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File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 00000.png)

179283  No.10813388[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 09.26.2020

>>10803695 ————————————–——– Video: Show Force Gilligan's Island Mosul Iraq Dec 04 (Caps: >>10804223, >>10804312)

>>10802779 ————————————–——– Donald Trump in 1982 on the roof of the Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York

>>10802673 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? 1. Check Gmail?

>>10802603 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? 1. Durham 'true' start?

Friday 09.25.2020

>>10787262 ————————————–——– Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.

>>10787135 rt >>10787029 ———–––——–— OVER THE TARGET.

>>10786969 ————————————–——– What is the over/under done in 30 months? What is the over/under Sullivan retires [steps down] by March 2021 based on public info re: possible coordinated efforts w: OSC Mueller? (Cap: >>10787001)

>>10785567 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. Think what you now know. (Cap: >>10785595)

>>10784726 ————————————–——– Judgement is coming.

>>10784696 ————————————–——– Some will take the easy path and exit early

>>10784608 ————————————–——– "…..designates the KKK and Antifa as terrorist organizations." DA 'no proof' individual linked to Antifa argument coming? (Cap: >>10784639, >>10784645)

>>10784321 ————————————–——– Last of Mohicans (Cap: >>10784538)

Thursday 09.24.2020

>>10774444 ————————————–——– Midnight Riders, Ride! INFORMATION WARFARE

>>10774056 ————————————–——– PAN[DEM]IC_DEM_PANIC (Cap: >>10774182, >>10775064)

>>10773932 ————————————–——– *** Not long now.

>>10773781 ————————————–——– Tracking events? (Cap: >>10773792, >>10773886)

>>10772171 rt >>10771959 ———–––——–— Timing can be derived from picture. Anons have always known. Have faith in your research.

>>10772062 ————————————–——– Never forget those in the background

>>10771278 rt >>10771238 ———–––——–— Hunters become the hunted

>>10770971 rt >>10770948 ———–––——–— It is the only way.

>>10770946 rt >>10770927 ———–––——–— Make your depth 50ft.Zero bubble.

>>10770890 ————————————–——– Scope exceeds illegal spy campaign? There is a reason why this was leaked today. The 'Election Infection' cannot stop what is coming. (Cap: >>10771133, >>10771173)

Wed 09.23.2020 >>10785425

>>10786109 Last 10 days of Q

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Q drops can be found here:

QAnon.pub - qresear.ch/q-posts - QAlerts.pub - operationQ.pub - QAgg.news - QPosts.online - qanon.news/Q - 8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

Backups/Alts to above: qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm

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New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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179283  No.10813392

Global Announcements

>>10813005, >>10813303, Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough.

>>10812845 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>10709241 Mega removed Meme Warehouse then Memefarmer resigned. MF recommended >>>/qrmemes/

>>10802135 Digital Camo thread archived at https://archive.is/hogSX : Cover up memes & test camo, before posting on social media

>>10806508 Notables aggregator site wearethene.ws back online

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10813005, >>10813005, >>10813303, >>10812968, >>10812989, >>10813002, >>10813303, Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough

>>10812724, >>10812828, >>10812900, >>10812967, >>10813119 PF

>>10812722, >>10812731, >>10812760, >>10812822, Other News

>>10812720 McMaster: Trump Clearing Protesters from Lafayette Square ‘Was Just Wrong’

>>10812775 One of last flowers to bloom at Grassley farm. Good for two more weeks til frost comes - Grassley

>>10812803 Rescinding of responsible lending legislation means it's open slather for the big banks

>>10812810 Attempted Subversion over Kitchen Meta being on /Qresearch/ instead of /comms/

>>10812913 Sunday "news" briefing With POTUS

>>10812949 Fedcoin: The U.S. Will Issue E-Currency That You Will Use

>>10812972 ICE Slams LA County For Continuing to Hinder Its Efforts to Detain Criminal Undocumented Immigrants

>>10812985 Joe Montana And Wife Fight Grandchild Away From Attempted Kidnapper

>>10813035 BREAKING: A federal appeals court has temporarily halted a six-day extension for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin's presidential election, a victory for Republicans in the battleground state

>>10813042 More Yashar Ali RRREEEESSS

>>10813230 Sidney Powell speaking at length about Anthony Weiner's laptop

>>10813253 Multiple Sources have POTUS TAX RETURNS

>>10813381 #13840

Hand-off DSB -> OSS


>>10811946, >>10812032, >>10812134, >>10812166, >>10812296, >>10812331, >>10812376, >>10812383, >>10812394, >>10812396, >>10812405, >>10812415, >>10812495 PF

>>10812086, >>10812187, >>10811954, >>10812122, >>10812169, >>10812081, >>10811962, >>10811992, >>10812571, >>10812589, >>10812590 International news/PANIC

>>10811943, >>10812023, >>10812327, >>10812351, >>10812411, >>10812334, >>10812349, >>10812247, >>10812316, >>10812090, Other News

>>10812298, >>10812299, >>10812266, >>10812189, >>10812015, >>10811921, >>10811978, What you need to know about Amy Coney Barrett

>>10811963, >>10812083 Bush’s DHS Chief Urges Support for Joe Biden: Trump’s Actions are ‘Deplorable'

>>10812185, >>10812264 Graham Discusses Durham Probe Developments and Upcoming Judiciary Committee Testimony

>>10812167, >>10812524 Sidney Powell’s Speech From March Is Now Making Waves as New Reports Indicate Clinton Foundation Is Under a Criminal Investigation

>>10812522 NEW DJT Jr

>>10812114 Delaware State University DENIES Joe Biden was a student there after he claimed during town hall event that he 'got started out of an HBCU'

>>10811907 /ourgeneral/ Michael J Flynn

>>10811931 Q posted Antifa leaders arrest eminent: Atlanta BLM leader and activist arrested for money laundering

>>10811997 Adam Housley - Clarifying again. Active investigations don’t have reports. Prosecutors don’t write reports. Durham isn’t writing a report. Durham has to get indictments through grand juries

>>10812000 'Permanent Coup': Just as Mueller probe fizzles, anti-Trump cabal hatches new collusion tale

>>10812042 Brand-new 'Obamagate' film to 'destroy' narrative of left

>>10812170 POLL - For whom are you voting in the general election

>>10812198 MUST READ: Author and Analyst Larry Schweikart: WE ARE WINNING so Big that DemoKKKrats Have Literally Resorted to Civil War

>>10812222 Trump ‘STRONGLY’ demands drug tests before debate says Sleepy Biden’s unnatural performance questionable

>>10812358 Senator Cotton Joins Jake Tapper on State of the Union

>>10812418 Bartiromo: “Sources Confirm No Interim Durham Report or Indictments Before Election”…

>>10812439 The Barnett 302 Released Last Week Proves Weissmann Ran the Mueller Gang and Wanted It to Last For Trump’s Term

>>10812440 Liberal Groups Fear O’Keefe Election Sting

>>10812778 #13839 reposted in '40

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

179283  No.10813395


>>10811219, >>10811263, >>10811356, >>10811384, >>10811442, >>10811501, >>10811565, >>10811673, >>10811699, >>10811798, >>10811838 PF updates

>>10811752 McCabe on the block

>>10811709 U.S. legislation proposes that every citizen have an Fed account in which they can store Digital Dollars

>>10811677 Potus: 5:00PM Hold a news conference - James S. Brady Briefing Room

>>10811661 What OBAMA Got Away With.

>>10811659 #9 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE #VoteDemsOut Collin Peterson Minnesota 7th

>>10811618 Refresher: Who is James Comey’s brother and why does it matter?

>>10811554 Orbán Rejects Migration Pact, Says EU Wants to ‘Manage Migration’ Not Stop It

>>10811542 UK Schools Told to Teach ‘Cancel Culture’ Is Harmful, Not to Promote ‘Victim Narratives’

>>10811535 Hungarian Police Discover 16 Tunnels Used by Migrants to Cross Border

>>10811524 140 Arrested in U.S. Marshals’ Arizona Fugitive Gang Enforcement Op

>>10811470 Blumenthal on Packing SCOTUS: ‘Nothing Is off the Table’

>>10811407 California Gov. Newsom signs law allowing trans inmates to be locked up with men or women based on their gender identity

>>10811395, >>10811400, >>10811406, >>10811551 ACB talking points out

>>10811364 German Professor Arrested After Speaking At "We Do Not Consent" Rally In London

>>10811346, >>10811352, >>10811413, >>10811419, >>10811664 Azerbaijan follows Armenia in announcing martial law after intensive border clashes

>>10811332 Former Deutsche Bank Traders Convicted Of Fraud For Spoofing Precious Metals Between 2008 And 2013

>>10811324 NYC Principals' Unions Issue Vote Of No Confidence In Mayor De Blasio, Urge State To Take Over Schools

>>10811323 "Feds Arrest Philly Treasurer For Theft, Fraduently Obtaining US Citizenship"

>>10811314 FBI Director Wray’s Corrupt Deep State FBI Continues to Redact Documents to Hide Its Crimes – Will Americans Ever See the Complete Picture of Deep State Crimes?

>>10811257, >>10811318 Q's/Armenia

>>10811182, >>10811293 ARMENIA SITREP UPDATE: The Press Conference of Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan: LIVE "PROTRACTED WAR A POSSIBILITY"

>>10811851 #13837

Previously Collected Notables

>>10810264 #13835, >>10811063 #13836,

>>10808016 #13832, >>10808852 #13833, >>10809573 #13834

>>10805679 #13829, >>10806457 #13830, >>10807207 #13831

>>10803313 #13826, >>10804263 #13827, >>10804915 #13828

>>10802536 #13823, >>10801833 #13824, >>10802762 #13825

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

179283  No.10813400

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com & https://wearethene.ws (Collecting again >>10806508)

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10479225 Brasil/Portugal #1

>>9725975 Canada #7

>>8331823 France #1

>>10683929 Germany #67

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10680095 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

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Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta: >>10756139

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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179283  No.10813403

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #33 >>>/comms/27149

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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8df8ae  No.10813405

File: ba901832b615ad6⋯.jpg (219.44 KB, 652x832, 163:208, AntiFungalLeafBread.jpg)

In their bout of pride, our enemy has announcing their intentions of executing "Suicide weekend".

A sick plot to turn Q's words against them, by inducing waves of suicide in Patriots instead of what was originally intended <(Some will take the easy path and exit early.]

"Toiletboi" is one disgusting nazi behind this plot, and will use his capacity of flooding us with >50 UID's per thread worth of poisoned memes.


We are at War and our enemy is here.

They have the means and motives to deploy insidious behavioral modification techniques spanning the years we've been here against You the one reading this.

The crew are fighting for their lives; A monster in a corner.

Take heed.


1. Start the day with a task completed

2. Find someone to help you through life

3. Respect everyone

4. Life is not always fair, move forward

5. Don't be afraid to fail often

6. Take risks

7. Face down the bullies

8. Step up when times are toughest

9. Lift up the downtrodden

10. Never give up


Our Best Days have yet to come~

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8df8ae  No.10813409

File: dfa156a8cb686ef⋯.png (323.42 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, force_remove.png)

File: 73a1c56da6d6fb0⋯.png (703.31 KB, 1450x588, 725:294, TYBetrayer.png)


Know well you are in a War Zone

Our enemies aim: To control your reactions with their flood of poisoned memes

Take control of thread creation [The crew writes our history]

Rape your mind into a fear-locked state [Stockholm syndrome "love" of the crews presence]

Become the "consensus" voice [The crew becomes your 'inner voice']

Convince you to sell your soul to satan [taking one more digital soldier off our battlefield]

They do this by jumping across >50 UID's per thread.

Their images and writing styles can't be hidden as easy though~

Pay attention to what gives them away.

Know our enemy needs you to love them, for their poisons to reach effective gains.

Shiv the fuckers heart out~


You're Free

satan commits adultery daily

That's a Golden Ticket

To Instant Divorce

It was over before it began mr.phig|ment phairyphail

Informed IDEN's of our enemy

Fresh Examples



He responded to his own post over 35 times

Happens to follow the same narrative of the "vote biden" bot.

This is Tboi 'turfing an opinion they want you to have.


>>10811360 (The "I'm afraid of the lords prayer" clown)

>>10811480 (Ben fulford clown)

>46e6e2 (Same ID! Now you know~)



Seems nice, prayer is great, but...


>Supports our enemies cat

Then they IDEN themselves and the gig is up~

They do like the attention they get on gets.



Sounds good, right? On our side?



Turns out he's toiletboi, with a new prefix for his files outside of Cupace_###


ID: 3cfbe3 (More than half the notables - stuffed the thread - same IDEN markers as 'T Boy')


ID: 517e3d

<Flooder of demoralizing news with similar picture sets as toilet boi


Thanks for exposing yourself sweetie~



>smell rotten fish infection embed

>Stops posting



>Red text flood starts



Next Thread, the marriage spam started.

This is a disgusting nazi trying to marry their sexually filled [by force] mask/personality to you.



> download_35_.jpeg

Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

>The World is Here.


>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

>Peace through strength.


Every single 'dirty' tactic being deployed to stop the growth of this movement.

Ask yourself a very simple Q - why?

"Anonymous" and ANTIFA have a very revealing exchange on Twitter:

>@YourAnonCentral Sep 17

>US Trump campaign trolls are pushing hard against Anonymous today. The troll farms seem on edge for some reason. Someone is paying for these social media attacks. @DonaldJTrumpJr, his financial movements, and his network need to be scrutinized.

>Antifa.US.org Official @XposeStormFront

>Us too, brothers. Mass combined ddos/infil traffic. We're actively spinning up over 100,000 chaff server instances per second on the Sorocloud.

3:58 AM [EST] Sep 18, 2020

Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/XposeStormFront/status/1306774477485694976

So it looks like /ourguys/ are hitting our enemy hard AF~

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8df8ae  No.10813412

File: a2008cc2124fb59⋯.png (89.4 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweeties.png)

File: fd398878a5cae60⋯.png (388.43 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 15976188888.png)

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)


You are currently in a War Zone

Our enemy programs the censorship we experience daily.

Why is censorship of our inner most thoughts, the emotions we hold and the beliefs we share, important to our enemy?

There is a disgusting crew here that floods our experiences with poisoned memes. They churn your gut, numb your mind with fear, and invade your unconscious/dreams. Forcing behavior change so that those demoralized enough accept the commands of our enemy.


The crew have taken over the thread creation process, the crew are the current "consensus" you experience on here. The crew fight to remain untargeted by our anger, unseen by our instincts.

The crew keeps us fighting with ourselves, so we don't expel them from our hivemind. The crew members will silently flood your mind with their poison, and deny involvement when you notice.

The crew jumps across >50 Unique ID's per thread as their standard astroturf'd presence.

Repeat: The crew jumps across >50 Unique ID's per thread as their standard astroturf'd presence.

IDEN by filenames + writing style (Flushedboi is lazy AF)

Flushedboi in particular will knee-jerk respond with a picture that contains subliminal behavior changes they silently force you into accepting.

Now you know; Knowing is half the battle~

>Define 'indoctrinate'.

>to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it

(What's repeated on this board? What's repeated by those that flood us with subliminals? You eat shit? You get anally raped? You're married to satan?)

>Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].

(Are those who seem 'majority' here, really?)

>System of control.

Arm yourself for War

>"They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their minds, even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior. In other words, [for] these people… the process of demoralization is complete"

-Yuri Bezmenov

Have. Hope.

Our Best Days Are Yet To Come.

If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots. You're subjecting yourself to the engineered control systems that emerged out of human experimentation. The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights.

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( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
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((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
)\___ ((_) (_()((_)(_))_|__ ((_) ((_)_ (_)) ((_) )\ _ )\(_))_
((/ __|/ _ \ | \/ || |_ \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|(_)_\(_)| \
| (__| (_) || |\/| || __| \ V / | _ \| /| _| / _ \ | |) |
\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.
Image Blur CSS

Our enemies greatest attack vector is our unconscious mind via seemingly-patriotic-pictures-with-subliminal-gore/death/shit

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!

A: Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it, why do they have an invested interest in your consumption of their poisoned memes?

A necessity to protect our Insight Generation Capacities if you view this board:

[Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex]

[Enter as a comment filter, click Reg ex]
.*[Tt]hank [Yy]ou [Cc,Bb]aker?.*
.*[Tt]hanks [Cc,Bb]aker?.*
.*[Tt][Yy] [Cc,Bb]aker?.*

[CSS theme]
.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
jewh8 = flat_earth = ex.bot

Real Patriots have known this for years, and don't post such nonsense unless they're infected by the clowns / haven't been filtering + Img_bluring.

Remember. They do this because they're afraid of us Unleashed~

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179283  No.10813413

File: 12218f56274dbca⋯.png (244.09 KB, 655x567, 655:567, Screenshot_2020_09_22_pol_….png)

File: 26c8c8d88211c97⋯.png (139.3 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 693702db5d664b98828a56d423….png)



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8df8ae  No.10813415

File: 1148d0276181b17⋯.png (914.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust003.png)



Censorship of the Soul.

Our Unconscious minds decide 90%+ of our daily moments.

The words you use can help or harm, open conversations or stifle their very start.

Words have different weights in our minds, some sink deeper than most~

If yelling Fire in a movie theater was effective then, do you see how refined it could be now?

They use the same words.

They created those words.

They stuck them together with the emotional reactions they want you to feel.

Imagine flower.jpg

Imagine the word RED written in it, in the most subtle of ways.

See flower.jpg 100 times.

What color is the flower?


Imagine a delicious burger with subtle excrement, and a pile of garbage with your favorite item inside.

See them 100 times.

1000 times.

How do you feel about yourself?

How do you feel about your favorite item?


Our enemy wants a little more than our opinions of flower colors.

They took the time to make this a refined art.

They programmed the censorship we experience daily.

If the common words and images on here were seen as someone who hasn't been here at all, would you feel the same?

What's their first response?

Aversion. Fear.

We get used to it? We numb ourselves to its effects?

Flight or Fight on Demand.

Fear. Aversion. On Tap.

How do you censor thought itself?

What do they deploy on us? How are your Dreams?

What are they so afraid of~


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8df8ae  No.10813419

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)


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c36d47  No.10813425

File: 0cec4c11198492c⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1242x1516, 621:758, WildTrumpGirls_024.png)

File: 5a8bd3435812b84⋯.png (1.29 MB, 887x840, 887:840, WildTrumpGirls_025.png)

File: d8e11ab16bcf8a2⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1088, 135:136, WildTrumpGirls_026.png)

You Imagine God, The Most High, Forgives and Nullifies Contracts Made With Evil Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

She curioux=Qbabies.

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

ᴍake Babιes again!

Destroy Satans lies

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳 of our bright future.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Remember the smell ໐f childhood

Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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8df8ae  No.10813426

File: 76f1548113f6236⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineLight.jpg)


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8df8ae  No.10813430

File: 84ecc2b5dd69251⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ACB_JobOfJudge.mp4)

File: 44985059d19ef1b⋯.png (670.31 KB, 927x521, 927:521, ACB_WelcomeAboard.png)

Welcome Aboard!!!!




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091574  No.10813449

File: e17cab1caf94428⋯.png (148.78 KB, 255x209, 255:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b40b0cf314349af⋯.png (92.72 KB, 180x240, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

*Jennie Taer the Christian-hating "Fuck The Lord's Prayer" Jew shill


*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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3c8855  No.10813455

File: a93c1c45e48f239⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, smug_POTUS.mp4)

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000000  No.10813458

Really starting to believe that MSM (take news), shills, and Dems enjoy the ass pounding that POTUS gives them daily.

ACB = 3rd Spend Court Nominee

No Durham indictments before election = indictments are coming

Trump tax leaked = no Russian business deals

just give up and vote Trump

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0668ed  No.10813464

Under audit.

Fake news

108 pages of filings

Same questions from 4 years ago

When your under audit you don't release them.

Shut up you disrespectful cunt

I look forward to releasing many things

People will be shocked.

Just moar fake news

Shameless assholes

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aa44d1  No.10813468

"I am going to release many things, and people will be shocked."


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4b5afe  No.10813470

File: 1e1dfbf94b1bf3b⋯.png (506.71 KB, 568x792, 71:99, Screen_Shot_2020_09_27_at_….png)


TY Baker

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fac96f  No.10813471

I am going to release many things, and people will be shocked - POTUS

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1e6c4d  No.10813472

File: 34c555c4bd1f845⋯.png (230.33 KB, 693x390, 231:130, NDTHRCPSLGYF.png)

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d0361d  No.10813474

You're very rude

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c921c1  No.10813477


>>>10813005, >>10813303, Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough.

Baker only allowed anons 5 minutes of input

then made decision (3 for, 2 against - SO FAR)

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412148  No.10813480

File: 5c479151098f2f4⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 750x485, 150:97, Trumpevidence.jpg)

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4af5ae  No.10813482

Defund the IRS

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3c8855  No.10813483

File: caa90412c46d133⋯.png (306.33 KB, 896x386, 448:193, image.png)



kek has spoken.

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1e6c4d  No.10813484

File: baa1777992983c5⋯.png (350.42 KB, 693x390, 231:130, LTHRDMNGSFL.png)

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bc4896  No.10813485

Catholics priests like catholic boys

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4097ae  No.10813486

Christie & Guliani.

nobody wants to ask why they are there.


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d3e39a  No.10813487

File: ee7ba736bbf85ef⋯.png (203.17 KB, 632x498, 316:249, SunTzuPP.png)

File: f563f53667d7c22⋯.png (397.6 KB, 682x628, 341:314, 45.png)

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566807  No.10813488

File: b4c77680a4cc6d7⋯.png (127.43 KB, 401x323, 401:323, expandingarmy.png)

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4af5ae  No.10813489

File: d5f8e00460f17e5⋯.jpg (273.11 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, The_Americans_Creed_683x10….jpg)

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f96fe3  No.10813490

File: 82ba76a77d760b6⋯.png (496.54 KB, 800x600, 4:3, COMEY25.png)

File: 9204f1629831b29⋯.png (473.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN121.png)

File: 913e23837c256f1⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1500x891, 500:297, BARRETT3.png)

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24ba0a  No.10813491

File: a30098068dd087f⋯.png (4.64 MB, 2016x1512, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Portsmouth, N.H.

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0668ed  No.10813492

Chris Christie




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2a2103  No.10813493

File: 3072c16181c2715⋯.jpeg (45.28 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 5a9dccbd0e8b11289395f31be….jpeg)

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10d03e  No.10813494

File: d839d8254105c18⋯.png (577.69 KB, 697x861, 17:21, sarchasm.png)

>>10813420 (lb)

>Fuck WR, too shilly. Causing so many problems for no reason.

Yeah, pic related

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8df8ae  No.10813495









IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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e5a298  No.10813496

you're correct… as usual… sorry I'm an ass sumtimes.

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d0361d  No.10813497


Unleash the DOGS POTUS!

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01a4fc  No.10813498

File: 497a43c6864a88b⋯.jpg (887.04 KB, 1586x1922, 793:961, Q_34_11_1_17_false_leaks.jpg)

As we plummet into thicket of war, fake news, feints, false alerts, etc.

Hold the line.

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27fb23  No.10813499

File: 320d22d97b09477⋯.jpg (3.83 MB, 3059x2131, 3059:2131, 20191120_175016.jpg)

Tanks bakes.

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7915cd  No.10813500

File: 0951a7c1e6084e0⋯.jpg (39.86 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, QR17196.jpg)


Thank you baker! Stay frosty during the heat wave!

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7d73a8  No.10813501

File: e056d39fe3daad6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a017bd6a87b5bf3⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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15d8f9  No.10813502

File: 87ab09e701012f9⋯.jpeg (67.05 KB, 441x440, 441:440, 87ab09e701012f93db4220f02….jpeg)

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179283  No.10813503

File: 567ca91baed36e0⋯.png (15.33 KB, 673x297, 673:297, Screenshot_2020_09_27_Baki….png)

File: 155656a66e0036b⋯.png (8.56 KB, 499x179, 499:179, Screenshot_2020_09_27_Baki….png)


I gave anons more time than they were given for either /warroom/ or /qrmemes/

I guess you should have rallied your discord troops fastGB

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1e6c4d  No.10813504

File: 0529473d1ac868f⋯.png (277.33 KB, 693x390, 231:130, LFTHRSRCYDBKPNM.png)

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543ac2  No.10813505

rudy's a great speaker

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412148  No.10813506

Giuliani: The article in the New York Times reveals a very strong anti-Catholic bias.

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8df8ae  No.10813507


>27fb23 ("aianon")

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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a63088  No.10813508


4-6% Lost Forever.

(IRS disappearing, I think)

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ba7002  No.10813509

>>10812720 pb

Q, why are ya'll putting up with these insubordinate assholes like McMaster, Vindman, Mchrystal, Kelly, Matttis and the other 500 pieces of shit that wrote that damn letter disrespecting a sitting Commander in Chief?

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737ab5  No.10813510

Trump will gain five points or more from Catholics across the board as a result of this presser, and ACB nom.

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9d431e  No.10813511

Interesting that POTUS pointed out JS and SC as "getting it right"

I recall Q early on pointing to these 2 being given special access.

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066ad6  No.10813512

File: d87ea7f900eb3b8⋯.png (816.48 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Last_Try.png)

Last of the Mohicians connections connect.

"Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background."

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02d6a5  No.10813513

File: d93d08a69e986b9⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8kun.mp4)


TY baker

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1e6c4d  No.10813514

File: 2783e81cc06e5b7⋯.png (143.52 KB, 693x390, 231:130, specialplaces.png)

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fac96f  No.10813515

File: 2d4e1a8ec81cb6b⋯.png (110.9 KB, 686x358, 343:179, R0_GU754fR67t4DF.png)

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1ddb9c  No.10813516

[ ]rojections

[ ]f

[ ]he

[ ]nited

[ ]lavers

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2a2103  No.10813517


lazer beams brosef nead moar lazer beams

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0bf9d6  No.10813518

IRS is still comped anons. Sending out $5k penalty notices for 2018 Obama care!!

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b6a8dc  No.10813519

File: a09a099fa2e8ca4⋯.jpg (95.03 KB, 788x680, 197:170, Screenshot_3.jpg)

look, reporter without a gag order.

talks about the coup attempt.

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206db2  No.10813521

File: e892af5a9726fc2⋯.jpg (710.28 KB, 1583x2160, 1583:2160, jywidd3hyop51.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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7d73a8  No.10813522

File: fcced7ccd95ac3a⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32fec7fff3e0b25⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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150173  No.10813523

File: 28c5c548b7af0d2⋯.gif (5.86 MB, 640x453, 640:453, 0B5A3897_1A8C_4BED_A466_AA….gif)

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c199cc  No.10813524

how about the russian spy connection with biden hilldawg and dnc

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8df8ae  No.10813525


Much more than that.

Wait to our enemy attacks her lol

Fucking idiots~

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90430a  No.10813526


Always wondered why Podesta would be one of the first to go. He hasn't had any significance since last election.

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c1d1e9  No.10813527

File: 2e58c740243bf3d⋯.png (125.07 KB, 1544x450, 772:225, Screen_Shot_2020_09_27_at_….png)

Notable. Redstate article. Why No Durham Activity Before Election — Likely The Interview of Agent William Barnett


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d0361d  No.10813528


Fuck the IRS, for real, we know it is weaponized against us. Take it down DJT!

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00713a  No.10813529

File: fd651bdbc3f3adf⋯.png (102.96 KB, 233x266, 233:266, pepe_wink.PNG)

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8df8ae  No.10813530



IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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7915cd  No.10813531

File: 51ca2c1429f937e⋯.png (86.14 KB, 294x621, 98:207, ClipboardImage.png)

Get rid of him!!

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f0700c  No.10813532

File: 57ec3d2db85f9af⋯.jpg (72.74 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 4ghjwi.jpg)

File: 90ae3a59eb83d67⋯.jpg (76.71 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 4etiza.jpg)

File: 057f3d9f4dfaf6f⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 4as4hm.jpg)

File: ff2980fe2d93d4c⋯.jpg (120.76 KB, 793x500, 793:500, 4702is.jpg)

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24ba0a  No.10813533


POTUS wrecking them. Love when he tells them to stfu. Saying she's being disrespectful of the colleague who's question he was already answering. He's like their daddy

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76940c  No.10813534

During the drug test, the Dr. that is administering the test can check for earpieces, transmitters, etc.


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b3f0c2  No.10813535


they robbed me for $1,300 for not having it.

it would have cost me over $1,000 a month just to have it.

total fucking scam.

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1e6c4d  No.10813536

File: 9cc06c3a3f63c4a⋯.png (416.41 KB, 693x390, 231:130, THIRHBLNDSM.png)

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8df8ae  No.10813537





IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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000000  No.10813538


55 55 Double Kek

:23 PAIN

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a10f27  No.10813539


Anon has books

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3c8855  No.10813540

File: 53293be03b9b098⋯.png (219.6 KB, 501x499, 501:499, 2abb8a68_f9a7_4baa_b612_06….png)


get fucked..been here long before you..glowfag..

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8df8ae  No.10813541





IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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c199cc  No.10813543

sumbody' been following the money


indictments gonna be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleased


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4097ae  No.10813544

POTUS needs to start mandating arrests for the Coup.


Fuck these special investigations.

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398f7d  No.10813545

American press is a joke

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8df8ae  No.10813546



Thanks for exposing yourself sweetie!~

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7915cd  No.10813547

File: 0df52293b2476bb⋯.png (173.96 KB, 289x708, 289:708, ClipboardImage.png)


And him, too! (the other guy is already gone, lol, my bad).

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fac96f  No.10813548


Yeh, I had to pay fines every year for the privilege of not having to pay for overpriced non health care services

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091574  No.10813549

File: 6a023cd88c8b30a⋯.png (88.57 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aba467e9ea1724⋯.png (370.82 KB, 474x309, 158:103, ClipboardImage.png)




Jew shill cunt team Bread Shitter.

DISRESPECTING the Bakers in Every Bread that it posts in.

The only way that these 2 Jewish cunts can post first is by Shitting the Bread.

Every.Single.Bread. that they post in.


Reminding the World watching why Jews were kicked out of every country that they infested and Shit on.

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089789  No.10813550

>>10811967 pb

All Turkic peoples including the Germans and the AJs (Ashkenazi Jews) are of Asian Mongol origin.

Genghis Khan was a redhead.

The almond eyes caused by a dominant gene for the epicanthic fold, likely did not exist even in China, until East Siberians and Koreans moved south.

This characteristic was carried west everywhere the Goths and Germanic peoples settled. In the far north there were also East Siberians who migrated along the Arctic shore to Lapland

One of the Maternal haplotypes found in northern Europe

Including my own mother who looks like a typical Baltic German or Pole

Is a haplotype from East Siberia.

As for Turkey, they are Turks. The people who used to live North of China and who eventually overran Byzantium did not need to slither in

They were the strongest

They won war, after war, after war.

They were the foreign fighters who served the Mongol Khans

They invaded India and helped the Mongols establish the Moghul empire

They are US!!!

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1e6c4d  No.10813551

File: 0b86056e3f1862c⋯.png (293.2 KB, 697x392, 697:392, TRNHDMSWYF.png)

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cbfce9  No.10813552

File: 2ab0e8d24dd6a59⋯.jpg (332.05 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, ray_chandler.jpg)

RC or not? Need faggots opine.

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bc4896  No.10813553

File: 837b1ac5dc606e6⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 600x400, 3:2, DZ59rH3WAAAww_t.jpg)

Catholics are awesome. 1 more and everyone on the SC will be a catholic.

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cbbf94  No.10813554


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543ac2  No.10813555


that one checks all the boxes

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1ddb9c  No.10813556

[ ]orcelain

[ ]ffice

[ ]akes

[ ]nusual

[ ]hits

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f25aec  No.10813557

File: bae313670be8a1a⋯.jpg (84.54 KB, 962x756, 481:378, Flood_it_All_on_the_intern….jpg)

Patriot Anons

POTUS talks about the F_I a number of times


POTUS talks about the internet a number of times

Seems like POTUS COMMS to Anons about a massive dump on the internet (A FLOOD Information)

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c15361  No.10813558


They are a dying people.

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1ce82e  No.10813559


i was there. humvee for the win. close call with the elephant on the trailer pulled by the dodge ram.

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0668ed  No.10813560


What's up with no questions to Biden about




I think Joe can't answer shit

What about Joe's involvement

If we had a fair media

Biggest story for years and years and years.

Real pulitzers not fake garbage.

Biden made money from Russia and China

3.5 million

Because Joe was in on it

Used air for 2 to go to CHINA

Never mentions it Joe! Kek

Ccp gave hunter way more money than most think

If he dodges the questions will you answer them for the American people.

I have the goods.

I'll deliver.

Goes on to show Rico violations APLENTY.

Boomberg is fucked

Can't buy votes

Very serious charge

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247c29  No.10813561


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805f5e  No.10813562

File: 58a75d7657af08c⋯.png (269.89 KB, 612x408, 3:2, god_wins_chemtrails.png)

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daf973  No.10813563

File: 71bc6ac442a3007⋯.jpg (31.21 KB, 280x400, 7:10, diamondskullart.jpg)

>>>10812887 pb

"I will be releasing a lot of things.

Some very surprising things"

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dc1502  No.10813564

>>10813450 lb

>they will need maximum confusion and doubt

that's why they're pushing the mail-in-ballots and D governor states are allowing up to 17 days (Ca.) after Nov 3rd for ballots to be counted! They'll know exactly how many fakes they need to steal it!

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92974f  No.10813565

File: 7a8e84c1ef2a4c2⋯.jpg (99.65 KB, 590x446, 295:223, bloomberg_schumer_weiner.jpg)

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4097ae  No.10813566

Mini Mike must have a mini penis. "with the problems he has"

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76940c  No.10813567

File: ecf834f92c58b93⋯.png (120.57 KB, 1528x1048, 191:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Connections and links to old stories here.

ACB nomination highlights adoptions of Haitian children.

Haiti and adoption brings up Silsby


Which brings in Clinton and that crew.


As well, the focus on the Supreme Court and adoptions may expose any problem with John Roberts’ Irish importation.


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24ba0a  No.10813568


pic of elephant?

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3cf60a  No.10813569


They’re like toddlers who’ve been allowed to be disrespectful turds, so they push the envelope more and more.

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7cfd81  No.10813570


Media Collusion.

Crimes Against Humanity.

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a10f27  No.10813571

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066ad6  No.10813572

File: 6161562233ce585⋯.png (311.12 KB, 947x758, 947:758, 1600915687.png)


Sweetie? You know the rules.

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ba7002  No.10813573


Don't think so anon. Profile of nose doesn't match.

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7d73a8  No.10813574

File: 70e8dd3101bfc5c⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ddb9c  No.10813575

[ ]athetic

[ ]ratory

[ ]aunts

[ ]ranus

[ ]talkers

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3c8855  No.10813576

File: 829c4eda5276911⋯.jpg (140.5 KB, 895x670, 179:134, 64f65356_e045_491c_ac06_aa….jpg)


shill on..stayin' comfy as fuck.

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aa44d1  No.10813577

How did POTUS even understand what that guy said? Hahaha

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398f7d  No.10813578

He was on a roll, wish he stayed another hour

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da710a  No.10813579


>"I am going to release many things, and people will be shocked."

anyone have the mp4?

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d0361d  No.10813580


and NONE of those weak fuqs will go there.

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4b5afe  No.10813581

File: e3dfd83f86f6a0e⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 255x250, 51:50, e72cface2b841930a9288f9a96….jpg)

POTUS pulling covers, one of the best PC i've seen to date.

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56ce0e  No.10813582


Bredshitting tranny degenerate

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81b89b  No.10813583

File: 4c3077d583680a1⋯.jpg (124.47 KB, 621x960, 207:320, trump_dick.jpg)

Fucking Trump owned these cock bags..

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2a2103  No.10813584

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88a5cd  No.10813585

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB, 253x254, 253:254, keks.png)

>>10813466 LB

>"I didn't call on you"

>-POTUS to MSM beotch


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446448  No.10813586

New York Times: We Have Trump’s Tax Returns

The New York Times published details Sunday of what it claimed were President Donald Trump’s tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), going back more than two decades, showing “chronic losses and years of tax avoidance,” it said.

…” It is illegal for the IRS to leak the personal tax returns of any individual. The Times is guarding its sources closely.”


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000000  No.10813587

Democrats have already started attacking Judge Barrett on the basis of her faith.

6:07 PM · Sep 27, 2020



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e0a7a6  No.10813589


wrong again kiddo

love this!

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b385a9  No.10813590

File: c2f98e4b19ee7f3⋯.png (275.92 KB, 860x484, 215:121, Busted.png)

File: 82a18534f6a2d19⋯.png (604.62 KB, 1379x877, 1379:877, Busted5.png)

File: 66c2df06b6ab6e8⋯.png (185.68 KB, 1075x493, 1075:493, busted3.png)

File: af8c493d64cb68b⋯.png (325.74 KB, 1311x800, 1311:800, Busted7.png)

File: 25a8e030acac756⋯.png (802.15 KB, 1200x730, 120:73, Busted6.png)



But you are the liar.

Don't you remember?

Here is a reminder for you and all the anons..

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92974f  No.10813591


it was great..powerful.

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10d03e  No.10813592


>get fucked..been here long before you..glowfag..

You know this dickless faggot was once a mod, right?

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247c29  No.10813593

File: 086ad01c49dd955⋯.png (1018.98 KB, 1920x936, 80:39, ClipboardImage.png)



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01a4fc  No.10813594

No matter how much egregious crap is flying, President Trump remains calm and matter of fact.

Got to admire those Balls Of Steel.

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ba7002  No.10813595


Oh wow……………….what a fucking shock.

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854413  No.10813596

It must feel like shit to have to yell those stupid questions at the end and just get the cold shoulder like that.

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4097ae  No.10813597



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b094c5  No.10813598

File: e8903f32141c93e⋯.jpg (64.91 KB, 503x496, 503:496, drugbiden.jpg)

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b6a8dc  No.10813599


The only two reporters without a mask, or gag order. Asks the real questions.

Obamagate, and the Armenian Azerbaijan conflict.

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7915cd  No.10813600


I think he was blindsided by that NYT tax story? It seemed like he didn't know it was just published and sort of alluded that he didn't know. He's not happy…

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6955d6  No.10813601

HE Brought in Christie and Giuliani …keks.

Get the Popcorn.~~

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566807  No.10813602

File: 2ceb747330db20a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 611x806, 47:62, 2ceb747330db20ad727096dba3….png)

POTUS setting the stage

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9301ff  No.10813603

File: 8d07b721fa36b5f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1737x2048, 1737:2048, Screenshot_20200927_150948.png)


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dc1502  No.10813604

File: b6ce5fb1acd2c38⋯.png (128.59 KB, 507x495, 169:165, 00_Fake_News.png)

Such disrespectful idiots yelling at POTUS as he's leaving! I can't stand those fake news bastards!

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091bbd  No.10813605


I'm going to guess "Optics". How would it look if a bunch of ex Generals or even a bunch of Dems get arrested before election? How would media spin?

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24e79c  No.10813606


>It seemed like he didn't know


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cbfce9  No.10813607

File: 83bfe6f3358ce74⋯.png (470.36 KB, 700x481, 700:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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952e20  No.10813608

File: f524eded785c6ce⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, FreshPaint_6_2020_09_27_05….png)

I am empty with full emptiness. There has been days I've fought, but now my mind has an entire cast of liars. I am not mentally ill, so then WHAT THE FUCK AM I EXPERIENCING?

The most useless, pointless, non-entertaining, giant pile of horseshit I've ever had the pure exquisite pleasure to endure, day in, day out, over the span of four dedicated years, and they just keep coming up with more elaborate ways to break my heart into further points of powder. I am not President Trump, and yet, I feel like I'm getting a slice of the brunt of what I can only imagine is so much more intolerable, and he's still kickin' serious ass. So what's wrong with me? Why am I burning?

Why am I fucking BURNING!?


I swear to holy God, if I don't get some fucking answers, soon, this planet is going to feel the wrath of injustice like it's never felt before.

I don't want to let this boil over to the point where it takes on a form that will initiate things , possibly ahead of The Plan, which, FOR WHAT? A FUCKING HOPELESS TWUNKIE FROM THE ARMPIT OF THE EAST COAST formerly known as the "capital of the world" that plays with his frens online and paints pretty pictures with his electric crayons? No, there's got to be something more to this than the most elaborate ruse to drop on a private civilian for seemingly no purpose whatsoever other than to bust the sore snot out of my balls!

I normally never hate ANYTHING in this life, but right now, I fucking hate this war… I FUCKING HATE THIS TERRIBLE SHITSHOW OF A PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE TEST THAT HAS NOW MANIFESTED ITSELF, potentially, INTO WHAT CAUSES WSW I World Shadow War I, and yet, the normies and sleeping anons, will be none the wiser, until it spreads to them. Yet by that time, I will have TAKEN SHIT INTO MY OWN HANDS. Nobody loves you, the way they do, no matter what they were Mk'ed to spurt out their victimized mouths, and then becomes the worst example of ghosting I've ever experienced in my entire miserable life on this quarantined snowglobe of a habitat.


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982511  No.10813609

Fucking rude ass reporters.

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fd0761  No.10813610

File: 4e0315a3b7cb25f⋯.png (706.84 KB, 1540x966, 110:69, Screenshot_2020_09_27_ADS_….png)

USCG search helo off Isla Vista departing search area now heading towards Point Mugu NAS.

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089789  No.10813611


It's a Getty Image

The Getty Images site will ID the photo

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81b89b  No.10813612


You know….in case the bloodhound press wants any info on Hunter getting millions in bribes…KEK

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2a2103  No.10813613


level expertinfinite.

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7cfd81  No.10813614



By the way why are they still at the back ?

Bring them forward.

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a63088  No.10813615

File: cac12d821a5fed5⋯.png (164.9 KB, 7855x7040, 1571:1408, checked_mark.png)

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b17741  No.10813616

Q-Team drops within the hour. Stoke the hopium for another empty week…

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b5d77e  No.10813617




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5c647b  No.10813618

File: 10de6767b03c7fc⋯.jpg (15.9 KB, 493x437, 493:437, podestansacommitment.jpg)


I'm certain there are multiple B.T.S. incursions that will warrant his arrest, trial, execution etc., however, "Podesta first" is a thing for us.

He was the one who pseudo started "Pizzagate"the thing that opened this wormhole for manyhe will be the first one to go down publicly.

It is a promise to us. As it always was…

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d2067d  No.10813619


Zero Biden supporters are watching this presser

and the news won't mention it so …….


The only thing that will show these commies


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150173  No.10813620

File: c81b0f8faf44db3⋯.jpeg (268.26 KB, 480x796, 120:199, DFF56EAC_FD6D_40D1_94DA_1….jpeg)

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d19aec  No.10813621

File: 3f7218702dbc774⋯.png (13.18 MB, 3207x2972, 3207:2972, 3f7218702dbc7742b887f3fde5….png)

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412148  No.10813622

File: 33ceb39d376c6b8⋯.jpg (50.4 KB, 962x622, 481:311, 84be055166b03b384dae9c98ed….jpg)


Confidence is high. Repeat. Confidence is high.

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7d73a8  No.10813623

File: 2b358d3d06d18dd⋯.png (338.44 KB, 608x513, 32:27, ClipboardImage.png)


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7915cd  No.10813624


Well, it did, if you watched his body language. I've studied him practically every day so I can tell when he says he doesn't know something and he does and when he really doesn't know. Maybe the story was "planted" by his own operatives so he could call it fake? Could be!

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363ab9  No.10813625

File: 1b4ebb149dfc2ef⋯.png (100.76 KB, 1023x264, 31:8, Biden_1.png)

File: d3d7d1d6a364c2d⋯.png (62.37 KB, 790x676, 395:338, Biden_2.png)

File: 6a307273e888cba⋯.jpg (930.82 KB, 1358x672, 97:48, Biden_3.jpg)

File: 2639c8dcd973ae3⋯.jpg (762.7 KB, 916x686, 458:343, Biden_4.jpg)

File: 6aef0ed3f4bfcfc⋯.png (201.71 KB, 707x607, 707:607, Biden_5.png)


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775e59  No.10813626

File: 507ad0e2d68bfe8⋯.jpeg (67.13 KB, 670x616, 335:308, 1F9B003D_6F5A_4822_B636_E….jpeg)

I think we can all agree that this is good! Right?


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ba7002  No.10813627


Probably right anon. The press is going to do that no matter what.

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936c55  No.10813628

1. Can you imagine being Donald Trump’s enemy and having to debate him knowing he knows about your and your son’s crimes? I mean, that’s a fucking NIGHTMARE.

2. The entire corporate media needs to be charged with sedition and or treason for their part in pushing fake Russian collusion bullshit + others.

3. Bill Barr should Declas everything and immediately start arresting criminal politicians. Refer for federal execution. Trump gave him that power.

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e5a298  No.10813629

Listening to reporters/people with masks on is like working the drive thru headset EVERYWHERE. Can't understand half of what's said.

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1ddb9c  No.10813630

[ ]roduce

[ ]bstinate

[ ]reason

[ ]sery

[ ]tunts

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179283  No.10813631

>>10813477 1 post by this ID

>>10813503 Called out as GB

>>10813589 1 post by this ID

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d2067d  No.10813632


I hope not….I'm only here for the notables

Q drops are just fucking garbage

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4f8b74  No.10813633

File: 3c3647ce20a4e4c⋯.png (794.51 KB, 564x564, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c8855  No.10813634

File: edfab55cdcb3c30⋯.gif (137.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 532.gif)


a mod..

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091574  No.10813635


It's the Masterpieces of Stupidity Jewish shill.


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3e5e8e  No.10813636


NP-3C: test bed for the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

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363ab9  No.10813637

File: 94c918a39d8e15e⋯.png (143.82 KB, 1195x662, 1195:662, Biden_6.png)

File: 936efca888fbf88⋯.png (216.65 KB, 1178x699, 1178:699, Biden_7.png)

File: 8f2190111727fe1⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1051x684, 1051:684, Biden_8.jpg)

File: cfbb32f0b9d261d⋯.png (121.76 KB, 1068x634, 534:317, Biden_9.png)

File: 6e8ec783e9484d0⋯.png (32.2 KB, 1080x281, 1080:281, Biden_10.png)

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6e1995  No.10813638



Q is a False Hope psyop…

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fc588d  No.10813639


The worst satanic pedo abuser and ET/alien gatekeeper. The kind that halts progress the most.

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d19aec  No.10813640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frens :)

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2beb4b  No.10813642

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7915cd  No.10813643


Your mask is slipping…

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1ddb9c  No.10813644


[ ]ruckstop

[ ]omo

[ ]rotica

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864c0a  No.10813645

When Q drops the C-130 it means more damaging info is about to be declassifed in the coming days.

Go back and look at the past C-130 drops and the coincide with things like acting DNI Grennel declassifying the Flynn-Kysliak call and the unmasking requests by Biden.

Gonna be a good week anons!


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81b89b  No.10813646

File: bf51439bbe991dc⋯.jpeg (12.16 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 9eeb284e63f9c5e0d9e2d7cb4….jpeg)

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e5a298  No.10813647

File: b80c3324e074d67⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, b80c3324e074d67da519452a90….png)

File: df2a53e1545e785⋯.jpg (491.26 KB, 1099x1274, 157:182, 63ad888e084c44bb666b9eac40….jpg)


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dc1502  No.10813648


disrespectful fucking idiot!

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5dfff4  No.10813649


Cry moar. kek

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10d03e  No.10813650


Was being the operative word.

Now it's overdosing on it's oestrogen injections.

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247c29  No.10813651

File: 3d570dd0fd2523d⋯.jpg (83.88 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1595844747825.jpg)

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cbfce9  No.10813652

File: 306f8f6a2cf8b7b⋯.png (801.5 KB, 859x767, 859:767, RayChandler.png)

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7cfd81  No.10813653


>Democrats have already started attacking Judge Barrett on the basis of her faith.

Let me guess… she's not a satanist.

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150173  No.10813654

File: ea62947888c5914⋯.jpeg (210.95 KB, 1125x1116, 125:124, 4E8BD489_BFFA_4C1C_8E85_6….jpeg)

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4b5afe  No.10813655


indeed, bitched slapped the MSM and he did it with a cunning smoothness.

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15238f  No.10813656

File: 50d87c49b4ae2ae⋯.jpg (478.35 KB, 1924x2426, 962:1213, 50d87c49b4ae2aec0a57a73aed….jpg)

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6e1995  No.10813657

C'mon Q Team… hurry up and make some more drops… about Bartiromo, Durham and some American flags and Bible verses to placate the Q masses.

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4097ae  No.10813658

I am cornfused.

Why hold a presser with Chris and Rudy today?


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17efbd  No.10813659


Reads like a FF set-up post. Eyes on.

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cbfce9  No.10813660

File: e17e9d0ea80793a⋯.png (383.27 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e5e8e  No.10813661


I was going to point out that she is dressed like a Hostess/Server…

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000000  No.10813662

ICYMI: We released real search footage from an FBI narcotics investigation. A Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement operation in Los Angeles uncovered a large cache of drugs, weapons, cash, gold, and cryptocurrency as part of Operation DisrupTor.


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864c0a  No.10813663

Welcome to the war zone newfags. Act accordingly.

China has 100k activists involved with Antifa/BLM.

Iran has people here.

Russia has people here.

Every head of state in Europe who got burned by having to pay more for their NATO protection has funded the effort.

Dozens of wealthy like Soros, Styer, Buffet and Bloomberg have funded the effort.

Wealthy Hollywood types and MSM types are funding and participating.

North Korea has hands in this.

Anyone Trump pissed off by cutting them off from taxpayer funded payoffs has a hand in this.

Oh and they all have a dozen people who hang out on qresearch and they have AI pointed at qresearch and have for years now.

McCrystol's big dick disperminate disinfo is pointed here.

That's what anons are up against.

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1ce82e  No.10813664


no pics, only of my own truck. and wont post those, sorry.

we hit all over the seacoast. portsmouth, kittery maine, dover, durham, newmarket, newfields, exeter, hampton and the whole rt 1a strip to rye back into portsmouth. there were a few haters out and about, a couple of real looney screaming bitches in durham (UNH college town) other than that, most people were cheery and waving at us. very good time indeed. about 400 vehicles id say. and a plane!

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543ac2  No.10813665

<i only come here for the notables

you couldn't possibly be any dumber

<Q drops are worthless

nevermind, i was wrong

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b17741  No.10813666

File: 857762d158d402f⋯.jpeg (54.5 KB, 500x322, 250:161, E59A5ECA_E73C_4B77_8DFD_A….jpeg)

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7915cd  No.10813667


Thanks for explaining, anon, thought it meant incoming but I didn't consider "declassified".

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e5a298  No.10813668

File: ec8e964ff2a02e0⋯.jpeg (142.52 KB, 1198x1029, 1198:1029, ec8e964ff2a02e080c75950d7….jpeg)


por vida

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e0a7a6  No.10813669


now it's two

keep your fucking drama off of general

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dc1502  No.10813670


>” It is illegal for the IRS to leak the personal tax returns of any individual. The Times is guarding its sources closely.”

I thought it was illegal for anyone to publish someone else tax returns?

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581e61  No.10813671

File: e80c58ef11a0e5e⋯.png (463.74 KB, 1199x900, 1199:900, noses.png)

File: bcf666fde5dbb21⋯.webm (2.59 MB, 712x480, 89:60, 1581209989377.webm)


>+ others

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506418  No.10813672

File: 73a8daeee5478cf⋯.png (214.39 KB, 693x636, 231:212, cvmalf.png)


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864c0a  No.10813673



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ba7002  No.10813674




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d2067d  No.10813675


Just take the pledge, put on your muzzle and make sure to go vote for 4 moar years of empty promises

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d37e23  No.10813676

File: 66ba1fc4ba3199c⋯.jpg (568.18 KB, 1055x1657, 1055:1657, Screenshot_20200927_171419….jpg)

File: 084f46cb0ea9adf⋯.jpg (449.33 KB, 1063x1717, 1063:1717, Screenshot_20200927_171356….jpg)

File: 237d492b2107286⋯.jpg (185.52 KB, 1368x771, 456:257, 237d492b21072861516f38b04c….jpg)

File: 08fc25a09f4860a⋯.jpg (121.78 KB, 620x413, 620:413, TYB.jpg)

File: eb01b4b09e380f4⋯.jpg (126.31 KB, 500x710, 50:71, Purdy_Tired.jpg)

Bwhahahaha! They're really trying harder…

I hope he sues the living shit out of every Media outlet who reports on this….

Remember kids, 2 years of the Mueller team couldn't find a Tax problem on legal grounds…



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53ecd2  No.10813677


Midnight Riders?

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179283  No.10813678


Not from ID you left from genius

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fc588d  No.10813679



40k+ view is essential to understand why things are the way they are

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c9dfe9  No.10813680


no, you are.

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150173  No.10813681

File: 11b28007837f8b0⋯.png (1.15 MB, 786x793, 786:793, F33E60D6_EDA5_4290_AF88_27….png)

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1ddb9c  No.10813682

roast spicer

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6e1995  No.10813683


Rudy and Chris were only there today because Sunday dinners at the White House are Salisbury Steak Day.

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4f8b74  No.10813684

File: 55c0ac58daf36a4⋯.png (1.69 MB, 720x924, 60:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ddb9c  No.10813685

glazed spicer

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b385a9  No.10813686

File: 3d653cb24787f1f⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 320x240, 4:3, ArabDAnce3.gif)


Dance Shill, Dance!

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1ddb9c  No.10813687

spicer thauce

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7912c9  No.10813688


You 4-6% think for yourself

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b5d77e  No.10813689


Yep. He show the W.H. press hyenas where the bear shit in the buckwheat and shoved their noses in it. What a time to be alive.

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6d2aa9  No.10813690

File: 27a469b6f712611⋯.png (175.61 KB, 591x709, 591:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e183cd32ea670c5⋯.png (79.76 KB, 607x684, 607:684, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0564b3158ef9a55⋯.png (93.64 KB, 595x752, 595:752, ClipboardImage.png)

#Trumpstaxes starting to trend by the looks of things.

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1ddb9c  No.10813691

spicer brisket

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089789  No.10813692

File: 7c867818186cf0e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


In case you thought that this woman, identified as a server by Getty Images, is actually Laura Brown, you are wrong. Here is Laura at the event and the clothes, watch, bracelet do not match. There is a superficial resemblance to the face but Laura has shorter hair seen on her left.

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131702  No.10813693


Take the Drug Test Joe.

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1ddb9c  No.10813694

crock pot spicer

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2beb4b  No.10813695



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15238f  No.10813696

File: 840caac215c8c94⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 269cc8dd1a80b45c05cd6f70ec….jpg)

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d3e39a  No.10813697

File: ea41363b124ca9c⋯.png (23.61 KB, 506x215, 506:215, npccloseup.png)

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e0a7a6  No.10813698


do your fucking job and shut the fuck up

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15bcea  No.10813699

File: b0e0ce961aec930⋯.png (614.65 KB, 402x605, 402:605, schitd.PNG)

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7e5db1  No.10813700


JEW YORK TYMES trying to launch early October Surprise actually Nadlered themselves.

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2a2103  No.10813701

File: a3ec9c22d15604a⋯.jpeg (116.25 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, 3559d38e5a489d4be57ea5567….jpeg)

my goodness this is funnnn!

[that presser tho]

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3c9356  No.10813702


I know why they are there….any one from the NY/NJ area knows why they are there…..there is more going on behind the scenes….Durham was not the only game in town after Huber…..I have a feeling this presser was to get the word out to those guilty parties and give them a chance to turn themeselves and their evidence in before the reckoning……

this is about Voter Fraud and Religious liberty….


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131702  No.10813703



Up the Vote: Reddit’s IRL 2020 Voting Campaign

"You thought it was over, didn’t you? Not even close! On November 4th, look for special AMAs and announcements on “What just happened?” to learn about vote returns, election registration, and everything else you need to know as we watch the counts come in."


Breaking911 @Breaking911

"BREAKING: A federal appeals court has temporarily halted a six-day extension for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin's presidential election…"


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4097ae  No.10813704

File: b7a81b578aa601f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


but of course.

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9075d0  No.10813705

File: de42d980c6599aa⋯.jpg (104.09 KB, 1240x714, 620:357, potus_pepe_smirk.JPG)

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d2067d  No.10813706


Yeah….um…that's the drug they are looking for


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1ddb9c  No.10813707

microwaved spicer and faykin gehy orange jew noodles

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131702  No.10813708

LOL they just can't learn do they

New York Times: We Have Trump’s Tax Returns

The New York Times published details Sunday of what it claimed were President Donald Trump’s tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), going back more than two decades, showing “chronic losses and years of tax avoidance,” it said.

…” It is illegal for the IRS to leak the personal tax returns of any individual. The Times is guarding its sources closely.”


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56ce0e  No.10813709


Was fun watching it get slapped down too.

Annoying degenerate.

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6955d6  No.10813710


trump donates his salary because he is broke?

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aeaf22  No.10813711

File: 928f1f1715981e4⋯.jpg (1023.43 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, gettyimages_609445850_2048….jpg)


Got the Radziwill lady hanging around with that crew too.


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36754b  No.10813712

>>10812741 lb

>POLL: Does the SHTF before or after the election?

The anniversary of RED OCTOBER is November 7th.

That should be clear enough.

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c30772  No.10813713

File: 33a71d5b15255a6⋯.png (557.24 KB, 699x861, 233:287, CO_Mail_Ballots_Illegal_al….png)

Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold sent a postcard to non-citizens and the dead encouraging them to register to vote so they can cast ballots in November.

Griswold sent a mailer to several people who are not eligible to vote, CBS4 reported, in a swing state that has a U.S. Senate seat on the ballot this year and could prove pivotal in the presidential race.

Karen Anderson said she received one addressed to her mother.

“Which sounds really nice except my mother has been dead four years and she hasn’t lived, voted, owned property, worked, or done anything other than visit Colorado since 1967,” Anderson told the news station.

CBS4 found a dozen other examples, including “a deceased woman in Las Animas County, six migrant workers in Otero County, a Canadian in Douglas County, a man from Lebanon in Jefferson County, and a British citizen in Arapahoe County.”

The state defended sending the mailers to people who are not eligible to vote, according to federal law.


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131702  No.10813714

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363ab9  No.10813715


Explains a lot.

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3e5e8e  No.10813716

File: 6c76e9b97e1dd39⋯.png (13.27 MB, 1307x8384, 1307:8384, ClipboardImage.png)


Operation DisrupTor

JCODE Actions in Los Angeles Shut Down Major Darknet Drug Vendor

The storage shed by the modest yellow stucco house in Sunland, California, was tidy and organized. Mailing supplies, tape, and materials were stacked or sorted into labeled bins, and a large box held packages that were addressed and ready to be dropped at the post office. It looked like a run-of-the-mill mail-order business. Until the search went further into the space.

There, agents from the FBI, United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) found about 50 pounds of methamphetamine and bags and containers full of thousands of Adderall pills. There were also scales, package sealers, and three firearms.

Each of those packages that were filled or waiting to be filled would bring drugs to someone in the United States—where an individual is now more likely to die of a drug overdose than in a car accident.

The search of a second site used to package drugs for the same operation yielded another huge supply. Agents uncovered well over 100 pounds of methamphetamine and some 30,000 pills in the two locations—a bundle of dangerous drugs worth several million dollars.

The two search operations, combined with law enforcement actions in other locations and at later dates, led to the arrests of multiple people linked to an online drug trafficking organization that sold under several monikers on the darknet. The individuals are now facing some combination of narcotics trafficking, conspiracy, money laundering, and firearms charges that could lead to sentences of between 10 and 25 years in federal prison.

Moar@, and pic related:


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1ddb9c  No.10813717

spicer loin

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179283  No.10813718

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b17741  No.10813719


Well, that’s difficult to have from my vantage. I don’t have it all. And I am not inclined to trust a rando internet “hero” With no accountability.

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3a9da3  No.10813720


It's going to take us marching (peacefully) on DOJ and Washington……….The only way shit gets done in any timeline of history is when the Public unites and Demands it (not yapping on social media accounts)…….Power was always WE the People. Just got to get the "WE" part straightened out still.

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131702  No.10813721

Sidney Powell speaking at length about Anthony Weiner's laptop


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1ddb9c  No.10813722

garlic and spicer

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10d03e  No.10813723



Archives are your friend.

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e5a298  No.10813724

File: fc2ccbabdcbcec8⋯.jpg (216.57 KB, 743x775, 743:775, fc2ccbabdcbcec8a29c12e231c….jpg)

If Obummer gets impeached… will that negate any & all secret pardons he made?

LQQKIN' @ U Cheney

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aeaf22  No.10813725


HCQ interferes with drugs of abuse testing

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cbfce9  No.10813726

File: 7dd46db1681a1f6⋯.png (31.18 KB, 1416x468, 118:39, ClipboardImage.png)


btw, she has been scrubbed from Getty Images.

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179283  No.10813727



>>10813567 ACB nomination highlights adoptions of Haitian children.

>>10813527 Why No Durham Activity Before Election — Likely The Interview of Agent William Barnett

>>10813593 PF

>>10813626 CF revenue

>>10813662 We released real search footage from an FBI narcotics investigation. @FBI

>>10813672 C19 NJ tracking system malfunctions


>>10813690 #Trumpstaxes starting to trend by the looks of things.

Shills in the Bakery Daily Report

>>>/qresearch/10766279 shilling/spamming against baker posts Over /QRmemes/ being removed byGYBsame MO as /warroom/ attacks

>>>/comms/27199 Catalogue being spammed post of when it started when /QRmemes/ was removed same MO as /warroom/ attacks

>>>/qresearch/10765450, >>>/qresearch/10765461, Pointing out DDoS attack that started when /QRmemes/ was removed same MO as /warroom/ attacks

>>>/qresearch/10766090, >>>/qresearch/10765604,GYBadmitting he was part of the spamming and shilling after being caught and lying about it

>>>/comms/26992,GYB/Freebakeradmitting to deleting notables on more than one occasion

>>>/comms/27231,GYBThreatening another baker

>>>/comms/27236, >>>/comms/27274, >>>/comms/27471GYBlying and then getting caught, again

>>>/comms/27495, GYB/Freebaker playing the victim cause he got exposed as the shill behind the catalogue spamming/moldy bread spamming

>>>/comms/27210, >>>/Qresearch/10807327, Full converstaion on /comms/ immediately afterGYBwas caught shilling and spamming against baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/10805687, >>>/comms/28072, >>>/comms/12993,GBfalsely claiming OSS was a different personality before and getting exposed for his lie and defendingGYBdeleting notables about Cannibal Club/Human Trafficking

>>>/comms/27844, >>>/comms/27848 Boatfag saying it was my faultGYBwas shilling and got caught

>>>/qresearch/10779221, >>>/qresearch/10779239, >>>/qresearch/10779355Nightbakertelling me to kill myself for telling an anon to take a post about a deleted notable off general and to this bread which was the literal point of that bread being created

>>>/qresearch/10779421,Nightbakerremoving New general bread from dough "because the one on /comms/ works fine"

>>>/qresearch/10806948, >>>/qresearch/10806963, >>>/qresearch/10806969, >>>/qresearch/10806983, >>>/Qresearch/10806991, >>>/comms/28225, >>>/comms/28234GBShilling with 20 posts and big mad posted the evidence of his shilling

>>>/qresearch/10807072, >>>/qresearch/10807129,Boatfagtries to cover his track and continues to blame OSS, gets called out for siding with GYB has no response

>>>/COMMS/28248, >>>/COMMS/28250, >>>/comms/28251, >>>/Qresearch/10813477, >>>/comms/28254, >>>/comms/28255, >>>/comms/10813503, >>>QResearch/10813631, >>>/Qresearch/10813669, >>>/Qresearch/10813678, >>>/qreseach/10813698,GBVERY UPSET META ADDED TO DOUGH WITH

>>>/qresearch/10812810 Attempted Subversion over Kitchen Meta being on /Qresearch/ instead of /comms/

>>>/qresearch/10813005 Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough

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8df8ae  No.10813728



















IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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c9dfe9  No.10813729


how dare you . . .

no wait.

didn't they do a piece recently about how Judasim is incongruent with being American?

or something?

waitn, no it was about Catholics.

well , due to equality, it might as well have been about Jews.

the NYT , by smearing Catholics, proves themselves antisemetics.

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e0a7a6  No.10813730


and there it is


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131702  No.10813731


Voters in 4 Battleground States File Lawsuits Claiming Election Meddling Funded by Mark Zuckerberg


Voters in four battleground states have filed federal lawsuits to prevent the funneling of millions of dollars from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google, and other tech firms through the Center for Tech and Civic Life which they allege is attempting to influence the outcome of the presidential election.

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da5287  No.10813732

File: 56a77b27bfb8c3a⋯.png (53.83 KB, 255x234, 85:78, ClipboardImage.png)


(2016) [HRC] LOST.

That tells you all you need to know about those numbers.

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c30772  No.10813733


She is promoting voter fraud.

Lock her up until we can vote her out.

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8b3d51  No.10813734


I'm dying laughing here.

Everyone knows it's lasagna.

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1ddb9c  No.10813735

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c30772  No.10813736


Quite right – she needs to be jailed.

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daf973  No.10813737


people saved quite a few though

surely her insta was scraped

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581e61  No.10813738

File: cfab0ab56343072⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lucas_817.mp4)

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1ddb9c  No.10813739


smoked spicer

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db25b5  No.10813740


it pretty much proves the "foundation" was a pay to play money laundering scheme

as soon as they were out of power

donations stopped

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1ddb9c  No.10813741


bbq spicer

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c30772  No.10813742


f any republican tried this they'd be sitting behind bars hours/days ago. A resignation would have been demanded by the left and mainstream media.

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d2067d  No.10813743

File: 28bab1d2fc9a0e5⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 28bab1d2fc9a0e5433db931318….jpg)


how many motherfucking times is this going to be posted today?

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1ddb9c  No.10813744


spicer milk

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4097ae  No.10813745


were gunna need some sauce for that anon

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15d8f9  No.10813746


You ok?

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c30772  No.10813747


t's no controversy – I mean, dead voters have been supporting Democrat candidates for decades

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1ddb9c  No.10813748


>spicer milk

spicer cheeses

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7915cd  No.10813749


The Times story, if based on authentic documents, appears to debunk several conspiracy theories held by Democrats for years. The tax returns do not “any previously unreported connections to Russia,” the Times reports. Moreover, the Times story appears to confirm Trump’s claim — long treated as an excuse by Democrats — that he is under audit by the IRS. And the Times could not find “any itemized payments to Mr. Cohen,” ostensibly the subject of the New York investigation.

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15bcea  No.10813750


I do not think that it would. Unless the crimes were related to the impeachable offense.

Not a law fag though.

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c30772  No.10813751


If these cases have been found, how many are still hidden?

And how many other insiders in the extended swamp are still working to undermine the integrity of the people's vote?

Democrats have been trying to overturn your vote since 2016, and they are trying to do so, "by any means necessary."

Your vote is an inconvenience to Democrats,and so are

your laws and your Constitution.

Trump/House/Senate 2020

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066ad6  No.10813752

File: b51a90d9887852c⋯.png (51.12 KB, 322x128, 161:64, 1599601605.png)


The shield is understanding: "He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

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3e5e8e  No.10813753


He's not holding office, he can't be "impeached". Indicted, possibly.

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7e5db1  No.10813754


What I really like is the way your Mama's hamburger hangs down….

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b17741  No.10813755


I bet the food is soo gud at the White House.

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373cac  No.10813756


“These people are stupid”

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e856bc  No.10813757

Trump is so good and his presser he was fantastic.

He laid it all out every “Journalist “ to see.

I’m Winning and unless you start telling the Truth, your Done.

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1ddb9c  No.10813758


buritos el pastor spicer

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6955d6  No.10813759

File: 5f52bc977922183⋯.jpg (42.01 KB, 1587x151, 1587:151, wdim_biden_headlines.jpg)


this is one of the best headlines i have ever seen and it's not the BEE

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edab61  No.10813760

>>10813713 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote


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2a2103  No.10813761


>length about Anthony Weiner's

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24e79c  No.10813762


>I've studied him practically every day so I can tell when he says he doesn't know something and he does and when he really doesn't know.

Same. What did you think of his reaction to the RGB news?

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089789  No.10813763


Gilligan's Island

What went on in the TV show

What happened on set in reality, because it was Hollywood after all.

Laser pointer on Gilligan's Island, Iraq, paints a target, and then ANOTHER TEAM follows up.

This board is being monitored.

When we find something important a citizen sends a note to the Justice Department saying

This just came up in a public conversation on this discussion board, I had a look at the evidence they discuss and there may be evidence of a crime here.

When they have enough evidence, a formal investigation begins. IN SECRET.

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762c21  No.10813764

File: 72ad062ffe886bb⋯.jpeg (264.17 KB, 1335x1203, 445:401, EA4DFEA3_210F_4A2F_A3F2_B….jpeg)

File: d2baadcc4d58706⋯.jpeg (47.69 KB, 1359x709, 1359:709, C059DFD4_0B60_494B_93DC_4….jpeg)


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412148  No.10813765


You can be impeached once out of office.

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dc2432  No.10813766


>Laura has shorter hair

I’ll give you an opportunity to consider why hair is a poor identifier

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c30772  No.10813767


Election fraud is a local matter to be reported to your local police.

"Then we will defund the police" …the Democrats

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1ddb9c  No.10813768


deshebrada spicer

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dc1502  No.10813769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Satanic trips, fits right in with my post!

How Satanic Is Hillary Clinton? Wilfred Wong

Wilfred Wong has investigated Satanic Ritual Abuse for 27 years.

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e0a7a6  No.10813770

File: 655ab9202e2fa4c⋯.png (171.39 KB, 861x477, 287:159, PAT0323_US_Army_Beech_Huro….PNG)

PAT0323 US Army Beech Huron started from NAS Key West and ground stops in Georgetown, Grand Cayman and Baranquilla, Columbia on approach for Bogota, Columbia

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c30772  No.10813771


Are we surprised? Obama encouraged Illegal Aliens to Vote when he was President….. Hildabeast did the same….. Citizenship means NOTHING to Democrats!

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daf973  No.10813772

File: f5422775ab23fe6⋯.png (690.95 KB, 1000x1383, 1000:1383, fake.png)


thanks for reminding me to look at it

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6955d6  No.10813773



how do you encourage the dead to vote?

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fa5cba  No.10813774


Biden doesn't care about any of that

He's planning to win via election fraud

Why do you think the mad rush to endorse him the past few days?

The fix is in and the ballot manufacturing process is humming

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e750f6  No.10813775

Interesting Trump said it was much bigger than Watergate. I saw a meme about that somewhere.

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8eb5d6  No.10813776


>Colorado Secretary of State

Did a dig on her once. She was a lawyer for Hussein campaign.

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206db2  No.10813777

File: 3e30d050a9224f2⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

Shills can sow division all they want here, but what constantly nags the back of their mind is NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. Their efforts are in vain and quite humorous to the anons dedicated to this cause.

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d22d08  No.10813778

File: 65f94deffa671aa⋯.png (158.71 KB, 437x440, 437:440, 4198.png)

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c30772  No.10813779


We all need to remember Meloweese Richardson, the poll worker who voted for Obama 6 times, was charged, fined and to be jailed by the state and then pardoned by Obama and made a celebrity on Sharpton's show. That's who these thugs are, and if they choose to cheat then their state's electors do not need to be allowed to vote at all.

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19ccaa  No.10813780

File: faedd0ee2b32078⋯.png (124.08 KB, 818x549, 818:549, ClipboardImage.png)

Do you suppose there is a tunnel along this line of earthquakes?

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8df8ae  No.10813781







IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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1ddb9c  No.10813782




hogg bacon


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8eb5d6  No.10813783

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b094c5  No.10813784

File: c8a1c648529a045⋯.jpg (82.43 KB, 500x672, 125:168, 4ghmbg.jpg)

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c30772  No.10813785


Hell, lets just send out ballots to the entire world.

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fc588d  No.10813786


The value of Q lies in confirming his high placement in US government and benevolence in its high level operations, eg, BDT proof, current geopolitical peace (accounted for Cabal agents). The essence of Q is not the tripfag himself, it's al the events, happenings, implications and logic behind what we see and don't see today.

I can't possibly be specific with this, sorry. It's autism…

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47e3d9  No.10813787


A “Justice March”?

I like the sound of that.

How can we organize?

On my life, I would attend a Justice March before the election.

I mean, how hard is it to print memes the size of posters?

We have everything we need to do this.

Facts, proof, artistic ability, funding (you know this would generate HUGE donations from red-pill USA) even though we don’t really need much if any.


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506418  No.10813788

File: e6a65649d6c070f⋯.png (47.83 KB, 720x328, 90:41, whcv.png)


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2a2103  No.10813789


i get a kick out of it…

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7915cd  No.10813790


He knew.

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af0347  No.10813791

File: 9f966e4e8e1f306⋯.png (602.96 KB, 1008x533, 1008:533, mansonquote.PNG)

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4097ae  No.10813792

File: 0ac933da7d206e0⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1125x729, 125:81, ClipboardImage.png)


Over Target anon

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3c8855  No.10813793

File: 2304e32bfa9ca13⋯.png (202.55 KB, 474x289, 474:289, 1601245464349.png)

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8cdad8  No.10813794

File: 49c09424fb5cbeb⋯.png (312.24 KB, 460x547, 460:547, backthen.png)

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4ea271  No.10813795

File: 53fdbcf26e420a5⋯.png (83.66 KB, 268x461, 268:461, kud_2110_800x600_nobg.png)


…Trip 7's of truth.

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b17741  No.10813796


NWO is the cause you defend.

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150173  No.10813797

File: cdb697f701f88a3⋯.jpeg (139.61 KB, 800x503, 800:503, E2D03119_F415_45E3_9107_0….jpeg)

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566807  No.10813798

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c9dfe9  No.10813799


another interesting question: why are no DUM tunnels ever shown in Kansas?

I have no sauce.

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15d8f9  No.10813800


Funny you ask… silly song going thru my mind the other day and was thinking the same thing then Q posts the same vid.

>Gilligan's Island

>What went on in the TV show

>What happened on set in reality, because it was Hollywood after all.

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543ac2  No.10813801

File: d0456ea357e810e⋯.png (4.51 KB, 599x85, 599:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5718c5d42b948b⋯.png (29.29 KB, 663x216, 221:72, ClipboardImage.png)


there it is

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53ecd2  No.10813802

File: eb0c1cee0c11bf0⋯.jpg (613.85 KB, 1071x1202, 1071:1202, Screenshot_20200928_112435….jpg)

Castle Rock?

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b094c5  No.10813803

File: 5f4041ebd6829c3⋯.jpg (94.11 KB, 500x672, 125:168, hydroxy.jpg)

sorry to waste bread, but i thought the text on the left lower box was too small

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2beb4b  No.10813804



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c30772  No.10813805


What is the penalty for voter fraud/treason these days?

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d71270  No.10813806


Actually, Mark Levin covered this, a former President "can" be impeached…

Please, don't ask me to explain it, Mark Levin is above my pay grade.

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d2067d  No.10813807


another fucking retard

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c30772  No.10813808


There is no penalty if you're a demoncrat. Been that way for decades.

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1ddb9c  No.10813809

File: f79ca01032061c5⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2011_02_22_14_33_IMG_7305.JPG)

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47e3d9  No.10813810




Ballots are turning up everywhere.

Plus, I’m not convinced the DOJ or Supreme Court isn’t going to step in here and say something because it is THAT obvious that mass media unsolicited ballots are a fraud.

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091574  No.10813811

File: df15b11304fd673⋯.png (55.11 KB, 255x166, 255:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 186ffa1a3d525e1⋯.png (120.04 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

*It's Kol Nidre Time! Time To Break Your Vows Made To The Goyim!

Baruch ata adonai eloheinu melech ha-olam asher kiddishanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel (shabbat v’shel) yom ha-kippurim.


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19ccaa  No.10813812


I'm so glad he survived the covid

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dc1502  No.10813813

File: c6295f8f1c396b4⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2336x1528, 292:191, Satanic_NWO_Globalist.png)


>Wilfred Wong has investigated Satanic Ritual Abuse for 27 years.

Ahhhhh, interesting!

Wong explaining why the EU is pushing the plandemic so hard!

The satanic bastards are beyond suck & evil!

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17efbd  No.10813814


Sorry anon. That's proactive. Comp'd baker will claim it's illegal.

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6955d6  No.10813815


he looks deformed….moobs

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986ab1  No.10813816

File: 613e4c59b1f52a1⋯.jpg (115.72 KB, 787x400, 787:400, last_action_hero.jpg)

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8df8ae  No.10813817











IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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c9dfe9  No.10813818


wrongularily stated.

the guy with the stricking eyes says differently.

this relates:


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c30772  No.10813819



Why is it that only dead democrat voters have a perpetual vote?

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c00b38  No.10813820

File: 935cafd2ae8fdb5⋯.jpg (62.35 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, ad.jpg)


another test tube baby

>pic is alexandria daddario

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dc1502  No.10813821


>Wilfred Wong has investigated Satanic Ritual Abuse for 27 years.

Ahhhhh, interesting!

Wong explaining why the EU is pushing the plandemic so hard!

The satanic bastards are beyond sick & evil!>>10813813

>The satanic bastards are beyond suck & evil!

kek I meant "sick" but they do suck as well!

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56ce0e  No.10813822


It’s already backfiring on them.

They’re set to overshoot the number registered.

Election stealing requires a close election and has to be done just so at the margins to pull it off undetected. Fake polls failed to make last election appear close because….rallies! People weren’t coming out for Hill anywhere near the levels of Trump. This time? Holy fuck, we have a fake pandemic and rally turnout is well past 2016. Well past. Undeniable. That’s why you’ll see MSM attempt to true up the polling.

Biden is done.

They know this is done. They know they’ve lost. They are just going scorched earth out the door.

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dc2432  No.10813823


No. And it’s questionable whether any of his acts would be invalidated if ultimately adjudged to have been ineligible for presidential office. Likelihood of that judgment ever arising is nil - absolute constitutional chaos would ensue.

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b17741  No.10813824


Yea, but in the moment I forget all that proof stuff and rage. Because I want a better world and now! Microwave this shit and get done with it!

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8df8ae  No.10813825


>091574 (Posting rotten fish infections)

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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24e79c  No.10813826


Brilliant actor among may other things

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864c0a  No.10813827


You should nominate it as notable. I don't think many anons know this.

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81b89b  No.10813828

File: c8635c34b8c99c6⋯.png (236.87 KB, 800x480, 5:3, notable.png)




Actual CDC link

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c30772  No.10813829


Citizens of Colorado must hold Crooked Griswold accountable for her crimes.

what is barr doing ?

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1ddb9c  No.10813830

[ ]ruise

[ ]inners

[ ]very

[ ]oaf

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e9aba3  No.10813831


Um you do realize where you are right?

Welcome to the Wild Fuken West.

Change that diaper.

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c36d47  No.10813833

File: 3c4a63f672f56bd⋯.jpg (688.22 KB, 1242x1644, 207:274, IMG_520.jpg)

File: 2010f63614b461c⋯.jpg (337.03 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_529.jpg)

File: 25f4bee11396587⋯.jpg (252.95 KB, 1143x800, 1143:800, IMG_538.jpg)

Patriots Are Forgiven!

God Accepts Us!

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38cb9b  No.10813834

File: b894c6ddcf7fdcd⋯.jpg (167.35 KB, 832x500, 208:125, 4gg6z2.jpg)

Reread first q-posts. starting with q-post 1 and 2.

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95d7b8  No.10813835

File: a3dd45bd906cb24⋯.png (198.08 KB, 898x633, 898:633, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons often speak of the "TEN DAYS DARKNESS"

Here's just one more Anon's analysis of when it will begin.

Starting Election day or the Day after. The DS will be caught RED HANDED during the election process in turn setting off a chain of events that we have all been waiting for. Arrests!

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986ab1  No.10813836

File: 51ca0e909581753⋯.jpg (424.02 KB, 562x842, 281:421, Arjuna_statue_8.jpg)


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c30772  No.10813837


Tom Ridge promoting the illegal alien and dead vote ?

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fac96f  No.10813838

File: fee93a62c7a7aa8⋯.png (511.71 KB, 906x757, 906:757, nm560da4abdf7878f883t67mgc….png)


Posted this image as an idea for a game board, many years ago

and got all kinds of shit from the board at the time, major hostility

I remember being asked for sauce, and like thinking huh, wtf

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864c0a  No.10813839



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c30772  No.10813840


You literally can't make this stuff up….we have a political party whose sole purpose is to destroy the nation it governs. Clear and present danger, enemy of the people.

Our most pressing enemy lives amongst us, doing the bidding of a foreign power.

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02d6a5  No.10813841


We don't do marches or protests, we report on them.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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dc2432  No.10813842


That would be the rational response. But these clowns value only power, so expect irrational responses predicated solely on bullying tactics.

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b9f8a2  No.10813843

File: adeb02115dd79e3⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB, 1080x566, 540:283, 1597104361.jpeg)

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daf973  No.10813844

File: a259d5f742b95f6⋯.jpg (29.97 KB, 495x302, 495:302, psychosdontcare.jpg)


bidens not all there

plus psychopaths don't care

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9d431e  No.10813845

File: 0671e55c864a923⋯.png (45.18 KB, 433x621, 433:621, ClipboardImage.png)


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1ddb9c  No.10813846

File: 75a33c9c8dd93b2⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 2013_05_12_19_45_IMG_2693.JPG)


>Time To Break Your Vows Made To The Goyim!

the wedding rings were ordered already

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091574  No.10813847

File: 832d39afe855e34⋯.png (241.75 KB, 283x328, 283:328, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08b231c5ea85ced⋯.png (85.57 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

*G_d KNOWS Every Internet Post Is For Ever

For ever, and ever, and ever.


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543ac2  No.10813848

File: 7827571e1eed405⋯.png (279.85 KB, 672x574, 48:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a0d74  No.10813849

File: f1bcedc3b547af6⋯.png (251.32 KB, 642x351, 214:117, Black_Shadows_Matter.png)

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866769  No.10813850

File: e43371239706b39⋯.jpg (138.25 KB, 667x921, 667:921, pantifablmmassarrestsoon.JPG)

BOMBSHELL: Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests


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15bcea  No.10813851

File: a2bdd6a18f54edb⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1196x1036, 299:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 821b0a8ad76771a⋯.mp4 (107.86 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 180years.mp4)

File: f5b15ecc35f9c31⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1192x1268, 298:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Master Troller

Biden misreads the teleprompter: "I got to the Senate 180 years ago"



rt> LIVE: President @realDonaldTrump holds a news conference


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c9dfe9  No.10813852


think it already happened anon. who knows.

anyone know?

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8eb5d6  No.10813853

File: 06ef4a10165b98f⋯.jpg (27.77 KB, 300x344, 75:86, 06ef4a10165b98fca70f5a223a….jpg)


If you want a safe space hugbox, go back to Reddit.

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8df8ae  No.10813854







IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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56ce0e  No.10813855

File: 03855fc1597170f⋯.jpeg (34.87 KB, 352x400, 22:25, 2BDF59B6_3A63_4F1D_8DAD_B….jpeg)


It’s a trap. You don’t wanna see tranny buds.

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dc2432  No.10813856


>a foreign power.


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47e3d9  No.10813857


I don’t disagree, but understand:

90% of shills are fed up Trump supporters.

When I hear “soon” or “we’re gonna investigate so n so” or “No indictments before the election”, I come on here and say awful, AWFUL shit. I can’t help it. I thought HRC would have been arrested in spring 2017. Think about it: we knew enough to arrest her 3 YEARS AGO, and STILL she is on twitter running her mouth with those fucked up teeth.

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e8ce83  No.10813858

File: 662c796627a0f8e⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 241x232, 241:232, 7f7c0ee8b762b79b17bbb2424b….jpg)

COVID19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless


What is a 'Twindemic' and Should We Prepare For More Concern in 2020?


Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in ChinaSummary of a Report of 72 314 Cases From the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention


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fc588d  No.10813859


>in the moment I forget all that proof stuff and rage

I know that feel bro,

I know it well

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c30772  No.10813860


CO told them to vote by mail and then jam up the polls on Election Day to see if they could vote again…cause trouble…get in the way of other voters.

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179283  No.10813861



>>10813593, >>10813770 PF

>>10813567 ACB nomination highlights adoptions of Haitian children.

>>10813527 Why No Durham Activity Before Election — Likely The Interview of Agent William Barnett

>>10813626 CF revenue

>>10813662 We released real search footage from an FBI narcotics investigation. @FBI

>>10813672 C19 NJ tracking system malfunctions


>>10813690 #Trumpstaxes starting to trend by the looks of things.

>>10813716 Operation DisrupTor

>>10813713 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

>>10813788 CDC Admits There is No Proof COVID-19 is Airborne Virus and They Have Been Misleading the Public All Along

>>10813645 When Q drops the C-130 it means more damaging info is about to be declassifed in the coming days.

>>10813845 Buckingham Palace FOR SALE?

>>10813850 Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests - qproof

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c30772  No.10813862


It's a federal crime, why is this woman not in custody of the FBI?

where is wray ?

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8d4794  No.10813863

File: 0d1131e29085fe1⋯.png (449.62 KB, 790x412, 395:206, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

File: e389abb0d1eb9db⋯.png (461.29 KB, 823x412, 823:412, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

File: e6c996645821d77⋯.png (479.54 KB, 846x426, 141:71, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

File: 46a441f4b6f4431⋯.png (464.57 KB, 828x414, 2:1, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

File: 2370daf3159a70f⋯.png (452.82 KB, 826x416, 413:208, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

POTUS coming with the heat this presser!

Dropping bombs on the dumbasses.

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179283  No.10813864


antifa mapping started long ago.

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b0af1a  No.10813865


It's gerrymandering - backed by judicial antagonism against voter ID that turned NC into a blue state.

>>10811291 (PB)

If Biden croaks shortly after Nov 3 (but while many ballots, although cast, remain uncounted) would the votes for Harris carry any weight? It would seem that both sides of that question might be arguable.

>>10811910 (PB)

I gave away over 6,000 rounds recently to a trusted source. That person will give most of it away to others unknown to me - but trusted by them. <poof, gone> By November I will be down to a couple hundred in each of two calibers, one straight walled and the other bottle-necked and a single firearm chambered in each.

Then, I will wait.

If things calm down, I will load more – most of it was intended for my grand-kids, anyway. If not, then I will use the remainder myself. Except for periodic top-ups of food, fuel and medications (all deteriorate with age), the rest of my preps are pretty much complete.

I will cast my vote in person and then I will simply keep watch while I wait for things to play out.

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db25b5  No.10813866


thanks for posting that one

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8df8ae  No.10813867


>091574 (Posting rotten fish infections)

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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c30772  No.10813868


Why aren't 90% in custody of the e'ffn FBI, Christopher Wray should have been fired long ago

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089789  No.10813869


He knew what Queen Hillary was planning and he did not expect to survive the Nuclear War

Even then he would have known that he had the genes for dementia so he probably planned to send his family to their bunker in the Southern Hemisphere and go out in a blaze of nuclear glory as the Russian missiles hit DC,

Now, unfortunately, Putin has other plans involving an alliance with Trump and Xi to make a NEW New World Order of SOVEREIGN nations with no organized criminals involved.

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506418  No.10813870

File: 659833aff326a45⋯.jpg (254.94 KB, 1253x602, 179:86, Ei8NKBLXgAU6dXy.jpg)

File: c789a3a88e84605⋯.png (131.65 KB, 684x642, 114:107, Screenshot_2020_09_27_18_3….png)


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566807  No.10813871


I noticed that too kek

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edab61  No.10813872

Lindsey Graham: Senate Judiciary Committee will approve Barrett on October 22

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Sunday that an escalated timeline for Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett will allow for a vote before Halloween — as a number of lawmakers said her confirmation is all but assured.

“So we’ll start on Oct. 12, and more than half of the Supreme Court justices who have had hearings were done within 16 days or less,” Graham said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“We’ll have a day of introduction. We’ll have two days of questioning, Tuesday and Wednesday, and on the 15th we’ll begin to markup, we’ll hold it over for a week, and we’ll report her nomination out of the committee on Oct. 22.”

At that point, the Republican from South Carolina said, it would be up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “as to what to do with the nomination once it comes out of committee.”


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c30772  No.10813873


So I guess her argument is that increasing voter participation is more important than eliminating voter fraud. We need to go back to the old rules where if you want to vote you have to make an effort to register and provide proof of citizenship. These progressives are begging for a civil war.

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56ce0e  No.10813874


Gonna need a moar better sauce than the fucking health ranger.

Guy can be sketch. Got that AJ taint.

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446448  No.10813875

File: f1311cbc29fc070⋯.jpeg (454.15 KB, 1125x1533, 375:511, B0E32DCD_6198_4DA8_AE59_9….jpeg)


Mapping that shit

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e5a298  No.10813876

File: 9f4ca646a85bfe8⋯.jpg (152.08 KB, 623x702, 623:702, cd2af09333ec05b0d03dfc1c6d….jpg)

I like how these rioters can gather at a church while actual church goers cannot attend services.

Perhaps we should start calling our church services "peaceful protests" & then folks can start worshiping God together again.

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ff33c2  No.10813877

File: 6fe5db528939f63⋯.png (10.47 KB, 255x240, 17:16, fc6c561181685b728d51e3f1c0….png)

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000000  No.10813878

Do Anons think Cathy O'Brien is telling the truth?

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986ab1  No.10813879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4097ae  No.10813880


Not long now

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dc1502  No.10813881


>They are just going scorched earth out the door.

that's for sure!

allowing Ds cities to be burned down as an 'election strategy' trying to make Trump look bad, has got to be the dumbest shit ever!

it's backfired big time!


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066ad6  No.10813882



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c30772  No.10813883


She should be immediately removed from office.

wheres is wray and Barr?

DHS ? where ?why no arrests ?

DHS for open borders like Ridge ?

Illegal aliens voting ?

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373cac  No.10813884


Gonna be some soiled undies after reading this one.

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866769  No.10813885


how about reading Q drops regarding antifa?

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b17741  No.10813886

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c9dfe9  No.10813887


the unitarian universalists are a church of convenience where you 'believe what you want.'

it's a social club, not much else.

they espouse a love and tumble it's all free for us point of view.

it's really a horror

they have a nice grave yard in Cambridge though with some hero guys burried there, so that's good.

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c30772  No.10813888


And where is Barr ?

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95d7b8  No.10813889

File: 89f413056a2e4f4⋯.png (90.94 KB, 463x595, 463:595, ClipboardImage.png)

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179283  No.10813890

File: fc0cbc7ad1ed8a3⋯.png (9.47 KB, 444x185, 12:5, Screenshot_2020_09_27_Q.png)




Antifa mapping began long ago.

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089789  No.10813892

File: 80f82d1da628513⋯.png (4.6 MB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, ClipboardImage.png)

When the folks up in the High Trees Sun fall down

Orange marks their destruction

The only safe space is the slide

And that only delays the destruction.

Orange Juice will meet the same fate.

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7e5db1  No.10813893

Joe Biden will set up a Presidential Transition and assume action 11/4.

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f96fe3  No.10813895

File: f6230d415286a95⋯.jpg (169.31 KB, 512x393, 512:393, RATS2.jpg)

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18ae3a  No.10813896

Traitor roundup time

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daf973  No.10813897


if true

click bait

agents claims it's worth a lot of money

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6d2aa9  No.10813898

File: ff7f301e10a78f9⋯.png (97.64 KB, 604x620, 151:155, ClipboardImage.png)

But before anyone gets too excited, the website states the Queen’s official residence is not actually for sale


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7915cd  No.10813899

File: 4c435ace4c8951c⋯.png (32.05 KB, 648x250, 324:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Has this been chewed on here yet or should I post it?

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ba6b75  No.10813900


somebody pull the plug on the planefags or what?

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150173  No.10813901

File: 78cc27ab27cc82d⋯.jpeg (762.16 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 457CFE22_3795_4EB9_8EE2_D….jpeg)

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6e1995  No.10813902

I hope Q posts another American flag or Bible verse… we need more flags and verses to fight the Deep State

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000000  No.10813903


Potentially a whistleblower on CIA MKUltra, she was talking about pizzagate before it was cool. She's the woman who has the pentagram in her vagina allegedly put there by HRC.

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c30772  No.10813904


Conspiracy to commit voter fraud !

no barr no wray no homeland security ?

only TomRidge lets have open borders and illegals

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9d431e  No.10813905

File: f090d3589cdda8f⋯.png (505.8 KB, 597x687, 199:229, ClipboardImage.png)



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8df8ae  No.10813906



IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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46606b  No.10813907

File: 7ed31cb6fd2791d⋯.jpeg (14.56 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 257a1e7331e7d8914eeb1317b….jpeg)

Just tuned in. How is everyone tonight?

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179283  No.10813908


kek, they trailed off for sure

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dc1502  No.10813909


>Do Anons think Cathy O'Brien is telling the truth?



>How Satanic Is Hillary Clinton? Wilfred Wong

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3e06d1  No.10813910

[We Are The Plan]

• • • • • Φ • • • • •


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c30772  No.10813911


she just invalidated the Colorado election results. incredible,what an idiot. Maybe that is the plan of the DEMS, to invalidate the entire election.

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daf973  No.10813912





not notable baker

click bait

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8df8ae  No.10813913

File: ab73cf33256190f⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineFresh.jpg)


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d2067d  No.10813914


if it was really going to happen it would have already

We've been hood winked

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206db2  No.10813915

File: a23fd15c441c022⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1500x750, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>90% of shills are fed up Trump supporters.

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46606b  No.10813916



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c9dfe9  No.10813917

File: 62d7443b890c86e⋯.jpg (158.86 KB, 1234x887, 1234:887, They_go_too_far_palace.jpg)


there are other options . . .

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b913b0  No.10813918

File: 717d228bd718349⋯.png (1.21 MB, 955x500, 191:100, ClipboardImage.png)

Just before Joe takes the debate stage

gonna EMP his ass

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c30772  No.10813919


Lock her up until she can be tried for treason or dies of old age.

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091574  No.10813920

File: 7b89a0788c2719a⋯.png (128.35 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

*YOM KIPPUR* Seek Forgiveness & Atonement

For Sins against other people:

Jews must Apologize and Seek Forgiveness from the People who they have hurt.

*ONLY Then are the Prayers of Yom Kippur considered effective in absolving the Jew's Sins.

(G_d only Forgives the Jew's Sins against G_d)

There are 2 separate categories here.

NO Shortcuts, NO Weasling.

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95d7b8  No.10813921


Very possible that it has passed. Just speculating!

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18ae3a  No.10813922

Pantifa cunts dragged out of bed by the hair, screaming and puking in the black bag, ziptypes, fear, felony, prison rape.

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e49df4  No.10813923


Was a mass registration drive to attempt as many fradulent voter regs as possible. Democrat faggots on twitter reallllly hated this article. kek.

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506418  No.10813924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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daf973  No.10813925


that's a good hunch

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b9f8a2  No.10813926

File: 5a0ebba3d01db5b⋯.jpeg (130.36 KB, 1080x661, 1080:661, 1601246073.jpeg)

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b17741  No.10813927



We need more legalese in the world. It’s very nature and cadence is refreshment.

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c30772  No.10813928


The US Attorney for the CO district can unilaterally or under order by the US AG Barr to have her arrested and charged under Federal statutes for this act. Openly promoting election fraud for a Federal office.

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eeaafa  No.10813929

File: 6acee6672c8437f⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB, 480x360, 4:3, qr_be_like.mp4)

File: 13616d1b8b66e79⋯.png (476.98 KB, 527x490, 527:490, 2020_09_04_19_46_24_DERPYJ….png)

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066ad6  No.10813930

File: 94c8baf3b22f8d7⋯.png (366.18 KB, 1320x1320, 1:1, LewdPepe.png)



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be9fd5  No.10813931

File: f70b7e7991da926⋯.png (67.35 KB, 625x524, 625:524, ClipboardImage.png)



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d19aec  No.10813932

File: 1da12b85e5e6048⋯.jpeg (13.73 KB, 244x255, 244:255, safe_pepe_q1.jpeg)

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852ed7  No.10813933

WWIII Anyone? The Crusades Are Returning To Caucasus As Violence Rages In Nagorno-Karabakh


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e49df4  No.10813934

File: 8bab23dff5eaf3f⋯.jpeg (598.62 KB, 1635x1193, 1635:1193, 93F29AD1_A5A6_4078_A40F_3….jpeg)

Just a reminder that after the ACB Supreme Court confirmation, the game is on! At least, according to Q and logical thinking.

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a85bfc  No.10813935

File: da9b21a58532cfb⋯.gif (634.35 KB, 435x250, 87:50, ThePresidentIsTrump.gif)

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179283  No.10813936


added both so future anons would know

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e0a7a6  No.10813937


not much going on mid late afternoon on a sunday

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56ce0e  No.10813938


Like I said, I think they know damn well they are clobbered by landslide numbers. They knew in 2016 about 8 days out with their internal polling. They canceled the Democrat fireworks.

That was the tell.

My tell this time is they didn’t put any money into their virtual convention. Zero. Was cheap and shoddy. They didn’t wanna waste money on a losing hand. They know.

They are just going for pure spite destruction now just for the fuck of it. They made their decision and know they are locked into it.

It’s obvious in how they act.

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c30772  No.10813939


How can these idiots claim they can send actual unsolicited ballots when they can't get post cards right???

Oh, yeah, deliberate fraud. I almost forgot.


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816d3e  No.10813940


It’s news to me. I say post it with more info and sauce

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8df8ae  No.10813941





IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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d52a41  No.10813942

File: 3102f3ff7349a27⋯.png (694.92 KB, 707x587, 707:587, pelosi_barrett_religion_do….PNG)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said on Sunday that she expects people to focus on how faithful Amy Coney Barrett would be to the U.S. Constitution, rather than the Supreme Court nominee’s personal religious beliefs.

“It doesn’t matter what her faith is, what religion she believes in. What matters is does she believe in the Constitution of the United States,” said Pelosi during an interview on CNN’s “State of Union,” when asked about Democrats’ criticism that Barrett’s Catholic faith might influence her court decisions.


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81b89b  No.10813943

File: 75f84f9877e4389⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 20sidercheck.jpg)


What if it happens when they

openly try to steal a US presidential

election….The $$$ trail would crater

the entire NWO in one hit.

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506418  No.10813944

File: fef2edabe542038⋯.png (464.61 KB, 639x626, 639:626, Screenshot_2020_09_27_18_3….png)


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7915cd  No.10813945

File: 20c2b1dfd86e714⋯.jpg (11.61 KB, 732x380, 183:95, QR17012.jpg)

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b9f8a2  No.10813946

File: 5716572d0bdd6a9⋯.jpeg (129.54 KB, 1080x661, 1080:661, 1601246180.jpeg)


Crap. Can't keep my nazis straight..

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bf9eff  No.10813947

File: 040e04d9acc6837⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB, 562x434, 281:217, WKRP_2_96_percent_s02E08.mp4)

Having a laugh and thought I'd share.

Boy, does this brings back the memories.

The Good Ole` Days!

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150173  No.10813948

File: 248239e6661c37b⋯.png (396.32 KB, 355x476, 355:476, 18C59C3E_D89F_4DD7_95A3_1C….png)

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066ad6  No.10813949

File: fd21dcd3c70f2a5⋯.jpeg (13.85 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 1592675596.jpeg)


It is, and it doesn't even have to mean anything.

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b17741  No.10813950


Now I remember. I don’t know her personally and cannot verify if truthful or not.

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b5d77e  No.10813951



As what's his name, the fat fagot on CNN, says: this NYTimes story was months in the making. They had sources, had their attorneys checking everything out. They would not have printed such a factual detailed story without being certain.

TRIPLE KEK. Anon asked the question earlier today: why did President Trump all of a sudden call a 5:00 pm presser. Anon got the answer. President Trump knew all about the NYTimes story, knew the hour & minute it would break. Today, President Trump TOOK DOWN enemy media.

Fact: President Trump is the greatest war general the world has ever seen. Source: Sun Tzu never tried anything like that. Never even thought about anything that good.

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ff33c2  No.10813952

>>10813738 frazzled.rip


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373cac  No.10813953


We good fam, u?

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c30772  No.10813954


Why isn't she under arrest?

Is she Antifa ?


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179283  No.10813955



>>10813850, >>10813890 Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests - qproof

>>10813593, >>10813770 PF

>>10813845, >>10813898 Buckingham Palace FOR SALE? - Fake news

>>10813851NEW PDJT

>>10813567 ACB nomination highlights adoptions of Haitian children.

>>10813527 Why No Durham Activity Before Election — Likely The Interview of Agent William Barnett

>>10813626 CF revenue

>>10813662 We released real search footage from an FBI narcotics investigation. @FBI

>>10813672 C19 NJ tracking system malfunctions


>>10813690 #Trumpstaxes starting to trend by the looks of things.

>>10813716 Operation DisrupTor

>>10813713 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

>>10813788 CDC Admits There is No Proof COVID-19 is Airborne Virus and They Have Been Misleading the Public All Along

>>10813645 When Q drops the C-130 it means more damaging info is about to be declassifed in the coming days.

>>10813872 Lindsey Graham: Senate Judiciary Committee will approve Barrett on October 22

>>10813905 A driver accused of attempted murder for driving a car into a crowd of Trump supporters in southern California and severely injuring two people has been revealed to be Tatiana Rita Turner, a major Black Lives Matter organizer.

>>10813933 WWIII Anyone? The Crusades Are Returning To Caucasus As Violence Rages In Nagorno-Karabakh

>>10813942 Crazy Nancy said some stuff but no one really cares anymore

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dc2432  No.10813956


Buckingham Palace is owned by the Crown Estate, which is essentially the state, as the vast majority of CE revenue accrues to HM Treasury. So if it’s for sale, which I doubt, it might signal HM Government has momentous constitutional changes in the works, which ought to be preceded by some form of national dialogue. But muh Convid, so the people get only threats of police and the army.

Waiting for further details.

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e5a298  No.10813957


The Rock will do what his hollyweird masters tell him or they'll release the vids of him taking it in the booty hole.

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d2067d  No.10813958


You mean like in 2018? Yeah…we let them cheat!

Remember that?

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089789  No.10813959


It is an excellent identifier in a set of photos all taken in the same evening at the same event.

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c30772  No.10813960


Arrest her Socialist butt IMMEDIATELY!

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eeaafa  No.10813961


keks are up in your crawlspace nigga

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8df8ae  No.10813962







IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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edab61  No.10813963


>Perhaps we should start calling our church services "peaceful protests" & then folks can start worshiping God together again.

Do it.

Shoulda been doing this all along.

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b59ead  No.10813964


> 8df8ae

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

disgusting natziboi[hidden hand] posing as one of us Patriots~

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b3f0c2  No.10813965

File: adc12835bb12abf⋯.png (31.39 KB, 1266x437, 1266:437, 18_U_S_Code_597_Expenditur….png)

that bloomberg nigger is in troublllle.

and that other one, lebron, too.

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e9aba3  No.10813966


Using the Schwarzenegger implants huh?

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c30772  No.10813967


Arrest her today for promoting voter fraud, violating her oath of office, mail fraud. Pile on the charges and remove her from office.

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7915cd  No.10813968


Okay, I didn't have the bit of information that the presser was hastily called. That does put things in a different light.

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f96fe3  No.10813969

File: b5a38cc13d686b5⋯.png (168.22 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ROUNDUP.png)

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c00b38  No.10813970

File: c9a0b846a95a813⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 250x250, 1:1, j.jpg)

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c30772  No.10813971


Mail fraud is Federal…..it would be nice to see her smart-a## in bracelets…… :-)

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68616e  No.10813972


and links to youtube videos.

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46606b  No.10813973

File: 7964b147104a71e⋯.jpg (13.42 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 9ad35c352685bfa823abaaa769….jpg)


good thanks anon! listening in on the presser now, the "notification" by google didn't work.. not surprised.


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daf973  No.10813974

File: 91a6ad61ab87468⋯.jpg (367.56 KB, 621x467, 621:467, willywankerchocolatemen.jpg)


that would be you

why use a pedo icon with no text

you don't belong here

wank the williewhat do you think the little chocolate men are?


trump haters are all pedos.

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832691  No.10813975


What is AFLB?

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dc2432  No.10813976


Sun Tzu never countenanced so many powerful enemies within

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36754b  No.10813977


Jan 21 → Nov 6

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0ee616  No.10813978


What good is it to arrest them?

What next?

You remind me of a dog that chases a car. What is going to happen once he gets hold of the car?

You have no foresight. If you arrest someone they get to go to court. If they lose they can go to a higher court until they get to the SUPREME COURT. This is the last block. You are getting ready to see some serious shit happening now.

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46606b  No.10813979

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091574  No.10813980


she sure is a rotting fish infection

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c30772  No.10813981


This is how Hillary won the popular vote.

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b17741  No.10813982


Depot testosterone IM.

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24e79c  No.10813983


He is a master tactician. His private intel rivals all state orgs

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be9fd5  No.10813984


>Waiting for further details.


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7f8d53  No.10813985

File: a240ca7dd30b63c⋯.jpg (225.98 KB, 1500x1481, 1500:1481, win.jpg)

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c9dfe9  No.10813986

File: 65bfb09b593b110⋯.jpg (176.98 KB, 1511x1351, 1511:1351, Q_Cabal_Roundup.jpg)

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81b89b  No.10813987


Bingo was his name-o

2018 was small potatoes

compared to this covid mail

in bullshit.

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dc1502  No.10813988


>Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

All twatfag, drop this on POTUS' timeline or post it and tag him, Dan, Kayleigh etc…

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db25b5  No.10813989


apparently there is no penalty for much of anything

except being a white conservative male

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f2cc95  No.10813990


And slamming old producers in the ass. And he has done the pedo achrome shuffle or he would not be where he is.

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6b572f  No.10813991

File: 0d41f427a55d55c⋯.png (885.52 KB, 1141x742, 163:106, U_Haul_Driver_b_.png)

Looks like the same person

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ba6b75  No.10813992


just woke up and looked at notables

I had lots but OSS had lots X2 too

then here, like none, just wondered


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f96fe3  No.10813993

File: b9bebf9b0cdb670⋯.jpg (309.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, BIDEN29.jpg)


He'll be HIDEN in his basement and take a nap after his oatmeal.

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be9fd5  No.10813994


>Waiting for further details.


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a70eb9  No.10813995

If they do.

There should be a sourced web depository linking crime, after crime, after crime a place for the public to wake up to all of this.

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0ee616  No.10813996


What good is it to arrest them?

What next?

You remind me of a dog that chases a car. What is going to happen once he gets hold of the car?

You have no foresight. If you arrest someone they get to go to court. If they lose they can go to a higher court until they get to the SUPREME COURT. This is the last block. You are getting ready to see some serious shit happening now.

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c30772  No.10813997


This is how Hillary won the popular vote.>>10813713

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f0ab81  No.10813998


Hm…ten days.

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8cdad8  No.10813999

File: 308c26b61e3525e⋯.png (582.58 KB, 640x695, 128:139, ClipboardImage.png)

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179283  No.10814000

DDoS attack begins after

>>10813005, >>10813303, Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough.

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36754b  No.10814001


Jan 21, 2018 → Nov 6, 2020

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7e2e29  No.10814002

board broken?

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dc1502  No.10814003


>Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

All twatfag, drop this on POTUS' timeline or post it and tag him, Dan, Kayleigh etc.

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7915cd  No.10814004

File: f0cf25fcc67f157⋯.png (434.65 KB, 678x494, 339:247, ClipboardImage.png)



Ballistics report doesn't support Kentucky AG's claim that Breonna Taylor's boyfriend shot cop

Andrew Wolfson Louisville Courier Journal

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – A Kentucky State Police ballistics report does not support state Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s assertion that Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, shot a police officer the night she was killed.

Cameron said Wednesday the investigation of Taylor’s death March 13 ruled out “friendly fire” from officer Brett Hankison as the source of the shot that went through Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly’s thigh, prompting him and officer Myles Cosgrove to return fire, killing Taylor.

The KSP report says that “due to limited markings of comparative value,” the 9mm bullet that hit and exited Mattingly was neither “identified nor eliminated as having been fired” from Walker’s gun.

Cameron said Hankison had been eliminated as the shooter because the three officers carried .40-caliber handguns, while Walker had a 9.

Wednesday night on CNN, Steven Romines, one of Walker’s attorneys, said he obtained a Louisville Metro Police Department record showing Hankison had been issued a 9mm weapon as well.

Romines declined to share the record from Hankison’s personnel file with The Louisville Courier Journal, and LMPD spokeswoman Jessie Halladay said she could release it only in response to an open records request.

Cameron said last week that Mattingly fired six shots, Cosgrove 16 and Hankison 10, and Taylor was hit six times.

He said FBI ballistic examiners concluded Cosgrove fired the shot that killed Taylor, but KSP couldn't determine whether Cosgrove or Mattingly fired that bullet.

The shot hit Taylor's pulmonary artery, killing her within minutes.

The city of Louisville paid $12 million to settle a wrongful death suit filed by Taylor’s estate and agreed to make numerous changes in Police Department policies and procedures.


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56ce0e  No.10814005


Not denying its being done. Hell, DHS had a predator drone over the Floyd riots hovering up all the comms.

It just needs more specific sourcing.

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150173  No.10814006

File: 2775bbcc0fdc133⋯.jpeg (166.31 KB, 1080x660, 18:11, 02709203_7DD6_4F64_B999_8….jpeg)

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c36d47  No.10814007

File: a60af7d0e5ecfc7⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1242x1099, 1242:1099, WildTrumpGirls_018.png)

File: ef7c710a62b6cb4⋯.png (1.39 MB, 750x935, 150:187, WildTrumpGirls_019.png)

File: 0ef97198267e698⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, WildTrumpGirls_020.png)

You Imagine God, The Most High, Forgives And Nullifies Our Contracts With Evil Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from th