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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

27479e  No.10658267[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.14.2020

>>10650666 ——————————————— Hold the line, Riders. Justice is coming

>>10650577 rt >>10650561 ———–––——–— Already done (Cap: >>10650561)

>>10650480 ——————————————— Guccifer 2.0

>>10650472 ——————————————— John Brennan

>>10650468 ——————————————— Seth Rich

>>10650466 ——————————————— Julian Assange

>>10649121 ——————————————— Who is financing? Follow the pen. @CBS_Herridge tweet (Cap: >>10649148)

>>10648988 ——————————————— Why are they provided safe haven by [D]s? @MrAndyNgo tweet (Cap: >>10649041, >>10649060)

>>10648459 ——————————————— Domestic terrorism

>>10647825 ——————————————— Patriot: noun

>>10645618 ——————————————— Antifa graphic w/mug shot ID

>>10645165 rt >>10645144 ———–––——–— Congrats to autist who made the graphic Q'd

>>10645120 rt >>10645101 ———–––——–— Graphic: Portland FBI says no credibility

>>10645017 ——————————————— 'Very dangerous': Police and FBI investigate power poles cut with chainsaw in Snohomish County (Cap: >>10645061)

>>10644532 ——————————————— Worth remembering [think what you see today]. Counterinsurgency ….. (Cap: >>10644548 pdf)

>>10644371 ——————————————— What is a ‘safe zone’? Infiltration not invasion. (Cap: >>10644382, >>10644449)

Sunday 09.13.2020

>>10636383 ——————————————— Grassley: This ear of corn is developed & will soon be ready for harvest #cornwatch (Cap: >>10636432)

>>10635981 ——————————————— Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. (Cap: >>10636236)

>>10635816 ——————————————— Potus: US designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization

>>10634751 rt >>10634716 ———–––——–— Strength and honor, warrior.

>>10634713 ——————————————— Know your enemy.

>>10633724 ——————————————— 1933 Communist Party, 2017 Communist Party

>>10633720 ——————————————— Antifa Units Training and fighting in Syria

>>10633706 ——————————————— Antifa Arsonists (pic)

>>10633477 rt >>10633420 ———–––——–— 13:33 of the video.

>>10633202 ——————————————— Knowledge is power! (YT - https://youtu.be/R6fidkEp1eY?t=673 >>10633220)

>>10632742 ——————————————— How do you accomplish the following:

>>10632166 ——————————————— Who benefits the most? (Cap: >>10632178)

>>10630891 ——————————————— EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW [AS WRITTEN]. FUTURE OF OUR REPUBLIC AT STAKE. Did Kevin set his alarm? SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Saturday 09.12.2020 >>10646690


>>10619406 rt >>10619368 ———–––——–— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING

>>10619168 ——————————————— You. Have. More.Than. You. Know.

>>10618901 ——————————————— Attempts to 'normalize' will fail. Who will be next?

>>10618844 rt >>10618838 ———–––——–— Near Zero Results?

>>10618839 ——————————————— Welcome to the [D] party con. (Cap: >>10619003)

>>10613875 rt >>10613821 ———–––——–— Justin Weaver Domestic Terrorism Eyewitness Account

>>10613807 rt >>10613424 ———–––——–— Sammy Scott Piatt Arsonist; Suspected Domestic Terrorist

>>10613269 ——————————————— Not organized?

>>10612953 ——————————————— Painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10612976)

Fri 09.11.2020 >>10645924

Thu 09.10.2020 >>10624972

Wed 09.09.2020 >>10608732

Tue 09.08.2020 >>10605481

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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27479e  No.10658284

Global Announcements

>>10582798 Memefarmer announces resignation. Mega has removed the Meme Warehouse. Memefarmer suggests each anon collect memes on one topic, put on cloud, and publish a link.

>>10533308, >>10622358 FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A ‘Terrorist Threat’ - UPDATE 2

>>10641061 , >>10649739 Update: CM Feeling much better. Pray for CM - Serious appendix pain

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10657757, >>10657791, >>10658004 PF updates

>>10658076 UK theme park Dinosaur World closes after owner convicted of child sex offences

>>10658072 Saginaw man charged with sexually assaulting 2 girls for years

>>10658055 US Officials Fear Arrest Over Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

>>10658052 Former Employee At Los Alamos National Laboratory Sentenced To Probation For Making False Statements About Being Employed By China

>>10657939 “Its something we should all be proud of.“

>>10657884 BREAKING: NASA says the sun has entered a new “solar cycle”. Officially named “Solar Cycle 25”......

>>10657855 Trudeau to Announce Retaliatory Aluminum Tariffs Against U.S.

>>10657830 Wildfire closes U.S. Hwy. 12 across White Pass in Cascades

>>10657821 Two Alleged Hackers Charged with Defacing Websites Following Killing of Qasem Soleimani

>>10657818 Blast from the PastThe Hollywood Ten: The Men Who Refused to Name Names

>>10657798 Call to diggz on fires, Feinstein from past two years

>>10657795 Rand Paul quotes on Not wearing a mask

>>10657765 Jim Cramer Calls Pelosi ‘Crazy Nancy’ Right To Her Face During Televised Interview

>>10657740 Aaron Klein: Trump, Netanyahu Driving Mideast Peace Train

>>10657674, >>10657762 Putin Withdraws Russian Troops From Belarus Border After Uneventful Lukashenko Meeting

>>10657662 "We Need China To Move": Senator Proposes Stripping China's Most-Favored-Nation Status

>>10657654 Jerisalem old city walls, tonight

>>10657646 Stanford profs try to cancel Trump Coronavirus adviser…& White House strikes back

>>10657613 Merkel ‘ashamed’ of persistent anti-Semitism in Germany, as she attends anniversary of country’s largest Jewish group

>>10657612 Trump Middle East peace approach was not conventional. Here's what made the difference

>>10657593 Cease and Desist notice served on Commonwealth of Australia Corporation, Video accuses the Gov of pedophilia at highest levels

>>10657572 Scavino peace deal pic

>>10657559 ISIS Video from Late July Calls for Arson Attacks across US

>>10657546 Historic signing Abraham accords 1:38pm Sept 15, 2020

>>10658265 #13639

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27479e  No.10658291


>>10657102, >>10657338 planefaggin

>>10657425 Wildland Arson: A Research Assessment

>>10657379 Bill Gates Slams FDA, Doubts Agency Can Be Trusted With COVID-19 Vaccine?

>>10657377 Former U.K. Lawmaker Jailed for 2 Years in Sexual Assaults

>>10657311 Texas billboard cautions drivers to enter Austin "at your own risk" after city reduces police budget

>>10657295 Villanueva Thinking for himself.

>>10657282 NBC's Sunday Night Football ratings plummet nearly 30% compared to 2019

>>10657221 Kelso, WA: A man starting a fire in shrubs in a residential area caught on security camera.

>>10657211, >>10657231 Covid a 'catalyst' for QAnon's rise in Europe

>>10657195 BREAKING Moussa Traore, who led Mali for 22 years until 1991, has died aged 83: family

>>10657193 Kohls Announces New Line of BLM Shirts

>>10657188 WTO rules that Trump’s tariffs on China violated global trade rules/no teeth!

>>10657107 Facebook just censored our PAC's $4 million ad campaign in MI attacking @JoeBiden,@SenGaryPeters for their support for radical policies that would destroy women's sports.

>>10657064 Top HHS spokesman runs through conspiracies in video and claims without evidence CDC scientists are working to resist Trump

>>10657053 Pompeo Hopes for Full US Troop Exit From Afghanistan Next Year as Intra-Afghan Talks Start in Doha

>>10657032 Inslee refutes President Trump's wildfire claims: 'What a bunch of ignorance'.

>>10656999 Top Terrorist Who Bankrolled Daesh Killed During Operation in Western Iraq

>>10656979 Q Saving Israel for last

>>10656978 'The Cavalry is Coming:' Lincoln Project Joins With National Latino Groups To Boost Biden/FYI

>>10656977 Militant Islamists Slaughter More than 500 Christians in Ethiopia

>>10656928, >>10656972, >>10657031, >>10657075 moar meme overlays

>>10656923 Scientific America: I love the smell of desperation/KEK!

>>10656899 Arson suspected in fire that destroyed 2 Bothell homes

>>10656882 Clouds of chlorine vapor rise into the sky after chemical-packed warehouse catches fire near Atlanta, Georgia

>>10656869 Former lead activist for ‘comfort women’ charged with fraud & embezzlement in South Korea

>>10656845 Lancaster protesters held on whopping $1 million bail after alleged riots

>>10656819 Some 235 retired senior military officers have signed a letter backing the reelection of President Donald Trump .....

>>10656803 If you live in the northern states, here's why your sky is hazy. A wave of smoke in the upper atmosphere from Western fires is washing over the US.

>>10656789 Potus Live

>>10656788, >>10656853, >>10656880, >>10656911, >>10656912, >>10656930, >>10657004 President Trump on Tuesday predicted that the historic peace deals his administration brokered with Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will eventually force the Palestinians to come to the table, as more such deals follow.

>>10656773 Flotus: A historic day........

>>10656767 @DeptofDefense Partner flight

>>10657487 #13638

Previously Collected Notables

>>10654472 #13634, >>10655182 #13635, >>10655921 #13636

>>10652090 #13631, >>10652840 #13632, >>10653603 #13633

>>10649656 #13628, >>10651450 #13629, >>10651271 #13630

>>10647534 #13625, >>10648554 #13626, >>10648898 #13627

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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27479e  No.10658296

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Australia #9 >>10099681

Brasil/Portugal #1 >>10479225

Canada #7 >>9725975

France #1 >>8331823

Germany #66 >>10534771

Mexico #1 >>9133907

Nederland #5 >>10497699

New Zealand #5 >>10524823

Nordic #1 >>5290557

South Africa #1 >>8033191

UK #21 >>10507852

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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27479e  No.10658299

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

>>10582798 Memefarmer has resigned and Mega removed the Meme Warehouse. Will other anons pick up the torch?

>>10639500 Social media warrior reports success: black box corner images not being censored

>>10601626, >>10602025, >>10602056, >>10602059, >>10602928 Meme Filter Busters.

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #31 >>>/comms/24695

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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27479e  No.10658314

File: 76cb3863df5b65d⋯.png (230.37 KB, 489x218, 489:218, a1a3863df5b65d1575e2ff167f….png)

File: 7882b779d18fc65⋯.jpeg (249.8 KB, 493x873, 493:873, 7882b779d18fc653bdf4cbb62….jpeg)



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3307b4  No.10658320

File: 312329ddc89ba29⋯.png (453.83 KB, 412x550, 206:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ff7f541e4ffcd3⋯.png (130.07 KB, 246x204, 41:34, ClipboardImage.png)


*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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6d274e  No.10658321

File: 8446060edac93fd⋯.jpeg (225.16 KB, 828x537, 276:179, 1869E1C5_7F20_4130_9636_E….jpeg)

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dd6614  No.10658322

File: 15aab68386aae75⋯.jpg (643.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, clip1.jpg)

File: 1559e50ae1651a3⋯.jpg (466.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, clip2.jpg)

On Fox this morning:

POTUS emphasized several times that “Biden is shot.”

Can we take that literally?

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6eb777  No.10658323

File: d8d24edc9620752⋯.jpg (538.98 KB, 1060x1059, 1060:1059, o13.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

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4216d1  No.10658324

Thanks, B.


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0f005b  No.10658325

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)

>>10658228 (last)

Crybabies throwing a temper tantrum...

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21fcfd  No.10658326


Shot with anti-dementia drugs, maybe?

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94d8a8  No.10658327

File: dcc8e5c11f549b2⋯.jpg (84.42 KB, 759x500, 759:500, 4f2mcc.jpg)

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cb0fb0  No.10658328

File: bbe52ab0b6833df⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 310x233, 310:233, skeeterbites.jpg)

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9fcae4  No.10658329

File: 21e8324e3917daa⋯.png (23.16 KB, 532x324, 133:81, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab1f86baf3059ef⋯.png (211.95 KB, 575x718, 575:718, ClipboardImage.png)

CDC Cancels ‘Critical Race Theory’ Program Following Doc Leak – Reporter Threatens to go Nuclear and Release Names if No Action is Taken by CDC Director!

The CDC was forced to cancel its ‘critical race theory’ training program after documents leaked to reporter Christopher Rufo revealed the agency was moving forward with the program in violation of President Trump’s executive action.

The same federal group that failed the nation and the world with their convoluted, unscientific and destructive COVID-19 policies decided to move ahead with their critical race theory program.

This is despite President Donald Trump’s ban last week!

The CDC training claims that “racism is a public health crisis” and that “systemic racism” leads to “police killings of unarmed Black and Brown men and women”

The program was canceled on Tuesday after documents leaked to reporter Christopher Rufo revealed the agency was defying the President.

Christopher Rufo said there must be consequences for the federal employees who brazenly violated a presidential order.

“If there is no action from the CDC Director in the next 72 hours, I will begin releasing the names of those involved.” – Christopher said in a tweet.


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9fcae4  No.10658330

File: 741317762e81520⋯.png (90.32 KB, 750x900, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab551e615a8408e⋯.png (76.11 KB, 739x757, 739:757, ClipboardImage.png)

Former DEA Agent and His Wife Plead Guilty for Roles in Scheme to Divert Drug Proceeds From Undercover Money Laundering Investigations


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aa7f42  No.10658331

File: 8ea7277e694b8a9⋯.png (493.58 KB, 890x605, 178:121, F5C878B2_8618_4822_A7D9_B3….png)

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5524d5  No.10658332

File: eb7b7ed6939de89⋯.png (2.11 MB, 2175x1219, 2175:1219, 1598866559997.png)

File: 63cb4c1a76f6495⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2149x1234, 2149:1234, 1600131062829.png)

File: f77294a3242e171⋯.png (1.75 MB, 2173x1221, 2173:1221, 1600131176103.png)

File: ff555b9cece841d⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1995x1330, 3:2, 1600131250512.png)

File: 8f014e2bf998bf1⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1995x1330, 3:2, 1600131350042.png)


TYB! o7

We're 5:5


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2449c7  No.10658333

File: cac1b36827a8a74⋯.jpg (53.81 KB, 1200x640, 15:8, cac1b36827a8a74f19b6c73fd0….jpg)


Thanks Baker

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17317d  No.10658334

File: eb988d87d6b152c⋯.png (560.28 KB, 460x431, 460:431, thank_you_bakers_fresh_bre….PNG)

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000000  No.10658335




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2449c7  No.10658336

>>10658311 (PB)

Gay Men are starting to figure out that Fauci and CDC outright murdered them with Aids to start the marxist LGBT campaign attack on Christians. Gay Men are SICK of being used as a prop. That's why they support Trump.

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6eb777  No.10658337

File: c7b492cb3635e01⋯.jpeg (7.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GnT02.jpeg)


So they're gonna burn their burning cities HARDER!

Where's my popcorn.

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8466aa  No.10658338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Full Committee Markup on H.R. 5309, the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act

What kind of bullshit is this crap?! What a waste of fucking time.

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dfc642  No.10658339

File: 507d7696daef589⋯.jpg (239.34 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200915_114518.jpg)

File: 18824e90b03923c⋯.jpg (257.22 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200915_114530.jpg)

File: 7dadb68a2934947⋯.jpg (267.51 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200915_114526.jpg)

File: 19f9bb2518b8e75⋯.png (19.81 KB, 253x255, 253:255, a9d78f35970952cb5bef8fe67e….png)

shills, cannibals, and pedos, this is perhaps the best you can hope for. Before prison.

Pain, niggas. ALL of it.


any anon care to embed?

warning: SAVAGE BEATDOWN by Uncle RUCKUS, think ground and pound + double Steven Seagal "arm incapacitations".


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513436  No.10658340

>>10658203 (lb)

thanks for holding the line with the dig. replying for more eyes.

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1bc04c  No.10658341

File: c471e6467548dcd⋯.png (997.08 KB, 1217x2048, 1217:2048, Screenshot_20200914_224629.png)

File: ef37ce7bcc0674e⋯.png (964.74 KB, 1297x2048, 1297:2048, Screenshot_20200914_225252.png)

File: c914e4f502d7e04⋯.png (210.41 KB, 643x549, 643:549, c914e4f502d7e048d0635bfe20….png)

Was this why the U of Pitt Professor was murdered in may?

Killed to hide a cure while ensuring WW panic fully set it? Pittsburgh sister city is Wuhan

09/15/20 - University of Pittsburgh scientists discover antibody that 'neutralizes' virus that causes coronavirus


Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have isolated “the smallest biological molecule” that “completely and specifically neutralizes” the virus that causes coronavirus

05/06/20 - Police: ‘Zero Evidence’ Murder Of Pitt Researcher Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ On Coronavirus Was Related To His Work


Dr. Bing Liu, who was killed in an apparent murder-suicide, was close to “making very significant findings” related to the coronavirus, his department at the University of Pittsburgh said.

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dead8d  No.10658342

File: 3f7a562f2fefdaf⋯.jpg (131.76 KB, 456x810, 76:135, tumblr_plnq71IIv21rpeqn7_5….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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94d8a8  No.10658343

File: 3726c7e4e8b30ca⋯.png (423.5 KB, 642x680, 321:340, ClipboardImage.png)


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a0919e  No.10658344

File: 29f9c6f744f4c3f⋯.jpeg (117.22 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, EEFDAB56_47DB_4AFE_914B_E….jpeg)

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51e3ee  No.10658345

File: de921b07bf080bf⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 640x360, 16:9, de921b07bf080bf2c12ec242af….mp4)

File: 046e1ca6f959022⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 046e1ca6f9590224e2f5550b94….png)

File: 30a0d406da9c2dd⋯.jpeg (489.12 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Eh6S_ifXkAEO0dT.jpeg)

File: 3e0da4751aee88c⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1024x740, 256:185, 3e0da4751aee88c53a2876f899….png)

Fun times.

Camel toe thinks fubard

Biden is seeing things.

POTUS is all over the world.

Antifa is fucked

Blm is fucked

Breonna Taylor's mom got paid, she won't be using that dough to fix shit.

The fun has just begun.

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f0a249  No.10658346

>>10658283 (LB)


i should include, i notice he keeps putting his hands in his pockets like every couple minutes,

could be he is checking to make sure his pants arent wet. which is a worry someone would have if they were used to wearing protection and went without today.

could also help explain why he refuses to be in a small room, every interview so far, this one is in a giant gym room, the others were outside at a field in the grass. like hes trying to stay out of peoples smell range.

if this is so, then he definitely will never accept the joe rogan offer, rogans office is to small of a room,

maybe he will demand rogan set it up outside or in a gym.

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ac7a95  No.10658347

Special Report: Big Pharma wages stealth war on drug price watchdog BY Reuters— 7:04 AM ET 09/11/2020 By Caroline Humer

These are the very powerful Pharma companies that POTUS is up against

(Reuters) - As evidence grew this spring that the drug remdesivir was helping COVID-19 patients, some Wall Street investors bet on analysts’ estimates that its maker,Gilead Sciences Inc ( GILD), could charge up to $10,000 for the treatment.

Then a small but increasingly influential drug-pricing research organization, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), said the treatment only justified a price between $2,800 and $5,000. Shortly after, Gilead announced it would charge about $3,100 for a five-day treatment and $5,700 for ten days - in line with the ICER recommendation.The episode illustrates the growing power of the Boston-based nonprofit to hold down U.S. drug prices. Over the past five years, ICER has pressured drug makers to lower the cost of nearly 100 drugs. It aims to play a similar role with emerging COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. Health insurers increasingly use ICER's fair-value analyses to limit access to expensive drugs or to negotiate steeper discounts with drug makers.

The industry has moved aggressively to combat the threat to its profits in two ways: With open criticism of ICER's formula and with a stealthier campaign to undermine its credibility through proxies, including veterans' groups and organizations that claim to advocate for patients but have ties to the pharmaceutical industry, Reuters found in a review of industry connections and funding among groups targeting ICER.

Two such groups – thePartnership to Improve Patient Care (PIPC) and Value our Health– are led by employees of Thorn Run Partners, a Washington-based lobbying and public relations firm that counts nearly a dozen drugmakers as clients. PIPC denied it is part of a larger industry-financed proxy campaign to undermine ICER's impact. Thorn Run declined to comment, and Value Our Health did not respond to inquiries.

As remdesivir gained momentum, PIPC complained to ICER in a June letter that its methodology, which examines how a drug improves patient quality of life, was unfair for COVID-19 drugs. It also held a webinar for patients criticizing ICER’s methods.

The group’s chairman, former U.S. Democratic Representative Tony Coelho, argued in the letter that ICER’s methods yield a flawed value assessment for COVID-19 drugs that could lead insurers or government programs to limit coverage to the elderly and people with disabilities because ICER’s formula attributes a lower value to their medicines than those for healthier patients. In a statement to Reuters, Coelho attacked ICER’s formula as a flawed “one-size-fits-all assessment.”

Gilead also pushed ICER for a higher price during its remdesivir review. The firm told Reuters that ICER’s assessment failed to consider savings from shorter hospital stays and underestimated how much insurers or the government would be willing to pay. Remdesivir is the only COVID-19 treatment ICER has assessed so far. Steven Pearson, a Harvard academic who started ICER, said it will likely review more coronavirus treatments if they make it to market, including potentially those being developed by Regeneron and Eli Lilly and Co ( LLY) that use antibodies to generate an immune response. The two companies declined to comment.

ICER’s assessments are not used to deny care to patients based on their health, Pearson said.Rather, the formula helps insurers or government programs choose the most cost-effective treatment for a specific condition, based on its price and benefit in providing a better quality of life. Pearson pointed out that the formula has long been used in the health systems of countries including England, Canada, the Netherlands and Sweden. “We don’t think of them as hotbeds of discrimination against sick people,” he said, “and neither are we.”


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94d8a8  No.10658348

>>10658326 https://twitter.com/CecibatMelej/status/1301613601350995968

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a65252  No.10658349


Desmond likes this.

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8b31d7  No.10658350

2:51 PM & NOthing

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6eb777  No.10658351


>Shot with anti-dementia drugs, maybe?



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9046e0  No.10658352

File: b86c76b30b43158⋯.png (270.97 KB, 315x420, 3:4, B3DDF703_C79B_42D5_B05E_E4….png)

File: d528af9081892fe⋯.png (89.83 KB, 460x258, 230:129, 30D24655_F595_48B1_BFC9_7E….png)

Same slide different day

Depending on which Qpost you’re looking at

Darnkess and Darknessare both correct

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815851  No.10658353

File: 14b9cf608f484b1⋯.mp4 (687.46 KB, 360x550, 36:55, besomething.mp4)

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378cc0  No.10658354

File: de9ddf8f90d2b01⋯.png (374.87 KB, 640x360, 16:9, bread.png)

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01cd2d  No.10658355

File: 65ff06f0016ea4f⋯.gif (44.64 KB, 236x218, 118:109, TAN1.gif)

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252cfa  No.10658356


i think he wants us to use the phrase

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27479e  No.10658357


there bacon with dat cheese yo?

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01cd2d  No.10658358

File: d5fec0fe47dda8a⋯.gif (47.35 KB, 235x223, 235:223, TAN2.gif)

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5c8286  No.10658359

File: aca35450f523098⋯.jpeg (37.88 KB, 618x340, 309:170, AA873A36_73DC_475B_9618_9….jpeg)

File: 6405fffc7c5097e⋯.jpeg (58.8 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 2498A2AB_4011_46F3_A0B4_D….jpeg)

File: e71f35cdda40e3f⋯.jpeg (24.15 KB, 474x315, 158:105, D58D2F87_9753_4221_B87D_9….jpeg)

File: 83596e6948c9d57⋯.jpeg (84.95 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 8AAE610F_B8A8_4EEA_9B0C_5….jpeg)

File: 9e6ecd28723f46a⋯.jpeg (174.69 KB, 1272x708, 106:59, 9F4A2ECB_54E2_4006_B65E_E….jpeg)

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6d274e  No.10658360

File: 26e726beff4ea0a⋯.jpeg (98.2 KB, 592x505, 592:505, CB0ED56B_B20F_4042_9FC0_3….jpeg)

File: caac5ff17882696⋯.jpeg (219.81 KB, 1300x743, 1300:743, A73A4D52_95BF_42FA_9A24_B….jpeg)


Shitpig pedo masons will be BEGGING to be arrested,

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92c780  No.10658361




why in the world would they do it in one of the only places that the camera would see? Doesn't make sense unless they wanted us to see it.

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6da327  No.10658362


>Merkel ‘ashamed’ of persistent anti-Semitism in Germany, as she attends anniversary of country’s largest Jewish group

Holocaust never fuckin' happened. Once I accepted that truth, I started to question a lot of other shit as well.

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76c504  No.10658363

U.S. Violated Trade Rules With Tariffs on China, WTO Says

By Bryce Baschuk (Bloomberg) — The World Trade Organization undercut the main justification for President Donald Trump’s trade war against China, saying that American tariffs on Chinese goods violate international rules.

A panel of three WTO trade experts on Tuesday said the U.S. broke global regulations when it imposed tariffs on Chinese goods in 2018. Washington has imposed levies on $400 billion in Chinese exports.

The panel said in its report “that the United States had not met its burden of demonstrating that the measures are provisionally justified.”

While the ruling bolsters Beijing’s claims, Washington can effectively veto the decision by lodging an appeal at any point in the next 60 days. That’s because the Trump administration has already paralyzed the WTO’s appellate body, a tactic that has rendered toothless the world’s foremost arbiter of trade.

“Although the panel did not dispute the extensive evidence submitted by the United States of intellectual property theft by China, its decision shows that the WTO provides no remedy for such misconduct,” U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said in a statement. He added that the report has no effect on the phase-one agreement between the nations.

More at:


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0f005b  No.10658364

File: 46b6ac1ffaf83d7⋯.png (1.08 MB, 835x635, 167:127, im5.png)

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bedf5e  No.10658365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.10658367

Twitter Suspends Account Of Chinese Scientist Who Published Paper Alleging Covid Was Created In Wuhan Lab


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0f005b  No.10658368

File: c9caf4e92fcb2db⋯.png (76.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bacon_button.png)

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2e6607  No.10658369

File: 262dd3e6c1ccf29⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 137.65 KB, 577x433, 577:433, DEATH_and_LOVE_Mantra.png)

DEATH and LOVEMantra

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c3bf70  No.10658370

Camo anon wanted camo, and how to use it in gimp.

First some gimp help. Camo will be next post.

Very easy to open a file in gimp by dragging the file from your file manager into the gimp workspace. (Or you can go through menus and dialogs…)

Very easy to drag a second file on top of the first as a new layer, simply by dragging it onto the existing open image.

(You can go through menus & stuff but dragging is so much faster & easier.)

Arrange the layers how you like. Don't like the arrangement? Drag the bottom layer to be the top layer in the layers dialog. Or don't.

May have to resize one or the other to match. "Scale Image" or "Scale Layer". I put these on a hotkey since I use them continuously.

If the camo overlay is on top, play around with changing its opacity (use the opacity slider on the layers menu).

Also near that slider you will find the blend mode pick list. Might try a few different blend modes to see what looks good on your base image.

Then File, Export As, give it a filename.

Or even faster, if you only plan to use it one time, just Edit / Copy Visible and there it is in your paste buffer ready to paste to QR or Twat or FB or…

That's how I'd do it.

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0acbda  No.10658371

Guess I’m hypersensitive to stuff now.



Never peek.

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7ca23e  No.10658372

File: 791706f89a32ba6⋯.png (1.61 MB, 796x1714, 398:857, ClipboardImage.png)

AP Top News

$1M bail set for Lancaster police shooting demonstrators

Thirteen people who are accused of committing crimes while participating in a civil disturbance in Lancaster on Sunday night sat behind bars Tuesday, with bail for seven of them set at $1 million. …


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072eb1  No.10658373

File: 7f9e8ce369cb7b4⋯.png (105.9 KB, 271x544, 271:544, Screenshot_2020_09_15_Theo….png)


Der Reichsspritzenmeister, ("Reich Master of Injections"

Morell was not popular with Hitler's entourage, who complained about the doctor's crude table manners, poor hygiene and body odor. Hitler is said to have responded "I do not employ him for his fragrance, but to look after my health."[12] Hermann Göring called Morell Der Reichsspritzenmeister, ("Reich Master of Injections"), and variations on that theme,[13][14] implying that Morell resorted to using drug injections when faced with medical problems, and overused them

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9118d9  No.10658374

File: c97ac73fccebf8f⋯.png (281.08 KB, 434x567, 62:81, CDCsmoke.png)


ultimatums rarely achieve a desired goal. he should just release the names if he has them. why wait for the CDC to do the right thing? all he's doing is allowing them to strategize their next moves. including how to deal with him specifically.

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01cd2d  No.10658375

File: eea40b2a63c62e1⋯.gif (44.74 KB, 236x219, 236:219, TAN3.gif)

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01cd2d  No.10658376

File: 9f370ad51451b1d⋯.gif (37.31 KB, 235x223, 235:223, TAN4.gif)

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33c85b  No.10658377

File: 34a3d5612271440⋯.png (308.76 KB, 464x524, 116:131, walls_of_jerusalem.png)

Isaiah 11

10 In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious. 11 In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush,[b] from Elam, from Babylonia,[c] from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.


He will raise a banner for the nations

and gather the exiles of Israel;

he will assemble the scattered people of Judah

from the four quarters of the earth.

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864825  No.10658378


"Shot" probably with drugs to keep him going, a cocktail to keep him semi-stable, saying semi because of his numerous gaffes and issues still prevalent.

Or maybe its all an act Biden's putting on to try and garner sympathy, but I highly doubt it.

We will see, I guess…

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01cd2d  No.10658379

File: d542c7dfe6974bc⋯.gif (55.21 KB, 236x218, 118:109, TAN5.gif)

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304044  No.10658380

Israel has just been attacked

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92c780  No.10658381


he's made a point to say it over and over again at the last couple rallies. Ever since he declared that the "gloves were off". He's absolutely communicating with us

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01cd2d  No.10658382

File: 0ea7554112acf46⋯.gif (35.89 KB, 236x218, 118:109, TAN6.gif)

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01cd2d  No.10658383

File: b5898f1ddee1a33⋯.gif (40.45 KB, 236x219, 236:219, TAN7.gif)

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33a69b  No.10658384

File: f1b83b766a6d663⋯.png (676.46 KB, 757x417, 757:417, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10658293 LB

>>10658319 LB

They have been telling us that Bullshit story about the next ice age for years..but that didn't fit their Agenda so it became global

warming.... Not to hard to figure out .....don't be so gullible..kekekekeke

In the 70s, they said there'd be an Ice Age

What Happened to the 1970’s Promised Ice-Age?

Hmm.. it seems to have melted away. As a kid in 1977 in the sunny South of England we were told at school that soon pollution and C02 would lead us into a global ice-age. Even then as a six year old there seemed a strange ring of untruth about it – as if there was more behind the panic than just the cooling. Yet I can remember still thinking – we’re all going to die. My guess is a lot of people were given pots of cash to research – and research – and research this – which is fine if they’re not milking it for their own ends.

But several times since 1977 have I have scoured the Internet to find remnants of this prediction and have never found a trace of it – almost as if it’s been scrubbed and my friends and family ridiculed me insisting I made it up (until I happily – or perhaps unhappily stumbled across it yesterday as it reminded me of the nonsense some folks tout as ‘fact’ when they’re being paid – see the 70’s original documentary clips below) – though that’s bordering on the idea that sometimes in history – men have been known to conspire to forward their own agendas or line their pockets – but I don’t want to go down that route.

Ice age predicted in the 70s

"[M]any publications now claiming the world is on the brink of a global warming disaster said the same about an impending ice age – just 30 years ago. Several major ones, including The New York Times, Time magazine and Newsweek, have reported on three or even four different climate shifts since 1895." (Fire and Ice)

In the thirty years leading up to the 1970s, available temperature recordings suggested that there was a cooling trend. As a result some scientists suggested that the current inter-glacial period could rapidly draw to a close, which might result in the Earth plunging into a new ice age over the next few centuries. This idea could have been reinforced by the knowledge that the smog that climatologists call ‘aerosols’ – emitted by human activities into the atmosphere – also caused cooling. In fact, as temperature recording has improved in coverage, it’s become apparent that the cooling trend was most pronounced in northern land areas and that global temperature trends were in fact relatively steady during the period prior to 1970.



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a65252  No.10658385

File: add47b4115c9ab7⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 512x527, 512:527, J.jpg)

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0f005b  No.10658386

File: 27301d87d4dcb4b⋯.png (263.07 KB, 610x610, 1:1, pepe_nads_pacifier.png)

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048f56  No.10658387

File: f458fc6ac8af559⋯.png (751.74 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN_PEACE_IS_THE_PRIZE.PNG)

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6eb777  No.10658388

File: 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 980x653, 980:653, lemmy.jpg)

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8b24c3  No.10658389


Burned out

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000000  No.10658390


gonna need sauce with that pasta

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048f56  No.10658391

File: 3c97aead30056d1⋯.png (599.75 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN_PEACE_IS_THE_PRIZE.PNG)

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ed08c9  No.10658392

File: 4af7aad2ca23592⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 875x467, 875:467, 3f385545bp.jpg)

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294a2d  No.10658393

File: b9e626af9ede975⋯.jpeg (10.29 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 458BB815_62EA_44B0_A1D6_9….jpeg)

I am SO glad POTUS is achieving peace in the Middle East while the democrats, the administrative state, and the fake news media encourage RADICALS to destroy property and kill and maim innocent Americans all across America.


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a82dcd  No.10658394

Anyone else get a ban on /pol/ recently?

Went to post for the first time in months and got a ban notice?

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378cc0  No.10658395


Medical fag here… A lot depends on the receptiveness of the vein. With older people the veins that allow you to hook up an IV are fewer and far between. A hand is possible, not likely though…

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4d96cd  No.10658396

>>10657765 p Jim Cramer Calls Pelosi ‘Crazy Nancy’ Right To Her Face During Televised Interview

$man probably lurks. he's quoted from anon's blog back in the day.

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de03e7  No.10658397

Had to buy some cabinents for a job today.

Owner/Property Manager.

Had dinner at an Indian Rest. called Masala's last night.

Lowe's Western Branch told me I had to wear a mask.

I put a mask on and played along.

Went to the bathroom - dodged the faggots - and then shit on the floor.

Mostly 'rhea with some tomato skin and some soft-logsquirts.

Fight the Power!

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6d274e  No.10658398

File: 3fbd237e5a03e3e⋯.jpeg (693.76 KB, 828x729, 92:81, 4BBAAC9E_85D0_423D_BD5E_C….jpeg)

Buzz bees, each one a direct line to theM.

Buzz your heart out,

Die at my feet.

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dead8d  No.10658399

File: d9040f881d8b20e⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 570x422, 285:211, o_BALLS_570.jpg)


I'Il see your bet and raise you

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cb0fb0  No.10658400


"Has anybody seen five quarts of blood?"

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42c5fe  No.10658401

File: 65b4efb356da56d⋯.png (335.16 KB, 653x627, 653:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 543906e61b7bc18⋯.png (588.62 KB, 674x733, 674:733, ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala calls it the Harris administration and now Biden calls it the Harris /Biden administration



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d556cb  No.10658402


are you using vpn?

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94d8a8  No.10658403

>>10658326 "Joe's enhanced" "He's Shot" "I want a drug test" he is taking nemenda

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8b24c3  No.10658404


As in burned out from decades of OTJ corruption.

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c2edd3  No.10658405


>Q supporter tries to shoot Biden at a rally with a Revolver

calling it now

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a82dcd  No.10658406

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50dbb1  No.10658407

File: d2e60663e38240c⋯.jpg (203.11 KB, 500x1662, 250:831, slogodurham.jpg)

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c3bf70  No.10658408

File: 3dbdca1ba5659da⋯.png (110.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb4aab852f6daf9⋯.png (110.88 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13fcd4640bc6d6c⋯.png (120.5 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e6f97262065c9c⋯.png (329.81 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


If the colored camo doesn't work for you, change it to grayscale. Colors | Desaturate.

If the color is OK but too strong, try reducing the opacity with the Opacity slider.

If the pattern is too small, Scale the camo layer larger, then crop off the part you don't want.

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048f56  No.10658409

File: d17681f2486ce7e⋯.png (658.84 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN_DRAIN_THE_SWAMP.PNG)

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6eb777  No.10658410

File: 3856cd3bb41c0a1⋯.jpg (8.75 KB, 264x191, 264:191, pepeRr.jpg)

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a65252  No.10658411

File: 24f57c1782cf880⋯.jpg (204.25 KB, 838x1024, 419:512, VAMP.jpg)

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9118d9  No.10658412

File: 9c723afad586e65⋯.png (33.11 KB, 200x303, 200:303, ClipboardImage.png)


the last thing you will ever see is the dirt at the bottom of a ditch. filthy degenerate. nice hat

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4b7055  No.10658413

File: 009c05c3f740bd0⋯.mp4 (884.62 KB, 272x368, 17:23, cWZqmw_JXZZA77la_1_.mp4)

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2449c7  No.10658414

The Jackson County Sheriff was asked at a County Commissioner Board Hearing if he thought it was dangerous that armed citizens were protecting the entrances to the residential neighborhoods to stop looting.

You know what he told them - "I suspect it's very dangerous for the looters."

Southern Oregon isn't Portland…

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6da327  No.10658415

so q said sept 14-18, 21-25.

will anything cool actually happen? i hope it's not more "some judge you never heard of got disciplined for liking a tweet from china; don't think nothing's happening…"

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000000  No.10658416

Lee Zeldin @RepLeeZeldin

“We are here this afternoon to change the course of history.”



12:57 PM · Sep 15, 2020·




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14dcde  No.10658417

File: 82b104eb4ed3d06⋯.png (426.99 KB, 1280x563, 1280:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ff42738aa8f13d⋯.png (3.02 MB, 977x3276, 977:3276, ClipboardImage.png)

Good luck dumbfucks.

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5281c4  No.10658418


Read comments. Wasn't related to a child. Video was a casino rep being beaten for not paying winnings to the guy, who was suspected of cheating.

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78ba1f  No.10658419

File: 7bfab9a59b34787⋯.png (357.45 KB, 958x874, 479:437, 09_15_14_43_02.png)

This man is dangerous.


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6286fd  No.10658420

File: 5a9ebd542748410⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1200x1746, 200:291, Capture_2020_09_15_14_50_0….png)


September 15, 2020, 4:00 AM EDT

The Carnival Cruise Ship That Spread Coronavirus Around the World

How were hundreds of infected Ruby Princess passengers allowed to disembark in Sydney and return to homes from Tasmania to Florida?


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2e6607  No.10658421

File: 5a446221f743392⋯.jpg (632.13 KB, 667x842, 667:842, LORD_baby_krishna_8.jpg)

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94d8a8  No.10658422

>>10658395 I have read the thread. a few RN's have chimed in saying "it is their favorite vein to hit" etc.

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9fcae4  No.10658423

Registered sex offender convicted of child sex crimes

ORLANDO – An Orlando man was found guilty by federal jury Friday of attempting to entice a minor to engage in sexual activity and committing the offense while required to register as a sex offender under Florida law. This case was investigated by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office.

“This repeat child predator will likely spend the rest of his natural life in prison for his systematic abuse of children,” said HSI Orlando Assistant Special Agent in Charge David J. Pezzutti. “Thanks to law enforcement teamwork and the cooperation of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, the children in our communities will be safer today.”

Vince Edward Lasane, 48, Orlando, faces a maximum penalty of life in federal prison. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for November 30, 2020. Lasane was indicted on November 13, 2019.

According to testimony and evidence presented at trial, in 2007, Lasane was convicted of attempted sexual battery on a child under the age of 12. As part of his sentence, the court designated Lasane a sexual predator and ordered him to register as a sex offender in the State of Florida for life.

In September 2019, Lasane met a 14-year-old girl on a social networking website. During the next five weeks, Lasane enticed and persuaded the girl to engage in sexual activity, communicating with her through text messages and phone calls. In late October, Lasane arranged to meet the girl at a restaurant in Orlando, which was within walking distance of the apartment where she had been staying. Lasane assured the girl that he would wear a condom so that she would not get pregnant. After attending his court-ordered sexual offender treatment meeting, Lasane traveled to the location to meet the child. When Lasane arrived, law enforcement officers arrested him. The officers found a condom and the cellphone Lasane had used to communicate with the child in his pocket. The 14-year-old girl was actually a law enforcement officer acting in an undercover capacity.

It is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Karen L. Gable with the office of Middle District Florida United States Attorney Maria Chapa Lopez.


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ad67a3  No.10658424

File: 40e8079a7b2271b⋯.png (615.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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efbe0d  No.10658425

File: 76d120252ce0c36⋯.webm (216.45 KB, 240x160, 3:2, MightViolateOurRooms.webm)

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298b2b  No.10658426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8b24c3  No.10658427


By the time They are finished with themselves, they will be burned out and shot… so to speak.

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bd71ed  No.10658428

Now BIDEN calls it the Harris/Biden administration


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2c915e  No.10658429


fake & ghey

your ID is weird too, kys

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000000  No.10658430


Rockets Launched From Gaza Strip As Netanyahu Signs Peace Deals With UAE, Bahrain In Washington


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378cc0  No.10658431


Holy shit.

That guy needs to b locked up.

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dfc642  No.10658432

File: bf3c8844264c8ef⋯.jpg (174.52 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DH3bE0kXsAE_DR7.jpg)


(((kamala harris)))

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042edc  No.10658433

File: b5dcb5d9dbb2641⋯.jpeg (47.2 KB, 900x667, 900:667, 552A3330_EB29_4A5D_8E43_7….jpeg)

File: f20639cd7e35898⋯.jpeg (42.34 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 9381E959_D085_43EE_AC3E_3….jpeg)



“Hold the line”

More twat links to keep you occupied until Trump loses next month incoming

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4a20ce  No.10658434


Big gay science company…..

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6ee26c  No.10658435

File: fcbe41eae9a2802⋯.jpg (157.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BillTed.jpg)

If you want to watch, here


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a65252  No.10658436


White monkey

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ad67a3  No.10658437

File: 71b07183f046105⋯.png (27.27 KB, 743x287, 743:287, ClipboardImage.png)


Sell everything

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fb194a  No.10658438

File: 58b46b88482b062⋯.jpeg (397.57 KB, 1327x1246, 1327:1246, F3743C89_5F7A_45B1_89AA_4….jpeg)

File: 41490b478366c28⋯.jpeg (144.36 KB, 678x424, 339:212, 8FCFC67F_BEA6_4DE1_AC38_4….jpeg)


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ba642f  No.10658439


That man is an animal and needs to be put down.

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dcaaac  No.10658440

File: 9cc211775ce48a1⋯.mp4 (12.36 MB, 320x240, 4:3, redpill_boogie.mp4)

Guy is a big trump supporter and pissed off loads of his suscribers by calling out masks and Trump Derangement Syndrome.


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042818  No.10658441

File: ca0d6cec1e34847⋯.png (178.37 KB, 667x843, 667:843, israel_last.PNG)

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76c504  No.10658442


Peace between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain is kind of a big thing, dontcha think?

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0f005b  No.10658443


Yeah, the one who got his ass kicked definitely does.

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6eb777  No.10658444


>Twitter Suspends Account Of Chinese Scientist Who Published Paper Alleging Covid Was Created In Wuhan Lab

Wow, you'd think a scientist with actual published and referenced research would be treated like a scientist, by the science promoting left.

Oh, wait, forgot, in left speak science = DOGMA.

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e1cd86  No.10658445

>>10658273 (lb)

Nice ID. Mannkind has the best insulin for diabetics. check out Vdex.

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8b31d7  No.10658446


Meme really makes an argument ! Fucking Retard

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498370  No.10658447

File: 0f0266e83de9b76⋯.jpg (189.37 KB, 900x684, 25:19, 0f0266e83de9b76f1f20249704….jpg)

Personally I'm looking forward to 10 x 10+++ day of DANKNESS, as in awesomeness

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252cfa  No.10658448

'Sweet Mother of God. Why don’t you just put a pillow over his face now, you insane witch? #LadyMacbeth #KillerKamala #HeelsUpHarris'



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c66d02  No.10658449

File: 400d4befa936a53⋯.png (276.58 KB, 447x482, 447:482, ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge



A US official confirms @CBSNews

that the Justice Department is investigating the publication of John Bolton’s book that may have contained classified information. First reported @ktbenner


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927568  No.10658450

Jamal's don't get the jobs… Joe's do.

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a62383  No.10658451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sep 15 2018


@GenFlynn Accepts Award for Service to America

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92c780  No.10658452



i admittedly am not a medical fag but it still seems like (specially with some of the best doctors in the world at your disposal) They'd be able to find somewhere else unless they wanted it to be visible.

Also, can't they do an IV without leaving an obvious mark?

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9be40c  No.10658453

File: 8fc4f7fe20c554e⋯.png (51.36 KB, 396x385, 36:35, 8fc4f7fe20c554e0c0c9997a84….png)


Great Job Bum He was beating was Pedo and thought he was meeting the Mans Niece.

Lucky he was not castrated

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14dcde  No.10658454

File: 9acc4bc13f77dd9⋯.png (757.51 KB, 676x616, 169:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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de03e7  No.10658455

File: 0ee2c35defcf0f3⋯.jpg (89 KB, 571x800, 571:800, 2Lips.jpg)

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5c8286  No.10658456

File: 6bb979d6750892b⋯.png (462.78 KB, 487x352, 487:352, BD35C785_B6F2_433D_8F3B_50….png)

File: 74de27ec51209fa⋯.jpeg (482.86 KB, 1125x940, 225:188, 9976A5C2_3B59_4FAD_8DC9_B….jpeg)

File: 4afd845717019eb⋯.jpeg (90.9 KB, 753x511, 753:511, 01D1AEB2_9D35_4DA8_8536_5….jpeg)

File: 432d6630602d8d8⋯.jpeg (137.81 KB, 816x452, 204:113, 1632749C_68A0_4EB1_849B_5….jpeg)

File: ded57b6580d5fdd⋯.jpeg (176.17 KB, 800x858, 400:429, B6D20278_7D67_46E1_A46A_7….jpeg)

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9e11c4  No.10658457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I really think this will be remembered in history as one of the greatest events of Trump's presidency. Symbolic as a motherfucker

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d844b2  No.10658458

File: 6543cf0be2ac9ac⋯.png (34.11 KB, 524x443, 524:443, Kelly_re_WAPO_re_Cuties_9_….PNG)

File: 1c7f8389c77d785⋯.png (30.69 KB, 528x380, 132:95, 1_WAPO_Attiah_re_Cuties_Su….PNG)

File: f1a80ff05ef8dd0⋯.png (48.34 KB, 526x658, 263:329, 2_WAPO_Attiah_re_Cuties_Su….PNG)

File: 75968471c76fd0f⋯.png (211.41 KB, 855x1044, 95:116, Archive_WAPO_Attiah_re_Cut….PNG)

We’re now at almost a week of Leftists running cover for pedophilia. Just in case you thought there was gonna be some cultural “middle ground” with these people.



Finally saw "Cuties"…

I find it deeply beautiful, nuanced, and about so, so, much more than what the outrage is all about.

Puberty is confusing, but being a first-generation African girl growing up in a Western country makes it tougher.

"Cuties" captures that tension well

"Cuties" is so much more than just her dancing in a troop.

It's about freedom, questions of d, the lives of girls and women outside of the male gaze, and what it is like to have to process conflicting messages about what it means to be preparing for womanhood."

Your discomfort with watching a young black girl trying to explore what it means to be a woman does not equal child pornography, lol.

Or is youthful exploration only afforded to boys and white people?

Most of the outrage is not only from people who have not seen "Cuties", but who have no idea about West African immigrant culture and what its like having to try to fit in as a girl.

I do, and that was before the days of the internet and social media. It must be 10x harder now.



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f46953  No.10658459

File: f78fc25828b724c⋯.png (132.23 KB, 749x301, 107:43, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10658270 LB

She is full of shit. The Scores drugged 100K story became the holy grail for every whore in USA. Ho-Powerball. Same as J-Lo. She was doing 3 ways when a dancer on In Living Color, now she is a stateswoman. The Cabal is laughing at the scum they promote as our public leaders

Look at Cardi's career. she was a dollar dancer in the scummiest clubs. She saved 35K in dollar bills by 21 years old. Who the fuck is she drugging and robbing in her areas? That face and fat ass could never get into any decent club in NYC.

**I once saw a stipper picking dime's up with her cooch off the stage. the nastiest story i heard is a stripper going customer to customer on the rail. each guy was eating her out. and she was wiping herself out with the same bar rag after each customer. this was for dollars.

the guy who told me that story said he puked right in the corner of the bar and no one noticed**

this is Cardi B's clientelle. she no where near scores when she stripped.

>>10658310 LB

cowgirls not pulling views on a sunday night is panic mode for NFL. But their owners are more concerned with the election. They all have to make sure POTUS gets in because they are all wired into USA. NFL is making it a landslide for POTUS 11/3. Keep kneeling fellas.

FULL CIRCLE!!! KEK, J LO and A-ROD got rejected to buy the Mets. Steve Cohen signed an agreement with Sterling Partners and bought 95% of the Mets for 2.5 Billion dollar deal. He owned 8%

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c3bf70  No.10658460

File: 90bfab6a947e253⋯.png (597.26 KB, 934x556, 467:278, ClipboardImage.png)


Copied camo 3.

Dragged Meme onto gimp workspace.

Pasted camo 3 as new layer so it's a layer on top of the meme.

Then Edit, Copy Visible. (This way, you don't have to save a file or crop or resize, just save the part of the image that is visible. camo 3 is bigger than the meme, and the parts that are bigger are not visible unless you enlarge the gimp canvas to fit the largest layer, which I did not do.)

Result is fine with no additional tinkering.

This worked because camo 3 is partially transparent.

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6eb777  No.10658461


>Anyone else get a ban on /pol/ recently?





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9fcae4  No.10658462

File: f56f073fddeefe5⋯.png (177.44 KB, 706x598, 353:299, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Says He 'Would Have No Problem' With Selling US Weapons, Including F-35s, to Gulf States

Until now, the US has had a policy of not selling advanced weapons to the Gulf countries that could undermine the military edge of its long-term ally Israel in the region.

US President Donald Trump has stated that he would have no issue with selling modern US-made weapons to the Gulf countries, instead of selling them exclusively to Israel in the region. His statement comes in the wake of Israel striking two peace deals with Gulf countries, the UAE and Bahrain, in a matter of weeks, purportedly clearing the way for Abu Dhabi's long-cherished desire to buy F-35 fighters, EA-18G Growler jets, and Reaper drones.

"They're very wealthy countries for the most part. I personally would have no problem with it. Some people do, they say […] maybe they go to war", Trump said.

POTUS went on to clarify that he is specifically ready to sell the latest fifth-generation stealth fighter jet, the F-35, noting that such an opportunity would mean "tremendous jobs at home". Speaking about the Arab World, the president added on a side note that he had "had a shot" at "taking out" Syrian President Bashar Assad, but chose not to do so due to opposition to the move from then Defence Secretary James Mattis.

Pelosi Raises Concerns Regarding F-35 Sale, Israel's Peace Deal With UAE

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi later commented on the idea of selling F-35 fighter jets to the Gulf states, specifically to the UAE, noting that the Congress would want to evaluate the consequences of a possible sale. She namely stressed that the Congress would want to ensure that Israel retains its military edge in the Middle East after such a sale.

"As we learn more about the full details of both agreements, questions remain […] The US Congress, on a bipartisan basis, will be watching and monitoring to ensure that Israel can maintain its qualitative military edge in the region", Pelosi said.

The speaker went on to comment on the peace agreement between Israel and the UAE, which is set to be signed later on Tuesday, noting that it's "critically important" to understand the details of Tel Aviv's vow to suspend the extension of its sovereignty over certain areas of the West Bank.


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df4033  No.10658463

File: 03577ba0bad99d0⋯.png (320.31 KB, 1552x1460, 388:365, cdli.png)



Whoa! Check out this side by side.

Best Movie ever!

Time for a break as the winning is killing dis pepe.

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9118d9  No.10658464




i think you anons need to refer to the OP for some context. this guy did exactly what he should've. he taught a lesson that will never be forgotten to the pedo that showed up to fuck his 13yo niece. i hope i have the opportunity to go savage on one of these people some day.

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2932e5  No.10658465

>>10657772 lb

>How does one add an mp4?

drop it like a photo from your download folder

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97de41  No.10658466

While digging on Antifa funding sources I found a committee report titled “Survey of Terrorist Groups and their means of financing” from 2018.

What is telling is that Antifa is only mentioned twice in the report, but “ White Supremacists” are mentioned 150 plus times.

Oren Segal (ADL) claims that Antifa is self funded.


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513436  No.10658467


what kind of virtue signaling is this?

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294a2d  No.10658468

File: 3f028302714b288⋯.jpeg (124.11 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 484CA105_E32A_475D_8994_A….jpeg)



Kim K quitting social media!

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5281c4  No.10658469




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0c55ac  No.10658470


biden=possible adrenochrome symptoms?

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4d96cd  No.10658471

File: 5f5275d85438f7f⋯.png (766.8 KB, 1008x669, 336:223, Screen_Shot_2020_09_15_at_….png)

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8b31d7  No.10658472

RETARDS here are so easy to troll, * I am a HUGE PDT Supporter, riddle me this Batman why would a supposed Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Insider post where Fucking retards believe that JFK Jr. is alive, Chemtrails, Aliens living among us & many other simply fucking retard beliefs ?

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0f5ef9  No.10658473


All these inquiries adding up to fuckall

DOJ's finest

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17317d  No.10658474

File: 0595243b62335a6⋯.png (305.2 KB, 952x553, 136:79, AZAZ09O9_US_Army_from_Ft_L….PNG)

File: f7b5329c8c42e8d⋯.png (155.32 KB, 874x467, 874:467, A10C9120_USAF_A_10_west_to….PNG)

File: ca80ee6327b5474⋯.png (573.14 KB, 670x397, 670:397, A_10_pilot.PNG)

AZAZ09O9 US Army C-560 from Ft. Leavenworth appears to be heading for Alexandria, LA

Plus a current snap of the Hurricane

A10C9120 USAF A-10 BRRRRRRRRT heading to the Goldwater Range from Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson

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0c55ac  No.10658475




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0f005b  No.10658476

File: 219d2f9345b16b6⋯.png (318.42 KB, 610x610, 1:1, pepe_match.png)


This needs to happen to all of them! Then burn them alive!

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bfc979  No.10658477


there are colder and warmer periods in earth history. what are wrong are over-hyped predictions, not the possibility that we could be entering a cold period.

I don't personally know. but I do know that that "science" doesn't know either

science is highly political now, but it has always been difficult for scientists to let go of pet theories, especially ones that are widely believed, because their careers suffer. there is a book about this that says basically the oldies who are wedded to the current paradigm have to die off before progress is made

the danger today is that there is so much money involved, and enough power to do really stupid things to supposedly save the world. sick of the megalomanics running things. they don't really know, but insist they do

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378cc0  No.10658478


>Also, can't they do an IV without leaving an obvious mark?

Depends on the talent of the one performing the IV. Nurses are usually more adept at not leaving bruises, but Doctors not so much. Again, with the elderly, nearly impossible to not leave a bruise, but nurses tdat are good can do it.

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5281c4  No.10658479



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a61e8e  No.10658480

File: 37e64c56a0cfc3e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


James does it again. My sides.

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8b24c3  No.10658481


Love’s to ya for that

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cf9935  No.10658482


is it the same west africa culture that mutilates girls clitoris'?

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2fa90c  No.10658483


Flags of peace.

We are part of that movement for peace.

Eternal war only benefits those who profit from war.

Eternal war does not help the people who just want to live their lives.

Peace is good.

How long has that region been at war?

Who kept stoking the fires of war?

Who profited from the eternal wars?

I for one am happy to see "give peace a chance".

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a65252  No.10658484

File: 1f0fa1a7c1b264a⋯.jpg (122.85 KB, 781x655, 781:655, KICKS.jpg)


Your no better than "THEM"

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fb194a  No.10658485

File: d82e3715ed0be53⋯.jpeg (125.64 KB, 498x703, 498:703, 263417E9_03D2_4E9D_A1F8_E….jpeg)

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f29853  No.10658486

File: 2edaa39c896f040⋯.png (138.02 KB, 602x609, 86:87, BLM_Necromancy.png)

File: 689fbe792d12e96⋯.png (266.93 KB, 1311x798, 23:14, BLM_Demons.png)

Necromancy…"Contacting/controlling the dead" through unseen spirit forces."



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c2f08f  No.10658487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Get in here! I'm steamed, and HOW!!!!

"Big name" twatserers are not touching this.

Maybe I'm too hidden, maybe they are pricks…

I hope not.

How many have put their radio job on the line to run for office against Canadia Leafy lefties? How many have their extended families posting threats on fb? How many have news hit pieces against them, personally, over Q?

Somebody support this guy.

Please. Faggots.

Patriots support Patriots when they take a fucking STAND.





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ba642f  No.10658488


My bad. Didn't know the full context. Someone get that guy a medal.

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544cd4  No.10658489

File: fc8ef1ee03449c3⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 250x150, 5:3, anubis_gif_2.gif)

good ppl do good things,

good is misunderstood,

god is good, all th time god is wood,

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5281c4  No.10658490


>Read comments. Wasn't related to a child. Video was a casino rep being beaten for not paying winnings to the guy, who was suspected of cheating.

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a252fd  No.10658491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d96cd  No.10658492

File: 2a5e0a4347e823a⋯.png (765.54 KB, 1009x669, 1009:669, Screen_Shot_2020_09_15_at_….png)


cleaned up

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dfc642  No.10658493

File: 8d947547983a37b⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 500x675, 20:27, 8d947547983a37b1ed0728f8cd….jpg)


and no casino security stopped it? do you play this dumb offline too?

you think someone should have that rage to risk their freedom and life in a casino under camera surveilance by attacking casino staff like that? or where they rage blinded on a pedo?

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27479e  No.10658494




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c2edd3  No.10658495

File: a84b175e5530fe8⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1080x1096, 135:137, therealwonderwoman_flotus.png)

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94d8a8  No.10658496

File: ade3db464ef820f⋯.png (382.37 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10658452 yea, i'm not either. but I have seen in person many people with butterfly catheters placed on the back of hand. It really is not uncommon. the person who said it is rarely used is incorrect. Perhaps because there are always people (cameras) around Joe, the act of him having to remove his suit coat , roll up sleeves etc. would leave him vulnerable to being exposed. I quick IV in the backseat of the limo right before a speech does not seem out of the bound of reality.

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525f4c  No.10658497

File: 846f3c519f919d7⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 4f2pqx.jpg)

BLM is the circus freakshow trainwreck that keeps on giving.

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0c55ac  No.10658498


I'm reminded of two quotes…'if you give your enemy enough rope, they'll hang themselves with it', with the other being 'never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake' -napoleon bonaparte

the more they do, the more they screw themselves.

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149608  No.10658499

File: 04b302ae73e9f23⋯.png (386.32 KB, 560x329, 80:47, Screenshot_2020_09_15_Wash….png)

File: ea9be0ac1a47745⋯.png (412.08 KB, 597x302, 597:302, Screenshot_2020_09_15_Trum….png)

Trump hails new 'dawn' for Middle East as Israel signs accords with Bahrain and UAE

President Trump declared the “dawn of a new Middle East” as he oversaw the signing of pacts between Israel and two Arab nations, an event he hopes will pave the way for increased stability in a volatile region and cast him as a peacemaker ahead of November’s election. Hundreds of diplomats, lawmakers, and officials gathered on the South Lawn of the White House on Tuesday afternoon to witness the normalizing of relations between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates — the first time in more than 25 years that Arab nations have signed agreements with Israel. However, Palestinian officials have denounced the so-called Abraham Accords as a stab in the back by fellow Arab nations. Speaking from the White House balcony, Trump said more nations would follow in signing deals. "We're here this afternoon to change the course of history. After decades of division and conflict, we mark the dawn of a new Middle East,” he said. “Thanks to the great courage of the leaders of these three countries, we take a major stride toward a future in which people of all faiths and backgrounds live together in peace and prosperity.” Minutes later, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed accords with Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahyan and Bahrain’s Foreign Minister, Abdullatif al Zayani. COVID-19 restrictions deprived Trump of the chance for any made-for-TV handshake moments.

Even so, the signing marks a diplomatic breakthrough for Trump, who touted his deal-making abilities during his 2016 run for the White House only to struggle once in office with seemingly intractable standoffs with everyone from Democrats in Congress to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Skeptics point out that the Abraham Accords are not technically peace deals and worry that they do little to advance regional stability when Palestinians are further isolated. To illustrate the point, protesters gathered in the West Bank and Gaza, where they burned pictures of Trump and Netanyahu. The agreements follow months of negotiations led by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and lay a framework for diplomatic, economic, and other ties between the three nations. At the same time, the accords reflect shared concern among America’s allies about the rise of Iran and its development of ballistic missiles. “I really believe Iran wants to make a deal,” said Trump during a meeting in the Oval Office with Netanyahu in which he presented the Israeli leader with a gold key. “I want Iran to be a great country.” Before sitting to sign the deals, Netanyahu said: “This day is a pivot of history. It heralds a new dawn for peace.”

The Israeli-American Council described the deals as “historic.” “Both Israel and the US administration have expressed their hope and desire for peace with additional countries in the region and the IAC calls on other Arab countries to follow suit,” it said in a statement. “These historic agreements are proof that the path towards a more prosperous Middle East is through recognition and cooperation rather than through isolation and extremism.” Others urge caution and say real progress would require other nations, such as Saudi Arabia, to come on board. Michael Hanna, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation think tank, said the agreements amounted to a public ratification of existing contacts rather than a reshaping of the troubled region’s security environment. “This will generate change in business-to-business contacts. That’s the big thing,” he said. “As many, many people have said, it is a misnomer to call them peace agreements. These countries weren’t at war, and it’s silly to think of them in terms of the way the Egypt-Israel peace treaty or Jordan peace treaty were described.”


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6e3392  No.10658500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sleepy Slow Joe keeps asking if everyone follows him, understands him, and are you getting what I’m saying?

All these Military health Questions that were never addressed under Sleepys and Hussein’s administration is now saying how he can fix it!



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252cfa  No.10658501


14 hours ago fyi forget to mention

hmmm late last night

must have been a GOOD Night Shift, kek

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393987  No.10658502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse all = FALSE FLAG ORCHESTRATED NEWS



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42c5fe  No.10658503

anons, WTF Biden calling it Harris / Biden.

What happens to ballots in a switcharoo?

If Ballots are already sent out with Biden's name and he bails out before election, It cannot be presumed Harris is what people "WOULD HAVE MEANT" if her name was there.

If after election, they can swap her for him though.

What am I not seeing? What am I overlooking?

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48bd42  No.10658504

File: 3fe605f418a4dee⋯.png (20.25 KB, 1023x220, 93:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cea88886a6daab⋯.png (12.09 KB, 1001x195, 77:15, ClipboardImage.png)




looks like something is being done

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ad67a3  No.10658505

File: 7ee7cf818ce3aa2⋯.png (78.95 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


Inhalable insulin ?

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5918e3  No.10658506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10657884 PB

BREAKING: NASA says the sun has entered a new “solar cycle”. Officially named “Solar Cycle 25”, it means that there will be an increase in space weather that could have effects for technology on Earth as well as astronauts in space.

>Embedded Video explains Solar Cycles. Eric P. Dollard is the man.

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bfc979  No.10658507


they think exploring what it means to be a woman is appropriate … at 11 years old?


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0f5ef9  No.10658508


Just like their shepard, Kanye West

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000000  No.10658509

Hello Anons 🐸

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5ed082  No.10658510


because its the only populated place left on the clearnet that isn't auto-managed by algorithms.

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4d96cd  No.10658511


that's what mothers are for.

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d556cb  No.10658512


I downloaded paper. Figured they would toast her.


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668bcc  No.10658513

File: 9bddb51db472500⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 1302x868, 3:2, 13098416_web1_TSR_Plane_ED….jpg)

He really is flaming out. KEK!

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27479e  No.10658514


need second source plz

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9fcae4  No.10658515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW DOCS: Did Mueller Lie to House Judiciary about Interviewing for FBI Director Job?

Judicial Watch received 47 pages of documents from the Department of Justice which includes a May 17, 2017, email documenting that Robert Mueller informed the Attorney General’s office he was withdrawing from consideration for director of the FBI. This recently released email raises new questions about Mueller’s testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on July 24, 2019, where he said a May 16, 2017 interview with President Donald Trump was “not about me applying for the job” as FBI director.

The emails were produced to Judicial Watch in response to its February 2, 2019, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice after for all records of communications of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein between May 8 and May 17, 2017 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00481)).


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4d96cd  No.10658516

File: 44d205758f71e84⋯.png (196.02 KB, 631x444, 631:444, after_school.png)


school's out.

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2932e5  No.10658517

Bill Hemmer reporting Hamas fires rockets from Gaza into Israel during WH ceremony!

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f46953  No.10658519



read comments. people saying it was over a gambling debt. you need a disclaimer incase this goes sideways. don't be WaPo or CNN.

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9118d9  No.10658520


we see you

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787ff5  No.10658521

File: 5c5333efd326b09⋯.jpeg (521.38 KB, 750x926, 375:463, F56E2602_56FF_49BE_8995_4….jpeg)

Tell it like it is! Get em Donny!

Best. President. Ever.


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252cfa  No.10658522


ribbit, what news might you have?

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94ffbc  No.10658523

File: a3b09e0c4a9f2c1⋯.png (86.5 KB, 1404x537, 468:179, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10657128 (PB)

In the world of spooks, ES started out as a grey hat and has a choice to make. He can no longer skate down the middle.

As Q posted:

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378cc0  No.10658524


Didn't realize it was a reply to a post. Just saw the video and had a mental block on the violence. Well, if he's a pedo, fuck him.

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6eb777  No.10658525


>biden=possible adrenochrome symptoms?

O yeah. Cuz a 78 yo with multiple brain anuerisms becoming senile is a far stretch,

GTFO with that stupid shit.

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9fb36e  No.10658526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tanks naker

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9e11c4  No.10658527

File: 017d96059b8b82e⋯.png (605.29 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20200915_150959.png)

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2cf3f1  No.10658528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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252cfa  No.10658529

File: d104a3fb1ffd3a0⋯.png (626.63 KB, 451x800, 451:800, creepy_joe_sniffs_kid.png)

File: 387f21b6430a859⋯.jpg (107.89 KB, 960x932, 240:233, biden_sniff_guard.jpg)

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513436  No.10658530

File: e4df52fe9c61805⋯.png (257.54 KB, 727x468, 727:468, 1600196932.png)

look at the dislikes on the biden rally.

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8e2b7c  No.10658531

File: 70299ad43bb10de⋯.jpeg (24.48 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 70299ad43bb10ded46aa841da….jpeg)

File: f29aa03b4feae38⋯.jpg (70.26 KB, 620x500, 31:25, 4f2pdd.jpg)

BLM has set the negroids back 100 years in America, Negroid people are very unpopular right now.

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ad67a3  No.10658532

File: 05a6e468b04e01a⋯.png (831.38 KB, 747x772, 747:772, ClipboardImage.png)


I love that I can connect directly with you through Instagram and Facebook, but I can’t sit by and stay silent while these platforms continue to allow the spreading of hate, propaganda and misinformation - created by groups to sow division and split America apart


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4d96cd  No.10658533

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB, 351x303, 117:101, pensive_pepe.png)


>isn't auto-managed by algorithms.

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787ff5  No.10658534


Joe ‘the kid sniffer’ Biden everybody!

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0f005b  No.10658535

File: f4daa3b7fd90b27⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Creepy_Joe_Biden.mp4)


← Post this everywhere!

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020781  No.10658536

File: f8615244ce70610⋯.png (181.78 KB, 640x358, 320:179, ClipboardImage.png)

TigerDroppings Q Thread anon says to get free account at Canva and monkey with QR code transparency to drop over pics to be masked for social media:

QR Code Generator: https://www.qr-code-generator.com/

Canva: https://www.canva.com/

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668bcc  No.10658537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is Biden with the microphone right now.

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000000  No.10658538

Australian Signals Directorate


“Every organisation in the#FiveEyesrelationship contributes uniquely to the greater endeavour.” In her inaugural public speech, Director-General ASD highlighted the importance of our international alliances.

10:49 PM · Sep 14, 2020


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76c504  No.10658539


Clinesmith Epstein Maxwell Raniere…four I can think of, so far is known. Seen Holder lately?

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9118d9  No.10658540


dont let the keyboard hit you in the ass on the way out you disgusting whore.

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2243cc  No.10658541

Sirens going off in Israel. Is deep state black sites expecting people to believe treaty being broken as it's being signed?

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5281c4  No.10658542


Read comments. Wasn't related to a child. Video was a casino rep being beaten for not paying winnings to the guy, who was suspected of cheating.

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252cfa  No.10658543

snowden went to china then RUS

that dude skated off a cliff imo

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a252fd  No.10658544

File: 095445b50d9d5c9⋯.png (123.8 KB, 868x780, 217:195, ClipboardImage.png)

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d63b96  No.10658545

File: b2b81f24c689c24⋯.jpg (46.6 KB, 480x601, 480:601, Konrad_HeidenNAZI.jpg)

Some remarks on the Q community's understanding of history.

The often used narrative Nazi was created by Konrad Heiden, a Jewish Marxist.

It was created to avoid using the word socialist in the name of the NSDAP.

NSDAP= National Socialist German Workers Party. The NSDAP had some program points similar to the KPD=Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands. I will not go into this further. The big difference between these parties was that the NSDAP was national, the KPD international/Moscow.

Often people try to compare the time of that time with the time of today. For example, the Antifa is equated with the SA. This is wrong, the members of the SA were patriots. The SA was necessary to stop the Red Front fighter alliance. The RFKB was a communist goon squad that didn't even shy away from murder. They can be compared with the Antifa, both are children of the same parents. The RFKB was not patriotic but fought for the goals of the KPD/Moscow.

Why the war, WW2. Germany was unjustly robbed of a large part of its country, East Germany, after losing the First World War. Poland and Czechoslovakia pounced on the loot and began pogroms against the Germans living there. The German Reich asked the English government for mediation several times before the war began. This was ignored. I don't want to go deeper now, whoever wants can search for the truth themselves.

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0f005b  No.10658546

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, pepe_3.jpg)

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ef2f56  No.10658547


What is his/her name? It looks Jewish, not that there's anything…

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0f5ef9  No.10658548



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ad67a3  No.10658549

File: 74d9b628456fafe⋯.png (41.44 KB, 720x260, 36:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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393987  No.10658550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

49 days my friends.


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cc4d5c  No.10658551

Pelosi is Sour Today

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bfc979  No.10658552


you're welcome

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787ff5  No.10658553

File: cdf7c8a255384da⋯.jpeg (407.39 KB, 750x625, 6:5, F5C5A8AD_B158_4D5C_B053_4….jpeg)

File: 9c685ee58cad701⋯.jpeg (339.24 KB, 750x660, 25:22, 6EB6A1A1_A8A9_43B8_ADD0_C….jpeg)

File: b9af0f4a2aa2b82⋯.jpeg (671.39 KB, 655x1179, 5:9, 0DAA97C8_A4D7_41B0_839C_3….jpeg)

Enjoy the shit posts more to follow

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487f37  No.10658554

File: c24e06d029da124⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 500x336, 125:84, angel_of_light.jpg)

(You)'re true form.

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f46953  No.10658555


that is a leading question.

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94ffbc  No.10658556


Time for citizen arrests of these complicit local politicians.

"LOCK THEM UP" demand a federal trial for treason

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94d8a8  No.10658557

File: c1179d2392c1da0⋯.png (165.22 KB, 488x750, 244:375, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad67a3  No.10658558

File: 9804054403fd028⋯.png (460.26 KB, 740x635, 148:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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2932e5  No.10658559

File: 77fe35ac98ce8cc⋯.png (136.65 KB, 225x224, 225:224, top_kek.png)


>god is wood



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5a901d  No.10658560

File: 74337b7295110d7⋯.jpg (446.06 KB, 1917x961, 1917:961, AZAZ09O9_15_Sep_20_2011.jpg)

File: cb6b5d8543bc0a4⋯.jpg (362.21 KB, 1915x965, 383:193, AZAZ09O9_15_Sep_20_2010.jpg)

AZAZ09O9 landing at Alexandria International.

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e85526  No.10658561


Fake "celebrities" are neither interesting nor notable.

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498370  No.10658562


most of those dislikes are from the vets trapped inside with PedoJoe

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9fcae4  No.10658563

Robert Mueller’s Conflict of Interest

“This is an extraordinary document in the sense that it ought to generate a criminal investigation into Mueller’s testimony,” Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update.

Ongoing Judicial Watch investigations have uncovered documents that appear to contradict – in Fitton’s words – FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s previous statements about his potential bid for the position of FBI Director. Appearing to conflict with this statement made before the House Judiciary Committee on July 24, 2019, Fitton states that “emails from Rod Rosenstein show that Mueller pulled himself out of the running for FBI Director on the very day he was pulled for special counsel. The email suggests that Mueller communicated directly with Rosenstein and withdrew his name from the job.”

As Fitton explains, these findings came as part of a Judicial Watch lawsuit investigating the “seven days in May [2017],” the period in which president Trump “fired” then-FBI Director James Comey. Judicial Watch has narrowed in on the activities of Comey’s successor, “his buddy, McCabe who was acting director of the FBI… and Rod Rosenstein [who both] were thinking of ways to overthrow president Trump.” In an apparent attempt to keep their conversations secret, McCabe told Mueller that the boss “doesn’t know we’re talking” – revealing McCabe’s close interaction with Mueller during the hiring process, a detail he seemingly wanted to keep hidden from “the boss” – which Fitton believes is in reference to president Trump. “The point was that he was secretly talking to Mueller while he was also considering him for the FBI Director position.”

The congressional hearing focused on Mueller’s conversations with the president, with whom he allegedly did not discuss his running for FBI Director. Rather, Mueller states that he discussed “what sort of person should be in the FBI job” – a strange, and potentially untrue recounting of the events according to Fitton.

“It shows that the Mueller operation was conceived in sin in the sense that there was an inherent conflict of interest Mueller had. He was investigating how allegedly Comey’s firing was an obstruction of justice. How could he investigate that issue if he interviewed for the very job. He would be a witness.”

“He was looking to get the job and he did have a conflict of interest,” Fitton noted.

If you’re concerned about Mueller’s conflicts of interest, and government corruption at large, support Judicial Watch today. It’s the best way to ensure your concerns are heard in court, and in the public square.


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294a2d  No.10658564

File: 6a14c468c7c0727⋯.jpeg (69.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, A6D5D88D_D0D7_4CB9_AB68_8….jpeg)

I like how Peter Strzok is still allowed to breathe and sow discord.

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ad67a3  No.10658565

File: 191d00f81d6219f⋯.png (669.32 KB, 731x536, 731:536, ClipboardImage.png)

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e1cd86  No.10658566


Yes, and it’s vastly superior care, and actually molecularly identical to human insulin (most are analogues). VDEX diabetes has tons of testimonials on how severely diabetic patients got their h1c levels into normal range when nothing else could

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668bcc  No.10658567

File: 03b6d4ebf569e00⋯.png (32.38 KB, 1051x251, 1051:251, dislike.PNG)

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bfc979  No.10658568


is the pelosi poop in notables yet?


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bc71a5  No.10658569

File: caa5d2ab03fe978⋯.jpg (59.83 KB, 500x630, 50:63, sniffedit.jpg)

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544cd4  No.10658570



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787ff5  No.10658571

Thank you whoever took the little circus freak kiddie diddler’s keyboard away the board is running much better now!

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0f005b  No.10658572

File: 343a71f815e8498⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 612x408, 3:2, strzok.jpg)


>Peter Strzok

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6286fd  No.10658573

File: 770af79b9c46f28⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2289x1288, 327:184, StKyleOfKek.png)


Saint Kyle of Kenosha

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5918e3  No.10658574


What if the solar cycle flux level made 4am talking points impossible to receive?

Nikola Knew.

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149608  No.10658575

File: 9ba66fa21465e50⋯.png (787.5 KB, 774x516, 3:2, Screenshot_2020_09_15_Pomp….png)

Pompeo touts end of Palestinian 'veto' over Arab-Israeli ties

Palestinian officials no longer have the power to "veto" the expansion of Arab-Israeli relations, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said while applauding new diplomatic accords between American allies in the Middle East. “For decades, this town, foreign policy with respect to the Middle East, gave the Palestinians a veto right that they could act in a way that prevented any Arab nation from engaging with the most important democracy in the Middle East,” Pompeo told the Atlantic Council on Tuesday. “We took a different view.” Pompeo and U.S. officials credit their focus on the threats emanating from Iran as the organizing principle of the normalization of ties between Israel and two Gulf Arab nations — Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Delegations from the three countries convened at the White House on Tuesday to sign the Abraham Accords, in addition to separate agreements between Israel and each country. “This peace will eventually expand to include other Arab states and ultimately help bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict once and for all,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday at the White House. “Let us feel on this day the pulse of history. For long after the pandemic is gone, the peace we make today will endure.”

The agreements represent a substantial diplomatic shift for the Arab states, which historically have refused to establish formal ties with Israel due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Palestinian officials have decried the deals as "a betrayal” of their cause, alleviating pressure on Israel to agree to the formation of a Palestinian state, although UAE officials maintain that they are not abandoning that effort. “For the Emiratis, this is still the beginning of a process of negotiations with the Israelis and Americans, and I would expect they will continue to seek — and receive — more for their gestures toward Israel,” the Center for Strategic and International Studies senior vice president Jon Alterman wrote Tuesday. ”A senior Emirati official recently told me that if Israel wants peace, the only way that they can get it is through an agreement with the Palestinians, which normalization of relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain quite clearly is not. What it is, instead, is a collapse of Arab solidarity on the Palestine question that had been in place for three-quarters of a century.” Pompeo suggested that the collapse has spread even beyond Bahrain and the UAE. “It shouldn’t go without notice — not only have these nations chosen to recognize Israel, but when the Gulf states all got together and the Palestinians demanded that there be a statement denouncing what took place, that did not occur," he said. "And so, yes, there is a big shift in how these alliance are set.”


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2e6607  No.10658576

File: c8190653e9e5677⋯.jpg (169.1 KB, 500x889, 500:889, Lord_baby_Krishna.jpg)

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14dcde  No.10658577

File: 0feb4e735dbbcfe⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1280x712, 160:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Exposing BLM satanic founders live.


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3fa0a1  No.10658578

File: c53b9f803ba6238⋯.jpg (304.24 KB, 952x704, 119:88, Screen_Shot_09_15_20_at_08….JPG)

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17317d  No.10658579

File: 3f952e83c9a9d91⋯.png (214.05 KB, 454x234, 227:117, antero_midstream_partners_….PNG)

File: 9621ecea9011933⋯.png (340.1 KB, 565x437, 565:437, Antero_midstream_marcellus….PNG)

Antero Midstream Corp. sold by CEO: $46.44m-Sept 14

Antero Midstream Corp, formerly Antero Midstream GP LP, owns, operates and develops midstream energy infrastructure. The Company's segments include gathering and processing and water handling and treatment. The gathering and processing segment consist of long-term, fee-based activities including low-pressure gathering, compression, high-pressure gathering, processing, fractionation, and condensate gathering. The Company’s water handling and treatment segment consists of long-term fee based activities including fresh water delivery used in completion activity, and water handling services. The Company's assets are located both in the southwestern core of the Marcellus Shale in northwest West Virginia and in the core of the Utica Shale in southern Ohio. Number of employees : 547 people.


Paul M. Rady was a co-founder and has served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Antero Resources Corporation since May 2004 and of its predecessor company from its founding in 2002 to its ultimate sale to XTO Energy, Inc. in April 2005. Mr. Rady has also served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Antero Midstream Corporation since the closing of its simplification transaction in March 2019. Prior to the simplification, Mr. Rady served as Chief Executive Officer of the general partner of Antero Midstream GP LP beginning in January 2017 and as Chairman of the Board of Directors of such entity beginning in April 2017. Mr. Rady also previously served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the general partner of Antero Midstream Partners LP beginning in February 2014. Prior to co-founding Antero Resources Corporation, Mr. Rady served as President, CEO and Chairman of Pennaco Energy from 1998 until its sale to Marathon in early 2001. Prior to Pennaco, Mr. Rady was with Barrett Resources from 1990 until 1998 where he initially was recruited as Chief Geologist in 1990, then served as Exploration Manager, EVP Exploration, President, COO and Director and ultimately CEO. Mr. Rady began his career with Amoco where he served 10 years as a geologist focused on the Rockies and Mid-Continent. Mr. Rady is the managing member of Salisbury Investment Holdings, LLC.



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a61e8e  No.10658580

File: f9a180c409c105a⋯.png (33.06 KB, 125x120, 25:24, ClipboardImage.png)


It really was.

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eb7670  No.10658581



It's called camouflage, fartblossom

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76c504  No.10658582


nominate for notable

CDC Cancels ‘Critical Race Theory’ Program Following Doc Leak – Reporter Threatens to go Nuclear and Release Names if No Action is Taken by CDC Director!

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484a14  No.10658583


54 hundred watching & 56 hundred dislikes, only 163 likes kek.

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be527c  No.10658584

Best street in America! For anons who happen to live in a leftist hellhole, please know that Antifa, BLM and the marxist fuckbags are NOT what most of real America is about. We The People are rational, sensible and we love our country. And we will make the right decision in November.


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9e11c4  No.10658585

File: 86beab5490b5481⋯.jpg (286.36 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, photo_editor_ds_1599679369….jpg)


This shit was epic before it even officially started!

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c2c0f7  No.10658586



I would call that pretty good for a sub-orbital insertion ! ! !


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668bcc  No.10658587

File: e77fc05b2279657⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Untitled_attachment_01222.jpg)

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252cfa  No.10658588

File: c0a4891b85e69a6⋯.png (693.53 KB, 800x451, 800:451, biden_full_choke_03032020.png)


kek, oh no, leave it to Anons to find the line comedy, kek

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8c441d  No.10658589

File: 7893a5c886194c4⋯.jpg (488.87 KB, 1079x1518, 1079:1518, Screenshot_20200915_151237….jpg)

Wheels up


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c2edd3  No.10658590

File: 53765c2235394fb⋯.jpg (86.2 KB, 1455x720, 97:48, memewarfareheroes.jpg)


tanks anon, doin my best. o7

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d2a470  No.10658591

File: b2364f29b8b9571⋯.png (83.14 KB, 325x259, 325:259, Screenshot_2020_09_15_at_1….png)

Scientific Evidence Reveals ‘No Climate Effect’ on California’s Wildfires

Scientists refute Governor’s claims that climate change contributes to wildfires

President Donald Trump stopped in Sacramento, CA Monday to meet with Gov. Gavin Newsom and state officials to discuss the 2020 wildfires. Trump was in California last year as well during the wildfires, and warned that forest management needed to be more aggressive to ward off ongoing devastating wildfires.

The Governor and Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot told the president he should acknowledge the role of climate change in the worsening of the wildfires, and claimed that August in California had record high temperatures. But that just is not true according to scientists and meteorologists.

Anthony Watts, a Northern California meteorologist forwarded this graph to the California Globe:

“This is a graph of High temperatures during fire season (March-October) for Chico going back to 1900,” Watts said. “Note that temperatures were significantly higher in the past than today, completely negating the ‘climate change’ claims for the #campfire event. The data is from the Western Regional Climate Center. I also checked other weather data near major fires and they show the same thing….warmer in the past.”

Jim Steele, Director emeritus of San Francisco State’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus, explains at WattsUpWithThat: “Scientific evidence reveals there has been no climate effect regards California’s wildfires! None! The data below proves it beyond all doubt.”

Steele has several graphs in his op ed which debunk the governor’s claims:

The August 2013 Rim Fire centered around Yosemite National Park, was California’s 5th largest fire.

The November 2018 Camp Fire was California’s deadliest fire destroying the town of Paradise. It was also California’s 16th largest fire.

The 2018 Mendocino Complex Fire was California’s largest fire (since 1932 excluding 2020) .

In the October 2017 wine country fires, the Tubbs Fire was the 4th deadliest. It only burned 37,000 acres but high winds drove embers into the dwellings of the heavily populated outskirts of Santa Rosa.

Steele adds:

“Governor Newsom ignores the data to disgustingly hijacking the tragedy of California’s fires to push is climate change agenda. But he is not alone. There are climate scientists pushing catastrophes by ignoring the local maximum temperature trends. Bad analyses promote bad policies and obscure what needs to be done regards fuel management and creating defensible spaces in fire prone California.”

“Newsom must focus on fuel management and fire suppression. As fire ecologist Thomas Swetnam echoed the experts’ growing consensus against fire suppression wrote, ‘The paradox of fire management in conifer forests is that, if in the short term we are effective at reducing fire occurrence below a certain level, then sooner or later catastrophically destructive wildfires will occur. Even the most efficient and technologically advanced firefighting efforts can only forestall this inevitable result.’”

In the meeting with President Trump Monday, Siskiyou County Supervisor Mike Haupt told the President, “I come to you as a forester, an elected official, and a past land manager for the U.S. Forest Serve, and firefighter.”

“My county continues to repeat the things that you saw in Paradise when you were there, on a smaller scale” Haupt said. “The town of Happy Camp, this year, is under the Slater fire that took off. And in a 24-hour period, we lost 258 structures in a very small town. Half of my population is displaced.”

“At this point in time, we have 158 homes completely destroyed.”

“Will that population come back?” President Trump asked Haupt.

“Sir, that’s a tough question because these are very poor people anyway. And they’re living through the downturn of the timber economy at this point, and there’s very low employment in this area,” Haupt said.

“In this area, I’ve worked with UC Berkeley and UC Davis, and UC Merced on some studies of our forests in the northern region, which historically have been pretty asbestos-like — are carrying four times the density that they did in 1930,” Haupt added. “So we have both the increase in brush in the wildland interface, as well as the lack of management, producing these extreme densities.”


How Bad Science & Horrific Journalism Misrepresent Wildfires and Climate


ARCHIVE: http://web.archive.org/save/https://californiaglobe.com/fl/scientific-evidence-reveals-no-climate-effect-on-californias-wildfires/

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47617c  No.10658592


Biden is reading answers to the questions from a card. After each question he turns the card over to the next card. He can't answer a question off the cuff. He is rambling incoherently for each question as well. He's all over the place. Sad. 500 viewers.

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2932e5  No.10658593



fuck off, idiot shill!

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787ff5  No.10658594

File: 491e4dcbed7d898⋯.jpeg (523.82 KB, 750x826, 375:413, 96C59F7B_3208_440B_A8AA_1….jpeg)

File: 5a1861635d6d3d5⋯.jpeg (357.89 KB, 750x763, 750:763, 6D948E3F_0F86_4C4F_A85C_1….jpeg)

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d844b2  No.10658595

File: 9c76d4f8df4e223⋯.png (18.59 KB, 526x153, 526:153, Joey_Jones_to_Biden_re_Vet….PNG)

Spare us your card @JoeBiden I served under your administration. I lost my legs under your leadership.


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5ed082  No.10658596




i'm actually super weirded out that I was thinking just days ago that someone gonna start another "blackout tuesday", but for people against big tech/msm.

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290288  No.10658597



How fucking gay…

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000000  No.10658598

FBI Boston @FBIBoston

#BREAKING: Behzad Mohammadzadeh, an Iranian national, and Marwan Abusrour, a stateless national of the Palestinian Authority, have been indicted for hacking into websites and defacing them in retaliation for U.S. military action killing Qasem Soleimani.

1:07 PM · Sep 15, 2020·


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c10d62  No.10658599


Because, moran, it's the only place on the internets where it is IMPOSSIBLE to monetize the content you post/share.

(That, and the censorship + fuckery)

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ba642f  No.10658600

File: cb3ff2f76e80c91⋯.png (71.81 KB, 865x437, 865:437, Capture.PNG)


It's a campaign to stop violent conspiracy theories. Check out her partners.

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149608  No.10658601

File: 51eb6d40a48df07⋯.png (468.61 KB, 329x494, 329:494, Screenshot_2020_09_04_Sauc….png)

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94ffbc  No.10658602


And so you are here to show us your magnificent brain. Provide some information that debunks all of what you are trolling. Name calling is the last resort of small minds.

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ea0598  No.10658603


It's not a pedo beat down. Read comments. People follow too many hopeful leads around here. Three years on we should know better.

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a252fd  No.10658604

File: bb83275435e5caa⋯.png (735.37 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, bb83275435e5caa242385a9924….png)



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a82dcd  No.10658605


(((THEY)))) ONLY Allow their HATE & DIVISION

Not our truths, unity and want for peace.

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33c85b  No.10658606

>>10658496 He probably just has a really good vein in his hand. Most nurses just use the best vein available.

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000000  No.10658607

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c66d02  No.10658608

File: 9edfdd66904cd14⋯.png (4.95 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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97e6bd  No.10658609


>>10658284, >>10658291

Missing something?

Previously Collected Notables

>>10656686 #13637, >>10657487 #13638, >>10658265 #13639

>>10654472 #13634, >>10655182 #13635, >>10655921 #13636

>>10652090 #13631, >>10652840 #13632, >>10653603 #13633

>>10649656 #13628, >>10651450 #13629, >>10651271 #13630

>>10647534 #13625, >>10648554 #13626, >>10648898 #13627

Frenly minder.

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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6e3392  No.10658610

File: 6d4902a8b97751e⋯.jpeg (60.5 KB, 480x348, 40:29, A533E29B_4D1E_49AE_851B_B….jpeg)

PJ is right!

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4054aa  No.10658611

File: cfc5b6e35219458⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 500x677, 500:677, Yeezy.jpg)

BLM is the circus monkey show that keeps on giving.

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2fde3c  No.10658612

File: 80d2fa070c4def6⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB, 544x544, 1:1, received_708704876660953.mp4)

While you faggots are sitting here fucking off and doing nothing, I'm out working hard, very hard, saving our country.

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290288  No.10658613


Do they think they can just fly away?

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020781  No.10658614

File: c51fa4b3309eabd⋯.png (306.9 KB, 683x606, 683:606, Hot_Mic_Catches_Nebraska_P….png)

POTUS Win on B1G Football Incoming?

Nebraska President caught on hot mic saying announcement for return of Big 10 Football coming tonight.


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94d8a8  No.10658615

I agree>>10658606

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1d82d7  No.10658616


Send it via tweet to Conservative Girl. @ConservUSA38. She is the one who posted the vid of, as she said, #PedoJoe. as shown in the Sun. That's the tweet that President Trump retweeted.

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668bcc  No.10658617


When you're around dead bodies enough, your humor becomes really dank. KEK!

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97e6bd  No.10658618


Knows how them last second page capacities can be.

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ed08c9  No.10658619

File: 5aec54f08440a4d⋯.jpg (43.68 KB, 524x470, 262:235, lancasterterrorists.jpg)

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a252fd  No.10658620

File: 611f8f52176cc08⋯.png (66.93 KB, 752x612, 188:153, ClipboardImage.png)

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e85526  No.10658621


The solar cycles are like 11 years long. We are at a historic low right now with very little solar activity. It will take maybe 4-5-6 years to see a significant increase that might have potential to produce M- or X-class solar flares and CMEs that MIGHT affect terrestrial conditions.



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6eb777  No.10658622

File: 9628ac38c81cd8f⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 382x748, 191:374, jimmyPage.jpg)


Anon gets it.

Shredding continues.

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c2edd3  No.10658623

File: 7802ce1b44fe166⋯.jpg (177.46 KB, 1350x1359, 150:151, hollywoodburningup4you.jpg)


nikd, tyvm.

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8466aa  No.10658624

File: 71655174c8cc95b⋯.png (277.14 KB, 601x544, 601:544, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

Bill Gates questions whether FDA can be trusted on coronavirus vaccine


Doctor Gates has SPOKEN!!

I'm Sure he bought a Degree from the best University!

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dfc642  No.10658625


comments are never false or fabricated?




that is not someone who cares about his life or freedom. he just wants to give. pain. over money?

possible, but seems a tad excessive

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e85526  No.10658627



>nominate for notable

>CDC Cancels ‘Critical Race Theory’ Program Following Doc Leak – Reporter Threatens to go Nuclear and Release Names if No Action is Taken by CDC Director!


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252cfa  No.10658628

File: 2cf67bff496d28e⋯.png (435.82 KB, 800x446, 400:223, Night_Shift_POTUS_FLOTUS_W….png)


the signs are obvious next day, like the aftermath of a good (safe) party

(gotta say that for the Youngsters, kek - don't regret forever, play safe)

everyone smiles as they clean up remembering the sweet moments, thankful for Life

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a109ec  No.10658630

3 brothers accused of raping girl; 1 is on the run

Brothers Raul and Wilmer Paz Perez, both 35, were arrested Saturday and charged with first-degree rape of a victim under the age of 13, news outlets reported.

Authorities are searching for the third brother, Elder Paz Perez, 31, on the same charges and additional rape charges regarding a second victim, Kenner police Lt. Michael Cunningham said on Monday.

Cunningham said the siblings were friends of the victim’s family.

The brothers were alone with the girl on Sept. 9 and began making sexual advances towards her, even offering her money, Cunningham said.

The girl refused and locked herself in the bathroom but they broke in and raped her, Cunningham said.

One of the girl’s relatives called police Saturday after finding out about the rape.

Police said anyone with information on Elder Paz Perez should contact the office.


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2243cc  No.10658631


Will he be sniffing heels up Harris in there?

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652296  No.10658632


>aBsOlUtElY eVeRyThInG pOsTeD oN 8kUn Is 100% TrUe!

god damn, die in a fire.

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9fb36e  No.10658633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c2edd3  No.10658634

File: 3deb50e517797c2⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 600x377, 600:377, biden_pepe.jpg)

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92e97a  No.10658635

File: 0919a19c345a362⋯.png (1.62 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, AF049CC5_38AC_4A53_9149_19….png)

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportingnews.com/us/amp/nfl/news/panthers-spanish-language-broadcaster-leaves-job-over-support-for-trump/1r9afq71lakjs1rxf3vcd99w7d Panthers’ Spanish-language broadcaster leaves job over support for Trump How bout that shit!

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66acb2  No.10658636


Wait until her dad finds out how much federal lawyers cost. Couldn't happen to a better group of assholes.

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df9ea0  No.10658637


In case you missed it - Twitter, FB, Instagram - all of them are censoring free speech; this place does not censor. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Insider somehow knew that would happen.

See - that was easy wasn't it?

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6cb95f  No.10658638

File: 66751f67c388264⋯.jpg (5 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1594625800765.jpg)

less than 50 days till election

antifa and blm commie insurrection still going strong and still killing americans

can we get a bone thrown our way to tide us over till the storm starts

when does biden drop out anyways, this guy can't stop shitting himself how are the dems still running this guy

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5918e3  No.10658639


From the valley of the sun?


Eric Dollard > you, etc.

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97f12f  No.10658640

File: 0f56bc9df82a966⋯.jpg (481.98 KB, 810x2496, 135:416, Screenshot_20200915_141834….jpg)

File: 02c66b3386f3ebc⋯.jpg (615.49 KB, 810x2496, 135:416, Screenshot_20200915_141844….jpg)

File: 8e137e1c25efd3e⋯.jpg (651.95 KB, 810x2496, 135:416, Screenshot_20200915_141855….jpg)

File: ec2854a05242f8f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200915_141909….png)

Boltons publishers subpeonaed


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252cfa  No.10658641

File: 457030338240693⋯.png (305.29 KB, 800x537, 800:537, Flag_Anon_POTUS_Umbrella_D….png)


nice digits

you prove thas True

God bless you

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2971d5  No.10658642


So true, most of Oregon isn't Portland.

Several years ago, as most of the courthouses around the country were ramping up security and started using metal detectors, the courthouse in Lake County had a sign on the door, "Leave your weapons in the vehicle."

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a2f5db  No.10658643

File: 7f0320e98dc2b54⋯.jpg (66.96 KB, 504x500, 126:125, 4dyuy4.jpg)

File: 95b482afb9a7193⋯.png (584.82 KB, 589x628, 589:628, 95b482afb9a719301a2a3774d3….png)

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33a69b  No.10658644

File: e16df13225e6af6⋯.png (196.26 KB, 217x327, 217:327, FKers.PNG)


>science is highly political

the nonsense some folks tout as ‘fact’ when they’re being paid

This Book is About Science and how we are being had …….Nothing to do with theology…worth the Read..And it will wake people up…to what's really going on…As long as they have a steady Paycheck..they don't care if they lie to or hurt people…Dirty FKers

False Prophets: Fraud, Error, and Misdemeanour in Science and Medicine

It's naive to expect that the dishonesty that permeates many fields of human endeavor should be conspicuously absent in the realm of science. In fact, scientific breaches of ethics abound, covering a full spectrum of misconduct ranging from faulty research to outright fraud. In this book, a respected virologist places the scientific community under the microscope, probing the repercussions of various aspects of misconduct, including forgeries, plagiarism & overzealous grantsmanship. Professor Kohn chronicles some famous frauds & unearths several lesser-known incidents buried in the annals of science, medicine, history, archeology & psychology. He explores the motives for these deceptions & examines the conditions that allow & encourage fraud. This revised edition includes new information on the AIDS race

Did Newton fudge his figures? Who counted Mendel's peas? What lay behind Cyril Burt's disturbing statistics on race and intelligence? This work chronicles the famous frauds - from Piltdown man to the Hitler diaries - and unearths some lesser-known incidents buried in the scientific literature. Taking examples from all areas of science and medicine as well as anthropology, archaeology and psychology the author explores the deceivers' motives and discusses the conditions and pressures that make fraud possible. For this revised edition, the author has taken the opportunity to introduce new evidence on some of the case studies originally discussed. He has also added material on the controversy surrounding the attempts by different groups of scientists to establish the origins of AIDS. In a completely new chapter he asks whether fraud is endemic to science, whether errors in the publication of the results of scientific research are unavoidable and what happens to scientists who "blow the whistle" on their colleagues or corporations.

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92e97a  No.10658645


He also shared posts advancing QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory group, which falsely claims that the president is facing down a shadowy group of Democratic pedophiles.

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6e3392  No.10658646

File: f439b30a7e4c86e⋯.jpeg (81.6 KB, 1200x836, 300:209, 3B7E6E80_777E_4E49_897F_7….jpeg)

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ef2f56  No.10658647


This is what happens in real life when NOTHING happens.

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e85526  No.10658648


>>10658591 Scientific Evidence Reveals ‘No Climate Effect’ on California’s Wildfires

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cf9935  No.10658649

File: 4cc064b639aff52⋯.gif (2.12 MB, 256x192, 4:3, im_curious.gif)

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000000  No.10658650

starve them of their precious (you)s

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4a6586  No.10658651


>I don't personally know. but I do know that that "science" doesn't know either

Good place to start.

"Science" has become religion.

So, if they want their followers to believe something, all they have to do is add "Science says" to the headline, and idjuts gobble that shit up.

>they don't really know, but insist they do

Unfortunately, spot on.

There is a trick, though.

There are critical flaws in many of their fraudulent "theories".

Find the weaknesses. Not all are as obvious as others. But you don't have to be a genius to know that 2+2 does not equal 5.

It can be a little tricky trying to explain to others, especially because so many have several levels of severe brainwashing one would have to penetrate before making any substantial progress in a mind like that.

But don't let that get you down. Believe in yourself and build up your confidence.

Use your knowledge of their weakness to combat their narrative.

Example: "Science says global warming is not a myth"

Combat with: Then why is the Earth getting cooler, not warmer?

You can actually find images and graphics about this one, which is why I chose for example, because yes, the Earth is getting cooler, which is why they tried to switch catch-phrases from "global warming to "climate change", in hopes no one would catch it. We did. They are back-peddling. And setting forests on fire to "prove" their point. Gotta love clown world!

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042edc  No.10658652



“Hold the line”

More twat links to keep you occupied until Trump loses next month incoming

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0c55ac  No.10658653


..or it could be that's the symptoms from adrenochrome withdrawal.

all this internet and you're being a jackass by insulting me. yea, whatever.

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2449c7  No.10658654


I can't think of a single person in America that has done more damage to more American young girls/women by selling promiscuity/drug use/hate of elders and 'if it feels good do it' than Kim Kardashian and her prostitute/psychopath family. THANK GOD she's self censoring.

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a252fd  No.10658655


just don't be such a faggot and all will be ok

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6eb777  No.10658656


wise anon is wise

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cc4d5c  No.10658657


The Grand Solar Minimum

The Great Conjunction

Energy Levels on earth are beyond Capacitance

Magic Field lines are twisting under the new Surge

Biblical Times are Nearing

No Fear

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2e6607  No.10658658

File: 9337ef56bbd5f1a⋯.jpg (729.5 KB, 840x562, 420:281, LORD_Jesus.jpg)

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c9f9f3  No.10658659

File: 2c890be7d63c75a⋯.gif (950.68 KB, 440x328, 55:41, 26F3B2B0_953F_44E6_835E_05….gif)


I didn’t know there was a way he could look any more pastier..

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ef2f56  No.10658660

File: 57c9ae0aae5c467⋯.jpg (19.71 KB, 255x253, 255:253, doubtinggirl.jpg)

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149608  No.10658661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bronx Tina Raises Hell — It’s No Mask Day, America!

1 of 2

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17317d  No.10658662

File: afee948bda2c61c⋯.png (261.95 KB, 862x471, 862:471, BGPAPI_USAF_C_17_Globemast….PNG)

File: c3786981ba88aa9⋯.png (213.75 KB, 597x256, 597:256, USAF_C_17_Globemaster_99_0….PNG)

BGPAPIUSAF C-17 Globemaster from Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, OH se

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a252fd  No.10658663


all this needs is cardi b's asshole

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0f005b  No.10658664

File: e4082c7702d318b⋯.jpg (131.93 KB, 733x464, 733:464, Gates_FDA.jpg)

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f6588f  No.10658665

Biden just called the Spanish Flu the Great Flu. Could he be mixing it up with the Great War (WW1's other name) which happened at virtually the same time?

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498370  No.10658666

File: 5965adbea6add22⋯.jpg (41.2 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 5965ad.jpg)

Just by making them do their own jobs & showing the world just how bad they are at doing it.

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149608  No.10658667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bronx Tina Raises Hell — It’s No Mask Day, America! part 2

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438a3a  No.10658668


Kamala got excited when she thought he said HEELS UP.

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8466aa  No.10658669


I always loved that gif. Did they ever say what it was? Or what they thought it was?

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dead8d  No.10658670

File: 18782af239e7ade⋯.jpg (355.75 KB, 975x768, 325:256, 20200612_053459.jpg)

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b0854f  No.10658671

File: 6c100c6d43c93c6⋯.gif (456.87 KB, 400x225, 16:9, gas.gif)

File: ad218e0f5fb74f0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1478x1108, 739:554, jb8.png)

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252cfa  No.10658672

File: 6488620a31ecf0e⋯.png (48.76 KB, 580x597, 580:597, Day_Shift_Feelz_GOOD.png)

File: 1fe0e43af64211a⋯.png (568.68 KB, 800x423, 800:423, Day_Shift_Trek.png)

Let's go warp speed!

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5918e3  No.10658673



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76c504  No.10658674

File: 91f5313261d2fdd⋯.png (56.43 KB, 1024x669, 1024:669, Screenshot_2020_08_23_Sout….png)


southfront no es bueno

AP story carried by the star (canadian I believe)

Gaza militants fire rockets at Israel as pacts signed in US

By The Associated Press

Tue., Sept. 15, 2020timer1 min. read

JERUSALEM - Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired two rockets into Israel on Tuesday, wounding two people in an attacks that was apparently timed to coincide with the signing of normalization agreements between Israel and two Arab countries at the White House.

The Palestinians are opposed to the agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, viewing them as a betrayal of their cause by the Arab countries, which agreed to recognize Israel without securing territorial concessions.

The Israeli military said two rockets were fired from Gaza and one was intercepted by air defences. Magen David Adom, the Israeli emergency service, said it treated two people for minor injuries from broken glass.


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df9ea0  No.10658675

File: 60de34dcd0715c3⋯.png (512.29 KB, 1240x674, 620:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfeccf4a88a8021⋯.png (311.05 KB, 497x268, 497:268, ClipboardImage.png)


Biden MI vs Trump MI

sure kid.

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c10d62  No.10658676


I would pay money to watch pedophiles get the shit beat out of them. MMA-style.

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ef2f56  No.10658677

File: 4133104d863bcc0⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 515x413, 515:413, HKChildabuse2.jpg)

File: 6b86aff361270f0⋯.jpg (121.36 KB, 641x471, 641:471, HKPedo.jpg)

File: e6fb863bd9cf9de⋯.jpg (166.29 KB, 643x605, 643:605, HKChildAbuse.jpg)

File: 0c0325dc44c9001⋯.jpg (119.81 KB, 665x497, 95:71, GinsbergHareKrishna.jpg)

File: 120bcc947551af8⋯.jpeg (14.37 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ginsbergnambla.jpeg)

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a02ab7  No.10658678

File: 050ad553bceb793⋯.gif (7.25 KB, 215x84, 215:84, POC.gif)

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66acb2  No.10658679



if not already

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33c85b  No.10658680




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c9f9f3  No.10658681

File: 2874c104246843f⋯.jpeg (424.12 KB, 680x685, 136:137, 85324F08_EBA4_4A73_BDC7_0….jpeg)


You seem to be lost

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6e3392  No.10658682

Oh Damn another Question?

I need a nap!

Says sleepy!

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c13ee6  No.10658683


think mirror

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dfc642  No.10658684

File: fba269e05061912⋯.png (17 KB, 208x255, 208:255, 8db20f5fb68c7e166750ee7fb8….png)


thus why Melinda Gates wants to vaccinate them first… so you won't care when the pharmakeia (sorcery in greek) vaccines do what they do.


energizing a thing always brings itself and it's oppositional pole. so if Black Lives Matter, they will equally and opposite not matter with the same energy. that's why manifestation and alchemical magic is largely hidden/occult- most will not understand that all comes with its balance.

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a65252  No.10658685


prison culture!

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a3cb17  No.10658686

File: edccfaddffadfa4⋯.jpg (240.27 KB, 1080x710, 108:71, 20200915_124633.jpg)

File: 2e45de4d584aaca⋯.jpg (183.71 KB, 910x778, 455:389, 20200915_131725.jpg)

File: d7e385f0782da8e⋯.jpg (181.75 KB, 1080x564, 90:47, 20200915_132136.jpg)

File: 0ca4c559628e0f1⋯.jpg (653.88 KB, 1080x1288, 135:161, 20200915_124423.jpg)

File: e29354d3b637f28⋯.jpg (306.03 KB, 1076x1076, 1:1, 20200915_130615.jpg)

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6eb777  No.10658687


>Joe ‘the kid sniffer’ Biden everybody!

I kinda feel bad for the Joe Biden sniffer spammer now.

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8466aa  No.10658688

File: 9b4a13d2b2c52a7⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 800x778, 400:389, 9b4a13d2b2c52a75a34b11b023….jpg)

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0f005b  No.10658689

File: fc071297e73e37d⋯.jpeg (11.58 KB, 255x199, 255:199, night_shift.jpeg)

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e85526  No.10658690

File: 25ba3f162514048⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x754, 600:377, ClipboardImage.png)

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df9ea0  No.10658691


can some generous anons summarize the Biden show today in five words or less?

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0acbda  No.10658692

File: 4bd453338259072⋯.jpeg (97.19 KB, 1459x721, 1459:721, F6A424BF_246A_4FA9_9456_6….jpeg)

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a252fd  No.10658693

File: 91bb9ab17197af9⋯.png (271.38 KB, 687x430, 687:430, ClipboardImage.png)

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27479e  No.10658694


quick cut for page fit bake

in da dough yo

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9d924e  No.10658695

File: cd451df2c5ef5c1⋯.jpg (255.33 KB, 992x1768, 124:221, Rufo_UPDATED.jpg)





Christopher F. Rufo






Robert Redfield is scheduled to appear tomorrow before the Senate Subcommittee on Labor/HHS. I fully expect Senate Republicans to hold him accountable for violating the president's executive action.

My work is done. It's now in the hands of the Senate.


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196005  No.10658696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Had a good teacher in school, he showed us this:

Little Ice Age, Big Chill

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e85526  No.10658697


No idea what this retort means.

Long sentences challenging?

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92e97a  No.10658698

File: 1a79409de6c282b⋯.png (1.39 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 727465BD_7EEE_4F59_8B40_C0….png)

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wonkette.com/amp/wa-state-rep-has-words-for-sleazy-reporter-they-all-have-four-letters-2647664071 She also threatened Walters some more: “You picked the wrong target to intimidate or silence. This one fights back."

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9fcae4  No.10658699

File: 6d8952180ec2c99⋯.png (709.46 KB, 599x704, 599:704, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04fff8641ed5c08⋯.png (413.05 KB, 596x446, 298:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5185589fcfdb5ed⋯.png (497.13 KB, 525x869, 525:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fb5b1d41d7db56⋯.png (423.13 KB, 788x688, 197:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e588df778459340⋯.png (1.14 MB, 601x823, 601:823, ClipboardImage.png)

CIA Sponsored the SBU Operation To Kidnap 33 Russians In Belarus

Komsomolskaya Pravda (KP) learned the names of the chief participants in the provocation in which Russian citizens were arrested in Belarus prior to the elections.

“It’s not us, it’s an FSB provocation”—that was the official reaction of Ukrainian special services to the failure of their operation in Minsk. KP explained in detail how 33 Russians, most of whom fought on the Donbass, were lured to Belarus. They were promised a flight from Minsk to Venezuela to protect Rosneft facilities.

In the meantime Ukrainian services told their Belarusian equivalents that these persons are Wagner PMC associates who came to “destabilize the situation” prior to the elections. The Russians were arrested in Minsk and accused first of terrorism and later in preparing mass disorders. Kiev sent a request for extradition those who fought against Ukrainian forces on the Donbass…And nobody knows how it would have ended if it weren’t for Russian agencies uncovering the Ukrainian intelligence services plan. And sending its details to Minsk.

Before our compatriots were sent back to the Motherland, they received apologies from Viktor, Aleksandr Lukashenko’s eldest son. Ukrainian journalist blasted out a story that the operation failed due to several officials’ treachery. Verkhovna Rada initiated the establishment of a Temporary Investigative Committee to identify the “traitor”.

It is also now clear that certain CIA officials from the Kiev office stood behind the operation. A source in Russian intelligence told the details to the KP journalist.

Ukrainians Kept Track

– Do we now have a full picture of the provocation?

– Relevant agencies achieved clarity a long time ago, already when they were arrested in Minsk. It was definitively established Ukraine’s services stood behind the operation, which was announced on August 7. We determined the tickets were bought by specific individuals on Ukraine’s territory, and the fake phone numbers were indirectly procured from Kiev.

According to my interlocutor, new information appeared during the last month pointing to Ukraine’s participation in the operation. For example, the advertisement to hire security personnel for Rosneft was placed on September 25, 2019, using the IP address of the Russian company Rekonn which was rented by Aleksey Anatolyevich Kutsyn, a citizen of Ukraine.


Part 1

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47617c  No.10658700


Biden was doing his final goodbye rambling and folded up his notes. Then it was pointed out that there was another question. He had to get his cards back out.

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92c780  No.10658701


i am good

he's bad

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6cb95f  No.10658702

File: 8026c5ba9d1aae3⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 579x513, 193:171, 1595481318965.gif)



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78ba1f  No.10658703

File: ede5eff846d927f⋯.png (66.98 KB, 799x414, 799:414, 09_15_15_25_12.png)

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7ca7ed  No.10658704

File: c2e5d47bef28669⋯.jpeg (154.78 KB, 749x888, 749:888, D33F6745_EB9C_43E5_9ABA_D….jpeg)


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27479e  No.10658705



>>10658474, >>10658560 planefaggin

>>10658595 Spare us your card @JoeBiden I served under your administration. I lost my legs under your leadership.

>>10658579 Antero Midstream Corp. sold by CEO: $46.44m-Sept 14

>>10658575 Pompeo touts end of Palestinian 'veto' over Arab-Israeli ties

>>10658532, >>10658437 KimK shutting it all down

>>10658499 Trump hails new 'dawn' for Middle East as Israel signs accords with Bahrain and UAE

>>10658458 Cuties accepted by left

>>10658401 Kamala calls it the Harris administration and now Biden calls it the Harris /Biden administration

>>10658339, >>10658413 shills, cannibals, and pedos, this is perhaps the best you can hope for. Before prison. Pain, niggas. ALL of it.

>>10658322 POTUS emphasized several times that “Biden is shot.”


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48bd42  No.10658706

File: 3915c897b96d947⋯.png (11.08 KB, 945x99, 105:11, ClipboardImage.png)


South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg mowed down Jason Boever with his car on Saturday night while driving from a Republican fundraiser


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0d48a0  No.10658707

Bahrain and UAE were UK's "protectorates" (colonies) til 1971!

Maybe now that Trump made the Queen seek shelter,

they can make deals with Israel.



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0d6e91  No.10658708

File: be1515c85e1d194⋯.jpg (10.26 KB, 255x250, 51:50, be1515c85e1d194c6ba8d42034….jpg)

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c9f9f3  No.10658709


Vote by sniff is his preference

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ef2f56  No.10658710


I clicked that shit. Garbage link.

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252cfa  No.10658711

File: 6e9f3717114916c⋯.png (411.77 KB, 1050x407, 1050:407, Day_Shift_Flag_over_the_Wi….png)

File: 6236e6e99efd75a⋯.png (692.31 KB, 800x641, 800:641, Day_Shift_Armor_and_Sword.png)

File: 483b27ebab13f9b⋯.png (159.56 KB, 902x690, 451:345, Pittsburg_PA_is_dem_right_….png)

File: ff9eaf8281dc63d⋯.png (418.95 KB, 598x693, 598:693, Reeves_twt_09142020_McClos….png)

File: 023963e10f7617d⋯.png (297.82 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, Elder_stats_unarmed_black_….png)

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c10d62  No.10658712


So the celebrities are giving us advanced notice that they will be leaving the digital battlefield for a day, thus granting us full control of the content posted and shared?


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bfc979  No.10658713


this is exactly why replication is the gold standard of science

someone else doing your experiment should get the same results

in "science" that depends on models, prediction is what makes it true or false. your model is a best guess, and dependent on your inputs. If your model doesn't predict reality, it is crap

that's why climate science is crap. it's models that have been wrong time and again. confirmation bias is when you have the answer and look only at the facts that support it. that is not science, period. but a lot of people seem not to know that

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9fb36e  No.10658714

File: 2f4ba6d75784533⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2f4ba6d7578453343b3fd2134f….mp4)


Forever in our hearts. R.I.P SkyKing.

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a2f5db  No.10658715

File: ea21c6e500d7fbc⋯.jpg (844.18 KB, 1200x1370, 120:137, ea21c6e500d7fbceda932f2c43….jpg)

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05a8d8  No.10658716

File: 22e2960a119158b⋯.png (324.37 KB, 718x1024, 359:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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149608  No.10658717

File: e432fce36597ccc⋯.png (153.24 KB, 242x256, 121:128, Screenshot_2020_09_15_Q_Re….png)


Sort of looks like George Floyd there

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55ffb8  No.10658718

What differentiates people is what they believe 'normal human behaviour' is, right?

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c9f9f3  No.10658719


Tell them what you did for vets the eight years you and that nigger were in the White House pedo Joe

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0f005b  No.10658720

File: 975c0e9439a3c83⋯.jpg (160.13 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, richard_russell_skyking.jpg)

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8466aa  No.10658721

File: 5fefe03cfe22cc9⋯.png (560.09 KB, 858x577, 858:577, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)


I was just gonna post that! But actually I still will because it's 1,000 higher hahahaaa

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92e97a  No.10658722

File: 50631a35929ccc6⋯.jpeg (186.55 KB, 1792x298, 896:149, 3AC2F575_C959_4808_9519_0….jpeg)

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/news/12679574/arsonist-streamed-blaze-act-hero-reporting/amp/ TWISTED FIRESTARTER Arsonist live streamed Washington blaze HE started then tried to act as hero for reporting fire to cops

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17317d  No.10658723

File: da0eff3a77818b6⋯.png (718.31 KB, 547x562, 547:562, beebo_not_ded.PNG)

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6e3392  No.10658724


Um hmm!


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dce3ab  No.10658725


Sup Bakes

checkin in I got some time if u need a break I can hop in and help.

If ur good im good and il check in later. Not sure how ur doin

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0c55ac  No.10658726


or maybe we shouldn't put too much thought into celebrities or actors…God only knows what they've done to get to where they are….

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cf9935  No.10658727



me too. and nope, havent heard a word from anywhere to explain wtf that is. kek

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9fcae4  No.10658728

File: eec92ff0fa385c3⋯.png (877.17 KB, 602x835, 602:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 941e0b935bfa37e⋯.png (66.85 KB, 794x881, 794:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7e7ff0c4c40c67⋯.png (588.87 KB, 770x751, 770:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f78ecf872f8a1c4⋯.png (624.2 KB, 772x911, 772:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0f7c14cf5bf03b⋯.png (91.86 KB, 789x785, 789:785, ClipboardImage.png)


– The future Temporary Investigative Commission of the Rada which Zelensky does not want to see created, as well as “independent” journalists like Gordon, Arestovich, and Butusov, could themselves turn to, for example, Georgi Lortkipanidze, the former advisor to the current SBU head Vasiliy Gritsak, who could explain who gave the directives to transfer money to, among others, Chechens hiding in Kiev, Daniel Albert and Akhmadov Khasmagomed, says my interlocutor. –They will tell you who asked them to organize the money received in Minsk by Gennadiy Kumpan’s son Vladislov. The first, I remind you, met our citizens on the Belarusian side. One can also find in Odessa Konstantin Tikhomirov, a fraudster who fled from St. Petersburg in 2018, and ask him who asked him to use his connections in St. Petersburg to transfer money to Belarus for the snior member of the Wagner group. In order to find Tikhomirov as quickly as possible, we recommend find a local inhabitant by the name of Vadim Verbitskiy—he’ll tell you.

Incidentally, as soon as our compatriots were arrested, Ukraine’s ambassador in Minsk was the first to know, as indicated by his July 30 report to Kiev. According to our source, if Ukraine was not a party to this provocation, it’s hardly likely Ukraine’s embassy would know so quickly of it.

The Kiev Residence

– Both SBU and Ukraine’s foreign intelligence denied their involvement. The new director of the Main Directorate of Intelligence at Ukraine’s MoD, Kirill Budanov, said outright this was an FSB provocation. At the same time Ukrainian journalist Gordon bragged even his interview with Lukashenko was part of the special operation.

– But who likes to admit to a failure? One wants to look like a winner. Hence the mutually contradictory statements and actions, deliberate and spontaneous leaks to the media and the Internet. If you add the clear shock displayed by Ukrainian authorities once they realized their dirty designs to “covertly” use a friendly country were uncovered. And they also now had to explain themselves to the CIA.

– Do we know who specifically participated in developing this provocation?

– We do. The future Rada commission or independent journalists ought to visit House 5/7 on Patorzhinskiy St. in Kiev where the 5th Directorate of SBU Counter-Intelligence is located, go to third floor, open doors to rooms 309, 314, 315, 316, and even better 317, find there, for example, Vladislav Dolgozvyaga who works in the 2nd Department of 5th Directorate, and ask him to get this case out of the safe. In case the safe is empty, we can give you the list of 1st and 2nd Department, 5th Directorate, who worked on this topic in various forms and at various times.

1st Department of the 5th Directorate

Pavlo Gennadiyevich Levchenko

Valentin Mikolayovich Makarenko

Konstantin Anatolyevich Romanov (2nd Department)

Pavlo Vasilyovich Mazurchuk

Sergiy Petrovich Vashchenko

Andrey Nikolayevich Mikhalitskiy

Viktor Viktorovich Vaselyuk

Sergey Petrovich Maglovany

Viktor Vladimirovich Gladishev

Sergey Vasilyevich Parkhomenko

Maksim Ivanovich Lashch

Sergey Igorovich Korolyov

Vladislav Yurievich Sidorenko

Aleksandr Viktorovich Kokarev

Dmitry Yuriyevich Kozlovskiy

Maksim Vladimirovich Kalko

Konstantin Andriyevich Korneyev

Sergey Vladimirovich Savitskiy



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ed08c9  No.10658729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox News Now: Shooting outside federal courthouse in Phoenix, non-life threatening.

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ef2f56  No.10658730


Those are NOT drone lawyers, instructed to walk in a group for maximum image effect.

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149608  No.10658731



Not sure I understand what you are inferring here..problem?

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9e11c4  No.10658732

File: 4daf16d51445cc5⋯.jpg (447.71 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, photo_editor_ds_1600197791….jpg)


Some stills from this event are beautiful enough to frame!

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652296  No.10658733


UptoBox: https://uptobox.com/qyk4xmxldqb8

tusfiles: https://tusfiles.com/6xyjj1j9322y

userscloud: https://userscloud.com/e2ger5zvofzs

aparat.cam: https://aparat.cam/5f4cg3uwloqi

doodstream.com: https://doodstream.com/d/0168rck4fw8e

gamovideo.com: http://gamovideo.com/svtql2ay6mvq

gounlimited.to: https://gounlimited.to/hywhv35xp3ip

mixdrop.co: https://mixdrop.co/f/844w44m1a3gpml

mystream.to: https://mystream.to/watch/cabwj4odhjtb

powvideo.net: https://powvideo.net/5s7ej6q0fuam

streamtape.com: https://streamtape.com/v/WgTFtp94-TA

upstream.to: https://upstream.to/8tzpd0hef2jq

videobin.co: https://videobin.co/rbte9ivlkhyy

vidlox.me: https://vidlox.me/ebj9yd8149ab

vshare.eu: https://vshare.eu/5ke9nmpxdn44.htm

better links.

gounlimited and mixdrop have been the best for me.

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55ffb8  No.10658734


This is why black people hate white people, because of the (((fellow whites))).

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0acbda  No.10658735



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8466aa  No.10658736

That fatty clenched it. These are NOT real Veterans. Reading a fucking script.

Fuck them. Embarrassments

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9fb36e  No.10658737

File: 52688f504fcb43b⋯.png (334.51 KB, 540x360, 3:2, anjel_jonesy_tits.png)

File: a2a5025a10c7fcc⋯.png (375.58 KB, 720x405, 16:9, anjel_salad_tosser.png)

File: e71f147f9c50554⋯.png (310.2 KB, 360x540, 2:3, anjel_slut_tits.png)


Kill yourself anjel.

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ef2f56  No.10658738


"investigating" Such fright.

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14d814  No.10658739


These people are so fucking stupid. You can't end racism. People are going to like and dislike whatever and whoever they want. Trying to control that is fascism and censorship of people's thoughts. Racism exists in the animal kingdom. It exists everywhere. We as a species gravitate towards like-minded people, and people that look more like us. Trying to stop "racism" is akin to trying to put out a fire with gasoline. It'll only make it worse.

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5281c4  No.10658740


Read comments. Wasn't related to a child. Video was a casino rep being beaten for not paying winnings to the guy, who was suspected of cheating.

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2c7203  No.10658741

File: 414584506246ae3⋯.jpg (99.21 KB, 480x608, 15:19, JoeTwoPtOh.jpg)


>Wheels up

Like he'd know the difference.

Have the pilot make vrrooom vrooom noises for an hour then tell Joe they've arrived

He'd never know the difference

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e327f1  No.10658742

Here's a reminder, fren!

"Fellow Traveler" has two meanings:

Commie/Sympathizer and/or Freemason.

Quite the coincidence!

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05a8d8  No.10658743


thank Gaawd somebody else remembers that!!!…Nuclear Bomb Attack Drill…cover your neck for flying glass dayz…sheesh…Gen X

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668bcc  No.10658744

File: 22ee6556a59fb52⋯.png (344.14 KB, 592x422, 296:211, 22ee6556a59fb52dfee15f908d….png)

Why are church bells not ringing all over the world right now?

Why is the news not covering the historic signing that occurred today?

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6e3392  No.10658745

Fatso reading prepared question to sleepy.

You’ve been great for our troops!

No offshore drilling please.

Joe promises no offshore drilling!

Moar registered Republicans today!

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149608  No.10658746


Kek, okay Duh..didn't realize the shop.. I'll go sit in the corner now!

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cc44c5  No.10658747

File: 1f92ca423cd8876⋯.png (175.35 KB, 500x989, 500:989, nuts.png)


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a295f5  No.10658748





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0acbda  No.10658749


:) just teasing you.

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21aa4e  No.10658750

File: 4a2f7ca03c8ad98⋯.jpg (441.34 KB, 2000x1176, 250:147, PEACE.jpg)

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1a7c5a  No.10658751


No one here but assholes gives a damn about what the NFL is doing

So I gonna filter you and not have to deal with your NFL shit

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000000  No.10658752

>>10658699, >>10658728 CIA Sponsored the SBU Operation To Kidnap 33 Russians In Belarus


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ef2f56  No.10658753

File: 05a2bb9352d80c3⋯.jpg (410.83 KB, 800x533, 800:533, CPBystander.jpg)


Thousands Of Children Being Rescued From Tunnels Beneath NYC And Treated In Central Park Tents!

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a2f5db  No.10658754



It is George Floyd with make-up and wig.

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9e11c4  No.10658755


Hell yeah it does, or at least looks like one of the many actors who played this George character

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2c7203  No.10658756

File: 45c9c62f37b72c1⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 500x400, 5:4, clintMWOY.jpg)

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8466aa  No.10658757

File: 5b0e167ab5cbdc7⋯.png (88.66 KB, 604x420, 151:105, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

"We've got approximately 4,000 National Guardsmen that we would identify as cyber operational personnel within 59 units that are dedicated to a specific federal cyber mission," Col. George Haynes, chief of cyberspace operations for the NGB #cyber


This is cool & all, but earlier they posted a tweet about how they are working/partnered with CrowdStrike & hoe great they are.

Made me do a double take

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a30b0a  No.10658758

File: 4ed27c6951e35d7⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1611x481, 1611:481, Screenshot_2020_09_15_shm_….png)

File: e43dc543590e0d5⋯.png (35.55 KB, 967x367, 967:367, Schumanndescription.png)

File: daea16c6d35ce3a⋯.png (443.95 KB, 557x396, 557:396, daea16c6d35ce3adb004fe415d….png)

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d2a470  No.10658759


Is that Floyd in drag?

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8466aa  No.10658761


It's his Twin sister

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487d6d  No.10658762


Groid Floyd.

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a2f5db  No.10658763

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668bcc  No.10658764

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0f005b  No.10658765

File: 64a7f241099a78b⋯.png (247.43 KB, 412x412, 1:1, Biden_China.png)


>To Contest Election Results

TFW you already know that you're losing…

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cf9935  No.10658766


he and his buddys are killing people for money and power.

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b58fe7  No.10658767

File: bc2e0b5f9fb574b⋯.png (115.47 KB, 500x704, 125:176, CohenSachaFag.png)

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21aa4e  No.10658768

File: 46ce2ded24e7f03⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 599x1200, 599:1200, Hunt_Light_of_the_World.jpg)

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5ed082  No.10658769


or what?

I don't really understand that reply. Maybe we've both been here too long. I don't think about celebs or actors at all really, since I understand the design of Hwood.

But that doesn't mean the millions upon millions of people ( kids, teens, 20somethings ) aren't actively influenced by the things the celebs and actors say.

Considering they're all just sock puppet personalities, all it takes is the right person to shove a hand up their ass and make them say something useful for once.

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9fcae4  No.10658770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oregon Says Reports of Antifa Firesetters Are Nuts, So Why Did This County Call for Curfew Because of Them?

The commissioners of a wildfire-ravaged county in Oregon called a curfew late last week because of the specter of antifa firesetters.

Now hold up a minute. Wasn’t talk of antifa leftists’ setting fires just crazy talk? We were assured by the Democratic leadership that these were the smoke-induced fever dreams of country hicks.

But it turns out, it wasn’t crazy talk at all.

On Thursday, an emergency meeting of the Clackamas County Commission was called to determine whether the commission should call a 10 p.m. curfew to more easily identify the out-of-town riff-raff.

Stop the rumors about leftist antifa firesetters in Oregon, residents were told. Don’t be part of the problem, they were admonished. Stories of antifa firesetters were put on such close hold – erased from Facebook at the behest of Oregon state officials – that a Clackamas County Deputy Sheriff was put on leave after he discussed a videographer’s report about antifa firesetters.

But at the commission meeting, Clackamas County Captain Jeff Smith injected a bolt of holy sh*t into the proceedings. See the video below.

And this is not specific to one area, but all over the county, both outlying and even closer into town of people of extremist groups staging gas cans for later destruction. And equally concerning is there are reports of people from other extremist groups, it’s not confirmed antifa, but suspected antifa, this is more specific to the Estacada area, reports and sightings of people armed with chainsaws and the goal was to fall telephone poles in hopes of starting further fires. And that’s all the information I have at this point.

As I’ve reported multiple times, rumor control is difficult in Oregon right now. But what’s rumor and what’s operational intelligence?

The 5,600 people fighting the fires are doing everything they can to control the more than one million-plus acres on fire. And it turns out, some of these reports dismissed as the rantings of rubes are being taken deadly seriously by investigators.

As I pointed out Sunday, there have been sightings of people who look like the goons that these folks see on their TVs burning down Portland on a nightly basis. I’ve spoken with a well-respected local businessman who many Oregonians would know, who wondered why he saw a collection of protesters gathering as the flames were getting close. They were there. There were protest live streamers, there was a coven of witches who participate in the riots, who came to town to donate food to “their community,” and others. Burn today, feed tomorrow. Pass the sage.

There have been reports of people stashing supplies of gas. God knows there have been plenty of reports of whackadoodles starting fires. My PJMedia colleague Tyler O’Neil has the story about a frequent protest firesetter who was released on Portland’s terrorist catch-and-release system who turned around and started six more fires. Nothing to see here. How about that accused terrorist in Portland who just got caught trying to light a natural gas line on fire at a Portland hotel? Whistling past the graveyard.

Watch the Captain’s report yourself below. Then read the story about the deputy who was put on leave for discussing less than this with a protest videographer who was attempting to give him some information.

Something’s not right here.


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9e11c4  No.10658771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bfc979  No.10658772


it's even stupider than that. they don't want to end anything, nor do they care. if they did, they'd be out in the ghetto every weekend doing shit to actually help the brothers and sisters. no, they just want to virtue signal. seeming good is good enough

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0b5dc9  No.10658773

File: a1e3e5485604dc7⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 512x340, 128:85, cLIEmate.jpg)

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487d6d  No.10658774

File: 9fb1f3122b7af73⋯.jpg (168.84 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Black_Lives_Matter_Riot_Fi….jpg)

File: 91aacd895821077⋯.png (577.92 KB, 800x556, 200:139, blacknonsense.png)

His name was Groid Floyd.

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05a8d8  No.10658775

File: dec512cc8ea3f33⋯.png (5.44 MB, 2537x1282, 2537:1282, ClipboardImage.png)

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239860  No.10658776


Lawyers who represent intelligence personnel drill this into clients at the very beginning. I regularly have my clients—especially the whistleblowers—write everything they want to tell me and send it to the prepublication review office before they tell me a single word of it. It’s a major hassle, and sometimes it alerts the agency that a lawyer is involved, but it keeps them from losing their clearances or their freedom. Some agencies—like the Central Intelligence Agency—will outright refuse to even discuss a prepublication review matter with anyone but the author, let alone allow the lawyer to submit the document.

The reason for this is simple. To an intelligence professional, there is little distinction between giving classified information to the general public and giving it to your priest. Once classified information is known by someone the government cannot control, it is in the wild and the assumption must be that it will be further disseminated. A security breach is a security breach. A television audience and a private lawyer are equally unauthorized to receive the information. It is why former CIA Director David Petraeus pleaded guilty to mishandling classified information simply because he gave it to his biographer.


Knight said she thought the letter might be ready soon, but more than six weeks later, Bolton still hasn’t received it. On June 8, Bolton got a letter from John Eisenberg, the president’s deputy counsel for national security, who claimed that Bolton’s manuscript still contained classified information and that publishing the book would violate his nondisclosure agreements.

re: Grand Jury issues criminal subpoenas for Bolton, lawyer, publisher / South Korea still mightily pissed off headlines.

This may come as 'news' to some anons and newfags used to being spoon fed, but there are a multitude of other msm sources besides gateway Pundit.

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e7e1fc  No.10658777


Twin Sister & Twin Brother too

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0d6e91  No.10658778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

: END-PSYOP. : New-Rules-Set-Out-To-Erase-American-Global-Culture.

: Russell-Jay: Gould.


#fakenews #media #chinesemilitary

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4d96cd  No.10658779


fuck off nigger

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dead8d  No.10658780

File: 0a695a4a2301da1⋯.jpeg (113.51 KB, 1050x1165, 210:233, 1599877771.jpeg)

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64b232  No.10658781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FRESH..only a few hours old.

Joe Rogan interview w/Snowden.

9th Circuit rules that Snowden was justified.

Is Snowden talking about the Hammer uncovering the spying in his NSA case?…after government released HIGHLY CLASSIFIED 'SECRET' documents to the court.

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d556cb  No.10658782


Did the guy live? The guy was out for a lot of those punches. Not that I would mind if he was dead.

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0f005b  No.10658783

File: 837d37a1973f041⋯.jpg (327.47 KB, 1440x987, 480:329, AntifaParty.jpg)

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e85526  No.10658784


Is that Floyd in photoshop or facemorph?

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487d6d  No.10658785

File: c25bbe4d825eb68⋯.png (595.97 KB, 800x556, 200:139, hrhfhgroid.png)

GrrGrr Groid Floyd.

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d844b2  No.10658786

File: e2a57ddbcd808f2⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1782x893, 1782:893, West_Coast_Air_Quality_9_1….PNG)

West Coast Air Quality



More fires started in Washington state this morning

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0c55ac  No.10658787


this guy ran microsoft, producer of windows..

that, in and of itself is reason enough not to trust him, especially if you've ever experienced a problem with windows…kek

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6e3392  No.10658788

Nice photo of masked monkeys!

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d2ebe3  No.10658789


Sci-fi space tard.

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ad67a3  No.10658790

File: 1d98b6086ff4c53⋯.png (968.6 KB, 1350x734, 675:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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21aa4e  No.10658791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d556cb  No.10658793



Watching right now. Nothing about Hammer yet. Althoug I am multi-tasking.

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27479e  No.10658794


Baker wonders if there is a second source for this


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149608  No.10658795

File: c7b194cb589784b⋯.png (652.66 KB, 453x516, 151:172, Screenshot_2020_09_15_Geor….png)





Not mine but, It's a shoop..Here's the original.

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9fcae4  No.10658796

File: f6fbc6a94acf65f⋯.png (25.23 KB, 718x426, 359:213, ClipboardImage.png)

World Trade Organization Rules US China Tariffs Illegal, Recognized Chinese Intellectual Property Theft

The U.S. imposed $400 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods between March 2018 and September 2019

The tariffs were imposed in retaliation for the theft of intellectual property by Chinese concerns

The WTO ruling recognized the validity of the allegations against China but said the U.S. should have sought dispute resolution first

The World Trade Organization ruled Tuesday the $400 billion in U.S. tariffs imposed on some Chinese goods since 2018 violated international rules, but the investigative panel did not propose any remedy.

WTO said it did not dispute U.S. allegations of intellectual property theft by China but said the Trump administration had failed to meet the “burden of demonstrating that the measures [taken] are provisionally justified” by WTO rules.

The ruling has no practical effect, especially since the administration can file an appeal within 60 days, which will keep the issue tied up because the WTO appellate division is virtually paralyzed since the U.S. has refused to appoint new members.

The Trump administration began imposing tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum in March and April 2018, added aircraft parts, semiconductors and microscopes in the following July; added motorcycles, steam turbines and railway cars in August; added fabric, modems, chemicals, furniture and seafood in September, and added agriculture products, antiques, clothing, kitchenware and footwear in September 2019. The two countries reached a phase 1 trade agreement in January 2020 that eased the levies.

Tuesday’s ruling came in response to a complaint filed by China in which Beijing alleged the tariffs had violated WTO most-favored treatment provisions. It also alleged the U.S. violated the trade dispute resolution process by not seeking dispute resolution before imposing the levies.

The U.S. did not file any counterclaim despite $130 billion in tariffs imposed by China during the same period.

“The United States has not presented to the panel any refutation of China's assertion that the measures are inconsistent with [WTO rules],” WTO concluded.


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487d6d  No.10658797

File: 5bec45c898d1d0f⋯.png (589.48 KB, 800x556, 200:139, groidloveisnoloveatall.png)

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d63b96  No.10658798

File: 7f7552c456726b7⋯.mp4 (14.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q_gives_an_order.mp4)

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0d6e91  No.10658799


: Politicians, protestors, pushing-new-agendas, call-for-rules-not-laws.

: Local-and-global-governments-and-protestors-make-up-new-rules-by-which-to-run-the-country-hurting-everyone.


: Truth-Wins. #fakenews #media #chinesemilitary #psyop #: Russell-Jay: Gould. #trump


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000000  No.10658800

25 year anniversary of Hackers today in case you were looking for something to watch

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2932e5  No.10658801

File: b9f8bf1fc97da39⋯.png (125.32 KB, 536x500, 134:125, Climate_Change_bs.png)


>Oregon Says Reports of Antifa Firesetters Are Nuts, So Why Did This County Call for Curfew Because of Them?

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05a8d8  No.10658802

File: 24123d48f3ae82c⋯.png (705.01 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c2edd3  No.10658803

File: d65849b1ed85518⋯.png (688.84 KB, 748x838, 374:419, boop_gotcha.png)

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6e3392  No.10658804


Nigger says what?

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55ffb8  No.10658805


Go back to your kibbutz and fetch your foreskin schlomo.

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79210d  No.10658806

File: bbb4fd0b0aaf47f⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 500x535, 100:107, 4ed4nz_1.jpg)

BLM protesters are not supposed to be held on one million dollars bail.

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c10d62  No.10658807


Haven't these people ever seen the film 300?


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b4b047  No.10658808

2 campaign aides for Lacy Johnson, going against Ilhan Omar, were shot in Mpls, 1 killed


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92e97a  No.10658809

File: f78d1d43b7e6688⋯.png (1.88 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, FC473768_3DA7_4C57_BA15_1F….png)

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/arson-suspected-in-fire-that-destroyed-2-bothell-homes/ar-BB193E7s Arson suspected in fire that destroyed 2 Bothell homes. Firefighters arrived find flames coming from two homes under construction.

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6eb777  No.10658810


Heard they fired him.

Could POTUS get 50% of Latiino vote?

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ed5d25  No.10658811


nice timing anon

biden misses the Peace Accord answer here, and in the middle of being in a hurry to scurrying out - he went into climate change answer for senility in office talking bounties and Russia Russia Russia one last comment, they cant shut him up, he's the President, he's the President, tink about it , the military forget anyone and don't forget lunch for po po p00 p00 dossiers oh man! HE'S RUNNING FOR PRESDIENT. NO WAit show is over, handler in no it's over - he ses it ! the picture taker in chief ,, and the nursing show is over. wHO'S IN chargE?

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ad67a3  No.10658812

File: 5bbedd1f567715b⋯.png (1015.25 KB, 1270x688, 635:344, ClipboardImage.png)

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bfc979  No.10658813


holy shit, this is a hot war

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9fcae4  No.10658814

File: 32c466b53d519e8⋯.png (1.75 MB, 673x916, 673:916, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e6e69c79386e83⋯.png (687.66 KB, 592x531, 592:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53e87fe8438b9fc⋯.png (944.12 KB, 595x727, 595:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb9fe27e21fcf5c⋯.png (545.03 KB, 622x436, 311:218, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian Warplanes Pound Terrorists’ Training Camps Near Idlib (Map, Photos)

On September 15, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted a new series of airstrikes on positions of Turkish-backed terrroist groups in the countryside of the Syrian city of Idlib.

According to reports, the strikes hit facilities of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) near the villages of Sheikh Bahr and and Shaykh Dawud.


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f0a249  No.10658815

guys stop getting your hopes up about joe rogan.

yeah itd be great to get trump on there for his audience.

but you all are forgetting how good friends rogan is with alex jones… odd's are rogan is gonna try and undermine trump the same way alex would.

rogan is part of the club, yall have forgotten his hollywood roots.

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252cfa  No.10658816

File: 40e503f9e9d4aa5⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1327x872, 1327:872, Nakasone_Herridge_drop.png)

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ef2f56  No.10658817


The hatred wont stop unless the leaders and system that create it are held responsible, but the DOJ and military wont or cant do anything about it, so Catch-22.

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ea7e2c  No.10658818

FBI has been interviewing Antifa activists in the Portland area recently .


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0f005b  No.10658819

File: 474ef6cb426aba9⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 629x472, 629:472, climate_change.jpg)

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83b133  No.10658820

File: ae7be0fb2158ff0⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 500x417, 500:417, 3GFDRD45484RT_BBNJM746449.jpg)

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df9ea0  No.10658821


If we witness someone setting fire to our home on the outside of our home, are we legally able to protect our home with lethal force?

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668bcc  No.10658822


And the Senate won't do a damn thing.

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9e11c4  No.10658823


Um, duh

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7ca7ed  No.10658824

File: b954ba7a8959a8e⋯.jpeg (198.22 KB, 750x1168, 375:584, 18E420BC_3764_48AD_A08A_1….jpeg)

File: 7a64262a27a7bfd⋯.jpeg (86.64 KB, 750x358, 375:179, F62F90CD_B00B_40EC_800B_6….jpeg)

File: 19e16a65e8c1959⋯.jpeg (120.3 KB, 750x556, 375:278, A7DDFA34_5BBA_4DB8_8E46_D….jpeg)



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000000  No.10658825



Wow! That's a lot of carbon emissions for Antifa. I hope they purchased carbon credits for all that!

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9fcae4  No.10658826

Justice Department Watchdog Probing Handling of Stone Sentencing

The Justice Department has launched an internal inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the handling of the criminal case of Roger Stone, former political adviser to President Donald Trump.

The probe by the department’s inspector general will reportedly look into Attorney General William Barr’s February decision to override a sentencing recommendation for Stone made by rank-and-file prosecutors. The prosecutors recommended a sentence of seven to nine years in prison for Stone, but the department later filed another recommendation asking for a lighter sentence.

The DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General would not “confirm or deny the existence of any ongoing investigation” to The Epoch Times.

Meanwhile, DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec told media outlets that they “welcome the review.” She did not immediately respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.

The revelation of the inquiry was reported earlier on Monday by NBC, citing anonymous sources. The report claims that the inquiry was triggered by the testimony of Aaron Zelinsky, who testified before Congress in June, and will focus on the events in February. The Epoch Times cannot independently verify these claims.

Zelinsky, one of the four prosecutors who withdrew from the case, told the House Judiciary Committee that the U.S. attorney in charge of the case, Tim Shea, was “receiving heavy pressure from the highest levels of the Department of Justice to cut Stone a break, and that the U.S. Attorney’s sentencing instructions to us were based on political considerations.”

He also testified how the DOJ was “exerting significant pressure on the line prosecutors in the case to obscure the correct Sentencing Guidelines calculation to which Roger Stone was subject—and to water down and in some cases outright distort the events that transpired in his trial and the criminal conduct that gave rise to his conviction,” according to his opening statement.

At the time, the DOJ disputed Zelinsky’s account, saying that Zelinsky, who did not have any discussions with any member of political leadership about the sentencing, had based his allegations on his “own interpretation of events and hearsay (at best), not first-hand knowledge.”


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668bcc  No.10658827


"Learn Russian" - Q

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c2edd3  No.10658828

File: 327b09862db72f9⋯.png (109.91 KB, 355x353, 355:353, pepe_cantbantheseguns.png)

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cb0fb0  No.10658829


If you can bury him quickly enough.

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487d6d  No.10658830



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48bd42  No.10658831

File: 9e4caf45007b437⋯.png (334.13 KB, 384x478, 192:239, ClipboardImage.png)

Man faces human trafficking charge after forcing 14-year-old girl into prostitution, investigators say

A 32-year-old prison inmate, who’s serving time for drug convictions, is facing new charges that include human trafficking for allegedly forcing a 14-year-old girl into prostitution in 2017.

Olrith “Juice” Joseph allegedly recruited her and four other women for prostitution by beating, starving, and feeding them drugs, according to his arrest record.

Her family reported the girl missing several times, beginning in 2016 when she was 13. Her photograph turned up on Facebook in April 2017. Detectives learned a woman nicknamed “Kat” had posted the picture.

Investigators with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and West Palm Beach police said they found about 50 photographs of “Kat” in “Asian Doll” advertisements on a since-closed website that was used for prostitution in Broward and Palm Beach counties.

“Kat” introduced the girl to Joseph at a hotel in Fort Lauderdale in May 2017. The girl would later tell detectives Joseph — known only as Juice — gave her drugs and forced her to have sex with him because he wanted to test the product before advertising it online, police said.

“I want to see what my money was worth before I post you,” he said, according to the report.


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dfc642  No.10658832

File: bcea6b8b0a6baf1⋯.jpg (161.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Mos_Def_CVR_150_RGB_640.jpg)

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bfc979  No.10658833



guy couldn't control viruses in his own field of expertise

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f46953  No.10658834


ask Jennifer what Harvey's vagina dick smelled like?

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c10d62  No.10658835


Also, here is a tactic for future skirmishes:

Bring a 5-gallon bucket full of glass marbles. Pour it out as the ANTIFAGS are advancing. Laugh your ass off as they all fall over each other.

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9fcae4  No.10658837

Senator Asks US to Reject TikTok-Oracle Deal, Saying it Allows for Chinese Regime Control

The United States should reject a proposed partnership between Oracle and TikTok that would allow for continued Chinese regime control over the app and consequently endanger American national interests, said Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).

Oracle reached a deal over the weekend with TikTok’s parent company ByteDance, in which Oracle would serve as a “trusted technology provider” for the Chinese-owned video-sharing app. The proposal is currently awaiting a review from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), an interagency body that screens foreign investment transactions for national security concerns.

In a Sept. 14 letter (pdf) to the committee chair, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Hawley urged the CFIUS to take a more critical look at the “Oracle-ByteDance collaboration” and reject anything short of a clean break with the app’s Chinese ties.

“ByteDance can still pursue a full sale of TikTok, its code, and its algorithm to a U.S. company, so that the app can be rebuilt from the ground up to remove any trace of CCP influence. Or perhaps, given constraints imposed by Chinese law, the only feasible way to maintain Americans’ security is to effectively ban the TikTok app in the United States altogether,” he wrote.

Popular among teenagers, TikTok has faced intense scrutiny for privacy issues and for censoring sensitive user content to toe the Chinese Communist Party’s line.

It remains unclear whether the new deal entails transferring the TikTok’s coveted recommendation algorithms to Oracle—which could be subject to a new Beijing export regulation that requires sales of such technologies to be approved by Chinese authorities.

Regardless, as “ByteDance has no intention whatsoever of relinquishing ultimate control of TikTok,” the proposed partnership “leaves fully intact” the national security threat of the Chinese regime having access to Americans’ data, the senator said.

Chinese intelligence law requires all Chinese companies like ByteDance to cooperate with Beijing’s intelligence efforts and hand over data in accordance with the regime’s will.

With such “repressive” laws still in force, “any corporate shell game that leaves TikTok in the hands of ByteDance will simply perpetuate the original problem,” Hawley said.

“In short, the proposal violates the President’s executive order,” he added.

Microsoft, whose offer ByteDance had turned down, said on Sunday that its solution “would have made significant changes to ensure the service met the highest standards for security, privacy, online safety, and combatting disinformation.”


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c2edd3  No.10658838

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0b5dc9  No.10658839


Refers to Suspicious 0bserver

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c13ee6  No.10658840

File: 3df97d0f3605e23⋯.jpg (186.28 KB, 1079x1076, 1079:1076, barrett_children.jpg)


So is the LDS 'Church'

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92e97a  No.10658841

File: 266cca19c0c19f9⋯.png (1.93 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, C40C56D5_1A68_4B30_BDBB_78….png)

https://www.wnd.com/2020/09/biden-campaign-app-mistakenly-allowed-anyone-access-millions-voters-info/ Biden campaign app mistakenly allowed anyone access to millions of voters' info

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05a8d8  No.10658842

File: 8c13129a9b9d5bb⋯.png (358.5 KB, 656x517, 656:517, ClipboardImage.png)



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9ac458  No.10658843


I think you picked the wrong vid to upload hey you should really separate the blowjobs from the ass blowout home videos of yourself

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640f56  No.10658844


Trump is gonna keep everything legal like. He ain't going to let himself be voted back into office until November.

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6eb777  No.10658845


I didn't insult you, I told you to GTFO.

You little dipshit.

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27479e  No.10658846


call the bake @ da dough yo

almost there


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fbf9a2  No.10658847

File: 455b5147611de59⋯.jpeg (326.82 KB, 750x652, 375:326, 6BE115A9_5CD6_4063_BD57_8….jpeg)

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9fcae4  No.10658848

File: 5de404c5b70ef4f⋯.png (304.68 KB, 560x395, 112:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Officer Shot Outside Federal Courthouse In Downtown Phoenix

ARIZONA — A court officer, or possibly a US Marshal, was shot outside a federal courthouse in downtown Phoenix Tuesday.

Officials say it was a drive-by shooting that targeted the Sandra Day O’Connor U.S. Courthouse. The wounded officer was hit in the vest and is expected to survive.

There is a manhunt underway for the shooter and police have released a photo of the suspect vehicle.


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ef2f56  No.10658849

File: 178591ce275195f⋯.jpg (142.46 KB, 395x583, 395:583, HKfraudgurus.jpg)

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c2edd3  No.10658850

File: cd66305f00bbb15⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 750x405, 50:27, pepe_nothx.jpg)

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64b232  No.10658851


Was he convinced?

Is he revealing the HAMMER - HAMR (wikileaks) in this video?

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38887a  No.10658852

File: 765cb4f65ebd0b2⋯.png (18.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 38a5272d8cce2183dcd084ccd3….png)



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668bcc  No.10658853


Thank you.

God really has blessed me. Life has gotten a lot better over the last three years.

God Bless you as well.

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0c55ac  No.10658854

File: 44d4b1bfa548662⋯.pdf (5.71 MB, The_Yan_Report.pdf)

File: 37dc52e217ab776⋯.png (247.92 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


attn: bakerthis isn't my notable, but anon id:000000. I included the sauce, and the pdf document that Dr. Yan published before her account got suspended.

Twitter Suspends Account Of Chinese Scientist Who Published Paper Alleging Covid Was Created in Wuhan Lab

On Sunday afternoon we asked how long before the twitter account of the "rogue" Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who yesterday "shocked" the world of establishment scientists and other China sycophants, by publishing a "smoking gun" scientific paper demonstrating that the Covid-19 virus was manmade, is "silenced."


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92e97a  No.10658855

File: 8ccbd441e88e80c⋯.png (1.83 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, D28F68D2_33BF_4C77_8F30_50….png)

https://www.wnd.com/2020/09/u-s-opens-criminal-probe-john-boltons-book/ U.S. opens criminal probe into John Bolton's book

Trump says former adviser 'is a lowlife who should be in jail'

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17317d  No.10658856

File: f149fc63e2ccd67⋯.png (306.12 KB, 875x509, 875:509, MALTA72_USAFSOC_C_32B_depa….PNG)

File: f6bfbb2e2a6231d⋯.png (244.08 KB, 454x256, 227:128, USAFSOC_00_9001_C_32B_Cres….PNG)

MALTA72 USAFSOC C-32B departed Birmingham Int'l Airport after a ground stop-gs at MacDill AFB prior and origin of McGuire AFB, NJ

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9fcae4  No.10658857

File: 981077a521a35e0⋯.png (79.62 KB, 713x267, 713:267, ClipboardImage.png)

“THE $2.5 TRILLION THEFT”: RAND study uncovers massive income shift to the top 1%

Just how far has the working class been left behind by the winner-take-all economy? A new analysis by the RAND Corporation examines what rising inequality has cost Americans in lost income—and the results are stunning.

A full-time worker whose taxable income is at the median—with half the population making more and half making less—now pulls in about $50,000 a year. Yet had the fruits of the nation’s economic output been shared over the past 45 years as broadly as they were from the end of World War II until the early 1970s, that worker would instead be making $92,000 to $102,000. (The exact figures vary slightly depending on how inflation is calculated.)

The findings, which land amid a global pandemic, help to illuminate the paradoxes of an economy in which so-called essential workers are struggling to make ends meet while the rich keep getting richer.

“We were shocked by the numbers,” says Nick Hanauer, a venture capitalist who came up with the idea for the research along with David Rolf, founder of Local 775 of the Service Employees International Union and president of the Fair Work Center in Seattle. “It explains almost everything. It explains why people are so pissed off. It explains why they are so economically precarious.”


Notably, it isn’t just those in the middle who’ve been hit. RAND found that full-time, prime-age workers in the 25th percentile of the U.S. income distribution would be making $61,000 instead of $33,000 had everyone’s earnings from 1975 to 2018 expanded roughly in line with gross domestic product, as they did during the 1950s and ’60s.

Workers in the 75th percentile would be at $126,000 instead of $81,000. Remarkably, even those in the 90th percentile would be better off than they are now if economic growth had been shared as it was in the post-war era. They’d be making $168,000 rather than $133,000.

Tally it all up, according to RAND, and the bottom 90% of American workers would be bringing home an additional $2.5 trillion in total annual income if economic gains were as equitably divided as they’d been in the past—leading Rolf to dub the phenomenon “the $2.5 trillion theft.”

“From the standpoint of people who have worked hard and played by the rules and yet are participating far less in economic growth than Americans did a generation ago,” he says, “whether you call it ‘reverse distribution’ or ‘theft,’ it demands to be called something.”

The RAND data also makes clear who the winners from inequality are: those in the top 1%.

Of course, they’d be in a less advantageous position if the economic pie had been divvied up since the mid-1970s like it was previously. If that were the case, RAND says, yearly income for the average one-percenter would fall from about $1.2 million to $549,000.


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487d6d  No.10658858

File: 96bbd13d6f1e5f8⋯.png (574.28 KB, 800x556, 200:139, bl.png)

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e85526  No.10658859


pic1 is Ukrainian.

Pics 2-5 appear to be Russian but the resolution is poor. The passport handwriting is Russian.

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79210d  No.10658860

File: 9509c6c1cb10b90⋯.jpg (76.65 KB, 474x503, 474:503, downloadfile_10_1_1.jpg)




Did you get any free stuff?

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89a54c  No.10658861

File: 1f87d655e22e2ea⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1439x2574, 1439:2574, Capture_2020_09_15_14_39_5….png)


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9fcae4  No.10658862


Nope made in city of London/Rothschild/Israel/Swiss banking houses

China is a puppet state

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6eb777  No.10658863

File: 93cae52f63f02c9⋯.png (212.06 KB, 399x388, 399:388, pepeLaugh02.png)

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9e11c4  No.10658864


What about a simple three tier phalanx with long wooden poles? There's no way in FUCK those asstards could get through that!

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71678e  No.10658865

File: de388123675ab92⋯.png (52.81 KB, 1838x405, 1838:405, ClipboardImage.png)


DNS Recon o7

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252cfa  No.10658866

File: 967ff6df35b651d⋯.png (180.22 KB, 664x601, 664:601, comms_POTUS_wooden_puppet_….png)


thas great to hear

nice to hear about the miracles

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17317d  No.10658867


this is sooo fast now.

upload speed same but at least these probs fixed


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08f74a  No.10658868

File: e302a2dba42c75d⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 181x255, 181:255, 7893a5c886194c4146c518db16….jpg)


Poor Joe's dementia showing again

He meant

"Heels UP"

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6c7b49  No.10658869


In case anyone still thought we hadn’t adopted the political MO of Latin America.

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6e3392  No.10658870

This article is a hoot.

Women use facial expressions to entice men!

Maybe in South Dakota where no one is wearing a Fuken Mask!

SD is Winning!


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133cfb  No.10658871

File: f41efbd84d7a548⋯.png (802.98 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f41fe3dfe64e31e⋯.png (740.97 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)


Snohomish County Fire Dept. Dist. 7 fire gear matches the ANTIFA gear. COINCIDENCE?

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2932e5  No.10658872


>2 campaign aides for Lacy Johnson, going against Ilhan Omar, were shot in Mpls, 1 killed


You don't have to win at the ballot box if you just murder whoever dares run against you!

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8466aa  No.10658873


I now am leaning to the side that this is done on purpose to get him out.

Holy shit. They really are going to give this thing to Harris. What a bunch of retards.

I wonder what Harris did & to who to be the VP pick when they knew he wasn't going to do it

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05a8d8  No.10658874

File: 6b3e536c41f44d2⋯.png (93.1 KB, 800x127, 800:127, ClipboardImage.png)



fake virus yo

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000000  No.10658875


Thanks! Dont think I was zeros though.

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0f005b  No.10658876

File: 24a60e690110bbf⋯.jpg (332.49 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, harris.jpg)


>"Heels UP"

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676c8a  No.10658877

File: 107d70f28ac7644⋯.png (489.24 KB, 592x621, 592:621, ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go again…


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89a54c  No.10658878


Reread crumbs, faggot. GO ALLLLLLL THE WAY BACK.

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487d6d  No.10658879

File: 93d052892f696d7⋯.png (73.3 KB, 1165x811, 1165:811, bleak.PNG)

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e7d257  No.10658880

File: 7c63f83964f6f92⋯.jpeg (416.19 KB, 750x625, 6:5, CAF25C3E_E296_4725_8F55_E….jpeg)

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4ce17e  No.10658881

File: 8a628d78c955ef3⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, willis.jpg)

Just a guess. Was the shooter a black guy?

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812ed2  No.10658882


Ok, so is this the new BLM?

All the Loud Mouthed "Elites" trying their hardest to Flame Hatred, by pretending to Stand Up against it? Because they don't want the TRUTH coming out, because the TRUTH to them is HATE?

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f39d15  No.10658883

File: 02c5313060beb89⋯.png (491.61 KB, 968x920, 121:115, ClipboardImage.png)



Uploaded September 13, 2020

A Casino security guard beat up a manager over a "business dispute" in Serbia.


Yeah, I know - WSHH.


What is known so far is that the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that it is intensively searching for Ivan Kontić (1990), suspected of beating a 28-year-old young man in Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad and inflicting severe bodily injuries on him, the statement said.

…(stuff about old crimes)

Since then, nothing has been heard about Kontić and there has been no information about him, until a video leaked to the public was made on August 24, 2020, in front of a Novi Sad betting shop, showing the suspect brutally beating the victim with the help of another young man. while a larger group, including security workers, is silently watching.

N1 reported that this Milogorac is business related to the owner of the betting chain MaxBet, and the incident took place near a betting shop.

Although the incident happened at the end of August, only today was a warrant issued for the bully from Nikšić, because yesterday the politician Miroslav Parović posted a terrifying video from Novi Sad on social networks, which shows a young man brutally beating another man, and then lying unconscious on the ground, deliberately breaking both arms at the elbow. To make the whole case worse, the horrible abuse of the young man took place in the eyes of numerous citizens and members of the security. At one point, a young man is seen approaching the thug with the intention of stopping him, but he then attacks him and addresses him threateningly, after which he withdraws.


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f46953  No.10658884


casino security? It is a betting parlor. If the guy is a small operator turning into someone larger, and he thought he would fuck his customers…one customer had enough of the fucking. Or it was an operation that is on theri own and not protected. THAT PLACE AINT THE BELLAGIO!!! His casino security got shoved away.


i agree it could be spun one way or the other. but if the comments are there at least give both sides.

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e85526  No.10658885


Standard issue for wildland firefighters everywhere?

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000000  No.10658886




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4a6586  No.10658887


>Learn Russian

учить русский язык

Я изменила

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76c504  No.10658888

File: 39035593c1dc832⋯.jpg (169.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, time_covers.jpg)

File: 0ddcb6baf95f44a⋯.jpg (65.19 KB, 650x287, 650:287, Time_and_GC.jpg)

File: d39bfcd809f9dd9⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 300x222, 50:37, time_magazine_coming_ice_a….jpg)

File: 455fb2196758ad2⋯.gif (264.53 KB, 456x663, 152:221, 455fb2196758ad2b74d1fbc80e….gif)

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d556cb  No.10658889


It do. WTF

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066c0b  No.10658890

File: cdddb0e66dd64f9⋯.png (436.85 KB, 957x726, 29:22, ClipboardImage.png)

LEO's are going to be uninsurable everywhere soon


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9e11c4  No.10658891


Yes! 3 rows with long wooden poles! Simple. Legal. Not necessarily lethal. EFFECTIVE

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05a8d8  No.10658892

the only thing we need to fear is fear itself…lets not be crazed Lunatics.

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487d6d  No.10658893

File: 1f861c1febc932c⋯.png (1020.4 KB, 1892x2022, 946:1011, checkdeniro.png)

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4ce17e  No.10658894

File: 0d3e1d0b147b057⋯.mp4 (7.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, QNN_Welcome2.mp4)

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239860  No.10658895


Yes, the red hats look exactly like the yellow hats.

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401da9  No.10658896

File: 5b1d7f33b03a356⋯.jpg (41.93 KB, 396x454, 198:227, 5b1d7f33b03a3569201a7060a8….jpg)


>2 campaign aides for Lacy Johnson, going against Ilhan Omar, were shot in Mpls, 1 killed


>holy shit, this is a hot war

Both were members of the campaign team of Lacy Johnson, who is challenging Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar.

“The shooting did not occur during a campaign or outreach and we do not believe it has any connection to their work for the campaign.”

Yeeeeaaaahhhhh suuuuuure…..

A literal hit-piece in my opinion.

All though still early verdict.

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6eb777  No.10658897

File: f6b43bc218105e1⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 900x595, 180:119, Lemmy_and_Ozzy_Osbourne.jpg)

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330f3a  No.10658898

File: f22797cab1736b4⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 536x640, 67:80, 20200915_133852.gif)

File: 649b519047b9962⋯.gif (801.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20200915_133706.gif)

File: 531858209b6de5e⋯.gif (666.11 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 20200915_133444.gif)

File: ec0f8b714a2a2ea⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 1080x564, 90:47, 20200915_133409.gif)

File: 86ba2df2cdcdb54⋯.gif (488.2 KB, 547x547, 1:1, 20200915_133320.gif)






Иоîćə æıþнея шау.

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33c85b  No.10658899


LOL…she is shutting down her instagram so she CAN sit by and stay silent.

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05a8d8  No.10658900


POTUS will cover

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676c8a  No.10658901

File: f3efe31f64cff16⋯.png (17.36 KB, 595x240, 119:48, ClipboardImage.png)


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c2edd3  No.10658903

File: f04e1e540d93da5⋯.jpeg (693.93 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, f04e1e540d93da59c6413c10b….jpeg)

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17317d  No.10658904

File: a2eb7ddb389b5b5⋯.png (415.96 KB, 413x455, 59:65, Al_Gore_he_mad.PNG)

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e7d257  No.10658905


>I can’t breath

Then stop sucking my dick so hard faggot

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707d3d  No.10658906


As opposed to him dying of natural causes?

It's a justified homicide in self defense, but these fucking mongoloids will equate homicide with "murder" and chimp out anyways

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9fcae4  No.10658907

File: 7fa261db648896e⋯.png (360.33 KB, 951x835, 951:835, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter Suspends Account Of Chinese Scientist Who Published Paper Alleging Covid Was Created In Wuhan Lab

On Sunday afternoon we asked how long before the twitter account of the "rogue" Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who yesterday "shocked" the world of establishment scientists and other China sycophants, by publishing a "smoking gun" scientific paper demonstrating that the Covid-19 virus was manmade, is "silenced."

We now have the answer: less than two days. A cursory check of Dr Yan's twitter page reveals that the account has been suspended as of this moment.

It was not immediately clear what justification Twitter had to suspend the scientist who, to the best of our knowledge, had just 4 tweets as of Tuesday morning none of which violated any stated Twitter policies, with the only relevant tweet being a link to her scientific paper co-written with three other Chinese scientists titled "Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route" which laid out why the Wuhan Institute of Virology had created the covid-19 virus.

While we appreciate that Twitter may have experienced pressure from either China, or the established scientist community, to silence Dr Yan for proposing a theory that flies in the face of everything that has been accepted as undisputed gospel - after all Twitter did just that to us - we are confident that by suspending her account, Jack Dorsey has only added more fuel to the fire of speculations that the covid virus was indeed manmade (not to mention countless other tangential conspiracy theories).

If Yan was wrong, why not just let other scientists respond in the open to the all too valid arguments presented in Dr. Yan's paper? Isn't that what "science" is all about? Why just shut her up?

Because if we have already crossed the tipping point when anyone who proposes an "inconvenient" explanation for an established "truth" has to be immediately censored, then there is little that can be done to salvage the disintegration of a society that once held freedom of speech as paramount.

For those who missed it, here is our post breaking down Dr. Yan's various allegations which twitter saw fit to immediately censor instead of allowing a healthy debate to emerge.

We hope Twitter will provide a very reasonable and sensible explanation for this unprecedented censorship.

For those who missed it, her paper is below:



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4ac738  No.10658908

File: d4adb7c6d410278⋯.jpeg (61.01 KB, 467x359, 467:359, AAD54A86_890E_497B_8490_9….jpeg)

Fires spreading west now.

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92e97a  No.10658909

File: e830089e9b1c053⋯.png (1.91 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 355A194A_C326_44DB_B76C_60….png)

https://pjmedia.com/election/stacey-lennox/2020/09/14/joe-biden-votes-in-person-wrecks-the-democrats-we-need-mail-in-voting-narrative-n931150 Joe Biden Votes In Person, Wrecks the Democrats' 'We Need Mail-In Voting' Narrative

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64b232  No.10658910


He doesn't say the Hammer…he is talking about a program created, AFTER 9/11.

See timeline of the Hammer–created in 2003


Watch this vid of Maxine Waters…embedded in article.


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c2d69b  No.10658911

File: 9972d8f01bebb5c⋯.jpg (202.58 KB, 1061x1326, 1061:1326, BidenStrongestCandidate.jpg)

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05a8d8  No.10658912



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020781  No.10658913

File: 1a682a14f2b0f6f⋯.png (109.86 KB, 947x492, 947:492, _Cuties_Backlash_Netflix_C….png)

‘Cuties’ Backlash Led Netflix U.S. Cancellations to Spike Nearly Eightfold, Analytics Firm Says

A campaign waged against Netflix over “Cuties” and the film’s sexualized portrayal of children produced a surge in U.S. subscription cancellations over the weekend, according to research company YipitData.

Netflix subscriber churn rates began to rise Sept. 10, the day after the release of “Cuties” on Netflix, when the hashtag “#CancelNetflix” was in the top-trending spot on Twitter, according to data compiled by YipitData.

On Saturday, Sept. 12, Netflix’s cancellation rate in the U.S. jumped to nearly eight times higher than the average daily levels recorded in August 2020 — reaching a multiyear high, the data-analytics provider told Variety. With the #CancelNetflix hashtag continuing to trend on social media, it is possible elevated churn could continue in the coming days, according to the firm.


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df9ea0  No.10658914







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0a6e91  No.10658915


fucks sake

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0c55ac  No.10658916


kek…some of us like the daylight…sometimes…

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0f005b  No.10658917

File: 9b6f86e59bbbd80⋯.jpg (216.94 KB, 730x481, 730:481, Jack_trend_fuckery.jpg)

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676c8a  No.10658918

File: e2a100fb801bdda⋯.png (55.78 KB, 598x183, 598:183, ClipboardImage.png)


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27479e  No.10658919


note nb then


"in bidness yo"

take it @ da dough

I bake it

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330f3a  No.10658920



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487d6d  No.10658921

Prepare to speak canadian if you want to live without groids they hate the cold it is our ally.

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92e97a  No.10658922

File: 939845e46c63962⋯.jpeg (663.03 KB, 828x1559, 828:1559, D16B39E1_4672_4AA3_A562_1….jpeg)

https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2020/09/15/oregon-says-reports-of-antifa-firesetters-are-nuts-so-why-did-this-county-call-for-curfew-because-of-them-n931601 Oregon Says Reports of Antifa Firesetters Are Nuts, So Why Did This County Call for Curfew Because of Them?

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ed5d25  No.10658923


come on, man– hilldawg

by the way- the plastic surgery really brought out the strong manly features of the harris biden campaign

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664924  No.10658924


imagine the civil suit from that beating…

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d6f248  No.10658925

File: 04f411fbc134c96⋯.jpeg (287.36 KB, 750x764, 375:382, 5BCF4145_57FD_48CE_BAE7_A….jpeg)

File: e7db7d1bb4e28d4⋯.jpeg (371.13 KB, 750x645, 50:43, 2FF5E134_7E8A_4E42_A788_E….jpeg)

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d844b2  No.10658926



>Standard issue for wildland firefighters everywhere?

Pretty much, yes

Not specific to Snohomish County

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bfc979  No.10658927


anything they don't like is hate

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74fba2  No.10658928

File: 82a8e3e05938438⋯.png (583.88 KB, 734x617, 734:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcdedaf7525b3d3⋯.png (487.66 KB, 680x428, 170:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 959a3599cf5ba73⋯.png (200.54 KB, 360x337, 360:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71c61bb002e4158⋯.png (204.45 KB, 360x250, 36:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden's nurse

Or handler from CCP?

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c13ee6  No.10658929


Awe man

You should have done Kamala!

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676c8a  No.10658931

File: 7703c6a7f94720a⋯.png (34.34 KB, 595x421, 595:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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05a8d8  No.10658932

File: 22d81adaae6dec5⋯.png (36.46 KB, 609x256, 609:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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92e97a  No.10658933

File: 54cc88ba7be73a8⋯.jpeg (88.13 KB, 716x452, 179:113, E4453FB4_2A22_4552_8E6F_8….jpeg)


Qdrop update

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6eb777  No.10658934


> Joe Biden sniffer spammer

We had one here. Annoying but prescient.;

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434974  No.10658935


that's… KEK

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27479e  No.10658936



>>10658474, >>10658560, >>10658662 planefaggin

>>10658848 Officer Shot Outside Federal Courthouse In Downtown Phoenix

>>10658826 Justice Department Watchdog Probing Handling of Stone Sentencing

>>10658786 West Coast Air Quality

>>10658757 @780thC "We've got approximately 4,000 National Guardsmen that we would identify as cyber operational personnel within 59 units that are dedicated to a specific federal cyber mission," Col. George Haynes, chief of cyberspace operations for the NGB #cyber

>>10658695 CDC: Robert Redfield is scheduled to appear tomorrow before the Senate Subcommittee on Labor/HHS. I fully expect Senate Republicans to hold him accountable for violating the president's executive action.

>>10658674 Gaza militants fire rockets at Israel as pacts signed in US

>>10658614 Nebraska President caught on hot mic saying announcement for return of Big 10 Football coming tonight.

>>10658595 Spare us your card @JoeBiden I served under your administration. I lost my legs under your leadership.

>>10658579 Antero Midstream Corp. sold by CEO: $46.44m-Sept 14

>>10658575 Pompeo touts end of Palestinian 'veto' over Arab-Israeli ties

>>10658532, >>10658437 KimK shutting it all down

>>10658499 Trump hails new 'dawn' for Middle East as Israel signs accords with Bahrain and UAE

>>10658458 Cuties accepted by left

>>10658401 Kamala calls it the Harris administration and now Biden calls it the Harris /Biden administration

>>10658339, >>10658413 shills, cannibals, and pedos, this is perhaps the best you can hope for. Before prison. Pain, niggas. ALL of it.

>>10658322 POTUS emphasized several times that “Biden is shot.”


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ad67a3  No.10658937

File: 44a80d1164e2f84⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1185x1061, 1185:1061, ClipboardImage.png)


Teen killed in Minneapolis shooting was intern for Republican congressional candidate Lacy Johnson

MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - A teenager who was shot and killed in north Minneapolis on Monday was an intern for Republican congressional candidate Lacy Johnson's campaign, a campaign aide said. The 17-year-old was not doing campaign activities when the shooting happened.

“It is shocking and unnecessary acts of violence like this that prove why change is more needed than ever in our community," the campaign said in a statement to FOX 9.

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fae773  No.10658938

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, Freedom.png)

File: a937854ce3bee0d⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, freedom_of_speech.jpg)

File: 8e82d0891d8c175⋯.jpg (220.76 KB, 1440x1018, 720:509, Freedom_Huddle.jpg)

High School Football Players Suspended For Flying Flags To Honor 9/11 Cops & Firefighters

Two Little Miami football players pay the price for civil disobedience. They were told not to carry onto the field thin blue line and thin red line flags at their 9/11 game. They did anyway. The school has now suspended them from the team indefinitely. #ThinBlueLine #ThinRedLine pic.twitter.com/19y9GAvaxr

— David Winter (@DavidWinterTV) September 14, 2020

“We can’t have students who decide to do something anyway after they’ve been told that they shouldn’t be doing it,” said Gregory Power, who claimed the flags were expressing a “political perspective” that other families may not agree with.

>"that other families may not agree with."


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0e006b  No.10658939


Yeah for the famewhoring.

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701c7c  No.10658940

File: 62dc94a75d1f8a5⋯.png (243.14 KB, 1157x952, 1157:952, Screenshot_2020_09_15_1243….png)

Chicago Man Arrested on Federal Drug Charge for Allegedly Dealing Heroin and Fentanyl


Koreatown Man Sentenced to 17½ Years in Prison for Coercing Girls He Met Online into Sending Him Sexually Explicit Images


Raytown Man Charged with Drug Trafficking, Illegal Firearms

Sold Firearm, Stolen from a Police Officer, to Undercover Agent


Two California Men Admit Roles in Multi-State Recovery Home Patient Brokering Scheme


Consulting/Staffing Company to Pay $345,000 to Resolve Allegations Concerning Violations of Immigration and Department of Labor Regulations


Vermont Man Charged with Hiring Person to Kidnap and Kill a Man in a Foreign Country, and Producing and Receiving Child Pornography


15 Charged on Drugs and Guns Charges as Part of Anti-Gang Sweep in Concord and Surrounding Areas-Alleged Sureños Used Concord Shopping Center as “One-Stop Shop” for Guns and Drugs https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/15-charged-drugs-and-guns-charges-part-anti-gang-sweep-concord-and-surrounding-areas

Former Nurse Indicted for Murder for Hire, Conspiracy to Kidnap and Murder A Person Overseas, Child Pornography Offenses


Former Leader of Latin Kings Pleads Guilty to Racketeering Conspiracy and Drug Conspiracy Charges-–Defendant was member of Connecticut Latin Kings governing body, known as “Crown Council” https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/former-leader-latin-kings-pleads-guilty-racketeering-conspiracy-and-drug-conspiracy

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c13ee6  No.10658941


He is running a tight budget and he pays her in rice

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640f56  No.10658942


Hateful thing to say

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f46953  No.10658943



if the guy giving the beating was cheating, and he beat the betting parlor employee. I saw this happen at illegal slots. all these scummy gypsies would have a device to rig poker machines. they would go around betting $1 a hand and would have friend crowded around machine busting balls. Then the guy playing would cheer and hit 2500 to 1. The room owner refused to pay him. have him the money he put in and told him to fuck off.

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487d6d  No.10658944

streets on fire but its all about peace in the middle east right sounds good donny keep up the brown nosing maybe the harris administration will correct the home front.

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2932e5  No.10658945


>Biden campaign app mistakenly allowed anyone access to millions of voters' info

And this ignorant bastards wants to be the leader of the free world!NOPE!

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6eb777  No.10658946

File: 0252b7061e5a645⋯.jpg (292.01 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, WhatTheFuckEver.jpg)

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133cfb  No.10658947


well, I have been looking at a lot of Fire Dept. and I do not see the same matching uniforms. Those backpacks are distinctive.

How about we send pics of ANTIFA to the Fire dept. social media and ask them to ID?

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3d5f57  No.10658948

File: 654ddf6d86f05e7⋯.png (495.34 KB, 610x442, 305:221, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon, we all understand that most organizations eventually get comped. Such is the age. But the root source must not be lost A Baby Krishna photo falls under the divine plane. Therefore interpretations must be made very carefully. For sure there are definitely snakes that attempt to exploit every situation. But they cannot escape the law of Karma and hence it is in everyone's best interest to repent within this life-cycle itself, preferably as soon as possible. Future is uncertain so let us not waste this wonderful opportunity having taken birth as human beings.

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ed08c9  No.10658949


FBI taking over investigation, according to Fox News Now.

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79210d  No.10658950

File: 5b01ccd435301be⋯.jpg (106.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, downloadfile_6.jpg)

Without cookies enabled on your browser you can't access Q Research.

Thanks Jim Watkins Thanks A Lot.

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9fcae4  No.10658951

File: 56cae87b19c8048⋯.png (627.15 KB, 479x513, 479:513, ClipboardImage.png)


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d6f248  No.10658953


Thats his scratch n sniff Sally Hemings

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c13ee6  No.10658954


Which time?

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e85526  No.10658955


Watching the breads & ready to go on duty NB if baker wants relief, as discussed earlier.

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133cfb  No.10658956


CCP handler

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33c589  No.10658957

Who’s the boss?

Seems to me that no matter what happens on Nov 3, DJT will be POTUS at least until Jan 20.

He would still have his hands on the levers of power.

Interested in having some lawfags weigh in.


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0c55ac  No.10658958


o7, fren.

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2caf45  No.10658959

File: eb88c1ed1058181⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 255x212, 255:212, TruDOH.jpg)

>>10657855 pb Notable Trudeau to Announce Retaliatory Aluminum Tariffs Against U.S.

Isn't that a violation of USMCA?

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676c8a  No.10658960

File: 7afa44bb3e4d202⋯.png (342.59 KB, 599x771, 599:771, ClipboardImage.png)


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38887a  No.10658961

File: 09b99eb07c6ded2⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 09b99eb07c6ded2b99f930e469….jpg)

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92e97a  No.10658962

File: c14d1975023c0f9⋯.jpeg (501.12 KB, 828x1457, 828:1457, 62CD6258_2CF5_49FE_A1C0_E….jpeg)

https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2020/09/15/insanity-wrap-50-crazy-antifa-goes-full-t-j-hooker-on-cop-car-n932540 Insanity Wrap #50: Crazy Antifa Goes Full T.J. Hooker on Cop Car

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d556cb  No.10658963

File: 4014dcd9d07f049⋯.png (668.37 KB, 700x536, 175:134, TRUMPGRENELL.png)


They also are coming to understand that Richard Grenell was given open season on governments who put homosexuals to death for being homo. He had the power to put heavy sanctions on them. Then he became first gay DNI and now he is pimp slapping people in the press trying to push the gay issue.

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6eb777  No.10658964


>can some generous anons summarize the Biden show today in five words or less?

Babbling Biden Blunders Big Broadcast.

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2f06b5  No.10658966

File: bc0e4062c1a5581⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ObamaOver.jpg)


Choke on your own satanic bile, liberals.

Cancellation works both ways.

The power of the Lord casts out the devil.


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601255  No.10658967


Is that Bob Barker?

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2c7203  No.10658968

File: 9f1dfcff77e1271⋯.jpg (87.53 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, joething.jpg)


That's not a cell phone, it's his control mechanism. 5G link direct to Beijing


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149608  No.10658969

File: b133432ff31620b⋯.png (419.57 KB, 511x476, 73:68, Screenshot_2020_09_15_Than….png)

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528801  No.10658970

File: b0fe098159d706e⋯.jpg (609.5 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Eh6E591WoAErYbR.jpg)


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0587a6  No.10658971


> I'm out working hard, very hard, saving our country.

it would be hilarious is AOC is who posted that.

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676c8a  No.10658972


So open 8kun in a private browser window and close it when you're done. Problem solved.

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6286fd  No.10658973


This is not a real notable right? I'm finding zero sauce. What does it have to do with shills or cannibals? There's one story in English online and it does not give a motive. Even if it were for pedophile suspects, since when do we advocate for a sliver of video beating unconscious people? This isn't Antifas chat room.

>>10658339, >>10658413 shills, cannibals, and pedos, this is perhaps the best you can hope for. Before prison. Pain, niggas. ALL of it


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c2d69b  No.10658974

File: cc15cf2ea4a269d⋯.jpg (355.3 KB, 2688x1792, 3:2, ba6bede5_abb7_4142_adf5_e0….jpg)



Nope. It's slow Joe.

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149608  No.10658975


Sauce anon?

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0f005b  No.10658976

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a74510  No.10658977


Antifa on their way to Occupy DC on the 17th

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020781  No.10658978


Another day, another swing state where the riots are going to go down…

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d6f248  No.10658979


That’s them orangutan National Geographic titties

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8466aa  No.10658980


Handler for sure. WOW.

That is a BAD look. lol

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701c7c  No.10658981

File: 7fc0441b625bd37⋯.png (175.04 KB, 762x951, 254:317, Screenshot_2020_09_15_1243….png)


Former Member of Boston Latin Kings Chapter Pleads Guilty to Racketeering Conspiracy


Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys Recognizes Seven Members of the U.S. Attorney’s Office/District of New Jersey for Outstanding Work


Operation 'Black Phoenix' Leads to Federal Charges Against 25 Who Allegedly Engaged in Illegal Narcotics and Firearms Sales


Two Alleged Hackers Charged with Defacing Websites Following Killing of Qasem Soleimani-–Defendants believed to be living in Iran and the Palestinian Authority


Boston Man Sentenced for Illegally Possessing Loaded Handgun


U.S. Attorney’s Office Settles Claims Against Borough of Woodcliff Lake Involving Denial of Permit to Orthodox Jewish Group to Construct Worship Center


Lawrence Man Sentenced for Fentanyl Distribution


Jake’s Fireworks and Right Price Chemicals Enjoined From Resuming Business Operations---Court Finds Substantial Likelihood Government Will Succeed on the Merits of Civil Action


Colorado Springs Man Sentenced To Federal Prison For Illegally Possessing Improvised Destructive Devices


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83b133  No.10658982


This board has moved locations multiple times from reddit to 4chan, 8chan and now 8kun

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d556cb  No.10658983



"you take hcq and arenerome NOW"

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79210d  No.10658984


Joe Biden brings her along to sniff her it's kind of obvious.

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dead8d  No.10658985

File: dcac326a0239ed5⋯.jpeg (136.89 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1537223339.jpeg)

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2932e5  No.10658986

File: 1f7780e01c977d9⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Splat.mp4)


>Crazy Antifa Goes Full T.J. Hooker on Cop Car

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d8b061  No.10658987

File: 4124bdc9786bd91⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 616x366, 308:183, right_you_know.jpg)

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76c504  No.10658988

File: 161bb9a67f3be05⋯.jpg (81.54 KB, 634x1024, 317:512, rs_634x1024_190510130701_6….jpg)

File: e51577e42b95bf5⋯.jpg (101.84 KB, 680x590, 68:59, 224877_444574482227285_131….jpg)

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92e97a  No.10658989

File: 2b09763fdb24b11⋯.png (1.55 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 3F047D8F_DDEB_4857_BB37_22….png)

https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2020/09/14/fbi-raids-home-of-biden-campaign-surrogate-after-underage-sex-allegation-n931491 FBI Raids Home of Biden Campaign Surrogate After Underage Sex Allegation

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f46953  No.10658990

File: 497877e538e7a55⋯.png (99.77 KB, 257x161, 257:161, ClipboardImage.png)


what a fine woman!!!

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757d2d  No.10658991

File: c607077d27bbc4e⋯.jpeg (139.62 KB, 955x500, 191:100, C93C5D0A_D868_43A6_BF4B_3….jpeg)

Q, does the meme sniffer program work the other way around as well? Rendering “safe” when less than 20% is added by anons?

If so, we could make a lot of fakenews memes, using their screenshots and pix as a trojan horse and post our text on them.

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f6588f  No.10658992

File: 0880825cc7b558a⋯.webm (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bellyflop_loop.webm)

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149608  No.10658993


Hmm, wonder who she is.

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9fcae4  No.10658994

>>10658329 CDC Cancels ‘Critical Race Theory’ Program Following Doc Leak – Reporter Threatens to go Nuclear and Release Names if No Action is Taken by CDC Director!

>>10658330 Former DEA Agent and His Wife Plead Guilty for Roles in Scheme to Divert Drug Proceeds From Undercover Money Laundering Investigations

>>10658423 Registered sex offender convicted of child sex crimes

>>10658462 Trump Says He 'Would Have No Problem' With Selling US Weapons, Including F-35s, to Gulf States

>>10658515 NEW DOCS: Did Mueller Lie to House Judiciary about Interviewing for FBI Director Job?

>>10658699, >>10658728 CIA Sponsored the SBU Operation To Kidnap 33 Russians In Belarus

>>10658796 World Trade Organization Rules US China Tariffs Illegal, Recognized Chinese Intellectual Property Theft

Baker is out to lunch

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c2edd3  No.10658995

s8n twatter account that Q has referenced is suspended.

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623e08  No.10658996

File: d8c37379bffac80⋯.jpeg (101.84 KB, 1038x576, 173:96, 1597054309_701.jpeg)

>>10658936 Be Best

>>10658699, >>10658728 CIA Sponsored the SBU Operation To Kidnap 33 Russians In Belarus

pic: Ukrainian military intelligence service

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27479e  No.10658997


>>10658474, >>10658560, >>10658662, >>10658856 planefaggin

>>10658913 ‘Cuties’ Backlash Led Netflix U.S. Cancellations to Spike Nearly Eightfold, Analytics Firm Says

>>10658883 A Casino security guard beat up a manager over a "business dispute" in Serbia.

>>10658857 “THE $2.5 TRILLION THEFT”: RAND study uncovers massive income shift to the top 1%

>>10658848 Officer Shot Outside Federal Courthouse In Downtown Phoenix

>>10658826 Justice Department Watchdog Probing Handling of Stone Sentencing

>>10658786 West Coast Air Quality

>>10658757 @780thC "We've got approximately 4,000 National Guardsmen that we would identify as cyber operational personnel within 59 units that are dedicated to a specific federal cyber mission," Col. George Haynes, chief of cyberspace operations for the NGB #cyber

>>10658695 CDC: Robert Redfield is scheduled to appear tomorrow before the Senate Subcommittee on Labor/HHS. I fully expect Senate Republicans to hold him accountable for violating the president's executive action.

>>10658674 Gaza militants fire rockets at Israel as pacts signed in US

>>10658614 Nebraska President caught on hot mic saying announcement for return of Big 10 Football coming tonight.

>>10658595 Spare us your card @JoeBiden I served under your administration. I lost my legs under your leadership.

>>10658579 Antero Midstream Corp. sold by CEO: $46.44m-Sept 14

>>10658575 Pompeo touts end of Palestinian 'veto' over Arab-Israeli ties

>>10658532, >>10658437 KimK shutting it all down

>>10658499 Trump hails new 'dawn' for Middle East as Israel signs accords with Bahrain and UAE

>>10658458 Cuties accepted by left

>>10658401 Kamala calls it the Harris administration and now Biden calls it the Harris /Biden administration

>>10658339, >>10658413 shills, cannibals, and pedos, this is perhaps the best you can hope for. Before prison. Pain, niggas. ALL of it.

>>10658322 POTUS emphasized several times that “Biden is shot.”


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133cfb  No.10658998


the closest they could get to a little girl for him…..

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1d82d7  No.10658999


Barr is in the clear. The deep state attorneys', pushing for the 7-9 yr. sentence, are proper fucked.

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92e97a  No.10659000


Ty anon phone fuckery ain’t easy

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c2edd3  No.10659001


handler that he thinks is his gf

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33a69b  No.10659002

File: e4fb82a3a38f38b⋯.jpg (96.27 KB, 959x411, 7:3, Capture.JPG)


Agreed..But..Always Look at both sides of the story..Who is doing the replication..Who is paying them and what is their agenda….To many lies and bullshit in the world….Just A small Example….

look at any politician…They sold us out

Why We Can’t Trust Anything ‘The Science’ Says Any More

These scientists are attempting to hide information that doesn’t conform to what roving violent mobs are attempting to impose at the blunt ends of bricks, sticks, and guns.

Despite standing behind their data and method used to conclude there is “no evidence of anti-Black [sic] or anti-Hispanic disparities across [fatal police] shootings,” a study’s authors want to retract their work because it contradicts left-wing politics.

“Although our data and statistical approach were valid to estimate the question we actually tested (the race of civilians fatally shot by police), given continued misuse of the article (e.g., MacDonald, 2020) we felt the right decision was to retract the article,” Michigan State University’s Joseph Cesario and the University of Maryland at College Park’s David Johnson wrote in their retraction request, according to the blog Retraction Watch.


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d556cb  No.10659003


undercover brother

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47617c  No.10659004


Homicide does not equal murder. Cool your jets.

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09cf27  No.10659005


i could watch this all day long


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0eaef6  No.10659006

File: e9b297127938652⋯.png (775.13 KB, 1069x554, 1069:554, ClipboardImage.png)

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14d814  No.10659007


That's good. Looks like they're going to burn the country down.

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0f005b  No.10659008

File: 2a0285fd743ad90⋯.gif (804.46 KB, 360x270, 4:3, cant_fix.gif)

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149608  No.10659009


That I get…but WHO is she..

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70a142  No.10659010


You know who also is not ded?


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815851  No.10659011


Swift death sentence.

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668bcc  No.10659012


Nice reference there.

Except I think it's the other way around. Biden is the slave. She is the puppet master.

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e85526  No.10659014


Fake News is not our game.

Fake news would dishonor us.

Truth news is what we should be doing.

If we can't win with Truth then we'd be as bad as the Fake News.

I find your suggestion very unappealing, if not downright immoral. Some anons here take the Ten Commandments rather seriously.

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c2f08f  No.10659015

File: be97b7c739da982⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1536x716, 384:179, ClipboardImage.png)


[52], [55]

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dfc642  No.10659016

File: 6d300e092b29621⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 582x433, 582:433, Quantum_DNA_Heart_Torus_To….jpg)


casino = organized crime.

you don't do that in their house. ever. unless you don't give AF about your own life. not for some $$, for justice.

anons opinion of course

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f46953  No.10659017


aren't those the emergency covid tents that were never used???

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27479e  No.10659018


got a sitch

will you bake and let another note for the bread?

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2caf45  No.10659019


>i could watch this all day long

Did ya notice he's wearing a red hat? Is it a MAGA hat? There's a black lady holding a Trump 20202 sign- are these the antifags dressing up like Anons?

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0c55ac  No.10659020


anon, see >>10658854

it includes the paper Dr. Yan published.

the more eyes on this, the better.

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27479e  No.10659021


>>10658474, >>10658560, >>10658662, >>10658856 planefaggin

>>10658913 ‘Cuties’ Backlash Led Netflix U.S. Cancellations to Spike Nearly Eightfold, Analytics Firm Says

>>10658883 A Casino security guard beat up a manager over a "business dispute" in Serbia.

>>10658857 “THE $2.5 TRILLION THEFT”: RAND study uncovers massive income shift to the top 1%

>>10658848 Officer Shot Outside Federal Courthouse In Downtown Phoenix

>>10658826 Justice Department Watchdog Probing Handling of Stone Sentencing

>>10658786 West Coast Air Quality

>>10658757 @780thC "We've got approximately 4,000 National Guardsmen that we would identify as cyber operational personnel within 59 units that are dedicated to a specific federal cyber mission," Col. George Haynes, chief of cyberspace operations for the NGB #cyber

>>10658695 CDC: Robert Redfield is scheduled to appear tomorrow before the Senate Subcommittee on Labor/HHS. I fully expect Senate Republicans to hold him accountable for violating the president's executive action.

>>10658674 Gaza militants fire rockets at Israel as pacts signed in US

>>10658614 Nebraska President caught on hot mic saying announcement for return of Big 10 Football coming tonight.

>>10658595 Spare us your card @JoeBiden I served under your administration. I lost my legs under your leadership.

>>10658579 Antero Midstream Corp. sold by CEO: $46.44m-Sept 14

>>10658575 Pompeo touts end of Palestinian 'veto' over Arab-Israeli ties

>>10658532, >>10658437 KimK shutting it all down

>>10658499 Trump hails new 'dawn' for Middle East as Israel signs accords with Bahrain and UAE

>>10658458 Cuties accepted by left

>>10658401 Kamala calls it the Harris administration and now Biden calls it the Harris /Biden administration

>>10658322 POTUS emphasized several times that “Biden is shot.”


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701c7c  No.10659022

File: 2b7246e3f280abb⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 311x450, 311:450, 305762.jpg)



Porcupine Man Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison for Manslaughter


Pine Ridge Man Charged with Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Minor


Rosebud Women Indicted on Child Abuse Charges


Sioux Falls Man Indicted for Assault


Gary Man Sentenced To 120 Months In Prison

For Conspiracy to Distribute Crack Cocaine https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndin/pr/gary-man-sentenced-120-months-prison-0

Federal, State and Local Agencies Work Together to Curb Gun Violence in Shreveport

Project Guardian: Local Efforts Increase https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdla/pr/federal-state-and-local-agencies-work-together-curb-gun-violence-shreveport

California Man Sentenced to more than 24 Years for Nationwide Fentanyl Trafficking and Money Laundering Scheme


RGV felons heading back to prison for possessing firearm


Former DEA Agent and His Wife Plead Guilty for Roles in Scheme to Divert Drug Proceeds From Undercover Money Laundering Investigations


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020781  No.10659023



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6eb777  No.10659024


>You know who also is not ded?


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f3e705  No.10659025

Is this symbolism or what?

The cabal is doing all they can to attack POTUS, while the Bobcat Fire is currently raging toward the observatory on Mt. Wilson near LA

POTUS seems to have some spiritual kinship to General George Patton, while Mt Wilson was named after Benjamin Davis Wilson, grandfather of General Patton.

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977e99  No.10659026

File: 7cead0b18fd77a4⋯.png (101.79 KB, 233x288, 233:288, downloadfile_21.png)

Anons it is George Floyd that someone Photoshoped.

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f46953  No.10659027

File: f5c7e1f9529b4ac⋯.png (435.94 KB, 597x485, 597:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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21fcfd  No.10659029


They shouldn't cede the investigations to them. They didn't do a very good job on the Las Vegas shooting. Are they obligated to let FBI take over?

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d556cb  No.10659030


True. Twat aint a sauce.

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0eaef6  No.10659031

File: 4c879c841f4ab91⋯.png (580.23 KB, 914x966, 457:483, ClipboardImage.png)


Breaks both his arms after he knocks him unconscious

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e85526  No.10659032


You want me to bake #13641 right now?

Or take a dough handoff at top of NB?

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d0b583  No.10659033


I bet shes really Bidens CCP handler disguised as a doctor

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92e97a  No.10659034



Thought I had some nuggets TYB

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498370  No.10659035

File: 94cca5b6b2f333a⋯.jpg (64.07 KB, 720x960, 3:4, peskykids.jpg)


Harris/Biden orrrrrrrrrr

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e85526  No.10659036


If I bake, I don't need a note taker.

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c4e368  No.10659037


I remind people that doctors and scientists serve as expert witnesses in civil and criminal trials all the time. They do it for money. If a lawyer can buy whatever 'science' or scientific opinion is needed for a case, others could buy 'science' to fit any agenda. I use the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit as an example. Mann is another.

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17317d  No.10659038

File: 134bccabd259a7e⋯.png (449.9 KB, 603x328, 603:328, whitaker_5_minutes_for_lun….PNG)

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0e006b  No.10659040


Kek and you’re calling us retards. Go back to voat you lowlife.

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a295f5  No.10659041





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dd5c02  No.10659043

File: 0bae3fdbd7713fb⋯.png (550.59 KB, 654x651, 218:217, mk12.png)

I really miss MJ12.

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f39d15  No.10659045


>This board has moved locations multiple times from reddit to 4chan, 8chan and now 8kun

QResearch was never on Plebbit - that implies Q started posting there, they didn't.

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0f005b  No.10659046

File: 21ef0e856281d54⋯.png (1.1 MB, 790x786, 395:393, CC7.png)

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623e08  No.10659047

File: 346d261fe8ee690⋯.png (309.51 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 346d261fe8ee690bcc89aec56d….png)

>>10659021 protecting the CIA baker?

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21fcfd  No.10659048


Harris would let Hillary be POTUS nominee, so she doesn't get suicided.

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8466aa  No.10659049

File: 4f97cbd406a6e2c⋯.png (493.23 KB, 608x634, 304:317, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

Billionaire Duty Free Shoppers co-founder Chuck Feeney now broke after giving his $8billion fortune to charity


…donated through his organization Atlantic Philanthropies.

He gave $3.7billion to education – including nearly $1billion to his alma mater Cornell, more than $870million to human rights and social change including $62million in grants to abolish the death penalty in the US and $76million for grassroots campaigns supporting the passage of Obamacare, according to Forbes.


A mini Soros

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2b053c  No.10659051

File: c459db0b48da42b⋯.jpg (325.4 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20200915_123404….jpg)

Only Napa? How bout Shasta, Butte, Tehama, Siskiyou, Glenn, Yuba, etc..?



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ed08c9  No.10659052


It happened outside the federal courthouse, probably federal security officer, not sure though.

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55ffb8  No.10659053


How do you think the torus field is impacted by '5G'?

Could it be intentionally engineered to impact the torus field?

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c13ee6  No.10659054


MAYBE they will vote conservative next time.

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668bcc  No.10659056


Now do Killary to Hussein.

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bfc979  No.10659057


fug. it's worse than I thought.

truth isn't the standard?

in a rational world Cesario and Johnson would be fired after they were laughed out of town

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f39d15  No.10659058

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8466aa  No.10659059


Shoot! I meant to wait until new bread. ….ugh. I'll repost

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701c7c  No.10659061

File: 56edffdf4f843f0⋯.jpg (241.78 KB, 1230x1800, 41:60, 128029.jpg)


Currituck County Man Sentenced in Federal Court for Illegal Gun Possession


Dayton Man Sentenced to 140 Months for Methamphetamine and Fentanyl Trafficking


Bristol, Virginia Man Sentenced on Child Pornography Charges


U.S. Attorney’s Office Reaches ADA Settlement with Joe Black’s Bar and Grill and the Hub Pub in Grand Forks, North Dakota


Two Individuals Charged With Fraudulently Filing For Unemployment Insurance


Ocala Convicted Felon Pleads Guilty To Federal Firearm And Ammunition Offense


Indian National Admits to Participating in Telemarketing Scam to Defraud Americans


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f46953  No.10659062


since Antifa/BLM us signal/twatter to organize can the Nat'l Guard be called to stop these threats to America? Federal Cyber Mission loophole?

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0c55ac  No.10659063



I second this as anotable

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19e064  No.10659065


OF COURSE the cunt works for WaPo!

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27479e  No.10659067


so that's a no then

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21fcfd  No.10659068


Ah. Yup I saw he was a fully deputies US Marshal.

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487d6d  No.10659069


Groid Floyd.

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3bf672  No.10659070

File: 3f9f05e04fea9ce⋯.png (116.87 KB, 445x448, 445:448, Screenshot_2018_12_21_11_4….png)

The time has come for the systematic

Elimina teamtion of the traitors.

Nationwide roundup, be listening for the choppers tonight

Great work

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d0b583  No.10659071



Holy fuck guy. You really need to use ccleaner. I've never seen so much data collection jargon from a single user here on 8chan.

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27479e  No.10659074






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66acb2  No.10659075


Someone cashing in on that reward.

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0f005b  No.10659076

File: f0e8a00853dba04⋯.png (433.17 KB, 778x469, 778:469, fake_and_gay.png)

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92e97a  No.10659077



Baker in question?

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f43f7f  No.10659079


Yes, Hiden' Biden is literally shot, kaput, worn out, incapable, used up, useless.


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f46953  No.10659082


Antifa firestarters were in Washington DC protesting, then back home in Oregon/Washington torching suburbs and buildings. Using social media to mobilize attacks?

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e85526  No.10659083


I do not understand the request.

I am willing to take the dough top of NB and bake 1 loaf. Which includes taking the notes, as usual.

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76c504  No.10659091


Laserblast was not terrible for its day.

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f6588f  No.10659094


Whoa I just had a lightbulb moment..

These corrupted officials can't even act like they aren't in on the plot.


Their only plausible excuse,

>"we didn't want people to panic"

has already been removed from the table thanks to the Woodward leak.

Corrupted officials are completely cornered!

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0f005b  No.10659097

File: d86f7579474f7bb⋯.jpg (75.28 KB, 840x560, 3:2, fauci.jpg)

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7928ce  No.10659100

File: 93022a54dc76c8a⋯.png (227.01 KB, 607x341, 607:341, LYRCMSGNTHFBKP.png)

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83b133  No.10659102


Yeah Qs not on twitter either

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f43f7f  No.10659108


Excellent! Another score.

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2932e5  No.10659109


>Did ya notice he's wearing a red hat? Is it a MAGA hat?

Yeah, because Trump supporters on KNOWN for throwing themselves on top on moving police cars, dumbass! ffs

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640f56  No.10659110


But the false sense of security can be fun to observe.

Didn't a bunch of Mueller people scrub their phones 'clean' if recent news is genuine?

And ain't that laughable from some pretty high end, elite-circle people to think that's the end of all their troubles when most of them should know that nothing electronic is every truly private or ever truly deleted.

So if their deleted phone stuff can be resurfaced by high tech American intelligence gathering systems, (and it can) then what hope does the little guy in his bedroom have that cookie denial keeps all his private stuff away from prying eyes?

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