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e8a03c No.13005 [Last50 Posts]

Learn planefagging here. Post your questions and get answers.

We will do our best to coach anyone who sincerely wants to learn how to track planes and interpret their movements.

This is no substitute for Planefagging 101

that's no longer easy to access, having been archived on the QResearch board.


We monitor the skies using crowd-sourced websites that geolocate planes the transmit their positions using ADSB digital transponders.

Often, we don't know in advance whether our observations will turn out to be fruitful and link to real-time events, or not. So we are into archiving.

We also study resources that can be used when a plane crash occurs, to determine the owner, pilot, type of plane, passengers, accident investigation details, etc.

There's nothing more thrilling than a call of "Planefags Scramble" when something important has been spotted!

So, buckle up and jump aboard!

Planefagging awaits.

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4e99d9 No.13287

Sure, I have a question, why do planefags post regular exercises out of know bases like San Diego, etc? Odd stuff? Lets see it, but a couple of F/A-18's going from Mira Mar back and forth to a carrier is not a big deal.

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e8a03c No.13302


Because some are not regular planefags, have no military experience, and often have no idea what's of interest. I fall into some of those categories.

Other times we get anons who are learning or trying it out, and they get excited about posting what they see, and are looking for feedback as they learn.

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7e60c9 No.13422

Planefagging 101 thread from Qresearch has been archived but fortunately an anon zipped it up to preserve the information.

Archive (may disappear) available here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1311848.html

Zipped archive available for download and local install: https://anonfile.com/F8V1Ofzfn1/PLANEFAGGING_101_7z

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a3fe50 No.14403

File: 00a80feb1cd2af9⋯.png (993.57 KB,1382x1015,1382:1015,2019-07-17-09:21:36-edt.png)

File: f78e3f7160016f0⋯.png (853.92 KB,1901x964,1901:964,2019-07-17-09:22:08-edt.png)

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File: c934c66bae37c56⋯.png (97.26 KB,696x376,87:47,2019-07-17-09:23:11-edt.png)

Quick ADSB Tutorial

Get Started by Watching Military Aircraft

Browse ADSBexchange.com

Click Global Radar View

Quick, before your screen populates with thousands of planes, click Menu

Then Options

Then Filters

Pick Military from the list of filters, click Add Filter

Click Enable Filters

Exit the menu

Now comfy.

Now you can scroll the map, zoom in and out, and see only flights that are tagged "military"

You can resize text column, arrange the screen to your liking

Now you can go back and play with the menu options if you like. I like the Aircraft


Display 2 or 3 lines

Decide what info you want displayed

for each aircraft on the map.

Callsign, Registration, Operator Code, User Tag

Or maybe you can get by with just 2 lines, and have more map real estate left

I like

Aircraft Trails -- show for all aircraft

But it does make for a cluttered map

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e93234 No.14674

File: 54119d6b5194ba2⋯.png (825.07 KB,1258x681,1258:681,ClipboardImage.png)

ADSB Issues

Sometimes you get a blank map on ADSB.

I think they have their issues.

If this happens, try this, which often fixes the problem:

Go back to ADSB home page.

Under the Global Radar View pulldown, click Clear/Remove Map Settings.

You'll see a page displaying your ADSB cookies.

Delete all the cookies.

Now try the map again. It will be like you never logged in before -- you will see all planes over southern England -- all your menu settings will be lost.

If you see planes, you're good to go and need to do you menu settings and filters again. See >>14403

If it didn't fix the problem, you could try ADSB mobile version:


If that STILL didn't fix the problem,well then the problem may be in someone blocking the crowd-sourced reporting of ADSB transponder data, web outages between crowd-sourced receivers and ADSB's website, ADSB's web server, their database, their connection to their database, etc. but nothing you can do about it.

One more trick. If you have circumnavigated the ADSB map in one direction, maybe east to west, 360 degrees of longitude or more, then when you return to your starting point the map appears to be blank even though planes are listed. (Appears to be a bug.) Try unwinding the globe by retracing your navigation back 360 degrees in the opposite direction. This has worked for me!

Wheels up!

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ebe389 No.14913

File: ae5d5bb845f6b1e⋯.png (194.59 KB,1199x636,1199:636,2 Army Lakotas Leadville C….png)

Refining your Technique

by making the screen caps searchable


1. Timestamp your caps.

2. Add Callsign and/or Registration (Tail) No. and/or Location tags


I use a tool called Shutter (for Linux) and start it in the Eastern Timezone so my caps' filenames will automatically be tagged with an EST/EDT timestamp.

Anons have to look up or select other tools if they use other operating systems. There are tons of these screencap utilities available.

Tag with Searchable Text

A further refinement is to add the callsign or registration # or location. Whatever you think might help find the cap you're looking for at some future date when the timestamp alone is no longer terribly meaningful. This is where planefagging can get rather tedious.

Some do these extras and some don't.

ALL planefagging is greatly appreciated!

Welcome aboard and thanks for going on duty!!!

* * Example tagged screencap pic related * *

* * Notice the filename: 2 Army Lakotas Leadville CO 2019-07-13-15:01:12-edt.png * *

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ebe389 No.14981

Types of Aircraft and their Roles

Next, planefag learners will start learning the different types of military aircraft and their typical roles.

Which ones are used for pilot training?

Which ones are bombers, surveillance/reconaissance, command-and-control, cargo, multi-purpose, electronic warfare, rapid personnel movement, brass transport, drones, helicopters, etc.?

You can cut & paste the plane description from ADSB to a search engine and read up to learn moar.

Example: How does the Army typically use the Beech MC-12W Liberty?

Trainers are generally not notable ever.

Fighter and bomber aircraft (F-15E, F-16, F/A-18, A-10, B-1, B-2, etc.),

Reconnaissance aircraft (Predator, Global Hawk, RC-135, U-2)

Electronic warfare aircraft (EC-130s, EA-6Bs and F-16CJs)

Command and Control aircraft (E-3, E-8C, E-2C, etc)

Build your own comfy list as you begin to master the aircraft types, and begin to notice where they typically fly and when.

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ebe389 No.15004

Strange Flight Paths

Sometimes the flight path does not match the type of aircraft.

- For example a helicopter will usually fly low and slow, and it can turn in tight circles that a fixed-wing aircraft can't. Sometimes an aircraft isn't labelled right on ADSB. I presume this is the fault of the pilot or maintenance or whoever configured/initialized the ADSB transponder.

You can look up the specifications on a helicopter and learn their maximum altitude; it varies by model, but choppers NEVER fly as high as an airplane.

- Other times the flight path appears strangely jagged. I am quite certain the plane did not actually fly a jagged course since that is physically impossible in conventional aviation. Rather, the transponder is transmitting data points that are inaccurate, and ADSBexchange software is connecting the dots. The result is what appears to be a jagged course. I am guessing that sometimes military aircraft deliberately add a random value to their position so they purposely do not report a precise accurate position, for Op Sec reasons.

If they don't want us to see them on ADSB, they can turn off their transponder. Flight controllers' radar will still pick up the plane's location, but civilians like us won't have the added info provided by ADSB digitally-coded replies to radar pings.

- Some of the high-flying aircraft will never give their true altitude. A military anon reported that some often fly far higher than 40,000 - 45,000 feet, but report their altitude as 40,000. So take altitude with a grain of salt. Did you notice that ADSB color-codes the aircraft trail according to altitude? Did you notice that altitude is also reported in the text fields on the right side?

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225318 No.15040

Files located and will be posted here.

Getting Started with Planefagging

Useful web sites:

ADS-B Exchange - learn how to use the filters

Radarbox - flight scanning

Flightaware - very useful for flight histories and arrivals lists

Flightradar24 - flight scanning

You also need to be able to spot unusual patterns, things that 'don't look right' against the backdrop. It's a skill you can develop and eventually you develop a 'usual suspects list' that KAF R1 has that we watch.

German Air Force (Luftwaffe), Swiss Air Force and French Air Farce aren't to be trusted. 2-reg planes are 'wheelmen' for the wealthy, such as Soros as they can't travel via normal routes. 2-reg planes are 'military' and can bypass some customs checks (hint).

ATC Live can be useful if you know a happening is going on around an airport. Listening to the Tower can provide insight.

Anything else, just ask. Kekistan Recon 1 can always use new recruits.

More Planefagging Stuff

Helicopters (helos) - groups of helos, particularly Medevac or Mercy Flight ones, should attract attention. This may indicate arrests or renditions, as Q etc. won't use military helos for that as a Black Hawk gets the wrong sort of attention and freaks the straights. Someone from a Medevac helo that "Wants to take you to a place of safety" doesn't attract so much suspicion.

Tankers, Poseidons, Nightwatches and Mercurys all mean something military is going on. Fighters don't usually squawk on ADS-B, they only have IFF (although an F-15 called DARK21 did squawk in the UK a few times around Christmas). Remember, you only get to see what they want you to see.

It's all in the patterns and follow your instincts. If you think it's post-worthy, put it up and your squadron colleagues will assist and guide you.

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fe1393 No.15041

File: bfbf92b45932c31⋯.png (785.82 KB,1227x761,1227:761,ClipboardImage.png)

Flight History

Sometimes you want to find out where that plane has been, or what it routinely does.

One way is to click the ADSB Other Tracking Info pulldown then Flight History.

You can search on ICAO number,

Registration, or Callsign.

Some of these searches don't work or hang forever.

If it works, you'll get a list of flight history that's available on ADSBexchange, by date.

Try clicking a date to see the whole flight trace on a map.

These can be quite enlightening.

We'll get into other websites, several ways to track civilian aircraft, other ways to get flight history, etc. later, as needed.

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225318 No.15043

Things to try

→Open ADSB in its own browser (not a tab). I put mine in a different Linux workspace so I can easily switch between planefagging and the board with one key combination.

→Open multiple copies of ADSB in different tabs to watch different locations.

→Zoom to the entire USA and count the number of MIL flights listed; compare with 'normal' for the day of the week and time of day.

→Sort ADSB table by Flag and look for foreign flights, or an unusual number of USMC in the air other than around a Marine base.

→Sort by Silhouette and notice helicopers in unusual places or clustered. Notice unusual kinds of aircraft like Ospreys, Fighter Jets, Refuelling Tankers, Drones (UAVs), Balloons (rare), U2.

→Sort by Registration and look for 02-xxxx

→Sort by Callsign and look for MAGMAxx which is JSOC, usually of interest. Other callsigns also sometimes indicate the nature of the mission.

→Sort by speed and look for planes going unusually fast (>500 kn) or unusually slow.

→Sort by altitude and look for planes flying over 40,000' which would tend to indicate they are in a hurry and avoiding civilian air traffic which generally flies lower.

→If your browser doesn't crash when you try this, on the ADSB Menu, Aircraft tab, select "tails for all aircraft". Then zoom out and look for interesting patterns.

→If you notice someone circling or flying surveillance patterns, zoom in and see what it is.

→Screencap very frequently - you never know when something interesting is going to drop off the map. I use Shutter on Linux for screencaps.

→Learn where the US military bases are and what kinds of aircraft activities are normal in their vicinity.

→Helicopters that have been in the air for a long time are interesting, as are those continuously circling at low altitude.

→Learn the different kinds of planes and their typical missions.

→Pick one area of the world to concentrate on, and become very familiar with what is typical there.

Thoughts from a semi-novice planefag, still learning.

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225318 No.15044

Planefag Tools

Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com

Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com

Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com

FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx


Planefag Tools updated to include www.ads-b.nl/


Planefag Tools are incomplete!

Flightradar24.com, adsbexchange.com, and Planefinder.net ALL filter the data. Adsb says they don't, but they do.

If you really want to know what's going on in the skies, you have to set up your own radar. You can do it for under $100.


The real planes to watch are the outsourced DOJ contractors. Look up Sam Richards + FBI Sky Spies if you need to catch up. Cliff Notes…The FBI, DEA, + others set up fake companies to register their planes. They have publicly admitted this (after getting caught).

Deep State Air Fleet is the real story.

You won't see any aircraft that doesn't want to be seen on flightradar24 + adsbexchange.

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225318 No.15045

Tracking Planes

I use Flightaware to track aircraft that are obviously of interest or are on long-haul flights, as it provides better tracking of flights when the ADS-B ping drops off over the coast, or over remote areas where there are no ADS-B transponders..

ADS-B Exchange will just show the end of the trail, whereas Fkightaware will attempt to give you an estimated track until a new ping is heard. Leaving the window open will also allow you to monitor Flightaware for when the ping returns.

Flightradar allows you to select a 'species' of plane (such as helicopter), or a specific type of plane. Executive jets of interest are Cessna Citations, Learjets, Dassault Falcons and similar, particularly if they aren't showing a call sign or may show 'Blocked' on Flightradar. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies may charter these types of planes and if you see two in formation with 'Blocked' call signs, this may be an escorted flight. It's worth comparing Radarbox to Flightradar to ensure that you aren't just picking up an ADS-B echo though, we've seen this happen.

Executive jets associated with big money (e.g. banks and trustees) are also of interest, particularly since the Wells Fargo exec was sucked out of that plane and killed. Planes are leased and mortgaged and banks/trustees have an interest in this market.

Flight History

For some aircraft of interest, It's worth downloading the flight log. Flightaware and ADS-B Exchange, along with ADS-B.nl for military planes, are invaluable for this. Retaining the history allows us to go back in the future and compare what we saw with actual events.


Any aircraft of interest should be 'tagged and bagged' with a screenshot. I use Paint, but any simple graphics that you can cut and paste into is good enough. Please mark any targets or destinations of interest on your screenshot and provide some context as to why this was interesting to you.

Why aren't some Air Forces trustworthy?

This is a bugbear of mine. I've seen too much of the French Air Farce, the Swiss and the Germans sneaking off to unusual places such as Argentina, Kazakhstan and the like. ASsk yourself why do the Swiss need an air force? SImple answer is that they don't, as they remain neutral in wars, but they do need the military facility to bypass Customs and Immigration, in a way similar to the 2-reg planes.

Routine Flights

As you watch the skies, you'll start to see regular patterns. The British, Qataris, German, Belgian and French Air Forces regularly fly to the US and they participate in training exercises.

=Very Unusual Planes==

From time to time, you'll see Israeli Kafirs, Hawker Hunters and even MiG-21s over the US. These are used by ATAC and are also used ij Top Gun exercises to allow fighter pilots to gain experience in jets with different abilities. Don't panic if you see them!1

Spoopy Activity

Any planes that have to 'Go Around' or that may have been diverted/refused landing permission are very interesting, as these may indicate a happening. Tag and bag these for future reference.

Some planes may also try to keep flying below 4000ft as this may cause ASDS-B to fall off. I have personal experience of seeing 2-reg planes do this and it sticks out a mile. Always tag and bag these.


On ADS-B exchange, you may see a plane 'squawk' 7600, 7770 or similar. These indicate an emergency and should be monitored, although some pilots manage to squawk 7700 while they are still setting the plane up on the tarmac.

Drones and UAVs

Drones and UAVs always indicate military activity. PIZZA13 was one drone that captured our attention at the time certain other events related to pizza were going on. If you see a UAV, screenshot it as it indicates that events are being monitored by the military. You may also see P-8 Poseidons, P-3 Orions, along with other surveillance and intel gathering planes such as Sentrys, Nightwatches, Sentinels, Joint Rivets, AWACS, Hawkeyes and Mercurys. Always worth screenshotting these.

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fe1393 No.15046

>>15043 Hahaha. I posted that on Planefags101 over a year ago while I was learning. Thanks fren.

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225318 No.15048


You will sometimes see aircraft flagged up in the lists in red with a squawk code of 7500, 7600, or 7700.

Don't panic & over react when you see one usually it is operator error or the controller has requested that they use one of these codes to more easily identify the aircraft on a cluttered radar screen.

Sometimes the codes are used to give the controllers some practice of handling an emergency - I have seen single/two seat fighter or trainer aircraft using the 7500-hijack code.

The most common code is 7600 as aircraft are handed off from one control area to another they change to the wrong frequency & can't talk to who they need to talk to so to alert the local controller they use the 7600 code & listen out on the emergency frequency until the controller establishes contact.

The 7700 code is for genuine emergencies such as engine failure or bird strike etc. Sometimes airliners use this when they have miscalculated their fuel consumption, needed to divert to another airport & need priority for landing.

The codes have specific meanings -

7500 – Hijack

7600 – Lost Comms (radio failure)

7700 – Emergency

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225318 No.15049


When you spot a cluster of unusual activity, such as a bunch of helos or recon aircraft orbiting an area consider the operational security aspect.

These aircraft might be engaged on an active operation with boots on the ground and we don't want to put special operators at risk.

It is better to bag and tag what you find and post it later to allow the special operators time to complete their mission.

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225318 No.15053


Try not to post screen captures with half a gazillion overlapping tracks.

Just show the tracks of the relevant aircraft.

Adjust the zoom/cropping of the capture so that it is evident where the aircraft is and what it is doing.

On ADS-B scroll through the data list select & highlight the relevant aircraft so that its details are visible on the capture.

If necessary post two or more captures with one zoomed in close and the other zoomed out.

If you have an interesting group of aircraft or cluster of activity zoom in or out to capture the whole cluster highlighting aircraft & tracks as well as posting the individual aircraft.

Add a simple short explanation of what you have captured.

Try not to fill the post with a rambling wall of words.

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225318 No.15054

Keep Calm Don't Panic

Sometimes events happen & other non-planefag anons start freaking out but don't let this panic you.

Usually this is an event such as a shooting, air attack, or air crash or something similar.

Try to ascertain what is happening and where to focus your search & then try to capture anything relevant.

Do try to keep those that tend towards panic reassured & informed about what you find & what is happening.

Sometimes you will find that you are trying to track multiple aircraft widely dispersed around the world.

Sometimes the aircraft you are trying to track plays hard to get or the trackers start acting up making thing difficult for you.

If this happens don't be afraid to put a call out to the other planefags for assistance tracking.

Beware of random aircraft shills

Sometimes shills try to deflect your attention by asking you about some random aircraft and ask if you know anything about it.

Generally they don't know what the aircraft was or when they saw it.

They will say something like 'I saw a strange plane acting in a strange way in some obscure location on an unspecified date' and then expect you to know what it was all about.

It can be an interesting way to waste half a day if you are bored but generally it leads nowhere.

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225318 No.15057


ATAC the Airborne Tactical Advantage Company - is a company owned by Textron that provides training solutions for the military.

Basically they provide targets for the various branches of the military to practise there tactics on in a safe way.

These aircraft operate out of and around the following areas primarily (see map highlighted orange) although they can be found almost anywhere if they are needed by the military -

Point Mugu California, the training bases/areas around Las Vegas Nevada, the Gulf of Mexico from Texas to Florida, the East coast of Florida up to the Norfolk Virginia area.

The operate a variety of aircraft the F-21 Kfir, Hawker Hunter, & L39 Albatross.

Whilst they can be fun to watch when things are quiet they are not of any importance to our task.


Omega is a company that provides aerial refuelling tankers for the military on a contract basis.

Most of their work is to do with training & supporting military exercises.

Mostly they are to be found around Southern California & just off the coast.

These aircraft have nothing to do with chemtrails or weather modification.

They use Boeing 707 and DC-10 aircraft roughly equivalent to the KC-135 & KC-10 used by the USAF.

As with ATAC the Omega aircraft can be found almost anywhere they are needed by the military.

As with ATAC Omega has nothing to do with our task.

For more info -

ATAC - http://atacusa.com

Omega - http://www.omegaairrefueling.com

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225318 No.15058

Posting Captures

When posting captures try to keep them clean and easily read.

Highlight just the aircraft of interest preferably with a track trail so that its activity can be discerned.

Capture the details of the flight data - showing aircraft type, callsign, registration etc.

If need be edit with arrows or markers to highlight the details of the flight or other info.

Avoid heavily cluttered screens and multiple tracks where possible.

If necessary post two or more captures one showing the complete flight and others zoomed in to show more detail.

Add a short description about the flight avoiding a large wall of words.

All that is really necessary is the identity of the flight, its start finish locations, whether it is relevant to global events, stuff in the breads, or in the news etc.

Digging for info

If the skies are quiet dig around for info about some of the spoopy planes in the notables these are mainly the 2-#### aircraft.

Digging is as important as the tracking.

We need to find if they are connected to (((them))) the (((deep state))) etc.

If you find relevant info linking the planes to what is happening post it in the research bread.

If the info is not apparently relevant save it on your computer rather than post it in the bread because it might become relevant later.

Recently someone requested for planefags to dig for info into a flight into Bushehr Iran last year that subsequently to a 'Q' post and details about the Uranium 1 deal.

Use lateral thinking when digging not just flight tracking stuff.

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225318 No.15059

Clogging the Bread

When things are habbening and the bread is busy try to avoid posting unless it is vital.

Many thing get buried when people shit up the bread with unnecessary stuff.

If you are tracking multiple aircraft wait a while and then post all the updates in one post.

Updating the Anons

Remember we are the 1st Recon Squadron & recon is our purpose.

When tracking I periodically check for global incidents using a number of sites see for links- >>1312191

If you spot something of particular relevance don't be afraid to post a general SITREP report to help keep the other anons aware of what is happening it might well be relevant to their digging.

The anons & concernfags sometimes pick-up on an alarmist tweet or news report & can tend to overreact.

If this happens check out the live threat maps to see if you can shed more light on the situation.

Occasionally if they start getting panicky or concerned an anon will ask us if we know anything about the situation - in this event try to be obliging and give them what raw facts you can find n the threat assessment sites.

Report what you see and not what you think is happening.

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225318 No.15061

Some More Useful Planefagging tools

Unusual activity can quite often be related to military exercises or air displays.

Below are a couple of links that I find useful.

The bottom links are great for info about military equipment, air displays, and other general stuff.




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225318 No.15066


N-#### Numbers can be checked @ Federal Aviation Administration site.


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225318 No.15079

Checking Military Tail Numbers

Another useful site if you have an aircraft with no type ID, but you have a tail number is


You can look the aircraft up by country - it can take a long time to load a page, particularly the US as they have a lot of aircraft.

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225318 No.15083


Sometimes a plane can be difficult and very uncooperative to track.

This is particularly so with the spoopy 2-#### planes, JSOC planes, and some other mainly military stuff.

In certain regions around the world such as Africa, Middle East, Caspian Sea, Oceanic areas & other remote areas/places tracking coverage can be non-existent, patchy, or unreliable.

To mitigate the problem slightly what you can do when tracking a problem plane is to watch and monitor other nearby aircraft travelling in the same speed/direction.

By following these other aircraft you can estimate the position of the 'missing' or 'uncooperative' aircraft.

If a flight plan is listed for the aircraft you can use this to plot the course & position & estimate where it might pop up again.

Often an aircraft will drop off one tracker system but will still show on another so try using an alternative tracker or two trackers at once.

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225318 No.15091

2-#### PLANES

These aircraft are a bit of a bug bear with there spoopy behaviour. These are civilian planes registered in Guernsey and have managed to get 'Military' status, so that they can bypass customs and immigration (handy).

They all seem to be owned by shell companies, so many that some are like Russian dolls with lots of layers (designed to throw tax evasion investigators off).

It would help a lot if you can try and dig into the backgrounds of these aircraft.

So far we have only managed to scratch one off the list. This guy -


As far as we can tell he is all above board.

The captured flight profile shows a typical photomapping profile. The figure eight loops along his journey are where he has carried out a wind drift check to calculate wind speed & direction.

The zigzag part of the flight is where he is carrying out the mapping part of the flight gathering images/data to be put into maps or to be used for scientific study etc.

As we are pretty confident this guy is on the up & up there is no reason to track/capture this guy unless you spot him doing something odd that doesn't look like a recce/mapping profile.

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225318 No.15094


JUNE 2018 2-reg planes registered in Guernsey


Guernsey Business Register: who owns these planes?


The Jersey Register only shows 3 planes


Jersey Business Registry

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225318 No.15097



These are the fleet markings that I've discovered so far.


I don't know at this stage if these have 'Military' rating or not, this needs to be confirmed one way or the other.

Website:- http://www.aslgroup.eu/

Good hunting!

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225318 No.15103

Silkway Planes

OK, so OCD got the better and I had to log the Silkway Cargo planes from YT. Here's what I have for the last month or so.

VP-BCR - Schipol - 23 May 18

EC-MJS - Dhaka - 21 May 18

VQ-BWY - Montreal - 4 Jun 18

VQ-BVC - Kansai - 16 Jun 18

RA-76511 (also marked as EW-583TH) - Doncaster - 11 Jun 18

4K - A260 - Belgrade - 9 Jun 18

4k - SW008 - Komatsu - 2 Jun 18

From the Silkway website I gleaned the following tail numbers.

I-SWIA, VQ-BVB, 4k - SW800, RA- 86563,

I'm putting these out for the Planefags to make note of, Silkway Cargo may be one of the ways that they are shipping weapons and other stuff around using Azerbaijan aircraft.

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225318 No.15108

And from your tail numbers combined with Int'l aircraft prefixes:

VPB = Bermuda

EC = Spain

RA =Russia

4K = Azeraijan

I = Italy

VQ has two listings:

VQ-T = Turks/Caicos

VQ-H = Saint Helena/Ascension

Well freakin' done, Anon!!!


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225318 No.15110

Aircraft Not Showing on the Map

Locating a plane that isn't on the map using latitude + longitude.

Open maps.google.com

In the search bar paste the latitude + longitude from ADSB. (Delete the words but keep the degrees). Like so:

46.01642° 26.36403°

Comma separator works but is optional

Negative longitude is parsed correctly as west longitude. If your lat/long includes E or W Google maps can parse that as well.

Google maps can parse latitude and longitude in various formats including degrees/minutes/seconds, decimal degrees, etc.

Hit enter and locate your aircraft.

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225318 No.15114

Here's my short list of "when to tag and bag" gleaned from the experience of our squad leaders.

What to Tag and Bag

Diverted/refused landing permission

Keeps flying <4000ft

Any drones and UAVs

Any P-8 Poseidons, P-3 Orions, other surveillance and intel planes such as Sentrys, Nightwatches, Sentinels, Joint Rivets

Any AWACS, Hawkeyes, Mercurys

Any MAGMA callsign – but don’t post until they have “feet wet” (over water) when returning after a mission. Don’t endanger their mission by premature posting.

If you suspect an operation, bag and tag it, but post it later; allowing special operators time to complete their mission.

And here's the beginnings of a spreadsheet I'm using to keep my head organized. This is by no means complete. Just adding aircraft as I learn about them from our squad leader. This is a couple of days worth. I expect this will get very long and welcome suggestions for additional columns of data we'd like to collect, like last sighting for example?

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225318 No.15117

Medevac Helicopter Fagging

Sometimes we suspect medevac choppers are being used for extractions. Often these are type EC35 (Europcopter, Lakota) on which military pilots are trained. Also EC30, EC45.

You can often tell it's a medevac by the owner's name. Failing that, by a photo of the chopper; air ambulances are prominently marked.

When sorting medevacs the following Reg. No. suffixes are often chosen by medevac owners:

AM = Air Methods (co. name)

PH = Phi Air Med (co. name)

ME = MEdevac

MT = Med transport

LF = life flight

ER = emerg room

RX = med

MH = med helicopter.

We are compiling a list of known US medevac choppers. Attached list is just a first stab to get the list started.

Try ADSB with filters MIL=OFF, species=helicopter. When suspect is ID'd, click that chopper's flightaware link to open flightaware tracking.

Or try Flightradar24 with 1 filter, type=EC35. Use Multi-Select (upper right corner) to select up to 4 helicopter dots at once and display their ownership. Change settings to display either just Reg. No. or just Callsign. No-callsign "blocked" does not necessarily mean anything and if you change it to display to Reg. No., at least you can input that chopper's Reg. No. into flightaware for tracking.

On flightaware you can zoom into the map and actually see exactly where it lands and takes off, near a hospital, military base, residential address, middle of nowhere, etc. Chopper tracking often disappears a few hundred feet elevation before landing though. Watch the altimeter to decide if it's fixing to land and screencap before it disappears.

MedevacFagging is an advanced level of planefagging and it's definitely an acquired skill with a learning curve.

Hope this helps somebody.


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225318 No.15122

Text version of medevac chopper list, sorted alphabetically.





































REACH Air Medical 8

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225318 No.15124

Some help ID'ing civilian choppers in the US. List is far from complete.

Some suffixes often associated with medevac choppers:

AM = Air Methods (an owner's name)

PH = Phi Air Med (an owner's name)

ME = MEdevac

MT = Med transport

LF = life flight

ER = emerg room

RX = med

MH = med helicopter

I don't believe there is any formal requirement to use specific suffixes for medevacs; it's whatever the owner picks or can get. Glance down this list at the ones marked EMS and those are confirmed medevacs. Those not categorized in the list haven't been ID'd yet.

It's apparent that medevacs are not limited to Eurocopter 35, 135 or Lakota; other models are also in medevac service.

On ADSB, after clicking a chopper of interest, click the Flightaware link (CTRL-click to open a new tab if tracking many). Flightaware will keep tracking that specific chopper while you look around. You can set the map to satellite and zoom in and actually see if it's landing in a neighborhood, on a freeway, or in a hospital parking lot (well you can guess anyway). You can also scroll down below the map and see its recent flights; if medevac you may be able to determine where it's based (usually a regional or municipal airport) and whether it does fly to/from a hospital. Photos of the chopper can be helpful to determine if it's an air ambulance/EMS.

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225318 No.15126

Unusual NASA aircraft

NASA has a large fleet of aircraft. Many are used for research & testing duties. They also have a sizeable collection of general transport types to fly employees from site to site.

The test & research types can often be seen flying strange patterns over Nevada S Cal or other places for general aerodynamic research or atmospheric research.


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225318 No.15132

Blocked Call Sign Status

1. I imagine that any aircraft can refrain from transmitting its callsign. Commercial flights want to be tracked so they will generally not do this. Some military flights evidently are under orders to keep a low profile and their ADSB is turned off or selectively enabled. There are numerous scenarios where an a/c will not transmit any callsign. Some of the radar sites designate this as "blocked".

2. Ditto.

3. Airspeed is a function of many factors. First, look up what kind of plane it is, then look up its specifications. The specs will give maximum speed and cruising speed, as well as max altitude and typical cruising altitude. ATC can tell an a/c what altitude to fly at for safety reasons (avoid collision) and a/c can also vary speed/altitude as necessary due to wind, weather, thunderheads, approach pattern, etc. You should understand the speed as a function of a/c capabilities and mission.

If you see a military Gulfstream or Citation flying at >500 knots at 42,500' you can probably assume they are in a hurry to get somewhere therefore it is an important flight to transport military brass.

Hope that helps.

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225318 No.15136

Prisoner Transfers to Guantanamo

Here are some 'airlines' that fly into Guantanamo with their respective call prefixes and airline names.

ABX - ABX Air - Abex

BSK - Miami Air - Biscayne

CSQ - IBC Airways - Chasqui

SCX - Sun Country Airlines - Sun Country

ATN - Air Transport - Air Transport

EGS - No Airline name

Planefags may wish to watch out for these 'civilian' flights.

When ADSBExchange.com is down

We have had success using the mobile version when the regular web edition is down. You can use it from a desktop if you can figure out the mobile URL.

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225318 No.15137

We know that flight originate from military installations or regional airports, such as

Norfolk Chambers KNGU

Andrews Joint Base ADW

Manassas Field KHEF

Patuxent Naval Station NHK

Fort Lauderdale FLL

Jacksonville KNIP

Miami KMIA

Checking the Departure tables for these may provide a clue.

These and knowing the airlines used may help us find the transfer flights. Flights that have exec jet escort are also highly probable to have targets aboard.

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225318 No.15139

KAF Recon Squad has narrowed down what to watch in regard to possible prisoner transfers to Guantanamo. These are the locations where we might expect to see medevac choppers along with possible military Blackhawk or military executive jet escorts acquiring prisoners or delivering them for further transport to Gitmo on the daily scheduled commercial flights.

I felt that KAF Recon Squad needed a better search algorithm to focus our limited resources on areas that are more likely to be productive, and this is what we came up with.

- - - - - - - - - -

Norfolk Naval Station - Chambers Field VA

Andrews Joint Base MD

Manassas Field VA

Patuxent Naval Station MD

Fort Lauderdale FL

Jacksonville FL

Miami FL


Chicago O’Hare IL

and DC

- - - - - - - - - -

We also need to check the arrival and departure tables for Gitmo, airport code NBW (=MUGM), regularly. https://flightaware.com/live/airport/MUGM

has free recent history only, so needs regular checking.

We also know there is or may be ongoing construction work at Gitmo. We located several construction bids for upgrading the Navy's wharf, construction of 13,000 units of "displaced persons housing" plus support personnel infrastructure, a legal complex including six SCIF sites for defense attorneys and their clients, and something about installing padding for the prison cells.

So we recognize that some of the daily flights could be related to that construction activity.

Hope the spreadsheet helps. Sometimes I need to organize my thoughts in writing when there is so much distracting chaos/energy on the general breads.


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225318 No.15142

Aircraft Linked to C_A Extraordinary Rendition Flights


Text paste for searchability

Part 1 of 2

Aircraft Details

Cessna 208, registration N1016 Now in use in Canada. Previously registered to Pro-Air Leasing, Wilmington, Delaware and Crowell Aviation Technologies, a CIA shell company with the same address as Premier Executive Transport Service.

Beech B200C, registration N157A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC. Uses Johnston County airfield, NC.

Raytheon Hawker 800XP, registration N168BF Wells Fargo North West Trust, Salt Lake City

CN-235-300, registration N168D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC

Beech B300, registration N173S Stevens Express Leasing, Tennessee (a CIA front company)

CN-235, registration N187D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC

CN-235, registration N196D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC

Gulfstream V, registration N1HC "Operated from 3 June 2006 to 25 August 2007 by the United States Aviation Company, and from 25 August 2007 by Hardesty-Gulfstream LLC.

More information here (from The Rendition Project)"

Lockheed L-100-30 Hercules (C-130), registration N2189M Current owner unknown. Previously registered to Tepper Aviation (CIA contractor) and Rapid Air Transport.

CN-235, registration N219D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC

Learjet 35, registration N221SG Path Corporation, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware (a CIA shell company)

Gulfstream IV, registration N227SV Assembly Point Aviation Inc, Glens Falls, NY. Operated by Richmor Aviation.

Beech B200C, registration N312ME Aviation Specialties Washington, DC

Boeing 737, registered as N313P, then N4476S "Operated as N4476S by Keeler & Tate Management and as N313P by Premier Executive Transport Services.

The Rendition Project (here) notes that the plane was owned by the CIA, although operated through a series of shell companies."

Gulfstream IV, previously registered as N325RC, N331P and N134BR Unknown current owner and registration number. Previously registered as N331P to Imperial Air and as N134BR to GSCP (NJ) Inc.

Boeing 737, previously registered as N368CE Previously registered to Premier Aircraft Management, Las Vegas, Nevada and Vision Airlines

Gulfstream V, registered as N379P, N8068V and N44982 "Previously registered as N126CH to N126CH LLC and then Wilmington Trust Company, as N44982 to Bayard Foreign Marketing LLC, as N8068V to Premier Premier Executive Transport Services, and as N379P to Premier Executive Transport Services.

More information here (from The Rendition Project)"

Raytheon B300C/350C, registration N4009L Stevens Express Leasing Inc (Cordova TN)

Gulfstream IV, registration N404AC Cottonwood Aviation, Houston, Texas. Previous owner was Apache Aviation Inc (Houston TX)

Raytheon B200C, registration N4456A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington, DC

Raytheon B300C/350C, registration N4466A Aviation Specialities Inc (Beltsville MD). Previously registered to Stevens Leasing

Raytheon B200C, registration N4489A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC

Lockheed 382G-44K-30, registered as N4557C and now N3796B Northcap LLC. Previously registered as N44557C to Rapid Air Transport Inc, a CIA shell company.

Gulfstream IV, registration N475LC L-3/Braxton, Great Falls, Montana. Operator is Centurion.

Gulfstream IV, registration N478GS L-3/Braxton, Great Falls, Montana Operator is Centurion

Gulfstream G-1159A, registration N50BH Crystal Jet Aviation Inc Albany, NY. Operated by Richmond Aviation

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225318 No.15144

Part 2 of 2

De Havilland DHC-8-315, registration N505L Path Corporation of Rehoboth Beach, DE

Raytheon B200C, registration N5139A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC

Raytheon B200C, registration N5155A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington, DC

Learjet 35, registration N541PA Phoenix Air Group Inc, Cartersville, GA

Learjet 35, registration N547PA Phoenix Air Group Inc, Cartersville, GA

Learjet 35A, registration N549PA CFF Air Inc, 824 Market St Mall Ste 1000 Wilmington, DE

Beech 200C, registration N58AS Current owner and registration number unknown. Previously registered to Stevens Leasing.

DC-10-30, registration N600GC Gemini Leasing Inc, Dulles, Virginia

De Havilland DHC-6-300, registration N6161Q Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC

Lockheed 382G-44K-30, registered as N8183J and N2679C Q2P LLC. Previously registered to Rapid Air Transport and operated by Tepper Aviation, Inc.

Lockheed L100-30, registration N8213G H S L Company, Great Falls, Montana

Gulfstream G-1159A, registered as N259SK and previously as N829MG N259SK registered to S & K Aviation, Tampa, FL. Previously registered as N829MG

Boeing 757-23A registered as N226G L-3 Capital LLC, Helena, MT. Operated by Comco.

Gulfstream IV, registered as N227SV and N85VM "N227SV registered to Assembly Point Aviation Inc, Glens Falls, NY and was operated by Richmor Aviation. Previously registered as N85VM.

More information here (from The Rendition Project)"

LearJet 36, registered as N71PG Phoenix Air Group Inc, Cartersville, GA

LearJet 35, registered as N54PA VPC Planes LLC (Wilmington DE). Operated by Phoenix Air Group

Cessna TR182, registered as N1018H Tepper Aviation

Fairchild SA227-AT, registered as N120JM Path Corporation, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Cessna 208B, registered as N212CP Path Corporation, Rehoboth Beach, DE

Bell 412, registered as N219MG Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE

Super Puma AS322L1, registered as N486AE Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE

Super Puma AS322L1, registered as N588AE Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE

Bell 412, registered as N719GB Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE

VS M1-8-MTV-1, registered as N8062Z Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE

Bell B407, registered as N837DR Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE

DC3, registered as N845S Stevens Express Leasing, Inc. Cordova, TN

Casa C-212-DF, registered as N964BW, and now N6369C Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC

Casa C-212-DF, registered as N965BW Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC

Casa 212-200, registered as N966BW Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC

Casa C-212-CD, registered as N967BW. Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC

Casa C-212-CD, registered as N968BW and now N2357G Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC

Gulfstream V, registered as N44982 Bayard Foreign Marketing LLC

Gulfstream IV, registered as N476LC Not known

Gulfstream G-1159A, registered as N163PA N163PA LLC 824 Market St Mall Ste 1000 Wilmington DE

Gulfstream G-1159A, registered as N173PA N173PA LLC 824 Market St Mall Ste 1000 Wilmington, DE

Gulfstream IV, registered as N970SJ New World Aircraft Giv-1146 LLC, Allentown, PA. Operated by New World Aviation

Boeing 737, registered as N129QS Wells Fargo Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah

Learjet L35A, registered as N35NK Aircraft Guaranty Corporation, 515 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 305, Houston, Texas

Gulfstream IV, registered as N510MG Wachovia Financial Services, Cleveland, OK

Gulfstream II, registered as N5117H Now owned by an individual in Indiana

Boeing 727, registered as N521DB Not known

Gulfstream III, registered as N982RK Operated by Richmor Aviation.

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225318 No.15146

Some Anons were discussing a Northrop Grumman E-8 JSTARS aircraft yesterday. I thought it might help if I try to unravel some of these acronyms that the military use.

JSTARS - Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System

This aircraft is all about command and control, mixed with signals intelligence and target spotting. This aircraft can interact with other signals intelligence (SIGINT) aircraft like the Beech 300 MARSS.


Medium Altitude Reconnaisance and Surveillance System. This is a smaller aircraft that can be deployed in larger numbers to form a surveillance or command and control network, totally independent of any other communications systems except other aircraft such as JSTARS, TACOMO or Nightwatch.

E-6 Mercury TACOMO

TACOMO stands for TAke COmmand and Move Out. This is nicknamed "The Doomsday Plane" , as this is what would take over in a war situation if ground command posts are knocked out. This plane site at the top of the military communications tree.

E-4B Nightwatch

This the NCA's "Doomsday Plane". This plane is where the President, Secretary of Defense etc. could be if war had broken out and nuclear weapons were in play. Think of it as the White House in the air.

E-3 Sebtry (AWACS)

This plane is the Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft. These would be deployed off the coast to act as high-altitude radar stations during a conflict, to warn of inbound enemy aircraft and/or missiles. Sentries guard the perimeter, hence the name.

P-8 Poseidon

The premier sub-hunting aircraft. This plane took over from the older P-3 Orions as the long-range naval reconnaisance and patrol aircraft. Some P-3s are still out there, but they are being phased out.

If you want to know anything more about a particular aircraft, please post in here and we'll answer your questions.

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225318 No.15152

JSOC - Joint Special Operations Command

JSOC (pronounced 'jaysock') was established in 1980 in the aftermath of the failed attempt by US Special Operations Forces to rescue American hostages held in Iran (Operation Eagle Claw).

JSOC is designed as a common command structure between Army, Air Force and Navy Special Operations elements. As can be deduced from its subordinate units, JSOC's current focus is thought to be counter terrorism. JSOC is a component of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM)

JSOC - sometimes referred to as the National Mission Force - is based at Pope Air Force Base and at Fort Bragg, both of which are in North Carolina.

JSOC - Components

JSOC has the following units under its umbrella:

1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Delta Force )

Regimental Reconnaissance Company (75th Ranger Regiment)

Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)

Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU) (SEAL Team 6)

24th Special Tactics Squadron

(USAF Combat Controllers / Pararescuemen)

When operating as part of a JSOC task force, attached supporting units such as elements of the 75th Ranger Regiment and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment will fall under control of JSOC. Special Forces CIF companies may also be temporarily brought in for JSOC operations.

Lesser known JSOC components include:

Joint Communications Unit (JCU)

The Joint Communcations Unit (JCU) provides global signals support for JSOC operations. The JCU provides communication links between JSOC elements and, if needed, other parties. It is based at Fort Bragg but may deploy detachments in support of JSOC operations anywhere in the world. JCU communicators graduate from the Special Operations Radio Operators Course, a 6-month training program which teaches the required technical skills. The course also teaches advanced tactics, driving and marksmanship. JCU personnel may attend other military schools such as airborne training.

Aviation Tactics and Evaluation Group (AVTEG)

AVTEG analysises JSOC's avaiation needs, sources aircraft and provides highly skilled pilots. This secretive unit is believed to be organized into 3 battalions. Elements include, among others, an Air Logistics Division, Strike Warfare Division and a Rotary Wing Assault Operations Branch. AVTEG tested the stealth black hawk helicopters employed in the raid that killed Bin Laden.

66th Air Operations Squadron (66th AOS)

Based at Pope AFB, the 66th Air Operations Squadron flies C-130 and other transport aircraft in support of JSOC missions.

Technical Applications Program Office (TAPO)

Procures and deploys new technology for JSOC aviation elements. Such activities included fitting a special SIGINT collection package to RC-12 Guardrail aircraft operated by the ISA.

Ground Applications Program Office (GAPO)

Develops and fields technological programs in support of Delta Force and other JSOC elements.

JSOC Intelligence Brigade (JIB)

Stood up in 2008, the JSOC Intelligence Brigade analyzes intelligence from a wide variety of sources and desminates it throughout JSOC. The brigade features planning, interrogations and intelligence support divisions.

Other units that are either detached to or directly support JSOC include:


JSOC is provided Military Information Support Operations (MISO, previously known as PSYOPs) by a division within the Intelligence and Operational Security Directorate (ISOD).

Army Compartmented Element (ACE)

ACE is an United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) directorate involved with providing intelligence for Army special operations units. Within ACE is a unit known simply by its abbreviations, BI. This secretive cell is beleved to be staffed by undercover female intelligence collectors and interrogators.

Note: It has been rumoured that Delta Force has also been known as Army Compartmented Element (ACE). This confusion may have been the result of a deliberate effort to obscure any open source reference to one or both units, although it may simply be a case of someone seeing the ACE's listing in Fort Bragg's phone directory and assuming this was Delta Force's new cover name.

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225318 No.15156


ABX - Abex Air (Part of Air Transport International)

ATN - Air Transport International

BSK - Biscayne (Miami Air International)

CSQ - Chasqui (IBC Airways)

EGS - Envoy Air

SCX - Sun Country Airways

I discovered today that Sun Country Airways fly law student observers to Military trials out to Guantanamo and that First Class on these flights is reserved for victim's families.

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225318 No.15160

We have another new airline serving Guantanamo Bay - airline prefix NCR - National Air Cargo.

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225318 No.15166

Update on AZAZ0909 flights.

There are now five planes that are using this call sign and flying out of Davison Army Air Field. The tail numbers are:-

00-01053, 98-00007, 98-00009, 97-00104 and 01-00301.

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225318 No.15175


>moar background


>What if an aircraft owner does not meet FAA requirements?

>Foreign nationals and others who are not eligible for aircraft ownership under the FAA requirements may still be interested in registering their aircraft. For these individuals, establishing a trust is the best way to maintain FAA registration in the United States.

>What is an aircraft trust?

>An aircraft trust is set up to give the airplane ownership to a trustee who meets the FAA registration requirements on behalf of the true owner. In the trust, the true owner is known as the trustor or trust beneficiary. The title and registration are held in the trustee’s name. The FAA has access to aircraft trust filing paperwork, giving them the identity of the beneficiary.

>What are the advantages of a trust?

>Trusts are primarily set up when aircraft owners do not meet the requirements to register their airplane with the FAA. The FAA is widely accepted, and aircraft that maintain their registration generally have higher resale values.

>While FAA registration is the primary reason for aircraft trusts, they also might be set up for structural purposes, simplification purposes, or convenience. Whatever the reason, a trust can be maintained for an indefinite period of time.

>How does an aircraft trust work?

>A plane is placed in trust and the title of the aircraft is registered to the name of the trustee. The beneficiary of the trust owns a beneficial interest in the trust.

>All correspondence from the FAA goes to the Owner Trustee, who then forwards that information to the beneficiary.

>An operating or lease agreement is created between the beneficiary (or a separate 3rd party) and the trustee, giving the right to operate the aircraft back to the beneficial owner.

>The Operator is obligated to insure, maintain, and operate the aircraft in accordance with FAA requirements.

>The beneficiary can dissolve the trust at any time for any reason.

>The title can be transferred back to the beneficiary at any time, although they may not be able to maintain the FAA registration.

>The trustee cannot sell the aircraft without the beneficiary’s permission.

>The Trustee receives all correspondence from the FAA and passes it on to the beneficiary owner.

found this on General bread & thought it would be of interest to planefags

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225318 No.15178

C560 flight serial numbers of C560s that are known to use the AZAZ0909 call sign







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225318 No.15185

Military Callsign Prefixes

→ RCH#### = 'Regular' transport callsigns, abbreviation of REACH

→ PAT### = Priority Air Transport

→ SAM = Special Air Movement or Special Air Mission

→ SPAR = Special Priority Air Movement

→ CNV#### = Convoy, used by Navy transports e.g. C-40 (version of Boeing737). Same role as Air Force C-40s to transport primarily personnel and/or light freight

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225318 No.15365

Plane model codes worth following

C560 - Cessna Citation Encore V - usually officers or AZAZ0909 Spec Ops flights.

B350 - RC-12X Guardrail (Flying Antenna Farms), MC-12W Liberty SIGINT and E-MARSS planes.

E6 - E-6B Mercury TACAMO (Take Command and Move Out) planes. Flying command posts.

E4 - E-4B Nightwatch, the 'Doomsday Plane'.

P8 - P-9 Poseidon Maritime Recon plane.

P3 - P-3 Orion, older generation Maritime Recon plane.

SW4 - Swearingen Metroliner, like the C560.

LJ35 - Gates Learjet, the USAF equivalent of the C560.

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1763dc No.15418



You can add this to the list of models worth following.

C-146A Wolfhound

Typically they use 'HOUND' 'DINGO' & 'MAGMA' callsigns.

They tend to live in the shadows and are usually spotted near Cannon AFB & Duke Field part of the Eglin AFB complex.

C-146A Wolfhound is a tactical transport aircraft designed and manufactured by Fairchild Dornier, for the US Air Force (USAF). The aircraft provides flexible, responsive and operational transportation of the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) personnel in the theatre.

The aircraft is also used to conduct non-standard aviation (NSAv) missions to assist Joint Special Operations Command of the USSOCOM.

It is deployed with the 524th Special Operations Squadron of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) at Cannon Air Force Base to conduct infiltration, exfiltration, cargo resupply, airlift and other military missions in prepared and semi-prepared airfields across the globe.

The airlift aircraft began operations with the USAF in June 2011 and entered into service with the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) to assist Overseas Contingency Operations in October 2011. It is also deployed with four Geographic Combatant Commands.


The C-146A Wolfhound’s primary mission is to provide U.S. Special Operations Command flexible, responsive and operational movement of small teams needed in support of Theater Special Operations Commands. Airlift missions are conducted by Air Force Special Operations Command aircrews to prepared and semi-prepared airfields around the world.


The C-146A is a twin-engine, high-wing aircraft equipped with a configurable cabin capable of various passenger and cargo combinations, as well as casualty evacuation missions. The aircraft can carry a maximum of 27 passengers or 6,000 pounds of cargo, or up to four litter patients.


The C-146A is the military version of the Dornier 328 turboprop commuter airliner modified to permit cargo and missions. The aircraft has been continuously deployed since October 2011. It currently supports overseas contingency operations across four geographic combatant commands.

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11a8dc No.15510

Not a planefagger myself but ran into something the other day and wanted to bring it to the team's attention -

Working PF posted with a mention of a possible balloon as an aircraft type based on some factors (can't recall them noaw) but it didn't look right to me based on airspeed.

The target in question was above 14k (aka Flight Level or FL140) and going north at 230kts somewhere in the midwest (southern Iowa iirc).

I know you guys have to interpret the data and sometimes have to present speculation based on your logic and experience, and i have no issue whatsoever with that.

The reason why i disagreed kindly with PF is that the prevailing jetstream in that area is unlikely to be pushing aircraft northbound (meaning from about 345 to 015 heading.)

Air currents CAN push aircraft to some high speeds - i had a transcon flight arrive almost 2 hous early due to fat tailwinds one time. But it's not likely to veer far off the prevailing currents.

Anyhoo, my only point is that if you see flights re-routing or hauling butt, mebbe keep an eye on WX effects like storms, and what the winds aloft are doing.

I just don't think a balloon in the midwest is gonna do 235+ kts due north without serious weather help. Worth keeping in mind.

Y'all absolutely rock. Godspeed

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225318 No.15663

MC-12W Liberty Spy Plane


The MC-12W Liberty aircraft is an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft of the United States Air Force (USAF) acquired for Project Liberty. Project Liberty includes Operations Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Enduring Iraqi Freedom (OIF). OEF is the official name designated by the US government for its war in Afghanistan, while OIF is the official name for its war in Iraq.

An asset owned by the Joint Forces Air Component Commander, the aircraft’s key mission is to provide ISR services to the ground forces.

A medium-altitude manned vehicle, the MC-12W is based on the Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350 and King Air 350ER models, which are variants of the C-12 series. The aircraft is an augmentation of the two King Air models to include ISR capabilities.

The MC-12W has been procured as it can support all the Air Force’s irregular warfare mission needs.

The first combat mission of the MC-12W aircraft was undertaken on 10 June 2009. The aircraft was assigned to the airmen of the 362nd Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron Detachment 1 and the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing in Camp Liberty, Iraq. The first combat sortie took off from Joint Base Balad, Iraq at 2.30pm for a four-hour mission. At about 6.20pm local time the four member crew completed the sortie.

MC-12W programme

In April 2008, the US Secretary of Defense established a task force to identify and recommend solutions for increased ISR in the US Central Command’s (USCENTCOM) area of responsibility (AOR) in Project Liberty.

The task force recommended a solution that augmented the C-12 aircraft to suit ISR requirements. The C-12 aircraft are unmanned systems.

The USAF selected a total of 37 C-12 aircraft to be augmented based on the orders of the Secretary of Defense. Out of the 37 aircraft, eight are King Air 350s and the remaining 29 are King Air 350ERs.

These King Air 350s and 350ERs were modified for the USAF with equipment and technologies according to military requirement.

The augmented aircraft’s title was designated as MC-12W, ‘M’ being prefixed to denote that the aircraft is a multirole version of the C-12 series of the Department of Defence.

MC-12W Liberty intelligence gathering

The MC-12W is designed to intensify data collection operations through intelligence-collection capabilities operating in-theatre, allowing real-time full-motion video and signals intelligence for battlefield decisions of military troop leaders.

A fully operational MC-12W would comprise sensors, a ground exploitation cell, line-of-sight and SATCOM data links, as well as a robust voice communications suite. It would have manpower sufficient for 24hour deployed operations.

The first eight aircraft would have an MX-15i system with an infra-red pointer, which would allow the aircraft to signal an object or building to a soldier wearing special goggles on the ground. Further upgrades would provide the aircraft with a state-of-the-art laser designator to target a position with formidable precision.

The overall length and height of the MC-12W are 46ft 8in and 14ft 4in respectively. It has a wingspan of 57ft 11in and covers a wing area of 310ft². The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft is 15,000lb (augmented 350 version) and 16,500lb (augmented 350ER version).

The MC-12W can carry two pilots and two sensor operators.

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225318 No.15664


The Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS) provides a persistent airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability to detect, locate, classify, identify and track surface targets with a high degree of timeliness and accuracy during day, night and nearly all weather conditions. It enhances Brigade Combat Team effectiveness by defining and assessing the communications environment and providing surveillance, targeting support and threat warning.

EMARSS contains a tailored set of Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A) enabled software intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance functionalities to process, exploit and rapidly disseminate the intelligence derived from the imagery sensors. Selected EMARSS imagery is immediately processed on the aircraft and forwarded to DCGS-A for further processing, analysis and reporting.

EMARSS complies with Department of Defense (DOD) Information Technology Standards Registry and Defense Information Systems Network. This architecture enables interoperability with any multiservice or joint system that complies with DOD standard formats for data transfer and dissemination.

EMARSS enables the Aerial Exploitation Battalions within the Intelligence and Security Command to provide command and control, mission planning, sustainment support and deployment packages to facilitate worldwide missions in accordance with standard joint and Army tasking processes.


EMARSS-S: Signals Intelligence with Broad Spectrum Signals Intelligence and High Definition (HD) Full Motion Video (FMV)

EMARSS-G: Geospatial intelligence with Wide Area Aerial Surveillance (WAAS), Light Detection and Ranging, and HD FMV

EMARSS-M: Multi-intelligence with Signals Intelligence and HD FMV

EMARSS-V: Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar with Vehicle and Dismount Moving Target Indication, Signals Intelligence and HD FMV

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225318 No.15670

File: 471a1349ae1b8fe⋯.jpg (320.09 KB,1428x718,714:359,Rail701 17 Jul 19 0810.jpg)

File: 7c11d21e0c0b980⋯.jpg (254.17 KB,1431x638,1431:638,RAIL701 16 Jul 19 0845.jpg)

File: a569a40039770ca⋯.jpg (321.1 KB,1435x741,1435:741,RAIL701 16 Jul 19 0935.jpg)

RC-12X Guardrail

he US Army has awarded Northrop Grumman a $750 million contract external link for life cycle services on the service’s Special Electronic Mission Aircraft fleet. 75 fixed-wing airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance planes will be covered under the agreement, including RC-12X Guardrail, the Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance Surveillance System and Airborne Reconnaissance Low variants. The period of performance is one year, with eight one-year options, and work to be carried out includes program management, systems engineering and modification, supply chain management, and aircraft modifications and elective upgrades. King Aerospace, Inc. and M1 Support Service will also participate in work under the contract.

They’re derived from Hawker-Beechcraft’s popular King Air B200 twin-prop planes, and they look like a dog that just finished chasing a family of porcupines. Their specialty is intercepting enemy communications, and snooping on electronic emissions. At one time, these light “RC-12 Guardrail” aircraft were one of the 3 electronic eavesdropping and surveillance planes slated for replacement by the joint Army-Navy Aerial Common Sensor (ACS) jet, after many years of service in remote trouble spots and large-scale wars around the globe. Now, they’re getting a new lease on life.

The $8 billion ACS program’s suspension, “back to square one” delay, and joint status uncertainties, have turned the Guardrails into a critical asset that need to continue serving. That requires performance improvements and modernization of their electronics to match a quickly-evolving field. To that end, long-standing Guardrail fleet prime contractor Northrop Grumman Corporation has been asked to create the latest entry in the Guardrail family.

The first RU-21 Guardrail aircraft were introduced in 1971, and the role has passed through a number of variants. The most common at present is the RC-12N Guardrail Common Sensor (System 1), delivered in 1992-93. A total of 15 were converted, and 1 was lost in an accident to leave a fleet of 14.

The 9 RC-12P Guardrail Common Sensor (System 2) planes have different mission equipment, including datalink capabilities, fiber optic cabling, and smaller and lighter wing pods. They entered service in 1998. The 3 derivative RC-12Q Direct Air Satellite Relay planes were modified in order to expand the other RC-12Ps’ ability to stay within communications coverage. Hence the notable dome on the top of those aircraft. They were delivered in 2000.

Under this contract, Northrop Grumman will continue upgrading and enhancing about half of this fleet of 27, bringing 14 Guardrail aircraft to the RC-12X version and extending their operational lives to 2025.

That's why I saw RAIL701 flying test flights out of McClellan.

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225318 No.15677


That will be a Google Internet balloon. They use them to provide Internet services in some remote areas or in disaster zones where there is no Internet available.

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d7cd31 No.16749

File: 669da1a633e3834⋯.png (202.55 KB,1600x851,1600:851,The first planefags.png)

Heyyyyyy Planefages! Fucking welcome brothers! Nice to have ya!

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cf3bde No.20361

File: 7b9148016634a79⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_2019-07-19-11-3….jpg)

File: c5a4e7cd6d122f3⋯.png (1.76 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Screenshot_2019-07-19-11-3….png)

File: 429719048977df8⋯.png (1.78 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Screenshot_2019-07-19-11-3….png)

File: ab8a823eb3d56c3⋯.png (1.24 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Screenshot_2019-07-19-11-3….png)

File: 51753536ba4a1a6⋯.png (965.69 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Screenshot_2019-07-19-11-4….png)

Anons, not trying to slide anything going on right now, but I just got a Text from a Friend at work. He's a Normie, but slowly waking up. We had a discussion about Chem-Trails a while back, and I explained the difference. Pics Related.

As you can see from the Photo, one, possibly two Heavy Aircraft just dropped a huge Chem-Trail just NW of FT Huachuca, over the West UAV Range, NE of the Black Tower TUAS Facility. The area under this Trail is the Elgin Area of Southeastern Arizona. He called them Contrails, but note how long they are hanging around. The Aircraft initially tracked from the NNW to SSE, then make a left turn, head N, then another left turn to the NW, and initiate a climb. Once they are established, they begin a right turn, and maintain climb, until they are above the light cloud deck, heading North.

This is VERY obvious fuckery. They didn't even try to hide it! Possibly a malfunction in the Aircraft? I tried to see something on ADSB, but nothing, probably had their ADSB Transponders off. What the actual fuck! I'm pissed! I just read yesterday a Post from an Anon saying that Trump has pretty much quashed all the Trailing, and that the Anon had experienced clear Skies for over a month now. We've also had pretty clear Weather here in this area, despite Monsoon Season setting in. This is blatant fuckery, and finally, no one can argue that this is NOT a Contrail, and that Chem-Trail Spraying is alive and well!

Is there another dedicated PF Page for these kind of sightings, as opposed to the Q&A? Not trying to spam here, but Posting to /qresearch or /qrb doesn't seem to attract much attention. The shills in /qresearch had posted 116 posts by the time I composed this and got it uploaded. Thanks in advance.

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11a8dc No.20443


Then I assume it's motorized, because it was heading due N at @ 235kts IAS in roughly southern Iowa, iirc. I remember that it didn't fit the profile of a non-powered A/C becuz it was headed N at FL140-ish. That's not the normal jetstream in that neck o the woods.

Or am I mistaken? 235kts seems high for a balloon, especially that hdg/alt/location.

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d0dfbf No.20491

>>15677 >>20443

It could also be a Communications Relay Balloon, used my MIL for Secure Comms Relay.

When with the Marines as a TUAS Contractor (Tech-Rep), they were using them to extend Ground Comms between AO's.. Once, I watched as one was launched and a couple of hours later, it was at 120k MSL. They partially de-gassed it, and brought it back to 80k MSL and it just stayed in that area.. over Big Bear, as there are really no winds to speak of at that altitude. The Box attached has very long Foil Antennas for Tx/Rx. When the mission is finished, they deflate the Balloon, and eject the Box, which parachutes to earth. Sounds like the one you're seeing got caught in the Jet-stream, and the CC Ground Station perhaps lost link, and now its a run-away? Who knows..

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e0fc07 No.20606


I'm in north Texas watching them cover us up after a beautiful blue-sky day. Sky will be white before sunset

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11a8dc No.22206


Well that's kinda my underlying point. Pretty sure the jetstream doesn't run due north there, much less strong enough to push a balloon to a speed of 235kts at 14000 feet. Do you see what I mean?

Which leads to my overall point - helps to look at the winds aloft data to determine if it's a balloon or powered aircraft. The one i saw reported as a balloon most likely wasn't.

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1e4a6c No.27464

non q question, but i thought i'd take advantage of specialist knowledge here on something that's puzzled me for years

happened back in the 90s in canada. living on an acreage, had just driven up to garage and saw small dark chopper flying quite low, maybe 8 to 10 feet up. it seemed to barely fly higher than the young apple tree it flew over. was approx 50 to 60 feet distant from garage. seemed as though the back door was open and someone crouching in the opening. chopper flew on, which took it out of view behind garage and house. raced around end of garage to regain view (so, a few seconds) but chopper was not to be seen, though still audible. landscape was such that if it had landed, it would be in view, but it wasn't. looked higher, no chopper. went back to front of house, still heard it but couldn't see it at any elevation. sound of chopper finally faded away but was never again in view.

there had been an armed bank robbery in a nearby town earlier that day with suspects fleeing. when i first saw the chopper i thought maybe they were doing a ground search. it was all a little spoopy. has anyone had similar experience of very low flying craft just disappearing from view?

oh, the next day in a different nearby town, i saw 4 dark green or black copters flying overhead in a diamond formation. would really appreciate anons' thoughts on this. no alcohol or other recreational substances were involved, kek.

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7c8d5b No.27994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sounds like a military helicopter conducting nap-of-the-earth ultra low altitude training exercise.

Most probably a UH-1 Huey, British Lynx or Puma, or a UH-60 Blackhawk.

Crouching figure would be the crewman/door gunner.

Attack/recce helicopters like hiding behind trees etc to hide from their potential targets.

They are relatively slow and pretty noisy so their best means defence is to use the terrain to avoid being seen.

Sounds like it did a pretty good job of avoiding being seen by you.

A lot of this goes on around the huge Suffield training area in Alberta and probably other areas of Canada too.


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1e4a6c No.28141


anon, thank you so much for replying, and i finally have an answer after all these years. that video showed the type of low altitude flying it was doing, and we and all surrounding properties were farmland like in the vid.

honestly none of the models you mentioned really looked like what i saw but then i was able to search for attack recce copters and the md 500 seems to be it.

this was back in southern ontario and we surely had some bases, but local rumour had it that there was an underground US base a bit northwest of our location.

thanks again, anon!

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7c8d5b No.28177


Most probably a US special ops MH-6 / AH-6.


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387f4a No.40425

Planefagging resources provided by an anon

in >>>qresearch/7620652

Aircraft registrations https://www.skytamer.com/5.4.htm

UK aircraft registrations https://www.caa.co.uk/aircraft-registration-commercial/

Milair callsign to base listing http://monitoringtimes.com/MilitaryCallsignList-APR09.pdf

usn squadrons list: www.seaforces.org/usnair/current-units.htm

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cebefb No.40711

File: a07936e3321446f⋯.jpg (17.9 KB,380x380,1:1,SmilingNerdEmoji.jpg)

File: 09412e066645cbb⋯.png (547.94 KB,1896x929,1896:929,PF1stpostYay.PNG)

Thanks for making this available here.

I was finally able to figure it out thanks to Planefag school.

Even got a notable out of my first post!

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19134f No.40909


i think this thread got kicked off /qr/ during BO takeover. it's always here bc of low turnover on this board (also, i suspect 8bit keeps moar threads on here before dropoff).

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81b9a5 No.41825

File: efcf9a05b9afddd⋯.jpg (50.52 KB,630x630,1:1,2566933_0.jpg)

How many Planefags picked up on the HUGE AIRQ that remarkably reliable F-15 flew over the WATER ??? https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/fighter-jet-f-15-emergency-16849287 #NewsUnlocksMap ...

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edbf9f No.42292



Any plane fags that can see why an E6 Mercury (I think) landed at PDX 11:10 am today? 5/29/20 Oregon only has National guard here and Oregon airguard. Unusual. Plane all White no windows no tail marking just a military insignia I couldn't see and nothing on glitterati number.

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c3adb3 No.42400


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803b30 No.42586


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990bbd No.42650

File: a4c8884762baadc⋯.jpg (1.72 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20200814_172705.jpg)

File: 33176fe150b1cfb⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20200814_213647.jpg)




Something is happening.

3 slow low props circle overhead

I stay in my car till they flyby.

The deal I thought was a drug cook maybe... .. .. That and then some. It's dark out here too. And the bugs? When does it stop? Where do I apply..? AnonsKnew [morningn] Daark To Light.

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990bbd No.42651

File: 86b02bc0799686a⋯.jpg (2.75 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20200814_213624.jpg)


This freaked me the heck out.

Owls in 1770's wow... WHO directed them- in the desert? Wander 40 years?

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990bbd No.42652

File: fe581f156677979⋯.jpg (183.6 KB,720x1196,180:299,IMG_159744885275F.jpg)


The dumbs over yonder...

Put it in the clear dirt..

All for a LARP?

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e3a103 No.42999

Hello Q,

The hardest thing for most people here is to ASK FOR HELP..

We are asking questions but we are asking the wrong questions...

We are about to have first contact.

they are coming, you can bet on it.

AI means you can implant our conscious into another body.

If aliens exist the best way to meet us at first is through a body of the most trustworthy person. JFK.

We lack patriotism.. we lack hope. We need your help Q.

We need you to help us arrest all of these evil people.. I know your up there.. in space... waiting for us to show you we are ready.

I am ready. I'm not scared.. i don't need anything else but you to show yourself now. You can meet me if you want I'm not scared of you. I have dreamt it since I was a kid.

I wish that you can resurrect JFK jr. I know he died now i believe that but Q was willing to give Picard a wish.. he turned it down..

I tried to do the right thing in the wrong way... but now i know

I just kept asking questions...

So please i beg you resurrect JFK Jr. and make him JFK. We need hope again. A voice.. like my voice which is being silenced... NO MORE.




you chose JFK Jr. because he was like me.. searching for answers in his life.. trying to fill big shoes.. not sure he can... BUT HE COULD.. and the deep state took that from him.

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2bd601 No.43000

No love for the C-5s or C-17s?

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802a34 No.43001

I love reading up on what you guys do. I have high interest but limited capability and opportunity to dig as you warriors do.

I live in the vicinity of Selfridge AFB on the socialist side of the fence. I see afterburner trails from different planes regularly, and plenty of commercial aircraft as well. From where I live it's easy to observe. As of this year, I've seen an afterburner trail that I've never seen before, where it completes the Arc of the sky from end to end. Am I wrong, or is this something unusual? Sure seems to me something would have to be burning pretty fast believe afterburner Trail across the entire Arc of the sky....no?

Thank you planefags. I live in awe of you're massive wingspan.

Much love, no homo

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db08cc No.43114

Not much experience. Is the level of military air traffic across the US right now "normal"? Is it typical to see 8-12 C130s and C17s up at the same time?

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ffc82c No.43115

File: b89693a8e79e6c5⋯.png (2.12 MB,2048x1536,4:3,C85336BF_4301_46CB_960A_9A….png)

Any guesses why the circling at Andrews?

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6d8e76 No.43116



anybody have a zipped file?

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6d8e76 No.43117

File: 5a6b5a196a2fb7a⋯.png (2.78 MB,2670x1228,1335:614,Screen_Shot_2021_01_28_at_….png)

Hex id Callsign Type Squawk Altitude(ft) Spd(kt)

AE26AD United States C6587 AS65 4570 3,500 134

AE5EAA United States _163331 B06 3572 150

AE5EC5 United States VV8E070 B06 1,200 ▲ 50

AE5ECE United States VV8E080 B06 0 81

AE5ED2 United States _162048 B06 3447 1,575 ▼ 98

AE5EE1 United States VV8E101 B06 4677 200 110

AE5EE9 United States VV8E109 B06 4677 1,200 ▲ 49

AE5EEC United States VV7E113 B06 500 56

AE5EF2 United States VV7E120 B06 4677 500 61

AE5EFD United States VV4E131 B06 3455 3,800 ▲ 81

AE5EFF United States VV7E133 B06 4677 -100 88

AE29FC United States EASY05 B350 7351 14,475 288

AE4A7C United States KBAR08 B350 4663 22,000 247

AE4C61 United States INTEL49 B350 4220 4,675 ▼ 139

AE53FB United States RONIN27 B350 0176 9,925 174

AE53FF United States RONIN58 B350 5146 10,375 212

AE5403 United States RONIN44 B350 0531 21,000 272

AE1499 United States KOMODO1 B703 3157 27,000 250

ADFE49 United States WING60 BE20 3253 6,325 ▼ 255

ADFE51 United States PAT322 BE20 7060 1,350 ▼ 118

ADFE53 United States HIROGER BE20 1540 11,625 256

ADFE55 United States PAT326 BE20 5327 8,175 ▲ 188

ADFED3 United States R51265 BE20 4552 5,050 166

ADFED6 United States VALOR55 BE20 4570 7,975 158

ADFED7 United States VALOR77 BE20 3472 7,975 171

ADFED8 United States R51271 BE20 4550 7,150 ▲ 177

ADFED9 United States R51272 BE20 4255 6,025 ▲ 106

AE03F4 United States PAT702 BE20 0566 24,975 312

AE0630 United States SLICK56 BE20 6011 4,850 ▲ 191

AE06DA United States EASY58 BE20 7446 8,325 ▲ 159

AE06DB United States REY03 BE20 7276 21,000 309

alot in the air. is this normal?

AE08E9 United States TITUS40 BE20 7066 17,125 ▲ 156

AE116B United States PAT297 BE20 3507 3,800 185

AE5774 United States PAT259 BE20 5511 7,575 ▼ 196

AE6965 United States PAT708 BE20 1371 23,975 263

ADFC65 United States CONGO34 BE40 7303 1,450 202

ADFC84 United States _91-0096 BE40 0434 525

ADFC86 United States _91-0098 BE40 1701 2,300 ▲ 320

ADFC88 United States _91-0100 BE40 1200 1,150 151

ADFC89 United States CONGO31 BE40 0765 1,350 ▼ 247

ADFC8E United States RAIDR01 BE40 1031 16,475 307

ADFC90 United States CONGO36 BE40 3464 16,550 194

ADFCA8 United States _92-0359 BE40 2775 11,950 ▼ 281

ADFCC7 United States VANDY60 BE40 1136 18,175 ▲ 325

ADFCCA United States _93-0650 BE40 4764 4,425 273

ADFCD2 United States CONGO33 BE40 2042 12,000 ▼ 345

ADFCDB United States _94-0124 BE40 1763 1,075 ▼ 214

ADFCE2 United States CONGO35 BE40 1004 9,550 196

ADFCFE United States _ADFCFE BE40 22,000

ADFD01 United States _95-0053 BE40 1200 1,175 ▼ 245

ADFD12 United States _95-0070 BE40 1716 11,425

AE14B3 United States STGRY55 BE9L 5355 7,100 ▲ 186

AE14C0 United States STGRY64 BE9L 5364 425 ▲ 135

AE14C1 United States RFNK63 BE9L 0463 4,925 210

AE14C2 United States STGRY61 BE9L 5361 6,650 145

AE14C7 United States STGRY33 BE9L 5333 5,675 ▲ 140

ADFDC0 United States ROLER01 C130 6640 18,600 ▼ 329

ADFDC1 United States _93-7314 C130 21,000

AE02C8 United States VADER04 C130 2631 9,700 151

AE03DC United States CONDOR3 C130 2626 3,600 ▲ 156

AE127E United States ZAPER41 C130 1577 13,400 ▲ 192

C2AF4F Canada C130H332 C130 1155 20,000 272

C2AF63 Canada TIGR334 C130 1152 1,500 ▲ 177

AE01D9 United States RIVET02 C135 4561 10,325 283

AE07CF United States POLO55 C17 1354 34,000 419

AE07E7 United States RCH826 C17 2160 26,000 374

AE10B5 United States RIDER75 C17 7045 30,000 413

AE1198 United States BLUES55 C17 7450 34,000 440

AE1449 United States RCH853 C17 0723 4,550 ▼ 228

AE1464 United States RCH568T C17 3611 3,550 ▲ 267

AE4CFA United States DESERT6 C27J 0326 13,925 120

AE4E0C United States _10-5728 C30J 1643 26,000 275

AE54C6 United States KING15 C30J 2650 20,000 217

AE6046 United States YANKY80 C30J 3052 8,800 242

AE6204 United States G20992 C30J 1200 1,550 119

C2B5C1 Canada CFC4226 C30J 0726 25,025 ▼ 306

AE036D United States PAT007 C560 2152 23,950 309

AE036F United States PAT009 C560 7236 41,000 439

AE04AF United States DDFI5899 C560 7356 34,000 349

AE093A United States R01051 C560 7167 450 ▼ 99

AE093D United States R103O1 C560 2426 40,000 336

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21a714 No.43139

Question is LJ 35 billy Gates that you are referring to and is that his only plane ?

My dad was in the US air force. Had a small sesna parked at Human field in terre haute. I miss flying around all over the place. rip.

Anyway I am going to start doing the ADSB and see what is up (literally kek)

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f9ad8a No.43140

File: 3459e5cd2825a64⋯.jpg (586.32 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Untitled1.jpg)

File: 71be5a4371134e7⋯.png (660.65 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Untitled1.png)

What is going on here?

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d90c2c No.44367

File: 58b11ec3ea8c6ec⋯.png (634.68 KB,373x563,373:563,KAF_recon_digital_pepe.PNG)

File: 22fab92ceafdc96⋯.png (202.7 KB,593x292,593:292,USAF_C_32A_98_0002_takeoff….PNG)

File: 68ff3b1b5201e92⋯.png (321.01 KB,678x282,113:47,USAF_E_4B_Nightwatch_75_01….PNG)

Intro to Planefaggin

Welcome to the Kekistan Air Force (KAF) Recon Squad!!!

This is provided as a way to help you get started with tracking AC's

Tracking AC is vital to seeing and being able to paint a picture of habbenings across the world.

Planefaggin can track any given Aircraft, Military or Commercial (military assuming it's transponder is turned on and transmitting) and if you have an idea of who uses which AC (traceable by it's registration or tail #) the mystery of who travels where and when can have some light shed on it. You should have a basic interdast in AC's and a healthy appetite for learning moar about them. I know so much moar about our military since I began doing the pf reports on 8chan in early 2018-was still fairly raw at that so I jumped in on the commercial side and started tracking the AC's that were coming from central america (with one below it using the same call sign) prior to the 2018 election and also part of the on-going caravan saga.. Had several planefags be moar than gracious back then to help me get over that hump of "wut am I looking at here?" and correct any mistakes that I made. Ty to those that were helpful and patient.

This will give a basic overview on applying your newly acquired planefaggin' skillzzz and assist in effectively communicating your input to the board(s). It is not a how to use ADS-B (or the other platforms) guide. Link to ADS-B and other plattys below.

The best advice I can give on your screen caps is take the time to document them correctly. This means writing up your "find" with some basic information that highlights the cap you have placed. In order to easily retrieve these caps (at a later date) you should come up with a nomenclature to use across all AC's you have capped-see below for example.

This takes a little time to get proficient with as your overall level of patience will determine how good you become at it. A common reaction to finding something to report is to say "wow I need to get that in NOW" but having some patience is KEY to being good at this. Many times I've seen a cap show up in general with no description whatsoever and left on it's own. This is no good to anyone as most people just scroll over it-why should they stop if it's just a cap of some plane going somewhere?? This is how some started to rag on planefags by using those poor examples to paint every planefag with the same brush. This is not something you can "teach" as it requires getting into the platform and DOING IT. It is also good practice to let something develop prior to reporting it-except a slam dunk of a major figure departing in a easily identifiable AC.

Familiarizing yourself with the buttons and various options is key to being a great planefag. I use very little of the maps and automated functions as I prefer old school eyes to arrive at muh decisions. Doesn't make me right or my way of doing correct-it werks for me YMMV

This will mean you make mistakes...no problem this habbens to anyone who is on a learning curve. However I cannot guarantee you won't get shit for it in general-you won't in MNR that is for sure. If you have any questions on this please feel free to ask here or in QRB-spend plenty of time here each day so it will get answered if I have one to give.

For example

The name of your cap should have the information described below in the file name otherwise you will be sitting there wondering "did that Nightwatch go to Offutt AFB or Wright-Patterson on it's last trip? Easily found if you save them like this:

ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch that departed Offutt AFB, Omaha is on final approach to Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton 1031am pst 021321

By using a standardized file name you can easily search for any of those terms in your meme folders. It does take a few extra minutes as you are basically typing in the same information twice...one for your crumb with the cap and one for the file name saved as.

Identifying AC's

The easy ones are POTUS, VP, Sec of State and Defense as they all use specific call signs or in the Secretries case(s) they have used the same tail #'s (registrations) for many years. Examples: Sec of State uses a 757 with tail #98-0002 (cap #2) and when the Sec of Defense travels it is in the Nightwatch E-4B with tail #75-0125 (cap #3)

It's not always easy to tell just who is on what AC at what point as there are many things not seen during stops. passenger(s) depart/arrive, crew changes refueling or not etc.

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d90c2c No.44368

File: 1c904fc2771560f⋯.png (816.79 KB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3f71636f545450⋯.png (306.7 KB,586x436,293:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3ec21f45f23fa2⋯.png (162.03 KB,707x353,707:353,pepe_planefag_arms_out_tra….png)



A good pf report should have the following information:

Callsign (use the tail # if the pilot has not used-sometimes they get lazy and type 123456 or ABCDE, XXXXX, 00000000 etc.)

Military affiliation

AC type (747, E-4B, P-8 Poseiden, C-32A-military designation for 757, G (Gulfstream) 5, C-40B military for 737 etc)

Departure Airport if you click on the history button located at the top left under the AC type display you can find out where it came from on prior days. This is important as you build your knowledge of when and where all the different types of AC's move around.

Arrival Airport as your knowledge grows you can predict where it is going in some cases.

The Special Air Mission or SAM flights on the east coast are pretty standard but also have surprises. The USAF Special Operations Command 757's (C-32B's) also are somewhat predicatable although some recent new destinations have appeared. You start to get an idea of who goes where and when. Any additional information that you have on weather or possible connections to current habbenings are also good additions. This is your place to shine-as you gather knowledge and experience you'll get to the point where it will take you just a few minutes to get the "lay of the land" on what is habbening AC-wise. It can be intimidating to see a few thousand AC's on your screen and not habs any idea of where to start.

The best place to start is on the front end of ADS-B: https://www.adsbexchange.com/

That brings you to the splash page and clicking on the "ADSBX Radar View''' button it will give you two choices "Tracking Map" and "Map Help". Please go to "Map Help" for a general overview of functions and features prior to opening up "Tracking Map". Or if your bandwidth allows you can open up both at same time.


Cap #1 is basic functions and taken from ADS-B and is the same as "Map Help" for the most part.

Once you become familiar with the functions it is MUCH easier to navigate the platform.

Some of the AC tracking sites use filed flight plans based on where it should be at a given time point-this was pointed out in January 2020 when the Iranians shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet just after Salami was 404'd. Some sites reported it still flying because of the flight plan progress reported it that way not the actual data transmitted. Using ADS-B make sthat a non-issue.

A basic overview of ADS-B-cap#2

Using Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast or ADS-B

A flights position is found using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and by using ADS-B transmitters. The AC's information on flight position and speed is sent to the ADS-B ground receivers and also tramsmitted to nearlby AC. It is usually transmitted every second however this is limited to area operated in and there are several "dead" zones due to low ground receivers and also topography. The upper central plains, western Pennsylvania and the southwest desert area including eastern CA and southern AZ and NM to name a few.

I use this as a backup in case ADS-B is down or has server issues: http://planeradar.ru/VirtualRadar/desktop.html#

PlaneRadar.RU-it defaults to Russian language so you'll need to go to the menu area to reset that option.

Some back up sites (don't use much if at all)



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ab1035 No.44780

File: f86763f1d6a8898⋯.png (1.24 MB,998x594,499:297,POTUS_shift_night_static_d….PNG)

File: ce120d1c26afc7e⋯.png (30.48 KB,416x562,208:281,Q_drop_35_POTUS_insulated.PNG)

File: 6f988c191cd0c6a⋯.png (870.89 KB,1327x634,1327:634,AF1_VIP_82_8000_In_at_JBA_….PNG)

Potential Scenario for seeing a legitimate AF1 call sign, Not AF1 Joe and THAT moment of major shit going down

2 parts: 1) dealing with the USA Corporation and 2) potential wtf moment pf sees as a possibility to mark it-Q drop #35

AF1 call sign usage Not AF1 Joe and POTUS

The increased activity of the E-4B Nightwatch AC's over the last few weeks (plus TIMMY's 3 flights on 0407) has got me thinking about wut scenarios we could see with finally having some major (overt and seeable by all) habbenings. 0408 yet another TIMMY01 flight and that hooked up with 09-0015 C-32A for a short period of time over KY and W.VA. These 757's have not had much time put on them since late last year and they need to be flown or they, like all AC, do not do well when sitting and not active.

Here is the meat for the first issue...we may have not seen an AF1 call sign because the Corporation known as the USA may have been totally dissolved and since there would technically be nothing to be "in charge" of there would be no real President and the call sign not used. Remember they have still used AF2 for Kneepads and EXEC1F for Flauxtus which is S.O.P. so this is wut sorta throws a "wrench" in this at present. Joe has never had AF1 as a call sign...not on the 747 and not on the 757 however POTUS has not used it since March 2020 (trip to Charlotte, NC and back for Rally on 0302-cap#3 ) it was used for the India trip the week prior as well. After that I have no documented caps of it's use-I saw a call go out on soc. media for an example but have yet to see one.

Musings on the Corporation and AF1

POTUS returned from the India trip in late February (early on the 26th to be precise). About 3 weeks later we had the rumblings about the Federal Reserve being sucked into the Treasury Dept. I have never thought that this really occurred as the piece that started all this "The Fed's Cure Risks Being Worse Than the Disease'' *was fairly descriptive as to why the FED did not directly buy the crap it wants off the market-the Treasury has to do it because the FED is not allowed to do this by law (laws get ignored when shit habbens and they have done it at the FRBNY for many years because you wouldn't need a trading desk if you were not active in the mkts). To summarize the Treasury sets up the SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) and it is funded by the Federal Reserve. The ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund is the Treasury's arm of manipulation) is used to facilitate the Treasury "purchasing" assets. See the link below for moar detail on the ESF.

Since by now they own about 2/3rds of the entire Treasury market it was wildly successful for the primary dealers and the management of those institutions.

* https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-27/federal-reserve-s-financial-cure-risks-being-worse-than-disease

America's Darkest Secret: The Exchange Stabilization Fund


This is total speculation as I do not think the the Treasury has officially sucked up the FED as many believed at the time-the action that POTUS did do was to formalize the Treasury Sec (at the time Munchkins) responsibility as a cabinet level position to oversee the Federal Reserve moar closely. This already existed in a way as Treasury Sec. is already a cabinet-level position but it puts some eyes on it at the very least as the FRB is and has always been a private corporation sitting on private land and answerable to literally no-one except it's Rothy backed overlords. It does not mean that any of it was really done -the extra oversight for Treasury over FED. Since when has following the rules been very popular for them?

1 of 3

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ab1035 No.44781

File: 28ee082ee15ab8e⋯.png (203.15 KB,869x468,869:468,92_9000_USAF_747_on_approa….PNG)

File: 6bca779ef4a5ac8⋯.png (343.99 KB,778x469,778:469,BANKR11_USAF_KC_135_tanker….PNG)


Let's look ahead a little with regards to the AF1 issue we have seen and why we could mebby see it as a marker in the future .

Also some additional information on AF2 and it's dual use on 0322 in the next crumb

The current 747's used by the 89th Airlift Wing are tail #'s 82-8000 and 92-9000.

89th Airlift Wing


The SAM flights fall under this as the 99th Airlift Squad

Not AF1 Joe has also used the 757 in his trips to Wilmington, DL although they have since started using Marine One for that on a few instances. Notably the day that Joe bailed early from Philadelphia and yours truly caught this by observing the tanker assigned as mobile filling station already over the "Joe is in Delaware" position. This was on March 16th-cap#2 and the schedule was changed on the nightly update to show he did , in fact, leave early but the original schedule stayed the same and reflected an interview held in a Philadelphia location.

Total bullshit as Joe left at least 2.5 hours early and was already in Wilmington when said interview was taking place. The new schedule stated it occurred in Wilmington-these are all taped prior imo so it matters not where fauxtus is.

He also left early on 0402 when he was supposed to be delivering remarks about the jobs #'s-the tanker was there before those remarks officially began so again taped and Joe bailed to Camp David.

Tail # 92-9000 747

Not AF1 Joe has used tail # 82-8000 and not #92-9000 747. . the last cap I have of 92-9000 being used at all was on Nov. 30th for a trip to Lackland AFB, San Antonio-cap#1. I have not seen it on a test and or cert./maintenance flight since that time. It has simply vanished from use. Lackland does work on these big AC's so it could be there being upgraded. This AC also could have been moved at any time with the transponder turned off so there is always that to consider-they only let us see what they want us to see and no moar.

PF has also noticed increased activity from the E-4B Nightwatch AC's-specifically TIMMY01 on 0407 with three flights plus in the last few weeks these have been moving around to and from Lincoln Muni Airport, Wright-Patterson AFB, Robins AFB, Barksdale AFB, Dyess AFB, Seymour Johnson AFB -all normal locations for these to arrive and depart from. What is different is the increased frequency of these flights. Whereas you may have see one move every few days or every other day ftm they are now moving several times a day and sometimes have two at one location but not for very long. I am really thinking that these AC's moving around with this frequency is a sign of bigger habbenings coming-see next.

This is where the speculative nature of planefaggin' comes in. The Not AF1 Joe issue has been beaten up so much it is hardly notable any longer -but needs to be kept track of.

What if we finally see an AF1 call sign and it is used by the vanished from use Tail #92-9000??

Since Not AF1 Joe has never used this AC what if it is being held back for the proper POTUS to return under a new system. Using AF1 would technically still not be correct but you would need to gradually introduce this. Just think if AF1 suddenly appeared after all this non-use what would be the reaction? I know wut it would be for anons......

The logistical arrangements for this would be tough to pin down and since there are so many ways for POTUS to travel I could not possibly begin to suss that out legitimately. From DUMBs(Mar-a-lago has one) to the "secret" high-speed rail system available to (((them))) plus the option to travel in virtually any AC without attracting too much attention the possibilities are many. There are so many permutations for this it is best left for a time when it can be verified. OTOH we may have seen clues for it and have not recognized them-I never discount anything with this.

Drop #35 seems wholly appropriate for this

2 of 3

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ab1035 No.44782

File: 602d0b51cb07fa1⋯.png (297.04 KB,804x429,268:143,AF2_USAF_VIP_C_32A_south_f….PNG)

File: 6ab6f954a00bc70⋯.png (282.18 KB,848x477,16:9,AF2_USAF_C_32A_departed_JB….PNG)

File: 03018c417ecbb85⋯.png (340.06 KB,870x506,435:253,AF2_USAF_G5_departed_LAX_t….PNG)


A little on AF2: Kneepads has NOT used or utilized what was known as primary AF1-tail# 98-0001.

In fact, it falls into the same category as 747 #92-9000 as in not seen or used since 0117 for Pence and Second lady trip to Fort Drum, NY-cap#1 on way back to JBA

I cannot confirm this 100%; however, I have not seen 98-0001 much if at all.

Again these AC's can move without the transponders turned on so I am going on wut I have seen

On 0322 we had an instance of two confirmed usages of AF2-cap#2....one on a G5 that headed west to Peterson AFB and on the 757 that kneepads used to travel to Jacksonville Int'l and back to JBA. The AF2 G5 had an overnight at Peterson AFB and then arrived at Huntsville Int'l for a very short ground stop on 0323 and then back to JBA. That particular AC tail #97-0400 was also used as the replacement AF2 for kneepads prior trip to LAX as the 757 had a mechanical issue so that was flown out overnight to accommodate the trip to Denver-cap #3. The press had to use a freezing cold C-17 to travel from LAX to DIA that day-kek

Now watch them take out 92-9000 right after this is posted

3 of 3

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f52165 No.45926

File: 85ac711a9415371⋯.png (274.57 KB,897x479,897:479,JASDF_JF001_777_on_final_a….PNG)

Japanese Air Self Defense Force 777 on final approach turn for JBA from Tokyo-Haneda Aiport departure earlier today

PM Suga arrives for the meeting with Not AF1 Joe tomorrow

According to the new No Fly Alerts issued yesterday Not AF1 Joe doesn't plan on staying in DC for long tomorrow as one issued for New Castle Cty Airport, DL and surrounding area for tomorrow through Sunday

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e5fdb4 No.55854

File: a3974c356dbdf02⋯.png (144.74 KB,719x454,719:454,Korean_AF_KAF001_747_on_de….PNG)

Korean AF KAF001 747 on descent for Atlanta Int'l Airport from JBA depart

Korean President Set to Visit SK Plant in Georgia This Weekend

South Korean President Moon Jae-in is scheduled to visit Georgia this weekend to survey progress on the SK Innovation electric-vehicle battery plant, according to Korean sources. The visit will come after Mr. Moon’s summit with President Joe Biden in Washington Friday, where the leaders are expected to discuss a range of issues from North Korean denuclearization and Chinese aggression to economic cooperation. That last priority has been amplified in recent months here in Georgia, where the largest-ever foreign investment was threatened with closure due to a legal feud between Korean battery giants LG Energy Solution and SK. The dispute was settled in April when SK agreed to pay $1.8 billion to LG, prompting a sigh of relief from officials in Georgia, where at least 2,600 jobs and $2.6 billion were on the line.


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577bb2 No.60443

File: 75a8f838b4e2ee6⋯.png (149.79 KB,641x452,641:452,SAM462_USAF_C_32A_sw_from_….PNG)

>>60339, >>60346 pb

SAM462 Not AF2 kneepads USAF C-32A sw to Guatemala City

There is no other AC visible as support...SAM471 C-32A has not departed (or not visible)

>>59854 pb

The C-17's returning from Guatemala City on Friday

>>60372 pb departing on SAM462

This article (below linky) states that the second departure took place at 4:19pm and muh cap is 18 minutes later


Harris boarded a new Air Force Two at 4:19 p.m., per the print pooler, and the plane departed shortly after, putting Harris two hours behind schedule.


Kamala Harris is NOT AF2

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577bb2 No.61394

File: 1a50dd011875254⋯.png (177.69 KB,749x437,749:437,AF2_USAF_C_32A_changed_cal….PNG)

File: 9162a2b49b21158⋯.png (172.53 KB,768x456,32:19,SAM462_USAF_C_32A_departed….PNG)


Kneepads callsign changed back to AF2 over Gulf of Mexico

Departed Mexico City as SAM462-cap #2

moar on this here >>61375 pb

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577bb2 No.61525

File: a49045e2fc850c1⋯.png (157.54 KB,787x459,787:459,AF1_USAF_747_departed_JBA_….PNG)

File: e4a33cc7550e6eb⋯.png (272.1 KB,702x455,54:35,AF1_USAF_747_on_descent_fo….PNG)


>>61437, >>61515 pb

Some stuff about AF1 and AF2

Joe is AF1 for the first time....we still had Kneepads who departed twice from JBA on Sunday without AF2 as a call sign. Imma guessing that over the last week or longer some negotiations were held (on wut topic idk for sure..not there) but speculating that the AZ audit result is grinding on to expected release on June 14th-Flag Day and 45's B-day so that could very well have been the subject -there are many right? The keeper of the call sign (or higher up most likely) didn't like the answers they got so kneepads left on Sunday w/o AF2 and did not get it back until last night-see crumbs below

Kneepads leaving on Sunday without AF2call sign (was SAM462) and only getting back last night tells me that something was agreed to yesterday and the call sign was returned to kneepads on the trip back from Mexico CIty. It was categorically NOT AF2 on last nights departure-still SAM462...See here >>61310, >>61344, >>61375 pb

Those crumbs have the caps and backup for the trip that started so poorly on Sunday for Kneepads having to return to JBA-at no time was it ever AF2..not on the first depart(Middle Cap on .. >>61375 pb) nor the second. Both departs for her and those stupid cookies were SAM462 and SAM471 was the AC that had the problem and forced both to return

Obviously if kneepads call sign restored then we had the answer this morning as to whether that would apply to Not AF1 Joe...it did. >>61437 pb

Also interdasting that they chose to use 09-0017 C-32A SAM46 as the escort AC and not the other 747 tail #92-9000 which is still MIA btw.

The other missing AC is tail #98-0001 as used as primary AF2 for many years-prior to 45/Pence.

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cb7836 No.64039

File: e4508d6942b5537⋯.png (187.23 KB,800x452,200:113,82_8000_USAF_747_Not_AF1_J….PNG)

File: 4fda47afc8d80f4⋯.png (317.5 KB,744x409,744:409,Geneva_Summit_exodus_AF1_S….PNG)

File: dbdce4f2e91b9a6⋯.png (444.7 KB,527x479,527:479,biden_fuck.PNG)


Joe Returned from Geneva Int'l yesterday and the 747 departed as AF1-see cap #2 for all the AC's departing Geneva yesterday-but when he got to this side 'o da pond it had reverted back to 82-8000

As mentioned above Joe departed as AF1 from JBA so this habs nothing to do wit international airspace etc.

Joe's Performance was given a rating on the trip back yesterday judging by the lack of AF1 call sign upon return to JBA


Joe is Not AF1 again.

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879331 No.74707

File: ff0b7b9bc7adf7a⋯.png (196.48 KB,632x456,79:57,SAM792_USAF_C_32A_on_groun….PNG)

File: 6e3a06a1c117f82⋯.png (271.24 KB,765x459,5:3,SAM792_USAF_C_32A_on_final….PNG)

File: 643adabb8441b78⋯.png (518.2 KB,483x540,161:180,Flauxtus_Not_EXEC1F.PNG)

File: c65033ebee6cc91⋯.png (95.21 KB,664x414,332:207,SAM895_USAF_C_32A_departed….PNG)

pf housekeeping-Flauxtus not using EXEC1F call sign

Kept the trace for this flight up to check where it went last night.

Never saw SAM895 (see below) again but SAM792 was visible after it's takeoff from Elmendorf-see Cap#2 for both arriving at Elmendorf yesterday and no EXEC1F call sign on either

SAM792 USAF C-32A on ground at Yokota AB after Elmendorf ground stop/refuel

See cap #3 for Flauxtus departing a C-32A and neither of the AC's that departed JBA and arrived at Anchorage displayed the EXEC1F call sign that is used for these trips with Flauxtus

This AC departed JBA yesterday along with SAM895 heading nw to Anchorage-JB Elmendorf-cap#2

Flauxtus headed to Japan for the Olympics yesterday as well but I could not find any AC with the EXEC1F (normal call sign for her or family members using these AC's) so one of these two AC's must be Flauxtus

Looks like we have another addition to what is muh call sign?

EXEC1F has been used extensively for Flauxtus in the past


This information regarding SAM792 as Flauxtus and Not Exec1F is confirmed as the second AC SAM895 has nao departed JB Elmendorf and heading es

Flauxtus confirmed as Not EXEC1F

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577bb2 No.80227

File: 919371100ccaba2⋯.png (163.39 KB,703x460,703:460,ANON_USAF_C_40_B_departing….PNG)

File: 3fdd24265bacfbf⋯.png (273.09 KB,834x416,417:208,ClipboardImage.png)

ANON USAF C-40B departing Ted Stevens Int'l Airport Anchorage, AK after a ground stop and refuel

It was ANON from ground switch on

Was SAM064 earlier and departed JBA this morning-cap #2

Most likely this

US Envoy to UN to attend Tokyo Olympics closing ceremony

The US government will send a delegation led by Linda Thomas-Greenfield, ambassador to the United Nations, to the Aug. 8 closing ceremony for the Tokyo Olympic Games, President Joe Biden said Friday.

First lady Jill Biden represented the United States at the opening ceremony for the Tokyo Games on July 23.


This is the highest level AC (tail #-wise and based on it's other usage)have seen wif ANON call sign.

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6f8103 No.85014

File: 7e3f2812d47031b⋯.png (333.03 KB,849x456,283:152,SAM057_and_SAM060_USAF_C_3….PNG)

Kneepads is Not AF2

SAM057 and SAM060 USAF C-32A departing JBA

Heading to Anchorage, AK for a refuel and the first stop is Singapore followed by Vietnam

When kneepads went to Guatemala earlier this year both of the departing AC's were designated SAM flights. Remember one had a technical failure and both had to return to JBA.

They both departed as SAM flights on the second departure

Kneepads AC stayed SAM until returning from Mexico City when it switched to AF2 at some point over Gulf of Mexico

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6f8103 No.85046

File: 9ad8fa45e811ff9⋯.png (160.8 KB,722x458,361:229,SAM060_USAF_C_32A_on_final….PNG)


Still Not AF2

SAM060 USAF C-32A on final approach for Yokota AB, Japan for a ground stop/refuel

SAM057 began it's descent to Yokota

Both will head to Singapore after dis stop

Kneepads likely on SAM060

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577bb2 No.86452

File: ca4bb274aece395⋯.png (322 KB,826x458,413:229,SAM057_and_SAM060_USAF_C_3….PNG)

File: 445962b8af7f33d⋯.png (258.46 KB,831x459,277:153,SAM060_and_SAM057_USAF_C_3….PNG)

File: b5c83d98a8731c2⋯.png (190.88 KB,926x464,463:232,MC57_and_MC60_formerly_SAM….PNG)


Arrival at Singapore, departure to Hanoi and Hanoi depart for Still Not AF2

It will head to Hickam AFB Hawaii for a ground stop and refuel then on the San Francisco Int'l for dumbshit Newsome campaigning

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577bb2 No.102189

File: 5b8214ae28d45e9⋯.png (272.53 KB,749x411,749:411,SAM389_USAF_C_32A_on_groun….PNG)

File: c14637413e62df8⋯.png (378.97 KB,554x515,554:515,ClipboardImage.png)

we can add the Secretary of Defense to the Not AF1 Joe and Not AF2 kneepads story....

Not on a Nightwatch for overseas travel-see below

SAM389 USAF C-32A and SPAR82 USAF G5 departed Kiev after a ground stop

Now we know who on dis AC but not on the Nightwatch per usual S.O.P. for overseas travel wif any Secretary of Defense.....so dat is pretty interdasting that Austin is NOT on the E-4B

US Pentagon chief in Kiev says Russia 'obstacle' to peace

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday called on Moscow to stop prolonging the war in eastern Ukraine, his second stop in Black Sea countries he said were threatened by Russian expansionism. "We again call on Russia to end its occupation of Crimea and to stop perpetuating the war in eastern Ukraine, to end its destabilising activities in the Black Sea and along Ukraine's borders," he said in a meeting with Ukraine Defence Minister Andriy Taran. "Russia started this war and Russia is the obstacle to a peaceful resolution," he added.

Austin was in Kiev for discussions on advancing the two countries' defence cooperation, building on the Strategic Defence Framework announced in Washington at the beginning of September. His meetings with Taran and President Volodymyr Zelensky for the second time in less than two months were important for building cooperation among Black Sea countries, he said, including Georgia and Romania, to confront increased Russian activity in the Black Sea. Responding to European concerns that the United States is now focusing most of its security attention on China and the Indo-Pacific region, Austin stressed: "This region remains critical to us." "I like the minister," he added to journalists. "That's why I came back to see him so soon."

Taran said Ukraine remained confident in the United States despite the US abandonment of Afghanistan after a 20-year war against the Taliban. "We have no doubt in support from our strategic partner," he said. "The United States understands the importance of Ukraine's struggle for its independence, for deterring Russian aggression." But Taran's restatement of Ukraine's desire to graduate from a strategic partner in NATO to full member was not answered by the Pentagon defence chief. Washington continues to fall in line with Germany and France, who see admitting Ukraine to the Atlantic alliance as a high risk given Moscow's adamant opposition to it. Austin visited Georgia on Monday, and is due in Romania Wednesday, with the same message of solidarity and offers of continuing defence support in the face of challenges from Russia.


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577bb2 No.104270

File: a7496076edc36a5⋯.png (237.63 KB,786x459,262:153,AF1_USAF_747_ne_from_JBA_d….PNG)

Lesco Brandon displaying AF1 again

AF1 USAF 747 departed JBA ne to Rome

SAM46 USAF C-32A also ne from JBA.

We are still missing the normal escort AC for overseas trips that accompany the 747.

Tail #92-9000 (also 747 or VC-25A) is still MIA and has been since Nov 2020.

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577bb2 No.105176

File: 7c6d3f734a2e91b⋯.png (221.5 KB,663x390,17:10,SAM416_USAF_C_32A_departed….PNG)

File: d9acee6b42663e3⋯.png (413.03 KB,584x390,292:195,Jill_Biden_Not_Exec1F_Napl….PNG)

This is Flauxtus departing Naples and does NOT habs EXEC1F as call sign.

This is the second time this has occurred-the other example was during the trip to Japan for the Olympics earlier this year.

SAM416 USAF C-32A departed Naples-Capodichino Airportnw after a ground stop-inbound from Rome earlier today

It arrived at Rome yesterday from JBA

Followed by Italian AF IAM9004 Falcon 900

Wind in Rome catches First Lady off-guard as she heads to Naples for tour of American military school

Jill Biden arrived in Naples, Italy Monday afternoon to tour a DOD-funded school, splitting off from husband, President Joe Biden, who traveled to Scotland to participate in the COP26 climate summit.


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577bb2 No.106440

File: be33dd9add902cd⋯.png (259.12 KB,1120x492,280:123,AF1_USAF_747_from_Edinburg….PNG)


They let Joe keep AF1 on the return trip from Edinburgh Int'l back to JBA

It arrived at JBA as AF1

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577bb2 No.107306

File: 79b5f5c264eb183⋯.png (229.38 KB,805x458,805:458,98_0002_USAF_C_32A_Not_AF2….PNG)

98-0002 USAF C-32A and SAM647 USAF C-32As departed JBA to Paris

0-3 having AF2 on Int'l departures for Kneepads and crew.

On the return leg from Hanoi earlier this year it was given back prior to arrival at Hickam AFB at a ground stop/refuel.

Same with the Mexico trip-returned on last leg.

Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff Head to Paris for First European Trip


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577bb2 No.108432

File: 43975e6b5e6a340⋯.png (190.69 KB,818x453,818:453,SAM585_USAF_C_32A_kneepads….PNG)

Kneepads Not AF2 on SAM585 USAF C-32A departed Paris-Orly Airport wif SAM647 C-32A out behind

A SAM call sign instead of just the tail # of 98-0002 on the return trip

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b08678 No.109315


found cp, gonna lock this thread (i think only u posting on it anyway atm) - u can unlock later but i can't watch it now

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577bb2 No.110329

File: 7a88b4e07db6c7b⋯.png (262.21 KB,749x406,107:58,82_8000_USAF_747_departed_….PNG)


back to Not AF1 Joe

82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA to Manchester-Boston Airport

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577bb2 No.110330

File: 5b7fe39c4c1c5e1⋯.png (285.02 KB,858x441,286:147,AF2_USAF_C_32A_west_from_J….PNG)


aaaaaand kneepads gets it back

AF2 USAF C-32A departed JBA from Columbus, OH

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577bb2 No.110334

File: 16011128419d375⋯.png (392.1 KB,450x499,450:499,ClipboardImage.png)

>>44780, >>44781, >>44782

This is still valid-cap and coming up on one year for 92-9000 747 MIA

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577bb2 No.129744

File: 75aed5df997a483⋯.png (288.52 KB,790x459,790:459,SAM940_USAF_C_32A_departed….png)

File: 491442bb120888d⋯.png (324.22 KB,481x537,481:537,ClipboardImage.png)

Well lookey here

Finally 98-0001 shows up

It has been at Majors Airport for a long time

While It was seen at Majors Airport last November and has been out as VADER20 on Dec 6th,8th,15 and went to JBA on 1215 then to Atlanta on 1220as SAM94

>was in the hospital when this last few prior to today

and the shill who is trying to take credit for this-namely the plane vanishing for an extended period of time originally said it was all bullshit to start with when originally posted in QR

These posts




-now it is proven to be true (and they missed it on 1220) suddenly wants all the credit for it.

All they had was this AC offshore from Atlanta with none of this information-but once this information was posted in QR they boldly claimed they "found it".

Nice try shill you have proven yourself to be selfish and unable to work with others because you instantly claimed credit for this-had this not been posted in QR you would still not know and continue to be blissfully unaware.

Been sitting at Hartsfield ever since 1220

This is the MIA C-32A on the milk carton so can take that off

Used as primary AF2 by Pence and other than the above flights out of Majors and it's Flight from JBA on 1220 to Atlanta this is the first time I have seen it-

No one else caught this

Mystery solved on this one

We wait to see when 92-9000 747 appears

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577bb2 No.133273

File: a6f2a059a9b9d0e⋯.png (664.03 KB,924x514,462:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee23bcd4b5dd74a⋯.png (504.29 KB,763x480,763:480,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c84bf77c3ff3ab⋯.png (546.63 KB,731x476,43:28,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 827a10f274b856d⋯.png (395.11 KB,726x411,242:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9980cdb98fee180⋯.png (316.53 KB,730x316,365:158,ClipboardImage.png)

So this is interdasting and some pretty compelling evidence that suggests Ukraine President Zelensky is not in Kyiv but in Poland as I have previously speculated

This is Polish President Duda's AC and call sign PLF101-leaving Krakow but this article sez he was in Kyiv meeting with the Baltic State leaders....see below

So is Krakow, Rzesow or Warsaw where they keeping Zelensky??

He has used this plane and callsign many times before

see examples below

Today it started out at Rzesow and went to Warsaw then to Krakow and now back to Warsaw-see cap#2 for 011422 full history

Polish AF PLF101 737 leaving Krakow returning to Warsaw

Polish president: Russian invasion of Ukraine is ‘terrorism'.

Polish President Andrzej Duda said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is “terrorism,” adding that those who committed war crimes in the country must be punished. Duda made the remarks during a news conference on Wednesday, when he and leaders of the Baltic states — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the country’s capital of Kyiv. “It’s not war, it’s terrorism when soldiers are sent to murder civilians,” Duda said at the news conference. “It is a face of war that we are not able [to] and cannot accept.” Duda also said at the news conference that Russia must be held accountable for the crimes they are committing in the region, CNN reported. “The perpetrators of these crimes, both direct and indirect, must be punished. Prosecutors collect evidence in places where mass murders took place. It is inconceivable that such things should happen in the modern world,” Duda said at the news conference.



pf speculated that Zelensky was in Rzesow and this AC has been there today as well

The plot deepens.....

'member we also had the EVAC01 Blackhawk land on the Polish border and take someone to the hospital at Rzesow too

from Feb 15th

>>126542, >>126546, >>126548 lb Mystery US helicopter lands on Ukraine-Poland border-rt

Am not there so all this is pure speculation on muh part but that is an AC Duda has used in the past quite a bit. I have not seen him wif own eyes enter or exit this AC-but several examples of PL101 on two different ACs-all confirmed to be Duda via articles and experience

But quite interdasting we have another "clandestine "visit" to Kyiv when BoJo was supposedly there too and his normal AC was nowhere near it

from April 9th

all pb-@ QRB

>>132841, >>132844, >>132845, >>132846 Boris Johnson Makes Surprise Trip To War-Torn Ukraine For Zelensky Meeting

>>132841, >>132844, >>132845, >>132846 Boris Johnson Makes Surprise Trip To War-Torn Ukraine For Zelensky Meeting


no answer huh



awfully curious dhat one.

Here he is-below linkys-with that call sign on different AC but both of them are used by Duda as Polish AF1 tail #0111 and 0112


>>126121, >>130659, >>132315 pb

and this

>>132153 same AC as today, same call sign

Possibruh I just figured out Zelensky in Krakow or Rzesow but have not seen any ACs from those Baltic states but rarely do at any time.

Here is the tail # 0112 last visible activity on 0411-see cap#3

It is not PLF101 though it is PLF130 so not Duda on this AC but this has been used as PLF101 before

Cap #4 Tail #0111

Cap #5 Tail #0112

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577bb2 No.133274

and way to go gerbil for casting doubt and playing yer stupid games by putting it in the notables, cause you had to since others noticed it, under this title

>>>/qrsearch/16076785 PF Mapping it, but logs say otherwise

You could have been an adult and just put it in as PF and left out your little "comment" but you had to play childish games because if one of your soy boy phaggits put it in you'd have been all over it and made a big deal about it

You really should care WHAT the information is instead of WHO posted it.

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577bb2 No.133328

File: d3d00111e3e21fd⋯.png (70.93 KB,255x136,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d39db01b61405e0⋯.png (462.73 KB,670x416,335:208,ClipboardImage.png)


Here is Polish President Duda's AC leaving Warsaw earlier today

Polish AF PLF101 737 departing Warsaw and went to Krakow

Interdasting the the REDEYE Joint STARS left right after Duda's AC departed Warsaw

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577bb2 No.133342

File: 10ba72445e9af08⋯.png (329.86 KB,709x430,709:430,Polish_AF_PLF101_737_Duda_….PNG)


back to Warsaw after 2 hours on ground at Krakow

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577bb2 No.133372

File: 9de591b38212675⋯.png (471.22 KB,736x481,736:481,ClipboardImage.png)


correction to Polish PLF101 737 that departed Krakow-it went to Deblin AB (red circle)for about 45 minutes prior to going back to Warsaw so add Deblin AB to the list of possibruh Zelensky location(s)

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577bb2 No.133488

File: 2c699c555bf1ae6⋯.png (213.93 KB,694x465,694:465,ClipboardImage.png)

Turkish AF TR010 Challenger 600 departed Rzesow Aiport after a ground stop of about 1 hour se

Heading to Ankara and on descent now

It departed Ankara earlier and went to Sochi as was not there for very long (data incomplete) then to Istanbul for 8 hours and depart to Rzesow where it has departed from about 90 minutes ago

They taken Zelensky out to meet with Someone from Russia now???

USA, UK, Italy, Turkey show readiness to become guarantors of Ukraine's security – Zelensky

President Volodymyr Zelensky said the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy and Turkey demonstrate their readiness to become guarantors of Ukraine's security, but there is still no final answer from anyone

"Today, those who demonstrate that they are ready, we do not have any signatories yet, but there is a demonstration, from [Boris] Johnson, from Great Britain, from the United States, from Italy, from Turkey. I think it will be separate from the European Union," he said in an interview with the Ukrainian online media on Saturday. "I spoke separately with Ursula [President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen], separately with Charles Michel [Head of the European Council Charles Michel], France, Germany. We will do the first circle of conversation in this format for five (Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Poland). Then other countries will join," Zelensky said. According to the publication, Zelensky believes that Ukraine will not have a problem with weapons or sanctions against the aggressor country, but there will be issues with the military component.


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577bb2 No.133825

File: 7d8168c49f4d562⋯.png (189 KB,1212x578,606:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b1ca232b4edb01⋯.png (552.53 KB,828x476,207:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f3427451701a43⋯.png (1.26 MB,2048x1024,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

TheDiggie Godshave smiled upon planefag todayfor sure!!!

Check this out!

>>133744 dubs here too

Prediction made @11:48:04 of ANON AC arrival at Los Angeles Int'l


Post of SAM850 changing to ANON on final approach at Los Angeles Int'l @1250ft was at 12:05:21

Time stamps visible at those linkys

12 hours 05 minutes 21 seconds minus

11 hours 48 minutes 04 seconds

Total of 17 minutes 17 seconds elapsed time

Cap #1 is ANON USAF C-32A arrival at LAX at exactly the timestamp as post >>133746

It departed from JBA earlier today >>133721

Cap #2 is SAM850 at approximately 5K feet and on final approach

Cap#1 taken from earlier at this site

LIVE at Los Angeles International Airport | LAX LIVE | LAX Plane Spotting


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577bb2 No.134097

File: 691aef38dc61693⋯.png (752.56 KB,1190x1190,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cb9a0e287d9e12⋯.png (866.76 KB,1162x1294,581:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85049cf4cb83780⋯.png (553.28 KB,722x444,361:222,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0825c311dccdf20⋯.png (526.89 KB,894x454,447:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbd84d61601cea5⋯.png (1.34 MB,935x623,935:623,ClipboardImage.png)



USAF C-40B inbound to Europe as SAM977 #AE0945. I've seen at least 1 report that the Secretaries of State & Defense are already in Kyiv.

Could that report be wrong and this is the Secretary of Defense and State?


Multiple UKR media are reporting Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin are in Kyiv.

I suspect they took C-17s from Andrews into Rzeszow yesterday.

#AE2FAD as RCH247 and #AE20C9 as RCH4155 are still showing in Rzeszow.


Cap#4 confirmed on ground still


SAM977 USAF C-40B on descent for Ramstein AFB

Highly unlikely that both the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense are on the same plane-but these are different times.

Much has changed since Feb 24 and we've already had BoJo and Polish President Duda say the were in Kyiv when the Planes they normally use were not in Kyiv-see below

In the past there was ZERO chance that BOTH would be on same AC-for security purposes-as that would be quite a target-so they travel separately. For the same reason that any POTUS and VP do not travel on same AC or arrive at the same airport ftm.

Now we had a rally in 2020 + another instance prior where 45 and VP Pence were at the same Airport-Indiana iirc and even that is against basic security protocols and why it was such a surprise at the time it habbened

That AC (tail#01-0040) from the linky is from the State Dept-however based on past experience Blinken should be departing on a C-32A and if the pattern holds Austin will be on another C-32A and not muh nightwatch-as he has not traveled on the E-4B for his last three Int'l trips and that is not normal protocol either.


>pretty compelling evidence that suggests Ukraine President Zelensky is not in Kyiv but in Poland as I have previously speculated and Duda did not go to Kyiv


>>134010 RCH4155 C-17 departing from JBA

as well as RCH247 (miss-labeled in post as 427) but is the tail# 08-8201 in cap #2

When the C-17 Globeys have 4 digit callsigns (or a T) those have been for POTUS/VP equipment deliveries for visits ftmp

>>134074 (You), >>134075 (You)

The AC that Blinken has last used for European trip is C-32A tail# 98-0001 and that was just used by kneepads for AF2 and returned to JBA on Friday and is still sitting on the ground at JBA.

That tail # was/is also the MIA C-32A that VP Pence used as Primary AF2-it went "missing" just after Pence used it to go to Ft. Drum in January 2021. It reappeared on 1220 and went to Atlanta where it sat for a few weeks and then was spotted departing Atlanta and headed out to the Gulf of Mexico on March 8th 2022- see here >>129744

Blinken last used tail #99-0003 to go to Panama last week and he used that because his recently used AC tail #98-0001 was used by kneepads-see above

Ausitn has used tail #09-0004 for his Int'l trips and NOT the Nightwatch-that AC was the ANON ac that arrived in LA on Weds >>133825 and then departed to SFO as ANON and then also departed SFO back to JBA as ANON but was Sam 850 in all of those cases prior to switching to ANON

The situation described in these posts (the links to QR soc/ media posts in 074) is very likely given the fact that the above ACs that have been used in the past are still sitting at JBA

Then BOOM!

>>134078 Blinken, Austin Meet Zelenskiy in Kyiv in Top Show of Solidarity-bnnBberg


So they were on those Globeys-almost every single one spends no moar than 3 hours on the ground before they leave.

Most are about 90 minutes

I have them up still and expect some movement in the next few hours

Also that Rivet Joint bailed just before that news was released so meeting over when that habbened imo.

Still think he is in Poland and until we see some proof ala a picture outside date/timestamp calling bullshit it habbened in Kyiv

That still can be easily faked but we had that issue with Duda's AC that never went to Kyiv and the same with BoJo's usual AC

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577bb2 No.134389

File: 470bd64963bf6fa⋯.png (440.75 KB,743x438,743:438,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9968730ee34ff66⋯.png (279.81 KB,653x297,653:297,ClipboardImage.png)

This is the highest level G5 I have seen with an ANON callsign

In fact I cannot recall any of the top 5 from the 99th (c-37A/B and I just use G5 cause even non-planefags knows what that is) ever flashing ANON before

>>>/qresearch/16170525, >>>/qresearch/16171067 pb

ANONUSAF G5 KAF AC of interdast on final approach at St. Louis Int'l from Kansas City Downtown Airport overnight

This is a very High-level VIP transport AC from the 99th Airlift squad and it's talkin'

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577bb2 No.134453

File: 99cd15c603d1500⋯.png (284.46 KB,849x475,849:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05750473cca0573⋯.png (443.2 KB,583x469,583:469,ClipboardImage.png)


Pakistan AF PAK2 G4 on approach for Abu Dhabi from Jeddah, SA depart after visiting MbS

Paki PM Shehbaz Sharif on this AC

Saudi crown prince receives Pakistan’s new PM

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has met Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif at the Al Salam palace in Jeddah, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said on Saturday. The two leaders discussed the “prospects of bilateral cooperation and promising opportunities as well as the ways of developing them in various fields,” SPA reported. They also discussed regional and international issues: Today I am embarking on a visit to Saudi Arabia to renew & reaffirm our bonds of brotherhood & friendship. I will have wide-ranging discussions with Saudi leadership. KSA is one of our greatest friends & as Custodian of the Two Holy Places, has a special place in all our hearts. — Shehbaz Sharif (@CMShehbaz) April 28, 2022

Earlier, Sharif arrived in Jeddah on Friday on the second day of his visit to Saudi Arabia. Governor of Makkah Khalid Bin Faisal Al Saud and Saudia Arabia’s Adviser National Security Dr Musaed Al Aiban received the prime minister. The prime minister was accompanied by key cabinet members, including Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Miftah Ismail, Nawabzada Shahzain Bugti, Marriyum Aurangzeb, Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Chaudhry Salik Hussain, Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Mohsin Dawar and Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, APP reported. During his meetings with Saudi crown prince and other officials, he will discuss among other things advancing economic, trade and investment ties and creation of greater opportunities for the Pakistani workforce in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan’s news agency had said.


>>>/qresearch/16182688 lb

HOMER61 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint heading north over central Romania from Souda Bay NAS

63-8045 USAF KC-135 Stratotanker over Iraq-usually always one visible

Have not the seen the BACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node) ACs lately though-those are GLEX ACs and are usually using the BLKWFXX callsign

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577bb2 No.134490

File: dc30294d55c2b75⋯.png (595.53 KB,736x478,368:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e6726205890598⋯.png (427.03 KB,645x359,645:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 034aab20dc3eee2⋯.png (575.82 KB,736x480,23:15,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f7b125aab34f7a⋯.png (332.11 KB,383x493,383:493,ClipboardImage.png)

>>>/qresearch/16189500 Pelosi did NOT go to Kyiv-BOXER45 USAF C-40C on ground at Warsaw-been there for approximately 3 hours from Rzesow Airport ground stop of a little under 3 hours

This AC in no way, shape or form traveled to Kyiv

Cap #1 reflects it's activity

As I have previously speculated they are moving Zelensky around Poland in four places-possibly moar: Warsaw, Krakow, Rzesow AB, Deblin AB


Can see that above >>133273

Pelosi uses this AC tail# 02-0203 for many trip-including the west coast trips to SFO/Int'l and she uses two other ACs of the same variety but this is her 'normal' AC and callsign since she thinks she was 45

>>>/qresearch/16187983 Pelosi and Schiff 'got to Kyiv"

>>>/qresearch/16188330 Pelosi makes surprise visit to Kyiv

>>>/qresearch/16189531 Warsaw to Kyiv is a 9hr drive. Sounds like the whole Kyiv story is bullshit.

Protip: it is


The entire thing was green screened as Pelosi's AC went to Rzesow for three hours and then back to Warsaw.

It arrived at Rzesow on 0430 from JBA depart of 0429 later in day-cap#3 and spent about 1h 45m on the ground the went to Warsaw-Chopin Int'l-probably the 'set-up' for the next days 'meeting'

It's activity on 0501 for it's "secret" meeting In Kyiv in reflected in cap#1

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577bb2 No.134491



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577bb2 No.134504

File: 8c35aff015e15e0⋯.png (205.41 KB,806x458,403:229,ClipboardImage.png)


BOXER45 USAF C-40C-Pelosi/Schiff returning to JBA after departing Warsaw-Chopin Int'l earlier today

Stopped at Shannon for a ground stop/refuel for about 60 minutes

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577bb2 No.134742

File: c46ed07461341db⋯.png (511.32 KB,773x427,773:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4875eb6f40cdf89⋯.png (492.71 KB,645x368,645:368,ClipboardImage.png)


Flauxtus is not EXEC1F-the normal callsign for any FLOTUS-Flauxtus in this case

SAM984 USA C-32A departed Bucharest after arriving yesterday-also had a stop at Constanta, Romania yesterday for 2.5 hours.

Departed JBA on 0506 and had a ground stop at Shannon for refuel then to Constanta

Has not had the normal callsign EXEC1F on this or any other legs on current trip.

This has habbened on all of her seperate Int'l trips-she had Exec1F after returning from the Olympics and she stopped at Hickam AFB but that is the only time it has been seen on her Int'l legs.

Same AC tail #98-0001 that was missing for an extended period of time

>>105176, >>129744

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577bb2 No.134743



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577bb2 No.134744


you get the idea

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577bb2 No.134800

File: b06925500dac389⋯.png (601.8 KB,857x424,857:424,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 033e0f89a9a9fba⋯.png (523.47 KB,625x415,125:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9faba448fe6757⋯.png (157.24 KB,623x375,623:375,ClipboardImage.png)

>>>/qresearch/16228697, >>>/qresearch/16228932

Flauxtus visits Ukraine..this one is actually possible because it's only 63 miles see cap #3

Unlike Pelosi who's AC was on the ground at Rzesow for three hours on the day she was 'at Kyiv' >>>/qrb/134490 Pelosi 'visits Kyiv' but was in Rzesow-pf 101 thread

SAM984 USAF C-32A Flauxtus' (Not EXEC1F) AC is in Kosice now-from Bratislava-moved about 8 hours ago

Jill Biden pays surprise visit to Ukraine, meets first lady

U.S. first lady Jill Biden made an unannounced visit to western Ukraine on Sunday, holding a surprise Mother’s Day meeting with the nation’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, as Russia presses its punishing war in the eastern regions. Biden traveled under the cloak of secrecy, becoming the latest high-profile American to enter Ukraine during its 10-week-old conflict with Russia. “I wanted to come on Mother’s Day,” Biden told Zelenska. “I thought it was important to show the Ukrainian people that this war has to stop and this war has been brutal and that the people of the United States stand with the people of Ukraine.”


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577bb2 No.134810

File: c26c2b5de519dd2⋯.png (574.17 KB,798x446,399:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05ded32d0805b89⋯.png (475.03 KB,541x547,541:547,ClipboardImage.png)


Another 'visit to Ukraine'

President and PM share this AC callsign 9ACRO so I dunno who is actually on this but yet another 'visit' to Ukraine

Croatian AF 9ACRO CL-600 heading to Kosice from Zagreb and 'on a visit to Ukraine'

They say it already habbened…..dis his plane heading to Kosice from Zagreb-see above

Croatian PM on visit to Ukraine

“President Zelensky has informed me about the situation in Ukraine and the consequences of the Russian invasion. The Ukrainian people and soldiers have demonstrated exceptional resistance in defending their families, their homes and their country,” Plenkovic wrote on Twitter. “Croatia knows what it is like to be a victim of military aggression. It stands firmly by Ukraine and supports its European path,” he added. Plenkovic wrote that he was visiting Ukraine, the victim of Russian aggression, ahead of Europe Day. After meeting with the parliament speaker, he said that Croatia continued to provide Ukraine with “political-diplomatic and all other support” and continued parliamentary cooperation, in particular regarding Ukraine’s EU path. The Croatian prime minister has said earlier that Zagreb supports the idea of Ukraine being granted special status in the EU. Later today, Plenkovic is scheduled to visit Irpin and Bucha, the sites of war crimes just outside Kyiv. Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman is also in the Ukrainian capital.

Plenkovic and Radman were welcomed by Croatian Ambassador Anica Djamic, who has returned to Kyiv to continue running the Embassy.


>>>/qresearch/16234837 lb

Flauxtus back to Bratislava

SAM984 USAF C-32A departed Kosice and headed back to Bratislava

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577bb2 No.134812

File: 229be87d2d0bd7a⋯.png (555.73 KB,813x427,813:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96ea75e359fda31⋯.png (445.53 KB,1219x640,1219:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 940c591277b1bee⋯.png (41.28 KB,834x366,139:61,ClipboardImage.png)


CFC4135 A310 stopped at Rzesow yesterday for about one hour and is now at Warsaw Int'l

It left yesterday from Ottawa

Cap#2 is distance from Rzesow to Irpin-just west of Kyiv (364.32 mi)

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau visits Irpin in Ukraine, says mayor

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an unannounced visit on Sunday to the Ukrainian town of Irpin, which was retaken from Russian troops in late March after fierce fighting, the town's mayor said on Telegram. "I've just had an honor to meet with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, who came to Irpin to see with his own eyes all the horror which Russian occupiers have caused to our town," Oleksandr Markushyn said on his Telegram channel. He posted a picture showing Trudeau standing on a street with destroyed and burned apartment buildings in the background. The Russian military occupied Irpin following Moscow's Feb. 24 invasion but Ukrainian forces seized back control. The town has been one of the hotspots of fighting near the capital Kyiv. re Canada, like other Western nations, has imposed broad economic sanctions on Russia and sent military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Trudeau's Liberal government has also created a special scheme for Ukrainians and their families to apply for a temporary resident visa.



Kyiv, Ukraine

Private meetings

6:00 p.m. The Prime Minister will participate in a G7 Leaders’ meeting on the war in Ukraine.

The FM Joly made some reference to it last week, "looking into it"

His usual Int'l AC still in Ottawa-I'm checking the other tail #s I have

His schedule yesterday did not have what you see on it now-it said private meetings in Ottawa

His schedule sez he already 'there'


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577bb2 No.134832

ty for reporting

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577bb2 No.134834

File: 9444f215ad055b6⋯.png (143.82 KB,683x386,683:386,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bea3b1888f5bf92⋯.png (53.84 KB,629x573,629:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b97ea0323c4ed26⋯.png (550.76 KB,760x419,760:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6d7da4b7f1dfe5⋯.png (447.71 KB,582x386,291:193,ClipboardImage.png)



CFC4135 A310 departed Rzesow after going to Irpin Rzesow on 0507

His schedule actually shows him being at Rzesow today-it did not reflect the trip to Berlin-see below- either nor Rzesow on 0507-just Irpin, Ukraine and NFW did he do that see linkys above.

This AC departed Berlin earlier today at stopped at Rzesow again and a total of 43 minutes on the ground between transponder switch off upon landing and switch on for taxi.

The last reported position for this AC was in current position about 142 minutes ago

His schedule for today-cap #2

Rzeszów, Poland

Private meetings

'''The Prime Minister will depart for Ottawa.

National Capital Region, Canada'''

The Prime Minister will arrive in Ottawa.


I originally reported this AC at Warsaw when, in fact, it went to Berlin after it's Rzesow departure on 0507.

Clearing that up

As already mentioned his schedule does not reflect any activity in Berlin (or Warsaw) and only mentions Rzesow today-as if he was already there.

Cap#3 is it's history for today departing Berlin going to Rzesow.

Cap #4 is his 'visit' -look at the bldgs they make a right angle in the background-totally a movie set. Looks similar to the Warner lot in LA (used to)-not saying he in LA but it does look like it to me.

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577bb2 No.134914

thank you for reporting

seems they do it when Im asleep

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577bb2 No.135005

File: cf54ddb6cf6aaaa⋯.png (427.42 KB,648x606,108:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d155328dbb44f10⋯.png (162.87 KB,916x482,458:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d753fd0d41ee397⋯.png (180.95 KB,895x478,895:478,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM911: a tale of same call sign for two different ACs at same destinations ...except one important one

Julian Assange Movement/Extradition-and preparation for/being done?

Planefag thinks there is some movement on the JA situation based on several ACs in the week. The 'kink' in this is the decision to 100% do it has not been made public and the Home Secretary is totally against it and according to all sources is 'imminent'. Stirring the masses in preparation for this decision to deny-at least this is what she has stated- but a few ACs over the last week has muh tingles up. As there were two AC's that used SAM911 as callsign and had different Hex ids-basically trying to obfuscate the movement of the one that went to London, Stansted.

If there were not identical callsigns I would NOT be thinking this regarding Assange-but there were/are

from yesterday May 12th, 20222

Priti Patel, hear this loud and clear: Assange must not be handed over to the US


and this from May 9th,2022

Op. Ed: The persecution of Julian Assange


Unlike the exit from Ecuador's Embassy on April 11th, 2019-it was on the 11th-love THAT number. Not getting into the history here as it is well known from that point but I think mebby they are making preps for this to habben or it may already have with SAM911 arrival yesterday at JAB from it's Stansted overnight-see below for explanation of the different itineraries for these identical callsigns plus the PAT44 AC that was at Stansted 0510-11

The Aircraft involved

One very high level departure on Tuesday was PAT44 (Priority Air Transport) departed JBA to London, Stansted and spent the night >>16247332 PAT44 USAF G5 departed JBA ne and landed at London, Stansted >>>/qresearch/16248819 pb -we also had SAM043 G5 departing Brussels after an overnight and back to Brussels and at the same time the big C-17 train was heading south from Norway >>>/qresearch/16248636 pb

PAT44 returned to JBA on 0511 >>>/qresearch16255111 pb

This AC (tail #97-01944) spends most of it's time over CONUS as FORGE94 so that it went over to London and back is a little fuel for this. This is also where an AC arrived and departed to/from at the last public court hearing-someone from the US State Dept was there for it and that hearing was on April 20th, 2022 (420 day man!!) >>>/qresearch16115667 pb this it arriving back to JBA after departing that hearing and it arrived the day before from Stockholm.

SAM911 USAF C-40B State Department AC

The issue here is that there are two ACs that used SAM911 as it' s callsign but they have different Hex id's and had stops at the same destinations on different days

Some fuckery going on here to mebby mask the activity at London Stansted-because there were 2 ACs that used SAM911 (and using that as the callsign is pretty cute too)

This is why these two posts >>>/qresearch/16260312, >>>/qresearch/16267819 pb were made because I had not caught the hexid difference but the same callsign was used so there is still fuckery afoot.

This activity from >>>/qresearch/16260312 pb is SAM911 (hexid AE64CD) leaving yesterday

You can see it in the upper left corner of that post from yesterday as Hexid #ae64cd

Moar on this one-cap #2 is it's departure from Stansted to JBA-could be JA with this identical callsign stuff going-one must ask why did they do this???

SAM911 USAF C-40B (hex id AE64CD) departed JBA on 0510 and went to Shannon, Ireland for a refuel then went to Cairo Int'l and then departed for Aqaba, Jordan after an overnight and then arrived at London, Stansted on 0511 that is depicted in post >>>/qresearch/16260312 pb leaving yesterday and because they both used SAM911 it is confusing and why I think there is some fuckery related to Assange because why have two ACs with the same callsign??

Upon it's arrival at Stansted it spent about 17 hours there then departed back to JBA on 0511

The other SAM911 but was SAM085 upon it's departure today cap#3 is it's arrival at JBA from Shannon departure earlier today

SAM911 USAF C-40B (hexid AE0945) left Aqaba on 0509 and sat at Shannon, Ireland until today's departure as SAM085 and arrived a few hours ago back at JBA-it was there when Mario Draghi's security apparatus arrived from Rome depart. So this is the one that has been sitting at Shannon since

see here >>>/qresearch/16241038 pb SAM911 USAF C-40B on ground at Shannon, Ireland after arriving from a departure just north of Aqaba, Jordan and arrived yesterday from Cairo Int'l

but is was not Draghi's AC and that was corrected the next morning >>>/qresearch/16247531 pb

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577bb2 No.135006

File: 7976ede795b72c7⋯.png (164.56 KB,715x439,715:439,ClipboardImage.png)

Can add Secretary Blinken to the list of no/empty callsigns'''

This is 100% a pilot decision to not input a callsign as ADS-B is only getting the data via the transponder and since there is no callsign input it displays it as it's tail # on the AC icon -in this case '99-0003' because it has to show something. Blinken has used this AC in the past-most recently a trip to Panama with DHS Mayorkas

99-0003 USAF C-32A departed JBA to the ne-Blinken is now no callsign as this should be SAMXXX.

This is Sec. of State Blinken heading to Berlin for NATO Foreign Ministers and then to Paris, joined by United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Secretary of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, to attend the second ministerial meeting of the U.S.-E.U. Trade and Technology Council (TTC).

Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Germany and France


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577bb2 No.135044

File: 9afefad3f2cdee4⋯.png (317.33 KB,744x457,744:457,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>/qresearch/16280425 SAM151 USAF C-32A departed JBA to Abu Dhabi and Not AF2

SAM151 USAF C-32A departed JBA to Abu Dhabi and Not AF2

Should stop at Shannon for a refuel

Kamala Harris To Travel To UAE For Offering Condolences On Sheikh Khalifa's Demise


SAM093 USAF G5 returning to JBA after 3 hours on the ground at New Orleans-second SAM flight back from there today >>>/qresearch16278974 pb

>at some point I will replace these no longer visible pics-not high on the list though

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577bb2 No.135048

File: 101b5735748eae5⋯.png (532.65 KB,659x453,659:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c87bfce229fb78⋯.png (602.76 KB,811x420,811:420,ClipboardImage.png)


Blinekn had SAM813 after it departed Berlin as empty callsign-this switch was right after the post in QR

He went to Paris as mentioned >>>/qresearch/16279697 pb and see Macron returning from Abu Dhabi as well as some Hungarian AF flights from the Pyrenees area of southern France

>they watch

>>>/qresearch/16279135, >>>/qrsearch/16279175

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577bb2 No.135049



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577bb2 No.135050

File: 270cf682027ecee⋯.png (399.86 KB,979x522,979:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 662fbc872eb178e⋯.png (386.01 KB,536x716,134:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4b30b9766ac633⋯.png (222.2 KB,792x447,264:149,ClipboardImage.png)


SAM813 USAF C-32A Blinken departed Orly Airport-Paris after a ground stop of about 3h 45min-probabaly going to Tel Aviv and that is not on his listed schedule-only Germany and France.

See cap#2 for Blinken Twat


Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian today in Paris-Saclay, France, ahead of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council ministerial dinner.  The two discussed issues of importance in the bilateral relationship, especially the urgent need to confront global food insecurity exacerbated by Russia’s unjust and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. The Secretary highlighted the Global Food Security Call to Action, which will take place at UN headquarters in New York City on May 18. The two also talked about efforts to achieve a mutual return to full JCPOA implementation with Iran.


Spanish AF AME4575 A310 nw from Abu Dhabi as the knob-gobbling festival continues

German AF GAF630 GLEX also departing the "please gibs us moar oil" processions today

RAF RRR2182 Airbus KC2 MRTT on ground at Doha Int'l Airport-see cap#3

They said the BoJo went to Abu Dhabi but his plane is at Al Udeid Air Force Base in Doha, Qatar. Unless he boarded another flight to Abu Dhabi this is another BS story-see below for excerpt

World leaders descend on UAE to pay respects to late ruler


British Prime Minister Johnson, for his part, said his visit to mourn Sheikh Khalifa showed “the deep ties which unite our countries will continue through our cooperation and friendship.” It marked Johnson’s second trip this year to the desert sheikhdom, a leading investor in the United Kingdom and key export market after Britain’s exit from the European Union.


Israeli AF 676 G550 Nachshon Eitam G550 WE/ISR AC out of Nevatim AB and heading se (these are always spoofed heavily so although it appears it is about to cross into Jordan it is not

Polish AF PLF106 G5 departed Warsaw Int'l and also heading to Abu Dhabi-dunno who on it

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577bb2 No.135076

File: 5778ce54f105aa5⋯.png (270.1 KB,875x449,875:449,ClipboardImage.png)



'''kneepads already left after three hours but she is "leading" this while Blinken is still there and arrived before

>Ms Harris (isn't she married-kek) led a high-level delegation to the capital on behalf of the US administration to pay respects to Sheikh Khalifa and congratulate Sheikh Mohamed on his election as president.


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577bb2 No.135080

File: f45c158f99e2c0d⋯.png (211.22 KB,793x445,793:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c251d0ce15825fc⋯.png (94.55 KB,793x503,793:503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 189d1205ef79ca3⋯.png (496.22 KB,582x622,291:311,ClipboardImage.png)

>>>/qresearch/16282942 pb

SAM813 USAF C-32A Blinken departed Abu Dhabi Int'l after arriving just after sunrise there-according to his Twatter Sec. of Defense Austin was dhere too and on SAM152 (#01-0040 State Dept) that is still on the ground-cap#3

Cap#2 .@VP Harris, @SecDef

Austin and I offered our condolences to the leaders and people of the UAE today for the passing of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed. We mourn his passing and honor his legacy.


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577bb2 No.135524

File: c360b5db83fe4b4⋯.png (501.89 KB,1146x755,1146:755,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24157add97e54d4⋯.png (59.39 KB,190x756,95:378,ClipboardImage.png)

Empty callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 has departed Osan AB, SoKo to Yokoata AB, Japan and then takes the Helo to Tokyo

It is not visible on the screen but is transmitting barometric altitude and squawking 7174 which is different then the last time this was visible (that was on 0520 and 3612 as squawk then) and in this cap >>135298 pb

09-0016 USAF C-32A departed as the escort has also departed Osan and is displaying barometric altitude as well and squawking 7171 see cap#2


SUMO45 and 46 USAF C-130 Hercules from Elmendorf se

RCH3235 USAF C-17 on ground at Osan AB and was on a holding pattern while the invisible BOTUS departed-it is on ground now so that is confirmation that 82-8000 has left

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577bb2 No.135525

File: 09027f29c8c2c94⋯.png (420.58 KB,991x447,991:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,ClipboardImage.png)


no callsign Joe has appeared heading to Yokota AB as well as 09-0016 USAF C-32A finally

There is/are some issue with this see below

Planefag Analysis of 'invisble' and no callsign Joe's departure

There is NO reason these two ACs should have not been visible upon departure from Osan AB. There were two C-17 Globemasters that were on hold prior to the 747 and the C-32A departure so there is no overall transmission issue going on here.

They are intentionally hiding the lack of AF1 callsign on this AC so the Intl ATC do not have or ask questions-they can simply be told that it is not being displayed on ADS-B for whatever reason they decide.

However it is being displayed on standard military radar so it's not like it completely invisible to the proper ATC structure.

It is being hidden from people who follow it on ADS-B for the above reason-namely the lack of AF1 on yet another Int'l trip.

That it still transmits barometric altitude is confirmation that it has, in fact, departed and currently in-flight to Yokota AB, Japan.

Sneaky bastids but you've been caught again..

There were no issues like this with 45s trips to Seoul, Singapore, Vietnam, or Japan in the past

The only issue were some spotty traces-standard in this part of the world and we obviously did not see the secret trip to NoKo after the missile action in June 2018.

They did not tell us about that until way after.

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577bb2 No.135528

File: eac9dc493c2bcf2⋯.png (159.43 KB,807x449,807:449,ClipboardImage.png)

Have another C-32A heading for Tokyo after it departed JBA yesterday

SAM892 USAF C-32A heading for Tokyo-probably Narita as "empty callsign Joe" and the escort AC (09-0016) are on ground at Yokota AB-this departed JBA yesterday and has stopped at Elmendorf for a refuel

This is the primary AC for kneepads as AF2-but her trip to Dhabi it did not display AF2 just SAM151-after it reappeared earlier this year from being MIA for a long time, also used by Blinken too but primarily for kneepads and it was primary AF2 for pence

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577bb2 No.135675

File: 7a26c24a69aeefc⋯.png (578.99 KB,749x478,749:478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8011fa853d3c69⋯.png (653.94 KB,819x492,273:164,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83d56232d685d62⋯.png (573.83 KB,536x445,536:445,strike_out_1.PNG)

They said Polish President Duda went to Kyiv yesterday (BWHAHAHAHAHAHA-try harder you amateurs!!)-Here is his AC leaving Zurich right now

Yesterday it left Warsaw and went to Rzesow Airprot and then back to Warsaw-Chopin Int'l whee it left for Zurich earlier today

See Cap#2 for yesterday's 'flight to Kyiv Rzesow Airport Poland

Duda lends support in Kyiv as Zelensky promises reciprocal rights for Poles in Ukraine

Polish President Andrzej Duda, speaking in Kyiv on Sunday (22 May), underscored his nation’s key support for embattled Ukraine as Russian forces pursued a relentless bombardment of frontline cities in the east. Kyiv, meanwhile, continued a diplomatic counteroffensive, targeting the world’s business and political elite gathering in the Swiss mountain resort of Davos, as Western nations continued to rally behind Ukraine’s defence. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to address the World Economic Forum via videoconference on Monday. In another development, Russia’s lead negotiator in peace talks with Ukraine said Sunday that Moscow was willing to resume negotiations, but that the decision remained with Kyiv. “Freezing talks was entirely Ukraine’s initiative,” Vladimir Medinsky told Belarusian TV, adding that the “ball is completely in their court”. He spoke a day after Zelenskyy said the war “will only definitively end through diplomacy”.


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577bb2 No.136931


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577bb2 No.136969

File: 4f05b68f4bbdc0e⋯.png (230.53 KB,807x435,269:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9af097b43e91761⋯.png (145.77 KB,669x375,223:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5535bdd08c41441⋯.png (85.97 KB,541x369,541:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,ClipboardImage.png)

Ok so THIS is interdasting ...

AE64C6 Triton HALE UAV over Russia and just entering Chinese Airspace

Coordinates taken from ADS-B are shown in cap#3 so unless this is spoofed we got a Drone that flew over Russia and has just entered Chinese Airspace over Heilongjiang

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577bb2 No.136970

File: 0abf7fde67778af⋯.png (245.72 KB,800x456,100:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb7bb867aa4de0e⋯.png (133.12 KB,670x387,670:387,ClipboardImage.png)


aaaaaaand now we have entered Chinese Airspace

44.839°, 130.852°


Source: Sat. ADS-C


Msg. Rate:0.0


Last Pos.:8 min

Last Seen:8 min

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577bb2 No.136972

File: ee2bc6ba710577c⋯.png (200.27 KB,891x406,891:406,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 302ddbe1b6a57a8⋯.png (124.36 KB,769x415,769:415,ClipboardImage.png)


AE64C6 Triton HALE UAV continues ws over China and has updated since the last post

Chinese AF OMA4090 A319 from Beijing Int'l

Chinese AF 11156 Y-20 north over central China

Current coordinates: 44.663°, 129.453°

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577bb2 No.137870

File: 5ababc96a2b882f⋯.png (384.67 KB,801x396,89:44,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95a9fbdaed2f4d8⋯.png (292.26 KB,485x421,485:421,ClipboardImage.png)

TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed JBASec of Defense Lloyd Austin got his Nightwatch back and heading for Singaporeand will probably stop in Hawaii for a refuel and talks with Indo-Pac Brass

US Defense Secy Lloyd Austin To Visit Indo-Pacific To Contain Chinese Assertiveness


He has not had the Nightwatch for the last 4 Int'l trips taken

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c35b29 No.139300


There are no coincidences, why I have all the declassified documents and files. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice was coming.

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577bb2 No.139540

File: 8f8e53680d82aa7⋯.png (149.7 KB,397x360,397:360,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a1d5eec852f630⋯.png (448.58 KB,1024x974,512:487,ClipboardImage.png)



Britain orders journalist Julian Assange to be extradited to US and stand trial for the publication of classified documents from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars


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577bb2 No.141393

File: 7a7e861984bc51b⋯.png (469.05 KB,775x443,775:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdf68e2a9c3cd24⋯.png (96.01 KB,666x423,74:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cfdadb8a829ab5⋯.png (205.91 KB,484x431,484:431,ClipboardImage.png)

>>141379 OP in QRB

Australian AF ASY339 Falcon 7xAus. PM Albaneseon ground at Rzesow Airport, Poland from Paris-Le Bourget Airport departure

It's signal shows it on approach at 400ft but it is on ground by now

It is approximately 439 miles from Rzesow Airport, Poland to Kyiv Ukraine and driving time-estimated to be 8h and 12min-see cap #2 and that is without the conditions that exist at present-ala a full-scale Military Op on-going'''

A train trip-there doesn't appear to be any direct trains from Rzesow to Kyiv-however the mileage between Warsaw and Kyiv is 483.6 miles and the estimated travel time on a public train is 16 hours 35m because of all the stops it has to make so let's just use the driving time of 8 hours 12 min.

At minimum driving you are looking at 16 hours 24min rt from Rzesow-Kyiv-Rzesow and via public roads and that will be extended and compromised due to the current situation-so you can add a few hours to that as well.

The minimum time elapsed in order to "pull this off" and make it appear real there will have to have been the travel time AND the "visit" time added to that travel time..muh guess is they show him taking a train-with the appropriate pics at a train station (like you couldn't fake that right?).

Time starts NOW

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577bb2 No.141394

File: 93eb73442d94ac7⋯.png (477.5 KB,693x422,693:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57720646e4282f0⋯.png (205.24 KB,464x416,29:26,ClipboardImage.png)

>>141392 OP in QRB


Australian AF ASY339 Falcon 7xAus. PM AlbaneseAC west from Rzesow Airport after 68 minutes on the ground

I have not seen anything mentioned on this visit yet and his Twatter account has nothing..just the stuff with Macron

Last post to the was 9 hours ago


Mebby they called it off


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577bb2 No.141397

File: 99db63676a60111⋯.png (483.92 KB,734x427,734:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2caffdb08534e9⋯.png (249.31 KB,385x397,385:397,ClipboardImage.png)

>>141396 OP in QRB

Australian AF ASY339 Falcon 7xAus. PM AlbaneseAC back to Paris-Le Bourget Airport from it's 68 minute ground stop at Rzesow Airport

Oi.....where is yer trip report mate?

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577bb2 No.141458

File: 31e45ec7c80f365⋯.png (793.91 KB,1043x476,149:68,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01dc8036a5e49c3⋯.png (217.02 KB,420x453,140:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e35ee52f67ed05⋯.png (258.77 KB,486x462,81:77,ClipboardImage.png)


OP(s) from QRB as it habbened

>>141370, >>141379, >>141392, >>141396


They did all this yesterday in 68 minutes roughly-and then probably made some other shit up either before or after while he was-and still in Paris-at Rzesow Airport and claim he went today-his AC hasn't moved (according to ADS-B) since all this posted as it habbened YESTERDAY-this is the plane PM Albanese arrived at Paris on Thursday 0630 >>141098, >>141100, >>141122 pb

Australian PM Albanese pledges military aid on Kyiv Rzesow Airport, Poland visit yesterday


Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Sunday (July 3) pledged further military support to Ukraine, including armoured vehicles and drones, while meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv.

Making the first ever visit to Ukraine by an Australian premier, Albanese said at a news conference in Kyiv that his country would give Ukraine "a hundred million dollars of military support", without specifying if he meant Australian dollars. This figure in Australian dollars would amount to US$68 million (S$95 million). The prime minister specified that Australia would provide extra military equipment requested by Ukraine including 14 armoured personnel carriers, 20 Bushmaster armoured vehicles and a number of drones. Zelensky said that Australia was giving Ukraine "considerable aid, in particular defence support" and that Ukrainian forces "highly valued" the Bushmaster vehicle. Albanese toured the towns of Bucha and Irpin where Russian forces are alleged to have committed war crimes, as well as the airport at Gostomel north-west of Kyiv. "It is my great honour to be the first Australian prime minister to visit Ukraine," he said, adding that his trip "would show very clearly to the world the solidarity that exists between the Australian people and the people of Ukraine".

He paid tribute to the "courage, resilience, bravery and determination" of Ukraine's president, defence forces and people, saying they were "determined to stand up to a bully which is breaching international law without any provocation or any excuse". The Australian politician also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin would get the "reception he deserves" if he attends a G20 summit in Bali in November, as the Kremlin has suggested he will.


Cap#1 is the activity from yesterday from the above links

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577bb2 No.141506

File: d6ecdca806f8fff⋯.png (426.27 KB,758x435,758:435,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2604c979da8c87⋯.png (801.3 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09700f5f9292fbc⋯.png (667.8 KB,900x504,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6d7da4b7f1dfe5⋯.png (447.71 KB,582x386,291:193,ClipboardImage.png)

>>141488 OP in QRB

Australian AF ASY339 Falcon 7X back to Rzesow Airport from Paris-Le Bourget Airport and 'picking up' PM Albanese

This is an EBIC fail for two MAJOR reasons-Security Protocols broken (and then an hour ago an article comes out and sez the entire trip was compromised due to a media leak)...I'd argue you did a FINE job exposing this fakery on your own becasue the loaction of this visit is exactly the same as Trudope's visit-look at the bldgs.

They are trying to give the impression that PM Albanese was dropped off yesterday at Rzesow Airport and then traveled via train (see article below)becasue it certainly did not take THIS AC-and spent this entire time in Ukraine-it is certainly possible for that to occur in the given time-framehowever this would be a serious breach of security protocolsand try to convince me otherwise after you read the following.

Try to imagine the scenario where ANY country's leader was taken to an 'active ' warzone and the AC it arrived on is then taken back to it's departure Airport (in this case Le Bourget in Paris) of roughly 1000 miles-the driving distance is 1062 miles so it's shorter via AC-which take a tad over 2 hours to complete. That leader is then 'paraded' around an "active" warzone without access to the AC that dropped them off to Rzesow Airport because it is over 1000 miles away in Paris (2 hours) to then return and pick them up the next day?

Why wouldn't you just leave the AC in place at Rzesow in the first place? becasue you've effectively got 2 hours of flight time before you can be evacuated on your own plane.Whoever approved of this 'plan' from the Australian Secret Intelligence Serviceand just the appearance of this actually habbening in this way should be fired on the spot.

Real or not the complete and total lack of any security coverage for the PM of Australia (or ANY leader FTM) since they did not leave the AC at Rzesow has got to be the dumbest shit I have ever seen and makes this entire "Visit to Kyiv" even moar unbelievable because of the large security gaps you have intentionally made visible.

And this came out about an hour ago

Ukraine media exposed Anthony Albanese and his team during Kyiv visit despite his request for a media blackout

The Prime Minister along with his armed security and seven members of his entourage entered devastated Ukraine in secrecy - but their trip was exposed ahead of schedule while bombs and shelling continued in the war-torn nation. The Prime Minister boarded an armoured diplomatic train from Poland with seven members of his team, including a social media photographer, foreign affairs and national security adviser, senior department member and a personal political staffer. Three members of media - a journalist, a photographer and television cameraman - were selected from a hat of names. A dozen Australian special forces were assigned to travel with the group to ensure their safety in the few hours they were expected to be in the Ukrainian capital. And where and when did these "dozen Australian Special Forces" arrive? becasue they certainly wouldn't all fit on the Falcon7x equipment and all-now there has been many C-17 flights of Australian AF in/out of Rzesow but I not seen one in the last few days -and they could habben while I am sleeping so possible.

The Australian Defence Force stressed to the Prime Minister's office to request a media blackout until the train back from Ukraine reached Poland. Even the media in attendance had to hand over their mobile phones as a precaution before they were able to join the trip.

The concerns of Australian officials were almost realised when Ukraine's news outlets, social media and international wire services announced his presence while he was on tour and before he had arrived back into the neighbouring country.



The pictures posing in front of the 'blo'd' up bldgs in this article are IDENTICAL to Trudopes visit-see cap #3 for today and cap # 4 for Trudope's visit that supposedly took place on 0507Details of that visit here: >>134834 Trudope's Fake and Ghey trip to Kyiv~ Rezesow Airport on 0507

You'll notice, or should, they are in the same EXACT location-look at the circular Bldg that sticks out in both picks and the wall to the right in both caps#3 and 4

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577bb2 No.142602

File: e2e716a86ae0fbb⋯.png (204.52 KB,729x425,729:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7caf30e1e6e7762⋯.png (222.69 KB,729x382,729:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d10efa42e24597⋯.png (287.2 KB,945x865,189:173,ClipboardImage.png)


45in N443PR Bombardier GL5T departing from Las Vegas Int'l-McCarran to Anchorage, AK-Ted Stevens Int'l Airport

IF45does attend Abe's funeral but does not leave from Anchorage after rally to do so-he will return to Morristown-or mebby back to LV but that would only save about 4.5 hours back to LV-this AC is certainly capable and far superior to he Citation 750 he has used for the last few tripsmebby this was his plan the entire time? and why he chose not to use the Citation in the first place this AC-the current one-left on Friday morning-from LV to go get him and the Citation is still at Morristown from Memphis rally

A total of about 13.5 hours to get to Tokyo (roughly 500k speed and no weather included in that) from Morristown and it's not like he is on a commercial AC with Airport BS so even though he would have to leave later Sunday night or early Monday morning CONUS time-totally doable-he's done moar flight time like this so he is used to it

We'll see later....wouldn't surprise me if they already made the decision to go with the AC change

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577bb2 No.142603

File: 77d77267bc64dea⋯.png (274.07 KB,792x431,792:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c1a0f1d1164834⋯.png (584.08 KB,792x377,792:377,ClipboardImage.png)


45in N443PR Bombardier GL5T on descent for Ted Stevens Int'l Airport from Las Vegas Int'l depart

Should be on ground in about 10 minutes

>>142152 lb

SAM322 USAF C-40BWH NSOwent to JB Elemendorf and landed about 85 minutes ago

I'm guessing there won't be a stop off at the event for fooked Jake Sullivan's office

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577bb2 No.142604

File: 1f458301262634e⋯.png (1.3 MB,879x661,879:661,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump seeking to attend Abe’s funeral in Japan

Former President Donald Trump is in talks with the late former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s family about potentially attending his funeral in the wake of his assassination. Mr. Trump, who shared a close relationship with Mr. Abe, said he is looking into the logistics of attending and recalled him being the first world leader he met with while he was president. “We’re going to see how it goes,” Mr. Trump told Breitbart News. “We’re talking to their family. We love the family. His wife is a phenomenal woman. He is so loved in Japan, I can imagine that is going to be an incredible celebration of life. He was just very special. Every aspect of that man was just very special.” Mr. Trump added that Mr. Abe came to the United States right after the 2016 election, and said they had “a special relationship.” Mr. Trump called Mr. Abe’s death “bad news for the world” after it was reported that he died of gunshot wounds on Friday, after five hours of emergency medical procedures.


pic from February 16th 2017

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577bb2 No.142606

File: 283a6d0d7cde1ad⋯.png (631.3 KB,422x615,422:615,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62e0eee9b966029⋯.png (246.98 KB,931x864,931:864,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9379c1725af9b9b⋯.png (321.41 KB,834x499,834:499,ClipboardImage.png)


So imma saying this now...he's going to Tokyo-been plenty of time and should have left by now or at the very least the flightaware data should have been updated to reflect a filed flight plan....it has not.

The flightaware has not updated to reflect a return trip and the AC is still reported as landed just over 4 hours ago (4h11m ago-see cap#2) so here is some 411 on dis..kek...it's starting to look like he going to Tokyo and just staying there.

Cap#3 is N443PR Bombardier GL5T still at Ted Stevens Airport and in same position as when it arrived so no switch on at all

FLOTUS could/can make her own arrangements to be there so they don't necessarily have to travel together or even be there at same time especially if they keep it low-key

Can see that-each one goes on own or at least the appearance of it.

SAM322 C-40B WH NSO that arrived before 45 at Elmendorf has not departed either so I wonder if some shit is going on here too as it should have left by now and it's been there for over 6 hours

The only other possible explanation is that he has left and it is completely switched off-and if he was returning to CONUS why would they do that as it was visible since he left on Friday from Morisstown NJ'

As already mentioned this AC left Las Vegas on Friday morning to go to pick him up so I think they made a few phone calls to use this particular AC knowing he was going to Japan but we are still being told arrangements are being discussed

>>142233 lb

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577bb2 No.142607

File: a3467c2dc6c75fe⋯.png (281.95 KB,950x793,950:793,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b9f2314f5d7038⋯.png (586.37 KB,713x473,713:473,ClipboardImage.png)


N443PR Bombardier GL5T filed flight plan for departure to Palm Beach Int'l from Anchorage Int'l

We've got a filed flight plan on this AC now as going to West Palm Beach and departing in 1h 25m (and 45 is officially at his Morristown location for the summer)-This might be to go pickup Melania-we'll need to see what it does once it lands at Palm Beach Int'l later on today. That flying time is about 8 hours and add 30 minutes for the below description (board-taxi-arrive-deplane)

A wake will be held on Monday, followed by a memorial service on Tuesday, Abe’s office said. As mentioned this might be to go pickup Melania if that is where she is at now-still think he is going to Tokyo since there would have been no reason to have stayed overnight (and due to the sensitive security issues involved here-we may not be allowed to see that-the AC go to Tokyo) perhaps another AC already brought in or as mentioned above going to pickup Melania. There is no other news on this-45's attendance other than this article >>142258 and quote “We’re talking to their family. We love the family...." The flight time from Anchorage to Alaska is about 7 hours and then factor in 15m on each end for boarding /taxi before depart then taxi and arrival/ deplane so 7h 30min from boarding in Anchorage to deplane in Tokyo.

That's what I got at present-I am not in Anchorage to see if 45 gets on this AC

If this same AC is used (and it is picking up FLOTUS) it can be done-but would need to 'turn and burn' back to Anchorage and do same form Anchorage to Tokyo

The rally for 45 prior to the Mendon, IL (Casper Wy rally)-used a different AC-the one owned by Steve Wynn here it is >>136482 pb dropped 45 off at Palm Beach and the FFL548 was used to transport 45 to Morristown on 0530 (after the Wyoming Rally that used a different AC mentioned above). It then sat at PBI and left PBI to pick him up and then take to Quincy Airport >>140543, >>140553, >>140566, >>140568, >>140584, >>140602 pb

There is precedent for an AC to sit at PBI waiting to be used by 45(while a different AC is used)this is only to highlight the various AC usages and where they went after each use

It's a challenge to try and keep track of the different ACs used from what rally and when they were used and what they did after but imma trying


Trying to get a view from 70k feet-picrel

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577bb2 No.142608

File: 89a3993e6d27139⋯.png (246.8 KB,751x443,751:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a21312e2c5c6ae⋯.png (297.77 KB,955x851,955:851,ClipboardImage.png)


N443PR Bombardier GL5T departing Ted Stevens Int'l Airport for Palm Beach Int'l

As already mentioned think this is going to get real FLOTUS for trip to Tokyo for Abe's Service-if so they may not make the wake but certainly the service scheduled for Tuesday JST local

'I am not in Anchorage and cannot confirm if 45 on this AC..please above linky for moar on this

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577bb2 No.142609

File: 5e1192cc59c7816⋯.png (22.84 KB,847x410,847:410,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbe7f8f204d62f3⋯.png (137.52 KB,767x455,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)


Flightaware now no werk/load

Mebby we blo'd it up



N443PR Bombardier GL5T a few hundy miles short of halfway to Palm Beach Int'l from Anchorage

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577bb2 No.142610

File: 8ece57b245bd4e4⋯.png (216.81 KB,746x422,373:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e11006c065517f⋯.png (555.09 KB,939x421,939:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9a32b10fbf56af⋯.png (191.61 KB,425x434,425:434,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d06ea62e45eb7e⋯.png (315.93 KB,1264x783,1264:783,ClipboardImage.png)


>>142380, >>142401, >>142415, >>142433 lb

N443PR Bombardier GL5T on ground at Palm Beach Int'l from Anchorage Ted Stevens Int'l Airport departure

Just landed and a before sunset arrival-now the fun begins...


N443PR Bombardier GL5T now scheduled to depart to Las Vegas from Palm Beach Int'l-in 16 minutes

This is the home base for this AC (Las Vegas)-as it is owned by Phil Ruffin who owns the Treasure Island Casino where Friday's event was held and it's going back to it's origin from Friday when it left to go pick up 45 so45was on this AC and now in Palm Beach

IIRC FLOTUS stays in Mar-a-lago most of the time so am assuming they are both their now-also believe we will not be able to see the AC if/when they depart to go to Abe's Service

Bottom line: This AC will not be used for that potential trip

Muh thoughts earlier today was that this would have been too easy-and now wondering/asking why 45 decided to stay overnight

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577bb2 No.142612

File: 2b4c46a46f88b15⋯.png (230.45 KB,708x451,708:451,ClipboardImage.png)


N443PR Bombardier GL5T departed Palm Beach Int'l Airport back to Las Vegas after dropping off45small chance that it still could be used and is just stopping off at LV prior to going to Japan but was a quick turn around and I doubt45would want to spend the entire day on an AC and then stop in LV

If they are going they will need to leave pretty quickly as it is now 10:24am JST Monday Morning and his wake will begin today at some point

Plus this and not totally unexpected

Putin Not To Attend Former Japan PM Shinzo Abe's Funeral Scheduled For July 12: Kremlin

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be attending the funeral of Japan's former PM Shinzo Abe.


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577bb2 No.142619

File: bcfd57fa6464f25⋯.png (293.25 KB,853x443,853:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7742008fa9e70d3⋯.png (189.23 KB,1241x739,1241:739,ClipboardImage.png)



N443PR Bombardier GL5T just moved from Henderson Executive Airport to Las Vegas McCarran after arriving at Henderson last night from Palm Beach Int'l after dropping off45or mebby picking up Melania. It is on taxi for the west side of the Airport (private) and if it files a flight plan I will let you know-it is about 11 hours to Tokyo from Las Vegas so if this is 45 that would put it on arrival in late afternoon tomorrow as it's 3:30am JST

Landed 17 minutes ago-this AC owned by Treasure Island Casion boss Phill Ruffin and good fren of 45 so if this is for 45/Melania it needs to get going quickly and would be perfect for a later afternoon early evening arrival to keep this low key-plus heading into Henderson last night is a very lower key arrival-certainly not attract attention as an arrival at McCarran would

We'll see


Ixnay on this as it's still on the ground at McCarran from it's quick trip from Henderson

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3372bc No.143269

File: 777a9f5917eb64c⋯.png (239.94 KB,750x415,150:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7c274525794d80⋯.png (308.09 KB,439x498,439:498,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9c6f31a5754ea6⋯.png (270.03 KB,648x358,324:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 423322d6998a066⋯.png (30.6 KB,438x578,219:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0f568a636e4831⋯.png (455.26 KB,579x531,193:177,ClipboardImage.png)

>>44780, >>44781, >>44782

>>143231 OP in QRB

PLAY66S 92-9000 747 FINALLY APPEARS!! Departed IT'S LAST ARRIVAL FROM NOVEMBER 30th 2020-Lackland AFB, San Antonio

>>143237 OP in QRB

PLAY66S 92-9000 747 circled TN/Missouri border area and Cherokee Village-areas in the vicinity are Pocahantus, Salem, Walnut Ridge, West Plains

>>143242 OP in QRB

113020 date of last visibility- to 071922 today =1 year, 7 months, 20 days including the end date

597 days

Q drop #597

Hello Q, can you explain the failed sec test? Some of us have been concerned.

Failed to load sec encryption.



A response to #596

The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.

This is not a game.

They want us divided.

Last posts [self destruction] will immediately show the world the TRUTH.

Instructions will be sent on how to preserve offline.

You didn’t think this was simply about words did you?

We have it all.

Coming soon to a theater near you.


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068cdb No.143489


> lol ita

global report url link

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577bb2 No.143744

File: 2991b0618ac64d3⋯.png (475.38 KB,781x391,781:391,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 709f43d6e4ff7b9⋯.png (356.56 KB,742x688,371:344,ClipboardImage.png)

Polish AF PLF101President Dudaon this AC from Krakow-arrived from Gdansk stop yesterday of about 3.5h and now going back to Gdansk-the AWACS AC showed up just before that AC left and on the track

Duda and wife was at "The Second Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen"held "in Kyiv"....Nice try phaggits....

Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenska hosts summit moderated by Piers Morgan


Additional source

translated via Yandex article link below

"I am proud of the fact that the poles have united and given so much support to Ukrainians, especially those who came to Poland-said Agata Kornhauser-Duda on Saturday during the second summit of first ladies and gentlemen organized in Kiev. However, President Andrzej Duda assured that he is doing everything to help Ukraine."


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577bb2 No.144246

File: bc78fe801dc87a4⋯.png (389.62 KB,777x426,259:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 046688acc116b23⋯.png (90.68 KB,669x427,669:427,ClipboardImage.png)

>>144185 OP

SPAR19 USAF C-40C departing JBA heading NW-dis is probably Nancy and crew leaving on her "trip" and not one of her normal ACs and it is under SPAR designation since they want a maximum 'show' angle to this

Special Priority Air Resource

It went to Travis AFB for a stop and refuel and then on to Hickam AFB Hawaii where it is now

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi heads to Asia Friday to visit Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore

Trump slams Pelosi’s planned Taiwan visit: ‘She will only make it worse’


It stopped at Travis AFB between it's departure from JBA and arrival at Hickam AFB at 3:08am local

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577bb2 No.144385

File: d75f836ca0ae35e⋯.png (214.11 KB,752x437,752:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c78e64473bd450⋯.png (98.88 KB,874x426,437:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 790c478f155e633⋯.png (143.66 KB,761x448,761:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab6adfe52af6bdd⋯.png (112.5 KB,390x275,78:55,ClipboardImage.png)

>>144380 OP

SPAR19 USAF C-40C on descent for Singapore-Paya Lebar Airbase at 5150ft from Guam stop/refuel and Hickam AFB depart

Here is who is traveling with her: U.S. Reps. Gregory Meeks, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Mark Takano, chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; Suzan DelBene, vice chair of the House Ways and Means Committee; Raja Krishnamoorthi, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and chair of the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Andy Kim, a member of the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees. >>144373 OP

>>144352 OP

SPAR19 USAF C-40C heading to Singapore from It's Hickam AFB depart-this is also the headquarters of Indo-Pac so I'm guessing some 'spirited' discussions were had and a reason why there is no mention of a Taiwan stop on her released itinerary-also Larry Ellison was dhere and left to his Colonel Kurtz style compound on Lanai >>144273 while Nancy's AC was parked at Hickam

Planefag sticking with original assertion that this will be done-if she does it-on/after Singapore/Malaysian portion of the trip-between the stop in Malaysia and Seoul-SoKo/Japan see here >>144185 lb

This trace is 2 hours old and 'frozen' in this position and was descending for a stop at Guam

>>144379 OP

SPAR19 USAF C-40C updates just east of Manila after it's stop at Guam-still transmitting on ADS-B and no satellite

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