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/qrmemes/ - QResearch Meme Garage

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File: 21d04b6f663ff12⋯.jpg (232.45 KB,916x911,916:911,13423_Sep_23_16_03.jpg)

b68d3c No.700 [View All]

Hunter Biden Memes

Including -

- Corruption, Drugs n Hookers

- Blanks & News Clips

- Open My Kimono (memes and MP4)

- Where's Hunter?

- Full Biden / Burisma Report PDF >>762

- Hunter's Emails

Current Hashtags




Please post memes relevant to the thread.

If you can't find a relevant thread, feel free to make one.

The idea for the board is to make it quick n easy for anons to find ammo.

If we all post in the relevant threads it'll help.

Here's a Catalog/List of all threads with links to each - >>88

88 posts and 244 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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58d95e No.2774

File: cab8967458a6d55⋯.png (125.15 KB,1102x520,551:260,cab8967458a6d55322872b3d17….png)

For weeks, there’s been awareness in intel circles of Russian plans to return (with Trump) to their bogus Biden-Burisma narrative and, as I’ve warned, their plan to expand that to include bonkers pedophilia and human trafficking allegations against the Bidens. Don’t fall for it!


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64525e No.2775

File: 6b65be429996bba⋯.png (433.75 KB,394x425,394:425,hunter7.png)

File: 52813b8db9650d7⋯.png (1005.19 KB,765x824,765:824,hunter9.png)

File: 05f1b4850ccdb22⋯.png (1.27 MB,585x824,585:824,hunter8.png)

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58d95e No.2777

File: 06c99af119d7e7f⋯.jpeg (111.7 KB,825x462,25:14,06c99af119d7e7f3ea6b3e5f1….jpeg)

File: ed5d46a6e710537⋯.jpeg (69.16 KB,500x808,125:202,ed5d46a6e7105370b766f0446….jpeg)

File: 3304267883a3350⋯.jpeg (116.95 KB,813x492,271:164,3304267883a335070e8005b88….jpeg)

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58d95e No.2779

File: 6983889e7eed003⋯.png (425.38 KB,770x433,770:433,6983889e7eed003ad88b7a0eed….png)

File: 0450aae4794b51d⋯.png (435.61 KB,770x433,770:433,0450aae4794b51dc64fc584657….png)

File: de303bab3e3ac98⋯.png (438.67 KB,770x433,770:433,de303bab3e3ac98605fe12dea4….png)

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58d95e No.2781

File: 18bc0143ec2d6c0⋯.jpg (695.54 KB,1024x682,512:341,18bc0143ec2d6c01803e050aab….jpg)

File: 60a5611380a6ab7⋯.png (310.4 KB,477x448,477:448,60a5611380a6ab74e6ea81c27a….png)

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB,1080x592,135:74,4f7ed0bfaf65a2515e81756ce….jpeg)

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58d95e No.2782

File: fdf24f3ea51f930⋯.png (321.94 KB,374x476,11:14,fdf24f3ea51f930a32e773a585….png)

File: f501c83e07f8b57⋯.jpg (121.26 KB,1000x868,250:217,f501c83e07f8b57df78c609444….jpg)

File: b32ec7449fb0430⋯.jpg (112.19 KB,592x665,592:665,b32ec7449fb0430e08f0048554….jpg)

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58d95e No.2783

File: c53298a8f06b01c⋯.jpg (199.05 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,c53298a8f06b01c14af3de6b51….jpg)

File: 1f3af9ad49b67b6⋯.jpeg (68.74 KB,495x646,495:646,1f3af9ad49b67b66f22eaa8e7….jpeg)

File: 4b472eda54d5fc1⋯.jpeg (75.2 KB,535x481,535:481,4b472eda54d5fc1fd3710c3a7….jpeg)

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58d95e No.2784

File: d788347964c11dd⋯.jpg (77.98 KB,534x530,267:265,15034_Oct_18_17_34.jpg)

File: a81b661f5341681⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,640x360,16:9,Maria.mp4)

Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden


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58d95e No.2785

File: 01f8c07f227181f⋯.png (180.42 KB,444x296,3:2,01f8c07f227181f4bb5cab4f0f….png)

File: a311bb2bd0c1f71⋯.jpg (87.49 KB,550x680,55:68,Ekpd_AqWkAAGP5W.jpg)

File: f4880a5f7acf2b0⋯.jpg (43.17 KB,680x216,85:27,EkpiBTNVcAAspz1.jpg)

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58d95e No.2786

File: d37f662ccf3bf01⋯.png (3.76 MB,1549x1023,1549:1023,d37f662ccf3bf01fad3ebc8024….png)

File: 5f0e96d9f61816f⋯.jpg (55.26 KB,820x611,820:611,EkpjAZAWkAIx2se.jpg)

File: b3e56ea8a182dd5⋯.jpg (30.12 KB,546x230,273:115,15021_Oct_18_12_17.jpg)

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58d95e No.2787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rudi Giulliani & Levin - Full Show

Hunter Biden's laptop discussion

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64525e No.2827

File: b33e7cc0a37f3be⋯.jpg (740.46 KB,2320x3088,145:193,EkX2T3HX0AAjuoZ.jpg)

File: 8b3838967363a7c⋯.jpg (172.13 KB,1080x1043,1080:1043,EkvbTMEX0AI_BjO.jpg)

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64525e No.2834

File: e06649ce3a1b164⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,1162x720,581:360,e06649ce3a1b164a614f3ec0af….mp4)

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43bd78 No.2835

File: 3b3534196e57ddf⋯.jpg (76.47 KB,531x579,177:193,3b3534196e57ddfa0333aa7d4c….jpg)

File: ee4e38d49d58249⋯.jpg (69.26 KB,533x485,533:485,ee4e38d49d58249708f73587d7….jpg)

File: ee4e38d49d58249⋯.jpg (69.26 KB,533x485,533:485,ee4e38d49d58249708f73587d7….jpg)

DNI Ratcliffe says Hunter Biden laptop is not ‘some Russian disinformation campaign’ | Just The News



DNI John Ratcliffe tells Maria Bartiromo that Hunter Biden's laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign


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43bd78 No.2836

File: b32684504498ec8⋯.png (362.39 KB,539x599,539:599,b32684504498ec888ffcc3cc87….png)

File: a219c6fe860beb3⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB,640x360,16:9,Rudi_Hunter_Under_Age_Girl….mp4)

HOLY SHIT. The dam is broken. This is demonic stuff here.

Must watch

- Dan Bongino


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43bd78 No.2846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch Rudy Giuliani's full interview with Newsmax TV here -


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f586e5 No.2864

File: 8fba79b9762a2f6⋯.jpg (120.84 KB,1041x540,347:180,BIDEN_LOOK.jpg)

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5f5384 No.2867

File: 0ba62501e6354b6⋯.jpeg (25.9 KB,430x361,430:361,Ek4JKTrVcAA7ElO.jpeg)

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64525e No.2872

File: b6b7b75c4683563⋯.jpg (93.27 KB,1079x991,1079:991,hunter2.jpg)

File: dbe69ba2aaec329⋯.jpg (44.01 KB,496x742,248:371,hunter.jpg)

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64525e No.2884

File: db9772912fb294e⋯.png (1.75 MB,985x664,985:664,Screenshot_2020_10_21_b1e4….png)

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64525e No.2919

File: ec61592eb97e14f⋯.png (409.09 KB,500x500,1:1,Screenshot_2020_10_22_719b….png)

File: d4073dcf1ae4669⋯.png (768.95 KB,655x833,655:833,Screenshot_2020_10_22_a84d….png)

File: da7fec70c5c9f42⋯.png (878.72 KB,500x750,2:3,Screenshot_2020_10_22_1272….png)

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71f7f1 No.2938

File: 70e7e17f3db9b5f⋯.png (48.01 KB,384x384,1:1,biden_laptops_blm.png)

File: 027f0a2667efbc1⋯.png (327.47 KB,768x387,256:129,hfro.png)

File: e33922e2256e175⋯.png (458.35 KB,768x389,768:389,michael_clayton_biden_cloo….png)

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71f7f1 No.2939

File: 3e15162254db1a1⋯.png (478.76 KB,426x576,71:96,rudy_sude_pepe.png)

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64525e No.2989

File: 34f68da1f027ddf⋯.png (1.34 MB,658x875,94:125,Screenshot_2020_10_23_11b1….png)

File: d50b46cd00bf902⋯.png (1.17 MB,825x788,825:788,Screenshot_2020_10_23_d50b….png)

File: 5e5d1d8a6ac4856⋯.png (640.77 KB,512x650,256:325,Screenshot_2020_10_23_faf4….png)

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64525e No.2996

File: 2f689648b060eac⋯.png (511.66 KB,477x448,477:448,Screenshot_2020_10_24_60a5….png)

File: d250d17cfe004ce⋯.png (765.38 KB,768x387,256:129,Screenshot_2020_10_24_d250….png)

File: 4ad02fb04afa372⋯.png (313.48 KB,768x389,768:389,Screenshot_2020_10_24_54c1….png)

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923b4c No.2999

File: b344c4fe74307fb⋯.jpg (463.37 KB,1005x960,67:64,hunter_biden_8.jpg)

His father's eyes

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923b4c No.3000

File: 62933f8f1253a72⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,3000x2400,5:4,hunter_thumbs_up.jpg)

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923b4c No.3001

File: cbf952e705e781d⋯.jpg (753.06 KB,1536x863,1536:863,hunter_biden_nothing_to_se….jpg)

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923b4c No.3002

File: 9e47c9176d3c25c⋯.jpg (300.55 KB,722x680,361:340,BIDEN_METH.jpg)

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923b4c No.3003

File: d87b1834e0b7e5c⋯.jpg (81.24 KB,418x248,209:124,hunter_china.jpg)

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64525e No.3010

File: 68163cd5a4c0d5f⋯.mp4 (51.04 KB,480x270,16:9,y06In9KsGKZNMkqA.mp4)

Hunter Biden visits the Wishing Well.

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55efc6 No.3020

File: 1dbee07ae528a8f⋯.jpg (42.63 KB,640x360,16:9,ZomboMeme_24102020223024.jpg)

File: ea1aa3150e66ca0⋯.jpg (99.93 KB,701x940,701:940,ZomboMeme_22102020192716.jpg)

File: 6b2171ae61ccf94⋯.jpg (83.12 KB,705x386,705:386,20201022_181454.jpg)

File: 572f605f77adef8⋯.jpg (80.02 KB,880x880,1:1,ZomboMeme_20102020194933.jpg)

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64525e No.3023

File: edb55e328f36de5⋯.jpg (170.15 KB,2000x1125,16:9,ElNmK61XYAIDQIq.jpg)

File: f99b8ce217d40de⋯.jpg (88.77 KB,859x1024,859:1024,ElNmK4YUwAAk5Jb.jpg)

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64525e No.3025

File: 84bff87c79fbadb⋯.jpg (141.83 KB,933x1301,933:1301,ElNl1pPX0AA_vCK.jpg)

File: 279db71bb1ea0ba⋯.jpg (43.17 KB,388x680,97:170,ElNo9K9XUAI5uD8.jpg)

File: 989cf7919ffd2b2⋯.jpg (295.57 KB,806x1600,403:800,ElNo9K8WMAEIOKx.jpg)

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64525e No.3030

File: bc5430962aebec1⋯.jpg (77.44 KB,851x936,851:936,ElMeQoVUYAAvX1y.jpg)

File: d6397f7d0287944⋯.jpg (93.72 KB,640x853,640:853,ElNzExqWkAAttYZ.jpg)

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64525e No.3036

File: ddabcbc533bdd88⋯.png (379.68 KB,460x600,23:30,Screenshot_2020_10_26_fa68….png)

File: af4b160c7e1b98a⋯.png (360.1 KB,455x600,91:120,Screenshot_2020_10_26_ae7b….png)

File: 00accab1a0f0200⋯.png (286.64 KB,454x600,227:300,Screenshot_2020_10_26_b221….png)

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64525e No.3037

File: 2a79525a0e4db56⋯.png (312.57 KB,458x600,229:300,Screenshot_2020_10_26_164e….png)

File: 5baffcfa5dc9b84⋯.png (347.79 KB,483x600,161:200,Screenshot_2020_10_26_3e7d….png)

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64525e No.3088

File: af25eb2bf841261⋯.jpg (59.74 KB,612x408,3:2,Elil7JdXIAEIK4Q.jpg)

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678569 No.3092

File: da195170081d1e1⋯.png (587.36 KB,2226x1252,1113:626,BidenLaptop.png)

File: 0805d8b37b7a389⋯.png (2.04 MB,3014x1695,3014:1695,bidenLaptopCostume.png)

Hunter Laptop Costume

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678569 No.3093

File: cfa2e2934d54988⋯.png (1.14 MB,1903x1046,1903:1046,laptop_box_set.png)

File: f2b549724b85bb4⋯.png (1.49 MB,1500x844,375:211,laptopOption1_v1_.png)

File: 5a6c57e23a64d4f⋯.png (832.28 KB,1600x900,16:9,laptopsv2_16.png)

File: f9e1653d87606d1⋯.png (2.84 MB,1600x2268,400:567,Tale_comic2_4_6_comic_2_cr….png)

Laptop from hell

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678569 No.3094

File: 28d5a94bca4d452⋯.png (1.52 MB,2793x1570,2793:1570,family_photo1.png)

File: 1e6af88028502d4⋯.png (158.03 KB,1600x900,16:9,hunter_hope_16.png)

File: f76fde706bf00a7⋯.png (83.19 KB,1005x1464,335:488,HunterHope.png)

File: 6f37e3c873263cd⋯.png (1.4 MB,2203x1240,2203:1240,Crooked_Bidens.png)

Corrupt family

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678569 No.3095

File: 38050e7e8d86782⋯.png (892.43 KB,1600x900,16:9,TONY21.png)

File: 82040126917786e⋯.png (308.63 KB,512x360,64:45,BIGGUY_2_hunter_.png)

tony bobulinski & hunter's laptop

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ea7ff0 No.3110

File: 2fbae00e4d9cc5b⋯.jpeg (88.76 KB,601x900,601:900,EllKm_7WkAAXXo6.jpeg)

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2ac45a No.3146

File: 2f489a6dc9b9030⋯.png (742.39 KB,720x720,1:1,2f489a6dc9b9030c8c62a798a7….png)

File: 43a7207653dae65⋯.png (145.26 KB,566x289,566:289,43a7207653dae65aa1a2404c41….png)

File: 24d90ff14369e87⋯.png (583.82 KB,1015x1160,7:8,24d90ff14369e872ad9440e927….png)

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2ac45a No.3147

File: a0b107dad93b3ac⋯.png (907.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,a0b107dad93b3ac1c65ab69909….png)

File: b980cd4811fb676⋯.png (1.03 MB,836x1269,836:1269,b980cd4811fb676ca17d8610a6….png)

File: 6aeb8ad5f5a25b9⋯.png (318.6 KB,720x479,720:479,6aeb8ad5f5a25b9856beb935da….png)

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2ac45a No.3148

File: 78bec416fd862d9⋯.jpeg (152.83 KB,853x1024,853:1024,78bec416fd862d9231322c8dd….jpeg)

File: 480c1fd4ae446e6⋯.jpg (69.02 KB,811x1182,811:1182,480c1fd4ae446e6c96457f99ff….jpg)

File: 22e3b03560ef4cb⋯.png (849.43 KB,768x1024,3:4,22e3b03560ef4cb76b34808d96….png)

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dd5593 No.3152

File: 6be5d56251e3d1b⋯.png (484.46 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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678569 No.3205

File: 120bf3a882d2f79⋯.png (757.52 KB,3072x1728,16:9,vote3.png)

This is very effective - they are trying to suppress it! do NOT let them destroy democracy!

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64525e No.3256

File: 8e18424fa291fbc⋯.png (497.03 KB,540x550,54:55,Screenshot_2020_11_06_f6b7….png)

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f586e5 No.3340

File: 873e124724daf3e⋯.jpg (39.95 KB,836x540,209:135,Hunter_Kraken.jpg)

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