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File: 82fd43d64e501b2⋯.png (980.22 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 00000.png)

7ef694  No.11159101[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Monday 10.19.2020

>>11147059 ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: >>11147158, >>11147098)

Sunday 10.18.2020

>>11140317 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: >>11140366, >>11140523)

>>11139977 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: >>11140041)

>>11139860 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Vid: >>11139875)

>>11137635 ————————————–——– Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

>>11137363 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Wojcicki family

>>11137296 ————————————–——– Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Abrams family (Cap: >>11138052)

>>11136720 ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense Masks don't work (Cap: >>11136803)

>>11136655 ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic (Cap: >>11136742)

>>11136305 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: >>11136509)

>>11131009 ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" (Cap: >>11131056)

>>11130733 ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

>>11130507 ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.

>>11130295 ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: >>11130345)

>>11130246 ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? Pandora's 'political elite' box? (Cap: >>11130296)

Saturday 10.17.2020

>>11125161 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>11125242)

>>11121861 ————————————–——– Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran, …… opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.

>>11121577 ————————————–——– Do you see how it works? (Cap: >>11121697)

>>11120402 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show! (Vid: >>11120422)

>>11120332 ————————————–——– Adam Schiff claims Hunter Biden email stories come 'from the Kremlin' (Cap: >>11120380, >>11120467, >>11120582)

>>11118824 ————————————–——– THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

>>11118631 ————————————–——– WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CANNOT ATTACK THE INFORMATION [primary source 1]? (Cap: >>11118698)

Thu 10.15.2020 >>11138307

Wed 10.14.2020 >>11098469

Tue 10.13.2020 >>11098303

Sun 10.11.2020 >>11098297

Fri 10.09.2020 >>11098292

Thu 10.08.2020 >>11067560

Wed 10.07.2020 >>11026155

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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7ef694  No.11159104

Global Announcements

>>11156987 ALL /comms/ links were just removed from dough

>>11155260 /comms/karens slipped abcu|8 links back into the dough

>>11155120 Lords prayer spamming patchfag larper aka BO of ABCU8

>>11155111 Never ending /comms/ bullshit

>>11139770, >>11139860, >>11139977, >>11140189, >>11140317, >>11140411 Talk about Patterns...

>>11147094 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>11159028 An Earthquake, an Orphanage, and New Beginnings for Haitian Children in America

>>11159010 100 percent of CNN employees named Jeffrey Toobin have been caught on camera exposing themselves to co-workers. - Keking my B's off

>>11158905 One of them would later meet President Trump as one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's seven children.

>>11158885 US Charges 10 Defendants With Smuggling $50 Million in Apple Products Into Russia

>>11158683 Hunter Biden's laptop: A Russian trick, a hack-job — or just what it looks like?

>>11158543 DEVELOPING: Tsunami warning issued for southern Alaska after 7.5 magnitude earthquake strikes south of Aleutian Islands

>>11158525 Q literally called ABCU8 and warroom out (same people) directly.

>>11158513 Timing is everything


>>11158504 #QuidProQuo is trending….

>>11158436 Exposed: Antonia Hernandez, the Democrats' Soros-Connected Debate Commissioner

>>11158376 Wargame of 2020 election results

>>11158384 Special Treatment for Minority Students Could Backfire

>>11158387 House Judiciary GOP Tweet

>>11158404 Toobin was beating it on Zoom

>>11158587 Notice how Zero Democrats are denying that the #HunterBiden computer is not his; or that the the information it contains is false. #MSNBC you are full of shit.

>>11158589 Raniere Requests New Trial

>>11158616 Report: Biden Economic Policy Will Kill Two Million Jobs

>>11158636 Erdogan Claims Russia, US, France Are Arming Armenia, Russia Raises Issue of Pro-Turkish Terrorists in Artsakh

>>11158740, >>11158943, >>11158958 Guess I really am a "Cyberbully" - Kekbees & /comms/ fail again

>>11159098 #14267


>>11158018 WATCH: Joe Rogan asks why the media ignores child sex trafficking

>>11157973 50 Cent endorses Trump for President after seeing Biden's alleged tax plans

>>11157949 Trump Campaign Manager Fires Off Letter to Debate Commission After they Change Third Debate Topics to Rescue Joe Biden and Ignore President Trump’s Historic Foreign Policy Successes

>>11157904 Morgan Stanley: 10% Correction Coming After Failure To Breach 30 Year Resistance

>>11157881 Can't quite recall a media propaganda campaign this blatant and shameful

>>11157864 Mike Pompeo Calls Twitter's 'Non-Viewpoint-Neutral' Worldview 'Dangerous'

>>11157818 Biden now has serious questions to answer about Hunter's dodgy deals and he can't duck them forever

>>11157577 Bill Gates fear-mongering that 'shutting down' economy is 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>11157771 BREAKING: Hunter Biden associate’s emails reveal details of deal with fmr Moscow mayors wife to launder funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed firm received $200M

>>11157693 New SOLOMON - Questions continue over Biden transition team's ties to Facebook

>>11157634 Maxwell case: Unsealing of deposition materials allowed.

>>11157551 This is someone I know from my days in Delaware. She is running against Chris Coons. Thought I would share

>>11157568 Two Israeli groups set up training courses in Wikipedia editing with aims to 'show the other side' over borders and culture

>>11157477 About 18 mins remaining!!

>>11157542 Trump Campaign Sends Letter to Commission on Presidential Debates

>>11157499 WaPo Op-Ed Calls for Censorship of POTUS:

>>11157471 Wikipedia bans editors from expressing support for traditional marriage

>>11157475 POTUS TRUMP: "I think today [Biden] is staying in the basement to talk to his lawyers, they caught him cold."

>>11157478 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>11157504 COMMSCAREN CALLS ON /COMMS/ TO COME SHILL THE BOARD - Suddenly ABCU8 shills appear

>>11157457 Moar Biden Emails Coming

>>11157456 Man is taken into custody after more than 13 hours dangling from 16th floor of Trump Tower in Chicago

>>11157428 Tucker Carlson: The American Media Will Never Be The Same After The Hunter Biden Hard Drive Story

>>11157421 China orders Pro-Communist Bible revision, admits bible is Anti-Communist

>>11157403 Highly interdasting Twatter bread. ~WIZARDS & WARLOCKS~

>>11157369, >>11157392, BREAKING: Court denies appeal to keep depositions secret, orders unsealing of documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life.

>>11158146 #14266

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7ef694  No.11159110


>>11157204 It's simply not true." + "…the FBI has had possession of this. What I can say, without commenting on any investigation that they may have into corruption or fraud, is to say that their investigation does not center around Russian disinformation + the intelligence community is playing no role with respect to that."

>>11157195 Cop Fired After Hackers Exposed Him as a ‘Neo-Nazi’ in a Group Tied to Over 100 Terror Attacks

>>11157146 TWATTER POLL

>>11157112 Joe Biden’s Transition Co-Chair Hosted Hunter Biden-Linked Chinese Elites at Obama White House

>>11157078 Suspect barricades himself in at Paramount Studios, shots fired amid massive police response

>>11156941 NSW man faces 70 charges over alleged sexual and physical abuse of woman and six children

>>11156987 Thanks to this post ALL /comms/ links were just removed from dough

>>11156959 For the Keks - CommsKaren

>>11156947 Archive Update "15 Days" Edition

>>11156934 A CNN analyst who tried to bully a colleague's daughter whom he impregnated into getting an abortion, and who then refused to pay child support, "accidentally" showcased his schvantz during a Zoom call with other reporters.

>>11156915 86 = China.

>>11156726 NEW POTUS

>>11156724 "No one's buying it, CNN…you DUMB BASTARDS!!!" - POTUS

>>11156628 NEW POTUS

>>11156462 How badass is POTUS buzzing the Arizona crowd in Marine 1???

>>11156496 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>11156502 CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During Zoom Call

>>11156531 US Blacklists Chinese, Australian Citizens and Organizations Over Iran

>>11156586 NYSE Prepares To Move Operations Out Of New Jersey If Trading Tax Passes

>>11156685 Toobin tweet didn't age well

>>11156750 Gov. Cuomo unveils NY COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan

>>11156809 Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions After Visiting Private Island

>>11156826 Spread this picture far and wide!!!!

>>11156839 The Biden Scandal Explodes

>>11156994 ‘I believed I was not visible’: CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin suspended by New Yorker for allegedly showing penis on Zoom call

>>11156997 Fox News Reportedly Passed On Publishing Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Citing Credibility Issues

>>11157002 Bill Gates: 'Shutting down' economy 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>11157079 Fire Intentionally Set Inside Ballot Box In LA County, Officials Say

>>11157093 Department of Justice's COPS Office Invests More Than $536.7 Million in Grants to Improve Public Safety, Reduce Crime and Advance Community Policing

>>11157292 #14265

Previously Collected Notables

>>11156384 #14264,

>>11152912 #14261, >>11154203 #14262, >>11155399 #14263

>>11150294 #14258, >>11150633 #14259, >>11151580 #14260

>>11147526 #14255, >>11148315 #14256, >>11149115 #14257

>>11145214 #14252, >>11145994 #14253, >>11146779 #14254

>>11149510 #14208-14251

Notables Aggregators: wearethene.ws, qnotables.com

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7ef694  No.11159115

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

>>>/qrmemes/129 I'm On Team Joe

>>>/qrmemes/700 Hunter Biden

>>>/qrmemes/289 Kamala Harris

>>>/qrmemes/367 Take The House

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 Questions & Practice Thread:

>>11039643 Clockwork Qrange #11

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10946985 Canada #8

>>8331823 France #1

>>10868414 Germany #68

>>10838222 Italia #1

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10497699 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>10843151 Scotland #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #23

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta >>10756139

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

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7ef694  No.11159119

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>11141491

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs,


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7ef694  No.11159125

File: 54f188504e55104⋯.png (663.03 KB, 2386x2284, 1193:1142, WR.png)



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9d7512  No.11159161

File: a73adadfc99ebe8⋯.jpeg (334.82 KB, 792x495, 8:5, F0FC8C7C_FBE9_49B2_866E_9….jpeg)

Where can I get this font?

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2264c3  No.11159178

File: 8f803c371aeb755⋯.png (289.44 KB, 440x440, 1:1, danceoff.png)

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26aaf1  No.11159181

File: 5391eea58916f58⋯.png (531.91 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Thanks_bakes4.png)


Thanks Bakes!

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e5a9e4  No.11159183

File: 9fb82179323f779⋯.jpg (83.41 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1603094209352.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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4ab8d0  No.11159184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My favorite Great Awakening song

Look out - Look around

Look up - Look down

There's a crazy world outside

We're not about to lose our prideIt can happen to you

It can happen to me

It can happen to everyone eventually

As you happen to say

It can happen today

As it happens It happens in every way

This world I like

We architects of life

A song a sigh

Developing words that linger

Through fields of green through open eyes

This for us to see

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a65a1b  No.11159185

File: 296a1e097d59338⋯.jpg (11.26 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 7d7e657bb813bd853a99304b41….jpg)

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44b683  No.11159186

File: 9432de1dfeca7b7⋯.png (210.58 KB, 474x315, 158:105, baker_kayleigh_1.png)



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05a167  No.11159188

File: 3e4f0759a760d91⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 715x629, 715:629, 8d9296883d66453a87d8708d27….jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, a7d82b63095b8967cfebf256b4….jpg)

File: c1cec1a1419c564⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, bcd7b4ceb10f39e20cca4fcd84….jpg)

File: 59922556497f132⋯.jpg (549.88 KB, 1600x1236, 400:309, c993ba1013efb12beb9acbbf97….jpg)

File: 204ea17bc35c773⋯.jpg (166.32 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 204ea17bc35c773a664a6bd5a0….jpg)


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70810f  No.11159189

File: 147b984f26d60a7⋯.jpg (123.94 KB, 720x931, 720:931, EkuaujbXUAAsvJO.jpg)

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57a91b  No.11159191


just use IMPACT?

practically same font.

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6d097f  No.11159192

File: 91023f9df6f63f4⋯.jpg (23.51 KB, 671x366, 11:6, toobintookitout.jpg)

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1bf8f3  No.11159193

File: b92d766d6a2f39c⋯.png (162.6 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 71f1b561a2bc620a08debb9d7b….png)

>>11159171 (LB)

Yikes, you still haven't seen what I did to you?

Imagine calling yourself intelligence..

The world is watching and they are sheep NO LONGER.


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89f010  No.11159194

File: 3ad4b3769e1106a⋯.png (297.61 KB, 693x390, 231:130, whoyougonnacall.png)

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a65a1b  No.11159195

File: a25730df6fe232f⋯.png (88.45 KB, 256x242, 128:121, a25730df6fe232fcb862e9a411….png)

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193fce  No.11159196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight

As POTUS is on final approach & is cleared to land

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d4bafc  No.11159197

File: 4980df1f2ffb7f9⋯.jpg (264.6 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Espjoe.jpg)

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baa6e9  No.11159198

SHOW JOES taxes!

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57a91b  No.11159199

Tuscon rally playing "coming in the air tonight" right now

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16cb47  No.11159200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS in Live Tuscon AZ


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36306d  No.11159201

File: 5afacd356b5e2c5⋯.png (568.12 KB, 998x925, 998:925, 5afacd356b5e2c54e747c35370….png)

H.R.4779 - To extend the Undertaking Spam, Spyware, And Fraud Enforcement With Enforcers beyond Borders Act of 2006, and for other purposes.

>This bill reauthorizes through FY2027 the U.S. SAFE WEB Act of 2006, which permits the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to take certain actions to protect consumers from cross-border fraud and deception occurring over the internet. The bill further requires the FTC to report on its activities concerning cross-border, online fraud and provide any policy recommendations to address such fraud.

S.1380 - Due Process Protections Act

>This bill requires a federal judge in criminal proceedings to issue an order confirming the obligation of the prosecutor to disclose exculpatory evidence.

S.1321 - Defending the Integrity of Voting Systems Act

>This bill broadens the definition of protected computer, for purposes of computer fraud and abuse offenses, to include a computer that is part of a voting system.


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0e0d35  No.11159202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here’s another from the source

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dd3ad5  No.11159203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This motherfucker is so fake. If you know anything about this dude you will realize the way he asks questions and learn how he reacts to things he already knows. Just listen to him when the guy tells him how they communicate through email without hitting the send button.

Advance to 6:35-6:41 and watch Joe the toe Rogan asking how these pedos are getting caught so he can go back to Alex Soros and tell him.

What a fucking fraud.

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99b1df  No.11159204

File: 7a1da145a60203e⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 500x535, 100:107, 4j3giq.jpg)

File: 0894d063e5c5764⋯.jpg (98.49 KB, 500x584, 125:146, 4j3hp6.jpg)

File: 7f03f263bd255f6⋯.jpg (63.42 KB, 501x498, 167:166, 4j3h39.jpg)

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bed539  No.11159205

File: deff5fcf50f7ac4⋯.png (60.48 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 559198af25002976abaa00b755….png)

File: e2fc26a70d8bd51⋯.png (51.38 KB, 173x173, 1:1, b1b1c381326d1c538bbd6d7ac3….png)

File: cc2bc36974d4b01⋯.png (132.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f175bc9dd197f90158996940bf….png)


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328f4f  No.11159206

File: 3fbe504c6c9322d⋯.jpeg (133.96 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 0E878AA2_C3E6_41BC_B3E4_1….jpeg)

Social Media camo trick for posting banned stories

Reminder: help spread counter narrative!

1) go to wayback machine.

Find archived version of “banned story”.

Copy URL from waybackmachine.

Post that in your twats. Shows up with screenshot, all nice!

Even worked with banned NY post story during ban.

2) make new URL on tinyurl. com. Post that link. Fools the censor bots.

3) make meme and write tinyurl on that. Never fails.

USE CAMO! Tell your frens to do the same.

Happy trolling.

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57a91b  No.11159207

File: 0366651980e9089⋯.png (62.89 KB, 1042x968, 521:484, ClipboardImage.png)

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87d5a7  No.11159208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AF1 on Final Approach

This life feed had tower radio comms

Live: Donald Trump campaign rally in Arizona


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7c06a2  No.11159209

File: 2f380f1db2bc303⋯.jpg (129.8 KB, 1041x922, 1041:922, you_rollin_or_am_i.JPG)


thanks to the baker as he keeps the dankness flowin'.



i brought spyrock OG tonight, am i too late for spliffshift?

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4e3e9a  No.11159210


just stop

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4ab8d0  No.11159211


The SOURCE. These guys are white hats for sure.

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185055  No.11159212

So you can wipe off that grin and no where you been.

It's all been a pack of lies.


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8fbf4e  No.11159213

File: a09b77c883e0feb⋯.jpeg (494.08 KB, 645x929, 645:929, 14379B19_7422_4AC5_8D0E_7….jpeg)

Kek from pb

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0f624c  No.11159214

>>11157542 (pb)

Will they cancel the debate?

>>11157477 (pb)

Still notable now or no?

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94bf23  No.11159216

File: bb7793382fd2c71⋯.jpg (468.21 KB, 1438x1920, 719:960, bb7793382fd2c7178b05a418ed….jpg)

File: 13d3d9aeb44da4d⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 500x626, 250:313, 13d3d9aeb44da4db515d021820….jpg)

Thanks baker

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fe3d4c  No.11159217

File: 8aa329203da12ae⋯.png (621.7 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, CLINTON17_.png)

File: 316107ece7957c8⋯.jpg (419.81 KB, 800x450, 16:9, CLINTON15.jpg)

File: b114035044ccf49⋯.jpg (334.74 KB, 800x400, 2:1, CLINTON14.jpg)

File: 6390b3910ff8abe⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 400x301, 400:301, Clinton9.jpg)

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bed539  No.11159218

File: edb4935ed5d5036⋯.png (156.65 KB, 360x225, 8:5, 02638cfe1ab50bb7beec228d85….png)

File: 552a89ee7b19347⋯.png (165.62 KB, 360x270, 4:3, 11ecc2e26e74a77196274e6112….png)

File: 8bacf515e334b64⋯.png (175.55 KB, 360x288, 5:4, 12f635d13a8e0e670600685b59….png)

File: 94b77c0418631c2⋯.png (218.61 KB, 360x359, 360:359, 8209d0d7fd8b5e92dd43bcef33….png)

File: fe110eeb26b19f7⋯.png (282.45 KB, 500x273, 500:273, 175dd18f344b032379655eb669….png)

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dec3e8  No.11159219

Trump rallys are so awesome Joe Biden attends in disguise.

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63a5f0  No.11159220

File: d40975f8f38dc99⋯.mp4 (11 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Break_up_Cartel_DJTJr_10_1….MP4)


Thanks Baker.

Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will break up the DC Cartel in his second term and move agencies out to the different areas of the United States.

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185055  No.11159222



Shut up, kitty.

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8e6957  No.11159223

File: 60c5df55dc9e83f⋯.png (408.19 KB, 598x484, 299:242, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Big_….png)


Anons Please take a moment to help support this Republican Candidate Fighting on the Front Lines.


Big Dan Rodimer for Congress NV-03

We will be taking back the house, securing the senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

This 30 day operation will be active to help get the message out to America about the #DoNothingDemocrats and to help support #VoteRepublican candidates running for that district.

Suggested Hashes:

#Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Vote #VoteRed #Vote #VoteRepublican #GetOutAndVote #VoteDemsOut #VoteInPerson #VoterID #GoVote #TakeTheHouse #Watchyourballot #SecureTheVote #DefundTheLeft #ObamaGate #OBidenGate

-Daily Hash Trends (#mondaymotivation, #tuesdaythoughts…)

-State/District Hashes ex. #Nevada #Nevada3rd

-Named Hashes ex. #DanRodemer #VoteDanRodemer #ElectDanRodemer

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193fce  No.11159224


They almost always do at every Rally. But RSBN channel only begs & screams over all of that, so a lot of people probably don't even know they do that more often than not

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57a91b  No.11159225


Biden is gonna tweet out he just cast his vote for Trump.

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89f010  No.11159226

File: f887615bea3c6b7⋯.png (193.74 KB, 606x341, 606:341, viralparticle.png)

POTUS: "He's a wonderful guy. I like him. He just happens to have a very bad arm…He's a "promoter," what can I tell you."

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ad5a99  No.11159227

Where is Hunter? Any theories out there? Where can he be hiding or has he already been arrested - perhaps undercover and sitting inGITMO. Trump has been trolling Hunter for a long time now. It makes me think we already know where he is.

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2a59fd  No.11159228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frost brings the stick and the stank, the dank.

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9d7512  No.11159229


I know, but I want THAT font.

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f17438  No.11159230


>am i too late for spliffshift?

You're just on time buddy, grab a seat!

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36c7ff  No.11159231

File: 5b2b0c5dddac500⋯.jpg (333.41 KB, 1920x1232, 120:77, 41020rallynight.jpg)

Can anons get a nod at an upcoming rally? Have a plant in the crowd that the President can call out.

"Hey what's your name?"


"Wow, Pepe. That's a great name"

Don't bother screen shotting this.

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bed539  No.11159232

File: 16ffa77ba4e541b⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1021x682, 1021:682, d1cfd8fb5513b80c93c4d332eb….png)

File: 09ca16296f16963⋯.png (1.27 MB, 736x970, 368:485, 259590218e1d4f6c78b51ccb40….png)

File: 192435fe0f719f2⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1253x759, 1253:759, 5dc8aea4a29a42a8c9b9349016….png)

File: be3f649a2c2c58a⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 3578eb9a776531f85160db685e….png)

File: 65dbd3c9ef97457⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1100x866, 550:433, d35f7152f6d7ea03e31a171e7a….png)


the castrated ones?

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c99d95  No.11159233

Eve Of Destruction

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9d7512  No.11159234



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7b91de  No.11159237

File: 7bfe9a56518398a⋯.jpg (155.86 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, toobin2.jpg)

CNN legal expert


Exposed exposing himself

How classy

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b6503d  No.11159238

File: 6d44844e2fca2ac⋯.gif (513.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 20201019_162817.gif)


only one bred.




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625949  No.11159240

File: cf8991f49316927⋯.jpg (888.93 KB, 1439x2463, 1439:2463, Screenshot_20201019_162908….jpg)


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193fce  No.11159241


Shut up.

Fake shit like that is what the left does. you fucking retard. POTUS is not a monkey.

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e5a9e4  No.11159242

File: 0ac1e1463382e2a⋯.jpeg (117.07 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 1603146596.jpeg)

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92548e  No.11159243

File: cdefcb6db7da0a3⋯.jpg (44.58 KB, 618x404, 309:202, 4j3ibz.jpg)

File: 2bcdba017d55866⋯.png (9.86 KB, 516x273, 172:91, ToobinTimeOff.png)


Toobin has been given 'time off' to deal with 'personal issues'….


New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Masturbating on Zoom Call

sauce: https://www.vice.com/en/article/epdgm4/new-yorker-suspends-jeffrey-toobin-for-zoom-dick-incident

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7ef694  No.11159244

I have two full breads on /comms/ dedicated to destroying my character with gaslighting and lies and anons still know better.


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ad6875  No.11159246


prove it, faggot.

i kinda agree, but i wanna fucking know so bad…..

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7ef694  No.11159247

File: bcc6c15be064fe2⋯.png (57.62 KB, 233x315, 233:315, Screenshot_2020_10_19_comm….png)

File: 3b2064d6bed2d21⋯.png (50.33 KB, 233x315, 233:315, Screenshot_2020_10_19_comm….png)

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99b1df  No.11159248

File: 84d054e1c1c9643⋯.jpg (52.53 KB, 379x810, 379:810, downloadfile_2_1_.jpg)


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353620  No.11159249

Listen to these cocksuckers..

Troy Aikman/Joe Buck caught on hot mic denigrating military and lauding “Kamala/Biden ticket”


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36306d  No.11159250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


H.R.6168 - Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2020

>This bill directs the Department of Veterans Affairs to increase, as of December 1, 2020, the rates of veterans' disability compensation, additional compensation for dependents, the clothing allowance for certain disabled veterans, and dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving spouses and children.

The percentage increase in benefits shall be the same as the cost-of-living increase for Social Security recipients.

H.R.2372 - Veterans' Care Quality Transparency Act

>This bill requires the Government Accountability Office to report on all memoranda of understanding and memoranda of agreement entered into by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with non-VA entities relating to suicide prevention and the provision or coordination of mental health services.

H.R.1812 - Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act


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185055  No.11159251

Haha! Run is playing.

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57a91b  No.11159252


ahh i gotcha anon. ( i know the feels, am a font addict myself )

maybe look through https://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/


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efe88f  No.11159253

File: cdbfa065fdc795d⋯.jpeg (23.85 KB, 243x207, 27:23, F9FA1930_3249_417A_97AA_2….jpeg)

The Biden syndicate has had their filthy tentacles sunk into many countries. It’s being exposed layer by layer, thanks Hunter for dropping off your laptop.

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4e3e9a  No.11159254

File: 8e8498bd129d2e8⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 0B515FA5_C6E6_46A3_89BA_C7….JPG)

File: 0e9783001d46a0a⋯.jpg (306.84 KB, 656x1041, 656:1041, 0e9783001d46a0ad8cc2211a14….jpg)

File: 20b26b63401056a⋯.jpg (555.15 KB, 2014x1063, 2014:1063, 20b26b63401056ad86f44f393b….jpg)

File: 6c444999ccd88ab⋯.gif (1018.65 KB, 568x568, 1:1, 6c444999ccd88abd97e69478f8….gif)

File: d523860485c48a3⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 452x506, 226:253, b59f023467407e8460e1a76ac7….jpg)


I'm on Guava Cake.

Going to be a long night…

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7f2f1f  No.11159255

File: 9ea93909d8dec1f⋯.gif (928.48 KB, 193x245, 193:245, IMG_5101_1585273966132.gif)

Thank You Baker

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000000  No.11159256


>Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will

No, he said that he "has to", not "will". Huge difference.

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36c7ff  No.11159257


Cry moar you pussy faggot. Who hurt you? Wanna talk about?

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37b6f6  No.11159258


His personal issue = Micro-Penis

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f17438  No.11159259

File: ca1df112f166b5a⋯.mp4 (408.04 KB, 1162x720, 581:360, Femanon_edit.mp4)

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04aa50  No.11159260


> “Trump Card”, documentary taken down by YouTube



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bed539  No.11159261

File: f3b23c57a406758⋯.png (82.51 KB, 189x254, 189:254, 4e66d9026dff7abf4ab6cbffd1….png)

File: c95df21acd4a3e5⋯.png (198.06 KB, 325x356, 325:356, 729f835df58555117e35cb75fe….png)

File: 0d2feb974ea36f0⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1000x796, 250:199, 5061a8c8c1c24cbf78b2de7a9e….png)

File: 026e64c8d57bfa3⋯.png (610.91 KB, 593x594, 593:594, 43215b1fbda9b27e0554673112….png)

File: 4a3c962c622a8c0⋯.png (236.64 KB, 382x351, 382:351, 43767c9683ed419ccf212a06f8….png)

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9336d4  No.11159262

File: 8e5cb6e2569645a⋯.png (373.49 KB, 716x490, 358:245, RSBN_Red.png)


Now that POTUS is back out west, has Red been hosting?

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193fce  No.11159263


Did you remember to scrape your Bernie sticker off your car faggot?

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a9f0ae  No.11159264

File: d14adc5d7f7d791⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1069x1536, 1069:1536, 384C09BE_066D_439C_9590_1….jpeg)

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63a5f0  No.11159265


Let's see what happens. Grenell has been talking about it for months.

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1bf8f3  No.11159266

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, bff392b4b2424be538652ed1f0….gif)


Say hello too Red while you're down there!!!

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185055  No.11159267


Thank you! Been wanting to see this. I love Dinesh.

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7ef694  No.11159268


Killing the Baker, haven't smoked in almost a year.

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d141c0  No.11159270


Don't look behind the curtain anons.

All hail the great and powerful HRA OSS

who guides us and tells us what to think.

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88771b  No.11159271

File: 06d5b8f5726be01⋯.png (973.5 KB, 500x685, 100:137, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11158672 (lb)

Savanah makes a perfectly acceptable Axl Rose.

Vast improvement over the current model, actually.

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735eb0  No.11159272

File: 7ca4b2076f4f171⋯.png (418.49 KB, 777x777, 1:1, 7ca4b2076f4f1717b55bf005c5….png)


you so mad.. I keep u mad longtime

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ac7201  No.11159273

File: d4e2ec4cb8b2562⋯.jpeg (641.69 KB, 828x1397, 828:1397, 0F852804_1672_4560_8D2E_B….jpeg)


G Maxwell loses fight to keep her Jeffrey Epstein testimony sealed


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afc9fa  No.11159274

File: 9faee9b79666b50⋯.jpg (123.56 KB, 1487x507, 1487:507, room.jpg)

Is this the same room that Bannon, Rudy G, and Chinese were?

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36c7ff  No.11159275


If you were anymore of a pussy I'd be balls deep in you.

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87d5a7  No.11159276

File: b75b0db1845e0bc⋯.png (860.11 KB, 1167x700, 1167:700, 1_POTUS_Tuscon_10_19_20.PNG)

File: aa8326ae66bba92⋯.png (1004.25 KB, 1165x658, 1165:658, 2_POTUS_Tuscon_10_19_20.PNG)

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7c06a2  No.11159278

File: dce2f8e4594f37a⋯.png (155.94 KB, 300x300, 1:1, make_our_farmers_great_aga….png)


no sir, this is kosher kush and stardawg, sir.

it is not lethal at all.

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9b0614  No.11159279


Top KEK!

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ad6875  No.11159280


just being honest, i love dinesh, but this was my least favorites of his. Its okay, just didnt have the right feel for me somehow. im watching patp this week. it seem promising

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141451  No.11159281

File: 9bcb07fd09904ed⋯.png (460.49 KB, 529x400, 529:400, ClipboardImage.png)


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a8214e  No.11159282

File: 60d69614e18c752⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1520x748, 380:187, kamalalacesout.png)

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7ef694  No.11159283


Literally perfect.

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ad6875  No.11159284



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b6503d  No.11159285



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625949  No.11159286

Shills VERY agitated today. Don't remember them this bad since 2016. Don't reply to them as many will be ID+!

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f17438  No.11159287


Don't do that to yourself kek!

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abc528  No.11159288


Whip it!

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302999  No.11159289


Reporting this connect to D"Souza Anons do NOT STEAL …..EVER.

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3e8036  No.11159291

File: 89dfb44a3568cd5⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, KekNarrativeDestoyer.jpg)


Asks for sauces, expecting not to get it.

Gets sauce, Gets mega butthurt. Resorts to calling anon niggers cuz he fucks with breads and deletes notables. The exact thing he accuses compd comms bakers of doing.

If I was a sensitive pussy I would be butthurt too. But I am not. I am just a light.

Have fun painting your narratives OSS and crew.

Most anons are silent this doesnt mean they do not see/hear.

Anons know.

God Speed Love you anons.

Sorry to shit up the breads. But if no one else will speak out against fuckery is when I must.

Love you all.


Never, Never, Never Give up.

WRWY! Then, Now, Forever!


Also I do not need insults and other ad-hominem

I dont need a boogie man to tell the anons the truth. FOR THEY KNOW!

Boogie men are for lairs. That is why we tell children those types of stories.

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fb94c4  No.11159292


What's one more dick on CNN?

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9336d4  No.11159293


kek only up to 35 posts now poor Karen

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185055  No.11159294


Just another day at the never-ending CNN circle jerk.

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4e3e9a  No.11159295


Will the ability to work remote help this?

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0e0d35  No.11159296


Change we must as surely time does

Changes call the course

Held inside we enter daybreaks

Asking for, asking for

The source, the source, the source, the source

[Ritual, Tales From Topographic Oceans]

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a8b3cf  No.11159297


Indica strains will relax your body and calm your mind. Indica strains are great for relaxing in the evening as well as aiding with sleep and pain relief.

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301791  No.11159298

Has the TOOBIN ZOOMDICK video been leaked yet?

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a65a1b  No.11159299

File: b953f12c7446681⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6e392ae5db10a45b99bdf50708….jpg)

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94bf23  No.11159300

File: 68605bac94458cf⋯.png (356.97 KB, 445x445, 1:1, 68605bac94458cf30f1c0799f5….png)


I'll burn one down for you. Got that cookies with wedding cake hash blunt going.

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302999  No.11159301


Love him so much you're willing to steal from his pocket. You're not an ANON your a thief…

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1bf8f3  No.11159303

File: 15cb1953082c43f⋯.png (256.16 KB, 676x380, 169:95, 5c47c83cebfc9fc5105a7b0a23….png)


Kek, is it just me or is it over 66 degrees in here?

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92548e  No.11159304

File: b068460a65a06c3⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 800x451, 800:451, Dont_Start.jpg)

File: 857a1f132d9d4c3⋯.jpg (81.42 KB, 599x417, 599:417, CantEven.jpg)


But, but… muh 'personal integrity'… boo-hoo

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79068e  No.11159305

File: 184bedfba032071⋯.png (857.83 KB, 800x997, 800:997, Screenshot_2020_10_19_17_3….png)


(doesnt look like same hillary either)

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977a91  No.11159306

File: ef275471266efad⋯.jpg (364.7 KB, 1382x2000, 691:1000, downloadfile_18.jpg)

File: d02820caa66ac98⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 500x481, 500:481, 4henbk_1.jpg)

Asshole Rupert Murdoch and his entire family should have their USA citizenship revoked.

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59ce59  No.11159307


current..company in these breads has imported bots

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c99d95  No.11159309


Ate a Half-Quarter does that count?

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cda577  No.11159310


Cooperating witness. He’s sick of playing second fiddle to POP!

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1bf8f3  No.11159312

File: 1c946a5afe8b27c⋯.png (367.11 KB, 1015x665, 29:19, 1c946a5afe8b27c851ab82f9e9….png)


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681bba  No.11159313

Toobin, really gets off from his work.

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fc4f52  No.11159315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Where are our journalists. The ending statements are something we are not hearing AT ALL


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1412e4  No.11159317


CP animefag filturd every bred

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fe707d  No.11159318

wooden doors, tone. wooden doors.

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e5a9e4  No.11159319

File: f5596438bf4b79a⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 350x200, 7:4, 20201019_161341.gif)

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735eb0  No.11159320


i dunno, it could be 66 million degrees for al I care ;)

Trumps winning no matter how much you fags whine

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ad6875  No.11159321


dude, i know carts arent amazing (i keep some great green around too), but im loving them lately. You can use them anywhere, and take just a tiny toke. I really like them

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0ac421  No.11159322

File: 9f5268cf962ca1e⋯.png (1.47 MB, 739x927, 739:927, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks bakes

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63a5f0  No.11159323


It will cause a communications revolution in America. Your job will be in Butte Montana and you might live in Prescott Arizona.

We're not 'fixing' the failed Government, we're replacing the Government with one that is controlled by the American People.

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0e0d35  No.11159324


That’s pretty funny. I haven’t laughed all day, so thanks!

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1bf8f3  No.11159325

File: 7723e9590763d4d⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 500x421, 500:421, 7723e9590763d4d495e79041cb….gif)


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c99d95  No.11159326

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be1d7a  No.11159327

Louder scuttlebutt that Hillary is stepping in to replace JoeBlow. It is so deliciously absurdly evil I can't stop laughing even though I am horrified. Also apparently another video out there of Harris doing unspeakable things.

Seriously, the Demoncraps are parading their satanic pedovores one after the other amidst known criminal scandals.

We're lower than any banana republic. We're a tragio show.

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c2fea9  No.11159328

>>11159155 (lb)

>How many bakers is OSS?

>literally anyone that doesnt suck /comms/ dick


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34af41  No.11159329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I would like to do a shout out and dedicate this next song to Jeffrey Toobin.

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2e7394  No.11159331


someone care to explain this graphic?

exactly what shill fuckery are you trying to start?


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baa6e9  No.11159332

File: 94381dd199c8992⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 255x251, 255:251, WONDER.jpg)

I wonder if Hunter had any emails of Pops discussing the framing of Trump?

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ad6875  No.11159334


nicely said

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6e9a5f  No.11159335

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3edbe2  No.11159336

File: e5c2be34f8fb267⋯.jpg (89.89 KB, 630x445, 126:89, greta.jpg)

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735eb0  No.11159337


ohh and look,you're all butthurt over a cartoon bee. good for you o7

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e5a9e4  No.11159338

File: 8a7ebfd34f3fe4c⋯.gif (194.84 KB, 512x220, 128:55, 1570975276579.gif)

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4ab8d0  No.11159339


Stroke Man?

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315e42  No.11159340


Its just proof. Thats what you are here for is proof, right?

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f6cd0c  No.11159341

File: 77d48d9e5ddffad⋯.png (923.51 KB, 1080x1033, 1080:1033, 0e6d2a2491c608b908ccda2654….png)

File: a900ed48c5284bc⋯.png (727.39 KB, 795x866, 795:866, 549d2470e66d5dcec2726ae94c….png)

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185055  No.11159342


Great album!

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36306d  No.11159343

File: bbad6a7414bec1f⋯.png (109.4 KB, 1666x538, 833:269, ClipboardImage.png)

OCTOBER 19, 2020

Senate Judiciary Committee to Call Twitter, Facebook Over Censorship of New York Post Articles

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) announced the committee would consider authorizing subpoenas to compel testimony from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg regarding the platforms’ censorship of New York Post articles.

The subpoena authorization will be first listed on the agenda for the Committee’s executive business meeting on October 22, 2020. Committee staff continues to negotiate with both Twitter and Facebook to allow for voluntary testimony. If an agreement for voluntary testimony is not reached, the committee will vote on authorizing the subpoenas at a date to be determined.


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1412e4  No.11159344

File: 19de1f222664e23⋯.png (81.27 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


he really seems to care…

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7ef694  No.11159345


>someone care to explain this graphic?

Playing dumb is literally in the list of forum spy rules of engagement…

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a8b3cf  No.11159346

File: ac81bb40bfc1c3f⋯.png (425.71 KB, 787x431, 787:431, ClipboardImage.png)

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6269ab  No.11159348

File: 16155e6e431538b⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1016x1804, 254:451, rudy_and_fren.png)


no looks different.

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b6503d  No.11159349


one on the left looks like jeff epstein.

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abc528  No.11159350




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681bba  No.11159351

All these colleges and high-schools and preschools just pushing through unqualified POCs through the system will cause extraordinary harm to our future industries and economies.

Will also cause businesses to look askance at POCs.

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1412e4  No.11159352




but not a CP animefag

its trash

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92548e  No.11159353

File: 2df9ef6d4f94946⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB, 720x431, 720:431, BloatedGreta.jpeg)

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ad6875  No.11159354


I wonder if that info the defectors got from China had some direct comms about it to certain persons

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310a60  No.11159355


>The anons are having fun now…


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0e0d35  No.11159356


>It makes me think we already know where he is.

Agreed as likely. Cooperating. Couldn’t say which agency he’s cooperating with. Not likely FBI.

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533590  No.11159357

File: 8ab0dc1b2d4fc86⋯.jpeg (508.12 KB, 828x974, 414:487, 3CE3F1F4_27AC_436A_97A0_5….jpeg)




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d141c0  No.11159358



If the govt faggots in DC live/work in the vast expanses of rural America, they will encounter real living conditions where people earn their living with the toil of honest labor. They will see how people in RED parts of America value God and family and country. They will send their kids to normal schools instead of indoctrination camps. Gradually gradually, we will retake America and restore American values.

DC is a den of vipers and needs to be broken up.

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6269ab  No.11159359

File: 309b9372e228840⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1016x1360, 127:170, rudy_and_fren_.png)


meant this one.

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4e3e9a  No.11159360

File: cdf43f305c0715f⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 599x403, 599:403, cdf43f305c0715f9cabb04e06e….jpg)


Nausea control is what I use it for. Incredible results. Very impressed.

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bb53e1  No.11159361


We are in the middle of a Socialist Uprising and a Coup. Barr isn't doing anything while Patriots die in the street daily. Because He is a "nice man." We are going to lose this fucking country because of nice men…Fuck!

If I was there I would have started booing so fucking loud. The lemmings just fucking cheered. We the People need to Demand Justice be Served or these Communists are going to take over and it will be too late and we will live forever as prisoners to unchecked criminals. When we had a chance to stop it. We will actually deserve it.

Pathetic that we pay taxes to subsidize this disaster of corruption. And we have to go to the UK for fair reporting.

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d4ce6a  No.11159362

File: d1e60278b3e54ea⋯.jpg (26.58 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 1571359662907.jpg)



I'm trying to have a couple of drinks & a few crackers before Nightshift Rally! I'm gonna gag!! I just got on the board since anime morning schitt fights!

Allshift anon

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65064f  No.11159363

What a boring news cycle today.

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193fce  No.11159364


Gorka is GARBAGE

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185055  No.11159365


I'm even filtering those that respond to it now.

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7ef580  No.11159366

File: a726b1362d3ea57⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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a13594  No.11159367

File: f2a8f2887fbb1be⋯.png (671.3 KB, 577x433, 577:433, ClipboardImage.png)


Make it happen!

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d09094  No.11159368


Fuck off. Who is stealing?

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5816de  No.11159370

File: b81767a56c2c80b⋯.png (239.31 KB, 512x556, 128:139, ClipboardImage.png)


reminds me of those early days!

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f6cd0c  No.11159371

File: 0f78af7fb6134f1⋯.png (427.64 KB, 739x721, 739:721, a31e31e6c9a4fdaa4b8eb5fc13….png)

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af75a5  No.11159372

Dear Diary, I know its been a while since ive written in you but ive just had alot going on lately.

This weekend was fun its scary movie season on the TV so between that and the election campaigns this has been a pretty spooky holiday season already. Today was alright i guess Im still mulling over going to the mall and getting a new hollister shirt but they make us wear those stinky masks still.. I know its so ehh. anyways until next time.

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52e2ee  No.11159373

File: 269348860ca4673⋯.jpg (599.14 KB, 809x2308, 809:2308, Screenshot_20201019_173931….jpg)

File: 65dfcf7e3cddd64⋯.jpg (261.36 KB, 704x545, 704:545, Screenshot_20201019_071046….jpg)

File: 0cf5d97ca49ab18⋯.png (345.92 KB, 846x1080, 47:60, Digital_Jesus.png)

File: a45ae86830c3175⋯.png (974.24 KB, 2053x1080, 2053:1080, My_Next_Piece_NCSWIC.png)

File: cf6bbfc0083116d⋯.png (200.1 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, NAOV_ISA_SEAL.png)





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d4f10d  No.11159374

File: 27bb5dbe6b43a49⋯.png (679.47 KB, 440x660, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeffrey Toobin, Age 60

Toobin was born to a Jewish family[4] in New York City in 1960,[5] the son of Marlene Sanders, former ABC News and CBS News correspondent, and Jerome Toobin, a news broadcasting producer.[6

Toobin attended Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School, and then Harvard College for undergraduate studies. Toobin covered sports for The Harvard Crimson,[7] where his column was titled "Inner Toobin". Toobin graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in American History and Literature, and was awarded a Harry S. Truman Scholarship. Toobin then attended Harvard Law School where he was classmates with Elena Kagan and graduated magna cum laude with a J.D. in 1986. While there, he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review.[8]

Toobin began freelancing for The New Republic while a law student. After passing the bar, he worked as a law clerk to a federal judge and then as an associate counsel to Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh during the Iran–Contra affair and Oliver North's criminal trial. He next served as an Assistant United States Attorney in Brooklyn.[9] He wrote a book about his work in the Office of Independent Counsel.

Occupation Legal analyst, commentator

Notable credit(s)

The New Yorker (1993–)

CNN Senior Legal Analyst (2002–)

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Toobin#Early_life

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185055  No.11159375


Says only idiots.

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1bf8f3  No.11159376

File: 2b1a08df6e7e910⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2b1a08df6e7e910d671ff0d688….png)

Nightmare Initiate

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166fc3  No.11159377



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d141c0  No.11159378


We will GIVE those jobs to qualified people in RURAL COMMUNITIES.

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36306d  No.11159379

File: 0ea1a978a2f96f5⋯.png (91.45 KB, 603x623, 603:623, ClipboardImage.png)

Michael Jay Newman (Cal. No. 866)

Ordered, That following Leader remarks on Monday, October 19, 2020, the Senate proceed to executive

session to resume consideration of the nomination of Michael Jay Newman, of Ohio, to be United States District

Judge for the Southern District of Ohio. (Oct. 5, 2020.)


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a8b3cf  No.11159380

File: 47d1dee9024e087⋯.png (963.57 KB, 903x501, 301:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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abc528  No.11159382


Sorry that was one of those not too deep fakes

Was afraid to look

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febf05  No.11159383


Yeah…there was that 20 minute lull around lunchtime

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baa6e9  No.11159384


or worse than framing him?

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479711  No.11159385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7c06a2  No.11159386

File: 52c252cb77c8be9⋯.jpg (90.17 KB, 806x870, 403:435, i_like_flower_better_tho.JPG)


yeah i just don't know enough about em to be able to really shill for em being 'safe for the body' like i can GOD's gift of herb.

but i went thru one of those phases too a year or so ago… still got the T shirt.

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e5a9e4  No.11159387

File: 8963fb8d92f8a2f⋯.png (385.58 KB, 1080x716, 270:179, Memeto_1603146199755.png)

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16b9f2  No.11159388



How to post banned stories on twatter

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642e84  No.11159389

File: a61017eb9555d77⋯.jpeg (477.98 KB, 1180x803, 1180:803, DCBBA263_E06D_4162_AC41_F….jpeg)


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face61  No.11159390

File: 66c74b8b396757b⋯.png (764.17 KB, 1897x469, 271:67, ClipboardImage.png)

someone used Daniel Lotion live action pod cast not naming any name YO KEK

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a42db6  No.11159391


Lol media can easily bury these emails. Not enough released. People are already moving on. Most boring news day in a while. How is it possible?

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e7ee88  No.11159392

Joe Biden will not be releasing a statement.

His personal lawyers, including campaign legal teams, have instructed that he not speak on the subject of his son’s emails or his involvement contained within the information.

He has been briefed on the possibility that he will be arrested along with his son in as little as hours or days, election notwithstanding.

Two intelligence agencies have corroborated the authenticity of the drives, with three more agencies expected to authenticate by days end tomorrow.

POTUS has been briefed on the possibility that he may have to enact martial law to prevent issues arising from Biden(s) arrest(s).

Details are not clear, but it seems like things will be escalating as quick as tonight.

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1bf8f3  No.11159393

File: 685581e6e983607⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 9b23da128e3237263970bff3c0….jpg)


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2e7394  No.11159394


sure, proof of what exactly?


listen asshole i asked a question. if ya cant answer then stfu.

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4f8749  No.11159395

File: 6f7b0156a957d95⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe_Law_Order_PDJT.jpg)

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70810f  No.11159396

File: 15f66e994ec7e16⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, xLIjm_WpLZZSs5OH.mp4)


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b71179  No.11159397


Forget Pulitzer… Toobin just won the "Muh Dick" award to be presented by HRH Prince Harry

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7ef694  No.11159398

File: 00a63cdfe61387a⋯.png (608 KB, 1133x1180, 1133:1180, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Util….png)

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ad6875  No.11159399


I wouldnt be surprised

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7ef694  No.11159400


>listen asshole i asked a question. if ya cant answer then stfu.

My answer is that you are a faggot and a gerbil

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baa6e9  No.11159401


I think POTUS was telling "Them", Barr is a nice guy, but time is up. He will say it only one time…

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70810f  No.11159403

File: 6492639e3f771c5⋯.jpg (112.49 KB, 1067x1097, 1067:1097, EkuebAjX0AAUkNx.jpg)

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646e19  No.11159404

File: d2ac7922ed95f5b⋯.png (820 KB, 617x617, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f17438  No.11159405

File: 5ca9294e11ac5b7⋯.jpg (525.63 KB, 828x752, 207:188, AmyPepeJail.jpg)


Dubs confirm kek.

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b6503d  No.11159406


too much work.

just archive.is it and post the arclink.

<too easy.

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c99d95  No.11159407


Sounds like someone may have an underage obsession problem

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0e0d35  No.11159408


When objective measures of performance are thrown out, you get what we already have. But it can get much, much worse.

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2e7394  No.11159409


shut ur fucking whore mouth when u talk to me

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315e42  No.11159410


>sure, proof of what exactly?

Of the truth. I know it struck you because you jumped.

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61d92a  No.11159411


look, some of us have food and ammo and some cry. It is either the plan or hunting season. I wait and will die in a blaze if glory of we have been pied pipered. Really, it's a win win

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c95960  No.11159412

File: 5d22f205299ba2d⋯.png (424.61 KB, 736x578, 368:289, AC_130_Spooky_Angel_Neon_Q….png)

File: ec621a344837cc1⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1118x783, 1118:783, Blonde_21_Sketch_Q_System2.png)

File: 8159f04e6d66733⋯.png (638.8 KB, 800x567, 800:567, Hope_2_Car_Q_Look.png)

File: fa71523bbcf71b9⋯.png (465.3 KB, 800x1150, 16:23, Kayleigh_Angel_1_Car_Q_Str….png)

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ad6875  No.11159413


ive always enjoyed trying to make hash in its different forms. I bought some empty carts and made my own for a while. Now i just buy a couple though

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87d5a7  No.11159414

File: 1d5e46a39f769f9⋯.png (636.17 KB, 1165x650, 233:130, POTUS_Live_Tuscon.PNG)


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6ed524  No.11159415

File: a6c4bc385c45562⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2680x1050, 268:105, my_bad.png)

File: 516b9a2ef19c656⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2680x1050, 268:105, whats_allen_doing.png)

File: c6a48b0eb7c5551⋯.jpg (140.93 KB, 1125x1265, 225:253, EkuQUhRXgAERyp4.jpg)

File: 8bc828f3043de85⋯.jpg (197.14 KB, 1125x1703, 1125:1703, EkuQUhRXYAAUv6S.jpg)

I shared this regarding Progressive Insurance sommercial Zoom Calls MONTHS ago and now it has happened

RE: Toobin "oh my bad!"

on a zoom call


election simulation

is that what we are calling it these days?

simulation bound to happen

"what's Allen doing?"

from Progressive Insurance commercial:

really look

put these two scenes together


pay attention to the mini vacuum hand job

and the Flo insurance lady just accidently has a mouth up close

this commercial told us what was up

black guy the way he handles the handle of the vacuum

The people who made this ad made sure to make this so obvious

as they made Flo have her open mouth up close like a sex webcam girl

freeze on 0.16

pay attention @ 0.15- 0.16

how the black guy

Takes his OTHER hand

and grips the tip of the vacuum

we are ina simulation?

who does that

TOOBIN does that



Megan Dawn




How it started: How it’s going:


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2e7394  No.11159416


PROOF OF WHAT are u retarded?

how many times do i need to ask


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c2fea9  No.11159417

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1c26d2  No.11159418

File: 293d84ff973ef3f⋯.png (487.72 KB, 696x377, 24:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0309b  No.11159419


Nah, just pandering for black votes…

"Look, our kid has frizzy hair too"

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f6cd0c  No.11159420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Tucson, AZ 10-19-20


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ecf8ad  No.11159421

File: 2be5e3221e389cb⋯.png (29.1 KB, 1103x446, 1103:446, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc30d312e79057d⋯.png (94.87 KB, 640x885, 128:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 486fc4c374de89c⋯.png (464.92 KB, 640x358, 320:179, ClipboardImage.png)


> >>11159010 100 percent of CNN employees named Jeffrey Toobin have been caught on camera exposing themselves to co-workers. - Keking my B's off



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4e3e9a  No.11159422

File: 88775c7ff34f1cc⋯.jpg (49.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1484972853_image.jpg)


Well sir / ma'am if they refuse to move, you could offer their jobs to those of us already here…

I love the very things some of them despise…chasing fireflies and falling into the creek shifting snow tending bees tapping maples…harvesting apples and blueberries…

God Bless America

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bb53e1  No.11159423


I think were fucked. It's like the only Republicans who study history are people outside of the Washington Power Structure.

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b71179  No.11159424


Dr Falsley always throws far left

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16b9f2  No.11159425

File: 6c8344acc90d670⋯.png (833.19 KB, 840x1082, 420:541, Screen_Shot_2020_10_19_at_….png)


First Zoom Dick, then POTUS AF1 shot over AZ, now this!

Today just keeps getting better!

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abc528  No.11159426

File: 2ef83b94d2405c4⋯.gif (51.57 KB, 300x367, 300:367, 2ef83b94d2405c4a8b3ff966ae….gif)


Sticks and stones


Anons have Hex and Hammer

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a06056  No.11159427

File: 07188da03fd644c⋯.png (687.51 KB, 1123x727, 1123:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7659dfc3ad9f164⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1173x781, 1173:781, ClipboardImage.png)

The Triangle, The Laser, and The Reticle

“Expand your thinking”?

The former “uncapped pyramid” or possible “triumvirate” symbol in HUNTING is also a reticle.

“You are watching a movie”?

The three dots, the laser illuminator…the PURPOSE of a laser pointer is TARGETING

What is a triangle? What ELSE is a triangle?

In PREDATOR, it’s a target reticle. Lately, (aim sports/sig sauer) its literally a reticle.

Are we being cued with “AC-130 Gunship Lights up the Night” to understand a target has been acquired? Eliminated? See drops on:

- 5/6/20

- 5/7/20

- 5/10/20

- 5/13/20

- 7/19/20

- 9/26/20

- 10/18/20

(re: ac-130)

Popes, Pedophiles, & Rothschilds?

“March 13, 2013”

- Pope renounces throne

- New Pope installed

- [Guccifer distributing HRC Benghazi emails]

“Dec 7, 2017”

- Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

- /_\ (past)(auth over followers) -> papal authority?

- _\ (present) -> papacy turnover?

“Dec 17, 2019”

- Pope cracks down on pedophiles

- Was Vatican City a safe haven for pedophiles? Not ONLY bad priests?





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b6503d  No.11159428

File: d146f2e21b27687⋯.gif (446.98 KB, 500x267, 500:267, 92bec06a_20ad_4a54_a62e_da….gif)


>qanon events…

<qanon events.

sheep of a different color are still sheep.

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315e42  No.11159429


>PROOF OF WHAT are u retarded?

>how many times do i need to ask


You know exactly what it ment. Or am I overestimating how bright you are?

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1906fb  No.11159431


Oh come on! Sounds too good to be true, which means that it probably is.

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1bf8f3  No.11159432

File: f8922408a175699⋯.gif (664.72 KB, 498x488, 249:244, 1566087251908.gif)

Turn Right

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7ef694  No.11159435

File: fc79196154dfdfa⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1602193878758.gif)


>shut ur fucking whore mouth when u talk to me

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cde7e5  No.11159436

File: ad6667a58680ea4⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1026x577, 1026:577, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Live….png)


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0e0d35  No.11159437


Wear your blue check in public, faggots

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a8b3cf  No.11159438

File: e3959c018ccb3aa⋯.png (688.32 KB, 535x539, 535:539, ClipboardImage.png)

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16b9f2  No.11159439


Kid doesn't look even remotely the same.

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f17438  No.11159440


We might get tired of winning anon.

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be0952  No.11159441

File: 4da787df8349c30⋯.jpg (68.6 KB, 748x775, 748:775, 4da787df8349c30755cfec0352….jpg)


Blow jobs don't draw crowds

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2e7394  No.11159442


maybe ur overestimated the proof as u are still are unable to define the reason for the graphic.

again i will ask. what is this proof of?



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1bf8f3  No.11159444

File: bdbcee3ff265d8b⋯.gif (112.81 KB, 244x248, 61:62, 1595378680334.gif)

No Left

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193fce  No.11159445


Because Jack "chatlog" Posocunt is a faggot & OANN was given them, but they refuse to release them except one email chain at a time. one per day. We haven't gotten any today tho. just the one from last night.

Fuck I hope they hang with the rest of the scumbags

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b128dc  No.11159446

Jeffrey Toobin was masturbating in front of New Yorker bigs, report says

By Kate SheehyOctober 19, 2020 | 6:07pm | Updated

Enlarge Image

Jeffrey Toobin

Jeffrey ToobinPhoto by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File

The New Yorker writer and CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin didn’t just expose himself during a Zoom work call — he was caught masturbating, and those in the online meeting included some of magazine’s biggest other stars, according to Vice.

Two people on the call told the outlet that the gathering was part of a virtual election simulation that included New Yorker bigs such as Jane Mayer, Evan Osnos and Jelani Cobb, as well as producers from the magazine and WNYC radio.

The sources said that at one point, it looked as if Toobin was taking another call and lowered his camera — and that’s when they saw him touching his penis.

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baa6e9  No.11159447


I will cap for the hell of it.

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ee4128  No.11159448

File: 3a0ffb3225d258d⋯.jpg (82 KB, 600x396, 50:33, ZomboMeme_18102020143130.jpg)

File: 8d7d8a3e09a4482⋯.jpg (75.98 KB, 900x366, 150:61, ZomboMeme_09102020130310.jpg)

File: 14373490c5da78e⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ZomboMeme_13102020004930.jpg)

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1bf8f3  No.11159449

File: 40db0ce386f04d1⋯.png (876.91 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 40db0ce386f04d1b01f6fdce9b….png)

Going Far Right

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6ed524  No.11159450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"what's Allen doing?"

from Progressive Insurance commercial:

really look

put these two scenes together


freeze on 0.16

pay attention @ 0.15- 0.16

how the black guy

Takes his OTHER hand

pay attention to the mini vacuum hand job

and the Flo insurance lady just accidently has a mouth up close

this commercial told us what was up

black guy the way he handles the handle of the vacuum

The people who made this ad made sure to make this so obvious

as they made Flo have her open mouth up close like a sex webcam girl

and grips the tip of the vacuum

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c99d95  No.11159451


> virtual election simulation

Erection Stimulation

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f17438  No.11159452


Jeepers anon, that is exceptional!

No idea about the text though kek.

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6d097f  No.11159453

File: 6578ac40c99e0bf⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 269x242, 269:242, Lord_british_about_dead.jpg)

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1bf8f3  No.11159454

File: 38dd976a19ac7f1⋯.png (171.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 349a0b628a3bd5e75e0f112ce5….png)

Isn't it just like a Spaceship?

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1c26d2  No.11159455

File: 21d138eb5c1272c⋯.png (202.26 KB, 487x294, 487:294, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17dc8d39023eb92⋯.png (222.39 KB, 496x293, 496:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65d24cf37fb7903⋯.png (239.62 KB, 482x298, 241:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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9dab9a  No.11159456

Jeffrey Toob-snake

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cde7e5  No.11159457

File: b2b9eb418a3a89d⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1026x577, 1026:577, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Live….png)

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57a91b  No.11159458

File: 5a95ed5ef562d4c⋯.png (321.2 KB, 291x492, 97:164, ClipboardImage.png)

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36306d  No.11159459

File: 6070e7ba0393b4f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1217x787, 1217:787, ClipboardImage.png)

>majority only on paper

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98474c  No.11159460

File: f8a62b3a23c54f6⋯.png (46.12 KB, 571x355, 571:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15a787fb7493247⋯.png (80.21 KB, 563x637, 563:637, ClipboardImage.png)


There are two major Western schools or systems of law: there is the Civil Law system (also known as Roman Law) and the Common Law system (which is English law). What follows is an abbreviated & hopefully clear summary of Roman Law & its impact on the Common Law world.

Classical buildingScalesCrownFleur-de-lisFlag of Vatican City

12:31 AM · Oct 16, 2020


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0e0d35  No.11159461


One on the left doesn’t look like Webb Hubbell

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d4f10d  No.11159462

File: 557d90d015a3b91⋯.png (695.62 KB, 620x400, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)

Jews Have Been Expelled 1,030 Times Out of 132 Host Nations

Page 32 of 44

1615 A.D. - France - Jews Expelled by King Louis XIII of France

(William Chester Jordan, 'TheFrench Monarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians', p. 180)

1618 A.D. - German towns - Jews Expelled during 30 Years War(http://www.jewishhistory.org)

1618 A.D. - Moravian towns - Jews Expelled during 30 Years War(http://www.jewishhistory.org)

1619 A.D. - Kiev, Russia - Jews Expelled (http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Kiev)

1620 A.D. - Florence, Italy - Jewish silk weavers Expelled for Illegality

(C. Roth, 'The History ofthe Jews of Italy', p. 372)

1622 A.D. - Udine, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 309)

1623 A.D. - Piedmont, Italy - Jewish Goldsmiths/Merchants Expelled

(C. Roth, 'The History ofthe Jews of Italy', p. 376)

1624 A.D. - Ferrara, Italy - Jews Expelled/Self-Deport (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 321)

1626 1627 A.D. - Mantua, Italy - Jewish Merchants Expelled/Re-called quickly after antiJewish riot

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 338, 375)

1628 A.D. - Casale, Italy - Jews accused of Ritual Murder (again)(

C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 388)

1629 A.D. - Mantua, Italy - Jews Expelled for being loyal to the ousted ruler Charles deRethel

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 339)

1637 A.D. - Conegliano, Italy - Jews Expelled/Confined to Ghetto (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 325)

1637 A.D. - Mirandola, Italy - Jewish synagogues destroyed after pogrom (C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 383)

1638 A.D. - Modena, Italy - Jews Expelled/Confined to Ghetto (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 328, 340)

1639 A.D. - Massa, Italy - Jews Expelled/Self-Deport (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 321)1639 A.D. - Bagnacavallo, Italy - Jews Expelled/Confined to Ghetto outside city (C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 321)

1639 A.D. - Rome, Italy - Jewish insurrection in the Ghetto/Brutally suppressed

(C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 380)

1639 A.D. - Padua, Italy - Jewish Merchants/Traders partially expelled after riots for 6 days

(c. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 389)

==1639 A.D. - Turin, Italy - Jews Expelled for siding with enemy after city is sacked during Civil War'''

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 389)

1639 A.D. - Pisa, Italy - Jews Murdered after pogroms at University (C. Roth, 'The History ofthe Jews of Italy', p. 389)

1648 A.D. - Ferrara, Italy - Jews Expelled after assault on Ghetto (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 332)

1648 A.D. - Ukraine - Jews Expelled (P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'Anti-Semitism: Causes andEffects')

1648 A.D. - Poland - Jews Expelled (Bernard D. Weinryb, 'The Jews of Poland: A Social andEconomic History of the Jewish Community in Poland from 1100 to 1800, p. 50)

1648 A.D. - Gorizia, Italy - Jews Expelled/Self-Deported (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 328)

1649 A.D. - Hamburg, Germany - Jews Expelled


Sauce: https://christiansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/COMPLETE-LIST-OF-JEWISH-EXPULSIONS-copy.pdf

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bf2716  No.11159463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is this gonna be a +60% popular vote victory?

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a8b3cf  No.11159464

File: 1da943e753a3ef6⋯.png (706.82 KB, 539x545, 539:545, ClipboardImage.png)



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bae9ae  No.11159465


It's not obvious to me either. If you can't explain it _advise anon just assume it's BS and move on.

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febf05  No.11159466

File: 8c8fae9db47c266⋯.png (610.86 KB, 936x530, 468:265, Screenshot_2020_10_19_at_4….png)


that's not a snake

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315e42  No.11159468


>maybe ur overestimated the proof as u are still are unable to define the reason for the graphic.

Nah, unwilling to do your work for you. Everyone already saw you jump. Anons know. It gets moar funny every time you claim not to.

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baa6e9  No.11159469

File: 9e90a52b99713a3⋯.png (10.93 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 925c565073f4d233f1d612e6a1….png)

POTUS needs to say Pepe tonight!

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7ef580  No.11159470

File: 0eeab550b0fbd17⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2748d3119ff31f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5a9e4  No.11159471

File: b28708ea5281ce7⋯.jpg (519.22 KB, 1080x1563, 360:521, 20201019_173508.jpg)

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1bf8f3  No.11159472

File: fcfd6707350dce6⋯.jpg (98.27 KB, 978x714, 163:119, 9ab8dece0a6076059915b05d09….jpg)

Dryin' the Roooads

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f17438  No.11159473


Perms were a thing in the 80s anon. Try harder.

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b71179  No.11159474


Before and After Hillary became demonically possessed and had sex with the Incubus

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b6503d  No.11159475

File: 2f209e6a87dc245⋯.jpg (234.91 KB, 1052x788, 263:197, 20201019_165009.jpg)



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df3b66  No.11159476

File: 2556a5331ae5617⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1000x976, 125:122, 759A0EF9_4D58_4858_88AF_52….png)

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ad6875  No.11159477


he needs to say whatever the fuck he thinks he needs to say. gfy with your dumbass demands

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cde7e5  No.11159478


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1bf8f3  No.11159479

File: a41a056f97456ae⋯.jpg (747.76 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 9b3d788f4bfe436d0a06494a31….jpg)

Fryin' the Toooads

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06e839  No.11159480

File: f5c9810cbc5f0f1⋯.png (584.87 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Cupace20201019164925.png)

File: 7b9e6e8ce5c2911⋯.jpg (183.06 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, comica1603114089740.jpg)

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1d242b  No.11159481

File: 9b4839c54951af6⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 931x524, 931:524, biden.jpg)

coming soon

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be0952  No.11159482


Wait, is that really him?

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5f2d83  No.11159483


stfu faggot, you type like the opposition and expect anons to care about your bullshit? Go dilate tranny

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34af41  No.11159485


Billy Squire The Stroke

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60888e  No.11159486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and a new one

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7ef580  No.11159487

File: b3f96fe9f955e78⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5a9e4  No.11159488

File: 3e067a405643faf⋯.jpg (130.51 KB, 1353x1015, 1353:1015, richard_gere_56a9a2325f9b5….jpg)

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7d4083  No.11159489


no prob astrobaker

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5816de  No.11159490


He needs the Russian personal helper.


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187ac8  No.11159491


The Bidens of the world don't get arrested. There are Congressional Investigations and then Congressional hearings, and then Congressional reports absolving the Bidens of the world, so gonna have to call bullshit, but I may daydream for a moment.

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63a5f0  No.11159492


America can't survive if the DC Cartel does. They MUST be broken up geographically.

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193fce  No.11159493

File: 1b13c0ef60c04f2⋯.png (549.96 KB, 608x601, 608:601, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote


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962d18  No.11159494

File: 42e41ee1edea761⋯.jpeg (249.82 KB, 1080x494, 540:247, 62C8553E_2E7E_486F_B863_3….jpeg)

Possible lead on Biden dirt.

Or just a LARP?


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f17438  No.11159495


Thanks anon :)

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1bf8f3  No.11159496

File: 4e0133845fbd273⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 4e0133845fbd273ee974955392….jpg)

Just like a Spaceship

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9b0614  No.11159497


Nothing like the conspiracy you push, saying that we don't have the knowledge to go to moon anymore because NASA lost the tech.

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7046be  No.11159498


I’ve said this for years. Affirmative action is one of the most racist policies ever to be implemented. It operates under the assumption that POC can’t compete with whites and so they need the “extra boost” to get better opportunities. This completely destroys the work/merit mentality. Furthermore, it creates an inevitable race divide/resentment by whites who end up lower on the totem pole despite deserving that higher position.

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0ac421  No.11159499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

perfect storm mix

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9dab9a  No.11159500

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14e429  No.11159501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is fake but still hilarious, original vid embedded

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bb53e1  No.11159502


I wish you well. I am sorry that you feel the need to risk your life for fighting against illegal activity that could be easily tried and convicted in a court of law. It should have never gotten to this point.

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427abb  No.11159503

It’s beyond simple frens.

We, must Vote conservative across the board to eradicate the communist control narrative.



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06e839  No.11159504

File: 5aa140def6d798a⋯.png (931.42 KB, 1268x764, 317:191, Trump_rally_idiot_with_dev….png)

Saw this as Trump entered the rally a few minutes ago.

I don't much care for this shit.

Fuck off with making devil horn symbolism at this critical time period, and right in front of Trump.

I saw someone doing this at the other Arizona rally today.

I don't care if it's Texas longhorns, or whatever the hell, it has no place at a Trump rally.

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5158d0  No.11159505

File: 93e9f6550dbef18⋯.jpg (131.29 KB, 957x593, 957:593, HRCJBeyes.jpg)

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75d54d  No.11159506


Long Lines !

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6ed524  No.11159507






"using his hand vac"

doing a hand vac

on a Zoom call

as he can sit back and look at everyone in the room

todays workplace is more sexually creepy than the office place

at least at work all have pants on and you can usually see their hands

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60888e  No.11159508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Master Stroke

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63a5f0  No.11159509



Elections Official in Broward County lets maskless voters vote.

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a8b3cf  No.11159510

Greg Gutterfeld on the Five is killing Toobin.

"How long are we going to milk this story?"

"What is CNN going to do for a legal analyst, He's got his hands full."

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df3b66  No.11159511

File: 4fe3684e5ddb7b6⋯.jpeg (493.92 KB, 824x969, 824:969, 24647452_5F9D_42DB_8732_D….jpeg)

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36306d  No.11159512

File: b45430a5df95b27⋯.png (114.63 KB, 1237x1080, 1237:1080, ClipboardImage.png)

@maggieNYT There has never been a time in either of my two Campaigns when I felt we had a stronger chance of winning than we do right now. Early voting reports look far stronger than originally anticipated. Every RALLY is BOFFO. @MarkMeadows & team are doing a fantastic job….

….There has never been more enthusiasm or spirit, by everyone. Great fun, and so good for our Country. Already winning many states, but not reported. Biden put the LID on again - raising money with promises. They finally caught him, COLD, and he knows it. Laptop is devastating!


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c6cde9  No.11159513

File: 45d1aaf9ff3af00⋯.png (246.42 KB, 490x277, 490:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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b71179  No.11159514


Early voting has already started… unleash the damn kraken for gawwwwwwd's sakes

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193fce  No.11159515

File: 4ca14933fcbe651⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 492x342, 82:57, retardalert.jpg)


If you have to ask, then there is no hope for you

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0e0d35  No.11159516


Unplug DC

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a42db6  No.11159517

File: 887f4274f70ee7b⋯.png (716.35 KB, 828x1104, 3:4, B641D97E_0014_40DC_AC9E_8B….png)

Alleged Signed Repair Shop Receipt by Hunter Biden

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734517  No.11159518

File: a8e719705c3d561⋯.png (12.62 KB, 554x124, 277:62, ClipboardImage.png)

Streisand Effect: Twitter Ban On Biden Laptop Scandal Nearly Doubled Visibility According To MIT

Twitter's Orwellian decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop scandal published by the New York Post completely backfired - 'nearly doubling' its visibility, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and media intelligence firm Zignal Labs.

The poorly-thought-through ban triggered the so-called Streisand Effect and helped turn a sketchy article into a must-share blockbuster. And then on Friday, the Republican National Committee filed a Federal Election Commission complaint against Twitter, claiming that the ban “amounts to an illegal corporate in-kind political contribution to the Biden campaign.”

Looking at the firehose of Twitter shares of the URL—including original tweets, retweets, and quote tweets—Zignal found a surge of shares immediately after Twitter instituted the block, jumping from about 5.5 thousand shares every 15 minutes to about 10 thousand. -MIT Technology Review

The Streisand Effect was named after Barbara Streisand's 2003 attempt to suppress a photo of her Malibu, California residence by trying to sue a photographer for $50 million over the aerial photograph. Before Streisand's lawsuit, the photo had only been downloaded from the photographer's website six times - two of which were Streisand's attorneys. Once the story went viral, however, over 420,000 people visited the site over the following month. The lawsuit was dismissed and Streisand was ordered to pay $155,567 to cover the photographer's legal fees.

And Twitter did the same thing when they banned the Post story - blocking people from posting it or sharing it over Direct Message, deleting tweets, and suspending others who shared it. Of note, the New York Post's Twitter account is still locked.

Twitter cited their policy against unverified information and "hacked materials," though they never explained how the Biden emails - obtained from a laptop which Hunter dropped off at a Delaware computer repair shop and failed to pick up - violated that policy.

After Twitter came under extreme fire for what some consider election meddling and an editorial decision, CEO Jack Dorsey expressed regret, tweeting that "[s]traight blocking of URLs was wrong, and we updated our policy and enforcement to fix. Our goal is to attempt to add context, and now we have capabilities to do that."

For their partisan censorship, the social media giant has earned themselves a Congressional investigation spearheaded by Sens. Josh Hawkey (R-MO) and Ted Cruz (R-TX). Dorsey will testify next Wednesday via videoconference in front of the Senate Commerce Committee.


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c0d12e  No.11159519

File: 0abd985e7dcfd42⋯.png (149.19 KB, 1080x1049, 1080:1049, Screenshot_20201019_185042….png)

Everyone knows what to do.


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abc528  No.11159520

File: 5f595a48694ed2e⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 560x375, 112:75, 1601477147.jpg)

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ad6875  No.11159521


hmmm. I guess we will see if youre a faggot or not

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57a91b  No.11159522

File: 4448b3689b05833⋯.png (904.68 KB, 1882x883, 1882:883, ClipboardImage.png)

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c97d91  No.11159523


PATP is really well done and slammed home the red pill for some at work. Finally!

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2e7394  No.11159524


ha gd ur jsut retarded arent ya. so u dont know what the hell the graphics about. np. ill review.

but if me feels you strawass anons and shills are fucking with me again ill fucking slam bakers dough till i fell better.

so last chance anon, would u care to explain in nice terms what exactly am i looking at. it seems a warroom op is being included in the graphic. one that i worked tirelessly on for the last 30 days while the rest of you have been sucking biden crack. so again i will ask. why is my name in your fucking mouths.

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bed539  No.11159525

File: 5fd8bd89f1ca3ac⋯.png (456.89 KB, 565x570, 113:114, 00c300381cce9fbe1241aa49d2….png)

File: 078f2c19c38e94b⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1100x825, 4:3, 1fb1311e02cae898d0057100fb….png)

File: cd0c759b54aa92d⋯.png (296.88 KB, 600x317, 600:317, 5b57a46a6045ab1278cdac4f67….png)

File: 060d9cd1d9e5969⋯.png (182.51 KB, 440x263, 440:263, 6c1e0ca93db73f95559cbca3ae….png)

File: f845289e42f7515⋯.png (321.77 KB, 400x566, 200:283, 8a5e82de95ed6f612afb474010….png)

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8cc9d8  No.11159526

File: 738d3f618bed821⋯.png (906.3 KB, 742x841, 742:841, 535363.png)

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d47cfc  No.11159527


i dont think anybody knows wtf you are saying. all i see is an overestimation of your abilities to communicate. sorry anon. try harder? lurk moar? something

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4a4de0  No.11159528


The [Clintons] sold it to [China].

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d4ce6a  No.11159529


You still here anime shill fuckin asshat SOB liberal Antifa MF division shill Diane Finstein Chuck Shumer Liddle Adam Schitt Nancy Pelosi Mazi Herono Barry O Big Mike Geraldo Anderson Fredo Maggie CHYNA FLU piss ants?

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a8b3cf  No.11159530

File: 2258eee2dc29eaa⋯.png (851.48 KB, 901x501, 901:501, ClipboardImage.png)

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08880a  No.11159531

File: d248c0671683120⋯.png (61.42 KB, 1311x268, 1311:268, 11159392_no14268.png)



>I will cap for the hell of it.

>>11159491 true.

Cap attached, for the Lulz.

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06e839  No.11159532


they need to change that

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e5a9e4  No.11159533

File: 95b4331dc8da12a⋯.gif (234.16 KB, 498x401, 498:401, 1594034199699.gif)

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b6503d  No.11159534

File: 781be1b8e9493b0⋯.jpg (164.49 KB, 870x618, 145:103, 20201019_165403.jpg)

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0cad83  No.11159535

File: 290195d383f3570⋯.png (99.04 KB, 904x574, 452:287, Screen_Shot_2020_10_19_at_….png)


Correct: they are part of a


misinformation campaign.

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02614b  No.11159536

Toobin was lubin’ on the Ruben…….. stein.

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bb53e1  No.11159537


Defund DC. Finally a cause I can support!

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d47cfc  No.11159538


sauce or its all made up bullshit. period

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479711  No.11159539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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be0952  No.11159540



Is there a pic of the real event? This subversive J needs to be completely humiliated.

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f8281b  No.11159541

File: 46ec1761d42c657⋯.png (441.53 KB, 674x861, 674:861, toobiden_wiener.png)

Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’

Jeffrey Toobin, the New Yorker legal reporter who was suspended Monday after exposing himself to colleagues on a Zoom call, once said that Andrew Breitbart’s reporting about then-Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-CA) was “outrageous.”

Toobin, who is also a legal analyst for CNN, appeared on the network and dismissed Breitbart’s reporting. Via Mediaite:

CNN’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin appeared on the air, right after Andrew Breitbart, to discuss the ongoing “Weinergate” story. Yet Toobin was much more agitated by what just happened on CNN than by anything related to Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner’s Twitter ordeal. According to Toobin, the Twitter picture controversy is just a “mild prank,” but Breitbart’s comments about Weiner were truly what was “outrageous.”

Toobin’s reaction to Breitbart’s appearance on CNN:

“What Andrew Breitbart was insinuating about [Weiner] with young girls and stuff is outrageous. And frankly, it’s too bad that he got to say that stuff on CNN. Look, this is a light-hearted story. This is a silly little thing that happened, it’s not a big deal.”

Toobin concluded that “on the Internet, stuff happens” and the lesson here is you can’t always trust Twitter.

Weiner was eventually forced to resign over a series of online sexual relationships, which he eventually admitted. He later went to federal prison for sending lewd messages to an underage girl.


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77a898  No.11159542


I like the thought but are you. helperanon? Or just guessing/

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000000  No.11159543


We have a V-shape, a "super-V"

wasn't there several V's on the ground of a video he just tweeted?

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0cad83  No.11159544


Baker Ignore. Parody.

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bed539  No.11159545

File: 881cfd6c53f9d4f⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1500x895, 300:179, 9f7724019ba0b4ecd58a6000bd….png)

File: c750d99fad4136c⋯.png (7.69 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, 33ff3e232103fdcd0527d3e177….png)

File: 489d488d034fbf9⋯.png (965.05 KB, 1194x574, 597:287, 43d265f386ef42e65a16cd26e0….png)

File: 48986c468b947cd⋯.png (301.4 KB, 480x468, 40:39, 60b7fa2cabfe721cb1ac48cd5c….png)

File: 8404914de8fdc89⋯.png (1.15 MB, 735x1102, 735:1102, 68ea8d9a6bd98708458f8f1b56….png)

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abc528  No.11159546



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7ef694  No.11159547

File: 39fee6a727b99f4⋯.png (197.72 KB, 1878x664, 939:332, mirror.png)

File: 466a419199c66db⋯.png (887.32 KB, 1721x795, 1721:795, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Q_Re….png)

How am I doing? Kek.

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dd3ad5  No.11159549

File: 56af3337e4dfbd6⋯.jpeg (95.1 KB, 625x591, 625:591, fullsizeoutput_106b.jpeg)


remember the last stage of becoming a mossad agent? You have to raise a kitten and love it, nurture it every night. THEN one day they tell you if you want to join you have to strangle the pet that you love and have brought up from a baby.

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1f6eb0  No.11159550

File: 72707dc77343568⋯.png (845.72 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Splash_17.png)

File: 527de3d8fd7619a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 627x1350, 209:450, WildTrumpGirls_037.png)

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is higher beyond high and higher still, above idols and images in our imagination and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Invite God In


Our Father, Who arte in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our Daily Bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from the e.vil ones

For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan!

Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together "I banishk(belial)k"

DivorceSatans lies .blacklist BlackHats

Imagine the Success🥳 of Our Bright Future.

She curioux=Qbabies.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood.

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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427abb  No.11159551

File: 8ff5c8f8a01bc13⋯.jpeg (29.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 315B469E_3A5B_4505_A6C1_4….jpeg)


Roger Wilcox.

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57a91b  No.11159552

@Tucson Rally

"It's amazing how the women like me all of a sudden" - POTUS

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e30163  No.11159553



ye rat bastards cointelpro cunts

had your baker war just to disgust anons

and now you're killing off content in the dough

no words express sufficient disgust

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98474c  No.11159554

File: 126ff134f117f59⋯.png (115.42 KB, 482x646, 241:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbda159f6dd3070⋯.png (73.51 KB, 1400x736, 175:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 266be2a766ac616⋯.png (86.06 KB, 492x623, 492:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 695dab2388432a7⋯.png (434.24 KB, 367x648, 367:648, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4342deb8ac7defc⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



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08880a  No.11159555

>>11159526 kek, pretty good one!

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f8281b  No.11159556


Toobin has a strong grasp on the subject..

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6d097f  No.11159558

"Lock Him Up!"

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0ac421  No.11159559


it's funny, i initially scrolled by that post, but then i saw your cookie cutter vapid shill response, went back, read it, saved it, and have now sent it onward

see how that works?

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bed539  No.11159560

File: 742f1f9d14b535f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 735x1102, 735:1102, 74cb830b8ab10d71bf3557e079….png)

File: ed5043de130247c⋯.png (4.81 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 77b760d62c1bbd419a5253fe85….png)

File: 30b74a97c781595⋯.png (249.14 KB, 560x315, 16:9, bcf042d11d655474aaaae4aabf….png)

File: a7c05e05006bcf6⋯.png (1.36 MB, 735x1021, 735:1021, c6cfc178fe93156a50e7b6207d….png)

File: fc7bedab4eaf40c⋯.png (975.17 KB, 735x1102, 735:1102, cfe136dd29c8fc622467e8bfcc….png)

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1bf8f3  No.11159561

File: 079b1f2dbfdc1fc⋯.png (124.52 KB, 292x431, 292:431, 079b1f2dbfdc1fc31ced4c609a….png)


>Oh no he is posting incoherent psychobabble, whatever will be do?


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734517  No.11159562

File: 5a11eb9ab1bb075⋯.png (450.97 KB, 859x814, 859:814, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c0145b618b77e1⋯.png (130.32 KB, 855x837, 95:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85f1389cb28df81⋯.png (35.54 KB, 852x221, 852:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd4d554b13a0fb3⋯.png (111.34 KB, 858x773, 858:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55349b8341ac6e9⋯.png (343.5 KB, 855x763, 855:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Today’s FBI Announcement on Russia Hacking Proves the FBI Is Trying to Influence the 2020 Election — The Charges Follow Long History of FBI Deceit

‘The Russians did it’ is still alive and well at the FBI and DOJ.

The timing of the announcement earlier today on the indictment of several Russian operatives is to influence the national election because what they are saying is basically impossible to prove.

We reported earlier today that the DOJ announced charges against 6 Russian GRU hackers who will never see the inside of an American courtroom.

The GRU hackers were charged with conspiracy to conduct computer fraud and abuse, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, damaging protected computers, and aggravated identity theft in an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh.

One of the Russians charged on Monday, Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev, was also previously indicted by former special counsel Robert Mueller.

NPR reported:

For one thing, the level of detail included in the indictment suggests that American authorities are so confident about their insight into the workings of Russia’s cyber-operations that the U.S. intelligence community didn’t mind revealing how much it knows.

On March 8, 2020 and before on June 16, 2019, we presented arguments against the Mueller gang’s assertion that the DNC was hacked by Russians.

Cyber expert Yaacov Apelbaum posted an incredible report with information basically proving that the DNC was not hacked by the Russians.

Apelbaum’s first argument was this –

According to the WaPo (using CrowdStrike, DOJ, and their other usual hush-hush government sources in the know), the attack was perpetrated by a Russian unit lead by Lieutenant Captain Nikolay Kozachek who allegedly crafted a malware called X-Agent and used it to get into the network and install keystroke loggers on several PCs. This allowed them to see what the employees were typing and take screenshots of the employees’ computer.

This is pretty detailed information, but if this was the case, then how did the DOJ learn all of these ‘details’ and use them in the indictments without the FBI ever forensically evaluating the DNC/HRC computers? And since when does the DOJ, an organization that only speaks the language of indictments use hearsay and 3rd parties like the British national Matt Tait (a former GCHQ collector and a connoisseur of all things related to Russian collusion), CrowdStrike, or any other evidence lacking chain of custody certification as a primary source for prosecution?

A second point by Apelbaum was –

… that three of the Russian GRU officers on the DOJ wanted list were allegedly working concurrently on multiple non-related projects like interfering with the 2016 United States elections (both HRC and DNC) while at the same time they were also allegedly hacking anti-doping agencies (Images 2-3).



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464fef  No.11159563

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bed539  No.11159564

File: 59063d8dfd65d66⋯.png (1.16 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, db87de97b50dfe0add5a8b6296….png)

File: 7d3c207dc5ed74c⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1419x854, 1419:854, e1da2b5e224728159c197e0334….png)

File: e5f4a81789644d1⋯.png (499.29 KB, 500x750, 2:3, f0a036e4f122f393a769a40291….png)

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1f6eb0  No.11159565

File: 0cec4c11198492c⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1242x1516, 621:758, WildTrumpGirls_024.png)

File: 9a7a5808ce7cbaa⋯.png (1.53 MB, 923x1154, 923:1154, WildTrumpGirls_023.png)

File: a2f08d844731a1a⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, WildTrumpGirls_022.png)

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f8281b  No.11159566


"…this is a light-hearted story. This is a silly little thing that happened, it’s not a big deal.”

Tweet your meat, lose your seat.

Nah, not a big deal.

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b71179  No.11159567

File: 819119b04c1849c⋯.png (471.5 KB, 539x717, 539:717, Corn_Pops_Time.png)


It's the FUTURE !!!

I love this time line !!!

Biden arrest time line is best time line.

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f84b4f  No.11159568

File: 7a010eced245704⋯.png (126.18 KB, 271x271, 1:1, EYr3u44XkAEMr69.png)


Real talk

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f17438  No.11159569

File: 8c814c921574c3a⋯.jpg (173.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KaleighAngelPraying.jpg)


We Love Kayleigh!!

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bed539  No.11159570

File: 5a5e2cffee8edc3⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1336x640, 167:80, 6d73dfe10d8f016eec0d2c888a….png)

File: cc093429181a668⋯.png (614 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 13bf6735ef13c70404c3c59cb2….png)

File: 76a3d1bd39a291c⋯.png (471.68 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 78b7aefff53d3e845c1c885d89….png)

File: 821d53495b418fe⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1068x561, 356:187, a04b7ab1ce1497e96d15fdc6f9….png)

File: ecced43194404cb⋯.png (1.32 MB, 900x573, 300:191, ff0506a9e014f000ea7f1e8a58….png)

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a8b3cf  No.11159571

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87d5a7  No.11159572



>they need to change that

Triggered by ASL 'I Love You'

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09d3ac  No.11159573


the odds are good that his video being on was no accident. bet he gets off on that.

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9dab9a  No.11159575


not yet

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16b9f2  No.11159576

File: cadfade1aa39500⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1086x1070, 543:535, Screen_Shot_2020_10_19_at_….png)



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92548e  No.11159577

File: 6ab19dffdf36a10⋯.png (79.03 KB, 614x535, 614:535, ToobinZoomSpoof.png)

File: b4b31985d0f3142⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 500x650, 10:13, ToobinLurv.jpg)


Ermahgerd… kek

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ad6875  No.11159578


AB is obviously dead, but what if….

At the very least his influence in this battle is about as big as they come

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baa6e9  No.11159579

Did POTS just say "Nobody spies on my campaign and gets away with it"?

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7c06a2  No.11159580

File: bf1f423755460f1⋯.png (932.47 KB, 765x755, 153:151, pray_vote_win.png)

he's on a whole new level tonight…

how we lookin' b?

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bed539  No.11159581

File: 95d28bed71caf91⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 30c83c77bf53ef072be1619db5….png)

File: 82a7598cf77634b⋯.png (3.8 MB, 2048x1035, 2048:1035, 0173c64336f3ee3c4c4b838f91….png)

File: e164f127d8be07e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 988x610, 494:305, dd3d8bb26b307592c12cd311db….png)

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e27d40  No.11159582


let's go

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e5a9e4  No.11159583

File: ce768127b8bcdc6⋯.gif (25.12 KB, 220x165, 4:3, beav.gif)

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3bc9ca  No.11159584


Wait are you the original anon who posted that way back in the day??

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bda089  No.11159585


If you're really that curious, ask the OP of those posts


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c99d95  No.11159586

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ee4128  No.11159587


Let's see how he handles himself.

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c95960  No.11159588

File: 9a3a40d54bec8ff⋯.png (443.62 KB, 736x578, 368:289, AC_130_Spooky_Angel_Neon_Q….png)

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bed539  No.11159589

File: a2aa12fa064419f⋯.png (136.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e148d7f1dad1ba0c1527143e26….png)

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98474c  No.11159590

File: bab1dbafe3e0205⋯.png (357.38 KB, 489x634, 489:634, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9fd016693ba297⋯.png (97.81 KB, 495x633, 165:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dfc7500c58f4a9⋯.png (86.52 KB, 520x635, 104:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0554db72ea49a8⋯.png (234.51 KB, 490x628, 245:314, ClipboardImage.png)




Civil Law system (also known as Roman Law) and the Common Law system (which is English law).

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e30163  No.11159591







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d47cfc  No.11159592


no… cant be helper anon. if it was sauce would have been provided. UNLESS…… your idea of helper anon is one of the flood of lamestream journalist who frequent this place and try their damndest to screw people up. theY NEVER add sauce and theY ALWAYS just giove opinions. anything is possible here.

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464fef  No.11159593

File: 3e7527d072c600e⋯.png (552.75 KB, 678x380, 339:190, 3e7527d072c600ec06efa4e1c4….png)

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7ef580  No.11159594

File: dad62f3e361a4a2⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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385b89  No.11159595





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57a91b  No.11159596

He's shot

*points to head*

He's Gon(e)zo

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08880a  No.11159597


(Streisand Effect)^2

By reporting on the Streisand Effect for a story, it amplifies the Streisand Effect.


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bea720  No.11159598


Let's get the party started.

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2a7c57  No.11159599

>>11158854 pb

enough with the Toobin jokes kek

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cde7e5  No.11159600

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9bbeef  No.11159601


in da couch

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baa6e9  No.11159602


was that a threat or a promise?

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57a91b  No.11159603

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c99d95  No.11159604



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0cad83  No.11159605

File: 8a5ba9fe3cf217e⋯.png (803.86 KB, 896x862, 448:431, Screen_Shot_2020_10_19_at_….png)

File: e9f8120c6be0d65⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1080x1616, 135:202, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab11e83f72208f7⋯.png (3.92 MB, 1080x1782, 20:33, ClipboardImage.png)



The Mac Shop

Wilmington DE

What's across the street?

Hidden in plain sight !!!!!!!

Can we get Delaware eyes on?

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1f6eb0  No.11159606

File: 0ef97198267e698⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, WildTrumpGirls_020.png)

File: ef7c710a62b6cb4⋯.png (1.39 MB, 750x935, 150:187, WildTrumpGirls_019.png)

File: a60af7d0e5ecfc7⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1242x1099, 1242:1099, WildTrumpGirls_018.png)

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fca1f4  No.11159607

File: b4ea2a44ebe7893⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 986x553, 986:553, RQ_B.jpg)


>AB is obviously dead, but what if….

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abc528  No.11159608

File: 7e6bbbe10996087⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 595x334, 595:334, 7e6bbbe10996087e0cee9c655e….gif)

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193fce  No.11159609


Good for you faggot!

Newfags are just the WORST

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f17438  No.11159610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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63a5f0  No.11159611


POTUS was tagging all the Socialites in New York. That's the worst of his immoralities. He did what every other Socialite (including JFK Jr and the rest) was doing in the 90's. If I had his money in the 90's I would have certainly gone after them like a bitch.

That's not the point. The point is what these sickos were doing was out of bounds. They weren't going after 40 year old Socialite Women that slept around because they could. These sickos were going after 7 year olds.

WAKE UP. There is sin and then there are CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN.

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1c26d2  No.11159612


What happens when you think your tech company owns the world and you hire a shit-ton of emotionally-driven "genius" punks right out of college then give them an unjustified six-figure salary and administration-level rights?

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7c06a2  No.11159613

File: e9b91cb947c5c00⋯.png (497.04 KB, 817x780, 817:780, cant_stop_the_love.png)

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1f6eb0  No.11159614

File: 0361f10fcd28006⋯.png (904.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_017.png)

File: 22f9a71f08d82f8⋯.png (441.69 KB, 447x600, 149:200, WildTrumpGirls_016.png)

File: f351f958f902bad⋯.png (724.57 KB, 620x1015, 124:203, WildTrumpGirls_015.png)

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af75a5  No.11159615


I had a dream lastnight a gift was given to me

with this hashtag we will trend


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a4e1e6  No.11159616



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2d159b  No.11159617

It would be hilarious if some of these people are now required to self destruct on camera as part of their, "please don't hang me", deal.

Jeffrey, 2 weeks prior to the election you will expose yourself in front of your coworkers.

I'll fast forward that part of the movie, but it's damn funny.

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98474c  No.11159618

File: 3943e88297943f6⋯.png (463.34 KB, 480x639, 160:213, ClipboardImage.png)


Who is she waving to?

Quote Tweet

Kamala Harris


· 1h

Florida, it’s great to be back!



6:10 PM · Oct 19, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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c99d95  No.11159619


Fear Farming for a Panic Picnic

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385b89  No.11159620


she wants to be VEEP of the USA yet she is wearing canvas sneakers?

quite the leader of the free world….

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8264b3  No.11159621

File: 0906a0f3afcf478⋯.jpg (105.06 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 10120149.jpg)

File: 5d5676c4f6e0991⋯.jpg (105.41 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 10120153.jpg)

File: f238c722d362c27⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 10140513.jpg)

File: 05a5b378ade2ad5⋯.jpg (101.25 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 10150657.jpg)

Off topic but, WOW!

Show these to Don jr. Q? kek

Two monsters at my blind.

Just had to share..

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7c06a2  No.11159622

File: eb4757157543100⋯.jpeg (21.5 KB, 400x255, 80:51, be_based.jpeg)

"make me cry, it'll destroy my image and then you won't like me anymore!: topfunkkin'kek

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16b9f2  No.11159623

File: 1fee78bf337a75b⋯.png (469.13 KB, 1514x894, 757:447, breitbartx3.png)

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bed539  No.11159624

File: 67efcaa11675d5b⋯.png (136.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7dffe67314e5d6cde6004f8f89….png)

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57a91b  No.11159625

"We love you" - Crowd Chants

You're gonna make me cry, don't do that! I don't wanna cry - POTUS

make me cry, you'll destroy my image and I won't be loved anymore. - POTUS

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2a7c57  No.11159626


Hunter's Laptop ain't black, cmon man

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54f144  No.11159627

When was the last time WE passed a BUDGET?

When was the U.S.A. WAS at WAR?



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5121c2  No.11159628


screen shotted.


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667c4b  No.11159629

File: 5755ee1f0832b74⋯.jpg (199.86 KB, 655x743, 655:743, j_xca4abmfb4f7h8ffu883cbji….jpg)

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ee4128  No.11159630

File: 2b128d43feefd46⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 640x529, 640:529, 1181242183196.jpg)

File: 653c5e39d71c893⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 600x576, 25:24, ZomboMeme_11072020214819.jpg)

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1ffcc3  No.11159631

breads and notables all to shit



Dough >>11155118

Notables are not endorsements


>>11155409 Wuhan Hospital Footage : Plus DR. Interview China

>>11155299 , >>11155411 Planefag Reports

>>11155307 Montauk via Eternal Sunshine, Shutter Island and potentially and symbolically some others.

>>11155339 Nazis in Connecticut…the Southbury, Connecticut, Nazi tale.

>>11155371 Delaware is covered by Baltimore FBI. Special agent in charge has deep connections to Obama admin and some connections to Russian hoax

>>11155409 Wuhan Hospital Footage : Plus DR. Interview China

>>11155437 The Dan Bongino Show® - Ep. 1372 The Biden Scandal Explodes

>>11155441 , >>11155527 New Yorker suspends Jeffery Tobin for Zoom dick fiasco

baker change

>>11155668 Inside info on Wuhan - Wuhan DR Interview

>>11155714, >>11156537 re: >>11155441, >>11155527 New Yorker suspends Jeffery Tobin for Zoom dick fiasco

>>11155769 Steve Bannon: "I don't think Joe Biden, today, can get a security clearance."

>>11155870 , >>11155991, >>11156055, >>11156314 Who out there will be the first to find the Hunter Biden and Malta connections?

>>11156003 , >>11156479, >>11156891 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20

>>11156008 PDJT twat: Dr.Tony Fauci says we don’t allow him to do television, and yet I saw him last night on @60Minutes

>>11156017 , >>11156150 'Nowhere near sufficient' Bill Gates says 'shutting down' economy won't stop climate change

>>11156197 Dan Scavino twat: President Trump Arizona!

>>11156221 , >>11156304 2nd Circuit Court of appeals agrees with lower court to unseal Ghislaine Maxwell deposition documents

>>11156302 , >>11157783 PDJT retwat: Herschel Walker (video) Biden put Icecube on the shelf until after election. Trump campaign jumped on it

>>11156341 The Hunter Biden Plan. How do you get fake news caught in a bold face lie?

>>11156387 , >>11156475 Saudi Arabia’s biggest supermarket chains this week joined a growing boycott of Turkish imports

>>11156412 , >>11156521, >>11156727 ISPs down again. Someone hit a nerve?

>>11156434 , >>11156912, >>11156949 Fed's Powell: More important for U.S. to get digital currency right than be first

>>11156540 Trump Campaign letter to the BDC (Biden Debate Commission)

>>11156573 , >>11156841 POTUS: "Joe Biden is a criminal, and YOU [MSM], are criminals for not reporting it

>>11157224 'Marxism Has Become Big Business in America': BLM Co-founder Lands Warner Bros. TV Deal

>>11157413 PDJT twat: A perfect strike for the American people!

>>11157461 Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions After Visiting Private Island

>>11157473 Complete archive Q posts in chronological order in book form, full set (up to 9/20) w/wking web-links by dloading these 3 PDFs. Oct. to follow shortly

>>11157480 , >>11157510, >>11157692 An Earthquake, an Orphanage, and New Beginnings for Haitian Children in America

>>11156122 , >>11156238, >>11156289, >>11155411, >>11156122, >>11156148, >>11156238, >>11156289, >>11157732, >>11157969, >>11158052, >>11158322 (You), >>11157524 Planefag Reports

Baker Change

>>11159548 The 7.5 quake struck in the North Pacific Ocean Monday afternoon, triggering a tsunami warning along the Alaska Peninsula Coast

>>11159484 (You) Huge 7.5 magnitude earthquake strikes off Alaska triggering tsunami warning

>>11159333 (You) NZ will now fall ‘further and further into China’s orbit’

>>11158213 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Tucson, AZ 10-19-20


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1f6eb0  No.11159632

File: 3147f292500a81b⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1080x810, 4:3, WildTrumpGirls_014.png)

File: 7fcf050e960545c⋯.png (927.95 KB, 720x960, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_013.png)

File: ad6bc0e95509980⋯.png (837.94 KB, 640x758, 320:379, WildTrumpGirls_012.png)

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f8281b  No.11159633

File: 099bed9c74064a8⋯.png (236.19 KB, 876x824, 219:206, toobin_Masturbating_onZoom.png)


CNN, New Yorker Suspend Jeffrey Toobin For Masturbating During A Zoom Call

Update (1740ET): In a stunning 'correction' from Vice, which ratchets this story up to '11' on the Spinal Tap amplifier of WTF-ness,

"This piece has been updated with more detail about the call and the headline has been updated to reflect that Toobin was masturbating."

Hey look, we understand, an accidental exposure of a penis could be rubbed off as a one-off, awkward moment but spanking the monkey, that's a hard one to get over.

Quite a multitasker!!

* * *

From the "Not, The Onion" file (which is becoming far too regular in this farcical new normal), legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended by CNN and The New Yorker after he exposed himself during a Zoom call last week between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio.

“I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera,” Mr. Toobin said in a statement to Vice, which reported the incident and the magazine’s investigation.

“I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers.”

“I believed I was not visible on Zoom,” Mr. Toobin said of the call, which Vice, citing unnamed sources, said took place last week.

“I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video.” Mr. Toobin could not be immediately reached on Monday afternoon.

Natalie Raabe, a spokesperson for the New Yorker, confirmed that “Toobin has been suspended while we investigate the matter,” Vice reported.


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bed539  No.11159634

File: f37aaefbf72a62a⋯.png (51.39 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 3b29bd21326940ea105649dda4….png)

File: 0dc5d41612e2663⋯.png (60.58 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 507bf4d6aed2f52e9348651748….png)

File: c04af1eab93cff2⋯.png (132.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 617edebecee7746564afc94dfd….png)


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187ac8  No.11159635


Think he's gonna take this one on the chin.

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9623c9  No.11159636

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baa6e9  No.11159637


He knows we love him

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7ef580  No.11159638

File: ef40cbce55cf78f⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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479711  No.11159639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1bf8f3  No.11159640

File: 2ae3e3af043f414⋯.gif (300.96 KB, 350x464, 175:232, 1565666835381.gif)

Thanks for always standing up for me, Anon..

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f8281b  No.11159641


"Generously", CNN has "granted" Toobin some time off too…

Statement from CNN: "Jeff Toobin has asked for some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we have granted.”

— Jeremy Barr (@jeremymbarr) October 19, 2020

It appears Mr. Toobin is popular among Canadian Twitterati…

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c5d181  No.11159644


Fuck stick

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e30163  No.11159645


your friendly neighborhood savior bakers

used the





kill archives

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8fbf4e  No.11159646

File: d55b1c5fd42dbda⋯.jpeg (346 KB, 750x605, 150:121, 5F484D4D_A269_4B4F_B84B_D….jpeg)

I need to reword this with Toobin’s clown penis.

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ad6875  No.11159647


i wish i could buy that man a beer and a doobie

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57a91b  No.11159648

File: 0eda7be461d7dfc⋯.png (21.57 KB, 568x314, 284:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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e9f5c6  No.11159649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Chicago PD Asked Me To Help Man Dangling From Trump Tower

Oct 19, 2020

Ben Swann, "Violence, many times, is at the root of our problems, it is NOT the solution to our problems."



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7c06a2  No.11159650

File: 1974d22a50d5a3b⋯.png (191.3 KB, 543x731, 543:731, _bb.png)


why the hell would you want to shut down the internet?

you do kno its the only way Q has a constant walkietalkie to everyone from malaysia all the way to Milwaukee, right?

churches too. THANK GOD we had the internet to livestream, it's the only way most of these churches were able to remain open and stable…

but um… yeh dude idk bout your dreams.

i have dreams too, never had that one.

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b71179  No.11159651


exactly… a PARODY account

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fbdd06  No.11159653

File: 649f365ea360e65⋯.png (478.15 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8281b  No.11159654


Exactly how such an 'accident' happens during (or even near) a business Zoom call is unclear, but as the details 'firm up', social media erupted in mockery…

jeffrey toobin posted hog on zoom

— nuanced opinion guy (@charles_kinbote) October 19, 2020

the nine (inches)

— Erin 🎃GrudgePAC🎃 Ryan (@morninggloria) October 19, 2020

the more i think about this the more confusing it is. how on earth

why on earth

what on earth

— Erin 🎃GrudgePAC🎃 Ryan (@morninggloria) October 19, 2020

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0cad83  No.11159655


<attaches side-by-side of Vincent Fusca/AB

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08880a  No.11159656

File: add824c02933bee⋯.png (223.76 KB, 1642x504, 821:252, 11159392_no14268_nested.png)


Sure, a Nested CAP 4u, moar lulz.

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c99d95  No.11159657

File: 17d6a80ba3f3a25⋯.png (353.36 KB, 302x398, 151:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee4128  No.11159660


Hey man, nice shot

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bed539  No.11159661

File: 3c4c5d008796362⋯.png (566.46 KB, 659x520, 659:520, d3817b6258296cb0e5cd0f4d06….png)

File: cea8cf7ced6598e⋯.png (98.66 KB, 273x201, 91:67, dabb5a5dd79855dcd4bdb287cb….png)

File: 76453859b58eea0⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1137x792, 379:264, db9f35d3a3e8283e1f8c8d4498….png)

File: 61d0025a18ee27d⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1438x1296, 719:648, dc5608438bfe8ef2a2ba988a57….png)

File: 47825b74364b720⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1271x714, 1271:714, e2e0a9e0cde4beb413f8aae2f2….png)



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667c4b  No.11159662

File: 2a9985e6ccc0509⋯.png (742.33 KB, 995x566, 995:566, 8mcveha5e2gde4789_0dR275f5….png)

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838629  No.11159663




Can confirm. More is being released everyday this week. Biden camp will act like nothing has been released. Media will feel overwhelming pressure to ask. Media vs. Biden will be delicious.

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9336d4  No.11159665

File: 70aac4a1674fd9a⋯.jpg (66.99 KB, 492x495, 164:165, BidenBlackface.jpg)

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f8281b  No.11159666


zoom dick incident" pic.twitter.com/FXDFgkwFk4

— Alison Herman (@aherman2006) October 19, 2020

Just here to watch the comments on #ZoomDick pic.twitter.com/4ywwZlIQq3

— Franko (@RealFrank215) October 19, 2020

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7ef694  No.11159667


>kill archives

What arhives where killed, GMTAnon can move all his shit off of the /comms/ board.

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c6cde9  No.11159668


looks like a TX whitetail

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af75a5  No.11159669


This guy fucks

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aefabf  No.11159671


I wouldn't hold it against Trump if he cried because of that, what he has with the people is truly beautiful.

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92548e  No.11159672

File: a127fbbfef84fc8⋯.jpg (83.5 KB, 889x500, 889:500, StreisandActivated.jpg)

File: addac7fb98011a1⋯.gif (919.04 KB, 360x192, 15:8, MediaPanic.gif)


Streisand effect. It's a real thing.

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d4f10d  No.11159673

File: c3b118d120c9faf⋯.png (425.26 KB, 376x473, 376:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef07b4e5feae661⋯.png (877.67 KB, 750x394, 375:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Good God! Jews Have Been Kicked Out 1,030 Times and 132 Countries in 2 Millennia

Page 33 of 44

1654 A.D. New Amsterdam, United States. Jews Expelled by Peter Stuyvesant

1654 A.D. - Little Russia (Beylorus) - Jews Expelled

(P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'AntiSemitism:Causes and Effects')

1655 A.D. - Sandomierz, Poland - Jews Expelled/Killed (B. Booker, 'The Lie: Exposing theSatanic Plot Behind Anti-Semitism')

1655 A.D. - Tamobrzeg, Poland - Jews Expelled/Killed (B. Booker, 'The Lie: Exposing theSatanic Plot Behind Anti-Semitism')

1656 A.D. - Perisa - Jews Expelled by Sultan Shah Abbas II

1656 A.D. - Lithuania - Jews Expelled (P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'Anti-Semitism: Causes andEffects')

1660 A.D. - London, England - city petitions Charles II to expel Jews on restoration of Stuarts. Jewish commerce hurting England/unsuccessful

(Johnathon Israel, ' European Jewryin the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750', p. 160)

1665 A.D. - Jamaica - Jews Expelled (many moving to New York)

(Kagan and Morgan,'Atlantic Diasporas: Jews, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews in the Age of Mercantilism, 1500-1800', p. 37)

1665 A.D. - Verona, Italy - Jews Killed after plague/pogrom (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jewsof Italy', p. 357)

1666 A.D. - Cayenne (French territory in the Caribbean) - Jews Expelled after French defeat the Dutch

(Kagen and Morgan, 'Atlantic Diasporas: Jews, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews in theAge of Mercantilism, 1500-1800', p. 46)

1666 A.D. - Este, Italy - Jews Expelled/Confined to Ghetto for Heresy (Sabbatianism)

(C.Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 325)

1669 A.D. - Oran, North Africa - Jews Expelled for Heresy (Sabbatianism) (P.E. Grosser/E.G.Halperin, 'Anti-Semitism: Causes and Effects')

1669-1671 A.D. - Reggio, Italy - Jews Expelled/Self-Deported to Palestine (C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 328)

1670 A.D. - Vienna, Austria - Jews Expelled by Emperor Leopold I

(Joseph A. Biesinger,'Germany: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present', p. 216)1671 A.D. - Fulda, Germany - Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ' Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 432)

1678 A.D. - Florence, Italy - Jewish merchants/manufacturers Expelled (C. Roth, 'The Historyof the Jews of Italy', p. 372)

1678 A.D. - Yemen - Jews Expelled by Sultan Mehmed IV for Heresy (Sabbatianism)

(NecanAlkan, 'Dissent and Heterodoxy in the Late Ottoman Empire', 2008)

1679 A.D. - Turin, Italy - Jews Expelled/Confined to Ghetto (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jewsof Italy', p. 328, 372)

1681 A.D. - Reggio, Italy - Jews Expelled to ghetto outside city (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 340)

1682 A.D. - Marseilles, France - Jews Expelled by Louis XIV for Jewish Commerce/Treason/giving the Dutch info on War Planning

(Johnathon Israel, 'European Jewryin the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750, p. 162)1682 A.D. - Bordeaux, France - Jews Expelled by Louis XIV for Jewishcommerce/treason/giving the Duth info on war planning (Johnathon Israel, 'European Jewryin the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750, p. 163)1683 A.D. - Martinique (French colony) - Jews Expelled by King Louis XIV for Jewishcommerce/supplying info to pirates/treason (Johnathon Israel, 'European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750', p. 162)

Sauce: https://christiansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/COMPLETE-LIST-OF-JEWISH-EXPULSIONS-copy.pdf

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f17438  No.11159674


Same dude. Andrew was a true hero.

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6d097f  No.11159675

President Trump: Now you have the laptop…it's over. It's over. The Biden Family is a criminal enterprise.

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baa6e9  No.11159676


Biden family is a criminal enterprise.

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77a898  No.11159677


Agree mostly but can hope that one of the new outlets with hard drives might know something. We should have that shit. Not those fags.

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63a5f0  No.11159678

There are Gays and Lesbians

Then there are guys searching for doctors who will help them cut off their dicks.

I see dead brands. LGBT is a dog.

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c99d95  No.11159679

It's About "Time"

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464fef  No.11159682

File: 6a550bfd5105b9a⋯.png (741.87 KB, 800x934, 400:467, kekwalker.png)



>Who is she waving to?

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180eb2  No.11159683

File: c8e931c8e259829⋯.jpeg (426.79 KB, 1536x1636, 384:409, DBA2F980_0F32_4831_B209_3….jpeg)

File: 3241c7eca74e516⋯.jpeg (360.52 KB, 1890x1064, 135:76, 24B5BD50_7F25_40EA_8BCB_E….jpeg)

File: eb7670e4a7e8978⋯.jpeg (43.34 KB, 555x364, 555:364, 6BD8AB3C_4312_41F2_ADF0_B….jpeg)

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000000  No.11159684

that line was a call back to his famous speech "…corrupt political establishment"

Today feels nice

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f8281b  No.11159686


He got caught masturbating on a Zoom office call. Humiliating. What a sick bastard

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4a4de0  No.11159688

RUSSIA ate my homework!

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7ef694  No.11159689

Monday 10.19.2020

>>11147059 ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: >>11147158, >>11147098)

Global Announcements

>>11156987 ALL /comms/ links were just removed from dough

>>11155260 /comms/karens slipped abcu|8 links back into the dough

>>11155120 Lords prayer spamming patchfag larper aka BO of ABCU8

>>11155111 Never ending /comms/ bullshit

>>11139770, >>11139860, >>11139977, >>11140189, >>11140317, >>11140411 Talk about Patterns...

>>11147094 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>11159605 Can we get Delaware eyes on?

>>11159562 Today’s FBI Announcement on Russia Hacking Proves the FBI Is Trying to Influence the 2020 Election

>>11159541 Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’

>>11159519 Everyone knows what to do.

>>11159518 Streisand Effect: Twitter Ban On Biden Laptop Scandal Nearly Doubled Visibility According To MIT

>>11159512 There has never been a time in either of my two Campaigns when I felt we had a stronger chance of winning than we do right now.

>>11159493 A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote

>>11159425 Today just keeps getting better!

>>11159343 Senate Judiciary Committee to Call Twitter, Facebook Over Censorship of New York Post Articles

>>11159200 POTUS in Live Tuscon AZ

>>11159206 Social Media camo trick for posting banned stories

>>11159208 AF1 on Final Approach

>>11159220, >>11159358 Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will break up the DC Cartel in his second term and move agencies out to the different areas of the United States.

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8264b3  No.11159690

File: d2655f242d00c05⋯.png (392.23 KB, 563x633, 563:633, ClipboardImage.png)



Have to start counting those tines on my toes even.

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f6cd0c  No.11159691

…I think Biden is going to be arrested.

The first Arrest will shock the world.

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06e839  No.11159692

File: dea704fe5e1025d⋯.png (259.52 KB, 908x904, 227:226, Godfather_Biden_crime_fami….png)

File: 8ee511d25f97c56⋯.png (109.69 KB, 417x636, 139:212, Godfather_Biden_Crime_fami….png)

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5158d0  No.11159693

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7c06a2  No.11159694


who? me?

nah dude, i wish. i been a born again virgin since 2017…seriously.

I got a cute girlfriend tho.

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2d159b  No.11159695

File: 8cbfce438dadad0⋯.png (161.29 KB, 2483x1499, 2483:1499, i_win.png)

I'm not entered, but it looks like I already won!

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1412e4  No.11159697

saw a fellow patriot

not an anon but trump supporter

he worried about the election

i said no way trump will win it will be great

there will be controversy and maybe delay but it is assured

then i got bak to my desk and realized

thats what i told people about habbenings 2 years ago - got egg on my face and shut my mouth knowing its a psyop

but am i still deluding myself with hopium?

dont think so but that feelz was eeeeerie and unsettling

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bed539  No.11159698

File: fdf7538801a47b3⋯.png (279.69 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 5a118dc6179f5d133d9a594443….png)

File: 5ff0b4bdc3b9b7f⋯.png (279.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 6bc4d8cd0fa4336b77404c17a0….png)

File: 51864159fe2b44b⋯.png (282.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0585f3b90dcc7aa12d8b1e6220….png)

File: fa9a903b85e26a4⋯.png (336.5 KB, 540x360, 3:2, a705f6ad411ed700a049bf6306….png)

File: 037145060125b3a⋯.png (340.74 KB, 442x494, 17:19, bfefb1732e1075c9f0c01c07a9….png)

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f8281b  No.11159699


Frito - I wonder which other colleague on the Zoom call was the one he was watching and fantasizing about?

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479711  No.11159700

File: 4a89922cd5f617e⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB, 600x336, 25:14, Joan_Rivers_Calls_Presiden….mp4)

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baa6e9  No.11159702

File: a56d0a9c9a5668b⋯.png (44.33 KB, 1150x266, 575:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a59fd  No.11159705

File: d821a2113c6ad66⋯.jpeg (118.59 KB, 613x367, 613:367, 35648464_9A38_470E_AB8E_0….jpeg)



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77a898  No.11159706


Ain't gonna lie. When they whacked him I lost hope for a time.

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06e839  No.11159707

File: e0d329bd5452cce⋯.jpg (424.33 KB, 1600x955, 320:191, e0d329bd5452cce622c9fc4e84….jpg)

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af75a5  No.11159709


Symbolism will be their downfall

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180eb2  No.11159710

File: a5a5161203a958a⋯.jpeg (96.92 KB, 888x486, 148:81, ECE54076_FDA0_4573_972E_E….jpeg)

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54f144  No.11159712

File: eb92c6453433bfc⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 4668x1652, 1167:413, usa101.jpg)

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479711  No.11159713



Makes me feel so much better about me!

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852cc1  No.11159715


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f8281b  No.11159716


There you go, CCP will own the entire video of his depravity. With CNN and other leftist media personalities acting like animals in heat, that explains why they are owned by China.

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ad6875  No.11159717


oh boy, an ip hop and a confirm.

Please stop fucking teasing. I kinda wanna believe the first post but this just takes the validity of both down in my mind now….


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57a91b  No.11159719


if it happens, the repercussions will cause aftershocks.

Every Q drop ever made will be analyzed by the whole world.

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e30163  No.11159720


>GMTAnon can move

no, can't be done.

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f77b5c  No.11159722

File: 6bf7b0d0bab2eda⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 484x278, 242:139, 4j3mby_1.jpg)

Martha McCallum is a total garbage disposal.

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ad6875  No.11159723

potus just said he thinks the biden campaign at an end right now

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078f3f  No.11159725



someone has to have the reverse angle camera shot

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8264b3  No.11159726

File: 55e48061725fdee⋯.jpg (156.53 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 08300021.jpg)

File: 2d9210940f74045⋯.jpg (106.54 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 10120148.jpg)

File: 73d033bb23eb7d3⋯.jpg (190.76 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, PICT0015.jpg)


Some others passing thru..

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8cc9d8  No.11159727

File: 36a518b843dc7cc⋯.png (755.56 KB, 781x751, 781:751, 363.png)


Is Biden really suffering from dementia, or is it a shield to protect from prosecution ?

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e30163  No.11159729


>Every Q drop ever made will be analyzed by the whole world.

that's why we got shills baking working to make that as hard as possible

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c99d95  No.11159731

-End- Right now

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f8281b  No.11159732


You may be right…probably had a Ukrainian hooker online at the same time teasing him about Biden files.

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1c26d2  No.11159735


Jeffrey Zoomin

i suck

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baa6e9  No.11159736

File: 2870dff7acd33f3⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c06e0e89c0f1510dc8137e79c7….jpg)


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e5a9e4  No.11159737

File: 00f81bedc0f1aee⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB, 1440x759, 480:253, 1539352374.jpeg)

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f8281b  No.11159738


Russian sex bots.

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0e0d35  No.11159740


We could extract all the highlights in a night shift. So sad that they’re going to chatlog boy

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bb53e1  No.11159741


Roger Ailes can confirm.

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667c4b  No.11159742

File: 912af39a82c289c⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 343x407, 343:407, 965h77787h_7_d574045yuu645….jpg)

File: 4d7d818d1688d5c⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 343x407, 343:407, 965h787h_7_d574045yuu645D3….jpg)


now do the Clinton Crime Family

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3703ec  No.11159743

File: 514a384e16e7e7d⋯.jpg (185.18 KB, 1167x1318, 1167:1318, 20201019_185703.jpg)

This twitter thread is connecting some dots on foreign money laundering and campaign contributions, Haiti, North Korea, China, Benghazi, CF, Obama, spies in China, etc. All based off one DOJ indictment.

They talk about PACEGI, and it relates to CF in Haiti. I am wondering if

P = C

Is really

[P]ACEGI = [C]linton Foundation?



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7ef580  No.11159744

File: 58e97809d2bd839⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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face61  No.11159745

File: 335e33b5c668560⋯.png (516.79 KB, 484x586, 242:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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09d3ac  No.11159746



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0f624c  No.11159747

>>11158376 (pb)

So IF POTUS wins we won’t know on election night?

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63a5f0  No.11159748

Gay Men will save America: This is how. (Lesbians are cranky (4-6% lost forever) imho).

Gay Men, who were murdered by the Fauci Aids lab virus, were used as a pawn, then as a prop by marxists.

Gay Men belong on the Trump Train. Real Gay Men don't dance in the street in their underwear. Real Gay Men are Real Men - period.

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f17438  No.11159749

File: 82e311950d8a665⋯.jpg (119.27 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Killing1.jpg)

File: 3e7cf1fcad7f99c⋯.jpg (105.45 KB, 1024x415, 1024:415, Killing2.jpg)

File: b70c65cde01cac4⋯.jpg (161.78 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Killing3.jpg)

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187ac8  No.11159750


I do hope Hillary takes his place so we can hear POTUS say this again.

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f8281b  No.11159751


Ya, it was out for a reason…They are desperate to change the narrative away from Hunter..

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838629  No.11159752


The latter.

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165ed0  No.11159753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

m to the b….bAng

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afbbfd  No.11159754

File: 74c1fd96906a000⋯.png (631.24 KB, 2386x2284, 1193:1142, 54f188504e551041e5ee0c72fc….png)

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)

>>11159125, 11159125, >>11159181, >>11159183, >>11159185, >>11159186, >>11159209, >>11159220, >>11159264, >>11159282, >>11159331, >>11159366, >>11159373, >>11159553,


now trying to tie warroom into q's post about you. ha you are sick arent ya.

go fuck urself oss and have a fuckoff day


Thank you -Q+ for advising me.



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7ef694  No.11159755


>no, can't be done.


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bda089  No.11159756


Why not both

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180eb2  No.11159757

File: 2ae13694f0624a4⋯.jpeg (95.28 KB, 589x477, 589:477, 045EC1B8_35BB_4D7F_8E48_5….jpeg)

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f84b4f  No.11159758

File: a5a4b185487c6b8⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB, 420x240, 7:4, Video_Cutter_19_10_18_5_21.mp4)


Nice racks!

Caught these little guys playing a few days ago.

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4a4de0  No.11159759


>He got caught masturbating on a Zoom office call. Humiliating. What a sick bastard


Did "somebody" remotely activate his camera?

And he wasn't smart enough to keep it covered when not in use?

Just an observation.

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af75a5  No.11159760

File: d06f95bb5649adb⋯.jpg (88.93 KB, 554x800, 277:400, 30767251_sa.jpg)

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ee4128  No.11159761


So what's the call?

Arrestdd before the election….yes, would shock the world.

Beats Trump THEN gets arrested? pandemonium and probably war.

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ad6875  No.11159762


when i heard


and after reading that one post above…..

Im kinda thinking so]

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baa6e9  No.11159763



beat her TWICE before she hangs.

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77a898  No.11159764


me too. Pretty frustrating. Maybe optics but gay anyway.

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e30163  No.11159765


you know.

or you should, you pick which is worse

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4f8749  No.11159766

File: 323021b5ef6e80f⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 255x152, 255:152, Pepe_Q_In_It_Together_Iwo_….jpg)

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28dc88  No.11159767

File: fca35fbd5366d88⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, fca35fbd5366d88f48564bb1a5….jpg)

File: 0e563384aa6b193⋯.mp4 (810.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0e563384aa6b1937b110560785….mp4)

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cde7e5  No.11159768

File: c5f888906b980c6⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 900x493, 900:493, kek1.jpg)

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c6c0fd  No.11159770

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7ef694  No.11159771


>Gerbil is a faggot


>Thank you -Q+ for advising me.





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0cf6ed  No.11159772

File: d3ffd76a4d23a45⋯.png (502.85 KB, 693x390, 231:130, SHAREDVALUES.png)

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f77b5c  No.11159773

File: 03125752b4cf671⋯.jpeg (212.64 KB, 1241x927, 1241:927, 03125752b4cf6712f598b9511….jpeg)

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a8b3cf  No.11159774


or is he being shut from the public because THIS IS ALL A MOVIE!!!!!

he is in time out from the US MILITARY!!!

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6ed524  No.11159775

File: 52061dbf4c606ef⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB, 480x270, 16:9, ibdFXUIKwYjcxXDW.mp4)


Cernovich Retweeted



What is “Gay Inc?”


EXPOSES the Democrat Party’s exploitation of LGBT Americans.

WATCH: this is how Big Business weaponizes the rainbow. Money bag Rainbow flag

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bb92b7  No.11159777



>Jeffrey Toobin, Age 60

I suppose if he's still gettin' up without blue pills then….he could be forgiven!

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0ac421  No.11159778

File: 4e58ad4ebd75760⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1646x927, 1646:927, ClipboardImage.png)


neck yourself, faggot

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d8b455  No.11159780

File: 2ae763c6b30adc8⋯.jpeg (70.09 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 36A532C6_F111_4188_B6C8_3….jpeg)

File: c089c3f7159257f⋯.jpeg (21.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 187CABC0_2E4C_4141_B902_5….jpeg)

Buckle Up

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bed539  No.11159781

File: ca8417ca5041e0b⋯.png (588.66 KB, 500x694, 250:347, fc1be7fb21475aeed27c62d331….png)

File: 133ab4b2ce789c3⋯.png (604.29 KB, 783x437, 783:437, 584a66cdd42d242e88870d5742….png)

File: a1e104c8dbb9617⋯.png (789.94 KB, 573x831, 191:277, 2a26208958042081e795937fdf….png)

File: 772aa481ef6b687⋯.png (798.8 KB, 680x727, 680:727, f4c7460d3f9ed9626fc5d52c2d….png)

File: 670cd0f0ce3b44e⋯.png (806.57 KB, 720x537, 240:179, 88a1090aafce58f8d5d1f68ab8….png)

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afbbfd  No.11159783


>Gerbil is a faggot


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ad6875  No.11159784

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7c06a2  No.11159785


purity matters.

for both of us.

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5633c8  No.11159786

File: 8126766da1a2dd8⋯.png (347.18 KB, 657x360, 73:40, biden_all_over.png)

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c6cde9  No.11159787


Bad Ass anon. I'd like to take a big old Midwestern buck one of these days. That dude looks nice and mature. Roman nose and all.

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7ef694  No.11159788

File: 44d0447bd610da1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1954x3351, 1954:3351, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Util….png)

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92548e  No.11159789

File: 7a4f3b82bbf10c7⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 500x356, 125:89, SoClose.jpg)


So close, Joe…

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479711  No.11159790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0f624c  No.11159791


So if there’s not an election. How does POTUS get 4 more years?

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f8281b  No.11159793


Obviously Russian erection interference

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b6503d  No.11159795

File: be8e3850f81be6f⋯.gif (215.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20201019_170938.gif)

checked and… you know.


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afbbfd  No.11159796

File: 6e9f3717114916c⋯.png (411.77 KB, 1050x407, 1050:407, 6e9f3717114916ce91e96c49f0….png)


Shills first

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57a91b  No.11159797


by default


It's happened before.

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08880a  No.11159798

File: 2d6d9bd00136199⋯.png (346.92 KB, 506x788, 253:394, fauci_arm_2.png)

File: d4d0d1fc68aa195⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1737x865, 1737:865, fauci_arm_1.png)

File: baaecbd5937705a⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2722x1656, 1361:828, FAUCI_EXPOSED_PATENT.jpg)

There was mention of Fauci's ARM in POTUS tweet earlier (which was pleasantly savage!)

Just happened to see this in this Covid thread:


Full size image (cap taken from) attached last.

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1c6c43  No.11159799

File: b6452bf6d9adad8⋯.png (3.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d47158fb8ffaae1⋯.png (218.79 KB, 599x415, 599:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c5f958c0254d6b⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, xGfpvqxtrX_xK0mt.mp4)

With the Tsunami warning in Alaska I decided to do a bit of Twitter search as DS usually puts out warnings first…

Welp…. I found a couple… Considering the EQ was recorded two hours ago….

As shown here…


Considering 4 hours ago Dan Pena (A billionaire posted a pretty nasty video about a entire city getting wiped by a ocean wave out as shown here…


Not only that but Florida had a Drive in Florida which they are tagging as the #BlueTsunami posted 7 hours ago.


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af75a5  No.11159800


Thanks Meemaw

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0f624c  No.11159801


Sauce? Do we know this is reliable?

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7ef694  No.11159802


So I have




all shilling against little ol' me.


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165ed0  No.11159803

File: ddc47e3b9f110ee⋯.gif (1011.1 KB, 237x237, 1:1, ezgif_com_gif_maker_6_.gif)

hunter fucks goats and toobin goes tubing

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a8b3cf  No.11159804

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e30163  No.11159806


who said no election?

Dems have had dead people vote for them for so long, it's only justice to have them vote for one once

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838629  No.11159807

Fauci will be done the day after election.

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f77b5c  No.11159808

File: cf33739e97790a5⋯.png (665.25 KB, 1027x983, 1027:983, Screenshot_20201015_212458….png)

File: aeb15ca34bd1b8a⋯.png (808.95 KB, 1030x1001, 1030:1001, Screenshot_20201015_213138….png)


American's keep in mind the democrats are not going to try too steal the election they must steal the election at all costs because they know Trump will destroy them when he is reelected.

Vets of any age and Disabled Vets don't hesitate to get involved.

MAGA Patriots Only Mission In An Election Crisis Is To Peacefully Protect President Trump from beingILLEGALLYremoved by desperate criminals.

We all know the future of America is clearly at stake and the Deep State has already said, Trump will win on election night but will lose after all the unverified mail in ballots have been counted…Only a fool would believe that insanity.

Do the Deep State criminals out to steal president Trump's reelection with fraudulent ballots realize how many heavily armed MAGA patriots with world-class military accessories will show up at the white house if anyone makes a move toILLEGALLYremove president Trump?It will be BIBLICAL.

Ex Military MAGA patriots will serve at the pleasure of the president as supplemental presidential law enforcement when called into action.CODE RED

MAGA patriots will explode on to the scene with unparalleled organizational leadership and weaponry.

MAGA Veterans with serious warfare skills will be prepared to legally protect president Trump at all costs and this post is not a joke.

President Trump is the hardest working president inU.S. HISTORYand he hasn't even accepted a pay check, realistically we really couldn't afford what he is worth anyway, plus president Trump has kept his promises. So for all MAGA patriots nationwide it would be a huge honor to protect our great president from domestic terrorism.

Please note:No other president could have taken the Deep States witch-hunt beatings Trump has taken in the last four years and still he gave America a record economy and so much more.

We The People- It's Go Time So Get Out And Vote.

President Trump True American Patriots Stand At The Ready, So If Push Comes To Shove We Are Ready.

At least14 MILLIONAmericans can walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this includes women.

The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.






BLM Terrorists.

Harassing Police Officers.

Non-Peaceful Protesting.

Promotion Of Civil Unrest.

Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.

President Trump will not disavow or tell the MAGA Patriots to stand down, not going to happen.



Disclaimer:"8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information. OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.'

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6d097f  No.11159809

President Trump: Biden is pledging mass-amnesty and free federal healthcare for illegal aliens.

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464fef  No.11159811

File: d8bc352d6a2b2f5⋯.jpg (115.16 KB, 989x742, 989:742, _Feel_The_Happening.jpg)

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2b3bae  No.11159812

File: cdb9bb998842b33⋯.png (24.62 KB, 825x533, 825:533, Screenshot_from_2020_10_19….png)

YOUTUBE is up to their BULLSHIT again.

Trying to keep other Browsers from playing videos.

I hope you are notating this Q & Q Team.

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54f144  No.11159813


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90afa5  No.11159814

File: 04459fc43a3ae8b⋯.png (4.17 MB, 2242x1468, 1121:734, Screen_Shot_2020_09_19_at_….png)

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6269ab  No.11159815


So he took one for the team.

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bed539  No.11159816


ex.bot is baking

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dec3e8  No.11159817

Benedict Biden

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ffddf1  No.11159818

File: aabb8c7a683e058⋯.png (643.28 KB, 515x515, 1:1, gardenparty.png)

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a8b3cf  No.11159819

"if he even gets to run."

POTUS on Biden

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6ed524  No.11159820





What is “Gay Inc?”


EXPOSES the Democrat Party’s exploitation of LGBT Americans.

WATCH: this is how Big Business weaponizes the rainbow.

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93b853  No.11159821


Biden couldn't get it up!!

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f8281b  No.11159822


CNN . . . The most trusted name in perversion filthy-lies and deception.

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0ac421  No.11159823


>shills first

meaning you're still going to neck yourself?

fine with me, first shills, then warroom, then comms

lets livestream all you idiots, make a day of it

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d8b455  No.11159824

File: 06b3bc2a01cdd6f⋯.jpeg (70.07 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 86D8B6EF_CC6D_4570_BB96_3….jpeg)

File: 320340e4f226596⋯.jpeg (40.76 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 371F9EEF_C2EC_496B_9C75_8….jpeg)

File: fb29f9376300b21⋯.jpeg (34.57 KB, 600x255, 40:17, 57B275AD_246E_41C4_A437_4….jpeg)


Buckle up

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000000  No.11159825



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faed05  No.11159826

File: 46a13d3ea3096ba⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1439x2174, 1439:2174, Screenshot_20201019_181113….jpg)



Hunted both North & South. I have to admit the deer up North get huge.

This has been running around my feeder down in Texas.

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315e42  No.11159827



>So I have




>all shilling against little ol' me.


Thats a fine list of enemies you have there. Proud of ya.

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baa6e9  No.11159828


that was me.

very interdasting anon.


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41dea2  No.11159829

File: 8a0f957d49d8667⋯.png (24.87 KB, 596x209, 596:209, ClipboardImage.png)


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7c06a2  No.11159830

File: 7051d0a969cf760⋯.jpg (358.95 KB, 1552x1036, 388:259, comfiest.jpg)


i've got all yall filtered and I'm in ultimatecomfort mode.

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c99d95  No.11159831

There is no Election

Win by Default.

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d47cfc  No.11159832

File: 4086fe7ee973b43⋯.png (85.58 KB, 827x642, 827:642, jews_red_text.png)

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92548e  No.11159833

File: 22f5b551ad4cc71⋯.png (242.23 KB, 357x334, 357:334, 22f5b551ad4cc71ad37142113a….png)

File: 47176140433eeb4⋯.jpg (57.38 KB, 597x596, 597:596, 1590195607550.jpg)

File: 06dde1e1c8cbeef⋯.jpg (24.44 KB, 600x322, 300:161, now_thats_sexy_new.jpg)



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8cc9d8  No.11159835


If this is all a movie, Creepy Joe plays the part of a demented groping grandpa kiddie fiddler very well

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2a59fd  No.11159836

File: fb3ea01d52f15fd⋯.jpeg (175.03 KB, 828x996, 69:83, 36D6EB30_900E_473E_A141_F….jpeg)

File: bcff73f16b6be6a⋯.jpeg (99.69 KB, 828x583, 828:583, DB2A5043_8856_4878_8F9D_7….jpeg)

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667c4b  No.11159837

File: f7cda8720926803⋯.jpg (116.54 KB, 625x244, 625:244, a00_56_df65h585_dfh_5g_735….jpg)


go for a hatrick POTUS

Triple Treason Prosecution and Conviction

Biden, Obama and the Clintons

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f17438  No.11159838

File: 8c5f4101ed80258⋯.jpg (240.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pepearmy.jpg)


Where there is breath, there is hope anon.

We never give up hope!

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e30163  No.11159839


anons know.

you played your bakerwar cards for all to see

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b71179  No.11159840


woot woot… DOITQ+

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8fbf4e  No.11159841


I think we will know election night now. I didn’t think so last week.

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7ef694  No.11159842


>Thats a fine list of enemies you have there. Proud of ya.

I have theBESTfucking allies though. o7

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cde7e5  No.11159843

File: cec57ca8226241c⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 453x696, 151:232, b59e06f57ebbe16bb1326adaae….jpg)

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9336d4  No.11159844


confirmed X2

all the comms frens are coming out of the woodwork now

even Fungus changed his/her/its script to poor comms (used to pretend to hate them)

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d0aa25  No.11159845

File: af6ceedcb8ec8a6⋯.jpg (69.88 KB, 672x490, 48:35, 20201019_171104.jpg)

Just another Baker Girl fan..

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f77b5c  No.11159847

File: 1d33412efffd715⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 500x540, 25:27, Olivia_Newton_John.jpg)

File: 9b9b9d25c707d3b⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 500x395, 100:79, 4ipea3_1_1.jpg)

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f0309b  No.11159848


Except the mac shop is 2018 at the earliest, long after Q

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ad6875  No.11159849



interesting picture im not pulling up anywhere yet

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315e42  No.11159850



WOOHOOO wr and sputnik news! Propaganda pushing propaganda!

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f8281b  No.11159852


CNN, New Yorker Suspend Jeffrey Toobin For Showing His D!ck In A Zoom Call

New yorker modifying the story to expose

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0e0d35  No.11159853


Lost opportunity for them. But we’ve been starved of juicy data for quite a while. I miss Wikileaks.

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000000  No.11159854

On fire tonight. Great blunt speech

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ab3ce8  No.11159855

File: 6d6d7f1f325112b⋯.gif (275.78 KB, 358x352, 179:176, fake_gay_4.gif)

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41dea2  No.11159856

File: a6942a3dd706aee⋯.png (377.36 KB, 595x811, 595:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7d3a4dab3d3a7c⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Veritas_Google_10_19_20.mp4)


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98474c  No.11159857

File: ab202ba685caece⋯.png (113.1 KB, 657x500, 657:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86d603f278fe241⋯.png (384.47 KB, 772x627, 772:627, ClipboardImage.png)



>Kamala Harris



She hosted a drive-in, socially-distanced rally at the Orange County Fairgrounds.

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0f624c  No.11159859


When has it happened before?

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77a898  No.11159860


Unopposed. Happened 3 times in 1800's

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e30163  No.11159861


you just fool normies, cunt

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1c502d  No.11159862


>So if there’s not an election. How does POTUS get 4 more years?

This is not just another 4 year election.

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b71179  No.11159863


Was it Roberts again?… siding with the commie justices?

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325f47  No.11159864


That's not their plan.

Biden wins and steps down.

VP takes over.

That's the DNC plan.

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b385dc  No.11159865


Q was right about the Jews.

The term ‘Goy’ (plural goyim) referring to non-Jews actually means cattle as expressed in the Talmud ‘The goyim are not human they are beasts’ [Baba Mazia 114b].

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f8281b  No.11159866


" I enjoyed seeing Jeffrey again."

~ Shep Smith

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57a91b  No.11159867

File: 0b42ffe69800ae6⋯.png (58.7 KB, 866x520, 433:260, ClipboardImage.png)

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193fce  No.11159868

File: 972476a14b084cd⋯.png (499.69 KB, 600x601, 600:601, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_10….png)

Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court


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ad6875  No.11159869


well find me and let me buy you one then

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0ac421  No.11159870

File: c466774d32c3702⋯.png (1.15 MB, 855x798, 15:14, ClipboardImage.png)


anons do indeed know

im not a baker

looks like your tracking tech is still disabled

sucks bro

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0f624c  No.11159871


In a presidential election?

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7ef580  No.11159872


This is not another 4-year election….



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c6cde9  No.11159873

File: 9861c47b4043e95⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, Biggun.JPG)

File: 1e6dcaf0c40078a⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_1455.JPG)

File: 86b6dceae83d81f⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_1461.JPG)

File: 77530899f0d08e3⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_1775.JPG)

File: f1ad851f1529695⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, IMG_2123.JPG)

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4cf9ad  No.11159874

"[They're] ALL on the TAKE"

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a8b3cf  No.11159876

File: 5b0edb1d05cebc9⋯.png (303.5 KB, 385x409, 385:409, ClipboardImage.png)

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f77b5c  No.11159877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Martha McCallum sucks Bigly.

Rupert Murdoch also sucks.

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54f144  No.11159878

Not a R or a D

NOT white or black


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c60ec8  No.11159879

File: dc0d757bf4aa6db⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1050x640, 105:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8281b  No.11159881


News is misreporting he just exposed himself. He was jerking off…ZeroHedge is reporting it.

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1c26d2  No.11159882

File: b8bb1ce9d38e75a⋯.png (322.62 KB, 480x271, 480:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cde00  No.11159883

File: 27dc63c74e245b8⋯.jpg (4.7 KB, 272x185, 272:185, rudy.jpg)

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57a91b  No.11159884

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87d5a7  No.11159885

File: 11d3a3afcf06c89⋯.png (14.16 KB, 537x307, 537:307, Eric_RT_Poll_10_19_20.PNG)

Eric Trump Retweeted

For whom are you voting


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e30163  No.11159886


i didn't say you were

all you have is lies and bad faith


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a8214e  No.11159887

File: 925929884e4aff2⋯.png (176.92 KB, 251x565, 251:565, kama0.png)

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98474c  No.11159888


She hosted a drive-in, socially-distanced rally at the Orange County Fairgrounds.

“Today, I had to come here on the kick-off of early voting in Florida because you all are going to make it happen. You will make it happen,” Sen. Harris said.

Only 115 cars, with up to three people were allowed in. Each vehicle gathered under an open-air roof with strict rules.

“You had to stand near your car. In fact, the email said within arms distance. Everyone was pretty good with that,” said rally-goer Shana Jerouix.

“Everyone had their mask on during the thing,” Mariana Hernandez told FOX 35 News.

Both said they felt safe.

Today’s drive-in rally was a stark contrast from what Central Florida saw at President Trump’s rallies in Sanford and Ocala last week, where his supporters were sitting shoulder to shoulder.

Many were not wearing masks. A similar sight was seen outside of the Biden/Harris rally Monday where Trump supporters waved Trump/Pence signs standing very close to each other, cheering, blowing whistles – most not wearing masks.

FOX 35 News asked those out supporting Harris on Monday if the rally lost its effectiveness and feel because of the social distancing rules put in place by the campaign.

“We're living in a very different way than the way we were before,” Hernandez said. She brought her mother along.

“The fact we can do this safe and can do things and still support our candidates wisely, as opposed to the other side, I think it made it more special,” Jerouix said.

She brought her 15-year-old daughter along. She made a point of noting her daughter is doing distance learning because she does not feel school is safe for her right now, but that she felt the socially-distanced rally was safe.

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08880a  No.11159889



Maybe part of the "Covid Plan" section?

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f8281b  No.11159890


News is misreporting he just exposed himself. He was jerking off…ZeroHedge is reporting it.

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00a49a  No.11159891


Silly, you didn't even have to ask really.

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aefabf  No.11159892


Remember when Madonna said she'd suck off everyone who voted for Hillary Clinton, and then she didn't follow through?

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9d7512  No.11159893

File: 31818cbb371c4c7⋯.jpeg (398.73 KB, 828x941, 828:941, EF486AF8_CD21_450A_87B6_5….jpeg)

I guess we WILL need the military after all.


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141451  No.11159894

Any geologist anons?

Some geologist fag please get eyes on "earthquake" seismic readings to make sure that this 7.5 has normal EQ aftershocks. TQ

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bed539  No.11159895

File: 45f6a32ac606d83⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1420x792, 355:198, 7675c2db7ac89571df5fa3e78b….png)

File: 79043e20d15bc5d⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1420x792, 355:198, 4d2a646c93171c88b0be9da88b….png)

File: 342415257bd73c1⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1500x804, 125:67, 02850bffa7bede2a62674e9c66….png)

File: e0aa0154bed33b6⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1332x1396, 333:349, c486fc80bbfd30a851e63094d9….png)

File: e428d656dd109d7⋯.png (3.47 MB, 1500x1454, 750:727, 1743df16041fb8a11e16469d27….png)

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1f6eb0  No.11159896

File: 6fefa2f2a628281⋯.png (1.6 MB, 833x1024, 833:1024, WildTrumpGirls_008.png)

File: 9c5099f0699a907⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1201x1201, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_007.png)

File: d227599a3e0f7be⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1320, 9:11, WildTrumpGirls_006.png)

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0e0d35  No.11159897



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1bf8f3  No.11159899

File: 2c7c2def2ce4c0d⋯.jpg (135.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 00e0eabe0043902edf556aad44….jpg)


Fuck those idiots, they are obsolete anyways.

Just needed more eyes to see how they behave unfiltered.

It's like a microchasm of what's happening on the outernet.

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0ac421  No.11159900


where was the lie?

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8cc9d8  No.11159901

File: a9aeca4a2fb44b4⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, 3636.jpg)


coomer on camera !

someone post the real video

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d141c0  No.11159902

File: da3f0ed99f3199b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1681x718, 1681:718, ClipboardImage.png)

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9336d4  No.11159903


>muh filter Fungus so proud of me

personal choice so good for you

also one of the reasons the comms bakers got away with their compdness for so long

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309122  No.11159905


tsunami sirens sounding off now

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cde7e5  No.11159906

File: b0c5090d9ca87b9⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, EkuNDQBW0AEO5Ur.jpg)

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667c4b  No.11159907

POTUS gonna surf the rally crowd

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e30163  No.11159908


insert bait reply #4.2

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d141c0  No.11159909

File: ac71e10aada9ff5⋯.jpg (409.2 KB, 1200x1379, 1200:1379, LovePopcorn.jpg)

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a1b5be  No.11159910


For Anons consideration as they discern truth from lies:

Exactly zero defamation lawsuits have been reported related to accusations against the Bidens.

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f8281b  No.11159912


Remember when Toobin was attacking Kavanaugh over sex allegations?

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c99d95  No.11159913



Don't be evil or [Be Evil]

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bed539  No.11159914

File: 4fc4f23f2ae64fa⋯.png (398.3 KB, 596x395, 596:395, 6494013df2c65d96a3f81b39d8….png)

File: 356a6903c43e68a⋯.png (466.27 KB, 412x642, 206:321, b9e818d45400003819fc3aa969….png)

File: ae9e54baeca65ef⋯.png (502.92 KB, 534x582, 89:97, 7d06c376a8860ac0ac23aa8556….png)

File: 130de5829e3e29a⋯.png (604.1 KB, 480x735, 32:49, deb4e6c0aec1072e0b554b5b0d….png)

File: ab4af7f70dbba14⋯.png (643.08 KB, 796x450, 398:225, f42ba244e6ed41bdac29be624d….png)

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a8b3cf  No.11159915


he is on ice at this point. all the stuff coming out and a reporter is asking him what flavor shake he got to drink……

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f30693  No.11159916

File: 484c5329fffec29⋯.png (497 KB, 930x499, 930:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5a9e4  No.11159917

File: 98f142b4667d3f2⋯.jpg (46.14 KB, 400x286, 200:143, 20200703_093126.jpg)

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63a5f0  No.11159918

File: d6426e4645029bd⋯.png (52.32 KB, 1391x824, 1391:824, aids2.png)

Gay Men murdered with a lab virus called Aids to create LGBT - to get to Drag Queen Story Hour and bondage parades.

The only way is the truth.

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57a91b  No.11159919



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141451  No.11159920


understand. that doesn't necessarily mean EQ.

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df3b66  No.11159921

File: 2582ae0bcea0e07⋯.png (498.18 KB, 514x500, 257:250, A02A60A3_7ECF_4D7A_A04F_8D….png)



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bb92b7  No.11159923

File: 317f89ddb250c5f⋯.png (33.42 KB, 801x420, 267:140, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Hunt….png)

File: 037e191d5657f0d⋯.png (67.54 KB, 802x652, 401:326, Screenshot_2020_10_19_Bide….png)


>Joe Biden will not be releasing a statement

Just a bunch of psycho babble in the search results and it's all POTUS' fault



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3a2184  No.11159924


>" I enjoyed seeing Jeffrey again."

>~ Shep Smith

top kek

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efe88f  No.11159925

Kek POTUS gonna jum in and kiss every man, woman, and child…he should have said no homo…kek

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2a59fd  No.11159926

File: ee24f7ff81c59a0⋯.jpeg (148.46 KB, 828x1047, 276:349, 21ADE870_11A1_46D2_A1AF_6….jpeg)

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f8281b  No.11159928


CNN, MSNBC, New Yorker and Atlantic Magazines absolutely LOADED with perverts. This is emblematic of today's Democratic Party

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02614b  No.11159929


Toobin be lubin’ n shit…

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7ef694  No.11159930

File: da8339d13b62bf1⋯.png (762.75 KB, 2384x1892, 596:473, patterns_2_.png)


>>11139679 Doc posts avatar and tries to educate Anons

>>11139770 OSS calls out The Doc on all of his censorship of notables - Finishes the Post with Talk About Patterns… 7 minute delta from The Doc Avatar post

>>11139860 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta from OSS post

>>11139977 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta From first Q post WITH DUBS - 77

>>11140189 OSS drops graphic showing patterns connection

>>11140317 Q - Do you see a pattern? 7 minute delta - From OSS graphic

>>11140411 OSS Drops final graphic

Talk about patterns - check

4 - 7 minute deltas - check

1 - DUBS 77 - CHECK

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e04f42  No.11159931

File: cb314412a0b754d⋯.png (312.42 KB, 704x547, 704:547, Screen_Shot_2020_10_19_at_….png)


We've had some Q anon "hit pieces". Here's a message of support from a leader in the health freedom movement and author of several books including some with Dr. Judy Mikovits.

To quote from a Scientific American article by Walter Quattrociocchi ("Inside the Echo Chamber" Scientific American, April 2017 p. 63)

"…over time people who embrace conspiracy theories in one domain-say, the (nonexistent) connection between vaccines and autism-will seek out such theories in other domains. Once inside the echo chamber they tend to embrace the entire conspiracy corpus."

My Translation: When a person partakes of truth, they want a whole lot more of it and they don't keep quiet about it.

Welcome to the party Mr. Heckenlively.

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0ac421  No.11159932


so no lies then , you're just whining about losing the kitchen to anons

and you honestly think your psyops is better than mine


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a8b3cf  No.11159933



"They control Biden 100%, he is GONZO!!!"


they being "good guys"?

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464fef  No.11159934

File: f293b0a07362568⋯.png (10.55 KB, 250x192, 125:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0309b  No.11159935


I said that at the weekend and was laughed at.

Also, [P] = [P]ops Biden

I don't GAF about a photo of the fucking Pope, or what stucking fucking anons think Q confirmed. Disinformation is necessary. It's called a distraction. Y'all chasing the Pope, allowing Q Team to finish the job.

This entire board is and has always been, nothing but a head-fake to distract the DS.

Congratualtions Q. You were right, these people are stupid. Well played sir!

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bed539  No.11159936


it's quite cut~e

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d90180  No.11159937

File: fc406c03675e666⋯.png (3.39 MB, 2498x1062, 1249:531, Screen_Shot_2020_09_16_at_….png)

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9336d4  No.11159938


because anons are stupid and easily fooled, huh, true_colors_on_display_anon?

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baa6e9  No.11159939

File: 0cd880e3d680abe⋯.png (382.53 KB, 770x624, 385:312, ClipboardImage.png)

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87d5a7  No.11159941

File: 2c6bb03fe787b7e⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1039x891, 1039:891, Superman_POTUS_Meme.PNG)

Boom Superman

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b8a395  No.11159942


Nobody lives out there

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7ef694  No.11159943

Monday 10.19.2020

>>11147059 ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: >>11147158, >>11147098)

Global Announcements

>>11156987 ALL /comms/ links were just removed from dough

>>11155260 /comms/karens slipped abcu|8 links back into the dough

>>11155120 Lords prayer spamming patchfag larper aka BO of ABCU8

>>11155111 Never ending /comms/ bullshit

>>11139770, >>11139860, >>11139977, >>11140189, >>11140317, >>11140411 Talk about Patterns...

>>11147094 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>11159856 New O'Keefe

>>11159931 PANIC

>>11159885 Eric Trump Retweeted - For whom are you voting

>>11159868 Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court - Bab B

>>11159798 There was mention of Fauci's ARM in POTUS tweet earlier (which was pleasantly savage!)

>>11159605 Can we get Delaware eyes on?

>>11159562 Today’s FBI Announcement on Russia Hacking Proves the FBI Is Trying to Influence the 2020 Election

>>11159541 Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’

>>11159519 Everyone knows what to do.

>>11159518 Streisand Effect: Twitter Ban On Biden Laptop Scandal Nearly Doubled Visibility According To MIT

>>11159512 There has never been a time in either of my two Campaigns when I felt we had a stronger chance of winning than we do right now.

>>11159493 A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote

>>11159425 Today just keeps getting better!

>>11159343 Senate Judiciary Committee to Call Twitter, Facebook Over Censorship of New York Post Articles

>>11159200 POTUS in Live Tuscon AZ

>>11159206 Social Media camo trick for posting banned stories

>>11159208 AF1 on Final Approach

>>11159220, >>11159358 Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will break up the DC Cartel in his second term and move agencies out to the different areas of the United States.

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fa7312  No.11159944


This seems at the very least a little artificial and bi

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e30163  No.11159945




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7c06a2  No.11159947

File: 9f8cc0a40398fb0⋯.jpg (76.11 KB, 640x830, 64:83, aheadoftheQurve_1_.jpg)


dude. it was slick a joke..

i obviously wouldn't be able to read and respond to anons post if i truly had anon filtered…

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efe88f  No.11159951

USA chant

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70810f  No.11159952

File: fbca1330e5625c4⋯.jpg (59.73 KB, 812x457, 812:457, Ekumc4yX0AAUG6d.jpg)

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e30163  No.11159953










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385b89  No.11159954


you and your rhetorical questions anon…

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ee4128  No.11159956

File: 3bc91d3130e65f1⋯.jpg (242.82 KB, 1079x824, 1079:824, Screenshot_20201019_191819….jpg)

Goddamn right, bitches. Hope you are all ready.

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3bc9ca  No.11159957

Theoretically, if HRC was arrested on 10.30, would that backfire on us and increase liberal turnout because "muh Trump is a dictator?"

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d4ce6a  No.11159958

File: b378131220fd2a7⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, b378131220fd2a7c13b4a007c2….png)



By saying "movie" & "actors" does not mean it's literal. [They] are so damn good at faking it, it seems like we are watching a movie, it seems like [they] are actors.


are fake & gehy & damn good at it.

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57a91b  No.11159959

Tuscon crowd chants "Superman"

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838629  No.11159960

Lol, POTUS crowd surfing!

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e30163  No.11159961






















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02614b  No.11159963


Richard Quest is another CNN expert.

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7a3c53  No.11159966

File: 5528d7e8a1aa24f⋯.png (491.66 KB, 498x427, 498:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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bed539  No.11159967

File: 2c2c9e462870cff⋯.png (515.04 KB, 714x456, 119:76, c4d0240767ed05feb7d1c14023….png)

File: 2a39ab9ce9f47a7⋯.png (587.33 KB, 800x460, 40:23, 27d8cc735b5277ffe2d2ecf8a3….png)

File: 57035d8b7531a0b⋯.png (598.78 KB, 828x449, 828:449, b69b1f52d0d0009af025485642….png)

File: ac0fd98c28140a1⋯.png (681.13 KB, 847x500, 847:500, eabf67158ecfa84f6343b08982….png)

File: 3cb063b1d39d230⋯.png (771.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 15bccfe93738b32342e900e04b….png)

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18257f  No.11159968


Loved that meme that shit

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7ef694  No.11159969


>>11159856 New O'Keefe

>>11159931 PANIC

>>11159885 Eric Trump Retweeted - For whom are you voting

>>11159868 Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court - Bab B

>>11159798 There was mention of Fauci's ARM in POTUS tweet earlier (which was pleasantly savage!)

>>11159605 Can we get Delaware eyes on?

>>11159562 Today’s FBI Announcement on Russia Hacking Proves the FBI Is Trying to Influence the 2020 Election

>>11159541 Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’

>>11159519 Everyone knows what to do.

>>11159518 Streisand Effect: Twitter Ban On Biden Laptop Scandal Nearly Doubled Visibility According To MIT

>>11159512 There has never been a time in either of my two Campaigns when I felt we had a stronger chance of winning than we do right now.

>>11159493 A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote

>>11159425 Today just keeps getting better!

>>11159343 Senate Judiciary Committee to Call Twitter, Facebook Over Censorship of New York Post Articles

>>11159200 POTUS in Live Tuscon AZ

>>11159206 Social Media camo trick for posting banned stories

>>11159208 AF1 on Final Approach

>>11159220, >>11159358 Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will break up the DC Cartel in his second term and move agencies out to the different areas of the United States.

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f8281b  No.11159970


Toobin, you're a real weiner.

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e30163  No.11159972










go on filter me it's end of bread

don't give a fuck

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36c7ff  No.11159973


Hello faggot.

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2a59fd  No.11159974

File: b97c51e3422b2ea⋯.jpeg (155.42 KB, 828x619, 828:619, 8F7B565E_C9A9_4D62_844B_F….jpeg)

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faed05  No.11159975



That hill country like the Llano area?

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9d7512  No.11159977

File: 02a774709eb60d9⋯.jpeg (328.53 KB, 828x464, 207:116, F4F99342_70AE_4796_984F_6….jpeg)

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e30163  No.11159978










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141451  No.11159979


Anons remember the "Earthquake" off the Carolinas/Georgia on Hussein's watch? Twernt no EQ. Seismic readings are proof of surface v. geologic event.

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19b5ee  No.11159980

File: 4dd13fba759547c⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 800x420, 40:21, aleksandr_solzhenitsyn_quo….jpg)

I don't really go to church and you guys are probably the best friends I have so this seems like a decent place for a bit of confession. I just wanted to say to you and the world in general that Im sorry for being so mean on the internet. I don't really deal well with stupid people and the events of the past few years have rivaled even the best of roller coasters.

I will try to be more patient though it seems to be easier now that more people are waking up. I am grateful to be alive during such an incredible time and am truly honored to serve in your company.

Where we go one, we go all

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5121c2  No.11159982


Not if there is absolutely irrefutable evidence that she's a treasonous witch. Remember, "We have it all"

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e30163  No.11159984





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93b853  No.11159987


looks like a woman's shadow?

nice anon I never noticed.

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df3b66  No.11159988

File: a727abd37b80098⋯.jpeg (65.37 KB, 960x644, 240:161, C3C2898D_F851_4DBF_B023_0….jpeg)

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3b8b9a  No.11159989

File: 0a7808e8f5959ec⋯.png (2.9 MB, 3021x1523, 3021:1523, MFDC6654.png)


Nice Farm deer Anon

40 miles N of the GOM

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385b89  No.11159990


dude - stop that shit!

maken me wanna go break the law!!

I just cut a new firing lane

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92548e  No.11159992

File: ec8c43cd8511b19⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 605x405, 121:81, Saucememe.jpg)


Sauce it or GtFO

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16b9f2  No.11159993

File: 598ec9e6a2db88a⋯.png (501.84 KB, 1476x1246, 738:623, Screen_Shot_2020_10_19_at_….png)


Breakdown of Biden's illegal dealings with China. It's ALL LAID OUT.

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e30163  No.11159995













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277d6c  No.11159997

File: e52ea428a69408c⋯.jpg (149.8 KB, 432x399, 144:133, e52ea428a69408ccbdc8164eef….jpg)

I see Arizonans feel the same way about their governor as Texans feel about Abbot.

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f8281b  No.11159999


Toobin and Weiner[s activities are nothing unusual for radical left wing socialist Dems.

Watch Biden around young girls.

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e30163  No.11160002



















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02936e  No.11160003

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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77a898  No.11160006

Here is one

In 1872, incumbent Ulysses S. Grant had an easy run for a second term — because his opponent died before the final votes were cast.


Grant had the election in the bag even before his opponent, Horace Greeley, died, however. The incumbent won 286 electoral votes compared with Greeley's 66 after election day. But on Nov. 29, 1872, before the Electoral College votes were in, Greeley died and his electoral votes were split among other candidates. Greeley remains the only presidential candidate to die before the election was finalized.

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1c502d  No.11160008

File: e68cc6f95e7e888⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 405x371, 405:371, TimeWarp_Pepe.jpg)

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c97d91  No.11160010

Correct!!! >>11159997

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6d097f  No.11160011


Quest is an even bigger weirdo than Toobin.

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f8281b  No.11160014


"Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’"

UPDATE: His weiner refuted the claim.

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9336d4  No.11160015


kek filterfags so hardcore it's hard to tell parody from reality

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c5d181  No.11160016


So Biden is the first arrest?

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7c06a2  No.11160017

File: 409cf98f1843394⋯.gif (21.72 KB, 128x128, 1:1, AKpepe.gif)


cap'n obvious get your hands off our digits!

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d4ce6a  No.11160019


Always thought it was Harris taking pics of him.

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7ef694  No.11160020



Q Research General #14269: PANIC Edition




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e30163  No.11160024





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000000  No.11160025


Similar but looks like a different location to me.

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c99d95  No.11160026



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f8281b  No.11160028


Just your average perverted deviant Democrat. The party that celebrates every form of perversion, deviancy and infanticide-with NO standards. This perv will probably go to work for Biden or the DNC. Pervs in the Democrat party are accepted as normal-just ask Bill Clinton, Jeffery Epstein or Harvey Weinstein???

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02614b  No.11160030


Elliot Spitzer is an interesting fellow.

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a88316  No.11160032

File: 4916ed886c8ff25⋯.png (61.6 KB, 1511x835, 1511:835, ClipboardImage.png)



its only a 2ft wave. lots of aftershocks


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3ba5ca  No.11160033


Hmmm….wonder who did us all a favor? kek

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a8b3cf  No.11160034

File: c0f26b65922720f⋯.png (678.34 KB, 701x461, 701:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cde00  No.11160036


God Wins.

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