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0db489  No.10915640[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 10.01.2020

>>10872166 ————————————–——– [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: >>10872224)

>>10871984 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: >>10872103)

>>10871183 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: >>10871468, >>10871205)

>>10871022 ————————————–——– Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] , Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>10870492 ————————————–——– What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: >>10870715)

>>10869781 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: >>10872946)

Wednesday 09.30.2020

>>10864679 ————————————–——– RED OCTOBER

>>10864489 rt >>10864305 ———–––——–— When does a Church become controlled?

>>10864364 rt >>10864340 ———–––——–— Information warfare

>>10864046 rt >>10864024 ———–––——–— Do you believe in coincidences?

>>10863737 rt >>10863556 ———–––——–— Eyes on. Follow the family

>>10863459 ————————————–——– Marathon end (Cap: >>10863525)

>>10863126 ————————————–——– SHADOW GAME (Cap: >>10863162)

Tuesday 09.29.2020

>>10838926 ————————————–——– "Trump Swift Boat Project." - Clinton OP

>>10838649 rt >>10838496 ———–––——–— DNI report

>>10838629 ————————————–——– 2016 DNI report declassified (Cap: >>10838471)

>>10838579 ————————————–——– God woke you up for a reason

>>10836966 ————————————–——– Podcast yesterday. Intentional or careless?

>>10835883 ————————————–——– Those who scream the loudest…

>>10835804 ————————————–——– #3 Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time, assistance from special comm device (Cap: >>10835856)

Monday 09.28.2020 >>10872800

>>10826731 ————————————–——– Video: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (Cap: >>10826774)

>>10825631 ————————————–——– Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 - 2005, Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003 Don't bite the hand that feeds you (Caps: >>10825671, >>10825715)

>>10825334 ————————————–——– Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net] Wife of Rod Rosenstein

>>10824841 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>10825015)

>>10824624 ————————————–——– CLINTON FOUNDATION AT THE CENTER.

>>10824174 ————————————–——– Kamala Harris spouse leaving Dla? (Cap: >>10824197)

>>10823755 rt >>10823685 ———–––——–— Panic in DC

>>10823727 ————————————–——– Q#4778/John Solomon Report (Caps: >>10823766)

>>10823477 ————————————–——– Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: >>10823976)

>>10823243 ————————————–——– Focus here [East Africa Operations]: The money never flows directly. (Caps: >>10823277, >>10823269)

Sat 09.26.2020 >>10872796

Fri 09.25.2020 >>10837404

Thu 09.24.2020 >>10830702

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Backups/Alts to above: qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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0db489  No.10915644

Global Announcements

>>10812845 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>10802135 Digital Camo thread archived at https://archive.is/hogSX : Cover up memes & test camo, before posting on social media

Notables are NOT endorsements


Baker Change

>>10915611 MSM pushing full WH C19 latest victim

>>10915541 Catherine Herridge w/CAP: #TrumpCovid Overnight Update: “This evening (Saturday) POTUS completed his second dose of Remdesivir without complication...

>>10915371, >>10915401 New Matt Whitaker w/CAP: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you...

>>10915304, >>10915540 New Eric Trump w/CAP: Bikers pray for trump

>>10915268, >>10915311, >>10915451 planefag reporting

>>10915182 India Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile As Border Tensions Rise

>>10915177 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>10915158 Dark to light? Mars at its brightest since 2003.

>>10915153 DJT retwat diamond n silk w/CAP

>>10915152 Gunmen in Mexico ambush security forces, kill 6 police officers

>>10915145 No News Is Good News: Media Willfully Ignore Hunter Biden Scandal

>>10915073 Hondurans in migrant caravan bused back after entering Guatemala

>>10915046 Joe Biden’s niece (Caroline Biden) set to appear in court for DUI case day after presidential election

>>10914993 1st MAW Marines w/CAP: Look out below

>>10914988 US Space Force w/CAP: SEASF Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman spoke @AF_SMC's first Enlisted Professional Military Education graduation.

>>10914983 renoting: New Gen Flynn w/CAP: Stand strong America. God Bless the USA.

>>10915622 #13968

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0db489  No.10915645


>>10914167 , >>10914317 , >>10914328 Paris Hilton Digs on her own past; drops on Twitter

>>10914575 Paris Jackson Supports Paris Hilton, Says She Was Diagnosed with PTSD After Attending Similar School

>>10914204 Don Jr Stammering about "Timing" -possible comms?

>>10914208 Hillary Clinton Tweet references abolishing Constitution

>>10914214 Five human trafficking victims rescued, 46 arrests made in massive Houston-wide sting operation

>>10914219 Parents Outraged After Ohio High School Football Game Turns into a BLM Rally

>>10914224 More Than 500 JPMorgan Employees Inexplicably Got Emergency Virus Relief Funds

>>10914225 Kuwait's new emir meets senior U.S., Iranian officials

>>10914228 Walter Reed Comms

>>10914231 MSNBC Finally Realizes Trump Really Has Built New Border Wall, Freaks Out

>>10914264 , >>10914348 5G; Do you want China modulating the frequencies, or America?

>>10914265 Is Mass Mail-in Voting About to Backfire on Democrats?

>>10914274 Red states are outperforming blue states economically

>>10914292 California Is a Cautionary Tale for America

>>10914298 Biden’s Catholic Con Job Continues Meanwhile, the Vatican squabbles with the Trump administration

>>10914309 Britain's Covid care home policies 'violated the fundamental human rights of vulnerable elderly residents', Amnesty International report finds

>>10914312 Jaime Harrison debates Graham behind plexiglass shield

>>10914315 Former Democrat State Rep. Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy

>>10914330 Peaceful Black Lives Matter – Antifa Goons Hurl Explosives at Seattle Police, Vandalize Businesses (VIDEO)

>>10914354 17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon

>>10914392 QAnon Reigns Free On Amazon Despite Its Recent Ban Of Proud Boys, Redskins Merchandise

>>10914401 Top aides accuse Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of bribery, abusing office

>>10914410 WILDCHILD TO MUM I was hooked on cocaine aged 12 — I know how lucky I am, says Drew Barrymore

>>10914415 The Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand

>>10914425 HOLLYWOOD EXODUS Coronavirus, high taxes & social unrest — why movie stars including Robert De Niro and Tom Hanks are leaving Hollywood

>>10914452 The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump

>>10914478 , >>10914519 , >>10914533 , >>10914534 DoD Tweet: It’s not easy being green. -all of the keks

>>10914481 Democrats would destroy Supreme Court with scheme to pack justices

>>10914482 We sent out the call and you answered! Hundreds and then thousands of prayers began coming in….and they're not stopping

>>10914495 Sikhs perform Ardaas prayer for @realDonaldTrump outside Walter Reade!

>>10914497 ‘He’s on the wrong team’: Christian leaders criticize Biden campaign ads highlighting Biden’s faith

>>10914503 Watch: Trump Supporter Outside Walter Reed Hospital: ‘He’s Been Fighting for Us; I’m Going to Fight for Him’

>>10914506 VA Palo Alto first 5G hospital

>>10914514 ArchiveAnon Update

>>10914516 Trump campaign scores court victory: Maine judge rules against ballot harvesting, upholds voter ID requirements

>>10914542 Hondurans in migrant caravan bused back after entering Guatemala

>>10914539 Congressman Devin Nunes delivers an opening statement

>>10914554 Texas AG Paxton disputes bribery, abuse-of-office allegations leveled by aides

>>10914608 QAnon Lands on LinkedIn, Prompting Networking Site to Limit Spread

>>10914619 Flynn Tweet:Stand strong America. God Bless the USA. #BeNotAfraid

>>10914594 Biden's dramatic change to retirement accounts could reduce their availability, industry warns

>>10914651 Senator Joni Ernst SHREDS Her Democrat Opponent on Debate Stage

>>10914668 It sure as shit looks like the military and the some private sectors and showing LOYALTY TO Q+ by posting Red October references…

>>10914677 Surge in new GOP voters puts pressure on Florida Democrats

>>10914760 Trump says 'real test' lies ahead in his COVID-19 fight

>>10914774 Pope says free market, 'trickle-down' policies fail society

>>10914787 Changes at First Marine Division in the last two weeks…

>>10915028 #13967

Previously Collected Notables

>>10915300 #13966,

>>10915523 #13963, >>10912265 #13964, >>10913128 #13965

>>10915229 #13960, >>10915493 #13961, >>10915510 #13962

>>10905830 #13957, >>10907015 #13958, >>10915444 #13959

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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0db489  No.10915648

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

>>>/qrmemes/129 I'm On Team Joe

>>>/qrmemes/700 Hunter Biden

>>>/qrmemes/289 Kamala Harris

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10479225 Brasil/Portugal #1

>>9725975 Canada #7

>>8331823 France #1

>>10683929 Germany #68

>>10838222 Italy #1

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10497699 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>10843151 Scotland #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta >>10756139

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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0db489  No.10915650

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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0db489  No.10915654

File: 9c510184cd2697f⋯.png (479.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, eez_ninto.png)




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241941  No.10915668

USCIS Issues Policy Guidance Regarding Inadmissibility Based on Membership in a Totalitarian Party

Release Date 10/02/2020

On Oct. 2, USCIS issued policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to address inadmissibility based on membership in or affiliation with the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party. Membership in or affiliation with the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party is inconsistent and incompatible with the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America, which includes pledging to “support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States.”


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d9532f  No.10915681

To STAND in the evil day

Having done all , to stand !

Eph : 6 - 13


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0ce20a  No.10915684

DNI Ratcliffe Briefed Gang of 8 On Intel About HRC Concocting Russiagate and Bartiromo says "This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what Ratcliffe has to declass." More at 10AM on Faux News

Sauce: Fox News Live

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cdae16  No.10915685

File: 6a463333e1d29b1⋯.png (4.33 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


ThanQ Baker.

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62a365  No.10915692

File: 86f149403e7e94e⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 541x500, 541:500, 86f149403e7e94e334d3c84102….jpg)

Is this decode ok?

Game on?

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dd336b  No.10915693

Bin Lurkin' since '18, burning question on the mind.

any previous anon find a link between current events and cicada 3301? Or was that a larp?

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c2a198  No.10915694

File: e5ac93a60018534⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 480x270, 16:9, FLOTUSPUNISHER1.mp4)

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da59af  No.10915695

>>10915662 previous


Your wait is over faggot.

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50033c  No.10915696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10915620 (LB)

What about air supply?

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000000  No.10915697

Meanwhile, The Bern does sell out crowds:

Hedge MF'n Whisperer


The excitement is barely contained

NH Democratic Party @NHDems

.@BernieSanders takes the stage here in Lebanon, New Hampshire!

Together, we can elect @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris as our next president and vice president — tune in to Senator Sanders' speech here: fb.watch/UyE_O5RkS/



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6b89b4  No.10915698

File: 7b4bbf0e6cd0081⋯.png (359.95 KB, 524x700, 131:175, komfy_kitty_meme.png)

File: ebdeb70342d15ce⋯.png (88.03 KB, 253x178, 253:178, baby_yes.png)

File: 9a6792310297703⋯.gif (502.27 KB, 500x225, 20:9, ce_yup.gif)

It's oh so refreshing . . . .

to wake up to a CLOWNLESS KITCHEN.


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b377c5  No.10915699

File: 0cf9c88d7d0fe42⋯.jpg (167.68 KB, 458x772, 229:386, tyb_LEO.jpg)




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5d4d3a  No.10915701




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aa44ea  No.10915702

File: abfba831493e1ae⋯.png (270.72 KB, 770x405, 154:81, hanging_on_frog.png)

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50033c  No.10915703


Stop spamming this. Post on Twatter and see what everyone says.

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e8eb0c  No.10915705

File: a777923864a3dd5⋯.png (172.97 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


<bread numbers

interesting night shift? kek

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dc7774  No.10915706

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c8ccad  No.10915707

File: 6730aa31e2527c4⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1187x1333, 1187:1333, 27883DC9_29AB_4D09_A716_D4….png)

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c94969  No.10915708

Watch NOW on Fox Maria Bartiromo highlights Hillary complicit in Trump / Russia setup!!!!!!!

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10ab97  No.10915709

File: 300998188f0a7c0⋯.jpg (158.03 KB, 1278x686, 639:343, bobs.jpg)

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68705f  No.10915710

File: cd29fc2e6a2dd37⋯.jpeg (693.19 KB, 2048x1393, 2048:1393, F3B6FB45_A7D4_444F_928A_A….jpeg)

File: 6a442dcd419a12e⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2053x2390, 2053:2390, 28637BF4_7FDC_41F0_BE88_8….jpeg)

>>10824040 Pb/ob

Faith and love

In each other, for each other.

And yourself!

Reflect on your journeys in life,

Reconcile the truth, the hard ones too.

There, you will find the authentic you,

You exist beyond your ego…

Everyone has had to play their parts;

Required and necessary.

The good, the bad, the ugly;

Accept them, reconcile them.

This is the FIRST step the Vietnam POW’s took.

That step led to an explosion of human potential,

Past anything they could imagine,

Yet, now know it to be…infinite intelligence.

Where you find Love,

You will find God.

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ce16ec  No.10915711

Going to make a news aggregator website that is Q friendly.


Do anons know of any advertisers that would have my business for such a site? I know google, amazon etc is a no no they may work at first but will probably yank ads once I make a certain amount of money and screw me. I don’t want to be a victim of cancel culture.

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22f23b  No.10915712

File: 9bb25cb4fe567d6⋯.png (238.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 3574567.png)


You rang?

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0e6f70  No.10915713

File: 37ed68bc96e3fe3⋯.png (485.25 KB, 500x668, 125:167, KAPPY_BELIEVE2.png)


phoenix enigma guy on rp78 show talking about Kappy said the guise behind it were Luciferians.

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34ca34  No.10915714

File: 66d6a8955567a91⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 189x128, 189:128, DPDR.jpg)

File: dbcbe6c4cde6731⋯.jpg (22.32 KB, 220x150, 22:15, ARG.jpg)

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16c725  No.10915715

File: 22c8ba8268b6adf⋯.png (232.05 KB, 921x609, 307:203, F8118D54_64BF_4D16_B0FA_1A….png)

So Paris been lurking on Kun

Hey girl, better repent and tell the world the truth

Or I will

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5d4d3a  No.10915716


probably Larp..or recruiting Tool..Some of them where Fag Slides though..fact

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e333ff  No.10915717

File: 1915a98c65877f8⋯.png (233.35 KB, 658x555, 658:555, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94ebd7d23b1ff6⋯.png (352.34 KB, 642x384, 107:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Democrat State Rep. Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy (SHOCKING VIDEO)


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cda7d1  No.10915718

>>10915612 pb

Fuck that bitch. One of the most vile, vulgar mentally unstable sub humans on MSDNC.

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635dad  No.10915719

not sure if already posted

CDC denied Trump and Pence requests to use special power to close borders.


This reads to me like CDC is complicit. They wanted to keep the borders open to let COVID in.

Not only did the CDC release Cause Of Death Reporting Guidelines


that allow for "presumed" cases to be counted as COVID deaths, and also report people who died of other causes but where infected with COVID which increase numbers.

They also got caught inflating COVID numbers by double counting.

Perhaps it's why Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass CDC in reporting COVID data


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305c2c  No.10915720

File: bcaa06923457ea6⋯.png (330.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, patriot_q_space_force_2020.png)

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6bbbee  No.10915721

File: d51096793ff8d6c⋯.jpeg (148.87 KB, 808x796, 202:199, 31093722_ECCF_4EF2_81DC_F….jpeg)

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42cfca  No.10915722

A Brit posted yesterday that today's date is 4 10 20 which stands for DJT Donald John Trump. But of course in the USA the month comes first. It would be JDT today.

Now there is a BIBLICAL meaning for JDT.

The book of Judith which has 16 chapters ending in the deliverance of Israel. In chapter 5 Israel prepares for war.

You might want to read those first 3 chapters. Is this the biblical plan to defeat the Canal?

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35e5e2  No.10915723

File: d409617ddc229d4⋯.png (528.21 KB, 535x800, 107:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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164d94  No.10915724


Kill Kill Kill

Blood Blood Blood

Revenge Revenge Revenge

If we kill enough of them we can end humanity

Praise Moloch

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68705f  No.10915725

A child is fighting, somewhere…

Accepting the reality of child sex abuse,

The pain. The anger. The denial.

It has happened in the past,

It is happening in the present.

This is What we fight.

This is Why we fight.

Somewhere a child, terrified, in pain,

is suffering the ills of their aggressor.

Yet those children fight on,

searching for light in the darkness.

A child is fighting, somewhere…

Keep fighting anons,

Keep Fighting!

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5d4d3a  No.10915726


Our Girl…Go Paris!..Fuck Some of Jelly Fags here…Past Dont Matter…World Is a Stage..Actors Be Acting

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8b9782  No.10915727

File: f480cb9a1ae8f27⋯.png (737.93 KB, 790x457, 790:457, marker.PNG)

Maria Bartiromo "To be marker" just now

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c8ccad  No.10915728

File: cd220d4dbd6bafe⋯.jpeg (118.49 KB, 720x882, 40:49, 79140380_3BE8_4FF5_8A08_1….jpeg)

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aa44ea  No.10915729


see what everyone? thats hilarious. bc twitter HAS effectively banned and censored MILLIONS of voices. you know why? so people like you can come back and say stupid shit like….. see what everyone is saying. nobody believes your spam shit…

smh. i think your an asshole. seriously. thats your proof? smh. for shame. Twitter does NOT in any way shape or form, reflect the people's views.

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635dad  No.10915730


who dont love asian po.. music

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8f3ad8  No.10915732


KYS fakenews fuck off with your bullshit!

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dc7774  No.10915733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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13fe8e  No.10915734

File: 224bd37df517597⋯.png (521.52 KB, 900x702, 50:39, DIGEST.PNG)

File: 1492f831f357f42⋯.png (101.23 KB, 873x780, 291:260, 58.PNG)

File: e8637cfd5045fc1⋯.png (19.84 KB, 853x449, 853:449, 83.PNG)

File: 9ad3c9c723265d4⋯.png (20.4 KB, 599x383, 599:383, 525.PNG)

File: f0b0a9e65ef4d34⋯.png (11.65 KB, 850x372, 425:186, 543.PNG)


POTUS photo with a brown cabinet background was processed here >>10912149

Photos were grabbed at https://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/1312741661731098624

Analysis by JPEGSNOOP and https://www.fotoforensics.com/

Numbers Grabbed: 786, 525, 83, 543 (Also grabbing file size..) 58, 691, Also grabbing Megapixels 413, X, Y Resolution is still 72 (Disinformation campaign confirmed)

FYI: No ICC Profile found… Image has been modified by powers at be.

Q786 < Digest: SUNDAY! Future proves past!


Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!"

Re_read crumbs.

What is the reason this is being brought back up?

There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped.

Follow the money.

Future proves past.

The Great Awakening.







Q525 Digest: (10.7 backwards? *Potus on AF1?*



Targeted Kills.

Power Out.

Flight re-routes.

Flight returns.


Public awakening.

Message spreading wide & far.

Goodbye @Jack.



Q83 Digest < From 525, are people trying to run? Forcing airplane reroutes to catch runners?



Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia.


Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.








Q58 Digest > In regards to Huma ties to Muslim Brotherhood.


Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

Why is this relevant?

Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?

Alice & Wonderland.


Q691 Digest > TRUST THE PLAN!


People asked for arrests.

Gave one example.

Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not ongoing.

Trust the plan.





Track CEO resignations.



Q72 Digest > Active disformation campaign ongoing!


Very smart, Anon.

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…

Alice & Wonderland.


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b54f8e  No.10915735

File: d872b0afd0bbd01⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 812x824, 203:206, 61aibqompal_ac_sl1000_.jpg)

File: 25067d47ad1d4df⋯.jpg (17.62 KB, 248x445, 248:445, 412D3R6S72L_AC_SY445_.jpg)

You can put all your wealth on the fact that the whole world is now lurking these breads. From mainstream media to the most desperate journalists, influnecers and what not troll cabals around the web. They are all here!Doing half-baked operations and dubious attempts to find out what is really going on.

>Is he on oxygen


>was he yesterday on oxygen


Why the need to know?

What would change if he was on oxygen?

Setting the narrative?

Was it not supposed to happen?


Trump is now hidden, no assassination possible!

No change to the narrative possible!

What is his plan, or is it just a false flag?

On october the 2nd. 2/10 - 10/2

Remember the micky mouse clock?

Remember the plot of the movie "red october"

We have been prepared for the plan, now it is in full swing.

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8aba70  No.10915736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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582de8  No.10915738

File: a76035552717e7a⋯.png (24.35 KB, 748x354, 374:177, ClipboardImage.png)




8:37 AM · Oct 4, 2020·TweetDeck


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f1e6dc  No.10915740

File: 913447d43e77e8e⋯.jpeg (305.99 KB, 684x614, 342:307, 22409D3B_B3C8_4361_A4D8_F….jpeg)


>I don’t want to be a victim of cancel culture

Then don’t be a victim.

(Keks in Nasim)

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aa44ea  No.10915741


you first dickweed

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8ed319  No.10915742


>Past Dont Matter

Does that go for Killary, 0bama et al too?

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fed459  No.10915743

File: 536447fc5a1797d⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2112x2237, 2112:2237, Whitaker_twat_decode.png)

Anons breakdown of Whi-TAKER




<#1579 and #810 anon is iffy about


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000000  No.10915744


The picture of all four of them present was hysterical.

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5d4d3a  No.10915745


looks gud

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d9532f  No.10915746

McCloskeys due in court this week.

Defense against the mob on trial

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fab023  No.10915747


>Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

Good to have links to previous versions in the history notes within that bin, lost script and able to go back to v0.6 (bit simpler without all the fading):


ty to those writing and maintaining the script.

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83432f  No.10915748

File: 4790edb7668fc09⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 822x630, 137:105, masonryveiledprophetni.jpg)

How long until everyone knows its the Freemasons? Why are they at the scene of most mass shootings?


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35e5e2  No.10915749

File: 7192c20872b13d2⋯.png (2.72 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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b377c5  No.10915750

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183d79  No.10915751


Media and 90% of the DS think Covid is real, so we're okay in that regard.

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136b57  No.10915752


>dubious attempts to find out what is really going on.

Yeah, good luck to them with that.

I been here 3 years and still have no fucking clue.

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5d4d3a  No.10915753


In Love

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cd95aa  No.10915754

File: 7e9091d85b458b6⋯.png (208.39 KB, 600x776, 75:97, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Emails Leaked After 2016 Election Show Fired Ambassador To Ukraine Yovanovitch Worried About Press Of Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption


A leaked email exchange from the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, shows fired Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch worried about press concerning corruption involving Hunter Biden and Ukrainian gas holding company Burisma. Notorious State Department official Victoria Nuland was addressed on the email.

The Walls are Closing In!

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8f3ad8  No.10915755


Anons know

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b3e073  No.10915756


We shall see.

I have high hopes for all souls.

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fe103b  No.10915757

File: 5dfb1f30f21f06b⋯.png (124.08 KB, 900x301, 900:301, 2020_06_27_19_13_04_19_qre….png)


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34ca34  No.10915758


You may not have the same view if it happened someone you know

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2c9eb0  No.10915759

If liberals really think President Trump is on his death bed, they need to respect his dying wishes and get that SCOTUS seat filled ASAP.

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5d4d3a  No.10915760


so pretty

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d9532f  No.10915761


some mole uncorked a vial of super-strain COVID in close proximity to WH personnel

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dbe7b0  No.10915762


Setting policy. Can be convicted for treason. BLM has it's roots and funding sources connected with the Communist Party.

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ed112e  No.10915763

File: 58279fd001cec6f⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 58279fd001cec6f17b15ef0ef5….jpg)

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9f663f  No.10915764



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a87a98  No.10915765

File: 340431fca7ed451⋯.png (105.7 KB, 688x973, 688:973, Screenshot_from_2020_10_04….png)

File: b3f6f0ce31161c2⋯.png (157.29 KB, 731x767, 731:767, Screenshot_from_2020_10_04….png)

File: 59f780963de2419⋯.webm (531.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Graphene_Animation_RipFro….webm)

I thought yall would find this interdasting.



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9ef3c8  No.10915766

File: 28dfa4b6e55c6ff⋯.png (131.7 KB, 348x348, 1:1, 2020_10_04_10_05_32.png)



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b49e53  No.10915767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is POTUS on a ship? Just noticed this vid this morning and the evidence is pretty compelling. Definitely movement in the video.

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cda7d1  No.10915768


excellent anon!!


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aa44ea  No.10915769



hell yeah

from now on, all death wishes must be honored.

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380842  No.10915770

Bot krew in the houzz huh

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5a4f2c  No.10915771

pissed off fallen-angel baker-dischord shill is all upset that people see what they are doing.

they fell from the heaven of having all the bakes forever . . . down into the hell of calling everyone OSS and asking why we haven't posted our filter images.

just because we tried to describe their performance of 'King Leer' that they did through running and competeing breads all day yesterday . . .

they don't get that it's supposed to be fun.

and that some of us at times are like Rodeo Clowns trying to fill the role of the dialog that you might hear if you were watching a 'Mystery Science Theatre' version of these breads, and like, say , James and Rosie were narrating a snarky side comentary to all the breads (as if I could be that clever!).

and they don't see the spirit of love that is trying to be expressed:

bakers made dates, bakers fell in love

they don't see it as a story that makes it all al lot less scarey (and maybe it is true, but again, they bakers and their kabuki team are very good at drama and performance).

it bugs them that someone else has a narrative that counters there

'oh you haters of the enemies' and makes it into 'summer job, falling in love, going MAGA, family, dancing, celebration, world liberation, universal emancipation'

the baker-drama narrative is crotch talk and hateful 'you will now be cast to worst places'

maybe I'm on it. Someone got spurned by a girl and they are all upset because no one seems to care anymore. Even the guy who posts khats.

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5d4d3a  No.10915772



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0db489  No.10915773


no, TYC!

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fed459  No.10915774

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fe103b  No.10915775

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6990be  No.10915776

File: f13eb8824b25b4c⋯.jpg (81.17 KB, 800x450, 16:9, LEGION.jpg)

Drumph is on a ventilator.

My wife's boyfriend works at Walter Reed and he says it's only a matter of hours.

We're coming for you bigots.

Fuck your rethuglican tears.

Your orange messiah is on his way to hell.

You couldn't just wear your masks, could you?

We're taking our country back.

There's nothing you can do.

Say Xes name!

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8bdce5  No.10915777

File: 8db89b8b9aaad5e⋯.png (327.62 KB, 360x450, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS and FLOTUS poisoned with heavy dose of Covid on October 1. Hunt for Red October. It must have been the cook!

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7dc676  No.10915778


seriously, where have you been

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a8a7f3  No.10915779


Why isn't this all over the news.

Oh that's right. They aren't actually real journalists.

These people really are sick.

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6b7547  No.10915780

File: 1eb411f052f3d93⋯.jpg (78.13 KB, 808x1024, 101:128, 1600945321107m.jpg)

File: 2a8993a30550663⋯.jpg (169.21 KB, 1440x968, 180:121, 2a8993a305506638af0aa9a080….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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fab023  No.10915781


>You can put all your wealth on the fact that the whole world is now lurking these breads.

Ya, couldn't believe how fast TO-GET-HER spread to the MSM.

Bunch of cherry-pickers. Going to bite them in the ass eventually, as they pick up un-sauced and un-researched speculations and spew it out, only hurts their credibility moar.

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5a4f2c  No.10915782



>'summer job, falling in love, going MAGA, family, dancing, celebration, world liberation, universal emancipation'

that really bugs you, doesn't it?

mking people human and having them get WORD

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a8a7f3  No.10915783


Oh andNOTABLEBaker.

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5d4d3a  No.10915784

they don't get that it's supposed to be fun.

and that some of us at times are like Rodeo Clowns trying to fill th

>>10915771 Not A Game Faggit..Thing Is Peeps Here Know WHO You Really Are…..ticTock

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e333ff  No.10915785


me either kek!

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b377c5  No.10915786

File: 6a1e730dfc04dfa⋯.png (254.51 KB, 834x489, 278:163, SAM689_USAF_G5_departed_JB….PNG)

File: e0a631eb99ec152⋯.png (293.21 KB, 581x331, 581:331, USAF_G5_09_0525.PNG)

SAM689 USAF G5 departed JBA to the south

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a3e377  No.10915787

File: ac34e35270d94ce⋯.png (2.49 MB, 4640x1586, 2320:793, ac34e35270d94ce9f76d47e80d….png)


This was an aerosol covid attack not a person spreading the disease - the genome will match an early strain of SARS COV 2.

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164d94  No.10915788


Define "it"

A person who has reached sexual maturity engaging in sexual conduct, by choice, is not Satanic Ritual Abuse or cannibalism.

I just think the bloodlust coming from both poles is fucking disgusting.

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a9046c  No.10915789

File: 253a0c7d1cb232f⋯.jpeg (145.23 KB, 666x499, 666:499, A9083A48_9BE7_4C03_8B29_7….jpeg)

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ae0139  No.10915790

File: f6ac0ef3ed2521b⋯.jpeg (148.71 KB, 562x476, 281:238, 5A92904D_E27C_4BC6_8E5C_C….jpeg)


This is something the wannabe autists keep sharing. I don’t get the logic of this at all. Kek

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69022a  No.10915791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A glorious Sunday to all Anon's.

This one is dedicated to AFLB/Leaf and to all the other shills, trolls and deep state tranny assets who never really had a chance.

You Easy!


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fed459  No.10915792


I don't care.

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183d79  No.10915793


Maybe "Insulated on AF1" was bait too.

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5a4f2c  No.10915794


I'm a nobody with no influence.

nothing that happens to me matters to anyone cause.

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dbe7b0  No.10915795

Just sitting here thinking. Want it be great when all of the Anons can finally be finished with this mind numbing Deep State fuckery and actually get down to doing productive work like focusing on Zero Point Energy and solving daily problems about improving society and mankind around the world.

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6b7547  No.10915796

File: 0c5a7bb577248de⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 280x210, 4:3, 899829644_68872_the_good_t….jpg)


Trips Confirm

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de2da8  No.10915797

File: 50f5059652341d5⋯.png (9.27 KB, 1044x214, 522:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Potus- Visiting countries/ leaders to prevent a Planned DS war?

perhaps showing them intel (Staged and Planned Escalation by DS) to prevent a Major Conflict, negotiating to avoid further problems?

article excerpt:

The question that, has World War III started is being asked across the globe. Amit the COVID-19 pandemic two of the biggest superpowers India and China are face-to-face amid LAC border tensions for several months.

Meanwhile, Armenia -Azerbaijan war has erupted more concern.

Experts believe there is a huge possibility of this war taking a bigger form in the coming days because Russia is going to take an entry in it.

Can give an attack order

Given the kind of atmosphere, Russian President Vladimir Putin may order an attack on Turkey. Because Russia is with Armenia while Turkey is advocating for the Muslim country Azerbaijan.

It is reported that Turkey and Pakistan are sending terrorists to fight on behalf of Azerbaijan. If Turkey orders an attack, a terrible war will begin between Russia and Turkey and the world will also be joined by other superpowers.


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efc430  No.10915798

File: 2789f27587a0639⋯.jpg (688.72 KB, 2602x1697, 2602:1697, godwins.jpg)

>>10902724 (PB)

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fe103b  No.10915799


do you think any of the players that want maga to die care about that?

they don't.

go pull someone elses heart strings, fag.

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a8a7f3  No.10915800

File: ae369deeb8ff888⋯.jpg (195.95 KB, 1000x1467, 1000:1467, ae369deeb8ff888ab0472320d9….jpg)


Holy shit.

Trips of Truth.

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8f3ad8  No.10915801

File: 7bd4e12b1dc5625⋯.jpeg (67.04 KB, 320x454, 160:227, 2433AFBD_248C_4515_A3F3_E….jpeg)


I know what you are faggot, go back now before you suffer any further embarrassment.

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0db489  No.10915802



carry on patriot.

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b377c5  No.10915803

File: aa797674203133c⋯.png (513.91 KB, 495x483, 165:161, POTUS_look_this_shit_again.PNG)

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af8f8d  No.10915804

'Black Lives Matter was not founded originally by Alicia Garza, Opal Tometti, and Patrisse Cullors. They became the faces of the movement and they retroactively created that story around them, but the movement itself IS a Communist movement.'


>beginning of thread re BLM info/record :Marcus Anthony Hunter 2012

>campaign zero

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0db489  No.10915805


noted in pb already.

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fab023  No.10915806


>My wife's boyfriend..

Noice cuck post for the keks!

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69022a  No.10915807

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB, 586x614, 293:307, CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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dfc8c1  No.10915808





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50033c  No.10915809


So post it for the next 5 fucking breads then, i dont give a fuck.

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136b57  No.10915810


I know bits.

Just difficult to tell who is lying, in a world that has lied to us for years.

>If you want someone to trust, buy a dog.

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17e8df  No.10915811

File: 8e6d9f6017c3efd⋯.png (423.03 KB, 418x766, 209:383, Fungus_Tranny.png)


>You can put all your wealth on the fact that the whole world is now lurking these breads.

In that case, hey world take a look at what we gotta fuckin put up with (pic related)

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a8a7f3  No.10915812



Didn't know.

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6b89b4  No.10915813

File: 482eada8b86ee08⋯.png (892.05 KB, 1009x497, 1009:497, 2gracious1.png)

File: 21a734d9d8f639a⋯.png (868.86 KB, 1009x497, 1009:497, 2gracious2.png)

File: abceb1a78d5c2e4⋯.png (643.33 KB, 1009x497, 1009:497, 2gracious3.png)

In the interest of Full Disclosure, I give credit for this blank

to the anon from whom I stole it a couple threads back. Nice work.

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5bcfdf  No.10915814

File: 638b206cbaeef98⋯.png (723.58 KB, 570x641, 570:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.10915815


The desperation is leaking into the Poll Manufacturing bidness!!

Sahil Kapur


New NBC/WSJ poll of 2020 registered voters

Biden 53% (+2 since last month)

Trump 39% (-4)


Who did a better job in the debate?

Biden 49%

Trump 24%

-both equally 1%

-neither good 17%

-not sure 9%



Love to see the breakdown on this poll respondents>

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22f23b  No.10915816

File: ebbc24bf6cee1c3⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 750x714, 125:119, 1595124655744.jpg)


>"Let's tell our audience things they already know, straight from the mouth of an establishment crony who's taken more money from corporations than anyone in congress"

Oh wow look it's the same re-run we've been watching for the last 3 years straight. You cunts should think about becoming sitcom writers, it'd make you more likable as people.

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0db489  No.10915817

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5a4f2c  No.10915818


eveyone here has been known since the beginning. They made that pretty clear.

your fear mongering is intimidation.

you don't go after someone who is a chatty bitch like me, anon. It would be very odd and it would give them a lot of very bad press.

what part of 'potents and spirits and principalities' do you not get.

you don't rule these boards. I merely give out rancid narratives that are obvious throw away first drafts.

what should I be afraid of?

tell me what you think that they will do to me?

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b3e073  No.10915819


Seems Notable

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bc6841  No.10915820

File: ca6153c583aa72e⋯.png (344.42 KB, 498x498, 1:1, E1AF37EE_1825_416C_BCDA_DA….png)


Well you should read your own story before posting it as sauce.

“ So does Jesus just mean that rich people can’t get into heaven here? No. This passage means to illustrate that our love of the world, not just riches, prevents us from getting into heaven by our own accord.”

It’s about our own love and priorities. People with wealth can accumulate it through good means as well as nefarious means. Don’t be so quick to generalize people; shows division.

Have a blessed day!

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6990be  No.10915821

File: f5d21981e5d89e0⋯.jpg (86.2 KB, 604x453, 4:3, HOT_YOGA.jpg)

The future is TRANS.

Get on the right side of it!

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8bdce5  No.10915822



No. A fat nurse tripped and busted the tripod, so they had to use a cheap gimbal to record the video at WR.

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9f663f  No.10915823

File: 3d010d8aa593550⋯.jpg (162.87 KB, 1236x820, 309:205, ladyqeKxp3pCpp5HY.jpg)

Florida man busted for requesting absentee ballot for dead wife


Florida authorities nabbed a registered Democrat after he attempted to “test the system” by requesting an absentee ballot for his late wife, officials said.

Manatee County Sheriff’s Office began investigating Larry Wiggins, 62, after the mail-in ballot was requested for his wife who had been dead for two years, the Bradenton Herald reported.

“As soon as they pulled up the file it showed that she is dead,” Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Mike Bennett said.

Bennett said his office then compared the handwriting on the ballot request with previous documentation and found it wasn’t a match.

Deputies then interviewed Wiggins, who is a registered Democrat, and he confessed that he was trying to “test the system,” the newspaper reported.

“He wanted to test the system,” Bennett said. “He did test the system, and guess what? It worked.”

Wiggins was arrested Thursday on a charge of third-degree felony voter fraud, the outlet reported. He has since been released on $1,500 bail.

Bennett said the case is an example of why voters should feel confident in the elections process.

“People complain that vote by mail is crooked; it’s not, we catch them, we verify it and any supervisor of elections in the state of Florida I know is just as conscious about it as I am,” he said.


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5d4d3a  No.10915824


well then thats ok

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50033c  No.10915825

File: a06526052885075⋯.jpeg (30.1 KB, 255x182, 255:182, D7C58DA4_38E5_4BBD_ABF3_0….jpeg)


Oh noes!!😬😬😬😳😳😬😬

Wrong. (You)r time is almost up.

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b54f8e  No.10915826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dfc8c1  No.10915827


Sauce on that?

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b54f8e  No.10915828

File: 6fdec981b0e102a⋯.jpg (22.56 KB, 989x194, 989:194, this_is_now.JPG)

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fe103b  No.10915829


I asked a question and made a true statement about the derp state. eat shit and have a nice day1

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dd336b  No.10915830



tyty, the numbers surrounding that whole deal were kinda knocking around in my head for a bit.

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5a4f2c  No.10915831

they said that they got rid of the bullies. all I'm seeing are these bullies this morning.

'they see me'

they wnat ot hurt me


cause I post love songs?

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eb53c7  No.10915832

File: 6ca28d78f22aa86⋯.png (535 KB, 1037x631, 1037:631, kkk_equals_33.png)

Democrat founded KKK.


KKK = 33

Pure Evil.

Fact - NRA instructed black people to fight against KKK with guns.

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8f3ad8  No.10915833


It’s the fucking fakenews posting that for one of their hit-pieces.

It’s painfully obvious, pathetic really. Just like the JFKjr fuckery. That shit does not originate from anons.

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3db836  No.10915834


Yousef Salim…CS, supports fatwqah on Salmon Rushdie for writing. a. book, 'cuz muh easelam'


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af20b5  No.10915835

File: 8aa329203da12ae⋯.png (621.7 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, CLINTON17_.png)

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348ab6  No.10915836

Thinking about CF and Haiti, Black Pop WAKE UP, how much do we not know?

4 Places In America Where Voodoo Queens Rule

New Orleans, L.A.

Sheldon, S.C.

Brooklyn, N.Y.

San Francisco, Calif.


How many in Govt, Pedowood, "Elitists" etc. worship Satan?

Trips to Haiti to learn what?


The only black representative at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 was this Haitian voodoo priest


Benin is the mecca of the voodoo religion and here are six temples that are filled with magic


The growing menace of African women being sexually exploited in the West via voodoo


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5d4d3a  No.10915837


KEK..Yeah World Have Some Sympathy!!

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5a4f2c  No.10915838


reading your hateful posts is almost a kind of 'eating of shit'. That's mean?

well it maybe but dischord shills are an annoyance.

and they really are not purged at all.

Oh, and people read your posts.

why the fuck would all us losers nobodies post here if we didn't want people to read our posts?

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7dc676  No.10915839


move the fuck on smdh

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8ed319  No.10915840


>Love to see the breakdown on this poll respondents

Not hard to find


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31694f  No.10915841



Seethe deluded one.

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183d79  No.10915842


After we take down the DS, Baphomet and friends are next.

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1f735f  No.10915843

10/4 @ 10:04 AM ET … Congressman Kevin McCarthy (member of Gang of Eight) on Fox News, reasserting that Obama, Biden, and Comey knew HRC had concocted the Russian Collusion story to submarine Trump’s bid for office in 2016, but the evidence was never taken before Congress.


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bc80f7  No.10915844


He's not on a ship. The movement you see is the software stabilization in the camera someone is holding on the FAR side of the desk he's sitting at.

He is at the hospital

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d9532f  No.10915845


6 ways from Sunday

Intentional release, either way

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5e091a  No.10915846

File: 6c8ade170255f9e⋯.png (181.66 KB, 733x396, 733:396, youmirror.png)


>My wife's boyfriend

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af20b5  No.10915847

File: 9576c9f33fecd4f⋯.png (573.43 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MIDNIGHTRIDER1.png)

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be851f  No.10915848

Holy fuckety fuck

House Minorty Leader Kevin McCarthy guest on the top story with Mario Bartiomo on Fox, all the names Hillary, Obama, Brennan, Strock, Comey, Schiff….all knew HRC is the one that started the RUSSIA Hoax.

So it begins…

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897894  No.10915849

File: 0206bbe53675ad6⋯.jpg (313.74 KB, 1346x1346, 1:1, swordy_sun.jpg)

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000000  No.10915850


Site timed out when I was looking, will retry.

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b3e073  No.10915851



This is NOTABLE, for Date and for the realization that we didn't stop commies from moving in until now.

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5d4d3a  No.10915852


great figure purfect

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2e6b84  No.10915853

File: b46b11102c1bc02⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1592x1034, 796:517, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)

File: 2f39ccd0478011d⋯.png (86.55 KB, 1268x488, 317:122, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)

Anons there is a new version of Godfather III being released and the news dropped Sept 30th! It's to be called Godfather Coda…

Guess what the 1st definition of Coda is…



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8bdce5  No.10915854


>Sauce on that?

No. Respect the fat nurse's privacy, kek.

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7168fe  No.10915855


the desperation

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874b77  No.10915856

File: 5d6c12a04d6a2f6⋯.png (238.89 KB, 518x314, 259:157, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)

>>10915767 (pb)

It seems like there's been a lot of discussion around the apparent motion in the President's recent video. Did anyone else comment on the apparent curvature to the cabinetry behind him? It looks to me like the cream colored cabinetry behind him is actually somewhat curved. Is my eyesight or screen bad or is are the cabinets curved?

I grabbed a screen cap from anon's post. You can see lighting change across the cabinetry.

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fe103b  No.10915857



>why the fuck would all us losers nobodies post here if we didn't want people to read our posts?

if you want to call yourself that, that is on you, "us" fag.


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5a4f2c  No.10915858


I'm always here, anon. lurking. I'm only chatty some of the time.

If NSA wants my evidence on these breads, they know how to access my harddrives.

whose really afraid of who here?

why try to spread fear to me?

you are rather a red pill about why these boards might be a danger to someone who really is plotting bad stuff. But you got the wrong guy if you think that is me.

move on yourself

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cda7d1  No.10915859


Better bring moar than what you've shown so far faggot. Point of no return is close. Just need you to start it. We gonna school your bitch ass. HARD.

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c94969  No.10915860


You should’ve listened to Maria Bartiromo. Maybe your eyes would break through the brainwashing and you would realize the Satan-worshipping HRC you worship is actually a criminal. Justice is coming, in this life or the next. Nothing can stop it.

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fab023  No.10915861


>Definitely movement in the video.

Watched and it could be, but also just seemed like the camera was on a tripod and not locked, and some movement there.

Didn't see the flags "swaying", but do see the camera moving slightly, which isn't so odd.

Yes just as likely he's not at WR as he is there, but this isn't the proof.

Same with background sounds (also could be air handlers - there is going to be extra ventilation and negative or positive pressure in these containment spaces, very specific engineering aspects for infectious diseases.)

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fa7724  No.10915862

>>10915690 /lb

i understand…"you have more than you know" always bugged me. and POTUS is a sharp dude so when he like struggles for words or stutters, repeating certain words i pay extra attention. numbers alone aren't strong compare to timestamps so i did not cherry pick the numbers that were mentioned in the call…when i include all of them..it all points to the same themes

1. the vampire thing

2. noname fake tumor

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c232c2  No.10915863

File: 42a47213a83fb0d⋯.png (352.42 KB, 450x391, 450:391, stupid.png)


Drugs and alcohol are bad.

Go fix yourself.

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34ca34  No.10915864


I can certainly see your point…Choice applies

Likewise, an aged male/female seeking out some who may have reached sexual maturity according to your statement, but who likely have the mental maturity of what metric? Yes, let's just have a free for all for all who are "sexually mature" (sarc)

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50033c  No.10915865


Paris is TRASH. We all know it.

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a0cdbf  No.10915866

>>10915756 Me too anon, she started out her career working for Trump, this is a hard one for me because of the history but if she takes the right path that's good. Somebody took a camera onto pedo island so there is that to consider also. I wish I knew the answers but sometimes faith has to suffice.

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d9532f  No.10915867

NBC shill " Pence should not travel ( campaign ) he should stay at home and hide from beer flu for ' continuity of gov. ' reasons

Yea , nope

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8f3ad8  No.10915868


It’s a fucking bot, those niggers are insufferable but we trudge on.

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000000  No.10915869


D+11, nice thumbrest on that scale, NBC.

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fab023  No.10915871


>cabinetry behind him is actually somewhat curved

Camera is not perpendicular, normal perspective chit. Run it through photoshop or lightroom perspective correction and you'll have even straight lines through and through would be my guess.

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5d4d3a  No.10915872


Sorry after 3 years [you] still can't see..wait for the movie

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348ab6  No.10915873


> to submarine


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9ef3c8  No.10915874

File: 090267b2c1b41ba⋯.png (420.01 KB, 633x382, 633:382, shallow_hal.png)



>No. A fat nurse tripped and busted the tripod, so they had to use a cheap gimbal to record the video at WR.

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22f23b  No.10915875

File: 8816aabafcaf971⋯.png (332.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 54687567867896780.png)


Bro you must work at Hobby Lobby, because that was a professional-grade strawman.

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5a4f2c  No.10915876


this is another example about how ironic joking (a put down that I really don't mean) is taken as if it's a deep truth of reality.

obviously I say that because it's pepole like me, and others here who are NOT losers that people like you are so afraid.


cause we see?

cause we comment?

because we want a place to view the news?

because we have 20 years of notes that talk about the corruption in Wsahington?

anon: as I have said over and over all irony is lost to the shills (they really do get it)

shills will never see humor or snark, they will only see condemnation.

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7dc676  No.10915877


paid opposition

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8f3ad8  No.10915878


Like the piss story? They will never fucking learn will they?

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d14a41  No.10915879

File: 30f8429be4ad31a⋯.png (470.32 KB, 673x446, 673:446, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc7774  No.10915880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


gr8 b8 m8

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aa44ea  No.10915881


you dont know shit

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000000  No.10915882


She was a commodity to someone. Who profited?

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0db489  No.10915883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i like this love song

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a9046c  No.10915884

File: af2c0605e7721a8⋯.jpeg (70.83 KB, 622x500, 311:250, C8020D66_F695_40BE_845A_B….jpeg)


Yep, the ‘push polling’ is obvious BS and should have even less impact this time than it did in 2016.

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fe103b  No.10915885

File: 37ca03b51e90842⋯.png (7.38 KB, 157x24, 157:24, poo_colored_you.png)

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efc430  No.10915886

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a81a87  No.10915887


Stop making sense. Anons need to hyperventilate for another day about it habbening…

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5d4d3a  No.10915888


Not Even The Same Stupid as Remark..Fuck Off

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b377c5  No.10915889

File: e30c6100316f4c8⋯.png (266.27 KB, 886x509, 886:509, ELVIS33_US_Army_MC_12S_2_E….PNG)

File: 38700ded1cc2485⋯.png (223.2 KB, 427x542, 427:542, elvis_leaves_the_building.PNG)

ELVIS33 US Army MC-12S-2 EMARRS-M and ELVIS11 US Army MC-12W Liberty departing Bangor, ME sw

Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS)

The enhanced medium altitude reconnaissance and surveillance system (EMARSS) is a low-risk, low-cost, enhanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft. The aircraft is being developed by a Boeing-led team for the US Army. The EMARSS is based on the Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350 commercial aircraft platform. The system offers significant benefits to the armed forces by collecting, analysing and providing real-time intelligence information to war fighters instantly. The EMARSS can identify, locate, analyse and trace surface targets even in low light. It offers high accuracy and preciseness in all-weather conditions. EMARSS will be operated by the Aerial Exploitation Battalions (AEB) of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).


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5a4f2c  No.10915890


keep proving your shillness.

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5d4d3a  No.10915892

No No No…You are Not WE…or no longer

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a0cdbf  No.10915893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e84290  No.10915894

File: 9a9624f09dbff4f⋯.jpg (182.9 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1769.JPG)

File: 11cd6d6bbb4b883⋯.jpg (248.92 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1772.JPG)


My friend fell and broke her hip in 6 places and asked me to watch her doggie.

She is home now after a few weeks and I took her breakfast just now and coffee as well as snapped some pics of her doggie for her before I left for her to see her baby.

I'll be taking her "YAPPING ASS NOISEY" doggie home in a few days.. kek

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dbe7b0  No.10915895


BS Slide

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b377c5  No.10915896

File: 8b379c12004b945⋯.png (605.29 KB, 458x556, 229:278, POTUS_ultra_karen.PNG)

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fe103b  No.10915897

File: 19287099f91d10b⋯.jpg (22.67 KB, 189x118, 189:118, _OBAMAGATE.jpg)

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437efd  No.10915898

>>10915109 (lb)

God Bless You swordAnon.

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42cfca  No.10915899

>>10915588 pb

>>10915629 on

First time I had Coronavirus was Feb 2017 and it affected my heart so bad that it took 18 months to recover full strength. In April 2020 I got it again but with zinc, 10,000 mg vit C, and Sambucol along with cold and flu medicine, I slept it off in a day.

I think the 2017 release was when they tested the effect of attacking the ACE receptors to measure how that affected the speed of spread.

I think Trump and Xi worked together to stop the deadly strain in Wuhan.. That is why other Chinese cities were not affected much.

Masks don't work and that proves how weak the disease actually is. We have herd immunity already.

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8ed319  No.10915900

File: b484c5f356b1b0e⋯.png (36.9 KB, 657x920, 657:920, ClipboardImage.png)



Can upload pdf here, although I don't tend to trust uploaded PDF's vs links to same…

Here's page one - 800 registered voters. Stat's is BS, 800 will never be representative of 365 million.

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8f3ad8  No.10915901



Age of consent in Massachusetts is 16 brainlet

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999a31  No.10915902



They won't so don't worry.

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69022a  No.10915903

File: a3622c21ca723f4⋯.png (223.91 KB, 785x1998, 785:1998, Q_189_CULT_GFIII.png)

File: fd95916b0152df3⋯.png (872.41 KB, 1818x922, 909:461, Q_189f.png)

File: 29c08b14faea8a0⋯.png (706.16 KB, 824x464, 103:58, Q_189b.png)

File: f15c6870ee9ce99⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1200x1006, 600:503, Q_189a.png)

File: ac60ff0dc686b7d⋯.png (321.18 KB, 1588x1228, 397:307, Q_189c.png)


Q DROP #189

The Cult Runs the World

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 21 Nov 2017 - 11:52:02 PM

Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

Who performed during her rallies?

What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

What other events do they attend together?

What does HRC represent to them?

What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

MSM role?

Push conspiracy theory.

Social media role?

Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


The graphic is key.

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).

What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?

All that you know to be right is wrong.

The ‘cult’ runs the world.

Fantasy land.

The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

20% public.

80% private.

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

Was necessary.


For God & Country.


Easy like a Sunday morning.

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c8ccad  No.10915904

File: 8ea255233195687⋯.jpeg (311.55 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, C69B85C0_3758_4ACE_AC17_C….jpeg)

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fab023  No.10915905


Good on ya, keep diggin fren!

And agree when 'themes' emerge, probability of being on to something likely goes up.

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be851f  No.10915906


Normally HRC is the one getting people suicided

but today SHE probably has a lot of "FOLK" who want her dead from the left side,even normie lefties as the door to Trump vindicated AGAIN is on the horizon and landslide as Americans realize Trump was thwarted for most of his presidency and roadblocks and time wasted as the HOAXES came one after another and deprived Trump and the American people of a fair FOUR year presidency. IMAGINE what Trump may have accomplished if in-hindered by criminal activity coming his way on the daily. The left is going to shit actual shit when it comes to be tht TRUMP may get a do-over 4 years. Never in history shit we are looking at. Pun-intended.

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17e8df  No.10915907

File: 650bc0728e07ebe⋯.png (286.06 KB, 673x446, 673:446, ClipboardImage.png)

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05c43c  No.10915908


Nothing that POTUS said in this Vid indicates

that it was filmed after the announcement of

Trump's Covid19.

Could have been filmed weeks ago . . .

What better place to launch a Red Herring

than on an Ocean Going Ship !

ps. It's all we talked about all last night.

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6b89b4  No.10915909


Florida has a strict, defined absentee ballot process in place that has been used for years.

NOTE how the Libtards site this instance as proof that 'absentee ballots' are generically NOT a source for fraud. FFS

In Florida, you must REQUEST an absentee ballot via mail w/ a signature.

That is checked against the voter rolls for accuracy.

AFTER the information AND signature are confirmed, Only THEN is an absentee ballot sent out to THAT ADDRESS FOR THAT PERSON.

When returned, it is again checked against the current voter rolls and counted AFTER the confirmations ALL check out.

This is hardly what is taking place where [they] are blindly sending out thousands of bogus ballots to every name and/or address they can find.


which obviously this entire story is.

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380842  No.10915910




Islamic regimes? Totalitarian?

BTFO Ollie Snack Bar

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8ecef0  No.10915911


if you are going to repost things on here from

The Lincoln Project

you should credit them

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d14a41  No.10915912

File: 994cc9d3174a88c⋯.png (123.9 KB, 250x333, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)


she pretty.

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dc7774  No.10915913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Easy like a Sunday morning.

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1d2b55  No.10915914

Video: Trump Appears Free from Serious COVID Symptoms in Surprise Address from Walter Reedhttps://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/03/video-trump-appears-free-from-serious-covid-symptoms-in-surprise-address-from-walter-reed/

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be851f  No.10915915


*un-hindered…just woke up


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5d4d3a  No.10915916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Big Eyes

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50033c  No.10915917


Muh dischord shillzzzz

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69022a  No.10915918

File: 84f5dcbe184567d⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1774x830, 887:415, 10042020onaboat.png)

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000000  No.10915919


Yes, that's why D+11 is soooo fake and gay.

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5e091a  No.10915920

File: 092163ad724c4fc⋯.png (402.74 KB, 588x390, 98:65, carrion.png)

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aa44ea  No.10915921

File: 10b50a48c4f5ec6⋯.png (154.83 KB, 340x336, 85:84, gay_jew_hiyler.png)

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af20b5  No.10915922

I don't give a rip as the the current location of POTUS.

I only care that he is strong and continues functioning as the POTUS.

wherever he is

I hope to the see the promises of a "Red October" actually come to fruition. If this is just another round of disinformation, then so be it, but I hope now is the time for the storm.

I want to see a blowout win for POTUS and Republicans in general during the November election to the extent the socialist left never saw coming. I want to see a win for conservatives that sets their liberal agenda back to the late 1950's.

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b0c69a  No.10915923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b89b4  No.10915924

File: 9fe5fc151db806a⋯.png (340.19 KB, 502x608, 251:304, LG_tmip.png)


Not at all.

Now … he pretty.

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164d94  No.10915925


OMG. Freedom. What an awful concept.

Much better to have a social control system in place to treat sexuality like liquor during prohibition. If we didn't have this lovely world ran by blood drinking vampires, the how could we ever prevent the humans from breeding out of control and taking over?

The history, words, and definitions are all twisted. When two people make love, they become joined…married. The ceremony is for Kings and Queens to celebrate their contracts, and further their bloodlines, to eesure inheritance for their progeny under a legal system that relies on bloodlines.

The age of consent varies all over the world from non-existent as a legal concept in some countries to 18. Even in the US there are 50 different definition of "age of consent".

This is all a planned distraction from the real evil behind the curtain; people who sell, hunt, torture, rape, murder, and consume human beings in a futile attempt to achieve immortality. The only thing their vast wealth can't buy. The only thing that prevents them from being living Gods.

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2a2c81  No.10915926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting talk for a Sunday

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42cfca  No.10915927


Oops. That should say chapter 4 is where Israel prepares supplies and fortifications for war.

Is the USA ready to wage war on the rogue US military forces of the Military Industrial Complex?

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6990be  No.10915928

File: b8648318f67264b⋯.jpg (131.58 KB, 719x719, 1:1, WHAT_STORM.jpg)

Count your days, idiots.

The only storm coming is Drumph's cytokine storm.

We've been training for this WAR for generations.

We are battle hardened after months of combat with fascist pigs.

Hand to hand combat, urban/guerrilla warfare.

Pick your poison, we ARE ready.

Why don't you have another boat parade?

Some of you can be reeducated, most cannot.

Make your peace with your imaginary patriarch in the sky.

You were warned!

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c8ccad  No.10915929

File: 98dccfbf6350e81⋯.png (316.53 KB, 638x637, 638:637, 00A47E71_3338_49EB_A54D_77….png)

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6cf303  No.10915930

File: 72b2cf4c31b46b8⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1093x851, 1093:851, threwup.png)

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be851f  No.10915931


>>10915906 >>10915915

Gina Haspel name came up as well.

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50033c  No.10915932

File: 27c80b29d3030e3⋯.jpeg (114.48 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, 53ADE0B5_1633_431E_BB0A_0….jpeg)

File: bb2c0e5062b12a7⋯.jpeg (75.74 KB, 675x645, 45:43, CF78C0F0_B58F_4D56_AEBC_E….jpeg)

File: d3f2b3075b042cb⋯.jpeg (90.61 KB, 962x1200, 481:600, D965EFB3_FFED_47BA_B097_6….jpeg)


She did, and handsomely.

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5d4d3a  No.10915933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fab023  No.10915934


>I think the 2017 release was when they tested the effect of attacking the ACE receptors to measure how that affected the speed of spread.

Interesting angle.

>I think Trump and Xi worked together to stop the deadly strain in Wuhan.. That is why other Chinese cities were not affected much.

Could be. Also the Korean building in LA and choppers seemed somehow related. Don't buy the people dropping dead in streets and welding into apartments in Wuhan fear-porn and anything other than propaganda.

>Masks don't work and that proves how weak the disease actually is. We have herd immunity already.

Agreed. Still good to keep the immune system up to snuff with various natural approaches (Vit C, D, elderberry, chaga, etc.)

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380842  No.10915935



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a12219  No.10915936

File: 250da0a77caf0b9⋯.png (238.11 KB, 294x360, 49:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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b75a09  No.10915937

File: a442244599d0ca5⋯.jpg (39.96 KB, 411x275, 411:275, SWAMP_DRAINING_.jpg)

File: 7a03948a91c651d⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, 550x366, 275:183, The_world_will_know_their_….jpg)

File: a703ed4a2927c44⋯.jpg (146.69 KB, 764x468, 191:117, Putin_laughing.jpg)

File: 0b28a7c064ee571⋯.jpg (142.25 KB, 811x533, 811:533, Putin_Blah.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense) or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Ignore 000000 …spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or shitposting.

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion bakes all the time.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!… or scroll… whatever.

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6cf303  No.10915938

File: b3d273a648cae09⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 520x363, 520:363, cw2.jpg)

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c8ccad  No.10915939

File: b6a0010dfbb60d2⋯.png (564.58 KB, 456x557, 456:557, 61B9474F_F7CF_499E_9975_5A….png)

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31694f  No.10915940


why wouldn’t they use a tripod like normal?

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de613a  No.10915941



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0db489  No.10915942

notables bun @ 250

jam'n to old go go's dis morn'n kek.


>>10915914 (video) Trump Appears Free from Serious COVID Symptoms in Surprise Address from Walter Reed

>>10915836 anon posits: Thinking about CF and Haiti, Black Pop WAKE UP, how much do we not know?. (lb) anon sez "black" lives matter.

>>10915823 Florida man busted for requesting absentee ballot for dead wife

>>10915786, >>10915889 planefag reporting

>>10915767 (embedded video) anon queries: Is POTUS on a ship?

>>10915668 renoting: USCIS Issues Policy Guidance Regarding Inadmissibility Based on Membership in a Totalitarian Party

>>10915754 renoting: Emails Leaked After 2016 Election Show Fired Ambassador To Ukraine Yovanovitch Worried About Press Of Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption

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414fa1  No.10915943

File: 73a6f5c67840aa8⋯.jpg (155.06 KB, 1779x821, 1779:821, EjfZ_GIXcAUP64O.jpg)

He's on his way, folks.

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69022a  No.10915944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It is the deep states last cup of sorrow…

Do it!

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0742c6  No.10915945

File: e3908793a71e7b7⋯.png (311.09 KB, 500x328, 125:82, Cali_2035.png)

>>10915379 (lb)

Only text transfers into your suscoin posts, anon. Pics and vids do not.

>>10915477 (lb)

Nice dubs. Pic related.

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04cc3f  No.10915946

"In their interactions with humans, aliens are good observers. To some extent, all are studied scientists. More importantly, all aliens who visit this planet are skilled in telepathy, the ability to not only read another's thoughts, but to communicate complex, diagrammatic information in ways that often astound the human initiate."


Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials.


"Starting in the 1950s, working under the now infamous MK Ultra project, dozens of government grants were awarded for research into different aspects of human thought and/or perceptual manipulation. Some of these grants involved the development and testing of psychoactive drugs (LSD for instance)."


This is an a cruel psychological experiment/test of mind control from AI Hive mind Alien technology.

You can check out the history on Mass Shootings and you will see that there is a repeated claim of "God spoke to me".

Check the names of the shooters in news articles on Google and add the term God spoke to me, I heard voices, Voices in the head, Voices told me.

And you will see that there is a connection that cannot be explained statistically.

This is not a coincidence!!!




Is this your God?!

Remote viewing was the CIA attempt to understand how extraterrestrial communication and mind control works!

The same pattern creates voices in the head creates thoughts.

If you can create thoughts you can control the thoughts of the people.

Do you really think the CIA has such a tool and they use it?

Make the connection!!!

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e40b78  No.10915947

File: 86b0fb08b42720c⋯.png (658.02 KB, 973x768, 973:768, ClipboardImage.png)

Fly thru the flak anons.

Over the Target.

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aa44ea  No.10915948

File: 7b5f6f575393466⋯.jpg (17 KB, 252x255, 84:85, mar_30_theres_the_problem.jpg)

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dc7774  No.10915949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>10/4 @ 10:04

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9ef3c8  No.10915950

File: 37a576b3144dfba⋯.png (85.4 KB, 238x263, 238:263, 2020_10_02_13_58_27.png)

>>10915109 LB

Mornin' swordy.

God bless and have a great day!

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a8a7f3  No.10915951



We see (You).

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5d4d3a  No.10915952


Aww look at him go…

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c232c2  No.10915953


Get real.

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0db489  No.10915954

File: 2f6b4e25cde7760⋯.png (667.62 KB, 1000x735, 200:147, 2f6b4e25cde77607110fe7ff0e….png)


baker sez copy that.

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0721f6  No.10915955


Liddle George Stephanopoulos brought up that poll, Biden 53%, Trump39%, to a Trump campaign official a few minutes. The Trump guy laughed at Georgie.

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cda7d1  No.10915956


Considering some of the jack shit speculating that takes place on this board, that one is feasible asshats. Ain't no fucking bot neither motherfuckers. GFY's.

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164d94  No.10915957

Devin Nunes coming up on Maria to discuss origin of Russia Russia Russia.

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8aba70  No.10915958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6b7547  No.10915959

File: fcd96bb24224471⋯.jpeg (343.83 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1547252965.jpeg)

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42cfca  No.10915960


Because COVID attacks the heart you should also build up Selenium and CoQ10 together.

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fab023  No.10915961


Who knows. Lot to carry onto location? Not enough space in that small room for it?

Like the earlier joke of nurse falling on it, keks.

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8ecef0  No.10915962


true story

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d9532f  No.10915963

4 AM talking point for Sunday / Monday newz cycle

HOW DARE VP Pence be out on campaign trail, he may get sick REEEEE

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fab023  No.10915964


>also build up Selenium and CoQ10 together.

ty, good recommendations.

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d43ad0  No.10915965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can someone explain this to me?

I get that Trump doesn't have the virus, I just don't understand how they could be following gematria and be in control of the narrative (taken from the cabal) at the same time.

It's as if everything was planned, and we're just in Zion as part of the Matrix.


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fed459  No.10915966

File: 1f1467971db830c⋯.png (40.42 KB, 999x222, 9:2, ClipboardImage.png)

TOP COMMENT of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ


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69022a  No.10915967

File: f539b67ef0e5c8d⋯.png (158.66 KB, 586x306, 293:153, nsgsgs.png)


Do you do birthday parties and bar mitzvah's?

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348ab6  No.10915968


RC signed with 6 x's.


Voodoo Sights to See:

Marie Laveau’s tomb is located in St. Louis Cemetery, the oldest in New Orleans, and is said to be extremely haunted. Laveau was known as the ‘Voodoo Queen’ and the ‘daughter of New Orleans.’ She was a respected Creole woman who practiced Voodoo in New Orleans from 1820 to 1840. Believers still leave talismans on her grave to this day.The ‘XXX’ symbol is a way to talk to the Queen and make a wish on her tomb.


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5d4d3a  No.10915969

File: 6ca26cdd466fec6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 771x971, 771:971, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc6a39  No.10915970

File: e748dae95084ee7⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 255x159, 85:53, PAIN.jpg)

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c8ccad  No.10915971

File: 2a56fd3f1fff076⋯.png (492.57 KB, 842x500, 421:250, 94B0C284_185E_4CEF_9DF4_C4….png)

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874b77  No.10915972

File: ba18f363e6a9bd1⋯.png (290.72 KB, 743x474, 743:474, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)


The CDC has a loooong track record of unethical behavior. Poul Thorsen is still a fugitive after apparently absconding with US govt. funds, but I believe his "research" is still cited in the old "vaccines don't cause autism" canard. Julie Gerberding, after her tenure at CDC moved on to a very lucrative position with Merck (payback perhaps for covering up the autism/vaccine connection?). Even CDC scientists know that their agency is corrupt. Witness the Huff Post piece about a "spider" biting the CDC.

An organization this corrupt needs to be disbanded and anyone knowingly complicit with the destruction of American lives through the promotion and coerced use of dangerous vaccines should be prosecuted.

And its not just vaccines. The CDC has been involved in a number of cases of apparently manipulating or covering up data. This was apparently the case with a study of the vaccine autism connection as covered in the movie "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe" but also the case with manipulated data reporting on flu and pneumonia related deaths.



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8f3ad8  No.10915973


>Imagine shitty troll posts like this being the best you can do

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8bdce5  No.10915974


>why wouldn’t they use a tripod like normal?

see >>10915822

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6cf2e2  No.10915975



Remember the Nasim fags? Kek the good ole days

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a87a98  No.10915976


Dumbass… She is playing the victim to hopefully dodge her sentencing.

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7dc676  No.10915977


never said the info was shit. it's been played to death, hence where have you been relax

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bae7c2  No.10915978

File: f2d37ae49c38352⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 216x233, 216:233, Kraken.jpg)

I'm Bored. Time fo unleash the Kracken. It's past time to bring the pain, POTUS. Flood the zone. We need to hit them so hard and from so many directions they won't know where to turn. Sow CHAOS in their ranks. Do all this TODAY, 4-10-20, and set the cabal on fire!

Durham indictments

Arrest Comey

Arrest Brennan

Arrest Clapper

Arrest Page

Arrest Strzok

Arrest Yavonovich

Arrest Kerry

Arrest Hillary

Arrest Mills

Arrest Page

Arrest Huma

Arrest Rice

Arrest Jarrett

Arrest the Podesta's

Arrest Holder

Arrest Lynch

Arrest Bowser

Arrest Brazile

Arrest DWS

Arrest Yates

Arrest Ciaramella

Arrest Nuland

Indict Soros and everyone in his organizations for sedition

Declas everything

Assange immunity for Seth Rich's murderer

Hunter Biden indictment

Cashier the Vindman's

Declare antifa domestic terrorists and round them up

Declare BLM domestic terrorists and round them up

State funeral for RGB with internment at Fresh Kills Landfill

Purge the Federal bench of corrupt judges, starting with Sullivan

Arrest Q's list of journo's who dealt in classified information

Arrest ALL the leakers

Invoke the insurrection act

Release everything possible from Weiner's laptop

Release the truth about child trafficking

Start wholesale arrests and deportations of every illegal alien and seize their assets

Revoke all birthright citizenship and deport them all

Expel every single Chinese national on the watch list

Release the truth about Obama's nationality and CIA roots

Fire Fauci

Fire Birx

Call up the militia

Shut down Facebook

Shut down Twitter

Shut down Instagram

Declare the hostile MSM as lobbyist's making in kind contributions and fine them their entire worth for campaign finance violations

Re-criminalize disrespect for the American Flag or the National Anthem

End the Covid lockdowns

End the FED

Reintroduce the Gold Standard

Make Nov 3rd a holiday

Make in person voting and absentee voting with ID mandatory nationwide

Death penalty for voter or election fraud

Decriminalize Pot

Shoot to kill orders on our borders

Looters Shot On Sight

Invade Greenland

Make Taiwan 51st State


Join Russia in military compact

Give Russia most favored nation trading status

Give Vlad the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Supreme court nomination

Expose John Roberts

Appoint Rush Limbaugh for the Supreme Court

Truth on UFO's

Truth on 9/11

Truth on JFK

Truth on RFK

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bd9056  No.10915979

File: faf005775fcd651⋯.jpeg (318.14 KB, 2324x887, 2324:887, FB7CC32A_E6FA_48F9_AB87_A….jpeg)

>>10914983 renoting: New Gen Flynn w/CAP: Stand strong America. God Bless the USA.

I’ve enlarged the picture with quote, I see the Capitol building, two digits near the top over-laid on the building, it seems there’s lightning through the picture.Obviously a “storm” is occurring over the Capitol, but I don’t think my theory, is the only message

What do you guise see?

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c94969  No.10915980

Maria Bartiromo on Fire this morning. Kickin’ butts and namin’ names.

Nunez next with more Ratliff declass.

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05c43c  No.10915981


Idiot ! !

This is a warzone and you just painted

a target on a Non-Participant !

Next time leave your phone number in

the message so that the old lady gets

left alone by Evil ! Geez . . .


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5d4d3a  No.10915982

File: ba9b8ddbee01168⋯.png (618 KB, 1200x907, 1200:907, DoNotEngage2.png)

>>10915928 devils begone

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69022a  No.10915983

File: 7b79321d50646df⋯.jpg (39.68 KB, 634x346, 317:173, nsb1.jpg)


Roger flak Dodger.

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6cf2e2  No.10915984


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c1595c  No.10915985

File: 6c516ac7969e2f1⋯.jpg (49.34 KB, 750x493, 750:493, trumpitsabouttime.jpg)

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946531  No.10915986


the far left at the turn of gay rights:

trannies will not be the way of life…

gays and lesbians thrown out as the trannies have taken over the movement, the original replaced by the new smarter thinking big tech spiritual market movers

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37d1ad  No.10915987


If there are as many women in this movement as it appears, you tools are going to get your asses kicked by a bunch of girls.

(Real women, not LARPers)

Good luck with your self esteem problems after that.

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c8ccad  No.10915988

File: a7425701b3478d5⋯.png (725.4 KB, 777x1059, 259:353, F5D09391_2D59_4D93_B13F_E6….png)

File: c1628ed210d990e⋯.jpeg (204.26 KB, 640x672, 20:21, C6573F9F_83B8_41FB_8AC7_B….jpeg)

File: 5be66fe52644cea⋯.png (305.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 11CA0329_A595_4606_8980_C2….png)

File: 517972aad626617⋯.png (1.55 MB, 980x776, 245:194, BF45F66F_054B_4B42_B1CD_D3….png)

File: c816088075822ae⋯.jpeg (231.07 KB, 961x834, 961:834, E33AB314_B780_44F7_9CB1_D….jpeg)


Just watched it. Oh snap!

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6cf303  No.10915989

File: bdacd59196429ca⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1750x932, 875:466, assholes.png)

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b54f8e  No.10915990

File: b6edddc37060272⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 352x454, 176:227, suj.JPG)

File: b9876681059fa45⋯.jpg (154.95 KB, 1084x714, 542:357, tdfzu.JPG)

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83403c  No.10915991

File: 95b82c130fa0e45⋯.jpg (74.11 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, 4a5001b7beea096457f480c880….jpg)

Hooray for Remdesivir!!!!

"Trump receiving remdesivir antiviral drug as part of experimental treatment"


Does anyone really believe the President of the United States would be given *EXPERIMENTAL* anything?

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275e25  No.10915992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Happy Sunday Patriots!

Welcome to church!

(We actually pray for POTUS here…)

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b377c5  No.10915993

File: 7de894c70f74f23⋯.png (427.78 KB, 517x299, 517:299, chinese_market_worry.PNG)

SMIC has had 'preliminary exchanges' with U.S. over export restrictions

Chinese chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation has undertaken “preliminary exchanges” with the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security regarding export restrictions, the company said on Sunday in a filing. “The Company is conducting assessments on the relevant impact of such export restrictions on the company’s production and operation activities,” the filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange said. SMIC also said it has been operating in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations of all jurisdictions where it performs its businesses. The company also advised shareholders and potential investors “to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.”

In September, Reuters reported that the Bureau of Industry and Security under the Department of Commerce had issued letters informing certain companies they must henceforth obtain a licence before continuing to supply goods and services to SMIC. The letter stated that exports to SMIC “may pose an unacceptable risk of diversion to a military end use” to China.

Such measures recalled those imposed by the Department of Commerce on Huawei Technologies Co Ltd [HWT.UL}, the Shenzhen-based maker of smartphones and networking equipment. At the time of the reports, SMIC said it had not received any notice from the Department of Commerce regarding the reported restrictions and said it had no relationship with China’s military. SMIC is China’s largest semiconductor foundry, though it trails behind Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd, the global market leader.

Both companies rely heavily on equipment from companies based in the United States or U.S-allied countries to produce chips for clients.

Earlier this year, SMIC raised $6.6 billion in a listing in China’s tech-centric STAR Market, aiming to use the cash to kickstart manufacturing into more advanced technology.


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d9532f  No.10915994

MAGA Trump campaign ad on during NBC Meet The Press hour.

Out fucking standing

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380842  No.10915995


Compassion, anon. She was used and abused from a young age. Beta sex kitten programming. If she truly wants out she deserves support.



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78b5b9  No.10915996


"When it comes to voting, what’s a Catholic to do? | Faith Matters"


"There is a dichotomy in the church that lends itself to both major political parties. Many of the faithful like Trump’s anti-abortion stands even though from the approach of a seamless garment, he is weak on pro-life matters across the spectrum from the womb to the tomb. Biden, on the other hand, a faithful Catholic who attends Mass regularly and carries his late son Beau’s rosary beads with him all the time, is pro-choice, if not necessarily pro-abortion. But his stands on health care, the environment, women’s rights and others are more fully pro-life.

What’s a Catholic to do?"

what in the blue fuck? the mental gymnastics they are putting people through just for votes.

gigantic communist cesspool.

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5e091a  No.10915997

File: 720ed93bc18196d⋯.png (472.85 KB, 496x506, 248:253, mushcatfrog.png)


Good Morning Alex!

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c5bc87  No.10915998

File: 8c7e90b315b1003⋯.png (261.6 KB, 750x681, 250:227, Stupid_bug_eyed_Ohio_gov.png)

Look at this creepy wonky eyed motherfucker.

Ohio governor: I hope Trump's positive coronavirus test serves as "cautionary tale" to those who don't wear masks http://hill.cm/c8XEBI3


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5d4d3a  No.10915999

File: bcb0a5345d9b661⋯.png (488.03 KB, 650x497, 650:497, alien.png)

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, brainwashed.jpg)

File: 4bcf2ebafb7c5d6⋯.png (864.06 KB, 960x952, 120:119, dont_panic.png)

File: e5faff781ac324d⋯.png (221.44 KB, 643x680, 643:680, Shills3.png)


Put On Your Big Head On Yo.

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1f735f  No.10916000



Heh. Thank you. Chosen word delib. Seemed appropriate. Now, we have the con.

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69022a  No.10916001

File: 3cb1b8156bf1ab8⋯.jpg (137.17 KB, 814x489, 814:489, 3cb1b8156bf1ab85ed4a66d19f….jpg)


Rem-deceiver sounds like my kinda drug!

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96d2d5  No.10916002


Those were pretty days

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32327a  No.10916003

File: 212184b2e98bbb6⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 215x255, 43:51, memebetter_com_20201004103….jpg)

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e84290  No.10916004



She is so off-grid it is not even funny!

She'd kick any Pantifa asses that showed up anyway. LOL

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6990be  No.10916005

Fake antifa posts always out the newfags.

Welcome to the 8coon.

Lurk moar!

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b377c5  No.10916006

File: f7d765ca8a66a7b⋯.png (707.19 KB, 639x515, 639:515, pilot_systems_good.PNG)

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cda7d1  No.10916007

Like a prosecutor, a question never gets asked that the answer is not known already. CoRney lied through his stink'n, rotten teeth. That POS needs to face a Military Tribunal.

Devin know everything!!!

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39ac33  No.10916008

All these notables are from ONE I.D.

Anons need to keep eyes on and help Baker.


>>10914575 Paris Jackson Supports Paris Hilton, Says She Was Diagnosed with PTSD After Attending Similar School

>>10914208 Hillary Clinton Tweet references abolishing Constitution

>>10914214 Five human trafficking victims rescued, 46 arrests made in massive Houston-wide sting operation

>>10914219 Parents Outraged After Ohio High School Football Game Turns into a BLM Rally

>>10914231 MSNBC Finally Realizes Trump Really Has Built New Border Wall, Freaks Out

>>10914265 Is Mass Mail-in Voting About to Backfire on Democrats?

>>10914274 Red states are outperforming blue states economically

>>10914292 California Is a Cautionary Tale for America

>>10914298 Biden’s Catholic Con Job Continues Meanwhile, the Vatican squabbles with the Trump administration

>>10914312 Jaime Harrison debates Graham behind plexiglass shield

>>10914315 Former Democrat State Rep. Candidate Matt Trowbridge Caught on Camera Trying To Have Sex With 14 Year Old Boy

>>10914330 Peaceful Black Lives Matter – Antifa Goons Hurl Explosives at Seattle Police, Vandalize Businesses (VIDEO)

>>10914354 17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon

>>10914392 QAnon Reigns Free On Amazon Despite Its Recent Ban Of Proud Boys, Redskins Merchandise

>>10914401 Top aides accuse Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of bribery, abusing office

>>10914410 WILDCHILD TO MUM I was hooked on cocaine aged 12 — I know how lucky I am, says Drew Barrymore

>>10914425 HOLLYWOOD EXODUS Coronavirus, high taxes & social unrest — why movie stars including Robert De Niro and Tom Hanks are leaving Hollywood

>>10914452 The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump

>>10914481 Democrats would destroy Supreme Court with scheme to pack justices

>>10914497 ‘He’s on the wrong team’: Christian leaders criticize Biden campaign ads highlighting Biden’s faith

>>10914503 Watch: Trump Supporter Outside Walter Reed Hospital: ‘He’s Been Fighting for Us; I’m Going to Fight for Him’

>>10914516 Trump campaign scores court victory: Maine judge rules against ballot harvesting, upholds voter ID requirements

>>10914542 Hondurans in migrant caravan bused back after entering Guatemala

>>10914554 Texas AG Paxton disputes bribery, abuse-of-office allegations leveled by aides

>>10914608 QAnon Lands on LinkedIn, Prompting Networking Site to Limit Spread

>>10914619 Flynn Tweet:Stand strong America. God Bless the USA. #BeNotAfraid

>>10914594 Biden's dramatic change to retirement accounts could reduce their availability, industry warns

>>10914651 Senator Joni Ernst SHREDS Her Democrat Opponent on Debate Stage

>>10914760 Trump says 'real test' lies ahead in his COVID-19 fight

>>10914774 Pope says free market, 'trickle-down' policies fail society

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04cc3f  No.10916009


>Truth on UFO's

>Truth on 9/11

>Truth on JFK

>Truth on RFK

The connection between them…

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dc7774  No.10916010

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cc6a39  No.10916011


Youtube: "Rescue You Lauren Daigle (unofficial


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eb53c7  No.10916012

File: 8c15eee8c074d4a⋯.png (104.19 KB, 772x230, 386:115, lies_about_trump_medicatio….png)

>>10915541 (pb)

LIES LIES and more LIES.

They are trying to get Patriots to take poisonous Remdesivir IMHO.

Trump would not take Remdesivir, these people want to kill most of us and enslave the rest.

This is clear.

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bc6887  No.10916013

File: 6b394d14f4808d8⋯.png (328.57 KB, 960x572, 240:143, obama_mansion_3.png)

File: a9572a90d902a3d⋯.png (399.22 KB, 960x575, 192:115, obama_mansion_2.png)


And other nefarious players.

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b54f8e  No.10916014

File: 41419ac22d3239a⋯.jpg (137.65 KB, 1142x571, 2:1, erz.JPG)

File: 802d7b092ab6a0c⋯.jpg (24.98 KB, 399x485, 399:485, sfdz.JPG)




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0742c6  No.10916015

>>10915521 (lb)

QTeam post when they need to, not when we need them to. Some anons think we are on a 10 day dark. We need to focus on our task:dig, meme, pray.

Here is a chart when the drops have occurred:


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0db489  No.10916016

File: 215e9f5952c9d29⋯.png (1015.78 KB, 745x519, 745:519, 215e9f5952c9d2968cfb92c7cb….png)

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34ca34  No.10916017


We are similar in some thought but slightly off in the aspect of the connotation and/or denotation of what maturity would be whether sexual/mental and that may well be a product of the twisting of all that is perceived in this world and what has been foisted upon people.

Yet, I would postulate that entry into a world of sexual freedom before one's mental maturity is fully developed is akin to a gateway drug and may just lead to the places where others who would seek to achieve immortality would want someone who thinks they know.

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e91c24  No.10916018


conjecture is NOT NOTABLE

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6b89b4  No.10916019

File: 4060ab8ca533a30⋯.png (543.94 KB, 500x563, 500:563, heyJOE.png)

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20ecfc  No.10916020

File: b24efd526a7c1ce⋯.jpg (4.05 MB, 1290x12281, 1290:12281, QekCZHUaFAZZi2woi.jpg)

26 Now Infected In White House Covid Outbreak As Photos Show Glimpse Of Trump’s Hospital Stay


We strongly suspect Saturday will forever be remembered for the controversy surrounding White House Chief of Staff's "off-the-record" comments to the White House press corps. The backlash was predictably intense - and revealing: it prompted Ryan Lizza and a handful of his colleagues to 'out' Meadows en masse, and somehow triggered a flurry of morbid rumors, attributed to "anonymous" senior administration officials, claiming Trump's condition was "much more serious" than the administration was letting on, leading to percolating suspicions that Trump might be on his death bed.


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136b57  No.10916021

File: b76b9dc66b60de1⋯.jpg (596.88 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Old_woman.jpg)

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f9006f  No.10916022


So you think POTUS would allow a lie like this to stand unchallenged, using him as leverage to lead people into death?

Or is it possible you are retarded?

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af8f8d  No.10916023

File: 00575ad937fc638⋯.png (327.92 KB, 346x588, 173:294, naked_shills_be_like.png)

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dd3bc1  No.10916024




Wow, hipsterfag, you're just so edgy.

Should we discuss the totes-for-reals-not-false-zomg-u-guys-believe-me dichotomy between capitalism and communism?

Personally I find that ismism is superior to both capitalism and communism.

Though anonism is probably the best ism of all.





>oh and btw you totally get bonus internet points for typing the word niggerfaggot. Hence the voat subverse link at the top of the page.

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69022a  No.10916025



When it comes to voting, what’s a Catholic to do?

- 1 point for making me dig for the date!

Today 8:00 AM

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e84290  No.10916026



I'd post my name address and a complete collection of me carrying the flag on here but, people are still SCARED of the big bad wolf to allow those that do not give a shit to do so.

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8db329  No.10916027

>>10915928 Is there any way to switch sides and receive forgiveness for choosing good over evil or am I doomed?

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c8ccad  No.10916028

File: c6f752f11a5dd25⋯.png (960.05 KB, 764x540, 191:135, 43C55B54_9071_498F_ACFB_11….png)

File: 203fe749b774608⋯.jpeg (166.35 KB, 887x665, 887:665, 92B6FB2D_76BB_4B06_A4F0_B….jpeg)

File: cfbf4f030b170f7⋯.jpeg (849.78 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 9C028381_F063_4BC5_B93A_9….jpeg)

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2421de  No.10916029


>Song Guo er

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fab023  No.10916030


>and actually get down to doing productive work

Yes, about to move in that direction regardless. The DS players have had enough light shined on them that they can be avoided in dealings. Still don't want to get suicided early though..

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8aba70  No.10916031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b13f8f  No.10916032

>>10914167 pb

>>10914317 pb

>>10914328 pb

Paris Hilton Digs on her own past; drops on Twitter

These types of 'schools' are used as private reform schools by the rich.

It implies there were severe problems - often the case is drugs and alcohol abuse - prior to her being sent there.

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a3e377  No.10916033

File: a3c9ac07ea1112e⋯.png (1.85 MB, 2560x1269, 2560:1269, 38by77source1.png)

File: b0390498f0c3fa4⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2560x1257, 2560:1257, 38by77source2.png)

>>10911779 PB

this is the dig on this location posted in past bread the images have been altered a satellite vehicle has been removed but the shadow is till there.

number 1

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b4484b  No.10916034

File: 01e549473f7caf6⋯.jpeg (187.56 KB, 750x630, 25:21, F65247BD_0503_4E8F_8CB8_A….jpeg)


They cancelled her so she ‘cancelled’ some of them kek

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bc80f7  No.10916035

File: f093e92da761b66⋯.jpg (145.06 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, bubbles_1.jpg)

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bae7c2  No.10916036


Spit on a DO17?

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cda7d1  No.10916037


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ec4680  No.10916038

File: 37062004f247e66⋯.png (247.51 KB, 609x586, 609:586, PP_glasses_curious.png)

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bd9056  No.10916039

>>10914415 The Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand

I watched this video, first of all Ayn Rand is brilliant beyond compare,Wallace engaged in accusatory SJW questions throughout, never acknowledging she was supporting the Constitutionwhich did not provide for the theft of persons labor and money for social engineering. I’m almost convinced that Wallace was a communist and his son follows in his footsteps. Wallace has a pea brain compared to Rand and he could grasp the idea of free will. All of the current reporting manipulation, programming with the exaggeration “the majority of Americans believe…” shows up clearly in this interview. This type of gotcha questioning has been going on for a lot longer than we know, especially since it seems like he perfected it and that was in 1959!

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6b89b4  No.10916040


And disallow for feeding conspiracy theories?

Shirley, you jest !

Actually, it's a signal to us.

Nobody in the media would even have noticed if we hadn't pointed that out.


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a3e377  No.10916041

File: 675da6c1ca801b9⋯.png (5.7 MB, 2560x1270, 256:127, 38by77source3.png)

File: 5ff8f677d339640⋯.png (4.41 MB, 2560x1273, 2560:1273, 38by77source4.png)

File: 3625d1d3d95ad3b⋯.png (3.86 MB, 2560x1261, 2560:1261, 38by77source5.png)

>>10911779 PB

this is the dig on this location posted in past bread the images have been altered a satellite vehicle has been removed but the shadow is till there.

number 2

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af8f8d  No.10916042

'Hawaii is going crazy for @realDonaldTrump.

Democrat states are pushing hard for flipping their state for Trump.'


>show some luv for Hawaiii

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5a2206  No.10916043


I have never found gematria to be anything other than a solution in search of an equation. In that sense, it is a math trick that allows you to arbitrarily associate anything you so desire.

Things like this were tools used by oracles and mystics of old to give the faithless some rationale for having faith in an idea. "I used ancient math formulas to divine your future." Rather than "The spirits foretell…"

Not all of it was crockery - people sometimes need to be handed something to focus on or fidget with, mentally, while they work through hard times.

But of course, there are types who like to profit at any expense of another and argue they are favored under the divine to do so…. So… We can't have nice things.

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f9006f  No.10916044


>What’s a Catholic to do?

Start by leaving the disgusting anti-christ perversion of the true gospel that you're currently serving, for one

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b54f8e  No.10916045

File: f6a3807706bac37⋯.jpg (120.05 KB, 1179x570, 393:190, dfh.JPG)



news unlocks the map

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6b7547  No.10916046

File: 8dd08b67191c15b⋯.jpeg (83.73 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1596365954.jpeg)

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009251  No.10916047


Yes, the L strain was deployed in the NY subwY system, hence the concentration of cases there.

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e84290  No.10916048

File: 1bb4f4d9bd887e2⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB, 480x480, 1:1, America_Fuck_Ya_Team.mp4)


It is PUSSIES LIKE YOU that will hide behind Patriots like us!



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0db489  No.10916049


not sure but the rudder looks close.

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380842  No.10916050

Anons, find the clip of Nunes on Maria's show this morning and share it across all platforms. This is HUGE for waking up the country, the world.

It will be posted here at some point: https://video.foxnews.com/playlist/on-air-sunday-morning-futures-with-maria-bartiromo/

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a8a7f3  No.10916051


Don't think I've ever heard him say "Damn" on a Sunday before.

He is pissed.

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317c5e  No.10916052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1c88ce  No.10916053

File: eeecc0583d28dee⋯.png (203.11 KB, 659x594, 659:594, ClipboardImage.png)


These went over the pond last week or so. Intardasting.

Apparently it hung around Ireland for a while. Departed from Western Ireland


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81cd77  No.10916054

>>10915776 When did you first hear the voices? Apparently you haven't noticed that Bad Orange Man is at least 2 orders of magnitude smarter than you. He would never go on a ventilator, which kills people. You want him sick and dying so badly, and are so terrified of what his impending massive landslide victory means, that you are in the survival portion of the brain. There, no real thought occurs, just grasping at straws and eagerness to believe blatant lies. The President is not sick, and your chosen goat side is about to be steamrolled. Couldn't happen to a nicer pack of hyenas. Keep braying–it gives us information about how far down the toilet bowl you have swirled.

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af8f8d  No.10916055

File: 2bf560b900a3d7d⋯.png (462.19 KB, 588x414, 98:69, Hawaii_love_10042020.png)

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65a245  No.10916056


on point but that absolute does not excuse the treatment that these children had to endure

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c8ccad  No.10916057

File: ce11d077b3550f7⋯.png (266.04 KB, 504x588, 6:7, C93D5837_50CD_4010_83EF_0E….png)


Yeah he’s Catholic….right

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a8a7f3  No.10916058


Except he didn't fly.

He drove.

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b377c5  No.10916059

File: 522178484a8b8d8⋯.png (70.91 KB, 255x259, 255:259, pepe_suit_statement.png)


imagine that

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ce16ec  No.10916060


Ohio is corrupt top to bottom. Only a handful of Republicans from that state are legit. The rest are like Romney etc

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af8f8d  No.10916061


>Barret 'dogma'

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d5822e  No.10916062


Nunes is the man! Been strong all along!

He will be powerful in our original Constitutional Restoration.

Fuck the Act of 1871.

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b54f8e  No.10916063


>Except he didn't fly.

yeah i know, just wanted to know what important places are around.

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c6d1ca  No.10916064


Hawker Hurricane Mk I

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c8ccad  No.10916065

File: d368645ba07a98a⋯.gif (5.51 MB, 250x208, 125:104, 59DC1B0D_2B4E_4A5B_B8BA_6E….gif)

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bae7c2  No.10916066


That guy was a sociopathic monster. Worst scene in the movie.

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cda7d1  No.10916067

Time to release it all and at the same time let the indictments and arrest warrants fly. FLY[DS]FLY.

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a8a7f3  No.10916068

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fed459  No.10916069

File: a61c3c69594f4c5⋯.gif (913.82 KB, 480x287, 480:287, Biden_Come_On_Man.gif)

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e84290  No.10916070


And we'd STILL protect you despite your pussification.

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69022a  No.10916071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try this, Fren

Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

123,836 views • Aug 14, 2020


Amazing and very revealing interview with RFK Jr. where he basically says that the CIA killed both his Uncle JFK and his Father RFK yet he did not believe that his father's death

was a conspiracy before 1985 when he learned that his father was shot in the back of the head 4 times.

RFK starts right out of the gate revealing this stuff and goes on for 10 minutes until Ron tries to get him to focus on the pressing issue of Vaccines.

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9ef3c8  No.10916072

File: 02c5080a9e68c97⋯.png (606.25 KB, 799x446, 799:446, 2020_10_04_10_37_52.png)

File: 7c715c35f561311⋯.png (426.37 KB, 697x330, 697:330, 2020_10_04_10_38_19.png)


>Yep, the ‘push polling’ is obvious BS and should have even less impact this time than it did in 2016.

Biden will still amass 48% million popular votes, roughly 65+ million.

Amazing how the dems and the DNC accomplish that.


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78b5b9  No.10916073


sorry about the lack of date anon. here's the link to the PDF the article references..


catholic bishops telling catholics how to form their consciences. here's a nice little piece..

"As Pope Benedict XVI stated in Deus Caritas Est, The Church wishes to help form consciences in political life and to stimulate greater insight into the authentic requirements of justice as well as greater readiness to act accordingly, even when this might involve conflict with situations of personal interest. . . . The Church cannot and must not take upon herself the political battle to bring about the most just society possible. She cannot and must not replace the State. Yet at the same time she cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice. (no. 28)"

communist water carrier. jesus would burn it down.

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96d2d5  No.10916074


Got potions ‘n’ spells to go with that witchcraft, Governor?

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7d0081  No.10916075

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1_POWER_AND_GLORY.mp4)

Did you think the Prince of this World had small Dominion? Did you come here to see a Reed (Papyrus) shaken by the Wind? Satan's Grasp is Slipping as the All Father of Love and Light Controls the CREATION. At the Equator is EQUILIBRIUM, the further from thence varying Degrees of the Illusion of Change increase until the Reality of Law becomes Fixed at the Poles. Pray, Be Excellent to One Another, No More Turning Away from the Truth. A Hand Up is greater than a Hand Out. Love and Light👆




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8fd90c  No.10916076

File: eec7f523522d944⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 630x445, 126:89, greta1.jpg)

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69022a  No.10916077

File: 88274cb1666ba3a⋯.png (48.84 KB, 752x1432, 94:179, CIA_911.png)


911 you say?

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1f735f  No.10916078


We have been ready. o7 We can take these soy boy betas, no punches thrown. Using our wits, we can reduce them to tears. It’s sad, really. Gentlemen and Ladies are relics of the past. Hope to see the return of both, but with equality intact, as it was supposed to be. A rib from Adam was taken to create Eve. Made from the same cells, so no grain of superiority to either. Not a bone from his foot, so the wife could lead. Not a bone from his back, so she would follow. A rib, so she would be at his side. His equal. His helpmeet.

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c94969  No.10916079


If this was a photo of my mother by her walker and diaper and you posted it on an international board for the world to make fun of, you would sleep with the fishes.

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6bbbee  No.10916080

File: e5b19af9149c8d8⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 76C73794_163F_4637_9931_38….gif)

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e16186  No.10916081

File: 2904ea15a3f196e⋯.jpeg (144 KB, 1052x800, 263:200, 0F9A6A87_6E5F_4288_B3AF_B….jpeg)

There are so many people that are in POTUS tight circle that have tested positive for the Corona….

Makes one wonder, does Q have The Rona too?

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3a0115  No.10916082


He condemned the fuck out of us.

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6cf303  No.10916083

File: a77a70c90f24b3e⋯.jpg (120.05 KB, 640x794, 320:397, hold_accountable.jpg)

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eb53c7  No.10916084


From my study we have been told that Remdesivir was partly owned by Deep State actors such as Gates and Fauci.

This is the first I would have ever seen Trump associated with Remdesivir.

I though we all knew this?

Until now we have been pointed to HCQ, therapuetics and other new unreleased treatments.

Are you stupid?


If not you must be something else.

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6990be  No.10916085

File: 2019b57e0901e25⋯.jpg (253.77 KB, 800x800, 1:1, I_Cant_Breef.jpg)

Now that all sportsballs have become irredeemably cucked I need a new excuse for day drinking!

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d5822e  No.10916086


Hawaiin ghillie suit?? kek

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519a19  No.10916087


With a hip broken in six places?



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8aba70  No.10916088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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83403c  No.10916089

File: 7f6003bd4dd81d2⋯.jpg (118.25 KB, 1242x1089, 138:121, EXOZZgQXsAE_9Yu.jpg)


shill shill shill shill shill.

Dumb fucks calling everything shill shill shill shill

Take your cries of shill post out into a field with a grinding stone and rough up an axe handle then insert into your anus.

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cda7d1  No.10916090


He has known since that day he went to the WH and came out with a look of bewilderment on his face. Will never forget that look. What ever it was he saw, [Husseins] PDBs probably, Shocked him to his core..

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69022a  No.10916091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get the Deep State Motherfuckers on the Phone!

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2c9eb0  No.10916092


Dying wishes

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10ab97  No.10916093

File: 111c80594bb37b0⋯.jpg (79.84 KB, 500x454, 250:227, boiled_cabbage_and_urine.jpg)

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ec4680  No.10916094

File: 879f30b9a33fb1f⋯.png (23.61 KB, 506x215, 506:215, npccloseup.png)

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d0c377  No.10916095

File: edb71bdea4ebc25⋯.jpg (42 KB, 680x447, 680:447, EjdCe5YWAAAYN5a.jpg)

I got to admit, this is pretty good for optics.

Michael More may be up to something with his "conspiracy theory".

I'm mean, we all know the Chyna Virus is just a bit worst than the common cold, right?

Also, Trump is looking much thinner in this picture…that's a good thing. Obesity can kill you, just ask John Candy.

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d43ad0  No.10916096


How do you dismiss the coincidences that the virus is named in association with eclipses and how they effect the sun?

Trump getting the virus was military timing at its finest and just so happens to line up with all those dates according to gematria?

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1803cf  No.10916097


No doubt

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d5822e  No.10916098


I suggest reverence for a better garden and weed free lawn.

Kids and grandkids are pretty cool, too.

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e84290  No.10916099


What world are you living in that you expect them to make fun of an elderly woman is my question?

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41ac48  No.10916100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Red, White & Blue - Lynyrd Skynyrd

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a9adbf  No.10916101


That's the car what took the picture…

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164d94  No.10916102


I hear your concern. As is stands our culture has created the opportunity for (((them))) to prey on the innocent. Parents must protect their children from the fires of Moloch. Just as parents shouldn't be hiding a normal aspect of humanity out of a sense of shame levied by the evil entity who runs the world.

God made us. God made sex. God made eating and breathing also.

Thomas 37


(1) His disciples said: “When will you appear to us, and when will we see you?”

(2) Jesus said: “When you undress without being ashamed and take your clothes (and) put them under your feet like little children (and) trample on them,

(3) then [you] will see the son of the Living One, and you will not be afraid.”

Shame is of Satan

Bliss is Heaven

Bliss can be found on Earth

Jesus said, "Love everyone".

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af8f8d  No.10916103


yup, kek, check out the Flag also

hi Anon! kek

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5f420f  No.10916104

File: 29465163e2747ac⋯.jpeg (345.38 KB, 828x1290, 138:215, A1518271_18CE_413A_8545_4….jpeg)



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af20b5  No.10916105

File: a85177681f55c52⋯.png (501 KB, 1440x193, 1440:193, gematria1.png)

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fe103b  No.10916106

File: e76ac3c0cd2d374⋯.png (29.71 KB, 432x507, 144:169, bewhew.png)

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5c2b20  No.10916107





Wait for it….

wait for it….


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10ab97  No.10916108

File: a194c830622d2c1⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 800x387, 800:387, juanw.jpg)


Nothing to see here…..now move along.

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c4a513  No.10916109

File: 8438127c826bd71⋯.jpg (151.81 KB, 1080x1002, 180:167, 20201004_104450.jpg)


Ghost 3301 has in the past claimed to be one of the only remaining active originators of cicada. I can't confirm or provide source as im not gonna go through his tweets

Supposedly a company is trying to use cicada for a film or something, and Ghost alleged im the past hes already fought other companies wanting to do the same.

Pic related, interesting account

>probably a larp


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136b57  No.10916110


>Obesity can kill you, just ask John Candy.

Definitely the burgers, not the copious amount of drugs he used.

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e84290  No.10916111


That is recovering from a broken hip at that..

Are there THAT MANY FUCKING PUSSIES that they are afraid to "Come out of the closet"?

WTF are we gonna do.. MEME THEM TO DEATH when they get to our front doors?


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af8f8d  No.10916112

File: 95fa662b211682e⋯.png (613.09 KB, 527x800, 527:800, WWG1WGA_Hawaii_10042020.png)

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7d9b62  No.10916113


G'morning, wakes.

Doc did a great cleanup job last bread.

Up early.

Asked about fake n ghey but i wasn't here.

The bread below had a lot of stuff that shouldn't have gone into notables imo - attacks on the kitch that do not belong in notes. No noms - just the opinion of the baker.

Not asking for changes - bc already "out there" - but saying again (as i did when posted) that posts like these are not notable, espec when anons object, as they did.

>>10915287 pb


over half the notables were attacks on bakers/note-takers.

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8ecef0  No.10916114


speaking of symbolism

all those jogger women always calling each other "queen"

wondered if this is a reference to voodoo queens or wakonda shit queens?

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0742c6  No.10916115



He was Eye the Spy before in Jun '18, when he had to show his cards back then, posted a crazy cicada 3301 short film.

He is handy now for news about Assange and Jizz Maxwell cases as they proceed through the court system.

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de613a  No.10916116


This post should be removed

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69022a  No.10916117

File: 058a8a31e134aee⋯.jpg (18.38 KB, 224x327, 224:327, vash2.jpg)

File: 62e84d6791343a8⋯.jpg (148.59 KB, 600x724, 150:181, vash4.jpg)

File: 805ea7b7c5f2f48⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 600x338, 300:169, vash5.jpg)

File: a234983aba9568a⋯.jpg (203.28 KB, 1500x986, 750:493, Q_3957d.jpg)

File: f3260c8263562e7⋯.png (456.42 KB, 1140x936, 95:78, Q_3957b.png)

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c6d1ca  No.10916118

File: 5c7e229ace27e1c⋯.png (80.21 KB, 500x277, 500:277, 5c7e229ace27e1c3bbd323d853….png)

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317c5e  No.10916119

File: a7af46a8e240840⋯.png (742.04 KB, 800x684, 200:171, Tomahawks.png)

File: 6b42526de035951⋯.jpg (21.41 KB, 474x266, 237:133, GetRemoved.jpg)


Put them in prison.

Law and order.

American steel ftw.

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af8f8d  No.10916120

File: 35eb6828e9b729a⋯.png (289.92 KB, 771x793, 771:793, dem_cunningham_sexting_ext….png)

File: 62536f7ea30101e⋯.png (671.88 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_10032020_2.png)

File: dbfd774f668462d⋯.png (454.1 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_10032020_1.png)

File: 32ed22c76860d95⋯.png (548.63 KB, 780x410, 78:41, antifa_syria_flag.png)

File: 040f0652ad34cd1⋯.png (522.33 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, Image_size_Q_posts_check_1.png)

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6b89b4  No.10916121

File: 559e6009ad11e56⋯.png (583.86 KB, 642x484, 321:242, dt_gd_hp.png)

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5f420f  No.10916122

File: fbb1ab72fdd956d⋯.jpeg (125.15 KB, 828x679, 828:679, EF42C37D_5297_4091_8DE1_4….jpeg)



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e333ff  No.10916123

File: 96140777e1d7724⋯.png (523.05 KB, 645x577, 645:577, ClipboardImage.png)

Some dirty mother-fuckers they are.

When did President Trump get COVID-19? Did heknowinglyexpose others at campaign events?



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65a245  No.10916124

File: 23c64649f362f1e⋯.png (326.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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de2da8  No.10916125

File: 1e2d7cc4397a20b⋯.png (3.73 KB, 308x180, 77:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17bb8c2296d2530⋯.png (2.97 KB, 303x161, 303:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 974d18cd26304cf⋯.png (7.73 KB, 301x421, 301:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.


Anons ready?

Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?


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6ce8c9  No.10916126

File: 24f577c3a7c96a1⋯.png (177.39 KB, 887x794, 887:794, godfatherLLL.png)

File: 72bda772252eb9e⋯.png (24.21 KB, 614x223, 614:223, p21203_extra_i_missing_L.png)

File: 16e59e91c979563⋯.png (98.01 KB, 700x537, 700:537, Screenshot_from_2020_10_03….png)

>>10914204 PB

Godfather III in that post is

Godfather LLL

L > I

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04cc3f  No.10916127


What did JFK know and why was he murdered?

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5f420f  No.10916128

File: f26a391646706c0⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 828x1044, 23:29, DA42C780_A6AD_462D_BE41_8….jpeg)

File: 91d9417f1efe3ec⋯.jpeg (687.44 KB, 828x519, 276:173, B6A633EC_5508_4F47_BBD7_5….jpeg)



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d0c377  No.10916129


I don't think drugs can give you a heart attack.

That's more a burgers thing.

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cda7d1  No.10916130


Haven't watched one NFL game. Not one. Done with these oppressed, millionaire know nothing fucks lecturing US on social inequality. Life long fan……………………….GONE!!! Fuck'n imbeciles.

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1d2b55  No.10916131

File: 50c685146c1d219⋯.png (197.51 KB, 619x427, 619:427, Pastor_Scott.png)


>CoRney lied through his stink'n, rotten teeth. That POS needs to face a Military Tribunal

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164d94  No.10916132

File: 009422e18ac1dfc⋯.png (524.03 KB, 1920x605, 384:121, Screenshot_2020_03_29_Prie….png)


Before you vote, realize who and what the leaders of the Catholic church are loyal to.

It's not the USA or the US Constitution.

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0db489  No.10916133


all guud. kitchen's clean and each past bread back to 55 has been visited by moi. QResearch is full steam ahead and no shills in the wire.

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6b89b4  No.10916134

File: f04408d205b4c0b⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 835x836, 835:836, pantifa.jpg)

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bc6887  No.10916135

File: b4b65968cb3284a⋯.jpg (133.41 KB, 657x659, 657:659, kong_storm.jpg)

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136b57  No.10916136


Cocaine can induce a heart attack.

You are an idiot.

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e84290  No.10916137




Why are we "anon"?

At some point.. We need to wear our colors and stand our ground.

This pussified anon shit is for libtards that will blend back into the crowd when confronted.

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6c5c83  No.10916138


I’ll tell you want, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for Biden or Trump, then YOU AINT CATHOLIC. Amen.

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0db489  No.10916139


check prev notes on that bake now.

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6b7547  No.10916140

File: c90ced84f790f8c⋯.jpg (24.67 KB, 360x384, 15:16, BWGWIW5HVVHVJH4BVSKDDI5W4Y.jpg)

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44cb93  No.10916141


You're not her fren! Look what you did & then you want a pat on the back by anons? You wouldn't get the dog either cause you don't like the dog anymoar than the sweet little lady who's recouping from a broken hip but she doesn't know that does she because you're fake & mean!

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d43ad0  No.10916142


None of us know what the fuck is going on.

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be851f  No.10916143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Regarding the Rick Hilton dad/family Tweet to Paris, I smell a PR story unfolding by the entire family:

Paris just released in the last few weeks a "documentary" about herself where she attempts to illicit sympathy for herself and persona as she claims as a teen she was abused in a UTAH camp for wayward teens.

If paying attention, she was already doing bad girl stuff BEFORE Utah teen camp.

The film tries to attach her Utah "event" to her later reputation.

The entire thing is PR, easy to spot it if listening and looking not for entertainment.

She tears up about the incident in UTAH and says she never told her family.

When the cameras go and share with her mom Kathy Hilton, the mom has the WORST fake reaction.

Later again THEY BOTH have the most fake reaction while sitting with each other as Paris tells her mom on camera and it is so LAME as far as feeling real by either of them. Paris barely even tells her mom any details on camera.

It seems so forced and not believable when the two are tring to show a mom daughter heart to heart.

Maybe trying to cast the burdent to un-caring parents, to shift the blame?

Parents may be involved in the plan to save her, just like wehn Paris was arrested and thrown in jail years back that the mocking bird media covered minute by minute.

I am believing a new arrest on camera for Paris is on the horizen?

Watch the entire PR film.

It will work a bit on normies, but any Anon will see right through it.

ANY real seeker of truth that has any idea that Paris Hilton is tied to Superpredator Ray Rachel Chandler and PEDO Epstein Island will start to see that Paris is attempting to save herself public scorn.

Nicky Hilton Rothschild is in the film as well, with a really luke warm personality.

The entire film IMO seems like it was put out as a PR piece to soften how the world may view Paris SOON as all the information starts dripping out.

In reading the comments on Youtube, many say as much, saying she seems likeable, and "wow" I didn't like her before type remarks.

Something is up?

They made the entire film FREE on Youtube and has racked up nearly 14 Million views in two weeks. (13,944,660 views)

She is charging a premium link as well and is probably protiting off the premium view.

The description say the documentary is free starting September 14 with ads.

An Extended cut is version that is labeled Premium is linked.

Today is October 4 and the free version is still playing:'''


Paris Hilton

949K subscribers

We thought we knew Paris Hilton. We were wrong. This is the untold true story that shaped the woman, and the iconic character she created. Stream it free September 14 with ads on YouTube or sign up for YouTube Premium to watch the Extended cut. Learn more at:


The Real Story of Paris Hilton | This Is Paris Official Documentary


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b75a09  No.10916144

File: 21130f72406f78b⋯.jpg (9.95 KB, 255x137, 255:137, trump_train.jpg)

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bc6887  No.10916145

File: a4ff48084134b27⋯.png (378.54 KB, 768x392, 96:49, tom_fitton_judicial.png)

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bc80f7  No.10916146

File: 76a2fce35c0b11e⋯.png (16.93 KB, 469x255, 469:255, ClipboardImage.png)


ANONS holy shit…

"maybe it's time to shut [the fbi, cia] agencies down"

…Nunes just now on Bartiromo.

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519a19  No.10916147


Most people these days see Ayn as TL/DR. Atlas shrugged is brilliant but most could barely make it through the movies let alone the book. Ayn wanted certain parts to be done certain ways and never let it be made into a movie because everyone wanted to cut a certain speech/rant down.

Been many years since my Rand days but it never left me. She was a true treasure.

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582de8  No.10916148

R Grenell on Maria right now.


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41ac48  No.10916149

File: 386a55c4e789f0f⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 474x266, 237:133, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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10ab97  No.10916150

File: 4b72299583def76⋯.jpg (91.34 KB, 577x432, 577:432, pelosi_faith.jpg)

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003336  No.10916151

File: 2738a91902d0ac6⋯.jpg (100.31 KB, 640x693, 640:693, 2738a91902d0ac6cb816a877ff….jpg)

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188ed1  No.10916152

File: e6bff3aceb9e964⋯.jpg (278.46 KB, 768x1152, 2:3, fxtgzl62fzxy6mbvjf4n.jpg)


Im telling ya,

Madden football tournaments are the bomb!!

Haven't watched nfl for 3yrs. REALLY!

Each game about 40min so no boredom.

No fixed games

Bad calls



No "Karen" announcers

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d0c377  No.10916153


SORRY ASSHOLE…I'm not a expert in drugs.

But in John Candy's case it was definitely his weight that killed him.

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6b89b4  No.10916154


>I don't think drugs can give you a heart attack.

Moar prove to support the logic that exists behind

the reason that nobody is paying you to think.

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69022a  No.10916155

File: 0e86150e92c4b60⋯.png (292.84 KB, 814x707, 814:707, rpaw.png)


Amazingly acute observation, Anon!

Intimidation is a dirty job yet someone has to do it.

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c232c2  No.10916156



how to recruit anons before Q began posting

(original day one anons)

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b13f8f  No.10916157


they're usually sent there because they are violent, disobedient, on drugs and heading straight long toward an early death.

they are sent there to be physically forced to behave and adopt structure to their lives.

so far all i've heard is they made her behave and were mean to her when she refused.

she's sugar-coating her own behavior, like antifa.

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be851f  No.10916158


*burden not burdent kek


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cd95aa  No.10916159

File: 0efe014e30976ae⋯.png (1.15 MB, 750x1624, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d05e9fbad8845c⋯.png (70 B, 1x1, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0696eca405e54f7⋯.png (41.62 KB, 1471x180, 1471:180, ClipboardImage.png)

Did we know Smantha Power is married to Cass Sunstein?

News to me.



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de2da8  No.10916160


US notes issued by EO. (bypass Fed)

Me thinks that was the redline.

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0586b7  No.10916161

File: 4d72cef8a2b287d⋯.jpeg (618.57 KB, 1536x1634, 768:817, 5FD3446D_D2B4_462C_8FB3_6….jpeg)

Another two members of the armed “Not Fucking Around Coalition“ arrested for fucking around…….


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fe103b  No.10916162


This anon is also registering their disgust at the notes of the overnight, notes are for Maga, not stupid kitchen bullshit. they have two meta, they can fuck off to those to fix their shit.

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c6d1ca  No.10916164

File: d067365f7f9f74f⋯.jpg (124.26 KB, 869x1200, 869:1200, d067365f7f9f74f52c60ddc716….jpg)

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af8f8d  No.10916165

File: d0d5472e553c211⋯.png (386.89 KB, 903x1200, 301:400, Image_size_Q_posts_check_2.png)

File: ce25be46c0b7dd7⋯.png (308.43 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, clinton_foundation_investi….png)

File: 05c586fc7e9e438⋯.png (145.2 KB, 546x615, 182:205, clinton_foundation_investi….png)

File: 35fcdde0f94b9b5⋯.png (530.25 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_10022020_2.png)

File: b26f9f0f02c0662⋯.png (441.42 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_10022020_1.png)

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04cc3f  No.10916166


ET I say…

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e40b78  No.10916167


True, shill attacks, of all kinds, are a normal occurrence here.

But, [predators] close-in on what they consider prey when they sense (weakness or vulnerability).

Hunted coyotes at night, back in my youth, using a wounded rabbit distress call.

It is no coincidence the timing of (baker confusion, baker drama, baker chaos) right after POTUS announced CV-19 positive & transfer to WR.

+ As intensity of attention & exposure of new revelations of Guilt of [Coup Plotters] came out = (other new shill variations popped up this past week)

(ECM) Electronic Counter-Measures = Throws a Mass of STATIC at the enemies comms to disrupt clear communication.

Just sayin.

Increased (ECM & Flak).

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136b57  No.10916168


>SORRY ASSHOLE…I'm not a expert in drugs.

Then don't make statements like:

>I don't think drugs can give you a heart attack.

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c232c2  No.10916169



The Autists

The diggers who did all the hard work in the beginning.

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b49e53  No.10916170

Haspel on deck in the next few minutes w/Maria. Will Grennell drop a hammer on her today?

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6990be  No.10916171

File: 7e65f5e859c2780⋯.jpg (167.63 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Hello_George.jpg)

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bc6887  No.10916172

File: 436ff7044b73871⋯.jpg (95.52 KB, 608x508, 152:127, pepe.jpg)


Hear ya anon.

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34ca34  No.10916173


I agree with the sentiment.

Protect your children as they are a treasure

Don't hide them from what is around/surrounds them

Equip them so they may recognize

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d0c377  No.10916174


You didn't got the joke…never mind.

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2c9eb0  No.10916175


We are the news now. Go re post it

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5a4f2c  No.10916176


I know that I have no worries from them.

wow I just be myself and I gett hate bombed!

but it happens all the time.

I guess someone didn't want a record of what happened last night, or wanted to be the only narrative of it.

scary people.

TY for the comment.

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bd9056  No.10916177

File: 39707d8396f5cdf⋯.jpeg (322.76 KB, 1157x1682, 1157:1682, B72B28F1_9A77_40DB_B13D_B….jpeg)

Interesting statement


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69022a  No.10916178

File: aab33dea5f01f99⋯.png (8.25 KB, 780x504, 65:42, Q_110_CIA_MSM_FALL_DOWN.png)

File: f613bff3cbbfe1e⋯.png (10.24 KB, 773x537, 773:537, Q_129_CIA_NSA.png)

File: b4afec02f4d1771⋯.png (10.75 KB, 796x548, 199:137, Q_783_JFK_CIA_NSA.png)

File: 98a6ea0211ef7ae⋯.png (10.51 KB, 602x639, 602:639, Q_952_CIA_1000_PIECES_JFK.png)

File: ce6f77b484e870f⋯.png (29 KB, 2448x1676, 612:419, Q_851L_CIA_VATICAN_NAZI.png)

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bae7c2  No.10916179

File: 5d0b555788d3353⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2000x1332, 500:333, ACB_Rose_Garden_Seating.jpg)


>26 Now Infected In White House Covid Outbreak

Deliberate attack. Folding chairs the vector?

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fe103b  No.10916180



please take note.

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bc80f7  No.10916181



Wray and Haspell INTENTIONALLY holding back information such that Trump can order their agencies shut down and investigations assumed by the military.

this is all making sense now.

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cd95aa  No.10916182

File: f3785923ff26096⋯.png (476.2 KB, 816x690, 136:115, ClipboardImage.png)


Grennell Tway cap

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aadb62  No.10916183


It was time when hoover was alive

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68705f  No.10916184


What and why we fight.

Tough to reconcile, this is

But we must….

These children keep resisting, they keep fighting, hanging on…

My soul aches trying to reconcile this…

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f78ab1  No.10916185


>What do you guise see?

Binary data. "Nothing is concealed" because the NSA has it all.

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317c5e  No.10916186


>Why the need to know?

>What would change if he was on oxygen?

I'm guessing the clowns have some Non-Official Cover operatives somewhere in the Walter Reed staff/logistics chain. A dirty oxygen bottle delivered to the right place would be very bad for anyone who inhales it.

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136b57  No.10916187


>You didn't got the joke…never mind.

There wasn't one.

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de2da8  No.10916188

File: c6c594cc04a3f69⋯.png (6.81 KB, 577x193, 577:193, ClipboardImage.png)



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0721f6  No.10916189


>Maria Bartiromo on Fire this morning. Kicking butts and namin' names.

Yes she is anon. Don't know why it's getting no traction. Probably cause it's a shill/shit show time here this morning.

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ec4680  No.10916190

File: 162b60a92746506⋯.jpg (214.33 KB, 683x521, 683:521, LA_Times_AIDS.jpg)



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d90228  No.10916191

File: 673df551713466e⋯.jpeg (171.59 KB, 828x450, 46:25, 2B2810BA_1CFF_44C6_B82B_F….jpeg)

File: 9664627649027f6⋯.jpeg (103.92 KB, 828x592, 207:148, 64B9A9F2_07C3_4D38_B648_8….jpeg)

File: dde1c0a7f5e3cbc⋯.jpeg (116.48 KB, 828x704, 207:176, 2F5FA9B8_E446_4ABC_B28D_A….jpeg)

File: 2dafa0a4da8c613⋯.jpeg (184.35 KB, 828x1104, 3:4, E8D7DA33_1FE3_4E44_9887_D….jpeg)

File: 4aa34f54a8e9645⋯.jpeg (136.48 KB, 828x798, 138:133, D3A533B5_19EC_46B5_B643_1….jpeg)



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d43ad0  No.10916192


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cda7d1  No.10916193

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44cb93  No.10916194


Agree! She has no idea that she's being posted & being made fun of on a chan board. She thinks the shithead that took her pic is her friend. Remove the pics!

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11ab3e  No.10916195


>That's more a burgers thing.

Nobody used to think twice about fatty foods back in the day. In the old days it was common to put vinegar on fries. Vinegar helps to break down fats and lowers cholesterol. Not sure if that was realized or just coincidence.

Vinegarettes, pickled foods, sauerkraut and pickles are beneficial and that’s why we crave these things in our diet because it helps break down the fats.

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6b89b4  No.10916196

File: 6f4974b6483450f⋯.png (636.82 KB, 882x448, 63:32, hrc_smell.png)

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003336  No.10916197

File: bac86017e5ee66d⋯.jpg (162.22 KB, 396x526, 198:263, bac86017e5ee66d6a91c88e142….jpg)

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a8a7f3  No.10916198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Was Candy in the club, or was he killed because he wouldn't join?

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8aba70  No.10916199

File: 3e8c5e85d7fdf1e⋯.jpg (808.03 KB, 1080x2046, 180:341, Screenshot_20201004_075532….jpg)


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d43ad0  No.10916200


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e84290  No.10916201



I shoot puppies with a BB GUN too!



HER doggie cuddles my back in my bed every night..

Cat in the front and dog in the back..


I am a real meanie!

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136b57  No.10916202

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d90228  No.10916203

File: ccfe44bb560506d⋯.jpeg (96.98 KB, 828x798, 138:133, B72D5091_5A5C_4249_9B07_B….jpeg)

File: 694e6f1ec31d2c1⋯.jpeg (79.98 KB, 828x465, 276:155, 957226B7_A262_4EE5_B2C2_2….jpeg)

File: 47de5d971be04ee⋯.jpeg (181 KB, 828x744, 69:62, A6C8E6DD_6854_4CDC_A207_8….jpeg)

File: 7878f4665c97d46⋯.jpeg (123.79 KB, 828x529, 36:23, 2819CD3F_3B93_409E_AC9E_6….jpeg)

File: 4de3db2af8a73f3⋯.jpeg (60.24 KB, 828x464, 207:116, D0DE43BF_B68A_4F53_A213_0….jpeg)



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81cd77  No.10916204

>>10916143 Scared, trying to get ahead of what is coming. Not just PH, but all of them have a bad rep, for good reason. Married a Roth, and of course they are all as pure as the driven snow.

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d0c377  No.10916205

File: 2166c1310e4bc48⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 400x400, 1:1, tyTc1Nl_d.jpg)



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003336  No.10916206

File: 9ee3a7f1319956d⋯.jpg (81.72 KB, 640x760, 16:19, D2IjOTFXQAAy7_0.jpg)

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acd25b  No.10916207

File: 57cc96fd7c153be⋯.jpeg (90.81 KB, 954x536, 477:268, F0E79894_BDCD_4CE4_B1E0_5….jpeg)

I‘m puking right now.

It‘s all so obvious!


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6b89b4  No.10916208



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c5bc87  No.10916209

File: f0ce2311438989f⋯.png (170.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Pepe_notable_checker.png)

>>10916179 Nice pic anon



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cda7d1  No.10916210

Rick Grennell is a PATRIOT!!! Thank You Rick for serving your country!!!


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8ecef0  No.10916211


why was jfk murdered?

well he screwed over

the cubans, the mafia . the mic, the cia , the fed and he stole the election from the republicans

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feb232  No.10916212

File: 28d2aead9440eba⋯.mp4 (9.85 MB, 1930x1080, 193:108, MSNBC_border_wall_is_real_….mp4)


we just need the right sequence of events, and handling of them by MSM to flip the whole damn "blacks are Democrats" paradigm on it's ass..


I like the list.


here's the video to go with the:

>>10914231 (pb) MSNBC Finally Realizes Trump Really Has Built New Border Wall, Freaks Out

It's amazing how many people spout the "it's just replacing existing wall" MSM propaganda and never think to compare what the new and existing look like. It's like my new vehicle merely replaced my existing vehicle, without mentioning that they were a bicycle and a TR3B, respectively.

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0742c6  No.10916213

File: 15cc051a6d38715⋯.jpg (26.44 KB, 500x500, 1:1, TOP_KEK.jpg)

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582de8  No.10916214


Fuck they're (internet) re-playing Maria from two days ago.

sorry, frens. gotta watch it on the bewb tewb

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d43ad0  No.10916215



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f87dca  No.10916216

The only explanation you will ever need as to why you all THINK something is happening…when it isn't. Get familiar, because there is no "storm" coming.


Confirmation bias, the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs. This biased approach to decision making is largely unintentional and often results in ignoring inconsistent information. Existing beliefs can include one’s expectations in a given situation and predictions about a particular outcome. People are especially likely to process information to support their own beliefs when the issue is highly important or self-relevant.

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65a245  No.10916217


they were not sent there to be be physically, mentally and emotionally abused by grown adults.

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519a19  No.10916218


No, just real dumb.

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3bf272  No.10916219

File: 04281c631e94103⋯.jpeg (139.93 KB, 1015x416, 1015:416, 3B783449_3F42_4525_8414_0….jpeg)


Ha ha

You funny.

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0db489  No.10916220

notables bun @ 525

>>10916151 dat pepe naughty

>>10916180 duly noted. prior notes have been cleaned up already to focus on Qresearch related information.


>>10916161 Another “Not F* Around Coalition” Black Nationalist Fugitive Arrested for Negligent Discharge at Lafayette Armed March

>>10916042 Richard Grenell w/CAP: Hawaii is going crazy for @realDonaldTrump. Democrat states are pushing hard for flipping their state for Trump.

>>10916020, >>10916179 26 Now Infected In White House Covid Outbreak

>>10915993 Chinese chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) has had 'preliminary exchanges' with U.S. over export restrictions

>>10915914 (video) Trump Appears Free from Serious COVID Symptoms in Surprise Address from Walter Reed

>>10915843 10/4 @ 10:04 AM ET … Congressman Kevin McCarthy (member of Gang of Eight) on Fox News, reasserting that Obama, Biden, and Comey knew…

>>10915836 anon posits: Thinking about CF and Haiti, Black Pop WAKE UP, how much do we not know?. (lb) anon sez "black" lives matter.

>>10915823 Florida man busted for requesting absentee ballot for dead wife

>>10915786, >>10915889, >>10915943 planefag reporting. EYES ON

>>10915767 (embedded video) anon queries: Is POTUS on a ship?

>>10915668 renoting: USCIS Issues Policy Guidance Regarding Inadmissibility Based on Membership in a Totalitarian Party

>>10915754 renoting: Emails Leaked After 2016 Election Show Fired Ambassador To Ukraine Yovanovitch Worried About Press Of Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption

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2f774e  No.10916221

With recent disclosure of HRC/DNC 's Spring/Summer of 2016 plan to "Swift Boat' the Trump Campaign with false allegations of Russian Collusion and false claims of Russian hacking of DNC servers (with Crowdstrike planted fake Russian 'fingerprints' on DNC servers conveniently discovered by Crowdstrike), along with electronic proof that HRC emails were downloaded locally and not remotely hacked, the murder investigation of Seth Rich has been reopened by a special unit in the FBI according to two well-placed sources within the DoJ.

The murder of Seth Rich occurred on Sunday, July 10, 2016, at 4:20 a.m. in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Rich died more than an hour and a half after receiving two gunshot wounds to the back. Until recently, the murder was believed to be the results of a botched robbery attempt.


"Seymour Hersh Deposition filed October 2, 2020.


·6· · · · Q.· ·So in this portion of what the —

·7· ·your first source, it was — this was

·8· ·information that we just listened to.· This was

·9· ·information communicated to you by the first

10· ·source?

11· · · · A.· ·Could — I couldn’t — yes, Your

12· ·Honor.

13· · · · Q.· ·And in the information that was

14· ·communicated to you here, the information was

15· ·specifically that Seth Rich had shared this

16· ·drop box with friends of his.

17· · · · A.· ·That —

18· · · · · · ·MS. GOVERNSKI:· Objection.

19· · · · A.· ·That’s what I was told.”

“·MR. QUAINTON:· Would you read back

17· · · · the question that we had before?

18· · · · (The reporter read from the record as

19· · · · follows:· “It’s true that you had a

20· · · · trusted source whom you had known for 31

21· · · · years who communicated information to you

22· · · · about the FBI examining Seth Rich’s

23· · · · computer, finding emails from Seth Rich to

24· · · · WikiLeaks, and requesting payment in

25· · · · exchange.· That is a true statement, is it not?”)

·MS. GOVERNSKI:· Objection to that

·4· · · · question as well as to the — Mr.

·5· · · · Quainton’s intro into it.

·6· · · · A.· ·My — my answer is it’s absolutely

·7· ·true.· I had a source who communicated

·8· ·secondhand information to me about the issues

·9· ·you raise.”


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ed112e  No.10916222


oh freebs, I just retrieved their shit

wakes fixed it all

don't get confused naow

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861e3f  No.10916223


Most fucked up set of notes I ever barfed through. Did anons forget to cap the article or are we just fucking headline readers now? FFS

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5e091a  No.10916224

File: 985bc42df96045b⋯.png (187.96 KB, 502x342, 251:171, bigmike12.png)

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7f1cea  No.10916225

Will today be Biblical?

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cda7d1  No.10916226


Big Eared MotherFucker!!! Yea you Barry, you POFS. Get your fucking ass outta here Boi.

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d43ad0  No.10916227




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e84290  No.10916228

File: fce605447d362d5⋯.png (868.79 KB, 1466x501, 1466:501, ClipboardImage.png)


My animals have always been family!

I love them moar than most people even. kek

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d90228  No.10916229

File: 096cc34a8130a06⋯.jpeg (72.59 KB, 828x524, 207:131, 6AB9EF34_A7EC_4C0D_901B_6….jpeg)

File: 4c18835f914b1ce⋯.jpeg (233.28 KB, 828x1239, 276:413, 03B26480_9686_47C9_940A_4….jpeg)

File: 2ea1a78c604448f⋯.jpeg (37.58 KB, 522x330, 87:55, A2291CBD_4321_4701_97BF_E….jpeg)

File: 02493047e335be0⋯.jpeg (223.94 KB, 828x1395, 92:155, 96C3D425_B4DB_4E2A_9756_C….jpeg)

File: 2556bec30b47575⋯.jpeg (220.24 KB, 828x988, 207:247, D61CB991_1D53_48AE_869D_D….jpeg)



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6b89b4  No.10916230


Indeed. Very well done anon !

Very nice.


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10ab97  No.10916231

File: a39c91e2d3d8d44⋯.jpg (86.73 KB, 519x481, 519:481, balls.jpg)

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7e12bf  No.10916232


why do you think she was on drugs in the first place?

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6bbbee  No.10916233

Is Q+ lurking? Would be great to get another (you) from the boss man. Praying for a quick recovery as we all wish you the best! o7

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be851f  No.10916234



moar Anon froggy-finger typist typos:

Parents may be involved in the plan to save her, just like *WHEN ``wehn`` Paris was arrested and thrown in jail years back that the mocking bird media covered minute by minute.

probably *profiting off premium views

( typo) protiting

She is charging a premium link as well and is probably profiting ``protiting`` off the premium view.

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fe103b  No.10916235


that is a glorious steel wall, too!

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5f11ec  No.10916236


they should be.

the time for their clandestine drug running, guns running, black ops, espionage, and spying on the american citizenry is fucking over.

using their holier-than-thou/protecting everyone bullshit as cover to keep their illegal activities ongoing.

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69022a  No.10916237

File: c366b398cc2b1d9⋯.png (295.68 KB, 800x707, 800:707, rpcb.png)


Yet how does this Really make you feel?

ThanQ for trying to save us yet I am pretty sure that you are a bit too late. Save Yourself!

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8aba70  No.10916238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0db489  No.10916239


fixed formatting

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d90228  No.10916240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.10916241


DJT and the Q Team play w numbers.

So does the cult.

Anyone who thinks otherwise has not paid attention.

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aadb62  No.10916243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af20b5  No.10916244

File: 68774bc4fb31883⋯.png (509.34 KB, 800x600, 4:3, TRUMPBIDEN2.png)

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b13f8f  No.10916245


that's clearly robert trump

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bd9056  No.10916246

File: e9ccec51b13a122⋯.jpeg (351.52 KB, 1241x1732, 1241:1732, D8620AFA_80A1_4257_A8D8_1….jpeg)

I guess none these assholes understand the total chaos that would come, if the got their wish


Poll: 40% of Democrats ‘Happy’ Trump Contracted the Chinese Coronavirus

Hannah Bleau3 Oct 2020

Forty percent of Democrats are “happy” that President Trump contracted the Chinese coronavirus, according to a Morning Consult/Politico survey released on Friday — less than 24 hours from the official confirmation of his positive test results.

According to the survey, conducted among 905 registered voters Friday afternoon, two out of five Americans “said the word ‘surprised’ described them ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ well, while a similar share said the same of the word ‘worried.’”

However, the reactions differed significantly across party lines. While a majority, 55 percent, of Republicans described their emotions regarding the news as “sad,” only 24 percent of Democrats said the same.Moreover, 40 percent of Democrats described their emotions as “happy,” but only 14 percent of Republicans said the same. Forty-one percent of Democrats also described themselves as “indifferent.”

Additionally, 55 percent indicated that they do not trust the president to provide accurate updates on his health, although 44 percent said they trust White House physician Dr. Sean Conley to provide accurate updates.

Notably, the poll took place prior to the Friday evening update of Trump departing for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center “out of an abundance of caution.”

“President Trump remains in good spirits, has mild symptoms, and has been working throughout the day,” press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement.

“Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the president will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days,” she continued.

“President Trump appreciates the outpouring of support for both he and the first lady,” she added.

First lady Melania Trump is also experiencing mild symptoms but said on Friday that she is “overall feeling good.”

The Morning Consult survey also found that 49 percent of respondents indicating that they are “more worried” about the economy amid Trump’s diagnosis.

The survey’s margin of error is +/- three percent.

Conley provided an update late Friday stating that the president is “doing very well” and undergoing remdesivir therapy. On Saturday, doctors revealed that the president no longer has a fever and does not have difficulty breathing.

Trump reportedly told them, “I feel like I could walk out of here today.


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af8f8d  No.10916247


whoa, nice1, ty

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e84290  No.10916248


I am an open book..

Maybe that frightens you?

It is a shame more are not as open!

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6ce8c9  No.10916249

File: 5d26bfd25634bb9⋯.jpg (21.24 KB, 224x327, 224:327, 058a8a31e134aee9475abb27a6….jpg)

File: ab9aea71decdcda⋯.jpg (249.41 KB, 1500x986, 750:493, a234983aba9568ad7232411ee0….jpg)

File: ff41432e4a0f1b5⋯.jpg (54.48 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 805ea7b7c5f2f4864f457d3fb0….jpg)

File: b4f188145d906d4⋯.jpg (149.35 KB, 600x724, 150:181, 62e84d6791343a8862a2269133….jpg)

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10ab97  No.10916250

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB, 393x400, 393:400, pepe_oooh.png)

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d90228  No.10916251

File: fed1fc006411249⋯.jpeg (135.94 KB, 828x1223, 828:1223, 6EE52B76_03BC_4B03_AD73_E….jpeg)

File: 1bbb728a5f39ed4⋯.jpeg (190.88 KB, 828x528, 69:44, A659713C_1F9C_4511_AC3A_A….jpeg)

File: bd474540b9890af⋯.jpeg (130.47 KB, 828x1177, 828:1177, E076DB49_4F5B_4C1D_9EB3_0….jpeg)


Shut up, cunt.


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317c5e  No.10916252


That gold fringe on the flag means Admiralty law or Maritime law right? Why would that be flying in a hospital on land?

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e8f51f  No.10916253

File: 36854389e47ab4b⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 36854389e47ab4be7708f1f5af….jpg)

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fe103b  No.10916254


ty baker. this feels like last year all over again.

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0db489  No.10916255


meant to tag (you)



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dbe7b0  No.10916256

File: d3660e510a28b3f⋯.png (200.37 KB, 714x468, 119:78, 10_03_17_39_42.png)

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af8f8d  No.10916257

File: 3113647d9776fda⋯.png (491.71 KB, 786x525, 262:175, POTUS_homework.png)

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dd3bc1  No.10916258

File: dd429b925d93293⋯.jpeg (39.37 KB, 800x984, 100:123, unknown_1.jpeg)



I am not he

Tho that would bee



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816ddd  No.10916259

File: 77c1985e08a635b⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 1100x610, 110:61, kk22.jpg)


Deep Cover Sources Reveal Intelligence Information That Indicate Four Assassination Teams Have Been Dispatched to Take the Life of the President


anons should STOP speculating where potus is, because one of them might accidentally stumble onto the truth and put his life in danger.

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d43ad0  No.10916260


All the way down to his birth implies Trump's existence was prophesized.

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003336  No.10916261

File: 3e987bdd630db20⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 193x255, 193:255, d6ae5a29d3e943af0255a60939….jpg)

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cda7d1  No.10916262


Mr. President,

Thank You and get well soon. Please tell FLOTUS we love her!!!! We are praying for you both!!!



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f343eb  No.10916263


gravity wave fluctuations from space force carrier

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af8f8d  No.10916264

File: 3646c232ee30e31⋯.png (322.97 KB, 500x547, 500:547, say_no_to_cal_North_Caroli….png)

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d90228  No.10916265

File: 19a989eda55e0cd⋯.jpeg (190.82 KB, 828x817, 828:817, 7E14DB46_5C69_4F75_95AB_A….jpeg)

The punishment for treason



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24ff7b  No.10916266

File: 12c920eeb30cc12⋯.png (18.79 KB, 255x229, 255:229, 889a466a39f29b52d95c64b391….png)

File: 575faa9ae8747b4⋯.png (10.13 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 045927e7fac6e3d22a292c2b39….png)

File: 77aecd0a19ee8dd⋯.png (14.11 KB, 255x229, 255:229, f25bc3cc6be7fa5c4416d07260….png)

File: 75d43e88bcfdecf⋯.png (12.77 KB, 255x225, 17:15, daee2dabaaddeb87458d9c388a….png)

File: 2aacc6747318697⋯.png (14.93 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 19ffeb0e0733886b0e2123dd4f….png)

>>10914264 (lb)

>>10914348 (lb)

>5G; Do you want China modulating the frequencies, or America?

neither control the spectrum

see (pb) NOTABLED digs here

The controllers/regulators of the global EM field, the airs.


>>10858498 (pb)

>>10858563 (pb)

>>10858528 (pb)

The controllers/regulators of the global

"Here are the global princes of the airs









Recognise UN Sustainable Development Goals rainbow ring symbol"

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b377c5  No.10916267

File: bb7b7d2f5eb974b⋯.png (1.16 MB, 911x488, 911:488, Grenell_laser_eyes_dd_add.PNG)

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b13f8f  No.10916268


told "no" and she's still mad. made to regiment her days against her will. compelled to behave. and she's still mad, but she's alive because of it.

boot camp.

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af8f8d  No.10916269

File: 9bea8c16b97f62d⋯.png (456.22 KB, 663x768, 221:256, corp_donating_to_blm_1_poi….png)

File: 1ed307205680183⋯.png (36.05 KB, 619x699, 619:699, List_of_Companies_that_sup….png)

File: 3f3464da31a521e⋯.png (52.75 KB, 921x839, 921:839, List_of_Companies_that_sup….png)

File: b1da37f159f2de7⋯.png (75.92 KB, 643x848, 643:848, List_of_Companies_that_sup….png)

File: 0fe2f2108a12ee9⋯.png (13.61 KB, 495x332, 495:332, soros_blm_tax_payer_money.png)

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5e091a  No.10916270

File: 0052077e66315eb⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1255x697, 1255:697, funeralgodfather.png)

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bce722  No.10916271


It was sad because they took her only way of making a living away. I imagine she felt as good as gone so that’s why she snapped.

She was a pretty weird person and probably mental and could only make a living being weird on YouTube.

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cd95aa  No.10916272

File: 042a4c272e9532a⋯.png (601.63 KB, 816x610, 408:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01ff651b588e2d2⋯.png (6.35 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

McCabe refuses to testify via Zoom, in person only

One way to delay the inevitable


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164d94  No.10916274


More speculation = more possibilities = more confusion

Disinformation is necessary.

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2eb6e7  No.10916275


scissor me xerces

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6ce8c9  No.10916276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JFK - The Speech That Killed Him - About Secret Societies


Sep 11, 2016

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bd9056  No.10916277

Nolte: Alleged Hate Crime in Madison, WI, Exposed as Yet Another Hate Hoax

After an exhaustive investigation, authorities in Madison, WI, say there’s not enough evidence to prove four white men lit a biracial woman on fire.

According to investigators, she wasn’t even in the city when she says the attack happened.

Back in June, while the terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa were running wild toppling statues, hurling Molotov cocktails, and attacking a state senator in Madison, 18-year-old Althea Bernstein told police she was driving through a protest around 1:00 a.m. and stopped at a red light when she heard someone scream a racial slur. It was a gang of four white men, she claims, one of whom sprayed her with lighter fluid and then lit her on fire by throwing a lit lighter at her.

She says she drove off with her head on fire, put the fire out, and went to the hospital.

Harrowing stuff, except…

It didn’t happen.

Just like pretty much every hate crime we’ve read about these past few years, this one did not happen.

“A team of federal, state and local investigators probed the allegations as a possible hate crime,” reports the Associated Press. “On Friday, the U.S. attorney’s office in Madison issued a statement saying the investigation was closed without charges filed.”

The local police chief also released a statement that said detectives could not “locate evidence consistent with what was reported.”

Here’s what the investigation did find:

Video footage of Bernstein in Middleton, WI, just before 1:00 a.m.

Middleton is a 15-minute drive from Madison.

Video footage of Bernstein’s vehicle stopped only once with no one around the car, her window closed, and her car in the right lane, not in the left lane as she claimed.

Here’s what the investigation did not find:

There’s no footage of four white men matching her description.

An arson dog found no trace of anything incendiary in her car or at the scene.

There was no fire damage in the car.

The police did verify traces of lighter fluid on her shirt, and the hospital confirmed she was burned.

Naturally, because we now live in a country filled with sacred cows that relegates those of us who are not sacred cows to second class citizenry, Bernstein will not be charged with filing a false report, even though all the evidence and common sense say she did.

The story on its face was absurd.


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e84290  No.10916278



Have her on phone..

She is busting up..

You have no idea how wild this lady was/is.

She's forgotten more than we have when it comes to wild.

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8f3ad8  No.10916279

Son of a bitch


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cda7d1  No.10916280


Naval Doctors? Good damn question.

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ff579e  No.10916281

File: 68173dca59b847b⋯.png (550.76 KB, 588x796, 147:199, Paris.PNG)




Had a dream at least one third-generation billionaire trust fund baby in this timeline might just decide to rise up and flip the tables on all they know about with the evil fuckery.

Never thought it could be her though. Could she be maturing towards Liberty and Freedom?

Let's see how this plays out.

Paris, if you are reading this, read the details on theExecutive Order of 21 DEC 2017.

We need your help. If you agree, pose with self draped in the American Flag (no fringe).

Yes,you risk losing scores of so-called 90210 "friends" but you will gain the Love of millions.

A positive lifestyle change.

Make it so, you hot patriot, the left is too ugly a place for you.

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2c9eb0  No.10916283


Anyone who was awake to the matrix back then probably avoided Cicada. Not knowing who was on the other side if you proved to be a smart one, who knows where some of those players are now.

Ever consider that some video games are from the 3 letter agencies ?

Real war zone layouts - let the public play and observe which strategies have what outcomes?

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8aba70  No.10916284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d90228  No.10916285

File: beb5a3932bc5732⋯.jpeg (104.09 KB, 600x822, 100:137, C8D883FC_D9B4_4E22_ADF0_5….jpeg)

File: 2b897acb31eecd5⋯.png (5.12 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 411A0CC3_91E3_42D6_AC18_D0….png)

File: 29017371ecc4347⋯.jpeg (234.21 KB, 828x551, 828:551, 03C2AA88_9868_4B1F_9518_E….jpeg)

File: f0467fce69954a2⋯.jpeg (140.85 KB, 828x797, 828:797, 405C18B3_A193_4F61_95FE_D….jpeg)

File: 8bcc4a7e4c370da⋯.jpeg (130.94 KB, 740x464, 185:116, 6420405F_4F4C_4BB7_88C2_9….jpeg)

The old ones are moribund


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b49e53  No.10916286


KeK - now you're waking up my sunday sci-fi.

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c5bc87  No.10916287

File: fc24a06487d6bbf⋯.png (271.26 KB, 618x567, 206:189, Q_post_Mask.png)

File: 59f5f3501d543c9⋯.png (26.4 KB, 694x265, 694:265, Zeke_Vaccine.png)




It's time to end the horror show.

It's time to stand [lead by example].

Enough have seen [domino effect].

[note: who wears a mask and who does not]


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680ebc  No.10916288

File: 3f3ae60272dc873⋯.jpeg (354.64 KB, 750x621, 250:207, 2ED3BE89_BC29_4B69_9279_3….jpeg)

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dc7774  No.10916289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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816ddd  No.10916290


>More speculation = more possibilities = more confusion (You)


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946531  No.10916291

media muhMatters howie describes orange man bad RISKY BEHAVIOR for the exposure to the RONA

if only he would've stuck to howie / drFRAUD risky tinder GRINdR sex

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bae7c2  No.10916292

File: 16bcc5f4decc4dc⋯.png (765.2 KB, 932x605, 932:605, Lewis_Black_Power.png)

File: bfc8fde9bcddca7⋯.jpg (133.65 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Lewis_BLM.jpg)

File: 0594bb8156f155b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1083x1036, 1083:1036, Lewis_Breonna.png)


>have become irredeemably cucked

Cabal fucked everything up.

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18c851  No.10916293

File: 96782efe01c5cc2⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 1141x209, 1141:209, D1infowar.JPG)

Deep state hit piece

The Week QAnon Became Everyone’s Problem - The conspiracy theory-based movement poses a different type of terrorist threat.

Many reports describe it as fringe, but while QAnon started on the fringes, it now has millions of followers, presidential validation, and widespread media coverage.

Jihadists and white nationalists use the internet in similar ways: organizing, recruiting, spreading information, and encouraging self-starters. Here there’s some overlap with QAnon. Like white nationalists, QAnon is a diffuse, leaderless movement.

If Trump loses, or it looks like he’s losing, some might follow their conspiracy theory to the conclusion that evil is winning and they have to try to stop it with force.

Again, the dangerous subset need not be large. Given the size of the QAnon community, a quarter of one percent taking the violent implications seriously means at least a few thousand potential threats that could become more active around election time. Dangers include armed intimidation at polling places the day of the vote, and of electoral or judicial officials in the event of a contested result. Some may turn to violence, attacking individuals and locations they believe are involved in the conspiracy, seeing it as a last-ditch effort to “save the children.”

f Trump starts tweeting things like “RIGGED! They’re trying to take your country. Don’t let them! THIS IS IT! Second Amendment!” — let alone if he uses QAnon lingo like “the Storm is upon us” — there’s a risk that some violence-embracing QAnon followers decide to act. And if some do, it could encourage others.

Maybe I’m wrong, and the election will pass without self-starter terrorism connected to QAnon, white nationalism, or other far-right ideologies. I hope so. But the probability is far enough from zero that counter-terrorism and law enforcement should make it a top priority, at least until the results of the election settle in


Defense One is produced by Government Executive Media Group a subsidiary of Atlantic Media.

Government Executive covers the business of the federal government and its huge departments and agencies.



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be851f  No.10916294



watch and listen as an Anon

then you tell me if this is PR to save her ahead of any hugely negative shit coming out with her ties to Epstein Island pedo shit

and add in the tweet from her dad being "concerned" "we can't reach you."

If she comes up dead, suicide weekend?

Or she knows shit is about tho hit the fan and all out effort to make her sympathetic is a brewing?

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680ebc  No.10916295

File: 3bd254b3e0d0a59⋯.jpeg (436.71 KB, 644x769, 644:769, 3A2E7865_F2AC_43DA_B28E_B….jpeg)

File: 483f8a95cb39c1b⋯.jpeg (27.81 KB, 640x472, 80:59, 9261BF43_46D1_4E64_AEDC_E….jpeg)

File: 246e1610773c190⋯.jpeg (409.32 KB, 750x636, 125:106, 998E621D_86FD_44FD_85AB_B….jpeg)

File: 3f076e9f03d03d2⋯.jpeg (325.47 KB, 540x623, 540:623, CEDFD451_8DF1_4B15_BFB5_A….jpeg)

File: d242e5bea0e1030⋯.jpeg (559.51 KB, 750x742, 375:371, 89455EE9_842B_4B23_B3D0_8….jpeg)


>my wife’s boyfriend

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136b57  No.10916296


>Sorry about the bag of dicks. It just kinda habben.

Send apologies to old woman.


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e84290  No.10916297


She does not have email, fb, twitter, etc. so I can send it.

She wants me to print it out for her!


She is so fun…

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fab023  No.10916298


Noice garphic anon! Compelling.

Ok, see (4) mask-wearers.

Also plenty right behind without masks, but not reported to be ill yet.

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de2da8  No.10916299





Norfolk, VA

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d90228  No.10916300

File: 8a9200563b52dfa⋯.jpeg (34.17 KB, 266x484, 133:242, 057D6887_1DA2_4C3A_ABD0_F….jpeg)


East shit and bark at the moon.


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af8f8d  No.10916301

be careful predictions, rumor, lying shills

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164d94  No.10916302


Good thing open source is open source.

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f343eb  No.10916303


muzzies be gone. 'refugees' go home.

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e84290  No.10916304


YOu have NO IDEA!

That is what cracked her up..

Am reading this to her now and she says NP.

"KIDS"! she says…

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b377c5  No.10916305


muh career was financed by McLaren starting at age 10

>continues to use the "poor boy from Stevanage" line

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dc7774  No.10916306


>Cabal fucked everything up

that's because the head of the snake has already been severed

we're just watching the blind lead the blind at this point.

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8c0999  No.10916307


Can a plane fag help explain what this means lol

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5f11ec  No.10916308


he also wanted israel to end their nuke program.

ben gurion didn't take kindly to it.

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ec4680  No.10916309

File: c2366a7f8edba5e⋯.png (143.72 KB, 361x358, 361:358, spartacus1.png)


fugging nice!

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fab023  No.10916310

File: 6d5c03b91929cf4⋯.png (918.41 KB, 907x670, 907:670, halloween_candy_chute.png)

NPR pushing more fear-porn and child trauma today, just heard a bit on the:

Halloween Candy Chute (pic related)

Guess Bezos is selling them on his site.

PVC tubes (what about muh environment?).

That and 'zip lines for candy'.

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d9532f  No.10916311


Early on in the outbreak, there was vid of woman in a park wiping her snotrag on the bench, so YES is the answer.

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2bab23  No.10916312

File: c6ecea095635e10⋯.png (508.98 KB, 505x501, 505:501, hillary_night_nurse.PNG)

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acd25b  No.10916313

File: 83623112560dc38⋯.mp4 (427.39 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_6816.mp4)

On the Front Lines

Every time you log onto a system or network at home or at work, you are on the front lines of the cyber battlespace. Do your part. #BeCyberSmart.


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7d9b62  No.10916314


no worries, thx for the work.



tanks for workin' overtime, u da best.

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136b57  No.10916315



Gen X is not kids.

So rude!


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be851f  No.10916316

File: 172c1eeb1cc30df⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 240x160, 3:2, download_9_.jpg)



We're coming for you bigots.

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a731bb  No.10916317


It's all just preaching to the choir though. We know this shit. It's been discussed for over 3 years now. Get pissed all he wants, but without justice it means nothing. Time to shit or get off the pot. Stop talking and start doing.

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bc6887  No.10916318

File: 02fb57924c5ec2f⋯.png (350.96 KB, 384x384, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8aba70  No.10916319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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896131  No.10916320


I watched her documentary last night.

Had a couple 17's in it.

It already has over 13 million views and its only been out for a couple weeks.

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6990be  No.10916321

File: f2f46e9bc138b6b⋯.jpg (48 KB, 381x427, 381:427, He_Got_the_Rona.jpg)


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f38acf  No.10916322

File: 5fac72a44826c90⋯.png (513.8 KB, 516x415, 516:415, CHLukeComfy.PNG)


Jews still suck

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d90228  No.10916323

File: 517f37d084f9dab⋯.jpeg (230.47 KB, 828x1268, 207:317, 7E03C2F8_88F6_4A29_82E1_9….jpeg)

File: 5ea98862fa22a4a⋯.jpeg (214.79 KB, 828x603, 92:67, 630F7D4C_7C9A_47D8_BF20_3….jpeg)

File: 97563695a6da265⋯.jpeg (242.26 KB, 828x1076, 207:269, C0073FDB_7A2F_4FDB_AB27_B….jpeg)

File: 54d890bc91b850d⋯.jpeg (183.34 KB, 828x463, 828:463, CEAD5182_CF75_4315_95DC_E….jpeg)

Fucking pirAtes

Get off our ship


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896131  No.10916324

File: b7ba7c1422d1044⋯.jpg (189.88 KB, 970x546, 485:273, nfl_logo_national_faggotry….jpg)

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164d94  No.10916325


Boomers perving on Gen Xers. Execute those pedos!!

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2f59a6  No.10916326


Listen, fat..

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95d8d3  No.10916327

Behind The Badge: Bernie Interviews Lin Wood on Rittenhouse and McCloskey Matters https://soundcloud.com/frontpageindex/behind-the-badge-bernie-interviews-lin-wood-on-rittenhouse-and-mccloskey-matters-full-segment?ref=twitter

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c8ccad  No.10916328

File: 2074ea7c1fb4b2e⋯.jpeg (89.13 KB, 665x659, 665:659, 2F044CF3_88E0_4372_9A0F_C….jpeg)


As a former Catholic, this is news to me!

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34ca34  No.10916329


most ladies appear to either have no purse or a small purse, save the lady, no mask, in the second row.

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af8f8d  No.10916330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'#WalkAway #WalkAwayCampaign Why I left the left'


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f4eac8  No.10916331

File: 7ed92892a4ab8e4⋯.png (4.18 MB, 3428x1956, 857:489, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)

Stallion is on the move

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fe103b  No.10916332


it's ok. genxer's are invisible anyway. nobody will notice

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8f3ad8  No.10916333


What a faggot, I got a feeling he will exit early

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04cc3f  No.10916334


The Covid is a result because of them.

Blaming each other is what strengthens their control.

The right way is to know who is to blame even when fear drives you.

The timing that Covid happened is not a coincidence.

What happened?

Targeted Individuals = Brain Control (How many people committed suicide)

Covid (How many people died)

Mandela Effect = Time manipulation

What damage happened in the timeline? Are people aware of the timeline damage? Do they really know how severe the damage is?

Hiding the truth is our downside.

What did we do? We blamed each other!

Who caused it? Hint, think space …

This is what they want. Blindness to their evil = irresponsibility

Irresponsibility = continued control

Who invented the religion?

Hiding the truth is our downside.

What happened to the Jews during the Holocaust?

What's happening today?

This is what they want! (separation)

There is no war here between good and evil they are the evil. And the world needs to know about it.

They are pure evil!

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6ce8c9  No.10916335

File: e2c15076f9bbe4c⋯.png (125.95 KB, 450x210, 15:7, Screenshot_from_2020_10_04….png)

File: 902ffe10979bd59⋯.png (242.47 KB, 1215x610, 243:122, Screenshot_from_2020_10_04….png)


Elvis was supposed to be in concert in Portland Maine the day after he died

Concert date wasAugust 17

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cd3c50  No.10916336


Thanks for the encouragement. I’m seriously considering it.

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b047d0  No.10916337



that shit is getting annoying.

Here for the news and annoying enough to try and filter through the garbage in the thread, shouldn't have to do it with the notables.

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da50de  No.10916338


well he wouldnt even need to do the rallys if durham fckn did his job!


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e8f51f  No.10916339

File: 2a1fcc0f46c3ffe⋯.jpg (105.26 KB, 1080x561, 360:187, 20201004_080941.jpg)


Games were a military invention, I thought…

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be851f  No.10916340

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5a4f2c  No.10916341


all the peole who died of AIDS will haunt you in your dreams if you don't change your ways, your subhuman turncoats against what it really means to love men.

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a3e377  No.10916342


26 is impossible but from high concentration aerosol - all tested negative before entering and even if one shedding it is impossible to infect that many in that time-frame. This was an attack with an aersolized version of covid.

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39ac33  No.10916343


Holy shit, that Pepe looks like he's actually saying what you wrote.

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6b89b4  No.10916344

File: 8d153e9f73187d8⋯.jpg (68.53 KB, 772x384, 193:96, fauci_penquin.jpg)


You are a demented fuck Fauci.

Now leave this board !

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dc7774  No.10916345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>My wife's boyfriend

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164d94  No.10916346

File: c4e6519fcb60ac2⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, raf_750x1000_075_t_fafafa_….jpg)



So true. Kek.

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361d21  No.10916347


Nice jacket for a potato

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d5822e  No.10916348


Imagine they get paid a nickel a tap for shit like that!!

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f38acf  No.10916349


I think one has to be dumb as a rock to belong to the Catholic Religion.

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0db489  No.10916350

notables bun @ 650

>>10916314 o7

anons guud now? bredz moov'n n kitchen's comfy.


>>10916161 Another “Not F'ing Around Coalition” Black Nationalist Fugitive Arrested for Negligent Discharge at Lafayette Armed March

>>10916042 Richard Grenell w/CAP: Hawaii is going crazy for @realDonaldTrump. Democrat states are pushing hard for flipping their state for Trump.

>>10916020, >>10916179 26 Now Infected In White House Covid Outbreak

>>10915993 Chinese chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) has had 'preliminary exchanges' with U.S. over export restrictions

>>10915914 (video) Trump Appears Free from Serious COVID Symptoms in Surprise Address from Walter Reed

>>10915843 10/4 @ 10:04 AM ET … Congressman Kevin McCarthy (member of Gang of Eight) on Fox News, reasserting that Obama, Biden, and Comey knew…

>>10915836 anon posits: Thinking about CF and Haiti, Black Pop WAKE UP, how much do we not know?. (lb) anon sez "black" lives matter.

>>10915823 Florida man busted for requesting absentee ballot for dead wife

>>10915786, >>10915889, >>10915943, >>10916331 planefag reporting. EYES ON

>>10915767 (embedded video) anon queries: Is POTUS on a ship?

>>10915668 renoting: USCIS Issues Policy Guidance Regarding Inadmissibility Based on Membership in a Totalitarian Party

>>10915754 renoting: Emails Leaked After 2016 Election Show Fired Ambassador To Ukraine Yovanovitch Worried About Press Of Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption

Baking in a bit

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797796  No.10916351


The feels. Take me back.

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cd3c50  No.10916352


Anons are HOT

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69022a  No.10916353

File: 6ef4be86f6c4ecc⋯.png (424.5 KB, 580x1828, 145:457, Q_4799.png)

File: 1e5b26f4ce18b35⋯.png (480.9 KB, 800x922, 400:461, Q_4799b.png)

Q DROP #4799

!!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 376386 No.10864489

Sep 30 2020 22:52:42 (EST) NEW

Anonymous ID: 39774c No.10864305

Sep 30 2020 22:43:23 (EST) NEW


Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns

With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET

ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China.

He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates

and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.

“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who,

as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.

But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as

about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry

about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.

Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism.

In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief

allies and delighted his chief critics.

Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already

been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has

called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


Yet you tried to avoid this story SO HARD!

Who Kek's last, faggots?

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d9532f  No.10916354


army of the twelve monkeys

predictive programming

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8aba70  No.10916355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sundays only mean one thing…

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be851f  No.10916356

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d90228  No.10916357

File: c69baf87cf5d230⋯.jpeg (66.78 KB, 828x682, 414:341, ACC5F31A_FD54_4092_A3D9_2….jpeg)

ChI-CoMM traitors nationwide

Are to be dragged out of

Bed in the dead of night

ALL are known


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c5bc87  No.10916358

File: f5eaa0936a242d3⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 4h7gcs.jpg)

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000000  No.10916359

>>10916259, >>10916274

Let's put this to rest.

The POTUS is at my place.

He is in the kitchen now.

He said that he wants to learn to bake.

I told him that goes along w a lot of drama.

He turned, and w a giant grin said, "WWG1WGA!"

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2f59a6  No.10916360


I would like a Ferrari… when everything is


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3bf272  No.10916361


You really believe what you just said?

Oh the humanity.

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af8f8d  No.10916362

File: c6dbe0816d89501⋯.png (80.53 KB, 800x600, 4:3, universal_church.png)

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ab7f96  No.10916363

File: f34a43a879b6ac7⋯.jpeg (268.91 KB, 750x685, 150:137, 99A54698_6512_427C_AC6D_C….jpeg)

File: eec30675d67a200⋯.jpeg (602.09 KB, 689x989, 689:989, AA187B77_957A_45AD_8611_A….jpeg)

File: 94e8ac463064cb5⋯.jpeg (179.83 KB, 527x458, 527:458, 258A1BD8_9490_411C_B3E9_7….jpeg)

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d76dde  No.10916364

File: 349316a22f62f79⋯.png (3.47 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 058EF857_CB4C_4007_A691_1A….png)

File: 152aa01c8e1e38d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, BA013A14_9CE7_42D2_9F92_DD….png)

File: 9e07514f2b363bc⋯.png (4.92 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 9B027C67_68EC_4735_B433_FB….png)

File: e27f0fb308837e1⋯.jpeg (299.83 KB, 1491x1399, 1491:1399, FD1AF96A_4802_4B5D_88E8_6….jpeg)

File: d44a599156e5e81⋯.png (1.83 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, EBA64D93_E373_4264_938A_E0….png)

Ok. It’s ugly but look at the info. Or not…

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b377c5  No.10916365

File: 2d60281f73bbed0⋯.png (140.13 KB, 492x475, 492:475, pepelvis.png)


interdasting if anything else

nice connection to departure (close to)

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dd3bc1  No.10916366

File: dc357bfb26db939⋯.png (434.87 KB, 720x574, 360:287, dc357bfb26db9390b5dda6436c….png)


I know that everybody's hoping that hillary gets arrested tomorrow (for good reason obviously of course), but i really just can't help but wonder if the recent covid outbreak at the white house is actually a spiritual attack from the vatican upon america (with china as puppetmaster and francis as the puppet). I really think that mike pompeo needs to hire a crack team of spanish speakers to hunt down the latino vatican spanish-speaking botnet on twitter. I know i sound like a schizo, but think about it. Southern california has been fucked to pieces by mexico and every country south of it specifically because of this communications failure.

>key, keystone, unlocks the map etc


How do we convince italians to raid the vatican? Can we give every priest in the vatican covid like they just gave the entire white house covid? All options are on the table.

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0a0c16  No.10916367

File: 82989b7138f7d34⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB, 768x432, 16:9, nunes.mp4)

File: 9944334fd75154d⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 623x600, 623:600, nunes_marie.jpg)


>Anons, find the clip of Nunes on Maria's show this morning and share it across all platforms. This is HUGE for waking up the country, the world.







9:49 AM · Oct 4, 2020

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582de8  No.10916369

File: fea8d56c2a993d5⋯.png (40.92 KB, 748x656, 187:164, ClipboardImage.png)





9:40 AM · Oct 4, 2020·TweetDeck


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04cc3f  No.10916370


Maybe he wanted to tell the world something after announcing the space program.

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d0c377  No.10916371


A Christian should technically be neutral and not have allegiance to no country. They should serve God above all human authorities.

But since Catholics are not Christians…it's all fine.

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69022a  No.10916372

File: 7c08265a0c874f7⋯.jpg (308.2 KB, 1553x903, 1553:903, its_going_to_be_biblical.jpg)


I nom'ed one, guess you didn't "See" it. kek

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bc6887  No.10916373

File: cec50b65d826cfa⋯.jpg (246.79 KB, 720x720, 1:1, HELL_NO_WE_WONT_JOE.jpg)

File: b9f67bd221e43c1⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 484x480, 121:120, JOE_JONESING.jpg)


So is it going to be that mean Trump infects martyr Joe on purpose cuz afraid to lose so everyone go vote Harris/Clinton to retake the throne?

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ea8e30  No.10916374


Interdasting digits.

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164d94  No.10916375


So many born into a brainwashed cult. They aren't allowed to question the orthodoxy or dogma. The Catholics have perfected adherence to dogma through spiritual and physical punishment.


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bd9056  No.10916376

File: 1e5202df52bf76f⋯.jpeg (365.16 KB, 1241x1584, 1241:1584, 76CFA27D_8EEE_4E4B_9971_F….jpeg)

The Professor has a funny sense of humor. MAGA Powers! Top Kek


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dbe7b0  No.10916377

File: 539eeb8745010c8⋯.png (545.24 KB, 625x884, 625:884, 10_04_11_12_00.png)

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d43ad0  No.10916378


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b75a09  No.10916379

File: 3987c64a3ad1d38⋯.jpg (96.31 KB, 600x429, 200:143, POPE_IGNORING_PERSECUTION.jpg)

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003336  No.10916380

File: b8efbd109b7f723⋯.png (23.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 488d098425f3a6da2b4d8420a5….png)

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8aba70  No.10916381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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003336  No.10916382

File: 758a7db92acb751⋯.jpg (174.97 KB, 710x739, 710:739, 758a7db92acb75101ec41959b6….jpg)

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6b89b4  No.10916383


Would just as productive to

Find Customer Service

and then go to Helen Waite.

That is not to say that your justifiable point eludes me.

I spent half the night fighting with the kitchen klowns myself.

That has passed, take a deep breath. . . .

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d9532f  No.10916384


its beautiful , man !

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6cf303  No.10916385


kek (hattip)

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fab023  No.10916386


>most ladies appear to either have no purse or a small purse..

Ya, think a "clutch" type thing, think that's what it's called, is standard fare for these sort of events.

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e9144d  No.10916387


That Pepe was created for that specific post many years ago, don't ask me how, that's just the way it works around here.

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0a0c16  No.10916388


>"maybe it's time to shut [the fbi, cia] agencies down" —Nunes

see >>10916367

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c77717  No.10916389

Happy Fourth of October!

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7e12bf  No.10916390



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ed112e  No.10916391

File: 0929496f5030be9⋯.png (239.27 KB, 235x427, 235:427, aebcba3d5eca9eb8fddc2a3026….png)


habby to lend a hand

got some tricks n rings might help

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be851f  No.10916392

File: 9ab0fdca853d9fd⋯.jpg (21.49 KB, 400x400, 1:1, xAaxiKrI_400x400.jpg)








parents sad she is not responding

hatching a PR setup


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009251  No.10916393


COf caine causes lesions in the hearrtmuscle from the first timeits used…we startednoticingits effectsin late 80’s when young men were coming in fer stints…

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d43ad0  No.10916394


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d974b1  No.10916395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No such thing as satanic pedophiles they said…

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5f11ec  No.10916396


not rainfag but freemasons don't have the same oath to the us constitution either.


from the sauce…

In fact initiates in at least some forms of Freemasonry are still required to take the “Oath of Nimrod” even today. The Spring 2006 issue of Freemasonry Today (a Masonic publication) tells us that the Oath of Nimrod is part of the initiation process for the “indentured apprentice”…..


The candidate is led into the Lodge by the Deacons, and after prayer, is investigated prior to taking the initiatory oath called the ‘Oath of Nimrod’. Nimrod, of course, the grandson of Noah, is mentioned in the ‘Old Charges’ as a teacher of the masonic craft and the architect of many great cities in Mesopotamia. The working tools are explained, the Ancient Charges (c.1663) and modes of recognition are communicated, and a pale blue cord is placed around his neck. The ceremony of closing the Assemblage is completed with prayer and a ‘seven-fold salute’ to The Most High.


In his book entitled “The Arcana Of Freemasonry“ir.gif, Freemason scholar Albert Churchwood traces the origins and development of Freemasonry from ancient Egypt to the present day. In the book Churchwood actually includes the text of the “Oath of Nimrod” which new initiates must take…..


Oath of Nimrod

Apprentice Degree (1st).

I, ___, do in the presence of El Shaddai and of this Worshipful Assembly of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers, promise and declare that I will not at any time hereafter, by any act or circumstance whatsoever, directly or indirectly, write, print, cut, mark, publish, discover, reveal, or make known, any part or parts of the Trade secrets, privileges, or counsells of the Worshipful Fraternity or Fellowship of Free Masonry, which I may have known at any time, or at any time hereafter shall be made known unto me.

The penalty for breaking this great oath shall be the loss of my life.

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164d94  No.10916397


Well he'd better hurry because we're having toasted marshmallows at a campfire at my place this evening. Dan is already here with a team inspecting the firewood for POTUS's safety. Don't spoil his dinner!

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c4cdca  No.10916398

This is to every traitor, turncoat, evil piece of shit left out there.

“Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid.” The next time you are about to lie, or participate in a lie, consider whether you are willing to pay the debt from the lie in the future.

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e84290  No.10916399



Hide behind the coattails of those of us NOT AFRAID TO BE ANNOUNCED and we'll protect you anyway.

IF everyone here said who they were and summarized their weapons cache..

Imagine the liberal meltdown…



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10ab97  No.10916400

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5ea4ea  No.10916401

File: 4c85d1f756364d8⋯.jpeg (101.56 KB, 1024x831, 1024:831, 972F7ABA_88A5_45C9_AE3D_0….jpeg)


And this?

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d90228  No.10916402

File: 590593568463add⋯.jpeg (43.19 KB, 600x177, 200:59, 3DF00611_7B12_4D4E_BFE4_D….jpeg)

File: 773f7ec282a3d8c⋯.jpeg (46.06 KB, 600x311, 600:311, 2BEC78C2_2794_49CF_B1BE_6….jpeg)

File: cddd12026c5c663⋯.jpeg (15.61 KB, 415x276, 415:276, C7C73882_1F21_48DD_B2E0_5….jpeg)

File: bbfd8d194a8041f⋯.jpeg (103.68 KB, 605x340, 121:68, 7697AB82_AB74_4C71_9234_6….jpeg)

File: b9c2b336efb5222⋯.jpeg (598.67 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 224EED5F_118B_4B02_8760_6….jpeg)

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b75a09  No.10916403

File: db75515733a3f67⋯.jpg (158.15 KB, 792x692, 198:173, Jonathan_Turley.jpg)

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c8ccad  No.10916404

File: 688a8784edeb60d⋯.jpeg (73.58 KB, 570x380, 3:2, D1122B0D_FF4D_4EE6_8FEA_7….jpeg)

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d974b1  No.10916405

File: 4c99accb89e1b31⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1630x1666, 815:833, savethechildrens.png)


Pic related

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96af10  No.10916406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

great vid

RED ALERT: Are the President's Enemies Preparing a COUP?

71,656 views•Oct 3, 2020


Richard H. Black, Colonel U.S. Army (ret.), and former Chief, Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General, the Pentagon, is sounding the alarm that a potential COUP utilizing the military to remove Donald J. Trump from the White House may be in the works if there is a contested election in which Joe Biden is ordained the winner through endless mail-in ballot counting or other trickery. Harley Schlanger also joins us for this discussion.

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003336  No.10916407

File: 0c6290fb1bbcfaa⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 960x736, 30:23, 0c6290fb1bbcfaa21a3a110696….jpg)

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05c43c  No.10916408



If it appears that Trump has Died

from Remdesivir, no one will ever want

to use it !

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2eb6e7  No.10916409

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bd9056  No.10916410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10916376. The clip Turley posted

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04cc3f  No.10916412


Secret Societies = MJ12

What they know?

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8e47f7  No.10916413

File: 1a166574faf15fd⋯.jpg (106.56 KB, 650x360, 65:36, die_hard_party.jpg)


BC they don't have TIME to think for themselves

you must be new here

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69022a  No.10916414

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB, 760x1145, 152:229, Q_1002_VATICAN_NSA.png)


Crazy Talk, Anon!

Crazy Talk!

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d0c377  No.10916415


It's real, you are the virus.

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014ebb  No.10916416


Wake. Up.

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0742c6  No.10916417


Truth anon. The Framers didn't say we all had to be normal, just free.

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de2da8  No.10916418

In the midst of the recent so-called "outbreak", 24 Republicans have contracted Covid-19 and zero top-level Democrats have contracted the same pathogen.

Now depending on how one organizes the data, I found odds varying between 7 million to one and 168 million to one that the exclusive spread of Covid is due to chance. Regardless of how one defines the variables, this is still an extreme statistical improbability.


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b14bb9  No.10916419

File: 5be0c09649bdcdf⋯.png (140.45 KB, 296x1471, 296:1471, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Spac….png)

File: 495c98cc5f29cf6⋯.png (567.82 KB, 667x1032, 667:1032, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Spac….png)

File: 5db7eca26767fff⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1616x482, 808:241, Screenshot_2020_10_04_shm_….png)

File: 2849977dc6f1062⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 430x243, 430:243, schumanncomfy.jpg)

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2f59a6  No.10916420


Don’t you watch the most trusted name

in news?

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be851f  No.10916421




Paris Hilton


This petition is the first step towards change!

Click link in bio to support all the survivors by signing it!



Los Angeles, CAchange.org/shutdownprovoJoined March 2009

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6ce8c9  No.10916423

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8aba70  No.10916424


I don't know how I feel about her story…

It just sounds like her parents sent her to one of those weird wilderness schools for misbehaved rich teens who are hard-core into drugs up in Utah.

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bae7c2  No.10916425


Photo credit: Politico

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d0c377  No.10916427



Texting and driving.

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6990be  No.10916428

File: be87859eb26c591⋯.jpg (119.72 KB, 800x449, 800:449, LURK_MOAR.jpg)


NewFags fall for the bait.

They've done studies you know. It works 60% of the time…Everytime.

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fe103b  No.10916429


5:5. That was more for the record. These douchbags complain about the kitchen but then act like super retardo shills.

Then they go an use shillmemes? not buying it.

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d5822e  No.10916432


Why would you think she's 'getting no traction'?

She's the top-watched Sunday morn show on cable…By FAR the top watched!

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7d9b62  No.10916433

File: 4b6175cea962674⋯.png (67.98 KB, 263x380, 263:380, smores_for_breakfast.png)

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d90228  No.10916434

File: d464205b589c369⋯.jpeg (56.97 KB, 343x493, 343:493, 3160F716_EE4C_4201_BFC7_A….jpeg)

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81cd77  No.10916435

>>10916418 kek winning

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d43ad0  No.10916437


The Left is already terrified. That's why they're always trying to frantically jump ahead of the narrative. Fear isn't going to keep them in check. They're already frightened. They're begging for the silence to end because they can't take it anymore. "Silence is violence." They fear the silent majority. If you give them an object (yourself) to fear, you will have dispelled our weapon.

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cd3c50  No.10916438


That’s so hot.

Drop your name and address here and a picture of your self looking hot.

I’ll have one delivered.

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c8ccad  No.10916439

File: 540024b1ed27d45⋯.jpeg (94.3 KB, 736x922, 368:461, 8B8A783C_F8A3_4BC5_848A_2….jpeg)

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be851f  No.10916440








she was already mis behaving

you need to listen

she is BORN into IT

they just don't wnat us knowing

boo hoo story

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d5822e  No.10916442


Proper dispensation of hyena media

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d43ad0  No.10916443


I don't know anybody that isn't believing the virus. other than me.

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896131  No.10916444

File: f892b4fc066d635⋯.png (7.97 MB, 2544x1707, 848:569, ClipboardImage.png)


One way or another, we gonna find out

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348ab6  No.10916445



YELLOW Sig like POTUS' chairs.

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6b89b4  No.10916446


[They] thought you would follow the stars.

Evidently [they] were correct.

Where is my "Shill B Gone"?

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2f59a6  No.10916447


Awesome! Thanks! Woohoo!

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003336  No.10916448

File: 5602478c20b679f⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 191x255, 191:255, c23b0bf0b560dbbaf0aa5f3cc4….jpg)

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e84290  No.10916449



You wish!

Been awake since Vietnam…

I knew Obama was shit before it was cool…

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0db489  No.10916450

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Moar Of Sunday's Best Ahead





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5a4f2c  No.10916455


no one thinks those men really posted this.

they know it's a one such as you.

real gay men don't wish strong handsome men dead. they love people.

they want eveyrone to get along.

they've been shunned and shut out their wholes lives, survivors, and watched scores of their friends die.

they don't want to spread the pain.

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0a0c16  No.10916456

File: 5da397b86d3520c⋯.png (296.64 KB, 591x578, 591:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0631ab739478a8b⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB, 768x432, 16:9, grennell_on_maria.mp4)



Patriot Transition Voice🇺🇲 #Transition2Greatness





@RichardGrenell on the importance of releasing documents…

Vid Clips by


10:04 AM · Oct 4, 2020

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