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File: 3de5c7dd5895372⋯.jpg (419.31 KB, 2461x1385, 2461:1385, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Q_Re….jpg)

305873  No.10913111[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 10.01.2020

>>10872166 ————————————–——– [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: >>10872224)

>>10871984 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: >>10872103)

>>10871183 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: >>10871468, >>10871205)

>>10871022 ————————————–——– Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] , Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>10870492 ————————————–——– What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: >>10870715)

>>10869781 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: >>10872946)

Wednesday 09.30.2020

>>10864679 ————————————–——– RED OCTOBER

>>10864489 rt >>10864305 ———–––——–— When does a Church become controlled?

>>10864364 rt >>10864340 ———–––——–— Information warfare

>>10864046 rt >>10864024 ———–––——–— Do you believe in coincidences?

>>10863737 rt >>10863556 ———–––——–— Eyes on. Follow the family

>>10863459 ————————————–——– Marathon end (Cap: >>10863525)

>>10863126 ————————————–——– SHADOW GAME (Cap: >>10863162)

Tuesday 09.29.2020

>>10838926 ————————————–——– "Trump Swift Boat Project." - Clinton OP

>>10838649 rt >>10838496 ———–––——–— DNI report

>>10838629 ————————————–——– 2016 DNI report declassified (Cap: >>10838471)

>>10838579 ————————————–——– God woke you up for a reason

>>10836966 ————————————–——– Podcast yesterday. Intentional or careless?

>>10835883 ————————————–——– Those who scream the loudest…

>>10835804 ————————————–——– #3 Biden camp will be provided the questions ahead of time, assistance from special comm device (Cap: >>10835856)

Monday 09.28.2020 >>10872800

>>10826731 ————————————–——– Video: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (Cap: >>10826774)

>>10825631 ————————————–——– Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 - 2005, Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003 Don't bite the hand that feeds you (Caps: >>10825671, >>10825715)

>>10825334 ————————————–——– Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney [Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net] Wife of Rod Rosenstein

>>10824841 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>10825015)

>>10824624 ————————————–——– CLINTON FOUNDATION AT THE CENTER.

>>10824174 ————————————–——– Kamala Harris spouse leaving Dla? (Cap: >>10824197)

>>10823755 rt >>10823685 ———–––——–— Panic in DC

>>10823727 ————————————–——– Q#4778/John Solomon Report (Caps: >>10823766)

>>10823477 ————————————–——– Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial? What might be the purpose? (Caps: >>10823976)

>>10823243 ————————————–——– Focus here [East Africa Operations]: The money never flows directly. (Caps: >>10823277, >>10823269)

Sat 09.26.2020 >>10872796

Fri 09.25.2020 >>10837404

Thu 09.24.2020 >>10830702

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Backups/Alts to above: qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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305873  No.10913131

Global Announcements

>>10812845 BO Activated RSS Tripcode Feed https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml Follow Q in any RSS Feed Reader

>>10802135 Digital Camo thread archived at https://archive.is/hogSX : Cover up memes & test camo, before posting on social media

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10912859, >>10912889, >>10913038 SETH RICH UPDATE

>>10912565, >>10912756, >>10912816 Key information on Repub Gov candidate Loren Culp omitted from voter's pamphlet

>>10912853, >>10912875 Lyric Jain is a deep state AI super villain whose declared war on the Q anon movement WW

>>10912480 1325 time stamp & Qpost 1325

>>10912652 1353 time stamp & Qpost 1353

>>10912614 If a Patriot could ever ask for a better "Q" moment, nothing could ever top this.

>>10912648 Ephesians 5

>>10912682 ‘It’s Personal’–Trump Supporter Chokes Up Talking About President Outside Walter Reed Hospital

>>10912688 The Breads have been working quite successfully without the Comms Bakers

>>10912694 PANIC

>>10912785 Antifa black bloc militants in Seattle riot and smash up businesses. They form a shield line to block police.

>>10912792 GOP House Candidate Slams Vote to Condemn QAnon

>>10912829 Moar panic

>>10912861 Youthprise - Call to digg

>>10912880 A new business intelligence report released by HTF MI with title "COVID-19 Outbreak-Global Concrete Dams Industry Market Report

>>10912906 South China Sea warning: Beijing's brutal 'firepower' in disputed waters sparks WW3 alert


>>10912977 Very good dig on BLM

>>10912626 Moar on Loren Culp info "not submitted"

>>10913128 #13965


>>10911779, >>10911954 Earlier today several interesting posts passed through the crazy bred war.

>>10911595, >>10911815 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will cut short his trip to Asia this week, a department spokeswoman says, visiting Japan but skipping planned stops to South Korea and Mongolia

>>10911739, >>10911781 PF

>>10911533 TRUMP Rally in Beverly Hills!

>>10911541 US Navy is developing 'supersonic submarines' that could cut through the ocean at the speed of sound using a bubble

>>10911650 November 4, 2016 - WikiLeaks Bombshell: The Soros/Clinton/Vatican Partnership Featured

>>10911740 3GD is rocketing to 170M - Watch the Water

>>10911612 We are entering into the period of maximum disinformation.

>>10911655 OK, here's the juice…

>>10911818 No News Is Good News: Media Willfully Ignore Hunter Biden Scandal

>>10911940 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Boyfriend Resigns From His Tech Startup

>>10912124 WALK AWAY

>>10912133 Boatfags

>>10912185 US sends 70 Awesome F35 jets After based Taiwan asks for help

>>10912041 Trump Supper interviewed at Walter Reed

>>10912215 A federal court ordered Los Angeles to hand over more than $100,000 to the National Rifle Association after ruling that the city had violated the gun-rights group's First Amendment rights.

>>10912108 DOUGH

>>10912265 #13964

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305873  No.10913132


>>10911031, >>10911036, Dan Scavino says he'll join POTUS at Walter Reed after another neg test in the AM

>>10911192, >>10911214 TLB asshurt after getting called out tries to split the bread. Fails.

>>10910758 Defense releases new details in Boogaloo-linked killing of federal officer in Oakland


>>10910880 All anons should read the discussion going on on comms and realize how much of a circle jerk shill fest it is

>>10910950 Prominent New York Lawyer Socata TBM-850 Crash on 2 Oct 2020 (Video)

>>10911009 MSNBC Takes a headline from /pol/

>>10911029 Secretary Pompeo's remarks at the Florida Family Policy Council's 15th Annual Awards Dinner

>>10911063 [Antifa] know how the police are going to react, so they carefully calibrate what they do to try to provoke the police into reacting & then filming it.”

>>10911005 I found this wikileaks page on this site

>>10910893 whatever the motion was from, this is what it looks like in a kymograph (yellow line intersecting cabinet knobs and reflection in desk)

>>10910989 Dig request - John Hewson, ex-AU shadow Finance minister, negative tweets on Trump's diagnosis

>>10911127 PF

>>10911163 The CCP Engineered/Released A Novel Coronavirus Which May Kill The POTUS

>>10911151 Comms bakers prefer circle jerk to meme warfare

>>10911235 Have been looking at the pic from her nomination event day, there is some interesting body language going on in them.

>>10911219 'It's Personal'–Trump Supporter Chokes Up Talking About President Outside Walter Reed Hospital

>>10911263 President Trump and Top Republicans (But No Democrats) Contract COVID –Now Cleveland Announces Outbreak Connected to Presidential Debate

>>10911277 POTUS saving the world from Walter Reed. Love it

>>10911421 You cannot manufacture enthusiasm for a candidate that has no energy, no plan for the future or that does not love the country.

>>10911445 #13963

Previously Collected Notables

>>10908910 #13960, >>10909915 #13961, >>10910664 #13962

>>10905830 #13957, >>10907015 #13958, >>10907955 #13959

>>10902948 #13954, >>10903715 #13955, >>10904510 #13956

>>10900586 #13951, >>10901314 #13952, >>10902160 #13953

>>10898177 #13948, >>10898972 #13949, >>10899766 #13950

>>10895691 #13945, >>10896559 #13946, >>10897311 #13947

>>10893360 #13942, >>10894106 #13943, >>10894836 #13944

>>10891095 #13939, >>10891861 #13940, >>10892645 #13941

>>10888750 #13936, >>10889544 #13937, >>10890361 #13938

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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305873  No.10913135

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

>>>/qrmemes/129 I'm On Team Joe

>>>/qrmemes/700 Hunter Biden

>>>/qrmemes/289 Kamala Harris

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10479225 Brasil/Portugal #1

>>9725975 Canada #7

>>8331823 France #1

>>10683929 Germany #68

>>10838222 Italy #1

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10497699 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>10843151 Scotland #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta >>10756139

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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305873  No.10913136

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

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* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #34 >>>/comms/28922

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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305873  No.10913139

File: ad7e0dcc7a95c91⋯.png (993.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2020_10_03_I_m_….png)



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da3691  No.10913145

Are you enjoying the show?

When Trump left the White House to go to Walter Reed, the colors of the leaves were quite brilliant. Not even a little change like would be expected.


Notice his attire - we'll come back to it.


McConnell is reporting his calls with POTUS on Twitter. That doesn't normally happen. I can see, under the circumstances, but the reports are all vague and generalized.


It's reported he was REALLY bad off on Friday. Ya, right. You mean the day he made this video?


It's been reported that he is off O2. When the hell was he on it? He just walked out of the white house on Thu nite. He's made videos each day since (Fri, Sat).

Trump's Saturday video contains no specificity on ANYTHING. There's NOTHING to indicate that it was current.


As this tweet points out, there are a lot of problems with the Saturday video.


He's wearing the exact same attire as when he went to Walter Reed in July, unexpectedly, for what was just routine maintenance?

Trump isn't at Walter Reed. He's not even sick. He's gone. Insulated. Abroad.


Enjoy the show.

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a9c6d8  No.10913152

In the 1970's/80's hundreds of retarded trust fund babies became computer moguls.

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bc730a  No.10913174

File: c9747642b380ccd⋯.jpeg (756.74 KB, 1125x1077, 375:359, 39E2B567_A5B8_4641_82E7_D….jpeg)

FBI trolling the Clintons?


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e56da9  No.10913178



Creepy Joe material.

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25504c  No.10913185

File: 8420e7619b00635⋯.png (173.73 KB, 336x260, 84:65, ClipboardImage.png)




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335fc4  No.10913191

File: 84f5dcbe184567d⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1774x830, 887:415, 10042020onaboat.png)

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a9c6d8  No.10913194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One of them was my friend this is how he died.

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925b41  No.10913199

File: ccadb18b400c055⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bebest.jpg)



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fa3045  No.10913202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very interesting re: timelines

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305873  No.10913204

File: 5e8e639c41c951f⋯.png (750.39 KB, 1752x1859, 1752:1859, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Util….png)



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a9c6d8  No.10913205


His other retarded brother won a Purple Heart for getting cold in Antartica.

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bf1bb3  No.10913209

File: 72a6c0a7443c386⋯.png (326.47 KB, 1181x616, 1181:616, pb_jew.png)


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83be97  No.10913211


>Are you enjoying the show

Seen better

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a9c6d8  No.10913216


His other brother was the fake creator of the space Shuttle tiles that failed and destroyed the Space Shuttle operation. .

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7636b9  No.10913217

File: bc753c2b39b29a5⋯.png (4.51 MB, 2258x6677, 2258:6677, proof_comms_bakers_refuse_….png)


I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker fuckery

this claim is the foundational reason for the splitting of the bread today

the bread was split for the reason of:

Violation of First Principles

First Principle Violated:

-anons not allowed to bake as anon

Example 1 of Ongoing Issue

/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons

4 /comms/bakers involved in this example (4 unique UID's)

pic related includes 3 of these bakers

would have included 4th but pic related getting too large to digest

Bread #13946

/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons

anon wasfirst to offerto take bake

/comms/baker 'be' refuses to pass without qbin pre-verification

/comms/bakers proceed to defend brand new baker hand-off pre-verification procedure that was created by these same /comms/bakers

/comms/bakers require anon to selfdox/namefag in order to bake

since when are anons not allowed to bake as anon?

pic very related

input from anons requested

how does this look to you anons?

easy to understand?

is everything sauced?

UIDs → /comms/baker ID's

too big? (what should be removed?)

At least 2 more examples of the above are being sauced and proofed

will post when done

thank you for (you)r consideration


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305873  No.10913218



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48ab14  No.10913220

If POTUS is on a boat, should we be watching the water?

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83be97  No.10913225


Most people shouldn't, but you should be, yes.

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7636b9  No.10913226



top keks

thank you for sharing anon


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925b41  No.10913228

File: 0f8b2b73ea88cd5⋯.png (131.16 KB, 450x309, 150:103, BaBaBattery.PNG)

Anon demands work space. You fly so low and within mutually observed borders then fly your own fucking shorts half past midnight predicted wind velocities.

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a9c6d8  No.10913229


He made millions and was a high school drop out, rapist, heroin addict pedophile. .

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496805  No.10913230

File: 63fb6c1dfb5febe⋯.png (4.35 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 8A9F67C0_4EFB_43C9_95E9_C1….png)

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48ab14  No.10913237


I am glad I am not "most people'.


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06c3c1  No.10913239

File: 56b1591a373c20c⋯.png (634.42 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle.png)


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a9c6d8  No.10913241


The Riddle's.

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7d9d88  No.10913243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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83be97  No.10913247


If it keeps you busy you're less likely to injure yourself in confusion. You're welcome.

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b2f91e  No.10913252

File: ffdfbbb2855100d⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 240x300, 4:5, antife.jpg)

Random terrorist posted pb

EYES ON her eyes! <<<<<

Are these normal pupils or does she have snake eyes? Slits, not round.

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63ab6b  No.10913253

File: 655734b0a9d0b29⋯.png (408.28 KB, 576x606, 96:101, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)

File: 04955054fbb4b8c⋯.png (667.94 KB, 762x656, 381:328, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)

>>10911954 (pb)

On where is POTUS game

FYI, the pic on the water was allegedly uploaded January 13, 2018 on https://wallpapercrafter.com/248648-___statue-of-liberty-new-york-flag-and-american-fl.html


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522845  No.10913254






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a9c6d8  No.10913255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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925b41  No.10913256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Snap. Comment.

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522845  No.10913257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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48ab14  No.10913258


Glad I could give you something to do. You seem to be the Karen type.

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63ab6b  No.10913259

File: eb356e79d6b0e56⋯.gif (13.91 MB, 600x338, 300:169, Listing_.gif)


POTUS vid converted to gif and sped up 10X

Source: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1312524102322749440/vid/1280x720/8ojlvgMWKc3yvpSa.mp4?tag=13

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83be97  No.10913260



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25504c  No.10913261


>Are these normal pupils or does she have snake eyes? Slits, not round.

You're looking at the reflection of two flash units used to light the photo.

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fc92e9  No.10913263

File: 965f2917c5e97e7⋯.jpeg (19.1 KB, 705x364, 705:364, EjYGrBPU4AESOJk.jpeg)

File: 553a5c4530080e4⋯.jpeg (80.99 KB, 1125x776, 1125:776, EjYGrBQU8AEjCtu.jpeg)

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925b41  No.10913264

File: e1a1c067332c232⋯.png (1.16 MB, 918x619, 918:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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835c94  No.10913265

>>10913044 lb

>>10913070 lb

>>10913030 lb

NOTABLE! Killbox comms?

Posts were lost in the shill shitstorms.

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6c9526  No.10913266

File: 0da974d0023d9e3⋯.png (615.46 KB, 451x611, 451:611, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks baker

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06c3c1  No.10913267

File: 4bf23fa78178a27⋯.png (634.53 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle01.png)


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02ccbb  No.10913268


Opsec says speculation is bad mmkay.

News will say "Qanon followers believe Trump is actually hiding on a submarine!"

So shut the fuck up buttercup.

We'll filter you just to be sure though.

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06c3c1  No.10913269

File: c569fef943840af⋯.png (634.34 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle02.png)


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06c3c1  No.10913270

File: 96d45589028856e⋯.png (634.64 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle03.png)


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ed238c  No.10913271

File: 4b2bebf2820d1cc⋯.jpeg (12.73 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 1fb7ebac9b83644bec88cd677….jpeg)

Anons thinking about you Mr President, get well soon! Godspeed.

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92af46  No.10913272



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f6a705  No.10913273

File: ed474833992dbb1⋯.png (497.9 KB, 840x710, 84:71, wreckmy.PNG)

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06c3c1  No.10913274

File: 4643296987e4ba2⋯.png (634.55 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle04.png)


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400a79  No.10913275

File: e8b8204c9c0033b⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 916x611, 916:611, EbDIPHEXsAIpuKC.jpg)

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fc92e9  No.10913276

File: 629d5fe65d69fa4⋯.png (654.26 KB, 628x838, 314:419, Ejbmkn8XkAADonM.png)

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8260cd  No.10913277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now I've been happy lately

Thinkin' about the good things to come

And I believe it could be

Something good has begun

Oh, I've been smilin' lately

Dreamin' about the world as one

And I believe it could be

Some day it's going to come

Cause out on the edge of darkness

There rides a peace train

Oh, peace train take this country

Come take me home again


Now, I've been smiling lately

Thinkin' about the good things to come

And I believe it could be

Something good has begun


Oh, peace train soundin' louder

Glide on the peace train

Ooh, ah, ee, ah, ooh, ah

Come on, now peace train

Yes, peace train holy roller

Everyone jump on the peace train

Ooh, ah, ee, ah, ooh, ah

Come on, now peace train

Now, I've been cryin' lately

Thinkin' about the world as it is

Why must we go on hating?

Why can't we live in bliss?

Cause out on the edge of darkness

There rides a peace train

Oh, peace train take this country

Come take me home again


Oh, peace train soundin' louder

Glide on the peace train

Ooh, ah, ee, ah, ooh, ah

Come on, now peace train

Yes, peace train holy roller

Everyone jump on the peace train

Ooh, ah, ee, ah, ooh, ah


Come on, come on, come on

Yeah, come on, peace train

Yes, it's the peace train

Ooh, ah, ee, ah, ooh, ah

Come on, now peace train

Peace train

Ooh, ah, ee, ah, ooh, ah

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92af46  No.10913278


No turbulence here.

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a6a372  No.10913279


Tag the comms post in Kitchen Meta if you would be so kind anon.

Nevermind, gonna go track it down you are actually baker kek…

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cb6dac  No.10913280


the number of Q posts on Jan 13, 2018 is insane.

Way over my head

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06c3c1  No.10913281

File: 611f0b69cfe96ac⋯.png (634.6 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle05.png)


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48ab14  No.10913282


Single, a rent you. That's because you like to nag and boss. Nobody likes that quality in a partner.

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f1a7e8  No.10913284


you know what they say about flak and targets, anon….

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fc92e9  No.10913285

File: 896c6f82f08825d⋯.jpeg (172.82 KB, 640x893, 640:893, EjQCFmXWoAMGg7Q.jpeg)

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b2f91e  No.10913286

File: ddf55f40c602e27⋯.png (399.78 KB, 800x534, 400:267, CKn.png)


>two flash units used to light the photo.

Nah. She's looking up and away from the camera. wouldn't occur. ProPhotog irl, have some experience here.

Zoom in. Check it.

pic related


That aint right.

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ed238c  No.10913287



Q2 29-Oct-2017

POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.

Home stretch! Godspeed Q+ and Q.

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06c3c1  No.10913288

File: 022a464a042736a⋯.png (634.49 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle06.png)


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dab550  No.10913289


Is she real?

I want to be her fren.

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25504c  No.10913290


>ProPhotog irl

Then you suck at it.

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88b5b1  No.10913291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Free Titanic Boat Rides Tickets Three for Free!!!


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ad603a  No.10913292

File: 5404e063b069441⋯.png (41.08 KB, 188x269, 188:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Noticed something behind POTUS's ear on the left side of the screen

Wire? Hair that doesn't blend with green screen?

Seems to appear/disappear


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06c3c1  No.10913293

File: f32417e8c38a08c⋯.png (634.17 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle07.png)


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fc92e9  No.10913294

File: 0482d6f1a400421⋯.jpeg (206.6 KB, 1112x1438, 556:719, EjbOld0WoAAWcv8.jpeg)

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92af46  No.10913295


MS13 Cunt

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a9c6d8  No.10913296


My other friend was Keith Green. He used slave labor to make his Christian contemporary music the biggest thing ever. I told him this is wrong. He told me to go away. He also died in a plane crash with half his kids in the plane and the other half watching it go down.

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06c3c1  No.10913297

File: 99d0f2093029e83⋯.png (634.32 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle08.png)


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a9c6d8  No.10913298


These people are stupid.

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48ab14  No.10913299


Trump's Saturday video contains no specificity on ANYTHING. There's NOTHING to indicate that it was current.


It was a message to anons.

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88b5b1  No.10913301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did 90 in a 65 IRL……

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06c3c1  No.10913302

File: f2d9ce1c1291451⋯.png (634.09 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle09.png)


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b2f91e  No.10913303

File: cbcc3ab76cde99a⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2730x2048, 1365:1024, nightsQ.jpg)


>NOTABLE! Killbox comms?

It's a Qdrop. Almost 5k of them now.

Were you not aware that you too can access them? This isn't anything new.

Neither are (You), am I rite?

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fc92e9  No.10913304

File: f09d13f5e8d386f⋯.jpeg (109.22 KB, 738x960, 123:160, EaBhgvTVcAAlrJ1_1_.jpeg)

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3c20c7  No.10913305

File: 5625926b20b8867⋯.jpg (126.25 KB, 500x778, 250:389, tongue.jpg)

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46c5a2  No.10913306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24be8b  No.10913307

File: b168d3d9d535be7⋯.png (93.97 KB, 255x211, 255:211, ClipboardImage.png)


Weird. Definite movement. Thanks for speeding it up, anon

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305873  No.10913308

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3c20c7  No.10913309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc92e9  No.10913310

File: 9f2337cb78ef6f8⋯.jpeg (191.84 KB, 1650x1099, 1650:1099, EjXI8FOVgAMux_A.jpeg)

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305873  No.10913311


Covering for him won't work Frebe. Keep trying.

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a9c6d8  No.10913312


The owner of this website wanted to hangout with me.

I deleted every email I had from him.

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92af46  No.10913313

"Ive had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you"!

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fc92e9  No.10913314

File: ac4d8287377c910⋯.jpeg (22.45 KB, 496x263, 496:263, EjVa25TUcAMQn6B.jpeg)

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2d7d67  No.10913315


the seals seized a yacht and he's taking a victory lap around greenland. whose yacht?

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63ab6b  No.10913316



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92af46  No.10913317


"I've had the time the time of my life, and I owe ot all to you"!

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a6a372  No.10913318

Frebe was like the one that rounded em all up and "Babysat" honestly. The fuck is going on. Frebe Dark to Light Baby.

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4c75a1  No.10913319



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b2f91e  No.10913320

File: b79f4d4df3a3c46⋯.jpeg (37.17 KB, 728x546, 4:3, fagot_.jpeg)


IntuitiveAnon irl too.

Get the feeling not gonna hear from ya rest of this bread.

Godspeed, Anon

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d82aa7  No.10913321

File: c5d2fcc3be0e36e⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1528x1334, 764:667, screenshot1.png)

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8b0267  No.10913322

File: 1d23fc6e78128de⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 396x396, 1:1, blk.jpg)

hey fags

appreciate all the work you are doing. except for the clowns. you suck. and it sucks to suck.

in case you are wondering, which many are to dumb to realize, some of the bigger "Q experts" are C_A losers or even FBI cucks, designed intentionally to disrupt the movement to make it look bad. here are a few:

x22, inevitable, karli, sather, nemos, kate awakening-basically any basic bitch with a paywall hawking books, food supplies, and/or hand creams.The purpose of Q is free thought and open source intelligence. stop giving these people money, or don't i don't really give a fuck. just stop making these retards notables. oh and they all communicate in private messages and are explicitly told to stay away from discussing certain individuals or organizations.

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a9c6d8  No.10913323


My mother-in-law was the secretary for Vivid Video.

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25504c  No.10913325

File: 4668ac28d01633b⋯.png (149.82 KB, 590x385, 118:77, ClipboardImage.png)


>not gonna hear from ya


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88b5b1  No.10913326

File: c3c07e47eeb7b09⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 886x960, 443:480, Arcturian1.jpg)

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a9c6d8  No.10913327


These people are sick.

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fc92e9  No.10913328

File: 554063f0e72141b⋯.png (635.71 KB, 685x872, 685:872, EjSvBQ_VcAAYZuS.png)

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a6a372  No.10913329

File: 0d966a4ce797e3b⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 359x260, 359:260, AsiaFTW0d966a4ce797e3b1a52….jpg)

File: 865dbccc6ceea5d⋯.jpg (642.33 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, AsianWomenSmokeWeed865dbcc….jpg)

File: 113bc5fd6d3a686⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 270x187, 270:187, Ayy_Lmao.jpg)

File: ebfb23df3ec7f65⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 534x441, 178:147, Baker_Nigga_Fren.jpg)

File: 90bb2a83520f32f⋯.png (646.67 KB, 637x561, 637:561, Baker_Swag_MEGA.png)

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63ab6b  No.10913330

File: 79c7b25d481efe8⋯.png (38.89 KB, 1234x109, 1234:109, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)


Difficult to know. If the cameraman is using a steady cam as prior anon thought, the most we can say is that there is movement. Where the movement comes from, I do not know. Happy to entertain educated guesses.

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6c9526  No.10913331

File: 1cb8b16003db429⋯.png (22.31 KB, 1235x177, 1235:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0725cd39a1247f5⋯.png (56.4 KB, 769x451, 769:451, ClipboardImage.png)


should i use image stabilization on a boat?

should I use Image Stabilization in the open sea​

It may depend on the situation. Is the boat moving? Is what you are shooting moving?

On stationary boat shooting stationary object: Yes, I would use Image Stabilization.

On moving boat shooting something traveling at the same speed and direction (water skier, another boat): Yes.

On moving boat shooting something not moving: Use Mode 2.

On moving boat shooting something moving in a different direction: Use Mode 2.

Shooting someone on the same boat: No.



if they are using a tripod, they should have turned the "image stabiliazer" off. This could be causing the slight movement.

4. Tips for a Stable Image

While image stabilization systems can be very useful to smooth handheld footage, they can cause issues when using a camera on a tripod and so should be switched off.


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a6a372  No.10913332

File: a8de28001ad3232⋯.png (347.61 KB, 486x505, 486:505, BAKER_TYB.png)

File: 816637ee86ec68f⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 499x499, 1:1, Cannabis_Pepe.jpg)

File: 61cce6386d30e36⋯.jpg (232.25 KB, 1200x625, 48:25, Chosen_For_Reason.jpg)

File: f27f6b78a8c1716⋯.jpeg (1013.64 KB, 1359x1059, 453:353, COMFY_AS_FUCK_.jpeg)

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06c3c1  No.10913333

File: eca2cdb6767e3a4⋯.png (634.55 KB, 610x610, 1:1, RootkitRemoverSingle10.png)

File: 051be3982a49261⋯.png (336.67 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove99.png)

Check E.ngine~

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51aca3  No.10913335



No, I didn't notice. I filter him at his first post. Why the hell didn't you?



Why were you watching comms instead of baking?

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a6a372  No.10913336

File: 4739a5a565133a6⋯.png (440.37 KB, 700x400, 7:4, no_fucks.png)

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000000  No.10913337

What's really going on in Armenia?

Are the Turks the bad guys?

Got to pay attention to this. They border Iran, it can get ugly fast.

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46c5a2  No.10913338

File: 0df57a1f220ecec⋯.png (132.44 KB, 433x376, 433:376, The_PAIN.png)




JOHN 3:16

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92af46  No.10913340


spitballin, fren. I just pray POTUS is safe, I believe he is.

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9d85c0  No.10913341


Devil Went Down to Georgia He was Looking for A Soul to Steal. Anyone got transparency on that three year fund hosted by cloudflare? Yes u know Trump was going to pay his legal fees. Won’t let Trump pay https://www.businessinsider.com/will-trump-pay-legal-fees-for-michael-flynn-russia-investigation-2018-2


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853d96  No.10913342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Justice for the boys on the tracks

Kevin Ives and Don Henry

Murder On The Tracks - The Story of Kevin Ives and Don Henry

Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 1 Episode 5 - Full Episode

This episode includes: D.B. Cooper Pts 1 & 2, Update: Math Teacher Escape, Friends to the End & UD and Babe's Uniform & UD.


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ee641b  No.10913344

Freedom requires us to pledge our very souls for the good cause. Don’t be distracted by government or any man if you want redemption. All power is in you.

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305873  No.10913345


>Why were you watching comms instead of baking?

I can do both, this really the best you got to cover for him. Everyone knows now.

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a9c6d8  No.10913347

When the Beatles first came to Los Angeles my dad spent four hours in their hotel room.

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a6a372  No.10913348

File: 09384e8be66188a⋯.jpg (127.4 KB, 537x750, 179:250, Pepe_Sepukku.jpg)

Seppuku Daishi.

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a6a372  No.10913352

File: 74dd817c30d5724⋯.jpg (43.88 KB, 510x524, 255:262, Best_Frenz.jpg)

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a6a372  No.10913355

File: a7364275ec04fa5⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 755x863, 755:863, Pepe_Samurai_Rest.jpg)

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fc92e9  No.10913358

File: 03b12ce1431f053⋯.jpeg (293.07 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, EjU8P6ZXcAEoDgJ.jpeg)

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305873  No.10913362



The fact that you started posting these after I posted the graphic here and on comms and you responded justPROVESthat comms bakers KNEW AFLB was GB.

You fucked yourselves.

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a6a372  No.10913364

File: 86d68cc56b0ffe9⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 542x423, 542:423, Baker_Nigga.jpg)

File: 317e15a6076acea⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 534x398, 267:199, Baker_Nigga_DID.jpg)

File: 2f89e4fba9a883c⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 534x416, 267:208, Baker_Nigga_Kek.jpg)

File: 818d30d19d2ab78⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 437x437, 1:1, Baker_Strong.jpg)

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a9c6d8  No.10913367


My dad walked Norma Jean Baker to high school every day until she dropped out.

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63ab6b  No.10913368


Is that a camera setting or post production editing tool?

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0b1baa  No.10913369

File: d54b7dc043d313a⋯.png (662.6 KB, 853x540, 853:540, ClipboardImage.png)



Double meanings exist.

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06c3c1  No.10913371

File: eef99d94c821147⋯.png (969.12 KB, 816x829, 816:829, BeBest17.png)

File: 16f6c448026cd11⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1414x745, 1414:745, MelaniaPersevere.png)

File: f50e7d82105dc4a⋯.png (420.44 KB, 617x640, 617:640, Template_Kayleigh.png)

File: d4b0cb8da99e803⋯.png (430.05 KB, 617x640, 617:640, KayleighFact.png)

File: ba901832b615ad6⋯.jpg (219.44 KB, 652x832, 163:208, AntiFungalLeafBread.jpg)

St. Michael the Archangel,

illustrious leader of the heavenly army,

defend us in the battle against principalities and powers,

against the rulers of the world of darkness

and the spirit of wickedness in high places.

Come to the rescue of mankind,

whom God has made in His own image and likeness,

and purchased from Satan's tyranny at so great a price.

We venerate you as our patron and guardian.

The Lord has entrusted to you the task

of leading the souls of the redeemed to heavenly blessedness.

Entreat the Lord of peace to cast Satan down under our feet,

so as to keep him from further holding man captive and

doing harm to the world.

Carry our prayers up to God's throne,

that the mercy of the Lord may quickly come

and lay hold of the beast, the serpent of old, Satan and his demons,

casting him in chains into the abyss, so that he can no longer seduce the nations.

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a6a372  No.10913373

File: 5fb158979ba52e4⋯.jpg (286.22 KB, 720x537, 240:179, Advanced_Fuckery.jpg)

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06c3c1  No.10913378

File: 73a1c56da6d6fb0⋯.png (703.31 KB, 1450x588, 725:294, TYBetrayer.png)

File: a2008cc2124fb59⋯.png (89.4 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweeties.png)

File: fd398878a5cae60⋯.png (388.43 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 15976188888.png)

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)


Essential Viewing Experience For Generating Actionable Insights

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
)\ )\()) )\))( (()/( )\()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/(
((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
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\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Top Right Corner [Options]

Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex:

Copy and paste all below into the window:

.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] explicity designed to ban - terminate any TWIT user(s) reposting.

Do not take the bait.

Use discernment.


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a6a372  No.10913379

File: 8bf638732bfec8e⋯.png (358.53 KB, 544x533, 544:533, Anon2JKNot_You.png)

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789793  No.10913380

File: 21bb6d30111197d⋯.jpeg (14.67 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 21bb6d30111197d366985ce9a….jpeg)

Been blocking a bunch of twatterfags w/ large followings tonight for pushing the sub/ship faggotry. Surprised at how many were running with it, as if the media wasn't bad enough right now.

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fc92e9  No.10913382

File: 11229936c133c43⋯.jpeg (173.39 KB, 1095x1200, 73:80, EjRKB9dUYAApzK2.jpeg)

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a6a372  No.10913383

File: 882e7822428c63f⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 1200x1258, 600:629, 882e7822428c63f216651fc693….jpg)

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cd5453  No.10913384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My gunz go


and your guns go

<pow pow

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1c8981  No.10913386

Guys it's raining where I live and there aren't any rain clouds in the sky, can clearly see the stars. It was rainy and cloudy all day, but now there are no clouds and sprinkling rain, no wind really either. Super weird. Go outside and check it out

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a6a372  No.10913388

File: a859cc10a6c3b56⋯.png (86.26 KB, 300x300, 1:1, BrainWashed_You_.png)

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305873  No.10913390


Took you a while to get to the pastebin.

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a6a372  No.10913392


Ill bring a pistol

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bb7899  No.10913396


Who are these two?

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853d96  No.10913397



June 13, 2020 - Latest Upload: Murder On The Tracks – The Billy Jack Haynes Story


Dec 20 2019 Upload: American Re-Made - The Real Story of Barry Seal


American Re-Made is technically a Prequel to the Murder On The Tracks series.

Murder on the Tracks Part 2 - The Story of Kevin Ives and Don Henry Continues…


Murder on the Tracks UPDATE 2018 - The Story of Kevin Ives and Don Henry Continues


Murder on the Tracks Part 3 - The Sheriffs


Murder On The Tracks: Shorts - Hillary Clinton On Redacted Documents


Murder On The Tracks: Shorts - Triangle Of Death


Murder On The Tracks - Billy-Jack Haynes Vs. Sharline Wilson


Clinton Cache - Decades Of Documenteering


On August 23, 1987 teenagers Kevin Ives and Don Henry were brutally murdered and their bodies placed on railroad tracks in an effort to conceal their murders.

This is the story of what happened that night, the immediate cover-up which reached the highest levels of government, and the admirable, and still on-going, crusade waged by Kevin's mother, Linda Ives, to get Justice for the murders of Kevin and Don.

Part 1 of the "All For Justice… And Justice For All" series.

As Linda is now retired, it is difficult and costly to keep up her fight. Please feel free to make a contribution towards helping bring this treacherous case to a close, with some Justice finally being served!



Linda Ives appeared on a Reddit AMA on Wed June 7, 2017. Here some of the Q and A with her…

Q - "Thanks for doing the AMA! My question is, who are the individuals you feel are the most responsible for the murder and cover up of the boys?"

Linda - "Number one on the list as far as killers would be special prosecutor Dan Harmon who orchestrated the murders and cover up. The others I believe were there are Keith Mckaskle, Larry Roushall, Sharline Wilson, narcotics detective kirk Lane, narcotics detective Jay Campbell, and deputy Danny Allen. The list of those directly involved in the coverup not listed already includes deputy prosecutor Richard Garrett, then sheriff Jim Steed, detective Chuck Tallent, detective Rick Elmendorf, Judge John Cole and many, many others who have been willing to look the other way over the years."

Q - Do you think the Clinton's and the CIA drug trade were involved in your son's death?

Linda - "We knew early on that there were drugs drops involved but assumed it was a small local operation. Our focus for many years was on who was there and not where the drugs came from. It wasn't until 1990 that we learned the drugs were being dropped by plane. We were able to locate a pilot, who was interviewed by Jean Duffey (a former deputy prosecutor and drug task force director). He stated he had flown that "route" a number of times and we were able to corroborate geographical information he provided."

Q - "Do you think any other state officials or officials in the federal government know the truth about your son's death and are staying silent about it for some reason? If so, who and for what reasons?"

Linda - "Both Republicans and Democrats have exposure in the Mena /Iran /contra operation which is why they have been highly successful in the coverup. There are many people that know, in my opinion, especially within the FBI."

Q - "Can you share your favorite memory you have of Kevin?"

Linda - "Kevin was so in love with his car which was a 1983 blue camaro with T tops. Nearly every day after school he would be in the front yard washing it. So many times I would drive up to see him out there almost stroking it for lack of a better word:)) I also loved to see him put the tops back on after arriving home and he would lean over and look into the side mirror and comb his hair which had been blown from the T tops being down."

Link to the full Q and A -


*UPDATE/CORRECTION* on the information in the movie, about Linda Ives not knowing about the existence of Sharline Wilson's confession letter until 2015. She did know about it, but thought it was discredited, until her Police friend dug it up and found a lot of corroborating evidence in it in 2015. They then went to Casady, who referred them to Wright, and so on.

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a6a372  No.10913399

File: f36c2c160b7f164⋯.jpg (148.71 KB, 545x660, 109:132, BREADWOA.jpg)

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a6a372  No.10913401

File: 540a9407ef01cc6⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 255x226, 255:226, Red_Says_Dumbass.jpg)

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000000  No.10913402

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000000  No.10913403


Lessons of Lost Civilizations Forgotten

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9d85c0  No.10913405




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a6a372  No.10913407

File: e6e649cb103912e⋯.png (457.53 KB, 642x600, 107:100, Click.png)

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deb7ad  No.10913408

The Rich family is protecting Aaron, since they were trying to get money for the stolen dnc emails.

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a9c6d8  No.10913410

I hung out with Lonnie Frisbee, he was the creepiest gay dude I'v ever known.

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305873  No.10913412


GB part of the comms crew and AFLB spam, It's now Freebaker spamming AFLB stuff to cover for GB because I called it out.

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176619  No.10913415

File: 95b8c8df80c2fa9⋯.jpg (159.94 KB, 1525x475, 61:19, Evolution.jpg)

It does not even change anymore

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fc92e9  No.10913416

File: 000a8f214871f45⋯.jpeg (18.12 KB, 392x392, 1:1, EjVq99wWsAEnbLI.jpeg)

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06c3c1  No.10913417

File: 433b78489a2c920⋯.png (119.66 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash01.png)

File: 95e44e28a1ccb59⋯.png (336.67 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove88.png)




















> fc92e9


> 88b5b1


> 25504c


> 8b0267


>7 minutes ago d82aa7


> b2f91e


> fc92e9


> fc92e9


> fc92e9


> b2f91e


> fc92e9





























IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a6a372  No.10913419

File: 8e29a1b7970a5dd⋯.jpg (610.22 KB, 2592x1891, 2592:1891, Putin_Kek.jpg)

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6c9526  No.10913420



camera setting. on a moving object both sites state to turn it off, for a boat or an airplane.

I guess image stabilizer works when a person is holding the camera. On a tripod, the image stabilizer must get confused. its base is not moving, but it can feel the movement of the boat/plane.

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496805  No.10913421

File: 5eda58e57943181⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 4A24AF7A_111B_44B0_BE9A_74….png)


The diagnosis was the latest setback for the Republican president, who is trailing Democratic rival Joe Biden in opinion polls ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election.

With Trump in the hospital, his campaign announced “Operation MAGA,” based on his slogan “Make America Great Again,” which will see high-profile allies including Vice President Mike Pence and Trump’s elder sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, take over in-person campaigning starting next week.

Pence, who tested negative on Friday, is scheduled to debate Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris on Wednesday.

Biden, who largely avoided direct criticism of Trump during a campaign trip to Michigan on Friday, took a more aggressive tone on Saturday while speaking to a transit workers’ union on Saturday, even as he wished the president well.

“I’m in a little bit of a spot here, because I don’t want to be attacking the president and the first lady now,” Biden said, adding he hoped the Trumps make a full recovery.

But he quickly pivoted to Trump’s response to the pandemic, calling it “unconscionable” and blasting Trump’s comment in an interview this summer that “it is what it is” when asked about the death toll.

“I find this one of the most despicable things that I’ve encountered in my whole career,” Biden said.

Biden, who tested negative on Friday, told reporters he would next be tested on Sunday. His campaign will begin releasing the results of each test, a spokesman said.

The Democratic candidate has eschewed big events in favor of low-key appearances with few or no attendees, while Trump has held large rallies with little social distancing.

Biden has used Trump’s diagnosis to bolster his calls for people to wear masks, a practice that Trump has questioned.

Trump has repeatedly downplayed the threat of the coronavirus pandemic this year, even as it has killed more than 200,000 Americans and hammered the U.S. economy.

Mid article section


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a6a372  No.10913422

File: 45c059892de4514⋯.jpg (795.4 KB, 1391x2451, 1391:2451, PepePapa.jpg)

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d82aa7  No.10913423

File: 81f7560100d651f⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 750x414, 125:69, twitter_EjdNolqWsAACU2a.jpg)

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a6a372  No.10913424

File: 821f89fcc193bf3⋯.gif (358.96 KB, 318x342, 53:57, NPC_Buffering.gif)

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1c8981  No.10913426


Already have one right here

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a6a372  No.10913427

File: ec7a16007953f25⋯.gif (164.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Ewok.gif)

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a6a372  No.10913428

File: 5bd66d67d679f42⋯.gif (120 KB, 600x487, 600:487, _NPC_MBA.gif)

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51aca3  No.10913430


I don't know who you think I am, but you seem to suffer from extreme paranoia.

If there was some sort of conspiracy then why would they communicate here on 8kun? There are a thousand other ways they could coordinate.

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468d2d  No.10913432

File: b64a23984a9698a⋯.png (780.1 KB, 1021x846, 1021:846, batsoup.PNG)




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06c3c1  No.10913434

File: 4d8f682b8a43caf⋯.png (119.64 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash02.png)

File: 53a0d6099bd9a8c⋯.png (336.77 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove55.png)





















IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

48ab14  No.10913436


Definitely movement.

AND I see nothing but 5:5 with his hands.

5:5 all the way

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a6a372  No.10913440

File: bb4f99b012e80c6⋯.jpg (86.27 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Shill_NPC_Revealed.jpg)


Faggot revealed

Thatwas fucking hard…

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25504c  No.10913441

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

06c3c1  No.10913443

File: e97c634b6a42dc0⋯.png (119.49 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash03.png)

File: 69cc66b83667e1b⋯.png (336.91 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove44.png)















IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

63ab6b  No.10913444


Ok, thank you.

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000000  No.10913445


Is that the Canary Islands?

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a6a372  No.10913447

File: 9820fab7a617cd4⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 425x239, 425:239, Ark_Face_Melt.gif)

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b2f91e  No.10913448

File: c281034f3ac4654⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 500x756, 125:189, piano.jpg)



Just how fukd up does one have to be to have convos with themselves while trying to comm with others?

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a6a372  No.10913449

File: 6b027320b5aa335⋯.jpg (112.52 KB, 630x463, 630:463, All_The_Keks.jpg)

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a6a372  No.10913450

File: 119a34f32e6a2c2⋯.png (283.03 KB, 688x461, 688:461, Q_News.png)

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82418f  No.10913451

File: 6cee2f7167a368a⋯.png (467.42 KB, 1182x541, 1182:541, 6cee2f7167a368a578be2b9496….png)


"anon mentioned this in a reply to my post in last bread..The timeseries in the right panel shows motion through the yellow line in 1 second intervals, 242 in total [4 minutes].


The motion appears to be periodic, with the lowest frequency being 3-4 peaks per 4 minutes."

of course they would use a tripod, or stand for a 4 min vid c'mon…he's on a boat, those are rolls, and he's "showing us" anons, not trying to hide it…

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305873  No.10913452

File: ca52025ae525a8e⋯.png (174.66 KB, 1011x440, 1011:440, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Q_Re….png)

File: 22f07910c128aa4⋯.png (407.42 KB, 849x439, 849:439, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Q_Re….png)

I made the post and Frebe tried to start spamming the shit with the ~ to act like AFLB was here while he was getting to AFLB's pastebin to start spamming the rest. To fucking obvious



Notice how he spammed a bunch of posts real fast when I called it out trying to draw attention to it.BUSTED











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06c3c1  No.10913453

File: 49d7bf254742ee6⋯.png (119.51 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash04.png)

File: d4f5561cba8e6ea⋯.png (336.81 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove33.png)









IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c8981  No.10913454

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cd5453  No.10913455


>Go outside and check it out

You do know weather isn't the same everywhere on Earth at the same time, right?

But just in case we're neighbors, I think I seent a badger or a wolverine walk through my backyard earlier. I guess it could've been a hybrid-mutant-skunk. Either way, be careful out there

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8b0267  No.10913458

File: 8cccc80b4c12ff9⋯.jpg (1007.73 KB, 2364x2364, 1:1, SF.jpg)

Q is for Quantum, get it Quantum anon. There is only on person currently talking about the Quantum internet and he is currently sitting in a jail cell in Arizona. Ground zero of the FBI field office that labeled the Q movement as "domestic terrorists." You might know who I am talking about. Quantum computing has the ability to transmit messages through space and time. AKA Q is sending messages back in time-Project Looking Glass.

Starlink will provide free internet via a mesh network of satellites through SpaceX endeavors. SpaceX is a DIA front. DIA/NSA are running the Q operation.

Cryptocurrency XRP/Ripple will replace SWIFT, the decades old global transaction mechanism for banks.

This info has not been discussed by any "Q experts." I will leave it up to you to figure out who is talking about this.

Space Force is currently engaging with MI to take down the cabal.

All of this may make more sense when a certain someone becomes the new Space Force Commander after the election.

Suppressed tech will be disclosed and eventually made public once this nightmare circus is concluded.

AS the world turns.

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a6a372  No.10913459

File: 49126b012b5ad18⋯.png (120.08 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8kun_Post_Detector1.png)

File: 5ffae63c4ef5064⋯.png (116.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8Kun_Post_Detector2.png)

File: 8ec670fb24747d7⋯.png (120.27 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8Kun_Post_Detector3.png)

File: 4f808c661bcfd94⋯.png (112.28 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8Kun_Post_detector4.png)

File: 250a21f2b748573⋯.png (108.56 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8Kun_Post_Detector6.png)

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400a79  No.10913461

File: 037e5a54a8be175⋯.png (28.42 KB, 472x224, 59:28, Screen_Shot_2020_10_03_at_….png)

Walter Reed

W-23 R-18

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9d85c0  No.10913462


Do you believe in GloBaal warming?

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a6a372  No.10913463

File: 4d64edf0db4ba1d⋯.gif (142.88 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8Kun_Post_Detector7.gif)

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06c3c1  No.10913464

File: 1497bdd1244d974⋯.png (119.46 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash05.png)

File: f89fc02c46219fd⋯.png (336.66 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove22.png)





I'll save you time, Baker drama was fabricated cover for the insidious controllers like flushedboi to roll into a new manipulated 'drive' script - to keep us censored and driven to eat their bullshit~ That's the truth you'll never hear.

Their old script was too sliced to work anymore~





IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a6a372  No.10913465

File: 7a58f44111398a9⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x368, 125:92, Mosquito.gif)

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25504c  No.10913466


or, you're wrong.

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51aca3  No.10913467


>Q is for Quantum

Are you sure it doesn't simply stand for Question?

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a9c6d8  No.10913468

Valerie Bertinelli was my school mate and lived 10 houses down from me. She was the most depressed person I ever met.

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6c9526  No.10913469


wouldn't they use a tripod to record him?

see below


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a6a372  No.10913470

File: 54fd6cd7b166215⋯.jpg (386.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Panic_Yoda.jpg)

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a6a372  No.10913471

File: e3cf8095584cd56⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 520x514, 260:257, Red_Says_U_DUMBASS.jpg)

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06c3c1  No.10913472

File: 57a730951e98c63⋯.png (119.5 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash06.png)

File: a0d70cc90cbb747⋯.png (336.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove11.png)









IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fc92e9  No.10913473

File: 954c87d3cc0ab19⋯.jpeg (285.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, EjTY_LDX0AAF1Sc.jpeg)

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305873  No.10913474


I called it out and showed the timing, freebaker responded, full apeshit spam now






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25504c  No.10913475

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a9c6d8  No.10913476

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000000  No.10913477

In the days when I was incarnate of the men of Atlantis, I, Master of Mysteries, Keeper of records, mighty king, magician, lived from generation to generation until I could pass into the halls of the world beyond, I set down for the guidance of men, the records of the great wisdom of Atlantis.

In the great island city, in a time deep into the past, I took the form of men. Not of small stature as the men of present age were we of Atlantis, nor did we did we pass in one century but not more, but rather through ages did our lives renew from the halls of beyond, where the river of life flows eternal.

Renewal of self have I thus descended, 100 times 10 be the lives I have lived. Descending through the dark have I then ascended, from darkness into light have my strength been renewed.

It is now I descend and the men of the earthly toils have forgotten my name. But I come within you, yet a time unborn will I rise again, almighty and omnipresent, taking account of all those who keep hidden the Light. Heed my call, o men of alchemy, heed my warning of this I do say. To those who have betrayed my gift laid upon the men of earth, I come to cast you from your ill-gotten wares, and into the caves from where you once came. Even beyond the great death do I now call, illuminating the men from my teachings you stood guard.

Great were the people of ancient days, great beyond the present men; knowing the wisdom and seeking the teachings of the heart, the infinite knowledge. The great knowledge which belongs to the young and illuminates the old.

The Children of Light and the men of that time, living together though no turbulence displayed. Strong was the fire of spirit, and which burned brightest of all was my father, keeper of the great temple, the link between the Children of Light who dwelt within, and all races of men were among them a king, obeyed the lessons of my father did each.

It was there I was raised from a child into adult, my father teaching me the mysteries of ALL, until within me grew the fire of wisdom, until that fire burst into radiating flame. The only pursuit I desired was the attainment of wisdom, each night that passed, a quest by each day. Until the day I was called to the temple, to meet the great one and before him I was placed.

Few could name a man who had looked upon that mighty face and lived, fewer still have completed the chore. Not necessary of human form are the Children of Light.

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a6a372  No.10913478

File: 3fe7f384efad5e5⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 542x422, 271:211, FOH_TRUMP_2020MF.jpg)


or took a bit to get the copypasta out kek.

"Damn, gotta go to old bred and lift some text and re-format it dawg"

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88b5b1  No.10913479

File: d63fbfd8e1a2fe4⋯.png (827.6 KB, 879x499, 879:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed559f  No.10913480

File: 6c4b378bc9bba96⋯.png (1.46 MB, 960x970, 96:97, 120591853_2384599437721052….png)

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1c8981  No.10913481


Any of those things could be in my backyard as well if that narrows it down Anon, especially the badger. Either way maybe get some fresh air, the moon looks cool too

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ca43c7  No.10913482







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a6a372  No.10913483

File: 1a4f3b9212cce78⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1108x920, 277:230, Rest_Comfy_Frenz.png)

File: 8923a363e46653e⋯.png (961.61 KB, 884x638, 442:319, Retarded_Forget.png)

File: 7cfc0ff2fac0ed4⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 280x200, 7:5, Ric_Flair_WOO.jpg)

File: d3433e09dbd4aa0⋯.jpg (38.53 KB, 550x328, 275:164, RidersOnTheHolyStorm.jpg)

File: f4ee90c7174d650⋯.png (635.14 KB, 600x450, 4:3, RP_Absolutely_Habbeing.png)

Yo my nizzle how goeth izzle?

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06c3c1  No.10913484

File: d32d13cedb63ab8⋯.png (119.63 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash07.png)

File: 282f2bb713b41df⋯.png (336.54 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove77.png)





IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a6a372  No.10913485

File: 8506ef1d1a07c1f⋯.jpg (46.57 KB, 625x502, 625:502, deedeedeee8506ef1d1a07c1f3….jpg)

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a6a372  No.10913486

File: 2da7851634eea3e⋯.png (124.86 KB, 191x263, 191:263, OG_G_It_Is_What_It_Is.png)

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a6a372  No.10913487

File: 145f96ced2c01cb⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 498x498, 1:1, Pepe_.gif)

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fc92e9  No.10913488

File: 483b82c4ecd0f71⋯.jpeg (51.79 KB, 720x740, 36:37, EjO8bQWWkAAM9KW.jpeg)

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a6a372  No.10913489

File: d698e5fe3ae7240⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Realize_Real_Lies.gif)

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25504c  No.10913490

File: 0d2dc8710400180⋯.png (74.94 KB, 318x240, 53:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6a372  No.10913491

File: 24887486bac232d⋯.jpg (76.52 KB, 828x807, 276:269, Shill_SmackDown.jpg)

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06c3c1  No.10913492

File: 3925605f0ce8c95⋯.png (119.73 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash08.png)

File: 8ac9975c30d8290⋯.png (337.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove66.png)










> a6a372


> a6a372


>Just now a6a372


> fc92e9


> a6a372


> 25504c


> a6a372

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a9c6d8  No.10913493

Q has been a new age Hollywood lover until recently.

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48ab14  No.10913494


He actually has covid?

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000000  No.10913495


Don't you ever get tired?

Ohhh you are a bot. got it!

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305873  No.10913496



>>10913204, >>10913218, >>10913362, >>10913452, >>10913474, >>10913478 STRANGE THAT AFLB DISAPPEARED WITHIN 10 MINUTES of GB Saying Nite on COMMS

>>10913217 I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker subversion

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496805  No.10913497

File: c31444ab223935f⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 7B0915FD_E927_49BB_88C6_2D….png)

File: fe7a033ec38d374⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 64941634_4F82_484F_87D1_D9….png)

But his comments raised far more questions than they answered. For instance, asked whether Trump had lung damage, Conley said he had undergone ultrasounds. That did not answer the lung question and created another: Were the ultrasounds for his lung or for another body part, like the heart?

He said Trump did not need supplemental oxygen Thursday, Saturday, or “when we were all here” on Friday—but he danced around the question of whether the president had been on oxygen at any point in between. The Times and AP reports of oxygen being given on Friday at the White House suggest Conley did want to disclose that and framed his answer so he did not have to but was not blatantly lying.

Conley also said Trump’s fever is gone, though he would not say how high his temperature had been. And he claimed his cardiac, liver and kidney function was normal.

The president’s oxygen-saturation rate on Saturday hovered between 96 and 98 percent, which is not in the danger zone, but his doctors did not say if it had ever been lower. Hours later, Meadows told Fox News that on Friday “his blood oxygen level had dropped rapidly.”

Trump also received a dose of the experimental anti-viral remdesivir at Walter Reed on Friday—and a second one on Saturday. Conley said it had not been decided if he would get the full, five-day course or how long he might be hospitalized.

He did note that the the peak period for the inflammation phase that can make coronavirus so life-threatening is seven to 10 days after onset, and Trump has not passed through that.


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25504c  No.10913498

File: eed81353c94f0a3⋯.png (139.42 KB, 256x249, 256:249, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fd214  No.10913499


Dam yeah..

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6c9526  No.10913501


how are these making "notes"?

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ca43c7  No.10913502







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308662  No.10913503

File: c3f549f0576985f⋯.png (157.35 KB, 710x542, 355:271, c3f549f0576985ff5a8575177c….png)

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fc92e9  No.10913504

File: ca35e27be2be127⋯.png (970.89 KB, 800x560, 10:7, pig_1800x1260_m.png)

Majority of Respondents Support Chimeric Animal Research: Survey

Almost 60 percent of people in a new study on attitudes in the US felt comfortable using animals to grow human organs from induced pluripotent stem cells.

Human-animal chimeric embryos—organisms created using cells from two or more species—have the potential to change how researchers study disease and generate organs and tissues for human transplants. One day, scientists have proposed, it may be possible for someone with, say, pancreatic cancer to have their stem cells injected into a modified swine embryo lacking its own pancreas so it can grow the human organ for donation.

Already, human-animal chimeric embryos (HACEs) have been created using human cells injected into pigs, sheep, mice, rats, and monkeys, although none in the US have been brought to term. In fact, their very existence is ethically contentious. What happens, for example, if scientists were to grow a human brain in an animal, blurring the line between species?


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305873  No.10913505


Because eveyone needs to know the comms board subversion we have been dealing with forever. Deleting notes, attacking anons, refusing to hand off to anyone not comms board certified.

Anons are over it.

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25504c  No.10913506


take your violence baiting faggotry somewhere else and fap to it.

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f1a7e8  No.10913507

File: d18b5f8b4fe2875⋯.png (266.96 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a84a0  No.10913508

File: 72b4d085c1c8b13⋯.jpg (721.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_034.jpg)

File: d87de314a9fd419⋯.jpg (375.49 KB, 1200x759, 400:253, IMG_169.jpg)

File: 9e6cc6fd7b5c4d9⋯.jpg (445.81 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, IMG_057.jpg)


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357903  No.10913509

File: d4b690b97d51564⋯.png (299.14 KB, 910x544, 455:272, Screenshot_20200917_091857….png)

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a6a372  No.10913510

File: 6d71888c708ec8d⋯.jpeg (323.51 KB, 1125x1050, 15:14, Dystopia.jpeg)

File: 5468be96a601700⋯.jpeg (43.37 KB, 680x329, 680:329, Nightmaregoggles.jpeg)

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8ef3e5  No.10913511

File: b9693a6eae915eb⋯.png (6.9 KB, 448x115, 448:115, DFAILD.png)

It is all Spooky, a giant global power struggle, but We Will Not Give Up Without A Fight. We know they won’t get to step Five, patriots are in full control. Where We Go One, We Go All, we are with you POTUS and FLOTUS. GOD BLESS AND GOD SPEED, to all who are fighting for a better world.

Totally feels like everyone is playing a game of Chess, who has the Floor now?

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a6a372  No.10913512

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25504c  No.10913513


I loved watching that meltdown.

These whacko clown sci-fi tech idiots are funny.

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a6a372  No.10913514

File: eb1195187684a02⋯.jpg (368.95 KB, 1378x3039, 1378:3039, PL.jpg)

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3906b3  No.10913515


methods sauce:

(requires ffmpeg and ImageJ or Fiji)

1. convert mp4 to png frames:

ffmpeg -ss 0 -i POTUS.mp4 -to 242 -copyts -vf fps=1 v2f/POTUS%d.png

2. use Fiji/ImageJ to import image series

->apply analysis/multikymographs

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a6a372  No.10913516

File: 76561a038559eed⋯.jpg (27.84 KB, 427x275, 427:275, Crack_Meth.jpg)

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4c75a1  No.10913517


> XRP/Ripple


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cd5453  No.10913518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Are you sure it doesn't simply stand for


What you say foo!?

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06c3c1  No.10913519

File: 1ebb23011232868⋯.png (119.71 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash09.png)

File: f9d80776039ef58⋯.png (336.22 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove0.png)




> a6a372


> a6a372


> a6a372


> a6a372

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a6a372  No.10913520

File: 3990637101c06cd⋯.png (160.57 KB, 375x293, 375:293, Crack_Smoking_Starts.png)

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05fd6f  No.10913521


We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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a6a372  No.10913522

File: b61eccaabe0293b⋯.png (693 KB, 1043x551, 1043:551, Crack_Smoking_CalmYe.png)

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ca43c7  No.10913523






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a6a372  No.10913524


Maga riots faggot has been reminded.

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06c3c1  No.10913525

File: f2f4b279c36bec3⋯.png (119.7 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash10.png)

File: 66c7f26351a9a1e⋯.png (336.87 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove9.png)


> a6a372


> a6a372


> ca43c7


> a6a372

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a6a372  No.10913526

File: 9fa75b15429e797⋯.png (67.39 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Crack_Smoking_Intensifies.png)

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4c75a1  No.10913527

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a6a372  No.10913528

File: 6bf646e46745636⋯.png (62.45 KB, 255x197, 255:197, Crack_Smoking_NonStop.png)

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6c9526  No.10913529


this is for everyone. not just shitting on your early notes

at 227 posts there is one ID with 38 posts. Has to be a filter???


it is the same as "the shima prayer"

"maga riots" at least they were funny with memes made

"the dork posting the siscors cutting the spade and the motorcycle"

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c72cb2  No.10913530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The most important interview EVER and by Chris Wallaces dad… of Ayn Rand…. really good meat at 9:33 exactly…. so watch and share.


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000000  No.10913531


Are your initials RM? (Or was it AM?)

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a9c6d8  No.10913532


If Trump dies from Covid he will be considered the biggest pussy that ever lived.

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6c9526  No.10913533


KEK. at 47 posts right now

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4c75a1  No.10913534


i filter them every thread and they are just back somehow.

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7a84a0  No.10913535

File: c5741d8f5a7f996⋯.jpg (679.71 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_522.jpg)

File: b77635344938863⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 640x824, 80:103, IMG_555.jpg)


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7636b9  No.10913536

File: 0972fbfb00978ce⋯.png (303.33 KB, 1791x951, 597:317, caps_equal_moldy_bread_cam….png)

File: 5b8b6aedc6bf6f3⋯.png (71.38 KB, 1792x160, 56:5, caps_equal_moldy_bread_cam….png)

File: c87048a99caaeaa⋯.png (656.55 KB, 1448x1096, 181:137, caps_equal_moldy_bread_cam….png)

File: 600890c117c60e2⋯.png (116.82 KB, 1218x197, 1218:197, caps_equal_moldy_bread_cam….png)


[Moldy Bread Campaign]


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ca43c7  No.10913537






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cd5453  No.10913538


>Either way maybe get some fresh air, the moon looks cool too

TF you keep wanting me to go outside for?

It's dark.

And hell is hot!

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4c75a1  No.10913539


>We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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305873  No.10913540



Go back and look at the last bread, calm, few shills after midbake when GB said good night on comms. This bake, no bread shitters, but as soon as I call this out insta-spam to the fucking max. They know they are busted and are trying to cover it by now copy pasta-ing AFLB bullshit.

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7a84a0  No.10913541

File: 7485b16af47e185⋯.png (1.42 MB, 866x1080, 433:540, WildTrumpGirls_049.png)

File: 36f340fb135a742⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1125x1403, 1125:1403, WildTrumpGirls_050.png)


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25504c  No.10913542


canst thou not read?

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06c3c1  No.10913543

File: 9e792666496fb51⋯.png (119.86 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash11.png)

File: 72e35e7c66e8f3d⋯.png (336.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove8.png)






> ca43c7

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a9c6d8  No.10913544


RK. Only one other person on the planet shares my first and last name.

Middle name is different.

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357903  No.10913545


Me too. We broke the dumfuk. "Could it be that the Holy Trinity was a representation of extraterrestrial visitors?"

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fc92e9  No.10913546

File: 5cbd105b592a11a⋯.jpg (483.65 KB, 1200x1641, 400:547, 920annunciation.jpg)

File: 4651f1a0b6db182⋯.jpg (144.28 KB, 1200x1088, 75:68, 220crucifiction_2.jpg)

File: 9bdfda12e3fc798⋯.jpg (85.54 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, 520cave20ufo_1.jpg)

File: e68f699221660aa⋯.jpg (86.29 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, 1220cave20painting.jpg)

File: 4451ad20d8ad2e7⋯.jpg (131.28 KB, 1200x761, 1200:761, 720egypt20alien.jpg)


Sci-fi has been around since just after the dawn of humankind—or, if you believe in ancient astronauts, sci-fi has been around since slightly before the dawn of man. We have to admit, it's a lot harder to disbelieve the notion that something otherworldly once walked among us after looking at these ancient paintings of just that.

Here are a dozen spectacularly cool drawings that featured elements of sci-fi long before the concept of "little green men."


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5dd937  No.10913547


The previous bread Still Is Not Done,

a slow running night . . .

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7a84a0  No.10913548

File: c34b447baa07a1c⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1125x1126, 1125:1126, WildTrumpGirls_045.png)

File: 04c5337f7d34c9f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1125x1405, 225:281, WildTrumpGirls_047.png)


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7636b9  No.10913549


>Anons are over it.

can confirm

expect many split breads going forward anons

the battle has just begun

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000000  No.10913550


>JOHN 3:16

You ever notice half of the Christian Posts referencing the bible are instilling fear into the onlooker?

The other half are the quotes of Jesus.

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51aca3  No.10913551


>when GB said good night on comms


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000000  No.10913552


This time we are sacrificing the blood of traitor only, sorry.

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25504c  No.10913553


>Me too. We broke the dumfuk.

I don't think they have received the majority of the assault yet. They will.

What's sad is that there are some incredibly cool technologies that actually do work. However, they're not the spooky bullshit they spew in their ayylmao videos. (I won't elaborate - not the point of this.)

The advancements will be made.

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305873  No.10913554


off-bread on kitchen meta has the timeline

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308662  No.10913555

File: 81044d2841420c1⋯.png (47.35 KB, 622x417, 622:417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af697811d817378⋯.png (324.97 KB, 1080x750, 36:25, ClipboardImage.png)

G o i n g w e l i ,


Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!

11:31 PM · Oct 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



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a6a372  No.10913556

File: 3b1f6cda034fa6e⋯.png (916.59 KB, 1080x1166, 540:583, YTIW1.png)

Weak Shill is weak

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305873  No.10913557

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4d9e20  No.10913558

File: 1f0290dbd93b4f2⋯.png (442.83 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, patriot_jesus_american_fla….png)

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661236  No.10913559

File: d9b363f44b907de⋯.png (157.79 KB, 1335x752, 1335:752, look_ma_no_yous.png)

File: 785dc609e71126b⋯.png (101.04 KB, 1772x643, 1772:643, bins.png)



hey mister baker


Got a coupla caps to share.

CAP 1: Look Ma, Not You's

Not much of a spammer, am I?

Better get some lessons from AFLB.

Or better yes - YOU.

CAP 2: Muh pastebin & qbin

- just so ya know it's really MEEEEEEE.

Hey isn't this


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51aca3  No.10913560


>>10913551 (me)


Not that your hypothesis make any sense, anyway. AFBL's bot runs 24/365 apparently without a human operator.

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000000  No.10913561


It's not important and I really shouldn't have asked. Was just curious because you reference Hollywood and associated persons often. Carry on, Anon.

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06c3c1  No.10913562

File: 8bfe9f088794ac3⋯.png (119.77 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash12.png)

File: 921ac60dc50c47a⋯.png (336.52 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove7.png)


> fc92e9


> a6a372

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a6a372  No.10913563

Not as consistent as AFLB that how AFLB imposter is known.

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a9c6d8  No.10913564


I'm the guy who makes Los Angeles satanist trust fund babies think twice.

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06c3c1  No.10913565


Ya'll haven't said very much truths around this~

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06c3c1  No.10913566

File: 6f26fb7963c80d7⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1470x828, 245:138, JellyBitch.png)

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48ab14  No.10913567

Smart shills would post pics of delicious looking food if they wanted to really distract anons. I would have to stop and go eat.

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a6a372  No.10913568


Dont be fooled by them big ol socialist titties frens, we must not be swayed.

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fbfb3a  No.10913569

So namefagging is jumped on all over here and (rightfully) disrespected. But not when the bakers do it? WTF?

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000000  No.10913570



Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147170576 📁

Oct 29 2017 21:30:26 (EST)


D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.

D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.

D’s formed the KKK.

HRC’s mentor is who?

What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?

Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.

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a033e7  No.10913571

File: fa7f1de70d08705⋯.jpg (262.14 KB, 650x808, 325:404, shills_are_alive.jpg)

red text shills are so needy

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6c9526  No.10913572

File: 8047db5bde53199⋯.png (329.41 KB, 1241x561, 73:33, ClipboardImage.png)


previous is @ 751…that is moldy bread 13763. can global mod delete it?

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e431d4  No.10913573

Night shift is no longer the best shift. I came for news and updates and see a bunch of in-bred shit fighting. Faggots.

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ca43c7  No.10913574





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000000  No.10913575


That would get me off track.

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305873  No.10913576

File: 2bff2e50139f7bd⋯.png (174.89 KB, 1082x282, 541:141, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Q_Re….png)

File: 960451bf2ac0290⋯.png (228.34 KB, 1411x870, 1411:870, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Q_Re….png)

File: 61ed59f32c5d5d2⋯.png (198.87 KB, 1082x715, 1082:715, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Q_Re….png)




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1c8981  No.10913577


Are you scared of the dark? WTF?

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06c3c1  No.10913578


Too many repairs are needed~

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a9c6d8  No.10913579


Walt Disney was very familiar with my mother when she was 13.

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6c9526  No.10913580



13763 moldy 200 ago

13963 reached 751

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25504c  No.10913581

File: 8e85e9701d5235e⋯.png (458.03 KB, 620x376, 155:94, ClipboardImage.png)

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305873  No.10913582



You really are a dumbfuck

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b71315  No.10913583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Top 10 Urgent Prophecies About President Trump

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!


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4c75a1  No.10913584



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357903  No.10913585


All in good time. But they won't be made by a group of college dropouts.

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92af46  No.10913586


Hi Kurt Russell

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a6a372  No.10913587


Sorry Frebe but anons know that takes a mere ip change and page refresh.

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06c3c1  No.10913590

File: 53b177e58e3a66f⋯.png (86.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected016.png)


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9ea3d0  No.10913592

File: d0b1b13229d6d33⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1778x1000, 889:500, gdfg9576v098v00_Copy.png)

File: 61af35053fe95e2⋯.png (1.78 MB, 2400x1600, 3:2, sfds77lll566708yyuy_Copy.png)

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ca43c7  No.10913593





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305873  No.10913595


You don't even have to do that on firefox. Just go to setting and break cookies, then reinstate them

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c72cb2  No.10913596

File: 815a2aeeb371bcc⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1594x1178, 797:589, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)



so fucking interesting. at 21:00 on this video Mike Wallace poses a question about selling Uranium to another country to Ayn and look at the initials in the top right corner HRC this is just too spoopy to me.

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305873  No.10913598

>>10913559, >>10913576 Freebaker tries to cover his tracks with no you's - fails miserably

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fc92e9  No.10913599

File: 74f7c267f8a12cb⋯.jpeg (55.42 KB, 1024x590, 512:295, EjWzXS_XsAA4kwN.jpeg)

File: 1628ef99d54e187⋯.jpg (147.06 KB, 594x393, 198:131, sf_fleet_week_1002.jpg)

Navy Destroyer Arrives for Scaled-Back SF Fleet Week

U.S. Navy destroyer will visit San Francisco Bay on Friday for this year's mostly online and scaled-back Fleet Week festivities, organizers said.

The Zumwalt-class destroyer USS Michael Monsoor is expected to sail under the Golden Gate Bridge shortly after 9 a.m. Friday and will anchor near the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge overnight, a Navy spokesman said.

The ship's arrival launches 2020 San Francisco Fleet Week, which begins on Monday, Oct. 5, according to organizers.


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a9c6d8  No.10913601


Hollywood is about rape and the younger the better.

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c72cb2  No.10913603


mind you this was filmed in 1959

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88b5b1  No.10913605

File: b99062bc70c3da6⋯.png (1.19 MB, 706x890, 353:445, ClipboardImage.png)

When history is being made and you're shit posting:

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7636b9  No.10913607


>So namefagging is jumped on all over here and (rightfully) disrespected. But not when the bakers do it? WTF?


anons not allowed to bake as anon:

-/comms/bakers demand selfdox/namefagging or wont handoff




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a9c6d8  No.10913609


Grab them by the pussy.

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4c75a1  No.10913610


You are just trying to make us look bad. If you really intended to use violence would you announce to the world like this?

We don't need to use violence because the Military is going to execute the arrests. If you are going to throw your life away right before it happens then go ahead but stop posting this shit here making the whole board get potentially shut down.

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305873  No.10913611

File: 44fa11a489b27c8⋯.png (196.61 KB, 958x695, 958:695, Screenshot_2020_10_04_Q_Re….png)


Hey look, my you's are back

Fail harder you fucking retard.

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ed559f  No.10913612

File: f600da745775ab5⋯.gif (3.29 MB, 320x200, 8:5, 20201004_025759.gif)

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308662  No.10913616

File: 80268c2155de1e1⋯.png (8.9 MB, 1920x2560, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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06c3c1  No.10913617

File: 847b70394c89d7d⋯.png (119.67 KB, 290x347, 290:347, DriveCrash13.png)

File: 17ca0a0f85c27b3⋯.png (336.83 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, exbot_remove6.png)






> ed559f

IDEN: Filename +/ Writing style +/ Tactics

We're seeing through your disgusting fog of war, flushedboi.

Fighting a losing battle posing as a cluster of us Patriots~

Reminder that we *last* caught flushedboi posting CP a day before the Sept 2020 debate

<Yes, yes, this censorship puppeteer really floods / astroturf's our "consensus / stream of consciousness" to this extent.

Repetitive? Consider IDEN'ing combat exercise, yet never give credit to our enemy for the growth you achieved yourself.

Without their poisons weighing you down, we have one more Patriot that much stronger in our fight today~

Apply Img_Blur CSS, cut darkness out.

Train your Instincts to IDEN this evil - We are at War.

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000000  No.10913620


>Mike Wallace

Any relation to the guy running against Trump?

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7636b9  No.10913622


>Freebaker tries to cover his tracks with no you's - fails miserably

kek'd and cap'd

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c72cb2  No.10913623


sorry anons at 20:00

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99dc40  No.10913626

In the infamous words of Ned Beatty in his magnum opus Deliverance, what's this all about?

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5dd937  No.10913628


Pardon me, I meant to say A previous bread.

▶ Q Research General @13763: Will THE REAL Bakers PLEASE STAND UP Edition Anonymous 5 hours ago 1a3e07 No.10911102

has 162 replies .

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305873  No.10913629


These people are stupid

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308662  No.10913630

File: 1167f614688ac06⋯.png (286.76 KB, 488x579, 488:579, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3db26f6f8893d56⋯.png (267.98 KB, 487x565, 487:565, ClipboardImage.png)




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a9c6d8  No.10913631


Kurt Russell was Walt Disneys last thoughts when he died.

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c72cb2  No.10913633


lol YES its his father. this is PREDICTIVE programming OR this is time travel clues…

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fbfb3a  No.10913634


Comms bakers can go fuck them selves, who can delete their comms threads?

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ca43c7  No.10913636






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fc92e9  No.10913638

File: cfbebb279e5f794⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB, 732x720, 61:60, vcEO_M2R8M_9JCCN.mp4)

Clearest MRI of pregnancy ever recorded.


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a9c6d8  No.10913640


It's documented.

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31ac64  No.10913641

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB, 581x614, 581:614, 000f0f4f7cd17acb340c5ded2e….png)


Yes…but it is so much keks.

We need a little bit of "Where's Waldo POTUS" to break the monotony and keep from going stir crazy.

Besides, the best part…the MSM is going nuts with all our shit flinging.

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305873  No.10913645



You realize this failed lame-ass attempt just basically 100% validated everything I have said. Thank you so fucking much for being a moran and liar.

Anons know.

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000000  No.10913646


> its his father

Illuminati digits confirm the spoopy-entanglement. Time travel confirmed. Maybe time traveling makes you really tall…

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99dc40  No.10913649

The timing of all this is suspect.

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a9c6d8  No.10913650


He wrote it down then died.

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99dc40  No.10913651

Nancy Pelosi is Phil Spector in drag.

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e431d4  No.10913654

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357903  No.10913659


Kek. Big if true.

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7636b9  No.10913661


>Pardon me, I meant to say A previous bread.

5:5 anon

that happens during bread wars

multiple breads with same bread number are baked at same time

anons know

anons will fill the legit bread with digs, reasearch, and organic original memes

the shill bread will get filled with copypasta spam, porn, and muhjews shit

as such, the shill bread will never reach 751 posts

it will get bumped randomly, and as such will find its way to the top of the catalog time and time again

but thankfully

anons know

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661236  No.10913665

File: 70a2385b739f4e1⋯.png (226.43 KB, 363x364, 363:364, have_a_nice_day_fucker.png)








Just wanted to have some fun with you FAGGOTS in


Thought if ah showed MUH BIN,

Baker might gimme a HANDY

(Take that back - don't want NO KINDA "HANDY" from FAGGOT BAKER)

wannanotablethis too???

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29c41a  No.10913667

File: 53e4d63d5bd07f4⋯.png (11.88 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 53F73AB5_D406_45CC_95CD_22….png)

One ping!

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000000  No.10913669


>News will say

No we won't.

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92af46  No.10913670



Simply confirms how fucked up Pedos are.

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a9c6d8  No.10913671


My mom was hot but not Kurt Russell hot.

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5dd937  No.10913674



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09f2e8  No.10913676

File: 5472733db287db1⋯.png (116.37 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


this is a shill driving away anons, he is taking random I.D and scaring away people, new tactic obviously effective. i pulled away last night, thought it was the anons trying to filter shills, but it is a shill doing shilly thing, reverse phycology !!!

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e431d4  No.10913679


Sauce it, faggot, or shut the fuck up.

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7636b9  No.10913680


>who can delete their comms threads?

BO of /comms/ is Rusty

BV of /comms/ is Frebe/Freebaker/GYB

5:5 anon

keep your eyes open

see something

say something

this is merely an opening scirmish in what will become an extended conflict

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305873  No.10913681




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a9c6d8  No.10913682


She also hated to be raped.

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fc92e9  No.10913683

File: 0a07fb4edef50ed⋯.mp4 (833.14 KB, 582x270, 97:45, _zmU9EgpjqKPV0jV.mp4)

Hollywood elite families “Hang their own children upside down, electrocute w/ car battery SO THE CHILD WILL CALL OUT TO GOD & GOD WILL NOT BE THERE FOR THEM”

How programming begins.


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308662  No.10913685

File: 03dddbfb7f86d31⋯.png (409.92 KB, 566x605, 566:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2924cd49b0a8d1d⋯.png (161.21 KB, 488x596, 122:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 478cb3b7abe2b58⋯.png (71.17 KB, 493x618, 493:618, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68fe5ec932cc993⋯.png (62.64 KB, 537x584, 537:584, ClipboardImage.png)




Federal affidavit details accused New York rioter’s ties to Antifa

Howe’s Facebook bio line reads: “Genderqueer, Anti-Fascist, Anti-Racist, Anarcho-communist.” Additionally, their Twitter account is filled with posts identifying with antifa and expressing support for communism. Howe’s other social media posts show they are heavily involved in far-left activism and organizing in the Rochester-area. They were previously arrested in July at another protest.

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ca43c7  No.10913688






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a9c6d8  No.10913691


> I guess Kurt Russell was ok with it.

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468d2d  No.10913693

File: ed7165a9a28d83b⋯.png (1006.2 KB, 1018x873, 1018:873, pelosidrapes.PNG)



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fe7c16  No.10913694


>who can delete their comms threads

debate and discuss, not delete and censor

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7636b9  No.10913695


>Anons know.


thank you for your efforts anon

the proofs will flow like wine

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7425bd  No.10913696

File: e631a4bdca7ac5a⋯.png (437.96 KB, 709x462, 709:462, san_fran.PNG)

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a9c6d8  No.10913697


Look it up it's common knowledge.

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46c5a2  No.10913699


>You ever notice half of the Christian Posts referencing the bible are instilling fear into the onlooker?

>The other half are the quotes of Jesus.

Never tried to do an analysis there, but you could be on to something.

The two most salient NT passages referenced are John 3:16 and the love passage from Corinthians. (I think.) The both occur at the end of Q35 (mixed together). (But both are cited elsewhere too…) Neither is really presented as a quote from Jesus, but I think many take these passages as expressing core ideas of Jesus.

On the other hand, it does seem, just thinking off the top of my head, that most of the OT passages referenced suggest that evildoers are gonna get it. "Frogs to destroy them" and and so on. Might be a nice task for someone to try to break this down precisely.

(Even Psalm 23 (Q69) - a very calming passage for many - suggests that evildoers will pay or at least fail utterly.)

Food for thought…

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99dc40  No.10913700


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92af46  No.10913703


Holy Shit, Nancy got LDR-arms!!

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99dc40  No.10913706

My Pelosi itches real bad, can I borrow someone's hair brush, I'll give it right back?

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305873  No.10913708


>wannanotablethis too???

Since you asked so nicely


>>10913204, >>10913218, >>10913362, >>10913452, >>10913474, >>10913478, >>10913529, >>10913540 STRANGE THAT AFLB DISAPPEARED WITHIN 10 MINUTES of GB Saying Nite on COMMS

>>10913559, >>10913576, >>10913611, >>10913645, >>10913665, >>10913681 Freebaker tries to cover his tracks with no you's - fails miserably

>>10913507, >>10913536 Freebaker pulling moldy bread campaign again after calling out GB/AFLB

>>10913217 I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker subversion

>>10913421 CAMPAIGN UPENDED - Reuters

>>10913397 Clinton Cache - Decades Of Documenteering

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63ab6b  No.10913712

File: af9a973155a9caf⋯.jpg (240.4 KB, 659x1811, 659:1811, Movavi_ScreenShot_1388_Go_….jpg)

File: 70135d6e6852415⋯.png (540.84 KB, 531x650, 531:650, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)

File: 0a43cd3b0fd8416⋯.jpg (821.19 KB, 636x7304, 159:1826, 7B141696_B69D_4644_B86D_6D….jpg)


Theory from twitter: video pre-recorded at the West Wing


I agree it does not tend to match the WR decor (from the few released images)

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fc92e9  No.10913713

File: 5ff7712be652daa⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB, 644x360, 161:90, FK1Ww1YUeocvQv4j.mp4)

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305873  No.10913715


I'm glad it happened, I was getting tired, but now my blood is boiling again. 12 more hours of baking?? Maybe.

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fe7c16  No.10913716


i would but i Nadlered all over it, might need to get me a new one.

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e431d4  No.10913717

Hear that? Neither do I.

a9c6da little penis has been silenced.

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d82aa7  No.10913718

Dig. Meme. Pray.

We can get through this.


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a9c6d8  No.10913719

TV, Cable, Music, Movies, Radio. The theme is sex with children.

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51aca3  No.10913720


Agreed. Identity in any form brings drama. And we've clearly established that the BO-approved baker system with pastebin names DOES NOT keep the shills out of the kitchen. It should be dropped. And it should be accepted that some bakers will be shills who will monkey with the dough.

So instead of getting worked up when some baker make unilateral changes to the dough because it such a precious thing, all bakers should keep their own Standard Dough and check against what their given for anything they may wish to add. But most importantly there should be recognition that all baker have ultimate discretion and responsibility over what they put in their own bakes, and they are not expected to comply with community consensus. If one baker does something that another doesn't like then, no problem, they have their own dough and can do their own thing. And if non-baking anons like myself don't like it then we can wait for a different baker.

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bb7899  No.10913721


I called AFLB a schizo and he split

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a9c6d8  No.10913722


Your children.

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e431d4  No.10913723


Godspeed, Sir.

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a6a372  No.10913724


All I can feel is pain when I look at them.

and confusion.

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2d7d67  No.10913725


to delete their board would be like taking away their rope.

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87e53f  No.10913726

File: c4e3e9714241b08⋯.mp4 (12.32 MB, 854x394, 427:197, XldlMNzenZsL9X9V.mp4)

File: a75ee9b362bf427⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 528x162, 88:27, EjdeWJyXYAEkRfV.jpg)

File: 6c4ee8b3ad361b8⋯.jpg (8.93 KB, 536x170, 268:85, EjdeWWcXkAAKu3m.jpg)

File: 27a6f6b079175ca⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 584x916, 146:229, Ejdes2qXYAEHH7q.jpg)

State Rep Candidate - Matt Trowbridge (D) of Massachusetts gets caught trying to meet a minor


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305873  No.10913727


>to delete their board would be like taking away their rope.


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99dc40  No.10913729


Trump is not at Walter Reed Army Medical Center….that shut down years ago. He's at Walter Reed Hospital at Bethesda - two different places.

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000000  No.10913730


I don't know what to think of her.

What do Anons think of Ayn Rand? I'm curious for any informed opinions?

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31ac64  No.10913732


kek awesome

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305873  No.10913733


>to delete their board would be like taking away their rope.

To defeat them, you expose them. Which is why the on board meta was created.

See something,

Say something

Then post it on that board so all other anons see it and it isn't forgotten between shifts.

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54f430  No.10913734

File: fc3c6662fee1044⋯.png (303.75 KB, 546x705, 182:235, our_greatest_ally.png)

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2d7d67  No.10913736


if you put your best digs there, Q will post in it.

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fe7c16  No.10913738


Big if true

any other pics of matt trowbridge ?

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7636b9  No.10913739


>12 more hours of baking??


hot water for covfefe on the stove

got your back anon

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a6a372  No.10913740

File: 043200a875708fa⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 255x250, 51:50, Beer_Grenade_KJU.jpg)

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a75b83  No.10913741




I'd be willing to bet that Trump isn't at Walter Reed in Bethesda either.

Have a family member who works there and I've been there many times over the years. I've also seen the Presidential Suite.

Trump isn't in it.

Where is he?

Then again, maybe we aren't supposed to know

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2d7d67  No.10913742


half an hour next time

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d82aa7  No.10913743

File: 66809a1608b3133⋯.jpg (186.6 KB, 1491x855, 497:285, Rudy.jpg)

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f1a7e8  No.10913744


this. this here, makes the most sense. the cost of freedom is vigilance, anons… that includes speech and bakes.

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92af46  No.10913745


Listening to the interview, while lurking, will respond later,

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51aca3  No.10913746


>What do Anons think of Ayn Rand? I'm curious for any informed opinions?

She crawled out of the opposite end of the same intellectual cesspool that Karl Marx did. And if she were ever given that chance to tryout her theories for how the world should work she'd be doomed to become the very thing she despised.

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dab550  No.10913747


what will Ilhan and Tlaib say about this?

We need them now more than ever

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e431d4  No.10913748

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a9c6d8  No.10913749

The boys who post porn here are crying out for help.

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fbfb3a  No.10913750

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fc92e9  No.10913751

File: 3c962fdba8dfdcd⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, MWzAq_iZgE_RxWiQ.mp4)


Run the race with endurance.

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7636b9  No.10913752


>And it should be accepted that some bakers will be shills who will monkey with the dough.


perfection is becoming the enemy of the good

no matter what we attempt to do, shills will grab the bake from time to time

honestly, I prefer it

keeps us on our toes

keeps us sharp

keeps us discerning

instead of just assuming everything is gravy because the litchen is perfect

that like some Titanic, the ship that cant sink level logic.

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f1a7e8  No.10913753


because of we anons know…so do 'they''…

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99dc40  No.10913754


Ward 71 was indeed the VIP ward….those pictures are from 20 years ago before Walter Reed Army Medical Center shut down. It's now at Bethesda, a Navy Hospital Campus. Don't run with this, you will look foolish.

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a6a372  No.10913755

File: 7526ba94e0cf324⋯.jpg (241.23 KB, 1024x560, 64:35, BS_INTL.jpg)

Do they understand ?

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08470f  No.10913756


this is it

it's over for drumpf

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09f2e8  No.10913757



Ayn Rand created the fictional character John Galt, this is the spokes man who spoke and lead the innovators and business men, the live blood of any economy,

John Galt (/ɡɔːlt/) is a character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged (1957). Although he is not identified by name until the last third of the novel, he is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?" and of the quest to discover the answer. Also, in the later part it becomes clear that Galt had been present in the book's plot all along, playing several important roles though not identified by name.

As the plot unfolds, Galt is acknowledged to be a philosopher and inventor; he believes in the power and glory of the human mind, and the rights of individuals to use their minds solely for themselves. He serves as a highly individualistic counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel, in which society is based on oppressive bureaucratic functionaries and a culture that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism, which the novel posits is the end result of collectivist philosophy.

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34ed29  No.10913758

File: 8d76944da03d58e⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 750x1127, 750:1127, ldr.jpg)

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7636b9  No.10913759


>all baker have ultimate discretion and responsibility over what they put in their own bakes, and they are not expected to comply with community consensus


bakers are responsible for their own work product

bakers are answerable tothe anons


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000000  No.10913760


I can algorithmically weigh the entire sentiment of the Old Testament vs the New Testament. I was just playing with the Algorithm creating a personal predictability device. I don't feel like getting into it at the moment, I just ate a box of cookies, but I'll run it tomorrow and see what comes of it.

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63ab6b  No.10913761

File: 6e59d9898a67369⋯.png (916.41 KB, 1051x640, 1051:640, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)


Ty for the correct, but the cabinetry in the POTUS video matches the cabinetry in the west wing:

Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest Lower Press Office of the White House 2011


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9ea3d0  No.10913763


>Where is he?

>Then again, maybe we aren't supposed to know


I love trying to solve these riddles, but times like this make me reconsider, since the bad actors lurk here. Why help those dickheads.

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cbe9b6  No.10913764

File: cff41aead350121⋯.png (33.69 KB, 463x622, 463:622, 365.png)

File: 12e0974becbaa87⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 391x263, 391:263, 5hfmorse.JPG)

This shits old but can't find anything on it

This is morse code.

Translates to NG>National Guard

Doesn't mean shit anymore but meh

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e431d4  No.10913765


POTUS called them out on their bullshit. They are spinning their wheels. Can't call fake news on their covid narrative. Awe shit, dems.

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54f430  No.10913766

File: 6f26e955fc2ac9d⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 720x405, 16:9, EjXzPlZWoAAT5D4.jpg)

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bb7899  No.10913767


Lolllllll…. Drumpf as you call him… Only grows stronger, winning intensifies. Enjoy the show!

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92af46  No.10913768

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08470f  No.10913769


maritimefag requesting authorization to call a spaceship a boat

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661236  No.10913770

File: 77609d132dce236⋯.png (402.42 KB, 639x432, 71:48, forest.png)


You idiot, i'm jokin' around because of the utter absurdity of the things you're saying about me and other legit bakers. And here you are putting it all in notables, which goes out to aggregators everywhere. Four outta six notables. You need to stop and think about what you're doing - and why.

we are the news

What does that mean to you?

Do you care what the world thinks of Q and Q Research? Or are you so obsessed with "rooting out 'fuckery'" that you can no longer see the forest for the trees?

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7636b9  No.10913772


>if you put your best digs there, Q will post in it.


in a nutshell

is how it all works

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000000  No.10913773


>John Galt

JG = 17 = One Eye

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fc92e9  No.10913776

File: 20bbfe3f35d5b9c⋯.jpeg (93.4 KB, 1689x911, 1689:911, Ejd_aGPWAAAbulg.jpeg)

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bb7899  No.10913777


I know exactly where trump is, and so do they….

Isolated and Invisible

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a9c6d8  No.10913779

Fake bakers… We know where you live. We know your employer.

You are followed everywhere you go.Everything you post will be exposed in court.

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99dc40  No.10913780


Agree, same style. But my experience with the Government you get everything from the GSA, and they style is the same. Hence the old gray metal desks.

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447eb5  No.10913781


Honestly, isn't it better to gatekeep to some extent?

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a9c6d8  No.10913783


Your mom will hate you.

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447eb5  No.10913784

Wait shit wrong id


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dab550  No.10913785

File: 492b05522260b12⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 355x223, 355:223, 51UcRbd2hzL_AC_SX355_.jpg)


Rand was Greenspan's mentor, so there's that. But 'Atlas Shrugged' was one of the most important books I've read. She really made me think.I'm a Rearden fan. John Galt is cool, but Rearden's my guy,

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51aca3  No.10913787


>the shill bread will get filled with copypasta spam, porn, and muhjews shit

>as such, the shill bread will never reach 751 posts

It will hit 751 and it will do it faster than the legit bread because there is much more junk than useful posts. That's what happened today when OSS hijacked the bake. The bots followed him; and the legit chain died out after about two breads.

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305873  No.10913788


>You idiot, i'm jokin' around because of the utter absurdity of the things you're saying about me and other legit bakers. And here you are putting it all in notables, which goes out to aggregators everywhere. Four outta six notables. You need to stop and think about what you're doing - and why.


>we are the news


>What does that mean to you?


>Do you care what the world thinks of Q and Q Research? Or are you so obsessed with "rooting out 'fuckery'" that you can no longer see the forest for the trees?

That's all well and good Freebaker, but guess what.


Keep Talking dumbfuck

>inb4 the spam starts back up now

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d82aa7  No.10913789


See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup?

Yeah buddy, that's his own hair

That little faggot got his own jet airplane

That little faggot, he's a millionaire

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a9c6d8  No.10913791


If you knew who you dad was he would hate you also.

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e87053  No.10913793

450 mln dissappeard at the Vatican


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62410f  No.10913794


Smart Shill?

Oxy Moran?

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7d9d88  No.10913795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS allowed us to help carry the burden of a nation along side him.

He loves us and hears us, we shall not fail.

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7f5c0a  No.10913796

File: 6df48e67919cbfe⋯.jpg (90.59 KB, 564x683, 564:683, 425236.jpg)


kek, you sound….scared

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fc92e9  No.10913798

File: b309a7ab4822534⋯.jpeg (68.84 KB, 968x1024, 121:128, EjQ87c0WoAABsUa.jpeg)

File: 902661b45bbf197⋯.jpeg (72.94 KB, 940x1024, 235:256, EjQ87cxWAAEsRH1.jpeg)

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a9c6d8  No.10913799


I am the Angel of Death.

I love my job.

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30aab5  No.10913800



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e431d4  No.10913801


'this is it' is trademarked to Michael Jackson's estate. Prepare to be sued, dumb ass. Calling @llinwood

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31ac64  No.10913803


he should be.

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b66125  No.10913805


Red October.Biblical

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99dc40  No.10913806

That Debbie Wasaman Shultz is a looker…

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a6a372  No.10913808

File: defbd28541af9df⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 280x280, 1:1, Bulma.gif)

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000000  No.10913809

Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed – Communist Hand in the Air? Taught in American schools?

Book Cover Images: 3 different covers, all with the Fist(s)




Paulo Freire Democratic Project

Chapman University (Orange, CA)



While Freire drew from ideas as varied as Catholic Humanism to Existentialism, the most significant philosophy to his work, was Marxism.


It would be a little simplistic, but not necessarily inaccurate, to label Paulo Freire a "Leninist." The author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire was intellectually devoted to Marxist-Leninist interpretations of history.


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a9c6d8  No.10913810


Thats hot.

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000000  No.10913812


It's a bill

He can just veto their veto bill.

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7636b9  No.10913813


>It will hit 751 and it will do it faster than the legit bread because there is much more junk than useful posts.

exactly what you said

but the opposite

anons know, fren

but please keep kvetching

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fe7c16  No.10913815


Looker? more like a locker

locker up

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7425bd  No.10913816



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99dc40  No.10913824


I wonder if Debbie moans with a speech impediment?

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2e527b  No.10913827

Nobody really knows where the red october is now

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c72cb2  No.10913828


thats creepy who is the man on the left? the other man is Ellen Degenres, is that her grandpa?

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a9c6d8  No.10913831


Use your words.

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51aca3  No.10913832



You'see, I recognize who you are. So do other anons. You have an identity. And it's that identity that creates drama.

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305873  No.10913834


>That's what happened today when OSS hijacked the bake. The bots followed him; and the legit chain died out after about two breads.

1. Who's OSS?

2. Not even close to what happened. It's like you morans forget the internet is forever.

Anyone can go back and look the first bread I baked. >>10904510 #13956

Do you comms fucks ever not lie?

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ca43c7  No.10913835

File: 0459237c2df48b6⋯.png (44.07 KB, 500x642, 250:321, kiss_my_black_ass.png)





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4c75a1  No.10913836


John D. Rockefeller

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a6a372  No.10913837

File: bd57f53b3d0732e⋯.jpg (151.28 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, Laura_Croft_Snatch2.jpg)

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e333a5  No.10913838



That's where he is.

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63ab6b  No.10913839


Don't disagree, but even the pulls are the same. Not saying this is dispositive, but notable IMO.

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4c75a1  No.10913840

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ab6fcf  No.10913841

File: 45d62cdc061555f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Annamie Paul Wins Race To Replace Elizabeth May As Green Party Leader

Annamie Paul (born November 3, 1972) is a Canadian activist and lawyer who has been the leader of the Green Party of Canada since October 3, 2020. She is the first Black Canadian and first Jewish woman to be elected leader of a major federal party in Canada.

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e773b4  No.10913842


Kurt Russell–CIA Mobley

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a9c6d8  No.10913843



Their are more gay transgender pedophile rapers than strait people in my family.

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c8650e  No.10913844

Trust The Plan.

We have the debate where POTUS to the normals and citizens around the world thought Trump was a rude, disrespectful, and unpresidential (I loved it, POTUS is a fighter and I'm glad he is fighting for us)

We have had POTUS announce that he and FLOTUS have contracted the ChinaFlu.

We have reports of POTUS being given Remdesivir to treat the virus AFTER Trump had previously stated he was taking HCQ.

We have had a zero public movement on any of the mountains of documented evidence of Sedition/Treason.

We have had next to ZERO coverage of Hunter Biden taking MILLIONS from 'Muh Russia Russia Russia'

We have had next zero coverage on ANYTHING Biden(s) criminal history.

We have not had any formal action against the dems planned mail vote fraud scheme.

We still have an FBI director who claims Antifa is merely an Idea.

We have a CIA director who is claimed to be personally responsible in stonewalling damning classified documents.

(§ 17.22 Classification of information; limitations.

(d) Information shall not be classified in order to conceal inefficiency, violations of law, or administrative error; to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; to restrain competition; or to prevent or delay release of information that does not require protection in the interest of national security. Information that has been declassified and released to the public under proper authority may not be reclassified.

We still have MASS supression of Trump supporters on social media and mass slander/libel against Trump, Qanon, ALL OF US.

The closer to the election they hold charges, the more it appears to people as election interference and if for some reason the dems did pull off the fraud, charges coming afterword would appear to be retaliation.

And lastly, we still have anons larping leftists who attack anyone who dares express rational concern


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87e53f  No.10913845

File: e95e75cfd1536f1⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 458x584, 229:292, EjdfGBDXYAI6Gfa.jpg)

File: 6835a83e4fbc15b⋯.jpg (29.84 KB, 502x768, 251:384, Ejde7tzWsAEV0KM.jpg)

File: ea99d96320779d0⋯.jpg (22.33 KB, 488x632, 61:79, EjdfmzdXkAAOCwn.jpg)

File: db52b71da320f26⋯.jpg (192.31 KB, 1062x830, 531:415, Ejdfm58XkAEmOCk.jpg)

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305873  No.10913846


Did we ever get sauce on this? I'd like to add to notables.

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fc92e9  No.10913848



Very specific matte blue eyes.


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ca43c7  No.10913849

File: 4ceff40258b4023⋯.png (48.7 KB, 500x642, 250:321, suck_it_democrats.png)






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92af46  No.10913850


Typo, right?

You meant unemployable "hooker"?

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7636b9  No.10913851


>And here you are putting it all in notables, which goes out to aggregators everywhere. Four outta six notables.


what was it Q taught us?

archive everything online

but dont take responsiblity for doing it yourself

so actually its:

allow your favorite aggregator to archive the stuff they think is important online, where they can be shoah'd at anytime by a cancelmob

yeah, yeah

thats it

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a8661f  No.10913852

File: e863f45800e89b5⋯.png (13.37 KB, 249x255, 83:85, e863f45800e89b532069c91885….png)


Baker No Table

State Rep Candidate - Matt Trowbridge (D) of Massachusetts gets caught trying to meet a minor

License plate is


If anyone wants to dig


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a9c6d8  No.10913853


We see you master-bating. It's all recorded.

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62410f  No.10913854


Raven Rock?

Something Yuge is about to drop.

Connected to Child Trafficking in Ukraine?

You'll never find him.


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e431d4  No.10913855


Legend and blogs are not sauce. Google search is not sauce. I'll wait.

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9ea3d0  No.10913856



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51aca3  No.10913857


>2. Not even close to what happened.

Yes it is. Here are the two #13957s when OSS decided to split off and start a new chain without continuity.



And here is the post in #13958 where the legit baker gave up conceded to OSS:


Bots eventually filled the rest of that bread.

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7636b9  No.10913858


>You have an identity


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000000  No.10913859


A Render

1 Render

1st Render


I wonder how much is hidden in those old films?

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ca43c7  No.10913860

File: bc8a1e243f18a7f⋯.png (44.26 KB, 500x642, 250:321, stupid_democrats.png)





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b5e02d  No.10913861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

covid is a joke

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fe7c16  No.10913862


man spoiler that shit, i mean like official pics to compare the bearded guy in the video to. how do we know its really him.

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4c75a1  No.10913863


>to the normals and citizens around the world thought Trump was a rude, disrespectful, and unpresidential

which MSM told you thats what they think?

> zero public movement on any of the mountains of documented evidence of Sedition/Treason.

Comey hearing was literally this week.

>We have had next zero coverage on ANYTHING Biden(s) criminal history.

Senate also released something on this.

>We have not had any formal action against the dems planned mail vote fraud scheme.

Also untrue.

>We still have an FBI director who claims Antifa is merely an Idea.

>We have a CIA director who is claimed to be personally responsible in stonewalling damning classified documents.

They're just digging the grave deeper.

Worst case scenario US patriot and militias wage literal war on these fucks.

It's stressful but things are definitely changing.

If Q was a larp/psyop they've woken up millions and rallied them into a gigantic political movement. That in itself is a blessing we could never have hoped for in 2015.

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6b53dd  No.10913864


I worked that Usair flight that dat as ground crew in Syracuse.

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a6a372  No.10913865


I dont give a fuck!

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000000  No.10913866


Nuh… not all democrats?

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4d7347  No.10913867

File: 566cd2dfbead809⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 474x376, 237:188, Brilliant.jpg)

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30aab5  No.10913868


saw the vid on twat earlier. Why do pedos look the same. I have pedo sonar. I bet I am right over 50% of the time.

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a6a372  No.10913869


As long as you dont get a good picture of what my home layout is so there are free radicals in case a goon needs something to trip over before a life threatening beatdown.

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018fe1  No.10913870

File: be439945324d5cb⋯.jpg (81.11 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, DmwxnTzX0AY_s9H.jpg)

File: 6c01abb4ae95b98⋯.png (212.73 KB, 575x778, 575:778, SethRich.png)

Time to release Assange.

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fc92e9  No.10913871

File: dd9b9b2160ca8b8⋯.png (368.56 KB, 566x605, 566:605, EjdUrAhWkAUwBbT.png)

File: 19f620fbd77c2a1⋯.jpeg (277.68 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, EjeEvWsWAAUFSPH.jpeg)

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a9c6d8  No.10913872



You master-bate 100% more times than normal people.

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305873  No.10913873


> when OSS decided to split off and start a new chain without continuity.

> without continuity.

1. Who's OSS?

2. Why do you talk like such a fag?

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1a0399  No.10913874

File: e204bfd3d8b7466⋯.png (1023.53 KB, 706x890, 353:445, u6b6yy54y54y63v5cq34qrrqw.png)

File: 5c581fbfd9e6262⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, 9m8n56b74654758n6b76346.png)

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2e527b  No.10913875

Nobody knows where the red october is

Is the red october on its way to ny for a false flag

Where is trump

Is he really sick

Red october

10 2

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9ea3d0  No.10913876


>any other pics of matt trowbridge ?

other than when anon uses a search engine image search? give it a go

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ca43c7  No.10913877

File: a8083ef4fcc88de⋯.png (46.1 KB, 500x642, 250:321, plan_z_go_time.png)




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a9c6d8  No.10913878


the internet looks both ways.

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7636b9  No.10913879


>start a new chain without continuity

ohh NO!

whatever will we do without an unbroken chain of /comms/baker continuity?

whatever will we do!?

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a9c6d8  No.10913880


get help.

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305873  No.10913881

File: 5f6e98e8bb5f4b8⋯.png (1.07 MB, 2333x1494, 2333:1494, Screenshot_2020_10_03_Q_Re….png)


>without an unbroken chain of /comms/baker continuity?

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2e527b  No.10913882

Deep state cant' touch the red october right now

No assasination this time

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4c75a1  No.10913883


if someone is helping its got a different word

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fc92e9  No.10913884

File: ec888a1c7650205⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, EjbPJdjWoAE3iBD.jpeg)

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51aca3  No.10913885


It makes it easy to identify who the disruptive one is.

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