operation

>>113774 25 Moar Kids Rescued

>>113775 India qdrops translated

>>113776 Presidential cocktail for health

>>113777 U.S. Army rolls out new strategic weapon: Soldiers are told to NAP as much as possible in training manual

>>113778 The ‘Defense Innovation Board’ May Just Be a Google Lobbying Operation

>>113779 @USNavalInstitute #FunFactFriday - One reason why the Navy gave full support to "The Hunt for Red October" is that "Top Gun" actually had been too successful.

>>113781 Au: Federal Government considers amnesty for illegal workers amid coronavirus-caused shortage

>>113782 Schumer, Feinstein Say Senate Should Not Proceed Confirmation Amid Virus Diagnosis

>>113783 A reminder of the New York #DeBlasio has created singlehandedly…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/faf7154f71a535e2cfe67a8f4230876319af06166c563bc430a0058e495bc88f.mp4

>>113784 Moar Russia: Sen. Murphy: Trump Surrogate Putin Will Be Campaigning for Him While He’s Quarantined

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/19c872ea462cf29e5768725b738c79f12f1267721fae8e659b6559924486751a.mp4

>>113785 10 men sent to prison for child exploitation

>>113786 EXCLUSIVE: Brad Parscale's wife is now 'fully cooperating' with investigators after denying domestic abuse

>>113787 Kyiv Police Probe Deadly Attack on US Embassy Employee

>>113788 17 individuals have been arrested in the Eastern District of Texas pursuant to a federal indictment which alleges drug trafficking and firearms violations


>>113790 #14 'TAKE BACK THE HOUSE' -DJT #VoteDemsOut Dave Loebsack Iowa 2nd

>>113791 Chris Wallace on why people shouldn't trust Dr. Scott Atlas: He's not an epidemiologist! Neither is Fauxi btw

>>113792, >>113794 Nolte: Fox News Channel’s John Roberts and Chris Wallace Are Liars


>>113801 #13938

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9d28d5 No.173582

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10891092 Q Research General #13940: The Insulated Edition

Created 022202ZOCT20




>>113821, >>113829 #ProjectSafeChildhood - Many men sentenced

>>113822 Q Post Refresh: Do you trust the military? We are in control

>>113823, >>113824 Anon: Oct. 4th, 2020 converted to military format is 4.10.2020. None of this is a coincidence

>>113825 Refresh> POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified)

>>113826, >>113831 Planefag Reports

>>113827 Eric Trump: @RealDonaldTrump is a real warrior

>>113828, >>113834, >>113837 Michigan Supreme Court rules against Whitmer on emergency powers

>>113830 Senate Republicans: Trump COVID-19 diagnosis won't stall Barrett confirmation

>>113832 POTUS's strange pronunciation of Plasma "Plos-ma": plos.org is an open source scientific/medical research site

>>113833 Cardinal Becciu accused of sending Vatican funds to Australia during Cardinal Pell trial

>>113835 Rubio: US Intelligence "Monitoring" Foreign Adversaries For Signs They'll Exploit President's Illness

>>113836, >>113840, >>113842 Photos: POTUS departs the WH

>>113838 Biden Hires Facebook Executive for Transition Team

>>113839 Biden Campaign: ‘Hard to See’ Next Debate Happening After Trump Coronavirus Diagnosis

>>113841 What is the FBI hiding? Whose names are on the contract? Revolving door between the FBI and Crowd Strike?

>>113843 Herridge: WH Comms Director @Alyssafarah confirms there has NOT been a transfer of power to VP Pence

>>113844 #13940

(17 notables, 24 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173583

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10892640 Q Research General #13942: The Geronimo Edition

Created 022327ZOCT20




>>113863 Twitter warns it will suspend users who publicly hope for Trump’s death

>>113864 HIT PIECE Sean Hannity privately called Trump 'bats— crazy,

>>113865 Rochester Mayor Indicted in Felony Campaign Finance Fraud

>>113866, >>113871 COMMS to the PURPLE cabal

>>113867, >>113873, >>113874, >>113878 PlaneFag

>>113868 Fact Checkers actually Fact checked correctly POTUS covid

>>113869 Minnesota paper pulls story mocking Trump’s COVID diagnosis

>>113870 It Needs to Be Asked: Is President Trump Safe from the Military Deep State at Walter Reed Hospital?

>>113872 DC Legal Circles Rumor Says Member of Mueller’s Prosecution Team Has “Flipped” for Duham

>>113875 OBAMA comms [political] battle

>>113876 Congress can't stop QAnon but combatting abuse and trauma can

>>113877 TO GET HER

>>113879 Trump coronavirus diagnosis changes dynamic of stimulus talks, Nancy Pelosi says

>>113880 White house bathed in pink light, FLOTUS

>>113881 Trumps October surprise anon prediction

>>113882, >>113884 Rochester, New York, mayor indicted on 2 felony campaign finance charges

>>113883 17 Republicans Voted Against Condemning QAnon After A Democrat Got Death Threats From Its Followers

>>113885 U.S. Strategic Command posted these pic on Insta 20

>>113886 #13942,

(19 notables, 24 posts, 33 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173584

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10891858 Q Research General #13941: The Full Circle Edition

Created 022242ZOCT20




>>113845 President Trump Walks to Marine One for Trip to Walter Reed

>>113846, >>113855 More on Michigan Supreme Court strikes down Gretchen Whitmer emergency powers

>>113847, >>113857, >>113858, >>113859 Nick Backovic is leading the effort to doxx & harass Q aggregator anons - Logically

>>113848 Crime Data for 2019 Released – Still Not the Gun’s Fault

>>113849, >>113861 Hussein says he and Michael wish Donald and Melania Trump a speedy recovery

>>113850, >>113856 Refresh> Q's Geronimo Drop

>>113851 Jordan Sather banned by Twitter

>>113852 Video: POTUS on going to Walter Reid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d52e9e6d7297f012ac6cdf6aef91765365b86e94b2224aac016e51dfe829e9ab.mp4

>>113853 Mediate: Biden Campaign Reportedly Pulling Down All Negative Ads Against Trump

>>113854 10892463 US Att'y Bash, tasked w/supporting Durham on unmasking in Russia Probe, unsealing cartel indictments

>>113860 LIVE: Harris at an event in Nevada

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g8RZP-_iFCs - BREAKING: President Trump Sent to Walter Reed Medical Center for COVID-19 Hospitalization [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>113862 #13941

(12 notables, 18 posts, 18 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173585

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10894864 Q Research General #13945: When it looks like sitting Duck Edition

Created 030148ZOCT20




>>113932 SpaceX Falcon 9 launch scrubbed moments before launch

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OiKftAh1Y6M - SpaceX Falcon 9 launch scrubbed moments before launch [Channel: Fox Business]

>>113933 Steve Schmidt in panic mode

>>113934 Kellyanne Conway's daughter just posted on TikTok that Kellyanne has COVID-19

>>113935 American Flag

>>113936 Planefag

>>113937 Amy Coney Barrett on Suspension of Rights for GITMO Detainees

>>113938 Department of Labor Acknowledges Unemployment Checks Are Bouncing

>>113939, >>113942 Ivanka and Eric Trump warrior tweets

>>113940 A wrecked plane and the body of its pilot have been raised from the ocean floor

>>113941, >>113946 Tom Fitton ready to smash like Hulk.

>>113943, >>113945 Kellyanne Conway covid positive

>>113944 Trump's Suite at Walter Reed Features Living, Working Spaces as Well as Medical Facilities

>>113947 #13945

(13 notables, 16 posts, 11 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173586

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10893427 Q Research General #13943: Flying High Planefags Edition

Created 030013ZOCT20




>>113887 Republican U.S. Senator Thom Tillis has tested positive for coronavirus

>>113888 GITMO NEWS

>>113889 White house President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key positions in his Administration

>>113890 Thillis tested positive

>>113891, >>113907 Trump has called a lid comms


>>113893 Sidney taking governors to task.

>>113894 This Week at Justice - October 2, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=v8m9WDufhUw - This Week at Justice - October 2, 2020 [Channel: The Justice Department]

>>113895 Mary Flynn O’Neil Live Interview - Oct 2, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lcdNXYlx8sI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>113896, >>113897, >>113901 Every bad actor has used the word SPEEDY

>>113898, >>113899 PlaneFag

>>113900 HANX : US Navy tweet

>>113902 11th Circuit Court Overturns Democrat Attempts to Steal Georgia Election

>>113903 DoJ, FBI Prepare For Election Night Violence, Voting Disruptions

>>113904, >>113905 SPEEDY RECOVERY SEALS

>>113906 Chuck Schumer Tweet It is irresponsible and dangerous to move forward with a hearing

>>113908 #13943

(17 notables, 22 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173587

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10894117 Q Research General #13944: Pop Corn Friday Edition

Created 030100ZOCT20




>>113909 Twitter says they will suspend users wishing death on Trump, but Facebook will allow it as long as he isn't tagged in the comment

>>113910 Trump campaign indicates it will not join @JoeBiden in pulling negative ads

>>113911 Hilary Clinton tweet to POTUS


>>113913, >>113916, >>113925 Dan Scavino tweet speedy recovery

>>113914, >>113917 Key Assange Prosecution Witness Part of Academic Cluster That Has Received Millions from UK & US Militaries

>>113915 FAKE news reports Former presidents are silent on Donald Trump's COVID diagnosis

>>113918 Facebook, Twitter, Google CEOs to Testify Before Congress in Late October

>>113919 James Woods tells FOX that Chris Wallace is DONE.

>>113920 Trump to Walter Reid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1xgWIUOX5dU - Trump arrives at Walter Reed after testing positive for coronavirus [Channel: Fox News]

>>113921, >>113923, >>113926, >>113929 PlaneFag

>>113922 Bill Clinton tweeted the exact same tweet one minute prior to Hilary Clinton

>>113924 James Woods Savage tweet

>>113927 (2012) DJT Seals are wonderful creatures

>>113928 Australian Qld deputy premier Steven Miles ‘wishes Donald Trump well’ after disinfectant quip

>>113930 Chuck Schumer Calls for Postponing Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate Hearings Because of Coronavirus

>>113931 #13944

(17 notables, 23 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173588

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10895714 Q Research General #13946: KAC has covid 2020 Edition

Created 030243ZOCT20




>>113948, >>113959 planefaggin

>>113949 metadata analysis of picture posted!

>>113950 @PACAF Flying high with Partners & Allies!

>>113951 Watch POTUS right hand when he gets on Marine 1.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/93c6e200c38e0173918e8ee48cf9d19e6d98eca2668433888ff3f6e181a2a7fe.webm

>>113952 Someone from California ordered Dominos for everyone at the Walter Reed MAGA flash mob

>>113953 Army Lt. General Scott Berrier takes over as new Defense Intelligence Agency Director

>>113954 General Dunford, former Chief of Staff, joins Veterans Organization TMF.

>>113955 The Conservative Trans Woman Who Went Undercover With Antifa in Portland

>>113956 Trump vs Deep State: From Midterm Defeat to COVID-19

>>113957, >>113965 #13946

>>113958 Russian chopper enters Japan airspace, fighters scrambled

>>113960, >>113963 Potus: Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!/misspelling

>>113961 @POTUS sent ⁦@MarkMeadows out with gifts to the Patriots waiting along the road with flags and prayers. It’s a Hershey’s kiss with Trump’s signature and the Presidential seal.

>>113962 Grassley: Barbara & I regularly pray for @realDonaldTrump & our First Lady as 1 Timothy 2:1-2 tells us to pray for those in authority

>>113964 BREAKING: Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien has tested positive for COVID-19.

(15 notables, 18 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173589

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10896567 Q Research General #13947: Quarantine Enhancement Edition

Created 030352ZOCT20




>>113966 POTUS moved to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

>>113967 This Week at State • October 2, 2020 In Review

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-MQggtK7TmQ - This Week at State • October 2, 2020 [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>113968, >>113972, >>113979, >>113981, >>113983, >>113987 Potus tweet looks like GODFATHER LLL drop.

>>113969, >>113980, >>113986 PlaneFag

>>113970 Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien tests positive for coronavirus

>>113971, >>113973, >>113974, >>113976, >>113977, >>113978, >>113985 Potus tweet WELI radio station is broadcast at frequency 960

>>113975 Three White House reporters test positive for COVID-19


>>113984 Trump given Remdesivir as treatment for COVID-19 infection

>>113988 #13947

(10 notables, 23 posts, 19 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173590

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10897323 Q Research General #13948: WELI Godfathers and prays Edition

Created 030455ZOCT20




>>113989, >>114000, >>114002 Logically.Ai (doxxed Qmap) dggs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=woD2ruvbsPo - The changing nature of news, social media and journalism around the world [Channel: Logically]

>>113990 Microsoft LinkedIn moves to limit QAnon on it's site

>>113991, >>114006 Missing L Q drops? Related to POTUS WelI tweet?

>>113992 Antifa trans Ryan Howe federally charged with inciting a riot in Rochester, N.Y

>>113993 An update from President @realDonaldTrump⁩’s physician

>>113994, >>114003 Did potus sign the congressional funding bill this week? It's about the break? Q #282

>>113995 THREAD on Walter Reed - President has his own suite at medical center

>>113996 Qanon Condemned by Congress list of article links

>>113997 With POTUS spelling well with a capital I, is this the marker 9?

>>113998 Moar Salzburg, Deep State Style:- HIllary, Comey, and RBG, Oh my KEK.

>>113999 Murders in NYC increased by 76% in September compared to last year

>>114001 DOJ : Statement of Interest Supporting Capitol Hill Baptist Church's Efforts to Practice its Faith During C-19

>>114004 Let's not forget the California wild fires are still going.

>>114005 Charlotte, NC 5Officers Resign after a black man in custody dies of overdose

>>114007 President Trump has Mark Meadows Hand Out Chocolates to Supporters Outside of Walter Reed!

>>114008 #13948,

(16 notables, 20 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173591

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10899799 Q Research General #13951: Speedy Harvest or Bust Edition

Created 031225ZOCT20




>>114076, >>114088, >>114095 Regeneron-Cov2 - any digs in this?

>>114077 Body Language Expert Alleges Numerous Indications in the Presidential Debate That Joe Biden May Have Been Wearing a Wire

>>114078 WHO Finally Agrees Our March Analysis was Correct: Early Numbers Grossly Inflated

>>114079 USSOCOM commemoration of Battle of Mogadishu in 1993

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7a8b62678c7259bec3f8a112108d17e553c7a382be2b2e9c8cee8f87f67f9179.mp4

>>114080 Mayor Lovely Warren indicted in felony campaign finance fraud

>>114081, >>114084 Anon on POTUS twat: At what stage do you play the Trump card?

>>114082 Catherine Herridge twat on new Covid cases among campaign officials

>>114083, >>114090 Sen. Ron Johnson has Covid-19

>>114085, >>114100 Eleven who worked on Cleveland debate diagnosed with COVID - was it the source?

>>114086 Fire Destroys Huawei Factory in China

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iv3icCDIGXc - Fire Destroys Huawei Factory in China [Channel: China Uncensored]

>>114087, >>114092 POTUS appoints Fitton to the Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure

>>114089, >>114094, >>114099 Planefags aloft

>>114091 Debate commission accedes to Biden campaign’s ‘health and safety’ objections for VP debate


>>114096 Two 'Doomsday planes' took off shortly before Trump announced COVID-19 diagnosis

>>114097 Mexico’s President Suggests New Migrant Caravan Timed to Influence U.S. Presidential Election

>>114098 Ghoulish N Carolina Dem Jenna Wadsworth Celebrates POTUS' CV Diagnosis in Unbelievable Video

>>114101 Scott Borgerson, Ghislaine's bf/hubby quits biz he founded.

>>114102 John-here-to-help on timing of POTUS' contracting COVID

>>114103 #13951,

(20 notables, 28 posts, 39 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173592

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10898202 Q Research General #13949: POTUS Night Shifting At Walter Reed Edition

Created 030613ZOCT20




>>114009, >>114011 U.S. Naval Institute Tweets a Hunt For Red October Reference

>>114010, >>114013 Future proves past - Hope Hicks, Bill Stepien, John Roberts In the Background & News

>>114012 FED UP: Citizens, Community Leaders Form Coalition to Save Portland (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZZVqF_uClzU - Coalition to Save Portland donation to the PPB Chaplains [Channel: TheChargerJeff]

>>114014, >>114023, >>114024, >>114032, >>114033 Moar on Lyric Jain, CEO of Logically.ai (doxxed QMAP, now trying qresear.ch)

>>114015 Reminder: Gov. DeWine of Ohio has ties to Haiti

>>114016 DOJ: Delaware County Man Sentenced to 35 Years for Sexually Abusing and Recording the Abuse of a Young Boy & collection of 114,000 CP images

>>114017 ICYMI Harvey Weinstein charged w/ 6 more counts of sexual assault

>>114018 A look at Walter Reed's Presidential Suite

>>114019 Radish seeds, meats and cheeses, & new 'female friendly' toilet launched to space station

>>114020 NSA Dir. Nakasone: @US_CYBERCOM and @NSAgov focus on securing our democratic processes & mil support

>>114021 On a submarine, rig for red is only for periscope depth operations at night. No other area on the boat rigs for red.

>>114022 Hit Piece - Germany’s coronavirus skeptics: Tactics from the Middle Ages

>>114025, >>114026, >>114027, >>114029 Reps. Phillips, Schakowsky, Riggleman, McClinktock Condemning Qanon (ytube embeds)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GK_EuaooaUo - Rep. Dean Phillips Condemns QAnon [Channel: Rep. Dean Phillips]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2DrtEtkjt8o - Resolution condemning QAnon [Channel: RepSchakowsky]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bphs8qs4NzA - Congressman Riggleman Speaks on H.Res. 1154, Condemning the QAnon Conspiracy Theory [Channel: Congressman Denver Riggleman]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5sufkFlwS-o - Resolution Condemning QAnon (2 of 2) [Channel: Congressman Tom McClintock]

>>114028 South China Sea: Beijing issues 'we do not fear war' threat as conflict panic erupts

>>114030, >>114031 It’s an early October Harvest Moon in 2020

>>114034, >>114035 October 5, 2017, 3-year Delta of "What storm, Mr. President?" - "You'll see!

>>114036 H.Res 666 was sponsored by AOC

>>114037, >>114038 Anon notices POTUS wore the same colored tie and mask yesterday in prior Walter Reed visit

>>114039 In 1962 Kennedy possibly faked being sick so he could handle the Cuban Missile Crisis behind the scenes

>>114040 #13949

(20 notables, 32 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173593

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10900580 Q Research General #13952: Was the Presidential Debate the COVID Source? Edition

Created 031402ZOCT20




>>114104 Social media op to take back the House

>>114105, >>114113, >>114118 LIVE: Update from POTUS' doctor 11am ET

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Wvvexg68Xk8 - Trump doctor news conference [Channel: 11Alive]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rYi2rb9Bl_o - Trump's physician gives an update on the president's condition [Channel: Fox News]

>>114106 Sen. @ChrisMurphyCT hopes muh COVID stops ACB confirmation

>>114107, >>114123, >>114127 ‭ Planefags

>>114108, >>114109, >>114110, >>114111, >>114114, >>114115, >>114117 Bun: Dig on POTUS tweet intentional misspelling WELI (weli) / Bun: Dig on POTUS tweet intentional misspelling WELI (weli)

>>114112 POTUS appoints Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) to Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure

>>114116 Court filing alleges Fordham Univ wants to hide ties to Chinese Communist Party

>>114119 Bun: Dig on POTUS tweet intentional misspelling WELI (weli)

>>114120 Stock watch: Top Insider Trades week ending 10/2/20

>>114121 Anons notice similarities in POTUS attire with prev. Walter Reed visit

>>114122 McConnell: Senate Monday despite positive COVID-19 tests; to consider five federal judges

>>114124 Re: PCR test and Remdesivir

>>114125 Tucker Carlson interviews Don Jr. (vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uF3P7e7Sd6c - Don Jr. gives update on Trump's health exclusively on 'Tucker' [Channel: Fox News]

>>114126 Clinton Foundation and Comey docs FBI Vault

>>114128 Reminder: Love is patient, love is kind"

>>114129 #13952

(16 notables, 26 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173594

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10898990 Q Research General #13950: Digital Soldiers & Midnight Riders Fight Back Edition

Created 030924ZOCT20




>>114041 Hussein wishes POTUS well - Looks haggard, is he hiding in a closet? (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0fcf3739b811fd1a063ce8825f773287b4ef2d19bf403b87cf76aa5fc986c04e.mp4

>>114042 Koch Latino group launches campaign to support Barrett SCOTUS

>>114043 ICYMI Kellyanne Conway reveals she has tested positive for COVID-19

>>114044, >>114048 Planefag Reports: Possible AF1 sighting, C-17s crossing the pond

>>114045 For some reason New Zealand media really cares about the US elections. This one is a poll

>>114046 Left Wing Governor Of Washington State Freaks Out As Boeing Moves Production To South Carolina

>>114047 @DeAnna4Congress: Trump was fine until the debate, where they set up microphones & podiums for him.

>>114049 NATO's Stoltenberg Wishes Trump, Wife 'Speedy Recovery.' Inside NATO nervous phones keep ringing

>>114050 Judge Emmett Sullivan arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000

>>114051 Dailybeast hit piece - QAnon: Trump Getting COVID Is Good News

>>114052, >>114057 Trump just announced his intent to nominate @TomFitton and @larryelder to administration jobs

>>114053 ICYMI Trump Campaign Manager Bill Stepien Contracts

>>114054 Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) Tests Positive for Coronavirus

>>114055 Mark Zuckerberg gives $500,000 to Oregon drug decriminalization initiative

>>114056 LGBT support for Trump on the rise in narrative-busting poll

>>114058 Georgia Republican Marjorie Greene slams House vote to condemn QAnon

>>114059 'South Carolina is open for business’: S.C. restaurants allowed to operate at 100 percent capacity

>>114060 U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham (Democrat) admits to sexual texting with California strategist

>>114061 @JosephJFlynn1: Important example of just how insipid and diabolical the #FakeNews propaganda machine has become

>>114062 Don Jr. gives update on Trump's health exclusively on 'Tucker' (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uF3P7e7Sd6c - Don Jr. gives update on Trump's health exclusively on 'Tucker' [Channel: Fox News]

>>114063 ‘Never Happened’: Cuomo Claims Coronavirus Patients Were Not Sent Back to Nursing Homes

>>114064 11 event staffers from Cleveland Pres. Debate test positive for Covid

>>114065 Pope Benedict approved bishop accord with China

>>114066 London MARATHON tomorrow

>>114067 600 Alabama and Arizona MP National Guard units on the ready to control National unrest.

>>114068 Hey Joe Biden, If Antifa Is an 'Idea,' Who Is Burning Down American Cities?

>>114069 October 5, 2020 - Last day a person may register to vote in Georgia and be eligible to participate in the November General Election and Runoff.

>>114071, >>114073 DS wants speedy/can we oblige anons?/clean and swift?

>>114072 Bokhari: Critical Race Theorists Control the Big Tech Algorithms that Control Us

>>114074 #TrumpCovid President Trump's physician confirms the president has started Remdesivir therapy+ is doing "very well."

>>114075 #13950

(31 notables, 34 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173595

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10902191 Q Research General #13954: Senate? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Senate Edition

Created 031636ZOCT20




>>114160, >>114161, >>114168, >>114169, >>114184, >>114186, >>114188, >>114189 PF Reports - Pakistani Air Force C-130 approaching US Airspace PF Reports

>>114162 Republican U.S. Senator Johnson diagnosed with COVID-19: spokesman

>>114163 Senate return pushed back to October 19

>>114164 Recess appointments Q & A from the Senate Archives.

>>114165 Q #4457: SENATE WAS THE TARGET - Coincidence?

>>114166 Giuliani: Biden flunkies trying to put off VP debate using @realDonaldTrump getting COVID.

>>114167 This week, the Marine Corps activated our first base since 1952. Camp Blaz in Dededo, Guam

>>114170 Dr. Conley just told reporters that the president is fever free and not on oxygen.


>>114172 A White House official clarifies Dr. Conley’s timeline - it’s Day 3, not 72 hours in the diagnosis

>>114173 At least 8 Confirmed Virus Cases Among Attendees of Rose Garden SCOTUS Nominee Ceremony

>>114174 Calendar Fag Recaps September 2020

>>114175, >>114185 keks from The Babylon Bee

>>114176 Kamala Harris ruffles feathers with Trump death joke on Ellen show (2018)

>>114177 Trump Bans Chinese Communist Party Members from Immigrating to America

>>114178 Anon: NPR using Mystery Insider,,, It’s time we demand sauce from these idiots

>>114179, >>114182 Laura Logan tweets US Code for Mutiny or Sedition

>>114180 Moar on Weli

>>114181 Leader McConnell tweet: Senate floor proceedings will be postponed until October 19th

>>114183 New DJT: Doctors, Nurses and ALL at the GREAT Walter Reed Medical Center, and others from likewise incredible institutions who have joined them, are AMAZING!!!

>>114187 Schumer statement on Senate Closing

>>114190 #13954,

(22 notables, 31 posts, 45 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173596

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10903724 Q Research General #13956: Court Nixes Lawless Michigan Lockdowns

Created 031858ZOCT20




>>114227 For Arrested NYC Antiquities Dealer, Illegal Trade is Family Business

>>114228 NATO's exercises in Arctic arouse concerns, Moscow says

>>114229, >>114261 Fake News CNN Source: Trump received oxygen on Friday and there is no clear path to his recovery

>>114230 Quake fag on continued activity in SoCal

>>114231 Married Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admits to sexting married strategist, won't drop out of race

>>114232 Publishing Registered Sex Offenders' Home Addresses Before Halloween Is Gratuitous, Unethical, and Reckless

>>114233 Wow. Washington DC. You don’t see this everyday. A TON of Trump supporters:

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a240f950712e37a8b9b4edeb2c93b34e4982005820977356f2548f535c558b54.mp4

>>114234 British Virgin Islands Plans to Make Company Ownership Transparent

>>114235 Trump Campaign - Debates will happen

>>114236 Steve Scalise says coronavirus testing on Capitol Hill has been offered to Nancy Pelosi, but she turned it down

>>114237 OPCW: Investigation Into Two Alleged Syria Chemical Attacks Inconclusive

>>114238 @USArmy

>>114239, >>114240, >>114241 Comms Bakers switching names after being caught of their Subversion

>>114242 POTUS tweet deltas over last ~48 hours since they started getting sparse.

>>114243 Tens of thousands protest Netanyahu across Israel; activists assaulted, arrested

>>114244 moar on Herridge: McCabe declines to testify next week citing COVID among senators

>>114245 Christie tests positive for COVID-19 after helping Trump with debate preparation

>>114246 Joe Bidens advisers tweeted again

>>114247 UK’s lead role in 1953 Iran coup d’etat exposed

>>114248 Governor Whitmer Refuses To Throw Ring Of Power Back Into Fires Of Mount Doom - BAB BEE

>>114249 POTUS children call their father a "warrior" amid COVID-19 diagnosis-thehill

>>114250 Petition to Protect The Vote

>>114251 Soros Funds Campaign of L.A. Prosecutor Candidate who Vows Lock Up Fewer Criminals

>>114252 Importance of Senate candidate Cunningham's sexting indiscretion explained

>>114253 Clinton-Obamagate-Russiagate Conspiracy EXPOSED, Trump-COVID Update, Voter Fraud Update? & MORE! (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HAWif0Mp-4c - Clinton-Obamagate-Russiagate Conspiracy EXPOSED, Trump-COVID Update, Voter Fraud Update & MORE! [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>114254 Azerbaijan uses Israeli LORA missile in conflict with Armenia

>>114255 Catherine Herridge tweets about POTUS WR Window View

>>114256 #13956 combo w/ d'oh & assist

>>114257 CNN's Jim Acosta was rose garden super spreader?

>>114258 Op Ed It's Time To Dismiss The Flynn Case-zh

>>114259, >>114265, >>114275 PF Aloft

>>114260 pf report(s) fuggen ebot gets one

>>114262 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>114263 Armenian-Azerbaijani Hostilities Still Gaining Momentum After 6 Days Of War

>>114264, >>114266, >>114267 Daily Roundup As of 10.03.2020

>>114268 Physicists Build Circuit That Generates Clean Limitless Power From Graphene

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KiLTEjm8zLw - Graphene Animation [Channel: University of Arkansas]

>>114269 Military Situation In Syria On October 3, 2020 (Map Update)

>>114270 WAPO Mueller Prosecutor Zelinsky Investigated For Misleading Congress

>>114271 Trump’s medical team says he is doing ‘very well’; official warns next 48 hours are ‘critical’-foxnews

>>114272 Paris Hilton Breaks Silence on Childhood Sexual Abuse (video) - Previous baker removed

>>114273 Lorain County elections board gets $435,000 grant for staffing, equipment-lucianne.com

>>114274 NightBaker screams shut it down over new Kitchen Meta not controlled by comms

>>114276 Soc. Media moar support for POTUS

>>114277 NightBaker Opinion on Anons - Your opinions are MOOT

>>114278 Andy Ngô BLM rioters tried to crash the #WalkAway pro-Trump rally in DC today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfc087f687ad8ec56eb888c4f01da2ba30ac1c573e9e6504ddabf598436a89f5.mp4

>>114279, >>114280 #13956

(46 notables, 54 posts, 66 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173597

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10901331 Q Research General #13953: Digital Warriors 5:5 WeAreTheNewsNow

Created 031525ZOCT20




>>114130, >>114143 President signed 2 citizen appointments to Smithsonian Board of Regents

>>114131, >>114132 Map: Walter Reed to Raven Rock bunker

>>114133 "Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism"

>>114134 Trump Doc team gives an update (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Ii_16tCQHY - Trump's doctor to give update on President's condition as he fights Covid-19 [Channel: The Sun]

>>114135, >>114136, >>114149, >>114150, >>114155, >>114156 Planefag Reports

>>114137 Anon reports - President Trump Medical Team: The president is not on oxygen

>>114138, >>114140, >>114142 Anon diggs on weli card

>>114139 Napa County's recent "Glass Fire" started at winery that supported Trump.

>>114141, >>114144 "Sounds So Hot And So Fun!" Moar on Dem Senate Candidate Sexting Scandal

>>114145 Patriots QB Cam Newton tests positive for COVID-19

>>114146 Chris Christie tests positive for COVID-19 after helping Trump with debate preparation


>>114151, >>114152, >>114153 Anon diggs on previous examples of Chinese transporting viruses in virals

>>114154 Breitbart live from Walter Reed - crowd gathering

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PI4edzqXiUU - BREAKING: Pro-Trump Americans Gathering at Walter Reed Hospital... [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>114157 Regeneron Pharma Pres/CEO and Pres/CSO equity sales

>>114158 Due to health concerns, Senate now out until October 19

>>114159 #13953

(17 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173598

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10902986 Q Research General #13955: CV-19 Makes Congress Weaker But POTUS STRONGER Edition

Created 031753ZOCT20





>>114192 Pakistani Air Force C-130 Lands at BWI

>>114193, >>114197 President’s physician clarifies Trump’s COVID timeline

>>114194 Paris Hilton Breaks Silence on Childhood Sexual Abuse (video) - Previous baker removed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c59f66dd7d2ed4d3b80b1341ef2dec0e18f7f97360955018d770ea59cdcabd46.mp4

>>114195 US Citizenship & Immig Services Policy Guidance on Inadmissibility Based on Membership in Totalitarian Party

>>114196 Vatican financial scandal: 450 million disappeared

>>114198 LIVE: WalkAway UNSILENT Majority March In DC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ccKXGLkxgJ0 - The #WalkAway #UNSILENT Majority March on Washington DC [Channel: #WalkAway Campaign]

>>114199, >>114202, >>114205 Noam Chomsky Testifies In Assange Hearing; Extradition Decision Not Expected Til Next Year

>>114200 Trump takes Regeneron's experimental antibodies hours after COVID-19 diagnosis

>>114201, >>114207, >>114209 Planefags

>>114203 Asst AG Dreiband statement on Michigan Supreme Court Striking Down Gov. Whitmer’s Pandemic-Related Orders "A victory for all Michiganders and the rule of law"

>>114204 Pritzker's Illinois Lockdown, Not For Health, But for a Federal Bailout

>>114206, >>114210 Herridge: McCabe declines to testify next week citing COVID among senators

>>114208 Dem. Rep Vernon Jones: Dems Have 'More Than Their Fair Share' of Bigots

>>114211 Chris Christie tests positive for COVID

>>114212 Grenell calls for investigation on @GavinNewsom's election interference - Ballots mailed to people dead over 10 years

>>114213, >>114220 Multiple MSM Outlets Promote Theory of Trump Serious Illness

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WBzrQOoiRNs - Hack Chris Wallace Starts Rumors that Trump Is Deathly Ill and His Doctors Are Lying to America [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>114214 McConnell Postpones Senate Floor Activity til 10/19; SCOTUS Confirmation Hearings To Proceed As Scheduled

>>114215 Ultra-Rich Collateralize Fancy Artwork, Penthouses to "Access Cheap Money"

>>114216 Armenia Says Ready to Work for Nagorno-Karabakh Ceasefire

>>114217 Former Wall Street Trader Paul Rinfret Sentenced to 5 Years Prison for $20M Ponzi Scheme

>>114218, >>114219 Herschel Walker: Politicians' reparations talk = 'pandering'

>>114221 WalkAway Women's Townhall Event Showcases Trump's Wide Appeal and Democrat Failures To Unite

>>114222 Intense Backlash vs. LA Times story re: Trump, COVID, Reagan assassination attempt 'A new low in American journalism'

>>114223 Is Biden hiding something in his Senate records?

>>114224 Catholic Group Launches $9.7 Million Anti-Biden Campaign in Battleground States

>>114225 Lawyer: Class Action Lawsuits are Being Prepared for Crimes Against Humanity

>>114226 #13955

(28 notables, 36 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173599

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10904508 Q Research General #13957: Surrender to None ['Digital Battleground']

Created 031956ZOCT20




>>114342 LB Dough:

>>114343 LB Handoff:

>>114344 Jon Cooper adds fuel to rumors over POTUS' health

>>114345 CNN: The Squad expressed surprise when Twitter announced it's policy against wishing harm or death on anyone

>>114346 Iranian Fuel Seized By US For Venezuela 'Sanctions-Busting' Discharges In New York

>>114347 Michael Bromwich, wrote letter in Herridges tweet earlier

>>114348 “I Am Feeling Well!” – POTUS Fires Off Tweet Amid Anonymously Sourced Rumor That He is Very Ill

>>114349 Jim Acosta fueling rumors about POTUS' health citing anonymous source

>>114350 Paris Hilton, more on her allegations of abuse by boarding school in Utah c1990's

>>114351 Dr. Sean Conley, Physician to the President, Provides an Update on President Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vD7B5X2QjG0 - 10/03/20: Dr. Sean Conley, Physician to the President, Provides an Update on President Trump [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>114352 Video keks: Joe Biden Remix

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dwoN-FvVEsA - Joe Biden C'mon Man REMIX - WTFBRAHH [Channel: WTFBrahh]

>>114353, >>114355 Planefag Reports

>>114354, >>114372 Prominent New York Lawyer Socata TBM-850 Crash on 2 Oct 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WMkMCG4QMyA - Prominent New York Lawyer Socata TBM-700 Crash on 2 Oct 2020 [Channel: blancolirio]

>>114356 Trump campaign keeping at ‘full speed’ with 'Operation MAGA' as Trump fights COVID-19

>>114357 Ex-coal executive sentenced to 5 years in prison for $20 million fraud scheme

>>114358 Wounds that time won't heal - On childhood trauma and abuse

>>114359 Diggz on Israel Epstein (20 April 1915 – 26 May 2005), a Polish-born Chinese journalist and author

>>114360, >>114361 Daniel Korski: The Intelligence-Linked Mastermind Behind the UK’s Orwellian Healthtech Advisory Board

>>114362, >>114363 Critical Race Theory posts

>>114364 Police Arrest Violent BLM Thugs After They Crash Brandon Straka’s MASSIVE Walk Away Rally in Washington DC

>>114365, >>114367, >>114368, >>114369 Twitter Thread of really happy Americans happy with the cost of prescriptions

>>114366 The Absurdity of Covid "Cases"

>>114370 Russian journalist dies after setting herself on fire outside government building - Blame the Russian

>>114371 Negative Nancy - Nancy's CV test is negative

>>114373 Anon: Has anyone seen these unsolicited packages received from PR CHINA lately?

(25 notables, 32 posts, 51 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173600

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10904492 Q Research General #13957: No More Comms Subversion Edition

Created 031954ZOCT20




>>114281, >>114315 Back with a fresh comic anons!

>>114282, >>114302 NEW PDJT

>>114283 John Cammo through the looking glass?

>>114284, >>114322, >>114323 Remember those ADRENOCHROME leaks a few days ago? - With apparant debunk

>>114285 Ilham Weli | Journalist, Xinjiang Daily | Imprisoned in China | July 01, 2018

>>114286 Next 48 hours Critical for POTUS

>>114287, >>114293 Spontaneous Trump Rally at Walter Reed Memorial Hospital - LOOK AT THAT CROWD

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e115251fa6edb643db689b9b26a4b36fe96116ebf391eaa1a86692b1bc88ce82.mp4

>>114288, >>114290, >>114297, >>114307, >>114312 PF

>>114289 Notables matter anons

>>114291 Dr. Sean Conley, Physician to the President, Provides an Update on President Trump (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vD7B5X2QjG0 - 10/03/20: Dr. Sean Conley, Physician to the President, Provides an Update on President Trump [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>114292 All news outlets now confirming Mark Meadows statement about next 48 hrs being critical.

>>114294 Iranian Fuel Seized By US For Venezuela 'Sanctions-Busting' Discharges In New York

>>114295 Call for Diggs - Paris Hilton/Hilton Family

>>114296, >>114304 U.S president Trump isn’t staying in any old hospital room.

>>114298 Adam Housley - OK…THIS IS A SIMPLE QUESTION… Did Meadows after asking to go off record say the President's health was worse, thus contradicting the doctors?

>>114299, >>114306, >>114309, >>114313 PLANEFAGS EYES ON

>>114300, >>114316 Prominent NY attorney, niece, killed in small plane crash

>>114301 Satanic Temple sues advertising company for refusing to put up billboards claiming abortion is a ritual

>>114303 Watch Ronald Reagan in a debate in 1980, when they try to turn his microphone off! - "I am Paying For This Microphone Mr…"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/261a154f07f6140dc9781c30f440185b77c01875ed0af8f57539783d60046252.mp4

>>114305 Judge orders 2020 census to continue through October

>>114308 Meet The Mastermind Behind JPMorgan's Gold And Silver Manipulation "Crime Ring"

>>114310 Trump campaign keeping at ‘full speed’ with 'Operation MAGA' as Trump fights COVID-19

>>114311 Five in attendance at the Saturday event, including two Republican senators, have since tested positive for the virus.

>>114314 kek, not a lot for a shill spotter to do in a bread full of anons

>>114317 Former Mayor of Scranton Bill Courtright has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for collecting bribes

>>114318 Ex-coal executive sentenced to 5 years in prison for $20 million fraud scheme

>>114319 Wounds that time won't heal

>>114320, >>114321 Daniel Korski: The Intelligence-Linked Mastermind Behind the UK’s Orwellian Healthtech Advisory Board

>>114324 Esper on Twatter

>>114325 Graphic showing AFLB is GB and Payseur Shill that spams bread, connected directly to comms board and works with comms bakers

>>114326 Student’s Lawsuit Against Fordham University Alleges School Hid Ties to Chinese Communist Party

>>114327 Walk the Vote Oregon

>>114328 COVID Absurdity

>>114329, >>114331 Mark Meadows caught asking to be Off the Record

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6bb232590a8acad88099a42d294a865005b8103a834fdfc3edd12982cc1b3fc5.mp4


>>114332 USMC Recruiting

>>114333 Negative Nancy

>>114334 Us Consulate Employee found dead in TJ

>>114335 Spain government is comp'd.

>>114336 Leftists Chant ‘F*ck Trump’ Outside Walter Reed Hospital – ‘I Hope He Dies!’

>>114337 The Epoch Times - #Twitter and #Facebook said they would remove posts that wish or hope for President Trump’s death.

>>114338 Paris is the headline

>>114339 You gon learn Today

>>114340 Shill Comms Baker Notables from Other Bake - Minibun

>>114341 #13957

(45 notables, 61 posts, 52 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173601

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10905795 Q Research General #13958: As Always, Anons Know Edition

Created 032122ZOCT20




>>114374 Round-up

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ce712e818e5a8ad9c4d95df11f0ce6d62c431f2cbbf5129044725c6b05b4574.mp4

>>114375 Breonna Taylor's boyfriend said SHE opened fire on cops during no-knock warrant before changing his story, according to now-indicted officer's testimony revealed in secret grand jury recordings

>>114376 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>114377, >>114381 Breaking: Counter-protestors clash with police at pro-Trump rally in Washington DC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf6648b35f935b6be618a637019ddef2aafa00666ded3ca5d3fd570fbcb72b3c.mp4

>>114378, >>114386, >>114428 International News

>>114379 ANONS KNOW EDITION, Hold the LINE

>>114380 Herridge pen following..

>>114382 John Solomon - North Carolina Democratic senate candidate admits to extramarital sexting

>>114383 The connection I see between what Paris is telling us and these adrenochome leak papers is that both involve privately run residential treatment centers for minors

>>114384, >>114387, >>114393, >>114395, >>114422, >>114432 Kek is still with Anon Baker and Anon bread

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a1d997f02686a60c411d2ba6be3f59ade2c9de64bd87435645289100f5b10698.webm

>>114385 For the KEKS

>>114388 This Obiden stooge gets the rope

>>114389 Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner- 5:40 PM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LREAHiDDsuM - Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner- 5:40 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>114390 POTUS tweet decode - “PLAGUE”

>>114391 Megan Mitra Smith

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b0d206051cfd490b896f8683a19711afbe53e119cf2eb6afe64eff5332c665c1.mp4

>>114392 Orange County Street Antics

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/342c364949d8f3352c313be340e6824d43c2c1cc8df1a633b05b6eaccc1192ed.mp4

>>114394, >>114396, >>114398 Biden Harris voters arrested

>>114397 BREAKING: Chris Christie, who is suffering from coronavirus, has been hospitalized as a 'precautionary measure' - CNN



VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9ZJn9PExLYI - Does Chelsea Clinton Talk to Ivanka Trump? | WWHL [Channel: Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen]

>>114401, >>114403, >>114409, >>114410, >>114413, >>114418, >>114419 Regeneron Diggs

>>114402 The latest on Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis - more on Regeneron

>>114404, >>114406 Operation MAGA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9d25c87ef5850d5e50afea170dd6600bc511dc99debe4a0709c6aa2276d63e6.mp4

>>114405, >>114411 ‘I’m going to beat this,’ Trump tells Rudy Giuliani of COVID-19 during phone call

>>114407, >>114408 Repost from yesterday / new information /call for dig - I think it is increasingly clear that last Saturday's Rose Garden event was turned into an Covid-19 assault event.

>>114412 Moderator of Second Planned Presidential Debate Worked for Biden - REFRESHER

>>114414 Revelation 15:4 ESV

>>114415 Comms BTFO on wearethene.ws

>>114416 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Comms

>>114417, >>114420, >>114421, >>114426 4.10.20

>>114423 Comms tries to shift the blame again

>>114424 #NFAC in Lafayette

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/665ffe466c067aabcfda1cad4c6ea0f8ad40b8b1ae8d5edeae2a731a75f9fa8a.mp4

>>114425 Based Richard Grenell

>>114427 Joe Biden Pinches Nipple of Montana Senators 8 year Old Niece… - Based James Woods

>>114429 I would like to remind anons that the marker 1 and marker 2 posts from the watch pictures are set 1 second to 12. Both watches set that way. That is the precipice!

>>114430 Proclamation: PDJT to appoint Fitton

>>114431 Right now we are experiencing news heroin. Gutfeld

>>114433 #13958

(38 notables, 60 posts, 50 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173602

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10907940 Q Research General #13960: CNN Promoted Chinese Propaganda Edition

Created 032350ZOCT20




>>114473 Walter Reed Comms thread

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/569e52ab7b23942fda6352faccd3a6af3d2df445d6defaf907ac399d2960b8d7.mp4

>>114474, >>114475 Keks from comms, are they really this oblivious or just dumb?

>>114476 Round-up

>>114477, >>114492 LIVE Prayer Rally @ Walter Reed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9ydplIUnakI - BREAKING: “Prayer Rally” for Donald Trump outside Walter Reed Hospital... [Channel: Breitbart News]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9ydplIUnakI - BREAKING: “Prayer Rally” for Donald Trump outside Walter Reed Hospital... [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>114478 QClocks

>>114479 These people are sick


>>114481 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/031cec42ebf45a8dd48a7dc55915425f28fa140f12b226d7cd7ca8bcf196042e.mp4

>>114482 Q POST 44 –Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter.

>>114483, >>114484, >>114493 One way is to find photos of people at the event through geotagged or hashtagged (#ConfirmAmy) posts on Twitter and Instagram, and then use visual clues in their immediate surrounding to geolocate their exact seat.

>>114485 Mass Anti-Government Protests Held in Israel in Wake of New COVID19 Restrictions

>>114486 Fake New Salon - "Hope Hicks "frustrated with Trump" over "cavalier approach to the virus" after positive test: report"

>>114487 Armenia withdraws ambassador to Israel over Azerbaijan arms sales

>>114488, >>114489, >>114491 Scavino - Just spoke to the POTUS for past 15min—happy to share that he’s doing great. It was the same Donald Trump I’ve always known, call was no different than all others. He is a warrior and laser focused. Keep those prayers coming his way, he’s going to beat this, no question about it!

>>114490 This is funny, patriots fighting back

>>114494 California protest livestream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QGHtZuZCJok

>>114495 They are inundating TV programs with ads from the "non-partisan" Power The Polls

>>114496 According to this article there was also an inside reception after the Rose Garden ceremony.

>>114497 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed Medical Center

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zhiSdHVn0Xo - 🔴 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed Medical Center [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114498 I spoke to @realDonaldTrump tonight. I told him the #TrumpTrain was ready to fight for him like he has been fighting for us for the past 4 years. He has never stopped working to Make America Great. He was up beat and positive. Same DJT I’ve talked to thousands of times.

>>114499 If John Roberts comes down with the covid, anons, we know the vector. Hoping Hope is clean.

>>114500 We’re about to find out. - Jason Miller

>>114501 The Microchip Is HERE: DARPA Biochip to “Save” Us from COVID Can Control Human DNA

>>114502 Dig on Pfizer


>>114504 Pelosi raises possibility of becoming acting president in chaotic election outcome

>>114505 #13960

(27 notables, 33 posts, 45 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173603

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10907003 Q Research General #13959: Anons Opinions Are Never Moot Edition

Created 032242ZOCT20




>>114434 11-year-old boy’s suicide may be part of new online challenge

>>114435, >>114441, >>114449 The Rainbow Seething is Spectacular

>>114436, >>114440, >>114444 New PDJT (VIDEO) When was this recorded?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a406cfaeed62a9e210bfdea7153e81c095aeb4f525349a0f84d00b7b1a8a45e2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c92003f27c75e002320a41eb3da4c9fdf74847db90e8f8b078756b9159e173b.mp4


>>114438 Will letAnonsdecide on /qrmemes/

>>114439 Re: Trump's Fitton appointment

>>114442 Americans Bring Rally To Trump…Large Crowd Stands Outside Walter Reed Hospital, Chants “Four More Years!”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TIRDkFEaP3o - Get well wishes to our president from the silent majority... [Channel: sparkgap]

>>114443 PF

>>114445 What Is a Black Swan?

>>114446 Undenialable Proof Comms was behind Matrixxx/Payseur spam

>>114447 ‘Enough is Enough’: Iran’s Zarif Calls on World Community to Force Israel to Destroy Its Nukes

>>114448 Call for Diggs - Paris Hilton/Hilton Family

>>114450 History of Kekistan; The First Great Meme War (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Sj_pinYgu2s - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>114451 ANONS! Where in the world is Q+ ?!?!?!

>>114452 POTUS was already taking HCQ as a preventative, remember?

>>114453 Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) is urging the Justice Department to investigate New York State Attorney General Letitia James for allegations that she has been weaponizing her office

>>114454 Trump received first dose of Remdesivir on Friday, 5-day treatment course planned, doctor says

>>114455 Moscow: Berlin Refuses Consular Access to Navalny Despite 4th Legal Aid Request

>>114456, >>114459 Diggz on Logically.ai team, who doxxed qmap.pub and now looking to dox other sites with Q research info

>>114457 Hongkongers Defy Police Ban, Protest on China’s ‘National Day’

>>114458 Trump to appoint Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton to court oversight agency - Commission has power to remove certain judges for misconduct

>>114460 "Trump says he's no longer taking hydroxychloroquine" May 25, 2020

>>114461 Mike Pompeo - Just now on CNN, @wolfblitzer promoted Chinese propaganda, referencing quotes by Chinese state media. Wolf said China “did it right” in its handling of the virus.

>>114462 DC Antifa ‘Ringleader’ Jason Charter Arrested Again at #WalkAway Rally — ‘Cried His Eyes Out’ Waiting for Transport to Booking

>>114463 LIVE: Black lives matter terrorists blocking traffic as they march down street in Beverly Hills; confrontation happening now with Trump supporters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ge358J2glv8 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>114464 Halloween, rising trend in hospitalizations among Polis' COVID-19 updates

>>114465 Arizona Ammunition Maker Facing $80-Million In Back Orders

>>114466 Even Saul was forgiven and became Paul.

>>114467 SCOTUS Work Still on for Oct. 12 Despite Senate Pause

>>114468 How Former Top Military [DS] Generals Are Plotting a US Military Coup against the American People and POTUS w/Foreign Powers (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P30kMCXDg7U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>114469 President Trump and Top Republicans (But No Democrats) Contract COVID – Now Cleveland Announces Outbreak Connected to Presidential Debate

>>114470 Hit piece Donald Trump Was On Oxygen Friday

>>114471 11 positive coronavirus tests traced to presidential debate

>>114472 #13959

(34 notables, 39 posts, 39 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173604

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10908894 Q Research General #13961: Laser Focus Edition

Created 040058ZOCT20




>>114506 New indictment count.


>>114508 Trump campaign YouTube takeover to feature Trump message thanking Americans for support

>>114509 Update On Gavin Newsom Recall Effort in California

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6ZWOYj6Z4hg - Californians eager to recall Gov. Newsom after latest endorsement of disastrous propositions [Channel: One America News Network]

>>114510 Hr 1154 Do you really think it was about qanon and the rhetoric?

>>114511 PF

>>114512 Major Walter Reed, M.D., U.S. Army (September 13, 1851 – November 22, 1902)

>>114513 Paint The Trump - Flags out in Florida!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AUSKRgUnvCc - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>114514, >>114515 Baseless, Sauce-less

>>114516 Proclamation on Made In America Day and Made In America Week, 2020

>>114517, >>114518 black flag over the dome?

>>114519 Misinformation Spikes

>>114520, >>114521, >>114522, >>114523, >>114524, >>114527 TLB is the baker that bake the crissy teigan shit the other night purposefully after many anons asked him not to which was use to attack Q and POTUS the very next day

>>114525 Russia Rejects Unacceptable Trump Regime New START Demands

>>114526 “Get Well Soon Mr. President" Prayer Rally Outside Walter Reed Hospital

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=J_KO6O6Op8Y - BREAKING: “Get Well Soon Mr. President" Prayer Rally Outside Walter Reed Hospital... [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>114528 archives of /comms/ bakers meta

>>114529 Parents Outraged After Ohio High School Football Game Turns into a BLM Rally

>>114530 #13961

(18 notables, 25 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173605

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10909895 Q Research General #13962: Misinformation Spikes After Anons Win Bread War Edition

Created 040156ZOCT20




>>114531 Kayleigh McEnany - Another nightly update from President @realDonaldTrump’s physician:

>>114532, >>114535 If you would like to know who TLB is, Here ya go

>>114533 Could depression be cured by a microchip in your BRAIN? Defense agency researches using skull implants to treat PTSD

>>114534 Conspiracy Theory Vigilantes Expose Woeful Security for Canadian Politicians

>>114536 "CNN / MSDNC got armed security!"

>>114537 What to Know About Sean Conley, the White House Physician


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/206b242c27a2c300ac473a6045c0c958471a4dca12eefbb1a7a100ffd6795a23.mp4

>>114539 600 Jewish Groups Support BLM In New York Times Ad - On Page 17

>>114540 We've got cyber in our name, but we're not the only ones in the Marine Corps doing cybersecurity.

>>114541 More than 50 women accuse aid workers of sex abuse in Congo Ebola crisis

>>114542 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s top aides want him investigated for bribery and other alleged crimes

>>114543 Eastern Virginia Medical School CoronaVirus Protocol

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13d48ce0cd64773b30ef637dc11b517b1d41a8a1c8a4b7fb3d0f0155eebbd146.pdf

>>114544, >>114545 Does World YMCA Executive Committee = Y Head around the world?

>>114546 Memorandum from the President's Physician

>>114547 #13962

(15 notables, 17 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173606

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10910650 Q Research General #13963: THE BEST IS YET TO COME Edition

Created 040245ZOCT20





>>114549 Defense releases new details in Boogaloo-linked killing of federal officer in Oakland

>>114550 All anons should read the discussion going on on comms and realize how much of a circle jerk shill fest it is

>>114551 whatever the motion was from, this is what it looks like in a kymograph (yellow line intersecting cabinet knobs and reflection in desk)

>>114552 Prominent New York Lawyer Socata TBM-850 Crash on 2 Oct 2020 (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WMkMCG4QMyA - Prominent New York Lawyer Socata TBM-700 Crash on 2 Oct 2020 [Channel: blancolirio]

>>114553 Dig request - John Hewson, ex-AU shadow Finance minister, negative tweets on Trump's diagnosis

>>114554 I found this wikileaks page on this site

>>114555 MSNBC Takes a headline from /pol/

>>114556 Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LREAHiDDsuM - Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner- 5:40 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>114557, >>114558 Dan Scavino says he'll join POTUS at Walter Reed after another neg test in the AM

>>114559 [Antifa] know how the police are going to react, so they carefully calibrate what they do to try to provoke the police into reacting & then filming it.”

>>114560 PF

>>114561 Comms bakers prefer circle jerk to meme warfare

>>114562 The CCP Engineered/Released A Novel Coronavirus Which May Kill The POTUS

>>114563, >>114564 TLB asshurt after getting called out tries to split the bread. Fails.

>>114565 'It's Personal'–Trump Supporter Chokes Up Talking About President Outside Walter Reed Hospital

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1ak55Aay4i0 - 'It's Personal'--Trump Supporter Chokes Up Talking About President Outside Walter Reed Hospital [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>114566 Have been looking at the pic from her nomination event day, there is some interesting body language going on in them.

>>114567 President Trump and Top Republicans (But No Democrats) Contract COVID –Now Cleveland Announces Outbreak Connected to Presidential Debate

>>114568 POTUS saving the world from Walter Reed. Love it

>>114569 You cannot manufacture enthusiasm for a candidate that has no energy, no plan for the future or that does not love the country.

>>114570 #13963

(21 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173607

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10911439 Q Research General #13964: Saving the world from Walter Reed Edition

Created 040342ZOCT20




>>114571 TRUMP Rally in Beverly Hills!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I7tOE2ZJqXs - TRUMP Rally Beverly Hills Ca Live [Channel: Alien Alphabet]

>>114572 US Navy is developing 'supersonic submarines' that could cut through the ocean at the speed of sound using a bubble

>>114573, >>114581 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will cut short his trip to Asia this week, a department spokeswoman says, visiting Japan but skipping planned stops to South Korea and Mongolia

>>114574 We are entering into the period of maximum disinformation.

>>114575 November 4, 2016 - WikiLeaks Bombshell: The Soros/Clinton/Vatican Partnership Featured

>>114576 OK, here's the juice…

>>114577, >>114580 PF

>>114578 3GD is rocketing to 170M - Watch the Water

>>114579, >>114584 Earlier today several interesting posts passed through the crazy bred war.

>>114582 No News Is Good News: Media Willfully Ignore Hunter Biden Scandal

>>114583 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Boyfriend Resigns From His Tech Startup

>>114585 Trump Supper interviewed at Walter Reed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/770221c9844f5ec37fa65b230f2f1e32ac3a81e4117b3378be75f34b09f1cca2.mp4

>>114586 DOUGH

>>114587 WALK AWAY

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=flp7gKg5G4E - I was wrong about the Democratic Party #walkaway [Channel: Georgia Howe]

>>114588 Boatfags

>>114589 US sends 70 Awesome F35 jets After based Taiwan asks for help

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aN4O3aiM18c - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>114590 A federal court ordered Los Angeles to hand over more than $100,000 to the National Rifle Association after ruling that the city had violated the gun-rights group's First Amendment rights.

>>114591 (You) #13964, (You) #13965, (You) #13966

(18 notables, 21 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173608

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10912256 Q Research General #13965: We are entering into the period of maximum disinformation Edition

Created 040454ZOCT20




>>114592 1325 time stamp & Qpost 1325

>>114593, >>114601, >>114604 Key information on Repub Gov candidate Loren Culp omitted from voter's pamphlet

>>114594 If a Patriot could ever ask for a better "Q" moment, nothing could ever top this.

>>114595 Moar on Loren Culp info "not submitted"

>>114596 Ephesians 5

>>114597 1353 time stamp & Qpost 1353

>>114598 ‘It’s Personal’–Trump Supporter Chokes Up Talking About President Outside Walter Reed Hospital

>>114599 The Breads have been working quite successfully without the Comms Bakers

>>114600 PANIC

>>114602 Antifa black bloc militants in Seattle riot and smash up businesses. They form a shield line to block police.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55a3839bd2e73b8edff34401cd744af314ffabf1c3f08781d496f8d9e302fb81.mp4

>>114603 GOP House Candidate Slams Vote to Condemn QAnon

>>114605 Moar panic

>>114606, >>114609 Lyric Jain is a deep state AI super villain whose declared war on the Q anon movement WW

>>114607, >>114611, >>114615 SETH RICH UPDATE

>>114608 Youthprise - Call to digg

>>114610 A new business intelligence report released by HTF MI with title "COVID-19 Outbreak-Global Concrete Dams Industry Market Report

>>114612 South China Sea warning: Beijing's brutal 'firepower' in disputed waters sparks WW3 alert


>>114614 Very good dig on BLM

>>114616 (You) #13964, (You) #13965, (You) #13966

(20 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173609

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10913111 Q Research General #13966: I'm On A Boat Edition

Created 040645ZOCT20




>>114617, >>114619, >>114620, >>114623, >>114624, >>114625, >>114627, >>114629 STRANGE THAT AFLB DISAPPEARED WITHIN 10 MINUTES of GB Saying Nite on COMMS

>>114618 I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker subversion

>>114621 Clinton Cache - Decades Of Documenteering

>>114622 CAMPAIGN UPENDED - Reuters

>>114626, >>114628 Freebaker pulling moldy bread campaign again after calling out GB/AFLB

>>114630, >>114631, >>114632, >>114633, >>114634, >>114635, >>114639, >>114640 Freebaker tries to cover his tracks with no you's - fails miserably

>>114636 Theory from twitter: video pre-recorded at the West Wing

>>114637, >>114641 State Rep Candidate - Matt Trowbridge (D) of Massachusetts gets caught trying to meet a minor

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c4e3e9714241b08470a77b7f8c0a2dade4fb3dfca9f4d1dfc3336c837839eab4.mp4

>>114638, >>114642 Why Is the U.S. Playing Along With Israel's Veto Over American Weapons Sales?

>>114643 (You) #13964, (You) #13965, (You) #13966

(10 notables, 27 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173610

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10914046 Q Research General #13967: The Comms Board Keks Keep Coming Edition

Created 040911ZOCT20




>>114644, >>114662, >>114663 Paris Hilton Digs on her own past; drops on Twitter

>>114645 Don Jr Stammering about "Timing" -possible comms?

>>114646 Hillary Clinton Tweet references abolishing Constitution

>>114647 Five human trafficking victims rescued, 46 arrests made in massive Houston-wide sting operation

>>114648 Parents Outraged After Ohio High School Football Game Turns into a BLM Rally

>>114649 More Than 500 JPMorgan Employees Inexplicably Got Emergency Virus Relief Funds

>>114650 Kuwait's new emir meets senior U.S., Iranian officials

>>114651 Walter Reed Comms

>>114652 MSNBC Finally Realizes Trump Really Has Built New Border Wall, Freaks Out

>>114653, >>114683, >>114684 Baron Trump is Romanov Child -time traveller (you) decide

>>114654, >>114665 5G; Do you want China modulating the frequencies, or America?

>>114655 Is Mass Mail-in Voting About to Backfire on Democrats?

>>114656 Red states are outperforming blue states economically

>>114657 California Is a Cautionary Tale for America

>>114658 Biden’s Catholic Con Job Continues Meanwhile, the Vatican squabbles with the Trump administration

>>114659 Britain's Covid care home policies 'violated the fundamental human rights of vulnerable elderly residents', Amnesty International report finds

>>114660 Jaime Harrison debates Graham behind plexiglass shield

>>114661 Former Democrat State Rep. Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy

>>114664 Peaceful Black Lives Matter – Antifa Goons Hurl Explosives at Seattle Police, Vandalize Businesses (VIDEO)

>>114666 17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon

>>114667 QAnon Reigns Free On Amazon Despite Its Recent Ban Of Proud Boys, Redskins Merchandise

>>114668 Top aides accuse Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of bribery, abusing office

>>114669 WILDCHILD TO MUM I was hooked on cocaine aged 12 — I know how lucky I am, says Drew Barrymore

>>114670 The Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lHl2PqwRcY0 - The Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand [Channel: Ayn Rand Institute]

>>114671 HOLLYWOOD EXODUS Coronavirus, high taxes & social unrest — why movie stars including Robert De Niro and Tom Hanks are leaving Hollywood

>>114672 The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump

>>114673, >>114682, >>114685, >>114686 DoD Tweet: It’s not easy being green. -all of the keks

>>114674 Democrats would destroy Supreme Court with scheme to pack justices

>>114675 We sent out the call and you answered! Hundreds and then thousands of prayers began coming in….and they're not stopping

>>114676 Sikhs perform Ardaas prayer for @realDonaldTrump outside Walter Reade!

>>114677 ‘He’s on the wrong team’: Christian leaders criticize Biden campaign ads highlighting Biden’s faith

>>114678 Watch: Trump Supporter Outside Walter Reed Hospital: ‘He’s Been Fighting for Us; I’m Going to Fight for Him’

>>114679 VA Palo Alto first 5G hospital

>>114680 ArchiveAnon Update

>>114681 Trump campaign scores court victory: Maine judge rules against ballot harvesting, upholds voter ID requirements

>>114687 Congressman Devin Nunes delivers an opening statement

>>114688 Hondurans in migrant caravan bused back after entering Guatemala

>>114689 Texas AG Paxton disputes bribery, abuse-of-office allegations leveled by aides

>>114690 Paris Jackson Supports Paris Hilton, Says She Was Diagnosed with PTSD After Attending Similar School

>>114691 Biden's dramatic change to retirement accounts could reduce their availability, industry warns

>>114692 QAnon Lands on LinkedIn, Prompting Networking Site to Limit Spread

>>114693 Flynn Tweet:Stand strong America. God Bless the USA. #BeNotAfraid

>>114694 Senator Joni Ernst SHREDS Her Democrat Opponent on Debate Stage

>>114695 It sure as shit looks like the military and the some private sectors and showing LOYALTY TO Q+ by posting Red October references…

>>114696 Surge in new GOP voters puts pressure on Florida Democrats

>>114697 Trump says 'real test' lies ahead in his COVID-19 fight

>>114698 Pope says free market, 'trickle-down' policies fail society

>>114699 Changes at First Marine Division in the last two weeks…

>>114700 #13967

(49 notables, 57 posts, 66 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173611

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10915640 Q Research General #13969: Eezy Like Sunday Morning Edition

Created 041350ZOCT20




>>114727 renoting: USCIS Issues Policy Guidance Regarding Inadmissibility Based on Membership in a Totalitarian Party

>>114728, >>114729, >>114730, >>114732, >>114738, >>114739, >>114742, >>114743, >>114745, >>114746, >>114748, >>114751, >>114752, >>114755, >>114756, >>114757, >>114758, >>114760, >>114762, >>114763, >>114764, >>114765, >>114766, >>114767 MOAR PARIS - INCLUDES MINI BUN OF DELETED NOTABLES

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Rt0spqQtMKg - D*** in a Box - SNL Digital Short [Channel: Saturday Night Live]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wOg0TY1jG3w - The Real Story of Paris Hilton | This Is Paris Official Documentary [Channel: Paris Hilton]

>>114731 renoting: Emails Leaked After 2016 Election Show Fired Ambassador To Ukraine Yovanovitch Worried About Press Of Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption

>>114733 (embedded video) anon queries: Is POTUS on a ship?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PeGyOjiG4dE - IS HE ON A SHIP? [Channel: Marfoogle TV]

>>114734, >>114740, >>114744, >>114759 planefag reporting. EYES ON

>>114735 Florida man busted for requesting absentee ballot for dead wife

>>114736 anon posits: Thinking about CF and Haiti, Black Pop WAKE UP, how much do we not know?. (lb) anon sez "black" lives matter.

>>114737 10/4 @ 10:04 AM ET … Congressman Kevin McCarthy (member of Gang of Eight) on Fox News, reasserting that Obama, Biden, and Comey knew...

>>114741 (video) Trump Appears Free from Serious COVID Symptoms in Surprise Address from Walter Reed

>>114747 Chinese chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) has had 'preliminary exchanges' with U.S. over export restrictions

>>114749, >>114754 26 Now Infected In White House Covid Outbreak

>>114750 Richard Grenell w/CAP: Hawaii is going crazy for @realDonaldTrump. Democrat states are pushing hard for flipping their state for Trump.

>>114753 Another “Not F'ing Around Coalition” Black Nationalist Fugitive Arrested for Negligent Discharge at Lafayette Armed March

>>114761 #13969

(14 notables, 41 posts, 19 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173612

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10916411 Q Research General #13970: Stand strong America Edition

Created 041516ZOCT20




>>114768 New Dan Bongino w/CAP: Dear Media Hacks, You have no credibility. You stayed largely silent on riots & protests while...

>>114769 anon posits: Apparently, chloroquine causes false positives on drug tests. Now you remember when Trump asked Biden to drug test prior to the debate?

>>114770 (video) Andrew McCabe won’t testify because he’s fearful of catching Covid through a zoom meeting

>>114771, >>114772, >>114773, >>114775, >>114776, >>114778, >>114783, >>114784 MOAR PARIS - INCLUDES MINI BUN OF DELETED NOTABLES

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wOg0TY1jG3w - The Real Story of Paris Hilton | This Is Paris Official Documentary [Channel: Paris Hilton]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kk5wobpL28s - Paris Hilton Says I VOTED TRUMP on the project TV show LOLOL [Channel: I AM OMEGA]

>>114774 Devin Nunes: maybe it’s time to start shutting these agencies down

>>114777, >>114780, >>114781 (LIVE) President Trump's Medical Team Provide Update: POTUS discharged as early as tomorrow. suck it shillz

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HFZJCF3_q8M - President Trump's doctors provide an update on the president's health amid COVID-19 diagnosis [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f-dzNcXcTnQ - Trump's doctor gives briefing on President's condition [Channel: The Sun]

>>114779, >>114786 planefag reporting

>>114782 Grenell on Maria Bartarimo: Importance of releasing documents

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0631ab739478a8ba07b1fb3d442faff380035678081869cda7016825f255a084.mp4

>>114785 anon nom: 2 year delta exactly on Oct. 3rd. Digits in timestamp contain digits. 6 5 1 in same order.

>>114787 Leader McCarthy calls Pelosi's reaction to Trump coronavirus diagnosis 'disgusting'

>>114788 anon continues Cardinal Pell diggz

>>114789 DJT Jr. w/CAP: "Perhaps but to me it was the FBI working with a known Russian spy to hurt @realDonaldTrump that destroyed my trust in everything."

>>114790 Just The News: President @realDonaldTrump could be discharged from Walter Reed on Monday

>>114791 #13970

(14 notables, 24 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173613

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10914884 Q Research General #13967: Anons At The Helm Edition

Created 041159ZOCT20




>>114701 renoting: New Gen Flynn w/CAP: Stand strong America. God Bless the USA.

>>114702 US Space Force w/CAP: SEASF Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman spoke @AF_SMC's first Enlisted Professional Military Education graduation.

>>114703 1st MAW Marines w/CAP: Look out below

>>114704, >>114715, >>114726 #13966, #13967, #13968

>>114705 Joe Biden’s niece (Caroline Biden) set to appear in court for DUI case day after presidential election

>>114706 Hondurans in migrant caravan bused back after entering Guatemala

>>114707 No News Is Good News: Media Willfully Ignore Hunter Biden Scandal

>>114708 Gunmen in Mexico ambush security forces, kill 6 police officers

>>114709 DJT retwat diamond n silk w/CAP

>>114710 Dark to light? Mars at its brightest since 2003.

>>114711 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>114712 India Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile As Border Tensions Rise

>>114713, >>114721, >>114722 #13960, #13961, #13962

>>114714, >>114717, >>114720 planefag reporting

>>114716, >>114723 New Eric Trump w/CAP: Bikers pray for trump

>>114718, >>114719 New Matt Whitaker w/CAP: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you...

>>114724 Catherine Herridge w/CAP: #TrumpCovid Overnight Update: “This evening (Saturday) POTUS completed his second dose of Remdesivir without complication...

>>114725 MSM pushing full WH C19 latest victim

(18 notables, 26 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173614

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10917958 Q Research General #13972: [They] Are Boxed Into A Corner Edition

Created 041741ZOCT20





>>114810 =Brexit talks: 'Progress made, but gaps remain' after talks between UK PM Johnson & EU’s Ursula von der Leyen

>>114811 PHILLY INQUIRER: Sen. Pat Toomey won’t run for reelection or Pennsylvania governor, per sources

>>114812 Round-up

>>114813 Waldorf Astoria/Olde Good Things

>>114814 Cop Who Was Not Fired After First Arrest, Arrested Again—for Child Rape—Still Not Fired

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3osDK5aw-XQ - Prince George's County Police-Involved Case Update [Channel: WUSA9]

>>114815 Top Republican: Pelosi refused to implement COVID testing as Senate Dems use COVID to delay Barrett hearings

>>114816 Seattle rioters launch firecrackers INSIDE Starbucks after smashing storefront

>>114817 Tana Mongeau Loses YouTube Verification, Possibly for Offering Nudes for Biden Votes For the Keks!

>>114818 Toomey will not run for reelection, governor in 2022

>>114819 Whitmer: Trump Undermined Our Efforts to Protect People — He Has ‘Failed Spectacularly’

>>114820, >>114827, >>114831, >>114857 planefaggin

>>114822 US Brings New Sanctions On Belarusian Officials Who "Undermined Democracy"

>>114823 Mind-altering THC chemical in cannabis could help prevent and treat deadly COVID-19 complications by blocking harmful immune response

>>114824 Rick Gates, the former deputy campaign manager of 2016 Trump campaign, said Sunday that investigators for the special counsel Robert Mueller “jumped to the conclusion”

>>114825 Assange ‘forced’ those behind war crimes ‘to look in the mirror,’ now faces revenge, John Pilger tells RT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E_w8hWXoD6k

>>114826 Around 1,000 firefighters and troops search for missing as floods hit France and Italy

>>114828 Now Cleveland Announces Outbreak Connected to Presidential Debate

>>114829 Another Hate Hoax: After Months of Investigations Authorities Find No Evidence of Althea Bernstein Hate Crime

>>114830 Benson asked investigate detroit perfect storm voting problems

>>114832 Hawaii is going crazy for @realDonaldTrump

>>114833 China accuses US of trying to take world back to ‘jungle age’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bnmKFI2KqKg - After China, is America the next big coronavirus threat to the world? [Channel: South China Morning Post]

>>114834 QAnon Reigns Free On Amazon Despite Its Recent Ban Of Proud Boys, Redskins Merchandise

>>114835 Did Fake News go too Far in Reporting unverified sources saying Potus condition worse than it is?

>>114836 Medical Breaking News:: This past week China's virus has apparently "mutated" and can now differentiate between GOP and DIM....

>>114837 Enraged dad 'punches' man accused of drugging and sexually assaulting his daughter, 13, after luring her from a shopping centre

>>114838 Pope says coronavirus pandemic has proven that ‘magic theories’ of market capitalism have failed and world needs a new type of politics

>>114839 Bipartisan bill would give Israel a veto on Middle East arms sales

>>114840 Takes two to tango? Biden campaign suggests he will show up to 2nd debate even if Covid-19 prevents Trump from appearing

>>114841 Former Top Air Force Official Slams Trump over Reported 'Losers and Suckers' Remarks

>>114842 WATCH as police water cannon turns into FOUNTAIN after reportedly being broken by Belarusian protesters

>>114843 System is broken beyond belief’: UK to deny asylum to migrants who enter country through ‘illegal routes,’ home secretary says

>>114844 A Prayer for All Anons

>>114845, >>114848, >>114851 Armed Black paramilitary group marches through Lafayette, but few news outlets are reporting far-left extremism

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d08ceca0d694602489658209bad9dabaa503e69592b1f3ae56d75bc3b8d2b19.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9927fbd7ee4f58f68a854be95a29aff7d3623126da2faf71442dc5c5088a884e.mp4

>>114846 Heavy Rocket Strikes Hit Nagorno-Karabakh Capital (Videos, Photos)

>>114847 Comms Crew plotting to never hand off dough to non-comms anons

>>114849 Deputies: Florida Man Says He Was ‘Testing The System’ By Requesting Vote-By-Mail Ballot For Dead Wife

>>114850 Federal Debt Tops $27 Trillion for First Time

>>114853 Violence on Melbourne beaches as police clash with dozens gathering and flouting social distancing rules

>>114854 NEW PDJT

>>114855 "(Thermoplastic) Flower in the Sun" by Dr. Amber Hubbard of @AFResearchLab, AFRL repairs next generation composite materials with light

>>114856 New Potus cap but no vid

>>114858 #13972,

>>114859 #13972

(44 notables, 50 posts, 68 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173615

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10918687 Q Research General #13973: They Will No Longer Control The Flow of Information Edition

Created 041849ZOCT20




>>114860 VP Mike Pence on Twitter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3893831c91d4f293b6133677ef24c18b9046c294bb52ebebd4033da0f1231ea7.mp4

>>114861 Tens Turn Out to See Bernie Sanders Campaign for Joe Biden in NH - KEK

>>114862, >>114912, >>114914 PF

>>114863 Join us tonight 5p.m. ET at http://Facebook.com/DonaldTrump as we lift up our President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS in prayer!

>>114864 #TrumpCovid NOW: Two sources directly familiar with the matter tell @CBSNews

>>114865 Learn double meanings.

>>114866 QAnon supporters push baseless theory that Trump isn’t in the hospital - PANIC

>>114867 Trump's physician gives an update on the president's condition

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rYi2rb9Bl_o - Trump's physician gives an update on the president's condition [Channel: Fox News]

>>114868 Chinese state media outlet mocks Trump after contracting coronavirus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lLclodXoiTA - Chinese state media outlet mocks Trump after contracting coronavirus [Channel: Fox News]

>>114869, >>114875, >>114921, >>114922 Moar Paris

>>114870, >>114871 As Seattle officials war over future of homeless encampments, frustration grows over lack of answers

>>114872 Jason Charter, the accused “antifa ringleader” in DC who has been federally charged in relation to riotous activities, has a verified Tinder account. #antifa

>>114873 The EVIL Secrets Behind Pinocchio (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RWlW-ADJB-A - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>114874 In the Q universe, Q+ is the president. - Ben Collins PANIC

>>114876 Saskatchewan Party denounces QAnon, names replacement candidate in Saskatoon Eastview

>>114877 Hollywood is waking up quickly.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a34e106b9daa9758aa3692f17bf755c75e7cc41cf5c5fc4854f35df24d0ec5f6.mp4

>>114878 The people who have turned their backs on Washington's skilled and dedicated workers are the Democrats.

>>114879 It looks like some Michigan counties are extending the lockdown tyranny in light of the MSC ruling…

>>114880 SAM796 landing at Peterson AFB. Space Force!!

>>114881 Rochester, NY Mayor Indicted on 2 Felony Charges

>>114882 U.S. House Passes Resolution Condemning QAnon, Including for Its Antisemitism

>>114883 Biden delivers remarks following Trump's positive COVID-19 test

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GzcSGbFMvHo - Biden delivers remarks following Trump's positive COVID-19 test [Channel: Fox News]

>>114884 It looks like some Michigan counties are extending the lockdown tyranny in light of the MSC ruling

>>114885 South China Sea: Tensions surge as fish stocks plummet in disputed waters

>>114886, >>114901, >>114907, >>114925 Shill Bread - MINIBUN / planefaggin

>>114887 Pope Francis recent encyclic promotes a "new vision of fraternity" and dismisses free market capitalism.

>>114888 Trump Releases Video Taken Aboard Aircraft Carrier As More Assassination Teams Deploy - whatdoesitmesn.com

>>114889 It would be a cool vibe, kinda like back mid-2018 when the Battle of Notables Creek ended up with /qr/ and /qrb/

>>114890 Top Republican: Pelosi refused to implement COVID testing as Senate Dems use COVID to delay Barrett hearings

>>114891 The next Russia collusion chapter

>>114892 POTUS on AF1 confirmation?

>>114893 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to Close All “Non-Essential” Businesses Including Public, Private Schools and Indoor Dining in 9 Zip Codes

>>114894 Anons, I need help reading Meadows. He looks genuinely distressed about POTUS's condition.

>>114895 Ben Collins. He is the enemy of this board and has many articles to prove it:

>>114896 Los Angeles, Orange County - Filipinos For Trump Car Rally 10/4 with Regional Decor Parties

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vEBF6rPVvJo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>114897 Republicans Decry Nancy Pelosi for Withholding Coronavirus Aid for Political ‘Expediency’

>>114898 KABOOOMM!!

>>114899, >>114905, >>114911, >>114917 Other News (compressed for space)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=K8nZOHPFdX - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>114900 US Navy Anti-submarine Aircraft Refuelled At Andaman And Nicobar Military Base

>>114902, >>114903 CNN’s Sanjay Gupta: Trump Doctors, Team Are ‘Purposely Misleading’ — ‘They Are Hiding Things’

>>114904 The SEC Is Making Deutsche's CEO Personally Responsible For Bank's Crimes

>>114906 Governor DeSantis’ roundtable experts advocate for “normal” life for young people

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rvigMtauKnQ - Governor DeSantis’ roundtable experts advocate for “normal” life for young people [Channel: sparkgap]

>>114908, >>114909 Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Pennsylvania Counties to Confess They Submitted Inaccurate Data to Government on Eligible Voters

>>114910 Department of Veterans Affairs overpaid Choice Act healthcare costs by $132 million

>>114913 ‘DEFUND THE POLICE’: Liberals ‘Shocked’ as New Crime Stats Reveal Murders And Shootings in NYC Increased by 127% Compared to 2019

>>114915, >>114928 Worth noting that journalists questioning Dr. Conley’s qualifications seem to omit the fact he was Lieutenant Commander of a NATO trauma unit in Afghanistan.


>>114918 @USArmyReserve

>>114919 STATE REP CANDIDATE - MATT TROWBRIDGE (D) OF MASSACHUSETTS, GETS CAUGHT TRYING TO MEET A MINOR.. It's stunning how so many Democrats are sexual degenerates and predators. - REFRESHER

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/098035963d32162a5b3f70cfd3ba4bbdb26308e6fae2a62e19bbe81c3fde3c3f.mp4

>>114920 New England Journal of Medicine says people refusing MANDATORY coronavirus vaccines should be severely punished, locked in their homes and fired from their jobs

>>114923 @USNavy Nothing like a sunset at sea.

>>114924, >>114926 NEW PDJT

>>114927 Shill Bread - MINIBUN

>>114929 17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon - PATRIOTS

>>114930, >>114931 General Flynn new tweet

>>114932 shill bread notables bun

(56 notables, 73 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173616

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10917165 Q Research General #13971: POTUS Stong Like Bull Edition

Created 041626ZOCT20




>>114792 Fashion Brand Founder Kenzo Takada Dead from Coronavirus


>>114794 US Army w/CAP: Ranger Angel Garcia as he describes the defense of Fort McHenry and the inspiration behind the "Star-Spangled Banner."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/424f4c65f2f6af6db5ee86216337bb2b724a33efca9baa2c2a6066c4d812050e.mp4

>>114795 Army Team Chicago w/CAP: All smiles on the weekend.

>>114796 Parents Find 36-Year-Old Man Living In Daughter's Closet

>>114797 Dr Reiner Fuellmich is a highly credentialed and experienced lawyer coming after all entities and individuals implicated ...the 2020 COVID19 crime!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/71b01bb6b2f6e5ca2675f1e71a2f4a9ddd67c50bc2c384e5db227f67f6c4bcc5.mp4

>>114798 North Korea arrests 20 remittance brokers for using illegal Chinese mobile phones

>>114799 Pennsylvania Counties Confess They Submitted Inaccurate Data to Gov't on Qualified Voters

>>114800 Family sues Hawaii nursing home operator after coronavirus-related death of Vietnam War veteran

>>114801 After high court decision, Michigan AG will not enforce COVID orders

>>114802 Richard Grenell w/CAP: ...A White House reporter calls out another White House reporter for pushing fake news with anonymous sources. (@cnn)

>>114803 New Report Reveals Billionaire Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein and the Nobel Committee Chair Behind Obama’s Award Met in 2013

>>114804 Democrats Make Unified Demand To Postpone Barrett Confirmation Process, Citing GOP Covid Cases

>>114805 Two October Surprises The Democrats Can’t Do Anything About

>>114806 EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: How The DNC Hired CrowdStrike to Frame Russia for the Hack

>>114807 Sky News: Thousands of demonstrators in Germany have protested against #coronavirus restrictions

>>114808 #13971

(17 notables, 17 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173617

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10919985 Q Research General #13974: As Always, Anons Win, Censors Fail Edition

Created 042019ZOCT20




>>114964 I am including a PDF of my bakes so they can't brigade spam report it on pastebin

>>114965 Countering all the negative news and posts, here is a list of 22 positive things that are happening in the world.

>>114966 Harvey Weinstein Charged With 3 More Rapes In California

>>114967 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed and Washington, DC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Dwfai31MHws - 🔴 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed and Washington, DC [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114968, >>114991, >>114993, >>114996, >>114999, >>115018 International News

>>114969, >>114972, >>114982 planefaggin

>>114970 Ted Cruz - This is the most complete indictment of media bias ever.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f1869149f50f8a79c31f612d6a132f4e6181fb3b6d4b26bed4ddb3a86cad175.mp4

>>114971 Klobuchar calls for postponement of Supreme Court hearing: "We don't know how many other Republican senators had" COVID-19


>>114974 I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker subversion

>>114975, >>115001, >>115021 /comms/baker subversion - MINIBUN

>>114976 Learn To Read Q's Invisible Signs and Silent Running - Not my post but needs to be examined

>>114977 Melbourne's new trains being built in China by blacklisted Belt and Road firm

>>114978 Moar Fitton

>>114980 Esper signs 10-year US military cooperation deal with Morocco

>>114981 Former Biden Chief of Staff Now Executive VP at Fox!

>>114983 Can we get some assistance in the chatbox?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e9x6esUxIew - WATCH: Call to Prayer [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>114984, >>114995, >>114998, >>115002, >>115007, >>115029 PF

>>114985 What Is Dexamethasone? Trump Received First Dose Of Steroid Amid COVID-19 Diagnosis

>>114986 Texas Governor Sued for Removing Mail-in Ballot Drop Boxes

>>114987 A Seattle-area teacher scolded a student for admiring @realDonaldTrump, prompting a rant to 6th graders.

>>114988 Violent clashes erupt between cops, ultra-Orthodox in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem

>>114989 Alleged Azerbaijani Advance In Nagorno-Karabakh On October 4 (Map Update)

>>114990 Communist Pope ‘Red Francis’ Issues Radical Edict Condemning Capitalism Using St. Francis as His Prop

>>114992 One of the C-130Js with call sign 'X' (Tail No. 11-5748) has an interesting marking on its tail… The Rock…

>>114994 Cardinal Parolin Defends China Deal as Vatican Prepares to Renew Agreement

>>114997 Real anons please report this bread for deletion and locking

>>115000 More comms board subversion attempts

>>115003 Actual WITNESS To Kenosha Kid Shooting Tells The INSANE Story About How It All Went Down

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CmVXyJY5Eis - Actual WITNESS To Kenosha Kid Shooting Tells The INSANE Story About How It All Went Down [Channel: Timcast IRL]

>>115004, >>115005 Doctors in America and around the world need to be aware of the verdict:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115006 A short history of US presidents on boats

>>115008, >>115010, >>115016 NEW PDJT VIDEO UPDATE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/674e45031be463dd21aad33a4a8a0c60dfe71eaacc384e20cef38b1274bbffb7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/094156ccabd32327a4bea3c71735fc9ec2b5615bdd7a213ca2c9f108d9047735.mp4

>>115009 Individuals From Neither Party Were Tested for COVID At Cleveland Debate, “There Was An Honor System”, But Only Republicans Contracted COVID?

>>115011 Nunes Suggests Shutting Down Intel Agencies Until They Turn Over ‘Smoking Gun’ Trump Information

>>115012 Fake News TMZ

>>115013, >>115015 Dopey's Yacht and Qpost 539

>>115014 White House doctors: President Trump could be discharged Monday

>>115017, >>115019, >>115020, >>115022, >>115023, >>115025 POTUS drive-by Leaving WR

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/934d7fe6808175ac6887c57d184d6c249a71d128b0a407d56b5c556aad16a1e1.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b260550b9d50e5a06dc30c68157ae563ad50fea35a9e18ea3d63469aca052bd0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b1a538da3116153ab4bdd8097fa1e4b90a7eef42ec48f18b9bfdf8c46c9d54c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/afd424521161b15a68e8f85dfd923a9fbcadc1ee57c6b0c9d98db11c72041d70.mp4

>>115024 Cyrus A. Parsa tweeted that American politicians and business tycoons were filmed by the CCP for sex videos, and he asked President Trump Let the US Department of Justice investigate

>>115026 House Dems Vote To Coverup Child Sex Trafficking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P_lYhqHxRAQ - House Dems Vote To Coverup Child Sex Trafficking [Channel: Greg Reese]

>>115027 4 Texas Republicans vote against U.S. House resolution condemning QAnon

>>115028 'Top-secret' email to Comey, McCabe sent just hours before Trump inaugurated

>>115030 #13974

(43 notables, 67 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173618

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10921188 Q Research General #13975: The Real 13975 Edition

Created 042142ZOCT20




>>115055 International News

>>115056 Dr Sam Stein is mad at the huge crowds cheering and praying for our President

>>115057, >>115060 Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Increase Domestic Production of Minerals, Lessen Reliance on China

>>115058 Report: 37K Americans Have their Jobs Outsourced in Middle of Pandemic

>>115059 Richard Grenell Retweeted - Jack Posobiec Jack-o-lantern

>>115061 Trump supporters close 5th Ave. to support COVID-19-stricken president

>>115062 Round-UP

>>115063 The left be soooooooo mad! Enjoy the show, anons.


>>115065 Flashback! Joe’s eulogy for his good friend, former Cyclops Sen Byrd former KKK "Exalted Cyclops"

>>115067 Merkel 'hiding things' in her past, biographer says

>>115068 Steve Cortes Humiliates Arrogant Chris Wallace Over His Debate Performance Against Trump: “You were not a neutral moderator” [VIDEO]

>>115069 Catch it if you can! @USNavy

>>115070 NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to Close All “Non-Essential” Businesses Including Public, Private Schools and Indoor Dining in 9 Zip Codes (VIDEO)

>>115071 POTUS latest video Anon decode

>>115072 Twitter Leftists Ban Top US Doctor David Samadi After He Tweets Well Wishes to President Trump and Proposed Early Treatment Plan for President

>>115073 Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that Republicans and President Donald Trump have allowed the coronavirus to “run free in the White House” because they are “anti-science.”

>>115074 Trans Trump-Supporting Mole Makes Important Discovery About Antifa's Tactics and Rules Of Engagement

>>115075 Journos seem pretty upset that the president is doing well tonight.

>>115076 People Rally in Support of Trump at Oklahoma State Capitol

>>115077, >>115080 Trump bans Chinese Communist Party members from immigrating to America

>>115078, >>115093, >>115101 These people are sick/stupid

>>115079, >>115081 Steve Cortes Humiliates Arrogant Chris Wallace Over His Debate Performance Against Trump: “You were not a neutral moderator”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60f973c6d8946a8b37e11625175a9d5eb2687f3c067909aae82ac4e907c0c6a4.mp4

>>115082 President Trump drives by his supporters outside Walter Reed to thank them! The video's 17 seconds long.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YXGkTSIlct8 - President Trump drives by his supporters outside Walter Reed to thank them! [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>115083 Toomey Won't Run for Senate Re-Election, Inquirer Reports

>>115084 Eric Trump on Twitter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fdf2b22a88b9276c0dae917c946be40a38887ca9923181112c2d9595fa26daca.mp4

>>115085 THIS is California. #MakeCaliRedAgain #WeLoveYouTrump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/116649646f0954d0e794c7c8b43fde73fc2dba906de3766ab18a67a4ab5bce14.mp4

>>115086 'People drove ten hours to see him' - Donald Trump devotees gather outside his treatment centre

>>115087 Reminder - Fox is also the Enemy of the People

>>115088 'Murder hornets' invading US are about to enter 'slaughter phase'

>>115089, >>115095 AG BARR IS NOW SELF ISOLATING - NBC

>>115090 What is Potus going to let us know about Covid?

>>115091 Pence Ordered U.S. Borders Closed After CDC Experts Refused

>>115092 Nunes Suggests Shutting Down Intel Agencies Until They Turn Over ‘Smoking Gun’ Trump Information

>>115094, >>115096 OSS is everyone and no one. - For the keks

>>115097 Well, lookee what we have here, anons! - Chris Wallace

>>115098 The states of Kentucky, Minnesota, Montana and Wisconsin saw record increases in new COVID-19 cases on Saturday

>>115099 whats Brock Pierce been up to this year?

>>115100 Not plausible': Flynn-Russian female agent rumor doubted early on by FBI whistleblower

>>115102 #13975,

(40 notables, 48 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173619

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10922268 Q Research General #13976: I wish you good favor in the bread wars to come Edition

Created 042302ZOCT20





>>115104, >>115114, >>115116 International news

>>115105 Reporters Have Meltdown Over President Trump’s Ride to Thank Walter Reed Supporters

>>115106 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>115107 Meet Timothy Dolan Archbishop of New York

>>115108, >>115138 Call to Dig - I'm looking for Ted Wheeler's salary

>>115109 Bomb squad responds to ‘suspicious bag’ found amid rally outside Walter Reed where Trump is being treated

>>115110 19:19:19 HOUR OF THE SECRET SERVICE!

>>115111 Poll That DOESN’T Weight in Favor of Dems Shows Trump Leading Nationally

>>115112 Crimes Against Humanity - The Corona Scam

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115113 Trump Greets Crowd By Hospital In Drive-By After Hinting At Upcoming ‘Little Surprise’ In Video

>>115115 Turned to history channel to c if there was any history,. There was not any history. Instead “The Pickers” sShe insisted we watch. Big mistake on my part - Grassley

>>115117 BLM ties to Marxist groups spotlighted in new video

>>115118 NYC woman claims Ghislaine Maxwell ‘gagged, restrained and raped’ her

>>115119 Former Social Security employee gets 4 years for $732K fraud scheme

>>115120 Acosta's Lies once again exposed!


>>115122, >>115123, >>115134 Moar Comms Keks

>>115124 Jaime Harrison Debates Sen. Graham From Behind Barrier

>>115125 keks

>>115126 Ron DeSantis said on Friday that the nationwide shutdown of schools in response to the CCP virus outbreak was one of the “biggest public health mistakes”

>>115127, >>115128 New Scavino

>>115129 Feds: California convict tried to steal $22M from PPP loans

>>115130, >>115132 Veritas 1 hour Countdown to Next Drop

>>115131 Facebook Prepares Legal Defence Against Breakup Attempt by FTC - Reports

>>115133 DHS Grants Millions To Groups Fighting 'Right-Wing Extremism'

>>115136 New Yorkers Close Fifth Avenue to Support Donald Trump as He Fights Coronavirus

>>115137, >>115139 Anon Decode - 2 year delta exactly on Oct. 3rd.

>>115140 #13976

(29 notables, 38 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173620

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10918736 Q Research General #13973: Shill Bread Down The Hall, Biden Flag Flyin High Edition

Created 041852ZOCT20




>>114933, >>114934, >>114935, >>114953 planefaggin

>>114936 A new study suggests the Nebra Sky Disc is 1,000 years younger than previously assumed. IRON age

>>114937 Join us tonight 5p.m. ET at http://Facebook.com/DonaldTrump as we lift up our President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS in prayer!

>>114938 ICYMI: Herridge on WH staffers testing pos

>>114939 Seattle police arrest 16 people after protest

>>114940, >>114942 As Seattle officials war over future of homeless encampments, frustration grows over lack of answers

>>114941 Ngo: Jason Charter, the accused “antifa ringleader” in DC who has been federally charged in relation to riotous activities, has a verified Tinder account. #antifa

>>114943 The next Russia collusion chapter

>>114944 Q signs outside Walter Reed

>>114945 It looks like some Michigan counties are extending the lockdown tyranny in light of the MSC ruling…

>>114946 Pope Francis recent encyclic promotes a "new vision of fraternity" and dismisses free market capitalism.

>>114947 2 injured in knife attack in Downtown Portland, 1 arrested

>>114948 Ben Collins article run down

>>114949 Los Angeles, Orange County - Filipinos For Trump Car Rally 10/4 with Regional Decor Parties

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vEBF6rPVvJo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>114950 WWII: Germans are launching new offensive drive in Stalingrad; Wehrmacht re-equipped with flamethrowers & combat engineers ready to blow buildings.

>>114951 Spike Lee Films Actor Thomas Jefferson Byrd Murdered in Atlanta

>>114952 Grenell: The “plan” that the DC insiders want is to keep the Americans in the dark and keep the outsiders out of DC.

>>114954 @USNavyCNO Your Navy, on watch, 24/7/365

>>114955 Shill Bread - MINIBUN / Potus: I really appreciate all of the fans and supporters outside of the hospital…..

>>114956 STATE REP CANDIDATE - MATT TROWBRIDGE (D) OF MASSACHUSETTS, GETS CAUGHT TRYING TO MEET A MINOR.. It's stunning how so many Democrats are sexual degenerates and predators..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/098035963d32162a5b3f70cfd3ba4bbdb26308e6fae2a62e19bbe81c3fde3c3f.mp4

>>114957 @usairforce n MQ-9A Reaper assigned to the 556th Test and Evaluation Squadron sits on the ramp at Creech Air Force Base.

>>114958 Pope Pius IX 1849 response to the Communist Manifesto

>>114959 Potus w/cap

>>114960 BOMBSHELL! Cardinal Becciu ‘stole funds to bribe witnesses’ in sex abuse case against rival George Pell | World | The Times

>>114961 🔴 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed and Washington, DC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Dwfai31MHws - 🔴 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed and Washington, DC [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114962 '''The Kirkland White House organized its first Law & Order Trump Train Parade. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3076d84d2b73844f45ea111a142a9a3332f0081f215befdde85d2a073a00538.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b830f9c92005bf54a864fd46a923464d96bc502fb59e3f8d043552173f30bdb4.mp4

>>114963 #13973

(27 notables, 31 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173621

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10920479 Q Research General #13975: Stress Test Pass Edition

Created 042057ZOCT20




>>115031 Pope Francis says the coronavirus pandemic has proven that the “magic theories” of market capitalism have failed

>>115032 🔴 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed and Washington, DC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Dwfai31MHws - 🔴 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed and Washington, DC [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>115033 White House doctors: President Trump could be discharged Monday

>>115034, >>115038, >>115039, >>115046 DJT (Cap: MP4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/755b8c758e8eab8e690d737c2dbbe1ef9df2fc18bf3108047c05fcf6f532854d.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fvqDJqYPAsk - Thank you to the incredible people at Walter Reed! [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>115035, >>115036 Patriot Anons: Thank you POTUS & Q team for the confirmation

>>115037 House Dems Vote To Coverup Child Sex Trafficking (vid 5.14min)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P_lYhqHxRAQ - House Dems Vote To Coverup Child Sex Trafficking [Channel: Greg Reese]

>>115040 POTUS latest video decode

>>115041 Devin Nunes UNLOADS on FBI, Intel and DOJ over Corrupt Actions and Lies on Trump Russia Hoax

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hBOpoT3ARAI - Devin Nunes UNLOADS on FBI, Intel and DOJ over Corrupt Actions and Lies on Trump Russia Hoax [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>115042 Fake News latest: Infected Trump ignores CDC advice to take joyride, with grim Secret Service agents in tow

>>115043, >>115044, >>115047 PF

>>115045 President Trump briefly leaves Walter Reed Medical Center in motorcade to surprise supporters (vid 0:43)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V83jSNG-d3w - President Trump briefly leaves Walter Reed Medical Center in motorcade to surprise supporters [Channel: 6abc Philadelphia]

>>115048 Esper, Zarif visit Kuwait to extend US, Iran condolences after death of emir

>>115049, >>115051 Moar ABC footage of POTUS leaving Walter Reed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/facc5c8cb5746c25beb204004acd525f67978d7e8463c4402ddf19492f47b410.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YXGkTSIlct8 - President Trump drives by his supporters outside Walter Reed to thank them! [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>115050 Boatfag: Sailboat PUFFY and Wexner's LIMITLESS stationary, Abramovich's ECLIPSE, recently arrived in Hamburg, German

>>115052 POTUS and FLOTUS '33' done in '30' CURE Excellent Deltas Graphic

>>115053 Department of State Retweeted @SecPompeo Wheels up for my visit to Japan

>>115054 Notables from Comms Bread

(17 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173622

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10923167 Q Research General #13977: Be Not Afraid Edition

Created 050015ZOCT20




>>115141, >>115153 Key word - AMAZING

>>115142, >>115144, >>115145, >>115147, >>115149, >>115151, >>115155, >>115157, >>115161, >>115165 Imagineneedingcontrol of /QRESEARCH/ this bad

>>115143 Right Side is out front of WR. Entertaining!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zhiSdHVn0Xo - 🔴 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Supporters Outside of Walter Reed Medical Center [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>115146 KSHB: Kansas City protesters begin '"indefinite occupation" of City Hall, say won’t leave until police chief resigns

>>115148 GOD WINS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf7d586f83ce5fb48d1d3c23294d21b4a7d241d6e877c36cf2913db012cdcf9d.mp4

>>115150 Thousands of people around the United States are showing their support and sending prayers for the first family following the President’s coronavirus diagnosis.

>>115152 Communism/Marxism being Taught at US Universities (at American Taxpayer expense)?

>>115154 Anons, please take a moment to report this bread for deletion. apparantly comms can't figure out when they are beaten and unwanted.

>>115156 Canadian Gov. Orders 36000 Unties of Tear Gas for Riot Control

>>115158, >>115160, >>115169 Portland Oregon budget data

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c9eadd44755e90c55dd9dfcbdec388d0389c3e8af30a3b2376c3abce094c7ff8.pdf

>>115159 The new Polish Minister of Education announces his intention to ban gender studies as well as the promotion of Marxism in schools and universities.

>>115162 Tom Fitton Retweeted

>>115163 John Cusack defends speaking out about politics, reflects on fame in new interview: 'I haven’t really been hot for a long time'

>>115164 Contact the New England Journal of Medicine. Tell them what you think of their article and give them hell at the get go here.

>>115166 Twitter banished the worst QAnon accounts. But more than 93,000 remain on the site, research shows

>>115167 Bezos targetted by protestors

>>115168 Remember this received no coverage..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e388a43666fdb644ac459ff19747cb3b18b4e528f1e13eb6ad5c4e555a48a48.mp4

>>115170 These People Are Stupid


>>115172 Delaware Man Gets 35 Years For Making ‘Horrific’ Child Porn

>>115173 And just like that all the Democrat cop-haters would lay down their lives for the Secret Service

>>115174 NO more immunity for dirty Bankers!

>>115175 Mike Lee hugging people at Rose Garden ACB

>>115176, >>115186 @CaptMarkKelly deceives AZ voters on true gun agenda

>>115177 Trump’s Covid recovery is like the recovery of the economy—V-shaped!

>>115178 EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: How The DNC Hired CrowdStrike to Frame Russia for the Hack

>>115179 McCabe knows he’s in deep shit instead of DS, so refuses senates request

>>115180 Report A Social Worker For Sexual Harassment And He Might Take Your Kids

>>115181 International News

>>115182 Mike Pompeo Praying for you, @realDonaldTrump @FLOTUS, along with all those affected. The power of prayer is STRONG!

>>115183 Takes two to tango? Biden campaign suggests he will show up to 2nd debate even if Covid-19 prevents Trump from appearing - Repost

>>115184 Body Language: President Trump & Covid 19

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Se4FkCKch5U - Body Language: President Trump & Covid 19 [Channel: Body Language Ghost]


>>115187, >>115190 Imagineneedingcontrol of /QRESEARCH/ this bad Bun

>>115188 FEMA Mismanaged the Commodity Distribution Process in Response to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, September 25, 2020

>>115189 Imagineneedingcontrol of /QRESEARCH/ this bad Bun / Imagineneedingcontrol of /QRESEARCH/ this bad Bun

>>115191 Biden said he warned governors not to endorse him to prevent retaliation from the Trump administration

>>115192 #13977

(38 notables, 52 posts, 57 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173623

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10926261 Q Research General #13981: Where We Bake One We Bake All Edition

Created 050357ZOCT20




>>115266, >>115293 Russia to conduct observation flight over Denmark this week, military says

>>115267, >>115273 Trump says he "learned a lot" about coronavirus during treatment: "This is the real school"

>>115268, >>115270, >>115271 "But nuthins happening" - Resignations in the news 10/2/2020 thru 10/4/2020

>>115269 Why anon is ignoring all pleas from bakergang Anon PSA

>>115272 Former MLB pitcher Charlie Haeger 37 found dead in Grand Canyon while on the run from police after "killing his ex-girlfriend 34, who has been seeking a restraining order against him

>>115274, >>115279 We Love You Too POTUS! “Donald Trump brought us some pizza!” Dozens of free pizzas are here for the crowd gathered outside Walter Reed Hospital

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6e8098640b72f6ed205e30a1ee29a49871dacdee69d85da48e69bb2a36ac40cb.mp4

>>115275, >>115277 "THIS IS THE BLOODY WONDERLAND" - This is DOPEY prince

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QIdYRI4ci4A - Billionaire Prince Al Waleed bin Talal PALACE - INSIDE LOOK [Channel: Luxs Report]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mZ4MbqjwQOM - Vegas Shooting Anniversary Special: New Eyewitness = MAJOR BREAK !!! Complete Documentary [Channel: John E Hoover]

>>115276 200K indictments

>>115278 CNN Cries White Power symbol "I just wanted to show them I'm doing well and that's what I did." POTUS gives us the Assange thumbs up! kek

>>115280, >>115281 Aging well - "Expert Suggestions?" Frens close enemies closer no more Show N Tell "Enemy of the People"

>>115282 Reminders Aux Paris Digs. (

>>115283, >>115285, >>115306 Blue Checkmark Meltdown Over POTUS Doing Well and Getting Better+Related Diggs (Various)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4974eebdc0b25b6e697fe86595664fb392d0f69420b704ca35e2cf134a35f512.mp4

>>115284 Portland Live stream (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=acCbuF4AHjw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115286, >>115291 Flynn, Pompeo, 17, Coincidence? (Twitter/Cap)

>>115287, >>115288 #United Worldwide. #FightBack #GodWins We shall stand United against the Darkness! (Twitter)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed4873add3becd185ec7914278383194fefcdcd9b9a7d300732e7b49a2a5d15f.mp4

>>115289, >>115290 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Boyfriend Resigns From His Tech Startup+related (The Daily Beast/NYPO)

>>115292 Keks Intensify by the Moments (Funny)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf405ed60a357de74570280431f9fa5fdc593a5cc2b52547bed314a63fb48134.mp4

>>115294 Free the plant. Do it. (MountVernon.org)

>>115295 Monday's front page of The Herald - Tommorrow Today: Welcome to 8Kun (HeraldScotland/Twitter)

>>115296 ANTIFA Doesnt Think Black Patriot Lives Matter in Portland (Twitter/Cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0f895b91958e7d64cc65b8d80bc22a6613e25f5bd423917b01ef747eef6957eb.mp4

>>115297 The Clintons continue to get our taxpayer dollars via Bill Gates, to "scale-up COVID testing." I've had about enough of this! How about you? (Twitter)

>>115298 Far-left activists at @uoregonchained themselves to a campus building door and say they won’t leave until the university defunds campus police & meets other demands. (Twitter/Cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d9f5541e9eadd19e837b261f83dbed6e0dfd960105749ec50830b504bc63109.mp4

>>115299 'Secret tunnels' beneath the Sphinx stir hopes for 'undiscovered treasures', media says (Sputnik)

>>115300, >>115304 Prominent Norwegian critic of Islam found dead with 'visible damage' It's kind of unheard of there but Translation=Murdered (Sputnik)

>>115301 Colorado Springs Police Not Looking For Suspects After Bodies Of Lee And Stella Vigil Found On Trail Trust they are looking. (DenverCBS)

>>115302 CNN Loses it's mind over Trump getting some fresh air. Something Doctors commonly told patients in times past. (CNN)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d69d1952c2469ec576f420d67de02147f10c717a44fdf735ea971a7a6bf4dd80.mp4

>>115303 MarketAnon: Stocks, Futures Gain on Improving Trump Outlook: Markets Wrap (Bloomberg)

>>115305 PlaneAnons: Pompeo Departs for Japan to attent 'Quad' talks

>>115307 #13981

>>115308 #13979, #13980, #13981,

(30 notables, 43 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173624

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10923342 Q Research General #13979: Saluting Our Commander in Chief Edition

Created 050028ZOCT20




>>115193 General S, Patton on the American Fighting Spirit

>>115194 Twitter banished the worst QAnon accounts. But more than 93,000 remain on the site

>>115195 States that Allow Same Day Registration

>>115196 Veritas Drop - Mark Kelly, AZ Dem Senator Candidate, ally shoots him in the foot (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ffa760e5af69b6ecba6eb11943a5406f1c80d5c55c228ea20011ed91f5594b21.mp4

>>115197 Former Louisiana Gov. Murphy K. "Mike" Foster Jr, has died at 90

>>115198 Parents’ complainan online "Racist" learning program used by schools nationwide id "racist"

>>115199 Saudi official calls for boycoting 'everything Turkish'

>>115200 Good reference for missing children

>>115201 Microsoft is expected to announce on Monday a massive €1bn ($1.17bn) investment in Greece

>>115202 A Seattle-area teacher scolded a student for admiring @realDonaldTrump

>>115203 The Chancellor launches a £238 million scheme to help the medium-term unemployed (UK)

>>115204 PF Reports - US Army C-560 departed Elizabethtown, KY

>>115205 Theresa May's ex-comms chief, Sir Robbie Gibb, emerges as a surprise frontrunner to be new BBC chairman

>>115206 It’s interesting that Gen Flynn and Sec Pompeo each tweeted different Bible Chapters with verse 17.

>>115207 Dan Carlin "Qanon" hit piece starts @41:53

>>115208 You have ONE (1) day left to register to vote in 'AZ, FL, GA, OH, & TX.

>>115209 Fujitsu still investigating causes of Tokyo stock bourse outage, says CEO

>>115210 Allison Mack Quits ‘Gender, Sex and Power’ Class at UC Berkeley Amid Protest of Students Unhappy With Sex-Slaver as Classmate

>>115211 Priti Patel has declared war on the tactics of Black Lives Matter (UK)

>>115212 UNH Gets Grant to Study Child Sex Trafficking

>>115213 The Left Doesn’t Really Want To Abolish The Police. They Want To Be The Police

>>115214 Thomas Jefferson Byrd, known for Spike Lee films, killed

>>115215 This is why they freaked out over the thought of parents listening in on their zoom classes.

>>115216 NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%

>>115217 #13978, #13979,

(25 notables, 25 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173625

File: 102291b34fb3d07⋯.jpg (607.78 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10927488 Q Research General #13982: The 'Reputations go to qr to die.' Edition

Created 050501ZOCT20




>>115315, >>115341 Sealed indictments now over 200,000

>>115316 More missing mail in Arlington. Transparency anyone?

>>115317 Antifa chumps tried to steal a woman’s US flag today..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0f895b91958e7d64cc65b8d80bc22a6613e25f5bd423917b01ef747eef6957eb.mp4

>>115318 #13982 Shill Bake Notes (Previous Parallel Bake) / How taxpayer dollars go through… Bill Gates!

>>115319 ~~~~ Previous notes will not be modified by this baker either way. I will be continuing the record as it was received from the last on duty baker. Have a great day o7

>>115320, >>115321 #13982 Shill Bake Notes (Previous Parallel Bake) / Previous notes will not be modified by this baker either way. I will be continuing the record as it was received from the last on duty baker. Have a great day o7

>>115322 O'Keefe re- gun control: “He’s just trying to be elected, then he’ll implement measures”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b67f2d8c04567b98b4df1f38c4caeda5f40dc22dd3505a19a52c5814b5664e4.mp4

>>115323 CNN blows their top - POTUS "traveled" without 'protective' press poll

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d69d1952c2469ec576f420d67de02147f10c717a44fdf735ea971a7a6bf4dd80.mp4

>>115324 Planefag reports

>>115325 Breitbart: Biden takes the ol' mask off. Guess what? Loser found underneath the mask!

>>115326 Various Twitter takes on Biden's derpy journey

>>115327 Volunteer for Donald J Trump o7

>>115328 HumansAreFree: Did Bill Gates help plan the deep state takeover with a vaccine?

>>115329 Debbie does JerusalemPost: Bipartisan bill would give Israel a veto on Middle East arms sales

>>115330 For the keks: The TV Ratings For Game 2 Of The NBA Finals Absolutely Tank. The Numbers Are Embarrassing For The League

>>115331 Aaron Snow, co-founder of 18F and former Dep. Exec. Director of Technology Transformation Service at GSA now works for Canada Digital Services of Canadian gov't, who built the COVID Contact Tracing App

>>115332 Forced Denunciations And ‘Sensitivity Training’ Mimic Communist Brainwashing Tactics

>>115333 Woods stands up for Lady Trump: You have ignored her existence for all intents and purposes. Shame on you. @CNN

>>115334, >>115336 Split bread eyes on: Obama assigned Michael McFaul as ambassador to Russia when it was known he could disclose classified data

>>115335 Dems ‘Trying to Steal the Election’ in NC, PA, NV, NJ

>>115337 How Treasury Dept. tracked overseas cash pocketed by Hunter Biden

>>115338 FNC’s Hilton: Trump’s COVID Recovery ‘a Powerful Symbol of America’s Recovery’

>>115339 Tropical waves in the Gulf of Mexico being ornery

>>115340 New Yorkers Close Fifth Avenue to Support Donald Trump as He Fights Coronavirus

>>115342 #13982

(25 notables, 28 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173626

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10924313 Q Research General #13978: President Donald J Trump, AKA The Machine Edition

Created 050138ZOCT20




>>115218 International News

>>115219 Some of the #FBI's biggest cases are coming to your screens. @CBS

>>115220 Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend says SHE opened fire on cops

>>115221 just want everyone in this country to have the same healthcare I receive as a member of Congress.

>>115222 James O’Keefe Strikes Again! Project Veritas Exposes Democrat Mark Kelly’s True Plans to Crack Down on Your Second Amendment Rights

>>115223 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 5, 2020

>>115224 Priti Patel says Government will not stand for 'thuggish' protesters

>>115225 UNH Gets Grant to Study Child Sex Trafficking

>>115226, >>115231 NEW: the White House releases new photos of @POTUS working & holding a conference call with administration officials Sunday from Walter Reed Medical Center. #COVID #TrumpCovid

>>115227 Just for the record the video was taken exactly 2 years ago TODAY.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CJbDB5_pKQA - President Trump’s Doppelganger Spotted at Gas Station [Channel: Inside Edition]

>>115228 The Left Doesn’t Really Want To Abolish The Police. They Want To Be The Police

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CJbDB5_pKQA - President Trump’s Doppelganger Spotted at Gas Station [Channel: Inside Edition]

>>115229 Hunt for Red October movie parallels to Q movie

>>115230 Shill bread Mini Bun

>>115232 Ex-Disney star Maitland Ward says Hollywood was more degrading than shooting porn

>>115233 James Woods Twitter

>>115234 President Donald J. Trump Works from Walter Reed

>>115235 @FBI Inspired by true events, the new #FBI movie “The Nevernight Connection” shows how foreign intelligence groups recruit former clearance holders through social media in order to obtain classified U.S. information. You can watch the film

>>115236 These people are stupid

>>115237, >>115239 Good game @NavyMCPON

>>115238 Donald Trump's Personal 'Body Man' Tests Positive for COVID

>>115240 The morning after the world learned President Donald Trump contracted the coronavirus, a Seattle-area teacher went on a rant about the president to sixth graders. When a mom complained, he misled her about what happened. Luckily, the mom recorded the incident on her cell phone.

>>115241 The Police Are Requesting Data From People's Smart-Speakers At An Alarming Rate

>>115242 Markers and Symbols for The Ongoing Storm?

>>115243 The 22nd Airlift Squadron from @Travis60AMW transported 49,000 pounds of humanitarian cargo to Guatemala.

>>115244 Notable picture

>>115245 White Squall.

>>115246 Trump Didn’t Disclose First Positive Covid-19 Test While Awaiting a Second Test on Thursday

>>115247 The Camp Pendleton based judge recused himself from the case just one day after the 9/11 trial prosecutor proposed transporting the judge and other court participants to quarantine at Guantanamo on Jan. 25, five days after inauguration.

>>115248 #13978

(29 notables, 31 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173627

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10928219 Q Research General #13982: Learning A Lot About C19 Edition

Created 050603ZOCT20




>>115343 BPSA Follow along for interesting commentary and Educational Informative material on being an aware anon on this "Field"

>>115344 Notable Repost Video shows Seattle-area teacher scold 10 yr old for admiring Trump (Facebook/Cap)

>>115345, >>115347, >>115348 Paris Hilton So Hot Right Now. . . o>

>>115346 10.06.2020 Senate Schedule {Crossfire Hurricane} (Congress.gov/Judiciary.senate.gov)

>>115349, >>115356 >California fire season shatters record with more than 4 million acres burned (LAT/Caps)

>>115350 Portland Riot Police just showed up as a group of terrorists were practicing de-arresting moves. Lets' see how that works out tonight. (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UDU-rRsolT8 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>115351 California city flag stolen, replaced by Trump campaign banner (Fox)

>>115352 "Another One" bites the dust Live in Portland with RPNation (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0mqzoqNDOSU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115353, >>115360 Great Catch anon, Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order

>>115354 HNYT Hitpiece on Trump. (Man can't even do a lap around the block and wave at people Jesus.) Anon notes that the New York Times finally admits President is a very important person. (NYT)

>>115355 Is China’s Coronavirus War A Form Of Terrorism? (Published Reporter)

>>115357 U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey has decided not to run for reelection or for governor of Pennsylvania in 2022, according to two people familiar with his plans, a surprise decision by the Republican with significant implications for the state’s next elections. (Fusion.Inquirer.com

>>115358 Tasmanian devils have been released into the wild on Australia's mainland 3,000 years after the feisty marsupials went extinct there, in what conservationists describe as a "historic" step (AFP)

>>115359, >>115368, >>115370, >>115373, >>115375, >>115376 Are you connected to Human Trafficking? Sex trafficking? Perhaps that's why you are Tanking. NBA Drops like a rock in a pond. (Various)

>>115361 Forced Denunciations And ‘Sensitivity Training’ Mimic Communist Brainwashing Tactics

>>115362 Former NFAC General Delta From Drops Bombs about Grandmaster Jay (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tkoAo9WVmOA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115363 Website Conservative Treehouse is allegedly down awaiting suace

>>115364 Aaron Snow, former co-founder of 18F and Executive Director of Technology Transformation Service at GSA now works for Canada Digital Services of the Canadian government, who built their COVID Contact Tracing App (Various)

>>115365, >>115369, >>115377 Re Michael McFaul Obama knowingly appointed this guy

>>115366, >>115380 Schumananon Stuff (Nasa/Cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d82a5a0495716410057e5808cdc87f6b2fc8156aef4f93e7db638fa2e9225a89.mp4

>>115367 "That was sudden but not unexpected given the circumstances…" Cineworld suspends operations at UK, U.S. theaters, impacting 45,000 jobs (CNBC)

>>115371 Apple sues recycler for allegedly reselling 100,000 iPhones, iPads and Watches (Engadget.com)

>>115372 Christopher F. Rufo Clears the air (Watch your back big guy) on the controversy surrounding CRT: The Truth About Critical Race Theory (WSJ)

>>115374 Dems ‘Trying to Steal the Election’ in NC, PA, NV, NJ (Breitbart)

>>115378 Jared Polis's Mom on Trump Racism and New Hate Groups Film (Westworld)

>>115379 Southern Germany sees hundreds protest Covid-19 lockdowns

>>115381 Major Biden Weakness - How Treasury Dept. tracked overseas cash pocketed by Hunter Biden (Washington Times)

>>115382 FNC’s Hilton: Trump’s COVID Recovery ‘a Powerful Symbol of America’s Recovery’ (Breitbart)

>>115383 Russia Knows… (NYT)

>>115384 Fauci 89 throwback An article of Anthony Fauci from 1989 (NFID.org)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b627d4e24821de7ab6ff47bfcfb3a0428556e556de15e544e7aac83b6f20e69a.pdf

>>115385, >>115386 Does /comms/ engage in P4P with Bad Actors?

>>115387, >>115388 #13982

(32 notables, 46 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173628

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10925352 Q Research General #13980: It Takes All Of Us Edition

Created 050300ZOCT20




>>115249, >>115250, >>115251, >>115252

>>115253, >>115259 Natl. Pulse: How the DNC hired CrowdStrike to Frame Russia for the Hack

>>115254 Anon nom: If you're unsure of your voting status, use this website to find your state.

>>115255 Planefag reports

>>115256, >>115257 Hong Kong stocks gain in early trading as investors focus on Trump’s improving health outlook

>>115258 Biden lied repeatedly at the debate (big surprise)

>>115260 7 of 10 plane crashes aren't accidents in NY either

>>115261 Ted Cruz notes funny things about the media: Biden staffer who accuses the Democratic presidential candidate of sexual assault. Reported in AUS.

>>115262 Woods: #JoeBiden is running for President of the United States and is a complete ghost

>>115263 Devin Nunes on comped agencies: Shut them ALL down.

>>115264 Lock him up and throw away the key! Ambushing cops.

>>115265 #13979, #13980, #13981,

(12 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173629

File: 88496464e221e49⋯.jpg (613 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10929231 Q Research General #13983: The 'Remember remember, Vote Trump in November!' Edition

Created 050835ZOCT20




>>115389, >>115394 NotAlone DIGG, con't.

>>115390 Cali wildfires have burned more than 4mil acres so far

>>115391 10 days were erased in 1582 with intro of the Gregorian calendar: Oct 5 - 14

>>115392, >>115393 Tom Cotton on Maria - no doubt the Senate will work to confirm ACB

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QDJBzfhn8xY - October 4, 2020: Senator Cotton joins Sunday Morning Futures [Channel: Senator Tom Cotton]

>>115395 Carly Anne Ballard violating her federal release conditions by not staying 5 blocks away from courthouse

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ca9aea9b66a0969a366a1d1f9cea46b33681aeb772b415264564e33e69ee45c.mp4

>>115396, >>115398 PlaneFags up and at 'em

>>115397 VP Pence and Second Lady test neg for COVID, twice in three days

>>115399, >>115401 Democrats say it’s too dangerous move forward on ACB confirmation

>>115400 Dan Scavino - Thank you to all Patriots who came out tonight @ Walter Reed Hospital (w/vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2abc3662d66d3cb38d27ac021fd658d5e7b820e02f6189e0a0c2646c97eadb0c.mp4

>>115402 Global stocks climb on news of Trump good health and stimulus progress

>>115403, >>115404 SUV driver plows into cyclists during BLM bike ride - Madison Square Park

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xjj3O5CHRRc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115405 renoting: Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein met with Nobel prize committee chair in 2013

>>115406, >>115410, >>115414 New DJT bun w/CAPs: POTUS on fire this morning

>>115407 Eyewitness To The Agony Of Assange

>>115408, >>115412, >>115413 (needz confirmation) Kayleigh McEnany OUT as press secretary?

>>115409 New 9/11 Trial Judge Steps Down, Citing Conflicts

>>115411 Measuring The Emotional Impact Of COVID-19 On The U.S. Population

(17 notables, 26 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173630

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10929365 Q Research General #13983: Anons Dig The Trenches Edition

Created 050844ZOCT20




>>115415, >>115455 Moar on Wildfires and their Record Shattering acreage Losses this year+Arson Woes @Point Pleasant (NYPO)

>>115416, >>115451, >>115456 Raheem Kassam Writer for The Sun - who called #WalkAway a White supremacist movement has now deleted all his tweets. (Cap/Spiked-Online.com/NewsBusters.org)

>>115417 Breitbart Global Exclusive! Hover for details! (Funny)

>>115418, >>115478 Joe Biden defense of his son's overseas business deals conflicts with public evidence (JustTheNews/OCC.Treas.gov)

>>115419 EYE ON THE NEWS Minority Rule in the Senate Why Democrats won’t ditch the filibuster

>>115420, >>115452 Can't buy your way out this time faggots - Former cardinal denies trying to bribe witnesses in George Pell's sex abuse trial by sending them $1.1million in a bid to derail Vatican anti-corruption probe (DailyMail/NYPO)

>>115421 Speculation mounts about the source of President Trump’s illness (American Thinker)

>>115422, >>115425, >>115443, >>115448 Nothing can stop what's coming (The Hill/Today)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QDJBzfhn8xY - October 4, 2020: Senator Cotton joins Sunday Morning Futures [Channel: Senator Tom Cotton]

>>115423 Dangerous Talk From Stupid People - It never occurs to them that the rules they want to get rid of because they seem inconvenient are there to protect them too. (Townhall)

>>115424 Trump Supporters close down 5th Avenue in New York City in impromptu Trump Rally

>>115426 Shameful - NYT, WaPo, LA Times Assign Top Reporters To Update Trump’s Obituary, Report Says = We all know why this would be broadcast. . .

>>115427 Yesterday On This Day In History - Julius Caesar & Precursor to the modern calendar

>>115428, >>115432 Worse than Watergate Part 3 {Think Mirror} (Spectator.org)

>>115429 Butthurt worldwide over POTUS Guardian (London) latest on President Trump and coronavirus news. (Guardian)

>>115430 Re: Aaron Snow, Canadian, Creator of Contact Tracing App

>>115431 'Trump was sent from God!': MAGA country brings the rally to a stricken president (Politico)

>>115433, >>115446 Sunday Talks – Devin Nunes: Without Immediate Corrective Action, It’s Time to Talk About Shutting Down The U.S. Intelligence Agencies… (The Gateway Pundit/The Conservative Treehouse)

>>115434, >>115438, >>115440, >>115441, >>115442 FlyAnons Cruisin the Jet Stream

>>115435 LIVE: Cygnus NG-14 "S.S. Kalpana Chawla" arrives at ISS (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_orYDwplSUM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115436, >>115447, >>115458 James O’Keefe Strikes Again! Project Veritas Exposes Democrat Mark Kelly’s True Plans to Crack Down on Your Second Amendment Rights+Related (The Gateway Pundit/Twitter)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/88e99c26b93006b6c2ed04025c43f1b39e927fb90c85fabd66e1ca2f8808e2c0.mp4

>>115437 FNC’s Hilton: Trump’s COVID Recovery ‘a Powerful Symbol of America’s Recovery’ (Breitbart)

>>115439 Georgia Republican Scolds Congress for Condemning QAnon, not Antifa, for Violence (DavidHarrisJr.com

>>115444 Behind New Khashoggi Group Are Anti-Israel Activists (FreebBeacon)

>>115445 Moar Tunnel Vision Pentagon Moves to practice Meeting the enemy Underground (Defense News)

>>115449 California man convicted of defrauding local governments, charged with trying to steal $22M from PPP loans (Fox)

>>115450, >>115453, >>115454, >>115461, >>115481 Moar MarketAnons sharing Positive outlook for the week on Economy. Betters with the President's Health! - WORLDWIDE! (Barrons/Market Watch)

>>115457 An SUV driver plowed into a group of bicyclists near Madison Square Park in Manhattan on Saturday night, leaving two of them hospitalized with minor injuries. (CitizenFreePress)

>>115459, >>115462 PRINCE Harry faces a "monumental tax bill" unless he "takes a break" from his £11million Californian mansion, it has been claimed. (The Sun.co.uk)

>>115460 Nancy Pelosi tells Airlines not to lay people off, stimulus talks progressing. (Business Insider)

>>115463 The People of Michigan Stand up to Tyrannical Witch Whitmer's hypocritical ways. Still boating this winter season coming? Stand Up Michigan! (The Daily Caller)

>>115464 Hot under the collar yet Yellow Letter Writers? Libelists? 'Bombshell' fades: Lawmakers call for probe of New York Times' Trump tax story (Washington Times)

>>115465 Implosion Imminent! THE RIGHT PRESCRIPTION~Democratic Bile Will Reelect Trump - Voters will not react well to the Left’s celebratory response to the President’s illness. (The Spectator.org)

>>115466 Cineworld backpeddles on Layoff decision

>>115467, >>115469, >>115475, >>115480, >>115485, >>115486, >>115488, >>115489, >>115491, >>115492, >>115496, >>115507, >>115510 POTUS TWEETS (Cap)

>>115468 Barron Quarentine (The Hill)

>>115470 This isn't how this works: Pro-Armenia protesters shut down Hollywood traffic, demand support in conflict with Azerbaijan Go bak to your country and try that shit you will be shot on sight.

>>115471 Chris Wallace has a finger-pointing meltdown after Steve Cortes calls out his bullshit about Trump's family not wearing masks at the debate andabout how POTUS was debating not just Biden but Chris Wallace too. (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1UgufVyz0eg - Watch this hot exchange between Wallace and Cortes about 1st family not wearing masks in the debate [Channel: Mixtorious ]

>>115472, >>115473 Memory Monday - Trump orders fleet of icebreakers and new bases in push for polar resources&Coincidence? 2 yr Delta: (10-4-18) media assets will be removed? Coincidence? 2 yr Delta: (10-5-18) how do you start a War? (The Guardian/Fox)

>>115474 Bongino Op? Prayers for Well Being. Godspeed to a speedy and Full recovery in Jesus Name! (Caps)

>>115476, >>115484 You are going to wish you weren't Cunts to her once you see the News Press Sec. . . (Cap)

>>115477 Eyewitness To The Agony Of Assange (ZeroHedge)

>>115479, >>115482, >>115483 Follow the Pen October 5th (CapsYoutube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BAKYvvM6IpE - Donald Trump's Tour of His Manhattan Office [Channel: Wall Street Journal]

>>115487 In Thread baker/anon Lessons

>>115490, >>115495 Anon Otherbred Scrapings Anon Otherbred Scrapings

>>115493, >>115497, >>115502, >>115503 TODAY is 3-year delta of POTUS: "maybe it's the calm before the storm"

>>115494 The Right to Armed Self-Defense in the Light of Law Enforcement Abdication (papers.ssrn.com)

>>115498, >>115508 #13982 Shill Bake Notes (Previous Parallel Bake)

>>115499 4 years ago…

>>115500 Peace Through Strength

>>115501 !

>>115504, >>115505 "Virginia Roberts says 'Happy Birthday' to the Queen by sharing photo of Prince Andrew with his arm around her" (DailyMail)

>>115506 Another Meltdown over Trumps Good Health and the Successes of Qop. "QAnon shows that the age of alternative facts will not end with Trump" (CJR.org)

>>115509, >>115511 The fuck? Woman finds out Far-Right Catholics Buried Her Aborted Fetus in Secret Cemetary Plot. Sound Like Bullshit (Daily Beast)

>>115512 #13982, #13983, #13984

>>115513 #13983-2

(55 notables, 99 posts, 105 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173631

File: ed66eb013caba18⋯.jpg (607.77 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10926425 Q Research General #13981: The 'Make It Rain' Edition

Created 050410ZOCT20




>>115309 Bread wars continue. Even attacking bakers that haven't baked in weeks. Go figure.

>>115310, >>115312 Resignations in the news 10/2/2020 thru 10/4/2020

>>115311 Culp: They are leaving BECAUSE of YOU and your failed policies, Inslee.

>>115313 Russia to conduct observation flight over Denmark this week, military says

>>115314 #13981

(5 notables, 6 posts, 3 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173632

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10930617 Q Research General #13984: Anons Still Winning Bigly Edition

Created 051156ZOCT20




>>115514, >>115540 "McCabe: I will not testify out of fear for my health even remotely." "Buh but the smallest adversaries are the most vicious sir!" (Jonathan Turley.org)

>>115515 Most Beautiful First Lady Ever Is Also Brilliant Political Analyst Emily Jashinsky

>>115516 Whose Chemical dumps in the Kamchatka region of Mother Russia? "Investigators probe 'possible ecological catastrophe' in Russia's Kamchatka region" (NBC)

>>115517 POTUS Tweets

>>115518 Lady Powell Given Guardian Angel of American Justice (Caps)

>>115519 Reports: CDC Health Officials Resisted Disease Closure of U.S.-Mexican Border (Breitbart)

>>115520 In a 371-18 vote, House Democrats voted to essentially make opposition to pedophilia a hate crime in their pursuit to demonize the Q Anon movement. (Infowars)

>>115521, >>115526 EU Commission President von der Leyen in quarantine - She had contact with an infected person before the EU summit. (Wienerzeitung.at)

>>115522 Tom Fitton on Faucis tail!

>>115523 The Breakdown of Recent Events here at /Qresearch/

>>115524 Repost different source Bongino Bangin out that cancer! (American Thinker)

>>115525 Moldy Bred Shills coming from comms? You Decide anons. Analyze evidence

>>115527 The Full Crowley Whether these journalists know it or not, in the American mind they are already retired before they have even retired. (AM Greatness)

>>115528 How is that writer by the way? Historic NYTIMES Article from 1977 (NYTimes)

>>115529 Take Note Newfags!

>>115530 DANGER: St. Louis County Executive Sam Page Connected to Ballot-Harvesting Specialists Who Are Also Operating in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

>>115531, >>115538, >>115539 Interesting Facts (FBI/Daily CallerNational Post)

>>115532 The #USNavy guided-missile cruiser #USSPrinceton fires its Mark 45 5-inch gun during an exercise in the #ArabianGulf. Princeton is part of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group & is deployed to @US5thFleet to ensure maritime stability & security in the Central Region.

>>115533, >>115537 Alexandra Chalupa, the Woman Behind the Russia Collusion Hoax The whole story starts with a glamorous party girl from the Ukraine by the name of Ivanna Voronovych

>>115534 "These People are sick"

>>115535 Clockfag on DT Jr. DT Jr. on Biden 50 years of companionship (Twitter)

>>115536 Army Tweets USArmy "And boom ! Just like that, you're back at work. Photo by @173rdabnbde #MondayMotivation #TrainedAndReady"

>>115541 Twitter Digz on BLM

>>115542 Paramedics rush 13 teenage children to hospital after 'incident' at north London school - Did YOU see the incident? Email james.gant@(mailonline.co.uk)

>>115543 Tropical Storm Delta has formed over the Northwestern Caribbean Sea. . . (USACE HQ)

>>115544 Esper, CentCom and 5th fleet twat about the USS Sterett. DDG104

>>115545, >>115546 Watch the Clock - Tick Tock

>>115547 @DVIDSHub Rise and Shine!! How about a little #Monday morning #challenge? Can you name the aircraft shown in this silhouette? https://dvidshub.net/r/z6vh9p Image 7:25 AM · Oct 5, 2020

>>115548 Twitter Banned Space Forces Beta account

>>115549 #13982, #13983, #13984

(30 notables, 36 posts, 47 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173633

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10931576 Q Research General #13985: BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Edition

Created 051407ZOCT20




>>115550 Believe! God is REAL!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1z5v3vkDq9I - Midway Revival [Channel: caesar]

>>115551 Kek

>>115552 Gorka Booms on Masks Getum! (Twitter)

>>115553, >>115554 Harris’s Inaction Against Utilities Helped Fuel Wildfires (Real Clear Politics)


>>115556 Bongino “We caught them all” Glad you are doing well!

>>115557, >>115558, >>115561 Arent "Conspiracy theories the result of "Critical thinking?" 'To combat conspiracy theories teach critical thinking – and community values'+ (EconoTimes)

>>115559, >>115570, >>115585 SupaFly Anons Planefagging

>>115560 Can anyone else sense the negative intentions and desires attached to that capture? BREAKING: White House press pool summoned to Walter Reed for POTUS update (Twitter)

>>115562 Horrible! An Indianapolis faith-based residential program for human trafficking survivors is the target of a sexual abuse investigation. (USE Today)

>>115563 Human Trafficking Operation Exposed In Fultondale, Jefferson County Alabama (Patch)

>>115564 "Are PCR tests the key?"Need moar saucebut has (Youtube)

>>115565 Santa Rosa posts damage map with homes destroyed in Glass Fire (SFGate.com)

>>115566, >>115582 Repost of ANTIFA ARSON EXPOSURE!

>>115567 FLOTUS Tweets.

>>115568 Retired university Lecturer, 75, who was found with 10K CP images jailed for 12 months after stint in 2015 for similar event (Daily Mail)

>>115569, >>115573 A Reflection of Sorass' Contributions to the betterment *COUGH/HACK* of the world

>>115571 DOJ Joins Baptist Church’s Lawsuit Against D.C. Mayor: You Can’t Allow Thousands to Protest While Restricting Worship Outdoors (MSN)

>>115574 POTUS Campaign Advisor says POTUS ready to lead COVID response "Personally." (The Daily Mail US)

>>115575 Executive Order: Saving Lives Through Increased Support For Mental- and Behavioral-Health Needs (White House.gov)

>>115576 "Good things happening?" Not according to shills. But ANONS Decide.

>>115577 Mexico unveils $14 billion investment plan to gee up economy (Reuters)

>>115578, >>115579 DECLASS Brings Down The House.

>>115580, >>115581 rDJT Tweets! "Volunteer to be a Trump Election Poll Watcher. Sign up today! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"

>>115583, >>115584, >>115586, >>115587, >>115590, >>115593, >>115594 Kayleigh McEnany test positive (TwitterVarious) {Alright anons we know who your fave Press Sec. is Very Likeable Intelligent Woman}

>>115588 3, 4, & 8 Year Deltas

>>115589 Manufactured to Fail? COVID Test is faulty?


>>115592 Biden Biden January 12, 2017. One man's freedom at the cost of another

>>115595 Boom Another boom with a single cannon.

>>115596 #13985

>>115597 #13985

(32 notables, 47 posts, 53 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173634

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10932564 Q Research General #13986: THE BOOMS JUST KEEP COMING!! Edition

Created 051555ZOCT20




>>115598 We LOVE YOU POTUS! More Love For POTUS From FRENS!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zoNppWjDYJw - “We just want to wish you a quick and speedy recovery” - THANK YOU! [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>115599 "He why is the water goin out dude"? "Red Wave Normie Red Wave is coming in. High Ground is ours. No sweat fren''

>>115600 Walter Reed Medical Center Stakeout (C-SPAN)

>>115601 AMA with paratroopers The #AMA is live! Two Operation Market Garden veterans are now standing by to answer any and all questions. REPLY TO THIS POST with your question. We'll read your question to our veterans and reply with their response. They can go until 2PM Eastern.

>>115602, >>115614, >>115616, >>115630, >>115641 Chemist anons digging into the chemical structure of Drugs used to combat COVID and other details surrounding it

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115603 Lord Most High CASTS CHAINS ASUNDER!

>>115604 Repost POTUS Thanking WR Facility Staff and Patriotic Frens! (Cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/094156ccabd32327a4bea3c71735fc9ec2b5615bdd7a213ca2c9f108d9047735.mp4

>>115605 Care not to embrace vanity. You know.

>>115606 Vicious Leftist demonstration of emotion at Mini Civilian Citizen Trump Rally (Cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc0c35a38d2f501cb0593068a010936bc61e0f6291514b8023658f43096c3024.mp4

>>115607 DT Jr. Ps SEAT?

>>115608 It Needs to Be Asked: Is the Biden Campaign Already Colluding with His Former Intern, Fanboy and Debate Moderator Steve Scully on How to Steal Second Debate?

>>115609 Schumer: 'A Virtual (Confirmation) Hearing Is Virtually No Hearing at All' "What's next Schumer a telephone call isnt a real conversation?''


>>115611 Whitmer endless Emergency Cancelled

>>115612 Planefag

>>115613 Rumours

>>115615, >>115622, >>115623, >>115625 Shill team six caught in inverse reality crash unlike Actual Heroes Seal Team Six. (Caps)

>>115617 The Jolt: Before QAnon, there was Cynthia McKinney

>>115618 Don’t Believe Anything 'Sources' Say. A dead giveaway of their malignant agenda is the customary reliance on the “expert,” the “insider,” a someone-in-the-know code-named as “a source” or, more explicitly, “an unnamed source.” Thank you Writer/Publisher (PjMedia)

>>115619, >>115626, >>115629 "Our Flag is still there" Our Patriotic Leaders that is, POTUS FLOTUS ETC.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/da891c809a252a611ee3b980a03b92b31e8a9a0a6dffb78248d322bbaf5204dd.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sGdWkl9M_TY - "American Airman" - Max Impact [Channel: The United States Air Force Band]

>>115620 Musk Urges COVID-19 Retests Due to 'Ridiculous Number' of False Positives "Manufactured to fail?" (NewsweekMiami Herald)

>>115621 HUGE! Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Announces President Trump Has Requested Declassification of Critical Spygate Documents including Danchenko Interviews (VIDEO)

>>115624, >>115632 Still wondering if she’s a white hat? CONCERN!

>>115627, >>115647 Sen. Lion Ted Cruz Says Chief Justice John Roberts 'Despises Donald Trump' (Just The News)

>>115628 Aging Well State-ists? Mask Hypocrisy

>>115631 Is the Picture becoming Clearer Anons? Deltas Galore!

>>115633 UK Finance Woes with Manufacturers in the Orient ~ Toyota and Nissan demand UK cover tariffs if no EU deal reached (asia.nikkei)

>>115634 James Woods Goes DIGITAL WARRIOR On the Fake News and Biden

>>115635 San Francisco launches program to pay pregnant women $1,000 per month – only if they’re black, Pacific Islander (Law Enforcement Today)

>>115636 Allegations or truth? Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Deep State is Working With “Deep Church” to Transform Catholic Church into Spiritual Arm of New World Order

>>115637 ARMY CHICAGO Tweets - We salute all of our teachers, happy #WorldTeachersDay! #ArmyTeamChicago

>>115638 Pope Francis Pushes Communism: ‘For the Good of All’ (Neon Nettle)


>>115642 Harris Faulkner further exposing herself on Faux News

>>115643 More Leftist Lunacy

>>115644 Kek Babylon bee at it again: Trump Adds 'Black Lives Matter' Sticker To SUV So Media Can't Claim He's Spreading COVID

>>115645 This morning I submitted my resignation to the President and the Attorney General, effective Friday. Last month I accepted a position in the private sector. (Justice.gov)

>>115646 USNI ~ Random unrelated submarine talk….

>>115648 Yet another case of ANONS KNEW FIRST. "Speculation mounts about the source of President Trump’s illness" (American Thinker)

>>115649 USMC Tweets! Start the week off with cyclic intensity!

>>115650 13986e Red Wave is coming in. High Ground is ours. No sweat fren''

>>115651 #13985, #13986, #13987

(42 notables, 54 posts, 71 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173635

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10933329 Q Research General #13987: DELTA TEAM ASSEMBLE!! Edition

Created 051704ZOCT20




>>115652, >>115655, >>115665 DECLASS! Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Announces President Trump Has Requested Declassification of Critical Spygate Documents including Danchenko Interviews

>>115653 Delta Encroaching. . .

>>115654 Dutch Govt: "Wear A Mask!"; Chief 'Scientist' - Don't Bother!

>>115656 St. Louis County Executive Sam Page Connected to Ballot-Harvesting Specialists Who Are Also Operating in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

>>115657 Israelis take to the streets to Combat Quarantine (RT)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jV1CmjsB2-U - Israel: Clashes erupt as police arrest ultra-Orthodox Jews who defied coronavirus rules [Channel: Ruptly]

>>115658 Leaked Document Reveals Exxon's Plan To Increase Emissions As Energy Space Prepares For Decarbonization (ZeroHedge)

>>115659 Pedophiles & violent criminals receive shorter prison sentences as UK justice system struggles to adjust to Covid-19 (RT)

>>115660 Corruption Is Now Our Way of Life (OftWoMinds.com)

>>115661, >>115663, >>115674, >>115680 More Clout about John Bash + Big Boom

>>115662 Tell em to shut up if they care about the environment

>>115664 On this day: October 5, 1938 - Czech President Dr. Eduard Benes resigned and fled abroad amid threats from Adolf Hitler. October 5, 1964 - The largest mass escape since the construction of the Berlin Wall occurred as 57 East German refugees escaped to West Berlin after tunneling beneath the wall.

>>115666 "Feds" Grant Foreign Oil Company Right to Seize Land from American Property Owners for Pipeline Corrupt federal Judge much? (The Free Thought Project)

>>115667 ChemAnon Digs COVID Cures

>>115668 Twitter bans Doctor David Samad after he tweets well wishes to POTUS and Proposed Early Treatment Plan.

>>115669 Wonderland

>>115670 Rocket alert sirens sounded in Kerem Shalom in southern Israel on Monday evening. One projectile fell in an open Area.

>>115671 Daily Caller Covers POTUS' Tweets! (Daily Caller)

>>115672 Where my seat in the Vatican then? It's mine ~ Pope Francis: ‘Each Country also Belongs to the Foreigner’ (Breitbart)

>>115673 UK Government Importing Asylum Seekers Directly from Greece Under ‘Family Reunification’ (Breitbart)

>>115675 “I love the game of golf, but I love my country even more.” Jack Nicklaus "POTUS is THE MAN!" (Freep)

>>115676 565 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl Found in SUV at California Border Crossing (Breitbart)

>>115677 'That should never have happened': Inside Trump's Walter Reed parade By Kevin Liptak (CNN)

>>115678 Pizzas kept showing up every 45 min outside Walter Reed: ‘You know it’s from Trump, there’s meat on it!’

>>115679 UK Gold? 1.5 Billion Pounds? Confusion as to who is owner WHAT?

>>115681 Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Pennsylvania Counties to Confess They Submitted Inaccurate Data to Government on eligible Voters (Stationgossip.com)

>>115682 BARR Appoints Gregg N. Sofer as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas (Justice.gov)

>>115683 There is a very specific reason this information ISNT allowed around . . . Doctor.

>>115684 Putin Video Released Day of Debate Was Actually Deepfake Video from Anti-Trump Group (Madnesshub.com)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sbFHhpYU15w - Dictators - Vladimir Putin [Channel: RepresentUs]

>>115685 Left-wing magazine 'The Nation' floats blue states seceding from Union (WND)

>>115686 Maggie? Soap Operas? Remember that girl from the Qposts?

>>115687 Even atheists are siding with Christian student after university's harsh punishment

>>115688 Social Justice 101: The Far Left's Trans Agenda Has a Bloody History of Suicide and Child Abuse

>>115689 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s own staff reported him to the federal government for bribery and other hings. Even signed their names on the AG’s letter head!

>>115690 DELTA CONT.

>>115691 Here is a list of 22 positive things that are happening in the world.

>>115692 #13987,

(36 notables, 41 posts, 62 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173636

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10934110 Q Research General #13988: Movement Edition

Created 051809ZOCT20




>>115693 COMMS bakers plant bomb threat to subvert board

>>115694 New Accuser Says Ghislaine Maxwell Gagged, Restrained And Raped Her

>>115695, >>115716, >>115719, >>115732 pf

>>115696 Regarding “deltas galore”

>>115697 L. Graham's got the subpoena power. (Referenced in Catherine's latest twat.)

>>115698 Judicial Watch Sues California to Prevent Enforcement of Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Preference and Transgender Status Quotas for Corporate Boards of Directors

>>115699 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Oct. 5, 2020

>>115700, >>115710, >>115711 Grassley tweets

>>115701 Rothshilds patented COVID-19 biometric tests in 2015 and 2017.

>>115702 FARRELL: It’s Time To Have All Of The Facts About Russiagate

>>115703 Sean Davis Twitter

>>115704 3 years ago today CBTS

>>115705 Senator Cruz says Chief Justice John Roberts 'despises Donald Trump'

>>115706 US attorney J Bash Resigns

>>115707 Israel may halt its weapons sale to Azerbaijan, Armenian ambassador says

>>115708 CDC says COVID airborne

>>115709 POTUS will be released today

>>115712 Investigators accuse Dem Sen Ron Wyden of interfering in Senate Intel & Govt'l Affairs probes by spreading disinformation, leaking to Natasha Bertrand & tampering w/ witnesses in coordination w/ Steele partner Dan Jones, l/t Wyden confidant

>>115713 Newt Gingrich: China infiltrates US – Hunter Biden, other examples show extent of the problem

>>115714 Dr. Sean Conley, Physician to the President briefing at 3:00PM from Walter Reed

>>115715 Kamala Harris faces intense pressure, double standards leading into vice presidential debate

>>115717 NEW PDJT - Checking out of Hospital Today - The Best Is Yet To Come!

>>115718 Moronic Australians Embrace Slavery - Fozdyke

>>115720 Chant clip from Seattle: “Death to fascists. I hope Trump dies.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/39a0ca04b6dec965c5b0e331d60268b925632e1607e25825f4d35db1a265d85d.mp4

>>115721 Unhinged UMass Professor Ester Shapiro Caught on Video Calling Trump a Nazi and Child Molester — Then Belittles Student Who Disagrees

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aa-RY1uDDeE - UMass Professor Shapiro Tells Students Trump has sex with his Daughter" [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>115722 John Solomon

>>115723 Intel Sources: CIA Director Gina Haspel Banking On Trump Loss To Keep Russiagate Documents Hidden

>>115724 Police and SES search Brisbane bushland for missing Federal Circuit Court judge Guy Andrew

>>115725 Corporate Media Is Vomiting Trump Coronavirus Reporting All Over The Bed

>>115726 Leftist Steals Cross From Patriots Honoring Murdered Trump Supporter, Attempts to Urinate On It

>>115727 Here’s a maskless White House press room…before they virtue signaled for the cameras…

>>115728 Why Is Fauci Wringing His Hands Over COVID 'Cases' Detected by PRC Tests?

>>115729 Joe Biden Called Conservative Christians 'the Dregs of Society,' Would Eviscerate Religious Freedom

>>115730, >>115736, >>115737, >>115738 Shills caught making bomb threats to subvert board, start to reee

>>115731 Everyone wants to know, this is who OSS was

>>115733 Houthis Show Documents Revealing Israeli Interference In Yemen During Saleh Presidency

>>115734 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton faces allegations of bribery and corruption

>>115735 Dems Pressed For Virtual Hearings, Suddenly Change Minds When GOP Suggests SCOTUS Confirmation Be Done Online


>>115740 Denver Riggleman Twitter

>>115741 #13988

(41 notables, 49 posts, 73 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173637

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10934852 Q Research General #13989: POTUS LEAVING THE HOSPITAL TONIGHT EDITION

Created 051905ZOCT20




>>115742 China Complains Trump's TikTok Ban Violates WTO Rules

>>115743 'I feel better than I did 20 years ago': Trump announces he's ready to leave the hospital Monday evening

>>115744 Ex-Reddit CEO On Ghislaine Maxwell: “We Knew About Her Supplying” Children For Sex

>>115745 #ProjectSafeChildhood

>>115746 Lebanon And Israel Agree To Hold Negotiations Over Disputed Maritime Boundary

>>115747 Northrop banks $1.1B Navy contract for electronic warfare upgrades

>>115748, >>115761 Comms Bomb threat graphic showing how they also planted reaseonable doubt

>>115749 Chicago Suffers 81 Homicides Last Month, Deadliest September In 25 Years

>>115750, >>115754, >>115760, >>115762 PF

>>115751 Comms will never be BO on a board that anons use. We will leave immediately.

>>115752 CDC Re-Releases Guidance Claiming COVID-19 'Airborne' Transmission Is Possible, But Less Common

>>115753 New Technology Refuses Entrance to Shops if You’re Not Wearing a Face Mask

>>115755 Liverpool man paid 9-year-old girl $5 for hug, charged with sex abuse, police say

>>115756 KEKS - Not even covid can stop /ourpresident/

>>115757 It doesn't get much prettier than this. #FlyNavy

>>115758 Dan Bongino Retweeted

>>115759 Justices Thomas, Alito slam Obergefell same-sex marriage decision as Supreme Court denies Kim Davis case

>>115763 Proud Boys group furious after gay community takes over #ProudBoys hashtag ‘to reclaim our pride’

>>115764 Potus schedule 3 years ago

>>115765 Doctor Sean Conley: The plan is to get the President rump home later today!


>>115767 Andy Ngô - I reached out to Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio who says they aren’t furious & don’t care.

>>115768 Dan Bongino Has Hilarious Message For “A**hole Who Stole My 2 Trump Signs”

>>115769 Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin Irate that Trump Returning to White House

>>115770, >>115780 THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID

>>115771 As SEC Attempts to Provide Greater Darkness to Trading Firms, Maxine Waters Fights Back

>>115772 Bipartisan Bill Would Give Israel Veto Powers Over US Arms Sales

>>115773 U.S. PacificMarines with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron #VMM262

>>115774 __Updated Comms Bomb threat graphic showing how they also planted

>>115775 MZ Hemingway Twitter

>>115776 Thousands Protest Against COVID-19 Restrictions in Germany

>>115777 Senior Catholic Cardinal accused of bribing to hide sexual abuse

>>115778 7 bodies discovered along France-Italy border in wake of Storm Alex’s wrath, EU pledges support

>>115779 Caitlin Johnstone: WaPo publishes paranoid screed cautioning readers not to let Russia make them paranoid

>>115781 The Law: State Sovereignty

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=duIgwkAUTtA - The Law: State Sovereignty [Channel: Sheriff Mack]

>>115782 Project blue beam. 7d holograms

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4N0Ewb_OVsU - Amazing Must See Technology 7D hologram Shown in Dubai, Poland and Japan [Channel: Tech World]

>>115783 While the Federal Reserve Keeps Interest Rates Near Zero, Retail Store Credit Cards Charge High Rates

>>115784 Multiple Mailbox Break-ins

>>115785 Red OctoberBegins With Worldwide Attacks on Deep Underground Military Bases - questionable source

>>115786 #13988, #13989, #13990

(40 notables, 45 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173638

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10935603 Q Research General #13990: POTUS HOMECOMING EDITION

Created 052014ZOCT20




>>115787 Vice Adm. Whitesell becomes Navy’s new Air Boss

>>115788 CLOCKWORK

>>115789 Covid 19 similar to mononucleosis, otherwise known as EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS

>>115790 Federal Court Says Trump's Law Enforcement Commission Violates Federal Law

>>115791 @MZHemingway a 'coup de grâce' is a final blow or shot given to kill a wounded person or animal

>>115792, >>115805, >>115806, >>115811 Other News Bun

>>115793 Life on the Streets: A Cop Confesses What Policing Is Like in the Age of BLM/Antifa

>>115794 Plexiglass Barrier Between VP Pence and Legs Up Harris

>>115795 @EmeraldRobinson Who told you first that Durham investigation was going to run out the clock & not prosecute anyone?

>>115796 Creepy Joe Speech on how we can Build Back Better in Florida

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5fFbqY9v0NA - LIVE: Joe Biden Speech on how we can Build Back Better in Florida [Channel: Joe Biden]

>>115797 Fed Study: How We Made The Top 10% Richer Than Ever

>>115798 Top Aides Accuse Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Of Bribery, Abuse Of Power

>>115799 Mark Meadows: Trump 'tasked me' with getting more Russia investigation

>>115800 17 R Votes Against House Condemning Q

>>115801 LA mayor switches district attorney endorsement following years of BLM

>>115802, >>115817 This Presidential Candidate is Stupid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc6204f8dc948bb4622bf8e23d6416420233d00346c3342e4cc72f58664bd6e6.mp4

>>115803 So TODAY we hit the 3 year anniversary of "You'll find out…." (The Calm Before the Storm)

>>115804 Justice Thomas will be the catalyst to get the Cout’s ruling on gay marriage overturned

>>115807 HMS Queen Elizabeth Carrier Strike Group Prowls the Atlantic

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U0pHdWYpCCQ - HMS Queen Elizabeth Carrier Strike Group Prowls the Atlantic [Channel: USNI News Video]

>>115808, >>115827 Gov. Andrew Cuomo: "I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow, 'If you're not willing to live with these rules, then I'm going to close the synagogues.

>>115809 A senior administration official tells me the plan is for the president to not go to the West Wing (meaning Oval Office or surrounding offices) when he returns to White House, but unclear for how long (or if it will be strictly enforced).

>>115810, >>115813 These People are Stupid

>>115812 New York City Council expels Bronx’s Andy King over ethics charges

>>115814, >>115816, >>115820, >>115822, >>115823, >>115825 PF

>>115815 COVID before DECLAS?

>>115818 Netizens Miss Visiting Mystic Shiva Temple In the Himalayas Before Snow Takes Over

>>115819 Why doesn'the government just print and distribute millions of Virus-Free Zone signs?


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c1ec3babe2ab70c8efc20f7df0ba77fc8b193a6739c4da87e2b2481d90645221.pdf

>>115824 Cuomo and de Blassio fighting.

>>115826 With President Trump at Walter Reed, Biden Tells Florida Crowd to Fantasize About Trump Being Delivered a Death Blow

>>115828 Mask Wearing and Satanic Rituals

>>115829 #13988, #13989, #13990

(32 notables, 43 posts, 54 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173639

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10936370 Q Research General #13991: 17 R Votes Against House Condemning Q Edition

Created 052116ZOCT20




>>115830 Here are the latest pending sealed federal indictments

>>115831 Iran Threatens To "Sink" UAE & Israel Over 3 Disputed Islands In Gulf

>>115832 Senate Judiciary Hearing For Amy Coney Barrett To Take Place Oct 12-15

>>115833, >>115838 Nearly 1/3 of Covid Patients in Study Had Altered Mental State

>>115834 While Cities BURN Due to their OWN DOING Leftists Cry Victim (MotherJones)

>>115835 Is every single member of the White House press corps who were present for the recent briefing going to isolate at home for 2 weeks now? If not, why not?

>>115836 Expanding on Jennifer Rubin's epic meltdown…

>>115837 QAnon People

>>115839, >>115855 Burisma admits to bribing Joe Biden with a lump sum payment of around $900,000 USD in a Ukrainian criminal court today.

>>115840 Maine High School Student Kicked Off Zoom Class Over Trump Flag

>>115841 In Illinois, The Ultimate "Fair Tax" Treachery Is The Ballot Itself

>>115842 Bigg happenings Reminders

>>115843, >>115844 BlueAnon? Another Distraction

>>115845 Jim Under Fire Anons, Good Look on Catching That Bomb Threat And Reporting Them to Proper Authorities!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/af285cac5f8d76060b406741ab236293d14c59bf6907b0d6133a6e53fa7a106c.mp4

>>115846 UPDATED - POUTS Schedule for MONDAY October 5, 2020

>>115847 Rudy Giuliani has alleged that a Ukrainian natural-gas company that employed Joe Biden’s son Hunter also paid the former vice president $900,000 in lobbying fees. (NYPO)

>>115848 Maggie Digs?

>>115849 It's time to lift the veil on George Soros

>>115850, >>115856, >>115857 John McAfee Indicted for Tax Evasion - Allegedly Hid Cryptocurrency, a Yacht, Real Estate and Other Properties in Nominee Names to Evade Taxes

>>115851 AT&T ditching DSL

>>115852 Reports Trumps Justice Department Wants To Suspend Habeas Corpus

>>115853 QClock - DECLAS For tomorrow (:14)

>>115854, >>115858 MSM Panic

>>115859 MP Derkach unveils facts of pressure of U.S. Embassy on Ukraine's law enforcement bodies, possible corrupt actions of the Bidens

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oTbPWcTLjA8 - Факти тиску посольства США на правоохоронні органи України з метою втручання у виборчий процес в США [Channel: Інтерфакс-Україна]

>>115860 Susan Rice is SCUM

>>115861 Be ready to report a bread split coming up, BOMB SQUAD is planning a counter offensive

>>115862 Idiot Gov Jay Inslee says "Don’t listen to this President about the COVID crisis" Washington state vote this clown out!

>>115863 NEW PDJT

>>115864 Former Resident of Stockton, California Sentenced to More Than 15 Years in Prison for Human Trafficking Convictions Related to Forced Labor of Foreign Nationals

>>115865 China's Secret Global Spy Operation (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Vb3goZ3Aj1g - China's Secret Global Spy Operation—Zhenhua Data Leak [Channel: China Uncensored]

>>115866 Border Patrol In El Paso Raids 7 Stash Houses

>>115867 Cheeto Face Twitter

>>115868 A Recall of Fruit In 9 States Has Been Announced | What To Know

>>115869 Using Old Laws, Dem Michigan Gov. Reissues Mask Order & Gathering Limits Under New Authority

>>115870 Burisma Diggs

>>115871 #13991

>>115872 #13991, #13992, #13993

(37 notables, 43 posts, 42 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173640

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10938076 Q Research General #13993: President Donald Captain America Trump Edition

Created 052320ZOCT20




>>116019 Some real winners here

>>116020 More interfax digging…

>>116021 Begun, the ABC news MEMEWAR Has

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yIiAv1pFvwE - CNN, Trump, Kek meme war in Battlefield 2017 [Channel: Anurag Awasthi]

>>116022 Acosta cannot hold back. He is so pissed POTUS survived

>>116023 quad 7's, the 1093 Q post with video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>116024 #FlyEaglesFly

>>116025 Round-up

>>116026 USNHistory

>>116027 CNN is so over the top pissed POTUS survived. They cannot even hide it


>>116029 Joes after the little girls again folks!

>>116030 DEVELOPING: Threats from the FBI and CIA of "graymail" or the threat of revealing state secrets if cases go to trial, has also been hamstringing the Durham investigation, sources say

>>116031 JUST IN: White House says it will not mandate masks for staff, officials & aides.

>>116032, >>116048 twatter is censoring POTUS again source is twatter

>>116033 POTUS Morse Signal (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=s8WUjf2p1cI - President Trump departs Walter Reed Medical Center! [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>116034 Statement by Creepy Joe

>>116035, >>116041 Comms Bomb threat graphic showing how they also planted reaseonable doubt

>>116036 U.S. indicts anti-virus software creator John McAfee for tax evasion - Repost

>>116037, >>116039, >>116043 NEW PDJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/193c9a87aa4300683d55d6afc69c1e4d39018c124cadc7e92a9db36b0de7e887.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8eb81e10f413da3d6131d0574cdab82de8ec49a1dcf2e4adf7404ca62b796b45.mp4

>>116038 James Woods Twitter

>>116040 Erin Albright, a 'human trafficking expert' who works for Justice Clearinghouse as a 'consultant."

>>116042 Open up the schools, in fact open everything up and throw away the masks

>>116044 U.S. Takes Stake In Battery Metals Miner To Counter Chinese Control

>>116045 Binney: Supreme Court denied petitition

>>116046 NJ Gov Phil Murphy wants to cure death.

>>116047 Last paragraph stuck out… "interference of certain U.S. Embassy officials in the internal affairs of Ukraine"

>>116049 PF

>>116050 #13991, #13992, #13993

(28 notables, 32 posts, 29 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173641

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10937143 Q Research General #13992: Burisma admits to bribing Joe Biden Edition Edition

Created 052218ZOCT20




>>115983 BREAKING: Florida’s online voter registration website malfunctioning hours before tonight’s permanent registration deadline.

>>115984 NEW PDJT Will be back on the Campaign Trail soon

>>115985 Mark Levin says Facebook is censoring his content

>>115986 Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism

>>115987, >>115989 Marine1 arriving to carry POTUS home.

>>115988, >>115990 KEKBEES is 100% comms

>>115991 Sex trafficking survivors say 'infuriating' QAnon conspiracy theories are silencing their voices

>>115992 U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud defends decision to not vote on resolution condemning QAnon

>>115993 RE CoV2 caused “mental alteration” in 1/3 patients.

>>115994 Wow—Joe Biden Just Made ANOTHER Comment on the Campaign Trail That Sounds Awfully Racist

>>115995 BREAKING: Arkansas Police Officer Dead, Another Officer Injured In Shooting

>>115996, >>115997 Larry Crenshaw

>>115998 WAYNE ROOT: Trump Just Became “Captain America”…and Democrats are Losing Their Minds

>>115999, >>116000 POTUS walks out of Walter Reid Medical Center

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zdXs_u6HXHY - President Trump Returns To White House, Takes Off Mask For Photos | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/146e3145a239c575a6537724ba3ab97b65dc10429c6857b2a4c4120e99e8abc1.mp4

>>116001 Lindsey Graham Announces Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings

>>116002 Senate Panel Announces Oct. 12 Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing

>>116003, >>116006, >>116007 Marine 1 Bun

>>116004 Facebook breakup would be ‘complete nonstarter’: memo leaked ahead of antitrust report

>>116005 CEOs of 3 Tech Giants to Testify at Oct. 28 Senate Hearing

>>116008 5.10.20

>>116009 David Gergen just now: "We may be in the grip of a madman."

>>116010 Live: Trump returns to White House on Marine 1

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zJxmmFs2ZGU - Trump salutes Marine 1 after arriving back at the White House [Channel: Fox News]

>>116011 20 years ago news on Trump Just Anon FYI. Name "Barrack" comes up.

>>116012 WIND OF CHANGE Boris Johnson to unleash green energy revolution with pledge to have wind powering every home within 10 years

>>116013 O7

>>116014 Friendly mask reminder for the MSM

>>116015 Just before Obama left office, U.S. officials feared Hunter Biden firm in Ukraine paid second bribe

>>116016 Note POTUS reference to twenty years ago. This was the headline in the NY POST exactly 20 years ago today.

>>116017 31 -yea, 18-nay

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dwfR0C71KRA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116018 #13991, #13992, #13993

(30 notables, 36 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173642

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10940073 Q Research General #13995 Anons on the job Edition

Created 060132ZOCT20




>>116073 Top Biden aid who propsed POTUS scandle

>>116074 Anon analysis of ACB Nomination/possible POTUS infection dig

>>116075 Media again exposed as hypocrits

>>116076, >>116077, >>116080, >>116081, >>116082 Bill Binney (NSA Data Analyst) mini bun over SCOTUS denial of his lawsuit

>>116078 YMCA Y heads?

>>116079 Right before DEBATE. Man wipes Trumps podium where he puts his hands

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a55b8aef00d34e5b610862bea898e4b055ca480a181cca8cede1b785c0f78c40.mp4

>>116083 PF Update

>>116084 PF #2

>>116085 #13994, #13995, #13996

(9 notables, 13 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173643

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10937110 Q Research General #13992: OG's Bread, The choice anons crave Edition

Created 052215ZOCT20




>>115873 In a 371-18 vote, House Democrats voted to essentially make opposition to pedophilia a hate crime in their pursuit to demonize the Q Anon movement. (Infowars)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CekUQxKw1o4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115874 Qanon conspiracy theories sex trafficking survivors criticize misinformation (insider.com)

>>115875, >>115879, >>115880, >>115881, >>115883, >>115887, >>115889, >>115898, >>115929 PDJT (Twatt) & pics: Will be back on campaign trail soon!! The Fake News only shows FAKE POLLS

>>115876 Government U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud defends decision to not vote on resolution condemning QAnon (victoriaadvocate.com)

>>115877 BREAKING911 (Twatt): Arkansas Police Officer Dead, Another Officer Injured In Shooting

>>115878 Wow—Joe Biden Just Made ANOTHER Comment on the Campaign Trail That Sounds Awfully Racist (PJmedia)

>>115882 WAYNE ROOT: Trump Just Became “Captain America”…and Democrats are Losing Their Minds (Thegatewaypundit.com)

>>115884, >>115894, >>115899, >>115903, >>115931, >>115935 POTUS walks out of Walter Reid Medical Center & Anon Comms (Twatter)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/146e3145a239c575a6537724ba3ab97b65dc10429c6857b2a4c4120e99e8abc1.mp4

>>115885 Lindsey Graham Announces Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings (Breitbart.com)

>>115886, >>115892, >>115916, >>115917, >>115938 Gina Haspel/Michael Hayden/James Clapper/ Leon Panetta/John Bennet testimony/quotes + Herridge (cia.gov/Multiple)

>>115888, >>115964, >>115974 STORM TIME

>>115890, >>115940 Cuomo used 14-year-old photo to show mass Orthodox gatherings during pandemic (NYPost.com)

>>115891 With President Trump at Walter Reed, Biden Tells Florida Crowd to Fantasize About Trump Being Delivered a Death Blow (gatewaypundit.com)

>>115893 Senate Panel Announces Oct. 12 Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing

>>115895, >>115896 CEOs of 3 Tech Giants to Testify at Oct. 28 Senate Hearing Q 3yr Anniversary (Newsmax.com)

>>115897 “Steroid-Induced Psychosis”: Donald Trump Follows Up Sunday Night Joyride With Extra-Crazy Monday (Even for Him) (Vanityfair.com)

>>115900, >>115930 Senator Grassley (Twatt) This corn is ready for harvest & we are about 1/3 done at the Grassley farm #cornwatch

>>115901, >>115905, >>115910 Dumped Ballots (Twatter)

>>115902 Michigan AG Will No Longer Enforce Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Coronavirus Orders (gatewaypundit)

>>115904 Greenhouse Effect refers to Linda Greenhouse, a Pulitzer Prize winning NYT SCOTUS reporter (need sauz)

>>115906, >>115920

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b5209314195b8c9200f5016e8a115354bf3dd875ef8f314724f1d39f1ab69f3.mp4

>>115907 Dallas hair salon owner who ignored COVID lockdown orders in GOP runoff for state Senate seat 'I refuse to act like a politician,' Shelley Luther said

>>115908 Anon digs on 'Warmonger Joe' "If Biden wins election Biden, he will ensure provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine" (joebiden.com)

>>115909 Clip of the debate between Schiff and challenger Eric Early that is airing on OAN. Hosted by League of Women Voters (MP4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dacbe43621abf254467c7e31c1adaa794301ce0578817238482e366cd14d9726.mp4

>>115911, >>115912, >>115913 Marker 2? Maria Bartiromo (Youtube/Foxnews-Twatt)

>>115914, >>115915 Records acquire by the Committees also show Hunter Biden & Fam were in solved in a VAST financial network connected to [F]oreign Govs (Finance.senate.gov)

>>115918, >>115926, >>115941 Paul Sperry (Twatt) Threats from the FBI & CIA of "graymail" or the threat of revealing state secrets if cases go to trial, has also been hamstringing the Durham investigation

>>115919 Soro's Prosecutorial Power Grab (Infographic)

>>115921 SV News (Twatt) JUST IN: White House says it will NOT mandate masks for staff/officials/aides

>>115922, >>115928, >>115936, >>115969 PF REPORTING! GOOD TO SEE YOU!

>>115923, >>115925 PDJT (Twatt) Censoring again..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/193c9a87aa4300683d55d6afc69c1e4d39018c124cadc7e92a9db36b0de7e887.mp4

>>115924 What are the odds that the guy who makes Remdesivir could also be the guy who engineered China Virus?? (UNC.edu)

>>115927 All for a LARP? This is a spiritual battle. (MP4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a5e9ae2c1121cfb76ffda4909245cffade3c81ac96436be6ea38936cfb3c6d8.mp4

>>115932 Tisk Tisk.. Reza Aslan (Twatter) infographic talking"If they even try to replace RBG "WE BURN THE ENTIRE FUCKING THING DOWN"

>>115933 In Guantanamo alumni news, the military judge who quit the 9/11 case earlier this year to retire is now a prosecutor in Utah. Col. W. Shane Cohen is on the case of a Salt Lake policeman who is accused of turning his dog on a Black man who was on his knees with hands in the air (Twatter)

>>115934 "Court documents show police searched Matt Bruce's phone and found an encrypted chat program known as Signal. Police said they uncovered more than 3,000 messages that police said show extensive criminal plans and the goal for mass chaos" He says fabrication.. (kcci.com)

>>115937 John Solomon (Twatt) CDCdaily gyration: Covid transmission can occur from airborne particles that can linger for hours

>>115939, >>115962 JUST IN: SUCO reinstates the witness requirement for mail-in ballots in South Carolina. (Twatter)

>>115942 It Would Be a 'Real Mistake' for Kamala Harris to Underestimate Mike Pence's Debating Skills, Says Pete Buttigieg (Newsweek.com)

>>115943 Cancel all the debates, now. (thehill.com)

>>115944 Trying to get ahead of the news? Joe Biden Proposes ‘Nationwide Mask Guidance’ Instead of ‘Mandate’ (Breitbart.com)

>>115945 CNN anchor: Hunter Biden is 'a swamp creature' 'Like many people, trading in his family name to make money' (wnd.com)

>>115946 Longtime NRA head Wayne LaPierre being investigated by the IRS (nypost.com)

>>115947 KEKS!! In Long Beach, a patriot(s) removed a California flag and replaced it with a Trump banner outside the police headquarters (Twatter)

>>115948 This Is CNN: Jim Acosta Mocks President Trump: “Coronavirus in Chief”, “Emperor”, “Patient Zero” (thegatewaypundit.com)

>>115949, >>115952, >>115954 Anon digs on Teramar/Ghislaine/Clinton Foundation/LDR (multiple)

>>115950 Efforts to speed up Ballots Counting in 3 states fail (expect significant delays in vote tallying) they say.. (PJMedia.com)

>>115951, >>115953 Boatfag floating fings

>>115955 A DIFFERENT "George Papadopolis"! involved in Greek military junta of 1967-1974

>>115956 Washington Post Columnist Jennifer Rubin Suggests Congress Should ‘Defund Walter Reed’ (dailycaller.com)

>>115957, >>115970 Sara Carter (Twatter) Armed Black paramilitary group marches through Lafayette, but few news outlets are reporting far-left extremism

>>115958 'DEVASTATING' Son’s agony at being stopped from comforting grieving mum at dad’s funeral because of Covid rules (the-sun.com)

>>115959 Judicial Watch (Twatt) got material about Strzok wanting to use counter-intel briefings at @realDonaldTrump WH to spy on president. The FBI & the DOJ are letting the FOIA lapse in a way that is protecting the #DeepState, helping Joe Biden, and letting the corrupt get away

>>115960 Rudy Giuliani Goes After Biden’s Mask Use, Accuses Him of Making ‘Political Statement to Scare People’ (mediate.com)

>>115961 LIES!! FALSE! Alec Baldwin Claims 'SNL' Wasn't 'Mocking Somebody's Illness' as 'Karma' (newsbusters.org)

>>115963 13992.A

>>115965, >>115966, >>115967, >>115968, >>115971, >>115973, >>115975, >>115976, >>115977, >>115978, >>115979, >>115980, >>115981 (You), (You), (You)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KVeDKuHPDK8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>115972 James Woods (Twatt) Creepy Joe pictured with fellow PEDO busted on video waiting to meet up with 14 year old girl by citizen journalist.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4de002433fe9281e476faa40efa6f94201a04bf06eeca3d837166d79f4a560b5.mp4

>>115982 #13992.B

(59 notables, 110 posts, 107 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173644

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10939110 Q Research General #13994: Anons Win Again Edition

Created 060024ZOCT20




>>116051 BIDEN QUOTE

>>116052 SC reinstates witness requirement for mail in ballots in South Carolina

>>116053 CNN’s Tapper on Trump’s ‘Don’t Be Afraid of COVID’ Tweet: ‘There Are Children Who Don’t Have Parents Now’

>>116054 Gov. Cuomo apologizes for using 14-year-old pic to threaten COVID-19 synagogue shutdowns

>>116055 Even ebot fighting back.

>>116056 INTEL SOURCES — Gina Haspel Banking On Trump Loss To Keep Russiagate Documents Hidden

>>116057 Obama/Clinton seditious conspiracy exposed….

>>116058 Judge Barrett’s hearings will begin one week from today

>>116059 HBO film Agents of Chaos linked to Glenn Simpson

>>116060 Governor Newsom warned Californians of a second wave for COVID-19 at his weekly press conference today.

>>116061 Biden bombed Belgrade; Trump brokered economic normalization between Serbia and Kosovo

>>116062 WAPO Rubin wants Walter Reed to be defunded for potentially causing a health hazard after releasing President Donald

>>116063 OSS exposed all the comms board fags and then retired, here's all of his post

>>116064 Candidate for mayor or Portland showing her loyalty to the Communist Party of China.

>>116065 Judicial Watch got material about Strzok wanting to use counter-intel briefings at @realDonaldTrump WH to spy on president

>>116066 PCR you can make any test negative or positive based on the iterations of amplification. Dial a result.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ljxah4NrYKU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116067 Dig: Teach your children the truth about Marxism

>>116068, >>116070 Binney: what is NSA collecting in Denver, Salt Lake etc? #illegalSpying

>>116069 LIVE: NYPD marching down street

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=luTiz23GCac - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>116071 GOP deploys secret weapon against vulnerable Democrats: Ilhan Omar

>>116072 about HOUSTON CHINESE CONSULATE being connected to local Dem State Rep and his wife a CBS FakeNews reporter

(21 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173645

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10940900 Q Research General #13996 Anons doin the do Edition

Created 060239ZOCT20




>>116086 The Untold History of Pepe the Frog

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qiPGjjpkw6Q - The Untold History of Pepe the Frog [Channel: Glink]

>>116087 Hit piece 'We can't let them win'

>>116088 Dan Scavino

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a063e941ba023a8a33e00b654a9df24639ab3ab171fb0156fd5a05053cf26309.mp4

>>116089, >>116092, >>116093, >>116103 Planefag

>>116090 Something sketchy built into or under the Hoover building

>>116091 @LarryElder plans to tackle the lack of fathers in the Black community by Restoring the Nuclear Family

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/242a39bca9a9d45e4cf3c8f2481e421d735e282844b8773fd3105ebe3a85dfa9.mp4

>>116094 More Melbourne Insanity: Mom Arrested At Beach For Traveling 'Outside Her Permitted 5km Radius'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RweOsFdQoWQ - Victoria Police Arrest a Pregnant Woman on Altona Beach [Channel: Socialist Republic of Victoria]

>>116095, >>116099, >>116101 New Presidential Permits and Executive order

>>116096 CIA Director Haspel and the Anti-Trump Conspirators

>>116097 DrEricDing for keks

>>116098 Catherine Herridge “As Americans, we all have the right to believe whatever we want, but we don’t have a right to carry out acts of violence

>>116100 James Woods tweet 'Close the lid Jim' comms

>>116102 1967 Greek coup d'état

>>116104, >>116105 Boatfag

>>116106 I feel bad for Bill Batt, finding out how many corrupt officials are at the DOJ


>>116108 Katie Couric in panic mode

>>116109 #13994, #13995, #13996

>>116110 #13996

(19 notables, 25 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173646

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10941757 Q Research General #13997: Anons Make The Call Edition

Created 060359ZOCT20




>>116111, >>116118, >>116119, >>116122 Comms Bomb threat graphic showing how they also planted reaseonable doubt

>>116112 Biden aims to expand map as Trump recovers from coronavirus

>>116113 Senator Cruz says Chief Justice John Roberts 'despises Donald Trump'

>>116114, >>116116, >>116121 Jake Tapper also reached new TDS levels today.

>>116115 Portland voters favor mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone

>>116117, >>116120 PAIN BY Q (Devouring Time)

>>116123, >>116124 New 2020 Map: His last map 2016 election predicted @realDonaldTrump would win 30 states

>>116125 Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9saz5Hp646E - Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>116126, >>116128 Q post 4250 who wears a mask who does not

>>116127 Opening the Senate on Monday, Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the hearing would be in a hybrid format

>>116129 Interactive tool masks covid 19

>>116130 Foreign spies target Walter Reed hospital for Trump’s health data

>>116131 #13997

>>116132 #13997

(14 notables, 22 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173647

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10942501 Q Research General #13998: POTUS Rose On The Third Day Edition

Created 060528ZOCT20




>>116133 New porn drama Adult Material will make many viewers squirm with discomfort

>>116134 John McAfee indicted for tax evasion

>>116135 Former Saudi spy chief: Palestinian leaders have been 'failures' for 70 years

>>116136 John Hagee, prominent pro-Israel evangelical pastor, ill with Covid-19

>>116137 U.S. Army Pacific

>>116138 Leader of Bobov Hasidic sect tests positive for Covid-19

>>116139 A dozen dead bodies found in abandoned vans in rural Mexico

>>116140 Los Angeles: Antifa / BLM black bloc militants breaking into empty stores in downtown LA.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9487d3cc6d109f1188ea881063668b29f8dffa2f32a5cf990a696e6a1b8eb578.mp4

>>116141 MK Moshe Abutbul tests positive for coronavirus

>>116142 ORANGE MAN BAD! Brought to you by the morons at the DNC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SWY7ohZCnx0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116143, >>116145, >>116146 BLOODLINES / BANKING CARTEL

>>116144 Anons personal question

>>116147, >>116148 Resignation news 10/5/2020

>>116149, >>116150 anons discussion on voting machines and theories

>>116151, >>116155 Anons decode possibly?

>>116152 Israeli minister urged to step down after traveling despite lockdown & revealing Covid-19 diagnosis

>>116153 Anon calls to flip a poll. Are you afraid of #Covid ?

>>116154 Picture compilation of POTUS

>>116156 HISTORY MATTERS - The U.S. Survey Course on the Webhome

>>116157 [An "ex-lib" describes her journey out of mind control.]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9c7737f756d7472c5f6590b2a4396f618b025c2dbfdda8282a05f00f8f4158c.mp4

>>116158 A son moves his chair next to his mother to comfort her at the funeral of her late husband, a member of staff says they’ve “been told” and asked to separate.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7231719f1e23c9272012bda5cdd54dc6debd882c0187eb349100c9a89b1a6fe4.mp4

>>116159 Sen. Inhofe Documents Clinton’s Culpability in Chinagate

>>116160 Simone Gold posts 10/5/20 update on C19 among students on campus since August from 50 US universities.

>>116161 Re-adding to notes. Joe Biden: “The reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some Black woman was able to stock your grocery shelf.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13d41d74bfd4ed017804a46875c3236e14ee9e3a265933f90c86b582f8ec5c4b.mp4

>>116162 A volunteer fire brigade rescued a rat stuck in a hole in a manhole cover in Germany yesterday.

>>116163 #13996, #13997, #13998

(26 notables, 31 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173648

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10943332 Q Research General #13999: Anti-Fragile Things that Gain From Disorder Edition

Created 060759ZOCT20




>>116164 Blue checkmark Ben Tracy more afraid of a virus than he is being in North Korea

>>116165 Find it very strange that the inventer of the PCR test Dr Mullins died 4 months before Covid-19 was released on the world.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ljxah4NrYKU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116166 Oliver Darcy is going to wake up the next day still being Oliver Darcy.

>>116167 Pictures are from Sean Penn's CORE charity (Community Organized Response Effort), formerly known as "J/P Haitian Relief Organization".

>>116168 POTUS twatted 20 twats with the word "VOTE" in caps yesterday morning…not sure if there's any significance

>>116169 Man who conspired with 9/11 hijackers sues Trump and US officials alleging 'cover up'

>>116170 Hit piece on QAnon

>>116171, >>116174 Tucker Carlson piece and meme

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1q85oqme7mE - Tucker: Cuomo disregards First Amendment when suggesting latest shutdowns [Channel: Fox News]

>>116172 TORONTO – Former Liberal prime minister John Turner is being laid to rest in Toronto Tuesday.

>>116173 Tell that shitbag to call Eric Holder/Robert Mueller

>>116175 FLOTUS being FLOTUS

>>116176 Richard Moore takes position: Chief of British Intelligence Agency MI6 on Thursday October 1

>>116177 Planefag

>>116178, >>116179 These people want to trademark QAnon to cash in on novelty hats

>>116180 Conspiracy QAnon Raises Controversy Over New Movie ‘Cuties’

>>116181 Tensions rise in 7th District after death threats to Malinowski, QAnon slur, GOP ad

>>116182 Re-noting New Project Veritas Video Reveals Mark Kelly's REAL Anti-Gun Agenda for Arizona

>>116183 Hit piece Why Facebook needs to be more paranoid about QAnon

>>116184, >>116185 hit piece QAnon, the decentralized far-right conspiracy network, makes it into the mainstream

>>116186 Against Fear President Trump’s handling of his coronavirus diagnosis models positive masculinity—rational and unbowed.

>>116187, >>116191 James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems

>>116188 Biden Threatens Religious Freedom, Suggests Christians With Certain Traditional Views Are 'Dregs of Society'


>>116190 US attorney tapped by Barr to review process of 'unmasking' resigns from DOJ

>>116192 Re-noted Trump and Barr looking to use anti-Mafia law to crack down on protesters

>>116193 Hillary Clinton explained that her family was “dead broke” by the time that her husband, President Bill Clinton, left the White House, but the couple still spent millions on expensive homes in Washington, D.C. and New York.

>>116194 Cunningham cancels appearance after second allegation

>>116195 Andrew McCabe hearing scrapped after he refuses to testify over COVID-19

>>116196 NYT: Say, Why Is Biden Being So “Cagey” About His Health?

>>116197 Could It Happen Here? The Parallels Between Soviet Bloc and Modern US - speculation

>>116198, >>116199 Nigel Farage's NEW plan to dethrone Boris Johnson exposed amid Brexit chaos

>>116200 President Trump Announces He Is Planning on Participating in October 15th Debate with Joe Biden and His Former Intern

>>116201, >>116203 CIA Director Gina Haspel and the British Role in the Anti-Trump Plot

>>116202 Most presidents would want to distance themselves. Trump rushes to their defense.

>>116204, >>116205 CHRIS FARRELL JUDICIAL WATCH It’s Time To Have All Of The Facts About Russiagate

>>116206 Hollywood Celebs Erupt with Rage over Trump Leaving Walter Reed: ‘Faking Recovery!’ Doctors ‘Lying for a Mass Murderer’

>>116207 State Dept. officials told they broke law by monitoring Americans during Ukraine scandal

>>116208, >>116210, >>116212 Why Pompeo’s Crusade Against the Pope Failed - Hit piece?

>>116209 Re-noting ‘Some black woman’: Video of Joe Biden saying why people stayed home during pandemic goes viral

>>116211 Biden says he should not have called Trump a clown in first debate

>>116213 Joe Biden Admits He Has No Support From Law Enforcement In 2020 (VIDEO)

>>116214 India has conducted five missile tests in the last two weeks.

>>116215, >>116216 United States Attorney John F. Bash Announces Resignation

>>116217, >>116220 Hungary’s Crackdown on Soros-Linked Schools Ruled Illegal by EU Top Court

>>116218 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/06/opinion/us-united-nations-election.html

>>116219 Former Fox News Regular Joe diGenova Claims Network Is Beholden to George Soros

>>116221 The American public needs to see the three reports @DevinNunes said

>>116222, >>116223 Doesn't he resemble Lord Rothschild?

>>116224 #13999 1/2

>>116225 Here is the mp4 of the lady getting arrested w a trump flag at biden rally.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/633d457c7b3244c93e7510b93bba17fab029b1f926813b77c4754d07da4fc2ba.mp4

>>116226 Re-noting Intel Sources: CIA Director Gina Haspel Banking On Trump Loss To Keep Russiagate Documents Hidden

>>116227 Race-baiting leftists hoping to paint the president as a white supremacist were no doubt shocked with news Monday that completely busted their narrative.

>>116228 QAnon hit piece Sex-trafficking survivors say 'infuriating' QAnon conspiracy theories are silencing their voices

>>116229 Why Do Republicans Fall for the White Supremacy Trap?

>>116230 How did QAnon conspiracies spread so fast in 2020?

>>116231 Joe Biden Falsely Claims “18,000 People Got Clemency” While He Was VP – Actually, 18,000 Were *Denied* Clemency While He Was VP (VIDEO)

>>116232 Michigan's Whitmer Blames Court's GOP Appointees for Blocking COVID Actions

>>116233 NBA Finals Ratings Crash Again, Reaching Back-to-Back Historic Lows

>>116234 Another hit piece ‘A perfect storm’: Experts worry as QAnon conspiracies go global - posing ‘an incredible threat to public health’

>>116235, >>116236 Trump Camp Runs Ads Defending Conspiracy Theorists

>>116237 Re-noting Executive order blocking property of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption

>>116238 It is like someone is causing the POWER GRID to attenuate

>>116239 TOP KEK! Well..if nothing else anons we have shattered that magic…

>>116240 QAnon Times: Headline BreadWars.png

(64 notables, 77 posts, 77 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173649

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10944074 Q Research General #14000: Always Darkest Before The Don Edition

Created 061050ZOCT20




>>116241 >>1094489 Veritas targets react like veritas targets

>>116242, >>116243, >>116244 Elon Musk twat: 5 minutes from launch. Looks good so far

>>116245 QAnon conspiracies go global in pandemic 'perfect storm'

>>116246, >>116247 Herridge tweets

>>116248 #13999, #14000, #14001

>>116249 All for a larp

>>116250 Curt Mills twat: “Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), tested positive, said he'll go to the Capitol ‘in a moon suit,’… to vote to confirm Judge ACBarrett to the SC.”

>>116251 CNN (10/4): The White House press pool was not notified about Trump's movement outside of Walter Reed

>>116252 Moar Vatican + CCP

>>116253 Bomb Squad responds to 'small audible alarms' taped to political campaign signs in Easton MD

>>116254 LA protesters gather outside police headquarters, smash windows of nearby building; At least 1 arrested: report

>>116255 Los Angeles Times top editor Norman Pearlstine to resign

>>116256, >>116257 Found out how the Chink Flu got into the White house

>>116258 Supreme Court reinstates South Carolina ballot witness requirement

>>116259, >>116264 POTUS on a sub -1

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/013105c893d7dc054d6fa298b34f623feb281d57ad821794f4c25d418f0547ae.mp4

>>116260, >>116268, >>116271 Planefag Reports

>>116261 POTUS tweet

>>116262, >>116272, >>116273 Doc who invented the covid test died a few weeks before event 201

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ljxah4NrYKU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116263 Sunrun Inc. sold by Tiger Global Mgmt: $395.42m-Oct 1,2 & 5

>>116265 New Video Supports Our Initial Observations that BLM Is Connected to Democrats, Communists, Terrorists and China

>>116266 Texas Rangers investigating fatal officer-involved shooting incident in Wolfe City

>>116267 Ivanka flu shot tweet

>>116269, >>116270 Church of England "failed" to protect Children from sexual predators

>>116274 A polo field, nightclub, & the location for a Britney Spears video: Hotelier Patrick Nesbitt's $55m oceanfront Montecito estate will be auctioned off

>>116275 Veritas targets react like veritas targets

>>116276 #14000 Reposted in #14001

(26 notables, 36 posts, 46 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173650

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10944872 Q Research General #14001: Virgins can +1 Edition

Created 061312ZOCT20




>>116277 Nevada BLM roadway cattleprod

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c3c119d06295a843839293b02c35f5c0cb864542c09218e6f086c584182f19fc.mp4

>>116278 John Basham twitter on CIA and FBI reaction to DNI Ratcliffe

>>116279, >>116292 #13999, #14000, #14001

>>116280, >>116287, >>116288 PF Reports

>>116281 U.S. judge orders Iran to pay $1.4B over missing former FBI agent Seriously?…Good luck with that…

>>116282 Hemmingway tweet WH reporters CV19+

>>116283 Western companies pouring big money into China

>>116284, >>116286 Nearly 400 Church of England Figures Have Been Convicted of Child Sex Abuse

>>116285 Young beyonce as the white rabbit

>>116289 Former Biden Chief of Staff Now Executive VP at Fox!

>>116290 DOJ 150th Anniversary Today (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9qDq8q-4n8c - 150th Anniversary of the Department of Justice [Channel: The Justice Department]

>>116291 #14001

(12 notables, 16 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173651

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10945670 Q Research General #14,002: Patriots Are Now In Control Edition

Created 061443ZOCT20




>>116293 Anons notables from Bread #14001

>>116294, >>116299 Unsealing files poses 'grave safety risks,' Shermans' estate trustees tell top court

>>116295 Eyewash, over classification by CIA and FBI. Grenell has said the same, they hide docs by doing this

>>116296, >>116298, >>116310 Depiction of Narrative Promotion by Major Media; and pushing of innuendo as if fact.

>>116297 New DJT: FEELING GREAT!

>>116300 @dbongino: This 2018 thread is about to become REALLY important again. Re: Bill Priestap

>>116301, >>116304 Early voting starts in TX today’s, 1,000s line up. List of early voting states

>>116302 New DJT: I am looking forward to the debate

>>116303, >>116316, >>116317, >>116321 . PF Reports - Why is a Pakistani Air Force plane flying over DC right now?

>>116305 Anon thinks POTUS' comments last night indicate he was targeted and knows

>>116306 Chinese authorities recently arrested the mother of Chinese virologist whistleblower, Yan Limeng

>>116307 Kellyanne's daughter (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81cdefc4bfed5bf41cb2fd87713c0ed9229cf300774715b229f2c936e20d2f43.mp4

>>116308 Regarding the advertisement section at the top of the bread

>>116309 Harvest Christian Pastor Greg Laurie tests positive for COVID-19 after attending Rose Garden ceremony

>>116311 Quick Dig on Ivanka tweet re: Flu Shots

>>116312 Fashion Nova accused of sexualizing kids with new clothing line

>>116313 Fed chair Powell is holding a virtual conference with National Association for Business Economics.

>>116314 CNN: Facebook removes Trump post about the flu and coronavirus

>>116315 Only a fraction of Qanon supporters believe outlandish claims, says poll

>>116318 New Technology Refuses Entrance To Shops If You're Not Wearing A Face Mask

>>116319 San Jose: Astronomical bail challenged for suspect held in mayor’s house vandalism

>>116320 Critics question involvement of Gates, Soros, Clintons in contact tracing efforts (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PE3QfTnIazU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116322 Digg on Indian lab that manufactured a virus that causes COVID-19

>>116324 WH overruled new FDA guidelines regarding vaccines

>>116325 Pool reporter thinks we will hear from POTUS sometime today

>>116326 James Comey Clinton Foundation connections

>>116327 #14002 #14003

(27 notables, 34 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173652

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10946456 Q Research General #14003: We Have An Army of Digital Soldiers Edition

Created 061554ZOCT20




>>116328 Cruz on SCOTUS Nominee: "We Have the Votes"

>>116329, >>116340, >>116341 U.S. intel to declassify more evidence showing why FBI Russia probe was broken from start

>>116330 Army Gets First Iron Dome Battery from Israel to better protect POTUS.

>>116331 @USNavy Always on the go.

>>116332 @USArmy Packing a punch

>>116333 New version of the 8kun Bread Launcher is now available

>>116334, >>116348, >>116351, >>116355, >>116359 planefaggin

>>116335 Chris Brown is a super pedo./shows off air nike face tattoo

>>116336 A refresher on CONTACT TRACING

>>116337 New Potus: REPEAL SECTION 230!!!

>>116338 Blackstone offers sweetener as tries to sell $1.2 billion of Spanish properties

>>116339 New Donald J. Trump music video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yb2u7DR_G4g - Donald J. Trump — Use This Gospel [Channel: Never Come Down]

>>116342, >>116343 Trump sign up

>>116344 #BigMike trending again, KEK

>>116345 Metro Health tweaks instructions to case investigators

>>116346 High-Ranking Cardinal Accused of Bribing Witnesses in Sex Abuse Case

>>116347 It's not even debatable anymore! Blatant 'PUBLISHER' behavior in plain sight!

>>116349 SpaceX is now in the business of building satellites that do more than beam broadband around the globe.

>>116350 BREAKING - Admiral Charles Ray tests positive for #COVID19, the second-in-command of the U.S. Coast Guard.

>>116352 State Dept. officials told they broke law by monitoring Americans during Ukraine scandal

>>116353 Newsom's office tells Californians to wear masks 'in between bites' of food when dining with members from same household in public

>>116354 Fauci action figure For the Keks!

>>116356 "Today he reports no symptoms," says physician to @POTUS in new #COVID19 health update.

>>116357 Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: Joe Biden is a 'Violent White Supremacist'/split Dim vote anyone?

>>116358 Hurricane Delta 'rapidly intensifies' to Category 4 storm, may strengthen again

>>116360 #14003

(26 notables, 33 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173653

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10948749 Q Research General #14006: Gold toothed Rats running Wild Edition

Created 061857ZOCT20




>>116425 Ratcliffe has transmitted newly declassified Brennan's handwritten notes to Congress

>>116426 State Dept. officials told they broke law by monitoring Americans during Ukraine scandal

>>116427 Hillary Clinton & The Russiagate Smears

>>116428 Pres. Trump pulled plug… screw the D's. Re: Stimulus Bill

>>116429 US, Russia to Suspend Probe Into Russian Uranium Imports for 20 Years, Commerce Dept. Says

>>116430, >>116432, >>116449 Netflix indicted in Texas Over 'Cuties'

>>116431 New Hilldawg twat about 'The Hunting of Hillary' book, anon links to excerpt

>>116433, >>116443, >>116453, >>116454 Anons digg on embassy worker killed in Ukraine and her links to a global adoption ring? (A Family for Every Orphan)

>>116434 Gavin Newsom Tells Family Members to Wear Masks “In Between Bites” of Food When Dining Out

>>116435, >>116436 . The 1804 Northern Secession Plot and the Founding Fathers of the Deep State

>>116437 CNN Bullshit. Who gives a fuck?

>>116438 A Series Of Car Bomb Explosions Rocked North-Eastern Syria

>>116439 Kayleigh McEnany speaks out for first time since testing positive for COVID-19 (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EDbAVSZmRVc - Kayleigh McEnany speaks out for first time since testing positive for COVID-19 [Channel: Fox News]

>>116440 Louisiana Governor Declares State of Emergency

>>116441 Catherine Herridge: POTUS status Tuesday from WH Physician via @PressSec “he reports no symptoms”

>>116442 Can AI Detect Disinformation? A New Special Operations Program May Find Out

>>116444, >>116445 Not sure how saucy this Rothschild donation is, but here we go… (Hillary Clinton)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b14d0acc4b943b316940942ae591f4e0f94f237267c1e1a8f79b08ff67e67220.pdf

>>116446, >>116450, >>116451, >>116452, >>116455, >>116456, >>116457, >>116458, >>116459, >>116460 Bun on Micala Digs - Ukrainian Embassy Worker Killed / Micala Digs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CFUtfDqK8c4 - A note from Executive Director, Micala Siler, about COVID-19 in Ukraine [Channel: A Family for Every Orphan]

>>116447 MadAfee (John McAfee) arrested in Spain.

>>116448 Over 2,000 LA County Voters Received ‘Faulty’ Ballots with No Way to Vote for President

>>116461 Bun on Micala Digs - Ukrainian Embassy Worker Killed

>>116462 #14006

(22 notables, 38 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173654

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10947234 Q Research General #14004: Potus On The Mend, We Battle On FTW Edition

Created 061658ZOCT20




>>116361 House has now joined the Senate in requesting the FBI open a criminal investigation into possible foreign influence and embezzlement involving Biden and his son

>>116362 FBI TV: Any chance one of the episodes is about THE BIGGEST FUCKING CRIME IN AMERICAN HISTORY!!???

>>116363 Michelle Obama Releases Video, Says It’s “Morally Wrong” and “Racist” to Say Black Lives Matter Riots are Violent

>>116364 Criminal Trial in Sicily: How George Soros is Attempting to Lock up Populist Leader Matteo Salvini for Protecting Italy’s Borders

>>116365, >>116368 Senior Pentagon leadership quarantining after exposure to coronavirus

>>116366 PROOF that Tech Giants Facebook, Twitter and Google Are Using Chinese-Marxist Style Social Media Censorship on US Conservatives

>>116367 Goldman Sets The Stage For Climate Change Taxes Under A Biden Administration

>>116369, >>116373 Viganò: Fratelli Tutti Professes Francis' Masonic Belief/Moar

>>116370 No long-distance travel till 2022 for Australians – and that’s IF POPULATION-WIDE vaccine is rolled out next year, budget predicts

>>116371 Peter Beinart tweet deleted Oct. 6th, early am. Anybody screenshot it first? Clear global agenda.

>>116372 ‘Open ports (& wallets) for smugglers & illegal immigrants are back’: Salvini blasts Italian govt for loosening migration rules

>>116374 ‘He was setting me up’: Project Veritas accused of offering $10,000 for activist to say Ilhan Omar involved in voter fraud scheme

>>116375 BREAKING: New agent 302s reveal McCabe directed the Flynn investigation & may have had a conflict of interest, since McCabe had a personal grudge against Flynn for standing up for a female FBI counterterrorism supervisor who filed a sexual discrimination complaint against McCabe

>>116376 In Blow To Democrats, Supreme Court Reinstates South Carolina Witness Rule For Absentee Ballots

>>116377 Ron Johnson says he'd wear 'moon suit' to vote for Barrett if necessary

>>116378 Church of England forgave pedophiles en masse, allowed them to continue working with children, inquiry finds

>>116379 @USNationalGuard "This unit brings unique capabilities and capacity to support our state, the joint force, and our nation. "

>>116380 FDA Outlines Requirements For "Emergency Use Authorization" Of COVID-19 Vaccine Amid Reports Of WH Interference

>>116381 Watch Fed Chair Powell Ask Congress For More Fiscal Stimulus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AxFVQJG_Wbk - NABE Annual Meeting Keynote: Jerome Powell [Channel: NABE Webinars]

>>116382 Asia ‘best positioned’ for recovery from coronavirus crisis – Goldman Sachs

>>116383 Poll to flip

>>116384 Podesta: Biden is running a climate ad in Trump country—the first presidential nominee to release an ad exclusively about climate change.

>>116385 Cop Arrested for Filming His Soon-to-be 10yo Step Daughter Nude to Make Child Porn

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W2-w2T7ArrY - Columbus Police officer facing child pornography charges in court [Channel: NBC4 Columbus]

>>116386 BREAKING: Dirty FBI lawyer Clinesmith, who's pleaded guilty to falsifying evidence to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page, assured a skeptical case agent in Feb 2017 that there was ample predication to demand Gen Flynn's Internet, bank, phone & credit card records going back to 2015

>>116387 Maryland School Board Member To Resign After Reportedly Wishing For Trump’s Death Following COVID-19 Diagnosis

>>116388 PF updates

>>116389 Udemy Down now

>>116390 California GP Readers Send in Photos of Flawed Mail-In Ballots — Is Anyone Else Seeing This?

>>116391 We All Know Why Corporate Media Is Avoiding Hunter Biden’s Corruption Scandals That Implicate Joe

>>116392 BREAKING: According to 302 interview summary, FBI case agent Barnett testified that Special Counsel prosecutor Jeannie Rhee, a big Hillary supporter, was "obsessed" with Flynn & Russia and "had an agenda." He said he became concerned about a "get Trump" attitude by Mueller's team

>>116393 Peter Beinart of the New York Times today thinks America needs a Globalist Babysitter like the UN.

>>116394 BREAKING: FBI Agent Barnett, who was on loan to Mueller but never wiped his phone, last month told investigators the Trump-Russia "collusion" case was built "supposition on supposition" & a "dumb theory" & "there was no evidence of a crime" vs Flynn whose case used to "get Trump"

>>116395 #14003, #14004,

(33 notables, 35 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173655

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10949621 Q Research General #14007: We Are The News Now Edition

Created 062004ZOCT20




>>116463, >>116466 ————————————–——– Time for a change? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7b2a7a2a36d3bbd5af54f6113f30f2e5faf481aaecff9c5ded0bb1cd95270d5.mp4

>>116464, >>116470 rt ———–––——–— Keep charging, Midnight Riders! Nightwatch.

>>116465, >>116471 One Moar Time: Ratcliffe declassifies spygate documents…

>>116467 Moar on embassy worker killed in Ukraine

>>116468 WTF? Facebook Says Wishing President Death Is OK, As Long As He Is Not Tagged

>>116469 Pope Francis’s latest encyclical: Abortion not on list of political concerns

>>116472 PF Report - Trust17 (Planefags Got Q'd!!!!!)

>>116473, >>116477 ————————————–——– "Let's see what happens." (Cap: )

>>116474, >>116476, >>116480 Different times POTUS has said "We'll see what happens" and "Let's See What Happenes"

>>116475 The Twisted Truth: Silicon Valley Platforms Are Designed for Addiction

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PmEDAzqswh8 - You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth [Channel: Absolute Motivation]

>>116478 Arkansas Fugitive and U.S. Marshals 15 Most Wanted Arrested

>>116479 Pro-Government Election Victory Sparks Overnight Revolution in Kyrgyzstan

>>116481, >>116482 ——————————————— "Let's see what happens." Q. (Caps: )

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8bbb5948f80a772bccf21e7a062fb223c80b2a9ee278dd65a7be3f6774cdee2e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2b74eec474952f3bc2c5a9a02b961be5944ab5a9585849becd889aca460ad8b9.pdf

>>116483, >>116484, >>116485 ————————————–——– "Let's see what happens." (Caps: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc8d6842c466a1bed24fcd82e58aeb7b6f20f0d973698923c70badfa5e366987.mp4

(14 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

Q- >>116463, >>116470, >>116473, >>116483

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173656

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10950407 Q Research General #14008: Let's See What Happens Edition

Created 062043ZOCT20




>>116486 Republicans in the House Join Senate Republicans- Ask FBI to Investigate Joe Biden, His Son Hunter and His Brother for Criminal Financial Activities

>>116487 Negative Nancy

>>116488 Hijacking the message, sound familiar anons?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DwUUXC50t7g - Biden speaks in Gettysburg: We need to bring back spirit of bipartisanship [Channel: Fox News]

>>116489 Investigation intensifies!

>>116490 Usual? Unusual?

>>116491 Red Pill Vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0cb9888fbd2ee20c3324dd4b4c5473b108dd48f3c27c0713a57a02e28e2f2cc4.mp4

>>116492 Felony charges dropped against Democratic lawmaker arrested during Breonna Taylor protests

>>116493 Netflix is now facing a criminal charge in the ongoing backlash over “Cuties”

>>116494 Easy as 123? Wrong. Confirmation Hearings denial attempt?

>>116495 Esper Tweets Battle Force 2045

>>116496 TRUMP sign put up in LA near the Getty

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d64b6ef19a06e484cbf1a94a59f6b203d757367b4a6f4c3d839b1b3856ccc3d8.mp4

>>116497 This in? Nike, Inc Chairman Emeritus and founder Phil Knight sold: $100.24m-Oct 2

>>116498 Jersey/Swiss Financial Services Firm Admits to Conspiring with U.S. Taxpayers to Hide Assets and Income in Offshore Accounts

>>116499 GOP Senators Johnson, Grassley request all text messages produced by FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team

>>116500 State sees record number of firearm background checks

>>116501, >>116504 Some things to remember….

>>116502, >>116507, >>116509, >>116522 PF Nightwatch

>>116503 Abby Rockefeller Withdraws Her Name From Keith Raniere’s Petition

>>116505 DJT Tweets

>>116506 Why the fuck is a Texas company handling NC registrations? Texas company apologizes after 11,000 North Carolina residents receive pre-filled voter registration applications

>>116508 Biden Has a Plan to Defend Abortion if the Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe v. Wade

>>116510, >>116514 BREAKING: Facebook bans QAnon across its platforms. Facebook "will remove Facebook Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts for representing QAnon" like any other militarized social movement, militia or terror group.

>>116511 Texas Grand Jury Indicts Netflix For Child Porn Depicted In ‘Cuties’ Film

>>116512, >>116513 Rep Matt Gaetz democrats have used the COVID pandeminc as an excuse to create an electoral advantage

>>116515 The Hammer Falls

>>116516 Audacity Inc.

>>116517 A former Democrat candidate for Massachusetts State Rep caught on camera by group of pedophile hunters

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JwR_1kVyKHA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116518 Moar attacks

>>116519 White House opts out of FDA regulatory guidelines for vaccine approval process

>>116520 ——————————————— "Let's see what happens." Q. (Caps: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9VCqVFLPjnc - New Evidence Suggests the Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative in 2016 A Deliberate Cover-Up [Channel: Real America's Voice]

>>116521 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Red Carpet Rollout Updates

>>116523 #14008,

(32 notables, 38 posts, 42 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173657

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10951140 Q Research General #14009: FacePlant in Panic MODE Edition

Created 062125ZOCT20




>>116538, >>116541 Starting today, we'll remove any Facebook Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts representing QAnon, even without violent content. This is an update from August when we began removing Pages, Groups and accounts associated with QAnon when they discussed potential violence.

>>116539 FB will remove non-violent Qanon anything

>>116540, >>116542, >>116543 ————————————–——– INFORMATION WARFARE. (Cap: )

>>116544 Conservation groups released Tasmanian devils in mainland Australia earlier this month, marking a major milestone in the process of restoring a species that has been missing for thousands of years.

>>116545 CIA Director BRENNAN briefed OBAMA on HILARY'S plan to vilify candidate Donald TRUMP

>>116546 ‘Not enough just to go back to normal’: Johnson says Covid-19 ‘plague’ will reshape UK

>>116547, >>116559, >>116560 Planefag reports

>>116548 Areassembled, 26-foot-tall statue of the mythological Titan Atlas will soon stand guard over the Temple of Zeus in Agrigento, Sicily.

>>116549 ————————————–——– INFORMATION WARFARE (Cap: )

>>116550 No long-distance travel till 2022 for Australians

>>116551 learn about nightwatch.js

>>116552 A glimmer of hope. At least they said many instead of just throwing the blanket over all of us as we have seen in the past.

>>116553 drop all charges against Edward Snowden ?

>>116554 BREAKING: Netflix indicted in Texas Court for ‘Lewd Exhibition’ of Children in ‘Cuties’ Film

>>116555 Worse than the FBI!? Senior Tories oppose ‘rushed’ bid to free MI5 agents to break law on the job

>>116556 John Brennan: My memoir Undaunted was released today.

>>116557 32 Sickened In White House COVID-19 Outbreak As 4th Press Shop Aide Tests Positive

>>116558 Reigning in Big Tech's Censorship of Conservatives

>>116561 Catherine Herridge is gone off Twatter

>>116562 MSNBC's Chris Hayes seems in favor of 'truth and reconciliation commission' for anti-maskers

>>116563 HS Teacher Admits To Exposing Himself In Classroom, Taking ‘Upskirt’ Photos Of Students & Posting Them on Reddit

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ndDdnp_ari0 - Former Palisades High School Teacher Charged With Taking Upskirt Photos Of Students, Sharing Online [Channel: CBS Philadelphia]

>>116564 Crimes Against Humanity — Dr. Reiner Fuellmic

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116565 E-6 Mercury QUOTE34.

>>116566 Florida Recording Artist and Pennsylvania Man Charged for Role in $24 Million COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme

>>116567 Comms from NBC?

>>116568 The Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections says there is a problem

>>116569 Citigroup fires employee who ran popular QAnon conspiracy theory website

>>116570 #14009

(28 notables, 33 posts, 36 media/files)

Q- >>116540

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9d28d5 No.173658

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10948028 Q Research General #14005: Some Like It Hot Edition

Created 061759ZOCT20




>>116396 800 Pound Meth Seizure Breaks Arizona Port Record

>>116397 TELEMUNDO: Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced endorses President Donald Trump

>>116398, >>116403 Getting foggy out there

>>116399 'Highly infectious' African swine fever outbreak found in wild boars in Germany

>>116400 Law Firm Which Stops Deportations Got £55m in Taxpayer Legal Aid

>>116401 Dont count Trump out yet heres how he can still win in November

>>116402 Breaking News** Two highly redacted documents about to be declassified re: Brennan, Comey/Strzok

>>116404, >>116408 Fauci Wants UN to ‘Rebuild the Infrastructures of Human Existence’

>>116405 Walmart to sell health care plans

>>116406 Trump Receives Surprise Endorsement That Leaves Race-Baiters Speechless

>>116407 Hannity posts CA Gov. wants diners out to put mask on between bites

>>116409 White House turns down offers from CDC to help with contact tracing

>>116410 Planefag report

>>116411 Nunes says C_A withheld information from Russian Probe

>>116412 Israel and the World Refugee Crisis

>>116413 John F Bash resigned: The US Attorney who Barr had tasked to investigate unmasking parallel to the Durham investigation

>>116414 Hollywood TRUMP sign Put up and taken down

>>116415 Millie Hemingway calls out the MSM

>>116416 FBI Didn't Probe Claim That Clinton Ordered Russiagate Since It Was Part of Plot

>>116417 Michelle Obama calls Donald Trump racist

>>116418 Kentucky AG on Breonna Taylor's family: "This is the Ben Crump Model"

>>116419 California Gatweay Pundit readers: flawed mail-in Ballots w/no place to vote for president

>>116420 Top military leaders in quarantine after Coast Guard admiral tests positive for Covid-19

>>116421 The Post-Pandemic ‘New Normal’ Looks Awfully Authoritarian

>>116422 Dems, Media, Elite, absolutely furious with Trump’s recovery

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0BvxjB_ursQ - Dems, Media, Elite, absolutely furious with Trump’s recovery [Channel: The Duran]

>>116423 Notetakers large collection

>>116424 Judicial Watch: Court Hearing Set about Virginia County Democrat Officials’ Secret Meeting on BLM Riot

(27 notables, 29 posts, 27 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173659

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10951039 Q Research General #14009: PANIC! Edition

Created 062119ZOCT20




>>116524, >>116527, >>116531, >>116532, >>116533, >>116536, >>116537 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Things to Remember…

>>116525 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Red Carpet Rollout Updates

>>116526 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Might seem like a big development if we trusted the IRS IG

>>116528 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Current List of Past Notables

>>116529 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Fbi's "DECLASS"

>>116530 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Jack Flynn Tweets

>>116534 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Gov. Evers Directs Department Of Health Services To Limit Indoor Public Gatherings. Gov. Tony Evers today directed DHS to issue EO limiting public gatherings to no more than 25 percent of a room or building’s total occupancy (WI)

>>116535 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Shill Strategies

(8 notables, 14 posts, 24 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173660

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10951995 Q Research General #14010: Q likes two Watch Edition

Created 062211ZOCT20




>>116571 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Double Jeopardy? A St. Louis grand jury on Tuesday indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey for the now-infamous June incident where they pointed guns at Black Lives Matter protesters outside their home.

>>116572, >>116573 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Things to Remember…

>>116574 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Iran deploys 2 new radar today for small a/c within 1000km.

>>116575, >>116576 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / Shill Strategies

>>116577 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined. / PF

(5 notables, 7 posts, 13 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173661

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10952928 Q Research General #14011: Cat Got Your Tounge b/w Anons Decide Edition

Created 062312ZOCT20




>>116611 DOJ presser tomorrow on national security issue


>>116613 #14009, 10 Bun. Proper Bun. Combined.

>>116614 Dinesh D'Souza has a documentary coming out on the 8th called TRUMP CARD

>>116615 So Kayleigh has another live interview many hours later and her clock still reads 10:10.

>>116616 New DJT

>>116617 CEO of Halliburton caught with 2 teenage girls

>>116618 Dig on E-6 Mercury TCAMO CALLSIGN

>>116619 Shocking surveillance video shows kidnapping of 9-year-old after she steps off school bus in Rhode Island

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Uxco1HrjasQ - Providence, RI Police Release Video Of Girl Being Kidnapped [Channel: CBS Boston]

>>116620 Western Australia plans to keep border closed until April 2021

>>116621 ——————————————— He gave up everything. He knew [knows] the consequences. Why do it? Q

>>116622 #14011

>>116623 ————————————–——– How close did we come to losing it? What if ………? ..not about R vs D.

(13 notables, 13 posts, 17 media/files)

Q- >>116621, >>116623

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173662

File: ebf5e0b2bd33003⋯.png (796 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10952044 Q Research General #14010: Revenge Of The Mole Children Edition

Created 062214ZOCT20




>>116578 Facebook tightens ban on QAnon content

>>116579 Viral St. Louis couple indicted for waving guns at BLM protesters

>>116580 Flight history of the TRUST17 Reg 73-1677 craft

>>116581 Facebook says it will ban groups that ‘represent’ QAnon

>>116582 Gov. Tony Evers' administration limits capacity at bars, restaurants and stores to 25% as virus surges

>>116583 Sen. Blackburn: McCabe is ‘beginning to do a little shaking in his boots…fearful of perjuring himself.’

>>116584 Facebook said it is removing QAnon groups and pages as well as Instagram accounts that claim to be representatives.

>>116585 Congressional antitrust report rips tech firms for stifling competition

>>116586 Facebook says it is removing anything representing QAnon

>>116587 Biden Claims “Extremist White Supremacy Groups” Are “Menacing Our Communities” as BLM-Antifa Marxists Loot Businesses, Burn Cities to the Ground (VIDEO)

>>116588 "JUST IN: Gab welcomes anyone from the QAnon community to speak freely here."

>>116589 House Democrats say Facebook, Amazon, Alphabet, Apple enjoy ‘monopoly power’ and recommend big changes

>>116590 Gun-Rights Group Sues Philly Over Massive Permit Backlog

>>116591 Deep Exploration and Filtering of Text (DEFT)

>>116592 And now 17, that’s SEVENTEEN, individuals linked to WH and campaign who have tested positive for covid-19.

>>116593 Facebook & Instagram to purge ALL accounts ‘representing QAnon,’ even those that don’t share ‘violent content’

>>116594 Mark Warner / FB

>>116595 Fingerprints on Russiagate 'Smoking Gun' Are Ignored

>>116596 Bill Gates warns US needs to brainstorm ways to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy’

>>116597 Background of Kayleigh interview this morning shows 10:10 clock (Q4730) at 11:41am

>>116598 ‘Boer Lives Matter’: South African farmers storm court where two men held over murder of white farm worker

>>116599 MALIK And TRUMP JR.: China Ups The Ante (With A Little Help From Its Friends)

>>116600 Justice Department Awards $144 Million to Improve Services for Crime Victims

>>116601 HHS whistleblower Rick Bright resigns

>>116602 Facebook completely bans QAnon and labels it a‘militarized social movement’

>>116603 Section 230 is corporate welfare

>>116604 Sidney Powell just said on FBN's 'Evening Edit' that a "truth bomb will be coming shortly".

>>116605 TELEMUNDO: Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced endorses President Donald Trump

>>116606 Nevada GOP Requests Investigation Into Mail Tampering by Biden Ally

>>116607 @LawEnforceToday is proud to make our first ever endorsement for president, @realDonaldTrump

>>116608 Ladies, time to quarantine with Stephen Miller!

>>116609 Declassified docs reveal Brennan briefed Obama on HRC's Trump-Russia 'plan'

>>116610 #14010

(33 notables, 33 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173663

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10953687 Q Research General #14012: He Gave Up Everything, Why? Edition

Created 070002ZOCT20




>>116624 ————————————–——– What happens when people no longer fight back?

>>116625, >>116626 rt ———–––——–— RED OCTOBER

(2 notables, 3 posts, 1 media/file)

Q- >>116624, >>116626

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173664

File: 41c39dc0ef66792⋯.jpg (870.52 KB,1920x1059,640:353,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10954362 Q Research General #14013: Anons Step Up Edition

Created 070037ZOCT20




>>116627 NEW PDJT - I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!

>>116628 Undeniable proof GYB/Freebaker deletes notables


>>116630, >>116635, >>116640 PF

>>116631 Zero Delta POTUS Tweet RE Declass and Q post

>>116632 Donald J. Trump Retweeted

>>116633 POTUS authorizes DECLASS

>>116634 NEW PDJT

>>116636 May 2019 POTUS declassified "everything" to Barr. Does this mean Barr is reluctant to reveal the truth?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OqTdwruOJJo - Trump on Barr declassify authority: ‘Let’s see what he finds’ [Channel: Washington Post]

>>116637 New PDJT

>>116638 Interdasting

>>116639 First time that photo has ever been posted.

>>116641 coming up on a 3 year delta.

>>116642 Actually also a 1 min delta too


>>116644 Stephen Miller Latest White House Official To Test Positive For COVID-19

>>116645 #14014

(17 notables, 19 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173665

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10955203 Q Research General #14014: [C]ovid Before [D]eclass Edition

Created 070112ZOCT20




>>116646 Charges Filed Against Trans Elections Judge 'Erika' Bickford in Allentown, Pennsylvania – Including Tampering with Ballots

>>116647 Netflix, Inc. indicted by grand jury in Tyler Co., Tx for promoting material in Cuties film which depicts lewd exhibition of pubic area of a clothed or partially clothed child who was younger than 18 yrs of age which appeals to the prurient interest in sex #Cuties #txlege

>>116648 Tick Tock


>>116650 NEW PDJT

>>116651, >>116663 NEW POTUS TWEET

>>116652 ————————————–——– Think POTUS today "No redactions!"

>>116653 New Herridge

>>116654 Justice Department to hold press conference tomorrow on matter of high ‘national security’.

>>116655, >>116656, >>116662, >>116664 New PDJT

>>116657 DARK to LIGHT

>>116658 New PDJT RT

>>116659 §2383. Rebellion or insurrection

>>116660 DECLASS

>>116661 Patrick Byrne writes a suicide note

>>116665 Tomorrow is 10/7 =17

>>116666 #14014

(17 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>116652

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173666

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10955986 Q Research General #14015: Red October Edition

Created 070139ZOCT20




>>116667 Bill Gates Contradicts Trump, Says Wealthy West Won't Get 'Back To Normal' Until Late 2021


>>116669 Red October Edition

>>116670 CAUGHT: Mad Maxine Waters Caught in Public Without Mask After Lecturing the Rubes on Wearing Masks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2LnLE33eOQg - Mad Maxine Waters Caught Running Around without a Mask After Constant Lecturing on Masks [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>116671 Shills still seething, but afraid to split bakes

>>116672 Susan Rice is scum

>>116673 Gab Welcomes QAnon Across Its Platforms #WWG1WGA

>>116674 Comms Baker Seething on Twitter

>>116675 Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified documents that revealed former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump

>>116676 The FBI had these memos July 26, 2016

>>116677 DOJ to hold virtual press conference on a “matter of national security” Wednesday at 11am ET.

>>116678, >>116679 Sen. Ron Johnson: Biden family's corrupt ties to foreign oligarchs, officials met with mainstream media yawns


>>116681 YOU MISSED

>>116682 BREAKING: New agent 302s reveal McCabe directed the Flynn investigation & may have had a conflict of interest, since McCabe had a personal grudge against Flynn for standing up for a female FBI counterterrorism supervisor who filed a sexual discrimination complaint against McCabe


>>116684 Left’s Response To Trump’s ‘Don’t Be Afraid’ Tweet Emphasizes How Very Much They Want Fear

>>116685 Media - False Prophets?

>>116686 NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!


>>116688 PRESIDENT Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted


>>116690, >>116696 pf

>>116691 SV News Police cars revolving light

>>116692 “The good news is, for me, I’m here. The bad news, for you, is I’m coming back,” he said. “I’m coming back, I’m coming back. And I want to see these beautiful young ladies, I want to see them dancing when they’re four years older, too,”

>>116693 Thunderous booms crackling just beyond the nearest cliffs; a storm is brewing on the horizon. Praying for a calm and beautiful tomorrow. - CM

>>116694 New PDJT

>>116695, >>116698 ToRE THREAD

>>116697 Q Potus Zero Deltas today

>>116699 #14015

(30 notables, 33 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173667

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10956732 Q Research General #14016: Bread October Edition

Created 070215ZOCT20




>>116700 Cause you'd be in jail

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5b298ce677aee1e2658053c71f01dc6da33ea37d000138c6890d74dc5c753716.mp4

>>116701 Department of Justice virtual press conference set for 11am EST tomorrow.

>>116702 Paul Sperry Tweet

>>116703 Botched Mail-In Ballots In Parts Of Woodland Hills Missing Section To Vote For US President

>>116704 #YouTube has removed the video channel of the Nation of #Islam, the organization led by Louis Farrakhan.

>>116705 Person who was in FBI claiming Biological Terrorist in WH


>>116707, >>116709, >>116711, >>116712, >>116720 PF

>>116708 Kat von D collaborates harsh treatment and trauma conditioning as reported by Pairs Hilton at Provo Treatment Center

>>116710 Only Full Transparency Will Save The CIA And FBI Now

>>116713, >>116715 NEW PDJT

>>116714 Scandal Reopens? Court Papers On Democrat IT Aide Imran Awan Make New Revelation

>>116716 BREAKING: Records show Obama's top Russia analyst Celeste Wallander, who sat in on Brennan's 2016 "fusion cell" meetings on alleged Trump-Russia interference, has pumped $2,000 into Biden's campaign. Wallander now heads the Soros-tied US-Russia Foundation

>>116717 The American people deserve to know the full truth. Rep. Doug Collins


>>116719 Catherine Herridge breaking it down.

>>116721 #14016

(17 notables, 22 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173668

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10957492 Q Research General #14017: "No redactions!" Edition

Created 070255ZOCT20




>>116722 Obama Began Holding Secret Meetings in the White House Basement In July 2016 At the Exact Same Time the Trump-Russia Hoax Was Put Into Play

>>116723 BLACKMAIL: Disgraced FBI Officials Threaten to Release Weiner’s Laptop Evidence, Exposing Clinton’s if Indicted

>>116724 White Squall

>>116725 President Trump Authorizes Total Declassification of All Documents Related to Spygate, Hillary Email Scandal – WITH NO REDACTIONS

>>116726 "There Are Trillions At Stake…" - How Washington Really Works, & Why Its Denizens Despise Trump

>>116727 EU deals blow to Turkey’s membership bid, saying talks ‘effectively at standstill’


>>116729 The Hour Arrives

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0bd4ff0afd782e53741676edde912bb22c79475556e49d79ff13c838c739be06.mp4

>>116730 POTUS retweet KeK

>>116731 Netflix indicted by Grand Jury

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sXboCVqBBrQ - Netflix INDICTED By Texas Grand Jury, Faces CRIMINAL CHARGES Over 'Cuties' Film Exploitation [Channel: Timcast]

>>116732 New REAL sciences are right around the corner anons! - CHECK'EM

>>116733 House Democrats push Congress to break up Big Tech monopolies

>>116734 ————————————–——– USA CHINA timeline; WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? Evil surrounds us.

>>116735 Parents are livid as a high school showed students a one-sided presentation promoting Black Lives Matter and a progressive worldview. One parent even said the material is so partisan that his biracial son’s takeaway was that he must be a racist.

>>116736, >>116737 McClosky's Indicted

>>116738 Bab B KEKS


>>116740 Biden in phot with creepy dem just arrested for soliciting 14 yo. Biden is with young girl (of course)

>>116741 Look Who is in front

>>116742, >>116745 James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems

>>116743 “Rounding up the Jews” is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime. DeBlasio is a criminal.


>>116746, >>116747 Based Nunes

>>116748 James O’Keefe: Mark Kelly, Everytown Working Together for Rifle Ban

>>116749 Fake News CNN

>>116750 Orthodox Jews ain't playing anymore.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04ae0a26a77e883d1ca04bf5332f2da8ae243d8bb86609edf73947c13bb9e8b1.mp4

>>116751 #14017,

(27 notables, 30 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>116734

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173669

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10958264 Q Research General #14018: IT'S PERSONAL Edition

Created 070336ZOCT20




>>116752 Florida Man Arrested For Sex Acts With Dog, Possession Child Porn


>>116754 PapaD Twiter

>>116755 Hope Q gets a chance to enjoy collages like this.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5561a16c717142a76f4d07c42277e5a78e2942893974982f16b46d0001ebfd59.mp4

>>116756 Jersey/Swiss Financial Services Firm Admits to Conspiring with U.S. Taxpayers to Hide Assets and Income in Offshore Accounts

>>116757 Lin Wood - To be precise, “they were in on the CRIME.” Their actions were much more than a political dirty trick. All involved must face serious prison time. And I mean serious. I believe their violations amount to nothing less than treason.

>>116758 Asking the Question that nobody dares ask

>>116759 Trump Card: The Movie

>>116760 Things have gotten so bad for Joe he's begging people to stay off twitter.

>>116761 7000 voters in NJ receive wrong ballots

>>116762 Big Mike Crosses Line With New Attack On Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb34b8d0bccab644eef921179092773a561fd8997ead70b407fbb4d6ed748d81.mp4

>>116763 THIS is all going down right now in NYC

>>116764 PF

>>116765 Byrne writes another chapter

>>116766 Secret society 'gang' of LA cops are 'protected by a code of silence in sheriff's department'

>>116767 NBC: Facebook bans [TRUMP SUPPORTERS] across its platforms

>>116768 Top US Food Bank Warns Of Nationwide "Meal Shortages" In Next 12 Months

>>116769 #Obamagate

>>116770 Sellin: Are Global Scientific Elites Trying To Bury The Truth About COVID-19's Origin?

>>116771 You stupid comms f***s should NOT have made a bomb threat.

>>116772 East London Residents Rush to Buy Bottled Water Following Large Pipe Burst in Main Supply

>>116773 BAB B KEKS

>>116774, >>116779 LOCK HER UP


>>116776 Report that House investigators join the Senate to probe Biden influence peddling

>>116777 BLACKMAIL: Disgraced FBI Officials Threaten to Release Weiner’s Laptop Evidence, Exposing Clinton’s if Indicted

>>116778, >>116782 KEKS

>>116780 Creepy Joe caught ridin' dirty. Hide the children…and farm animals - KEKS

>>116781 PAUL SPERRY

>>116783 We have a bread meta for that….

>>116784 #14018

(31 notables, 33 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173670

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10959025 Q Research General #14019: HUSSEIN KNEW Edition

Created 070423ZOCT20




>>116785 Tweet bun / tyb ya wore me out. Dreamtime..

>>116786 OK Maxine - time for bed.

>>116787 BREAKING: During CROSSFIRE RAZOR investigation of Trump adviser Flynn, FBI turned to British intelligence to try to corroborate rumors Flynn was compromised by Russian intelligence figures. Those efforts failed. But it wasn't the first time FBI teamed with UK during 2016 campaign

>>116788 Flashback HRC PIZZA TWEET

>>116789, >>116790 Virginia Guifrre tweet Bye Bye You F**ken Pedophiles . . .

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1Cbi_qYSaJM - 144000 hunted become hunters [Channel: Bbodiddley B]

>>116791 Gregg Jarrett: Declassification of Russia probe documents could prove Hillary Clinton committed felony

>>116792 Sean Penn's CORE charity offering free COVID testing works with Harvey Weinstein's nephew, Harvey's brother Bob in Epstein's black book

>>116793 Deleted PapaDrop

>>116794, >>116795 Moar Chris Wray stepping down

>>116796 Watch CA (flip Red)

>>116797 Anonymous Drop and POTUS Tweet Zero Delta 5:41 PM

>>116798 Altitude going down Subtract the Squawk We try all kind of stuff here.

>>116799 Joe and Hunter Biden are not only career criminals they are also national security threats with their deep ties to China, China can easily blackmail the entire Biden family.

>>116800, >>116829 Obama Began Holding Secret Meetings in the White House Basement In July 2016 At the Exact Same Time the Trump-Russia Hoax Was Put Into Play

>>116801 Tweet bun

>>116802 Hillary Clinton defends funding anti-Trump dossier in late-night interview

>>116803, >>116805, >>116807, >>116808, >>116809 Wayfaire ring any bells?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=N9_VCy5wU9k - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>116804 The democratic governor polis calls on bad guy that is trying to steal the Mayflower and Christmas…I mean Winter Holidays

>>116806 BREAKING: the Secretary of State’s $35M “voter education” contract, illegally awarded to the firm connected to the Biden campaign, has been cancelled. All the money spent must be RETURNED TO THE TAXPAYERS. The question is, how much was spent?

>>116810 More on Presser @ 11

>>116811 Joe Biden - I came from a state that had slaves

>>116812 Get off Twitter, kek

>>116813 NYC Covid TWO rules liberalsl/conservatives

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0549a9f785b5ebd3ea25d49ae423960d9a15a43777c06fd63c81ff5f1fcf96b0.mp4

>>116814 FBI Director Chris Wrayand Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers are holding a press conference on a national security matter

>>116815 Two year delta tomorrow from 10/7/2018 “Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett”

>>116816 Judge, NXIVM's Clare Bronfman agree on minimum-security Connecticut 'camp' Bronfman was sentenced to almost 7 years in federal prison for NXIVM role

>>116817 China's Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Appears Safe: Study

>>116818 Moar Chris Wray

>>116819 Adam confirms that Barr CANNOT influence Durham

>>116820 'Claudia Conway's popular, unfiltered TikTok account is a communications problem for the Trump administration'

>>116821 The NBA finally achieved equality. They have the same ratings as the WNBA.

>>116822 A. Housley Twitter

>>116823, >>116831 KEK wills it

>>116824 Oklahoma jail employees allegedly played 'Baby Shark' on repeat for handcuffed inmates, charged

>>116825 Trump Says FDA Pulled 'Political Hit Job' With Vaccine Rules

>>116826 Are the Global Scientific Elite Trying to Bury the Truth About the Origin of COVID-19?

>>116827 Dan Scavino🇺🇸

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dad912f1c0acdd5579b5321e80cd9ddeb915c72f2a2c28d34b6b8a440f7b3c70.mp4

>>116828 Ex-CIA Director John Brennan tells CNN the Intelligence Community sent investigative referrals about contacts between Trump 2016 campaign associates and the Russians, suggesting DNI John Ratcliffe release those to balance his "selective" declassifications

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6f79f542b494bfb0f3daea4e4e465287cd2a7ea530c8c7f3810510e4403c5a44.mp4

>>116830 Colorado anonspolis is planning on keeping you locked down with masks and other mandatory requirements until after the holiday fall out

>>116832 Katie Hill lit up on twitter by disgruntled employee

>>116833 Sammy Hager post on Van Halen

>>116834 #14019

(42 notables, 50 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173671

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10959259 Q Research General #14020 OSS Team is a gatekeeper Edition

Created 070444ZOCT20




>>116835 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / Ratcliffe Declassifies Docs Revealing Brennan Briefed Barack Obama on Hillary Clinton’s Plan to ‘Stir Up’ a Scandal Between Trump, Russia

>>116836 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / Covid-19 has been a boon for the gun industry, which is seeing record sales

>>116837, >>116839 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / (Twitter) Michael Moore: Chris Wallace "why would you do well in south/to Biden" Biden "I do well in states who used to own slaves" Wallace Interview from Past

>>116838 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / America’s Liberals Were Never Going to Fight Fair in the SCOTUS Battle

>>116840 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / Purported Video of Turkey Redeploying S-400s to Black Sea Coast for Drills Emerges Online

>>116841 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / Live Updates: Armenia Says Azerbaijan Started Large-Scale Offensive in Southern Part of Contact Line

>>116842, >>116845, >>116848, >>116850, >>116851, >>116853, >>116854, >>116855, >>116856, >>116857, >>116858 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun

>>116843 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / Why Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting and why it could get uglier.

>>116844 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / 3min YouTube video Wow- Joe Biden is so well above 50% kek

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IV8aLVMH6tM - Joe Biden leading President Trump by 16 points in nationwide poll [Channel: CNN]

>>116846 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / Vatican causes chaos by invalidating baptism formula

>>116847 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / (Continued) Are Global Scientific Elites Trying To Bury The Truth About COVID-19's Origin?

>>116849 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / (Twitter) Rep Katie Hill Katie took advantage of her subordinates. She caused immense harm to people who worked for her, and of whom were young women just beginning their careers in politics

>>116852 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / Q Day

>>116859 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / NASA Worked Around Earth's Radiation Belts to Land Apollo 11 on the Moon (SPACE BUNZ)

>>116860 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / DOJ HOLDING NATIONAL SECURITY PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW 11 AM EST

>>116861 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun / #104019 The "Shillbread"

(16 notables, 27 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173672

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10959965 Q Research General #14020: WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? Edition

Created 070554ZOCT20




>>116862, >>116869 Holy shit, check this out!

>>116863, >>116864, >>116865, >>116866, >>116867, >>116870 Katie Hill twitter "hacked" by an employee who had her password


>>116871 "I've never seen this such distain, animosity, rage at the notion of the commander-in-chief contracting COVID [and] getting over it. This should be a moment that we say we’re grateful that he is healthy and in good spirits."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f20729ffb0d9340a4ce7347dfcc0f0ebb19f76a25228d01d37c3ba6f687039cc.mp4

>>116872 Found the TRUST17 plane intinerary post

>>116873, >>116877 EXC: Biden Praised Chinese Communist Party Economic Plan Fueled By ‘Marxist Worldview’ And ‘Communist Wisdom

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99b3d561574fc1c2eb6800c41ae7cd8c43cd04201cc4ee1f16eecee22312b5b4.mp4

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/56d4a5b665787e0f398020b3f27c42094c02ac0c4366308943c288334dc54999.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd188a34191354675c499ca13e7e507f1bb5872914a98391e19d75b60b501199.pdf

>>116874 Comms Breadsplit attempt(fail) 37 mini-bun

>>116875 Was scrolling through old drops and this one stuck out to me

>>116876 Round-up

>>116878 Speaking of DECLASS. Don't forget this!

>>116879, >>116881, >>116889 "HOLY SHIT QUYS WE JUST GOT THE 1 MINUTE MARKER"

>>116880 Our angel. Pray for Saint KM!!!

>>116882, >>116887 Paul Sperry speaks of Greymail here:

>>116883 Hell to the yeah The mask revolt will come from the LEFT not the right

>>116884 Moar on 11,000 incorrectly pre-filled voter registration mailed to NC voters…Diggz on Texas vendors Civitech and PrintMailPro

>>116885 More dirty attorney's in TX

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TixhRvToQYg - DOJ prosecutor Candina Heath appears in racist porn sold online; accuser alleges no consent [Channel: Lola Arbenz]


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7cbaff8dec407571fc727e1f688a0a0fd075fcef179933b7db28823269e837df.mp4

>>116888 Written 16 days in Advance.


>>116891 GOD WINS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf7d586f83ce5fb48d1d3c23294d21b4a7d241d6e877c36cf2913db012cdcf9d.mp4

>>116892 Michigan attorney says 'burn your masks' and forget COVID emergency orders after state Supreme Court decision

>>116893 CIA Director Gina Haspel And The British Role In The Anti-Trump Plot


>>116895 PF

>>116896 #14020

>>116897 CAUGHT: Mad Maxine Waters Caught in Public Without Mask After Lecturing the Rubes on Wearing Masks (VIDEO)

>>116898 Refresher: Off-Site Meetings of FBI “Secret Society” : Senator Ron Johnson 2018

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FKJzhoieDDQ - Off-Site Meetings of FBI “Secret Society” : Senator Ron Johnson [Channel: dumbbell33]

>>116899 Interesting thread from a shady character claiming to have worked for Brennan

>>116900 What happened to Church Of England in 2018?

>>116901 Information flows whether faggots try to censor or not

(30 notables, 40 posts, 55 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173673

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10961111 Q Research General #14021: Anons Keep Charging Nightwatch Edition

Created 070847ZOCT20




>>116902, >>116907 Kevin McCullough has predicted last few elections. Says Trump will get 330/Biden - 208

>>116903 WATCH police engage in brawl as hundreds of protesters vent anger at Netanyahu in Tel Aviv

>>116904, >>116914 Wall of QAnon attack pieces over the past 24 Hours

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7cbaff8dec407571fc727e1f688a0a0fd075fcef179933b7db28823269e837df.mp4

>>116905, >>116939 Federal Agent Busted for Alleged QAnon Threat Against a Boss

>>116906 Brennan briefed Obama on Hillary 'plan' to tie Trump to Russia

>>116908, >>116925 It's time to lift the veil on George Soros

>>116909 Trump says he has declassified documents related to Russia, Clinton email probes

>>116910 Notable for keks -Projection Defined

>>116911 POTUS: 'Who Knows? Maybe I Am Am Even Immune Now'

>>116912 The BLM Riot Victims Michelle Obama Doesn’t Give a Damn About

>>116913 Antifa violence escalates as movement goes mainstrea

>>116915 What Obama knew, and when he knew it

>>116916, >>116931 The Sun, PJMedia: 'No Redactions!' Trump Announces Declassification of All Documents Related to the Russia Investigation

>>116917 Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition

>>116918 Did a WHO Official Admit that COVID-19 Has a Death Rate Similar to the Flu?

>>116919 Gateway Pundit: President Trump Authorizes Total Declassification of All Documents Related to Spygate, Hillary Email Scandal – WITH NO REDACTIONS

>>116920, >>116955 Gateway Pundit: DOJ Announces Press Conference Tomorrow at 11 AM ET “On a Matter of National Security”

>>116921 CDC Fail: Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites.

>>116922 The left cant contain their anger at POTUS beating C19

>>116923 Sen. Blackburn: McCabe is ‘beginning to do a little shaking in his boots…fearful of perjuring himself.’

>>116924 Obama Began Holding Secret Meetings in the White House Basement In July 2016 At the Exact Same Time the Trump-Russia Hoax Was Put Into Play

>>116926 Democrat Star Cal Cunningham’s Mistress Has Nude Photos – Slept with Him at Family Home

>>116927 Tides Center Funnels $170 Million in Taxpayer Money to Left-Wing Groups

>>116928 ANOTHER AIDE ILL Trump adviser Stephen Miller tests positive for coronavirus becoming 15th senior White House official with disease

>>116929 2004: George Soros; The 'God' who carries around some dangers demons

>>116930, >>116932 Amid film delays and movie theater closings, can Hollywood be saved?

>>116933 Twitter: Operation Disclosure Thread

>>116934 it appears that Jake Sullivan was the “Clinton foreign policy advisor” that Brennan briefed to Obama

>>116935 Trump Declassifying, Unredacting All Documents Related to Russia

>>116936, >>116942 Report: Bill Gates, Jefferey Epstein and Nobel Committee Chair Behind Obama's Award Met in 2013

>>116937 COVER-UP ALERT: Nets Hide CIA Notes Exposing Hillary’s Collusion Plot

>>116938 MSNBC Lets Al Franken Lie That ACB Supports Sterilization of Transgender People

>>116940 Trump Goes on ‘Russia Hoax’ Tweetstorm, Shares Meme Saying Barr Should ‘Arrest Somebody’

>>116941 Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots

>>116943, >>116954 Ex-CIA Director Issues Chilling Warning On What 4 More Years Of Trump Would Mean

>>116944 Sex With Underage Prostitutes? CEO Of Major Food Company Charged, Teen Girl’s Dad Tells All To Newport Beach Cops

>>116945 QAnon High Priest Was Just Trolling Away as a Citigroup Tech Executive

>>116946, >>116947 'The Blacklist' Actor Clark Middleton dead at 63 West Nile

>>116948 Board of Elections resends 99K ballots in Brooklyn after blunder

>>116949 McConnell challenger's campaign hosts protest outside Senate leader's house

>>116950 The Cult of Covidism Has Invaded the Church

>>116951, >>116953 1920 The extraction of Melanin from skin

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0162630a0353f674148455993da55386c22d0414c16b27c14328af9c394cfe80.pdf

>>116952 Pompeo moves to fortify Indo-Pacific 'Quad' coalition that China fears as ‘mini-NATO’

>>116956 National Review: ‘International Intervention’ in U.S. Elections Would Be a Disaster

>>116957 POTUS Tweet: [PROSECUTED]

>>116958 Prosecutors ‘Are Pro-Criminal And Anti-Law Enforcement’: Jeanine Pirro Blasts McCloskey Indictment

>>116959 Declassified CIA memo one of several red flags Russia collusion was a Clinton dirty trick

>>116960 Only Full Transparency Will Save The CIA And FBI Now

>>116961 Only 33% of Americans have 'great deal' or 'fair amount' of Trust in Mainstream Media

>>116962 Historian Predicts Trump To Win With Between 320-340 Electoral Votes

>>116963 Pelosi questions COVID-19 treatments’ effect on Trump’s mental fitness after relief talks fall apart

>>116964 Pelosi Voices Plans For Chaotic Failed Election Scenario Where ‘Speaker Becomes POTUS’

>>116965 Departing CIA chief John Brennan wants his legacy to be the work he did for LGBTQ community

>>116966 NBA says its getting rid of SJW injections

>>116967 Notable POTUS: Taking too long. Media is in on it. A true scandal!

>>116968 Gregg Jarrett: Declassification of Russia probe documents could prove Hillary Clinton committed felony

>>116969 Katie Hill says old government Twitter account was 'hacked' after 'former staff' rips her as #MeToo 'perpetrator'

>>116970 Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced endorses Trump re-election bid

>>116971 Florida official says state and federal law enforcement found no ‘malicious activity’ in voter site outage

>>116972 Trump says he'd sign off on specific coronavirus relief measures after halting talks

>>116973, >>116974 DOJ To Charge 2 British ISIS Militants Accused Of Role In Killing U.S. Hostages

>>116975 BLM leader: Biden part of 'violent white supremacist' system

>>116976 Samantha Power DS Comms: The Pudu Deer is the world’s smallest deer. They live in bamboo thickets to hide from predators.

>>116977 Trump, Atlas: Time to Face Down Coronavirus Fear

>>116978 #14021 1/2

>>116979 #14021 2/2

(66 notables, 78 posts, 96 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173674

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10962621 Q Research General #14023: Rolling For Declas Edition

Created 071319ZOCT20




>>117015 BLM Co-Founder Claims Joe Biden Is Part Of "Violent White Supremacist" System


>>117017 Just the Altitude with a Down Arrow

>>117018 Haliburton International Foods CEO charged with child prostitution

>>117019 Google v. Oracle America Oral Argument


>>117021 DOJ To Charge 2 British ISIS Militants Accused Of Role In Killing U.S. Hostages

>>117022 Big Mike's got a big "heart" for SS and WH Staff

>>117023 #14023

(9 notables, 9 posts, 8 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173675

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10961863 Q Research General #14022: Media Is In On It - A True Scandal Edition

Created 071134ZOCT20




>>116980 WRAY has Millions in Cash Invested in Russia

>>116981 Ian Charles Schenkel: intercourse and lewd acts with two underage victims: OC Register

>>116982 great day to read Algebra Of Conscience again

>>116983 hit piece: 'It's like a parasite' How a dangerous virtual cult is going global

>>116984 The Windsors' Global Food Cartel: Instrument for Starvation (historical background)

>>116985 Is The Left Preparing To Steal Your Vote?

>>116986, >>116995, >>117004 old files from 4chan. Ambassador Chris Stevens and why??


>>116988 New DJT and Greta Van Susteren reply

>>116989 PF: NIGHT20 is up

>>116990 Any morning where you wake up to find this trending is going to be a good day.


>>116992 Gaddafi was based: see video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ffa0f03e0150ea602c0213506f1fe4f8b7f0406e4152f5f9ba8ee58d6c0e1632.mp4

>>116993 graphic about how /comms bakers delete notables

>>116994 Moran, R-Kansas, and Wyden, D-Ore., are co-sponsors of the Declassification Reform Act of 2020

>>116996 CNN Analyst Labels President Trump "A Biological Terrorist"

>>116997 Parents of Alabama-Coushatta homicide victim say grand jury failed him

>>116998 Eric Trump reading and agreeing with our friend Brian Cates @drawandstrike

>>116999 qagg.news has a Qdrop/Twitter analysis tool

>>117000, >>117003 Wray stepping down tomorrow? (today now)

>>117001 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>117002 new DJT

>>117005 New DJT: …And I had to put up with these losers and still run a Country, AND VERY WELL!

>>117006 New DJT RT

>>117007 Newly released documents give a clearer picture about the Russia hoax

>>117008 All you have to is find the jive talking baker. And leave that bread for the one without the jive talking baker. Simple

>>117009 (hit piece) QAnon High Priest Was Just Trolling Away as a Citigroup Tech Executive

>>117010 Nice meme format, Erin.

>>117011 anon opines as to forests and fires

>>117012 New DJT: Proud of you Natalie!

>>117013 DOJ site now confirming press conference.

>>117014 #14020

(32 notables, 35 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173676

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10963367 Q Research General #14024: Vote All Dem Leaders Out 'ALL' Edition

Created 071441ZOCT20




>>117024 American blood (adrenochrome), American justice

>>117025 Hillary tweet decodes to orgy island

>>117026 Planefags report

>>117027 Citigroup fires executive Jason Gelinas for running a QAnon website

(4 notables, 4 posts, 3 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173677

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10964220 Q Research General #14025: Lost Notables Edition

Created 071534ZOCT20




>>117028 /COMMS/ TOWNHALL THURSDAY AT 7PM - Make sure to drop by and laugh at them

>>117029 #14204


>>117031 Kayla Mueller

>>117032 James Foley

>>117033 Are we protecting our children?


>>117035 Big MIke Twitter

>>117036, >>117041 PF

>>117037 Bombshell report: More than 223,000 mail-in ballots sent to wrong addresses – in Nevada alone

>>117038 oPrah Twitter

>>117039 Anon opines about meaning of ISIS Beatles - to introduce evidence that OBAMA ran them.

>>117040 TRUST17 confirmed for MIL plane matching AF1 description.

>>117042 HRC Twitter

>>117043 As I wrote about in Stonewalled and Slanted, often federal agencies, corporations and others schedule "news" and hold news conferences in an effort to bump other "news" out of the headlines.

>>117044 Federal appeals court rules that New York prosecutor can get access to President Trump’s tax returns

>>117045 600 Jewish Groups Support BLM In New York Times Ad - On Page 17


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_u1Luf1-Mcs - Chief Rabbis of Israel pray for well being of President Donald Trump [Channel: Israel National News - Arutz Sheva]

>>117047 Hanoi Jane

>>117048 Flynn update - DOJ responds to Strzok allegations of "altered" handwritten notes.

>>117049 DOJ Livestream remarks

>>117050 #14025

(22 notables, 23 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173678

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10964908 Q Research General #14026: Trust 17 Edition

Created 071625ZOCT20




>>117051 Daily Bread

>>117052 Mitt Romney on Twitter

>>117053 BREAKING: WATCH extended live coverage as DOJ announces charges against 2 British nationals + alleged ISIS members for their role in the torture + beheading of western hostages, including American citizens in Syria

>>117054, >>117056, >>117058, >>117060 /COMMS/ IS HOLDING A TOWN HALL THURSDAY AT 7

>>117055 Facebook announces QAnon conspiracy theory account bans across all platforms | Just The News

>>117057 Fake News CNN house unich on twitter

>>117059 More evidence that @HRC was colluding with Russians is memo by @JohnBrennan

>>117061 Brennan wrote the notes after he had briefed Obama

>>117062 A correctional officer and Democrat activist pulls knife on Oregon Women for Trump event.

>>117063 We now know the truth: Hillary Clinton fabricated the entire Russia hoax to distract from her email scandal.

>>117064 A group known as the Iranian regime’s most effective lobby in the United States has quietly gained a foothold at Stanford University, and one of its senior officials has just gained a seat on the prestigious academic institution’s governing board.

>>117065 Jason Gelinas lived a normal suburban life with a plum Wall Street gig. He also ran the QAnon conspiracy theory’s biggest news hub.

>>117066, >>117072 if werethene.ws were about free speech they would let it roll.

>>117067, >>117068 A Wednesday update from President’s physician:

>>117069 US Senate Candidate Cal Cunningham is under investigation by the US Army Reserve following revelations he may have had an extramarital affair.

>>117070 New filings in US vs Flynn

>>117071 Lots of speculation re Flynn, Turkey, and the Gulen guy Turkey blamed for their fake coup, and possible money connections.

>>117073 Here's Sydney's BOOM - Demand for Recusal of Sullivan

>>117075, >>117078 Just filed - Flynn seeks to Disqualify Judge Sullivan Fire

>>117076 I think Putin is trolling the Dems

>>117077, >>117080, >>117082 Derek Chauvin released from prison - RIOTS INCOMING?

>>117079 White House Targets Ant Group, Tencent Payment Systems As Economic Assault On China Continues

>>117081 Q1001 HRC - Pure EVILTRUST THE PLAN

>>117083 Wells Fargo Cuts 700 Jobs As COVID-19-Inspired Bloodletting Begins

>>117084 #14026

(25 notables, 33 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173679

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10965693 Q Research General #14027: New filings in US vs Flynn Edition

Created 071728ZOCT20




>>117085 Ex-CIA officer exposes the DS, child trafficking, and adrenochrome

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d0ykT5nofm4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>117086 India launches antitrust probe into Google’s alleged abuse in smart TV market

>>117087 FBI, DOJ Hold Press Conference On 'Matter Of National Security' As Tension Mounts Over 'Russiagate' Inaction

>>117088 Antifa has barraged Portland with nightly violence for months — yet city officials just got 'anti-white supremacy' training due to 'threats'

>>117089 How about FLASHBACK: Raging Hillary knows she's guilty of treason

>>117090 The real ‘useful idiots’? Putin says Trump opponents using ‘Russia card’ to damage US president are playing into Moscow’s hands

>>117091 Trump Can't Block Subpoena For Tax Returns, Appeals Court Finds

>>117092 Chauvin is a clown.

>>117093, >>117096, >>117108, >>117114, >>117117, >>117118, >>117122 Other News

>>117094 BREAKING: Derek Chauvin, ex-cop charged in death of George Floyd, released on $1,000,000 bond

>>117095 Looks like there is a war coming up between Millitary and Three letter glowies.

>>117097 Joy Behar Fawns Over Nancy Pelosi in Friendly Interview: ‘I’m Dreaming of The Day We Say President Nancy Pelosi’

>>117098, >>117107, >>117119 PF

>>117099 Supreme Court Reinstates Witness Signatures For South Carolina Mail-In Ballots

>>117100, >>117115, >>117125 /COMMS/ IS HOLDING A TOWN HALL THURSDAY AT 7 - will censor anons that speak out against them.

>>117101 Handwritten Notes by OGC Attorney Released from Day After General Flynn Ambush Interview — DOJ Admits It Altered Notes!

>>117102 US, UK, and France Block Ex-OPCW Chief’s Testimony at UN

>>117103 Breaking C. Herridge

>>117104 Transparency

>>117105 As 98,000 Businesses Permanently Closed, the Fed and Treasury Have Sat on $340 Billion of Untapped Money from the CARES Act

>>117106 New York Times and CNN are going after Sessions and Rosenstein for separating children.

>>117109 BREAKING: Joe Biden is the subject of an active federal criminal investigation into his role in the counterintelligence investigation directed @ the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, incl the former vice president's activities in Ukraine.Ukrainian witnesses are cooperating

>>117110 Puerto Rico Governor Endorses President Trump Dealing Blow To Dems In Florida

>>117111 Pro-Israel groups audition Dems seeking top congressional foreign policy seat

>>117112 EU-ra appears on comms/Gay porn spammer appears on /qr/

>>117113 Proclamation on the Birthday of Founding Father Caesar Rodney

>>117116 NEW PDJT

>>117120 Top Democrats introduce resolution calling for mask mandate, testing program in Senate

>>117121 Justice Department Charges 500+ Domestic Violence-Related Firearm Cases in Fiscal Year 2020

>>117123 This /comms baker subversion is WAY BIGGER than you realize.

>>117124 Joe Biden Vows to ‘Pass Legislation Making Roe the Law of the Land’

>>117126 Shredded ballots

>>117127 Ohio: “Many Franklin County voters receive wrong absentee ballots in mail; no fix is ready yet”

>>117128 #14027


(35 notables, 45 posts, 62 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173680

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10966484 Q Research General #14028: Joe Biden Is The Subject Of an Active Federal Criminal Investigat Edition

Created 071830ZOCT20




>>117130 GOP source w/ White House ties: “Trump is being advised to resign in honor rather than leave in defeat. He fears prison. He wants to maintain campaign, but without Hicks, Conway & Miller, he's done. He’s really alone. He must be speaking with Pence about a pardon.” - FAKE NEWS

>>117131 List Of Major US Corporate Media’s Business Ties To China

>>117132 Twitter Locked POTUS Account


>>117134 "Correction but Breaking: Shredded Pennsylvania Mail in ballot Applications were discovered in a trailer.

>>117135 ICE arrests 128 illegal immigrants in Calif.; 96 percent had criminal charges or convictions

>>117136 Huge Voter Risks in Pennsylvania & Nationwide

>>117137 Moar Hanoi Jane

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BSFx7PxfVLI - Biden Surrogate Jane Fonda Calls Covid 'God's Gift to the Left' [Channel: Washington Free Beacon]

>>117138 France & Germany To Push For EU Sanctions On Russia's GRU Over Navalny

>>117139 POTUS tweet comm !!! !!! !!! !!! (3333) - Eyes On = @RepDougCollins

>>117140 Joe Biden is the Subject of Federal Criminal Investigation Into His Role in Spygate and Activities in Ukraine

>>117141 President Trump doctor update on the president’s condition: Fever-free for 4-plus days, symptom free for more than 24 hours. Oxygen levels back to normal.

>>117142 YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Provides Update on President’s Health and White House Operational Procedures

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bV9U-dg4LRA - White House blames Pelosi for stalled coronavirus talks [Channel: Fox News]

>>117143 Looked into the popular theory that Jim Watkins is 'Q,' with thoughts from @fr_brennan, the creator of 8chan.

>>117144, >>117150, >>117153, >>117156, >>117157 Never a direct answer


>>117146 Tides Center Funnels $170 Million in Taxpayer Money to Left-Wing Groups

>>117147 PF

>>117148 CAUGHT: Video Proves 'Undecided' Voters at Biden's NBC Town Hall Were Actually Biden Supporters - And NBC Knew!

>>117149 AG Barr says it’s ‘time to start rolling back’ coronavirus restrictions MAY 2020

>>117151 Seattle Paying Artists to Paint 'F*** Police' And 'All Cops Are Bastards' On Black Lives Matter Mural

>>117152 NJ mailman allegedly tossed 99 election ballots into dumpster

>>117154 The U.S. Attorney office in Portland, Oregon has charged a man with arson, days after the Multnomah County District Attorney failed to indict on multiple felony charges.

>>117155 Pelosi calls for ‘an intervention’ over Trump’s ‘denial’ about COVID-19

>>117158, >>117161 Prominent LI businessman to lead anti-Trump super PAC

>>117159 This election isn’t even hard. Trump wins.

>>117160 Over 100 Syrians Killed, Injured In Recent Al-Bab Bombing

>>117162 Bankers’ Corona Coup: UK Gov’t Debt Tops £2 Trillion – With No End in Sight

>>117163 BREAKING: ‘True the Vote’ Requests Supreme Court to Consider Its Montana Mail-In Vote Lawsuit as Legal Standard for Country

>>117164 Moar Transparency

>>117165 Sunnova Energy Int'l sold by Energy Capital Partners Managing Director Rahman D’Argenio: $140m-Oct 2

>>117166 Abortion-tainted mandatory COVID vaccine would be the beginning “of the Apocalypse” : Bishop Schneider

>>117167 A Closer Look At Turkey Intelligence’s Work To Recruit And Support Radical Militants

>>117168 ————————————–——– Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels?

>>117169 Supreme Court hears landmark $9B copyright fight between Oracle, Google

>>117170, >>117171 Cultural Marxism's Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America

>>117172 The Ultimate Troll: Hollywood Gets a Triggering, In-Your-Face Close-Up of Trump and It's Glorious

>>117173 "Facebook has just sent us this message. It’s a clear effort at censorship. Every link I post is from a legitimate source.'

>>117174 ————————————–——– How many people in DC does Clinton have dirt on?

>>117175 Defeat Communism — Republicans Tied or Leading Mail-In Ballot Returns in Arizona, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin

>>117176 #14028


(42 notables, 48 posts, 71 media/files)

Q- >>117168, >>117174, >>117177

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9d28d5 No.173681

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10967234 Q Research General #14029: Joe Biden Active Federal Criminal Investigation Edition

Created 071917ZOCT20




>>117178 UK, French, Belgian blanket spying systems ruled illegal by Europe’s top court

>>117179 The Chinese government invited then-astronaut Mark Kelly, now an Arizona Democratic Senate candidate, to an all-expenses-paid retreat at a countryside resort in 2003. He left China five days later not only with a future spouse, former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D., Ariz.), but also with lucrative regime business contacts.


>>117181 Trans-identifying children can’t consent to puberty blockers, lawyers argue, in landmark UK case against Tavistock clinic

>>117182 Why did the media stop talking about Sweden? Because no lockdowns looks like this:


>>117184 Ghislaine Maxwell hires ‘super lawyer’ who represented bin Laden’s henchman

>>117185 CBS Touts 'Groundbreaking Journalist' Connie Chung Endorsing Biden

>>117186 An E/A-18G Growler, from the “Cougars” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 139, makes an arrested gear landing on the flight deck aboard the aircraft carrier USS #Nimitz

>>117187 Trump Will Soon Speak Directly To The American People, Aide Says


>>117189 Mark Kelly Admits He Would Vote Against Judge Amy Coney Barrett

>>117190 Thousands of New Jersey Voters Receive Wrong Mail-in Ballots

>>117191 PF

>>117192 Ted Cruz: Tech Censorship Is Today’s Greatest Threat to Free Speech and Democracy

>>117193 Saudi-Led Coalition Intercepts Houthi Drone Launched Toward Kingdom - SPA

>>117194 White House Physician: Donald Trump Has COVID-19 Antibodies

>>117195 Bankrupt Hertz Drops "Offensive" Plan To Pay Millions In Executive Bonuses

>>117196 #14029, #14030, #14031 Needs checking

(19 notables, 19 posts, 12 media/files)

Q- >>117180, >>117183, >>117188

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9d28d5 No.173682

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10967987 Q Research General #14030: Threats, bribes & blackmail Edition

Created 071941ZOCT20




>>117197 Colombia is the keystone of U.S. policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

>>117198 New Colin Kaepernick project calls for utopian future without police or prisons

>>117199, >>117201, >>117205, >>117211 Planefag update.

>>117200 Qatar Files Formal Request to Obtain F-35 Jets From US

>>117202 TSA finds 2 handguns within an hour at Pittsburgh International Airport. In the past year 16 guns have been found.

>>117203 The Cult of Covidism Has Invaded the Church

>>117204 HRC stole the FBI files in 1993

>>117206 NEW PDJT

>>117207 _A CBS News investigation has found that at least one foreign company with close ties to its government has been giving generously to the foundation run by Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton._

>>117208 Schumer Pours Huge Funds Into Michigan To Save Democratic Senate Seat

>>117209, >>117219, >>117220 Transparency Report /comms/ bakers planning to create a new secret board so anons can't see discussion

>>117210 Fresh hope in the search for missing MH370 as suspected aircraft debris washes up on a remote beach in Australia's far north

>>117212 Donald Trump Jr. reportedly wanted a family 'intervention' to stop Trump's 'crazy behavior' at Walter Reed - Hitpeice

>>117213 Indictments for COVID-related Offenses Threaten to Inundate Israel's Justice System

>>117214 President Trump Rips Joe Biden for Creeping on Young Haitian Girls at Campaign Stop

>>117215 Puff deady: Eel dies after trying to swallow a deadly puffer fish which inflated itself in the predator's mouth -comms?

>>117216 Command master chief arrested and relieved

>>117217 Police: Transgender Woman Had Throat Slashed at LA Park After Attackers Say ‘We Don’t Want Gays Here!’

>>117218 Soldiers Won't Have to Pass Army Combat Fitness Test to Graduate Initial Training

>>117221, >>117222 PF

>>117223 New Jersey Mail Carrier Arrested and Charged For Dumping Mail, Including 99 Election Ballots

>>117224 #14029, #14030, #14031 Needs checking

(22 notables, 28 posts, 45 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173683

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10968765 Q Research General #14031: How many people in DC does Clinton have dirt on? Edition

Created 072024ZOCT20




>>117225 READ QR welcome message

>>117226 Judge Garaufis Recommends Minimum Security Danbury Prison Camp For Clare Bronfman, but He Doesn’t Have Final Say

>>117227 The post Clinton Foundation Partnered With Chinese Pharma appeared first on National File.

>>117228 PF Trust17 now Rider20

>>117229 Cannot be Unseen: Naked Celebs Tell Americans How to Vote by Mail

>>117230 Cayman Islands Removed From EU Tax Haven Blacklist

>>117231 Hillary Clinton, Steven Spielberg Women's Voting Anthology Lands at The CW

>>117232 A Trump Supporter Went Undercover to Find Support for Biden in Houston – She Found There Is None

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pByH5GnBxq0 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>117233 #14029, #14030, #14031 Needs checking

(9 notables, 9 posts, 14 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173684

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10969542 Q Research General #14031: Pure EVIL - Exposed Edition

Created 072120ZOCT20




>>117234 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Clinton Foundation / Verizon partner to promote Social Impact Innovation

>>117235 Tue 09.29.2020

>>117236 Wed 09.30.2020

>>117237 Minneapolis Protesters livestream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hHVxjhA_89M

>>117238 Thu 10.01.2020

>>117239 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Hillary Clinton tweet 'pure evil' eerie Q decode

>>117240 Biden subject of active Federal Investigation (Paul Sperry Tweet)

>>117241 DNI delivers 1000 pages of russia russia russia to DOJ

>>117242 ODNI provided 1000 pages of materials to DOJ in response to Duham (Catherine Herridge Tweet)

>>117243 New docs reveal top Officials condemned Biden's direction to use Logan Act against General Flynn

>>117244 ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED (Taylor Swift Tweet)

>>117245, >>117246, >>117254 Gov. Evers announces National Guard mobilized to support authorities in Wauwatosa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=d3Y-PZa8630 - 'We expect unrest:' Wauwatosa awaits decision in Alvin Cole shooting [Channel: FOX6 News Milwaukee]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TLsud5LQZIw - DASHCAM / WAUWATOSA POLICE / OFC JOSEPH MENSAH SHOT ALVIN COLE / 2-2-20 [Channel: Protester Privilege]

>>117247 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / /comms transparency

>>117248 Chief of Staff Mark Meadows: "The president wants to make sure that whatever drugs he was able to receive at Walter Reed – that all Americans can receive those drugs."

>>117249 PF NOAA Delta Ops

>>117250 Dem Sen. Coons: Amy Coney Barrett ‘Even More Conservative Than Justice Scalia’ — ‘Qualified as a Judge’

>>117251 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / IRS investigated for warrentless location tracking of Americans

>>117252, >>117266, >>117268 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Hillary responds to a NYT article then goes after not only Sessions, but RR (RR? WTH?)

>>117253 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Dr Fauci refusing to release his emails about China Virus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HAWif0Mp-4c - Clinton-Obamagate-Russiagate Conspiracy EXPOSED, Trump-COVID Update, Voter Fraud Update & MORE! [Channel: Judicial Watch]


>>117256 Why did Chief Justice go to Malta?

>>117257, >>117273 ————————————–——– Combat tactics, Mr Ryan. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b0e38a145c3a72df5b08264906eb5b2279d134564f8329decaf38f9e3190eab7.mp4

>>117258 As Election 2020 voting begins swing state voting proving disastrous

>>117259 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Seattle Human Rights Commission calls for Mayo Jenny Durkan to resign or be removed

>>117260 DJT 2 Year Delta Build a kit

>>117261 Shift 4 Payments sold by Searchlight Capital Partners:$68.76,-Oct 6 This follows a sale on Sept 15th of $366.74m-cap#2

>>117262 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Survivor of Communism warns Americans - 'This is just the beginning'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_NmVoGEVT94 - Megan Fox Interviews Communism Survivor at Walter Reed Medical Center [Channel: Megan Fox]

>>117263, >>117270, >>117272 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Regeneron posts

>>117264 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / DJT Tweet - A message from the President. China's fault (cap and mp4 video)

>>117265 Cal Cunningham Threatens to Unseat John Edwards As North Carolina’s Horniest Democrat

>>117267 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / DOJ produces new Flynn evidence 1/25/17 notes FBI Lawyer

>>117269 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Trump Campaign leaves ticket at VP Debate for Tupac

>>117271 DHS Omits ‘Antifa’ from Latest Domestic Threat Assessment

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/35d4d1a77a172394073f1e079433ed7fd490d5b5231671918efd66ef252b4b6e.pdf

>>117274 #14032

>>117275 #14032 Notes FINAL Bun Thank You NOTETAKER! / Combat Tactics Mr Ryan Video from Movie 'Red October'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PWU9g1Fce3U - The Hunt for Red October (7/9) Movie CLIP - Wrong Conclusions (1990) HD [Channel: Movieclips]

(35 notables, 42 posts, 39 media/files)

Q- >>117273

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173685

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10973292 Q Research General #14037: Always Ahead Edition

Created 080113ZOCT20




>>117330 Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris participate in the vice presidential debate in Salt Lake City, UT.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=t_G0ia3JOVs - Vice Presidential Debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>117331 Trump campaign leaves ticket for Tupac at VP debate after Kamala Harris named him ‘best rapper alive’

>>117332 Far Left “Moderator” Susan Page Opens Up VP Debate with a Whopper: “Coronavirus Not Under Control”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C_Ebwz_L7XQ - Far Left "Moderator" Susan Page Opens Up VP Debate with a Whopper: "Coronavirus Not Under Control" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>117333 ————————————–——– Mountain collapse? China seeking NK commitment to fire short[long]-range ballistic missile(s) pre_election?

>>117334 #14035, #14036, #14037

(5 notables, 5 posts, 1 media/file)

Q- >>117333

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173686

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10971793 Q Research General #14035: Control Edition

Created 072350ZOCT20




>>117276 VP DEBATE TIME!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7xRdhKxQ5O4 - WATCH: 2020 Vice Presidential Debate from Salt Lake City, Utah #VPDebate [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>117277, >>117279, >>117283 Notables Bun for #14035 / Courts were rigged for red

>>117278 Notables Bun for #14035 / LA: Discarded ballots near South Los Angeles

>>117280, >>117281, >>117308 /comms transparency

>>117282 Trial lawyers snatch half of Hidalgo County’s $1.35M settlement, U.S. Rep. Gonzalez's cut comes to $118K

>>117284, >>117286 Notables Bun for #14035 / (pb) Regeneron given orally or via iv

>>117285 Notables Bun for #14035 / EVMS public Covid Protocol

>>117287 Notables Bun for #14035 / So is Regeneron the Clone Factory?

>>117288 Notables Bun for #14035 / POTUS My highly regarded Executive Order protected 525,000 American jobs during the height of the Chinese Plague

>>117289, >>117299 Notables Bun for #14035 / Catherine, breaking it down. Director Haspel "[W]e are becoming increasingly disappointed by the CIA’s continued inability to timely respond

>>117290 #2 in Command to Marines Contracted COVID

>>117291, >>117295 Notables Bun for #14035 / HitPiece Right-wing QAnon conspiracy theorists see their pages banned across all Facebook platforms

>>117292 Notables Bun for #14035 / James Woods Hey anons i just got on and looking through Trump's tweets This video is from a suspended account - any idea what it was?

>>117293 Abortion Survivor interview on OANN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S50TZMhbwbs - Abortion Survivor Praises Pro-Life Trump Admin. [Channel: One America News Network]

>>117294 White House Security Official Reportedly Caught COVID-19 Weeks Ago, Is 'Gravely Ill'

>>117296 Notables Bun for #14035 / Trump's recovery has emasculated the left's emotional terrorism

>>117297 Notables Bun for #14035 / Top White House security official Crede Bailey has been hospitalized with COVID-19 and is 'gravely ill'

>>117298 Notables Bun for #14035 / Trump Says All US Troops in Afghanistan Will Be 'Home By Christmas'

>>117300, >>117305, >>117307 Notables Bun for #14035 / DJT

>>117301, >>117303 Notables Bun for #14035 / Pope Condemns Death Penalty While Praising Pro-Death Penalty Imam

>>117302 Notables Bun for #14035 / Feds Charge Violent Portland Arsonist Who Was Set Free by the Local DA

>>117304 Notables Bun for #14035 / QAnon Was Kicked Off Facebook. Now Where Does It Go?

>>117306 Notables Bun for #14035 / VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: VP Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris — With Pelosi Biographer Susan Page as Moderator

>>117309 Notables Bun for #14035 / Anon: Combat Tactics POTUS

>>117310 Notables Bun for #14035 / Etsy to Remove All QAnon Merchandise

>>117311 Notables Bun for #14035 / Giuliani Takes Hydroxychloroquine Despite Testing Negative for COVID

>>117312 Donald Trump is Chief Law Enforcement Officer (Anon opines)

>>117313 Notables Bun for #14035 / White House reporters encouraged to stay away due to coronavirus spread

>>117314 Notables Bun for #14035 / Lindsey Graham's 17-Year Run as SC Senator Now a Toss Up With Democrat Jaime Harrison

>>117315 Notables Bun for #14035 / Martha McSally: Mark Kelly So Proud of Chinese Communist Party He Took Their Banner to Space

>>117316 Notables Bun for #14035 / 'Increasingly hostile': Flynn lawyers argue Judge Sullivan must recuse from case due to bias

>>117317 Notables Bun for #14035 / Sidney Powell Just authorized, not ordered

>>117318 Notables Bun for #14035 / Regulators Fine Citigroup $400 Million Over ‘Serious Ongoing Deficiencies’

(33 notables, 43 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173687

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10975201 Q Research General #14039: Voracious Lies Edition

Created 080214ZOCT20




>>117349, >>117367 (You) Q Post mini bun

>>117350 Thank you anon. Notes from 14038

>>117351, >>117353 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / Clinton Foundation Donors Flocking To The McCain Institute (June 2017)

>>117352, >>117354, >>117362 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / FLY on VP Pence (CAP)

>>117355 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / There was a team of disease experts that President Obama and VP Biden dispatched to China to monitor what is now predictable… and (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ea182c422ed80c5fe2ec077d46d6b582860157d7e6a662f6b0579582e744086.mp4

>>117356 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / Iraq election: Fire at Bagdad ballot paper depot

>>117357 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / HRC Codename: Evergreen

>>117358 PAUL RYAN

>>117359, >>117360, >>117363, >>117386, >>117388 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / PB, Q

>>117361 Bread 14035 notables

>>117364 Bread 14036 notables

>>117365 The Fly attacks Pence's Sweet Do'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c0ba8216bb4d658f96e642e8bb3b96cee12ae1ca0daab1f4a13106c95a437f2.mp4

>>117366 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / PF These are known tails for Nightwatch. Not all may be active or flying at this time.

>>117368 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / The McCain-Soros connection: It started after senator got caught in ‘Keating Five’ scandal

>>117369 The Constitutional Reckoning Of State Lockdown Orders

>>117370 Anon asks if anyone has dugg on Sperry tweet on whistleblower Eric Ciaramella


>>117372 Decode?

>>117373, >>117375, >>117384 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / The term Color Revolution

>>117374, >>117385 Things to remember…

>>117376 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / Randy Quaid for keks

>>117377 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris says she is black, but identified as Indian in 2016

>>117378 #14039

>>117379 Psalm 91

>>117380 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039 / China Censors Pence in debate

>>117381 UK Royal Air Force plane captures rare weather phenomenon ‘St. Elmo's Fire’ near Equator

>>117382 Comms Transparency

>>117383 Single largest donor to Shadow App, the failed Iowa Caucus App is… George Soros

>>117387 VP Polls FLIP EM!

(29 notables, 40 posts, 38 media/files)

Q- >>117371

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173688

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10975953 Q Research General #14040: Gleaming Truth Edition

Created 080237ZOCT20




>>117389 Thank You Anon! Final for #14039

>>117390, >>117410, >>117417, >>117424, >>117438, >>117447, >>117449 Wallander Digs

>>117391, >>117392, >>117393, >>117404, >>117416, >>117423, >>117425, >>117428, >>117429, >>117436, >>117441 Things to Remember…

>>117394 OSCE to Deliver Accurate Assessment of US Election Despite COVID-19 Limits, Spokesperson Says

>>117395, >>117411, >>117434 COLOR REVOLUTION

>>117396 POTUS Tweets: 2010 to 2016 under Kamala Harris's watch as "TOP COP.”

>>117397 Bias?

>>117398, >>117407 PF

>>117399 This is a terrific thread showing how MANY of the "500 former national security officials that formally back Biden" are connected to CHINA!!

>>117400, >>117415 "Given that DS has used games in the past thought I'd make mention…"

>>117401 C-SPAN Make a call anons Redpill America Live. Compose yourself however. Speak with dignity and Intellect

>>117402 Ric Grenell Tweet - China wants Joe Biden

>>117403 Senators urge US to sanction Turkey taking S-400 missiles from Russia

>>117405, >>117406, >>117445 CONTROL THE POLL!

>>117408 BLM has moved residential Red Alert frens Lock up!

>>117409, >>117418, >>117421, >>117427, >>117433 Comms Transparency

>>117412 California reduces penalties for oral/anal sex with willing children

>>117413 Ryan's Family Business built on US Government Contracts

>>117414 Anon playlist links

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YP1QHVNHMAE - Two Steps From Hell - Freedom Fighters (Invincible [Channel: Two Steps From Hell]


>>117420 Kamala's Record of Foul Play

>>117422 Culp debating China Inslee for WA gov race Live currently

>>117426 ODNI Ratliffe didn't release 1000 pages of 'muh Russia' to DURHAM not the DOJ

>>117430 Funny…Lou Dobbs mentions Paul Ryan's failure to issue subpoenas @ 5:05 mark of tonight's segment with Rudy Giuliani:

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77f5433a9b8b780ec5e21a916385454c50b3a2c8f397f5c886bf2770d6b86d6d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2161b93c319186c99c0570b07854b6b1196e7e6391157d253110e41c84639154.mp4

>>117431, >>117435, >>117439, >>117440 Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak

>>117432 Economic Achievements And Setbacks Of Erdogan’s Neo-Ottoman Empire

>>117437 Marine Corps Assistant Commandant Is 2nd Top Military Leader to Contract COVID-19

>>117442, >>117443, >>117444 Kek

>>117446 AFP Reports on Hong Kong's Cardinal Joseph Zen, 88

>>117448 Thank You ANONS! Wow missed a Q and noone said anything about it till now… Good catch anon Thank you.

>>117450 Ric Grenell kek

>>117451, >>117452 #14040

(32 notables, 64 posts, 74 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173689

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10976752 Q Research General #14041: Shadow Rule Edition

Created 080323ZOCT20




>>117453, >>117475 Anon Bun - Heros of the time. #14039

>>117454 Pedophile Push in Cali {This was foretold.}

>>117455, >>117461, >>117467, >>117482, >>117488, >>117490, >>117495 Moar Wallander

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7HbxFKPfvcY - In Conversation with Celeste Wallander [Channel: KrasnoUNC]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9d1495d20de4efec9162e65cebe01ba0ec02ab4a2c490caa559866a323266cc8.mp4

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bb0d377b16fc2ae74a2e2d400a1a0d1e15560fe3e15947d22332d9968ff3f219.pdf

>>117456, >>117463, >>117468, >>117497 Things to Remember…

>>117457, >>117459, >>117460, >>117464 Antifa takes it to suburban residences

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d0b892b697acb70c622a40448ab7c4a2d958b86409dabe52f5180c674280e79.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/987fd2978f78788cdab094702bb60867a6c276686ded467d8a9f40bb8b6393a6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c9d5da1244385a6866c68a037708cf38a71be5740b01388612270919155dee7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/27fdcdd08d6c858e10355441521c2e10ce3003a0fe8c4c7b6f910c90354a3b66.mp4

>>117458 #14040

>>117462 A good redpill video showing the seemingly innocent groups targeting young teens for insurgent actions, their goals, and who is behind them.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DgsnyHILdb8 - Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned [Channel: Millennial Millie]

>>117465 Pompeo Seeks 'Asian NATO' To Counter China In Talks With Japan, India & Australia

>>117466, >>117470 Comms Transparency

>>117469, >>117472, >>117483, >>117485, >>117487, >>117496, >>117498, >>117500 Pole Flippers - Watch the numbers

>>117471 Putin Hails Successful Launch of Zircon Hypersonic Cruise Missile as 'Major Event' for Russia

>>117473, >>117476 Nightwatch

>>117474, >>117478 Further Bias Exposed: Speaking times at the debate. Reports that Pence was consistently cut off before the 2 minute or 1 minute mark and Kamala after the cut off times.

>>117477, >>117481, >>117486, >>117494 Fly A Fly. Not the content of the debate but… A Fly. This is the focus of the media.

>>117479 Tear Gas Party!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Fwms4nFn8mA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>117480, >>117489 DOJ Meeting notes on Flynn day after interview

>>117484 Deltas…

>>117491 LIVE in Boro Park, Brooklyn. They don't let us celebrate in the synagogue, so we celebrate in the street. (aka peaceful protester)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5c6ab8f0eae7b9af48185c743537b5b96c2205b9467574ed67800cbb38fc7c05.mp4

>>117492 Janna Ryan is the wife of U.S. Congressman and former Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan…


>>117499 ALL CAPS COMMS?


>>117502 #14041

(23 notables, 50 posts, 60 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173690

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10972547 Q Research General #14036 IAO Edition

Created 080036ZOCT20




>>117320, >>117321 Comms Transparency

>>117322 Mail in Ballot Applications in Pennsylvania sent by Trump found destroyed

>>117323 Coverage of VP Debate

>>117324 anon notables being stolen for twitter likes?

>>117325 Trump Admin asks SCOTUS to halt Census count

>>117326, >>117327 ————————————–——– "This Executive order shall remain in effect until November 3, 2020." Was this ever about the virus? (Cap: )

>>117328 ————————————–——– Joe 30330 Arbitrary? What is 2020 [current year] divided by 30330? Symbolism will be their downfall.

>>117329 ————————————–——– Can music be healing? Q

(8 notables, 10 posts, 10 media/files)

Q- >>117326, >>117328, >>117329

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173691

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10974389 Q Research General #14038: VP Pence Rocks The Debate Against Kamala! Edition

Created 080152ZOCT20




>>117335, >>117342, >>117343 ————————————–——– Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter? (Caps: )

>>117336 Anon info on missile from Q Post

>>117337 Cap from Q post about missile Q 1728

>>117338 Mystery of object spotted over Whidbey Island

>>117339 ————————————–——– How much was McCain [>McCaine Institute] paid to peddle the Steele dossier? What is the going rate for a UNITED STATES SENATOR to [knowingly] push false unverified intel to the FBI [lend credibility]?

>>117340 Constitutional Reckoning of State Lockdowns

>>117341 POTUS "Pence is doing GREAT!

>>117344 US Catholic Church names 1000+ Priests accused of Child Sex Abuse

>>117345 Digg on McCain Institute

>>117346 POTUS tweet Moderator cut off VP while discussing Knights of Columbia

>>117347 McCain Institute raises eyebrows among Conservative Groups

>>117348 ————————————–——– Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs? What is the going rate for THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE to obstruct Congressional investigations for the purposes of delaying and/or eliminating its findings? [protect]

(12 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>117335, >>117339, >>117348

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9d28d5 No.173692

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10977494 Q Research General #14042: Out Of Shadows Edition

Created 080420ZOCT20




>>117503 Wow @GovInslee, two days after CHOP was established and earned local and national coverage and trended on Twitter, said "That's news to me… I've not heard anything about that." Then he laughed.

>>117504 Science under Trump: Four key moments

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=K6Ss4uyC9_A - Science under Trump: Four key moments [Channel: nature video]

>>117505 ArchiveAnon

>>117506 Even the animals know... CNN reporter attacked by a raccoon before going live at the White House

>>117507 Wallander digs cont.

>>117508, >>117509, >>117511, >>117513, >>117515, >>117518, >>117519, >>117521 Things to remember...

>>117510, >>117516 #14032, #14033

>>117512 The prime minister's complete silence over Likud minister Gila Gamliel's lockdown breach and her lies about it prove once again that Benjamin Netanyahu is not even capable of keeping up the façade of true leadership

>>117514 What Russia declassification looks like when bureaucrats get involved: a big black blob

>>117517 Republican MAGA Man protects a Liberal girl. FAITH IN HUMANITY restored!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Z6PFl8kgt-k - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>117520 Free sub to OANN thru end of the year

(11 notables, 19 posts, 18 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173693

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10978276 Q Research General #14043: Darkest Before Dawn Edition

Created 080527ZOCT20




>>117522 "America May Need International Intervention "

>>117523, >>117568 California Attorney General Kamala Harris has decided that she won't review the San Diego County Sheriff Department's findings that the bizarre death of Rebecca Zahau, the girlfriend of Scottsdale-based Medicis CEO Jonah Shacknai, was a suicide.

>>117524, >>117526, >>117528, >>117529, >>117530, >>117534, >>117540, >>117541, >>117542, >>117543, >>117544, >>117545, >>117548, >>117549, >>117550, >>117551, >>117552, >>117553 CGI Fly? Eye?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d51538b6487fb4bf62d7b93dc8c1afb5da6d00ab33faa8bd39de5adf1b32f05.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6_uVJCn7xOs - ☕ Pimplegate Explained 🇺🇸 NBC Digitally Adds Pimple To Tulsi Gabbard's Face #tulsi2020 #pimplegate [Channel: Coffee and Nuance]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/94886547293aa5e6dd4e05ebd72016244ed09ec08fae1cf8b88c73716ee28515.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cF0-nslm3j0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TncaJ5XmEso - Sen. Kamala Harris, VP Mike Pence face off in vice presidential debate in Utah [Channel: KTLA 5]

>>117525, >>117554, >>117555, >>117556, >>117559, >>117560, >>117564, >>117570, >>117578, >>117581 Things To Remember...

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/76a4b61f82f44ccfc828497cbdcbae27cc332013af7ab65d07e1f116fdacc8fa.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55389d8fe41d31e9069af04cc7fa600accfcf3ca5441299e3ef00b3c25244ff4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df11e01332349b680f53a9e520f1950348ca569dad8423c7f4fb683e307c5ebf.mp4

>>117527, >>117531 People Lie Numbers don't Kamala likability akin to Hillary

>>117532, >>117533 Leftists and RINOs, the minds of pure projectists. To cover their crimes, they accuse the Right of what they are guilty of. Communist playbook. Marxism

>>117535, >>117537 Kamala Comms on stage


>>117538, >>117563, >>117572, >>117576 WERE THE POLICE GOING TO BE USED TO ROUND US UP? Disarm us? Why would he weaken the military and strengthen the police

>>117539, >>117566, >>117567, >>117575 On the Russia topic, some Maria Butina legal docs, given Byrne is in the notes here: Ex-CEO Patrick Byrne related.. / (PB)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T5J-1rs1LJo - Exclusive: Former Overstock CEO speaks out on his [Channel: Fox Business]

>>117546, >>117584 CONTROL THE POLL!

>>117547 Further delay is unacceptable': GOP senators demand CIA Director Gina Haspel hand over Trump-Russia documents

>>117557 Armenia Rocked By Pedophilia Scandal

>>117558 Mind-altering THC chemical in cannabis could help prevent and treat deadly COVID-19 complications by blocking harmful immune response, research shows..

>>117561 Charges Filed Against Trans Elections Judge ‘Erika’ Bickford in Allentown, Pennsylvania — Including Tampering with Ballots

>>117562 Submarine Launched Anti Aircraft Missles

>>117565 BLUF: Ex-CEO of Overstock.com writes public letter explaining how the Obama administration tried to blackmail HRC so that they could control her for her 8 year presidency and then insert Big Mike.

>>117569, >>117574 #14038, #14039

>>117571 PF

>>117573, >>117585, >>117589 Loren Culp smoked Governor Inslee tonight!!! Maybe there is hope for Washington State yet!

>>117577 Watch for those new talking points it's that time. USA Today's flygate obsession is WAY overboard.

>>117579 #14042

>>117580, >>117582, >>117583 Big Drop /comms/ Transparency

>>117586, >>117588 Butthurt forever - "Report that Trump may hold campaign event next week in Pittsburgh spurs criticism" - Conveniently COVID Cases Increase overnight

>>117587 Is this Elder Abuse? August Article - Nursing homes accuse Washington state of diverting millions in federal COVID-19 funds to other state coffers

(25 notables, 68 posts, 67 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173694

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10979261 Q Research General #14044: Run To The LIGHT Edition

Created 080826ZOCT20




>>117590, >>117594 /comms/ Transparency

>>117591 ID for everything but Elections? Unsound Logic.

>>117592 Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has approved the release to the Department of Justice of a large binder full of documents to assist a review of the Obama administration’s handling of the Trump-Russia investigation, according to a source with direct knowledge of the materials and confirmed by Ratcliffe.

>>117593, >>117597 Why Won’t They Give Up on Flynn? Because It Leads Right to Obama/Biden This article appears in the October 9, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

>>117595 Shadow Donors to Facebook Fact Checker

>>117596, >>117600, >>117606 Pence Aces The Audition

>>117598, >>117601 Are Americans Tired of Being Called ‘Racist’ Yet? Michelle Obama makes her “closing argument” for Biden.+Moar on Bidan

>>117599, >>117611, >>117613 On the Russia topic, some Maria Butina legal docs, given Byrne is in the notes here: Ex-CEO Patrick Byrne related..

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fa8596d6bd4b31e2de96732c8c1e8f5efae617536ca549262f42ea16f9e14554.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eaa61a0b93b56c0ad0410267781963125cdae6494b65b0336bcfa1a5644c5db8.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91b0024ae82ff3baedd482145c9ab26785f544d66cec1c1926963c82d4b1384e.pdf

>>117602 Less Cleanup after the fact poor souls. Cashier at Business Being Pillaged By Black Lives Matter Rioters Hands Out Plastic Bags to Help Mob Carry Their Looted Goods (VIDEO)

>>117603, >>117607, >>117608, >>117626 FlyGate just got VERY Interesting...Annnnd Checked. Good Work Anons.

>>117604 Army Reserve: We’re Opening An Investigation Into Cunningham; Mistress’ Husband Demands Cunningham Withdraw

>>117605 The theory was even debunked in special counsel Robert Mueller's report.

>>117609 #14043

>>117610, >>117612 Homeowner Confronts Armed Rioters Smashing Homes in Wisconsin: ‘Do You Know How Many People Who Support You Live on This Street?’ (VIDEO)

>>117614 CNN’s Jake Tapper Tries to Explain Away Kamala’s Trainwreck Debate Performance by Saying She is a Woman (VIDEO)

>>117615, >>117620, >>117628, >>117629, >>117631, >>117632, >>117637, >>117638 Things to remember...

>>117616 Ellen DeGeneres’ TV Ratings Are Tanking After Toxic Workplace Allegations

>>117617, >>117651 Thought Police! Facebook's actions against QAnon are overdue — and may not be enough, experts say

>>117618 The Mathematics of emotion the formal mathematical theory, Reflexive control theory was developed by the mathematician Vladimir Lefevre who did his early work in Russia but now at UC Irvine, emeritus.

>>117619, >>117623, >>117639 Remember when they lied about checking the e-mails and it's legality on the news? You remember when Roger Stone got Arrested because Of Seth Rich and Coris too.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kK5YFos56ZU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PgKCNaDFl_U - Roger Stone Discusses Seth Rich Awan Brothers Debbie Wasserman Schultz 8 1 2017 [Channel: N Jacobson]

>>117621 In the past two decades JPMorgan alone has paid more than $30 billion in fines for money laundering and scamming the public. Their CEO is Jamie Dimon, who ought to be in prison for the rest of his life. The problem is that the fines are only a fraction of the money-laundering profits, so essentially the governments are being given a kickback for allowing the big banks to continue their criminal activity.

>>117622 JANE WONDA Ageless Jane Fonda, 82, looks amazing in stiletto boots and a scarlet blazer, dress and gloves

>>117624 Arbitrator or Curator...WATCH: Moderator Opens Debate With Loaded Question On Coronavirus, Hitting Trump Admin

>>117625 Donald Trump: The epitome of American grit

>>117627 Texas Dem House Candidate Hasn’t Lived in Texas for Years Helane Seikaly used parents' address to vote in Texas while she lived in California

>>117630, >>117633 Brad Parscale cried during arrest, told officers his wife won’t have sex with him

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9d25c87ef5850d5e50afea170dd6600bc511dc99debe4a0709c6aa2276d63e6.mp4

>>117634 Midnight Oil Burning From Rudy Giuliani The constant smiling and smirking are usual for CLOWNS not superior trial lawyers. It’s the refuge of the incompetent who can’t think on their feet and develop a strong counter attack.

>>117635, >>117641, >>117648 If Not Racism - SEXISM ALL THE ISMS - How You Know Kamala Lost… Stephanopoulos: “A Lot of People Were Noticing Some Mansplaining Going On Tonight” (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f2c9a6bc12fc002f31440390ea05e1ae15913fa539d838f4e3cb2cdb7eda7cde.mp4

>>117636 Paul Ryan - delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud

>>117640 "What a Beautiful Black Sky…"

>>117642 Rising Cricketer Inspires

>>117643 Armenia Dismisses National Security Chief

>>117644 Bill O'Reilly Pummels J Rubin O'Reilly the Best Notetaker. Best Bloviator. KEEP IT PITHY BABY!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b6076d368b135628c49a740972b6ec9c7bd09eb6aa09a6ce41c1ec423446848.mp4

>>117645 They Want You To Be Afraid


>>117647 Restaurant menus are getting smaller. Here's what some big chains are dropping, FDA Temporarily Allowing Food Ingredient Swaps Without Label Changes (Alarming)

>>117650, >>117657 Bill Binney: Of the NSA Discusses True origin of Russiagate [Excerpt]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U-k84HQyIZw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7NfW9FsAtn4 - Courts Vindicate SNOWDEN! with NSA Whistle-blower BILL BINNEY! [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>117652 Iranian Terror Proxies Prop Up Venezuela’s Maduro, Report Says

>>117653, >>117654, >>117656, >>117658 Adorn Your Armour Of God Anons ~ Thank You BiblaAnon Morning Scripture Isaiah, Psalms

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf7d586f83ce5fb48d1d3c23294d21b4a7d241d6e877c36cf2913db012cdcf9d.mp4

>>117655 Huawei: (UK)MPs claim 'clear evidence of collusion' with Chinese Communist Party

>>117659 Busta Rhymes ~ The Prophecy Symbolisms Frens.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d06d5f7162282ad405ffc1b87ca11aac259ed08187dd7f350309430c2690df4e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bf62262ec2fd071ae9f2dab5f236b848981fb6226cbc774e9659b3867a979f1c.mp4

>>117660 Looking for Evidence of the Construction of Iran’s New Centrifuge Assembly Plant: New Possible Preparations Identified

>>117661 "Can music be healing?" Does this refer to Tesla's frequency healing machine?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PsaXmvHnpNY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>117662, >>117665 Dan The Man, The Myth, the Legend, - The Barbarian

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/142126d5baad24bc2d0e11ba0378919baad5db828cda900103531ca064b0ddb9.mp4

>>117663, >>117667 PF BHO?

>>117664, >>117666 Alert: Commission: 2nd Trump-Biden debate will be 'virtual' amid concerns about Trump's COVID-19

>>117668, >>117669 #14044

(47 notables, 80 posts, 88 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173695

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10980116 Q Research General #14045: OUR POTUS STANDS WITH AND FOR THE PEOPLE. ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED. Edition

Created 081145ZOCT20




>>117670, >>117672 Promises Made Promises Kept

>>117671 AOC to VP Pence: ‘It’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez to you’

>>117673 Guess The Scripture!

>>117674 In a 16-hour sortie, our #B1B Lancers flew over the Arctic Circle and passed directly over the North Pole to perform interoperability training with the Norwegian air force. #StrongerTogether #alwaysready

>>117675, >>117677 POTUS LIVE FOX BIZ https://ustv247.tv/foxbusinesslive/

>>117676 Let Anons Guess... BLM? Where did the $1 billion NYC took away from the NYPD go?

>>117678 The #FBI honors Supervisory Special Agent Rex Aaron Stockham, who died #OTD in 2016 from cancer connected to his response to the crash site in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the day of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. #NeverForget

>>117679 In Jesus Name it is done. Stay Blessed Anons

>>117680 U.S. Army won't require Army Combat Fitness Test scores in training ~ What Branch of the Military was Aquiano?

>>117681 Biden PRO Paris Accord

>>117682 Class Action Lawsuit Time Soon Anons.

>>117683 CORNWATCH!

>>117684, >>117692 D5

>>117685 840,000 Americans Filed For First-Time Unemployment Benefits Last Week

>>117686 extra E in McCain(E) could point to E Charter Schools

>>117687 Democrats Ad

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qSR1w09_EfM - Democrats Ad [Channel: Kevin Presents]

>>117688 Evergreen?

>>117689 Computers scientists that made up phony story of Trump and Alpha Bank may be indicted by Durham

>>117690 John Miles was the light keeper at Amelia Island Light in FL in the late 1800s. Miles' leg was amputated and he used a prosthetic, but he continued to climb 45 feet of ladder to maintain the light twice a day.

>>117691 Eyes Open Anons. they are looking to FF HARD This week.

>>117693 Keep Your Eyes Focused On God.

>>117694 #14045

(22 notables, 25 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173696

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10982466 Q Research General #14048: DIY Cuz Nobody's Gonna MAGA For Ya Edition

Created 081617ZOCT20




>>117728, >>117732 Trump on Rush Limbaugh show Friday

>>117729 Russia now rejects such talk as ‘color revolution,’ but Vladimir Putin and Bill Clinton discussed removing Slobodan Milošević from power 20 years ago

>>117730 Ex-CEO of Overstock.com writes public letter explaining how the Obama administration tried to blackmail HRC so that they could control her for her 8 year presidency and then insert Big Mike.

>>117731 Glenn Beck was trying to warn us about George Soros years ago

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mItj4bA9Rn4 - George Soros Exposed - Puppet master Glenn Beck [Channel: Khonski]

>>117733 Meadows and Google?

>>117734 Strategic Vision for America's Quantum Networks

>>117735 Etsy to Remove All QAnon Merch

>>117736 Fan-made tribute to V has the same music as Q drop

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0fDOdzY18XE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>117737 AG Barr announced cryptocurrency enforecement framework

>>117738 Multiple unrelated Russian Bear stories today.

>>117739 UPDATE: Trump campaign agrees to Biden proposal to pushing the second debate to October 22 and a third debate on October 29

>>117740 A Washington state-based naval aviator died late last month in a hiking accident, officials have confirmed.

>>117741 Susan Page, last night's debate moderator, is married to Carl P. Leubsdorf, a journalist who has spoken out AGAINST President Trump

>>117742 China is funelling $$ to Biden/Harris through The Sea Change Foundation, The Sierra Club and The Sunrise Movement.

>>117743 Fire engulfs 33 floor building in Ulsan, South Korea

>>117744, >>117745 (You) color revolution series needs a bundle, this is part 5

>>117746 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge 9:14 AM · Oct 8, 2020

>>117747 More Trump On Limbaugh

>>117748 Comey's loyalty was not to the Constitution and the people. It was to the Clintons.

>>117749 it was known and planned that the lock down would still be in place for the 2020 General Elections.

>>117750 Chris Wray is now stonewalling a Congressional investigation into Hunter Biden by refusing to turn over documents.

>>117751 FLOTUS: Thank you to the students in the Vida Del Norte “Active8” Drug-Free Communities program in NM who are finding fulfillment in internships, volunteering, & community involvement.

>>117752 cnn just gave away the plot on this michigan FF

(23 notables, 25 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173697

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10983209 Q Research General #14049: Why Didn't (You) Take Notes? Edition

Created 081726ZOCT20




>>117753 Color Revolution Multi-Graphic

>>117754 Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Publication of Cryptocurrency Enforcement Framework

>>117755 Idiots in the NFL/NBA

>>117756 The Joint Staff Twitter

>>117757 New POTUS Video

>>117758 Former Intel Officials Scramble To Downplay Ratcliffe's Russiagate Releases

>>117759 Hillary Clinton - There he goes, projecting again.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06029a052dc43ffaaf436a84c1e4b4737aa15d8e004deb6aeaa3197801c18303.mp4

>>117760 Here it is…..the reason for michigan false flag

>>117761 Have you wondered why Biden/Harris REFUSE to condemn China?

>>117762 Killary saying Potus is Projecting. 2 Year Delta of Q2369 Timestamp Proves?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3daa26a11c99b1a848392fe64e39986e94420f23d7e25761038f908bdab833fe.mp4

>>117763, >>117773, >>117783, >>117785 MOAR Comms Tranparency

>>117764 Trump is an actual meme god.

>>117765, >>117775, >>117780, >>117781, >>117784, >>117806 International News

>>117766 US-China standoff creating conditions similar to pre-WWI Europe, Kissinger warns

>>117767 Gen. Stanley McChrystal Says He Agonized Over Decision to Endorse Biden

>>117768 NO! Kamala and China Joe – Stop Carrying Water for China! US Economy Was ON FIRE While China Was Imploding Due to President Trump’s Trade Deal

>>117769 CBS DFW: Texas mayoral candidate Zul Mirza Mohamed arrested and charged with 109 counts of voter fraud

>>117770 McCabe on CNN tie Russia and Trump to Michigan plot

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b66c76203ad45ec6c96c5cc8df61608a292a1d209f26a28b5f6995cc0223a3c1.mp4

>>117771 COVID-19 Is 'Unrestricted Bioweapon': Whistleblower Releases Second Paper Alleging 'Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud'

>>117772 FBI Stonewalls Over Hunter Biden; Refuses To Provide Congress Answers On Burisma, China

>>117774 Vatican Used Donation Money To Fund Extremely Risky Bet On Hertz Credit Derivatives

>>117776, >>117808, >>117810 PF

>>117777 Couple charged in Smyrna Delaware child remains discovery case

>>117778 Senators Say CIA Director Is Withholding Trump-Russia Intel

>>117779 Nancy Pelosi Hints at Plot to Remove Trump from Office Before Election: ’25th Amendment’

>>117782 Deported Child Sex Offender Arrested Moving Around Texas Checkpoint

>>117786 Fake News Washington Post - Trump is desperate, so ‘Obamagate’ is back. But it still makes no sense.

>>117787 The Biden Doctrine: Cheerlead Wars, Feign Ignorance Later

>>117788 A federal appeals court has blocked a decision to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin. Democrats will almost certainly appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

>>117789 WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu

>>117790 Microsoft cloud outages continue as Office and Outlook customers report problems

>>117791 #14048

>>117792 “Great” …it’s looking like the man in charge of investigating the fraud for the Russia Hoax from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is a “longtime FBI agent and a first responder to the scene” of Sandy Hook

>>117793 While meanwhile, the CCP has actually taken an innocent hostage…four days ago:

>>117794 Vote counting for the presidential race begins!

>>117795 Face with tears of joy Cunningham had sex with his mistress in his house after she flew across the country during a global pandemic

>>117796 POTUS Required Walter Reed Staff To Sign Nondisclosure Agreement In 2019

>>117797 Brandon Caserta, one of the ringleaders of the group of men arrested for a plot where the group planned to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e27a029a204e5fe0eea462d561e7cc6e86b8e80afe2b37209ecae07cdd28161.mp4

>>117798 GOP Representative Gooden Asks EPA and DOJ to Investigate China Funneling Donations to Biden Through ‘Green Groups’

>>117799 ETSY INC Diggs

>>117800 FBI Refuses to Provide Answers to Congressional Inquiries Related to Hunter Biden’s Criminal Activities Revealed in Bombshell Senate Report

>>117801 Kamala Harris's Ratings Plummet As People Realize They'd Have To Listen To Her Voice For Next 4 Years

>>117802 Cali cities using lawsuits to impose climate policies on Texas, Exxon tells Supreme Court

>>117803 The CIA and the Media: 50 Historical Facts the World Needs to Know

>>117804 Let's still hope that it is possible to get rid of the DS…

>>117805 @CIA Twitter

>>117807 Look at the antifa flag in the background! - Brandon was going after COPS.

>>117809 The Hutaree militia wanted to start a war on the US government, federal officials argued. But a judge said the lack of any clear plans shows it was protected speech, not a criminal plot.

>>117811 #14049,

(49 notables, 59 posts, 92 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173698

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10980872 Q Research General #14046: Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels Edition

Created 081322ZOCT20




>>117695 Police raid DFB offices across Germany in tax fraud probe

>>117696 The Trade War did not result in the loss of 300,000 jobs

>>117697 As Maria Bartiromo tries to end the interview, Trump yells out of nowhere, "why isn't Hillary Clinton being indicted?!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d51eec4c9a397852280e5bf99a59db17b70394371fbb992aaa3c0b2d1f4c81b3.mp4

>>117698 Q tipping us to Avenatti's tweet foreshadowing the SLBM assassination attempt.

>>117699 noticing when a bad story comes out about china weird stories from china daily mail fuck with search results

>>117700 today's Q-clock + Grassley status

>>117701 John Podesta twit

>>117702 Secretary of the Navy Announces the New Constellation-class Frigate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8wRnx26mW5A - Secretary of the Navy Announces the New Constellation-class Frigate [Channel: U.S. Navy]

>>117703 Marine Corps MV-22B Ospreys participate in the Weapons and Tactics Instructor course in #Holtville #California

>>117704 SGT Report: Satanic Worship in World Politics.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bYiSEgfcDJ0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>117705 Trump Administration Announces Quantum.Gov and Quantum Frontiers Report POSTED ON OCTOBER 7, 2020

>>117706 Square buys $50 million in bitcoin, says cryptocurrency ‘aligns with company’s purpose’

(12 notables, 12 posts, 17 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173699

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10981649 Q Research General #14047: Ebake for Victory Again Edition

Created 081457ZOCT20




>>117707 when saudi arabia normalizes ties with israel before halloween, can we call the game?

>>117708 FBI HQ sent agents from its “Fly Team” to hack protestors' phones in Portland

>>117709 National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

>>117710 Trump insults Harris as 'a monster' morning after vice presidential debate

>>117711 White House Communications Director links to same speech as Q2351

>>117712 Donald Trump Calls for AG Barr to Indict Joe Biden With 26 Days Until Election

>>117713 Comms shop last night rewrote 10 breads worth of notables.

>>117714 learn about astroturfing

>>117715 #14046

>>117716 The media called Trump a monster, which they created

>>117717, >>117718 Speaker Pelosi says 25th Amendment to be discussed tomorrow

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/08aaf81b212e924d40311d67e4a3ccf1b8eb3da93ac29add05bfcf8dbbf1f772.mp4

>>117719 Judge Orders Twitter To Unmask FBI Impersonator Who Set Off Seth Rich Conspiracy

>>117720 The shill tactics are getting bizarre and esoteric because they can't figure out what we're going to do next.

>>117721 FBI Stops Militia Plot to Kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer

>>117722 we get so much hate from the media because we follow God above all, and that incenses them.

>>117723 Biden OUT of Virtual Debate


>>117725 new Quantum logo resembles Disney clock

>>117726 #14047

>>117727 USMC: Join us tonight for a performance by the Battle Color Detachment

(20 notables, 21 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173700

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10984794 Q Research General #14051: NO OUTSIDE /COMMS/ Edition

Created 081937ZOCT20




>>117870, >>117899, >>117904, >>117906, >>117917, >>117919 Moar /COMMS/

>>117871 Gantz Warns Netanyahu Over 2021 State Budget: 'Don't Harm the Citizens of Israel'

>>117872 UN Agenda 30 is Literally Agenda 1984


>>117874 Andy Ngo on Twitter

>>117875 Is Soros Behind the Democrats More than People Know?

>>117876 Military Experts Say Cal Cunningham’s Adultery Poses a Blackmail Risk, Could ‘Jeopardize a Unit’

>>117877 Michigan kidnappers were ANTIFA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eef0e5fd26fcc1eb2a80ea84c745c298be5d67ed76cae6acc1da19a0dc3fa021.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/283d3315f9dee04b87d686120657c7d1858d74978645729e9ea50b09071818e7.mp4

>>117878, >>117882, >>117883, >>117903, >>117910, >>117912 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3VRRQO1bRjQ - From Lincoln to Franklin Roosevelt: How America's Anti-Imperial Heritage Was Subverted [Channel: Rising Tide Foundation]

>>117879 The 1804 Northern Secession Plot and the Founding Fathers of the Deep State

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3VRRQO1bRjQ - From Lincoln to Franklin Roosevelt: How America's Anti-Imperial Heritage Was Subverted [Channel: Rising Tide Foundation]

>>117880 Anon calls for DIGGS on Q Posts last night

>>117881, >>117885, >>117887, >>117889, >>117909, >>117916, >>117920, >>117921, >>117923 PF - Tons of activity

>>117884 Jeff Bezos and Amazon Join the Religion of Green

>>117886 YouTube is one of the last big platforms openly hosting QAnon content after its users were kicked off Facebook and Instagram

>>117888 Senior military leaders will have access to same COVID-19 treatments as Trump

>>117890 'Data Is the Ammunition': Inside the Pentagon's New Strategy to Dominate Future Battlefields

>>117891 As Attention-Starved Celebs Strip Down Over 'Naked Ballots', WarnerMedia Plans To Slash 1000s Of Jobs

>>117892 US Lawmakers to Introduce Legislation on Commission to Evaluate President’s Mental Capacity

>>117893 Seventh Circuit Court Blocks Wisconsin Delayed Absentee Ballot Deadline

>>117894 Report: Former Gen. Stanley McChrystal helping Dems combat Republicans online

>>117895 QAnon Conspiracies Are Taking Over Canadian Conservatism

>>117896 @POTUS appears to be warning anons of fear-mongering and reacting emotionally by retweeting a viewpoint that settles the "Nancy is up to something" narrative.

>>117897 VP Pence cancels Indiana Trip

>>117898 Nancy "Shithouse Rat" Pelosi says she's going to initiate the 25th Amendment TOMORROW.

>>117900 Staff Campaigners for Mark Kelly's US Senate Bid In Arizona Agree: Not Honest On Gun Control Agenda

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9h5siTnfAYI - Staff Campaigners for Mark Kelly's US Senate Bid In Arizona Agree: Not Honest On Gun Control Agenda [Channel: Project Veritas Action]

>>117901 Navy names new class of Guided Missile Frigate ships

>>117902 Red October


>>117907 Burisma Ukraine Natural Gas Co. just admitted in court that they bribed Joe and Hunter to buy political influence. - REPOST

>>117908 Suburban Chicago couple charged with child labor trafficking


>>117913 HOLY CRAP!! They are bomb-bursting out of Andrews AFB!! get a load of this!!

>>117914 And Here It Is: Joe Biden: “You’ll Know About my Opinion on Court Packing When the Election is Over”

>>117915 New experts named for lawsuit challenging Connecticut’s school mask rules

>>117918 US Navy inspections of Ingalls-built ships uncovered significant problems, report shows

>>117922 Navy destroyer helped recover $720 million in drugs during 9 month deployment

>>117924 #14051

(37 notables, 55 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173701

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10983990 Q Research General #14050: Infiltration Not Invasion Edition

Created 081832ZOCT20




>>117812, >>117813 Half/pol gets it right again just before election


>>117815 As Trump orders the complete declassification of all “Russia Hoax” documents, here’s a list of TRAITORS who should be arrested and tried for TREASON

>>117816 New DARPA-Funded Tech Promises to Diagnose COVID-19 Through Implantable Biochip

>>117817, >>117822, >>117827, >>117828, >>117845, >>117847, >>117865 Hey frens. I have put together, from a multitude of screenshots, when I spotted and followed /comms/bakers in their efforts to find a way to hide their comms.

>>117818 At Least 52 Killed as Fighting Picks Up in Vital Yemen Aid Port

>>117819 Prolific Dark Web Dealer Of Carfentanil And Fentanyl Sentenced To 17½ Years In Prison

>>117820, >>117831, >>117858, >>117859 A federal charge of conspiracy to commit kidnapping has been filed against six people: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta. All of them are Michigan residents except for Croft, who is a resident of Delaware.


>>117823, >>117824 Internation News

>>117826 Thousands demonstrate across Israel after protest restrictions extended

>>117829 Pelosi announces intention to push constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office

>>117830 Department of Justice Revises Policy Governing Grants Associated with Foreign-Made Unmanned Aircraft Systems

>>117832, >>117833 ICE, local law enforcement agencies announce results of operation targeting sex trafficking

>>117834 This poll needs to be flipped!

>>117835 Israel and Jordan sign historic airspace agreement


>>117837 Paul Sperry @ twitter

>>117838 In total, 19 state felony charges were filed by the Attorney General against seven individuals known to be members of the militia group, Wolverine Watchmen or associates of Wolverine Watchmen.

>>117839 Dan Scavino 🇺🇸

>>117840 State to High Court: Coronavirus mass protest ban justified

>>117841 NY Times Podcast Star Lied About Joining ISIS

>>117842 Logically.ai at it again….this time bashing on Vanwatech, a CDN, hosting, and DDOS protection service

>>117843 Appreciate the effort post freddy!

>>117844 Shadow Presidency

>>117846 Double-Tap Strike Hit Historical Cathedral In Nagorno-Karabakh, Journalists Injured (Videos, Photos)

>>117848 Military Situation In Syria On October 8, 2020 (Map Update)

>>117849 Now we are into = [Insurrection] ReRuns.

>>117850 Here's Why Apple Watch Series 6 Blood Oxygen Tracking Didn’t Need FDA Approval

>>117851, >>117860, >>117864, >>117867 PF

>>117852 U.S. Marines - You're Invited

>>117853 US Seizes Domain Names Used in Iranian Disinformation Campaign

>>117854 China hacked sensitive U.S. Navy undersea warfare plans: Washington Post

>>117855 Morgan Stanley Makes Second Major Purchase Of 2020, Acquiring Eaton Vance

>>117856 Pelosi Signals No Relief for Airlines, Stimulus Payments Without Larger Deal

>>117857 New Herridge On Twitter

>>117861 Texas Supreme Court Rules Harris County Can't Send Ballot Applications to All Voters

>>117862 All assets deployed

>>117863 Wild video shows Jeep driver ramming three @Chicago_Police vehicles and chasing after an officer, reportedly on the Far South Side today. #Chicago

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4b908413a9a1cbcf25f82ce29b7790e7f5b781a4e6480af6cff50b6a9f7a1e6.mp4

>>117866 Twitter is Censoring #Obamagate and #Russiagate Hashtags — It Could Hurt Joe Biden

>>117868 NEW PDJT

>>117869 #14050

(42 notables, 57 posts, 71 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173702

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10985612 Q Research General #14052: They Will Fail Edition

Created 082051ZOCT20




>>117925 90% of Portland Rioters Are Rewarded for Months of Destruction; Attempted Cop Killer Released

>>117926, >>117931, >>117933, >>117957 Seething, REEEthing, Kvetching

>>117927 The Big Tech Ministry of Hysteria is so totalitarian, not even the President of the United States is allowed to offer dignified hope during a pandemic

>>117928 Biden Blames Trump for Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Attempt: ‘Why Can’t the President Just Say Stop?’

>>117929, >>117932, >>117935, >>117937, >>117947, >>117951, >>117954, >>117955, >>117956, >>117959, >>117960, >>117965, >>117968, >>117969, >>117970, >>117974, >>117979 PF


>>117934 Sperry Toilets Transmit Covid 19

>>117936 ACTION NEEDED! Calling on patriots to counter the narrative MSM is spinning around the "whitmer kidnapping" story.

>>117938 Hussien Twitter

>>117939 Federal appeals court reinstates charges against Hunter Biden’s business partner Devon Archer

>>117940 John Caplan Twitter

>>117941 It’s time to lift the veil on George Soros

>>117942 Biased moderators and unspoken conflicts of interest.

>>117943 Concealed Carry Permit Holders Grows Seven-fold in 20 Years, Still Rising

>>117944 Richard Russell additional KEKs.

>>117945 FAKE NEWS NPR: The FBI says it has thwarted a plot by 'far-right' militia members to kidnap Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

>>117946, >>117964 INTL

>>117948 MAGA flags in brooklyn

>>117949 I think this will explain some of the plane movement

>>117950 New LOCK HER UP

>>117952 The Duke of Cambridge has launched a new competition to try and inspire people to solve "some of the world's greatest environmental challenges".

>>117953 The Buffett-McCain Institute Initiative to Combat Modern Slavery Combatting Human Trafficking

>>117958 Carrollton Mayoral Candidate Zul Mirza Mohamed Arrested, Charged With 100+ Counts Of Voter Fraud

>>117961, >>117962 Brandon Caserta is Antifa

>>117963 In honor of the previous bread, #14051 NO OUTSIDE /COMMS/, I decided to take a look at the clock.

>>117966 U.S. Marines Color Ceremony Watch as the Battle Color Detachment performs at the @USMCMuseum.

>>117967 VP Pence Cancels Event

>>117971 On The Destruction Of The World Economy By The Central Banks

>>117972 Color Ceremony @USMC

>>117973 Pelosi to Announce Bill to Form 25th Amendment Congressional Commission to Study Removing Trump From Office

>>117975 MI AG Nessel on Plot to Kidnap Gov. Whitmer: Trump’s Rhetoric a ‘Command to Action’ to Extremists

>>117976 Revealed: Anti-Trump New England Journal Of Medicine Is Partnered With A Chinese Communist Publishing House

>>117977 Police in Louisville have released files from their investigation into the raid at the home of violent drug trafficker Kenneth Walker that resulted in death of #BreonnaTaylor. The couple posed w/guns & made posts suggesting she was involved in the crimes

>>117978 President Trump calls for Biden, Obama to be indicted in 'greatest political crime in history

>>117980 #14052,

(35 notables, 56 posts, 80 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173703

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10986357 Q Research General #14053: Brandon Caserta is Antifa Edition

Created 082201ZOCT20




>>117981 BREAKING - The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has shut down 92 websites being surreptitiously controlled by the Iranian government to spread "false information and fake news."

>>117982 OPERATION PATRIOT: Dozens Arrested, 5 Victims Rescued During ‘Massive’ Human Trafficking Sting

>>117983 REUTERS: National Guard puts hundreds of military police on standby to help with potential violence in coming months

>>117984 'Catastrophic event': Over 1,000 birds crash into #Philadelphia skyscrapers in single day

>>117985 Seething, REEEthing, Kvetching

>>117986, >>117990, >>117993, >>117994, >>118001, >>118005, >>118008 pf - ANON

>>117987 Proclamation on Leif Erikson Day, 2020

>>117988 Not on our watch.

>>117989 Amy Coney Barrett should just refuse to answer any Democrat question in her Senate hearing by saying you’ll know my position on that after the confirmation vote

>>117991 JP Morgan Pledges $30 Billion To "Fight The Racial Wealth Gap"

>>117992 Russian President Vladimir Putin Calls For End to Hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh

>>117995 Federal appeals court reinstates criminal convictions of Hunter Biden's business partner

>>117996 So the DOJ nor FBI named white supremacists or militias in their report, they called them extremists, MSM probably tagged or militia in an attempt to deflect from ANTIFA

>>117997 Gina Haspel 2 fake Russian narratives,

>>117998 Justice Department Sues Yale University for Illegal Discrimination Practices in Undergraduate Admissions

>>117999 OK I see the New Madrid area quakes now. Displayed: ALL magnitudes for ONE WEEK.

>>118000 Oh so the media and Michigan Governor Halfwhitmer lied again?

>>118002 University has $170 solution to Trump-Biden debate COVID fears

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TsI3lFHkU_s - Tommy Boy (4/10) Best Movie Quote - Star Wars Happy Time (1995) [Channel: Best Movie Quote]

>>118003 CDC Adds Being Overweight To List Of Potential COVID-19 Risk Factors

>>118004 NOBODY Has Been Convicted or Prosecuted over #Obamagate Crimes!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KTeCe5XVY2M - NOBODY Has Been Convicted or Prosecuted over #Obamagate Crimes! [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>118006 Re: VACCINES & CDC

>>118007 Mexican Border City Cops Suspected of Giving Radio Support to Gulf Cartel

>>118009 President Donald Trump indicated Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr now has enough evidence to charge top Obama

>>118010 NY Dem Organized for Group That Protested Terror Leader’s Death

>>118011 LIVE Town Hall tonite @7pm ET

>>118012 Based on all these news clips of “Donald J. Trump will never be President”, get ready for his 2nd and 3rd term

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G87UXIH8Lzo - FUNNIEST TRUMP CAN'T WIN COMPILATION [Channel: Mark Conklin]

>>118013 John Ratcliffe @DNI_Ratcliffe

>>118014 Baker still adding own notables with no input from anons.

>>118015 Attempted bombing suspect's family issues statement

>>118016 Antichrist on twitter

>>118017 This is a base election now. It’s a dog fight. We need to turn out every single Trump voter possible.

>>118018 #14053

(32 notables, 38 posts, 37 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173704

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10987138 Q Research General #14054: Combat tactics Edition

Created 082309ZOCT20




>>118019 Memorandum from the President's Physician

>>118020 Moar fake news

>>118021 Data-dump adrenochrome paper trail

>>118022, >>118035 Wow the video on that page was more interesting than the article. And the article was Horrendous.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GrFnFflv1Lg

>>118023 NYT - DOJ eases Pre-election constraints on election fraud

>>118024 Over 11,000 Scientists Sign Petition Against COVID-19 Lockdowns

>>118025 Gov. Whitmer, Media Caught in Another Lie – Anarchist Arrested For Plot to Kidnap and Kill Whitmer Hates President Trump, ‘Trump is a Tyrant’

>>118026 HARRIS knew the debate questions…

>>118027 Ex-RNC Fundraiser Charged With Failing To Register As A Foreign Agent

>>118028 Doctors Say Trump Will Return To "Public Engagements" Saturday; 4th White House Reporter Sickened

>>118029 New Comey Comms

>>118030 FBI raid on Hilo, Hawaii TV station

>>118031 Yeah, I know of OSS

>>118032 A Sureños Gang Leader Was Released Under New York Sanctuary Policies. ICE Found Him.

>>118033 Evergreen

>>118034 NEW PDJT

>>118036 D5

>>118037, >>118038, >>118039, >>118041, >>118042, >>118043, >>118045, >>118047, >>118049, >>118050 GYB/freebaker ALREADY BANNING ME FOR POSTING EVIDENCE OF HIM DELETING NOTABLES.

>>118040 -10 days dark

>>118044 PF

>>118046, >>118057 Covid less deadly than flu

>>118048, >>118051, >>118052, >>118054, >>118055 DOj round up-

>>118053 Report: Durham Using Grand Jury To Investigate Debunked Trump-Russia Allegation

>>118056 Red Castle Tweet Emergency Kit

>>118058 #14054

(25 notables, 40 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173705

File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB,2461x1385,2461:1385,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10987910 Q Research General #14055: 10 days dark Edition

Created 090020ZOCT20




>>118059, >>118060 DOD Announces $600 Million for 5G Experimentation and Testing at Five Installations

>>118061 Robert Soros Stepping Down as President of Soros Family Office

>>118062 McDonald's Had Its Best Month In Nearly A Decade In September. Rich get Richer!

>>118063 Department of Homeland Security Releases Homeland Threat Assessment

>>118064 October 26-27 is end game?

>>118065, >>118066 Video: Giant fire engulfs 33-storey tower, injures 15 in South Korean city of Ulsan

>>118067 I received a note from a reporter from the New York Times, Davey Alba, with the following Bongino/Levin

>>118068 Mall at Millenia evacuated over reports of shots fired; several detained

>>118069 President Trump tells Seniors that he is working to get medications out to cure the China Virus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=55sNZh9NjPA - POTUS message to seniors on China Virus 10 8 20 FREE China Virus meds [Channel: RightNow]

>>118070 #ProjectSafeChildhood

>>118071 Never seen my sources on Hill so furious well beyond the frustration seen over last 2 years over AG Barr's failure to deliver critical information. Sperry

>>118072, >>118075 ————————————–——– Nothing is random. Everything has meaning. (Cap: )

>>118073 Bill Barr’s CIA Resume: Cover-Ups, Covert Operations, and Pardons

>>118074 UPDATE: Na Leo TV’s management declines to comment on FBI search

>>118076 Neural Network History

>>118077, >>118078, >>118079, >>118080 rt ———–––——–— (Cap: )

(16 notables, 22 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>118075, >>118079, >>118080

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9d28d5 No.173706

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10988716 Q Research General #14056: Everything has meaning Q Edition

Created 090107ZOCT20




>>118081 DJT

>>118082 #14055


>>118084 Today Pence abruptly cancels a flight.

>>118085 PENCE His recent cancelled flight. No assassination drama, but a cancelled flight.

>>118086 Both oranges, and a horses head were used in the movie The Godfather, as warnings Oct. 8th, 2020 Comey and Pelosi use the imagery.

>>118087, >>118092, >>118093, >>118094, >>118096, >>118097 Q post + LOSBR Missile Bun

>>118088 Dozens arrested as France busts major child porn network, including men suspected of sexually assaulting kids on camera

>>118089 ————————————–——– Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned? Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?

>>118090, >>118091 rt ———–––——–— Did you notice the missile within the drop re: 25th amendment? (Cap: )

>>118095 #14056

(11 notables, 17 posts, 13 media/files)

Q- >>118089, >>118091

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173707

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10989442 Q Research General #14057: Out Of The Q Edition

Created 090137ZOCT20





>>118099, >>118100 repost pb 25th Amendment sections and Succession Acts

>>118101, >>118103 rt ———–––——–— Did you notice the missile within the drop re: 25th amendment? (Cap: )

>>118102 Q post + LOSBR Missile Bun

>>118104 Michigan Barber flouts CV precautions - advertises no mask haircuts

>>118105 Yelp takes a stand against racism - will publish accused racist behavior

>>118106, >>118108, >>118109 Multiple attempts Found Q Covid Arrow PELOSI, three in all

>>118107, >>118110, >>118111, >>118116, >>118120 The Arrow? Air Force’s AGM-183A “Arrow” hypersonic missile


>>118113 Chuck Schumer's 6 ways to Sunday threat

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fotKK5kcMOg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>118114 Mr. Ryan consideration?

>>118115 Virginia Beach Police Confirm 70-80 lb Undelivered Mail Dumped

>>118117, >>118119, >>118121 PF AF2 USAF VIP C-32A begins it's descent for JBA from Luke AFB, Phoenix

>>118118 LOS Line of Sight

>>118122 #14057

(15 notables, 25 posts, 20 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173708

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10990206 Q Research General #14058: Flings an Arrow and get a LOSRB Edition

Created 090214ZOCT20




>>118123 Scaramucci mistake or intentional?

>>118124 Twitter Locks Out Former DNI and Ambassador Ric Grenell Over Voter Fraud Warning

>>118125 John Brennan backed Gina Haspel (2018)

>>118126 South Korea building with 33 floors goes up in flames

>>118127 What happened to the sub at Ketron Island?

>>118128 Twitter Locks Account of Ric Grenell over Voter Fraud Warning

>>118129 Color revolution? Red October?

>>118130, >>118142, >>118144 PF And we all know what's at Quantico

>>118131 Israel deploys 'Star Wars' missile killer system (2017) Arrow 3 missiles into space

>>118132 The LOSBR is the Regeneron

>>118133 New Garrison for keks

>>118134 DTJR

>>118135 Spreadsheet & off-site galleries are updated

>>118136 Campaign Demands In-Person Debate as Donald Trump ‘Safe Return to Public Engagement’ by Saturday

>>118137 UK SAS Soldiers Reportedly Ordered Not to Use TikTok Over Fears of Being Tracked by China

>>118138 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY October 9, 2020 no public events scheduled


>>118140 Flag colors to the quiver Navy meanings

>>118141, >>118143 repost pb 25th Amendment sections and Succession Acts

>>118145 According to media standards, the plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan was MOSTLY PEACEFUL

>>118146 Q missiles Skunkbayweather

>>118147 #14058,

(22 notables, 25 posts, 35 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173709

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10991748 Q Research General #14060: Edition

Created 090403ZOCT20




>>118164 White House installs a campaign veteran at the CIA

>>118165 Huawei to participate in construction of Russia’s high-tech super highways

>>118166 Refresher: Clinton lawyer kept Russian dossier project closely held/Marc Elias

>>118167 Diggz on Liz Vogt, or Elizabeth Vogt, read the thread. More names released daily.

>>118168 Sperry: well beyond the frustration seen over last 2 years over AG Barr's failure to deliver critical information to voters ahead of the election

>>118169 the world knows RR

>>118170 The 9th World Water Forum

>>118171, >>118181 ————————————–——– What happens if CIA was actively involved in domestic targeting and surv of US person(s) [direct _indirect]? (Cap: )

>>118172 rt ———–––——–— Who was DNI? Who was AG? CIA leads to the top?

>>118173, >>118180 rt ———–––——–— Why did Brennan endorse? Why did POTUS select as Dir? Buckle up.

>>118174 "Seattle Interim Police Chief Adrian Diaz announced an update to a new program to get more officers on the streets

>>118175 Thief grabs mail, ballots from North County neighborhood | FOX 5 San Diego

>>118176, >>118178 DNI -> Dan Coats or Clapper, AG -> Lynch / Yates / Boente, CIA- Brennan ?

>>118177 John Brennan reported to James Clapper!

>>118179 Refresher: Zbigniew Brzezinski

>>118182 PF update

>>118183 CIA diggz

>>118184 DAN TWEETS - La Cross, Wisconsin MAGA2020 / (LB)

>>118185 ————————————–——– Keep firing, Nancy.

>>118186 #14060

(20 notables, 23 posts, 19 media/files)

Q- >>118171, >>118172, >>118180, >>118185

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9d28d5 No.173710

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10992559 Q Research General #14061: Clowns Fuck It All Up Edition

Created 090453ZOCT20




>>118187, >>118188 Vaughn F. Bishop Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency

>>118189 RR

>>118190 DAN TWEETS - La Cross, Wisconsin MAGA2020

>>118191 are we at the closing act yet?

>>118192 State Dept whistleblower of CF?

>>118193 Judge Drops Massive Bomb On Clinton Foundation Reveals IRS Cover-up Judge Blows Roof Off Protection Racket In Moynihan & Doyle 2.5 Billion Case Against Clintons

>>118194, >>118195, >>118196 Refresher: Zbig/Brennan/OBAMA HISTORY INCLUDING PAKI COLLEGE COUCH BUDDY/

>>118197 Moar Ed Buck

>>118198 Trump’s former intelligence chief (Dan Coats) told him to be careful with Devin Nunes

>>118199 last Q has stenographic data–Pixelknot

>>118200 Q DROP #4303 CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations

>>118201 CIA Welcomes New Deputy Director January 9, 2015 /Brennan

>>118202 #14061

(13 notables, 16 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173711

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10990960 Q Research General #14059: Skywise Q Edition

Created 090305ZOCT20




>>118148 Navy inspectors found serious technical issues all three U.S. Navy ship classes being built at Ingalls

>>118149 A former commander of the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay was sentenced to two years

>>118150 Fox News bans Trump campaign advisor during VP debate

>>118151 Could This Election See Record Turnout? Millions Of Americans Have Already Voted

>>118152, >>118155 "Q-ANON" their first experiments with a quantum computer?

>>118153 PF reports

>>118154 FLYWILLVOTE.COM registered 20 min before fly lands on Pence's head.

>>118156 DJT

>>118157 DEEP STATE FEAR: Former FBI GC James Baker’s Notes Released Yesterday Confirm General Flynn’s

>>118158 Melbourne stage 4 restrictions and Covid lockdown rules explained

>>118159 What bad stuff mooch?

>>118160 Roger Wicker Has Not Scheduled Confirmation Hearing for Trump FCC Nominee Crucial to Taking on Big Tech

>>118161 Scaramucci should I respond to trump.

>>118162 The Antifa Mayor

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2c8d3caf62dc2517442058f71a3600f9f2d77d9af9aafd3d5800c3aa19d5f32.mp4

>>118163 #14059

(15 notables, 16 posts, 29 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173712

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10994141 Q Research General #14063: Proclamation: Leif Erikson Day Edition

Created 090810ZOCT20




>>118238 Dan Scavino

>>118239, >>118245, >>118248 PF

>>118240 Looks like Dementia Joe is going to debate himself

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WzrNsCL_jRo - Biden Says He'll Be at Next Debate Whether or Not Trump Shows Up [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

>>118241, >>118242, >>118243, >>118244, >>118253, >>118256, >>118261, >>118262, >>118264 See the LOS Missile

>>118246, >>118258 Detainment Camps in Canada

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F7GaptTqiNw - Questions: What's Going On??? [Channel: Randy Hillier]

>>118247 DARPA Military Training

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d79066a51f2bbfd137dd2b9a3a40f3ae10c978b0b5975861dafc91ef62eeac2.mp4

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8da998a91d9060067bf0b49a3169e84208797139824d2ce32c3381d466fdecf4.pdf

>>118249 Fmr Democrat Candidate Matt Trowbridge looks on as Biden dances with a minor

>>118250 WE Charity's board members served on Counterpart International


>>118252 US Congressman (R-TX) writes EPA: We have reason to believe the #CCP is FUNNELING $ to Biden’s campaign through “green” groups.

>>118254, >>118255, >>118257 Leif Erikson

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA - Flobots - Handlebars (Official Video) [Channel: FlobotsVEVO]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FX2KTkgo2Lk - Heritage Minutes: Vikings [Channel: Historica Canada]

>>118259 Federal appeals court reinstates criminal convictions of Hunter Biden's business partner

>>118260 Nancy Pelosi’s latest coup-coup nonsense

>>118263 NYC cancels $900M deferred payout to teachers, cites financial crisis

>>118265 John Brennan, Hillary’s Helper

>>118266 Progressives, including 'Squad,' release agenda to push Biden to the left

>>118267 58M VP Debate Watchers Second-Most All Time

>>118268 New Baker

>>118269 Democrats to unveil bill to create commission on 'presidential capacity'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a5553354aa272359398a04a79e118de082ee520d4d3f5a113f4e5ec11254b8ba.mp4

>>118270 Punk Icon John Lydon Says He Is Voting for President Trump

>>118271 GWP: Thief Grabbing Mail, Election Ballots From People’s Mailboxes

>>118272 Posobiec loves Clinton's Twat

>>118273 USArmy EU: #FlashbackFriday

>>118274 Biden on packing the court

>>118275 DEEP STATE FEAR: Former FBI GC James Baker’s Notes Released Yesterday

>>118276 Am Thinker: The End of Covid Hysteria

>>118277, >>118278 PF reports

>>118279 USAF: Rise and Shine

>>118280 NBC: Kennedy and Nixon had a remote debate in 1960. Here’s what it looked like.

>>118281 ATF vs the Q "Honey Badger" ~ Rex Reviews (RATED-R)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=25J6t7ZVpz0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>118282 Tue 10.06.2020

>>118283 Wed 10.07.2020

>>118284 #14063

(33 notables, 47 posts, 48 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173713

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10993319 Q Research General #14062: Buckle Up With The Shield Of Faith Edition

Created 090548ZOCT20




>>118203 Brennan Reacts To Trump's Call To Have Biden Jailed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Vf6GM4x9QE0 - John Brennan Reacts To Trump's Call To Have Biden Jailed | The 11th Hour | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>118204, >>118208 Q4835 In it TOGETHER

>>118205 DJT retweets US postal worker in New Jersey arrested, accused of dumping mail and election ballots

>>118206 Federal Judge Drops Massive Bomb on Clinton Foundation, IRS Cover Up, Protection Racket in Moynihan & Doyle $2.5 BILLION Case Against Clinton’s

>>118207 President Obama (Barry Sotero) and Pakistani friend Hasan Chandoo

>>118209, >>118211 Obama's birth certificate. Never forget. Loretta Fuddy.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ksyi0hEQleE - Director Behind Obama Birth Certificate Dies in Plane Crash [Channel: Paul Joseph Watson]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d8bc23ae6e43c7f120451c855754f6d93c8a3a91c4a86a4e9424e28290c99bc8.mp4

>>118210 HRC Projecting on POTUS

>>118212, >>118214 DNI Statement on Support to Durham Investigation

>>118213 North Korea may show new missiles at weekend military parade

>>118215 Dan Scavino

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0dec8f15b843ed8a3c22b5e8290e1209165e73fc3749b235fbf6889080183d5f.mp4

>>118216, >>118236 White House release: Proclamation on Leif Erikson Day, 2020 Issued on: October 8, 2020

>>118217, >>118218, >>118219, >>118220, >>118221, >>118222, >>118223, >>118224 Refresher Gina Haspel

>>118225, >>118227, >>118228 Q694 What if cures already exist?

>>118226 Quite the programming schedule CSPAN had going yesterday

>>118229 Dear Mr. President of the USA. UK Patriot

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/962a284975c1d5566fd9ca98781bf5b1a3745dd5aca5d64e4c99469a200001ee.mp4

>>118230 Missile within the drop? Line of Sight Nasty arrows

>>118231 The Quantum Internet Will Blow Your Mind. Here’s What It Will Look Like

>>118232 Chuck Grassley asking questions about the Pentagons'Jedi cloud

>>118233, >>118234 WE Charity and its former board members, links to Clinton Foundation

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/07b77ccd4112f25815a875ea745800f98ce14654d3eba9637fb75d2c70213da8.pdf

>>118235 Nancy Pelosi's bungling scheme

>>118237 #14062

(21 notables, 35 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173714

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10994924 Q Research General #14064: POTUS Selected Haspel, Buckle Up Edition

Created 091124ZOCT20




>>118285 Morning sun brings heat.

>>118286 FL: Gov. DeSantis extended the deadline for 1 more day to accommodate.

>>118287 (You) Same 'ol Shit, Fight Fight Fight!

>>118288 Trump will give first on-air interview on Fox 2Nite!

>>118289 Trump will give first on-air interview on Fox News tonight since getting COVID-19

>>118290 James Baker Dig

>>118291 Pelosi Will Re-Unveil 'How to Remove a President Without an Election'

>>118292 CIA Digz

>>118293 “Alice in Wonderland”. Anyone read this article about the DNC hacker

>>118294 Wauwatosa Livestream video

>>118295 Bill Barr isn't going to act before the election

>>118296 Texas Dem House Candidate Hasn’t Lived in Texas for Years

>>118297 Retired SR state department official wrote a letter to the FBI as a whistleblower

>>118298 4TheKEKz: Mosaic of Kamala Out of Hundreds of the Black Men She Locked Up

>>118299, >>118311 North Korea’s missing ambassador may be most senior defector since 1997

>>118300 Twitter is Censoring #Obamagate and #Russiagate Hashtags — It Could Hurt Joe Biden

>>118301 Clockfags

>>118302 Missouri Governor Says He’ll Pardon St. Louis Couple Who Pointed Guns at Protesters

>>118303 Will new missile be on display at North Korea annual parade?

>>118304 Deported Child Sex Offender Arrested Moving Around Texas Checkpoint

>>118305, >>118309 Chuck Ross on The Yelpification of America

>>118306 Short encouraging vid re: Spiritual Warfare

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6d45623117d7771932fc661c009253fbad5198207e7324391b7685e335017d79.mp4

>>118307 So the entire Cambridge Analytica controversy was basically fake?

>>118308 Corey's digs on Gates Foundation

>>118310 Planefags aloft

>>118312 Top model who vanished from New York a year ago found 'confused' in Brazil slum

>>118313, >>118321, >>118323 More digging on guilded missiles re recent Q post

>>118314 Sundance article on Durham

>>118315 TikTok banned in Pakistan for "immoral and indecent content"

>>118316, >>118320 Carnival Splendor fire leaves cruise passengers stranded and Missilie off CA coast from 2010

>>118317 A Record 56% of Americans Say They Are Better Off Today Than They Were Four Years Ago Under Obama-Biden

>>118318 Jordan joins Gulf Arab states to allow overflights to and from Israel

>>118319 Anon looks at the background for VP debate: "evil" for Harris, "light" for Pence

>>118322 Fed-up Kirstie Alley RIPS transparently biased CNN reporter

>>118324, >>118325 John Brennan on Late Show discuss book and election security

>>118326 Vice President Mike Pence cancels trip to Indianapolis, will return to D.C. Thursday night

>>118327, >>118329, >>118330, >>118331 Anon theory: Combat tactics

>>118328 BLM rioters move into rich, liberal suburb as resident complains that they are supporters

>>118332 #14064

(39 notables, 48 posts, 34 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173715

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10995878 Q Research General #14065: Fight for Your Board ANONS! Edition

Created 091327ZOCT20




>>118333, >>118338 Haspel swearing in ceremony y/t vid link-from May 2018

>>118334, >>118360 Trump is on RUSH today

>>118335 Barr - no Durham report before elections

>>118336 Wheeler vs Iannarone in Portland: Pot, meet Kettle

>>118337 Anon suspects that POTUS picked Haspel BECAUSE of her involvement in the coup.

>>118339, >>118368 Planefags aloft

>>118340, >>118341 Postal Comms

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=73pilnstgt0 - A Message from Your Friendly Local Mail Carrier [Channel: PACRONYM]

>>118342, >>118344, >>118351, >>118354 Broadway shutdown extended to next summer

>>118343 Federal Judge Drops Massive Bomb on Clinton Foundation, Reveals IRS Cover Up — Judge Blows Roof Off Protection Racket in Moynihan & Doyle $2.5 BILLION Case Against Clinton’s-truepundit

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/37d836126b63b9117cf3dfc00a371aa14cd24dd12ea786320479ac3d3c2df244.pdf

>>118345 Another VP debate poll on Twatt

>>118346 DJT retweet

>>118347 Former Commander of Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Sentenced to Prison

>>118348 Candace Owens: CV19 could have killed me today, md's refusing to treat due to gov't mandates

>>118349 Code Orange

>>118350, >>118358 Something is going out with Germany

>>118352 McEnamy: the only one who needs the 25th Amendment is Nancy Pelosi herself.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0c086091b0f38ec3976cb6d9d3a605d1dc3e4d41abfe9aa05c97bb378bd409da.mp4

>>118353 Lin Wood: Feels like storm cloud is slowly descending over country. As if darkness is dimming light.

>>118355 FB Q accts being reported

>>118356 Anon on theory about listening devices (POTUS/Rand Paul)

>>118357 Abuse survivors despair as Pell conspiracy breaks cover

>>118359, >>118371 Sara Carter - Pelosi will introduce legislation to try to oust Trump from office

>>118361 Hell to pay in the clash of the cardinals George Pell and Giovanni

>>118362 Catholic bishop says Pope Francis is deeply concerned about German Church

>>118363 Montana Democrat Governor Withholds COVID Funds From Tribe Whose Leadership Endorsed Republicans

>>118364, >>118365, >>118366, >>118367, >>118369, >>118370, >>118373, >>118374, >>118375, >>118376, >>118377, >>118379, >>118380, >>118381 HRC email server BUN

>>118372 Chinese PLA staged in western Canada?

>>118378 Kevin Corke twat

>>118382 #14065

(28 notables, 50 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173716

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10996650 Q Research General #14066: Gods Will Be Done for this Board This Day! Edition

Created 091439ZOCT20




>>118383, >>118384, >>118385, >>118386, >>118391, >>118394 US Mint Twat Will Charge $67 For Each 1-Ounce Uncirculated American Silver Eagle Coin In Just Five Days eyes on

>>118387 DOJ Warns of Possible ‘Oncoming Storm’ in Report Detailing Dangers of Terrorist Use of Crypto-coindesk Oct 8

>>118388 Vatican gambled donations on derivatives-churchmilitant

>>118389, >>118392, >>118405 For the D5 fags…and newfags

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/76a4b61f82f44ccfc828497cbdcbae27cc332013af7ab65d07e1f116fdacc8fa.mp4

>>118390 china virus explosion in germany

>>118393, >>118396 Nancy Pelosi Calls For 17-Member 'Standing Committee' On Presidential Fitness-zh

>>118395 (LB) pf report(s)

>>118397 moar on Gates foundation change in CFO…anon has questions on timing of it all

>>118398 anon submits compiled list of Republicans that are fighting

>>118399 Rush Live Starting at 12:00 EST-newstalk1290 link

>>118400 China Will Broadcast An NBA Game For The First Time Since October 2019 With Game 5 Of The Finals-Nusfeed havign a ratings problem? kek!

>>118401 Michigan worker gets 13 stitches after slicing fingers on booby-trapped Trump-Pence sign-thehill

>>118402 Fox News cut ties with a frequent guest after he called Kamala Harris an 'insufferable lying b—-' on Twitter-yahoo.com

>>118403, >>118404, >>118406, >>118407 Debate commission claims Steve Scully's Twitter account hacked after Scaramucci tweet makes waves-backing up a hacked lie foxnews via soc media

>>118408, >>118409 Hussein twat and Samantha Power twat..possible connections? you decide

>>118410 Hillbags Twat stroking Biden "Like other crises in American history, the COVID-19 pandemic requires a rethinking of our national security priorities to ensure we come back stronger"

>>118411 McAfee update from Spanish Prison soc. media

>>118412 Pompeo: What a momentous trip to Japan.

>>118413 Yelp to begin labeling businesses ‘accused’ of racist behavior

>>118414 #14066

(20 notables, 32 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173717

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10997437 Q Research General #14067: [Brennan] But Not Fast Enough For Muh Taste Edition

Created 091552ZOCT20




>>118415, >>118439 [C_A] - Operation Merlin > (supposedly fake) USA Nuke Secrets Transferred to IRAN/Hapsel

>>118416 Potus: Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast, Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!

>>118417, >>118418, >>118423 Potus LIVE https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/

>>118419 Today is the last day to register to vote in NY for the November 3 election.

>>118420 BREAKING: Stone Cold Crazy Nancy Pelosi Announces BS Investigation into President Trump’s Mental Health vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4af92ca23a24ee2cd4b51832c75b6ce4e4547e77bbee7b025b9860bf2c16c754.mp4

>>118421 Rigged: The Chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission is Co-Founder of “Color Revolution” Org Linked to Steele Dossier and More

>>118422, >>118440 planefaggin

>>118424 Tehran accuses Washington of ‘economic terrorism’ after US sanctions major Iranian banks

>>118425 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to United Nations World Food Programme for ‘efforts to combat hunger’

>>118426, >>118427, >>118428, >>118429 Potus: WE HAVE A CURE

>>118430, >>118435, >>118437 DOJ slaps Yale with lawsuit over ‘at least 50 years’ of discrimination, claiming it put WHITE & Asian applicants at disadvantage

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/49e059bc197c71f80cd8b612b937bb4c237447446b86435aa7902e2a0a1fdfca.pdf


>>118432 Potus: he said 'clean out' hospitals….not 'clear out'

>>118433 Planet Fitness CEO sold : $16.34m-Oct 7-8

>>118434 Fil-Swiss joins Vatican guard

>>118436 President Trump is Doing Better in Battleground Polls Against Biden than He Did Against Hillary

>>118438 Haliburton CEO Arrested on Prostitution Charges with Underage Girls

>>118441 ICYMI:ARRESTED: Democrat Candidate For Mayor In TX, Zul Mohamed, Charged With 109 Felonies Related To Voter Fraud

>>118442 President Trump Tells Seniors He’ll Sign Emergency Use Authorization To Make Regeneron Available To Them

>>118443, >>118445 Anon that broke the Antifa kidnappers yesterday got into the federalist today

>>118444 Body language on the debate.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ce8e0Zzx_U0 - Body Language: Vice Presidential Debate 2020 Pence Harris [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>118446 #14067

(22 notables, 32 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173718

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10998985 Q Research General #14069:Tippy Top Edition

Created 091734ZOCT20




>>118479, >>118484, >>118487 The young woman was killed in a satanic ritual by two MS-13 members after she disrespected their shrine to Satanism, prosecutors said Thursday

>>118480 Tehran accuses Washington of ‘economic terrorism’ after US sanctions major Iranian banks

>>118481 anon bun / Gov. Cuomo: ‘I Don’t Care’ About Your Religion — ‘You Have to Follow the Rules of the State’

>>118482 Rosen has argued the Horowitz report spygate in lieu of Durham

>>118483 anon bun / Customer review site Yelp debuts 'racism alert' to freeze reviews of pages engulfed in discrimination scandals

>>118485 Outsourced: China to Broadcast NBA Games Again as U.S. Audience Collapses

>>118486 Report: ESPN Preparing to Lay Off Hundreds

>>118488 Q T displayed on street

>>118489 anon bun / Former Commander of Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Sentenced to Prison

>>118490 FLYWILLVOTE.COM registered 20 min before fly lands on Pence's head.

>>118491 Twitter Locks Account of Ric Grenell over Voter Fraud Warning

>>118492 Turtle disagreed with covid19 protocols at WH

>>118493 planefaggin

>>118494 anon bun / Daily Caller reporters say authorities forcibly detained, kicked, repeatedly hit them with clubs during Wisconsin riots

>>118495 anon bun / Transcript of “Covid Crimes Against Humanity” Video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>118496 SpaceX and the U.S. military plan to build a reusable 7,500mph rocket that can deliver 80 tonnes of cargo, including weapons, anywhere in the world in 60 minutes-

>>118497 It's OK to give children of 10 puberty blockers': NHS gender identity clinic says some children understand sex so can consent to medication

>>118498 "Shift to Armed Human Smuggling in South Texas Worries Feds"

>>118499 2016 Senate report on CIA torture is one step closer to disappearing

>>118500 anon bun / Big Brother is watching your social-distancing! Over 1,000 AI scanners are monitoring how close pedestrians are walking to each in major UK cities

>>118501 In It Together


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1a839803349d74258ef03ac66675e03a2f3d16010f7cba0a0f46ce10a0e888a2.mp4

>>118503 Another Media Myth Torn Apart: New UK Study Reveals Cambridge Analytica Did Not Act Improperly During 2016 Campaign

>>118504, >>118505 Follow the Pen

>>118506 Skeptical of USPS cuts, Philadelphia voters hand-deliver ballots instead

>>118507 POTUS on Levin tonite

>>118508, >>118509 anon bun / . You are being played – latest Worldwide Covid update

>>118510 Sperry: AG Barr buckled in most momentous battle in Washington's history. He had 19 mos to armor up & win this battle.

>>118511 Refresher: Halliburton through subsidiary KBR, was deep into war profiteering, human trafficking in Bosnia in the cult staged Balkan War.

>>118512 anon bun

>>118513 #14069

(31 notables, 35 posts, 56 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173719

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10999759 Q Research General #14070: We Have The Qure Edition

Created 091821ZOCT20




>>118514, >>118516 anon bun / Pelosi buys 5000 Crowdstrike shares.

>>118515, >>118517, >>118521, >>118528, >>118533 planefaggin

>>118518 Legitimately shocked it took until less than 30 days until the next election for Trump to say the f word purposely on a national broadcast. #14070

>>118519, >>118524, >>118527 Breaking: NSA O’Brien makes good on Trump promise, releases previously redacted Russia document pdf's

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/924f3c96684a5942488ba3f000b39f9996f1e3e4910ffad1529f6bea3492e3b3.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99fe91edac5527da7376eca8390f3ed4388bf5e5ac1f3a7965519f0d34cb1145.pdf

>>118520 No, President Trump’s Regeneron Therapy Did Not Contain Human Embryonic Stem Cells

>>118522 anon bun / Facebook removes 276 fake accounts tied to right-wing group Turning Point Action

>>118523 Asshole Brennan with his "imagine" lyrics and implication that Lennon was off'd. ???????????

>>118525 Canada is Crashing Right Now 🔴 SELL NOW !!! #marketcrash

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mEar0O2Pav8 - 🔴Canada is Crashing Right Now 🔴 SELL NOW !!! #marketcrash [Channel: Mike Martins]

>>118526 Potus: “If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are gonna do things to you that have never been done before.” vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/782c1fdae7a8b174db64a02d9879a8e54a13ee45cd5d259bbdd8919301b943e3.mp4

>>118529 anon bun / Why Is The ATF Making Secret Rules For The Firearms Industry?

>>118530, >>118534, >>118536, >>118538 Note "Tick Tock"

>>118531 NK: More missile news?

>>118532 anon bun / US, France, Russia Meet to Discuss Nagorno-Karabakh as Fighting Continues

>>118535 anon bun / Potus drops F bomb on Rush Limbaugh's show!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/85e5443d672d24a315be167d892addd905689060f02c57a466b61936b0af0f7e.mp4

>>118537 Commander at Lewis-McChord Base Hospital Is Suspended, Under Investigation

>>118539 Potus: Breaking News: 50,000 OHIO VOTERS getting WRONG ABSENTEE BALLOTS. Out of control. A Rigged Election!!!

>>118540 AU: 'Your home is now a DANGEROUS place to be. We must embrace this NEW WORLD ORDER.'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed6b40e16b441743f20a323357bf46ff3db0eab93dd404d2cb54317c8638ee1d.mp4

>>118541 Hillary emails arriving - bomb's away

>>118542 Reminder: President Trump will be on my radio show at 6-6:30 PM eastern today! Don’t miss it!

>>118543 jake tapper confirms pompeo has hillary's emails

>>118544 Hurricane Delta shuts most U.S. offshore oil output in 15 years

>>118545, >>118550 Pompeo vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w0sTco7JRyU - Pompeo calls Pelosi's 25th Amendment bill a 'political stunt' [Channel: Fox News]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/331974eb5e5a430a9c1f532f9b9c6601416cbe30179364f709008ab72e243a0f.mp4

>>118546 anon bun

>>118547 Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Ohio Must Allow For Multiple Ballot Drop Boxes

>>118548 Twitter's planned October surprise is here.

>>118549 Trump says he's disappointed in Barr over status of Durham probe

>>118551 #14070

(27 notables, 38 posts, 48 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173720

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11000528 Q Research General #14071: We Like It Declassifinated and Hawt Edition

Created 091910ZOCT20




>>118552 #14070,

>>118553 ICYMI: Potus: I will save your a Second Amendment, Virginia. He is going to take it away. Vote Trump!

>>118554 Moar illegal bullshit from activist judges.

>>118555 Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Revealing Obama State Department Officials and U.S. Ambassador Skeptical about Christopher Steele Reports

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b5c4bd129722bb250a0acffc7efc6f64a3476929509b684188318851565cb165.pdf

>>118556 Assad: Return of Golan Heights is precondition to Israel-Syria peace

>>118557, >>118562, >>118568, >>118574 planefaggin

>>118558, >>118560 Office of Justice Programs Awards $261 Million to Support Youth Mentoring, Protect Children

>>118559 The 40 key Russia documents President Trump must still declassify

>>118561 Evidence Surfaces of John Durham Grand Jury – Team Following Deep State Rabbit Hole Leading to Senate Intel Committee Corruption…

>>118563 IBM To Split Into Two Companies In Order To Focus On Cloud Computing, AI Businesses

>>118564 Trump Slams Gov. Whitmer: 'Rather Than Say Thank You, She Calls Me A White Supremacist'

>>118565 Pelosi, Mnuchin fail to reach COVID-19 deal, but talks go on amid Republican doubts

>>118566 Devalued: How Many Deserving Winners Have There Been Since Nobel Peace Prize Was Created in 1901?

>>118567 Russia Reinforced Large Air-Defense Base In Western Syria (Satellite Images)

>>118569 Suburban Chicago Businessman Charged with Illegally Exporting Arms to Ukraine

>>118570 Pinterest, Inc. Chair, CEO and co-founder sold: $13.71m Oct 6,7,8

>>118571 European lawmakers call for coordinated banking industry reforms in wake of FinCEN Files

>>118572 US regulator calls for ‘black box’ warning on breast implants

>>118573 Cyprus to Revoke Seven Golden Passports

>>118575 @USArmyReserve The 11th Military Police Brigade was one of many units participating in #OperationReadyWarrior, where Soldiers were trained, tested & evaluated on their @USArmy Warrior Tasks.

>>118577 South Africa’s Workers Protest Against Corruption

>>118578 Enrollment Is Dropping In Public Schools Around the Country

>>118579 ————————————–——– Who is most susceptible? (Cap: )

>>118580 #14071

>>118581 ————————————–——– Don't believe everything you read (Cap: )

(25 notables, 29 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>118579, >>118581

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9d28d5 No.173721

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/10998207 Q Research General #14068: Potus Rush Rally FTW Edition

Created 091647ZOCT20




>>118447 Coronavirus stimulus: McConnell pessimistic as President Trump pushes for deal before election

>>118448 Dick Cheney's Halliburton: a corporate case study

>>118449 Pelosi Invested up to $1 Million in Crowdstrike

>>118450 Refresher: The Bank Of England (along with other central banks) will be directly releasing digital currency soon

>>118451, >>118458, >>118465 planefaggin

>>118452, >>118463 Pelosi Says 25th Amendment Move Is Not About Trump. Is It Preparation to Remove Joe Biden?!

>>118453 I like this play by McCarthy. Just a hint that Speaker Nutbag is a bit unstable.

>>118454 DOJ asks Supreme Court to reinstate death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber

>>118455 Judge Drops Massive Bomb On Clinton Foundation Reveals IRS Cover-up Judge Blows Roof Off Protection Racket In Moynihan & Doyle 2.5 Billion Case Against Clintons

>>118456 Kayleigh CLOCK WATCH…. Has not moved!!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZOwB6yWsB8E - McEnany 'feeling great' despite COVID-19 diagnosis [Channel: Fox News]

>>118457 77-year-old Michigan barber who fought executive orders calls for charges against him to be dropped after court ruling

>>118459 I Didn’t Vote For Trump In 2016, But I’d Crawl Over Broken Glass To Vote For Him Now

>>118460 Outside groups pour tens of millions of dollars into Amy Coney Barrett confirmation fight

>>118461 POTUS to be medically evaluated on live tv

>>118462 Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s Ukraine/China Business Partner — Has Fraud Conviction Re-Instated by Appeals Court and Faces Prison Time

>>118464, >>118467 Rush said that Barr told Republicans that the Durham "Report" won't be out before the election/DURHAM DOESN'T PUT OUT REPORTS… HE INDICTS!!!!!!???????????

>>118466 Appeals Court rejects extension of Wisconsin absentee ballot deadline, reversing lower court

>>118468 Finance measures meant to expel ‘merchants’ from the temple,

>>118469 Hillary Clinton: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’ in the 2016 Election

>>118470 Bill Barr Gives China Joe a Kiss: AG Tells GOP Leaders DOJ Investigation into Obamagate Scandal Won’t Be Released Until AFTER Electio

>>118471 Nancy Pelosi Calls For 17-Member 'Standing Committee' On Presidential Fitness

>>118472 Former Commander of Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Sentenced to Prison

>>118473 Archive Update

>>118474 Princeton is replacing Woodrow Wilson with a new one named after CEO Mellody Hobson who is married to George Lucas

>>118475 Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Publication of Cryptocurrency Enforcement Framework

>>118476 Pakistan bans TikTok over ‘immoral & indecent’ content

>>118477 Anonymous Officials Unleash On Trump For Wanting Afghan Pullout By Christmas

>>118478 #14068

(28 notables, 32 posts, 34 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173722

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11001316 Q Research General #14072: Who is Most Susceptible Edition?

Created 092001ZOCT20




>>118582, >>118584 ————————————–——– Don't believe everything you read (Cap: )

>>118583, >>118587 rt ———–––——–— Wasn't referring to Kansas' statement re: Clinton emails. Wasn't referring to Kansas' statement re: Clinton emails.

>>118585 IT STARTS: Single County in Ohio Sends ‘Wrong Absentee Ballots’ to 50,000 VOTERS

>>118586 Trump Legal Adviser Jenna Ellis STOMPS ON Pelosi’s Latest Coup Attempt!

>>118588 Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day

>>118589 ————————————–——– Who is most susceptible? (Cap: )

>>118590 @ Sarah Huckabee Sanders

>>118591 #14072

(8 notables, 10 posts, 11 media/files)

Q- >>118587

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173723

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11002120 Q Research General #14073: Don't Believe Everything You Read Edition

Created 092032ZOCT20




>>118592 Anon Collected Non=/COMMS/ Censored Notables Bread #14072

>>118593 Worried' Cruz Warns GOP Could Face 'a Bloodbath of Watergate Proportions' on Election Day

>>118594 Debate Moderator Steve Scully Asks Anthony Scaramucci for Help With Trump

>>118595 Infiltration and subversion. Why is none of this notable?

>>118596 Delingpole: Doom Pixie Greta Thunberg Spurned AGAIN by Nobel Peace Prize

>>118597 Barack Obama Retweeted

>>118598 Finance fag Market Report

>>118599 Hillary Clinton Twat

>>118600, >>118610 PF Reports

>>118601 Twitter Locks Account of Ric Grenell over Voter Fraud Warning

>>118602 TAPPER just dropped dog COMMS

>>118603 New NK Missile

>>118604, >>118613 Keith Olbermann: ‘Trump and His Supporters Must Be Prosecuted, Convicted and Removed From Our Society’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nzFtT4yKiZY - Olbermann Vs. Trump #2: Trump's Plan To Nullify The Election [Channel: Keith Olbermann]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9eadbe17ae7e1cc610a756ce9272a796e317af356cc205de8e53ab64ebe0249e.mp4

>>118605 Poll: 56% Americans Say They Are Better Off Now Under Trump Than Four Years Ago Under Obama-Biden

>>118606 POTUS Rally in Florida on Monday

>>118607 Pelosi’s 25th Amendment Ploy Is About Biden, Not Trump

>>118608 Harris Not Ready for Prime Time

>>118609 George Soros has made large contributions to two upstart progressive candidates

>>118611 This is a compiled list of Republicans that are fighting for the 2016 Close House Races. #VOTEREPUBLICAN

>>118612 Mike Pompeo Fox News Interview

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/93ddb843d4dfa82657c554a6186f43862e08f99cedfbfa75b4fecf4660cd0b18.mp4

>>118614 Concerns over voting process in CA

>>118615 New DJT: Will be in Sanford, Florida on Monday for a very BIG RALLY!

>>118616 Doctors dispute claims that Trump's coronavirus treatment was developed with human fetal tissue

>>118617 New Catherine Herridge

>>118618 #14073

(25 notables, 27 posts, 31 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173724

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11002861 Q Research General #14074: POTUS Going to Rally In Florida Edition

Created 092117ZOCT20




>>118619 This mother fucker SEETHING. @BenRhodes

>>118620, >>118622 POTUS and Axios Durham Report - Don't Believe Everything you read

>>118621, >>118637 Delta Hurricane Tracking

>>118623 CLEAR and Quest Diagnostics Collaborate to Integrate COVID-19 Test Results with "Health Pass" for Safer Environments

>>118624, >>118635 US Attorney Bash (Zina's husband) deleted his Twatter ahead of his resignation today.

>>118625 First Lockheed Martin F-35s loaded with ODIN hardware

>>118626 Why is lead in the water not a bigger news topic?

>>118627, >>118633, >>118634 Update on Q's London Traffic Cam/LMI6 pics from UK bread

>>118628 Biden holds drive-in rally in Las Vegas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CxnX2vFpM_s - Biden holds drive-in rally in Las Vegas [Channel: Fox News]

>>118629 So Pelosi invested over 1/2 million into Crowdstrike in September.

>>118630 CNN Wants W, Bush to Endorse Biden

>>118631 Presidential Debate moderator Steve Scully (@SteveScully) deleted his account after getting caught conspiring against Trump

>>118632 POTUS Call with Rush Today - If you fuck around with us

>>118636 In person voting fuckery in New Jersey

>>118638 Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day

>>118639, >>118640 American-Made Spy Boat on Secret Mission Washes Up in Scotland

>>118641 #14074

(17 notables, 23 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173725

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11003598 Q Research General #14075: Hillary Emails out of Wonderland and Now w/ Kansas Edition

Created 092206ZOCT20




>>118642 New Flynn Filing.. Government Response requesting dismissal. Needs Sauce

>>118643, >>118648 Commission on Presidential Debates has cancelled the Oct. 15 debate

>>118644 Barack Obama and Holder doing a virtual conversation

>>118645 @Tom Steyer: Vote for action

>>118646 @WHNSC: Sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant

>>118647 Rep. James Comer asks Twitter to confirm if Steve Scully's account was actually hacked or not

>>118649 US Army testing augmented reality goggles on dogs

>>118650, >>118660 Pelosis bought 5000 Crowdstrike shares worth $500K-$1M

>>118651 Planefags

>>118652 CBP Seizes 1300 Lbs of Chinese Goods With ‘Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza’ Risk

>>118653 Grenell's twitter restored, tweets same image of ballots sent to dead voters, calls it election interference

>>118654, >>118655, >>118656, >>118657, >>118658, >>118659 Benghazi Timeline

>>118661 Resolute Reads from WH

>>118662 Missouri Supreme Court denies mail-in voting for upcoming election without requiring such votes to be notarized (huh?)

>>118663, >>118670 Does Putin really want to work with Biden? anons DIGG

>>118664 USA vs Flynn - Gov response to motion

>>118665 Scientists call for independent probe of Canadian professor's research linking fluoride to lower IQ

>>118666 James O’Keefe debunks Rogan criticism, challenges him discussion of Veritas methods

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Nkem2UH3p1c - James O’Keefe DEBUNKS Joe Rogan criticism, challenges him to go on JRE to discuss Veritas methods! [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>118667 Delaware Pizza Shop Bows to BLM pressure, cancels Republican Senate Candidate Event

>>118668 Hillary Clinton Claims ‘Black Lives Matters’ Is A ‘Theological Statement’

>>118669 Canadian Judge Denies Huawei CFO’s Request for Access to Confidential Documents

>>118671 #14975

(22 notables, 30 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173726

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11004330 Q Research General #14976: I see dead voters

Created 092253ZOCT20





>>118673, >>118676, >>118677 ————————————–——– Threats, blackmail, and bribes. (Caps: )

>>118674 South Los Angeles: Woman Finds Discarded Ballots Near Drive-Thru ATM

>>118675 Lafayette Man Receives Extra Misdirected Ballots For People Who Don’t Live At His Home

>>118678, >>118680, >>118689, >>118691 Report: Anons on Discord servers being obliterated; anons DIGG

>>118679 Scavino: SO AWESOME

>>118681 AZ House Democratic Leader thinks THIS is a great turnout.

>>118682 Nobel Prize-Winning U.N. World Food Programme Has Record of Rape, Poisoning Scandals

>>118683 Singaporean National Sentenced to 14 Months in Prison for Acting in the United States As an Illegal Agent of Chinese Intelligence

>>118684 Australian Yang Hengjun formally charged with espionage in China after almost two years' detainment

>>118685 Organizers scrap next presidential debate after Trump said he wouldn't agree to virtual format

>>118686 Pompeo is going to be on NEWSMAX in a few minutes!!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=39WrSskl3XE - LIVE NOW: Newsmax TV Live Stream [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>118687 Anon: America for Sale!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/93ddb843d4dfa82657c554a6186f43862e08f99cedfbfa75b4fecf4660cd0b18.mp4

>>118688 Executive Office for Immigration Review: 20 New Immigration Judges

>>118690, >>118698 Deranged twat re removing POTUS from office

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7784dd5c28b9f5a44bccfcb0f5eebaec32d0417ac573a11f809261e02603ccb.mp4


>>118693 China Ties to US Riots Exposed by Trevor Loudon

>>118694 O’keefe to the rescue

>>118695 Friday night escape plans cancelled? Planes grounded? ANONS DIGG

>>118696 Tucker Carlson Explodes On Deep State Rinos

>>118697 Moar Steve Scully twatter fuckery.

>>118699 ANON: Daniel Jones & Gunship>Gilligans Island>Shipwreckedcrew

>>118700 Samuel L. Jackson joins Israeli filmmaker for a race baiting bonanza

>>118701 Looks like Dr. Samadi was also silenced by twitter.

>>118702 Chinese Political ‘Expert’: Trump, Biden Are Old and ‘Accidents Can Happen’

>>118703 #14976

(26 notables, 32 posts, 34 media/files)

Q- >>118673

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173727

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11005102 Q Research General #14977: Bravery Under Fire Edition

Created 092334ZOCT20




>>118704, >>118731 Clinton emails dig: Search for 'Trafficking' brings results - Dig call

>>118705, >>118719, >>118724 Philippe Reines and Benghazi diggz

>>118706, >>118721 POTUS tweet: Documents reveal that General Flynn was entrapped!

>>118707 Former Sen. Bob Dole says members on the Debates Commission don’t support Trump

>>118708, >>118717 Biden just removed his mask to cough in his hand

>>118709 In 2019, Delaware's Dem Gov (and Biden supporter) pardoned defendant in MI Kidnap Plot

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ac702484673d90c9f8bb8e7c541a31093bf8d5a4c65dcff3f689547398d5e9f6.pdf

>>118710 MSNBC’s Jason Johnson: Trump ‘Raising an Illegal White Nationalist Terrorist Army’

>>118711 Debate Commission is Co-Founder of “Color Revolution” Org Linked to Steele Dossier & More

>>118712 Left Recruits 600k Poll Workers to Ensure ‘Fair Election’

>>118713, >>118716 . Fresh POTUS re @SteveScully - @SteveScully has now protected his tweets

>>118714 5 Ways Hunter Biden's Business Deals Empowered China at America's Expense

>>118715 14th Brigade Engineer Battalion soldiers deployed to the #AugustComplex wildfire in Northern Calif

>>118718 Clinton emails timeline

>>118720 Bitcoin, The Great Reset and Systemic Failure - Whirlwind week in the cryptocurrency world

>>118722 NYT Calls For UN ‘Election Intervention’, Says Biden Must ‘Appeal to the World For Help’

>>118723, >>118726, >>118727, >>118729, >>118734, >>118735, >>118736, >>118737, >>118739, >>118741, >>118742, >>118743, >>118744, >>118746, >>118748 List of possible POTUS' assassination attempts

>>118725, >>118730 Comedian and producer Byron Allen acquired the Weather Channel TV - Biden advertising

>>118728 Hurricane Delta makes landfall in southwestern Louisiana

>>118732, >>118733 @USMC tweet: Rainbow Gear

>>118738 #14075

>>118740 #14076,

>>118745 Charged: Thomas DiMassimo, the man who rushed the stage at POTUS' campaign event on Saturday in Vandalia, Ohio

>>118747 Durham’s Investigation Has Taken an Interest A Person Named Daniel Jones — The Implications are Uncertain At This Point

>>118749 Video - Maria talks to Gowdy: Haspell's in big trouble

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OJpvZJ2Jq2A - Trey Gowdy blasts FBI after Trump declassifies Russia documents [Channel: Fox Business]

>>118750 #14077

(25 notables, 47 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173728

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11005890 Q Research General #14078: Threats, Blackmail, And Bribes Edition

Created 100037ZOCT20




>>118751, >>118753, >>118756 Q Discord channel purge: Reports continue

>>118752 DOJ asks Supreme Court to reinstate death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber

>>118754 Video: Begun, The Great Meme War Only Has

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=A7cai2SZWHM - The Great Meme War Has Only Just Begun [Channel: TheGeekzTeam]

>>118755 MORE POTUS live - Interview on FOX @ 11PM EST TONIGHT ON SHANNON BREEM

>>118757 POTUS to Rush Limbaugh: When We Are Beating the Left They Call Us Racist

>>118758 Cuomo: ‘I Don’t Care’ About Your Religion — ‘You Have to Follow the Rules of the State’

>>118759 Yelp debuts 'racism alert' to freeze reviews of pages engulfed in discrimination scandals

>>118760 September 2020 Habbenings Calendar

>>118761 MORE FRAUD: New Hampshire Voters Receive Fake Ballots in the Mail with Personal Note

>>118762 Video: Flynn's BLISTERING Motion for Sullivan's RECUSAL - Lawyer Explains

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6dkmuutTx2A - Flynn's BLISTERING Motion for Sullivan's RECUSAL - Lawyer Explains - Viva Frei Vlawg [Channel: Viva Frei]

>>118763 Former Commander of Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Sentenced to Prison

>>118764 Planefag reports

>>118765 The Circle Is Complete: BOJ Joins Fed And ECB In Preparing Rollout Of Digital Currency

>>118766 Big Brother watching your social-distancing! Over 1,000 AI scanners in major UK cities

>>118767, >>118771, >>118781 More possible POTUS' assassination attempts

>>118768 Europe surpasses daily CV tally peak reached in spring, with 100,000 new infections (?)

>>118769 Daniel Jones diggz - Durham Investigation

>>118770 #14077

>>118772 Facebook removes 276 fake accounts tied to right-wing group Turning Point Action

>>118773 Commander at Lewis-McChord Base Hospital Is Suspended, Under Investigation

>>118774 ATF Reversal Could Turn Millions of Gun Owners into Felons

>>118775, >>118778 #Armenia and #Azerbaijan agree to ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh from 10 October

>>118776 A Republican congressman is accusing Harry and Markle of interfering in the US election

>>118777 Clare Bronfman Files Notice of Appeal of Her Sentence

>>118779 Democrats Outpace Republicans In Early Voting

>>118780 China readies new law to ban companies on national security grounds

>>118782 #14078

(27 notables, 32 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173729

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11006623 Q Research General #14079: Nothing Is Ever Truly Deleted Edition

Created 100127ZOCT20




>>118783 The Swamp: Debate Commission Packed With Trump Critics From Both Parties

>>118784 Google is giving data to police based on search keywords, court docs show

>>118785, >>118790 Pearl River church's altar removed, burned after priest, dominatrices allegedly had sex on it

>>118786, >>118788 Steve Scully seems to get "hacked" an awful lot. Claiming hack

>>118787 Anon reports on Cuomo's institutionalize threads for CV+ people

>>118789 Gen. Flynn: If We Don't Act, 2% of the People Are About To Control the Other 98%

>>118791 Scott Morrison was sacked as Managing Director of Tourism Australia for financial fraud

>>118792, >>118794 Dr. Birx warns of 'troubling signs' in northeast as new upticks in COVID-19

>>118793 THIS WEEK AT STATE State Michael Pompeo traveled to Japan October 9, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FVzpuB9rF04 - THIS WEEK AT STATE • Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo traveled to Japan • October 9, 2020 [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>118795 New Orleans archbishop: Priest's desecration of altar 'demonic'

>>118796 Alleged “Right-wing” Militia Member Arrested for Plot Against Whitmer Was BLM

>>118797 Charles Hurt: If the Democrats Are Really So Far Ahead, Why Are They Acting So Desperate?

>>118798 2nd Debate cancelled with Q 4657

>>118799 Steve Scully has history of blaming 'hackers' for posts made on his Twitter account

>>118800 Byron called a notable

>>118801 Trump joins 'Tucker' for first on-camera interview since COVID-19 diagnosis

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=b8dGSyHnGF0 - Trump joins 'Tucker' for first on-camera interview since COVID-19 diagnosis [Channel: Fox News]

>>118802 This All-Electric Robotic Combat Vehicle May Accompany Army Units into Battle

>>118803 No Spike in Florida Coronavirus Cases Despite Lack of Enforceable Mask Mandate

>>118804 #14079

(19 notables, 22 posts, 34 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173730

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11007367 Q Research General #14080: Home Of The Free Edition

Created 100221ZOCT20




>>118805 Space Helmet Muzzle Launched Just-in-Time for ‘New Normal’ Travel

>>118806 Dan Scavino

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b190df5e0abdce559204b69442715c82e4375065d71b0f8187b322da2afde1af.mp4

>>118807 President Donald Trump criticized Fox News on Friday in some of his sharpest rhetoric to date

>>118808 Disgraced former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_jlZNoNQkr4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>118809 Clinton emails on the US State department site

>>118810 Red Sox owner to take Fenway Sports public through merger with RedBall

>>118811 Yelp Says It Will Mark Pages of Businesses Accused of Racist Conduct

>>118812 Trump personnel office weighs asking appointees to offer their resignations

>>118813, >>118817 WH photos acct

>>118814 Franklin Cty, OH Board of Elections twat: We can now confirm that 49,669 voters received an incorrect ballot.

>>118815 POTUS Schedule for the Weekend of October 10th and 11th 2020

>>118816 US Army Twat: "Plenty of food and water is available for our greatest asset, our Soldiers, while they are sheltered at Fort Polk for the incoming Hurricane Delta.

>>118818 Ingraham Angle. Laura talks about Dr. Fauci and his globalist plan in research paper for Cell.com pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fafb87d791517aa3a398e38216faf1334b6d71e6c7f70a87e6399d0a3130e3dd.pdf

>>118819 Tonight, a small group of gay conservative men came together to unite in a pledge to support @realDonaldTrump.

>>118820 Potus: I was honored to receive the first ever Presidential Endorsement from the Florida Police Chiefs Association. Thank you

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e4c2dbb960e9e7d56844e365d632d6af1ae226b14fc2956435b76035181cb965.mp4

>>118821 #14080

(16 notables, 17 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173731

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11008171 Q Research General #14081: Night Shift Plugged In Edition

Created 100331ZOCT20





>>118823 Sperry: spygate investigation slow walked

>>118824 "Immunity passports" in the context of COVID-19

>>118825 planefaggin

>>118826 Pentagon taps SpaceX to build cargo transport able to ship weapons anywhere in one hour

>>118827 A senior Iranian official has given Newsweek his country's response to President Donald Trump's harsh language against the Islamic Republic

>>118828 Rubini recommends Oliver Stone's Ukraine documentary, same playbook happening now in US with riots, violence, antifa, BLM

>>118829 One Step Closer to Despotism?

>>118830 Returning to normal after COVID-19 won’t be easy, Fauci warns UC Berkeley panel

>>118831 The Editors of NEJM Trump Hit Piece disclose their “Conflicts of Interests”

>>118832 What part of "Nothing can stop what is coming" doesn't CNN get?

>>118833 Yolo County (CA) mails incorrect election ballots to 581 voters. Here’s the plan to fix it

>>118834, >>118836 BREAKING: Fed judge McFadden rules DC Mayor's #COVID19 cap of 100 ppl at religious services violates Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which doesnt apply to state and local governments, but does to feds & DC.

>>118835 As pandemic restrictions on indoor shopping ease, mall owners sue to stop another shutdown

>>118837 Kristen Welker mysteriously deletes her entire twitter account

>>118838 #14081

(16 notables, 17 posts, 20 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173732

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11009694 Q Research General #14083: Who Is Most Suseptible Edition

Created 100654ZOCT20




>>118892, >>118898, >>118899, >>118900, >>118901, >>118905, >>118908, >>118922, >>118947, >>118956 How to ensure Notable Retention and Eliminate Comms/Bakery Fuckery Always Check even if you think they are who they act like or attempt to be. Ensure an End To Fuckery!ACTIVE DIGITAL MISINFORMATION INFORMATION COMBAT!(Caps)


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j2WeFMXhYDM - Puscifer - Holiday on The Moon [Channel: Dark .Wolf]

>>118895 Washington Examiner: South Carolina senatorial debate canceled after Lindsey Graham refuses challenger's demand to take COVID-19 test (Washington Examiner)

>>118896 Grabbing popcorn intensifies. Pompeo On (Fox_

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w0sTco7JRyU - Pompeo calls Pelosi's 25th Amendment bill a 'political stunt' [Channel: Fox News]

>>118897 Anon suggestion for Global Notable. (DJT.com/Go Volunter)

>>118902 "I Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book" (Mother Jones)

>>118903 Look at this little hit piece - Here's Why Cal Trump Cunningham Has Lost So Much Support in the Active Duty Military (TIME)

>>118904, >>118921, >>118929, >>118930, >>118948, >>118953, >>118954, >>118961, >>118964, >>118965 Things to remember... (Various)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wH1Y6Jpasx0 - Vice President Mike Pence On Pride Flag At Embassies: I Support ‘One Flag Should Fly’ | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/435cb85f82817215174636fc216c1a0573164cccaf88cef3c92be6bf1b1a667e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55389d8fe41d31e9069af04cc7fa600accfcf3ca5441299e3ef00b3c25244ff4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ecf8c8eb079f1654170bc3ac159f2458df0b7d9c77883562f362a039333a9e42.webm

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h1hnmjclgnw - California Attorney General Xavier Becerra speaks at The National Press Club [Channel: National Press Club Live]

>>118906, >>118907 Diggs on Board members of Quest Diagnostics. Quest processes >33% of lab tests and all specimens for Ancestry.com. (Various)

>>118909 Time to DeFund MPR (biased/ political agenda based propaganda/ 1984 hate spreading speech)-Federal Funding in Doubt, MPR Turns to MN Taxpayers2/1/2017 (Various)

>>118910 Human Trafficking: Border Patrol agents discover 100 people in refrigerated trailer (Chron)

>>118911 "Let's Open Schools and EEverything Again..." Lesson Not Learned: Europe Unprepared as 2nd Virus Wave Hits Europe’s second wave of coronavirus infections has struck well before flu season even started (US News)

>>118912, >>118919 PB Post? David Daleiden victimized by Kamala Harris and AG Becerra? (LiveAction.org/followthemoney.org)

>>118913 Pentagon Briefing on removing VMAP-2 gene (gene for spirituality) via vaccines - FunVax (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=spw5nmUrpWA - PENTAGON BRIEFING ON REMOVING THE GOD GENE - "FUNVAX" .mp4 [Channel: Construuct]

>>118914, >>118944, >>118950, >>118955, >>118957, >>118967 Shills Whining.

>>118915 Professor charged in China case sues Harvard over legal fees (ABCNews)

>>118916 Migrant caravans restart as pandemic deepens the humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border (TheConversation)

>>118917, >>118938 SKY FALLING YET DEEP STATE? (Caps)

>>118918 Happy Programmers Day - Once in a Lifetime?

>>118920, >>118924, >>118925, >>118928, >>118959 Baking is easy, but don't listen to everyone's "Advices". Baking IS easy = copypasta essentially but takes practice

>>118923, >>118933, >>118934 Kristen Welker and Schiff in Aspen from July 2019. DIGGS bun (Youtube/Various)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Jq6r5QLcDV8 - Defending the United States Against Foreign Adversaries [Channel: The Aspen Institute]

>>118926, >>118927 Orange Revolution Comms (Caps)

>>118931, >>118939 "China Has Deployed 60,000 Soldiers On India's Northern Border": Mike Pompeo (NDTV/State.gov)

>>118932 "Time Has Come To Accept That Talks With China Won't Help": US National Security Adviser On Ladakh (NDTV)

>>118935, >>118936, >>118941, >>118946 PLA slams ‘provocative action’ as US warship sails through South China Sea (SCMP/WIONews/Caps)

>>118937 "China plans to rule the world and we are playing straight into their hands" (Express.com.uk)

>>118940, >>118952 "Cicada" Psyop Digs (Caps)

>>118942 Whitmer plot a new twist in fight for battleground Michigan (ABCNews)

>>118943 China threat: Australia's 40 percent defence budget hike a lesson to the UK, says MP (Express.co.uk)

>>118945, >>118949 "Looking Well Mister President!" - Trump joins 'Tucker' for first on-camera interview since COVID-19 diagnosis (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=b8dGSyHnGF0 - Trump joins 'Tucker' for first on-camera interview since COVID-19 diagnosis [Channel: Fox News]

>>118951 China Expert: ‘Right Now Things Are Very, Very Grim for Our Fellow Believers in China’ (NCRegister)

>>118958 This was in the pizza search : (FOIA.state.gov)

>>118960 New book examines clergy sexual abuse in the wide lens of history (NCROnline.org)

>>118962 Federal judge shoots down Texas proclamation allowing one ballot drop-off location per county (The Hill)

>>118963 Thursday 10.08.2020

>>118966 Dog Comms? (E News/Twitter)

>>118968 Happy Birthday 8KUN ~ What a Year Anons. (Tech Spot)

>>118969 Bill Burns? (FOIA.state.gov)

>>118970 #14083

(39 notables, 79 posts, 81 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173733

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11010425 Q Research General #14084: TURN IN TO IT! Edition

Created 100911ZOCT20




>>118971, >>118972, >>118973, >>119016, >>119045, >>119056 Anon self firm Anon Notes @280, 525, 610 EXCELLENT WORK ANONS! QCaps OUT Right! Right??Would you Like to Bake Next Round Anon is Leaving You can Take the Wheel Proven.Sike. So many notes missed.

>>118974 Reminder: Kamala Harris' husband works for large Chinese investment law firm (Various)

>>118975, >>118978, >>119019, >>119020, >>119026, >>119036, >>119043 German Neurologist warns against wearing facemasks + COVID/CURE News (sott.net/fda.gov/ Youtube/ Various)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Lht3jWaK2Vw - Coronavirus Vaccination Forcing the needle [Channel: eternallyaware]

>>118976 Baker Bun for #14082 Posted in `84

>>118977, >>118997, >>119013, >>119039 Planefags on patrol

>>118979 Cops release photos that were tagged 'partners in crime' from Breonna Taylor's boyfriend's phone that show them both holding gun believed to be the one he used to fire at police as messages also suggest he was selling drugs (Daily Mail.co.uk)

>>118980, >>118992 Anon's nom re: directed energy vids (Youtube)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/270128563a2a5f6e3418e82e06616f683e6c4b455397a013cc7cd0cb51bdd881.mp4


>>118981 Dog Comms (EOnline/Twitter)

>>118982 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>118983, >>118991, >>118993, >>118994, >>118995, >>118996, >>118998, >>118999, >>119002, >>119003, >>119006, >>119008, >>119010, >>119011, >>119012, >>119014 Headlines in the News Bun

>>118984 Weekend Reminder: HRC calls for slashing F-35 funding (Daily Mail.co.uk)

>>118985 Early Hydroxychloroquine reduces ICU admission by 53% in COVID-19 patients (Sciencedirect)

>>118986 Will America Survive the Democrats’ Arrows in Their Quiver? (American Thinker)

>>118987, >>118988, >>118989, >>118990 HRC on How Washington Should Think about Power (Daily Mail.co.uk)

>>119000 From 2019 - 30 Questions Globalists can't answer (Youtube)

>>119001 OAN - PDJT doubled down on commitment to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions (OANN)

>>119004 Mad Maxine Mad - Long past time to remove PDJT; invokes 25th Amendment (Breitbart)

>>119005 Diabetes Drug Metformin pulled due to high levels of cancer causing agent (NYPO)

>>119007, >>119042, >>119051 Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Tweet - They're trying to kill me tonight Uh why can't she just leave with them? Could she be aiding to decrease manpower for the upcoming ungodly 'holidays?' Could She Actually Need Help? Stay Prayed Frens (Twitter)

>>119009 Anon adds another possible attempt on PDJT - grounding of Marine One

>>119015 Nancy Pelosi's obsession (Washington Examiner)

>>119017 Calendar Anon Input?

>>119018, >>119023 Likely Shills complaining thinking they are getting away with influecning public anon opinions.

>>119021 George Whitfield and The Great Awakening (Christianity Today/Britannica/Monergism)

>>119022, >>119038, >>119040, >>119041 5:5 There

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d982dcf69e9ed47fbead3ec7613a8089db09c2889f2e15e5e902393177040ddf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c80eceb6d6d0f8562689e14af3210e816ac0412f650e9deffd5a29cf3f99a5d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d26f14dcf68953c6f97308583f0f051a35dcedb784e66656c7f89ab10ea0cfa.mp4

>>119024, >>119025 Facebook orders content moderators to come back to the office Thoughtpolice on patrol (NYPO)

>>119027, >>119031, >>119032, >>119037, >>119046, >>119047, >>119048, >>119053, >>119058, >>119059 CALL TO DIG Hillary E-mails + ALICE! (FOIA.state.gov/Anons Knew)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0b11fe37ad658ff025a7bc7f627af1b4b0e525ac85215d14349354b810f1d40.pdf

>>119028 ThankYou anon "just wanted to bring to your attention a protest "silent march" taking place RIGHT NOW in Berlin, against the draconian govt policies regarding the fucking virus. (Der-schweigemarsch.den/Ruptly/Hooktube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=60-CWNWLqzQ - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>119029 Pompeo to Newsmax TV: More Nations to Join Abraham Accords (Newsmax)

>>119030 North Carolina university tells students to shelter in place due to a threat over a Black Lives Matter mural (CNN)

>>119033, >>119035 'Everything you do embraces leftist indoctrination' Covfefe Citzens! (WND/Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y2HS9rRPKEI - Concerned Mothers And Activists At School Board Meeting [Channel: The Scoop]


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb34b8d0bccab644eef921179092773a561fd8997ead70b407fbb4d6ed748d81.mp4

>>119044 Another Hitpiece on The Great Awakening: "Behind the QAnon conspiracy movement are 'people looking for answers'" (rfi.fr)

>>119049 MARAD Renews GPS Interference Warning to Industry Repost (Maritime.dot.gov/gcaptain)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fb5f428a08d4be8a00004ea9e5d2f47e72c223decd9668d8eabcc156a6a66eb3.pdf

>>119050 Ex-CIA Boss John Brennan Tells Bill Maher The Deep State Won’t Intervene If Trump Steals Election Or Won’t Leave (Deadline)

>>119052 Don Trump Jr. and Jorge Masvidal launch 'fighters against socialism' to woo Latinos (Washington Examiner)

>>119054 Biden accidentally reveals the mask con job (American Thinker)

>>119055 Ruminations from Idaho: Is hope lost? (American Thinker)

>>119057 DOJ supports DC church defying COVID-19 orders to hold worship services outdoors Peacefully Protest The Devil Believers! (The Hill)

>>119060, >>119061 #14084

(40 notables, 91 posts, 101 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173734

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11008930 Q Research General #14082: Infinite Non-Muslim Bread Edition

Created 100504ZOCT20




>>118839 Who is Caprixia? (Daily Mail.co.uk)

>>118840 New Hillary Emails (FOIA.state.gov)

>>118841 Anon reports attack in local area "Bear" comms? MS-13 hit? (209 Times)

>>118842 Philippe Reines is a gross weirdo (Washington Examiner)

>>118843, >>118867, >>118873, >>118884, >>118887 Baker Bun for #14082 Posted in `84 / Things To Remember… (Various)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Aeg-6iTJ9vk - Inside the FBI: New York | Special Agent John Robertson Doesn't Look Like an FBI Agent | USA Network [Channel: USA Network]

>>118844 Pompeo: "They're Not Deleted (Newsmax)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FWowUnxBsps - RELEASED: Pompeo tells all on Hillary's emails, China relations and more [Channel: Newsmax]

>>118845, >>118848 Diggs on Board members of Quest Diagnostics (Various)

>>118846 They Want You DIVIDED (Cap)

>>118847, >>118851 Seattle Pride petitions for a popular radio hosts job terminated resulting in a suspension by the Seattle Seahawks after he posted a tweet about the irony of Gov. Inslees appeal to science in the debates and in a state where someone can legally change their birth gender. (Seattle Times/Seattle Pride)

>>118849 Upside Down? Connected? (Caps/Twitter)

>>118850 New #US sanctions on #Iran, effectively cut the Middle Eastern country off from the world finance system. (Jerusalem Post)

>>118852 "Malta you say?": The Supreme Court In Historical Perspective (Buzzfeed News)

>>118853, >>118854, >>118863 Michigan Sheriff says plot to kidnap Whitmer LEGAL (Daily Mail.co.uk)

>>118855 Educational or Indoctrination? (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RCzwoMDgF_I - @Barbie | Barbie and Nikki Discuss Racism | Barbie Vlogs [Channel: Barbie]

>>118856, >>118858, >>118859, >>118860, >>118864, >>118866, >>118872, >>118877, >>118888, >>118889, >>118890 Why is it so wrong to mention Jewish History? Anons Investigate /comms/ attempts to control and their subversion tactics

>>118857, >>118885 Habbenings Calendar (Caps)

>>118861, >>118878 PencilNeck Schiff on Bill Red Shoes Mayer (Youtube)

>>118862 The Finders (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m-iI8fSGPnc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>118865 Grennell Shares Gays For Trump Citizen Endorsement From TJ Chang on (Twitter)

>>118868 The Chinese Spy employer Diane Feinstein says Fuck masks. Good for her. (Fox)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9LxdQmkOnsM - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>118869 A National Security Reckoning How Washington Should Think About Power - By [HRC] (Foreign Affairs)

>>118870 Moar Celebrity Citizens Endorsing Incarcerated Individuals (TMJ4 News/Twitter)

>>118871 Hillary Clinton Slams Trump’s ‘Failures’, Urges Pentagon Cuts to Face ‘Asymmetrical Threats’ (Sputnik)

>>118874 Nearly 500,000 power outages reported across Texas & Louisiana as Hurricane Delta pummels gulf coast with 80mph gusts (RT)

>>118875 Donald Trump Says He Is ‘Medication Free’ After Coronavirus Treatments (Breitbart)

>>118876 Watch The Water Updates South China Seas Edition (Various)

>>118879 Partygoers fined $21k in fines for breaching Melbourne's COVID-19 restrictions (9News.com.au)

>>118880 Senior member of notorious bikie gang charged over accessing 'child abuse material' (9News.com.au)

>>118881 NTY Trump hit piece (NYTimes)

>>118882 U.S. Signs Agreement With AstraZeneca to Develop, Supply COVID-19 Antibody Treatment (USNews)

>>118883 Border Patrol agents discover 100 people in refrigerated trailer (Chron)

>>118886 Nervous Investors Buy Gold At Record Pace On US Election Fears (Forbes)

>>118891 Reminder CPS does Child Trafficking (Epoch Times)

(33 notables, 53 posts, 80 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173735

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11011224 Q Research General #14085: The Great Awakening Edition

Created 101229ZOCT20




>>119062, >>119066, >>119068, >>119069, >>119070, >>119074, >>119079, >>119091, >>119095, >>119107, >>119109, >>119117, >>119118, >>119120 Things to Remember (Various)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a2beb48339b79574d98027d963db77cd4d9fabf3a3cd4791c35522204f53057.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84c80b72caed9912eaf999da62b3dd9ba8f5214ad90e6c848fcc62e8ce20d54e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96e0cdc8818bb6eb158b1abc8b627ef05cb62b71c71e3fd24d44ba131faa3416.pdf

>>119063 DEEP STATE STRIKES AGAIN! Federal Prosecutors Arrest Two Giuliani Associates on Campaign Finance Violations – Rudy Promises to Strike Back! (The Gateway Pundit)

>>119064 Disney Admits to Knowingly Working With Human Rights Abusers in China (Bloomberg)

>>119065 White/Black Hat Probabilistic battle scheme anon consideration on Clock

>>119067, >>119073 1 Year Delta DJT Tweets - Start thinking about getting bigger tractors! (Cap)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9JN8sFRBQfs - Trump Enters To Joe Esposito's 'You're The Best Around' [Channel: 97.1 The Ticket]

>>119071 The Latest Woke Demand – Stop Teaching Black Students Standard English (Yahoo News)

>>119072 Show Intensifies

>>119075 Corrected Errors

>>119076 Moar Clockfag Deltas! Check Em Anons!

>>119077, >>119103 Pompeo Tweets (Various)

>>119078, >>119080 "Big News Roundup ~ Orient edition" + Independent Journalist on 'Rockefeller Controlled Asiatic "Swift System"' (Various)

>>119081 Let's Play A Game.

>>119082 "Beware the Toxic Toupee: Forest Dept. Warns of Venomous Caterpillars Spotted in Va." (NBCNY)

>>119083 Shameful. Despicable. A Few Recorded Past Attempts on our beloved POTUS! (Various)

>>119084 Hillary Clinton Says Young People Are Leaving Church Because Christianity Is ‘Judgmental and Alienating’ (Faithwire.com)

>>119085 Ugh the fake qanonners acting up again (Instagram?)

>>119086, >>119087 Chris C. Up and Moving (Twitter)

>>119088 US Navy Carrier Strike Group maritime security operations in Indian Ocean

>>119089 Wednesday 10.07.2020

>>119090, >>119099 USMC RES, RCN Also! "Wellness Asking for help is a sign of strength. Learn more about maintaining your own mental and physical health, and supporting others: CHECK YOUR BUDDS! Let someone know you care. (Twitter)

>>119092 Delaware suspect in Whitmer plot was pardoned last year (Yahoo News)

>>119093 The Second Presidential Debate Has Been Canceled (Hotair)

>>119094 ABC Avoids Reporting Milwaukee Police Shooting Victim Was Armed and Fired Weapon (News Busters)

>>119096 Although she was only nineteen at the time, Bea was one of the fifteen Communists to be hired in 1937 by the newly-formed Congress of Industrial Organizations to organize the laundry workers. The campaign that ensued culminated in the organization of New York City’s 30,000 laundry workers and, more broadly, contributed to the mass movements that produced a revitalized labor movement that won important gains for all Americans, including Social Security and union rights. (People's World NY)

>>119097 Minneapolis Cop whom Allegedly Murdered George Floyd Awaits Trial Out of State (NPR)

>>119098 Biden dodges court-packing questions as SCOTUS nomination moves forward Mike Pence called out Kamala Harris for her refusal to make her stance clear. (ABC News)

>>119100 SocialMediaAnons Strategies, Low Profile Maintain Camo

>>119101 Whining about Control because that is likely what it desires.

>>119102 Attendees Standing in Social Distancing Circles Laugh at Joe Biden When He Tells Them to Sit Down – But They Have No Chairs (The Gateway Pundit)

>>119104 Larry C. Johnson: Jim Comey Ignored Department Whistleblower on Hillary’s Crimes With Classified Material (The Gateway Pundit)

>>119105, >>119124 Moar Sarah Ruth Ashcroft Allegations of Forced Sexual Servitude and Cannabilism (Twitter/Caps)

>>119106, >>119110, >>119127 System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 +Cure Reposts/Updates (Patents.Google)

>>119108, >>119111 Morning Praise on What Would Originally Be Sunday, Before God Turned The Time Back A Day (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0MtdyRDy4fU - America's Marines Singing "Days of Elijah" [Channel: The Church Guide]

>>119112, >>119114 Transcript of Pelosi Interview on Bloomberg News' Balance of Power with David Westin (Speaker.gov)

>>119113 Pelosi, Mnuchin fail to reach COVID-19 stimulus deal, but talks go on amid Republican doubt (Reuters)

>>119115 WATCH: Wisconsin Protesters Defy Curfew Orders for Third Night (Breitbart)

>>119116 Moar Unrest in Armenia: Armenia, Azerbaijan say Nagorno-Karabakh truce fails to hold (AP News)

>>119119, >>119126 Ainsley Defends Chris Wallace Fox and Friends (Fox/Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tnuApTKwxCE - Ted Cruz on Fox & Friends | One Vote Away [Channel: Ted Cruz]

>>119121 Kirstie Alley rips into 'EVIL' Nancy Pelosi over 25th Amendment scheme to unseat TrumpAlley is being more and more vocal about politics (The Blaze)

>>119122 Haliburton International Foods CEO charged with child prostitution (News Yahoo)

>>119123 In hysterical news; Minnesota Tiberwolves player Omari Spellman has had his Verified Twitter account hacked. The account has been renamed John McAfee, and is being used by a scammer to run a crypto-currency scam on the @officialmcafee twitter wall. (Caps Twitter)

>>119125 First Couple of Fox? (Vanity Fair)

>>119128 #14085,

(43 notables, 67 posts, 74 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173736

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11012053 Q Research General #14086: 86 The Deep State's Plans Yet Again Q Do It! Edition

Created 101419ZOCT20




>>119129 All Patents with the name 'Rothschild' as the inventor.

>>119130 Hillary outlines plans to destroy America

>>119131 Joe Biden refuses to tell Americans about his plan for the Courts

>>119132 Capitol Hill Church in DC opens for first time since China Virus lockdown began

>>119133 Canada Covid Camps

>>119134 Obama inner circle used private email to talk to one another

>>119135 Colorado Gov (Dem) Polis extends mask requirement

>>119136 Hillary orchestrated Russia Hoax

>>119137 Colin Powell tells Hillary how to evade Government security protocols

>>119138 Information on Governors shutting down States

>>119139 No one showing up at Biden/Harris events

>>119140 Since Labor Day POTUS has spoken to 250,000 supporters live

>>119141 Step by step baking instructions

>>119142 Steve Scully, 2nd debate moderator, has claimed his twitter was hacked before

>>119143 Keith Olbermann calls for arrests of all Trump Supporters

>>119144 NOKO unveils new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (Q Proof)

>>119145 Deep State is panicking because GMAX docs release appeal upcoming

>>119146 A Prayer for POTUS and the USA by Archbishop Vigano

>>119147 Lawsuit to release criminals over china virus fails

(19 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173737

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11012855 Q Research General #14087: Saturday Morning E-Bake Edition

Created 101546ZOCT20





>>119150 Hawkfish, a tech firm founded by billionaire former presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, has signed on with a pro-Joe Biden super PAC after missing out on working directly with the presumptive Democratic nominee’s campaign.

>>119151 Today we celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the @NavalAcademy

>>119152 Judge denies motion to extend Florida's voter registration

>>119153, >>119156 NEW PDJT

>>119154 NEW PDJT RT

>>119155, >>119168 PF

>>119157 Look who is being a cocky bitch this morning.

>>119158 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome endorses Biden

>>119159 Paul Sperry

>>119160 Suspect in Whitmer Kidnap attempt was pardoned last year in DE

>>119161, >>119167 Democrat HRC supporter Scholar uncovered Google bias, threatened with death, young wife dies unnatural death

>>119162 Ben Rhodes on twat - This must be the ceremony for Trump's Nobel Prize

>>119163 /COMMS/ Bakers attempt to impersonate and gaslight OSS, get caught and made to look as stupid as they are.

>>119164 China Ties to US Riots Exposed by Trevor Loudon

>>119165 Dated just days after the 2012 Obama election on November 7, 2012

>>119166 The Commission on Presidential Debates is supposedly bipartisan w/ an equal number of Rs and Ds. I know all of the Republicans and most are friends of mine. I am concerned that none of them support @realDonaldTrump.

>>119170 Militia members arraigned on terrorism charges for alleged plot against Gov. Whitmer


>>119172 Details of Amy Coney Barrett's Monday confirmation hearing released

>>119173 Flashback 04/05/1991 - Sen Heinz, 6 other die in PA plane-copter collision

>>119174 #14086

>>119175 The owner of a grocery store at the site of the George Floyd killing in Minneapolis, Minn., has threatened to sue the mayor and city council over the establishment of an “autonomous zone” that the owner says is hurting businesses in the area, KTSP News reported on Thursday.

>>119176 If you see campaign signs or other signage, it's because people brought it themselves. "We're not handing out anything but people can bring things onto the complex," ~Judd Deere

>>119177 Jon Cooper - BREAKING: According to @JewishNewsUSA, @realDonaldTrump held a meeting this morning with senior campaign staff, legal advisors and his children to discuss his possible resignation. Resignation would be contingent on a pardon by Pence, and the dismissal of SDNY criminal charges.

>>119178, >>119179, >>119184 FROM COMMS BOARD LAST NIGHT - Plotting to go back and delete notables while anons slept

>>119180 @Army Football

>>119181 Richard Grenell - Lackluster showing for @JoeBiden in Arizona.


>>119183 Hillary campaign used the term “Loser” for How they wanted to portray Donald Trump.

>>119185 #14087

(31 notables, 38 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173738

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11013940 Q Research General #14088: Threats, Blackmail, and Bribes Edition

Created 101734ZOCT20




>>119186, >>119190, >>119215, >>119227, >>119232, >>119237 Other News

>>119187 "Big Tech Has Become A Tool Of Totalitarian Facism" - Google Has 'Memory-Holed' The Great Barrington Declaration

>>119188 Robinhood Users' Accounts Mysteriously Looted And There's No One To Call

>>119189, >>119208, >>119213, >>119220, >>119241 PF

>>119191 Chris Christie released from hospital following COVID-19 diagnosis, treatment with remdesivir

>>119192 CDC document bombshell reveals list of all vaccine excipients, including “African Green Monkey Kidney Cells” and fibroblast cells from aborted human fetuses

>>119193 Dan Scavino🇺🇸 - Biden says voters ‘don’t deserve’ his stance on packing Supreme Court

>>119194 Human-rights violators now fighting exposure at U.N. Demand that images showing offenses be censored

>>119195 Newly released Breonna Taylor photos feature guns, drugs Evidence includes 'partners in crime' images of black woman killed in police raid

>>119196 There’s no way that close to 38-40 people connected to the WH have been diagnosed with Covid, without it being obvious that events occur at the WH all the time since the beginning of Covid.

>>119197 QCLOCK - Follow the [markers]. POTUS will point us in the right direction.

>>119198, >>119199, >>119209, >>119223, >>119236, >>119238, >>119239 INTL

>>119200 POTUS live now

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Rdw1eZG678s - President Trump Delivers Remarks at a Peaceful Protest for Law & Order [Channel: The White House]

>>119201 ‘No, They Don’t’: Joe Biden Dismisses Idea that Voters ‘Deserve’ to Know Court Packing Stance

>>119202 Explains a lot about Nike

>>119203, >>119221, >>119225, >>119229, >>119230, >>119231 /COMMS/ SUBVERSION MINIBUN

>>119204 Pelosis Take a Big Stake in CrowdStrike, Democrat-Connected Linchpin of Russia Probe

>>119205 BREAKING: "My daughters insulin has already dropped from $700 a month to $48 a month due to Trump. Thank you Donald Trump. Excellent Job."

>>119206 Well, Steve Scully's 'I Was Hacked' Defense for Unprofessional Trump Tweet Just Got Shredded

>>119207 Trump goes Kenny Rogers on the Presidential Election Commission - AMERICAN THINKER

>>119210 Muslim Imam Arrested in Huge Child Pornography Bust

>>119211 Disgusting: WaPo Goes After Amy Coney Barrett’s Children Again, This Time It’s Even More Ridiculous

>>119212 Congressman Demands Harry and Meghan Be Stripped of Royal Titles for Interfering in U.S. Election

>>119214, >>119226 Why didn't the McCain Foundation file taxes for 2016?

>>119216 Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump

>>119217 Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results - Collection: Clinton_Emailstart digging anons

>>119218 Fantastic Research – Presidential Debate Commission Ideology Exposed – Chairman Connected to Soros, Color Revolution and Steele Dossier Group…

>>119219 Poll: The Shy Trump Vote Is Bigger This Year…And Who Falls into This Category Should Terrify Democrats

>>119222 Rigged: The Chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission is Co-Founder of “Color Revolution” Org Linked to Steele Dossier and More

>>119224 MAJOR! California fire investigators seize PG&E equipment

>>119228 Oh Boy: Joe Biden Misreads Teleprompter and Calls for $15 Million Minimum Wage (VIDEO)

>>119233 Kevin McCullough, the man who correctly predicted the winning election maps since 2006 (when no one else did) just posted his prediction map for 2020 election: @realDonaldTrump. what are your thoughts?

>>119234 Basic clock explanation @ PB post. :13 would be the [5] back [marker]. Re-read the drops. Drop 2249 is on the :48 line. Straight across from :18 where 10/10/2020 is.

>>119235 Hillary Clinton Takes Shot at F-35 Program, Urges Retirement of Old Air Force Planes

>>119240 Glenn Greenwald states what Cue and Trump have said, “the MSM will be gone once Trump is no longer is in office!” They participated in their own demise, when they could have survived by telling the true story

>>119242 FLASHBACK: Chuck Todd Whined About Trump ‘Humiliating’ Bill Clinton By Bringing Accusers to Debate

>>119243 Pelosi mask with oranges is another one of her symbols to Trump

>>119244 Email Digs Daily schedule Friday, September 21, 2012 Birthday party for Susie Tompkins Buell Private residence. Business Casual Roberts Pizza to be delivered. Cocktails and Pizza

>>119245 NEW POTUS

>>119246 More Than A Dozen Predators Busted During "Operation Safe Teen"

>>119247 #14088

(41 notables, 62 posts, 92 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173739

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11014894 Q Research General #14089: Don't believe everything you read Edition

Created 101855ZOCT20




>>119248 Deceased high-ranking bishop accused of abetting sex abuse in Germany - Gallinkirch Mafia - Needs More Digging - Geronimo Podesta

>>119249, >>119250, >>119251, >>119260, >>119266, >>119270, >>119271, >>119288 Other News

>>119252, >>119263, >>119267, >>119274, >>119276, >>119278, >>119286 PF

>>119253 The Assange Case Explained - video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=deSrAq2SKv0 - An In-Depth Look at the Assange Trial [Channel: BreakThrough News]

>>119254 I’ve received 242,000 letters, calls and emails opposing the GOP rush to fill Justice Ginsburg’s seat. The American people understand that Republicans are hurrying to consolidate a conservative majority on the court so they can repeal the ACA. This is NOT the will of the people. - Beijing Diane


>>119256 New Flotus

>>119257 Wife Of Deceased Never-Trump Senator Who Passed Fake Russian Dossier To FBI, Endorses Joe Biden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=N0DMpKeH8bQ - Like John Did | Joe Biden For President 2020 [Channel: Joe Biden]

>>119258 Trump VS the Illuminati full movie

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vMm6mQT8hlI - Trump Vs The Illuminati [Channel: Nirabata]

>>119259 MOAR PANIC

>>119261 Antifa and other agitators in black bloc showed up to disrupt a pro-police rally in Seattle.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3aa4c543ac26bdbd20de8bb57c7289888e0b45290eeb0842bca504188c2756ee.mp4

>>119262 Will America Survive the Democrats’ Arrows in Their Quiver?

>>119264 Listen - POTUS's peaceful protest for law and order at the WH today for Candace Owens and Blexit

>>119265 Israel to ‘immediately’ bring over 2,000 Ethiopian Jews - Promises to not sterlize them this time

>>119268 Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent'

>>119269 The Ninth Circuit on Friday ruled that President Donald Trump’s allocation of military funds for construction of his border wall was illegal, upholding a December 2019 ruling from a federal judge.

>>119272 Interesting INB4 post from half - this morning.

>>119273 That’s Weird… Suspect in Whitmer Plot Was Pardoned by Democrat Governor of Delaware Last Year

>>119275 "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" - Pelosi Rejects Trump's Latest COVID Stimulus Offe

>>119277 Prof compares Mitch McConnell to a Nazi who 'picks off old Jewish ladies with his rifle'

>>119279 Camila Turns Against Raniere – Child Sex Abuse Victim Expected to Come From Mexico to Condemn Raniere at Sentencing

>>119280 When The Buck Stops Nowhere: Barr – Haspel – Pompeo

>>119281 Teachers Unions Promise School Will Resume As Soon As The Teachers Are Done Campaigning For Biden

>>119282 CBS News Runs Cover For Joe Biden After President Trump Calls Biden a Socialist During Public White House Event

>>119283 Because McCabe is in the FBI/DOJ old boys club. They would not be so gentle with outsiders. Just ask Gen Flynn.

>>119284 If this lunatic doesn’t get you out to VOTE #TrumpPence2020, I don’t know what will! #MAGA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/460cf3436eb045b3ee6734ec0e20797f4640df799c77dc8044683f20d617451e.mp4

>>119285 Ballot Theft! MIA Candidates! It's Time for This Week's Wrap-Up of Ballot Shenanigans!

>>119287 Communist China's ties to US riots exposed; Exclusive: new evidence of China's coverup

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VfoRGG_j5x4 - Communist China's ties to US riots exposed; Exclusive: new evidence of China's coverup [Channel: China in Focus - NTD]

>>119289 #14089

(29 notables, 42 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173740

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11016528 Q Research General #14091: /qresearch/ is Punk Edition

Created 102134ZOCT20




>>119318, >>119328, >>119334, >>119339, >>119342 . PF Reports - Tracking 'XXX'

>>119319 CanadaFag diggs on Canada pols on tiktok

>>119320 FIPA agreement with China: What's really in it for Canada?

>>119321 Now Biden Says Filling Ginsburg Seat 'Not Constitutional'

>>119322 Lancaster police chief forced to resign after wife made pro-Trump comments

>>119323, >>119336, >>119340 Hey look, Chelsea Clinton and her husband Marc Mezvinsky were in the Ukraine too

>>119324, >>119325 Someone's been shot at the Denver protest/counter-protest involving Antifa.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b30c71d0ca7a688b4b6046ab2126ddb9cf9a5042ccc7e4d666528f8c6fa71e6.mp4

>>119326 Suspect in Whitmer Plot Was Pardoned by Democrat Governor of Delaware Last Year Digg Continued

>>119329, >>119337 Cintons have two foundations, Clinton Foundation and Clinton Family Foundation

>>119330 @Acosta twats out hate

>>119331 Whistleblower went to the FBI about Clinton and they ignored it

>>119332 A letter from the the meme war front, signed: Yours Truly, Pepe

>>119333 The film library of València will premiere in Spain 'Homecoming. Marina Abramovic and 'her children' Oct 27th

>>119335 Rising COVID cases take Europe and US off the travel list for next year

>>119338 Doctors, actualefical scientists being memory holed by Google and Twitter

>>119341 Biden: Voters "Don't Deserve" To Know My Position on Court Packing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bGNLDftCCI0 - Biden: Voters "Don't Deserve" To Know My Position on Court Packing [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>119343, >>119344, >>119346 Shots fired at Denver Protest (Vid Embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/effb6fb0af9db1f92e004461d2ed7cf3d233d92e4561826db87d843d39996875.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jydLkXhn5kk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119345 Anon Digg on Nasal testing

>>119347 Miami PD Estimates More Than 30,000 Cars Participated in Anti-Communist, Latinos For Trump

>>119348 Cyber Command has sought to disrupt the world’s largest botnet for election

>>119349 Trump picks up another Nobel Peace Prize nomination from Europe

>>119350 @DanScavino: MEGA MAGA! The Largest Radio Rally in History

>>119351 Swedish Teen and Climate Change Promoter Greta Thunberg Endorses Joe Biden

>>119352 #14091,

(24 notables, 34 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173741

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11015749 Q Research General #14090: Keep firing, Nancy. Edition

Created 102023ZOCT20




>>119290 Senate Republicans rip new White House coronavirus proposal

>>119291 Nobel Prize-Winning U.N. World Food Programme Has Record of Rape, Poisoning Scandals

>>119292 Refresher: Pelosi visited north Korea

>>119293, >>119297, >>119299, >>119302, >>119306, >>119309 . PF Reports - 'X' & 'XXX' have landed. EASY04 headed back to Callender Field.

>>119294, >>119295, >>119298, >>119300 Anon discuss wearethene.ws

>>119296 Disney Says Authenticity drove decision to film mulan in chinese concentration camp region

>>119301, >>119305 BUZZFEED: Dozens of Black employees said faced racism at Planned Parenthood, according to internal audit

>>119303, >>119316 Sex Pistols Front Man Johnny Rotten: ‘Of Course I’m Voting for Trump’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lycFr8bdGpo - John Lydon on Jimmy Savile [Channel: LiquidLifeTV]

>>119304 Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present, a 2012 film

>>119307, >>119310, >>119312 Radarfag Chekkin in: Why this rain in a straight line?

>>119308 Bill Gates Warns Nation Will See ‘Lots of Additional Deaths’

>>119311, >>119313, >>119314 ICYMI Speaker Pelosi Invests Hundreds of Thousands in Firm Behind Russia Collusion Hoax, CROWDSTRIKE

>>119315 Report: More Texts Including Potential Nude Photos of Democrat Cal Cunningham Loom

>>119317 #14090

(14 notables, 28 posts, 30 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173742

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11018835 Q Research General #14094: ]Grassley [Edition

Created 110111ZOCT20




>>119417, >>119422, >>119423, >>119430, >>119431, >>119436 moar Denver shooter

>>119418, >>119419, >>119420, >>119427, >>119435 10:10 guesses

>>119421 Grassley decode?

>>119424 Tik mark #8 is Deep Red?

>>119425 Trump No Longer Contagious After Combating COVID-19 - POTUS Personal Physician

>>119426 China Blasts Latest US Navy Deployment Near Paracel Islands: "Halt Provocations!"

>>119428 Refresher: U.S. Attorneys Loretta E. Lynch and Sally Yates to Lead Attorney General’s Advisory Committee

>>119429 They mixed Amb. Stevens first name with Sean Smiths in emails from 11:38 pm the night before they announced the info.

>>119432, >>119433 As the 1st President to formally recognize the issue of Missing & Murdered Native Americans, today, I was proud to sign Savanna’s Act & the Not Invisible Act.

>>119434 Beltway Republicans Want President Trump to Drop The “Russiagate” Issue…

>>119437 Rick Wilson from @ProjectLincoln dinning with Peter Strzok

>>119438 DEVELOPING: In ominous turn,#Spygate probe now operating from new case theory Clinton operatives (Sussman, Jones, Steele, Simpson +cyber experts) may have fed FBI falsified evidence

>>119439 QPostArchiverFag

>>119440 planefaggin

>>119441 Wednesday 10.07.2020

>>119442 Church of England dumps all ExxonMobil stock

>>119443 Huber deets refresher

>>119444 Scavino: Thank you to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, support, and love over the past 10 days.

>>119445 #14094

(19 notables, 29 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173743

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11017278 Q Research General #14092: The keksPistols Anarchy in the MSM Edition

Created 102246ZOCT20




>>119353 Fresh Biden Gaffes

>>119354, >>119359, >>119364, >>119367, >>119374, >>119377, >>119386 Left winger kills conservative at "Soup drive" communist rally in Denver (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/effb6fb0af9db1f92e004461d2ed7cf3d233d92e4561826db87d843d39996875.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9407a0af824db0e1af12ba31509cde67d3ec6eed5e298f6dcc091431e8e0229d.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NLVX-I11hww - Patriot Rally / Soup Drive Counter Protest - goes terribly wrong in Denver [Channel: Cut The Plastic]

>>119355 Fired IG Linick Had Secret OIG Network With Hillary’s EMAILS

>>119356 This chart shows areas with the highest number of daily cases/100k in the past two weeks

>>119357 Antifa gets mad cop isn't helping. (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f9473cef55d8e4dcc828248a6338d1ebd8cfb72013d08b35aaaadebab742957.mp4

>>119358, >>119361 BLM Supporter Tied to Michigan Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping Plot.

>>119360 Coronavirus Rages in Europe. What Went Wrong?

>>119362 Ballot Theft! MIA Candidates! It's Time for This Week's Wrap-Up of Ballot Shenanigans!

>>119363 Federal Judge Drops Massive Bomb On Clinton Foundation, Reveals IRS Cover Up

>>119365, >>119366 PF Report - Tracking AF2

>>119368 'Up in Flames': Biden-Harris Campaign Hay Bale Display Torched in Massachusetts

>>119369 Presidential Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

>>119370 Michigan Sheriff Alleges Gov. Whitmer 'Kidnap Plot' Was 'Arrest Attempt'

>>119371, >>119382, >>119385 Markertfags talk silver price

>>119372 FBI, Twitter launch investigation into Steve Scully's claims account was hacked

>>119373 @USNavy: Hundreds of years of ingenuity and tech. Unmatched power.

>>119375 Thousands of patriots and Trump supporters gather together and take the streets of DC to back the blue! (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2868e3bbed84b8c24c7c4ebf7414fd3c521012fbfad10419d83dd2cae2879106.mp4

>>119376 @DVIDSHub: Airmen configure a 920th Rescue Wing HC-130J Combat King II aircraft

>>119378 ICYMI Delaware man charged in Michigan governor kidnap plot was pardoned by Carney last year

>>119379 The collapse of the Cambridge Analytica conspiracy theory

>>119380 UNCLASSIFIED 20TH SEPT 2018 - Obama Admin/Huma rights

>>119381 Proposed new ordinance to shutter business operations by 9 p.m. to help reduce crime, Flint MI

>>119383, >>119384 @DanScavino

>>119387 #14092

(24 notables, 35 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173744

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11018048 Q Research General #14093: Free Flynn Edition

Created 102357ZOCT20




>>119388 VP Mike Pence Draws 4,000 in Florida — More Supporters than Joe Biden Has Seen at ALL RALLIES ALL YEAR!

>>119389 Nothing to see here.

>>119390 AF2 USAF C-32A landed at JBA about 20 minutes ago from Orlando Int'l

>>119391, >>119395 The Real Cost of Homelessness

>>119392, >>119393, >>119401, >>119404, >>119405 Big Mike

>>119394 Archive of Q posts in PDF form

>>119396, >>119397, >>119408, >>119413 "The Godfather: Oranges appear whenever death is in the air

>>119398 Tehran hits back at Trump over outburst of profanity: Iranians not intimidated

>>119399, >>119402, >>119406, >>119409 Antifa Cheers in the Streets After One of Their Peers Shoots and Kills a Trump Supporter in Denver

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6bdf50261627615e4c35ef8474528312a0e8b53f206dbc40fbd5abd440f56aa7.mp4

>>119400 planefaggIn

>>119403, >>119407 Grassley knows 10:10/missing letters

>>119410 Mr Biden will you denounce the violent far left groups BLM and ANTIFA?

>>119411 How HRC [etal] goes Down.

>>119412, >>119414, >>119415 Memorandum from the President’s Physician

>>119416 #14093

(15 notables, 29 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173745

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11019603 Q Research General #14095: Denver Shooting With Few Deets Edition

Created 110222ZOCT20




>>119446 Anon tweet for keks

>>119447 BLM Marches Down Florida Sidewalks Crowded with Kids

>>119448 WH Investigating ATF Decision to Increase Regulation on Certain Pistols

>>119449, >>119455, >>119466 S.o.i = Slaughter Of Innocence

>>119450 WHO official Dr. David Nabarro urges world leaders to stop using lockdowns as primary virus control method

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0de36771a4654453dcaf85cb0e87b6f38268198c60b362dbe6b1dc443df8a1fa.mp4

>>119451, >>119464, >>119465 FBI & CIA weaponized intelligence & surveillance powers against Trump + 5

>>119452 Inside the Echo Chamber: The extent to which researchers have access to our online behavior

>>119453 Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace (1958) (vid 28mins) Brave New World

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=alasBxZsb40 - Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace : 1958 (Full) [Channel: someoddstuff]

>>119454 Warren vows Biden will 'hold Trump accountable' for pandemic

>>119456 Candace Owens going medieval

>>119457 CNO: More than 190 ships have had COVID-19 cases

>>119458 Specter of election chaos raises questions on military role

>>119459, >>119461 Trump 2020 A Man vs. A Movement

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q_4n_MmNdxA - Trump 2020 A Man vs. A Movement [Channel: American Greatness]

>>119460 Planefag

>>119462 Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Accept the Outcome of the Election Without Any Questions”

>>119463 Denver Trump supporter shot by reporters bodyguard

>>119467 Miami PD Estimates More Than 30,000 Cars Participated in Anti-Communist, Latinos For Trump Caravan in South Florida

>>119468 Durhams investigation has taken an interest a person named Daniel Jones

>>119469 Watching the mail?

>>119470 Catherine Herridge updates

>>119471 HIT PIECE GOP senator noticed something weird on Fox News

>>119472 James Woods, I feel I may have been a bit harsh to Democrats keks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0378b6e6e6010cb2a47074a75a56f5643c7fddce316c33e0a51df25642cd2a8b.mp4

>>119473 #14095

(23 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173746

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11020291 Q Research General #14096: Never Gonna Give Q up Edition

Created 110331ZOCT20




>>119474 Transcripts: Clinton Aides Allied With Fusion GPS Pair After Election – to Re-Push Anti-Trump Dossier

>>119475, >>119478 Dan Scavino Riders Flagged

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d874b736e1e43203f43840f83c700efc234b9c807401ff4a9424efb8f50e5482.mp4

>>119476 Any one recognize this tattoo?

>>119477, >>119484, >>119492, >>119493, >>119498, >>119499, >>119502, >>119504, >>119505, >>119506, >>119507, >>119509, >>119510, >>119512, >>119513, >>119525, >>119526, >>119527, >>119528, >>119530, >>119531, >>119532, >>119533, >>119535, >>119536, >>119538, >>119539, >>119540, >>119541, >>119542, >>119544 MINI-BUN OF POSSIBLE EVIDENCE THE COLORADO SHOOTING WAS A STAGED EVENT AND THEY USED BLANKS. ALSO THAT >INB4 TALKED ABOUT IT ON BOTH THE 8TH AND 1ST OF OCTOBER

>>119479, >>119483, >>119494 Who is Orange Vest Photographer? Miraculously in every confrontation involving BLM instigator

>>119480, >>119482, >>119485, >>119486, >>119488, >>119489, >>119490 Confirmed the guard was contracted through Pinkerton

>>119481 Hillary Clinton not Trump colluded with Russians in effort to win 2016 election

>>119487 Visualizing The State Of 5G Networks Worldwide

>>119491 Large and Diverse Pro-Trump Rally Descends on Beverly Hills

>>119495 Anti-Barrett Letter With 'Thousands' of Signees Contains Duplicates and Dead People

>>119496, >>119500 Murder, you can clearly hear the gun being chambered before the pepper spray

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2dd2f7ecf4a5984b8e7ba22c0a7114032f5b7c103440ff21fb6c6decac2b0bad.mp4

>>119497, >>119503, >>119511 The Denver shooter's gun had a laser sight

>>119501 Antifa’s Protectors: 9News’ Kyle Clark and Ryan Haarer Attempt to Shield Antifa from Prosecution

>>119508 Grassley tells the media "The Jig Is up"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70f909621c8de5cb5c8337402d6f1b1ce638e5f0892f4b25b6b78cb2aadf17b0.mp4

>>119514, >>119516, >>119524 Space invader anti facist group

>>119515 Videos from inside Joe Biden's senate office in the 1990's

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U59MPVXxJI0 - Videos from inside Joe Biden's senate office in th [Channel: 60 Minutes Australia]

>>119517 Building Back Better, attempted programming

>>119518 Denver Post the murder of Alan Berg in Denver 25 years later

>>119519 Denver Police Dept. ICYMI: Division Chief Montoya provides today's homicide investigation

>>119520, >>119523 Police confirm time of shooting at 3.30pm

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ngk7lvyNj-k - PRESS CONFERENCE: Update On Homicide Near Denver Art Museum [Channel: Denver Police]

>>119521 And There It Is: Democrat Senatorial Candidate Steve Bullocks Announces Support for Packing the Supreme Court – Which Will Destroy US Constitution

>>119522 Anon Observations

>>119529 Famed Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell Shreds Fox News Anchor

>>119534 Q Explained

>>119537 Denver Police are giving conflicting information

>>119543 Ghislaine Maxwell is pictured at charity event to stop sex trafficking

>>119545, >>119548 #14096

>>119546, >>119547 lb , lb DENVER we may looking at a FF

(28 notables, 75 posts, 67 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173747

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11021138 Q Research General #14097: Murder Most Foul Edition

Created 110507ZOCT20




>>119549, >>119557, >>119558, >>119559 Anons, don't think that there is a laser on the gun.. its a traffic light

>>119550 Judge Amy Coney Barrett faces senate confirmation hearing Monday morning

>>119551, >>119552, >>119554, >>119555, >>119556, >>119568 Mercenary, Military or Flase flag?

>>119553 Small Arms Non-Marking Training Ammunition

>>119560, >>119571 Theranos Inc. employees “Space Invaders” style video game shoot the reporter credited for exposing the once-promising Silicon Valley startup

>>119561 Vid of moment before

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a81553706f733737345bf746fee4e20ba4aca409ea35032c70a3acf4f6b1f263.mp4

>>119562 Someone please explain to me how the man can still be standing squeezing the mace can and aiming it after being shot in the face. The bullet would have hit him by the time the case was ejected from the gun. There was only one shot. This is only possible if it was a blank.

>>119563 At 5-8 m no blood, no spatter, no pink mist. No nothing. 1 Shot only. This was fake.

>>119564 Pinkerton’s global network Crisis Management & Emergency Services

>>119565 WEBM moving pic comp of Denver shooting

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c443517cfa86061702a367b1566bd2c440c1e6cba967afae0332c4a72b892ea1.webm

>>119566, >>119567, >>119569 Clear image of the shooter's 'Space invaders" tattoo

>>119570 Regarding Denver Shooting

>>119572 Is Hilary the real reason for the FF?

>>119573 Newly declassified documents show FBI informer Christopher Steele routinely submitted intelligence reports to the Obama State Department long before his anti-Trump dossier in 2016

>>119574 Biden says 'chicanery' at polls is the only way he could lose U.S. election

>>119575 #14097

(16 notables, 27 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173748

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11022845 Q Research General #14099: Web Frosting Edition

Created 110927ZOCT20




>>119634 PF Reports

>>119635 Cyveillance acquired by Baltimore's ZeroFOX - expedited by San Fran's Gilman Louie

>>119636, >>119648 Hit Pieces - conspiracy overload

>>119637 Editorial - why the 25th Amendment s/b repealed

>>119638 The latest revelations show Team Obama invented the whole RussiaGate scandal

>>119639 Joe Biden: “I’m Going to Accept the Outcome of the Election Without Any Questions”

>>119640, >>119641, >>119651 Judge Throws out Trump campaign PA lawsuit

>>119642 Kansas Dem Backs Gun Confiscation

>>119643 MI focus group votes say Biden won't make it 4 yrs, Harris makes them vote Trump

>>119644 Cop-assaulting NYC teen back on streets after latest arrest

>>119645 The Florida Police Chiefs Association first ever endorsement is for Donald Trump

>>119646 White Supremacist' Narrative Unravels: Whitmer Kidnap Suspect Attended BLM Rally

>>119647 Pelosi rejects $1.8 trillion White House aid offer, asks for billions more

>>119649 AG Barr One yr Delta - "This is not decay. This is organized destruction."

>>119650, >>119657, >>119662 Digg on Denver Shooter, Matthew Doloff - Tattoo has links to Rosa Antifa? Occupy Wall Street/Occupy Denver activist

>>119652 Andrew McCarthy: Hillary Clinton — not Trump — colluded with Russians

>>119653 Stinks to high heavens. FOIA released email from Burns Strider to Hillary Clinton

>>119654 Retrospective on Bobby Kennedy - A tale of the greatest president America never had

>>119655 Shepard Smith Launches New Show On CNBC – Gets Miserable Ratings

>>119656 There is a new aggregator site. https://abcu8.co/category/other-news/8kun-notables/

>>119658 Fucking sacrilege! Auctioning Convertible JFK rode in on the morning of his assassination

>>119659 Follow up on Jean Galloway and Cary Kennedy 9NEWS, Re: (PB)

>>119660 Large and Diverse Pro-Trump Rally Descends on Beverly Hills

>>119661, >>119663 Federal cop charged with threatening N.J. boss in QAnon conspiracy post

>>119664 Liberal Fake News Site Spends Millions to Target Facebook Users in Battleground Districts

>>119665 #14099

(26 notables, 32 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173749

File: eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11022003 Q Research General #14098: False Flags to Distract US from? Edition

Created 110653ZOCT20




>>119576, >>119577, >>119578, >>119583, >>119584, >>119587 For the keks: Couples dancing with their backs against each other at a wedding

>>119579, >>119593, >>119594, >>119597, >>119600, >>119602, >>119603, >>119604, >>119605, >>119608, >>119610, >>119611, >>119613, >>119614, >>119615, >>119617, >>119619, >>119620 Warning, some graphic images: Denver shooting vids and diggs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d9c1cc2e9970fef1f8dcdaafcfe26c3a662eab47adfad80b7ae1f860faeb5dd.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6bdf50261627615e4c35ef8474528312a0e8b53f206dbc40fbd5abd440f56aa7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5b8fb174f86b9af87450c96ea14dec4f9a324be96299838cc84b5daddcd5a1d8.mp4

>>119580, >>119581, >>119585, >>119586 Records Show Bill Gates Directly Funded Discredited “Professor Lockdown” Neil Ferguson in March, Whose Model Prompted “New Normal” Lockdowns

>>119582, >>119596 Spanish nurse working in the UK tests positive for COVID after receiving Oxford vaccine

>>119588, >>119589 Unmasking Kamala Harris’ Revolutionary Maoist Ties: Vid + notes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m2wECaJztmU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119590, >>119595, >>119599 Steve Philips, Power PAC behind Harris, Obama etc, race baiter digg

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=chbbGq4SD-c - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>119591 Anon work in progress: possible POTUS assassination attempts

>>119592, >>119598 Reminder: Kamala's ancestors owned slaves; Masonic Fraternal Police Department

>>119601 POTUS receives yet ANOTHER Nobel peace prize nomination

>>119606, >>119612, >>119616 Obama + Big Mike: very ugly woman, or very early in transition? you decide!

>>119607 The Denver shooter, Matthew Doloff, has been charged with first degree murder.

>>119609 Whoever installed these Trump Flags, American Flags, and Back The Blue Flags on the TOPS OF TREES in Texas deserves an award!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c849f578d584efa682ee8f437321cb74f92090cbf8cc8b62d72a8311177d263d.mp4

>>119618, >>119621, >>119623, >>119628 Search tips for HRC emails, and some anon examples

>>119622 YouTube: RELEASED: Pompeo tells all on Hillary's emails, China relations and more

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FWowUnxBsps - RELEASED: Pompeo tells all on Hillary's emails, China relations and more [Channel: Newsmax]

>>119624, >>119625 Kim Jong Un public speech just called for peace with South Korea; other media saying NK doesn't want peace

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea1f8d2a0381dcd4fc9be16e49b5a550e8312f716351f520afd335c429705214.mp4

>>119626 India Times: Dragon’s growing challenges in the South China Sea

>>119627 Unofficial Ballot Drop Box Appears In Front Of Baptist Church In Canyon Country, CA

>>119629 Latinos for Trump vid, song

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/702f715d23f88ecf4c0f007d7e3d3a8ed54812965d5ce731ddab91249b54dcb1.mp4

>>119630 ‘Imagine’: Ex-CIA director Brennan dreams of Navalny becoming president of Russia AND befriending Democrat challenger Joe Biden

>>119631 Keks: Joe Biden misreads the teleprompter and calls for a 15 million dollar minimum wage

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gDLeOaVu_Z0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119632 #14098

>>119633 Follow up on Jean Galloway and Cary Kennedy 9NEWS, Re: (PB)

(22 notables, 58 posts, 87 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173750

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11023630 Q Research General #14100: Good Morning, Sunday Morning Edition

Created 111230ZOCT20




>>119666, >>119668 Lion Ted comms?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a02cc96aa576cee32ee5a959d6bbb10e0408541c4941a250736afa15eb2b62db.mp4

>>119667 Gitmo lockdown due to health alert

>>119669, >>119675 Denver shooter Matthew Doloff minibun

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6RzlhXBpH8M - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>119670, >>119672, >>119677, >>119682, >>119686 PlaneFag reports

>>119671 Moar Denver shooter photos, wearing soft armor?

>>119673 WHO Official Urges World Leaders to Stop Using Lockdowns as Primary Method Against CCP Virus

>>119674 US Army twat: #AUSANow #readiness

>>119676 QMAP.PUB - life sign from a previously assumed casualty of war

>>119678 DOE BTFO Critical Race Theory

>>119679 "Those you trust the most" 50,000 alleged sex abuse victims expected to sue Boy Scouts of America

>>119680 Antifa "Soup Drive" turns into soup toss @ Patriots and LE

>>119681 Nurse who spoke at 2020 RNC busted for shooting woman after argument, claims self-defense

>>119683 Imam Arrested in Huge Child Pornography Bust

>>119684 ‘Mansion Maxine’: Joe Collins Launches Ad Ripping Maxine Waters for Not Living in Her District

>>119685 Q and the ABCs of spreading conspiracy theories

(15 notables, 21 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173751

File: 41c39dc0ef66792⋯.jpg (870.52 KB,1920x1059,640:353,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11025243 Q Research General #14102 : EBAKE ghost baker SUNday morning

Created 111614ZOCT20




>>119708, >>119710, >>119712, >>119714, >>119716, >>119725, >>119730, >>119736, >>119737 Denver Shooting Digz

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cfe7f89fe347be29c7363a78166981dc3e3f5c39207e148fb717ab9bb21384b3.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02e57ba0ea9aec6ed79c5b37b2d217d39d306754ead1eda4b3c27d82f1b1de29.mp4

>>119709, >>119740 #14100, #14101, #14102

>>119711 This is organized destruction (Crime).

>>119713 WHO back flips on virus stance by condemning lock downs

>>119715 DS Security Guards Digg

>>119717, >>119727 Catherine Herridge Tweet

>>119718 List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama

>>119719, >>119733 Ballot Fuggery

>>119720 USMC: On Guard

>>119721, >>119722 DJT Tweets/Analysis

>>119723 papaD: Psycho

>>119724, >>119728 WHO Opposes Lockdowns

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=63Ihe-PwKZw - World Health Organisation has 'reversed its position on lockdowns' [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>119726 EricT: No One ever lost the after receiving 75% in the primaries. Trump received 94%

>>119729 Taliban Slams CBS 'Fake News', Refutes Claim They Endorse Trump

>>119731 ‘Bibi, you are destroying my future’: Anti-Netanyahu protesters defy lockdown, clash with police in Tel Aviv (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sQxrcNpgDMw - Defying lockdown | Thousands of anti-Bibi protesters clash with police in Tel Aviv [Channel: RT]

>>119732 Putin Trolls Biden: Communists & Dems Share 'Common Values' While Trump Record Hard On Russia

>>119734 Democrat Governor of DE Pardoned Gov. Whitmer Kidnap Plotter

>>119735 Flynn: #DigitalSoldiers

>>119738 Wed 10.07.2020

>>119739 #14102

(20 notables, 33 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173752

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11026159 Q Research General #14103: CIA Leads to the Top Edition

Created 111800ZOCT20




>>119741 Other news bun / Western Allies Block Ex-OPCW Chief's Explosive Testimony On Syria Chemical Weapons

>>119742, >>119753, >>119780 Smithsonian 'Girlhood' exhibit features Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and a transgender reality TV star, + Smithsonian diggs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GVYesfMeMOc - NMAH Presents: Girlhood (It's Complicated) Virtual Opening Event [Channel: Exactly Agency]

>>119743 Oakland, CA: High Ranking Lt. and 5 Cops Keep Jobs After Admitted Involvement in Teen Sex Trafficking Case

>>119744 Corona Craziness: Children Banned From Singing Happy Birthday in UK Schools

>>119745 ‘Privacy Crisis’: Contact Tracing Data from Pubs and Restaurants Sold to Third Parties

>>119746 The Left eating their own: The Washington Post buried the news that one of the alleged plotters to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) is a Black Lives Matter supporter.

>>119747 Money printer go BRRRRRRRRR: Letter from Mnuchin and Meadows to Members of Congress on stimulus negotiations

>>119748 NFL to Air ‘National Coming Out Day’ PSA During Sunday Night Football

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a9P5qOYgAAs - National Coming Out Day PSA [Channel: NFL]

>>119749 Other news bun / Marine Le Pen Rejects New EU Migrant Pact as ‘Suicide of Europe’

>>119750 Other news bun / Farage Says Post-Brexit Britain Needs Trump, But Boris Govt ‘Woos’ Biden

>>119751 Monty Python Legend Warns ‘Hate Speech’ Laws ‘Disastrous to the Creative Process’

>>119752 Biden, Dems Accuse GOP Of ‘Court-Packing’ For Filling Vacancies, Confirming Conservative Judges

>>119754, >>119758 Killary emails diggs

>>119755 Other news bun / UK housing secretary Robert Jenrick will be granted power to block removal of statues

>>119756 Writing under shooter's tattoo says "Sub.mission", a well-known Denver "protest" group linked to another well-known "idea" (Antifa)

>>119757 Other news bun / The ADL was hijacked by Hamas supporters: Jews against the ADL as a "paid hate machine"

>>119759 Far-left Portland mayoral candidate praises Joe Biden for saying, 'Antifa is an idea'

>>119760, >>119772 Tricia Flanagan (R-NJ Senate candidate): I'm getting intel reports that over the next two weeks, Demonrats are planning to unleash forces of hell to regain their power

>>119761 Michigan Sheriff Says Whitmer Plot May Have Been Lawful Due To Her Violating Constitution

>>119762 @justinbaragona RT by Ben Collins PANIC: Today's date is October 11, 2020, and the president is talking about Anthony Weiner's laptop and Hillary's emails.

>>119763 OAN video, Q number: California doctor successfully cures over 1,700 COVID-19 patients with HCQ 0 (Zero) Deaths

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PE3QfTnIazU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119764 Interesting thread from @johnheretohelp about coming violence

>>119765 Other news bun / The Secret Princess: (Belgian) King's love child in court battle for recognition

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-AsRLLdwviM - The Secret Princess: King's love child in court battle for recognition | 60 Minutes Australia [Channel: 60 Minutes Australia]

>>119766 New DJT: People don’t remember the chaos, hatred & discord that we all went through during the 8 years of Obama/Biden

>>119767, >>119770, >>119771, >>119773, >>119779 Video + @GenFlynn twat + anons say full movie: The Plot Against The President - Official Trailer #1

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mqTu_Btkr08 - The Plot Against The President (2020) | Official Trailer #1 [Channel: AMDC Films]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6A3a1LNlf0Y - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119768 Head of Operation Warp Speed: The Goal Is To Immunize The U.S. Population By 2021

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PFWECf18Oxs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119769, >>119794 POTUS tweets he has complete sign off from White House Doctors…Twitter censors him for misleading information.

>>119774 Readout POTUS's call with UAE's Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

>>119775 CNN’s Jake Tapper Blasts Biden’s Comms Director After She Falsely Claims Confirming ACB to SCOTUS Would be “Unconstitutional”

>>119776 New DJT: In 2016, the ABC News/Washington Post Poll was such a complete disaster that these two Fake News Organizations changed the numbers prior to the Election

>>119777 Australian government: “NO JAB, NO PAY” (for Child Care Benefit, the Child Care Rebate and Family Tax Benefit)

>>119778 @LibertarianBlue: They are going to steal it [the election]. And if you speak out against it, Twitter, Facebook, and Google will ensure no-one hears your message.

>>119781 James Murdoch says he quit his father's media empire (Fox) because it was 'legitimizing disinformation' and slams 'crazy' Trump for 'infecting the US with cruelty' and downplaying COVID

>>119782 Other news bun / Israel will oppose any US F-35 sale to Qatar, Israeli minister says

>>119783 Hoping to outdo Trump’s ‘miracle cure,’ Israelis develop new antibody cocktail

>>119784 @senjudiciary has prepared to hold Judge Barrett's #SCOTUS hearing in a safe manner, following all CDC guidelines.

>>119785 Twitter is Censoring #Obamagate and #Russiagate Hashtags

>>119786 Other news bun / Senators catfight: Coons says that confirming Barrett 'constitutes court-packing,' Sasse responds that's 'obviously' incorrect

>>119787 Macron's new plan to end separatism: Arabic taught in schools and €10 million to promote Islamic culture

>>119788 Exposure of abuses in Russia probe boosts new film 'The Plot Against the President'

>>119789 Other news bun / Helen Kennedy twat celebrating the murder of a Denver patriot

>>119790 Other news bun / Rabbi Lau releases guide for religious LGBTQ+ Jews: Not good to be alone

>>119791 Other news bun / It's starting. Media in full attack mode framing Trump with Democrat crimes.

>>119792 @RichardGrenell: German journalist living in the US (with no US voting rights) received multiple ballots in the mail

>>119793 @CBS_Herridge #COVID__19 READ: Dr Conley’s Saturday night update, POTUS meets the “CDC criteria for the safe discontinuation of isolation”

>>119795 Other news bun / @USNavy twat: P-8A Poseidon aircraft from Patrol Squadron One participates in CARAT Brunei 2020

>>119796 Other news bun

>>119797 #14103

(48 notables, 57 posts, 84 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173753

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11028464 Q Research General #14106: Benghazi Comin To Light? Edition

Created 112131ZOCT20




>>119827 Lancaster police chief forced to resign after wife made pro-Trump comments, FOP says

>>119828 Still live. Some enlightening words and prayers if interested.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sUEsCRz5Umo - WATCH: Call to Prayer [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>119829, >>119830 ————————————–——– Do you trust your source(s),[RR]? What do they have on you? Dark secrets. (Cap: )

>>119831 planefaggin

>>119832 RR Twitter reply, thought was odd…

>>119833, >>119836 Biden/Harris hold campaign event in Arizona and the news station is shocked no supporters showed up

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a229872715e1989a39a11572d144b977196251f115771dbb4e7487258b67340.mp4


>>119835 Michael Moore: Overturning Roe v. Wade Is an ‘Act of Violence’

>>119837 Refresher: RR

>>119838 19-Year-Old Florida Man Charged With 100 Counts of Child Pornography

>>119839 6 And A Half TONS of Weed Found In Toilet Shipment

>>119840 Trump Teases Release Of ‘Breathtaking’ Russia Probe Documents

>>119841 Joe Biden Exposes SEAL Team 6 families to al Queda Extortion 17 vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mgQHxiuUBvQ - Joe Biden Exposes SEAL Team 6 families to al Queda Extortion 17 [Channel: Jessica Lamb]

>>119842 Supreme Court’s Kagan rejects move to stop Montana counties from sending mail-in ballots to voters

>>119843 Dolloff twat

>>119844 Show them!

>>119845 Twitter slaps ‘potentially harmful information’ warning on Trump tweet claiming he’s ‘immune’ to Covid-19

>>119846 Rod Rosenstein says he was kept in the dark about important parts of the probe.

>>119847 Potus: They are indeed Dr. Fauci’s own words. We have done a “phenomenal” job, according to certain governors.

>>119848 Deep State Memo Reveals Rosenstein Was Blackmailed Into Hiring Mueller

>>119849, >>119851 RR

>>119850 2018 - U.S. Hid Osama bin Laden in Iran for Decade After 9/11; Bush & Obama White Houses Worked Saudi & Iranian Deal to Safeguard Terror Leader

>>119852 Potus: The Fake News.....

>>119853 More diggs on Denver shooter

>>119854 CEO of Newport Beach food company, 59, QUITS after being charged with child prostitution ‘for having sex with two teenage girls’

>>119855 Trump's new Covid ad features Fauci saying "I can't imagine that anybody could be doing more."

>>119856 #14106

(27 notables, 30 posts, 33 media/files)

Q- >>119829

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173754

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11029991 Q Research General #14108: ICBM Edition

Created 112327ZOCT20




>>119886 ————————————–——– Q#4509

>>119887 Grassley, Interesting reference to "carrier pigeon" in the comms…

>>119888 ————————————–——– Stage being set? (Cap: )

>>119889 Q related?

>>119890, >>119891 BRUSSELS – Democratic standards are facing “important challenges” in some European Union countries

>>119892 full C_A Agent Parrot interview/not WH or Pres

>>119893 After fatal shooting, KUSA-TV in Denver has some very serious questions to answer.

>>119894 Inhaled Vaccines Aim to Fight Coronavirus at Its Point of Attack

>>119895 Need images for SIDE-BY-SIDE.

>>119896 McAfee antivirus firewall blocks 8kun

>>119897 Pelosi in pink mask w/ gold arrows.

>>119898 Public Participation Guide: Introduction to Public Participation

>>119899 Did Hillary Clinton Know Ambassador Stevens Would be Killed the Day Before the Benghazi Attack?

>>119900 #14108

(14 notables, 15 posts, 24 media/files)

Q- >>119886

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173755

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11030759 Q Research General #14109: SHOW THEM! Edition

Created 120007ZOCT20





VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YGxDAHJKuho - Where Are Biden's Boundaries? [Channel: Too Far Left Media]

>>119902, >>119910, >>119915, >>119916, >>119919, >>119920, >>119930 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B8SebpBxcf0 - Gladys Berejiklian may have to 'resign' over ICAC revelations [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>119903 Hillary's press conference release re the benghazi killings was written a day before the killings


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f94d28a4d64271c08089020a75eeb9036dac2d6ebd2beb257f9f5fd3288a4586.mp4

>>119905 Covid-19 vaccines that are sprayed into the nose or inhaled won't require needles

>>119906, >>119911, >>119914 Rep Doug Collins on twitter - It's clear that Nancy Pelosi does not have the mental fitness to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

>>119907 Early Reports Claimed Killer of Trump Supporter in Denver Is a Security Guard But He’s Not Registered In Colorado’s Security Guard Database

>>119908, >>119917, >>119918 Needs more eyes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4VpNTIjYAq4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119909 ATTN: New Mexico voters !!! TIME IS RUNNING OUT

>>119912 Q reference

>>119913 President Trump, Are they blocking you out or did you not submit info?

>>119921 S.J. = Sleepy Joe

>>119922 Statutory Deadlines in NM

>>119923 Amy Coney Barrett's opening statement is out, and liberals are already outraged

>>119924 Privacy or child protection? 7 governments, including US & UK, argue Facebook's new encryption plan would benefit PEDOPHILES

>>119925 Richard Grenell - I’ve heard this for weeks.

>>119926 Sex Slave Whistleblower Exposes Elite Pedos & Satanic Ritual Abuse: Anneke Lucas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g48HBCnqqGo - SRA: Anneke Lucas [Channel: Shaun Attwood]

>>119927 Lincoln Project is a bunch of scumbags

>>119928 Plenty of Regeneron

>>119929 PF

>>119931 Check out if you dare…4chan updated as of NOW on current status of "The Great Awaking".

>>119932, >>119934 US North Korea missiles Q proof

>>119933 NEW POTUS!

>>119935 The Plot Against the President (2020)

>>119936 ‘Tiger King’ Star Indicted For Wildlife Trafficking, Animal Cruelty

>>119937 Man Given Same Experimental Treatment As President Trump Shares Story Of COVID-19 Recovery

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S75B7NF_-7Q - Tampa man given same experimental treatment as President Trump shares story of COVID-19 recovery [Channel: WFLA News Channel 8]

>>119938 Biden/Harris Event Empty

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a229872715e1989a39a11572d144b977196251f115771dbb4e7487258b67340.mp4

>>119939 Not that @realDonaldTrump needs my help, but this is a good exercise in debunking Democrat propaganda.

>>119940 AXIOS: President Trump wants nuclear accord with Russian President Putin by election

>>119941 City Of Denver: Matthew Dolloff Not Licensed To Be A Security Guard

>>119942, >>119945, >>119947 NEW PDJT

>>119943 Words cannot describe how excited I am not to be coming to you live from 3rd and Alder where perhaps 60 chuds are…well, I walked up and was immediately threatened by a man with an AR-15 so you could say things are tense

>>119944 Easier to see next to each other

>>119946 JA QClock - Newest version.



>>119950 #14109,

>>119951 #14109

(38 notables, 51 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173756

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11027659 Q Research General #14104: By the Dawns Early Light Edition

Created 112016ZOCT20




>>119798 Senator Introduces Resolution Condemning Pelosi for Comments on 25th Amendment

>>119799, >>119806 Lindsey Graham Challenger Breaks Fundraising Record With $57 Million

>>119800 NAACP holds march in Pawleys Island, renews calls for mayor to resign

>>119801 Court Rules Against Six-Day Extension to Count Absentee Ballots in Wisconsin

>>119802 ‘Time to Choose Faith over Fear’: California Church Hosts ‘Freedom Sunday’ Calling for Churches to Reopen

>>119803 Texans are coming out. The car parades are getting huge and people are gathering at intersections with flags and signs on Friday nights and Saturday morning.

>>119804 QAnon Is Thriving in Germany. The Extreme Right Is Delighted.

>>119805 What We Are Going to do When They Come For Our Freedom Of Speech And Our Freedom to Bear Arms?

>>119807, >>119808, >>119812, >>119813, >>119814, >>119816, >>119819, >>119820 planefaggin

>>119809 The Denver Post endorsed current DA Beth McCann

>>119810 Postal Service, now under fire, vastly overspent on its employee relocation program


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sYQK3BWKZq4 - Rep. Nunes: Schiff got caught trying to hide Russia investigation transcripts showing no collusion [Channel: RepDevinNunes]

>>119815, >>119817 Arson suspected as haystack near Dinuba fitted with Nunes and Trump campaign signs torched for 2nd time in 2 weeks

>>119818, >>119821 October Surprise? Benghazi?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1b2c049376cc05611bd9859c104b0c7b3a649f8ce5b24b6dda08373449f22f9e.mp4

>>119822 The Plot Against the President, Vimeo On Demand is live!

>>119823 Sunday Talks – Former ODNI Ric Grenell: President Trump’s Cabinet and Inspectors General Need to Get Focused…


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sUEsCRz5Umo - WATCH: Call to Prayer [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>119825 BREAKING: Biden to consider New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for US Attorney General/jailhouse shadow gov't in the making

>>119826 #14105

(19 notables, 29 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173757

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11029226 Q Research General #14107: Palantine's Revenge Revisited Edition

Created 112233ZOCT20




>>119857 Navy to honor memory of 17 sailors killed in 2000 jihadi attack on destroyer Cole

>>119858 The Yugoslav Wars: Biden’s Belligerent Militarism Revisited

>>119859 A look inside the chat room the Deep State uses to fight Trump

>>119860 Iran-backed militias offer truce for US troop withdrawal

>>119861, >>119869, >>119875 Kevin McCullough predicts the electoral college everytime correctly

>>119862 Fauci rips new Trump campaign ad, says it uses his comments 'out of context'

>>119863 HUGE Trump 2020 Car Parades Underway This Weekend in Blue States – New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, Minnesota and California

>>119864, >>119866, >>119868 Diggz on Gelles family and the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997.

>>119865, >>119870, >>119871, >>119872, >>119878 breakdown the initials and code words on Palantine chat logs

>>119867, >>119877 Denver shooter diggz/victim

>>119873 Deep State Private Chat Intercepted, Exposes A Coup Attempt Against America By Intelligence Community Members


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/742fa22d12c48558cd7128a7075da05b2f2001a3bdf60eb62a75de15d0c0515c.pdf

>>119876 Dan Coats: Once the Senate’s ‘Mister Rogers

>>119879 Money laundering time? Covid-19 can survive on CASH for 28 days, study claims

>>119880 planefaggin

>>119881 Donald Trump has no chance of winning Minnesota in the 2020 presidential election, Rep. Ilhan Omar says.

>>119882 ————————————–——– Stage being set? (Cap: )

>>119883 ————————————–——– intercontinental-ballistic-missile-at-parade-idUSKBN26V01K Stage being set? (Cap: )

>>119884 #14107

>>119885 ————————————–——– Sometimes 'public awareness' of certain events prevents occurrence.

(20 notables, 29 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>119882, >>119885

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173758

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11031436 Q Research General #14110: No Censorship Version - Where Are Biden's Boundaries? Edition

Created 120055ZOCT20




>>119952 Police Make Mass Arrest Overnight in Riot-Torn Portland Oregon

>>119953 Kamala Harris Refused Death Penalty for Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member Who Murdered Bologna Family

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GcsaTa9PhiY - Illegal Alien Edwin Ramos Kills 3 In San Fran [Channel: Dan Amato]

>>119954 Kim Jong Un Saying Today He wants Peace for North And South Korea and thank you for following his leadership in this direction

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea1f8d2a0381dcd4fc9be16e49b5a550e8312f716351f520afd335c429705214.mp4

>>119955, >>119956, >>119988 "Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body and the location of the buried Nephilim." - page 470

>>119957, >>119959, >>119963, >>119969, >>119972, >>119980, >>119983 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Kn5miUcazvo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119958 Journalist Claudia Rossett, who covered foreign policy NK

>>119960 Pedo Joe Biden Hits Donald Trump for ‘Shutting Down’ Country over Coronavirus

>>119961 Denver 'Patriot Rally' shooting suspect not a licensed security guard

>>119962 Senator @ChuckGrassley, tomorrow on @foxandfriends, my non-working clock will make an appearance, but a new time will be displayed! - Kaleigh M

>>119964 Political Correctness Is Much More Harmful Than People Realize

>>119965, >>119970, >>119975 Search Foia docs for "oxfam"

>>119966 Link to a downloaded MP4 The Plot Against the President

>>119967 QPosts Archives

>>119968 Is The Next "October Surprise" An Unexpected Moment Of Clarity?

>>119971 Here is the video where Joe Biden gives out the information about the seal team who raided Bin Laden's compound. He put a target on them and got them killed.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nGuZZSMIKRw - Joe Biden Exposes SEAL Team 6 families to al-Queda [Channel: theunitedwest]

>>119973 18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government.

>>119974 No one shows up for Joe and Kamala’s event in Arizona.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dac46a0fd706170e957f1ad01f1be328142cca56b73eca912647afb374f3f5a3.mp4

>>119976 Tuesday, 29 April, 2003 - Gilgamesh tomb believed found


>>119978 Is POTUS trolling Joe?

>>119979 Large Trump parade rolls through Bryan and College Station

>>119981, >>119982, >>119990 All good things come to those who wait.

>>119984, >>119985, >>119987 HUCK

>>119986 The American Neo-conservatives: Who They Are, Their History, and Their Global Impact

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec6eec0c380cd514ab09d79535d79e66956d5d882d57bf54d2886f68e30d9b43.pdf

>>119989 Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (day 1) - LIVE at 9am ET on C-SPAN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BrkD9mfvrB8 - Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (Day 1) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>119991 Police station at Champigny-sur-Marne, a suburb of Paris, was targeted in a 'violent attack'

>>119992 #14110

(27 notables, 41 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173759

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11033110 Q Research General #14112: Dark secrets [RR] Edition

Created 120312ZOCT20




>>120018 For your viewing pleasure Three pathetic losers, two nights before the election, 2016.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e44c75fffbb552b2983b538c39272198659aa7e056fe3aa521a09d05f5a8f45e.mp4

>>120019 Suspect Arrested After Razor Blades Found in Pizza Dough at Maine Supermarket

>>120020, >>120021, >>120022, >>120023, >>120024, >>120025 Resignations in the news 10/6/2020 thru 10/11/2020

>>120026, >>120031, >>120037, >>120039 North Korean Military nighttime Parade

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EHzrim-7duo - [Video] N. Korea's military parade at midnight: new ICBM, Kim Jong-un's tears and smile [Channel: KOREA NOW]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w8dZl9f3faY - North Korea Military Parade 2020 - Livestream & Analysis [Channel: NK News]

>>120027 Team Obama invented entire russiagate scandal


>>120029, >>120040 Hillary Clinton published a 5000 word audition for Secretary of Defense

>>120030, >>120034, >>120035, >>120038, >>120042 This is a retelling of what happened in Denver from the photographer’s point of view

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c190beec9e646096d0c0bda25bcd2d8ba28e849d8651ec1281b9c9f931a7f418.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3a3459273ad9f508f1028ffa82156ce28b42080eefc9246290a1bd7c540d3434.mp4

>>120032 Annual Chicago Payments Symposium

>>120036 If My Family Can, So Can Yours By Michael Flynn, Jr.

>>120041 Digital Warriors, spread out on multiple platforms & upvote this anon's efforts on Voat

>>120043 Elon Musk

>>120044 PF

>>120045 The Plot Against The President Full Documentary (1080p)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6A3a1LNlf0Y - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120046 Current news websites

>>120047, >>120056 Alan Howell Parrot, a Falcon Trainer, is the special guest on a zoom call just recorded today and presented at #Ampfest2020 in Miami Florida

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xcKfAQJx6U4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120048, >>120050, >>120055 James Woods

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/908717eb09af7e6c9e39ac6f8bf9ff0fa24c4b53becabf3fa5bf11fe8d115008.mp4

>>120051 Fmr DNI Grenell: Russia Collusion a ‘Hoax’ — ‘Somebody Needs to Go to Jail’

>>120052 Sri Lanka turns to China rather than IMF to avoid default

>>120053 This should be all over the place. A media company hired an unlicensed left wing agitator to be security and that person murdered someone

>>120054 NYT Reporter Who Got Pulitzer for Trump Russia Hoax Investigates Amy Coney Barrett’s Faith

>>120057, >>120068 Dark secret RR?

>>120058 Potential doxxing tool via votewa.gov website

>>120059 Has anyone ID'd the Black guy wearing the BGM t-shirt Saturday

>>120060 Reminder about your local news stations

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6895f9d1c106e5e57eb914e6dd99353fb8deae6a86bd128b81de3706dfbd84e9.mp4

>>120061, >>120063, >>120064 Contributing to the genocide is the vaccine program

>>120062 Portland Police: A mass gathering has formed at Southwest Park Avenue and Southwest Madison Street

>>120065, >>120067 NK Mountain Collapse

>>120066, >>120069, >>120070 Here's every picture from Getty available in sequence. Nothing is cut out. If it's not there, it's not available.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7aa190a469ddf4e69500a12c1328287dab68bf8de182d5c741b6e5e3c201d848.mp4

>>120071 Syracuse police officer, 36, dies from carbon monoxide

>>120072 #14112,

>>120073 lb , Call for Diggz MSM tried setting Admiral Rogers up as “going rogue” against Obama administration and helping POTUS

(32 notables, 56 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173760

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11032319 Q Research General #14111: Stage being set? Edition

Created 120202ZOCT20





>>119994 Deep Fakes are getting really good

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/304b4a933090c2b368ca18c92c5b18e3bb71ad004a25759c7525e66ca6240b30.mp4

>>119995 BREAKING: Full interview HERE about the blackmail /extortion of 152 Billion US dollars sent to Iran to coverup the deaths of seal team 6 by the Obama/Biden administration.

>>119996 Miami PD Estimates More Than 30,000 Cars Participated in Anti-Communist, Latinos For Trump Caravan in South Florida (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/57306c6acf14c4706b5ccb3062977b675f247157e83eba788e713da567966ea9.mp4

>>119997 Never forget those who pay the ultimate price for standing up to what's right… - Flashback

>>119998 Don't forget: @denverpolice, headed by police chief Paul Pazen who marched arm and arm with Black Lives Matter & presides over department that issued stand down order leading to assaults on #backtheblue rallygoers

>>119999, >>120000 Hussein On Twitter

>>120001 Maryland MS-13 Leader Charged with Illegal Firearms Trafficking in Washington, D.C.

>>120002 Breaking: New information about Benghazi and the deaths of Seal Team 6 and its connection to Obama and Joe Biden, and the 152 Billion “trade deal” with Iran as a coverup was just disclosed at #AMPFEST. Whistleblowers just came forward. Video and audio coming soon. This is HUGE!!

>>120003 New Gen Flynn

>>120004 7:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally

>>120005 Yuan off 17-month high after PBOC lowers forward reserve requirements

>>120006 Wow the lakers won the nba championship? How about a big parade in Communist China, Beijing. That’s where it belongs.

>>120007 Twitter is purging tonight.

>>120008 Who Survives? …It's A New Morning In Hell

>>120009 Don’t lose faith if John Durham doesn’t act prior to the election.

>>120010 Why does the Trudeau Foundation use the ‘boy lover’ pedophile symbol?

>>120011, >>120012, >>120014 KJU/NK 10.10

>>120013 Biden Even More Determined To Not Get COVID After Finding Out He Could Lose Sense Of Smell - Bab B

>>120015 Just to throw in a "multiple meanings exist" alternative, S.J. is the suffix abbreviation used by the Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

>>120016 I spend a fair amount of time across the table from the Russian military and political leader ship as supreme Allied Commander of NATO. Recommend not rushing into arms control deals. They are hard by definition: They really ARE rocket science.

>>120017 #14111

(22 notables, 25 posts, 34 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173761

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11033961 Q Research General #14113: The Plot Against The President Edition

Created 120447ZOCT20




>>120074 Train Collides With Semi Stuck On Train Tracks In Indiana!

>>120075, >>120079, >>120084, >>120085 lb , Call for Diggz MSM tried setting Admiral Rogers up as “going rogue” against Obama administration and helping POTUS

>>120076 Joe Biden Looks Like Death in Erie, Pennsylvania — Something Is Wrong with Old Joe!

>>120077 Over 9.3 Million US Voters Have Already Cast Ballots - US Elections Project

>>120080 More on Police Officer who died of carbon monoxide poisoning

>>120081 The Plot Against The President (1080p)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6A3a1LNlf0Y - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120082 WWG1WGA Here is an old drop for new eyes

>>120083, >>120086 The Plot Against The President Full Documentary synopsis

>>120087 Joe Biden is ahead. Democrats are still stressed

>>120088 Proof the Left is trying to steal the Election

>>120089 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 12, 2020

>>120090 Police declare riot as protesters topple statues, damage Oregon Historical Society Museum, break windows in downtown Portland during 'Day of Rage'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0286b7ab64cdf531e353be378871abc42992ecdee3cf4a0003766a45e9eb3de7.mp4

>>120091 Baltimore latest fire explosion

>>120092 What did Q name the file Image?

>>120093 Obamacare posturing foreshadows intensity of Amy Coney Barrett confirmation

>>120094 Flynn Jr: If My Family Can, So Can Yours

>>120095 Team investigating deadly Calif. fire seizes PG&E equipment

>>120096 Denver Police Officers are in the area of 19th St / Chestnut investigating a barricade

>>120097 Donald J. Trump's Campaign Platform

>>120098, >>120099 Dare devil pilot flies Russia's new 1,300mph stealth fighter with no roof on the cockpit

>>120100 Antifa in Portland are celebrating tonight as a victory


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y8Jd1FztT_4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120102 9NEWS producer who works in the investigative unit

>>120103 Coup Plotters Considered Never Allowing Trump To Be Inaugurated

>>120104 British Airways chief executive Alex Cruz steps down

>>120105 Michelle Malkin calls bullshit

>>120106 Latest on the worldwide spread of coronavirus

>>120107 Press Sec Comments on her "non-working clock"

>>120108 #14113

(29 notables, 34 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173762

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11035576 Q Research General #14115: Q-Minded Mornings Edition

Created 121050ZOCT20




>>120172, >>120173 Gen. Mark Milley Says The Military Plays 'No Role' In Elections. Questioning POTUS call to recall troops from AFG by XMas?

>>120174 Trump hating teens end up donating over $15K to the Trump Campaign in attempted rally ticket hoax

>>120175 Border patrol agent's hunch pays off in second-largest methamphetamine bust ever

>>120176, >>120177 Richard Grenell bun w/CAPs

>>120178, >>120179, >>120180 Pakistan and China creating conditions that seem to suggest that “a border dispute is being created under a mission".

>>120181 People line up in Sanford hours early for Pres. Trump's first rally back

>>120182 hmmm... Fears for Pope Francis after ‘four members of his Swiss Guard test positive for Covid-19’

>>120183, >>120188, >>120189, >>120190, >>120191, >>120192, >>120194, >>120198, >>120199 New DJT bun w/CAPs

>>120184 Editorial: Beyond Court Packing: Here’s How Dems Plan To Create A One-Party State

>>120185 California Man Finds Mail-In Ballots in Santa Monica Trash Cans

>>120186 Schumer says Democrats won't give GOP quorum (will boycott) to advance Barrett nomination. Demands ACB 'recusal' from just about everything.

>>120187 Kayleigh's 'watch and note the time'

>>120193, >>120195, >>120196 Canada Deploys Provincial Police Checkpoints to restrict travel from "Hot zones in Quebec"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AzWLlfwfD4Y - Questions: What's Going On??? [Channel: Randy Hillier]

>>120197 planefag reporting

>>120200 #14115

(15 notables, 29 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173763

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11036332 Q Research General #14116: Fill That Seat! It Begins Edition

Created 121312ZOCT20




>>120201 anon opines: Absentee Ballot Tactics - All 50 State and Territories

>>120202 WR Op Take Back The House

>>120203, >>120204 (live streams) ACB Confirmation Hearing Day 1

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BrkD9mfvrB8 - Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (Day 1) [Channel: C-SPAN]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bSTd1ZZ_Jcs - 🔴WATCH LIVE: Confirmation Hearing of SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett 10/12/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>120205 Iowa mayor speaks out over Trump rally in his city: 'We don't want a super-spread event here in Des Moines'

>>120206 Trump to take 'good, strong look' at whether there are UFOs. "I mean, I've heard that. I heard that two days ago..."

>>120207 archiveanon reporting: SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED to Q post

>>120208 US Marines pivot approach to information warfare at commandant’s command

>>120209 Dept of State w/CAP: In Xinjiang, the Chinese Communist Party has committed egregious human rights abuses against Uyghurs and members of other minority groups...

>>120210 New DJT w/CAP: Our Country cannot survive as a Socialist Nation, and that’s what the Democrats want it to be...

>>120211 planefag reporting

>>120212 Army’s do-it-all goggles to reach soldiers’ hands in 2021

>>120213 Quebec: Level 4–Maximum Alert (red)

>>120214 #14116

(13 notables, 14 posts, 10 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173764

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11034779 Q Research General #14114: The Land of the Brave Edition

Created 120713ZOCT20




>>120109 Following an Etsy ban, QAnon merch is still readily available on online marketplaces

>>120110, >>120121, >>120122 Covid is so bad Canada has only had 6 cases of the actual flu

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Tw9Ci2PZKZg - Dr. Ngozi Ezike | How COVID Deaths are Classified [Channel: Thrivetime Show: Business School without the BS]

>>120111 Global Leadership Foundation offers confidential advice to Heads of Gov't and had bad actors

>>120112 South China Sea: China simulates a full-scale invasion of Taiwan in…

>>120113 Not an election campaign, a Revolution

>>120114, >>120158 The Plot Against The President Full Documentary (Bitchute and Periscope link)

>>120115 South China Sea: Beijing stages all-out Taiwan INVASION in horror military drill

>>120116 Carnelian ring

>>120117 South China Sea: THREE deadly Typhoons on track to hit disputed waters as tensions soar

>>120118 Admiral Michael Rogers Interview (vid 27.41mins)

>>120119 Coronavirus, QAnon, Trump: Your Monday Briefing

>>120120, >>120123, >>120146, >>120159 Denver shooter

>>120124, >>120125, >>120127, >>120163 More questions about Denver shooting: Pinkerton security firm says the suspect was NOT an employee

>>120126 Organizer of Brooklyn Orthodox Jewish anti-lockdown protest arrested, charged with ‘inciting to riot’

>>120128 20 short videos chronicling the history of what we're dealing with today

>>120129 Wis. Police Speak Out After 3 Consecutive Nights Of Violence

>>120130 Not licensed as a security guard

>>120131 COVAX to promote equitable spread of COVID-19 vaccine

>>120132, >>120133 WHO Official Urges Halt to Lockdowns as Primary CCP

>>120134 Deep State trying to Provoke Patriots into a Civil War, Please Read the Drops

>>120135 Joe Biden Quotes Chinese Communist Leader Mao Zedong

>>120136 President Trump "Never Give Up!" (vid 6mins)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OSJDhZvLtak - President Trump "Never Give Up!" MOTIVATIONAL VIDE [Channel: America First America Forever]

>>120137 Kim Jong Un wipes away tears during rare apology to North Koreans

>>120138 Chinese connection: Antonia Hernandez, who sits on the commission on presidential debates, is affiliated with two entities keen on securing a victory for Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden

>>120139 ‘Day of Rage’: Portland Militants Topple Statues of Roosevelt and Lincoln, Smash Oregon Historical Society (VIDEOS)

>>120140 Members Don’t Recall Biden’s Attendance at Black Church as Teen

>>120141 Rioters Topple Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt Statues in Portland; Museum Windows Smashed

>>120142 Behind the scenes of Democrats' half-century quest to destroy the Supreme Court

>>120143 Some thoughts on "the plan"

>>120144 Are COVID Case Surges More Fake News?…..

>>120145 Happy Columbus Day — say it loud, say it proud

>>120147 Trump previews what's next: 'Breathtaking' declassifications before election, tax cuts after

>>120148, >>120151 Biden opposes same-sex marriage in 2006 clip blasted out by Trump campaign

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yev6Hi4LDFY - Hillary Clinton's flip flops: from same-sex marriage to TPP [Channel: Guardian News]

>>120149, >>120152 “It’s Kind of Boring Out Here” – Arizona Reporter STUNNED After NO ONE Shows Up at Campaign Event with Joe Biden AND Kamala Harris(vid)

>>120150 for kek

>>120153 Times change—or Stephens’ suicide note? (Updated)

>>120154 Saudi Prince Bandar Denounces Palestinian Leadership: Is Saudi-Israel Peace Deal Next?

>>120155 Peloton forced to remove Qanon groups as conspiracy theory spreads from social media

>>120156 Explainer: What is QAnon, and how are sites like Instagram,Facebook and YouTube taking action on it?

>>120157 Biden Looking at NY's Cuomo as Possible Attorney General If Elected

>>120160 Kentucky governor to quarantine One of his security guards tested positive for Covid-19

>>120161 Study Exposes Major Facebook Fact Checker Loophole Enabling QAnon, Misinformers Get Past AI - Here's How

>>120162 Apologize for Slandering President Trump, Governor Whitmer

>>120164 MSNBC Uncovers an Unreconstructed Soviet Communist: Republican Senator Mike Lee!

>>120165 Looting in L.A., Fireworks Thrown at Police, after Lakers Win NBA Title

>>120166 Remember the Cole: al-Qaida attacked the destroyer in Yemen 20 years ago today

>>120167 TFD expects more fires in unoccupied structures as it gets colder

>>120168 Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing tomorrow where she will praise mentor Justice Scalia and say courts should not decide policy as Graham predicts she'll be confirmed by Oct 27

>>120169 Israeli government approves normalization deal with UAE


>>120171 #14114

(51 notables, 63 posts, 70 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173765

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11037842 Q Research General #14118: ]Grenell[ Edition

Created 121526ZOCT20




>>120240 Sperry: Federal records reveal Hunter Biden gave $1,000 to Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd in 2005

>>120241 Potus: So Crazy to watch Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut lecture all on morals & ethics when for 25 years he said he was a Great War Hero in Vietnam, and he was never even there.

>>120242 The Wanted singer Tom Parker, 32, reveals he has terminal brain tumor

>>120243, >>120248, >>120262 planefaggin

>>120244 Protesters knock down Roosevelt, Lincoln statues in Portland

>>120245 Four of country's 28 Republican governors don't sign letter in support of Barrett confirmation

>>120246 Amy Coney Barrett's Religion Shall not be Questioned

>>120247 Kayleigh McEnany clock reads 11:03. November 3rd?

>>120249 Team Obama invented the whole Russiagate scandal - NewYork Post

>>120250 Potus: We will have Healthcare which is FAR BETTER than ObamaCare, at a FAR LOWER COST - BIG PREMIUM REDUCTION.


>>120252 Deutsche Bank’s Riskiest Bonds Get Ratings Upgrade at Fitch

>>120253 Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (Day 1)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BrkD9mfvrB8 - Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (Day 1) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>120254, >>120255, >>120256 Billionaire financier Leon Black 'paid Epstein at least $50 million in the years after the financier had been convicted of child sex offences'

>>120257 Trump re-tweeted this. Maybe he is close to accepting Rogan's offer ?

>>120258 @usairforce Live fire demo

>>120259 POTUS "going" comms

>>120260 Facebook bans Holocaust denial, distortion posts

>>120261 Malcom X met with KKK in "61

>>120263 UK: EFL David Baldwin resigns

>>120264 #14118

(21 notables, 25 posts, 26 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173766

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11037100 Q Research General #14117: POTUS Ready To Rock Sanford Edition

Created 121427ZOCT20




>>120215 United States v Briggs 19-108

>>120216 The World Is Watchiing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7a29565bb7660a7fd0af34ab432cc0befb744f977cacd851ccca4156b2059083.mp4

>>120217 Federal judge upholds Minnesota’s extended ballot counting

>>120218 Trump rails against Portland's 'Biden fools', 'Antifa radicals' after Lincoln, Roosevelt statues toppled

>>120219 Fmr DNI Grenell: Russia Collusion a ‘Hoax’ — ‘Somebody Needs to Go to Jail’

>>120220, >>120228 planefag reporting

>>120221, >>120224 Maria Bartiromo: "Are There UFOs?"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b096f43771ad34d87a4d1d8942efb382d6ac0b37228cf651a6ef149f049e172d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/679bcbadd7a3dd601b75eb543c2f506fe26f9604c79acd54ae3ced0a3b137445.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5aa8fe9a9c292e9cf4e158d6e9c6556ad64f5f1d34b5949202da33bb90bfd865.mp4

>>120222 Twitter Won’t Confirm if Scully ‘Hack’ Is Under Investigation

>>120223 Potus: November 3rd. will be the most exciting day in U.S. Election History, even more so than 2016.

>>120225, >>120226, >>120227 SASSE is killing it in this committee!!! Religion is not before the committee today.

>>120229 A lawyer group that rates judicial nominees says a review of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett shows she’s qualified for a seat on the court.

>>120230 Voters strongly reject religious litmus test for Supremes

>>120231 Opioid drug maker Mallinckrodt files for U.S. bankruptcy protection

>>120232 Potus has been unmistakably clear: he WILL protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

>>120233 President Trump’s Itinerary for 10/12/20 – note: this page will be updated during the day if events warrant

>>120234, >>120235, >>120237 Thank you, @NBA, for showing us competence and excellence, and for bringing so much joy during difficult times.

>>120236, >>120238 Canceling Columbus: How it started years ago, and escalated in 2020

>>120239 #14117

(18 notables, 25 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173767

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11039374 Q Research General #14120: There Is The Silent Majority (Not 8kun) And Then......... Edition

Created 121739ZOCT20





>>120284 Investigate CDC: Time to Convene a Federal Grand Jury

>>120285 A sheep farmer has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for planting baby food jars with metal shards at a U.K. supermarket chain

>>120286 Feds Seize Near-Record 1.5 Tons of Drugs at California Border Crossing

>>120287, >>120309, >>120311 planefaggin

>>120288 UK: Channel Migrant Tsar Claims ‘Vast Majority’ of Asylum Seekers Are ‘Genuine’

>>120289 The Grim Fairy Tale Of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT): Rumpelstiltskin And The Federal Reserve (Spinning Gold From Hair Will Be Needed With Low Money Velocity)

>>120290 Joe Morgan, Hall of Fame second baseman, dies at 77

>>120291 Mexican Narco-Gun Runner Linked to Australian Drug Shipments

>>120292 U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups

>>120293 UK: (2020) US Presidential Election Odds = Deja Vu All Over Again

>>120294 Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Russian Marxists of 1917 in Russia to Disrupt 2020 Election

>>120295, >>120300 The Virus That Isn’t There: The CDC does NOT have SARS-CoV-2 in its possession, because it is “unavailable.”

>>120296, >>120310 Is the Dam about to BREAK???

>>120297 Debate Commission Member Tied To Transition Integrity Project, Chinese Communist Party-Linked Berggruen Institute

>>120298 Trump’s Planned Sale of F35s to UAE Hits Snag in the Senate

>>120299 Milley Disputes Trump's Home-by-Christmas Prediction for US Troops in Afghanistan

>>120301 Britain selling arms to Saudi Arabia at unprecedented rate

>>120302, >>120305 "Do you still think we are security threats? Because as a US Senator you said we

>>120303 It appears that Helen H. Thompson also changed the lighting of the photos to obscure what happened. Doloff's hand is UNDER AND INSIDE Keltner's vest.

>>120304 Dems destroy people, only the faces change.

>>120306 A bunch of media outlets just received the footage and documents. They are currently going through them. We will see who breaks it first once they realize it all checks out. #SEALTeam6 #BenghaziAintGoingAway

>>120307 Pope Francis TED Talk on Climate Change: We Are ‘Squeezing the Earth like an Orange’

>>120308 Gladys Berejiklian perjures herself at ICAC and admits to “friends with benefits” relationship with corrupt former MP Daryl Maguire

>>120312 Gallup Poll: Republicans Dramatically Less Terrified Of Coronavirus Than Democrats

>>120313 Protesters at Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearing arrested for blocking Senate building entrance

>>120314 Moar Denver shooter

>>120315 #14120

(28 notables, 33 posts, 70 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173768

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11040168 Q Research General #14121: Benghazi Bout To Pop #NotGoingAway Edition

Created 121849ZOCT20




>>120316, >>120317, >>120319, >>120322, >>120324, >>120329, >>120343, >>120344, >>120346 PF Reports - Why are pinging ABD-S outside of Ireland?

>>120318 Dianne Feinstein Opens Barrett Hearings a Great Big Whopper About Preexisting Conditions

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PLAaJmGDLH0 - Senate Judiciary, Dianne Feinstein Opening statement [Channel: Stacey Lennox]

>>120320 Antifa Topple Statues Of Teddy Roosevelt And Abraham Lincoln in Portland

>>120321 White House Urges Small Business Rescue Plan

>>120323, >>120330, >>120332, >>120334 . Joe Biden, Benghazi, Navy Seals, Extortion 17 diggs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mgQHxiuUBvQ - Joe Biden Exposes SEAL Team 6 families to al Queda Extortion 17 [Channel: Jessica Lamb]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f_VQ0CP2S5U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120325 German Journalist in DC Says He Received 3 Ballots in Mail, One for Dead Person

>>120326, >>120341 The Plot Against The President documentary-Full length currently working links

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AGhZh1cKvkA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120327 @DoD: CLEAR!

>>120328 "A Social Engineering Perspective on Q" TLDR

>>120331 Boris Johnson says Covid cases 'are flashing like alerts on a jet'

>>120333 Rand Paul: Republicans Want a Judge, Democrats ‘Want a Politician That’ll Vote for Their Cases’

>>120335 Pizza manufacturing employee is arrested for 'stuffing razor blades into dough

>>120336 Biden can’t remember Mitt Romney’s name, so to Joe he’s now just “the Mormon." (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86ac1bd7f9e752c7a6d045ba41b090f849c64eb35829444b31142cfc195c9e8e.mp4

>>120337 US Hearings Reveal Washington’s Covert Support for ‘Color Revolutions’ Around the World


>>120339 New DJT: Almost nobody showed up to the Sleepy Joe Biden “Rally” in Ohio.

>>120340 Court upholds decision to limit on ballot drop-off location per county in Texas

>>120342 The secret code name Chelsea Clinton Uses when she Emails Hillary

>>120345 #14121,

>>120347 #14121

>>120348 New DJT: Heading to the Greatest Economy Of All Time!!! VOTE

(21 notables, 33 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173769

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11038609 Q Research General #14119: Blumenthal No Valor Edition

Created 121637ZOCT20




>>120265 Potus: The Economy is about ready to go through the roof. Stock Market ready to break ALL-TIME RECORD.

>>120266 Masks Cause Covid19? Keks

>>120267 Chuckie says Dims will boycott ACB vote

>>120268 Silent War Reels

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tFYw892W0fU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120269 The Bee: Democrats Hiss In Terror As ACB Pulls Out Crucifix

>>120270 Powerful campaign video by opponent to Mad Maxine. Joe Collins' video (4:15 length of video, 2.9M views)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0b2dabefb2a9486262432e534487c3f1bfd89d6df5e03203cfc81c4867579c2.mp4

>>120271 California Man Finds Mail-In Ballots in Santa Monica Trash Cans

>>120272 Nasdaq Explodes Higher Amid Unprecedented Gamma/Futures Double-Squeeze

>>120273 Gunman shoots guard outside Croatian govt offices in Zagreb, reportedly takes own life

>>120274 Organizer of Brooklyn Orthodox Jewish anti-lockdown protest arrested, charged with ‘inciting to riot’

>>120275, >>120276 Kamala bows to China

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m2wECaJztmU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120277 British Airways CEO Alex Cruz steps down amid ‘worst crisis faced in industry’

>>120278 CNN’s Toobin: ACB Hearing ‘Being Held in the Middle of a Pandemic’ in a Hotspot — ‘So Surreal and So Dangerous’/Fake News Finest?

>>120279 'Zero' chance U.S. troops will be deployed if election disputed, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman says

>>120280 Bin Laden’s Former London Spokesman to Be Let Back Into Britain

>>120281 Trump previews what's next: 'Breathtaking' declassifications before election, tax cuts after

>>120282 #14119

(17 notables, 18 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173770

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11040977 Q Research General #14122: The Ghosts Of Benghazi Edition

Created 121956ZOCT20




>>120349 Minibun from #14121 that /comms/ baker refused

>>120350 NEW PDJT - 307,000 Veterans Died waiting for Healthcare at the V.A. During Sleepy Joe Biden’s Watch. 800,000 Records Stalled! A complete and total disaster.

>>120351 Senate Democrats Gaslighting Amy Coney Barrett

>>120352 Patriots have no skin color. Patriot replies due to the Great Awakening are encouraging.

>>120353 Trump SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett: “I Believe in the Power of Prayer”

>>120354 Nursing home residents stage heartbreaking protest outside facility: 'Rather die from COVID than loneliness'

>>120355 Nicholas Noe - Benghazi Whistleblower (ytube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xcKfAQJx6U4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120356 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Sanford, FL 10/12/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H13ov-O3ld4 - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Sanford, FL 10/12/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>120357 DHS: Transnational Organized Crime, a “Devastating Threat” to the US

>>120358, >>120361, >>120388 PF


>>120360 Senior Citizens stage protest for Nursing Homes to end Covid lockdown

>>120362, >>120371 INTL

>>120363, >>120365 Benghazi Whistleblower explains what is coming!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f_VQ0CP2S5U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120364 Kanye West Releases Presidential Campaign Ad

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-U-6nA2E26o - Kanye West releases presidential campaign ad, invokes God, prayer, family [Channel: The Hill]

>>120366 "One of the participants of last night’s Portland antifa riot that resulted in the destruction of Roosevelt & Lincoln statues, in addition to the smashing of a museum & police office, is a woman who is running for Congress."

>>120367 NEW PDJT - Viewership for NBA Finals Finale Crash Nearly 70%, Beaten by Random Sunday Night Football Game

>>120368 Governments Have Failed to Learn from the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

>>120369 Dinesh D'Souza has a new movie coming. "Trump Card".

>>120370 Crowd is YUGE today!!!!

>>120372 Anon confirms kitch was NOT offered last bread closed loop /comms/ handoff routine

>>120373 NEW PDJT - Leaving now for Florida Rally. Big crowds!

>>120374 Much to Jake Tapper’s apparent chagrin, Dr. Fauci grudgingly admits Trump’s right about now being immune to Covid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2e1180d13c5a0fa2037e606bed9591c0b4085a8a9f206ace7d28e333923b569.mp4

>>120375 When you've lost Jake Tapper, Biden Spox, you've lost the left, in general.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VuSoMtW8x_8 - CNN’s Tapper Confronts Biden Campaign: "Nothing Unconstitutional About What The Senate Is Doing” [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>120376 Dr. Anthony Fauci says “it’s really unfortunate and really disappointing” that the Trump campaign featured him in an ad touting the President’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e98f9efe4aedc75a5e15b0dcf6d5ef8cc004d4bea3b59745a2154e7f41cf34b0.mp4

>>120377 Who funds the riotous American left & why? The globalist billionaire class, which uses it to build corporate socialism

>>120378, >>120398 CEO of Haliburton International Foods resigns after being charged with child prostitution

>>120379 Glenn Beck: Proof that Joe Biden's Family Owned Slaves

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ehfIPS66EsM - EXCLUSIVE: Here's proof that Joe Biden's family OWNED SLAVES [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>120380 CEO of Haliburton International Foods resigns after being charged with child prostitution

>>120381 Ninth Circuit court rules Trump can’t divert military funds for border wall

>>120382 NEW PDJT - He should sue the women, and all of those who illegally worked with them, for false and disgusting accusations!!!

>>120383 Election officials to voters: Stop pouring hand sanitizer on mail-in ballots

>>120384 Dog COMMs

>>120385 Tik Tok Teens Try To Sabotage Trump Rally, End Up Donating $16,000 to GOP


>>120387 Ex-C.I.A. Agent Goes Public With Story of Mistreatment on the Job

>>120389 Dan Loeb Wins? Disney Announces Reorganization, Will Focus On Video Streaming… But Keeps Dividend

>>120390 Beijing Spars With Taiwan on Its National Day Celebration, Rejects Diplomatic Dialogue

>>120391 Heartbreaking story of Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) and how he was lied to by the Obama administration after Benghazi at AMP Fest in Florida on October 11th, 2020.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qu5tP-RW2ss - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120392 “I performed oral sex on Barack Obama”. - Larry Sinclair

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c98f3e6b729c5b53a2aaad09ff25f1cf0efb4aaa9f431b3a053d942533d9ef37.mp4

>>120393 Don't do anons any favors, we'd love it if you deleted your /comms/ board and left forever, anons were fine without you and always will be.

>>120394 11:04…Clock change

>>120395 POTUS says at about 28:30 into the Rush interview."five guys he'd never met" urged him to call Ukraine so they could use that.

>>120396 Judge Barrett: U.S. deserves SCOTUS ‘that interprets our Constitution and laws as they are written’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2rGh35TP5Lk - Amy Coney Barrett delivers opening statement | FULL [Channel: Fox News]

>>120397 Mark Meadows Walks Out After CNN Demands He Wear Mask

>>120399 Even Joe Biden's Twitter account doesn't know what state Joe Biden is in.

>>120400 Mark Cuban will still do business with China

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e96fe263829a6b398618cea5912aa4cab0b0193c8bec72e052db950e56c04cd.mp4

>>120401 Mexican President Asks Pope Francis to Apologize for Spanish Conquest of Mexico

>>120402 Silicon Valley Cuts Salaries for Remote Workers, Fueling Tensions

>>120403 Twitter fucking with James Woods

>>120404 #14122

(51 notables, 56 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173771

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11041736 Q Research General #14123: Florida Rally, Big crowds! Edition

Created 122110ZOCT20




>>120405, >>120410 Pollak: Joe Biden’s Disastrous Short List for Attorney General: Cuomo, Yates, Abrams, Bharara, Weissman

>>120406 Mark Cuban: “I’m OK” With NBA Doing Business With China Though It Forces Women to Have Abortions

>>120407 NEW POTUS - Sleepy Joe Biden had a particularly bad day today. He couldn’t remember the name of Mitt Romney, said again he was running for the U.S. Senate, and forgot what State he was in.

>>120408 Would any of the Dems be complaining about having long lines of voters IF THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE DEM VOTES????

>>120409 Sidney Powell retweeted

>>120411 New POTUS

>>120412 FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME endorses Joe Biden

>>120413 CDC First Said Not to Wear Masks, Then to Wear Masks, Then Masks Were Better than Vaccines – Now New Evidence Shows Masks Don’t Work

>>120414 Why Do We Give NPR Money?

>>120415 WHO Backpedals on Covid-19 Scam As Criminal, Civil Charges Filed

>>120416 Texas School Districts Are Ending Remote Learning – 40-70% of Students Were Failing

>>120417, >>120427 INTL

>>120418 HE DID IT AGAIN!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0390c9b8dd93c8268f522ee5f067d5f4d922fb50e62341384a89b95ef438b76.mp4

>>120419 New Dan

>>120420 /anons knowing/

>>120421 Bloomberg is fake news

>>120422, >>120433, >>120437 NEW POTUS

>>120423 Feds to Portland: Take Your Fine and Shove It

>>120424 Top of the World Comfy

>>120425 "California election officials tell voters not to disinfect mail-in ballots. It smudges the ink on the old mimeograph machines…"

>>120426 Facebook bans posts that deny or distort the Holocaust - SHUT IT DOWN

>>120428 In Latest Teleblooper, Biden Calls For $15,000,000 Minimum Wage

>>120429 Gina Haspel Blows Off Senators’ Demands To Quit Stonewalling Congress On Russiagate Oversight

>>120430 How to Understand Joe Biden’s Ukrainian Connection

>>120431, >>120435 POTUS Negative Test

>>120432, >>120434 Guess that answers that - Biden/harris offered to pay for people to attend Cincinnati campaign stop

>>120436 Flynn's attorney reacts to newly declassified docs in Russia origins probe

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hprpXznJgKQ - Flynn's attorney reacts to newly declassified docs in Russia origins probe [Channel: Fox Business]

>>120438 Members of the crowd at President Trump’s rally in Florida chant “CNN sucks” as

>>120439 Grassley Tweets Clock

>>120440 #14123

(30 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173772

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11042586 Q Research General #14124: Top of the World Comfy Edition

Created 122228ZOCT20




>>120441 LIVE FEED of Trump rally without the annoying begging & screeching over the music.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lyOwJb79FM4 - President Trump holds campaign rally in Sanford, Florida [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

>>120442 Notable Graphcs

>>120443 Follow the Pen

>>120444 A technical glitch at a voting supersite, hours-long lines, and a last-minute court ruling marked the start of in-person early voting in Georgia.

>>120445 SCOOP #Durham:

>>120446 Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan

>>120447 Supporters Line Up as Far as the Eye Can See in Sweltering Heat For President Trump’s Comeback Rally

>>120448 Thousands Sign TGP Petition After Chris Wallace Smears Trump Supporters at Presidential Debate. Thank you!

>>120449 Trump Supporters Drown Out Sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio Speech with Chants of “Four More Years!”

>>120450 About that so-called 'security guard' who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver

>>120451 After supporting coronavirus lockdowns for months, the WHO just made the reversal of the year

>>120452, >>120463, >>120476 INTL

>>120453 Augmented reality eyeglasses?

>>120454 Biden says Americans have no right to know if he's going to pack the Supreme Court to counter Conservative Justices appointed by President Trump.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6812fa9d4b47e351dfebd4cfd35415d733f31822ec4252cfb9c86884c30cf985.mp4

>>120455 World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns

>>120456 US Forces hit Taliban with airstrikes in Helmand

>>120457 281- lines up with the sharpie too (perpendicular)

>>120458 Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

>>120459 Schumer: ‘We Would Certainly Be in the Constitutional Right’ to Pack Court

>>120460 Schumer Says Democrats Will Try To Block Barrett Confirmation By Not Giving Republicans Quorum

>>120461 9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization

>>120462 Post #3011

>>120464, >>120466 Twitter is developing new fact-checking tool, "Birdwatch"; it crowdsources "disinformation" notes from moderators

>>120465 100k watching

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H13ov-O3ld4 - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Sanford, FL 10/12/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>120467 Hawley, Sasse Unleash On Harris, Democrats, Media For Treatment Of Barrett

>>120468 Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Says He Is Running for Senate and President

>>120469 Oops! Biden just can't remember name of 'senator who was a Mormon, the governor'

>>120470 Twitter censors Trump tweet saying he's immune from COVID-19


>>120472 Andrew Cuomo: 'No Interest in Going to Washington'

>>120473, >>120474, >>120475 "We will take care of it (obama and biden treason) after the election" DJT 10/12/2020

>>120477 So just for shits and giggles I googled the GREEN_578cDT324-45785sd4DMP" stringer in drop #1037 amd got this

>>120478 Trump Supporters Line Up to Greet Joe Biden as He Arrives at Cincinnati Event

>>120479 Trump SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett: “I Believe in the Power of Prayer”

>>120480 #14124,

(35 notables, 40 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173773

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11044040 Q Research General #14126: Deja Vu, I have been in this bread before!

Created 130008ZOCT20





>>120512, >>120513, >>120514, >>120518 - The Belgian Monster Crime Documentary Marc Dutroux and anons discuss implications of Satanism.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rNfejo7x87U - The Belgian Monster Crime Documentary Marc Dutroux [Channel: Christian 777]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DiQglbPlVfE - The Brabant Killers (Part One: 1982) [Channel: Unresolved]

>>120515, >>120525 - We out here, PLANEFAGGING.

>>120516, >>120524 - Richard Grenell tweet

>>120517, >>120519 - LEFT-WING Radicals Post Online Guide too Disrupting the Country

>>120520, >>120523 - Sara Carter Wrote For Israel National News

>>120521 - U.S. Supreme Court says it will near Nov/Dec arguments by phone.

>>120522 - Soros Funded "Advocacy Group"

>>120526, >>120529 - Anon upset that anon isn't back from brb, Jesus confirms brbs are notable

>>120527 - "Some Great Stuff" Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence on TIGHT Case..

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rCybWf1g9K8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120528 - The Magic Sword Appears

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55a1c92c09035dfe47e054b1e43d140a7be886d0c6ba94479eb51d6245f1350b.mp4

>>120530 - DSCA 11-03 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency

>>120531 - UNITED WE STAND.

>>120532, >>120533 - Moar Kayleigh McEnany-sama Twats

>>120534 - Heidi Hatch tweets about Human Trafficking

>>120535, >>120536 - Bush and Obama White Houses Hid Osama Bin Laden for a decade after 9/11

>>120537 #14126

(17 notables, 27 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173774

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11043348 Q Research General #14125: Columbus Day Rally, 2020

Created 122322ZOCT20




>>120481, >>120483, >>120485, >>120486, >>120489 - NEW: Full link 94-page declassified FBI spreadsheet

>>120482 - Eric Trump Memes

>>120484, >>120500 - Anon will brb, and anon is surprised

>>120487 - GEOTUS Live!!! Awoo!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mZAkEBukW8U - 🔴 LIVE RALLY: Trump Speech at MASSIVE Peaceful Protest in Sanford Florida [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>120488, >>120495, >>120498 - Anons speculate on possible LARP, just in case.

>>120490, >>120492 - Classic Hilldawg

>>120491 - Is that Bernie Sanders?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42bbb8a45960ca38c1e1903e15225804166ec4a94c75f3a5e535e1ae33f8cdee.mp4

>>120493 - Chinese Journalist Give Trump Bad Polling

>>120494, >>120496 - Example of public circulating information

>>120497 - Democrats Move To Redefine Court-Packing

>>120499 - Kayleigh McEnany Tweets

>>120501 - Mommy goes undercover

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pByH5GnBxq0 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>120502, >>120504 - 92-9000 USAF VIP 747 departed Charleston

>>120503 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Budget

>>120505 - Some Excerpts of Lawsuit over COBID-19 state of Ohio

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a555942232aaebf25c492e17ec3ba02be99151be8b58fc8feb50a76070906f20.pdf

>>120506 - Video: "I was voting for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WbozDBM67lY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120507 - GEOTUS Retweet

>>120508 - Q in Finland - WORLDWIDE

>>120509 - Anon Speculates, "Something big MAY be breaking on Hilldawg"

>>120510 #41125

(20 notables, 30 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173775

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11044871 Q Research General #14127: Derp State Mad Bastards

Created 130105ZOCT20




>>120538, >>120542, >>120543, >>120548, >>120557 - Antifaggot talking about Q on twatter

>>120539 - Silicon Valley Cuts Salaries for Remote Workers

>>120540 - GEOTUS Now Immune to Corona Chan's love

>>120541, >>120556 - Planefag Over and Out

>>120544, >>120547 - Devin Nunes Tweets

>>120545, >>120552, >>120554, >>120555, >>120558, >>120562 - Why Did Leon Black Pay Eggstein $50m? And what's with the pricey art? Info Dumps on LEON BLACK

>>120546, >>120550, >>120563, >>120565 - WHO NEWS (Weird stuff/SHIVA)

>>120549 - Chuck Tweetin'

>>120551, >>120553 - KAYLEIGH MCENANY Tweet Infographic Theory


>>120560 - Nursing Home Residents Protest

>>120561 - Every Poll Is A Goal

>>120564 - GEOTUS Tweet

>>120566 #14127

(14 notables, 29 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173776

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11045611 Q Research General #14128: Time Dilation Emergent Probably

Created 130200ZOCT20




>>120567 - Johnson & Johnson Latest To Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Triall Over Unspecified Illness

>>120568 - Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines?

>>120569, >>120579 - Kim Jung Un apologizes to Korean people for being bad leader?!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8Cpeth4EWOs - Kim Jong-un's emotional tactics to solidify internal unity among people: Experts [Channel: Arirang News]

>>120570 - White House: Ranking House Representatives letter to Chairman Leon Black of Apollo Global Management inquiring about the loan to Jared Kushner (08.03.2018)

>>120571 - U.S. Army: The time is now!

>>120572, >>120580, >>120584, >>120599 - CLINTON EMAILS

>>120573 - James O'Keefe Tweet

>>120574, >>120586, >>120589, >>120596 - Scott Moretty Arrested for Child Sex Abuse (Denied support to Benghazi)

>>120575, >>120583, >>120585 - Silk Road China Trade

>>120576, >>120595 - Rundown on Paytriot Jones

>>120577, >>120578 - We out here, looking at planes. - (Embed Video and Repost)

>>120581 - Satanic Necrophilia & Child Sex Abuse (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a_d8s14KNkw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120582 - GEOTUS TWEET

>>120587 - Biden Losing Ground in Ohio, Arizona, Texas and Georgia

>>120588 - New Witness in Denver Shooting

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5b8fb174f86b9af87450c96ea14dec4f9a324be96299838cc84b5daddcd5a1d8.mp4

>>120590, >>120594 - Updates on KAYLEIGH MCENANY Tweets

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GNth4yhlffU - Gorillaz - Empire Ants - Plastic Beach [Channel: Gorillaz]

>>120591 - WaPo at it again with the smeres

>>120592 - 85% of COVID patients report always or often wearing a mask

>>120593 - Israeli Orthodox rabbi: Judaism doesn’t ban same-sex couples building families

>>120597, >>120598 - BLM Chimp Out in Vegas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d6a8531ea28d21b8493d978cad851b9a02684a3811706862c3b9d949fabf5b1d.mp4

>>120600 - Dan ScavinoTweet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c30d9e3a0e0fe4bfa13a645d54ac60bdb61a6393aad3aaa19ca3284ba0f1e3b.mp4

>>120601 - 600 Jewish Groups Sign Support of BLM in NYT ad.

>>120602 - Benghazi Whistleblower Explains What Is Coming (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f_VQ0CP2S5U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120603 - Redpill 78 Benghazi Video (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rsbNgdiIEMY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

(24 notables, 37 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173777

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11046400 Q Research General #14129: Cyclic Hive-Personality Collective.. Edition

Created 130302ZOCT20




>>120604, >>120607 - The Plot Against The President (Bitchute Video, Removed from JewTube) - Biden's Most Hilarious Home Videos (like the show, americas most hilarious videos!)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d09e294ce1e3a629d2a0f850c5c6938dbe47e52d3b82bfa6fab906abe6c2605.mp4

>>120605, >>120606, >>120621 - BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rCybWf1g9K8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rCybWf1g9K8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120608, >>120618 - Daily Reminder: Fuck Jannies – err I mean Palpatine's Revenge comms

>>120609 - Senate Judiciary Committee Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (day 2) - LIVE at 9am ET on C-SPAN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QC8ANBp_4j8 - Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (Day 2) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>120610 - "Exlusive Proof" that Joe Biden's Family owned slaves

>>120611 - GEOTUS Schedule For 10/13/20

>>120612 - Doctors in Australia demand end to Victoria lockdown while WHO says restrictions should not be primary course

>>120613, >>120617 - A fucking clock

>>120614 - Memorandum from the President's Physician

>>120615 - Letting coronavirus spread freely for ‘herd immunity’ is unethical, says WHO

>>120616 - Ted Cruz Retweet

>>120619 - ANTIFA Tweets

>>120620 - Scott Moretti Dig (Benghazi/Child Abuse/etc)

>>120622 - Chuck Ross Tweets about Steele Dossier

>>120623, >>120624, >>120628 - Mickey Mouse Clock Stuff

>>120625, >>120630 - GEOTUS TWEET

>>120626 - Little Baking Lesson

>>120627 - Republican Running Against Maxine Waters Releases Viral Ad: ‘Our District Is In Ruins’

>>120629 - Additional Information on 10/10/20 Kim Jong Un's emotional speech.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2dcf64b02604c9f950904802b62b3279709611cc9529213ceb55f848546b18af.mp4

>>120631 #14129

(20 notables, 28 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173778

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11047147 Q Research General #14130:As the weather cools.. Edition

Created 130427ZOCT20




>>120632, >>120635 - Interesting Tweets

>>120633 - Subject: In Town Pool Report #10 – lid.. A lid was called upon arrival at the White House. Good night.


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e707e33c27e0b7fbaef0dd700159ce3c474e8bb37801b86a7ae93a5229f7dd03.mp4

>>120636, >>120637, >>120638, >>120642, >>120656 (video) , - BREAKING: Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods… (OBAMA/BIDEN/IRAN/SEALTEAM6) - Declassified FBI spreadsheet exposes folly of Steele dossier's uncorroborated claims (PDF)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff361804b7729526617edf14d761a2ac006863380af23bc484f9216d379c39f.mp4

>>120639 - Tucker Carlson interviews witness of Denver Shooting.

>>120640 - Moar Comms From PALPATINE'S REVENGE (Vidya Cloak)

>>120641 - CEO of JewTube tells CNN that they will delete any of Trump's videos on election night if he…

>>120643, >>120647, >>120652 - Clockfaggots connecting some shit to Kayleigh McEnany tweets.

>>120644, >>120646 - Re-added Baking Class to dough.

>>120645 - Michigan Supreme Court denies Gov. Whitmer's request for 'pandemic executive orders' extensions

>>120648 - Pelosi faces backlash after rejecting Trump's latest stimulus offer

>>120649, >>120650, >>120651 - Interesting Read (The Hidden Tyranny) - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1e50d3f2c402071b6ec5ffc66cbf3d3e6aa52836ea92580403335feb2998ae5.pdf

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3g41o2Ct0us - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>120653, >>120655 - Definitive Proof

>>120654 - Is Big Tech Breaking Campaign Finance Laws

>>120657 - Recently in Chinese Propaganda: China Says It Foiled Major Taiwan Spy Network As Taipei Denounces "Malicious Political Stunt"

>>120658 - Excerpts from the Jewish Talmud

>>120659, >>120661 >>1104775 , - Jimmy Dore attempts to sum up Russiagate (videos)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c09c94a8970b8d3863d8963db6dc0fd05711d1593b4644f1d1f399407d8feffa.mp4

>>120660 - Iranians working together towards Regime Change.

>>120662 #14130, #14131

(19 notables, 31 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173779

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11047985 Q Research General #14131: Comfy Bread Edition

Created 130605ZOCT20




>>120663 - History Lesson, Freemasons

>>120664 - Q drop PDF pages as image.png

>>120665, >>120666 - Saul Alinksy, author of Rules for Radicals a book read by Obama/Clinton linked to Roman Catholic Jesuits

>>120667, >>120668, >>120672, >>120673 (Video) , (mp4) , - HILLDAWG APPEARS BEFORE HOUSE SELECT BENGHAZI CMTE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zMh73a76boo - Rep. Pompeo to Hillary: Why didn't you fire anyone? [Channel: Fox News Insider]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/68b3879d6cc638a41f3fb275dc3e9904f6f2b5c6f85a69ac2fa45453cf3c5ccc.mp4

>>120669 - Anon having a read, John Cusack: ‘I have not been hot for a long time’

>>120670 (Video) - Ron Paul, 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>120671 - KAYLEIGH MCENANY Tweets

>>120674 - War NEEDS Propaganda.

>>120675 - House Passes Schiff Amendment to Broadcast Guantanamo Bay Proceedings

>>120676 - Study: U.S. Middle East Policy Motivated by pro-Israel Lobby

>>120677 - Interesting Quotation - David Spangler, United Nations Director of Planetary Initiative

>>120678 - Denver Shooting Sequenced

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f85ae26f93fa0b26b5380eb219226f55ba8593e879956c256cde8aaa7b94dde.mp4

>>120679 (Video) - Cuban immigrant WARNS against socialism at Trump roundtable

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C1ybQWwLl4s - Cuban immigrant WARNS against socialism at Trump r [Channel: The Hill]

>>120680 - McAdams, Owens debate COVID, BLM, QAnon and Trump

>>120681 - Anon Hyping, and Dan Scavino Tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fa31d7e7edf38009580e32d5524db4d44b2a90f5cb6ea7ddcb1a73a43e61c3d6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/739caf577ed5b201378f9f8835001c6bc6855f0588085b7c79bafecf4c0aa288.mp4

>>120682 - Peloton Is Going to War Against QAnon

>>120683 - Pompeo’s visit: Sri Lanka says it will not bend to US pressure on MCC or SOFA

>>120684 - Pushback to Xi Jinping to reflect in US approach to ‘One China’ policy

>>120685 - China warns Asian countries to be vigilant on U.S strategy in region

>>120686 Gina Haspel Blows Off Senators’ Demands To Quit Stonewalling Congress On Russiagate Oversight

>>120687 - China, ASEAN Should Prevent ‘External Disruption’ in South China Sea: Wang Wi

>>120688 -We out here, Planefaggin'

>>120689 - - South China Sea situation remains 'volatile': Gapay

(23 notables, 27 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173780

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11048802 Q Research General #14132:Hivemind Never Left /pol/ is right again Edition

Created 130845ZOCT20




>>120690, >>120693, >>120708 - YouTube CEO on election misinformation and QAnon

>>120691 - Mike Flynn Jr. to NeverTrumpers: Don’t Tell Trump’s Base We Don’t Care About RussiaGate

>>120692 - Gaffe-O-Matic: In One Day, Joe Biden Rolls Out Three Laughable Blunders

>>120694 - Report: Epidemic of Muslims kidnapping, raping Christian girls

>>120695 - Mayoral candidate charged with over 100 counts of voter fraud

>>120696 - Federal tax judge allows whistleblower case against Clinton foundation to proceed

>>120697 - Over 9 Million People Have Already Voted In The 2020 Election, The Majority Being Democrats

>>120698 - Democrats don’t dare say why they oppose Judge Barrett, so they lie instead

>>120699 - Anon will brb.

>>120700 - Trump Nominated for His 4th Nobel Peace Prize — This Time For His Work in Ending the Era of Endless Wars

>>120701 - Rep. Doug Collins introduces resolution to push for Pelosi removal as House speaker

>>120702 - LETTER: Thinks QAnon supporters should be designated on the ballot

>>120703, >>120704, >>120710, >>120711, >>120718 - We planefaggin'

>>120705 - Harris’s Ties to Leading Anti-Israel Group Draw Scrutiny

>>120706 - The Week Washington Went Third World

>>120707 - At Supreme Court hearing, Democrats talk about everything except Amy Coney Barrett

>>120709 - What's behind the rise of QAnon in the UK?

>>120712, >>120713, >>120715, >>120720, >>120727, >>120730 - GEOTUS TWEET

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a8e5e98ecf02c7fa9cbf9e153e9ccc3a8aea0dd1d6574b31327459a29258fb88.mp4

>>120714 - Stocks are soaring. Here’s why most Black people are missing out as the market sets records.

>>120716 - Breonna Taylor: Anatomy of A Racial Hoax

>>120717 - Powell: The Obama Admin Was Complicit – “They Pushed the Disinformation” Against Trump and Flynn…

>>120719, >>120735 - 'Unexplained illness' puts Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine study on pause

>>120721 - Anon Speaks of the Journey Ahead

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7ca7dc7a5d2bd6c0151ba19d40c47d3b3fa8a2f63ba642c50449d05dc7b9c9ed.webm

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/49f1c92d6a2508161b75e44d794b212edc3606bc4249584c2f19174d4d453ce0.webm

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ed9453582100ba21fe2929955bdb0a993fb2e20425a852ecce3d3e59390c21d.webm

>>120722 - South China Sea Tensions: Malaysia Detains Chinese Boats For Trespassing In Its Territorial Waters

>>120723 - CBD Information

>>120724 - Anon up-bringing spirits with a QRD

>>120725, >>120726 - Pompeo Tweets

>>120728 - Kayleigh Clock Watch

>>120729 - Denver Shooting Sequence Image

>>120731 - KJU apologizes for not taking NK out of poverty.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=exI0FEubxO0 - Kim Jong-un appears to cry in emotional military parade speech [Channel: The Telegraph]

>>120732 - US Army Twat, 'The time is now!'

>>120733, >>120734 - Chair Force wishing Happy Birthday to all the Brave Sea-men. - TRUMP RETWEETS ARTICLE ABOUT BENGHAZI/OSAMA/OBAMA/CLINTON/SEAL6

>>120736 #14132

(33 notables, 47 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173781

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11049600 Q Research General #14133: The Eternal Spark Edition

Created 131222ZOCT20




>>120737 - Maria Bartiromo Tweet, breddy yug

>>120738 - Drops 10/11- Absolutely Huge Coverup/Seal Team 6 Benghazi

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4mMtED4Bwzk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120739, >>120742, >>120746, >>120747 - What you call a Clock Rundown..Possible Q proof in the making

>>120740 - Kayleigh McEnany Tweets

>>120741 - Army, Lockheed prep for first extended-range guided rocket test firing

>>120743 - GEOTUS TWEE

>>120744 - Pelosi New

>>120745 - Pompeo Tweet

>>120748 - Jacob Kelly - Black Guns Matter Instigator (Denver Shooting

>>120749 - Variety Dump for the curiou

>>120750 - Planefagging

>>120751 - Nice Shiny Apples wishing B-da

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/795a9a86762f7296fc502f2797158eebde53a3edc387070579c8943beb543f74.mp4

>>120752 - DOD Retweet

>>120753, >>120756, >>120757 - CBS Obtains 94-Page Outline Showing FBI and Chris Steele Collaborative Use of Media Reporting

>>120754 - Best of Biden

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d09e294ce1e3a629d2a0f850c5c6938dbe47e52d3b82bfa6fab906abe6c2605.mp4

>>120755 - Johnson & Johnson vaccine trial paused over unexplained illness

>>120758 #14133

(17 notables, 22 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173782

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11050301 Q Research General #14134: The 9th Circuit Edition

Created 131348ZOCT20




>>120759 anon posts graphic: The Day of Reckoning Is Upon Us

>>120760 John Basham w/CAP: Many Are Upset That Indictments Have Not Been RELEASED. Many Say #Durham & #Barr Have Done Nothing...

>>120761 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>120762 Ghislaine Maxwell to Urge U.S. Appeals Court to Keep Damaging Deposition Secret

>>120763, >>120764, >>120771, >>120775 planefag reporting

>>120765 (Live) Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (Day 2)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QC8ANBp_4j8 - Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett (Day 2) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>120766 NYPD gearing up for more protests as presidential election nears, Barrett confirmation hearings begin

>>120767 Corruption Detector w/CAP: Excerpt of a call between...admitting Bin Laden protected by USG in Iran...

>>120768 Twitter Fined For Multiple Campaign Finance Violations

>>120769, >>120770 anon nom (continued from lb) All Q Clock Drops - Considering Clock Comms Going On ATM

>>120772, >>120777 Video: Happy Birthday Navy - Established October 13, 1775

>>120773 US Army conducts first-of-its-kind exercise for tactical information warfare unit

>>120774 Moar voter fraud to be released today

>>120776 Air Force Is Stripping a B-1 Bomber Down to Its Bolts to Make a Digital Twin

>>120778 #14134

(15 notables, 20 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173783

File: 929e04b66a67d05⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11051114 Q Research General #14135: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 131511ZOCT20




>>120779, >>120789, >>120833 PF

>>120780 Adam Housley - Theft of Weapons in Libya

>>120781 Scavino twat: Biden vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81b0d75c7fe6629f9ca43b27e2431151bb3d9dbf3c1064ff078a696750269267.mp4

>>120782 US Army signs up 72 bases for FirstNet

>>120783 An Antifa member attacks a Trump supporter in Vegas, only to find out he messed with the wrong dude

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/07d2c605578d628d6bfabf5b287a31f8f682acac93d3289e2ccb4ba10615e866.mp4

>>120784 PANIC

>>120785 Benghazi Whistleblower explains what is Coming!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f_VQ0CP2S5U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120786 ACB Owns a Gun

>>120787 Federal tax judge allows whistleblower case against Clinton foundation to proceed

>>120788 Justice Department Charges More than 14,200 Defendants with Firearms-Related Crimes in FY20

>>120790, >>120791, >>120794, >>120796, >>120798, >>120800, >>120808, >>120813, >>120814, >>120815, >>120816, >>120823, >>120830, >>120831, >>120832, >>120834, >>120840 POTUS RT MidnightRider1111 of SEAL Team 6 KILLED BY HRC/Obama tweet

>>120792 Meme ammo for anons…

>>120793 Poll: John James Makes up 10-Point Deficit Since June, Michigan Senate Race Now Dead Heat

>>120795, >>120801 Netflix chief defends 'Cuties' as protected by U.S. First Amendment

>>120797 Air Force merges two command and control units in Germany

>>120799 INTL

>>120802, >>120803, >>120804, >>120806 #Durham @FBI must produce all records in compliance with Aug 6, 2020 subpoena.

>>120805 BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rCybWf1g9K8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>120807 My clock is set to John 3:16 - the Gospel in one verse: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

>>120809 Senators accused FBI Director Wray of withholding more relevant evidence after belated disclosure of new text messages

>>120810 Declassified FBI spreadsheet exposes folly of Steele dossier's uncorroborated claims

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/575171822edf90d9e8c4e09e3a6f45ea7db95ccde325eb0ad3f29df9f362eda5.pdf

>>120811 NEW POTUS

>>120812 READ: Left-wing Radicals Post Online Guide to ‘Disrupting’ the Country if Election is Close

>>120817 Context for the Barr impeachment story:

>>120818 Info is flowing in from sources that corroborate Alan's story about the Seal Team Six kill. Many in the know are done seeing these criminals get away with this crap any longer. They are now coming forward.

>>120819 Notice how the Whitmer kidnapping story disappeared after we found out the perps were ANTIFA and BLM anarchists?

>>120820 Biden- Not a fan of court packing

>>120821 Two Sentenced for Roles in Maryland-to-Virginia Heroin Pipeline that Resulted in Fatal Overdose

>>120822 If US state governments or Medicare mandated Vitamin D supplements in nursing homes, up to 100,000 flu deaths a year could be prevented.

>>120824 Killary twat

>>120825 Confirmed RT Potus

>>120826 Joe Biden Exposes SEAL Team 6 families to al Queda Extortion 17

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mgQHxiuUBvQ - Joe Biden Exposes SEAL Team 6 families to al Queda Extortion 17 [Channel: Jessica Lamb]

>>120827 To protect the integrity of our relationships with think tanks and related institutions we're taking a simple step to encourage transparency: think tanks that wish to engage with the @StateDept should disclose funding they receive from foreign governments.

>>120828 Woman Found Dead, Baby Removed From Womb In Texas

>>120835, >>120838 PARLER is BLOWING IT just in time for the election

>>120836 POTUS r/t Hiden Biden and Obama may have had Seal Team 6 killed! EXPLOSIVE: CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Alleged Role with the Deaths of Seal Team

>>120837 I thought they never put a whole seal team on one chopps at the same time… Call to diggz

>>120839 Gina = Wizard

>>120841 Stats from last night's FL rally:

>>120842 #14135

(40 notables, 63 posts, 70 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173784

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11051835 Q Research General #14136: POTUS RETWEETS SEAL TEAM 6 STORY EDITION

Created 131618ZOCT20





>>120844 Patriot T-Shirt Company Owner writes blog defending Q

>>120845 Amazon Prime Day - The clock


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/795a9a86762f7296fc502f2797158eebde53a3edc387070579c8943beb543f74.mp4

>>120847 NEW POTUS - Join me on Thursday afternoon (1:00pmE) in Greenville, North Carolina at the Pitt-Greenville Airport! #MAGA

>>120848 Start @3:14 - Gina

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iR9rzPPuHuE - CIA director is covering something up in Russiagate emails: Grassley [Channel: Fox Business]

>>120849 New POTUS

>>120850 JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT! #thuglife

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4640d0f4d6c6d72ea98f6794bc1d6565151153d367eadf293c4c9b9ac33ae8b0.mp4

>>120851 EPIC TROLL Cornyn: "Most of us have multiple notebooks & notes & books & things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what youve been referring to in answering our questions?"


>>120853 REVEALED: Joe Biden’s son-in-law advises Biden campaign on pandemic while investing in COVID-19 startups

>>120854 WHTM: Lancaster police chief forced to resign after wife made pro-Trump comments, FOP says

>>120855 They refused to notable Potus retweeting the seal team 6 story

>>120856 NEVER FORGET: Families Blame 'Loose Lips Joe Biden' After Taliban Slaughters 16 Members of SEAL TEAM 6

>>120857 Exclusive: Coup Plotters Considered Never Allowing Trump To Be Inaugurated

>>120858 "Welcome back, President Trump back on the campaign trial, trail after recovering from his positive coronavirus diagnosis"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E-EliOuO_ys - Trump coalition shows up, votes and 'doesn't want to talk to media:' McEnany [Channel: Fox Business]

>>120859 Retweet by POTUS of Parrott interview Posted at 11:52. = Qpost 1152 and 2243

>>120860 They never thought she would lose. Now they all lose.

>>120861 "When that Second Amendment was written…we were talking about the likelihood that a person could purchase a muzzle-loading musket. We are now talking about virtual military weapons that can kill hundreds of innocent people."

>>120862 She can do it all

>>120863 News Chippy Hinting at SEAL Team 6 Murder Says Fast & Furious Disclosure Coming, Too.

>>120864, >>120865 Questions for Senator Whitehouse

>>120866 Eric Trump cancels event at gun shop after former worker tied to domestic terror plots

>>120867, >>120870 BREAKING: A severed fiber optic cable shuts down Virginia's online voter registration system, the last day to register before the November general election.

>>120868 Police arrested a 36-year-old man Sunday after two sexual assaults at gunpoint in his car.

>>120869 Cia whistleblower drops hard evidence on benghazi scandal

>>120871 Happy Columbus Day Again, Again

>>120872, >>120875 GOP Congressional Candidate Gets in Fist Fight With Biden Supporters, Hospitalized With Broken Tibia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SCDVWf7t9nY - Rayla Cambell Alleged Assault After New Bedford Trump Rally 10 12 2020 [Channel: WBSM 1420 AM]


>>120874 Facebook Bans Ads Questioning Safety Of COVID-19 Vaccines

>>120876 Judge Amy Coney Barrett addressed the widespread misinformation that judges can brazenly make rulings based on the whims of the day

>>120877 he judgment, filed Tuesday in King County Superior Court, notes that at least 38 Washington candidates and political committees paid $194,550 for political advertising on the platform between 2012-2019.

>>120878 Deployment demands, training requirements to be reduced, Army leaders announce

>>120879 Beijing urges Asian nations to unite against Washington’s ‘old-fashioned cold war mentality’

>>120880 European intelligence agencies are deploying resources to track QAnon as the conspiracy theory spreads beyond the US, sources say

>>120881 Pfizer expands coronavirus vaccine trial to include children as young as 12

>>120882 Archive Update "Double Bake Dilemma"

>>120883 Joe Biden's Anti-Segregation Crusade From Black Church Story Just Took a Punch to the Mouth

>>120884 Netflix CEO defends 'Cuties' film after grand jury indictment: 'It's surprising' that we're 'censoring storytelling'

>>120885 Sixteen Thirty Fund

>>120886 Horowitz: Someone tell Dr. Fauci: Drugs killed four times as many San Franciscans this year as COVID-19

>>120887 Citing Rise in Violent Sex Attacks, Bangladesh Approves Death Penalty for Rape

>>120888 Questions raised about conflicts of interest around Biden son-in-law



>>120891 Sen. Feinstein's former aide's leftwing group DEMAND JUSTICE launches seven-figure ad buy to attack Amy Coney Barrett


>>120893 #14136,

(48 notables, 51 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173785

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11053058 Q Research General #14137: THUG LIFE AMY EDITION

Created 131743ZOCT20




>>120894, >>120901, >>120905, >>120907, >>120918, >>120922, >>120927 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AzWLlfwfD4Y - Questions: What's Going On??? [Channel: Randy Hillier]

>>120895, >>120897, >>120902, >>120909, >>120939 /Comms/ board running with the narrative everyone that hates them are just russian bots

>>120896 125 Pounds of Meth, Cocaine, Heroin Seized at Texas Border Crossing

>>120898 Obama paid a $152 Billion bribe to Iran, to buy their silence on Osama Bin Laden

>>120899 BREAKING! A call discovered that appears to include a conversation between Allan Parrot, Congressman Curt Weldon & Biden Atty Brian Ettinger, full call can be found below, Drive upload of call excerpt can be found here RT & send to @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2908d7b344523a41243f5e81e2b378e1f9b3c39d0ad8312b2ef4c40d17be2987.webm

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/80d18ce2e9df325314a767f2dcded208df8b97d8b1769fbf2e57e6152b0f26da.pdf

>>120900 UK Facing Massive Tax Hikes Following COVID Spending Spree, Warns Think Tank, As Unemployment Rises

>>120903 CIA whistleblower Parrot connection to Q post 153. Clockwork showing that the connection to the Q post and Q+ RT has multiple coincidences. This is not for datefagging. Any future dates indicated are used for their numerical value only.

>>120904 Feminists Attack Amy Coney Barrett’s Motherhood: ‘Handmaid’ With ‘Clown Car Vagina’

>>120906, >>120923, >>120925, >>120928, >>120937 PF

>>120908 Appeals Court Blocks More Construction of US-Mexico Border Wall

>>120910 Fact-checking Biden's claim that Barrett's SCOTUS confirmation process is unconstitutional

>>120911 I'M GOING TO SPEAK: Ted Cruz Uses Time To TAKE DOWN Democrats During Barrett Confirmation Hearing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IFRIUwhKo7U - I'M GOING TO SPEAK: Ted Cruz Uses Time To TAKE DOWN Democrats During Barrett Confirmation Hearing [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>120912 Navy begins defusing biggest World War Two bomb ever found in Poland

>>120913 Some transcripts being posted here:

>>120914 Couple Barred from Fostering Their 1-Year-Old Great-Granddaughter Because of They Oppose Homosexuality and Gender Transitioning


>>120916 SUPER! Honored by President Trump's intent to appoint me to DC judicial oversight body. More heavy lifting for the rule of the law in addition to my work for Judicial Watch!

>>120917 Twitter Fined For Multiple Campaign Finance Violations

>>120919 June 06, 2011: TRANSCRIPT AUDIO TAPE 01

>>120920 Majority of lawmakers in 116th Congress are millionaires

>>120921 June 06, 2011: TRANSCRIPT AUDIO TAPE 02

>>120924 Top General: US Withdrawal From Afghanistan ‘Conditions-Based’


>>120929 Join ToI Community to learn how ADL helped Facebook formulate hate restrictions

>>120930, >>120935 Transcript Caps

>>120931 FBI's McCabe, Page texted several times about anti-Trump stories during 2016 election

>>120932 Manhattan federal prosecutors declined to pursue Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell case in 2016: sources

>>120933 C_A Cover-up Russiagate

>>120934 The Steele Dossier & the Obama State Department

>>120936 Justice Department Charges More than 14,200 Defendants with Firearms-Related Crimes in FY20

>>120938 Moar on to Sen. Feinstein's former aide's leftwing group DEMAND JUSTICE on attacking Amy Coney Barrett

>>120940 CIA

>>120941 #14137

(33 notables, 48 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173786

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11054658 Q Research General #14139: Extortion 17 Edition

Created 131942ZOCT20




>>120996 The Great Reset: Unelected ‘World Leaders’ Use COVID to Launch ‘Sinister’ Climate Agenda

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GeykREAlYSg - ‘The Great Reset’: World leaders to harness COVID and pursue 'sinister' climate agenda [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>120997 Press Sec has same lanterns from Q post

>>120998, >>121000, >>121010 PF

>>120999 Trump on Savage in 15 minutes

>>121001 Sean Spicer Book Excerpt: Revealed: All the Family Ties Between the Elite and the Establishment Press

>>121002 Top CIA officials appear before jury over destruction of al-Qaida tapes (2009)

>>121003 INTERNATIONAL and other

>>121004 Chuck Grassley 5,5,5,5,4,5

>>121005 Obama plans to hit the campaign trail in battleground states "soon" for Biden

>>121006 Rush Limbaugh 17 minutes?

>>121007 Dem USES question time in Barrett hearing

>>121008 Michigan Supreme Court Denies Gov. Whitmer Request For Extension Of Pandemic Executive Powers: Unconstitutional

>>121009 Lake County prosecutors announce they will not file charges against Kyle Rittenhouse

>>121011 James Woods

>>121012 Cuomo blames Republicans and the New York Post for nursing home deaths controversy

>>121013 'Not up to the job': Former White House doctor says Biden lacks 'mental capacity' for presidency

>>121014 #14139

(17 notables, 19 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173787

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11053873 Q Research General #14138: Pain Incoming Edition

Created 131841ZOCT20




>>120942, >>120943, >>120945, >>120951, >>120961, >>120967, >>120968 MOAR /COMMS/ PATHETIC PLOTTING

>>120944 Delaware Dem Pardoned Man Charged in Plot to Abduct Governor Whitmer

>>120946 American Contractor Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Steal Government Equipment from U.S. Military Base in Afghanistan

>>120947 They absolutely put a target on their back. The death of SEAL team 6 were “trophy killings” for Osama bin Laden. Hillary sold them the missile used to kill our soldiers! Then Obama sent 150 BILLION of our tax payer dollars to IRAN as HUSH MONEY!

>>120948 Johnson, Grassley to FBI: Deliver all text messages of Andrew McCabe

>>120949, >>120955, >>120964, >>120969, >>120973, >>120974, >>120978, >>120981, >>120986, >>120989, >>120994 PF

>>120950, >>120954, >>120957, >>120959, >>120972, >>120976, >>120980, >>120990 INTL

>>120952 Exclusive: Photos of the Benghazi dossier that’s now in the hands of patriots

>>120953 Wow. Amy Klobuchar just got Amy Coney Barrett to say publicly that she doesn't believe Roe v. Wade is a super precedent.

>>120956 State Department to Crack Down on Foreign Influence at U.S. Think Tanks

>>120958 Never forget what Joe Biden did to Seal Team 6

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f65926e53b61129750a479ee1fa34c13d79945aae98e9a2133e9b822355bb99a.mp4

>>120960 LIVE Day 2: Supreme Court Nomination Hearings for Amy Coney Barrett

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TEP2-vYW8lo - Day 2: Supreme Court Nomination Hearings for Amy Coney Barrett | LIVE | NowThis [Channel: NowThis Impact]

>>120962 China, Russia, Pakistan, Cuba, and Uzbekistan win seats on U.N. Human Rights Council; Saudi Arabia bid fails

>>120963 Kamala Harris lied on her Financial Disclosures and is connected to multiple campaign finance violations

>>120965 Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says August 5, 2015

>>120966 Proposed Reform to US Espionage Act Would Create Public Interest Defense

>>120970 JUST IN: Pelosi, citing "leverage" over Trump, holds strong to $2.2 trillion in COVID-19 aid

>>120971 American Thinker on Q

>>120975 POTUS Withdrawal from Somalia

>>120977 Watching ACB calmly dismantle @amyklobuchar is amazing.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba363c9aa1262f2a19f389c1591bfeec7953c87431cad9a45feba30213440664.mp4

>>120979 Air Force Says New Hypersonic Missile Will Hit Targets 1,000 Miles Away In Under 12 Minutes

>>120982 Lots of falcon comms just started making sense.

>>120983 UW professor missing after camping trip to Mount Rainier

>>120984 US ARMY TWITTER : The time is now

>>120985 Bakery Fuckery Incoming

>>120987 So much happening right now. Watch here:

>>120988 Chris Wray refuses to cooperate with Senate investigators.

>>120991 Extortion 17 – AUG. 6, 2011 – When Biden’s Loose Lips Killed SEAL Team 6 August 7, 2020

>>120992 How to Secure Your Vote and Minimize the Impact of Zombie Voters

>>120993 Comms from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)?

>>120995 #14138

(31 notables, 54 posts, 79 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173788

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11055492 Q Research General #14140: Amy Barrett Cool Under Pressure Edition

Created 132047ZOCT20




>>121015 Ghislaines lawyers requesting released information should be through the court system

>>121016 Dan Scavino

>>121017 James Woods: This is everything this election is about

>>121018 Eric Trump Tweet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e00996e4909a5dbdcae8a2c8ff1a3c5adb3723ae1f704e99cb8720055630cc08.mp4

>>121019 Supreme Court is Saluted by Anons

>>121020, >>121021 Who is Admiral James Stavridis

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nGuZZSMIKRw - Joe Biden Exposes SEAL Team 6 families to al-Queda [Channel: theunitedwest]

>>121022 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Johnstown, PA 10/13/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MdaOb8GxCjM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Johnstown, PA 10/13/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>121023 Democrats accuse VA secretary of campaigning for Trump, GOP on official time

>>121024 Pittsburgh area mail carrier under investigation the anomynous hacker known as 4chan strikes again

>>121025 (Video) - Secretary Pompeo delivers virtual remarks to the International Republican Institute - 5:45 PM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RAjlkU_IP6A - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>121026 (Video) - Obama Admin Iran Connections Continued

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rsbNgdiIEMY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121027 Lancaster police chief forced to resign for wife’s pro-trump facebook comments

>>121028 Reminder (2017) Trump may be right: the 'five eyes' allies do spy on one another

>>121029 Flashback: A new book on the 2012 presidential campaign claims that President Barack Obama told aides that he is “really good at killing people

>>121030 US Navy Tweet

>>121031, >>121035, >>121041, >>121043, >>121044 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vI4IVz-0Kpc - Վարձկանների հավաքագրում Սիրիայում [Channel: ԶԻՆՈՒԺ MEDIA]

>>121032, >>121038, >>121039 SCOTUS grants #Trump administration request to halt #Census2020

>>121033 Australian: NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian facing day of reckoning as Daryl Maguire fronts ICAC

>>121034 Uk poll 80% for Trump

>>121036 Never-Trump group is 2020’s top ‘dark money’ spender so far

>>121037 The iconic moment Amy Coney Barrett demonstrated her brilliance without saying a word

>>121040 PF

>>121042 U.S. accuses author of Melania Trump tell-all book of breaking nondisclosure pact

>>121045 #14140

(24 notables, 31 posts, 33 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173789

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11056223 Q Research General #14141: Flashback to Q Edition

Created 132142ZOCT20




>>121046, >>121047, >>121061 - Curt Weldon Timeline

>>121048 - BREAKING: NYPD Chief of Patrol, Fausto Pichardo, has abruptly resigned.

>>121049 - Billionaire Leon Black Allegedly Bankrolled Jeffrey Epstein Even After Disgraced Financier Was Convicted Of Soliciting Sex From A Teen


>>121051, >>121074 (Video), - Nancy McMeltdown

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3bf95f79c779d5aaf14c3f66fc055a2bfe70b0a20242bb65809a07caeb6a027b.mp4

>>121052 - An ‘accidentally-cut cable’ brings down entire voter registration system in Virginia right before deadline to register

>>121053 - Democratic Anchorage Mayor Apologizes For Sexting News Anchor Who Posted Nude Photos Of Him Online

>>121054 - US DOE Twattin (URANIUM)

>>121055 - even satan is after the anonymous hacker known as 4chan

>>121056 - SCOTUS Nominee Judge Barrett Asked to Reveal Her Reference Notes…

>>121057 - US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL Is $266.7 BILLION Dollars

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0Ym015r0gq0 - How Much Aid Does The U.S. Send To Israel? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>121058 - Facebook bans Holocaust denial content

>>121059 - FVEY

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74c49450292b27661670fed96cb75a07f6461e1fe9c5210078d4a07868f0e7f7.mp4

>>121060, >>121086, >>121087 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>121062, >>121083 - WH TWEET

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d8bfdc5143889f44b94c31137e103dcb0ed2f27289a00f9e958fa613572396a8.mp4

>>121063 - Interesting thought on tweet

>>121064 - A White Squall perhaps?

>>121065 - Barrett Confirmation Hearing Day 2

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m0eKn7wsCaQ - Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation hearings | Day 2 [Channel: Fox News]

>>121066, >>121072 - Clinton Foundation and Verizon join forces to cultivate the next generation of innovators.

>>121067 - KANSAS LIVE IN 30

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RAjlkU_IP6A - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>121068 - A bit of excitement fills the air

>>121069 - PIONEER PRESS: Corona virus infection linked to event held by Biden

>>121070 - Judaism and Freemasonary

>>121071 - VIDEO: Kim Jong Un: “I am Expecting North and South Korea to Join Hands (Reunite) as Soon as Possible”

>>121073 - CLIN-TON tweets

>>121075 - Obunga Twats


>>121077 - Rob O'Neill Bin Laden killer not truthfull SEALs claim

>>121078 - Moar exciting declas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/17c49727ca3c538ff84f52799a45b8e41fbd100a5aa140c67958cfcf9c0e07ea.mp4

>>121079 - We are the News apparently

>>121080 - Some Sneak Peaks via Tweets

>>121081, >>121082 - We out here planefagging

>>121084 - Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Johnstown, PA 10/13/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MdaOb8GxCjM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Johnstown, PA 10/13/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>121085 - Interdasting take on Kayleligh McEnany

>>121088 - Hillary Clinton eyes secretary of Defense role in Biden administration

>>121089 - ‘Unmasking’ probe commissioned by Barr quietly concludes without charges or any public report

>>121090 #14141

(37 notables, 45 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173790

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11056950 Q Research General #14142: Die Antwoord Edition

Created 132242ZOCT20




>>121091 - What is JIDF?

>>121092 - IRS colluded with Clinton Foundation to cheat taxpayers out of $2.5 billion / Federal Judge Allows Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Complaint To Proceed, Rules IRS 'Abused Its Discretion'

>>121093 - Homeless Man Donates $1 To Oregon Historical Society After Antifa Rioters Destroy Museum.

>>121094 - Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono Asks Amy Coney Barrett if She Has Ever Committed Rape 'VIDEO

>>121095, >>121098 - The US Supreme Court, Religion and the Constitution.

>>121096 - Pentagon Drafting Plans to Withdraw US Troops From Somalia - Reports

>>121097 - Democrats’ Emoluments Clause Lawsuit Against President Trump Is Dead

>>121099 - CALL TO DIG - Derek Harvey and Michael Ellis

>>121100, >>121102 - Nancy Pelosi’s latest stunt proves she’s obsessed with President Trump: Devine

>>121101 - Peters Silent on UAW Corruption Arrests

>>121103 - EXPLOSIVE: UPDATE- IA Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Alleged Role with the Deaths of Seal Team- Claims to have Documented Proof

>>121104, >>121105 - Sen. Devin Nunes on Lou Dobbs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0ec538524a3ef6e86ce7cc07d4ad30d2c683f18ea10b7b20228558127d557727.mp4

>>121106 - No Republican candidate for President has ever had an LGBT coalition.

>>121107 - Gladys Berejiklian’s lover Daryl Maguire urged her to meet with criminals as China security fears emerge

>>121108, >>121109 - Trump Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MdaOb8GxCjM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Johnstown, PA 10/13/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0d1y29nEoSg - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Johnstown, PA #Pennsylvania [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>121110 - Nancy Pelosi calls Wolf Blitzer a GOP ‘apologist’ during epic on-air spat

>>121111 - Google Researcher Warns Google May Be ‘Shifting Power’ to Flip Senate

>>121112 - Pelosi Repeatedly Scolds Wolf Blitzer in Fiery Interview on Covid Relief Talks: ‘You Really Don’t Know What You’re Talking About’

>>121113 #14142

(19 notables, 23 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173791

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11057778 Q Research General #14143:Prepare You Body

Created 132346ZOCT20




>>121114 Brian Ettinger gathered advanced notice of investigations into Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton and Brennan

>>121115 Lake County prosecutors announce they will not file charges against Kyle Rittenhouse

>>121116 Veritas Full 12 Min Release (12min)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MAhKMi6DexA - Our Revolution Chair and Colorado Dem Party Exec "It's truly killing random Nazis in the street" [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>121117 Dan Scavino

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f68ecde6c6d9856d43e7ee6cf90350e21a17aecc28f4c94ab9f0015673c281b.mp4

>>121118, >>121120 POTUS says watch Newsmax, streaming since June 2019

>>121119 Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Judge Barrett just showed us why she should be on the Supreme Court and Kamala Harris should NOT be second in line to the presidency.

>>121121 FBI informant "pushed" the group to engage in a "crackpot" plotting of kidnap the of Michigan governor

>>121122 Biden wearing two protective face masks descends from his plane in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

>>121123 PF

>>121124, >>121126 Amy Barrett One has the peace of holy spirit, one does not (vid 15 seconds) for keks

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3616098f52dd5a0025883cda5b35a31647744ceffa1626da49d9ea7d5fc7d380.mp4

>>121125 Guess who covered Marc Turi's Weapons to Libya story back in 2015? Catherine Herridge

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=62RCPno1yOE - Catherine Herridge 2015 on Marc Turi & weapons to Libyan p1 [Channel: sparkgap]

>>121127, >>121128 Kyle's Attacker Charged

>>121129 Chuck Grassley

>>121130 World Bank board approves $12 billion for COVID-19 vaccines

>>121131 Trump campaign official says safest way to vote by mail is to drop off ballot in person

>>121132 Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>121133 Reminder (2015) Donald Trump Saying That He "Witnessed People Jumping from the Twin Towers on 9/11"

>>121134 According to Alan Parrot, it was John Brennan who arranged a safe transfer to Iran of Osama Bin Laden

>>121135 #14143

(19 notables, 22 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173792

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11059272 Q Research General #14145: Skulduggery and Pirates Edition

Created 140120ZOCT20




>>121155 White House Approves Three Arms Sales To Taiwan As China's 'Retaliation' Threats Escalate

>>121156 FARRELL: Apparent Pitfalls Of Mail-In Voting

>>121157 Oh no, look at drudge..it’s over, just like last time

>>121158 IMF Urges Governments To "Ensure Corporations Pay Fair Share Of Taxes"

>>121159, >>121160 Pompeo dog comms.

>>121161 U.S. Slams U.N. for Electing China, Russia, Cuba to Human Rights Council

>>121162 PF

>>121163 World's Largest Movie Chain Prepares For Bankruptcy

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SXUTpf_nweg - These Naked Celebs Have an Important Message for Voters [Channel: RepresentUs]

>>121164, >>121169, >>121171, >>121176 Welcome aboard, Alan feels good

>>121165 Australia: Former NSW MP Daryl Maguire tells ICAC he received thousands in cash in his Parliamentary office

>>121166 Australia resident who brought virus to Shepperton may be referred to police, Premier says

>>121167 Southwest Airlines ejects a passenger for lowering a Trump face mask

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7de8ebf1aa8a66d702528cf795e90158625526144626a0e64d352aa1e7e2d803.mp4

>>121168 AMY CONEY BARRETT honesty and brilliance, court-packing used to be an optional in the Democrats' war against America

>>121170 Audio of Parrot-Weldon-Ettinger call

>>121172 Predator Priests on trial at Vatican

>>121173 High ranking MS-13 beatdown

>>121174 Marine Battalion Landing Team Commander Fired Following Deadly AAV Mishap

>>121175 Barr said no crimes found in unmasking probe

>>121177 ————————————–——– What happens when they lose control of the digital battlefield? Mr. Russia collusion pusher himself now involved? [knowingly]

>>121178 #14145

(20 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

Q- >>121177

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173793

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11058487 Q Research General #14144: Kyle tides are TurningEdition

Created 140030ZOCT20




>>121136 POTUS stands with the American people and the Israeli people (Pics)

>>121137 Grassley: CIA’s Haspel covering up Russia emails because ‘she could be part of this conspiracy as well’

>>121138 Marsha Blackburn shared photo of billionaire George Soros “Dark Money" at Amy Barrett Hearing

>>121139 POTUS winning speech 2016

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=owuq_An4cnk - Donald Trump's victory speech in full – video [Channel: Guardian News]

>>121140 Catherine Herridge on Stefhan Halper

>>121141 Anon: We exist because of their sacrifice

>>121142 The day Paul Ryan goes down will be glorious

>>121143, >>121146 Unprecedented: Ex President Obama to hit the campaign trail next week for Biden

>>121144, >>121147 PF

>>121145 Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails lays bare the Obama administration’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar

>>121148 'Unmasking' probe concludes without 'finding any substantive wrongdoing'

>>121149 Reminder Obama: Osama bin Laden is not a threat Jan 24, 2012

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3hc1Ncsygwc - Obama: Osama bin Laden is not a threat [Channel: CNN]

>>121150 Biden — ‘I’m not a fan of court packing’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=75huEMC3rBA - Biden on Supreme Court packing: 'I'm not a fan' [Channel: Associated Press]

>>121151 Anon: Working off Kayleigh's Clock this morning being lead to Drop 2647

>>121152 DJT

>>121153 Man arrested for entering Massachusetts governor's home, leaving note

>>121154 #14144

(17 notables, 19 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173794

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11060036 Q Research General #14146: Barrett Honesty and Brilliance Edition

Created 140213ZOCT20




>>121179, >>121183 DOJ says Trump tweets on Trump-Russia declassification were not declassification orders

>>121180 DOJ says Trump tweets on Trump-Russia declassification were not declassification orders / Eat it SHILL

>>121181 lb , , Harvard Kennedy school?

>>121182 (PB), (PB), (PB), (PB), Welcome aboard, Alan feels good

>>121184 Make No Mistake

>>121185 Ted Cruz Let’s put it this way: the contrast between Judge Barrett, answering myriad constitutional Qs without a single note, and multiple Dem Senators (including your VP nominee) reading their Qs verbatim from staff-prepared text was…striking.

>>121186, >>121189, >>121191, >>121194 613 THINK MIRROR

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e7d4e6768dc32583999a02c73c307187d85163033a234f07bacb3ac34ae5307.pdf

>>121187 10 U.S. Code Chapter 15 - Military support for civilian law enforcement agencies

>>121188 Biden calls for the United States to get dragged into a conflict that has ZERO U.S. national security interests

>>121190 Stefan Halper deposition tomorrow - Senate Homeland Security Committee

>>121192, >>121193 Benghazi + Osama bin Laden audio call was just leaked

>>121195, >>121198 NINA JANKOWICZ Disinformation Fellow

>>121196 Cindy L. Otis is a former CIA officer

>>121197 Anons, we are approaching the 3 year delta on Q's first drop

>>121199 PF

>>121200 #14146

(16 notables, 22 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173795

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11061557 Q Research General #14148: Edition

Created 140405ZOCT20




>>121221 Biden’s Son-In-Law Advising Campaign On Pandemic While Investing In Companies That Will Benefit From It

>>121222 Falcon Wizard has been rustling the bushes on Osama

>>121223 Ilhan Omar is Isis with lipstick: the Democrat ‘death to America’ jihad

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16793731ad6eb1535d37719748b7a2b9085df68095fa00633e8e5b07f2fd7bd1.mp4

>>121224, >>121227 About Piranha was what Hussein used to do the online Obamacare

>>121225 Hawaii "Has Committed Suicide" - Local Rages "Hardly Anyone Is Sick, But We're All Broke"

>>121226 FREE LINK For TRUMP CARD by Dinesh d'Souza

>>121228, >>121229 Council of Europe Ready to Help Belarus on Its Way to Genuine Reforms

>>121230 Amy Coney Barrett Reveals How She’s Responding to Attacks, Makes Haters Look Like Idiots (3mins)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eUXzGMqURN0 - Amy Coney Barrett Reveals How She’s Responding to Attacks, Makes Haters Look Like Idiots [Channel: BlazeTV]

>>121231 Here are links to All Dinesh D'Souza Films in order of their release

>>121232 Acting US Attorney Gregg Sofer will pick up ‘unmasking’ probe

>>121233 Diggs on current and former members of WE Charity UK Board of Directors (registered as Free The Children UK)

>>121234, >>121236, >>121247, >>121254 Bill Binney

>>121235, >>121245, >>121248, >>121249, >>121250 Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash Loretta Fuddy

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jk3KRxTfkLM - WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama's Birth Certificate (FNN) [Channel: FOX 10 Phoenix]

>>121237 Iran Prepares to Re-equip its Military

>>121238 DJT

>>121239 All Counties to Partake in Pre-Travel Testing Program, Big Island Opts Out of Interisland Travel

>>121240, >>121242 Q1316 May 4 2018 20:47:29 (EST) Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE

>>121241 WE ARE WELL PAST 1984

>>121243 WHO: Melanie Smith, Head of Analysis, Graphika

>>121244 Q thank you for giving us ammo!

>>121246 The U.S Navy Reveals the Name of the Next Generation Class of Frigates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V1hQl-aZYqw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121251, >>121252, >>121253 Interpreting Social Qs: Implications of the Evolution of QAnon

>>121255 #14148

(23 notables, 35 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173796

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11060814 Q Research General #14147: Homeland Security Edition

Created 140259ZOCT20




>>121201 Parrot talks about Ratline (59mins)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rKa-MP7VPIU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121202, >>121212 When we first mapped the network of QAnon supporters in June 2018

>>121203 ClockFag

>>121204 No Charges No Arrests

>>121205, >>121207 Will All The Name-Brand People Who Pushed The Russian Collusion Conspiracy Get Off Scot-Free?

>>121206 Consent Factory, Inc. The Covidian Cult

>>121208, >>121211 House Intelligence Committee to Hold Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online Thursday, Oct, 15, 2020

>>121209 LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #36

>>121210 Piranhas have never had the most darling of reputations comms

>>121213 White house Schedule for Wednesday 14 OCT 2020

>>121214, >>121219 John Durham Birthday is 3:16

>>121215 Exposure of abuses in Russia probe boosts new film 'The Plot Against the President'

>>121216 Donald J. Trump Retweeted

>>121217 What does Eric Holder have to do with Public Health?

>>121218 Cindy Otis

>>121220 #14147

(16 notables, 20 posts, 39 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173797

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11062340 Q Research General #14149: Bill Binney in the Stream Edition

Created 140527ZOCT20





VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e32df3ea03d3da20f5c46cf56ddf3c508d0ce9215a92f841b08b507c80cc4e5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7bf041b10ec32e75294770b49fb190df17e4f7657578e26f8671d763dcb0279.mp4

>>121258 - Muslim Brotherhood Info-Drop

>>121259 - Steven Pankey charged with abduction and murder of 12-year-old

>>121260 - New Hypersonic Missiles

>>121261 - POTUS Schedule for WEDNESDAY October 14, 2020

>>121262 - Oldie but Goodie, Bill Cooper – Mystery Babylon Series

>>121263 - DJT Retweet BENGHAZI CENSORSHIP by Faceberg

>>121264, >>121265 - #OperationRelentlessPursuit #OperationLegen

>>121266 - Cuomo admits his lockdowns not based on science but fear

>>121267, >>121268 - POTUS retweeted whistleblower accounts re Benghazi and Seal Team 6

>>121269 - Benghazi and Seal Team 6 Info-Drop (Translations Needed!)

>>121270 - Alan Parrot speaks with Curt Weldon and Brian Ettinger about Osama Bin Laden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hRFB_I2vuW4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121271, >>121273, >>121275 - Open Letter President Donald Trump by Carlo Maria Viganò

>>121272 - Billionaire Leon Black of Apollo Global apologizes for ties to Epstein

>>121274 - The Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet

>>121276 - General Flynn, "We must never forget what this flag stands for."

>>121277 - Dr. Joan Donovan Info-Drop

>>121278 #14149

(18 notables, 23 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173798

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11063166 Q Research General: #14150 Comfy n Cozy Company Incorporated Incorporated Edition

Created 140717ZOCT20




>>121295 - Barrett declines to say if Trump can pardon himself

>>121296 - 7-Eyes Germany, UK, Israel, AUS, Canada, New Zealand, US


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TfoCFZvVPiw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121298 - ALLEN PARROT audio transcript of audio tape 1 and 2

>>121299 - Curt Weldon

>>121300 - Project ODIN

>>121301 - Dr. Joan Donovan

>>121302 - ‘Agitator’ Involved in Denver Murder in , Jacob Kelly, a Leader in Antifa-BLM Denver

>>121303, >>121304, >>121307, >>121313 - #AMPFest #SEALTeam6 #OsamaBinLaden

>>121305 - Lesson on Fed Reserve, ECB, and IMF

>>121306 - Translation for Feathered Cocaine

>>121308 - Feathered Cocaine NonEngSub: Falcons & Terrorists - Allen Harrow Parrot

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rKa-MP7VPIU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121309, >>121310, >>121319 - Journos Mad

>>121311, >>121312 - what if cures already exist?

>>121314 - India Oxenberg breaks silence over escape from 'NXIVM

>>121315 - Moar Osama

>>121316, >>121320 - Anna Khait Compiled Posts

>>121317 - Neuroimaging Research on Empathy and Shared Neural Networks

>>121318 - N.Y. Prosecutors Declined to Probe Epstein in 2016.

>>121321 - BLM scrubs anti-American, Marxist language from its website

>>121322 - 'Accidentally' cut cable takes down voter registration on final day

>>121323 #14150

(22 notables, 29 posts, 41 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173799

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.png (8.71 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11024426 Q Research General #14101: Pain In 23 Days Edition

Created 111439ZOCT20




>>119687, >>119699 d'oh and ghost notify

>>119688, >>119695, >>119698, >>119706 PlaneFag reports

>>119689, >>119703 Hillbags twat "The groom still cleans up pretty well, too. Love you, Bill."

>>119690, >>119694 POTUS:"I even feel good by the fact that the word 'immunity' means something."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e32a0726ca480bb7075f5d43e98b2fffb87f10a54431b6b5816f09f73ffcde7.mp4

>>119691 Medical Chief: Face Masks Can Increase Risk Of Infection

>>119692 Denver, Portland shooters + Campos = "security"

>>119693 CDC updates

>>119696 POTUS:"Other documents are going to be released"

>>119697, >>119700 POTUS ….Virus was "Artificially induced by China" maria B i'view clip fox

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1PGd18bpzDE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>119701 Doug Collins twat "Chris Wray’s job is NOT to protect the reputation of the FBI. His job to protect the Constitution and to protect the American people".

>>119702 JW twat "This is no small issue. Every American knows that if Joe Biden wins the presidency, Kamala Harris will take over within six months".

>>119704, >>119705 Rand Paul Twat: "Just spoke with at @realDonaldTrump…"

>>119707 Unearthed photos show Ghislaine Maxwell at event to combat sex trafficking-nypost

(13 notables, 21 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173800

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11064903 Q Research General #14152: 52 Card Pick-up Edition

Created 141233ZOCT20




>>121342, >>121343 email-reveals-how-hunter-biden-introduced-ukrainian-biz-man-to-dad

>>121344 #14151

>>121345 Grand Jury subpoena, recovered Burisma email re Hunter Biden

>>121346 Joe Biden's involvement in Burisma scandal documented

>>121347 Former White House doctor states Joe Biden mentally unfit for Presidency.

>>121348 Just finished Poll Manager training! I passed all the classes

>>121349 Germany providing $662M to help Holocaust survivors amid pandemic

>>121350 POTUS retweeting

>>121351 Why trump will win.

>>121352 obama-conference-call-burisma-biden-emails

>>121353 6 member Claim he took the kill shot.

>>121354 14152

(12 notables, 13 posts, 12 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173801

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11063923 Q Research Genera #14151 Spoopy Ghost Bread Edition

Created 140931ZOCT20




>>121324, >>121325, >>121326, >>121327, >>121337, >>121340 Benghazi Bun

>>121328 Biden Caught in Another Lie in Desperate Bid for Black Votes

>>121329 Democrats can’t ‘Kavanaugh’ unflappable Justice-to-be Amy Coney Barrett: Goodwin

>>121330 Nolte: Biden Family Corruption Spreads Into Coronavirus Response

>>121331 VIDEO: Truck With Trump Flags Torched By Arsonists Near Portland

>>121332 Joe's SOS to Barack: Obama is to return to campaign trail to help floundering Biden

>>121333 Denver ‘Patriot Rally’ shooter railed against Trump on social media

>>121334 WATCH: Nearly 150 Join Pro-Trump Boat Parade in San Francisco Bay

>>121335 Opinium found that Biden’s lead relies on the success of mail-in voting

>>121336 SCOOP: Man Who Fired First Shots Behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Has Been Charged

>>121338 SidneyPowell 15 days since the FLYNN hearing

>>121339 Hunter Biden Corruption

>>121341 1 in 4 Social Media Users Say QAnon Conspiracy Theories Are Accurate

(13 notables, 18 posts, 23 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173802

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11067052 #14154: Crack Pipes and Biden Oh My Edition

Created 141558ZOCT20




>>121367, >>121368 ————————————–——– Sometimes it takes transparency to force action. (Cap: )

>>121369, >>121370 ————————————–——– Let's keep the party going. (Cap: )

>>121371 Thu 10.08.2020

>>121372 ————————————–——– How does one agency attach itself to another?

(4 notables, 6 posts, 6 media/files)

Q- >>121367, >>121369, >>121372

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173803

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11063155 Q Research General: Prepare Your Mind Edition

Created 140716ZOCT20




>>121279 Vice Presidential Debate 2012: Joe Biden Makes Promises After Benghazi, Libya Terrorist Attack

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fE8HnR0-hMc - Vice Presidential Debate 2012: Joe Biden Makes Promises After Benghazi, Libya Terrorist Attack [Channel: ABC News]

>>121280 Japan Unveils New Submarine Amid China's Growing Aggression

>>121281 China holds new naval drill as Xi steps up military rhetoric

>>121282, >>121287, >>121289, >>121292 Planefags reporting

>>121283 Soaring Food Costs Send Producer Prices Higher In September

>>121284 Rudy Twat w cap

>>121285 Senate Investigators May Have Found a Missing Piece in the Russia Probe

>>121286 FF incoming? - Beto twat w cap

>>121288, >>121291 Scavino twat w cap and mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1aa4883a0eed924393ca394966d744d2e4f10971aca0fc805fa9c181143fab8a.mp4

>>121290 ALBANY – Over the past decade, more than 700 reviews of child deaths in New York were kept hidden by a state agency

>>121293 FBI subpoena for Hunters laptop.

>>121294 GOP Rep. Collins questions Pelosi's 'mental fitness,' attempts to remove the House speaker

(12 notables, 16 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173804

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11066155 Q Research General #14153: WE HAVE IT ALL Edition

Created 141434ZOCT20




>>121355 Tom Hanks given his lost watch, 2016 film inferno; 10:10

>>121356 anons notes psoted in current dough

>>121357, >>121359 repost, CIA whistleblower Alan Parrot w/ Congressman Weldon, Osama, Obama, Biden (2 parts)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iyYX2fiUZOc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mV1YtL3FFNw - Benghazi Conspiracy Uncovered CIA Whistleblower Audio Part 2 (Share) [Channel: InTheSearchOfTruth]

>>121358 Seattle teacher denounces her ‘white privilege’ & claims peace is ‘racist’: 'education’ in 2020

>>121360 NYPost: Computer dropped @ repair shop has Hunter Biden sex/crack acts

>>121361 White House Embraces concept to allow 'Herd Immunity' to build among young & healthy

>>121362 Dr. Fauci: The Trump Campaign Is ‘In Effect, Harassing Me’

>>121363 Idaho gubernatorial candidate charged in 1984 abduction & killing of CO girl

>>121364 note taker

>>121365 notetaker

>>121366 #14153

(11 notables, 12 posts, 4 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173805

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11067747 Q Research General #14155: Let's keep the party going Edition

Created 141647ZOCT20




>>121373, >>121374 rt ———–––——–— New Herridge

>>121375 Dates of Hunter's arrest on drug charges match AZ underage sex bust at hotel

>>121376 Sundance goes there with Hunter story

>>121377 Trudeau's 2021 COVID plans leaked?

>>121378, >>121386 ————————————–——– Hunters become the Hunted. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Ci0Kgdpgsw - Timecop1983 - On the Run [Channel: Timecop1983]

>>121379 Last Q - POTUS 1 min Delta Always notable.

>>121380, >>121383, >>121384 Catherine Herridge pins down the retirement of Bruce Ohr to September 30 2020

>>121381, >>121387 rt ———–––——–— FAKE NEWS. - re: voter hackers

>>121382 Giuliani's lawyer says he has hard drive with Hunter Biden emails, videos of 'compromising positions'

>>121385 Judge extends voter reg 48 hours

(10 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>121374, >>121378, >>121387

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173806

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11068608 Q Research General #14156 E-bake

Created 141733ZOCT20




>>121388, >>121394 ————————————–——– Read both carefully. (CAP: )

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3a8d46a5203a4ebb95c5b9093d0c97dfc5a698cedcb8444867475f5650c9438a.pdf


>>121390 Hey, it's Stephan Halper Day! Yay! The day all the docs on this asset are due to Ron Johnson's Senate Committee

>>121391, >>121393, >>121403, >>121412 PF

>>121392 Our county Water Authority says the Rona ends November 6th.

>>121395 The May 12, 2014, alleged "urgent issue" email from the Burisma official to Hunter Biden was around the same time period as the alleged $7 million bribe paid to shut down the Burisma case.

>>121396 The White House - President Trump Addresses The Economic Club of New York

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=m21eN6RpvCE - President Trump Addresses The Economic Club of New York [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>121397 Russia probe figure Bruce Ohr retired from DOJ as disciplinary review decision loomed, spokeswoman says

>>121398 Facebook Comms Director Interferes in US Election, Censors Hunter Biden Bombshell Story to Run Cover For Joe Biden

>>121399 CISA and FBI Release Joint Advisory Regarding APT Actors Chaining Vulnerabilities Against SLTT, Critical Infrastructure, and Elections Organizations

>>121400, >>121411 1 min Delta

>>121401, >>121408 INTL

>>121402 OSS baker is faggot

>>121404 Rep. Doug Collins Introduces Resolution To Remove Nancy Pelosi For Lack Of Mental Fitness

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VRxcfe1ijQ4 - 'We have our options' if GOP push a SCOTUS nomination before election: Speaker Pelosi | ABC News [Channel: ABC News]

>>121405 Censorship or good stewards? Facebook says it is limiting distribution of bombshell Hunter Biden story prior to fact-check | Just The News

>>121406 Christopher Steele’s Backchannel and Coup Plotter Bruce Ohr OUT at DOJ

>>121407 Statement by National Security Advisor O’Brien on US citizens freed in Yemen

>>121409 #14155

>>121410 .‘UNDER INVESTIGATION’: Senate Opens Probe into Hunter Biden Emails, NY Post Story

>>121413 O’Keefe Drops Part 2! “Our Revolution” Chairman Kris Jacks Reveals Depth of His Radical Organization’s Infiltration Into Colorado Democrat Party

>>121414 Benghazi Betrayal


>>121416 Read the emails yourself.

>>121417 Biden Campaign Denies Meeting With Top Burisma Executive

>>121418 NEW DJTjr - Why? Biden has not said that the story is false or denied that he took the meeting even if he did apparently lie about it last year.

>>121419 Multiple Cops Plead Guilty in Cocaine Ring that Sold Drugs to Fellow Officers—NO JAIL

>>121420 New Herridge

>>121421 NEW Herridge

>>121422 Bill Gates Warns "World Won't Return To Normal" Until "Second Generation" Of COVID-19 Super-Vaccines Arrives

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Q8D1tdpeIU - Full Gates: We 'Don't Want Politicians Saying' Which Covid Drugs Should Be Approved | Meet The Press [Channel: NBC News]

>>121423 'You don't think we don't know where your children go to school?': Activist lawyer appears to threaten cops, their families in tirade — and backlash is severe

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u0bwa7Smq8s - Stacy Shaw Attorney Outside KCPD HQ October 2020 [Channel: Dail Blake]

>>121424 The FBI has had it for some time. It's gotta a lot of stuff on it.

>>121425 Disgust & applause after huge crowds swarm Liverpool ahead of ‘tier 3’ coronavirus lockdown

>>121426 Joe Biden’s Campaign Responds to Smoking Gun Hunter Biden Emails – And Their Statement is Total BS

>>121427, >>121429 ————————————–——– How does one agency attach itself to another? (Cap: )

>>121428 #14156

(35 notables, 42 posts, 53 media/files)

Q- >>121388, >>121427

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173807

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11069287 Q Research General #14157 Patriots Need to Learn To Bake Edition

Created 141810ZOCT20




>>121430 Leaked Hunter Biden Hard Drive Allegedly Contained Several Explicit Images, 12-Minute ‘Raunchy’ Video

>>121431 Feds Had Evidence of Joe Biden’s Burisma Meeting Since Impeachment Inquiry

>>121432, >>121433, >>121434, >>121438, >>121440, >>121443, >>121445, >>121446, >>121457, >>121463, >>121469, >>121477 INTL

>>121435 @AOC Looks good with her mouth wide open - she missed her calling

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7e50b85cc53bd61d748b9f70b3c98d040459063abdec926dae929c47d713922.mp4

>>121436 Kansas Democrat Senate Nominee Barbara Bollier Praises Australian-Style Gun Confiscation: ‘It’s This Amazing Thing’

>>121437 Australian Media Finally Calls Out Davos‘Great Reset’ Agenda October 12, 2020

>>121439 Thug Life Kayleigh on Facebook

>>121441 Biden Campaign Responds To NY Post Report, Says Alleged Meeting With Burisma Executive Never Took Place


>>121444, >>121448, >>121458, >>121474 PF

>>121447 Josh Hawley calls Mark Zuckerberg out on Facebook’s publically announced intent to censor the NY Post expose on the Biden Burisma story.

>>121449 Human trafficking ring busted in Prescott Valley - Where's Hunter?

>>121450 U.S. Gov’t Awards Contracts to Seven Organizations with Ties to Gates Foundation, DARPA, Big Tech

>>121451 Facebook Criticized for screaming SHUT IT DOWN!!

>>121452 War Games continued… 1983 FOIA releases

>>121453 If Nellie Ohr was a Brennan "farmgirl" then there are some very serious questions to be asked of John "Abdul" Brennan


>>121455 Brietbart Report: DOJ Ready to Charge Google over Search Monopoly

>>121456 FBI says it has reached no conclusion on cause of Beirut blast

>>121459 Seals are saying that Seal Team 6 members from the OBL raid are all still alive

>>121460 Biden Camp Responds to NY Post Hunter Email Story

>>121461 Supreme Court sides with Trump administration and rules it can END the Census count NOW in huge defeat for Democratic states and cities

>>121462 Former VP's campaign issues denial, suggest new allegations bogus

>>121464 Congress has launched an investigation of the helicopter crash that killed 30 Americans in Afghanistan, including members of the Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6 unit, The Hill has learned.

>>121465 Giuliani: The stuff we are in possession of contains 1000+ photos that are from highly, highly inappropriate to illegal…Everything that the American people are going to look at over the next 5 days, China has been looking at for a LONG time.

>>121466 U.S. Department of State Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Media - Oct 14, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GBRZFQctin0 - Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Media [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>121467 Benghazi Betrayal

>>121468 Twitter is now banning users from even linking to the New York Post story detailing Hunter Biden's use of his dad's office to get rich off of corrupt foreign oligarchs.

>>121470 LIVE: President Donald Trump in Des Moines, IA #Iowa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8lcFwgosoW4 - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Des Moines, IA #Iowa [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>121471 This is a Big Tech information coup. This is digital civil war.

>>121472, >>121481 Josh Hawley doing more than trolling FB during the hearing.

>>121473 Sara A. Carter @SaraCarterDC #Facebook criticized for suppressing #HunterBiden email report @HawleyMO is now telling the platform to "expect a formal inquiry"

>>121475 Golf clap for the Biden Dynasty.

>>121476 BO of ABCU Shows himself to be part of /COMMS/ Crew


>>121479 FBI Informant Was 'One Of The Most Active Leaders' Pushing 'Crackpot' Whitmer Kidnapping Plot: Defense

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P0Oqn7lOFE4 - Defense attorney speaks about plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer [Channel: Holland Sentinel]

>>121480 China Had COVID-Like Patients Months Before Official Timeline

>>121482 Just so we're all on the same page here

>>121483 Tom Hanks being given his lost watch back in the 2016 film inferno

>>121484 Ted Cruz - TWITTER HAS DISABLED THE LINK to the @nypoststory.

>>121485 #14157

(41 notables, 56 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173808

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11070094 Q Research General #14158: Hunters Become the Hunted Edition

Created 141902ZOCT20




>>121486, >>121487 ————————————–——– They can no longer hide in the shadows. (CAP: )

>>121488 Southeast Texas man sentenced to more than 12 years in prison for distributing, possessing child pornography

>>121489 Facebook Reduces Reach of Hunter Biden Report Before Fact-Checking It

>>121490 Love the fact that O'Keefe goes after these people on the street.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/24cad4971485fd14d033b78035b5b1577d1cbd71da12ab7f45e0b325d1ae0240.mp4

>>121491 The Hunter Biden corruption story now comes with receipts. Biden should have to answer for it

>>121492 ————————————–——– Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>121493 Bruce Ohr retires from DOJ after informed disciplinary decision imminent on Russia case

>>121494, >>121499, >>121506 rt ———–––——–— [Past 7 Days] Gauge for yourself, Anon. (CAP: )

>>121495 Don't forget your camo overlays. Rotate, flip, invert, rescale and all that to keep the meme fires burning.

>>121496 While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook's third-party fact checking partners. In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform.

>>121497, >>121510 Ultimate proof that oss did the right thing leading a long overdue revolt by anons

>>121498 It's Begun: Media Start Predicting a Biden 'Landslide' – Just Like Four Years Ago

>>121500, >>121512, >>121514 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vbG2DTrgHGo - .. ...😱 [Channel: ]

>>121501 PF

>>121502 There are two papers in NYC. The Post (which leans right) The Daily New (which leans left)

>>121503 Mark Zuckerberg donates $100 million to election security after $300 million donation last month | Just The News

>>121504 Trump is pushing for a landslide victory in the upcoming election.

>>121505 $10.6 Billion Hedge Fund Closing After Massive "Value" Losses

>>121507 rt ———–––——–— [Past 7 Days] Search Results

>>121508 When I tried to click on the link, Twitter told me it was unsafe. By unsafe, Twitter meant politically unfortunate.

>>121509, >>121511 ————————————–——– European intelligence agencies are deploying resources to track QAnon as the conspiracy theory spreads beyond the US, sources say (CAP: )

>>121513 This phrase holds a special place in my heart!

>>121515 Freedom Caucus created following "Congressional probe into SealTeam6 deaths

>>121516 Twitter and Facebook are a cancer, Hunter Biden is a crackhead, and Joe Biden is corrupt. Come at me.

>>121517 Election Interference? Facebook and Twitter Suppressing New York Post Bombshell Story Of Damaging Hunter Biden Emails

>>121518 I knew Assange was autistic - it explains why people read him unfairly

>>121519 #14158

(27 notables, 34 posts, 44 media/files)

Q- >>121486, >>121492, >>121499, >>121507, >>121509

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173809

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11070852 Q Research General #14159: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming Edition

Created 141936ZOCT20




>>121520 Medical Device Maker Merit Medical To Pay $18 Million To Settle Allegations Of Improper Payments To Physicians

>>121521 Has anyone noticed how suddenly #HunterBiden is no longer shown as trending on Twitter?

>>121522 The fastest way to send criminal cash: money transmitters

>>121523, >>121556 rt ———–––——–— Lawfare Accomplice to Dem Peach Mint Debacle Goes All in on #MuhRussia2020

>>121524 pf


>>121526 J&F Investimentos S.A. Pleads Guilty and Agrees to Pay Over $256 Million to Resolve Criminal Foreign Bribery Case

>>121527 House Judiciary GOP Section 230! Time’s up, @jack.

>>121528 Q has been notably silent on these developments….. Meanwhile they are pushing back hard. It’s Afraid.

>>121529 This is coordinated, criminal election interference.

>>121530 Benghazi, HRC and boxes full of cash.

>>121531 Joe Biden Triggers Panic at Pennsylvania Plant by Suggesting Factory Is Shutting Down

>>121532 How to Kill a Thriving Metropolis in 7 Months: New York City’s COVID-19 Failure

>>121533 In releasing their identity, they put a target on their backs," said Doug Hamburger, whose son, Army Staff Sgt. Patrick Hamburger, served among the helicopter's crew."

>>121534 Don Jr. Posts Video Detailing Biden Family Corruption

>>121535 ‘Not a Body Double’: Navy SEAL Claps Back at Trump Over QAnon Theory on Osama bin Laden Death

>>121536 I'm not in the habit of defending Trump's rhetorical excesses, but tech companies unilaterally suppressing bad news for one presidential candidate when that candidate isn't denying the veracity of the story… well that is "enemy of the people" territory.

>>121537 Facebook’s Democratic comms chief admits to SHADOWBANNING NYPost story on Hunter Biden emails

>>121538 It's not just public tweets. Twitter has banned the NY Post article from being sent in DMs This is nuts.

>>121539 Report: Hirono Campaign Funds Enrich Husband's Lawfirm

>>121540 Pompeo Calls on Riyadh to Normalise Ties With Israel as Bahrain and UAE Did in September

>>121541 Democrats, Mainstream Media, Silicon Valley Try to Suppress Biden-Burisma Story

>>121542 CONFIRMED - archive link to NYT Hunter Article is NOT being censored

>>121543 NY POST BOARD: Media Companies ‘Censoring’ Hunter Biden Story to ‘Help Joe Biden’s Campaign’.

>>121544 The Post's primary Twitter account (@nypost) has also been locked because the Hunter Biden stories violate its rules against "distribution of hacked material," per email we received from Twitter

>>121545 CIA Whistleblower Alan Parrot With Congressman Weldon, Osama, Obama, Biden! - Must Videos

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iyYX2fiUZOc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121546 JUST IN: Donald Trump's son Barron had previously tested positive for coronavirus, but has now recovered and has re-tested negative.

>>121547, >>121549, >>121550, >>121557 INTL

>>121548 How UK "Track-And-Trace" Data From Restaurants Is Being Harvested And Sold

>>121551 Anons can get around the FB / TW censorship of NY Post story by posting Wayback archive of it. It'll even show the preview!

>>121552 NEW — We tracked down the laptop repair man who reportedly gave Hunter’s computer to Rudy and the FBI and, let’s just say, it’s a bizarre interview. Audio included

>>121553 First Lady Melania Trump: “My personal experience with COVID-19.”

>>121554 why is the NSC bringing hostages home? this is usually the responsibility of the dept. of state. something is fishy. who are these "hostages"?

>>121555 Twitter has locked @nypost. Has Twitter ever locked the account of a major news outlet? Why is Twitter attacking the free press

>>121558 While we're piling on today let's add some more Epstein info shall we

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JaF_nBZin2s - BOMBSHELL REVELATIONS Further EXPOSE Jeffrey Epstein's International Sex Trafficking Ring!!! [Channel: Dr. Steve Turley]

>>121559 #14159

(36 notables, 40 posts, 51 media/files)

Q- >>121556

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173810

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11071621 Q Research General #14160: Gauge for yourself, Anon Edition

Created 142016ZOCT20





>>121561 Muammar Gaddafi’s Cousin to Sue Hillary Clinton for ‘Destroying Libya’

>>121562, >>121578, >>121583 Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

>>121563 Army Wants to Spot-Promote Officers Moved Into Hard-to-Fill Jobs

>>121564 URGENT | Melania Trump reveals son #Barron tested positive for #COVID19

>>121565 Secrets and Scandals of the Vatican

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BQhG1nvs4qM - H1vem1nd Podcast #18: The Pope & The Vatican [Channel: Hive Mind]


>>121567 It’s October in a year when President Donald Trump is running for reelection — and, as if on cue, the mysteriously obtained private emails of someone close to his opponent have been leaked.

>>121568 First Lady Melania Trump: “My personal experience with COVID-19.”

>>121569 Banks Bloodbath, Bonds Bid, Dollar Drops & Gold Pops

>>121570 By only censoring American news in America, Twitter is clearly and deliberately interfering in the 2020 election by going out of its way to ban Americans from reading the news about the Democrat candidate for president.

>>121571 Judge Sentences Suspected Serial Killer Robert Gross

>>121572 SHUT IT DOWN

>>121573 NEW PDJT

>>121574 Marine One touched down on the south lawn at 3:58pm. POTUS walked out of the residence at 4:13pm.

>>121575 Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews' office vandalised

>>121576 Wisconsin Tavern Assoc. Sue Governor for Defying Supreme Court Order on Lockdowns

>>121577 When the China Virus arrived, we launched the largest mobilization since World War II. - POTUS

>>121579 Clown Social Media Fuckery

>>121581 PANIC

>>121582 Symbolism is all over the world in every crevice. This may or may not have greater significance.

>>121584 Would be a shame if this went viral.

>>121585 Ice Cube Releases Statement. At 4:20pm EDT

>>121586 SITE Intelligence Group

>>121587 Marine Blades Cut the Pyramid Head Off #offwithyourheadscabal

>>121588 Recovered Emails Lead Barr to Reopen Benghazi Investigation - satire from June 2020

>>121589 EYES ON CRUX!!

>>121590 Merriam-Webster changes its definition of 'sexual preference' as Barrett gets called out for using term

>>121591 NBC News' decision to schedule Trump town hall during ABC's Biden event 'stunning and shameful,' critics say


>>121593 NEW POTUS


>>121595 ATF Suspends Attempt to Resurrect Obama-Era AR-15 Pistol Ban

>>121596 In its attempt to rig the election, Twitter is falsely claiming a deeply reported story based on original documents published by the newspaper founded by Alexander Hamilton himself is "unsafe.".

>>121597 Barron Trump tested positive for COVID-19, reported no symptoms

>>121598 FOX 13: 13,000+ voters in Sanpete County, Utah, received ballots without designated area for signature

>>121599 Traders Puzzled By "Mysterious Mega Flows" In Biggest Tech ETF

>>121600 Twatter now calling Hunter story "HACKED MATERIAL"…

>>121601 TRUMP: Barron’s fine. And Amy is doing a fantastic job. We’re heading out to Iowa and we have a big rally, a lot of people, as always.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/34dc5a4020dc5f839cb18ca1f2c9e694caafa15a92dd07955526173d795bad9d.mp4

>>121602 As the file name suggests, i got bored and tried matching up names to the Herridge docs. Could be wrong obviously, but this seems to almost fit.

>>121603 Migrants Raft Across Texas Border River in Daylight

>>121604 Twitter and Facebook have declared war on the free press. Simple as that. Anything to drag Biden across the finish line, even if it means engaging in deliberate political activism in order to shield their preferred candidate from scrutiny.

>>121605 4891 Future Marker

>>121606 Regeneron's Inmazeb becomes first FDA-approved Ebola treatment

>>121607 #14160

(45 notables, 47 posts, 82 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173811

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11072386 Q Research General #14161: They can no longer hide in the shadows Edition

Created 142103ZOCT20




>>121608, >>121616, >>121622, >>121624, >>121627 Joe Biden Corruption Bunn

>>121609 This man is a Warrior

>>121610 Totally non-biased MSDNC

>>121611 How does one agency attach itself to another?

>>121612 Media vs. the People: The War over Pedophilia

>>121613, >>121615, >>121623, >>121625, >>121628, >>121629 PF

>>121614 Ice Cube working with POTUS

>>121617 Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia is in quarantine at home - Covid-19

>>121618 JW: A simple lesson on the facts

>>121619 Disturbing MKULTRA and Child Abuse Paintings on Billboards in Italy

>>121620 House Republicans: The Smoking Gun Hunter/Biden/Ukraine

>>121621 RSBN: Rally Livestream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B0K4wIY3gaw - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Des Moines, IA 10/14/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>121626 Amid ACB hearing, dozens of leftist prosecutors: won’t press charges for abortion

>>121630 #14161

(14 notables, 23 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173812

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11073127 Q Research General #14162: Dem Peach Mint Debacle Goes All In Edition

Created 142204ZOCT20




>>121631 "I'm Not Happy" – President Trump Doesn’t Rule Out Replacing AG Barr

>>121632 Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes’ scattershot bid to nix charges goes down hard

>>121633 Instagram has COMPLETELY CENSORED tags of @project_veritas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1aa1b97624ead8bfaf486170c5ae106f93a9e0ac192a4f2dcf015de1afe4dd1f.mp4

>>121634 DIGITAL WARRIORS owned social media today

>>121635 Falconer's life path intersects w/ 911, Bin Laden, Benghazi and Seal Team 6

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bhnQxzRWZgI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121636, >>121638, >>121643 DJT: So terrible that Facebook and Twitter took down "Smoking Gun"

>>121637 Donald Trump Jr: Facebook and Twitter are publishers, not platforms. Pass it on.

>>121639 TX: Dismemberment Abortion Ban Ruled Unconstitutional by Fifth Circuit

>>121640 Denver police, postal officials investigating report of stolen mail as ballots drop

>>121641, >>121648 Obama Call Addressing US Policy Toward Ukraine Leaked to Burisma

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RZasrHQeKiY - The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani's EXCLUSIVE Reaction [Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani]

>>121642 Rouhani: Iran entitled to free arms trade in days with UN ban expiry

>>121644 Thailand announces emergency decree: reports

>>121645 Facebook Censors Story Exposing Kamala Put Pro-Lifers in Prison

>>121646 Cruz: @Twitterand @Facebook’s censorship attempt to influence the upcoming election

>>121647 Wall Street is Cooking Up Another “2008-Style Housing Crash”

>>121649 Former high school football coach charged with sexually abusing players

>>121650 Biden’s campaign would not rule out informal interaction with Pozharskyi

>>121651 Planefag reports

>>121652 #14162

(19 notables, 22 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173813

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11073932 Q Research General #14163: COMPLETELY CENSORED tags Edition

Created 142258ZOCT20




>>121653, >>121654, >>121655, >>121656 Handoff

>>121657 INTL

>>121658 Sen. Hawley just murdered Hunter and Joe Biden on live TV.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/553e4b2de61d759d0d13f8bf041a6e72694d14d18aecc405218f31baf7cede99.mp4

>>121659 Section 230! Time’s up, @jack.

>>121660 Victim Reporting and Additional Information

>>121661 Donald Trump Scolds New York Elites for Supporting Joe Biden’s ‘Socialist Nightmare’

>>121662 It’s long past time for DOJ to investigate whether the corrupt and pro-communist Big Tech monopolies are censoring U.S. officials, including the President of the United States, at the behest of communist China or Russia.

>>121663 BREAKING: Trump administration demands think tanks disclose foreign funding

>>121664 Soon @Jack

>>121665 AF1 incoming for landing

>>121666 Officials in #Allegheny County, #Pennsylvania, said that a ballot mapping error resulted in nearly 29,000 incorrect #Ballots being sent out.

>>121667 I was voting for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump

>>121668 BOOM

>>121669 Seething

>>121670 “Let your people know, tonight could end up being one of the most insane rallies he's ever done. He’s going after everyone.”

>>121671 Summary

>>121672, >>121673 The plan for "financial" reset is real

>>121674 Sen Josh Hawley: My letter to the FEC re @Twitter @Facebook potential violation of federal election law = (NY Post - Biden Story Ban)

>>121675 Patriots in CA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/521fd46e0d75116df4f217b3bd15c8d9aeb54b4123f1e0f60d8d8a9cec22f3b8.mp4

>>121676 O'Keefe saying James Woods has been locked. His account is not suspended though…

>>121677, >>121680 NEW PDJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/38c830efb714b252ce92102e1723a391ae30e6246dde25ed4b4f38cd2e6fc2c3.mp4

>>121678 PF

>>121679 Twitter suspended the account of the White House Press Secretary? - POTUS CONFIRMED AT RALLY

>>121681 #14163

(24 notables, 29 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173814

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11075434 Q Research General #14165: POTUS FREED EDITION

Created 150027ZOCT20




>>121727 In an effort to stop evidence from surfacing showing candidate Joe Biden lied about his involvement with corrupt Ukraine business deals

>>121728 Rules for Hunter


>>121730 PF

>>121731 Biden campaign responds to NY Post report, says alleged meeting with Burisma executive never took place

>>121732 "Twitter has locked the account of our reporter @AndrewKerrNCfor tweeting a screenshot from the NY Post story disputing the possibility of the Hunter Biden emails being a hack"

>>121733, >>121738 KILLER JOE DELETES A TWAT not his intern. - He updated it.

>>121734 Twitter and Facebook are all in

>>121735 New Poll on Amy Coney Barrett’s SCOTUS Nomination Is All Bad News For Democrats

>>121736 Presidential Medal of Freedom Past comms.


>>121739 Twitter Cites ‘Hacked Materials Policy’ to Justify Censorship of NY Post Hunter Biden Article

>>121740 This is the story Facebook AND Twitter don’t want you to read, Even though neither Biden nor Hunter disputes the underlying report

>>121741 Prosecutors Finally Catch the Man Who Fired the First Shot Near Kyle Rittenhouse at Kenosha Riots

>>121742 Hussein Tweets

>>121743 Friendly fire? Leaked chat suggests toppling incumbent Seattle Democrats

>>121744 Josh Hawley claps back at Twitter lame explanation.

>>121745 Imagine if pre-Twitter a bunch of journalists were running around New York City scolding people for buying hard copies of the Post, and chastising them for talking about its front page story

>>121746 Twitter Disables Links to Bombshell New York Post Report on Biden

>>121747 There is PLENTY of evidence to suggest Joe Biden knew good and well what Hunter Biden was doing

>>121748 Demoralized

>>121749 So Joe Biden lied to us all along about knowing nothing of Hunter's influence-peddling

>>121750 Same marker on both these clocks. Dec 7 very important date to JA

>>121751 The Libertarian Betrayal

>>121752 NY Post Op-Ed Editor Warns of Tech Censorship Shaping World

>>121753 Tucker Carlson with an absolutely damning walkthrough of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s corrupt dealings where Hunter sold access to his Vice President father.

>>121754 Twitter Spinning

>>121755 NBC Will Host Campaign Town Hall With President Trump in Miami Thursday…

>>121756 Unofficial ballot boxes are legal and they’ll keep using them, California Republicans tell state officials

>>121757, >>121758, >>121761 ————————————–——– Obama says that QAnon is "seeping into the mainstream of the Republican Party" (CAP: )

>>121759 ————————————–——– After today, make more sense?

>>121760 Final Member of Violent Baltimore "Trained to Go" Gang Sentenced to More Than 11 Years in Federal Prison for Racketeering and Drug Conspiracies

>>121762 Twitter CEO Dorsey Responds To Biden Block-Gate

>>121763 #14165

(34 notables, 37 posts, 46 media/files)

Q- >>121757, >>121759

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173815

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11074681 Q Research General #14164: Let's keep the party going Edition

Created 142346ZOCT20




>>121682, >>121683, >>121684, >>121690, >>121701, >>121709 POTUS Freed?

>>121685 Disturbing MKULTRA and Child Abuse Paintings Displayed on Billboards in Italy

>>121686 Anti-lockdown campaigners mount Supreme Court challenge over Vic lockdowns

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yGZMTV9sK1U - Anti-lockdown campaigners mount Supreme Court challenge over Vic lockdowns [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>121687 POTUS is signaling its over. We've already won.

>>121688 MOLLY is CIA.

>>121689 Biden Diggs

>>121691 Faceberg Panic

>>121692 Lawsuit Documents Allege James Biden Committed Fraud, Racketeering

>>121693 CM on Twittter

>>121694, >>121721 Am I allowed to twist the knife a bit?

>>121695 Journos Who Promoted Michael Avenatti Urge ‘Caution’ on Hunter Biden Collusion Story

>>121696 BULLSHIT

>>121697 TWITTER CEO JACK DORSEY: "Our communication around our actions on the New York Post article was not great. And blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we’re blocking: unacceptable."

>>121698 MOAR PANIC

>>121699 So in other words, the @nypoststory is true

>>121700 Priest Challenging California COVID Restrictions Rips Newsom Over Lakers Celebration


>>121703 ‘Repeal section 230!’ Trump comments on Twitter, Facebook censoring story about Hunter Biden

>>121704 Trump Renews Push Against Section 230 After Facebook and Twitter Censor Hunter Biden Story


>>121706 Conservative Answers for Poverty

>>121707 Hawley asks FEC to probe Twitter, FB for potential violations on Post censorship

>>121710 @Jack Panic

>>121711 This is Digital Civil War’: NY Post Editor Fumes After Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshell

>>121712 Your “communication” is not the problem. The problem is your totalitarian censorship

>>121713 US threatens sanctions against banks over Hong Kong crackdown

>>121714 Democrats, Mainstream Media, Silicon Valley Try to Suppress Biden-Burisma Story

>>121715 Twenty-Four Defendants, Including Alleged Aryan Circle Gang Members and Associates Indicted on Racketeering, Firearms, and Drug Charges in Multiple States

>>121716 Twitter Locks Out Jack Posobiec Over Hunter Biden Tweet

>>121717 BREAKING: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Locked Out of Twitter For Sharing NY Post Article on Hunter Biden

>>121718 Will POTUS Tweet the story? - Q Post 4414

>>121719 BRILLIANT! Senator Josh Hawley Went There — Asked Amy Coney Barrett About Hunter and Joe Biden’s Burisma Scandal

>>121720 Mayor quits amid sex scandal with TV anchor who 'posted nude photos, threatened to kill' him

>>121722 Teach your children the truth about Marxism

>>121723 More coming tonight or early tomorrow


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pWUs6bQlz98 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121725 NBC, MSNBC And CNBC ‘Talent And Staff’ Are Reportedly Frustrated And Angry Over Upcoming Trump Town Hall

>>121726 #14164

(38 notables, 45 posts, 61 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173816

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11076200 Q Research General #14166: LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS EDITION

Created 150108ZOCT20




>>121764 From an insider not politically connected: The emails in the NY Post story have been verified – they’re solid. The Vadym Pozharskyi email address has historical data dating back to 2014. Furthermore, it is registered to the address of Burisma.

>>121765 PSA:Andrew Maguire: Now China Is Buying Silver

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w0Y1XaKbIsQ - Andrew Maguire: Now China Is Buying Silver [Channel: Arcadia Economics]

>>121766 Twitter CEO speaks out after tech giant suppresses NY Post's Hunter Biden story

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eZiYFJwXSag - Twitter CEO speaks out after tech giant suppresses NY Post's Hunter Biden story [Channel: Fox News]

>>121767 Twitter Says Site Censored New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story for ‘Hacked Materials’ Inside

>>121768 Schweizer: Gaps in Joe Biden’s Public Schedule on Date of Alleged Burisma Meeting

>>121769, >>121780 Jack Posobiec locked because of Hunter meme / Claimed Help Kill Q

>>121770 Fed Vice Chair Makes "Shocking" Admission: Fed May Never Be Able To Stop Manipulating The Market

>>121771 Based Pompeo



>>121774 Adam Housley - From an insider not politically connected: The emails in the NY Post story have been verified

>>121775 PF

>>121776 Wouldn't it be a shame if this video was to go viral again, especially in light of today's revelations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UXA--dj2-CY - Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor [Channel: dagalagas]

>>121777 Benghazi Betrayal

>>121778 Roll up, the political circus is back in town

>>121779 Communications at @twitter. Former @KamalaHarris press sec. Proud @UCBerkeley alum. “Shady son of a bitch"

>>121781 Vote in the poll.

>>121782 9:11 - Kayleigh

>>121783 Russian oxygen generation system fails on Space Station, crew says

>>121784 A key to Hunter Biden email:

>>121785 ITS NOT A HACK - moar overlays

>>121786 #14166

(22 notables, 23 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173817

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11076950 Q Research General #14167: After today, make more sense? EDITION

Created 150154ZOCT20




>>121787 - Kayleighs Clock is stuck on 2:30 (Hannity)

>>121788 NEW POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de9d70ed2398e5dc25d275af80535bade3f87c731ef7f51da92cac80fbd99d46.mp4

>>121789 FLASHBACK: Ukrainian Officials Release Records of 46 Payments to Hunter Biden from Burisma Holdings, 38 Payments were for $83,333 Totaling Over $3.1 Million

>>121790 On Watch: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE Targeting of Trump from A to Z

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xtRyPkE_w7o - On Watch: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE Targeting of Trump from A to Z [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>121791 PF

>>121792 Kamala Harris Is Getting Advice From Hamas-Linked CAIR

>>121793 Over 10% chance of a collision Thursday evening (US time) between two defunct satellites

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8384a5e5e8c9a239b4bc5ae0cc88cdc66d4b6229dcfca893de628909d2455617.mp4


>>121795 - Shadow Gate 2.0 Full Movie

>>121796 - On Q 4850 and the GLOBAL DISINFORMATION NETWORK

>>121797 - DOJ taps U.S. attorney to 'coordinate' Ukraine inquiries

>>121798 -Second sighting of person wearing a jet pack near LAX prompts new investigation

>>121799, >>121807 - Posting again for nightshift, this is serious shit being revealed, for the autists and anons that see through the clouds of obfuscation dig in

>>121800 - The CDC Wants You to Serve Turkey Virtually This Thanksgiving

>>121801 - Sunrun, Inc. sold by Blackstone Group: $482m-Oct 12

>>121802 - #ProjectSafeChildhood 10-14-20

>>121803 - US Army conducts first-of-its-kind exercise for tactical information warfare unit

>>121804 - Project #SafeChildhood links

>>121805 - The hunters now become the hunted.


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HCEDix0hsOI - Kayleigh McEnany on being locked out of Twitter for sharing NY Post reporting [Channel: Fox News]

>>121808 - Based Rudy exposing Hunter texts implicating Sleepy Joe

>>121809 - california-gop-refuses-to-take-down-unofficial-ballot-drop-boxes

>>121810 - Hunter Biden

>>121811 - Note to Twitter: the NY Post story does NOT violate your “Hacked Materials Policy

>>121812 #14167

(25 notables, 26 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173818

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11078514 Q Research General #14169 Cozy Confirmations Ahead Edition

Created 150353ZOCT20




>>121852, >>121853 - On Q 4850 and the GLOBAL DISINFORMATION NETWORK

>>121854 - Chicago Named 'Rattiest City' For Sixth Year In A Row

>>121855 - Jack Dorsey Breaks Silence on TWITTER CENSORSHIP

>>121856 - WE ARE THE NEWS NO

>>121857 - For the Tesla Homos (no homo)

>>121858 - 0bama's sad town hall today, check out 18:30 - 20:00 min. mark

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ok5-lN3Klyo - Barack Obama Explains Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and The Media | Pod Save America [Channel: Pod Save America]

>>121859 - Trump Administration Expands Collaboration Develop and Manufacture Antibody to Corona-Chan

>>121860, >>121861, >>121862, >>121863 - JOSHUA WILSON ONLY INVESTIGATES CHILDPORN

>>121864 - China Conducts Test Of Massive Suicide Drone Swarm Launched From A Box On A Truck

>>121865, >>121866 - Rudy Giulianni Tweets

>>121867 - Q PF 230

>>121868, >>121869, >>121872 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>121870 - Richard Grenell Tweet

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4af5febcc070da18dfbb7de3bc4eee503329289211cee1c78feae2aef3d870d2.mp4

>>121871 - India Oxenberg says she was 'systematically groomed' by Nvixm sex cult

>>121873 - Zuckerberg donates $100mn more for ‘safe elections’ as judge says no law prohibits private funding despite ‘risk of skewing’ vote


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=By21_m7gLyk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>121875 - Crossroads of Aerodynamics article

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/607f48dfe1df3508a924c2a4b981e018bf0998c65b6b8316cc198a3460d8cafc.pdf

>>121876 #14169

(18 notables, 25 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173819

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11077773 Q Research General #14168: Comfy Contemplation Edition

Created 150251ZOCT20




>>121813 - For Keks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F0M_LQGVCTI - ULTIMATE PRESIDENT TRUMP 2020 FUNNY MOMENTS COMPILATION [Channel: Compiler Revolt]

>>121814 - DEA Announces Biggest Meth Bust in US History

>>121815, >>121829 - Burisma official linked to Joe Biden met with State officials in 2016

>>121816 - Corruption of the Hussein team is being exposed.

>>121817 - Ignored Crimes of Hunter Biden

>>121818, >>121827, >>121845, >>121850 - We out here planefaggin'

>>121819 - IRS Slaps Baltimore City's Top Prosecutor With Lien For Years Of Unpaid Taxes

>>121820 - Blue Star Strategies Emerges Again in Hunter Biden Email Story Discovered by NY Post

>>121821 - Senator Ron Johnson Admits Hunter Biden Computer Whistleblower Contacted His Senate Committee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=95OeBHm4k7E - Senator Ron Johnson Admits Hunter Biden Computer Whistleblower Contacted His Senate Committee [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>121822 - Scamdemic, The Playlist

>>121823 - Trump Vs Deep State: Will Trump Upend Neocolonial World Order?

>>121824 - Grassley with the 1402 twat hits Q 1402

>>121825 - Justice Clarence Thomas: Section 230 Protections for Big Tech Are Too Broad

>>121826 - Media vs. the People: The War over Pedophilia

>>121828 - Potential notable original research regarding Safari Club

>>121830 - PBOC injects 500 bln yuan($74.48B) of medium-term loans, rates unchanged for 6th month

>>121831 - PANIC IN CANADA, show on Q tomorrow night on French CBC.

>>121832 - FBI THREATENED Computer Repair Shop Owner over Hunter Biden Compromising Material

>>121833 - Democrat Alaska, resigns over allegations of nude photo

>>121834 - Twitter Harris Connection

>>121835 - Moment shirtless NY Supreme Court justice shoves and threatens cop trying to arrest his wife

>>121836 - Report: LAPD Limits Time-Off Requests Ahead Of Any Potential Election Disruptions

>>121837 - DJT Jr. Tweets

>>121838 - Daryl Maguire tells ICAC he discussed property deals with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian

>>121839 - Guiliani claims……….

>>121840, >>121841, >>121842 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>121843, >>121844, >>121846 - Handwritten lawsuit on behalf of Joe's wife and (daughter?)

>>121847 - Dan Scavino Tweet

>>121848, >>121849 - Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

>>121851 #14168

(30 notables, 39 posts, 65 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173820

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11079294 Q Research General $14170: Deja Q I Been To This Bread Before Edition

Created 150459ZOCT20




>>121877 - The FBI can clear a ton of this up.

>>121878 - Fires in Houston

>>121879 - DS Damage Control With Cwis Cuomo

>>121880 - CodeMonkey Tweets

>>121881 - The last page of the Finders docs is a memo to Brussels

>>121882, >>121890 - Best Dan ever

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a3bcb5c044343ec8fc41bbd928c8e46c07da88df71cebdbf1eb71262f86fea57.mp4

>>121883 - POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY October 15, 2020

>>121884 - First Half: Scholar of occult and esoteric ideas

>>121885 - Corona-Chan Live Updates: G20 Spent Over $11 Trillion to Back Economies During Pandemic

>>121886 - Hollywood Is Dying, And The Elites Don’t Care…

>>121887 - Kayleigh Clock

>>121888 - The Justice Department Unveils Proposed Section 230 Legislation

>>121889 - ABC journalist Dan Oakes will not be prosecuted over Afghan Files leak

>>121891, >>121893, >>121895, >>121899 ————————————–——– Breaking: Burisma official reportedly linked to Joe Biden met with State officials in 2016 (CAP: )


>>121894 ————————————–——– #DigitalSoldiers must fight on battlefields NOT of our choosing.

>>121896, >>121897 - Adam Houlsey

>>121898 - Rudy Giuliani Interrupted His Effort to Smear Joe Biden With An Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory About George Soros

>>121900 #14170

(19 notables, 24 posts, 37 media/files)

Q- >>121891, >>121894

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173821

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11080858 Q Research General #14172: Initiation of Time Dilation Nation Edition

Created 150742ZOCT20




>>121924, >>121925 - Virgin Journo loses friend to Chad Qanon

>>121926 - Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden slams Donald Trump for 'trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes' by tweeting QAnon theory that Joe Biden had SEAL Team Six killed

>>121927 - Anon Decoding QDrop 4868 (GenFlynn)

>>121928 - USS Barry cruises through Taiwan Strait after Beijing blasts McCain’s South China Sea transit

>>121929 - Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group Returns to South China Sea for Third Time of 2020 Deployment

>>121930 - Chinese President Xi Jinping tells marine troops to be on ‘high alert’ and ‘prepare for war’

>>121931 - Patrick Buchanan: Is war with China becoming inevitable?

>>121932 - China unveils shocking detail on new satellite-hunting warship as PLA missile threat SOARS

>>121933 - Civil rights and Qanon candidates: the fight for facts in Georgia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=66vEd4bt9SA - Civil rights and Qanon candidates: the fight for black voters in Georgia | Anywhere but Washington [Channel: The Guardian]

>>121934 - No Improper Activity Is Found in ‘Unmasking’ Requests Under Obama

>>121935 - Deepstate Investigates itself, finds nothing wrong

>>121936 - Inside the life of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s scandal-plagued son

>>121937 - Donald Trump: ‘The Bidens Got Rich While Americans Got Robbed’

>>121938 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>121939 - Maddow and Harris Cannot Contain Their Cackling as the VP Hopeful Admits She Saw Fly on Pence During Debate (VIDEO)

>>121940 - Sen. Josh Hawley Blasts Jack Dorsey After the CEO Admits Twitter’s Actions Censoring Hunter Biden News Was ‘Unacceptable’

>>121941 - Unflappable: Amy Coney Barrett Sees Through Kamala Harris' Trap, Won't Take the Bait

>>121942 - Woman close to Vatican cardinal arrested in corruption probe

>>121943, >>121944 - ‘Trump was sent from God!’: MAGA country brings the rally to a stricken president

>>121945 - Why Are DOJ Alums, Bar Leaders Speaking Out for Conscience Now?

>>121946 - Why the media are suddenly chattering about Joe Biden’s cabinet

>>121947 - Fast take: How do extremist ideologies find a home in the military community?

>>121948 - Pennsylvania Postal Worker Charged with Dumping Mail Is QAnon Follower: Report

>>121949 - Michelle Obama Teams Up With LeBron James For Voter Push

>>121950 - Bruce Ohr retires from DOJ after informed disciplinary decision imminent on Russia case

>>121951 - CDC: 85% of Virus Patients Reported Wearing Masks ‘Always’ or ‘Often’

>>121952 - Trump 'not happy' with Barr, won't commit to keeping AG in potential second term

>>121953 - The Morning Briefing: Despicable Media Just Had Its Busiest Day of Carrying Water for Biden Yet

>>121954 - Dem Soldiers: Nets CENSOR NYPost’s Undisputed Biden-Ukraine Bombshell

>>121955 - Third Mueller scope memo shows Rosenstein confirmed investigative authority at special counsel’s request

>>121956 - ‘Use your influence’: Hunter Biden report undercuts father, upends campaign

>>121957 - ‘Pivotal moment’: Man admits firing shot that preceded Kyle Rittenhouse shooting

>>121958, >>121959 - Ice Cube Clarifies Role in Helping Trump Admin Develop ‘Platinum Plan’

>>121960 #14172

(34 notables, 37 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173822

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11080030 Q Research General #14171: Edition

Created 150603ZOCT20




>>121901, >>121905 - Molly email chain regarding Grassley letter to Secretary Clinton about Mexico meeting on Gunrunner.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84e29fd987a35dc84b38cd55f6c68214532451268e698630d3e5d9fb3285741c.pdf

>>121902 - ‘Biden or Die’ Yard Signs Appear in Colorado Following Murder of Trump Supporter

>>121903 - Mickey Watch

>>121904 - Soros Takes Orders From P

>>121906 - James O’Keefe DEBUNKS Joe Rogan criticism, challenges him to go on JRE to discuss Veritas methods!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Nkem2UH3p1c - James O’Keefe DEBUNKS Joe Rogan criticism, challenges him to go on JRE to discuss Veritas methods! [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>121907, >>121910, >>121916 - Documents from the Q linked John Solomon article.

>>121908 - Instagram now also censoring private messages

>>121909, >>121911 - Adam Housley Tweets

>>121912 - Twitter CEO criticizes the way his company blocked NY Post article about Hunter Biden

>>121913 - Every Poll is a Goal

>>121914 - PSA

>>121915 - Soros, Views on antisemitism and Israe

>>121917 - Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4919039ad6cab0ca36530960b7a8119e5506f26e47e836903efcf8cbaac36ca6.mp4

>>121918, >>121919 - Cyber Threats to Voting Processes could be and inside job per Q post

>>121920 - Missiles over Mutiny Bay Revision

>>121921 - When Europeans Were Slaves

>>121922 - IceCube and The Platinum Plan!

>>121923 #14171

(18 notables, 23 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173823

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11081630 Q Research General #14173: We Are The Masters Of The Universe

Created 151028ZOCT20




>>121961 - NBC staffers mad

>>121962 - Qanon "infecting" Canada

>>121963 - Shady Hunter Biden back at it again

>>121964 (video) - Joe Biden's "You're not gettin.." story.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e4064c50c232ecd08ce85e0c6a70a560e497f9cd584e0135d014fafec10e8fb.mp4

>>121965 - QAnon-promoting candidate Greene set to endorse Loeffler’s Senate bid

>>121966 - GEOTUS Retweets GOP post with video that is 2:23 mins long

>>121967 - The. Biggest. Trump. Flag. Ever.

>>121968, >>121976 - Every Poll is a Goal

>>121969 - Biden Meeting with Soros

>>121970 - China Troops on High Alert

>>121971 - UFC Fight Jorge Masvidel Supports GEOTUS

>>121972 - Was General Patton MURDERED?

>>121973, >>121974 - Trump administration to consider adding China's Ant (Alipay) Group to trade blacklist - sources

>>121975, >>121983 - Hunter Biden story trips social media misinformation alarms

>>121977 - Knowledge of the Higher Worlds

>>121978 - Gregg Sofer to pick up Unmasking Probe Report

>>121979 - Hunter Biden messes up Father's Plan in typical fashion

>>121980 - GEOTUS threatened Facebook and Twitter again

>>121981 - That might make today [Hunter +2]

>>121982 - Hunter revealed trying to cash in with Chinese Firm

>>121984 - Digital Media Viewership Break Down, Information Warfare!

>>121985 - Indian Air Force to induct more Rafale fighter jets

>>121986 - Imagine coming here just to post this.

>>121987, >>121989 - Breakdown on Satanic Art

>>121988 - Mind Virus, Social Contagion


>>121991 - Reports Indicate Voter Fraud Much Higher With Mail-In Ballots Than In-Person Voting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nZlPnod7Tkw - Reports indicate voter fraud much higher with mail-in ballots than in-person voting [Channel: One America News Network]

>>121992 - #BidenCrimeFamily

>>121993, >>121995 - Special Counsel investigative authority expanded late as Oct 2017

>>121994 - Anon's perspective on Consciousness

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_jqVJKFWKwQ - Gratitude, Empathy & Compassion:The PLASMA Science- Dan Winter interviewed by Shelley Evans [Channel: Dan Winter]

>>121996 - Jimmy Savile Molestation Allegations

>>121997 #14173

(32 notables, 37 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173824

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11083166 Q Research General #14175: Hunted are the Hunters Edition

Created 151401ZOCT20




>>122023, >>122044 - Harris suspends travel after staffer tests COVID-19 positive

>>122024, >>122039 - 'Absolute Travesty:' Paul Manafort's ex-partner Rick Gates breaks silence on Mueller probe

>>122025 - Pro-Antifa Colorado Democratic Party figure talks violence in Project Veritas sting

>>122026 - Conspiracy theories represent one of the oldest forms of anti-Jewish expression. QAnon is simply the current articulation of such behavior.

>>122027 - VERIFY: If Joe Biden or Donald Trump dropped out, what would happen next?

>>122028 - We out here planefaggin'

>>122029 - Elections Chairman Resigns After He And His Wife Are Accused Of Removing And Defacing Trump Signs

>>122030, >>122033, >>122035 - Hunter, Joe & No Name (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/231ee1b026a1390b527848e2a02f234f282327c3b24fc6b8f1b8d76f42ec0c31.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c45898d802e79f6e45d304126774f28bae0d1b34142ce15352432efe874faaef.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7fcaa4bd4ea859280b862e48490079a622db71eb2dc695dfea92fb66492a78f2.mp4


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=By21_m7gLyk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122032, >>122034 - Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm

>>122036, >>122040, >>122041 - Twitter shenanigans continue. (deleted video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0906646414fe4193d237538eff55cd5b00114fb07d31b4b857ebe5882bae94f2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/755bfee3c0998e30ba90f35cff706d7119566cea2214579773b7ce2241d25df1.mp4

>>122037 - Big Possible Habbening

>>122038 - Key battleground states don't require signature-matching on mail-in ballots

>>122042, >>122046 - New Project Veritas Video re: Twitter Censorship

>>122043 - Former Idaho gubernatorial candidate charged in 1984 abduction and killing of Colorado girl

>>122045 - Just the (Meta Data) as found by digging open sources.

>>122047 #14175,

(17 notables, 25 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173825

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11084671 Q Research General #14177: Day Bread Edition

Created 151550ZOCT20




>>122063 - Senators clash at ACB hearing as Democrats stage last-minute roadblocks

>>122064 - Twitter Bans Trump Campaign – It’s Time They are Taken to Court

>>122065 - Army readies charging port for autonomous drone swarms

>>122066 - Orbital Sidekick wins $16 million U.S. Air Force contract

>>122067 - Officials Announce international operation targeting transnational criminal organization


>>122069, >>122072 ————————————–——– Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm ( CAP: )

>>122070, >>122079 ————————————–——– Underage women (young girls) sexually exploited _[context for future] (CAP: )

>>122071 - We out here panefaggin'

>>122074 ————————————–——– Clear and Present Danger?

>>122075 - Ukraine Human Trafficking Ring

>>122076 - Amazing Polly's YT acct has been terminated

>>122077 ————————————–——– Why was POTUS framed re: Russia collusion?

>>122078 #14177

>>122080 Friday 10.09.2020

(15 notables, 18 posts, 26 media/files)

Q- >>122069, >>122070, >>122074, >>122077

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173826

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11085512 Q Research General #14178: Prepare Your Minds Edition

Created 151629ZOCT20




>>122081 Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months before Coronavirus Pandemic

>>122082 Cruz & Graham put forth response to Twitter/Facebook censorship.

>>122083 CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER is a Supreme Court doctrine concerning the limits of Free Speech

>>122084 The hidden menace threatening Democrats' bid to beat Trump in 2020

>>122085 Twitter Blocks Link To House Republicans’ Press Release On Hunter Biden Story

>>122086, >>122088, >>122090 PF

>>122087 ————————————–——– EVERY ASSET DEPLOYED.

>>122089 US gun sales soar amid pandemic, social unrest, election fears

>>122091 Twitter Reverses Censorship Of House GOP Committee Webpage, Says It Was Blocked ‘In Error’.

>>122092 Jack Dorsey Is An Enemy Of The People And The Free Press

>>122093 October 14, 2019 - Hunter Biden sits down for exclusive interview with ABC News

>>122094 Texas sees huge turnout on first day of early voting with over 1M ballots cast

>>122095 Army secretary reveals that US hypersonic missile hit within 6 inches of its target: report

>>122096 Digs on the firm representing Hunter Biden

>>122097 Biden campaign ‘glad’ Twitter, Facebook censored Post’s Hunter Biden exposé


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jvW3-n0urtc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Greenville, NC 10-15-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]


(17 notables, 19 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>122087

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173827

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11082379 Q Research General #14174: Point Emerging Probably Entering Edition

Created 151233ZOCT20




>>121998 - DJT Jr. Tweet

>>121999 - Twitter MELTDOWN

>>122000 - FOIA Emails: Eric Ciaramella, Victoria Nuland Received Regular Updates From Top Official at Soros’ Open Society Foundations

>>122001 - How QAnon is spreading unproven theories through the suburbs

>>122002, >>122009, >>122011 - We out here planefaggin'

>>122003 - Poll: most people have never heard of QAnon; wealthy, educated Clinton supporters are most likely to know about it


>>122005 - QAnon is tearing families apart

>>122006 - Navy SEAL Attacks Trump for Tweeting QAnon bin Laden Body Double Conspiracy: 'I Know Who I Killed'

>>122007 - How QAnon Draws People Into Its Web of Conspiracy Theories

>>122008 - Poland's powerful Cardinal Dziwisz accused of covering up abuse case

>>122010 - Q DROP #1950 Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

>>122012 - BREAKING: Justice Thomas sends shot across bow of Big Tech

>>122013 - Q DROP #1021 Did the US taxpayers pay for the Predatory Sexual Abuse?

>>122014 - GEOTUS TWEET

>>122015, >>122016 - Leslie Caldwell, You Say? Clinton's Emails?


>>122018 - Doesn't look good for hunter

>>122019 - Ron Paul Liberty Report With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]



>>122022 #14174

(22 notables, 25 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11086232 Q Research General #14179: EVERY ASSET DEPLOYED EDITION

Created 151758ZOCT20




>>122100 A man flying in a jetpack has been spotted again in the skies over Los Angeles

>>122101 Sen. Ted Cruz Announces Judiciary Committee will Subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to Testify After Second Day of Twitter Blocking NY Post Hunter Biden Reports

>>122102 Iranian Lawmaker Says Obama-Biden Gifted Regime with $1.7 Billion and $400 MILLION IN A SUITCASE!

>>122103 Homes of French health minister & ex-PM raided by police as part of coronavirus probe

>>122104 ————————————–——– Would you like to send anything else on over during the House Intel Committee hearing? Nothing can stop this.

>>122105, >>122123 Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online - House intel against Q (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r9vU8xQf2QM - Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online [Channel: House Intelligence]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r9vU8xQf2QM - Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online [Channel: House Intelligence]

>>122106, >>122108, >>122109 ————————————–——– Do you get it yet? (Cap: )

>>122107, >>122110 PF

>>122111 Cop Sexually Assaults Child During Traffic Stop, Gets Only 14 Days in Jail, Won’t Register as Sex Offender

>>122112 The photo below is a screenshot of a text message from Hunter Biden to his daughter, Naomi Biden, on January 3, 2019.

>>122113 How the Media Has Whitewashed FBI Abuses in the Russia Probe

>>122114, >>122121, >>122122, >>122125 Graphika Special Report Interpreting Social Qs: Implications of the Evolution of Qanon

>>122115 Zuckerberg donates $100mn more for ‘safe elections’ as judge says no law prohibits private funding despite ‘risk of skewing’ vote

>>122116 Just saw for myself a behind the scenes look at the #HunterBiden hard drive: Drugs, underage obsessions, power deals…


>>122118 Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team

>>122119 "Maybe less chance of infecting normal folks."

>>122120 The Expert

>>122124 K Spy Chief Confirms ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Islamists are Biggest Terror Threat – But MSM Hypes ‘Far Right’

>>122126 ‘BLM Bandwagon’: Google UK Doodle Celebrates Black Nationalist, Communist Activist Claudia Jones

>>122127 Are the big social media companies literally trying to determine who wins the presidential election?

>>122128 INTL

>>122129 Thank you, Christopher. As you can see, folks, Twitter is blocking a user from tweeting just this hashtag, nothing else in the message.

>>122130 Where Are Mail-in Ballots Being Stored?

>>122131 #14179

(25 notables, 32 posts, 58 media/files)

Q- >>122104, >>122106

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173829

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11087112 Q Research General #14180: EVERY ASSET DEPLOYED EDITION

Created 151836ZOCT20




>>122132 Air Force OKs New Stormbreaker Bomb for F-15 Strike Eagle Operations


>>122134, >>122153 PF

>>122136 New Solomon

>>122137 Number one!!!!! I can’t call you my “followers,” because you are so much more than that. You are truly my heroes. #CrookedJoeBiden is trending NUMBER ONE in Politics, and the mainstream media can no longer cover for him. Thank you, patriots.

>>122138 CEO of Multibillion-dollar Software Company Indicted for Decades-long Tax Evasion and Wire Fraud Schemes

>>122139 Convince me by showing me any other time in over 4500 Q drops Q team has done this.

>>122140 How China and the Who Created Mass Ventilator Hysteria

>>122141 McConnell shoots down $1.8 trillion coronavirus deal, breaking with Trump


>>122143 EU bans entry to FSB director, other Russian officials over Navalny incident

>>122144 Biden campaign cancels Harris travel after aide tests positive for COVID-19

>>122145 Judicial Watch Joins The ObamaGate Movie as Executive Producers

>>122146 Suicides of four Soroka physicians tied to stress on healthcare system

>>122147 A tale of two COVID economies: Red state recovery, blue state recession

>>122148 GOP Lawmakers demand hearing on Big Tech censorship before Nov. 3

>>122149 Senator Tom Cotton on Big Tech Censorship: “Winter is Coming”…

>>122150 Kekworthy - Twitter has recently suspended a slew of fake accounts pretending to be Black supporters of President Trump. Many were tweeting an identical phrase.

>>122151 Private Equity CEO Enters into Non-prosecution Agreement on International Tax Fraud Scheme and Agrees to Pay $139 Million, to Abandon $182 Million in Charitable Contribution Deductions, and to Cooperate with Government Investigations

>>122152 Five Alleged Members of the Gangster Disciples Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

>>122154 #14180

(21 notables, 23 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173830

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11083940 Q Research General #14176: Morning Heat Brings the Rain Edition

Created 151503ZOCT20




>>122048, >>122054 - YouTube Launches Major New Crackdown on QAnon

>>122049 - ‘Stressed is an understatement.’ California unemployment workers testify about troubled agency

>>122050 - We out here planefaggin'

>>122051 - Trump ally running for Congress believes in baseless QAnon sex-trafficking conspiracy

>>122052 - Think tank president claims Joe Biden’s ties to China may threaten U.S. national security

>>122053 - Sen. Ted Cruz announce that Jack Dorsey will subpoenaed

>>122055 - The participants of the Stargate Project who wrote books and some of their released titles, NOT a complete list:

>>122056 - Euro zone banks can absorb losses from crisis: Lagarde

>>122057, >>122058 - Streisand Effect Engage.

>>122059 - 4chan post HUNTER SEX TAPE


>>122061 - GEOTUS TWEET

>>122062 #14176

(13 notables, 15 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173831

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11088064 Q Research General #14181: Nothing Can Stop This Edition

Created 151910ZOCT20




>>122155 BORDER PATROL: 300 Illegal Immigrants Apprehended in Eighteen Hours

>>122156 “I’m Ashamed to Say I Was a Democrat” – First Time Voters and Former Dems Rally to Re-Elect Trump in Pennsylvania

>>122157 The Fed Wants the Public to Know It Can Withhold Information Under an Executive Order and Defy Subpoenas from Courts and Congress

>>122158 Biden campaign argues that censorship of journalism is proof that the journalism is untrue.

>>122159 NEW POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a11f23292ffa41433368d077fd761001c1f9c0755c2fa383bf5cf30917bb2fe7.mp4

>>122160 Wikipedia Editors Censor Hunter Biden Bombshell, Call New York Post ‘Unreliable’ Source

>>122161 NEW POTUS - If Big Tech persists, in coordination with the mainstream media, we must immediately strip them of their Section 230 protections. When government granted these protections, they created a monster!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/21efc598ae50a91a003f7699f9d3559011024223332c54dc2113da70c36a1cfa.mp4

>>122162 Joe Biden Campaign Claims New York Post Hunter Biden Article ‘False’ Because Twitter Censored It

>>122163, >>122170, >>122172, >>122175, >>122180, >>122184, >>122193 PF

>>122164 NEW POTUS - Joe Biden and the Democrat Socialists will kill your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve your borders, release criminal aliens, raise your taxes, confiscate your guns, end fracking, destroy your suburbs, and drive God from the public square.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/35d1d7fdd5660b1120471215f0dd57d36ff091e51ed9cf9fd441d6335250d56f.mp4

>>122165 WATCH: Former student of Amy Coney Barrett endorses her Supreme Court confirmation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=erIxxlB8-II - WATCH: Former student of Amy Coney Barrett endorses her Supreme Court confirmation [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>122166 John Basham Twitter

>>122167 Vatican issues coin of mother carrying ‘earth in her womb’ one year after Pachamama scandal

>>122168 The US Navy’s ‘Manhattan Project’ has its leader

>>122169 Abortion: More than Just a 'Single Issue'

>>122171, >>122174 Hussein tweets

>>122173 C-SPAN suspends political editor Steve Scully indefinitely after he admits he lied about his Twitter feed being hacked.

>>122176 Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked

>>122177 @Annakhait drops the bomb on Biden! This is the CIA Whistleblower evidence

>>122178 Hit it hard. - POLL

>>122179 British government announces tougher restrictions for London due to COVID-19 spikes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2E8JC3ms-aw - British government announces tougher restrictions for London due to COVID-19 spikes [Channel: Fox Business]

>>122181 There was a Baker, Baker A.

>>122182 Jail bankers who allow money laundering, top Democrat in U.S. Senate banking committee says in wake of FinCEN Files

>>122183 INTL


>>122186 Big Mike on Twitter

>>122187 Coronavirus stimulus: Democratic congresswoman says Mnuchin's $1.8T offer would bring relief

>>122188 Archive Update

>>122189 Many of these documents and audio files have already been released proving the Obama Administration had a deal with Iran to hold OBL.

>>122190 North Carolina man accused of keeping child as sex slave since 2015

>>122191 Stupid Scaramucci

>>122192 BREAKING: Gateway Pundit is REPORTING AI has now CONFIRMED that the Hunter Biden Email Photos Are Legitimate and Real

>>122194 #14181

(33 notables, 40 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173832

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11088919 Q Research General #14182: Clear and Present Danger? Edition

Created 151958ZOCT20




>>122195, >>122196 Xi have Covid?

>>122197 China is trying to take over fracking

>>122198 After Partnering With ADL, PlayStation Releases Update to Spy On Users' Voice Chat For 'Violations'

>>122199 Multiple people injured, missing after pipeline explosion in Corpus Christi

>>122200 What are the odds that Steve Scully was fired on the day he was supposed to be moderating the debate if not for Trump insisting he do an in person debate?

>>122201 News Bun Human Trafficking

>>122202 Top Black Citicorp Executive With High-Powered Allies To Leave Bank To Run For Mayor Of New York City

>>122203 Destroying the Institutions We Inherited

>>122204 Lock Her Up on Twitter

>>122205 Kamala Harris cancels events after flying with two people who tested positive for Covid – live

>>122206 I have a sworn Affidavit from a Poll Watcher just submitted to the District Attorney who says he caught Precinct Staff in Houston using Stack of Driver's Licenses To Help Drive-Through Voters Vote Illegally.

>>122207 Killary Instagram live chat

>>122208, >>122212 Hot Mic Reportedly Catches Dianne Feinstein Comment About Amy Coney Barrett’s Religion

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/26646bb176f8f1ecb6a61e1f541d24f15ea9da2cbb2666888341aa8ac15447fe.mp4

>>122209 Interesting 8-year DJT deltas on BHO who just asked about how to reestablish TRUST!

>>122210 Just another thing /comms/ subversives and their hunger for power messed up.

>>122211 Hunter Biden sought 'lucrative' deal for himself, his 'family' with Chinese firm, new emails suggest

>>122213 Banks, Big-Tech, & Black Gold Bust As Bitcoin & Bond Yields Bounce

>>122214 Here's a cammo overlay. It read "Fuck your algorithms".

>>122215 Massive WHO Study Shows Remdesivir Doesn't Lower COVID-19 Mortality - Totally Trustworthy

>>122216 Mother Accuses Biden Group of Misconduct in Teen Boy Bathroom Encounter. I have witnesses and emails from Wash. Examiner editor that Hunter's ex wife's group which Joe raised money for knew about a SLEAZY ALLEGATION

>>122217 Team member of PEDO Joe has Covid


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jvW3-n0urtc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Greenville, NC 10-15-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>122219 Minnesotans Face Months-Long Gun Delays in Obtaining Gun-Carry Permits

>>122220 Pompeo, DeVos Take Aim at Chinese Influence in American Schools

>>122221 Guiliani on OANN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HJXVVfUcFzU - After Hours: Hunter Biden Bombshell with Rudy Giuliani [Channel: One America News Network]

>>122222 Cheatin’ Cal Cunningham Voted to Prevent Jilted Wives From Suing Their Husbands’ Mistresses

>>122223 Why is the FBI deleting the page of the Human Trafficking summit

>>122224 Pedo Joe

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8322a72256c58b0e110edb06a64bd72d7162b0258a82d8d90a739cb710dc1c64.mp4

>>122225 L.A. County Transfers up to $14 Million from Cops to Illegal Migrants

>>122226 Founder and CEO of Iranian Financial Services Firm Sentenced to Prison for Conspiring to Violate U.S. Sanctions

>>122227 444 is higher than 389, even someone as stupid as you should realize that.

>>122228 Dems Are Shockingly Unaware of Their Creepiness: Biden-themed Animal Crossing Event Promoted

>>122229 Today President Trump, in his speech, gives total credit and belief to Jesus Christ. Echoing Q

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aW9ogCL8Aks - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Greenville, NC #NorthCarolina [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>122230 INTL

>>122231 PF

>>122232 #14182

(36 notables, 38 posts, 49 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173833

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11089727 Q Research General #14183: #DigitalSoldiers Edition

Created 152048ZOCT20




>>122233 Canadian Watchdog Slams Ruling That Denies New Probe in Trudeau Lobbying Case

>>122234 Proof Biden has ALWAYS been Scum

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E4j4ocWS6Wg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122235 ‘This Is Digital Civil War’: Twitter Disables ‘Potentially Harmful’ Link To NY Post Hunter Biden Story

>>122236 California braces for renewed fire threat… Power cut to thousands…

>>122237 Democrat States Lead the Country with the Highest Unemployment Rates – They Will Do Anything to Stop Trump and Gain Power

>>122238 DJT voters are fired up AF to vote for Trump, the already low-energy Biden voters are demoralized by Huntergate and will stay home.

>>122239 GOP House Members Ask FBI If It Had Hunter's Laptop During Peach Mint

>>122240 Richard Brockman, who is indicted for tax evasion, wire fraud, and money laundering by the DoJ is the CEO of Reynolds & Reynolds

>>122241 Man Accused Of Stealing Police Rifle, Setting Cop Car On Fire During Seattle Riot Arrested While Meeting With Probation Officer

>>122242 Hunter Biden Offered $10 Million Annually by Chinese Energy Firm for ‘Introductions Alone,’ Email Shows

>>122243 ‘Cheer’ Star Jerry Harris Allegedly ‘Exploited And Violated’ At Least 10 Boys

>>122244 The BBC is reviving the life and crimes of its former star Jimmy Savile with an ill-conceived drama nobody wants to see

>>122245 Russian Foreign Ministry criticizes reports issued by OPCW about Syria as politicized and biased

>>122246 Hussein letting the panic show.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/64b76902e9a0285e7e50da0977450600b8f106d91f466c3a73c0733f8e1b445d.mp4

>>122247 Biden Diggs

>>122248 Tucker Carlson - The show has obtained Hunter Bidens email

>>122249, >>122250 'Hunter Becomes The Hunted' As Crack Addict Son Of Biden Upends Election And Stokes Seth Rich Murder Fears

>>122251 While the police were INSIDE the car….

>>122252 NJ mayor calls Trump voters 'religious zealots' who want 'Christian Sharia law,

>>122253, >>122255 rt ———–––——–— Tucker Carlson - The show has obtained Hunter Bidens email

>>122254, >>122259 ————————————–——– Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone’ (CAP: )

>>122256 PF

>>122257 International News

>>122258 #14183

(24 notables, 27 posts, 29 media/files)

Q- >>122254, >>122255

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9d28d5 No.173834

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11090485 Q Research General #14184: Do you get it yet? Edition

Created 152137ZOCT20




>>122260, >>122261, >>122262, >>122264, >>122266, >>122269, >>122274, >>122275, >>122282, >>122284, >>122285 Twitter seems to be down

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b2abb59b81cce1f49c10c48771f1900aceadf34fcf24c19b02488b930f59ebd.mp4

>>122263, >>122279 rt ———–––——–— No, Anon. You did, collectively.

>>122265 It’s up - this poll is flipping beautifully

>>122267 Whistleblower claims Pedo Joe and Judge Sullivan abusing kids together?

>>122268 Woods using Q system to post drops

>>122270 When the FullSecureChannelProtection registry key is deployed, DCs will be in enforcement mode. This setting requires that all devices using Netlogon secure channel either:

>>122271 HRC spamming twatter

>>122272 Donald Trump: Biden Family ‘Corrupt as Hell’ for Pursuing Deals in China

>>122273 House Republicans Ask Director Wray if FBI Was in Possession of Hunter Biden’s Laptop During Trump Impeachment

>>122276 100 Hollywood Celebrities Demand NBC Reschedule Trump Town Hall: ‘Don’t Give Trump a Ratings Win’

>>122277, >>122281 rt ———–––——–— "Underage obsessions" is a gentle way of putting it.

>>122278 FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Backs Rulemaking to Reform Section 230

>>122280 Biden Camp Confesses: We Will Not Rule Out ‘Possibility’ that Joe Biden Met with Burisma Official Pozharskyi

>>122283 John W. Huber: Chronic offenders are slipping through the state system

>>122286 Seattle PD has one in custody in the area of Dexter Av and John St after suspect set fire to a police vehicle while officers were inside. PIO is on scene.

>>122287 MSM claiming President Xi Tells Troops to 'Prepare for War'

>>122288 #14184,

(17 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

Q- >>122279, >>122281

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173835

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11091241 Q Research General #14185 No, Anon. You did, collectively Edition

Created 152209ZOCT20




>>122289 Fox News is Currently Reading off /qresearch/ Notables (essentially) as News Coverage!

>>122290 Senate Judiciary Committee Will Subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over NY Post Censorship

>>122291 Two Individuals And Two Companies Sentenced In Scheme To Fraudulently Sell Popular Dietary Supplements


>>122293 Pedo Joe on Twitter


>>122295 SHOCK VIDEO: Man Opens Fire on Kids Playing Basketball After They Asked Him To Slow Down

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NcybmKQ7BQs - VIDEO: Driver shoots at 2 children playing basketball on Rockaway Street in Akron, police say [Channel: News 5 Cleveland]

>>122296 Ilhan Omar Funnels 70 Percent of Campaign Expenditures to Husband’s Company

>>122297 ————————————–——– Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.

>>122298 PF

>>122299 While censoring Hunter Biden story, Twitter allows China, Iran state media

>>122300 Cunningham’s Mistress Donated to Campaign Around Time of Sexual Encounter

>>122301, >>122303 POTUS RECENT TWEETS

>>122302, >>122306 ‘Something went wrong’: Twitter users report global service outage amid ‘censorship’ scandal ahead of Trump & Biden town halls

>>122304 “The operations our two navies conduct at sea today have been built on centuries of maritime partnership.” Adm. Gilday - CNO

>>122305 Aviation staffer who has flown with Biden in recent days tests positive for COVID-19

>>122307, >>122308 international news

>>122309 YouTube said it was tightening rules for propagation of conspiracy theories, notably targeting the QAnon movement already limited on Twitter and Facebook

>>122310 #14185

(19 notables, 22 posts, 22 media/files)

Q- >>122297

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173836

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11092781 Q Research General #14187: Without You, Collectively Edition

Created 152320ZOCT20




>>122333 ARIZONA REPUBLIC: Campaign spokesperson for Democrat Senate candidate Mark Kelly apologizes for calling police "worthless f*cking pigs"

>>122335 Social Media's Role in Democracy: More Harmful Than Helpful?

>>122336 New Catherine Herridge

>>122337 Cost of Lockdown: Heart Charity Claims Hundreds of Excess Deaths Due to Lockdown

>>122338 Dirtbag Senator Ben Sasse Trashes President Trump on Phone Call After Trump Gives Him Endorsement

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mWoCWsCyjU0 - Dirtbag Senator Ben Sasse Smears Trump on Phone Call After Trump Endorses the Jerk [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>122339 House Republicans are calling on the FBI to reveal whether it was in possession of a laptop that reportedly contained emails by Hunter Biden during the impeachment of President Trump

>>122340 Where's Hunter?

>>122341 Biden Would Unravel Some Trump Tax Cuts If Elected, Plan Shows

>>122342 Follow the pen!

>>122343, >>122348 List of signed Ben Stiller, Mariska Hargitay among stars protesting NBC for 'enabling' Trump

>>122344 Fox Live link

>>122345, >>122353 25 mins until POTUS town hall on NBC

>>122346 DTJR

>>122347 Square, Inc co-founder sold $37.95m-Oct 13

>>122349 PF

>>122350 International news

>>122351 CM


>>122354 #14187,

(19 notables, 21 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173837

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11091997 Q Research General #14186: Anons Cut The Head Off of the Twitter Snake Edition

Created 152239ZOCT20




>>122311 Rudy Giuliani Is My Father. Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

>>122312 WHO finally admits lockdowns are harmful, “doubling” global poverty

>>122313 Dems (and everyone else except china) want Feinstein out

>>122314 Portland Protests Have Been "Hijacked By Criminals" And Downtown Residents Are Now Pleading For Law And Order

>>122315, >>122330 PF

>>122316 Defense Minister, Alternate Prime Minister and Blue and White leader Benny #Gantz on Thursday floated the idea to establish a Defense Ministry committee to investigate the so-called “Submarine Affair.”

>>122317 International News

>>122318 “The fact that Scully’s career and reputation crashed and burned on the very night the debate he intended to rig was scheduled makes all of this even more glorious.”

>>122319 Dianne Feinstein faces calls to step aside after Amy Coney Barrett hearing

>>122320 Russia open to intensive consultations with US on strategic stability

>>122321 Kenya's dumbest citizen said some shit no one cares about

>>122322 FCC chief says Facebook and Twitter will face greater regulation after NY Post Biden debacle

>>122323 The security guard caught on video gunning down a US Navy veteran at a Denver right-wing rally will be hit with a second-degree murder charge in the viral incident, prosecutors said Thursday.


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hKLI-fE1DyA - Joe Biden In His Own Words [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>122325 Crazy Nancy Has Issues

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gqPltMpWIwo - Pelosi interview gets heated: You don’t know what you’re talking about [Channel: CNN]

>>122326 If they remove protection from litigation, twatter had better lawyer up

>>122327 Awesome Coast Guard Begins At-Sea Testing of Unmanned Surface Vehicles to Tackle Illegal Fishing, Crime.

>>122328 List of 40 Bronfman-Funded Lawsuits – She Claims They Were Meritorious – Victims Said They Were Used as Weapons to Destroy Them

>>122329 It's Almost Impossible to Get COVID-19 on an Airplane, New Military Study Suggests

>>122332 #14186

(20 notables, 21 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173838

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11094303 Q Research General #14189: Biden? Rule Out the Possibility Edition

Created 160028ZOCT20




>>122377, >>122380, >>122381, >>122382, >>122385, >>122393, >>122398 Trump is killing them all This battle is turning biblical comments

>>122378 LB “QAnon is a theory that Democrats are a Satanic pedophile ring & you are their savior. — Will you disavow?”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7165eac40c0678cdf2cfe5b031191e780d1fc993f99ac42687957a959bb77486.mp4

>>122379 O'Reilly complaining for keks

>>122383 The MSM is showing its colors for the world to see

>>122384 Politico Rushes in to Blame Russia Disinformation for Hunter Biden Emails and Crack Smoking Photos — Will Twitter Ban This Crazy Conspiracy?

>>122386 PF

>>122387 POTUS has this girl nodding enthusiastically for points

>>122388, >>122391, >>122394, >>122399 Hunter Biden and the US Global Leadership Coalition

>>122389 POTUS knew that he would be facing down a rabid enemy on their own territory. Yet he went in.

>>122390 Hunter is the pre-appetizer…

>>122392 Call for Savannah Guthrie digg

>>122395 Savannah Gutherie in wikileaks H

>>122396, >>122397 Peter Strzok

>>122400 Wikileaks, the gift that keeps on giving

>>122401 Many Countries are sueing their Governments, due to COVID not being a class A illness. It's just a regular flu.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b567b76988b2c4826a47172690b527ee0bfcbd804bc1262f41cac626e1c6517b.mp4

>>122402 Mollie KEK!

>>122403 Savannah Guthrie's Husband Michael Feldman is a Former Democratic Political Aide

>>122404 Nancy Pelosi

>>122405 Reagan Carrier Strike Group heads back into South China Sea amid increasing tension with China

>>122406 #14189

(20 notables, 30 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173839

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11093519 Q Research General #14188: Eyes ON Town HALL Edition

Created 160000ZOCT20




>>122355, >>122358 All assets deployed

>>122356 Michigan Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the IRS and to Steal Crash Reports from the Detroit Police Department

>>122357 Top German Trial Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Those Responsible for Corona Scandal and Lockdowns Must be Criminally Prosecuted (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122359 IT’S GOING TO GET REAL: OANN Reporter Chanel Rion Has Seen the Hunter Biden Video — Get Ready for Projectile Puking!

>>122360, >>122363 WTH? CDC Admits “At No Time Has CDC Guidance Suggested that Masks Were Intended to Protect the Wearers” (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2-hbnUVwPSo - CDC Admits "At No Time Has CDC Guidance Suggested that Masks Were Intended to Protect the Wearers" [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>122361 Who The Fuck Is This

>>122362 The people who prefer Mark Kelly hate cops tweet

>>122364, >>122367, >>122368, >>122369, >>122370, >>122372 POTUS is fired up

>>122365 James Woods

>>122366 Legacy Media Fall Silent On Bombshell Report Showing Joe Biden Lied About Knowledge Of Son’s Foreign Business

>>122371 Biden Campaign 'Doesn't Rule Out the Possibility' Joe Biden Met With Burisma Executive

>>122373 Live: Donald Trump Town Hall With Voters | Election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y5yUnUxpr_g

>>122374 Senate Will Launch Probe Into Emails Allegedly Linking Joe Biden To Son’s Work With Ukrainian Gas Company

>>122375 LB “QAnon is a theory that Democrats are a Satanic pedophile ring & you are their savior. — Will you disavow?”

>>122376 #14188

(15 notables, 22 posts, 12 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173840

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173841

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11095092 Q Research General #14190: POTUS taking slings and arrows thems GLOW… Edition

Created 160057ZOCT20




>>122407 WHO’s Sudden About-Face On Covid Lockdowns is Further Proof Our So-Called “Elite Experts” Are Frauds

>>122408, >>122413 Tommy Lee says he'll leave the US if Trump wins for keks

>>122409 Herridge

>>122410 Trump refuses to disavow QAnon

>>122411 USMC

>>122412 In commercial break, the crowd CHEERS and CHANTS for @realDonaldTrump!

>>122414 Trump did NOT disavow QAnon, but he DID disavow Antifa and the radical left.

>>122415 This is Grand Jury Subpoena is signed by Joshua Wilson, Special Agent, FBI

>>122416, >>122417 Thumbs up for POTUS

>>122418 USArmy He fought with everything he had in Vietnam

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9eb60ee75413279801c8e5a7dda1679e591a5d4a45e3aef902831e5da7a34d14.mp4

>>122419 Kayleigh McEnany Keep up the pressure Patriots

>>122420 Comms from Tapper to Dorsey?

>>122421 MSM Trump refuses to disavow QAnon

>>122422 Comms and seeeeeeething

>>122423 List of Celebs who promised to leave in 2016 who stayed.

>>122424 Copy of Donald Trump Junior's Biden Crime Family speech

>>122425, >>122436 CM

>>122426 POTUS doesn't know about QAnon. I don't either. I know about Q, and I know about Anons, but I don't know about QAnon.

>>122427 Explosive final day begins shortly The ex-boyfriend of NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has arrived at ICAC for his third day in the witness box

>>122428 From Hiding, Head of Central Asia’s Only Democracy Says He’s Quitting

>>122429 PF

>>122430 If winning takes Trump disavowing, then so be it.

>>122431 YOUTUBE JUST CENSORED Alan Parrot' documentary FEATHERED Cocaine 2010'

>>122432 Joe Biden said voters “don’t deserve” to know whether he will destroy the US Constitution

>>122433 Bye bye Jack you're screwed

>>122434 Joe Biden Stumbles and Slurs After Black Voter Asks Him: “Besides ‘You Ain’t Black’ What Do you Have to Say to Young Black Voters”

>>122435 Savannah Guthrie's husband

>>122437 #14190

(28 notables, 31 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173842

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11095824 Q Research General #14191: Winning means Trump disavowing Edition

Created 160130ZOCT20




>>122438 Notables bundle

>>122439 Video of the trump town hall being asked about Q

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7165eac40c0678cdf2cfe5b031191e780d1fc993f99ac42687957a959bb77486.mp4

>>122440 The Q rap

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KBU48L_Re2c - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122441, >>122444, >>122446, >>122456 Trump: "I don't know QAnon." Truth. He can't, because we're anonymous

>>122442 Trump: Pelosi ‘Doesn’t Want’ Another Round of Stimulus ‘Because She Thinks It’s Bad for Her Election’

>>122443, >>122458, >>122463 Greg Gutfeld Savanah is the new Karen apologies to Karens

>>122445 Months After Prison Release, Florida Sex Offender Has Sex With Missing Teen

>>122447 Department of Justice Is Combatting COVID-19 Fraud But Reminds the Public to Remain Vigilant

>>122448, >>122457 Savannah Guthrie's husband, Michael Feldman, partner with Joe Lockhart, Clinton associate

>>122449 Nick Clegg was involved in Facebook's decision to 'reduce the distribution' of a New York Post Joe Biden

>>122450 People who only watch @NBCNews are hearing some great Trump messaging for the first time

>>122451 POTUS handles Questions

>>122452 Seattle PD: Police car set on fire while officers inside

>>122453 Dog comms "Rudy" then deleted & corrected

>>122454 Tucker Carlson piece on Hunter Biden from tonight

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7YTQZaoxOGA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122455 White House release We won a 7.5-billion-dollar case in the Boeing case

>>122459 TRUMP CAMPAIGN: “Even though the commission canceled the in-person debate that could have happened tonight, one occurred anyway, and President Trump soundly defeated NBC’s Savannah Guthrie in her role as debate opponent and Joe Biden surrogate

>>122460 Code Monkey: Supreme Court Justice Thomas just gave the greenlight to remove liability protections from big tech companies engaged in anticompetitive conduct.

>>122461 Dan Scavino: A great night in Miami, Florida for President Trump! Just departed the venue a few moments ago! Check out @TeamTrump for highlights throughout the evening!

>>122462 Justice Department on China

>>122464 DTJR

>>122465 #14191

(22 notables, 28 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173843

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11096602 Q Research General #14192: President Trump soundly Defeats Savannah Edition

Created 160216ZOCT20




>>122466 Landslide. Not even close 190k Vs 20k

>>122467 Statement from @TeamTrump on tonight's town halls

>>122468 Feds examining source of alleged Hunter Biden emails

>>122469 Tony Podesta (red shoes) was indeed involved heavily in Ukraine

>>122470 Have Faith, but Take Action

>>122471 Transcript of POTUS and Savannah on Q

>>122472 ‘Reprehensible behavior’: US elites privately briefed about COVID-19 dangers in February

>>122473 Anons on how Savannah Guthrie just linked ruling democrats to pedophilia

>>122474 Far Left Iowa Senate Candidate Theresa Greenfield Admits to Support For Black Lives Matter Radicals (hidden video footage)

>>122475 Savannah Guthrie interrupting Donald Trump on average every 12 seconds

>>122476 Ex-Mexican defense minister Salvador Cienfuegos arrested in US

>>122477 Adam Schiff's PANIC on twitter

>>122478, >>122479, >>122480, >>122481, >>122482, >>122483, >>122486, >>122487 Anons remind Adam Schiff STANDARD HOTEL

>>122484, >>122492, >>122493 Maggie's husband did PR for Epstein Maggie's mother works for the PR firm that was employed by Epstein

>>122485 Anderson Cooper CNN is also in the Satanic Cannibal Pedo democrat Cult protecting Biden

>>122488, >>122489 Hunter Biden bill. Attempt data recovery 3 MacBook Pros $85

>>122490 Is Lou Dobbs changing his tune? How can this be happening to an American citizen in broad damn daylight? Referring to General Flynn

>>122491 Dr. Fauci suggests canceling Thanksgiving gatherings amid COVID uptick

>>122494 #14192

(19 notables, 29 posts, 22 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173844

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11097357 Q Research General #14193: Schiff Denounced on Nightshift Edition

Created 160305ZOCT20




>>122495, >>122502, >>122504 #ProjectSafeChildhood

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/69154e84d25773d862a44975062e8cd271345a13f84fe86e5c95814081ca12f5.pdf

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AqgLddBeKnc - Trump tells Liberty University graduates to "relish the opportunity to be an outsider" [Channel: Mirror Times]

>>122496 Debbie D'Souza @Debber66 China wants Biden

>>122497 Twitter policy change notes

>>122498 This is fantastic!! NBC FAILED….Behind the scenes of the Trump Town Hall

>>122499 Dog comms

>>122500 Chinese Virus Reports

>>122501 Project Odin ,Anon speculates

>>122503 New evidence about Marilyn Monroe's death to be revealed in new series

>>122505 Joe Biden is asked a question by a woman with an *8-year-old* transgender daughter.

>>122506 World Doctors Alliance & ACU2020: Better Normal, Not New Normal - Medical professionals speak out against COVID and medical tyranny

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_MWZP4B86rY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122507 #CrookedJoeBiden 417k tweets an hour ago

>>122508 Shuman resonance report

>>122509 Social media blasts Trump town hall moderator Guthrie, and wonders why there were no questions to Biden on son Hunter

>>122510 A Senate committee recently voted to authorize a subpoena for Blue Star strategies, a company that’s connected to Ukrainian gas company Burisma and Hunter Biden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hYVlVoACk-g - Senate committee votes to subpoena company tied to Hunter Biden, Burisma [Channel: One America News Network]

>>122511 Bidens laptop went to child porn FBI investigator

>>122512 Former Mexican defense minister arrested in US on undisclosed charges

>>122513, >>122515, >>122517, >>122518 US Global Leadership Coalition

>>122514 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY October 16, 2020

>>122516 Today was a pretty weird day I guess. The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has just communicated to the world that he is afraid of me.

>>122519 Blank ballots found in dumpster

>>122520 @AndrewYang I may be heading back on the campaign trail this weekend . . .

>>122521 Largest meth bust ever, over 1000 kilos In Riverside county California

>>122522 MSM panics ...How QAnon Is Spreading Unproven Theories Through The Suburbs | TODAY

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rCHV-_91IOU - How QAnon Is Spreading Unproven Theories Through The Suburbs | TODAY [Channel: TODAY]

>>122523 twitter has 'partners' who are harmed by the Biden news

>>122524 Nashville children's center demonic statue

>>122525 Q post Anon decodes

>>122526 #14193

(27 notables, 32 posts, 49 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173845

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11098211 Q Research General #14194: War Drums In The Distance Edition

Created 160412ZOCT20




>>122527 Mitt Romney's campaign adviser arrested for rape

>>122528 Trump administration blocks California wildfire relief

>>122529 notes on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AWuGjw8HYt8 - Attorney General Sessions’ Message to Justice Department Employees [Channel: The Justice Department]

>>122530 The 2020 Election Bamboozle: We Are All Victims of the Deep State’s Con Game

>>122531 This is a list of purged YT channels. Below their names, you will find YT/ Bitchute backups and their secure websites, if available.

>>122532 Karen A. Tramontano is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Blue Star Strategies, LLC. heading up lobbying firm for Burisma

>>122533, >>122553 Notable Chanel Rion 4chan Thread (presumed LARP, ALSO ANYONE HAVE A DICK PICK THAT MATCHES THIS DESCRIPTION FROM NIGHT BEOFRE?)

>>122534 true reporting TRU admits working for agency

>>122535 NJ private school therapist loses counseling license after sexual relationship with teen

>>122536 Fri 10.09.2020

>>122537 Sun 10.11.2020

>>122538 Tue 10.13.2020

>>122539, >>122542, >>122554 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>122540, >>122545, >>122549 Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the virtual release of the Trafficking in Persons Report, with Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JSvPdYqsaVo - Secretary Pompeo's Remarks at the Release of the Trafficking in Persons Report [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qSg9ZtiwouM - TIP Report: 25 million adults, children exploited by human trafficking | EWTN News [Channel: EWTN]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kRpK8RcI_6g - The Brief: 20th Annual Trafficking in Persons Report [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>122541 Marilyn Monroe new evidence surfacing continued info

>>122543 Dan Scavino tweets

>>122544 Wed 10.14.2020

>>122546, >>122556 Q post decodes by Anon

>>122547 Q+ jr tweets

>>122548 Jim Watkins is going to be at a Q Con Convention in Scottsdale, AZ this weekend.

>>122550 Kames Woods President Trump served this nation well, when he fired you after a week on the job.

>>122551 Gaps emerge in Bidens schedule during Burisma meeting

>>122552 #ProjectSafeChildhood Speeches

>>122555 For any Hollywoodanons in here, here's the list of asshole celebs that signed the "open letter to move Trump's town hall" so it wouldn't conflict with Biden's.

>>122557 #14194

(25 notables, 31 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173846

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11099733 Q Research General #14196: The Genius Of Q And His Band of Anons Edition

Created 160713ZOCT20




>>122589 - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16ff38b8bbe1843d02160661d402f5bd9401ed87040546ac32961adfca7674de.mp4

>>122590 - Hivemind is alive tonight anon

>>122591 - Leftists want to tear down Lincoln, and put up rapists and child abusers

>>122592 - So what are Operations BEARSCLAW and GLOW?

>>122593 - Murmuration vs Organization

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KnndQgIUraQ - Minsmere Murmuration 17 February 2018 [Channel: Gerrit Stassyns]

>>122594 - POTUS made some interesting comments today at Greenville, NC rally.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TPYi8rZEOFo - President Donald Trump FULL SPEECH at Greenville, NC Rally 10/15/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>122595 - Big Tech buying up commercial real estate in New York

>>122596 - Donald Trump refused to disavow QAnon, Joe Biden dodged court packing.

>>122597 - Business Insider May have leaked the possibility of the FBI investigating Hunter Biden

>>122598 - Is Thomas Schoenberger the Mastermind Behind QAnon

>>122599 - McChrystal weaponized "private" citizens data and gave it up to the lib's political machine. His dust up with obummer was all contrived cover.

>>122600 - US aircraft carriers in South China Sea

>>122601 - Town hall takeaways: Biden at ease while Trump struggles under pressure

>>122602 - The “game theory” in the Qanon conspiracy theory

>>122603 - Is Qanon a game gone wrong?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-4vb6UWhf3o - Is QAnon a game gone wrong? | FT Film [Channel: Financial Times]

>>122604 - 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟: 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝-𝟏𝟗 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐔𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫

>>122605 - Top Adviser to Trump DOJ Leaders Slides Into Sidley’s Cyber Group

>>122606 - Trump Denounces White Supremacy, Sidesteps Question On QAnon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3hybkzCWb_w - Trump Denounces White Supremacy, Sidesteps Question On QAnon | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>122607 - Trump again refuses to denounce QAnon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=enyep7yAKxY - Trump again refuses to denounce QAnon [Channel: CNN]

>>122608 - Dog Comms from the Queen

>>122609 #14196

(21 notables, 21 posts, 17 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173847

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11098951 Q Research General #14195: Patriots In Control Forever Edition

Created 160523ZOCT20




>>122558 Rewind (2001): MSM published fake Osama Bin Laden 'confession' video. Never forget.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RpKNpdFufnI - Osama bin Laden - Confessions of the 9-11 Mastermind Clip 06 [Channel: Buyout Footage Historic Film Archive]

>>122559, >>122583, >>122584, >>122586 Q post Anon decodes

>>122560, >>122562, >>122563, >>122564, >>122565, >>122566, >>122569, >>122570 Osama, he is the nail in many coffins. 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Benghazi.

>>122561 Behind the scenes during commercial break Guthrie looks pissed.

>>122567 Cargo plane from Honk Kong makes emergency landing at Ben Gurion airport

>>122568 A Houston precinct judge and staff illegally used a stack of driver’s licenses in theirpossessionto allow people to vote illegally in the 2020 election at a drive-through voting window created by the Coronavirus pandemic.

>>122571 James Woods tweets

>>122572 Mollies running thread on the Townhall taking over by savannah

>>122573 Troll Tactics and Documents as highlighted in Shadowgate 2.0 documentary.

>>122574, >>122576, >>122579, >>122580 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TPYi8rZEOFo - President Donald Trump FULL SPEECH at Greenville, NC Rally 10/15/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/595bd18e72e434c86f425fa3fa4e1b70cc51000c6ddc82a0f19ecd7bef36bcc5.mp4

>>122575 The FBI, Militias, Truth, And Comey's Legacy

>>122577 Spoopy Underground Pics

>>122578 Australian Federal Police investigating $30 million Federal Government purchase of Western Sydney Airport land

>>122581 Samatha Guthrie's husband Mark Feldman

>>122582 Former Mexican defense secretary Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos, who led the country’s army under ex-President Enrique Peña Nieto, has been arrested at Los Angeles International Airport

>>122585 Owner of Trump Headquarters in Bristol, Virginia cited for blowing "Trump Train" horn

>>122587 Obamagate notes

>>122588 #14195

(18 notables, 31 posts, 40 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173848

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11100409 Q Research General #14197: Supreme Comfort Edition

Created 160909ZOCT20




>>122610 - Amy Coney Barrett, Other than the letterhead of the U.S. Senate, it was completely blank.

>>122611 - Ted Gunderson, MK-Ultra Mind Control Sex Slaves and the international pedophile ring that fuels the CIA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q4qWYv67XA4 - Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy [Channel: TheAnswerto1984is]

>>122612 - A lot was learned from Gamergate,

>>122613 - https://rosicrucian.com/pdf_plaza/index.html

>>122614, >>122639 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>122615 - Harry Dexter White, An Enemy Within

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1EyGZaQvZ2M - Us Dexter White Case (1953) [Channel: British Pathé]

>>122616, >>122618 - We out here planefaggin'

>>122617 - What is the consensus of the "Less than 10" Q mentions?

>>122619 - Chanel Rion /pol/ posts in a single infograph

>>122620 - UK Grid Warns Of Electricity Shortage Due To Drop In Wind

>>122621 - Hunter Biden emails, pics reveal wild life, pained soul

>>122622 - Can the Democrats Sell Their Worst Candidate Ever?

>>122623 - Burisma Hired Biden Son Because He’s a ‘Bright Guy

>>122624 - Media risks malpractice by dismissing alleged anti-Biden bombshell

>>122625 - New Social Media Accounts Pro-Tip and PSA

>>122626 - QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory

>>122627 - China's President Xi violently coughs throughout speech

>>122628 - Trump elevates its dangerous central assertion

>>122629 - Trump Fails the QAnon Test

>>122630 - Trump refuses to denounce QAnon conspiracies

>>122631 - Fatherless Households: A National Crisis


>>122633, >>122634 (link) - C-SPAN TALKING ABOUT QANON TODAY!

>>122635 - YouTube Follows Twitter and Facebook with QAnon Crackdown

>>122636 - The Bee isON FIRE

>>122637 - Why aging Baby Boomers still run Washington

>>122638 - Tucker Carlson Announces He Will Release NEW HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS on His Show Tonight — Updated

>>122640 - POTUS retweeting the shit out of Rand today

>>122641 - Soros Triples Election Spending, Pouring $70 Million Into 2020 Efforts

>>122642 #14197

>>122643 - Media Bias, WHERE IS HUNTER?

(31 notables, 34 posts, 44 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173849

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11101235 Q Research General #14198: Semi Magical Moments Coalesce with the Sunrise and Autumn Breeze Edition

Created 161126ZOCT20




>>122644 Scavino calls out @Jack

>>122645 Adam Housley with timeline for FBI possession of Hunter Biden laptop

>>122646 CATHOLIC Priest gets Federal Prison for breaking into Navy Base

>>122647 PDJT retweet "We are the storm"

>>122648 Gen. Flynn tweet: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

(5 notables, 5 posts, 6 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173850

File: 10b284f4000cbe7⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11102091 Q Research General #14199: Ebake on a Friday Edition

Created 161322ZOCT20




>>122649 #14198

>>122650 Xi has violent coughing fit during speech.

>>122651 Analysis from anon on Savannah's behavior during "Qanon" questioning of @POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7165eac40c0678cdf2cfe5b031191e780d1fc993f99ac42687957a959bb77486.mp4

>>122652 Twitter and Facebook Political donations (needs a source link/vid)

>>122653, >>122654, >>122657 PF Reports

>>122655 Trump to sign "trillion trees" executive order

>>122656 DJT Tweet Analysis

>>122658 USArmy #DYK Psychological Operations

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab9d3a261c8acd76992113d98e98b09a6423edac8e51914a04ff91b50058cb20.mp4

>>122659 Tic-Tok trying to tank POTUS' Town Hall Numbers.

>>122660 Arson investigator shot and killed

>>122661, >>122666 Q about the "Q-Con" happening in a few hours in Scottsdale

>>122662, >>122670 What's on Hunters Laptop

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7b6Gn4g9QxM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122663 Boris Johnson Says U.K. Is Now Preparing for No-Deal: Brexit Update

>>122664 Sgt Report

>>122665 Anon ponders a 17:17 with the 17th and 17 days left

>>122667 FLOTUS tweet

>>122668 NYP: The post absolutely messed up and divulged the source

>>122669 Senate Report: Bidens purchased $100K with China-linked credit cards (Sept)

>>122671 #14199,

(19 notables, 23 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173851

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11104374 Q Research General #14202: Nothing Can Stop This Edition

Created 161704ZOCT20




>>122728 Colorado man sentenced to 300+ years for human trafficking

>>122729 DNA test shows Hunter Biden is father of Arkansas baby, court filing -

>>122730, >>122732 United States Unseals Superseding Indictment Charging Nationwide Money Laundering Network

>>122731 CM Tweet - Woah… Just saw an alleged image from the Hunter laptop. Not going to go into detail on the image but you will know it when you see it. Its so horrifyingly terrible that i cant even describe it here. I weep for the abused.

>>122733 Iran Threatens Gulf Countries Making Peace with Israel

>>122734 President Trump won with online streaming….

>>122735 Josh Caplan on Twitter

>>122736 SIGN THE PETITION: Enough Is Enough — Tell President Trump and the GOP to STOP Big Tech Censorship Now!

>>122737 Army Troops Will Soon Get These Next-Gen Weapons for Close Combat

>>122738 ‘Putin’s proposal a non-starter’: White House rejects Russian call to extend nuclear arms control treaty

>>122739 You know what to do, retweeted by X22 Report

>>122740 Anonymous Intel Officials Say Giuliani Was Target of Russian Influence Campaign — Same Deep State Hacks Ignored Hunter Biden’s Millions from Moscow

>>122741 The Army's Mind-Bending 1,000-Mile Cannon Is Coming. Could It Bring Back Battleships?

>>122742 Protests erupt in Covid-hit Barcelona as bars and restaurants shut for 15 days

>>122743 Joe Biden says young children who decide they 'want to be transgender' should face 'zero discrimination'

>>122744 Suddenly the WHO says Remdisivir is a fail?

>>122745 Pfizer says it could apply for emergency use authorization of COVID-19 vaccine by late November

>>122746, >>122748 Port Of Los Angeles Struggles With Surge Of Unscheduled Ships

>>122747 I'm sure most people would agree with me that whoever takes pictures of themselves doing lines of cocaine off the naked body of a preschooler aged child deserves an expedited death sentence. - CM

>>122749 code digital messages to avoid being $3n$OR3d

>>122750 Greenwald: Facebook and Twitter ‘United’ to Defend Their ‘Preferred Candidate’

>>122751 Twitter Backtracks on ‘Hacked Materials’ Policy, Admits Blocking Links Is ‘Wrong’

>>122752 Emails: Burisma Adviser Told Hunter Biden His ‘Ultimate Purpose’ Was to ‘Close Down’ Investigations

>>122753 Just filed a report with MissingKids over an image i saw by accident. Its bad. Really really bad. - CM

>>122754 Second batch of smoking gun emails reveal Hunter Biden's dealings with 'disappeared' Chinese energy company chairman about his $30 MILLION consultancy fee 'for introductions alone'

>>122755 Claim: Paris Beheading Victim Teacher Who Showed Mohammed Cartoon in Freedom of Speech Lesson

>>122756 Department of Justice Announces More Than $341 Million in Grants to Combat America’s Addiction Crisis

>>122757 New Eric Trump

>>122758 Why you shouldn't have classroom computers in your child's bedroom


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13e60d5d2336ae9040bb6b360f5fb73dd28ddc33d6171299f812708bae54b344.mp4

>>122760 SF Board Of Education Commissioner: Merit Is ‘An Inherently Racist Construct Designed And Centered On White Supremacist Framing’

>>122761 Deleted my last few tweets because some good people DMd me and debunked the content I saw. Dont want to contribute to fake news. Sorry about that. - CM


>>122763 Biden’s ABC Town Hall Questioners Include Former Obama Speechwriter and Wife of Former PA Dem Candidate – ZERO Questions About Hunter’s Emails

>>122764 #14202,

(35 notables, 37 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173852

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11102856 Q Research General #14200: Psychological Operations Edition

Created 161446ZOCT20




>>122672, >>122679, >>122684 SELF CONFIRMING

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/59a30ed0801d1f1d9c8b4aa143514b100509090f86215e4e233ab70156c32382.mp4

>>122673 Biden family corruption’ story censored by tech giants shows they are ‘not neutral’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I6Q6WCErKkQ - ‘Biden family corruption’ story censored by tech giants shows they are ‘not neutral’ [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>122674 Spotlight on Waddesdon Manor: Rothschild Green Estate, Home of Green Festival 2021

>>122675 BREAKING Twitter reverses course on censorship after senate threats

>>122676 Giuliani Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive — Could Sink Biden Before Election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X7ziEwfWghA - Rudy Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive, Claims 'You Will Be Absolutely Convinced...' [Channel: Daily Caller]

>>122677 Adam Housley - ok here we go: you guys know my affinity for FBI field agents and the work they do every min of every day.

>>122678, >>122686 FAKE NEWS, REAL PANIC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f345afe7e7938ed0518436f24c1995c92bda46a4520be84aefb30cd3b93520c.mp4


>>122681 Rudy said on Fox & Friends this morning

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7b6Gn4g9QxM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122682 Retail Sales Blow Away Wall Street Consensus

>>122683 New Florida Registration Data

>>122685 Senate schedule next week

>>122687 Is it possible the "big Guy" is OBAMA?

>>122688, >>122691 Jennifer Fisher Diggs


>>122690 Subject: Travel pool report #1: Miami

>>122692 In case any of you would like to partake in stopping my "coup" of ejecting CommsKaren & crew

>>122693 For the record: I do not post on chat forums. - Chanel

>>122694 Are they trying to get out ahead of the real numbers ?

>>122695 #14200

(20 notables, 24 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173853

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11103600 Q Research General #14201: Anons Always Know Edition

Created 161553ZOCT20




>>122696 BIO WEAPON from CHINA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122697 Actual repair shop receipt for Biden laptop - actually, 3 laptops!

>>122698 POTUS Rally Ocala, Florida - RSBN going live in 56 minutes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9o-NCV6REqs - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Ocala, FL 10/16/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>122699 Anon theorizes Gen. Flynn tweet might infer a deeper meaning pointing to Intelligence Support Activity. Go signal?

>>122700, >>122701, >>122703, >>122705, >>122707, >>122708, >>122711, >>122713, >>122715, >>122719 This is what panic looks like

>>122702 When President Trump signed MAGA hats for Louisiana first responders in August and bragged they would sell for $10,000 on eBay, he wasn’t far off.

>>122704 Klaus Schwab – The New Karl Marx Destined to Kill Hundreds of Millions

>>122706 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed MacDill AFB to escort POTUS to Southwest Florida International Airport

>>122709, >>122718 HUNTER - Child Porn FBI detective now involved..

>>122710 Pollak: 15 Crazy Things Joe Biden Said at the ABC Town Hall

>>122712 Both October surprises can be entirely blamed on FBI headquarters and failure to properly investigate a laptop.

>>122714 Mitt Romney screams pretty loud

>>122716 Twitter has blocked users from tweeting the link to the @nypost's story on Hunter Biden. So we put it on our website for you to read and share.

>>122717 09-0015 USAF C-32A VIP (POTUS) departing Miami Int'l for Southwest Florida International Airport

>>122720, >>122721, >>122723 /Comms/ tries to gaslight OSS again, forgets OSS has screenshots of CommsKaren admitting she is BO of Endchan QR bunker

>>122722 Latest crop of Qanon hit pieces

>>122724 Here we go again - Eric Trump


>>122726 Their baby was reportedly born in August 2018, and DNA testing has confirmed Biden is the father.

>>122727 #14201

(20 notables, 32 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173854

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11105112 Q Research General #14203: The Beginning of Their End Edition

Created 161757ZOCT20




>>122765 SecDef Esper Calls for More Defense Dollars to Offset Gains by China and Russia

>>122766 US, Taliban Agree to Reduce Operations After Increase in Violence

>>122767 SWAMP THING: Right Wing Street Artists Take Aim at Biden With Hollywood Billboard Take Over

>>122768 FBI secretly investigated suspected Egyptian link to Trump's 2016 election campaign for three years

>>122769 Live: Trump delivers remarks on 'Protecting America's Seniors' in Florida

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S0dGkImRiS0 - Trump delivers remarks on 'Protecting America's Seniors' in Florida [Channel: Fox News]

>>122770, >>122776, >>122779, >>122788, >>122793, >>122796, >>122798 Other News Not Q Related

>>122771 The First Space Force Recruits Are Headed to Basic Military Training

>>122772 I think, after three roller coaster years, I have figured out Q

>>122773 More than 14 million Americans have already voted - including 2M from key swing states - as thousands of people flocked to the polls to wait up to EIGHT hours to cast their ballots early

>>122774 David Price Takes on the CIA Over Its Secret Torture Program, But Is He Asking the Right Questions?

>>122775 School therapist, 40, pleads guilty to having sex and sending lewd messages to a student, 17, and is stripped of her counseling license

>>122777 Sheldon Adelson gives Trump campaign $75 million in effort to beat Biden

>>122778, >>122782 WHO back again with results from "study" claiming no medication works against COVID

>>122780 Noem argues Hunter Biden story 'does grave damage' to former vice president's 'credibility'

>>122781 US authorities investigating if recently published emails are tied to Russian disinformation effort targeting Biden - FAKE NEWS CNN

>>122783 DHS, ICE announce arrests of more than 170 at-large aliens in sanctuary jurisdictions

>>122784 Twitter Alters Content Moderation Policy After Backlash

>>122785 "Benghazi whistleblower, Nick Noe, @scienceismymuseand I did verify the documents and audio files. I have seen the documents myself. I am simply saying, we are waiting on Parrot to release the files. He is working to get to the administration first.

>>122786 Valerie Jarrett behind NY mayoral candidate McGuire

>>122787 Finally, a mystery - why are the Royal Thai Air Force using the AZAZ0909 call sign? It appears to be a Bell Helicopter.

>>122789 The Mysterious October 20th DOJ Targeting Memo Finally, Quietly, Released – Weissmann Made Rosenstein Take Ownership of Michael Flynn Targeting…

>>122790 Trump administration has “sufficient” evidence against Obama administration officials over campaign espionage

>>122791 WHYY: Pennsylvania official says overwhelming majority of ballots will be counted three days after Election Day

>>122792 Gilead Disputes WHO Data Confirming COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir Is A "Flop"

>>122794 CENSORSHIP: Stephanopoulos, BIG TECH, MSM cover for Biden family to keep Americans in the dark

>>122795 /Comms/ have 3 bread splits going on

>>122797 Viganò on Pope’s ‘brotherhood’ encyclical: ‘A manifesto in the service of the New World Order’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WYQu1UK1wCk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*


>>122800 More Than 100 Absentee Ballots Found Among Undelivered Mail: Officials

>>122801 Justin Bieber "Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall" Pizzagate Crocs sell out instantly.


>>122803 #14203

(32 notables, 39 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173855

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11106795 Q Research General #14205: Anons Are not Divided Edition

Created 162021ZOCT20




>>122849 HIT PIECE - CIA, other spy agencies told White House about Rudy Giuliani's dealings with alleged Russian agents

>>122850 New emails about Hunter.

>>122851 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Ocala, FL 10/16/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9o-NCV6REqs - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Ocala, FL 10/16/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>122852 Twitter Updates ‘Hacked Materials’ policy after censoring NY Post’s Hunter Biden Exposé

>>122853 Israel stops granting visas to UN human rights workers

>>122854 Big Tech is set to shift more than 15 million election votes!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kMU2Vo6_CEQ - Dr. Robert Epstein on Big Tech Censorship [Channel: PragerU]

>>122855 Congress can quickly end Google’s worldwide monopoly on search by declaring Google’s massive search index, to be a Public Commons, accessible by all.

>>122856 Tesla's "Gigafactory" In Berlin Just Had The Water Shut Off For Not Paying The Bill

>>122857 Merkel Crushes the Right to Protest & US to Withdraw All Troops from Germany

>>122858 Biden Campaign Praises Censorship: Biden campaign ‘glad’ Twitter, Facebook censored Post’s Hunter Biden exposé… Facebook and Twitter execs on Biden transition team! HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST

>>122859 Fake News Panic

>>122860 PDJT - Twitter Shuts Down Entire Network To Slow Spread Of Negative Biden News

>>122861 United States Unseals Superseding Indictment Charging Nationwide Money Laundering Network

>>122862 "Doomsday" simulators are coming!

>>122863 BREAKING: The US Supreme Court will hear Trump appeal to exclude illegal immigrants from Census count - CNBC

>>122864 Take an hour out of your weekend to watch.

>>122865 #14205, (You) #14206, (You) #14207

(17 notables, 17 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173856

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11105970 Q Research General #14204:No Outside /COMMS/ Ever. Edition

Created 161907ZOCT20




>>122804 CommsKaren and Crew admit to splitting breads on purpose


>>122806 Trump Administration Denies California Request for Wildfire Disaster Aid

>>122807 POTUS boarded Air Force One as pool van pulled up.

>>122808 Reminder, anons Still waiting on this card to play

>>122809 How Charitable Billionaire Robert Smith Got Away With Cheating Taxes For 15 Years

>>122810 Ice Cube says CNN canceled his interview because they 'can't handle the truth'

>>122811 Federal Court Rebukes D.C. Mayor's Double Standard on Church Services and BLM Protests

>>122812 Canadian TV Network Sued After ‘Falsely Accusing’ Independent News Site Of Being Part Of Russian Cyber Operation

>>122813 Coronavirus again hits Roosevelt carrier as sailors test positive two days after new deployment

>>122814 Lockdown Lunacy is Typical Occult Behavior

>>122815 Hertz Snags $1.65 Billion Financing Deal: Here’s What It Means For The Car Rental Company

>>122816 Mark Kelly Campaign Spokesman Called Cops ‘Worthless F*cking Pigs’

>>122817 09-0015 USAF C-32A VIP (POTUS) departing SW Florida Airport for Ocala International Airport

>>122818 ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings

>>122819 /Comms/ have 3 bread splits going on

>>122820 Facebook Maintains Low Profile After Censoring Bombshell Biden Story

>>122821 Mark Levin: Joe Biden a Nasty Human Being Who Lied His Way to Power

>>122822 Melania Trump - It is always a pleasure to welcome visitors from across America to the @WhiteHouse for the annual #FallGardenTours. The change of seasons at the #WHGarden is very special & I look forward to sharing its beauty with the public.

>>122823 Unbelievably Evil’: Netherlands to Allow Euthanasia of Children Under 12 Years Old

>>122824 Poll finds just 15% of Americans confident in US democracy, as partisan divisions only grow ahead of presidential vote

>>122825 New FBI files released - Reads like BLM playbook

>>122826 09-0017 USAF C-32A back to MacDill AFB with POTUS in 09-0015 continuing north to Ocala

>>122827 Mother punched through SUV window by unhinged leftist who didn't like her Trump flags

>>122828 RNC Files FEC Complaint Against Twitter for ‘Illegal’ Contribution to Joe Biden

>>122829 EXCLUSIVE: 1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven’t We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won’t He Release It In Full?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X7ziEwfWghA - Rudy Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive, Claims 'You Will Be Absolutely Convinced...' [Channel: Daily Caller]

>>122830, >>122834 MORE SCAVINO

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4c727bed1689c6fac5c5d5afbb95d3324c3bc9e22a91493b41f2355cb3b84e99.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/39e3700904a41b7155a70d987df12eeb9a6736da0ed5d1ae7cd1eebe6130b698.mp4

>>122831 San Diego Unified School District Changes Grading System to ‘Combat Racism'

>>122832 Senate Commerce Cmte plans hrng on Oct 28 w/Big Tech execs on Section 230 liability shield. Witnesses include Twitter's Dorsey, Alphabet's (Google) Pichai & Facebook's Zuckerberg

>>122833 7-year-old girl forced to perform sexual act during online learning

>>122835 CEOs Of Facebook, Twitter, Google Will Attend Oct. 28 Senate Hearing

>>122836, >>122837 Jake Tapper White Rabbit

>>122838 Donald Trump Jr. - BOMBSHELL

>>122839 So much SIGINT and so many C-130 'X'

>>122840 09-0015 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS and crew on approach for Ocala-froze here and should be on ground shortly

>>122841 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

>>122842 Start here.

>>122843 AF1 WHEELS DOWN

>>122844 Monmouth University publishes "Media Literacy & Misinformation: How Misinformation Spreads"

>>122845 After they announced they would not be playing the National Anthem THE PEOPLE took matters into their own hands.

>>122846 Steve Bannon Associate, Miles Guo, Says Trump And The DOJ Are In Possession Of “Nuclear Bomb Hard Drives” Related To Hunter Biden, Xi Jinping, And China’s Biological Weapons Program

>>122847 #14204

(42 notables, 44 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173857

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11107734 Q Research General #14206: We Want Hope Edition

Created 162135ZOCT20




>>122866 - New report finds string of ballot mishaps confirms fears of large-scale mail-in voting

>>122867 - Fox News Hosts Panic When Rudy Drops Hunter Info

>>122868 - Dan Scavino Tweet

>>122869 - Fox and Friends 10/16/20 | Fox News Today October 16, 2020 8:15 mark

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cAF_hxXpz3U - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122870 - Who are the Rothschilds?

>>122871 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>122872 - Update on the Kobe Bryant fatal helicopter cash.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WdqkO0OAo-8 - Kobe Bryant Accident: Why it happened. [Channel: Forrest Haggerty Channel]


>>122874 - Hunter and Joe Scandal Takes a Dark Turn

>>122875 - GEOTUS TWEET

>>122876 - Schumer’s Days As Senate Leader Could Be Numbered, Rep. McCarthy Suggests - Receives Removal Notice

>>122877, >>122878 - "Gangsta” Rap, CIA & Mossad

>>122879 - Trumps official campaign account suspended by Twitter

>>122880 - Why Is The FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case?

>>122881 - CLIN - TON tweets

>>122882 - MEME OPS, #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>122883 - Did someone say bio-weapon plans?

>>122884 - Half of people polled agree with Supreme Court ruling limiting Whitmer’s powers


>>122886 - If No Indictments Prior to the Election, What Is Durham’s End Game?

>>122887 - International panel of doctors: its the flu.

>>122888 #14205, (You) #14206, (You) #14207

(22 notables, 23 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173858

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11109338 Q Research General #14208: Cozier Than Ever Before Edition

Created 162342ZOCT20




>>122921 - New Cambridge Analytica docs obtained by @AP

>>122922 - Nancy Pelosi urges Republican Party to denounce QANON, "and those kinds of things".

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TBnfMsWTlfI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122923 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Rally in Macon, GA 10-16-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1oZNPyEdULE - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Rally in Macon, GA 10-16-20 [Channel: Diamond and Silk - The Viewers View]

>>122924 - Sammamish WA is dealing with ballot theft!

>>122925 - Diddy Reveals Launch of Black Political Party Called Our Black Part

>>122926 - Hunter Biden Business Associate Flips From Prison, Releases Emails Detailing China Influence-Peddling Operation

>>122927 - Hard drive subpoenaed by FBI child porn case agent in 2019

>>122928 - CCP owned by the Rothschilds et al?

>>122929 - Palestinian on hunger strike in Israeli jail ‘on verge of death’

>>122930 - Michigan court of appeals stops 2 weeks absentee ballot extension

>>122931 - President Donald Trump Sends Signed MAGA Hat to 15-Year-Old Utah Student Who Was Bullied and Assaulted for Supporting Him

>>122932 - Mitch McConnell: Full Senate to Take Up Barrett Nomination on October 23

>>122933 - Trump Town Hall Scheduled for 10/21 @ WH

>>122934 - Email Trove Shows Hunter Biden Arranged WH Meetings for CCP Officials

>>122935, >>122936, >>122938, >>122941 - Islam has no place in the West.

>>122937 - Mitt Romney slams Trump for not condemning QAnon conspiracy, and adds scorn for Democrats refusing to denounce Antifa

>>122939 - The #WalkAway LGBT THROWDOWN (Left vs. Right Debate)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Mqn_4ogHD2w - The #WalkAway LGBT THROWDOWN (Left vs. Right Debate) [Channel: #WalkAway Campaign]

>>122940 - Is Ukraine The new Israel Of the Balkans?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MKxmeRGJSAc

>>122942 - Former Democratic rep whose nude photos were leaked set to host 'Naked Politics' podcast

>>122943, >>122944 - "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

>>122945 - Antifa's Jewish Origin

>>122946 - Welcome to the D Party

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dfc75ecd18a214a30fd94b370c18a367426718b4ee0f100eae2a40083e373b46.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09fa4c368e462791676584f0511db6471fa320a00cc9dda34838887563c6f81d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f461c4942706694c5fcd988104cab5d71b5abb04d2c1a45b5ea671935f7cb0e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/811361477067d6ac514d1e71421b422f53a570ddf2bac72399652d98f8c8e504.mp4

>>122947 - New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

>>122948 - The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations

>>122949, >>122950, >>122951 - China and Israel are two sides of the same coin.

>>122952 - Riccardo Bosi Australia Queensland Election Corruption Prime Minister Lockdowns

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hPFEld0bXqc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122954 - Potus making Q's just now.

>>122955 - Twitter is the second major social media network to ban Holocaust denial this week


>>122957 - 370K Pennsylvania mail-in ballot applications rejected: Report

>>122958 - Q Social Media & MSM modulating 1A…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=miwG6-2FQik - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122959 - Biden Hard Drive

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9LuSpHJNPe0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>122960 - Official Holocaust Narrative

>>122961, >>122962 - There is a Jewish race, and there is the Jewish religion (Judaism), and there are Jews that say that only racial Jews can be true religious Jews (aka: Jewish tribalism).

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f88d456827e7bc91ae8e53d4fe73de774ab0ce90f3567e604c96d1e9409bcbdd.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2c50ba8b007beaf08ad4798f862e9305493dbf73954578ac32553b654354d216.mp4

>>122963 - Senate Campaign Improperly Spent $1.5M: Joe Kennedy III

>>122964 (You) #14208, (You) #14209, (You) #14210

(37 notables, 44 posts, 100 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173859

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11108492 Q Research General #14207: We Are Unity Edition

Created 162238ZOCT20




>>122889, >>122901 - ‘He Belongs In Prison’: Rudy Giuliani Says Alleged Hunter Biden Hard Drive Shows He Broke Foreign Agents Law

>>122890 - Strange? KIDDIE KINGDOM in FallOut 4?

>>122891 - Facebook's guideline changes on Holocaust – important and overdue

>>122892 - Private vs. Public Company: An Overview, Twitter and Faceboo

>>122893, >>122899, >>122904 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>122894 - Supreme Court to rule on Trump's census illegal immigrant order

>>122895 - POTUS: "They (Biden family) sort of make crooked Hillary Clinton look like amateur hour"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/34211bc1999d64e9250da09a8cb31a900f1f6ccfa02e9a6b699f051484612e89.mp4

>>122896, >>122897, >>122898 - 7:00 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally; Macon, GA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T6oxl7GZVYE - LIVE: President Donald Trump in Macon, GA #Georgia [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>122900 - It's HABBENING!!! 3 DAYS AGO! Experts Sign Declaration Against Lockdowns

>>122902, >>122905, >>122911 - Chinese whistleblower explaining what video content has been found on the Hunter Biden laptop.

>>122903 - OCALA Speech

>>122906 - Hunter's laptop case just took a dark turn.

>>122907 - This Week at DoJ; Weekend Wrap-up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AwFiFJPtXy0 - This Week at Justice - October 16, 2020 [Channel: The Justice Department]

>>122908 - USArmy rt

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f129d19cd48133eff93cf526be50de5faaedbf91347d032daaca8c8d8228ad51.mp4

>>122909 - Liberty and the Pandemic

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=R6HQm3ZzyhM - Kristi Noem, Liberty and the Pandemic | National Leadership Seminar [Channel: Hillsdale College]

>>122910 - Hunter Biden pursued deals interesting family major Chinese firm

>>122912 - Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Complaint Can Proceed, Federal Judge Rules

>>122913, >>122915, >>122917 - #ProjectSafeChildhood October 14 - 16

>>122914, >>122916 - Catholic Dioceses In Colorado Pay $6.6 Billion To Sex Abuse Victims


>>122919 - 10 Books of New Testament?

>>122920 #14205, (You) #14206, (You) #14207

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XAqiNHOcEQQ - Nightcore - This Is Me [Dj Lote] [Channel: CLuBLioNx]

(22 notables, 32 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173860

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11110122 Q Research General #14209: Comfortable Discomfort Edition

Created 170038ZOCT20




>>122965 - Get in here - hunter, khashoggi, China, and more

>>122966 - Mark Levin: Joe Biden’s ‘Communist Manifesto’ Will Destroy Every Aspect of Our Culture and Society

>>122967 Hunter Biden China Email Source Verifies

>>122968 - Bombshell Biden Docs, Judicial Watch Study on DIRTY VOTING ROLLS, Clinton Update, & Tom's New Book!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3EjXs-T7Hp4 - Bombshell Biden Docs, Judicial Watch Study on DIRTY VOTING ROLLS, Clinton Update, & Tom's New Book! [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>122969 - Beto O’Rourke Expected to Teach at Texas State University in 2021

>>122970, >>122971, >>122973, >>122974 - More on Jewish/Israeli censorship.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2b44b602ffc376df3e2c66d9bbfbbf69960f5f9b42b24ddcabe8a1260baabb0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/68f4f46e98239c0a9041b55bd44f425e42356fafd5ec8596ca7a6e2d0dfcc79c.mp4

>>122972 - New York Dem Received Teaching Fees From Authoritarian Regime


>>122976, >>122979 - Reminder that MOS means mossad.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4d6f060a8897c7b7b6c0fb4a392398ee44da2e37457768ea92238333574e73e.mp4

>>122977 - Who is Marjorie Taylor Green?

>>122978 - ‘Mask mandates don’t work’: White House COVID adviser criticizes ‘obsession’ with masks

>>122980 - DOJ Admits to Federal Court That Trump Lied to His Supporters on Twitter About Declassifying All Russia Doc

>>122981 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>122982 - Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Mossad and Israel

>>122983 - JIDF

>>122984, >>122985 - Hollywoods Jewish Control

>>122986, >>122991 - GODFATHER, Mexico’s former defense secretary helped a cartel smuggle

>>122987 - FallOut4 Kiddie Kingdom anon elaborates

>>122988, >>122990 - Israel 9/11 and Greater Israel

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9117ccdfd612e37ae05e3e715bf24def7dc7dd7a5351bfdf61155a5f4cbe10de.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c70a6fd001e7bb41d4b37d16de1a0ed6d26e743d47941b122efa2b13d2b3895b.mp4

>>122989 - Macron calls killing of ‘beheaded’ French teacher an ‘Islamist terrorist attack’

>>122992, >>122993, >>122996, >>122999 - ’’’Moar US Global Leadership Coalition’’’

>>122994 - Twitter rolls out ‘DISPUTED’ warnings for users trying to post ‘misleading’ content after backlash over Biden emails censorship

>>122995 - How a Goya boycott led to a 'buycott'

>>122997 - Kek! Poor Joe can't speak without his TelePrompter.

>>122998 - BLM Harasses, Spits on Journalist, Vandalizes his Camera in front of NYPD

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1VTqnSjpEyg - BLM Harasses, Spits on Journalist, Vandalizes his Camera in front of NYPD [Channel: LLN NYC]

>>123000 - TRUMP: Hunter Biden is Like a ‘Vacuum Cleaner, He Follows His Father Around Collecting Money’

>>123001, >>123003 - Letter from 19 house Republicans to Director Wray

>>123002 - What is with the wannabe kidnapping trend?

>>123004 - Updates on Denver Shooting

>>123005 - What about this 17 second tweet? Coincidence?

>>123006 - Michigan Court of Appeals: Ballots Must Arrive by Election Day; 14-Day Extension Overturned

>>123007 - Eric Trump Pennsylvania Cookie Poll Update (wholesome)

>>123008 (You) #14208, (You) #14209, (You) #14210

(33 notables, 44 posts, 112 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173861

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11110885 Q Research General #14210: Eye of the Lion Edition

Created 170128ZOCT20




>>123009 - Michigan Court Steps in And Prevents 14-Day Absentee Ballot Extension

>>123010 - Putin Wants "Clear Answer" From US On Nuclear Arms Treaty, Offers 1-Year Extension

>>123011 - Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza

>>123012, >>123020 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>123013 - Sleepy Joe uses a humongous teleprompter at his Michigan low energy car rally

>>123014 - Witnessed..


>>123016 - FBI releases 'Finders' files after 3 decades; Declassified investigation linked to Tallahassee child abuse case

>>123017 - SUSPENDED ACCOUNT (Oscar theMidnight Rider 111 @The171111) GEOTUS RETWEET

>>123018 - Ian Miles Cheong Twat

>>123019 - Gabe Hoffman Twat

>>123021 - The Quartering, much if not most about Q and all of us.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2rqXGChTWFY - Big Changes At Youtube! This Will Be The END For Many Creators [Channel: TheQuartering]

>>123022 - Please allow me to think aloud Anons.

>>123023 - Mohammed A. Khashoggi

>>123024 - "Chinese Nationals" were fleeing to America to tell the truth about C19

>>123025 - Adam Housley Twat

>>123026 - Giullani Photo is 100 percent legit taken 6:20 PM EST October 16

>>123027 - Chanel Rion w/ Guillani Photo ..and Steve Bannon

>>123028 - Andy Ngo Twat

>>123029 - How many US Presidents were members of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners)?

>>123030 - Bernard B. Kerik Twat

>>123031 - Washington AG forms team to fight election interference

>>123032 - Cloudflare, Inc. sold by Chief Operating Officer: $8.57m-Oct 14,15,16

>>123033, >>123034 - Mickey Clock

>>123035 (You) #14208, (You) #14209, (You) #14210

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y7MJz5Gkl0U - Nightcore - Story Of Love [Avenue] [Channel: CLuBLioNx]

(25 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173862

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11111708 Q Research General #14211: Over and Around, Under We Go Edition

Created 170224ZOCT20




>>123036, >>123039, >>123065, >>123079 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>123037 - Stolen Radioactive Material Found In Mexico

>>123038, >>123042, >>123045, >>123051 - Guillani Image, just connecting the dots for any anons not aware

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123040 - Reuters "news" clip:Hope Hicks shares stage with Trump after virus bouts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jAhEAT0mH1Q - Hope Hicks shares stage with Trump after virus bouts [Channel: Reuters]

>>123041 - Steve Bing owed Amex $100k when he jumped from 27th floor of his apartment building

>>123043 - Chanel Rion Investigates Biden Bride Tapes w/ OANN

>>123044 - @ChrisCuomo speaks with Rapper @IceCube

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/461875d56310cb66f885d6bdf25b3ead462bb2ce3bb8855ba79fa653f326afdf.mp4

>>123046 - Miguelifornia Twat

>>123047 - UK’s US ambassador investigated over fears he leaked White House secrets to CNN reporter

>>123048 - Communist Part officials secure off the books meeting with Biden

>>123049 - Sorry, Republicans. Social media companies aren’t obligated to spread your lies.

>>123050 - Joe Biden, a candidate for President of the United States, appears to be compromised by the Chinese.

>>123052 - NOBODY WANTS to believe it, but it IS TRUE! SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE

>>123053 - Ice Cube Twat

>>123054 - why Sen. Susan Collins is voting against Amy Coney Barrett?

>>123055 - Donald Trump's horrifying QAnon dodge

>>123056 - AP Explains: What's behind Trump's town hall answer on QAnon

>>123057 - Tucker: Trump faced much tougher questions during dueling town halls

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TIuWpn38PsQ - Tucker: Trump faced much tougher questions during dueling town halls [Channel: Fox News]

>>123058 - Trump refuses to denounce QAnon, claims ignorance of conspiracy theory movement at town hall

>>123059 - QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory

>>123060 - QAnon's conspiracy theories seep dangerously into the real world

>>123061 - QAnon accounts make a dent in voting discussion on Twitter

>>123062 - NBC repositioned ‘nodding lady’ Mayra Joli behind President during town hall without realizing she supports him

>>123063 - How the GOP learned to love QAnon

>>123064 - Richard Grenell Twat

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1b309fd7d839c4f330c14b3568c27cf5c927a029b9a840d35d6d583120b13ae.mp4

>>123066 - Celebrities Call Out Trump for His QAnon Answer During Last Night's Town Hall

>>123067 - Chinese whistleblower gave the #Hunterbidenlaptop hard drives to DOJ, Trump

>>123068 - Rather than condemn the QAnon conspiracy theory, Trump elevates its dangerous central assertion

>>123069 - Trump Fails the QAnon Test

>>123070 - GOP Congressional Candidate Walks Out of Interview When Asked About QAnon Support

>>123071 - QAnon Supporters Say Trump Gave 'Complete Confirmation' of Conspiracy Theory at Town Hall

>>123072 - YouTube Cracks Down on QAnon Conspiracy Theory, Citing Offline Violence

>>123073 - POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY October 17 (QDay) 2020

>>123074 - "Attempted Robbery" - Security Guard Assigned To Ballot Box Shot In Baltimore

>>123075 - Karen Piper Twat

>>123076 - FNC’s Wallace: ‘I’m Suspicious’ of NY Post Hunter Biden Story — Giuliani Not a ‘Reliable Source’

>>123077 - Report: FBI Probing Whether Foreign Operatives Aided Release Of Hunter Biden Emails

>>123078 - From QAnon to dictators, Trump embraces those who embrace him back

>>123080 - Angel Particle Which Is Both Matter And Antimatter At The Same Time Discovered, Could Lead To 100 Million Times Faster Computers

>>123081 - El Padrino = The Godfather

>>123082 - Why Is The FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case?


>>123084 - Matt Wolking Twat

>>123085 (You) #14211, #14212, #14213

>>123086 - Americas Frontline Doctors has organized another White Coat Summit Press Conference on the steps of the Supreme Court

(45 notables, 51 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173863

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11112491 Q Research General #14212: A Light Shining in the Distance Edition

Created 170331ZOCT20




>>123087 Fast and furious witness audio drop

>>123088 Four Human Smuggling Stash Houses Busted in Texas near Border

>>123089 This video is from September 24th. Guy look familiar? He’s in the Guliani photo

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123090 #Cuomo #CNN Comes out LYING through his face (as usual) about #Qanon claiming They are against #Catholics & NOT against pedophilia

>>123091 WE ARE WINNING!

>>123092 Links and archives of relevant Rudy, Covid, Hunter, Hard drive bust

>>123093 Updated meme for sharing

>>123094 A former Mexican defense secretary is under arrest in the United States. U.S. prosecutors allege that Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos took bribes from a powerful Mexican cartel, allowing it to traffic drugs across the United States.

>>123095 Ezra Cohen Biography

>>123096 WATCH: Trump urges faith in God, not masks, tells Americans to ask ‘help from the Boss’

>>123097 Meet the Arizona Mafia — But Can They Do Anything to Help Emiliano Salinas Avoid Indictment?

>>123098 (You) #14211, #14212, #14213

(12 notables, 12 posts, 14 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173864

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11114004 Q Research General #14214: Night Shift Digging Edition

Created 170555ZOCT20




>>123112, >>123120, >>123122, >>123125, >>123128, >>123129, >>123152 "Comms" ? White Hats?

>>123113 Biden Wage Grab Statistics from FB

>>123114, >>123138, >>123157 West Coast Bribery Conspiracy Crumbles anon speculations based on twatter analysis

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=c6UZT9IS9b4 - Mexican cartel chief threatens government after mother's detention [Channel: Daily Mail]

>>123115 Family of Adam Housley Murdered Absolute Tragedy. Showering Generosity

>>123116, >>123117, >>123140, >>123142, >>123148, >>123168 Things To Remember...

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wVCMVkcnDvI - ABC clinton tarmac video 1 [Channel: Jamie Caldwell]

>>123118, >>123119, >>123165 LI MENG YAN News

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E5Gf8SEQQPI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123121, >>123137 So what did Podesta do in Beijing that was so great to warrant the Murphys congratulations?

>>123123, >>123126, >>123127 Campaign Projections from Frank Luntz via? Stepien? Jonathan Swann? Yellow Journalism

>>123124, >>123136, >>123170 PF

>>123130, >>123131 Anon concern over Notable inclusion. Q Told us to Watch The News. Are they "Under Control?"

>>123132, >>123160 The NYT's reporter is really being a bitch to Housley. He has personally spoken with John Paul and is reporting about the facts of how the laptop wound up with the FBI and that JP is not any type of foreign agent or working for muh Russia.

>>123133 Moar Fly Shit

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fa679e3880dc8a9ddfea2e92016034f73992d3d0b91d2a2f6743ae0c5cf14469.mp4

>>123134, >>123135, >>123166 Rep Steven Smith Tweets "Joe Biden is literally in business with the Chinese Communist Party.Thank you @RudyGiuliani for doing what Chris Wray REFUSES to do—HIS JOB."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2507f3d3fcab7d46f189266370694144d7e0ffdd4f2e67b8b421895b1a7bfc29.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9LuSpHJNPe0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GureRbH-_Xs - EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder [Channel: StevenCrowder]

>>123139 Facebook Tentacles interfering within the Recent Indo-China Disputes? Facebook denies accusations of fueling hate speech and pro-BJP bias in India

>>123141 What happens to Nov 3 election if a candidate is Arrested for Massive Corruption?

>>123143, >>123144 James Woods Tweets Jousts at WAPO

>>123145 NY Gov. Cuomo blames Republicans and the New York Post for nursing home deaths controversy PANIC IS SETTING IN

>>123146 10 and 2 on Bin Ladens Neice's Left Too.

>>123147, >>123150, >>123154, >>123155, >>123158, >>123162 "Biden Family Makes 'Crooked Hillary Clinton Look Like An Amateur'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f0bab8b2b5e33dd3245b412f0d26f52d12830b498cd33d9cc6b2342e493047eb.mp4

>>123149, >>123156 PANIC!!

>>123151 John B Wells Interview with recent Twitter Suspendees

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xFQoXWzf29Q - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123153 Sen Cruz reacts to reports claiming Google may be 'shifting power' to flip the Senate

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YVI4ZPy7oqE - Cruz reacts to reports claiming Google may be 'shifting power' to flip the Senate [Channel: Fox Business]

>>123159 Watch The Water! | Executive Order #55 YTD

>>123161 Clockfag Don Jr?

>>123163 NZ Election Headlin From Guardian

>>123164 Another one Amos Yee charged with child porn in United States

>>123167 Lord Kim darroch Digs

>>123169, >>123171 #14214

(28 notables, 60 posts, 91 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173865

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11113265 Q Research General #14213: Fast And Furious Coming To Light Edition

Created 170439ZOCT20




>>123099 CONFIRMED: FBI Chief Chris Wray Hid Information from the Public, Congress and Executive Branch that Absolved President Trump During Impeachment (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bkYquHMBBjk - FBI Chief Chris Wray Hid Information from Public that Absolved President Trump During Impeachment [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>123100 Re-drops about Clinton Foundation by FBIAnon from Summer of 2016

>>123101 BIG NEWS: Corey Lewandowski Breaks Down Latest Trump Internal Polling and OH, AZ, TX, GA, WI, PA, MI and Even MN are Looking GREAT for TRUMP (VIDEO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jt2e0tooWLQ - Corey Lewandowski: "Our Polls Today Internally - are Better Today than They were 4 Years Ago!" [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>123102, >>123103 NBL - Catch the clock? Comms?

>>123104, >>123105 Here ya go….this is the email sent to John Paul by Hunter Biden's lawyer. It is in reference to returning the laptops.

>>123106 Surprise: Majority of Arabs back Trump Middle East peace plan, 79% of Saudis.

>>123107 Refresh Benghazi Hearing - HRC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MxpJvrclIfM - Rep. Gowdy Tears Into Clinton Before The Break | TheBlaze [Channel: TheBlazeNow]

>>123108 A recipient on the Hunter Biden email has VERIFIED the emails

>>123109 He said that because he is legally blind and can only see a few feet. He has zero doubt it was Hunter. Also the signature checks out.

>>123110 Think about this…John Paul more than 1 year ago he sees stuff on a laptop..which happens during normal hard drive recovery..and contacts the FBI with the help of his Vietnam Vet dad…doesn't go to media…Doesn't sell it for millions..and he is the one getting attacked? WTF?

>>123111 (You) #14211, #14212, #14213

(11 notables, 13 posts, 14 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173866

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11114853 Q Research General #14215: 10.17.2020 Edition

Created 170744ZOCT20




>>123172, >>123173 A Baker's Prayer

>>123174 DNC-CON

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/69edad03295541c500d839008135c1a63c21ad405536b969111f0ba2aa05cc8f.mp4

>>123175 Inthematrixxx and Shady making some hard core claims on John B Wells show that anons would like to see sauce and hear more about.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xFQoXWzf29Q - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123176, >>123184, >>123198 Cnn Reports on Qanon & Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=929viHEzCEY - QAnon and Trump: Hear what his supporters think [Channel: CNN]

>>123177 A federal appeals court revived an effort from House Democrats to enforce a subpoena for the testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn.

>>123178, >>123183, >>123185, >>123188 "China's most feared man"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4cwXifDaCjE - 🔴 Exiled Chinese Billionaire's Accusations of China (w/ Guo Wengui & Kyle Bass) | RV Classics [Channel: Real Vision Finance]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-GHPgjvv7-I - 【@ebcCTime 】20201007 完整版 蓬佩奧亞洲行鞏固反中聯盟以台灣為中心? 美大選戰況「撲朔迷離」!? |劉寶傑 [Channel: 關鍵時刻]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123179, >>123186, >>123187 Teacher beheaded in France after showing class caricatures of Muhammad.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a9naYZtTyxE - Teacher beheaded near Paris after showing class images of Mohammed | ABC News [Channel: ABC News (Australia)]

>>123180 Jacinda's Still In PM NZ

>>123181, >>123201 Admiral Rogers | Future Proves Past | Defending Critical Infrastructure in the Private Sector

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0106d654855c5c41f4ace7d59f98d8acd21932c81ba51d0cf7039b0dcbcdcb85.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4lD5EdYvesk - Raven Rock Mountain Complex - Google Earth [Channel: About Camp David]

>>123182, >>123191, >>123194 Anons are working against Global Conspiracy yet the Leading Conspiracy is the Conspiracy that Qanon is a Cult of Conspiracy Theorists? CNN Reports. While Omitting ANTIFA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hOkKkH23pi4 - Ex-QAnon believer breaks his silence. How he escaped the viral cult [Channel: CNN]

>>123189, >>123192 The Real Pandemic: Trump Derangement Syndrome.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CwwZcFy5dgQ - The Real Pandemic: Trump Derangement Syndrome. [Channel: BestProAction]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2c1e80a1dd1ccb4d8764f0214c9967a175d617997509931bc7ac277cc093397.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/11e27419d348cd84863182b66978d2d855d5f442b247ab73a758b7a6950b4199.mp4

>>123190 Clergy shortage grows to more than 14k Catholics for every priest, Vatican data shows

>>123193 Pompeo Says Opening of Cypriot Ghost Town is “Provocative”, Must be Reversed

>>123195 How the Kidz Doin? Ellen Chronicles

>>123196 Pompeo Calls on Haiti to Hold ‘Overdue’ Legislative Elections

>>123197 Deltas Deltas

>>123199 PF

>>123200 BG Claims This is New Norm for Years to come.

>>123202, >>123206 Podesta was in Beijing in October 2014 with 'special envoy for climate change' Todd Stern.

>>123203 SAFARI CLUB

>>123204 YouTube Updates Content Rules to Crack Down on QAnon and Other Conspiracy Theories

>>123205 Anon req note on baker noteable about ITM and Shadygroove being suspended

>>123207 Headline putting blame on Trump flags for ballot errors.

>>123208 #14215

(24 notables, 37 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173867

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11116450 Q Research General #14217: The Book Of REEEE! Edition

Created 171202ZOCT20




>>123252 Uk based vid, but covers SERCO activities across the world.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hAl6YvpBZpY - SERCO {SPECTOR } AND OTHER PRIVATE CONTRACTORS MIL [Channel: redpill phil]

>>123253 Chinese virus Reports


>>123255 digging on the government agency that determines reimbursement to medical providers, CMS.

>>123256 Remember POTUS surprise visit to the CDC back in March

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7H8q5Ydil-Y - President Trump Visits the CDC Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia | LIVE | NowThis [Channel: NowThis Impact]

>>123257 370K Pennsylvania mail-in ballot applications rejected: Report

>>123258 Pearland ISD Teacher: Trump Supporters Are Racist And Should Not Be Teachers

>>123259, >>123260, >>123262 Freeman Fly commentary video : Disney's World +moar

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-F93BMqWCJs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HSegIlXXBx0 - Disney World Underground Tunnels (Myth or Facts.) [Channel: TheDisneyWorldVideos]

>>123261 Wasn't their a "GODFATHER" reference posted by "Q"…hmmm.

>>123263 Vegas shooting dig by Anon

>>123264 I trust no one Anon (oped)

>>123265 Morning Covfefe

>>123266 Reminder 'How is blackmail used?' -Q

>>123267 Why do some countries in Europe not show spikes in excess deaths this year?

>>123268 It's disquieting to think that our cells are each tiny machines of enormous complexity...

>>123269 The China connection is unraveling.

>>123270 Crack Pipe Biden and Bitten biden for Keks

>>123271 Found this pictures on google by typing their names 郭文贵 , 路德

>>123272 NEW Frontline Doctors update on China Virus calling for the end to mask wearing from the steps of the Supreme Court.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RNHIytSPRm0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123273 Operation Pegasus

>>123274 I wanted to share a, totally cool man

>>123275 Rudy Giuliani lays out the Biden Crime Family Syndicate and talks about the content on Hunter's hard drive. (Vid)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9LuSpHJNPe0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123276 Did you recognize Osama?

>>123277 #VOTEREPUBLICAN and Chekt.

>>123278 how-comcast-bought-democratic-party-matthew-continetti

>>123279 explosion in Harrisonburg VA

>>123280 Da lai lama is involved in some nefarious stuff?

>>123281 Inalienable Rights (Pic Related)

>>123282 #14217

(29 notables, 31 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173868

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11115669 Q Research General #14216: Don of a Q day 2020 Edition

Created 171005ZOCT20




>>123209, >>123211, >>123230 A recap for morning anons regarding the CCP hard drives on Biden

>>123210, >>123212, >>123213, >>123216, >>123217 Planefag reports

>>123214, >>123219 The QAnon disciples next door

>>123215 South China Sea threat: US pushes Beijing as Trump sends warships to disputed waters

>>123218 McConnell says full Senate will take up Barrett nomination on October 23

>>123220 From CM…a Chinese video with great ENGRISH subtitles regarding the hard drives from CCP

>>123221 Oct 15: Soon to be unemployed CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield ghost writes ProPublica article blaming every other person on Earth for his incompetence.

>>123222 #Snowden trending

>>123223 Where have all the Chinese virus cases gone? Vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5fc3116838e9fa011884f306be861cffcce10e7056551c6a45e2048bbd89a1d.mp4

>>123224 Here's an anti-CCP Chinese Patriot Billionaire

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4cwXifDaCjE - 🔴 Exiled Chinese Billionaire's Accusations of China (w/ Guo Wengui & Kyle Bass) | RV Classics [Channel: Real Vision Finance]

>>123225 Eric Trump Tweets

>>123226 Pelosi Wants To Remove Votes From Soldiers Overseas: ‘They Don’t Even Live Here’

>>123227 The victim was named as Samuel Paty, 47, and his killer was identified as Aboulakh A, an 18-year-old Russian national of Chechen origin.

>>123228, >>123232, >>123237, >>123239 "Govenor" ANDREW Cuomo in panic mode as nursing home deaths under scrutiny

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/93000b02d09926e1b4c05997629befc5c5f8168a4bb40360884de46228781226.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d98a84d6c88b7ec90fdbb2de967126cc664cc37856c6de0bf23cffd9956a1b05.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b2cedd7a95c6106086267e8f4b01b72a2026737ce1a78b93eaeb9f19a4a343b.pdf

>>123229 Left Targets Dianne Feinstein For Not Attacking Amy Coney Barrett Hard Enough

>>123231 Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Takes a Dark Turn — FBI’s Top Lawyer on Child Porn Involved in Case

>>123233 Over 100 Officers Have Left Seattle Police Department In Recent Months – Active Force Smallest In Decades

>>123234 CONFIRMED: FBI Chief Chris Wray Hid Information from the Public, Congress and Executive Branch that Absolved President Trump During Impeachment (VIDEO)

>>123235 Rudy Giuliani Describes the Bidens as a Crime Family. Here's Why We Should Listen to Him.

>>123236 Saw this post about Clinton Foundation. Prime example of high profile person implicated is Joel Getz.

>>123238 Democrats Lost More Than a Supreme Court Seat This Week

>>123240 Jonathan Turley: Hunter Biden's laptop and the Facebook, Twitter censorship scandal – watch these 3 things

>>123241 New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

>>123242 TV News Networks Bury Hunter Biden Story with Less Than 10 Minutes of Coverage Over 2 Days

>>123243 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>123244 Report: Dianne Feinstein Elementary On List Of ‘Inappropriate’ School Names, May Be Changed

>>123245 Biden says he’ll ‘absolutely’ raise taxes on job-creating corporations despite COVID economic downturn

>>123246 Covid-19 vaccine to be MANDATORY in Brazil’s most populous state Sao Paulo – governor Joao Doria

>>123247 Senate Commerce Committee to Hold Hearing on Section 230 With CEOs of Twitter, Google, and Facebook

>>123248 Hollywood's Threatening to Move Again if Trump Wins. It Worked So Well the Last Time…

>>123249 US Hospitals Received Up to $306,000 for Each New COVID Case; German Anti-Lockdown MD Arrested

>>123250 Facebook censored Tiffany Trump then claimed it was an error

>>123251 #14216

(33 notables, 43 posts, 51 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173869

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11117208 Q Research General #14218 Crack Pipe Joe, Where Did Ya Go? Edition

Created 171355ZOCT20




>>123283 FBI probing whether emails in New York Post story about Hunter Biden are tied to Russian disinformation

>>123284, >>123308 chris-wrays-fbi-investigating-whether-hunter-biden-emails-russian-disinformation-operation/

>>123285 Soros Funds Campaign of L.A. Prosecutor Candidate who Vows Lock Up Fewer Criminals

>>123286, >>123299 feds-to-execute-kansas-woman-who-killed-victim-cut-baby-from-womb

>>123287 "News Organizations are deleting articles and re-writing the medical history of America" ARCHIVE OFFLINE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd57e46f9ff57689b46173efab2cc1a4746e7c56727b73f61115724791692807.mp4

>>123288, >>123295 crenshaw-calls-himself-an-environmentalist

>>123289 Chinese CEO Of OKEx Crypto Exchange ‘Arrested’ Again; Whales Bail

>>123290 devon-archer-associate-cooney-who-turned-over-emails-to-journos-is-spouse-of-mueller-prosecutor/

>>123291 Millions of Americans are entering poverty amid pandemic as stimulus runs out

>>123292 Horrifying footage of boat crew massacred by gunmen

>>123293 texts-show-raw-intimate-exchange-between-joe-and-hunter-biden


>>123296 the-outing-of-the-seals-has-secdef-ticked-off

>>123297, >>123336 how-will-5g-unlock-location-targeting

>>123298 twitter.com/johnbrennan

>>123300 twitter.com/JoeBiden/

>>123301 Playstation Will Record Private Voice Chats So Players Can Be Snitched On For Mean Words

>>123302 congressman-fbi-launch-criminal-investigation-biden-family

>>123303 Donald Trump Says He May Leave U.S. if He Loses Presidential Election

>>123304 Global Currency Reset/Federal Reserve/Central Banks/Crypto

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=enmHW4gCkAY - EMERGENCY BROADCAST - IMF calls for Bretton Woods Monetary Renegotiation As Predicted [Channel: Simon Dixon]

>>123305 Mitt Romney is ok with Antifa burning down Portland

>>123306 twitter.com/cortessteve

>>123307 A Prayer for POTUS and the United States of America

>>123309 New Poll

>>123310, >>123312, >>123319 PlaneFag Report

>>123311 Locked from Paypal

>>123313 kristen-welker-next-debate-moderator-has-deep-democrat-ties

>>123314 jeffrey-peterson-explains-fast-and-furious-arizona-mafiawav

>>123315 Thailand-protesters-vow-to-continue-with-daily-rallies

>>123316 Covid 1984 hoax protest Live streaming from London right now

>>123317 GUY-ADAMS-uncovers-links-suspect-regime-just-damage-Hunter-Biden-cause

>>123318 Same JItarth Jadeja at St Johns on exchange?

>>123320 Racist Trump Supporters? (btw i see black hands helping)

>>123321 Rudy live TODAY on Steve Bannon’s War Room

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I-8BtQg6F2A - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123322 corey-lewandowski-breaks-latest-trump-internal-polling

>>123323, >>123325 Thousands of doctors declare lockdown harmful to public health

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H7Ms30KUxG4 - Thousands of doctors declare lockdown harmful to public health, call for immediate reopening of U.S. [Channel: One America News Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H7Ms30KUxG4 - Thousands of doctors declare lockdown harmful to public health, call for immediate reopening of U.S. [Channel: One America News Network]

>>123324 Russia, Saudi Arabia Prepared to Keep Energy Market Stable

>>123326 CHEQT on this 17th day of October

>>123327 Doctorss Deleted - here's one of many, that were saved and posted on bitchute.

>>123328 Twitter is BLOCKING a @WesternJournal

>>123329 cosmic-computer-new-philosophy-explain-universe

>>123330 Exclusive: Larry C. Johnson Interviews John Paul Mac Isaac

>>123331, >>123332, >>123335, >>123337, >>123338 Frontline Doctor on steps of Supreme Court 10/17/20 Archive offline.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5edf666738928a9d8f87f8ab067473a9bb614689be0ac52839d9417ecbb36c5f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0ab85544090ac6bb09deec98c6422848c861dcf4959ac5fb90976edd77328bb2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a20f1fa8cda1953914de64c2ea88feaf783191a2a0384cc56c24cac63342c70.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8b919ace41dc594f1d5a9a12056382a6946f002f8208cbd7b71d7fb5d45dc3a5.mp4

>>123333 Pennsylvania Rejects 334,000 Duplicate Ballots Already

>>123334 China and how they own the Biden Family

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iAINznWcX50 - China OWNS The BIDEN Crime Family | Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon | Ep. 73 [Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani]

>>123339 #14218

(46 notables, 57 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173870

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11118715 Q Research General #14220: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CANNOT ATTACK THE INFORMATION Edition

Created 171640ZOCT20




>>123379, >>123386 CORRECTED DOUGH WITH NOTES FROM '19

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32671a10d8ea2ac6851b9a6294f9b16a606ff634ee740167683bf2371c3efe3f.mp4

>>123380 Digital Soldiers Needed for the Quora.com Digital Battlefield


>>123382 ————————————–——– THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

>>123383 I have a theory that may explain many drops and story lines related to the latest Hunter Biden info

>>123384 Fairly sure Ive locked onto a piece of the puzzle re: who is behind those [injected] false "anons" you mention.

>>123385 Anons, ARCHIVE OFFLINE before Youtube scrubs this too!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123387 Hunter Biden's emails

>>123388 American's Frontline Doctors Press Briefing (10/17/2020) BITCHUTE LINK


>>123390 It was awesome getting retweeted by @realDonaldTrump

>>123391 Comms Bakers are fired

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CHzdxly0Y9Q - Donald Trump "You're Fired" Compilation [Channel: Noah Brockway]

>>123392 Notable sauce to go with Drops of hunters emails.

>>123393 ALL PB - Minibun


>>123395 The Commission on Presidential Debates have issue the topics for the final Trump-Biden debate.


>>123397 #14220

(18 notables, 19 posts, 20 media/files)

Q- >>123382

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173871

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11117973 Q Research General #14219 FRONT LINE DOCTORS Edition

Created 171521ZOCT20




>>123340 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump -GIANT RED WAVE COMING!

>>123341 Judge in case of Devon Archer associate Cooney is spouse of Mueller prosecutor


>>123343 US drone strike kills 2 senior Al Qaeda leaders in Syria

>>123344 CIA´s playbook?

>>123345 Top Insider Trades week ending 100620

>>123346 why did Hunter's attorneys call the shop and ask for the laptop

>>123347 Florida took thousands of kids from families, then failed to keep them safe.

>>123348 https://twitter.com/drsimonegold - Earlier clips of America's Frontline Doctors reassembled

>>123349 At RedWave, we believe in providing excellence in all we do.

>>123350 Man Who Reportedly Gave Hunter’s Laptop to Rudy Speaks Out in Bizarre Interview

>>123351 The division starts from the notion that reality of humanity is one of self-alienation (Anon Oped)

>>123352 Public university professor deletes ‘F— ’em all’

>>123353 I think this picture was taken at the Arizona Inn in Prescott Valley before the raid (I Wear Shades Inside Edition)

>>123354 soros-funds-campaign-of-l-a-prosecutor-candidate-who-vows-lock-up-fewer-criminals

>>123355 https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza - Tom Fitton RT of @DineshDSouza

>>123356 What would be a easy way to spread a virus without no one noticing (Anons thinking again)

>>123357 New York State Child Protective Services agency suppressed 725 child death reports over decade

>>123358 Reminder Whitecoat Medical Summit

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ceb7fb79fa59609d86db5d8de34fbfe489fab0f4024a8d1de5ee5477f0c1ce9e.mp4

>>123359 anon thinks real issue with 5G is not electromagnetic radiation, but geolocation.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13d94c8d03e0a6bc1da4f017ce530e7764be90c4064c0c1eb79f034b3d10e067.pdf

>>123360 Jim watkins live in texas on j00tube right now.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lAE47hMLvO4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123361 new-jw-study-voter-registration - HERE IS THE INFO NEEDED TO SAVE MANKIND.

>>123362 "Here’s how we got these documents:

>>123363 sex-slaves-forced-to-have-sex-30-times-a-day

>>123364 Colorado man sentenced to 304 years for human trafficking

>>123365 Rempel Garner blasts Trudeau Liberals over 'outrageous cover-up tactics' for refusal to release COVID-19 documents

>>123366 Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly from the natural world. (Anon OPed)

>>123367 I think the Hunter mirror selfie picture was taken at the Arizona Inn in Prescott Valley before the raid

>>123368 Hold China Accountable

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sdOImxJvehA - Hold China Accountable [Channel: American Bondholders Foundation]

>>123369 China has defaulted on their sovereign debt to the American People for long enough.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae3cb52c2bc999cb200e71a8a5d9f2f054b195c5011c12d1724c27544d12910d.mp4

>>123370, >>123374 ————————————–——– WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CANNOT ATTACK THE INFORMATION [primary source 1]? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32671a10d8ea2ac6851b9a6294f9b16a606ff634ee740167683bf2371c3efe3f.mp4

>>123371 Reminder Marion Barry

>>123372 https://twitter.com/stinchfield1776

>>123373 https://twitter.com/ingrahamangle - Twitter has deleted the Biden teleprompter video

>>123375 https://twitter.com/lonewolfbuilder #FightBack

>>123376 Don’t forget: Executive Order seizing the assets of CCP

>>123377 https://www.patentsencyclopedia.com/invl/ja

>>123378 ##14219

(38 notables, 39 posts, 41 media/files)

Q- >>123370

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173872

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11118807 Q Research General #14220 Dough Split Edition

Created 171645ZOCT20




>>123398 Biden e-mails and messages dropped in dead bread. - Off Bread

(1 notable, 1 post, 5 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173873

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11119509 Q Research General #14221: THE BEST IS YET TO COME Edition

Created 171721ZOCT20




>>123399 Smoking Gun Email

>>123400 S A cabal

>>123401 Chris Wray’s FBI Is Investigating Whether Hunter Biden Emails are “Russian Disinformation Operation”

>>123402 New Ron Johnson letter to Chris Wray

>>123403 Biden uses National Cat Day to fundraise for putting a 'pet back in White House'

>>123404 Biden Falsely Claims Boilermakers Union Endorsed Him

>>123405 Racial Tensions rising in Cannukistan as 2nd wave shutdown looms

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bb4611513f699abdf586b4856cd39b60e6943c8d941521a9962e2ad07d44b549.mp4

>>123406 Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Issac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released!

>>123407 'We Will Not Be Deterred' - Trudeau Responds After Beijing Directly Threatens "Health & Safety" Of 300,000 Canadians In Hong Kong

>>123408 Confidential banking records related to Hunter Biden in Senate hands: Report

>>123409 German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in quarantine after bodyguard is revealed to have Covid-19

>>123410 'If not a genocide, something close to it' going on in China: US national security adviser; warns Taiwan of Chinese invasion

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=o4O-ymHeWkk - Leaked video EXPOSES Uighur ethnic cleansing in China & AMBASSADOR tries to justify it [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>123411 Clinton foundation charged with evading up to $2.5 billion in taxes

>>123412 Cutter Valiant returns home after interdicting $27 million in cocaine

>>123413 Alabama Breaks Absentee Voting Record Weeks Before Election

>>123414 Report: Former UK Ambassador to U.S Investigated for Possible Leaks to Alleged CNN Lover

>>123415 The Human Network and spreading Truth

>>123416 MASSIVE Lawsuit ensues over Lockdowns & Fraudulent Tests

>>123417 ‘Garbage company’: Mother Jones chief lashes out at Facebook for throttling traffic to left-leaning news site

>>123418 I just did with an assist from Q right after you re-injected yourself into the dough

>>123419 Budapest Blasts Biden on ‘Son’s Ukrainian Energy Deals’ After Attack on Hungary and Poland

>>123420 Brexit ‘trade talks are over’: UK sees no point in more negotiations unless EU changes its stance

>>123421 Report: Anti-Brexit, Anti-Trump George Osborne Being Lined Up as Next BBC Chairman

>>123422 U.S. Identifies Mexico’s Former Defense Secretary as Narco-Godfather Figure

>>123423 Chinese whistleblower reveals Hunter Biden sex tapes contain video of Joe Biden’s son sexually ABUSING multiple under-age Chinese teens

>>123424 Wray Shows True Colors By Rewarding FBI Agent Who Pushed “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot” With Plum Promotion

>>123425 Anti-Trump Former UK Deputy Prime Minister ‘Involved’ In Facebook Censorship of Biden Story

>>123426 Take the poll.

>>123427 Human Smugglers Dump Small Children on Border Riverbank in Texas

>>123428 Report: Source confirms 'the big guy' in alleged Hunter Biden-China email is reference to Joe Biden

>>123429 #14221

>>123430, >>123431 ————————————–——– Adam Schiff claims Hunter Biden email stories come 'from the Kremlin' (Cap: )

(32 notables, 33 posts, 53 media/files)

Q- >>123430

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173874

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11120300 Q Research General #14222: Welcome to the Digital Battlefield Edition

Created 171811ZOCT20




>>123432, >>123434 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show! (Vid: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LUsLDzXWUU4 - Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical) [Channel: Krstonosec1]

>>123433 Disney slap racism warnings on classic films Peter Pan, Dumbo and The Jungle Book due to 'negative racial depictions and mistreatment of people or cultures'

>>123435 Bloomberg donates $250,000 to boost Jewish support for Biden in Florida

>>123436 A person living in the same residence as Pope Francis has tested positive for the coronavirus, the Vatican announced on Saturday, adding to concerns about the pope’s safety.

>>123437 Facebook COO pledges $2.5 mill to Israel advocacy group, brushing off Palestinian complaints of censorship

>>123438, >>123444 ————————————–——– Adam Schiff claims Hunter Biden email stories come 'from the Kremlin' (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6a89b39a7dc6bc34aa5328cfddfa040b7ae9681c15a60a0f52649b307329667f.mp4

>>123439 Mainstream Media Finally Covers Israel Lobby Corruption in Virginia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KtNDK_jL2mE - What took so long?! Mainstream media FINALLY covers Israel lobby corruption in Virginia. [Channel: IRmep Stream]

>>123440 New Campaign Filings Show Ilhan Omar Rigging The Game To Get Filthy Rich In Public Office

>>123441 Science or Politics?

>>123442 Afghanistan-Bound Convoy Attacked In Northwest Pakistan, NATO Armored Vehicles Torched

>>123443 Lavrov Has Had It. Proposes Russia Stops Talking to the West

>>123445 New Baker

>>123446 Israel: Thousands mass at PM’s residence as major protests resume

>>123447 Law enforcement world slams Biden's advice to shoot suspects 'in the leg'

>>123448 Prince William County ignores federal criminal warrant under new policy

>>123449 keky notable for keks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=htVa95egwHg - Cocaine in the Ukraine - An Ode to Hunter Biden [Channel: Sideshow Bob]

>>123450 FED Court Ruled: 30,055 Citizens Were Illegally Spied Upon (?)

>>123451 Military Situation In Syria On October 17, 2020 (Map Update)

>>123452 John Brennan Shot of Adrenaline

>>123453 #14222

(20 notables, 22 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>123432

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173875

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11121137 Q Research General #14223: 556th Pain Edition

Created 171858ZOCT20




>>123454 GOP Senate Candidate Censored TWICE for Tweets on Mass Migration

>>123455 Map Update: Armenian-Azerbaijani War On October 17, 2020

>>123456, >>123459 UK News Queen / Police Quits

>>123457 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is facing questions (10/3)

>>123458 Adam Housley You biggest concern should be the FBI (did nothing)

>>123460 Thailand Protests Grow Fiercer Against Military Ruler

>>123461, >>123463, >>123464, >>123466 DJT: Biden is a National Security threat! / more

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2338020ce9a97223fc6b3ddf10866152030d907e9cf96e8de02b03c166af8077.mp4

>>123462 Mark Zuckerberg told Facebook to throttle traffic to certain news websites

>>123465 Navy fires Fitzgerald XO

>>123467 Police and CPS missed three chances to put Lord Janner on trial

>>123468, >>123470 POTUS taking off on AF1 shortly / Stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iUFhuZan3eU - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Muskegon, MI 10/17/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>123469 Ngo: “Wake Up, Motherf*cker, Wake Up!”

>>123471, >>123472 ————————————–——– Do you see how it works? (Cap: )

>>123473 ————————————–——– Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran, …… opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.

>>123474 #14223, (You) #14224, (You) #14225

(15 notables, 21 posts, 34 media/files)

Q- >>123471, >>123473

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173876

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11121933 Q Research General #14224: Biden is a National Security Threat! Edition

Created 171944ZOCT20




>>123475 - Wray has until 10/22 to answer questions about FBI technical analysis

>>123476 - Man Who Reportedly Gave Hunter’s Laptop to Rudy Speaks Out in Bizarre Interview

>>123477 - Book deals.

>>123478, >>123480, >>123482, >>123486 - Biden corruption…

>>123479, >>123483 Sputnik: "If TikTok is saved, you can thank me", Graham boasted.

>>123481, >>123485, >>123487 Q Post Notable tweet caps

>>123484 - Giuliani Says It’s Reasonable To Worry About Biden’s Allies Potentially Killing People

>>123488 - How is it that CNN Anderson Cooper gets away with doing the anti-QAnon stories over and over

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=929viHEzCEY - QAnon and Trump: Hear what his supporters think [Channel: CNN]

>>123489 - Notice The Jewish Shills Assaulting Christianity on 8kun

>>123490 - More Than 200 Million Americans Could Have Toxic PFAS in Their Drinking Water

>>123491 - The (Hunter Biden Laptop "whistleblower") was subpoenaed by the FBI on (Dec 9, 2019). What has the FBI been doing since then?

>>123492 - French government imposes curfew on 20 million citizens to handle COVID crisis

>>123493 - Obama to stump for Bidden less than two weeks efore election

>>123494, >>123498, >>123506 - Adam Housley Tweet + A snapshot of Faegre, Hunter's defense attorneys:


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7bf041b10ec32e75294770b49fb190df17e4f7657578e26f8671d763dcb0279.mp4

>>123496 - Archive show from Stinchfield regarding Qanon segment.

>>123497 - Q3990 List *fired* FBI _Call to DIG

>>123499 - Minnesota's Rep. Ilhan Omar gets $250G book deal

>>123500 - Book Deals - Example

>>123501 - Dan Scavino Tweet (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86586f3225dcb5b007ad501c92f0374df6e7cdd8e61e7754b0d0719eed127114.mp4

>>123502 - Susan Collins Donated To QAnon Supporters Running For Office

>>123503 - GEOTUS in High Spirits

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/994f0595173ab25db75d2f241f4177fa044b1100a5734a50fb9ed56b6756bb44.mp4

>>123504, >>123508 - We out here Panefaggin'

>>123505 - Every Poll is a Goal

>>123507 - Democratic candidate alleges vote-buying by her party

>>123509 - Facebook's COO Responds After Nearly 130 NGOs Put Platform On Notice For Unchecked Jew Hatred

>>123510 #14223, (You) #14224, (You) #14225

(27 notables, 36 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173877

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11123386 Q Research General #14226: We Are The News Now Edition

Created 172111ZOCT20




>>123537 - Typhoon Investigations KEK, the truth about Hunter..

>>123538 - Frontline Doctors speak out

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6HLcg9n-WPs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123539 - Mail carrier shot, GUESS THE CITY

>>123540 - LIVE: Trump delivers campaign remarks in Michigan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mFUQyY4UxK0 - Trump delivers campaign remarks in Michigan [Channel: Fox Business]

>>123541 - China Accused of Forcibly Removing Organs from Prisoners of Conscience to Harvest for Transplants

>>123542 - Farnsworth's Take on anonymous message boards

>>123543 - Email from UKRAINE to Hunter and Devon

>>123544 - U.S. Air Force Tweets

>>123545 - Professor Frink's calculations

>>123546 - Pelosi Jr. officially promoted the fraudulent IGObit currency.

>>123547 - "Pope removes Polish bishop accused of sex abuse cover-up"

>>123548 - House Judiciary GOP, "Where's Chris Wray?"

>>123549 - Excerpts from Jewish Talmud (Jew Law)

>>123550 (Video) - Paul Pelosi Jr. Youth Soccer Kiev Ukraine 2017 Corporate Governance

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZtT4fM1kxOA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123551, >>123554 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>123552 - Valerie Jarrett signs book deal

>>123553 - Senate Homeland Committee Demands Answers From FBI Over Hunter Biden Laptop

>>123555 - Dan Scavino Tweets (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06037d22ea68772482caa353b741b7fed69854be2d5826a95ca557c302750f73.mp4

>>123556 - The Hidden Tyranny (24 Pages) "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1e50d3f2c402071b6ec5ffc66cbf3d3e6aa52836ea92580403335feb2998ae5.pdf

>>123557 - Method of Execution for Federal Treason is Injection of PENTOBARBITAL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=loyZFG6gUs8 - "Team Pentobarbital": OK Officials Joked About Seeking Football Tix for Help with Execution Drugs [Channel: Democracy Now!]

>>123558 (You) #14226, (You) #14227, (You) #14228

(21 notables, 22 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173878

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11124228 Q Research General #14227: Night Echoes Near Edition

Created 172207ZOCT20




>>123559 - CNN’s Don Lemon asks a rape survivor if she tried to avoid it

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-YMk986d-OQ - You Should’ve Bitten Cosby’s Penis Off, CNN Host Advises Rape Accuser [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>123560 - Jim Watkins Tweet, Q SENT ME

>>123561 - Page 155, JFKJR Said, Senator BIden is a traitor!

>>123562 - DebraSmith6354 Tweet, We are patriots from all around the world fighting for humanity..

>>123563 - Protestors at Proud Boys rally in San Francisco clashing with police


>>123565 - Moar in San Francisco

>>123566 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123567 - Dan Scavino Tweet

>>123568 - Full Story Behind Hunter's Laptop Debunks Latest Russia Conspiracy Theory

>>123569 - Twitter and CCP at work

>>123570 - GOP Senator Ron Johnson Sends Letter to FBI Director Wray Demanding Answers on Hunter Biden’s Laptop

>>123571 - U.S. Navy Tweets, "Train like you fight!"

>>123572, >>123573 - Consider the Sauce re: JFK tweets

>>123574 (You) #14226, (You) #14227, (You) #14228

(15 notables, 16 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173879

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11122605 Q Research General #14225: Daylight Reveals Edition

Created 172024ZOCT20




>>123511 - Yen Cham Yung, who was arrested this week in Colorado, worked in the FBI field office

>>123512 - moar FBI arrests

>>123513, >>123519, >>123531, >>123534 - UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton

>>123514, >>123518, >>123521, >>123525, >>123532 - We out here Planefaggin'


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3290cfdd3689e38098bd02f92d99d388821899d677fd792fa2a81912a746b3bc.pdf



>>123522 - Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [11m06s]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=io5op7gHNj8 - Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [Channel: Red Sampson]

>>123523 - Andrew Cuomo’s Book Deal and Why the Worst Rise to the Top in Politics

>>123524 - DJT JR. TWEETS

>>123526 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>123527 - Facebook's COO Responds After Nearly 130 NGOs Put Platform On Notice For Unchecked Jew Hatred

>>123528 - Penn Biden Center won't disclose Donors

>>123529 - US company to supply Ukraine with integrated surveillance system


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mFUQyY4UxK0 - Trump delivers campaign remarks in Michigan [Channel: Fox Business]

>>123533 - BOOK: Crossfire Hurricane: Inside Donald Trump's War on the FBI

>>123535 - Tehran declares arms embargo lifted, Iran free to procure, export arms as sees fit

>>123536 #14223, (You) #14224, (You) #14225

(18 notables, 26 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173880

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11124960 Q Research General #14228: Inspire Optimism, Create Comfort, and Pray Edition

Created 172258ZOCT20




>>123575 - New GEOTUS Storm (4 Videos)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea08fdae5c20743da98e5a6c150a2a9035d64f7e9b8da57b73f5f795bb086f0c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f1ab8a4600fce3740b43e3aa54e7d34a9698b314989d8cb4df3853416d87c458.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aee496a562eb7a417dd181fc207475faa049477d6eed982c63e5ba2d69086829.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60404b998d20801302548c8592bafeb2c28e8cc280958e7380eb0e2d7a886359.mp4

>>123576 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>123577 - Joseph J. Fynn Tweet, Imagine if @SidneyPowell1 were in charge of FBI?

>>123578, >>123593 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>123579 - "The Role of Military Intelligence in Homeland Security"

>>123580, >>123584 - FBI VAULT, PAGE 155

>>123581, >>123582 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: )

>>123583 President takes the LEAD in early voting in MICHIGAN!!!

>>123585, >>123602, >>123603 - Watch the Watch Q#3232

>>123586 Adam Schiff Claims Hunter Biden Bombshell Reports Come ‘From the Kremlin'

>>123587 DARPA Announces $2 Billion Campaign to Develop Next Wave of AI Technologies

>>123588 American collusion? Also worth remembering Kavanagh answers to Graham

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3_gmOsnjrZw - Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law during war on terror [Channel: Sal From Texas]

>>123589 - CIA-RDP (pdf)

>>123590, >>123592, >>123594, >>123595, >>123596, >>123598 - Jewish Double Standard

>>123591 - Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?

>>123597 - Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report

>>123599 - “We Are NOT Ahead by Double-Digits” – Biden Campaign Manager Drops a Bomb on Supporters During Friday Call

>>123600 LIVE FEED

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4VeUIEKvCVQ - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>123601 - Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan

>>123604, >>123607 - Patrick Howley Tweets, Biden's Texas Political Director Dallas Jones was picked up and questioned today by FBI

>>123605 - Tech once used to combat ISIS propaganda now used by democratic group

>>123606 - Smoked too many Qanon's and died, sad.

>>123608 - Anon's advice on..

>>123609 (You) #14226, (You) #14227, (You) #14228

(24 notables, 35 posts, 68 media/files)

Q- >>123581

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173881

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11125714 Q Research General #14229: Comfy with Q Edition

Created 172344ZOCT20




>>123610 - GEOTUS TWEET

>>123611 - Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement

>>123612 - Democrats to Use Pentagon-Funded AI System to Target Pro-Trump Narratives Online

>>123613 - Link between Saul Alinsky and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.

>>123614 - Russian Trade Minister Celebrates Collapsing Ruble As "Awesome"

>>123615 - Ron Paul Liberty Report With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>123616 - MOS breakdown, Infiltration not invasion.

>>123617, >>123618 - Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone.

>>123619 - Beanie News, Biden Campaign ADMITS The Polls Are WRONG, Trump Is Actually Winning ALREADY In Some Areas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1AfsEXRZuc0 - Biden Campaign ADMITS The Polls Are WRONG, Trump Is Actually Winning ALREADY In Some Areas [Channel: Timcast]

>>123620 - Prominent rabbi orders Haredi schools to reopen; Netanyahu warns against move

>>123621 - Can Democrats Win Back the inter in the AGE OF TRUMP?

>>123622 - Meet Maximo Alvarez

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jJnShBMG3uY - WATCH: Maximo Alvarez’s full speech at the Republican National Convention | 2020 RNC Night 1 [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>123623 - Elon Musk says SpaceX Starship will travel to Mars in as little as four years

>>123624 - Dr. Steven Greer, ayyyylmaos

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZCHcJ_CBnzs - Dr. Steven Greer & Demi Lovato #CE5 Contact Meditation [Channel: Dr. Steven Greer]

>>123625 - Trump digs in on conspiracy theory over bin Laden raid

>>123626 - _Muslims Will Serve ‘At Every Level’ of His Administration

>>123627, >>123636 - Trump supporters allegedly attacked by #ANTIFA in San Francisco

>>123628 - Trump signs bill to make 988 suicide hotline number

>>123629 - White House was warned Giuliani was target of Russian intelligence operation to feed misinformation to Trump

>>123630 - Israeli envoy to Azerbaijan slams Armenian violence, threats on civilians

>>123631 - Joe Biden reads from a giant teleprompter at another sparsely attended rally

>>123632 - Eric Trump Pennsylvania Cookie Poll Update (wholesome)

>>123633 - Q DROP #1021 Breakdown

>>123634, >>123637 - Australia One

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Zj8qg52lZso - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123635 - Bannon Speaks to Revolver News in Exclusive Interview on Hunter’s Hard Drive and What Comes Next

>>123638 - U.S. Marines Tweet

>>123639, >>123641 - Dan Scavino Tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7822f58457b74225a97462565a65e324487b4f17da1f8c7acaeed0f560e37f7e.mp4

>>123640 - 1,030 Times Jews Have Been Kicked Out By Their Host Nations, Expelled From 132 Countries

>>123642 - Muammar Gaddafi's Cousin To Sue Hillary Clinton For "Destroying Libya"

>>123643 - Q DROP #4799 When does a Church become a playground?


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ikC5N-KL89k - Vatican control of World Health Organization popul [Channel: LolaHeavey]

>>123645 - Two Brothers - Global Impact

>>123646, >>123647 - Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order

>>123648 - Zionist Israel's Thermonuclear Blackmail of America SAMSON OPTION

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3814912899d269a58174eae729dcdf3e10463cfb055e88e470645dc851c1a31.pdf

>>123649 (You) #14229

(35 notables, 40 posts, 60 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173882

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11126517 Q Research General #14230:Seasons Greetings Edition

Created 180032ZOCT20




>>123650 - Biden Campaign Manager Drops Bomb Friday Cal

>>123651 - Top Fucking Kek

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/715d78c0979eebfdb8b0513d5aa947ecb81c6beb9c3c89f8d58439329c9d2d97.mp4


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/593237f4f3381d445a917c67c2d6f1b53188ada4ea3ed164e4ffa76cded8b24e.mp4

>>123653 - "Jon Voight insists President Trump 'must win' election, slams 'evil' Joe Biden"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a7177b7d1b22162757f72fad09147549f284007fa8f8cc3c4fdd61ce5832729.mp4

>>123654 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Janesville, WI 10/17/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yFnSVpffEB8 - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Janesville, WI 10/17/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>123655 - Actor Randy Quaid Defends Trump

>>123656 - archive.org and the wayback machine is offline right now, confirmed

>>123657 - Two Brothers - Global Impact

>>123658 - POTUS If it works there, it works everywhere (Other cures alluded to video)

>>123659 - Rudy Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X7ziEwfWghA - Rudy Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive, Claims 'You Will Be Absolutely Convinced...' [Channel: Daily Caller]

>>123660 - Qproof 988 suicide hot line

>>123661, >>123664 - Paul Pelosi, Jr

>>123662 - Dan Scavino Tweets (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2ea7ba4edfddb55a092cd598a88e3a113e77b5c2196de068c9420599cfa0f07.mp4

>>123663 - Chinese Whistleblower Reveals Hunter Biden “Sex Tapes” Contain Video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually ABUSING Multiple Under-Age Chinese Teens

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123665 - California Is Blaming Its Crippled Economy On Climate Change

>>123666 - Just How Close Is General Milley to Stanley McChrystal?

>>123667 - Twitter Refuses to Unlock New York Post Account Unless Bombshell Hunter Biden Posts Deleted

>>123668 - DOJ: 94 Percent of Foreign Nationals in U.S. Federal Prison Are Illegal Aliens

>>123669 - Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

>>123670 #14230

(20 notables, 21 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173883

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11128051 Q Research General #14232: Making /qresearch/ Great Again Edition

Created 180210ZOCT20





>>123716, >>123727, >>123729, >>123730 - Savvanagh Gutjhrie made sure to use Ben Sasse at the townhall against Trump.

>>123717 - A Big Shoutout to Anons

>>123718 - Why Were Jews Kicked Out of 132 Countries That They Migrated To, 1,030 Times?

>>123719 - Plane fag Nightwatch

>>123720 - Michelle Obama supporting Harvey Weinstein vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a859fe14f17d25d593a5d083e6ca54923c5684c730eb6442c8bbbdd760928cf.mp4

>>123721 pb There is Q, and there are Anons. There is no "QAnon.

>>123722, >>123734 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>123723 - Tehran Declares Arms Embargo Lifted, Iran Free to Procure, Export Arms as Sees Fit

>>123724 - QAnon conspiracy about SEAL Team Six raid on Osama bin Laden picks up steam

>>123725 - The PCR Test Fraud

>>123726 - Surprisingly, the Obama Foundation's financials are hiding in plain sight!

>>123728 - Who is anonbin.com

>>123731 - Final Debate Topics

>>123732 - The executive officer of the guided-missile destroyer Fitzgerald was relieved late last month.

>>123733 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123735 - The document is being considered a "nexus to a potential hate crime," officials said

>>123736 - BIDEN Scandal Expands Kazakhstan

>>123737 - JFK Jr. IS DEAD (R IS FAKE AND GAY)

>>123738 - Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People Unless

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ccf6f046845188b31b1cc64c5155af6e0ed1aee3626c7df8cb3d62f0e7a8b991.mp4

>>123739 - Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

>>123740 - Pennsylvania Boilermakers Union Calls Out Biden: We Support Trump, Not You

>>123741 #14232

(23 notables, 27 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173884

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11127315 Q Research General #14231: We Are The Onez Edition

Created 180119ZOCT20




>>123671 - Dan Scavino Tweet (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b44d88a16c42f36a3c98f955dc716917b3e1612a53d968a227ceb93cd6c08ad6.mp4

>>123672 - Twitter Refuses To Unlock NYPost Account Unless Paper Deletes Tweets About Hunter Biden

>>123673 - This is Lude, creator of Lude Media, he has a youtube channel.

>>123674 - Texas Poll Watcher Testifies on Fraud

>>123675 - Bernard B. Kerik Tweet

>>123676 - SPIDER Bites CDC

>>123677 - Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Vetoes Bill Targeting Voter Fraud


>>123679 - How Many People Have Voted So Far? A State-By-State Breakdown As Trump-Biden Early Voting Heats Up

>>123680 - The Lion - Donald Trump 2016 Election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-u7y7z4MZBo - The Lion - Trump Updated Edit [Channel: 0xFelix]

>>123681 - 10/17/2020 LUDE MEDIA: Trump retweet "100% true- Biden compromised by the Chinese" what this mean? LIVE NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sbiL4zswKlU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123682 - Texas Poll Watcher Testifies On 2020 Voter Fraud In Houston

>>123683 - The Wandering Jew: Kicked Out of Every Host Country, 1,030 Times

>>123684 - American's Frontline Doctors Press Briefing (10/17/2020)

>>123685 - Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days

>>123686 - 17 days from now we will WIN…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yxdaG_zhR1w - Trump: Democrats' win will put US economy in peril [Channel: Associated Press]

>>123687 - 4 U.S. Code § 3.Use of flag for advertising purposes; mutilation of flag U.S. Code

>>123688 - Oi, you got a LOISENCE for that intercourse? UK SEX BAN

>>123689 - Data from Rudy Giuliani leads to FBI probe.

>>123690 - Sonoluminescence, interesting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O9B3vzsZsr4 - Sonoluminescence [Channel: AcquaPHI]

>>123691 - Did the Whitehats inject a keylogger/virus - a package of something into their comms?


>>123693 - FULL DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS BY ANY MSM doing QAnon stories as they are part of the actual story

>>123694, >>123696 - GEOTUS TWEET

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7822f58457b74225a97462565a65e324487b4f17da1f8c7acaeed0f560e37f7e.mp4


>>123697 - Former UK ambassador to US reportedly investigated over leaking classified information to lover

>>123698 - Over 30,000 health experts demand immediate end to FAKE China Virus Pandemic lockdown.

>>123699 - DOJ: 94 Percent of Foreign Nationals in U.S. Federal Prison Are Illegal Aliens

>>123700 - antigrav hybrid space/underwater vehicle?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a2a795d7a514ec402638a9b121c3e6bdffe7ef8304b06266644d57f586dcbd63.pdf

>>123701 - Disturbing Story of Sex Slavery Survivor

>>123702, >>123705 - Request to translate Q posts

>>123703, >>123704 - New Vatican coin depicts 'mother carrying the earth in her womb


>>123707 - Joe Biden-Linked Firm Made Major Investments in Chinese Corporations

>>123708 - Nebraska GOP Senate candidate is "establishment" but also linked to an old Nebraska scandal

>>123709 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123710 - Schiff's Ties to Ukraine Exposed

>>123711, >>123713 - Facebook's Lead Executive on Election Policy was VP Biden's Advisor to Ukraine

>>123712 - Election Day +1 = 11.4 = [Zero Day]

>>123714 (You) #14231

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C3OLDiRAj_U - Techno Nightcore Hands Up 2 Hours Mega Mix #2 [Channel: DJ_SDN]

(40 notables, 44 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173885

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11128823 Q Research General #14233: We Are The Children of the Night Edition

Created 180257ZOCT20




>>123742 - Unbelievable – Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

>>123743 - Berlin court suspends covid 19 shutdown

>>123744 - I've got emails!! If you want the download link it's 89 pages.

>>123745 - No Immigration Question in Next Debate, Say Debate Organizers

>>123746, >>123748, >>123751, >>123765, >>123769 - , Congressman (((Kaufmann))) tells Ukraine how to vote; Hunter Biden vid and emails

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ywMYzQemhW4 - Delegation of the National Democratic Institute. Ukraine Crisis Media Center. April 11, 2014 [Channel: Ukraine Media Center]

>>123747 - Girlfriend of Fort Bliss Army captain killed in car chase arrested, charged with murder

>>123749 - Department of Defense risk-covid-19-exposure-planes-virtually-nonexistent

>>123750 - QAnon Is Nuts’: Republican Ben Sasse Rips Trump For Flirting With Conspiracy Theory

>>123752, >>123754, >>123762 - , National Security Threat? Anna Makanju

>>123753, >>123755, >>123758 - , LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC

>>123756 - Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country

>>123757 - Anna Makanju's insta links to Biden victory fund virtual conversation

>>123759 - US military senior leaders need to embrace that public-communication warfare

>>123760 - Obama/Biden/Mueller gangster threatens that a Biden DOJ will jail Giuliani for blowing the whistle on Biden's treacherous corruption

>>123761, >>123763, >>123766, >>123767 - , Andrew Weissman blows a gasket gaslighting Giuliani

>>123764 - 4 generations of Schiff Q drop

>>123768 - The Knight Family Charitable Foundation

>>123770 - Trump says 'RINO' Ben Sasse has gone ‘rogue’ after Nebraska senator criticizes his Covid-19 executive orders

>>123771 #14233

(19 notables, 30 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173886

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11130372 Q Research General #14235: We Are Q Edition

Created 180451ZOCT20




>>123806 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123807 - Home Improvement star Zachery Ty Bryan, 39, is arrested

>>123808 - Hunter Biden Grabbin' Lunch

>>123809 - Joe Biden Supporters Waving ANTIFA Flag

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U-iDleY4DBs - Joe Biden Supporters Waving ANTIFA Flag [Channel: Laura Loomer]

>>123810 ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.

>>123811 - Trump imply Queen Elizabeth opposed Jerusalem embassy mov

>>123812 - SNL mentions QAnon

>>123813 - Tony Blair breached COVID-19 restriction

>>123814 - Savannah Guthrie

>>123815 - National Security Threat

>>123816, >>123826 - Dark secretes 1996 movie

>>123817 - Manila asserts 'economic rights' in lifting South China Sea ban.

>>123818 - We out here Panefaggin'

>>123819 - Blackburn discusses Big Tech on Fox and Friends 10.17.20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VxQ0Zz0ren8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123820 - Pic attached IS screencap of Qdrop website's 5-page pdf

>>123821 ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

>>123822 - GEOTUS TWEET



>>123825 - Follow the wives

>>123827 - Image of Guiliani and Li-Meng

>>123828 - World Doctors Alliance claim that the pandemic is false

>>123829 - Biden’s son Hunter is awfully close to the CIA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Pd0gT-rvHEQ - Joe Biden's son is awfully close to the CIA. [Channel: Candor Intelligence Network]

>>123830, >>123831, >>123832 ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" (Cap: )

>>123834 #14235

(25 notables, 28 posts, 29 media/files)

Q- >>123810, >>123821, >>123830

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173887

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11129653 Q Research General #14234: Weissman Blows Gas Edition

Created 180354ZOCT20





>>123773 - Rudy Giuliani A meeting is coming out in 1-2 days in State Dept. in which Hunter snuck in the back door … That meeting took place with Tony Blinken."

>>123774 - Hunter Biden: Smoking gun that the entire objective was to get the cases against Burisma's founder dropped


>>123776 - This is a continuation of Hunter Bidens emails.

>>123777 - Covid - biggest fraud in human history?

>>123778 - Tweetstorm erupts after HBO host Maher says too many 'nuts' Catholics on Supreme Court

>>123779 - Anna Adeola Makanju


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WIqMX0uMY0k - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123781, >>123783, >>123785, >>123787, >>123788, >>123791 - Time stamp - stage right trump - 1.05 mark of video.

>>123782 - Pocket Constitution VS. The Republican Party?


>>123786 - Twitter Doesn't Reflect How Most Americans Think Study

>>123789 - Exclusive: Inside Darpa's Secret Afghan Spy Machine

>>123790, >>123792 - Dig on Savannah Guthrie

>>123793, >>123794 - Potential Election Numbers

>>123795 - Q posts regarding the ship & backchannel have never seemed so important.

>>123796 - 4chan exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

>>123797, >>123800 ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? Pandora's 'political elite' box? (Cap: )

>>123798 - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

>>123799, >>123802 ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: )

>>123801 - Before The Bidens "Did" Ukraine, There Was Iraq… And Serbia

>>123803 - Zero delta again


>>123805 #14234

(25 notables, 34 posts, 63 media/files)

Q- >>123797, >>123799

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173888

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11131134 Q Research General #14236: Enjoy the Show Edition

Created 180529ZOCT20




>>123835, >>123837, >>123844 - - How do you reach people whose beliefs come from pure fantasy?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=929viHEzCEY - QAnon and Trump: Hear what his supporters think [Channel: CNN]

>>123836 - Google could be forced to sell Chrome if the Justice Department gets its way

>>123838, >>123840, >>123842, >>123843, >>123846, >>123847, >>123851, >>123861 - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?


>>123841 - National Security Threat brings down the National Security Strategy.

>>123845 - Anon Theory

>>123848 - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

>>123849 - Excerpts from Jewish Talmud (Jew Law)

>>123850 - Clinton body bag list (meme)

>>123852 - POTUS was asking Joe- Where's Hunter?

>>123853 - Jannies are deleting all threads related to Oregon/Washington online voting

>>123854 - It’s 2020, and the most professiona

>>123855 - it was the CCP who took the pics and provided the underage girls

>>123856 - Former Deputy Director of The China Center Jeff Prescott ’97 Named to Top Post on Vice President Biden’s National Security Staff

>>123857 - LIVE: DHS Agents from the Portland ICE Building are in the street confronting black lives matter terrorists

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JDhX8j8cpLU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123858, >>123860 - , Jackie Speier

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aIbf6wB8LSU - CNN - Kasich Saying John McCain Was Put to Death [Channel: Insane Orange]

>>123859 - OAN behind the scenes Hunter Biden hard drive

>>123862, >>123863, >>123864, >>123865, >>123867, >>123868, >>123871, >>123872, >>123873 - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

>>123866 - , In an interview with Amy Robach, Hunter did reference Alice in Wonderland, specifically the Cheshire Cat if I remember correctly. Maybe it was meant as a hint that he had flipped.

>>123869 - Biden, granddaughter Finnegan Biden, Dylan Locke, U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke, Mona Locke, and Hunter Biden sample tea during a traditional tea tasting ceremony, at Liu Xian Guan Teahouse in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, China

>>123870 - Graphic: Transcript "Evil" by @jonvoight

>>123874, >>123876 - Hunter Biden confirmed kiketastic bracelet

>>123875 - Hunter Biden speaks out Amy Robach Oct 15, 2019

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iqB6qf7evww - Hunter Biden speaks out, Trump imposes sanctions on Turkey, Barcelona protests| ABC News [Channel: ABC News]

>>123877 - Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label Qanon Group a 'Terrorist Threat'

>>123878 - Kazakhstan worlds largest Uranium exporter

>>123879 #14236

(26 notables, 45 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173889

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11131859 Q Research General #14237: Hunted No Longer Edition

Created 180628ZOCT20




>>123880 - Hunter gets choked up and when asked about responding to Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u9AgAx2Adl0 - Hunter Biden LOSES IT During Interview on ABC News [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>123881 - Hunter Biden HATES his evil father. Anon speculates.

>>123882, >>123885, >>123886, >>123887, >>123888 Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

>>123883 - BIDEN'S WEB

>>123884 - Did both Biden's flip? Anon theory

>>123889 - There are 3 hard drives

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123890 - Investigators Reveal Hunter Biden Used His Dead Brother's Identity to Hide His Whereabouts

>>123891 - #Winning

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/994f0595173ab25db75d2f241f4177fa044b1100a5734a50fb9ed56b6756bb44.mp4

>>123892 - One might ask why a patent for a device so revolutionary

>>123893, >>123895, >>123902 - 4Chan claim to have discovered a way that people’s ballots can be cancelled online in Oregon and Washington

>>123894 - Hunter's heterochromia is very rare in humans

>>123896 - Croatian prime minister receives letter with ‘Novichok’ warning, reports say

>>123897 - GEOTUS in Vegas.

>>123898 - Official Ballot Marion County, Oregon

>>123899 - Biden Inc.


>>123901 - Dan Scavinous Tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4b0a94f2080036b99ccad9b4b804be53ceffd4b126006de430fbe83b6b2fb36.mp4

>>123903 - Old Hunter Interview Resurfaces … It May Come Back to Haunt Him … “This Isn’t a Family Business”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vfb9FIpobL4 - Hunter Biden on relationship with his dad, addicti [Channel: ABC News]

(18 notables, 24 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173890

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11133489 Q Research General #14238:Full Power To The Republic Edition

Created 181009ZOCT20




>>123904 4Chan Users Claim to Have Found Way to Easily Change People’s Voter Registration and Cancel Ballots Online in Oregon and Washington

>>123905 Susan Collins donated $400 each to 2 QAnon supporters running for state legislature seats in Maine

>>123906 Appeals court upholds Kentucky abortion law requiring clinics to have transfer agreements with hospitals

>>123907, >>123909, >>123913, >>123915 If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

>>123908 Dan tweet decoded

>>123910 Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement

>>123911, >>123914 BREAKING: Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Isaac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released!

>>123912, >>123917, >>123918 Maestro Trump, dragging the senate into a competent court

>>123916 New9 hired antifa…oppps…contractors..as private security

>>123919 Beto (Finally) Fails Downward: Former 2020 Frontrunner Lands Teaching Gig at Texas State

>>123920 Anon speculates - Has anyone considered that Hunter’s laptop might be Joe’s in reality?

>>123921 Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

>>123922, >>123929, >>123941, >>123945 Who Is Joe Biden’s Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen

>>123923 COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Pope's Vatican Residence

>>123924 COsweda on Twitter debunks the Oregon Voting Disinfo Campaign about Being Able to Change Votes with Name and Birthdate

>>123925 Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

>>123926 Trump's refusal to disavow QAnon is part of his pattern of encouraging hate for political gain

>>123927 Conservative Actor Jon Voight Gets Serious In New Election Message: ‘Biden Is Evil’ (VIDEO)

>>123928 Matt Gaetz tweets out entire Hunter Biden story line by line to evade Twitter block

>>123930 Bishops for Biden San Diego’s Robert McElroy emerges as another one.

>>123931 "CRY ABOUT IT!" ‘Antifa demonstrators punched pro-Trump protester’s TEETH out & pelted him with rocks’ at MAGA rally near Twitter’s HQ

>>123932 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanists

>>123933 Obama to Hit the Campaign Trail in Battleground Pennsylvania for Joe Biden

>>123934 China passes new law restricting sensitive exports

>>123935 Tucker Carlson Interviews Bin Laden Niece Who Said She’s Gotten More Backlash for Trump Support Than for Her Last Name

>>123936 In France, they also to try to stage a civil war, between the "Muslims" and "French roots".

>>123937 Biden advocates 'gender change' for children

>>123938 Gov. Whitmer vetoes bill targeting voter fraud, cites confusion

>>123939 Australia is in. Steve Bannon interview

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>123940, >>123948 US Military Tweets and News

>>123942 First arrest: BIDEN CRIME FAMILY "POP" Q drop connect

>>123943 Archive of 200 videos around Q , Covid , Conspiracy and other shenanigans

>>123944 Kazakhstan → [Clintons] + [Russia] + [Bidens] + …

>>123946 Look what Apple’s autocorrect is doing when you type Qanon Qanon “casualties”

>>123947 New Ben Garrison

>>123949 Police investigating possible arson at Bishopville Post Office

>>123950 #14239

(37 notables, 47 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173891

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11134251 Q Research General #14239: 1776 To 2020 Patriots On Duty Edition

Created 181228ZOCT20




>>123951 What does Q mean in using the word “rig” in Rig for Red?

>>123952 Explainer: Why isn’t Pope Francis wearing a mask?

>>123953 Why is STEEL so important?

>>123954, >>123955 ArchiveAnon isolated every instance of the "Hunters Become the Hunted" movie poster meme

>>123956 Obama Admin Took Teen Girls Out of State for Secret Abortions Without Their Parents Knowing

>>123957 YouTube strengthens its Rules About critical Conspiracy Theories, Especially QAnon Content

>>123958 Black officers break from unions over Trump endorsements

>>123959 Wittmer "abduction" insider a FBI informant who pushed the entire plot

>>123960 complete archive of Q posts in chronological order in book form, you can get the full set (up to Sept 2020)

>>123961 Les Wexner's LBrands Was Heavily Invested in China as a "Second Home Market"

>>123962, >>123966 US Military Tweets and News

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0da8088d85b30c88c8d5853b9495958f4a3eac167dd94e9c9d7119ebfc0a43d1.mp4

>>123963 Column: Pandering to the fringe

>>123964 Pirro: Big Tech Censoring Hunter Biden Story ‘Proof Positive’ of the Left Trying to Turn U.S. Into a Fascist Country

>>123965 Anon speculates The Biden family is the Corleone family…

>>123967, >>123969 collecting the speculations about Hunter. Here are some.

>>123968, >>123970 Arkansas' Asa Hutchinson going to China - again


>>123972 Indiana woman Lisa Montgomery, first woman to be Federally executed since 1953 on Dec. 8

>>123973 Possibly Moar to the the Dan Vegas tweet

>>123974 #14240, #14241, #14242 - None collected

(20 notables, 24 posts, 32 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173892

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11135022 Q Research General #14240: No Stopping What Cannot Be Stopped Edition

Created 181354ZOCT20




>>123975 Leovani Payseur's list of books at Goodreads

>>123976 China Panic: US Joined Britain Deadliest Fleet of Warships Gather in North Sea in Huge Show of Force

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eNDZ0g_WCMc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123977 This may have been when Hunter Biden had possibly turned

>>123978 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report

>>123979, >>123982 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>123980 "Jim Carrey channels Joe Biden's inner Mr. Rogers on 'SNL'"

>>123981, >>123985 Planefag Reports

>>123983 October 26-27, when Pompeo and US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper visit New Delhi for joint consultations with their Indian counterparts.

>>123984 February 20, 2020 Dan Scavino tweet from Vegas MOAR!

>>123986 Bannon Speaks to Revolver News in Exclusive Interview on Hunter's Hard Drive and What Comes Next

>>123987 US MIL tweets and news

>>123988 Vatican is once again running interference for a pro-abortion Democrat. Joe Biden

>>123989 Secrets of the Victoria Angels

>>123990 EXCLUSIVE: Trump Supporter Hospitalized By Black Lives Matter Thugs At Women’s March Isabella DeLuca was assaulted while holding a Trump flag

>>123991 Stefanapolous brings up QAnon just now with Rhona McDaniels..

>>123992 Boat rust ordeal continued


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>123994 China Panic: The US Deploys HIMARS and anti-ship missiles to near China Islands

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9AaCBrgOBO4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123995 #14240, #14241, #14242 - None collected

>>123996 #14237 posted in #14241

(20 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173893

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11136641 Q Research General #14242: Emergency Bake Edition

Created 181610ZOCT20




>>124000, >>124006 ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic (Cap: )

>>124001, >>124004 ————————————–——– Who is Alexandra Chalupa? (Cap: ) (Cap: )

>>124002, >>124011 ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense Masks don't work (Cap: )

>>124003 Biden interview

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124005 ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense (Cap: )

>>124007 Alexandra Chalupa with Avenatti

>>124008 Twitter deletes tweet from WH Advisor Dr. Scott Atlas

>>124009 DJT JR says to break up DOJ cartel

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d40975f8f38dc99a0540b7ff4fd06efc8f94153478a4d8ec4cc7a64d83a2d712.mp4

>>124010 Marines tweet "Mission Continues"

>>124012 Defense in Whitmer kidnap case says FBI pushed plot

>>124013 New DJT…

>>124014 Portland and Oakland sue feds…

>>124015 Deep dig on Abrams

>>124016 Handwritten court docket against Bidens

>>124017, >>124019 Alexandra Chalupa digs

>>124018 . Moar Biden

>>124020 Police return stolen ballots in WA

>>124021 Massive protest in France after muslim beheads teacher

>>124022 Ron Johnson on Maria Bartiromo

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=37DvoM696kQ - FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case [Channel: Real Don Anon]

>>124023 Tulsi makes motion to exonerate Assange

>>124024 TerraPower gets $80 million grant

>>124025 GWP calls out fake Hunter photo from porn vid

>>124026 ————————————–——– Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Abrams family (Cap: )

>>124027 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Wojcicki family

(24 notables, 28 posts, 32 media/files)

Q- >>124000, >>124002, >>124026, >>124027

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173894

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11135815 Q Research General #14241:They Have No Power Unless You Give It To Them Edition

Created 181505ZOCT20




>>123997, >>123998 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: )

>>123999 Synopsis of Biden Family Connections

(2 notables, 3 posts, 4 media/files)

Q- >>123997

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173895

File: f3360948dd03e75⋯.png (5.57 MB,5760x3240,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11137418 Q Research General #14243: Authentic Baker Purity Edition

Created 181650ZOCT20





>>124029 President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rb1x9Jx8IUM - President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

>>124030 BIBLICAL

>>124031 Gidley Defends His QAnon Answer, Slams Savannah Guthrie for ‘Asking About a Crazy Conspiracy Theory’

>>124032 The 31-day campaign against QAnon

>>124033 The Despair of Feminism

>>124034 FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UONQiPT0Mks - FBI 'must come clean' about Hunter Biden laptop: Sen. Ron Johnson [Channel: ZeroHedge Janitor]

>>124035 Republican National Committee chair says QAnon is 'something the voters are not even thinking about'

>>124036 ————————————–——– Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

>>124037 Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

>>124038 A top Republican senator acknowledged the possibility that the FBI investigated whether there was child pornography on a laptop that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden.

>>124039 Twitter removes Trump COVID advisor tweet that questioned use of masks

>>124040 Who is Abrams?

>>124041 UPDATE: Suspects Say Ring Leader in Plot to Kidnap Wretched Governor Whitmer Was an Alleged FBI Informant — Who Pushed the Entire Plan

>>124042 Analysis: Kristen Welker, next debate's moderator, got busted tipping off Team Hillary in 2016

>>124043 BREAKING: Biden Campaign Finally Responds To Bombshell New York Post Report

>>124044 Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Is Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine — This Helps Explain Their Censorship of Hunter’s Emails

>>124045 WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies

>>124046 I see patterns!

>>124047 Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia

>>124048, >>124050, >>124052, >>124054, >>124056 Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

>>124049 Steve Bannon: The Bidens Are About to Be Hit With Multiple Stories — “We Have Set in Motion the Various Apparatuses to Release Everything”

>>124051 ‘Do you want me to stop working?’ As Paris restaurants are ordered into new curfew, angry citizens hold street protest

>>124053 Kirstie Alley gets attacked by celebrities after publicly endorsing Trump

>>124055 18yo Chicago man arrested after teacher & classmates witness sexual assault on 7yo student during online class

>>124057 SF free speech rally canceled after organizer's tooth knocked out, police escort Trump supporters away from violent mob

>>124058 Masks are nothing more than simple behavioral conditioning.

>>124059 It’s Time We Have a Discussion About the Lack of Punishment for Child Predators

>>124060 ————————————–——– Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Abrams family (Cap: )

>>124061 Twitter Removes Tweet from Top Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

>>124062 ————————————–——– Masks don't work, photo of mask box (Cap: )

>>124063 CBS's Ed O'Keefe on Face The Nation: "[Joe Biden] will not be seen again after today until Thursday night."

>>124064 Elections Chairman Resigns After Allegedly Stealing, Vandalizing Trump Yard Signs

>>124065 Antifa Medic Calls for Federal Agent to Be ‘Executed’

>>124066 Marxist Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Signs Production Deal with Warner Bros.

>>124067 Q Clock

>>124068 We Realease Tonight OANN

>>124069 BREAKING REPORT: ONE AMERICA NEWS @OANN will be releasing a trove of new HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS tonight…

>>124070 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: )

>>124071 Well will you look at that!

>>124072 #14243

(41 notables, 45 posts, 61 media/files)

Q- >>124036

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173896

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11138252 Q Research General #14244: Special Agent Joshua Wilson On the Biden Case Edition

Created 181741ZOCT20




>>124073 Thu 10.15.2020

>>124074, >>124078, >>124082, >>124090 NON-Q OTHER NEWS

>>124075 Obama’s former speech writer, Nathan Osburn, hiding behind a mask pretending to be an undecided voter at the town hall…and Joe Biden pretending not to know who he is

>>124076 As Communist China Rises, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s Communists Ties Re-Surface

>>124077 Facebook says it rejected 2.2m ads seeking to obstruct voting in US election

>>124079 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY October 18, 2020

>>124080 Biden live NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TcXt1xSVGVI - Biden holds voter mobilization event in North Carolina [Channel: Fox News]

>>124081 Trump Says Hunter Was 'Middle Man' For Businesses To Talk To Joe

>>124083, >>124085 Leland Vitter then interviewed Biden's spokewoman, Jenna Arnold, who went totally nutz answering questions.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d1372904a2af8715a0116b23c1b62a3c818319d973c9a74abfb7dd94d626be24.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6da247e2fbfc8f81f8a721b357146fe51c44c4c3f5542f62672e3b04358af390.mp4

>>124084 The Bankruptcy of ‘Bipartisan Foreign Policy’

>>124086 Joe Biden calling for another 200K dead by the end of the year.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TcXt1xSVGVI - Biden holds voter mobilization event in North Carolina [Channel: Fox News]

>>124087 PANIC!

>>124088 FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UONQiPT0Mks - FBI 'must come clean' about Hunter Biden laptop: Sen. Ron Johnson [Channel: ZeroHedge Janitor]

>>124089 Trump will win. I’m not advocating, I’m telling you to mentally prepare. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

>>124091, >>124093, >>124094 Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/393b8bf50a43fb51523f8b76c65e238879ee5c492ddc1d5a1051e6bad8a77ae5.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UONQiPT0Mks - FBI 'must come clean' about Hunter Biden laptop: Sen. Ron Johnson [Channel: ZeroHedge Janitor]

>>124092 Why no charges yet if the Grand Jury was in Dec 2019?

>>124095, >>124096 ENJOY THE SHOW

>>124097 Biden 'most compromised person in the history of American politics': Donald Trump Jr.

>>124098 Biden Surrogate Says He’s Open to Court Packing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CUHje8w1jP8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124099 Democratic Coalition Against Trump

>>124100 Amid historic absentee voting, rejected mail-in ballots could have 'significant effect' on outcome


>>124102 DOUBLESPEAK: New York Times Magazine Says The Biggest Threat to Free Speech…is Free Speech

>>124103 New PDJT

>>124104 US Secretary of State Pompeo Warns of Sanctions For Any Arms Sales to Iran

>>124105 The Trump Dance Move ..2020

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cd57f2cd31c422d007fc49b8d63e88f057e3a2d35fb1620ff91ee5c1e9127f1.mp4

>>124106 Israel Bahrain officially signs peace treaty to establish diplomatic relations with Israel — under the Trump administration.

>>124107 #14244

(28 notables, 35 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173897

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11139049 Q Research General #14245: CONTINUOUSLY HAPPENING Edition

Created 181831ZOCT20




>>124108 Trump puts wad of cash into the collection box at church in Las Vegas as he and Hope Hicks prepare for day of fundraising

>>124109 The FBI is at it Again! One Month After FBI Took Possession of Hunter Laptop, NY Times Reported Burisma “Hacked” by Russians to Embarrass Bidens

>>124110 Trump Campaign: 11 Questions The Media Must Ask Joe Biden About Hunter Biden ‘Selling Access’

>>124111 University of Northern Iowa bans pro-life club, labels it a ‘hate group’


>>124113 POTUS into John Wayne Airport.

>>124114 Thousands of emails, salacious photos mire Biden campaign

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WwKCn8VYgFw - Thousands of emails, salacious photos mire Biden campaign [Channel: One America News Network]

>>124115 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

>>124116 Link to tweet about Gretchen having the 86 45


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124118 An attorney for the man suspected of kidnapping British toddler Madeleine McCann is demanding that prosecutors share concrete evidence or throw out the case

>>124119 Rudy tells Lou Dobbs he gave all this info on Ukraine to the DOJ two years ago, and they did nothing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Cc3wf8wsWaU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124120 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has vowed to include Muslim Americans in every social and political aspect in his administration as well as repeal President Donald Trump's "Muslim ban" if voted to power.

>>124121 PDJT - She’s always been terrible & unfair, just like most of the Fake News reporters, but I’ll still play the game. The people know! How’s Steve Scully doing?

>>124122 Breaking , trove of Hunter emails to be released tonight

>>124123 POTUS is right, if retail sales is up 8% now when he’s re-elected we will see the country soar into the stratosphere

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PGKYY2Dp6QA - September retail sales ‘were the best in recent memory’: Former Toys ‘R’ Us CEO [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124124 You Have Until Tuesday': Pelosi Issues Ultimatum Over Relief Funds

>>124125 Happy birthday @tiffanytrump!

>>124126 Dr. Jim Meehan: An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful

>>124127 Steve Bannon on SkyNEWS Sharri 18th October 2020

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f2d6894a21097ff5197f2f2d6c38bb636ec57312d4ed9e51d8e1daab9cce3fa7.mp4

>>124128 U.N. Condemns Nigeria’s Plans to Castrate Rapists and Execute Pedophiles

>>124129 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA west

>>124130 RNC's Ronna McDaniel spars with ABC host over QAnon question

>>124131 @realDonaldTrump in #Wisconsin: I want stimulus money now but Nancy Pelosi won’t approve it because she is playing politics

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f0f8ff198a29439cac343ac08500e23e4e61c9f32c7395df8b123a5634080a3c.mp4

>>124132 Peter Roth To Step Down As Warner Bros.

>>124133 Talk about Patterns...

>>124134 Kanye West Responds To SNL Sketch, Claims Show Uses Black People “To Hold Other Black People Back

>>124135 #14245,

>>124136, >>124137 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Vid: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bb6JeX6dvEk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

(29 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Q- >>124136

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173898

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11139835 Q Research General #14246: Biden Is A National Security threat! Edition

Created 181932ZOCT20




>>124138 Amazon's Attempt To Muzzle Shelby Steele Speaks Volumes About Race In America: Wirepoints

>>124139, >>124141, >>124150, >>124152, >>124157 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42bf102cc8856e72bcb5f934c2971bdb959614dd14b865bc504f7c76a86330cf.mp4

>>124140 BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yP1MtaSIePk - BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn! [Channel: Newsbud]


>>124143 Biden Surrogate On Alleged Hunter Emails: ‘I Don’t Think Anybody Is Saying They Are Inauthentic’

>>124144 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

>>124145, >>124154 Talk about Patterns...

>>124146 President Trump attends church service in Las Vegas Oct 18, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=J0yhAxf4Cg8 - Trump attends church service in Las Vegas [Channel: Associated Press]

>>124147 On the QCLOCK from yesterday. :25 Marker :25

>>124148 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fiz-qWQ1hxc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124149 President Trump has accused Joe Biden of being a “corrupt politician.”

>>124151 Georgetown University hired fired FBI agent Peter Strzok as an adjunct professor

>>124153 BIDEN TIES TO EPSTEIN ISLE 07/07/2020

>>124155 Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

>>124156 Who was the ambassador in the Clinton State dept soliciting underage kids for sex?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bb6JeX6dvEk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124158 Suicide Line KEKs. John/Jon Voight

>>124159 You’re in a cult! Trump haters pile on celebrity, Scientologist & suspected QAnon believer Kirstie Alley

>>124160 Jack Posobiec - On my way to pick up the emails

>>124161 #14246

(19 notables, 24 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>124139, >>124150

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173899

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11140653 Q Research General #14247: Patterns, Do you see Them? Edition

Created 182017ZOCT20




>>124162 Steve Bannon Claims Joe Biden's Son Tried to Recover Hard Drive Amid Russian Interference Concerns

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6f98e232f36fb667486d94de21b2718ccf841c6dd52c65497302db4fe74f2ac5.mp4

>>124163 ''Ron Johnson SAYS @ 1:30 mark…"I don't want to speculate"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a81b661f534168167523740666f4d4eadf149731a645ac940fc5284aceb919d0.mp4

>>124164, >>124170 Is that a lantern to his left?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/304f941ba644ad2a1517bc1c387b16990eda30aec8a1738cb8065d5ba71aa66b.mp4

>>124165 Third Debate Moderator Kristen Welker a Huge Trump-Hater Who Once Was Caught on Hot Mic Giving Hillary Crony the Questions

>>124166 Yup they're doing this, Good Lord

>>124167 Donald Trump Jr. - Biden called a lid till Thursday?

>>124168 New Data Analysis Finds 353 Counties With 1.8 Million More Registered Voters Than Residents

>>124169, >>124176 RIGGED!!!

>>124171 Pepper mask robot, Gates, Tedros, Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, UN, and others were all speakers at the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative

>>124172 Donald Trump Will Run Again in 2024 if He Loses to Joe Biden, Says Steve Bannon

>>124173 Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat was taken to a hospital in Israel for treatment of a worsening case of COVID-19

>>124174 Start asking why the Biden campaign isn’t suing the New York Post. Because the counter suit, the discovery process would EXPOSE EVERYTHING

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124175 Howard Gutman is the man referred to in the NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department

>>124177, >>124181 U.S. ambassador denies soliciting prostitutes in public parks as damning internal memo accuses State Department of sex scandal cover-up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bb6JeX6dvEk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124178 The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children

>>124179 Protesters Rally in Santiago Ahead of Chilean National Referendum

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w-4aB0KHoDs

>>124180 Wray needs to go. He is running interference for the DNC.

>>124182 GOP Leader McCarthy and Rep Devin Nunes With Maria Bartiromo Sunday Morning

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oea84RoGC90 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124183 Protest against Covid-19 rules in Prague escalates into clashes with police

>>124184 Ralph Reed's coalition has 22m voters in swing states, 44m in all states, and will engage in a heavy GOTV.

>>124185 Moar Panic

>>124186 Trump's Steve Cortez equates Biden working with China's Communist Party like working with Nazi's in WWII.'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b47fb815b1a0a1f5d5b909866b719c82ed866467c8fbd8b213cb26f939bd25f.mp4

>>124187 Seething from /comms/ collection, Guess "muh grpahic" touched a nerve.

>>124188 #14247

(24 notables, 27 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173900

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11141384 Q Research General #14248: The Seething Continues Edition

Created 182104ZOCT20




>>124189 UNKN (0016) & 0017

>>124190, >>124196 Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging Hunters contacts seized

>>124191 /pol/ exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

>>124192 Rudy bringing the PAIN

>>124193, >>124197 DARK TO LIGHT. President 44 then President 45


>>124195 Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the Biden family payoffs

>>124198 09-0016 USAF C-32A departs John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana, CA for Reno-Tahoe International Airport, NV

>>124199 Proof GOOG algo rigged to pump Qanon disinfo.

>>124200 Denver Riggleman

>>124201 If anyone doubts what Chinese security forces do to Hong Kong activists

>>124202 California loves Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f80235eb307f44c6d8c6238d28d1f64e15d014b7f9a44fc74d06aaac396bd09.mp4

>>124203 Staffers who worked for President George W. Bush are going all in for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden

>>124204 Massachusetts Bernie Bitch Physically Attacks President Trump-Supporting 73 Year Old Vietnam Veteran

>>124205 GRZLY50 USMC C-560 departing Lake Tahoe Airport

>>124206, >>124207, >>124208 NEW SCAVINO

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e05e128f82dc33e3eca1051caffa3b4c3b4a04b9ab7197710f9b32df0ed2e2d.mp4

>>124209 FBI = Disinformation

>>124210, >>124214, >>124215 BREAKING REPORT: MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered by Raymond T. Stewart, a retired police officer in Houston, STACKS OF DRIVERS LICENSES USED to Illegally Vote..

>>124211 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fiz-qWQ1hxc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124212 Richard Grenell - Massive support for @realDonaldTrump in SoCal.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/adeeefc07724a43282aaa45d794d8610e6fe5dbcf0dbc05a02b097326b3ed095.mp4

>>124213 More trouble for Joe Biden as Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement


>>124217 Whitmer comms: They want to ICE HUNTER = Put Hunter on ICE

>>124218 09-0017 USAF C-32A heading for Travis AFB, Fairfield CA

>>124219 #14248,

(25 notables, 31 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173901

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11142962 Q Research General #14250: Clearnet Down, Shills Seething Edition

Created 182351ZOCT20




>>124240 Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124241 Hunter Biden's Web Of Interests.

>>124242 Video of Distraction OP at Trump Tower ChiraQ

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3541c4c35f5d00ec5ac9b7616e10e3c62d0bc41248b880c2c2e0d9a0c815d03a.mp4

>>124243 Plenty of solid evidence exists of prior elite and pedo sex scandals/rings for MSM QAnon articles

>>124244 Hungarian Trade Minister BLASTS Crooked Joe Biden After He Calls Poland and Hungary Totalitarian Regimes

>>124245 WATCH: Joe Biden refuses to answer a question about the FBI seizing his son Hunter's laptop last year.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_NTYqs9ssQQ - Joe Biden refuses to answer question about FBI seizing son's laptop [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>124246 Joe Biden staged looking phone call to granddaughter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/210d6f1e26a598ae7185af29af3a70f8018bce87447623279c8bfe610fab27a3.mp4

>>124247 Hussein likes Pizza it seems. Probably the male kind…

>>124248 China warns US it may detain Americans over prosecutions of Chinese scholars: report

>>124249 Unbelievable – Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

>>124250 This weekend watch @ChanelRion as she Investigates with @OANN Biden's Bribe Tapes Parts 1- Part 3!

>>124251 UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton


>>124253 Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124254 Since the president is speaking in Nevada, and Fox is covering it Live (which is very important), my show Life, Liberty & Levin will air in progress as soon as the president is finished. My show will air for the entire hour at10 PM eastern! - Levin

>>124255 Trump turns his ire toward Cabinet members

>>124256 NUDE PICS & DEATH THREATS: Mayor’s Texting Affair With News Anchor Turns Into Crazy Scandal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yUSAVZsvXxo - Mayor’s Texting Affair With News Anchor Turns to Death Threats [Channel: Inside Edition]

>>124257 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

>>124258 82-8000 USAF 747 on ground at McCarran Int'l-Las Vegas from a earlier JBA departure heavily spoofed from Colorado onwards. Landed at approx 412pm local time

>>124259 D. Bongino

>>124260 Who even knew Strzok was a professor?

>>124261 REVEALED: Final presidential debate moderator Kristen Welker busted on live TV tipping off Clinton campaign comms director in March 2016 on interview questions.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/185568410c7eebe23ce27e5f8f0f4fcebc1508544136b0447641eb4398059ae3.mp4

>>124262 #14250

(23 notables, 23 posts, 33 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173902

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11142173 Q Research General #14249: Cyberbullying and Nevada Rallies Edition

Created 182200ZOCT20




>>124220 “Mr. Biden, What Flavor Did You Get?” – So-Called Reporter Asks Biden About His Milkshake, Ignores Bombshell New York Post Report on Hunter’s Emails

>>124221 Suspect Throws Torch Into Seattle Police Car With An Officer Inside

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-J3n0e5QFsc - Suspect Throws Torch into Seattle Police Car With an Officer inside [Channel: PoliceActivity]

>>124222 In general I think the minor children of politicians should be off limits. Adult fifty-year-old, crack-addicted, sister-in-law banging, stripper-impregnating bag men for China, Russia, and the Ukraine are a different story

>>124223 Murdoch's sway on politics warrants royal commission

>>124224 The White House - President Trump’s First Step Act "corrected many of the injustices of the Clinton Crime Bill and others."


>>124226 New York Times continues peddling the "Hunter Biden evidence is inauthentic" narrative

>>124227 NEW PDJT - THANK YOU Newport Beach, California! Now on my way to Carson City, Nevada. Another big crowd, see you soon! #MAGA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e05e128f82dc33e3eca1051caffa3b4c3b4a04b9ab7197710f9b32df0ed2e2d.mp4

>>124228 BPro is the vendor for the vulnerable election portals for Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, and at least 6 other States and hundreds of counties

>>124229 Exclusive: Top Trump White House official recently traveled to Damascus for secret talks with Assad regime

>>124230 From Revolver article posted this am. Remember this anons, we are in the storm

>>124231 Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016

>>124232 Charlie Kirk Locked Out

>>124233 "Die In A Fire": "Professional, Objective" Twitter Employees' Hatred Of Trump Exposed

>>124234 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

>>124235 NEW PDJT - Big show tonight on @FoxNews! @MarkLevinShow will be exposing Joe Biden’s Corruption at 8:00pmE — and of course, don’t miss @NextRevFNC with @SteveHiltonx at 9:00pmE!

>>124236 POTUS kicking asses in Carson City.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fiz-qWQ1hxc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124237, >>124238 HAPPENING NOW: Man dangling on rope from Trump Tower in Chicago, Illinois, 'demanding to speak to President Trump'

>>124239 #14249

(19 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173903

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11143714 Q Research General #14251 Jackpot 777 Edition

Created 190037ZOCT20




>>124263 45th Space Wing@45thSpaceWing

>>124264, >>124268 Biden destroyed a father of 7 children to protect his Senate career

>>124265 President Trump Continues to Rip Nancy Pelosi Over her Son’s Shady Business Dealings

>>124266 'Any answers Nancy?

>>124267 Hunter and James Biden slush fund: Hudson West sponsored by the CCP.

>>124269 Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s Ukraine/China Business Partner — Has Fraud Conviction Re-Instated by Appeals Court and Faces Prison Time


>>124271 DNI Ratcliffe calls for investigation of 2017 ICA

>>124272 SPAR850 USAF-457th Airlift Squadron (457 AS) Learjet C-21A departed Langley

>>124273 Steve Bannon warning the DS there's a lot more to come

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0e4425c894feae4915469a163cf94d5104707fbe9f0ecd0aa1a4e0a04d092f09.mp4


>>124275, >>124281 Code Rebel and Devin Archer and Lichter

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ec730bcb84e8c58800b09a2e8aff687dd06c7e72568f9a075b4fd460286ef7c.pdf

>>124276 Do you anons also recall that the DNA of the COVID swab samples were also being stored?

>>124277 CM - Odin

>>124278 Cal Cunningham First Democrat in 22 Years Not to Receive Charlotte Observer Endorsement

>>124279 Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult *: Hooked

>>124280 Not the strongest DELTA, but a delta nontheless

>>124282 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Travis AFB after ground stop-inbound from March AFB ne to wait for POTUS and crew coming out of Reno in 16

>>124283 RSBN broke a record 138,000 viewers POTUS RALLY

>>124284 BREAKING NEWS. My sources- as high up as it gets- watched videos on Hunter's laptops TODAY. Just told me point blank…no rumor…they saw Hunter raping & torturing little Chinese children

>>124285 DEVELOPING: Man Dangling From Trump Tower Chicago Threatens to Cut His Rope Unless He Gets to Speak with President Trump

>>124286 Who was TESSA JOWELL of the UK Labour party? Died of GLIOBLASTOMA, same as Hunter, Teddy, and No-Name.

>>124287 Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?

>>124288 Hunter Becomes the Hunted

>>124289 Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

>>124290 Patchfag/ABCU8 BO is Lords Prayer Spammer

>>124291 Q is Real

>>124292 #14251,

(28 notables, 30 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173904

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11144491 Q Research General #14252: Hunter Becomes the Hunted Edition

Created 190123ZOCT20




>>124293 Israel, Bahrain formalize diplomatic relations during joint US-Israeli visit to Gulf state

>>124294 Almost 1 year to the day trump was telling us Hunter and Joe were going to have email problems.

>>124295 ‘Disaster for Joe’: As Hunter Biden's lawyers allegedly ask for his laptop BACK, Trump calls its explosive revelations ‘REAL DEAL’

>>124296 Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

>>124297 Hudson West Partners LO SEC Exemption Paperwork

>>124298 Two Catholic churches were burned in Santiago, #Chile today, amidst protest.


>>124300 Moar on 23andme and governments owning your DNA; "anonymizing DNA has proved impossible"

>>124301 CM ODIN ode monkey

>>124302 Joe Biden’s chances of winning the presidential election have never been better, oddsmakers say

>>124303 Next few weeks might seem sPooKy too some

>>124304 Q Anon Exposes Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi as MOSSAD supported Agents

>>124305 Biden Harris logo projected ontoTrump tower Chicago

>>124306 DJT Watch the @marklevinshow on @FoxNews at 10:00 P.M. He will importantly be talking about the corruption of Joe Biden

>>124307 “WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies”

>>124309 Chinese whistleblower reveals Hunter Biden “sex tapes” contain video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually Abusing Multiple Underage Chinese Teens

>>124310 Regarding the attacks from Ch-yna. Obviously OP listed the attacks against this board from Ch-yna, but think of the daily attacks on us as a whole

>>124311 Anon theory Pop may not be population

>>124312 Is Israel a failing state?

>>124313 Mike Pompeo Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart

>>124314 Australia financial crime watchdog investigates casino giant Crown

>>124315 China wants breakup of India. Bad move. India can press any of its 3 raw nerves any moment

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=01Wcvc6rtW8 - China wants breakup of India. Bad move. India can press any of its 3 raw nerves any moment [Channel: TFIGlobal]

>>124316, >>124322 Tomorrow is the 19th just saying

>>124317 Evan McMullin panic

>>124318 We have a few drops referring to 11.3, here is essentially another because it is 11.2.17 but says tomorrow, ie, 11.3.

>>124319 Planefag

>>124320, >>124321, >>124323, >>124325, >>124326, >>124329 Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

>>124324, >>124327 Schiff comms? you decide.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c135f8c575c9f391746cdd1fa511c75a02f3ed7dd481cccf66f5b16822784e4.mp4

>>124328 How Grief Became Joe Biden’s ‘Superpower’

>>124330 Disinformation is Necessary - "Let's see what happens."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/03647b826d648636d2c1aa4a6104eef4b340c27bcb49ee6f0c921151da42c523.mp4

>>124331 Moar on Anna Adeola Makanju from FB: HunterGate

>>124332 #14208-14251, #14252

(32 notables, 40 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173905

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11145232 Q Research General #14253: Mike Pompeo Loyalty and Kindness Sunday Edition

Created 190215ZOCT20




>>124333, >>124336, >>124342 CM Worried?


>>124335 NYT is deeply loyal to their masters the Chinese Communist Party

>>124337 Anons - fresh meme ammo!

>>124338, >>124341, >>124343, >>124346 Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7eb348bd8a66832ce754086f61d61abd25e0d1494482a7e7a50abedf24d9620d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9636e4d298adf025e7848f7434c014ebc4e49f5bcf3203539d92a9ff79bb640.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a059f43f00de78341a3ed0833d8e38702261c0d69aeeaad22a43d1a7eb9eae42.mp4

>>124339 Trump vindicated about CA wildfires



>>124345 Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/12875873a2aa3af3f7b823296e9018b2c88a73efaf95de0aff060347427ed99d.pdf

>>124347 Longer video of man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

>>124348, >>124358 Zbigniew Brzezinski's coat of arms 666

>>124349, >>124363, >>124364, >>124365 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

>>124350 This is the Trip Report from the trip Hunter took with Joe Biden to China on AF2, when Hunter got the load guarantees

>>124351 Cuomo killed my parents': Protesters fill casket with copies of New York Governor's book on his Covid-19 response 'leadership

>>124352 PF 09-0016 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS on final approach for McCarran Int'l, LV from Reno

>>124353 Disturbing’: Michigan governor blasts Trump for inciting ‘domestic terrorism’ after ‘lock her up’ chant at rally

>>124355 Top US Official Traveled to Syria for Talks With Damascus on US Citizens' Release

>>124356 Categories include: cases & testing, deaths & deathrate, lockdowns, hcq/hydroxychloroquine, masks, politicization, media spin

>>124357 Gov Whitmer “Encouraging Assassination Attempts Against President Trump” With Bizzare “86 45” During “Meet The Press” Appearance

>>124359 Hunter Biden mother car crash (2019)

>>124360 Virginia passes law that prevents LAW enforcement of Car defect violations

>>124362 PF

>>124366 Locals warn derelict barge ‘Nabarima’ about to spill 55 million gallons of oil and no one is helping

>>124367 Generals and National Security Figures are Endorsing Biden, All the More Reason to Vote for Donald Trump

>>124368 Diesel-powered submarines conduct underwater duel in Sea of Japan, Russian Pacific Fleet says

>>124369 Just watched ABCU|8 - All Assets Deployed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_KIOU1LThDI - ABCU|8 - All Assets Deployed [Channel: American Broadcasting CommUnity]

>>124370 Q #556

>>124371 Daniel Andrews slams New Zealand travel bubble disaster

>>124372 Facebook Suspends User Jamie Allman’s Account After He Posts Video of Hundreds of Black Trump Supporters Chanting “We Love Trump!” in Washington DC (VIDEO)

>>124373 Hostage's Daughter `Nearly Jumped Out Of Her Skin' Hearing Of Release: Anna Makanju Grandfather was was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army

>>124374 POTUS rally featured on Sky News Australia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QKwU_gmew8Y - The Biden family ‘is a criminal enterprise’ [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124375 #14253

(32 notables, 43 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173906

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11146002 Q Research General #14254: Biden/China VIP MARKER Edition

Created 190317ZOCT20




>>124376 Scavino tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e57774aa72b759f97579808a6873e6bfe3f12dceeff368817481e19e51ce9bc9.mp4

>>124377 Steve Hilton program - barrel of RED PILLS for normies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VVimSQRDcPc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124378 Antifa simulating cannibal rituals in Boston streets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/75bcfa113ae1b4eb26c96550270148041ebeda7fec7a8eb5f98f84c6d1b7653d.mp4

>>124379 South China Sea warning: Fishing on verge of ‘irreversible collapse’ amid China tensions

>>124380, >>124383 Planefags

>>124381, >>124384 Charles Ortel interview on Biden crime family nonprofits and money-laundering ops

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NYX6q34bjDU - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>124382 NYC Nursing Home COVID Policy Protest: Casket Filled with Cuomo's Book

>>124385 CCP-controlled TikTok toughening stance vs. "QAnon"

>>124386 Joe Biden Walks Off When Questioned About FBI Seizing Son’s Laptop

>>124387 Ukraine Lawmaker Says Government Seized 2nd Laptop from Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

>>124388 Chinese Lockdown-and-Mask Model Failed. Now Its Proponents Need Scapegoats

>>124389, >>124392 bun for #14208-14244

>>124390 Mr. Guo’s latest Chinese revolution for freedom song “A Wine Toast to Take Down the CCP”

>>124391 Paul Pelosi Jr. has Ukraine Problem like Hunter Biden and Devon Archer


>>124395 #14254

(16 notables, 20 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173907

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11146782 Q Research General #14255: Rudy Spills the Beans on Hunter Biden Laptop

Created 190432ZOCT20




>>124396 Dan Scavino🇺🇸 - WOW—this is EPIC! Today in Miami, Florida! #LatinosForTrump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2383eb5fe04542d5950a1ecee302e667d5c278b189f59b5d4b2aa8f09abc5b1.mp4

>>124397 This tweet which is filled with dangerous lies has 25,000 retweets and verified accounts are quote tweeting it. This is only going to get worse over the next couple weeks.

>>124398 HONEY POT

>>124399 The 31-day campaign against QAnon - PANIC

>>124400 /Pol/ election Fuckery

>>124401, >>124403, >>124404 ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/173f4b43365a7c6dabb2bd8b051319443450a7ccf42fc2748d3ad33280a1e1ed.mp4

>>124402 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

>>124405 Just published a story about this disruption. It wasn't just 8chan/8kun that got sidelined. More to come.

>>124406 Hunters emails?

>>124407 Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million investment from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, the report said.

>>124408 Dan Abrams

>>124409 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 19, 2020

>>124410 QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

>>124411 New POTUS

>>124412 Dancing Trump going viral

>>124413 Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For FBI To Address Reported Biden Ukraine Meeting

>>124414 #14255

(17 notables, 19 posts, 23 media/files)

Q- >>124401

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173908

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11148299 Q Research General #14257: A House of Cards Edition

Created 190658ZOCT20




>>124448 - Federal Crimes Uncovered In Biden Hard Drive | Rudy Giulian

>>124449 - Good watch knowing what we know now.

>>124450 - The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani

>>124451 - The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanist

>>124452 - Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit - 7:00AM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F16rgCW3E8U - Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit - 7:00AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>124453 - H.Res.1175 - drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange

>>124454 - Shady Private Equity Firm run by Kerry and Biden's kids

>>124455 - re Anna Makanju

>>124456 - 3:29 "Hunter Biden in disturbing acts with children not treating Chinese as human beings, filmed by the CCP."

>>124457 - More Hunter digs

>>124458, >>124459, >>124460, >>124461 - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

>>124462 - Bill Maher on Acceptible Pedophilia (5 min)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZdaORu1awQs - Bill Maher on Acceptible Pedophilia [Channel: Black & Blonde Media]

>>124463, >>124464 - ELON MUSK MOTHER.

>>124465 #14257

(14 notables, 18 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173909

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11147530 Q Research General #14256: Buckle up! Edition

Created 190528ZOCT20





VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/97d35f54bbd4dd11394fa4ab483316e8cdec518785e6dfd5037e00f7ad963132.mp4

>>124417 - Rosemont was in the 2011 Hillary emails

>>124418, >>124423 - Lu De says its all there.. everyone can get a drop for their own.

>>124419 - new BIG biden reveal- getting another prosecutor fired?

>>124420 - Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel

>>124421 - Spoopy 4chan Story

>>124422 - Joe Biden’s father a clerk-typist for Amoco in York also lived at YMCA

>>124424, >>124435, >>124444 - Large LAPD response at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood

>>124425 - Patrick Ho schemed to bribe the leaders of Chad and Uganda

>>124426 - The crowds in Cali make me believe a red wave is possible

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e05e128f82dc33e3eca1051caffa3b4c3b4a04b9ab7197710f9b32df0ed2e2d.mp4

>>124427 - Trump Card by Dinesh D'Souza on Bitchute

>>124428 - IMDb changes 'Sex & Nudity' rating of "Cuties" movie from 'Severe' to 'Moderate' despite viewers' opinion

>>124429 - What makes a correct cap for the baker?

>>124430 - Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

>>124431 - Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.

>>124432 - False Positive PCR Tests

>>124433 - Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

>>124434 - How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump

>>124436, >>124438, >>124439, >>124440, >>124442 - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

>>124437 - Chanel Rion

>>124441 - Muslim Brotherhood Info Drop

>>124443 - SPOT-On messaging and LOOK at her reach - Right UP There with POTUS!

>>124445 - Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Joe Biden’s intersection started 47 years ago

>>124446 - Key telling statement from Transition Integrity Project (TIP):

>>124447 #14256

(25 notables, 33 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173910

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11149828 Q Research General #14259: Good Morning Anon, How Are You Edition

Created 191059ZOCT20




>>124502 - Fear Porn: Asteroid may strike Earth day before election: top astrophysicist

>>124503 - Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

>>124504, >>124506 - Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/90c1fd3f03a7d29af2782ebe613137dfd3fbfd76a984dca6e547926ec0b66e1c.mp4

>>124505 - DON CORLEONE…oppps DON BIDEN and the vatican

>>124507, >>124508 - The Son of Quads Returns

>>124509 - Canada won’t stop calling for human rights in China

>>124510 - Anyone in the world can change your mail-in vote in oregon using only your name and DOB

>>124511 - HIT PIECE: QAnon-Conspiracy Forum 8kun Back Online With Help From Russian Internet Firm

>>124512 - Facebook and YouTube take action against QAnon — but they’re fighting a losing battle

>>124513 - HIT PIECE: QAnon has hijacked the name of a real organization trying to save children

>>124514 - TikTok Is Banning Accounts That Spread QAnon Theories

>>124515 - We All Live under Chinese Censorship….song

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CdVFIFnDcrU - THE CHINESE CENSORSHIP SONG [Channel: Nanar Studios]

>>124516 - HIT PIECE: QAnon child sex trafficking conspiracy is hurting the anti-trafficking movement

>>124517 - HIT PIECE: A rare interview with a recovering QAnon'er

>>124518 - Japan, Vietnam leaders affirm defense, economic cooperation

>>124519 - US carrier strike group resumes South China Sea operations

>>124520 #14258

>>124521 - ‘Thousands upon thousands’ of Trump supporters greet president in California: McEnany

>>124522 - Japan PM slams S. China Sea actions in contravention of rule of law

>>124523 - Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

>>124524 - Biden would revamp fraying intel community

>>124525 - [F]BI - At the (Center) of [F]oreign [Infiltration] Corruption

>>124526, >>124527 #14259

(23 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173911

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11150571 Q Research General #14260: Red October Edition

Created 191248ZOCT20





>>124529 - VOTE ALL DEMS OUT, 'ALL'


>>124531 - 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>124532 - Joe Biden's Donors Got Special Treatment


>>124534 - ‘Ukraine, crack and sex’ emails are NOT Russian disinformation

>>124535 - Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Track Force

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8_ywsyaKcxs - Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Task Force - 9:00 A.M. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]


>>124537 - RonPaulLibertyReport

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>124538 - China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal Is the News Now

>>124539, >>124546, >>124552 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124540 - Euronext trading glitch halts trading for two hours in Paris and elsewhere

>>124541 - Anna Makanju Is Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship

>>124542, >>124547 - 17 miles, GEOTUS Newport twatter video

>>124543 - BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing the president

>>124544 - South African links to Elon Musk Mother and EVERGREEN

>>124545 (other bread), (other bread) BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing they president (Snagged this notable from the anime bread)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AL9KPBYLgNY - Anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart [Channel: Infidel]

>>124548 - DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation

>>124549 - It’s Not Just Joe Biden. Remember the Media Squashing THESE Scandals?

>>124550 - Could Assad Regime Make Deal With Trump Admin?

>>124551 - Executive Order Blocking Property Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse

>>124553 - Over the [Alexandra Chalupa] Target

>>124554 #14260

(24 notables, 27 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173912

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11151529 Q Research General #14260: Why Hello There Fellow Anons Edition

Created 191414ZOCT20




>>124589 - Early Voting numbers

>>124590 - China Entrepreneurs Club members for whom Hunter Biden/Devon Archer secured high-level meetings at Obama-Biden WH

>>124591 - Who runs Hollywood? C’mon

>>124592 - Newport Beach helicopter crash: 3 dead, 2 injured in Southern California

>>124593, >>124596, >>124601, >>124605, >>124607 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124594 - 60 miles!! Not campaign organized, just passionate voters.

>>124595, >>124597 - Newt Gingrich Tweets, How can the Presidential Debate Commission...

>>124598 - Black free speech activist Philip Anderson was attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter supporters

>>124599 - It's truly sad to see how many people support the censorship of free speech


>>124602 - Ron Reagan Blasts 'Grifter' Trumps, Says His Dad Would Be 'Horrified' By The GOP

>>124603 - S.F. public schools are considering renaming buildings named for individuals with questionable histories

>>124604 - New York Post Published Hunter Biden Report Amid Newsroom Doubts

>>124606 - Operation Ketchup

>>124608 - http://vote.donaldjtrump.com/

>>124609 - the Trudeau plan

>>124610 - Sudanese is ready to start normalization talks with Israel

>>124611 - Dr. Birx reportedly asked Pence to remove COVID-19 adviser pushing 'junk science'

>>124612 - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=woGyMvqLV5o - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124613 - Wikipedia destroying itself, Allegations of corruption against ex-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter have apparently been “debunked”

>>124614 #14261,

(21 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173913

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11149092 Q Research General #14258: Comfy Company Reporting-Inn Edition

Created 190853ZOCT20




>>124466, >>124480, >>124498 - VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx

>>124467 - Roger Stone Parler

>>124468 - Dark to Light

>>124469, >>124470 -Why all these face masks?

>>124471 - Hunter Biden’s drug problems aren’t funny or attack fodder.

>>124472 - EVERGREEN - Links to Elon Musk

>>124473 - QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

>>124474 #14208-14251

>>124475 - DoD Tweet, frogs

>>124476 - Supreme Court fight, Twitter subpoena, and vote on virus aid

>>124477 - How a scandal-plagued Hunter Biden tried to disappear

>>124478 - Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

>>124479 - Someone Else’s Life Is Passing before Biden’s Eyes

>>124481 - The Racial Politics of Kamala Harris’s Performance Style

>>124482 - Chuck Todd interviewed Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

>>124483 - Are the FakeNews Polls a Setup for Post-Election Chaos?

>>124484 - US v Flynn has been flooded by Amicus briefs

>>124485 - Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment

>>124486, >>124487, >>124490, >>124492 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124488 - Media avoiding The Post’s Hunter Biden stories as much as Joe: Devin

>>124489, >>124494 - CNN SEARCH RESULTS

>>124491 - A former Facebook exec will oversee enforcement of the Biden campaign's ethics plan

>>124493 - Massive Caravan of Trump Supporters Stretches 30 Miles in AZ (video)

>>124495 - Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book

>>124496 - Rudy Giulian Tweets

>>124497 - Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Question About FBI (video)

>>124499 - GEOTUS Motorcade sees Thousands of Cheering Supporters in CA (video)

>>124500 - Arson suspect arrested after series of fires in East Portland

>>124501 #14258

(29 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173914

File: 10b284f4000cbe7⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11150678 Q Research General #14260: Anon Bake with Fixed Notables Edition

Created 191302ZOCT20




>>124555, >>124559 Hunter Biden's Laptop "Is Not Some Russian Disinformation Campaign"; DNI Ratcliffe Slams Schiff

>>124556 Antifa Shoves Elderly Man to Ground at Free Speech Rally

>>124557 Man climbs Trump Tower Chicago, threatening to jump if he cannot speak to president

>>124558 Theory: Possible vid drop this week? Strategize how to disseminate before it happens.

>>124560 Pastor Paul Goulet of the International Church of Las Vegas

>>124561, >>124562, >>124567 Rallies in California

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d62adfd7cf440da3a4a9f1f3aaa2d9d01fa8c288334ea61073f499a0f9a92328.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QKXZAL8sS-g - Beverly Hills Freedom/Trump March September 12, 2020 [Channel: Surcherca Stoke]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NpCJOffQgCY - Federal Building Rally [Channel: Surcherca Stoke]

>>124563 Dems trying to cheat the system with Stimulus programs: 800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

>>124564 Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

>>124565 DOJ To Hold Virtual Press Conference on a National Security Cyber Matter

>>124566 Trump Campaign Increases Campaign Ad Spending

>>124568, >>124572 Planefag Reports

>>124569, >>124582 US Mil Tweets and Reports

>>124570 Excellent research on the Joe/Hunter jobs connection

>>124571 Joe was already in the mobs pockets when he first won Senate election.

>>124573 Bahrain signing a peace deal with Israel

>>124574 LIVE: Mnuchin, UAE Financial Affairs Minister delivers remarks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kLOvqx_bkaQ - Mnuchin, UAE Financial Affairs Minister delivers remarks [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124575 More pro-China articles from US Media. Infiltration.

>>124576 OOPS. Whitmer lets it slip why THEY are keeping us in lockdowns.

>>124577 Hunter's "smoking gun" email put thru photoshop?

>>124578 Venezuela's Citgo-backed bonds boosted by U.S. court ruling

>>124579 #TrumpDanceChallenge

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/538781ab6915e58978d64f1bb81aeef126d56a8f64f5ee276545f6f63ff1db4a.mp4

>>124580 Trump supporters in KC threatened with attack in civil war

>>124581 President Trump says he plans to do five rallies a day leading up to election. "We are going to win….."

>>124583 Wikipedia clears the Bidens from any wrongdoing

>>124585 vote.donaldjtrump.com is BLOCKED.

>>124586, >>124587 Obama tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a6d016a4ae90eb703cd3b158abcd398d55d272ba4d63ba16c78467b688a4ceb8.mp4

>>124588 /Comms/ Bread Minibun

(27 notables, 33 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173915

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11153182 Q Research General #14261: God's Holy Angel QArmy We RISE Today Edition

Created 191622ZOCT20




>>124645, >>124646, >>124647, >>124648, >>124649, >>124650 Breitbart came up with the slow drip idea. He did it with Anthony Weiner

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c9163419294a085c84c048a13c8e4f2db2f8821e90357775a62a8f190ff39fc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09c87548af612d5d443799c701ff690199746f2134a1f39362b703c5057b4fe2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba104a7f89f5134013e21138d67a08fd85ae1816aa264bc66cb97f9d38405baf.mp4

>>124651, >>124670 Chinese Virus Reports

>>124652, >>124657, >>124665, >>124668, >>124669, >>124676, >>124680, >>124684 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4775d1de9422d9f5fadcf97790b277deab1eb178232321cd67b9ad3c8fa8c2de.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f6ef5dbc09c3a5d9c816cf63c9b1b9ebc09bc65937e4e2c2d49729be2bac3db.mp4

>>124653, >>124658, >>124660, >>124662, >>124663, >>124664 Patriot's Biden/CHYNA reveals explaination

>>124654 Juanita Broaddrick Very bad videos are said to drop soon of Hunter and victims and nothing from FBI.

>>124655, >>124661 Federal report on human trafficking

>>124656 Why announce this now? Russian hacking fits the DNC narrative about Biden emails.

>>124659 Hunter Biden's contact in Kazakhstan is Rakishev.

>>124666, >>124672 Six Russian GRU Officers Charged in Connection with Worldwide Deployment of Destructive Malware and Other Disruptive Actions in Cyberspace

>>124667, >>124671, >>124674 Planefag reports

>>124673 DAN WITH A NEW TWEET President Trump ARIZONA!

>>124675 Ted Budd @RepTedBudd If it's true that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father while he was VP, then the Justice Department should investigate.

>>124677, >>124683 Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8fb51d40d33f1cccbdcbc05d1a54630287c2d0b91abac6181c9daaaeec0b8cc9.mp4

>>124678 Puppet Masters You don't get more politically connected': Securities fraud scammers boasted about links to Hunter Biden

>>124679 Federal court rules Texas doesn’t have to notify voters whose ballots are tossed

>>124681 US MIL Tweets

>>124682 Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma

>>124685 #14261

(18 notables, 41 posts, 68 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173916

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11152879 Q Research General #14262: WWG1WGA Edition

Created 191559ZOCT20




>>124615 DOCUMENT, PHOTOS: Mother Accuses Biden Group Of Misconduct In Teen Boy Bathroom Encounter

>>124616 Alexandra Chalupa mentioned in trial of POTUS paperwork

>>124617 DNI Chief John Ratcliffe Debunks Russian Disinformation Theories On Biden

>>124618 Pam Bondi from January.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oPvMuzyVOig - WATCH: Pam Bondi argues Biden corruption concerns are legitimate | Trump impeachment trial [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>124619 U.S. Attorney General Accuses The Walt Disney Company of “Kowtowing” to Chinese Government; 300 of Shanghai Disneyland’s Cast Members Active Members of Communist Party

>>124620 The BEST Is Yet To Come

>>124621 Disney Gets China Approval for Fox Acquisition

>>124622 China’s fascination with the Rothschilds

>>124623 Did you see this massive Trump parade in deep blue Beverly Hills?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b735360832eeb04ef2f614b1ccac4b42c89b1c6b80cb55ac5ea4aa87045c75a3.mp4

>>124624 Posobiec - Why did Moscow Mayors wife pay hunters firm?

>>124625 Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124626 Jason Miller say POTUS will press Biden on Hunter Emails

>>124627 20 Mins until FBI Press Conf on National Security Matter

>>124628 Democrats are known CCP agents

>>124629 DNI Ratcliffe on Maria Bartiromo this morning

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=woGyMvqLV5o - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124630 Cardi B deactivates her Twitter account after Instagram Live

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2bcf2c21b172ddd44313211653f2fab49ba113bf0354a3f4d03ce8b509748b7c.mp4

>>124631 Papadropolous - We Can not let social media become state media

>>124632 Moar evidence that Europe is fake and gay

>>124633 EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124634 Ratcliffe: No evidence tying Hunter Biden's laptop to Russia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bGXYq8pcW28 - Ratcliffe: No evidence tying Hunter Biden's laptop to Russia [Channel: Fox News]

>>124635 LIVE: Justice Department Officials Hold News Conference in Washington, D.C

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=psSQJ7ETWzU - LIVE: DOJ Holds News Conference After U.S. Charges Six Russian Agents for Past Hacking [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

>>124636 President Trump on call with staff: "I think Joe Biden has a scandal coming up that's going to make him almost an impotent candidate."

>>124637 Garrison - The Storm Is Here

>>124638 Ballots Stolen From Mailboxes in State of Washington

>>124639 Justice Department Officials Hold News Conference

>>124640 EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GureRbH-_Xs - EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder [Channel: StevenCrowder]

>>124641 NEW POTUS

>>124642 Adm. Mike Rogers on CBS Deface the Nation Oct 18, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P0Mkt3fwoEg - Former NSA chief says Russia unlikely to target infrastructure to try to change votes [Channel: Face the Nation]

>>124643 EVIL AMONG US: Leftist Antifa Performs Satanic Ritual in Street and Eat a Heart Symbolic of President Trump

>>124644 #14262

(30 notables, 30 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173917

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11154240 Q Research General #14263: Joe Biden, Impotent Candidate Edition

Created 191724ZOCT20




>>124686, >>124687, >>124703, >>124711, >>124721, >>124731 NEW POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4775d1de9422d9f5fadcf97790b277deab1eb178232321cd67b9ad3c8fa8c2de.mp4

>>124688 White Coat Summit II Held Over the Weekend in Washington D.C. – Will This Be Censored by Big Tech As Well?

>>124689 Trafficking in Persons REPORTs in chart forms: Global Law Enforcement Data

>>124690 What do you think? Is it a match?

>>124691 Susan Collins Reaches Out To Qanon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ke9EZAbvUhs - Susan Collins Reaches Out To Qanon [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>124692 EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GureRbH-_Xs - EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder [Channel: StevenCrowder]

>>124693 Court Records Show Google Gives Keyword Searches of Innocent People to Cops

>>124694 Congressman Krishnamoorthi on Stimulus Talks and QAnon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O8_bcabkktI - Congressman Krishnamoorthi on Stimulus Talks and QAnon [Channel: Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi]

>>124695 Every time DOJ or FBI suits talk about Right Wing extremists and Russian hackers they're trying to cover up for the DNC, Marxist Extremists and/or the Chinese Communist Party.

>>124696 Wisconsin Judge Reinstates COVID-19 Restrictions On Restaurants, Bars

>>124697 JUST IN: Joe Biden tax plan to create tax rate of approximately 62% for Californians and New Yorkers

>>124698, >>124700, >>124702, >>124705, >>124720, >>124726, >>124728, >>124737, >>124740 INTL NEWS

>>124699 No Real Change Can Come If Speech Is Restricted By Monopolistic Oligarchs

>>124701 PANIC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jhRLg6BhvRU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124704 NEW Dan Scavino

>>124706 82-8000 USAF 747 departing McCarran Int'l Las Vegas-this AC arrived last night from JBA-cap#2 at 413pm local time

>>124707 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qCE0TyMl-pM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124708 5 rallies a day?

>>124709 09-0017 USAF C-32A out of March AFB after an overnight se

>>124710, >>124723 BREAKING: Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma. Blinken is currently a top foreign policy adviser to the Biden campaign.

>>124712 Should Hunter Biden Be in Jail? Another Look at the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe Securities Fraud Case

>>124713 Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

>>124714 The coup have failed! We the people!

>>124715 If it's true that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father while he was VP, then the Justice Department should investigate.

>>124716 NBC News reporter Kristen Welker, the debate moderator for the final presidential debate, has strong ties to Democrat activism

>>124717 Federal court rules Texas doesn’t have to notify voters whose ballots are tossed

>>124718 At least 15 Portland police officers earned more than $200,000 last year due to overtime amid mass protests, figures reveal

>>124719 School monitor for sex abuse claims quits, cites retaliation

>>124722 Rockefeller, Davos, IMF, and World Bank, CFR, Rothchild, are responsible for the C virus. The biggest con of my life

>>124724 US sources to @AlGhadTV: In a few days, Sudan will sign a peace agreement with Israel. Sudan will be removed from the list of countries supporting terrorism, and will be exempted from its 3 billion $ in debt

>>124725 Marine Vet Former Rep. Duncan Hunter to Serve Sentence at West Texas Prison Camp

>>124727 Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.

>>124729 Hunter Biden's jailed former business partner flipped & leaked 26,000 emails

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Pq78vQrcabE - Hunter Biden's jailed former business partner flipped & leaked 26,000 emails [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>124730 FCC Head and Internet’s Most Hated Man Ajit Pai Just Vowed to Kill First Amendment Rights Online

>>124732 NEW Paul Sperry - Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma

>>124733 Coronavirus stimulus: White House ups offer to 'almost $1.9 trillion' ahead of Pelosi's Tuesday deadline

>>124734 Human Rights Watchdog Says Governments Using Pandemic To Crack Down On Online Dissent

>>124735 Birx confronted Pence about Atlas

>>124736 Big Tech will do whatever it takes to protect Biden

>>124738 Never ending /comms/ bullshit

>>124739 Lords prayer spamming patchfag larper aka BO of ABCU8

>>124741 Judicial Watch’s New Study, ObamaGate Movie & Clinton Updates!

>>124742 DOJ Announces Charges Against 6 Russian GRU Hackers Who Will Never See the Inside of a US Courtroom

>>124743 /comms/karens slipped abcu|8 links back into the dough

>>124744 NEW Richard Grenell

>>124745 Kristen Welker is caught on camera giving debate questions to Jennifer Palemeri, Communications Director for the 2016 Clinton Campaign.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8fb51d40d33f1cccbdcbc05d1a54630287c2d0b91abac6181c9daaaeec0b8cc9.mp4

>>124746 Adam Schiff Persists in Projecting His Ass Off

>>124747 NEW Rand Paul

>>124748 MIT: Twitter Ban ‘Nearly Doubled’ The Visibility Of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

>>124749 #14263

(50 notables, 64 posts, 76 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173918

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11155402 Q Research General #14264: No Outside /COMMS/ Ever. Edition

Created 191836ZOCT20




>>124750 Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Won’t Be Mandatory, Biden Says It Should Be

>>124751 L.A. County sheriff’s deputy charged with arranging to meet an underage girl for sex

>>124752 Doctors speak out against masks

>>124753 Trump is trending for his trademark dance moves on his favourite exit song. Netizens are not only taking the #TrumpDanceChallenge but are also giving tutorials. - WION reports.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41ae04aabce7853292799b124749d41a06d24d73559ba408abe3cd835c917c89.mp4

>>124754 Mark Meadows - Twitter interfering with Election

>>124755 ‘The Emails Are Russian’ Will Be the Narrative, Regardless of Facts or Evidence

>>124756 Supreme Court accepts Trump administration's request to hear two immigration cases

>>124757 Director of National Intelligence Director John Ratliffe says Hunter Biden laptop is NOT linked at all to Russian Intelligence. Russian Disinformation, or Russian Oligarchs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=woGyMvqLV5o - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign [Channel: Fox Business]


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=imTUuSonHk0 - LIVE: Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Prescott, Arizona [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

>>124759 Early voting data. It's just VOLUME. Might be obvious for anons but not the normies…they startle easier.

>>124760 The Great Coronavirus Divide: Wall Street Profits Surge as Poverty Rises


>>124762 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qCE0TyMl-pM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124763, >>124764, >>124770, >>124773, >>124777, >>124782, >>124783, >>124785, >>124786 Other Non-Q News


>>124766 Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’

>>124767 Sen Ron Johnson (Wis) with Maria B - "I think we caught Biden in a lie."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XgvbZ_8Ip-Q - Sen Johnson on Hunter Biden report: I think we've caught Biden in a lie [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124768, >>124769, >>124775, >>124776, >>124784 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GeiUqsOMTxk - Theresa May' misfires over the failed Trident test [Channel: I Am Incorrigible]

>>124771 Ron Paul - "Adam Schiff is blaming the Hunter Biden laptop on 'Russian Disinformation'." Video 33:09

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0CuwagQTd4k - There They Go Again! Adam Schiff Blames RUSSIA For Biden's Laptop [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>124772 TikTok Bans Content From Far-Right Conspiracy Movement QAnon - PANIC

>>124774 Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

>>124778 WaPo Op-Ed by Ex-Twitter, Google Exec Calls for Banning President Trump from Social Media Until After Election Winner Declared

>>124779 POTUS: "Joe Biden is a criminal, and YOU [MSM], are criminals for not reporting it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a8d5f3964b30377f4afc8032fe112f27674ca8ad3584b8795343df20c8913869.mp4

>>124780 The Morning Briefing: Big Tech Needs to Get Its Filthy, Biased Thumbs Off the Scale of This Election

>>124781 NC Gov. Roy Cooper Caught on Hot Mic Talking to Biden About Dem Sen Candidate

>>124787, >>124788 Ghislaine appeal denied

>>124789 POTUS RALLY - Right Side Broadcasting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qCE0TyMl-pM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124790 BREAKING: 2nd Circuit Court of appeals agrees with lower court to unseal Ghislaine Maxwell deposition documents.

>>124791 #14264,

(29 notables, 42 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173919

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11158153 Q Research General #14267: Biden Staying in the Basement Edition

Created 192112ZOCT20




>>124850 Wargame of 2020 election results

>>124851 Special Treatment for Minority Students Could Backfire

>>124852 House Judiciary GOP Tweet

>>124853 Toobin was beating it on Zoom

>>124854 Exposed: Antonia Hernandez, the Democrats' Soros-Connected Debate Commissioner

>>124855 #QuidProQuo is trending….


>>124857 Timing is everything

>>124858 Q literally called ABCU8 and warroom out (same people) directly.

>>124859 DEVELOPING: Tsunami warning issued for southern Alaska after 7.5 magnitude earthquake strikes south of Aleutian Islands

>>124860 Notice how Zero Democrats are denying that the #HunterBiden computer is not his; or that the the information it contains is false. #MSNBC you are full of shit.

>>124861 Raniere Requests New Trial

>>124862 Report: Biden Economic Policy Will Kill Two Million Jobs

>>124863 Erdogan Claims Russia, US, France Are Arming Armenia, Russia Raises Issue of Pro-Turkish Terrorists in Artsakh

>>124864 Hunter Biden's laptop: A Russian trick, a hack-job — or just what it looks like?

>>124865, >>124868, >>124869 Guess I really am a "Cyberbully" - Kekbees & /comms/ fail again

>>124866 US Charges 10 Defendants With Smuggling $50 Million in Apple Products Into Russia

>>124867 One of them would later meet President Trump as one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's seven children.

>>124870 100 percent of CNN employees named Jeffrey Toobin have been caught on camera exposing themselves to co-workers. - Keking my B's off

>>124871 An Earthquake, an Orphanage, and New Beginnings for Haitian Children in America

>>124872 #14267

(21 notables, 23 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173920

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11156391 Q Research General #14265: Winners Win, Traitors Die Edition

Created 191928ZOCT20




>>124792 How badass is POTUS buzzing the Arizona crowd in Marine 1???

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6fd5326ee155bd21a5cd64c1c30d0052a34cdf05705225d106c285dfcde0eec2.mp4

>>124793 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>124794 CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During Zoom Call

>>124795 US Blacklists Chinese, Australian Citizens and Organizations Over Iran

>>124796 NYSE Prepares To Move Operations Out Of New Jersey If Trading Tax Passes

>>124797, >>124800 NEW POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6e3d872a28cbe76c5b6e7ef8adadee183f272497287451cd8ba5d8299cb29cdf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72bea37fff6f658da9e6027097f44d6e1fa8a660b09073cb4264aebd976a1499.mp4

>>124798 Toobin tweet didn't age well

>>124799 "No one's buying it, CNN…you DUMB BASTARDS!!!" - POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c127f0d9d4b7ee2d3b8a9351e8dc0cbb0388461ac6cb082d137c8fbe71664f52.mp4

>>124801 Gov. Cuomo unveils NY COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan

>>124802 Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions After Visiting Private Island

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3KYwtoLY624 - Saagar Enjeti: Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions After Visiting Private Island [Channel: The Hill]

>>124803 Spread this picture far and wide!!!!

>>124804 The Biden Scandal Explodes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZKrz_fLpMRY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124805 86 = China.

>>124806 A CNN analyst who tried to bully a colleague's daughter whom he impregnated into getting an abortion, and who then refused to pay child support, "accidentally" showcased his schvantz during a Zoom call with other reporters.

>>124807 NSW man faces 70 charges over alleged sexual and physical abuse of woman and six children

>>124808 Archive Update "15 Days" Edition

>>124809 For the Keks - CommsKaren

>>124810 ALL /comms/ links were just removed from dough

>>124811 ‘I believed I was not visible’: CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin suspended by New Yorker for allegedly showing penis on Zoom call

>>124812 Fox News Reportedly Passed On Publishing Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Citing Credibility Issues

>>124813 Bill Gates: 'Shutting down' economy 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>124814 Suspect barricades himself in at Paramount Studios, shots fired amid massive police response

>>124815 Fire Intentionally Set Inside Ballot Box In LA County, Officials Say

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Iv93bh-37z0 - Ballot Drop Box Catches Fire In Baldwin Park [Channel: KCAL News]

>>124816 Department of Justice's COPS Office Invests More Than $536.7 Million in Grants to Improve Public Safety, Reduce Crime and Advance Community Policing

>>124817 Joe Biden’s Transition Co-Chair Hosted Hunter Biden-Linked Chinese Elites at Obama White House


>>124819 Cop Fired After Hackers Exposed Him as a ‘Neo-Nazi’ in a Group Tied to Over 100 Terror Attacks

>>124820 It's simply not true." + "…the FBI has had possession of this. What I can say, without commenting on any investigation that they may have into corruption or fraud, is to say that their investigation does not center around Russian disinformation + the intelligence community is playing no role with respect to that."

>>124821 #14265

(29 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173921

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11157315 Q Research General #14266: AZ Rally - POTUS Killing Them Ediiton

Created 192023ZOCT20




>>124822, >>124823 BREAKING: Court denies appeal to keep depositions secret, orders unsealing of documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life.

>>124824 Highly interdasting Twatter bread. ~WIZARDS & WARLOCKS~

>>124825 China orders Pro-Communist Bible revision, admits bible is Anti-Communist

>>124826 Tucker Carlson: The American Media Will Never Be The Same After The Hunter Biden Hard Drive Story

>>124827 Man is taken into custody after more than 13 hours dangling from 16th floor of Trump Tower in Chicago

>>124828 Moar Biden Emails Coming

>>124829 Wikipedia bans editors from expressing support for traditional marriage

>>124830 POTUS TRUMP: "I think today [Biden] is staying in the basement to talk to his lawyers, they caught him cold."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d0cbaed1e4fdb42f7da389e896ac691d993392319ce49ea194ea88939c1f4d4.mp4

>>124831 About 18 mins remaining!!

>>124832 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>124833 WaPo Op-Ed Calls for Censorship of POTUS:


>>124835 Trump Campaign Sends Letter to Commission on Presidential Debates

>>124836 This is someone I know from my days in Delaware. She is running against Chris Coons. Thought I would share

>>124837 Two Israeli groups set up training courses in Wikipedia editing with aims to 'show the other side' over borders and culture

>>124838 Bill Gates fear-mongering that 'shutting down' economy is 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>124839 Maxwell case: Unsealing of deposition materials allowed.

>>124840 New SOLOMON - Questions continue over Biden transition team's ties to Facebook

>>124841 BREAKING: Hunter Biden associate’s emails reveal details of deal with fmr Moscow mayors wife to launder funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed firm received $200M

>>124842 Biden now has serious questions to answer about Hunter's dodgy deals and he can't duck them forever

>>124843 Mike Pompeo Calls Twitter's 'Non-Viewpoint-Neutral' Worldview 'Dangerous'

>>124844 Can't quite recall a media propaganda campaign this blatant and shameful

>>124845 Morgan Stanley: 10% Correction Coming After Failure To Breach 30 Year Resistance

>>124846 Trump Campaign Manager Fires Off Letter to Debate Commission After they Change Third Debate Topics to Rescue Joe Biden and Ignore President Trump’s Historic Foreign Policy Successes

>>124847 50 Cent endorses Trump for President after seeing Biden's alleged tax plans

>>124848 WATCH: Joe Rogan asks why the media ignores child sex trafficking

>>124849 #14266

(27 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173922

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11159101 Q Research General #14268: Timing is Everything Edition

Created 192220ZOCT20




>>124873 POTUS in Live Tuscon AZ

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zPKk6fNZX_k - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Tucson, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124874 Social Media camo trick for posting banned stories

>>124875 AF1 on Final Approach

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9uZ-KAlzcTQ - Live: Donald Trump campaign rally in Arizona [Channel: The Independent]

>>124876, >>124878 Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will break up the DC Cartel in his second term and move agencies out to the different areas of the United States.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d40975f8f38dc99a0540b7ff4fd06efc8f94153478a4d8ec4cc7a64d83a2d712.mp4

>>124877 Senate Judiciary Committee to Call Twitter, Facebook Over Censorship of New York Post Articles

>>124879 Today just keeps getting better!

>>124880 A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote

>>124881 There has never been a time in either of my two Campaigns when I felt we had a stronger chance of winning than we do right now.

>>124882 Streisand Effect: Twitter Ban On Biden Laptop Scandal Nearly Doubled Visibility According To MIT

>>124883 Everyone knows what to do.

>>124884 Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’

>>124885 Today’s FBI Announcement on Russia Hacking Proves the FBI Is Trying to Influence the 2020 Election

>>124886 Can we get Delaware eyes on?

>>124887 There was mention of Fauci's ARM in POTUS tweet earlier (which was pleasantly savage!)

>>124888 New O'Keefe

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c7d3a4dab3d3a7c28d62855c3bfc81105b428e50cf02dd5f0eb59b76da2d22eb.mp4

>>124889 Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court - Bab B

>>124890 Eric Trump Retweeted - For whom are you voting

>>124891 PANIC

>>124892 #14268

(19 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173923

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11159965 Q Research General #14269: PANIC Edition

Created 192319ZOCT20




>>124893, >>124894 New veritas: Google Program Manager: Google "Trying to Play God"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w9uT8zve9wk - Google Program Manager: Google "Trying to Play God" via "Drivers of Algorithms" In 2020 Election [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>124895 @USArmy

>>124896 I am forcing a vote tonight to adjourn the Senate until after the November election. Cryin Chuck

>>124897 Cancer-stricken Rush Limbaugh says he can no longer deny he's 'under a death sentence' - God Bless Rush

>>124898, >>124902 Consider also the impact of the fake Russian collusion narrative

>>124899 Coordinated Effort to Disrupt Board and Estalish Baker Union

>>124900 Supreme Court allows 3-day extension to count Pennsylvania ballots

>>124901 Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Jew To Be A Zionist"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups - Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Je [Channel: ZP ZAP]

>>124903 WHO IS OSS - Dox has began - Gerbil is very big mad.

>>124904 #NEW #SCOTUS preserves extended mail ballot due date in #Pennsylvania Chief Justice John Roberts sides with liberal justices on the Court.

>>124905 The moment CBS NEWS realizes Donald Trump will WIN THE ELECTION !! - keks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Aw_Isk9voqY - The moment CBS NEWS realizes Donald Trump will WIN THE ELECTION !! [Channel: MAGATRUTHCHANNEL]

>>124906 James Woods twat, KEk worthy

>>124907 PDC Adopts Rules to Mute Micrphones - PANIC

>>124908 Troy Aikman is a faggot


>>124910 #14269

(16 notables, 18 posts, 13 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173924

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11106003 Q Research General #14205: Ahead of Time Edition. /NN/

Created 161910ZOCT20




>>122848 ————————————–——– This is not going away ( CAP: )

(1 notable, 1 post)

Q- >>122848

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