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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qanon_research.jpg)

4b49f0  No.10975201[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.



Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 10.07.2020

>>10974758 ————————————–——– How much was McCain [>McCaine Institute] paid to peddle the Steele dossier? What is the going rate for a UNITED STATES SENATOR to [knowingly] push false unverified intel to the FBI [lend credibility]?

>>10974416 ————————————–——– Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter? (Caps: >>10974890, >>10974857)

>>10974416 ————————————–——– Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

>>10973330 ————————————–——– Can music be healing? Q

>>10972934 ————————————–——– "This Executive order shall remain in effect until November 3, 2020." Was this ever about the virus? (Cap: >>10973031)



>>10967370 ————————————–——– WOULD CHINA OWN AND CONTROL THE WHITE HOUSE?


>>10970198 ————————————–——– Combat tactics, Mr Ryan. (Cap: >>10969992)

>>10967161 ————————————–——– How many people in DC does Clinton have dirt on?

>>10966994 ————————————–——– Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels?

Tuesday 10.06.2020

>>10957834 ————————————–——– USA CHINA timeline; WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? Evil surrounds us.

>>10955457 ————————————–——– Think POTUS today "No redactions!"

>>10954518 rt >>10954501 ———–––——–— RED OCTOBER

>>10954429 ————————————–——– What happens when people no longer fight back?

>>10953742 ————————————–——– How close did we come to losing it? What if ………? ..not about R vs D.

>>10953488 ——————————————— He gave up everything. He knew [knows] the consequences. Why do it? Q

>>10951320 ————————————–——– INFORMATION WARFARE. (Cap: >>10951368, >>10951371)

>>10950265 ————————————–——– "Let's see what happens." (Caps: >>10950391, >>10950325)

>>10949906 ————————————–——– "Let's see what happens." (Cap: >>10950011)

>>10949783 rt >>10949642 ———–––——–— Keep charging, Midnight Riders! Nightwatch.

>>10949641 ————————————–——– Time for a change? (Cap: >>10949674)

Thursday 10.01.2020 >>10969663

>>10872166 ————————————–——– [D] party playbook. Who are the real racists? THE WORLD IS WAKING UP. (Cap: >>10872224)

>>10871984 ————————————–——– Divided we fall. [D] party con [projection] (Cap: >>10872103)

>>10871183 ————————————–——– Judgement against Snowden (Cap: >>10871468, >>10871205)

>>10871022 ————————————–——– Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] , Do not take the bait. Use discernment.

>>10870492 ————————————–——– What if C19 didn't exist? WHY DID WH STRIP CDC CONTROL OF C19 DATA? BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. (Cap: >>10870715)

>>10869781 ————————————–——– "While attending college, he served as an intern in the office of Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden, …."Rigged system? (Cap: >>10872946)

Wed 09.30.2020 >>10969659

Tue 09.29.2020 >>10969627

Sat 09.26.2020 >>10872796

Fri 09.25.2020 >>10837404

Thu 09.24.2020 >>10830702

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4b49f0  No.10975231

Global Announcements

>>10756139 Q Research Kitchen Meta - Kitchen/Board Discussion

>>10968366, >>10968582, >>10968606 Transparency Report /comms/ bakers planning to create a new secret board so anons can't see discussion

>>10965114, >>10965136, >>10965156, >>10965972, >>10966183, >>10966412, >>10966550




No Notes...'

#14037 Notetaker...

>>10973657 Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris participate in the vice presidential debate in Salt Lake City, UT.

>>10973687 Trump campaign leaves ticket for Tupac at VP debate after Kamala Harris named him ‘best rapper alive’

>>10973910 Far Left “Moderator” Susan Page Opens Up VP Debate with a Whopper: “Coronavirus Not Under Control”

Step up

#14036 Notetaker...

>>10972826 , >>10972831 Comms Transparency

>>10972879 Mail in Ballot Applications in Pennsylvania sent by Trump found destroyed

>>10972880 Coverage of VP Debate

>>10972898 anon notables being stolen for twitter likes?

>>10972929 Trump Admin asks SCOTUS to halt Census count

>>10974307 #14036

#14035 Notetaker

>>10972176 Trumps rapid recover emasculates left's emotional terrorism

>>10972189 Top White House Security Official gravely Ill

>>10972566 White House Reporters encouraged to stay away because of China Virus

>>10972565 Donald Trump is Chief Law Enforcement Officer (Anon opines)

>>10972542 Etsy to remove all QAnon merchandise

>>10971942, >>10971947, >>10972486 /comms transparency

>>10972422 POTUS Tweet Obama Biden Crooked Hillary got caught

>>10972410 VP Debate moderator is Pelosi biographer

>>10972146 White House Security Official Reportedly Caught COVID-19 Weeks Ago, Is 'Gravely Ill'

>>10972140 Abortion Survivor interview on OANN

>>10972121 Fakebook boasts their ban flex

>>10972110 #2 in Command to Marines Contracted COVID

>>10972109 Catherine, breaking it down - “This cannot continue – the American public has a right to know

>>10972050 DJT Tweets: My highly regarded Executive Order protected 525,000 American jobs during the height of the Chinese Plague. Democrats want to have Open Borders!

>>10972003, >>10972040 Moar Regeneron

>>10971977 Trial lawyers snatch half of Hidalgo County’s $1.35M settlement, U.S. Rep. Gonzalez's cut comes to $118K

>>10971884, >>10971921, >>10971986, >>10972017 Things to Remember...

>>10971871 VP DEBATE TIME!

>>10974307 #14035

Previously Collected Notables

>>10970241 #14032, >>10970959 #14033, >>10971787 #14034

>>10967976 #14029, >>10968756 #14030, >>10969530 #14031 Needs checking

>>10965682 #14026, >>10966486 #14027, >>10967226 #14028

>>10963424 #14023, >>10964263 #14204, >>10964912 #14025

>>10960939 #14020, >>10961818 #14021, >>10962615 #14022

>>10958260 #14017, >>10959029 #14018, >>10959959 #14019

>>10955967 #14014, >>10956718 #14015, >>10957490 #14016

>>10953702 #14011, >>10955602 #14012, >>10955198 #14013

>>10951089 #14008, >>10953155 #14009, >>10952922 #14010

>>10953186 #14005, >>10949576 #14006, >>10953230 #14007

>>10946410 #14002, >>10947227 #14003, >>10948027 #14004

>>10944280 #13999, >>10945179 #14000, >>10945625 #14001

>>10942397 #13997, >>10943206 #13998, >>10944288 #13999

>>10941640 #13994, >>10940695 #13995, >>10941741 #13996

>>10937138 #13991, >>10938072 #13992, >>10939098 #13993

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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4b49f0  No.10975236

Exposing the Deep State, MSM, Social Media: Threads & Boards

>>>/qrmemes/ New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/141 Joe Biden

>>>/qrmemes/129 I'm On Team Joe

>>>/qrmemes/700 Hunter Biden

>>>/qrmemes/289 Kamala Harris

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 Australia #10

>>10479225 Brasil/Portugal #1

>>10946985 Canada Bread #8

>>8331823 France #1

>>10683929 Germany #68

>>10838222 Italy #1

>>9133907 Mexico #1

>>10497699 Nederland #5

>>10524823 New Zealand #5

>>5290557 Nordic #1

>>10843151 Scotland #1

>>8033191 South Africa #1

>>10768658 UK #22

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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

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GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

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4b49f0  No.10975238

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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af73a1  No.10975239

File: db7c979122ea2e1⋯.png (142.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DamalahHairys10.png)



LET ME POINT DIRECTLY AT YOU SOME MORE [Piercing body language, to 'get into' the viewer]

She left the left

and lost her heft

Wannabe hero

became a zero

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4b49f0  No.10975243


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492f49  No.10975246


Or even a conservative moderator for a change. Another liberal friend of Biden's is moderating the second Trump-Biden debate. This moderator at least is not debating Pence directly like Wallace did even though she sets up the questions in a way very critical of our administration.

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739ecb  No.10975248

Now you want to decriminalize marijuana

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f1711b  No.10975249

File: c3e96ea600105c0⋯.png (579.56 KB, 400x580, 20:29, MacroCosmosSDDE_EN_C_1E.png)

how many SES eyes on the board w/ the debate on a different tab

Annunaki overrated

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fcf3d7  No.10975250

They're grasping at strings and now offering criminal-free weed to all blacks kek.

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af73a1  No.10975251

File: 28287a338c99ec1⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, Wonderful.jpg)



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5155bd  No.10975252

File: faf208f6a42dd71⋯.png (482.22 KB, 1752x1000, 219:125, de_Blasio.png)

File: a979a9800a318a9⋯.png (367.61 KB, 1368x779, 72:41, Harris.png)

File: b2b81face8f97cb⋯.png (844.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hildabeast.png)

File: 7739ec656997a07⋯.png (430.95 KB, 1386x864, 77:48, Newsom.png)

File: 4a3b8edae3ed469⋯.png (695.94 KB, 1538x1800, 769:900, Obongo.png)

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16b833  No.10975253



not the same as legalize

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60fd98  No.10975254

What's the going rate, yes, and


Did Noname, Ryan, etc. do this purely out of greed,

or were they also blackmailed to compel their cooperation?

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76e67c  No.10975256


Fuck you Q!

Blankenship 2020.

Let's see how far you make it down the street!

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83b07c  No.10975257

So, Q, No Name and Ryan were bribed. Who paid the bribe?

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da65ff  No.10975258

So, she's pausing as if she's repeating what she's hearing on her wire.

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87ffa3  No.10975259

File: d5d6a71d2601e80⋯.jpeg (220.94 KB, 1368x425, 1368:425, rife_coronavirus.jpeg)

File: 71ae8ff5214bde2⋯.png (157.02 KB, 483x366, 161:122, RoyalRife.png)

File: 27de81d7b193d8f⋯.png (264.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RoyalRife_AMA.png)

>>10975142 (pb)

actually I meant Royal Rife - sorry

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6d5028  No.10975260

lb q


Ryan was plotting to overthrow duly elected. Protonmail with Mike Pence. So was Pence the one that flipped early to help POTUS. Did not want to go thru with treason?

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3a8f5f  No.10975261

File: f2475beed4c5364⋯.jpg (144.42 KB, 799x532, 799:532, pence_burst.jpg)

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56690b  No.10975262

Q the R‘s need to pay a higher price. We knew the D’s were absolute traitors however the R’s like Ryan are the enemy within and deserves be held to a higher standard.

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8bbd75  No.10975264


Looks like McCain had some money he didn't want to explain…. https://www.usapoliticstoday.org/john-mccain-authorities-got-money/

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739ecb  No.10975265


She's going to have 2Pac at her next event

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05d97d  No.10975267


Baker my final notes for 14038

Baker Notable FINAL for #14038

>>10974416 QPost - Remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

>>10974758 Q Post How much was McCain paid to peddle Steele Dossier?

>>10975152 Q Post Why did Paul Ryan refuse/block Subpoenas?

>>10974447 Anon info on missile from Q Post

>>10974617 Cap from Q post about missile Q 1728

>>10974734 Mystery of object spotted over Whidbey Island

>>10974760 Constitutional Reckoning of State Lockdowns

>>10974842 POTUS "Pence is doing GREAT!

>>10974910 US Catholic Church names 1000+ Priests accused of Child Sex Abuse

>>10974978 Digg on McCain Institute

>>10975068 POTUS tweet Moderator cut off VP while discussing Knights of Columbia

>>10975077 McCain Institute raises eyebrows among Conservative Groups

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046ebf  No.10975268

File: a00b6fb3d6ffc29⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 474x474, 1:1, tears.jpg)

File: fae7431a244be39⋯.jpg (63.07 KB, 336x452, 84:113, members_only.jpg)

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c453b0  No.10975269

Pence is rocking it!

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7e93f3  No.10975270

File: 1ae6360fb37bcdf⋯.png (997.17 KB, 1024x496, 64:31, 85C48047_DE3E_4AE2_BA1A_58….png)

Peaceful protest

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2cf1ce  No.10975272

fly on Pence head!!!!!

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fa723b  No.10975273

Fly on Pence head

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b2e3cb  No.10975274



just repeal the prohibition on it, simple as.

how many times does this need to be gone over?

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000000  No.10975275

>>10975152 lb

Is there a list of going rates??

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a8d8c3  No.10975276

File: 38fb0144561406c⋯.jpeg (205.64 KB, 1200x1177, 1200:1177, F5E8EC9B_8454_499E_B9BC_B….jpeg)

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2d00ef  No.10975277


She was for before she was against it. Both weed and Big Willy's Willy

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f257cd  No.10975279


i i dentify as black.. for medicnal.

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76f28a  No.10975281

That a fly???

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0570e6  No.10975282

Hey get that fly outta here

What is it with flies and debates?

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9165d3  No.10975283

File: d8423765857dbeb⋯.jpg (126.77 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, E6D3iyS.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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32a2b1  No.10975284

Hello Q

Kamala backwards is ALAMAK, which means in Chinese:

Alamak is an exclamation word used in situations when you are shocked or surprised by something or an event. It is something akin to “Oh my Mother!” and also “Oh my God!”. Pure evil!

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94bf96  No.10975285

>>10975152 (lb)

Paul Ryan in the spotlight. oooohheeeee..

FOX better get him off da board.

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67eee3  No.10975286


none last bread either baker is hiding hi ID

Would explain the lack of notes past breads

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def0c6  No.10975287

fly still on pence hair… BAD OPTICS



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e12d18  No.10975288

Pence has a fly on his head. WTF?

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76e67c  No.10975289

File: ecfa06abf9879d2⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 665x800, 133:160, SOON.jpg)

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d2116e  No.10975291

fly on pence's head

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68d918  No.10975292

>>10974954 PB

>>10974886 PB

>>10974899 PB

ha ha

inside of 30 days and no arrests and no justice and I will be right and you wrong

ha ha, you suck and have to watch daily your hopes dreams and prayers fail to materialize

and I get to come here everyday and laugh and say ha ha I was right, you were wrong

ha ha

deal with it bitches

you trusted Bush's Barr boy to expose that which he built for most of his career the financing and the orchestration and implementation of the DS apparatus

ha ha

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88f927  No.10975293

>>10974758 (lb) Q

Clinton Foundation Donors Flocking To The McCain Institute

(mintpressnews - Jun 27, 2017)

In years past, the Clinton Foundation enjoyed significant donations from individuals and countries that sought to purchase influence in Washington. But now, the McCain Institute is their new darling, having received large sums from the likes of George Soros and Saudi Arabia.

In addition to these individuals, many of the same foreign governments that were known to donate massive sums to the Clintons have also bestowed their favor on the McCain Institute.For instance, Saudi Arabia, a nation that funded 20 percent of Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, made a $1 million donation to the McCain Institute, a donation that the both foundation and the senator himself have refused to explain.


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313aaa  No.10975294

Can you believe this trashy hoe is talking about marijuana convictions???

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234691  No.10975295

File: 2acb81bbf0c9a66⋯.jpg (8.1 KB, 474x248, 237:124, download.jpg)

Kamala is TERRIBLE! No one can in good conscience can vote Biden/Harris.

Knowing that if Joe Biden is age 77 and would be age 78 if he took office, IF he died

KAMALA would run the country!!!

NO f'ng way

This debate she is TERRIBLE.

Watching Kamala I kept seeing in her deameanor Wanda Sykes making a sour face.

I do not see Kamala as a world leader in any way, she is not ready.

At a few points tonight watching and listening to Kamalas answers, I could have sworn I was a was watching non-funny Wanda Sykes.

Do we want a President non-funny Wanda Sykes/Kamal Harris.

Both are same kind of annoying.

There are memes here

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c7c2a8  No.10975296

Fly on pence head.

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325195  No.10975297


Yeah wth was that?

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5155bd  No.10975299

File: 2ddf3ca5d522bb0⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1500x843, 500:281, Cat_Schiff_Woman.png)

File: 1d8aef3cbdbe53b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Comeys_Arrest.png)

File: c5d25e547e53d76⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1242x1500, 207:250, Cuomo.png)

File: fc6e0cf5a554f0a⋯.png (811.88 KB, 1224x927, 136:103, Joe_Riddler.png)

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a85cfd  No.10975300

Fly on Penses head!!! No!

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67f74f  No.10975301


wasn't much baker

Q was pushing fast bread

this is what i have from last

#14038 early notables

>>10975077 McCain links to the Clinton Foundation

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7fec20  No.10975302


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f1b663  No.10975303

File: 649e6a6bed6bb66⋯.png (306.48 KB, 480x680, 12:17, A83D2A8F_9EA3_4EA9_90B5_78….png)


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311fd9  No.10975304


oh shit

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16b833  No.10975305

File: 152a2a7b149b179⋯.png (964.26 KB, 1374x773, 1374:773, ClipboardImage.png)


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c68fdb  No.10975306

>>10975110 lb McCain Stuff


Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain in 2012 turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name, the McCain Institute for International Leadership.

Critics worry that the institute’s donors and McCain’s personal leadership in the organization’s exclusive “Sedona Forum” bear an uncanny resemblance to the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) that annually co-mingled special interests and powerful political players in alleged pay-to-play schemes.

The institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire liberal activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.” Teneo has long helped enrich Clinton through lucrative speaking and business deals.

And Bloomberg reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group has refused to explain publicly.

In addition, the institute has taken at least $100,000 from a Moroccan state-run company tied to repeated charges of worker abuse and exploitation. The McCain group has also accepted at least $100,000 from the Pivotal Foundation, which was created by Francis Najafi who owns the Pivotal Group, a private equity and real estate firm.

The Pivotal Foundation has in the last three years given $205,000 to the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), which has been a vocal advocate for the Iranian nuclear deal the Obama administration negotiated.

The NIAC web site claims the group “is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening the voice of Iranian Americans and promoting greater understanding between the American and Iranian people.”

But NIAC President Trita Parsi has long been an advocate for Iran, including demanding in May 2017 that President Donald Trump and officials in his administration “cease questioning the integrity of a (nuclear) deal.”

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b1279e  No.10975307

Is that a fly on pences head?

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8ab767  No.10975308

File: 844daa1e1346f3a⋯.png (116.89 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, MB.png)

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7ac230  No.10975309


Probably infected with COVID

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17bddb  No.10975310


2Pac or not 2Pac. That is the question.

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594e1c  No.10975311

is that Jessie Smullett Aunt ? K Harris ? ? ?

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7ff30d  No.10975312

File: 5f5a283290636da⋯.jpeg (106.8 KB, 828x798, 138:133, C3BEB13A_BD59_49F3_85D6_A….jpeg)

File: a6e250797b85fe0⋯.jpeg (82.24 KB, 828x567, 92:63, E553D27B_7EF5_4116_9A0E_A….jpeg)

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c453b0  No.10975313

I will not sit here and be lectured by the Vice President.

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1b5591  No.10975314

File: 98c3d6c4b7fb065⋯.png (1.01 MB, 922x666, 461:333, mike_pence_double_shotguns.png)


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325195  No.10975315


Someone please tell him.

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95f727  No.10975316




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64fc97  No.10975317


Indeed. That was a good move putting her in the defense about the courts. She was no doubt ready to use that against him.

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3a3efa  No.10975318

A fly on his head? WTF

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942faf  No.10975319

File: 50ee670b48823bc⋯.png (14.14 KB, 1053x186, 351:62, Screenshot_2020_10_07_Q_Re….png)

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712863  No.10975320

File: 79b48a87515fcf6⋯.jpg (65.91 KB, 882x472, 441:236, DKwBNoeUMAAulhj.jpg)







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dbe793  No.10975321

>>10975152 LB

>>10975152 LB

cause Paul Ryan is owned by soros!!!!

he knew private life was where his payoffs could be recv'd.

>>10975068 LB

Pence has answered more than her so far. But he did not answer the abortions question what his state should do if R vs W is overturned.

She went from Breonna the drug mule to

George Floyd the FBI informant.

Pence should ask kamala if the C_A posted Chauvins bail today!!!

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d13769  No.10975323

File: 6fa99d20ca9c0d3⋯.png (48.99 KB, 351x303, 117:101, ClipboardImage.png)



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fc30f3  No.10975324

>>10975152 LB I have no idea and it is starting to hurt the brain to speculate. All I know is it is pure evil in Washington and not a single thing can surprise me. Nothing. Try me.

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b0a9ba  No.10975325

Level this bitch on her corrupt prosecutorial history.

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1df8fd  No.10975326

Pence has a bug on his hair

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c78da1  No.10975327

He was made an offer he did not want to refuse.

>>10975152 (pbuh)

>>Why did Paul Ryan retire at such a young age?

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32a2b1  No.10975328


The fly is from the witch on stage.

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166c63  No.10975329

File: f6cecefa9a82a87⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 496x798, 248:399, fony_moustaf.jpg)

File: 1b6b1b22f6596b4⋯.jpg (87.11 KB, 588x351, 196:117, Lindsey_does_Syria.jpg)

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1db422  No.10975330

File: ebec0f1bf63b783⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Jussie_assulted_at_gunpoin….gif)

Harris is actually beating herself up in this debate, we didn't even need Pence there…OMG!!!…so funny to watch!!

She is doing a Jussie Smollett on herself….help me, help me

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739ecb  No.10975331


That is not normal

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a8d8c3  No.10975332

Seeing the fly on Hillary’s face, I knew she had lost

Not a good look Pence

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17bddb  No.10975333


Pretty fly for a white guy

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3558ea  No.10975334

File: c71f8a58530679c⋯.jpg (193.09 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, HL.jpg)

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4b49f0  No.10975335


Q knows who I am and thas all that matters to me regarding my standing here and my contributions to this board. So take notes on the past breads or stop bitching.


>>10975267 Thank you anon. Notes from 14038

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b5a42d  No.10975336

Question to Kamala Harris:

'Is there ANY black DNA in you besides that which belongs to downtown clown Willie Brown?'

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b1279e  No.10975337

A fly just derailed pence

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0570e6  No.10975338









Can't believe it's still there

They usually are laying eggs if they stay that long



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b0a9ba  No.10975339


"Solid as a rock"

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d11eb2  No.10975340


oh no the FLY of death. fuck

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844abb  No.10975341

File: 167fec5e05c7579⋯.png (18.6 KB, 822x218, 411:109, Screenshot_7.png)

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16b833  No.10975343

File: f644e17df2f2d55⋯.png (60.32 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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af73a1  No.10975344

File: 7a55339b5552975⋯.png (142.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DamalahHairys09.png)



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3962dc  No.10975345

File: e929a1fcfb1b592⋯.png (1.07 MB, 960x640, 3:2, 74F10D26_F4E3_4D21_9611_21….png)

When you go to war in your land against the adversary who attacks you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets

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161aef  No.10975347

can't stop staring at the fly……

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a85cfd  No.10975348


That Snow White hair! It must be one of her attack flys

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45cfc5  No.10975349

Fly on Pence's hair is going to go viral.

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a1753a  No.10975350

>>10975254 pb

Yeah, I don't think he wanted to be put in the position of receiving an offer he couldn't refuse

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b8ce42  No.10975351

File: da816241b4b1411⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 500x377, 500:377, DLdk7tVU8AEmeGQ.jpg)

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739ecb  No.10975352


That is not normal

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1b02b9  No.10975353

File: 59aab181aa4ead0⋯.png (29.33 KB, 383x524, 383:524, 1st_Qpost.png)

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1e7627  No.10975354

File: dd8c57e173ed5b6⋯.png (480.45 KB, 575x377, 575:377, ClipboardImage.png)

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83b07c  No.10975355



Naw. She's more of a blackmail do or die type.

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000000  No.10975356


welcome back, old fren

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92f554  No.10975357

was hoping for EAS in the middle of the debate.

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67f74f  No.10975358


wow how did you catch all that

i need to work on my note skills


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ecdb8d  No.10975359

Kammie seems a bit upset she is not in control of the stage.

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8c93c9  No.10975360

Yo P-dogg

Shake the fly off your head My nigga!

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5b8077  No.10975361

>>10975152 Q pb

Fifty bucks or fifty million. It is all the same 30 pieces.

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25c8a6  No.10975362

File: f5b57aa8f229439⋯.jpg (89.36 KB, 671x711, 671:711, kamala_china.jpg)

File: 9ea182c422ed80c⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kamala_china.mp4)

>>10974443 lb

>>10975022 lb

>time stamp that shit

>go back end of the debate and stamp the time with a link video

>so we can grab it




"There was a team of disease experts that President Obama and Vice President Biden dispatched to China to monitor what is now predictable… They pulled them out." Senator Kamala Harris discusses Trump's long-term actions as president. https://cnb.cx/3lAZmYb #VPDebate

8:56 PM · Oct 7, 2020·Wildmoka

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016e4e  No.10975363

KEK at the fly. It's stuck in his hairspray.

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935eb2  No.10975364

Here we go again…. White Supremacy…Holy Fucking shit. This is a fucking farce.

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76e67c  No.10975366

FonzieQ is not just a campaign LARP.

They are fucking enemies.

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75c21a  No.10975367

File: 0d3e80264f5c3ac⋯.png (79.23 KB, 912x269, 912:269, Screen_Shot_2020_10_07_at_….png)

>>10975119 (pb)


Look what was being reported on the same day as in the new Q drop.

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16dcbf  No.10975368

The FLY just accomplished a touch and go.

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e12d18  No.10975369


The whole family just said that out loud. KEK!

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ebb94c  No.10975370

OMG. She screwed Californians.

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830e35  No.10975371

Spike Lee is a loser. That will be all.

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d13769  No.10975372


I think Pence was in on it… they set up a trap for Ryan… imo… just how it looks to me

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712863  No.10975373

File: c48e2865e63fdf1⋯.jpg (119.11 KB, 960x679, 960:679, 10cf30a3f123ccb305ae2706f5….jpg)



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f257cd  No.10975374


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eddc10  No.10975376


Cause he is a POS. Sold us down river with no paddle. I am going to say a couple mil$$ for the speakers actions. He refused cause he knew he would be fucked over in the end. He retired cause now all the dirt comes out and he saw it coming is my guess…get out while he can?

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14c03e  No.10975377


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df6c88  No.10975378

I dont know if its purpose but what is this regurgitation from Q?

Still not ready?

After yesterday?

This is a fucking joke and a waste of our time.

Its fucking disrespectful at least.

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c7c2a8  No.10975379

Keep using the muh waycism.

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fa723b  No.10975380

Harris is searching for something …. Looking for sympathy ….. Not working

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eeeaf6  No.10975381

>>10975186 pb

>>10975150 pb

>>10975194 pb

>>10975218 pb

Ah. Danke anons

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b0a9ba  No.10975383

If all they have are blatant lies, they are screwed.

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325195  No.10975384

Oof Pence got her

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d11eb2  No.10975385

maybe the FLY got confused.. dam .

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e97713  No.10975387

File: 0468b440786ccf4⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1298x728, 649:364, ClipboardImage.png)


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f05d3e  No.10975388


Wanda Sykes ISN’T funny

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76e67c  No.10975389

FonzieQ is not just a campaign LARP.

They are fucking enemies.

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234691  No.10975390


>Kamala is TERRIBLE! No one can in good conscience can vote Biden/Harris.

>Knowing that if Joe Biden is age 77 and would be age 78 if he took office, IF he died

>KAMALA would run the country!!!

>NO f'ng way

>This debate she is TERRIBLE.

>Watching Kamala I kept seeing in her demeanor Wanda Sykes making a sour face.

>I do not see Kamala as a world leader in any way, she is not ready.

>At a few points tonight watching and listening to Kamala's answers, I could have sworn I was watching non-funny Wanda Sykes.

>Do we want apossible President non-funny Wanda Sykes/Kamala Harris.

>Both are same kind of annoying.

>There are memes here

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7c2582  No.10975391

File: fd2c98bc1c757b9⋯.jpg (104.33 KB, 500x1042, 250:521, hrc_evergreen_revenger_pun….jpg)



Codename: Evergreen



1. One who revenges; one who inflicts pain on another spitefully in return for an injury.

2. One who inflicts just punishment for injuries. [Less proper.]

Compare to:


PUN'ISHER, noun One that inflicts pain, loss or other evil for a crime or offense.


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4cbfcf  No.10975392

Wasn’t there supposed to be a video of Kamala released by now? Supposedly- it was going to keep her from doing anything. That intel is at least 2 years old.

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a8d8c3  No.10975393

Need a screen cap on fly head pence stat

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3f3488  No.10975394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q waking up tens of millions moar that [they] tried to take AF1/him

out with a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM)

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df6c88  No.10975395

I dont know if its on purpose but what is this regurgitation from Q?

Still not ready?

After yesterday?

This is a fucking joke and a waste of our time.

Its fucking disrespectful at least.

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c5e12f  No.10975396

this the moment the movie twists and turns

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cd5f3b  No.10975397

>>10974758 pb

watching a movie

good one too

a bit long though

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d5d403  No.10975398

File: 93ad4a77fa87910⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 528FEEF7_4A60_4A98_8C51_6….jpeg)

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747d55  No.10975400

File: 8f10694f58a633f⋯.png (151.24 KB, 400x249, 400:249, MORDORTOOTS.png)

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ebe684  No.10975401

File: a34026f87a91495⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d59e4c  No.10975402


kek, I thought you were roleplaying, and was reading that in her voice

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2cf1ce  No.10975403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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16a7c6  No.10975404

Did God send a fly to let us know?

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e37863  No.10975405

Can't monitor currently…

Did we get a Delta? w/ Dan, Potus?

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83b07c  No.10975406


Naw. She is more of a blackmail do or die type.

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67f74f  No.10975407


wow how did you catch all that noter

i need to work on my note skills


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da65ff  No.10975408

Pause, repeat, pause repeat, listen, repeat what you hear.

A wire.

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bc11cf  No.10975410

The fly is just trying to catch its breath after escaping that dirty pussy.

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387815  No.10975411

File: 3815acd33f34513⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 577x423, 577:423, bidenhasproblems.jpg)

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64ef60  No.10975412

>>10973785 lb

Looking forward to Bombard's Body Language analysis.

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eddc10  No.10975413


Cause he is a POS. Sold us down river with no paddle. Was prolly given an offer that he couldnt deny. I am going to say a couple mil$$ for the speakers actions. He refused cause he knew he would be fucked over in the end. He retired cause now all the dirt comes out and he saw it coming is my guess…get out while he can?

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16b833  No.10975414

File: df63202f5d3bfca⋯.png (449.58 KB, 781x492, 781:492, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee8941  No.10975415


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0a74e2  No.10975416


Because of him being blackmailed, right?

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06d054  No.10975417

File: 258b6e4af8ba4f8⋯.jpg (346.39 KB, 1922x1331, 1922:1331, your_Q_.jpg)

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c30cf3  No.10975419


you're gonna have to get through a lot of tough guys to get to Q…dumb fuck

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eeb854  No.10975420

File: 480652c4d6fd0f4⋯.png (58.23 KB, 1034x142, 517:71, Screen_Shot_2020_10_07_at_….png)

File: bbe3f8ebfbe6185⋯.png (596.45 KB, 785x551, 785:551, Screen_Shot_2020_10_07_at_….png)

File: 5e404d7f70e2df9⋯.png (454.83 KB, 989x584, 989:584, Screen_Shot_2020_10_07_at_….png)

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32a2b1  No.10975421


How about this Anon: Kalmala spelled backwards - think mirror/mirror…

Alamak in Chinese is an exclamation word used in situations when you are shocked or surprised by something or an event. It is something akin to “Oh my Mother!” and also “Oh my God!" "Pure Evil"


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90c65a  No.10975422


I wish someone would tell him

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54caa1  No.10975423

I unironically wanna suck AOC's titties. I think because, as a conservative, those socialist titties are so forbidden.

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64fc97  No.10975424

Not seeing updates.

Board under attack?

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65a6cc  No.10975425



>Q blah blah blah blah

Enough with the same questions

Do your fucken job

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bcdab6  No.10975426

She about to break. Playing emotional part, fails miserably and knows it…

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43cacb  No.10975427

DoesDoughlessmean that Q is baking the bread?


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f7feb9  No.10975428

One thing for sure, that fly is going to be famous.

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1e7627  No.10975429

File: 4615454e0473652⋯.png (443.95 KB, 575x377, 575:377, qhoax.png)

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2cf1ce  No.10975430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67f74f  No.10975431


TY better note taker got it

i d

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166c63  No.10975432

File: 283f27d2ea74918⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 378x480, 63:80, 11ijp2.jpg)

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ad8299  No.10975433

Kamala just lied.

Trump said "There are not, "They are" re: South American immigrants.

Trump was warning the refugees of the danger among them.

Listen more closely, you will hear.

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2f3056  No.10975434

File: bc7a28a63f8b407⋯.gif (11.13 MB, 640x359, 640:359, B68B359F_0736_47C4_B3A0_78….gif)

>>10975152 PB Q

Arming a declared enemy of the United States during the war on terror.

There’s a term for that [TREASON]

First, Pulitzer prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh – says that Benghazi was really a CIA outpost for running weapons captured from Libya after Gaddaffi was overthrown into Syria … approved on a bipartisan basis by both Democrats and Republicans.”

“…not for any reason having to do with Libya or Gaddaffi themselves – but rather “to keep the Arab Spring going“.

The U.S. ousted Gaddaffi and then left, and Libya has now descended into chaos.”


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1451e6  No.10975435

Q, Enough already. ARREST them all!!!!

Shit or get off the board!

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c5e12f  No.10975436

fuk off

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55ac6b  No.10975438

Q, I got a q: change of batter coming?

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695901  No.10975439


D will get nooses.

What do you want

Drawing and Quartering of R ?

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712863  No.10975441

Gotta give it to Kamala

She has the psycho smile nailed down even better than Hillary

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9165d3  No.10975442

File: 657ec630ec37f03⋯.jpg (322.89 KB, 720x390, 24:13, acb.jpg)

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fc575b  No.10975443


Multiple times. Right ear.

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ee8941  No.10975444


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4a8fd0  No.10975445

How much coke did that ho bag snort? I seriously cannot handle that voice.

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4bde13  No.10975446

Overall Pence Fucked her up.

She looks stupid. He looks cool, calm and in charge.

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16b833  No.10975447

site's buggin out

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95f727  No.10975448


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89540f  No.10975449


Noice! Nicked… Pence wrackin that dumb ass bitch

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a638dd  No.10975452

File: 908caea10e5c68e⋯.png (18.22 KB, 437x314, 437:314, 541.png)

File: 9c9110317d7837b⋯.png (19.44 KB, 439x335, 439:335, 643.png)


Why did RR [BEG] Ryan to block the FISA MEMO from Congressional review/further advancement?

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387815  No.10975453

Harris: George Floyd was tortured and killed.

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994197  No.10975454

Was that a fly or a mini drone with C19 payload?

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e12d18  No.10975455

Attack on the bread?

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0727fb  No.10975456

FINALLY Pence found a spine!

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ebb94c  No.10975457

OMG. She screwed Californians.

Foreclosed on them.

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1db422  No.10975458

File: e2730e8317f5583⋯.jpg (21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Strike_three_you_re_out.jpg)

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27f7c8  No.10975459


While it appears to be simple games to you, we the people are not privy to the information you have at your fingertips.

While I have patiently played along, I will be patient no longer. Red October could have a whole lot more meaning than this board suggests.

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64ef60  No.10975460

Pence's yuge advantge is that he's telling the truth and Kamelface only knows how to lie. She's a lightweight idiot scumbag.

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bcbc4d  No.10975461



Don't tell me it's a nanobot.

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b74efe  No.10975462

File: 4078b99449525f2⋯.png (260.72 KB, 637x354, 637:354, ClipboardImage.png)


should've done the Daniel san with the chopstick kek

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381b01  No.10975463

File: 4c3338c91c3db1a⋯.png (252.08 KB, 640x275, 128:55, download_15_.png)

File: 0ab1c8590289e71⋯.png (141 KB, 323x312, 323:312, download_14_.png)

File: c6c68aa509d091d⋯.png (172.27 KB, 396x325, 396:325, screenshot2020_10_07.png)

File: 25899003df1db6b⋯.png (140.18 KB, 311x321, 311:321, download_13_.png)

meme batter

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7fa9c5  No.10975464

Bread die?

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16a7c6  No.10975465

Did God send a fly to let us know?

Flood bakers in charge????

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af73a1  No.10975466

File: 844c79edcd26a08⋯.png (142.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DamalahHairys08.png)




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1b02b9  No.10975467

File: 679a7fa34cc954a⋯.jpeg (555.17 KB, 796x874, 398:437, 679a7fa34cc954ae1df1be23b….jpeg)


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9165d3  No.10975468

uh oh

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a538fe  No.10975469



Q Research General #14035: Control Edition


>>10972796 Regulators Fine Citigroup $400 Million Over ‘Serious Ongoing Deficiencies’

>>10972795 Sidney Powell Just authorized, not ordered

>>10972756 'Increasingly hostile': Flynn lawyers argue Judge Sullivan must recuse from case due to bias

>>10972686 Martha McSally: Mark Kelly So Proud of Chinese Communist Party He Took Their Banner to Space

>>10972655 Lindsey Graham's 17-Year Run as SC Senator Now a Toss Up With Democrat Jaime Harrison

>>10972566 White House reporters encouraged to stay away due to coronavirus spread

>>10972563 Giuliani Takes Hydroxychloroquine Despite Testing Negative for COVID

>>10972542 Etsy to Remove All QAnon Merchandise

>>10972530 Anon: Combat Tactics POTUS

>>10972410 VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: VP Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris — With Pelosi Biographer Susan Page as Moderator

>>10972306 QAnon Was Kicked Off Facebook. Now Where Does It Go?

>>10972270 Pope Condemns Death Penalty While Praising Pro-Death Penalty Imam

>>10972267 Feds Charge Violent Portland Arsonist Who Was Set Free by the Local DA

>>10972237 Pope Condemns Death Penalty While Praising Pro-Death Penalty Imam

>>10972225 , >>10972390, >>10972422 DJT

>>10972191 Trump Says All US Troops in Afghanistan Will Be 'Home By Christmas'

>>10972189 Top White House security official Crede Bailey has been hospitalized with COVID-19 and is 'gravely ill'

>>10972176 Trump's recovery has emasculated the left's emotional terrorism

>>10972146 White House Security Official Reportedly Caught COVID-19 Weeks Ago, Is 'Gravely Ill'

>>10972131 James Woods Hey anons i just got on and looking through Trump's tweets This video is from a suspended account - any idea what it was?

>>10972121 , >>10972158, HitPiece Right-wing QAnon conspiracy theorists see their pages banned across all Facebook platforms

>>10972109 , >>10972198 Catherine, breaking it down. Director Haspel "[W]e are becoming increasingly disappointed by the CIA’s continued inability to timely respond

>>10972050 POTUS My highly regarded Executive Order protected 525,000 American jobs during the height of the Chinese Plague

>>10972040 So is Regeneron the Clone Factory?

>>10972017 EVMS public Covid Protocol

>>10972003 , >>10972020, >>10971858 (pb) Regeneron given orally or via iv

>>10971977 Trial lawyers snatch half of Hidalgo County’s $1.35M settlement, U.S. Rep. Gonzalez's cut comes to $118K

>>10971899 LA: Discarded ballots near South Los Angeles

>>10971884 , >>10971921, >>10971986 Courts were rigged for red


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7ff30d  No.10975471

File: 0853bf3de39f2cd⋯.jpeg (279.17 KB, 828x799, 828:799, 7EB8F6EF_9925_4AFB_8A8B_C….jpeg)

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6ddea6  No.10975472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Paint The Trump - Flags out in Florida!

"Fighting to stay free in America"

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3a8f5f  No.10975473

File: ca931d30a38c71e⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 960x566, 480:283, trumpence.jpg)

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4c521d  No.10975476

File: df6df92a29fccbe⋯.jpg (547.76 KB, 2100x1400, 3:2, allonsilmstar3_.jpg)

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0a74e2  No.10975477


Because of him being blackmailed, right?

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b01491  No.10975478

kamala having emotional swings - losing it and almost crying

cameltoe jailed marijuana smokers

dont tink even quayle was such a loseer crying on stage

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af6c81  No.10975479


Definite witchfly

It’s carrying a broom


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0727fb  No.10975480

File: 2a6ec6277789f68⋯.jpeg (266.72 KB, 728x633, 728:633, 2a6ec6277789f68925a2930ad….jpeg)

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10a4fd  No.10975481

File: b7ea53ca0f81092⋯.jpeg (448.4 KB, 2401x1377, 2401:1377, B2FD33ED_9FD6_4641_B15B_B….jpeg)

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5b8077  No.10975482

Harris sucks at this. Kek.

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45cc3b  No.10975483


Mini drone delivering chy-na virus. They'll have plausible deniability publicly by saying he caught it from POTUS.

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7e93f3  No.10975484

Who picks these moderators?

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d0d776  No.10975485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that was the stayinest fly evah

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7a69ec  No.10975486

sum ting wong

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dfc8d4  No.10975487

File: aa80768e8e56ec7⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 936x622, 468:311, aa80768e8e56ec750520863517….jpg)

Thank you Q

That was not a helicopter

Music can heal


pic tangentially related

Thank you so much - I love you, love is the only thing that never changes or fades away.

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f9aeba  No.10975488

who keeps coughing?

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266b0c  No.10975489


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eaded8  No.10975490


Pence wouldn’t even hurt a fly.

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65a6cc  No.10975491



>Q blah blah blah blah blah ?

Enough with the same questions

Do your fucken job

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501374  No.10975492



Is this new?


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ff561c  No.10975493


The fly is a drone from China

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16dcbf  No.10975494

Scary that she could be President if Biden wins….get off your lazy ass and VOTE!

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a3c2d5  No.10975495

Anybody catch the fly on top of Pence's head?

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ad8299  No.10975496

Trump said "There are not, "They are" re: South American immigrants.

Trump was warning the refugees of the danger among them.

Listen more closely, you will hear.

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695901  No.10975497


D's will get nooses.

What do you want,

Drawing and Quartering of R's ?

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994197  No.10975498

Is bread locked?

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d13769  No.10975499


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dbe793  No.10975500

Kamala just got torched by Pence. Blacks 19 times more likely to go to prison for a minor offense.

Her answer was she made cameras manditory. so the dime bag dealer could get the max sentence! kek

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11a681  No.10975501

30secs = 300 secs

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7298c1  No.10975502

File: a012db30a8e2d6d⋯.jpg (188.5 KB, 1080x1353, 360:451, Screenshot_20201008_051213.jpg)

>>10974416 pb q - Whidbey island missile

Don't forget the avenatti tweet. These people are arrogant and stupid.

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1e7627  No.10975503

File: d97eb3f4710347c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 991x499, 991:499, ClipboardImage.png)

"LeT's SeE wHaT hApPeNs"

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0b3e0f  No.10975504

Two breads… is Q posting in both?

And has everyone stopped talking or are they not updating?

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536751  No.10975505

Kamala is getting fucking destroyed

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dc8334  No.10975506

what the fk shit went sideways

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a538fe  No.10975507



Q Research General #14035: Control Edition


>>10972796 Regulators Fine Citigroup $400 Million Over ‘Serious Ongoing Deficiencies’

>>10972795 Sidney Powell Just authorized, not ordered

>>10972756 'Increasingly hostile': Flynn lawyers argue Judge Sullivan must recuse from case due to bias

>>10972686 Martha McSally: Mark Kelly So Proud of Chinese Communist Party He Took Their Banner to Space

>>10972655 Lindsey Graham's 17-Year Run as SC Senator Now a Toss Up With Democrat Jaime Harrison

>>10972566 White House reporters encouraged to stay away due to coronavirus spread

>>10972563 Giuliani Takes Hydroxychloroquine Despite Testing Negative for COVID

>>10972542 Etsy to Remove All QAnon Merchandise

>>10972530 Anon: Combat Tactics POTUS

>>10972410 VICE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: VP Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris — With Pelosi Biographer Susan Page as Moderator

>>10972306 QAnon Was Kicked Off Facebook. Now Where Does It Go?

>>10972270 Pope Condemns Death Penalty While Praising Pro-Death Penalty Imam

>>10972267 Feds Charge Violent Portland Arsonist Who Was Set Free by the Local DA

>>10972237 Pope Condemns Death Penalty While Praising Pro-Death Penalty Imam

>>10972225 , >>10972390, >>10972422 DJT

>>10972191 Trump Says All US Troops in Afghanistan Will Be 'Home By Christmas'

>>10972189 Top White House security official Crede Bailey has been hospitalized with COVID-19 and is 'gravely ill'

>>10972176 Trump's recovery has emasculated the left's emotional terrorism

>>10972146 White House Security Official Reportedly Caught COVID-19 Weeks Ago, Is 'Gravely Ill'

>>10972131 James Woods Hey anons i just got on and looking through Trump's tweets This video is from a suspended account - any idea what it was?

>>10972121 , >>10972158, HitPiece Right-wing QAnon conspiracy theorists see their pages banned across all Facebook platforms

>>10972109 , >>10972198 Catherine, breaking it down. Director Haspel "[W]e are becoming increasingly disappointed by the CIA’s continued inability to timely respond

>>10972050 POTUS My highly regarded Executive Order protected 525,000 American jobs during the height of the Chinese Plague

>>10972040 So is Regeneron the Clone Factory?

>>10972017 EVMS public Covid Protocol

>>10972003 , >>10972020, >>10971858 (pb) Regeneron given orally or via iv

>>10971977 Trial lawyers snatch half of Hidalgo County’s $1.35M settlement, U.S. Rep. Gonzalez's cut comes to $118K

>>10971899 LA: Discarded ballots near South Los Angeles

>>10971884 , >>10971921, >>10971986 Courts were rigged for red


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3b9b35  No.10975508


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387815  No.10975510

Is there a dog in the room? Someone sneezing? What is that noise?

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c7c2a8  No.10975511

Heels is not having fun with Mike.

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630291  No.10975512

File: d62398c5309de7d⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 512x512, 1:1, fly.jpg)


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844abb  No.10975514

File: cd4f03d0de29f16⋯.png (253.14 KB, 1556x381, 1556:381, Screenshot_8.png)

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55ac6b  No.10975515

Q, I got a q: Change of batter still on?

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e26433  No.10975516


Please tell us this is a cliff notes review of past events to catch new anons up who have neglected to read past drops. To catch up those new people on twitter who do not have an understanding of how big this is.

Catch them up so that we are all on the same page when MOAB drops this month? That I can understand.

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60e057  No.10975517

Peaceful transition of power. ? Haha

Better bring it now VP

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d5d403  No.10975518

What is up with the bread?

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7f9652  No.10975519








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ebb94c  No.10975520

"I will not be lectured," she says while lecturing.

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16a7c6  No.10975522

Did God send a fly to let us know?

Flood bakers in charge????

Second Flood Baker get your shit together

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27f7c8  No.10975523


While it appears to be simple games to you, we the people are not privy to the information you have at your fingertips.

While I have patiently played along, I will be patient no longer. Red October could have a whole lot more meaning than this board suggests.

America will correct the mistakes made by our governance!

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3f3488  No.10975524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q wakes up tens of millions moar that [they] tried to take him/AF1

out with a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM)

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c453b0  No.10975525

What is going on in the audience? Do you hear that in the background?

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0570e6  No.10975526

Is someone having a tourettes outburst or did they let a dog into the debate?

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a1a4d5  No.10975528

>>10972898 PB

that's pretty fucked up.

Certainly explains some things tho

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fe9afb  No.10975529

File: b52d9b4b58e3d5a⋯.jpg (53.77 KB, 844x572, 211:143, thought_you_d_never_ask.jpg)


you're gonna have to get through a lot of tough guys to get to Q…dumb fuck

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b0a9ba  No.10975530

She knows they already lost. Totally pathetic.

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e30edf  No.10975531

SWEAR to fucking god……my uncle dies on opporating table after lung transplant DURING COVID with NO mention of COVID…SAME DAY…OTHER UNCLE has a heart attack…NAH… YOU fucking lost. I will KILL you

I am coming. Get fucking right with your god, and make sure YOUR family members understand what is happening to them and why. YOU will see you little motherfuckers.

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a546df  No.10975532

Mike Pence Pretty FLY for a White Guy

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d7dbc6  No.10975533

why do I hear a dog barking?

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95475d  No.10975534

Can't even keep up with all the lies that Kamala is spouting. She buries Pence in lies and there is no way to even respond to part of them in the allotted time. This is a main tactic of theirs

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b1279e  No.10975535

Harris just stated she would continue to act as her previous history on law enforcement shows

Locking up small time criminals because they can't buy her off.

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a13321  No.10975536

harris just mentioned all the traitors supporting her campaign.

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c5e12f  No.10975537

when I was stationed at navel sub base in the Islands…

The wanted me t be a diver.

I heard about the training mission and stuck to mu computer jog.

They thought so much of me, I was skerd.

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3a1d8a  No.10975539

File: 6c0ba8216bb4d65⋯.mp4 (7.79 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, IMG_2361.mp4)

Pence has a fly in his hair. Reminds me of Coats, reminds me of Haspel, reminds me of Obama.

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af6c81  No.10975540




WitchFly riding broomstick confirmed

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87612d  No.10975542

File: 3dfceb602cd52ab⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 710x898, 355:449, ryan_is_a_queer.jpg)

File: 58b1ac0fcc2f63f⋯.jpg (93.19 KB, 600x320, 15:8, romney_smiley.jpg)

Paul and Willard diddle little boys, do-dah, do dah

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f257cd  No.10975544


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994197  No.10975545

Was that a fly or a mini drone with C19 payload?

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701afa  No.10975546


He was beholden to Tom Donohue at the US Chamber of Commerce.

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e37863  No.10975547


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313aaa  No.10975548


I know! WTF is that? A dog?

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45cc3b  No.10975550


Mini drone delivering chy-na virus. They'll have plausible deniability publicly by saying he caught it from POTUS.

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b0a9ba  No.10975551

File: cde3e055fce355b⋯.jpg (313.26 KB, 1076x1076, 1:1, _5h2ojc.jpg)

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64ef60  No.10975553


Ryan is a putz and a rino. Also, Mittens' VP pcik, so…

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3558ea  No.10975554

File: 8ea89d88a76af4c⋯.png (797.02 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, PepeSpeakEasyNS.png)

Apparently post to update at this point. For my fellow PFs. These are known tails for Nightwatch. Not all may be active or flying at this time.

ADFEB3 73-1676 E-4B / B742 USAF | 55WG | 1ACCS [KOFF] USA

ADFEB4 73-1677 E-4B / B742 USAF | 55WG | 1ACCS [KOFF] USA

ADFEB5 74-0787 E-4B / B742 USAF | 55WG | 1ACCS [KOFF] USA

ADFEB6 75-0125 E-4B / B742 USAF | 55WG | 1ACCS [KOFF] USA

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2cf1ce  No.10975555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9165d3  No.10975556

File: dff146698167339⋯.gif (308.7 KB, 1000x1703, 1000:1703, UdxMWXE3.gif)

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6d5028  No.10975557

Are missing the Q drop about Hawaii above. Board doing some bizaare shit.

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bf8b1c  No.10975559

>>10974537 PB

Li family is CCP. Change family.

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0558c6  No.10975560



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0570e6  No.10975561

What's that website she just quoted?

Remember in 2016 when Killary had that website that led voters to specific polling places that were found to be BS?

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83cba9  No.10975562


If you are right, then you lose.

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f9aeba  No.10975563


sounds like coughing to me

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bd93cd  No.10975564

Q posting during Pence debate

No Name

NK Nuke

Clinton Foundation


Now a Fly on Pence's head key

Pence not such a good guy after all.

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266b0c  No.10975565


the devil

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eddc10  No.10975566

>>10975152 (pb)

Cause he is a POS. Sold us down river with no paddle. I am going to say a couple mil$$ for the speakers actions. He refused cause he knew he would be fucked over in the end. He retired cause now all the dirt comes out and he saw it coming is my guess…get out while he can?

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c6d333  No.10975568

"Vote Early" says the Democrat.

… Cause there will be a storm and you can't change your vote!!!

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3a8f5f  No.10975569

File: 8bc420b03e98764⋯.jpg (513.83 KB, 1977x1888, 1977:1888, pence_ride_lightning_2.jpg)

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701afa  No.10975570


and Hillary! Thank God it's gone now!

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2d00ef  No.10975571

"You can even go to ANITFA.com, and that's shoot ya right over to our page. .."

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92f554  No.10975572


drone delivering an urgent message

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7ff30d  No.10975573

PriMe it

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94bf96  No.10975574

Did she just say "500 retired generals "supporting them?

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1b5591  No.10975575

File: 063d1e899a5930d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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45cc3b  No.10975576


It's a micro drone delivering the chy-na virus.

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313aaa  No.10975578


Holy shit! That's not cool!

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42ba70  No.10975579


You failed, faggot… lurk moar

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54caa1  No.10975580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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feeefd  No.10975581

File: 82dade5c962c5c5⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 679x390, 679:390, Eb3NWrAX0AEah2V.jpg)

Been timing the 2 minutes - Susan is not being fair.

She lets Kamala go longer before trying to stop her - pretty much immediately interrupts Pence

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d40b7a  No.10975582

File: f97fc70986797fe⋯.jpeg (249.03 KB, 1241x1059, 1241:1059, 0E7F67FE_7303_4B7D_8A77_5….jpeg)

ny Retweeted

Paul Sperry




BREAKING: Joe Biden is the subject of an active federal criminal investigation into his role in the counterintelligence investigation directed @ the Trump campaignduring the 2016 election, incl the former vice president's activities in Ukraine.Ukrainian witnesses are cooperating


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ddcf54  No.10975583

moderator susan has terrible hair. Split ends are everywhere looks like straw

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af6c81  No.10975584


Best description of Harris I’ve read today

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3f3488  No.10975585


*him = POTUS

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87ffa3  No.10975586

File: 8402f51478990e8⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 900x675, 4:3, Pence_letter_jpg_large.jpg)


his wife did get the letter

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b4e6f8  No.10975587

What a BullShit last Question

Kangaroo Court

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d7dbc6  No.10975588

Dog Faced Pony Boy there?

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b1279e  No.10975589

What Democrats are pushing is vote early we are going to shut down in person voting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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b5576f  No.10975590


Here's the Q posts…

Not sure if it's all of them. Fixed the one out of order…


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 10.07.2020

>>10975152 ——————————————— Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs?

>>10974758 ——————————————— How much was McCain [>McCaine Institute] paid to peddle the Steele dossier?

>>10974416 ——————————————— Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

>>10973330 ————————————–——– Can music be healing? Q

>>10972934 ————————————–——– "This Executive order shall remain in effect until November 3, 2020." Was this ever about the virus? (Cap: >>10973031)

>>10970198 ————————————–——– Combat tactics, Mr Ryan. (Cap: >>10969992)



>>10967370 ————————————–——– WOULD CHINA OWN AND CONTROL THE WHITE HOUSE?


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e30edf  No.10975591


Hows zipper, twig, oomploompa, and fucking noismaker doing? Codenames?

DEAD! Wanna play games, here is your challenge little cartel bitches.

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e37863  No.10975592


BIO WEAPON Arrrrrrrrggggghhhhh

Good thing they have a PlAsTiC ShIeLd

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55ac6b  No.10975593

Q, I got a q: change of batter still on?

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0570e6  No.10975594


That's what I was thinking (not the c19 part, but the drone part)

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2cf1ce  No.10975595

File: 44516ec46cc8b5a⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 400x400, 1:1, hf.jpg)

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05d97d  No.10975597


I got lucky. Man I got lucky. It was going as fast as I've ever seen it.

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25c8a6  No.10975598


>"There was a team of disease experts that President Obama and Vice President Biden dispatched to China to monitor what is now predictable… They pulled them out." Senator Kamala Harris discusses Trump's long-term actions as president. https://cnb.cx/3lAZmYb #VPDebate


kamalla spills the beans on the virus

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266b0c  No.10975599


I'm not sure we're supposed to take "do you believe in coincidence" that far. Have you ever had a fly land on you? Are you the devil?

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e12d18  No.10975600


I heard that. What was it?

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8f2a98  No.10975601

File: 7d240365ae7199d⋯.jpeg (64.66 KB, 500x467, 500:467, F94A87CF_1AA5_45E8_923A_F….jpeg)

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87612d  No.10975602

File: 2b64b6bb5329bc2⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 248x255, 248:255, Obama_Sucks.jpeg)


the fly thing is a bad sign, no matter what anyone thinks …just can't excuse it while accepting the others

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fcf3d7  No.10975603

Here we go!

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5b8077  No.10975604

The pants on Harris are so on fire she should be arrested for arson.

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b2a72f  No.10975605


Covid delivery fly drone

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c5ebc8  No.10975606

File: a00b104d0c3ffac⋯.png (411.69 KB, 1219x600, 1219:600, bidentrashcamKMLATOE.png)

If you experience an erection lasting more than four hours, listen to kamila harris debate tapes or consult your doctor.

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4b89a3  No.10975607

File: 1b17f52396282bd⋯.png (310.58 KB, 482x365, 482:365, Screenshot_2020_10_07_The_….png)

File: b0fc368e473ddce⋯.png (477.96 KB, 778x2235, 778:2235, Screenshot_2020_10_07_The_….png)

The McCain-Soros connection: It started after senator got caught in ‘Keating Five’ scandal


An institute that launched with $9 million in unspent funds from Sen. John McCain’s failed 2008 presidential campaign has been likened to the Clinton Global Initiative and linked to billionaire leftist George Soros. The organization’s exclusive “Sedona Forum” bears “an uncanny resemblance to the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative that annually co-mingled special interests and powerful political players in alleged pay-to-play schemes,” the Daily Caller report said. The institute accepted a $100,000 contribution from Soros. “McCain and Soros reportedly became friends after the senator was exposed as a member of the ‘Keating Five’ during the savings and loan (S&L) industry scandal during former President George H.W. Bush’s administration,” according to the report.” As the S&L bank chairman, Charles Keating paid $1.3 million to bribe five members of Congress to interfere with government regulators on behalf of the savings bank.”

The institute also accepted a $100,000 contribution from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.”

Bloomberg reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group has refused to explain publicly.

In addition, the institute has taken at least $100,000 from a Moroccan state-run company tied to repeated charges of worker abuse and exploitation, the Daily Caller report said, adding that the group has also accepted at least $100,000 from the Pivotal Foundation, which was created by Francis Najafi who owns the Pivotal Group, a private equity and real estate firm. The Pivotal Foundation has in the last three years given $205,000 to the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), which has been a vocal advocate for the Iranian nuclear deal the Obama administration negotiated.


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7ff30d  No.10975608

File: aadab273e303c77⋯.jpeg (594.92 KB, 828x1026, 46:57, C9563A88_A6DA_4E37_BAF8_3….jpeg)

Maybe that’s a deepfake fly

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1a1325  No.10975609

Pence doing great.

My God, Harris is horrible, nasty.

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a3f11f  No.10975610

File: 44cfbe61ec88665⋯.png (346.39 KB, 612x661, 612:661, dUrAcO.png)

File: e9f2539bbffdb14⋯.png (291.23 KB, 499x583, 499:583, dUrAcO_01.png)

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02cb50  No.10975611


Pence is comped. Look at the state he left Indiana in.

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3558ea  No.10975612

Now Pence brings out the big guns.

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c07759  No.10975613


HILLDOG had a fly, too.

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e37863  No.10975614

File: b6885a32e172042⋯.png (849.98 KB, 1439x581, 1439:581, RRHAHAHA.png)

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45cc3b  No.10975615


Delivering chy-na virus payload.

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d5d403  No.10975616

What is up with the bread? Glad its not just me


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7cab19  No.10975617

File: 95c2883cfbd73ce⋯.jpg (119.03 KB, 2000x850, 40:17, _RenegadeGetsDone.jpg)


It's time peeps, roll the 4AM SWAT TEAMS to round these lying fucktards up.


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def0c6  No.10975618


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4d870c  No.10975619

Pence drops an Avalanche


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af73a1  No.10975620

File: c648ed6827fa699⋯.png (142.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DamalahHairys06.png)



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c5e12f  No.10975621

when I was stationed at navel sub base in the Islands…

They wanted me to be a diver.

I heard about the training mission and stuck to my computer job.

They thought so much of me, I was skerd.

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b0a9ba  No.10975622

Pence's style is a perfect compliment to President Trump's style. Great VP!

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e37863  No.10975623

Fuck ur faggot fly retards.

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67eee3  No.10975624

File: b0a106f7dced292⋯.png (123.34 KB, 910x832, 35:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4f1ef983e42f71⋯.png (73.58 KB, 913x495, 83:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1beb67377e78e24⋯.png (82.53 KB, 907x508, 907:508, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f35465635e1596e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 773x492, 773:492, ClipboardImage.png)

The Constitutional Reckoning Of State Lockdown Orders

On October 3rd NPR reported that the Michigan Supreme Court struck down Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s state of emergency and the powers it granted. NPR writes

In a 4-3 majority opinion, the state’s high court said she did not have that authority. “We conclude that the Governor lacked the authority to declare a ‘state of emergency’ or a ‘state of disaster’ under the EMA after April 30, 2020, on the basis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we conclude that the EPGA is in violation of the Constitution of our state because it purports to delegate to the executive branch the legislative powers of state government– including its plenary police powers– and to allow the exercise of such powers indefinitely,” wrote Justice Stephen J. Markman on behalf of the majority.

Governor Whitmer has been one of the more heavy-handed executive figures during the pandemic. One of her policies went as far as to ban the selling of gardening supplies in stores that were still permitted to stay open.

More importantly, however, this court ruling was not the first of its kind but the third in a series of legal victories against lockdown orders. The first was a Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that declared parts of Governor Tony Evers’ stay at home order unconstitutional and the second was by a federal court that struck down Governor Tom Wolf’s policies in Pennsylvania.

There is no doubt that the governors across the country have gone off the constitutional deep end in response to Covid-19, exercising powers that are not only unprecedented but unproven. These cases, notably in Michigan and Wisconsin, all share some important legal themes that may suggest the beginning of a constitutional reckoning for governors across America.

The Story in Michigan

Back in March, Governor Whitmer declared a state of emergency in response to the pandemic, much like many others across the country. Unlike many other governors, hers was particularly strict and arbitrary. The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, an organization that represented a number of healthcare firms in a suit against the state write,

“One of the affected medical practices, Grand Health Partners, operates in the Grand Rapids area. It performs endoscopies and other elective surgeries, many of which were deemed nonessential by executive order. Due to the shutdown, many of their patients were not able to receive treatment and have suffered because of it.”

This is one of the many unintended consequences that come with policies such as stay at home orders and deeming certain businesses “nonessential.” Interestingly, this had little to do with the Michigan Supreme Court’s ruling. Such claims would be justified under the equal protection clause guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. However, the court decided to take a different route.

The court ruled that the governor lacked the very authority to continue her state of emergency. The Michigan legislature authorized the governor to declare a state of emergency in March but only until April 30. Governor Whitmer decided to invoke the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act (EPGA) of 1945 as well as the Emergency Management Act of 1976 to grant herself virtually unlimited power. This unilateral and unauthorized exercise of power without legislative oversight was what the court deemed unconstitutional.


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13e2fd  No.10975625

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fbdff3  No.10975626


Hive mind! Just got an eye roll for that suggestion kek

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387815  No.10975627

Pence hitting Harris with spygate.

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e30edf  No.10975628


Change the batter..ask the Q dont be askeered like you were before

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3b9b35  No.10975629

File: 191d6d4ba9a3230⋯.png (281.82 KB, 490x505, 98:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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3558ea  No.10975630

File: d909c1f4aa6fbbc⋯.jpg (88.56 KB, 537x750, 179:250, ChineseHbomb.jpg)

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3962dc  No.10975632

File: e6c659b713ce207⋯.png (887.87 KB, 567x685, 567:685, 7C463DF4_ED1A_428F_A832_D2….png)

When you go to war in your land against the adversary who attacks you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets…

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87612d  No.10975633


they are both closet homo diddlers that laid down like sick dogs for the obama boys

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a13321  No.10975634

File: e3036d9e8553c0b⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 270x270, 1:1, e3036d9e8553c0bceff5a072d1….gif)

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b0a9ba  No.10975635

>>10975622 (me)

Complement, rather.

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e37863  No.10975636


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df0ee2  No.10975637

File: f5f7fdc3fc6e96a⋯.png (211.26 KB, 547x548, 547:548, Love_You_NightShift.png)

What's Good Night Shift??

We In Here


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27f7c8  No.10975638

It is starting to appear that Q is simply a re-election strategy. This would be a seriously grave mistake in America!

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fe9afb  No.10975639

File: d998bfa226e20e0⋯.png (936.71 KB, 1182x689, 1182:689, willy_got_sum.png)

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000000  No.10975640

>Fly ObamaHillaryPence Fly

what is it - real fly, cgi, or tiny drone?

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1eb894  No.10975641

File: 0b8bac6875fead9⋯.png (461.69 KB, 490x490, 1:1, 0b8bac6875fead91add868b67c….png)

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67eee3  No.10975642


post the dough then as per requirements faggot

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1db422  No.10975643

Kamala Harris's new book….Blow job to VP with just one swallow!!!

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02cb50  No.10975644


Buying time for something. Hopefully not votes.

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af73a1  No.10975645

File: 5cd3208807f128f⋯.png (142.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DamalahHairys05.png)




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bf8b1c  No.10975646

File: f6292b5f6f32974⋯.jpg (138.42 KB, 766x1156, 383:578, OprahHillary.JPG)

File: 99d7bf4ced22d1d⋯.jpg (294.14 KB, 1200x1176, 50:49, MSMFam.JPG)

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4b49f0  No.10975647

>>10975152 ————————————–——– Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs? What is the going rate for THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE to obstruct Congressional investigations for the purposes of delaying and/or eliminating its findings? [protect]

>>10975434 Thanks Anon.


>>10975452 Things to remember…

>>10975434 Arming a declared enemy of the United States during the war on terror. There’s a term for that [TREASON]

>>10975367 Look what was being reported on the same day as in the new Q drop.

>>10975362 "There was a team of disease experts that President Obama and Vice President Biden dispatched to China to monitor what is now predictable…

>>10975293, >>10975306 Re: 10974758 Clinton Foundation Donors Flocking To The McCain Institute

>>10975267 Thank you anon. Notes from 14038


You know I am actually e3xcited about the energy on this anon. Thank you anon/

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92eaeb  No.10975648

Q You're talking to AI, this is manipulation!

They use your knowledge against you this is how they create a story that is adjusted to your own psychology and then using your ego to establish the thought.

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83b07c  No.10975649

Pence has been bugged.

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016e4e  No.10975650


Yup.. anons shouldn't dismiss this.

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88f927  No.10975651

Apparently the [CF] has been the MAIN conduit for the [F] payoffs to come thru.

The others must be lesser feeders.

[Clintons] seem to be the nexus point through which the [Leverage] has taken place in the last 30 yrs.

The contest between [Hussein] & [HRC] in 2008 was a pretense.

He was to win in 2008 & 2012.

Her turn was in 2016 & 2020.

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d2f07d  No.10975652

>>10975256 Q Team will proudly walk right down the middle of the street, as slowly as they want, and as far as they want. Then they will walk back the same way. They won't be alone, big talker.

P.S. Change your panties.

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68d918  No.10975653

Q sucks GSoros dick that's why everything is fucked up

can't even eliminate this old shit bag

Q is only good at cock sucking

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ebb94c  No.10975654

File: 8968bba40223715⋯.png (570.04 KB, 606x462, 101:77, DoItQ_2.png)

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10a4fd  No.10975655

File: e6fb045a4d1d772⋯.jpeg (15.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ACCC5557_1E8D_4E58_9CD9_9….jpeg)


Cuz Paul Ryan is a bad guy.

Cuz Paul Ryan is a deepstate MFer.

Cuz he’s a piece of shit trying to dictate coverage at FOX NEWS now…

My bet is…Paul Ryan is implicated in a plot to overthrow TRUMP and put Pence into the POTUS role. Maybe even involved in an assasination attempt on trump. Evil guy.

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92f554  No.10975656


no. it means that for a few breads now whoever is baking is not providing a dough text file link or updating the text file we would use to make the next bread. someone will have to reconstruct.

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e37863  No.10975657

Not gonna lie… moderator chick was actually decent.

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4cbd7d  No.10975658

File: ac893c288cb6531⋯.jpg (127.97 KB, 1652x903, 236:129, kamalpence.jpg)

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3a8f5f  No.10975659

File: 778bdd3c94e71d5⋯.jpg (58.94 KB, 419x610, 419:610, pence_card.jpg)

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0f7306  No.10975660

>>10975373. Ryan's house?

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76f28a  No.10975661

When I watch the news


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55ac6b  No.10975662


Speaky Engrish?

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313aaa  No.10975663


I sincerely hope his end was darker and more painful than a brain tumor!

Megan once fucked up and said he was killed not died. Treasonous fucker!

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d40b7a  No.10975664

File: d6c789a185b4c6b⋯.jpeg (258.84 KB, 1241x1040, 1241:1040, 4DD3068B_6C8B_43C2_B27C_A….jpeg)

Wallander. Anyone researched yet?


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89540f  No.10975665

DDOS…happening now. Pence calm truth rattles 'em.

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7cab19  No.10975666

File: 304b1b8a3a4ae25⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 478x444, 239:222, Obama_Legacy.jpg)


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4d870c  No.10975667

File: 6434790a64bbe56⋯.png (17.32 KB, 485x160, 97:32, avalanche.png)

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e37863  No.10975668

File: 709cb302b290a49⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 8c7973195d7691af3c0f76b626….jpg)

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64ef60  No.10975669


Nice! New! Fresh!

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3a3efa  No.10975670


What MSM outlet will post this pic first?

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3b9b35  No.10975671

File: 5ef21845174d885⋯.png (265.65 KB, 490x465, 98:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7c2a8  No.10975672

File: e92e6be48254bae⋯.jpeg (204 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 45BC15DE_E942_4873_86F8_5….jpeg)


Further than you.

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f20e91  No.10975673

Dig Brooklyn Brown 8th grader vice presidential debate question on how either candidate will work to unite.. Adobe her family ..

She’s from Utah

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5b3e33  No.10975674

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d0a9c4  No.10975675

>>10975638 So vote Bidan

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2d00ef  No.10975676

File: 8fecced3a0c3fe3⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 900x506, 450:253, c_130_nIGHT_sHIFT.jpg)


Watchin Pence shred Cumala

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d0d776  No.10975677

File: d89353fc57ec103⋯.jpeg (321.93 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, 5F0F6569_DA43_4FE9_A005_2….jpeg)


we good

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60fd98  No.10975678

File: 924e6f9109b69d1⋯.jpg (227.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, BidenUkraineCriminalInvest….jpg)

File: 8a46fdcda8cdbde⋯.jpg (253.43 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DeclasSpygateHillary1.jpg)

File: a880cc53a4ff576⋯.jpg (307.55 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, HillarySpygate1.jpg)

File: 9beab47247023a3⋯.jpg (189.72 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, SpygateTreason1.jpg)

File: 4e099fdfd049801⋯.jpg (253.34 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ObamagateBidenUkraine614i.jpg)

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4336aa  No.10975679

An germantia people online? is there an online tool for this? I've been wondering about the germantia of six million.

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e4e648  No.10975680

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ebb2d7  No.10975681

File: 508ff40c5e4a7ed⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 197x255, 197:255, 508ff40c5e4a7eddb92d2e60bf….jpg)

Pence fuckin lazer beam ftw

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a1753a  No.10975682

File: 75818b8b4b83df8⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1086x1442, 543:721, Fly_Pence.png)


Next time use Unscented hairspray!!

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dbe793  No.10975683



is he going to mention they murdered AS???

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5afc0a  No.10975685

Jack Posobiec

@JackPosobiec · 5m

Aide to Kamala Harris, 2 others arrested for allegedly running fake Masonic police department

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985274  No.10975686

>>10975152 (Q Paul Ryan)


I've been asking folks the Paul Ryan questions for years. "Family" they tell me.

I then ask them why a young powerful politician, who's party just won the Presidency, would step away for "Family".

Still haven't gotten a good answer.

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844abb  No.10975687


There's the fucking problem right there!..

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e26433  No.10975688

File: b2825bfd84e4fee⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 482x480, 241:240, DoEv6PEX0AA7ALG.jpg)


fly in Pence's hair means only one thing. Hillary is in the building.

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3b43aa  No.10975689








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ef7d1a  No.10975690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Abandoned Nazi Factory in Poland



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7cab19  No.10975691

File: e514917ec78a506⋯.jpg (132.38 KB, 1080x522, 60:29, Q_v_Prog.jpg)


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3558ea  No.10975692

It's because lies. The subconscious knows. And it manifests in the conscious. This is the reason for the dysfunction on a personal and societal level.

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7473c9  No.10975693

File: 7ada52e234049bd⋯.jpg (90.56 KB, 1443x605, 1443:605, _e_DECLAS.jpg)

Patriot Anons

Q team

Hmmmm I don't know

Misspelling with an [e]

Yesterday POTUS said DECLAS everything

Today Q team added an [e] at the end

DECLAS is in the same Q drop as [e] about 25 hrs later after POTUS

Use the 25 hrs later as a double meaning

What do you want for XMAS

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10a4fd  No.10975694

File: c95c4d07e42bdf3⋯.jpeg (93.95 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DFD2FF88_5363_4552_9F31_C….jpeg)


It’s an improvement

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64ef60  No.10975695


Kamala is swahili slang for slunt.

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e30edf  No.10975696

I HOPE you live in fear till I get there. YOU yourself said you can't hide from me. YOU yourself knew what would happen.

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eeeaf6  No.10975697



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83b07c  No.10975699

File: 26b36daadde3d81⋯.png (159.43 KB, 733x496, 733:496, ObamaGate.png)

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d7dbc6  No.10975700


this been habbening lot on here.

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3a3efa  No.10975701


Nergess voice inflections and bitchiness.

1 heartbeat from President.

No fucking way America.

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c453b0  No.10975702

I think Pence disarms her with kindness.

Pence is very kind.

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4b89a3  No.10975703


Baker for your consideration:

Moar McNoname Institute


The McCain-Soros connection: It started after senator got caught in ‘Keating Five’ scandal

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994197  No.10975704


Are patriots in control?

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844abb  No.10975705

File: cfd6d01980cf98c⋯.mp4 (472.33 KB, 320x180, 16:9, BiblicalPillarPOTUS.mp4)

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1041e8  No.10975706

File: 3ca1e1e635f9c50⋯.jpg (177.78 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3ca1e1e635f9c50af15485c552….jpg)

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def0c6  No.10975707

File: 9c51bffabc1019b⋯.png (140.65 KB, 311x321, 311:321, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0a9c4  No.10975708

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af73a1  No.10975709

File: 646d5d97c8959ac⋯.jpg (508.53 KB, 1280x992, 40:31, DeepQ.jpg)

Great Job Pence

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41633e  No.10975710

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b5a42d  No.10975711

Question to Kamala Harris:

'Is there ANY black DNA in you besides that which belongs to downtown clown Willie Brown?'

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13a143  No.10975712

File: 0b56d7a540da404⋯.png (679.17 KB, 993x608, 993:608, D_Evils.png)

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b9851f  No.10975713


Good evening, Sir.

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e12d18  No.10975714


Let's get it on Q.

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b0a9ba  No.10975715

File: 337d38e668d0f2e⋯.jpg (78.69 KB, 630x433, 630:433, Expert_Self_Destruction_.jpg)

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92eaeb  No.10975716


Q You're talking to AI, this is manipulation!

They use your knowledge against you this is how they create a story that is adjusted to your own psychology and then using your ego to establish the thought.

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5afc0a  No.10975717








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10a4fd  No.10975718


Not on digital soldiers watch!

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ebb94c  No.10975719

File: 6cfa3c99f570217⋯.png (406.83 KB, 728x590, 364:295, funny.png)

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60fd98  No.10975720


Meme it, anons. Pic of Obama with one of these phrases.

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fbdff3  No.10975721

File: d651b2fc1272fff⋯.jpeg (67.08 KB, 680x450, 68:45, F8F8C5E5_F14B_43EB_8152_9….jpeg)

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fa723b  No.10975722

Harris is searching for something …. Looking for sympathy ….. Not working

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0812ce  No.10975723


Soros comes to mind

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712863  No.10975724


Rockefeller/NWO hangout


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e37863  No.10975725


I love Q SCREAMING!!!!


Based Q

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314a1e  No.10975726

File: 1f0312f84f88792⋯.jpg (32 KB, 480x497, 480:497, 30f22d7409d4c91a89912f8c23….jpg)

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d2116e  No.10975727

File: b8e7696f3004d4f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1400x840, 5:3, inform.png)

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725160  No.10975728


Tell me those who launched missile at AF1 were immediately arrested.

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313aaa  No.10975729


Now that is fuckin creepy!

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e30edf  No.10975730


No you taco piece of shit…NO. YOU can Google translate it or get fucked.

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d7dbc6  No.10975731


But when will it end Q?

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45cc3b  No.10975732


Covid delivery system?

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dbe793  No.10975733




takes soros down….down to chinatown!!!

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1b5591  No.10975734

File: f5e1ce8cd9df349⋯.jpg (187.03 KB, 500x857, 500:857, infiltration_instead_of_in….jpg)

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df6c88  No.10975735

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c5e12f  No.10975736


dive training in the harbor is hell.

they almost actually kill you - to see if you can survive.

Maybe not such a bad thing.

but not for me.

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0b3e0f  No.10975737


Tell us something we don't know!

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16a7c6  No.10975738


Tell Trump to do Something - Hint it should involve handcuffs

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f257cd  No.10975739

File: d2bc84256ac8b10⋯.png (110.63 KB, 375x230, 75:46, barrysoweto.png)

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b24d71  No.10975741


fight for what you believe in

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da65ff  No.10975742



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1eb894  No.10975743

File: 071ce41cafe934c⋯.gif (297 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1570999426374.gif)

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42ba70  No.10975744



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bf8b1c  No.10975745

File: 4f3251299d747dd⋯.jpg (566.24 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, NukeUm.jpg)

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a13321  No.10975746


check'd dubs confirm

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e97713  No.10975747




smirky wench


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c23cc8  No.10975748

Gonna have to change my mind on Pence.

Ivanka and kushner not so much

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000000  No.10975749


his or Karen's?

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e7a05f  No.10975750


I just spit out some beer!


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3b9b35  No.10975751

File: 9dcb65076b99625⋯.png (261.54 KB, 490x464, 245:232, ClipboardImage.png)

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be7ba2  No.10975752


Where is the one about Joe 30330?

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ebb94c  No.10975753


Yes, and he managed the time much better!!

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3a3efa  No.10975754


For once your mouth isn't full of cock.

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486e2a  No.10975755

File: c6c65aabb774f12⋯.jpeg (116.55 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 937528C2_20C2_4ADC_BA17_7….jpeg)

File: 07dddfc44a59501⋯.jpeg (8.06 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 09D95A64_39A6_4849_9223_C….jpeg)

File: ee986284302c734⋯.jpeg (136.02 KB, 605x833, 605:833, B678D1A0_3269_463F_84E9_C….jpeg)

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89540f  No.10975756


Ryan's also a top Faux Dick these days..

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45cfc5  No.10975757


Color revolution?

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4b89a3  No.10975758


Pretty certain when this unfolds all will find out he was executed.

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a1a4d5  No.10975759


That fly tho

Not good.

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347632  No.10975760

File: 386a64a92bdb663⋯.jpg (292.08 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, KEK5.jpg)

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16dcbf  No.10975761


Q, is it time yet?

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ad8299  No.10975762


Corrected. three's a charm

Trump said:

"There are"

He did not say

They are

re: South American immigrants.

Trump was warning the refugees of the danger among them.

Listen closely, you will hear.

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c7c2a8  No.10975763


Let U.S. weed them out.



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fa723b  No.10975764

Pence did a Mic drop …. blew Kamala away

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a3f11f  No.10975765

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)


The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary










The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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1b5591  No.10975766

File: e4ddf7666cf6c78⋯.jpg (98.04 KB, 760x480, 19:12, kamala_harris_worst_attorn….jpg)

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1e7627  No.10975767


So….WTF you gonna do about it? Riddles are not helpful anymore. All bark and no bite

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87612d  No.10975768


since the re-election is critical to change, what exactly is your point? Now, if notihng happens after that, then you got a complaint ; this is how fucked up the government is, ya know

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c366ad  No.10975769

File: 543d13061d9d638⋯.jpg (74.73 KB, 1079x865, 1079:865, qsentme2.jpg)



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985274  No.10975770


God Bless you Q

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64fc97  No.10975771

She's still rattled from the last response.

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166c63  No.10975772

her face appears darker than her neck


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b921bc  No.10975773

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)

dis lyin' bish annoyin' af. im turnin' it off.

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55ac6b  No.10975774


Change of batter still on?

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cb6745  No.10975775


Send in the Marines. Let's finish this.

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d0d776  No.10975776

File: 9320890b3231198⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, A13A20B0_F74F_4624_ADD8_DE….png)


that's all very bad shit

but one thing stands out

one thing they did that cannot ever be forgiven

not by us

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712863  No.10975777



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b8ce42  No.10975778


take em down soon please

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b4e6f8  No.10975779


8 more years

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06d054  No.10975780


nothing democrats can do will make any democrat presidency of the future legitimate.

the party's over.

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c78da1  No.10975781


Drag them out of the shadows, Q! When?

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95a7ea  No.10975782







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fbdff3  No.10975783


Anons keep me sane

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2d00ef  No.10975784


Comey used to teach there. Wonder if they knew each other…in the biblical sense.

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59a1cd  No.10975785

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af73a1  No.10975786

File: a26596c64dfdb57⋯.png (142.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DamalahHairys04.png)



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c6b282  No.10975787

File: e2c53f8e3a911de⋯.png (627.9 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 8884.png)

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64ef60  No.10975788


Good point. Pence is not my cup of tea because I'm not that straight-laced, but I'd very likely vote for him for POTUS.

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e8656d  No.10975789


Q - Can you point us to a good book / directory of the meaning of the colors? and also how the fuck we can counteract it? There has to be an answer.

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9b07d2  No.10975790

File: 9728389dfa3e10d⋯.jpg (420.66 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, williamcooper.jpg)

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10a4fd  No.10975791

File: ab417881b01f7b4⋯.jpeg (37.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A1D63142_9E05_44AB_85F2_5….jpeg)


Reporting in sir. Not giving up! Not an inch!


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a41d22  No.10975792

I gotta say, Pence is too nice for this debate. Kamala mopping the stage with him. Q seems to be all over the map tonight. All unsettling shite.

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fa44fd  No.10975793

File: bc5fd383cf3fad5⋯.jpg (242.03 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, allonsilmstar3b_.jpg)

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62848d  No.10975794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d870c  No.10975795

File: 3520f4f9c12b665⋯.jpg (618.46 KB, 692x3964, 173:991, shadowGovernment.jpg)

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6491fa  No.10975796


bad omen, or was it a commie nanobot fly drone?

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5b3e33  No.10975797


Do we get to watch the executions?

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43cacb  No.10975798

File: 4c897d0903c093c⋯.png (713.03 KB, 680x439, 680:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3077f40d40f4229⋯.png (479.69 KB, 799x525, 799:525, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33341d514d7c2be⋯.png (646.43 KB, 487x635, 487:635, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc4616  No.10975799


come on man!

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000000  No.10975800



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c23cc8  No.10975801

File: e0bb77c5e3fc601⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 255x134, 255:134, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….jpg)

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bec017  No.10975802

File: 0d3513b049c6329⋯.jpg (150.56 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 0d3513b049c632932ea2f922ff….jpg)

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a3f11f  No.10975803

File: bf4362a786c659b⋯.jpg (130.8 KB, 1094x749, 1094:749, _protocols_skip_baker_55.jpg)

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a1a4d5  No.10975804


Remember when all the "anons" around here were like - STFU about color revolution. It's a slide, it's a slide.

Well, turns out. Not a slide.

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016e4e  No.10975805


Placation 2020!

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89540f  No.10975806


Weeze hangin in there Q despite the madness. DOIT!

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e4cb0e  No.10975807


Q, what yard line are we on?

I assume we have the ball.

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324872  No.10975808

I will not be lectured by The Vice President of The United States

Pence fucked her up.

She looked like a snotty cunt.

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56690b  No.10975809

She had the questions beforehand.

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fc5115  No.10975811


The Purple Revolution.

Pray for our country, but most of all FIGHT for her!

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d3a217  No.10975812



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e12d18  No.10975813


Trips of Truth. Where is Barry?

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87612d  No.10975814


she didn't want to be labeled Chris Wallace

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eb3278  No.10975815


LOL, Q, you are on Fire..! :D

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88f927  No.10975816

File: 17a5064286f1e3e⋯.png (94.02 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)


So what pictures or videos do the [Clintons] have on Paul Ryan?

Blackmail of some kind.

+ payoff → Job at FOX.

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fbdff3  No.10975817



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263698  No.10975818


Drop the fucking hammer Q!

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739ecb  No.10975819

Glad that is the only one

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a85cfd  No.10975820

Before the moderator finished her question Kamala gave the ‘aww 8th grade kid sweetie face’

BEFORE she had heard the whole statement. This is such crap.

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3558ea  No.10975821



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c8bd75  No.10975822


WTF ? I didn't have that on my bingo card.

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0570e6  No.10975823

File: 89899c049f5c826⋯.png (1.01 MB, 800x603, 800:603, ClipboardImage.png)

I feel exhausted

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b921bc  No.10975824

pence beat that bish ass with a polite finish.

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090559  No.10975825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DO IT Q!!!

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3b9b35  No.10975826

Pence hitting hard!

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ecdb8d  No.10975827

Harris is blowing smoke up Pences butt

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1db422  No.10975829


Maybe that's the reason why nothing can be done…President Trump ADMIN is not in CHARGE…AND if your not in charge you can't arrest anyone…problem solved.

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1b5591  No.10975830

File: 8d547b51d9e4180⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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6662e8  No.10975831

File: aa8da3e64bfa4cc⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 640x360, 16:9, vance_Paul.jpg)

fake news

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ca0e97  No.10975832

File: 75b936127041f6f⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 350x404, 175:202, 120866293_1022407472711486….jpg)

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e37863  No.10975833

File: 62d748b654e12ed⋯.jpg (19.93 KB, 255x250, 51:50, OtherSide.jpg)

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e30edf  No.10975834


Just your own

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b8ce42  No.10975835


Hi Joe!

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477d0d  No.10975836


Kamala is bleeding fakeness.

Pence was strong.

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324872  No.10975837

File: 0afb4a6d0e42ccb⋯.png (529.96 KB, 500x593, 500:593, bhoef6e474d20796103479fa96….png)

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67eee3  No.10975838


drop the hammer

give us the docs

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347632  No.10975839

File: 2f045bceeee97e7⋯.jpg (113.21 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ComInfAgy.jpg)

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75f7df  No.10975840


Sumptins not right…all caps mean somethin'?

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ede4f3  No.10975841

Get them Q!!!!>>10975689

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486e2a  No.10975842

File: df3366f7a323dd0⋯.jpeg (106.26 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 858F6A1B_5B70_4801_915D_E….jpeg)

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5d4ee3  No.10975843

File: 346ef0bc2c625e2⋯.jpg (417.74 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, WH_Prayer_Walk_190602_5.JPG)



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4336aa  No.10975844

File: 6a39be94cdb6455⋯.jpg (385.01 KB, 1900x1495, 380:299, Wuflu_US_Pence_controls_th….jpg)

File: 1d59b6c2461d87b⋯.jpg (402.3 KB, 1437x1729, 1437:1729, pence_op_ed_author_white_h….jpg)

File: e2520af8c04d452⋯.jpg (265.51 KB, 568x1428, 142:357, pence_white_house_take_ove….jpg)

File: 1043e57077188c9⋯.png (127.94 KB, 979x1060, 979:1060, PENCE_sleeper_agent.png)


Don't bring that up. It sends some into a fugue.

On one hand the letters meant something sinisteron the other hand the VP/s wife got oneand Q fed the letter frenzy…so is Pence now redeemed?

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0812ce  No.10975845

Get ready for who won the debate polls

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b921bc  No.10975846

File: 746be4c1124a5cd⋯.png (231.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, election_poll_watcher_patc….png)


what do we expect next?

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7cab19  No.10975847

File: 5a559272c68370f⋯.jpg (185.62 KB, 1000x929, 1000:929, Dead_Commie.jpg)



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b1cc0c  No.10975848


Re: Ukraine

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8f2173  No.10975849

File: c25837c63641506⋯.png (126.57 KB, 340x249, 340:249, Jackster.png)

Artist's rendering of Kamala

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f8909a  No.10975850

File: ce77578cfbb3c52⋯.jpeg (551.9 KB, 750x1155, 50:77, 1C98E293_0C26_4A07_AC07_9….jpeg)


Rule #9 and the Mike Pence Envelope. Ryan. What makes a good movie?


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725160  No.10975851

File: 96b03ba7eb410d0⋯.png (61.53 KB, 1554x328, 777:164, Screen_Shot_2020_10_07_at_….png)




C_A induced uprising.

The term Color Revolution started in the ’80s and is the name given to CIA led regime change operations developed by RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs, and other groups. They were used to take down the Polish Communist regime, the Gorbachev Regime, and so on. (Other examples listed below).

If you understand and see what is really happening across the nation then you know BLM and Antifa are not reacting to Floyd or injustice of any kind. Thousands of these younger Americans are being used to topple the United States President and the Constitution. The numbers are growing.

A group of Anti Trump individuals met this past summer to identify possibilities of the upcoming election. Among those present were former government officials, journalists, senior campaign managers and so on. The group was called Transition Integrity Project (TIP).

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fc4616  No.10975852


purple sucks. they should have chosen GREEN

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4b49f0  No.10975853

>>10975152 ————————————–——– Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs? What is the going rate for THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE to obstruct Congressional investigations for the purposes of delaying and/or eliminating its findings? [protect]


>>10975554 PF

>>10975664 Wallander. Anyone researched yet?

>>10975624 The Constitutional Reckoning Of State Lockdown Orders

>>10975590 Anon provides qcaps they can find

>>10975539 The Fly attacks Pence's Sweet Do'

>>10975469, >>10975507 Notables Bun for #14035

>>10975452, >>10975502, Things to remember…

>>10975434 Arming a declared enemy of the United States during the war on terror. There’s a term for that [TREASON]

>>10975367 Look what was being reported on the same day as in the new Q drop.

>>10975362 "There was a team of disease experts that President Obama and Vice President Biden dispatched to China to monitor what is now predictable…

>>10975293, >>10975306, >>10975607 Re: 10974758 Clinton Foundation Donors Flocking To The McCain Institute

>>10975267 Thank you anon. Notes from 14038

>>10975469 Take it away unless you

You know I am actually e3xcited about the energy on this anon. Thank you anon/

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32a2b1  No.10975854


How about this Anon: Kalmala spelled backwards - think mirror/mirror…

Alamak in Chinese is an exclamation word used in situations when you are shocked or surprised by something or an event. It is something akin to “Oh my Mother!” and also “Oh my God!" "Pure Evil"


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c7c2a8  No.10975855

No contest. Non mask couple won.

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fe9afb  No.10975856


A "BI-Partisan" commission that only appoints democrat moderators

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e2169d  No.10975857

File: 1a8de1f703e3166⋯.jpg (169.66 KB, 748x827, 748:827, samson.jpg)

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fbdff3  No.10975858

All assets deployed. Where to?

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b0a9ba  No.10975859

Great win, VP Pence!

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2bdc76  No.10975860


Nice drops! Blessings to you and Q+

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ab2608  No.10975861



Question is: what can we do about it?

What, if anything, are YOU doing about it?

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fa723b  No.10975862

Perfect closing statement by Pence

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e12d18  No.10975863


People think these things just happened with cell phone videos.

Nope, it goes way back…

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3b9b35  No.10975864


Pull the plug on the media. We won't mind.

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83b07c  No.10975865

File: 2ceb747330db20a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 611x806, 47:62, 45rarest.png)

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87612d  No.10975866


it is gorillion….for clarity

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f257cd  No.10975867

File: 4d7217e3d71638b⋯.jpg (23.27 KB, 500x400, 5:4, azizlight.jpg)

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a8d8c3  No.10975868

Election is going to be contested

Trumps gonna go to cheyanne mountain during the chaos

immediately to SCOTUS

ACB makes the court 5-4 for real since compromised Roberts is forced to rule liberal in all rulings that actually matter

Trump declared victor by SCOTUS within 72 hours of election shenanigans

Mass (planned) riots start

The real pain can start here, sadly it won’t start before the election

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b1279e  No.10975869


LMFAO 2020 Bingo

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e7a05f  No.10975870


Q, POTUS has declassed it all! Don't pull any punches!

No longer have to be concerned with providing classified info!

Di it, Q!

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a638dd  No.10975871

File: bec59562ccb1d97⋯.png (172.34 KB, 440x609, 440:609, 2362.png)

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e30edf  No.10975872


Think I don't know acting when I see it? HMMMMMMMM?

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000000  No.10975873


Do something about it…

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68d918  No.10975874

See how evil Q has instructed us of 41,42,43,44 and yet Q thinks we should hold high the official government of the USA, pure evil scum, you cannot trust the USSS if they were with these former President's and never a word or evidence of their crimes. Absolutely disgusting, the USA is a joke the world over, owned and bitched out by the Vatican and the Jews and the Crown, a total joke.

Not one 3 letter agency is worth a shit, all evil scum

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ade3a3  No.10975875

Republican leaders were making a solemn pledge to repeal Obamacare during a press conference on Capitol Hill Jan. 4, when House Speaker Paul Ryan made a slip of tongue that sent the group erupting in laughter.

Ryan was passionately saying that “We know that things are only getting worse under Obamacare,” shortly before he almost called vice president-elect Mike Pence “vice president-elect Trump,” to introduce Pence to the audience.

His fellow Republicans apparently found the gaffe hilarious. When Reuters photographer Jonathan Ernst captured this moment, Ryan is grimacing at his own mistake, as Pence laughs candidly.

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7fec20  No.10975876


Pence a bad guy or not, he destroyed Kamlawla.

A win is a win.

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e8656d  No.10975877

Why is everything so damn secret , Q?

Seriously, in the last 3 years I can think of a 100 things that should have been announced publicly by POTUS ?? WHY SHOULD THE WAR BE SILENT???? The silence is giving the Dems an edge. It needs exposure!!

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879738  No.10975878

File: 245cd97f9fb0496⋯.jpg (147.35 KB, 791x525, 113:75, DarkToLight.jpg)

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b76877  No.10975879

Think I'm gonna turn traitor and try to overthrow the govt. Apparently it pays well and you don't go to prison.

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25c8a6  No.10975880

Fox are certainly implying that Pence pummeled kamala tonight.

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08836a  No.10975881

Pence absolutely slaughtered Kamala not even close

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0a74e2  No.10975882


Need much more light, so that the normies out there can't miss what the light exposes.

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3558ea  No.10975883


Caps lock. Cruise control for cool.

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9adb7c  No.10975884


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45cfc5  No.10975885


I'm reading opposing threads and they are both saying the same thing.

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ebb94c  No.10975886

File: 31a8468deb23492⋯.png (996.79 KB, 791x522, 791:522, StormShift_A26_1.png)


We have it all.

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76f28a  No.10975887

"We want to thank the University for providing this barn for us to host the debate"

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d3a217  No.10975888

TRUMP 2020!!!

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d7dbc6  No.10975889


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b8ce42  No.10975890

File: 5f27c1e2fe0e7a1⋯.jpg (111.36 KB, 692x706, 346:353, EjwX1fSWkAAr77i.jpg)


>So what pictures or videos do the [Clintons] have on Paul Ryan?

>Blackmail of some kind.

>+ payoff → Job at FOX.

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def0c6  No.10975891

File: 298426d3ccb6146⋯.png (165.64 KB, 396x325, 396:325, ClipboardImage.png)


a little more…

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725160  No.10975892



There are Seven Pillars of a Color Revolution:

1) A semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime,

2) An unpopular incumbent,

3) A united and organized opposition,

4) An ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified,

5) Compliant independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote,

6) A political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud, and

7) Divisions among the regime’s coercive forces. (Division among police and military)

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eb3278  No.10975893



Naa… . Kamala was embarrassing.

Such a baaad actress.

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c5e12f  No.10975894


I always lied that I'm 5'9"

truth is I'm likely 5'7 or less, at my age.

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56690b  No.10975895

Here they go..

There going to tell the sheep what they just saw and what to think.

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23d3a5  No.10975896


Shadow Presidency and government = acts of war against the United States = forfeiture of rights. Stop wasting time. Take these people out.

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c78da1  No.10975897


Hahaha sheDIDso get lectured!

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e4e648  No.10975898


i see what you did there

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16dcbf  No.10975899

Pence kicked ass. Cameltoe had no answers of substance.

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4c5703  No.10975900


Only 17 did not condemn Qanon. So few patriots in Congress. But I'm enjoying the show.

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863256  No.10975901


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45cc3b  No.10975902