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/qrmemes/ - QResearch Meme Garage

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File: 21d04b6f663ff12⋯.jpg (232.45 KB,916x911,916:911,13423_Sep_23_16_03.jpg)

b68d3c No.700 [Last50 Posts]

Hunter Biden Memes

Including -

- Corruption, Drugs n Hookers

- Blanks & News Clips

- Open My Kimono (memes and MP4)

- Where's Hunter?

- Full Biden / Burisma Report PDF >>762

- Hunter's Emails

Current Hashtags




Please post memes relevant to the thread.

If you can't find a relevant thread, feel free to make one.

The idea for the board is to make it quick n easy for anons to find ammo.

If we all post in the relevant threads it'll help.

Here's a Catalog/List of all threads with links to each - >>88

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b68d3c No.701

File: 556c25ec2c139c9⋯.jpg (108.59 KB,960x960,1:1,EGqFjQEXkAAM4ah.jpg)

File: a1e90a31ebb658d⋯.jpg (75.12 KB,1200x600,2:1,1b7943264050a99852b13f890f….jpg)

File: 32156b04f598b15⋯.jpg (134.19 KB,700x895,140:179,35915f0bdbd_1359c7bee5e0cd….jpg)

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b68d3c No.702

File: ea3fc89d835e6f7⋯.jpg (75.24 KB,497x480,497:480,13416_Sep_23_15_25.jpg)

File: d7b070bcfd92555⋯.jpg (74.92 KB,1200x600,2:1,9540323fbed81b92b5daa3cb19….jpg)

File: 759f5d5618e0dec⋯.jpg (81.24 KB,716x720,179:180,DZotOpSVwAAXz_r.jpg)

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b68d3c No.703

File: d59ecbe66f23375⋯.jpg (37.19 KB,888x479,888:479,d59ecbe66f233754f04d8684ba….jpg)

File: 439565348306319⋯.jpg (4.19 MB,1329x1800,443:600,AQp6SEI4bQPhWkAAQp6S.jpg)

File: a563d8502e7aa8b⋯.jpg (206.6 KB,1280x725,256:145,bidens_money_2_0.jpg)

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b68d3c No.704

File: b0e5cf7f9aded06⋯.jpg (111.93 KB,947x874,947:874,98034b7a9c57d280f9c2c746a7….jpg)

File: 3aa7c8d7afd4982⋯.jpg (85.14 KB,720x340,36:17,98034b7a9c57d809b69115f9c2….jpg)

File: b47b7cf5d9a54c9⋯.jpg (91.95 KB,726x867,242:289,13427_Sep_23_16_48.jpg)

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b68d3c No.705

File: 57d74c5bdc0efc0⋯.jpg (106.47 KB,1087x710,1087:710,3a389c3a97e39497c3c989.jpg)

File: 881930680a6ae0c⋯.jpg (75.16 KB,500x574,250:287,3d625i.jpg)

File: df5444168cf09f1⋯.jpg (76.42 KB,496x352,31:22,3a389c3a97e3940cf8a5237739….jpg)

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b68d3c No.706

File: f903a5d63c00cea⋯.jpg (102.64 KB,708x815,708:815,3a389c3a97e3940cf65ec3f2bc….jpg)

File: 90ce7a2c5c44a04⋯.jpg (109.75 KB,749x500,749:500,3kqfoh.jpg)

File: 48e21977aee6cd0⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,500x500,1:1,3kyybe.jpg)

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b68d3c No.707

File: ea58a2f45dbf80d⋯.jpg (61.37 KB,1024x576,16:9,trump_china_biden_mike_luc….jpg)

File: 3af55f2f29134d3⋯.jpg (110.08 KB,647x1200,647:1200,EGub_2UW4Ac16bl.jpg)

File: 3d9fac814d7b5b6⋯.png (372.26 KB,600x429,200:143,EI4bQPhWkAAQp6S.png)

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b68d3c No.708

File: d10dbf7f01d1233⋯.jpg (56.6 KB,634x459,634:459,7d2809b69115f9c2c746a7a3cc….jpg)

File: 3761e20a6d60121⋯.jpeg (45.36 KB,500x561,500:561,3761e20a6d601211614fdc60d….jpeg)

File: 13112d6abb0df54⋯.jpg (129.39 KB,800x576,25:18,5a06bf38f59f5a06b9f.jpg)

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b68d3c No.709

File: 17eca77b2cb7a12⋯.jpg (29.91 KB,566x283,2:1,EGpGsdGWkAE3Jtn.jpg)

File: 556c25ec2c139c9⋯.jpg (108.59 KB,960x960,1:1,EGqFjQEXkAAM4ah.jpg)

File: ca1d70c53e6791b⋯.jpg (133.76 KB,1173x590,1173:590,13424_Sep_23_16_05.jpg)

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b68d3c No.711

File: 2edac4fec0dfcfa⋯.jpg (80.68 KB,780x438,130:73,3dkr1l.jpg)

File: cf1fba05263988f⋯.jpg (70.83 KB,338x459,338:459,3940cf8a5237739ed65ec3f2bc….jpg)

File: 43e782063b988e2⋯.jpg (123.12 KB,800x420,40:21,98034b7a9c57d2809b69115f9c….jpg)

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b68d3c No.712

File: 7dd730350147958⋯.jpg (189.74 KB,983x922,983:922,EFcTwsMXYAAQbHO.jpg)

File: 4052b9cd986416e⋯.jpg (98.44 KB,680x426,340:213,EGj8jQaXUA.jpg)

File: c497bdf398dccb6⋯.jpg (59.71 KB,508x508,1:1,EI4bQPhWEI4bQPhWkAAQp6Sp6S.jpg)

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b68d3c No.713

File: e6b46801c53938b⋯.jpg (99.76 KB,1173x583,1173:583,694940094001_603687312400.jpg)

File: d2fd857cc717505⋯.jpg (60.8 KB,1200x630,40:21,afc5cc03aa493409e935e71928….jpg)

File: 336582cd4ba9330⋯.jpeg (29.75 KB,640x320,2:1,afc5cc68aa493409e935e7192….jpeg)

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b68d3c No.714

File: d07dee352ba5e1f⋯.jpg (291.02 KB,1242x810,23:15,afc5cc03448ec98a278aa49340….jpg)

File: 6ab1ba7e8ce4f13⋯.jpg (99.62 KB,1000x600,5:3,afc5cc08ec98a278a8d468aa49….jpg)

File: 9dedd3674d6ff7f⋯.jpg (85.77 KB,1280x720,16:9,694940094001_6036873124001….jpg)

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b68d3c No.715

File: 7647063a64da94e⋯.jpg (88.96 KB,1176x594,196:99,afccc03448ec98a278a8d468aa….jpg)

File: 79f1a5a01768319⋯.jpg (350.39 KB,1600x900,16:9,c98a278a8d4e94c5cab3567407….jpg)

File: 00837d710b58539⋯.jpg (119.85 KB,1200x630,40:21,df16bea6bca0224acc70931302….jpg)

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b68d3c No.716

File: 281dbc412f4098e⋯.jpg (44.11 KB,1200x569,1200:569,EHAeShzUEAAdD2A.jpg)

File: 04fc476136e83e5⋯.jpg (92.25 KB,1011x670,1011:670,afc5cc03448ec98a278a8d4e94….jpg)

File: 281dbc412f4098e⋯.jpg (44.11 KB,1200x569,1200:569,EHAeShzUEAAdD2A.jpg)

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b68d3c No.717

File: 21b673ed322e2be⋯.jpg (304.25 KB,1920x960,2:1,5d1a3a19a17d6c132d237713_1….jpg)

File: 09de46656ddd380⋯.jpg (844.81 KB,2700x1800,3:2,44fb0a8dcdf65decdc240eecdb….jpg)

File: 72dc6ecb3f5c889⋯.jpg (94.71 KB,1060x600,53:30,a493409e935e719281847afc5c….jpg)

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b68d3c No.718

File: 3532c5e7211b1a6⋯.jpg (69.28 KB,1175x582,1175:582,afc5cc03448ec98a278a8d468a….jpg)

File: db2653ac092ee28⋯.jpg (110.49 KB,1280x533,1280:533,afc5cc03448ec98a2788aa4934….jpg)

File: 04b3b7f5b740d54⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,792x446,396:223,biden_son.jpg)

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b68d3c No.719

File: f3d59f5d1b968f1⋯.jpg (51.5 KB,555x320,111:64,13419_Sep_23_15_27.jpg)

File: 7fbd53612a0e021⋯.jpg (95.65 KB,500x782,250:391,7fbd53612a0e02137b27ca9881….jpg)

File: eadf8c07f01e862⋯.jpg (21.33 KB,480x270,16:9,72548973_10219083391931899….jpg)

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b68d3c No.720

File: babb532380ad255⋯.jpg (176.34 KB,750x500,3:2,babb532380ad25573f5f2fee41….jpg)

File: fd86b36723b9d44⋯.jpg (130.44 KB,906x872,453:436,98034b7a9c57d22c746a7a3ccc….jpg)

File: 483d3e984588a4e⋯.jpg (137.57 KB,1200x646,600:323,EFM8FotUYAAI_lw.jpg)

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b68d3c No.721

File: fbf4a24f8576483⋯.jpg (95.16 KB,679x759,679:759,13413_Sep_23_15_16.jpg)

File: 67782c42c85c828⋯.jpg (328.17 KB,2066x1664,1033:832,hunterbidennewyorker.jpg)

File: f16fdecbeb16dc3⋯.png (329.03 KB,636x684,53:57,Screen_Shot_2018_03_23_at_….png)

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b68d3c No.723

File: e8bf4cb20214bf2⋯.jpg (65.49 KB,714x231,34:11,e8bf4cb20214bf25ac2a2698f2….jpg)

File: 92ae6102eab410a⋯.jpg (257.11 KB,705x624,235:208,92ae6102eab410ab4fbca98066….jpg)

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b68d3c No.724

File: 5014b0909385b77⋯.jpg (162.26 KB,621x947,621:947,5014b0909385b7710046edb69a….jpg)

File: 8954de903ecf7d7⋯.png (768.42 KB,507x884,39:68,8954de903ecf7d76e42396eca2….png)

File: cdac0e267652c0f⋯.jpg (87.49 KB,500x750,2:3,cdac0e267652c0f8b28f8f865f….jpg)

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b68d3c No.725

File: 7a5eae864e4e8b1⋯.mp4 (259.54 KB,426x240,71:40,Hunter_Biden_Kimono.mp4)

Hunter Biden

Kimono Video Clip -

"I don't have to sit here and open my kimono as it relates to what money I make or make or… did or didn't"

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b68d3c No.726

File: d3304f068832c1b⋯.png (619.77 KB,406x492,203:246,d3304f068832c1b4f56a0e7ee4….png)

File: 402a000705af00e⋯.png (645.52 KB,562x601,562:601,402a000705af00e28c031c3c98….png)

File: eec56429fc850ab⋯.png (734.31 KB,455x613,455:613,eec56429fc850ab31019b43d33….png)

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b68d3c No.727

File: 2c3f3bc34907f83⋯.png (229.89 KB,290x332,145:166,2c3f3bc34907f83c049f391d2c….png)

File: 1c8d8ab66e5145a⋯.jpg (141.2 KB,621x947,621:947,1c8d8ab66e5145a33669d36e51….jpg)

File: 2ea6c9e2d79ed1d⋯.jpg (66.44 KB,500x572,125:143,2ea6c9e2d79ed1d20f21960bdd….jpg)

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b68d3c No.728

File: ec7d46655b9f862⋯.png (553.56 KB,726x491,726:491,ec7d46655b9f862a5458f26e21….png)

File: c4229cce9344270⋯.jpg (73.69 KB,577x435,577:435,EGvWhREWoAA8J_T.jpg)

File: 2268d1f6222ac8b⋯.png (809.04 KB,729x491,729:491,2268d1f6222ac8b135b17f5921….png)

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dca563 No.730

File: f2ad4dad7ed6357⋯.jpg (89.58 KB,900x450,2:1,hunter1.jpg)

File: 870053e7129b2fb⋯.jpg (87.34 KB,900x450,2:1,hunter2.jpg)

File: a0d63170a331ba3⋯.jpg (92.97 KB,900x450,2:1,hunter3.jpg)

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dca563 No.731

File: d15609baf8bf88c⋯.jpg (64.15 KB,691x361,691:361,hunterandjoe1.jpg)

File: f8049d93309c7a2⋯.jpg (64.06 KB,691x361,691:361,hunterandjoe2.jpg)

File: cbd4c245cd64020⋯.jpg (67.03 KB,691x361,691:361,hunterandjoe3.jpg)

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dca563 No.732

File: 0bf484b3f1ad730⋯.jpg (161.89 KB,1200x680,30:17,BASEMENT_BIDEN2.jpg)

File: b0ee185d4f97df8⋯.jpg (173.53 KB,1200x680,30:17,bidendrugs1.jpg)

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b68d3c No.733

Senate Report Links Hunter Biden to Human Trafficking Ring

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs has released a report claiming that Hunter Biden was involved in some corrupt and illegal dealings including human trafficking overseas. The report details huge monetary transactions between Biden and foreign sources as well as transactions that went to foreign women linked to prostitution and human trafficking rings.

The Treasury records acquired by the Chairmen show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals. In particular, these documents show that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from foreign sources as a result of business relationships that he built during the period when his father was vice president of the United States and after. In addition to providing new and descriptive details about the nature, origin and extent of payments from Burisma Holdings to Hunter Biden, the documents acquired by the Committees also shed light on a much broader array of questionable financial transactions involving Hunter Biden, other members of the Biden family, and their associations with foreign nationals. These foreign nationals have questionable backgrounds that have been identified as being consistent with a range of criminal activities, including but not limited to organized prostitution and/or human trafficking, money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement.26

Hunter Biden has been outed publicly for his extra-marital activities with strippers and for his drug use. Page Six reported that Biden was suspected of smoking crack in a strip club, and that strippers had used sex toys on him, among other unsavory things. One of the strippers had to sue him for child support. The allegation that he may have been in some way involved with prostitutes overseas fit with his character and lifestyle of which we are publicly aware. But the link to human trafficking is disturbing, to say the least.

There is extensive public reporting concerning Hunter Biden’s alleged involvement with prostitution services. Records on file with the Committees do not directly confirm or refute these individual reports. However, they do confirm that Hunter Biden sent thousands of dollars to individuals who have either: 1) been involved in transactions consistent with possible human trafficking; 2) an association with the adult entertainment industry; or 3) potential association with prostitution. Some recipients of those funds are Ukrainian and Russian citizens. The records note that it is a documented fact that Hunter Biden has sent funds to nonresident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine and who have subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunter Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine. The records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what “appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

There sure seems to be a lot of Russian collusion going on here and President Trump is nowhere near it. When will the public hearings begin? A quick review of the Google results for news on Hunter Biden shows that only the New York Post reported this story of Biden’s possible links to human trafficking. The other headlines are maddeningly obscure and clearly meant to convince people there’s nothing to see here.

“Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden,” reads the New York Times headline. None? No evidence? That’s not what the report seems to say above, but let’s move on. The Washington Post headline says, “GOP senators’ report calls Hunter Biden’s board position with Ukraine firm ‘problematic’ but doesn’t show it changed US policy.” Fox News’s headline is the most boring of them all, assuring no one will click on it: “GOP-led committees release interim report on Hunter Biden, Burisma probe.” Snore. Fox did mention the trafficking in the story but buried the lede in the headline. Politico says, “GOP senators’ anti-Biden report repackages old claims.” Well, that’s just not true. Did anyone ever report that Hunter Biden was involved in human trafficking? I’m sure that’s new. But don’t count on the mainstream press, even Fox News, to tell you about it.


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b68d3c No.762

File: 781d488bb4fa73e⋯.png (121.4 KB,698x842,349:421,781d488bb4fa73e264f227c8ca….png)

Full Biden / Burisma Report

Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns


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2305b7 No.824

File: ca92545f1d1d62b⋯.png (876.86 KB,833x500,833:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e8cb7ebea8801e⋯.png (203.81 KB,535x467,535:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4213c8e1fe72af9⋯.png (506.4 KB,640x414,320:207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6887dd86e1adc73⋯.png (582.38 KB,646x454,323:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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2305b7 No.825

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2305b7 No.826

File: 77bc9f02184aecf⋯.png (688.78 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ceb2543b005169⋯.png (687.64 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7409c43f6233ff⋯.png (828.24 KB,793x500,793:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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2305b7 No.833

File: dd69f8f825c441f⋯.png (2.57 MB,2048x1535,2048:1535,ClipboardImage.png)

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71f7f1 No.1376

File: 07c0cf3bd406815⋯.png (454.16 KB,661x448,661:448,hunter_biden_ukraine.png)

File: e92ca455559f438⋯.png (668.38 KB,960x483,320:161,where_is_hunter.png)

File: 9365c80dca578b8⋯.png (413.36 KB,960x484,240:121,where_is_hunter_2.png)

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71f7f1 No.1377

File: 26c1eb3a82c2bf3⋯.png (717.96 KB,704x466,352:233,where_is_hunter_3.png)

File: aa63ff71d9d353e⋯.png (991.23 KB,960x480,2:1,joe_hunter.png)

File: f838c20d2cb8f76⋯.png (548.12 KB,961x482,961:482,arya_hunter.png)

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71f7f1 No.1378

File: d9f03f27fa4a43d⋯.png (519.6 KB,428x576,107:144,joe_hunter_biden_china_mag….png)

File: 3f5d4f8c2ca79c8⋯.png (865.51 KB,956x588,239:147,joe_hunter_biden_china_ccp.png)

File: ba040e4caffdd4a⋯.png (1.22 MB,1053x528,351:176,hunter_joe_china.png)

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64525e No.1388

File: 5ff12facc4dccd7⋯.png (911.5 KB,828x444,69:37,hunter1.png)

File: 67541716d9fdabc⋯.png (1.2 MB,957x517,87:47,hunter3.png)

File: 08a29e22e566bdb⋯.png (1.64 MB,1159x620,1159:620,hunter4.png)

File: 4be5dc22b4f2fed⋯.png (149.41 KB,356x237,356:237,hunter2.png)

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b68d3c No.1515

File: 95681f31aacd0f5⋯.jpeg (84.06 KB,443x600,443:600,95681f31aacd0f59c42524728….jpeg)

File: c636364cc08bead⋯.jpg (612.84 KB,2361x1259,2361:1259,c636364cc08bead42c5de28d4e….jpg)

File: 881930680a6ae0c⋯.jpg (75.16 KB,500x574,250:287,881930680a6ae0ca9755a06a07….jpg)

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b68d3c No.1516

File: 77bc9f02184aecf⋯.png (688.78 KB,750x500,3:2,77bc9f02184aecf2dc2b9cc47b….png)

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a488d6 No.2043

File: 530f08e0968d8e1⋯.jpg (148.88 KB,778x735,778:735,dog.jpg)

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4de3dc No.2507

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4de3dc No.2508

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4de3dc No.2511

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4de3dc No.2512

File: b1382bd1fe8c1cc⋯.jpeg (64.45 KB,823x1031,823:1031,EkSqcY5XkAIGXpB.jpeg)

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4de3dc No.2514

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b68d3c No.2597

File: 9e96229d425839e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1126x1284,563:642,9e96229d425839e9273db0027c….png)

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b68d3c No.2598

File: f6880e6e12c1129⋯.jpg (557.83 KB,1500x1500,1:1,f6880e6e12c1129af0ce68db5e….jpg)

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b68d3c No.2599

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b68d3c No.2600

File: 59bbb9a32aac9db⋯.jpeg (77.41 KB,300x700,3:7,59bbb9a32aac9dbf0682c345f….jpeg)

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File: 93b53cdef401ca8⋯.png (272.49 KB,536x532,134:133,93b53cdef401ca80b34cd7a759….png)

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b68d3c No.2602

File: fd6f8dc8217b14b⋯.png (155.66 KB,527x628,527:628,fd6f8dc8217b14b6cba71dd151….png)

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File: 81d2a8e66be723b⋯.jpeg (523.06 KB,1969x1434,1969:1434,81d2a8e66be723bffaf72ff7b….jpeg)

This is a Big Tech information coup. This is digital civil war.

I, an editor at The New York Post, one of the nation’s largest papers by circulation, can’t post one of our own stories that details corruption by a major-party presidential candidate, Biden.

Sohrab Ahmari - New York Times Editor


Twitter is not only preventing people from tweeting the NY Post story, they’re discouraging people from reading it at all.


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b68d3c No.2603

File: e437122bd46d505⋯.png (38.23 KB,527x337,527:337,Sean_Davis.png)

File: c2d3c88a01396b5⋯.jpg (80.33 KB,597x694,597:694,Josh_Hawley.jpg)

This is coordinated, criminal election interference.

If Facebook/Twitter want to file and function as Democrat PACs, fine. But on no planet should they get away with using their monopoly power to blatantly violate campaign laws without consequence.

- Sean Davis


This is amazing. Now @Twitterjoins @Facebook in censoring the @nypost reporting on Biden.

You almost get the idea #bigtech wants to buy this election

- Josh Hawley


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b68d3c No.2605

File: 0d5f782cd36cd30⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB,720x856,90:107,0d5f782cd36cd300479f598ef5….mp4)

#HunterBiden mp4

Do it for muh Dad

Just keep this whole thing on the down-low

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b68d3c No.2606

File: 5bef9743944a066⋯.png (83.61 KB,354x470,177:235,5bef9743944a066671c47c4058….png)

File: 6bc4214f59f55f3⋯.jpg (82.34 KB,772x1024,193:256,6bc4214f59f55f32b5386ed60a….jpg)

File: 9c0cf5ab9a28ca2⋯.png (101.09 KB,354x470,177:235,9c0cf5ab9a28ca2df42f476c43….png)


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b68d3c No.2607

File: 376a70ba3ee01c0⋯.png (278.76 KB,290x560,29:56,376a70ba3ee01c0704d2ea4d5e….png)

File: 7847acf1a0a7403⋯.jpg (80.73 KB,549x726,183:242,7847acf1a0a7403df36d9a76f6….jpg)

File: 55cac689bd5aa54⋯.png (427.54 KB,516x835,516:835,55cac689bd5aa5499d06392909….png)

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b68d3c No.2608

File: 73c97ac0090f9a6⋯.png (1.06 MB,828x860,207:215,73c97ac0090f9a6caf1f2e3230….png)

File: 95f6ab152509c39⋯.jpeg (112.32 KB,883x488,883:488,95f6ab152509c393bccf856ae….jpeg)

File: 707b5d34432b9ac⋯.png (394.88 KB,354x470,177:235,707b5d34432b9aceeee3395126….png)

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b68d3c No.2609

File: a8affc0aa0f62c5⋯.png (679.32 KB,1440x1468,360:367,a8affc0aa0f62c5a0c6530a883….png)

File: 9029221be423a20⋯.png (569.83 KB,714x960,119:160,9029221be423a20f33f1bceb7a….png)

File: a8affc0aa0f62c5⋯.png (679.32 KB,1440x1468,360:367,a8affc0aa0f62c5a0c6530a883….png)

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b68d3c No.2610

File: bc192a4faf917e6⋯.jpg (54.6 KB,598x430,299:215,359c7bee5e0cd0dfd815f0bdbd….jpg)

File: 281f061eb738df6⋯.jpg (116.12 KB,676x379,676:379,cb8a514c05654e63a18d5d5bea….jpg)

File: 71f0bf95c385162⋯.jpg (58.32 KB,615x437,615:437,98034b7a9c57d28746a7a3cccd….jpg)

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b68d3c No.2611

File: c3149ad04d49c1d⋯.jpg (52.68 KB,842x679,842:679,Sara_Carter_1.jpg)

File: d6d6e9cdf071e9c⋯.jpg (90.31 KB,598x684,299:342,Sara_Carter.jpg)

File: 17d8b533189e744⋯.jpg (108.4 KB,590x712,295:356,Sara_Carter_2.jpg)

Facebook criticized for suppressing Hunter Biden email report


The NY Post's EXPLOSIVE expose on #HunterBiden warrants a full federal criminal probe. Where is the FBI?

If these emails are real then why isn't the FBI doing more? Why didn't we know?


GOP Lawmakers demand hearing on Big Tech censorship before Nov. 3

They're bending over backwards to protect @JoeBiden & interfere in America's election," says @CongressmanHice'


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Post last edited at

b68d3c No.2612

File: d22adf194dc5a54⋯.jpg (55.17 KB,597x423,199:141,Tom_Cotton.jpg)

File: e9eccd542d8e67c⋯.jpg (95.17 KB,595x682,595:682,POTUS.jpg)

File: 2af01f62c550c86⋯.png (23.92 KB,524x269,524:269,2af01f62c550c86cc9c85d4de7….png)

Big Tech has declared open war on the Republican Party and conservatives across America.

All options are on the table, including *full* repeal of Section 230.


So terrible that Facebook and Twitter took down the story of “Smoking Gun” emails related to Sleepy Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in the @NYPost.

It is only the beginning for them. There is nothing worse than a corrupt politician. REPEAL SECTION 230!!!


Facebook and Twitter are publishers, not platforms.

Pass it on.


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b68d3c No.2613

File: c0c45bb544c3450⋯.png (29.37 KB,525x296,525:296,c0c45bb544c345011fe061d99c….png)

File: 63384e70d296697⋯.png (81.32 KB,708x795,236:265,63384e70d296697d636e93e439….png)

File: 5bda3549c3cc169⋯.jpg (117.3 KB,597x715,597:715,14829_Oct_15_12_55.jpg)

File: 1250192d66f71e5⋯.jpg (101.03 KB,1024x736,32:23,EkXuEWEWoAEH1wN.jpg)

Facebook can only make editorial decisions if Facebook is a publisher.

Platforms don’t make editorial decisions. Publishers do. And publishers are liable for what they publish.


Look carefully at what Twitter is saying to justify censoring the Biden story.

If applied consistently, it’d mean that some of history’s most consequential journalism — the Pentagon Papers, WikiLeaks’ war logs, Snowden docs, Panama Papers, our Brazil Archive — would be banned.


The Justice Department Unveils Proposed Section 230 Legislation


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bff6c5 No.2614

File: 706e0a56e8ba31f⋯.jpg (97.46 KB,592x605,592:605,John_Solomon.jpg)

File: 98c86b97c08e310⋯.png (87.63 KB,656x868,164:217,Burisma_1.png)

File: c8e7966098d1ed9⋯.png (80.82 KB,587x813,587:813,Burisma_2.png)

File: 49c304df992f246⋯.png (14.46 KB,626x776,313:388,Burisma_3.png)

Breaking: Burisma official reportedly linked to Joe Biden met with State officials in 2016, memos show | Just The News




Briefing Checklist Ambassador Yovanovitch's Meeting with Karen Tramontano, Blue Star Strategies - 12/8/16


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bff6c5 No.2615

File: 49505ed715977b3⋯.png (879.21 KB,720x1280,9:16,49505ed715977b3d24fdbae9b1….png)

File: 42205089b2b33eb⋯.jpg (102.14 KB,746x482,373:241,14737_Oct_14_12_42.jpg)

File: a9839172ea9a147⋯.png (1.23 MB,714x955,714:955,a9839172ea9a1475cb441efdce….png)

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bff6c5 No.2616

File: eb51df9430dbef8⋯.png (394.3 KB,364x456,91:114,eb51df9430dbef807b2d94447d….png)

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File: 963396491c73454⋯.jpg (203.44 KB,780x873,260:291,EkXd2uTXkAAXEZw.jpg)

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bff6c5 No.2617

File: 4041346928697ec⋯.jpg (69.43 KB,964x568,241:142,EkZK1wXXYAUQp7A.jpg)

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File: ff2980fe2d93d4c⋯.jpg (120.76 KB,793x500,793:500,ff2980fe2d93d4c06cbeeea016….jpg)

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bff6c5 No.2618

File: f670ecf237419bf⋯.jpg (164.18 KB,882x804,147:134,f670ecf237419bff2d507ac2c8….jpg)

File: f7e4b6b1864c5f5⋯.jpg (99.33 KB,1200x956,300:239,f7e4b6b1864c5f5fedba404551….jpg)

File: ff3f8f4eca77b06⋯.png (947.7 KB,856x928,107:116,ff3f8f4eca77b0631e70bf1485….png)

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bff6c5 No.2619

File: 8ea2aac09c5d14e⋯.jpg (95.2 KB,745x742,745:742,d7dc66025fe2218ea4a4884c09….jpg)

File: 6d40835f0e12399⋯.png (516.83 KB,913x985,913:985,6d40835f0e12399686f427c816….png)

File: 4e512c30161951a⋯.jpg (53.22 KB,549x523,549:523,14758_Oct_14_16_19.jpg)

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bff6c5 No.2620

File: 179911e51c75c28⋯.jpg (81.61 KB,598x619,598:619,14837_Oct_15_16_14.jpg)

Big Tech Fights Election Interference By Interfering In Election


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64525e No.2634

File: 7a9972cb29295bb⋯.png (230.78 KB,350x431,350:431,Screenshot_2020_10_15_c3ca….png)

File: 0615e8e5105655f⋯.png (700.77 KB,595x623,85:89,Screenshot_2020_10_15_82d7….png)

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b68d3c No.2636

File: 30cad5b99dd534a⋯.png (23.87 KB,530x287,530:287,0.png)

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File: 6865707c84f0c03⋯.png (56.13 KB,525x538,525:538,3.png)

- New Twitter Policy -

Well, well, well… Ch-ch-ch-changes at @Twitter #Censorship2020


Vijaya Gadde


Over the last 24 hours, we’ve received significant feedback (from critical to supportive) about how we enforced our Hacked Materials Policy yesterday. After reflecting on this feedback, we have decided to make changes to the policy and how we enforce it.


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b68d3c No.2646

File: 11b1d39d967ee68⋯.jpg (766.71 KB,1025x1361,1025:1361,11b1d39d967ee68d8d1163c3bf….jpg)

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File: 7bbdc6384a1ac2e⋯.png (1.22 MB,673x732,673:732,7bbdc6384a1ac2efd60193ad87….png)

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b68d3c No.2647

File: 82d7cf7f11e0569⋯.jpg (63.27 KB,595x623,85:89,82d7cf7f11e056985c2102503f….jpg)

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b68d3c No.2648

File: d01770df498f83b⋯.jpeg (69.01 KB,722x960,361:480,d01770df498f83ba093f0caf7….jpeg)

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b68d3c No.2649

File: bcef0374cab11ba⋯.jpg (12.13 KB,255x242,255:242,ffedc3c5a92d0b19db16a04a2c….jpg)

File: abef09a6834add2⋯.png (257.52 KB,400x400,1:1,abef09a6834add22a493a37a14….png)

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b68d3c No.2650

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File: 091a36d5457c349⋯.gif (8.67 MB,454x648,227:324,7_EB848_B9_B562_4_A25_83_B….gif)

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b68d3c No.2651

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b68d3c No.2652

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ffe363 No.2656

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ffe363 No.2657

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ffe363 No.2658

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ffe363 No.2659

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File: b27480614529b76⋯.jpg (102.81 KB,680x830,68:83,b27480614529b76f08fb2c74a9….jpg)

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ffe363 No.2665

File: dda8b1ee58bb25f⋯.jpg (377.99 KB,1800x1200,3:2,dda8b1ee58bb25f6cebb22663e….jpg)

File: 0d987b1b46dfaef⋯.png (958.27 KB,720x960,3:4,0d987b1b46dfaefbd864c59570….png)

File: 7da47ad292a4b7b⋯.jpg (93.08 KB,1200x675,16:9,7da47ad292a4b7b5405f84b38a….jpg)

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71f7f1 No.2724

File: cd47b908955b3b8⋯.png (401.66 KB,480x481,480:481,potus_hunter.png)

File: 54c1dc7804a56ae⋯.png (207.27 KB,768x389,768:389,hunter_boiling_pot.png)

File: f8766422fd43b82⋯.png (497.55 KB,768x384,2:1,hunter_boiling_bourdain.png)

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64525e No.2753

File: 92936738951b68c⋯.png (555.99 KB,500x500,1:1,hunter1.png)

File: afb480b4c442557⋯.png (1.04 MB,1023x576,341:192,hunter2.png)

File: 4f8dd57318c2ba4⋯.png (615.96 KB,560x644,20:23,hunter3.png)

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64525e No.2762

File: 0c7a6f3a4576779⋯.png (1.31 MB,617x775,617:775,hunter4.png)

File: 1f7ebfc058ff652⋯.png (1.28 MB,601x775,601:775,hunter5.png)

File: e1c65b0e89eec81⋯.png (1.77 MB,865x775,173:155,hunter6.png)

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58d95e No.2771

File: 752a4beac0f9b57⋯.jpeg (19.99 KB,400x400,1:1,752a4beac0f9b57ee168b6871….jpeg)

File: 516fb479c0124ad⋯.jpg (441.44 KB,1024x683,1024:683,516fb479c0124ad1eded2ba48b….jpg)

File: 545241210013ec3⋯.png (501.91 KB,500x500,1:1,545241210013ec3afb470e0aac….png)

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58d95e No.2772

File: 5c921bb92f1eeae⋯.png (467.08 KB,576x720,4:5,5c921bb92f1eeae431cc4ee374….png)

File: 51509141a7cc85a⋯.jpg (94.67 KB,800x533,800:533,51509141a7cc85a2da60de9a68….jpg)

File: d9a16821a887585⋯.jpg (67.87 KB,500x625,4:5,d9a16821a8875854a4bb80f9c3….jpg)

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58d95e No.2774

File: cab8967458a6d55⋯.png (125.15 KB,1102x520,551:260,cab8967458a6d55322872b3d17….png)

For weeks, there’s been awareness in intel circles of Russian plans to return (with Trump) to their bogus Biden-Burisma narrative and, as I’ve warned, their plan to expand that to include bonkers pedophilia and human trafficking allegations against the Bidens. Don’t fall for it!


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64525e No.2775

File: 6b65be429996bba⋯.png (433.75 KB,394x425,394:425,hunter7.png)

File: 52813b8db9650d7⋯.png (1005.19 KB,765x824,765:824,hunter9.png)

File: 05f1b4850ccdb22⋯.png (1.27 MB,585x824,585:824,hunter8.png)

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58d95e No.2777

File: 06c99af119d7e7f⋯.jpeg (111.7 KB,825x462,25:14,06c99af119d7e7f3ea6b3e5f1….jpeg)

File: ed5d46a6e710537⋯.jpeg (69.16 KB,500x808,125:202,ed5d46a6e7105370b766f0446….jpeg)

File: 3304267883a3350⋯.jpeg (116.95 KB,813x492,271:164,3304267883a335070e8005b88….jpeg)

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58d95e No.2779

File: 6983889e7eed003⋯.png (425.38 KB,770x433,770:433,6983889e7eed003ad88b7a0eed….png)

File: 0450aae4794b51d⋯.png (435.61 KB,770x433,770:433,0450aae4794b51dc64fc584657….png)

File: de303bab3e3ac98⋯.png (438.67 KB,770x433,770:433,de303bab3e3ac98605fe12dea4….png)

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58d95e No.2781

File: 18bc0143ec2d6c0⋯.jpg (695.54 KB,1024x682,512:341,18bc0143ec2d6c01803e050aab….jpg)

File: 60a5611380a6ab7⋯.png (310.4 KB,477x448,477:448,60a5611380a6ab74e6ea81c27a….png)

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB,1080x592,135:74,4f7ed0bfaf65a2515e81756ce….jpeg)

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58d95e No.2782

File: fdf24f3ea51f930⋯.png (321.94 KB,374x476,11:14,fdf24f3ea51f930a32e773a585….png)

File: f501c83e07f8b57⋯.jpg (121.26 KB,1000x868,250:217,f501c83e07f8b57df78c609444….jpg)

File: b32ec7449fb0430⋯.jpg (112.19 KB,592x665,592:665,b32ec7449fb0430e08f0048554….jpg)

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58d95e No.2783

File: c53298a8f06b01c⋯.jpg (199.05 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,c53298a8f06b01c14af3de6b51….jpg)

File: 1f3af9ad49b67b6⋯.jpeg (68.74 KB,495x646,495:646,1f3af9ad49b67b66f22eaa8e7….jpeg)

File: 4b472eda54d5fc1⋯.jpeg (75.2 KB,535x481,535:481,4b472eda54d5fc1fd3710c3a7….jpeg)

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58d95e No.2784

File: d788347964c11dd⋯.jpg (77.98 KB,534x530,267:265,15034_Oct_18_17_34.jpg)

File: a81b661f5341681⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,640x360,16:9,Maria.mp4)

Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden


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58d95e No.2785

File: 01f8c07f227181f⋯.png (180.42 KB,444x296,3:2,01f8c07f227181f4bb5cab4f0f….png)

File: a311bb2bd0c1f71⋯.jpg (87.49 KB,550x680,55:68,Ekpd_AqWkAAGP5W.jpg)

File: f4880a5f7acf2b0⋯.jpg (43.17 KB,680x216,85:27,EkpiBTNVcAAspz1.jpg)

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58d95e No.2786

File: d37f662ccf3bf01⋯.png (3.76 MB,1549x1023,1549:1023,d37f662ccf3bf01fad3ebc8024….png)

File: 5f0e96d9f61816f⋯.jpg (55.26 KB,820x611,820:611,EkpjAZAWkAIx2se.jpg)

File: b3e56ea8a182dd5⋯.jpg (30.12 KB,546x230,273:115,15021_Oct_18_12_17.jpg)

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58d95e No.2787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rudi Giulliani & Levin - Full Show

Hunter Biden's laptop discussion

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64525e No.2827

File: b33e7cc0a37f3be⋯.jpg (740.46 KB,2320x3088,145:193,EkX2T3HX0AAjuoZ.jpg)

File: 8b3838967363a7c⋯.jpg (172.13 KB,1080x1043,1080:1043,EkvbTMEX0AI_BjO.jpg)

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64525e No.2834

File: e06649ce3a1b164⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,1162x720,581:360,e06649ce3a1b164a614f3ec0af….mp4)

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43bd78 No.2835

File: 3b3534196e57ddf⋯.jpg (76.47 KB,531x579,177:193,3b3534196e57ddfa0333aa7d4c….jpg)

File: ee4e38d49d58249⋯.jpg (69.26 KB,533x485,533:485,ee4e38d49d58249708f73587d7….jpg)

File: ee4e38d49d58249⋯.jpg (69.26 KB,533x485,533:485,ee4e38d49d58249708f73587d7….jpg)

DNI Ratcliffe says Hunter Biden laptop is not ‘some Russian disinformation campaign’ | Just The News



DNI John Ratcliffe tells Maria Bartiromo that Hunter Biden's laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign


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43bd78 No.2836

File: b32684504498ec8⋯.png (362.39 KB,539x599,539:599,b32684504498ec888ffcc3cc87….png)

File: a219c6fe860beb3⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB,640x360,16:9,Rudi_Hunter_Under_Age_Girl….mp4)

HOLY SHIT. The dam is broken. This is demonic stuff here.

Must watch

- Dan Bongino


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43bd78 No.2846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch Rudy Giuliani's full interview with Newsmax TV here -


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f586e5 No.2864

File: 8fba79b9762a2f6⋯.jpg (120.84 KB,1041x540,347:180,BIDEN_LOOK.jpg)

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5f5384 No.2867

File: 0ba62501e6354b6⋯.jpeg (25.9 KB,430x361,430:361,Ek4JKTrVcAA7ElO.jpeg)

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64525e No.2872

File: b6b7b75c4683563⋯.jpg (93.27 KB,1079x991,1079:991,hunter2.jpg)

File: dbe69ba2aaec329⋯.jpg (44.01 KB,496x742,248:371,hunter.jpg)

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64525e No.2884

File: db9772912fb294e⋯.png (1.75 MB,985x664,985:664,Screenshot_2020_10_21_b1e4….png)

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64525e No.2919

File: ec61592eb97e14f⋯.png (409.09 KB,500x500,1:1,Screenshot_2020_10_22_719b….png)

File: d4073dcf1ae4669⋯.png (768.95 KB,655x833,655:833,Screenshot_2020_10_22_a84d….png)

File: da7fec70c5c9f42⋯.png (878.72 KB,500x750,2:3,Screenshot_2020_10_22_1272….png)

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71f7f1 No.2938

File: 70e7e17f3db9b5f⋯.png (48.01 KB,384x384,1:1,biden_laptops_blm.png)

File: 027f0a2667efbc1⋯.png (327.47 KB,768x387,256:129,hfro.png)

File: e33922e2256e175⋯.png (458.35 KB,768x389,768:389,michael_clayton_biden_cloo….png)

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71f7f1 No.2939

File: 3e15162254db1a1⋯.png (478.76 KB,426x576,71:96,rudy_sude_pepe.png)

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64525e No.2989

File: 34f68da1f027ddf⋯.png (1.34 MB,658x875,94:125,Screenshot_2020_10_23_11b1….png)

File: d50b46cd00bf902⋯.png (1.17 MB,825x788,825:788,Screenshot_2020_10_23_d50b….png)

File: 5e5d1d8a6ac4856⋯.png (640.77 KB,512x650,256:325,Screenshot_2020_10_23_faf4….png)

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64525e No.2996

File: 2f689648b060eac⋯.png (511.66 KB,477x448,477:448,Screenshot_2020_10_24_60a5….png)

File: d250d17cfe004ce⋯.png (765.38 KB,768x387,256:129,Screenshot_2020_10_24_d250….png)

File: 4ad02fb04afa372⋯.png (313.48 KB,768x389,768:389,Screenshot_2020_10_24_54c1….png)

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923b4c No.2999

File: b344c4fe74307fb⋯.jpg (463.37 KB,1005x960,67:64,hunter_biden_8.jpg)

His father's eyes

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923b4c No.3000

File: 62933f8f1253a72⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,3000x2400,5:4,hunter_thumbs_up.jpg)

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923b4c No.3001

File: cbf952e705e781d⋯.jpg (753.06 KB,1536x863,1536:863,hunter_biden_nothing_to_se….jpg)

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923b4c No.3002

File: 9e47c9176d3c25c⋯.jpg (300.55 KB,722x680,361:340,BIDEN_METH.jpg)

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923b4c No.3003

File: d87b1834e0b7e5c⋯.jpg (81.24 KB,418x248,209:124,hunter_china.jpg)

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64525e No.3010

File: 68163cd5a4c0d5f⋯.mp4 (51.04 KB,480x270,16:9,y06In9KsGKZNMkqA.mp4)

Hunter Biden visits the Wishing Well.

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Post last edited at

55efc6 No.3020

File: 1dbee07ae528a8f⋯.jpg (42.63 KB,640x360,16:9,ZomboMeme_24102020223024.jpg)

File: ea1aa3150e66ca0⋯.jpg (99.93 KB,701x940,701:940,ZomboMeme_22102020192716.jpg)

File: 6b2171ae61ccf94⋯.jpg (83.12 KB,705x386,705:386,20201022_181454.jpg)

File: 572f605f77adef8⋯.jpg (80.02 KB,880x880,1:1,ZomboMeme_20102020194933.jpg)

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64525e No.3023

File: edb55e328f36de5⋯.jpg (170.15 KB,2000x1125,16:9,ElNmK61XYAIDQIq.jpg)

File: f99b8ce217d40de⋯.jpg (88.77 KB,859x1024,859:1024,ElNmK4YUwAAk5Jb.jpg)

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64525e No.3025

File: 84bff87c79fbadb⋯.jpg (141.83 KB,933x1301,933:1301,ElNl1pPX0AA_vCK.jpg)

File: 279db71bb1ea0ba⋯.jpg (43.17 KB,388x680,97:170,ElNo9K9XUAI5uD8.jpg)

File: 989cf7919ffd2b2⋯.jpg (295.57 KB,806x1600,403:800,ElNo9K8WMAEIOKx.jpg)

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64525e No.3030

File: bc5430962aebec1⋯.jpg (77.44 KB,851x936,851:936,ElMeQoVUYAAvX1y.jpg)

File: d6397f7d0287944⋯.jpg (93.72 KB,640x853,640:853,ElNzExqWkAAttYZ.jpg)

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64525e No.3036

File: ddabcbc533bdd88⋯.png (379.68 KB,460x600,23:30,Screenshot_2020_10_26_fa68….png)

File: af4b160c7e1b98a⋯.png (360.1 KB,455x600,91:120,Screenshot_2020_10_26_ae7b….png)

File: 00accab1a0f0200⋯.png (286.64 KB,454x600,227:300,Screenshot_2020_10_26_b221….png)

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64525e No.3037

File: 2a79525a0e4db56⋯.png (312.57 KB,458x600,229:300,Screenshot_2020_10_26_164e….png)

File: 5baffcfa5dc9b84⋯.png (347.79 KB,483x600,161:200,Screenshot_2020_10_26_3e7d….png)

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64525e No.3088

File: af25eb2bf841261⋯.jpg (59.74 KB,612x408,3:2,Elil7JdXIAEIK4Q.jpg)

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678569 No.3092

File: da195170081d1e1⋯.png (587.36 KB,2226x1252,1113:626,BidenLaptop.png)

File: 0805d8b37b7a389⋯.png (2.04 MB,3014x1695,3014:1695,bidenLaptopCostume.png)

Hunter Laptop Costume

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678569 No.3093

File: cfa2e2934d54988⋯.png (1.14 MB,1903x1046,1903:1046,laptop_box_set.png)

File: f2b549724b85bb4⋯.png (1.49 MB,1500x844,375:211,laptopOption1_v1_.png)

File: 5a6c57e23a64d4f⋯.png (832.28 KB,1600x900,16:9,laptopsv2_16.png)

File: f9e1653d87606d1⋯.png (2.84 MB,1600x2268,400:567,Tale_comic2_4_6_comic_2_cr….png)

Laptop from hell

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678569 No.3094

File: 28d5a94bca4d452⋯.png (1.52 MB,2793x1570,2793:1570,family_photo1.png)

File: 1e6af88028502d4⋯.png (158.03 KB,1600x900,16:9,hunter_hope_16.png)

File: f76fde706bf00a7⋯.png (83.19 KB,1005x1464,335:488,HunterHope.png)

File: 6f37e3c873263cd⋯.png (1.4 MB,2203x1240,2203:1240,Crooked_Bidens.png)

Corrupt family

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678569 No.3095

File: 38050e7e8d86782⋯.png (892.43 KB,1600x900,16:9,TONY21.png)

File: 82040126917786e⋯.png (308.63 KB,512x360,64:45,BIGGUY_2_hunter_.png)

tony bobulinski & hunter's laptop

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ea7ff0 No.3110

File: 2fbae00e4d9cc5b⋯.jpeg (88.76 KB,601x900,601:900,EllKm_7WkAAXXo6.jpeg)

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2ac45a No.3146

File: 2f489a6dc9b9030⋯.png (742.39 KB,720x720,1:1,2f489a6dc9b9030c8c62a798a7….png)

File: 43a7207653dae65⋯.png (145.26 KB,566x289,566:289,43a7207653dae65aa1a2404c41….png)

File: 24d90ff14369e87⋯.png (583.82 KB,1015x1160,7:8,24d90ff14369e872ad9440e927….png)

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2ac45a No.3147

File: a0b107dad93b3ac⋯.png (907.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,a0b107dad93b3ac1c65ab69909….png)

File: b980cd4811fb676⋯.png (1.03 MB,836x1269,836:1269,b980cd4811fb676ca17d8610a6….png)

File: 6aeb8ad5f5a25b9⋯.png (318.6 KB,720x479,720:479,6aeb8ad5f5a25b9856beb935da….png)

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2ac45a No.3148

File: 78bec416fd862d9⋯.jpeg (152.83 KB,853x1024,853:1024,78bec416fd862d9231322c8dd….jpeg)

File: 480c1fd4ae446e6⋯.jpg (69.02 KB,811x1182,811:1182,480c1fd4ae446e6c96457f99ff….jpg)

File: 22e3b03560ef4cb⋯.png (849.43 KB,768x1024,3:4,22e3b03560ef4cb76b34808d96….png)

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dd5593 No.3152

File: 6be5d56251e3d1b⋯.png (484.46 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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678569 No.3205

File: 120bf3a882d2f79⋯.png (757.52 KB,3072x1728,16:9,vote3.png)

This is very effective - they are trying to suppress it! do NOT let them destroy democracy!

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64525e No.3256

File: 8e18424fa291fbc⋯.png (497.03 KB,540x550,54:55,Screenshot_2020_11_06_f6b7….png)

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f586e5 No.3340

File: 873e124724daf3e⋯.jpg (39.95 KB,836x540,209:135,Hunter_Kraken.jpg)

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