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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

6a9a42 No.175 [Last50 Posts]

18OCT20 to 19OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

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6a9a42 No.123834

File: 88b496578a883cc⋯.jpg (24.86 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131155 (180530ZOCT20) Notable: #14235

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Q Drop

>>123830 ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" ( CAP: >>>/qresearch/11131055 )

>>123821 ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

>>123810 ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.



>>123806 - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

>>123807 - Home Improvement star Zachery Ty Bryan, 39, is arrested

>>123808 - Hunter Biden Grabbin' Lunch

>>123809 - Joe Biden Supporters Waving ANTIFA Flag

>>123811 - Trump imply Queen Elizabeth opposed Jerusalem embassy mov

>>123812 - SNL mentions QAnon

>>123813 - Tony Blair breached COVID-19 restriction

>>123814 - Savannah Guthrie

>>123815 - National Security Threat

>>123816 , >>123826 - Dark secretes 1996 movie

>>123817 - Manila asserts 'economic rights' in lifting South China Sea ban.

>>123818 - We out here Panefaggin'

>>123819 - Blackburn discusses Big Tech on Fox and Friends 10.17.20

>>123820 - Pic attached IS screencap of Qdrop website's 5-page pdf

>>123822 - GEOTUS TWEET



>>123825 - Follow the wives

>>123827 - Image of Guiliani and Li-Meng

>>123828 - World Doctors Alliance claim that the pandemic is false

>>123829 - Biden’s son Hunter is awfully close to the CIA

>>>/qresearch/11131100 - BIDEN'S WEB

The bread is to fast to tell Q how much I love him..

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6a9a42 No.123835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131252 (180536ZOCT20) Notable: - - How do you reach people whose beliefs come from pure fantasy?

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again so more funny

so many are soooooo asleep:

Joe Wilson

7 minutes ago

Those interviews with his supporters are scary. I think if you stick a microphone in front of MOST people who weren't prepared for it the people may not sound the best, but there really does seem like there are extra levels going on there that are frightening.

The disbelief in reality and the complete disregard for proof are what are most alarming.

How do you reach people whose beliefs come from pure fantasy?












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6a9a42 No.123836

File: d098c0c08fa3cf4⋯.png (29.35 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131255 (180536ZOCT20) Notable: - Google could be forced to sell Chrome if the Justice Department gets its way

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Google could be forced to sell Chrome if the Justice Department gets its way

Google has been in hot water with government authorities time and time again, most recently when it comes to its acquisition of Fitbit in the EU. Now it looks like Google might have more tough times ahead in its home territory as the US Justice Department is reportedly considering forcing Google to sell the Chrome browser along with parts of its advertising business.


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6a9a42 No.123837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131279 (180538ZOCT20) Notable: - - How do you reach people whose beliefs come from pure fantasy?

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the comments are a great insight in real time what people are thinking

499,786 views•Oct 16, 2020 right now

397,631 views•Oct 16, 2020 a few hours ago

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6a9a42 No.123838

File: ba73e04d8121d79⋯.png (453.88 KB,606x341,606:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131280 (180538ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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Well… it has occurred to many anons that Joseph B killed his children (car accident / brain cancer). So many tragedies. Being son of Joseph was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it? I would.

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6a9a42 No.123839

File: 518d2a5e76c154e⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,2320x3088,145:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131288 (180538ZOCT20) Notable: - SAUCE for ORIGINAL HUNTER PIC

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6a9a42 No.123840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131293 (180539ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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His wife and daughter certainly died at a convenient time, considering he was having an affair with Jill.

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6a9a42 No.123841

File: 521db25e176c0a3⋯.png (190.48 KB,998x1012,499:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131297 (180539ZOCT20) Notable: - National Security Threat brings down the National Security Strategy.

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>>123830 (pb)

National Security Threat brings down the National Security Strategy.

Right on top of 'em.

Go Q!


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6a9a42 No.123842

File: 0482999aa011ab2⋯.gif (1.6 MB,300x169,300:169,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131318 (180540ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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Go ahead Hunter, it's go time ;-)

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6a9a42 No.123843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131323 (180540ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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Straight-up. Do you buy the "brain cancer" story with Wetstart McNoName?


Do you buy it with Beau? I'm honestly beginning to suspect that Joe would gladly sacrifice his kids.

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6a9a42 No.123844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131336 (180541ZOCT20) Notable: - - How do you reach people whose beliefs come from pure fantasy?

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just in the last few minutes broke 500K

Q and Trump topics are really good for CNN business

500,967 views•Oct 16, 2020

501,944 views•Oct 16, 2020

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6a9a42 No.123845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131351 (180542ZOCT20) Notable: - Anon Theory

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maybe Q posted Hunters watch to prove to Joe they have him.

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6a9a42 No.123846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131352 (180542ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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or beau flipped a long time ago and so did hunter

ask Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan

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6a9a42 No.123847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131355 (180543ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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If he had access at Water Island, I'm assuming hardcore Satanist. I'm assuming the type of Satanist that believes he has powerful elite bloodline and performed Satanic Ritual Abuse on his kids (Hunter was cohorting with monarch heads of state ww). It was part of his religion after all.

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6a9a42 No.123848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131363 (180544ZOCT20) Notable: - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

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>>>/qresearch/11131100 PB

Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden: America's convulsed over pictures of the former vice president's son. But as GUY ADAMS uncovers his links to a suspect regime (and the Duke of York) just how much damage can he cause?


PUBLISHED: 17:16 EDT, 16 October 2020 | UPDATED: 08:27 EDT, 17 October 2020

Hunter Biden is a 50-year-old American lawyer whose elderly father Joe hopes in just over a fortnight to unseat Donald Trump at the U.S. Presidential election. He's also a twice-married father of five kids (one via a fleeting affair with a former stripper) who has struggled with cocaine and alcohol addiction for most of his adult life and in 2014, when his dad was Barack Obama's Vice President, managed to get booted out of the U.S. Naval Reserve for failing a drug test.

This week saw a vintage 'October surprise' when the New York Post obtained footage of Hunter variously: lying in bed smoking a crack pipe; reclining in the bath with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth; and starring in a 12-minute mobile phone video that, in the newspaper's words, saw him hoofing class A narcotics 'while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman'.

Most sensationally — if you believe the Trump camp, that is — it also published leaked emails that appear to implicate Joe in long-standing controversy over his son's rackety business career. To understand why, you must first know that Biden Jr has for years been criticized for his lucrative but ethically questionable work overseas, which has often created apparent conflicts of interest with Joe's official roles.

For example, in 2014, when Joe, as Vice President, was helping to implement U.S. policy in Ukraine, Hunter took a highly-paid job with a Ukranian energy company called Burisma (of which more later).

Around the same time, he built murky and contentious connections with Russia, helping his investment advisory firm Rosemont Seneca receive some $3.5m from the billionaire widow of former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhov (best known on these shores for once donating £138,000 to Sadiq Khan's Mayor's Fund for London).

Then there was a somewhat dubious episode in China, where Hunter arranged for an entrepreneur called Jonathan Li, with whom he was setting up an investment fund, to hold a meeting (and enjoy a very public handshake) with Joe in a Beijing hotel lobby during an official visit.

Such ventures, in regions of the world hardly known for their probity, have always smelled distinctly whiffy. So what, then, ought we to make of the revelation that, when his father was Vice President, Biden Jr was doing business in a fourth cash-soaked but highly corrupt country?

Namely: Kazakhstan.

The Mail can reveal that between 2012 and 2014, Hunter worked as a sort of go-between for Kenes Rakishev, a self-styled 'international businessman, investor and entrepreneur' with close family connections to the kleptocratic regime of his homeland's despotic former president Nursultan Nazarbayev.

(Nazarbayev is a name readers may be familiar with: he's the dictator famed for taking Prince Andrew on occasional goose hunts.)

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6a9a42 No.123849

File: d7d0ecb62ae1f6b⋯.jpg (148.54 KB,728x546,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131377 (180545ZOCT20) Notable: - Excerpts from Jewish Talmud (Jew Law)

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==Excerpts from Jewish Talmud (Jew Law)

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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6a9a42 No.123850

File: fec99f825a3d78b⋯.jpeg (156.98 KB,960x823,960:823,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131388 (180545ZOCT20) Notable: - Clinton body bag list (meme)

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Don’t think so…

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6a9a42 No.123851

File: 5c4435f96c1ad94⋯.png (354.14 KB,524x522,262:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131402 (180546ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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>ritual was definitely involved

The first wife then too?



Could be a face lift, but…that nose is too weird on the right.




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6a9a42 No.123852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131414 (180547ZOCT20) Notable: - POTUS was asking Joe- Where's Hunter?

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POTUS was asking Joe- Where's Hunter?


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6a9a42 No.123853

File: 0600a32b79ca4b9⋯.png (562.72 KB,791x1000,791:1000,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131425 (180547ZOCT20) Notable: - Jannies are deleting all threads related to Oregon/Washington online voting

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Bros…its true. Jannies are deleting all threads related to Oregon/Washington online voting. They are finding dozens of dead people voting by simply putting in name and DOB from the obituaries…un fuggen real!

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6a9a42 No.123854

File: 5975080a751e83c⋯.png (27.73 KB,533x260,41:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131463 (180550ZOCT20) Notable: - It’s 2020, and the most professiona

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It’s 2020, and the most professional,

Non-biased source of news is @adamhousley

A former baseball player turned journalist turned winery owner is not the hero we want, but the hero we need.


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6a9a42 No.123855

File: df17d25809c77c9⋯.png (571.5 KB,510x680,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 92b2aed0c3ae3b0⋯.png (1.05 MB,746x1261,746:1261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131472 (180551ZOCT20) Notable: - it was the CCP who took the pics and provided the underage girls

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>>123810 (Q lb)

>Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?

According to Chinese dissident Guo Wengui, it was the CCP who took the pics and provided the underage girls. See 3:38 in his video from 9/29/20, 2 weeks before everything came out:


Guo Wengui is the Chinese man in the pic with Guiliani (with Bannon in the background and the Chinese virologist whistleblower)

(reposting from last bread with more info)

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6a9a42 No.123856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131484 (180552ZOCT20) Notable: - Former Deputy Director of The China Center Jeff Prescott ’97 Named to Top Post on Vice President Biden’s National Security Staff

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Former Deputy Director of The China Center Jeff Prescott ’97 Named to Top Post on Vice President Biden’s National Security Staff



he former Deputy Director of The China Center at Yale Law School Jeff Prescott ’97 has been chosen as Vice President Joe Biden’s new Deputy National Security Advisor.

Prescott, who had been serving as a special advisor for Asian Affairs at the Office of the Vice President, first joined Biden’s team in 2010 as a White House Fellow. Prescott accompanied Biden on his 2011 trip to Japan, Mongolia, and China and advised him on his visits with then-Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping. As the Deputy National Security Advisor, Prescott will hold the number two position on the Vice President's national security staff. Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan ’03, is also a Yale Law School alumnus.

“This is a tremendous development for Jeff, and great news for United States foreign policy,” said Paul Gewirtz ’70, Potter Stewart Professor of Constitutional Law and Director of the China Center at Yale Law School. “And of course we’re proud that Yale Law School’s China Center was where Jeff started his work related to China in 2002 and his professional home for eight years. He’s one of the most talented people of his generation that I know, and an exceptionally decent human being. It’s no surprise that the United States government has recognized this, but it’s also very reassuring that someone with his qualities will be making ever-larger contributions to shaping the opportunities and challenges that face the United States around the world, especially in Asia.”

After graduating from Yale Law School, Prescott went on to found the China Center’s Beijing office, leading it from 2002 until 2007. During that time, he was also a visiting scholar at Peking University Law School and taught human rights as a visiting professor at Fudan University in Shanghai. He speaks and writes on a wide range of topics related to Chinese policy and U.S.-China relations and is fluent in Mandarin.

The China Center, established in 1999, is a unique institution dedicated to helping promote China’s legal reforms and advance U.S.-China relations.

- - -

Jeffrey Prescott, Yale, China

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6a9a42 No.123857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131488 (180553ZOCT20) Notable: - LIVE: DHS Agents from the Portland ICE Building are in the street confronting black lives matter terrorists

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LIVE: DHS Agents from the Portland ICE Building are in the street confronting black lives matter terrorists.

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6a9a42 No.123858

File: 35e57aa03ff39be⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,319x427,319:427,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fab3fcfc5a9146c⋯.jpg (104.43 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131498 (180554ZOCT20) Notable: - , Jackie Speier

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hows Jackie Speier these days?




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6a9a42 No.123859

File: 6efc5d10368f188⋯.jpeg (351.34 KB,828x958,414:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131500 (180554ZOCT20) Notable: - OAN behind the scenes Hunter Biden hard drive

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“Druggie Hunter”

Not pedo Hunter.

Are we thinking maybe, just maybe the “underage obsessions” or not in direct reference to Hunter… and maybe others?

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6a9a42 No.123860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131505 (180554ZOCT20) Notable: - , Jackie Speier

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CNN - Kasich Saying John McCain Was Put to Death

100,828 views•Sep 6, 2018


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6a9a42 No.123861

File: 02198bb3654eded⋯.png (224.4 KB,298x358,149:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131524 (180556ZOCT20) Notable: - , Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?

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If Hunter dropped off three laptops to that repair shop, 3 laptops = 3 hard drives, maybe they weren't all three his…… Daddy missing laptops? What pictures and videos is on Daddy's laptops?

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6a9a42 No.123862

File: ba72ecb00a61525⋯.jpeg (596.59 KB,1521x1900,1521:1900,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131552 (180558ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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thx for the help anons… watch comparison hi-res

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6a9a42 No.123863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131585 (180601ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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i called it

a few breads back

daddy issues hunter

has flipped long time ago

is taking down old pop

got caught a long time ago re: maoney laundering and trafficking

flipped freed singing a long time back

and here we are???


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147443190 📁

Oct 31 2017 23:29:28 (EST)

Why do D’s want to control the black pop?

Why do they intentionally keep poor and in need?

Why do D’s project racism on a daily basis against R’s?

Why do black elected officials do the crazy talk on behalf of D’s?

How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black re: legislation?

What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?

Why do D’s, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and install Hollywood/media assets?

Does this fall within Operation Mockingbird?

What were the historical advantages D’s gained by having MSM and famous people peddling narrative?

Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?

You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.

The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled.

False local and national black leaders will be exposed next as shills for the D party.

Follow the money.

Maxine W has a $4mm home and cash assets in excess of $6mm.

How is that possible? One example.

All of these questions help to paint the full picture.

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6a9a42 No.123864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131587 (180601ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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The 5min marks are lighter on Hunter's watch. And the minute marks in between are darker. Does that watch in a white/black reversed version?

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6a9a42 No.123865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131600 (180602ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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I am having a hard time finding a detail that doesnt match, anons

what do you think?

the band is a match

the buttons and dials are a match

the general shape/ curves/ radius's are a match

the band attachment point is a match

the visible pieces of the face are a match

interdasting indeed

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6a9a42 No.123866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131602 (180602ZOCT20) Notable: - , In an interview with Amy Robach, Hunter did reference Alice in Wonderland, specifically the Cheshire Cat if I remember correctly. Maybe it was meant as a hint that he had flipped.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In his interview with Amy Robach Hunter did reference Alice in Wonderland, specifically the Cheshire Cat if I remember correctly. Maybe it was meant as a hint that he had flipped. That was, if I am not mistaken shortly (maybe 2 weeks to a month) after he allegedly dropped of his computer.

The computer was abandoned in September 2019, and the interview happened in 2019. He also did incriminate himself in a way by admitting that he profited from his Dad's position. I wondered back then why he would do that.

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6a9a42 No.123867

File: 4155cfc39bd573d⋯.jpeg (185.14 KB,1160x746,580:373,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131618 (180604ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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forgot pic.

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6a9a42 No.123868

File: 4f096331e584609⋯.png (773.43 KB,1802x898,901:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131627 (180605ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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Interesting find, but the creasing on the leather band is different.

Very popular watch brand, lot's of them available in that style.


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6a9a42 No.123869

File: 4ec64080a889324⋯.jpg (281.28 KB,654x436,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131636 (180606ZOCT20) Notable: - Biden, granddaughter Finnegan Biden, Dylan Locke, U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke, Mona Locke, and Hunter Biden sample tea during a traditional tea tasting ceremony, at Liu Xian Guan Teahouse in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, China

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Vice President Joe Biden, granddaughter Finnegan Biden, Dylan Locke, U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke, Mona Locke, and Hunter Biden sample tea during a traditional tea tasting ceremony, at Liu Xian Guan Teahouse in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, China, December 5, 2013. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann)


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6a9a42 No.123870

File: 56390fdd7ebd742⋯.png (818.57 KB,1003x755,1003:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131648 (180607ZOCT20) Notable: - Graphic: Transcript "Evil" by @jonvoight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Graphic: Transcript "Evil" by @jonvoight


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6a9a42 No.123871

File: b311693394d8eec⋯.png (804.75 KB,1098x296,549:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131651 (180607ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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Actually, yeah. Check out where the band arms connect to the body of the watch. The angles are more sever on hunters. Damn close, though. Like no coincidence level of close.. Is it possible that they're the same designer? just different series/renditions/iterations? I remember anon saying that it was a $6k+ watch a few days ago.

>outlined the angle of connection on the watches.

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6a9a42 No.123872

File: 5cee4966278f79a⋯.png (4.18 MB,3840x1980,64:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131653 (180607ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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Different watch band. Extremely common and popular high end watch style.

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6a9a42 No.123873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131684 (180610ZOCT20) Notable: - , HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

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>outlined the angle of connection on the watches.

I noticed that too anon

one watch appears curved where the band attaches (q watch)

the other (hunters) looks like its dead flat across where the band attaches

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6a9a42 No.123874

File: 4d1bbf016c657b9⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,2203x1247,2203:1247,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131717 (180614ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter Biden confirmed kiketastic bracelet

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confirmed kiketastic bracelet

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6a9a42 No.123875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131718 (180614ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter Biden speaks out Amy Robach Oct 15, 2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hunter Biden speaks out Amy Robach

Oct 15, 2019


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6a9a42 No.123876

File: 4ed755442cec6ec⋯.png (211.06 KB,500x1044,125:261,Clipboard.png)

File: 3131750936f6b4e⋯.jpg (32.46 KB,474x379,474:379,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a663f8bcb98ec86⋯.jpg (15.1 KB,474x237,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131814 (180623ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter Biden confirmed kiketastic bracelet

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the watch and bracelt together is some funny shit to get us remebering topics


and watches

hunter hates these guys so bad he ruined his life with crack

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6a9a42 No.123877

File: e7ab9d204be6fe4⋯.jpeg (333.26 KB,497x966,71:138,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131866 (180629ZOCT20) Notable: - Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label Qanon Group a 'Terrorist Threat'

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thank you for your service baker

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6a9a42 No.123878

File: 75062d035d8b40f⋯.png (25.58 KB,780x696,65:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131877 (180630ZOCT20) Notable: - Kazakhstan worlds largest Uranium exporter

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Kazakhstan worlds largest Uranium exporter


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6a9a42 No.123879

File: e3823042ef56335⋯.jpg (40.35 KB,640x527,640:527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131933 (180635ZOCT20) Notable: #14236

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>>123835 - >>123837, >>123844 - How do you reach people whose beliefs come from pure fantasy?

>>123836 - Google could be forced to sell Chrome if the Justice Department gets its way

>>123838 - >>123840, >>123843, >>123846, >>123847, >>123842, >>123851, >>123861, Being son of Joseph Biden was certainly a risky business. If there was a way "out," who would take it?


>>123841 - National Security Threat brings down the National Security Strategy.

>>123845 - Anon Theory

>>123848 - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

>>123849 - Excerpts from Jewish Talmud (Jew Law)

>>123850 - Clinton body bag list (meme)

>>123852 - POTUS was asking Joe- Where's Hunter?

>>123853 - Jannies are deleting all threads related to Oregon/Washington online voting

>>123854 - It’s 2020, and the most professiona

>>123855 - it was the CCP who took the pics and provided the underage girls

>>123856 - Former Deputy Director of The China Center Jeff Prescott ’97 Named to Top Post on Vice President Biden’s National Security Staff

>>123857 - LIVE: DHS Agents from the Portland ICE Building are in the street confronting black lives matter terrorists

>>123858 - >>123860, Jackie Speier

>>123859 - OAN behind the scenes Hunter Biden hard drive

>>123862 - >>123868, >>123865, >>123863, >>123871, >>123864, >>123867, >>123871, >>123873, >>123872, HUNTER BIDEN watch comparison hi-res

>>123866 - >>123875, In an interview with Amy Robach, Hunter did reference Alice in Wonderland, specifically the Cheshire Cat if I remember correctly. Maybe it was meant as a hint that he had flipped.

>>123869 - Biden, granddaughter Finnegan Biden, Dylan Locke, U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke, Mona Locke, and Hunter Biden sample tea during a traditional tea tasting ceremony, at Liu Xian Guan Teahouse in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, China

>>123870 - Graphic: Transcript "Evil" by @jonvoight

>>123874 , >>123876 - Hunter Biden confirmed kiketastic bracelet

>>123875 - Hunter Biden speaks out Amy Robach Oct 15, 2019

>>123877 - Despite Reports, FBI Does Not Label Qanon Group a 'Terrorist Threat'

>>123878 - Kazakhstan worlds largest Uranium exporter

It's almost time, anon. I can't believe how far we've come.. Holy shit, it's been so fucking crazy.. Anon, how the fuck are you hanging on?

You fucking Legend.

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6a9a42 No.123880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132042 (180647ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter gets choked up and when asked about responding to Trump

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Hunter gets choked up and when asked about responding to Trump he says “Im not gonna say anything snarky …. i was raised to respect that office…i’m really proud to be American”

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6a9a42 No.123881

File: 25c579eb47e8cc6⋯.png (540.28 KB,1026x1543,1026:1543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132069 (180651ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter Biden HATES his evil father. Anon speculates.

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>>>/qresearch/11132054 5:5

>reposting anons post

Hunter Biden HATES his evil father.

Hunter Biden was being prostituted by his Joe to bring large sums of cash into the family.

His life was corrupted & destroyed by the crime family corruption.

Hunter cut a deal.

“Where’s Hunter?”

That question wasn’t for us - that was for Joe.

Hunter turned in his computer/evidence because he was breaking free from the blackmail. The one thing he could control.


No denial of contents

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6a9a42 No.123882

File: 18878c5060696ed⋯.png (501.19 KB,649x613,649:613,Clipboard.png)

File: d2d16a5db38e33e⋯.png (1.08 MB,941x626,941:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132072 (180651ZOCT20) Notable: Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

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>>globe in the background - fucking odd

Does this look like the right orientation for the glode, Anons? Can't tell.

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6a9a42 No.123883

File: 176bfacb18a33ba⋯.jpeg (28.16 KB,509x763,509:763,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132073 (180651ZOCT20) Notable: - BIDEN'S WEB

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Hunter Biden ‘worked as go-between’ for Kazakh oligarch with links to Prince Andrew who called ex-VP’s son ‘my brother’

HUNTER Biden worked as go-between for a Kazakh oligarch with links to Prince Andrew - who called the ex-VP's son '"my brother", it was claimed today.

The second son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden reportedly worked for international businessman Kenes Rakishev.

The Kazakh investor and entrepreneur has close family connections to former president Nursultan Nazarbayev - a dictator accused of human rights abuses.

Nazarbayev is the father-in-law of Timur Kulibayev - an oligarch it was once claimed Prince Andrew sold his £15million former home for £3m over asking price.

And the Daily Mail today claimed Biden Jr held extensive meetings with Rakishev.

It was reported that the meetings were organised to discuss the oligarch's hopes to invest cash in New York and Washington DC.

It was claimed the 50-year-old Biden Jr even travelled to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, to discuss opportunities.

In one apparently leaked email, Biden Jr said: "'I wanted to check in with you and see what our next steps are to follow up on our visit to Kazakhstan."

During their working relationship, it was claimed the pair would exchange messages with Rakishev writing texts to Biden Jr calling him "my brother from another mother".

The paper, who said emails had been passed to them via anti-corruption campaigners from the Central Asian country, also said Biden Jr had tried to get Rakishev to buy into a mining company in Nevada.

The oligarch finally invested $1million with Alexandra Forbes Kerry.

Rakishev was named in 2012 as one of the top 15 "most influential" tycoons in Kazakhstan.

Brittany Vonow

17 Oct 2020, 13:28Updated: 17 Oct 2020, 15:57


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6a9a42 No.123884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132117 (180656ZOCT20) Notable: - Did both Biden's flip? Anon theory

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Hunter and Joe have both flipped and cut deals.

Hunter left laptop for open souece.

Where's Hunter? In custody.

Trump has told us that Joe is not the same man. Why? Because he's flipped..cut a deal.

Also Trump is giving Joe somewhat of an out by implying to the world that Joe's mind is gone. He can't stand trial with his mind gone.

They have both flipped.

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6a9a42 No.123885

File: dcc5a2494f4568a⋯.png (1.26 MB,920x817,920:817,Clipboard.png)

File: c86cfd783aa535f⋯.png (241.95 KB,322x310,161:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132119 (180656ZOCT20) Notable: Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

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I GOT IT. IT'S DIRECTING OUR ATTENTION TO THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. They're right in the middle in this orientation.

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6a9a42 No.123886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132137 (180658ZOCT20) Notable: Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

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>They're right in the middle in this orientation.

…yes it is, isn't it?

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6a9a42 No.123887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132155 (180659ZOCT20) Notable: Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

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interdasting connection anon

how long have these islands been supplying the worlds elites with virgins?

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6a9a42 No.123888

File: 1e99ea43a66f0e3⋯.png (369.34 KB,848x663,848:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132162 (180700ZOCT20) Notable: Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

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Yep. Virgin Islands right in the middle there. Kek

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6a9a42 No.123889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132184 (180702ZOCT20) Notable: - There are 3 hard drives

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There are 3 hard drives

Guo Wengui is a Chinese dissident who did a video on 9/29/20. He said there are 3 hard drives and that it would all be in the news soon in the U.S.:

1) Hunter Biden HD containing all his corruption and sex with a minor.

2) Evidence of dirty deals with corrupt US politicians and business leaders.

3) The plan for the bioweapon

He said the second drive was sent to Nancy Pelosi by the CCP to let her know what they had on her. They are blackmailing her and told her she has to do anything to win. They want to be in control of all U.S. politicians, the president, and all future presidents.

Wengui is the guy who was in the picture with Guiliani where Bannon and the Chinese virologist whistleblower was in the background:


The video has been translated with subtitles. It's a bit slow but worth watching. Again, this video was from 9/29, two weeks before this all broke:

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6a9a42 No.123890

File: 4b1447926c9a477⋯.jpeg (54.64 KB,650x340,65:34,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132297 (180716ZOCT20) Notable: - Investigators Reveal Hunter Biden Used His Dead Brother's Identity to Hide His Whereabouts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Investigators Reveal Hunter Biden Used His Dead Brother's Identity to Hide His Whereabouts

…Things took an interesting turn on Monday when newly-filed court documents revealed Hunter Biden used his older brother, Beau Biden's, death to hide the fact that he checked into a rehab center in Arizona. He used the names Joseph R. Beau Biden III and Joseph McGee as his aliases, the Washington Examiner reported. The discovery was made when police found suspicious items inside a Hertz rental car on Oct. 28, 2018.

Stolen identities were used to check defendant Robert Hunter Biden into an Arizona facility and providing false statements to the Prescott Police Department,” the document states. “These stolen identities include his deceased brother Joseph R. Beau Biden III, and Joseph McGee.” “A bag containing the suspicious items, a cellular telephone (Apple) belonging to Shauna Stanglr, who is also known as Puma St. Angel, and a Delaware Attorney General badge belonging to Hunter Biden's deceased brother Joseph R. Beau Biden III were provided to the police officer," the court papers state.

The papers identify Puma St. Angel as the co-founder of Grace Grove at Rejuvenation & Performance Institute in Sedona, Ariz., a self-described "lifestyle center" staffed with on-site therapists and coaches. It is not clear from the documents if this is the facility that Hunter Biden attended.


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6a9a42 No.123891

File: 159ad42cb76a852⋯.png (577.68 KB,533x663,41:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 994f0595173ab25⋯.mp4 (807.22 KB,320x584,40:73,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132315 (180719ZOCT20) Notable: - #Winning

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6a9a42 No.123892

File: e4e3672a7d11f6a⋯.png (102.25 KB,818x512,409:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 60f472854752dd1⋯.png (115.84 KB,693x533,693:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 19e8b85faa068ff⋯.png (116.1 KB,745x594,745:594,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c23642aa8ece75⋯.png (55.74 KB,652x607,652:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132338 (180721ZOCT20) Notable: - One might ask why a patent for a device so revolutionary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>123700 (PB) past Notable

One might ask why a patent for a device so revolutionary, with real practical applications, would be openly available to our competitors and enemies.

So the other side of the story, think for yourself, anons, judge, objectively assess what might be true and what isn't true.


It's also at least worth considering that some breakthroughs in highly exotic propulsion might have been made and that the Navy is willing to invest big bucks into seeing them progress further. Maybe those advances happened many years ago and only now is the Pentagon willing to slowly disclose them. Or all this could be a case of wasteful, misguided, or even downright corrupt spending on ideas that have no real chance of paying off down the line.

The bottom line is that after months of investigation, reaching out directly to the Navy and all those involved, as well filing numerous FOIA requests that will take months or even years to process, there is still so much we don't know about the technological developments the Navy is pursuing or that it is at least acting like it's pursuing. The existence of these patents and the underlying documentation we've brought to light and examined has only made this case more puzzling, especially in contrast to experts we have talked to who claim there is no way these patents could describe actual working technologies.

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6a9a42 No.123893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132342 (180722ZOCT20) Notable: - 4Chan claim to have discovered a way that people’s ballots can be cancelled online in Oregon and Washington

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Users on the anonymous messageboard 4Chan claim to have discovered a way that people’s ballots can be cancelled online in Oregon and Washington — and all that you need is the person’s name and date of birth.

Their exploit allegedly worked to change registration for voters who are in the military, overseas or disabled. The claims rapidly went viral across social media late Saturday night, but may be misleading.

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6a9a42 No.123894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132351 (180722ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter's heterochromia is very rare in humans

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Hunter's heterochromia is very rare in humans

The word heterochromia literally translates to "different colors" in Greek. Heterochromia is very rare in humans but it's quite often seen in animals like cats, horses, and dogs. If you’re born with it, or it manifests soon after your birth, it’s called congenital heterochromia.


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6a9a42 No.123895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132353 (180723ZOCT20) Notable: - 4Chan claim to have discovered a way that people’s ballots can be cancelled online in Oregon and Washington

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



4chan discovered a major bug in Oregon's online voting system that allows anyone to change someones registration & vote.

If you know someones Name & Date of Birth, you can change their vote.

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6a9a42 No.123896

File: 3924b72728e0f84⋯.png (354.33 KB,535x551,535:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132383 (180726ZOCT20) Notable: - Croatian prime minister receives letter with ‘Novichok’ warning, reports say

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Croatian prime minister receives letter with ‘Novichok’ warning, reports say


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6a9a42 No.123897

File: 8f3ecf35501bf9d⋯.png (710.16 KB,749x643,749:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132386 (180726ZOCT20) Notable: - GEOTUS in Vegas.

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GEOTUS in Vegas.


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6a9a42 No.123898

File: 9e2f14ee5bc7dab⋯.png (367.2 KB,2762x1338,1381:669,Clipboard.png)

File: 03202023283358d⋯.jpeg (768.77 KB,2084x1450,1042:725,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f9e26bd4e72bcd9⋯.png (309.33 KB,2501x1332,2501:1332,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d387c54f69da12⋯.png (40.62 KB,1694x689,1694:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 9742a6669c2887d⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,2224x1294,1112:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132430 (180731ZOCT20) Notable: - Official Ballot Marion County, Oregon

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123899

File: e6d32d09c81cfc8⋯.jpeg (147.85 KB,971x647,971:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0ae1d59174ba36e⋯.jpeg (115.5 KB,600x3042,100:507,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 98b65fd18d373aa⋯.jpeg (296.12 KB,1003x1003,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132441 (180733ZOCT20) Notable: - Biden Inc.

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Biden Inc.

Over his decades in office, ‘Middle-Class Joe’s’ family fortunes have closely tracked his political career.

By BEN SCHRECKINGER August 02, 2019

The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.

In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.

After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”


During this time, Hunter Biden was busy making a living in his father’s wake.

In late 2013, Hunter traveled with his father to Beijing, where the vice president was set to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

While there, Hunter introduced one of his business partners, Jonathan Li of the Beijing-based private equity firm Bohai Capital, to his father, according to The New Yorker. Hunter and Archer had just concluded a large real estate deal with Bohai. In May of 2019, The Intercept reported that Hunter’s Chinese investment vehicle, Bohai Harvest RST, was invested in a firm that developed facial-recognition technology used in Chinese state-backed surveillance efforts.

In 2014, as Joe Biden led the administration’s response to the annexation of the Crimean peninsula in southern Ukraine, Hunter and Archer received appointments to the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma Holdings. Hunter’s monthly pay from Burisma was reportedly as high as $50,000 in some months.

Last June, Archer was convicted in federal court in New York for an unrelated fraud targeting a Native American tribe and pension funds. In November, a judge granted Archer a retrial.

A spokesman for Heinz, Chris Bastardi, said the ketchup fortune heir had nothing to do with Hunter’s foreign dealings. “Neither Mr. Heinz, nor any business in which he had an interest, was involved in Burisma or Bohai Harvest RST.”

Since his father left office, Hunter has cultivated a relationship with the Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming. Hunter told The New Yorker the pair had partnered on a natural gas venture in Louisiana and that Ye had once gifted him a large diamond.

Hunter also dealt with Ye’s deputy, Patrick Ho. In November 2017, federal agents in New York arrested Ho on suspicion of bribing government officials in Chad and Uganda. Ho’s first call, according to The New York Times, was to James Biden, who told the paper Ho had been trying to reach Hunter.

Ho was convicted on seven counts in December. Ye has disappeared from public view, and his name has surfaced in a corruption case in China.


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6a9a42 No.123900

File: 3e6c820b5355217⋯.png (100.59 KB,1246x762,623:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132453 (180734ZOCT20) Notable: - MULTIPLE STATEWIDE VOTER FRAUD

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>oregon (now WA and more) has had huge delays in their voter ballots for the presidency getting out with majority still not having one

>it's one of the few states that has 100% mail in balloting

>the voter system online is so insecure that if you know someone's name and DOB you can change their registration

>anon in another thread enters his friends information and realizes

>he can change who he voted for

>these can be changed, printed off, and dropped off at any courthouse with NO ID REQUIRED AT ANY STAGE

>this is one of the easiest ways to tamper with an election ever conceived

>if the dems use this they can make every person who has ever registered in oregon as a vote for the dem candidate




>Ok I just logged into the washington state system for my ex wife, not only can i submit a ballot for her, but by even STARTING the process it cancels her other ballots. So if she orders a ballot, fills it out and sends it in THEN i start the online process even if I stop it and never file it CANCELS her ballot she thinks counts. THIS IS MASSIVE.



this should be obvious but


the story is

>4chan autists discover massive democrat systemic voter fraud


>Make the story about how 4chan trolls committed voter fraud

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6a9a42 No.123901

File: 50e088e4f9068d2⋯.png (382.44 KB,525x450,7:6,Clipboard.png)

File: a4b0a94f2080036⋯.mp4 (158.23 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132495 (180739ZOCT20) Notable: - Dan Scavinous Tweets

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

President Trump arrives in Las Vegas, Nevada—after #MAGA🇺🇸🦅 rallies in Michigan and Wisconsin…


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6a9a42 No.123902

File: b201c4b6a822a5b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1270x1908,635:954,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132501 (180739ZOCT20) Notable: - 4Chan claim to have discovered a way that people’s ballots can be cancelled online in Oregon and Washington

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Their exploit allegedly worked to change registration for voters who are in the military, overseas or disabled. The claims rapidly went viral across social media late Saturday night, but may be misleading.


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6a9a42 No.123903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11132522 (180742ZOCT20) Notable: - Old Hunter Interview Resurfaces … It May Come Back to Haunt Him … “This Isn’t a Family Business”

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Old Hunter Interview Resurfaces … It May Come Back to Haunt Him … “This Isn’t a Family Business”

You really have to feel for Hunter. He’s really landed himself into quite a firestorm. And it was all his own doing.

This 2019 is quite awkward in light of recent events. ABC tries to do a puff piece on Hunter but some of the answers might come back to haunt him.

At 0:44 Hunter says, “Being the subject of Donald Trump’s ire is a feather in my cap.”

Wonder if he’s still feeling that way now?

At 1:16 he says, “This is not a family business.”


At 2:20 the interviewer quotes Hunter as saying, “No one votes or will vote for or against my Dad because of me. And my Dad knows that.”

Wonder how that one will hold up.

At 2:43 they cut to a rally crowd saying “lock him up,” and Hunter’s response is, “who cares?”

As long as Bill Barr and Chris Wray are sitting on their hands, maybe he will be right about that.

At 3:42 the interviewer notes that he’s been in and out rehab seven or eight times.

This is a very troubled soul. Pray for Hunter.


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6a9a42 No.123904

File: 8f842883779c061⋯.jpeg (713.58 KB,828x1276,207:319,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133537 (181018ZOCT20) Notable: 4Chan Users Claim to Have Found Way to Easily Change People’s Voter Registration and Cancel Ballots Online in Oregon and Washington

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/breaking-4chan-users-claim-found-way-easily-change-peoples-votes-online-oregon-washington/ 4Chan Users Claim to Have Found Way to Easily Change People’s Voter Registration and Cancel Ballots Online in Oregon and Washington

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6a9a42 No.123905

File: 0a678ce84523b2f⋯.jpeg (392.85 KB,828x1173,12:17,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133539 (181019ZOCT20) Notable: Susan Collins donated $400 each to 2 QAnon supporters running for state legislature seats in Maine

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https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/susan-collins-backed-two-qanon-supports-Sen. Susan Collins donated $400 each to 2 QAnon supporters running for state legislature seats in Maine running-for-state-legislature-2020-10%3famp

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6a9a42 No.123906

File: 5a5a80518396344⋯.jpeg (184.32 KB,828x960,69:80,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133552 (181021ZOCT20) Notable: Appeals court upholds Kentucky abortion law requiring clinics to have transfer agreements with hospitals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/521545-appeals-court-upholds-kentucky-abortion-law-requiring-clinics-to-have Appeals court upholds Kentucky abortion law requiring clinics to have transfer agreements with hospitals

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6a9a42 No.123907

File: d303ca34935c7b2⋯.png (428.05 KB,1504x641,1504:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133555 (181022ZOCT20) Notable: If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

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If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

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6a9a42 No.123908

File: d25b5240e1af4f8⋯.png (569.58 KB,686x380,343:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133559 (181022ZOCT20) Notable: Dan tweet decoded

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new Dan?




We love you POTUSfag, no homo!

and we love you too bakerfag, totally homo! kek

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6a9a42 No.123909

File: 294746cd1b5bcc5⋯.png (156.41 KB,299x323,299:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133565 (181023ZOCT20) Notable: If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

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>If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

Ooooo, you got sauce for text? Looks interesting.

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6a9a42 No.123910

File: 9bec093de1c75c3⋯.jpeg (448.47 KB,828x963,92:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133566 (181024ZOCT20) Notable: Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://freebeacon.com/2020-election/pro-trump-union-blasts-biden-for-lying-about-endorsement/ Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement

Pa. Boilermakers Trustee: 'Nobody from his staff—nobody—has ever spoken with us'

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6a9a42 No.123911

File: 57d6c0cefee9be4⋯.jpeg (489.84 KB,828x1170,46:65,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133571 (181025ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Isaac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/breaking-email-sent-computer-shop-owner-john-paul-mac-isaac-hunter-bidens-attorney-released/ BREAKING: Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Isaac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released!

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6a9a42 No.123912

File: d01f7b0866c5091⋯.jpeg (186.48 KB,828x1141,828:1141,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: afe335c43c8f81c⋯.jpeg (167.05 KB,828x429,276:143,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e90c37f3a93b891⋯.jpeg (401.85 KB,828x1142,414:571,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133574 (181025ZOCT20) Notable: Maestro Trump, dragging the senate into a competent court

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6a9a42 No.123913

File: a3c411ae18fbc87⋯.jpg (104.91 KB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4285878c4892266⋯.jpg (135.66 KB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 59d4ba500fc7595⋯.jpg (77.48 KB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133577 (181026ZOCT20) Notable: If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

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6a9a42 No.123914

File: 44337c47283011f⋯.png (114.28 KB,603x529,603:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 28a7afe655826d8⋯.jpeg (121.79 KB,1446x1094,723:547,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133578 (181026ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Isaac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released!

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6a9a42 No.123915

File: a904ab6d1f3eb5c⋯.png (434.36 KB,1504x641,1504:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133591 (181028ZOCT20) Notable: If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

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If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2020/10/16/texts-show-raw-intimate-exchange-between-joe-and-hunter-biden/

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6a9a42 No.123916

File: 3c6d2c5fe0e7e65⋯.jpeg (236.54 KB,828x559,828:559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133597 (181029ZOCT20) Notable: New9 hired antifa…oppps…contractors..as private security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.9news.com/mobile/article/news/investigations/unlicensed-security-guards-9news/73-1ee788f1-41db-4fed-b811-d25b44ee950d Investigation: 9NEWS has used

multiple unlicensed security guards

KUSA-TV, by A.J. Lagoe

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6a9a42 No.123917

File: 3caefecc12dea83⋯.png (731.16 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 28cc20e9e0b9b24⋯.png (706.67 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: ab813b1d4b34dd9⋯.png (733.83 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133599 (181029ZOCT20) Notable: Maestro Trump, dragging the senate into a competent court

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123918

File: 3e9c09013db4df8⋯.png (1.76 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: ac29917a9bd5675⋯.png (536.98 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: dc01a9d445cbd88⋯.png (458.49 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133656 (181037ZOCT20) Notable: Maestro Trump, dragging the senate into a competent court

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>America First FISA Court majority w/ 6 designations out of 11

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6a9a42 No.123919

File: ac662c4ea07ce52⋯.jpeg (503.37 KB,828x909,92:101,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133687 (181043ZOCT20) Notable: Beto (Finally) Fails Downward: Former 2020 Frontrunner Lands Teaching Gig at Texas State

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://freebeacon.com/satire/beto-fails-downward/ Beto (Finally) Fails Downward: Former 2020 Frontrunner Lands Teaching Gig at Texas State

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6a9a42 No.123920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133693 (181044ZOCT20) Notable: Anon speculates - Has anyone considered that Hunter’s laptop might be Joe’s in reality?

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>>123810 Pb

Has anyone considered that Hunter’s laptop might be Joe’s in reality? Which one’s more likely to have “inappropriate touching” imagery? Why didn’t Hunter want it back? Or the others? Was Hunter tired of mulling for his dad?

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6a9a42 No.123921

File: 573b880d532b870⋯.jpeg (361.9 KB,828x997,828:997,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133696 (181045ZOCT20) Notable: Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://pjmedia.com/election/stephen-kruiser/2020/10/18/nothing-to-see-here-usps-worker-fired-for-dumping-112-absentee-ballots-n1066261 Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

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6a9a42 No.123922

File: c4f6105a1987380⋯.png (776.38 KB,992x679,992:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133748 (181052ZOCT20) Notable: Who Is Joe Biden’s Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen

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The couple met through a friend of hers, who jotted Melissa’s phone number onto Hunter’s hand and insisted he call her. Hunter got a "shalom" tattoo to match Melissa's within days of meeting her and they were married at her apartment less than a week later; neither had their families in attendance and the wedding photos were taken by a friend on a cellphone.

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6a9a42 No.123923

File: ffa3164e4dc0749⋯.jpeg (452.43 KB,828x759,12:11,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133758 (181054ZOCT20) Notable: COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Pope's Vatican Residence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/992461/16 COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Pope's Vatican Residence

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6a9a42 No.123924

File: 8fc5d77fc858fdb⋯.png (705.04 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133759 (181055ZOCT20) Notable: COsweda on Twitter debunks the Oregon Voting Disinfo Campaign about Being Able to Change Votes with Name and Birthdate

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COsweda on Twitter debunks the Oregon Voting Disinfo Campaign about Being Able to Change Votes with Name and Birthdate


real link is sos.oregon.gov, not www.oregonvotes.org

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6a9a42 No.123925

File: 204e6eab7696374⋯.jpeg (169.08 KB,828x546,138:91,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133765 (181056ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/twitter-has-refused-to-unlock-new-york-posts-account Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

GOP has criticized social media platforms for blocking outlet's reporting on Hunter Biden

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6a9a42 No.123926

File: dc122326a9a9d38⋯.png (571.96 KB,812x760,203:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133777 (181058ZOCT20) Notable: Trump's refusal to disavow QAnon is part of his pattern of encouraging hate for political gain

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Trump's refusal to disavow QAnon is part of his pattern of

encouraging hate for political gain

From Charlottesville to the Proud Boys to QAnon, the president simply won't denounce anyone who supports him. It's a dangerous habit.

Oct. 18, 2020, 6:43 AM EDT

By Halie Soifer, executive director, Jewish Democratic Council of America

For the second time in less than three weeks, President Donald Trump refused to condemn right-wing extremism when asked and instead legitimized its dangerous vitriol and hate.

This time, when asked at NBC News’ presidential townhall on Thursday if he would disavow the QAnon group and its false conspiracy theory that “Democrats are a satanic pedophile ring and that [he is] a savior of that,” Trump responded with the implausible assertion that he knew nothing about the movement and then immediately undercut his own claim by vacuously stating QAnon’s followers are “very much against pedophilia.” This is as ignorant and dangerous as saying white supremacists are “very much against people with bad genes.”

By normalizing, accepting and repeating a conspiracy theory’s core, false tenet as a fact and reason to sympathize with them, the president of the United States legitimized domestic terrorism and hatred — and it’s not the first time. This QAnon exchange came shortly after Trump refused to denounce white supremacy when asked at the first presidential debate. And then, when pointedly asked to disavow the Proud Boys — another right-wing extremist group aligned with white supremacists that promotes “Western chauvinism” — Trump instead issued a call to arms by encouraging the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

Under immense public pressure after the debate, including from Fox News, he walked back his remarks two days later but the damage was done. Both of Trump’s statements had been immediately embraced by extremist groups as signs of solidarity and alignment. After the first debate, the Proud Boys changed their logo and began selling merchandise echoing the president; QAnon followers celebrated the what Trump offered as “the biggest pitch for QAnon ever seen.”



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6a9a42 No.123927

File: f9cce03d56f6e45⋯.jpeg (495.37 KB,828x1090,414:545,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133779 (181059ZOCT20) Notable: Conservative Actor Jon Voight Gets Serious In New Election Message: ‘Biden Is Evil’ (VIDEO)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/conservative-actor-jon-voight-gets-serious-new-election-message-biden-evil-video/ Conservative Actor Jon Voight Gets Serious In New Election Message: ‘Biden Is Evil’ (VIDEO)

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6a9a42 No.123928

File: a6a7a868614edd9⋯.jpeg (383.32 KB,828x917,828:917,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133790 (181101ZOCT20) Notable: Matt Gaetz tweets out entire Hunter Biden story line by line to evade Twitter block

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/15/matt-gaetz-tweets-out-entire-hunter-biden-story-li/ Matt Gaetz tweets out entire Hunter Biden story line by line to evade Twitter block

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6a9a42 No.123929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133809 (181105ZOCT20) Notable: Who Is Joe Biden’s Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


She's South African. Don't know if US citizen, too, or a green card or visa. Marriage, being so quick, iffy if visa. If Green card is also iffy, I'm not so sure.

Could mean Hunter can reside legally in South Africa. South Africa has an extradition treaty with the US, but I believe many African countries don't. I also don't know if legal residence in South Africa would allow him legal residence in other African countries, similar to the EU.

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6a9a42 No.123930

File: 33887062dbb1b13⋯.jpeg (378.43 KB,828x856,207:214,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133830 (181110ZOCT20) Notable: Bishops for Biden San Diego’s Robert McElroy emerges as another one.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://spectator.org/bishops-for-biden/ Bishops for Biden

San Diego’s Robert McElroy emerges as another one.

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6a9a42 No.123931

File: cf538015e11349b⋯.jpeg (597.17 KB,828x1044,23:29,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133853 (181117ZOCT20) Notable: "CRY ABOUT IT!" ‘Antifa demonstrators punched pro-Trump protester’s TEETH out & pelted him with rocks’ at MAGA rally near Twitter’s HQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.the-sun.com/news/1649923/antifa-punched-pro-trump-protester-teeth-san-francisco/ 'CRY ABOUT IT!' ‘Antifa demonstrators punched pro-Trump protester’s TEETH out & pelted him with rocks’ at MAGA rally near Twitter’s HQ

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6a9a42 No.123932

File: bfc4497088c9acf⋯.jpeg (531.66 KB,828x1261,828:1261,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133882 (181123ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/breaking-exclusive-agitator-involved-murder-trump-supporter-denver-jeremiah-elliot-connected-satanists/ BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanists

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6a9a42 No.123933

File: d46da13d8ca1017⋯.jpg (90.9 KB,598x923,46:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133893 (181126ZOCT20) Notable: Obama to Hit the Campaign Trail in Battleground Pennsylvania for Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Obama to Hit the Campaign Trail in Battleground Pennsylvania for Joe Biden https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/17/obama-to-hit-the-campaign-trail-in-battleground-pennsylvania-for-joe-biden/

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6a9a42 No.123934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133900 (181127ZOCT20) Notable: China passes new law restricting sensitive exports

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China passes new law restricting sensitive exports


BEIJING, OCTOBER 18, 2020 16:37 IST

UPDATED: OCTOBER 18, 2020 16:42 IST

Under the law, China can take reciprocal measures toward countries or regions that abuse export controls and threaten its national security and interests.

China has passed a new law restricting sensitive exports to protect national security, allowing Beijing to reciprocate against the U.S. as tensions mount between the sides over trade and technology.

he law, which will apply to all companies in China, was passed on Saturday by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee and will take effect on December 1.

Under the law, China can take reciprocal measures toward countries or regions that abuse export controls and threaten its national security and interests.

Export controls under the law will apply to civilian, military and nuclear products, as well as goods, technologies and services related to national security. A list of controlled items will be published in a timely manner in conjunction with relevant departments, according to the law.

The new law allows Beijing to retaliate against the U.S., which in recent months has attempted to block Chinese technology firms such as telecommunications gear supplier Huawei, Bytedance’s TikTok app and Tencent’s messaging app WeChat on grounds of posing a national security threat, including the data they may possess from operating in the country.

Companies and individuals who endanger national security by breaching the new export control law, including those outside of China, could face criminal charges. Violations of the law, such as exporting items without a permit, could result in fines of 5 million yuan ($746,500), or up to 20 times the business value of the illegal transaction.

The new law adds to the growing uncertainty of Bytedance’s deal to sell its video app TikTok to U.S. firm Oracle Corp. In August, China added technologies including voice recognition, text analysis and content recommendation to its list of regulated exports.

President Donald Trump had earlier ordered Bytedance to sell its U.S. operations of TikTok to an American firm or face a block in the country.

The new export control laws adds to China’s growing regulatory toolkit that allows it to take action against countries such as the U.S..


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6a9a42 No.123935

File: 906dad96bf38de9⋯.jpeg (494.2 KB,828x1272,69:106,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133911 (181129ZOCT20) Notable: Tucker Carlson Interviews Bin Laden Niece Who Said She’s Gotten More Backlash for Trump Support Than for Her Last Name

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.mediaite.com/tv/tucker-carlson-interviews-bin-laden-niece-who-said-shes-gotten-more-backlash-for-trump-support-than-for-her-last-name/ Tucker Carlson Interviews Bin Laden Niece Who Said She’s Gotten More Backlash for Trump Support Than for Her Last Name

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6a9a42 No.123936

File: 8eb1fd12fa967db⋯.jpg (11.27 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133923 (181133ZOCT20) Notable: In France, they also to try to stage a civil war, between the "Muslims" and "French roots".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile, in France, they also to try to stage a civil war, between the "Muslims" and "French roots".


So, pls, Q, Li, Steve and Rudy (the guy really looks and acts like Saul Goodman -"better call Saul"), we are dying over here as well!

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6a9a42 No.123937

File: 9096694bb7b3d8c⋯.jpeg (505.81 KB,828x1260,23:35,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133925 (181134ZOCT20) Notable: Biden advocates 'gender change' for children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.wnd.com/2020/10/biden-advocates-gender-change-children/ Biden advocates 'gender change' for children

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6a9a42 No.123938

File: ee61e2b32d2cce6⋯.png (299.71 KB,1625x1405,325:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133946 (181138ZOCT20) Notable: Gov. Whitmer vetoes bill targeting voter fraud, cites confusion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gov. Whitmer vetoes bill targeting voter fraud, cites confusion



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6a9a42 No.123939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133947 (181138ZOCT20) Notable: Australia is in. Steve Bannon interview

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Australia is in. Steve Bannon interview

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief

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6a9a42 No.123940

File: cc06a97c63704e0⋯.png (402.7 KB,543x689,543:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11133962 (181142ZOCT20) Notable: US Military Tweets and News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"It’s the last day to run and post your


times - who else is running today"

[10] days until the 28th of October.

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6a9a42 No.123941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134012 (181150ZOCT20) Notable: Who Is Joe Biden’s Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Concerning Melissa

Something Biblical:

1. A woman got Samson to get that high top fade

2. David knocked off Bathsheeda's husband to have her

3. A woman asked for John the Baptist head and got it

4. Rahab the harlot turned on Jericho and hid the spies

It takes one woman to take down a dynasty. I'm surprised Lisa Page hasn't turned by now the way she was treated.

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6a9a42 No.123942

File: 0b528c9d14eeb76⋯.jpeg (266.09 KB,1153x990,1153:990,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134034 (181154ZOCT20) Notable: First arrest: BIDEN CRIME FAMILY "POP" Q drop connect

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6a9a42 No.123943

File: 8aa6560448c213e⋯.png (1.14 MB,1734x1238,867:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134044 (181156ZOCT20) Notable: Archive of 200 videos around Q , Covid , Conspiracy and other shenanigans

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Archive of 200 videos around Q , Covid , Conspiracy and other shenanigans.

Download offline.


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6a9a42 No.123944

File: 85e23ab637bd762⋯.png (4.52 MB,2048x1379,2048:1379,Clipboard.png)

File: 88bf234895df0ec⋯.png (376.07 KB,618x410,309:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ba01f0ead670c4⋯.png (1.81 MB,2000x1334,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134065 (181159ZOCT20) Notable: Kazakhstan → [Clintons] + [Russia] + [Bidens] + …

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(9) - Hunters become the Hunted.

(1) - Hunters become PREY.

[[[Hunter]]] - In front of us the whole time.



Foreign-Emoluments-Clause = There's a VERY GOOD Reason

Kazakhstan → [Clintons] + [Russia] + [Bidens] + …

(NY Post - Oct 17, 2020)

Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report


(Real Clear Politics - Apr 23, 2015)

Bret Baier: "FOX News Reports on the Tangled Clinton Web"


Bret Baier outlines the facts behind the latest Hillary Clinton scandal involving the president of Kazakhstan, Russian uranium interests, tens of millions of dollars in charity donations, and approval from the State Dept.



"America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation."


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6a9a42 No.123945

File: cac528df45edda8⋯.png (1.15 MB,755x2857,755:2857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134137 (181213ZOCT20) Notable: Who Is Joe Biden’s Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>123922, >>123929, >>123941



Who Is Joe Biden’s New Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen?

July 3, 2019 By Jenny Singer


In the 2016 presidential elections, it was said that whichever candidate won

— Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — the president would have Jewish grandchildren.

Both Trump and Clinton have a child who married a Jewish person.

Joe Biden, a hopeful for the 2020 Democratic bid, would also bring Jewish in-laws to the White House.

In fact, he would hold the particular distinction of bringing a son and daughter-in-law with matching Hebrew tattoos.

Hunter Biden, the former Vice President’s son, wed a Jewish woman named Melissa Cohen in May.

An in-depth portrait of Hunter in the New Yorker on Monday details their brief courtship and recent nuptials.

Thepiercing article by Adam Entous paints a struggling — but ultimately decent — man at the heart of a traumatized family.

^^^ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/07/08/will-hunter-biden-jeopardize-his-fathers-campaign

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6a9a42 No.123946

File: b7fb8c33910c1a2⋯.jpeg (162.69 KB,1242x1036,621:518,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134178 (181219ZOCT20) Notable: Look what Apple’s autocorrect is doing when you type Qanon Qanon “casualties”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Look what Apple’s autocorrect is doing when you type Qanon

Qanon “casualties”

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6a9a42 No.123947

File: dfbaeb075cda86b⋯.png (157.55 KB,1024x778,512:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134186 (181221ZOCT20) Notable: New Ben Garrison

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New Ben Garrison

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123948

File: 5cd19266ea6e2a1⋯.png (29.24 KB,439x550,439:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134218 (181224ZOCT20) Notable: US Military Tweets and News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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6a9a42 No.123949

File: f5435c0dea28b90⋯.jpeg (487.62 KB,828x1257,276:419,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134227 (181225ZOCT20) Notable: Police investigating possible arson at Bishopville Post Office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wmbfnews.com/2020/10/17/police-investigating-possible-arson-bishopville-post-office/%3foutputType=amp Police investigating possible arson at Bishopville Post Office

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6a9a42 No.123950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134240 (181227ZOCT20) Notable: #14239

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Hold em Pats


>>123940, >>123948 US Military Tweets and News

>>123907, >>123909, >>123913, >>123915 If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption

>>123945, >>123922, >>123929, >>123941 Who Is Joe Biden’s Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen

>>123912, >>123917, >>123918 Maestro Trump, dragging the senate into a competent court

>>123911, >>123914 BREAKING: Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Isaac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released!

>>123905 Susan Collins donated $400 each to 2 QAnon supporters running for state legislature seats in Maine

>>123904 4Chan Users Claim to Have Found Way to Easily Change People’s Voter Registration and Cancel Ballots Online in Oregon and Washington

>>123906 Appeals court upholds Kentucky abortion law requiring clinics to have transfer agreements with hospitals

>>123908 Dan tweet decoded

>>123910 Pro-Trump Union Blasts Biden for Lying About Endorsement

>>123916 New9 hired antifa…oppps…contractors..as private security

>>123920 Anon speculates - Has anyone considered that Hunter’s laptop might be Joe’s in reality?

>>123921 Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

>>123919 Beto (Finally) Fails Downward: Former 2020 Frontrunner Lands Teaching Gig at Texas State

>>123923 COVID-19 Case Confirmed in Pope's Vatican Residence

>>123924 COsweda on Twitter debunks the Oregon Voting Disinfo Campaign about Being Able to Change Votes with Name and Birthdate

>>123926 Trump's refusal to disavow QAnon is part of his pattern of encouraging hate for political gain

>>123927 Conservative Actor Jon Voight Gets Serious In New Election Message: ‘Biden Is Evil’ (VIDEO)

>>123925 Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

>>123928 Matt Gaetz tweets out entire Hunter Biden story line by line to evade Twitter block

>>123930 Bishops for Biden San Diego’s Robert McElroy emerges as another one.

>>123931 "CRY ABOUT IT!" ‘Antifa demonstrators punched pro-Trump protester’s TEETH out & pelted him with rocks’ at MAGA rally near Twitter’s HQ

>>123932 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanists

>>123934 China passes new law restricting sensitive exports

>>123935 Tucker Carlson Interviews Bin Laden Niece Who Said She’s Gotten More Backlash for Trump Support Than for Her Last Name

>>123936 In France, they also to try to stage a civil war, between the "Muslims" and "French roots".

>>123937 Biden advocates 'gender change' for children

>>123933 Obama to Hit the Campaign Trail in Battleground Pennsylvania for Joe Biden

>>123938 Gov. Whitmer vetoes bill targeting voter fraud, cites confusion

>>123939 Australia is in. Steve Bannon interview

>>123943 Archive of 200 videos around Q , Covid , Conspiracy and other shenanigans

>>123944 Kazakhstan → [Clintons] + [Russia] + [Bidens] + …

>>123946 Look what Apple’s autocorrect is doing when you type Qanon Qanon “casualties”

>>123947 New Ben Garrison

>>123942, First arrest: BIDEN CRIME FAMILY "POP" Q drop connect

>>123949 Police investigating possible arson at Bishopville Post Office

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123951

File: 903a5ff44fce856⋯.png (177.56 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134351 (181242ZOCT20) Notable: What does Q mean in using the word “rig” in Rig for Red?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What does Q mean in using the word “rig” in Rig for Red? Given the nautical definition of rig, does this point once again to “Watch the Water”??

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6a9a42 No.123952

File: eb9c0beb3bbda7f⋯.png (872.11 KB,714x621,238:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134376 (181246ZOCT20) Notable: Explainer: Why isn’t Pope Francis wearing a mask?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Explainer: Why isn’t Pope Francis wearing a mask?

A maskless Pope Francis met guests at a crowded indoor papal audience last week, kissing the hands of newly ordained priests and embracing and chatting with people who pulled their masks down or did not wear masks at all, flouting the Vatican’s coronavirus protocols.

The scene, which America’s Vatican correspondent Gerard O’Connell described as a “disaster” on the “Inside the Vatican” podcast, caused concern among Vatican officials not only about the pope’s health but whether papal audiences could safely continue at all. Today’s audience was held with new restrictions: Pope Francis, without a mask, remained distanced from pilgrims and the monsignors who usually surround him. He apologized to the audience, saying: “Sorry if I greet you from afar today. By following the regulations, it will be a help in dealing with this virus.”

An Oct. 6 letter sent to the heads of Vatican entities states that employees are required to wear masks outdoors and in any work places where social distancing cannot be guaranteed. The letter also instructs employees to wear a mask in “social contacts” and to follow other health guidelines like social distancing and sanitizing hands. Similarly strict guidelines and contact tracing measures apply to guests visiting the city-state.

Meanwhile, the Vatican has seen a second wave of the virus after successfully containing its first 12 cases by June. In recent weeks, three Vatican residents tested positive, and the Vatican disclosed Monday that four Swiss Guards had been infected and were in isolation. These latter cases have caused additional concern in the Vatican, as the Swiss Guards live together in barracks and at least one guard is always stationed outside the pope’s door. Pope Francis has a habit of shaking hands with the guard each morning when he leaves his suite

It is the pope’s tendency toward physical closeness that has some in the Vatican concerned that he could be at risk of contracting the coronavirus. Pope Francis has rarely been seen wearing a mask since the start of the pandemic, even as he denounced as “adolescent” people who complained about mask and distancing requirements.

story continues


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6a9a42 No.123953

File: 2fba11b577a9078⋯.png (412.31 KB,665x663,665:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b131cabae882a1⋯.png (61.25 KB,1537x671,1537:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134384 (181247ZOCT20) Notable: Why is STEEL so important?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11134215 lb

is that normal?

>Why is STEEL so important?

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6a9a42 No.123954

File: 670fa4a52c8500d⋯.png (1.35 MB,882x2016,7:16,Clipboard.png)

File: d66b7821b5f7650⋯.png (1.04 MB,882x3092,441:1546,Clipboard.png)

File: cb609f585f2b9b0⋯.png (1.26 MB,882x1454,441:727,Clipboard.png)

File: e0f4a98a35a3ca8⋯.png (974.13 KB,882x1438,441:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 08db800b2125945⋯.png (1.21 MB,882x1280,441:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134401 (181248ZOCT20) Notable: ArchiveAnon isolated every instance of the "Hunters Become the Hunted" movie poster meme

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Archive Fag here:

Because of it's newly confirmed meaning regarding Hunter Biden, I've gone though and isolated every instance of the "Hunters Become the Hunted" movie poster meme so the Anons can quick-reference them for research.

The first use of the image was on February 10th, 2020, shortly after the impeachment trial had wrapped up and 6 days after the State of the Union address.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123955

File: 618dbcb45914959⋯.jpg (95.22 KB,530x715,106:143,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134407 (181248ZOCT20) Notable: ArchiveAnon isolated every instance of the "Hunters Become the Hunted" movie poster meme

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>I've gone though and isolated every instance of the "Hunters Become the Hunted" movie poster meme


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6a9a42 No.123956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134455 (181254ZOCT20) Notable: Obama Admin Took Teen Girls Out of State for Secret Abortions Without Their Parents Knowing

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Obama Admin Took Teen Girls Out of State for Secret Abortions Without Their Parents Knowing

Pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s administration may have skirted parental consent laws by taking teen girls out of state for secret abortions, a federal court document reveals.

An email exchange between two Health and Human Services employees in April 2014 exposed this disturbing fact. In discussing Maria, a pregnant minor held at a temporary shelter, possibly in Texas or Florida—the workers noted that Maria stated she wanted an abortion and did not want her parents to know that she was pregnant. At the time, Maria’s parents, who were to be her sponsors, were located in Florida. Maria was in the custody of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.

After learning Maria had requested an abortion, according to government emails, “two ORR field specialists looked into the abortion laws in both Texas and Florida and reported that the general rule in both states was that minors could not have abortions without parental consent (absent exceptions, such as obtaining a waiver from a judge).” The Texas field specialist then emailed other ORR staff members, explaining: “This is why termination of pregnancies are done in New Mexico due to the fact that currently (by law) there is no parental consent requirement.”


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6a9a42 No.123957

File: 60685b77c2d294b⋯.png (437.19 KB,1022x756,73:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134480 (181256ZOCT20) Notable: YouTube strengthens its Rules About critical Conspiracy Theories, Especially QAnon Content

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YouTube strengthens its Rules About critical

Conspiracy Theories, Especially QAnon Content

October 18, 2020 Updated: 1 hour ago

YouTube has shared an announcement of the new update about rules around hate speech. The focus rules on decreasing the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories and especially QAnon that have caused some read-world violent incidents.

According to YouTube:

“Today we’re further expanding both our hate and harassment policies to prohibit content that targets an individual or group with conspiracy theories that have been used to justify real-world violence. One example would be content that threatens or harasses someone by suggesting they are complicit in one of these harmful conspiracies, such as QAnon or Pizzagate.”

This update came after Facebook toughened the stance against content about QAnon, considering the developing danger of the group and its activity. As Facebook’s move went a bit further, in that it will witness the removal of all Instagram accounts, Pages and groups on Facebook that represents QAnon.

YouTube has left some room for exemption in its updated process:

“As always, context matters, so news coverage on these issues or content discussing them without targeting individuals or protected groups may stay up. We will begin enforcing this updated policy today, and will ramp up in the weeks to come.”

This is the newest identification from the giant social media platforms that helping in that matter that can lead to danger in the real life. And as YouTube has stopped of a complete ban on all content related to QAnon. The new measurement will see more restrictions of the group that will restrict its impact.

Also, YouTube stated that it has already reduced much of discussion about QAnon. A couple of years ago, YouTube decreased the reach of dangerous misinformation by its ‘Up Next’ suggestion. It stated that has resulted in a 70% decline in views comes from discovery and search systems.

“In fact, when we looked at QAnon content, we saw the number of views that come from non-subscribed recommendations to prominent Q-related channels dropped by over 80% since January 2019. Additionally, we’ve removed tens of thousands of QAnon-videos and terminated hundreds of channels under our existing policies, particularly those that explicitly threaten violence or deny the existence of major violent events.”

Therefore, there are still channels that are known as ‘Q-related’ that will not be deleted after this new update.

It seems strange, We do understand the stance of YouTube in this matter, and it will just plan to delete content that targets a group or individual. However, part of the problem with QAnon, and other moves, they have been permitted to begin as harmless chatter, and have extended from there into serious and concerning movements.

You could dispute, earlier, that no one knew that QAnon would see this increase in what it has. However, we do this currently. Therefore, why let any of it stay?

Also, the QAnon case is highlighting the need for social media platforms to interest official warnings back in this matter. And that in order to stop the activity of these groups before they have real traction. Specialists have been alerting the giant social platforms about the danger of the QAnon for several years, but now they are only looking to seriously limit the discussion.



shit's going Critical, 'Splosions!

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6a9a42 No.123958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134502 (181259ZOCT20) Notable: Black officers break from unions over Trump endorsements

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Black officers break from unions over Trump endorsements

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Police unions nationwide have largely supported President Donald Trump’s reelection, amid mass demonstrations over police brutality and accusations of systemic racism — but a number of Black law enforcement officers are speaking out against these endorsements, saying their concerns over entering the 2020 political fray were ignored.

Trump has touted his support from the law enforcement community, which includes endorsements from national, city and state officers’ unions — some of which publicly endorsed a political candidate for the first time. He’s running on what he calls a “law and order” platform and tapping into astrain of anger and frustration felt by law enforcement who believe they are being unfairly accused of racial discrimination.

There are more than 8,000 law enforcement agencies in the U.S., with large departments holding sway nationally. The number of minority officers in policing has more than doubled in the last three decades, but many departments still have a smaller percentage of Black and Hispanic officers compared to the percentage of the general population those communities make up.

Many fraternal Black police organizations were formed to advocate for equality within police departments but also to focus on how law enforcement affects the wider Black community. There have often been tensions between minority organizations and larger unions, like in August, when the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers issued a letter condemning use of deadly force, police misconduct and abuse in communities of color.

But national union leaders say the process is designed to give everyone a voice and the endorsement represents the majority of officers. The Fraternal Order of Police represents close to 350,000 officers nationally, but does not track racial demographics.

Philadelphia’s FOP Lodge 5 President John McNesby said in a statement that the group, which represents 6,500 members, did not make an endorsement in the presidential race, and deferred to its parent union’s endorsement. But members said that despite being the largest lodge in the state, they weren’t given a chance to vote or be counted by the state or national delegates.

Denouncing the endorsement processes, The Guardian Civic League has asked its about 1,200 members to be prepared to withdraw their dues from the national FOP, as has the Club Valiants of Philadelphia — an organization of more than 500 minority firefighters — from the Local 22 of the International Fire Fighters and Paramedics Union. In endorsing Trump, Local 22 broke from its parent organization, which endorsed Democrat Joe Biden.


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6a9a42 No.123959

File: 4aa88938a2524c9⋯.png (1.12 MB,1302x1690,651:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134505 (181259ZOCT20) Notable: Wittmer "abduction" insider a FBI informant who pushed the entire plot

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"So, Antifa-BLM riots, loots and pillages cities across the US.

FBI Director Chris Wray warns Congress about the dangers of “white supremacist groups.”

And then two weeks later the FBI arrests a group of middle class gun nuts and patriots and accuse them of plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

And now we find out days later it was the FBI informant who pushed the entire plot?"


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6a9a42 No.123960

File: 2dd27b555f32eb9⋯.png (956.65 KB,646x908,323:454,Clipboard.png)

File: d99bdadfdcc0780⋯.png (180.16 KB,684x885,228:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 39dba6f9b9aae42⋯.png (266.01 KB,773x998,773:998,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134511 (181300ZOCT20) Notable: complete archive of Q posts in chronological order in book form, you can get the full set (up to Sept 2020)

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>Anyone know if actual a hard copy of Q Drops (most current total) can be bought anywhere online?

Archive Fag here;

If you'd like a complete archive of Q posts in chronological order in book form, you can get the full set (up to Sept 2020) with working web-links by downloading these three PDFs. October to follow shortly. It's all free.




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6a9a42 No.123961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134520 (181301ZOCT20) Notable: Les Wexner's LBrands Was Heavily Invested in China as a "Second Home Market"

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Les Wexner's LBrands Was Heavily Invested in China as a "Second Home Market"


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6a9a42 No.123962

File: f9c8dbdc032c305⋯.png (90.94 KB,539x691,539:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 0da8088d85b30c8⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134614 (181314ZOCT20) Notable: US Military Tweets and News

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"U.S. Army Signal Corps creates and manages communications and information systems for the command and control of the combined Armed Forces.

They integrate tactical, strategic and sustaining base communications that supports knowledge dominance for #USArmy.


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6a9a42 No.123963

File: 32cc5f2a907eca6⋯.png (606.26 KB,762x776,381:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134620 (181314ZOCT20) Notable: Column: Pandering to the fringe

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Column: Pandering to the fringe

Candidates are cozying up to extremist groups that traffic in wild conspiracies, racist rhetoric and images of violence


OCT. 18, 2020 5 AM

In San Diego’s East County, Republican and Democratic congressional candidates court a group that peddles in conspiracy theories, racist talk and images of violence.

In Georgia, Republican U.S. Senate candidates vie for the endorsement of a congressional hopeful known for spreading baseless conspiracy theories from the mysterious group QAnon.

In the White House, the president of the United States also advances the fantastical QAnon tales and encourages anti-government extremists at protests.

It boggles the mind how strange and potentially dangerous this year has become.

In 2020, fringe groups have entered mainstream politics and, given that, perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that people running for office — mostly Republicans — are currying their favor.

In the 50th Congressional District, Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar and Republican Darrell Issa participated in separate taped interviews with the leader of Defend East County, a Facebook group that was organized after two banks were burned to the ground and businesses were looted in La Mesa following a May protest.

The group’s online page says members want to protect their cities, but “it’s also a place where conspiracy theories, racist banter and calls for violence persist,” according to an in-depth look at Defend East County by Andrew Dyer of The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Facebook conversations in Defend East County sometimes become heated and, despite stated rules against it, racist. Videos of counterprotesters in other cities punching and kicking Black Lives Matter protesters received hundreds of “likes” on the Defend East County page, as did a video of a car running over protesters.

In his Q&A with the group’s founder, Justin Haskins, Campa-Najjar criticized the Green New Deal environmental-economic plan and Medicare for All, the latter of which he once backed.

He said he was open to the government investigating former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. He also equivocated about whether he would vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, even though Campa-Najjar last month promoted the endorsement he received from the former vice president.

Some Democratic activists, who earlier had criticized Campa-Najjar for shifting positions, were incensed.

Campa-Najjar later backed away from many of his statements and said he “messed up bad” by appearing with Defend East County. He added he was aware of some of the group’s conspiracy theories but not its views about violence toward protesters, both of which were prominent in the Dyer story on the front page of the Union-Tribune in August.



"Racist talk", skin color speak kek!

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6a9a42 No.123964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134622 (181314ZOCT20) Notable: Pirro: Big Tech Censoring Hunter Biden Story ‘Proof Positive’ of the Left Trying to Turn U.S. Into a Fascist Country

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Pirro: Big Tech Censoring Hunter Biden Story ‘Proof Positive’ of the Left Trying to Turn U.S. Into a Fascist Country

'I have been telling you the left is lying to you and is trying to steal your freedom’


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6a9a42 No.123965

File: 227bd3159c161e2⋯.png (1.02 MB,1638x1022,117:73,Clipboard.png)

File: df257e9229bdb0b⋯.png (239.98 KB,1300x420,65:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134653 (181317ZOCT20) Notable: Anon speculates The Biden family is the Corleone family…

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The Biden family is the Corleone family…

Think on it…

Biden the center of a ton of corruption since he was elected to the senate

Biden might have been Husseins handler…

Biden family and CLOWNS???

Biden family and china?

Biden family and Clintons?

As much as we look at HRC and Hussein…this cuck has been right in the middle of it all…

Bigger than we know?


Coppola's daughter BLEW as an actress btw…

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6a9a42 No.123966

File: df15b5b10e91401⋯.png (1.51 MB,837x833,837:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 97710fc9f7f0710⋯.png (521.47 KB,519x605,519:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134747 (181327ZOCT20) Notable: US Military Tweets and News

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Not a bad time. Let’s see yours,@USArmy


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6a9a42 No.123967

File: 6e8f85c19503b96⋯.png (1.32 MB,1760x752,110:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a1c221232cbdb3⋯.png (904.08 KB,1412x500,353:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cf1ab4584f1365⋯.png (591.24 KB,1175x940,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134775 (181330ZOCT20) Notable: collecting the speculations about Hunter. Here are some.

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I've been collecting the speculations about Hunter. Here are some.

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6a9a42 No.123968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134779 (181331ZOCT20) Notable: Arkansas' Asa Hutchinson going to China - again

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Arkansas' Asa Hutchinson going to China - again


There is also a Confucius Center in the state. At University of Central Arkansas iirc. Been awhile since I looked up where all of them were.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123969

File: 59d4ba500fc7595⋯.jpg (77.48 KB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134784 (181332ZOCT20) Notable: collecting the speculations about Hunter. Here are some.

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>Hunter Biden is tired, abused, and looking for a way out!


>be hunter biden

>born to sleepy


>tiny curved dick

>money but no emotional support

>sex and drugs to cope

>take pictures of yourself

>look devastated

>disappointed in sleepy in text messages

>'If you don't run ill never have a chance at redemption' (pic related)

>send and receive dirt by email

>revenge on sleepy for being neglected and unable to lead a normal life

>get dirt out using a laptop

>public thinks he got caught but he actually did it himself

>laptop might actually belong to sleepy

>sex tapes of sleepy with chinese trafficked girls

>more to come

is he based?

is he still going to gitmo?

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6a9a42 No.123970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134824 (181336ZOCT20) Notable: Arkansas' Asa Hutchinson going to China - again

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P.A.M trucking, J.B Hunt trucking, Dillard’s, Stephens Inc, plus others. Crazy for a small state.

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6a9a42 No.123971

File: 91822d2f048b08d⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,653x381,653:381,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 405eb7a13b5cf34⋯.jpg (52.83 KB,880x360,22:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7f1f668d36799e2⋯.jpg (155.12 KB,1093x748,1093:748,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134830 (181337ZOCT20) Notable: CABAL INVOLVEMENT WITH HEALTHCARE/W.H.O./PHARMA, THE VATICAN, MSM, 9/11 ETC

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6a9a42 No.123972

File: 4031db16009dad3⋯.png (23.96 KB,676x262,338:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134950 (181348ZOCT20) Notable: Indiana woman Lisa Montgomery, first woman to be Federally executed since 1953 on Dec. 8

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Knew about the first woman to be Federally executed since 1953

Did not know it was for this


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6a9a42 No.123973

File: c8b297494873bff⋯.png (1.01 MB,1039x628,1039:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b4a38f4419f8a2⋯.png (253.63 KB,607x473,607:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134962 (181350ZOCT20) Notable: Possibly Moar to the the Dan Vegas tweet

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>Les Wexner's LBrands Was Heavily Invested in China as a "Second Home Market"

>>123908 Dan tweet decoded

Possibly Moar to the the Dan Vegas twat

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11134986 (181352ZOCT20) Notable: #14240, #14241, #14242 - None collected

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>>123962, >>123966 US Military Tweets and News

>>123951 What does Q mean in using the word “rig” in Rig for Red?

>>123952 Explainer: Why isn’t Pope Francis wearing a mask?

>>123953 Why is STEEL so important?

>>123954, >>123955 ArchiveAnon isolated every instance of the "Hunters Become the Hunted" movie poster meme

>>123956 Obama Admin Took Teen Girls Out of State for Secret Abortions Without Their Parents Knowing

>>123957 YouTube strengthens its Rules About critical Conspiracy Theories, Especially QAnon Content

>>123958 Black officers break from unions over Trump endorsements

>>123959 Wittmer "abduction" insider a FBI informant who pushed the entire plot

>>123960 complete archive of Q posts in chronological order in book form, you can get the full set (up to Sept 2020)

>>123961 Les Wexner's LBrands Was Heavily Invested in China as a "Second Home Market"

>>123963 Column: Pandering to the fringe

>>123964 Pirro: Big Tech Censoring Hunter Biden Story ‘Proof Positive’ of the Left Trying to Turn U.S. Into a Fascist Country

>>123965 Anon speculates The Biden family is the Corleone family…

>>123967, >>123969 collecting the speculations about Hunter. Here are some.

>>123968, >>123970 Arkansas' Asa Hutchinson going to China - again


>>123972 Indiana woman Lisa Montgomery, first woman to be Federally executed since 1953 on Dec. 8

>>123973 Possibly Moar to the the Dan Vegas tweet

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6a9a42 No.123975

File: bf2dc945da44305⋯.png (124.83 KB,1258x596,629:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135073 (181359ZOCT20) Notable: Leovani Payseur's list of books at Goodreads

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>>>/qresearch/11133314 PB

I found this on the interwebs. This guy is creepy af

Leovani Payseur's list of books at Goodreads

* The Satanic Bible

* The Secret

* The Return of Sherlock Holmes

* Dracula

* Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone

* Fifty Shades of Grey

* Divergent

* John Adams

* Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

* Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

There's more, but it wanted me to log on with an Amazon acct in order to see the full list, & I really don't want to do that. But here's the link…


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6a9a42 No.123976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135078 (181401ZOCT20) Notable: China Panic: US Joined Britain Deadliest Fleet of Warships Gather in North Sea in Huge Show of Force

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China Panic: US Joined Britain Deadliest Fleet of Warships Gather in North Sea in Huge Show of Force

10,440 views•Oct 18, 2020

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6a9a42 No.123977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135099 (181403ZOCT20) Notable: This may have been when Hunter Biden had possibly turned

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This may have been when Hunter Biden had possibly turned

First what led up to it:

September 8, 2017: Ye Jianming announced a $9.1 billion deal with his company CEFC acquiring a stake in state-owned Russian energy company, Rosneft. On the same day, Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a Chinese national who conducted transactions for companies controlled by Ye, got a line of credit under the business name Hudson West III LLC. Hunter; his brother, James; and James's wife, Sara Biden, were authorized users of credit cards associated with the account, with which they opened to purchase $101,291.46 worth of luxury items, including plane tickets and items at Apple Inc., pharmacies, hotels and restaurants. The cards were collateralized by transferring $99,000 from a Hudson West account to a separate one, where the funds were held until the cards were closed. This was identified for possible financial criminal activity.

November, 2017: Ye Jianming's associate, and client of Hunter Biden,Patrick Ho, was arrested and charged with violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, international money laundering, and conspiracy to commit both. His first call was to James Biden who referred him to Hunter.

Also in this month, Hudson West II sent funds directly to Lion Hall Group, whose principal contact was Hunter's uncle, James. Between this time and October, 2018, HW2 sent Lion Hall wires totaling $76,746.15, noted as "office expense and reimbursement". Remember, HW3 is connected to CEFC, the Chinese government, and Gongwen Dong).

March 22, 2018: A million dollar payment was sent from Hudson West III to Owasco with a note saying "Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation." Hunter Biden claimed that the misdirected million was related to his representation of Ye Jianming's associate, Patrick Ho.Biden claimed Boies Schiller Flexner is co-counsel for Ho's case, and Hudson West was not involved.

April 2, 2018: In an email, Hunter Biden said that the million given on 11/2/17 from CEFC Ltd. foundation should have gone to Owasco LLC, but he had given incorrect wiring instructions found when corrected on 3/22/18, of an outgoing wire for the same amount benefiting Owasco.

Then the earthquake in March, one month before dropping off his 3 devices for repair:

March, 2019:Hunter Biden's client, Patrick Ho, was convicted of his crimes for which he was charged in Nov., 2017, of money laundering, conspiracy, and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and was sentenced to three years in the U.S. for his part in a multi-million-dollar scheme to bribe officials in Chad and Uganda in exchange for business advantages for CEFC, Ye Jianming's company. Justice described Ye as Ho's boss, his company funding the China Energy Fund Committee. Ho was the secretary-general of the committee when he carried out the schemes.

This Patrick Ho may have cooperated. Then Hunter started to close things down:

April, 2019: Hunter Biden left Burisma board [according to the NY Times].

April 12, 2019: Hunter Biden dropped off three computers with liquid damage at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware. The owner, John Paul Mac Issac, examined them and determined one beyond recovery, one was fine, and data on the hard drive of the third, recoverable. Hunter Biden signed the service ticket, and Issac repaired the hard drive and downloaded the data, during which time he noted disturbing images and emails about Ukraine, Burisma, China, and more. Issac prepared an invoice, and notified Hunter his items were ready to be picked up. He got no response, attempting contact again in May, June, July, and August, repeatedly. Biden never responded.

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6a9a42 No.123978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135115 (181404ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report

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Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report


"Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million investment from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry — the daughter of ex-Sen. and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, the report said."

From Q post #4888 >>123797

Morning anons!

Here we go, the 'connection'.

John Fucking Kerry!

The spin will be dizzying.

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6a9a42 No.123979

File: 19023b56102e94c⋯.jpg (395.59 KB,1426x1110,713:555,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135133 (181406ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

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wat is this 50% or 10% Joe???

This some code???

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123980

File: 465b01ba56eebde⋯.jpg (98.45 KB,599x617,599:617,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b92e3765701c0b6⋯.jpg (98.44 KB,571x485,571:485,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 30625ba8147478c⋯.jpg (88.05 KB,564x548,141:137,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ab867bc3049ac89⋯.jpg (94.04 KB,573x535,573:535,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135222 (181415ZOCT20) Notable: "Jim Carrey channels Joe Biden's inner Mr. Rogers on 'SNL'"

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"Jim Carrey channels Joe Biden's inner Mr. Rogers on 'SNL'"



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123981

File: a9a15144d551ea2⋯.png (103.12 KB,733x465,733:465,Clipboard.png)

File: 17f552f1a71a38a⋯.png (372.02 KB,681x278,681:278,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e0a4bd9b996c18⋯.png (251.29 KB,857x473,857:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135239 (181417ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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DIANE5 US Navy E-6B getting started out of NAS Pax River

RAF RRR2836 Airbus Voyager KC3 departed Ft. Campbell ne-this AC left MCAS Cherry Point yesterday and arrived at Fort Campbell.

RONIN26 US Army MC-12S Huron Beechcraft (EMARSS-G) appears in the Gulf of St Lawrence sw

Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS) provides a persistent airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability to detect, locate, classify, identify and track surface targets with a high degree of timeliness and accuracy during day, night and nearly all weather conditions. It enhances Brigade Combat Team effectiveness by defining and assessing the communications environment and providing surveillance, targeting support and threat warning.


SAM783 USAF G5 departed JBA south

Pretty quiet overall

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6a9a42 No.123982

File: f3775b9562a6cec⋯.jpg (382.16 KB,1438x1444,719:722,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75700d80f386ccf⋯.jpg (617.67 KB,1372x2326,686:1163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135257 (181419ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

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"REAL DEAL" in all caps = 58

50% + 10% = 60%

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed theassassination (possibility) of the POTUS

or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.

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6a9a42 No.123983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135267 (181420ZOCT20) Notable: October 26-27, when Pompeo and US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper visit New Delhi for joint consultations with their Indian counterparts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

October 26-27, when Pompeo and US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper visit New Delhi for joint consultations with their Indian counterparts.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123984

File: 360b776fc552773⋯.png (4.72 MB,2431x2852,2431:2852,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b4a38f4419f8a2⋯.png (253.63 KB,607x473,607:473,Clipboard.png)

File: c8b297494873bff⋯.png (1.01 MB,1039x628,1039:628,Clipboard.png)

File: d25b56f6de56fa4⋯.png (296.62 KB,525x430,105:86,Clipboard.png)

File: e83519b03852cec⋯.png (260.03 KB,680x349,680:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135285 (181422ZOCT20) Notable: February 20, 2020 Dan Scavino tweet from Vegas MOAR!

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February 20, 2020

Scavino twat from Vegas

Same shot but facing the other direction

Twat included a video with pronounced camera shake effect at :17 seconds

vid was 45 seconds long.

Q proof regarding Victoria's Secret


ALL PB below



>Les Wexner's LBrands Was Heavily Invested in China as a "Second Home Market"

>>123908 Dan tweet decoded

>Possibly Moar to the the Dan Vegas twat


IN and Out Burger

And the Beatles also in the shot

Beatles think ISIS


>then of course there's this nasty creature

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6a9a42 No.123985

File: c996776976a91ce⋯.png (206.83 KB,811x446,811:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ede9b29be09dca⋯.png (339.64 KB,672x289,672:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135306 (181424ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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SAM910 USAF C-32A departing JBA behind SAM783

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6a9a42 No.123986

File: e502f3b22a81fbf⋯.jpeg (129.62 KB,1455x900,97:60,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135307 (181424ZOCT20) Notable: Bannon Speaks to Revolver News in Exclusive Interview on Hunter's Hard Drive and What Comes Next

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Bannon Speaks to Revolver News in Exclusive Interview on Hunter's Hard Drive and What Comes Next

Last week the NY Post took the political world by storm with its release of shocking material from Hunter Biden’s hard drive indicating corruption, sexual depravity, and more. The Post reported that a lawyer for former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani obtained the hard drive from a computer repairman and that former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon had alerted the Post to the existence of the hard drive in July.

But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says, he made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.

Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September and Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of it on Sunday. [NY Post]

Steve Bannon has since clarified to Revolver News that he was brought into the project based on familiarity with corruption in corporate America, on Wall Street, and within the Chinese Communist Party and America’s political class.Mr. Bannon revealed that he “worked up and executed the roll out plan” of the information contained in the Hunter hard drives. Given his close knowledge and familiarity with an issue of such explosive importance to the electionRevolver asked Mr. Bannon a few questions pertaining to the contents of Hunter’s hard drive and the political implications of their release.

Revolver: What is the most incriminating thing on the hard drive? Rudy has suggested illegal things, and as Revolver reported, the FBI person tasked with the hard drive is associated with the child pornography division. Could you give more insight into how bad it is we’re talking about?

Mr. Bannon: Joe Biden is a liar, a fraud, and compromised by Chinese cash. In short, he is a national security crisis. The hard drive combines emails and text messages that show a massive involvement with companies controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Also, there are 25,000 images that show a drug-addled, depraved lifestyle — one that decent hardworking Americans will not want near the White House.

Revolver: The FBI has been holding onto the hard drive for almost a year? Any sense of why? Was there any indication that they were seriously interested in a criminal case, assuming that there is, in fact, illegal material on there? If not, why would the FBI simply hold onto information like that?

Mr. Bannon: The President must confront thedirector of the FBI on why the information housed on this hard drive was not moved on immediately. If the content of the hard drive had been released when received in November 2019, there would have been no impeachment of Trump, and Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic Party nominee. This confrontation should take place this weekend in the Oval Office. If Wray doesn’t have a bulletproof reason he should be fired in the room.

Revolver: What are your best estimates on how many foreign entities may have obtained possession of the hard drive? Chinese intel?

Mr. Bannon: It’s the actions represented on the hard drive that the American people must understand our enemies know about. The cash and equity given for access to Biden, the favors done for that cash, the drugs, the depravity. The CCP, Russian Intel, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Intel Services — they know the Bidens are for sale.

Revolver: Is there any reason to expect that the contents of the hard drive will be revealed before the election? If yes, will people actually care enough for it to substantially affect the outcome?

Mr. Bannon:The Bidens are about to be hit with multiple stories from multiple media sources based off evidence beyond the hard drive. Fox and Peter Schweitzer have already started but bigger more mainstream companies are going to weigh in. We already have set in motion the various apparatuses that will release everything.

Revolver: What are your thoughts on the efforts to discredit the hard drive as “Russian disinformation?” Is there any evidence this is Russian disinformation at all? At any rate, what matters is not whether Biden-supporting media calls it “disinformation” — what matters is whether it’s true. Has the Biden camp explicitly denied the factual accusations pertaining to the hard drives?

Mr. Bannon: Rupert Murdoch’s team at the NY Post is as sophisticated and tough as there is in all media. They had the metadata and they signed off to go forward. The Russia excuse — and it is an excuse — collapsed when Fox verified the information with someone on the email chain. The Biden campaign has yet to say these emails or photos are not real. The reason? Hunter’s lawyer sent emails trying to recover the hard drive. These are real — the Bidens know they are real — and they are going to have to deal with that reality.


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6a9a42 No.123987

File: 1ea62c59802ff47⋯.png (433.88 KB,535x705,107:141,Clipboard.png)

File: d939aedd89811c5⋯.png (250.32 KB,861x781,861:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 24f5f0ae070ce40⋯.png (136.77 KB,868x540,217:135,Clipboard.png)

File: a81024fc1590b5b⋯.png (18.85 KB,450x253,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135369 (181431ZOCT20) Notable: US MIL tweets and news

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"Engineered Refueling Overhaul – what does that mean to you? EROs are conducted to refuel AND upgrade ships prior to returning to the sea.



’s USS Wyoming (#SSBN 742) was most recent #submarine to undergo this process. #SubSunday

Find out more:https://www.navsea.navy.mil/Media/News/SavedNewsModule/Article/2377975/norfolk-naval-shipyard-completes-uss-wyomings-engineered-refueling-overhaul/fbclid/IwAR0qXSGS1X_bZrxQ8cEzcMCOiRxyWNdvqP19re81WVZ1PYKyKDTDhc7zaDg/

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6a9a42 No.123988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135372 (181431ZOCT20) Notable: Vatican is once again running interference for a pro-abortion Democrat. Joe Biden

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n 2016, the Vatican was pulling for Hillary Clinton. Just days before the presidential election, Pope Francis renewed his criticism of politicians who speak about erecting “walls.” This led Slate and other publications to run such headlines as “It Sure Sounds Like Pope Francis Doesn’t Think Americans Should Vote for Trump.” Several Francis-friendly prelates ran interference for Hillary Clinton. San Jose’s bishop, Patrick McGrath, wrote a letter to his flock in which he said that Donald Trump’s complaint of a rigged system “borders on the seditious.” According to the Italian press, many of Pope Francis’s aides viewed Trump’s victory as a “bitter defeat.”

In 2020, the Vatican is once again running interference for a pro-abortion Democrat. Joe Biden fashions himself as a Pope Francis Catholic. He brags about his cozy relationship with Pope Francis. In 2016, the Vatican invited Joe Biden to a conference about medicine, a scandalous invite given that Biden supports making scientific use of aborted embryos. Biden gushed about the anti-capitalism of Pope Francis: “We need to create a culture which, as Pope Francis reminds us, cannot just be based on the worship of money. We cannot accept a nation in which billionaires compete as to size of their super-yachts.”

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6a9a42 No.123989

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135439 (181438ZOCT20) Notable: Secrets of the Victoria Angels

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Secrets of the Victoria Angels

By DAN WOOTTON, Head of Showbiz

29th November 2014, 1:45 pm

Updated: 5th April 2016, 12:15 am

LONDON is preparing for the arrival of the famous Angels of Victoria’s Secret

– but I’ve learned life inside the world’s most exclusive lingerie club is

more like being in the army.

All eight of the brand’s top names including BEHATI PRINSLOO and LILY

ALDRIDGE are taking over luxury hotel The London Edition.

They’ll stay over two reserved floors along with 40 other models who will star

in the brand’s annual show.

The event, taking place outside the US for the second time, is at Earl’s Court

Arena on Tuesday night and will feature the only English Angel, JOURDAN


The hotel has replaced its room service menus with ultra-healthy alternative

dishes, all less than 500 calories.

The gym will be kept open longer so the models can work out and a strict 2am

curfew has been put in place.

While the models are also discouraged from having friends or partners with

them, MAROON 5’s ADAM LEVINE has been given special

dispensation to see wife Behati and KINGS OF LEON singer CALEB

FOLLOWILL is also allowed to see his wife Lily.

The girls will be under the care of private security guards ==whose former

clients include BARACK OBAMA and BILL CLINTON.==

My Victoria’s Secret source revealed:“Boss Ed Razek sets very strict rules

for the girls. He sees the Angels as athletes.

“What’s particularly crazy is that anyone in breach of the rules is fined.

They’re treating it like a military operation as this is the biggest show

they have ever put on.”

Organisers have already revealed thatFantasy Bras worth £1.2million studded with rubies, sapphires and diamonds will be showcased.


and HOZIER will perform for the crowd.

While I’ve never been a viewer, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is a huge


It’s broadcast in 192 countries and gets more than 10million viewers in the


Cannes, in France, is the only other city outside the US to host the show,

back in 2000.


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6a9a42 No.123990

File: a084104e748bf8c⋯.jpeg (190.36 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135440 (181438ZOCT20) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: Trump Supporter Hospitalized By Black Lives Matter Thugs At Women’s March Isabella DeLuca was assaulted while holding a Trump flag

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EXCLUSIVE: Trump Supporter Hospitalized By Black Lives Matter Thugs At Women’s March

Isabella DeLuca was assaulted while holding a Trump flag

A Trump supporter has been brutally assaulted by a Black Lives Matter mob while campaigning to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, D.C.

Isabella DeLuca, the Outreach Director for the pro-Trump organization Republicans for National Renewal, was attacked by multiple Black Lives Matter and Women’s March far-left activists, after DeLuca advocated for confirming Coney Barrett – a woman – to the Supreme Court.

DeLuca described being assaulted by a geriatric older female in an exclusive statement provided to the National File.

“The first woman was a white older woman – she had glasses on, a glittery bedazzled Black Lives Matter shirt,” Deluca told National File. “She looked like she could’ve been my grandma, honestly.”

The Black Lives Matter supporter grabbed DeLuca’s Trump flag, and then when DeLuca attempted to grab it back, the woman punched and choked her.

Due to the advanced age of the woman and her presumably fragile condition, DeLuca felt reluctant to defend herself, but was determined to get her property – the Trump flag – back.

It was at that moment that a much younger female leftist arrived on the scene and began joining her older compatriot in hitting, pushing and punching DeLuca.

READ MORE: VIDEO: Antifa Attacks Conservative Journalists Covering Protest Against Emancipation Memorial

After the leftists fled, DeLuca sought medical attention and was subsequently hospitalized.

DeLuca was given a cervical collar due to her extensive head and neck injuries, had her lips bloodied, and is also enduring blurry vision and dizziness.

Coverage of the protests by Breitbart News earlier today showed DeLuca waving a Trump flag and shouting “four more years” in support of the President.

The attack took place during the Women’s March, a left-wing anti-Trump march which has been involved in protests against the President’s nomination of Coney Barrett to the nation’s highest court.

The Women’s March received over $246 million in financial support in early 2017 from globalist megadonor George Soros. The organization has come under fire after accusations of anti-Semitism were made against its leadership.


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6a9a42 No.123991

File: adf4a5faf575e19⋯.png (925.83 KB,1192x1076,298:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135445 (181438ZOCT20) Notable: Stefanapolous brings up QAnon just now with Rhona McDaniels..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SNUFFELUFFUKUS brings up QAnon just now with Rhona McDaniels..


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6a9a42 No.123992

File: ad584a595f28cf7⋯.png (405.57 KB,665x663,665:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135462 (181440ZOCT20) Notable: Boat rust ordeal continued

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>>123953 (pb-notes)

No, anon this is NOT normal!

With this much rust, deck squids would be painting. (I did it while underway, hanging off the side of the ship [had to look pretty for the PI])

If the corrosion was too severe, it would need dry dock sand blasting.

Plus the primer & paint is special stuff designed to withstand the salt water.

This broke down from within (possibly from crap steel + shitty paint job).

Didn't the suspect steel Q referenced come from Japan under Obama?

Captain should be relieved of command for allowing a boat to come to this point.


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6a9a42 No.123993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135516 (181445ZOCT20) Notable: STUNNING INTERVIEW WITH STEVE BANNON (on Australian TV) ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP AND THE INFORMATION IT DISCLOSES.

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Biden campaign has not sued to prevent disclosure of emails, they know they would be counter-sued and the info would come out in discovery. Hunter Biden's lawyer phoned Rudy Giuliani / Steve Bannon's team in a panic to try to retrieve the laptop hard drive. These two facts basically validate that the laptop/hdd is really Hunter's and the info on it has them in an absolute panic.

>Bannon saying he learned from Breitbart - drop some info, let them lie about it, drop some more bam!!!


>Excoriating Wray

>Full attack mode reached


>(can listen on 1.25x speed without loss of comprehension)


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6a9a42 No.123994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135678 (181457ZOCT20) Notable: China Panic: The US Deploys HIMARS and anti-ship missiles to near China Islands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

China Panic: The US Deploys HIMARS and anti-ship missiles to near China Islands

1,431 views•Oct 18, 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123995

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135782 (181503ZOCT20) Notable: #14240, #14241, #14242 - None collected

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>>123979, >>123982 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>123987 US MIL tweets and news

>>123981, >>123985 Planefag Reports

>>123978 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report

>>123975 Leovani Payseur's list of books at Goodreads

>>123976 China Panic: US Joined Britain Deadliest Fleet of Warships Gather in North Sea in Huge Show of Force

>>123977 This may have been when Hunter Biden had possibly turned

>>123980 "Jim Carrey channels Joe Biden's inner Mr. Rogers on 'SNL'"

>>123983 October 26-27, when Pompeo and US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper visit New Delhi for joint consultations with their Indian counterparts.

>>123984 February 20, 2020 Dan Scavino tweet from Vegas MOAR!

>>123986 Bannon Speaks to Revolver News in Exclusive Interview on Hunter's Hard Drive and What Comes Next

>>123990 EXCLUSIVE: Trump Supporter Hospitalized By Black Lives Matter Thugs At Women’s March Isabella DeLuca was assaulted while holding a Trump flag

>>123991 Stefanapolous brings up QAnon just now with Rhona McDaniels..

>>123992 Boat rust ordeal continued


>>123994 China Panic: The US Deploys HIMARS and anti-ship missiles to near China Islands

>>123988 Vatican is once again running interference for a pro-abortion Democrat. Joe Biden

>>123989 Secrets of the Victoria Angels

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123996

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11135793 (181503ZOCT20) Notable: #14237 posted in #14241

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>123880 - Hunter gets choked up and when asked about responding to Trump

>>123881 - Hunter Biden HATES his evil father. Anon speculates.

>>123883 - BIDEN'S WEB

>>123884 - Did both Biden's flip? Anon theory

>>123885 , >>123886, >>123887, >>123888, >>123882 Giuliani's interview: Back ground globe directing our attention to the Virgin islands

>>123889 - There are 3 hard drives

>>123890 - Investigators Reveal Hunter Biden Used His Dead Brother's Identity to Hide His Whereabouts

>>123891 - #Winning

>>123892 - One might ask why a patent for a device so revolutionary

>>123893 , >>123895 , >>123902 - 4Chan claim to have discovered a way that people’s ballots can be cancelled online in Oregon and Washington

>>123894 - Hunter's heterochromia is very rare in humans

>>123896 - Croatian prime minister receives letter with ‘Novichok’ warning, reports say

>>123897 - GEOTUS in Vegas.

>>123898 - Official Ballot Marion County, Oregon

>>123899 - Biden Inc.


>>123901 - Dan Scavinous Tweets

>>123903 - Old Hunter Interview Resurfaces … It May Come Back to Haunt Him … “This Isn’t a Family Business”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.123997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136305 (181546ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: )

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1. Unanimous convicted by Jury

2. Overturn of conviction by Judge Ronnie Abrams of the Southern District of New York [attempt to free _provide 'shade' H. Biden?]

3. Federal Appeals Court reinstates conviction

Background Judge Ronnie Abrams?


Married to Greg Andres?

Who is Greg Andres?




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6a9a42 No.123998

File: e133d1ec499a0c9⋯.jpg (648.63 KB,1578x3669,526:1223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e88b95262beb28c⋯.jpg (395.74 KB,1578x1696,789:848,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b2c926ddd0545b⋯.jpg (411.05 KB,1578x2153,1578:2153,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136509 (181558ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: )

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caps for baker




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6a9a42 No.123999

File: a650265496eff9d⋯.jpg (166.06 KB,1036x799,1036:799,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136578 (181602ZOCT20) Notable: Synopsis of Biden Family Connections

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>He sent an October 2011 email toGary Fears, an associate of Hunter Biden and Archer.


This is a pretty interesting story.

The Ukraine corruption has some strange earlier connections.

First published at focusmidwest.com in May 2010.

“It’s interesting that the guys who came here to help move the plane actually were Russian nationals,” says Cheryl Hill, a prosecutor in Marquette, Michigan.

Hill is referring to a gargantuan Soviet military aircraft worth millions of dollars that has been stranded for the better part of the last year at a former U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command base in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

The spring thaw has melted the snow that accumulated around the aircraft over the winter, but mysteries surrounding its presence at Sawyer International Airport remain.

A fuel-leaking Cold War relic, the 94-ton behemoth has been the subject of both curiosity and consternation in Marquette since it touched down in July. Almost immediately, five members of the Ilyushin IL-78’s nine-man Ukrainian crew were deported for visa violations.

Hill, the local official charged with interim custody of the plane, recalls that one of the foreign-born aviators dispatched by the U.S. Customs Service to move the plane off the runway told her that he had flown the same aircraft during the Soviet Union’s war in Afghanistan in the 1980s. She mentions the coincidence as an aside, her prosecutorial inquisitiveness piqued more by the plane’s flight plan from last summer.

“I think that the more interesting question is, what were they going to do with it in Pakistan?” Hill says. “Were they running guns? Were they running drugs? Were they running people? You could drive tanks in there.”

The prosecutor’s suspicions raise a litany of other issues regarding accountability and transparency in the increasingly privatized war on terror, including the extent of U.S. military intelligence involvement, the veil of secrecy enveloping de facto covert operations, the purposes of such clandestine actions and who ultimately is profiting from the expansion of the wars now being waged in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The covert nature of the aircraft’s mission and those involved in carrying it out would never have come to light if not for a dispute over a maintenance bill.

Victor Miller, owner of Air 1 Flight Services of Sherman, Texas, filed suit against Air Support Systems LLC in June 2009, alleging that the company owed more than $70,000 in maintenance fees accrued during the two-anda-half years the plane was mothballed at the North Texas Regional Airport. After the Ukrainian crew took off with the plane the next month, it was grounded in Michigan, as a result of a restraining order, before it could leave U.S. airspace.

The registered owner of the plane is Gary R. Fears, a former Downstate Illinois powerbroker who now resides in South Florida. Fears dismisses the imbroglio over the plane as much ado about nothing.

“The whole thing was a huge misunderstanding,” says the 63-year-old Fears, who maintains his corporate address at his lawyer’s office in St. Louis County, Missouri.

The leaseholder of the plane is North American Tactical Aviation Inc. (NATA), a corporation with the same Wilmington, Delaware, address as Air Support Systems LLC, a Fears-owned company with one asset: the grounded plane. That the corporations share the same Delaware incorporation address could easily be attributed to coincidence, but bankruptcy records filed on behalf of Air Support Systems in St. Louis last fall provide more details as to who invested money in the aircraft or lent money for its purchase.


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6a9a42 No.124000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136655 (181613ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic (Cap: )

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Who is Alexandra Chalupa?



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6a9a42 No.124001

File: a9b2e3db68c959f⋯.png (441.22 KB,914x999,914:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136694 (181615ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Who is Alexandra Chalupa? (Cap: ) (Cap: )

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>Who is Alexandra Chalupa?

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6a9a42 No.124002

File: 4ed332000d19135⋯.png (392.02 KB,818x544,409:272,EknohPcUYAAENFG.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136720 (181616ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense Masks don't work (Cap: )

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System of control?

Apply logic and common sense.


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6a9a42 No.124003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136721 (181616ZOCT20) Notable: Biden interview

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Bannon on Biden emails, huge!

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief

October 18, 2020


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6a9a42 No.124004

File: 17cb4b951cbd049⋯.png (1.09 MB,982x923,982:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136730 (181616ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Who is Alexandra Chalupa? (Cap: ) (Cap: )

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A new cast of characters emerged at Wednesday’s impeachment hearings — including Alexandra Chalupa, a former Democratic National Committee contractor and staffer who dug for dirt on the Trump campaign with help from Ukrainian officials.

Chalupa, a Ukrainian American who calls herself a “human rights lobbyist,” made a cameo minutes into the opening statement of House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) in which he railed against the Democrats’ secretive impeachment process.

“Violating their own guidelines, Democrats repeatedly redacted from transcripts the name of Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor for the Democratic National Committee who worked with Ukrainian officials to collect dirt on the Trump campaign which she provided to the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Nunes said.

Chalupa is the founder of a Washington political consulting firm and is co-chair of the DNC’s Ethnic Council, which reaches out to diaspora groups around the country to increase voter turnout, according to her LinkedIn.

But her most important role to date appears to be her investigation into Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, and his ties with Russia — which she conducted with the help of Ukrainian officials.

The investigation provoked a firestorm in 2017 and prominent Republicans such as Sen. Chuck Grassley publicly accused Chalupa of working with Ukraine, the DNC and the Clinton campaign to undermine Trump’s candidacy.

Chalupa denied the claims, telling CNN she was a “part-time consultant” during the 2016 US election and that DNC officials never asked her to “go to the Ukrainian Embassy to collect information.”

“I was not an opposition researcher for the DNC, and the DNC never asked me to go to the Ukrainian Embassy to collect information,” she said in July 2017.

The Democratic staffer said it was her Ukrainian American heritage that made her aware of Manafort’s consulting work for Victor Yanukovych — a former Ukrainian president with ties to Moscow.

“When it was announced that the Trump campaign hired Manafort, many Ukrainian Americans were alarmed and concerned it was an early signal that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin was trying to influence the US election,” Chalupa said.

“At that time, I flagged for the DNC the significance of his hire based on information in the public domain,” she added.

While she admitted to having a “couple” of meetings with Ukrainian officials, they had nothing to do with Manafort, Trump or Clinton.

Still, a Politico investigation published in November 2017 detailed how Ukrainian government officials tried to “help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump,” and named Chalupa as a Democratic operative who met with Ukrainian officials to try to expose ties between Trump and Russia.

Republicans last month named Chalupa as one of the witnesses they wanted to testify during this month’s impeachment hearings, and on Tuesday she told Politico she was on a “mission to testify.”

But she wasn’t called on, and instead took to Twitter on Wednesday morning to defend herself and claim she was the victim of a Russian misinformation plot.

“For the past 4 years I’ve been a target of the Kremlin’s cyber warfare & disinformation warfare, including conducted by the GRU & Putin’s top spokespeople,” Chalupa told her 48,000 followers.

“In Congress, you’ve elevated Moscow’s disinformation attacks targeted at me, an American. Please explain why,” she wrote.


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6a9a42 No.124005

File: bb817767ae46f6b⋯.png (253.82 KB,684x908,171:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136732 (181616ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense (Cap: )

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Cap for incomingBAKER

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6a9a42 No.124006

File: be4eb5adeda9ade⋯.jpg (116.17 KB,611x838,611:838,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a9b03bfbe2b5882⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,844x3870,422:1935,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136742 (181617ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic (Cap: )

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Alexandra Chalupa


Steve Bannon is a terrorist more dangerous to the United States than Osama bin Laden ever was. He belongs in a high security prison for life. Any journalist or news outlet treating him as anything but a code red threat is aiding and abetting the enemy. Everyone is on notice.

Quote Tweet

Steve Bannon’s War Room


· 23h

#SteveBannon warns #JoeBiden: Much more evidence to come.

You're going to be buried in an avalanche of corruption and how you've sold out US.

#Biden family have stolen money from the Chinese people to enrich themselves.

#WarRoomPandemic #HunterBiden



9:12 PM · Oct 17, 2020


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6a9a42 No.124007

File: 29b2ce44c514307⋯.png (147.6 KB,418x303,418:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136745 (181617ZOCT20) Notable: Alexandra Chalupa with Avenatti

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6a9a42 No.124008

File: 2027bab87f20f94⋯.png (21.09 KB,633x214,633:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136754 (181617ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter deletes tweet from WH Advisor Dr. Scott Atlas

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6a9a42 No.124009

File: d40975f8f38dc99⋯.mp4 (11 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136757 (181617ZOCT20) Notable: DJT JR says to break up DOJ cartel

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DJT Jr says - Physically break up the DC Cartel. Grenell has been saying the SAME THING for months.

Breaking News

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6a9a42 No.124010

File: be2433304cfc3e7⋯.png (334.31 KB,591x669,197:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136772 (181618ZOCT20) Notable: Marines tweet "Mission Continues"

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"Mission Continues

Telework has allowed us to change where we work, but it hasn't changed our responsibility to safeguard the Marine Corps. Despite #COVID19, we haven't stopped working and neither have our adversaries. Do your part. #BeCyberSmart."

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6a9a42 No.124011

File: 76e67ee7a258a1a⋯.png (169.4 KB,691x787,691:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136803 (181620ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– System of control? Apply logic and common sense Masks don't work (Cap: )

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Tweet CAP for incomingBAKER

Nice to see you during Church time Q and Team.

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6a9a42 No.124012

File: 35fa0693d1ab4ef⋯.jpg (42.19 KB,595x338,595:338,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11136996 (181629ZOCT20) Notable: Defense in Whitmer kidnap case says FBI pushed plot

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UPDATE: Suspects Say Ring Leader in Plot to Kidnap Wretched Governor Whitmer Was an Alleged FBI Informant — Who Pushed the Entire Plan

This didn’t make any headlines.

The ring leader in the plot to kidnap wretched Governor Gretchen Whitmer was an FBI informant.

He was planted into the group and was the one who pushed the entire plan.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s laptop filled with criminal drug, sex and million dollar criminal dealings sits on a shelf at the FBI collecting dust — if they haven’t destroyed it already.

So, Antifa-BLM riots, loots and pillages cities across the US.

FBI Director Chris Wray warns Congress about the dangers of “white supremacist groups.”

And then two weeks later the FBI arrests a group of middle class gun nuts and patriots and accuse them of plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

And now we find out days later it was the FBI informant who pushed the entire plot?

It really is time to shut down the FBI.


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6a9a42 No.124013

File: 05759fdfae1932f⋯.png (131.16 KB,906x751,906:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137047 (181632ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT…

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Seems relevant.


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6a9a42 No.124014

File: 170b508aedeb55a⋯.jpg (111.95 KB,882x501,294:167,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137050 (181632ZOCT20) Notable: Portland and Oakland sue feds…

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They're Skeered..KEK

Cities of Portland, Oakland sue Homeland Security, Justice Departments, alleging unconstitutional federal overreach

The cities of Portland and Oakland have filed a suit against the federal Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, alleging both have engaged in unconstitutional overreach of federal law enforcement in response to social justice protests.

The suit cites the deployment of federal officers “either secretly or with little warning” to Portland, the continued authorizing of special deputy U.S. Marshal status to Portland police despite Portland’s objections, the deploying of federal law enforcement to non-federal property with “virtually limitless jurisdiction,” and the erecting of a fence around the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in a city right-of-way without a permit.

The cities allege the federal government under President Donald Trump has violated the so-called anti-commandering rule, which says that the federal government can’t require states or its officials to enforce federal law.

The 48-page suit alleges the federal practices mark a “monumental policy change” that harms the cities’ abilities to safely govern and police, and has only contributed to further civil unrest. Past local collaborations with federal law enforcement have been voluntary and consensual, the suit notes.


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6a9a42 No.124015

File: 77863dda9b54ac7⋯.png (208.3 KB,1435x888,1435:888,Clipboard.png)

File: a4124730ff63034⋯.png (122.48 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: ad86ce807d93950⋯.png (101.54 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: f50ee0af5a40847⋯.png (130.77 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137057 (181632ZOCT20) Notable: Deep dig on Abrams

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>>123997 (pb)

this guy is on tv a lot. brother of judge Ronnie

Dan Abrams’ Sister Ronnie Abrams is a District Judge. How is their Relationship?

Home » Entertainment » Dan Abrams’ Sister Ronnie Abrams Is A District Judge. How Is Their Relationship?

 Published On: July 16, 2018  Binesh Shrestha

The American entrepreneur and author Dan Abrams‘ family is loaded with highly academic people. His sister Ronnie Abrams is one of them. Dan’s sister Ronnie Abrams is a district judge. She is the judge of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Dan and Ronnie’s father Floyd Abrams was no ordinary man either. He was a prominent attorney and the co-counsel for The New York Times on the Pentagon Papers case. Their mother’s name is Efrat Abrams.

Dan’s sister Ronnie was brought up in the Upper East Side in New York. Ronnie Abrams received a Bachelors of Arts from Cornell University and received a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School

Dan Abrams’ Relationship With Sister Ronnie Abrams

The relationship between the brother-sister duo is pretty good. Ronnie and her brother Dan has got a lot of childhood memories. Instead of bedtime stories, their father Floyd used to tell them tales of legal morality. We wonder what kind of stories does Dan tells his son Everett Floyd Abrams with whom he shares beautiful moments.

Ronnie showed the traits of being a judge from her early age. Her brother Dan followed the same track. But Ronnie’s brother Dan spent most of his youth longing to be next Ted Koppel.

For those who don’t know Ted Koppel, he is an American broadcast journalist. Despite Dan got his law degree like his sister Ronnie, he did veer off into television like Ted.

There is an exciting story. When Ronnie’s father Floyd attended Dan’s show for 2000 Presidential-election dispute, Dan had problems addressing his father. When he addressed Floyd as Mr. Abrams, there was laughter from the audiences in the studio.

And the second time when he called his father Floyd, the laughter was even louder. The funny part is that Floyd later stated when Dan calls him by name again then he calls on the chief justice in the house, i.e., Dan’s sister Ronnie Abrams.

It looks like everyone in the Abrams family enjoy a little bit of joy and laughter. Till today there has not been any news regarding a dispute between the Abrams sibling. So, for now, we can say that the relationship between Ronnie Abrams and her brother Dan is perfect and going well.

For more News and Entertainment follow eCelebrityMirror.





A Quick Look At Goldman's Takeover Of The US Judicial System: NY Fed Edition

by Tyler Durden

Nov 20, 2014 4:43 PM

Moments ago, in the aftermath of the latest scandal involving Goldman's Rohit Bansal getting material information from a NY Fed employee, finally admitted that the original Carmen Segarra "whistleblower" allegations, namely that there was a material weakness (as in it is non-existent) when it comes to the NY Fed's supervision of TBTF banks, by which we mean Goldman Sachs here, were founded and valid when at 4pm on the dot the NY Fed released this:

The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday announced two separate reviews that are underway at the Federal Reserve System to ensure that the examinations of large banking organizations are consistent, sound, and supported by all relevant information.

At the request of the Board, its Inspector General is examining two aspects of the Federal Reserve System's examination program for large banking organizations:



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6a9a42 No.124016

File: 314d6670cb68251⋯.jpg (68.56 KB,726x960,121:160,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5af3d619963ad9e⋯.jpg (79.82 KB,740x960,37:48,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 74b816541f8954d⋯.jpg (88.3 KB,736x960,23:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 65644c337ae0f7b⋯.jpg (85.96 KB,739x960,739:960,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137089 (181635ZOCT20) Notable: Handwritten court docket against Bidens

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6a9a42 No.124017

File: 5cae9696606a44f⋯.jpeg (758.44 KB,1125x1570,225:314,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137102 (181636ZOCT20) Notable: Alexandra Chalupa digs

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In my circles we’ve called her…

The Big Chalupa

…for years.

She knows that she is in big trouble (HRC, Podesta emails, etc.)

Her Twitter page tries to reflect her role as opposite of what it really is.

We know, Ms. Chalupa, what role you’ve played…The Big [Dark] Chalupa!

You are in Santa’s naughty list too (see her Twitter page description).


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6a9a42 No.124018

File: 05178c414e991c0⋯.jpg (128.4 KB,546x1255,546:1255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137132 (181637ZOCT20) Notable: . Moar Biden

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“I don’t believe in keeping them bare foot and pregnant but I do believe in keeping them pregnant till I get a little girl”

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6a9a42 No.124019

File: 25383213d92485e⋯.png (1.28 MB,1272x908,318:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137143 (181637ZOCT20) Notable: Alexandra Chalupa digs

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sum sauce on Chalupa:

Alexandra Chalupa’s Mission to Take Down Candidate and President Donald Trump


First on CNN: Former DNC contractor denies working with Ukrainian officials on anti-Trump research


BREAKING: Suspected ‘Whistleblower’ Met With DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa

October 30, 2020


HUGE! CIA “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella Worked with DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa in Creation of Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax


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6a9a42 No.124020

File: a653bfb66f7dd5b⋯.jpeg (253.25 KB,828x559,828:559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137161 (181638ZOCT20) Notable: Police return stolen ballots in WA

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https://www.king5.com/mobile/article/news/local/sammamish-police-return-stolen-ballots-after-thieves-target-mailboxes/281-aa07f961-270a-4591-8a92-762c2cc7bc15 Sammamish police return stolen ballots after thieves target mailboxes

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6a9a42 No.124021

File: f7b137fede2a255⋯.jpeg (633.6 KB,828x1140,69:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137187 (181640ZOCT20) Notable: Massive protest in France after muslim beheads teacher

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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8852237/Islamist-terrorist-filmed-moment-beheaded-teacher-France-showing-cartoons-Mohammed.html Thousands rally in Paris in protest at murder of teacher Samuel Paty by refugee Islamist terrorist, 18, who FILMED moment he beheaded him for showing pupils cartoons of Prophet Mohammed and then posted grisly clip online

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6a9a42 No.124022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137238 (181642ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Johnson on Maria Bartiromo

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The FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case

Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo

Feat. Ron Johnson

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6a9a42 No.124023

File: 888c91461582159⋯.jpg (42.62 KB,684x367,684:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137255 (181643ZOCT20) Notable: Tulsi makes motion to exonerate Assange

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Massie and Gabbard Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Demanding Julian Assange’s Immediate Exoneration

Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) introduced H.Res.1175 last week, which calls for the U.S. deep state to give up its hostile prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The resolution intends to defend press freedom against the national security state. The prosecution of Assange could criminalize journalism as we know it if he is successfully railroaded by the feds.

“Freedom of the press is a vital function of a free democracy in which the government is accountable to the people. Julian Assange published information that exposed lies and abuses of power at the highest levels of our government. His indictment under the Espionage Act sends a chilling message to every member of the media and all Americans,” Gabbard said.


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6a9a42 No.124024

File: 54a152cf7c6f895⋯.jpeg (464.37 KB,828x881,828:881,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137259 (181643ZOCT20) Notable: TerraPower gets $80 million grant

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https://www.seattletimes.com/business/bellevue-based-terrapower-gets-80-million-federal-grant-to-develop-next-generation-nuclear-power-plant/ Bellevue-based TerraPower gets $80 million federal grant to develop next-generation nuclear power plant

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6a9a42 No.124025

File: 6bd467f9a5e8117⋯.jpeg (542.39 KB,828x1222,414:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137281 (181645ZOCT20) Notable: GWP calls out fake Hunter photo from porn vid

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https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/warning-liberal-groups-caught-posting-fake-photos-online-can-claim-hunter-biden-stories-recently-uncovered-conspiracies/ WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies

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6a9a42 No.124026

File: 1cb04d7df6c063c⋯.jpg (140.78 KB,769x1200,769:1200,EVnTQlLXYAAxQRk.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137296 (181645ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Abrams family (Cap: )

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Now that you know how Judge Ronnie Abrams and Greg Andres are connected ……

Who is Dan Abrams?


Brother of Judge Ronnie Abrams?

Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Where Politics Meets The Law?


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6a9a42 No.124027

File: a4ae5fec935c219⋯.jpg (105.85 KB,1200x669,400:223,EK0JCUUU8AAlC2L.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137363 (181648ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– How is the game played? Wojcicki family

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6a9a42 No.124028

File: 7a4b8b853a579dc⋯.png (327.19 KB,588x730,294:365,Clipboard.png)

File: e169f728d77457a⋯.jpg (35.74 KB,311x360,311:360,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 257b8af66df1308⋯.jpg (50.56 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fd5010286d01dee⋯.png (244.33 KB,1273x1302,1273:1302,Clipboard.png)

File: eb4a7a3f8604b6f⋯.png (109.18 KB,1151x1029,1151:1029,Clipboard.png)


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Baltimore, Maryland – October 16, 2020 – Sinclair Broadcast Group (NASDAQ: SBGI) announced today that it will air an exclusive town hall discussion with President Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 21 at 8:00 p.m. Moderated by Eric Bolling, host of “America This Week,” the town hall will be filmed at the White House and will air onallSinclair-owned CW and MYNET stations, across 55 markets. For those outside of these markets, the town hall will be available acrossSinclair station websites.

Produced by the Sinclair corporate news department, this one-hour news special will see Eric Bolling sitdown with President Donald Trump for an in-depth interview in a traditional town hall format. During the discussion, President Trump will respond to questions from both Bolling and members of the audience around key issues in the 2020 election.

"Sinclair also has offered a town hall in the same format to former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign. “Vice President Biden has a standing, open invitation to join us whenever is most convenient for him, whether that be on America This Week or in an interview with one of our many excellent stations as he has already done numerous times,” said Scott Livingston, Sinclair Senior Vice President of News. “We have been in touch with his team and we are hopeful that we will be able to feature him and bring his policy positions directly to the voters in a similar fashion.” "



List of Sinclair TV Channels (organized alphabetically by city)

"Sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to stations in the following markets"


List of Sinclair TV Channels (organized alphabetically by state)


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6a9a42 No.124029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137548 (181659ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada

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President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada


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6a9a42 No.124030

File: e67fe917c2d8553⋯.png (306.62 KB,1085x980,31:28,Clipboard.png)

File: f8f30673fe1f67d⋯.png (295.59 KB,1074x982,537:491,Clipboard.png)

File: fa70f84e14eb991⋯.png (300.33 KB,1068x1006,534:503,Clipboard.png)

File: e4003e6570eded8⋯.png (309.79 KB,1083x992,1083:992,Clipboard.png)

File: 289c568c3e7e3fb⋯.png (306.42 KB,1080x1005,72:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137560 (181700ZOCT20) Notable: BIBLICAL

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AstrologyAnon here

inb4 satanic & gay

expand your thinking

astrology reconciles with religion

or you can just ignore, I still love and value you


Thought I would share some dates you should watch as there are some big events coming up. We've all been largely affected by the compression of slow moving Pluto (raw power, change through rebirth), Saturn (limitations, restrictions, control, not the devil) and Jupiter (expands everything it touches). All of this has been in Capricorn and square Mars in Aries.

The USA is approaching its Pluto return around 2023, nations that endure must survive these powerful transformative transits. Pluto goes back and forth over a point. When moving direct, the change is pushed out into the world, when retrograde we internalize and process. Pluto went Retrograde back in June and turned back direct at the beginning of this month, ready to push out massive change.

Crash course:

Conjunct (0°) - planets energies merge

Sextile (60°) - Harmonic energies, weaker than trine

Square (90°) - Harsh - Planets energies war

Trine (120°) - Planets energies in harmony

Opposition (180°) - Energies war, but it is more like bipolar tug-of-war

All charts are for Washington, DC in EST

Many planets have been in retrograde and are, or will be, returning direct. For five days in September we had 6 planets in retrograde, happens only ~0.5% of the time. Did you feel it? It's like walking around in a dream.

3 NOV - Election Day

Pluto/Sat/Jupiter all Square Mercury (communication, thinking) and Mars (Aggression, goal-directed energy). Mercury goes direct the very next day. It is in retrograde now (don't buy any electronics)

Bonus: 09 NOV - Mars / Venus in opposition in their ruling planets. Have sex with your partner and thank me later.

12 NOV - Pluto conjunct Jupiter

Happens only every 13 years. Results in focused and driven desire to succeed in what you are most passionate about. Moral and ethical goals and actions will be met by Jupiter with luck. Ruthlessness, power seeking will be…um….met with not good luck. Also two days later Mars goes back direct and everything won't be so fucking hard to accomplish anymore.

21 DEC - Grand Conjunction

The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn. Happens every 19 years. Linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders and great people. Some believe the Star of Bethlehem was the Great Conjunction of 7, B.C. Consider an event of great fortune. There is a sense of satisfied completion and time to advance to a higher level. Also, this is two days after the both FINALLY move from all-work, duty bound Capricorn into idealistic and community-focused Aquarius. Pluto is a generational planet and this will begin the Pluto Aquarius generation.

13 JAN - Compressions & Uranus goes Direct

Hot-tempered Mars is conjunct with Uranus the planet of change (usually pretty quick and dramatic changes. Uranus is the revolutionary planet). This is square with Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun (Ego/Self), Moon (Emotions) and Mercury. The next day, Uranus ends its 155-day retrograde, goes direct and change is in the fucking air. This is softened a bit by Venus (love, values, beauty) being trine Mars/Uranus.

21 JAN - Inauguration Day

This is nothing short of a revolutionary chart. I sent it to a astrologer friend of mine, who is not in the US and doesn't follow current events. I said, "remember when I told you we are in a period of global change?"…. Her response was simply: "Holy. Shit."


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6a9a42 No.124031

File: 83dc14654aa1a12⋯.jpeg (482.39 KB,828x1005,276:335,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137561 (181700ZOCT20) Notable: Gidley Defends His QAnon Answer, Slams Savannah Guthrie for ‘Asking About a Crazy Conspiracy Theory’

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https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-spox-hogan-gidley-defends-his-qanon-answer-slams-savannah-guthrie-for-asking-about-a-crazy-conspiracy-theory/amp/ Trump Spox Hogan Gidley Defends His QAnon Answer, Slams Savannah Guthrie for ‘Asking About a Crazy Conspiracy Theory’

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6a9a42 No.124032

File: 8ce1007eb4ec503⋯.png (742.29 KB,828x651,276:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137577 (181701ZOCT20) Notable: The 31-day campaign against QAnon

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The 31-day campaign against QAnon

Author: Stephanie McCrummen

Updated: 1 hour ago Published 1 hour ago

There was a time when Kevin Van Ausdal had not yet been called a “loser” and “a disgrace” and hustled out of Georgia. He had not yet punched a wall, or been labeled a “communist,” or a person “who’d probably cry like a baby if you put a gun in his face.” He did not yet know who was going to be the Republican nominee for Congress in his conservative district in northwestern Georgia: the well-known local neurosurgeon, or the woman he knew vaguely as a person who had openly promoted conspiracies including something about a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles.

Anything still seemed possible in the spring of 2020, including the notion that he, Kevin Van Ausdal, a 35-year-old political novice who wanted to “bring civility back to Washington” might have a shot at becoming a U.S. congressman.

So one day in March, he drove his Honda to the gold-domed state capitol in Atlanta, used his IRS refund to pay the $5,220 filing fee and became the only Democrat running for a House seat in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, which Donald Trump won by 27 points in the 2016 presidential election.

He hired a local campaign manager named Vinny Olsziewski, who had handled school board races and a couple of congressionals.

He came up with a slogan - “Save the American Dream” - and posted his first campaign ad, a one-minute slide show of snapshots with voters set to colonial fife-and-drum music.

He gave one of the first public interviews he had ever given in his life, about anything, on a YouTube show called Destiny, and when the host asked, “How do you appeal to these people while still holding onto what you believe in?” Kevin answered, “It’s all about common sense and reaching across the aisle. That’s what politics is supposed to be like.”

All of that was before August, when Republican primary voters chose the candidate with the history of promoting conspiracies, and President Donald Trump in a tweet called her a “future Republican Star” and Kevin began learning more about Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose first major ad featured her roaring across a field in a Humvee, pulling out an AR-15 rifle and blasting targets labeled “open borders” and “socialism.”

He read that she was wealthy, had rented a condo in the district earlier in the year to run for Congress, and that before running she had built an online following by promoting baseless, fringe right-wing conspiracies - that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been involved in murders, that President Barack Obama is a Muslim, and more recently, about the alternate universe known as QAnon.

“I’ve seen some mention of lizard people?” Kevin said, going through news articles to learn more about QAnon. “And JFK’s ghost? Or maybe he’s still alive? And QAnon is working with Trump to fight the deep state? I’m not sure I understand.”

He plunged deeper, reading about a world in which a cryptic online figure called Q is fighting to take down a network of Democrats, Hollywood actors and global elites who engage in child-trafficking and drink a life-extending chemical harvested from the blood of their victims. He read about an FBI memo warning that QAnon followers could pose a domestic terrorism threat, and the reality sank in that the only thing standing between Marjorie Taylor Greene and the halls of Congress was him. Kevin.

“I’m the one,” he said. “I’m it.”



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6a9a42 No.124033

File: 7157745f67b3ed6⋯.jpeg (546.16 KB,828x948,69:79,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137595 (181702ZOCT20) Notable: The Despair of Feminism

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https://pjmedia.com/columns/david-solway-2/2020/10/17/the-despair-of-feminism-n1066231 The Despair of Feminism

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6a9a42 No.124034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137617 (181704ZOCT20) Notable: FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson

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FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is calling on the FBI to 'come clean' over the agency's involvement with Hunter Biden's laptop, after refusing to 'confirm or deny' certain details contained in a whistleblower complaint by a Delaware computer shop owner.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing," Johnson told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."

"If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that."

Host Maria Bartiromo brought up a salient point - that the FBI was allegedly in possession of Hunter Biden's laptop which contains apparent evidence of pay-for-play corruption in Ukraine, at the same time Congressional Democrats were impeaching President Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate exactly that.

"If the FBI was in possession of these emails from Hunter Biden's computer indicating all of these payouts, why did they not make this public, as President Trump was being impeached in the Senate about Ukraine?"

Johnson replied: "the larger question really is; if they had this information - and these are genuine emails which would probably reveal all kinds of things that would have been very relevant to the impeachment case, why did they sit out? Are they covering up because Hunter Biden might be engaged in things that also maybe should have been investigated and possibly prosecuted? Dow we have two systems of justice? One for Democrats, one for Republicans, one for the well connected, vs. one for the rest of the Americans."

Child porn?

Bartiromo then steered the conversation to national security risks - noting that the signature of the FBI's top child porn lawyer appeared on the subpoena for Hunter's laptop.

"The subpoena was served by an FBI agent whose name is Joshua Wilson, and over the last five years he has been working on child pornography issues. Connect the dots - if an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years, why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden? Is there a connection here? Should this suggest that there's a child pornography issue here on that laptop?"

"Well, I think you just made the connection," Johnson replied. "This is what the FBI has to come clean about. This isn't a standard investigation… this is something that, as we were talking about, relates to national security. And if there's criminal activity involved that can be tied to Hunter Biden or his business associates, or even possibly tied back to members of the Biden family - well some of these emails indicate that Joe Biden is fully aware of this."


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6a9a42 No.124035

File: 8d03fe1ebcd43ae⋯.png (440.89 KB,874x660,437:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137626 (181704ZOCT20) Notable: Republican National Committee chair says QAnon is 'something the voters are not even thinking about'

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Republican National Committee chair says QAnon is=='something the voters are not even thinking about'

Yelena Dzhanova 2 hours ago

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel dismissed the QAnon movement Sunday, saying the "fringe group" isn't an issue Americans are familiar with and don't care about.

In a recent poll, most voters who said they were familiar with QAnon characterized the movement as "very bad" for the country.

When asked if she'd condemn the group, McDaniel said, "It's a fringe group. It's not part of our party."

There is a growing list of Republican politicians who have either backed or avoided denouncing QAnon.

Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee, dismissed the QAnon movement Sunday, saying it's an issue Americans aren't familiar with and don't care about.

QAnon is a baseless far-right conspiracy theory that claims President Donald Trump is secretly fighting a "deep state" cabal of satanic pedophiles and cannibals.

"It's something the voters are not even thinking about," McDaniel said on ABC News' "This Week" Sunday, when asked if she'd condemn QAnon.

"It's a fringe group," she added. "It's not part of our party. The vice president said, 'I dismiss it out of hand.' The president said, 'You know what, I don't know anything about this group.'"

"But of course you're going to ask me about that," McDaniel said to "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos. "Because it has absolutely nothing to do with this election. Antifa is burning down cities right now."

Last year, the FBI designated QAnon as a domestic-terrorism group, saying it's filled with "conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists" and citing it as a growing threat.

McDaniel suggested that voters are not concerned about QAnon and would rather focus on developments concerning the upcoming coronavirus stimulus package.



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6a9a42 No.124036

File: 718c7daf6274998⋯.png (592.7 KB,850x480,85:48,Eb9OLBSUEAEe7xJ.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137635 (181705ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

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Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

Do you see a pattern?


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6a9a42 No.124037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137636 (181705ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

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Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

Earlier this week The New York Post released shocking emails that prove Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at the Burisma Ukrainian energy firm. This was a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

Hunter Biden left his laptop at a computer shop and then neglected to pick it up after several calls. The owner of the computer repair company handed over Hunter’s laptop to the FBI last December. The FBI hid this evidence from congress and the executive branch during the Pelosi impeachment hearings. But before the computer store owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, turned over the computer to the FBI he first downloaded much of its contents. He later gave this information to Rudy Giuliani’s attorney who then worked with Steve Bannon to deliver the information to the New York Post.

The contents from the computer include photos of Hunter Biden with prostitutes and a photo of Hunter sleeping with his crack pipe (or meth pipe) like a pacifier.

On Saturday Steve Bannon sat for an interview with The Revolver. Bannon warned the Biden Crime Family that there is much more to come — from several outlets — in the coming days.

Steve added that there are 25,000 images that show a drug-addled, depraved lifestyle.

The New York Post corroborated Steve Bannon’s numbers.

Neither Hunter Biden’s lawyer nor Joe Biden’s campaign have disputed the validity of the trove of data that The Post obtained after being extracted from a MacBook Pro laptop. The owner of a Delaware computer repair shop said the device was dropped off in April 2019 but never retrieved.

A computer camera roll of nearly 25,000 images is loaded with sexually explicit selfies and porn (which The Post is not publishing), but also has snapshots from Biden’s childhood and vacations.


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6a9a42 No.124038

File: 08660b1e0f10c89⋯.png (55.82 KB,1025x248,1025:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137643 (181706ZOCT20) Notable: A top Republican senator acknowledged the possibility that the FBI investigated whether there was child pornography on a laptop that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden.

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A top Republican senator acknowledged the possibility that the FBI investigated whether there was child pornography on a laptop that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden.

Journalist Maria Bartiromo asked Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, about a Business Insider report that described faint handwriting on a subpoena served last year to a Delaware business that was given a computer to repair but never retrieved. The device purportedly contained data about foreign business dealings and other matters related to the son of former Vice President Joe Biden.

The subpoena appeared to show the FBI agent who served it was someone named "Joshua Wilson." There was a Joshua Wilson, according to a Star-Ledger report published last year, who was an FBI agent based in New Jersey who spent nearly five years investigating child pornography, but it remains unclear if this is the same Wilson and what exactly the bureau was investigating.

Bartiromo twice asked Johnson, a lead congressional investigator, if he knows of any connection on her Fox News program, Sunday Morning Futures.

"I think you just made the connection. Again, this is what the FBI, I think, has to come clean about," the Wisconsin Republican said in his first reply. Johnson was alluding to his letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray about the laptop sent last week.


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6a9a42 No.124039

File: 9783b07a3218070⋯.jpeg (380.79 KB,828x777,276:259,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137650 (181706ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter removes Trump COVID advisor tweet that questioned use of masks

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https://thehill.com/homenews/coronavirus-report/521595-twitter-removes-trump-covid-advisors-tweet-that-questioned-use-of Twitter removes Trump COVID advisor tweet that questioned use of masks

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6a9a42 No.124040

File: 9a364f524e210e9⋯.png (72.62 KB,781x513,781:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137651 (181706ZOCT20) Notable: Who is Abrams?

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Who is Abrams?

Dan Abrams is an established American author, Web entrepreneur, legal commentator and a television host.

Abrams has previously worked as an anchor of shows "Nightline" and as the Chief Legal Affairs Anchor for the network ABC News.

Abrams worked as a chief legal analyst, for the network NBC News, as well as on the post of General Manager for MSNBC.

Abrams has built an empire of seven web properties. He has also founded the firm for digital media strategy, going by the name "Abrams Research".

Being of Jewish decent, Abrams was brought up by father Floyd Abrams, an attorney, and his mother, Efrat Abrams.

Abrams graduated from Riverdale Country School in 1984 and received his degree magna cum laude. He also graduated political science from Duke University, in 1988.

Before he joined the NBC Newscast, Abrams worked for Court TV as a reporter. During that time, he covered the scene of OJ Simpson scandal.

Abrams also covered the scene at the International War Crimes Tribunal that took place in Netherlands.

Abrams moved on from Court TV and went to work as a general assignment correspondent for the network NBC News. He stayed on this post throughout 1997-1999. During that time, he became a Chief Legal Correspondent.

Alongside correspondent Pete Williams, Abrams was the first correspondent to have the opportunity to cover the handing out of pamphlet in Supreme Court steps, for elections between Bush and Gore.

After that, Abrams hosted his own television show at MSNBC. The show, that was called “The Abrams report”, began airing in 2001. Abrams worked on his show until 2006, when he was assigned a lead managerial position at MSNBC. He remained at that position until October, 2007.

In 2011, Abrams quit working for NBC and left to assume the position of Legal Analyst for ABC News channel. He also became a substitute anchor for the show „Good Morning America“.

In July 2009, Abrams designed and launched the „Mediaite“, his personally designed news website. The website combined analytic rankings of media personalities with editorial content. The „Mediaite“, remains on the Technorati's list of the top 20 blogs in the US to this day.

Abrams also launched, in cooperation with MichaelLewittes, a gossip website called „Gossip Cop“. The website is attracting interest for rating rumors about celebrities on the scale of 0-10 and remains to draw million visitors monthly.

Abrams also launched a fashion-related website, called „Styleite“, in 2010. The website publishes rankings of designers, models, writers and other fashion-relevant roles based on their popularity and influence.

As a published author, Abrams has also had his articles featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today magazine, as well as The American Lawyer and the Yale Law and Policy Review.

Abrams' first child, with his girlfriend FlorinkaPesenti, was born in 2012. His son was named Everett Floyd Adams.


Picture is from the article Q posted…

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6a9a42 No.124041

File: fc5eea3f12228ae⋯.png (320.4 KB,595x334,595:334,Clipboard.png)

File: 979f476f6dd40ce⋯.png (276.88 KB,566x546,283:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137694 (181708ZOCT20) Notable: UPDATE: Suspects Say Ring Leader in Plot to Kidnap Wretched Governor Whitmer Was an Alleged FBI Informant — Who Pushed the Entire Plan

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UPDATE: Suspects Say Ring Leader in Plot to Kidnap Wretched Governor Whitmer Was an Alleged FBI Informant — Who Pushed the Entire Plan

This didn’t make any headlines.

The ring leader in the plot to kidnap wretched Governor Gretchen Whitmer was an FBI informant.

He was planted into the group and was the one who pushed the entire plan.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s laptop filled with criminal drug, sex and million dollar criminal dealings sits on a shelf at the FBI collecting dust — if they haven’t destroyed it already.

So, Antifa-BLM riots, loots and pillages cities across the US.

FBI Director Chris Wray warns Congress about the dangers of “white supremacist groups.”

And then two weeks later the FBI arrests a group of middle class gun nuts and patriots and accuse them of plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

And now we find out days later it was the FBI informant who pushed the entire plot?

It really is time to shut down the FBI.

The NOQReport reported:

In the case of the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, were big talkers pushed into the early stages of big action by an FBI informant?

Early court proceedings have begun in the cases against the six men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Mainstream media is covering every nuance as best they can since this is being spun by Democrats as a way to blame President Trump for extremism. But one important detail from the bond hearings has been buried or altogether omitted from reporting. It’s the type of detail that has conspiracy theorists asking more questions.

Deep within a story from the Detroit Free Press is a potential bombshell if it pans out as true

Defense lawyers contend that there was no probable cause to arrest and charge the suspect, arguing, among other things, that the suspects had no operational plan to do anything, were engaged in all legal activities — including talking in encrypted group chats and practicing military exercises with lawfully owned guns — and that it was the informants and undercover agents who “pushed” others to do illegal things.


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6a9a42 No.124042

File: cea86769cff1d6c⋯.jpeg (193.11 KB,828x607,828:607,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137735 (181710ZOCT20) Notable: Analysis: Kristen Welker, next debate's moderator, got busted tipping off Team Hillary in 2016

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https://www.wnd.com/2020/10/kristen-welker-next-debates-moderator-got-busted-tipping-off-team-hillary-2016/ Analysis: Kristen Welker, next debate's moderator, got busted tipping off Team Hillary in 2016

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6a9a42 No.124043

File: b9af7d51f53ddf0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1102x793,1102:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137741 (181710ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Biden Campaign Finally Responds To Bombshell New York Post Report

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BREAKING: Biden Campaign Finally Responds To Bombshell New York Post Report


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6a9a42 No.124044

File: fe66cb944304bfe⋯.png (143.98 KB,551x239,551:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 784655d6d9e7402⋯.png (268.7 KB,730x787,730:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137754 (181711ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Is Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine — This Helps Explain Their Censorship of Hunter’s Emails

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Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Is Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine — This Helps Explain Their Censorship of Hunter’s Emails

Does anyone really believe Facebook is going to be remotely fair and unpartisan in the upcoming election?

Certainly not anyone who’s been paying attention.

Facebook has been censoring conservative voices since 2017.

The Gateway Pundit has been speaking out on this unconstitutional assault on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press for years now.

Back in September 2018 The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke to Congress on Facebook’s assault on free speech.

But Facebook censorship against conservatives has only gotten worse over the years.

And we can confirm that Facebook is ramping up their censorship against out publication significantly the last three weeks — an election is coming up.

On Saturday the Conservative Treehouse broke the story that Facebook’s lead executive on Election Policy is Joe Biden’s former advisor to Ukraine.

Anna Makanju works for Facebook today after advising the Biden Crime family in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

And last week Facebook joined Twitter and conveniently blocked the Hunter Biden email reports from spreading on their platform.

These are criminal enterprises.


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6a9a42 No.124045

File: 1fa8ed66134bff7⋯.png (438.18 KB,490x604,245:302,Clipboard.png)

File: da3c683ceeabc06⋯.png (653.86 KB,848x427,848:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137814 (181714ZOCT20) Notable: WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies

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WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies

Media outlets are reporting that pictures of a man snorting cocaine off of a young girl’s bare bottom are of Hunter Biden – BUT THEY ARE NOT!

The pictures are being used to insert false information into the Hunter Biden drug and corruption stories leaked this past week. This started so the left wing mainstream media and the Democrats can claim the Biden corruption story is a conspiracy – IT IS NOT!

Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer reports:

There are currently a number of images circulating on social media that purport to depict Hunter Biden snorting cocaine off the backside of a prostitute.

These images are being falsely attributed to Hunter Biden. The sources of these uploads are several progressive media outlets like Thunder Walks About. This seems to be a part of a wider discreditation operation that aims to attack the credibility of the recently released authentic Hunter Biden images and email.

Apelbaum then provides some examples:

The picture with the number 18 crossed off in the above image is one picture floating around the Internet that claims to be Hunter Biden snorting some white powder (cocaine) off of the bottom of a naked woman.

According to Apelbaum, this picture is not Hunter Biden.

Apelbaum states:

The concept behind distributing this misinformation is to have these images circulate for a while and wait for some conservative users or media to start sharing them. Once this happens, the fabricators will point out the source of these images and use it to attack the credibility of the individual who referenced it. The end result is that the false information will end up discrediting the people who shared and used it.

The media doesn’t want Americans to know the truth about the Bidens. They are a very corrupt family that used Joe Biden’s position to make the Bidens extremely wealthy while selling America to the highest bidder.


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6a9a42 No.124046

File: 2996c50d7624073⋯.png (90.51 KB,1014x486,169:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137841 (181716ZOCT20) Notable: I see patterns!

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I see patterns!


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6a9a42 No.124047

File: 66062223f0e865d⋯.png (80.46 KB,1064x794,532:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 576439ed9df0146⋯.png (85.46 KB,1059x854,1059:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 04ea72234edea95⋯.png (106.37 KB,1055x881,1055:881,Clipboard.png)

File: c38f4f141c5756d⋯.png (89.76 KB,1054x875,1054:875,Clipboard.png)

File: d1d5a6bcb48c553⋯.png (93.59 KB,1060x869,1060:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137853 (181716ZOCT20) Notable: Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia

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Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia

The United States approaches the November 2020 election with growing apprehension, even dread.

Among the possibilities:

Protracted uncertainty about the presidential contest. Think Florida 2000 but with several states’ results unresolved for weeks or even months (“Experts held ‘war games’ on the Trump vs. Biden election. Their finding? Brace for a mess”);

A disputed outcome, perhaps with Donald Trump and Joe Biden both claiming victory, compounded by a “blue shift,” where states are claimed by Trump on election night but flip over to Biden as additional absentee and mail-in ballots conveniently turn up days or weeks later;

Violent civil conflict, spurred on in the streets by goon squads mobilized and funded by a Who’s Who of the corporate and foundation establishment; and

A color revolution style regime change operation staged by groups like the Soros-linked “Transition Integrity Project” and managed by people like “legal hatchet man” Norm Eisen, perhaps culminating in a military coup to remove Trump and install Biden in the Oval Office (as detailed by former Virginia State Senator and Judge Advocate General officer Richard Black).

For those who have followed events outside the United States during the past few decades, much of this sounds familiar. We’ve seen it before – inflicted on other countries.

Now It’s Coming Home to the U.S.

As explained by Revolver News, what happens in America next to a great extent may be a form of blowback from a specific event: the U.S.-supported 2014 regime change operation in Ukraine:

‘A “Color Revolution” in this context refers to a specific type of coordinated attack that the United States government has been known to deploy against foreign regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe deemed to be “authoritarian” and hostile to American interests. Rather than using a direct military intervention to effect regime change as in Iraq, Color Revolutions attack a foreign regime by contesting its electoral legitimacy, organizing mass protests and acts of civil disobedience, and leveraging media contacts to ensure favorable coverage to their agenda in the Western press.

‘It would be disturbing enough to note a coordinated effort to use these exact same strategies and tactics domestically to undermine or overthrow President Trump. The ominous nature of what we see unfolding before us only truly hits home when one realizes that the people who specialize in these Color Revolution regime change operations overseas are, literally, the very same people attempting to overthrow Trump by using the very same playbook. Given that the most famous Color Revolution was the [2004] “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine, and that Black Lives Matter is being used as a key component of the domestic Color Revolution against Trump, we can encapsulate our thesis at Revolver with the simple remark that “Black is the New Orange.”’


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6a9a42 No.124048

File: 6f8627965f539b5⋯.jpg (196.28 KB,1142x669,1142:669,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a650265496eff9d⋯.jpg (166.06 KB,1036x799,1036:799,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137859 (181717ZOCT20) Notable: Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

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some recap of posts in lasts breads

Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer pic


Who is 'Gary Fears'?

Mobster linked to Ukraine.

Read this article to get a better idea of how long this has been going on. Def appears to have long ago C_A clown connections.

https://stlreporter.com/tag/gary-fears/ pic

First published at focusmidwest.com in May 2010.

“It’s interesting that the guys who came here to help move the plane actually were Russian nationals,” says Cheryl Hill, a prosecutor in Marquette, Michigan.

Hill is referring to a gargantuan Soviet military aircraft worth millions of dollars that has been stranded for the better part of the last year at a former U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command base in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

The spring thaw has melted the snow that accumulated around the aircraft over the winter, but mysteries surrounding its presence at Sawyer International Airport remain.

A fuel-leaking Cold War relic, the 94-ton behemoth has been the subject of both curiosity and consternation in Marquette since it touched down in July. Almost immediately, five members of the Ilyushin IL-78’s nine-man Ukrainian crew were deported for visa violations.

Hill, the local official charged with interim custody of the plane, recalls that one of the foreign-born aviators dispatched by the U.S. Customs Service to move the plane off the runway told her that he had flown the same aircraft during the Soviet Union’s war in Afghanistan in the 1980s. She mentions the coincidence as an aside, her prosecutorial inquisitiveness piqued more by the plane’s flight plan from last summer.

“I think that the more interesting question is, what were they going to do with it in Pakistan?” Hill says. “Were they running guns? Were they running drugs? Were they running people? You could drive tanks in there.”

The prosecutor’s suspicions raise a litany of other issues regarding accountability and transparency in the increasingly privatized war on terror, including the extent of U.S. military intelligence involvement, the veil of secrecy enveloping de facto covert operations, the purposes of such clandestine actions and who ultimately is profiting from the expansion of the wars now being waged in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The covert nature of the aircraft’s mission and those involved in carrying it out would never have come to light if not for a dispute over a maintenance bill.

Victor Miller, owner of Air 1 Flight Services of Sherman, Texas, filed suit against Air Support Systems LLC in June 2009, alleging that the company owed more than $70,000 in maintenance fees accrued during the two-anda-half years the plane was mothballed at the North Texas Regional Airport. After the Ukrainian crew took off with the plane the next month, it was grounded in Michigan, as a result of a restraining order, before it could leave U.S. airspace.

The registered owner of the plane is Gary R. Fears, a former Downstate Illinois powerbroker who now resides in South Florida. Fears dismisses the imbroglio over the plane as much ado about nothing.

“The whole thing was a huge misunderstanding,” says the 63-year-old Fears, who maintains his corporate address at his lawyer’s office in St. Louis County, Missouri.

The leaseholder of the plane is North American Tactical Aviation Inc. (NATA), a corporation with the same Wilmington, Delaware, address as Air Support Systems LLC, a Fears-owned company with one asset: the grounded plane. That the corporations share the same Delaware incorporation address could easily be attributed to coincidence, but bankruptcy records filed on behalf of Air Support Systems in St. Louis last fall provide more details as to who invested money in the aircraft or lent money for its purchase.


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6a9a42 No.124049

File: b9addadc49f0fa0⋯.png (119.27 KB,857x770,857:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137878 (181718ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon: The Bidens Are About to Be Hit With Multiple Stories — “We Have Set in Motion the Various Apparatuses to Release Everything”

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Steve Bannon: The Bidens Are About to Be Hit With Multiple Stories — “We Have Set in Motion the Various Apparatuses to Release Everything”

Earlier this week The New York Post released shocking emails that prove Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at the Burisma Ukrainian energy firm. This was a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

Hunter Biden left his laptop at a computer shop and then neglected to pick it up after several calls. The owner of the computer repair company handed over Hunter’s laptop to the FBI last December. The FBI hid this evidence from congress and the executive branch during the Pelosi impeachment hearings. But before the computer store owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, turned over the computer to the FBI he first downloaded much of its contents. He later gave this information to Rudy Giuliani’s attorney who then worked with Steve Bannon to deliver the information to the New York Post.

The contents from the computer include photos of Hunter Biden with prostitutes and a photo of Hunter sleeping with his crack pipe (or meth pipe) like a pacifier.

** The Hunter Biden emails expose a multi-million dollar pay-for-play scandal involving Joe and Hunter Biden.

** The emails came from Hunter Biden’s computer.

** Already, at least one person in the exposed email chains has corroborated the content of the emails.

** FBI Director Chris Wray hid this information from Congress and the executive branch during the Trump impeachment hoax. The information would have absolved President Trump on day one!

** The American patriot John Paul Mac Isaac who owns the computer repair company spoke with Larry Johnson for The Gateway Pundit on Friday.

** On Saturday John Paul Mac Isaac released a letter from Hunter Biden’s attorney that was sent last week asking for the laptop computers.

On Saturday Steve Bannon sat for an interview with The Revolver. Bannon warned the Biden Crime Family that there is much more to come — from several outlets — in the coming days.

Revolver: What is the most incriminating thing on the hard drive? Rudy has suggested illegal things, and as Revolver reported the FBI person tasked with the hard drive is associated with the child pornography division. Could you give more insight into how bad it is we’re talking about?



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6a9a42 No.124050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137885 (181719ZOCT20) Notable: Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

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The outstanding creditors listed in the filing include a private mercenary group, a shadowy front company in Gibraltar and an Illinois gambling executive with alleged ties to the Chicago mob. On October 23, a judge in Marquette County, Michigan, ruled in Miller’s favor and awarded him the plane as payment for the unpaid debt. To prevent the tanker from being taken, Fears countered by filing for Chapter 11 protection for Air Support Systems on October 28 in federal bankruptcy court in St. Louis.

“That stayed all of the action,” says Hill, the Marquette County prosecutor. On Dec. 17, Fears reversed his legal strategy and had his St. Louis bankruptcy attorney dismiss the case he had filed less than two months earlier. In March, the Michigan court’s ruling was upheld.

The decision is the latest twist in the bizarre legal dispute. The latest Michigan court ruling follows a decision by the Department of Homeland Security to release the plane. Miller could not be reached for comment, but Fears maintains that he is still the legitimate owner.

Buying a foreign military aircraft is not like other business transactions. Before Fears could get his hands on the IL-78, the federal government had to allow its importation. North American Tactical Aviation, the shadowy corporation that leased the plane from Fears after he purchased it, initially obtained permission to bring the plane to the United States. It is also the company involved in the failed effort to fly the plane to Pakistan last summer.

“I’m told that NATA [North American Tactical Aviation] had a contract to take the plane to Pakistan in support of the allied efforts there,” Fears says. He emphasizes that the mission had been officially sanctioned. “We bought the plane from the Ukrainian government. The Air Force wrote a letter in support of the importation of it, saying they thought the plane had potential use in support of U.S. training requirements. The refueling system on that airplane is common to many, many other countries.

“I view it as a logical and good thing to support the [war] effort,” says Fears. “It’s not to say that I agree politically with all efforts. I thought the Iraq war had a noble purpose and was grossly mishandled by the Bush administration, billions of dollars and thousands of American lives wasted. It was as bad as Vietnam in terms of misuse of assets. I view Afghanistan as far more complicated a question than Iraq, and I don’t know what the right answers are there. I’m glad I’m not the guy making the decisions.”

Strange bedfellows

Nevertheless, while the wars rage on, Fears views the purchase of the Ukrainian military aircraft as a pragmatic business choice and sound investment. Though he says that the plane was a one-time deal and that he is not a broker of military hardware, records related to his abortive bankruptcy filing on behalf of Air Support Systems show that his acquisition of the plane was not carried out alone. Fears received venture capital from an international security firm operated by former high-ranking military officials. The records show that Trident Response Group of Dallas sank more than $2.5 million into Air Support Systems for the purchase of “future aircraft” on December 5, 2005. The Federal Aviation Administration issued Air Support Systems a certificate of registration for the IL-78 nine months later.


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6a9a42 No.124051

File: 98e5eee9643d99c⋯.png (756.49 KB,813x455,813:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137896 (181719ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Do you want me to stop working?’ As Paris restaurants are ordered into new curfew, angry citizens hold street protest

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‘Do you want me to stop working?’ As Paris restaurants are ordered into new curfew, angry citizens hold street protest

Over a hundred protesters took to the streets of Paris to decry the new curfew introduced by President Macron to stop the spread of Covid-19. Restaurant staff complained about the restrictions as customers supported the rally.

People carrying flares and chanting “Freedom!” marched through Paris’ streets on Saturday, denouncing the recent restrictions imposed by the government to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

“I work in the food business, do you want me to stop working?” a man supporting the protest told the Ruptly video agency. “I hope that the government stops these ridiculous measures that put people in the streets.”

“It’s 9pm, but looks like it’s 1am,” a local waiter told Le Figaro as the first curfew came into effect. “We will adapt, but it’s a big loss, the evening [hours] are important to us.”

Xavier Denamur, who owns several bistros in Paris, told the AP that the curfew was “a catastrophic measure for the industry.”

“There’s no evidence that this difference of a couple of hours will have any effect on the virus circulating,” he argued.

Video posted on social media showed restaurant clients cheering on the demonstrators.

« Tout le monde déteste le couvre feu ! » chantent les manifestants.Un cortège d’une 100aine de personne traversent les rues touristiques. Les derniers restaurateurs ferment, les clients applaudissent la manif anti #CouvreFeu. pic.twitter.com/FYgi5AOgiv

— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) October 17, 2020

President Emmanuel Macron has imposed a four-week nighttime curfew in the capital, which began on Saturday. Residents are banned from going outside between 9pm and 6am, which also means that iconic Parisian cafes, bars and restaurants must close early. Similar curfews were put into place in several other major cities, including Lyon, Lille, Toulouse and Marseille.

Macron argued that the curfew will help to “put a brake on the spread of the virus.”

France had been gradually relaxing lockdown measures since May, as the situation with Covid-19 was improving. However, the infection rate has surged again in recent months, prompting authorities to start bringing back some restrictions.


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6a9a42 No.124052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137898 (181719ZOCT20) Notable: Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

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Former Navy SEAL Clint Bruce, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and businessman C. Dewey Elliott III founded TRG. Bruce is lauded on the Trident website as a past commander of SEAL platoons “engaged in direct support of the Global War on Terror.” Elliott, a fellow Annapolis alum, is listed as having been a “senior consultant with Washington and Boston-based firms where he supported intelligence, systems acquisitions and financial management for DoD [Department of Defense], Fortune 500 and multi-national clients.” The website shows Lt. Col. John B. Skinner III, an active Marine Corps Reserve officer, as TRG’s vice president of operations. The board of directors includes retired Marine Corps Gen. Jack Davis, a former federal agent and state law enforcement officer; and John W. Wroten, a Naval Academy grad, former Marine captain and retired vice president of Electronic Data Systems.

The involvement of former Navy personnel in backing the purchase of a military aircraft seems normal enough, but the other creditors come from widely divergent backgrounds.

For instance, Headlands Ltd., a front company in Gibraltar, has more than $1.1 million tied up in the IL-78, according to the bankruptcy filing, By no small coincidence, Headlands’ address is in the same location as a mail drop for Russell De Leon. He is the husband of Ruth Parasol, the founder of PartyGaming, an online gambling company that has employed Fears’ lobbying services. Together De Leon and Parasol own 40 percent of PartyGaming. They reside in Gibraltar.

Parasol, who grew up in affluent Marin County, Calif., founded PartyGaming with profits from her family’s pornography business. Her father, Richard Parasol, a Holocaust survivor and former Israeli Army officer, opened a string of massage parlors in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district in the early 1970s. After graduating from law school, Ruth Parasol joined the family business, which by then was operating phone sex chat lines. The father and daughter then diversified, investing in Internet Entertainment Group Ltd., an online pornography company. In 1997 Ruth Parasol shifted her interests exclusively to online gambling, which proved even more profitable than the sex trade.

ut after President George W. Bush signed a law banning online gambling in 2006, Internet gaming profits took a nosedive. In response, PartyGaming hired Avatar Enterprises Inc., Fears’ lobbying firm. Lobbying records show that Avatar used influential Republican and Democratic lobbyists to work on PartyGaming’s efforts to lift the ban. The Republican, Robert Kjellander, an Illinois lobbyist and former GOP national treasurer, is a close confidante of former White House adviser Karl Rove. The Democrat, Steven Schwadron, is a former chief of staff for Rep. Bill Delahunt of Massachusetts.

Congressional lobbying records show Schwadron represented Avatar on two legislative issues: Internet gaming and “legislation relating to wildfire prevention and suppression.”

Aside from being a midair refueling tanker, the IL-78 is touted by both Fears and NATA as a superb firefighting aircraft.

Fears says there is nothing mysterious about his business relationship with either Kjellander or Schwadron. “I knew Bob (Kjellander) from Springfield years ago, [and] Steve works for a law firm I use in D.C.,” says Fears. “Neither one of them are partners in Avatar. If someone is giving you advice … on the project, then better to be safe than sorry — you register them as having worked on that as well.”


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6a9a42 No.124053

File: 069858860745b49⋯.jpeg (461.92 KB,828x942,138:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137905 (181720ZOCT20) Notable: Kirstie Alley gets attacked by celebrities after publicly endorsing Trump

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https://pagesix.com/2020/10/18/kirstie-alley-gets-attacked-by-celebrities-after-endorsing-trump/?_ga=2.90732506.1397493434.1602934017-731321056.1595538555 Kirstie Alley gets attacked by celebrities after publicly endorsing Trump

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6a9a42 No.124054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137926 (181721ZOCT20) Notable: Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

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The other major creditor of Air Support Systems is Chicago businessman Kevin Flynn, a casino executive and former gaming partner of Fears. The bankruptcy filing shows that in April 2008 Flynn secured a $1.3 million interest in the IL-78. Fears and Flynn crossed paths years earlier, when Flynn operated the Blue Chip Casino in Indiana. The two were later involved in a failed Indian casino development in California.

In 2001, the Illinois Gaming Board yanked Flynn’s long-dormant state license because two of his investors allegedly had ties to the Chicago mob.

At the time of the revocation, Flynn and his father, Donald Flynn, a former executive of Waste Management Inc., were seeking to transfer their existing gaming license from the shuttered Silver Eagle casino in East Dubuque, Illinois, so they could operate the proposed Emerald Casino in Rosemont, a Chicago suburb. Investors in the casino deal included a lineup of heavy hitters, including associates of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

But the state gaming board pulled the Flynns’ license because investors Nick Boscarino and Joseph Salamone were alleged to have ties to organized crime. Salamone, an Oak Park grocer, is the brother of Vito Salamone, a mob soldier who had originally been listed as a casino shareholder. Boscarino is a former Teamster official with close ties to Rosemont Mayor Donald E. Stephens. Boscarino and Stephens once owned a forklift rental company along with organized crime figure William Daddano Jr. The gaming board also cited Emerald for hiring a construction company owned by the wife of Peter M. DiFronzo, the brother of Chicago mob boss John “No Nose” DiFronzo.

The gaming board concluded that Flynn had displayed a “contentious pattern … of providing misleading information to the board and its staff.” “Other than his disagreement with the Illinois Gaming Board,” says Fears, “I don’t know any infraction of any kind that Kevin [Flynn] has ever been involved in.”


The story of how Fears and his odd cast of creditors ended up with a grounded Ukrainian behemoth leaking fuel on the tarmac of an isolated airstrip in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan began four years ago.

The IL-78, which was formerly owned by the Ukrainian Air Force, departed Kiev on May 23, 2006, according to flight records. It refueled in Reykjavik, Iceland, before landing the next day at the North Texas Regional Airport, formerly Perrin Air Force Base, in Sherman, Texas. Tactical Air Defense Services, a private military-related start-up company formed by Fears, ran the operational arm of its enterprise at the airport, says retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Charles Searock.

“It was, at the time, the location of a training school wherein we were going to train foreign pilots,” says Searock, a seasoned combat pilot who flew more than 150 B-52 missions during the Vietnam War. The principal officers of TADS, Victor Miller and Mark Daniels, had signed up Searock to oversee the International Tactical Training Center, an ambitious program aimed at providing flight training for NATO pilots and others. Miller also owned and operated Air 1 Flight Services, an aviation maintenance service, at the same airport.

Neither Miller or Daniels could be reached for comment, but a lawsuit filed by the two men last year in Palm Beach County (Florida) Circuit Court provides a glimpse of what apparently transpired.

In March 2005, according to the suit, Fears and a group of Florida investors approached Miller and Daniels to offer financing for their company AeroGroup Inc., a Utah-incorporated military flight training contractor. At that time, AeroGroup had a pending contract to buy the IL-78 and other foreign military aircraft from NATA.

Fears and the other investors claimed that they had obtained control of a publicly traded Nevada mining company, Natalma Industries Inc., and intended to change its name to Tactical Air Defense Services Inc. The intended purpose of the newly formed entity was to raise tens of millions of dollars to bankroll the purchase of assets on behalf of AeroGroup, specifically to buy the IL-78, according to the lawsuit. Toward these ends, Fears solicited start-up capital from Jeff Horan of JT Hanco, according to the lawsuit.


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6a9a42 No.124055

File: e219f371cd53454⋯.png (818.19 KB,821x446,821:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137943 (181722ZOCT20) Notable: 18yo Chicago man arrested after teacher & classmates witness sexual assault on 7yo student during online class

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18yo Chicago man arrested after teacher & classmates witness sexual assault on 7yo student during online class

An 18-year-old man has been charged with predatory criminal sexual assault of a minor after he was caught on a livestream abusing a seven-year-old student in the middle of an online class in Chicago.

The shocking incident occurred in West Chesterfield during a break from an online class on Thursday, when the teacher asked the students to mute themselves and turn off their cameras. The young victim’s camera, however, remained on and caught the sexual abuse act – livestreaming it to multiple students, as the teacher desperately urged them to log off immediately.

When police raided the victim’s house to apprehend the suspect, he was taken away in tears, reportedly crying: “I don’t know why… I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

The perpetrator, identified as Catrell A. Walls, 18, was charged with predatory criminal sexual assault of a victim under 13 years old and held without bail on Saturday. Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney Andreana Turano said Walls has been sexually assaulting the young girl for the last year.

“The victim disclosed ‘he made me put my lips on (him) and this has happened before, and I don’t want my daddy to know, it’s a secret,’” Turano said when quoting the victim, whose identity is being protected.

Walls is a senior in high school and was already on bail for a gun charge. His lawyer has argued he has “somewhat of a disability” that keeps him from controlling his impulses, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Online classes have become commonplace during the Covid-19 pandemic while many schools remain closed. At a Friday press conference, Chicago Public Schools CEO Janice Jackson called the incident “disturbing” and insisted students’ safety remains a priority for school officials.

“DCFS has already reported a dramatic decrease in the number of [sexual assault] cases reported,” she said. “We know these things have not stopped occurring, but what has happened is there are fewer watchful eyes looking at students, connecting with students to make sure that they’re safe.”


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6a9a42 No.124056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11137951 (181722ZOCT20) Notable: Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

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However, the suit claims, instead of backing AeroGroup Fears diverted funds to set up Air Support Systems, which then bought the IL-78 for itself. In Air Support’s 2009 bankruptcy filing, Horan’s name is listed with Trident Response Group, the Dallas-based security firm, as having invested more than $2.5 million in the IL-78.

Miller and Daniels further alleged that when TADS purchased AeroGroup’s assets in 2006 the Florida investors were still contending that tens of millions of dollars would soon be available. A TADS prospectus states that the company was angling to team up with an unnamed competitor [NATA] to provide combat and midair refueling training with the IL-78 and other foreign aircraft. “We have a good chance of being awarded the contract,” the TADS document says.

But the deal never materialized.

“This whole thing was predicated on Air Force contracts that were being negotiated by Mr. Mark Daniels,” says Searock. The contracts, however, were never finalized. As a result, “when they went public with TADS it did not generate the income or the investors as they anticipated,” Searock says.

From Searock’s perspective, everything seemed to be on the level. “We would meet quarterly, sometimes more often, with Mr. Fears and the guys from Florida,” he recalls. “We met in Florida. We met a couple times in Dallas, as he was passing through, and a couple times he came to Sherman. I had no problem with him. We were involved in a lot of different things, including the tanker. There was no reason for me to suspect that these guys weren’t on the up-and-up, if they poured $5 or $6 million into getting this airplane [the IL-78] and having it totally refurbished and delivered. That was an expensive scheme, if it was a scheme.”

But Searock became disenchanted with his employers after he says he shelled out his own cash to cover operating expenses and wasn’t reimbursed. He resigned from his position at the end of 2006 and sued TADS and all of the principal players, including Fears, for back pay.

Miller and Daniels dropped their Florida lawsuit in April 2009 after reaching a settlement agreement with Fears and other investors. As owner of Air 1 Flight Services, however, Miller placed a lien for unpaid service costs on the IL-78 in Texas in June 2009.

Shortly before noon on July 17, 2009, a nine-member Ukrainian crew hired by NATA boarded the IL-78 and took off from North Texas Regional Airport. The flight plan called for the craft to refuel at Wittman Regional Airport, in Oshkosh, Wis., before leaving U.S. airspace and heading to Pakistan. Alerted to the plane’s departure, Miller filed a restraining order, and the plane was diverted to Sawyer International Airport, in Gwinn, Mich., where it has been stranded ever since as a result of litigation.

Despite the Michigan court ruling that favors Miller’s cause, Fears doesn’t believe that the lawsuit has any more validity than the earlier case filed in Florida that Miller and his partner chose not to pursue.

“Air Support Systems owns the plane. It’s registered with the FAA,” says Fears. “The whole thing was a huge misunderstanding and blown out of proportion by the press. Victor Miller and those guys checked with the FAA, found where the plane was at and called the local authorities and said, ‘They have left in violation of a court order.’” But Fears says there’s one problem with that allegation: “ NATA was never served with that court order.”

Fears says Miller’s aviation firm, Air 1 Flight Services, has been out of business for two years. “I can show you the agreement that Victor Miller signed and the release on the lien that shows those bills’ being paid,” says Fears. “It was a phony claim by a company that didn’t exist.

“This is a military aircraft — and it is going over to support the U.S. Air Force allied efforts over there [Afghanistan-Pakistan].”

In 1968, as a young man, Fears stumped for Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Wisconsin, who campaigned against the Vietnam War. Today, more than four decades later, he appears comfortable with the concept of profiting from warfare. When asked about his role as a modern day privateer, he paraphrases President George W. Bush’s first secretary of defense: “I think maybe it was [Donald] Rumsfeld who said, ‘If it’s not firing a gun, we should look at privatizing it.’”

Asked whether his activities are somehow involved with covert CIA operations, Fears laughs. “Not that I’m aware of,” he says. “I wish there was something that exciting to all this stuff that I was a CIA guy, but that’s not the case.”

This special report was funded by a grant from the Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis.


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6a9a42 No.124057

File: 5b9967d5dcbb194⋯.png (1.26 MB,1019x575,1019:575,Clipboard.png)

File: e49f476df73de52⋯.png (494.29 KB,596x552,149:138,Clipboard.png)

File: db0668cef7725a3⋯.png (439.57 KB,612x469,612:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138005 (181724ZOCT20) Notable: SF free speech rally canceled after organizer's tooth knocked out, police escort Trump supporters away from violent mob

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SF free speech rally canceled after organizer's tooth knocked out, police escort Trump supporters away from violent mob

The organizer of the free speech rally was taken to the hospital after being attacked

A free speech rally was shut down in San Francisco on Saturday after counter-protesters became violent. The situation became so dangerous for conservatives that police needed to escort them to their cars for their own safety from an angry mob.

A "Free Speech Rally Against Twitter and Big Tech" was planned for Saturday at the Federal Building at U.N. Plaza, which is near Twitter's headquarters. The event was to protest Twitter's censorship of the New York Post's article about Hunter Biden's alleged emails regarding overseas dealings.

The rally, which was organized by Team Save America, was granted a permit by the city. There was a strong police presence in the area and barricades were set up to separate the rally-goers and the counter-protesters.

"The First Amendment ensures the right to assemble for everyone and the permit process is in place to allow for planning, to minimize disruptions and to create basic safety measures," San Francisco Rec & Parks spokesperson Tamara Aparton told SFist. "The San Francisco Police Department will be implementing all safety measures for this event."

Before the 1 p.m. free speech rally kicked off, hundreds of counter-protesters assembled in the area, including a group of black-clad individuals wielding shields. Demonstrators were holding signs that read, "Smash Fascism" and "Nazi Trump F*** Off."

Tensions quickly escalated at San Francisco’s United Nations Plaza on Saturday, where dozens of anti-fascists gathe… https://t.co/Wm54TfF5sO

— San Francisco Chronicle (@San Francisco Chronicle)1602967349.0

"They have no business being here, they're trying to build a fascist movement in this country," San Francisco resident Carol Seligman told KABC-TV.

"It's tough, I believe in free speech but I'm also anti-fascism," said Elana Thurson-Milgrom from San Francisco.

The main organizer, Philip Anderson, was attacked and punched while he was walking to the stage to deliver his speech. The counter-protesters threw bottles at Anderson while he was on stage. Anderson announced the rally was canceled.

"Too bad it got canceled, that's what happens when you lose free speech, this is what our country has turned into," Anderson told the crowd.


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6a9a42 No.124058

File: 568b3e7dac4a13f⋯.jpeg (204.33 KB,750x336,125:56,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138014 (181725ZOCT20) Notable: Masks are nothing more than simple behavioral conditioning.

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Masks are nothing more than simple behavioral conditioning.


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6a9a42 No.124059

File: e2db18780901bf3⋯.png (31.06 KB,653x472,653:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 8349dab11893988⋯.png (33.14 KB,650x463,650:463,Clipboard.png)

File: cc5fae9982d4fd0⋯.png (61.13 KB,661x872,661:872,Clipboard.png)

File: 02ca13426488f96⋯.png (8.76 KB,656x119,656:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ebbd0f40a0fce4⋯.png (8.84 KB,632x131,632:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138038 (181726ZOCT20) Notable: It’s Time We Have a Discussion About the Lack of Punishment for Child Predators

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It’s Time We Have a Discussion About the Lack of Punishment for Child Predators

Earlier this week, QAnon and any material related to it was banned from YouTube. For months, QAnon has been muddying the waters of actual child sex trafficking by claiming it is reserved to high-profile Democrats and Hollywood celebrities who are ritually sacrificing children as part of some satanic cabal. President Donald Trump is portrayed as the hero who is fighting this cabal behind the scenes.

It is important to note that TFTP never supports censorship of peaceful information on any level even if it is misguided and verifiably false. It is not up to some big tech or government arbiter of truth to tell us what to believe. And, as we can tell from the massive spread of disinformation among unprecedented censorship, it doesn’t work and only creates divide and extremism. Despite the ban, rest assured that the disinformation will continue to flow out of the QAnon arena further muddying the waters even more. As YouTube bans QAnon, the group will likely claim that it validates their claims and the elite are trying to silence them for exposing the democrats for trafficking children.

In the meantime, however, real, Federally and State prosecuted cases involving the abuse and trafficking of actual real children will remain a topic in the back seat to the drama and censorship playing out before us. This is a problem.

Contrary to what many disinformation agents will lead you to believe child sex abuse is not reserved to the the Deep State, Democratic party, and Hollywood, Republicans are regularly caught committing the same acts. What’s more, while elite politicians are caught committing these child sex crimes like former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, the scope of the problem is far greater. A potential reason this problem has reached epidemic proportions is the lack of punishment these monsters face after hurting children.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are currently incarcerated in the land of the free for “crimes” which have no victims. Innocent people, whose only crime was getting caught with small amounts of a plant are serving years behind bars, yet child predators routinely receive insultingly low sentences — especially child predator cops.

Just this week, TFTP reported on the case of former Honolulu police officer Kramer Aoki who was sentenced on Tuesday for his crimes against a 17-year-old girl. During a traffic stop, Aoki abused his power and sexually assaulted the teenage girl in his custody.


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6a9a42 No.124060

File: 184989e67d9f484⋯.png (263.69 KB,2345x2441,2345:2441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138052 (181727ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Abrams family (Cap: )

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6a9a42 No.124061

File: f5886a0a4deb05f⋯.png (18.74 KB,564x178,282:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138057 (181728ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter Removes Tweet from Top Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

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Twitter Removes Tweet from Top Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

Twitter removed a tweet on Sunday from one of President Donald Trump’s top coronavirus advisers, which said that masks do not prevent coronavirus spread.

The tweet was replaced with a notice which said, “This tweet is no longer available,” adding a link to Twitter’s rules and policies explaining why certain posts are removed.

The now-deleted tweet, posted by Dr. Scott Atlas on Saturday, according to NBC News, read, “Masks work? NO: LA, Miami, Hawaii, Alabama, France, Phlippnes, UK, Spain, Israel. WHO:”widesprd use not supported” + many harms; Heneghan/Oxf CEBM:”despite decades, considerble uncertainty re value”; CDC rvw May:”no sig red’n in inflnz transm’n”; learn why.”

Atlas wrote in a second tweet that day that the “right” policy is Trump’s guideline: “use masks for their intended purpose, when close to others, especially high risk. Otherwise, social distance. No widespread mandates.”

As the election draws closer, Twitter has taken a more aggressive approach to removing tweets related to the coronavirus or voting, especially from members of the Trump administration.

The website has placed a warning label on several Trump tweets over the past few months. Other social media giants like Facebook have also censored Trump’s communications.

Earlier in the month, Facebook removed a post in which Trump compared coronavirus to getting the flu.


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6a9a42 No.124062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138064 (181729ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Masks don't work, photo of mask box (Cap: ), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_10_18_SV_News_on_Twitter.png

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6a9a42 No.124063

File: 922ba7a00b4b3bd⋯.png (284.74 KB,598x753,598:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138067 (181729ZOCT20) Notable: CBS's Ed O'Keefe on Face The Nation: "[Joe Biden] will not be seen again after today until Thursday night."

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Chekked Trips of truth,

to bad Biden has called a lid until THursday

CBS's Ed O'Keefe on Face The Nation: "[Joe Biden] will not be seen again after today until Thursday night."

REMINDER: Joe Biden and his campaign have not disputed the authenticity of the bombshell emails which detail the extensive corruption of the Biden family.


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6a9a42 No.124064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138070 (181729ZOCT20) Notable: Elections Chairman Resigns After Allegedly Stealing, Vandalizing Trump Yard Signs

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Elections Chairman Resigns After Allegedly Stealing, Vandalizing Trump Yard Signs

An elections chairman resigned Wednesday after he allegedly stole and damaged yards signs for President Donald Trump in Georgetown County, South Carolina.

A resident in Pawley’s Island put the signs on his lawn but they kept disappearing, according to WRAL.

“The resident put a deer camera in his yard and got photos of the person damaging a sign in his yard by writing ‘Dump’ over Trump’s name on his sign,” the report said.

Members of the Georgetown County Republican Party posted photos they received of the alleged vandal on social media in hopes of identifying the person.

They later received calls from people who named the person and also the individual who drove him from the scene.

“Authorities were able to determine that the person who stole and vandalized the signs was Dean Smith. An incident report states that the person who drove Dean Smith away was Dean’s spouse, Rita Smith,” the WRAL report stated.

The South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division said it will determine whether Smith and his wife will face charges.

Smith announced his resignation in a statement read aloud during the board of elections meeting Wednesday night, according to WMBF:

I regret that a brief lapse in judgement (sic) on my part might become a distraction to the conduct of this very important election. Therefore, I hereby resign from this Board effective immediately. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with all of you. I am very proud of the 15 years I have been involved in Georgetown County elections and am sorry that it has to end like this.

Karol Anderson, who chairs the county Republican Party, told the Coastal Observer the Smiths should be held accountable for their alleged actions.

“People with a lot of responsibility should have a lot of accountability,” she commented.

The former chairman’s term was set to expire on December 1, according to the WRAL report.


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6a9a42 No.124065

File: 81c92bea35b085a⋯.png (401.01 KB,561x594,17:18,Clipboard.png)

File: f9c389d4e372bce⋯.png (313.32 KB,603x445,603:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138100 (181730ZOCT20) Notable: Antifa Medic Calls for Federal Agent to Be ‘Executed’

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Antifa Medic Calls for Federal Agent to Be ‘Executed’

An Antifa protester wearing “medic” markings on his black bloc uniform screamed “You should be executed” at a federal agent defending an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility.

The Antifa protester confronted a U.S. Border Patrol BORTAC agent after he reportedly became separated from other agents protecting a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Portland.

A video tweeted by Elijah Schaffer shows a man wearing all black (black bloc) with red medic crosses on his clothes and helmet confronting a Border Patrol BORTAC agent. He begins screaming at the agent calling him a “f*cking Nazi.”

“You f*cking Nazi…you should be executed”

Portland Antifa harass a border patrol officer (BORTAC) who was separated from his unit

This is what they really want, to execute those who oppose their revolution

Be warned


— ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) October 18, 2020

As the abuse continues, the protester screams, “You Nazi piece of sh*t. … You sterilize women. … You Nazi piece of sh*t, you should be executed.”

The agents proceeded to walk through the human blockade to try and rejoin his fellow agents.

Elsewhere, federal agents confronted protesters as they attempted to move on the ICE facility.

Journalist Sergio Olmos tweeted a video showing a standoff between protesters and what he described as DHS agents.

As the abuse continues, the protester screams, “You Nazi piece of sh*t. … You sterilize women. … You Nazi piece of sh*t, you should be executed.”

The agents proceeded to walk through the human blockade to try and rejoin his fellow agents.

Elsewhere, federal agents confronted protesters as they attempted to move on the ICE facility.

Journalist Sergio Olmos tweeted a video showing a standoff between protesters and what he described as DHS agents.



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6a9a42 No.124066

File: 1671dd7db816d44⋯.png (680.28 KB,633x481,633:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138110 (181732ZOCT20) Notable: Marxist Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Signs Production Deal with Warner Bros.

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Marxist Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Signs Production Deal with Warner Bros.

Leftist activist and Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors has inked a production deal with Warner Bros. Television Group to produce content across the company’s many multimedia platforms.

The contract includes every sort of production from animation, to scripted and unscripted projects, as well as digital projects to be aired on Warners’ streaming services, TV, and film, according to Variety. Cullors promised to push the Black Lives Matter principles into her projects.

“Black voices, especially Black voices who have been historically marginalized, are important and integral to today’s storytelling. Our perspective and amplification is necessary and vital to helping shape a new narrative for our families and communities. I am committed to uplifting these stories in my new creative role with the Warner Bros. family,” Cullors said. “As a long time, community organizer and social justice activist, I believe that my work behind the camera will be an extension of the work I’ve been doing for the last twenty years. I look forward to amplifying the talent and voices of other Black creatives through my work.”

Cullors is a hard-core leftist, admittedly, who espouses a Marxist ideology. Indeed, before striking a massive production deal with Warner Bros. Cullors was calling out the biggest entertainment industry stars, saying that actors and producers should have gone on strike to protest the police-involved shooting of Jacob Blake.

Cullors has also pushed for the Democrat Party to add defunding the police to its official, national party platform and said her purpose is to lead the United States to a “true American revolution.”

Along with her defund the police advice, Cullors also wants to eliminate all federal police agencies, including the DEA, the FBI, ICE, Border Patrol, and others. Cullors has also been a big advocate of the extremist “Breathe Act,” which would close all federal prisons and immigration detention facilities.

The Black Lives Matter co-founder is no nouveau Marxist, either. For more than a decade, Cullors was the protégé of Eric Mann, an American communist and domestic terrorist, and she spent years training in left-wing political organizing while inculcating a radical Marxist-Leninist ideology.

“The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” Cullors said in 2015. “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.”


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6a9a42 No.124067

File: 9bfa348a0929d2a⋯.png (406.94 KB,1263x1307,1263:1307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138144 (181734ZOCT20) Notable: Q Clock

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:36 is [10] ahead.

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6a9a42 No.124068

File: 8bc8788a724cf22⋯.png (35.82 KB,590x333,590:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138166 (181736ZOCT20) Notable: We Realease Tonight OANN

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Hope these are different than those I posted last night….Or Jack is wayyyy Behind.


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6a9a42 No.124069

File: fd30b64682b4f12⋯.png (75.85 KB,794x378,397:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138178 (181736ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: ONE AMERICA NEWS @OANN will be releasing a trove of new HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS tonight…

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BREAKING REPORT: ONE AMERICA NEWS @OANN will be releasing a trove of new HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS tonight…


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6a9a42 No.124070

File: e133d1ec499a0c9⋯.jpg (648.63 KB,1578x3669,526:1223,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b2c926ddd0545b⋯.jpg (411.05 KB,1578x2153,1578:2153,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 55a8cdd4a900ea2⋯.png (1.52 MB,1578x3669,526:1223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138184 (181737ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (Cap: )

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>>123997 pb Q

> https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/08/hunter-biden-business-partner-fraud-428154




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124071

File: 220cce8843c8653⋯.png (269.1 KB,599x426,599:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138206 (181738ZOCT20) Notable: Well will you look at that!

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Well will you look at that!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138222 (181739ZOCT20) Notable: #14243

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Sunday 10.18.20

>>124036 ————————————–——– Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson] (CAP: >>124044)

>>124027 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Wojcicki family

>>124026 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Abrams family (Cap: >>124060)

>>124002 ————————————–——– Masks don't work, photo of mask box (CAP: >>124062)

>>124000 ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic ( CAP: >>124006 )

>>123997 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (CAPS:>>124070)

>>123830 ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" ( CAP: >>123831 )

>>123821 ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

>>123810 ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.

>>123799 ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: >>123802)

>>123797 ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? ( CAP: >>123800 , >>123802 )


>>124071 Well will you look at that!

>>124069 BREAKING REPORT: ONE AMERICA NEWS @OANN will be releasing a trove of new HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS tonight…

>>124068 We Realease Tonight OANN

>>124067 Q Clock

>>124066 Marxist Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Signs Production Deal with Warner Bros.

>>124065 Antifa Medic Calls for Federal Agent to Be ‘Executed’

>>124064 Elections Chairman Resigns After Allegedly Stealing, Vandalizing Trump Yard Signs

>>124063 CBS's Ed O'Keefe on Face The Nation: "[Joe Biden] will not be seen again after today until Thursday night."

>>124061 Twitter Removes Tweet from Top Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

>>124059 It’s Time We Have a Discussion About the Lack of Punishment for Child Predators

>>124058 Masks are nothing more than simple behavioral conditioning.

>>124029 President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada

>>124057 SF free speech rally canceled after organizer's tooth knocked out, police escort Trump supporters away from violent mob


>>124030 BIBLICAL

>>124031 Gidley Defends His QAnon Answer, Slams Savannah Guthrie for ‘Asking About a Crazy Conspiracy Theory’

>>124032 The 31-day campaign against QAnon

>>124033 The Despair of Feminism

>>124034 FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson

>>124035 Republican National Committee chair says QAnon is 'something the voters are not even thinking about'

>>124037 Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

>>124038 A top Republican senator acknowledged the possibility that the FBI investigated whether there was child pornography on a laptop that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden.

>>124039 Twitter removes Trump COVID advisor tweet that questioned use of masks

>>124040 Who is Abrams?

>>124041 UPDATE: Suspects Say Ring Leader in Plot to Kidnap Wretched Governor Whitmer Was an Alleged FBI Informant — Who Pushed the Entire Plan

>>124042 Analysis: Kristen Welker, next debate's moderator, got busted tipping off Team Hillary in 2016

>>124043 BREAKING: Biden Campaign Finally Responds To Bombshell New York Post Report

>>124044 Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Is Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine — This Helps Explain Their Censorship of Hunter’s Emails

>>124045 WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies

>>124046 I see patterns!

>>124047 Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia

>>124049 Steve Bannon: The Bidens Are About to Be Hit With Multiple Stories — “We Have Set in Motion the Various Apparatuses to Release Everything”

>>124051 ‘Do you want me to stop working?’ As Paris restaurants are ordered into new curfew, angry citizens hold street protest

>>124053 Kirstie Alley gets attacked by celebrities after publicly endorsing Trump

>>124055 18yo Chicago man arrested after teacher & classmates witness sexual assault on 7yo student during online class

>>124048, >>124050, >>124052, >>124054, >>124056 Gary Fears was an associate of Hunter Biden and Devin Archer

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6a9a42 No.124073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138307 (181744ZOCT20) Notable: Thu 10.15.2020

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Thursday 10.15.2020

>>122297 ————————————–——– Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.

>>122281, rt >>122277 ———–––——–— "Underage obsessions" is a gentle way of putting it.

>>122279, rt >>122263 ———–––——–— No, Anon. You did, collectively.

>>122255, rt >>122253 ———–––——–— Tucker Carlson - The show has obtained Hunter Bidens email

>>122254 ————————————–——– Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone’ (CAP: >>122259)

>>122106 ————————————–——– Do you get it yet? (Cap: >>122108, >>122109 )

>>122104 ————————————–——– Would you like to send anything else on over during the House Intel Committee hearing? Nothing can stop this.

>>122087 ————————————–——– EVERY ASSET DEPLOYED.

>>122077 ————————————–——– Why was POTUS framed re: Russia collusion?

>>122074 ————————————–——– Clear and Present Danger?

>>122070 ————————————–——– Underage women (young girls) sexually exploited _[context for future] (CAP: >>122079)

>>122069 ————————————–——– Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm ( CAP: >>122072 )

>>121894 ————————————–——– #DigitalSoldiers must fight on battlefields NOT of our choosing.

>>121891 ————————————–——– Breaking: Burisma official reportedly linked to Joe Biden met with State officials in 2016 (CAP: >>121893 , >>121895 , >>121899 )

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124074

File: 796c37c66e869a0⋯.png (49.8 KB,686x700,49:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138321 (181744ZOCT20) Notable: NON-Q OTHER NEWS

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Report: Cancer Patients Decry Deadly Delays and Cancellations Due to Focus on Covid

Cancer patients in Britain report their lives are being cut short by delayed diagnoses and treatment pauses due to the “obsession” with COVID-19.

Sharing their stories with the Daily Mail, several patients facing dramatically shortened lifespans — many the parents of young children — said that ‘The NHS should be for everybody, not just Covid patients.”

“My prognosis is not good. I’ve likely got four months to a year left to live,” reported 42-year-old Beth Purvis, who said she had an operation to remove a tumour from her lung cancelled on just a week’s notice in March.

The mother-of-two said the she “burst into tears” when she received the “devastating” news that her operation had been cancelled.

devastated, I just burst into tears. It is a critical operation because it could help buy me time.

“I will never know if that operation could have saved my life. It might have done. But it was cancelled, and then I found out at the end of May it had spread to my brain,” she told the newspaper.

Similarly, 40-year-old Jennifer Eldridge, also a mother-of-two, found herself completely unable to secure a face-to-face appointment with a doctor when she began experiencing symptoms, and it took a full month to organise an online consultation — which ended with a prescription for painkillers.

Four months later, a belated blood test and colonoscopy revealed she had terminal colorectal cancer.

“If I could have seen my GP earlier, if those supposedly ‘non-urgent’ tests had been carried out… the cancer might not have had the chance to spread. To suddenly have your future as a family ripped from your hands is the worst part. I won’t be there with Jonathan to guide Lina and Jasmine through their childhoods,” said Jennifer, who says she “could have just two years to live” — although she is attempting to beat the odds with a GoFundMe to raise money for treatment not provided by Britain’s socialised National Health Service.

Cost of Lockdown: Heart Charity Claims Hundreds of Excess Deaths Due to Lockdown https://t.co/Uf5D6kiLod

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 15, 2020

For 31-year-old mother-of-one Kelly Smith, however, the book has already closed, with step-father Craig Russell reporting that she died in late June after doctors paused her chemotherapy for three months in March.

“I’m angry at Covid and that I got put on this break because I don’t think I should have,” Kelly had said before she passed away.

“I’m terrified – absolutely terrified. I don’t want to die. I feel like I’ve got so much more to do.”

“Cancer is a far bigger threat than Covid ever could be. Every day 500 people die from cancer and those numbers are starting to increase because there is no treatment. Sadly, it is too late for Kelly, but there is still time to save others,” said her step-father, who has set up a petition “urg[ing] Matt Hancock to boost cancer services, at all stages of the cancer pathway, to stop tens of thousands of cancer patients dying unnecessarily.”

Over 316,000 people have signed as of the time of publication.

Covid Cops and Lockdown Enforcement to Get £60m in Taxpayers’ Cash https://t.co/xuwZfnJX8G

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 9, 2020


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6a9a42 No.124075

File: 62d341d15262359⋯.png (273.49 KB,591x526,591:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138332 (181745ZOCT20) Notable: Obama’s former speech writer, Nathan Osburn, hiding behind a mask pretending to be an undecided voter at the town hall…and Joe Biden pretending not to know who he is

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Just Obama’s former speech writer, Nathan Osburn, hiding behind a mask pretending to be an undecided voter at the town hall…and Joe Biden pretending not to know who he is…

Oh nothing…

Just Obama’s former speech writer, Nathan Osburn, hiding behind a mask pretending to be an undecided voter…and @JoeBiden pretending not to know who he is…#DemocratsLieAndManipulate#UntrustworthyAndDishonest pic.twitter.com/CpaU5DoHR3

— Jali_Cat{⭐️} (@Jali_Cat) October 17, 2020

Biden town hall questioners all end up being Obama admin staffers, lmao.


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6a9a42 No.124076

File: 06f6b4e19ae9f78⋯.png (471.52 KB,723x434,723:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 5eb71c01b74f0f6⋯.png (74.39 KB,805x632,805:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138346 (181747ZOCT20) Notable: As Communist China Rises, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s Communists Ties Re-Surface

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As Communist China Rises, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s Communists Ties Re-Surface

Bloomberg News reports that the US intelligence community has concluded that China is “intentionally” hiding the true numbers of its coronavirus cases and fatalities — a fact that should surprise no one, and is yet another way Beijing has made the pandemic a bigger problem for the rest of the world.

China reacted slowly but then effectively to the spread of the virus. It brought it under control, and the flu didn’t become the Chernobyl moment for China many foreign pundits predicted.

But the bigger picture is that we should expect the spread of Communism after this crisis.

Beijing is attempting to de facto export an ideology. It is riding a Weltanschauung that is antithetical to the Western paradigm, which is based on the geopolitical, economic-commercial, and cultural centrality of the United States. This is not an explicit attempt – like exporting communism during the Cold War – but a different, subtler, and at times unconscious endeavor, and has similar if not wider outcomes.

In light of the communist expansion that is happening, I thought it would be worthwhile to highlight the enemy within and the radical socialist and communist ties that the leaders of the Democratic party have.

We can start with the dynamic duo that leads the Democratic party, Chuck and Nancy.

Schumer and Pelosi may attempt to position themselves as “moderates,” but they are as radical as they come. The appearance of “moderation” is nothing more than an act to disarm conservatives and gradually pull mainstream Democrat voters further to the left.

Nancy Pelosi

In 2001, on the 100th anniversary of Harry Bridges’ birth, San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi wrote in the Congressional Record: “Harry Bridges was arguably the most significant labor leader of the twentieth century.” Bridges was “beloved by the workers of this nation, and recognized as one of the most important labor leaders in the world” and his International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union was “the most progressive union of the time.”

During the 1940s, Grigory Kheifetz was Josef Stalin’s intelligence Rezident in San Francisco. Kheifetz worked closely with Harry Bridges, a Stalinist and Soviet agent who headed the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union, and followed every twist and turn of the Communist Party line.

Pelosi was very close to several key Communist Party USA allies in San Francisco in the 1970s and ’80s. Also some involvement with Democratic Socialists of America.

Earlier in her career, Pelosi had a close personal relationship with the radical socialist, pro-communist Hallinan family, from whom she received money for one of her campaigns.

According to AIM, Pelosi said of the couple: “If Vincent was the lion, Vivian was the lioness.” The House Speaker also called Vivian Hallinan a “mentor.”

Vivian Hallinan publicly supported communists in Central America during the ’80s. AIM notes:

“Indeed, Pelosi paid tribute to Vivian Hallinan by inserting into the Congressional Record an article saying that she had ‘opposed U.S. policy in Central America’ under President Reagan, had ‘befriended Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua’s [Communist] Sandinista leader,’ and had met with Cuban dictator Castro.”

Vincent Hallinan was a founding member of the San Francisco chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, widely known to be a Communist Party front.


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6a9a42 No.124077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138355 (181747ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook says it rejected 2.2m ads seeking to obstruct voting in US election

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Facebook says it rejected 2.2m ads seeking to obstruct voting in US election

A total of 2.2m ads on Facebook and Instagram have been rejected and 120,000 posts withdrawn for attempting to “obstruct voting” in the upcoming US presidential election, Facebook’s vice president Nick Clegg has said.

In addition, warnings were posted on 150m examples of false information posted online, the former British deputy prime minister told French weekly Journal du Dimanche on Sunday.

Biden article row shows how US election is testing Facebook and Twitter

Read more

Facebook has been increasing its efforts to avoid a repeat of events leading up to the 2016 US presidential election, won by Donald Trump, when its network was used for attempts at voter manipulation, carried out from Russia.

There were similar problems ahead of Britain’s 2016 referendum on leaving the European Union.

“Thirty-five thousand employees take care of the security of our platforms and contribute for elections,” said Clegg, who is vice president of global affairs and communications at Facebook.

“We have established partnerships with 70 specialised media, including five in France, on the verification of information”, he added. AFP is one of those partners.

Clegg added that the company also uses artificial intelligence that has “made it possible to delete billions of posts and fake accounts, even before they are reported by users”.

Facebook also stores all advertisements and information on their funding and provenance for seven years “to ensure transparency,” he said.

Behind Cambridge Analytica lay a bigger threat to our democracy: Facebook

Jennifer Cobbe

Read more

In 2016, while he was still deputy prime minister, Clegg complained to the Journal du Dimanche that Facebook had not identified or suppressed a single foreign network interfering in the US election.

On Wednesday, Trump rebuked Facebook and Twitter for blocking links to a New York Post article purporting to expose corrupt dealings by election rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine.

A day earlier Facebook announced a ban on ads that discourage people from getting vaccinated, in light of the coronavirus pandemic which the social media giant said has “highlighted the importance of preventive health behaviours”.


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6a9a42 No.124078

File: a1a0bb1603232ac⋯.png (81.43 KB,917x617,917:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 103774776336bae⋯.png (103 KB,927x637,927:637,Clipboard.png)

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File: bdbff9316a42737⋯.png (428.54 KB,915x681,305:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138377 (181749ZOCT20) Notable: NON-Q OTHER NEWS

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Beijing Views US Consulates As "Hostile Forces", Orders Monitoring Of Diplomats: Leaked Documents

Chinese authorities see U.S. consulates as “hostile forces” that conduct “infiltration and sabotage” activities on Chinese soil and have ordered officials to monitor key U.S. diplomats, according to a leaked document obtained by The Epoch Times.

In a four-page “work plan” dated April 2018, the Leizhou Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau described the “U.S. and other Western consulates in China” as key targets that could threaten the region’s political and social stability.

At a time when bilateral relations hit a historical low, the document from Leizhou city of China’s southeastern Guangdong Province offers a rare glimpse into how the Chinese regime deals with American diplomats.

All departments and units within the bureau must work to counter such influences, by effectively “blocking [the consulates] from establishing connections with key [Chinese] political figures, prominent lawyers, ‘public intellectuals,’ ‘rights defenders,’ and special interest groups,” the bureau told its staff.

The bureau’s goal is to “break all threats and nets” and leave no room for such attempts, the document stated.

A policeman stands guard in front of the U.S. consulate in Chengdu, southwestern China’s Sichuan province, on July 26, 2020. (Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images)


To address the perceived threats, the bureau outlined a four-step plan, with measures such as watching for “infiltration activities” organized by foreign consulates in Guangzhou city, the capital of Guangdong, and “use all efforts”—including “reminders, warnings, and a mild degree of force”—to discourage the aforementioned individuals from attending events held by consulates.

The bureau staff were to monitor organizations and individuals that have “close ties” with the foreign consulates, and gather any relevant information, such as their background and any changes in their “asset accounts,” to cut off any “financial enticements” from U.S. consulates.


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6a9a42 No.124079

File: 69401e54d033e10⋯.png (1.18 MB,1118x838,559:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138381 (181750ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY October 18, 2020

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>>>/qresearch/11130038 pb


POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY October 18, 2020


8:40AM Depart RON Location

8:55AM Arrive at the International Church of Las Vegas

9:00AM Attend the International Church of Las Vegas Service

10:05AM Depart the International Church of Las Vegas

10:20AM Arrive at McCarran International Airport

10:30AM Depart Las Vegas, NV

11:30AM Arrive at John Wayne Airport - Santa Ana, CA

11:40AM Depart Santa Ana, CA

11:55AM Arrive at Private Residence - Newport Beach, CA

12:30PM Participate in a roundtable with supporters - [Closed Press]

1:00PM Deliver remarks at a fundraising committee reception [Closed Press]

1:30PM Depart Newport Beach, CA

1:45PM Arrive at John Wayne Airport

1:55PM Depart Santa Ana, CA

3:15PM Arrive at Reno-Tahoe International Airport

3:25PM Depart Reno, NV

3:55PM Arrive at Carson City Airport

4:00PM Deliver remarks a Make America Great Again Rally - Carson City, NV

5:15PM Depart Carson City, NV

5:45PM Arrive at Reno-Tahoe International Airport

5:55PM Depart Reno, NV

7:10PM Arrive at McCarran International Airport

7:20PM Depart McCarran International Airport

7:30PM Arrive at RON Location - Las Vegas, NV



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6a9a42 No.124080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138387 (181750ZOCT20) Notable: Biden live NOW

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Biden live NOW

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6a9a42 No.124081

File: c9bd9b3568545de⋯.png (49.69 KB,598x623,598:623,Clipboard.png)

File: a47afcde1d1be29⋯.png (59.92 KB,571x784,571:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138388 (181750ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Says Hunter Was 'Middle Man' For Businesses To Talk To Joe

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Trump Says Hunter Was 'Middle Man' For Businesses To Talk To Joe

During a speech to seniors in Tampa, Fla., on Friday, President Trump compares Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s scandal-scarred son Hunter Biden to shady “middlemen” who fix pharmaceutical drug prices.

Promoting his work to cut drug prices, the commander-in-chief asked anyone if they’d met a middle man before joking that Hunter Biden worked as one — a nod to The Post’s reporting this week on Biden’s foreign business dealings.

“I’ll bet you Hunter is a middle man. He’s like a vacuum cleaner,” Trump told the crowd, accusing the oft-troubled son of following around his ex-vice president father Joe Biden on overseas trips to hoover up piles of cash.

The president was referring to Hunter Biden’s emails published by The Post on Wednesday and Thursday which indicated

he allegedly leveraged his father’s influence to score lucrative deals overseas.

October 17, 2020

“His father goes to Germany — Hunter’s right there. ‘Hey give me a couple of million.’ Not a couple of million, a hell of a lot more than a couple of million. It’s a shame. I’ll tell you what, it’s an organized crime family, as far as I’m concerned,” Trump continued.

On Friday afternoon, Trump smiled approvingly as a rally crowd in Ocala, Fla., chanted, “Lock him up!”

The chant was reprised Friday night, at Trump’s rally in Macon, Ga.

“The Biden family is a criminal enterprise — Frankly it makes crooked Hillary Clinton look like an amateur,” Trump told the cheering Georgia crowd.


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6a9a42 No.124082

File: 7a243a5665b5e52⋯.png (54.72 KB,683x809,683:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138405 (181751ZOCT20) Notable: NON-Q OTHER NEWS

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Protesters Demand Migrant Amnesty in Paris Day After Migrant Terror Attack

Thousands of pro-migration protesters took to the streets of Paris, demanding that the French government give amnesty to the “undocumented” migrant population just one day after a Chechen migrant is believed to have beheaded a teacher in Paris.

On Saturday, several thousand protesters were seen marching in the French capital — defying the country’s China virus lockdown measures — as a part of the ‘March of Solidarity’ for migrants “without papers” — a left-wing euphemism for illegal aliens.

The organisers of the protest, which included the Federation of Associations of Solidarity with All Immigrants (FASTI), also called on the government to close migrant detention centres and provide “housing for all”, according to Le Figaro.

“I’m 42-years-old, I can’t eat enough every day because I can’t work. Things must change, the government must listen to us,” a Senegalese illegal migrant told the Fench newspaper.

“I work from time to time in restaurants, construction, cleaning, under aliases (with someone else’s papers),” he admitted, seemingly unafraid of legal repercussions.

“But we are really tired, because even during the confinement, who worked? It’s us. And in addition, we are poorly paid,” claimed another illegal migrant.

J’étais cet après-midi aux côtés des sans-papiers, qui marchaient en nombre dans les rues de Paris pour l’égalité et la dignité ✊#MarcheDesSolidarites #MarcheDesSansPapiers pic.twitter.com/dQyv79WZDy

— Leïla Chaibi (@leilachaibi) October 17, 2020

European Parliament member Leïla Chaibi, of the democratic socialist La France Insoumise party, joined the protest, writing on social media: “This afternoon, I was alongside the undocumented migrants, who marched in numbers in the streets of Paris for equality and dignity.”

Video footage shared on social media showed thousands of closely packed demonstrators marching through the streets of Paris, and HuffPost France reporter Pierre Tremblay described the scenes as “excited”.

“Thousands of people have come to Paris to support this movement of undocumented migrants for their regularization,” Tremblay reported.

“Several of them also worked on the front line during the [coronavirus],” he claimed.

In September the French government pledged to speed up the pace of naturalisation for migrants in France who took action “on the front line” of the China virus pandemic.


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6a9a42 No.124083

File: 22fb72b88ff5395⋯.jpg (79.66 KB,721x616,103:88,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d1372904a2af871⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,1280x712,160:89,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138444 (181753ZOCT20) Notable: Leland Vitter then interviewed Biden's spokewoman, Jenna Arnold, who went totally nutz answering questions.

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Trump spokesperson, Steve Cortez was 'interrogated' on Fox news a few minutes ago by DS clown Jillian ?.

He made a comment that Hunter's emails are very important because they show Joe Biden working with the CCP. He equated that with somebody in our government working with the Nazis during WWII.

Leland Vitter then interviewed Biden's spokewoman, Jenna Arnold, who went totally nutz answering questions.

I can't find clip of Cortex and nazi comment, but Jenna Arnold addresses in in her interview.

Leland does a great job….( I know Trump has trashed him before…but he is great here)

Part 1


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6a9a42 No.124084

File: 9f5e8e7d6f5cac8⋯.png (115.87 KB,881x892,881:892,Clipboard.png)

File: d4c6b999085b79e⋯.png (131.33 KB,857x906,857:906,Clipboard.png)

File: 88a049b10912d95⋯.png (47.92 KB,888x314,444:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138448 (181753ZOCT20) Notable: The Bankruptcy of ‘Bipartisan Foreign Policy’

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The Bankruptcy of ‘Bipartisan Foreign Policy’

A potential Biden Secretary of State lays out his case for a failed orthodoxy

Does America need a bipartisan foreign policy consensus? It is preferable that there be a broad national consensus about what U.S. interests are and how they should be pursued. The U.S. is poorly served if its foreign policy veers back and forth between two poles every few years. But if bipartisan foreign policy simply means a return to the stagnant, narrow range of views that have prevailed for the last thirty years, then we should want no part of it.

There have been some promising signs of bipartisan cooperation in reining in the executive and opposing illegal wars in the last few years, especially in connection with U.S. involvement in Yemen. If there is to be a foreign policy consensus in this country, it will need to be built on that foundation of commitment to the Constitution, peace, and restraint. Trying to revive a bankrupt consensus that has already failed the country will only lead to more of the same costly debacles and missed opportunities.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) recently outlined his vision of what “bipartisan foreign policy” should look like in the future, and it is very much the opposite of what the country needs. Coons describes going back to a pre-Trump approach in which both parties collude in maintaining exorbitant military spending, excessive commitments to too many other states, and perpetuating endless wars. To the extent that there is still bipartisan consensus in support of these things, that is not good for the U.S., and the continued existence of such a consensus is cause for lament rather than celebration. Coons proves that a bipartisan foreign policy is still possible, but he does not prove that it is desirable. This article matters because it is clear that Coons is writing as more than a Biden campaign surrogate. He is auditioning for a top position in a Biden administration, most likely Secretary of State, and there is reason to expect that he will get that appointment if Biden wins.

The senator says, “The key to a bipartisan foreign policy is never losing sight of the home front,” but neglecting things at home is what defenders of this consensus have done for decades. It is all very well to say that policymakers should consider how U.S. foreign policy affects Americans at home, but this doesn’t seem to be tied into any serious rethinking of what U.S. priorities should be or how large of a role the U.S. should have. Despite the numerous failures of the bipartisan foreign policy consensus in the last twenty years alone, Coons shows no interest in any of the creative thinking going on in his own party about how to change and improve U.S. foreign policy.


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6a9a42 No.124085

File: 1249b0a2f8c9744⋯.jpg (78.35 KB,705x695,141:139,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6da247e2fbfc8f8⋯.mp4 (8.98 MB,1280x712,160:89,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138458 (181754ZOCT20) Notable: Leland Vitter then interviewed Biden's spokewoman, Jenna Arnold, who went totally nutz answering questions.

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part 2


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6a9a42 No.124086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138471 (181754ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden calling for another 200K dead by the end of the year.

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Joe Biden calling for another 200K dead by the end of the year.

LIVE: Biden holds voter mobilization event in North Carolina


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6a9a42 No.124087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138478 (181755ZOCT20) Notable: PANIC!

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So, Nevada is in play after all.

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6a9a42 No.124088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138484 (181755ZOCT20) Notable: FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson (Video)

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FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson

Are they covering it up?

What did they know, and when did they know it?

Are there 2 forms of justice, one for democrats, and another for everyone else?

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is calling on the FBI to 'come clean' over the agency's involvement with Hunter Biden's laptop, after refusing to 'confirm or deny' certain details contained in a whistleblower complaint by a Delaware computer shop owner.

Host Maria Bartiromo brought up a salient point - that the FBI was allegedly in possession of Hunter Biden's laptop which contains apparent evidence of pay-for-play corruption in Ukraine, at the same time Congressional Democrats were impeaching President Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate exactly that.




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6a9a42 No.124089

File: 355dc214e32a1a1⋯.png (20.84 KB,603x130,603:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138499 (181756ZOCT20) Notable: Trump will win. I’m not advocating, I’m telling you to mentally prepare. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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Hmm I did think she was republican in any case. Trump's won the election already…"Mentally Prepare"


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6a9a42 No.124090

File: eb57bac64438026⋯.png (166.04 KB,1226x879,1226:879,Clipboard.png)

File: f02c32386173b0d⋯.png (301.96 KB,1286x808,643:404,Clipboard.png)

File: 847761b6e7c9dc5⋯.png (130.21 KB,1168x794,584:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ed2302ad48a520⋯.png (81.15 KB,1130x622,565:311,Clipboard.png)

File: f101bf718da5e08⋯.png (363.19 KB,1261x896,1261:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138530 (181758ZOCT20) Notable: NON-Q OTHER NEWS

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'Don't get yourselves caught': How the British state allowed its secret agents to commit crime

The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill marks the UK government's latest attempt to permit its intelligence and security agencies to break the law lawfully

In the early months of 2011, as Muammar Gaddafi and the people around him fought for their lives, significant numbers of young British-Libyan men slipped into the country to take up arms against them.

Later, some of these men described their surprise at the way in which the UK’s domestic security service, MI5, had lent a helping hand, ensuring they could reach Libya and play their part in the revolution.

The following year a number of men recruited in Britain as what MI5 terms covert human intelligences sources, or “chises”, were sent to Syria, where they fought in the civil war and fed back information about their fellow fighters.

What these revolutionaries and agents and informers had in common was that they had committed serious offences under the UK’s counter-terrorism laws.

Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000 could not be clearer: it is a terrorist offence to use or to threaten to use serious violence; to damage property; or even to seriously disrupt any electronic system, in order “to influence the government … of the United Kingdom or of a country other than the United Kingdom”.

If prosecuted and convicted, these men could have faced life imprisonment.

Syria is not the only country in the Middle East and North Africa to which MI5 and its overseas counterpart, MI6, have sent covert human intelligence sources.

And chises also operate in the UK. They were a critical weapon in the armoury of the British government during its 30-year struggle to quell the conflict in Northern Ireland known as the Troubles.

In an assessment published in 2016, William Matchett, a former detective with the local Special Branch – the intelligence-gathering section of the police – estimated that around 60 percent of intelligence came from informers during the Troubles, and that they saved dozens of lives each year.

Matchett also hailed chises as “force multipliers”, men and women who induced paranoia inside the underground organisations within which they were embedded. While doubtless highly useful to the British government and its security forces at the time, that effect has left a poisonous legacy: the paranoia lives on.

The Israeli criminologist Ron Dudai, who has studied the use of informers in Northern Ireland, talks of “an open wound from the past”, one that gnaws away at confidence in the forces of law and order, and which impedes the restoration of normality.



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6a9a42 No.124091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138543 (181758ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden

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Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden

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6a9a42 No.124092

File: 94271f50b45682e⋯.png (372.33 KB,800x492,200:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138571 (181800ZOCT20) Notable: Why no charges yet if the Grand Jury was in Dec 2019?

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Why no charges yet if the Grand Jury was in Dec 2019?

11:27 PM · Oct 16, 2020

John Basham




Served A Grand Jury Subpoena To Get #HunterBiden Laptops From Repair Shop In DEC '19!

It Was Served By


SA Joshua Wilson (Enhanced Subpoena) Who's A CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN Specialist On The FBI's CARD Team. Did Images On The Drives Cause This Special Response?

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6a9a42 No.124093

File: 393b8bf50a43fb5⋯.mp4 (11.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138589 (181801ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden

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6a9a42 No.124094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138632 (181803ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden

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FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is calling on the FBI to 'come clean' over the agency's involvement with Hunter Biden's laptop, after refusing to 'confirm or deny' certain details contained in a whistleblower complaint by a Delaware computer shop owner.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing," Johnson told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."

"If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that."

Host Maria Bartiromo brought up a salient point - that the FBI was allegedly in possession of Hunter Biden's laptop which contains apparent evidence of pay-for-play corruption in Ukraine, at the same time Congressional Democrats were impeaching President Trump for asking Ukraine to investigate exactly that.

"If the FBI was in possession of these emails from Hunter Biden's computer indicating all of these payouts, why did they not make this public, as President Trump was being impeached in the Senate about Ukraine?"

Johnson replied: "the larger question really is; if they had this information - and these are genuine emails which would probably reveal all kinds of things that would have been very relevant to the impeachment case, why did they sit out? Are they covering up because Hunter Biden might be engaged in things that also maybe should have been investigated and possibly prosecuted? Dow we have two systems of justice? One for Democrats, one for Republicans, one for the well connected, vs. one for the rest of the Americans."

Child porn?

Bartiromo then steered the conversation to national security risks - noting that the signature of the FBI's top child porn lawyer appeared on the subpoena for Hunter's laptop.

"The subpoena was served by an FBI agent whose name is Joshua Wilson, and over the last five years he has been working on child pornography issues. Connect the dots - if an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years, why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden? Is there a connection here? Should this suggest that there's a child pornography issue here on that laptop?"

"Well, I think you just made the connection," Johnson replied. "This is what the FBI has to come clean about. This isn't a standard investigation… this is something that, as we were talking about, relates to national security. And if there's criminal activity involved that can be tied to Hunter Biden or his business associates, or even possibly tied back to members of the Biden family - well some of these emails indicate that Joe Biden is fully aware of this."

As we noted on Friday, FBI agent Wilson's identity was confirmed by both Western Journal and Business Insider, the latter of which compared his signature to a 2012 criminal complaint and concluded that it "clearly matches the unreversed signature on the subpoena published by the New York Post."

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6a9a42 No.124095

File: 1eca518bc711e03⋯.png (215.45 KB,471x465,157:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138727 (181810ZOCT20) Notable: ENJOY THE SHOW

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digits confirm

He just YELLS the entire time about TRUMP!

He has nothing of any substance to say about HIS campaign…..

And the cars and the honking….is this like a drive in movie? Do they have little speakers they attach to the windows to hear him, like the mmovies??



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6a9a42 No.124096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138731 (181810ZOCT20) Notable: ENJOY THE SHOW

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fox news just said "ENJOY THE SHOW"

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6a9a42 No.124097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138741 (181810ZOCT20) Notable: Biden 'most compromised person in the history of American politics': Donald Trump Jr.

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Biden 'most compromised person in the history of American politics': Donald Trump Jr.

Joe Biden is being protected by collusion between the media and Democrats, Trump Jr. claimed

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is "the most compromised person in the history of American politics," Donald Trump Jr. said Sunday in response to allegations about Hunter Biden's overseas business deals.

"The swamp, social media, mainstream media, they want Biden to win, even though it's likely that Biden is probably the most compromised person in the history of American politics," Trump Jr., the eldest of President Trump's children, told "Sunday Morning Futures." "We're two weeks out from an election, and they're pretending like this is a non-issue."

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is "the most compromised person in the history of American politics," Donald Trump Jr. said Sunday in response to allegations about Hunter Biden's overseas business deals.

"The swamp, social media, mainstream media, they want Biden to win, even though it's likely that Biden is probably the most compromised person in the history of American politics," Trump Jr., the eldest of President Trump's children, told "Sunday Morning Futures." "We're two weeks out from an election, and they're pretending like this is a non-issue."


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6a9a42 No.124098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138750 (181811ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Surrogate Says He’s Open to Court Packing

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Biden Surrogate Says He’s Open to Court Packing

While Democrats have implied their intention to pack the Supreme Court for weeks, Sen. Chris Coons (D., Del.) on Sunday explicitly said he was "open" to adding justices to the High Court.

"If we happen to be in the fact pattern where we have a President Biden, we'll have to look at what the right steps are to rebalance our federal judiciary," said Coons, a Biden campaign surrogate.

Over the past few weeks, reporters have asked Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his campaign nearly a dozen times about the candidate's intentions to expand the number of justices on the Court. Each time, Biden has deflected, saying it would shift focus and only benefit President Trump to discuss. More recently, however, Biden has indicated he is open to the idea. During an ABC town hall last week, he said his plan for the Supreme Court "depends" on how Senate Republicans "handle" Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation.

"It depends on how much they rush this," the former vice president said. He also promised to reveal his position on court packing before Election Day.

Coons, who has been discussed as a potential Biden administration cabinet pick, joined Democrats' recent efforts to redefine the term "court packing." The senator said last week that Barrett's confirmation to the Court's vacant seat would constitute court packing. The term, however, refers to expanding the number of seats on the Supreme Court.

Failed presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, a member of the Biden transition team, also said on Sunday he was open to court packing should Biden win the presidency. He said the move would depoliticize the High Court.


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6a9a42 No.124099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138789 (181815ZOCT20) Notable: Democratic Coalition Against Trump

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Democratic Coalition Against Trump

The Democratic Coalition, also known as the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, is an American Super PAC founded in 2016 by Nathan Lerner,Scott Dworkin,and Jon Cooper[1][2] for the purpose of opposing Donald Trump,[3] with a fundraising goal of $20 million by Election Day.[4] It was originally known as the Keep America Great PAC.


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6a9a42 No.124100

File: 1a83e2bc0ce6a1f⋯.png (55.74 KB,724x834,362:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f1ef2b2a2332de⋯.png (12.21 KB,740x208,185:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138797 (181815ZOCT20) Notable: Amid historic absentee voting, rejected mail-in ballots could have 'significant effect' on outcome

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Amid historic absentee voting, rejected mail-in ballots could have 'significant effect' on outcome

Up to 3% of first-time mail-in voters see their ballots rejected, potentially upending projected vote totals.

Rejected mail-in ballots could play a decisive role in the 2020 election, with a small but critical number of dismissed ballots potentially flipping poll numbers on their head and handing President Trump another surprise victory Nov. 3.

Americans are voting by mail in record numbers in 2020, driven largely by months of public health warnings that due to COVID-19, Americans should avoid large gatherings, particularly indoor events, and should avoid touching commonly used surfaces or objects, inescapable realities of in-person polling locations.

Though officials including White House coronavirus adviser Anthony Fauci have assured Americans that voting in person this year is safe, a record number of Americans — around 30% — plan to cast their ballots by mail this year. That's up from about 20% in 2016 and is a threefold increase from 2000.

Problems with first-time mail-in voters could lead to hundreds of thousands of rejections

Polling data indicate that mail-in voters strongly favor Biden, which — when coupled with early voters who also favor the Democratic candidate — could give Biden a further boost in what appears to be his considerable advantage over Trump heading toward Election Day.

Yet a not-insignificant percentage of those ballots could end up rejected and uncounted, potentially shaving Biden's edge and giving the president a surprise upset in November.

"We know that, historically, one to one and a half percent of mail-in ballots are declined," veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen told Just the News this week.

"But we also know that people who fill out a mail-in ballot for the first time are about three times as likely to have their ballot rejected," he continued. "So this year if we have a huge growth in the number of people who vote by mail … it might have a significant effect."

The number of rejected ballots through this election season is already comparatively large. An NPR analysis in August found that about 550,000 ballots were rejected during this year's primaries, about 75% more than were rejected during the 2016 general election.

Whether or not the November election will see enough rejections to affect the race is unclear, though the sheer volume of mail-in ballots expected in every state will likely play even more havoc than election centers saw over the course of the primaries.

"We won't know who wins Pennsylvania for three weeks," Rasmussen predicted, "because Pennsylvania has no history with mass mail-in voting."


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6a9a42 No.124101

File: c679a207414879a⋯.png (255.81 KB,656x1666,328:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138842 (181818ZOCT20) Notable: P=PAYSEUR (JEWISH BANKING CLAN)

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6a9a42 No.124102

File: dc1f354424e42b5⋯.png (34.83 KB,775x672,775:672,Clipboard.png)

File: 899d6459f121fd1⋯.png (37.71 KB,771x776,771:776,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a93fadbdcd1c16⋯.png (29.94 KB,760x681,760:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138875 (181820ZOCT20) Notable: DOUBLESPEAK: New York Times Magazine Says The Biggest Threat to Free Speech…is Free Speech

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DOUBLESPEAK: New York Times Magazine Says The Biggest Threat to Free Speech…is Free Speech

In another showing of proof that the fake news is in fact the enemy of the people, the New York Times Magazine has published an article arguing that the biggest threat to free speech…is free speech itself.

Feminist author Emily Bazelon believes that government and corporate censorship must be used to save free speech, and she made her case very poorly in an op/ed riddled with Orwellian doublespeak.

“It’s an article of faith in the United States that more speech is better and that the government should regulate it as little as possible. But increasingly, scholars of constitutional law, as well as social scientists, are beginning to question the way we have come to think about the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech,” Bazelon wrote, effectively arguing for an end to the Bill of Rights.

“They think our formulations are simplistic — and especially inadequate for our era. Censorship of external critics by the government remains a serious threat under authoritarian regimes. But in the United States and other democracies, there is a different kind of threat, which may be doing more damage to the discourse about politics, news and science. It encompasses the mass distortion of truth and overwhelming waves of speech from extremists that smear and distract,” she wrote, using left-wing blather to justify shredding the U.S. Constitution.

Bazelon is arguing that since freedom of speech allows people like Trump and his supporters to speak freely, it must be sharply curtailed. This way, her liberal agenda can be protected from any dissent or challenge that is allowed under the evil 1st Amendment (which, after all, was written by slave owners!).

“This concern spans the ideological spectrum. Along with disinformation campaigns, there is the separate problem of “troll armies” — a flood of commenters, often propelled by bots — that “aim to discredit or to destroy the reputation of disfavored speakers and to discourage them from speaking again,” Jack Goldsmith, a conservative law professor at Harvard, writes in an essay in “The Perilous Public Square,” a book edited by David E. Pozen that was published this year,” she wrote.

Goldsmith, who Bazelon inaccurately describes as a conservative, is actually a prominent anti-Trump writer. He even wrote a book, “After Trump,” calling for wholesale changes to the U.S. political system in order to make sure nobody like Trump can ever get elected again.

Bazelon argues that “critical voices” need to be protected from free speech in order to save free speech, or something.


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6a9a42 No.124103

File: 82fc62d50b77d0c⋯.png (18.05 KB,710x267,710:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138912 (181822ZOCT20) Notable: New PDJT

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Trolling is Fun hahaha

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6a9a42 No.124104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138913 (181822ZOCT20) Notable: US Secretary of State Pompeo Warns of Sanctions For Any Arms Sales to Iran

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US Secretary of State Pompeo Warns of Sanctions For Any Arms Sales to Iran

On 18 October, all restrictions on the transfer of arms, related activities and financial services to and from Iran were lifted.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that arms sales to Iran would breach UN resolutions and lead to sanctions.

"For the past 10 years, countries have refrained from selling weapons to Iran under various UN measures. Any country that now challenges this prohibition will be very clearly choosing to fuel conflict and tension over promoting peace and security," Pompeo said, as quoted by AFP.

Also in his statement, Mr Pompeo said that the US was ready "to use its domestic authorities to sanction any individual or entity that materially contributes to the supply, sale, or transfer of conventional arms to or from Iran."

According to US Secretary of State, if a country supports the fight against terrorism it "should refrain from any arms transactions with Iran."

Tehran Celebrates End of Decade-Long Arms Embargo

This comes after Iran announced earlier this week that all restrictions on the transfer of arms, related activities and financial services to and from the Islamic Republic of Iran were expiring under the terms of the UN resolution that confirmed the JCPOA signed between Tehran and world powers in 2015.

A momentous day for the international community, which— in defiance of malign US efforts—has protected UNSC Res. 2231 and JCPOA.

Today's normalization of Iran’s defense cooperation with the world is a win for the cause of multilateralism and peace and security in our region. pic.twitter.com/sRO6ezu4OO

— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) October 17, 2020

​The arms embargo which prevented Iran from buying foreign weapons had been in place for a decade. Washington has insisted that it should be extended but all its draft resolutions concerning this matter were rejected by other UN members.

In 2018, the US unilaterally withdrew from the nuclear deal and began reintroducing sanctions on Iran.


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6a9a42 No.124105

File: 8cd57f2cd31c422⋯.mp4 (652.01 KB,642x466,321:233,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11138981 (181827ZOCT20) Notable: The Trump Dance Move ..2020

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The Trump Dance Move ..2020


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6a9a42 No.124106

File: 0312f3d9c52d229⋯.png (24.12 KB,608x242,304:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139028 (181830ZOCT20) Notable: Israel Bahrain officially signs peace treaty to establish diplomatic relations with Israel — under the Trump administration.

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BREAKING: Flag of Israel Bahrain officially signs peace treaty to establish diplomatic relations with Israel — under the Trump administration.


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6a9a42 No.124107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139052 (181831ZOCT20) Notable: #14244

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>>124103 New PDJT

>>124105 The Trump Dance Move ..2020

>>124106 Israel Bahrain officially signs peace treaty to establish diplomatic relations with Israel — under the Trump administration.

>>124104 US Secretary of State Pompeo Warns of Sanctions For Any Arms Sales to Iran

>>124102 DOUBLESPEAK: New York Times Magazine Says The Biggest Threat to Free Speech…is Free Speech

>>124100 Amid historic absentee voting, rejected mail-in ballots could have 'significant effect' on outcome

>>124099 Democratic Coalition Against Trump

>>124098 Biden Surrogate Says He’s Open to Court Packing

>>124097 Biden 'most compromised person in the history of American politics': Donald Trump Jr.

>>124087 PANIC!

>>124089 Trump will win. I’m not advocating, I’m telling you to mentally prepare. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

>>124092 Why no charges yet if the Grand Jury was in Dec 2019?

>>124088 FBI 'Has To Come Clean' About Corruption Evidence, Potential Child Porn On Hunter Biden's Laptop: Sen. Johnson (Video)

>>124086 Joe Biden calling for another 200K dead by the end of the year.

>>124084 The Bankruptcy of ‘Bipartisan Foreign Policy’

>>124080 Biden live NOW

>>124079 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY October 18, 2020

>>124075 Obama’s former speech writer, Nathan Osburn, hiding behind a mask pretending to be an undecided voter at the town hall…and Joe Biden pretending not to know who he is

>>124076 As Communist China Rises, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s Communists Ties Re-Surface

>>124077 Facebook says it rejected 2.2m ads seeking to obstruct voting in US election

>>124081 Trump Says Hunter Was 'Middle Man' For Businesses To Talk To Joe

>>124095, >>124096 ENJOY THE SHOW

>>124083, >>124085 Leland Vitter then interviewed Biden's spokewoman, Jenna Arnold, who went totally nutz answering questions.

>>124091, >>124093, >>124094 Ron Johnson is on Fox News suggesting there's child pornography on the computer that purportedly belongs to Hunter Biden

>>124082, >>124090, >>124074, >>124078 NON-Q OTHER NEWS

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6a9a42 No.124108

File: 3841c2dcda10cb0⋯.png (507.93 KB,600x632,75:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139129 (181836ZOCT20) Notable: Trump puts wad of cash into the collection box at church in Las Vegas as he and Hope Hicks prepare for day of fundraising

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Trump puts wad of cash into the collection box at church in Las Vegas as he and Hope Hicks prepare for day of fundraising


Why they ignore Dan?

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6a9a42 No.124109

File: 781dc15fa9ce5d7⋯.png (215.66 KB,552x491,552:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 48912d5f93c2466⋯.png (42.63 KB,837x517,837:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139140 (181837ZOCT20) Notable: The FBI is at it Again! One Month After FBI Took Possession of Hunter Laptop, NY Times Reported Burisma “Hacked” by Russians to Embarrass Bidens

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The FBI is at it Again! One Month After FBI Took Possession of Hunter Laptop, NY Times Reported Burisma “Hacked” by Russians to Embarrass Bidens

The FBI is at it again!

The New York Post on Wednesday dropped an October surprise on Joe Biden when they began releasing damning emails found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

The New York Post reported that a laptop computer abandoned at a Delaware repair shop contains emails between Hunter Biden and various foreign actors offering him money to have access to his VP daddy Joe.

According to The Post, the computer repair shop owner contacted the FBI and gave them Hunter Biden’s laptop in December of 2019.

Shortly after the FBI took possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop, the New York Times (presumably a leak from the IC) ran a story claiming the Russians hacked Burisma searching for “potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens.”

The New York Times offered zero forensic proof Burisma was hacked — they cited a Democrat security firm in Silicon Valley.

The New York Times in January reported that Russian hackers from the military unit known as the GRU “successfully” targeted Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company that Hunter Biden was paid millions of dollars for as a board member.

“The attacks were successful,” according to a Silicon Valley security firm told The Times.

The Times claimed that the hackers were searching for potentially embarrassing material against Joe and Hunter Biden.

“The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States. It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens.”

“The Russian attacks on Burisma appear to be running parallel to an effort by Russian spies in Ukraine to dig up information in the analog world that could embarrass the Bidens,”

Brief timeline of events:

April 2019: A drunk Hunter Biden stumbles into a Delaware computer repair shop and drops off his MacBook Pro damaged by water

June 2019: Computer repair shop owner takes legal ownership of Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro after several failed attempts to reach Hunter and contacts Senator Mike Lee’s office

October 2019: Hunter Biden resigns from Burisma Holdings

December 2019: FBI takes possession of Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro (as Democrats launch impeachment proceedings against President Trump)

January 2020: New York Times publishes absurd “Burisma hacked by Russians” story (presumably a leak from the IC) in order to run cover for the Bidens knowing the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop would be leaked.

Rudy Giuliani said the computer repair shop owner made copies of Hunter Biden’s hard drive and gave them to a couple of his friends just in case he was killed.

In an effort to continue the ridiculous “Russian disinformation ” narrative, the New York Times just reported that three weeks ago, people familiar with knowledge of the GRU hack of Burisma, after picking up intel “chatter” that stolen Burisma emails would be leaked in a forthcoming “October surprise.”

What a joke!


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6a9a42 No.124110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139151 (181838ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Campaign: 11 Questions The Media Must Ask Joe Biden About Hunter Biden ‘Selling Access’

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Trump Campaign: 11 Questions The Media Must Ask Joe Biden About Hunter Biden ‘Selling Access’

Tim Murtaugh, the spokesperson for President Donald Trump’s campaign, said Sunday that the news media should ask Democratic rival Joe Biden “red, flashing, glaring” questions about allegations about his son, Hunter Biden, “selling access.”

Murtaugh noted that the Biden campaign had not denied the substance of reports that Hunter Biden had arranged meetings between his business partners in Ukraine and China and with then-Vice President Biden.

The reports have been based on emails purportedly discovered on a laptop abandoned at a repair shop in Delaware, and subsequently reported by the New York Post and others; and emails shared independently with Breitbart News by one of Hunter Biden’s former partners.

Biden is reported to have met with an adviser to the corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma; and with executives from the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC), including Chinese billionaires and Chinese Communist Party loyalists.

The Biden campaign “does not dispute the authenticity of these emails nor do they dispute that the laptops these emails came from” belonged to Hunter Biden, Murtaugh said.

He argued that the emails showed that Joe Biden lied when he said: “I have never discussed, with my son or my brother or with anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”

Murtaugh added that Biden had not denied any of the allegations.

Just so we’re clear on what has happened here:

Three days ago, Fox News reported that Joe Biden was identified as a FINANCIAL BENEFICIARY in a deal worked out between Hunter and a Chinese energy company tied to the communist government.

And his campaign hasn’t denied it.

— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) October 18, 2020

“The lone exception is to say that no such meeting [with Burisma] appeared on Joe Biden’s official schedule at the time. This explanation is a joke, and it’s embarrassing to the Biden campaign that this is the best they can do.”

He noted that the Biden campaign had told Politico that it could not rule out that such a meeting might have taken place. And he noted a report in Fox News about emails that discussed 10% of one deal being set aside for someone called the “big guy.”

Murtaugh also noted that the one time a mainstream media reporter asked Biden about the allegations, Biden attacked him.

I asked Joe Biden: What is your response to the NYPost story about your son, sir?

He called it a “smear campaign” and then went after me. “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” pic.twitter.com/Eo6VD4TqxD

— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) October 17, 2020

Nevertheless, Murtaugh argued, journalists covering the Biden campaign had a duty to ask him the following questions:

1 Did Hunter drop off this laptop at that repair show in Delaware?

2 Does the laptop belong to Hunter Biden?

3 Why would a grand jury subpoena the laptop [which was seized by the FBI for a grand jury]?

4 Are the emails authentic?

5 Have you ever met any of Hunter Biden’s foreign business partners?

6 What did you talk about with Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner and fellow Bursima board member, when you played golf [as captured in a photo revealed last year]?

7 Did you meet with Vadym Pozharskyi, the Bursima executive, in that meeting [in 2015], as described in the emails?

8 Can you explain the 10% stake n the Chinese energy company described as being specially for you, as worked out by Hunter and his business partners?

9 Is Hunter Biden holding money for you?

10 Do you make Hunter give him half of his income [as alleged by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, based on a text message purportedly found on the laptop]?

11 Are you, as a candidate for President of the United States, compromised by the Chinese?

Murtaugh added that efforts by Facebook and Twitter, the “Silicon Valley mafia,” to “squelch” the story had “backfired on them, because it made it a much bigger story.”

He said that if the moderator in the third debate did not bring up the issue, President Trump would likely do so.


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6a9a42 No.124111

File: 1266ce04057bee4⋯.png (51.74 KB,674x706,337:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139157 (181839ZOCT20) Notable: University of Northern Iowa bans pro-life club, labels it a ‘hate group’

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University of Northern Iowa bans pro-life club, labels it a ‘hate group’

University of Northern Iowa Student Government engages in viewpoint discrimination against fellow students, school’s Supreme Court backs them up

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa, October 17, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The student government at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) has rejected the request for approval of a UNI Students for Life group.

The rejection came after a long and charged discussion in which the members attacked the views of fellow pro-life students, including calling them a “hate group,” and this week the public university’s student body’s Supreme Court joined in that effort to block the pro-life group.

BREAKING: University of Northern Iowa Student Government Denies Pro-Life Group, Labels it "Hate Group"@StudentsforLife pic.twitter.com/8rbTXHXhnW

— YAF (@yaf) October 9, 2020

A video released by Young America’s Foundation shows UNI students complaining over Zoom that the pro-life club “engages in hate speech.”

“We cannot support diversity and be complicit in its destruction at the same time,” one student says.

“Approving this bill [to allow the pro-life club] is the same thing as approving a white supremacist group that’s trying [to] make an organization on campus,” another adds. “You’re basically saying you support them to violate women [sic] rights. And, like, um, I’m sorry but I don’t want a group on campus that’s gonna, like, when I – just an example – if I’m pregnant, they’re gonna try to force me not to abort my child.”

“I would argue that not all opinions are equal. There are opinions, and then there are opinions that get people killed, in many cases,” said another student without a hint of irony. “There’s really no middle ground here.”

Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins said that legal counsel had been contacted on behalf of the group as the appeal process continues, now headed to the university president.

“Despite the school’s own rules that viewpoint discrimination is not acceptable, student government leaders attacked fellow students for their pro-life views and denied a request for a new club based on their personal support of abortion,” noted Hawkins. University of Northern Iowa student leader Sophia Schuster has been advocating for a Students for Life club this school year and appealed the NISG’s decision to the school’s Supreme Court this week, which ruled against the pro-life students.

“I wasn’t really surprised by how NISG (Northern Iowa Student Government) reacted because I know abortion is a controversial topic, but I was shocked by how they allowed their emotions and personal opinions to influence their decision,” said Schuster. “Students for Life met all of requirements for being approved set forth by UNI, but they completely ignored that fact. I think they have overstepped their role and tried to use their power to silence us just because they disagree. This is a direct attack on free speech and of due process of law and an example of abandoning standards that they claim to hold.”


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6a9a42 No.124112

File: bea3df191632ebe⋯.jpg (242.38 KB,479x639,479:639,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139192 (181842ZOCT20) Notable: TRUMP HAS BEEN WAITING FOR MANY YEARS TO DESTROY THE DEMOCRATS AND THE CCP

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"If you are up to speed on the hard drives and the Biden Crime Family good. If not read the threads on GLP.


Now is the time fellow travelers

Pray to whatever god you have that justice is done and peace is come upon this planet, for this is the turning point.


This is a turning point in world history.

In summary:

- The Clinton and Biden Crime Families have been corrupted by China for decades, since the 1990's. It started out as business deals which they would skim and progressed from there. When Obama was elected it went into another phase, this time major financial corruption and outright Treason. Plenty of evidence is starting to leak out, much more to come. The damn has been breached and the rats are scurrying, making deals now to save their very life.

- The CCP and the Dems share a goal to run the globe. Dems will be Jr. partner of CCP and run North America. That was the plan.

- 8 years of Obama and they were well on their way, they were cocky and believed no one could stop them.

- Enter Donald J. Trump! He knew as early as 911 what was going on. Remember he is a Billionaire and he has contacts around the globe as well as private intelligence. He stood in the shadows however, so as not to be seen as a threat to this NWO corruption and Treason until the time was right. He had to ascertain who among the Washington crowd (R & D) he could trust. There weren't many.

- Trumps's background would make him into a formidable enemy of the Elite's Plan when the time came. He was mentored by some of the greatest mobsters ever known. His Uncle John Trump most likely clued him in on the secrets of Tesla and of the almost unimaginable TECH that was invented from it. We are talking anti-gravity vehicles, alien contact and all the rest. This was information that would change the history of mankind but ONLY IF it be brought forward.

-So Trump had a decision to make. He knew that if he did nothing that the CCP and Dems would fulfill their evil plans and enslave the world under the boot of Totalitarianism.

- He decided to run for President. Brave move. He knew they would not tolerate him in the White House but did it anyway. As soon as he announced he was running the Elites knew they had been duped. Trump was thought to be a run of the mill blowhard that was rich. But he had fooled them, laying in wait for the right time to strike. To say they were incensed would be and understatement. However, they believed he couldn't win

- HE WON! They couldn't believe it. The greatest black swan in history turned out to be the American People!!!

- Now you know why the greatest pay-op in history has been run against Trump. They couldn't let him be there! If he knew what they were doing he would hang them ALL. He did know what they were doing and he is going to hang them ALL!

- The CCP springs into action and orders the Dems to remove him At ALL Costs.

They were in mortal danger as well. Now you being to see why the Dems protected China and went after Trump as if he were Satan himself. They are literally fighting for their very lives! China CCP too!

- CCP ordered the Dems to run Biden and Kamala because they had them securely bought off. They wanted no surprises this time. Now you know why the Dems would run a man clearly demented and a harpy that No One likes.

- Trump has used his background from the mob to fight them, as well as the Art of War. He has prevailed were no one else could have.

The next 2 weeks will decide the future of humanity. I believe Trump has all the Elites by the balls and is now turning the vice. We are in the first inning of the game and things will move quickly from here on out. We could see everything from War with CCP to military tribunals to assassination attempts.

Last Edited by ETpeace on 10/18/2020 02:01 PM"


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6a9a42 No.124113

File: 517633a143f9501⋯.png (5.66 MB,3360x1826,1680:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bcc7c0ba4edd46⋯.png (5.66 MB,3360x1826,1680:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139195 (181842ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS into John Wayne Airport.

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POTUS into John Wayne Airport.

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6a9a42 No.124114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139208 (181843ZOCT20) Notable: Thousands of emails, salacious photos mire Biden campaign

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>Any Anon have a full copy or Link to last nights OANN interview with Rudy? thx.

Only this one OAN Youtube channel…

Thousands of emails, salacious photos mire Biden campaign


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6a9a42 No.124115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139215 (181844ZOCT20) Notable: 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

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'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back - proving 'it's no Russian intel op'

Steve Bannon said Sunday everything found on Hunter Biden's lap top is true

'Joe Biden has lied about this for years,' the former White House strategist said

He also revealed that Hunter Biden's lawyer tried desperately to get the hard drive back after it was left at a lap top repair shop with his water damaged Mac

Bannon also revealed Sunday that if Trump fails to win a second White House term he will run again in 2024

'You're not going to see the end of Donald Trump,' he said

Bannon was recently arrested for federal money-laundering

Steve Bannon said Sunday everything that has come to light from Hunter Biden's hard drive is true as he paints Joe Biden as a 'stone cold liar' after revelations show deep financial ties between the Biden's and Chinese Communist Party.

'Joe Biden has lied about this for years,' Bannon told Sky News in an interview Sunday.

'What Fox did, which was very interesting on that issue but also on the Chinese – they actually went to the people on the emails and contacted them. What was so stunning is that they reported last night that one, the guys on the emails said absolutely the meetings happened. This is not off of some Russia intelligence operation. That emails correct, the meanings correct and, by the way, that 10 per cent of the equity is Joe Biden's,' Bannon said.

The former White House strategist for President Donald Trump said Hunter's lawyer tried to email the repair shop to get the laptop back and has since then contacted Bannon and his team to retrieve the sensitive hard drive.

'Hunter Biden's lawyer has come to us both with phone calls and with emails saying, 'hey, I've got to get the hard drive back',' Bannon said.

'This is not some Russian intelligence operation; they admit it's their hard drive,' he continued in proving the validity of the information found on the laptop. 'We have the emails from the Lawyer, if we need to release them, we'll release them.'

Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding the hard drive.

In a letter to Wray, which was obtained by Fox News Sunday, Johnson says that a whistleblower contacted the committee on September 24.

He said they claimed to possess a laptop that Hunter left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI.

Johnson noted in his letter that his staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details to better validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not comment on any of the information.

Trump weighed in on Hunter's emails on Twitter Sunday, and gave his Democratic rival a new nickname: '10% Joe.'

'Hunter Biden's laptop is a disaster for the entire Biden family, but especially for his father, Joe. It is now a proven fact, and cannot be denied, that all of that info is the REAL DEAL,' Trump tweeted. 'That makes it impossible for '50%, or 10%' Joe, to ever assume the office of the President!'



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6a9a42 No.124116

File: 1a4364f0817d75d⋯.jpg (404.89 KB,1125x2249,1125:2249,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6e55d3480faec4e⋯.png (295.09 KB,779x671,779:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f55687eac91e78⋯.png (367.76 KB,2543x400,2543:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a0da891c015b6e⋯.png (688.09 KB,1782x775,1782:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139229 (181845ZOCT20) Notable: Link to tweet about Gretchen having the 86 45

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>>>/qresearch/11139079 pb

Link to tweet about Gretchen having the 86 45


Tweet about definition of 86'd


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6a9a42 No.124117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139236 (181845ZOCT20) Notable: BLOOD PRESSURE = COMMS?

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That is weird because the Chinese guy in this video pauses, in the middle, and says, you better be sure to take your heart medicine for this, make sure your blood pressure doesn't rise, then continues.




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6a9a42 No.124118

File: cdae400ab751089⋯.png (595.94 KB,662x594,331:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139249 (181846ZOCT20) Notable: An attorney for the man suspected of kidnapping British toddler Madeleine McCann is demanding that prosecutors share concrete evidence or throw out the case

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An attorney for the man suspected of kidnapping British toddler Madeleine McCann is demanding that prosecutors share concrete evidence or throw out the case — and police are privately admitting they desperately need a breakthrough in the 13-year-old case.

Friedrich Fulscher wants German investigators to “show their cards” against his client, 43-year-old Christian Bruckner, a convicted pedophile and rapist who is now doing time in his native Germany.


Here we go

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6a9a42 No.124119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139270 (181848ZOCT20) Notable: Rudy tells Lou Dobbs he gave all this info on Ukraine to the DOJ two years ago, and they did nothing

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regarding the Biden info: Rudy tells Lou Dobbs he gave all this info on Ukraine to the DOJ two years ago, and they did nothing. He looks totally heartbroken when he says we don’t have a Justice department any longer

What is really sad is Rudy’s name and reputation has been smeared by our government and media to the point, they tried to destroy him. One honorable man! God bless Rudy! Please


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6a9a42 No.124120

File: 08a1cee5da93ae2⋯.jpg (318.07 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139281 (181849ZOCT20) Notable: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has vowed to include Muslim Americans in every social and political aspect in his administration as well as repeal President Donald Trump's "Muslim ban" if voted to power.

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Oct 16, 2020

"Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has vowed to include Muslim Americans in every social and political aspect in his administration as well as repeal President Donald Trump's "Muslim ban" if voted to power."


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6a9a42 No.124121

File: efb7887a4c5b392⋯.png (20.34 KB,598x260,23:10,Clipboard.png)

File: 15b40acc116b0ea⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1903x5021,1903:5021,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae1af43e8a6b2e5⋯.png (400.12 KB,598x614,299:307,Clipboard.png)

File: dcaa82e571e048e⋯.png (628.12 KB,598x656,299:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139502 (181905ZOCT20) Notable: PDJT - She’s always been terrible & unfair, just like most of the Fake News reporters, but I’ll still play the game. The people know! How’s Steve Scully doing?

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She’s always been terrible & unfair, just like most of the Fake News reporters, but I’ll still play the game. The people know! How’s Steve Scully doing?


Kristen Welker, upcoming presidential debate moderator, has deep Democrat ties




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6a9a42 No.124122

File: 4fb9a6fd57a4d23⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,718x538,359:269,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139522 (181907ZOCT20) Notable: Breaking , trove of Hunter emails to be released tonight

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Breaking , trove of Hunter emails to be released tonight

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6a9a42 No.124123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139551 (181910ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS is right, if retail sales is up 8% now when he’s re-elected we will see the country soar into the stratosphere

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POTUS is right, if retail sales is up 8% now (Storch was shocked and surprised he said it’s never been above 5%), when he’s re-elected we will see the country soar into the stratosphere

Pray and work for victory anons, this is the most important election of anyone’s lifetime, we either live free or die, no other choice.

Dear God, I deeply pray, give us the strength and light to defeat the enemy of your souls. Amen


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6a9a42 No.124124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139559 (181910ZOCT20) Notable: You Have Until Tuesday': Pelosi Issues Ultimatum Over Relief Funds

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'You Have Until Tuesday': Pelosi Issues Ultimatum Over Relief Funds

or what?

Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin spoke at length Saturday night about efforts to finalize a stimulus package to help the U.S. weather the affects of the coronavirus, especially as signs emerge of rising economic strain for millions of Americans.

They spoke for an hour and 15 minutes and agreed to speak again on Monday, Treasury spokeswoman Monica Crowley said on Twitter. Their staffs will keep talks going in the meantime. Hammill wouldn’t comment on any agreement for Mnuchin and Pelosi to talk on Monday. -Bloomberg




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6a9a42 No.124125

File: 36eae86e9e82bd1⋯.png (806.49 KB,598x764,299:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139560 (181910ZOCT20) Notable: Happy birthday @tiffanytrump!

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Happy birthday @tiffanytrump!

Hope this year marks your best turn yet around the sun! Love you so much! ❤️


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6a9a42 No.124126

File: 789c15b653ed3c9⋯.png (374.98 KB,1108x947,1108:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139593 (181913ZOCT20) Notable: Dr. Jim Meehan: An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful

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Both articles, refs worth your time

Dr. Jim Meehan: An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful

Key Points

-Decades of the highest-level scientific evidence (meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials) overwhelmingly conclude that medical masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including SAR-CoV-2.

-Those arguing for masks are relying on low-level evidence (observational retrospective trials and mechanistic theories), none of which are powered to counter the evidence, arguments, and risks of mask mandates.

-The majority of the population is at very low to almost no risk of severe or lethal disease from CoVID-19. Children are at an extraordinarily low risk of dying from CoVID-19. Based on CDC published data, 99.99815% of children that contract CoVID-19 survive.

-Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among children in schools and daycares is very rare.

-Masks worn properly are well documented to cause harm to their wearers. Masks worn improperly, re-used, or contaminated are dangerous.

-Any reasonable risk to benefit analysis of medical masks concludes that the risks overwhelmingly outweigh the benefits.

-Children are at imminent risk of harm from mask mandates.


Evidence Based Medicine: How we (should) make decisions in science and medicine

Masks are Ineffective

a. Mixed Messages from the Experts

b. The Evidence Against Masks

c. The Evidence For Masks

Masks are Unnecessary

a. Fear and Politics are Subverting Science and Reason

b. Masking Children in Schools is Unnecessary - So Says The Science

Masks are Harmful: 17 Ways that Masks Can Cause Harm

Masking School Children is Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful

a. Mandatory masks in school are a ‘major threat’ to children's’ health, doctors warn

b. Forcing Children to Wear Masks in Schools is Unnecessary

c. Forcing Children to Wear Masks for Long Periods Risks Causing Them Physical Harm

d. Forcing Children to Wear Masks for Long Periods Risks Causing Them Mental and Psychological Harm




"If masks don't work, then why do surgeons wear them?"

I'm a surgeon that has performed over 10,000 surgical procedures wearing a surgical mask. However, that fact alone doesn't really qualify me as an expert on the matter. More importantly, I am a former editor of a medical journal. I know how to read the medical literature, distinguish good science from bad, and fact from fiction. Believe me, the medical literature is filled with bad fiction masquerading as medical science. It is very easy to be deceived by bad science.

Although surgeons do wear masks to prevent their respiratory droplets from contaminating the surgical field and the exposed internal tissues of our surgical patients, that is about as far as the analogy extends

If a surgeon were sick, especially with a viral infection, they would not perform surgery as they know the virus would NOT be stopped by their surgical mask.



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6a9a42 No.124127

File: f2d6894a21097ff⋯.mp4 (6.13 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139646 (181917ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon on SkyNEWS Sharri 18th October 2020

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clip from 'Steve Bannon on SkyNEWS Sharri 18th October 2020'


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6a9a42 No.124128

File: 4d3c43f5cab23e9⋯.png (39.71 KB,658x491,658:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e84f34aab8c7a2⋯.png (522.13 KB,640x482,320:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139648 (181917ZOCT20) Notable: U.N. Condemns Nigeria’s Plans to Castrate Rapists and Execute Pedophiles

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U.N. Condemns Nigeria’s Plans to Castrate Rapists and Execute Pedophiles

Plans by Nigeria to castrate rapists and execute pedophiles have been condemned as “draconian” by a furious Michelle Bachelet, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The governor of Nigeria’s Kaduna state signed a law two months ago saying men convicted of rape would be subjected to surgical castration – with those found guilty of raping a child under the age of 14 would be executed, as Breitbart News reported.

Now Bachelet, the former President of Chile, has expressed her anger at the proposal.

“Tempting as it may be to impose draconian punishments on those who carry out such monstrous acts, we must not allow ourselves to commit further violations,” she said.

UN Human Rights Chief @mbachelet stands in solidarity and outrage with survivors of #rape, and those demanding justice. Tempting as it may be to impose draconian punishment, she urges we shift the focus on justice and reparation for the victim 👉 https://t.co/yuDdJC7EW0 pic.twitter.com/I0PAptrLCF

— UN Human Rights (@UNHumanRights) October 15, 2020

In a statement regarding the adoption of the law in Nigeria, Bachelet said the main argument made for instituting the death penalty is to deter rape. She argued that the belief punishment prevents sexual assaults is wrong.

The human rights chief said “the certainty of punishment, rather than its severity, deters crime.”

“Penalties like surgical castration and bilateral salpingectomy will not resolve any of the barriers to accessing justice, nor will it serve a preventive role,” Bachelet argued.

“Surgical castration and salpingectomy violate the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment under international human rights law.”

During recent periods of lockdown, the number of reported rape cases in Nigeria rose dramatically.

From March to July, Nigeria documented 717 rape cases and 7,170 unreported rapes across the country. For comparison, Nigeria’s Bureau of Statistics said that over 2,200 cases of rape and indecent assault were reported for 2017.

Despite the recent spike in rape cases, Nigeria has long suffered from high rates of sexual violence. “One in four girls and ten percent of boys have been victims of sexual violence” in Nigeria, UNICEF reported.

The legislature in Nigeria called for "chopping off the genitals" of convicted rapists on Wednesday amid a surge in rapes nationwide. https://t.co/IOfaP2W920

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) July 17, 2020


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6a9a42 No.124129

File: 57177d0122b2979⋯.png (230.24 KB,760x435,152:87,Clipboard.png)

File: abad6728b130a30⋯.png (692.74 KB,1191x489,397:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139698 (181921ZOCT20) Notable: 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA west

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82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA west

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6a9a42 No.124130

File: d931efd1d99e971⋯.png (417.79 KB,560x618,280:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139709 (181921ZOCT20) Notable: RNC's Ronna McDaniel spars with ABC host over QAnon question

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RNC's Ronna McDaniel spars with ABC host over QAnon question

'It has absolutely nothing to do with this election,' the RNC chairwoman said

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel sparred with ABC's George Stephanopoulos after he accused her of refusing to condemn the conspiracy theory QAnon.

I knew you were going to ask me that question because it's something that voters are not even thinking about," McDaniel said on "This Week." "It's a fringe group. It's not part of our party. The vice president said I dismiss it out of hand. The president said you know what, I don't know anything about this group."

"It has absolutely nothing to do with this election," McDaniel continued. "Antifa is burning down cities right now. … This is crazy, George. The American people are worrying about the stimulus package [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi is holding up."

QAnon is a conspiracy theory centered on the baseless belief that President Trump is waging a secret campaign against enemies in the “deep state” and a child sex trafficking ring run by satanic pedophiles and cannibals.

QAnon supporters refer to “The Storm” often, which is a reference to an October 2017 meeting between Trump and military leaders during which Trump said, “the calm before the storm.” During the so-called “storm,” thousands of deep state operatives and top Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and President Obama, will allegedly be rounded up and sent to Guantanamo Bay, the theory states.

McDaniel's uncle, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, criticized Trump after the president said he knew "nothing" about QAnon during Thursday's NBC town hall.

"I know nothing about it. I do know they are very much against pedophilia. They fight it very hard but I know nothing about it," Trump said.

"The President's unwillingness to denounce an absurd and dangerous conspiracy theory last night continues an alarming pattern: politicians and parties refuse to forcefully and convincingly repudiate groups like antifa, white [supremacists], and conspiracy peddlers," Romney said in a statement on Friday.


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6a9a42 No.124131

File: f0f8ff198a29439⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139746 (181924ZOCT20) Notable: @realDonaldTrump in #Wisconsin: I want stimulus money now but Nancy Pelosi won’t approve it because she is playing politics

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in #Wisconsin: I want stimulus money now but Nancy Pelosi won’t approve it because she is playing politics



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6a9a42 No.124132

File: f25c3a049a39b4c⋯.png (1001.25 KB,2036x1318,1018:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139751 (181925ZOCT20) Notable: Peter Roth To Step Down As Warner Bros.

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Peter Roth To Step Down As Warner Bros. TV Group Chairman After 22 Years At The Helm Of the TV Studio

Roth was upped to his current role as Chairman of the Warner Bros. Television Group in February when he signed a one-year extension to his most recent contract which was up in summer 2020. That was envisioned as the final chapter in Roth’s Warner Bros. TV tenure, whose course was changed dramatically when, a month after Roth re-upped his deal, the coronavirus pandemic hit, halting production and all other essential Hollywood activities, like in-person meetings, lunches, premieres and press junkets.


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6a9a42 No.124133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139770 (181927ZOCT20) Notable: Talk about Patterns...

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So strange that a "Patriot" such as yourself would work so hard to keep this info out of notables TWICE. Especially since all POTUS tweet/retweets are ALWAYS notable..

Almost exactly like when you refused to notable the FBI vault drop protocols of Zion until I threatened to take the dough away from you.

POTUS asked about Q - The Doc Refused

HCQ senate press conference doctors - The Doc refused

Color Revolution information - The Doc refused

Extortion 17 first POTUS Retweet - The Doc refused

Extortion 17 second POTUS retweet - The Doc Refused

COVID-19 underlying conditions death rate - The Doc refused

St. Gallen Mafia - The Doc refused

Geronimo Podesta - The Doc refused

FBI Protocols of Zion Drop - The Doc refused


Talk about patterns..

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6a9a42 No.124134

File: cb87ed127954cb6⋯.png (1.67 MB,2094x1308,349:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139777 (181927ZOCT20) Notable: Kanye West Responds To SNL Sketch, Claims Show Uses Black People “To Hold Other Black People Back

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Kanye West Responds To SNL Sketch, Claims Show Uses Black People “To Hold Other Black People Back”


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6a9a42 No.124135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139831 (181932ZOCT20) Notable: #14245,

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>>124134 Kanye West Responds To SNL Sketch, Claims Show Uses Black People “To Hold Other Black People Back

>>124132 Peter Roth To Step Down As Warner Bros.

>>124131 @realDonaldTrump in #Wisconsin: I want stimulus money now but Nancy Pelosi won’t approve it because she is playing politics

>>124130 RNC's Ronna McDaniel spars with ABC host over QAnon question

>>124129 82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA west

>>124128 U.N. Condemns Nigeria’s Plans to Castrate Rapists and Execute Pedophiles

>>124127 Steve Bannon on SkyNEWS Sharri 18th October 2020

>>124126 Dr. Jim Meehan: An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful

>>124125 Happy birthday @tiffanytrump!

>>124124 You Have Until Tuesday': Pelosi Issues Ultimatum Over Relief Funds

>>124123 POTUS is right, if retail sales is up 8% now when he’s re-elected we will see the country soar into the stratosphere

>>124122 Breaking , trove of Hunter emails to be released tonight

>>124121 PDJT - She’s always been terrible & unfair, just like most of the Fake News reporters, but I’ll still play the game. The people know! How’s Steve Scully doing?

>>124111 University of Northern Iowa bans pro-life club, labels it a ‘hate group’

>>124120 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has vowed to include Muslim Americans in every social and political aspect in his administration as well as repeal President Donald Trump's "Muslim ban" if voted to power.

>>124119 Rudy tells Lou Dobbs he gave all this info on Ukraine to the DOJ two years ago, and they did nothing

>>124118 An attorney for the man suspected of kidnapping British toddler Madeleine McCann is demanding that prosecutors share concrete evidence or throw out the case


>>124116 Link to tweet about Gretchen having the 86 45

>>124115 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

>>124114 Thousands of emails, salacious photos mire Biden campaign

>>124113 POTUS into John Wayne Airport.


>>124108 Trump puts wad of cash into the collection box at church in Las Vegas as he and Hope Hicks prepare for day of fundraising

>>124109 The FBI is at it Again! One Month After FBI Took Possession of Hunter Laptop, NY Times Reported Burisma “Hacked” by Russians to Embarrass Bidens

>>124110 Trump Campaign: 11 Questions The Media Must Ask Joe Biden About Hunter Biden ‘Selling Access’

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6a9a42 No.124136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139860 (181934ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Vid: )

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Do you see a pattern?


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6a9a42 No.124137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139875 (181934ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Vid: )

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6a9a42 No.124138

File: 35a0c9101d3f436⋯.png (24.25 KB,894x177,298:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139878 (181934ZOCT20) Notable: Amazon's Attempt To Muzzle Shelby Steele Speaks Volumes About Race In America: Wirepoints

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Amazon's Attempt To Muzzle Shelby Steele Speaks Volumes About Race In America: Wirepoints

It’s tempting to dismiss this as just another instance of media censoring views it doesn’t like, but it’s about far more. It’s about the entire “conversation” we supposedly are having on race in America, and why it’s no conversation at all.

"What Killed Michael Brown?" is a new documentary written by impeccably credentialed Shelby Steele, who has long been among the most prominent voices challenging orthodox thinking on race.

The film isn’t another look at the facts surrounding the shooting of a black man, Michael Brown, by a white cop in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. That shooting sparked riots and gave life to the entire Black Lives Matter movement as well as the “hands up, don’t shoot” meme.

Instead, Steele uses the event as an example through which his broader views are presented, updated to address America’s meltdown on racial issues over the past year. The “poetic truth” that the establishment likes to push, as Steele put it, is that Brown was executed. He wasn’t executed, making the shooting a metaphor for many other faulty “poetic truths” Steele challenges.

Since Steele himself is black and gifted with unusual clarity in thought and words, the cancel culture’s reaction should be no surprise.

Amazon, where the plan was to stream the film, abruptly cancelled, sending only a smug email saying this:

Unfortunately, we have found that your film doesn’t meet Prime Video’s content quality expectations and is not eligible for publishing at this time. We will not be accepting resubmission of this title and this decision may not be appealed.

Consider the irony in that. Amazon got its start as a book seller. Having achieved near monopoly power, it’s now a book burner.

Amazon also reportedly has contributed millions to Black Lives Matter.

But credit Amazon for knowing what to squelch because the movie undoubtedly would succeed in opening many of the minds Amazon would like kept closed.

It’s superb.

It traces Steele’s personal story. Born in Chicago, he grew up in south suburban Harvey. His parents met while working in the early civil rights movement. He worked initially in St. Louis as what he calls a “warrior hero” in President Johnson’s War on Poverty, much of which was misguided as he now sees things. Robert Woodson also appears in the film. Like Steele, he spent his younger years administering 1960s-style welfare programs and is now a leading critic thereof.

The culture fostered by those programs eventually migrated to suburbs like Ferguson, says Steele in the film, and it’s that culture that killed Michael Brown.

As for the facts surrounding the Brown shooting, the film lays out what many Americans probably still don’t know, which is those facts are not subject to dispute. The police officer acted in self-defense according to multiple eye witnesses. A grand jury therefore declined to indict the officer. The FBI, under Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department, found no wrongdoing in the shooting.

But Holder proceeded nevertheless to inflate the controversy by accusing the city of other forms of racism, ultimately hurting the entire community. “Holder made Ferguson pay the price for a racist murder that was neither racist nor a murder,” says Steele.

The film, produced by Steele’s son, Eli, brings his father’s views to life. It includes segments with Chicago’s Corey Brooks, a pastor on the Southside along with a reformed drug dealer now helping Brooks.

“I wonder what would have happened if Michael Brown had the good fortune to meet Pastor Brooks,” says Steele in the film.

All Chicago should be wondering that.


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6a9a42 No.124139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11139977 (181941ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: )

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Do you see a pattern?


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6a9a42 No.124140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140020 (181944ZOCT20) Notable: BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn!

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>Pentagon Child Porn Ring Uninvestigated - Anderson Cooper & Senator Grassley

BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn!


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6a9a42 No.124141

File: bdb2e94124e3a9c⋯.png (249.6 KB,335x943,335:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140041 (181945ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: )

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Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case

Blackwater founder and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM that according to one of his “well-placed sources” in the New York Police Department, “The NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making” in the Anthony Weiner investigation, but received “huge pushback” from the Justice Department.


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6a9a42 No.124142

File: af9fdbe1fef8d9c⋯.jpg (80.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 27b87cdb9fc7e4c⋯.jpg (7.69 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb6bd1e01ef1f6b⋯.jpg (265.68 KB,1024x701,1024:701,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5b27b106fe76e17⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,420x594,70:99,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140057 (181946ZOCT20) Notable: CHILDREN'S DEFENSE FUND

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Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations ongoing (6/12/2019) under multiple program names such as; "Freedom Schools," "Beat the Odds" "Faith based programs" and many others.


Search the Q research archive for the vast load of data on Children's Defense Fund and their Pedowood/Clinton Foundation connections.


High functioning psychopathic pedovores, the "biggest names in Hollywood" among them, formed the sham charity back in the 1970s to provide continuous access to children and vulnerable youth under charitable cover or pretext.

The pedovore's phony Children's Defense Fund solicits tax free charitable donations but their activities are largely funded by Federal and State tx dollars. Fund raising and political lobbying are carried out by an ever-changing cavalcade of Pedowood satanists, the biggest and brightest stars, the most powerful studio bosses.

The satanic predators running our new and entertainment industry use sham charities, foundations and museums to support a whole range of criminal activities. Children's Defense Fund is used for money laundering, drug trafficking in addition to providing a secure supply of child victims for ritual sexual activities and human sacrifice.


One of the biggest charities enjoying broad support in the Entertainment Industry is "Children's Defense Fund" a charade operated by popular and beloved show business figures and political celebrities to access children the sham charity pretends to protect. "Children's Defense Fund" is a vehicle for satanist pedovore predation and other criminal activity.

Children's Defense Fund is a worldwide, satanist pedovore child trafficking and money laundering scam operation. CDF has

branches in Africa, Asia and the ME, and runs multiple programs in impoverished, minority communities throughout the US.

Do not let these baby sit:


Sample search product:

#2764810 at 2018-08-28 13:54:06 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3492: He Who did Not Depart on His Own Terms Edition

Following on from the Discussion yesterday about JJ Abrams.

I have found a massive link between him and HRC through the Children's defence fund, where HRC claimed she started working

in 1973 before the Watergate investigation.

I have also shown links where she is buying and selling influence to this NPO and Lobbying group, by literally selling out

to Goldman Sachs.

Q Research General #3111: Detective Edition

Late to the bread but digging on Clinton/James ties…

Lebron makes massive donations to the Children's defense fund


Which connects him deeply to the Clinton family…



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6a9a42 No.124143

File: d11993ce3e4050e⋯.jpg (122.1 KB,985x773,985:773,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140096 (181948ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Surrogate On Alleged Hunter Emails: ‘I Don’t Think Anybody Is Saying They Are Inauthentic’

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Biden Surrogate On Alleged Hunter Emails: ‘I Don’t Think Anybody Is Saying They Are Inauthentic’

Patriot Editor by Patriot Editor October 18, 2020


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6a9a42 No.124144

File: 793c634ac453562⋯.png (45.62 KB,599x886,599:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140128 (181950ZOCT20) Notable: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

TOP SECRET Silent weapons for quiet wars Operations Research Technical Manual TW-SW7905.1 Welcome Aboard This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet War", being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent weapons". This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry. May 1979 #74-1120 Security It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide. This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodologies for economic conquest - it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public. The solution of today's problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values. You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with others of similar intellectual capacity without the loss of discretion or humility. Such virtues are exercised in your own best interest. Do not deviate from them

Use link:


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6a9a42 No.124145

File: 12248ef5632a38d⋯.png (232.91 KB,2386x1046,1193:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140189 (181953ZOCT20) Notable: Talk about Patterns...

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check it

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6a9a42 No.124146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140202 (181954ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump attends church service in Las Vegas Oct 18, 2020

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Associated Press

Trump attends church service in Las Vegas

Oct 18, 2020

U.S. President Donald Trump made a rare visit to church Sunday as he and Democratic rival Joe Biden campaigned across the country from one another. (Oct. 18)



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6a9a42 No.124147

File: 2ad15e0ca3898dd⋯.png (6.49 MB,3000x3600,5:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140242 (181956ZOCT20) Notable: On the QCLOCK from yesterday. :25 Marker :25

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John/Jon Voight

On the QCLOCK from yesterday.


Marker :25

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6a9a42 No.124148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140255 (181957ZOCT20) Notable: Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

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🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20



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6a9a42 No.124149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140306 (181959ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump has accused Joe Biden of being a “corrupt politician.”

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President Trump has accused Joe Biden of being a “corrupt politician.” On Twitter, the President said everyone knows Biden is corrupt and added now there is proof, “perhaps like never was had before, on a major politician.”

He has called it the “second biggest political scandal in our history.”

Joe Biden is a corrupt politician, and everybody knows it. Now you have the proof, perhaps like never was had before on a major politician. Laptop plus. This is the second biggest political scandal in our history!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2020

President Trump slammed Biden and his family as a “criminal enterprise” during a recent appearance in Wisconsin.

“The Biden family is a criminal enterprise, …he makes crooked Hillary Clinton look like an amateur,” he said. “Let me tell you, if Joe Biden becomes President, China will own this country.”

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6a9a42 No.124150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140317 (182000ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: )

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Do you see a pattern?


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6a9a42 No.124151

File: 45fcdf157be3e3c⋯.png (1.05 MB,945x531,105:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 4219b870641031d⋯.png (369.04 KB,598x735,598:735,Clipboard.png)

File: 38eca31fb144255⋯.png (80.58 KB,1903x1243,173:113,Clipboard.png)

File: aa8e60793aa156d⋯.png (75.75 KB,1920x992,60:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140361 (182002ZOCT20) Notable: Georgetown University hired fired FBI agent Peter Strzok as an adjunct professor

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Georgetown University hired fired FBI agent Peter Strzok as an adjunct professor

Strzok is listed on the university's staff page at the Walsh School of Foreign Service, and Georgetown University is listed on his Twitter profile.

Georgetown University has hired former FBI agent Peter Strzok as an adjunct professor. The university did not respond to a Just the News request for the date of the hiring and the courses that Strzok is teaching. Strzok is listed on the university's staff page and he mentions the Walsh School of Foreign Service on his Twitter profile. According to Georgetown University's Coursicle page, Strzok, an alumnus of the university, is teaching a "Counterintelligence & Nat'l Security" class in the fall semester. Strzok exchanged anti-Trump text messages with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page in 2016. He was having an extramarital affair with Page at the time. The messages were heavily criticized by Republicans in Congress as showing political bias against Trump during the course of the Russia probe.

Strzok was fired from the FBI in 2018 for, among other reasons, undermining public confidence in the non-partisanship of the bureau and federal law enforcement more broadly. MSNBC has hired Page as a legal and security analyst. Both Page and Strzok are suing DOJ over their termination. Strzok has been active on social media, sending out several recent anti-Trump tweets. I lived under authoritarians on three continentsIf you think it can’t get worse, it willIf you think things will naturally repair themselves, they won’t If you think the “system” will continue to hold, you’re wrong#votehttps://t.co/gbkwX7S7mO— Peter Strzok (@petestrzok) October 5, 2020 He has also released a book titled "Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump."





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6a9a42 No.124152

File: 241cf077f5c67d4⋯.png (541.68 KB,595x547,595:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 42bf102cc8856e7⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140366 (182002ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: )

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Tweet + Vid Cap for Baker

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6a9a42 No.124153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140369 (182002ZOCT20) Notable: BIDEN TIES TO EPSTEIN ISLE 07/07/2020

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While we are on the Biden crime family.


BIDEN: The Epstein-Maxwell-Submarine-Island-BIDEN Connection

July 7, 2020 by IWB

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Rumors started swirling around shortly after Epstein’s arrest that Maxwell was hiding out in a submarine. At the time, it was speculated that Epstein had built a submarine base/dock somewhere on his island as well …

Prince Andrew’s pal Ghislaine Maxwell ‘could be hiding beneath sea in submarine’

The socialite and alleged “madam” for paedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has a licence to pilot “submersible vehicles”.

A forum on the Epstein scandal shows a diagram of his Little St James temple with water level calculations, which users say prove it is on top of a submarine bay.

It is accompanied by the message: “Ghislaine had a submarine licence. Coincidence, or is she hiding underwater, right under Jeff’s temple?” Others say she could be in any ocean, given her lifelong passion for sea exploration.


After some time in custody, these rumors turned into intelligence reports that indeed there was a submarine base on the island directly under a structure he called a temple …

Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Mawell could be hiding in submarine

The 58-year-old, who is also friends with Prince Andrew, is facing growing pressure to talk to the FBI about claims she procured underage girls for Epstein.

Now it has emerged that the British former socialite has a licence to pilot “submersible vehicles“.

Investigators believe Epstein had a submarine dock built under a temple at his Little St James island in the Caribbean


Then I remembered an article I saw years ago about a real estate deal Biden’s brother did. It involved buying an island. Turns out that island was Water Island and was used during World War II as a submarine base and Joe Biden has been confirmed to have vacationed there on several occasions …

Lobbyist bought tropical land from Biden’s brother

In 2005, Joe Biden’s brother bought an acre of land with excellent ocean views on a remote island in the Caribbean for $150,000. He divided it into three parcels, and the next year a lobbyist close to the Delaware senator bought one of the parcels for what had been the cost of the entire property. Later, the lobbyist gave Biden’s brother a mortgage loan on the remaining parcels.

After the land deal, Joe Biden vacationed elsewhere on the tiny island, which once protected a nearby submarine base before it became a tropical getaway, on at least three occasions.

Water Island is a 500-acre spit of land in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Department of Defense purchased the island from a Danish company during World War II, using it to protect a submarine base on nearby St. Thomas. Since then, it has become an under-the-radar tropical getaway dotted with several-dozen homes, where the largest beachfront estates can fetch north of a million dollars.


So just for the heck of it I decided to locate both the islands to see how far apart they are. Epstein’s island is located at 18°18’00.0″N, 64°49’30.0″W and Joe Biden’s (Water Island) is located at 18°19’11.0″N, 64°57’12.0″W. Turns out the boat trip between the two is less than 9 miles (8.66 to be exact) …

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6a9a42 No.124154

File: b002b5262aebaae⋯.png (276.67 KB,2386x1215,2386:1215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140411 (182004ZOCT20) Notable: Talk about Patterns...

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Talk about Patterns.

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6a9a42 No.124155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140481 (182008ZOCT20) Notable: Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

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Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

Ballots? What Ballots?

I know, I know, there’s no real potential for voter fraud when it comes to ballots that are mailed, right? That’s what the Democrats have been telling us for years.

And we all trust the United States Postal Service. No one in history has ever had a problem with his or her mail.

OK, full disclosure here: my regular mail carrier is phenomenal. When I lived in Los Angeles, however, getting my mail was a real crap shoot.

As we are all aware, there are bad seeds everywhere.

The Hill:

A U.S. postal worker in Kentucky has been fired and could face charges after attempting to dump more than 100 absentee ballots, according to local news outlets.

The United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General said the unidentified postal worker is “no longer employed” after the ballots were found amid a pile of discarded mail in a dumpster on Thursday, according to WKYT.

“The case has been accepted for federal prosecution by the U.S. Attorney’s Office,” Special Agent Scott Balfour wrote in a statement. “They will determine what charges are appropriate after a review of all the facts in the case.”

WKYT reported Thursday that a person found a pile of discarded mail that included 112 absentee ballots and two political advertisements. The ballots were supposed to be sent to the Jeffersontown, Ky., area.

Comforting, no?

The “glass half full” crowd will no doubt revel in the fact that the miscreant got caught. Your garden variety “there is no fraud” Pollyannas will respond with something like, “It was only 112 ballots.” Whenever the inevitable fraud is pointed out they’re most fond of dismissing it as not being a large sample.

One has to wonder, however, how many times something like this happens and it doesn’t get found out. We know this incident isn’t a one-off. In September, some military absentee ballots were found in a dumpster. Unless we have election officials digging through every dumpster in America it’s going to be impossible make sure there aren’t any repeat performances of this.

There are plenty of shenanigans that can happen with absentee ballots and the Democrats don’t seem to mind them. Rick wrote yesterday that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer vetoed a bill that that would have made it a felony to apply for multiple absentee ballots.

The potential for fraud and sabotage might not be so disturbing if the Democrats would acknowledge that it existed.

But we all know why they won’t.


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6a9a42 No.124156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140511 (182009ZOCT20) Notable: Who was the ambassador in the Clinton State dept soliciting underage kids for sex?

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Who was the ambassador in the Clinton State dept soliciting underage kids for sex?

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6a9a42 No.124157

File: 3561f4264f44ab7⋯.png (4.25 MB,920x7426,460:3713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140523 (182010ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (Cap: )

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Article Cap for Baker

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6a9a42 No.124158

File: cf44f5805afe74b⋯.png (8.01 MB,3000x4200,5:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140564 (182012ZOCT20) Notable: Suicide Line KEKs. John/Jon Voight

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Suicide Line KEKs.

John/Jon Voight

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6a9a42 No.124159

File: bb6c95a4f3d0a78⋯.jpg (463.1 KB,859x812,859:812,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140573 (182013ZOCT20) Notable: You’re in a cult! Trump haters pile on celebrity, Scientologist & suspected QAnon believer Kirstie Alley

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>Do you see a pattern?

You’re in a cult! Trump haters pile on celebrity, Scientologist & suspected QAnon believer Kirstie Alley

18 Oct, 2020 12:46

With just over two weeks till the election, American society seems to be as polarized as ever. Actress Kirstie Alley was showered with vitriol on Twitter after expressing support for Donald Trump’s re-election.

Alley, who is best known for her role in the sitcom Cheers, stirred lots of anger online on Saturday after declaring that her vote this year will go to the incumbent president, because “he is NOT a politician.”


WW God Wins

Fake News Loses

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6a9a42 No.124160

File: 13543de4e67f372⋯.png (212.37 KB,1242x788,621:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140606 (182015ZOCT20) Notable: Jack Posobiec - On my way to pick up the emails

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Jack Posobiec


On my way to pick up the emails

We release tonight. @OANN

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6a9a42 No.124161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140650 (182017ZOCT20) Notable: #14246

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>>124160 Jack Posobiec - On my way to pick up the emails

>>124158 Suicide Line KEKs. John/Jon Voight

>>124159 You’re in a cult! Trump haters pile on celebrity, Scientologist & suspected QAnon believer Kirstie Alley

>>124156 Who was the ambassador in the Clinton State dept soliciting underage kids for sex?

>>124155 Nothing to See Here: USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

>>124148 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

>>124147 On the QCLOCK from yesterday. :25 Marker :25

>>124146 President Trump attends church service in Las Vegas Oct 18, 2020

>>124138 Amazon's Attempt To Muzzle Shelby Steele Speaks Volumes About Race In America: Wirepoints

>>124140 BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn!


>>124143 Biden Surrogate On Alleged Hunter Emails: ‘I Don’t Think Anybody Is Saying They Are Inauthentic’

>>124144 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

>>124149 President Trump has accused Joe Biden of being a “corrupt politician.”

>>124151 Georgetown University hired fired FBI agent Peter Strzok as an adjunct professor

>>124153 BIDEN TIES TO EPSTEIN ISLE 07/07/2020

>>124133, >>124136, >>124139, >>124145, >>124150, >>124154 Talk about Patterns…

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6a9a42 No.124162

File: 6f98e232f36fb66⋯.mp4 (9.21 MB,1008x580,252:145,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140695 (182021ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon Claims Joe Biden's Son Tried to Recover Hard Drive Amid Russian Interference Concerns

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Steve Bannon Claims Joe Biden's Son Tried to Recover Hard Drive Amid Russian Interference Concerns

Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist to President Donald Trump, has claimed that Hunter Biden emailed a computer repair shop to reclaim a hard drive now at the center of an FBI probe into Russian disinformation.

The New York Post this week detailed alleged conversations between Hunter—the son of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden—and an executive at Ukrainian gas company Burisma, on whose board Hunter previously served.

The Post cited emails reportedly found on a hard drive supplied by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani has long been involved in Trump's political machinations in Ukraine and has reportedly been flagged by U.S. officials as a potential conduit for Russian government disinformation.

One of the released emails shows Hunter was planning to introduce Burisma executive Vadym Pozharsky to Biden—then vice president—in 2015. Pozharsky wrote to Hunter: "Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. It's realty an honour and pleasure."

Trump and his allies have seized on the email as evidence that Biden misused his position to benefit his son, though it is not clear if Pozharsky and Biden ever actually met. Biden has said he "never discussed" Hunter's foreign business interests with him.

Bannon told Sky News Sunday: "Hunter Biden's lawyer has come to us both with phone calls and with emails saying, 'Hey, I've got to get the hard drive back.'"

"This is not some Russian intelligence operation; they admit it's their hard drive," Bannon said. "We have the emails from the lawyer, if we need to release them, we'll release them."


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6a9a42 No.124163

File: a81b661f5341681⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140697 (182021ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Johnson SAYS @ 1:30 mark…"I don't want to speculate"''

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>>124150 Q lb


'''Ron Johnson SAYS @ 1:30 mark…"I don't want to speculate"

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6a9a42 No.124164

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140722 (182022ZOCT20) Notable: Is that a lantern to his left?

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I see it!


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6a9a42 No.124165

File: a55ac32a2517c10⋯.png (471.77 KB,722x625,722:625,Clipboard.png)

File: a5044486b3484e2⋯.png (423.58 KB,540x552,45:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 3631ec36b9d4b32⋯.png (270.81 KB,562x447,562:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140746 (182024ZOCT20) Notable: Third Debate Moderator Kristen Welker a Huge Trump-Hater Who Once Was Caught on Hot Mic Giving Hillary Crony the Questions

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Third Debate Moderator Kristen Welker a Huge Trump-Hater Who Once Was Caught on Hot Mic Giving Hillary Crony the Questions

The first Presidential debate was a mess with FOX News Chris Wallace destroying his career by being not just obscenely biased but a complete liar. Wallace has always been a Never-Trumper but his showing at the first debate was an obvious attempt to take down President Trump and prop up corrupt career politician Joe Biden.

The second debate moderator Steve Skully was fired for lying about his Twitter page being hacked with anti-Trump text messages. Of course, this was a lie and his employer CSPAN fired his ass last week.

Then a week ago the third official anti-Trump debate moderator Kristen Welker deleted her Twitter account.

Too bad for Kristen Welker the internet lasts forever and a couple of her anti-Trump tweets were later brought to light.

Via Townhall:

And in August 2016 Welker was caught on hot mic tipping off Hillary Clinton’s Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri on at least one question she planned on being asked.

Mark Levin is right.

Welker should be pulled.

And whoever agreed to put President Trump in front of these moderators at the GOP needs to be publicly outed and fired.


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6a9a42 No.124166

File: 9e2349df222d03d⋯.png (39.04 KB,690x348,115:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140757 (182025ZOCT20) Notable: Yup they're doing this, Good Lord

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Yup they're doing this

Good Lord


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6a9a42 No.124167

File: b8e2f446c1ad4e1⋯.png (26.32 KB,527x243,527:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140760 (182025ZOCT20) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. - Biden called a lid till Thursday?

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Donald Trump Jr.

Biden called a lid till Thursday?

So rather than refute the damaging evidence of his total corruption he goes into hiding knowing that MSM Media and Social Media will cover for him.


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6a9a42 No.124168

File: 5caf60697380136⋯.png (41.26 KB,658x652,329:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e8a5ceede6d625⋯.png (43.7 KB,650x697,650:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 328c8bd61164fd8⋯.png (47.4 KB,627x760,33:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 81dfc61fc441d61⋯.png (487.54 KB,712x479,712:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140763 (182025ZOCT20) Notable: New Data Analysis Finds 353 Counties With 1.8 Million More Registered Voters Than Residents

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New Data Analysis Finds 353 Counties With 1.8 Million More Registered Voters Than Residents

A total of 353 of the 3,141 counties in America located in 29 of the nation’s 50 states have 1.8 million more registered voters than residents, according to an analysis by Judicial Watch.

The non-profit government watchdog compared the registration data available for 37 states with the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recently available American Community Survey (ACS) numbers for the period 2014-2018 on a county-by-county basis.

“This new study shows 1.8 million excess, or ‘ghost’ voters, in 353 counties across 29 states,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement announcing the study Friday.

“This data highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots and ballot applications to voter registration lists. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections,” Fitton said.

Eight states, including Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont, were found to have statewide registered voter totals exceeding 100 percent of residents, according to Judicial Watch.

The non-profit said its study “is necessarily limited to 37 states that post regular updates to their registration data. Certain state voter registration lists may also be even larger than reported, because they may have excluded ‘inactive voters’ from their data.


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6a9a42 No.124169

File: 471b89983883af9⋯.png (7.29 MB,2310x3570,11:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ddfe07564ebba2⋯.png (880.98 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 17eef67438f050b⋯.png (109.74 KB,973x714,139:102,Clipboard.png)

File: 502b264a4609450⋯.png (96.22 KB,968x691,968:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ea5742e3bbe8a4⋯.png (83.91 KB,1246x762,623:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140776 (182026ZOCT20) Notable: RIGGED!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nobody is talking about the biggest election rigging scandal in US history, and it's happening RIGHT NOW.

If you have somebody's date of birth and name you can invalidate and change their ballot in multiple states, online, without having to show ID, just print and anonymously mail.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124170

File: 304f941ba644ad2⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140781 (182027ZOCT20) Notable: Is that a lantern to his left?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124171

File: 9614b6b903355f4⋯.png (855.54 KB,1156x844,289:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140783 (182027ZOCT20) Notable: Pepper mask robot, Gates, Tedros, Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, UN, and others were all speakers at the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pepper mask robot, Gates, Tedros, Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, UN, and others were all speakers at the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative

Pepper robot is a creation of Softbank.

A coincidence that all the key players of this pandemic were present at that forum or is it not a coincidence? Teamwork from a long time ago. There are also some key players from banks there. Link below will show you the laundry list of the people that were there.



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6a9a42 No.124172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140800 (182028ZOCT20) Notable: Donald Trump Will Run Again in 2024 if He Loses to Joe Biden, Says Steve Bannon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump Will Run Again in 2024 if He Loses to Joe Biden, Says Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon, the White House's former chief strategist under President Donald Trump, offered a "prediction" regarding the aftereffects of next month's election should Democratic nominee Joe Biden win. Speaking to The Australian in a report published Sunday, Bannon suggested Trump will pursue another term in office if he does not win this November.

"I'll make this prediction right now: If for any reason the election is stolen from, or in some sort of way Joe Biden is declared the winner, Trump will announce he's going to run for re-election in 2024," he told the newspaper. "You're not going to see the end of Donald Trump.

Steve Bannon, the White House's former chief strategist under President Donald Trump, offered a "prediction" regarding the aftereffects of next month's election should Democratic nominee Joe Biden win. Speaking to The Australian in a report published Sunday, Bannon suggested Trump will pursue another term in office if he does not win this November.

"I'll make this prediction right now: If for any reason the election is stolen from, or in some sort of way Joe Biden is declared the winner, Trump will announce he's going to run for re-election in 2024," he told the newspaper. "You're not going to see the end of Donald Trump.


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6a9a42 No.124173

File: 3b984a020223822⋯.png (390.64 KB,607x594,607:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140839 (182030ZOCT20) Notable: Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat was taken to a hospital in Israel for treatment of a worsening case of COVID-19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat was taken to a hospital in Israel for treatment of a worsening case of COVID-19


Damn. You know he dead

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6a9a42 No.124174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140859 (182032ZOCT20) Notable: Start asking why the Biden campaign isn’t suing the New York Post. Because the counter suit, the discovery process would EXPOSE EVERYTHING

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Start asking why the Biden campaign isn’t suing the New York Post.

Because the counter suit, the discovery process would



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6a9a42 No.124175

File: e96291c5527d57f⋯.png (359.53 KB,908x1794,454:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140876 (182033ZOCT20) Notable: Howard Gutman is the man referred to in the NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Howard Gutman is the man referred to in the NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department (2013) video that Q linked.


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6a9a42 No.124176

File: 7f02e3cf7ba4b5a⋯.jpeg (127.06 KB,618x1024,309:512,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 12de0fe94e76633⋯.png (1.08 MB,1656x4993,1656:4993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140920 (182036ZOCT20) Notable: RIGGED!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11140976 (182040ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. ambassador denies soliciting prostitutes in public parks as damning internal memo accuses State Department of sex scandal cover-up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Howard Gutman


U.S. ambassador denies soliciting prostitutes in public parks as damning internal memo accuses State Department of sex scandal cover-up

- An internal memo reveals the State Department called off an investigation into U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman that alleged he courted prostitutes and minors for sex

- The memo also cites an 'endemic' prostitution problemamong the security detail assigned to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

- A report by the Office of the Inspector General states that senior officials have been 'protecting… rising stars from criminal charges or from embarrassing revelations that could harm a promising career'

- The State Department says the notion that it wouldn't pursue allegations of misconduct within its ranks is 'preposterous'


PUBLISHED: 17:06 EDT, 10 June 2013

In one instance, State Department superiors allowed an offending agent to continue his role in securing a Moscow hotel 'despite obvious counterintelligence issues.'

Investigators later uncovered evidence against four more agents and concluded that the prostitution problem within Clinton's security detail was 'endemic.'

As punishment, three agents were removed from the security detail and reassigned elsewhere. But further investigation into the remaining four agents was stopped by senior officials, 'despite the possibility of counterintelligence issues,' according to the memo.

The document also references an 'underground drug ring' operating near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad may have been providing drugs to U.S. security contractors, including one who died of a methadone overdose.

The memo was brought to light by Aurelia Fedenisn, a former investigator for the State Department Inspector General. She says is sharing the memo with the media to shed light on how internal investigations are influenced by the State Department.

She told CBS that investigators expect some influence but that 'the degree to which that influence existed and how high up it went, was very disturbing.'

The U.S. embassy in Brussels (left) sits on a 32-acre park (right) that is also the site of the Royal Palace of Brussels and the Belgian parliament

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6a9a42 No.124178

File: 738fc149a344879⋯.png (472.81 KB,662x346,331:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 44a73ca6ea0a33d⋯.png (143.24 KB,345x337,345:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141006 (182041ZOCT20) Notable: The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your


UN staff allegedly responsible for over 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation


Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years


Yes, our troops were ordered to ignore Afghan pedophiles


American soldiers are being punished for blowing the whistle on the systematic rape and enslavement of young boys at the hands of brutal Afghan Muslim military officials.

Honorable men in uniform risked their careers and lives to stop the abuse. Yet, the White House — which was busy tweeting about its new feminism-pandering “It’s On Us” campaign against an alleged college-rape crisis based on debunked statistics — is AWOL on the actual pedophilia epidemic known as bacha bazi.

On Thursday, Obama administration flacks went out of their way to downplay Afghan child rape as “abhorrent,” but “fundamentally” a local “law-enforcement matter.”

This is the price the innocents pay for blind multiculturalism.


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6a9a42 No.124179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141026 (182043ZOCT20) Notable: Protesters Rally in Santiago Ahead of Chilean National Referendum

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Protesters Rally in Santiago Ahead of Chilean National Referendum

Originally, the vote was due to take place in April but was postponed until 25 October amid coronavirus pandemic.

Sputnik brings you live footage from the Chilean capital Santiago, where protesters took to the streets on Sunday ahead of the national referendum on a new constitution.

Chile has witnessed a slew of mass protests recently, sparked off by a rise in metro fares which was later suspended. However, the demonstrations have developed into a movement with people expressing their dissatisfaction with the rising cost of living, pension reform, and police conduct during protests amid calls for Chilean President Sebastian Pinera to resign.

The President is expected to address the nation on the day the referendum is held to mark the start of the social movement and outline the steps taken by the government to meet the demands of the protesters.


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6a9a42 No.124180

File: da28d16abbc3c6d⋯.png (794.69 KB,1080x1066,540:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141027 (182043ZOCT20) Notable: Wray needs to go. He is running interference for the DNC.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wray needs to go.

He is running interference for the DNC.

His old law firm (the shadow DOJ) will be happy to have him back.


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6a9a42 No.124181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141055 (182044ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. ambassador denies soliciting prostitutes in public parks as damning internal memo accuses State Department of sex scandal cover-up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Baker Notable

This is the Ambassador referred to in the Video that Q just linked.

It was a huge scandal at the time and then got covered up and allegations scrubbed from the net.


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6a9a42 No.124182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141060 (182045ZOCT20) Notable: GOP Leader McCarthy and Rep Devin Nunes With Maria Bartiromo Sunday Morning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GOP Leader McCarthy and Rep Devin Nunes With Maria Bartiromo Sunday Morning

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy and House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes appear with Maria Bartiromo to discuss current events.

Topics include the Hunter/Joe Biden scandal; the social media platform censorship; and the efforts of the FBI and DOJ to protect the interests of the Biden campaign.

As Devin Nunes explains, the FBI is involved in the cover-up. FBI Director Chris Wray is a domestic enemy of the republic.


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6a9a42 No.124183

File: 8afc1b1801b6f63⋯.png (339.66 KB,559x443,559:443,Clipboard.png)

File: a32158d47d46e42⋯.png (350.81 KB,546x457,546:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f30aeb3c7bf809⋯.png (419.72 KB,571x364,571:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 91c1b7204825897⋯.png (441.83 KB,566x457,566:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141086 (182046ZOCT20) Notable: Protest against Covid-19 rules in Prague escalates into clashes with police

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Protest against Covid-19 rules in Prague escalates into clashes with police

Czech riot police deployed tear gas, flashbang grenades, and a water cannon to disperse a crowd of protesters who refused to leave Prague’s Old Town Square after a rally against government measures to fight the coronavirus.

The defiant demonstrators, who were identified by the local media as radical fans of various sport teams, clashed with the police, pelting the officers with stones and firecrackers. Several dozen people were reported injured in the skirmish, including members of the police force.

The rally was gathered to object to the government’s response to the Covid-19 epidemic. One of those rules triggered the violent confrontation. Gatherings of more than 500 people are currently banned in the Czech Republic, and even smaller ones require people to wear face masks and spread in groups of up to 20 people separated by at least two meters.

The municipal authorities estimated that around 2,000 people flocked to the square, and ordered the rally to disperse. While most of the demonstrators complied, some refused and instead confronted the police. Dozens of arrests were made in connection with the riot.

Interior Minister Jan Hamacek praised the police response and accused “several hundred hooligans” of instigating the violence. Prime Minister Andrej Babis told Czech media he was “shocked” by the rioters’ actions and accused them of endangering themselves and others. “I am in favor of harsh punishment in their case,” he said.

The police said the skirmish was prearranged by a group of organized troublemakers. They said they intercepted some of the people, who were going to the square with an intention to fight, and seized weapons, pyrotechnics, and other dangerous items.


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6a9a42 No.124184

File: 2d9eb7bd8a79b1f⋯.png (217.13 KB,596x515,596:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141116 (182048ZOCT20) Notable: Ralph Reed's coalition has 22m voters in swing states, 44m in all states, and will engage in a heavy GOTV.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is HUGE!!! Listen to this!! 2 minutes!

Ralph Reed's coalition has 22m voters in swing states, 44m in all states, and will engage in a heavy GOTV.


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6a9a42 No.124185

File: c8f3c9e44884d90⋯.png (595.56 KB,1212x666,202:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141167 (182051ZOCT20) Notable: Moar Panic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is QAnon a game gone wrong? | FT Film


For the keks. They're trying everything.

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6a9a42 No.124186

File: 76b74e780e21b5f⋯.jpg (95.72 KB,640x711,640:711,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4b47fb815b1a0a1⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141288 (182058ZOCT20) Notable: Trump's Steve Cortez equates Biden working with China's Communist Party like working with Nazi's in WWII.'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump's Steve Cortez equates Biden working with China's Communist Party like working with Nazi's in WWII.'

His interview is what occurred right before Biden's surrogate blew up on Leland Vittert.

Steve Cortez is great.. this is only part of his interview with Jillian Turner, who acting like the DS plant she is.


Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022


“Vice President Biden was fully aware of his son’s nefarious and shady foreign business practices,” says



Biden was "a party to cooperation with literally the most dangerous enemy to the United States in the entire world: the Chinese Communist Party."

Joe Biden lied to the American people

3:23 PM · Oct 18, 2020

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6a9a42 No.124187

File: 1ff3589ef421624⋯.png (276.7 KB,2386x1215,2386:1215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141348 (182102ZOCT20) Notable: Seething from /comms/ collection, Guess "muh grpahic" touched a nerve.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Seething from /comms/ collection




















Guess "muh grpahic" touched a nerve.

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6a9a42 No.124188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141359 (182102ZOCT20) Notable: #14247

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sunday 10.18.20

>>124150 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (CAP: >>124152, >>124157)

>>124139 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (CAP: >>124141)

>>124136 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (VIDEO: >>124137)

>>124036 ————————————–——– Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

>>124027 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Wojcicki family

>>124026 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Abrams family (Cap: >>124060)

>>124002 ————————————–——– Masks don't work, photo of mask box (CAP: >>124062)

>>124000 ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic (CAP: >>124006)

>>123997 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (CAP: >>124070)

>>123830 ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" ( CAP: >>123831 )

>>123821 ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

>>123810 ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.

>>123799 ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: >>123802)

>>123797 ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? (CAP: >>123800)

Global Announcements

>>124133, >>124136, >>124139, >>124145, >>124150, >>124154 Talk about Patterns…


>>124187 Seething from /comms/ collection, Guess "muh grpahic" touched a nerve.

>>124186 Trump's Steve Cortez equates Biden working with China's Communist Party like working with Nazi's in WWII.'

>>124185 Moar Panic

>>124184 Ralph Reed's coalition has 22m voters in swing states, 44m in all states, and will engage in a heavy GOTV.

>>124183 Protest against Covid-19 rules in Prague escalates into clashes with police

>>124180 Wray needs to go. He is running interference for the DNC.

>>124179 Protesters Rally in Santiago Ahead of Chilean National Referendum

>>124178 The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children

>>124182 GOP Leader McCarthy and Rep Devin Nunes With Maria Bartiromo Sunday Morning

>>124175 Howard Gutman is the man referred to in the NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department

>>124174 Start asking why the Biden campaign isn’t suing the New York Post. Because the counter suit, the discovery process would EXPOSE EVERYTHING

>>124173 Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat was taken to a hospital in Israel for treatment of a worsening case of COVID-19

>>124172 Donald Trump Will Run Again in 2024 if He Loses to Joe Biden, Says Steve Bannon

>>124171 Pepper mask robot, Gates, Tedros, Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, UN, and others were all speakers at the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative

>>124168 New Data Analysis Finds 353 Counties With 1.8 Million More Registered Voters Than Residents

>>124167 Donald Trump Jr. - Biden called a lid till Thursday?

>>124166 Yup they're doing this, Good Lord

>>124162 Steve Bannon Claims Joe Biden's Son Tried to Recover Hard Drive Amid Russian Interference Concerns

>>124163 ''Ron Johnson SAYS @ 1:30 mark…"I don't want to speculate"

>>124165 Third Debate Moderator Kristen Welker a Huge Trump-Hater Who Once Was Caught on Hot Mic Giving Hillary Crony the Questions

>>124169, >>124176 RIGGED!!!

>>124164, >>124170 Is that a lantern to his left?

>>124177, >>124181 U.S. ambassador denies soliciting prostitutes in public parks as damning internal memo accuses State Department of sex scandal cover-up

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124189

File: 52a054c7d54ee5e⋯.png (600.85 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141492 (182111ZOCT20) Notable: UNKN (0016) & 0017

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124190

File: 488205099927d09⋯.png (24.33 KB,590x242,295:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141499 (182112ZOCT20) Notable: Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging Hunters contacts seized

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11141416 LB




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6a9a42 No.124191

File: 5cabfee50ebc10b⋯.png (1.3 MB,865x2721,865:2721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141503 (182112ZOCT20) Notable: /pol/ exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


/pol/ exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124192

File: a714548d9339154⋯.png (1.25 MB,1378x2445,1378:2445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141525 (182114ZOCT20) Notable: Rudy bringing the PAIN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rudy bringing the PAIN

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124193

File: cf9934f0ed2e149⋯.jpeg (53.78 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 77367ee3f3b519d⋯.jpeg (95.74 KB,1500x300,5:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141559 (182115ZOCT20) Notable: DARK TO LIGHT. President 44 then President 45

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Not sure if this was noted already. I didn’t see in search results.

The same Trust17 plane showed Dark44 then Light45.

This occurred same day. Q day 10/17


President 44 then President 45

See images for sauce.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124194

File: 852fdb3900c30c0⋯.png (546.78 KB,2164x894,1082:447,Clipboard.png)

File: d8d5629af820478⋯.png (337.27 KB,631x612,631:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141560 (182116ZOCT20) Notable: COMMSKAREN ACCUSES OSS OF BEING A CYBERBULLY - KEKS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124195

File: a003236a3d9407c⋯.png (250.25 KB,829x322,829:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141573 (182117ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the Biden family payoffs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

==Unbelievable!!! – Facebook’s Lead Censor of Biden Info … Was VP Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine!

Anna Makanju is the Facebook executive in charge of “election integrity on the platform.”

Before that? “Previously, she was the special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former US Vice President Joe Biden.”.

Sauce – (still there as I post. See screenshot.)


That’s right anons, the Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the corrupt activity between the Biden family payoffs and Ukraine.


Will this be reported on cable news? … NYT? WaPo? Don't hold your breath.

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6a9a42 No.124196

File: e9ae1e18529d962⋯.png (5.4 MB,977x7465,977:7465,Clipboard.png)

File: 00902482722d30b⋯.png (105.05 KB,655x735,131:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141594 (182118ZOCT20) Notable: Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging Hunters contacts seized

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124197

File: de96efda7927be5⋯.jpeg (93.88 KB,1228x457,1228:457,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141598 (182119ZOCT20) Notable: DARK TO LIGHT. President 44 then President 45

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124198

File: 03636d848031753⋯.png (151.63 KB,825x440,15:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 8006303c205a29c⋯.png (264.9 KB,588x270,98:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141600 (182119ZOCT20) Notable: 09-0016 USAF C-32A departs John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana, CA for Reno-Tahoe International Airport, NV

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

09-0016 USAF C-32A departs John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana, CA for Reno-Tahoe International Airport, NV

-POTUS departs Reno, NV, en route to Carson City, NV

-POTUS delivers remarks a Make America Great Again Rally

09-0017 USAF C-32A departed March AFB to escort POTUS and crew to Reno and south then out into the Pacific just south of Camp Pendleton-;)

RAIDR45 USMC KC-130J Hercules passed overhead and on approach to Santa Barbara Muni Airport-Isla Vista/Goleta

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141609 (182119ZOCT20) Notable: Proof GOOG algo rigged to pump Qanon disinfo.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Proof GOOG algo rigged to pump Qanon disinfo.

-Search "Q" in duckduck. Reason: goog populates 2ducks but 2ducks uses internal algo to rank, as can be seen in the next few examples.

1st result: QAnon - Wikipedia

2nd result: Q - Wikipedia - This is normal throughout the alphabet where the wiki shows up early. Many letters have buried the wiki due to popularity of other same-letter searches.

-Now search "Q" in GOOG (with or without quotes). I use quotes as it isolates the letter imo based on result comparisons.

1st result: QAnon article - Atlantic

Next: QAnon - Wikipedia (which would be plausible if hot news is in the algo, but should also yield the letter "Q - Wikipedia" at least a few pages in. Hint (below) - "Q - Wikipedia" doesn't show up on first 20+ results pages (that's where I stopped).

Continuing, next result…NBC article, then

…ABC article

…WSJ article

…BBC article

…NTY article

…Guardian article

…CBC article

…Slate article

…pg 2, 3, 4, 5 - moar articles. Pg 3, 4, 5 start to have non-Qanon articles but NOT Q - Wikipedia! On pg 5, the first mention of the letter Q is "Q | Definition of Q by Merriam-Webster" (I'm actually surprised MW hasn't added QAnon to the Q def, kek, which would also be a great op to amend MW with a definition including our Q). This, to me, is why I reason that they programmed Q = QAnon. Straight up.

- Ads start showing up on pg 2. All QAnon-related Included is "The QAnon Conspiracy" from skeptoid.com, 'Evangelicals Denounce Q Cult" by thegospelcoalition.org. "QAnon Threat to Christianity" by dnyuz.com, Christians Say QAnon is Evil by dnyuz.com

These ads are on every page after pg 1.

Stopped looking for Q - Wikipedia at 20 pages (anon should take this further to see what page it finally shows up on haha!). No "Q - Wikipedia" result!

- Goog searches for every letter in quotes. Many pages start with vids but I try to skip to first non-vid site. ("A" without quotes yields Amazon. go figure). What we're seeing is the algo goes with the most popular searches (duh). Which explains why the letter wouldn't have to be #1 (see Cardi B). But it should show up within a few pages, unless there's too many searches that overwhelm the alogo to recognize a single "Q". Another example, "C" yields pages and pages of C programming. Which is totally understandable given the damn internet birthed in a C womb.

A - "A - Wikipedia" No Ads on further pages.

B - "Cardi B" Wiki on pg 3. No Ads.

C - "C (programming language) - all C programming then Vitamin C for over 12 pages, No Wiki. No Ads.

D - "Vitamin D" D Wiki pg 4. No Ads.

E - "E!" (entertainment) dominates, gave up on E Wiki, No Ads.

F - "Ford" then Wiki, No Ads.

G - "edu.google.com" then Wiki, No Ads.

H - "H - Wiki", No Ads.

I - Lauv song "I Like Me Better" (wtf?), J - JCrew, K - Wiki, L - Wiki, M - Twice "What is Love", N - List N for Coronavirus (kek), O - "O" Bellagio, P - P!nk, Q - (See Above), R - R project/programming, S - S Wiki, T - AT&T/Tmo, U - classroom.google.com (wtf?), V - V (tv series), W - W Hotels, X - X the band, Y - YouTube, Z - Z (2019) IMDb.

Now maybe these last 3+ years have escalated Q to the top n pages, however those searches should yield actual Q discussion sites & personal pages. We all know GOOG games the searches to show propaganda and the letter Q is a perfect example of both the rig job and also the Ad rev.

Also interesting is that Q is the only single-letter search that results in Ads on page bottoms. No other letter does this.

Q has been equated to QAnon in their algo, not by search volume, but by programming given the MSM & anti-Q articles page after page after page. Given the popularity of Q and the misnomer QAnon, statistically there should be at least a handful of pro-Q sites. Nope.

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6a9a42 No.124200

File: fb174d3872a1132⋯.jpg (64.87 KB,887x504,887:504,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141621 (182120ZOCT20) Notable: Denver Riggleman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Denver Riggleman


His fascination with Bigfoot became an issue in the race, with his Democratic opponent asking whyhe was obsessed with the genitalia of the mythical creature.

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6a9a42 No.124201

File: 618a61af6baf8f5⋯.png (642.42 KB,732x837,244:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141632 (182121ZOCT20) Notable: If anyone doubts what Chinese security forces do to Hong Kong activists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If anyone doubts what Chinese security forces do to Hong Kong activists: The detention in Shenzhen and forced “re-education” of protester Alexandra Wong, 64, took place in August 2019 — well before China imposed the new national security law on HK.


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6a9a42 No.124202

File: 2f80235eb307f44⋯.mp4 (8.65 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141647 (182122ZOCT20) Notable: California loves Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California loves Trump


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6a9a42 No.124203

File: 81b6b3a28e01405⋯.png (577 KB,944x1012,236:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141669 (182123ZOCT20) Notable: Staffers who worked for President George W. Bush are going all in for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Staffers who worked for President George W. Bush are going all in for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden in hopes of returning the White House back to one of their globalist allies in the political class.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124204

File: fed299789133852⋯.png (769.67 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 716d1e19a91d331⋯.png (880.7 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cab47c73e425ca⋯.png (306.68 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141747 (182129ZOCT20) Notable: Massachusetts Bernie Bitch Physically Attacks President Trump-Supporting 73 Year Old Vietnam Veteran

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Massachusetts Bernie Bitch Physically Attacks President Trump-Supporting 73 Year Old Vietnam Veteran

We gotta make this pig famous, guise.

SAUCE - https://www.masslive.com/worcester/2020/10/73-year-old-vietnam-veteran-from-massachusetts-assaulted-by-woman-for-supporting-president-donald-trump-police-say.html

ARCHIVE - https://archive.is/wip/OHb2J

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6a9a42 No.124205

File: c86d185d29526f4⋯.png (183.61 KB,963x483,321:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c5c977cb304e74⋯.png (230.74 KB,554x515,554:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141780 (182132ZOCT20) Notable: GRZLY50 USMC C-560 departing Lake Tahoe Airport

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GRZLY50 USMC C-560 departing Lake Tahoe Airport, South Lake Tahoe, CA after a ground stop-this AC departed MCAS Miramar nw to Bakersfield, CA -Meadows Field Airport for flyovers then nw to Merced for a long shallow loop over the City of Merced and extending to the se then it's ground stoop at Lake Tahoe

POTUS arrives just to the north of Lake Tahoe at Reno-Tahoe International Airport, NV in about 45 minutes or so.

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6a9a42 No.124206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141786 (182132ZOCT20) Notable: NEW SCAVINO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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6a9a42 No.124207

File: 016b7bad0f7b1ff⋯.png (307.88 KB,535x658,535:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141815 (182134ZOCT20) Notable: NEW SCAVINO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124208

File: 8b0267a3d311b37⋯.png (333.22 KB,598x676,23:26,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e05e128f82dc33⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141846 (182137ZOCT20) Notable: NEW SCAVINO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




departing Newport Beach, California for a rally in Carson City, Nevada. THANK YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!


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6a9a42 No.124209

File: a2f060e4b5c9531⋯.png (45.78 KB,660x835,132:167,Clipboard.png)

File: e7333f2e9f5f10d⋯.png (16.23 KB,696x312,29:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141851 (182137ZOCT20) Notable: FBI = Disinformation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FBI = Disinformation

USA Today Headline: “A Tabloid Got A Trove Of Data On Hunter Biden From Rudy Giuliani. Now, The FBI Is Probing A Possible Disinformation Campaign

(The FBI is examining whether the material supplied to the New York Post by Rudy Giuliani is part of a disinformation campaign by Russia.)”

Seeing that makes me think: with Comey, Strzok, Lisa Page, McCabe et al gone, who initiates and approves such “examinations”? The aforementioned were all involved in setting up the Special Counsel led by former FBI chief Robert Mueller, and that was the most embarrassing episode in the Bureau’s history. Which is saying something given J. Edgar’s penchant for dressing up in women’s clothing.

The Mueller probe was all predicated on vague and unproven Russian “disinformation”, and it fittingly ended with it too. With absolutely nothing coming out of the probe, that was based on the Steele Dossier which the protagonists knew was false even before the probe started, Mueller and his right-hand Andrew Weismann in the end had nothing left but “13 Russians” and Julian Assange to “justify” their $30 million, 2 year “effort”.

The only people they could lay any -always unproven- blame or suspicion on were those who could not defend themselves against false accusations. And when Concord Management unexpectedly did raise a defense, Mueller was shut down by a US judge in no time. It’s pathetic. Mueller’s a liar and a coward, as I’ve said a dozen times now. He should be exiled to Mars.

But what’s worse than his reputation having been destroyed, is that he and his pals hammered the FBI’s reputation as well. So when I read in October 2020 that “The FBI Is Probing A Possible Disinformation Campaign by Russia”, I’m obliged to ask: where does that come from?

Because apparently at least some things haven’t changed yet, despite the Mueller horror show. What the FBI needs is a thorough cleansing, not another nonsensical politically driven opaque “investigation” of Russians. The obvious problem, of course, is that the same media who edged on that disaster will also report on this one without an inch of actual journalistic curiosity or integrity.

The media are in the same political wing as the FBI. They are all counting down the days until November 3, and they are all counting on their mishaps and misdeeds being forgiven and/or buried deep if Joe Biden wins, something they spare no effort to achieve.


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6a9a42 No.124210

File: 2af0ec0b3ade652⋯.png (26.98 KB,593x243,593:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141853 (182137ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered by Raymond T. Stewart, a retired police officer in Houston, STACKS OF DRIVERS LICENSES USED to Illegally Vote..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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6a9a42 No.124211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141877 (182139ZOCT20) Notable: Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20


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6a9a42 No.124212

File: 9a090f7300012f6⋯.png (435.26 KB,545x491,545:491,Clipboard.png)

File: adeeefc07724a43⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141895 (182140ZOCT20) Notable: Richard Grenell - Massive support for @realDonaldTrump in SoCal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Richard Grenell

Massive support for @realDonaldTrump in SoCal.


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6a9a42 No.124213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141901 (182141ZOCT20) Notable: More trouble for Joe Biden as Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

More trouble for Joe Biden as Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement


A Ukrainian lawmaker has claimed a second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement there.

Andrii Derkach posted to Facebook on Friday to say there is a 'second laptop' involving evidence of corruption and connected to the Bidens, The Daily Beast reports.

Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal lawyer, has said foreign sources did not provide the Hunter Biden emails first reported last week. He says a laptop containing the correspondence and intimate photos was simply abandoned in a Delaware repair shop and the shop owner reached out to Giuliani's lawyer.

Derkach is one of Giuliani's principal contacts and was mentioned in an August intelligence assessment that described a concerted Russian effort to disparage Biden. A Treasury Department sanction announcement from last month characterized Derkach as an 'active Russian agent for over a decade.'

Now he claims to know of a second laptop, used by 'two representatives for the interests of [Burisma founder Mykola] Zlochevsky.' Hunter served on the board of directors at Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

In the post Derkach says that laptop 'was given to Ukrainian law enforcement' and that Burisma representatives were now serving as 'witnesses in criminal proceedings.'

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6a9a42 No.124214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141922 (182142ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered by Raymond T. Stewart, a retired police officer in Houston, STACKS OF DRIVERS LICENSES USED to Illegally Vote..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





When posting breaking news, always try to dig for an actual news link to verify instead of sticking solely with tweets that don't have sauce. Makes it easier on all of us, especially the bakers.

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6a9a42 No.124215

File: 9e0f00ecce9ff51⋯.png (1.28 MB,864x2646,16:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fabb0c4828b631⋯.png (538.73 KB,593x834,593:834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141950 (182144ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered by Raymond T. Stewart, a retired police officer in Houston, STACKS OF DRIVERS LICENSES USED to Illegally Vote..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Moar sauce:




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6a9a42 No.124216

File: 0a751834c2a2744⋯.png (3.46 MB,1132x5114,566:2557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11141962 (182145ZOCT20) Notable: HOW DO YOU THINK ANTIFA WAS ABLE TO DOXX PEOPLE SO OFTEN AND EASY?!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Not for you but for real anons in this thread

>OR voter exploit is real and based on weak input, can cancel out already mailed in previous ballots

>OR newly requested ballots can be sent to any adress, therefore the person who mailed in previous legit ballot will be unaware and falsely think a legit vote has been cast

Biggest takeaway from all this:


pic related

**Never before have I redtexted in a post, first time for everything.

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6a9a42 No.124217

File: a3e324eee41826d⋯.png (1.2 MB,1437x1195,1437:1195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142038 (182150ZOCT20) Notable: Whitmer comms: They want to ICE HUNTER = Put Hunter on ICE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Whitmer comms:

They want to ICE HUNTER = Put Hunter on ICE

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6a9a42 No.124218

File: 80c29855a63f8ce⋯.png (227.26 KB,972x534,162:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c7dc2149f029bf⋯.png (147.74 KB,539x293,539:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a4a8a768c9dd94⋯.png (420.51 KB,512x336,32:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142077 (182153ZOCT20) Notable: 09-0017 USAF C-32A heading for Travis AFB, Fairfield CA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

09-0017 USAF C-32A heading for Travis AFB, Fairfield CA

SNTRY26 USAF E03C AWACS takes up station circling Yosemite National Park

09-0016 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS contiues to Reno, NV

61-0295 USAF KC-125R tanker following

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142169 (182200ZOCT20) Notable: #14248,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>124218 09-0017 USAF C-32A heading for Travis AFB, Fairfield CA

>>124217 Whitmer comms: They want to ICE HUNTER = Put Hunter on ICE


>>124213 More trouble for Joe Biden as Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement

>>124212 Richard Grenell - Massive support for @realDonaldTrump in SoCal.

>>124211 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Carson City, NV 10-18-20

>>124209 FBI = Disinformation

>>124205 GRZLY50 USMC C-560 departing Lake Tahoe Airport

>>124204 Massachusetts Bernie Bitch Physically Attacks President Trump-Supporting 73 Year Old Vietnam Veteran

>>124203 Staffers who worked for President George W. Bush are going all in for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden

>>124202 California loves Trump

>>124201 If anyone doubts what Chinese security forces do to Hong Kong activists

>>124200 Denver Riggleman

>>124199 Proof GOOG algo rigged to pump Qanon disinfo.

>>124198 09-0016 USAF C-32A departs John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana, CA for Reno-Tahoe International Airport, NV


>>124189 UNKN (0016) & 0017

>>124191 /pol/ exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

>>124192 Rudy bringing the PAIN

>>124195 Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the Biden family payoffs

>>124190, >>124196 Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging Hunters contacts seized

>>124193, >>124197 DARK TO LIGHT. President 44 then President 45

>>124210, >>124214, >>124215 BREAKING REPORT: MASSIVE Voter Fraud Uncovered by Raymond T. Stewart, a retired police officer in Houston, STACKS OF DRIVERS LICENSES USED to Illegally Vote..

>>124206, >>124207, >>124208 NEW SCAVINO

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124220

File: aa39f6c620743de⋯.png (405.14 KB,541x413,541:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142278 (182208ZOCT20) Notable: “Mr. Biden, What Flavor Did You Get?” – So-Called Reporter Asks Biden About His Milkshake, Ignores Bombshell New York Post Report on Hunter’s Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Mr. Biden, What Flavor Did You Get?” – So-Called Reporter Asks Biden About His Milkshake, Ignores Bombshell New York Post Report on Hunter’s Emails

China Joe is stumping in Durham, North Carolina on Sunday before he goes into hibernation all week.

Joe Biden is severely limiting his public events because his campaign is drowning in scandal after the New York Post released damning Hunter Biden emails.

So far only one journalist from CBS, Bo Erickson, has asked Biden about the damning emails found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop showing an elaborate pay-to-scheme during the Obama years and beyond — and Biden went berserk accusing Erickson of participating in a smear campaign.

A Bloomberg reporter on Sunday had the opportunity to ask Biden why he sold out the US to China, Russia, Ukraine etc through his son Hunter, but he asked about the flavor of Biden’s milkshake while he was walking out of Cookout in Durham.

Joe Biden and his granddaughter Finnegan got milkshakes at Cookout in Durham and the media sycophants clapped like seals.

“Mr. Biden, what flavor did you get?” shouted the reporter.

This is some hard-hitting journalism.


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6a9a42 No.124221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142282 (182209ZOCT20) Notable: Suspect Throws Torch Into Seattle Police Car With An Officer Inside

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Suspect Throws Torch Into Seattle Police Car With An Officer Inside

The Seattle Police Department (SPD) has released body-worn, dashcam, and surveillance video from the ongoing investigation into the Thursday officer-involved shooting in South Lake Union. The suspect can be seen in the video using a burning piece of lumber to attack an officer in his patrol car. The suspect then runs away as the officer opens fire. Detectives later booked the 37-year-old suspect, who was not struck by gunfire, into King County Jail. The officer, Caleb Pomazon, has been with the Seattle Police Department for one year and is currently on paid administrative leave per department policy. Around 1:30 PM, an officer was in their patrol vehicle in an alley between Dexter Avenue and John Street looking for a man who was reportedly brandishing a flaming piece of lumber.

The officer found the man, who threw the flaming lumber—believed to be a 2×2—into the patrol vehicle while the officer was still inside. Additional responding officers chased the man into a parking garage where they deployed a taser and took him into custody. One officer is believed to have discharged a firearm during the incident. The suspect was not struck. Additionally, as officers were arresting the man, the flames from the burning lumber engulfed the entire patrol vehicle. One officer was transported to Harborview Medical Center with non-life-threatening burns.


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6a9a42 No.124222

File: 38fc705833d5913⋯.jpeg (332.21 KB,1241x1214,1241:1214,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142359 (182214ZOCT20) Notable: In general I think the minor children of politicians should be off limits. Adult fifty-year-old, crack-addicted, sister-in-law banging, stripper-impregnating bag men for China, Russia, and the Ukraine are a different story

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James Woods@RealJamesWoods

In general I think the minor children of politicians should be off limits. Adult fifty-year-old, crack-addicted, sister-in-law banging, stripper-impregnating bag men for China, Russia, and the Ukraine are a different story,of course. #HunterBiden is a horror show and a scumbag.

Quote Tweet

John Cardillo


· 7h

Notice how Biden's daughter Ashley has disappeared from all media and the campaign acts like she and her cocaine problem don't exist?

12:54 PM · Oct 18, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124223

File: 9e2b61ac936a5c8⋯.png (444.13 KB,610x375,122:75,Clipboard.png)

File: a7f5ef97e47d6f9⋯.png (295.89 KB,675x791,675:791,Clipboard.png)

File: b59b5ee284e3480⋯.png (164.81 KB,698x854,349:427,Clipboard.png)

File: f04317dc1db44c2⋯.png (125.09 KB,694x587,694:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142362 (182215ZOCT20) Notable: Murdoch's sway on politics warrants royal commission

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Murdoch's sway on politics warrants royal commission

Living in Australia, many now habitually think our national media landscape is normal. It isn’t. No other Western democracy has the level of print media monopoly that Rupert Murdoch has secured for himself in Australia.

A single American billionaire has now seized control of almost 70 per cent of daily newspaper circulation. In my state of Queensland, which determines most federal elections, this monopoly is almost 100 per cent with every newspaper from Cairns to Coolangatta and Australia’s only commercial 24-hour 'news' channel.

But Murdoch is not just any old businessman. He’s not just interested in money but also in political power and far-right ideology. For Murdoch, it’s long been his triple-aphrodisiac. And the habits of a lifetime lead him to destroy anybody who gets in his way. That’s why people are frightened of him.

Where would Murdoch like to take Australia? Look no further than Fox News in America, which remains the epicentre of the Trump phenomenon, polluting Americans’ minds with bullshit narratives about widespread voter fraud, climate hoaxes and other wild conspiracies. This parallel-universe model is now unfolding in the pages of his Australian newspapers and on Sky News.

Even Rupert’s previous heir-apparent, James Murdoch, has called out his father’s empire for its hidden agendas, legitimising disinformation and wilfully sowing doubt to obscure facts in public debate. Yet despite this bombshell, not a word of it has been published in Murdoch’s publications. Such brutal censorship of politically embarrassing news is something we’d expect of a one-party state, not a vibrant democracy. Yet in Australia we just brush this off as “normal”, such is the slippery slope we’re on.

Murdoch’s Australian newspapers – including The Australian, Daily Telegraph, Herald-Sun and Courier-Mail – have all been weaponised to protect Murdoch’s commercial and political interests. Politicians, businesspeople and others know that if they cross Murdoch, they will be destroyed. They’ve seen it happen so many times that they’ve lost count. This well-resourced protection racket will also defend politicians who advance his objectives. Exiled News Corp journalists speak openly about their articles being suppressed or re-written.


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6a9a42 No.124224

File: a56efa038e06a68⋯.png (316.22 KB,478x592,239:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142364 (182215ZOCT20) Notable: The White House - President Trump’s First Step Act "corrected many of the injustices of the Clinton Crime Bill and others."

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The White House


US government account

President Trump’s First Step Act "corrected many of the injustices of the Clinton Crime Bill and others."

Thousands are now back home "being fathers, husbands, sons and brothers—restoring lives and families and communities."


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6a9a42 No.124225

File: 6b5ae663a8e3567⋯.png (832.24 KB,1104x1064,138:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142367 (182215ZOCT20) Notable: RUDY ON LEVIN TONIGHT 8EST

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142380 (182216ZOCT20) Notable: New York Times continues peddling the "Hunter Biden evidence is inauthentic" narrative

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New York Times continues peddling the "Hunter Biden evidence is inauthentic" narrative



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124227

File: 3762f900fcbcdc1⋯.png (341.63 KB,593x567,593:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e05e128f82dc33⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142400 (182216ZOCT20) Notable: NEW PDJT - THANK YOU Newport Beach, California! Now on my way to Carson City, Nevada. Another big crowd, see you soon! #MAGA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


THANK YOU Newport Beach, California! Now on my way to Carson City, Nevada. Another big crowd, see you soon! #MAGA


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124228

File: 31d15b74788b79f⋯.png (276.09 KB,1268x579,1268:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 90c48ba0034590f⋯.png (209.95 KB,1373x859,1373:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 73dbc70e853f187⋯.png (41.66 KB,919x631,919:631,Clipboard.png)

File: d77113011349a11⋯.png (177.35 KB,1156x702,578:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142448 (182220ZOCT20) Notable: BPro is the vendor for the vulnerable election portals for Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, and at least 6 other States and hundreds of counties

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BPro is the vendor for the vulnerable election portals for Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, and at least 6 other States and hundreds of counties

Corporation is registered in South Dakota.

BPro owners are Brandon Campea and Abbey Campea. Formerly owned by Sandy Mae Bowers and Kent A. Bowers.

There were previously concerns of this system from WA county officials in 2019:


Cost of portal for WA was ~$9.5M.

BPro was one of the four organizations who submitted bids for the VoteWA portal project: BPro, Demtech, Everyone Counts and PCC TG.

Moar here:




https://sosenterprise.sd.gov/BusinessServices/Business/FilingDetail.aspx?CN=248116086241104070098103031008075012013172119014 / https://sosenterprise.sd.gov/BusinessServices/Business/FilingSearch.aspx



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6a9a42 No.124229

File: fe73218d4c0ee04⋯.png (400.48 KB,606x684,101:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142450 (182220ZOCT20) Notable: Exclusive: Top Trump White House official recently traveled to Damascus for secret talks with Assad regime

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Exclusive: Top Trump White House official recently traveled to Damascus for secret talks with Assad regime:



Syria was the only thing I disagreed with Trump about. I just figured he would act differently towards them soon.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142500 (182223ZOCT20) Notable: From Revolver article posted this am. Remember this anons, we are in the storm

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>>124213 More trouble for Joe Biden as Ukrainian lawmaker claims second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement

From Revolver article posted this am. Remember this anons, we are in the storm

Mr. Bannon:The Bidens are about to be hit with multiple stories from multiple media sources based off evidence beyond the hard driveFox and Peter Schweitzer have already started but bigger more mainstream companies are going to weigh in.We already have set in motion the various apparatuses that will release everything.


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6a9a42 No.124231

File: aea2e0c864a4102⋯.jpeg (242.02 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 68fda7db0a3450f⋯.png (656.47 KB,1043x1172,1043:1172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142540 (182226ZOCT20) Notable: Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016

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Isn't it time anons shift the focus from Savannah to Kristen Welker? Incoming debate

Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124232

File: 9f1dc4bd420b137⋯.png (22.47 KB,602x290,301:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142564 (182228ZOCT20) Notable: Charlie Kirk Locked Out

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142630 (182233ZOCT20) Notable: "Die In A Fire": "Professional, Objective" Twitter Employees' Hatred Of Trump Exposed

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"Die In A Fire": "Professional, Objective" Twitter Employees' Hatred Of Trump Exposed

The controversy over Twitter trying to suppress the story about Hunter Biden’s emails showing that Joe Biden used the influence of the office of the vice president to assist his son’s business dealings is still raging. The social media platform continues to suspend the New York Post’s account and has told the paper that it won’t be restored until they delete the offending story.

One Twitter engineering manager said Trump should die in a fire in a January 2017 tweet.

A year later, he rang in the new year by saying “Happy 2018! Donald Trump is dead!”

None of these comments have ever been flagged by Twitter or been subject to any other form of official sanction, even as the social-media giant dishes out discipline to others for sharing legitimate news stories that might hurt Biden. The company finally ordered the vicious tweet to be deleted on May 29 — years after being posted.

Twitter’s “head of integrity” Yoel Roth was infamously busted over a series of old tweets revealing him to be a die-hard Trump hater.

In his posts, Roth — who helped author the policy update used by the company to flag and label posts from President Trump — compared White House officials to Nazis and Trump to a “racist tangerine.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142797 (182321ZOCT20) Notable: 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

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'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back - proving 'it's no Russian intel op'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142858 (182336ZOCT20) Notable: NEW PDJT - Big show tonight on @FoxNews! @MarkLevinShow will be exposing Joe Biden’s Corruption at 8:00pmE — and of course, don’t miss @NextRevFNC with @SteveHiltonx at 9:00pmE!

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Big show tonight on @FoxNews! @MarkLevinShow will be exposing Joe Biden’s Corruption at 8:00pmE — and of course, don’t miss @NextRevFNC with @SteveHiltonx at 9:00pmE!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142860 (182337ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS kicking asses in Carson City.

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Hold the line.

POTUS kicking asses in Carson City.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142865 (182338ZOCT20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: Man dangling on rope from Trump Tower in Chicago, Illinois, 'demanding to speak to President Trump'

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SV News


HAPPENING NOW: Man dangling on rope from Trump Tower in Chicago, Illinois, 'demanding to speak to President Trump'


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6a9a42 No.124238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142881 (182342ZOCT20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: Man dangling on rope from Trump Tower in Chicago, Illinois, 'demanding to speak to President Trump'

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Right before the Fox News drops, as 8kun is rigged for red. Pic of the guy here for maximum optics: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/breaking-man-dangles-trump-tower-22867257>>124237

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6a9a42 No.124239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11142957 (182351ZOCT20) Notable: #14249

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>>124236 POTUS kicking asses in Carson City.

>>124235 NEW PDJT - Big show tonight on @FoxNews! @MarkLevinShow will be exposing Joe Biden’s Corruption at 8:00pmE — and of course, don’t miss @NextRevFNC with @SteveHiltonx at 9:00pmE!

>>124234 'The Joe meeting happened, the emails are correct and Joe took 10% of equity': Bannon says EVERYTHING reported in Hunter laptop scandal is true and reveals how lawyer for Biden's son tried to get hard drive back

>>124233 "Die In A Fire": "Professional, Objective" Twitter Employees' Hatred Of Trump Exposed

>>124232 Charlie Kirk Locked Out

>>124231 Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016

>>124230 From Revolver article posted this am. Remember this anons, we are in the storm

>>124227 NEW PDJT - THANK YOU Newport Beach, California! Now on my way to Carson City, Nevada. Another big crowd, see you soon! #MAGA

>>124226 New York Times continues peddling the "Hunter Biden evidence is inauthentic" narrative


>>124224 The White House - President Trump’s First Step Act "corrected many of the injustices of the Clinton Crime Bill and others."

>>124223 Murdoch's sway on politics warrants royal commission

>>124222 In general I think the minor children of politicians should be off limits. Adult fifty-year-old, crack-addicted, sister-in-law banging, stripper-impregnating bag men for China, Russia, and the Ukraine are a different story

>>124220 “Mr. Biden, What Flavor Did You Get?” – So-Called Reporter Asks Biden About His Milkshake, Ignores Bombshell New York Post Report on Hunter’s Emails

>>124221 Suspect Throws Torch Into Seattle Police Car With An Officer Inside

>>124228 BPro is the vendor for the vulnerable election portals for Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, and at least 6 other States and hundreds of counties

>>124229 Exclusive: Top Trump White House official recently traveled to Damascus for secret talks with Assad regime

>>124237, >>124238 HAPPENING NOW: Man dangling on rope from Trump Tower in Chicago, Illinois, 'demanding to speak to President Trump'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124240

File: 3e5a70049fa11ed⋯.png (88.3 KB,665x907,665:907,Clipboard.png)

File: e40174455a6078b⋯.png (79.37 KB,658x837,658:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143045 (182356ZOCT20) Notable: Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

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Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

The business partner of Hunter Biden who flipped on the Biden family from prison provided access to 26,000 emails, Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said in a Saturday morning radio appearance.

Schweizer, appearing on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said that former Hunter Biden business partner Bevan Cooney provided 26,000 emails to him—the first of which were published late last week in a Breitbart News exclusive investigation by Schweizer and author Seamus Bruner. Cooney is currently serving a sentence in federal prison due to his conviction over financial deals he made connected to Hunter Biden and his other partner Devon Archer. Archer, who was also convicted by a jury in federal court, saw his conviction vacated by a federal judge. That conviction was later—just a couple weeks ago—reinstated by an appellate court which overruled the lower court judge’s decision to vacate it. Archer awaits sentencing.

In the meantime, however, Cooney—who is serving his sentence in federal prison—reached out to Schweizer via conservative journalist Matthew Tyrmand and provided written authorization to access his Gmail account. He provided the password and username, and written authorization to publish emails because Schweizer says he believes he was the “fall guy” for the Biden family’s corruption and that he believes the public needs to know what really happened in Hunter Biden’s universe. The first article on these emails was published Friday afternoon, and detailed how Hunter Biden and his partners secured meetings with senior White House officials in November 2011 for Chinese Communist elites—including, as the Chinese elites who were present revealed, a secret meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden himself. The Biden campaign has not responded to requests for comment about this from Breitbart News.


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6a9a42 No.124241

File: 4d3f99f3dfe7895⋯.jpg (2.24 MB,867x9060,289:3020,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143086 (182359ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden's Web Of Interests.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11142997 TYB

Hunter Biden's Web Of Interests.


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6a9a42 No.124242

File: 3541c4c35f5d00e⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,848x474,424:237,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143108 (190000ZOCT20) Notable: Video of Distraction OP at Trump Tower ChiraQ

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>>>/qresearch/11143029 lb



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6a9a42 No.124243

File: c71bf45df08580d⋯.jpg (282.19 KB,1200x720,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b69f417e9ede08⋯.gif (161.7 KB,1559x1778,1559:1778,Clipboard.gif)

File: 390f702a3074cd6⋯.png (105.64 KB,1151x1426,1151:1426,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bd5959844b6390⋯.png (71.96 KB,1140x638,570:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a47cf22cd97742⋯.png (148.63 KB,1150x1565,230:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143137 (190001ZOCT20) Notable: Plenty of solid evidence exists of prior elite and pedo sex scandals/rings for MSM QAnon articles

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Plenty of solid evidence exists of prior elite and pedo sex scandals/rings for MSM QAnon articles

All the MSM articles that decry the "QAnon" coverage of elite and pedo sex scandals/rings should review the huge body of work within their own archives. Lord knows anons have found plenty.

Anons have collected a huge amount of info on QResearch, but we need to get it out to normies. Consider getting an account to Wikipedia and update the Wikipedia articles below as appropriate with good solid evidence and pix. Cite the evidence from QResearch, but don't mention it came from QResearch - use the original sources that anons presented. Wikipedia is commonly decried as a poor source of info for academic papers, but it's the most accessible and understandable source for normies.

1989 Bush Sr. Whitehouse call boy sex ring





Commentary plus material on additional sex scandals:




Video - CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE [Banned Discovery Channel Documentary] - about 1 hour -


CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE [Banned Discovery Channel Documentary]

651,659 views•Sep 27, 2012

ZeroEightyFour 21.8K subscribers

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.

Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada.

At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.

A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.


2017–18 United States political sexual scandals




1776 - 2019 - List of federal political sex scandals in the United States




1777 - present - List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes



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6a9a42 No.124244

File: 1b239a7e2d9951d⋯.png (433.74 KB,546x470,273:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 835e9c10fd25d65⋯.png (13.88 KB,566x128,283:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143143 (190002ZOCT20) Notable: Hungarian Trade Minister BLASTS Crooked Joe Biden After He Calls Poland and Hungary Totalitarian Regimes

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Hungarian Trade Minister BLASTS Crooked Joe Biden After He Calls Poland and Hungary Totalitarian Regimes

Last week during his patty-cake town hall on ABC Joe Biden smeared US allies Poland and Hungary as totalitarian regimes like Belarus.

This was an ignorant and disgusting attack on our NATO allies to score cheap political points.

On Saturday Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade DESTROYED Joe Biden in his official response.

Péter Szijjártó called on Joe Biden to explain his corrupt family business stealing from the Ukrainian people.

Hunter Biden wheeling and dealing for big money from Ukraine.

Via the Hungarian Government Website:

We may still remember the kind of Central European policy the democrats pursued for 8 years; we may still recall the continuous lecturing, accusations and attacks,” FM Szijjártó began his video statement, reminding viewers that, during his term as Vice President, Joe Biden was “particularly busy” with foreign policy.

“We, Hungarians, have experienced this firsthand,” Szijjártó said, referring to occasions when members of the U.S. diplomatic corps in Budapest openly took part in opposition protests and published “extraordinarily biased” statements with the aim of supporting left-liberal parties and attacking the Hungarian government.

There was a period during his term as VP, the Hungarian FM continued, when, and I exaggerate a bit, Biden spent more of his time outside D.C. in Ukraine than in rural America.

“This was the time when his son happened to be a chief executive at a key Ukrainian energy company; this was also the time when there were deals in the Ukrainian energy sector that were suspected of being corrupt,” FM Szijjártó said in the video statement.

According to the foreign minister, Joe Biden began talking about Central Europe again days ago when he made a series of completely false and undignified statements about Hungary and Poland. “But,” Szijjártó continued, “it would be best if Joe Biden could answer some of those old questions that have been out there for a while, before attacking Central Europe.

“It would be great if Joe Biden could tell us why he put pressure on the Ukrainian government to fire its chief prosecutor, and how all of this related to the investigation into his son’s Ukrainian energy deals grinding to a halt,” Foreign Minister Szijjártó asked.


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6a9a42 No.124245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143153 (190003ZOCT20) Notable: WATCH: Joe Biden refuses to answer a question about the FBI seizing his son Hunter's laptop last year.

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Donald J Trump

1.42M subscribers

WATCH: Joe Biden refuses to answer a question about the FBI seizing his son Hunter's laptop last year.

The laptop contained emails about the Biden family receiving money from China and other foreign sources.



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6a9a42 No.124246

File: eaa3703330600aa⋯.jpg (127.84 KB,720x1069,720:1069,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 210d6f1e26a598a⋯.mp4 (442.97 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143166 (190003ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden staged looking phone call to granddaughter

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Joe Biden staged looking phone call to granddaughter


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6a9a42 No.124247

File: fc127f464da8bc3⋯.png (510.24 KB,634x700,317:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143228 (190007ZOCT20) Notable: Hussein likes Pizza it seems. Probably the male kind…

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Hussein likes Pizza it seems. Probably the male kind…


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6a9a42 No.124248

File: 638881f65aea256⋯.png (41.93 KB,671x696,671:696,Clipboard.png)

File: aae4ea38dcb19f7⋯.png (43.66 KB,647x709,647:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a997752ba5731f⋯.png (14.65 KB,695x256,695:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143297 (190011ZOCT20) Notable: China warns US it may detain Americans over prosecutions of Chinese scholars: report

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China warns US it may detain Americans over prosecutions of Chinese scholars: report

This follows a State Department advisory cautioning travel to China

The Chinese government has warned the United States that it may begin to detain Americans in response to the U.S. Justice Department's prosecution of Chinese military-affiliated scholars, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

Chinese officials reportedly issued multiple warnings to U.S. government representatives through the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and other channels, as reported in the WSJ. The Chinese officials cautioned that they may arrest Americans currently residing in the country if U.S. officials don't drop charges against the country's scholars. The Wall Street Journal's sources for the report are from unnamed people familiar with the matter.

When asked about the report, the White House referred questions to the State Department, which responded to Reuters in an emailed statement that said, "To the Chinese government — including at the highest levels — our concern about China's coercive use of exit bans on U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries, and will continue to do so until we see a transparent and fair process."

The Chinese Embassy in Washington and China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to requests for comments on Saturday from the WSJ.

In July, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it had charged four Chinese nationals for visa fraud, the FBI arrested three of the suspects.

"These members of China's People Liberation Army applied for research visas while hiding their true affiliation with the PLA," said Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers. "This is another part of the Chinese Communist Party's plan to take advantage of our open society and exploit academic institutions. We will continue to conduct this investigation together with the FBI."

"The United States welcomes students, academics, and researchers from across the globe. Today's announcement shows the extreme lengths to which the Chinese government has gone to infiltrate and exploit America's benevolence," said John Brown, Executive Assistant Director of the FBI's National Security Branch. "In interviews with members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in over 25 cities across the U.S., the FBI uncovered a concerted effort to hide their true affiliation to take advantage of the United States and the American people."


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6a9a42 No.124249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143323 (190012ZOCT20) Notable: Unbelievable – Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

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Unbelievable – Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

Posted on October 17, 2020	by sundance

Hat Tip Fool Nelson – Put this in the stunning conflict of interest file that is truly jaw-dropping. This is just unreal.

Anna Makanju is the Facebook executive in charge of “election integrity on the platform”; and guess what her job was before that position…

“Previously, she was the special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former US Vice President Joe Biden”. (citation)

That’s right folks, the Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the corrupt activity between the Biden family payoffs and Ukraine.

You just cannot make this stuff up folks.

Backup before this is gone:




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6a9a42 No.124250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143340 (190013ZOCT20) Notable: This weekend watch @ChanelRion as she Investigates with @OANN Biden's Bribe Tapes Parts 1- Part 3!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This weekend watch


as she Investigates with


Biden's Bribe Tapes Parts 1- Part 3!

Part 1- Saturday 10:30PM EST/ 7:30PM PST

Part 2 & 3- Sunday 10:00PM EST/7:00PM PST & 10:30pm EST/ 7:30pm PST

Watch for FREE


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6a9a42 No.124251

File: d86870d1b7e7ebb⋯.jpg (53.15 KB,800x842,400:421,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143357 (190014ZOCT20) Notable: UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton

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UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton


Ukraine Was A Globalist Cash Cow For Political Elites And Their Children


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6a9a42 No.124252

File: b83e924501863b5⋯.png (586.35 KB,934x1106,467:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143369 (190014ZOCT20) Notable: BIDEN IS OWNED BY CHINA!

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The Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania “has allegedly failed to disclose $70 million in gifts from China since 2017,” including $22 million from an anonymous donor


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6a9a42 No.124253

File: 37c8d26e64fd920⋯.png (347.42 KB,597x599,597:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 60ec8090b879c49⋯.png (376.05 KB,666x716,333:358,Clipboard.png)

File: 5afb4fe6c6553b4⋯.png (1.87 MB,758x3597,758:3597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143375 (190015ZOCT20) Notable: Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

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Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails



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6a9a42 No.124254

File: 5d7e0e9df839146⋯.png (187.52 KB,1256x734,628:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143376 (190015ZOCT20) Notable: Since the president is speaking in Nevada, and Fox is covering it Live (which is very important), my show Life, Liberty & Levin will air in progress as soon as the president is finished. My show will air for the entire hour at10 PM eastern! - Levin

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Since the president is speaking in Nevada, and Fox is covering it Live (which is very important), my show Life, Liberty & Levin will air in progress as soon as the president is finished. My show will air for the entire hour at10 PM eastern!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124255

File: 34b745589df21c5⋯.png (96.9 KB,677x744,677:744,Clipboard.png)

File: e716c4067d05760⋯.png (90.13 KB,681x779,681:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 01d0ab1db7dce7f⋯.png (63.8 KB,713x597,713:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143379 (190015ZOCT20) Notable: Trump turns his ire toward Cabinet members

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Trump turns his ire toward Cabinet members

President Trump is publicly chastising some of his key GOP allies with just more than two weeks to go before the election.

Trump earlier this month expressed frustration with a pair of his most loyal Cabinet members — Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — for what he described as a failure to implicate his political enemies in wrongdoing.

More recently, Trump swiped at Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, seemingly blaming him on Thursday for not delivering a result after weeks of coronavirus relief talks with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Both Pompeo and Mnuchin have served in Trump’s Cabinet from early on in his term, putting them in the minority of top administration officials.

Trump is airing his frustrations amid an increasingly difficult battle for reelection against Democratic nominee Joe Biden. While the president has insisted he remains in a strong position in the race and casts doubt on the polls, public surveys nevertheless show Trump trailing in key battlegrounds as early voting begins in many states.

Trump has also found himself adrift from Republicans in the Senate as he pushes for a robust coronavirus relief package that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has effectively rejected.

Trump’s public rebukes of his own Cabinet members have been remarkable though perhaps not entirely surprising; he has often criticized his health experts and has even jettisoned officials whose actions he dislikes.

In recent weeks, Trump has repeatedly targeted FBI Director Christopher Wray, whom he nominated in 2017, particularly after Wray contradicted Trump’s assertions about potential fraud in mail-in ballots and his description of antifa.

During an NBC town hall Thursday evening, Trump swiped at Wray, asserting he is “not doing a very good job” after moderator Savannah Guthrie invoked the FBI director’s comments that there is no evidence of widespread fraud in mail-in voting.

Trump’s remarks about Mnuchin, whom he has known for 15 years and rarely criticizes, come as a stimulus deal between the White House and Congress appears increasingly unlikely. While some of Trump’s allies have argued against a deal that far exceeds $1 trillion, the president has recently been pushing for a robust agreement.

“So far he hasn’t come home with the bacon,” Trump said during an interview on Fox Business after acknowledging he would raise his $1.8 trillion offer in negotiations with Democrats.


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6a9a42 No.124256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143449 (190019ZOCT20) Notable: NUDE PICS & DEATH THREATS: Mayor’s Texting Affair With News Anchor Turns Into Crazy Scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NUDE PICS & DEATH THREATS: Mayor’s Texting Affair With News Anchor Turns Into Crazy Scandal

An inappropriate relationship between a news anchor and the married mayor of Anchorage, Alaska is blowing up both their careers. Anchor Maria Athens shot a bizarre promo for her Facebook page accusing Mayor Ethan Berkowitz of being a pedophile. Athens also left him a voicemail that ended with her threatening to kill him and his wife. The mayor said he had an inappropriate texting relationship with Athens, but denied her other claims. Police found no evidence of Athens’ claims against Berkowitz.



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6a9a42 No.124257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143474 (190021ZOCT20) Notable: Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

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>>124133 OSS calls out The Doc on all of his censorship of notables - Finishes the Post with Talk About Patterns…

>>124136 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta from OSS post

>>124139 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta From first Q post

>>124145 OSS drops graphic showing patterns connection

>>124150 Q - Do you see a pattern? 7 minute delta - From OSS graphic

>>124154 OSS Drops final graphic

Talk about patterns - check

3 - 7 minute deltas - check

Shills go apeshit 2 breads in a row

DDOS kills clearnet

Nothing to see here. Pure coincidence.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124258

File: bf28d77934e06ff⋯.png (193.89 KB,846x464,423:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aa9262525488d9⋯.png (199.69 KB,833x468,833:468,Clipboard.png)

File: b5efbe6d8450d45⋯.png (155.4 KB,831x476,831:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143480 (190021ZOCT20) Notable: 82-8000 USAF 747 on ground at McCarran Int'l-Las Vegas from a earlier JBA departure heavily spoofed from Colorado onwards. Landed at approx 412pm local time

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

82-8000 USAF 747 on ground at McCarran Int'l-Las Vegas from a earlier JBA departure heavily spoofed from Colorado onwards. Landed at approx 412pm local time

GRZLY50 USMC C-560 that departed Lake Tahoe Airport was s to Hanford/Visalia for low alt pass between the two and then se for some fly overs-several- at Skunkworks in Palmdale and then returned to MCAS for additional fly overs before landing

SNTRY26 and 27 USAF E-3A AWACS both circling Yosemite Nat. Park (best time of year there imo)

SAM639 USAF G5 departed Mesquite Metro Airport, TX ne-this AC arrived on 1015 from JBA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124259

File: a04237c739c1e33⋯.png (994.78 KB,962x910,37:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143511 (190023ZOCT20) Notable: D. Bongino

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1) That we’ll have 9 members of the Supreme Court

2) That the police will be there if there’s trouble

3) That you won’t be locked down again

4) That we’ll have a stable government

5) That we’ll have another fair election


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6a9a42 No.124260

File: bd303daed6c0b1b⋯.png (668.34 KB,827x696,827:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143595 (190029ZOCT20) Notable: Who even knew Strzok was a professor?

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Who even knew Strzok was a professor?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124261

File: b66de0616f1a50d⋯.png (519.62 KB,595x604,595:604,Clipboard.png)

File: 185568410c7eebe⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143606 (190029ZOCT20) Notable: REVEALED: Final presidential debate moderator Kristen Welker busted on live TV tipping off Clinton campaign comms director in March 2016 on interview questions.

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REVEALED: Final presidential debate moderator Kristen Welker busted on live TV tipping off Clinton campaign comms director in March 2016 on interview questions.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143687 (190035ZOCT20) Notable: #14250

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>124250 This weekend watch @ChanelRion as she Investigates with @OANN Biden's Bribe Tapes Parts 1- Part 3!

>>124261 REVEALED: Final presidential debate moderator Kristen Welker busted on live TV tipping off Clinton campaign comms director in March 2016 on interview questions.

>>124260 Who even knew Strzok was a professor?

>>124259 D. Bongino

>>124256 NUDE PICS & DEATH THREATS: Mayor’s Texting Affair With News Anchor Turns Into Crazy Scandal


>>124258 82-8000 USAF 747 on ground at McCarran Int'l-Las Vegas from a earlier JBA departure heavily spoofed from Colorado onwards. Landed at approx 412pm local time

>>124255 Trump turns his ire toward Cabinet members

>>124249 Unbelievable – Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Was Vice-President Joe Biden’s Advisor to Ukraine

>>124242 Video of Distraction OP at Trump Tower ChiraQ

>>124240 Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124241 Hunter Biden's Web Of Interests.

>>124243 Plenty of solid evidence exists of prior elite and pedo sex scandals/rings for MSM QAnon articles

>>124244 Hungarian Trade Minister BLASTS Crooked Joe Biden After He Calls Poland and Hungary Totalitarian Regimes

>>124245 WATCH: Joe Biden refuses to answer a question about the FBI seizing his son Hunter's laptop last year.

>>124246 Joe Biden staged looking phone call to granddaughter

>>124247 Hussein likes Pizza it seems. Probably the male kind…

>>124248 China warns US it may detain Americans over prosecutions of Chinese scholars: report

>>124251 UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton

>>124253 Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>124254 Since the president is speaking in Nevada, and Fox is covering it Live (which is very important), my show Life, Liberty & Levin will air in progress as soon as the president is finished. My show will air for the entire hour at10 PM eastern! - Levin

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6a9a42 No.124263

File: e31e01c5b62855e⋯.jpeg (355.97 KB,1241x1701,1241:1701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143821 (190045ZOCT20) Notable: 45th Space Wing@45thSpaceWing

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This is cool

John Basham 🇺🇲 Retweeted

45th Space Wing@45thSpaceWing

Thank you to the men and women of the 45th Space Wing and


who made this #Starlink launch a success. Keep up the good work as we continue to #SetThePaceForSpace!

Camera with flash: Joshua Conti, 45th Space Wing

11:47 AM · Oct 18, 2020·Twitter Web App


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6a9a42 No.124264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143837 (190046ZOCT20) Notable: Biden destroyed a father of 7 children to protect his Senate career

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Biden destroyed a father of 7 children to protect his Senate career


Daughter of man in ’72 Biden crash seeks apology from widowed Senator

Oct 30, 2008

Newark resident Pamela Hamill wants a public apology from vice presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), who she says has repeatedly besmirched her late father, Curtis C. Dunn.

Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi.

Dunn died in 1999, but his daughter says she’s fed up with Biden publicly mischaracterizing him as having been drunk when the accident occurred.

According to Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation 36 years ago as chief prosecutor, there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said recently.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

Dunn, who overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision, ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance.

Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.

Biden has been alluding to alcohol being involved in the crash for nearly a decade. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.

He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.

More recently, the vice presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn has found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.

It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.

Yet Hamill said she had no idea Biden had been misrepresenting Dunn until late August.

That’s when “Inside Edition” producers requested an interview with Hamill after the television show’s reporters had gathered evidence contradicting Biden’s story.

Hamill says she defended Biden at first, believing that, perhaps, his words had been misconstrued.


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6a9a42 No.124265

File: a8e1525ea4ed12c⋯.jpg (56.66 KB,850x708,425:354,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143858 (190047ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump Continues to Rip Nancy Pelosi Over her Son’s Shady Business Dealings

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President Trump Continues to Rip Nancy Pelosi Over her Son’s Shady Business Dealings


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124266

File: c15a1420b052922⋯.png (272.3 KB,513x698,513:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143885 (190049ZOCT20) Notable: 'Any answers Nancy?

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'Any answers Nancy?'

Donald Trump tries to get a reaction from Speaker Pelosi over a report alleging her son may have been involved in a Ukrainian corruption scandal


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124267

File: a661ad376e40ff7⋯.png (852 KB,930x1096,465:548,Clipboard.png)

File: b2dd5a7f33368b6⋯.png (434.55 KB,662x441,662:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c585c3963ca1f5⋯.png (296.77 KB,720x510,24:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 423c36e84ed6de4⋯.png (721.86 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: e55c3a0089f19e5⋯.png (685.42 KB,720x698,360:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143914 (190051ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter and James Biden slush fund: Hudson West sponsored by the CCP.

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Hunter and James Biden slush fund: Hudson West sponsored by the CCP.




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143922 (190052ZOCT20) Notable: Biden destroyed a father of 7 children to protect his Senate career

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>Daughter of man in ’72 Biden crash seeks apology from widowed Senator

> Oct 30, 2008


But her disbelief turned to anguish when shown a video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance.

Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …”

“I just burst into tears,” Hamill said. “The story already is tragic enough, why did he have to sensationalize it by saying my father was drunk? My family is outraged.”

Hamill appeared on “Inside Edition” on Sept. 18 to set the record straight and now, acting as family spokesperson, she is campaigning for Biden to recant his story and restore her father’s honor.

On Oct. 1, after several attempts to make contact, Hamill sent a registered letter to Biden’s camp, asking him to tell the truth.

She also asked CBS officials to instruct Katie Couric to broadcast the real circumstances surrounding the fatal accident.

As of Sunday, Hamill hadn’t heard from Biden’s camp.

In an Oct. 21 e-mail, a CBS spokesman acknowledged discrepancies in Biden’s story and explained that he’s awaiting word from the “news people.”

Hamill said learning about Biden’s false portrayal of her late father has chilled warm feelings that she once held for the senator.

In 2001, she wrote a heartfelt letter to Biden expressing her father’s profound grief after hearing Biden make a post Sept. 11 speech in which he told the audience that, given his history, he could empathize with victims.

“Growing up, my dad never talked about it. He always got very solemn around Christmastime because the anniversary was Dec. 18, and he never wanted to celebrate the holidays,” Hamill said. “When newspapers had anniversary articles (about the crash), we hid them from dad.”

Biden responded in a handwritten note, which, in part, reads, “All that I can say is I am sorry for all of us and please know that neither I or my sons feel any animosity whatsoever.”

Hamill says that because she fondly recalled those tender correspondences, the revelation of Biden’s distorted story is even more overwhelming.

“We always felt like our heartstrings were attached to (Biden’s) heartstrings. Now we feel stabbed in the back,” she said.

Hamill wants to clear her late father’s name before Biden’s story is even more widely accepted as fact.

“Suppose he becomes the next vice president,” she said. “Movies could be made about him and books could be written about him, all falsely portraying my father as a drunk driver. We need to set the record straight and clear my father’s name right now before this goes any further.”


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6a9a42 No.124269

File: 10967aefa26aed9⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143927 (190052ZOCT20) Notable: Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s Ukraine/China Business Partner — Has Fraud Conviction Re-Instated by Appeals Court and Faces Prison Time

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Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s Ukraine/China Business Partner — Has Fraud Conviction Re-Instated by Appeals Court and Faces Prison Time


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6a9a42 No.124270

File: 04b45239875fc29⋯.png (199.26 KB,1361x513,1361:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143928 (190052ZOCT20) Notable: WELL WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE

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6a9a42 No.124271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143954 (190054ZOCT20) Notable: DNI Ratcliffe calls for investigation of 2017 ICA

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DNI Ratcliffe calls for investigation of 2017 ICA


DNI Ratcliffe wants the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment of “Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections” investigated. He sent a referral to the Intelligence Community Inspector General.

THE 2017 ICA claimed the Russians were helping Donald Trump win and Hillary Clinton lose. Why would Russians do that? Hillary gave away the store to the Russians from canceling Eastern European Defense Systems to uranium mines.

The referral was sent to the CIA Inspector General in 2018 but no meaningful action was taken, according to CBS News’ Catherine Herridge. It was ignored.

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6a9a42 No.124272

File: 7a3d6aa78499603⋯.png (168.19 KB,880x519,880:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143965 (190055ZOCT20) Notable: SPAR850 USAF-457th Airlift Squadron (457 AS) Learjet C-21A departed Langley

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>124258 pb

SPAR850 USAF-457th Airlift Squadron (457 AS) Learjet C-21A departed Langley AFB earlier on ground at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas

landed about 20 minutes ago

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6a9a42 No.124273

File: 0e4425c894feae4⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,468x270,26:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11143978 (190056ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon warning the DS there's a lot more to come

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Steve Bannon warning the DS there's a lot more to come

Steve Bannon’s War Room


#SteveBannon warns #JoeBiden: Much more evidence to come.

You're going to be buried in an avalanche of corruption and how you've sold out US.

#Biden family have stolen money from the Chinese people to enrich themselves.

#WarRoomPandemic #HunterBiden

12:37 PM · Oct 17, 2020·Twitter Web App


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6a9a42 No.124274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144078 (190101ZOCT20) Notable: DELETED OR AT RISK PATRIOT CHANNELS

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Plz add to the list anons, get the word out!

Poster does not necessarily endorse every channel listed. But anons have the right to decide for themselves what to watch, not shills, msm, or social media censors. Please add to these as they change.'''

Alice Down the Rabbit Hole


And We Know



Blessed to Teach


Charlie Ward


Destroying the Illusion


Dustin Nemos



In Pursuit of Truth (IPOT)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/NFKU0zrJnBBY/ (vid: "How to Find Me")


James Red Pills America








McAllister TV


Mouthy Buddha


Patriot News



Praying Medic


Praying Medic







Says he'll be on clouthub soon.

SGT Report







Truth and Art TV


X22 Report





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6a9a42 No.124275

File: ca6149c7fc4823e⋯.png (180.96 KB,921x717,307:239,Clipboard.png)

File: e3d6bd112d5a359⋯.png (302.56 KB,914x991,914:991,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ec730bcb84e8c5⋯.pdf (337.25 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144086 (190101ZOCT20) Notable: Code Rebel and Devin Archer and Lichter

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Code Rebel and Devin Archer and Lichter


File No. 3-18838

Old dig but relevant

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6a9a42 No.124276

File: cda866e43326393⋯.png (146.03 KB,500x509,500:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144093 (190102ZOCT20) Notable: Do you anons also recall that the DNA of the COVID swab samples were also being stored?

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An anon was questioning the connection between these individuals earlier in PB.

Re Q Post #4897

Do you anons also recall that the DNA of the COVID swab samples were also being stored? I know in the UK it is happening for sure. Not sure if this is related to this crumb Q had dropped.

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6a9a42 No.124277

File: f51a43e64d97170⋯.png (455.08 KB,614x396,307:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144102 (190102ZOCT20) Notable: CM - Odin

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6a9a42 No.124278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144124 (190103ZOCT20) Notable: Cal Cunningham First Democrat in 22 Years Not to Receive Charlotte Observer Endorsement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cal Cunningham First Democrat in 22 Years Not to Receive Charlotte Observer Endorsement


The papers wrote:

His [Cunningham’s] lack of judgment during a race that could swing the balance of power in Washington, as well as his selfishness in taking this risk, should deeply trouble North Carolinians. We’re especially concerned about Cunningham’s response to the revelations, which may offer a glimpse into the kind of senator he’d be. If elected, he’ll face his share of flammable issues and controversial votes he’ll need to explain. But in these past two weeks, he’s avoided questions about his behavior — whether it’s part of a pattern, how it conflicts with his military obligations, and if it involved any campaign funds. That’s not accountability. It’s political strategy.

Shoulda kept it in his pants.

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6a9a42 No.124279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144145 (190104ZOCT20) Notable: Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult *: Hooked

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Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult *: Hooked

On now


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6a9a42 No.124280

File: 6dfb9e7a30ac018⋯.png (127.72 KB,1214x629,1214:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144148 (190105ZOCT20) Notable: Not the strongest DELTA, but a delta nontheless

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There we go. Fixed the misspelling.

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6a9a42 No.124281

File: 09966ea1dcca48f⋯.png (116.54 KB,1200x1021,1200:1021,Clipboard.png)

File: 832f054baa4da34⋯.jpg (451.75 KB,1159x2257,19:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1c4d569d672332a⋯.png (108.85 KB,1187x863,1187:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144153 (190105ZOCT20) Notable: Code Rebel and Devin Archer and Lichter

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Moar Lichter leading to Shane Khoh and Bill Richarson

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6a9a42 No.124282

File: 6adf8676442b202⋯.png (184.44 KB,902x440,41:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 8778af96c98e68c⋯.png (449.18 KB,613x304,613:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144164 (190106ZOCT20) Notable: 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Travis AFB after ground stop-inbound from March AFB ne to wait for POTUS and crew coming out of Reno in 16

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Travis AFB after ground stop-inbound from March AFB ne to wait for POTUS and crew coming out of Reno in 16 . It will take several minutes for it to appear as coverage in that area is not very good.

GUCCI09 USAF KC-10A Extender also out of Travis es and will probably be the first shift of the flying gas can

SNTRY26 USAF Sentry AWACS still on station

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6a9a42 No.124283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144165 (190106ZOCT20) Notable: RSBN broke a record 138,000 viewers POTUS RALLY

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RSBN broke a record 138,000 viewers


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6a9a42 No.124284

File: 86d51f0ef4f3265⋯.png (40.71 KB,598x150,299:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144172 (190106ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING NEWS. My sources- as high up as it gets- watched videos on Hunter's laptops TODAY. Just told me point blank…no rumor…they saw Hunter raping & torturing little Chinese children

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BREAKING NEWS. My sources- as high up as it gets- watched videos on Hunter's laptops TODAY. Just told me point blank…no rumor…they saw Hunter raping & torturing little Chinese children…Chinese govt has the same videos…Biden is compromised. Blackmailed. Can NEVER be Prez.

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6a9a42 No.124285

File: b6f5e68638e98b5⋯.png (404.92 KB,605x379,605:379,Clipboard.png)

File: d7e2436133a29bb⋯.png (453.15 KB,547x449,547:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144253 (190110ZOCT20) Notable: DEVELOPING: Man Dangling From Trump Tower Chicago Threatens to Cut His Rope Unless He Gets to Speak with President Trump

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DEVELOPING: Man Dangling From Trump Tower Chicago Threatens to Cut His Rope Unless He Gets to Speak with President Trump

A man on Sunday evening dangling from Trump Tower in Chicago threatened to cut his rope unless he got to speak to President Trump.

Police have blocked off traffic around the tower which overlooks the Chicago River on Wabash Ave

The Chicago Sun Times reported:

A man who is hanging off the side of Trump Tower from a rope Sunday evening is demanding to speak to President Donald Trump.

The man, who is in his 20s, has been dangling from tower’s lower rooftop deck since about 5:15 p.m., asking to speak to the president and trying to get his message to the media, according to Chicago Police spokesman Tom Ahern. A negotiator is currently on the deck trying to get the man down.

Police have blocked off traffic around Trump Tower, which overlooks the Chicago River at 401 N. Wabash Ave. A crowd of onlookers gathered across from the tower, some wondering if it was part of a stunt for a movie.


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6a9a42 No.124286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144282 (190112ZOCT20) Notable: Who was TESSA JOWELL of the UK Labour party? Died of GLIOBLASTOMA, same as Hunter, Teddy, and No-Name.

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Who was TESSA JOWELL of the UK Labour party? Died of GLIOBLASTOMA, same as Hunter, Teddy, and No-Name. Died May 12, 2018. Husband was involved in BRIBERY SCANDAL involving false evidence given in favor of BERLUSCONI in fraud trials.



The cruel truth about glioblastoma: Doctors still have no way to treat the most aggressive type of brain cancer that killed John McCain, Beau Biden and Ted Kennedy



John McCain and Edward Kennedy Died of the Same Cancer, Exactly 9 Years Apart



Why Is Glioblastoma, the Cancer That Killed John McCain, So Deadly?



TESSA'S BATTLE Labour’s Tessa Jowell reveals she has been battling brain cancer since May



CANCER BATTLE What was Tessa Jowell’s cause of death, when was her brain cancer diagnosis and who are her husband and children?



Vaccine for cancer that killed Tessa Jowell 'remarkably promising'



When The Left Longed For Russian Political Interference



Jowell linked to husband's 'bribery' scandal



David Mills guilty of taking bribe linked to Berlusconi trials



Dame Tessa Jowell reconciles with husband David Mills



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6a9a42 No.124287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144306 (190113ZOCT20) Notable: Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?

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Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?

HIALEAH, Fla. — President Donald Trump has long known that his reelection hinges on him winning the battleground state of Florida — and part of that strategy means getting Cuban Americans in South Florida to the polls in large numbers.

But in Hialeah, a working-class, predominantly Cuban city just outside of Miami, a vote for Trump has become about more than just him, or even the Republican Party. It’s about patriotism.

A drive past the city’s biggest intersections shows vendors selling Trump 2020 swag and American flags. And car caravans with dozens of Trump supporters around the city have become a regular occurrence, filled with loud honking and Trump and American flags flung outside windows.

It’s a level of energy for Trump’s reelection — and a show of unabashed nationalism — that Republicans and Democrats alike here agree was not as visible in the past. Many immigrants are deeply patriotic, and for some of them, Trump’s tactics, from flag-hugging to the demonization of Democrats as lefty socialists, resonate. That’s what’s playing out in Hialeah, known as la Ciudad que Progresa, or City of Progress. And countering that is no small challenge for Democrats.

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6a9a42 No.124288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144357 (190117ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Becomes the Hunted

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Hunter Becomes the Hunted



…the U.S. federal government had every reason to know that associates of Hunter Biden, who himself had obtained a lucrative deal with a Ukrainian gas company, were being prosecuted for a massive fraud scheme with one participant, Devon Archer, identified in both activities at the same time the U.S. federal government was probing the partly contemporaneous dealings of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates in Ukraine with an electric cattle prod.

The latter probe was explicitly linked by the Mueller team to the U.S. 2016 election – although the actual Manafort and Gates activities taken to court were all from before 2015. No connection with the U.S. 2016 election was ever established.

The links from the tribal bonds participants, in particular Devon Archer’s, to Hunter Biden would have been of greater potential significance to the 2016 election, given the numerous connections during the election campaign among story elements relevant to the Biden-Ukraine narrative. Those elements include the Democratic Party, Ukraine, scurrilous gossip about candidate Trump, the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, the State Department’s USAID, and U.S. funds in Ukraine overseen by Vice President Joe Biden, as well as the connection with a major donor to the Democratic Party and prominent partner of USAID in Ukraine, George Soros.

The timeframe of chargeable activities in the tribal bonds case, March 2014 through April 2016, was almost exactly contemporaneous with Hunter Biden’s and Devon Archer’s involvement with Burisma, and eventually Joe Biden’s chat with Petro Poroshenko.

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6a9a42 No.124289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144411 (190120ZOCT20) Notable: Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

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Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?


Food for thought

It didn’t surprise the informed, and understandably a bit cynical, to hear that the FBI sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop instead of seeking justice. The bureau was previously involved in an illegal plot to take down Donald Trump, after all, and its Deep State elements would assuredly love to see Joe Biden succeed him in January. So why would they reveal damning information on their establishment hope? Yet suppressing Huntergate perhaps provided a secondary benefit:

The information could be used against Biden once he was in office.

This wouldn’t be anything new. It’s believed that longtime, legendary FBI director J. Edgar Hoover used “dirt files” on politicians for leverage; for one thing, it’s said, this enabled him to remain bureau head for as long as he wished. William Sullivan, once the number three official under Hoover, put it this way: From the moment the director got damning information on a senator, the man would be “right in his pocket.”

So not only could suppressing Huntergate get Biden in office, but then maybe it’s, “Nice presidency you’ve got there, Mr. Biden — I’d hate to see anything happen to it.”

Since the criminality in question could, apparently, put Hunter in prison along with destroying China Joe, the leverage is profound. It could not only be used to control Biden but also his wife, Jill, in the unlikely event she for a time is able to pull off an Edith Wilson (who supposedly ran the show when Woodrow Wilson became incapacitated). She wouldn’t want to see her stepson in the hoosegow and her family’s reputation ruined, after all.

The leverage could also be used to compel a resignation and clear the deck for Kamala Harris, should elevating her be the Deep State’s desire. Besides, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have dirt on her, too. Given what we know about Harris — sleeping her way to the middle, not prosecuting sex abuse cases involving the rich and powerful, etc. — just imagine what we don’t know.

This, ironically, brings us to one of Trump’s strengths. While the Left has been advancing the projection-based narrative that the president is a corrupt man susceptible to blackmail, he has always struck me as the antithesis of that.

Oh, sure, he’ll use the law to his advantage, as he did with eminent domain (which he touted and is wrong about). As for following the law, though, my read on Trump is that he’s as punctilious about that as he is about germs (he’s a famed germaphobe).

And perhaps this is another reason the Deep State wants Trump gone: You can’t have leverage over a man you can’t get dirt on — and you can’t get dirt on a man who’s fanatical about keeping his hands clean.

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6a9a42 No.124290

File: 349836b3a0c50b4⋯.png (1.43 MB,2386x1512,1193:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144417 (190120ZOCT20) Notable: Patchfag/ABCU8 BO is Lords Prayer Spammer

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6a9a42 No.124291

File: 18dc91947848651⋯.jpg (127.08 KB,1300x1300,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144444 (190121ZOCT20) Notable: Q is Real

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Q is Real

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6a9a42 No.124292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144495 (190124ZOCT20) Notable: #14251,

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>>124291 Q is Real

>>124290 Patchfag/ABCU8 BO is Lords Prayer Spammer

>>124289 Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

>>124288 Hunter Becomes the Hunted

>>124283 RSBN broke a record 138,000 viewers POTUS RALLY

>>124287 Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump?

>>124286 Who was TESSA JOWELL of the UK Labour party? Died of GLIOBLASTOMA, same as Hunter, Teddy, and No-Name.

>>124285 DEVELOPING: Man Dangling From Trump Tower Chicago Threatens to Cut His Rope Unless He Gets to Speak with President Trump

>>124284 BREAKING NEWS. My sources- as high up as it gets- watched videos on Hunter's laptops TODAY. Just told me point blank…no rumor…they saw Hunter raping & torturing little Chinese children

>>124282 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Travis AFB after ground stop-inbound from March AFB ne to wait for POTUS and crew coming out of Reno in 16

>>124279 Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult *: Hooked

>>124278 Cal Cunningham First Democrat in 22 Years Not to Receive Charlotte Observer Endorsement

>>124277 CM - Odin

>>124276 Do you anons also recall that the DNA of the COVID swab samples were also being stored?

>>124280 Not the strongest DELTA, but a delta nontheless


>>124273 Steve Bannon warning the DS there's a lot more to come

>>124272 SPAR850 USAF-457th Airlift Squadron (457 AS) Learjet C-21A departed Langley

>>124271 DNI Ratcliffe calls for investigation of 2017 ICA


>>124269 Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s Ukraine/China Business Partner — Has Fraud Conviction Re-Instated by Appeals Court and Faces Prison Time

>>124263 45th Space Wing@45thSpaceWing

>>124265 President Trump Continues to Rip Nancy Pelosi Over her Son’s Shady Business Dealings

>>124266 'Any answers Nancy?

>>124267 Hunter and James Biden slush fund: Hudson West sponsored by the CCP.

>>124264, >>124268 Biden destroyed a father of 7 children to protect his Senate career

>>124275, >>124281 Code Rebel and Devin Archer and Lichter

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6a9a42 No.124293

File: ee888ef6bee7b62⋯.png (1.05 MB,821x491,821:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144614 (190131ZOCT20) Notable: Israel, Bahrain formalize diplomatic relations during joint US-Israeli visit to Gulf state

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Israel, Bahrain formalize diplomatic relations during joint US-Israeli visit to Gulf state

Bahrain has become the fourth Arab nation to formally establish diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv as officials from both states signed a joint communique on the issue during a visit by a high-level US-Israeli delegation to Manama.

The development comes after Bahrain and Israel struck a US-brokered deal on normalization of relations in Washington in mid-September. Now, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s national security adviser, Meir Ben-Shabbat, and the US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin flew to the Bahraini capital at the helm of a high-level joint delegation to finalize the issue.

“Today we made the first formal step in bringing closer ties between the countries,” Ben-Shabbat said, adding that the delegation was welcomed “with open arms, with warmth and cordiality.” Mnuchin called it “an important step in stability in the region” while Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdullatif al-Zayani praised the occasion as “a historic visit” that would help both nations to “have fruitful bilateral relations” in many fields.

Apart from the agreement itself, the sides also signed several memoranda of understanding, covering a number of fields ranging from trade and air services to telecommunications, finance, banking and agriculture.

Bahrain follows the United Arab Emirates in its formal establishemnt of diplomatic ties with Israel. The UAE did so on August 13 following a mediation by the US President Donald Trump. Manama’s intention to normalize relations with Tel Aviv has been previously condemned by various Palestinian factions, including the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Hamas, which saw it as a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.

Iran also slammed the move as did some parts of the Bahraini society and opposition. The Shiite-majority nation is ruled by a Sunni minority that keeps close ties to Saudi Arabia and is wary of Tehran, which it considers a threat to the regional security.

The Israeli delegation is now expected to return back to Tel Aviv while the Americans are scheduled to travel to the UAE on Monday to further advance its relations with Israel. The two nations are expected to sign a deal allowing 28 weekly commercial flights between them on Tuesday.

Only a handful of Muslim countries in the region have recognized Israel since it declared independence in May 1948. Apart from Bahrain and the UAE, only Egypt and Jordan did so in 1979 and 1994, respectively.


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6a9a42 No.124294

File: 535a00691f3cdde⋯.jpeg (480.38 KB,1125x1271,1125:1271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144619 (190132ZOCT20) Notable: Almost 1 year to the day trump was telling us Hunter and Joe were going to have email problems.

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Almost 1 year to the day trump was telling us Hunter and Joe were going to have email problems.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124295

File: 1636312171bb963⋯.png (18.54 KB,531x188,531:188,Clipboard.png)

File: cd374078d0a944c⋯.png (600.13 KB,852x772,213:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144636 (190133ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Disaster for Joe’: As Hunter Biden's lawyers allegedly ask for his laptop BACK, Trump calls its explosive revelations ‘REAL DEAL’

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‘Disaster for Joe’: As Hunter Biden's lawyers allegedly ask for his laptop BACK, Trump calls its explosive revelations ‘REAL DEAL’

Despite questions over the authenticity of damaging content from a hard drive allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, Donald Trump has said the data is a “proven fact,” with Steve Bannon promising there is more to come.

“Hunter Biden’s laptop is a disaster for the entire Biden family, but especially for his father, Joe,” the president tweeted on Sunday.

He blasted his Democrat opponent and said the content of the hard drive, first reported on by the New York Post, “makes it impossible” for him to ever assume the office of the presidency.

“It is now a proven fact, and cannot be denied, that all of that info is the REAL DEAL. That makes it impossible for ‘50%, or 10%’ Joe, to ever assume the office of the President!” he tweeted.

The hard drive, obtained from a Delaware repair shop owner by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, has become a damaging story for Joe Biden, who has seen his national poll numbers slip. That’s despite social media platforms suppressing the story over worries of it being factually unverified, and Biden himself slamming the entire thing as a “smear campaign.”

Data released by the Post includes emails that suggest Hunter Biden was profiting from his father’s position as vice president with foreign companies, and that his father was aware of these business dealings, despite saying in the past that he wasn’t.

Other released data includes lewd photos of Hunter Biden, including one appearing to show a crack pipe hanging from his mouth.


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6a9a42 No.124296

File: 2e303242a02e51e⋯.png (503.01 KB,1140x644,285:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144653 (190134ZOCT20) Notable: Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

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>>124270 (lb)

moar sauce on Makanju:

Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

October 18, 2020

The moment the New York Post reported on some of the sleazy, corrupt details contained on Hunter Biden’s hard drive, Twitter and Facebook, the social media giants most closely connected to the way Americans exchange political information, went into overdrive to suppress the information and protect Joe Biden. In the case of Facebook, though, perhaps one of those protectors was, in fact, protecting herself.

The person currently in charge of Facebook’s election integrity program is Anna Makanju. That name probably doesn’t mean a lot to you, but it should mean a lot – and in a comforting way – to Joe Biden.



Does this Explain Why Facebook Suppressed Hunter Biden Revelations?


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6a9a42 No.124297

File: 57cc6e044009bd3⋯.png (658.56 KB,2047x1309,2047:1309,Clipboard.png)

File: 59068c66a73bfd9⋯.png (443.83 KB,1651x1504,1651:1504,Clipboard.png)

File: a00df64b5f68571⋯.png (463.31 KB,2048x1482,1024:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 6206d272f4a2ca2⋯.jpeg (422.48 KB,2034x1455,678:485,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 18217aab8119354⋯.png (1.05 MB,885x1499,885:1499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144664 (190135ZOCT20) Notable: Hudson West Partners LO SEC Exemption Paperwork

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>>124267 (lb)

Hudson West Partners LO SEC Exemption Paperwork

I would assume the CCP are accredited investors as Hudson West is using a 506(b) safe harbor exemption to not have to register their shit with the sec in accordance with sales/transactions of unregistered securities.

Team Joe can raise lots of cash legally selling unregistered securities.

Penny stock keks!

Oh look a no revenue company.

Hey never Trumpers, now's your chance to put your money where your mouth is!

'Equity'' still available on Team Joe!

Certain restrictions apply. See CCP for details.

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6a9a42 No.124298

File: 0e913a71ffd2ba4⋯.png (192.11 KB,360x240,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: a92e801f197c797⋯.png (124.31 KB,360x239,360:239,Clipboard.png)

File: e41806cfeaddccc⋯.png (148.62 KB,360x240,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144689 (190136ZOCT20) Notable: Two Catholic churches were burned in Santiago, #Chile today, amidst protest.

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==Two Catholic churches were burned in Santiago, #Chile today, amidst protest.

Archbishop Celestino Aos, of Santiago, released a statement lamenting the destruction of churches and public property, "but we regret above all the pain of so many Chilean people of peace and generosity"==

Two Catholic churches were burned in Santiago, #Chile today, amidst protest.

Archbishop Celestino Aos, of Santiago, released a statement lamenting the destruction of churches and public property, "but we regret above all the pain of so many Chilean people of peace and generosity"



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6a9a42 No.124299

File: 6bc466060876c12⋯.png (642.43 KB,1077x1521,359:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 252e9e59837d7e6⋯.png (77.22 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: af38d7c7dfc24d5⋯.png (622.83 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144690 (190136ZOCT20) Notable: MUCKRACK.COM FINANCED BY THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION

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Remember although she is a criminal, there were lots of people working for and are equally complicit in crimes and probably compromised.?



Q - Who is the Enemy of the people


Q - Are there any clinton foundations propaganda agents still operating

A - Yes = Here is Claude Taylor




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6a9a42 No.124300

File: fb834e544106ff7⋯.png (3.02 MB,1948x1653,1948:1653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144696 (190137ZOCT20) Notable: Moar on 23andme and governments owning your DNA; "anonymizing DNA has proved impossible"

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>>124276 (lb)

Moar on 23andme and governments owning your DNA; "anonymizing DNA has proved impossible"



The government owns your DNA. What are they doing with it?


Newborns since 1963 (and possibly earlier) have been tested for genetic disorders via a blood spot from the heel. The data is then aggregated and used for undisclosed research purposes. MA began testing in 1963. Today all 50 states and DC "routinely screen newborns for at least 30 genetic conditions, with some states testing for nearly twice that number." "Now 43 states allow parents to decline the screening process based on religious beliefs or philosophical reasons."

"23andMe has…suggested that its longer-range goal is to collect a massive biobank of genetic information that can be used and sold for medical research and could also lead to patentable discoveries." This characterization is not denied by 23andMe, which tells Newsweek, "The primary mission of our company is to accelerate genetic discovery."

The real money, then, isn't selling you a health analysis; it's in using and selling your data for biomedical research.

The state screening programs and the Newborn Screening Translational Research Network also de-identify newborn baby blood spots before loaning them out to researchers, but so far truly anonymizing DNA has proved impossible.

"Right now we don't know a way to guarantee anonymity from the technical aspect," says Yaniv Ehrlich, a computational biologist at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Your child's DNA, then, might easily move out of the state newborn databases and into research programs where it might be used for purposes you never intended, or even imagined.

DNA databanks enable patentable discoveries…enabling big pharma for the "cures" of "illnesses" that were manmade? Google announcing that they are going into pharma…coincidences?

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6a9a42 No.124301

File: 021912929402cfe⋯.jpg (96.7 KB,771x560,771:560,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144711 (190138ZOCT20) Notable: CM ODIN ode monkey

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6a9a42 No.124302

File: edb397b7b2d6418⋯.jpg (44.57 KB,1260x885,84:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144727 (190139ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden’s chances of winning the presidential election have never been better, oddsmakers say

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Joe Biden’s chances of winning the presidential election have never been better, oddsmakers say

The former Democratic vice president currently has a 74% chance of winning on Nov. 3, while Donald Trump, the incumbent, has a 33% chance, according to implied probability odds from Betfair Trump’s worsening odds come in the wake of his diagnosis with COVID-19 and amid confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and stalled fiscal stimulus talks with Congress

Frens, the rallies of POTUS are packed to the rafters and Biden can't collect a dozen people outside of his staff..Place your betting money on our Trumpster, anons. Easy money..


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6a9a42 No.124303

File: 0093e01ee4b4533⋯.jpeg (162.12 KB,437x1225,437:1225,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 753a52ff1e632be⋯.jpeg (198.89 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ac69a364de177e3⋯.jpeg (531.68 KB,1334x2446,667:1223,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 20a81d67608e9b8⋯.jpeg (70.05 KB,1392x440,174:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7578a99fda3e314⋯.png (1.04 MB,750x558,125:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144730 (190139ZOCT20) Notable: Next few weeks might seem sPooKy too some

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Next few weeks might seem sPooKy too some . (((Freight Fest))) is just around the corner. Keep digging Anons. I got Kek’ed and haven’t gone back .

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6a9a42 No.124304

File: c0aa7f0cda141b7⋯.png (168.91 KB,614x815,614:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144738 (190139ZOCT20) Notable: Q Anon Exposes Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi as MOSSAD supported Agents

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Q Anon Exposes Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi as MOSSAD supported Agents


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6a9a42 No.124305

File: 6460cdf27c9711b⋯.jpg (137.55 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5050d8ac91bbee9⋯.png (428.17 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144740 (190139ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Harris logo projected ontoTrump tower Chicago

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Biden harris logo projected ontoTrump tower Chicago


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6a9a42 No.124306

File: cf2e36416e01d96⋯.png (32.72 KB,605x208,605:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144741 (190140ZOCT20) Notable: DJT Watch the @marklevinshow on @FoxNews at 10:00 P.M. He will importantly be talking about the corruption of Joe Biden

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6a9a42 No.124307

File: 35b4b85b6751fae⋯.jpeg (289.19 KB,1125x1698,375:566,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144743 (190140ZOCT20) Notable: “WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies”

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“WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies”



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6a9a42 No.124308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144756 (190141ZOCT20) Notable: MUCKRACK.COM FINANCED BY THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION

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#11129553 at 2020-10-18 05:46:12 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #14233: We Are The Children of the Night Edition



The Knight Family Charitable Foundation

74 Passaic Street, Ridgewood, N.J. 07450


Note this was used to get me fired from my previous employment.


THE KNIGHT BROTHERS AND http://muckrack.COM - the below lowlife works for them. !!!

Mark Chiusano

http://muckrack.COM IS RUN BY knight brothers.

I did a dig on this after directly being target by one of their reporters. Will not tell you of the incident as i do not want to dox myself.

They pay independent journalists to set up stings and then destroy the people working for them and discredit the company.




The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation is an American non-profit foundation dedicated to fostering "informed and engaged communities" which the foundation believes are "essential for a healthy democracy." The foundation "supports ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities and foster the arts."[2]

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation began as the Knight Memorial Education Fund in 1940. For its first decade, most contributions came from the Akron Beacon Journal and Miami Herald. It was incorporated as Knight Foundation in 1950 in Ohio, and reincorporated as the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation in Florida in 1993. Its first grant in the area of journalism was to the Inter American Press Association in Miami.

After Creed Black assumed the presidency in 1988, the foundation's national presence grew. In 1990 the board of trustees voted to relocate the foundation's headquarters from Akron, Ohio, to Miami, Florida.

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6a9a42 No.124309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144760 (190141ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese whistleblower reveals Hunter Biden “sex tapes” contain video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually Abusing Multiple Underage Chinese Teens

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>>>/qresearch/11144012 LB


Bombshell: Chinese whistleblower reveals Hunter Biden “sex tapes” contain video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually Abusing Multiple Underage Chinese Teens

By Mike Adams -October 18, 2020

We have exclusive breaking news that changes the trajectory of the upcoming US election. Because we speak Mandarin Chinese, we have been able to hear the correct Chinese description of what’s on Hunter Biden’s hard drives which were turned over to the DoJ and Rudy Giuliani. It is from these hard drives that the Hunter Biden emails were acquired by the NY Post in a recent bombshell article by that publisher.

Now, Natural News can exclusively reveal that the Hunter Biden videos contain multiple videos that captured Hunter Biden engaged in extreme sexual ABUSE of under-age Chinese teens, and that there are multiple, different victims captured in the videos. (Natural News is completely banned by Facebook and Twitter, just like the NY Post was banned, because Big Tech censors independent journalists who criticize Democrats.)

The English translation of “Lude’s Broadcast,” shown in the video below, is not fully correct, merely describing the videos as “sex tapes” and “pedo tapes.” But at the 3:19 segment of the video shows below, Lude is actually using Chinese words that describe “sexual abuse” depicted in the Hunter Biden videos.



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6a9a42 No.124310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144777 (190142ZOCT20) Notable: Regarding the attacks from Ch-yna. Obviously OP listed the attacks against this board from Ch-yna, but think of the daily attacks on us as a whole

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>>>>/qresearch/11144427 (/pb)

Regarding the attacks from Ch-yna. Obviously OP listed the attacks against this board from Ch-yna, but think of the daily attacks on us as a whole. By being complicit in this scamdemic, whether knowingly or unknowingly all the Agent Smith's who shill for:

The corrupt Gov't

The corrupt Religions

The corrupt Media

The corrupt Law Enforcement Industry

The corrupt Education System

The corrupt Entertainment Industry

The corrupt Food Industry

The corrupt Energy Industry

The corrupt Medical Industry

The corrupt Political Industry

The corrupt Non-Profit Industry

The corrupt Real Estate Industry

The corrupt Banking Industry

The corrupt Shipping Industry

The corrupt military-industrial complex

are ALL doing the work of Ch-yna. Everyone going with the flow is working against Patriots.

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6a9a42 No.124311

File: b36e525677d94ac⋯.png (416.38 KB,1079x616,1079:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144779 (190143ZOCT20) Notable: Anon theory Pop may not be population

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may not be population


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6a9a42 No.124312

File: b80767fee40fdee⋯.png (71.19 KB,722x775,722:775,Clipboard.png)

File: e59d7e1a87a8f8d⋯.png (18.9 KB,753x189,251:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144793 (190143ZOCT20) Notable: Is Israel a failing state?

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Is Israel a failing state? - analysis

The events on Sunday comprise the largest incident of civil disobedience ever witnessed in the Jewish state.

If you look up the definition of a failed state, the general explanation of the term is a country where the writ of the government does not extend to large parts of the population.

The State of Israel has approximately nine million souls, so what does it mean when at least 5% of those citizens are more inclined to adhere to the instructions of their rabbis than the laws passed by their elected government?

On Sunday morning, tens of thousands of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) families, comprising around half a million citizens, chose to send their children to school in defiance of the government’s instructions to keep those schools closed and the children at home.

A large proportion of those families were following the instructions of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the 92-year-old leader of the Ashkenazi, non-hassidic haredi community who insists that studying Torah, which comprises by far the largest component in the majority of ultra-Orthodox schools, “protects and saves” from physical harm.

The events on Sunday comprise the largest incident of civil disobedience ever witnessed in the Jewish state, according to Prof. Yedidya Stern, an expert on haredi society at the Israel Democracy Institute.

It is an event in which one societal group, en masse, has openly flouted and defied the law, choosing instead to follow the opinion of a source of authority other than the government.

Moreover, this was not a group of anti-Zionist extremists from the depths of Mea She’arim, but a massive slice of the haredi mainstream. They are people who vote in national and municipal elections, who have a good understanding of broader Israeli society – and many of them, especially the women, have jobs.


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6a9a42 No.124313

File: 125439c4e614248⋯.png (24.41 KB,602x279,602:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144807 (190145ZOCT20) Notable: Mike Pompeo Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart

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“Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.” Proverbs 3:3



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6a9a42 No.124314

File: f5515a29a419b3f⋯.png (323.32 KB,478x461,478:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144811 (190145ZOCT20) Notable: Australia financial crime watchdog investigates casino giant Crown

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Australia financial crime watchdog investigates casino giant Crown, shares tumble


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6a9a42 No.124315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144812 (190145ZOCT20) Notable: China wants breakup of India. Bad move. India can press any of its 3 raw nerves any moment

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China wants breakup of India. Bad move. India can press any of its 3 raw nerves any moment


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece Global Times has published a story titled, “India to invite trouble playing Taiwan card.” But India has bigger plans. Watch for more details!

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6a9a42 No.124316

File: 82fca954c11cdf8⋯.png (423.13 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144821 (190146ZOCT20) Notable: Tomorrow is the 19th just saying

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Tomorrow is the 19th just saying

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6a9a42 No.124317

File: cab8967458a6d55⋯.png (125.15 KB,1102x520,551:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144864 (190148ZOCT20) Notable: Evan McMullin panic

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6a9a42 No.124318

File: be7bedbd04a50dc⋯.png (8.19 KB,309x347,309:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144870 (190149ZOCT20) Notable: We have a few drops referring to 11.3, here is essentially another because it is 11.2.17 but says tomorrow, ie, 11.3.

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A 3 year delta upcoming:

We have a few drops referring to 11.3, here is essentially another because it is 11.2.17 but says tomorrow, ie, 11.3.

potus knew it would take a 3+ year Show to gain enough support to arrest any corrupt Pols, and it would require building iron clad evidence proving crime beyond a reasonable doubt, before even attempting arrests. Moving with probable cause alone would not work, and in order to prevent mass panic due to fake narratives msm and tech will need to be controlled via force of Nat Sec provisions and power with Mil as needed. To do this we needed to establish a true enemy combatant threat more than an untried one determined by a war on terror after 9-11. we have case law/precedent to rely on for many 100s of years. SC decisions. I think we can expect Q posts from Day 1 starting 10-28-17 to be the PLAN now, future proves past….stage is set.

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6a9a42 No.124319

File: 9fbb1382de381f9⋯.png (198.92 KB,936x508,234:127,Clipboard.png)

File: a638ec5f75cc9a7⋯.png (643.59 KB,759x380,759:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144885 (190150ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag

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09-0016 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS departed Reno-Tahoe International Airport, NV and appears on scope south to McCarran Int'l-LV

-POTUS departs McCarran International Airport en route to RON Location-Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas

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6a9a42 No.124320

File: f5bf2baa03f4030⋯.png (151.91 KB,527x467,527:467,Clipboard.png)

File: c6050689a706011⋯.png (672.81 KB,1380x816,115:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144891 (190151ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

Reno, Nevada Las Vegas


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6a9a42 No.124321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144898 (190151ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

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Red horizon

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6a9a42 No.124322

File: c1804b7e9d0400c⋯.jpeg (268.53 KB,2048x438,1024:219,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144915 (190153ZOCT20) Notable: Tomorrow is the 19th just saying

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Planefags can confirm today’s E-4B plane name is Legit19

Same was Trust17

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6a9a42 No.124323

File: a602f91f24d794d⋯.png (55.59 KB,1290x1290,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144941 (190155ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


777 ohr DC10?

DAG [i]


Don't touch the ground.

FedEx Cargo?

Do Horse Fly?


19 Days



Sold Out

Result Not


Targeted Bio-Fear Weapons

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124324

File: ea8d7d141c0db2b⋯.png (429.03 KB,598x976,299:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144944 (190155ZOCT20) Notable: Schiff comms? you decide.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Can't pull the video for some reason, but anyone else think this is some sort of comms? Gang of 8?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124325

File: 9dc02c044774281⋯.jpg (142.85 KB,892x584,223:146,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144959 (190156ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124326

File: 7adcec3fc327423⋯.jpg (212.75 KB,810x540,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144971 (190157ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124327

File: 7c135f8c575c9f3⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11144987 (190158ZOCT20) Notable: Schiff comms? you decide.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124328

File: 10b7b54ece4dbe6⋯.jpg (229.28 KB,1453x715,1453:715,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145088 (190204ZOCT20) Notable: How Grief Became Joe Biden’s ‘Superpower’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How Grief Became Joe Biden’s ‘Superpower’

Two tragedies, 43 years apart, have defined the former vice president’s life. Have they also made him a more formidable presidential candidate?

By MICHAEL KRUSE January 25, 2019

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124329

File: abd70b53d5f4334⋯.png (1.23 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145090 (190204ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124330

File: 03647b826d64863⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB,936x532,234:133,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145132 (190208ZOCT20) Notable: Disinformation is Necessary - "Let's see what happens."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Disinformation is Necessary - "Let's see what happens."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124331

File: e1d77c934fd42e1⋯.png (252.86 KB,1221x823,1221:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 557b52b10576d5d⋯.png (436.65 KB,983x915,983:915,Clipboard.png)

File: 6217d45e4e813f0⋯.png (356.58 KB,1040x721,1040:721,Clipboard.png)

File: b93dac640b4bc73⋯.png (75.79 KB,1303x351,1303:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145146 (190209ZOCT20) Notable: Moar on Anna Adeola Makanju from FB: HunterGate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Moar on Anna Adeola Makanju from FB: HunterGate

Info taken and verified from >>>/qresearch/11141735.

Birth date: ~1970s (Anna is currently in her 40s, so she was born in the early 1970s)

Born: St. Petersburg, Russia (then Leningrad)

Anna's father: King Oba Akoni-Agogo (Nigerian)

Anna's mother: Ukrainian

Anna's husband: Alexander Joseph

Anna is a Princess (pun not intended). Her husband is described as a "white American" in the article.

Anna also comments in Russian on the article (third link below) that said was for All Lives Matter:

"Sometimes you want to think that a person is far away, in Russia, and of course cannot understand all the subtleties of the situation. But then he writes that "blacks have not made any noticeable contribution to world culture" and then it is clear that, firstly, a person is deprived of even minimal mental abilities, and secondly, he is simply a convinced racist."




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145214 (190213ZOCT20) Notable: #14208-14251, #14252

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sunday 10.18.20

>>124150 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (CAP: >>124152, >>124157)

>>124139 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (CAP: >>124141 (You))

>>124136 ————————————–——– Do you see a pattern? (VIDEO: >>124137)

>>124036 ————————————–——– Why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the H. Biden laptop case? [special agent Joshua Wilson]

>>124027 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Wojcicki family

>>124026 ————————————–——– How is the game played? Abrams family (Cap: >>124060)

>>124002 ————————————–——– Masks don't work, photo of mask box (CAP: >>124062)

>>124000 ————————————–——– Alexandra Chalupa Panic (CAP: >>124006)

>>123997 ————————————–——– HOW IS THE GAME PLAYED? Examples. DRAIN THE SWAMP (CAP: >>124070)

>>123830 ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" ( CAP: >>123831 )

>>123821 ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

>>123810 ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.

>>123799 ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: >>123802 (You))

>>123797 ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? (CAP: >>123800 (You))


>>124293 Israel, Bahrain formalize diplomatic relations during joint US-Israeli visit to Gulf state

>>124294 Almost 1 year to the day trump was telling us Hunter and Joe were going to have email problems.

>>124295 ‘Disaster for Joe’: As Hunter Biden's lawyers allegedly ask for his laptop BACK, Trump calls its explosive revelations ‘REAL DEAL’

>>124296 Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

>>124297 Hudson West Partners LO SEC Exemption Paperwork

>>124298 Two Catholic churches were burned in Santiago, #Chile today, amidst protest.

>>124300 Moar on 23andme and governments owning your DNA; "anonymizing DNA has proved impossible"

>>124301 CM ODIN ode monkey

>>124302 Joe Biden’s chances of winning the presidential election have never been better, oddsmakers say

>>124303 Next few weeks might seem sPooKy too some

>>124304 Q Anon Exposes Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi as MOSSAD supported Agents

>>124306 DJT Watch the @marklevinshow on @FoxNews at 10:00 P.M. He will importantly be talking about the corruption of Joe Biden

>>124307 “WARNING: Liberal Groups Caught Posting Fake Photos Online So They Can Claim the Hunter Biden Stories Recently Uncovered Are Conspiracies”


>>124305 Biden Harris logo projected ontoTrump tower Chicago

>>124309 Chinese whistleblower reveals Hunter Biden “sex tapes” contain video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually Abusing Multiple Underage Chinese Teens

>>124311 Anon theory Pop may not be population

>>124312 Is Israel a failing state?

>>124313 Mike Pompeo Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart

>>124314 Australia financial crime watchdog investigates casino giant Crown

>>124315 China wants breakup of India. Bad move. India can press any of its 3 raw nerves any moment

>>124316 , >>124322, Tomorrow is the 19th just saying

>>124310 Regarding the attacks from Ch-yna. Obviously OP listed the attacks against this board from Ch-yna, but think of the daily attacks on us as a whole

>>124317 Evan McMullin panic

>>124318 We have a few drops referring to 11.3, here is essentially another because it is 11.2.17 but says tomorrow, ie, 11.3.

>>124319 Planefag

>>124320 , >>124321, >>124323, >>124325, >>124326, >>124329, Dan Scavino Red horizon Reno, Nevada Las Vegas

>>124324 , >>124327, Schiff comms? you decide.

>>124328 How Grief Became Joe Biden’s ‘Superpower’

>>124331 Moar on Anna Adeola Makanju from FB: HunterGate

>>124330 Disinformation is Necessary - "Let's see what happens."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124333

File: 6cd8138a28b69a7⋯.png (351.93 KB,597x602,597:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d8cfd8720cc676⋯.gif (4.5 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145319 (190223ZOCT20) Notable: CM Worried?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CM Worried?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145321 (190223ZOCT20) Notable: BIDEN/CHINA VERY IMPORTANT MARKER

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Q !xowAT4Z3VQ No.462 📁

Mar 27 2018 23:03:07 (EST)

Why did Kim travel to China?

Why was travel impossible in the past?

What changed?

What constitutes the need for a F2F meeting v. secured call?

What US publicly traded co. previously entered N. Korea to establish comms?

Think logically.



Who is Sergey Brin?

Where was Sergey born?



Think KGB.

US, China, N Korea [3].

FACEBOOK data dump?

Who made it public?

Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?

You can't imagine the magnitude of this.

Constitutional CRISIS.

Twitter coming soon.

GOOG coming soon.

AMAZON coming soon.

MICROSOFT coming soon.


Current censorship all relates to push for power [mid-terms].


Election FRAUD cases OPEN - DOJ [many].

Follow the FAMILY.

Follow resignations [Business/Gov't].


Who made it public?

Who really made it public?

Who is making it all public?









These people are STUPID.

Art of the Deal.




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6a9a42 No.124335

File: 1e74c97e2e63e41⋯.png (1007.7 KB,928x988,232:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145331 (190225ZOCT20) Notable: NYT is deeply loyal to their masters the Chinese Communist Party

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NYT is deeply loyal to their masters the Chinese Communist Party.


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6a9a42 No.124336

File: f5609092d75c966⋯.png (383.97 KB,598x449,598:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145335 (190225ZOCT20) Notable: CM Worried?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124337

File: 8683d3cd26f1536⋯.png (472.56 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 5aec450ffd4990e⋯.png (482.32 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145340 (190226ZOCT20) Notable: Anons - fresh meme ammo!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General, reporting for duty.


(This anon does tweet, but this MEME now belongs to NIGHT SHIFT)


Dig. MEME. Pray.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124338

File: 15d61d19eb6d385⋯.png (449.57 KB,1200x966,200:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145353 (190227ZOCT20) Notable: Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124339

File: 680d5dbece10eb1⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,1125x1947,375:649,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145354 (190227ZOCT20) Notable: Trump vindicated about CA wildfires

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump vindicated about CA wildfires https://twitter.com/nbcnews/status/1317900024341274625?s=21

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124340

File: 77822266936544c⋯.png (525 KB,500x498,250:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145361 (190228ZOCT20) Notable: SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DUE TO INCREASED ATTACKS AND Q SITES BEING TAKEN OFFLINE, you are strongly encouraged to DOWNLOAD the spreadsheet It is available in many different file formats to suit your needs. The more copies, the better.

You do NOT need a google account to download the file.


to Q post >>124150


SPREADSHEET entries include:

- date, post #, EST/EDT timestamp, userID

- direct link to post, link to post on archive.fo (to that exact post, no need to scroll to find it)

- post content including IMAGE(S)

— direct link on chan/board/

— permanent link in offsite gallery

— filename of ALL images Q posts

- archives of every link Q posts (except pdfs & videos) or anon he responds to posts

Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


This includes EVERY image Q has ever posted or was in a post Q responded to

(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3brh8m11m/

FEB: https://postimg.cc/gallery/isxphakq/

MAR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/mjl2ud6y/

APR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/VcHNYYZ

MAY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dYb63fh

JUN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dTDZRxj

JULY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/

AUG: https://postimg.cc/gallery/y321pVL

SEPT: https://postimg.cc/gallery/xMtXXFz

OCT: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Qd8JkjT


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/

March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9ahuk56/

April: https://postimg.cc/gallery/16gtgjvx6/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2uneblcuy/

June: https://postimg.cc/gallery/31uv0lwqi/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2atvilh6i/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1anknsku2/



Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1efnfn0re/

Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1se5rh1ay/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do not expire, you need no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)

There are archives going back to the very 1st Q post on 4/pol/



JAN: https://anonfile.com/E70dAat5bc/01-19_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar

Mar: https://anonfile.com/sbg732b3n4/03-19_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/sdk0o9m3ne/04-19_APR_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/R1PbZbw5na/05-19_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/IcJf9ay4n7/06-19_JUN_rar

JULY: https://anonfile.com/7ft6Rd16n2/07-19_JUL_rar

AUG: https://anonfile.com/FatcK59dn4/08-19_AUG_rar



NOV: https://anonfile.com/p3x3Z7C8n6/11-19_NOV_rar

DEC: https://anonfile.com/9384U2O8n1/12-19_DEC_rar


JAN: https://anonfile.com/7ejeF0S7n4/01-20_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/l4A8O3p7o2/02-20_FEB_rar

MAR: https://anonfiles.com/983dG3ndo6/03-20_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/V9Y9yev2of/04-20_APRIL_rar

MAY: https://anonfiles.com/Jd7cn846o6/05-20_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfiles.com/pf50E0Deoc/06-20_JUNE_rar

JULY: https://anonfiles.com/XbabD8N2o2/07-20_JULY_rar

AUG: https://anonfiles.com/T5Z0P3Qcof/08-20_AUG_rar

SEPT: https://anonfiles.com/jbX7ocbcpf/09-20_SEPT_rar

OCT: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link

→ RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.



For archive links to previous years, please just ask.

Patriots, archive offline!

THANK YOU all you Patriot archive corps - your help is invaluable!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124341

File: 1ec1a1228acdcf8⋯.png (479.31 KB,529x703,529:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 7eb348bd8a66832⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,320x408,40:51,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145365 (190228ZOCT20) Notable: Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>wtf are you talking about?

BREAKING: Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump — releases message:


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124342

File: 56db48ca160f9c5⋯.png (1.13 MB,1487x2048,1487:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145367 (190229ZOCT20) Notable: CM Worried?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stay safe CM. Praying for your protection. WWG1WGA


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124343

File: a9636e4d298adf0⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145370 (190229ZOCT20) Notable: Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11145333 Trump Tower dangler

BLM activist according to his FB livestream



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124344

File: 687da1278bc6635⋯.jpg (380.69 KB,467x3543,467:3543,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145377 (190229ZOCT20) Notable: 7MASSIVE HAPPENING TRUDEAU LOCKDOWN PLANS LEAKED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124345

File: c83427606ac1b17⋯.jpg (359.71 KB,1079x1305,1079:1305,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 12875873a2aa3af⋯.pdf (444.81 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145381 (190229ZOCT20) Notable: Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124346

File: a059f43f00de783⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,320x404,80:101,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145391 (190230ZOCT20) Notable: Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>>>/qresearch/11145313 lb



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145398 (190231ZOCT20) Notable: Longer video of man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Says he is member of Blacks Lives Matter.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124348

File: fef93bf6e2ff7ad⋯.png (98.33 KB,1170x608,585:304,Clipboard.png)

File: 6318d4b5f0840ec⋯.png (58.67 KB,264x302,132:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145409 (190231ZOCT20) Notable: Zbigniew Brzezinski's coat of arms 666

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11145304 lb

Zbigniew Brzezinski's coat of arms


It's easy to see how it all connects by following the crests

This is also used by the Radziwill family

One of which married Jackie O's sister

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124349

File: f1600f6ffc2be2a⋯.jpg (63.7 KB,580x472,145:118,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145441 (190233ZOCT20) Notable: 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

The genetic-testing company's real goal is to hoard your personal data

If there’s a gene for hubris, the 23andMe crew has certainly got it. Last Friday the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered the genetic-testing company immediately to stop selling its flagship product, its $99 “Personal Genome Service” kit. In response, the company cooed that its “relationship with the FDA is extremely important to us” and continued hawking its wares as if nothing had happened. Although the agency is right to sound a warning about 23andMe, it’s doing so for the wrong reasons.

But as the FDA frets about the accuracy of 23andMe’s tests, it is missing their true function, and consequently the agency has no clue about the real dangers they pose. The Personal Genome Service isn’t primarily intended to be a medical device. It is a mechanism meant to be a front end for a massive information-gathering operation against an unwitting public.

Sound paranoid? Consider the case of Google. (One of the founders of 23andMe, Anne Wojcicki, is presently married to Sergei Brin, the founder of Google.) When it first launched, Google billed itself as a faithful servant of the consumer, a company devoted only to building the best tool to help us satisfy our cravings for information on the web. And Google’s search engine did just that. But as we now know, the fundamental purpose of the company wasn’t to help us search, but to hoard information. Every search query entered into its computers is stored indefinitely. Joined with information gleaned from cookies that Google plants in our browsers, along with personally identifiable data that dribbles from our computer hardware and from our networks, and with the amazing volumes of information that we always seem willing to share with perfect strangers—even corporate ones—that data store has become Google’s real asset. By parceling out that information to help advertisers target you, with or without your consent, Google makes more than $10 billion every quarter.


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6a9a42 No.124350

File: 6572bdc0818d2b9⋯.png (76.36 KB,895x732,895:732,Clipboard.png)

File: fcb8375c8502d41⋯.png (67.41 KB,909x721,909:721,Clipboard.png)

File: b457ad16b493eb0⋯.png (46.21 KB,973x768,973:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145446 (190234ZOCT20) Notable: This is the Trip Report from the trip Hunter took with Joe Biden to China on AF2, when Hunter got the load guarantees

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The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

December 04, 2013

Background Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on the Vice President's Asia Trip

Beijing, China

This is the Trip Report from the trip Hunter took with Joe Biden to China on AF2, when Hunter got the load guarantees.


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6a9a42 No.124351

File: 7922db2d16bfe17⋯.jpg (111.08 KB,806x452,403:226,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145476 (190237ZOCT20) Notable: Cuomo killed my parents': Protesters fill casket with copies of New York Governor's book on his Covid-19 response 'leadership

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'Cuomo killed my parents': Protesters fill casket with copies of New York Governor's book on his Covid-19 response 'leadership

Dozens who have lost loved ones after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s controversial Covid-19 nursing home order gathered in Brooklyn to protest the politician, who recently wrote a book on his leadership during the pandemic.

The protesters gathered in front of the Cobble Hill Health Center, a nursing facility, and demanded an apology from Cuomo for his highly controversial March 25 order forcing nursing homes to accept Covid-positive cases, a decision many critics feel was a large factor in the 6500 deaths in nursing homes during the pandemic.

Holding signs with such messages as “Cuomo killed my parents” and “Cuomo writes books rather than apologizing,” the demonstrators filled a casket with 6500 covers to Cuomo’s recently released book ‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.’

NEW YORK: Novel Cuomo protest: A casket filled with 6,500 copies of Cuomo’s new book extolling his Covid leadership was dumped at a nursing home, one for each nursing home patient who died. pic.twitter.com/lqHaAHXpb6

— KolHaolam (@KolHaolam) October 18, 2020


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6a9a42 No.124352

File: 332ac93415cfbf5⋯.png (321.74 KB,1052x475,1052:475,Clipboard.png)

File: eec8c1f3008813d⋯.png (209.09 KB,456x358,228:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 09b38777609d66a⋯.png (405.23 KB,785x445,157:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145484 (190237ZOCT20) Notable: PF 09-0016 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS on final approach for McCarran Int'l, LV from Reno

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09-0016 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS on final approach for McCarran Int'l, LV from Reno

-POTUS departs McCarran International Airport en route to RON Location-Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas

GUCCI09 USAF KC-10 Extender with the first shift

09-0017 USAF C-32A on approach for March AFB for another overnight-landed at about 724pm local

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6a9a42 No.124353

File: 59a607026fcdd67⋯.jpg (56.26 KB,810x457,810:457,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145516 (190239ZOCT20) Notable: Disturbing’: Michigan governor blasts Trump for inciting ‘domestic terrorism’ after ‘lock her up’ chant at rally

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‘Disturbing’: Michigan governor blasts Trump for inciting ‘domestic terrorism’ after ‘lock her up’ chant at rally

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has accused President Donald Trump of encouraging “domestic terrorism” after his rally in the state included supporters chanting “lock her up” days after a botched kidnapping plot against her.

At a rally in Michigan on Saturday, Trump blasted Whitmer for keeping her state on lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic, leading the crowd to chant, “lock her up.”

The president responded by saying, “lock ‘em all up.”

The comment earned Trump, who has referred to Whitmer as “a dictator” in the past, criticism from many liberals considering the comments came only days after multiple people were arrested for allegedly plotting to kidnap the governor out of anger over Covid-19 restrictions in the state. The governor herself responded on Sunday during an appearance on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ where she accused the president of inciting “domestic terrorism.”


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6a9a42 No.124354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145517 (190239ZOCT20) Notable: 7MASSIVE HAPPENING TRUDEAU LOCKDOWN PLANS LEAKED

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6a9a42 No.124355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145535 (190241ZOCT20) Notable: Top US Official Traveled to Syria for Talks With Damascus on US Citizens' Release

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Top US Official Traveled to Syria for Talks With Damascus on US Citizens' Release

Top White House counterterrorism official Kash Patel recently went to Damascus to discuss the release of US citizens with the Syrian government, The Wall Street Journal reports, citing unnamed Trump administration officials.

The exact date of the secret talks remains unknown, but Patel, a deputy assistant to US President Donald Trump, went to Syria earlier this year, marking the first time since 2010 that such a high-level US official has met with the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Britain's Home Secretary Priti Patel holds daily digital news conference with NHS Medical Director, Professor Stephen Powis (not pictured) and NCA Director General, Lynne Owens (not pictured) on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, at 10 Downing Street in London, Britain April 25, 2020.

© REUTERS / Pippa Fowles/10 Downing Street/Handout

Priti Patel Bullying Inquiry Report Should Be Published 'As Soon As Possible', Labour Party Says

According to The Wall Street Journal, Patel was trying to secure the release of at least two Americans believed to be held citizen in Syria - Austin Tice, a former Marine and freelance journalist, and Majd Kamalmaz, a Syrian-American therapist.

In March, Trump said his administration was "working very hard with Syria" to get Austin Tice back to the US.

In August, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that Trump wrote to Assad in March to propose direct dialogue on the missing journalist.

Tice disappeared in Syria in August 2012. The US government has offered a $1 million reward for information that could help with Tice’s release.


Austin’s mother said Trump wants to bring her son home but US officials were blocking negotiations.

On Friday Lebanon’s General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim traveled to Washington for several issues related to US hostages in Syria, with reports suggesting he may have new information on journalist Austin Tice.

On Sunday the media reported that Trump adviser Kash Patel recently traveled to Syria for talks to secure the release of US hostages in the country.

The Hill reported:

An assistant to President Trump recently met with Syrian officials in Damascus as part of efforts to secure the release of American hostages, the first known talks between the U.S. and Bashar al-Assad’s regime in years, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Deputy assistant to the president Kash Patel met with officials with Assad’s government during his trip, officials familiar with Patel’s work told the Journal, though the identities of those whom Patel met with were not released.

The White House and State Department did not immediately return requests for comment from the Journal or The Hill. The talks would represent the first known communication between the White House and the Syrian government since the end of U.S.-Syria relations in 2012 under the Obama administration, which came during the height of the Syrian Civil War.


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6a9a42 No.124356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145561 (190242ZOCT20) Notable: Categories include: cases & testing, deaths & deathrate, lockdowns, hcq/hydroxychloroquine, masks, politicization, media spin

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Live & Updated: https://pastelink.net/1z94s

Archive: https://archive.is/mjKjZ

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6a9a42 No.124357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145568 (190243ZOCT20) Notable: Gov Whitmer “Encouraging Assassination Attempts Against President Trump” With Bizzare “86 45” During “Meet The Press” Appearance

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Trump War Room Accuses Gov Whitmer Of “Encouraging Assassination Attempts Against President Trump” With Bizzare “86 45” Displayed Message During “Meet The Press” Appearance

Yesterday afternoon, President Trump hosted a massive rally in Muskegon, MI.

During the rally, President Trump mentioned Michigan’s overreaching Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the crowd responded with a “Lock her up!” chant, which was commonly heard at his 2016 rallies but was directed at “Crooked Hillary.”

The unhinged Democrat governor, without no basis for her claim, blamed President Trump for Michigan residents calling for her to be “locked up” at his rally.

Michigan’s Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, ever the drama queen, tweeted a clip of the Michigan residents chanting “Lock her up!” In the same dramatic fashion as a 13-year-old starved for attention from her peers, she wrote: “This is exactly the rhetoric that has put me, my family, and other government officials’ lives in danger while we try to save the lives of our fellow Americans. It needs to stop.”


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6a9a42 No.124358

File: 596d2a47f424e9a⋯.png (37.88 KB,822x328,411:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145613 (190247ZOCT20) Notable: Zbigniew Brzezinski's coat of arms 666

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6a9a42 No.124359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145627 (190248ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden mother car crash (2019)

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“For whatever reason, Neilia Biden, who was holding the baby, ended up in the right of way of Dunn’s truck coming down a long hill,” Politico reported. A friend of Biden’s who looked into the accident at the time told Politico, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”


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6a9a42 No.124360

File: 0e7a34e4a6a07e0⋯.jpg (44.41 KB,983x496,983:496,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145645 (190249ZOCT20) Notable: Virginia passes law that prevents LAW enforcement of Car defect violations

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Virginia legislature passes bill preventing cops from stopping cars with no headlights, brake lights, etc.

RICHMOND, VA- The pure “genius” of the Virginia General Assembly knows no bounds.

One of the leading indicators of a drunk driver at night is a car that is operating with no lights on. Criminals who are casing neighborhoods for burglaries also like to cruise around with their lights off.

Under a law passed by the General Assembly, police officers would no longer be able to use operating without lights lit as probable cause to conduct a traffic stop. There are numerous other equipment violations that are included as well.

As we said, pure genius.


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6a9a42 No.124361

File: 7b4efc861ca6753⋯.png (3.94 MB,1272x9886,636:4943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145657 (190249ZOCT20) Notable: 7MASSIVE HAPPENING TRUDEAU LOCKDOWN PLANS LEAKED

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>>>/qresearch/11145598 >>>/qresearch/11145610 >>>/qresearch/11145638

>>124344 >>>/qresearch/11145426 >>>/qresearch/11145430 >>>/qresearch/11145440 >>>/qresearch/11145457 >>>/qresearch/11145469 >>>/qresearch/11145497 >>>/qresearch/11145506 >>>/qresearch/11145509 >>124354 >>>/qresearch/11145527 >>>/qresearch/11145531

more sauce

Here is a full article in French that I published on my website (you can translate it into English with Google): https://guyboulianne.com/2020/10/16/revelations-choc-le-parti-communiste-chinois-deploie-les-troupes-de-larmee-populaire-de-liberation-apl-en-colombie-britannique.

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6a9a42 No.124362

File: d73f5352dce70a2⋯.png (115.83 KB,945x445,189:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 42dc8b1fe84b625⋯.png (253.71 KB,459x255,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145683 (190251ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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DAVEN71 USAFSOC C-32A departed Hickam AFB, Oahu east after an inbound and overnight at Boeing Field Seattle heading for Guam-Anderson AFB

MCNA11 and 12 USAF KC-46A Pegasus departed Anderson north

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6a9a42 No.124363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145685 (190251ZOCT20) Notable: 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

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part 2

What the search engine is to Google, the Personal Genome Service is to 23andMe. The company is not exactly hiding its ambitions. “The long game here is not to make money selling kits, although the kits are essential to get the base level data,” Patrick Chung, a 23andMe board member, told FastCompany last month. “Once you have the data, [the company] does actually become the Google of personalized health care.” The company has lowered the price of the kit again and again, most recently from $299 to a mere $99, practically making it a stocking-stuffer. All the better to induce volunteers to give 23andMe the data it so desperately wants. (Currently, the database contains the genetic information of some half a million people, a number Wojcicki reportedly wants to double by year end.)

What does 23andMe want to do with all that data? Right now the talk is all about medical research—and, in fact, the company is doing some interesting work. It has been sifting through its genomic database, which is combined with information that volunteers submit about themselves, to find possible genetic links to people’s traits. (The bright-light/sneeze genetic tag is a 23andMe discovery.) More promising are 23andMe’s attempts to recruit people who suffer from certain diseases, such as Parkinson’s and a few types of cancer. Simply through brute-force pattern matching, the company has a chance of finding genetic causes of these ailments, which could lead to a way to combat them. (And perhaps a blockbuster patent or three.)

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6a9a42 No.124364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145700 (190252ZOCT20) Notable: 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

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Part 3

That’s just the beginning, though. 23andMe reserves the right to use your personal information—including your genome—to inform you about events and to try to sell you products and services. There is a much more lucrative market waiting in the wings, too. One could easily imagine how insurance companies and pharmaceutical firms might be interested in getting their hands on your genetic information, the better to sell you products (or deny them to you). According to 23andMe’s privacy policy, that wouldn’t be an acceptable use of the database. Although 23andMe admits that it will share aggregate information about users genomes to third parties, it adamantly insists that it will not sell your personal genetic information without your explicit consent.

newsletter promo

Sign up for Scientific American’s free newsletters.

We’ve heard that one before. Back when Google was first launched, the founders insisted that the company would never sell you out to advertisers. The company admitted that it would share aggregate information about users’ behavior with anyone who ponied up enough money, but the company’s privacy policy promised that “[i]ndividually identifiable information about you is not willfully disclosed to any third party without first receiving your permission.” A decade and a half later, after countless minuscule frog-in-boiling-water changes, Google’s privacy policy is craftily worded, diluting the word “consent” so that it’s implicit in most cases. (There are a few exceptions; the company has graciously agreed not to reveal that you are a homosexual or that you have heart disease unless you explicitly opt in. But in matters not related to your medical conditions, race, ethnicity, sexuality, or your political or religious beliefs, there is no such guarantee.) Not that your consent really matters, implicit or explicit. Google has repeatedly proven that it is more than willing to break its promises and ignore its own privacy rules when it suits.


Why should we believe that 23andMe’s promises are any more binding? Early signs certainly aren’t encouraging. Even though 23andMe currently asks permission to use your genetic information for scientific research, the company has explicitly stated that its database-sifting scientific work “does not constitute research on human subjects,” meaning that it is not subject to the rules and regulations that are supposed to protect experimental subjects’ privacy and welfare.

Those of us who have not volunteered to be a part of the grand experiment have even less protection. Even if 23andMe keeps your genome confidential against hackers, corporate takeovers, and the temptations of filthy lucre forever and ever, there is plenty of evidence that there is no such thing as an “anonymous” genome anymore. It is possible to use the internet to identify the owner of a snippet of genetic information and it is getting easier day by day.

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6a9a42 No.124365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145713 (190253ZOCT20) Notable: 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

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Part 4

This becomes a particularly acute problem once you realize that every one of your relatives who spits in a 23andMe vial is giving the company a not-inconsiderable bit of your own genetic information to the company along with their own. If you have several close relatives who are already in 23andMe’s database, the company already essentially has all that it needs to know about you. It is doubtful that 23andMe would be able to protect that information even if it were so inclined.

While the FDA concentrates on the question of whether 23andMe’s kit is a safe and effective medical device, it is failing to address the real issue: what 23andMe should be allowed to do with the data it collects. For 23andMe’s Personal Genome Service is much more than a medical device; it is a one-way portal into a world where corporations have access to the innermost contents of your cells and where insurers and pharmaceutical firms and marketers might know more about your body than you know yourself. And as 23andMe warns on its website, “Genetic Information that you share with others could be used against your interests. You should be careful about sharing your Genetic Information with others.”

Present company excepted, of course.

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6a9a42 No.124366

File: 36b1cd9725e1657⋯.png (987.64 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145740 (190256ZOCT20) Notable: Locals warn derelict barge ‘Nabarima’ about to spill 55 million gallons of oil and no one is helping

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Locals warn derelict barge ‘Nabarima’ about to spill 55 million gallons of oil and no one is helping

October 17, 2020 by Daniel Figueroa IV

The U.S. Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago called on Venezuela to take action Friday.

In a statement, the embassy said, “The United States remains concerned by the potential risk to safety and environment posed by the Venezuelan-flagged vessel, Nabarima, in the Gulf of Paria. We strongly support immediate actions to bring the Nabarima up to international safety standards and avoid possible environmental harm, which could negatively impact not only the Venezuelan people but also those in nearby countries. PdVSA has a responsibility to take action to avoid an environmental disaster in Venezuelan waters.”

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6a9a42 No.124367

File: f3d1f78cfeceb8d⋯.jpg (27.79 KB,694x359,694:359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145743 (190256ZOCT20) Notable: Generals and National Security Figures are Endorsing Biden, All the More Reason to Vote for Donald Trump

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As Q said the Swamp Runs Deep….And has so for FKing years

Generals and National Security Figures are Endorsing Biden, All the More Reason to Vote for Donald Trump

Like Donald Trump, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has talked about ending America’s “forever” wars in the Middle East.

However, based on the slate of foreign policy endorsements Biden has received, there’s good reason to believe that Biden will not follow through with these promises. On August 27, 2020, a number of foreign policy officials from the Bush administration and aides to failed presidential candidate John McCain endorsed Biden’s presidency. Furthermore, retired General Stanley McChrystal endorsed Biden’s presidential bid on October 1.

McChrystal was one of the leading generals during the Obama era who was the commander of American forces in Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010. The retired general generated controversy in 2010 after he was quoted in a Rolling Stone piece mocking a number of leading civilian officials, which included Biden. McChrystal offered his apologies to Biden but ended up resigning on June 23, 2010.


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6a9a42 No.124368

File: 3593035d6c8d4d6⋯.png (337.6 KB,478x492,239:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145789 (190300ZOCT20) Notable: Diesel-powered submarines conduct underwater duel in Sea of Japan, Russian Pacific Fleet says

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Diesel-powered submarines conduct underwater duel in Sea of Japan, Russian Pacific Fleet says


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6a9a42 No.124369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145791 (190300ZOCT20) Notable: Just watched ABCU|8 - All Assets Deployed

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Just watched ABCU|8 - All Assets Deployed

Great job if you are here faggot!


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6a9a42 No.124370

File: 7910cbfbf9c89b2⋯.png (85.82 KB,904x527,904:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145809 (190301ZOCT20) Notable: Q #556

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Q #556




The 'CURE' will spread WW.

Have FAITH, Patriot.


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6a9a42 No.124371

File: ec1a3909ca670be⋯.png (228.64 KB,374x383,374:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145811 (190301ZOCT20) Notable: Daniel Andrews slams New Zealand travel bubble disaster

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Daniel Andrews slams New Zealand travel bubble disaster

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has effectively accepted the state is part of the travel bubble with New Zealand, despite repeatedly saying no.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has unleashed after 65 travellers from New Zealand descended on the state, despite it opting out of the New Zealand travel bubble.

Mr Andrews said his state had now effectively been forced into accepting the arrangement.

“I can confirm that there are 65 people that have travelled from New Zealand and ultimately arrived in Victoria. 55 of those have been door knocked and we have just taken them through all the different rules that are in place just to update them, make sure that they know what is going on,” Mr Andrews said.

“About 55 of those we have been able to find and speak to, so there is still 10, that may not be 10 addresses, it may be less than that, but 55 of those people have been door knocked. There’s still a few more to do today which we will do. There are 17 flights into Melbourne today that could possibly have New Zealand passengers that have arrived via Sydney.

“We are not particularly pleased that we were asked the question, do you want to be in a bubble, and it turns out that even though we said no, we are, but that is the fact of the matter, that is what we faced.”

Mr Andrews said 25 New Zealanders also snuck into Western Australia while a “small number” also arrived in Tasmania.

“We have updated our advice, our website made no mention of this prior to about 8:30pm last night, it now does and we will provide the best health advice because despite the fact that we didn’t want to be in the bubble, it seems like the bubble applies to every part of our country, not just those that said yes,” he said.

Mr Andrews took aim at the federal government over the bubble confusion.

“Ultimately, we are in the bubble, whether we like it or not…We can’t stop these people coming here, unless of course the prime minister and (Alan) Tudge and whoever else has been wheeled out to apparently blame me for what happens at Sydney Airport, Perth Airport, Hobart airport, you know, come on – stopping the Federal Government is in charge of the borders.

“They (the federal government) are in charge of the borders and the bubble and the bubble was supposed to be… we are in this discussion because the Commonwealth government stubbornly refused to accept that this is not what was signed up to.

“We all accept it now because that is what is happening, and short of closing the border which I don’t think would be a good thing to do and it is not something that the Prime Minister would support, and Alan Tudge can say whatever he likes.”

Mr Andrews’ spray comes as the state recorded four new coronavirus cases in the state overnight and one death, with the state’s 14-day rolling average now 7.2 in metro Melbourne and 0.5 in regional Victoria.

A slew of rules have also been relaxed from 11.59pm last night, when the Victorian capital ditched its controversial time limits on exercise.

The hated 5km rule has also been replaced with a new 25km zone, and tennis clubs, outdoor pools, hairdressers and the real estate industry are set to open up again.

In regional Victoria, two people, plus dependants, are now able to visit other people’s homes today, with hospitality businesses now able to boost capacity to 70 patrons outside and 40 inside.


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6a9a42 No.124372

File: 14d804d7f6e4ddc⋯.jpg (49.81 KB,488x360,61:45,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145827 (190302ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook Suspends User Jamie Allman’s Account After He Posts Video of Hundreds of Black Trump Supporters Chanting “We Love Trump!” in Washington DC (VIDEO)

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Facebook Suspends User Jamie Allman’s Account After He Posts Video of Hundreds of Black Trump Supporters Chanting “We Love Trump!” in Washington DC (VIDEO)

On Saturday hundreds of black Donald Trump supporters marched in the Freedom Rally and March in Washington DC.

It was a major blow to the “Trump is a racist” lie.

Radio host Jamie Allman emceed the 1776 Freedom Tour March in Washington DC. Hundreds of Trump supporters attended the event and march from the National Monument to the White House.

Most of the attendees were black or minority.


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6a9a42 No.124373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145847 (190304ZOCT20) Notable: Hostage's Daughter `Nearly Jumped Out Of Her Skin' Hearing Of Release: Anna Makanju Grandfather was was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army

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Hostage's Daughter `Nearly Jumped Out Of Her Skin' Hearing Of Release


Dec 10, 1990

Tomas Guillen

Natalia Makanju could not contain her excitement when her mother appeared on the television she was watching at a downtown Seattle condominium.

``She nearly jumped out of her skin,'' said Ann Huey of Seattle. Natalia came to stay with Huey as a result of the Persian Gulf crisis.

Natalia watched as her mother, Nina Ginn, arrived at the Baghdad airport last week in hopes of visiting her husband, Ron Ginn, an American hostage in Iraq.

Then with the release of hostages over the weekend, the media began carrying photographs of Nina and Ron together as they prepared to leave Iraq.

Natalia was so excited she took a newspaper photograph of her parents to class at McClure Middle School on Queen Anne today to share it with classmates.

Huey explained that her relationship with the Ginns goes back to the late 1970s, when all worked as computer programmers for Shell Petroleum in Nigeria.

Ron Ginn, a native of Alabama, ``has been oversees so many years that he doesn't have a home,'' Huey said today. Nina Ginn was born in the Soviet Union. Her father was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army.

After the trio's stint in Nigeria, Ron Ginn ended up in Phoenix, Ariz.; Nina went home to Leningrad; and Ann Huey returned to Seattle.

In the mid-1980s, Nina and her then-husband divorced and she and her two daughters - Anna, now 14, and Natalia, now 12, traveled to Phoenix, where Nina and Ron married.

Soon after, the family moved to Kuwait, where Ron Ginn worked for Kuwait's social-security system. Nina worked for a software company in Kuwait while the two girls attended an American school in Kuwait.

On the day Iraq invaded Kuwait, the girls flew out of the country to visit grandparents in Leningrad.

Huey explained that Ron Ginn did not know of the invasion until he arrived at work that morning. Nina heard the bombing and knew ``something dreadful was going on'' but did not miss her dentist appointment because to do so would require her to pay $20.

According to Huey, the ``American dentist was crying'' as he worked on Nina's teeth.

In the days that followed, the Ginns argued over whether Nina should try to leave the country with an old Soviet passport. She wanted to stay, but her husband argued that couples would be separated anyway if captured by the Iraq officials, Huey said.

Before separating, the couple agreed that Nina should travel to Seattle to stay with Ann Huey.

The Soviet Embassy agreed to allow Nina to flee with Soviet citizens through Baghdad.

Nina did get out, but not before the woman searching her at the airport took all her jewelry. Huey said Nina did not mind her jewelry being taken because that diverted the woman's attention from Nina's American passport, which Nina refused to discard and hid in the lining of a coat.

Ron hid in Kuwait City with several others, including Miles Hoffman of Columbus, Ga., who on Sept. 5 was shot in the arm by Iraqi forces in Kuwait. Hoffman was one of three Americans released last month.

On Sept. 19, Nina and Natalia flew from Leningrad to Seattle, where they lived with Huey until recently.

The family did not know much about Ron's fate until last month, when he phoned late one night. He subsequently was allowed to call each night.

``That was very exciting,'' said Huey. ``The phone rings and there's this Arab voice. `Hello Mrs. Ginn.' I screamed: `Nina, answer the phone.'

``Ron was staying 30 kilometers south of Baghdad at a communications site as a human shield. He and Nina would talk until somebody, somewhere would press a button. All of a sudden the line would go dead.''

Huey said the Ginns called from Frankfurt, Germany, last night. The two may stop in Alabama, said Huey, before they head for Seattle for Christmas.


"Nina Ginn was born in the Soviet Union. Her father was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army."

Anna Makanju mother's name is Nina Ginn.

Anna Makanju Grandfather was was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army

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6a9a42 No.124374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145883 (190306ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS rally featured on Sky News Australia

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POTUS rally featured on Sky News Australia…

The Biden family ‘is a criminal enterprise’

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6a9a42 No.124375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11145994 (190316ZOCT20) Notable: #14253

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>>124333 , >>124336, >>124342, CM Worried?


>>124335 NYT is deeply loyal to their masters the Chinese Communist Party

>>124337 Anons - fresh meme ammo!

>>124338 , >>124346, >>124341, >>124343, Man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

>>124339 Trump vindicated about CA wildfires



>>124345 Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition

>>124347 Longer video of man dangling from Chicago’s Trump Tower for over 2 hours, demanding to speak to President Trump

>>124348, >>124358, Zbigniew Brzezinski's coat of arms 666

>>124349 , >>124363, >>124364, >>124365 23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks

>>124350 This is the Trip Report from the trip Hunter took with Joe Biden to China on AF2, when Hunter got the load guarantees

>>124351 Cuomo killed my parents': Protesters fill casket with copies of New York Governor's book on his Covid-19 response 'leadership

>>124352 PF 09-0016 USAF C-32A VIP POTUS on final approach for McCarran Int'l, LV from Reno

>>124353 Disturbing’: Michigan governor blasts Trump for inciting ‘domestic terrorism’ after ‘lock her up’ chant at rally

>>124355 Top US Official Traveled to Syria for Talks With Damascus on US Citizens' Release

>>124356 Categories include: cases & testing, deaths & deathrate, lockdowns, hcq/hydroxychloroquine, masks, politicization, media spin

>>124357 Gov Whitmer “Encouraging Assassination Attempts Against President Trump” With Bizzare “86 45” During “Meet The Press” Appearance

>>124359 Hunter Biden mother car crash (2019)

>>124360 Virginia passes law that prevents LAW enforcement of Car defect violations

>>124362 PF

>>124366 Locals warn derelict barge ‘Nabarima’ about to spill 55 million gallons of oil and no one is helping

>>124367 Generals and National Security Figures are Endorsing Biden, All the More Reason to Vote for Donald Trump

>>124368 Diesel-powered submarines conduct underwater duel in Sea of Japan, Russian Pacific Fleet says

>>124369 Just watched ABCU|8 - All Assets Deployed

>>124370 Q #556

>>124371 Daniel Andrews slams New Zealand travel bubble disaster

>>124372 Facebook Suspends User Jamie Allman’s Account After He Posts Video of Hundreds of Black Trump Supporters Chanting “We Love Trump!” in Washington DC (VIDEO)

>>124373 Hostage's Daughter `Nearly Jumped Out Of Her Skin' Hearing Of Release: Anna Makanju Grandfather was was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army

>>124374 POTUS rally featured on Sky News Australia


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6a9a42 No.124376

File: af68fca0e21a80b⋯.png (427.3 KB,525x755,105:151,Clipboard.png)

File: e57774aa72b759f⋯.mp4 (287.34 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146122 (190330ZOCT20) Notable: Scavino tweets

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


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6a9a42 No.124377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146127 (190331ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Hilton program - barrel of RED PILLS for normies

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The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton 10/18/20 - FOX News Live Stream October 18, 2020


Steve Hilton's open was a barrel ofRED PILLSfor normies

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6a9a42 No.124378

File: 37c1c6257dd110a⋯.jpg (134.22 KB,720x1123,720:1123,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75bcfa113ae1b4e⋯.mp4 (1021.74 KB,400x224,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146160 (190336ZOCT20) Notable: Antifa simulating cannibal rituals in Boston streets

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So Antifa started doing (simulated) i hope , cannibal rituals in the streets of Boston

This evil stands no chance in the Light , God will wipe it away


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6a9a42 No.124379

File: c8dfe6ee6f59490⋯.jpg (107.81 KB,913x900,913:900,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146163 (190336ZOCT20) Notable: South China Sea warning: Fishing on verge of ‘irreversible collapse’ amid China tensions

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Watching The Waters..

South China Sea warning: Fishing on verge of ‘irreversible collapse’ amid China tensions.

THE SOUTH CHINA SEA is home to more than 100,000 square miles of extremely biodiverse coral reefs which experts have warned is in danger due to overfishing and territorial disputes.

The South China Sea is now believed to be the highest biodiversity place on earth, according to marine biologist John McManus. He said there is about 570 species of coral in the region and this high level brings thousands of species of fish.

Professor McManus is urging local governments to establish a regulatory authority to stop the destruction of offshore reefs and clamp down on overfishing.

It comes as an army chief warned that China is creating a “potential flash point” in the disputed waters with its military force.

Last week, Philippine Army General Gilbert Gapay told reporters that China’s aggressive posturing is creating a risk that other countries will go into conflict in the South China Sea.

Speaking at a forum, he said: “It’s very tense. The situation has now become more tense because China is conducting its own unilateral exercises. It even fired its own missile.

“It is really a potential flash point in this part of the globe.”

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea have made it difficult for marine scientists to access the coral reefs to take on vital research.

Professor McManus of Marine Biology and Fisheries at the University of Miami, told Express.co.uk:

People rarely go there because they might get rammed and sunk by the Chinese missile destroyers that patrol the area

He explained how about 12 to 15 percent of the world’s fish catch comes from the South China Sea and that scientists believe most of the region “is on the verge of [a fishery] collapse”.

He added: "Collapse is a very serious and nearly irreversible thing."

Some of South China’s reefs have already permanently been destroyed due to the building of military bases on top of them.

There are 70 military outposts in the Spratly Islands alone, according to Professor McManus.

Professor McManus said that an estimated 90 percent of the remaining reefs in the disputed waters requires immediate attention to preserve the environment.

But he warns that nobody can actually access the South China Sea to discover all the information needed to protect the region.


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6a9a42 No.124380

File: 47647c127cf76c0⋯.png (116.79 KB,767x474,767:474,Clipboard.png)

File: 152fb1a5fea4ec4⋯.png (378.2 KB,588x283,588:283,Clipboard.png)

File: b767e2f88d87fda⋯.png (670.72 KB,621x418,621:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146198 (190341ZOCT20) Notable: Planefags

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Gates Foundation N194WM GLEX completed a round trip back to Seattle Boeing Field from Cochrane Regional Airport-Indio, CA about 3 hours ago

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6a9a42 No.124381

File: b76d6b4cab71345⋯.jpg (82.96 KB,574x714,41:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146219 (190344ZOCT20) Notable: Charles Ortel interview on Biden crime family nonprofits and money-laundering ops

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Listening now to Charles Ortel's interview from this afternoon

At about 10:00, he shows an IRS Form 990 for the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children.

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh is listed as a member of the board of directors.


More legit digs on the Bidens' nonprofit organizations/money laundering ops.

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6a9a42 No.124382

File: ac72bc1cbb704a9⋯.png (1.13 MB,1044x1058,522:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146238 (190346ZOCT20) Notable: NYC Nursing Home COVID Policy Protest: Casket Filled with Cuomo's Book

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124383

File: ba2ba18bed3c35d⋯.png (144.49 KB,720x421,720:421,Clipboard.png)

File: b5d7705c7611c4c⋯.png (223.71 KB,497x236,497:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146269 (190348ZOCT20) Notable: Planefags

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GUCCI09 USAF KC-10 Extender back to Travis AFB-this AC came out of Travis just in front of 09-0017 C-32A that landed at March AFB earlier

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6a9a42 No.124384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146307 (190351ZOCT20) Notable: Charles Ortel interview on Biden crime family nonprofits and money-laundering ops

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Baker, Notable

Charles Ortel digs on Bidens' nonprofit organizations/money laundering ops; Former FBI Director on BOD.

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6a9a42 No.124385

File: ef3a8d9b0a01b44⋯.png (109.46 KB,1164x470,582:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146328 (190354ZOCT20) Notable: CCP-controlled TikTok toughening stance vs. "QAnon"

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No surprise here. The CCP owned/controlled TikTok are not fans of free thinking freedom loving Americans.


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6a9a42 No.124386

File: d25273dc9139680⋯.png (386.54 KB,550x513,550:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146476 (190407ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden Walks Off When Questioned About FBI Seizing Son’s Laptop

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Joe Biden Walks Off When Questioned About FBI Seizing Son’s Laptop

Joe Biden is still refusing to discuss an exposé by the New York Post alleging the former vice president’s youngest son, Hunter, leveraged his ties to the Obama administration for the benefit of a Ukrainian natural gas conglomerate.

The Democrat nominee, who has long struggled to explain his son’s overseas business deals, was asked about the story during a campaign swing through North Carolina on Sunday. Biden, in particular, was asked by a reporter if he had any comment about revelations that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had seized Hunter’s laptop last year via subpoena.

Video of Biden’s encounter, which was shared on social media by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, shows that the Democrat nominee refused to even listen to the reporter’s question, opting to walk away as soon as the reporter mentions the word “FBI.”

Earlier this week the Post reported that it had obtained emails from a laptop that allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden. The laptop was supposedly dropped off by Hunter at a local computer repair shop in Delaware in April 2019 after being subject to water damage. When no one returned to pick it up, a technician at the shop claims to have gone through the hard drive sometime in the summer of 2019 and proceeded to share it with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

FBI investigators seized the laptop in December of last year as part of an ongoing investigation into foreign election interference. It remains unclear if the laptop, and its corresponding content, is authentic.

On Wednesday, one of the emails published by the Post, in particular, stirred national attention. The email, purportedly exchanged between Hunter and an executive with the Ukrainian-based natural gas conglomerate Burisma Holdings, alleges that a meeting took place between the former vice president and a representative of the company in 2015.

The meeting supposedly took place nearly a year after Hunter had joined Burisma’s board of directors. At the time, Burisma was facing heavy pressure from both the Ukrainian government and U.S. diplomatic officials over allegations of corruption. Adding to the potential perception of a conflict of interest, provided the meeting did take place, is that at the time the former vice president was the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine.

Since the Post’s exposé, the former vice president, himself, has refused to comment on the matter. Biden has stuck to that strategy even as his campaign has suggested that although no official meeting with the Burisma representative may have taken place, it may have occurred in an unofficial capacity.

“Biden’s campaign would not rule out the possibility that the former VP had some kind of informal interaction with [the representative] which wouldn’t appear on Biden’s official schedule,” Politico reported this week.


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6a9a42 No.124387

File: e0633865b796dcf⋯.png (332.5 KB,657x428,657:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ad25176579e80a⋯.png (417.23 KB,848x691,848:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 9442a567bb76c7d⋯.png (373.95 KB,851x658,851:658,Clipboard.png)

File: f1e2c0a2c988263⋯.png (729.01 KB,853x741,853:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c72dbfa50fd587⋯.png (65.9 KB,834x521,834:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146515 (190411ZOCT20) Notable: Ukraine Lawmaker Says Government Seized 2nd Laptop from Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

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Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

Ukrainian Pariamentarian Andriy Derkach (pictured) held a much publicized press conference last October in Ukraine.

In his press conference Derkach revealed that Joe Biden was paid $900,000 for lobbying efforts from Burisma Holdings in Ukraine.

This is the same organization that paid Hunter Biden over $50,000 a month to sit on their board in an obvious pay-for-play maneuver.

Cristina Laila reported on this development back in October last year…



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6a9a42 No.124388

File: c5dac2c6f7c2ef6⋯.png (108.51 KB,772x893,772:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 38648c988d90eed⋯.png (114.31 KB,774x905,774:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ed26f65c1e9f00⋯.png (39.63 KB,776x341,776:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 845a428493beb9e⋯.png (118.75 KB,323x180,323:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146547 (190413ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese Lockdown-and-Mask Model Failed. Now Its Proponents Need Scapegoats

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The Chinese Lockdown-and-Mask Model Failed. Now Its Proponents Need Scapegoats

The problem isn’t just the China Virus. It’s that we adopted the China Model to fight it.

Public health experts adopted China’s draconian lockdowns without knowing how well they really worked and in a country that, fortunately, lacks the power to truly enforce them.

China’s deceptiveness and lack of transparency meant that we did not know how well anything that the Communist dictatorship did to battle the virus that it spawned actually worked. Despite that, our public health experts, and those of most free countries, adopted the China Model.

We don’t know how well the China Model worked for the People’s Republic of China, but it failed in every free country that tried it. Lockdowns eventually gave way to reopenings and new waves of infection. This was always going to happen because not even the more socialist European countries have the police state or the compliant populations of a Communist dictatorship.

Desperate, the public health experts adopted China’s compulsive mask wearing, a cultural practice that predates the virus, as if wearing a few flimsy scraps of fiber would fix everything.

It hadn’t and it didn’t.

But by then the public health experts and the media that had touted them were moving fully into the scapegoat portion of the crisis. The China Model had failed, all that was left was shifting the blame to more conservative and traditional populations, and away from the cultural elites.

In New York City that meant falsely blaming Chassidic Jews for the second wave. From Maine to San Francisco, Democrat leaders and their media blamed conservative Christian gatherings. Their national counterparts loudly blamed President Trump for not wearing a mask all the time.

A New York Times headline captured the cynical broad spectrum cultural scapegoating with, "N.Y.C. Threatens Orthodox Jewish Areas on Virus, but Trump’s Impact Is Seen."

The uncomfortable truth was that the lockdowns had failed economically, socially, and medically.

Even blue states and cities were no longer able to carry the impossible economic burden much longer. The Black Lives Matter riots and the onset of summer broke the #StayHome taboos, and medically, the lockdowns had been useless efforts to meet a fake crisis of hospital overflows.

America, like too many other countries, put the experts in charge and they failed. Miserably.

Democrats claimed that they were superior because they were “listening to the science”. They weren’t listening to the science, which is not an oracle and does not give interviews. Instead, they were obeying a class of officials, some of them whom weren’t even medical professionals, who impressed elected officials and the public with statistical sleight of hand. And little else.


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6a9a42 No.124389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146550 (190413ZOCT20) Notable: bun for #14208-14244

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>>124133 OSS calls out The Doc on all of his censorship of notables - Finishes the Post with Talk About Patterns…

>>124136 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta from OSS post

>>124139 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta From first Q post

>>124145 OSS drops graphic showing patterns connection

>>124150 Q - Do you see a pattern? 7 minute delta - From OSS graphic

>>124154 OSS Drops final graphic

Talk about patterns - check

3 - 7 minute deltas - check

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124390

File: b06f63cc15b7bb6⋯.jpeg (55.97 KB,248x183,248:183,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146551 (190413ZOCT20) Notable: Mr. Guo’s latest Chinese revolution for freedom song “A Wine Toast to Take Down the CCP”

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Mr. Guo’s latest Chinese revolution for freedom song

“A Wine Toast to Take Down the CCP.” Listen to here


Some anon with skills should make a patriotic video to the song.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124391

File: a8e1525ea4ed12c⋯.jpg (56.66 KB,850x708,425:354,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e11e182eb350097⋯.jpg (120.57 KB,645x700,129:140,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146553 (190414ZOCT20) Notable: Paul Pelosi Jr. has Ukraine Problem like Hunter Biden and Devon Archer

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President Trump Continues to Rip Nancy Pelosi Over her Son’s Shady Business Dealings


Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s Ukraine/China Business Partner — Has Fraud Conviction Re-Instated by Appeals Court and Faces Prison Time


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6a9a42 No.124392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146589 (190417ZOCT20) Notable: bun for #14208-14244

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Previously Collected Notables

>>124292 #14251,

>>124219 #14248, >>124239 #14249, >>124262 #14250

>>124135 #14245, >>124161 #14246, >>124188 #14247

>>124072 #14243, >>124107 #14244, >>124135 #14245

>>123974 #14240, >>123995 #14241, #14242 - None collected

>>123996 #14237, >>>/qresearch/11133482 #14238, >>123950 #14239

>>123834 #14235, >>123879 #14236, >>>/qresearch/11136870 #14237

>>123741 #14232, >>123771 #14233, >>123805 #14234

>>123649 #14229, >>123670 #14230, >>123714 #14231

>>123558 #14226, >>123574 #14227, >>123609 #14228

>>123474 #14223, >>123510 #14224, >>123536 #14225

>>123397 #14220, >>123429 #14221, >>123453 #14222

>>123282 #14217, >>123339 #14218, >>123378 #14219

>>123171 #14214, >>123208 #14215, >>123251 #14216

>>123085 #14211, >>123098 #14212, >>123111 #14213

>>122964 #14208, >>123008 #14209, >>123035 #14210

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124393

File: b619c24af6db2fa⋯.png (91.42 KB,898x673,898:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146654 (190422ZOCT20) Notable: NEW STRING OF 26,740 HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS DROPPED. DIG!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Emails just dropped time to dig anons!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124394

File: 7d4e95caaf20238⋯.png (298.86 KB,1738x870,869:435,Clipboard.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146779 (190431ZOCT20) Notable: #14254

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Baking soon

#14254 baker change

>>124376 Scavino tweets

>>124377 Steve Hilton program - barrel of RED PILLS for normies

>>124378 Antifa simulating cannibal rituals in Boston streets

>>124379 South China Sea warning: Fishing on verge of ‘irreversible collapse’ amid China tensions

>>124381, >>124384 Charles Ortel interview on Biden crime family nonprofits and money-laundering ops

>>124382 NYC Nursing Home COVID Policy Protest: Casket Filled with Cuomo's Book

>>124385 CCP-controlled TikTok toughening stance vs. "QAnon"

>>124386 Joe Biden Walks Off When Questioned About FBI Seizing Son’s Laptop

>>124387 Ukraine Lawmaker Says Government Seized 2nd Laptop from Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

>>124388 Chinese Lockdown-and-Mask Model Failed. Now Its Proponents Need Scapegoats

>>124390 Mr. Guo’s latest Chinese revolution for freedom song “A Wine Toast to Take Down the CCP”

>>124391 Paul Pelosi Jr. has Ukraine Problem like Hunter Biden and Devon Archer


>>124383, >>124380 Planefags

>> #14254


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6a9a42 No.124396

File: d0606c4198d8ba8⋯.png (365.75 KB,528x462,8:7,Clipboard.png)

File: e2383eb5fe04542⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,512x270,256:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146878 (190440ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Scavino🇺🇸 - WOW—this is EPIC! Today in Miami, Florida! #LatinosForTrump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

WOW—this is EPIC! Today in Miami, Florida! #LatinosForTrump


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6a9a42 No.124397

File: fc76caea512975f⋯.png (247.56 KB,605x677,605:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146893 (190441ZOCT20) Notable: This tweet which is filled with dangerous lies has 25,000 retweets and verified accounts are quote tweeting it. This is only going to get worse over the next couple weeks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This tweet which is filled with dangerous lies has 25,000 retweets and verified accounts are quote tweeting it. This is only going to get worse over the next couple weeks.

I don't see how Twitter deals with this over the next few weeks.


Told you fuckers. They are going to pin this on us & say this is why anything that comes out about Jo Biden & Hunter is lies

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6a9a42 No.124398

File: 16dc41db702e4be⋯.png (85.6 KB,1015x339,1015:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146905 (190443ZOCT20) Notable: HONEY POT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Would be good to put some honey in Hunter's pocket"

On Oct 5, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Bevan wrote:



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6a9a42 No.124399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11146966 (190447ZOCT20) Notable: The 31-day campaign against QAnon - PANIC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The 31-day campaign against QAnon

What happened when a ‘nice guy’ named Kevin Van Ausdal ran for Congress against a candidate known for espousing conspiracy theories

There was a time when Kevin Van Ausdal had not yet been called a “loser” and “a disgrace” and hustled out of Georgia. He had not yet punched a wall, or been labeled a “communist,” or a person “who’d probably cry like a baby if you put a gun in his face.” He did not yet know who was going to be the Republican nominee for Congress in his conservative district in northwestern Georgia: the well-known local neurosurgeon, or the woman he knew vaguely as a person who had openly promoted conspiracies including something about a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles.

He waited for a response. He and his wife had been having marital problems for a while, and the campaign wasn’t making anything better. When she did not write back, he texted again.

“F—ing crazy ass white supremacist terrorist support her. She is radicalizing them and I am supposed to call her out and become her enemy.”

“Omg really,” his wife texted back.

“I am not joking” he texted back. “Wtf,” she texted. “I am f—ing breaking down,” he texted back, not that anyone on the campaign team knew any of that was happening.

“Jesus Christ,” Michael said as another day began.

He had just seen Greene’s latest Facebook post, this one showing her in sunglasses and holding an AR-15 rifle next to a photo of three of the four Democratic congresswomen known as “The Squad,” titled “Squad’s Worst Nightmare.”

“We need strong conservative Christians to go on the offense against these socialists who want to rip our country apart,” her post read, and now, as Pelosi was calling on House Republicans to condemn Greene and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) was calling the post a “violent provocation,” Michael was on a video call with Kevin and the team.

“I have Roll Call, NPR, Politico, CNN, NBC, New York Magazine, Slate, the Hill, Vox, BuzzFeed, not to mention a whole bunch of party people, calling,” Michael said.

The time for rehearsing was over. The angry statement about Greene had to post immediately, he said.

“I haven’t taken a shower,” Kevin said. “I was going to go to the post office and . . .”

“Kevin. Take a moment. Breathe. Center yourself,” Michael said.



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6a9a42 No.124400

File: c479a3aeba3ced9⋯.png (610.13 KB,1132x4604,283:1151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147022 (190452ZOCT20) Notable: /Pol/ election Fuckery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Go and bury this, like you do with anything groundbreaking, fucking losers.

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6a9a42 No.124401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147059 (190456ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Buckle up!


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6a9a42 No.124402

File: 4bd0594c9ee77ce⋯.png (754.96 KB,2384x1892,596:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147094 (190457ZOCT20) Notable: Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hey there faggot, I missed something earlier. It gets even better

>>>/qresearch/11139679 Doc posts avatar and tries to educate Anons

>>124133 OSS calls out The Doc on all of his censorship of notables - Finishes the Post with Talk About Patterns… 7 minute delta from The Doc avatar post

>>124136 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta from OSS post

>>124139 Q - Do you see a pattern? - 7 minute delta From first Q post

>>124145 OSS drops graphic showing patterns connection

>>124150 Q - Do you see a pattern? 7 minute delta - From OSS graphic

>>124154 OSS Drops final graphic

Talk about patterns - check

4 - 7 minute deltas - check

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6a9a42 No.124403

File: 173f4b43365a7c6⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147098 (190457ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Git'em Boss


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6a9a42 No.124404

File: 8301f7caf0d9a93⋯.png (260.22 KB,813x1336,813:1336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147158 (190501ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CAP for Baker-san

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6a9a42 No.124405

File: d4591eecd0dc8ae⋯.png (53.77 KB,540x306,30:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 464ca57482c9f73⋯.png (336.93 KB,947x1037,947:1037,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147212 (190504ZOCT20) Notable: Just published a story about this disruption. It wasn't just 8chan/8kun that got sidelined. More to come.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>8kun/8chan went down tonight.

Just published a story about this disruption. It wasn't just 8chan/8kun that got sidelined. More to come.



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6a9a42 No.124406

File: 817074862314380⋯.png (65.01 KB,827x451,827:451,Clipboard.png)

File: c2f7bdc50088ec4⋯.png (96.65 KB,812x539,116:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147220 (190505ZOCT20) Notable: Hunters emails?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hunters emails?


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6a9a42 No.124407

File: ab0f2b50e32d6d3⋯.png (427.28 KB,602x654,301:327,Clipboard.png)

File: fbea9cf778e0447⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x1135,240:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147230 (190505ZOCT20) Notable: Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million investment from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, the report said.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million investment from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry — the daughter of ex-Sen. and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, the report said."


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6a9a42 No.124408

File: 52f8f6f644ada6a⋯.png (195.45 KB,1099x959,157:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147274 (190508ZOCT20) Notable: Dan Abrams

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>124026 pb


Dan Abrams (born May 20, 1966)[1] [2] is an American web entrepreneur and television host who serves as the Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Where Politics Meets The Law[3] on SiriusXM's[4] P.O.T.U.S. channel. He was the host of Live PD on the A&E cable network. Abrams also created and hosts Court Cam, a Law&Crime Production on A&E[5] which was the No. 1 cable show on Thursday nights in 2019.[6] He is a legal commentator, author, and former anchor of Nightline. Abrams also worked as the chief legal correspondent and analyst for NBC News and general manager of MSNBC, and doubled as an anchor for the same network.[7]

Daniel Abrams was born in Manhattan, the son of Efrat and attorney Floyd Abrams. He is a 1984 graduate of Riverdale Country School. Abrams received his B.A. cum laude in political science from Duke University in 1988.[citation needed] While at Duke, he anchored newscasts on the student-run channel Cable 13 and was vice president of the student body. Abrams received a J.D. from Columbia Law School.[8][9]

In June 2012, Abrams had his first child with then-girlfriend Florinka Pesenti,[52] who was part of the winning team on The Amazing Race 3.[53][54]

Abrams was a co-owner (with David Zinczenko) of the restaurant The Lion in Manhattan's Greenwich Village neighborhood.[55] The Lion closed in 2015.

Abrams's sister, Ronnie Abrams, was nominated for a federal judgeship by Barack Obama in 2011.[56] She received her commission on March 23, 2012.[


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6a9a42 No.124409

File: de2171d66c6ab4f⋯.png (1.28 MB,901x735,901:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147279 (190509ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 19, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 19, 2020


9:30AM Depart RON Location

9:40AM Arrive at McCarran International Airport - Las Vegas, NV

9:50AM Depart Las Vegas, NV


10:55AM Arrive at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport - Phoenix, AZ

11:05AM Depart Phoenix, AZ

11:50AM Arrive at Prescott Regional Airport - Prescott, AZ

12:00PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally - Prescott, AZ

1:15PM Depart Prescott, AZ

2:00PM Arrive at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport - Phoenix, AZ

2:10PM Depart Phoenix, AZ

2:50PM Arrive at Tucson International Airport - Tucson, AZ

3:00PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally - Tucson, AZ

4:10PM Depart Tucson, AZ


10:55PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

11:05PM Depart Joint Base Andrews

11:15PM Arrive at the White House - South Lawn



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6a9a42 No.124410

File: 46afbf319f2c278⋯.png (631.61 KB,969x1046,969:1046,Clipboard.png)

File: 94e6a3c3ee092b9⋯.png (93.83 KB,641x1025,641:1025,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bde2f09f537ffc⋯.png (19.29 KB,646x321,646:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 39445b39601cb8e⋯.png (481.82 KB,714x1031,714:1031,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147282 (190509ZOCT20) Notable: QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Just published a story about this disruption. It wasn't just 8chan/8kun that got sidelined. More to come.

QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

A phone call to an Internet provider in Oregon on Sunday evening was all it took to briefly sideline multiple websites related to 8chan/8kun — a controversial online image board linked to several mass shootings — and QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory which holds that a cabal of Satanic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against President Donald Trump. Following a brief disruption, the sites have come back online with the help of an Internet company based in St. Petersburg, Russia.



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6a9a42 No.124411

File: 29716dcc7f293ea⋯.png (492.89 KB,589x629,589:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147440 (190520ZOCT20) Notable: New POTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For FBI To Address Reported Biden Ukraine Meeting https://breitbart.com/clips/2020/10/18/sen-ron-johnson-calls-for-fbi-to-address-reported-biden-ukraine-meeting/ via @BreitbartNews



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6a9a42 No.124412

File: 7353c3e205d69e1⋯.jpeg (709.03 KB,1107x1522,1107:1522,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147446 (190521ZOCT20) Notable: Dancing Trump going viral

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dancing Trump going viral


Who else needed this today ….


The Trump Dance Move ..2020


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6a9a42 No.124413

File: 30456fa37e6fdf8⋯.png (561.96 KB,663x691,663:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147450 (190521ZOCT20) Notable: Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For FBI To Address Reported Biden Ukraine Meeting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For FBI To Address Reported Biden Ukraine Meeting https://breitbart.com/clips/2020/10/18/sen-ron-johnson-calls-for-fbi-to-address-reported-biden-ukraine-meeting/ via




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6a9a42 No.124414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147526 (190528ZOCT20) Notable: #14255

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 10.19.2020

>>124401 ————————————–——– Buckle up! (Cap: >>124404, >>124403)

Global Announcements

>>124133, >>124136, >>124139, >>124145, >>124150, >>124154 Talk about Patterns…

>>124402 Full Breakdown of Pre-DDos Attack


>>>/qresearch/11147495 Hotwheels being hotwheels

>>124413 Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For FBI To Address Reported Biden Ukraine Meeting

>>124412 Dancing Trump going viral

>>124411 New POTUS

>>124396 Dan Scavino🇺🇸 - WOW—this is EPIC! Today in Miami, Florida! #LatinosForTrump

>>124397 This tweet which is filled with dangerous lies has 25,000 retweets and verified accounts are quote tweeting it. This is only going to get worse over the next couple weeks.

>>124398 HONEY POT

>>124399 The 31-day campaign against QAnon - PANIC

>>124405 Just published a story about this disruption. It wasn't just 8chan/8kun that got sidelined. More to come.

>>124406 Hunters emails?

>>124407 Through his connections, emails show Hunter Biden successfully engineered a $1 million investment from Rakishev to filmmaker Alexandra Forbes Kerry and former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, the report said.

>>124400 /Pol/ election Fuckery

>>124408 Dan Abrams

>>124409 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 19, 2020

>>124410 QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124415

File: 0841784d767b7d6⋯.jpg (108.48 KB,855x815,171:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147671 (190542ZOCT20) Notable: - BIDEN SAYS HE HAS "NO RESPONSE" TO UKRAINE SCANDAL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






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6a9a42 No.124416

File: 97d35f54bbd4dd1⋯.mp4 (745.42 KB,1280x708,320:177,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147679 (190543ZOCT20) Notable: - BIDEN SAYS HE HAS "NO RESPONSE" TO UKRAINE SCANDAL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124417

File: 344fdd228991ce8⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1125x2276,1125:2276,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 816e5a6a8c3b004⋯.jpeg (962.26 KB,1111x2271,1111:2271,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 42bdb2c7a3eab45⋯.jpeg (581.4 KB,1125x2050,45:82,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 18b723a1cca17b0⋯.png (1002.05 KB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147683 (190543ZOCT20) Notable: - Rosemont was in the 2011 Hillary emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rosemont was in the 2011 Hillary emails

Court reinstates fraud conviction for Hunter Biden business partner

Devon Archer was convicted of defrauding the Oglala Sioux Indian tribe out of bond-sale proceeds.


From: kleinfeld, rachel To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2011-11-10 03:00 Subject: HONORED TO HAVE YOU JOIN US AS THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT OUR ANNUAL CONFERENCE

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05789909 Date: 10/30/2015


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6a9a42 No.124418

File: 3c2e8e9a5cb0005⋯.png (357.21 KB,535x613,535:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 697c9c2236decb3⋯.jpeg (327.27 KB,1562x852,11:6,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147695 (190545ZOCT20) Notable: - Lu De says its all there.. everyone can get a drop for their own.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lu De says its all there.. everyone can get a drop for their own.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124419

File: c93b4b496adc3dc⋯.png (16.86 KB,604x232,151:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 077b3713c0e45a9⋯.png (273.14 KB,662x441,662:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147718 (190547ZOCT20) Notable: - new BIG biden reveal- getting another prosecutor fired?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

new BIG biden reveal- getting another prosecutor fired?

What was the name of one of Hunter’s Chinese partners who called Joe Biden when he got arrested?

Patrick Ho. CEFC official arrested and charged with bribing African gov't officials to get CEFC deals.


If i am reading it right the emails published by NY Post showed HB and JB partnering with former Shanghai-based conglomerate CEFC China Energy Co., Big Guy (Joe Biden?) was in for 10%.

So the new reveal by Shipwreckedcrew is that a China official with CEFC gets arrested for bribery in getting the company deals and calls Joe Biden when he does.


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6a9a42 No.124420

File: e0759fb45f100a0⋯.png (959.82 KB,1503x831,501:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 703256a7269e341⋯.png (386.39 KB,678x741,226:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 587aa805d5aec84⋯.png (575.67 KB,687x693,229:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 1086cc77ab1612a⋯.png (1008.37 KB,1216x570,32:15,Clipboard.png)

File: 54749b79722e4e9⋯.png (246.03 KB,584x600,73:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147724 (190548ZOCT20) Notable: - Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel

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Soros was made by the Rothschild (who created Israel with the help of Hitler via the 1933 Haavara Agreement and the British government via the 1917 Balfour Declaration), gets protection from Israel (despite his organizations not operating in Israel), and Soros organizations collaborate with organizations that get their funding from the Israeli government (like ISRAaid) and work together to flood the West with ME and African Muslims.

DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome’s global dread




"Their Geneva counterparts in French-speaking Switzerland were more sophisticated, relaxed in the company of global wheeler-dealers, and weren’t afraid to speak their minds, albeit off the record. Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969."


Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel




Balfour Declaration




Haavara Agreement




Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign




Soros stopped his investment in FEMEN after finding out they were launching FEMEN Israel




For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy




“Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”



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6a9a42 No.124421

File: 9c7cf582c5a5275⋯.png (494.2 KB,1583x367,1583:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147727 (190548ZOCT20) Notable: - Spoopy 4chan Story

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Screencap with link added

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6a9a42 No.124422

File: 25986b38a51366c⋯.png (472.88 KB,750x438,125:73,Clipboard.png)

File: eb75d0b406e2260⋯.png (406.58 KB,510x464,255:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 45cf5243a93f3c7⋯.png (20.85 KB,782x459,46:27,Clipboard.png)

File: cad17e099497b96⋯.png (273.24 KB,767x1200,767:1200,Clipboard.png)

File: 205923ad035d11e⋯.png (559.46 KB,515x471,515:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147755 (190552ZOCT20) Notable: - Joe Biden’s father a clerk-typist for Amoco in York also lived at YMCA

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Joe Biden’s father a clerk-typist for Amoco in York also lived at YMCA

The father of Presidential candidate Joe Biden worked as a clerk-typist for the American Oil Company Bulk Plant along Hill Street in Spring Garden Township. At the time, Joe Biden, Sr. was 24-years-old, which is one year before he married and two years before the birth of Joe Biden, Jr. The photo shows Joseph R. Biden, Sr. with his son, then Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. They are wearing badges, which note: “I’m Joe Biden, Sr.” and “I’m Joe Biden, U.S. Senator.” I was doing some WWII family history research via Draft Registration Cards in the York area and stumbled upon the following card. I wondered if Joseph Robinette Biden is any relation to Presidential candidate Joe Biden. Indeed he is! He is Joe Biden’s father. Per his registration for the draft on October 16, 1940, Joe Biden, Sr. is working for American Oil Company in York, located at Hill Street and the Ma & Pa Railroad. The address of his father, Joseph H. Biden, is crossed out and replaced with Y.M.C.A., York, PA.

I wondered if Joe Biden, Sr. was in York, earlier in 1940, during the 1940 United States Census. The 1940 United States Census for the City of York, Pennsylvania contains the following entry for Joseph R. Biden, among the residents of the Y.M.C.A. Dormitory per Enumeration district 67-117; enumerated April 9, 1940, on Sheet No. 81B, Line No. 43. The American Oil Company Bulk Plant was located at 385 Hill Street; which is between the Ma & Pa Railroad and Spahn Avenue in Spring Garden Township. The following present view shows that property, on which Amoco closed this Bulk Plant in 1962. From that plant, upwards of one million gallons of fuel products and lubricants were distributed each month. It appears that for at least 6-months, April thru October of 1940, Joe Biden, Sr. was living at the Y.M.C.A. Dormitory, while working at the Amoco Bulk Plant along Hill Street as a Clerk-Typist. The earliest Joe Biden, Sr. appears in York per local newspapers is August 21, 1939, when the York Dispatch reported: “Joseph Biden, a resident of the Y.M.C.A., has returned from Baltimore, where he was the guest of relatives and friends.” Therefore he could be residing at the “Y” for 14 months, August of 1939 thru October of 1940.” During that time span Joseph Biden appears in a number of plays, presented around the city, in which he is noted among the members of the Y.M.C.A. Dormitory Club.


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6a9a42 No.124423

File: dfefdb78d2db8c5⋯.png (290.75 KB,1354x1198,677:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147757 (190552ZOCT20) Notable: - Lu De says its all there.. everyone can get a drop for their own.

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both LuDe videos = 3 hours. with translation a little tough to follow with more than two people talking sometimes. The 1st HDR has hunter and bloomberg comped. this along can show the people some of our "leaders" are working against the USA's interests.

here is the text from earlier

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6a9a42 No.124424

File: c827e030a42c94c⋯.png (339.65 KB,598x595,598:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 944e1aad8bbc0f9⋯.png (673.02 KB,854x860,427:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147768 (190553ZOCT20) Notable: - Large LAPD response at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood

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6a9a42 No.124425

File: cedb7fce807449f⋯.png (28.28 KB,702x466,351:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147782 (190555ZOCT20) Notable: - Patrick Ho schemed to bribe the leaders of Chad and Uganda

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Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman stated: “Patrick Ho schemed to bribe the leaders of Chad and Uganda in order to secure unfair business advantages for the Chinese energy company he served. His actions were brazen, including offering the president of Chad $2 million in cash, hidden in gift boxes. Foreign corruption undermines the fairness of international markets, erodes the public’s faith in its leaders, and is deeply unfair to the people and businesses that play by the rules. Today’s sentence recognizes the severe harm caused by Ho’s actions.”

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski stated: “Patrick Ho bribed officials at the highest levels of government in Chad and Uganda in pursuit of lucrative oil deals and other business opportunities, all while using a U.S.-based NGO to conceal his criminal scheme. This kind of corruption undermines world markets and tilts the playing field against law-abiding companies and individuals. The Department will continue to investigate and prosecute individuals and corporations that engage in foreign bribery.”

he was acting in part for the interests of Joe Biden and Hunter?, Why did he call Joe when he got nailed? Did Joe Biden try to intervene?

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6a9a42 No.124426

File: 5e05e128f82dc33⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147783 (190555ZOCT20) Notable: - The crowds in Cali make me believe a red wave is possible

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The crowds in Cali make me believe a red wave is possible, even there.

Bye, bye Governor Firestarter.


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6a9a42 No.124427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147790 (190555ZOCT20) Notable: - Trump Card by Dinesh D'Souza on Bitchute

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Just watched Trump Card by Dinesh D'Souza on Bitchute. Really good. Trump needs to win again.


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6a9a42 No.124428

File: 17e284228c163e6⋯.png (282.32 KB,956x657,956:657,Clipboard.png)

File: c6aed4db8fbba2e⋯.png (476.58 KB,1170x679,1170:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147880 (190604ZOCT20) Notable: - IMDb changes 'Sex & Nudity' rating of "Cuties" movie from 'Severe' to 'Moderate' despite viewers' opinion

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IMDb changes 'Sex & Nudity' rating of "Cuties" movie from 'Severe' to 'Moderate' despite viewers' opinion

September 10, 2020

IMDb rates movie as 'Severe' according to user reviews

- ~74% of viewers (85 viewers) rated movie as 'Severe'

- 115 viewers submitted reviews in total

- IMDb mentions, "This is lawfully defined as pedophilia and can be extremely distressing to many viewers."


October 19, 2020

IMDb displays rating of 'Moderate', despite majority of users rating movie as 'Severe'

- ~50% of viewers (385 viewers) rated movie as 'Severe' and ~17% of viewers (120 viewers) rated movie as 'Moderate'

- 774 viewers submitted reviews in total

- IMDb also removes mention of pedophilia and removes parental warnings


IMDb is owned by Amazon → Bezos

Deceptive marketing being used to lower morality standards again.

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6a9a42 No.124429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147887 (190605ZOCT20) Notable: - What makes a correct cap for the baker?

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>What makes a correct cap for the baker?

-pointing to the correct post/ context

-includes all the information linked to by the Q drop in question

-most complete screencap of article/ upload(embed) of video linked

-working links

-correct formatting

that kind of thing, anon would assume

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6a9a42 No.124430

File: e64a34f4e7aed46⋯.png (200 KB,277x786,277:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 06f730c551a0424⋯.png (1.82 MB,1125x1673,1125:1673,Clipboard.png)

File: 94ab1a40e86a805⋯.png (1.46 MB,1121x1328,1121:1328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11147894 (190606ZOCT20) Notable: - Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

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Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

I've been re-examining the fine-grained chronology of demands that Shokin be fired in light of frustrated Nov 2, 2015 email from Burisma more or less telling Hunter Biden to get something done on making the Burisma investigations disappear.

2/ it seems a remarkable coincidence, to say the least, that at exactly this time, the State Dept "independently" decided that it was US policy to remove Shokin - a policy that Joe Biden adopted instantly and with great enthusiasm.

3/ having re-read transcripts of Victoria Nuland and others, I get the sense that they arrived at these policies without direct instruction from Biden. Yet somehow they came up with a policy that was exactly what Burisma wanted, while professing that Shokin failed on Burisma

4/ it's a remarkable remarkable coincidence. And Joe's protestations depend on this remarkable conjunction of interests being a "coincidence". But is it? I've got a theory which I bounced off Hans for sanity test. He gave a green light, so I'll lay out tomorrow.

The Handmaid's Dossier @Nellie_ Replying to @ClimateAudit

also worth taking into account:



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6a9a42 No.124431

File: b4d2b72973ef80a⋯.png (29.88 KB,526x371,526:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148004 (190618ZOCT20) Notable: - Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.

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Adam Housley

Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.


>I have seen statements the FBI took possession of the laptop (or was it more than 1) following a Grand Jury order..

>Have asked @adamhousley who is familiar with the situation if this is accurate.

>If yes it indicates there is indeed fire aside from the lack of denials from Biden

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6a9a42 No.124432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148026 (190622ZOCT20) Notable: - False Positive PCR Tests

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the covid hoax from the Netherlands Doctors lawsuit

False Positive PCR Tests

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6a9a42 No.124433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148041 (190624ZOCT20) Notable: - Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Read: >>124420

Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

9 min long


Backup of video:


- -




"Glenn Beck: Fox Told Me No Talk About God, Israel, or Soros"

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6a9a42 No.124434

File: c1eaaa204c9c36e⋯.png (3.61 MB,1312x4936,164:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148076 (190628ZOCT20) Notable: - How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump

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Read pic related.

Add to your reading list:

>How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



>Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ:



>"WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins"



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6a9a42 No.124435

File: 4e9a28f150eb7d6⋯.jpg (236.76 KB,1080x1102,540:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148114 (190632ZOCT20) Notable: - Large LAPD response at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood

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At Paramount Studios in Los Angeles

Massive LAPD presence

Child molestation suspect?


ADSBexch showing lot of LAPD helicopter activity right over Paramount

Please be that Dan guy from Nickelodeon

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6a9a42 No.124436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148136 (190635ZOCT20) Notable: - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

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Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020 - part 1

IU Foundation CEO stepping down


Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. Announces Director Resignation


Bingman named secretary of state; Mazzei resigns


Cayetano concedes to Velasco, resigns as House Speaker


Iqaluit city councillor to resign after controversial social media posts


Greenwood Board of Trade president to resign


Koenen retiring as St. Charles city administrator


Local priest resigns from church due to relationship


Uday Shankar to Step Down as Chairman of Star India and Disney India


NWHL founder Dani Rylan Kearney steps down as commissioner as league restructures


Portales police chief retiring at end of November


North West 200 boss Whyte to step down after twenty years


Fond du Lac Circuit Court Judge Richard Nuss set 'to hang up my robe and pass the gavel'


NYPD’s Chief of Patrol Fausto Pichardo resigns over rift with de Blasio


Amarillo Animal Management & Welfare director resigns


Audrain County Health Director resigns


Norwegian shipbuilder and vessel design group Ulstein announced Tuesday that its CFO Cathrine Kristiseter Marti has been promoted to replace long-serving CEO Gunvor Ulstein, who has decided to step down.


Papadakis retiring from Foundation


Director of Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City to Step Down


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6a9a42 No.124437

File: 9370f83b9b4af12⋯.png (697.8 KB,1530x2322,85:129,Clipboard.png)

File: c6e97bf019d18df⋯.png (66.44 KB,557x554,557:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148140 (190635ZOCT20) Notable: - Chanel Rion

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Chanel Rion said there were 30 copies of it out there, scattered among media types.

Odds this was actually her on 4chan?

Subtle sweetie wave/shout-oout following day?

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6a9a42 No.124438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148145 (190636ZOCT20) Notable: - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020 - part 2

Virgin Australia's CEO Paul Scurrah to step down


Misbah to step down as Pakistan chief selector


With ‘moral authority’ compromised in a pandemic, Anchorage mayor steps away


Commander fired after Marine Corps AAV accident that killed 9


ORDER Co-founder Jake ‘Spawn’ Tiberi resigns


Hansen retiring from Office of Drug Control Policy


President of Kyrgyzstan stepping down following mass protests


Perkins Kwoka, Polidura vie to fill NH Senate seat of retiring Fuller Clark


C-SPAN suspends Scully after he admits to lie about hack


Louisville FOP expels two retired members after racist comments made to chief


Ex-U.S. Diplomat Steps Down From Naftogaz Board, Citing Ukrainian Corruption Concerns


Debbie Chinn to Step Down as Opera Parallèle Executive Director to Explore New Project


Jeremy Nettle to step down as Salisbury City Council leader


Huntington Theatre artistic leader Peter DuBois resigns after inquiry prompted by staff complaint


Amalgamated Bank CEO to step down


Gary Humphries to resign from Administrative Appeals Tribunal


Warner Robins city councilman Daron Lee resigns due to family health issues


Ms. Kullar Resigns From Bourne ZBA


Pine Ridge interim police chief resigns, cites mayor’s vendetta and meddling in department again


Texas officer charged with murder in Jonathan Price shooting fired for 'egregious violation' of department policies


Rogers City school board president resigns


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6a9a42 No.124439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148147 (190637ZOCT20) Notable: - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

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Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020 - part 3

Etienne Grech resigns from Parliament


Culpeper County School Board chair resigns amid budget tensions


Howden Joinery CFO Mark Robson stepping down


Perkins Kwoka, Polidura vie to fill NH Senate seat of retiring Fuller Clark


After 35 years, First Presbyterian's pastor Brant Copeland retiring


DOJ official Bruce Ohr resigns from department amid disciplinary review


Longtime announcer Curran retiring after 37 years at Delaware Park


Dr. Kathy Lofy, state health officer, resigning position


iHeart Host Fired Over Tweet


Fairview Mayor Resigns


Office of Drug Control Policy's Director Retiring


Kansas State Fair’s interim general manager resigns


Greencastle Borough Manager Lorraine Hohl resigns


Vanguard's Head of U.S. Trading Is Retiring at Year-End


HR Director in Trussville resigns after 1 year, looking forward to family time


Ted Potrikus is retiring as president and CEO at the Retail Council of New York State


Pitt Law adjunct professor resigns after using racial slur during class


Williamson resigns as county EMA director


Detroit cop fired, others quit amid internal drug probe


ATPCO CEO Rolf Purzer is retiring


Santa Monica’s Police Chief Retiring


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6a9a42 No.124440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148151 (190637ZOCT20) Notable: - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020 - part 4

Tulare official resigns after arrest for soliciting sex with a minor


CMG Houston Manager Retiring


Daryl Morey stepping down as Houston Rockets GM


Mindshare CEO Emery Fired For Code of Conduct Breach


Epidemiologist with Cleveland’s health department resigns amid rising COVID-19 cases across Ohio


Jaffe to replace retiring Kopelowitz as JEC executive director


Shaker Heights officer fired for making obscene gesture to Black Lives Matter protesters


Navicent Health CEO Ninfa Saunders leaves months ahead of planned retirement date


Interim named after Worth Co. Schools superintendent resigns after 5 months


B.C. candidate Laurie Throness resigns from Liberal caucus after eugenics comments


Editorial staff of NYU’s Washington Square News student paper resigns


Greg Miller resigns from Excelsior City Council


SUNY Oneonta president resigns; acting president named


Malaiya Lucassie resigns from Iqaluit’s municipal council


Former Lafayette police officer fired for white supremacist posts


Phenix City principal resigns. Superintendent appoints acting leader of the school.


York City Administrator Joe Frei announces resignation/retirement


Nigel Hinds resigns from NICIL over treatment of Success squatters


Richards Group CEO Stan Richards Resigns From Company


Village of Waukesha clerk resigns as election approaches


'Brief lapse in judgment’: Georgetown Co. elections board chairman resigns amid political sign stealing investigation


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124441

File: 8511debeddf0015⋯.jpg (111.59 KB,639x631,639:631,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148157 (190637ZOCT20) Notable: - Muslim Brotherhood Info Drop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Barack Obama, “lackey” of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood


Muslim Brotherhood in America


Muslim Brotherhood “Massive” Government Infiltration While Stigmatizing Government Employee With “Islamophobia”




Imam Mohamad Tawhidi


THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ‘Project’ – a plan to takeover the West


30-Year Muslim Plan To Control America Has Six Years To Go (2020 is the 30th year. Hillary was to be the final nail in the coffin, but she lost)


Immigration in Islamic Doctrine and History


What Is "Hijrah" and Is It a Trojan Horse?


The all-time biggest Trojan Horse


The Clarion Project


Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood


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6a9a42 No.124442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148160 (190638ZOCT20) Notable: - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020 - part 5

Vodafone Idea CTO Vishant Vora resigns


Roselle trustee resigns abruptly


Peter Roth to Step Down as Warner Bros. TV Chief


Abante steps down as House minority leader, to join majority bloc


Miami schools special needs teacher arrested, fired for alleged neglect, abuse


Brazil: Senator resigns after money found in underwear


Chia Mia Chiang to step down as Nafa president; ex-St Nicholas Girls' principal to take over


Anne McCloskey to step down as Derry councillor as Covid ‘views differ” from party


Retiring Warm Hearth CEO ready for whatever comes next


Florida jail officials fired after woman gives birth in cell


Tijuana mayor resigns, paving way for city’s first female mayor


Former Baltimore Museum Trustees Condemn Major Deaccessions, and One Announces Resignation


BBHC Independent Directors All Resign


McCann CEO Harris Diamond Is Retiring, Handing Reins to COO Bill Kolb


Newburyport building commissioner resigns


Eastern Cape official resigns over allegations of PPE graft


Warner Bros. TV Chairman Peter Roth to step down in 2021


Tim Griffin, Peter Eleey Step Down From Their Respective Organizations


Jeff Donofrio resigns as director of Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity


Trustee resigns from Montcalm Township Board


Hungarian politician resigns after stealing electricity to mine Bitcoin


Boris to ‘resign in spring because his £150,000 salary is too low’


Polish Bishop Caught up in Abuse Negligence Case Resigns


Teho director resigns amid CAD probe involving New Silkroutes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124443

File: 07f9dca38057eb1⋯.png (40.92 KB,559x434,559:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d295fa3c888dfe⋯.png (286.03 KB,560x419,560:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148166 (190639ZOCT20) Notable: - SPOT-On messaging and LOOK at her reach - Right UP There with POTUS!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SPOT-On messaging and LOOK at her reach - Right UP There with POTUS!

Candace Owens @RealCandaceO

I don’t know who needs to hear this but… if you find yourself agreeing with the mainstream media, the millionaire celebrities, and the billionaire tech owners— you are not a part of the “resistance”.

You’re a programmed sheep.

9:22 PM · Oct 18, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

~5-hours 99K links


~5-hours 86K links


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6a9a42 No.124444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148194 (190642ZOCT20) Notable: - Large LAPD response at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


HOLLYWOOD (CBSLA) — There was a large police presence on Sunday night at the Paramount Pictures studio lot in Hollywood after a reported officer-involved shooting.

The incident happened sometime around 10 p.m. at the lot off Melrose and Gower, leading to a standoff between the suspect and LAPD officers.

Police was called to the scene after reports about the individual on the lot. At some point, police opened fire and the suspect took off.

A helicopter was overhead with a stoplight on a building, but it is unclear what the condition of the suspect is or exactly what led up to this incident.

At last check, police officers were using a K9 to search buildings on the lot to locate the suspect who barricaded themselves.


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6a9a42 No.124445

File: 0fd1b78f1e3b1b3⋯.png (801.04 KB,667x960,667:960,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148275 (190654ZOCT20) Notable: - Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Joe Biden’s intersection started 47 years ago

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Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Joe Biden’s intersection started 47 years ago at the beginning of Joe’s career in the US Senate. Joe got help from the Mob to win then, and has run his career in that winning fashion since. Rudy took that Crime Family down, and is working on Biden’s Crime Family too.

New Scorsese movie based on true events:

Martin Scorsese’s new film, The Irishman, conjures up a lost world. It depicts an era when the Mafia was so powerful that it set off alarms in the Kennedy White House, and Scorsese even hints that organized crime was behind JFK’s assassination.


Back in the 1980s and 1990s, Trump’s buildings and his casinos attracted underworld figures like “Fat Tony” Salerno, the Fedora-wearing, cigar-chomping boss of the Genovese crime family. Salerno, who’s portrayed in the film by Domenick Lombardozzi, supplied the fast-drying concrete that built Trump Tower and other Trump properties. Salerno also controlled the local concrete workers union, and when a strike shut down construction in Manhattan in 1982, the one of the few buildings that wasn’t affected was Trump Tower.


Trump wasn’t the only one who knew the people in the world of The Irishman. In addition to being a hit man, Sheeran was president of a local Teamsters union in Delaware.

In 1972, shortly before Election Day, a prominent lawyer who was very big in the Democratic Party came to see him. There were some political ads that would run in the local newspaper every day in the last week before election, and the lawyer didn’t want them to run. So Sheeran set up a picket line outside the newspaper, and he knew the Teamsters union drivers who delivered the paper wouldn’t cross it.

So the ads were never delivered, and on Election Day, Delaware had a new senator: a young man named Joe Biden. After that, Sheeran said Biden’s door was always open. “You could reach out for him, and he would listen,” he wrote.

The Biden story isn’t in the movie. There wasn’t room enough for everyone to make it into Scorsese’s epic Mafia biopic

Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, also crossed paths with Salerno as New York’s top federal prosecutor in the 1980s. Giuliani was obsessed with Salerno. “Tony was the Tip O’Neill of the underworld and would reside forever in Rudy Giuliani’s mind,” wrote the legendary New York columnist Jimmy Breslin. Giuliani went after Salerno with such zeal that the mobster’s defense attorney complained that the prosecutor ″has made it his personal mission to bury my client.″

In March 1986, Giuliani announced that a grand jury had indicted Salerno and others on charges that included rigging construction bids. Trump Plaza, a co-op apartment building on Manhattan’s East Side, was specifically mentioned in the 29-count indictment. Salerno arranged things so his concrete company got a $7.8 million contract at Trump Plaza. It just so happens that while these bids were being rigged, the building was under construction, right around the time that Trump met Salerno in Cohn’s townhouse. Even so, the indictment makes it clear that the bid-rigging occurred without the knowledge of developers.

Moar at link…


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6a9a42 No.124446

File: 760c3a06a454600⋯.jpeg (399.39 KB,1077x1606,1077:1606,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 692cc83c1f25f44⋯.jpeg (226.6 KB,899x1302,29:42,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b78b01b35d013ff⋯.jpeg (810 KB,1125x1071,125:119,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148307 (190659ZOCT20) Notable: - Key telling statement from Transition Integrity Project (TIP):

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Great points and comments fellow Anons.

Personally, I’ve been at this kind of stuff since 2006 (pre-Obama) and even 1995 (mid-Clinton). Been crazy. I think the Benghazi crap started opening the can of Worms. That’s when I started posting in public rather that trying to push whistle blower buttons.

Nonetheless, here is a followup with a notable from a previous bake regarding election scenarios as a re-emphasis.

>>124345 (pb)

This gentleman (see his credentials) provided

a link to an interesting paper about “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition” but all directed at Trump.

Key telling statement from Transition Integrity Project (TIP):

“The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) was launched in late 2019 out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process. TIP takes no position on how Americans should cast their votes, or on the likely winner of the upcoming election; either major party candidate could prevail at the polls in November without resorting to “dirty tricks.” However, the administration of President Donald Trump has steadily undermined core norms of democracy and the rule of law and embraced numerous corrupt and authoritarian practices. This presents a profound challenge for those – from either party – who are committed to ensuring free and fair elections, peaceful transitions of power, and stable administrative continuity in the United States.”

Helps us with insight to the Darkside’s Election Strategy.


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6a9a42 No.124447

File: 8cc7bacc146cbd0⋯.png (189.65 KB,375x424,375:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148315 (190700ZOCT20) Notable: #14256

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>>124417 - Rosemont was in the 2011 Hillary emails

>>124418 , >>124423 - Lu De says its all there.. everyone can get a drop for their own.

>>124419 - new BIG biden reveal- getting another prosecutor fired?

>>124420 - Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel

>>124421 - Spoopy 4chan Story

>>124422 - Joe Biden’s father a clerk-typist for Amoco in York also lived at YMCA

>>124424 , >>124435 , >>124444 - Large LAPD response at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood

>>124425 - Patrick Ho schemed to bribe the leaders of Chad and Uganda

>>124426 - The crowds in Cali make me believe a red wave is possible

>>124427 - Trump Card by Dinesh D'Souza on Bitchute

>>124428 - IMDb changes 'Sex & Nudity' rating of "Cuties" movie from 'Severe' to 'Moderate' despite viewers' opinion

>>124429 - What makes a correct cap for the baker?

>>124430 - Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

>>124431 - Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.

>>124432 - False Positive PCR Tests

>>124433 - Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

>>124434 - How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump

>>124436 , >>124438 , >>124439 , >>124440 ,>>124442 - Resignations in the news 10/12/2020 thru 10/18/2020

>>124437 - Chanel Rion

>>124441 - Muslim Brotherhood Info Drop

>>124443 - SPOT-On messaging and LOOK at her reach - Right UP There with POTUS!

>>124445 - Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Joe Biden’s intersection started 47 years ago

>>124446 - Key telling statement from Transition Integrity Project (TIP):

Am I forgetting something? Who was right again?

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6a9a42 No.124448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148425 (190717ZOCT20) Notable: - Federal Crimes Uncovered In Biden Hard Drive | Rudy Giulian

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Federal Crimes Uncovered In Biden Hard Drive | Rudy Giulian


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6a9a42 No.124449

File: 9a0dcb0eb3c169a⋯.jpeg (527.99 KB,828x1382,414:691,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148426 (190717ZOCT20) Notable: - Good watch knowing what we know now.

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Good watch knowing what we know now.


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6a9a42 No.124450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148439 (190719ZOCT20) Notable: - The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani


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6a9a42 No.124451

File: 77b8c7c27c4ae5a⋯.jpg (82.04 KB,680x389,680:389,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148462 (190724ZOCT20) Notable: - The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanist

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The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanists

Jeremiah Elliott, the agitator who stirred up the mess in Denver that led to the murder of the Trump supporter two weeks ago has connections to Satanists.

All initial reports indicated that the murder of a Trump supporter in Denver two weeks ago was due to a conflict between Antifa and conservatives, but the Denver Police later issued a statement saying that the shooter did not have any ties to the militant leftists.


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6a9a42 No.124452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148500 (190730ZOCT20) Notable: - Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit - 7:00AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Department of State

Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit - 7:00AM

3 waiting•Scheduled for Oct 19, 2020

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo delivers remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit and Web Forum, from the Department of State.

link live ready for 7:00AM EDT


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6a9a42 No.124453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148526 (190735ZOCT20) Notable: - H.Res.1175 - drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange

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H.Res.1175 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that newsgathering activities are protected under the First Amendment, and that the United States should drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange.

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6a9a42 No.124454

File: f777b7e0e6a161c⋯.jpeg (88.57 KB,750x605,150:121,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ebed90e20826718⋯.jpeg (138.74 KB,750x666,125:111,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 87103cdc42e4582⋯.jpeg (156.59 KB,750x696,125:116,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2e1d60e606ed5f4⋯.jpeg (167.86 KB,749x770,107:110,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148645 (190750ZOCT20) Notable: - Shady Private Equity Firm run by Kerry and Biden's kids

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Q have you seen this article before? Lots of good info. Is this why Joe goes to Pittsburgh so much? Hopefully the ketchup sales haven’t been funding all the shady dealings. Here are some of the best parts of the article. Gotta love the NYPost!


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6a9a42 No.124455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148697 (190757ZOCT20) Notable: - re Anna Makanju

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>>124373 (PB) Notable - in reAnna Makanju

>"Nina Ginn was born in the Soviet Union. Her father was a member of the Communist Party and colonel in the Soviet army."

I'm not sure Anna Makanju's grandfather being a member of the Communist Party is of any significance. In the 70s, if one wanted to be more than a streetsweeper, you had to join the Party whatever your political inclinations.

But what is interesting is that Shell Petroleum employed both American citizens (Ron Ginn and Ann Huey) and Soviet citizens (Nina Alexandrovna Makanju Ginn) in Nigeria during the height of the Cold War.

Oh, and this:


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6a9a42 No.124456

File: da6fd780bc26db8⋯.jpg (29.88 KB,590x332,295:166,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148698 (190757ZOCT20) Notable: - 3:29 "Hunter Biden in disturbing acts with children not treating Chinese as human beings, filmed by the CCP."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So this whole Laptop thing….

09/24/2020 Lude's broadcast: 3 hard drives, provided 3 hard drives to the DOJ of America

As for what's on it?

3:29 "Hunter Biden in disturbing acts with children not treating Chinese as human beings, filmed by the CCP."


This predates all the stuff being reported now, so presuming it's accurate then clearly China had the hard drives.

Likely Hunter Biden only made those stupid mistakes because it was purposeful blackmail - Joe likely also approved as this was what China wanted to get him in their pocket.

how it got from China to Trump? Well… early Q posts did assert China was working with Trump to end the pyramid. I personally have been confused about their affiliation. Seems like it flip flops every week, but then perhaps that's why the remnants of the cabbal fell for it and made China Joe the candidate?

BTW all the Joe Biden gaffes? I suspect it's all intentional. We are watching a controlled demolition in a candidate.

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6a9a42 No.124457

File: 5146f07c6db0ba3⋯.jpeg (119.13 KB,750x680,75:68,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ea7a0efbbdeb588⋯.jpeg (247.34 KB,750x1111,750:1111,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148782 (190808ZOCT20) Notable: - More Hunter digs

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More hunter digs


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6a9a42 No.124458

File: a2db207049acecc⋯.png (229.2 KB,781x681,781:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148838 (190815ZOCT20) Notable: - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

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Christ recognized the subversion of REAL Jews, not those "who say they are Jews and are not"…

Read this, it explains a lot: https://sites.google.com/site/dicereaudiaturetalterapars/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia

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6a9a42 No.124459

File: fc5534433419d4d⋯.png (75.45 KB,809x201,809:201,Clipboard.png)

File: 0647fdf804cff95⋯.png (92.84 KB,827x242,827:242,Clipboard.png)

File: 61549b5f0889111⋯.png (254.78 KB,839x659,839:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 46e4b57c8f75f27⋯.png (120.42 KB,750x366,125:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148870 (190820ZOCT20) Notable: - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

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6a9a42 No.124460

File: 17873889d70adf2⋯.png (80.59 KB,835x185,167:37,Clipboard.png)

File: fcb9d7acc1bfbfa⋯.png (67.76 KB,834x176,417:88,Clipboard.png)

File: d3d88afc42df77e⋯.png (102.46 KB,831x261,277:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e329d7ebe4b619⋯.png (86.66 KB,835x232,835:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148874 (190820ZOCT20) Notable: - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

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6a9a42 No.124461

File: 88fdb867e708bec⋯.png (287.07 KB,824x656,103:82,Clipboard.png)

File: d258da5be3ab12d⋯.png (277.97 KB,835x669,835:669,Clipboard.png)

File: beacc0b06cafe2c⋯.png (90.66 KB,822x201,274:67,Clipboard.png)

File: bbb4908cde2c545⋯.png (44.5 KB,824x104,103:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148875 (190821ZOCT20) Notable: - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

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6a9a42 No.124462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11148877 (190821ZOCT20) Notable: - Bill Maher on Acceptible Pedophilia (5 min)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3/20/98 - Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher

Bill Maher on Acceptible Pedophilia

(5 min)

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6a9a42 No.124463

File: 15c4d607fb7a6f2⋯.jpg (535.8 KB,1264x1236,316:309,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4c2557fa6d19fbe⋯.jpg (210.15 KB,676x540,169:135,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 71979122bba1398⋯.jpg (8.82 MB,7081x3424,7081:3424,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149056 (190848ZOCT20) Notable: - ELON MUSK MOTHER.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I came across this about ELON MUSK MOTHER.



So this does need a digg? Can't find much more.



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6a9a42 No.124464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149073 (190851ZOCT20) Notable: - ELON MUSK MOTHER.

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6a9a42 No.124465

File: 156c38ef21f0044⋯.png (179.32 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149115 (190857ZOCT20) Notable: #14257

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>124448 - Federal Crimes Uncovered In Biden Hard Drive | Rudy Giulian

>>124449 - Good watch knowing what we know now.

>>124450 - The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani

>>124451 - The ‘Agitator’ Involved in Murder of Trump Supporter in Denver, Jeremiah Elliot, Is Connected to Satanist

>>124452 - Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks to the Three Seas Virtual Summit - 7:00AM

>>124453 - H.Res.1175 - drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange

>>124454 - Shady Private Equity Firm run by Kerry and Biden's kids

>>124455 - re Anna Makanju

>>124456 - 3:29 "Hunter Biden in disturbing acts with children not treating Chinese as human beings, filmed by the CCP."

>>124457 - More Hunter digs

>>124458 , >>124459 , >>124460 , >>124461 - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

>>124462 - Bill Maher on Acceptible Pedophilia (5 min)

>>124463 , >>124464 - ELON MUSK MOTHER.


Nice try

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6a9a42 No.124466

File: 768782aea1fad77⋯.jpg (260.91 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149265 (190927ZOCT20) Notable: - VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


hi qfags 4chin user here. here is an updated paste of archived links regarding the VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx


Make no mistake, this is bigger than right or left. This is our republic at stake. Do not let this get slid into a memoryhole.


https://archive.is/MGJFj Oregon Ballot Status Website

https://archive.is/nuB7W Voter Fraud General #01

https://archive.is/FE4bI Voter Fraud General #02

https://archive.is/V2Vis Voter Fraud General #03

https://archive.is/vcGBG Voter Fraud General #04

https://archive.is/b4woE Voter Fraud General #05

https://archive.is/eA3h1 Voter Fraud General #06

https://archive.is/zTunS Voter Fraud General #07

https://archive.is/OMpey Voter Fraud General #08

https://archive.is/7GNeF Voter Fraud General #09

https://archive.is/9aE7l Voter Fraud General #10

https://archive.is/JYxzY Voter Fraud General #11

https://archive.is/yWtkk Voter Fraud General #12

https://archive.is/IQz9Z Voter Fraud General #13

https://archive.is/dPHqr Voter Fraud General #14

https://archive.is/LvAQZ Voter Fraud General #15

https://archive.is/H4xcH Voter Fraud General #16

https://archive.is/o9r6S Voter Fraud General #17

https://archive.is/NVMHv Voter Fraud General #18

https://archive.is/WqCX4 Voter Fraud General #19

https://archive.is/wVMml Voter Fraud General #20

https://archive.is/9Qaa2 Voter Fraud General #21

https://archive.is/sUNrS Voter Fraud General #22

https://archive.vn/j1eBX Voter Fraud General #23

https://archive.vn/QlJXs Voter Fraud General #24

https://archive.vn/8gEld Voter Fraud General #25

https://archive.vn/pHasE Voter Fraud General #26

https://archive.is/XHyqE Voter Fraud General #27

https://archive.is/70HDH Voter Fraud General #28

https://archive.vn/0oF8B Voter Fraud General #29

https://archive.vn/53b33 Voter Fraud General #30

https://archive.vn/9hxSO Voter Fraud General #31


here are some non-general threads related to this exploit of our election process

https://pastebin.com/Fti5v6AH (embed)


https://archive.is/cmz67 HAPPENING GET THE FUCK IN HERE

https://archive.is/ZPd3y Its over pol

https://archive.is/2Et1h FUCKFUCKFUCK

https://archive.is/PmQtw AAAAAAAAAAA! WHAT DID YOU DO NOW, /pol/?


https://archive.is/d2sJC Why the Oregon vulnerability exists:

https://archive.is/fXxuh OREGON VOTER REG IS BACK


https://archive.is/Gac1o HAPPENING: Oregon voter list online incl tel

https://archive.vn/xC09j /vfg/ - Voter Gate General (died too early)

https://archive.is/OmraT what a mysterious election cycle…

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6a9a42 No.124467

File: f685c5651dae13b⋯.png (308.44 KB,583x662,583:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149269 (190928ZOCT20) Notable: - Roger Stone Parler

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6a9a42 No.124468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149335 (190938ZOCT20) Notable: - Dark to Light

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dark to Light


How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

Why would H. Biden have such material on his laptop?

How was the content *originally* received?


Why would H. Biden risk turning over such material to a computer repair shop? [contents unrestricted?]

On purpose [years of being treated poorly by 'Pop'] or simple negligence?

If such information existed on laptop why wouldn't contents be claimed?

Several attempts made to contact to claim?

Messages left?

Why wouldn't H. Biden want to reclaim *knowing* the contents on the drive could bury *Pops* & family.

A troubled life?

A troubled family?

Looks can be deceiving.


A troubled life. A troubled family. Looks can be deceiving.

This got me thinking so I dug into Beau Biden. We see the signs of abuse with Hunter, might there have been signs with Beau too? I believe there might be.

Beau Biden Foundation

“We have seen the progress that can be made when society commits to shining a bright light on a crime like domestic violence, and we are seeing the beginning of what can be accomplished if we continue shining that bright light on child abuse. As adults, we have a legal and moral obligation to stand up and speak out for children who are being abused. These children cannot speak for themselves.”

— Beau Biden


As AG of Delaware, Beau Biden turned down a Senate run in 2010.

“I have a duty to fulfill as attorney general, and the immediate need to focus on a case of great consequence,” Biden, then 40, said in a statement at the time. “And that is what I must do. … Therefore I cannot and will not run for the United States Senate.”

What was the case of great consequence?

But “the case of great consequence” Biden stuck around to prosecute involved Earl Bradley — a pediatrician who perpetrated what some called “one of the worst cases of child sexual abuse” by sexually assaulting dozens, if not hundreds, of his young patients.

The numbers were staggering. More than 1,400 patients filed claims against Bradley, who was convicted in 2011 of raping or abusing 86 patients over 11 years. The average age of the victims was just 3 years old, and one alleged victim was just 3 months old.


Beau had great passion to fight for children who are victims of sexual abuse.

What Beau Biden Wanted Everyone To Know About The Issue That Defined His Career

While Biden served as attorney general in Delaware, a position to which he was elected in 2006, he brought a successful indictment against Dr. Earl Bradley in 2010. The pediatrician was charged with 471 felony counts of child abuse involving 102 girls and one boy. Bradley was convicted in 2011, but sought appeal of his case on the grounds of ineffective counsel last year.

“I cannot say certain things that I am feeling, and I am feeling a great deal. I am determined to see that this defendant will never, ever be in a position again to hurt another child,” Biden said in a statement following the indictment.

Biden became something of a national spokesman on the issue, even speaking about the crimes of Penn State’s former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. (His father, Joe Biden, was an early supporter of the Violence Against Women Act, which targeted domestic violence.)

This part caught my attention:

He also penned an op-ed for the News-Journal, highlighting his work with Darkness to Light Foundation’s “Stewards of Children” program and its partnership with the state of Delaware. The program teaches “adults how to spot the signs of child abuse and the importance of immediately reporting the abuse to authorities.”





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6a9a42 No.124469

File: 6eb546bdf14bc64⋯.png (96.33 KB,210x423,70:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149381 (190944ZOCT20) Notable: -Why all these face masks?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why all these face masks? Israeli News Live https://youtu.be/R9FmLtBNMZo?t=721

Safety Israeli News Live https://youtu.be/-VJzjPB0N3E?t=1660


100 nanometers Terral BlackStar “He [Trump] knows that it’s [corona virus] AI assisted. He knows that it’s 5G assisted….Covid 19 virus is artificial intelligence assisted using space based digital HAARP carrier wave integrated with the 5G technology used to turn on and turn off the contagion.” Terral BlackStar https://youtu.be/Mm1ITKM16hQ?t=340

[Geospatial intelligence] “There’s no virus that leaps six feet.…– complete misinformation.…It defies every logical aspect of science and medicine.…This social distancing of six feet?….It’s for more monitoring…” Dr. Buttar, Top 50 Doctors in the US James Munder https://youtu.be/oLL9Nb0l8AU?t=404

“Luminous mark…the mark of Revelation is being formed now and it’s going to be connected to the cure of this virus…” Patrick Winfrey https://youtu.be/rJxFi9QdxaY?t=486

Bible Prophecy Update J.D. Farag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx4YQ5gNQlc&t

Dr. Erickson Covid 19 Full Briefing https://www.bitchute.com/video/2wJvfU6dYdHR/

Face Masks Can Be Deadly To Healthy People Says Neurologist https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2020/05/14/neurosurgeon-says-face-masks-pose-serious-risk-to-healthy-people-n392431

WH Task Force Being Advised by Gates Foundation: “The criteria the Gates set…”Truthification Chronicles https://youtu.be/wnG-8ypFNWs?t=1206

Luciferase and Bioluminescent quantum dots theJonathanKleck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hklPdfz6HY&t

Mandatory Masks Have Very Little To Do With Safety And Everything To Do With Social Control To Keep Us In A Constant State Of Confinement https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/mandatory-masks-social-conditioning-control-covid-19-new-world-order-trojan-horse/

‘Masks Are Symbolic,’ say Dr Fauci and The New England Journal of Medicine https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/masks-symbolic-say-dr-fauci-new-england-journal-medicine/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

Vaccines: Accept Injection with Conditions Curtis Stone Interview Dustin Nemos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTeN8GQDrvw&t=0s

Trump Admin Sleight Of Hand: President Pulls Out Of WHO – Gives Billions To Gates https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/trump-sleight-of-hand-president-pulls-out-of-who-gives-billions-to-gates-founded-gavi/

D.C. ‘mask mandate’ exempts lawmakers and government employees https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/d-c-mask-mandate-exempts-lawmakers-and-government-employees/

Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims https://www.zerohedge.com/political/red-flags-soar-big-pharma-will-be-exempt-covid-19-vaccine-liability-claims

Federal Government and Yale Are Holding Clinical Trials on How Best to ‘Persuade’ Americans to Take COVID-19 Vaccines https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/federal-government-yale-holding-clinical-trials-best-persuade-americans-take-fauci-gates-covid-19-vaccines/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

Trump: military will be used to vaccinate Americans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67AlPRO27dk

Google bans colloidal silver | Terral BlackStar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrtLJ4jWkrs&t

Masks Damage Fight Against Covid-19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU2xFspHaUA&t

Dr. Andrew Wakefield warns about coronavirus vaccines and outrageous legal immunity for vaccine makers in must-see interview https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-08-11-dr-andrew-wakefield-talks-coronavirus-vaccines-1986-documentary.html

COVID-19 Masks Hypercapnia And Kidney Disease http://qplusnews.com/covid-19-masks-hypercapnia-and-kidney-disease

Doctors lay out plan to ‘punish’ people who refuse coronavirus vaccine: ‘There is no alternative’ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/doctors-lay-out-plan-to-punish-people-who-refuse-coronavirus-vaccine-there-is-no-alternative

AI Worship, Hunger Games, Social Crediting, Human Value Chain, Corporate Self | Israeli News Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ_-jLh0k8M&t

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124470

File: 2a21325d6fcbfff⋯.jpg (29.95 KB,348x398,174:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149384 (190945ZOCT20) Notable: -Why all these face masks?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months before Coronavirus Pandemic https://truepundit.com/exclusive-bill-gates-negotiated-100-billion-contact-tracing-deal-with-democratic-congressman-sponsor-of-bill-six-months-before-coronavirus-pandemic/

Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/virginia-plans-mandatory-covid-19-vaccinations-all-residents

FDA Approving Gates Hydrogel Biochip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNSNRkbFCsE

[Shock Study Finds Covid-19 Lockdowns 10 Times More Deadly Than Virus](https://trendingpolitics.com/shock-study-finds-covid-19-lockdowns-1-times-more-deadly-than-virus/)

CDC Tells Nation’s Governors To Be Ready To Open ‘Vaccine Distribution Sites’ That Will Be ‘Fully Operational’ By November 1 https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/cdc-tells-nations-governors-to-open-vaccine-distribution-sites-fully-operational-november-1-bill-gates-id2020/

The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective https://www.redstate.com/scotthounsell/2020/09/10/the-cdc-accidentally-admits-cloth-masks-are-not-effective/

CDC’s failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/04/cdcs-failed-coronavirus-tests-were-tainted-with-coronavirus-feds-confirm/

[Bill Gates: We Can Only Go Back to ‘Normal’ When the Population is ‘Widely Vaccinated’](https://neonnettle.com/features/1803-bill-gates-we-can-only-go-back-to-normal-when-the-population-is-widely-vaccinated-)

Dr. Fauci and NIAID Accused of Collaboration with China on the Covid-19 Virus https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/time-investigation-dr-fauci-niaid-accused-collaboration-china-covid-19-virus/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

‘Rogue’ Chinese Virologist Joins Twitter, Publishes “Smoking Gun” Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/rogue-chinese-virologist-joins-twitter-publishes-evidence-covid-19-created-lab

A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip To Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021 https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/darpa-funded-implantable-biochip-detect-covid-19-could-hit-markets-2021

Dr. Urso: Asymptomatic spreaders do not exist for any viruses…stop the lies https://youtu.be/RE_EUHDCDg4?t=609

Did The WHO Just (Accidentally) Confirm Covid Is No More Dangerous Than Flu? https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/did-who-just-accidentally-confirm-covid-no-more-dangerous-flu

Initiation rituals: masks, social distancing and hand washing. Isolation transformation, reformation. Slavery, silence, subservience, submission. J.D. Farag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF70oBf2z18

Trans infection, non-human DNA, nano technology combined with your DNA making you programmable, attaching you to cryptocurrency, all humans a commodity | Watchman for that Great Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Txgc7KX85vk

Dr. Zelenko: Masks don’t stop Coronavirus, ‘End the Lies’ https://www.israel365news.com/159390/dr-zelenko-masks-dont-stop-coronavirus-end-the-lies/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=NY%3A+Jews%2C+Christians+Unite+to+Battle+Against+Cuomo+s+Anti-Religious+Lockdown+Orders+and+Today+s+Top+Stories&utm_campaign=I3N+-+AM+-+October+12%2C+2020

“Facts Do Not Matter” To The Covidian Cult https://www.zerohedge.com/political/facts-do-not-matter-covidian-cult

After covid, your entire life will be controlled by smartphone apps funded by Rockefeller, Clinton Foundation https://www.dcclothesline.com/2020/10/14/after-covid-your-entire-life-will-be-controlled-by-smartphone-apps-funded-by-rockefeller-clinton-foundation/

Over 34,000 Health Experts Sign Declaration Against COVID-19 Lockdowns, Petition by Epidemiologists Claims https://www.theepochtimes.com/over-30000-health-experts-sign-declaration-against-covid-19-lockdowns_3537277.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-10-13-2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124471

File: 53b8184aee628cd⋯.png (2.09 MB,1462x1266,731:633,Clipboard.png)

File: fe4cba227a2e5d3⋯.png (89.21 KB,1136x392,142:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149392 (190945ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter Biden’s drug problems aren’t funny or attack fodder.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124472

File: 542d76bf5184d21⋯.jpg (648.33 KB,691x1113,691:1113,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149476 (190958ZOCT20) Notable: - EVERGREEN - Links to Elon Musk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EVERGREEN - Links to Elon Musk

Similar to previous bread.


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6a9a42 No.124473

File: 48e489227858c88⋯.jpeg (389.73 KB,690x808,345:404,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149481 (190958ZOCT20) Notable: - QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/10/qanon-8chan-sites-briefly-knocked-offline/ QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

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6a9a42 No.124474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149510 (191002ZOCT20) Notable: #14208-14251

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Previously Collected Notables

>>124292 #14251,

>>124219 #14248, >>124239 #14249, >>124262 #14250

>>124135 #14245, >>124161 #14246, >>124188 #14247

>>124072 #14243, >>124107 #14244, >>124135 #14245

>>123974 #14240, >>123995 #14241, >>>/qresearch/11149151 , >>>/qresearch/11149153 #14242

>>123996 #14237, >>>/qresearch/11133482 #14238, >>123950 #14239

>>123834 #14235, >>123879 #14236, >>>/qresearch/11136870 #14237

>>123741 #14232, >>123771 #14233, >>123805 #14234

>>123649 #14229, >>123670 #14230, >>123714 #14231

>>123558 #14226, >>123574 #14227, >>123609 #14228

>>123474 #14223, >>123510 #14224, >>123536 #14225

>>123397 #14220, >>123429 #14221, >>123453 #14222

>>123282 #14217, >>123339 #14218, >>123378 #14219

>>123171 #14214, >>123208 #14215, >>123251 #14216

>>123085 #14211, >>123098 #14212, >>123111 #14213

>>122964 #14208, >>123008 #14209, >>123035 #14210

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124475

File: df251d85230c9c1⋯.png (601.86 KB,596x534,298:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149521 (191003ZOCT20) Notable: - DoD Tweet, frogs

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we like frogs


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6a9a42 No.124476

File: 4be43b7648b7aea⋯.jpeg (134.74 KB,828x482,414:241,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149523 (191003ZOCT20) Notable: - Supreme Court fight, Twitter subpoena, and vote on virus aid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/wild-senate-week-coming-supreme-court-fight-twitter-subpoena-and-vote-on-virus-aid Wild Senate week coming: Supreme Court fight, Twitter subpoena, and vote on virus aid

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6a9a42 No.124477

File: 378a53174be12d9⋯.jpeg (442.51 KB,828x884,207:221,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149537 (191006ZOCT20) Notable: - How a scandal-plagued Hunter Biden tried to disappear

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/18/how-scandal-plagued-hunter-biden-tried-disappear-o/ How a scandal-plagued Hunter Biden tried to disappear – only to see his past dominate campaign

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6a9a42 No.124478

File: 8aab98b53d7e29c⋯.jpeg (589 KB,828x1211,828:1211,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149549 (191008ZOCT20) Notable: - Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/developing-ukrainian-lawmaker-says-government-seized-second-laptop-belonging-hunter-bidens-business-contacts/ Developing: Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124479

File: 971958e28312569⋯.jpeg (436.03 KB,828x942,138:157,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149556 (191009ZOCT20) Notable: - Someone Else’s Life Is Passing before Biden’s Eyes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://outline.com/dd5taj Someone Else’s Life Is Passing before Biden’s Eyes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124480

File: f2e552fa631d9c9⋯.png (100.93 KB,1508x424,377:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149562 (191010ZOCT20) Notable: - VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


thanks for adding

heres another for fraud

>pic related

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6a9a42 No.124481

File: cb781af7d26decf⋯.jpeg (510.9 KB,828x1322,414:661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149565 (191011ZOCT20) Notable: - The Racial Politics of Kamala Harris’s Performance Style

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://outline.com/6qUfrq The Racial Politics of Kamala Harris’s Performance Style

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124482

File: 3c2803623a1bcc8⋯.jpeg (422.43 KB,828x1504,207:376,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149584 (191013ZOCT20) Notable: - Chuck Todd interviewed Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://jonathanturley.org/2020/10/18/chuck-todd-the-michigan-supreme-court-did-not-cite-any-law-in-ruling-whitmers-actions-unconstitutional/ Chuck Todd interviewed Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124483

File: 7cd1b6ff926baba⋯.jpeg (165.4 KB,828x592,207:148,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149592 (191014ZOCT20) Notable: - Are the FakeNews Polls a Setup for Post-Election Chaos?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Are the FakeNews Polls a Setup for Post-Election Chaos?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124484

File: 07c1e99b2d2eb7c⋯.jpg (478.73 KB,809x1813,809:1813,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149603 (191015ZOCT20) Notable: - US v Flynn has been flooded by Amicus briefs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge Sullivan has filed filed a bunch of animus briefs to the Flynn docket.


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6a9a42 No.124485

File: 5ec596411b6bb2f⋯.jpeg (125.4 KB,828x467,828:467,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149606 (191016ZOCT20) Notable: - Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://outline.com/WsZrXv Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124486

File: 229bfb4ef1ee8aa⋯.png (227.57 KB,915x647,915:647,Clipboard.png)

File: c2079fbf0b82f2b⋯.png (285.66 KB,1058x532,529:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149610 (191016ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

any ideas what this is?

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6a9a42 No.124487

File: a33efa21067e1c7⋯.png (132.7 KB,905x642,905:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149616 (191017ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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6a9a42 No.124488

File: 1e7a69ca455db85⋯.jpeg (442.68 KB,828x941,828:941,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149649 (191022ZOCT20) Notable: - Media avoiding The Post’s Hunter Biden stories as much as Joe: Devin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://nypost.com/2020/10/18/media-avoiding-the-posts-hunter-biden-stories-as-much-as-joe-devine/ Media avoiding The Post’s Hunter Biden stories as much as Joe: Devine

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124489

File: c4fba11dca99e0f⋯.png (821.59 KB,1075x971,1075:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149651 (191022ZOCT20) Notable: - CNN SEARCH RESULTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Just pointing out the obvious. Probably not notable.

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6a9a42 No.124490

File: 34b92a8b65c77a8⋯.png (406.41 KB,881x642,881:642,Clipboard.png)

File: 1067594123f23eb⋯.png (402.06 KB,902x634,451:317,Clipboard.png)

File: addf5217242ec38⋯.png (323.05 KB,807x653,807:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 734bfdc638172fb⋯.png (394.64 KB,755x410,151:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149657 (191023ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124491

File: 002450374a7efa3⋯.jpeg (443.53 KB,828x1050,138:175,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149661 (191023ZOCT20) Notable: - A former Facebook exec will oversee enforcement of the Biden campaign's ethics plan

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https://www.foxnews.com/media/social-media-backlash-facebook-twitter-hunter-biden Social media backlash resurrected over Biden's transition team's ties to Facebook and Twitter

A former Facebook exec will oversee enforcement of the Biden campaign's ethics plan

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6a9a42 No.124492

File: 2621b5552a03d3c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1257x699,419:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 56ba9893de8d94e⋯.png (564.89 KB,1231x768,1231:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c0f9bb99826a9d⋯.jpg (90.59 KB,2000x800,5:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149666 (191024ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Planefaggin'

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The two other jets are from a company called Air Affairs Australia…

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6a9a42 No.124493

File: aaca1a557d06961⋯.png (22.81 KB,724x212,181:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 44e6b3331fe81e4⋯.png (350.79 KB,550x541,550:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149670 (191025ZOCT20) Notable: - Massive Caravan of Trump Supporters Stretches 30 Miles in AZ (video)

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With the presidential election looming, supporters of President Donald Trump went to great lengths to show their enthusiasm for his re-election.

In Arizona, where polls show a tight race, some of the president’s supporters said a caravan backing his re-election stretched for 30 miles, KSAZ-TV reported.

Republican Rep. Debbie Lasko of Arizona praised the caravan.

Participant Karen Patterson said the line of vehicles stretched for 30 miles.

“We love what he’s done for this country,” Patterson said.


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6a9a42 No.124494

File: 2c9e3e10a39f5aa⋯.png (351.01 KB,863x757,863:757,Clipboard.png)

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6a9a42 No.124495

File: 2c4f22221deabfa⋯.jpeg (615.68 KB,828x1142,414:571,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149686 (191029ZOCT20) Notable: - Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book

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https://nypost.com/2020/10/18/casket-outside-brooklyn-nursing-home-filled-with-cuomo-book-covers/ Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book

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6a9a42 No.124496

File: 08bf7c04ea6f784⋯.jpeg (211.76 KB,1491x855,497:285,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149702 (191032ZOCT20) Notable: - Rudy Giulian Tweets

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New Rudy


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6a9a42 No.124497

File: c82288b1d987d0d⋯.jpeg (598 KB,828x1158,138:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149710 (191034ZOCT20) Notable: - Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Question About FBI (video)

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https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/outrageous-joe-biden-puts-hand-walks-away-refuses-answer-question-fbi-seizing-son-hunters-laptop-video/ Outrageous! Joe Biden Puts His Hand Up, Walks Away and Refuses to Answer Question About FBI Seizing His Son Hunter’s Laptop (VIDEO)

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6a9a42 No.124498

File: 507129616445532⋯.png (1.27 MB,1986x1334,993:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149717 (191035ZOCT20) Notable: - VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx

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Fraud General related - heres one of the two articles posted on this massive exploit. the mainstream, networks, news outlets are sliding their heads in sand hoping for this to go away because it exposes just how vulnerable our election process has been and continues to be if not corrected.



article is paywalled, see pic https://www.theepochtimes.com/lax-online-security-appears-to-allow-cancelling-other-voters-mail-in-ballots-in-some-states_3543408.html

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6a9a42 No.124499

File: e5e0849f8a41917⋯.jpeg (597.06 KB,828x1135,828:1135,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149720 (191035ZOCT20) Notable: - GEOTUS Motorcade sees Thousands of Cheering Supporters in CA (video)

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https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/thousands-cheering-supporters-line-streets-catch-glimpse-president-trumps-motorcade-newport-beach-california-video/ Thousands of Cheering Supporters Line the Streets to Catch Glimpse of President Trump’s Motorcade in Newport Beach, California (VIDEO)

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6a9a42 No.124500

File: 2b637805a21c937⋯.jpeg (605.64 KB,828x1033,828:1033,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149814 (191056ZOCT20) Notable: - Arson suspect arrested after series of fires in East Portland

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https://www.google.com/amp/s/katu.com/amp/news/local/series-of-fires-set-along-east-burnside-early-sunday-morning Arson suspect arrested after series of fires in East Portland

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6a9a42 No.124501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149894 (191112ZOCT20) Notable: #14258

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>>124466 , >>124480 , >>124498 - VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx

>>124467 - Roger Stone Parler

>>124468 - Dark to Light

>>124469 , >>124470 -Why all these face masks?

>>124471 - Hunter Biden’s drug problems aren’t funny or attack fodder.

>>124472 - EVERGREEN - Links to Elon Musk

>>124473 - QAnon/8Chan Sites Briefly Knocked Offline

>>124475 - DoD Tweet, frogs

>>124476 - Supreme Court fight, Twitter subpoena, and vote on virus aid

>>124477 - How a scandal-plagued Hunter Biden tried to disappear

>>124478 - Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

>>124479 - Someone Else’s Life Is Passing before Biden’s Eyes

>>124481 - The Racial Politics of Kamala Harris’s Performance Style

>>124482 - Chuck Todd interviewed Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

>>124483 - Are the FakeNews Polls a Setup for Post-Election Chaos?

>>124484 - US v Flynn has been flooded by Amicus briefs

>>124485 - Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment

>>124486 , >>124487 , >>124490 , >>124492 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124488 - Media avoiding The Post’s Hunter Biden stories as much as Joe: Devin

>>124489 , >>124494 - CNN SEARCH RESULTS

>>124491 - A former Facebook exec will oversee enforcement of the Biden campaign's ethics plan

>>124493 - Massive Caravan of Trump Supporters Stretches 30 Miles in AZ (video)

>>124495 - Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book

>>124496 - Rudy Giulian Tweets

>>124497 - Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Question About FBI (video)

>>124499 - GEOTUS Motorcade sees Thousands of Cheering Supporters in CA (video)

>>124500 - Arson suspect arrested after series of fires in East Portland

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6a9a42 No.124502

File: 0215047fcb495b4⋯.png (1.57 MB,1862x1048,931:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149949 (191122ZOCT20) Notable: - Fear Porn: Asteroid may strike Earth day before election: top astrophysicist

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Asteroid may strike Earth day before election: top astrophysicist


Space rock the size of a refrigerator, traveling at 25K mph, won't cause serious damage, scientist says

That’s one way to rock the vote.

An asteroid with a diameter the size of a refrigerator could strike the Earth the day before the November election, according to celebrity scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson — but it’s not large enough to do any serious damage.

The famed astrophysicist said the space rock, known as 2018VP1, is hurtling towards Earth at a speed of 25,000 miles per hour and may clip the planet on Nov. 2.

“It may buzz-cut Earth on Nov. 2, the day before the Presidential Election,” he wrote on Instagram.

But he added that the flying object is nothing to lose sleep over since “it’s not big enough to cause harm.”

“So if the World ends in 2020, it won’t be the fault of the Universe,” he said.

NASA had previously identified the asteroid rocketing toward Earth, but put its chances of actually striking at less than 1 percent.

“It currently has a 0.41% chance of entering our planet’s atmosphere, but if it did, it would disintegrate due to its extremely small size,” the space agency said.

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6a9a42 No.124503

File: a35afb997fbcf0e⋯.jpeg (460.92 KB,640x900,32:45,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149956 (191124ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

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unusual restroom curved entrance behind shirtless leather jacket sunglasses hunter

is he on a yacht?

“Oh Boy: Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn”


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6a9a42 No.124504

File: 55eb44c2d31ac49⋯.png (106.02 KB,520x206,260:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149989 (191131ZOCT20) Notable: - Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

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Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

A mysterious fleet of propeller planes was spotted flying banners over New York on Wednesday congratulating a “Federal State of New China.”

Puzzled and exasperated New Yorkers spotted the banners from Manhattan, flying over the Hudson, and down over Red Hook in Brooklyn.

“I officially have no idea what the f–k is happening anymore,” one person tweeted with an image of the planes over New York Harbor.

The banners appear to be a bizarre stunt against the Chinese Communist Party launched by Steve Bannon and a fugitive Chinese billionaire, who together on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre declared the Chinese government illegitimate.

“From today the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will no longer be the lawful government of China,” the billionaire, Guo Wengui, shouted into a livestream from a boat in New York Harbor, with Bannon by his side and the Statue of Liberty in the background.

“I’m here to tell everybody that loves peace, law, humanitarian — we’re going to end the Communist Party once and for all. We got hundreds of countries of support,” Guo claimed.

Onlookers on Twitter said they noticed as many as eight planes carrying banners, some with the message “Congratulations to Federal State of New China!”

Guo, a frequent critic of China, has recently been pushing coronavirus theories alleging the virus began in a Chinese lab.

He was described by the New York Times Magazine as a mysterious exiled businessman lobbing “impossible-to-verify” accusations at China’s ruling elite, photographed in the feature in a white suit and holding a Pomeranian.

Trump’s former chief strategist joins Guo in a chant of “Take down the CCP!” before Guo kisses Bannon on the cheek.

Bannon goes on to accuse China of causing “great bloodshed in Hong Kong” and, without evidence, “unleash[ing]” the coronavirus on the world before reading a declaration of the Federal State of New China.

“Recently it unleashed a biological attack on the free countries of the world, the CCP virus, through their incompetence and their corruption and their cover-up,” Bannon said.

“The Chinese Communist Party is a gangster organization with no legitimacy,” he added.

John Sifton, Asia advocacy director at the nonprofit Human Rights Watch, noticed the planes over Brooklyn.

“None of us have any idea what the f is going on,” he tweeted after consulting his colleagues.

“Apparently it has something to do with Steve Bannon but it still makes no sense.”

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6a9a42 No.124505

File: e6ca7871d68a0fd⋯.png (1.62 MB,1508x1418,754:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 45d92079503b0ef⋯.png (740.04 KB,1154x798,577:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149992 (191132ZOCT20) Notable: - DON CORLEONE…oppps DON BIDEN and the vatican

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DON CORLEONE…oppps DON BIDEN and the vatican

"Although the nineteen months between now and November 2020 represent several lifetimes in American politics, meaning anything could happen – and then unhappen, happen again, and metamorphosize into something else entirely by the time all is said and done – should Biden actually succeed in unseating Donald Trump, he would bring to the job a wealth of experience in engaging the world’s preeminent “soft power,” i.e., the Vatican and Pope Francis.

Biden and his wife are both Roman Catholics and regularly attend Mass at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine in Greenville, Delaware. He wears a rosary on his left wrist, a gift his younger son, Hunter, gave to his older son, the late Beau Biden, after a visit to the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe."


"n 2020, the Vatican is once again running interference for a pro-abortion Democrat. Joe Biden fashions himself as a Pope Francis Catholic. He brags about his cozy relationship with Pope Francis. In 2016, the Vatican invited Joe Biden to a conference about medicine, a scandalous invite given that Biden supports making scientific use of aborted embryos. Biden gushed about the anti-capitalism of Pope Francis: “We need to create a culture which, as Pope Francis reminds us, cannot just be based on the worship of money. We cannot accept a nation in which billionaires compete as to size of their super-yachts.”


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6a9a42 No.124506

File: 90c1fd3f03a7d29⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11149993 (191132ZOCT20) Notable: - Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

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June 3rd

um a set of small airplanes are flying over Red Hook Brooklyn toward downtown Manhattan pulling signs that say “Congratulations to the New Federal State of China!” I work on Asia for @HRW (and consulted with our China director) and none of us have any idea what the f is going on

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6a9a42 No.124507

File: dbd7bc14df8c36d⋯.jpg (111.32 KB,1100x1404,275:351,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150000 (191133ZOCT20) Notable: - The Son of Quads Returns

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peace be with you anons

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6a9a42 No.124508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150047 (191138ZOCT20) Notable: - The Son of Quads Returns

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put my quote in too please?

LUKE 14:26

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

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6a9a42 No.124509

File: c8c651a9e9a7cc4⋯.png (505.09 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150076 (191143ZOCT20) Notable: - Canada won’t stop calling for human rights in China

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Trudeau: Canada won’t stop calling for human rights in China

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday his government will not stop standing up for human rights in China.

On Thursday, the Chinese ambassador to Canada warned Ottawa against granting asylum to Hong Kong residents fleeing the situation. Cong Peiwu said if Canada cares about 300,000 Canadian citizens in Hong Kong — and Canadian companies doing business there — it should support efforts to fight what he called fight violent crime.

“We will stand up loudly and clearly for human rights,” Trudeau said. “Whether it’s talking about the situation faced by the Uighurs, whether it’s talking about the very concerning situation in Hong Kong, whether it’s calling out China for its coercive diplomacy.”

Trudeau said Canada stands with with allies around the world and the United States, to Australia, to Great Britain, to European nations to many nations around the world who share these concerns.

Canada’s opposition Conservative leader said the Chinese ambassador should apologize or be expelled from Canada.

“The Chinese ambassador has decided to engage in belligerent rhetoric unbecoming of his office,” Conservative leader Erin O’Toole said in a written statement. “To be clear, this was a threat to the 300,000 Canadians in Hong Kong. And a barely veiled one at that. It was of the kind of tone and tenor one would expect from someone seeking protection money — not someone who is the official emissary of a member of the United Nations Security

The government should also swiftly set up a “path” for political refugees to come to Canada from Hong Kong and impose sanctions on Chinese officials over the national security law, O’Toole added.

Protests against the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese governments swelled last year, and Beijing clamped down on expressions of antigovernment sentiment in the city with a new national security law that took effect June 30.

The law outlaws subversive, secessionist, and terrorist activity, as well as collusion with foreign powers to interfere in the city’s internal affairs. The U.S., Britain and Canada accuse China of infringing on the city’s freedoms.

Trudeau also said China is engaging in coercive diplomacy by imprisoning two Canadian men in retaliation for the arrest of a Chinese Huawei executive on an American extradition warrant. In December 2018, China imprisoned two Canadian men, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, and charged them with undermining the country’s national security.

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6a9a42 No.124510

File: 6e1bb560b74e7d9⋯.jpg (298.36 KB,1592x2048,199:256,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150083 (191143ZOCT20) Notable: - Anyone in the world can change your mail-in vote in oregon using only your name and DOB

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Anyone in the world can change your mail-in vote in oregon using only your name and DOB. WHY ISNT THIS FRONT PAGE NEWS??

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6a9a42 No.124511

File: 92b42417b16ad02⋯.png (356.99 KB,618x876,103:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150111 (191147ZOCT20) Notable: - HIT PIECE: QAnon-Conspiracy Forum 8kun Back Online With Help From Russian Internet Firm

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QAnon-Conspiracy Forum 8kun Back Online With Help From

Russian Internet Firm

Siladitya RayForbes Staff

Oct 19, 2020,07:25am EDT

Covering breaking news and tech policy stories at Forbes.

TOPLINE 8kun — the controversial online imageboard originally known as 8chan— which has been linked to the QAnon movement and multiple mass shootings, came back online on Monday following a brief disruption during the weekend, with help from a Russian internet firm called ‘ddos-guard’.


The platform was knocked offline on Sunday evening after the owner of Oregon-based CNServers which helped host 8kun found out that his company was helping keep QAnon online, cybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs reported.

CNServers helped prevent 8kun from being hit with distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, a type of cyber attack that seeks to overwhelm a website’s servers taking it down in the process.

After 8kun was briefly knocked offline, the imageboard switched over to using St. Petersburg, Russia-based ddos-guard.net to protect itself from cyber-attacks.


Ireland-based Spartan Hoswhich helps host 8Kun— helped the platform come back online by connecting it to the Russian DDoS protection service. Spartan Host’s founder, Ryan McCully, told Krebs that while he doesn’t personally subscribe to the beliefs shared by QAnon or 8kun, he intends to keep them as a customer going forward. “We follow the ‘law of the land’ when deciding what we allow to be hosted with us… Just because we host something, it doesn’t say anything about who we do and don’t support, our opinions don’t come into hosted content decisions.”


8kun, an anonymous forum, is home to the user ‘Q Clearance Patriot’ — known to followers as ‘Q’ — who is the progenitor of the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory. The user’s posts, known as ‘Q drops’ were first posted in late 2017 on the anonymous imageboard 4chan, and later moved to 8chan. 8chan, however, was forced offline in August 2019, after the website was linked to a mass shooting in El Paso. The El Paso gunman is thought to have published links to his manifesto on the site. 8chan was also used by the Christchurch, New Zealand, and Poway, California shooters to spread their messages. In November last year, 8chan came back online, after rebranding itself as 8kun.


According to Krebs, 8kun and a large number of QAnon-related sites are connected to the web by a single internet provider based in Vancouver, Washington called VanwaTech. VanwaTech’s owner Nick Lim has refused to stop supporting 8kun despite repeated requests and has reportedly been working with 8kun’s administrators to keep the sites online in the name of protecting free speech.


Apart from 8kun, the Russian DDoS protection service ddos-guard.net also helps shield the official website of the Palestinian militant group Hamas and the website HKLeaks, which has been used to dox pro-democracy politicians journalists and other activists in Hong Kong.


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6a9a42 No.124512

File: 780460b4275eff7⋯.png (465.06 KB,832x660,208:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150137 (191151ZOCT20) Notable: - Facebook and YouTube take action against QAnon — but they’re fighting a losing battle

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Facebook and YouTube take action against QAnon — but

they’re fighting a losing battle


Recent decisions by Facebook and YouTube to crack down on the far-right conspiracy theory movement known as QAnon will disrupt the ability of dangerous online communities to spread their radical messages, but it won’t stop them completely.

The announcement by Facebook on Oct. 6 to take down any “accounts representing QAnon, even if they contain no violent content,” followed earlier decisions by the social media platform to down-rank QAnon content in Facebook searches. YouTube followed on Oct. 15 with new rules about conspiracy videos, but it stopped short of a complete ban.

This month marks the third anniversary of the movement that started when someone known only as Q posted a series of conspiracy theories on the internet forum 4chan. Q warned of a deep state satanic ring of global elites involved in pedophilia and sex trafficking and asserted that U.S. President Donald Trump was working on a secret plan to take them all down.

QAnon now a global phenomenon

Until this year, most people had never heard of QAnon. But over the course of 2020, the fringe movement has gained widespread traction domestically in the United States and internationally — including a number of Republican politicians who openly campaigned as Q supporters.

I have been researching QAnon for more than two years and its recent evolution has shocked even me.

What most people don’t realize is that QAnon in July and August was a different movement than what QAnon has become in October. I have never seen a movement evolve or radicalize as fast as QAnon — and it’s happening at a time when the socio-political environment globally is much different now than it was in the summer.

All of these factors came into play when Facebook decided to take action against “militarized social movements and QAnon.”

In the weeks leading up to the ban, I had seen a trend in more violent content on Facebook, especially with the circulation of memes and videos promoting “vehicle ramming attacks” with the slogan “all lives splatter” and other racist messages against Black people.

In explaining its ban, Facebook noted while it had “removed QAnon content that celebrates and supports violence, we’ve seen other QAnon content tied to different forms of real-world harm, including recent claims that the (U.S.) West Coast wildfires were started by certain groups, which diverted the attention of local officials from fighting the fires and protecting the public.”

Prior action was ineffective

Prior to the outright ban, Facebook’s earlier attempts to disrupt QAnon groups from organizing on Facebook and Instagram were not enough to stop its fake messages from spreading.

One way Q supporters adapted was through lighter forms of propaganda — something I call Pastel QAnon. As a way to circumvent the initial Facebook sanctions, women who believe in the QAnon conspiracies were using warm and colorful images to spread QAnon theories through health and wellness communities and by infiltrating legitimate charitable campaigns against child trafficking.



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6a9a42 No.124513

File: 532e4bcc5a3b39c⋯.png (333.09 KB,1192x522,596:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150168 (191155ZOCT20) Notable: - HIT PIECE: QAnon has hijacked the name of a real organization trying to save children

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QAnon has hijacked the name of a real organization trying to

save children

You might see people sharing the hashtag #SavetheChildren on social media. But much of this online activity has nothing to do with the respected and real Save the Children charity. Its name has been hijacked by followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory.


kek @ hotwheels butterfly tat's

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6a9a42 No.124514

File: 2ec3892ac7689c0⋯.png (277.57 KB,632x864,79:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150184 (191157ZOCT20) Notable: - TikTok Is Banning Accounts That Spread QAnon Theories

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Oct 19, 2020,06:29am EDT

TikTok Is Banning Accounts That Spread QAnon Theories And


Isabel Togoh Forbes Staff

TOPLINE In an election cycle that has seen major social media firms seek to stop the spread of QAnon that has grown in popularity across the different platforms, TikTok is ramping up its existing restrictions and is banning content and accounts that spread the sprawling and unfounded conspiracy theory, NPR reports.


“Content and accounts that promote QAnon violate our disinformation policy and we remove them from our platform,” TikTok confirmed to Forbes in a statement.

The company added that it took “significant steps” to make QAnon content and hashtags harder to find, with the platform redirecting related terms to their community guidelines.

NPR reports that accounts sharing content related to the pro-Trump conspiracy theory, which has exploded in popularity in recent years, will be deleted.

TikTok told Forbes that the policy had been in place “for a while”, however, the move appears to have been “quietly” confirmed to Media Matters earlier this month, before being confirmed to NPR on Sunday.


488 million. That’s how many combined views were racked up across 14 QAnon-related hashtags on TikTok as of June this year, according to Media Matters.


TikTok’s latest move against QAnon builds on restrictions introduced in July, in which the platform removed related hashtags such as QAnonTruth, Fall Cabal and Out of Shadows from search results, but videos using those hashtags could still be viewed, the BBC reports. The Chinese-owned app joins the likes of Twitter, YouTube and Facebook in cracking down on the spread of the movement that was sparked in 2017 by an anonymous message on the 4Chan website, claiming to be from a U.S. government official with top security clearance. From a fringe corner of the internet, the wild and false claims that President Donald Trump is fighting a secret war against a Satan-worshipping pedophile ring involving high-profile figures has spread onto mainstream social media, and improbably become a talking point during presidential debates, while several of its supporters are running for Congress.


TikTok itself is still locked in a battle to remain active in the U.S., after President Trump, as part of his wider crackdown on Chinese tech firms over national security concerns, threatened to essentially ban the app unless it finds a U.S. buyer by November 12.


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6a9a42 No.124515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150196 (191159ZOCT20) Notable: - We All Live under Chinese Censorship….song

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We All Live under Chinese Censorship….song

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6a9a42 No.124516

File: 107d169bf4fb3c5⋯.png (793.58 KB,944x820,236:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150236 (191203ZOCT20) Notable: - HIT PIECE: QAnon child sex trafficking conspiracy is hurting the anti-trafficking movement

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QAnon child sex trafficking conspiracy is hurting the

anti-trafficking movement

by Carter Quinley | carterquinley | The Freedom Story

Monday, 19 October 2020 08:48 GMT

In an unprecedented move, this week YouTube and Facebook took a hardline stance against far-right conspiracy QAnon by committing to remove any group, page, or Instagram account openly identifying with the harmful movement. In recent months, QAnon rampantly spread disinformation about child trafficking to millions of Americans through social media and sparked hundreds of #SaveTheChildren rallies across the country with the aim of pushing a pro-Trump agenda.

Over the summer, thousands of maskless protestors in dozens of U.S. cities took to the streets, holding painted signs with grossly misguided statements and false statistics such as “Human trafficking is the real pandemic.”

The conspiracy claims that “deep state” Democrats, celebrities, and the media are running an international trafficking ring and plotting against President Trump and his supporters. As a result, ordinary Americans have become enraged about child trafficking, seemingly overnight. While Trump has claimed to make human trafficking a policy priority, in practice, his administration’s actions have raised a litany of serious human rights concerns, including locking migrant children in cages where several have died and cutting victim protection by rolling back “T” visas.

Political leadership is imperative to fighting child trafficking, and an intersectional, social justice approach is needed in order to effectively address the roots causes of the issue. The challenge in this present moment is for the public to redirect their efforts and engage the problem more carefully rather than spreading baseless conspiracies, which distract and divert valuable resources from legitimate efforts to stop trafficking.

Globally, human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry. It is a well-oiled machine, fueled by socio-economic inequality, class, race, and gender. In the United States, the majority of victims of trafficking are often homeless or runaway youth. Of the more than 23,500 endangered runaways reported last year, one in six were likely to be victims of child sex trafficking. Prevention of child trafficking in America requires boosting social services, strengthening education in low-income communities, and lobbying for healthcare reform to support those most at risk.



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6a9a42 No.124517

File: 85ee65905537aec⋯.png (446.61 KB,642x832,321:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150257 (191207ZOCT20) Notable: - HIT PIECE: A rare interview with a recovering QAnon'er

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A rare interview with a recovering QAnon'er

THOM DUNN 7:15 PM SUN OCT 18, 2020

Jitarth Jadeja is an Australian who spent some time living in the US, and regretfully spent two years of his life down the QAnon wormhole.

Once Jadeja found QAnon he was quickly sucked in. He would spend time on websites that aggregated posts supposedly from Q, which often first appear on darker corners of the internet like 8kun. Then he'd move on to read the interpretations of those posts from other believers. These interpretations are popular among the QAnon community because posts from "Q" are often so vague that they can be read in any number of ways. The tactic tends to lure in supporters the way fraudulent psychics can — there's little solid information given, so almost anything can be taken as confirmation of a pronouncement by "Q.""There'd be a lot of Youtube and Reddit mini-celebrities within the community that would be like the anointed decrypter for that point in time," Jadeja noted.

QAnon was all he wanted to talk about. That made life offline increasingly difficult for him, and he pulled away from friends.

But cracks began to form when — of all things — he noticed that Trump was encouraging the extradition and legal punishment of Julian Assange, who was obviously instrumental in helping Trump win the election and also "exposing" Hillary Clinton. Jadeja began researching more and more discrepancies into the hole-riddled conspiracy, and eventually wrote a 700-word post on Reddit admitting he was fooled.

I wanted to believe that justice was coming, that all I had to do was sit back and enjoy the show, I trusted the plan, that where we went one, we went all, blah blah fucking blah. There we red flags everywhere, nothing Q said ever came true, time and time again he would be wrong and time and again we all made excuses for him. It was just disinformation yo, Q's tricking the black hats who for some fucking reason listen to what Q says and don't realise it's misinfo despite the fact that Q specifically says it's misinfo. LOL wtf?

I suppose I was a prime candidate, disaffected, vulnerable and insecure. Q gave me purpose, meaning and perhaps saddest of all, he gave me joy. I was happy that the world wasn't as actually as fucked up as it seemed, that there were good guys out there fighting the good fight, that we could genuinely build a better future for all of humanity. What a fucking joke.

In the video above, Jadeja talks to CNN about his experience in the QAnon cult, and how he escaped.


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6a9a42 No.124518

File: ce7467719fe323f⋯.png (458.47 KB,684x818,342:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150282 (191211ZOCT20) Notable: - Japan, Vietnam leaders affirm defense, economic cooperation

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Japan, Vietnam leaders affirm defense, economic cooperation

KYODO NEWS KYODO NEWS - 3 hours ago - 18:03 | All, Japan

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Xuan Phuc on Monday affirmed defense and economic cooperation between their countries, as China's growing influence continues to make its neighbors jittery.

Meeting the press after summit talks with Phuc in Hanoi, Suga called Vietnam a linchpin in efforts to realize a "free and open Indo-Pacific" and vowed Japan's "continued contribution to peace and prosperity in the region."

Suga, who is on his first overseas trip since becoming prime minister, criticized actions in the South China Sea that "go against the rule of law," a veiled reference to Beijing's increasing assertiveness in the disputed waters.

"It is important that all nations involved work toward a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the South China Sea without resorting to force or coercion," Suga said in a speech at the Vietnam Japan University.

Following the one-hour meeting with Phuc, Suga said the countries had agreed in principle on a pact that would enable Japan to export defense equipment and technology to Vietnam.

Such equipment, likely including patrol planes and radar, would help improve the surveillance capabilities of Vietnam, which is one of the claimants in territorial disputes in the South China Sea including over the Spratly Islands, where China is building up a military presence.




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6a9a42 No.124519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150290 (191211ZOCT20) Notable: - US carrier strike group resumes South China Sea operations

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US carrier strike group resumes South China Sea operations

(Philstar.com) - October 19, 2020 - 4:50pm

MANILA, Philippines — For the third time this year, the US Navy deployed its Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group for maritime security operations in the South China Sea.

The carrier strike group comprises forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5 and Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Antietam (CG 54).

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Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Halsey (DDG 97) and USS John S. McCain (DDG 56) are also part of the group, according to an October 15 report from the US Pacific Fleet.

"While in the South China Sea, the strike group is conducting maritime security operations, which include flight operations with fixed and rotary wing aircraft, maritime strike exercises, and coordinated tactical training between surface and air units," the report read.

Read. Adm. George Wikoff, commander of the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group, said their deployment demonstrates Washington's commitment to the lawful use of the seas.

"The focus of our operations has always been, and will continue to be, cooperation alongside our Indo-Pacific allies and partners in promoting regional stability," Wikoff said.

Meanwhile, the US Navy's 7th Fleet also deployed its destroyer squadrons (DESRON) in the South China Sea to practice operations in a tactical environment.

Personnel of DESRON 7 and DESRON 15 went aboard USS Ronald Reagan for the activity during the exercise Valiant Shield, according to another US Pacific Fleet report also dated October 15.

Capt. Tom Ogden, deputy commodore of DESRON 7, said his team looks for all opportunities to improve warfighting skills.

"Sitting next to DESRON 15 in high-level live training while underway as they executed sea combat commander provided a second to none training opportunity to refine our operational skills; a critically important task as we operate in the dynamic U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility," Ogden said.

DESRON 7 serves as the US 7th Fleet's primary tactical and operational commander of littoral combat ships deployed to Singapore. DESRON 15, on the other hand, is the US Navy's largest forward-deployed destroyer squadron.

In July, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that Washington would be strengthening its maritime claims in the South China Sea, countering China's "bullying" in the contested waterway.

"[China] has no legal grounds to impose its will on the region and claims resources off the coasts of Southeast Asian states," Pompeo earlier said.

More than a month after Pompeo's declaration, the US Commerce Department placed 24 Chinese state-owned firms in its "entity list", blocking exports of US goods and materials.

The sanctions were given to companies involved in building artificial islands in the South China Sea, including the West Philippine Sea.



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6a9a42 No.124520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150294 (191212ZOCT20) Notable: #14258

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>>124466 , >>124480 , >>124498 - VOTER FRAUD GENERALS - https://pastebin.com/Qz209BCx

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>>124501 #14258

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6a9a42 No.124521

File: a4db22bd56efa47⋯.jpeg (587.39 KB,828x1036,207:259,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150303 (191212ZOCT20) Notable: - ‘Thousands upon thousands’ of Trump supporters greet president in California: McEnany

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https://www.foxnews.com/politics/thousands-upon-thousands-of-trump-supporters-greet-president-in-california-mcenany ‘Thousands upon thousands’ of Trump supporters greet president in California: McEnany

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6a9a42 No.124522

File: 9494f117189accb⋯.png (151.34 KB,754x550,377:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150316 (191213ZOCT20) Notable: - Japan PM slams S. China Sea actions in contravention of rule of law

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Japan PM slams S. China Sea actions in contravention of rule

of law

October 19, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)

Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga speaks during a press briefing with his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Xuan Phuc, following an exchange of documents ceremony at the Government Office in Hanoi on Oct. 19, 2020. (Nhac Nguyen/Pool Photo via AP)

HANOI (Kyodo) – Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Monday criticized actions in the South China Sea that "go against the rule of law," a veiled reference to China's increasing assertiveness in the disputed waters.

"It is important that all nations involved work toward a peaceful resolution of conflict in the South China Sea without resorting to force or coercion," Suga said in a speech at a university in Hanoi during his first overseas trip since taking office.



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6a9a42 No.124523

File: 6425a3dedb9dc93⋯.jpeg (683.21 KB,1668x1222,834:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cb37f95070220a6⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB,1668x2141,1668:2141,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d775e7a4c89673a⋯.jpeg (935.01 KB,1668x1046,834:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150336 (191215ZOCT20) Notable: - Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

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Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?


Quotes fro article:

The person currently in charge of Facebook’s election integrity program is Anna Makanju. That name probably doesn’t mean a lot to you, but it should mean a lot – and in a comforting way – to Joe Biden.

Before ending up at Facebook, Makanju was a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. The Atlantic Council is an ostensibly non-partisan think tank that deals with international affairs. In fact, it’s a decidedly partisan organization.

In 2009, James L. Jones, the Atlantic Council’s chairman left the organization to be President Obama’s National Security Advisor. Susan Rice, Richard Holbrooke, Eric Shinseki, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Chuck Hagel, and Brent Scowcroft also were all affiliated with the Atlantic Council before they ended up in the Obama administration.

The Atlantic Council has received massive amounts of foreign funding over the years. Here’s one that should interest everyone: Burisma Holdings donated $300,000 dollars to the Atlantic Council, over the course of three consecutive years, beginning in 2016. The information below may explain why it began paying that money to the Council

Makanju was a player in the faux Ukraine impeachment. Early in December 2019, when the Democrats were gearing up for the impeachment, Glenn Kessler mentioned her in an article assuring Washington Post readers that, contrary to the Trump administration’s claims, there was nothing corrupt about Biden’s dealings with Ukraine. He made the point then that Biden now raises as a defense: Biden didn’t pressure Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin to protect Burisma; he did it because Shokin wasn’t doing his job when it came to investigating corruption.

Let me remind you, in case you forgot, that Burisma started paying the Atlantic Council a lot of money in 2016, right when Makanju was advising Biden regarding getting rid of Shokin.

In other words, there’s a really good chance that Sundance was correct when he wrote at The Conservative Treehouse:

That’s right folks, the Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the corrupt activity between the Biden family payoffs and Ukraine.

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6a9a42 No.124524

File: 1cd91afe7bec6dc⋯.png (822.46 KB,1060x892,265:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150366 (191218ZOCT20) Notable: - Biden would revamp fraying intel community

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Biden would revamp fraying intel community

Intelligence has become a political weapon under Trump, the Democratic nominee's advisers say.


10/19/2020 04:30 AM EDT

President Donald Trump was in the middle of receiving a highly classified briefing on Afghanistan at his New Jersey golf club when he suddenly craved a malted milkshake.

“Does anyone want a malt?” he asked the senior defense and intelligence officials gathered around him, an august group that included the head of the CIA’s Special Activities Center, which is responsible for covert operations and paramilitary operations. “We have the best malts, you have to try them,” Trump insisted, as he beckoned a waiter into the room where code-word classified intelligence was being discussed.

The malt episode, which took place a few months after Trump took office in 2017, became legendary inside the CIA, said three former officials. It was seen as an early harbinger of Trump’s disinterest in intelligence, which would later be borne out by the new president’s notorious resistance to reading his classified daily briefing, known as the PDB, and his impatience with the briefers, current and former officials said.

But what initially seemed like mere boredom — which demoralized intelligence officials but could potentially be managed by including pictures and charts in briefings to hold the president’s attention — later morphed into something the officials saw as more sinister: an interest in wielding intelligence as a political cudgel. Whether selectively declassified by spy chiefs he installed for their loyalty, or obscured from congressional and public scrutiny if it conflicted with his preferred narrative, intelligence became just another weapon in the president’s arsenal.

Trump’s actions, and the endless partisan battles over the Russia probe and impeachment, have left the intelligence community bruised and battered. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s advisers and allies in Congress are already thinking about what a heavy lift it will be to restore morale inside the agencies, legitimacy on Capitol Hill and public trust in the intelligence community’s leadership should Biden defeat Trump in November, according to more than a dozen people close to the candidate.

“This will be among the most important things a President Biden would need to do—and that he’ll want to do—immediately,” said Tony Blinken, who served as deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser under Barack Obama and is a top adviser to the Biden campaign. “I know from several conversations with him about this that he has deep concern about what has been done to the IC these last several years in terms of the politicization, and repairing that starts at the top with the president.”

Blinken recalled Biden telling him in February 2017, shortly after leaving office, that the thing he missed most about being vice president was receiving the PDB every morning.

“He said he felt so connected to what was going on around the world thanks to the PDB, and that losing that connection felt like a real void,” Blinken said. “I think that is evidence of the basic value he placed on the work of the intelligence community, because the PDB is of course their most important product.”

One approach Biden is considering, others said: placing people in charge who are experienced and who are already familiar faces to the intelligence community and its oversight bodies.

There’s precedent for holding over senior national security officials from one administration to the next — George Tenet, for instance, served as CIA director under both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, while Bob Gates became Obama’s defense secretary after several years with Bush.

But there appears to be little appetite for that kind of bipartisan gesture now. When Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe canceled in-person election security briefings for lawmakers over the summer, Biden accused the Trump administration of hoping Russian President Vladimir Putin would “once more boost” Trump’s candidacy.

"This is not how democracy works," Biden said at the time. "But it is how American national security and sovereignty are violated."

“A couple of people at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence would have to go, absolutely,” said former CIA and NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, referring to Trump’s stocking the office with loyalists, like Ratcliffe, over the last few months. The former Texas lawmaker’s scant intelligence experience — fewer than two years on the House Intelligence Committee — was among the issues that scuttled his confirmation prospects when he was first nominated by Trump last year.

“Probably Gina Haspel would have to go, too,” Hayden said.



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6a9a42 No.124525

File: 98f9d472f80104a⋯.png (615.79 KB,911x774,911:774,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150449 (191230ZOCT20) Notable: - [F]BI - At the (Center) of [F]oreign [Infiltration] Corruption

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[F]BI - At the (Center) of [F]oreign [Infiltration] Corruption

If not "The Keystone", a Keystone.

→ [FBI] = A (Nexus Point).

ALL (the corruption transacted) HAD TO pass through/by the FBI.

As an anon who once held a (Security Clearance) in the (active duty US Mil) I know & understand (Exactly) how ALL of [This Stuff] is supposed to work.

Here is a reminder = straight from the horses mouth.

Taken from the FBI webpage. (w/ my commentary)

FBI = Mission & Priorities

(Our Vision)

Ahead of the threat ← (Really? As in: Part of "The Threat"?)

(Our Mission)

Protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States ← (But Mr. Corney says there's a, "Higher Loyalt[Y]". What "god" would that be?)

(Our Priorities)

Protect the U.S. from terrorist attack

Protect the U.S. against foreign intelligence, espionage, and cyber operations (FBI is responsible for investigating ALL = National Security Threats & ALL Security Clearance Issues > Thoroughly & Professionally - Period)

Combat significant cyber criminal activity

Combat public corruption at all levels

Protect civil rights

Combat transnational criminal enterprises ← (How's that been working out?)

Combat significant white-collar crime

Combat significant violent crime


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6a9a42 No.124526

File: 8b766b4524c25c7⋯.jpg (342.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150633 (191256ZOCT20) Notable: #14259

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Defend your shill brigade more, obviously you need it.

Imagine my surprise, you can't handle some autistic shitposters on a mongolian basket weaving forum



>>124502 - SKY EVENT? Asteroid may strike Earth day before election: top astrophysicist

>>124503 - Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

>>124504 , >>124506 - Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

>>124505 - DON CORLEONE…oppps DON BIDEN and the vatican

>>124507 , >>124508 - The Son of Quads Returns

>>124509 - Canada won’t stop calling for human rights in China

>>124510 - Anyone in the world can change your mail-in vote in oregon using only your name and DOB

>>124511 - QAnon-Conspiracy Forum 8kun Back Online With Help From Russian Internet Firm

>>124512 - Facebook and YouTube take action against QAnon — but they’re fighting a losing battle

>>124513 - QAnon has hijacked the name of a real organization trying to save children

>>124514 - TikTok Is Banning Accounts That Spread QAnon Theories

>>124515 - We All Live under Chinese Censorship….song

>>124516 - QAnon child sex trafficking conspiracy is hurting the anti-trafficking movement

>>124517 - A rare interview with a recovering QAnon'er

>>124518 - Japan, Vietnam leaders affirm defense, economic cooperation

>>124519 - US carrier strike group resumes South China Sea operations

>>124521 - ‘Thousands upon thousands’ of Trump supporters greet president in California: McEnany

>>124522 - Japan PM slams S. China Sea actions in contravention of rule of law

>>124523 - Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

>>124524 - Biden would revamp fraying intel community

>>124525 - [F]BI - At the (Center) of [F]oreign [Infiltration] Corruption

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150662 (191259ZOCT20) Notable: #14259

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Fixed Notables. Anons take a look:


>>124502 - Fear Porn: Asteroid may strike Earth day before election: top astrophysicist

>>124503 - Hunter Biden’s Computer Camera Roll Turned Over to Bannon and Giuliani Contains 25,000 Images With Sexually Explicit Selfies and Porn

>>124504 , >>124506 - Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

>>124505 - DON CORLEONE…oppps DON BIDEN and the vatican

>>124509 - Canada won’t stop calling for human rights in China

>>124510 - Anyone in the world can change your mail-in vote in oregon using only your name and DOB

>>124511 - HIT PIECE: QAnon-Conspiracy Forum 8kun Back Online With Help From Russian Internet Firm

>>124512 - Facebook and YouTube take action against QAnon — but they’re fighting a losing battle

>>124513 - HIT PIECE: QAnon has hijacked the name of a real organization trying to save children

>>124514 - TikTok Is Banning Accounts That Spread QAnon Theories

>>124515 - We All Live under Chinese Censorship….song

>>124516 - HIT PIECE: QAnon child sex trafficking conspiracy is hurting the anti-trafficking movement

>>124517 - HIT PIECE: A rare interview with a recovering QAnon'er

>>124518 - Japan, Vietnam leaders affirm defense, economic cooperation

>>124519 - US carrier strike group resumes South China Sea operations

>>124521 - ‘Thousands upon thousands’ of Trump supporters greet president in California: McEnany

>>124522 - Japan PM slams S. China Sea actions in contravention of rule of law

>>124523 - Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

>>124524 - Biden would revamp fraying intel community

>>124525 - [F]BI - At the (Center) of [F]oreign [Infiltration] Corruption

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124528

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB,1222x730,611:365,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150694 (191303ZOCT20) Notable: - STANDARD WR OPERATING PROCEDURES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Your efforts will not be forgotten anons. -o7

#NeverForget #GODWINS!

DOUGH https://qanonbin.com/paste/fqN8ZScbP

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150697 (191303ZOCT20) Notable: - VOTE ALL DEMS OUT, 'ALL'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Our Plan is to Take Back The House.

This is the 2016 House Close Race Democrats, Please take the time to Counter and RedPill Thier Followers


The #DoNothingDemocrats are The 'NO' Party

-NO School Choice

-NO Child Tax Credit

-NO Social Security

-NO Speech

-NO Jobs

-NO Wall

-NO Police

-NO Guns

-NO Military

-NO Religion

-NO Law and Order


1. Nevada 3rd, 1.2% Susie Lee


2. New Hampshire 1st, 1.3% Chris Pappas


3. California 7th, 2.4% Ami Bera


4. Florida 7th, 3.0% Stephanie Murphy


5. Florida 13th, 3.8% Charlie Crist


6. Nevada 4th, 4.0% Steven Horsford


7. New Jersey 5th, 4.4% Josh Gottheimer


8. New Hampshire 2nd, 4.5% Ann McLane Kuster


9. Minnesota 7th, 5.1% Collin Peterson


10. Illinois 10th, 5.2% Brad Schneider


11. New York 3rd, 5.6% Thomas Suozzi


12. California 24th, 6.8% Salud Carbajal


13. Arizona 1st, 7.3% Tom O'Halleran


14. Iowa 2nd, 7.4% 	Dave Loebsack


15. Pennsylvania 17th, 7.6% Conor Lamb


Thank You and GodBless o7

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150701 (191303ZOCT20) Notable: - #VOTEREPUBLICAN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anons this is a compiled list of Republicans that are fighting for the 2016 Close House Races.

Social Warriors please pake a moment to endorse and/or share this information among your followers.

https://twitter.com/DanRodimer Nevada 3rd

https://twitter.com/mowers New Hampshire 1s

https://twitter.com/BuzzPatterson California 7th

https://twitter.com/drleovalentin Florida 7th

https://twitter.com/realannapaulina Florida 13th

https://twitter.com/VoteJimMarchant Nevada 4th

https://twitter.com/frankpallottanj New Jersey 5th

https://twitter.com/stevenegronnh New Hampshire 2nd

https://twitter.com/FischbachMN7 Minnesota 7th

https://twitter.com/valforcongress Illinois 10th

https://twitter.com/devolder New York 3rd

https://twitter.com/Caldwell_CA24 California 24th

https://twitter.com/tiffany_shedd Arizona 1st

https://twitter.com/millermeeks Iowa 2nd

https://twitter.com/seanparnellusa Pennsylvania 17th


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150703 (191304ZOCT20) Notable: - 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

★ ★ ★ Meme Op ★ ★ ★

30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

DATE: OCT 3rd - NOV 3rd

OPERATION: https://archive.is/fof2z

FOCUS: Flipping the 2016 15 Close Races back to #VoteRepublican to TAKE BACK THE HOUSE!

LATEST INTEL: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9967715.html#10694448 (start here and scroll down)

LATEST MEMES: https://8kun.top/qrmemes/res/367.html https://archive.is/eGzkI

DAILY HASH: https://twitter.com/i/trends

MEME CAMMO: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10713168.html

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

#DoNothingDemocrats: The 'NO' Party

-NO School Choice

-NO Child Tax Credit

-NO Social Security

-NO Speech

-NO Jobs

-NO Wall

-NO Police

-NO Guns

-NO Military

-NO Religion

-NO Law and Order

We will be taking back the house, securing the senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

This 30 day operation will be active to help get the message out to America about the #DoNothingDemocrats and to help support #VoteRepublican candidates running for that district.


Thus we will be attacking their weakest links.

Suggested Hashes:

#Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Vote #VoteRed #Vote #VoteRepublican #GetOutAndVote #VoteDemsOut #VoteInPerson #VoterID #GoVote #TakeTheHouse #Watchyourballot #SecureTheVote #DefundTheLeft #ObamaGate #OBidenGate

-Daily Hash Trends (#mondaymotivation, #tuesdaythoughts…)

-State/District Hashes ex. #Nevada #Nevada3rd

-Named Hashes ex. #DanRodemer #VoteDanRodemer #ElectDanRodemer

2016 House Close Race


★ ★ ★ Meme Op ★ ★ ★

DOUGH: https://qanonbin.com/paste/0nsQS8DNT

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124532

File: 12375aafa79fdc3⋯.jpeg (1006.96 KB,1125x1574,1125:1574,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ea1ce986549df52⋯.jpeg (847.83 KB,1125x1705,225:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150715 (191305ZOCT20) Notable: - Joe Biden's Donors Got Special Treatment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden's Donors Got Special Treatment After Setting Up Drug-Addicted Son Hunter with Cushy Jobs and Lucrative Sweetheart Deals via @gatewaypundit


How are the Biden’s getting away with this when Preet Bharara locked up a majority leader from the NY State Senate for basically doing the same thing for his son?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124533

File: 77822266936544c⋯.png (525 KB,500x498,250:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150726 (191306ZOCT20) Notable: - SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DUE TO INCREASED ATTACKS AND Q SITES BEING TAKEN OFFLINE, you are strongly encouraged to DOWNLOAD the spreadsheet It is available in many different file formats to suit your needs. The more copies, the better.

You do NOT need a google account to download the file.


to Q post >>124401


SPREADSHEET entries include:

- date, post #, EST/EDT timestamp, userID

- direct link to post, link to post on archive.fo (to that exact post, no need to scroll to find it)

- post content including IMAGE(S)

— direct link on chan/board/

— permanent link in offsite gallery

— filename of ALL images Q posts

- archives of every link Q posts (except pdfs & videos) or anon he responds to posts

Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


This includes EVERY image Q has ever posted or was in a post Q responded to

(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3brh8m11m/

FEB: https://postimg.cc/gallery/isxphakq/

MAR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/mjl2ud6y/

APR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/VcHNYYZ

MAY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dYb63fh

JUN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dTDZRxj

JULY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/

AUG: https://postimg.cc/gallery/y321pVL

SEPT: https://postimg.cc/gallery/xMtXXFz

OCT: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Qd8JkjT


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/

March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9ahuk56/

April: https://postimg.cc/gallery/16gtgjvx6/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2uneblcuy/

June: https://postimg.cc/gallery/31uv0lwqi/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2atvilh6i/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1anknsku2/



Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1efnfn0re/

Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1se5rh1ay/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do not expire, you need no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)

There are archives going back to the very 1st Q post on 4/pol/



JAN: https://anonfile.com/E70dAat5bc/01-19_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar

Mar: https://anonfile.com/sbg732b3n4/03-19_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/sdk0o9m3ne/04-19_APR_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/R1PbZbw5na/05-19_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/IcJf9ay4n7/06-19_JUN_rar

JULY: https://anonfile.com/7ft6Rd16n2/07-19_JUL_rar

AUG: https://anonfile.com/FatcK59dn4/08-19_AUG_rar



NOV: https://anonfile.com/p3x3Z7C8n6/11-19_NOV_rar

DEC: https://anonfile.com/9384U2O8n1/12-19_DEC_rar


JAN: https://anonfile.com/7ejeF0S7n4/01-20_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/l4A8O3p7o2/02-20_FEB_rar

MAR: https://anonfiles.com/983dG3ndo6/03-20_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/V9Y9yev2of/04-20_APRIL_rar

MAY: https://anonfiles.com/Jd7cn846o6/05-20_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfiles.com/pf50E0Deoc/06-20_JUNE_rar

JULY: https://anonfiles.com/XbabD8N2o2/07-20_JULY_rar

AUG: https://anonfiles.com/T5Z0P3Qcof/08-20_AUG_rar

SEPT: https://anonfiles.com/jbX7ocbcpf/09-20_SEPT_rar

OCT: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link

→ RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.



For archive links to previous years, please just ask.

Patriots, archive offline!

THANK YOU all you Patriot archive corps - your help is invaluable!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150729 (191307ZOCT20) Notable: - ‘Ukraine, crack and sex’ emails are NOT Russian disinformation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'SIMPLY NOT TRUE' Hunter Biden laptop and ‘Ukraine, crack and sex’ emails are NOT Russian disinformation, DNI John Ratcliffe says

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150760 (191309ZOCT20) Notable: - Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Track Force

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Track Force

Streaming NOW


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124536

File: 829d494ff2fde58⋯.png (2.27 MB,3336x2452,834:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150772 (191311ZOCT20) Notable: - QANON CONDEMNED BY U.S. CONGRESS IS THE NEWS NOW

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Partial list of article links

18 House Lawmakers Vote Against Condemning QAnon

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV October 2, 2020 Updated: October 2, 2020


House Votes To Condemn QAnon Conspiracy Theory:

'It's A Sick Cult'

By SUSAN DAVIS 10 02 2020


Eighteen congressmen refuse to condemn QAnon in vote on

conspiracy theories

By Oliver O'Connell New York 10 02 2020


US House overwhelmingly passes resolution condemning QAnon



Four Texas Republicans vote against U.S. House resolution

condemning QAnon

By Abby Livingston OCT 02 2020


House votes to condemn right-wing conspiracy group after

death threats against N.J. congressman

By Jonathan D. Salant | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com OCT 02 2020


House overwhelmingly passes resolution condemning QAnon,

including for its anti-Semitism

Ron Kampeas Posted OCT 02 2020


Georgia Republican Marjorie Greene slams House vote to condemn


House overwhelmingly voted in favor of bipartisan resolution Friday: 371-18

Marisa SchultzBy Marisa Schultz | Fox News OCT 02 2020


Hillicon Valley: House votes to condemn QAnon



17 Republicans Just Voted Against a Resolution to Condemn QAnon.

We Asked Them All Why. Still, we can’t offer much clarity



Congress can't stop QAnon but combatting abuse and trauma can



House votes to condemn baseless QAnon conspiracy theory

by Donna Cassata, Washington Post, Posted: October 2, 2020- 3:14 PM


2020 Election Live Updates: Kellyanne Conway Is Latest Trump Ally

to Test Positive, 17 Republicans declined to condemn Qanon

OCT 02 2020


Why did some Republicans balk at a resolution condemning QAnon?

By Steve Benen Oct. 2, 2020, 3:28 PM EDT


17 Republicans decline to condemn QAnon as the House votes to

reject its conspiracy theories.

By Catie Edmondonson Oct. 02 2020


House condemns fringe QAnon conspiracy theory movement

By MELANIE ZANONA 10/02/2020 01:50 PM EDT


17 GOP Congressmen Vote No On Resolution Condemning QAnon

By Christopher Mathias 10/02/2020 05:52 pm ET


Here Are the 18 Congressional Representatives Who Refused to

Condemn QAnon

Bryan Menegus October 3, 2020


Most links work as-is yet some are base links

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150797 (191313ZOCT20) Notable: - RonPaulLibertyReport

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

123,836 views • Aug 14, 2020


Amazing and very revealing interview with RFK Jr. where he basically says that theCIA killed both his Uncle JFK and his Father RFKyet he did not believe that his

father's death was a conspiracy before 1985 when he learned that his father was shot in the back of the head 4 times.

RFK starts right out of the gate revealing this stuff and goes on for 10 minutes until Ron tries to get him to focus on the pressing issue of Vaccines.

Notice the look in his eyes as he reveals these things.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124538

File: d9c64aa7b131206⋯.png (2.17 MB,3960x2612,990:653,Clipboard.png)

File: eff3cd4c4624616⋯.png (554.58 KB,790x798,395:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150799 (191313ZOCT20) Notable: - China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal Is the News Now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal

Is the News Now

ALL Major Main Stream Media only started covering this story when

they could no longer hide it.

Article Links:



























Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124539

File: 1db09e28025faa3⋯.png (140.64 KB,806x462,403:231,Clipboard.png)

File: c85a5699fa4d668⋯.png (182.61 KB,839x465,839:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150822 (191315ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM783 USAF G5 departed MacDill AFB after an overnight

AZAZ0909 US Army C-560 departed JBA and currently heading for Virginia Beach-currently over Cape Charles

German AF GAF676 Global Explorer sw from Berlin-Tegel Airport over northern Algeria and should drop off scope soon

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124540

File: c1e0d4673f51903⋯.png (434.9 KB,549x404,549:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150886 (191321ZOCT20) Notable: - Euronext trading glitch halts trading for two hours in Paris and elsewhere

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Euronext trading glitch halts trading for two hours in Paris and elsewhere

Trading on several major European exchanges was halted for more than two hours on Monday, due to a glitch at the region's biggest stock exchange operator.

Euronext sent a tweet around 10:22 a.m. CET (4:22 a.m. ET) that trading in all of its products had been halted. At 12:30 p.m. CET (6:30 a.m. ET), the operator tweeted that the problem had largely been corrected.

"The route cause has been identified and resolved. It was a technical issue impacting the middleware system. Euronext is preparing for a resumption of all markets, but the Warrents and Certificates one for which investigations continue," the exchange operator said on Twitter (link)(TWTR).

Among the indexes affected was the French CAC 40 , which had been frozen with a gain of 0.8%. When trading resumed at 12:45 p.m. CET, the index was up just 0.2%.

The outage notably would have affected investors of two big companies that reported on Monday – food giant Danone and Dutch health technology group Royal Philips . Danone shares resumed trading with a 1.3% rise and Philips with a gain of 3%. Euronext operates exchanges in Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, London, Milan and Oslo as well. It recently agreed to buy Borsa Italian from the London Stock Exchange for EUR4.3 billion ($5 billion).

Earlier this month, Tokyo's trading bourse was halted for an entire day due to a system failure. It marked the worst-ever failure for the Japanese exchange, which said on Monday it would draw up a fresh plan on how to restart trading should a similar event occur, according to Reuters (link).

Monday also marks the 33rd anniversary of "Black Monday," one of the worst trading days in history. On October 19, 1987, the Dow and S&P 500 both lost more than 20% in a single session, which was blamed on unsettling financial developments, plus the rise of computer trading.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124541

File: ef41552a38c7839⋯.jpeg (669.25 KB,828x1381,828:1381,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150887 (191321ZOCT20) Notable: - Anna Makanju Is Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/anna-makanju-not-facebooks-lead-executive-election-policy-former-joe-biden-advisor-ukraine-also-recipient-soros-fellowship/ Anna Makanju Is Not Only Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine But She’s Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124542

File: 04cf29f92af8eea⋯.png (167.05 KB,551x516,551:516,Clipboard.png)

File: cfe4f49bc8b279a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1125x646,1125:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 499a1dff2a54ce3⋯.png (713.3 KB,1096x622,548:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 83e950c9c47b34d⋯.png (1.73 MB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d5a86cdb4abaf6⋯.png (123.72 KB,339x605,339:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150909 (191324ZOCT20) Notable: - 17 miles, GEOTUS Newport twatter video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17 miles

1st and 10 on the 40

Potus Newport twatter video

Vid starts at 3304 Via Lido

travel 17 miles north on 1

and guess where you end up

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124543

File: 7cd127273b3dfe0⋯.png (305.89 KB,678x813,226:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150929 (191326ZOCT20) Notable: - BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing the president

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing they president

>These people are not just mentally ill, but they are increasingly mirroring the occult


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124544

File: 25d2bbd1cfee5cd⋯.jpg (867.47 KB,1359x1068,453:356,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 71979122bba1398⋯.jpg (8.82 MB,7081x3424,7081:3424,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f1c937f8d0334e0⋯.png (278.37 KB,813x513,271:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150930 (191326ZOCT20) Notable: - South African links to Elon Musk Mother and EVERGREEN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

South African links to Elon Musk Mother and EVERGREEN

High court judge in UK

Ex Brigadier General

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150981 (191330ZOCT20) Notable: (other bread), (other bread) BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing they president (Snagged this notable from the anime bread)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2nd Sauce,


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6a9a42 No.124546

File: 6c2d5f433fc7dad⋯.png (273.28 KB,829x464,829:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151023 (191333ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GRZLY39 USMC C-560 departing Dulles Int'l west after an overnight and inbound from Carlsbad, CA Palomar Airport-low fly by at Yuma and ground stop at Amarillo, TX prior to JBA arrival yesterday

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6a9a42 No.124547

File: af2795e3bcbbb9a⋯.jpg (275.45 KB,1564x691,1564:691,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9587e2c5596983b⋯.png (1.44 MB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151033 (191335ZOCT20) Notable: - 17 miles, GEOTUS Newport twatter video

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1st pic some anons decode from Apr 2019

2nd pic zoomed in17 milesfrom 3304 via lido

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6a9a42 No.124548

File: e35bf29f6c16678⋯.jpg (359.38 KB,1080x1791,120:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151143 (191343ZOCT20) Notable: - DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation

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DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation


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6a9a42 No.124549

File: 6b77a80fe2e4fad⋯.jpeg (420.65 KB,828x1291,828:1291,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151148 (191344ZOCT20) Notable: - It’s Not Just Joe Biden. Remember the Media Squashing THESE Scandals?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/scott-whitlock/2020/10/17/its-not-just-joe-biden-remember-media-squashing-these-scandals It’s Not Just Joe Biden. Remember the Media Squashing THESE Scandals?

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6a9a42 No.124550

File: 9fa8c0d105aa49f⋯.png (421 KB,514x404,257:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151151 (191344ZOCT20) Notable: - Could Assad Regime Make Deal With Trump Admin?

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Meanwhile, the White House sent Kash Patel, a deputy assistant to President Trump, to Damascus to talk about releasing US citizens held by the regime. This happened earlier this year, reports say. The US wants to know the fate of Austin Tice, a journalist who disappeared in Syria in 2012 and is believed to be held by Damascus. In addition, Majd Kamalmaz, a Syrian-American, disappeared in 2017 in regime-controlled Syria. Al-Arabiya says at least four other Americans are held by the regime. "Little is known" about their cases. The WSJ report says that Trump advocated talks back in March. Trump has made it a cornerstone of his administration to get back Americans held abroad. It is part of his larger "America first" image. He has said the US should end the "endless" wars, and he wants to bring troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq. He told West Point graduates this year that he wouldn't send them to fight in far away places for no reason.

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6a9a42 No.124551

File: 98c2f27bbbed6de⋯.jpeg (41.89 KB,738x212,369:106,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 462fff07f3a30cb⋯.jpeg (244.66 KB,828x959,828:959,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d8d23fbfecd12ca⋯.jpeg (228.84 KB,828x1096,207:274,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4848f9a49f6d9aa⋯.jpeg (125.46 KB,828x600,69:50,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151181 (191347ZOCT20) Notable: - Executive Order Blocking Property Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse

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6a9a42 No.124552

File: 253ebd17c874dbc⋯.png (263.48 KB,835x472,835:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151234 (191351ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AF2 USAF C-32A VIP departed JBA ne

SAM783 USAF G5 continues ne from MacDill AFB

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6a9a42 No.124553

File: 6b2ff0dc0810b3e⋯.jpeg (796.15 KB,810x1650,27:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151545 (191415ZOCT20) Notable: - Over the [Alexandra Chalupa] Target

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Over the [Alexandra Chalupa] Target

Steve Bannon:

Steve Bannon is a terrorist more dangerous to the United States than Osama bin Laden ever was. He belongs in a high security prison for life. Any journalist or news outlet treating him as anything but a code red threat is aiding and abetting the enemy. Everyone is on notice.

President Trump:

A man who will be a greater threat than Hitler if allowed a second term, shouldn’t be on the ballot. He is because elections are a multi billion dollar industry with little regulation.


Baker, consider as Notable to possibly encourage more diggz on the “Over the Target” theme.

> It will help us Anon’s in our popcorn eating frenzy!

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6a9a42 No.124554

File: e3677641dc0d16b⋯.jpg (107.83 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151580 (191418ZOCT20) Notable: #14260

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>>124529 - VOTE ALL DEMS OUT, 'ALL'


>>124531 - 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>124532 - Joe Biden's Donors Got Special Treatment


>>124534 - ‘Ukraine, crack and sex’ emails are NOT Russian disinformation

>>124535 - Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Track Force


>>124537 - RonPaulLibertyReport

>>124538 - China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal Is the News Now

>>124539 , >>124546 , >>124552 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>124540 - Euronext trading glitch halts trading for two hours in Paris and elsewhere

>>124541 - Anna Makanju Is Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship

>>124542 , >>124547 - 17 miles, GEOTUS Newport twatter video

>>124543 - BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing the president

>>124544 - South African links to Elon Musk Mother and EVERGREEN

>>124548 - DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation

>>124549 - It’s Not Just Joe Biden. Remember the Media Squashing THESE Scandals?

>>124550 - Could Assad Regime Make Deal With Trump Admin?

>>124551 - Executive Order Blocking Property Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse

>>124553 - Over the [Alexandra Chalupa] Target

Just so you know Dayshift, I didn't place in Global, but I'm not touching that shit.

An army of newfags still thinks I'm the devil, a brigade of shills that allegedly wants me to kms, oh and that random dost attempt, so more conflict is the last thing needed; not to say it isn't exciting.

And super sorry senpai, I will bake next bread without commentary, it is just that the bread split; I felt more detail should be given on my behalf.

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6a9a42 No.124555

File: b245297f8e29bd1⋯.png (761.39 KB,745x836,745:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150756 (191309ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden's Laptop "Is Not Some Russian Disinformation Campaign"; DNI Ratcliffe Slams Schiff

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It's almost like Adam Schiff, the Dems & the media are all repeating false propaganda about "Russian disinfo" w/ ZERO EVIDENCE, to hide Joe Biden's corruption from the American people.

“Hunter Biden’s laptop is NOT part of some Russian disinformation campaign.” - @DNI_Ratcliffe

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6a9a42 No.124556

File: 223581cef29a269⋯.png (476.8 KB,745x784,745:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150770 (191310ZOCT20) Notable: Antifa Shoves Elderly Man to Ground at Free Speech Rally

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WATCH: Antifa Shoves Elderly Man to Ground at Free Speech Rally https://breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/18/watch-antifa-shoves-elderly-man-to-ground-at-free-speech-rally/

via @BreitbartNews

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6a9a42 No.124557

File: 65dfcf7e3cddd64⋯.jpg (261.36 KB,704x545,704:545,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c8e9e217508327c⋯.jpg (724.52 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11150980 (191330ZOCT20) Notable: Man climbs Trump Tower Chicago, threatening to jump if he cannot speak to president

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Got me too muh Coffee ain't kicked in!

Is this technicallySUICIDE WEEKEND? Marker?


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6a9a42 No.124558

File: 5ea4181659bb7ce⋯.png (43.06 KB,674x257,674:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151167 (191345ZOCT20) Notable: Theory: Possible vid drop this week? Strategize how to disseminate before it happens.

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There might be a horrible video come out today or early this week. Pray for wisdom on how to share information if true. If it is true I repeat, “DO NOT SHARE IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.” Your account will be taken out immediately. Please pray.


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6a9a42 No.124559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151487 (191410ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden's Laptop "Is Not Some Russian Disinformation Campaign"; DNI Ratcliffe Slams Schiff

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Hunter Biden's Laptop "Is Not Some Russian Disinformation Campaign"; DNI Ratcliffe Slams Schiff


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6a9a42 No.124560

File: 4424610af9b38bd⋯.png (732.24 KB,1178x926,589:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151860 (191438ZOCT20) Notable: Pastor Paul Goulet of the International Church of Las Vegas

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Can any anons tell what kind of watch the Pastor Paul Goulet of the International Church of Las Vegas is wearing???? He has started 2000 churches all over the world and none have his name attached to them. Who the fuck is this guy in front of the Drum set acting like a rock star for Jesus??? He's dressed like Hunter Biden in a crap shack hotel shitter taking a selfie in the mirror.


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6a9a42 No.124561

File: d62adfd7cf440da⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11151886 (191439ZOCT20) Notable: Rallies in California

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A little dose of reality for you shills

This is Potus on his drive to the rally in Newport Beach California

The Silent majority

Trump has already won, you're watching a movie play out

Nothing [You] do can stop what's coming, NOTHING!

And this is why anon's are Comfy AF ;-)

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6a9a42 No.124562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152033 (191451ZOCT20) Notable: Rallies in California

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October 2020

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6a9a42 No.124563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152091 (191455ZOCT20) Notable: Dems trying to cheat the system with Stimulus programs: 800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

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Dem states are giving out money to people in a socialist fashion and expect the rest of our country to foot the bill. This is one of the major reasons why they need bailouts for their states. That’s what Nancy has been demanding in stimulus.


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6a9a42 No.124564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152098 (191456ZOCT20) Notable: Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

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sorry if news spam

Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks


On Friday the Debate Commission announced their topics for Friday, which are bizarrely similar to the first debate topics. The second debate will feature: Fighting COVID-19; American Families; Race in America; Climate Change; National Security; and Leadership.

The first debate topics were: Covid-19; The Economy; Race and Violence in our Cities; The Integrity of the Election; The Supreme Court; and Trump and Biden’s Records.

The news of the third debate leaving a major foreign policy focus out was met with further derision from the Trump campaign, which has already lambasted the Commission for attempting to make the debates virtual, and for choosing moderators with a track record of bias.

The proposed debate moderator for the second debate – Steve Scully – was indefinitely suspended from his job last week after lying about being hacked on Twitter. He was actually participating in a ploy to humiliate Donald Trump with the help of Trump-basher Anthony Scaramucci. Most of his friends in the media also lied about his hack.

Trump campaign strategist Jason Miller tweeted of the third debate topics on Monday morning: “Good morning to everyone except Presidential Debate Commission members who changed focus of final debate away from foreign policy so Joe Biden wouldn’t have to answer to being compromised by the Chinese Communist Party, supporting endless wars and sending pallets of cash to Iran.”

The National Pulse understands that while “national security” has been included in the list of topics by moderator Kristen Welker, the campaigns had long been discussing the subject being the majority of the debate, rather than regurgitating on issues such as COVID, climate change, and race.

Those topics were both covered in the first debate, and in the substantive Vice Presidential debate which saw VP Mike Pence emerge unquestionably victorious over a hectoring Kamala Harris.

The Hunter Biden laptop and e-mails were initially reported by the New York Post last week, triggering a cavalcade of censorship by Big Tech firms, as well as a failure by reputable media outlets to ask Joe Biden about the distressing revelations contained within, such as Hunter’s ties to Ukraine, to Moscow, and to the Chinese Communist Party.

Speaking to Maria Bartiromo on Fox News on Monday morning, Jason Miller added: “If the moderator doesn’t bring [Hunter Biden’s e-mails] up, I think you’re safe to assume that the President will. Again, these are real simple questions that Joe Biden needs to answer to the American public. And keep in mind this is supposed to be a debate on foreign policy. I know the Debate Commission is trying to move the goal posts yet again and work in a bunch of other issues. We’re going to talk about Biden’s support for endless wars, talk about the piles of cash loaded up with billions of dollars and sent to Iran, and we’re going to talk about all the foreign corruption, the foreign money that’s been coming into the Biden family. If Joe Biden can’t answer these real simple questions, you know he’s running from something.”

Thursday night’s moderator, Kristen Welker, has already been called into question given her family has donated thousands to Democrats including Joe Biden. Welker even took her father to Obama and Biden’s Christmas Party in 2012.

You can watch the debate live on Real America’s Voice on Thursday 9PM EST.


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6a9a42 No.124565

File: 014c85f2644ca8c⋯.png (79.43 KB,598x346,299:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152107 (191457ZOCT20) Notable: DOJ To Hold Virtual Press Conference on a National Security Cyber Matter

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1pm ET

be there for the intergalactic rap spectacular



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6a9a42 No.124566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152135 (191459ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Campaign Increases Campaign Ad Spending

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Trump Campaign Increases Campaign Ad Spending

A quick look at President Donald Trump’s TV ad buys gives insight into which specific battleground states the president’s campaign views as critical to repeating 2016’s electoral college victory this coming November.

Trump will spend more than $250 million over the final month of the election on ads in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona, according to data pulled by Advertising Analytics.


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6a9a42 No.124567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152162 (191501ZOCT20) Notable: Rallies in California

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>Los Angeles 405 FWY Car Rally


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6a9a42 No.124568

File: 5166d8dd93f0f24⋯.png (120.88 KB,801x442,801:442,Clipboard.png)

File: a1b2d89d816a474⋯.png (159.28 KB,734x449,734:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 799bc0cff783d10⋯.png (149.65 KB,858x447,286:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152312 (191512ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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VENUS32 USAF C-40B departed MacDill AFB after an overnight ne and heading across the pond

TABOO99 USAF KC-135R tanker out of Travis AFB heading for station as POTUS' mobile gas station

02-4452 USAFSOC C-32B departed McGuire AFB and some fly bys at prior to an es vector into the Atlantic

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6a9a42 No.124569

File: efd8e3fc27169a4⋯.png (348.23 KB,507x464,507:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152339 (191513ZOCT20) Notable: US Mil Tweets and Reports

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Wizards, Warlocks, Magicians!

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6a9a42 No.124570

File: 5c44fc8ef11c2e3⋯.png (383.68 KB,433x411,433:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152374 (191516ZOCT20) Notable: Excellent research on the Joe/Hunter jobs connection

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Excellent research on the Joe/Hunter jobs connection


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6a9a42 No.124571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152505 (191528ZOCT20) Notable: Joe was already in the mobs pockets when he first won Senate election.

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Joe was already in the mobs pockets when he first won Senate election.

Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Joe Biden’s intersection started 47 years ago at the beginning of Joe’s career in the US Senate. Joe got help from the Mob to win then, and has run his career in that winning fashion since. Rudy took that Crime Family down, and is working on Biden’s Crime Family too.

New Scorsese movie based on true events:

Martin Scorsese’s new film, The Irishman, conjures up a lost world. It depicts an era when the Mafia was so powerful that it set off alarms in the Kennedy White House, and Scorsese even hints that organized crime was behind JFK’s assassination.


Back in the 1980s and 1990s, Trump’s buildings and his casinos attracted underworld figures like “Fat Tony” Salerno, the Fedora-wearing, cigar-chomping boss of the Genovese crime family. Salerno, who’s portrayed in the film by Domenick Lombardozzi, supplied the fast-drying concrete that built Trump Tower and other Trump properties. Salerno also controlled the local concrete workers union, and when a strike shut down construction in Manhattan in 1982, the one of the few buildings that wasn’t affected was Trump Tower.


Trump wasn’t the only one who knew the people in the world of The Irishman. In addition to being a hit man, Sheeran was president of a local Teamsters union in Delaware.

In 1972, shortly before Election Day, a prominent lawyer who was very big in the Democratic Party came to see him. There were some political ads that would run in the local newspaper every day in the last week before election, and the lawyer didn’t want them to run. So Sheeran set up a picket line outside the newspaper, and he knew the Teamsters union drivers who delivered the paper wouldn’t cross it.

So the ads were never delivered, and on Election Day, Delaware had a new senator: a young man named Joe Biden. After that, Sheeran said Biden’s door was always open. “You could reach out for him, and he would listen,” he wrote.

The Biden story isn’t in the movie. There wasn’t room enough for everyone to make it into Scorsese’s epic Mafia biopic

Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, also crossed paths with Salerno as New York’s top federal prosecutor in the 1980s. Giuliani was obsessed with Salerno. “Tony was the Tip O’Neill of the underworld and would reside forever in Rudy Giuliani’s mind,” wrote the legendary New York columnist Jimmy Breslin. Giuliani went after Salerno with such zeal that the mobster’s defense attorney complained that the prosecutor ″has made it his personal mission to bury my client.″

In March 1986, Giuliani announced that a grand jury had indicted Salerno and others on charges that included rigging construction bids. Trump Plaza, a co-op apartment building on Manhattan’s East Side, was specifically mentioned in the 29-count indictment. Salerno arranged things so his concrete company got a $7.8 million contract at Trump Plaza. It just so happens that while these bids were being rigged, the building was under construction, right around the time that Trump met Salerno in Cohn’s townhouse. Even so, the indictment makes it clear that the bid-rigging occurred without the knowledge of developers.

Moar at link…


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6a9a42 No.124572

File: af9e774569bd549⋯.png (182.19 KB,788x490,394:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152536 (191530ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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VENUS62 USAF G5 departed JBA and did some low alt passes at Newport News Int'l and heading back to JBA


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6a9a42 No.124573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152538 (191530ZOCT20) Notable: Bahrain signing a peace deal with Israel

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Bahrain signing a peace deal with Israel


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6a9a42 No.124574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152579 (191534ZOCT20) Notable: LIVE: Mnuchin, UAE Financial Affairs Minister delivers remarks

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LIVE: Mnuchin, UAE Financial Affairs Minister delivers remarks

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6a9a42 No.124575

File: cc1906e02763374⋯.png (501.05 KB,829x759,829:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152581 (191535ZOCT20) Notable: More pro-China articles from US Media. Infiltration.

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More pro-China articles from US Media.


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6a9a42 No.124576

File: c7613b44a94fad2⋯.png (126.04 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152604 (191537ZOCT20) Notable: OOPS. Whitmer lets it slip why THEY are keeping us in lockdowns.

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OOPS. Whitmer lets it slip why THEY are keeping us in lockdowns.

This woman is pure evil. She even looks evil.

She is off-handedly threatening people with continued lockdowns if we re-elect Trump.

She cannot wait to get some of that sweet China cash for her family.

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6a9a42 No.124577

File: 4595edcf5f2f703⋯.jpg (62.45 KB,437x511,437:511,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152630 (191540ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter's "smoking gun" email put thru photoshop?

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Hunter's "smoking gun" email put thru photoshop?


Was the file's metadata left as "bait" for the media to claim it was "faked" (disinfo)?

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6a9a42 No.124578

File: 108d2bf650f8f42⋯.png (562.3 KB,672x401,672:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152636 (191540ZOCT20) Notable: Venezuela's Citgo-backed bonds boosted by U.S. court ruling

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Venezuela's Citgo-backed bonds boosted by U.S. court ruling

Bond market brokers marked up prices on some of Venezuela’s battered debt more than four-fold on Monday after a U.S. judge dealt a major blow to opposition leader Juan Guaido’s efforts to have them declared invalid. The bonds at the centre of the row belong to Venezuelan state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and are backed by half of the shares in the parent company of the firm’s U.S. refining arm Citgo Petroleum.

They have been languishing at just over 10% of their face value at around 12 cents on the dollar in recent months in the wake of severe U.S. sanctions on Venezuelan debt, but were being quoted at between 45-50 cents on Monday, trading screens showed. Due to U.S. sanctions, prices for Venezuelan bonds are exchanged more informally between brokers rather than being openly traded on traditional platforms.

A U.S. judge on Friday ruled that the bonds, which defaulted last year but had originally been due to mature later this month, were “valid and enforceable”. Guaido’s team took control of Citgo last year after he was recognised by the U.S. government as Venezuela’s rightful leader on the grounds that Nicolas Maduro rigged his 2018 re-election. The Guaido side had sued to have the bonds declared invalid on the grounds that they were issued without the approval of the opposition-held National Assembly.

Friday’s U.S. court defeat for Guaido did not pave the way for creditors to immediately seize the Citgo assets, however. Washington earlier this month extended a measure blocking creditors from seizing shares in Citgo until at least Jan. 19.


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6a9a42 No.124579

File: 538781ab6915e58⋯.mp4 (518 KB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152660 (191543ZOCT20) Notable: #TrumpDanceChallenge

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6a9a42 No.124580

File: b6eff8466906fc6⋯.png (325.19 KB,746x422,373:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152687 (191546ZOCT20) Notable: Trump supporters in KC threatened with attack in civil war

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Hey lefties!

Awesome!!! I, for one, cannot wait for you to do this.

Bring it

Bring ALL of it.


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6a9a42 No.124581

File: 0090dfabda3fbaf⋯.png (59.25 KB,602x520,301:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152792 (191553ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump says he plans to do five rallies a day leading up to election. "We are going to win….."

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President Trump says he plans to do five rallies a day leading up to election. "We are going to win….."


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6a9a42 No.124582

File: b1e8e077fb41e50⋯.png (1.27 MB,971x634,971:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11152976 (191606ZOCT20) Notable: US Mil Tweets and Reports

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Hey lefties and China.

The ole girl can still kick your asses…..

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6a9a42 No.124583

File: 1bfcff8bbe6283e⋯.png (657.98 KB,1100x1118,550:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11153077 (191614ZOCT20) Notable: Wikipedia clears the Bidens from any wrongdoing

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Wikipedia is an leftist BS machine.


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6a9a42 No.124584

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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