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1c4384 No.19192963 [Last50 Posts]

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1c4384 No.19193051

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1c4384 No.19193062

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Reposting last few days…

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1c4384 No.19196022

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19158366 Q Research General #23530: About That Bad Apple Edition

Created 110033ZJUL23




>>19158374 #23530

>>19158386 Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=p2hk8Qp8dd0 - Dr. Steven Greer - Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65 [Channel: Shawn Ryan Show]

>>19158401 Wealthy Elites Oversaw A Massive Bank Collapse. Now They're Suing To Claw Back Billions

>>19158409 Mark Levin Goes Scorched Earth on the Corrupt DOJ: “If We Don’t Break the Back of the DOJ, It Will Destroy This Country”

>>19158438 Earthquake NNE of Antigua

>>19158491 Tim Ballard Discusses the Sound of Freedom

>>19158493 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2z7v9o - The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy -07/10/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19158496 Watch: Fox News Panel Abruptly Cuts to Commercial As Worried Hosts Point Outside Studio Windows, Close Shades Afterwards

>>19158522 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>19158567 Violent brawl breaks out at Michigan GOP committee meeting

>>19158619, >>19158646, >>19158722, >>19158888, >>19158890, >>19158895 Biden DOJ Announces Criminal Charges Against Whistleblower Who Provided FBI Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden | Sundance

>>19158655, >>19158738 Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system

>>19158671 REVEALED: Corrupt (((DOJ))) Prosecutor Caught Trying to Bribe Lawyer Redacted Every Reference to Trump Cooperating with Subpoenas

>>19158674, >>19158675, >>19158677, >>19158679, >>19158681 The Globe Interview: President Donald J Trump

>>19158751 Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin met with Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin days after the rogue paramilitary leader launched a failed uprising, the Kremlin says.

>>19158761 Ben and Jerry’s Parent Company Unilever LOSES BILLIONS||

>>19158811 REAL AMERICA - Dan Ball W/ Jaco Booyens, Leftists Attack "Sound Of Freedom" Movie

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zbbdg - REAL AMERICA -- Dan Ball W/ Jaco Booyens, Leftists Attack "Sound Of Freedom" Movie [1:26] [Channel: One America News Network]

>>19158821, >>19158871 PF

>>19158834 Review of autopsy findings in deaths after covid 19 vax - vax is the culprit in majority of found dead after injection

>>19158835 314th Anniversary of Russia defeating the Swedes in the Battle of #Poltava

>>19158856 President Erdogan has agreed to forward #Sweden's accession protocol to the Grand Natl Assembly

>>19158909 Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

>>19158919 Antifa Activist Reportedly Commits Suicide, Police Find Graphic Child Pornographic Recordings

>>19158931, >>19159023 Scavino: "The Man in the Arena"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba090b8c448aabaab6099ebaf2d964555c1615c1041ad225426c7ef56fc653ff.mp4

>>19159076 Six killed in kindergarten stabbing in China, continuing trend of knife attacks targeting kids

>>19159084 UPDATE: Biden Administration Files Emergency Stay with 5th Circuit Court Demanding the Right to Censor, Silence, and Manipulate Americans

>>19159090 New data shows how many Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine

>>19159122 Grassley demands answers from US Attorney David Weiss, claiming “hundreds” of people have had access to FBI informant memo.

>>19159138 "Ukraine in NATO is ‘path to peace’ "– FM

>>19159161 #23530

(30 notables, 42 posts, 32 media/files)

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1c4384 No.19196025

File: 4f5603a4f60014c⋯.png (146.33 KB,437x242,437:242,Clipboard.png)


>>19159163 Q Research General #23531: DOJ Up to Their Old Tricks Again Edition

Created 110335ZJUL23




>>19159171 #23531

>>19159244 James Lewis, the suspect in the 1982 Tylenol poisonings that killed 7 in the Chicago area, has died.

>>19159307 1:30 AM EDT Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uOkakLrKpHE - Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Jake Sullivan [Channel: The White House]

>>19159315 2:00 AM EDT NATO Public Forum Day 1 Atlantic Council

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PkxfBKwAuAM - 2023 NATO Public Forum | Day 1 [11 July 2023] [Channel: NATO]

>>19159542 benny johnson w/CAP: Investigative journalist Garrett Ziegler of @MarcoPolo501c3 after going through entire Hunter Biden laptop...

>>19159749, >>19159760, >>19159770 ▶ Anonymous 07/11/23 (Tue) 15:36:023f0f8d (9) No.19159167

>>19159802 Russian Defense Ministry reveals number of mercenaries among Ukrainian troops

>>19159944 Grand Jurors Who Will Consider Trump Charges in Georgia to be Selected.

(8 notables, 10 posts, 4 media/files)

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1c4384 No.19196028

File: 4f5603a4f60014c⋯.png (146.33 KB,437x242,437:242,Clipboard.png)


>>19159966 Q Research General #23532: Sound of PAIN EBAKE Edition

Created 110843ZJUL23




>>19159973 #23532

>>19160014, >>19160048, >>19160066, >>19160118 enemy doing all it can to supress sound of freedom in theatres. addtl related sof news

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f57e820545a3d9d40e603e73b3f30ad9695a66925d1c8828edab24f4c6169e1.mp4

>>19160054 Illinois to spend $30 million for 'peacekeepers' this fiscal year. Chicago Police statistics show a 39% increase in total crime...

>>19160056 OHIO EARLY VOTING STARTS TODAY ONLY ONE ISSUE, changing the voting majority to a 60% instead of 50%.

>>19160061 Honduran Drug Dealers Say They’ve Flocked to San Francisco Because of Sanctuary Laws

>>19160135 FL AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking

>>19160148 #23531 posted in #23532

>>19160175 France to send long-range missiles to Ukraine – Macron

>>19160292 Controlled demolition update: Key UK Mortgage Rate Hits 6.66%, Highest Since 2008 Meltdown

>>19160342 schedule for NATO plotting WW3

>>19160477 DJT Jr. w/CAP: They can’t figure out who left the coke in the White House just like they magically can’t figure out who’s on the Epstein client list...

>>19160496, >>19160509, >>19160523 anon posts decades of debt increase per citizen

>>19160519 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/11/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zc0i0 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/11/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19160539, >>19160562, >>19160591, >>19160682, >>19160691, >>19160700 NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mOU6LHrKetc - NATO Secretary General with 🇺🇸 US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit in Vilnius 🇱🇹, 11 JUL 2023 [Channel: NATO News]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hdHUZw5LDbY - Putin underestimated the political consequences of war with Ukraine: NATO chief says [Channel: CNBC International TV]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=y7rGrObvq7U - 'We have to spend more': European leaders weigh in on defense spending across the continent [Channel: CNBC International TV]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/225a554f9e04959c8c03658855385828b4fe3f4ee0c66a4b57dec1a1e7aeed92.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/39fbdaa6dbc62ff0d01b0f7e6cdc415389e2e35fba2446044e3d9ec4c0d4bd70.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b6128b7546311da321dae353ed1edd4d0009083ce7a2be3eef9d184f871c10f7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/57d154014473d17a9e65f965a811a91766054c735abc1559c47e0194d7eb26f6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30abd1dc409ac5e1b5d24407146128e155b39246bee82d5492712137e5d4c7d8.mp4

>>19160568 (Live 0930ET) Hearings to Examine the Nomination of General Charles Q. Brown, USAF for Reappointment to the Grade of General...

>>19160585 WUH? Heat Down Below Is Making the Ground Shift Under Chicago

>>19160588 DOG COMMS

>>19160620 catherine herridge w/CAP: “..your questions about allegations contained in FBI FD 1023 (Ukraine bribery claims Hunter, Joe Biden) relate to an ongoing investigation.”

>>19160649 GCHQ, JTRIG, Five Eyes and COVIDcrisis PsyWar How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

>>19160698 Christie: Trump goes to bed every night ‘thinking about the sound of the jail cell door closing’

>>19160731 #23532

(21 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

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1c4384 No.19196030

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19160754 Q Research General #23533: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 111405ZJUL23




>>19160769 #23533

>>19160778 TREND: Chinese Spy

>>19160806, >>19161021, >>19161310, >>19161411 Ruiz [COVID hearing]: There is currently no consensus on how this virus came to be. Whether it came from a lab or from nature, is still unknown.

>>19160857, >>19160999, >>19161133 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2024

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d921f84bd71895d5245005a079ef6d58a5ab27ee50699f136880045fd473e2c4.pdf

>>19160930, >>19161462, >>19161466 CMZ: Psyops are next-generation warfare.

>>19160969 Before the summit, NATO PR people released a video aimed at the egos of the leaders of the alliance with the chronology of membership

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b1bd4b452804b2fccc4147bb42891b892a9bea25f95a1c6dc6ea9455b70ada9.mp4

>>19160972, >>19161130 @markgranza — in defense of anons, in defense of free speech

>>19160987 Jun 21, 2023 —As much as 30% of Ukraine’s arsenal is under repair at any given time — a high rate, defense experts said

>>19160988 CBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin

>>19161009 Catholic Charities is the "Illegal Immigrant Travel Agency"

>>19161019, >>19161030 The Capital , Building with White porch , The Plaza Hotel Montpelier Vermont inundated as floodwater covers capital’s streets

>>19161020 The Bank of International Settlements (#BIS) is literally laying out how you will own nothing

>>19161060 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sunspots on an Active Sun

>>19161131, >>19161185 5 Eyes

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Cqu8RncKvUw - 5 EYES - What is it and WHY is it important? [Channel: Carmine s]

>>19161137 agent Z is calling them cowards too/NATO

>>19161160 NASA's New Horizons spacecraft captured this high-resolution enhanced color view of Charon

>>19161191 Robert F. Kennedy Jr declared Monday that he believes the CIA was involved in funding the Wuhan lab where the COVID pandemic originated.

>>19161198 New 3D Visualization Highlights 5,000 Galaxies Revealed by Webb

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=M1n82zTBwQY - CEERS: Flight to Maisie's Galaxy [Channel: James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)]

>>19161208 Elaine Chao's CCP Ties Exposed | Mitch McConnell's Relationship With China.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UgX9pJ_72EE - Elaine Chao's CCP Ties Exposed | Mitch McConnell's Relationship With China [Channel: China Observer]

>>19161210 Wyoming becomes latest state to launch mass surveillance/AI???

>>19161229 On Sovereignty

>>19161233 Swiss billionaire has been exploiting a foreign influence loophole, allowing him to avoid federal bans on foreign influence in American elections

>>19161237 "Every single President from George Washington to Joe Biden, except for Donald Trump, have been related to King John/Plantagenets in violation of the Conventions, Treaties, and Constitutions owed to this country

>>19161261 First CHAPEA Crew Begins 378-Day Mission

>>19161285 Former Republican congressman Denver Riggleman, who served in Virginia’s 5th district, is now advising the younger Biden’s legal team

>>19161352 PF SPAR12 Haiti return

>>19161358, >>19161604 @realDonaldTrump Turning Point 2023, July 15, 16

>>19161461, >>19161465, >>19161473, >>19161476, >>19161495 Trump has OK'd 36 clemency requests, far fewer than others

>>19161508 My name is Rep. Meisha Mainor and today I made the decision to leave the Democrat Party.

>>19161678 Kissinger falls victim to Russian pranksters posing as Zelensky

>>19161683 GOP Hold Leaves Marines Without Confirmed Leader For First Time In 164 Years

>>19161700 EU support for Ukraine will wane - bloc member’s president, Pavel said Kiev has “window of opportunity” in its counteroffensive against Russia until end of the year

>>19161738 #23533

(33 notables, 48 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196037

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19161740 Q Research General #23534: Panic N Keks Edition

Created 111727ZJUL23




>>19161749 #23534-A

>>19161782 The "highest" or "top" class of people in the USA (& most likely WW) probably aren't from Earth.

>>19161791 TRENDING: Eric Swalwell - FBI agents were aware of Eric Swalwell’s ‘SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP’ with CCP SPY Fang Fang but Dem Senators refused to allow them to investigate.

>>19161809 NATO to keep Ukraine at arm’s length

>>19161810, >>19161814, >>19161841, >>19162548 Jim Caviezel wonders why MSM is always after Q and anons - it is because they ask questions?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d0c8f70d2b16ee362db1c6eb863d5d613b8cbf9b4a37d32d87de3ca5c9bcce4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fb353dd055f1daa9150a46a2320223599cee871795684e9d15d1aaca4ea035e5.mp4

>>19161817, >>19161900 AG Ashley Moody is calling for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking in Florida

>>19161828 Joy Behar says she is “turned on by Biden’s anger”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/45b167220dee59a386e89d73f73be6cbd09ac6ae93c24676f333a9c111fc72a1.mp4

>>19161838 Georgia House District-56 Democrat Rep. Mesha Mainor makes MORAL decision to leave party

>>19161846 First hearing on classified documents will be July 18 after special counsel accuses Trump co-defendant of seeking ‘unnecessary’ delay


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77e2b56e65c6fa230e3fd8b6b205393b4ca40193049d668b8998ab3d005312dd.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32bb2f747631d4fb3041dfdfd16cd96646a49dcd4b9fbdad9ccfea977aaef500.pdf

>>19161858, >>19161873, >>19162005, >>19162010, >>19162065 5th Anniversary - Geddes's WWG1WGA Essay

>>19161861 LIVESTREAM: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Holds Hearing with “Proximal Origins” Authors on COVID-19 Lab-Leak Suppression

>>19161876 BofA Ordered To Pay $250 Million For Opening Fake Accounts, Charging Illegal Fees

>>19161906 WND: Fauci might have to pay back his salary for final year at NIH

>>19161923 TREND: Biden DOJ

>>19161932 WND: N Dakota Gov doing out $20 gift cards to donors to meet debate stage reqt's

>>19161939 Putin issues warning about US banking system

>>19161941 Zelensky attacks NATO

>>19161979 Biden’s DOJ Eliminates Language on Child Sex Trafficking from Govt Website and Child Victims of Prostitution - After Losing Track of 85,000 Migrant Children

>>19161985 RFK Jr: CIA Was Involved In Funding Wuhan COVID Leak Lab

>>19162020 NY principal allegedly seeking sex with teen on Snapchat brought chicken nuggets, shake to remote location prior to arrest

>>19162034, >>19162040 Affirmative Action - A Thoroughly Useless Idea

>>19162036 Fulton County DA Fani Willis arriving for selection of grand jurors re charges against Trump

>>19162045 Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

>>19162073 Biden, 80, SKIPS dinner with NATO leaders and goes straight to his hotel:

>>19162078 Mass Abduction Of Children, Which Zelensky Is Silent About. Where Do Ukrainian Children Disappear In Europe?”

>>19162093 Risk of cancer and pregnancy complications up to 70% higher in neighborhoods where tap water is most contaminated with PFAS 'forever chemicals'

>>19162110 Transgenderism a “scientifically baseless movement,” says endocrinologist

>>19162122 Girl found in Camp Pendleton barracks was raped by Marine, family alleges

>>19162123 PDJT on Ron Desantis

>>19162136 Democrats want DOJ to turn over info on Barr, Durham trip to Italy

>>19162176 Spanish climate minister flies on private jet to eco-conference, gets out of limo a hundred yards before venue to ride bike for the cameras

>>19162189 The Senate should swiftly reject Gen. C.Q. Brown's nomination to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

>>19162214 Republicans Slip Massive Foreign Worker Expansion into DHS Funding Bill

>>19162252 New Dem-backed bill could see California judges consider a convicted criminal's RACE in sentencing to 'rectify racial bias' if it's passed into law

>>19162295 Flashback: Pro-LGBTQ magazine “The Advocate” publishes story about how “unfair” sex offender registry is to gays…

>>19162335 Las Vegas police SWAT standoff at Caesars Palace - armed man busting windows out of Caesars hotel room on Las Vegas Strip sources say he is armed and fear he could stray shooting…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c37d263abad12a32528ec2a5a0d0eeeffeb945c9e285b9ad133d2a30cc20b533.mp4

>>19162340 WOW! Reporter Asks Jake Sullivan Why the DOJ Charged Biden Crime Family Whistleblower Gal Luft For Violating FARA, But Spared Hunter Biden (VIDEO)

>>19162372 “DOJ Is Trying to Bury Me to Protect Joe, Jim and Hunter Biden” – Whistleblower Gal Luft Launches GiveSendGo Campaign After Biden’s AG Charges Him

>>19162374 "Is SCOTUS Captured?" with Loy Brunson and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2yctsw - "Is SCOTUS Captured?" with Loy Brunson and Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE [1:04:04] [Channel: gailofgaia]

>>19162380 ‘Where Are These Tapes?’ - Grassley Blasts the FBI For Hiding the 17 Smoking Gun Tapes Incriminating Joe Biden in Bribery Scheme

>>19162390 British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture

>>19162414 Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it.

>>19162424 Inside Melbourne's wild swinging community

>>19162426 pf


>>19162479 Raheem Kassam: talks about Gale Luft

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zf3kq - Raheem Kassam: How The DeSantis Campain’s Attemping To Set Up New American Oligarchs [21:45] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19162586 Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’.

>>19162600 DeSantis Hits All-Time Low in Delegate Forecast

>>19162644 ‘All of Us Got Cystitis’: Ukraine’s Military Women Reveal Problems.

(50 notables, 59 posts, 79 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196041

File: 61287e93acdd03f⋯.png (83.61 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.png)


>>19162696 Q Research General #23535: The Edition Edition

Created 112043ZJUL23




>>19162714 ‘Club for China Growth’ Drops $3.6M in Anti-Trump Ads in Iowa, NH.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TXmRng3ZtcM - "John" :60 [Channel: WinItBackPAC]

>>19162727 Scenes from the Flood

>>19162731 Amtrak derailed in DC - live with @PenguinSix

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uZuiv6LAu5Q - Amtrak Train Derails in Washington, D.C. [Channel: penguinsix]

>>19162740, >>19162790, >>19162833 2 minutes of TRUTH!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d43b3b0d85388b236f4fec1d3403cd90a0779ad84cfdde8c2944a6dfa1394f3e.mp4

>>19162744, >>19162747 More on NATO's relationship to Ukraine

>>19162753 Barre, Montpelier underwater - expected rain could overwhelm upstream dam

>>19162851, >>19162977, >>19162999, >>19163021, >>19163034, >>19163056, >>19163073, >>19163088, >>19163090 Andrew Tate interview on Tucker - bun

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bae8905e277fd06ad0e6531c0fc1819d981dbb5e2b112f59029eff2b9fe63878.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b397eb2035894b0ad37735d9b21c0d53c1e8789e1ffca0729cea8af8e3220492.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e6014881dc56cf66d55e0cfed6463fe348b75a04a29953060f6ce462478d0978.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/116468492397f551eb95e8ebf998a7092ca0e274eec6a663ede248fe8cd23107.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/37809a5b93363c6a3b71b735cd294a7478f43d1a49784da4b63a207a41ea26cf.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5320de7ca33dc9dc2ca425fa6b762bba87a461e0675a9996e5802c851c22b8b2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42bd28b45c6c21ee2768492ace92e3e464ee0efaab252116eed63775556ac9af.mp4

>>19162856 New Report: More Biden Censorship of US Social Media in Collusion With Ukrainian Spy Agency

>>19162862 New Biden Spin—He's a Real Jerk So…No Dementia!

>>19162879 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Stmt from President Trump opposing Joe Biden's irresponsible and dangerous plan to send cluster munitions to Ukraine.

>>19162884, >>19163227, >>19163382 California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

>>19162888 Train derails at Union Station in Washington, causing delays but no serious injuries

>>19162893 Bay Bridge murals and 49ers logos adorn this Honduran village. Why?

>>19162899, >>19163381 @reallycaviezel on how the MSM is trying to discredit him & film with "QAnon" smears; also talks about adrenochrome

>>19162903 Brutal news report shows no one showed up for major Biden/Harris campaign event: 'Not much to see' - TheBlaze

>>19162905, >>19162925 LA Times Calls Killing Babies in Abortion “An Act of Self-Defense”

>>19162911 Crown Resorts to pay $450 million fine for money laundering breach

>>19162916 Bank of America, $BAC, secretly opened credit card accts in customer names, double charged overdraft fees & withheld promised perks

>>19162923 Box Office Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Controversy—Including QAnon Ties And False Claims Theaters Are Sabotaging Screenings—Explained

>>19162944 'Sound of Freedom' Creator Responds to QAnon Allegations: 'Sick'

>>19162972 Max Blumenthal shares irrefutable facts and summaries the US corruption of the war in Ukraine at the UN Security Council:

>>19162974 #23534-A

>>19162979 #23534-B

>>19162984 CMz on psy-ops as next-gen warfare

>>19162992 Brazilian Faith Healer ‘John of God’ Is Sentenced To Additional 99 Years for Sexual Crimes

>>19163000 Trump Requests Trial DELAY; Biden Whistleblower INDICTED; FBI CENSORED with Ukraine Intelligence

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zgxvi - Trump Requests Trial DELAY; Biden Whistleblower INDICTED; FBI CENSORED with Ukraine Intelligence [0] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>19163017 Documentary, "Operation Toussaint: Operation Underground Railroad & the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery"

>>19163033 Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten released from California prison

>>19163156 Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking

>>19163163 Leslie Van Houten, follower of cult leader Charles Manson, released from California prison

>>19163170 42% of Americans believe the CIA played some role in President John F Kennedy's assassination

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0505719eb4b2ae71a9a72101943573b757da034253f5ddb0d905b98f6d12cce.mp4

>>19163210 Future Portuguese cardinal on WYD: ‘We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ’

>>19163220 FM #Lavrov and FM of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud met in Moscow.

>>19163264 The Hunt For Crashed Saucers with guest Congressman Tim Burchett

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=63PHhwglBdo - WEAPONIZED : EPISODE #25 : The Hunt For Crashed Saucers [Channel: Jeremy Corbell]

>>19163271 Is there's a dirty relationship between NBA and China?

>>19163304 Herridge: Weiss letter to @LindseyGrahamSC (FD 1023 is NOT closed)

>>19163308 Jack White is taking aim at Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson for “normalizing” Donald Trump by meeting him at public events

>>19163314 Crokin: MSM using pizzagate to distract the public from The Sound of Freedom

>>19163331 Ezra Cohen on Confucius Institutes and proposed new statu[t]e affecting them

>>19163356, >>19163396, >>19163400 PDJT Truths on Jack Smith, Elise Stefanik, Jason Aldean

>>19163380 Singer Jewel talking about Sound of Freedom

>>19163426 #23535

(42 notables, 59 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196043

File: b737fb696fb2090⋯.png (391.4 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)


>>19163427 Q Research General #23536: Impossible to Keep the Genie in the Bottle Now Edition

Created 112339ZJUL23




>>19163451 #23536

>>19163527 sleepy Jo skips din din, tells Erdy he'll win in 24


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zf4s2 - Fearing the Base + Jim Caviezel LIVE + Weirdo Wiener Exposed | LIVE 7.11.23 [2:55:02] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>19163539 Kissinger — master of the deep state — admits Ukraine blew up the Nordstream Pipeline.He did this while being punk’d by Russians.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09a913c5a9b9b4d5f106640d3ac0fa150a021aaf960da107a129dfcdc2c3ea02.mp4

>>19163548 @TulsiGabbard Congress must ban Atrazine, one of the most widely used and toxic herbicides, to stop further contamination of our food & water supply.

>>19163556 Patrick Gunnels reads Martin Geddes's "The final battle for the future of humanity"

>>19163577 Sun Spot Baby

>>19163585 DOJ will not defend Trump as immune in E. Jean Carroll lawsuit

>>19163588 2022 “The European Parliament has been sending a false message”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=N-CSrNUWMr0 - “The European Parliament has been sending a false message” | ECR Chairman Ryszard Legutko [Channel: ECR Group European Parliament]

>>19163592 Blinken: Ukraine Will Be "Defenseless" Without US Cluster Bombs

>>19163610 Biden administration has agreed to the sale of F-16 fighter jets after Ankara dropped its opposition to Sweden’s NATO bid

>>19163632, >>19163677 California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

>>19163638 MyPillow auctions off equipment amid sales drop, CEO blames cancel culture

>>19163642, >>19163664 PF

>>19163654 North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum offers $20 gift card to people who donate $1 to his presidential campaign

>>19163670 A recent survey indicated that most supporters of the three ruling coalition parties are unhappy

>>19163682, >>19163688 NATO's Big Climb Down

>>19163701 Muzzies Go Gay -Rep. Ilhan Omar

>>19163732, >>19163747, >>19163755 New Evidence Informs and Confirms Old Analysis on Cover-up Operations, Biden Criminality, Ukraine, NATO, China and CEFC China Energy Company

>>19163754 Vermont Dam One Foot From Failing Amid Historic Flooding

>>19163762 Cocaine tours at the WH No wonder Disney is empty For the keks!

>>19163797 Armed Gunman at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas

>>19163845 Chinese neuro-strike programme: Pushing cognitive warfare to a new level


>>19163884 Peter Nygard faces new charges of sexual assault and unlawful confinement

>>19163886, >>19163922, >>19164016 MAN IN AMERICA

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zeux2 - The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom [0] [Channel: Man in America]

>>19163963 Illinois Law Forces Landlords To Rent To Illegals Or Face Civil Rights Violations

>>19164052 @realDonaldTrump czech these polls

>>19164190 #23536

(29 notables, 36 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196047

File: 37b532697e4b91f⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,800x448,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)


>>19164194 Q Research General #23537: Night Shift Freedom Sounds, Mabbe Not For Zelensky, The End Edition

Created 120155ZJUL23




>>19164203 #23537

>>19164256 The day Donald J. Trump saved the Veteran's Day Parade!!!(mp4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91b542549af96864492eadae766dadb18c26dfa43e5277255462348e721795d2.mp4

>>19164315 Berkshire Hathaway takes control of LNG facility as Buffett ups bet on energy infrastructure

>>19164335 The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom(rumble vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zeux2 - The DISTURBING Truth Behind the Media’s Attack on Sound of Freedom [0] [Channel: Man in America]

>>19164359 Private jets are descending on a small-town airport as the 'summer camp for billionaires' kicks off

>>19164376 Beth Majeroni Dragged Out Of Chatham County Board Of Elections Meeting On Dominion Machines Issues(rumble vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zhrwg - Beth Majeroni Dragged Out Of Chatham County Board Of Elections Meeting On Dominion Machines Issues [12:53] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19164391 Harnwell: Zelensky Advisor Shock Admission: Goal Is For Russia To 'Cease To Exist As A Country'(rumble vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zhrx2 - Harnwell: Zelensky Advisor Shock Admission: Goal Is For Russia To 'Cease To Exist As A Country' [5:10] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19164470 Mark Mitchell Details Poll Explaining Americans Thoughts On The JFK Assassination(rumble vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zhbpi - Mark Mitchell Details Poll Explaining Americans Thoughts On The JFK Assassination [8:31] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19164475 No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine's Orphanages(Jun 2, 2015)

>>19164546 WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden Admin a ‘Middleman’ in Child Sex Trafficking

>>19164694 Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw

>>19164709 Subpoena Of Transgender Health Group's Documents Postponed Until 2024 Amid Stonewalling Transparency Efforts

>>19164774 Where was the Cocaine in the White House?(YouTube vid)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WxLOF9xJAwI - Where was the Cocaine in the White House? [Channel: penguinsix]

>>19164864 Paul Sperry: NEW: S.C. Justice Ketanji Jackson's late aunt would not be pleased w/ her decision to join Sotomayor's dissent on same-sex wedding case

>>19164960 Donald J. Trump TS: CHRIS CHRISTIE IS A TOTAL LOSER!

(15 notables, 15 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196053

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)


>>19165003 Q Research General #23538: EBAKE Edition

Created 120511ZJUL23




>>19165009 #23538

>>19165055 Liar Mike Pence Gets Huffy When Voters Confront Him about the 2020 Election

>>19165063 ‘Sound of Freedom’ Box Office: Movie Opens No. 1 in Texas, Arizona and Florida Theaters

>>19165077 Washington state Jewish camp promises to keep campers' gender identity secret from parents

>>19165088 California Democrats push judges to make race a factor in sentencing criminals


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77e2b56e65c6fa230e3fd8b6b205393b4ca40193049d668b8998ab3d005312dd.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/32bb2f747631d4fb3041dfdfd16cd96646a49dcd4b9fbdad9ccfea977aaef500.pdf

>>19165118 @realDonaldTrump: Crooked Joe Biden’s Targeted, Weaponized DOJ & FBI are a grave threat to our Democracy!

>>19165136 Ex-CIA Agents Now Occupy Highest-Ranking Positions in Big Tech(rumble vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zftva - Ex-CIA Agents Now Occupy Highest-Ranking Positions in Big Tech. Plus: Racist Diversity Officers | SYSTEM UPDATE #113 [1:17:42] [Channel: Glenn Greenwald]

>>19165156 @DailyMail: 'Sad' Dylan Mulvaney flees to PERU after complaining she no longer 'feels safe' in US

>>19165189 China warns against NATO expansion into Asia-Pacific

>>19165233 North Korea Fires Long-Range Ballistic Missile Toward Sea of Japan

>>19165284, >>19165657 Meta wants your FACE

>>19165409 Mel Gibson besties with Peter Nygard?

>>19165410 #23537 posted in #23538

>>19165425 Would Ukraine be in NATO right now, if the bitch had won?(PDF)

>>19165504 LIVE: Tucker Carlson WORLD FIRST Interview Since Leaving Fox! - #163 - Stay Free With Russell Brand(rumble vid)

>>19165535 Sure about that Joe? Biden slammed over campaign ad bragging 'I'll always answer a call from my grandchildren' after disowning granddaughter, 4, born to Arkansas stripper and Hunter, as CNN joins condemnation

>>19165537 Hunter Biden, Associates Took Millions From Chinese Company That Paid 'Missing' Biden Witness Now Charged By DOJ

>>19165552, >>19165621 PF report

>>19165598 Attendance Drops Off at First National Jamboree of New, Inclusive Boy Scouts

>>19165609 @TheNatPulse: Biden’s TOP Paid Staffer is Christ-Desecrating, Occultist ‘Monkeypox Co-ordinator’

>>19165642 FCC Commissioner Says US Government Can Provide Internet Access to Cuba

>>19165719 @realDonaldTrump: The DOJ will not defend me in the E. Jean Carroll civil case, which is all part of the political Witch Hunt, lawyered up by a political operative who I just beat in another case, financed by a big political funder, and “judged” by a Clinton appointee who truly hates “TRUMP.”

>>19165760, >>19165775 @gatewaypundit: Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (VIDEO)

(24 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196054

File: 13914b05d72e381⋯.png (344.78 KB,993x564,331:188,Clipboard.png)


>>19165849 Q Research General #23539: E-bake Edition

Created 121135ZJUL23




>>19165852 #23539

>>19165855 Trend Sound of Freedom #SaveTheChildren

>>19165857 Karine Jean-Pierre: We’re Confident the Secret Service Will Determine Who Brought the Cocaine

>>19165863 They're now trying to convince the masses that "heat" massacred 61,000 Europeans last year.

>>19165864 Trump Truth Caps - E. Jean Carroll Pages 1, 2, 3

>>19165880 10AM ET LIVE FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies at an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.

>>19165883 #23538 Posted in #23539

>>19165899, >>19165936 Anon notices Strange Coincidence re DOJ whistle Blower. Sauce?

>>19165908 Biden Delivers Remarks with G7 Leaders

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=KPsRiw6910w - President Biden Delivers Remarks with G7 Leaders [Channel: The White House]

>>19165922 FBI colluded with Ukraine in social media crackdown

>>19166088 Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father #PureEvil. MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0588f8924b86b67bdab3b4a6827fa251a1b2f795d95aff09165f40657acf29e0.mp4

>>19166118 @MayorRudyGiuliani LIVE THIS MORNING: I'm about to join @SidRosenberg on 77 WABC radio.

>>19166124 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/12/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zj1t8 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/12/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19166159 Biden gets in the way as world leaders reach over him to greet Zelensky at NATO Summit

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab2f3495a2444c5aa02208f3dcc34d5962b9637376725fea914505311285551e.mp4

>>19166178 best meme in the bread.

>>19166219 Joe and Zelensky live

>>19166231, >>19166251 TWITTER FILES: Missouri v. Biden edition

>>19166345 Chairman Jordan [reading recent opinion of judge]: The United States government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ministry of truth

>>19166352 GTMO844 returning

>>19166358 Chairman Jordan: American's speech is censored, parents are called terrorists, Catholics are called radicals, and I haven't even talked about the spying that took place

>>19166367 Nadler: [this hearing] is an elaborate show with only two purposes in mind

>>19166375 Nadler: Chairman Jordan had launched an array of baseless investigations into the FBI,

>>19166399 Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports on Their Own Criminal Activity

>>19166411 Nadler: Republican claims that the FBI has been weaponized, their personal attacks on Director Wray, their repeated calls to defund the FBI; these are not victimless acts.

>>19166428 Meme of the Hearing

>>19166447 Sanctuary city San Francisco is fueling property boom in HONDURAS as $350,000-a-year fentanyl dealers send cash home

>>19166470 Mike Johnson: The American people that we represent are losing count of the scandals that are mounting

>>19166498 Director Wray: The FBI is not in the business of moderating content

>>19166556, >>19166574 Massie/Wray Testimony Bun

>>19166557 Planefags about - Since Q1680 delta'd on 4JULY have been digging on UNITED 747s.

>>19166593 Lofgren: The January 6th Committee, I was a member, did find that the ex-president was the center of a wide-ranging conspiracy to overturn the election.

>>19166609 matt gaetz reads hunters text about sitting next to his father

>>19166612 Gaetz: Are you protecting the Bidens? Director Wray: Absolutely not.

>>19166623 #23539

(34 notables, 37 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196056

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19166630 Q Research General #23540: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Edition

Created 121459ZJUL23




>>19166652, >>19166701 House Republicans grill FBI Director Christopher A. Wray

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BdJYpE98n6A - WATCH LIVE | House Republicans grill FBI Director Christopher A. Wray [Channel: Washington Post]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JjGQrJx1srk - Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation [Channel: House Committee on the Judiciary]

>>19166672 Wray just told Gaetz that people in Florida applying for FBI is up 100 percent.

>>19166684 The number one movie on The Pirate Bay is a CAM version of Sound of Freedom

>>19166690 Cohen: There have been, I think Tucker Carlson and some of the members, colleagues on the other side of the aisle, have said that Ray Epps was a secret government agent

>>19166736 Issa: Director, how many individuals were either FBI employees, or people that the FBI had made contact with, were in the January 6th entry of the Capital, and the surrounding area?

>>19166748 Hank Johnson: We are here today because MAGA republicans will do anything to protect Donald Trump, their savior, no matter how unfounded or dangerous it may be

>>19166761 Hank Johnson: Did you contact the Trump administration to offer yourself for this job

>>19166791 PF - Squwak 316

>>19166800 Wow! @RepMattGaetz just read the Hunter Biden text message to Wray MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/11092ef7b08829b62fa314755ddd0d9e04093f19946f601b911d18186059b48b.mp4

>>19166813 Gaetz: "You seem deeply uncurious about it— almost suspiciously uncurious. Are you protecting the Bidens?"

>>19166819 Schiff: During the last administration, and for four years, the Justice Department took the position, not unprecedented for the department, that a current president could not be indicted

>>19166849 Jordan: What's the difference between a traditional Catholic, and a radical traditional Catholic?

>>19166858 House investigators exposed the FBI’s cooperation with foreign agents in Ukraine

>>19166866 Are theaters turning off air-conditioning to suppress the box office for Sound of Freedom?

>>19166917 Jim Jordan: 911 was an attack on Conservative and Christians, period.

>>19166921 Biggs: Do you know if any of your personnel at the FBI is involved in the investigations promised that will lead to indictments by the January 6th quota established by US Attorney Graves?

>>19166934 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>19166955 Kash Patel says he worked with Sound of Freedom’s Tim Ballard at the Trump White House

>>19166967 Overview thread on the new Senate and House bills for crypto regulation:

>>19166972 When you don’t have much time to spend on Q research

>>19166974 FBI agents killed in Florida spent years fighting crimes against children: "It's our job to stop that"

>>19166990 Pizza Shop Worker Who Found Child Rapist’s Cell Phone Speaks On Finding Horrific Videos

>>19167001 Governor Greg Abbott says Dominion Voting Systems will not operate in the state of Texas?

>>19167003 YT - Bohmenian Grove 101

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5hArqvjwAuQ - It's 100% Real - Here's What We Know For Sure [Channel: Mark Dice]

>>19167014 Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports of Their Own Criminal Activity

>>19167039, >>19167090 PF notices just a few minutes ago, is that there are more military planes over the country right now than I have ever seen on publicly viewable tracking software.

>>19167118 Jordan: Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their debit and credit card purchase history, in the Washington , DC area, for January 5th and 6th, 2021?

>>19167143 Harris: Well, I think culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right?

>>19167149 The FBI whistleblower has apparently not cashed the check that democrats have been screeching about.

>>19167152 Have we ever had normies screaming out for help from the military? Not yet publicly, but soon

>>19167234 Cline: Did the FBI have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Huricane?

>>19167238 National Guard in space? White House says no thanks

>>19167246 Scanlon: Like many Americans, I find it unpatriotic and dangerous when member of congress embrace dangerous conspiracy theories

>>19167251 The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

>>19167278 Anon's Epstien Facts List CAP

>>19167284 Space Force, Air Force sign MOA on Guardian uniform development

>>19167288, >>19167431 On Charlie Kirk’s show Jim Caviezel compares critics of QAnon to The Pharisees

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ed8a66d7835b4b2ced75e0f73afab4849cd81d6f624c7e277abf81e715ca958.mp4

>>19167297 Director Wray: Every employee who in any way touched the Crossfire Hurricane matter, has been referred to our Office of Professional Responsibility, our disciplinary arm.

>>19167303 Former LGBT activist renounces her job ‘grooming’ children: ‘What have I contributed to?’

>>19167330 Director Wray: I'm not going to second guess the judgement of the career agents on the ground that made the determination. [to raid Houck's home]

>>19167361 Elon - How is "Child Trafficking" not already a serious felony?

>>19167369 Director Wray: I'm very mindful of the fact that the whole reason I'm in this job,

>>19167395 There is no logical reason or need for the director of the FBI to travel cross-country to go to a crime scene.

>>19167404, >>19167422 CAPS

>>19167405 Sound of Freedom $14.5Mil, Zero CGI, Zero Woke = summer hit

>>19167427 Many People that Watched Sound of Freedom are now Researching #GreatAwakening

>>19167448 @Jim_Jordan: "Did the FBI ask financial institutions to turn over their customers' debit and credit card purchase history in the Washington DC area for January 5-6th, 2021?"

>>19167474 @SenateGOP Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden.

>>19167478 Director Wray: We are finding over the course of the last year, maybe even a little less than a year, that almost every gang takedown we have now, and we're doing them all over the country

>>19167491 #23540

(50 notables, 54 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196064

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19167495 Q Research General #23541: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation II Edition

Created 121729ZJUL23




>>19167517 #23541

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Qc_VKHh6zc4 - LIVE: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7/12/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19167546, >>19167574, >>19167585, >>19167589, >>19167595, >>19167598, >>19167643, >>19167665, >>19167824, >>19167834, >>19167865, >>19167966 Wray testimony continues

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f7e49fd96736e081578ca049463c27e633206ca1ea42316cb46019fd7340234d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/463b776963d172cb63918e5a37d3c477bd0c58bbed8a3c783c9926aaaad8d660.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd4ce61f9fe626a3d0a1c79dccb2aac96feb058bd2c92674d413b93b16913c75.mp4

>>19167579 El Salvador President Bukele’s Wildly Popular Gang Crackdown is Reducing Illegal Immigration to US

>>19167581 Jim posting this morning on his TG was a welcome sight. LFG Orlando!

>>19167586 Evanston, Illinois Will Pay 140 Elderly Black People $25,000 for Reparations in a “Test Run” for the Whole Country

>>19167596, >>19167624 @Trends, TREND: The FBI

>>19167617 Firefighters ambushed, shot at Birmingham fire station

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G4fja7VGSP0 - Firefighters ambushed, shot at Birmingham fire station | LiveNOW from FOX [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>19167621 Air Force Officials Probe $1 Billion in Land Purchases Surrounding Travis Air Base by Mysterious Investment Group

>>19167640 Here’s Kash saying Human Trafficking under the Trump administration fell under his jurisdiction in the Counter Terrorism division he headed up

>>19167644 GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They "Did A 180" On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them

>>19167673 House GOP Is About To Drop A Massive Report Alleging That Biden's DHS Chief Broke The Law

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zYuYOoMsCPE - JUST IN: Ted Cruz's Shocking Confrontation With Mayorkas Leads Sec To Call His Conduct 'Revolting' [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19167678 Suspected Chinese Hackers Exploited Microsoft Vulnerabilities to Breach Government Email Systems

>>19167700 Where Is All the Welfare Money Going? Reclaiming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

>>19167725, >>19167743 Hue Edwards, no evidence of crime muh ass

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XLvCVTpPrtc - 🚨BREAKING: Huw Edwards Named As BBC Presenter Accused By Four [Channel: Mahyar Tousi]

>>19167740 ‘Putin’ Your Foot in it! Biden Stumbles Over His Words as He Calls Zelensky ‘Vladimir’at NATO

>>19167744, >>19167799, >>19167810 LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=L0EurNtLz0M - Protecting the U.S. Homeland: Fighting the Flow of Fentanyl from the Southwest Border [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

>>19167753 The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AY-F5JoHoho - CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE [Banned Discovery Channel Documentary] [Channel: ZeroEightyFour]

>>19167758 Department of State Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZpouQTNCeNs - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - July 12, 2023 - 2:30 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19167769 GOP Reps Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years Due To 'Unprecedented' Becerra Act

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JWmxk6SOA2o - BREAKING NEWS: GOP Reps Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years Due To 'Unprecedented' Becerra Act [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19167796 New York Rep. Jerry Nadler alleges FBI whistleblowers were paid $250,000 to testify before Congress

>>19167811 Secret Service informed him that disclosure of the requested information could potentially “interfere with enforcement proceedings./WH cocaine

>>19167812, >>19167821, >>19167822 FBI Hired Social Media Surveillance Firm That Labeled Black Lives Matter Organizers “Threat Actors”

>>19167832 The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

>>19167880 U.S. DOD issued contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine in 2019

>>19167910 The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OhjkqLhbgu8 - The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard [Channel: PragerU]

>>19167915 Maine: Drag Queen Gets Paid to Make Recruits in Public School

>>19167925 Why would anyone want to discredit a film that's sole purpose is to bring attention to the growing epidemic of human trafficking?

>>19167940 Jim Jordan: Want to drain the Swamp?

>>19167958 This is a line of people outside the halls of Congress demanding Chris Wray be detained.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a8de1388a1bd3670c084524dfa2b164c5d6514efb2e09ba9051a6a08fa972ba5.mp4

>>19167964 Montana State Library Withdraws from American Library Association “The Constitution Forbids Association with an Organization Led by a Marxist”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=O7n9aKvJc9I - 2023, July 11: Montana State Library Commission Meeting [Channel: Montana State Library]

>>19167987 IDAHO’S DAVOS: Big-Tech Billionaires, Intelligence Operatives & Media Moguls Invade Sun Valley To Decide Our Future In Shady Back-Room Summit

>>19168027 83-year-old woman beaten while praying outside Maryland abortion facility

>>19168053 Moar re research on @GreatAwakening

>>19168089 UPDATE: Modelo Tops Bud Light in Latest Sales Report Just Before Key July 4th Holiday - Bud Light Sales Trend -28.5%

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Uj5anFBu-d0 - Bud Light launches new 'desperate' ad as sales plummet [Channel: Fox News]

>>19168120, >>19168168, >>19168197 'Sound of Freedom' actor Jim Caviezel responds to media attacks: 'They’re scared. Quaking in their boots'

>>19168136 Former FBI agents: Wray never takes ownership of issues

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sQ4lNBpw02o - Former FBI agents: Wray never takes ownership of issues | American Agenda [Channel: Newsmax]

>>19168224 LB

>>19168244 Rasmussen Reports: American Institutional Trust Abysmal Due To Americans’ Fatigue Of Getting Burnt

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zm8wu - Rasmussen Reports: American Institutional Trust Abysmal Due To Americans’ Fatigue Of Getting Burnt [22:11] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19168251 ROLLINGSTONE (msm): Why "Anti-Trafficking Experts" Are Torching ‘Sound of Freedom’

>>19168268 #23541

(40 notables, 59 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196066

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)


>>19168314 Q Research General #23542: EBAKE Over the target.

Created 121956ZJUL23




>>19168333 #23542

>>19168342 The Ukraine conflict is just part of a global struggle for multipolarity, the Russian FM has said

>>19168451 Fox News is sued for defamation by January 6 protestor Ray Epps

>>19168492 Energy Sec. Granholm faces another ethics complaint over stocks

>>19168495 Huw Edwards named as ‘sex picture scandal’ BBC presenter by wife

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tLEBfFxfTkE - Huw Edwards named as ‘sex picture scandal’ BBC presenter by wife [Channel: Channel 4 News]

>>19168497 ZELENSKYY TO AMERICANS: "I understand that it's all your money — but you have to know that you spend this money for not just for fighting — you spend this money for our lives."

>>19168498 BillS.1843 - Trumps End Child Trafficking Now Act

>>19168526 Inside Huw Edwards' family life with TV producer wife who named him as BBC star in scandal

>>19168584 Webb’s First Deep Field

>>19168598, >>19168600 Webb Celebrates First Year of Science With Close-up on Birth of Sun-like Stars

>>19168645 Congressman has grim take after access to UFO footage: 'We can't handle it'

>>19168702, >>19168708 On July 19, IRS whistleblowers will appear before @GOPoversight & testify.

>>19168741 Building blocks of Mars life? Perseverance rover digs up diverse set of organic molecules on the Red Planet

>>19168800 Wenstrup Releases Alarming New Report on “Proximal Origin” Authors, NIH Suppression of the COVID-19 Lab Leak Hypothesis

>>19168822 PF Report

>>19168852 🚨BREAKING: FBI Director Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal

>>19168936 Putin is NATO's greatest recruiter (Australian state media)

>>19168949 Watch: Florida judge allows reenactment of Parkland shooting in lawsuit against former school officer

>>19168990 rawsalerts - 🚨#BREAKING: Multiple Pedestrians hit at the National Mall after a driver who ran red light trying to evade Secret Service officers

>>19169012 3 dead, 14 injured in Greyhound bus crash in Illinois

>>19169022 Tornado Warning including Oswego IL, Montgomery IL and Boulder Hill IL until 6:00 PM CDT

>>19169065 #23542

(22 notables, 24 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196070

File: 1c7447861d0e40a⋯.jpg (14.13 KB,255x171,85:57,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19169074 Q Research General #23543: Save an Ebake Edition

Created 122252ZJUL23




>>19169092 #23543

>>19169124 #FBI damage control

>>19169146 Kiev will “likely” get F-16 fighter jets from Washington’s allies in Europe (RT)

>>19169172 Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles

>>19169200 Biden Justice Department Reverses Course, Says Trump Can be Held Personally Liable in Crazy E. Jean Carroll’s Defamation Lawsuit

>>19169279 Wagner Group surrenders heavy weapons (VIDEO)

>>19169294 Arizona court upholds clergy privilege in LDS child abuse case

>>19169314 Moscow mulls plan to display destroyed NATO hardware outside embassies

>>19169418 Judicial Watch Sues DHS for Records on Grant from U.S. Biological Defense Program to EcoHealth Alliance

>>19169431 Boomerang: Democrats get fact-checked after claiming FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 to testify

>>19169435, >>19169556 erie as fuck - Tornado sirens are now sounding off for a particular is dangerous tornado warning (Chicago)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/20fa0f708e9fc6607f5df4a6ceed759daa7a7d02023551cb3279215a9d763c30.mp4

>>19169462 @JRMajewski - God Bless @realDonaldTrump. He sent my mother a letter and signed hat wishing her well after her heart surgery 🇺🇸

>>19169478 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>19169484 Tornado Warning including Chicago IL, Cicero IL and Evanston IL until 7:45 PM CDT

>>19169499 Harnwell: No NATO Country Not Spending 2% GDP On Defense Should Have A Vote To Admit New Members

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zogso - Harnwell: No NATO Country Not Spending 2% GDP On Defense Should Have A Vote To Admit New Members [13:21] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19169549 Key Whistleblowers to Testify on the Biden Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes

>>19169569 Natalie Winters: Gal Luft Indictment Sets Precedent For Virtually All Of Biden Administration To Be Indicted Over CCP Ties.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zodu4 - Natalie Winters: Gal Luft Indictment Sets Precedent For Virtually All Of Biden Administration To Be Indicted Over Chinese Communist Party Ties. [9:41] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19169585 The DOJ is pressing charges against January 6th “Protester” Ray Epps

>>19169609 Time-lapse of Solar Cycle 25 displays increasing activity on the Sun

>>19169625 Rep Keith Self: "They know what it's like to send signals of strength, and they did exactly that" China vs US over Taiwan

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zo7pm - Rep Keith Self: "They know what it's like to send signals of strength, and they did exactly that" [13:30] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19169660 Ray Epps Wants Jury to Decide if Government Used Him to Fuel Capitol Riot

>>19169719 RFK Jr. - Climate change is being used to control us through fear. Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution.

>>19169720 Ray Epps sues Fox News, claims he faces DOJ indictment over Jan. 6 | Just The News

>>19169733 James Watkins @abeemanue1 We can rebuild him.

>>19169812 #23543

(25 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196071

File: 1c7447861d0e40a⋯.jpg (14.13 KB,255x171,85:57,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19169847 Q Research General #23544 - The Ringing in your Ears is the Sound of Freedom Edition

Created 130124ZJUL23




>>19169869 @TheBabylonBee Journalists Stop By Shelter To Inform Trafficked Children They Are A QAnon Conspiracy

>>19169876, >>19170236 Secret Service is moving up their meeting with Rep. Comer & other members of Congress to tomorrow at 10:00am in a SCIF to update them on CocaineGate.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40a31b4a219b447bed588d8c1b9eaa880a3a656ee23aa59eea9bdf14481eef99.mp4

>>19169887, >>19169927 Davos Elite Meeting in Idaho?

>>19169906 Now that conservative media is onboard with exposing child sex trafficking, when are they going to talk about:

>>19169938, >>19169939 Ukraine Orphanages Feeder for Child Trafficking

>>19169970 Bill Gertz: USA Projecting Weakness Oversees; China's Drive to Take Over the World

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zop4w - Bill Gertz: USA Projecting Weakness Oversees; China's Drive to Take Over the World [24:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19170032 Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel

>>19170052 Mike Lindell Responds To TheDailyBeast In Defense Of MyPillow

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zf9lc - Mike Lindell Responds To TheDailyBeast In Defense Of MyPillow [5:37] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19170057 Teen Girl Accused of ‘Hate Speech’ After Voicing Concerns About Transgenders in Girl’s Locker Room

>>19170094 QAnon conspiracy debunked. On July 2, 2015, The Huffington post released this article that exposed the human trafficking of children in Ukraine.

>>19170291 The FBI is a lawless, extraconstitutional agency that's been violating Americans' civil liberties

>>19170329 China hacked emails at 24 gov’t agencies, incl. US State Department

>>19170357 Aussie: Ex-ABC presenter allegedly sold drugs to undercover cops

>>19170398 Middle District Of Florida Project Safe Neighborhoods Strategy Nets More Than 100 Federal Defendants And 147 Illegal Firearms In Third Quarter

>>19170403 Attorney And Former Bank Director Convicted At Trial Of Bank Fraud

>>19170426 Tens of millions of Americans' private details compromised after three major tax preparation companies accused of sharing information with Google and Meta

>>19170472 AP "targeting" SCOTUS

>>19170553 Falun Gong v Cisco

>>19170596 #23544

(19 notables, 22 posts, 25 media/files)

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1c4384 No.19196072

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19170599 Q Research General #23545: Late Night Digtal Truth Edition

Created 130441ZJUL23




>>19170607 #23545

>>19170756 MARYLAND — Reports are circulating that a helicopter released "deadly mosquitoes" over AFRAM 2023, one of the largest African American festivals on the East Coast.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6685b09f4898c5eb96ec6537b0362abc3f8cd98f56dfdaafe7360d7a027794ec.mp4

>>19170889 Libs of TikTok w/CAP: Seattle middle schools are reportedly offering “gender affirming care” for free to students as young as 11

>>19171036 NEWSMAX w/CAP: 'IT WILL BE TELEVISED': hearing with IRS whistleblowers expected to shed light on the alleged Biden influence peddling scheme...

>>19171083 Obama Plotting ‘Revolt’ Behind Biden’s Back Over Fears He’s ‘Too Old To Win’

>>19171120 Brutal assessment by Russian soilder on how weak the US military is

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/808a28642ff4cdf18639311a7d50aae843c3682cf8ff09e0dd3e20a8e4dce830.mp4

>>19171185 Pre-Emptive Presidential Pardons for Joe and Hunter Biden

>>19171189, >>19171233 “Shame On You!” Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray Over Jan 6 Catches Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases - BATTERS HIM ON RAY EPPS!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2znqgy - Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray - Catches Him in Lies on Child Sex Trafficking! - RAY EPPS! [7:57] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>19171216 FBI whistleblower: Deputy director told subordinates to hide Jan. 6 informants

>>19171230 CDC Becomes Public Laughing Stock Over Transgender Male Breast Feeding Guidance

>>19171240 New documentation reveals 2,180 reported cases of multiple sclerosis caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, according to WHO database.

>>19171304 President Biden to Zelensky: We’ve Given More to Ukraine Than All Other Nations Combined

>>19171308 Man Guns Down Top Tennessee Surgeon in Examination Room

>>19171480 Representative Kat Cammack: Bombshell Report Reveals FBI & Ukraine Worked Together To Censor US Social Media Posts

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fJ5ATcpdHcw - Kat Cammack: Bombshell Report Reveals FBI & Ukraine Worked Together To Censor US Social Media Posts [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19171483 #23545

(15 notables, 16 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196076

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19171505 Q Research General #23546: Time Is Almost Up For Evil Edition

Created 131156ZJUL23




>>19171511 #23546

>>19171608 Re: Chyna fed email hack: You notice what the Government, Microsoft and others are not saying here?

>>19171695 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Webb's Rho Ophiuchi

>>19171700, >>19171712, >>19171750, >>19171967 TheStormHasArrived17 TS w/CAP: Secret Service going to inform congress (in a scif?) today.

>>19171703 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/13/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zq1m8 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/13/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19171711 anon opines on presidential pardon powers

>>19171736 QCi Awarded Subcontract to Develop Groundbreaking Photonic Sensor Instrument for NASA Ames

>>19171800 Severed finger mailed to Macron’s residence – media

>>19171876 FBI finds stolen human remains used as ‘decorations’ inside Mount Washington man’s home... As many as 40 skulls were found during a raid

>>19171881 Toe-curling emails reveal how former JPMorgan exec Jes Staley 'simpered to Jeffrey Epstein about their profound friendship...

>>19171926, >>19171931, >>19171933, >>19171985 House hearings and committee meetings for 7/13/2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nLGku6ueO-8 - Oversight of the Federal Trade Commission [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CTkKKT_LIA8 - Future of FEMA: Agency Perspectives with Administrator Criswell [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EW27exsGJ8s - President Biden Holds a Joint Press Conference with President Niinistö of Finland [Channel: The White House]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jL1-u0Cr_Ck - Legislative Hearing | Federal Lands Subcommittee [Channel: House Committee on Natural Resources GOP]

>>19171965 Millions in rare gold coins unearthed in Kentucky cornfield. dated from 1840 to 1862 and are estimated at a value exceeding $2 million.

>>19171980 Melania w/CAP: Important hearing today @NatResources celebrating our Nation’s history, including H.R. 1318, the Women’s Suffrage...

>>19172061 US Navel Institute w/CAP: Happy 81st birthday to Harrison Ford! Which Hollywood icon played the better Soviet sub commander...

>>19172064, >>19172096 KEKs - Ghislaine Maxwell gotz the stinky feets

>>19172068 Elon Musk w/CAP: This platform is unique in no longer rubber stamping FISA queries. They must be soundly justified.

>>19172140 Monitors from the UN atomic watchdog, stationed at the Zaporozhye facility, have heard multiple explosions

>>19172198 Shocking moment Kosovo parliament erupts into mass brawl after Prime Minister's speech

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JK9-1KwuDGQ - Shocking moment Kosovo parliament erupts into mass brawl after Prime Minister's speech [Channel: Daily Mail]

>>19172254 #23546

(19 notables, 26 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196080

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19172274 Q Research General #23547: We Are Watching A Movie Edition

Created 131507ZJUL23




>>19172280 #23547

>>19172292 Michigan judge opens up potential charges against Trump supporters in ruling on voting machines

>>19172296, >>19172339, >>19172344, >>19172597, >>19172922, >>19173088 screening, of Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

>>19172321, >>19172340, >>19172346, >>19172405, >>19172421, >>19172794 Secret Service on Friday to end probe without a suspect on cocaine found at White House

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nh-HbHSfVbI - Congressman Burchett speaking after briefing from the Secret Service cocaine found at White House [Channel: WVLT News]

>>19172381, >>19172648 Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal after realizing what he disclosed

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e59ae885fa071d3d4014a71020a2399f31703e62e5b5560a19f440bdb6bc63e.mp4

>>19172398 How Will NEA Spend The Estimated $9M In Dues Money It Will Receive From CEA Members For The Next School Year?

>>19172430, >>19172439, >>19172519 FTC Oversight hearing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b684a2cc9ea2945cf62d3bade44641bba88c21af4eaef36cd8182b49d96452af.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/753f594e6682e4d2d2999f1833b39f45d43b9e0dac89fd7203efb0d42ce4179a.mp4

>>19172460, >>19172506, >>19172587, >>19172643, >>19172701, >>19172833, >>19172855, >>19172890 theY want you in Climate Panic mode, full hearing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dfsmjUuKEDA - WATCH LIVE: Climate Envoy John Kerry testifies on climate agenda and budget in House hearing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>19172576 https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases


>>19172711 Speaker McCarthy Comments on Biden Family Investigation

>>19172753 LAVROV: "Russia will treat F-16s in Ukraine as nuclear threat"

>>19172827 Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray - Catches Him in Lies on Child Sex Trafficking! - RAY EPPS!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2znqgy - Rep. Troy Nehls DESTROYS Chris Wray - Catches Him in Lies on Child Sex Trafficking! - RAY EPPS! [7:57] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>19172957 Remarks and Meet & Greet with Kari Lake hosted by Team Trump Fri, July 14, 2023

>>19173211 #23547

(15 notables, 36 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196084

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19173215 Q Research General #23548: Whose Line TehY Ask Edition

Created 131737ZJUL23




>>19173224 #23548 posted in #23549

>>19173253, >>19173439 Omar says there's 'no way in hell' she will attend Israeli president's congressional address

>>19173263 Cover of 31 January 1942 issue of Liberty magazine featuring the U.S. Navy's fight against German U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic

>>19173275 ‘Cocaine Was Found in a Blind Spot For Surveillance Cameras’

>>19173280 Stolen Taxpayer Funds: Reviewing the SBA and OIG Reports of Fraud in Pandemic Lending Programs

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gI14xRyHhKs - Stolen Taxpayer Funds: Reviewing the SBA and OIG Reports of Fraud in Pandemic Lending Programs [Channel: House Committee on Small Business]

>>19173287 FDA Approves Over-The-Counter Abortion — 6.1 Million Lives at Stake

>>19173288 Michigan hair salon refuses transgender customers, says to ‘seek services at local pet groomer’ KEKS

>>19173289 Presidential Signature Requirements As a Tool for Enforcing Democratic Accountability

>>19173300 US authorities arrest, indict Israeli-American ex-CEO of major crypto firm Celsius

>>19173306 Russian state tech firm bans Apple/Rostec

>>19173322 France is burning under President Emmanuel Macron

>>19173324, >>19173329, >>19173417 @realDonaldTrump DeSanctimonious Polls are getting worse & worse as the public gets to know him. Biden too

>>19173327 @realDonaldTrump “TRUMPISM,” as some call AMERICA FIRST, is very simple: Low Taxes and Regulations

>>19173358 Visitor logs show Hunter’s business partners visited White House over 80 times while dad was VP

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ppxJnRfxgMw - Visitor logs show Hunter’s business partners visited White House over 80 times while dad was VP [Channel: Sean Hannity]

>>19173365 Life, the Universe and Everything

>>19173371, >>19173374 Bragg's Obsession To Pin A Crime On @realDonaldTrump Deserves Disbarment And More

>>19173372 Meta to release commercial AI tools to rival Google, OpenAI

>>19173399 Biden Declares Victory in Ukraine, With 20% of The Country Still Under Russian Control./not close enough for NATO kek

>>19173414 Goldman did not mention Hunter Biden’s involvement with CEFC during his interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, “[Luft] is certainly not a legitimate whistleblower, he is an alleged conman

>>19173422 VIDEO: Scott Perry destroys John Kerry in committee hearing, labels him a grifter

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fhiV5owv53M - JUST IN: Scott Perry Accuses John Kerry Of Being A Grifter Over Climate Czar Position [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19173450 This discussion focused on whether to incentivize or threaten people to comply with “climate goals.”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BGSx2d-rpm4 - How to Stay Within Planetary Boundaries – Carrot or Stick? [Channel: World Economic Forum]

>>19173459 @realDonaldTrump I never thought I would say that, as the leading political opponent of Crooked Joe Biden, getting Indicted and Arrested by sick government “Thugs” would be my great honor.

>>19173471 Portland Goes Full China: Store Requires Looking at Camera to Enter

>>19173489 There Should Be A Criminal Referral For Chris Wray For Violating Half A Dozen Congressional Subpoenas @Kash

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zt3xs - Video upload for 110707627860174959 [1:03] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19173495 Great Replacement Update / England: Home Office Plans Ahead For “Migrants” By Renting Hotel Rooms

>>19173501 Hunter Biden investigation: Gary Shapley and Whistleblower X to testify before Oversight Committee

>>19173525 High Court to hear petition seeking Netanyahu’s removal over conflict of interest

>>19173532 ICE freed repeat child sex criminal now accused of raping 13-year-old girl, report says

>>19173538, >>19173541 Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022


>>19173595, >>19173601, >>19173636 Teachers and Abuse mini bun

>>19173641 Jim Watkins Update

>>19173672, >>19173713 The Perverted Ruling Class

>>19173982 Trump will screen new movie 'Sound of Freedom' next week at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster

>>19173992 In D.C. Non-Citizens Can Now Work as Police Officers

(35 notables, 43 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196087

File: be2f63b4b540c49⋯.jpg (264.61 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19174046 Q Research General #23549: eBake Phone Bake Edition

Created 132047ZJUL23




>>19174053 #23549

>>19174064 Report: Top Donors Considering Moving from Ron DeSantis to Tim Scott

>>19174081 Tasmanian Senator Claire Chandler alleges Labor's 'Orwellian' misinformation bill will exempt government's own posts

>>19174085 Kosovo parliament erupts into brawl after water thrown at Prime Minister

>>19174090 Tech giants form 'partnership' to make AI woke — host workshops about incorporating Karl Marx's teachings and critical race theory into systems

>>19174098 Actor Kevin Spacey testifies in his own defence in sexual assault trial at London court

>>19174131 Russia Says F-16 Jets in Ukraine Will Be Seen as 'Nuclear' Threat

>>19174133 Biden’s corruption led to Ukraine’s destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pgj3p2jIVtI - Biden's corruption led to Ukraine's destruction: fmr. Kiev diplomat [Channel: The Grayzone]

>>19174141 Not just cocaine: Secret Service reveals another banned substance was found in Biden's White House

>>19174143, >>19174490 CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” ENTRAPMENT OPERATION: Federal Operative and Squeaky Wheel Ray Epps Gets DOJ Grease in Sham Charges

>>19174175 Jim Caviezel Blasts Fake News Media of Being a Tool of Satan, Calls Out ‘Three Letter Agencies’ for Being Complicit in Societal Wickedness (VIDEO)

>>19174182 Biden's HHS Secretary Dismisses Claims The Agency Lost Tens Of Thousands Of Migrant Children

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gVXP1PuVPHA - Coffee with the President’s Cabinet: A Discussion of Latino Leadership in America [Channel: NALEO Educational Fund]

>>19174213 57 Banks and Financial Institutions Certified for FedNow Instant Payments – Fed President Admits Withdrawals Can be Limited

>>19174338 Recently released FOI 4274 shows that @Qantas and @A4ANZ COLLUDED to demand the Australian government enforce a nationwide vaccine mandate so they could avoid legal liability.


>>19174437 #23548 posted in #23549

>>19174494 Lieutenant for the Arellano-Felix Mexican Drug Cartel pleads Guilty in North Dakota to Leading a Major Drug Trafficking Enterprise and Conspiracy to Commit Murder in Furtherance of the Enterprise

>>19174545 Kayleigh McEnany Lays Out Exactly Who She Thinks Cocaine Belongs To … And It's Not Hunter

>>19174616 Henry Kissinger Admits Ukraine was Behind Nord Stream Bombing to Zelensky Impersonator in Prank Video

>>19174620 Can Doctors & Health authorities please explain these findings? It’s a crisis of epic proportions.

>>19174644 WHO has been Bought by Predatory Billionaires

>>19174706 Risky Business: Growing Peril for American Companies in China

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uyYytwv8hNY - HEARING - Risky Business: Growing Peril for American Companies in China". [Channel: The Select Committee on the CCP]

>>19174776 #23459

(23 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196091

File: 7e8edc2880b5ce0⋯.png (15.12 KB,255x175,51:35,Clipboard.png)


>>19174785 Q Research General #23550: Put That Bake Right Back or So Help Me Edition

Created 132259ZJUL23




>>19174801 #23550

>>19174855, >>19174892 Ordering the Selective Reserve and Certain Members of the IRR to Active Duty

>>19174860 Supreme Court Considering a Case That Might Upend Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions

>>19174999 Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Trump Over Social Media Posts, Says Hunter is in Danger Because of Trump

>>19175022 "Not Some Fringe Theory": Flip-Flopping Virologist Thought Lab Leak "Highly Likely" Before Toeing Fauci's Line

>>19175039 Report: Massachusetts Spares ‘Millionaire Destinations’ from Taking in Illegal Aliens

>>19175047 Probe opened into FBI targeting of House Intelligence committee staffers during Russia probe

>>19175181 Majority of Republicans vote down Greene, Gaetz Ukraine bills

>>19175285 Police Helped Elderly Pastor And His Son Find the Bathroom In The Capitol Building On January 6, Now They Are Facing 3 Years In Prison: ‘This is Outright Intimidation Tactics’… ‘You have No Rights’

>>19175329 Former mayor of Trenton, Georgia, arrested for alleged child abuse incident

>>19175379 Behind the Shadows The Art of Influence and Manipulation Across White, Black, and Grey Operations

>>19175380 Biden's FTC pressured analysts to give negative report on Elon Musk's Twitter: lawsuit

>>19175398 Police say vigilantes in Dawson Creek beat and bear sprayed man accused of trying to lure children

>>19175440 US government moves nearly 10K Bitcoin worth over $300M related to Silk Road seizure

>>19175473 Caviezel To Attend ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Screening For President Trump, Discusses Importance Of Film 15:45 minutes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zt8ks - Caviezel To Attend ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Screening For President Trump, Discusses Importance Of Film [15:45] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19175522 Limitless ‘white’ hydrogen under our feet may soon shatter all energy assumptions


(17 notables, 18 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196093

File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19175579 Q Research General #23551: But (You) Don't Hear Me Dough Edition

Created 140149ZJUL23




>>19175701 Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Dishes On Couple’s Marriage, Business Dealings

>>19175703 ‘Sound Of Freedom’ To Play For President Trump And Evangelicals In Bedminster. July 19, 2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zt71k - ‘Sound Of Freedom’ To Play For President Trump And Evangelicals In Bedminster [10:02] [Channel: Bannons War Room]



>>19175750 FBI Retaliated Against Two Nunes Staffers in 2017


>>19175876 House Votes To Overturn Pentagon Policy Protecting Abortion Access For Troops

>>19175894 Ro Khanna re Cluster Bombs

>>19175965 God bless you Ben and we will pray for you

>>19176033 Zelensky: ‘Its Absurd’ to NOT Start World War 3.

>>19176070 Wildlife center fire Florida

>>19176089 Fresh Had Knowledge of Fauci GoF emails

>>19176124 confirmed that the "unnamed" foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

>>19176134 #23550

>>19176139 "Sound of Freedom," has released a statement seeking to dispel rumors about AMC theaters,

(14 notables, 16 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196096

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19176335 Q Research General #23552: No WWIII For Zelensky Edition

Created 140428ZJUL23




>>19176350 #23552

>>19176365 Crazy old Pedophile Joe Biden tries to eat a baby while in her mother's arms

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f281c7c336d7a0ef85335fe9d44216ff9ff753ee72fa21f6e4c2261b5f24632.mp4

>>19176408 Netherlands Government Collapses As Disgraced Prime Minister Rutte Resigns

>>19176467, >>19176884 @laralogan I want you to know I have nothing to do with Q Anon & never would as there is no way I would associate with Media Matters for America or Gen Stan McChrystal’s group or the Lincoln Group or any of those involved in this psyop/set-up. I would rather stick needles in my eyes

>>19176475, >>19176516 Reading between the lines of this article: "crude oil is produced naturally by processes in the earth"

>>19176603 Wagner does not legally exist, Putin tells media

>>19176614 Drone crashes in Russian ‘atomic city’ – governor

>>19176634 Why would the corporate media invest so much effort in vilifying a movie that tackles the critical issue of child sex trafficking?

>>19176649 Biden orders to active duty, members and units of the Selected Reserve

>>19176678 Dylan Mulvaney frees the nipple! Transgender influencer wears VERY daring dress for LA LGBT event after claiming she'd fled to Peru for her safety

>>19176786 This is a preschool teacher in @TeachersCollege’s Early Childhood Center(mp4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2019513ccdfb0b29c65151c2683317438afc9f93da862e6a3d21a9232c2a707c.mp4

>>19176814 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: @Godloving NEWS ALERT 🚨:Hollywood Actor, Jim Caviezel, is About To Expose The CIA’s Pedophile Ring Which He Says is The Largest in The World

>>19176829, >>19177055, >>19177090 SATTREC - What does it mean?(Q823)

>>19176842 Here are the 70 House Republicans who voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine

>>19176866, >>19176879 @DailyCaller: Bud Light got the 'star of death'

>>19176877 He (Jim Caviezel) says he’s not suicidal but that it’s possible he could die from an “accident”, like the attempt on his life with the motorcycle “accident” in 2009 after Passion of the Christ

>>19176881 @KanekoaTheGreat: Why did opium production in Afghanistan fall by 99% after the US military left?

>>19176894 @jsolomonreports Watch: Rep. Taylor Greene calls for the Biden family and White House administration to be drug tested

>>19176908 Hundreds of Theaters Scramble to Add 'Sound of Freedom' as Studio Responds to Reports of Suppression

>>19176916, >>19177046 WOW - listen to the story about the writer of the screenplay. Children were rescued while filming the movie!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cdeac09115c5f82856bf57427b036a405e4133977495b021a544fad2ff7245e4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/773febe3e36f1ab0e661641036e96abeb0c638e7e18b2fbaf2f65b8406c79882.mp4

>>19176947 USA calls up 3k troops to position in Germany to deter the Russian should they plow past Kiev and go for Berlin…

>>19176972 whitehouse: Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c851697e3516b23de1563b113215f48495ccec38571ac46558be54cf9f882ac9.mp4

>>19177006 Any thoughts about these flags hanging in the House Foreign Affairs committee hearing yesterday? Strange dimension and no fringe.

>>19177048 Trump supporter Ray Epps sues Fox News for defamation over Jan. 6 "falsehoods"

>>19177074 Biden administration forgives $39 billion in student debt for more than 800,000 borrowers


>>19177182 DJT ReTruthed: @KariBonne Jason Miller-President Trump will be showing Sound of Freedom at Bedminster

(27 notables, 33 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196099

File: 0e9fde1392f940f⋯.jpg (12.15 KB,255x199,255:199,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19177192 Q Research General #23553: Hold The Line Ebake Edition

Created 141146ZJUL23




>>19177206 #23553

>>19177212, >>19177223 Rep Jackson Lee calls Soros American and patriot

>>19177237 Ultra-Right Beer Slams Woke Companies in Hilarious Parody Ad

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1806a774a7234bdbc36c6fba89b9e4fc9396ebc5dcfa9499d2a32de1b95ebbb1.mp4

>>19177326 Crack houses fancy huh

>>19177329 #23551 posted in 53

>>19177373 The State Duma has approved a bill in the final reading which would prohibit most medical interventions needed for transitioning

>>19177395 Washington has not explained to its allies why it wants hostilities with Russia to continue, Viktor Orban

>>19177433 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zz2bg - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/14/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19177462 How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dy0FDetXTL0 - Hearing Entitled: How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

>>19177464, >>19177550, >>19177651, >>19177737, >>19177816, >>19177856 Fixing FISA, Part II

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1d8tXL9pcNs - Fixing FISA, Part II [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>19177468 Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a press availability Jakarta, Indonesia/best VD clinic in the world

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mJoNcbHiEpw - Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken press availability - 9:20 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19177491 Drone crashes in Russian ‘atomic city’

>>19177538, >>19177663, >>19177914 TRUMP ON TIM BALLARD AND THE MOVIE THE SOUND OF FREEDOM

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zw0j6 - President Trump on Sound of Freedom [59] [Channel: Uncensored Storm]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/26bf3662c0479de2dc950c633cdcf0a285719f474f529e14f373fc3d18de6af7.mp4

>>19177566 Putin will arrive in South Africa for the BRICS summit despite the ICC warrant

>>19177578 #23552 posted in 53

>>19177637 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet C/2023 E1 ATLAS near Perihelion

>>19177652 ‘Anti-Woke’ Alternative to Amazon to go Public This Month

>>19177661 Bribery Biden Defies SCOTUS, Uses Loophole to Forgive $39 Billion in Student Debt

>>19177667 Launch of LVM3-M4/CHANDRAYAAN-3 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=q2ueCg9bvvQ - Launch of LVM3-M4/CHANDRAYAAN-3 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota [Channel: ISRO Official]

>>19177774 How to watch Trump's speech in Florida this weekend

>>19177830 DutchLGB We want freedom from them. #LGBWithoutTheT

>>19177848 John Kerry Throws a Tantrum After Lawmaker Asks Him to Identify His Senior Staffers

>>19177905 John Cleese's War on Wokeism

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mBf6kJIbXLg - John Cleese's War on Wokeism [Channel: ReasonTV]

>>19177962, >>19177981 U.S. Marshals Increase Reward up to $10,000 for Information Leading to Arrest of Warren County Escapee/ Erik Jonathan Donas-Ojeda, aka Anthony Ojeda

>>19178009 Tucker is LIVE in Iowa…

>>19178015 JPMorgan's headcount crosses 300,000—about the size of St. Louis

>>19178017 David Allen Bonness Wanted For Rape of a Child, Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution Aliases David Allen Nuse Reward $25,000

>>19178064 #23553

(28 notables, 37 posts, 23 media/files)

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1c4384 No.19196108

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19178069 Q Research General #23554: New Doos N Quint 7's Edition

Created 141500ZJUL23




>>19178096 #23554

>>19178118 David Benjamin Creamer Wanted For Distribution of Child Pornography Aliases Dave Creamer, Benjamin David

>>19178152 resident Biden leaves US-Nordic leaders summit

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=N8dV6hb_9yY - President Biden leaves US-Nordic leaders summit [Channel: Sky News]

>>19178238 DOJ Spied On Devin Nunes Staff During Russia Hoax, Subpoenas Show

>>19178240 QClock July 13, 2023- SPACE LAUNCH DELTA 45 - Launch #34 & Nuclear Cooperation

>>19178252, >>19178334, >>19178553 @realDonaldTrump Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine...

>>19178273, >>19178340, >>19178419 Moar Fixing FISA, Part II

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1d8tXL9pcNs - Fixing FISA, Part II [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]


>>19178288 Dr. Steven Greer - Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65 Shawn Ryan Show

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=p2hk8Qp8dd0 - Dr. Steven Greer - Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65 [Channel: Shawn Ryan Show]


>>19178433, >>19178439 2020-22 Capacitive Based Aerial Transmission (CBAT) = energy transmission to multiple devices without a need for batteries or wires. No need for the grid!

>>19178524 Bioweapons that target specific people by DNA

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/KAItFi0wkPKc/ - BIOWEAPONS THAT CAN KILL CERTAIN TYPES OF PEOPLE ARE BEING CREATED [Channel: Leeshotfury]

>>19178530 ERS Data Products Show Food-At-Home Price Inflation From Producers to Consumers

>>19178533 Russia out foiled NASA.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9a5b0afa8282083dc3e1ca99430e03f3f2591c8af0715ed50c6056da6e8b2b7a.mp4

>>19178573, >>19178623, >>19178672 Flynn/Clinton hotlines hhhmmmm

>>19178574 French President Macron Mercilessly Booed During Bastille Day Parade

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DAoFgZrKr3g - France's Macron booed during Bastille Day parade [Channel: NEWZ4U]

>>19178588 The House on Friday narrowly passed the annual defense policy bill, as most Democrats opposed the legislation that Republicans championed

>>19178596, >>19178604 Biological Men BANNED from Competing As Women in Global Cycling - Will Now Compete in New Category

>>19178638 FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent Extremism Investigations

>>19178710 Top Intel Source to Seymour Hersh: “Biden’s Principal Issue in the War is that He’s Screwed”

>>19178870 Canadian Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

>>19178888 2012 Secret Service scandal sheds light on sex tourism in Latin America

>>19178910 14 Defendants, Including Leaders of the Colombo Organized Crime Family, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges

>>19178934 #23554

(24 notables, 32 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196113

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19178939 Q Research General #23555: Dime Bag Doers N Wannabe Douchers Edition

Created 141746ZJUL23




>>19178950 #23555

>>19178974 Jim Caviezel in an Interview with General Flynn Responds to CIA “Suicidal” Tweet - I DO NOT FEAR YOU!

>>19178984 POTUS Statement

>>19178986 ‘NATO is the real troublemaker’ - China (RT)

>>19178995 Girl dies from abuse after AI system computed she was likely safe

>>19179004 RFK Jr. - "I want people to understand what this troop mobilization is about. It's about preparing for a ground war with Russia."

>>19179006 Loophole: Biden Admin Forgives $39 Billion In Student Debt For Over 800,000 Borrowers

>>19179026 FBI Pushed Informants to Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent

>>19179032 More on Dirty Chris Wray: FBI Chief Used Agent Brian Auten to Investigate Mar-a-Lago After He Suppressed Hunter Laptop Info and Participated in Crossfire Hurricane Attempted Coup

>>19179047 "Hunter Is Checking": Ukrainian Oligarch Accused Of Bribin' Bidens Got Help With Passport

>>19179053 Watch: House votes to eliminate Pentagon DEI programs

>>19179062 CDC facing major funding cuts

>>19179065 Gates, WHO Envision Future Where ‘Vaccine Patches Could Be Mailed Directly to Peoples’ Homes’

>>19179075, >>19179085, >>19179199, >>19179298 (mini bun) vax propoganda: the media is now denying they were the ones pushing it

>>19179076 Danish Study Shows 71% of COVID Vaccine Injuries Came from Just 4.2% of the Batches

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uVwIoIgybQk - Pfizer caught in yet another LIE! You won't believe what it was this time! [Channel: Redacted]

>>19179082 POTATUS Trips again.

>>19179087 New Climate Regulations Against Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Will Affect Air Conditioners

>>19179089 State AGs Tell Top 100 CEOs That SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling Applies to Them Too

>>19179093 Seattle Public Schools Offer Free Sex Change Services to Students Without Parental Consent

>>19179101 Why did Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton’s Mexican Cartel Partner Carlos Slim Fund Sound of Freedom?

>>19179135 Report Contradicts Secret Service Claim No Fingerprints Were Found on White House Cocaine Baggie

>>19179172 So much for being eco-friendly: Desert solar projects in Southern California are draining water reserves of local communities

>>19179195 Denver police investigating at least 5 sniper-style shootings at downtown residential towers since May

>>19179229 Government Documents prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator despite owning huge shares in Pfizer

>>19179270 Notre Dame professor sues student newspaper for exposing her pro-abortion activism


>>19179346 Eighteen states, DC accept ballots after Election Day, with North Dakota’s deadline facing lawsuit

>>19179388 Mike Pence OUTRAGED that Ukrainians haven't gotten enough American Tanks

>>19179439 Quotes that tanked POTUS campaigns:

>>19179476 Suspected Russian Intelligence Operative Extradited from Estonia to Face Charges

>>19179492 lb Brazil throws the book at John of God

>>19179527, >>19179661 MEMORY HOLE ALERT!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/84b1c8cd6a5ceb09c9fc1b076d27f9d6df48a1e051b7d9827215cafc4648af45.mp4

>>19179641 TOMORROW. Don't miss President Trump's speech in West Palm Beach. Watch LIVE on RSBN.

>>19179720 #23555

(34 notables, 38 posts, 51 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196115

File: 1c7447861d0e40a⋯.jpg (14.13 KB,255x171,85:57,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19179722 Q Research General #23556 Not My Concern Ebake Edition

Created 142025ZJUL23




>>19179742 #23556

>>19179745 Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ytVGjtKg0yo - Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>19179782 @GenFlynn - They hate because we love…and God and our faith is at the center of our lives.

>>19179784 Kevin Spacey tells London court that sexual assault accusers made up allegations for money

>>19179786 EXCLUSIVE: According to a current senior producer at Fox News there are company-wide layoffs happening right now that no one is reporting on.

>>19179798 Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington air show

>>19179803 @CodeMonkeyZ - On May 1, 1960, a U-2 was shot down by the Soviets. This was a "disclosure event" wherein the world discovered the U-2 (and more)

>>19179806 The adrenochrome conspiracy

>>19179813 Mark Wahlberg: Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’

>>19179831 Only four Dems vote with GOP to pass defense policy bill rolling back abortion policy, 'woke' initiatives

>>19179837 Twitter Court Filing Cites Alarming FTC Conduct Pressuring Consent Decree Arbiter to Target Elon Musk and Company

>>19179866 The View Claims Republicans ‘Planted’ the Cocaine in the White House

>>19179879 Sweden’s NATO membership not a done deal – Erdogan aide (RT)

>>19179889 What are the odds?

>>19179896 PF Report

>>19179919 Bastille Day fireworks light up Eiffel Tower skies for France celebrations

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=e1TbMR46uOI - Bastille Day fireworks light up Eiffel Tower skies for France celebrations | FULL [Channel: Global News]

>>19179952 DOWN THEY GO!

>>19179979 @SenateGOP - Over 85,000. That’s how many children are missing under Joe Biden. He has created the largest child trafficking ring in U.S. history.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eded5bb64ffd5d4857c2d7b3f8209aff8d446bf3c3ceb454a2e3bb78451132b3.mp4

>>19179985 Senators to offer amendment to require government to make UFO records public

>>19180093 Kevin Spacey Takes the Stand, Has His Say on Sexual Assault Allegations

>>19180112 Kamala Harris@VP - "President Joe Biden and I are committed to delivering relief to student loan debt borrowers to help them move forward with their lives. Today, we are taking another historic step forward."

>>19180152 Rupert Murdoch Panel Struggles to Cope, as Looming Godzilla Trump Eats New York Harbor

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zzl02 - Struggle session this morning who is Murdoch backing now 🤣 #Ballofconfusion 😆 [6:13] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19180211 DeSanctimonious speaks

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=iuAGkW4KOEw - Blaze Media Presents: The Summit, hosted by Tucker Carlson [Channel: BlazeTV]

>>19180245 JUST IN: Armored vehicles are deployed tonight in the streets of France, Marseille 🚨🚨🚨

>>19180285 INSANITY: MSM Links Exercise to WHITE SUPREMACY?! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top Picks

>>19180315 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Temporarily Pauses Court Order That Banned Biden Regime from Censoring Conservatives

>>19180322 Brazil makes first research expedition to the Arctic

>>19180337 Russian Duma bans all gender reassignment surgeries

>>19180343 Tim Ballard with Tim Poole: What are you thoughts on the 85,000 kids missing from USA custody at the border

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zyi6y - What are you thoughts on the 85,000 kids missing from USA custody at the border [1:44] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19180401 De Sanctimonious latest political speech. (for keks)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Q2opM-EzI_M - "DESANTIS FOR PRESIDENT" — A Bad Lip Reading [Channel: Bad Lip Reading]

>>19180413 I KNOW DeSantis did not go to DQ in Iowa just like Trump - 😂😂😂

>>19180414 pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30bbc7a15a3ad9ec6d2b7711a9792e13ef46ee1b3128f9e41f6ee5ef0f95c65f.mp4

>>19180456 Asa La Vista Baby

>>19180472, >>19180507 #23556

>>19180481 @SenatorHagerty This situation at the border is dire

(35 notables, 36 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196117

File: 1c7447861d0e40a⋯.jpg (14.13 KB,255x171,85:57,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19180496 Q Research General #23557: Suddenly Baked Edition

Created 142246ZJUL23




>>19180524 #23557

>>19180536 Ukraine, Donetsk destroyed military equipment tally, 455 airplanes, 4,981 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defense missile systems, 10,668 tanks ...

>>19180541 Debbie Wasserman Schultz explains why she walks in public naked, global warming lies

>>19180554 International Tax Advisor FRANK BUTSELAAR Arrested For Helping To Conceal Over $100 Million Of Income For High-Net-Worth U.S. Taxpayers

>>19180586 Hollywood actors have gone on strike - greta thumberg meets zelensky

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1LXYp6bYg-g - Zelenskyy meets Greta Thunberg and climate activists in Ukraine [Channel: Associated Press]

>>19180606 14 Defendants Vincent Ricciardo, Benjamin Castellazzo, Ralph DiMatteo consigliere Colombo crime family of La Cosa Nostra, Plead Guilty to Various Felony Charges

>>19180621, >>19180649, >>19180779 Kamala Harris: “When we invest in clean energy & electric vehicles & reduce population..." Reduce population, eh? Holy shit

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d97c30c2ec44303c767e1538d1466180ce260bd910a71e25973f99b9a93f55e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0de39df5bec1db655c44f03b33fdc95dc2afe775215429c03df12c7772362855.mp4

>>19180632, >>19180643 Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon

>>19180648 Former Head of Boro Park Shomrim Society Pleads Guilty to Transporting a 15-Year-Old Girl to Engage in Sexual Activity

>>19180653 pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a162cad1f5bac935ca4843beb86f78e8777e9495129c5a4206a428a570d93977.mp4

>>19180656 Former Portsmouth Police Officer Cleshaun A. Cox, 31, Pleads Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Minor Victim

>>19180669 FBI let Chinese SpyGate Swalwell & Feinstein off the hook - John Ratcliffe 4:09

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zyd5y - John Ratcliffe - FBI let Swalwell & Feinstein off the hook [4:09] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19180722 Sydney GP Dr Peter Alexakis who inherited $24m from patient found guilty of malpractice

>>19180724, >>19180735, >>19180906, >>19180951, >>19181069 lb, Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/56873c6817cba40af3593d4f6537dac4f5b7b0db668aec6f3761163d90ef3388.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eaf113cfc34f61258a3323aff6dc22d7c2f14c07b57ff434e8a182b1b8f5b63a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e95bc73a9ef6f5142f66973b1a86ed4f33d6cd5de9d5d42d8e4374a9c727037c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d53fdfbeab653d1630d8e30f2a1427eeb776e8f5cbdd7ff2650419f577a571ab.mp4

>>19180771 Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 - Least Hated Candidate, and Climbing the Ranks

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6M7CuCRN3-w - Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 - Least Hated Candidate, and Climbing the Ranks [Channel: Rasmussen Reports]

>>19180787, >>19180794, >>19180800, >>19180806, >>19180812, >>19180902, >>19180919 Elon Musk: I’d be dead long ago if aspartame was dangerous

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a57c0c81b420c3fd20c535ad25c3449cc67641b42a7e8fadae6b880146c7048.mp4

>>19180791 Ukraine General Valery Zaluzhny is unhappy those who pay his army’s bills get to set the rules of engagement

>>19180795, >>19181002 John Thaler: STATEMENT on yesterday’s AZCentral story about me by Ray Stern.

>>19180817 Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IZU-TVTaWFo - Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds LIVE | ‘Pence FATALITY!’ [Channel: Benny Johnson]

>>19180833, >>19180845 Arizona Senate Bill 1061 Bill Title: Public officials; home addresses; confidentiality

>>19180842, >>19180848 Tucker Carlson grills Republican candidates on Ukraine 1:15

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e94681bc84853e3f37139b674da279e2a7307c78f0b4757424d446230557e575.mp4

>>19180861 In-N-Out Burger just BANNED employees from wearing masks

>>19180895 Covid 19 is confirmation on evil demanding compliance 2:19

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e47be3ccafe5f1add83269a0f153869080c1da01afc591ea1539bf9813ec6bc.mp4

>>19181005, >>19181015, >>19181025, >>19181027, >>19181074 What if I told you this Pandemic was just a test run

>>19181011 Tucker: "Why not just get rid of electronic voting machines and call it a day?"

>>19181017, >>19181031, >>19181044, >>19181090, >>19181112 Tucker Laughs in Mike Pence’s Face For Being Reluctant to Agree that the US Should Get Rid of Electronic Voting Machines

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5dea0509cd6de7c319a21e87c4fc544370d2d5d0ab0412800689faded9dded6.mp4

>>19181018 ADIOS, MIKE PENCE 0:51

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v302vmm - ADIOS, MIKE!!!😭🤣🤣🤣 [51] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>19181020 Tucker leaves "Republican" candidate SPEECHLESS with his own words

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v302rfc - Tucker leaves "Republican" candidate SPEECHLESS with his own words [27] [Channel: BonginoReport]

>>19181137 California first-grade teacher Martin Reyes Jr., 29 charged with sexually assaulting 6 girls in the classroom

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MhpzC83c-j8 - East LA 1st grade teacher accused of sexually assaulting 6 students [Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles]

>>19181229 #23557

(30 notables, 54 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196120

File: d70ad4a7cbc9d59⋯.png (8.03 KB,407x202,407:202,Clipboard.png)


>>19003901 Q Research Canada #44: The Commonwealth Is Burning Edition

Created 140235ZJUN23




>>19005724 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / BC district to provide free tampons in men’s washrooms

>>19005739 Final Pride Month Bun / Trudeau spent over $12 million on Pride events during Covid

>>19005755 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Trudeau and legacy media’s wildfire fear mongering not grounded in evidence

>>19005782 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Facebook labels drag queen story time reporting “adult content”

>>19005815 Parliament ends five-week-long 'filibuster' attempt by Conservatives of Budget 2023

>>19005849 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Arson charges laid in Inglewood area rush fire

>>19005852 Final Protests Bun / Protest erupts to denounce policy allowing violent biological male sex offenders in women’s shelters

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Vr3lKlPLw2U - Protest erupts against policy allowing violent biological male sex offenders in women’s shelters [Channel: Rebel News Canada]

>>19005922 Final China Bun / In a heated mayoral race, one Chinese candidate with a mysterious background and ties to Justin Trudeau is being overlooked

>>19005970 Final Pride Month Bun / Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day at Massachusetts School; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant “U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!”

>>19006212 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / mRNA & Pregnancy • Infants Who Died Shortly After Delivery, Born to Mothers Who Were COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated During Pregnancy

>>19006249 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”

>>19006273 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / ‘Leave our kids alone’: Muslim families protest gender ideology outside Ottawa school board HQ

>>19006301 Canadian companies back digital identities as a ‘necessary evolution’ to fulfill UN Globalist Agenda 2030

>>19006358 Dads’ ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Protects Kids From Pedophiles

>>19006378 Is Natural Healthcare Finished in Canada? (with .pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c7f997d4f0907d8d91744b2b812f6b8dd2f242947d4cafe5b11d6fff056a6f59.pdf

>>19006391 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Canada’s Instant Forest Fires (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2u4xn2 - Canada's Instant Forest Fires [1:40] [Channel: Dr. Trozzi]

>>19008771 Final Media and Censorship Bun / (from General Research) Danielle Smith banned from posting on Facebook

>>19011311 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Do cross-dressing drag performers need to provide vulnerable sector checks before singing and dancing with children? (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ADXYPKxE3pk - Should drag performers provide vulnerable sector checks before singing and dancing with children? [Channel: Rebel News Canada]

>>19011349 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Canadian government allowed 30 million vaccine doses to expire after purchase (with .pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a821308b8f1e5eecda1517d63f8db29c62c6ff6a9743285f86cc91d5f21c2ac.pdf

>>19011361 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / FIRE NILI Update: We caught the mask-obsessed school board trustee to deliver your petition! (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cfcnTxjlIKM - FIRE NILI Update: We caught the mask-obsessed school board trustee to deliver your petition! [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19011384 'More oil by 2030': Saskatchewan premier condemns Trudeau's 'just transition', advocates for selling more energy to Europe and joins forces with Alberta (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2u8t3m - 'More oil by 2030': Saskatchewan premier condemns Trudeau's 'just transition' [6:20] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19011548 Federal public service executives earned $1.3 billion in bonuses since 2015, says internal documents

>>19011617 Pro-lifers launch ‘Faces of Abortion’ tour to change hearts, minds across Canada

>>19011654 Canadian BLM president charged for hate crimes against Catholic School

>>19011776 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Majority of Canadians oppose Trudeau, say teachers should inform parents of children’s gender change at school: poll

>>19011804 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Nurses Who Spoke Out Against Unscientific Covid Mandates Face $250K in Legal Fees -Canadian Frontline Nurses (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2u9m38 - Nurses Who Spoke Against Unscientific Covid Mandates Face $250K in Legal Fees -Cdn Frontline Nurses [16:43] [Channel: Bright Light News]

>>19013362 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Canadian Government KNEW • Privy Council Advocated Downplaying COVID Vaccine Injuries Or Deaths

>>19013492 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Ratio’d: Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xNAjywkFRx8 - Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine [Channel: True North]

>>19018793 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Are Canadians being FORCED by planned ARSON into dystopian “15-minute cities” by Trudeau the Tyrant?

>>19018852 Final Protests Bun / Is Canada Ignoring an Islamic Protest to Gender Ideology Due to Fears of Violent Retribution?

>>19018960 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canada’s health dept. demanded hundreds of ‘corrections’ from media outlets funded by gov’t: report

>>19019570 Final Pride Month Bun / Canadian catholic school students revolt, DESTROY Pride items

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nnf5NaS_Zos - Pride flag controversy: Student walkout turns hostile at Catholic high school in Ontario [Channel: Global News]

>>19021623 Final China Bun / Bill Gates praises China’s progress, meets with President Xi

>>19021674 Calgary anti-racism activist charged with multiple counts of assault

>>19021701 Final Protests Bun / Muslim parents lead passionate protest against gender ideology being taught in Calgary schools

>>19021745 At 'The People's Debate,' Chris Sky receives a standing ovation while former Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes is booed (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4JsL0SHM9_Q - At 'The People's Debate,' Chris Sky receives a standing ovation while a former Liberal MP is booed [Channel: Rebel News Canada]

>>19021933 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Battle stories from the war on parents with David Menzies (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2uqxad - Battle stories from the war on parents with David Menzies [43:40] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19022785 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Exposing the FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin

>>19023048 The Sovereignty and Power of Any Democracy Lies With the People -Andrew Bridgen, UK MP (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2upha4 - [INTERVIEW] The Sovereignty and Power of Any Democracy Lies With the People -Andrew Bridgen, UK MP [7:25] [Channel: Bright Light News]

>>19028996 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Danielle Smith apologizes to unvaccinated "we were wrong" she makes unprecedented promise

>>19032179 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / LEVY: Moms for Liberty gives hope to concerned parents in Ontario

>>19032222 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / CAMPUS WATCH: Quebec University suspends professor skeptical of Covid vaccine again

>>19032283 Ottawa has its national security policies backwards, says public policy expert Marco Navarro-Génie (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2uzfva - Ottawa has its national security policies backwards, says public policy expert Marco Navarro-Génie [17:45] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19032366 Final Climate Change Bun / Atlantic premiers 'insulted' by Ottawa’s 'costly' carbon taxes

>>19032656 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

>>19032835 How The French are Successfully Fighting Back Against a Cashless Society

>>19033119 Final Media and Censorship Bun / U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

>>19033178 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Teams with Soros-Backed American Immigration Council

>>19033270 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / World Council For Health Solidarity w/ Dr Trozzi & Canadians (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2ukveq - We have a very important message to share with you... [1:46] [Channel: World Council for Health]

>>19033770 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ottawa starts $25 million entrepreneurship program for 'gender diverse' businesses

>>19033785 Final China Bun / CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech

>>19033808 CTF: Ottawa's Volkswagen subsidy already over budget by $2.4 billion

>>19033885 Final Climate Change Bun / Public Health Agency blew $40K on Marxist climate change report

>>19033983 Final Trudeau Bun / RCMP investigation against Trudeau, top Liberals on SNC-Lavalin prosecution enters year four

>>19034067 Final Protests Bun / Legal Canons and Social Fables: The Law in Canada Has Never Been Perfect but Now it is Losing its Way

>>19034584 Final Protests Bun / Protest erupts at Ontario high school over sexual indoctrination in the classroom

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2v76ej - Protest erupts at Ontario high school over sexual indoctrination in the classroom [15:16] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19037556 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / New Covid lab leak documents raise questions about bioweapons and biowarfare (video)

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/ksEBLIS4nXUX/ - New Covid Lab Leak Documents Raise Questions About Bioweapons And Biowarfare!!! [Channel: Press For Truth]

>>19037574 Final Trudeau Bun / RCMP deny reports of obstruction of justice investigation into Trudeau over SNC-Lavalin

>>19037599 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Ratio’d: Thought Crimes to be made ILLEGAL in Canada (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OmhOo3YCAh0 - Thought Crimes to be made ILLEGAL in Canada [Channel: True North]

>>19037619 Final Climate Change Bun / Ottawa tables 'Just Transition' legislation to create 'sustainable, low-carbon' jobs

>>19037706 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Victory: Ontario doctor wins right to present vaccine facts at disciplinary hearing

>>19037843 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals

>>19041483 Final Media and Censorship Bun / 'People are starving for something real': Five Times August on why he signed with anti-woke music label Baste Records

>>19041863 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Better Way Conference 2023 Highlights -A Conversation with the World Council for Health (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vdo8g - [INTERVIEW] Better Way Conference 2023 Highlights -A Conversation with the World Council for Health [40:14] [Channel: Bright Light News]

>>19042028 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Andrew Bridgen good UK MP in solidarity with Canadians (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vat10 - Andrew Brigden to Canadians : "Keep The Faith. We're Going To Win" [1:38] [Channel: Dr. Trozzi]

>>19044688 Final Media and Censorship Bun / “Anti-woke” Ottawa trustee candidates received highest rate of abusive tweets

>>19044741 Illegal BC drugs killing more people than homicides, accidents and other factors

>>19044782 Canadians spend half their income on taxes, says study

>>19044823 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Parental concerns mount as rogue school boards defend radical gender ideology

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zmVCjm9Rc48 - Parental concerns mount as rogue school boards defend radical gender ideology [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19044969 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / More Vaccine Injured Pilots Incapacitated + Suffering Medical Emergencies

>>19045032 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS: An Industry Forced Into Silence, Is Silent No More (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2nnfji - The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS [18:04] [Channel: FRW - Production/Film]

>>19045432, >>19045444 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr Chris Shoemaker Exposing The Danger (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vh57i - Dr. Chris Shoemaker Exposes the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine | NCI Testimony [28:50] [Channel: Dr. Trozzi]

>>19045938, >>19045943 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine

>>19047644 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / College of Psychologists calls Dr. Jordan Peterson a 'moderate risk to the public'

>>19047688 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Health Canada stonewalls streamlining of vaccine adverse event reporting after stakeholder confusion

>>19047873 Final Climate Change Bun / Carbon tax exemption for farmers not likely to pass Senate before summer recess: reports

>>19048422 Final Trudeau Bun / Roman Baber calls Trudeau “radical extremist” over anti-parent comments

>>19049886 Violent Canadian BLM activist charged with new hate crimes and sexual assault following attack conviction

>>19051580 Final China Bun / Why did Trudeau meet with the Chinese police station boss?

>>19054029 Final Climate Change Bun / Energy Regulator Claims Canadian Oil Production Will Plunge 76% By 2050

>>19054670 Final Pride Month Bun / ‘Pride doesn’t stop in June’: TD Bank pledges to promote LGBT ideology ‘all year’ long

>>19054990 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Interview 1811 - James Corbett on the WHO's Anti-Human Agenda (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2sin26 - James Corbett: Expansion of Biosecurity State and WHO’s Anti-human Agenda [14:11] [Channel: The New American]

>>19056020 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ratio’d: Targeting your kids: The secret trans agenda exposed in Canada (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=J_44YC4cNRc - Targeting your kids: The secret trans agenda exposed in Canada [Channel: True North]

>>19057935 Final Pride Month Bun / NHL Moves to ‘Keep the Focus on the Game’ - Players Will No Longer Wear Pride Jerseys During Warm-Ups

>>19057966, >>19071007 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Facebook, Instagram set to shut down news content in Canada after new Trudeau law comes into effect

>>19058178 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Medical Journals are being Deleted (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vxlls - Medical Journals are being Deleted [4:50] [Channel: Dr. Trozzi]

>>19060153 Final Protests Bun / BC Teachers' Federation under fire? Citizens protest state-funded schools' sexual agendas (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vycpw - BC Teachers' Federation under fire? Citizens protest state-funded schools' sexual agendas [10:34] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19060176 Provinces not consulted on equalization amendments, amplifying 'western alienation,' says Project Confederation

>>19060192 Final Protests Bun / Tamara Lich joins 'The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast' to discuss COVID -19, the Freedom Convoy, and more (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jm7lLihEKvQ - Truckers on the Frontlines of Freedom | Tamara Lich and Tammy Peterson | EP 369 [Channel: Jordan B Peterson]

>>19060225, >>19099699, >>19161050 Advocates warn that Health Canada’s sweeping natural product regulations will decimate the industry

>>19060282 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Parents enraged after Saskatchewan school features perverse presentation by Planned Parenthood

>>19060512 Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Democracy Fund secures legal victory for Canadian filmmaker

>>19060958 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Redacted: He's exposing the disgusting business that brings in $154 Billion a Year (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vxl0b - He's EXPOSING the DISGUSTING business that brings in $154 Billion a Year | Redacted w Clayton Morris [32:13] [Channel: Redacted News]

>>19061884 IWR Weekly: Canada’s Red Market (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2w0eqe - The Iron Will Report: News for the Week of June 23rd [10:06] [Channel: The Strong And Free Truthcast]

>>19064861 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Press for Truth: Pilots are dropping dead while 100K heart attacks & strokes up in Britain alone (video)

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/d44Su2Dnz9P6/ - Pilots Are DROPPING DEAD While 100k HEART ATTACKS & STROKES Up In BRITAIN ALONE Following Pandemic!! [Channel: Press For Truth]

>>19064902 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Wagner Convoys Advancing Towards Russian Capital, Chechens Loyal To Putin En Route

>>19064934 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Putin Reassures Allies In Phone Calls, Erdogan Expresses 'Full Support' Against Coup

>>19065024 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / The Great Debate That Will Not Happen

>>19065078 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / G7 Holds Urgent Call On The "Most Significant Challenge To Russian State In Recent Times"

>>19065189 Final Climate Change Bun / Lab-Grown Meat Gets Green Light On US Menus

>>19065360 Final Media and Censorship Bun / How long can independent media survive Ottawa's attempts to kill it?

>>19065431 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / TrialSite News: Canadian Govt Memo Directs How to Obfuscate, Hide COVID-19 Vax Injuries (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7pAJ_aivtOE - Canadian Govt Memo Directs How to Obfuscate, Hide COVID-19 Vax Injuries [Channel: TrialSite News]

>>19065457 Final Pride Month Bun / Bud Light sponsors stage at Pride Toronto featuring drag performers in leather and latex

>>19065604 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Massive Military Global Depopulation (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2w4s00 - Massive Military Global Depopulation [9:04] [Channel: Dr. Trozzi]

>>19065682 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canadian Food Inspection Agency tried to censor a letter to the editor (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2w4yaq - Canadian Food Inspection Agency tried to censor a letter to the editor [6:05] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19070868 Final Pride Month Bun / Topless Women Dance and Play with Children at Pride Event Water Party in New York City (VIDEO)

>>19071048 Canada Launches Investigation Into Cause of Titanic Sub Implosion

>>19071140, >>19071703 Final Trudeau Bun / Italy’s Meloni Left ‘Visibly’ Irate After Trudeau Pushed LGBT Agenda at G7

>>19071174 Final Pride Month Bun / Toronto girls’ school promotes sex ed for kindergarteners at Pride parade, confirms they accept male students

>>19071236 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Pro-abortion activist declares he is 'here for your babies' during Dobbs-anniversary protest

>>19071300 Final Protests Bun / Muslim Canadians surround Justin Trudeau’s office, protest against far-left LGBTQ indoctrination of children

>>19071417 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Autophagy | Covid “Vaccines” Detox | Part 1 (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wa4om - Dr Trozzi | Covid "Vaccines" Detox | Part 1 [12:29] [Channel: Dr. Trozzi]

>>19071488 Canadian food company says food-safe microchips will improve traceability

>>19071643 Final Protests Bun / About 250 people protest for parental rights in Calgary

>>19072520 From Merck To Microsoft: These Are The Companies That BlackRock 'Controls' The Most Of

>>19073866 Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau…FREEDOM FIGHTER? LMAO! + Toronto Horror Stories! (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=t8fZDDC6A1c - UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau...FREEDOM FIGHTER? LMAO! + Toronto Horror Stories! [Channel: THE FRONTLINE TV NEWSFLASH]

>>19076877 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Covid injections Have Killed 13 Million People Worldwide

>>19076975 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ninth-grade curriculum in Canada: porn, jabs, bodily fluids, bondage & cake batter?

>>19077606 Final Pride Month Bun / Trudeau Liberals celebrate Toronto Pride as fetishists expose themselves to children

>>19078847 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Feds propose mandating woke requirements on broadcasters as C-11 becomes law

>>19078968 Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Andrew Lawton Show: Trudeau’s internet takeover is well under way (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yT8l9fZHwTo - Trudeau's internet takeover is well under way [Channel: True North]

>>19079039 Final Trudeau Bun / Andrew Lawton: 'The media has started to turn on Justin Trudeau now' (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wgvw2 - 'The media has started to turn on Justin Trudeau now' | Andrew Lawton [10:59] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19079263 Parliament rejects Conservative motion to protect pregnant women from violence

>>19079318 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Rejecting Addiction and Restoring Hope at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wia6c - Rejecting Addiction and Restoring Hope at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre [21:38] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19079418 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Sheila Annette Lewis calls on Danielle Smith for help while seeking life-saving procedure (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wiu7c - Sheila Annette Lewis calls on Danielle Smith for help while seeking life-saving procedure [15:43] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19079480 Final Pride Month Bun / Canadian high schoolers questioned by RCMP for signing ‘straight and proud’ poster

>>19081065 Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau…He's At It, Again! This is his Canada! - Sun, Jun 25th

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hslI0WSWdAI - UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau...He's At It, Again! This is his Canada! - Sun, Jun 25th [Channel: THE FRONTLINE TV NEWSFLASH]

>>19083225 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates

>>19083375 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Parent’s Rights. Children’s Safety. Canada’s Madness.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wmm46 - Parent's Rights. Children's Safety. Canada's Madness [4:13] [Channel: Dr. Trozzi]

>>19085284 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr. Trozzi Talks part 4: The Reconciliation (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wn61u - Dr. Trozzi Talks part 4: The Reconciliation [4:18] [Channel: Druthers News & Information]

>>19085558 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Pushing transgenderism on kids is not natural or authentic (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0iQMwICekt8 - Pushing transgenderism on kids is not natural or authentic [Channel: Ezra Levant]

>>19085768 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canadian navy member takes to social media to validate pedophilia! (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wp6gy - Canadian navy member takes to social media to validate pedophilia! [7:24] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19086292 Final Climate Change Bun / Environment Canada admits 62,000 birds and 75,000-116,000 bats are killed by wind turbines annually

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wp8y6 - Environment Canada admits 62,000 birds and 75,000-116,000 bats are killed by wind turbines annually [6:07] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19088366 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ratio’d: This will end badly for Toronto; Olivia Chow to be Toronto's next mayor (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=O5-YYLuFD4U - This will end badly for Toronto [Channel: True North]

>>19088957 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Jordan Peterson Battles Canadian Regulator In Court Over Threat To Strip His Psychologist License

>>19088968 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Planned Parenthood Banned From Schools In Canadian Province Over Sexually Graphic Resource

>>19091763 Final Media and Censorship Bun / For the keks: The Musk-Zuckerberg Cage Fight

>>19094874 Final Climate Change Bun / Top 10 reasons “climate change” is a Ponzi scheme and a hoax to steal everyone’s money, human rights, and constitutional freedoms

>>19094960 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Ukrainian Journalist EXPOSES The Naz*s We’re Arming (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JMud2lo5Sao - Ukrainian Journalist EXPOSES The Naz*s We’re Arming [Channel: Katie Halper]

>>19095059 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Actress Elliot Page and Other GLAAD Fascists Demand Censorship of Trans Facts

>>19095153 Final Pride Month Bun / NHL’s Connor McDavid Disappointed by End of Pride Night Jerseys

>>19095202 Final WEF Bun / China Hosts WEF Bigwigs for ‘Summer Davos’

>>19099305 Press for Truth: Families sue Harvard as six charged with trafficking in stolen human remains (video)

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/90AO51asz22D/ - Families SUE HARVARD As Six Charged With Trafficking In STOLEN HUMAN REMAINS!!! [Channel: Press For Truth]

>>19099358, >>19105116 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Google to end news access in Canada after bill to pay news publishers passes (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x93am - Bill C-18…I 👏 Told 👏 You 👏 So!!! Google & Meta To Block Canadian News!!! [10:54] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19099370 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ratio’d: Reacting to ‘Cancel Canada Day’ TikToks (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IP_WD22ey_M - Reacting to ‘Cancel Canada Day’ TikToks [Channel: True North]

>>19099576 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / N.B. activist launches campaign in support of Higgs’ parental rights policy

>>19099715 Law professor raises alarm bells on state of democracy in Canada (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x0qy2 - Law professor raises alarm bells on state of democracy in Canada [12:21] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19099747 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada president Peter Stock (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x1jsn - INTERVIEW: Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada president Peter Stock [12:50] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19099775 Final WEF Bun / Québec cabinet minister billed taxpayers $60,000 to attend 2023 WEF Summit

>>19099812 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / 'Censored' doctor speaks out at the National Citizen's Inquiry (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x1s9n - 'Censored' doctor speaks out at the National Citizen's Inquiry [10:46] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19099941 Final Pride Month Bun / Canadian Army roasted for raising LGBT ‘pride’ flags across the country

>>19099970 Final Trudeau Bun / ‘Find God’: Josh Alexander blasts Trudeau for promoting LGBT ‘pride’ crosswalk in Iceland

>>19100112 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / North American cities top global pollution rankings

>>19102053 Final Media and Censorship Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau WON! The Last Time You See My Show?? - Thu, June 29 2023 (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x3c1l - UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau WON! The Last Time You See My Show?? - Thu, June 29 2023 [12:39] [Channel: THE FRONTLINE TV NEWSFLASH]

>>19105176 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Toronto Star-Postmedia merger could stifle diverse opinions in legacy media, expert says

>>19105201 Iran influencing Canadian bureaucrats, Candice Bergen warns

>>19105229 Toronto 18 terror plotter granted full parole after 14 years in prison

>>19105280 Final Trudeau Bun / Liberal MP breaks ranks with Trudeau over gas prices and energy policies

>>19105325 Final Protests Bun / Ontario police officer appeals 'professional punishment' for donating $50 to Freedom Convoy

>>19105391 Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau visits Hogtown for another Liberal Party fundraiser (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x9btw - Trudeau visits Hogtown for another Liberal Party fundraiser, costing $1,700/plate [10:27] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19105543 Far Left George Soros Organization Cutting 40 Percent of Staff

>>19105608 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Smoke From Canadian Fires Leads to Speculation in U.S. as Air Quality Plummets Ahead of Independence Day Weekend

>>19105733 Final WEF Bun / CBDCs With Expiration Dates, Restrictions Could Target Social Policies, Economist Tells WEF

>>19105790 Final Media and Censorship Bun / "Something Went Wrong": Twitter Users Complain About Global Outage

>>19105868 "The EU Is On The Brink Of Bankrutpcy" Says Hungary's Orbán At EU Summit

>>19105952 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Sound Of Freedom • Gods Children Are No Longer For Sale (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hyyyKcfJRGQ - Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios [Channel: Angel Studios]

>>19106042 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Digital Vaccine Certificates + Genetically Modified Mosquitos

>>19106228 Final Media and Censorship Bun / ‘1984 on steroids’: Canada cracks down on free speech, AI judges could rule on court cases

>>19106248 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / 14 year old girl dies unexpectedly two days after her third dose of a Pfizer covid shot.

>>19106326 Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau Adds Parental Proponents of Traditional Family Values to His Enemies List (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=K_smnNlnZY8 - PM Justin Trudeau speaks at fundraiser for LGBTQI+ charity – June 8, 2023 [Channel: cpac]

>>19106707 Final Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau’s contempt for individual liberty (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x7qfw - Justin Trudeau’s contempt for individual liberty... [15:08] [Channel: Western Standard]

>>19108345 Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau HECKLED AGAIN! - Fri, June 30th, 2023 (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xabug - UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: Trudeau HECKLED AGAIN! - Fri, June 30th, 2023 [13:39] [Channel: THE FRONTLINE TV NEWSFLASH]

>>19110865 Final WEF Bun / World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196123


>>19110935 Archbishop Vigano Announces Entity Created to Help Religious Victims of “Deep Church”

>>19111196 Jagmeet Singh Brands Canada Genocidal On Canada Day

>>19111306 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / New Research Paper: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Products

>>19111410 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Geopolitical Evolution: Russia's 'Rebellion' & A Return To Gold-Backed Currency

>>19111563 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Bodybuilder Jo Linder Passes Away at 30 from Aneurysm - Alleges Heavy Metal Found in his Blood During His Routine Blood Work After Receiving 4 Jabs

>>19111621 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Synergistic Pairing Of Anti-Parasite Drugs Ivermectin And Fenbendazole Found Highly Effective At Preventing And Treating Cancer

>>19111877 UN SDGs implant “human rights” and attempt to override our inalienable rights

>>19112270 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Action4Canada launches full-court press on Sask education policy

>>19112355 Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: A Trudeau Protest - Nothing Says Happy Canada Day More! - July 1, 2023 (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xgwom - UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: A Trudeau Protest - Nothing Says Happy Canada Day More! - July 1, 2023 [14:47] [Channel: THE FRONTLINE TV NEWSFLASH]

>>19112937 Final Pride Month Bun / IWR Weekly June 30: Pride Demonstrators Expose Themselves to Children (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x3jyt - Weekly News, June 30th: Pride Demonstrators Expose Themselves to Children [11:57] [Channel: The Strong And Free Truthcast]

>>19115498 Press for Truth: France Riots SPREADING ACROSS EU!! Police Brutality Revealed As A GLOBAL ISSUE!!! (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xeptw - France Riots SPREADING ACROSS EU!! Police Brutality Revealed As A GLOBAL ISSUE!!! [16:22] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19115603 Final Climate Change Bun / In today's odd government spending: Export Development Canada-branded climate change trivia card game?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=QXKsYT_UH04 - Today in odd government spending: Export Development Canada-branded climate change trivia card game? [Channel: Ezra Levant]

>>19115693 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Ontario medical regulators continue to impede direct patient care

>>19115778 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canadian immigration: Supreme Court rules on Safe Third Country Agreement, Montreal Police Service engaged in media profiling (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U-5COxrEeNM - Canadian immigration: Supreme Court rules on Safe Third Country Agreement [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19115885 Final Climate Change Bun / Canadians are 'less interested' in purchasing electric vehicles, says study

>>19116043 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / BlackRock and JPMorgan to Collaborate with Ukrainian Government Establish Reconstruction Bank for Massive Private Investment

>>19116148 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Ukraine Narrative Gets Eviscerated in Front of United Nations

>>19116210 Yes, The Deep State Is Still Trying To Starve Us

>>19116346 Final Protests Bun / Type 1 and Type 2 Police

>>19116383 Final Climate Change Bun / ‘Terrifying’ Famines, Floods, Fires, Ahead Unless ‘Climate Change’ Is Addressed Warns UN Rights Chief

>>19116434 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Meet medical freedom hero Dr. Byram Bridle at our Canadian gala in July!

>>19116994 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Manitoba Court of Appeal says church lockdowns did not violate Canadian Charter of Rights

>>19117009, >>19117012 Final Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau slammed over cringeworthy video pumping government handouts for those harmed by Liberal policies (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xvzde - Justin Trudeau posts cringeworthy video to inform Canadians of upcoming benefits [1:39] [Channel: The Post Millennial Live]

>>19117786 WEF Bun | Wildfires Bun

>>19118001 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Physicist tackles Alberta excess deaths for NCI

>>19118572 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dealing Death: The Culling of Canadians (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xoku0 - Dealing Death: The Culling of Canadians [49:51] [Channel: The Strong And Free Truthcast]

>>19118622 Final Media and Censorship Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: EVERYTHING is Backfiring on Justin Trudeau - Sun, July 2, 2023 (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xpn2u - UNACCEPTABLE NEWS: EVERYTHING is Backfiring on Justin Trudeau - Sun, July 2, 2023 [15:17] [Channel: THE FRONTLINE TV NEWSFLASH]

>>19121382 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Trillions of cyber attacks aimed at Canadian government, CSE blames Russia

>>19121420 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Alberta woman files $10.5 mil lawsuit against government, CBC over vaccine misinformation

>>19121461 Final Pride Month Bun / Sydney aquarium accused of fabricating 'gay penguins' to influence kids

>>19121655 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Special committee begins probe into firing of infectious disease scientists at 'top-secret' lab

>>19121721 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Zelensky Admits He Has Good Relationship with CIA and Intel Talks with Them Often - Suggests War Will Continue Until Ukraine Retake Crimea

>>19121812 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / What Will NATO Do About Ukraine?

>>19121868 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Reveals He Developed Blood Clot Following mRNA COVID Vaccine, Claims His Mother Died After Pfizer Booster Shot

>>19121934 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Ukrainian Forces Are Using Internationally-Banned Scatter Mines

>>19122442 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Meet the courageous Dr. Mark Trozzi at our Canadian gala on July 18!

>>19123198, >>19129815 A map of the 83 churches that have been vandalized or burned since the residential schools announcement

>>19123229 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Ontario launches free trucker training program, no white males allowed

>>19123277 Final China Bun / >>1912870 The official Senate Channel was used to broadcast a pro-CCP protest against a foreign agent registry

>>19123387, >>19123459 No remains unearthed yet from Canada’s residential school grave sites

>>19123456 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Vancouver 'safe supply' advocate dies from a suspected fentanyl overdose: report

>>19123611 Vancouver 'safe supply' advocate dies from a suspected fentanyl overdose: report

>>19125185 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Press for Truth: LONG VAX (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2y4whk - LONG VAX… [15:15] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19127216 35% of CAF members report not having necessary equipment: audit

>>19127236 Final Protests Bun / Arrest made in Montreal amid attempts to recreate France riots

>>19127477 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Big Tech Shakeup: Twitter Limits Post Views, Puts TweetDeck Behind Paywall, While Meta Launches Its ‘Threads’ Copycat App - Meanwhile, Chinese TikTok Surges With Videos of France’s Unrest

>>19127494 Final China Bun / US Tech Giant Hired Apparent Chinese Spy and Gave Him Vast Access to Databases - Now He’s Disappeared

>>19127529 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / After Blowing Up the Russian Oil Pipeline and Bombing Poland and then Blaming Russia - Zelensky Is Now Warning that “Russia” Is Going to Blow Up Nuclear Plant Under Their Control

>>19127595 REPORT: The United Nations is Trying to Seize ‘Global Emergency’ Powers With Support From Biden

>>19127620 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Covid Related News: Independent scientists, researchers and media are a force to be reckoned with

>>19129792 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr. Trozzi battles Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism sanctions

>>19130053 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Vancouver theater hosting Drag Summer Camp for kids as young as seven years old

>>19130279 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / American pathologist determines Ontario boy died from COVID vaccine

>>19131188 Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau tours NATO base, extends Canadian mission in Latvia with 'insufficient' military equipment

>>19132353 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Freedom Fighters Give Epic Speech At EU Parliament Rejecting The WHO Pandemic Treaty (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bwL4HLvHEcI - 🔴LIVE from the European Parliament, Brussels – Trust and Freedom: Challenging the Pandemic Treaty [Channel: Oracle Films]

>>19132375 Final Media and Censorship Bun / WikiLeaks Final Post

>>19132468 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Canada gov’t stops advertising on Facebook, Instagram in fallout from internet censorship law

>>19134294 Trudeau’s grocery rebate ridiculed by Canadians on social media

>>19134413 Food price tags were suspiciously missing from Freeland’s rebate photo op

>>19138605 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / B.C. wildfires may have been ignited intentionally: RCMP

>>19138657 Final Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: Is he losing it? Trudeau says Canada is AT WAR with Big Tech (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2yjmkw - Is he LOSING IT? Trudeau says Canada is AT WAR with Big Tech [13:04] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19138713 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Don’t Delete Parents founder predicts parents will push Higgs to victory if leadership review unfolds

>>19138941 Final China Bun / Non-profit organization aims to raise funds to protect journalists facing lawsuits

>>19138971 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2yjkr6 - Finance Ministry refuses to admit the existence of previously produced documents [6:18] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19139054 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2ynrt8 - Bureaucrats study how to shape-shift your mind— at your expense— and keep the findings secret [13:11] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19139838 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / NATO 'OK' With Cluster Bombs After Biden Approves For Ukraine: Stoltenberg

>>19141303 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Justin Trudeau’s Canada Shrugs, Says Out-of-Control Fires Will Rage Through August

>>19142549 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / B.C. education assistant who posed as a sexy student and created explicit OnlyFans content lawyers up after being terminated!

>>19144016 Press for Truth: Supply Chain Issues could mean shortage of rock salt for roadways (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2yqoji - Supply Chain Issues Could Trigger A Crash Of Epic Proportions With THIS Commodity Coming Out On Top! [18:02] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19144048 Final Trudeau Bun / Smith meets with Trudeau, rejects his government’s 2035 net zero target

>>19144125 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Jordan Peterson censored on YouTube for 'hate speech'

>>19144182 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Manchester United Legend Edwin Van der Sar Admitted to ICU After Brain Hemorrhage

>>19144279 Final Media and Censorship Bun / The EU's Mass Censorship Regime Is Almost Fully Operational. Will It Go Global?

>>19144472 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Forecasting Models Show Third Round Of Canadian Wildfire Smoke Headed To US

>>19144680, >>19157890, >>19171836 TTC stabber and revolving door justice system

>>19144695 Canadian Space Agency budgets about $65 million for ‘space car’

>>19149503 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / We’re Done: CDC Guideline For Transgender Parents “Chestfeeding” Is The Last Straw!! (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2yvww4 - We’re Done: CDC Guideline For Transgender Parents “Chestfeeding” Is The Last Straw!! [13:11] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19149573 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Vaccine-injured Canadians paid $6.7 million in damages, says federal government

>>19149825 Final Trudeau Bun / Justin Trudeau’s Unusual Left Hand Gesture at Ismaili Muslim Pancake Breakfast Sparks Buzz Among Online Observers

>>19149963 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Platform Is Already Deleting Entire Threads and Harvesting Your Data

>>19150137 Final Media and Censorship Bun / "Why Do You Support Child Trafficking?" Rolling Stone Slammed Over Negative 'Sound Of Freedom' Review

>>19150304 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Comparing Vaccinated Children To Amish Children Who Do Not Get Vaccinations

>>19151145 When vile predators come to small town Sask

>>19152621 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Vancouver police receive ZERO threats of violence towards drag camp for kids, despite union's claims (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2z1eja - Vancouver police receive ZERO threats of violence towards drag camp for kids, despite union's claims [14:31] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19155318 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Trudeau's Gender Equality minister spent $82,000 interviewing minors on menstruation

>>19155324 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Alberta taxpayers paid millions in severance to AHS advisors last year, says Sunshine List

>>19155345 Two Canadian women repatriated from Syria ISIL camp

>>19155426 Final Climate Change Bun / Rising Temperatures From Climate Change May Cause Kidney Stone Epidemic, Says ‘Experts’

>>19155599 Latin American Countries Reject EU’s Stance on Ukraine Help, Pushback Against Environmental Rules for Trade Deal - Demands for Reparations for Slavery Bring Discord Ahead of Summit

>>19155659 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / 'Alarming' Sevenfold Increase In Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Linked To COVID-19 And Vaccine

>>19155826 The UN has put out a number of concerning policy briefs and documents in the past 2 years (attached .pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ea6f3af154a46bde3af1d24c8d17fa3fd46f5093794986f46b1c1247c94d830.pdf

>>19155900 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / New report suggests COVID was deliberately released during 2019 Military Games in China

>>19157114 Final Protests Bun / Tamara Lich tells Dave Rubin the real truth about the Freedom Convoy (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lcIWwSSsCk4 - Freedom Convoy: Exposing What the Media Hid from You | Tamara Lich | INTERNATIONAL | Rubin Report [Channel: The Rubin Report]

>>19159363 Final Trudeau Bun / UNACCEPTABLE NEWS SUPER SUNDAY: He Wants Total Control! - July 9th, 2023 (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2z44ai - UNACCEPTABLE NEWS SUPER SUNDAY: He Wants Total Control! - July 9th, 2023 [27:27] [Channel: THE FRONTLINE TV NEWSFLASH]

>>19160684 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Press for Truth: The Transgender Social Contagion’s EXPONENTIAL SPREAD Threatens Humanity (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2z9q9s - Has The World Gone INSANE? The Transgender Social Contagion’s EXPONENTIAL SPREAD Threatens Humanity! [15:37] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19160839 Final Trudeau Bun / Ratio’d: Justin Trudeau’s growing Khalistan Problem (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1Xx_BnrYl48 - Justin Trudeau’s growing Khalistan Problem [Channel: True North]

>>19160849 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Liberals pledge taxpayer funds to “chemsex” awareness

>>19160874 Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau lectures CAF troops in Latvia about climate change, disinformation

>>19160929 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Sound of Freedom viewers noticing lack of mainstream media coverage of horrific crimes against children (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2z9r6g - Sound of Freedom viewers notice lack of media coverage of horrific crimes against children [6:01] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19160981 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canada will pay $350 million to Novavax for unused COVID shots

>>19161029 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / The Countries Committing The Most Aid To Ukraine

>>19161079 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / 74% Of Deaths In New Autopsy Study Linked To Covid Jabs (attached .pdf's)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ead7bea688b237409c53b10d198a26a045ead1b461c47bdff4ed9eb6398c0fa.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c9845c2a4385fd790e0d8ec0cc189d3697a3b9bc56d1840e09a99008e6b5b39.pdf

>>19161277 BIS • Unified Ledger (attached .pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/48cb7d3c5a21fcc0b193190e160abae383e3a5af844b9b6d07f1b1371dcc729f.pdf

>>19161344 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / A Canadian virologist put no-virus FOI response from McMaster University on "the public record"

>>19161603, >>19167193 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week

>>19161699 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canadian health agency includes pro-euthanasia slideshow in pension packages to seniors

>>19161804 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun / Catholic school board votes against motion to prohibit radical LGBT flag at district schools

>>19162029 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / NATO Looks to ‘Israel Style’ Relationship With Ukraine, Rejecting Full Membership… For Now

>>19162285 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Covid ‘Vaccines’ Have Caused Global Birth Rates to Drop -Dr. Natalia Prego, MD

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2za3ji - Covid 'Vaccines' Have Caused Global Birth Rates to Drop -Dr. Natalia Prego, MD [10:22] [Channel: Bright Light News]

>>19163640, >>19179419 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi’s tribunal with Ontario medical board over COVID jab criticism resumes this week (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2z1bu0 - The Persecution of Dr. Mark Trozzi [1:17:32] [Channel: The Strong And Free Truthcast]

>>19166332 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Immunization panel directs Canadians to get booster dose in fall

>>19166401 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / “No secrets”: Windsor parents hold protest against gender ideology

>>19166440 Food prices continue to climb despite falling inflation: StatsCan survey

>>19166592 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Roseanne Barr Goes Off on Zelensky and Ukrainian Nazis (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zlmaw - Rosanne Barr: Goes Off on Zelensky and Ukrainian Nazis: He Isn't a "Good" Jew - "Snap Out of It!" [1:45] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>19166675 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Pure Evil. Latest Disney Production Is Cartoon About a Girl Who Inherits a Ritualistic Killing, Blood Drinking Cult from her Father (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=K_-PUsa2dho - Praise Petey | Official Trailer | Freeform [Channel: Freeform]

>>19166845 Bank of Canada Hikes To 5%, No Longer Sees Inflation Dropping To Target Before Mid-2025

>>19167140 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Trudeau gov’t appears to backtrack, allow Google to publish Canadian news content for free

>>19169093 Updated Wildfires Bun | Updated Woke Bun

>>19171877 Final Pride Month Bun / Sudbury pride parade cancelled over BLM’s anti-police demands

>>19171919 NDP MPP under fire for attending far-left march focused on abolishing police

>>19171954, >>19178257 Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC paints ‘Sound of Freedom’ as “a dog-whistle for Xenophobic, Pro-Life types” (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zv9ps - ‘Sound of Freedom’ success triggers epic CBC meltdown [15:50] [Channel: TrueNorthCentre]

>>19171986 Métis file human rights complaint after BC First Nations “colonialism” accusation

>>19172026 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / School board spends $1,600 for drag queen conference in school (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CdsBfZHu2MM - School board spends $1,600 for drag queen conference in school [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19172163 Final Climate Change Bun / Ontario plans 'transition' to wind and solar power despite concerns on viability

>>19172316 Final China Bun / China was using a Flaw in Microsoft Cloud to Hack on US Government Officials (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zq4nw - Chine Exploited Microsoft Flaw to Spy on US Government Officials [1:40] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>19172387 United Nations Thinks It’s Wise To Ask the Robots About the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence - Organizers Hide the Fact That Answers Were Scripted and Pre-Programmed

>>19172471 Final Media and Censorship Bun / MSNBC Mocked on Social Media for Warning That Being Healthy is a Gateway to “White Supremacy”

>>19172517 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Meta To Release Commercial AI Tools To Rival Google, OpenAI; Report

>>19172616 Final WEF Bun / WEF Collaborators Want To Threaten Us To Ensure Compliance With Their Climate Change Goals

>>19172769 Final Media and Censorship Bun / COVID Censorship Killed People, Wall Street Journal Admits

>>19172803 Final Vaccine Injury Bun / The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

>>19172819 Final Woke Bun / Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews that the new York University workshop sounds 'ominous.'

>>19172940 Final Climate Change Bun / Nobel Prize winner denounces alarmist climate predictions: ‘I don’t believe there is a climate crisis’

>>19174059 Final Protests Bun / Ontario gov’t drops COVID lockdown charges against Derek Sloan, Randy Hillier

>>19174136 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Star Simu Liu Says ‘Barbie’ Puts Final Nail in the Coffin of the Idea of What Gender Is (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rhQzOZJdR6U - Simu Liu On His Ken Journey & The Hidden Meaning Behind The Barbie Movie [Channel: Screen Rant Plus]

>>19174243 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / Trudeau pledges endless support for war in Ukraine: 'As much as it takes, as long as it takes'

>>19174371 Final Trudeau Bun / Trudeau blames ‘right wing’ for inciting Muslim against radical gender ideology

>>19177969 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Bard, Google’s AI chatbot, unavailable in Canada amid Online News Act fiasco

>>19177978 Trudeau’s immigration policy undermining central bank’s inflation mandate

>>19178020 BoC officials earned $20 million in bonuses while hiking interest rates

>>19178131 High-risk Winnipeg child molester released into public after short prison term

>>19178197 Final Protests Bun / Hamilton Police Association condemns NDP MPP for attending ‘abolish the police’ march

>>19178349 Finance Ministry says budget forecasts ‘should not be viewed as a prediction of the future’

>>19178454 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / City-run drug injection sites are supposed to be ‘safe.’ Try telling that to the surviving family members of Karolina Huebner-Makurat (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zwixg - Drug injection sites are supposed to be ‘safe.’ Tell that to Karolina Huebner-Makurat's family... [15:37] [Channel: Rebel News]

>>19179052 Final China Bun / Shanghai & Moderna Sign Medical Research Agreement

>>19179646 Final Media and Censorship Bun / Majority of Canadians worried they will lose access to news due to internet censorship Bill C-18

>>19179856 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun / For those wondering why peace talks haven’t happened and why the Biden regime are sending more US troops to Europe; allow me to enlighten you

>>19180124 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Press for Truth: Cancer-Causing Chemicals found in the air in Hamilton, Ontario (video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v301qba - Cancer-Causing Chemicals FOUND IN THE AIR Equivalent To ONE CIGARETTE PER DAY!!! [13:41] [Channel: PressForTruth]

>>19181734 Final China Bun

>>19181736 Final Climate Change Bun

>>19181741 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>19181744 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>19181749 Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>19181752 Final Pride Month Bun

>>19181753 Final Protests Bun

>>19181758 Final Russia & Ukraine Bun

>>19181762 Final Trudeau Bun

>>19181763 Final Vaccine Injury Bun

>>19181767 Final WEF Bun

>>19181769 Final Woke Bun

(333 notables, 348 posts, 515 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196128

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19181241 Q Research General #23558: Mike Pence Stares at 2024 Presidency: All Tuckered Out Edition

Created 150057ZJUL23




>>19181261 #23558

>>19181275 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 07/14/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3005us - Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 07/14/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19181278, >>19181336 Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIE

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/rN41GYUKQZL5/ - Sound of freedom 🙌 [Channel: Darren12345]

>>19181312 Biden commerce secretary, Gina Raimondo emails hacked by Chinese cyberspies

>>19181333, >>19181368 Oprah soup? 0:20

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ff61a652e9e034ffda691fc22b9b6d8ad79d0444abc80aaaba75de39a6ccf20.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9fdd92b3a667c9f812a09d312aa900b90c28ed620ca8738f9665f70894dc91b4.mp4

>>19181347 Clarence Garcia, New Mexico Foster Parent Confesses Guilt of Sexually Abusing Children for Years but Does No Jail Time, 8-Year-Old Girl Awarded $485 Million

>>19181412 Donald J. Trump: Trump 48% holds 37+ point lead for republican nomination Pence has 5 and dropping

>>19181419 Max Blumenthal (Journalist) Address To The U.N Council And The Corruption And Money Laundering Of Funds Sent To Ukraine

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MXJisam3Tus - Max Blumenthal discusses his UN testimony [Channel: The Grayzone]

>>19181424 8 million kids abducted per year/Haitian refugees being scooped up for trafficking by the Clintons via Laura Silsby

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/tZlACghXMcJF/ - 8 MILLION CHILDREN ABDUCTED more valuable than drugs CIA Officer & U.S. Marine Intel officer confirm [Channel: Leeshotfury]

>>19181463 Did Nancy Pelosi Try To Kill Trump?

>>19181478 Wikileaks Hillary Clinton email about New Life Children's Refuge (NLCR) and the cost of transport of a child.

>>19181505 Michigan Judge Phyllis McMillen and Whitmer Donor Rules that Citizens Are Not Allowed to Examine Voting Machine Tabulators Without Proper Court Order

>>19181667 Declaration from We The People; Our government and 3 letter agencies are absolutely rotten to the core

>>19181708 Meme of the bread

>>19181710 Biden nibbles on frightened young girl during trip to Finland, weirding out Twitter users

>>19181766 I swear to you, I promise you, I will turn this into a class action lawsuit

>>19181791 Alex Mashinsky, Boss of Crypto Platform Celsius Arrested on Fraud Charges, Company Agrees to $4.7 Billion Settlement

>>19181793 Alhambra Decree

>>19181814 TRACKING: Identifying Blood Biomarkers that Track What Foods We Eat DNA identified by biomarkers in blood and urine

>>19181817, >>19181823, >>19181837 pb, lb Fixing FISA, Part II House Judiciary GOP link

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/92dba96e88d40bc54b84b6b41fd5f8ecd7876572b255dea7e928cc87b23a4437.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/294f254161e3d54d04ec0fd9a2a920564306b5bea762d4d968cf5a0574df5246.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/854d37e1ffc75ff306169fc2805da326f6db4823cf286efbfccc77ea418188f3.mp4

>>19181820 Ron DeSantis copies Trump campaign again with Dairy Queen visit. Except no one is there, no one cares. And they continue to serve other customers 0:45

>>19181844 Donald Trump Vs Biden / Ron Desantis for KEKS 0:45

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b4608fad8c2ce63e1d1fb6eea842c646cf8d57abb58338dafa3da40dfd7bc22.mp4

>>19181903 Toot Toot FBI Houston is hosting a Diversity Agent Recruitment

>>19181950 FIFA said it is giving away 20,000 free tickets for Women's World Cup

>>19181957 Richard Grenell Retweeted: The 16 Republicans that voted to fully fund the FBI and rewarded them with a brand new HQ

>>19181971 Revolution Radio Simulcast The Story Behind The Story (07/15/2023)

>>19181990 The covid 19 vax has changed your DNA from god's signature, into a triple helix beast 10-5-666-5 DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION YET? 1:09

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e7a8d92e6082f261d10f7ff871fa09986930e3bcf6c26dcd71c89b5137218e21.mp4

>>19181993 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States : Reminder

>>19181994, >>19181996, >>19182004 COMMS Tornado Watch in Chicago Area-O’HARE AIRPORT COMPLETELY EVACUATED- Shelter in Place in Effect

>>19181999 Pharmaceutical firm tied to 2024 candidate Ramaswamy tangled in lawsuits on COVID vax technology

>>19182026 #23558

(31 notables, 37 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196129

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19182040 Q Research General #23559: Fuckery-a-Foot: O’Hare Airport Completely Evacuated? Edition

Created 150400ZJUL23




>>19182052 #23559

>>19182177 Nightshift poem

>>19182196 Meme of the bread

>>19182287 Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v302wtm - Tucker ENDS Mike Pence’s Career in 60 Seconds LIVE | ‘Pence FATALITY!’ [18:23] [Channel: Benny Johnson]

>>19182428 massive explosion at the Dow Chemical Plant in Plaquemine, Louisiana

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3342f796fed25b0c78eba31f562c9230a0de0d4158551cfc7c38765db56aeefc.mp4

>>19182646 Kash: Elon is colluding with our government to censor our elections

>>19182807 new baker

>>19182842 'I Don’t Want My Daughter Growing Up in a Liberal-Run America'

>>19182852 #23559

(9 notables, 9 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196130

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19182854 Q Research General #23560: The Tortois or the O'Hare Edition

Created 150925ZJUL23




>>19182860 #23560

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ed7a6c9d231b0a4edb06030d8cc2d4243266df4b0e0b205e910fd7592aeb92c.mp4

>>19182866 'The character 'Fuego' in the film is a real person who was arrested

>>19182900, >>19182959, >>19183151 Beware the Brock/Media Matters for America Kath Patel on Musk: Elon Musk is is big tech colluding with our government to censor our elections; does IS IS point to ISIS?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kvtf2TYmuw8 - Pizzagate: Are Democrats Harvesting Children’s Blood? - Jordan Klepper Fingers the Conspiracy [Channel: The Daily Show]

>>19182906 A psychiatrist charges $700 hourly to Wall Street elites who are 'terrified'

>>19182907 Discussions how authorities are actively endorsing and protecting pedophiles

>>19182910 Singapore issued an arrest notice for billionaire Ong Beng Seng

>>19182917 Jim Caviezel "We ALL have to start 'getting in the way' [of the DS]

>>19182920 Miracles: anons requested prayers regarding a severe drought at Lake Mead

>>19182929, >>19182937 #Dr Shiva explains how #Adrenochrome is synthesized.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7up2xalXkyY - Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Interviewed by Stew Peters. Systems Biology of Adrenochrome. [Channel: Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD]

>>19182982 Attempt to assassinate RT editor-in-chief thwarted - FSB

>>19182985, >>19183035 Nast Brought Down Corruption with Cartoons - Can Garrison do the Same?

>>19183002 President Donald Trump disclosed new details about roughly $1 billion in earnings

>>19183053 Former Planned Parenthood staffer commits suicide after police raid, cp charges

>>19183058 Tim Ballard and Henry Kissinger?

>>19183072 UK depot supplying missiles to Ukraine goes on strike

>>19183073 AlertSense is now known as Konexus

>>19183074 Pence wants more aid to Ukraine; crumbling US cities "not my concern"

>>19183081, >>19183359 More problems at AMC re Sound of Freedom showings

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e277eae2824c8067ccdf7cdc16f060c74924a3bea3689e1ada99fb3bf898f80d.mp4

>>19183091 Kevin Spacey ‘drugged’ man before performing sex act on him, court told

>>19183100 Russian S-550 That Can Hunt ICBMs Spooks Putin's Enemies; Air Defence System Can Cripple Even U.S.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Wsd575-uTD8 - Russian S-550 That Can Hunt ICBMs Spooks Putin's Enemies; Air Defence System Can Cripple Even U.S. [Channel: Hindustan Times]

>>19183107 US delaying approval of F-16 training for Ukraine

>>19183120 research …BANKING / money problems And correlate those….with these, mil experiments

>>19183158 American Thinker: The most disturbing Biden weirdness yet

>>19183163 CNN cuts Hunter Biden laptop reference from RNC chair’s interview clip

>>19183167 Journo assassination Zelensky ordered?

>>19183172 Why Costco Unleashing the 'Death Star'on Bud Light Is Even Worse Than You Think

>>19183181 49 Democrats REBEL against Biden by voting against plan to send controversial cluster bombs to Ukraine

>>19183183 Wagner poised to 'smuggle criminals' into Poland from Belarus as 'hybrid' threat heats up

>>19183215 Surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction

>>19183228, >>19183318 Massive explosion reported at the Dow Chemical Plant #Plaquemine | #Louisiana

>>19183285 China’s top diplomat calls on India to meet “halfway” on border issue

>>19183295 Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5-on The Sound of Freedom - mentions the Q board

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=d0YGr2NcFos - The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>19183310 Ukrainian ambassador criticizes Zelensky

>>19183327, >>19183383, >>19183503, >>19183584 lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7caad43cea22f45cf21bed4c360b1666262168946f6c8552ea12b484903d88d8.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=KLxBwIupF88 - RFK Jr.: Saying I'm anti-vaccine is 'way of silencing me' | RFK Jr. Town Hall [Channel: NewsNation]

>>19183328 Anon speculates re who are the neo-Nazis posting on the board - Meet Paul Town

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eca54d757e82622e816ee235ed1d7907c5f9a187b56fca10d1120dbbd22655e7.mp4

>>19183504 PF

>>19183571 Nommed graphic: DJT Fist Pumps / Comms Established

>>19183590 DIG CALL on this unsauced mp4 from Ron Johnson hearing on Covid causing increase in cancer, neurological problems

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/90b20ea522e10f97cff6d2a1caa987e3b0222663ccad5190c25076649f0ff9e6.mp4

>>19183644 Globalists Suggest "Finance Shock" And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset

>>19183649 #23560

>>19183653, >>19183671 Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing) - DIG CALL

VIDEO https://rumble.com/vtipby - NewsParadigm - Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing) [39:56] [Channel: laltuna]

(41 notables, 51 posts, 57 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196134

File: b737fb696fb2090⋯.png (391.4 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)


>>19183646 Q Research General #23561: RFKjr Attacked for Suggesting Covid Had Ethnic Targets Edition

Created 151448ZJUL23




>>19183655 #23561

>>19183677, >>19184061 Economist on the "alarming" plans for Trump's second term, hit piece of shit

>>19183699, >>19183704 Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription

>>19183700, >>19183712, >>19183758 CALL to DIGG on military doctors' testimony on negative effects of the covid jab

VIDEO https://rumble.com/vtipby - NewsParadigm - Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing) [39:56] [Channel: laltuna]

>>19183707, >>19183792, >>19183834, >>19183864 After Kamala Harris reveals the real goal of the green agenda is to “reduce the population," it's changed in transcript to "POLLUTION." (Cap 0:12)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a1482a402e91c170d193cc5a9660b7bd62048c1d0e28d1c0bc1880904d7a1337.mp4

>>19183710 Largest Settlement of Illegal Aliens in US Is Quietly Growing Amid Border Crisis

>>19183716 Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser has testified that the man-made climate change narrative is a “hoax” perpetrated by the elite “to depopulate the planet.”

>>19183746 Marina Abramovic page on U.S. Department of State

>>19183779, >>19183844, >>19183884, >>19183907 Recent info on the Canadian fires

>>19183809, >>19183831, >>19183897 Kash Patel: Did Justice Snoop on Congress? - Wapo and Q 2657

>>19183843, >>19183891, >>19183903, >>19184300 lb, lb, lb, lb, RFK: Covid was designed to target Causasians & Blacks; those most immune are Chinese & Ashkenazi Jews (Cap 1:48) trending on twitter?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16de7d9c28e446e21772bf45146c40e28f25ca0d47414541e0b04af7a2a985cf.mp4

>>19183851 Dr Peter McCullough’s conclusion is that the childhood vaccination schedule is to blame for the explosion in AUTISM

>>19183894, >>19183937 Ticket and incident fuckery: Sound of Freedom movie goers (Cap 1:46)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e277eae2824c8067ccdf7cdc16f060c74924a3bea3689e1ada99fb3bf898f80d.mp4

>>19183911, >>19183918 Kennedy cites the study showing that CV19 disproportionately affects different ethnic groups; says he didn't imply the effect was intentional

>>19183931 Mass Casualty At Concerts: Vaccinated Crowds ‘Die Suddenly”

>>19183957 Nude Videos of Kids From Hacked Baby Monitors Were Sold on Telegram

>>19183985, >>19183998 USS Monitor, John Worden hunted pirates with the legendary Captain ‘Mad Jack’ Percival Q 1201 JA

>>19183999, >>19184081 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23 Youtube link

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0rnpl0Ht9EQ - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19184001, >>19184017, >>19184265, >>19184303 Video footage shows Prince Andrew waving goodbye to a young female from inside Jeffrey Epstein’s home, then Jeffrey Epstein is seen leaving his home escorted by a young female

>>19184002 Vaccine for Religions Fundamentalism? 04/13/2005 (Cap 4:16)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad8bb58e87e11c425043ee9aa800e9ec9bf9b36f195593889a0116ee42eb205b.mp4

>>19184005, >>19184077, >>19184281 Netanyahu Rushed to Hospital After Losing Consciousness, speaks on camera after hospitalization

>>19184033 Chinese scientist confirming Covid 19 Vax is targeting gender, ethnic identity and targeted individuals? (Cap 1:30)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a3e00c5e57668cfdddbd15ed5f49a9902e0ddefc18780fde8e0d7623b44a1d3.mp4

>>19184041, >>19184094 Fauci Lied. People Died sweatshirt, Bannon, Kirk, And Navarro Kick Off ACTCON Live From Palm Beach

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v306gw2 - Bannon, Kirk, And Navarro Kick Off ACTCON Live From Palm Beach [13:41] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19184070 Trump is to take the stage around 6-6:30 pm Eastern

>>19184088, >>19184089 The Origins of the Chinese Buffet, smörgåsbord

>>19184111, >>19184192 CBS News reported the "#SoundOfFreedom" story almost a decade ago

>>19184134 Operation CHAOS 1969 CIA purchased a garbage collection company to collect documents that were to be destroyed

>>19184197 Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

>>19184212 Are AMC Theaters Serving Nanobots to ‘Sound of Freedom’ Audiences?

>>19184215, >>19184221 Anon has been thinking about the upcoming "Alien" story line Disney, NASA, DoD, History Channel, Wernher von Braun, Nazis and Aliens

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0_yOXQ1Bd9Y - Disney and Wernher Von Braun | Disney Declassified [Channel: Are You Interested?]

>>19184223, >>19184338 Russian law enforcement have thwarted assassination attempts on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and journalist Ksenia Sobchak, by Ukrainian intelligence the Federal Security Service FSB

>>19184250 Tucker Carlson Interviews juiced Ron DeSantis

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tl5RFJC9nI4 - Tucker Carlson & Ron DeSantis Full Interview | Banking, Censorship, and Life [Channel: BlazeTV]

>>19184272, >>19184283 Ron DeSantis takes a swipe at Trump, "I've known what Blizzards are for a long time" (Cap 0:14)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/caa0e7e8519ae804ded48abe60607cf7fc6f6005ce1c0245dba3413f2874fb22.mp4

>>19184325, >>19184331 If Russia Wanted to, they could have obliterated Ukraine from the Face of the earth in a month It's not a stale mate It's Hostage Negotiation

>>19184418 Sound of Freedom Approaching $66M in US earnings, yet to be released overseas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ed8a66d7835b4b2ced75e0f73afab4849cd81d6f624c7e277abf81e715ca958.mp4

>>19184426 #23561

(36 notables, 67 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196137

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19184432 Q Research General #23562: DECLARED: COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Vaccine are ‘Bioweapons’? Edition

Created 151818ZJUL23




>>19184446 #23562

>>19184461, >>19184570 Florida County Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’

>>19184465 23 COMMS: US Naval Institute returned the carbine and apologized for wasting a round. #SeaStorySaturday

>>19184472, >>19184566, >>19184593 RFK Jr. claims that the Biolabs in Ukraine were making “ethnically targeted bioweapons” EXACT allegations Russia made to the UN

>>19184512 DEMOCRAT State Rep (D) candidate Matt Trowbridge was caught attempting to meet up with a 14-year-old boy (Cap 0:22)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/884650f251e46ff909cd9944cc96d2080b6582c1820fa1165f5ca2cdbbf23fb2.mp4

>>19184547, >>19184557 PF Reports: GTMO844 departed Cartagena, Venezuela headed towards Guantanamo Bay

>>19184549 Dr Naomi Wolf: Pfizer Violates Contract With DOD & Vaccine Info 13:01

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zhsyy - Dr Naomi Wolf: Pfizer Violates Contract With DOD & Vaccine Info Weeks Before Presidential Election [13:01] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19184565 40 Human Skulls from Harvard Discovered Inside of Kentucky Man’s Apartment

>>19184573, >>19184650 Twitter suspends account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

>>19184574, >>19184592, >>19184603, >>19184604, >>19184616 Max Bluementhal Full speech video and script

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ddc1ix_9MII - Max Blumenthal addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine aid [Channel: The Grayzone]

>>19184583 Peter McCullough: Nattokinase

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v307noa - Video upload for 110719416502454562 [2:57] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19184645, >>19184868, >>19184943 Gene-specific Bioweapons mini bun

>>19184655, >>19184670, >>19184961, >>19185120 LIVE LINKS: President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zaces - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v307y5u - LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023 [0] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>19184692 COVID-19 Plandemic was officially planned out and executed by the U.S. Federal Government, well sauced

>>19184695 Georgia police search for 'active shooter in his 50s who is on the run'

>>19184700 DARPA pushing moar deadly vaccines

>>19184744 Donald Trump: re-truthed Sound of Freedom Movie

>>19184762 Young Ukrainians scared to leave their homes as more and more videos emerge of forced conscription

>>19184795 Six tourists from Germany are arrested by Spanish police "for gang-raping 18-year-old woman" on the Spanish island of Mallorca.

>>19184811 IMF Hints Allowing Countries to Use Chinese Yuan for Debt Repayment

>>19184829 “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

>>19184873 Trump asks top Georgia court to disqualify election probe prosecutor and toss grand jury report

>>19184900, >>19185094 HIDDEN HYDROGEN

>>19184938 “Dark Brandon” merchandise had been particularly successfu

>>19184946, >>19184948, >>19184981, >>19185031 Kunis has said that a genealogical DNA test described her ethnicity as 96% to 98% Ashkenazi Jewish

>>19185015, >>19185257 Obama's Bud Light Commercial For the Keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c3373aa46c7986c1e7208459111cc2622538e89fcef529af9450da61cbf65e83.mp4

>>19185048, >>19185104 Cerberus heatwave leaves Canary Island engulfed in flames

>>19185136 Ong Beng Seng misc data

>>19185142, >>19185151 MSNBC Host Claims 'My Audience Doesn't Have Conspiracy Theorists'

>>19185152, >>19185156, >>19185173, >>19185190, >>19185226, >>19185232, >>19185244 THE UKRAINE FUNDS AUDIT BY HEATHER KAISER - the grayzone

>>19185210 Sound of Freedom FULL MOVIEfree

>>19185281 #23562

(32 notables, 59 posts, 71 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196139

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19185284 Q Research General #23563: Rally Round Edition

Created 152050ZJUL23




>>19185297 #23563

>>19185311 @realDonaldTrump Heading to West Palm Beach - Turning Point. BIG CROWD! See you soon.

>>19185312 Byron Donalds [Turning Point]: The radical left have been moving lockstep, to fundamentally transform this country, the way Barack Obama talked about back in 2008.

>>19185319 Donalds: I know they cheat. They've been cheating in Broward County; for how many years they've been cheating in Broward County? But that doesn't mean you don't show up for victory.

>>19185327, >>19185355, >>19185359, >>19185373, >>19185382, >>19185420, >>19185430, >>19185457, >>19185531, >>19185622, >>19185682, >>19185688, >>19185744 pics

>>19185361 “There are no qualified medical doctors in the USA that could deal with his health issues and could heal him. There are such specialists in our Serbsky Center

>>19185374 Gaetz: Defeating Russia in the Donbas is not as important as ensuring that the dollar defeats the yuan for all of your future.

>>19185381 New report reveals that Bill Gates appears to have bought off the health regulator that approved his new Covid vaccine.

>>19185413 Gaetz: I am ready to win again; winning so much that we get tired of it. After all, isn't that what you were promised!


>>19185472 Ramaswamy: We're not just going to reform these agencies. When these agencies, from the Department of Education, to the FBI, to the ATF, to the IRS, shouldn't have existed in the first place. We will not just reform them, we will shut them down. That is what it means to live in a Constitutional Republic.

>>19185483 Vivek just mentioned “Qanon”

>>19185494, >>19185527 LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v307xrg - LIVE NOW! Join us for our first ever Turning Point Action Conference 🇺🇸🌴🇺🇸 #ACTCON2023 [0] [Channel: Turning Point Action]

>>19185504 Reports also indicate that the Iranian regime's illegal nuclear activities have escalated in 2023 under the Biden Administration's watch.

>>19185523 New York Theater Behind Trump Assassination Staging of ‘Julius Caesar’ Laying Off 19 Percent of Staff

>>19185548 Crypto "Will Transcend International Currencies" BlackRock CEO Cheerleads As SEC Accepts Bitcoin ETF Application

>>19185559 Why Is Everyone In The US Military Acting Like Everything Is OK?

>>19185566 Ramaswamy said Friday that a president already had the power to shut down agencies, including the FBI, without going through Congress.

>>19185609, >>19185657, >>19185661, >>19185663, >>19185666, >>19185670, >>19185691, >>19185694, >>19185711, >>19185746, >>19185752, >>19185760, >>19185766, >>19185772, >>19185781, >>19185803, >>19185814 Caucasians, Ashkenzi Jews Trending

>>19185612, >>19185648 Prince Andrew asked Jeffrey Epstein for help over $200million oil deal during trip to New York

>>19185630 Russian Warship Docks a Stone's Throw from US Mainland Shores

>>19185651 General Flynn calling out Oprah for her friendship with John of God just made my day!

>>19185868 Tucker: What is graffiti? That's not art, it's vandalism. And when it's allowed to stand what does it say? We've given up, we don't care. We're allowing people who create nothing, to destroy what we've built, and we're not fighting back. Graffiti is like one step from total society collapse. Period. What you're saying when you allow graffiti, is we have no self-respect at all. We don't care enough about our civilization to keep it clean.

>>19185924 #23563

(24 notables, 54 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196141

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19185927 Q Research General #23564: Trump Up Soon Edition

Created 152233ZJUL23




>>19185940 #23564

>>19185965 @realDonaldTrump Cult is powerless. If they accuse Q+ they accuse Biden and former Presidents, Obama, Clinton, Bush and they all lose.

>>19185982 Tucker going on about flat earth people.

>>19185989 Bibi: Israeli PM rushed to hospital after fainting

>>19186017 Tucker is calling out the Psyop Tactics

>>19186020, >>19186129 LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0rnpl0Ht9EQ - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day One - 7/15/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19186031 @realDonaldTrump Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have...

>>19186041 standing ovation for tucker

>>19186054 @realDonaldTrump The DeSanctimonious Polls are crashing because of his stance on Obliterating Social Security and Medicare

>>19186065, >>19186151 The Bee: Authorities On Hunt For Arsonist Who Just Burned Down Three Presidential Campaigns

>>19186070, >>19186173, >>19186297, >>19186298, >>19186302, >>19186303, >>19186389, >>19186462, >>19186646, >>19186668 Pics

>>19186075 "Is that the FREEDOM that you recognize? No. That's insane!"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3091zq - Video upload for 110720485471520764 [43] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19186202 he did say it, but snopes claims it was taken out of context For the keks!

>>19186368 We're going to evict crooked Joe Biden.

>>19186384 President Trump: The election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country, or a free country. Whether you will have a rule of tyrants, or the rule oof law. Whether marxists radicals burn our civilization to the ground, which they are looking to do, or young Patriots like you, propel America to glorious new heights, greater than ever before.

>>19186425 President Trump: In the Biden economy, one-third of Gen Z and Millennials have no savings accounts, and no saving whatsoever. They have nothing. Home ownership has been pushed out of reach for millions, with the rate of thirty year mortgages up one hundred and seventy-seven percent since I left office.

>>19186440 when we all together become the 47th President of the United States.

>>19186444 President Trump: Your task, your calling, your historic mission, is to liberate America from these communists, fascists, marxists, globalists, and warmongers, who want to plunder the future of our country.

>>19186486 President Trump: After fifty years of leftist domination of the universities, I will take bold action to reclaim our colleges from the communist left. Anti-American radicals will no longer be given a free hand to dominate our institution of higher education…Using my leverage over college accreditors, we are going to choke off the money to schools that aid the marxists assault on our American heritage, and on western civilization itself. The days of subsidizing communist indoctrination in our colleges will soon be over.

>>19186528 President Trump: If colleges persist in continuing to violate your civil rights, we will have their endowments severely taxed and fined, and a portion of the seized funds used as restitution for victims of these racist practices.

>>19186563 President Trump: Under the next Trump administration, the censorship industrial complex will be defunded, dismantled, and destroyed. We're going to destroy it one hundred percent.

>>19186607 President Trump: We've now seen how bad it is. How bad their policies are. In one way, that's the only way, but in one way, we're showing the world, we're showing the country how bad they are.

>>19186645 A large group of Muslims gathered in Mississauga, Ont. to protest against trans and LGBTQ2SI+ education in schools

>>19186734 President Trump: What's coming up is going to be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

>>19186750 #23564

(25 notables, 36 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196145

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19186753 Q Research General #23565: Rally And Beyond Edition

Created 160015ZJUL23




>>19186772 #23565

>>19186800 This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDCs

>>19186801 President Trump: The country is laughing at our leader. They think he's a gross incompetent, that he doesn't know what he's doing, and he's totally corrupt

>>19186814, >>19187130 Trump links: LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023

>>19186857 Trump is high energy today :)

>>19186916, >>19186992 "I WILL OBLITERATE THE DEEPSTATE"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ba5492b56c42e89ded9485cd09a31c3b41bd076ab5618fd3c02c146c6736944.mp4

>>19186977, >>19187105, >>19187124, >>19187240 Turning point pics

>>19186978 I had a lot of guns pionted at me, let me tell you-DJT on what happened when he crossed over into NK

>>19187019, >>19187030 Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up

>>19187036 Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese is trending after video of @RobertKennedyJr discussing bioweapons was released

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09f18392fb2e1219483e1654e92ec0ac926e490ff58b1b0289bbd0725c0d6cfd.mp4

>>19187038 President Trump: Not a single American mother or father should have to be sent to die in

>>19187046, >>19187052 President Trump: "That son of a bitch is gonna run against me! I got him elected!!!"

>>19187071, >>19187072, >>19187075, >>19187079, >>19187084, >>19187090, >>19187091, >>19187102 THE SNAKE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d3975d3d68483f9650582a065fa91ae641895ef05d5a0c5d271ec2fb29bf7cad.mp4

>>19187073 President Trump: To stop the destruction of our national wealth, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. Everything coming into our country. They're ripping our country, and we're not going to let; we want our products made in American factories, by American workers, in Florida and other states.

>>19187120 President Trump: I will use Title 42, which they ended, to end the child trafficking crisis, by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately

>>19187140 President Trump: It's about time for the federal government to take over Washington, DC, and run it properly. Run it with sense. Run it strongly, and end the crime.

>>19187147, >>19187148, >>19187149, >>19187150, >>19187151, >>19187152, >>19187154, >>19187157, >>19187159, >>19187162, >>19187182, >>19187186, >>19187187, >>19187192 It has to be TIPPY TOP

>>19187169 President Trump: [Washington, DC} has to be tippy-top. It has to be perfect. And bring it back, and make it better than it ever was, and we can do that pretty easily.

>>19187196 President Trump: To combat the scourge of homelessness that's plaguing democrat-run cities, I will use every possible authority to get the homeless, drug-addicted, and dangerously deranged people off the streets, and will get them medical care. We can't have what's happening in San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and New York, and Chicago, and every other democrat-run city. In all cases, they're democrat-run.

>>19187232, >>19187248 GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

>>19187234 DeSantis’ spot is full of notes displaying support for Trump.

>>19187246 President Trump: The great silent majority is rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten no longer. With your help, your love, your vote, we will put America First, We Will Make America Great Again.

>>19187270, >>19187282, >>19187434 Your favorite president: me - DJT in his speech just now. He was extra strong and inspired tonight, he never fails to make me proud and laugh a lot!

>>19187350 The Heritage Foundation: The Hidden Report About the Afghanistan Withdrawal (Cap 0:56)

>>19187362, >>19187414 It has to be tippy top - Donald Trump 0:23

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v309t2o - Video upload for 110721054494745635 [23] [Channel: hostid1]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e0bed4d7fb362b8ea8ec17e8f2e932a390272f69fe51d4c4b2c0d4a0442844a6.mp4

>>19187364 Nearly No Video's of Epstein's VH1 Billionaires Episode Exist Anymore

>>19187405 Meme of the bread

>>19187437, >>19187440, >>19187461 TIPPY TOP: It was requested Q 991

>>19187444 Erwin Chemerinsky Berkeley law dean caught telling class he’d lie in deposition now says he was joking

>>19187475 #23565

(30 notables, 63 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196148

File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19187485 Q Research General #23566: IT HAS TOO BE TIPPY TOP - President Donald J Trump? Edition

Created 160135ZJUL23




>>19187501 #23566

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v309t2o - Video upload for 110721054494745635 [23] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19187567 FERBRACHE: You May Have Missed A Startling Part Of Wray’s Testimony On Backdoor Gun Control

>>19187593 Alabama woman disappears after calling 911 to report toddler walking along interstate

>>19187603 DONALD J TRUMP boom × 4? :32 seconds in… (Cap 1:07)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/787d9a3a4a32756f45b9621e904a52f597b8d35298ce57d04152ce0c4e61cf68.mp4

>>19187623, >>19187638, >>19187665 President Trump notable quotes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v307ifg - LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023 [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>19187646 POTUS: Wheels down, Think Mirror? Q 3414 [Wheels up]

>>19187695, >>19187721 PDJT Truth: "THE SNAKE"

>>19187731 It wasn't Pence that got hit with a water balloon but Bruce Blakeman

>>19187733 American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

>>19187756 John Kerry Tries To BS His Use Of Private Jets, Promptly Gets Called Out On It

>>19187773 New series of military vehicles designed for survivability and tactical mobility rolls into Iowa Training Center.

>>19187816, >>19187835 Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compiles List of Her Critics’ Names and Gives it to Police

>>19187833 PDJT Truth: My honor to be indicted & arrested by sick govt "Thugs"

>>19187863 Chinese investors, a Samoan high chief plot a cryptocurrency hub in paradise

>>19187872 Alabama Lawmaker Blocks Pentagon Budget Moves to Force Decision on Space Command Basing

>>19187881 How QAnon Became Obsessed With ‘Adrenochrome,’ an Imaginary Drug Hollywood Is ‘Harvesting’ from Kids

>>19187886 UK Defence Secretary to step down as MP

>>19187897 Leading gender dysphoria expert lauded for his work on sexual orientation says he has been censored after authoring report which found girls feel 'pressured' into declaring they are trans

>>19187907 'Prison Karen' Ghislaine Maxwell accuses a guard of sexual abuse after staffer confronted her over poor personal hygiene and used vulgar word

>>19187924, >>19188062 Looks like a big radiation spike in Karpinsk, Russia - DIG CALL

>>19187947, >>19187957, >>19187977 Joe looking at brain exercises for dementia in a bookstore - FOR KEKS

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/10806200e2d516f4040fa1f3ea13b3ce21fdb13af2d537b7e58da29448eab5ff.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qs7UsbhbRVc

>>19188018 Anon: KILLBOX1AZB in Q 2013 point to a protein that looks like the Hydra found in the vax

>>19188020 Tucker Carlson's Speech in West Palm Beach Florida July 15, 2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aibak9_ewXo - Tucker Carlson Tonight 7/15/23 FULL HD | BREAKING NEWS LIVE in West Palm Beach Florida July 15, 2023 [Channel: Slime DIY]

>>19188035 84M did not vote in the 2020 election; if we swamp them, they dont have a chance.

>>19188111 ‘Massive’ drone raid on Russian naval base repelled

>>19188122 CMz: Vivek is a Soros Fellow…can he be trusted?

>>19188138 Crimea invasion would kill 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

>>19188157 PDJT Truth w/Storm imagery

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bcc7cdaebef2f0c54c65f5f9f029539f9e03afb1db919971954c98a97fabb09d.mp4

>>19188169 20% of Ukrainian weapons destroyed in just two weeks – New York Times

>>19188173 QClock July 14, 2023 - Boom On The Launch Pad

>>19188238, >>19188247 Sundance: DeSantis Fires a Dozen Staffers As Campaign Payroll Burn Rate Nears 30%

>>19188274 Dems looking for Biden replacement (like Newsom)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v303tkw - This right here! [1:24] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19188313 ‘Don’t trust a man with numb gums’: Tucker Goes off on the White House Cocaine

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3097qs - ‘Don’t trust a man with numb gums’: Tucker Goes off on the White House Cocaine Story [1:52] [Channel: RealAmericasVoice]

>>19188358 #23566

(34 notables, 42 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196165

File: 4870557c1818a7f⋯.png (214.03 KB,1200x600,2:1,Clipboard.png)


>>18924779 Q Research AUSTRALIA #30: EVIL KNOWS NO BOUNDS Edition

Created 301420ZMAY23




>>18928925 Video: Mark McGowan resigns as WA Premier - Western Australia’s Premier Mark McGowan has announced he is stepping down as the state’s leader, admitting his many years serving has left him “exhausted”. “I just don‘t have the energy or drive that is required to continue in the role as Premier. Or to fight that election which would have been my eighth election as a Member of Parliament,” he said. McGowan led Labor back to government with an overwhelming victory over the Liberal government in March 2017, and again at the 2021 election. He enforced some of the toughest Covid-19 restrictions on travel during the pandemic.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fe1ebc2a3b71dad1aaa415ca31e1c380c43b85b44f4463492e62a9f1af9c393d.mp4

>>18928944 Video: Mark McGowan stands down as WA premier in shock announcement, citing exhaustion - WA Premier Mark McGowan has announced he is retiring from politics in a bombshell announcement. In a press conference held with just 45 minutes' notice, Mr McGowan said he would step down as premier and member for Rockingham at the end of the week. "The truth is I'm tired, extremely tired. In fact, I'm exhausted," he said. Mr McGowan enjoyed overwhelming popularity in his second term throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, enacting the nation's strictest border policies. The approach came with its critics, with some arguing it was heavy-handed, and prompting then-deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce to describe WA as a "kind of hermit kingdom".

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dbc07c7fb845496472396656b8f5b408698fbb4f02495c5d4f243c36065f9bf2.mp4

>>18928950 WA Premier Mark McGowan’s shock departure puts Labor seats at risk - Mark McGowan’s shock departure from politics inflicts a ­massive blow to the Labor Party’s prospects at the 2025 state and federal elections. Western Australia’s most popular leader in its history - whose landslide 2021 state election victory left the Liberal and National parties in ruin – played a huge hand in delivering Anthony Albanese majority government. Albanese had to wait for the red wave in Perth - where results rolled in two hours behind those on the east coast – to deliver Labor the Liberal seats of Swan, Hasluck, Tangney and Pearce, before claiming majority government on election night. McGowan’s “X-factor” significantly boosted federal Labor’s stocks in Western Australia, and ALP strategists are concerned that losing his popular appeal in the west will make it tougher to retain seats.

>>18928954 Exit door: ‘Premier’s legacy a weakened federation’ - Mark McGowan was the first premier to take as strong an alternative approach to a federal government in foreign policy and “revelled” in stepping out from the commonwealth particularly on the relationship with China, foreign policy experts say. The outgoing Western Australian leader frequently called out the former Coalition government and its handling of the relationship with Beijing, which he labelled “insane”, and demanded Scott Morrison end the damaging rhetoric against Australia’s biggest trading partner. During a visit to China last month - the first in four years - Mr McGowan said it was “unfounded” to have a “fearful relationship” with Beijing after 50 years of fostering a close economic relationship.

>>18934236 https://qalerts.pub/?q=schumer - https://qalerts.pub/?q=[CS]

>>18940103 Why ‘gender affirming’ care is destroying our most vulnerable kids - ''"For years readers of The Australian have been made aware of the controversies surrounding the medical treatment of children who identify as other than their natal sex. But it is only recently the seriousness of the public health crisis has begun to be apparent. This is a public health crisis caused not by a virus, not by a disease, but by a social contagion. It is time for plain speaking about the issue. The transgender movement has been based on one truth and a thousand lies. The truth is that for a very small number of people, mostly born male, there can be such a disconnect between body and mind that they cannot find peace unless and until they take such steps as they can to pass as the other sex. This can involve taking cross-sex hormones and undergoing major surgeries that are difficult and risky. Those who take this path, usually well into their adult years and after much suffering, are courageous. They deserve respect an

>>18940139 Donald Trump Jr demands media apologise for airing false claims that his father colluded with Vladimir Putin for 2016 election - Donald Trump Jr has lambasted the media for airing false claims about his father’s alleged collusion with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the 2016 presidential election and said outlets who endorsed the claims - including the ABC – should publicly apologise. After the release of the 316-page Durham report earlier this month, which criticised the FBI’s handling of the investigation into the alleged ties between the two leaders and found no evidence of collusion between Mr Trump and Mr Putin, Mr Trump Jr said his father was owed an apology. “The media made millions of dollars, the country was divided and my father’s first term was hamstrung by the whole thing,” the former president’s eldest son told The Australian.

>>18940223 Video: Memorial Day | The Last Full Measure of Devotion - May 29, 2023 - This #MemorialDay, we pay tribute to the brave men and women of the Armed Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice defending the nation’s freedom. Let us remember the greatness of past generations and find inspiration from their courage, devotion, and selfless determination. Semper Fidelis. (U.S. Marine Corps Video by Staff Sgt. John A. Martinez) - United States Marine Corps

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ejPIgRnHh04 - Memorial Day [Channel: Marines]


>>18945832 Health leaders reject the need for oversight of transgender medicine - Australia’s most senior health leaders have dismissed suggestions the commonwealth should take a greater oversight and regulatory role in the prescription of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children as the federal government admits it has no idea how widely the drugs are being prescribed off-label for gender dysphoria.

>>18946058 Talisman Sabre - MAGIC SWORD - https://qalerts.pub/?q=Operation+Specialists - https://qalerts.pub/?q=magic

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/43746e9e3c38d8e4d7c7b3c9d05340d6714dd6ff0c89a99c2420baee4de86a46.mp4

>>18949906 Kyiv ‘needs to wait’ for fresh support, says Anthony Albanese - Anthony Albanese has pushed back at Ukraine’s suggestion his government is preparing to unveil fresh support for Ukraine next month, saying announcements would be made “when they’re ready to be made”. “My governments is a considered, adult government,” the Prime Minister told reporters on Saturday during a visit to Vietnam. “I can confirm that we make the announcements when they are ready, when they’ve been considered by all of our processes, including our cabinet.”

>>18955343 Karina Samperi Truth: Thank you @DevinNunes for finally letting #Australia join #TruthSocial. We have been waiting patiently to be let in support of the #Patriot movement that will affect #Australia

>>18960235 US Marines to join allied troops in Australia for combined force exercise - U.S. Marines in Australia will kick off a month of field training alongside Australian and Japanese troops next week, a precursor to one of the largest military exercises in the Pacific the following month. The exercise, Southern Jackaroo, is taking place between June 15 and mid-July, Maj. Matthew Wolf, a spokesman for Marine Rotational Force - Darwin, said. Next month, all three nations will participate in Talisman Sabre, a biennial exercise in Australia that’s scheduled to draw approximately 30,000 personnel.

>>18960257 Hawkei armoured cars bound for Ukraine war in Australian support deal - Australia is set to give Ukraine the missile-capable, four-wheel-drive armoured cars that it has been requesting for months - the Hawkei - as the centrepiece of a forthcoming support package. Although a formal commitment has yet to be sealed, there has been serious progress informally and Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov told the Herald and The Age the vehicles were number one on his list of “demands” from Australia. He described the Australian-made vehicles as “very, very famous armed vehicles with air defence systems” in an interview in Singapore after meeting his Australian counterpart, Richard Marles, at the weekend. The Hawkei is a seven-tonne armoured car designed to be fitted with the same Norwegian-American air defence system that protects the White House.

>>18965978 Video: Nigel Farage said he decided to join Donald Trump Jr.'s Australian speaking tour because the former president's son is 'blooming-good fun' - Former Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage has announced he is joining Donald Trump Jr.’s speaking tour of Australia. The eldest son of the former US president is set to appear in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne between 9 and 11 July, this year. Speaking to Sky News Australia’s Paul Murray, the former UK politician-turned GB News host said he had decided to join the tour - which will also include South Australian senator Alex Antic – at the last minute. “I’m coming, well for a couple of reasons really: One, I don’t think you get quite enough real, proper conservative conversation down in Australia these days; number two, I want you all to realise that whatever madnesses you're facing, we're facing them in America and in Britain; and number three, I really like Donald Trump Jr., he’s blooming-good fun, and it’s going to be a great time,” Mr Farage said.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a00d3a5bd465222346f32f5ebcd457a6663d192fa9c7c5641a1f23218c9ffaf3.mp4

>>18971108 Australia to ban swastika, SS sign citing rise of far-right - Video: Australia said on Thursday it would introduce laws to the parliament next week banning public displays and sales of Nazi hate symbols, citing a rise in far-right activities at home. The swastika, one of the most recognisable symbols of Nazi propaganda, and the insignia of Schutzstaffel (SS), the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party, will be outlawed to be used as flags and armbands or printed on clothes. "We've seen, very sadly, a rise in people displaying these vile symbols, which are symbols that have no place in Australia, they should be repugnant," Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus told Channel Seven television.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4e9515b033bf708971b81c351855282bb211dd3b33d60178c87f573b3e826a4.mp4

>>18971120 ‘Not pulling our weight’: Bipartisanship collapses over Ukraine support - A fight has erupted between the major parties over Australian support for Ukraine’s war against Russia, with the federal opposition declaring it embarrassing that Ukrainian officials have been forced to resort to social media posts to plead for more military assistance from the Albanese government. In the Coalition’s strongest criticism yet of the government’s Ukraine policy, opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham and defence spokesman Andrew Hastie said they were concerned that Australia was no longer pulling its weight when it came to supporting Ukraine’s military efforts.

>>18971125 Retired Australian F/A-18 Hornet jets a step closer to joining Ukraine's war effort - Kyiv has assured the White House that it would not deploy second-hand Australian warplanes into Russian airspace if dozens of the retired F/A-18s are transferred to Ukraine. High-level international negotiations are continuing between Australia, Ukraine, and the United States over the fate of the decommissioned fighter aircraft, in what could become this country's largest-ever single transfer of military equipment to a foreign power.

>>18977940 Q Post #4349 - Nobody escapes this. Q

>>18983042 White House asked to approve Australian F/A-18 Hornets for Ukraine - Kyiv has formally asked the White House to green light the transfer of the RAAF’s fleet of retired F/A-18 Hornets to Ukraine under a commercial deal with a US aerospace company that has the rights to buy the aircraft. If the US approves the deal, Australia’s Defence Minister Richard Marles will be urged to make the sale happen, according to an Australian adviser to the Ukraine government who has been helping to broker the sale. Australian, American and Ukrainian officials are understood to have had initial discussions on the potential agreement in which Texas company RAVN Aerospace - which has paid a deposit for 41 of the jets - would on-sell its stake to Kyiv.

>>18983065 ‘Mystery man’ Robert Potter leads fighter jet talks in Ukraine - An Adelaide-born cyber security entrepreneur has emerged as a central figure in a proposed international arms deal to sell retired Australian fighter jets to Ukraine. Internet 2.0 co-founder Robert Potter has an agreement with Ukraine’s Digital Transformation Ministry to provide cyber security tools and training to support the country’s war against Russia. But Mr Potter’s role in the ­potential sale of up to 41 former RAAF F/A-18 Hornets to the country has raised eyebrows in Ukraine and Australia, with the Kyiv Post newspaper this week describing his involvement as “unconventional”.

>>18983102 Aussie Fighter Jets for Ukraine? More Questions Than Answers - "The mandate for such a deal or for the Australian cyber-security consultant who appears associated with it remains unclear after Kyiv Post investigated. Following the international spread of a media report that Australia and the US were negotiating with Ukraine about providing retired Australian F/A-18 aircraft, doubts about the alleged deal have emerged. Yesterday, the Australian Financial Review (AFR), a highly respected newspaper, published a report by two very well-regarded journalists that Australia, the US and Ukraine “are discussing sending 41 Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Hornets to Kyiv.” Given the Ukrainian government has repeatedly said that fighter aircraft are critical to their country’s defense, Kyiv Post sought to establish the bona fides of developments reported by AFR." - Pete Shmigel - kyivpost.com

>>18987818 Australian deaths from ‘suicide kits’ linked to global investigation - The deaths of several Australians by suicide have been linked to a now global investigation into a Canadian chef who has been charged in his homeland with selling a lethal substance online to vulnerable people all over the world. Australian law enforcement agencies have joined investigators in Britain, the United States, Italy, New Zealand and Canada to investigate alleged suicide kits sent by Kenneth Law who, for almost two years, used a website to sell a poison that at-risk people could use to end their lives.

>>18987863 Marine Rotational Force - Darwin Facebook Post: Video: Always Ready - Check out U.S. Marines with MRF-D as they conduct an embassy reinforcement scenario at Mount Bundey Training Area! - #AlliesandPartners #FreeandOpenIndoPacific #MRFD #embassy - (U.S. Marine Corps Video by Cpl. Brayden Daniel)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/018b789a1bb599419d658045d949016693eaabf039f30e1c783ccb8fa3c25c22.mp4

>>18992075 A QUESTION OF TRANSITION - Youth gender treatment under scrutiny - JULIE SZEGO - 4 JUN 2023 - "This is a piece The Age refused to publish. It is the first in a series I’ll be posting here." - https://szegounplugged.substack.com/p/a-question-of-transition

>>18992091 Senior child psychiatrist stood down after questioning gender medicine - The suspension of a senior staff psychiatrist over her approach to transgender patients has thrown the Queensland Children’s Hospital into turmoil, casting a spotlight on widespread concerns among doctors at the treatment of children with gender dysphoria. The case of Jillian Spencer - stood down from clinical duties apparently accused of transphobia – has exposed a culture in which clinicians are unable to employ medical discretion or a neutral therapeutic stance and are bound by their employment to affirm children’s gender transition. Dr Spencer, a senior staff specialist in the QCH’s consultation liaison psychiatry team, was removed from clinical duties in mid-April following a patient complaint in an unusual response from a public hospital that followed months of conflict over affirmative gender medicine and trans identity politics within the hospital.

>>18998407 USA puts flying schools on Entity List for training PLA aircrew - The US Department of Commerce has added international flight schools to its Entity List, stating that they have recruited Western pilots to provide training for China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The two companies, the Test Flying Academy of South Africa (TFASA) and Hong Kong-based Frontier Service Group, were among 43 entities added to the list. Entities on the list are subject to additional licensing requirements and policies beyond the USA’s standard Export Administration Regulations. The Commerce Department says that the various entities added have provided assistance to Beijing in areas such as pilot training, aircraft manoeuvres and tactics, hypersonic weapons development, and weapon lifecycle management using Western software. China’s tapping of former western military pilots has come into the spotlight in the last 12 months. Former US Marine Corps pilot Daniel Edmund Duggan is in Australia fighting extradition to the USA

>>18998479 Video: Australia's Bushmasters to play 'huge role' in Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia, troops say - In a secret location in eastern Ukraine, frontline troops from the 80th Air Assault Brigade are putting one of their Bushmasters through its paces. "It's fantastic," says driver Oleksandr when asked about the armoured personnel carrier that was built in Bendigo. "Words cannot express it. It's such a powerful vehicle. It is much easier to drive than our equipment," he says. Australia pledged 90 Bushmasters to Ukraine after President Zelenskyy addressed the national parliament last year and asked for the vehicles. They have proved invaluable to Ukraine's armed forces over the past year.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2b2cfd6fb2135c7e286b22090879bf8a4e79815919592c91ae117bbb7f331667.mp4

>>19005499 Video: Lidia Thorpe accuses fellow senator David Van of ‘sexually assaulting’ her - Independent senator Lidia Thorpe has in parliament accused Victorian Liberal senator David Van of “harassing” and “sexually assaulting” her. The allegation was made by Thorpe soon after Senate question time on Wednesday as Van made a speech accusing the Labor Party of disgraceful behaviour in its handling of the Brittany Higgins sexual assault allegations. “Even yesterday and today the muck that has been thrown from that side [Labor] to this side [Liberal] senators [Michaelia] Cash and [Linda] Reynolds is really just not on and makes a mockery of your words,” he said.” As Van speaks, Thorpe can be heard interjecting and calling out the word “perpetrator” and “You can talk! You can talk! You know what you were doing around this time, you know what you were doing around this time don’t you Van? You got away with a lot.” Senate deputy president Andrew McLachlan repeatedly attempted to stop Thorpe from interjectin

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abbd964849e4007550071c927a4c13e3c19aa5be25e8cb561b6f97992ad92229.mp4

>>19005586 KanekoaTheGreat Tweet: Australia's Sky News discusses @MarcoPolo501c3 releasing a 630-page report with 2,020 citations that thoroughly documents 459 crimes committed by the Biden family & their business associates. •140 business crimes •191 sex crimes •128 drug crimes - https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1668724106001543168

>>19005590 Video: 'Out of a novel': Hunter Biden's laptop filled with sex, drugs and shady deals exposed - A former aide to Donald Trump has lifted the lid on Hunter Biden’s laptop which has plagued the Democratic Party since it first surfaced in October 2020. Garrett Ziegler was one of the few people given a copy of the laptop in 2020 by the former president’s ex-lawyer Rudy Giuliani. He has been named in Hunter Biden’s attorneys demands for the Delaware attorney general, Department of Justice and IRS to investigate those who published the president’s son's personal material. Within the laptop was a treasure trove of information suggesting the now President’s son had been involved in overseas business deals including lobbying foreign oligarchs, influence peddling. It also includes explicit photos and videos of Hunter engaging in sex acts and taking drugs. Mr Ziegler detailed the contents in an exclusive interview with Sky News Australia in a bid to paint “a true picture”.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tf0NwQyiWko - Hunter Biden’s ‘insane’ laptop exposed: Sex, drugs, and shady deals [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>19010951 ‘Take it to the police’: David Van responds to Lidia Thorpe claims - Victorian Liberal senator David Van has told Lidia Thorpe to go to the police if she believes, as she has claimed, that he sexually assaulted her. The independent senator on Wednesday performed an ­extraordinary backdown in parliament, withdrawing her accusation hours earlier that Mr Van had “harassed and sexually assaulted” her when his party was in government. Senator Van said Senator Thorpe’s accusations were “just awful,” telling 2GB the allegations were “Just terrible for me and my family.” “The only time I’ve ever even touched her was shaking her hand after her maiden speech. “Nothing else, that’s for sure,” he said.

>>19010988 Liberal Senator David Van was accused by Lidia Thorpe of harassment, here’s what we know about him - A former public affairs consultant from Victoria, ousted Liberal senator David Van was thrown into the spotlight when independent Lidia Thorpe used parliamentary privilege to accuse him of harassment and sexual assault. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton on Thursday afternoon said further allegations had emerged about Senator Van and had “advised Senator Van of my decision that he should no longer sit in the Liberal Party party room.” Senator Thorpe on Thursday spoke of how she had faced “sexual comments” and had been “inappropriately propositioned” in corridors and stairwells of parliament house in an emotional speech to the Senate. “One man followed me and cornered me in a stairwell,” she said. “To me, it was sexual assault and the government of the time recognised it as such.”

>>19011007 Lidia Thorpe says she was propositioned and inappropriately touched in parliament - Independent Lidia Thorpe has doubled down on her allegations that Liberal Senator David Van is a “perpetrator”, telling the Senate on Thursday that he was among a number of men in parliament who had made her feel “unsafe” in the building. In a tearful address to the upper house, the former Greens senator said she had been “propositioned and inappropriately touched” in the hallways and corridors of parliament and called on the government to immediately increase the number of security guards and cameras in the building. “As all women that have walked the corridors of this building know, it is not a safe place. You are often alone in long corridors with no windows and in stairwells hidden from view, where there are no cameras,” she told the senate. “I experienced sexual comments and it was inappropriately propositioned by powerful men. One man followed me and cornered me in a stairwell. “There are different understandi

>>19011031 Video: David Van moves to the crossbench after Thorpe’s Senate accusations - Liberal senator David Van has been removed from the Liberal party room after a meeting with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton following accusations of harassment made by Lidia Thorpe in the Senate. Dutton said he had met with the Victorian senator on Thursday morning after further allegations had been brought to him overnight. “A short time ago I advised Senator Van of my decision that he should no longer sit in the Liberal party room. At the outset, I want to make clear, very clear that I’m not making any judgement on the veracity of the allegations or any individual’s guilt or innocence. I make that very clear,” Dutton said.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=czxra2kIv-A - Senator removed from party room amid Thorpe allegations | 9 News Australia [Channel: 9 News Australia]

>>19011145 Video: ‘Threat to our national security’: Government to terminate lease for new Russian embassy - The Albanese government has introduced emergency legislation to prevent Russia from opening a new embassy less than a kilometre from Parliament House in Canberra, saying the new site poses an unacceptable security risk. The government intervened in the long-running dispute about the embassy site after the Federal Court last week found an eviction order issued by the National Capital Authority (NCA) was invalid. The Russian government was granted the 99-year lease for the plot of land, in the upmarket suburb of Yarralumla, in 2008 but failed to progress plans to develop the site, leading the NCA to claim it should give it up to another country. “The government has received very clear security advice as to the risk presented by a new Russian presence, and so close to Parliament House,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said in a press conference.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RKOqA3m-gNk - Australia to terminate Russian diplomatic lease near Parliament House | 9 News Australia [Channel: 9 News Australia]

>>19011190 Queensland makes gender optional on birth certificates - Sexual reassignment surgery will no longer be mandatory for adults and teenagers wanting to change sex on their Queensland birth certificates under new laws that were expected to pass state parliament. The transgender reforms, opposed by the Liberal National Party, will also give parents the ­option not to list any gender on their newborn’s documentation. Children older than 16 will be able to legally self-identify as another sex without parental consent, as long as they have a supporting statement from an adult who has known them for at least a year. Those aged 12 to 15 will ­require their parents’ permission to change their birth certificate, but can apply to the courts if their parents do not support an application. Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said the opt-in approach for listing sex on birth certificates was designed to “give people the greatest agency over what information they want recorded. Providing these protections to trans

>>19016472 Peter Dutton says senator David Van should quit parliament, after another allegation raised with him - Liberal leader Peter Dutton says senator David Van should quit parliament, after airing that allegations made against the senator by a third person were brought to him, contributing to his rapid expulsion from the party room. Over an explosive 48 hours, independent senator Lidia Thorpe raised allegations under parliamentary privilege that Senator Van had sexually harassed and assaulted her - which he immediately denied, and she later withdrew. Former Liberal senator Amanda Stoker yesterday raised her own claims that Senator Van had inappropriately touched her at a party by squeezing her bottom twice - something she said she dealt with internally at the time, but felt compelled to bring to Mr Dutton's attention after Senator Thorpe spoke in the Senate.

>>19016500 Sydney MP Alex Greenwich sues Mark Latham for allegedly suggesting he ‘goes to schools to groom children’ - Newly released court documents reveal independent MP Alex Greenwich is suing NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham for purportedly painting him as someone who “goes to schools to groom children to become homosexual”. Conservatives and progressives both responded with fierce disapproval to a graphic and homophobic tweet shared to Mr Latham’s social media on March 30 in which he claimed Mr Greenwich engaged in “disgusting” sexual activities. Mr Latham deleted the tweet after a public uproar and demands for an apology. “Greenwich goes into schools talking to kids about being gay. I didn’t want to be accused of anything similar, leaving that kind of content on my socials.”

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>>19016596 Australia diligently continues to move in main stream of Russophobic hysteria: Kremlin - Australia, having cancelled the lease agreement for the site for the construction of the new Russian embassy building, diligently continues to move forward in the main stream of the authors of the Russophobic hysteria and tries to distinguish itself on this path, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. "To our regret, Australia diligently continues to move in the main stream of the authors of the Russophobic hysteria that is now taking place in the Western countries. Australia is trying to be an excellent student there," the Kremlin spokesman told reporters on Thursday, commenting on Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's statement about introducing a relevant bill to parliament. - tass.com

>>19016648 Fears government data has been stolen by cyber criminals grow as law firm’s clients are revealed - The Albanese government has established a crisis group to examine what commonwealth data has been stolen by Russian-linked hackers who infiltrated the systems of HWL Ebsworth, the giant law firm that has tens of millions of dollars of contracts across at least 40 government departments and agencies. Sensitive agencies including Home Affairs, the Australian Federal Police, Australian Taxation Office, Department of Defence, Department of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions are among those feared to have been impacted by the hack.

>>19016676 Data on secret missile testing site, attack helicopters and police operations stolen by hackers - Russian cyber hackers who infiltrated the computer systems of law firm HWL Ebsworth have obtained government files apparently relating to the top-secret Woomera missile testing site, navy’s attack helicopter replacement project and Australia’s politically sensitive enhanced engagement in the Indo-Pacific. Sources said the hack - one of the largest in Australian history - had also seen the ransomware gang ­obtain documents concerning police intelligence about protests at an immigration detention centre, the escape of prisoners, and projects involving special forces. While a court injunction obtained by the giant law firm has sought to limit public knowledge of the content of the hacked documents, The Weekend Australian can ­reveal there is deep concern and fury in Canberra, where at least 45 departments and agencies fear data they shared with HWL Ebsworth has been compromised.

>>19016711 ‘State warcraft’: Police won’t cop $1.7bn worth of meth imports - Federal police say international crime groups and “state actors” are threatening the rules-based order of democracies such as Australia by working together to smuggle illicit drugs, after revealing they had seized $1.7bn worth of meth bound for Victoria and NSW. In an extraordinary five-month operation, the Australian Federal Police, Victoria Police and other national crime-busting organisations worked with the Five Eyes law enforcement group to capture more than six tonnes of liquid and crystal methamphetamine since December last year. The illicit substance arrived in four separate sea cargo shipments, and originated from Canada. The drugs were replaced with a harmless substance but had it landed, almost 19 million street deals could have taken place.

>>19016940 Ukraine’s plea for Hawkei vehicles ‘unsupportable at this time’, government letter says - The Albanese government says it is unable to send Hawkei protected mobility vehicles to Ukraine in the near future despite increasingly desperate pleas from Kyiv, citing braking issues and a lack of spare parts. Ukraine has been requesting a fleet of Australian-made Hawkeis since September and the country’s Ministry of Defence has taken to social media in recent months to declare the vehicle its new “military crush”. In a letter sent to a member of the public earlier this month on behalf of Defence Minister Richard Marles, a senior Department of Defence official said: “We are aware of calls to provide [the] Hawkei to Ukraine. The combination of an unresolved braking issue and a limited supply of parts means that the gifting of the Hawkei is unsupportable at this time. The government is considering options for further support to Ukraine, which it will announce in due course.”

>>19021590 ‘Disregard for due process’: David Van resigns from Liberal Party following sexual harassment allegations - Victorian Senator David Van has formally resigned from the Liberal Party after what he has described as “wholesale disregard for due process and natural justice” in the handling of numerous sexual harassment allegations levelled against him. The Victorian Senator on Saturday wrote to Victorian Liberal Party president Greg Mirabella to say he was resigning his membership effective immediately. “I cannot remain a member of a party that tramples upon the very premise on which our justice system is predicated,” he said in the letter. “This is a travesty of justice and I reiterate that I deny the allegations made against me.

>>19021740, >>19021747 Kevin Rudd AC Tweet: Great to spend time with Pacific Ambassadors to the US and US Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy. Important conversations about the future of the region we all call home.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5cd7bb0c84431e55d5cf39ca660720cdc6fbb1b980271c5a8ba64ff0cddc6f78.mp4

>>19026316 Albanese government must recognise Palestine this term: Victorian Labor Conference - The Victorian Labor conference has called on the Albanese government to recognise Palestine before the next election, setting the stage for the matter to become a focal point at the upcoming national conference in August. A motion put to the Victorian Labor conference today congratulated Anthony Albanese and Foreign Minister Penny Wong for the restoration of aid to Palestinians and shifting Australia’s vote at the United Nations on matters relating to Israel’s occupation of Palestine. But the state conference called on the federal government to go further and formally recognise Palestine in this term.

>>19031721 Xie Feng (12th Chinese Ambassador to the United States) Tweet: Thank you, @AmboRudd, for inviting me and my wife to your beautiful residence. Good discussion.

>>19037068 Legalise Cannabis party introduces personal use bills in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia - The Legalise Cannabis party has today introduced bills to legalise marijuana for personal use in parliaments in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. It is the first time the same bill has been tabled in three states on the same day. The bills have been introduced to the states' upper houses and will need support from major parties to become law. It will not allow people under 18 to access cannabis, or permit driving while impaired by the drug. New South Wales upper house MP Jeremy Buckingham said the reform would allow people over the age of 18 to grow up to six cannabis plants in their households. It would also allow people to gift small quantities to other people but driving under the influence of the drug would remain prohibited.

>>19037075 Daniel Andrews defends Israel, saying he would have voted against his faction’s Palestine motion - Daniel Andrews has issued a staunch defence of Israel’s sovereignty, voicing his opposition to his own faction’s motion on Palestinian recognition, which passed without dissent at Labor’s Victorian conference on Sunday. Recommitting to comments he made three weeks ago that the Jewish homeland represented the “only true democracy” in the Middle East, the Victorian Premier indicated he would oppose any motion regarding the recognition of Palestine at the national ALP conference due to be held in August. “My position on Israel has been very, very consistent and clear. It’s not always popular, but it’s my view, and it won’t change,” the Premier said.

>>19037159 Donald Trump Jr. Faces Calls to Be Banned From Australia - Donald Trump Jr. is facing calls for his banning in Australia ahead of his upcoming tour there. Trump, the eldest son of the former president and a prominent conservative voice in his own right, will be headed Down Under for a three-city speaking tour presented by the nonprofit organization Turning Point Australia, with stops in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, from July 9 to 11. He is expected to be joined by former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage. Trump Jr.'s scheduled appearances have generated calls for the Australian government to block him from entering the country. His Australian critics have launched petitions to ban him from obtaining a visa to come into the country and have vowed to disrupt his speaking engagements. One Change.org petition, titled "Stop Donald Trump Jr getting an Australian Visa," has gained over 14,000 signatures.

>>19037218 Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023: Largest US amphibious assault ship USS America to dock in Brisbane - The largest amphibious assault ship in the US Navy’s Seventh Fleet is expected to arrive in Brisbane on Tuesday afternoon. It will be the second time in three years the USS America, which carries fighter jets and tiltrotor aircraft such as MV22-Ospreys, has visited Queensland, but only the first time it has been allowed to dock and its crew to come ashore. With US Marines from the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit on board, the warship is pulling in for a port call before heading off to participate in the 10th iteration of Australia’s largest bilateral combined military training activity with the US, Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023.

>>19044137 ‘A real head-scratcher’: Australia’s commitment to Ukraine questioned - The Australian government has been criticised for failing to send a minister to represent the nation at the Ukraine recovery conference taking place in London on Wednesday. Foreign Minister Penny Wong will skip the conference, instead opting to attend parliament and send a pre-recorded video message. “The Albanese government continues to send all of the wrong signals about Australia’s commitment to Ukraine,” Birmingham said. “It’s staggering that the Albanese government is a repeated ministerial no-show at important discussions about Ukraine’s future.”

>>19044166 Left-wing activists try to ban Trump Jr. from Australia ahead of speaking tour - Left-wing activists are pushing to derail Donald Trump Jr.’s planned speaking tour in Australia, and a petition to deny him a visa into the country has netted more than 17,000 signatures. Former President Trump’s eldest son is launching a three-city speaking tour of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne from July 9-11 that’s being held by Turning Point Australia, a sister organization of the American conservative group founded by Charlie Kirk. A Change.org page was launched in response calling for Trump Jr. to be blocked from even setting foot in Australia, which as of Tuesday morning has just over 17,200 supporters. "Donald Trump Jr is an illegal drug-taking bigoted person who should not be allowed to enter Australia for the purpose of earning himself and possibly his father any ‘Campaign Contributions’. Ban him from this country," wrote Kris Eriksen, the petition’s founder.

>>19044192 Amphibious assault ship ready for Talisman Sabre drills - The commander of a US Navy amphibious assault ship says he is "prepared" for attempts by other nations to seize maritime territory in the region. The USS America docked in the Port of Brisbane on Tuesday for a three-day visit ahead of the Talisman Sabre training exercise in northern Australia involving land combat, amphibious landings and air operations. The $A5 billion, 257-metre warship is crewed by 2000 sailors and marines and carries 20 aircraft including six F-35B Lightning II joint strike fighters with vertical take-off and landing capability.

>>19044210 US sailors and Marines flock ashore as mega war ship USS America docks in Brisbane - Seeing koalas and kangaroos are high on the agenda for most of the crew of the USS America which arrived in Brisbane this week. The largest amphibious assault ship in the US Navy's Seventh Fleet docked to allow its 2500 embarked US Marines and sailors to enjoy a port visit before participating in Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023, Australia’s largest bilateral combined military training activity with the US. The 257m-long ship is designed to accommodate F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters and a combination of rescue, combat and support helicopters including MV22 Ospreys and CH-53E Super Stallions. US Marine Captain Erik Carlson, an F-35 pilot, said the Americans loved working with the Australian military. “We work with the Australians a lot and we love that relationship,” he said. “It’s good to have close friends down here.”

>>19044241 Video: American navy ship USS America arrives in Brisbane - Brisbane is about to be invaded by a large military force ready to take on the town. The massive navy vessel USS America is in Australia for vital training exercises, but first, its crew is coming ashore. - 7NEWS Australia

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PuSLZFu9mGo - American navy ship USS America arrives in Brisbane | 7NEWS [Channel: 7NEWS Australia]

>>19044256 Video: Why this American warship has just docked in Brisbane - Queensland has thrown out the welcome mat to 2,000 US marines and navy sailors ready to explore Brisbane. The USS America is the largest amphibious warship in the US Navy's 7th fleet. It has sailed in for a port call before heading north to participate in the military exercise Talisman Sabre. - ABC News (Australia)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6MruBqM4HK4 - Why this American warship has just docked in Brisbane | ABC News [Channel: ABC News (Australia)]

>>19051042 Australia issues Elon Musk's Twitter with a 'please explain' notice over surge in online hate - Elon Musk's social media platform Twitter has been issued with a demand from Australian authorities for information on what it is doing to tackle online hate. Australia's eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said about one-third of the complaints her agency received about online hate involved content on Twitter, noting a surge in harmful posts since the Tesla chief bought the platform last year. Twitter has 28 days to comply with the "please explain" notice, or face fines of almost $700,000 for every day it misses the deadline.

>>19051054 Australia to Elon Musk: Explain how you’re dealing with hate on Twitter - Australia has ordered Twitter to explain what it is doing to tackle online hate, saying there had been a sharp increase in “toxicity and hate” since Elon Musk took over the company last year. Twitter could be fined as much as $475,000 a day if it doesn’t comply, under an online safety law that Australia touted as world-first when it was introduced in 2021. Julie Inman Grant, Australia’s eSafety commissioner and a former Twitter executive, said Thursday that she issued the notice after a “worrying surge of hate online” and specifically a sharp increase in reports of serious online abuse since Musk bought the company in October. - Frances Vinall - washingtonpost.com

>>19051106 Ukraine moves to become a cashless society in anti-corruption bid - Ukraine says it wants to make its economy cashless as soon as possible to stamp out corruption and secure the hundreds of billions of dollars from private investors that it will need to rebuild after the war. The plans follow the direct urging to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by Australia’s richest man, Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest, who has unveiled a new investment fund for Ukraine’s reconstruction, kick-started with $US500 million ($735 million) paid for via his private company, Tattarang.

>>19051159 George Papadopoulos Tweet: The Australian “diplomat” who lied about me (the reason the sham crossfire investigation investigation went nowhere) also just happened to earmark $25 million to the Clinton foundation while he was Australia’s foreign minister. Are you catching on yet?

>>19058367 Russian Federation launches High Court action against decision to block new embassy in Canberra - The Russian Federation has officially launched legal action in the highest court in Australia as it challenges the government’s decision to block its plans for a new embassy in Canberra. Lawyers acting on behalf of Russian Ambassador Alexey Pavlovsky filed an injunction in the High Court on Friday afternoon against new laws that tore up the Kremlin’s lease for the proposed embassy site in Yarralumla. The Kremlin is challenging the new laws on constitutional grounds, arguing the commonwealth didn’t have just terms for terminating its lease, according to court documents.

>>19058407 Germany invites Australia into elite ‘climate club’ - Australia will be invited to join a high-powered “climate club” for countries with ambitious emissions reductions goals when Prime Minister Anthony Albanese makes an expected visit to Berlin next month to meet with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Joining the German-led group would help Australia avoid potential European trade sanctions on countries that fail to take urgent action to tackle climate change. German ambassador to Australia Markus Ederer said the election of the Albanese government had opened up new opportunities for the countries to work together on low-emissions technologies and critical minerals exports. “With the arrival of a new government which is taking serious climate action, I think there’s a lot of convergence between our climate agendas,” he said.

>>19064520 Social media giants to face multimillion-dollar fines for spreading fake news - Social media giants will be hit with millions of dollars in fines if they repeatedly fail to remove disinformation and misinformation from their platforms under a major crackdown by the Albanese government. Communications Minister Michelle Rowland will on Sunday release draft legislation to give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) powers to hold digital platforms to account for spreading harmful fake news. “Mis- and disinformation sows division within the community, undermines trust and can threaten public health and safety,” Rowland said. “The Albanese government is committed to keeping Australians safe online, and that includes ensuring the ACMA has the powers it needs to hold digital platforms to account for mis- and disinformation on their services.”

>>19064532 Air Force’s readiness chief sent into Home Affairs to fortify response to ‘cyber scumbags’ - The former head of the Royal Australian Air Force’s VIP operations and current air commander, Air Vice-Marshal Darren Goldie, will become the head of the National Office of Cyber Security and Australia’s cyber security coordinator within the Department of Home Affairs. The appointment is a major win for the military in the pecking order of Australia’s sprawling cyber estate. Under current cyber doctrine, the exfiltration and compromise of data and information from systems has largely been accepted as a norm of espionage and intelligence operations, while cyber attacks that seek to replicate kinetic attacks - such as destroying infrastructure or crashing planes - is largely interpreted as war-like. However, these boundaries are being pushed and tested by Russian-speaking actors who have created an extortion industry from ransomware attacks that both encrypt a target’s data and release it into the public doma

>>19064564 Jacinta Allan, 12 members of the Australia Day Council of South Australia among those sanctioned by Russia - Several Australian businessmen, politicians, and journalists are now banned from visiting Russia in the latest sanctions imposed by the Russian Foreign Ministry. Russia has accused those named of being part of a "Russophobic campaign by the collective West". Victorian Deputy Premier Jacinta Allan is the most notable politician on the list, which also has South Australian Labor MP Dana Wortley and Liberal Jing Lee. In response, the deputy premier said her office continued to stand with the Ukrainian community. "We stand with the people of Ukraine and their families and friends during this difficult time," she said.

>>19064687 https://qalerts.pub/?q=comey - https://qalerts.pub/?q=corney - https://qalerts.pub/?q=downer - https://qalerts.pub/?q=crossfire

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BF5kp-HMjRc - Former FBI director James Comey speaks on Trump, the mob and his latest book | 7.30 [Channel: ABC News In-depth]

>>19075444 High Court throws out Russia's bid to stop Australian government taking control of embassy site - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has welcomed the High Court's decision to reject a bid by Russia to prevent the Commonwealth from taking control of a site it leased for a new embassy. Earlier this month, the federal government rushed through legislation terminating Moscow's tenancy on land adjacent to Parliament House, citing a possible national security risk. This morning High Court Justice Jayne Jagot threw out Russia's bid for an injunction, which would have prevented the Commonwealth from entering the disputed land while any court action was underway. Mr Albanese urged the Russian government to heed the High Court's advice and leave the site.

>>19075501 Australia pledges $110 million in military and humanitarian support for Ukraine's battle against Russia - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced another military support package for Ukraine worth $110 million. Australia will send a further 70 military vehicles to Ukraine, including 28 armoured vehicles. It will also send artillery ammunition to Ukraine, and provide $10 million to the United Nations to help meet humanitarian needs in the country in the wake of Russia's invasion. Australia has already supplied Ukraine with support worth more than $650 million, including through providing Bushmaster armoured personnel carriers, drones and ammunition. Mr Albanese denied Australia's extra support for Ukraine was in response to an aborted mutiny in Russia at the weekend. He said Australia had offered additional support for Ukraine around every four months.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8788d4a51c38fc384e370bac430b338b1a3a5505e27e92167a9ddf1c3b876da8.mp4

>>19075550 ‘I never was a spy’: Space consultant denies she’s a national security risk - An Irish space industry consultant detained in Australia after ASIO advised she posed a national security risk had repeated contact with a suspected Russian intelligence officer. An investigation by this masthead has identified the suspected Russian spy who ASIO has alleged tasked Irish national Marina Sologub with sharing sensitive information she gained by working in the space industry, first in Europe and then in Australia. In an exclusive interview on 60 Minutes, Sologub responded to the allegations levelled at her privately by ASIO - which refused to comment on her case - that she had been liaising with a suspected Russian intelligence officer who was working under diplomatic cover in Ireland. The officer has left Dublin and now works as a Russian trade official in Serbia. “He never told me, ‘Marina, I’m Russian intelligence.’ He was the junior guy,” said Sologub, who arrived in Australia in 2020. “I never shared any

>>19079344 Musk's Twitter Faces Millions In Fines After New 'Disinformation' Laws Released In Australia - Elon Musk’s Twitter and other social media giants face the prospect of billions in fines after the Australian government released new laws targeting “misinformation and disinformation.” Following a months-long process, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland released the draft legislation that will grant the country’s media regulatory body, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), greater powers to stamp out harmful content online.

>>19082405 Taiwan frustrated by Australia’s decade-long trade snub over fears of China - Taiwan’s government is frustrated by Australia’s refusal to begin trade talks, as Anthony Albanese’s China trip becomes the latest in a litany of reasons given for Canberra’s decade-long snub of its fifth biggest trading partner. Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said that before President Tsai Ing-wen’s government was elected in 2016, it was told Australia wanted to sign a free-trade agreement with all of its major trading partners.

>>19094098 Corruption inquiry in Australia uncovers China links to state lawmaker - The former premier of Australia's most populous state engaged in corrupt conduct involving another lawmaker with whom she was in a secret romantic relationship, a years-long corruption inquiry that examined business dealings with China said on Thursday. The New South Wales Independent Commission into Corruption (ICAC) said in a report that Gladys Berejiklian had failed to notify the commission of her concerns that Daryl Maguire, a member of the state assembly with whom she was in a relationship during her term of office, may have engaged in corrupt conduct, and this undermined the ministerial code.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed6f6c5edb9e633d01ccb9fa5615d3d3775bc8be595907a0b8db30bbe7b64dbc.pdf

>>19103525 ‘Really angry’: Jacinda Ardern’s tensions with Scott Morrison revealed - New Zealand’s High Commissioner to Australia has revealed the simmering tensions between Jacinda Ardern and the Morrison government over migration policies, saying the NZ Prime Minister at one point became “really angry” with Scott Morrison. In an interview with AAP ahead of her retirement in December, Annette King said the 501 deportation policy - under which Australia deported NZ criminals even if they had never lived in NZ – was a particular bone of contention. In 2020 Dame Jacinda confronted then PM Morrison over the policy, telling him in front of reporters: “Do not deport your people and your problems”. “It certainly upset the Morrison government … the previous government was angry with her for raising it (even though) she had already warned that she would,” Dame Annette said. “She berated ScoMo on his treatment of New Zealanders. It was a really important signal back home to New Zealand.”

>>19103648 Nazi salute banned in Tasmania in an Australian first - Tasmania has become the first state to ban the Nazi salute, with six months jail for repeat offenders, in a move hailed by Jewish leaders but criticised by some free speech advocates. The landmark legislation, similar to that foreshadowed in Victoria amid a national debate on how to tackle Neo-Nazism, was passed by Tasmania’s upper house on Thursday night. “Nazis will not have a refuge here in Tasmania, and this sends a very clear message that Nazi symbols and salutes are not welcome in Tasmania,” said Attorney-General Elise Archer.

>>19104379 Labor Left to push Anthony Albanese on free abortions and to close Nauru - Anthony Albanese will be urged to provide free abortions across Australia, end offshore processing and close Nauru at Labor’s upcoming national conference, as the party membership pushes to government to adopt a more left-wing agenda. The Australian can reveal the motions that will be put up by Labor for Refugees and the influential women’s group Emily’s List, which is co-convened by NSW Left faction MP Sharon Claydon. With the Prime Minister reluctant to pursue abortion reform after the issue hurt Labor with faith communities in the 2019 election, Emily’s List will call for the ACT model of free abortions to be implemented nationally.

>>19104403 Video: Is she or isn't she a spy? The mother accused of working for Russia - The murky business of espionage usually exists in the shadows. But not this week on 60 MINUTES. In an intriguing and at times robust encounter, Tara Brown interviews a woman our spy agency, ASIO, claims is an agent tasked by Russia to gather sensitive information. Her name is Marina Sologub, and up until earlier this year she’d been living and working in Adelaide for three years. Now she’s in immigration detention waiting to be kicked out of the country. As Brown reports, cases like this would normally be kept top secret, but quite remarkably a very bold Sologub is refusing to go quietly, denying accusations she’s a spy, and vowing to fight her deportation to the bitter end.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=m9XoxcLsfHQ - Is she or isn't she a spy? The mother accused of working for Russia | 60 Minutes Australia [Channel: 60 Minutes Australia]

>>19104595 Talisman Sabre Facebook Post - TS23 - Message from Exercise Directors - “An important part of a significant military exercise like Talisman Sabre are the planning events that are required to train together in dynamic situations across an area as large as northern Australia.” Hear from the Director of Exercise Talisman Sabre, Brigadier Damian Hill, as he shares more about the deep planning that goes into #TalismanSabre2023. This year, more than a dozen nations personnel are set to take part in the Australia-United States-led bilateral exercise. Partner Nations Fiji, France, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Indonesia will work together to enhance interoperability and strengthen key strategic partnerships.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1beb266c9298f2aca8c06c110f6dff633daa567288b0191be8f3334fcb48c29c.mp4

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196169


>>19105135 OPINION: Anti-democrat Donald Trump Jr should not be allowed into Australia - ''"Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of disgraced former US president Don­ald Trump and executive vice-president of The Trump Organisation, will be in Australia for a promotional tour speaking at events in Sydney on July 8 and continuing to Brisbane and Melbourne. But Trump should not be granted a visa to enter Australia because he fails multiple character test requirements under the Migration Act. Trump is an anti-democrat who encouraged the overturning of an election. He is a conspiracy theorist who spread misinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic. And he leads an organisation found guilty of tax fraud and document falsification. It is completely unacceptable to allow Trump Jr to come to Australia to give voice to the undermining of democratic elections, disrespecting the rule of law, denigrating people based on their race, religion or sexuality, and provoking political unrest. He has done all of these things and w

>>19109666 Video: Ukraine ambassador asks Foreign Minister Penny Wong to visit Kyiv amid calls for more weaponry - Ukraine's ambassador to Australia has made a public invitation for Foreign Minister Penny Wong to visit the besieged capital Kyiv and gain a fresh perspective on the conflict. Ambassador Vasyl Myroshnychenko told ABC Insiders he wanted Senator Wong to see the war for herself, as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese did in July last year. "When you visit it gives you a different angle," Mr Myroshnychenko said. "It gives you a bit of hands-on, I mean I've seen it with your prime minister, I was there on that trip … we were able to hear the stories out there, shared [by] people under the Russian occupation."

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uuHAE_9GM3Q - Penny Wong should visit Ukraine: Ukrainian Ambassador | Insiders [Channel: ABC News (Australia)]

>>19114971 Defence, NT government strike deal to house Australian, international military personnel at Darwin's Howard Springs facility - The Northern Territory facility that gained national prominence as the "gold standard" for quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic will house thousands of troops from both Australia and overseas under a new lease agreement struck by the federal and NT governments. Under the deal, which is effective immediately, the 3,500 bed Howard Springs centre on the outskirts of Darwin will be converted to a defence accommodation precinct for housing Australian and international defence personnel.

>>19114980 Telstra partners with Elon Musk’s Starlink - Telstra has signed an agreement to become the first telco globally to offer rural broadband and voice services with Elon Musk’s satellite provider Starlink. Expected to launch in late 2023 with pricing to be confirmed, Telstra chief executive Vicki Brady said the offering would provide additional connectivity options for people and businesses where distance and terrain made it difficult to reach with existing networks. Starlink, a low earth orbit satellite system owned by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, was launched in Australia in 2021 and offers unlimited data for $139 per month along with a hardware fee of about $900. Its speeds are similar to that of NBN’s 100Mbps plans.

>>19115008 Australian firm sues Twitter for $665,000 for not paying bills - An Australian project management firm has filed a lawsuit against Twitter Inc in a U.S. court seeking cumulative payments of about A$1 million ($665,000) over alleged non-payment of bills for work done in four countries, court filings showed. Sydney-based private company Facilitate Corp on June 29 filed the suit in the United States District Court for the Northern District Of California claiming breach of contract over Twitter's failure to pay its invoices. Facilitate said from 2022 through early 2023, it installed sensors in Twitter's offices in London and Dublin, completed an office fit-out in Singapore, and cleared an office in Sydney. For those works, Twitter owed the company about 203,000 pounds, S$546,600 and A$61,300, respectively, Facilitate said.

>>19120629 Visa extension, climate finance agreements as Indonesian President Joko Widodo visits Sydney - Australia will ease some visa rules for Indonesians visiting the country, as part of a series of agreements struck during President Joko Widodo's visit to Sydney. The head of state met with business and political leaders today, in what is expected to be his last visit as president as he nears the end of a second and final term in office. Following bilateral talks, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced Indonesians will have immediate access to an extended visa from three to five years.

>>19120663 Talisman Sabre Facebook Post - Video: We are counting down the days to the start of #TalismanSabre2023! #TS23 is the largest bilateral military training exercise between Australia and the United States. This year, 12 other nations will take part in the exercise which will take place across the top end of Australia. Stay tuned for more announcements as the countdown begins!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/03a095450abe8a5bb1ec63e327c88bdfd33ddeb1ded1e6795417b9d47ee68ddb.mp4

>>19132052 Donald Trump Jr’s Australian speaking tour delayed, promoter says - A speaking tour from the son of the former US president Donald Trump has been delayed, the tour promoter announced on Wednesday. Donald Trump Jr was to speak at events in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, kicking off this Sunday. However Turning Point Australia announced on Wednesday that “due to unforeseen circumstances” the appearances would be postponed. “Ticket holders are urged to hold onto their tickets, with details of the rescheduled date to be confirmed in the coming days,” the announcement said. “Ticket holders will be contacted directly … with details.” In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Turning Point Australia wrote, “It seems America isn’t the only country that makes it difficult for the Trumps. “Hold onto your tickets, this is a short delay nothing more #CancelCulture. “Apologies for any inconveniences especially those who had long travel plans.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3b94a9869dd6c047a2fb5c0b9cd4730dea684abe7c71075df05cfb6141fcdd29.mp4

>>19132058 Donald Trump jnr cancels anti-cancel culture tour amid visa doubts - ''"Donald Trump’s eldest son has cancelled a planned speaking tour of Australia just days before he was due to arrive in the country amid doubts over whether the Albanese government would grant him a visa. Donald Trump jnr was scheduled to make appearances in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne between July 9 and July 11, but organisers abruptly announced on Wednesday afternoon that the “landmark” tour had been postponed “due to unforeseen circumstances”. “Ticket holders are urged to hold on to their tickets, with details of the rescheduled date to be confirmed in the coming days,” event organiser Turning Point Australia said in a statement posted to the tour website. Some commentators, including former Labor speechwriter and The Australian columnist Troy Bramston, had called for Trump jnr’s visa to be cancelled on character grounds because of his role in promoting misinformation about voter fraud in the 2020 US presidential elec

>>19132063 Clare O’Neil forced to delete tweet calling Donald Trump Jr ‘big baby’ - Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has been forced to delete a tweet in which she attacked the son of former US President Donald Trump as a “sore loser” and “just a big baby, who isn’t very popular” after the Prime Minister’s Office intervened and directed her to take it down. Turning Point Australia, the organisers for the tour, announced on Wednesday that the speaking engagements in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane would be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. The touring company released a statement detailing the postponement was due to a “the delay in the arrival of a visa for Donald Trump Jr to enter Australia.” Ms O’Neil on Thursday took to Twitter to respond to the claims and remained firm that the eldest son of former US president Donald Trump was granted a visa. “Geez, Donald Trump Jr is a bit of a sore loser. His dad lost an election fair and square - but he says it was stolen,” she wrote. “Now he’s trying

>>19132069 Clare O’Neil calls Donald Trump Jr a ‘big baby’ in deleted tweets - Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has been accused of childishness for calling Donald Trump’s eldest son a “sore loser” and a “big baby, who isn’t very popular” in a since-deleted series of posts on Twitter. In two tweets sent on Thursday morning, O’Neil said: “Geez, Donald Trump Jr is a bit of a sore loser. “His dad lost an election fair and square - but he says it was stolen. “Now he’s trying to blame the Australian government for his poor ticket sales and cancelled tour.” O’Neil, who has cabinet responsibility for immigration, continued: “Donald Trump Jr has been given a visa to come to Australia. He didn’t get cancelled. He’s just a big baby, who isn’t very popular.” She later deleted the tweets. Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson reposted the deleted tweets and said: “It’s good to see these childish tweets have now been deleted. “The minister should leave the woke tweets to Labor backbenchers and get back

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/532225c47cabf115e895fbf07998111c9f4663e70c01fe8fcebc40a9e0466d87.mp4

>>19139080 Gender-sceptic doctor launches human rights challenge to ‘cheerleading’ trans pronouns policy - A doctor’s right to object on medical grounds to the unquestioning affirmation of children as the opposite gender faces a human rights test in Queensland, with a suspended psychiatrist filing a complaint against the state’s children’s hospital over transgender health policies. Jillian Spencer alleges she was prevented from adopting a neutral therapeutic approach and instead forced to comply with gender-­affirming polices that risked causing substantial harm to young ­people, during the course of her employment as a senior staff specialist in the consultation liaison psychiatry team at the Queensland Children’s Hospital. In a complaint lodged with the Queensland Human Rights ­Commission, Dr Spencer, who is openly critical of gender-affirming policies, reveals that she was subject to lawful employment directions that required her to use gender-­affirming pronouns at all times in her practise of medicine an

>>19139143 Endocrinologists’ challenge to the medical transition of gender-questioning children silenced by medical college - The medical affairs committee of the nation’s peak endocrinology society opposed the prescription of hormones to children and expressed deep reservations over the lack of evidence underpinning transgender affirmative medicine standards of care adopted by children’s hospitals in explosive advice to a peak medical college. The Medical Affairs Committee of the Endocrine Society of Australia - a subspecialty college of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians – did not support the endorsement of gender-affirmative standards of care developed by influential doctors at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, pointing to concerns about the lack of evidence behind practices including placing children on puberty blockers at a very young age. The views of the ESA’s medical affairs committee are contained in a letter to the RACP, which in late 2019 was consulting the profession at the reques

>>19139214 Slapdown for ‘big baby’ Donald Trump Jr tweet by Clare O’Neil - Anthony Albanese’s office has stepped in and directed a senior cabinet minister to delete a tweet attacking Donald Trump and his son, with foreign policy experts describing the incident as a diplomatic “own goal”. Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil accused Donald Trump Jr of attempting to blame the Albanese government for delays in his Australia tour, calling him a “sore loser” and a “big baby”. She also attacked the former US president over his election fraud claims, saying he “lost an election fair and square”. The Australian understands Ms O’Neil deleted the tweets at the direction of the Prime Minister’s office. Strategic Analysis Australia director Michael Shoebridge said Ms O’Neil’s comments were “an unnecessary own goal” that lacked foresight given Mr Trump may be the Republican nominee for the White House at next year’s election. Mr Shoebridge said the election of Mr Trump for a second term was “absolutely a credible scen

>>19139383 EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump Jr accuses Labor of 'lying' about why he cancelled his tour - and suggests a sinister reason for delaying his visa: 'They want to shut down conservative voices' - Donald Trump Junior has hit back at 'lies' from the Government about why he postponed his tour at the last minute - and suggested Labor delayed approving his visa because they want to shut down conservative voices. Trump Jr. confirmed he'd already sold 8,000 tickets to his speaking tour before it was cancelled at the last minute - and called Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil a 'coward' after she risked escalating the matter into a full-blown diplomatic crisis between the U.S. and Australia after posting a series of juvenile Tweets. The Prime Minister's Office ordered O'Neil to delete a series of Tweets in which she called Trump Jr. a 'sore loser and a big baby' - and claiming the reason he cancelled his tour was because of 'poor ticket sales' rather than visa delays. Trump Jr. exclusively told Daily Mail Aus

>>19148913 Ex-Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage says Clare O’Neil’s tweets criticising Trumps were ‘utterly stupid’ - Former Brexit Party leader and British broadcaster Nigel Farage has questioned the calibre of cabinet ministers in Australia following the social media furore that erupted after Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil posted multiple tweets attacking Donald Trump and his son. Mr Farage said the minister’s comments on social media were “utterly stupid” and it “looked comical, it’s so bad it’s funny”. Mr Farage, a presenter at conservative British news channel GB News, also criticised Australia’s cancel culture after a change.org petition drew more than 22,000 signatures calling for Mr Trump Jr to be stopped from getting an Australian visa. “That’s the embodiment of cancel culture, it’s not only disagreeing with what you have to say or what I think you are going to say, it’s saying I don’t think you’ve got the right to say it,” Mr Farage said. “It really worries me that we have young activist students

>>19148947 Trump promises to lift the shroud on JFK murder, releasing all classified documents - Donald Trump has promised to release all the remaining top secret documents surrounding former president John F Kennedy’s assassination, after Joe Biden for the third year in a row refused to release a remaining fraction of them. Former president Trump, the front runner for the Republican party’s 2024 presidential nomination, said he would “declassify and unseal all JFK assassination related documents”, despite himself having withheld their release during his presidency. “It‘s been 60 years, time for the American people to know the TRUTH!” Mr Trump said on his social media platform Truth.

>>19154732 Keating’s swipe at NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg as Albanese flies to Lithuania for summit - Paul Keating has savaged NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg as a “supreme fool” and claimed the military alliance had impeded peace since the Cold War, causing a diplomatic headache for Anthony Albanese ahead of his attendance at the summit of North American and European leaders. With the Prime Minister invited to the summit in Lithuania as part of a grouping of Indo-Pacific guests, Mr Keating signalled his opposition to Australia’s attendance by declaring NATO had no business expanding its footprint into Asia. In a statement released on Sunday, Mr Keating said it was a mistake for Mr Stoltenberg and NATO nations to compare China with Russia. “Stoltenberg, in his jaundiced view, overlooks the fact that China represents 20 per cent of humanity and now possesses the largest economy in the world,” Mr Keating said. “And has no record of attacking other states, unlike the United States, whose bidding S

>>19154748 Anthony Albanese calls NATO chief a 'friend of Australia' after Paul Keating's 'supreme fool' comment - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has described the head of NATO as a "friend" of Australia's while trying to distance himself from former prime minister Paul Keating who labelled the secretary-general a "complete fool". Last night Mr Keating issued a statement that slammed NATO's planned expansion into Asia, warning it could bring the "militarism of Europe" into the region. "Exporting that malicious poison to Asia would be akin to Asia welcoming the plague on itself," Mr Keating wrote. He went on to describe NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg as a "supreme fool". "Stoltenberg by instinct and by policy is simply an accident on its way to happen," he said.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e14cceb65e15620950d29e83690507ef254608a18d9a3af484c2c2bf680207f.mp4

>>19154758 Anthony Albanese agrees $1bn defence deal with Germany - Anthony Albanese has announced an export deal with Germany for more than 100 Boxer heavy weapon carriers, worth more than $1bn to the Australian economy. On arrival in Berlin where he will meet with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz later today (AEST). the Prime Minister said the two countries were ready to announce a series of deals including that involving the Boxers. These will be produced by the German company Rheinmetall in Redbank, Queensland, which employs 1000 people. Mr Albanese said: “This will be one of our largest ever exports, it will guarantee the 1000 jobs there in Queensland will go into the future and it’s worth in excess of $1bn to the Australian economy. “This will boost our sovereignty, increase our defence capability and boost our economy. This is a great outcome, the first outcome of quite a few ready to announce tomorrow with our friends here in Germany and I thank Chancellor Scholtz for his very kind invitation to come her

>>19154790 German troops join US in Australian war games - Hundreds of German troops will arrive in Australia this week and join with the United States and 11 other nations in extensive military exercises as a part of a “productive relationship that we are developing with our German friends” to boost defence in the Indo-Pacific. The German military will take part in the comprehensive exercise, called Exercise Talisman Sabre, in Jervis Bay, NSW, Darwin and across Queensland alongside troops from Fiji, France, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand Papua New Guinea, Tonga, the United Kingdom and Canada. As well, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand will be observers. Talisman Sabre is to test planning and conducting combined and joint military operations to improve combat readiness and interoperability between Australian and United States’ forces and other partner nations.

>>19154951 Plastic surgeons call for age limit as young teenagers line up for ‘top surgery’ - Leading surgeons are calling for the national medical regulator to step in to set “clear and specific guidelines” on gender-affirming surgery, including consideration of whether the age at which transgender adolescents are ­legally allowed to go under the knife should be raised to 18. Australia is one of the most liberal countries in the world in sanctioning children under 18 to get double mastectomies, a practice that is rare but appears to be increasing despite only a handful of surgeons around the country being willing to perform such procedures. The case of a 15-year old child in Queensland having “top surgery” has prompted Mark Ashton, a plastic surgery specialty elected counsellor to the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Melbourne University professor of surgery, to question the lack of regulations.

>>19160207 NATO summit: Australian eyes in the sky join fight for Ukraine - Australia will send one of its most sophisticated surveillance planes - the Royal Australian Air Force E-7A Wedgetail aircraft – to Europe for six months to help protect key wartime logistics hubs, in a significant step up of assistance to Ukraine. The deployment of the Wedgetail will help protect the uninterrupted delivery of key military and humanitarian assets into Ukraine via Poland and other neighbouring countries. As many as 100 Australian military personnel will be based in Germany, from where the plane will operate, for the six months to fly and service it. The Australian government said in a statement: “Along with ongoing military and humanitarian assistance support, this ­deployment reinforces that Australia remains a key partner in international endeavours to assist Ukraine repel Russia’s illegal and immoral attack. This deployment will help to ensure the continued and uninterrupted flow of military and ­humanitarian assist

>>19160241 Video: Major changes to abortion access as all doctors and nurse practitioners can prescribe - All doctors and nurse practitioners will be able to prescribe the pregnancy termination pills, and all pharmacies can stock it as new rules are brought in. Until now, prescribers and dispensers of the two-part medical abortion treatment needed extra certification or registration, meaning only about 10 per cent of doctors and 30 per cent of pharmacists are currently able to deal with the pill. But from August 1, restrictions around 'MS-2 Step' will be removed, in a move the government says will “improve equitable access to healthcare for all Australians”. Nurse practitioners - who represent about one per cent of nurses – will also be able to prescribe the medications under the PBS. The changes follow an application from MS Health to the Therapeutic Goods Administration. The pill, known as RU486 overseas, was first registered by the TGA a decade ago for use on pregnant women up to nine weeks gestation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1KjlVE7JRBw - Greater access to medical abortion pills under new changes [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>19160276 What is abortion drug mifepristone MS 2-Step and who will be able to prescribe it under new access rules in Australia? - Major changes to abortion access in Australia will take effect from August 1, with all doctors and nurse practitioners to be authorised to prescribe them. Here’s everything you need to know: What is the abortion pill MS-2 Step? - When do the abortion pill changes take effect? - Who has prescribed abortion pills up until now? - How much do abortion drugs cost? - What is MS Health? - What has been the government’s response?

(105 notables, 106 posts, 229 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196171

File: 4f5603a4f60014c⋯.png (146.33 KB,437x242,437:242,Clipboard.png)


>>19188352 Q Research General #23567: Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Edition

Created 160501ZJUL23




>>19188365 #23567

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e9adeb96290182f6cc7431a405d9da88bed0b82f41d4a99ae67c2dc9738f0d4.mp4

>>19188423 Donald Trump mocks White House's insistence no-one saw who left cocaine

>>19188454 Kari Lake: oh, what a conversation we had… If the walls could talk

>>19188589, >>19188593, >>19188604, >>19188614, >>19188617 Cabalist Photos Reloaded

>>19188689, >>19188695, >>19188702, >>19188712, >>19188729 7.3 earthquake Alaska 7/16/23

>>19188936, >>19188946 Multiracial 'Snow White' Remake Inspire Widespread Mockery

>>19188952 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Twitter Suspended and Reinstated (?)

>>19189005 At what point ruling it a coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

>>19189029 USVI wants JPMorgan to pay $190M for Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking

>>19189071 Tory Whip Tim Fortescue Could Cover Up 'Scandals Involving Small Boys'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c0c66b04c54cb4f918395f4f4dc2ad6959cdbe93933022eebf4ecf088a618a2.mp4

>>19189140 Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction Review

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v307ifg - LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023 [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>19189151 Transgender runner, 49, wins women's 400m bronze medal

>>19189208 Rebel News: Insta blocked due to the Trudeau Liberals passing Bill C-18.

>>19189228 Meme of the bread

>>19189230, >>19189234 Censorship/Gun Control Simplified

>>19189244, >>19189255 Jim Caviezel Clips

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e24189474af6fa59655b3e2f278d7550f30c3adfd4b8b8c6ddabc63cf369fa98.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ed8a66d7835b4b2ced75e0f73afab4849cd81d6f624c7e277abf81e715ca958.mp4

>>19189275 #23567

(17 notables, 28 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196174

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19189273 Q Research General #23568: Vigilantia Rectitudo Edition

Created 161231ZJUL23




>>19189279 #23568

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2752c7c2f93198a4d8555113bb983053defd5d41f601ba9896d8a105a30f62d8.mp4

>>19189309 A Pandemic of the Vaccinated?

>>19189338 Biden took 'pills' under wife Jill's supervision before every public appearance

>>19189355, >>19189458 Touted by Oprah and the Clintons And we are winning

>>19189367 Prince Andrew Has Lied About Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein


>>19189376 Flynn: I absolutely love @KarliBonnita and @TuckerCarlson

>>19189397, >>19189420 At what point coincidence becomes a mathematical impossibility

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a8f7a48fbd3bdf444ee2e801333187a2d8a33728f29cb3ebc1c1b48743a20b03.mp4

>>19189447 ZH: The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels

>>19189480 10:07 on the clock and World SNAKE DAY

>>19189484 To all the truth seekers that are willing to speak out despite the consequences

>>19189503 Multiple cops were ambushed this weekend by Mohamad Barakat in Fargo

>>19189530 US supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine is a crime – Putin

>>19189548 Meteor and Milky Way over the Alps

>>19189568 Moscow’s forces thwarted Ukrainian drone raid on Sevastopol in Crimea

>>19189576 A doctor known for assessing Covid risk fell ill with the virus

>>19189599 Belarusian troops receive Wagner training

>>19189610 Group of Disney ‘Princesses’ film themselves urinating in the urinals

>>19189706 America where do you find these moronic clowns?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v301siu - Ex-CIA Moscow Station Chief Challenged on Russia vs NATO in Ukraine, CIA Sabotage+Nuclear Escalation [28:22] [Channel: Afshin Rattansi's Going Underground]

>>19189739 AI is transforming everyday life – and DIA’s ability to process data more quickly

>>19189756 LIVE! Day 2 of our first ever Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, FL

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30c3fk - LIVE! Day 2 of our first ever Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, FL! 🇺🇸🌴#ACTCON2023 [0] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>19189788 military is reviewing video of a large mystery object that has washed onto AU shore

>>19189794 Out of Archives (Shadows)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kaKNI5TTsAo - OUT OF SHADOWS THE OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY 2020 with Mike Smith Liz Crokin [Channel: Existence Matters]

>>19189796, >>19189819, >>19190001 Putin ‘temporarily’ nationalizes assets of foreign companies

>>19189854, >>19189865 Dig Archbishop Vigano’s Newest Writings Censored From Twitter Etc

>>19189868 meme of the bread

>>19190042 #23568

(27 notables, 32 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196176

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19190038 Q Research General #23569: Very Fascinating Life Edition

Created 161550ZJUL23




>>19190058 #23569

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aff12617ecad0af4aefac8a2f1bf988ae4dc9a19df4f2adfddada0a9abd71037.mp4

>>19190120 buckwheat vs honest versions

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30chq8 - KJP Normal vs Honest Versions [1:20] [Channel: DUmmie FUnnies]

>>19190216 CMZ: primary so far

>>19190225 Pence no goncerns

>>19190232 @TuckerCarlson Commends the Noncompliant Who Defied COVID Tyranny.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/79408633df1940360608478aca58bbd3483e8bd13fc52b82915ab11ea57a842c.mp4

>>19190246, >>19190268 Vigano’s latest textSpeech for the Bornholm

>>19190276, >>19190290 The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=d0YGr2NcFos - The Roseanne Barr Podcast-Episode 5 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>19190315 when racism meets a Christian

>>19190357 Tucker Thought crimes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a10db1d66ed466573b8b38813d17297348cc1a425f59cfcdbcf9a6d1e2cedfb4.mp4

>>19190365 Tucker Weaponized News

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/867eacae91ffa489d450d69fc8e7b4cbd0e14b7694bbe7d11cd6a8f0e751f022.mp4

>>19190394 Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ytVGjtKg0yo - Body Language: Gaetz Vs. FBI Wray Smackdown [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>19190405 Vaccine Safety Roulette: Can the Batch Determine Your Vaccine Safety?

>>19190458 U.S. Virgin Islands seeks at least $190 million from JPMorgan Chase in Jeffrey Epstein case

>>19190482, >>19190489 Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (vidrel)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9bPIaHg11mI - Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (and likely more) [Channel: Johnny Harris]

>>19190542 “Right now the numbers are so overwhelming, Republicans ought to start focusing on how to beat Biden because I think at a practical level they have a nominee, and his name is Donald Trump.” @NewtGingrich

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6536d5078bc9e2afe06dfa9cfa56fb65503ecbeb6e4741a3d8c681752ffd034b.mp4

>>19190548 The Russian president has signed a decree imposing temporary state control over foreign shares of food and beer manufacturing giants

>>19190561 @JamesOKeefeIII Mentoring some student leaders about journalism on their campus and we reach a Eureka moment.

>>19190562 Biden Administration Suspends Satellite Monitoring of Coca Crops in Colombia

>>19190571 A group of foreigners who got accused of pedophilia and socially unacceptable behavior towards minors at the municipal swimming pool in Poland got “rescued” by the police

>>19190584 Hersh Exposes The Real 'Quid Pro Quo' That Changed Erdogan's Mind About Sweden

>>19190596 We are incrementally walking (causing really) toward WWIII. Russia doesn’t want Ukraine, Russia wants NATO and the west to live up to its promises

>>19190601 Reminder: Be Best..GOD does the rest

>>19190603, >>19190606 burisma was the funnel machine so biden would get prosecutor fired

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YrSUeLWBreQ - LIVE: MTG, Hawley, and Ted Cruz To Speak at Turning Point Action Conference - Day Two - 7/16/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19190609 Every Foreign Company in China Accepts CCP as Business Partner: Rep. Gallagher

>>19190610 Canuk: @Oilfield_Rando People think the eugenics movement, one of the most popular 20th century ideologies with support from all of the era’s elites, just went away all of a sudden

>>19190612 “Everything That Is Hidden Will Be Revealed.”

>>19190614, >>19190630 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Transfer of Nuclear Submarines to Australia

>>19190622 @YouTube 🇺🇸 has removed the American Flag 🇺🇸 from the list of emoji's In the live chat

>>19190635 Durable contraception in the female domestic cat using viral-vectored delivery of a feline anti-Müllerian hormone transgene

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0cbaa06b3681216e11de2e849ab99b6f41c285fde092833e8940fe70ad88c306.pdf

>>19190646 Yellen Says Funding Ukraine’s War Effort Is the Best Boost for Global Economy/Out of the mouth of elite puppet, the true reason

>>19190651 Trump: First Term ‘Mistake’ Was Some of the People I Picked for My Cabinet/see who turns hhmmm

>>19190679 LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v307ifg - LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023 [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>19190689 New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis

>>19190823 #23569

(34 notables, 39 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196181

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19190826 Q Research General #23570: The Disease, The Qure Edition

Created 161840ZJUL23




>>19190834 #23570

>>19190878 ‘No Forensic Evidence to Prove It’ /smeone sneezed huh

>>19190894 The army then went to WAR and spread disease around the world!!

>>19190914, >>19191148, >>19191315 17 times (giggles), Donald Trump Interview with Maria Bartiromo- July 16, 2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30dilw - Donald Trump Interview with Maria Bartiromo- July 16, 2023 [36:21] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>19190932 The next GOP president must 'shut down' the Department of Education and champion 'freedom' in the classroom by stripping unions of power

>>19190937 Aussie: Domestic violence-focused Operation Amarok III makes 592 arrests, lays more than 1,000 charges across NSW

>>19190962 Death by Ventilator – What can go wrong…..

>>19191064 G Edward Griffin: Unveiling the Dark Truth about the Pharmaceutical and Financial Cartels

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zv36o - G Edward Griffin: Unveiling the Dark Truth about the Pharmaceutical and Financial Cartels [1:02:17] [Channel: Flyover Conservatives]

>>19191066 Sound of Freedom expected to break $100 million in gross receipts in second box office weekend

>>19191069 Walton yacht hit by eco mob/sow your seeds DS, it's working

>>19191086, >>19191410 How The 'Great Society' Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart

>>19191093 8kun breakfast girls have arrived

>>19191100 @realDonaldTrump The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—

>>19191162 Tim Ballard at Turning Point Action Conference

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30e7tk - Tim Ballard 🔥 [14:30] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19191319 August loading for the keks!

>>19191392 Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Event

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=M0rZmFpBxwQ - Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Event [Channel: The White House]

>>19191429 Bad Lipreading on the DeSantis Campaign Trail

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Q2opM-EzI_M - "DESANTIS FOR PRESIDENT" — A Bad Lip Reading [Channel: Bad Lip Reading]

>>19191441 New suicide & crisis lifeline is live U can call/text 988 anytime If u or loved one is struggling w thoughts of suicide a counselor will listen 2 u

>>19191598 #23570

(19 notables, 22 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196184

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19191605 Q Research General #23571: NO GONCERNS SundayEdition

Created 162058ZJUL23




>>19191621, >>19191680, >>19191703, >>19191729 Ukraine RT Mini Bun

>>19191691, >>19191720 Billionaires who went to Epstein Island are still free and donating huge amounts of money to democrats.

>>19191695 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Remarks at the Turning Point Action Conference

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30d0xa - Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Remarks at the Turning Point Action Conference [17:39] [Channel: Marjorie Taylor Greene]

>>19191726 House Committee Accuses Fauci and Other Health Officials of Unlawfully Granting $26 Billion of Taxpayer Money – Alleges Fauci was Never Reappointed as NIH Director (VIDEO)

>>19191750 Cocainegate: Reporter Points Out Hunter Biden Has Relapsed 10 Times

>>19191755 Imploding Cities Will Drag All of Us Down — Even if You Don't Live Anywhere Near One

>>19191756, >>19191758 Netanyahu fitted with heart monitor and discharged from hospital after dizzy spell

>>19191831 US treasury secretary ate magic mushrooms in China

>>19191873 Just heard that I(WE!) won the big Turning Point Straw Poll in a BLOWOUT DJT-Truth Social

>>19191891 What Was Reid Hoffman’s Role In Funding E. Jean Carroll’s Case?

>>19191898 Hunter Biden threatens Trump with ‘legal trouble’

>>19191954 Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter tells her audience that the "child sex trafficking epidemic simply does not exist"

>>19191960 he Club for NO GROWTH is spending so much good Republican money fighting me DJT-Truth Social

>>19191987 Nolte: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Soars to $83 Million as ‘Dead Reckoning’ Slips

>>19192008 Chris Christie skirts question on whether he will lie on RNC pledge in order to make GOP debate

>>19192088 How the big four accounting firms infiltrated governments, earning more than $10b over a decade while taxpayers are in the dark

>>19192093 DeSantis rejects Chris Christie’s attack-dog approach to Trump: ‘I don’t do insults’

>>19192175 Putin warns that Russia will drop its own cluster bombs if Ukraine uses the controversial US-provided munitions

>>19192208 BREAKING: Government Reports prove Pfizer & Moderna purposely manufactured Deadly Batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines

>>19192226 How to Remote Control a Human Being

>>19192273 Corrupt Biden gets Busted Again - Bongino Rumble

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zzcf2 - Corrupt Biden Gets Busted Again (Ep. 2047) - 07/14/2023 [1:01:14] [Channel: The Dan Bongino Show]

>>19192309 Anthony Blinken on Bastille Day


>>19192340 AF1 Landing Iraq as Told by The Donald

(24 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196187

File: beea72b074eda19⋯.png (92.99 KB,255x180,17:12,Clipboard.png)


>>19192406 Q Research General #23572: Ebake Edition Edition

Created 170001ZJUL23




>>19192410 #23572

>>19192431 Know what I care about? That millions of people are being exposed to the very real epidemic of Child Trafficking and Pedophilia.

>>19192492 Trump’s outbursts met with silence so far by prosecutor, judge

>>19192532, >>19192654, >>19193084 Funny how Pence knows his audience when it comes to Israel "G-d" but not America, "not his concern!" Who does he really work for?

>>19192537, >>19192538 Misstatements in Affidavits for Warrants - Franks and Its Progeny

>>19192562, >>19192566 Brady rule

>>19192599 #23571 posted #23572

>>19192662 Air Quality website US EPA

>>19192718, >>19193027 FAKE NEWS: Janet Yellen Had Four Orders of Potentially Hallucinogenic Dish - Her Strange Behavior?

>>19192727 Children's Health Defence: Ed Dowd: Black Swan Event - They Can'T Run From This Data! Some People Are Going To Be, Unfortunately, Producing Spike Protein Their Whole Lives

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/89hDuFuun4ql/ - ED DOWD: BLACK SWAN EVENT - "THEY CAN'T RUN FROM THIS DATA! [Channel: UKACTION]

>>19192750 Jim Caviezel Joins Gen. Flynn and Sends Warning Message to (((CIA)))

>>19192773 Detroit Police Commisoner Bryan Ferguson Resigns After Being CAUGHT With Prostitute In Car

>>19192790 The Chronovisor - The Vatican’s Secret “Time-Seeing” Device? Pellegrino Ernetti

>>19192797 Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85%

>>19192805, >>19192813 Burisma Exec Discussed Expectations of ‘High-Ranking US Officials in Ukraine’ with Hunter Biden

>>19192834, >>19192869 GIlgo Beach Murder Suspect Rex Heuermann Is A Spook

>>19192840 PDJT has given the heads-up to watch Mawkie to-nite

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3aff2431311b05403a18a5abded410a9e7bf8998aa2bf8715340661074b7d0c.mp4

>>19192884 Trump to DeSantis: Come Home to Florida and Do Your Job

>>19192886 Trump Embraces ‘Sound of Freedom,’ More Heads Set To Explode

>>19192895 Jack Poso: Working on a new documentary on the Ukraine child organ and trafficking movie (Cap 0:47)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7cd56bb115134c09432c7bb5c46bd7af406f097ec2e8e4855e43c674ae00d4dc.mp4

>>19192900, >>19192913 Media mogul Barry Diller says Hollywood's 'overpaid' actors AND execs should take a 25% pay cut PERFECT STORM

>>19192956 Ethiopia Makes Digital IDs Mandatory For Banking Transactions

>>19192965, >>19193121 Missing Alabama woman found alive, transported to hospital for evaluation Carlethia "Carlee" Nichole Russell

>>19192971 Trump outlines ‘24 hour’ Ukraine peace plan

>>19192977 Reid Hoffman, Onetime guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’ donates nearly $700K to Biden campaign fund

>>19192988 Jeffrey Katzenberg, Hollywood mogul with deep China ties, wife drop over $1.7M to Biden’s reelection bid

>>19192996 FAKE NEWS: US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At "Dangerously Low" Levels: Top Air Force General

>>19193086 What ever happened to the 15 hours of interview footage Steve Bannon shot with Jeffrey Epstein in 2019?

>>19193132 #23572

(29 notables, 38 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196190

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19193151 Q Research General #23573: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action straw poll with 85% Edition

Created 170226ZJUL23




>>19193179 #23573

>>19193343 Ronan Keating's brother dies in car crash on way to watch son's football match

>>19193417, >>19193423, >>19193449 Crimean Bridge Traffic Halted Due To "Emergency", Explosions Reported

>>19193657, >>19193908 Dan Scavino Truths - @realDonaldTrump speaks at Turning Point USA, where he won the straw poll with 85.7%…

>>19193659 6.6 Magnitude EQ 25 km ESE of Loncopué, Argentina

>>19193773 ⚡️Video from the Crimean bridge moments ago after explosions were heard

>>19193925 Russian scientists warn of powerful solar flare activity on Monday

(7 notables, 10 posts, 18 media/files)

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1c4384 No.19196192

File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19193955 Q Research General #23574: SOUND OF NIGHTSHIFT EDITION

Created 170456ZJUL23




>>19193962 #23574

>>19193991 Scavino: Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action & Q #2358

>>19193992 An Open Letter to Woke Youth - James Lindsay (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mQZ3QOIVW1w - An Open Letter to Woke Youth [Channel: New Discourses]

>>19193996 County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon

>>19194004 Biden campaign out of money!


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/u7Vj1QZCj7c3/ - No one is safe - You are going to die! [Channel: TheWorldWatches]

>>19194025 Roseanne talking about Q-anon; no such thing, just Q and anons!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30gxg6 - Video upload for 110727350510084152 [1:20] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19194038 @realDonaldTrump: De Santis career was saved by Donald Trump (1min video)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30h7xs - Video upload for 110727672589197833 [1:00] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19194061, >>19194063 @realDonaldTrump: Thank you very much Perry!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30h6ly - Video upload for 110727626864653058 [12] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19194116 Message from a close friend of Tim Ballard and his family about Sound of Freedom addressing the psy-op accusations

>>19194122 Bioweapons designed to kill only people of a particular race

>>19194162 From 2018: The OBAMA and STRZOK Family Connection that Spans DECADES

>>19194173 TxAngelAng: She warned us about Vivek

>>19194211 #23573 posted in #23574

>>19194260, >>19194375 New Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PznxDRaKAiM - Ukrainians Attacked The Crimean Bridge | End Of The Grain Deal. Military Summary For 2023.07.17 [Channel: Military Summary]

>>19194356 Sound of Freedom ranked No.1 by seeds in the movie category. Pirate Bay.

>>19194474, >>19194480, >>19194495, >>19194518 cont' from lb: Crimean Bridge targeted by Ukrainian terrorist attack - Moscow

>>19194478 Justin Trudeau blames ‘American right-wing’ for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum: ‘Leave our kids alone!’

>>19194479 Obama's sec of Defense Ash Carter died suddenly

>>19194498 meteorologist Elise Finch, who died suddenly over the weekend, just a day or two after appearing on air.

>>19194695 #25374

(21 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c4384 No.19196194

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19194717 Q Research General #23575: Buckle Up, It's BOOM Week Edition

Created 171222ZJUL23




>>19194721 #23575

>>19194743 CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

>>19194779, >>19194783, >>19194787, >>19194792, >>19194793, >>19194794 Vivek Ramaswamy: Assessing the political views and statements of a presidential candidate…

>>19194815 Homes evacuated after train carrying hazardous materials derails in Montgomery County Pennsylvania

>>19194823 PF

>>19194825 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/17/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30j0vk - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -07/17/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19194841, >>19194846 Attempted over throw, disinformation +++ - President Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1klab7 - Video upload for 109020898591749699 [1:13] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19194939, >>19194952 James O'Keefe Talks To High-Volume Dem Donors: They Don't Know Their Name Was Used For Donations…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dcdf139bfd408840ef370e97c1fbd0893d4c0556ee0faae667af4ccd94ca26a5.mp4

>>19194958 Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist, Calls COVID Virus, Vaccine Campaign ‘Supranational Operation’ to ‘Injure, Maim, and Kill People’

>>19195023 ‘Blustery Coward’: Tucker Carlson Rips Chris Christie For Refusing To Face Him One-On-One

>>19195025, >>19195039 Pennsylvania train derailment: Silicone pellets found leaking out of collapsed train cars

>>19195031, >>19195049 Vivek Ramaswamy: April 5, 2023, the stockholders of Sio Gene Therapies, Inc. voted to liquidate and dissolve the company

>>19195058 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Shells and Arcs around Star CW Leonis

>>19195068, >>19195463 NEW: Millions of US military emails have been misdirected to Mali web operator through a “typo leak”

>>19195078 Biden’s New Official Overseeing Workplace Discrimination Has A Long History Of Supporting Discrimination

>>19195093 Supreme Court Could End Up Deciding The Fate Of Child Sex Change Bans

>>19195104, >>19195107 The Spectre of Michelle Obama — Roger Stone Lays Out Frightening Scenario While Speaking to Turning Point USA


>>19195127 If you don’t come forward by high noon on January 20th [2025], you’re GUILTY

>>19195165 Canada officially launches website application for H-1B visa holders in the United States to migrate north

>>19195172 "We Will Bring You Down": German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO's Grip On Governments

>>19195206 #OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA.

>>19195213 Spacey Trial: Elton John, Partner David Furnish Take Witness Stand for Defense

>>19195255 Aussie: Ukraine Front Line is “Horror. Genocide. Slaughter”, Says Irish “Rambo” Who Is Leaving after 17 Months

>>19195311 QClock July 16, 2023 -SEC_TEST_D3

>>19195315 As the Ukraine Grain Deal Runs Out, a Water Drone Attack Damages Crimea Bridge Killing 2 Civilians and Wounding a Child – Russian Officials Call for Hard Retaliations

>>19195325, >>19195338 I am told that by July 27th, the Military will invoke a National Emergency, and President Trump — who is still President for their purposes, will use Continuance of Government (COG)...?????

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e306bd8e98c7f50d1b44b4f86045cf7602b0d00d9d5762bb1d9ed5976ab8904a.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30733ddbd8f218eb1258f6d323783b823682b420de74722eb50dff7e58c113ee.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/913f16f69dc0c4771d34c3134a9490b52d93e760fd5b9977bd3b54ba9be74501.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7f93d82989f1c7c7a320f966c674a2bea85bd9a8c26c62e17fd5a792b8728a2e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ef4903ca66629187bac17d3b30f8e250c03d7534e15b047f7647e0ff225d070.pdf

>>19195365 Dr. Shiva for President 2024 explains how and what Adrenochrome synthesis is

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b09d59a3bd904171e4175cf05f2063d253a8ecf96d66f8bea6a6998ce86dff6a.mp4

>>19195398 Is Mark Zuckerberg’s “Threads” already working with the federal government to censor Americans?

>>19195475, >>19195479 The Bidens are selling out America for profit./Burisma

>>19195501, >>19195505, >>19195522 Review: Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

>>19195539 #23575

(32 notables, 47 posts, 61 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f0d6a0 No.19196313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FRESHfrom this point on…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f0d6a0 No.19196694

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19195541 Q Research General #23576: No Step On Snek, Mabbe That Middle One Edition

Created 171552ZJUL23




>>19195559 #23576

>>19195604, >>19196380 Foreign Ministry statement on the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge

>>19195614, >>19196006 PF

>>19195675, >>19195679 “Chances for Western Europeans to Become Extinct Greater than for White South Africans”


>>19195690, >>19196118 Trend: Hollywood, Debase Dems

>>19195777 Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

>>19195783 3 year deltas, 4 year deltas

>>19195923, >>19195937 Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Growing Momentum. She won the straw poll at Actcon when she couldn’t show up

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30k50a - Caroline Wren: Kari Lake’s Growing Momentum [2:17] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30jz18 - Caroline Wren: The Collapse Of The Donor Class [9:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19195953 @USMC #MarineCorps CH-53E Super Stallions with @3rdmaw stage in support of Marine Aviation Support Activity (MASA) 23 events in the Philippines, July 10.

>>19195973 NSA personnel deliver intelligence and cybersecurity support to warfighters around the world.

>>19195984 NPC Headliner Luncheon: SEC Chair Gary Gensler

>>19196136 #Trans swimmer Lia Thomas, formerly William Thomas, has now embraced the #Trantifa branding in new photos posted on social media.

>>19196156 New Database Shows a Single Vote Has Altered Outcomes in Hundreds of Elections

>>19196206 OXFORD, N.C. (WTVD) – Four people were stabbed at different locations across Oxford on Monday morning.

>>19196254, >>19196306, >>19196341 Moar on PA train derailment

>>19196269 Secretary Blinken Delivers Remarks to the Press Followed by the Daily Press Briefing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EgYb5x7vxg8 - Secretary Blinken delivers remarks to the press followed by the Daily Press Briefing - 2:00 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19196287 CIA Leaking Like a Sieve As It Blames Ukraine for Impending Debacle

>>19196343, >>19196355 Copious documentation that yes, U.S. and China have both been developing bioweapons targeted at various genetic groups./How pesticides pervade the entire biosphere

>>19196398 #23576

(20 notables, 29 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f0d6a0 No.19197430

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)


>>19196401 Q Research General #23577: Dubs Confirm.... Edition

Created 171813ZJUL23



>>19196407 #23577

>>19196425 26 Migrants Found Dead in One Texas County this Year

>>19196432 Disney heiress arrested at climate protest against private jets at Hamptons airport

>>19196436 BBC normalises a terrorist organisation to frame Syrian President

>>19196439 Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes Argentina

>>19196450 Pentagon typo leaked millions of sensitive items to Russia-ally nation in Africa

>>19196460 Fire burns area bigger than most countries. Officials can't stop it

>>19196465, >>19196512 AOC and Crenshaw sponsor bill to legalize study of Ecstasy - some Jews hope this will help curb anti-Semiticism

>>19196469, >>19196609 Justin Trudeau blames 'American right-wing' for Muslims opposing LGBTQ curriculum

>>19196498, >>19196500 Largest human trafficking network in the US and the world exposed in front of all these NEW EYES

>>19196513 Must watch video that perfectly sums up the failing DeSantis campaign

>>19196515 Key Hunter Biden witness poised to testify, but still lacks access to critical cache of evidence

>>19196520 Scotland: 55 whales dead after mass stranding on beach

>>19196525 Giraffe-Sized Python Found in the U.S.—Why This Invasive Species Can't Be Stopped

>>19196530 QClock July 17, 2023 - Welcome Back

>>19196534 North Korea spurns offer of peace talks

>>19196594 The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>19196616 Are Rothschilds Signaling the Return of Trump in 2024?

>>19196635 Trudeau update on Canadian fires - 31mins

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FPzdw7VgF_8 - WATCH LIVE: Trudeau gives update on the wildfires spreading smoke across Canada and U.S. [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>19196639 Vivek Ramaswamy: Wearing a mask = personal responsibility (July 2020)

>>19196661 Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has blocked the consideration of dozens of diplomatic nominees by the Senate

>>19196698 BIDEN ADVISOR BERNSTEIN tries for upbeat economic report

>>19196703 Scotland: “Non-binary” Man Found Guilty of “Indecent Assault” of a Minor - No Jail Time for Repeat Sex Offender

>>19196715 Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque

>>19196735 Notetake bun

>>19196812 Fox News hit with new defamation lawsuit after massive settlement by Nina Jankowicz (Miss Dis-Information)

>>19196823 The 11 Trillion Dollar Question Behind The "Magnificent Seven"

>>19196847, >>19196887 At 17:00 MSK, not a single vessel was recorded off the coast of Ukraine and in the water areas nearby.

>>19196862 #OTD in 1952, a U.S. Coast Guard photographer captured an image that allegedly shows unidentified flying objects in a “V” formation over the USCG air station in Salem, MA.

>>19196892 Stephen Miller Retweeted: The Kennedy family got the memo from The Party.

>>19196910 USSS: #OTD in 2018, Special Agent Nole E. Remagen died as a result of a severe stroke while on protective assignment.

>>19196946 Intel leaders, White House make the case to keep digital spy powers | Agencies have less than 6 months to convince Congress to reup warrantless surveillance authority before it expires.

>>19196990 Trump special counsel seeks protective order to prevent trial delay

>>19197008, >>19197011, >>19197014, >>19197026, >>19197041, >>19197045 Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

>>19197092 White House / Kirby: UFOs: "Some of these phenomena have had an impact on our training ranges."

>>19197142 #23577

(36 notables, 45 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f0d6a0 No.19198340

File: 24bd625e8c948b4⋯.png (73.53 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.png)


>>19197159 Q Research General #23578: Welcome Back Edition

Created 172126ZJUL23



>>19197178 #23578

>>19197191 Maryland player wins $50,000 in Pick 5 for the fifth time this year

>>19197212 LIVE 7/19/2023: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B8ZJjty9Y3A - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19197264 US comments on Crimean Bridge attack

>>19197277 Covid-19: Ed Dowd: Black Swan Event - "They can't run from this data!

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/89hDuFuun4ql/ - ED DOWD: BLACK SWAN EVENT - "THEY CAN'T RUN FROM THIS DATA! [Channel: UKACTION]

>>19197285 Interest in Zuckerberg’s (DARPA’s) Twitter rival collapses

>>19197301 Ukraine Grain Deal Expires After Russia Quits

>>19197316 Bongino: Secret Service Agents ‘Furious’ re Sham Cocaine Investigation “They Know Exactly Who It Was”(VIDEO)

>>19197367 @againstgrmrs: 'CODE CINDY' tag that @CHNNYC puts on minor's files so parents never find out seeking hormones

>>19197369 Jack Smith Seeks Protective Order to Avoid Trial Delay in Trump Classified Docs Case

>>19197400 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>19197403 First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Youth Soccer Clinic with Major League Soccer at the White House

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Fv7nIVv9CiM - First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Youth Soccer Clinic with Major League Soccer at the White House [Channel: The White House]

>>19197405, >>19197407 The Covid-19 mass vaccination program violated all principles of Science and the Hippocratic Oath

>>19197406, >>19197408, >>19197414 Maryland Gains On Virginia in Race for FBI Headquarters

>>19197412, >>19197416 FTC Digs Deeper into Pfizer’s $43B Buyout of Seagen

>>19197425, >>19197433, >>19197447, >>19197651 6/09/22 Pfizer vaccine is effective against COVID-19 DIG

>>19197429 The Musk-Zuck App War: Threads Reaches 150 Million Users, Accused of Censoring Americans and Spying on Them

>>19197467 AZ Judge Lee Jantzen rules in @AbrahamHamadeh case and can’t even name the correct office for the ruling

>>19197475 FDA Approves Opill Daily Oral Contraceptive Targeting Low-Income Women, Teens, & Minority Groups

>>19197530 @AF_Rifle: 17th All-American in program history

>>19197531, >>19197563, >>19197694 @GOPoversight: FBI testimony reveals lengths DOJ willing go cover up 4 Bidens

>>19197547 White House praises cocaine probe after case goes unsolved

>>19197556 The Constitution in Hard Times with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zlRdHx4cRAo - The Constitution in Hard Times with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Go to freedomfest.com for full stream [Channel: TheFreedomFest]

>>19197570 Dems Pols Want to Pack the Court, But Dem Voters Support Affirmative Action Ruling

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=805EWKa-670 - Rasmussen Polls: Dems Pols Want to Pack the Court, But Dem Voters Support Affirmative Action Ruling [Channel: Rasmussen Reports]

>>19197581 Jury Convicts Former San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Gen Mngr Felony Bribery & Bank Fraud Charges

>>19197587 Former San Francisco Senior Building Inspector Sentenced to Prison Term for Accepting Illegal Gratuities

>>19197595 On International Drag Day on Sunday, West Hollywood introduced its first-ever drag laureate

>>19197597 BofA And Others Share Records With FBI Without A Warrant "All The Time", Director Wray Admits

>>19197605, >>19197637 Lessons from the Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

>>19197608 Dem megadonor drops six-figure donation in Tesla stock backing Biden's re-election bid

>>19197652 Biden - Harris Admin Announces $150M States to Train Residential Energy Efficiency Contractors

>>19197684 Today is the 34th anniversary of the First Flight of the B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER

>>19197693 Kash's Criminal Referral of Representative Dan Goldman

>>19197717 Donald Trump Rakes in Over $35 Million During Second Quarter Fundraising

>>19197724 Ron DeSantis: he will tear up Biden's 'horrendous' treatment of Israel, slams the left

>>19197737, >>19197759 Megyn Kelly on Her Private Conversations with Trump and Tucker

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UsDHEy_Q1-U - Megyn Kelly on Her Private Conversations with Trump and Tucker - and Upcoming Ron DeSantis Interview [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>19197793 NASA's James Webb telescope catches glimpse of possible 'dark stars' for the first time

>>19197845 Portland's suspected serial killer is a convicted felon released early by former Oregon governor: police

>>19197846 In this corner Ron/codemonkeyz fighting it out with the truth, vs Vivek's tribe who don't want it to come out

>>19197850 Millions of emails intended for Pentagon employees sent to email accounts in Mali over the last decade

>>19197860 Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intel Secretly Urged President LBJ Investigate JFK’s Assassination

>>19197948 Outspoken White House reporter threatens to take Washington Post to court over unflattering story

>>19197967 #23578

(43 notables, 54 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f0d6a0 No.19198895

File: 0023c7c118972ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)


>>19197977 Q Research General #23579: Shit Is Going Mainstream Edition

Created 180002ZJUL23



>>19197992 #23579

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ba5492b56c42e89ded9485cd09a31c3b41bd076ab5618fd3c02c146c6736944.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b065fe2082a0199397e6d105d03bc63b18f06422f633cac06999827501af15b1.mp4

>>19198035 DeSantis PAC Spending Big Bucks Promoting Ad Featuring AI-Deep Fake of Trump’s Voice

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LKQiTpiPN7I - Trump Attacks Iowa [Channel: Never Back Down]

>>19198056 Bloomberg 'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor Noah Berlatsky

>>19198078 JOHN KERRY - Multimillionaire unelected Climate bully, absolutely denying he has ever owned a private plane, Then blames his wife … when he’s busted (Cap 1:03)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c9e1ec07e8e839fc477a96bb30bc84212dea1cee86f81902a92c191b7785f6e0.mp4

>>19198085, >>19198181 FAKE ALIEN HOAX INCOMING: Rep. Tim Burchett: The House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UAPs on Wednesday, 7/26

>>19198095, >>19198104 Idaho Freedom Caucus to cut ties with the American Library Association

>>19198101 Dallas, Houston and San Antonio lead in human trafficking cases in Texas woman was discovered hiding in a Houston airport for 10 days

>>19198109 Donald Trump Vs Jake Sullivan CASE NO. 2:22-cv-14102-DMM

>>19198116 Anthony Fauci accused of perjury

>>19198152 Mike Pompeo mocking Trump and Anons

>>19198161 Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s Travel to the UK

>>19198177 Georgia Supreme Court Dismisses Trump's Request for Fulton County Intervention

>>19198237 Devon Archer set to testify July 24 to House Oversight Committee

>>19198241 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 07/17/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30k61g - The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 07/17/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19198320 NASA Marshall Center Director Jody Singer, to Retire After 38 Years of Service

>>19198351 DeSantis Sinks to 14 Points.

>>19198370 Kash's Criminal Referral of US House Rep Dan Goldman

>>19198380 Trump hit PIECE the panic button: Antisemitic attacks on special counsel Jack Smith betray desperation

>>19198389 Chuck Grassley talking corn on the 17th COMMS

>>19198449 US ‘no longer our closest ally’ – former Israeli PM

>>19198488 HBO is now showing pedophilic scenes EVIL

>>19198575, >>19198719 PF Reports: Been seeing more drones circling CONUS than typical, FAG38

>>19198592 Make a movie about child trafficking and abuse in the Catholic Church win an Oscar, Make a movie about child trafficking or Jesus Christ get called an antisemitic by MSM

>>19198593 Roseanne Barr Retweeted Hollywood is on life support. Let. It. Burn!

>>19198600 pb, The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>19198641 United Nations @UN The world is woefully off track to achieve the #GlobalGoals by 2030: Thanks for the Fish?

>>19198646 Dan Bongino: Secret Service Agents Are ‘Absolutely Furious’ Over Sham Cocaine Investigation… “They Know Exactly Who It Was”

>>19198784 #23579

(28 notables, 31 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f0d6a0 No.19198897


UPDATE for >>19196401 Q Research General #23577: Dubs Confirm.... Edition

>>19196594 pb, The Supreme Court ‘Ethics’ Scandal Is The New Russia-Collusion Hoax

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

39ef32 No.19199826

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19198789 Q Research General #23580: UN Claims: Woefully Off Track To Achieve 2030 Agenda, -14 LBW Edition

Created 180255ZJUL23



>>19198821 #23580

>>19198880 Springfield Man Convicted of Sex Trafficking a Minor He Solicited Over Facebook

>>19198882, >>19199008 PF

>>19198925 Higher CO2 = Superabundance

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba03f7452ac42a5aa454b6a8d35e15a841690812b9deb6ccf271eecfa395b6f9.mp4

>>19198967 Kirby: "why abortion is necessary for military readiness"

>>19198980 Boat F

>>19199013 Watters: Taxpayers are funding Fauci's security detail

>>19199043 James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

>>19199055 Not just RFK: Big Tech bears down on news aggregator that challenges mainstream narratives

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YXh0gpMxiXo - The Rise of Corporate Fascism | Michael Rectenwald [Channel: Hillsdale College]

>>19199070, >>19199138 D'Souza rebuts Obama's charge that conservatives are censoring children's books on oral sex

>>19199089 Corey's Digs: 17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda

>>19199170 A violent convict granted clemency by former OR Gov. Kate Brown (D) is now the person of interest in the investigation into serial killings

>>19199195 Biden’s Top Pick For Cyber Security Czar Champions Diversity Quotas And Unconscious Bias Training

>>19199258 FBI agent who investigated Hunter Biden confirms whistleblower's allegations

>>19199269 Anthony Fauci accused of perjury

>>19199363, >>19199369 Russia pulls out of Ukraine grain deal, in potential blow to global food supplies

>>19199366 "There will be a response": Putin threatens to retaliate for Crimean Bridge attack - Ukrainska Pravda

>>19199467 Live update: Protesters lower Israeli flag to half staff at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv

>>19199507 #VIDEO: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receives Türkiye's 1st "indigenous" electric car

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fa49db0ad7b8a3b42adac819c496f03779356f708a836c4efed6d7365439c515.mp4

>>19199512 Zelensky-Aligned "Peacemaker" Site Orders Assassination Of Bulgarian Investigative Journalist

>>19199546, >>19199547 COMPILATION of STRANGE EVENTS Happening at ‘Sound of Freedom’ Theaters

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec14b9be8bca8139d61c3f3cd56caf20e5fbc686be9cdd22db92dcf4f2265bca.mp4

>>19199563 John Kirby HACKED statement - for KEKS

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30mtk6 - THEY HACKED JOHN KIRBY!!!😂😂😂 [21] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>19199745 #23580

(23 notables, 27 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

39ef32 No.19200702

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19199756 Q Research General #23581: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 181040ZJUL23




>>19199761 #23581

>>19199775, >>19199824, >>19200225, >>19200227 US national has crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea, the UN Command has said.

>>19199802 James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money

>>19199804, >>19199811 Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools

>>19199809 RFK Jr. Invites Further Media Ire, Praises Trump as 'Best Debater Since Lincoln'

>>19199834, >>19199997, >>19200263 AMC Theatres CEO slams 'Sound of Freedom' conspiracy theories about screening disruptions as 'garbage'. Addtl SoF info

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ebf1a1f950a795e82be0624951a3a79669d61918d3dccfaa8997fe41a3eee626.mp4

>>19199859 Ilhan Omar is a braindead idiot , gets called out by community notes for retarded statement

>>19199864, >>19200158 US DECLINES Zelensky's Request to Take Back Odessa's Waters from Russia. US will not send warships to escort commercial vessels from Ukraine

>>19199877 Rep. Burchett to Newsmax: Secret Service 'Destroyed' WH Cocaine Bag, DNA

>>19199898, >>19199902, >>19199990, >>19200251, >>19200375 House/ Senate committee habbenings for 7/18/2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=wEosOuzc55g - 20230718 CITI Hearing: Man and Machine: Artificial Intelligence on the Battlefield [Channel: U.S. House Armed Services Committee]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c00352a418a510cd4b84e35c89e88a345eccabafb973c0beb14193dff81f34af.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-n-928qJ-JU - Compliance with Committee Oversight [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>19200027, >>19200058 elon mush w/CAP: Great question! Let’s find out who is funding the destruction of free speech.

>>19200067 DJT TS w/CAP: The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!

>>19200087, >>19200147 The Global Constitution for the World

>>19200133 John Solomon is reporting that an FBI agent has now come forward to corroborate the two IRS whistleblowers who will publicly testify...

>>19200183 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/18/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30q24a - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/18/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19200246, >>19200419 DJT TS w/CAP: (paraphrasing) Jack Smith (Sunday night) sent letter stating that I am a TARGET of the Jan 6th Grand Jury and have 4 days to report...

>>19200262, >>19200383 Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack Obama is ‘Definitely Gay’ – Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic!

>>19200298 Man charged in alleged threat against journalist seeking Nashville shooter manifesto. "I'm willing to go to prison to end you."

>>19200345 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Milky Way above La Palma Observatory

>>19200366 DC Draino w/CAP: America’s enemies according to the DC Uniparty: Actual enemies of America:

>>19200416 FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents...

>>19200434 Planefag GITMO update

>>19200451 US to Announce $1.3 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine: Reuters

>>19200464 Forbidden questions, denied warrants, witness tipoffs: Agents detail interference in Biden probe

>>19200531 "Vaccination Expert" Dr. Alfredo Victoria Dies Suddenly at 42

>>19200552 #23581

(26 notables, 41 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd50b2 No.19201784

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19200574 Q Research General #23582: BOOM Week - [FBI] Up Next Edition

Created 181446ZJUL23




>>19200581 #23582

>>19200583 Standing by for LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B8ZJjty9Y3A - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19200595 President Trump announces he has received a letter from the DOJ signaling he will be arrested and indicted for January 6th

>>19200600 Kanekoa offering some pretty good info regarding racial targeting of the SARS COV virus

>>19200615, >>19200631 Tropical Storm Don strengthensas it continues a slow spin through the north Atlantic

>>19200628 DeSantis Team Uses Fake AI Generated Voice of President Trump in Iowa Media Campaign?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LKQiTpiPN7I - Trump Attacks Iowa [Channel: Never Back Down]

>>19200637 Adam Buckenham UK Labour party candidate jailed for 20 years at Salisbury Crown Court for grooming.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=W6pwNlF0MMs - Labour Candidate JAILED For 20 Years Over Grooming [Channel: Mahyar Tousi]

>>19200638 Biden Regime Wants to JAIL Trump Before Elections! Judicial Watch is live

>>19200654 Lisa Murkowski Threatens to Leave Republican Party and Join Democrats #RINO

>>19200663, >>19200667 Wilmington: A place to run for president in 2024. What to expect from Biden's headquarters

>>19200676 What is CDS (Chorine Dioxide)? The scientific facts, Dr. Andreas Kalcker

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1sbmj4 - What is CDS (Chorine Dioxide)? The scientific facts, Dr. Andreas Kalcker (english) [16:38] [Channel: VitaminDK]

>>19200683 LIVE Is There a Right to Repair? House Judiciary GOP

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5zF-0Db_OuY - Is There a Right to Repair? [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>19200691 Donald J. Trump The Republican Party must fight fire with fire, and right now, or it will be extinguished!!!

>>19200696 @SpeakerMcCarthy President Trump recently went up in the polls. So what does the Biden Administration do next? Weaponize government to go after Trump #J6

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ce0c1bf6a91ead7ce8fbfcc463015406101321020cb04cd17ea70bcb1621405.mp4

>>19200711 PDJT - I have a right to protest and Election That I am fully convinced was Rigged and Stolen #VoterFraud

>>19200729, >>19200779 @RepMTG Jack Smith has weaponized the federal government against President @realDonaldTrump MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2c69872d39c1ee5dddc5261daf7d5df39b932c203e7e48cfb545c3bd2d64126c.mp4

>>19200739 @DonaldJTrumpJr It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you

>>19200750 JULY 18, 2023 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Fmr. Pres. Trump Being a Target in Jan. 6 Probe MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a608c7d02f8368ea6e3338fc9f4324e755200bb6a343cc7fd0a819dff9f1986f.mp4

>>19200759 #OTD 1943, K-74 became the only U.S. blimp lost to enemy action when it was shot down by the German submarine U-134

>>19200768 CALL TO TWITTER COUNTER STRIKE: #TrumpIndictment

>>19200786 GOP Uniparty Senators Threaten to Leave and Become Democrats

>>19200790 Hannity/Kash Pelosi Refused #J6 Protection MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0a533b9c8a74841428e137a8420d35b5b07ab888a304b2ae03d454f7d9dda1c.mp4

>>19200795, >>19200871 Undercover video of Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra discussing J6

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0ea5e448dc308264f16520472fd4a61e6102e9b049d72f640e9d0b90648ae4ea.mp4

>>19200808 Oh look, another new VAX for kids!

>>19200844, >>19200848 Trump expects to be arrested imminently after receiving news that he's a 'target' in Special Counsel Jack Smith's Jan. 6 probe

>>19200859 @RepMTG Jack Smith is a lousy attorney. weak little bitch

>>19200869 Call to dig on Wesley Hunt. He is co-sponsoring trafficking legislation with Sheila Jackson Lee and Nadler

>>19200915 How is that we spent $877 billion in FY 2022 on defense and Russia spent only 1/10th of that


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbb1835d298038f05e2850022256e8f365a0f07639528d7bdd66db5432db120d.mp4

>>19200977 Florida declare mRNA Covid shots a ‘Bio-Weapon’

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd62ccfa554bec0bb67e84702f1c3c9f63987ba29d1240a6ba65e2f5e274d609.mp4

>>19201045 Democrats Are the Real Racists, and They're Proving It Yet Again

>>19201109 Gov. Kemp rules out 2024 presidential run for now, calls on GOP to stop talking about 2020 election

>>19201133 Meme of the Thread

>>19201191 Trend: "Election Interference" @LauraLoomer on War Room w/ Steve Bannon,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9d5482160eccc4b4b81cdad72e9d2558bea79d305f753b573816c74c8a68e6c8.mp4

>>19201198 Sorority members say they were told to change definition of woman to allow transgender to join

>>19201209 12:30 PM EDT Austin, Milley Hold Press Conference on Ukraine

>>19201256 Ken Paxton attorney: Texas House won’t disclose information necessary for impeachment trial

>>19201305 @POTUS Americans are witnessing the impacts of our Investing in America agenda in their backyards.

>>19201435 #23582

(39 notables, 44 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd50b2 No.19201786

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19088650 Q Research General #23442: Patriots Shine N Shillz Whine Edition

Created 281438ZJUN23




>>19088662 #23442

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0aee55efcdb9a7a7c933c6602ba75ac86cb509620.mp4

>>19088694 Powell, Lagarde and other central bank governors speak at ECB Forum on Central Banking

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lf3M7Quc08E - LIVE: Powell, Lagarde and other central bank governors speak at ECB Forum on Central Banking–6/28/23 [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>19088712 list of 250 HW Celebs that have signed a letter from LGBT lobby group GLAAD, any person that objects to sex changes on children is peddling “malicious lies”

>>19088769 Why admins try to keep spam downNEW

>>19088788 Sweden Dumps Globalist Climate Agenda, Scraps Green Energy Targets

>>19088797, >>19088908 Website of U.S. Northern Command appears to be broken/Q?

>>19088841 Trump Sues Carroll for Defamation Over Post-Trial Rape Claim

>>19088873 IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley says he was barred from taking “certain investigative steps” that could’ve led to President Biden.

>>19088879 D.C. drug bust nabs 12 alleged members of Kennedy Street Crew

>>19088936 52 percent of all voters believe they are worse off now than when Biden took office

>>19089052 How Jeffrey Epstein's island politics helped elect Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett

>>19089069 Founder of Minnesota-based Precision Lens dies when vintage airplane crashes in Montana

>>19089076 set precedent to charge these pedo educators

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e00dff7557c1f3717f45a8b119d9f949d3cd542daede8b4bfd62d60b58b1d9df.mp4

>>19089092 TRENDING: Dark Brandon and The Bots are fighting like hell to hide it from the world

>>19089103 @realDonaldTrump “Trump’s Poll Numbers Are a Cry for Justice“

>>19089132, >>19089208 Junk science-Truth layed out


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wtcig - EXCLUSIVE: ROSEANNE BARR JOINS! DOES SHE REALLY DENY THE HOLOCAUST?! | Louder with Crowder [1:07:31] [Channel: Steven Crowder]

>>19089188 @realDonaldTrump “100 Reasons to Celebrate the First 100 Days — April 2017“

>>19089267 Biden SNAPS At Reporter Asking if He was Involved In Hunter’s “Chinese Shake-Down Text Message”

>>19089270 Queer Theory is Gender Marxism

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JNW79czfibw - Queer Theory is Gender Marxism, Et Cetera [Channel: New Discourses]

>>19089275 Stoltenberg outlines condition for Ukraine joining NATO/Kiev must first win in its conflict with Russia

>>19089299 Three school districts in the state of New Jersey require parental notification if a child begins transitioning their gender. As a result, they are being sued

>>19089432 #23442

(23 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd50b2 No.19202667

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19201441 Q Research General #23583: Jack Smith's Jan. 6 probe Trump Indictment Edition

Created 181710ZJUL23



>>19201467 #23583-A

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a0a533b9c8a74841428e137a8420d35b5b07ab888a304b2ae03d454f7d9dda1c.mp4

>>19201521 ‘Reprehensible.' Congress skewers Biden education chief for email to students attacking SCOTUS

>>19201563, >>19201643 ANONS on redpilling, where we're at

>>19201575 President Trump Announces He Is Target of Garbage J6 Investigation, Given 4 Days to Testify Before Grand Jury - Braces for Imminent Indictment by Biden Regime and Jack Smith

>>19201581 Russia at the United Nations

>>19201588, >>19201892 Biden Approves Pumping Another $1.3BN In Arms Into 'Stalemated' Ukraine War

>>19201605 American Soldier Captured By North Korean Forces - Crossed Border Without Authorization


>>19201616 G20 Meeting In India Ends Without Communiqué, Division On Ukraine, Despite Yellen Pleading Redoubled Support

>>19201622 US pressuring Ukraine for ‘decisive breakthrough’ - WaPo

>>19201632, >>19201843 Gen. Flynn interview with Clay Clark

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30lauu - General Flynn and Clay Clark [59:19] [Channel: General Flynn]

>>19201633 Massachusetts Governor Calls on Residents to House Illegal Aliens in Their Guest Rooms - definitely NOT the Bee

>>19201635 Russian Forces used a lighting bolt to destroy electric transformers in Lviv

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf3eec06ac19eb01c44db0b75e6192145d06545ee1252aa796e45196e5c48e38.mp4

>>19201650 Crimean Bridge damage hasn’t affected Russian military potential - White House

>>19201654 FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bec63c22e66ee9d2f6a6f3580f9fff1bcb9b5f0a07ab9b65a2b41365fd4d13a0.mp4

>>19201661, >>19201872 Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30jfrg - Kevin McCairn On Racial Bioweapons [1:06:20] [Channel: Ryan Dawson]

>>19201664, >>19201669 America First Legal Responds to the DOJ’s January 6 Grand Jury Investigation Targeting President Trump

>>19201673 US believes Western warplanes won’t help Ukraine - WaPo

>>19201677 Biden regime obstructing ‘Ukraine aid’ audits

>>19201682 AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/d6mU4bVqR5K0/ - AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo's Brief to AustraliaOne for the next Phase of Operations 18 July 2023 [Channel: AustraliaOne Party]

>>19201695, >>19201729, >>19201761, >>19202123 PF

>>19201701 Chinese Foreign Minister Disappears, Fueling Rumors of Illness, Romantic Affairs

>>19201710 Sex guide for kids sold at department stores — explains 'hand jobs,' 'scissoring,' and pushes transgender ideology

>>19201715 #Marines with 20 allied nations perform rappelling techniques during #UNITASLXIV, Colombia

>>19201718 Henry Kissinger meets China’s defence minister in surprise visit to Beijing

>>19201720, >>19201904, >>19202304 Large solar storm coming?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=82HPgcDRGSc - Large Solar Eruption Likely to Impact Within 48 Hours | S0 News July.18.2023 [Channel: Suspicious0bservers]

>>19201722 Putin has issued an order for the Russian government to block websites that promote pedophilia, LGBTQ relationships, and gender reassignment.

>>19201734 Pennsylvania woman who used bullhorn to direct Capitol rioters is convicted of Jan. 6 charges

>>19201738 Big Pharma ‘Bankrolled’ Biden’s NIH Director Nominee, Watchdog Group Says

>>19201768 LIVE: Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Biden's Broken Border

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lOGeX0LdFXM - Opening the Flood Gates: Biden’s Broken Border Barrier [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

>>19201780 Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy

>>19201785, >>19201789, >>19201791, >>19201805 "Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine

>>19201822 Tim Ballard addresses critics

>>19201824 Veterans on Patrol has Rescued Thousands of Children Sexually Trafficked in the U.S - Volunteers needed

>>19201837 Over two dozen arrested in regional child predator operation

>>19201845 Jean-Pierre on CLIMATE CHANGE (for KEKS)

>>19201908 West Bank ‘not occupied’ territory, says Ron DeSantis

>>19201941 Watch President Trump’s Plan to Rebuild America’s Depleted Military Agenda47: Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military

>>19201949, >>19201971 US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

>>19202007 UK Sanctions Russian Officials Involved in the "Forced" Deportation of Ukrainian Children - UK gov't

>>19202084 Elton John Is Deposed in Spacey Trial

>>19202085 NEW: Trump and Sean Hannity will be live tonight at 9PM Eastern

>>19202128, >>19202151, >>19202233 Why did Epstein Island pilot keep (incriminating) flight logs?

>>19202181 Scientists create new embryos to save southern white rhino

>>19202220 #23583-A

>>19202249 Sen. Joe Manchin fuels rumors of a third-party 2024 presidential bid

>>19202350 #23583-B

(47 notables, 63 posts, 72 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bd50b2 No.19202671


UPDATE for >>19088650 Q Research General #23442: Patriots Shine N Shillz Whine Edition

>>19088769 Why admins try to keep spam down

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1eefd5 No.19204264

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)


>>19202349 Q Research General #23584: Spam-o-Rama Continues Edition

Created 182020ZJUL23




>>19202363 #23584

>>19202399 @JesseBWatters We filed a FOIA and we can now reveal that taxpayers are funding Fauci’s security detail.

>>19202443 GOP Rep. Meuser presses SEC over delayed Truth Social merger

>>19202451, >>19202795 Michigan attorney general charges fake Trump electors over alleged 2020 election crimes

>>19202461 Fugitive Wirecard executive Marsalek contacts German court through lawyer

>>19202471 Former Pastor Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Receipt Of Child Pornography

>>19202485 @jsolomonReports Tonight @6 pm. EDT we will show you the footage of major J6 security failure

>>19202489 Las Vegas police serve search warrant related to ‘ongoing Tupac Shakur homicide investigation’

>>19202515 Low country man arrested on charges from Jan. 6 Capitol breach

>>19202528, >>19202809 DARPA connection with drug companies and graphene oxide

>>19202535 Ohio Massage Parlor Suspected Of Human Trafficking And Prostitution

>>19202547 A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2zs3r0 - A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 1 [36:05] [Channel: Scott Ritter Extra]


>>19202584 State police investigate online child predator operation in Luzerne County

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aV1VGlhFkg0 - PSP: Child predator sting results in 26 arrests [Channel: PAHomepage.com]

>>19202628 Multiple solar storms and 'dark eruption' led to the formation of 'cannibal' cloud

>>19202668 Remember when Serge Varlay of BlackRock said they don't like being in the news? #BlackRockExposed RT @ElonMusk

>>19202719 YouTuber who sexualized infants announces his surrogate is expecting twins

>>19202730 Group Files Injunction to Halt Idaho law Requiring Proof of Identity to Vote

>>19202831 Trump J6 Indictment IMMINENT; DEFUND JACK SMITH; INSURRECTION Clause Strategy; Docs Case Update' - Robert Gouveia

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30t8qk - Trump J6 Indictment IMMINENT; DEFUND JACK SMITH; INSURRECTION Clause Strategy; Docs Case Update [0] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>19202839 America First Legal Files Lawsuit Against Attorney General Merrick Garland and Biden DOJ Over Failure to Enforce Hunter

>>19202841 notable 1pbtid


>>19202908 UK Amusement Park Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Queen Simulated Sex Acts in Front of Children

>>19202926 Child porn tip uncovers house of filth, four children inside

>>19202943 Homebirthed Newborn in Texas Forcibly Taken Away from Parents

>>19202947, >>19202993, >>19202996, >>19202998 LOGICAL SOLUTION TO MASSIVE BEE DIE-OFFS? WHY ROBOT BEES, OF COURSE

>>19202990 CNN Says Jack Smith Buying a $5 Subway Sandwich is a ‘Message to Trump’

>>19203017 Human waste leaking from a tractor trailer on a Connecticut highway caused crashes, including two state police cruisers spun out of control.

>>19203021 House approves pro-Israel resolution ahead of President Herzog's address

>>19203029 New #bengarrison Cartoon 'Leapfrog'

>>19203041 A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 2

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30nd8w - A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 2 [44:53] [Channel: Scott Ritter Extra]

>>19203042 FBI Director Wray’s recent testimony appears to be at odds with the truth.

>>19203072 RE: Skull and Bones and the US elite that went into banking, universities, government, think tanks, major industries, etc. by Dr. Anthony Sutton

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=h7dLTAL3v5E - [2 of 6] The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - Dr. Antony Sutton [Channel: AWResistance]

>>19203082 Newly Unearthed Information About the Presidential “Football” Reveals Details of Emergency Planning at the Highest Levels of Government

>>19203087 China's Evergrande Reports $113 Billion Loss Over Two Years

(35 notables, 40 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1eefd5 No.19204698

File: 3a4e4d2ff47e574⋯.jpg (86.64 KB,1752x942,292:157,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19203105 Q Research General #23585: Bake or Break Edition

Created 190004ZJUL23




>>19203132, >>19203383, >>19203388 Kek Obama confirmed gay “This man is definitely gay,” Malik Obama

>>19203147 Star Wars actor and far-left activist Mark Hamill praised disgraced and censured Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) in a fundraising email

>>19203151 Creepy Sex Toy CEO Has Been Funding Child Sex Change Clinic Since 2018

>>19203164, >>19203177 Hey CIA. You sleeping well?

>>19203166 Here’s The Real Story About The Border Crisis The Biden Admin Says Is Under Control

>>19203168 Indictment of 24 Individuals Associated with Shreveport Street Gang on Charges Related to CARES Act Fraud Scheme

>>19203172 New Hampshire Woman Charged in Tyngsborough Daycare Investigation

>>19203185 CEO Of Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading Platform Sentenced To Nine Years In Prison For $240 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors

>>19203227 Ukraine is ‘Battle Lab’ for War Tech, Admits Defence Minister.

>>19203230 Richard Grenell: Calling Out The Failures Of The State Department

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30rh3g - Richard Grenell: Calling Out The Failures Of The State Department [15:06] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19203237 M 6.5 - 43 km S of Intipucá, El Salvador - No Tsunami Warning, Advisory, Watch, or Threat

>>19203247, >>19203262, >>19203310, >>19203418, >>19203434 Hannity Trump Townhall links

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kWvdUYO9uv8 - 🔴LIVE - Sean Hannity 7/18/23 - Sean Hannity Full | Fox Breaking News Trump July 18, 2023 [Channel: Chhittar Bazi]

>>19203259 VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — "Wildfires will probably get worse"

>>19203308, >>19203557 @POTATO Today, I welcomed President Herzog of Israel to the White House to celebrate Antisemitism act 2226

>>19203368 @RealMikeLindell The Plan To Save Our Elections And What You Can Do To Save Our Country.

>>19203382 Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30l9m4 - Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action [14:30] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>19203406 #23584

>>19203412 Did you say The only way is the military?

>>19203439 Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Comes Unglued During Committee Hearing, Says Republicans Are “Terrorists” For Disagreeing with Her

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PclbXSmLyVk - Unhinged Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Says Republicans Are “Terrorists” For Disagreeing With Her [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>19203456 Biden Immigration Official Called for the Abolishment of ICE, Ending All Illegal Immigrant Detention

>>19203458 #23585

>>19203476 Grassley Speaks on Decision to Hold VA Deputy Secretary Nominee Tanya Bradsher

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eUp5YlXWlTc - Grassley Speaks on Decision to Hold VA Deputy Secretary Nominee Tanya Bradsher [Channel: SenChuckGrassley]

>>19203484 AFL President @StephenM reacts to the latest news on the DC Grand Jury.

>>19203486 Ex-ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek to plead guilty in child porn case

>>19203494 "Companies that engage in racial discrimination should and will face serious legal consequences." - Attorney General

>>19203590 @GOPoversight Today, we are releasing a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.

>>19203602 Best Buy Reports Massive Price Hikes on Thousands of Different Products in the Coming Weeks

>>19203624 97% Global Supply Chain at Risk?

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/Asz8eFdQ2SW5/ - Whistleblower: 97% Global Supply Chain at Risk: Illegal Arms Trade & Trafficking Protected w/ Shine [Channel: Sarah Westall]

>>19203654 EU should pay for US arms in Ukraine

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30rzca - Agenda47: Rebuilding America's Depleted Military [4:34] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>19203676 Multiple passengers onboard Delta flight from Las Vegas to Atlanta PASS OUT and shit themselves while waiting to take off in 111F heat with no air conditioning

>>19203682 Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza canceled by Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason…. who performs satanic rites during his shows".

>>19203707 Tech billionaire's lover flaunts wealth in an awkward video

>>19203718 Bajool crash: Massive explosion on Bruce Highway after military tanker crashes in seven car pile-up south of Rockhampton, Queensland

>>19203776, >>19203807 New Covid Documents Reveal Unparalleled Media Deception

>>19203788 Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B8ZJjty9Y3A - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19203806 Divers Encounter Enormous ‘Earthquake Fish' with Bite Marks TAIWAN

(37 notables, 46 posts, 14 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1eefd5 No.19204699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>19203733 Q Research General #23586: Fingers Crossed Will it Bake? Edition

Created 190323ZJUL23



>>19203757 #23586

>>19203876, >>19203904, >>19203922, >>19203927, >>19203939, >>19203943, >>19204253 Jim Hoft: Bloomberg critic trashing Sound of Freedom, Noah Berlatsky, also tries to normalize pedophilia

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mXHfCfTn_nM - About Prostasia Foundation [Channel: Prostasia Foundation]

>>19203889 RFKjr: The most shocking thing about these new revelations from @mtaibbi is that it’s not even shocking

>>19203891 Mark Levin: Merrick Garland, Jack Smith Interfering in 2024 Election

>>19203893, >>19203895, >>19203897, >>19203898, >>19203899, >>19204110 ‘No white knight’: Jack Smith’s record rife with mistrials, overturned convictions, judicial rebukes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30v0ei - Jack Smith Warns of NEW Ridiculous Charges Against Trump [16:17] [Channel: Joe Pags]

>>19203920 Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30l9m4 - Tim Ballard Full Speech at Turning Point Action [14:30] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>19203948 @shannonrwatts: Proud to have had a hand in getting CMT to reject this racist and violent song…

>>19204100, >>19204104 Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 & mRNA COVID Shot a ‘Bioweapon’

>>19204168, >>19204188, >>19204202 Donald J. Trump: A PACKED HOUSE IN BEAUTIFUL CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. THANK YOU!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30vs0c - Video upload for 110739145512733117 [29] [Channel: hostid1]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30vslq - Video upload for 110739161324067656 [58] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19204192 RFK Jr. Announces Bold Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes

>>19204230 US Finally Cancels Funding To Wuhan Lab

>>19204237 @realDonaldTrump: WHAT?! TRANSCRIPT PLEASE!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30vrd0 - Video upload for 110739127804688012 [14] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19204243 @realDonaldTrump: THANK YOU, TURNING POINT ACTION! #TRUMP2024

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30vqze - Video upload for 110739112729919184 [42] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19204276 @DonaldJTrumpJr: It never ends! The corrupted bureaucrats of the swamp will do anything to stop my father from fighting for you & putting Americans first.

>>19204301 @realLizUSA: Sick! They’re rounding up political opponents on FAKE charges

>>19204313 BREAKING: I will be introducing legislation to DEFUND Jack Smith’s witch hunt against President @realDonaldTrump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30s6lg - Video upload for 110736513713962065 [3:39] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19204333 Trump 'Target Letter' Does Not Mention Sedition or Insurrection, Ex-Prez Only Person Named

>>19204464 Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Comes Out As An ‘Antifa Super Soldier’

>>19204471 Video appears to show 100's of military-aged Chinese men in Panama heading toward the U.S. border.

>>19204479 @OneStopPatriot: Bill Gates appears to have bought off Regulator that approved his Covid Vaccine

>>19204567 #23586

(21 notables, 35 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1eefd5 No.19205062


UPDATE for >>19203733 Q Research General #23586: Fingers Crossed Will it Bake? Edition

>>19203975 #23585

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1eefd5 No.19205187


UPDATE for >>19203733 Q Research General #23586: Fingers Crossed Will it Bake? Edition

>>19203975 #23585

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1eefd5 No.19205317


UPDATE for >>19203733 Q Research General #23586: Fingers Crossed Will it Bake? Edition

>>19203975 #23585

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1eefd5 No.19205545

File: 7ef562395439894⋯.jpg (8.91 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19204605 Q Research General #23587: Late Night Edition

Created 190834ZJUL23



>>19204622 #23587

>>19204658, >>19204664, >>19204667, >>19204690 The Federal Reserve is launching a digital currency app, FedNow...

>>19204663 Emerald Robinson w/CAP: Have you figured out yet that Obama is the real power behind the Rainbow Jihad?

>>19204668 General Mike Flynn w/CAP: Everyone needs to pay close attention to @KanekoaTheGreat right now...

>>19204674 CMT has confirmed that, after initially airing Jason Aldean’s highly controversial music video for 'Try That in a Small Town,' the network pulled the contentious clip...

>>19204691 Desperate Disney Prepares to Sell Off Third of Company

>>19204737 Bongino and Catturd: The police state is here. And there’s a limited window to turn this around. I agree- We’re almost to the point of no return.

>>19204745 FBI told Hunter Biden investigator to duck Committee questions, bombshell letter shows

>>19204746, >>19204796 anon ties DJT America First to Q:149

>>19204756 DOJ triggers outrage after scrubbing website’s child sex trafficking info

>>19204863 US soldier, 23, who ran into North Korea after being released from South Korea prison for kicking a cop car - as his mom says 'I can't see him defecting'...

>>19204918, >>19204920 British Open 2023: Players, caddies put on high security alert, told not to tackle protest group at championship

>>19205023 Japan halts poultry imports from Brazil’s Santa Catarina state due to bird flu

>>19205028 Chile mandates masks in schools amid rise in respiratory viruses

>>19205157, >>19205384 Killary w/CAP: Ordered to push children into the river. My God. 1hr delta with Biden islamic new year twat

>>19205186 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/19/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30xhey - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/19/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19205220 Honduras Wants to Build the West's Only Island Prison Colony—and Lock 2,000 Gangsters Inside

>>19205257 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Chandrayaan-3 Launches to the Moon

>>19205287 Pentagon explains F-16 delay for Ukraine - Supplying an adequate number of warplanes would take years and cost billions

>>19205348 DoD w/CAP: Marines with @4th_MarDiv conduct a Marine Corps Martial Arts course during Exercise UNITAS LXIV in Colombia.

>>19205421 #23587

(21 notables, 27 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4ee59b No.19206868

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19205438 Q Research General #23588: Point Of No Return Edition

Created 191455ZJUL23




>>19205446 #23588

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fUwTtYRI5Po - Expose - Point Of No Return [Channel: QuikShotJigen]

>>19205523, >>19205526, >>19205826 You decide/Aldean

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=b1_RKu-ESCY - Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video) [Channel: Jason Aldean]


>>19205536 @realDonaldTrump These vicious Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Democrats have attacked my lawyers at a level never seen before, and yet I keep on winning.

>>19205537 Travis Scott's concert at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza has been canceled by The Egyptian Syndicate of Musical Professions because "he's a Freemason….satanic

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c51fcd5d196928e243781f7903afef19916b617949a2235a22ee582dca41285.mp4

>>19205547 chief of comms for Center for Countering Digital Hate - a straight-up CIA operative who served as a spokeswoman for rolling out domestic surveillance technology/Moran

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae784fd827f3951d54e4e6bb613a9e4c72afbccaeda515b69394b709e465d2fa.mp4

>>19205561 January 6er Ronnie Sandlin Sentenced to Over Five Years in Prison After Refusing to Cooperate with Feds

>>19205567, >>19205758, >>19205763 the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing

>>19205578, >>19205645 THREAD: In 2016, Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and corporate news outlets urged electors to vote against President-elect Donald Trump.

>>19205631 Association of Advisory Committee Votes With US Food and Drug Administration Decision-Making on Prescription Drugs, 2010-2021

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df4846b61ad1230db0fc83c578fd5510dc4425b4bc8da5700089edabe49cfb3c.pdf

>>19205709 Ebbudy Wing Chun

>>19205766, >>19205776, >>19206001, >>19206029, >>19206038, >>19206057, >>19206084, >>19206091, >>19206104, >>19206116, >>19206183, >>19206191, >>19206207 IRS WHISTLEBLOWERS testify before congress 1:00 EDT

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B8ZJjty9Y3A - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30j1xa - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19205772 Military Doctors Blow Whistle on Vaccine Injuries (Sen Ron Johnson Hearing)

>>19205785 Russia Introduces Digital Ruble as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

>>19205799 Prosecutors Agree with Rapper 50 Cent that Los Angles is “Finished’ Due to Its ‘No-Bail’ Policy

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tFPXWRAq028 - 'LA is finished': 50 Cent tears into zero bail policy decision [Channel: Fox Business]

>>19205808 Police Say 8-Year-Old Boy Carjacked Victim At Gunpoint Before Leading Cops On Chase

>>19205815 Report from Western Australia Describes Vaccine Injuries/ Adverse Events

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1l6Q2r5VWLo - Quality Australian vaccine data [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>19205816, >>19205837, >>19205841, >>19205859, >>19205939, >>19205950, >>19205957 CMZ:If you want a sneak peak of the Vivek exposure

>>19205918 Herzog addresses Congress

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d2c02b3ebff03ef509340949acf6d4acf6eb1e349fb444e2be7e99fa2638a6bc.mp4

>>19205931 QClock July 19, 2023 - PANIC is real. ALL HANDS ON DECK.

>>19205966 US Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Announces Plan to Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes

>>19205991 Buckwheat up

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cT5dJkJ1trQ - Press Briefing Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre [Channel: The White House]

>>19205997, >>19206004, >>19206107 Russia says it will consider all ships traveling through Black Sea to Ukraine Ports as potential carriers of military cargoes from July 20

>>19206003 @OfficialFtSill It’s Diamond Week!♦️

>>19206013 @USNavy Flank speed! 🌊 ⚓ 🇺🇸

>>19206076 @DeptofDefense Fast moving logistics!

>>19206098 Minister calls for creation of United States of Europe, Czech Republic’s Martin Dvorak

>>19206141 Putin 2015 speech @UN

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=f6USXGp_K9s - PUTIN : Speech to UN 2015 'Do you realise what you've done?' - English subtitles (HISTORICAL TALKS) [Channel: HISTORICAL TALKS]

>>19206144, >>19206150 Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota

>>19206177 Happy #NationalDaiquiriDay!

>>19206213 #23588

(31 notables, 57 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4ee59b No.19207241

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19206173 Q Research General #23589: IRS Whistles Blowin On Hunter Edition

Created 191734ZJUL23



>>19206225 #23589

>>19206254, >>19206312, >>19206326, >>19206398, >>19206861, >>19206890, >>19206944, >>19206969 IRS Whistleblower hearing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B8ZJjty9Y3A - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19206259 Confidential Biden DOD memo reveals "transgender" service members can skip deployments and receive indefinite physical fitness/standards waivers

>>19206266 Rep. Jason Smith's opening statement on IRS Whistleblowers, Justice Department Corruption, and the Biden Family's Crimes:

>>19206280 IRS whistleblower Joseph Zeigler tells @CBS_Herridge that despite being a Democrat, he did not vote for president in the 2020 election while working on the Hunter Biden investigation

>>19206292 Nigel Farage On “Chinese Social Credit System”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=C5ZQ3pC_HQU - The Coutts files: Nigel Farage reveals Bank had branded him as 'politically exposed person' [Channel: GBNews]

>>19206299 Odessa Port Heavily Bombarded by Drones and Missiles in Worst Attack of the War - Russia Obliterates Ukrainian Infrastructure on the Black Sea

>>19206301 …Shapley just said that they were warned that the statute of limitations was about to expire but that there was an agreement to again extend

>>19206316 Stanford University president resigns following concerns about his research and papers.

>>19206351 "In Their Labs": Fifteen Illuminating Passages In The Proximal Origin Chats And Emails

>>19206353, >>19206374, >>19206503 Trends: "Whistleblower X", #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed, "House Oversight Committee"

>>19206370 PA: Innamorato resigns from state House of Representatives

>>19206384 Former State Judge And AG Splits From Industry-Sponsored Panelist, Rules Bud Light Violated Code By Marketing To Minors

>>19206404 Conservative Party Suspends Christian Councillor for Calling Pride a Sin

>>19206413 206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

>>19206422 AG Garland and his appointee, Jack Smith must be held to account by the House, professional organizations, and ethics committees for their brazen interference in the 2024 election.

>>19206443, >>19206472 Biden Family and Associates Received Over $10 Million from Foreign Sources Plus moar

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30zd4q - Video upload for 110742039151689774 [45] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19206453 ‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida, Tee Off Temps and Elite Payroll Solutions

>>19206474 Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler tells @CBS_Herridge that he wanted to interview Hunter Biden's adult children, but …

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06eed376523337463b0a6f1c46131774bc124dfc0c3b090442f6a2b567e2328e.mp4

>>19206484 Second IRS whistleblower comes forward during Oversight hearing

>>19206488 UFOs impacting Air Force training, White House spox Kirby says

>>19206491 DOJ Sued For Failing To Register Hunter Biden As A Foreign Agent

>>19206499, >>19206523, >>19206531 How Rap Legend Tupac Shakur Shot Down Ray Epps Defamation Claim Against Tucker and Revolver News

>>19206632, >>19206800, >>19206857 Rep. Timmons outlines Biden bribery "SCHEME" in hearing

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30zoag - Video upload for 110742224997169078 [17] [Channel: hostid1]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30zrko - Video upload for 110742285099991967 [3:12] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19206663 Govt's seeing link between CV vaxxes, ADE & degrading of immune system

>>19206666, >>19206699, >>19206981 ‘Whistleblower X’ Joseph Ziegler Says IRS Investigators Discouraged from Probing Biden Crimes

>>19206682 NY fed judge rejected former President Donald Trump's efforts to move his New York criminal case to federal court

>>19206693 Prince Andrew's bizarre bedroom

>>19206738 Biden and Mayorkas’ Open Border: Advancing Cartel Crime in America

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kva0HOb1TUg - Biden and Mayorkas’ Open Border: Advancing Cartel Crime in America [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

>>19206749 ‘At Least 25-30’ IRS Agents in Tactical Gear Raid Business in Stuart, Florida

>>19206755 PF

>>19206771 Solar storm update

>>19206772 Does BIS advocate for Implanted Chips?

>>19206774 Goya foods WON'T give in to cancel culture

>>19206782 Woman posing as 14-yr-old busts NY ‘healthcare’ group giving transgender drugs to kids

>>19206924 Biden DOJ Continue 'Stasi-Like' Tactics, SEIZE Trump Defense Lawyers' Cellphones

>>19206937 Mark Levin: Whistleblowers are destroying Biden crime family with facts. Committee Democrats are flailing

>>19207010 Capitol Police IG: Only two of total 650 total reports from office have been made public since 2005

>>19207039 Trump Campaign Hoping To Lock Up GOP Nomination With Third Indictment

>>19207055 What do climate engineering and Morgellons have in common? Chemtrails

>>19207076 #24589-A

>>19207101 #24589-B

(42 notables, 58 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4ee59b No.19208105

File: b737fb696fb2090⋯.png (391.4 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)


>>19207099 Q Research General #23590: IRS Whistleblower Joseph Zeigler Tells All Edition

Created 191953ZJUL23



>>19207109 #23590

>>19207140 Mark Levin: Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman do not want evidence of sex trafficking provided to the public.

>>19207141, >>19207168, >>19207201, >>19207332 IRS whistleblower hearing con't.

>>19207152 Zieglar: He [Weiss] is limited within Delaware. Raskin: That's just the rules. You're just restating what the rules are. You're not a lawyer right, you don't work in the Department of Justice, correct? [more Raskin PANIC]

>>19207161, >>19207185, >>19207247 More on Morgellons & chemtrails - is there a link?

>>19207162 LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30j1xa - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19207174 Stansbury asking if the IRS witnesses have ever acted as unregistered foreign agents or participated in illegal arms trafficking. kek

>>19207180, >>19207262, >>19207272, >>19207284 Anons on hearing: who really writes the Democrat's scripts? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME: Trump, Trump, Trump

>>19207236 Higgins: I think I clarified for America why we were interested in Hunter Biden. Because he sold access to his father, The Big Guy. And you Americans out there may have a compromised president in your White House.

>>19207248 Twitter BUN on whistleblower testimony

>>19207254 Garcia: Today's hearing is like most of the majority's investigations and hearings. A lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts, but apparently, some dick pics. [bank records and wire transfers are important pieces of evidence, you crook]]

>>19207256 #BREAKING: Massive Police Response as Injuries Reported in a Shooting Incident inside a Walmart store

>>19207273 Garcia referring to the 'Trump Crime Family'. That little scumbag must be in deep trouble.

>>19207278 RFKjr: Biden admin extends U.S. habit of interfering in other countries’ domestic politics. Now it’s threatening Israel…

>>19207301 Reminder: Frost, speaking soon, is a black lives matter terrorist, arrested during the riots.

>>19207315 Tornado aftermath: Pfizer building destroyed in Rocky Mount in Nash County

>>19207328 Coming Next: 6th Gen Warfare - Humans v/s A.I. - video

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/0ZMYYTSYxSzI/ - Coming Next: 6th Gen Warfare - Humans v/s A.I. [Channel: KekAgent]

>>19207354 Ziegler: I essentially made disclosures up to the Commissioner of the IRS [Daniel Werfel], I said what happened, and the response I got a few days later was I, 'may have broken the law', and 'don't ever do this again. Your emails need to go through your leadership.'

>>19207376 Frost: Since January 6th, these republicans and Trump have complained about a two-tiered justice system, co-opting the language of the decades-long civil rights movement for black lives and black freedom. A movement that they are actually looking to eliminate.

>>19207423 Top DEA member resigns after revelations about previous consulting for Big Pharma

>>19207454 Donald J. Trump RT @RSBN Biden slammed during hearing for threatening national security


>>19207472 In case you thought this was a partisan investigation: The unmasked IRS whistleblower, Mr. Ziegler , is a gay Democrat who was simply doing the right thing

>>19207477 WhatsApp is DOWN: Massive outage is impacting users worldwide who cannot send or receive messages

>>19207490 Donald J. Trump RT Comer says 'FBI had an unclassified record' detailing Joe Biden's involvement in 'extortion and bribery scheme'

>>19207575 Accused Pentagon leaker Teixeira argues he should be treated like Trump and not remain in jail

>>19207606 Comer just said that they just got bank records from ukraine... 10 minute break... AAAAND THEY'RE GONE

>>19207647 An Oddly Demure Jake Tapper Interviews Ron DeSantis

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RHKmWzd23Hw - DeSantis responds to Republicans losing faith in his electability [Channel: CNN]

>>19207656 @Kash Why do you think Dan Goldman hates whistleblowers so much, hed lie about me and them… no coincidences- read our criminal referral or the real criminal in congress: thanks @jbinnall

>>19207661 IRS Whistleblower Says Hunter Biden's Attorneys Made 'False Statements' And 'Threatened' Prosecutors

>>19207675 Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll - Analysis by Aaron Blake

>>19207683 George Clooney calls for ‘dismantling’ of Wagner PMC

>>19207694 Ron DeSantis Blames President Trump for J6 Insurrection, Pledges to Stop Prosecuting Corrupt Democrats and Return to Political Civility

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_oZDeXKelYc - DeSantis hits Trump over Jan. 6 after ex-president reveals he’s probe target [Channel: New York Post]

>>19207698 ‘El Pollo’ Carvajal Extradited to US for Drug Trafficking: Former Venezuelan Espionage Chief Holds Secrets That Can Destroy Latin American Leftist Regimes

>>19207708 MTG on White House Cocaine Scandal: ‘First Family Should Submit to Drug Test’

>>19207716 Biden Family Business Paid $7.3M from Burisma over Years, Including When Joe Biden Was VP

>>19207896 #23590

(37 notables, 45 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4ee59b No.19209170

File: 3a4e4d2ff47e574⋯.jpg (86.64 KB,1752x942,292:157,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19207909 Q Research General #23591: Bad Actors Corroborating Bad Business Edition

Created 192149ZJUL23




>>19207917 #23591

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30j1xa - LIVE: Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation - 7/19/2023 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19207924, >>19208607 They all knew the virus came out of that lab they were funding, since January of 2020.

>>19207938, >>19208047 Tornado destroys Pfizer plant in Rocky Mount NC today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2da59d657a0f2cbd9c696c9d9f7f648a737183aa8e6cf27253ea4a7abf8e9c48.mp4

>>19207951 Former City of Richmond Official and Wife Plead Guilty to Fraud

>>19207962 Israeli pedo bust? yet to be translated by our government into something we can read

>>19207968 Mitt Romney: “I love hot dogs. I love them in buns. I love them outside of buns.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/22b20a7e37ab2c896d7830416a5ae619008376b58935adbbfa25782d4dd18bd9.mp4

>>19207987 Our federal government is literally threatening itself. If only they could investigate themselves…???

>>19208001 Thank you Dan Goldman, U.S. Congress [Levi Strauss Hier] for confirming Biden Collusion with ChYna

>>19208118, >>19208142, >>19208149, >>19208231 Hunter Biden paid $666,667 per month by Ukraine?? CALL FOR DIGS

>>19208140 Corporate Media Help Biden Hide Growing Illegal Migrant Inflow

>>19208307, >>19208332, >>19208551 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Explicit Images of Hunter Biden During House Oversight Committee Hearing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/343d35d4e23d4b2e32368b8817d6fbdeec34152e7aa41298cd41184fc427ff0e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b5d2c047900a49f96f8202a8a9c2edbe03dffb8e42b04613c7bfe1f998a6a7b6.mp4

>>19208339, >>19208342 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

>>19208348 A lawyer from Tampa, Rugh Cline, has been indicted for engaging in illicit sexual conduct in Cambodia with two minors, is currently on house arrest

>>19208356 US Atty Wolf tipped off Biden about IRS' plans to search documents in a storage facility.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v310xra - Video upload for 110742995887290802 [1:40] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19208403 An eye-catching Twitter thread by Mike Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online

>>19208478 Apollo 11's Lunar Landing Celebration Tomorrow

>>19208555 Rep. Eric Burlison On The Congressional Hearings: “We Need To Do More”. It’s outrageous that Lesly Snipes got three years in jail for the same thing that Hunter has done

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30y9aa - Rep. Eric Burlison On The Congressional Hearings: “We Need To Do More” [6:41] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19208633 Moscow has ramped up long-range strikes after Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge

>>19208665 US responds to Russia's Black Sea alert

>>19208712 How long is this fag going to pretend he has cancer?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f3f3a3205fb373f0b875cc88b3066323031c98057a02ecb95e293fd29733ebcd.mp4

>>19208738 US to send VAMPIREs to Ukraine – Reuters

>>19208760 We all know who the big guy is

>>19208773 #23591

(23 notables, 31 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4ee59b No.19210070

File: 3a4e4d2ff47e574⋯.jpg (86.64 KB,1752x942,292:157,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19208791 Q Research General #23592: Obstructed No Moar Edition

Created 200006ZJUL23




>>19208810 #23592

>>19208847 Bannon & Winters Blast House Oversight Investigations As ‘Amateur Hour.’

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30y9mc - ‘We Need Killers’: Bannon & Winters Blast Oversight Investigations As ‘Amateur Hour.’ [10:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19208871, >>19208934, >>19208938 Aldean/Vegas

>>19208882 Major blast rocks South Africa’s largest city

>>19208888 Forked Tongues: heavy emitters exposed as hypocrites on climate action, new analysis shows

>>19208899, >>19208903, >>19208909, >>19208968, >>19209190, >>19209421 Shapley/Comer/Smith/Turner [IRS Supervisory Special Agent] vids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d91e6e540691293352319edbe0117a386112d42d9cc86a4999054067c6671559.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40df89eee6606f41853c9296ee22fd10c8968b8703adf9d0f6f02b4a50b30988.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/655a4d53961e5e10d588313bc4e1bf65267f4085aed22dcdb999597b24126cf8.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8dfea9970ed42a1783159c1faa4a7ffcc2914043863796d8e934bd0f9f73cd8f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad380b01a5b9bf6c0d2a65dfd3b84cf42fa8a7f571d625a693bf540872cb50c3.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/759eb3f07a1e845d28cb0ebfe281bc0881a6195cbe0ffdfacc1af06fc2c9fd70.mp4

>>19208905 Veteran US Marine fears he'll end up dead 'like Jeffrey Epstein' after being warned by 'men in black' not to speak about UFO

>>19209018, >>19209105 @JamesOKeefeIII Revenge is a dish best served cold. Pfizer building in Rocky Mount heavily damaged during tornado

>>19209022 CIA contractor spied on Latin American leaders

>>19209026, >>19209306 @RepMTG Exposes Hunter Biden’s Misuse of Law Firm for Prostitution Payments as “Business Expenses”

>>19209042 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30ygk0 - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'-07/19/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19209046 The Truth About Vaccines Presents: #REMEDY This is a film about vaccine injuries that you don't want to miss

>>19209064 Australian government now run by the corrupt Big 4 Consulting firms - PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG

>>19209134, >>19209412, >>19209425 FloatFag USN-wise off SoCal. Vessels reporting themselves as "TYRIAN 138" and such numbers. USNS HENRY J. KAISER is out there as well.

>>19209151, >>19209161, >>19209168, >>19209172, >>19209173 The Other Pandemic QAnon as post-truth pathogen For the kekds!

>>19209216 Swedish embassy in Baghdad set on fire.

>>19209225, >>19209253 PF Most of the Blackhawks seem to be circling airports/airbases

>>19209297 The Communist Culture Invasion

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aZVXDdA3f48 - The Communist Culture Invasion - John B Wells LIVE [Channel: John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight]

>>19209320 American man who sexually abused multiple Filipino girls sentenced to 50 years

>>19209446 NPR on Cuties: it’s just a harmless critique of the sexualization of children 🤷🏻‍♂️

>>19209549 @CodeMonkeyZ Met Jim Caviezel and we had so much to talk about.

>>19209576 SNP admits to felling 16 million trees to develop wind farms

>>19209618 #23592

(23 notables, 39 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4ee59b No.19210724

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19209623 Q Research General #23593: TDS: The Other Pandemic Edition

Created 200209ZJUL23




>>19209636 #23593

>>19209677, >>19209811, >>19209826 President Trump sits front row center watching Sound of Freedom

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/679ee1171b2a233f3215b02f544300746951646c7483e47ce85f2e5e9e93ca99.mp4

>>19209700, >>19209745 ‘Rachel’ Levine’s Ex-Wife Suffered ‘Emotion’ From Divorce That Made Her Stop Writing

>>19209780 Sold to sex traffic network at six

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=S49hqVIrG1g - SOLD TO SEX Traffic NETWORK AT SIX. Mel Gibson WARNED Us.CELEBRITIES & WORLD LEADERS LOVE IT! SICK! [Channel: CBOW & SNAPPA]

>>19209781, >>19209831 Planefag

>>19209792 John Kerry Grilled By Democrats And Republicans At House

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=48fREs0rJbw - JUST IN: John Kerry Grilled By Democrats And Republicans At House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>19209798 Effects of adrenochrome and epinephrine on human arterial endothelial cells in vitro

>>19209818, >>19209928 New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu will not seek reelection

>>19209836 Democrat Dan Goldman Brings Witness Testimony at IRS Hearing Joe Biden and Hunter Talked About Foreign Business Deals, Contradicting Joe’s Denials

>>19209860, >>19209868, >>19209962, >>19210099, >>19210239, >>19210269, >>19210407 More from IRS whistleblowers testimony

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3ebd86a8db3049b6047e61adb346988a4bbcb39db8c55c9bcac4abed4101e808.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/002238ad06f73006d6369a7dbcfb6f7cf5006ce968af8e0a7b1efa8fa54f8c65.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b08452481af84c047a4e8115745a5cbce2d54671aaae50eabfa9b06a9895a1fe.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7251722f9ff9d8fd5ab6ffe3bd2e07ff051b83fa232c69bf285701051dd55c01.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2fefd3b65f758b95a4bc11b9c5030c3d3b124d426d8116d534c62bd5669076c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5329c3c5921c7bba7bdbd5eba6667e9988906defa1aa60bc64006c46fb3826c0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/52442231c27fc42685b77c482f291cf1f76e5cd77aa39d0e364e0b5ec790d79b.mp4

>>19209863 Interview With Toby Rogers: Health Freedom: The Costs Of Autism

>>19209866 Christina Bobb: Liberal AZ AG's Targeting Trump On Plagiarism

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30yfqu - Christina Bobb: Liberal AZ Attorney Generals Targeting Trump On Plagiarism [4:07] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19209934 Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia

>>19209948 Rioters reportedly storm Swedish embassy in Iraq and light it on fire in protest of Koran being burned in Stockholm

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JMdf3RAkvFs - Koran burning complicates Sweden's NATO bid [Channel: Reuters]

>>19209963 Congressional Testimony: Biden’s HHS ‘Deliberately’ Ignoring Trafficking of Migrant Kids Across U.S.

>>19209989 Emmy Award-Winning CBS Meteorologist Dies Suddenly at 51

>>19210002 Parents who upload photos of their young children to social media are handing their likeness over to pedophiles and sick digital pranksters

>>19210025 ANOTHER LEAK: Dirty Jack Smith to Charge Trump with Civil War Era Civil Rights Violation - Bastardizing the Law to Jail Biden Regime’s Political Opponents

>>19210035 Alabama redistricting

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30yj98 - Alex DeGrasse: New State Maps Drawn For Alabama [7:14] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19210043 @Kash: Rosenstein n Wray LIED to congress, subpoena them NOW please

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30nff4 - Video upload for 110732564410588224 [1:20] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19210044 Chris Rufo's American Cultural Revolution

>>19210098 Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’

>>19210116 Trump hired Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann for $200K architect job at his most prized NYC property on Wall Street

>>19210178 PF

>>19210276 The Gravitas Of Tucker Carlson And Arrogance Of Fox

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v30ylxo - Chadwick Moore: The Gravitas Of Tucker Carlson And Arrogance Of Fox [13:51] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19210330 SpaceX Starlink Mission

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Z7c9JPUHpPM - Starlink Mission [Channel: SpaceX]

>>19210387 More BS from the Guardian: Avoid Using The Term 'Wealthy Elite' And Instead Say 'The Powerful Few' to Not 'Trigger Antisemitism'

>>19210454 Swedish embassy torched ahead of new Koran burning stunt

>>19210497 More on Morgellons

>>19210531 #23593

(30 notables, 41 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4ee59b No.19211523

File: 4f5603a4f60014c⋯.png (146.33 KB,437x242,437:242,Clipboard.png)


>>19210539 Q Research General #23594: DIC PICS for Congress! Edition

Created 200521ZJUL23



>>19210550 #23594

>>19210568 Stanford President Resigns After His Alzheimer’s Research Failed ‘Standards of Scientific Rigor’

>>19210619, >>19211114 Sound of Freedom Producer on Beating Hollywood: Disney, Netflix, Amazon Rejected Us

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Rt0kp4VW1cI - Sound of Freedom - Official Trailer (2023) [Channel: IGN Movie Trailers]

>>19210649 Half and Jai video: President Trump meets with Tim Ballard to discuss Child Trafficking


>>19210699 Steve Bannon, Dan Bongino, Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz Speak at Turning Point Action Conference

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oKouMq-xbkE - Steve Bannon, Dan Bongino, Trump Jr., Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz Speak at Turning Point Action Conference [Channel: NTD]

>>19210737 Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok - Part II GOP Oversight (5 years ago)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=r0sdFq9duyA - Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok - Part II [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>19210814 PDJT @TS: Jason Aldean is a fantastic guy who just came out with a great new song. Support Jason all the way. MAGA!!!

>>19210838 Lioness on the loose outside Berlin sparking frantic police search

>>19211081 Mayor Eric Adams says New York City no longer has room to shelter asylum seekers

>>19211084 Louisiana Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto of Bill Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries

>>19211301 (LIVE) House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party

>>19211377 New federal guidance on psychedelics could open minds—and funding sources

>>19211425 #23594

(13 notables, 14 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19214102

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19211429 Q Research General #23595: BOOM Week Cont. - Pure PANIC Edition

Created 201247ZJUL23




>>19211436 #23595

>>19211469 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/20/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v312nda - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/20/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>19211488, >>19212204 Ode to the oldfag bakers

>>19211489 ‘Old friend’: Henry Kissinger meets China’s Xi Jinping in second surprise Beijing talks

>>19211604 Docuseries “Remedy” Offers Hope for Those Suffering from Vaccine Damage

>>19211607, >>19211745, >>19211991, >>19212046 committees and hearings on tap for 7/20/2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NVAqnMWtMV8 - Secretary Blinken meets with Bahraini Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid al-Zayani -11:30 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WqfMtYmGAfY - 07/20/23: Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton Gaggle Aboard Air Force One [Channel: The White House]

>>19211647 EU could shift military training centers to Ukraine. wants to propose the scenario in the event of a ceasefire

>>19211651 Michigan AG Nessel Charges Trump Electors with ‘Forgery,’ Despite JFK Precedent

>>19211700 Murdoch Outlet Promotes Corporate Chair Ronna McDaniel Warning Trump Not to Avoid Murdoch Outlet Debate

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pXDWxA_wDdU - McDaniel: This Debate Is An Opportunity For Us To Contrast Our Ideas Versus The Democrats’ [Channel: Ronna McDaniel]

>>19211777 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - M64: The Black Eye Galaxy Close Up

>>19211794 Dem Stacey Plaskett Defends Censorship: ‘Free Speech Is Not an Absolute’

>>19211811 It's hard to believe, but the @DNC is attempting to prevent @RobertKennedyJr from speaking at a hearing on censorship.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ac491cfa846f8f4c8558704982db9ae982c7ab591514f43b04a75b4877564df3.mp4

>>19211919 Trump Backs Jason Aldean Amid ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Cancel Campaign: ‘A Fantastic Guy’

>>19211954 Starling Takes Flight

>>19212013 SNP crisis escalates as police expand probe to include 'potential embezzlement'

>>19212140 North Korea says US nuclear-capable submarine deployment may meet threshold for nuclear weapons use

>>19212155, >>19212160 Naked brothers who escaped feces-covered home looked like ‘cavemen’ who had ‘never seen the sun before’

>>19212243 Twitter to subpoena Senator Elizabeth Warren over communications with U.S. agencies, Reuters reports

>>19212314 IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler drafted this prosecution report late 2021. Multiple felony, misdemeanor charges span 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019…

(19 notables, 24 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19214104

File: b0b6342c7f1351e⋯.png (83.54 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.png)


>>19212400 Q Research General #23596: [Be Ready] Edition

Created 201637ZJUL23




>>19212412 #23596

>>19212424, >>19212503, >>19212768, >>19212841 Weiner Interview; Weiner panic July 20 2023

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=u8sKo4KQO-E - Anthony Weiner | PBD Podcast | Ep. 287 [Channel: PBD Podcast]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1cf553d619876dcd1f88ee7c685c3481048d8d62b86b90e4e91785674968d624.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g2Io-U0-94k - UNHINGED: Anthony Weiner Has a Meltdown When Asked About Clinton’s Kill List Allegation [Channel: Valuetainment]

>>19212440, >>19212529, >>19212544, >>19212550 Reminder: Jim Watson deposition with attorneys' names

>>19212454 Uncle Sam is Pushing psychdelics to the Masses

>>19212472, >>19212510, >>19212573, >>19212635, >>19212663, >>19212670, >>19213049, >>19213098 House Democrats Vote to Censor RFK Jr. During Hearing on Censorship

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ca6b9b39552b2ce8c03c8674dffe2bfab6893a000146c2b94c8f6399af15019.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/96374a445d84900008701d3d945d8261775a0bd79c520aa6e34b387ecaaaf62c.mp4

>>19212501, >>19212569, >>19212641, >>19212648, >>19212653, >>19212660, >>19213010 Senator Chuck Grassley has released the FD-1023 form claiming Joe Biden and Hunter Biden coerced Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsk to pay them $5,000,000 to get Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired

>>19212512 Federal Reserve set to oversee bank transactions

>>19212522 Unraveling the Hidden Agenda of the Credit Card Competition Act

>>19212535 Rep. Matt Gaetz: Congress Has Failed to Terminate Syria’s Never-Ending National Emergency

>>19212551 Top Journo Apologises to Nigel Farage

>>19212588 ‘Indiana Jones 5’ a ‘Disaster of Epic Proportions’ for Disney

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eQfMbSe7F2g - Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | Official Trailer [Channel: Lucasfilm]

>>19212592 PF

>>19212631 Democrats Go All in Defending Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens: ‘They’re American!’

>>19212647 YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews, Reviews

>>19212656 FBI Knew Hunter Laptop Was Authentic in 2019 But Lied to Social Media Companies

>>19212678, >>19212689 Moar on MTG photos of Hunter

>>19212686 Xi meets Kissinger

>>19212687 206 Drugged Migrants Bound for U.S. Border Found Locked in Trailer in Mexico

>>19212699 Ukraine Launches US-Supplied Cluster Bomb Attacks on Russian Forces

>>19212701 Sperry on Jack Smith indictment possibility

>>19212724 Ramaswamy Responds to Scrutiny Over Alleged Ties to Soros, WEF, and Partnership with NIH for Centralized COVID-19 Patient Surveillance Database

>>19212762 Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, Hunter in bombshell allegations

>>19212778, >>19212855 Ex-Dem GA State Rep. Mainor switches to Republican

>>19212828 Senate Rejects Congressional War Powers Over NATO’s Article 5

>>19212863 New study of CDC data suggests COVID vaccines caused shocking 338x increase in cancers & AIDS-associated diseases

>>19212908 Another Stanford exit: Diversity dean who deplatformed conservative judge steps down

>>19212914 Russia launches more ‘retaliatory strikes’ on Ukraine

>>19212928 WHO, CDC and Bill Gates Pushing for Peel-and-Stick Vaccine Patches Mailed Directly to People’s Homes

>>19212932 Ukraine begins using US-provided cluster munitions – WaPo

>>19212935 Heatwaves Have Fallen in the United States Over the Last 75 Years

>>19212967 Westwards child sex trafficking is a much more serious issue than are the trumped-up charges NATO laid against Russian President Putin

>>19213016, >>19213030, >>19213038 A Decade Of 'Deals': The Definitive Timeline Of The Bidens' Influence-Peddling

>>19213062 MSNBC blames Trump for deep state refusal to prosecute Hunter Biden

>>19213069 Over 400 People Found Dead, Allegedly Connected to Doomsday Cult

>>19213112 Pfizer North Carolina factory

>>19213119 #23595 posted in #23596

(36 notables, 59 posts, 93 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19214105

File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19213237 Q Research General #23597: Nothing Stopping it Now Edition

Created 202001ZJUL23



>>19213239 #23597

>>19213255 Dynomite with Jim and James July 20, 2023

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/11dbec2363f2983b0e4fb856cf152122 - Dynomite with Jim and James July 20, 2023 - Tiger Network [Channel: newsnetwork]

>>19213264 RE: Jan 6 Jim watkins: Who is Qanon?

>>19213285, >>19213628 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and censorship LIVE

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OokHd05Tq4E - WATCH LIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and alleged censorship [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OokHd05Tq4E - WATCH LIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies at House hearing on social media and alleged censorship [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>19213295, >>19213612 Go see SOUND OF FREEDOM, tickets are free!

>>19213333 The Leader of the Pakis finally speaks out about the rape and slaughter of Christians in Malipur after nearly 3 months of silence

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0SeIJA3AkxY - India's Modi speaks out after video surfaces of women paraded naked, molested by mob in Manipur [Channel: Global News]

>>19213334 Cannabis Control Board green-lights 118 more retail licenses in the city

>>19213348 Edinburgh Castle faces demands to take down Nazi museum display: 'National embarrassment!'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/be7d50409d8d23dc653ccc121247ff14ea64c1d5def747f6da47158da1d262c0.mp4

>>19213384 Nebraska Teen Sentenced For Late-Term Abortion, Burning Aborted Child With Help Of Her Mom

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7hKK0luK28Q - 18-year-old charged in northeast Nebraska abortion case takes plea deal [Channel: KTIV News 4]

>>19213387, >>19213764 Joe Biden is a criminal and is compromised! And he is leading us into WW3 bc Zelenskyy has proof of more Biden crimes.

>>19213405, >>19213431 From the Weaponization of Government hearing today. Best 18 seconds.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/121d7278c118cda79f5a101ed26567748d22aa44b0f9a2c814c7aba20ddc68fc.mp4

>>19213417 Rep. Burchett and colleagues hold press conference on upcoming Oversight Committee hearing on UAPs

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=E-hCpZcVD50 - Rep. Burchett and colleagues hold press conference on upcoming Oversight Committee hearing on UAPs [Channel: Congressman Tim Burchett]

>>19213444 Rio Tinto won’t be fined over lost radioactive capsule, authorities confirm

>>19213445 Illegal immigrants in Chicago are demanding paid job training and safe housing conditions

>>19213456, >>19213486, >>19213527, >>19213545, >>19213578 [DOG COMS] Pelosi/Schiff FUCKERY ALERT

>>19213471 Pickerington massage parlor raided by human trafficking investigators

>>19213490, >>19213496, >>19213529, >>19213653, >>19213703, >>19213706, >>19213772, >>19213782, >>19213931 [Anthony Weiner] HAS A MELTDOWN WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT HRC BODY COUNT | PBD Podcast

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=u8sKo4KQO-E - Anthony Weiner | PBD Podcast | Ep. 287 [Channel: PBD Podcast]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g2Io-U0-94k - UNHINGED: Anthony Weiner Has a Meltdown When Asked About Clinton’s Kill List Allegation [Channel: Valuetainment]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1cf553d619876dcd1f88ee7c685c3481048d8d62b86b90e4e91785674968d624.mp4

>>19213507, >>19213567 Amazon rolling out pay-with-palm technology at all Whole Foods stores

>>19213531 One of the graves of the Wagner PMC fighters who gave their lives in the battles for the Motherland. Military informant

>>19213544 Stanford Law's equity dean is BOOTED OUT after stoking woke students' rude protest

>>19213566 #23596 posted in #23597

>>19213684 Pioneering hacker Kevin Mitnick, FBI-wanted felon turned security guru, dead at 59

>>19213701 FOIA TIME! 15,000 pages have been released on testing and adverse events relating to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

>>19213725, >>19213756, >>19213797 RE: WEINER PANIC 🌭 >follow Huma

>>19213769 3 MILLION people were in attendance at Jan 6, by far the most people ever to assemble in DC in the countries history, FYI

>>19213804 Burisma CEO said Hunter was 'stupid' but necessary to keep on board because 'his dad' could 'protect' them from 'problems'

>>19213811 10 Absurd Assumptions You Have To Swallow To Believe The White House-Cocaine Failure Theater - The Federalist

>>19213828 Former New Hampshire State Rep (Transgender) 'Stacie Marie' Laughton (Child Predator) was found to be very close with Elitist Democrats @BetoORourke and @RepSwalwell...

>>19213836, >>19213867 @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. Now u can read it for yourself thx to patriotic whistleblowers

>>19213845 Children's Hospital Colorado stops providing gender-affirming surgery

>>19213874 has the Electronic Registration Information Center (E.R.I.C.) been purged from cleaning Texas Voter Rolls?

>>19213877 @GenFlynn “The most powerful thing you can do to combat human trafficking is to get involved locally.”

>>19213879 @KariLake Only 16 Senators voted for @RandPaul's amendment to clarify that no treaty — not even Article 5 of NATO — can take America to war.

>>19213882 Moscow, Idaho, announces $300,000 settlement with three Christian churchgoers wrongly arrested during Coofid Lockdowns

>>19213898 @Techno_Fog Burisma founder bragging about laundering millions of dollars: "it would take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records"

>>19213903 YouTube Is Pulling 'Sound Of Freedom' Interviews, Reviews - zerohedge.com

>>19213925 @JackPosobiec "Exposing the pedo ring ratlines of Ukrainian children trafficked from the war zone to sex hotels in the Caribbean"

>>19213971 #23597

(38 notables, 58 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19214956

File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19213981 Q Research General #23598: The Sound of PANIC Edition Edition

Created 202254ZJUL23




>>19213987 #23598

>>19214007, >>19214298, >>19214377, >>19214428, >>19214555, >>19214669 @ChuckGrassley 🚨 I’ve released the 1023 I’ve been working on getting from the FBI for a yr. pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa8227bcb619e1e54aa01aea8462b5cf50557facceae0950acb44289ccacf1c8.pdf

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e2442a9ee29cdcb9697f62db3f43ba92876aa6133c8fb6b8ff311517e099935.mp4

>>19214021 the wrap up smear

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WzA-V_1lk40 - Pelosi admits to using "wrap up smear?" [Channel: ABC 10 News]

>>19214025, >>19214094 PF

>>19214037, >>19214074, >>19214082 Did every U.S. governor get a letter of encouragement/offer of support like this from a Chinese official in March 2020, or just the Governor of Illinois?

>>19214039 New York City Agrees to Pay Violent BLM-Antifa Protesters $13 Million After 450 Businesses Were Damaged in the Riots

>>19214054 Sound of Freedom just hit $100M at the Box Office

>>19214085 Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f9fc9c135dcab1d782d395cdb1024a87eb82bfc2e38db7a1ae19d849eb57379.mp4

>>19214096 President @realDonaldTrump is going to save Children the likes of which you have never seen!

>>19214121 Bombshell FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme

>>19214129 Pay out to Christians arrested during pandemic

>>19214143 Israeli scientists believe experiments reversing aging in fish could benefit humans

>>19214212, >>19214227, >>19214256 PNVD PEDOPHILE PARTY: Dutch

>>19214324 Bannon Recounts Trump’s Historic Sound Of Freedom Screening At Bedminster

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v315s4w - Bannon Recounts Trump’s Historic Sound Of Freedom Screening At Bedminster. [10:52] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19214412 House Democratic leader calls RFK Jr. a ‘living, breathing false-flag operation’

>>19214424 Brian Costello Breaks Down Latest Sequoia Capital News.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3165zu - Brian Costello Breaks Down Latest Sequoia Capital News. [5:00] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19214537 ho's mad

>>19214545 Rand Paul Criminally Refers Dr. Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution For Lying to Congress About Gain-of-Function

>>19214554 IRS whistleblower speaks out about Hunter Biden probe

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8Ea99qxpGwM - IRS whistleblower speaks out about Hunter Biden probe [Channel: CNN]

>>19214594 Rep Tim Burchett: Biden Crime Family; Corrupt White House

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v318yw2 - Rep Tim Burchett: Biden Crime Family; Corrupt White House [12:02] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19214605 @JonathanTurley Rep. Dan Goldman's friendly fire incident produced Dresden-level damage for the Biden defense.

>>19214635 Moderna didn’t do vaccine trials on pregnant women, but told pregnant women their vaccine was safe.

>>19214662 Borderlines of War - John B Wells

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=u4Um2T1D4xE - Borderlines of War - John B Wells LIVE [Channel: John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight]

>>19214740 #23598

(24 notables, 34 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19215621

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19214751 Q Research General #23599: Night Shift: The Jig Is Up Edition Edition

Created 210133ZJUL23



>>19214761 #23599

>>19214789 Biden Bribe Docs RELEASED; Detailed Crime Family TIMELINE; RFK Jr. OBLITERATES Democrat Censors Robert Gouveia Esq.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=o0JNd1phdkw - Biden Bribe Docs RELEASED; Detailed Crime Family TIMELINE; RFK Jr. OBLITERATES Democrat Censors [Channel: Robert Gouveia Esq.]

>>19214792 Chinese 'spy ships' expected to sit off Darwin and Central Queensland during Talisman Sabre military exercises

>>19214803, >>19214836 DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen

>>19214827 UK intelligence ‘freelancers’ helped Ukraine target Crimean Bridge

>>19214838 Body Language: Patient Zero (Gal Luft) & IRS Whistleblowers Body Language Ghost

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=y8ZxDR8qZuA - Body Language: Patient Zero & IRS Whistleblowers [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>19214970 "No Limit" On Number Of Ukrainian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Canada

>>19214974, >>19215204

>>19215086 We might want to transition from observing them build an ICBM to preventing it. And recognize Russian (and Chinese) assistance might also include the intended payload.

>>19215105 A Message to United Auto Workers, From president Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jieTlkwNKco - Agenda47: Rescuing America’s Auto Industry from Joe Biden’s Disastrous Job-Killing Policies [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>19215181 Like her, there are hundreds of thousands of new Trump supporters who are NOT on Twitter, but TikTok.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/47a1278b50084015d444b5348058cad002cbba7f4c10fe5d0f6d0768576da718.mp4

>>19215198 Burisma's top executive told a confidential source for the FBI that he funneled money to the Biden family in ways that would take investigators "10 years" to unravel

>>19215203 WATCH: Lord Rothschild Explains How His Family Embraced Zionism, Created Israel

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tk8g9GIIiuQ - BALFOUR 100 [Channel: Balfour 100]

>>19215207 General Charles Q. Brown—Too Many Red Flags???

>>19215268, >>19215352 @realDonaldTrump The Polls

>>19215403 Great thread with LOTS of sauce. The headline is a flip (draws you in only to prove the opposite of what it states)/Proof That Ukraine isn't a Top Child and Organ Trafficking Location

>>19215426, >>19215429, >>19215437, >>19215443, >>19215448, >>19215486, >>19215488 Sumpin up @TS / Alex Gleason need diggz/he's back

>>19215532 #23599

(18 notables, 27 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19216351

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19215535 Q Research General #23600: Liberal Flops Flip Edition

Created 210455ZJUL23



>>19215539 #23600

>>19215606 Wikileaks: Chlorine Dioxide - Cancer-Toxins-Pathogens Cleanse Safely Removing Pathogens And Contaminates Like Anthrax 2007-12-03

>>19215632 @Repswalwell And @Betoorourke Campaigned For Stacie Laughton- The Nation’S First Transgender Elected State Rep Who Was Arrested For Child Porn And Child Exploitation

>>19215645 Operation Warp Speed Greatly Decreased Lockdown Times, Saving Innumerable Lives, Anon Orates

>>19215718 Wikileaks: Oto Melara Compact Gun Nato Benassi'S Are Shit People

>>19215740, >>19215743, >>19215761, >>19215770, >>19215790, >>19215914, >>19216117 Donald J. Trump: It Will Be Done Quickly!!!

>>19215850 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 ReTruthed @theunitedspot

>>19215869, >>19215892, >>19215898 DEAD CAT BOUNCE? DWAC stock spike

>>19215960 Federal judge blocks Arizona’s transgender sports ban

>>19215962, >>19215972, >>19215974, >>19215982 Endchan is down. Error code 522

>>19215979 12 named and arrested in human trafficking bust on 82nd Ave in Portland

>>19216000, >>19216013, >>19216018, >>19216028, >>19216096, >>19216098, >>19216214 WATER

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=i-T7tCMUDXU - The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDxGuelphU [Channel: TEDx Talks]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XVBEwn6iWOo - Water, Energy and Life: Fresh Views From the Water's Edge [Channel: UW Video]

>>19216001 Donald J. Trump: Vivek Ramaswamy is now beating DeSanctimonious. Christie dead as his stomach band. “Aida” Hutchinson a solid minus 1%. I’m up 44 points!!!

>>19216052, >>19216099, >>19216108, >>19216160 . Alleged leak of classified documents from Taiwan on 8kun - DIG CALL

>>19216147, >>19216209, >>19216237, >>19216251, >>19216287 REUTERS said it was posted on 8kun: Exclusive-Taiwan probes alleged leak of classified reports, diplomatic cables

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/457f1305f51bb19299fb15ba86036af36f0f7732ecf4f616a057b0717686b809.mp4

>>19216163, >>19216169, >>19216175 After Long Silence On 'Long Vax', Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders To COVID Shots

>>19216184, >>19216193, >>19216205, >>19216211 Morning anons…solar event habben'…Schumman event habben'…

>>19216190 Grassley Obtains & Releases FBI Record Alleging VP Biden Foreign Bribery Scheme

>>19216233, >>19216247, >>19216250, >>19216261 DJT starts focused on storage room tag (Cap 0:36)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/51408ee11ae39922264a5c821913eab9445377a92cc462e0bda94dc8ac16bc53.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d08120f671d18d01a521a869342f241969c8080ccdc01699a5c66c33b098cb2.mp4

(19 notables, 51 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19216352


UPDATE for >>19214751 Q Research General #23599: Night Shift: The Jig Is Up Edition Edition

>>19214974, >>19215204 Plane Fag: No call sign, then switched to METZ05 - over Delaware

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19217324

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19216307 Q Research General #23601: Reuters Finger Points 8kun, While China Internationally Fists Taiwan Edit

Created 211044ZJUL23



>>19216311 #23601

>>19216340 The White House and big tech companies have reached an agreement on expanding AI safeguard

>>19216464 Arkansas lawmaker among those buying out screenings of ‘Sound of Freedom’

>>19216533, >>19216539, >>19216540 @StaceyPlaskett same woman who tried to silence RFK today, asserts that Russia interfered in the US elections, and still claims the 'vaccines' are safe...

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b3d3e5d1397e4951dba938aaa88c2172f22c3d55ce15a94c65afac166bd41fba.mp4

>>19216582, >>19216585, >>19216590, >>19216593, >>19216597, >>19216599, >>19216601, >>19216604, >>19216607, >>19216610, >>19216613, >>19216617, >>19216620 Today's Swamp Schedule - July 21, 2023

>>19216614 Tony Bennett, masterful stylist of American musical standards, dies at 96

>>19216651 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/21/2023

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/b4b7cf1852f52cc204e7733c955afb65 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/21/2023 - Tiger Network [Channel: Deestevensvoice4you]

>>19216652, >>19216653 AMERICA UNDER ATTACK: Multiple Explosions Hit Propane Tanker Yard Near Phoenix Airport

>>19216662 Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’

>>19216736 TRENDING ON TWATTER: Burisma

>>19216747 CM w/CAP: Interesting news article about how Taiwanese cables ended up being leaked online.

>>19216780 CM w/CAP: Trump set for a jury trial on May 20, 2024 in regards to the documents case.

>>19216804 DOD: Biggest Concern is to Bring Private King Home - joined a tour group of the Joint Security Area at the demilitarized zone in Panmunjom, Korea.

>>19216848 Natty Guard w/CAP: “When difficult things like flooding or earthquakes or other natural or manufactured disasters happen ...

>>19216868 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Galactic Cirrus: Mandel Wilson 9

>>19216874 (Renoting) US ambassador to China hacked

>>19216907 A mysterious source has been sending radio signals to Earth from space for decades

>>19216948 BREAKING: The fire department is reportedly on scene at Rand Paul’s office in Bowling Green, Kentucky after it caught fire overnight.

>>19217001 Team DeSantis Make It Official – They Will Shift Personnel, Drop Communications Director and Relaunch Entire Campaign with New Approach

>>19217030 US, Japan host first-ever Space Engagement Talks

>>19217109, >>19217138 @RandPaul R-KY) Bowling Green office has been destroyed in a fire overnight. Paul’s office was not the only building impacted, as multiple neighboring

>>19217133 Pentagon Sends Thousands Of Marines To Deter Iran Tanker Seizures In Persian Gulf

>>19217163 #23601

(23 notables, 39 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f5a9a6 No.19217326


UPDATE for >>19215535 Q Research General #23600: Liberal Flops Flip Edition

>>19216305 #23600

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6283bc No.19218250

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19217173 Q Research General #23602: BOOM Week Cont. - Fauci Fry-Day Edition

Created 211538ZJUL23



>>19217179 #235602

>>19217204 Arkansas man convicted in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection at the US Capitol is set to report to prison next month.

>>19217216 RudyG: Biden Bribery Scheme Cover Up

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3197i0 - Rudy Giuliani: $10Million Burisma - Biden Bribery Scheme Cover Up [17:55] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19217227 Casting Esperians

>>19217237 Actor Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroin

>>19217257, >>19217692 Judge Aileen Cannon just gave the Dems everything they wanted by placing Trump’s document trial in the heart of campaign season

>>19217264, >>19217327, >>19217341, >>19217439, >>19217550 To amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2024 through 2028, and for other purposes.

>>19217297 The Biden Family Caricatures

>>19217309 Ben Bergquam: Cartels, China Couldn’t Make Better Policies Than Biden To Destroy America

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31dpgm - Ben Bergquam: Cartels, China Couldn’t Make Better Policies Than Biden To Destroy America [3:51] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19217314 Dave Brat: Ukraine War Is Part Of Broader De-Dollarization Campaign.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31dz6m - Dave Brat: Ukraine War Is Part Of Broader De-Dollarization Campaign. [7:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19217338, >>19217373, >>19217377, >>19217694, >>19217696 @/teamtrump #Agenda47: President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/35c2a694fe0305358a2cce96552322ef7e18f83d1f5a3c048192f55c7bf42bd4.mp4

>>19217394 The DeSantis Campaign Is Rebootying Amid Worries It May Be Too Late

>>19217436 @NationalGuard Make sure you fit a workout in today (even if it's in between showtimes 👀)

>>19217450 Rand Paul’s constitutional war amendment fails: ‘It should be an easy vote to affirm the Constitution’

>>19217514 Drum and bass bike ride. Dom Whiting/tunes alone worth it

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uQRSQKr-gF4 - Drum & Bass On The Bike - BRIGHTON [Channel: Dom Whiting]

>>19217587 @ChuckGrassley The American ppl deserve transparency frm their govt not selective censoring for political convenience

>>19217612 Mr. Biden: Artificial intelligence promises an enormous promise of both risk to our society, and our economy, and our national security, but also incredible opportunities.

>>19217623 Mr. Biden: In February, I signed an executive order to direct agencies to protect the public from algorithms that discriminate.

>>19217624 Georgia Prosecutors Prepare Sprawling Racketeering Charges Against Trump Based on ‘Influencing Witnesses and Computer Trespass’

>>19217649 7 Signs of Controlled Opposition

>>19217652 Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that Covid shots caused a disturbing spike in the number of Americans developing diseases

>>19217663 Eric Hecker - Antarctica Firefighter for Raytheon Exposes Scary Earthquake Weapon

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rckecs0PKI4 - Eric Hecker - Antarctica Firefighter for Raytheon Exposes Scary Earthquake Weapon | SRS #66 (Part 3) [Channel: Shawn Ryan Show]

>>19217668, >>19217804, >>19217896 LIVE: House Oversight Committee Hearing on 'Critical Minerals in the American Southwest'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bEkGA5xZ57Q - LIVE: House Committee Oversight Field Hearing on ‘Critical Minerals in the American Southwest’ [Channel: NTD]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf150a0cb2b02771a00f45e607072462ed576e69cebd644371e85de506156d56.mp4

>>19217676 Pfizer and Moderna Face Legal Action in Australia Over Alleged Failure to Obtain Necessary “Genetically Modified Organisms” Licenses

>>19217707 Ukraine’s Minister for Culture Resigns Amid ‘Misunderstanding’ Over Funds

>>19217715 Dims hatin Kennedy kek libtards flops flip

>>19217722 Moar on Paul office damage

>>19217738 🚨A new DOD OIG report states potentially millions of dollars worth of weapons have being stolen & resold by Ukrainians, including grenade launchers

>>19217765 Whistleblowers at Fox News reveal that the company is matching employee donations to the Satanic Temple, far-left LGBT activist organization The Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood, and the SPLC.

>>19217767 Rep. Troy Nehls Met With Zelensky on Ukraine Trip Sponsored by CCP Influence Op and Moldovan Orphanage

>>19217779 LSU lecturer under investigation over threatening message to Louisiana lawmaker who supported ban on child sex-change mutilations

>>19217824 17 Times AI Made Us Go Wow


>>19217839 Hunter Biden spotted at Malibu hotspot Nobu as secret FBI file on Bidens unveiled

>>19217873 BIS Blueprint For “Unified Ledger” — Global

>>19217929 #235602

(36 notables, 47 posts, 60 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6283bc No.19218970

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19217938 Q Research General #23603: BQQM WEEK HEROES Edition

Created 211822ZJUL23



>>19217948 #235603

>>19217950, >>19218337 "It's funny, I texted with someone 'n should I give them what they're used to… or… whatever…"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g2Io-U0-94k - UNHINGED: Anthony Weiner Has a Meltdown When Asked About Clinton’s Kill List Allegation [Channel: Valuetainment]

>>19217960 ECW rt: @8thpsyopgroup “We are the ghostly whispers that turn the gears of minds and hearts in the grand machine of perception.”

>>19217977 Pentagon confirms myocarditis cases in troops spiked after COVID vax rollout

>>19217986 Russia plans to start testing its digital ruble CBDC this summer

>>19217991 @reallizusa “Today’s order by Judge Cannon is a major setback to the DOJ’s crusade to deny President Trump a fair legal process

>>19217997 Erdogan appeals to West over Black Sea grain deal

>>19218013, >>19218024 Whistleblower's claim that Joe and Hunter Biden were bribed with $5 MILLION each by 'corrupt' Ukrainian oligarch is CORROBORATED

>>19218025 Hunter Biden’s attorney files ethics complaint against Marjorie Taylor Greene for showing sexual images

>>19218036 @realDonaldTrump Fox is down 58%, at least, all because they don’t treat “TRUMP” and “MAGA” well.

>>19218038 Detransitioned boy castrated by doctors warns kids about perils of gender ideology: 'Patient for life'

>>19218051, >>19218132 JFK's grandson Jack Schlossberg slams cousin RFK Jr. for using 'Camelot' to spread 'conspiracy theories' in 'embarrassing' presidential run/ Dims flops flip

>>19218061 In-N-Out burger chain to ban employees in 5 states from wearing masks

>>19218068 Russian Legendary Military Commander Igor Strelkov Arrested In Moscow

>>19218081 Climate engineering is already having severe negative impacts on our weather, food supplies, biodiversity and health

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bqSkbHKSnjI - US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real? [Channel: Dane Wigington]

>>19218095 ESG Pioneer Blackrock Names CEO of World’s Largest Oil Company to Its Board

>>19218097 The Time for a New Church Committee Is Way Overdue/ Senator Frank Church (D-ID) opened the first public hearing of the Senate Select Committee

>>19218140 Former Journalist Pleads Guilty to Transportation and Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material

>>19218158 You’ll Have Blackouts And You WIll Love Them

>>19218162 Biden Chooses First Female Military Service Chief

>>19218178 A Dem's 'Friendly Fire' Incident at IRS

>>19218186 House of Representatives Schedule Wednesday, July 26, 2023


>>19218201 Ancient cemetery discovered at UK Spaceport site in Shetland Islands

>>19218212 @JamesOKeefeIII Citizen Journalists in ACTION: Update on those people with cameras out in the field getting the NEXT STORY!

>>19218222 J6 Defendant Sentenced to Extra Time for Taking the Stand to Defend Himself

>>19218252, >>19218253 Twitter Trends vs Truth Trends

>>19218263 Illegal migrant children with tuberculosis are being released into the U.S. without being treated.

>>19218266 Sneak peak of something new I’m working on

>>19218273 Warnbro 'child abduction': Girl found 'with her hands bound' outside an IGA in Perth after stranger took her from school

>>19218313 During a phone call after the 2016 election, Burisma's top executive told a FBI confidential source that he was coerced into paying bribes to the Biden family

>>19218321 As a result of FOIA litigation, nearly 15,000 pages have been released on testing and adverse events relating to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

>>19218347 farting cows on small towns

>>19218353 Moar re: lb

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b6deeb257d9466b384c11c4f789fed9d57d2bc188a38f80dcbda5f7eab6e0000.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f36d8c9d42e2e619d77d703c33768def051c3c9dc9c622f59697af21abaac0e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/69e9ccd59f51321e50b396f4689078711642f4fdfc7467d47c985078a9b662d4.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04eb33f42e1142dc431cf3bc728697f92e546bb4e6e704ba9666bf5634a0f6a9.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81b07e3881c7b2ef4df10ad4365bb8f90c1dd1a0584b4e254f1a887b1626d03d.pdf

>>19218373 Refresher: Rand Paul on Fauci's lies to Congress

>>19218414 Biden asks CIA Director Burns to become member of his cabinet

>>19218418, >>19218587 PF stuffs

>>19218505 Clinton visits Albania, urges solution to crisis in northern Kosovo

>>19218522 Techno has a paywall/That FD-1023 didn’t just allege a $5 million bribe to then-VP Biden

>>19218535 The Media Has Been Silent On Voter Fraud But Will Cover The Ficticious Signatures

>>19218553 Hunter Biden's lawyer Kevin Morris is seen smoking a BONG on the balcony/OMG the pots

>>19218580, >>19218607, >>19218673 Refresher: Biden: "Tell me that there is a new government and a new prosecutor general. I am prepared to do a public signing of the commitment for the billion dollars."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36b47ea27f0d54549f579ccfea65502236787ebbd360b515266177c4cbff6d31.mp4

>>19218592 Christian Woman Gang-Raped and Paraded Naked in India: ‘The Police Were There with the Mob’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=a2FlGGWXUjE - Manipur viral video: Protests erupt demanding separate tribal admin; severe punishment for accused [Channel: The Economic Times]

>>19218765 #235603

(44 notables, 51 posts, 66 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6283bc No.19219779

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19218770 Q Research General #23604: Make Fryday Flops Flip Great Edition

Created 212045ZJUL23




>>19218794 #23604

>>19218800 U.S. to send another $400 million in weapons to Ukraine.

>>19218803 Hefty utility increases set to hit New Yorkers’ wallets in August

>>19218834 Christian based news covering current events: The Victory Channel

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=S5HTaQq63Os - New Biden Evidence, RFK Jr. Testifies & Jim Caviezel | Victory News [Channel: The Victory Channel]

>>19218850 The California Department of Justice is gathering information RE: sexual abuse of children by members of clergy or religious organizations.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mwgZalAFNhM - 2Pac - California Love feat. Dr. Dre (Dirty) (Music Video) HD [Channel: Seven Hip-Hop]

>>19218853, >>19219119 Hunter Biden's hotshot lawyer Kevin Morris seen smoking from a large bong on the balcony, during a visit from the president's son

>>19218903, >>19218957 Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more.

>>19218926 CNN continues to attack Sound of Freedom as being “QAnon-adjacent” 🤡

>>19219031, >>19219101 /pol/ bread: Is QAnon real?

>>19219055 Former Journalist Pleads Guilty to Transportation and Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material

>>19219068 Schools Were Always Designed For Indoctrination, Pull Your Kids Out (or at least RED PILL THEM)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31e5oc - Sam Sorbo: Schools Were Always Designed For Indoctrination, So Pull Your Kids Out. [8:53] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19219071 RE: Slick Willy's visit to Albania

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NwXgDOJpHTw - Former US President Clinton in Albania [Channel: Haber Lütfen]

>>19219096 The same deep state going after Trump is going after a populist leader in Pakistan.

>>19219108 The Left Attacks ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Because It Exposes An Uncomfortable Truth About Moral Boundaries

>>19219132, >>19219154 33 years ago on this day, investigator Gary Caradori died in a plane crash, halting his investigation into child trafficking rings

>>19219159 Gotta be braindead to think the "Try That In A Small Town" lyrics are Racist or Bigoted

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=b1_RKu-ESCY - Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video) [Channel: Jason Aldean]

>>19219199 @realDonaldTrump The great Tony Bennett has quietly and peacefully passed away.

>>19219202 Former RCMP officer charged with foreign interference | William Majcher charged

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=P5aIvGGtt2E - Former RCMP officer charged with foreign interference | William Majcher charged [Channel: CTV News]

>>19219213 Sauce/more disgusting corruption fromt the Biden criminal cartel: Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens

>>19219284 Chris Rufo: Right Must Focus On Praxis Not Just Winning Debates. How the Cultural Revolution took over the country.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31e00y - Chris Rufo: Right Must Focus On Praxis Not Just Winning Debates. [9:42] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19219296 Turkish Police Chase, Detain Protesters at Istanbul's Trans Pride Parade | VOA News

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PDx1uztUqxk - Turkish Police Chase, Detain Protesters at Istanbul's Trans Pride Parade | VOA News [Channel: Voice of America]

>>19219321 Some are saying Biden is running the largest child smuggling operation on the planet.

>>19219357 According to the NASA/JPL Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an asteroid roughly the size of a house passed BETWEEN earth and the moon

>>19219362 Has Q destroyed an Deep Underground #Military Base (DUMB) in Johannesburg South #Africa?

>>19219477 Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control and the CIA - BANNED.VIDEO/Infowars

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/rjQhhqzLT9VT/ - Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control and the CIA [Channel: BANNED.VIDEO]

>>19219492 Rob Malley, Biden’s Suspended Iran Envoy, May Have Committed ‘Treason’: McCaul

>>19219541 #23604

(27 notables, 31 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6283bc No.19220479

File: 3a4e4d2ff47e574⋯.jpg (86.64 KB,1752x942,292:157,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19219550 Q Research General #23605: Of Night Shift Incidents and Deep State Insolence Edition

Created 212240ZJUL23




>>19219552 #23605

>>19219568 The RISE of global TYRANNY - A Rood Awakening!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=l1XGvpDtpTk - The RISE of global TYRANNY [Channel: A Rood Awakening!]

>>19219573, >>19219575, >>19219593 SPACEX JUST PUNCHED (ANOTHER) HOLE IN THE IONOSPHERE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/35ecfbe11b9ec96e927206be2853a7996a04c552f8e8bb8a239d665c3eb2e2de.webm

>>19219664, >>19219750 "Sound of Freedom" will be shown to Congress on Tuesday

>>19219682 Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not’

>>19219758 Sound of Freedom thunders past Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible at the box office on Wednesday - despite being dismissed as QAnon conspiracy fodder

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/af33e879f78957aee9b9e376f31034fd29f8f9fa895b037d10c63934b5e71840.mp4

>>19219778 if MJ really was a pedo, wouldn't he have been protected, rather than demonized in the court of public opinion in North America? - opines

>>19219843 Man threatens journalist seeking Nashville shooter manifesto: I’ll go to prison ‘to end you’

>>19219870 Reported school, KY DOC employee charged with rape, sexual abuse

>>19219939 @realDonaldTrump Just arrived in the Great State of North Carolina!

>>19219986 "tech that's so good it appears to be 'Magic' to someone uninformed of the method."

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/282ed723e8f8b12077a4fc043eca03f4 - Wizards by Seallion - Tiger Network [Channel: SyncKronicles]

>>19220133 Is there a... Biden Island?

>>19220146 After only one week of “sting operation” 9 people were arrested for child sex trafficking at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

>>19220167 Weight-loss meds like Ozempic may help curb addictive behaviors, but drugmakers aren’t running trials to find out

>>19220173, >>19220180, >>19220204, >>19220210 German-anon confirms black sun azov symbology never seemed to exist prior to Trump/Russia media psyops

>>19220240 Proper fucked now.

>>19220264 Hackers steal sex tape from Virgin Islands Congressional delegate and post it online two weeks before she runs for re-election

>>19220283 #23605

(18 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6283bc No.19220480


UPDATE for >>19217173 Q Research General #23602: BOOM Week Cont. - Fauci Fry-Day Edition

>>19217676 Moar re: lb

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6283bc No.19221175

File: 3a4e4d2ff47e574⋯.jpg (86.64 KB,1752x942,292:157,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19220292 Q Research General #23606: The Rarest Pepe is (You) Edition

Created 220042ZJUL23



>>19220297 #23606

>>19220343, >>19220348, >>19220360 SOUND OF FREEDOM TO BE SCREENED FOR CONGRESS | anon demands livestream squirmcam!

>>19220367 GLEN BECK/BLAZE MEDIA EXPOSES FOX NEWS: A system to match employee donations to the SATANIC TEMPLE?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_C81-jfvSjs - SHOCKING: You WON'T BELIEVE what Fox News will match donations to [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>19220380 @JackPosobiec "Bill Barr knew about everything" …Where's the chat logs, Jack?

>>19220407, >>19220409, >>19220565, >>19220590, >>19220598 Pray for Ukraine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9484139bd037fa82c23b7291edff63df651739aed783a8123efb9bd1f99cb834.mp4

>>19220420 Rudy Giuliani: the Evidence Against Biden Crime Family Is Greater than Evidence Against Mafia’s Five Families

>>19220441 G. Edward Griffin - There Is A War To Control Your Mind & We Must Stop It Now

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qQmrZ3U8t-M - EARLY ACCESS ✅ G. Edward Griffin - There Is A War To Control Your Mind & We Must Stop It Now [Channel: London Real]

>>19220449 “We Will Bring You Down”: German MP Vows To Dismantle the WHO’s Grip On Governments

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xHQ4jPNLQkE - The Fight Is On! - EUROPEAN CITIZENS' INITIATIVE against WHO Power Grab [Channel: Christine Anderson, MdEP]

>>19220460 Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/IyvqrNAD4VK2/ - Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips [Channel: Greg Reese]

>>19220461 Biden declares ‘I am the AI’ while pushing rules for artificial intelligence

>>19220472 ChatGPT Has an Evil Twin, WormGPT, now Entering Emails and Raiding Banks

>>19220477 They are literally slave traders

>>19220502 The brave citizens of Temecula, California have said, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

>>19220511 Media Blackout: Corporate Media Ignore Hunter Biden Revelations

>>19220514 Kari Lake - [DS] Has Been Exposed,People Are Leading The Charge,It’s Time To Take Back This Country

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/EHlERDglZTnO/ - Kari Lake - [DS] Has Been Exposed,People Are Leading The Charge,It’s Time To Take Back This Country [Channel: X22report]

>>19220518, >>19220528 Lobbyist Scott Green bought tropical land from Biden’s brother

>>19220538 FBI Whistleblower Reveals Malfeasance In Patriot Front Trial

>>19220547 Email casts doubt over Prince Andrew’s claims on relationship with Epstein

>>19220584 U.S. Army Soldier killed and five Soldiers injured today at approximately 9:30 a.m. (MST) in a tactical vehicle accident in the Fort Bliss Training Area

>>19220605 Tired of the hate and racism being spewed by liberal democrats? Black folks on TikTok rally around patriotism!


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31fqv4 - President Trump: Stopping Child Trafficking [3:17] [Channel: Uncensored Storm]

>>19220681 Rallies next weekend

>>19220685 PF

>>19220711 resident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Disaster Declaration

>>19220712 Gearbox problem caused fatal Osprey crash, Marines say

>>19220729 Former Biden White House Comms Director Gets Hired by CNN

>>19220742 Joe Biden Drafted the Core of the Patriot Act in 1995 … Before the Oklahoma City Bombing

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9210e96bcd0f82cbe0847ca162230000df5da50eb004f52a66d5af9d9756e33e.mp4

>>19220756 Melanin/EMP shielding

>>19220806 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FSIC) accused the FBI of improperly using surveillance powers drip drip drip motherfuckers

>>19220902, >>19221017 California school superintendent is thrown out of meeting after opposing new rule forcing teachers to notify parents if a student asks to identify as a different gender

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa2452c2cb6fa8fbb06e1fde34b5bb2b451cb6b40ce4f6fefcbe3f0dc36acc55.mp4

>>19220940 The Phenomenon of the Memphis Rap Sigils: Luciferian occult rituals in 1990's rap music?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g-jdQAaJ5fA - The Phenomenon of the Memphis Rap Sigils [Channel: Jack the Artisan]

>>19220962 X22 Kari Lake - [DS] Has Been Exposed,People Are Leading The Charge,It’s Time To Take Back This Country

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31gxw2 - Kari Lake - [DS] Has Been Exposed,People Are Leading The Charge,It’s Time To Take Back This Country [45:53] [Channel: X22 Report]

>>19221011 RudyG: Evidence Against Biden Crime Family Is Greater than Evidence Against Mafia’s Five Families

>>19221050 #23606

(34 notables, 42 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6283bc No.19222008

File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)


>>19221066 Q Research General #23607: One Moar Week, Two Rallies Up Edition

Created 220348ZJUL23




>>19221073 #23607

>>19221081, >>19221101 This is the tip of the iceberg. Just wait. In 5-10 years there will be thousands of these, tranny surgery gone wrong

>>19221107 You only come out at nightshift vid

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/45abc3dce0cba18b8695866fd731fe9b - (You) only come out at NightShift - Tiger Network [Channel: Red3y3]

>>19221158 SV 40 Plasmid is not an accident

>>19221233, >>19221362 Trump 2024 FAFO

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/58a18fb16b8bdda6259f09ada03dcdfac6b441deb42347ce60b8ba3b15e07372.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/901ea72537553078c5e1d087cd6c95b9a632541cb329e983b73a3eca2f945f70.mp4

>>19221240, >>19221241, >>19221252, >>19221257 Biden/Water Island, adjacent to Epstein Isle

>>19221256 Looks like they disable the NASA fire map because we kept using it lol. Fags.

>>19221263, >>19221313, >>19221332, >>19221353, >>19221384, >>19221455 DJT: Fillum

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31fqv4 - President Trump: Stopping Child Trafficking [3:17] [Channel: Uncensored Storm]

>>19221274 US Justice Department threatens to sue Texas over floating border wall

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CpgYtNcfaxE - US Justice Department threatens to sue Texas over floating border wall [Channel: FOX 26 Houston]

>>19221385 PF Report: SAM flight coming in from Columbia

>>19221505 Thousands of penguins washed ashore in Uruguay

>>19221541 Jim started a substack:

>>19221569 Former ABC Investigative Journalist James Gordon Meek Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charges

>>19221586 Sound of Freedom thunders past $100M at the box office and edges out Tom Cruise's Mission:despite being dismissed as QAnon conspiracy fodder

>>19221618, >>19221766, >>19221815 CIA chief gets promotion: William Burns joining the vice president and top officials from 15 executive departments

>>19221660 Donald J. Trump: TDS 2:28

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31iinw - Video upload for 110755767367032263 [2:28] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19221666 FBI Improperly Searched U.S. Senator’s Name in Foreign-Spying Database

>>19221669 Dan Scavino: Sign the petition — to tell Congress NO, the ability to send, receive, and save money are key freedoms that should operate on YOUR terms, not on the whims of Wall Street

>>19221674 Kari Lake: The Department Of Injustice Will Stop At Nothing To Illegally & Falsely Frame Trump Despite Knowing He Is 100% Innocent. They Know That When We/He Wins Their Reign Will Be Over

>>19221691, >>19221692 Obama-Appointed Judge U.S. District Court Judge John Tuchi, Awards $122,200 in Sanctions Against Kari Lake’s Attorneys

>>19221716 Kari Lake: We The People will always have the President’s back 7:24

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31jhye - Video upload for 110756633912731106 [7:24] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19221718, >>19221723 Jim Caviezel: JC+++

>>19221730 Kamala Harris's Population Bomb

>>19221745, >>19221747 The Blended Retirement System Explained, The military just changed their retirement plan

>>19221751, >>19221765 Brazil's leftist President Lula da Silva signed a decree to limit civilian access to firearms

>>19221769 Tropical Storm Don?

>>19221807 Democrats Cornered On Trying To Censor RFK Jr 0:59

>>19221825 Georgia state judge has ruled that all Fulton County judges in Georgia must be recused from overseeing the case involving Trump's attempt to quash the 2020 election probe grand jury: Fani Willis is fucked 2:40

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=S3_ptRgja-Q - Major Election News [Channel: OfficialACLJ]

>>19221827 America’s Child Sex Trafficking Problem 104 men were arrested IN ONE DAY

>>19221848 Corporate America Starting to Ditch Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officers

>>19221882 #23607

(31 notables, 47 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19223833

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19221880 Q Research General #23608: Fani Willis Blanco: All Fulton Judges Must Recuse Trump's case? Edit

Created 221123ZJUL23




>>19221893 #23608

>>19221923 US creates permanent pandemic agency

>>19221924 Kiev strikes ammunition depot in Crimea

>>19221937 Ukraine attacks Russia's Belgorod region with cluster munitions

>>19221940 App allows shoppers to scan brands to check their 'woke' rating

>>19221943 ICYMI: Fulton County judges recused from Trump's attempt to quash 2020 election probe grand jury

>>19221946 Massive container ship sank outside the Port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on Friday morning sending dozens of containers adrift

>>19221950, >>19222075 School district bans opting out of LGBTQ lessons cause too many parents opted out DUH

>>19221961 explosions coming from a homeless encampment outside @harborviewmc

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6e5b506579565332895da4cef79303642e87c4726385e939fa8d33f984971cf6.mp4

>>19221963, >>19222173 missing chidlren, purposely misspelled. Look what comes up when you google that word.


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31kfvu - Biden Bribe Doc RELEASED: FBI Cover-up EXPOSED [26:26] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UXA--dj2-CY - Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor [Channel: dagalagas]

>>19221984 Obama Gets Torched For Saying ‘Banned Books’ That ‘Shaped’ His Life Are Being Targeted

>>19221989 North Korea fires multiple cruise missiles

>>19222023 Flops that Flip

>>19222027 Dr. Deborah Birx is Now the CEO of Armata Pharmaceuticals

>>19222058, >>19222064 Trump screens 'Sound of Freedom,' seeking to rally evangelicals around fear of child trafficking

>>19222080 Republican lawmakers have blocked a plan to fast-track sales of US attack submarines to Australia

>>19222086 They've been right': Bannon defends QAnon 'beliefs' at Sound of Freedom screening

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YuVr2eGkqOo - 'They've been right': Bannon defends QAnon 'beliefs' at Sound of Freedom screening [Channel: Sarah Burris]

>>19222143 ODNI Releases 2023 FISA Court Compliance Audit, Opinion and FISC Reauthorization - 117 Page PDF

>>19222188 "Weiss'[s] father, Meyer Weiss, worked as an IRS agent in Philadelphia from 1955 to 1984. He was caught accepting over $200,000 in bribes from businessmen seeking to break federal tax laws

>>19222199, >>19222220, >>19222251, >>19222291 What is the Oslerian tradition? "Society's best interest", not necessarily the patient's best interest.

>>19222214 One Democrat Breaks With Party by Voting to Reinstate Pilots Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

>>19222217 Houston Independent School District to cut more than 2300 staff positions amid plummeting student enrollment

>>19222225 Justin Trudeau Swarmed by Protestors at Ontario Stop: “Traitor!”

>>19222226 Are Trump and RFK Jr doing a "divide and conquer" on the MSM

>>19222248 Environmental activists have released their latest proposal to "stop climate change": Electrical grid blackouts.

>>19222257 More than one million people became American citizens in 2022 after Joe Biden made the exam easier to pass

>>19222289 Meet the Threat that No One Saw Coming

>>19222322 The United States is Already in World War IV

>>19222340, >>19222353 Monsignor Ludwig Kaas was essential for the signing of the Reichkonkordat, the CONCORDATE between the "HOLY SEE" and the NAZIS.

>>19222408 Exposing the secret WHO plan of total control with vaccine passports and digital ID👇

>>19222426 The Cleveland Browns' 32-year-old wide receiver Marquise Goodwin, has been diagnosed with blood clots in his legs and lungs.

>>19222440 Prisha Mosley, A 24-year-old North Carolina woman, is suing the "doctors" who aided her "sex change."

>>19222462 ECW rt: U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued the following statement today on FISA 702 document declassification:

>>19222490 What is FedNow?

>>19222491 ECW: Colombia is one of our most important allies. Their security is directly tied to ours

>>19222493 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Apollo 11: Armstrong's Lunar Selfie

>>19222502 Public Records Reveal Billionaire Financier Leon Black Paid $62M To Avoid Prosecution by US Virgin Islands Over Epstein Ties

>>19222518 RFK Jr. Unloads the Truth About Ivermectin to The Hill: “It Was Really a Miracle Drug”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=y2BCOMTTxK4 - RFK JR SPEAKS OUT Against Democratic Attempts to SILENCE Him At Hearing: Rising Interview [Channel: The Hill]

>>19222533 John Solomon and Amanda Head break down the top 7 Biden-Burisma bombshells from the FBI source document:

>>19222570 ECW on 702 surveillance

(41 notables, 51 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19223834

File: 0c24c92e09c7d44⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19222696 Q Research General #23609: Day Shift Ebake Edition

Created 221630ZJUL23




>>19222703 #23609

>>19222707 Potato: usual claims of bi-partisan support yada yada yada

>>19222714 ECW on Admiral Rickover: If only the @USNavy had leaders like him today….

>>19222729, >>19223508 PEAD incoming?

>>19222764 FBI Told Twitter Hunter Biden Laptop Was Real When New York Post Story Broke, Then Hid Behind Big Tech Censors’ ‘Disinfo’ Smear

>>19222783 Sundance: A Specific Type of Continuity

>>19222812 ODNI Releases 2023 FISA Court Compliance: Audit, Opinion and FISC Reauthorization

>>19222814, >>19222857, >>19222861 A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics, incl. Remdesivir under Fauci, NIAID/NIH

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/59f116441fe020a1d819499219246cfba661f951fcedbadc7fca33a11df03b8a.pdf

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/445aa8e81270947810890f3fc8125a0493d02ec7cb0de71c2e1d91e25ba301ab.mp4

>>19222820 Ezra A. Cohen RT: 8th PSYOP Group (Airborne)

>>19222823 Where did the Peanut allergy comes from - from peanut oil in vaxxes?

>>19222830 Lawlessness engulfing the UK - mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd8eda06f1118425c510b284b29f64e7a269bcd972f2d600387d3a455a3b2671.mp4

>>19222870 How is Ukraine in the middle of a war literally nicer than the United States?

>>19222874 British business magnate Richard Branson had breakfast with Jeffrey Epstein three years after the paedophile was jailed

>>19222879 Anon Confirms Twitter Backdoor HOW TO SEE TWITTER TIMELINES: ANONYMOUSLY

>>19223024 Judicial Watch: US Govt Child Trafficking - Whistleblower Tara Rodas Exposes the Evil

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=r6qT8rjESr8 - US Govt Child Trafficking -- Whistleblower Tara Rodas Exposes the Evil [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>19223075 Dutch citizens w/autism or other intellectual disabilities euthanized by Dutch doctors

>>19223126, >>19223261 Barbie movie review - The Greatest Lie Ever Told

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs - Barbie - The Greatest Lie Ever Told [Channel: The Critical Drinker]

>>19223173, >>19223200, >>19223208 Connections to Sound of Freedom

>>19223181 2011 newspaper: "Depopulation through Compulsory Vaccination" by Bill Gates

>>19223183, >>19223203, >>19223224 US population projections from World Population Review

>>19223300 WSJ: Diversity Officers Are Being Laid Off En Masse, Companies Fear Legal Action in Wake of Affirmative Action Ruling

>>19223331 @RobertKennedyJr Unloads the Truth About Ivermectin to The Hill: “It Was Really a Miracle Drug”

>>19223337 Federal Judge Orders KS State Police to Stop Illegally Detaining Out of State Drivers

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PF7mmSzDqPE - Federal Judge Orders State Police to Stop Illegally Detaining Drivers [Channel: Steve Lehto]

>>19223348 RFKjr: Ok. Let’s heap a few more layers of irony on the mountain of paradox and hypocrisy that Congressional Democrats created Thursday in their attempt to censor me from speaking at the censorship hearings.

>>19223364 Putin approves ban on surrogacy for foreigners

>>19223382 #23608

>>19223394 LEAKED FOOTAGE: McChrystal Claims Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing was Perpetrated by the US

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eoapGMrc7qM - LEAKED FOOTAGE: General McChrystal Claims USA Was Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombing [Channel: Valuetainment]

>>19223399 “Scarf Lady” Dr. Deborah Birx is Now the New CEO of a Clinical-Stage Biotechnology Company

>>19223411 Child Sexualisation: Plainly Internationally Coordinated

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/KzDg84AY3kDQ/ - Child Sexualisation: Plainly Internationally Coordinated - UK Column News [Channel: UKColumnExtracts]

>>19223425 Patriarch: Russia’s population will skyrocket to 166 million if abortions are banned

>>19223430 Laura Ingraham Calls President Trump “Whiner”, Urges Him to Stop Talking About the 2020 Election

>>19223455 Public Records Reveal Billionaire Financier Leon Black Paid $62M To Avoid Prosecution by US Virgin Islands Over Epstein Ties

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/474226abbe38dfb63e19ccaa12dcdbff13c70950014afe264b179960bcafcee7.pdf

>>19223551 #23609

(33 notables, 41 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19225207

File: 99fb7c26caf1ce2⋯.png (963.37 KB,1446x832,723:416,Clipboard.png)


>>19223554 Q Research General #23610: WOKE Barbie Edition

Created 222007ZJUL23




>>19223565 #23610

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7J7aJtGphVs - Barbie - The Greatest Lie Ever Told [Channel: The Critical Drinker]

>>19223609 Leaked messages from the authors of the 2020 "Proximal Origin" paper, which denied COVID-19's lab origin, expose scientific fraud and misconduct as they express disbelief in their paper's own conclusions. Dr. Anthony Fauci, an advocate of gain-of-function research, secretly commissioned the paper and later cited it at the White House podium to dismiss the lab leak theory as a "conspiracy theory."

>>19223661 Rep. Jim Banks: ‘It’s Time to Impeach’ President Biden, Expunge Trump Impeachments

>>19223667 Duong Tuan Ngoc Vietnam arrests former health teacher for ‘anti-state propaganda’

>>19223676 Border Patrol Reports Surge In Illegal Aliens On Terror Watch List

>>19223700 Dots connected: Thanks to IRS whistleblowers, we now know why Garland refused to assign a “special counsel”…

>>19223708 Top prosecutor in Hunter Biden tax probe David Weiss had his law school fees paid for with dirty money from his crooked IRS agent father who was caught accepting $200k in bribes from shady businessmen

>>19223715, >>19223772, >>19223787 MEP Blows EU’s Climate Scam Plans Wide Open: The EU is using the Climate Scam to seize agricultural land from farmers, with the ultimate aim of making real food inaccessible to EU citizens, MEP Mislav Kolakušić says, calling it “idiotic nonsense.” (Cap 1:14)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a2fe17262ad68dc09f6ed3e5410b848462168555684bd8bd0a5c5a0f234a2d5.mp4

>>19223763, >>19223777 The Autism Surge: Lies, Conspiracies,

>>19223785 Temecula Valley Unified School District in Southern California adopted an updated social studies curriculum, which incorporates gay rights material, after initially rejecting it due to parental

>>19223806 Gmail users set to be hit by massive change as Google updates Inactive Account Policy in a bid to strengthen cybersecurity

>>19223814 We Should Thank Sen. John Kennedy for This 8-Minute Clip of Democrats Being Shamed Into Condemning Racism (And Keith Ellison)

>>19223862 Putin Issues Stark Warning To Poland And NATO

>>19223865 DC Judge Refuses to Force DOJ to Turn Over Records Showing Biden-Garland’s Obstruction of Hunter Biden Prosecution

>>19223870 Joe Rogan Dive Deep into Epstein’s Bizarre Painting of Bill Clinton in Blue Dress: “I Got You B*tch… Holy Sh*t!” (VIDEO)

>>19223876 MTG shows plane ticket evidence of Hunter Biden trafficking women

>>19223885 Disturbing photos of top Dems cozying up with hulking alleged child porn transvestite go viral…

>>19223902 Leaked messages from the authors of the 2020 "Proximal Origin" paper, which denied COVID-19's lab origin, expose scientific fraud and misconduct as they express disbelief in their paper's own conclusions

>>19223981 AIDS in COVID 19 vaccine

>>19224042, >>19224193 He said the “Tax system is a voluntary system.” (Cap 1:05)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a5ad1d3a5a9643b95757980a0a52ef383143cb941af9eaea8020354f27be2dd5.mp4

>>19224175, >>19224191, >>19224203 Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone / Carbazochrome Price of 12 Brands

>>19224185 Grassley: Werfel the IRS director must meet w IRS WBs Shapley & Ziegler to hear about the retaliation they’ve suffered & put them back to the same position they had b4 BLOWING WHISTLE

>>19224200 Hurricane Don

(23 notables, 29 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19225209

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19224353 Q Research General #23611: Woken For The Right Reason Edition

Created 222315ZJUL23



>>19224358 #23611

>>19224361, >>19224368 2008 Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab Discuss at the WEF, Malaria, Reducing the Population

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/vbosDQ8vAkdv/ - 2008 Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab Discuss at the WEF, Malaria, Reducing the Population [Channel: KILLUMINATI13420]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FiX5BiDYEQ0 - India’s rice export ban comes amid ‘perfect storm’ with Black Sea wheat crisis, El Nino: Expert [Channel: CNA]

>>19224390 Naomi Wolf Reveals Data Exposing mRNA Vaccines Affecting Healthy Reproduction 6:18 minutes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v315z10 - Naomi Wolf Reveals Data Exposing mRNA Vaccines Affecting Healthy Reproduction. [6:18] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19224399, >>19224401 Chief Nerd: PBD Shuts Down Chris Cuomo’s Attempt to Discredit RFK Jr 1:53

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31oe6q - Video upload for 110760111019797515 [1:53] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19224438, >>19224452, >>19224888 Adrenochrome

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9936bb79bb66be7f85fa8bc13486de177fdfee9de616cfc37e9b8d10f4e65476.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9936bb79bb66be7f85fa8bc13486de177fdfee9de616cfc37e9b8d10f4e65476.pdf

>>19224439, >>19224448 Report Showing Massive Dark Money Group Funneling Large, Potentially Foreign, Cash Donations into Biden Super PAC

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RnKCPK_OACc - O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers Potential MASSIVE Money Laundering into Political Campaigns [Channel: O'keefe Media Group]

>>19224446, >>19224459, >>19224487, >>19224497, >>19224504, >>19224518, >>19224530, >>19224537, >>19224544 Twitter Fuckery, Elon Musk has fucked the view and rewinded the clock, latest tweets dont load and sensible non-users are blocked from current tweets

>>19224474 Against SecDef's Wish, Diversity-Obsessed Biden Picks Woman To Lead Navy Admiral Lisa Franchetti

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fAQ2sxnli8M - 7 MINUTES AGO: The Rock Slams Mel Gibson for Leaking Oprah's Secrets in 'Sound of Freedom' [Channel: Celeb Spin]

>>19224480 Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, convicted of second-degree murder in the kneeling death of George Floyd, petitions US Supreme Court to review his conviction after the Minnesota state Supreme Court refused to hear his appeal

>>19224507 Biden's primary 2024 outside PAC propelled by dark money group flooded with cash from mysterious entity

>>19224527 Barack Obama summer music play list

>>19224541, >>19224553 Michigan Poll – “Not Sure Yet” Closing in on Ron DeSantis

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/091c131539979135d52ada585bff8bb0f3a6b22e419eb31b9d73e9dfbcb44b44.pdf

>>19224612 Richard Branson had breakfast with Jeffrey Epstein three years after the paedophile was jailed for child prostitution

>>19224671 President Trump interview on Newsmax 16:23 minutes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31a2pw - President Trump interview on Newsmax [16:23] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19224718 #23610

>>19224799, >>19224847, >>19224889 Fifty Years of Earth Observation Satellites

>>19224880, >>19224894, >>19224904, >>19224979 "We didn't start the fire" symbolism (Cap 1:04)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/00d1f2a0ffe9ffd391f182a9efdd0831ae19a12abd500e024b26996f5cd73501.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2LkVKCWL0U4 - Fall Out Boy - We Didn't Start the Fire (Lyric Video) [Channel: Fall Out Boy]

>>19224912, >>19224933 British government has built a floating prison for migrants who entered the country illegally (Cap 0:35)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5851a7bcd9e4262c0340bc445a5d15d325d908e7e29b5b64bd91c4cee31b1cda.mp4

>>19224922 New Hampshire state Democrat representative and Tranny, Stacie Marine Laughton charged with child porn [sexual exploitation of children]

>>19224924, >>19224949 PF Reports: New features added to the ADS-B Network, Rain viewer Radar and Rain viewer Clouds

>>19224951 Yellowstone River near Reed Point, Less than 30 days built a bridge

>>19224959 Elon at 5:38 .. "Fight fire with fire" = FF?

>>19224970 Euler's Formula proves that energy is self-generated

>>19224980 81 Million Votes My Ass by Kari Lake & The Truth Bombers 3:30

>>19225031 House Oversight Chair Comer says he expects Hunter Biden to face between 6 to 10 criminal referrals

>>19225060 CMZ: Just got some pretty damning info on Vivek

>>19225080 #23611

(27 notables, 48 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19225212


UPDATE for >>19220292 Q Research General #23606: The Rarest Pepe is (You) Edition

>>19220861, >>19220865, >>19220874, >>19220884, >>19220896, >>19220899, >>19220912, >>19220933, >>19220951, >>19220968 Twitter jumbling tweet years/timeline laying bare MOVIE script highlights? Fuckery at a glance to read like a script?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19226001

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19225096 Q Research General #23612: CNN: Joe Biden the Second Most Unpopular President Ever: CNN Edition

Created 230155ZJUL23



>>19225153, >>19225162 Ehud Barak instigates a coup

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31mwco - Ehud Barak instigates a coup [7:30] [Channel: Elizabeth Rimini]

>>19225168, >>19225170, >>19225172, >>19225218, >>19225229 CMZ: According to this record I found, it says Vivek donated $2,700 to ACTBLUE in 2016 which was then earmarked for "Friends of Dena" CALL TO DIGG

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/79e30f182e43b53855479c62574591b79b889d037a9b302ed965b0d654e0b238.mp4

>>19225179, >>19225181 Benjamin Netanyahu on his health

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/92adf9152f1c9c3fbb453406eaaadf8de3a9b1c943d768dc9c44a1434675644d.mp4

>>19225199 China overtaking US – NATO member’s PM: The balance is shifting and Washington must accept that its hegemony is about to end, Viktor Orban

>>19225224 Fauci, Bill Gates, Dr. Tedros of WHO and new vaccine Frontman Peter Hotez…are all predicting another ‘Pandemic’ worse than ‘Covid’ -Dr. Peter McCullough

>>19225285 Sweden’s government ditched plans to go all-in on “green energy,” Shortly afterward, fossil fuel giant Shell announced it was scaling back its energy transition plans to focus on . . . gas and oil

>>19225297 Twitter announces new restrictions and general fuckery

>>19225307, >>19225335 Megan Kelly: 'Rachel Levine, male' supports CHILD MUTILATION because she backs sex changes for kids 7:30

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U9DibTD66TA - Rachel Levine Was Glad to Have Kids and Transition Later, But Says Kids Should Now, with Helen Joyce [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>19225337 Joseph Ziegler told CNN's Jake Tapper that the Justice Department deliberately hindered the Hunter Biden probe 12:27 minutes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31osgm - IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler told CNN's Jake Tapper that the Justice Department hindered the Hunter Biden probe [12:27] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19225374 @300

(10 notables, 17 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19226002


UPDATE for >>19224353 Q Research General #23611: Woken For The Right Reason Edition

>>19225031 House Oversight Chair Comer says he expects Hunter Biden to face between 6 to 10 criminal referrals

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19226875

File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19225905 Q Research General #23613: Midnight Mimosas On Biden Island Edition

Created 230443ZJUL23




>>19225911, >>19225981 #23613

>>19225953 Faux News Laura Ingraham: "Please, for the love of God, stop talking about the 2020 election"

>>19225956 Nathan Reynolds - Elite Family Ritual Abuse Survivor Exposes Globalist Satanic Cult

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wlnzg - Nathan Reynolds - Elite Family Ritual Abuse Survivor Exposes Globalist Satanic Cult [1:12:13] [Channel: mariazeee]

>>19225974 #23612 posted in #23613

>>19226000, >>19226024, >>19226039, >>19226122, >>19226177, >>19226246, >>19226588, >>19226609 Twitter changing to X

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b6ccd5959fa9c025f9bf21be1a754e26e7deab3f09d3d82f8a8612695587005c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f48df4af30ad0d95831c151045e546d6cbca05ee0fb05b353e8bdc695b471583.mp4

>>19226009 Random violent crime skyrockets in DC, robberies up 59%, violent crime up 36%

>>19226014 @3sidedstory: Most of the U.S. Women’s soccer players refused to sing national anthem

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e47c3b49b379c3c90f12b86dab8f980563514a51467693a6f4febbc3e00b2ddd.mp4

>>19226032, >>19226147, >>19226286 "Human Augmentation" , social credit system, basic income

>>19226061, >>19226128, >>19226178, >>19226182, >>19226208 Dan Posts for Decoding

>>19226297 IRS Whistelblower w/Jake Tapper (vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31osgm - IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler told CNN's Jake Tapper that the Justice Department hindered the Hunter Biden probe [12:27] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19226299, >>19226336, >>19226338, >>19226342 A 2007 Episode of British TV series “Inspector Lewis” explained ADRENOCHROME

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bf1b736a786dfe3900ae2f687bff30481d997e218d9d870ba2d0c1e8bf3101e7.mp4

>>19226372 The Police Benevolent Association of NYC blasts District Attorney Alvin Bragg with a billboard truck

>>19226409 Talisman Sabre 2023: Firepower demonstrations 1,000 miles apart signal start of massive exercise in Australia

>>19226414 Moar on Hotez - Podesta Group in play

>>19226417 Everything You Need To Know About The Biden Bribery Scandal (vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31iqga - Everything You Need To Know About The Biden Bribery Scandal [3:11] [Channel: The Federalist]

>>19226428 Browns' Marquize Goodwin: 'alarming' blood clots in legs, lungs

>>19226480 Am Thinker: ‘Thorny Questions’: How the Democrats and Media Enablers Censor News

>>19226488 @SebGorka: Jack Smith is using every dirty trick he has and Republicans can't do anything.

>>19226490, >>19226577 Fighters from the private military company (PMC) Wagner want to “visit” Poland

>>19226493, >>19226504, >>19226565 @P_McCulloughMD: Guillain Barré Syndrome occurs after COVID-19 infection and vaccines

>>19226556 Judge Deems Kansas Highway Patrol’s Two Step Tactic Illegal

>>19226568 @TrueGenFlynn: Epic COMMON SENSE from Wendy Bell of NEWSMAX

>>19226571, >>19226578 JFK’s Grandson Jack Schlossberg Calls RFK Jr's Presidential Candidacy An Embarrassment

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31fyl6 - JFK’s Grandson Calls RFK Jr's Presidential Candidacy An Embarrassment [36] [Channel: Mr Producer Media]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0mk6xrj2gok - It's Going Down! Grand kids of JFK singing Timber on Instagram 20MAR2020YesQ [Channel: :Blog-Chain]

>>19226583 @CodeMonkeyZ: The Godless DailyDot doesn't understand why God would want to destroy the Pfizer storage warehouse

>>19226584, >>19226624 VAX stroke injury, Pharma exec daughter dies after vax

>>19226613 on Potato: The Corruption is unlike anything we have ever seen!

>>19226619 Kiev’s ‘incompetence’ to blame for damage to Odessa cathedral - Moscow

>>19226642 Russia - Commercial ships have been warned if they attempt to port in Ukraine, they will be destroyed

>>19226662 @laralogan: You cannot stop the truth: nothing written about [The Sound of Freedom] by those attacking the film was honest. Or accurate.

>>19226678, >>19226700 Ukraine news - video

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vTTxcfKAmqA - UKR LINES COLLAPSED AT KARMAZYNIVKA (Svatove Front) - Russia on verge of a breakthru to Oskil River [Channel: Defense Politics Asia]

>>19226686 Dancing nurses are back - this time to SAVE US from climate change. WEIRD.

>>19226707 #23613

(32 notables, 55 posts, 72 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19226877


UPDATE for >>19225096 Q Research General #23612: CNN: Joe Biden the Second Most Unpopular President Ever: CNN Edition

>>19225168, >>19225170, >>19225172, >>19225218, >>19225229 CMZ: Vivek donated $2,700 to ACTBLUE in 2016 which was then earmarked for "Friends of Dena" CALL TO DIGG

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/79e30f182e43b53855479c62574591b79b889d037a9b302ed965b0d654e0b238.mp4

>>19225199 China overtaking US - NATO member’s PM: The balance is shifting and Washington must accept that its hegemony is about to end, Viktor Orban

>>19225271, >>19225708 @CodeMonkeyZ According to this record I found, it says Vivek donated $2,700 via ACTBLUE in 2016 which was then earmarked for "Friends of Dena".

>>19225285 Sweden’s government ditched plans to go all-in on “green energy,” Shortly afterward, fossil fuel giant Shell announces energy transition plans to focus on gas and oil

>>19225408 The Pope Who Tried To Cheat Death By Drinking The Blood Of Children

>>19225488 Israel’s Netanyahu goes to hospital for pacemaker.

>>19225555 Moses's seat is the Chair and the Pharisees sit in/on it. -t. digits guy

>>19225665 Chidlren for sale Malaysia's underground baby trade

>>19225690 Imagine being upset because people are raising awareness about child sex trafficking.

>>19225715 Remember those stories about the secret Ukrainian bio-labs? It was just Russian disinformation, right? Not really.

>>19225745 Child sex trafficking from Huston, Texas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2381ed No.19227671

File: a5d0ffbdee4d5e0⋯.png (563.25 KB,1322x746,661:373,Clipboard.png)


>>19226712 Q Research General #23614: You Cannot Stop the Truth Edition

Created 231219ZJUL23




>>19226727 #23614

>>19226777, >>19226781, >>19226784, >>19227353 On psy-ops

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=w-YNLONcGt8 - AMONG THE STARS [Channel: 4th PSYOP Group]

>>19226793, >>19226797, >>19226806, >>19226814, >>19226823, >>19226832, >>19226835, >>19226843, >>19226847, >>19226890 Musk says Twitter to change logo to “X” from the bird & Q on "X"

>>19226810 US Military Confirms Myocarditis Spike After COVID Vaccine Introduction

>>19226813 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has successful surgery for pacemaker implantation after health scare

>>19226834 [Creepy] DOD MHS Genesis EHR System Goes Live in 12 More States

>>19226854 GP predicts Biden Will Step Down from Office After Sudden Medical Emergency Before Weak and Feckless Republicans Muster Up the Nerve to Impeach Him

>>19226866 Elon Musk: "I'm kind of pro-China"

>>19226901 New and Ongoing U.S.-Israel Cooperation on Science, Technology, and Innovation FACT SHEET


>>19226903 Biden Regime Escalates War on American Consumers in the Name of ‘Climate Change’ — Announces New Scheme to Eliminate ‘Outdated’ Water Heaters

>>19226932 American industrial capitalists, high tech entrepreneurs getting increasingly worried about Biden's unhinged aggressive trade war against China - Yahoo

>>19226939 Biden Administration Rule Would Ban Nearly All Portable Gas-Powered Generators

>>19227034 Zelenskyy says Ukraine's counteroffensive was poised to "gain pace."

>>19227035 Many big name brands are now adding bioengineered ingredients. They are not telling anyone about these changes you have to check the label now.

>>19227040 'Change we can believe in' decode.

>>19227157 Visual representation of the Russian blockade in the Black Sea.

>>19227167 Feds halt deployment of health records program in Department of Veterans Affairs

>>19227230 Tonya Roth looks like a tranny who just stole a horse's teeth

>>19227240 The last living Italian bishop to attend the Second Vatican Council, Msgr. Luigi Bettazzi, has died at the age of 99

>>19227300 Who created The Impetus Fund, which quietly formed in Washington, D.C., on July 1, 2020?

>>19227306, >>19227309 ODNI Release of FISA Court Review Reveals Alarming Disconnect That Must Be Discussed Before FISA-702 Reauthorization

>>19227317, >>19227328 Toronto principal bullied over false charge of racism dies from suicide

>>19227394 Here’s Horowitz document Sundance linked on FISC and FISA

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6d520e4dc804721eb68a8625d986b08f577cb60f898ffae6196bd2493303cc19.pdf

>>19227406, >>19227409, >>19227440, >>19227454 Twitter Dig RE: Rod Rosenstein & Andrew Weissmann both signing off on the Uranium One - Clinton Foundation - Ericsson Technology cover-up…

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/980d23a47b9668763e68442e671844a140f30e2d48d96ddebc573cd1fbd3fc35.pdf

>>19227428, >>19227468 RE: Mass hypnosis uses a technique called “shock induction” to create a compliant, suggestible public in the wake of false flag terror attacks

>>19227435 Stabbing spree: Victims targeted at random near DC

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=t8SOI9NGlM4 - Stabbing spree: Victims targeted at random near DC | LiveNOW from FOX [Channel: LiveNOW from FOX]

>>19227499 #23614

(28 notables, 46 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d92b8f No.19228680

File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19227511 Q Research General #23615: Panic-Adjacent Sunday Edition

Created 231544ZJUL23



>>19227514 #23615

>>19227614, >>19227633, >>19227662 Sundance, others: on Ingraham, Mary McCord, Nunes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31jhsc - Laura Ingraham Slams President Trump, Urges Him to Stop Talking About the 2020 Election [1:09] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=P7d3jHLLCAg - Nunes says Dems have been 'hell-bent to impeach' for three years [Channel: Fox News]

>>19227625 Jim Jordan on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo'

>>19227656, >>19227674 Q's and X's

>>19228003, >>19228013 NATO Orders Ukrainian troops and civilians to abandon the frontlines - Shenanigans

>>19228016 Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander: NATO may be planning to attack Russian ships in the Black Sea

>>19228017, >>19228020 Russian Missile strike takes out pizzeria

>>19228035 Lukashenko: “The transfer of Ukrainian lands to Poland is unacceptable, if Western Ukraine asks for help, we will provide”

>>19228039 Lukashenko to Putin: Wagner troops are stressing us because they want to go on 'an excursion' to Warsaw and Rzeszow in Poland

>>19228050 PDJT White House military pic from 05-10-2017 thru 30-09-2023

>>19228073 Former Exe. Director of Full count ministries: Arrested for child sex crimes

>>19228076 Living with doing a "human rights abuse level of awful thing to your own child"

>>19228081 Weiner screaming match following Clinton body count question

>>19228091 Biden Keeps Shutting Down Lithium Mining Making Us Dependent on China

>>19228095 Paul Sperry calling out [D] partisan Glenn Kessler, WaPo "fact-checker"

>>19228096 @OksanaTrump: Jim Caviezel Says MSM Spreads Fake News To Protect VIP Pedophiles #OksanaTrump

>>19228104 @gatewaypundit: NSANITY: Biden Regime Proposes Ban on Sale of Portable Gas Generators

>>19228108 The Truth about the Biden Family Business Is Becoming Too Big to Hide

>>19228127 ‘Serious doubt’ about COVID-19 vaccine safety after forced release of 15,000 pages of clinical trial data

>>19228140 Donald J. Trump responds to calls for one on one interview with Tucker on night of Fox debate

>>19228160 NYC Police Union blasts Bragg with billboard truck after he indicts cop

>>19228178, >>19228187 @EzraCohen: Another great short from 4th psyop group mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=w-YNLONcGt8 - AMONG THE STARS [Channel: 4th PSYOP Group]

>>19228206 Potato announces Wilmington Delaware as 2024 election campaign HQ

>>19228217 @LaraLogan: UraniumOne is not going away

>>19228255 Major human trafficking ring busted: Illinois authorities dismantle operation in six Chicago suburbs, 7 victims rescued

>>19228286 Texas' Operation Lone Star results in 422 million fentanyl doses seized, 394,200 migrants stopped

>>19228349 @Elon: Effective today x.com redirects to twitter.com

>>19228410 #23615

(28 notables, 34 posts, 34 media/files)

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d92b8f No.19228681


UPDATE for >>19225905 Q Research General #23613: Midnight Mimosas On Biden Island Edition

>>19225974 PB Notes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d92b8f No.19229637

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19228415 Q Research General #23616: Introducing Evidence Legally Edition

Created 231913ZJUL23




>>19228425 #23616

>>19228558 Upcoming Donald J. Trump events and rallies

>>19228610 Old UK TV episode with adrenochrome - mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bf1b736a786dfe3900ae2f687bff30481d997e218d9d870ba2d0c1e8bf3101e7.mp4

>>19228650 Clockfag reports: X and Elon

>>19228669, >>19228673 The first traffic passed through the Rassvet-1 satellite, which is also called the Russian Starlink

>>19228732 RFK Jr. tweet deleted by twitter - mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=QI1BKZ4ZcUg - RFK - this was deleted from Twitter [Channel: James Parker]

>>19228739, >>19229076 Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota: Ellsworth Air Force Base is getting closer to receiving the B-21 Raider, one of the most advanced aircraft to ever be developed

>>19228762 @Potato: A woman’s medical history - including her history of abortion care – is protected under HIPAA, regardless of her state’s abortion laws

>>19228765 Citing leaked Pentagon documents, West knew Ukraine wasn't ready for counteroffensive – WSJ

>>19228778 Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, blasted Washington for turning Ukraine into a “burial ground” for lethal waste

>>19228797 Donald J. Trump retruths Tom Fitton: Biden, who is the most corrupt president since he was vice-president, trying to criminalize criticism of how he was elected with unprecedented indictment of Trump

>>19228817, >>19228851 Vladimir Putin has once again reiterated that Kiev’s counteroffensive attempt has failed because of their stupidity

>>19228842, >>19228951 Donald J. Trump: Watch the truly wonderful (GREAT!) Mark Levin TONIGHT, 8:00 P.M., FOXNEWS. He’s got some very powerful things to say! - with link to watch

>>19228926 Donald J. Trump: Every time you see these Radical Lunatics and their partners in the Fake News Media talking about the “Trials and Tribulations” of President Donald J. Trump, please remember that it is all a coordinated HOAX

>>19228940, >>19228952 Donald J. Trump: Over 100 million dollars has been spent investigating me since I came down the escalator in Trump Tower - almost no money spent investigating Biden

>>19229007 Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky attributed the delay and lackluster results of his military’s much-hyped counteroffensive to insufficient weapons and training from Kiev’s Western allies

>>19229010 US creates permanent pandemic agency to prepare for pandemics and other “biological threats,” with President Joe Biden tapping a retired Air Force general to spearhead the project

>>19229073 Air Force Academy Superintendent admitted that he does not know what the term “demigender” means after saying that he supports a fellowship for them while testifying before Congress

>>19229119 Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration is going to bat for the “world’s oldest profession” by launching a free health care program for sex workers

>>19229143 Donald J. Trump: Merrick Garland, Deranged Jack Smith, and coordinating Democrat "Prosecutors" in New York and Atlanta, have become the Campaign Managers for the most corrupt and incompetent President in United States history

>>19229254 #23616

(21 notables, 26 posts, 22 media/files)

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d92b8f No.19231825

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)


>>19229262 Q Research General #23617: Hold The Line Edition

Created 232228ZJUL23




>>19229269 #23617

>>19229316 PDJT on corrupt DOJ

>>19229440 Spain’s far-right Vox party is on the brink of sharing power as a conservative kingmaker

>>19229477 Digital ID facial recognition

>>19229492 AMC, $AMC CEO Adam Aron has posted a new letter referencing large short positions in the stock

>>19229516 United States Politicians are but actors on a stage

>>19229551 Ukraine is losing on average 4-5 men to advance a few hundred feet in its counteroffensive

>>19229577 China publishes then deletes official COVID data indicating over 1 million more deaths than reported

>>19229580 Pence says he’s ‘not yet convinced’ Trump’s actions on January 6 were criminal

>>19229592 Dramatic Footage Caught on video shows a possible stolen Car Plunging Down Sanchez Street Stairs Landing Upside Down

>>19229601 Roseanne: Me just after my shitposting caused mental breakdowns of pedo-satanists.

>>19229670 The world is on fire, wear a facekini

>>19229709 Trump demands cameras in courtroom for potential election fraud case

>>19229767 CDC Changed Definition Of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About 'Vaccine Failure'

>>19229774 Meta Pushes Airhead Influencers Over Actual News As Priorities Shift

>>19229785 Top Democrat on Weaponization Subcommittee Argues Democrats Should Be Allowed to Define Truth in America

>>19229804 Former Acting HHS Cyber Security Director Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for CP

>>19229815 Rudy Giuliani on Joe Biden corruption. Rudy is talking directly to Joe Biden…Whoa listen to this!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31veg8 - Rudy Giuliani on Joe Biden corruption [2:20] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19229833 Leader of Belarus meets with Putin

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31vdq6 - Leader of Belarus meets with Putin [56] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>19229904 Sundance: Sunday Talks, Robert Kennedy Jr Discusses the Intelligence Community Power in DC and His Intent to Dismantle It

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=s9oWbG02pzs - LICENSE FOR ATROCITY: RFK, Jr. blasts censorship as an attack on democracy [Channel: Fox News]

>>19229909 QClock July 22, 2023 - Clock Activated Stage_5:5y

>>19229936 Senators vote AGAINST child trafficking bill!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zNrkqBVlnmA - Politicians vote AGAINST child trafficking bill! [Channel: Legally Armed America]

>>19229954 FOIA Release: Fauci Funded Construction Of 'Chimeric Coronaviruses' In Wuhan

>>19229964 Britain secretly funded Reuters in 1960s and 1970s

>>19229990 French intelligence knew cement giant Lafarge paid MILLIONS to ISIS & capitalized on its ties with terrorists - leaked papers

>>19230004 Dr. Gianrico Farrugia CEO of Mayo Clinic - Connects to WEF, Dominion and Blackrock

>>19230029 “Eyes of the Devil” - The REAL Documentary that Exposes the Horror of Child Sex Trafficking

>>19230066 Chinese bank executives investigated, arrested amid tightened crackdown on corruption

>>19230085 State mandated child abuse - sexual grooming in Australia

>>19230104 SpaceX Starlink Mission

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qvwF3P8eF6Q - Starlink Mission [Channel: SpaceX]

>>19230147 Stacey Plaskett serves the US Virgin Islands

(31 notables, 31 posts, 29 media/files)

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d92b8f No.19231826


UPDATE for >>19226712 Q Research General #23614: You Cannot Stop the Truth Edition

>>19226903 Biden Regime Escalates War on American Consumers in the Name of ‘Climate Change’ --- Announces New Scheme to Eliminate ‘Outdated’ Water Heaters

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d92b8f No.19232832

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)


>>19230177 Q Research General #23618: EBAKE

Created 240103ZJUL23




>>19230228 John F. Kennedy Vs The Empire

>>19230256 How big are these pedophile networks?

>>19230263 President Biden predicted he would be ‘dead and gone’ by 2020

>>19230265, >>19230323, >>19230324 Deleted from twitter RFK (Cap 8:38)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=QI1BKZ4ZcUg - RFK - this was deleted from Twitter [Channel: James Parker]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab0e4b63f464b1b7444d80ec543ce4d11d97447bc9acd4dddf4b801ae91c8932.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7caad43cea22f45cf21bed4c360b1666262168946f6c8552ea12b484903d88d8.mp4

>>19230269, >>19230438, >>19230712, >>19230724, >>19230853, >>19230929, >>19230934, >>19230949 Donald J Trump: Clinton (Cap 0:05)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/45ecdfbe6151f0eec433d609b64bd6a398a6f8e4c1811eda9701e96058413df2.mp4

>>19230271 Government Institutions Have ‘Zero Credibility’ After Hunter Biden Laptop Story

>>19230276 Lara Logan: Bill Gates: Girls injected with the DTP vaccine were dying at 10 times the rate of those who weren’t vaccinated

>>19230277, >>19230286 J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Reveals What Ray Epps Whispered in his Ear When the Bike Fence Barrier Was Pushed Down at the US Capitol

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e71aae08b041c0d561b2d48a73874556942f6e2ad04cfb20fbc2cf6824a2b11f.mp4

>>19230291, >>19230490, >>19230513 Dominion Voting System Patents Given To China Bank (Hsbc) As Collateral In 2019

>>19230320, >>19230331, >>19230361, >>19230511 US Patent #11,107,588 B2 Pfizer Patent Was Granted In 2021, It Is Used For Cellular Tower Communication With Graphene Injected Humans Worldwide

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/166173646fb7225f39a188ddb69dc8e8a89e8467004a02ebdfc9a12cff32342a.mp4

>>19230326 Stephen Miller: FEDERAL BUDGET ALERT DOJ, DNI, DOE, DHS, etc. — expires on September 30th

>>19230335 If you take away all these patented bio-weapons you’ll very quickly realize that there is no driver for this ‘pandemic’ that is naturally occurring.

>>19230338 The Genesis of U.S. Government Population Control

>>19230364, >>19230599, >>19230637 US Army #ArmyPossibilities takes Soldier back to her alma mater where she’s #MakingaDifference.

>>19230391 The Chinese Communist Party is Behind a U.S. ‘Climate Change’ Activism Conference

>>19230466 #23617

>>19230530 RFK Jr. calls for corruption investigation of Joe Biden

>>19230549, >>19230852, >>19230854, >>19230984 There are technologies in the South Pole that people can NOT even consider existing on this planet

>>19230566 Gen Flynn: We’re in a new form of warfare, 5th Generation Warfare is what it’s called.

>>19230671, >>19230871 Will we get "the tweet" before Twitter changes the name?

>>19230867, >>19230986, >>19231004 Donald J Trump: How many times can Crooked Joe Biden’s DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE…IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE. WE MUST STOP THESE “MONSTERS”

>>19231013, >>19231016 POTUS re-truthing anons. Nice.

(22 notables, 46 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d92b8f No.19232837

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)


>>19231037 Q Research General #23619: Ebaked For Victory Again

Created 240413ZJUL23




>>19231075 Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify

>>19231084, >>19231188, >>19231276, >>19231290, >>19231297 Rare German documentary highlights the disturbing truth of Satanic Child Ritual Abuse

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f999153080f129e1f68866763da47a61230fb3a3942f00e26a9ea1393364929.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SHVkQBrEIOg - Ronald Bernard High Finance Shocking Revelations Dutch with Subtitles [Channel: A M]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fmC4pDlktB4 - Ritual Abuse in France - A German Documentary (English Subtitles) [Channel: Tacito Monroe]

>>19231093, >>19231095 Biden's Relentless Lawfare Against Trump Could Backfire

>>19231139, >>19231164, >>19231185, >>19231198, >>19231207, >>19231233 Latest from the 4th PSYOP Group; more psy-ops

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a6e4e58762be2d0bc2838bccb180b4f5841b9fd6554d9c54fd6bc05209237b01.mp4

>>19231151 The journal “Lancet” published the chart with unequal Y-Axis to downplay fact that cold causes 10X more deaths than heat in Europe; corrected chart shows a different picture

>>19231214 Are these Masked Antifa or Feds who are protesting at the Manlius, NY, Swan Pond?

>>19231246, >>19231348 ESPN FC Commentator Shaka Hislop collapsed on live TV

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44c1539fd5456a02921efa99a7c6033f6c51701b502efeaeb881c14565cc2ae8.mp4

>>19231250, >>19231258 Spain election: Conservatives win but fall short of majority

>>19231265 NANCY drunk on camera (this is news? kek)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a04e3812d3a22a9d8dc3c2f6fbc83b94e2bdca3cbed04ce1c50920c112b587a0.mp4

>>19231319, >>19231320, >>19231581, >>19231586 Moscow comes under attempted drone attack from Ukraine

>>19231338 The serial killer Joaquín Ferrándizis already free

>>19231343 Russia Hammers Odessa, Putin Lukashenko Discuss War with Poland…

>>19231454 The Future of Quantum - Developing a System Ready for Quantum

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=X5X4L-yOpz0 - The Future of Quantum - Developing a System Ready for Quantum [Channel: Center for Strategic & International Studies]

>>19231463 Just Stop Oil get a taste of their own medicine

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=y6flblkVh1I - We Stopped Just Stop Oil [Channel: Josh & Archie]

>>19231474 Nommed for chan KEKS - how to detrans your daughter

>>19231482, >>19231485, >>19231488 PDJT Truths/RTs

>>19231490 BREAKING: Elon Musk has just officially changed Twitter's logo to :x

>>19231496 Mil reserve call up; selective service next?

>>19231633 The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud

>>19231636 MSNBC legal analyst calls for Trump to be locked up BEFORE he goes to trial for J6

>>19231639 Hemingway: DOJ Playing With Fire Trying To "Literally Imprison" The President's Top Political Rival

>>19231645 Sound of Freedom - who's watching it?

>>19231657, >>19231670, >>19231672 PF

>>19231695 Is Mainstream Media Controlled? Challenges Chris Cuomo

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_Vncmt7TdI4 - Is Mainstream Media Controlled? - PBD Challenges Chris Cuomo [Channel: Valuetainment]

(24 notables, 43 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d92b8f No.19232841

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19231766 Q Research General #23620: The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud? Edition

Created 241051ZJUL23




>>19231777 #23620

>>19231814, >>19231900 Putin signed a law on introducing a central bank digital ruble and creating an appropriate electronic platform — TASS

>>19231837 Jim Caviezel Children are being sucked in to the deepest recesses of hell.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NpVh0HRTGEE - Jim Caviezel: Children are being sucked into the deepest recesses of hell [Channel: Fox News]

>>19231849 Farage warns of chinee mission creep on implementing social credit systems worldwide

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=KqE2j1x_Pxo - Farage thanks support over de-banking scandal. [Channel: Nigel Farage]

>>19231896 #23619 posted in #23620

>>19231923 Dick Durbin w/CAP: Unfortunately, I tested positive for COVID-19 today. I'm disappointed to have to miss critical work on the Senate's NDAA...

>>19231962, >>19231970 As White House Limits Access to Press Briefings, Daily Signal Reporter Loses Credentials

>>19231978 #23618 posted in #23620

>>19232019, >>19232026, >>19232037, >>19232050, >>19232087, >>19232126, >>19232438 KEKs: anons opine on how to take out creepy robot cop dog in NYC

>>19232082, >>19232150, >>19232160, >>19232191 BREAKING: Israel MPs approve key judicial reform clause

>>19232115 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/24/2023

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/7434857da6267d999d8c5513f9e51d73 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 07/24/2023 - Tiger Network [Channel: Deestevensvoice4you]

>>19232125 DJT TS w/CAP: Joe Biden is the most corrupt President in the history of the United States, which is being undeniably proven...

>>19232135 DJT retruth: NCSWIC Nothing

>>19232175 Report: Florida Man Shoots, Kills Pregnant Transgender Partner, Then Turns Gun on Himself

>>19232199 Kash Patel w/CAP: The only thing congress must do this week (its last before august recess boondoggles) is Impeach Wray and Garland- Act NOW

>>19232211 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Chemicals Glow as a Meteor Disintegrates

>>19232239 Pioneering NASA 'Hidden Figure' Evelyn Boyd Granville dies at age 99

>>19232267 POTUS layn' down the comms

>>19232272 Sen. Josh Hawley on Coldwater Creek Contamination: Government Has Been ‘Lying for Years’ - Creek is contaminated by nuclear waste

>>19232294, >>19232424 Scientists believe an alien spaceship could have crashed into Mars

>>19232321 ‘Continues To Break The Rules’: FBI Improperly Searched Surveillance Data On Senator, Court Docs Reveal

>>19232432 At least 9 injured, 2 in critical condition, in an explosion at an ammunition depot at Hsiang Feng military base in #Taiwan.

>>19232478 A secret encryption cipher baked into radio systems used by critical infrastructure workers, police, and others around the world is finally seeing sunlight

>>19232564 #23620

(24 notables, 36 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdec3c No.19233908

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19232572 Q Research General #23621: Walls Are Closing In Edition

Created 241532ZJUL23




>>19232583 #23621

>>19232666 @NavalInstitute NO MAN IS AN ISLAND (1962) is based on the true story of U.S. Navy radioman George Ray Tweed

>>19232669, >>19232801 Eyes onBlackoutJuly 26th Fort Riley announces Black Start Exercise

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/afc864ffaec42548798b1439aaad65ecee42c209fb078a84c357b97278ea0cc4.mp4

>>19232680 Webinar: The Honorable Lina M. Khan The Economic Club of New York

>>19232689, >>19232804 1784/1785. Cap from Q Anon - The Storm - v.1.Q.pdf

>>19232692, >>19232702 Resistbot helps voters oppose Trump by faxing their text messages to Congressional reps

>>19232758 Software Giant Hit with Antitrust Complaint over Videoconferencing

>>19232775 UK: Labour Party Pledges to ‘Modernise’ Law to Make it Easier to Change Gender

>>19232782 Merry Qmas oldfags

>>19232786, >>19232839, >>19232855 Take Back The Female Democrat Vote OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY

>>19232846 Ukraine, Clintons, RFK Jr, Bedminster, WOKE, Trafficking. PRAY!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v321oaq - 7.24.23: Ukraine, Clintons, RFK Jr, Bedminster, WOKE, Trafficking. PRAY! [1:05:19] [Channel: And We Know]

>>19232886 Jury starts deliberating in Kevin Spacey sex-assault trial with max sentence of life in prison

>>19232893 The TRUTH Of Human Trafficking & Organ Harvesting Gangs w/ Remi Adeleke – Ask Dr. Drew

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v32242w - Navy SEAL: The TRUTH Of Human Trafficking & Organ Harvesting Gangs w/ Remi Adeleke – Ask Dr. Drew [0] [Channel: Dr. Drew]

>>19232894 2016 X Launchpad Explosion Destroys SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket, Satellite in Florida

>>19232900 Canceling the left-wing media is only half the battle. Creating our own culture will win the war.

>>19232937 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>19232939 CNN commentator rips Kamala Harris over claim about Florida slavery curriculum

>>19232975 Mystery looms over Alabama woman Lily Ledbetter’s death while working at animal shelter in US Virgin Islands

>>19232998, >>19233014 @techno_fog At that same time, Burisma was dealing with WSJ questions on Biden's anti-corruption message being undermined by Hunter-Burisma.

>>19233009 Brazil limits civilian access to firearms

>>19233018 Biden admin gives $2M grant to Soros-backed Puerto Rican group battling ‘toxic masculinities’

>>19233036 Harnwell: So-called centre-right political parties are cyphers for the globalist agenda

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v31myb2 - Harnwell: So-called centre-right political parties are cyphers for the globalist agenda [12:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19233041 OpenAI's Sam Altman announces his Worldcoin "financial and identity" network has launched.

>>19233047 Texas shows no sign of complying with DOJ's Monday deadline to remove buoy immigration barriers

>>19233097 @FightingFirst #MotivationMonday | “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” -Fred DeVito

>>19233099, >>19233187, >>19233202 Wednesday Swamp Meets plus Kamaltoe

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=seuZhdw21Zk - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - July 24, 2023 - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>19233131, >>19233157 Devon Archer to Testify Hunter Biden Put Then-VP Dad Joe on the Phone with Overseas Business Partners at Least 2 Dozen Times

>>19233149 Cartel Builds Bridge From Mexico to US with Permission From Biden Regime

>>19233153 The New issue, George Magazine, Issue 10, is now available to purchase.

>>19233182 Amazon Announces Bold Plan To Launch Thousands Of Satellites, Rivaling SpaceX

>>19233188 Norwegian MP resigns after shoplifting scandal

>>19233200, >>19233211, >>19233245 Gaffney: Senators Voting For Biden’s New Generals Are Endorsing A Woke Military.. General Brown cannot be appointted to the Joint Chief of Staff

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v321sfw - Gaffney: Senators Voting For Biden’s New Generals Are Endorsing A Woke Military. [5:41] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v321tkq - Frank Gaffney: Marxists Will Launch Coup In US Military During Trump’s Second Term. [6:48] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19233227 Trump RT Nugent

>>19233246, >>19233265 PF stuffs

>>19233282 Putin signs law banning sex change in Russia

>>19233307 Tech CEO wants to scan your eyes for global ID: ‘World ID’ will happen ‘whether you like it or not’

>>19233318, >>19233322, >>19233338 Massive emergency response in Martha's Vinyard after 911 call from Obama mansion see PF stuffs

>>19233333 Natalie Winters Exposes How Biden’s DOJ Is Hiding Child Sex Trafficking Info From Americans.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3220kc - Natalie Winters Exposes How Biden’s DOJ Is Hiding Child Sex Trafficking Info From Americans. [7:04] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>19233366, >>19233426 Bergquam uncovers massive US operation in Tijuana Mexico at the San Ysidro Port of Entry..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0703280cd3b4f6f3404150f97b59aedf7ae4c2e5e75892e6151bcae8e7b4d889.mp4

>>19233411 HECKLER: "Fu*k Eric Adams! Fu*k you, asshole! You're fu*king with homeless people."

>>19233437 #OTD in 1943, USS Tinosa began a series of attacks on the Japanese ship Tonan Maru

>>19233462 #23621

(42 notables, 57 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdec3c No.19233912

File: 403a4fea9bdbefa⋯.jpg (8.9 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)


>>18964650 Q Research General #23284: EBAKE

Created 070314ZJUN23




>>18964656 #23284

>>18964661 PF: KECK42

>>18964690 Fox Bans Judge Jeanine from Christian News Show That Attacked Voting Machines

>>18964693 Kash Patel on LIV & Saudi Arabia

>>18964716, >>18964758, >>18965020 Was the Talmud mis-translated so Rabbis could break laws, and Feds could later propagandize anti-semitism?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/848f946c67fa00545a20da9a9949a872a14247b8a2dbc4600e9026752e93a599.mp4

>>18964724 Provisions in the latest U.S. defense appropriations bill protect whistleblowers

>>18964741 Rep. Lauren Boebert And Rep. Matt Gaetz Break News On Pistol Brace Ban Bill

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2sji68 - Rep. Lauren Boebert And Rep. Matt Gaetz Break News On Pistol Brace Ban Bill [11:46] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>18964770 #23283 in #23284

>>18964785, >>18964795, >>18964799, >>18964811, >>18964832, >>18964863, >>18964937, >>18964938 coordinated arson in Canada

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e82d506051801b9fb6c212a8cb095fd259c94ea3a1b630a73fa46bbcec61475.webm

>>18964834 PDJT @TS: Video meme to troll Chris Christie

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50f7dda2959237300a26229dd4eb8bbf7fb8a5cd3452180db5d231f393a394de.mp4

>>18964840 Fights Outside California School Board Meeting over LGBT Curriculum

>>18964862 Pride flags replace the flags of different countries at Rockefeller Center, NYC.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/250d4b78efdf068296ff0dd954fd97b45c8f8431b885266cd1bf0e23e8b20743.mp4

>>18964872 CDC Warns Deadly Bacteria That ‘Kills Up To 50 Percent Of Patients’ Detected Across US Gulf Coast

>>18964886, >>18964894 NEW: Durham suggests FBI informant Stef Halper was motivated by revenge, as well as money

>>18964949 CEO from Florida and New Jersey Admits Role in Massive Scheme to Traffic in Fraudulent and Counterfeit Cisco Networking Equipment

>>18964973 Over 60,000 Android apps secretly installed adware for past six months

>>18964996, >>18965000 @DanScavino WATCH!!! “UNWOKE INC.”

>>18964999, >>18965084 Twitter reducing the view counts again?

>>18965092 Note Taker departs, bread still ghosted

>>18965151 Get a job: After 100 years, states loosen child labor laws

>>18965180 Adam Schiff: These continued acts of violence and hate towards our LGBTQ community - especially towards students, parents, and teachers - are horrific

>>18965189, >>18965273, >>18965661, >>18965672 Planefag: This week global traffic is going through the roof, today and right now is no exception

>>18965210 DOJ refutes QAnon Shaman's bid to have his January 6 sentence vacated

>>18965337 Call to Meme: Joe Biden Treason

>>18965611 For the keks: Chuck Todd’s Unintentionally Hilarious Exit From Meet The Press

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=V5A8CTAflEk - Chuck Todd’s Unintentionally Hilarious Exit From Meet The Press [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>18965718 PDJT @TS: Comey was shredded by the Durham report, he was totally discredited. The Russian Scandal was fabricated by Clinton, total HOAX

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2s0mlm - Video upload for 110486519855766154 [5:51] [Channel: hostid1]

>>18965726 Republicans against Trump have a new hit piece on Jared & Ivanka Kushner

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a295eb09e07f10377bcf58bfe44892c470dc9c860dda329f5fc1042091abc8c.mp4

>>18965745 Armenian Men Beat the Crap Out of Antifa and Far-Left Protestors Outside Glendale, CA School Board Meeting About Pride Events

>>18965752 #23284

(29 notables, 44 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdec3c No.19234551

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19233396 Q Research General #23622: Know Challenge Know Change Edition

Created 241803ZJUL23




>>19233468 #23622

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6268f16333d13f5e8985a42d3a49c1cac27d76ae684d2f86336c6bab810d5c18.mp4

>>19233482, >>19233496, >>19233676 Body of missing paddle boarder found in the water near Obama's Martha's Vineyard home

>>19233493 The FBI is Reaching a Breaking Point as Public Trust in the Bureau Collapses

>>19233509 FOX NEWS renders Satanic Temple ineligible for employee donation matches

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PcAqmaZjBW8 - UPDATE: Fox News CHANGES Satanic Temple donation matching [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>19233528, >>19233926 Trump +$6400 vs Biden -$4000: Change in Average Real Annual Earnings, Normalized to Jan '21 Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, Dollars

>>19233529 Tim Ballard - Senate Judiciary Committee March 6th, 2019

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Go62y25B8Vc - Tim Ballard - Senate Judiciary Committee March 6th 2019 [Channel: Tim Ballard]

>>19233546 Four More Texas Counties Declare Invasion At Southern Border: Frio, Karnes, La Salle and Medina

>>19233586 Keep Eco-Doom Nutjobs Away: 56 Years of Climate Codswallop That Never Happened

>>19233619, >>19233627, >>19233628 Body found in search for black male paddleboarder, 43, who drowned in pond on Obama's Martha's Vineyard estate: 911 call was made from ex-President's $12M property - Daily Mail

>>19233634 Pope Francis hosts pro-abortion WHO director general in private Vatican meeting

>>19233637, >>19233650, >>19233737 Tom Fitton: Body found in search for black male paddleboarder, 43, It's understood that the dispatch address for the incident came from Obama's $12million Martha's Vineyard home

>>19233649, >>19233864, >>19233865 Massive emergency response in Martha's Vineyard after 911 call from Obama mansion

>>19233710, >>19234012, >>19234018, >>19234048, >>19234119, >>19234120 Obama killed off his gay lover: andrew gillum

>>19233728, >>19233747 CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation confirmed as architects of Deagel .com 2025 Depopulation Forecast & current Mortality Rates imply Covid Vaccination

>>19233772 House Freedom Caucus and @FreedomWorks press conference on appropriations at 11am tomorrow

>>19233781 Donald J. Trump: New Hampshire Rep. pick Donald Trump over Ronald Reagan

>>19233786 Federal Prison Employee William S. Tidwell Charged with Accepting Payments from High-Net-Worth Inmate

>>19233811 Museum Monday - 10th Mountain Division & Fort Drum Museum "Rock Of Somalia"

>>19233813 WHO was and IS requiring countries to jigger death certificates to code for more COVID-19 deaths than there actually were

>>19233833, >>19233836, >>19233943 Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify

>>19233837, >>19233861, >>19233907 First pic is Edgartown Great Pond, somewhere on which is Obama's estate, second pic.

>>19233852, >>19233860, >>19234054 On any given day, we oversee 230 railcars en route...Never heard of a train derailing with military gear… only hazardous materials COMMS

>>19233930, >>19233951, >>19233998, >>19234095 Location of the 'estate', 79 Turkeyland Cove Rd, Edgartown, MA 02539 It's on "King Point" kek

>>19233935 Disruption of transnational migrant smuggling network leads to 62 arrests

>>19234022 White House Daily Briefing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dLPTDVQZt5A - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre [Channel: The White House]

>>19234034 Biden predicted he would be ‘dead and gone’ by 2020 (0:41)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OdNF9g8LMyQ - President Biden predicted he would be ‘dead and gone’ by 2020 [Channel: New York Post]

>>19234043 Photos show Hunter Biden in dad's Corvette at Delaware home on same day as 'shakedown' message

>>19234093 Accidental emergency alert for Clackamas county Oregon

>>19234097, >>19234123, >>19234145, >>19234163 Reporter Chairman James Comer today says that the Oversight Committee has evidence that [Biden] in the past...

>>19234110 ⚡Do You See What I See?⚡ Answer: It's a great week ahead

>>19234113 Tying up loose ends: Potential hidden jab agenda

>>19234126, >>19234152, >>19234160 Remember another July Martha Vineyard “drowning” that Q refers to. Indeed.

>>19234209 #23622

(33 notables, 62 posts, 65 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdec3c No.19236007

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)


>>19234217 Q Research General #23623: Drowning Pool: Let The Bodies Hit The Floor, Watch The Water? Edition

Created 242006ZJUL23




>>19234254, >>19234300 Mike Lindell is unveiling something on August 16th and he Needs YOU!

>>19234262 Two free divers found dead in Hawaii on Oahu's North Shore

>>19234295, >>19234501, >>19234602, >>19234932 Twitter sign is being dismantled outside X HQ, but @elonmusk didn’t get permit for the equipment on the street KEK

>>19234296 Bidens had their own island right next to Epstein's



>>19234306, >>19234473 Pilot of plane that crash landed at Martha's Vineyard Airport dies

>>19234324 Kunstler Warns Biden's "Infirmity Is As Hard To Ignore As The Evidence Of His Crimes"

>>19234358, >>19234364, >>19234371, >>19234378 How To Create Conspiracy Theories, By Victor Davis Hanson

>>19234360, >>19234698 Miami-Dade Police Director In Critical Condition After Suicide Attempt Along Interstate In Tampa

>>19234395, >>19234611 Israel poppin' off.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab2f6e94ff21fc8696ac6b964c2bb54f6197adeb59560e8f316419e1ea635097.mp4

>>19234406 “You’re Proposing Things that Pervert Children”- California School Board KICKS OUT Radical State Official

>>19234426 Pandemic 2025: US Creates Permanent New Pandemic Agency for Decade of Vaccines.”Catastrophic Contagion” Simulation

>>19234442 Kash Patel Is Right - Congress Must Impeach Wray and Garland This Week – Or Recess Kicks In Until September

>>19234447 Justice Department Files Complaint Against the State of Texas for Illegally Placing Floating Buoy Barrier in the Rio Grande

>>19234454, >>19234466, >>19234487, >>19234497, >>19234571 Technician Fifth Grade Joseph X. Danauskas dies from Rickettsia tsutsugamushi, microorganism

>>19234471 Former Political Staffer Sentenced for Role in Scheme to Defraud Campaigns and Political Action Committees

>>19234535, >>19234556 Hugh Hefner's Monthly Expenses Were Outrageous Prior To His Passing

>>19234552, >>19234679, >>19234733 Devon Archer, Key Biden Associate, Cancels Congressional Testimony a Third Time

>>19234587 Iran claims it dismantled Mossad-led spy network planning to blow up Soleimani’s tomb

>>19234591 Sen. Feinstein, daughter sue over control of family trust, alleging financial impropriety

>>19234650 Chet Hanks Promotes ‘Sound of Freedom’ Despite 'QAnon' Constantly Calling His Dad a Pedophile

>>19234683 Photos show Hunter Biden in dad's Corvette at Delaware home on same day as 'shakedown' message

>>19234687 Man, 71, charged with setting massive Yosemite park fire initially blamed on climate change

>>19234695, >>19234701, >>19234705, >>19234711 Agenda47: Returning Production of Essential Medicines Back to America and Ending Biden’s Pharmaceutical Shortages

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v321rke - Agenda47: Returning Production of Essential Medicines Back to America and Ending Biden’s Pharmaceutical Shortages [1:59] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>19234704, >>19234706, >>19234728, >>19234796, >>19234798, >>19234818, >>19234821, >>19234831, >>19234877, >>19234879, >>19234905, >>19234945 Barack Obama's personal chef Tafari Campbell is identified as man found dead after paddle boarding accident near Obama's Martha's Vineyard home

>>19234707 Corrupt Fulton County District Attorney Uses President Trump’s Grand Jury to Raise Funds for Her Campaign, Gain Twitter Followers

>>19234718 NYC MAYOR ADAMS Heckled about homeless people

>>19234725 25,000 Sailors, Marines to Prepare for Global Conflict in Large Scale Exercise 2023 - USNI News

>>19234743 Biden admin gives $2M grant to Puerto Rican group battling ‘toxic masculinities’

>>19234747 FL Woman Found in Suitcases: Remains found scattered along Florida highway

>>19234754 Internal doc from vaccine manufacturer Wyeth exposes how they knew that some batches were causing SIDS [Sudden Infant Death], back in 1979, spread the batches out to avoid being detected

>>19234758 New York assigns $1 million towards healthcare, for prositutes

>>19234783 @FoxNews has disabled charitable contributions to the Satanic Temple from their employee "giving portal."

>>19234784 Trump EXPUNGEMENT Outrage; Whistleblower VS. Tapper; Pence HELPING Jack Smith?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3246e8 - Trump EXPUNGEMENT Outrage; Whistleblower VS. Tapper; Pence HELPING Jack Smith? [0] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>19234810 An urgent Burisma - VP Biden call took place on 12/4/2015 What was the significance of that date?

>>19234864, >>19234953 Georgia Child Identification Program A Gift From the Freemasons of Georgia

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CtZfRkBZIEQ - Newsday North Fulton, GA Chip Program [Channel: NewsdayNorthFulton]

>>19234973 Elon Musk wants to copy WeChat, which built the world first COVID tracking app and vaccine passport.

>>19235017 Children's hospital hosts drag queen story hour to promote 'acceptance, inclusion and diversity' for sick kids in Ontario

>>19235028 Grammy-Winning Singer Tori Kelly Rushed to Hospital After Passing Out - Doctor Finds Severe Blood Clots

(40 notables, 73 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdec3c No.19236011

File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,Clipboard.jpg)


>>19235008 Q Research General #23624: Ebake Edition

Created 242243ZJUL23




>>19235018 #23624

>>19235191 Not the first Obama chef to drown.

>>19235451, >>19235632 Yes, he knew how to swim.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9f358819c2614a5302229c4b0d50cf3d4e0eb22e2a7ae5815e0fd56d2e50d65c.mp4

>>19235481, >>19235488, >>19235496, >>19235517 Durbin tests positive for COVID-19 for third time in past year

>>19235598 #23623 posted in #23624

>>19235615 DOJ scrubbing sites to censor knowledge seekers.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v324ni8 - Liz Yore: "They're censoring info for the American people, just like they're censoring the movie" [14:08] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

(6 notables, 10 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdec3c No.19236805

File: e8af0b5feecb7d5⋯.png (27.55 KB,499x334,499:334,Clipboard.png)


>>19063692 Q Research Japan/Nihon #15: UNITY NOT DIVISION Edition

Created 241130ZJUN23




>>19064373 /qnotables/に日本のスレッドも誕生。Thank you very much!!!

>>19064669 #15

>>19068904 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 信仰と自由スピーチ

>>19069016 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 米国、新型コロナウイルスの起源に関する機密解除された報告書を公開

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d3837ef89229659ed4d38cbf7dd3e66c70b516630d57c9abec6e4acf07f384d.pdf

>>19069025 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプは正しい!大統領記録法により、大統領は望むあらゆる文書を取得できるようになる

>>19069460 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 西側メディア、クーデターの動きを見せたワグネルを「自由の戦士」と呼び、クーデター仕草の収束とともに「テロリスト」の呼び方に戻す。24時間経たずに

>>19069465 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / プーチン大統領の国民への演説

>>19069471, >>19069499 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 2016 年のリマインダー: 2013 年、プーチン大統領は小児性愛と悪魔崇拝について言及しました

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2649b3fad7ac2667ca74206e04f568f263b98dd84e4a04252fe86503fb7dddd9.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tlaHubJ-fKk - Putin Delivers Speech on Moral Crisis of Western States [Channel: Living Resistance]

>>19069492 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 木曜日、ドナルド・トランプ前大統領は、2021年1月6日の行為で起訴された被告のために募金活動を行った

>>19069614 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / クーデター未遂?が発生するまでの興味深いタイムライン

>>19069779, >>19069793, >>19075288 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / アノン分析 プーチン大統領に「クーデター未遂」はなかった

>>19069824 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @DanScavino トランプ・トレインに乗るのに遅すぎることはない

>>19069858, >>19148415 ボードオーナーのメッセージ/不自然に見えるものはすべて報告してください。この IP ハッシュは永久禁止されています

>>19069930 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / PDJT スピーチパン

>>19075303, >>19075312 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / プーチン大統領のワグネル作戦に関する興味深い意見

>>19075343 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / Q+: 「信仰を持つアメリカ人は我が国にとって脅威ではありません、信仰を持つアメリカ人は我が国の魂です!」

>>19075399 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ:「私はこの70年間で初めて、戦争を始めなかった大統領です」

>>19075731, >>19075740 COVID/ワクチン BUN / ウイルス推進派の考えは?ロバート・F・ケネディJr.が、ウイルス存在問題に言及したらどうなったか?/Dr.サム・ベイリー(動画)

>>19076259 Tube Alloysは英国の原爆開発計画を秘したコードネームでした

>>19076513, >>19088120, >>19088288 天皇家に伝わる紋章?

>>19081036, >>19081105, >>19181975, >>19188312 『化石燃料』という言葉自体が洗脳だった⁉

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v28ugv0 - 『化石燃料の真実〜The Origins of Oil 』 フレッチャー・プラウティ元大佐★ウラジミール・クチェロフ教授 [12:23] [Channel: kojicosi]

>>19081147, >>19172117 『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』 予告編 (動画)/観終えた女の子の感想と訴え(動画)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vlsg4 - 『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』 予告編 〜Sound of Freedom trailer〜日本語字幕 [3:18] [Channel: kojicosi]

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/cAIqozdlPCby/ - 『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム〜Sound of Freedom〜』を観終えた女の子の感想と訴え。 [Channel: kojicosi]

>>19081422 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 日本は新型コロナウイルス感染症第9波に入った可能性がある:尾身氏

>>19081624, >>19083254, >>19083750 日本最大級の古墳の"内部"発掘調査を進めないのは、支配層にとって何か不都合なことが隠されているからでは?(QドロップKeyhole)

>>19083209, >>19083220, >>19083392, >>19083723 最大の「蛇行(だこう)剣」が公開 最高傑作の国宝級、奈良・橿原/巨人が使っていた可能性はある?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rqOQE4NRF5s - 国内最大「蛇行剣」が初公開 奈良・富雄丸山古墳 柄に赤色顔料(2023年6月27日) [Channel: ANNnewsCH]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VToHvNo_y1Y - 巨人存在?日本二戰時期驚現巨人視頻!究竟是真是假?(附原始視頻)Giants Exist, CC字幕,高清 [Channel: 虎哥說奇聞]

>>19086072 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ニューハンプシャー州共和党女性連盟ライラック昼食会でのスピーチ

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vtniy - LIVE: President Trump Headlines The New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women Lilac Luncheon [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19087728 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ドナルド・J・トランプ:錯乱した特別検察官ジャック・スミスは、司法省とFBIと協力して、実際には無罪となる私のテープと記録を不法に漏洩し、「スピン」した

>>19087738 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / @カシュ・パテル: ロシアで起きたことはウラジミール・プーチンによる演出された出来事だと私は信じています

>>19087745 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ティム・バラードは子どもたちを救うために仕事を辞め、グレン・ベックは120人以上の女性と子どもたちを救出する作戦の資金を調達した

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b0f24138989b08ed652317551f8508fa95a7582d313775f53722d18946cf9020.mp4

>>19087747 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / DJT TS w/CAP: 私は何百マイルにもわたる国境の壁を建設し、国境で警備する数千人の兵士をメキシコに無償で提供してもらいました…

>>19087758 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ワグネルグループ-お金を追ってください

>>19087771 国連の「グローバル デジタル コンパクト」は、言論の自由と社会信用スコアをすべての人に持たせないインターネット 2.0 を創設するだろう

>>19087780 COVID/ワクチン BUN / カナダ軍人数百人が新型コロナウイルスのワクチン命令を巡り5億ドルの訴訟を起こす

>>19087788 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 化粧品大手ラッシュ、人身売買助長で不買運動の呼びかけに直面

>>19087803 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump 「ジョー・バイデン大統領と、ドナルド・トランプを除く現存するすべての大統領は、奴隷所有者の直系の子孫です。」

>>19087996 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / プーチン大統領 ~ワグネル・グループに関する声明 - フルスピーチ (2023年6月26日)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tcqJnBrnWOg - プーチン大統領 ~ワグネル・グループに関する声明 - フルスピーチ (2023年6月26日)Vladimir Putin Statement on the Wagner Group(日本語字幕) [Channel: FABVOX]

>>19089151 僕は8kunとhalfchan以外のすべてのソーシャルメディアから追放された。この2つの場所だけが、僕が声を上げるために残された場所なんだ

>>19092625 COVID/ワクチン BUN / マーヴィン対ウイルス学: ドイツのエンジニアが「ウイルス学は科学的方法に従っていない」という議論で裁判に挑んだ話 - その 1(動画)

>>19093028, >>19093051 Qresearch を知る

>>19093059 COVID/ワクチン BUN / COVID-19のパンデミック対応を管理したビルダーバーガー150人の名前と顔

>>19093072 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ウクライナ治安部隊による民間人への横行拷問を国連が文書化

>>19093109 COVID/ワクチン BUN / ジョージタウンのファウチ氏:「ファイザーから提供されました」

>>19093133 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ドナルド・トランプの流出テープが民主党の小児性愛者にパンくず(情報の断片、手がかり)を落とす

>>19093144, >>19113654, >>19113669, >>19113696 国連は人類によって考案された最も邪悪な組織である可能性が非常に高く、世界保健機関はそのテロ組織です…/「ほとんどの人が国連を信頼しており、それが問題の根源なのかもしれない。」

>>19093187, >>19093376 Egoが悪いという者は良く見かけると思いますが,そもそもEgoとはなんでしょうか?

>>19093315 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump 「トランプの世論調査の数字は正義を求める叫びだ」

>>19093326 トランスジェンダー BUN / LGBTロビー団体GLAADからの書簡に署名した250人のHWセレブのリスト、子どもの性転換に反対する人は「悪意のある嘘」を広めていることになる

>>19093356 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / マイク・フリン将軍: フロリダ州ポーク郡のグレイディ・ジャッド保安官の話を聞いてください、人食い人種とサイコパスの陰謀団は存在しますか、間違いなく存在します

>>19093372 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / @LizCrokin: フリン将軍が悪魔のような小児性愛者陰謀団の顔を殴ったところです!

>>19093438, >>19093449 ビル・ゲイツ氏が資金提供したGMO蚊が近年放出される予定

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca530e2395d56951aa3cc2896faac59dac59076f44653d42e9cfa54daa4df00f.mp4

>>19093506 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領、RFKジュニアを「尊敬している」:「彼は非常に重要な点をいくつか持っている」

>>19093513, >>19093520 @snowden ジュリアン・アサンジは、ジャーナリズム行為を犯したという「犯罪」に対する有罪判決がないまま、何年も刑務所で過ごしてきた

>>19093544 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 専門家らは英国が「心臓と脳卒中治療の緊急事態に陥っている」と語る

>>19093566 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / カッシュ: 「ハンター・バイデンを捜査すべきだと思う州が少なくとも3つある」

>>19093575 トランスジェンダー BUN / LAのトランスジェンダー子どもたちのためのティックトック医師、思春期阻害薬とホルモンが骨粗鬆症と不妊症の原因になる可能性があることを認める

>>19093584 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ツイートは 1 つだけ: まさにこれです: 「アメリカ国民よ、嵐が近づいています……」レッド・ステート:トランプはツイッターに戻るつもりだ。準備はできているか?

>>19093591 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / マイク・フリン将軍:あなたがどこに住んでいようと、政府関係者があなたの家に現れ、助けに来たと言ったら、彼らは嘘をついている可能性が高い

>>19093608, >>19093612 COVID/ワクチン BUN / @stkirsch アーミッシュはワクチン未接種、子どもはADD、自己免疫疾患、PANDAS、PANS、てんかんにならない

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/10fb6838f2fc3faa2dc9846e568ad0c80004e633bf389ad703e5b1399eb0bd7b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2a6038ba6427a574691766c49c1db0ebff47ac773516a030a5038ddb54687bf8.mp4

>>19093639 COVID/ワクチン BUN / @stkirsch 「これらのワクチンはすべて私たちの子どもたちに害を与えています。それは新型コロナウイルスワクチンだけではありません

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d990533c9c465b2572259a116fafd1cd720e3484d1a92986bd9be3e365c4390e.mp4

>>19094735 Qが参考にした映画一覧

>>19094774 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / CMZ: 「エイリアン」が外側は一見直径30フィートの宇宙船を持っているという話があります…

>>19094798 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプトレイン

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ab32a2575795d4ebd7b4db162cefecd6568347741a239337e1d535919aa1c72.mp4

>>19097415, >>19097419 COVID/ワクチン BUN / シェディングの真相は?ピーター・マッカローのシェディング物語/Dr.サム・ベイリー(動画)

>>19097429, >>19097453, >>19097473, >>19109640, >>19113561, >>19113578 JPモルガン取締役で億万長者のジェームズ・クラウン氏が "自動車事故 "で死亡。彼はかつてバラク・オバマの "側近 "と言われていた/「JPモルガン、株価は「嵐の前の静けさ」にあると警告」

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/e5fa24b21d49e696e99c8c4e1be1b485 - ドナルド・トランプ大統領は"calm before the storm" (嵐の前の静けさ)だと警告 - Tiger Network [Channel: NRQ17]

>>19098537 アノンの言葉:8kunの使用用途は愛国者達のLogやRecord/Qの投稿や世界の言論の自由を守る為

>>19099291, >>19103327 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 日本政府、ウクライナの「保証人」に 2170億円の借款で=世界銀行

>>19100426, >>19110706, >>19135824 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / A.I.がWiFiルーターを壁越しのカメラに変え、すべての生物をリアルタイムで追跡可能にする

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de4879569e6ada61923a18a51019dc8c9c496517cffb49739de66d7be98ef19d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de4879569e6ada61923a18a51019dc8c9c496517cffb49739de66d7be98ef19d.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xtpam - AIがWifiルーターをカメラに再構築 [39] [Channel: u904eu53bbu52d5u753bu5009u5eab]

>>19102888 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / DJT お母さんの、自由のために にてスピーチ

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2wtm13 - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump and other candidates at Moms for Liberty: Joyful Warriors Summit - 6/30/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19103285 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / バチカン国務長官、同性愛と聖職者の性的虐待との関連を否定

>>19103304 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 2 か月前、トランプは「最高レベルの汚職」つまりハンターのラップトップというフレーズを使用しました - Q はハンターのラップトップに関連して同じフレーズを使用しました

>>19103353 ワシントン DC の所有者は誰ですか? ロンドン、コロンビア特別区、バチカン

>>19103374 トランスジェンダー BUN / ザビエル・ベセラHHS(保健福祉省)長官、未成年に性転換手術を提供しない州を脅す

>>19103390 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 人身売買の根本原因と子どもたちを救う方法

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Up6-5kZDVdk - The ROOT CAUSE Of Human Trafficking & How To SAVE CHILDREN From It! | Tim Ballard & Lewis Howes [Channel: Lewis Howes]

>>19103415 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ディズニー小児性愛者!なぜポールのような人がディズニーで働いているのでしょうか?そこは子ども達がいる場所だから

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab210ae37c5b57583c63c1301375e21e41ba740cedc7760f7bf59f6450760b6a.mp4

>>19103426 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 「新しい文書は、CIAのMKウルトラ計画が医療拷問「実験」で先住民族と黒人の子どもたちを標的にしていたことを示している。恐ろしい」

>>19103437 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump アトランタの人種差別主義者の地方検事は、殺人犯が "殺人罪から逃れ"、めったに起訴されず、ほとんど起訴されない、この国で一人当たり最悪の犯罪記録を持つファニ・ウィリスは、事件性がないという理由で、私に対するすべての告訴を取り下げるだろうと予測する

>>19103479 ブラジルの裁判所は、ジャイール・ボルソナロ元大統領に立候補することを8年間禁止した

>>19103505 トランスジェンダー BUN / チャック・カステッロ: コロラド州で 13 歳の少女と会おうとするトランスジェンダーのビデオが公開される

>>19103530 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ウェイン・ルート: 世紀の犯罪: ジョー・バイデンとその取り巻きたちは、中国製COVID検査キットに過剰な支払いをして、米国の納税者から10億ドルを盗んだのか?

>>19103542, >>19103605 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / マクロン大統領、フランス暴動の原因はソーシャルネットワークにあると非難、当局は「機密コンテンツを削除」し、「混乱を呼びかける」人々を「特定」する「措置を講じる」と述べた…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81f7219fb026e32a9474e9fa2f48c74c7c06bf0e2c60980b7ec3112aa6354e67.mp4

>>19103556 COVID/ワクチン BUN / オーストラリアでは 12 歳未満の子どもに対するモデルナのワクチンはもう禁止

>>19103617 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ロシア、ワグネル関連メディアをブロック

>>19103633 トランスジェンダー BUN / 乳房を切除した15歳の少女について彼女が言及すると、ニューサムとその取り巻きたちがくすくすと鼻を鳴らしているのを見てください

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8048b95ea27710496b9fc9965abdc4ed52576cd667f12d87e9133b67469b9c7a.mp4

>>19103642 トランスジェンダー BUN / 「性同一性障害」の子どもの母親の50%は、境界性パーソナリティ障害またはそれに準ずるものである

>>19104544 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ウクライナが債務不履行に陥った場合、「保証人」の日本が世界銀行の損失を負担=消息筋

>>19104766, >>19105132, >>19105213 国民にお金を崇拝させる洗脳アイテム?/女性の人身売買を促進した人物が 今の日本のお札に描かれている(Q1010 選択はあなた次第)

>>19108042, >>19108127 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領、サウスカロライナ州ピケンズでセーブ・アメリカ集会を開催

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xee5c - Trump Rally FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Holds Save America Rally in Pickens, SC 7/1/23 [1:21:20] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19110585 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 米国、控訴裁判所にギレーヌ・マクスウェルの性的人身売買有罪判決を支持するよう要請

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf5729d580612cd5481d026d071368243aa21ab4bb8a3584941ec901bd8da3fa.pdf

>>19110602 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / テキサス州の牧師が火曜日、10万件以上の児童ポルノファイルをダウンロードしたとして有罪を認めた

>>19110626 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ロシアの政治家とウクライナ協力者容疑者2人が数十人の子どもを誘拐した疑いで戦争犯罪で起訴される

>>19110652 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 機密解除されたCIA文書 ウクライナの英雄ステパン・バンデラは「執政2世として知られるヒトラーのプロのスパイ」だった

>>19113871 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 日本、ロシアのエネルギー・プロジェクトを制裁対象から除外

>>19115001 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / CIA長官、ウクライナ極秘旅行でゼレンスキーと会談

>>19115028 今日の「リンジー・グラハム/私たちは良い歌手が大好きです」 Qの証明

>>19115078 COVID/ワクチン BUN / COVIDの注射以来、1884人の選手が心停止または重篤な問題を起こし、そのうち1310人が死亡した

>>19115099 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ジョー・バイデンとファミリービジネスとの悪名高いつながりを示す 19 点のタイムライン

>>19115105 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / バイデン政権、ウクライナ援助基金を利用してアイダホ州のコバルト採掘を徹底的に調査

>>19115107 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / YouTube、再生回数200万回を超えるライトサイドブロードキャストのトランプ集会動画を削除

>>19115113 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ハリウッドの児童虐待の蔓延を暴く新作映画

>>19115116 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / ローマ法王が人工知能の手引きを発表

>>19115568 ゴッドファーザー/Q

>>19115605, >>19231293 気候変動プロパガンダまとめ: 銀行家が気候変動のために私有財産を没収する計画を発表/欧州議会議員、EUの気候変動詐欺計画を大々的に暴く:EUは、EU国民が本物の食料を手に入れられなくすることを究極の目的として、気候変動詐欺を利用して農民から農地を奪っていると、欧州議会議員ミスラフ・コラクシッチは述べ、それを「馬鹿げたナンセンス」と呼んだ

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a2fe17262ad68dc09f6ed3e5410b848462168555684bd8bd0a5c5a0f234a2d5.mp4

>>19115630 COVID/ワクチン BUN / ゲイツ氏はアフリカと東南アジアの26,000人に新しい結核ワクチンをテストするために4億ドルを約束(彼らのために祈ります)

>>19115647 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / フロリダ州の弁護士が海外滞在中に1日2人の未成年者を少なくとも5回強姦、起訴状に記載

>>19115745 トランスジェンダー BUN / RFKジュニア、LGBTQ擁護の立場を宣伝

>>19115762 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / カッシュ: 子どもが人身売買されることを望まない、国境を閉鎖してください - @therealjimcaviezel

>>19115859 COVID/ワクチン BUN / EUの一部のファイザーワクチンバッチはプラセボだったと科学者が語る

>>19115875, >>19115889 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @Dan トランプ・フォース・ワンのコックピット

>>19118662 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 悪魔崇拝カルトの小児虐待儀式を告発元FBIロサンゼルス支部長テッド・ガンダーソン(動画)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NKfXvbBtvqY - 悪魔崇拝カルトの小児虐待儀式を告発元FBIロサンゼルス支部長テッド・ガンダーソン [Channel: Peralta Mark]

>>19120453 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / @gatewaypundit ジョー・バイデンのホワイトハウス給与は歴史的最高額 - 従業員524人、納税者負担5,200万ドル以上

>>19120504 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 米国は化学兵器による挑発を行う可能性がある-ロシア

>>19120515 トランスジェンダー BUN / 米判事、トランスジェンダーの若者の医療禁止を停止

>>19120519 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump TRUTH IS HOT!!!

>>19120538, >>19142201 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ウクライナ戦争で利益を得ている米国当局者が国連安全保障理事会で指名される

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ddc1ix_9MII - Max Blumenthal addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine aid [Channel: The Grayzone]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2xzns0 - マックス・ブルメンタール【The Grayzone代表】★国連安全保障理事会で『代理戦争利益主義者』を炙り出す。【2023年6月29日】 [17:10] [Channel: kojicosi]

>>19121086 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / ジェームズ・ワトキンス: Twitter の制限は不可欠です。これらは、あなたを検閲しようとする人々による商業利用コンテンツを阻止します

>>19121112 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / CM: AI Proto が急速に進歩

>>19121165 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / スカヴィーノ: 独立記念日おめでとうございます!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e90d6b1a4c2aeb93d23b0c81a3d2bcd566362643094304503a0077f58304254e.mp4

>>19121186 COVID/ワクチン BUN / Covid ワクチン 研究における黄色の点(有害事象が少ない)と青い点(有害事象が多い): 黄色の点はプラセボではありません

>>19121215 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 女性は、6歳のときに自分の母親がどのようにして自分を児童性的人身売買組織に売ったのかを明らかにする - 恐ろしい虐待について明かす…

>>19121236 トランスジェンダー BUN / 米国防総省が新たなLGBTQ+++™宣伝攻勢を開始、トランスジェンダーの少佐を紹介

>>19124682 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 【視点】福島第一原発の処理水放出 「健康への脅威」の根拠はあるのか

>>19124705 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 原発処理水の放出、IAEA「安全基準と一致」 岸田首相、グロッシ事務局長と会談

>>19124801 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 「福島第一原発の汚染水問題は日本の原子力の死命を決する問題なのです」 元京都大学原子炉実験所助教・小出裕章さん

>>19124857, >>19124918, >>19124998 ゲイレン・ウィンザー 『核の恐怖詐欺』(1986年)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IVoKztKs6-E - THE NUCLEAR SCARE SCAM by Galen Winsor (1986) [Channel: RedBud815]

>>19126270 IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey - Animated Short Film(動画)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=j800SVeiS5I - IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey - Animated Short Film [Channel: IN-SHADOW]

>>19126633 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 連邦政府の発表によると、2020年には1億1300万票しか投じられなかった。つまり、4100万票以上の無効票があることになる

>>19126643 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / グーグルは現在、AIツールを構築するために、あなたがネットに投稿したものすべてを収集すると述べている

>>19126651 サウンド・オブ・フリーダムがハリウッドを壊した。前売りではインディー・ジョーンズ(720万ドル)を上回る1,000万ドル以上

>>19126660 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / マイケル・T・フリン、TS:児童搾取と人身売買の撲滅に協力してください

>>19126670 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / DJT retruth w/CAP: 真実: バイデンの帽子はどこにもない。見たことがない

>>19126696 トランスジェンダー BUN / 性器摘出者:性器手術は「私の人生を破壊した」—これが患者を助けると考えるには「あなたは非常識である必要がある」

>>19126700 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 病気:フロリダの弁護士、カンボジアで4人の子どもをレイプし、米国に強制送還される

>>19126709, >>19126714 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ウクライナのドンバス空爆で複数の犠牲者-政府関係者

>>19126737, >>19126761, >>19131975 Sound of Freedomのアノンレビュー/神の子どもたちは売り物ではありません

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2vlsg4 - 『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』 予告編 〜Sound of Freedom trailer〜日本語字幕 [3:18] [Channel: kojicosi]

>>19130830 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ウクライナ・オン・ファイヤー (動画)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/vwu2tf - ウクライナ・オン・ファイヤー 日本語字幕 [1:32:35] [Channel: nanibiri]

>>19131655 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / ランサムウェア攻撃は日本最大の港を不自由にする

>>19131963 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 「スモールヴィル」の俳優アリソン・マックが、洗脳容疑で3年間投獄された後、1年早く刑務所から静かに釈放された…

>>19131980 トランスジェンダー BUN / フィラデルフィアで5人を射殺し、子ども2人を負傷させたトランスジェンダー銃撃犯が月曜日に逮捕された

>>19131989 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / マイク・フリン将軍: もう十分です、私たちの政府は誰も騙していません

>>19131993 「自分のものを持ってきています」: ホテルの石鹸が実際にどのように作られているかを知った旅行者は恐怖を感じる

>>19131995 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / DJT TS (キャップ付き): 現在アメリカで大規模な検察上の不正行為が起こっています。法執行機関の武器化は許されません…

>>19132002 COVID/ワクチン BUN / モデルナ、中国でmRNA医薬品開発契約を締結

>>19132019, >>19132020 COVID/ワクチン BUN / CDC、COVIDワクチンを死因とするミネソタ州の死亡診断書の改ざんを認める

>>19132028 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / アリゾナ州の内部告発者が米国国境での人身売買ビジネスを暴露

>>19132033 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 電気自動車は奴隷労働と環境破壊に資金を提供している

>>19132042 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / TikTok、メキシコのカルテルが人間密入国者の " 手助け募集 " 広告を掲載可能に

>>19132051 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 10歳未満の子ども6人が「広範囲に及ぶ」小児性愛者組織の手から救出される

>>19132057 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / AFPの情報により、フィリピン国家警察(PNP)により、フィリピン国内で16人の子どもが危害から排除され、これは一度に救出された児童虐待の被害者の中で最も多いと考えられている

>>19132059 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / PDJT: コカインがハンターとジョー・バイデン以外の誰かに使用されると本当に信じている人はいますか。[疑問符なし]

>>19132087 COVID/ワクチン BUN / ファイザー社製注射の20回に1回が副作用につながった

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IZAso_eLJLI - Viral Vaccine paper [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>19137686 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ドナルド・トランプ:セキュリティテープがあればホワイトハウスのコカイン密輸業者は「すぐに」見つかるだろう

>>19137691 トランスジェンダー BUN / 英国: 社会信用: 子どものトランスジェンダー主義に反対する親の団体の口座をブロック

>>19137699 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 人身売買・児童売買とは何ですか?

>>19137703 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / フリン将軍、数週間前にトランプ大統領と会談し、2024年の「投票を守る」ことについて話し合ったと語る

>>19137711 COVID/ワクチン BUN / ウイルスの脅威を取り除く パンデミックXの蔓延を食い止める2カ月(2017)

>>19137730 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ホワイトハウスの広報担当者、西ウィングのコカインはジョーかハンター・バイデンのものというトランプの告発を否定せず

>>19137732 校舎内の有毒化学物質汚染で90以上の学区がモンサント社を提訴:解決には「数億ドル、いや数十億ドル」が必要

>>19137734 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 新しいマラリアワクチンがアフリカ12カ国で展開される

>>19137737 COVID/ワクチン BUN / COVIDワクチンの解剖に関するランセット研究で、死亡の74%がワクチンによって引き起こされていたことが判明

>>19137743 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / Metaはここ数カ月間、Twitterのクローンを作成するために数十人の元Twitter従業員を雇用していた

>>19137752 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 国民の大統領-トランプ陣営が3500万ドルを調達、平均寄付額は34.20ドル

>>19137762 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / JPシアーズとティム・バラードがハイチの人身売買について語る

>>19137774 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / アンブロシアとはアドレノクロムの俗称です

>>19137781 トランスジェンダー BUN / 国連の新しい報告書は、LGBTのイデオロギーが信教の自由よりも優先されるべきであることを示唆しています

>>19137804 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / なぜ左翼はSound Of Freedomを宣伝しないのでしょうか?誰もが児童の人身売買に反対すべきではないでしょうか?/上映中止

>>19137827 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 日本とNATO、AIを搭載した兵器のルール構築へ=メディア

>>19138395 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 「人身売買という16兆円産業を無くすには」ティム・バラード《字幕:TRUTH SEEKERS》

VIDEO https://rumble.com/vuvh80 - 「人身売買という16兆円産業を無くすには」ティム・バラード《字幕:TRUTH SEEKERS》 [8:25] [Channel: kojicosi]

>>19139215 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @DJT: 私がホワイトハウスに戻ったら、JFK暗殺関連文書の機密指定を解除し、封印を解く。60年が経ち、アメリカ国民が真実を知る時が来たのだ!

>>19141609, >>19142033 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領演説 bun

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2yps32 - FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Council Bluffs, IA - 7/7/23 [1:32:27] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19142243 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / バイデン、米国法に違反し120カ国で禁止されているにもかかわらず、数千個のクラスター爆弾をウクライナに送る

>>19142259 トランスジェンダー BUN / 男性は、授乳して赤ちゃんに「トランスジェンダーミルク」を提供できるようにポンプを購入するために gofundme を開始しました

>>19142283 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / PDJT: ベン・カーソン博士はこの映画(『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』)の大ファンで、私もベンの大ファンだ。彼からこれを掲載するように頼まれたんだ…

>>19142297 トランスジェンダー BUN / @libsoftiktok: 計画的子育て団体は、性と性自認について子どもたちと話すことに熱心で、「性教育サマーキャンプ」に参加するために十代の若者たちにお金を払っています

>>19142327 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ジャック・スミスはわずか4か月でトランプ捜査に550万ドルを費やし、ジョン・ダーラムは捜査全体で768万3839ドルを費やした

>>19142356 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ロシアは #gold を裏付けとした BRICS 通貨を立ち上げていることを確認

>>19142518 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / シドニー・パウエル - 皆様に朗報です

>>19143328, >>19143370 日本の新紙幣の一万円札の顔となる渋沢栄一とは、どんな人物なのか(ロスチャイルドが所有・支配する銀行Q137 日本: 日本銀行)

>>19147805 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ライブ:第45代大統領ドナルド・J・トランプ、ネバダ州のボランティア募集イベントで講演 - 7/8/23

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2yhxwi - LIVE: 45th President Donald J. Trump to Speak at Nevada Volunteer Recruitment Event - 7/8/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>19148334 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / @RollingStone 児童人身売買を題材にしたQAnonテイストのスリラー映画「サウンド・オブ・フリーダム」は、陰謀に溺れた団塊世代の良心に訴えかけるように作られている(DELTA: Q3355 時は再びパブリックドメインへ Q )

>>19148335 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / Twitter世論調査: トランプ大統領 74%

>>19148338 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ブルガリア:今日、警察の作戦で移民人身売買の罪で10人が拘束された

>>19148344 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / @TheNatPulse Amazon、Apple、Google、Facebookを含むビッグテック企業は、保守派に対する検閲を規制することを目的とした法案を阻止するために少なくとも25億ドルを費やした

>>19148360, >>19164946 すべてのQ投稿が欺瞞を目的としているわけではありません。導管と情報源は本物であるように見せなければならず、本物の情報が共有されていました。興味があればさらに詳しく説明した統合参謀本部の出版物もあります(pdf)

>>19148369 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / @WarClandestine なぜ左翼/MSMは人々が人身売買や小児性愛について学ぶことを阻止しようとそこまで必死なのですか?彼らはそれに関わっているからです

>>19148380 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / @GenFlynn #投票を守ろう

>>19148421 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / @DonaldJTrumpJr 今すぐエプスタインの顧客リストを全員見せてください!!! なぜ誰もそれらのクズ野郎を守るのでしょうか?

>>19148426 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 政権メディアは、児童買春と闘う人々を攻撃することにすべての時間を費やしている。それは明らかですね

>>19148488, >>19148605 COVID/ワクチン BUN / "これが不正なゲームだと気づいたのはその時だった" ICU看護師の内部告発者ニコール・シロテックが2020年にニューヨークの病院で見たことを語る

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd213f4da50fdc39565c15aee1cce6fbe11dd739cb9ed85cf3ff518c7770aea9.mp4

>>19148654 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 包括的な研究: ガン、糖尿病、自閉症に苦しむアーミッシュの子どもはゼロ - なぜですか?

>>19148678 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / アイルランドの中絶件数が過去最高に:7人の赤ちゃんが生まれるごとに1人の赤ちゃんが殺される

>>19149805 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / The Sound of Freedom - FULL MOVIE

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/rN41GYUKQZL5/ - Sound of freedom 🙌 [Channel: Darren12345]

>>19149828 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 新しい研究はファイザーのmRNA誘発性ターボ癌を証明

>>19151740 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / フランス、日本へのNATO計画を阻止 - Politico

>>19153090 @DanScavino TS HAPPENING NOW timestamps12:46 (Q1246 Happening now)

>>19153102 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump TS : トランプの土曜日 vs バイデンの土曜日 vid(mp4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e98f7772598fb4b604a0f184e558f1b66f08eaed48f5b835bf09990207bd65c.mp4

>>19153132 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / DJTが『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』を支持も宣伝もしていないことに関する興味深い短文スレッド

>>19153165 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領、JFK殺害事件の幕引きを約束 機密文書全公開へ(Q703)

>>19153209 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / トランプ大統領会見: 子どもの性売買、南部国境、ゲスト:ティム・バラード(サウンド・オブ・フリーダム) (2.1.19)(rumble vid)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2y81xg - President Trump Conference: Child Sex Trafficking, Southern Border, w/ Guest Tim Ballard (of Sound of Freedom) (2.1.19) [56:04] [Channel: Truths Unlimited]

>>19153230 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 思い出してほしい…:ビンダマンとサリバンはバイデンと共にウクライナに関与していた

>>19154692 リズ・クロッキン - ディープ・ステートがあなたに知られたくないどんな暗い真実も、「QAnon陰謀論」のレッテルを貼られる

>>19154694, >>19154725 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / クロッキン: アンドリュー・ブライトバートは2011年、ジョン・ポデスタを暴露し、ピザゲートを実質的に暴露した最初の人物である

>>19154697 COVID/ワクチン BUN / WHOとゲイツ社は、アフリカに超危険なマラリア「ワクチン」を大量に注入する計画を発表

>>19154770, >>19154793, >>19154794, >>19154817 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領はまだ核サッカーを持っていますか?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7f0dca75ed2565d5909fbf41a401685b585abfd0a7281449ba8e0998f9b79990.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a15d07366f86230c4b4eb578df655dd8c42e387ad63f3f528b811c120017d613.mp4

>>19154902 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプは彼らを非難している!, 映画『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』に金を出したのは誰だ?カルロス・スリムについて調べてください

>>19154908 暗号化された電話ネットワークがクラ​​ッキングされ、英国の組織犯罪に対する「史上最大」の作戦で700人以上が逮捕

>>19158535 トランスジェンダー BUN / 子どもに変な思想を植え付けようとした医者に父親がブチギレ

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2z71de - 子供に変な思想を植え付けようとした医者に父親がブチギレ(ジェンダー、LGBT系) [1:15] [Channel: u904eu53bbu52d5u753bu5009u5eab]

>>19159668 トランスジェンダー BUN / トランスジェンダーの女性用トイレ使用 国の対応は違法 最高裁

>>19160080 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ウクライナの中絶率は非常に高い - 非常に遅れて中絶した女性には、臓器摘出のための生児出産に対して最大300ドル(3ヶ月の給料)が支払われる

>>19160090 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 弁護士に賄賂を贈ろうとして捕まった司法省の汚職検事は、トランプ大統領が召喚に協力したとの言及をすべて取り消した

>>19160106, >>19160110, >>19164811 ジム・カヴィーゼル は、なぜ MSM が常に Q やアノンを追いかけるのか疑問に思っています。それは、彼らが質問をするからですか?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d0c8f70d2b16ee362db1c6eb863d5d613b8cbf9b4a37d32d87de3ca5c9bcce4.mp4

>>19160120, >>19160124 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領、Qアノンについて答える(動画)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tWoaZTxxg0s - トランプ大統領、Qアノンについて答える①ーPresident Trump Town Hallより(2020/10/15)ー(日本語字幕) [Channel: FABVOX]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=402sy2JxZzM - トランプ大統領、Qアノンについて答える②ーPresident Trump Press Conference (August 19, 2020)ー(日本語字幕) [Channel: FABVOX]

>>19160473 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump 国民はホワイトハウスの「コカインの話」を知ることを求めています。MAR-A-LAGOからセキュリティテープをすぐに提供したように

>>19160660 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump 私はアイオワを愛し、エタノールを保護し拡大し、偉大な農民のために中国から280億ドルを受け取り、農場への遺産(死!)税を廃止しました…

>>19160795 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / メディアは児童買春は「陰謀論」であると主張し、このような動画が広まることを望んでいない

>>19160832 国連、米大統領選直前に「グローバル・ショック」計画を始動か

>>19163868, >>19163890 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 2014年、CBSは児童の人身売買に対するサウンド・オブ・フリーダムのティム・バラードの取り組みを称賛するコーナーを放送した。ほぼ10年後、同じメディアは彼の作品にインスピレーションを得たこの映画を「偏執的」「Qanonの陰謀」と呼んでいる

>>19163979 COVID/ワクチン BUN / COVID-19 ワクチン接種後の死亡例の解剖所見のレビュー - 注射後に発見された死亡者の大多数はワクチンが犯人である

>>19164012 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / アンティファ活動家が自殺、警察が児童ポルノの生々しい録音を発見

>>19164122 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / CMZ: Psyops(心理戦)は次世代の戦争だ

>>19164348 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプは36件の恩赦要求を承認したが、他のものよりはるかに少ない

>>19164366 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / カトリック慈善団体は「不法移民旅行代理店」です

>>19164654 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / プーチン大統領、米国の銀行システムについて警告

>>19164658 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ゼレンスキーがNATOを攻撃

>>19164679 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / バイデンの司法省、85,000人の移民児童の追跡を失った後、政府ウェブサイトから児童性的人身売買と売春の児童被害者に関する文言を削除

>>19164722 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ウォルマートで買い物をする人は、児童労働を容認していることになる

>>19164742 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 「私たち全員が膀胱炎になっている」:ウクライナの女性兵士が問題を明らかに

>>19164839 トランスジェンダー BUN / トランスジェンダー主義は「科学的に根拠のない運動」と内分泌学者が語る

>>19164860 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ゼレンスキー大統領は沈黙している子どもの大量誘拐。ウクライナの子どもたちはヨーロッパのどこで行方不明になっていますか?

>>19164878 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ハンター・バイデンとその関係者、"行方不明 "のバイデン証人に支払ったのと同じ中国企業から数百万ドルを受け取り、司法省に告発される

>>19166104 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / キリスト教の教会がどのように人間の性的人身売買に参加し、促進しているかを暴露する

>>19166115 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 「クラブ・フォー・チャイナ・グロース」がニューハンプシャー州アイオワで反トランプ広告に360万ドル投下

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TXmRng3ZtcM - "John" :60 [Channel: WinItBackPAC]

>>19166140 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / NATOとウクライナの関係の詳細

>>19166173, >>19166203 2分間の真実!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d43b3b0d85388b236f4fec1d3403cd90a0779ad84cfdde8c2944a6dfa1394f3e.mp4

>>19166464 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 新しい報告書: ウクライナスパイ機関と共謀し、バイデンによる米国ソーシャルメディアの検閲強化

>>19166488 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / カリフォルニア州議会、児童の人身売買を終身刑に処する法案を阻止

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdec3c No.19236807


>>19169620 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / G7諸国、ウクライナの安全保障に関する宣言を採択=岸田首相

>>19171208 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 内部告発者:バイデン政権は児童性売買の "仲介者"

>>19171214 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 家に帰る道はない:ウクライナの孤児院における子どもの搾取と虐待(2015年6月2日)

>>19171219 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ドナルド・J・トランプが退役軍人の日のパレードを救った日!!!(mp4)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/91b542549af96864492eadae766dadb18c26dfa43e5277255462348e721795d2.mp4

>>19171236 真の悪。ディズニーの最新作は、儀式的な殺戮と血を飲むカルトを父親から受け継いだ少女の漫画

>>19171248 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / カシュ・パテル、トランプ大統領のホワイトハウスでサウンド・オブ・フリーダムのティム・バラードと働いていたと語る

>>19171252 トランスジェンダー BUN / 元LGBT活動家、子どもたちを "グルーミング "する仕事を放棄 「私は何に貢献したのか?」

>>19171256 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / @SenateGOP 85,000人以上。それはジョー・バイデンの下で行方不明の子どもたちの数です

>>19171271 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / カッシュは、トランプ政権下の人身売買は、彼が率いるテロ対策部門の管轄下にあると述べている

>>19171276 ファイブ・アイズが、彼らが守ると主張する一般市民に対して仕掛けた心理戦争

>>19171283 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 米国防総省、2019年にウクライナで「COVID-19研究」の契約を締結

>>19171293 BillS.1843 - トランプによる今すぐ児童人身売買を終わらせる法案

>>19171317, >>19176116, >>19177542, >>19225644 ジェームズ・ワトキンス @abeemanue1 我々は彼を再建できる/Jim はサブスタックを開始しました

>>19171340 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 保守系メディアが児童の性犯罪摘発に乗り出した今、彼らはいつになったら児童の性犯罪について語るつもりなのだろうか

>>19171348 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ウクライナの孤児院が児童の人身売買を行っている

>>19172076 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / I'll Fight Human Trafficking ー President Trump ①~こどもたちを守れ~(動画)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UUoqDcyi0y0 - I'll Fight Human Trafficking ー President Trump ①~こどもたちを守れ~ [Channel: FABVOX]

>>19175939 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / バイデン大統領からゼレンスキーへ:我々は他のすべての国を合わせたよりも多くをウクライナに与えてきた

>>19176028, >>19176044, >>19176051 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ベッドミンスターで『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』上映

>>19176129 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ロシア国営ハイテク企業、Apple/Rostecを禁止

>>19176149 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump アメリカファーストと呼ばれる「トランプ主義」は非常にシンプルです: 低い税金と規制

>>19176792 トランスジェンダー BUN / 女子ロッカールームでトランスジェンダーへの懸念を表明した10代の少女が「ヘイトスピーチ」で訴えられる

>>19176809 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / QAnonの陰謀は否定された。2015年7月2日、ハフィントン・ポストは、ウクライナにおける子どもの人身売買を暴露したこの記事を発表した

>>19177473 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ジム・カヴィーゼル、フェイクニュースメディアは悪魔の道具だと非難し、社会悪に加担している「三文字機関」を罵倒する

>>19177693 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / @CodeMonkeyZ: 心理作戦の陰の世界では、すべてのメッセージが計算された動きです

>>19177928, >>19211496, >>19211621, >>19211659, >>19211761, >>19228606, >>19228651 PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS-U.S. ARMY DOCTRINE

>>19178503, >>19178752, >>19178845, >>19181147, >>19182137, >>19182265, >>19182414 アノンたちの意見:日本にはいくつものコミュニティができておりいつまでも対立を生んでいる状況。ここは皆が参加できる環境です/団結に最適/どこかの団体に所属していても、していなくても投稿できます(Q2816 透明性こそが前進する唯一の道である)

>>19181332 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / ミリー米統合参謀本部議長による表敬

>>19181940 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ゼレンスキー氏:第三次世界大戦を始めないのは「不条理」

>>19181951 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / 「子どもたちは地球上で最大のレッドライン」-フリン将軍

>>19181988 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ドナルド・J・トランプのReTruthed: @Godloving ニュースアラート 🚨:ハリウッド俳優のジム・カヴィーゼルが、世界最大であると彼が言うCIAの小児性愛者組織を暴露しようとしている

>>19182000 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ロシアがNASAを欺いた

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9a5b0afa8282083dc3e1ca99430e03f3f2591c8af0715ed50c6056da6e8b2b7a.mp4

>>19182032 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 抜け穴:バイデン政権、80万人以上の借り手に390億ドルの学生ローンを免除

>>19182037 COVID/ワクチン BUN / ゲイツとWHOは、「ワクチン・パッチが人々の家庭に直接郵送される」未来を構想している

>>19182056 COVID/ワクチン BUN / デンマークの研究で、COVIDワクチンによる負傷の71%はわずか4.2%のロットから発生したことが判明

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uVwIoIgybQk - Pfizer caught in yet another LIE! You won't believe what it was this time! [Channel: Redacted]

>>19182064 トランスジェンダー BUN / シアトル公立学校、保護者の同意なしに生徒に無料の性転換サービスを提供

>>19182091 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / なぜハンター・バイデンとヒラリー・クリントンのメキシコ・カルテル・パートナー、カルロス・スリムは『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』に資金提供したのか?

>>19182109 COVID/ワクチン BUN / ビル・ゲイツがファイザーの巨額株を所有しながらも英国医薬品規制庁の主要資金提供者であることが政府文書で証明される

>>19182273 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / ロケットエンジン、日本の宇宙機関の試験中に爆発

>>19182523 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 13歳以下の女の子を自宅に誘い出し性的暴行か

>>19182638 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 福島原発、希釈した放射性水を海に放出準備中

>>19182666 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 日本原子力発電は“ぼったくりバー”? 2カ所とも稼働停止なのに1000億円の売り上げで黒字

>>19182879, >>19182916, >>19182942, >>19183012 5チャンネルに関する興味深い記述(8kun サービスとの共存)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=diGzDSA1zNg - 一緒に、私たちは変化を起こすことができます:今日、5ちゃんねるを助けてください! [Channel: Watkins Xerxes]

>>19183043 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / AIシステムが「安全だろう」と判断した女児が虐待死

>>19183483, >>19183519 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 民主党大統領候補のロバートF.ケネディジュニアは、プレスイベントで、野生のCOVID-19陰謀説を発表し、バグはアシュケナージユダヤ人と中国人を救うために「民族的に標的にされた」可能性のある遺伝子操作された生物兵器であると主張

>>19186387, >>19186766, >>19186799, >>19187743, >>19187792, >>19187862, >>19187943, >>19187954, >>19214414 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023(アノンたちが TIPPY TOPをキャッチ!&boom×4&蛇マーカー)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v309t2o - Video upload for 110721054494745635 [23] [Channel: hostid1]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v307ifg - LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023 [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/787d9a3a4a32756f45b9621e904a52f597b8d35298ce57d04152ce0c4e61cf68.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v315l86 - トランプ氏のターニングポイントでの演説とトランプダンス [3:42] [Channel: u904eu53bbu52d5u753bu5009u5eab]

>>19188105 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / @CodeMonkeyZ - 1960年5月1日、U-2がソビエトに撃墜された。これは、世界がU-2(その他)を発見した「情報公開事件」であった

>>19188117 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ニューメキシコ州の里親、長年にわたる児童への性的虐待の罪を告白するも懲役はせず、8歳の少女に4億8500万ドルが支払われる

>>19188128, >>19188137 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 年間800万人の子どもが誘拐されている/ローラ・シルスビー経由でクリントン一家に人身売買目的でハイチ難民が誘拐されている

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/tZlACghXMcJF/ - 8 MILLION CHILDREN ABDUCTED more valuable than drugs CIA Officer & U.S. Marine Intel officer confirm [Channel: Leeshotfury]

>>19188174 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / シヴァ博士がアドレノクロム の合成方法を説明します(動画)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7up2xalXkyY - Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Interviewed by Stew Peters. Systems Biology of Adrenochrome. [Channel: Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD]

>>19188190 トランスジェンダー BUN / トランスジェンダーの子どもたちに性転換手術を執刀する外科医、彼らが生涯不妊、失禁、性的不満に直面することを認める

>>19188199 グローバリストはグレート・リセットを開始するために「金融ショック」と気候制御を提案

>>19188244 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 強制徴兵に関する動画が続々と公開される中、若いウクライナ人は家を出るのが怖くなる

>>19188253 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / ハッキングされたベビーモニターから子どものヌードビデオがテレグラムで販売されていた

>>19188272 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ロシアがその気になれば、一ヶ月以内にウクライナを地上から消滅させることができただろう それは不仲な仲間ではない それは人質交渉だ

>>19188296 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / ドナルド・トランプ:映画「サウンド・オブ・フリーダム」を re-truthed

>>19188328 COVID/ワクチン BUN / 新しい報告書は、ビル・ゲイツが彼の新しいCovidワクチンを承認した保健規制当局を買収したようであることを明らかにしました

>>19188346 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / フリン将軍:自由は無料ではなく、検閲が自由の扉をロックする鍵です!!!

>>19188410 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump カルトは無力だ。もし彼らがQ+を非難すれば、バイデンや元大統領、オバマ、クリントン、ブッシュを告発し、彼らは全員負ける

>>19188424 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / デサンティスのスポットはトランプへの支持を示すメモでいっぱいだ

>>19188694 COVID/ワクチン BUN / モデルナと東京大学、研究と教育分野において協業に向けた基本合意書を締結

>>19190149, >>19190168 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 岸田内閣総理大臣のサウジアラビア王国、アラブ首長国連邦及びカタール国訪問

>>19193110, >>19193123, >>19193130 神功皇后の肖像画とヴィクトリア女王が似ている件

>>19194263, >>19194264 日本の人身売買の歴史の一部:「1日で49人の相手を…」 過酷な労働、波乱の人生赤裸々に 「からゆきさん」肉声テープ発見

>>19194625 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / PDJTのTruth:病んだ政府 "凶悪犯 "に起訴・逮捕された私の名誉

>>19194638 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / PDJT Truthと嵐の画像

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bcc7cdaebef2f0c54c65f5f9f029539f9e03afb1db919971954c98a97fabb09d.mp4

>>19194645 トランスジェンダー BUN / 性的指向に関する研究で称賛された性別違和の第一人者専門家が、少女たちがトランスジェンダーであると宣言するよう「圧力」を感じているとする報告書を執筆した後、検閲を受けたと語る

>>19194664 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / アンドリュー王子はジェフリー・エプスタインとの関係について嘘をついた

>>19194672 トランスジェンダー BUN / ディズニーの「プリンセス」グループが小便器で放尿している様子を撮影

>>19194680 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / プーチン大統領、外国企業の資産を「一時的に」国有化

>>19194688 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / 17回(笑)、ドナルド・トランプ、マリア・バーティロモとのインタビュー - 2023年7月16日

>>19194697 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump 偉大なサイレントマジョリティーがかつてないほど台頭している

>>19194732 人間を遠隔操作する方法(Q772)

>>19195244 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / JICA理事長がウクライナ訪問 復興支援加速へ現場を視察

>>19195624 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 取り残されたウクライナ~なぜNATOはウクライナの加盟を拒否したのか(動画)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4vm0S_B1q_g - 取り残されたウクライナ~なぜNATOはウクライナの加盟を拒否したのか - Ukraine left behind(日本語字幕) [Channel: FABVOX]

>>19195801, >>19196388, >>19196493, >>19196501 Q+がQドロップを使ったビデオをretruth、Qドロップ"+++"に意味があることを確認(Q123)

VIDEO https://tora3.com/video/47574d08471b7efc969964eb5740c122 - all for a larp +++ under ocean blvd - Tiger Network [Channel: Red3y3]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1klab7 - Video upload for 109020898591749699 [1:13] [Channel: hostid1]

>>19200054 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領、「24時間」ウクライナ和平計画の概要を説明

>>19200081 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 私が何を気にしているか知っていますか?何百万人もの人々が、児童の人身売買と小児性愛というまさに現実的な蔓延にさらされているということ

>>19200091 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領の暴言に対し、これまでのところ検察官と判事は沈黙に耐えている

>>19200127 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 北朝鮮、和平交渉の申し出を拒否

>>19200706 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 「大手メディア」と「ハリウッド」 『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』の信用を失墜させるために必死!(動画)

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/zzU7zBdLpzVR/ - 「大手メディア」と「ハリウッド」★『サウンド・オブ・フリーダム』の信用を失墜させるために必死! [Channel: kojicosi]

>>19204008 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / HBOは現在小児性愛シーンを放映中 悪

>>19204049 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / スプリングフィールドの男、フェイスブックで勧誘した未成年者の性売買で有罪判決

>>19204062 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ジェームズ・コーマー バイデン一族は支払いを隠し、資金洗浄のために20以上のペーパーカンパニーを所有していた

>>19204074 COVID/ワクチン BUN / アンソニー・ファウチが偽証罪で告発される

>>19204098, >>19204231 トランスジェンダー BUN / バラク・オバマ大統領、各州が学校への持ち込みを禁止する中、子ども向けLGBTQ本を擁護

>>19204488 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領、司法省からJ6について逮捕・起訴されるとの書簡を受け取ったと発表

>>19204835, >>19225084 731部隊の「職員表」が存在 旧日本軍、細菌戦組織解明に期待/日本が中国に遺棄した化学兵器に関する見解書

>>19207848 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 【図説】福島第一原発の処理水放出 日本産食品を禁輸する国々

>>19207862 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 中東訪問等についての内外記者会見(岸田首相:日本が立ち上がったことでウクライナ問題はグローバルな問題になった)

>>19208450 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 修行で使う木の板で女性の尻叩きわいせつな行為か 栃木・佐野市の住職を逮捕/車体にカメラ1000人盗撮か 容疑で44歳男を逮捕―京都府警

>>19209021, >>19209086, >>19209099 台湾の国史館で2017年に機密解除された戦犯リストに天皇裕仁の名前がある

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1494hz - ウクライナ政府公式アカウント動画『昭和天皇』をヒトラー・ムッソリーニの写真と並べた動画*修正前* [1:20] [Channel: kojicosi]

>>19210683 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / PDJT - 私には不正操作と盗難があったと完全に確信している選挙に抗議する権利があります#投票詐欺

>>19210693 トランスジェンダー BUN / 女子学生社交クラブ、トランスジェンダーの入会を認めるために女性の定義を変えるよう言われたと会員が証言

>>19210747 レッドピル、現在地についてのアノンたち

>>19210756 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / トランプ大統領、ゴミJ6の捜査対象であることを発表、大陪審での証言に4日間の猶予を与えられる-バイデン政権とジャック・スミスによる即時起訴に備える

>>19210793 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / バイデン、「膠着状態」のウクライナ戦争にさらに13億ドルの武器投入を承認

>>19210800 トランスジェンダー BUN / デパートで売られる子ども向けセックスガイド—「手コキ」「シザーリング」を説明し、トランスジェンダー思想を推し進める

>>19210812 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / プーチン大統領はロシア政府に対し、小児性愛、LGBTQ関係、性別適合を促進するウェブサイトをブロックするよう命令を出した

>>19210821 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 大手製薬会社がバイデンのNIH所長候補に「資金提供」したと監視団体が発表

>>19210834 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 米国で性的人身売買された数千人の子どもたちを救出した「ベテランズ・オン・パトロール」-ボランティア増員を訴える

>>19210840 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 地域児童売買の摘発で20数名が逮捕される

>>19210849 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / Agenda47: 枯渇したアメリカの軍隊を再建する

>>19210859 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / なぜエプスタイン島のパイロットは(証拠となる)飛行記録を残していたのでしょうか?

>>19210865 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 元牧師、児童ポルノ受信で懲役5年の判決

>>19210878 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 幼児を性的に扱ったYouTuber、代理出産した女性が双子を妊娠したと発表

>>19210883 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 児童ポルノの情報提供で汚物屋敷を発見、中には4人の子どもたちがいた

>>19211080 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / 米国、ついに武漢研究所への資金提供を中止

>>19211091 CMZ BUN|フリン将軍 BUN / キャップ付きマイク・フリン将軍: 誰もが今すぐ @KanakoaTheGreat に細心の注意を払う必要があります…

>>19211097 ビッグテック/SNS/AI BUN|日本政府 BUN / 日本、鳥インフルエンザのためブラジルのサンタカタリーナ州からの家禽輸入を停止

>>19211101 人身売買/小児性愛/児童虐待 BUN / 絶望的なディズニー、会社の3分の1を売却準備中

>>19211115 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領 BUN / @realDonaldTrump これらの狂人や暴漢は私たちの投票、国境、民主主義、そして国家を破壊しています

>>19211122 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / ロシアは、7月20日から黒海を通ってウクライナの港に向かうすべての船舶を軍事貨物の潜在的な運送業者とみなすと発表

>>19211127 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / バイデン国防総省の機密メモは、「トランスジェンダー」軍人は配備をスキップし、無期限の体力/基準の免除を受けることができることを明らかにしています

>>19211129 バイデン BUN|ロシア/ウクライナ BUN / マーク・レヴィン:内部告発者は事実を持ってバイデン犯罪家族を壊滅させている。委員会 民主党は動揺している

>>19211133 トランスジェンダー BUN / 14歳を装った女性が子ど