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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 9c72a29af147b4b⋯.jpg (63.01 KB,1280x640,2:1,9c72a29af147b4bfb538c50682….jpg)

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9d28d5 No.155007 [View All]

13SEP20 to 19OCT20


This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.

All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.

One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This is the 1st thread.

Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns

Make sure your buns have minimal errors we will not be editing or deleting full buns

638 posts and 633 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173875

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11121137 Q Research General #14223: 556th Pain Edition

Created 171858ZOCT20




>>123454 GOP Senate Candidate Censored TWICE for Tweets on Mass Migration

>>123455 Map Update: Armenian-Azerbaijani War On October 17, 2020

>>123456, >>123459 UK News Queen / Police Quits

>>123457 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is facing questions (10/3)

>>123458 Adam Housley You biggest concern should be the FBI (did nothing)

>>123460 Thailand Protests Grow Fiercer Against Military Ruler

>>123461, >>123463, >>123464, >>123466 DJT: Biden is a National Security threat! / more

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2338020ce9a97223fc6b3ddf10866152030d907e9cf96e8de02b03c166af8077.mp4

>>123462 Mark Zuckerberg told Facebook to throttle traffic to certain news websites

>>123465 Navy fires Fitzgerald XO

>>123467 Police and CPS missed three chances to put Lord Janner on trial

>>123468, >>123470 POTUS taking off on AF1 shortly / Stream

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iUFhuZan3eU - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Muskegon, MI 10/17/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>123469 Ngo: “Wake Up, Motherf*cker, Wake Up!”

>>123471, >>123472 ————————————–——– Do you see how it works? (Cap: )

>>123473 ————————————–——– Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran, …… opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.

>>123474 #14223, (You) #14224, (You) #14225

(15 notables, 21 posts, 34 media/files)

Q- >>123471, >>123473

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173876

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11121933 Q Research General #14224: Biden is a National Security Threat! Edition

Created 171944ZOCT20




>>123475 - Wray has until 10/22 to answer questions about FBI technical analysis

>>123476 - Man Who Reportedly Gave Hunter’s Laptop to Rudy Speaks Out in Bizarre Interview

>>123477 - Book deals.

>>123478, >>123480, >>123482, >>123486 - Biden corruption…

>>123479, >>123483 Sputnik: "If TikTok is saved, you can thank me", Graham boasted.

>>123481, >>123485, >>123487 Q Post Notable tweet caps

>>123484 - Giuliani Says It’s Reasonable To Worry About Biden’s Allies Potentially Killing People

>>123488 - How is it that CNN Anderson Cooper gets away with doing the anti-QAnon stories over and over

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=929viHEzCEY - QAnon and Trump: Hear what his supporters think [Channel: CNN]

>>123489 - Notice The Jewish Shills Assaulting Christianity on 8kun

>>123490 - More Than 200 Million Americans Could Have Toxic PFAS in Their Drinking Water

>>123491 - The (Hunter Biden Laptop "whistleblower") was subpoenaed by the FBI on (Dec 9, 2019). What has the FBI been doing since then?

>>123492 - French government imposes curfew on 20 million citizens to handle COVID crisis

>>123493 - Obama to stump for Bidden less than two weeks efore election

>>123494, >>123498, >>123506 - Adam Housley Tweet + A snapshot of Faegre, Hunter's defense attorneys:


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7bf041b10ec32e75294770b49fb190df17e4f7657578e26f8671d763dcb0279.mp4

>>123496 - Archive show from Stinchfield regarding Qanon segment.

>>123497 - Q3990 List *fired* FBI _Call to DIG

>>123499 - Minnesota's Rep. Ilhan Omar gets $250G book deal

>>123500 - Book Deals - Example

>>123501 - Dan Scavino Tweet (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86586f3225dcb5b007ad501c92f0374df6e7cdd8e61e7754b0d0719eed127114.mp4

>>123502 - Susan Collins Donated To QAnon Supporters Running For Office

>>123503 - GEOTUS in High Spirits

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/994f0595173ab25db75d2f241f4177fa044b1100a5734a50fb9ed56b6756bb44.mp4

>>123504, >>123508 - We out here Panefaggin'

>>123505 - Every Poll is a Goal

>>123507 - Democratic candidate alleges vote-buying by her party

>>123509 - Facebook's COO Responds After Nearly 130 NGOs Put Platform On Notice For Unchecked Jew Hatred

>>123510 #14223, (You) #14224, (You) #14225

(27 notables, 36 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173877

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11123386 Q Research General #14226: We Are The News Now Edition

Created 172111ZOCT20




>>123537 - Typhoon Investigations KEK, the truth about Hunter..

>>123538 - Frontline Doctors speak out

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6HLcg9n-WPs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123539 - Mail carrier shot, GUESS THE CITY

>>123540 - LIVE: Trump delivers campaign remarks in Michigan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mFUQyY4UxK0 - Trump delivers campaign remarks in Michigan [Channel: Fox Business]

>>123541 - China Accused of Forcibly Removing Organs from Prisoners of Conscience to Harvest for Transplants

>>123542 - Farnsworth's Take on anonymous message boards

>>123543 - Email from UKRAINE to Hunter and Devon

>>123544 - U.S. Air Force Tweets

>>123545 - Professor Frink's calculations

>>123546 - Pelosi Jr. officially promoted the fraudulent IGObit currency.

>>123547 - "Pope removes Polish bishop accused of sex abuse cover-up"

>>123548 - House Judiciary GOP, "Where's Chris Wray?"

>>123549 - Excerpts from Jewish Talmud (Jew Law)

>>123550 (Video) - Paul Pelosi Jr. Youth Soccer Kiev Ukraine 2017 Corporate Governance

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZtT4fM1kxOA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123551, >>123554 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>123552 - Valerie Jarrett signs book deal

>>123553 - Senate Homeland Committee Demands Answers From FBI Over Hunter Biden Laptop

>>123555 - Dan Scavino Tweets (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06037d22ea68772482caa353b741b7fed69854be2d5826a95ca557c302750f73.mp4

>>123556 - The Hidden Tyranny (24 Pages) "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1e50d3f2c402071b6ec5ffc66cbf3d3e6aa52836ea92580403335feb2998ae5.pdf

>>123557 - Method of Execution for Federal Treason is Injection of PENTOBARBITAL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=loyZFG6gUs8 - "Team Pentobarbital": OK Officials Joked About Seeking Football Tix for Help with Execution Drugs [Channel: Democracy Now!]

>>123558 (You) #14226, (You) #14227, (You) #14228

(21 notables, 22 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173878

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11124228 Q Research General #14227: Night Echoes Near Edition

Created 172207ZOCT20




>>123559 - CNN’s Don Lemon asks a rape survivor if she tried to avoid it

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-YMk986d-OQ - You Should’ve Bitten Cosby’s Penis Off, CNN Host Advises Rape Accuser [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>123560 - Jim Watkins Tweet, Q SENT ME

>>123561 - Page 155, JFKJR Said, Senator BIden is a traitor!

>>123562 - DebraSmith6354 Tweet, We are patriots from all around the world fighting for humanity..

>>123563 - Protestors at Proud Boys rally in San Francisco clashing with police


>>123565 - Moar in San Francisco

>>123566 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123567 - Dan Scavino Tweet

>>123568 - Full Story Behind Hunter's Laptop Debunks Latest Russia Conspiracy Theory

>>123569 - Twitter and CCP at work

>>123570 - GOP Senator Ron Johnson Sends Letter to FBI Director Wray Demanding Answers on Hunter Biden’s Laptop

>>123571 - U.S. Navy Tweets, "Train like you fight!"

>>123572, >>123573 - Consider the Sauce re: JFK tweets

>>123574 (You) #14226, (You) #14227, (You) #14228

(15 notables, 16 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173879

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11122605 Q Research General #14225: Daylight Reveals Edition

Created 172024ZOCT20




>>123511 - Yen Cham Yung, who was arrested this week in Colorado, worked in the FBI field office

>>123512 - moar FBI arrests

>>123513, >>123519, >>123531, >>123534 - UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton

>>123514, >>123518, >>123521, >>123525, >>123532 - We out here Planefaggin'


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3290cfdd3689e38098bd02f92d99d388821899d677fd792fa2a81912a746b3bc.pdf



>>123522 - Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [11m06s]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=io5op7gHNj8 - Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [Channel: Red Sampson]

>>123523 - Andrew Cuomo’s Book Deal and Why the Worst Rise to the Top in Politics

>>123524 - DJT JR. TWEETS

>>123526 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>123527 - Facebook's COO Responds After Nearly 130 NGOs Put Platform On Notice For Unchecked Jew Hatred

>>123528 - Penn Biden Center won't disclose Donors

>>123529 - US company to supply Ukraine with integrated surveillance system


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mFUQyY4UxK0 - Trump delivers campaign remarks in Michigan [Channel: Fox Business]

>>123533 - BOOK: Crossfire Hurricane: Inside Donald Trump's War on the FBI

>>123535 - Tehran declares arms embargo lifted, Iran free to procure, export arms as sees fit

>>123536 #14223, (You) #14224, (You) #14225

(18 notables, 26 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173880

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11124960 Q Research General #14228: Inspire Optimism, Create Comfort, and Pray Edition

Created 172258ZOCT20




>>123575 - New GEOTUS Storm (4 Videos)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea08fdae5c20743da98e5a6c150a2a9035d64f7e9b8da57b73f5f795bb086f0c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f1ab8a4600fce3740b43e3aa54e7d34a9698b314989d8cb4df3853416d87c458.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aee496a562eb7a417dd181fc207475faa049477d6eed982c63e5ba2d69086829.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60404b998d20801302548c8592bafeb2c28e8cc280958e7380eb0e2d7a886359.mp4

>>123576 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>123577 - Joseph J. Fynn Tweet, Imagine if @SidneyPowell1 were in charge of FBI?

>>123578, >>123593 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>123579 - "The Role of Military Intelligence in Homeland Security"

>>123580, >>123584 - FBI VAULT, PAGE 155

>>123581, >>123582 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: )

>>123583 President takes the LEAD in early voting in MICHIGAN!!!

>>123585, >>123602, >>123603 - Watch the Watch Q#3232

>>123586 Adam Schiff Claims Hunter Biden Bombshell Reports Come ‘From the Kremlin'

>>123587 DARPA Announces $2 Billion Campaign to Develop Next Wave of AI Technologies

>>123588 American collusion? Also worth remembering Kavanagh answers to Graham

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3_gmOsnjrZw - Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law during war on terror [Channel: Sal From Texas]

>>123589 - CIA-RDP (pdf)

>>123590, >>123592, >>123594, >>123595, >>123596, >>123598 - Jewish Double Standard

>>123591 - Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?

>>123597 - Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report

>>123599 - “We Are NOT Ahead by Double-Digits” – Biden Campaign Manager Drops a Bomb on Supporters During Friday Call

>>123600 LIVE FEED

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4VeUIEKvCVQ - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>123601 - Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan

>>123604, >>123607 - Patrick Howley Tweets, Biden's Texas Political Director Dallas Jones was picked up and questioned today by FBI

>>123605 - Tech once used to combat ISIS propaganda now used by democratic group

>>123606 - Smoked too many Qanon's and died, sad.

>>123608 - Anon's advice on..

>>123609 (You) #14226, (You) #14227, (You) #14228

(24 notables, 35 posts, 68 media/files)

Q- >>123581

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173881

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11125714 Q Research General #14229: Comfy with Q Edition

Created 172344ZOCT20




>>123610 - GEOTUS TWEET

>>123611 - Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement

>>123612 - Democrats to Use Pentagon-Funded AI System to Target Pro-Trump Narratives Online

>>123613 - Link between Saul Alinsky and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.

>>123614 - Russian Trade Minister Celebrates Collapsing Ruble As "Awesome"

>>123615 - Ron Paul Liberty Report With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>123616 - MOS breakdown, Infiltration not invasion.

>>123617, >>123618 - Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone.

>>123619 - Beanie News, Biden Campaign ADMITS The Polls Are WRONG, Trump Is Actually Winning ALREADY In Some Areas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1AfsEXRZuc0 - Biden Campaign ADMITS The Polls Are WRONG, Trump Is Actually Winning ALREADY In Some Areas [Channel: Timcast]

>>123620 - Prominent rabbi orders Haredi schools to reopen; Netanyahu warns against move

>>123621 - Can Democrats Win Back the inter in the AGE OF TRUMP?

>>123622 - Meet Maximo Alvarez

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jJnShBMG3uY - WATCH: Maximo Alvarez’s full speech at the Republican National Convention | 2020 RNC Night 1 [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>123623 - Elon Musk says SpaceX Starship will travel to Mars in as little as four years

>>123624 - Dr. Steven Greer, ayyyylmaos

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZCHcJ_CBnzs - Dr. Steven Greer & Demi Lovato #CE5 Contact Meditation [Channel: Dr. Steven Greer]

>>123625 - Trump digs in on conspiracy theory over bin Laden raid

>>123626 - _Muslims Will Serve ‘At Every Level’ of His Administration

>>123627, >>123636 - Trump supporters allegedly attacked by #ANTIFA in San Francisco

>>123628 - Trump signs bill to make 988 suicide hotline number

>>123629 - White House was warned Giuliani was target of Russian intelligence operation to feed misinformation to Trump

>>123630 - Israeli envoy to Azerbaijan slams Armenian violence, threats on civilians

>>123631 - Joe Biden reads from a giant teleprompter at another sparsely attended rally

>>123632 - Eric Trump Pennsylvania Cookie Poll Update (wholesome)

>>123633 - Q DROP #1021 Breakdown

>>123634, >>123637 - Australia One

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Zj8qg52lZso - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123635 - Bannon Speaks to Revolver News in Exclusive Interview on Hunter’s Hard Drive and What Comes Next

>>123638 - U.S. Marines Tweet

>>123639, >>123641 - Dan Scavino Tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7822f58457b74225a97462565a65e324487b4f17da1f8c7acaeed0f560e37f7e.mp4

>>123640 - 1,030 Times Jews Have Been Kicked Out By Their Host Nations, Expelled From 132 Countries

>>123642 - Muammar Gaddafi's Cousin To Sue Hillary Clinton For "Destroying Libya"

>>123643 - Q DROP #4799 When does a Church become a playground?


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ikC5N-KL89k - Vatican control of World Health Organization popul [Channel: LolaHeavey]

>>123645 - Two Brothers - Global Impact

>>123646, >>123647 - Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order

>>123648 - Zionist Israel's Thermonuclear Blackmail of America SAMSON OPTION

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3814912899d269a58174eae729dcdf3e10463cfb055e88e470645dc851c1a31.pdf

>>123649 (You) #14229

(35 notables, 40 posts, 60 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173882

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11126517 Q Research General #14230:Seasons Greetings Edition

Created 180032ZOCT20




>>123650 - Biden Campaign Manager Drops Bomb Friday Cal

>>123651 - Top Fucking Kek

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/715d78c0979eebfdb8b0513d5aa947ecb81c6beb9c3c89f8d58439329c9d2d97.mp4


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/593237f4f3381d445a917c67c2d6f1b53188ada4ea3ed164e4ffa76cded8b24e.mp4

>>123653 - "Jon Voight insists President Trump 'must win' election, slams 'evil' Joe Biden"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a7177b7d1b22162757f72fad09147549f284007fa8f8cc3c4fdd61ce5832729.mp4

>>123654 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Janesville, WI 10/17/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yFnSVpffEB8 - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Janesville, WI 10/17/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>123655 - Actor Randy Quaid Defends Trump

>>123656 - archive.org and the wayback machine is offline right now, confirmed

>>123657 - Two Brothers - Global Impact

>>123658 - POTUS If it works there, it works everywhere (Other cures alluded to video)

>>123659 - Rudy Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X7ziEwfWghA - Rudy Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive, Claims 'You Will Be Absolutely Convinced...' [Channel: Daily Caller]

>>123660 - Qproof 988 suicide hot line

>>123661, >>123664 - Paul Pelosi, Jr

>>123662 - Dan Scavino Tweets (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c2ea7ba4edfddb55a092cd598a88e3a113e77b5c2196de068c9420599cfa0f07.mp4

>>123663 - Chinese Whistleblower Reveals Hunter Biden “Sex Tapes” Contain Video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually ABUSING Multiple Under-Age Chinese Teens

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123665 - California Is Blaming Its Crippled Economy On Climate Change

>>123666 - Just How Close Is General Milley to Stanley McChrystal?

>>123667 - Twitter Refuses to Unlock New York Post Account Unless Bombshell Hunter Biden Posts Deleted

>>123668 - DOJ: 94 Percent of Foreign Nationals in U.S. Federal Prison Are Illegal Aliens

>>123669 - Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

>>123670 #14230

(20 notables, 21 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173883

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11128051 Q Research General #14232: Making /qresearch/ Great Again Edition

Created 180210ZOCT20





>>123716, >>123727, >>123729, >>123730 - Savvanagh Gutjhrie made sure to use Ben Sasse at the townhall against Trump.

>>123717 - A Big Shoutout to Anons

>>123718 - Why Were Jews Kicked Out of 132 Countries That They Migrated To, 1,030 Times?

>>123719 - Plane fag Nightwatch

>>123720 - Michelle Obama supporting Harvey Weinstein vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a859fe14f17d25d593a5d083e6ca54923c5684c730eb6442c8bbbdd760928cf.mp4

>>123721 pb There is Q, and there are Anons. There is no "QAnon.

>>123722, >>123734 - GEOTUS TWEETS

>>123723 - Tehran Declares Arms Embargo Lifted, Iran Free to Procure, Export Arms as Sees Fit

>>123724 - QAnon conspiracy about SEAL Team Six raid on Osama bin Laden picks up steam

>>123725 - The PCR Test Fraud

>>123726 - Surprisingly, the Obama Foundation's financials are hiding in plain sight!

>>123728 - Who is anonbin.com

>>123731 - Final Debate Topics

>>123732 - The executive officer of the guided-missile destroyer Fitzgerald was relieved late last month.

>>123733 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123735 - The document is being considered a "nexus to a potential hate crime," officials said

>>123736 - BIDEN Scandal Expands Kazakhstan

>>123737 - JFK Jr. IS DEAD (R IS FAKE AND GAY)

>>123738 - Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People Unless

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ccf6f046845188b31b1cc64c5155af6e0ed1aee3626c7df8cb3d62f0e7a8b991.mp4

>>123739 - Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

>>123740 - Pennsylvania Boilermakers Union Calls Out Biden: We Support Trump, Not You

>>123741 #14232

(23 notables, 27 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173884

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11127315 Q Research General #14231: We Are The Onez Edition

Created 180119ZOCT20




>>123671 - Dan Scavino Tweet (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b44d88a16c42f36a3c98f955dc716917b3e1612a53d968a227ceb93cd6c08ad6.mp4

>>123672 - Twitter Refuses To Unlock NYPost Account Unless Paper Deletes Tweets About Hunter Biden

>>123673 - This is Lude, creator of Lude Media, he has a youtube channel.

>>123674 - Texas Poll Watcher Testifies on Fraud

>>123675 - Bernard B. Kerik Tweet

>>123676 - SPIDER Bites CDC

>>123677 - Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Vetoes Bill Targeting Voter Fraud


>>123679 - How Many People Have Voted So Far? A State-By-State Breakdown As Trump-Biden Early Voting Heats Up

>>123680 - The Lion - Donald Trump 2016 Election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-u7y7z4MZBo - The Lion - Trump Updated Edit [Channel: 0xFelix]

>>123681 - 10/17/2020 LUDE MEDIA: Trump retweet "100% true- Biden compromised by the Chinese" what this mean? LIVE NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sbiL4zswKlU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123682 - Texas Poll Watcher Testifies On 2020 Voter Fraud In Houston

>>123683 - The Wandering Jew: Kicked Out of Every Host Country, 1,030 Times

>>123684 - American's Frontline Doctors Press Briefing (10/17/2020)

>>123685 - Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days

>>123686 - 17 days from now we will WIN…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yxdaG_zhR1w - Trump: Democrats' win will put US economy in peril [Channel: Associated Press]

>>123687 - 4 U.S. Code § 3.Use of flag for advertising purposes; mutilation of flag U.S. Code

>>123688 - Oi, you got a LOISENCE for that intercourse? UK SEX BAN

>>123689 - Data from Rudy Giuliani leads to FBI probe.

>>123690 - Sonoluminescence, interesting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O9B3vzsZsr4 - Sonoluminescence [Channel: AcquaPHI]

>>123691 - Did the Whitehats inject a keylogger/virus - a package of something into their comms?


>>123693 - FULL DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS BY ANY MSM doing QAnon stories as they are part of the actual story

>>123694, >>123696 - GEOTUS TWEET

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7822f58457b74225a97462565a65e324487b4f17da1f8c7acaeed0f560e37f7e.mp4


>>123697 - Former UK ambassador to US reportedly investigated over leaking classified information to lover

>>123698 - Over 30,000 health experts demand immediate end to FAKE China Virus Pandemic lockdown.

>>123699 - DOJ: 94 Percent of Foreign Nationals in U.S. Federal Prison Are Illegal Aliens

>>123700 - antigrav hybrid space/underwater vehicle?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a2a795d7a514ec402638a9b121c3e6bdffe7ef8304b06266644d57f586dcbd63.pdf

>>123701 - Disturbing Story of Sex Slavery Survivor

>>123702, >>123705 - Request to translate Q posts

>>123703, >>123704 - New Vatican coin depicts 'mother carrying the earth in her womb


>>123707 - Joe Biden-Linked Firm Made Major Investments in Chinese Corporations

>>123708 - Nebraska GOP Senate candidate is "establishment" but also linked to an old Nebraska scandal

>>123709 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123710 - Schiff's Ties to Ukraine Exposed

>>123711, >>123713 - Facebook's Lead Executive on Election Policy was VP Biden's Advisor to Ukraine

>>123712 - Election Day +1 = 11.4 = [Zero Day]

>>123714 (You) #14231

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C3OLDiRAj_U - Techno Nightcore Hands Up 2 Hours Mega Mix #2 [Channel: DJ_SDN]

(40 notables, 44 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173885

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11128823 Q Research General #14233: We Are The Children of the Night Edition

Created 180257ZOCT20




>>123742 - Unbelievable – Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

>>123743 - Berlin court suspends covid 19 shutdown

>>123744 - I've got emails!! If you want the download link it's 89 pages.

>>123745 - No Immigration Question in Next Debate, Say Debate Organizers

>>123746, >>123748, >>123751, >>123765, >>123769 - , Congressman (((Kaufmann))) tells Ukraine how to vote; Hunter Biden vid and emails

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ywMYzQemhW4 - Delegation of the National Democratic Institute. Ukraine Crisis Media Center. April 11, 2014 [Channel: Ukraine Media Center]

>>123747 - Girlfriend of Fort Bliss Army captain killed in car chase arrested, charged with murder

>>123749 - Department of Defense risk-covid-19-exposure-planes-virtually-nonexistent

>>123750 - QAnon Is Nuts’: Republican Ben Sasse Rips Trump For Flirting With Conspiracy Theory

>>123752, >>123754, >>123762 - , National Security Threat? Anna Makanju

>>123753, >>123755, >>123758 - , LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC

>>123756 - Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country

>>123757 - Anna Makanju's insta links to Biden victory fund virtual conversation

>>123759 - US military senior leaders need to embrace that public-communication warfare

>>123760 - Obama/Biden/Mueller gangster threatens that a Biden DOJ will jail Giuliani for blowing the whistle on Biden's treacherous corruption

>>123761, >>123763, >>123766, >>123767 - , Andrew Weissman blows a gasket gaslighting Giuliani

>>123764 - 4 generations of Schiff Q drop

>>123768 - The Knight Family Charitable Foundation

>>123770 - Trump says 'RINO' Ben Sasse has gone ‘rogue’ after Nebraska senator criticizes his Covid-19 executive orders

>>123771 #14233

(19 notables, 30 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173886

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11130372 Q Research General #14235: We Are Q Edition

Created 180451ZOCT20




>>123806 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123807 - Home Improvement star Zachery Ty Bryan, 39, is arrested

>>123808 - Hunter Biden Grabbin' Lunch

>>123809 - Joe Biden Supporters Waving ANTIFA Flag

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U-iDleY4DBs - Joe Biden Supporters Waving ANTIFA Flag [Channel: Laura Loomer]

>>123810 ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.

>>123811 - Trump imply Queen Elizabeth opposed Jerusalem embassy mov

>>123812 - SNL mentions QAnon

>>123813 - Tony Blair breached COVID-19 restriction

>>123814 - Savannah Guthrie

>>123815 - National Security Threat

>>123816, >>123826 - Dark secretes 1996 movie

>>123817 - Manila asserts 'economic rights' in lifting South China Sea ban.

>>123818 - We out here Panefaggin'

>>123819 - Blackburn discusses Big Tech on Fox and Friends 10.17.20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VxQ0Zz0ren8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123820 - Pic attached IS screencap of Qdrop website's 5-page pdf

>>123821 ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

>>123822 - GEOTUS TWEET



>>123825 - Follow the wives

>>123827 - Image of Guiliani and Li-Meng

>>123828 - World Doctors Alliance claim that the pandemic is false

>>123829 - Biden’s son Hunter is awfully close to the CIA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Pd0gT-rvHEQ - Joe Biden's son is awfully close to the CIA. [Channel: Candor Intelligence Network]

>>123830, >>123831, >>123832 ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" (Cap: )

>>123834 #14235

(25 notables, 28 posts, 29 media/files)

Q- >>123810, >>123821, >>123830

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173887

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11129653 Q Research General #14234: Weissman Blows Gas Edition

Created 180354ZOCT20





>>123773 - Rudy Giuliani A meeting is coming out in 1-2 days in State Dept. in which Hunter snuck in the back door … That meeting took place with Tony Blinken."

>>123774 - Hunter Biden: Smoking gun that the entire objective was to get the cases against Burisma's founder dropped


>>123776 - This is a continuation of Hunter Bidens emails.

>>123777 - Covid - biggest fraud in human history?

>>123778 - Tweetstorm erupts after HBO host Maher says too many 'nuts' Catholics on Supreme Court

>>123779 - Anna Adeola Makanju


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WIqMX0uMY0k - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123781, >>123783, >>123785, >>123787, >>123788, >>123791 - Time stamp - stage right trump - 1.05 mark of video.

>>123782 - Pocket Constitution VS. The Republican Party?


>>123786 - Twitter Doesn't Reflect How Most Americans Think Study

>>123789 - Exclusive: Inside Darpa's Secret Afghan Spy Machine

>>123790, >>123792 - Dig on Savannah Guthrie

>>123793, >>123794 - Potential Election Numbers

>>123795 - Q posts regarding the ship & backchannel have never seemed so important.

>>123796 - 4chan exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

>>123797, >>123800 ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? Pandora's 'political elite' box? (Cap: )

>>123798 - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

>>123799, >>123802 ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: )

>>123801 - Before The Bidens "Did" Ukraine, There Was Iraq… And Serbia

>>123803 - Zero delta again


>>123805 #14234

(25 notables, 34 posts, 63 media/files)

Q- >>123797, >>123799

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173888

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11131134 Q Research General #14236: Enjoy the Show Edition

Created 180529ZOCT20




>>123835, >>123837, >>123844 - - How do you reach people whose beliefs come from pure fantasy?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=929viHEzCEY - QAnon and Trump: Hear what his supporters think [Channel: CNN]

>>123836 - Google could be forced to sell Chrome if the Justice Department gets its way

>>123838, >>123840, >>123842, >>123843, >>123846, >>123847, >>123851, >>123861 - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?


>>123841 - National Security Threat brings down the National Security Strategy.

>>123845 - Anon Theory

>>123848 - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

>>123849 - Excerpts from Jewish Talmud (Jew Law)

>>123850 - Clinton body bag list (meme)

>>123852 - POTUS was asking Joe- Where's Hunter?

>>123853 - Jannies are deleting all threads related to Oregon/Washington online voting

>>123854 - It’s 2020, and the most professiona

>>123855 - it was the CCP who took the pics and provided the underage girls

>>123856 - Former Deputy Director of The China Center Jeff Prescott ’97 Named to Top Post on Vice President Biden’s National Security Staff

>>123857 - LIVE: DHS Agents from the Portland ICE Building are in the street confronting black lives matter terrorists

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JDhX8j8cpLU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123858, >>123860 - , Jackie Speier

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aIbf6wB8LSU - CNN - Kasich Saying John McCain Was Put to Death [Channel: Insane Orange]

>>123859 - OAN behind the scenes Hunter Biden hard drive

>>123862, >>123863, >>123864, >>123865, >>123867, >>123868, >>123871, >>123872, >>123873 - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

>>123866 - , In an interview with Amy Robach, Hunter did reference Alice in Wonderland, specifically the Cheshire Cat if I remember correctly. Maybe it was meant as a hint that he had flipped.

>>123869 - Biden, granddaughter Finnegan Biden, Dylan Locke, U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke, Mona Locke, and Hunter Biden sample tea during a traditional tea tasting ceremony, at Liu Xian Guan Teahouse in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, China

>>123870 - Graphic: Transcript "Evil" by @jonvoight

>>123874, >>123876 - Hunter Biden confirmed kiketastic bracelet

>>123875 - Hunter Biden speaks out Amy Robach Oct 15, 2019

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iqB6qf7evww - Hunter Biden speaks out, Trump imposes sanctions on Turkey, Barcelona protests| ABC News [Channel: ABC News]

>>123877 - Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label Qanon Group a 'Terrorist Threat'

>>123878 - Kazakhstan worlds largest Uranium exporter

>>123879 #14236

(26 notables, 45 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173889

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11131859 Q Research General #14237: Hunted No Longer Edition

Created 180628ZOCT20




>>123880 - Hunter gets choked up and when asked about responding to Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u9AgAx2Adl0 - Hunter Biden LOSES IT During Interview on ABC News [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>123881 - Hunter Biden HATES his evil father. Anon speculates.

>>123882, >>123885, >>123886, >>123887, >>123888 Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

>>123883 - BIDEN'S WEB

>>123884 - Did both Biden's flip? Anon theory

>>123889 - There are 3 hard drives

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123890 - Investigators Reveal Hunter Biden Used His Dead Brother's Identity to Hide His Whereabouts

>>123891 - #Winning

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/994f0595173ab25db75d2f241f4177fa044b1100a5734a50fb9ed56b6756bb44.mp4

>>123892 - One might ask why a patent for a device so revolutionary

>>123893, >>123895, >>123902 - 4Chan claim to have discovered a way that people’s ballots can be cancelled online in Oregon and Washington

>>123894 - Hunter's heterochromia is very rare in humans

>>123896 - Croatian prime minister receives letter with ‘Novichok’ warning, reports say

>>123897 - GEOTUS in Vegas.

>>123898 - Official Ballot Marion County, Oregon

>>123899 - Biden Inc.


>>123901 - Dan Scavinous Tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a4b0a94f2080036b99ccad9b4b804be53ceffd4b126006de430fbe83b6b2fb36.mp4

>>123903 - Old Hunter Interview Resurfaces … It May Come Back to Haunt Him … “This Isn’t a Family Business”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vfb9FIpobL4 - Hunter Biden on relationship with his dad, addicti [Channel: ABC News]

(18 notables, 24 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173890

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11133489 Q Research General #14238:Full Power To The Republic Edition

Created 181009ZOCT20




>>123904 4Chan Users Claim to Have Found Way to Easily Change People’s Voter Registration and Cancel Ballots Online in Oregon and Washington

>>123905 Susan Collins donated $400 each to 2 QAnon supporters running for state legislature seats in Maine

>>123906 Appeals court upholds Kentucky abortion law requiring clinics to have transfer agreements with hospitals

>>123907, >>123909, >>123913, >>123915 If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

>>123908 Dan tweet decoded

>>123910 Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement

>>123911, >>123914 BREAKING: Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Isaac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released!

>>123912, >>123917, >>123918 Maestro Trump, dragging the senate into a competent court

>>123916 New9 hired antifa…oppps…contractors..as private security

>>123919 Beto (Finally) Fails Downward: Former 2020 Frontrunner Lands Teaching Gig at Texas State

>>123920 Anon speculates - Has anyone considered that Hunter’s laptop might be Joe’s in reality?

>>123921 Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

>>123922, >>123929, >>123941, >>123945 Who Is Joe Biden’s Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen

>>123923 COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Pope's Vatican Residence

>>123924 COsweda on Twitter debunks the Oregon Voting Disinfo Campaign about Being Able to Change Votes with Name and Birthdate

>>123925 Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

>>123926 Trump's refusal to disavow QAnon is part of his pattern of encouraging hate for political gain

>>123927 Conservative Actor Jon Voight Gets Serious In New Election Message: ‘Biden Is Evil’ (VIDEO)

>>123928 Matt Gaetz tweets out entire Hunter Biden story line by line to evade Twitter block

>>123930 Bishops for Biden San Diego’s Robert McElroy emerges as another one.

>>123931 "CRY ABOUT IT!" ‘Antifa demonstrators punched pro-Trump protester’s TEETH out & pelted him with rocks’ at MAGA rally near Twitter’s HQ

>>123932 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanists

>>123933 Obama to Hit the Campaign Trail in Battleground Pennsylvania for Joe Biden

>>123934 China passes new law restricting sensitive exports

>>123935 Tucker Carlson Interviews Bin Laden Niece Who Said She’s Gotten More Backlash for Trump Support Than for Her Last Name

>>123936 In France, they also to try to stage a civil war, between the "Muslims" and "French roots".

>>123937 Biden advocates 'gender change' for children

>>123938 Gov. Whitmer vetoes bill targeting voter fraud, cites confusion

>>123939 Australia is in. Steve Bannon interview

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>123940, >>123948 US Military Tweets and News

>>123942 First arrest: BIDEN CRIME FAMILY "POP" Q drop connect

>>123943 Archive of 200 videos around Q , Covid , Conspiracy and other shenanigans

>>123944 Kazakhstan → [Clintons] + [Russia] + [Bidens] + …

>>123946 Look what Apple’s autocorrect is doing when you type Qanon Qanon “casualties”

>>123947 New Ben Garrison

>>123949 Police investigating possible arson at Bishopville Post Office

>>123950 #14239

(37 notables, 47 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173891

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11134251 Q Research General #14239: 1776 To 2020 Patriots On Duty Edition

Created 181228ZOCT20




>>123951 What does Q mean in using the word “rig” in Rig for Red?

>>123952 Explainer: Why isn’t Pope Francis wearing a mask?

>>123953 Why is STEEL so important?

>>123954, >>123955 ArchiveAnon isolated every instance of the "Hunters Become the Hunted" movie poster meme

>>123956 Obama Admin Took Teen Girls Out of State for Secret Abortions Without Their Parents Knowing

>>123957 YouTube strengthens its Rules About critical Conspiracy Theories, Especially QAnon Content

>>123958 Black officers break from unions over Trump endorsements

>>123959 Wittmer "abduction" insider a FBI informant who pushed the entire plot

>>123960 complete archive of Q posts in chronological order in book form, you can get the full set (up to Sept 2020)

>>123961 Les Wexner's LBrands Was Heavily Invested in China as a "Second Home Market"

>>123962, >>123966 US Military Tweets and News

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0da8088d85b30c88c8d5853b9495958f4a3eac167dd94e9c9d7119ebfc0a43d1.mp4

>>123963 Column: Pandering to the fringe

>>123964 Pirro: Big Tech Censoring Hunter Biden Story ‘Proof Positive’ of the Left Trying to Turn U.S. Into a Fascist Country

>>123965 Anon speculates The Biden family is the Corleone family…

>>123967, >>123969 collecting the speculations about Hunter. Here are some.

>>123968, >>123970 Arkansas' Asa Hutchinson going to China - again


>>123972 Indiana woman Lisa Montgomery, first woman to be Federally executed since 1953 on Dec. 8

>>123973 Possibly Moar to the the Dan Vegas tweet

>>123974 #14240, #14241, #14242 - None collected

(20 notables, 24 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173892

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11135022 Q Research General #14240: No Stopping What Cannot Be Stopped Edition

Created 181354ZOCT20




>>123975 Leovani Payseur's list of books at Goodreads

>>123976 China Panic: US Joined Britain Deadliest Fleet of Warships Gather in North Sea in Huge Show of Force

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eNDZ0g_WCMc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123977 This may have been when Hunter Biden had possibly turned

>>123978 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report

>>123979, >>123982 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>123980 "Jim Carrey channels Joe Biden's inner Mr. Rogers on 'SNL'"

>>123981, >>123985 Planefag Reports

>>123983 October 26-27, when Pompeo and US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper visit New Delhi for joint consultations with their Indian counterparts.

>>123984 February 20, 2020 Dan Scavino tweet from Vegas MOAR!

>>123986 Bannon Speaks to Revolver News in Exclusive Interview on Hunter's Hard Drive and What Comes Next

>>123987 US MIL tweets and news

>>123988 Vatican is once again running interference for a pro-abortion Democrat. Joe Biden

>>123989 Secrets of the Victoria Angels

>>123990 EXCLUSIVE: Trump Supporter Hospitalized By Black Lives Matter Thugs At Women’s March Isabella DeLuca was assaulted while holding a Trump flag

>>123991 Stefanapolous brings up QAnon just now with Rhona McDaniels..

>>123992 Boat rust ordeal continued


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>123994 China Panic: The US Deploys HIMARS and anti-ship missiles to near China Islands

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9AaCBrgOBO4 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>123995 #14240, #14241, #14242 - None collected

>>123996 #14237 posted in #14241

(20 notables, 22 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173893

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11136641 Q Research General #14242: Emergency Bake Edition

Created 181610ZOCT20




>>124000, >>124006 ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic (Cap: )

>>124001, >>124004 ————————————–——– Who is Alexandra Chalupa? (Cap: ) (Cap: )

>>124002, >>124011 ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense Masks don't work (Cap: )

>>124003 Biden interview

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124005 ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense (Cap: )

>>124007 Alexandra Chalupa with Avenatti

>>124008 Twitter deletes tweet from WH Advisor Dr. Scott Atlas

>>124009 DJT JR says to break up DOJ cartel

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d40975f8f38dc99a0540b7ff4fd06efc8f94153478a4d8ec4cc7a64d83a2d712.mp4

>>124010 Marines tweet "Mission Continues"

>>124012 Defense in Whitmer kidnap case says FBI pushed plot

>>124013 New DJT…

>>124014 Portland and Oakland sue feds…

>>124015 Deep dig on Abrams

>>124016 Handwritten court docket against Bidens

>>124017, >>124019 Alexandra Chalupa digs

>>124018 . Moar Biden

>>124020 Police return stolen ballots in WA

>>124021 Massive protest in France after muslim beheads teacher

>>124022 Ron Johnson on Maria Bartiromo

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=37DvoM696kQ - FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case [Channel: Real Don Anon]

>>124023 Tulsi makes motion to exonerate Assange

>>124024 TerraPower gets $80 million grant

>>124025 GWP calls out fake Hunter photo from porn vid

>>124026 ————————————–——– Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Abrams family (Cap: )

>>124027 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Wojcicki family

(24 notables, 28 posts, 32 media/files)

Q- >>124000, >>124002, >>124026, >>124027

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173894

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11135815 Q Research General #14241:They Have No Power Unless You Give It To Them Edition

Created 181505ZOCT20




>>123997, >>123998 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: )

>>123999 Synopsis of Biden Family Connections

(2 notables, 3 posts, 4 media/files)

Q- >>123997

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173895

File: f3360948dd03e75⋯.png (5.57 MB,5760x3240,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11137418 Q Research General #14243: Authentic Baker Purity Edition

Created 181650ZOCT20





>>124029 President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rb1x9Jx8IUM - President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

>>124030 BIBLICAL

>>124031 Gidley Defends His QAnon Answer, Slams Savannah Guthrie for ‘Asking About a Crazy Conspiracy Theory’

>>124032 The 31-day campaign against QAnon

>>124033 The Despair of Feminism

>>124034 FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UONQiPT0Mks - FBI 'must come clean' about Hunter Biden laptop: Sen. Ron Johnson [Channel: ZeroHedge Janitor]

>>124035 Republican National Committee chair says QAnon is 'something the voters are not even thinking about'

>>124036 ————————————–——– Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

>>124037 Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

>>124038 A top Republican senator acknowledged the possibility that the FBI investigated whether there was child pornography on a laptop that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden.

>>124039 Twitter removes Trump COVID advisor tweet that questioned use of masks

>>124040 Who is Abrams?

>>124041 UPDATE: Suspects Say Ring Leader in Plot to Kidnap Wretched Governor Whitmer Was an Alleged FBI Informant — Who Pushed the Entire Plan

>>124042 Analysis: Kristen Welker, next debate's moderator, got busted tipping off Team Hillary in 2016

>>124043 BREAKING: Biden Campaign Finally Responds To Bombshell New York Post Report

>>124044 Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Is Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine — This Helps Explain Their Censorship of Hunter’s Emails

>>124045 WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies

>>124046 I see patterns!

>>124047 Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia

>>124048, >>124050, >>124052, >>124054, >>124056 Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

>>124049 Steve Bannon: The Bidens Are About to Be Hit With Multiple Stories — “We Have Set in Motion the Various Apparatuses to Release Everything”

>>124051 ‘Do you want me to stop working?’ As Paris restaurants are ordered into new curfew, angry citizens hold street protest

>>124053 Kirstie Alley gets attacked by celebrities after publicly endorsing Trump

>>124055 18yo Chicago man arrested after teacher & classmates witness sexual assault on 7yo student during online class

>>124057 SF free speech rally canceled after organizer's tooth knocked out, police escort Trump supporters away from violent mob

>>124058 Masks are nothing more than simple behavioral conditioning.

>>124059 It’s Time We Have a Discussion About the Lack of Punishment for Child Predators

>>124060 ————————————–——– Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Abrams family (Cap: )

>>124061 Twitter Removes Tweet from Top Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

>>124062 ————————————–——– Masks don't work, photo of mask box (Cap: )

>>124063 CBS's Ed O'Keefe on Face The Nation: "[Joe Biden] will not be seen again after today until Thursday night."

>>124064 Elections Chairman Resigns After Allegedly Stealing, Vandalizing Trump Yard Signs

>>124065 Antifa Medic Calls for Federal Agent to Be ‘Executed’

>>124066 Marxist Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Signs Production Deal with Warner Bros.

>>124067 Q Clock

>>124068 We Realease Tonight OANN

>>124069 BREAKING REPORT: ONE AMERICA NEWS @OANN will be releasing a trove of new HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS tonight…

>>124070 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: )

>>124071 Well will you look at that!

>>124072 #14243

(41 notables, 45 posts, 61 media/files)

Q- >>124036

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173896

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11138252 Q Research General #14244: Special Agent Joshua Wilson On the Biden Case Edition

Created 181741ZOCT20




>>124073 Thu 10.15.2020

>>124074, >>124078, >>124082, >>124090 NON-Q OTHER NEWS

>>124075 Obama’s former speech writer, Nathan Osburn, hiding behind a mask pretending to be an undecided voter at the town hall…and Joe Biden pretending not to know who he is

>>124076 As Communist China Rises, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s Communists Ties Re-Surface

>>124077 Facebook says it rejected 2.2m ads seeking to obstruct voting in US election

>>124079 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY October 18, 2020

>>124080 Biden live NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TcXt1xSVGVI - Biden holds voter mobilization event in North Carolina [Channel: Fox News]

>>124081 Trump Says Hunter Was 'Middle Man' For Businesses To Talk To Joe

>>124083, >>124085 Leland Vitter then interviewed Biden's spokewoman, Jenna Arnold, who went totally nutz answering questions.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d1372904a2af8715a0116b23c1b62a3c818319d973c9a74abfb7dd94d626be24.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6da247e2fbfc8f81f8a721b357146fe51c44c4c3f5542f62672e3b04358af390.mp4

>>124084 The Bankruptcy of ‘Bipartisan Foreign Policy’

>>124086 Joe Biden calling for another 200K dead by the end of the year.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TcXt1xSVGVI - Biden holds voter mobilization event in North Carolina [Channel: Fox News]

>>124087 PANIC!

>>124088 FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UONQiPT0Mks - FBI 'must come clean' about Hunter Biden laptop: Sen. Ron Johnson [Channel: ZeroHedge Janitor]

>>124089 Trump will win. I’m not advocating, I’m telling you to mentally prepare. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

>>124091, >>124093, >>124094 Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/393b8bf50a43fb51523f8b76c65e238879ee5c492ddc1d5a1051e6bad8a77ae5.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UONQiPT0Mks - FBI 'must come clean' about Hunter Biden laptop: Sen. Ron Johnson [Channel: ZeroHedge Janitor]

>>124092 Why no charges yet if the Grand Jury was in Dec 2019?

>>124095, >>124096 ENJOY THE SHOW

>>124097 Biden 'most compromised person in the history of American politics': Donald Trump Jr.

>>124098 Biden Surrogate Says He’s Open to Court Packing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CUHje8w1jP8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124099 Democratic Coalition Against Trump

>>124100 Amid historic absentee voting, rejected mail-in ballots could have 'significant effect' on outcome


>>124102 DOUBLESPEAK: New York Times Magazine Says The Biggest Threat to Free Speech…is Free Speech

>>124103 New PDJT

>>124104 US Secretary of State Pompeo Warns of Sanctions For Any Arms Sales to Iran

>>124105 The Trump Dance Move ..2020

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cd57f2cd31c422d007fc49b8d63e88f057e3a2d35fb1620ff91ee5c1e9127f1.mp4

>>124106 Israel Bahrain officially signs peace treaty to establish diplomatic relations with Israel — under the Trump administration.

>>124107 #14244

(28 notables, 35 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173897

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11139049 Q Research General #14245: CONTINUOUSLY HAPPENING Edition

Created 181831ZOCT20




>>124108 Trump puts wad of cash into the collection box at church in Las Vegas as he and Hope Hicks prepare for day of fundraising

>>124109 The FBI is at it Again! One Month After FBI Took Possession of Hunter Laptop, NY Times Reported Burisma “Hacked” by Russians to Embarrass Bidens

>>124110 Trump Campaign: 11 Questions The Media Must Ask Joe Biden About Hunter Biden ‘Selling Access’

>>124111 University of Northern Iowa bans pro-life club, labels it a ‘hate group’


>>124113 POTUS into John Wayne Airport.

>>124114 Thousands of emails, salacious photos mire Biden campaign

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WwKCn8VYgFw - Thousands of emails, salacious photos mire Biden campaign [Channel: One America News Network]

>>124115 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

>>124116 Link to tweet about Gretchen having the 86 45


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8bXgULtz6cI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124118 An attorney for the man suspected of kidnapping British toddler Madeleine McCann is demanding that prosecutors share concrete evidence or throw out the case

>>124119 Rudy tells Lou Dobbs he gave all this info on Ukraine to the DOJ two years ago, and they did nothing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Cc3wf8wsWaU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124120 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has vowed to include Muslim Americans in every social and political aspect in his administration as well as repeal President Donald Trump's "Muslim ban" if voted to power.

>>124121 PDJT - She’s always been terrible & unfair, just like most of the Fake News reporters, but I’ll still play the game. The people know! How’s Steve Scully doing?

>>124122 Breaking , trove of Hunter emails to be released tonight

>>124123 POTUS is right, if retail sales is up 8% now when he’s re-elected we will see the country soar into the stratosphere

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PGKYY2Dp6QA - September retail sales ‘were the best in recent memory’: Former Toys ‘R’ Us CEO [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124124 You Have Until Tuesday': Pelosi Issues Ultimatum Over Relief Funds

>>124125 Happy birthday @tiffanytrump!

>>124126 Dr. Jim Meehan: An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful

>>124127 Steve Bannon on SkyNEWS Sharri 18th October 2020

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f2d6894a21097ff5197f2f2d6c38bb636ec57312d4ed9e51d8e1daab9cce3fa7.mp4

>>124128 U.N. Condemns Nigeria’s Plans to Castrate Rapists and Execute Pedophiles

>>124129 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA west

>>124130 RNC's Ronna McDaniel spars with ABC host over QAnon question

>>124131 @realDonaldTrump in #Wisconsin: I want stimulus money now but Nancy Pelosi won’t approve it because she is playing politics

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f0f8ff198a29439cac343ac08500e23e4e61c9f32c7395df8b123a5634080a3c.mp4

>>124132 Peter Roth To Step Down As Warner Bros.

>>124133 Talk about Patterns...

>>124134 Kanye West Responds To SNL Sketch, Claims Show Uses Black People “To Hold Other Black People Back

>>124135 #14245,

>>124136, >>124137 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Vid: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bb6JeX6dvEk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

(29 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Q- >>124136

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173898

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11139835 Q Research General #14246: Biden Is A National Security threat! Edition

Created 181932ZOCT20




>>124138 Amazon's Attempt To Muzzle Shelby Steele Speaks Volumes About Race In America: Wirepoints

>>124139, >>124141, >>124150, >>124152, >>124157 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42bf102cc8856e72bcb5f934c2971bdb959614dd14b865bc504f7c76a86330cf.mp4

>>124140 BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yP1MtaSIePk - BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn! [Channel: Newsbud]


>>124143 Biden Surrogate On Alleged Hunter Emails: ‘I Don’t Think Anybody Is Saying They Are Inauthentic’

>>124144 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

>>124145, >>124154 Talk about Patterns...

>>124146 President Trump attends church service in Las Vegas Oct 18, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=J0yhAxf4Cg8 - Trump attends church service in Las Vegas [Channel: Associated Press]

>>124147 On the QCLOCK from yesterday. :25 Marker :25

>>124148 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fiz-qWQ1hxc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124149 President Trump has accused Joe Biden of being a “corrupt politician.”

>>124151 Georgetown University hired fired FBI agent Peter Strzok as an adjunct professor

>>124153 BIDEN TIES TO EPSTEIN ISLE 07/07/2020

>>124155 Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

>>124156 Who was the ambassador in the Clinton State dept soliciting underage kids for sex?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bb6JeX6dvEk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124158 Suicide Line KEKs. John/Jon Voight

>>124159 You’re in a cult! Trump haters pile on celebrity, Scientologist & suspected QAnon believer Kirstie Alley

>>124160 Jack Posobiec - On my way to pick up the emails

>>124161 #14246

(19 notables, 24 posts, 21 media/files)

Q- >>124139, >>124150

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173899

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11140653 Q Research General #14247: Patterns, Do you see Them? Edition

Created 182017ZOCT20




>>124162 Steve Bannon Claims Joe Biden's Son Tried to Recover Hard Drive Amid Russian Interference Concerns

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6f98e232f36fb667486d94de21b2718ccf841c6dd52c65497302db4fe74f2ac5.mp4

>>124163 ''Ron Johnson SAYS @ 1:30 mark…"I don't want to speculate"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a81b661f534168167523740666f4d4eadf149731a645ac940fc5284aceb919d0.mp4

>>124164, >>124170 Is that a lantern to his left?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/304f941ba644ad2a1517bc1c387b16990eda30aec8a1738cb8065d5ba71aa66b.mp4

>>124165 Third Debate Moderator Kristen Welker a Huge Trump-Hater Who Once Was Caught on Hot Mic Giving Hillary Crony the Questions

>>124166 Yup they're doing this, Good Lord

>>124167 Donald Trump Jr. - Biden called a lid till Thursday?

>>124168 New Data Analysis Finds 353 Counties With 1.8 Million More Registered Voters Than Residents

>>124169, >>124176 RIGGED!!!

>>124171 Pepper mask robot, Gates, Tedros, Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, UN, and others were all speakers at the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative

>>124172 Donald Trump Will Run Again in 2024 if He Loses to Joe Biden, Says Steve Bannon

>>124173 Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat was taken to a hospital in Israel for treatment of a worsening case of COVID-19

>>124174 Start asking why the Biden campaign isn’t suing the New York Post. Because the counter suit, the discovery process would EXPOSE EVERYTHING

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124175 Howard Gutman is the man referred to in the NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department

>>124177, >>124181 U.S. ambassador denies soliciting prostitutes in public parks as damning internal memo accuses State Department of sex scandal cover-up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bb6JeX6dvEk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124178 The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children

>>124179 Protesters Rally in Santiago Ahead of Chilean National Referendum

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w-4aB0KHoDs

>>124180 Wray needs to go. He is running interference for the DNC.

>>124182 GOP Leader McCarthy and Rep Devin Nunes With Maria Bartiromo Sunday Morning

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oea84RoGC90 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124183 Protest against Covid-19 rules in Prague escalates into clashes with police

>>124184 Ralph Reed's coalition has 22m voters in swing states, 44m in all states, and will engage in a heavy GOTV.

>>124185 Moar Panic

>>124186 Trump's Steve Cortez equates Biden working with China's Communist Party like working with Nazi's in WWII.'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b47fb815b1a0a1f5d5b909866b719c82ed866467c8fbd8b213cb26f939bd25f.mp4

>>124187 Seething from /comms/ collection, Guess "muh grpahic" touched a nerve.

>>124188 #14247

(24 notables, 27 posts, 34 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173900

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11141384 Q Research General #14248: The Seething Continues Edition

Created 182104ZOCT20




>>124189 UNKN (0016) & 0017

>>124190, >>124196 Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging Hunters contacts seized

>>124191 /pol/ exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

>>124192 Rudy bringing the PAIN

>>124193, >>124197 DARK TO LIGHT. President 44 then President 45


>>124195 Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the Biden family payoffs

>>124198 09-0016 USAF C-32A departs John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana, CA for Reno-Tahoe International Airport, NV

>>124199 Proof GOOG algo rigged to pump Qanon disinfo.

>>124200 Denver Riggleman

>>124201 If anyone doubts what Chinese security forces do to Hong Kong activists

>>124202 California loves Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f80235eb307f44c6d8c6238d28d1f64e15d014b7f9a44fc74d06aaac396bd09.mp4

>>124203 Staffers who worked for President George W. Bush are going all in for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden

>>124204 Massachusetts Bernie Bitch Physically Attacks President Trump-Supporting 73 Year Old Vietnam Veteran

>>124205 GRZLY50 USMC C-560 departing Lake Tahoe Airport

>>124206, >>124207, >>124208 NEW SCAVINO

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e05e128f82dc33e3eca1051caffa3b4c3b4a04b9ab7197710f9b32df0ed2e2d.mp4

>>124209 FBI = Disinformation

>>124210, >>124214, >>124215 BREAKING REPORT: MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered by Raymond T. Stewart, a retired police officer in Houston, STACKS OF DRIVERS LICENSES USED to Illegally Vote..

>>124211 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fiz-qWQ1hxc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124212 Richard Grenell - Massive support for @realDonaldTrump in SoCal.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/adeeefc07724a43282aaa45d794d8610e6fe5dbcf0dbc05a02b097326b3ed095.mp4

>>124213 More trouble for Joe Biden as Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement


>>124217 Whitmer comms: They want to ICE HUNTER = Put Hunter on ICE

>>124218 09-0017 USAF C-32A heading for Travis AFB, Fairfield CA

>>124219 #14248,

(25 notables, 31 posts, 38 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173901

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11142962 Q Research General #14250: Clearnet Down, Shills Seething Edition

Created 182351ZOCT20




>>124240 Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124241 Hunter Biden's Web Of Interests.

>>124242 Video of Distraction OP at Trump Tower ChiraQ

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3541c4c35f5d00ec5ac9b7616e10e3c62d0bc41248b880c2c2e0d9a0c815d03a.mp4

>>124243 Plenty of solid evidence exists of prior elite and pedo sex scandals/rings for MSM QAnon articles

>>124244 Hungarian Trade Minister BLASTS Crooked Joe Biden After He Calls Poland and Hungary Totalitarian Regimes

>>124245 WATCH: Joe Biden refuses to answer a question about the FBI seizing his son Hunter's laptop last year.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_NTYqs9ssQQ - Joe Biden refuses to answer question about FBI seizing son's laptop [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>124246 Joe Biden staged looking phone call to granddaughter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/210d6f1e26a598ae7185af29af3a70f8018bce87447623279c8bfe610fab27a3.mp4

>>124247 Hussein likes Pizza it seems. Probably the male kind…

>>124248 China warns US it may detain Americans over prosecutions of Chinese scholars: report

>>124249 Unbelievable – Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

>>124250 This weekend watch @ChanelRion as she Investigates with @OANN Biden's Bribe Tapes Parts 1- Part 3!

>>124251 UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton


>>124253 Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124254 Since the president is speaking in Nevada, and Fox is covering it Live (which is very important), my show Life, Liberty & Levin will air in progress as soon as the president is finished. My show will air for the entire hour at10 PM eastern! - Levin

>>124255 Trump turns his ire toward Cabinet members

>>124256 NUDE PICS & DEATH THREATS: Mayor’s Texting Affair With News Anchor Turns Into Crazy Scandal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yUSAVZsvXxo - Mayor’s Texting Affair With News Anchor Turns to Death Threats [Channel: Inside Edition]

>>124257 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

>>124258 82-8000 USAF 747 on ground at McCarran Int'l-Las Vegas from a earlier JBA departure heavily spoofed from Colorado onwards. Landed at approx 412pm local time

>>124259 D. Bongino

>>124260 Who even knew Strzok was a professor?

>>124261 REVEALED: Final presidential debate moderator Kristen Welker busted on live TV tipping off Clinton campaign comms director in March 2016 on interview questions.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/185568410c7eebe23ce27e5f8f0f4fcebc1508544136b0447641eb4398059ae3.mp4

>>124262 #14250

(23 notables, 23 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173902

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11142173 Q Research General #14249: Cyberbullying and Nevada Rallies Edition

Created 182200ZOCT20




>>124220 “Mr. Biden, What Flavor Did You Get?” – So-Called Reporter Asks Biden About His Milkshake, Ignores Bombshell New York Post Report on Hunter’s Emails

>>124221 Suspect Throws Torch Into Seattle Police Car With An Officer Inside

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-J3n0e5QFsc - Suspect Throws Torch into Seattle Police Car With an Officer inside [Channel: PoliceActivity]

>>124222 In general I think the minor children of politicians should be off limits. Adult fifty-year-old, crack-addicted, sister-in-law banging, stripper-impregnating bag men for China, Russia, and the Ukraine are a different story

>>124223 Murdoch's sway on politics warrants royal commission

>>124224 The White House - President Trump’s First Step Act "corrected many of the injustices of the Clinton Crime Bill and others."


>>124226 New York Times continues peddling the "Hunter Biden evidence is inauthentic" narrative

>>124227 NEW PDJT - THANK YOU Newport Beach, California! Now on my way to Carson City, Nevada. Another big crowd, see you soon! #MAGA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e05e128f82dc33e3eca1051caffa3b4c3b4a04b9ab7197710f9b32df0ed2e2d.mp4

>>124228 BPro is the vendor for the vulnerable election portals for Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, and at least 6 other States and hundreds of counties

>>124229 Exclusive: Top Trump White House official recently traveled to Damascus for secret talks with Assad regime

>>124230 From Revolver article posted this am. Remember this anons, we are in the storm

>>124231 Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016

>>124232 Charlie Kirk Locked Out

>>124233 "Die In A Fire": "Professional, Objective" Twitter Employees' Hatred Of Trump Exposed

>>124234 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

>>124235 NEW PDJT - Big show tonight on @FoxNews! @MarkLevinShow will be exposing Joe Biden’s Corruption at 8:00pmE — and of course, don’t miss @NextRevFNC with @SteveHiltonx at 9:00pmE!

>>124236 POTUS kicking asses in Carson City.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fiz-qWQ1hxc - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124237, >>124238 HAPPENING NOW: Man dangling on rope from Trump Tower in Chicago, Illinois, 'demanding to speak to President Trump'

>>124239 #14249

(19 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173903

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11143714 Q Research General #14251 Jackpot 777 Edition

Created 190037ZOCT20




>>124263 45th Space Wing@45thSpaceWing

>>124264, >>124268 Biden destroyed a father of 7 children to protect his Senate career

>>124265 President Trump Continues to Rip Nancy Pelosi Over her Son’s Shady Business Dealings

>>124266 'Any answers Nancy?

>>124267 Hunter and James Biden slush fund: Hudson West sponsored by the CCP.

>>124269 Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s Ukraine/China Business Partner — Has Fraud Conviction Re-Instated by Appeals Court and Faces Prison Time


>>124271 DNI Ratcliffe calls for investigation of 2017 ICA

>>124272 SPAR850 USAF-457th Airlift Squadron (457 AS) Learjet C-21A departed Langley

>>124273 Steve Bannon warning the DS there's a lot more to come

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0e4425c894feae4915469a163cf94d5104707fbe9f0ecd0aa1a4e0a04d092f09.mp4


>>124275, >>124281 Code Rebel and Devin Archer and Lichter

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ec730bcb84e8c58800b09a2e8aff687dd06c7e72568f9a075b4fd460286ef7c.pdf

>>124276 Do you anons also recall that the DNA of the COVID swab samples were also being stored?

>>124277 CM - Odin

>>124278 Cal Cunningham First Democrat in 22 Years Not to Receive Charlotte Observer Endorsement

>>124279 Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult *: Hooked

>>124280 Not the strongest DELTA, but a delta nontheless

>>124282 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Travis AFB after ground stop-inbound from March AFB ne to wait for POTUS and crew coming out of Reno in 16

>>124283 RSBN broke a record 138,000 viewers POTUS RALLY

>>124284 BREAKING NEWS. My sources- as high up as it gets- watched videos on Hunter's laptops TODAY. Just told me point blank…no rumor…they saw Hunter raping & torturing little Chinese children

>>124285 DEVELOPING: Man Dangling From Trump Tower Chicago Threatens to Cut His Rope Unless He Gets to Speak with President Trump

>>124286 Who was TESSA JOWELL of the UK Labour party? Died of GLIOBLASTOMA, same as Hunter, Teddy, and No-Name.

>>124287 Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?

>>124288 Hunter Becomes the Hunted

>>124289 Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

>>124290 Patchfag/ABCU8 BO is Lords Prayer Spammer

>>124291 Q is Real

>>124292 #14251,

(28 notables, 30 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173904

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11144491 Q Research General #14252: Hunter Becomes the Hunted Edition

Created 190123ZOCT20




>>124293 Israel, Bahrain formalize diplomatic relations during joint US-Israeli visit to Gulf state

>>124294 Almost 1 year to the day trump was telling us Hunter and Joe were going to have email problems.

>>124295 ‘Disaster for Joe’: As Hunter Biden's lawyers allegedly ask for his laptop BACK, Trump calls its explosive revelations ‘REAL DEAL’

>>124296 Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

>>124297 Hudson West Partners LO SEC Exemption Paperwork

>>124298 Two Catholic churches were burned in Santiago, #Chile today, amidst protest.


>>124300 Moar on 23andme and governments owning your DNA; "anonymizing DNA has proved impossible"

>>124301 CM ODIN ode monkey

>>124302 Joe Biden’s chances of winning the presidential election have never been better, oddsmakers say

>>124303 Next few weeks might seem sPooKy too some

>>124304 Q Anon Exposes Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi as MOSSAD supported Agents

>>124305 Biden Harris logo projected ontoTrump tower Chicago

>>124306 DJT Watch the @marklevinshow on @FoxNews at 10:00 P.M. He will importantly be talking about the corruption of Joe Biden

>>124307 “WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies”

>>124309 Chinese whistleblower reveals Hunter Biden “sex tapes” contain video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually Abusing Multiple Underage Chinese Teens

>>124310 Regarding the attacks from Ch-yna. Obviously OP listed the attacks against this board from Ch-yna, but think of the daily attacks on us as a whole

>>124311 Anon theory Pop may not be population

>>124312 Is Israel a failing state?

>>124313 Mike Pompeo Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart

>>124314 Australia financial crime watchdog investigates casino giant Crown

>>124315 China wants breakup of India. Bad move. India can press any of its 3 raw nerves any moment

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=01Wcvc6rtW8 - China wants breakup of India. Bad move. India can press any of its 3 raw nerves any moment [Channel: TFIGlobal]

>>124316, >>124322 Tomorrow is the 19th just saying

>>124317 Evan McMullin panic

>>124318 We have a few drops referring to 11.3, here is essentially another because it is 11.2.17 but says tomorrow, ie, 11.3.

>>124319 Planefag

>>124320, >>124321, >>124323, >>124325, >>124326, >>124329 Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

>>124324, >>124327 Schiff comms? you decide.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c135f8c575c9f391746cdd1fa511c75a02f3ed7dd481cccf66f5b16822784e4.mp4

>>124328 How Grief Became Joe Biden’s ‘Superpower’

>>124330 Disinformation is Necessary - "Let's see what happens."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/03647b826d648636d2c1aa4a6104eef4b340c27bcb49ee6f0c921151da42c523.mp4

>>124331 Moar on Anna Adeola Makanju from FB: HunterGate

>>124332 #14208-14251, #14252

(32 notables, 40 posts, 54 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173905

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11145232 Q Research General #14253: Mike Pompeo Loyalty and Kindness Sunday Edition

Created 190215ZOCT20




>>124333, >>124336, >>124342 CM Worried?


>>124335 NYT is deeply loyal to their masters the Chinese Communist Party

>>124337 Anons - fresh meme ammo!

>>124338, >>124341, >>124343, >>124346 Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7eb348bd8a66832ce754086f61d61abd25e0d1494482a7e7a50abedf24d9620d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9636e4d298adf025e7848f7434c014ebc4e49f5bcf3203539d92a9ff79bb640.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a059f43f00de78341a3ed0833d8e38702261c0d69aeeaad22a43d1a7eb9eae42.mp4

>>124339 Trump vindicated about CA wildfires



>>124345 Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/12875873a2aa3af3f7b823296e9018b2c88a73efaf95de0aff060347427ed99d.pdf

>>124347 Longer video of man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

>>124348, >>124358 Zbigniew Brzezinski's coat of arms 666

>>124349, >>124363, >>124364, >>124365 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

>>124350 This is the Trip Report from the trip Hunter took with Joe Biden to China on AF2, when Hunter got the load guarantees

>>124351 Cuomo killed my parents': Protesters fill casket with copies of New York Governor's book on his Covid-19 response 'leadership

>>124352 PF 09-0016 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS on final approach for McCarran Int'l, LV from Reno

>>124353 Disturbing’: Michigan governor blasts Trump for inciting ‘domestic terrorism’ after ‘lock her up’ chant at rally

>>124355 Top US Official Traveled to Syria for Talks With Damascus on US Citizens' Release

>>124356 Categories include: cases & testing, deaths & deathrate, lockdowns, hcq/hydroxychloroquine, masks, politicization, media spin

>>124357 Gov Whitmer “Encouraging Assassination Attempts Against President Trump” With Bizzare “86 45” During “Meet The Press” Appearance

>>124359 Hunter Biden mother car crash (2019)

>>124360 Virginia passes law that prevents LAW enforcement of Car defect violations

>>124362 PF

>>124366 Locals warn derelict barge ‘Nabarima’ about to spill 55 million gallons of oil and no one is helping

>>124367 Generals and National Security Figures are Endorsing Biden, All the More Reason to Vote for Donald Trump

>>124368 Diesel-powered submarines conduct underwater duel in Sea of Japan, Russian Pacific Fleet says

>>124369 Just watched ABCU|8 - All Assets Deployed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_KIOU1LThDI - ABCU|8 - All Assets Deployed [Channel: American Broadcasting CommUnity]

>>124370 Q #556

>>124371 Daniel Andrews slams New Zealand travel bubble disaster

>>124372 Facebook Suspends User Jamie Allman’s Account After He Posts Video of Hundreds of Black Trump Supporters Chanting “We Love Trump!” in Washington DC (VIDEO)

>>124373 Hostage's Daughter `Nearly Jumped Out Of Her Skin' Hearing Of Release: Anna Makanju Grandfather was was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army

>>124374 POTUS rally featured on Sky News Australia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QKwU_gmew8Y - The Biden family ‘is a criminal enterprise’ [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124375 #14253

(32 notables, 43 posts, 39 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173906

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11146002 Q Research General #14254: Biden/China VIP MARKER Edition

Created 190317ZOCT20




>>124376 Scavino tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e57774aa72b759f97579808a6873e6bfe3f12dceeff368817481e19e51ce9bc9.mp4

>>124377 Steve Hilton program - barrel of RED PILLS for normies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VVimSQRDcPc - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124378 Antifa simulating cannibal rituals in Boston streets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/75bcfa113ae1b4eb26c96550270148041ebeda7fec7a8eb5f98f84c6d1b7653d.mp4

>>124379 South China Sea warning: Fishing on verge of ‘irreversible collapse’ amid China tensions

>>124380, >>124383 Planefags

>>124381, >>124384 Charles Ortel interview on Biden crime family nonprofits and money-laundering ops

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NYX6q34bjDU - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>124382 NYC Nursing Home COVID Policy Protest: Casket Filled with Cuomo's Book

>>124385 CCP-controlled TikTok toughening stance vs. "QAnon"

>>124386 Joe Biden Walks Off When Questioned About FBI Seizing Son’s Laptop

>>124387 Ukraine Lawmaker Says Government Seized 2nd Laptop from Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

>>124388 Chinese Lockdown-and-Mask Model Failed. Now Its Proponents Need Scapegoats

>>124389, >>124392 bun for #14208-14244

>>124390 Mr. Guo’s latest Chinese revolution for freedom song “A Wine Toast to Take Down the CCP”

>>124391 Paul Pelosi Jr. has Ukraine Problem like Hunter Biden and Devon Archer


>>124395 #14254

(16 notables, 20 posts, 28 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173907

File: 0565acd1730c47d⋯.jpg (287.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11146782 Q Research General #14255: Rudy Spills the Beans on Hunter Biden Laptop

Created 190432ZOCT20




>>124396 Dan Scavino🇺🇸 - WOW—this is EPIC! Today in Miami, Florida! #LatinosForTrump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2383eb5fe04542d5950a1ecee302e667d5c278b189f59b5d4b2aa8f09abc5b1.mp4

>>124397 This tweet which is filled with dangerous lies has 25,000 retweets and verified accounts are quote tweeting it. This is only going to get worse over the next couple weeks.

>>124398 HONEY POT

>>124399 The 31-day campaign against QAnon - PANIC

>>124400 /Pol/ election Fuckery

>>124401, >>124403, >>124404 ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: )

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/173f4b43365a7c6dabb2bd8b051319443450a7ccf42fc2748d3ad33280a1e1ed.mp4

>>124402 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

>>124405 Just published a story about this disruption. It wasn't just 8chan/8kun that got sidelined. More to come.

>>124406 Hunters emails?

>>124407 Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million investment from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, the report said.

>>124408 Dan Abrams

>>124409 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 19, 2020

>>124410 QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

>>124411 New POTUS

>>124412 Dancing Trump going viral

>>124413 Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For FBI To Address Reported Biden Ukraine Meeting

>>124414 #14255

(17 notables, 19 posts, 23 media/files)

Q- >>124401

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9d28d5 No.173908

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11148299 Q Research General #14257: A House of Cards Edition

Created 190658ZOCT20




>>124448 - Federal Crimes Uncovered In Biden Hard Drive | Rudy Giulian

>>124449 - Good watch knowing what we know now.

>>124450 - The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani

>>124451 - The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanist

>>124452 - Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit - 7:00AM

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F16rgCW3E8U - Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit - 7:00AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>124453 - H.Res.1175 - drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange

>>124454 - Shady Private Equity Firm run by Kerry and Biden's kids

>>124455 - re Anna Makanju

>>124456 - 3:29 "Hunter Biden in disturbing acts with children not treating Chinese as human beings, filmed by the CCP."

>>124457 - More Hunter digs

>>124458, >>124459, >>124460, >>124461 - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

>>124462 - Bill Maher on Acceptible Pedophilia (5 min)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZdaORu1awQs - Bill Maher on Acceptible Pedophilia [Channel: Black & Blonde Media]

>>124463, >>124464 - ELON MUSK MOTHER.

>>124465 #14257

(14 notables, 18 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173909

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11147530 Q Research General #14256: Buckle up! Edition

Created 190528ZOCT20





VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/97d35f54bbd4dd11394fa4ab483316e8cdec518785e6dfd5037e00f7ad963132.mp4

>>124417 - Rosemont was in the 2011 Hillary emails

>>124418, >>124423 - Lu De says its all there.. everyone can get a drop for their own.

>>124419 - new BIG biden reveal- getting another prosecutor fired?

>>124420 - Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel

>>124421 - Spoopy 4chan Story

>>124422 - Joe Biden’s father a clerk-typist for Amoco in York also lived at YMCA

>>124424, >>124435, >>124444 - Large LAPD response at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood

>>124425 - Patrick Ho schemed to bribe the leaders of Chad and Uganda

>>124426 - The crowds in Cali make me believe a red wave is possible

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e05e128f82dc33e3eca1051caffa3b4c3b4a04b9ab7197710f9b32df0ed2e2d.mp4

>>124427 - Trump Card by Dinesh D'Souza on Bitchute

>>124428 - IMDb changes 'Sex & Nudity' rating of "Cuties" movie from 'Severe' to 'Moderate' despite viewers' opinion

>>124429 - What makes a correct cap for the baker?

>>124430 - Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

>>124431 - Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.

>>124432 - False Positive PCR Tests

>>124433 - Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

>>124434 - How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump

>>124436, >>124438, >>124439, >>124440, >>124442 - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

>>124437 - Chanel Rion

>>124441 - Muslim Brotherhood Info Drop

>>124443 - SPOT-On messaging and LOOK at her reach - Right UP There with POTUS!

>>124445 - Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Joe Biden’s intersection started 47 years ago

>>124446 - Key telling statement from Transition Integrity Project (TIP):

>>124447 #14256

(25 notables, 33 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173910

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11149828 Q Research General #14259: Good Morning Anon, How Are You Edition

Created 191059ZOCT20




>>124502 - Fear Porn: Asteroid may strike Earth day before election: top astrophysicist

>>124503 - Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

>>124504, >>124506 - Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/90c1fd3f03a7d29af2782ebe613137dfd3fbfd76a984dca6e547926ec0b66e1c.mp4

>>124505 - DON CORLEONE…oppps DON BIDEN and the vatican

>>124507, >>124508 - The Son of Quads Returns

>>124509 - Canada won’t stop calling for human rights in China

>>124510 - Anyone in the world can change your mail-in vote in oregon using only your name and DOB

>>124511 - HIT PIECE: QAnon-Conspiracy Forum 8kun Back Online With Help From Russian Internet Firm

>>124512 - Facebook and YouTube take action against QAnon — but they’re fighting a losing battle

>>124513 - HIT PIECE: QAnon has hijacked the name of a real organization trying to save children

>>124514 - TikTok Is Banning Accounts That Spread QAnon Theories

>>124515 - We All Live under Chinese Censorship….song

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CdVFIFnDcrU - THE CHINESE CENSORSHIP SONG [Channel: Nanar Studios]

>>124516 - HIT PIECE: QAnon child sex trafficking conspiracy is hurting the anti-trafficking movement

>>124517 - HIT PIECE: A rare interview with a recovering QAnon'er

>>124518 - Japan, Vietnam leaders affirm defense, economic cooperation

>>124519 - US carrier strike group resumes South China Sea operations

>>124520 #14258

>>124521 - ‘Thousands upon thousands’ of Trump supporters greet president in California: McEnany

>>124522 - Japan PM slams S. China Sea actions in contravention of rule of law

>>124523 - Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

>>124524 - Biden would revamp fraying intel community

>>124525 - [F]BI - At the (Center) of [F]oreign [Infiltration] Corruption

>>124526, >>124527 #14259

(23 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173911

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11150571 Q Research General #14260: Red October Edition

Created 191248ZOCT20





>>124529 - VOTE ALL DEMS OUT, 'ALL'


>>124531 - 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>124532 - Joe Biden's Donors Got Special Treatment


>>124534 - ‘Ukraine, crack and sex’ emails are NOT Russian disinformation

>>124535 - Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Track Force

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8_ywsyaKcxs - Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Task Force - 9:00 A.M. [Channel: U.S. Department of State]


>>124537 - RonPaulLibertyReport

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>124538 - China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal Is the News Now

>>124539, >>124546, >>124552 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124540 - Euronext trading glitch halts trading for two hours in Paris and elsewhere

>>124541 - Anna Makanju Is Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship

>>124542, >>124547 - 17 miles, GEOTUS Newport twatter video

>>124543 - BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing the president

>>124544 - South African links to Elon Musk Mother and EVERGREEN

>>124545 (other bread), (other bread) BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing they president (Snagged this notable from the anime bread)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AL9KPBYLgNY - Anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart [Channel: Infidel]

>>124548 - DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation

>>124549 - It’s Not Just Joe Biden. Remember the Media Squashing THESE Scandals?

>>124550 - Could Assad Regime Make Deal With Trump Admin?

>>124551 - Executive Order Blocking Property Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse

>>124553 - Over the [Alexandra Chalupa] Target

>>124554 #14260

(24 notables, 27 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173912

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11151529 Q Research General #14260: Why Hello There Fellow Anons Edition

Created 191414ZOCT20




>>124589 - Early Voting numbers

>>124590 - China Entrepreneurs Club members for whom Hunter Biden/Devon Archer secured high-level meetings at Obama-Biden WH

>>124591 - Who runs Hollywood? C’mon

>>124592 - Newport Beach helicopter crash: 3 dead, 2 injured in Southern California

>>124593, >>124596, >>124601, >>124605, >>124607 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124594 - 60 miles!! Not campaign organized, just passionate voters.

>>124595, >>124597 - Newt Gingrich Tweets, How can the Presidential Debate Commission...

>>124598 - Black free speech activist Philip Anderson was attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter supporters

>>124599 - It's truly sad to see how many people support the censorship of free speech


>>124602 - Ron Reagan Blasts 'Grifter' Trumps, Says His Dad Would Be 'Horrified' By The GOP

>>124603 - S.F. public schools are considering renaming buildings named for individuals with questionable histories

>>124604 - New York Post Published Hunter Biden Report Amid Newsroom Doubts

>>124606 - Operation Ketchup

>>124608 - http://vote.donaldjtrump.com/

>>124609 - the Trudeau plan

>>124610 - Sudanese is ready to start normalization talks with Israel

>>124611 - Dr. Birx reportedly asked Pence to remove COVID-19 adviser pushing 'junk science'

>>124612 - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=woGyMvqLV5o - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124613 - Wikipedia destroying itself, Allegations of corruption against ex-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter have apparently been “debunked”

>>124614 #14261,

(21 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173913

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11149092 Q Research General #14258: Comfy Company Reporting-Inn Edition

Created 190853ZOCT20




>>124466, >>124480, >>124498 - VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx

>>124467 - Roger Stone Parler

>>124468 - Dark to Light

>>124469, >>124470 -Why all these face masks?

>>124471 - Hunter Biden’s drug problems aren’t funny or attack fodder.

>>124472 - EVERGREEN - Links to Elon Musk

>>124473 - QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

>>124474 #14208-14251

>>124475 - DoD Tweet, frogs

>>124476 - Supreme Court fight, Twitter subpoena, and vote on virus aid

>>124477 - How a scandal-plagued Hunter Biden tried to disappear

>>124478 - Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

>>124479 - Someone Else’s Life Is Passing before Biden’s Eyes

>>124481 - The Racial Politics of Kamala Harris’s Performance Style

>>124482 - Chuck Todd interviewed Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

>>124483 - Are the FakeNews Polls a Setup for Post-Election Chaos?

>>124484 - US v Flynn has been flooded by Amicus briefs

>>124485 - Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment

>>124486, >>124487, >>124490, >>124492 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124488 - Media avoiding The Post’s Hunter Biden stories as much as Joe: Devin

>>124489, >>124494 - CNN SEARCH RESULTS

>>124491 - A former Facebook exec will oversee enforcement of the Biden campaign's ethics plan

>>124493 - Massive Caravan of Trump Supporters Stretches 30 Miles in AZ (video)

>>124495 - Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book

>>124496 - Rudy Giulian Tweets

>>124497 - Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Question About FBI (video)

>>124499 - GEOTUS Motorcade sees Thousands of Cheering Supporters in CA (video)

>>124500 - Arson suspect arrested after series of fires in East Portland

>>124501 #14258

(29 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173914

File: 10b284f4000cbe7⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11150678 Q Research General #14260: Anon Bake with Fixed Notables Edition

Created 191302ZOCT20




>>124555, >>124559 Hunter Biden's Laptop "Is Not Some Russian Disinformation Campaign"; DNI Ratcliffe Slams Schiff

>>124556 Antifa Shoves Elderly Man to Ground at Free Speech Rally

>>124557 Man climbs Trump Tower Chicago, threatening to jump if he cannot speak to president

>>124558 Theory: Possible vid drop this week? Strategize how to disseminate before it happens.

>>124560 Pastor Paul Goulet of the International Church of Las Vegas

>>124561, >>124562, >>124567 Rallies in California

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d62adfd7cf440da3a4a9f1f3aaa2d9d01fa8c288334ea61073f499a0f9a92328.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QKXZAL8sS-g - Beverly Hills Freedom/Trump March September 12, 2020 [Channel: Surcherca Stoke]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NpCJOffQgCY - Federal Building Rally [Channel: Surcherca Stoke]

>>124563 Dems trying to cheat the system with Stimulus programs: 800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

>>124564 Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

>>124565 DOJ To Hold Virtual Press Conference on a National Security Cyber Matter

>>124566 Trump Campaign Increases Campaign Ad Spending

>>124568, >>124572 Planefag Reports

>>124569, >>124582 US Mil Tweets and Reports

>>124570 Excellent research on the Joe/Hunter jobs connection

>>124571 Joe was already in the mobs pockets when he first won Senate election.

>>124573 Bahrain signing a peace deal with Israel

>>124574 LIVE: Mnuchin, UAE Financial Affairs Minister delivers remarks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kLOvqx_bkaQ - Mnuchin, UAE Financial Affairs Minister delivers remarks [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124575 More pro-China articles from US Media. Infiltration.

>>124576 OOPS. Whitmer lets it slip why THEY are keeping us in lockdowns.

>>124577 Hunter's "smoking gun" email put thru photoshop?

>>124578 Venezuela's Citgo-backed bonds boosted by U.S. court ruling

>>124579 #TrumpDanceChallenge

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/538781ab6915e58978d64f1bb81aeef126d56a8f64f5ee276545f6f63ff1db4a.mp4

>>124580 Trump supporters in KC threatened with attack in civil war

>>124581 President Trump says he plans to do five rallies a day leading up to election. "We are going to win….."

>>124583 Wikipedia clears the Bidens from any wrongdoing

>>124585 vote.donaldjtrump.com is BLOCKED.

>>124586, >>124587 Obama tweets

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a6d016a4ae90eb703cd3b158abcd398d55d272ba4d63ba16c78467b688a4ceb8.mp4

>>124588 /Comms/ Bread Minibun

(27 notables, 33 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173915

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11153182 Q Research General #14261: God's Holy Angel QArmy We RISE Today Edition

Created 191622ZOCT20




>>124645, >>124646, >>124647, >>124648, >>124649, >>124650 Breitbart came up with the slow drip idea. He did it with Anthony Weiner

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c9163419294a085c84c048a13c8e4f2db2f8821e90357775a62a8f190ff39fc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09c87548af612d5d443799c701ff690199746f2134a1f39362b703c5057b4fe2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba104a7f89f5134013e21138d67a08fd85ae1816aa264bc66cb97f9d38405baf.mp4

>>124651, >>124670 Chinese Virus Reports

>>124652, >>124657, >>124665, >>124668, >>124669, >>124676, >>124680, >>124684 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4775d1de9422d9f5fadcf97790b277deab1eb178232321cd67b9ad3c8fa8c2de.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f6ef5dbc09c3a5d9c816cf63c9b1b9ebc09bc65937e4e2c2d49729be2bac3db.mp4

>>124653, >>124658, >>124660, >>124662, >>124663, >>124664 Patriot's Biden/CHYNA reveals explaination

>>124654 Juanita Broaddrick Very bad videos are said to drop soon of Hunter and victims and nothing from FBI.

>>124655, >>124661 Federal report on human trafficking

>>124656 Why announce this now? Russian hacking fits the DNC narrative about Biden emails.

>>124659 Hunter Biden's contact in Kazakhstan is Rakishev.

>>124666, >>124672 Six Russian GRU Officers Charged in Connection with Worldwide Deployment of Destructive Malware and Other Disruptive Actions in Cyberspace

>>124667, >>124671, >>124674 Planefag reports

>>124673 DAN WITH A NEW TWEET President Trump ARIZONA!

>>124675 Ted Budd @RepTedBudd If it's true that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father while he was VP, then the Justice Department should investigate.

>>124677, >>124683 Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8fb51d40d33f1cccbdcbc05d1a54630287c2d0b91abac6181c9daaaeec0b8cc9.mp4

>>124678 Puppet Masters You don't get more politically connected': Securities fraud scammers boasted about links to Hunter Biden

>>124679 Federal court rules Texas doesn’t have to notify voters whose ballots are tossed

>>124681 US MIL Tweets

>>124682 Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma

>>124685 #14261

(18 notables, 41 posts, 68 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173916

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11152879 Q Research General #14262: WWG1WGA Edition

Created 191559ZOCT20




>>124615 DOCUMENT, PHOTOS: Mother Accuses Biden Group Of Misconduct In Teen Boy Bathroom Encounter

>>124616 Alexandra Chalupa mentioned in trial of POTUS paperwork

>>124617 DNI Chief John Ratcliffe Debunks Russian Disinformation Theories On Biden

>>124618 Pam Bondi from January.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oPvMuzyVOig - WATCH: Pam Bondi argues Biden corruption concerns are legitimate | Trump impeachment trial [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>124619 U.S. Attorney General Accuses The Walt Disney Company of “Kowtowing” to Chinese Government; 300 of Shanghai Disneyland’s Cast Members Active Members of Communist Party

>>124620 The BEST Is Yet To Come

>>124621 Disney Gets China Approval for Fox Acquisition

>>124622 China’s fascination with the Rothschilds

>>124623 Did you see this massive Trump parade in deep blue Beverly Hills?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b735360832eeb04ef2f614b1ccac4b42c89b1c6b80cb55ac5ea4aa87045c75a3.mp4

>>124624 Posobiec - Why did Moscow Mayors wife pay hunters firm?

>>124625 Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124626 Jason Miller say POTUS will press Biden on Hunter Emails

>>124627 20 Mins until FBI Press Conf on National Security Matter

>>124628 Democrats are known CCP agents

>>124629 DNI Ratcliffe on Maria Bartiromo this morning

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=woGyMvqLV5o - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124630 Cardi B deactivates her Twitter account after Instagram Live

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2bcf2c21b172ddd44313211653f2fab49ba113bf0354a3f4d03ce8b509748b7c.mp4

>>124631 Papadropolous - We Can not let social media become state media

>>124632 Moar evidence that Europe is fake and gay

>>124633 EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U - EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>124634 Ratcliffe: No evidence tying Hunter Biden's laptop to Russia

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bGXYq8pcW28 - Ratcliffe: No evidence tying Hunter Biden's laptop to Russia [Channel: Fox News]

>>124635 LIVE: Justice Department Officials Hold News Conference in Washington, D.C

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=psSQJ7ETWzU - LIVE: DOJ Holds News Conference After U.S. Charges Six Russian Agents for Past Hacking [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

>>124636 President Trump on call with staff: "I think Joe Biden has a scandal coming up that's going to make him almost an impotent candidate."

>>124637 Garrison - The Storm Is Here

>>124638 Ballots Stolen From Mailboxes in State of Washington

>>124639 Justice Department Officials Hold News Conference

>>124640 EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GureRbH-_Xs - EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder [Channel: StevenCrowder]

>>124641 NEW POTUS

>>124642 Adm. Mike Rogers on CBS Deface the Nation Oct 18, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P0Mkt3fwoEg - Former NSA chief says Russia unlikely to target infrastructure to try to change votes [Channel: Face the Nation]

>>124643 EVIL AMONG US: Leftist Antifa Performs Satanic Ritual in Street and Eat a Heart Symbolic of President Trump

>>124644 #14262

(30 notables, 30 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173917

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11154240 Q Research General #14263: Joe Biden, Impotent Candidate Edition

Created 191724ZOCT20




>>124686, >>124687, >>124703, >>124711, >>124721, >>124731 NEW POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4775d1de9422d9f5fadcf97790b277deab1eb178232321cd67b9ad3c8fa8c2de.mp4

>>124688 White Coat Summit II Held Over the Weekend in Washington D.C. – Will This Be Censored by Big Tech As Well?

>>124689 Trafficking in Persons REPORTs in chart forms: Global Law Enforcement Data

>>124690 What do you think? Is it a match?

>>124691 Susan Collins Reaches Out To Qanon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ke9EZAbvUhs - Susan Collins Reaches Out To Qanon [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>124692 EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GureRbH-_Xs - EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder [Channel: StevenCrowder]

>>124693 Court Records Show Google Gives Keyword Searches of Innocent People to Cops

>>124694 Congressman Krishnamoorthi on Stimulus Talks and QAnon

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O8_bcabkktI - Congressman Krishnamoorthi on Stimulus Talks and QAnon [Channel: Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi]

>>124695 Every time DOJ or FBI suits talk about Right Wing extremists and Russian hackers they're trying to cover up for the DNC, Marxist Extremists and/or the Chinese Communist Party.

>>124696 Wisconsin Judge Reinstates COVID-19 Restrictions On Restaurants, Bars

>>124697 JUST IN: Joe Biden tax plan to create tax rate of approximately 62% for Californians and New Yorkers

>>124698, >>124700, >>124702, >>124705, >>124720, >>124726, >>124728, >>124737, >>124740 INTL NEWS

>>124699 No Real Change Can Come If Speech Is Restricted By Monopolistic Oligarchs

>>124701 PANIC

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jhRLg6BhvRU - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124704 NEW Dan Scavino

>>124706 82-8000 USAF 747 departing McCarran Int'l Las Vegas-this AC arrived last night from JBA-cap#2 at 413pm local time

>>124707 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qCE0TyMl-pM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124708 5 rallies a day?

>>124709 09-0017 USAF C-32A out of March AFB after an overnight se

>>124710, >>124723 BREAKING: Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma. Blinken is currently a top foreign policy adviser to the Biden campaign.

>>124712 Should Hunter Biden Be in Jail? Another Look at the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe Securities Fraud Case

>>124713 Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

>>124714 The coup have failed! We the people!

>>124715 If it's true that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father while he was VP, then the Justice Department should investigate.

>>124716 NBC News reporter Kristen Welker, the debate moderator for the final presidential debate, has strong ties to Democrat activism

>>124717 Federal court rules Texas doesn’t have to notify voters whose ballots are tossed

>>124718 At least 15 Portland police officers earned more than $200,000 last year due to overtime amid mass protests, figures reveal

>>124719 School monitor for sex abuse claims quits, cites retaliation

>>124722 Rockefeller, Davos, IMF, and World Bank, CFR, Rothchild, are responsible for the C virus. The biggest con of my life

>>124724 US sources to @AlGhadTV: In a few days, Sudan will sign a peace agreement with Israel. Sudan will be removed from the list of countries supporting terrorism, and will be exempted from its 3 billion $ in debt

>>124725 Marine Vet Former Rep. Duncan Hunter to Serve Sentence at West Texas Prison Camp

>>124727 Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.

>>124729 Hunter Biden's jailed former business partner flipped & leaked 26,000 emails

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Pq78vQrcabE - Hunter Biden's jailed former business partner flipped & leaked 26,000 emails [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>124730 FCC Head and Internet’s Most Hated Man Ajit Pai Just Vowed to Kill First Amendment Rights Online

>>124732 NEW Paul Sperry - Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma

>>124733 Coronavirus stimulus: White House ups offer to 'almost $1.9 trillion' ahead of Pelosi's Tuesday deadline

>>124734 Human Rights Watchdog Says Governments Using Pandemic To Crack Down On Online Dissent

>>124735 Birx confronted Pence about Atlas

>>124736 Big Tech will do whatever it takes to protect Biden

>>124738 Never ending /comms/ bullshit

>>124739 Lords prayer spamming patchfag larper aka BO of ABCU8

>>124741 Judicial Watch’s New Study, ObamaGate Movie & Clinton Updates!

>>124742 DOJ Announces Charges Against 6 Russian GRU Hackers Who Will Never See the Inside of a US Courtroom

>>124743 /comms/karens slipped abcu|8 links back into the dough

>>124744 NEW Richard Grenell

>>124745 Kristen Welker is caught on camera giving debate questions to Jennifer Palemeri, Communications Director for the 2016 Clinton Campaign.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8fb51d40d33f1cccbdcbc05d1a54630287c2d0b91abac6181c9daaaeec0b8cc9.mp4

>>124746 Adam Schiff Persists in Projecting His Ass Off

>>124747 NEW Rand Paul

>>124748 MIT: Twitter Ban ‘Nearly Doubled’ The Visibility Of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

>>124749 #14263

(50 notables, 64 posts, 76 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173918

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11155402 Q Research General #14264: No Outside /COMMS/ Ever. Edition

Created 191836ZOCT20




>>124750 Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Won’t Be Mandatory, Biden Says It Should Be

>>124751 L.A. County sheriff’s deputy charged with arranging to meet an underage girl for sex

>>124752 Doctors speak out against masks

>>124753 Trump is trending for his trademark dance moves on his favourite exit song. Netizens are not only taking the #TrumpDanceChallenge but are also giving tutorials. - WION reports.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41ae04aabce7853292799b124749d41a06d24d73559ba408abe3cd835c917c89.mp4

>>124754 Mark Meadows - Twitter interfering with Election

>>124755 ‘The Emails Are Russian’ Will Be the Narrative, Regardless of Facts or Evidence

>>124756 Supreme Court accepts Trump administration's request to hear two immigration cases

>>124757 Director of National Intelligence Director John Ratliffe says Hunter Biden laptop is NOT linked at all to Russian Intelligence. Russian Disinformation, or Russian Oligarchs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=woGyMvqLV5o - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign [Channel: Fox Business]


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=imTUuSonHk0 - LIVE: Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Prescott, Arizona [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake]

>>124759 Early voting data. It's just VOLUME. Might be obvious for anons but not the normies…they startle easier.

>>124760 The Great Coronavirus Divide: Wall Street Profits Surge as Poverty Rises


>>124762 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qCE0TyMl-pM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124763, >>124764, >>124770, >>124773, >>124777, >>124782, >>124783, >>124785, >>124786 Other Non-Q News


>>124766 Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’

>>124767 Sen Ron Johnson (Wis) with Maria B - "I think we caught Biden in a lie."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XgvbZ_8Ip-Q - Sen Johnson on Hunter Biden report: I think we've caught Biden in a lie [Channel: Fox Business]

>>124768, >>124769, >>124775, >>124776, >>124784 INTL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GeiUqsOMTxk - Theresa May' misfires over the failed Trident test [Channel: I Am Incorrigible]

>>124771 Ron Paul - "Adam Schiff is blaming the Hunter Biden laptop on 'Russian Disinformation'." Video 33:09

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0CuwagQTd4k - There They Go Again! Adam Schiff Blames RUSSIA For Biden's Laptop [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>124772 TikTok Bans Content From Far-Right Conspiracy Movement QAnon - PANIC

>>124774 Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

>>124778 WaPo Op-Ed by Ex-Twitter, Google Exec Calls for Banning President Trump from Social Media Until After Election Winner Declared

>>124779 POTUS: "Joe Biden is a criminal, and YOU [MSM], are criminals for not reporting it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a8d5f3964b30377f4afc8032fe112f27674ca8ad3584b8795343df20c8913869.mp4

>>124780 The Morning Briefing: Big Tech Needs to Get Its Filthy, Biased Thumbs Off the Scale of This Election

>>124781 NC Gov. Roy Cooper Caught on Hot Mic Talking to Biden About Dem Sen Candidate

>>124787, >>124788 Ghislaine appeal denied

>>124789 POTUS RALLY - Right Side Broadcasting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qCE0TyMl-pM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124790 BREAKING: 2nd Circuit Court of appeals agrees with lower court to unseal Ghislaine Maxwell deposition documents.

>>124791 #14264,

(29 notables, 42 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173919

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11158153 Q Research General #14267: Biden Staying in the Basement Edition

Created 192112ZOCT20




>>124850 Wargame of 2020 election results

>>124851 Special Treatment for Minority Students Could Backfire

>>124852 House Judiciary GOP Tweet

>>124853 Toobin was beating it on Zoom

>>124854 Exposed: Antonia Hernandez, the Democrats' Soros-Connected Debate Commissioner

>>124855 #QuidProQuo is trending….


>>124857 Timing is everything

>>124858 Q literally called ABCU8 and warroom out (same people) directly.

>>124859 DEVELOPING: Tsunami warning issued for southern Alaska after 7.5 magnitude earthquake strikes south of Aleutian Islands

>>124860 Notice how Zero Democrats are denying that the #HunterBiden computer is not his; or that the the information it contains is false. #MSNBC you are full of shit.

>>124861 Raniere Requests New Trial

>>124862 Report: Biden Economic Policy Will Kill Two Million Jobs

>>124863 Erdogan Claims Russia, US, France Are Arming Armenia, Russia Raises Issue of Pro-Turkish Terrorists in Artsakh

>>124864 Hunter Biden's laptop: A Russian trick, a hack-job — or just what it looks like?

>>124865, >>124868, >>124869 Guess I really am a "Cyberbully" - Kekbees & /comms/ fail again

>>124866 US Charges 10 Defendants With Smuggling $50 Million in Apple Products Into Russia

>>124867 One of them would later meet President Trump as one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's seven children.

>>124870 100 percent of CNN employees named Jeffrey Toobin have been caught on camera exposing themselves to co-workers. - Keking my B's off

>>124871 An Earthquake, an Orphanage, and New Beginnings for Haitian Children in America

>>124872 #14267

(21 notables, 23 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173920

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11156391 Q Research General #14265: Winners Win, Traitors Die Edition

Created 191928ZOCT20




>>124792 How badass is POTUS buzzing the Arizona crowd in Marine 1???

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6fd5326ee155bd21a5cd64c1c30d0052a34cdf05705225d106c285dfcde0eec2.mp4

>>124793 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>124794 CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During Zoom Call

>>124795 US Blacklists Chinese, Australian Citizens and Organizations Over Iran

>>124796 NYSE Prepares To Move Operations Out Of New Jersey If Trading Tax Passes

>>124797, >>124800 NEW POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6e3d872a28cbe76c5b6e7ef8adadee183f272497287451cd8ba5d8299cb29cdf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72bea37fff6f658da9e6027097f44d6e1fa8a660b09073cb4264aebd976a1499.mp4

>>124798 Toobin tweet didn't age well

>>124799 "No one's buying it, CNN…you DUMB BASTARDS!!!" - POTUS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c127f0d9d4b7ee2d3b8a9351e8dc0cbb0388461ac6cb082d137c8fbe71664f52.mp4

>>124801 Gov. Cuomo unveils NY COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan

>>124802 Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions After Visiting Private Island

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3KYwtoLY624 - Saagar Enjeti: Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions After Visiting Private Island [Channel: The Hill]

>>124803 Spread this picture far and wide!!!!

>>124804 The Biden Scandal Explodes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZKrz_fLpMRY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>124805 86 = China.

>>124806 A CNN analyst who tried to bully a colleague's daughter whom he impregnated into getting an abortion, and who then refused to pay child support, "accidentally" showcased his schvantz during a Zoom call with other reporters.

>>124807 NSW man faces 70 charges over alleged sexual and physical abuse of woman and six children

>>124808 Archive Update "15 Days" Edition

>>124809 For the Keks - CommsKaren

>>124810 ALL /comms/ links were just removed from dough

>>124811 ‘I believed I was not visible’: CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin suspended by New Yorker for allegedly showing penis on Zoom call

>>124812 Fox News Reportedly Passed On Publishing Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Citing Credibility Issues

>>124813 Bill Gates: 'Shutting down' economy 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>124814 Suspect barricades himself in at Paramount Studios, shots fired amid massive police response

>>124815 Fire Intentionally Set Inside Ballot Box In LA County, Officials Say

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Iv93bh-37z0 - Ballot Drop Box Catches Fire In Baldwin Park [Channel: KCAL News]

>>124816 Department of Justice's COPS Office Invests More Than $536.7 Million in Grants to Improve Public Safety, Reduce Crime and Advance Community Policing

>>124817 Joe Biden’s Transition Co-Chair Hosted Hunter Biden-Linked Chinese Elites at Obama White House


>>124819 Cop Fired After Hackers Exposed Him as a ‘Neo-Nazi’ in a Group Tied to Over 100 Terror Attacks

>>124820 It's simply not true." + "…the FBI has had possession of this. What I can say, without commenting on any investigation that they may have into corruption or fraud, is to say that their investigation does not center around Russian disinformation + the intelligence community is playing no role with respect to that."

>>124821 #14265

(29 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9d28d5 No.173921

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11157315 Q Research General #14266: AZ Rally - POTUS Killing Them Ediiton

Created 192023ZOCT20




>>124822, >>124823 BREAKING: Court denies appeal to keep depositions secret, orders unsealing of documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life.

>>124824 Highly interdasting Twatter bread. ~WIZARDS & WARLOCKS~

>>124825 China orders Pro-Communist Bible revision, admits bible is Anti-Communist

>>124826 Tucker Carlson: The American Media Will Never Be The Same After The Hunter Biden Hard Drive Story

>>124827 Man is taken into custody after more than 13 hours dangling from 16th floor of Trump Tower in Chicago

>>124828 Moar Biden Emails Coming

>>124829 Wikipedia bans editors from expressing support for traditional marriage

>>124830 POTUS TRUMP: "I think today [Biden] is staying in the basement to talk to his lawyers, they caught him cold."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d0cbaed1e4fdb42f7da389e896ac691d993392319ce49ea194ea88939c1f4d4.mp4

>>124831 About 18 mins remaining!!

>>124832 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>124833 WaPo Op-Ed Calls for Censorship of POTUS:


>>124835 Trump Campaign Sends Letter to Commission on Presidential Debates

>>124836 This is someone I know from my days in Delaware. She is running against Chris Coons. Thought I would share

>>124837 Two Israeli groups set up training courses in Wikipedia editing with aims to 'show the other side' over borders and culture

>>124838 Bill Gates fear-mongering that 'shutting down' economy is 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>124839 Maxwell case: Unsealing of deposition materials allowed.

>>124840 New SOLOMON - Questions continue over Biden transition team's ties to Facebook

>>124841 BREAKING: Hunter Biden associate’s emails reveal details of deal with fmr Moscow mayors wife to launder funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed firm received $200M

>>124842 Biden now has serious questions to answer about Hunter's dodgy deals and he can't duck them forever

>>124843 Mike Pompeo Calls Twitter's 'Non-Viewpoint-Neutral' Worldview 'Dangerous'

>>124844 Can't quite recall a media propaganda campaign this blatant and shameful

>>124845 Morgan Stanley: 10% Correction Coming After Failure To Breach 30 Year Resistance

>>124846 Trump Campaign Manager Fires Off Letter to Debate Commission After they Change Third Debate Topics to Rescue Joe Biden and Ignore President Trump’s Historic Foreign Policy Successes

>>124847 50 Cent endorses Trump for President after seeing Biden's alleged tax plans

>>124848 WATCH: Joe Rogan asks why the media ignores child sex trafficking

>>124849 #14266

(27 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173922

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11159101 Q Research General #14268: Timing is Everything Edition

Created 192220ZOCT20




>>124873 POTUS in Live Tuscon AZ

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zPKk6fNZX_k - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Tucson, AZ 10-19-20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>124874 Social Media camo trick for posting banned stories

>>124875 AF1 on Final Approach

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9uZ-KAlzcTQ - Live: Donald Trump campaign rally in Arizona [Channel: The Independent]

>>124876, >>124878 Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will break up the DC Cartel in his second term and move agencies out to the different areas of the United States.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d40975f8f38dc99a0540b7ff4fd06efc8f94153478a4d8ec4cc7a64d83a2d712.mp4

>>124877 Senate Judiciary Committee to Call Twitter, Facebook Over Censorship of New York Post Articles

>>124879 Today just keeps getting better!

>>124880 A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote

>>124881 There has never been a time in either of my two Campaigns when I felt we had a stronger chance of winning than we do right now.

>>124882 Streisand Effect: Twitter Ban On Biden Laptop Scandal Nearly Doubled Visibility According To MIT

>>124883 Everyone knows what to do.

>>124884 Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’

>>124885 Today’s FBI Announcement on Russia Hacking Proves the FBI Is Trying to Influence the 2020 Election

>>124886 Can we get Delaware eyes on?

>>124887 There was mention of Fauci's ARM in POTUS tweet earlier (which was pleasantly savage!)

>>124888 New O'Keefe

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c7d3a4dab3d3a7c28d62855c3bfc81105b428e50cf02dd5f0eb59b76da2d22eb.mp4

>>124889 Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court - Bab B

>>124890 Eric Trump Retweeted - For whom are you voting

>>124891 PANIC

>>124892 #14268

(19 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173923

File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11159965 Q Research General #14269: PANIC Edition

Created 192319ZOCT20




>>124893, >>124894 New veritas: Google Program Manager: Google "Trying to Play God"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w9uT8zve9wk - Google Program Manager: Google "Trying to Play God" via "Drivers of Algorithms" In 2020 Election [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>124895 @USArmy

>>124896 I am forcing a vote tonight to adjourn the Senate until after the November election. Cryin Chuck

>>124897 Cancer-stricken Rush Limbaugh says he can no longer deny he's 'under a death sentence' - God Bless Rush

>>124898, >>124902 Consider also the impact of the fake Russian collusion narrative

>>124899 Coordinated Effort to Disrupt Board and Estalish Baker Union

>>124900 Supreme Court allows 3-day extension to count Pennsylvania ballots

>>124901 Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Jew To Be A Zionist"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups - Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Je [Channel: ZP ZAP]

>>124903 WHO IS OSS - Dox has began - Gerbil is very big mad.

>>124904 #NEW #SCOTUS preserves extended mail ballot due date in #Pennsylvania Chief Justice John Roberts sides with liberal justices on the Court.

>>124905 The moment CBS NEWS realizes Donald Trump will WIN THE ELECTION !! - keks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Aw_Isk9voqY - The moment CBS NEWS realizes Donald Trump will WIN THE ELECTION !! [Channel: MAGATRUTHCHANNEL]

>>124906 James Woods twat, KEk worthy

>>124907 PDC Adopts Rules to Mute Micrphones - PANIC

>>124908 Troy Aikman is a faggot


>>124910 #14269

(16 notables, 18 posts, 13 media/files)

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9d28d5 No.173924

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11106003 Q Research General #14205: Ahead of Time Edition. /NN/

Created 161910ZOCT20




>>122848 ————————————–——– This is not going away ( CAP: )

(1 notable, 1 post)

Q- >>122848

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