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Anon Curated Notables

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| QNotables | QNotables 2023 | QNotables 2022 | QNotables 2021 | QNotables 2020 | QNotables 2019 | QNotables 2018 |

File: 9c72a29af147b4b⋯.jpg (63.01 KB,1280x640,2:1,notables.jpg)

File: 7402baba54f7d9b⋯.png (430.04 KB,772x514,386:257,tactical_pepe.png)

978f1d No.27762 [Last50 Posts]

This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.

All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.

One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This is a 4th thread.

Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns

Make sure your buns have minimal errors we will not be editing or deleting full buns

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

978f1d No.27764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


https://sys.8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml - QResearch Tripcode/Notables RSS feed

https://sys.8kun.top/qnotables/tripcode.xml - Combined Notables (/qresearch/, /qrb/, /midnightriders/) RSS feed

>>>/qnotables/ Combined Notables Archive Board

>>>/qnotables/184, >>>/qresearch/15425948 QMap

>>>/qnotables/219, >>>/qresearch/15425948 Q Proofs thread

>>>/qnotables/319, >>>/qresearch/15380756 Sebastian R L C video/drop archive

>>>/qnotables/365, >>>/qresearch/15380756 Rusty Shackleford video/drop archive

>>>/qnotables20/ Notables 2020 Archive Board

>>>/qnotables22/ Notables 2022 Archive Board

>>>/qnotables23/ Notables 2023 Archive Board


cutting boards, honey pots, t-shirts, butter, coffee - https://shoppers.isitwetyet.com

t-shirts, LED sign, keychain, ornament, phone wallet, patch hat, decal, mousepad, coffee mug - https://www.p2pprinting.com/8kun

coffee / covfefe - https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/

Previous threads:

#-8 - 01JAN20 to 17FEB20 - >>>/qnotables20/155000


#-7 - 17FEB20 to 23MAR20 - >>>/qnotables20/155001


#-6 - 23MAR20 to 23APR20 - >>>/qnotables20/155002


#-5 - 23APR20 to 23MAY20 - >>>/qnotables20/155003


#-4 - 23MAY20 to 23JUN20 - >>>/qnotables20/155004


#-3 - 23JUN20 to 04AUG20 - >>>/qnotables/100174, >>>/qnotables20/155005



#-2 - 04AUG20 to 13SEP20 - >>>/qnotables/36919, >>>/qnotables20/155006



#-1 - 13SEP20 to 19OCT20 - >>>/qnotables/36122, >>>/qnotables20/155007



#1 - 19OCT20 to 20NOV20 - >>>/qnotables/35283, >>>/qnotables20/155008



#2 - 20NOV20 to 31DEC20 - >>>/qnotables/27783, >>>/qnotables20/155009, >>>/qresearch/11716200




#3 - 31DEC20 to 30JAN21 - >>>/qnotables/27773, >>>/qresearch/12264580



#4 - 30JAN21 to 05MAR21 - >>>/qnotables/27762, >>>/qresearch/12765115



#5 - 05MAR21 to 29MAR21 - >>>/qnotables/27748, >>>/qresearch/13165545



#6 - 29MAR21 to 17MAY21 - >>>/qnotables/27745, >>>/qresearch/13320392



#7 - 17MAY21 to 16JUL21 - >>>/qnotables/27741, >>>/qresearch/13685931, >>>/qrb/67380




#8 - 16JUL21 to 13SEP21 - >>>/qnotables/26736, >>>/qresearch/14137057, >>>/qrb/73049




#9 - 13SEP21 to 18NOV21 - >>>/qnotables/20492, >>>/qresearch/14588182, >>>/qrb/91881




#10 - 18NOV21 to 18JAN22 - >>>/qnotables/21251, >>>/qnotables22/66954, >>>/qresearch/15025958, >>>/qrb/109881





#11 - 18JAN22 to 05MAR22 - >>>/qnotables/22000, >>>/qnotables22/66962, >>>/qresearch/15406645, >>>/qrb/121792





#12 - 05MAR22 to 04MAY22 - >>>/qnotables/22751, >>>/qnotables22/66973, >>>/qresearch/15787413, >>>/qrb/129207





#13 - 04MAY22 to 25JUN22 - >>>/qnotables/23373, >>>/qnotables22/66978, >>>/qresearch/16207042, >>>/qrb/134578





#14 - 25JUN22 to 20AUG22 - >>>/qnotables/24157, >>>/qnotables22/66989, >>>/qresearch/16463405, >>>/qrb/139531





#15 - 20AUG22 to 18DEC22 - >>>/qnotables/25089, >>>/qnotables22/67004, >>>/qresearch/17474548, >>>/qrb/147793





#16 - 18DEC22 to 25FEB23 - >>>/qnotables/25904, >>>/qnotables22/67008, >>>/qnotables23/41365, >>>/qresearch/18154557, >>>/qrb/150512






#17 - 25FEB23 to 11MAY23 - >>>/qnotables/1570, >>>/qnotables23/41682, >>>/qresearch/18405516, >>>/qrb/151134





#18 - 05MAY23 to 17JUL23 - >>>/qnotables/3086, >>>/qnotables23/116978, >>>/qresearch/18830792



#19 - 17JUL23 to 17SEP23 - >>>/qnotables/44664, >>>/qnotables23/116979, >>>/qresearch/19192963



#20 - 17SEP23 to 23NOV23 - >>>/qnotables/72298, >>>/qnotables23/116980, >>>/qresearch/19567242



#21 - 23NOV23 to 03FEB24 - >>>/qnotables/99385, >>>/qnotables23/116981, >>>/qresearch/19961525



#22 - 03FEB24 to 23APR24 - >>>/qnotables/123902, >>>/qresearch/20349940



#23 - 23APR24 to 17JUL24 - >>>/qnotables/153255, >>>/qresearch/20763068



#24 - 17JUL24 to 23SEP24 - >>>/qnotables/188903, >>>/qresearch/21225723




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

978f1d No.27765

Reposting last 2 days because notables thread #3 has issues already.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29889

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12749166 Q Research General #16276: Loop Capital Markets Edition

Created 290047ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12749268 BOMBSHELL ALLEGATION: Man Claims To Be Robinhood Employee & Says The White House Pressured Halt of GameStop Trading

>>>/qresearch/12749271 Gamestop is MUCH MUCH BIGGER than most people understand.

>>>/qresearch/12749274 After Vetting 25,000 Guardsmen, No Extremists Were Found

>>>/qresearch/12749280 Janet Yellen Received $810K In Speaking Fees From Hedge Fund Embroiled In GameStop Saga

>>>/qresearch/12749287 U.S. Billionaires Boost Their Wealth by 40 Percent During Coronavirus Crisis

>>>/qresearch/12749307 #CapitolFence DC @MayorBowser: “..there are some potentially volatile events upcoming that will require extra security. Fencing + the presence of troops will be a part of that

>>>/qresearch/12749318 JPMorgan Has Some Bad News For Hedge Funds Hoping The Nightmare Ends Soon

>>>/qresearch/12749331 Baker change

>>>/qresearch/12749364, >>>/qresearch/12749862 Funny, isn’t it, how it’s not market manipulation when they do it, but it is when the peasants do the same thing?

>>>/qresearch/12749366 LA County Sheriff reveals stunning consequences of Soros-backed district attorney's justice reform on child porn case

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0QgW2DChG2A - Gascon says defendants will be held accountable [Channel: Los Angeles ADDA]

>>>/qresearch/12749383 At least 30 election fraud cases are still active, but so far not a single court will allow evidence to be presented

>>>/qresearch/12749384, >>>/qresearch/12749393, >>>/qresearch/12749479, >>>/qresearch/12749566 Anon noms a dig: News unlocks past.

>>>/qresearch/12749404 MSM have lost their way.. More fearporn

>>>/qresearch/12749405, >>>/qresearch/12749481 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12749413 BREAKING - Telegram announced that Apple will remove the Telegram app from their phones without their joint notice. Telegram announced that to prevent this, apply the mentioned settings.

>>>/qresearch/12749431 Belgian, Dutch Police Raid Illegal Tobacco Factories

>>>/qresearch/12749441 Huntington Bank closing nearly 200 branches…

>>>/qresearch/12749442, >>>/qresearch/12749476 How is THIS even legal? "Robinhood Forciby Sells All Investors' Shares in Gamestop AT 75% LOSS While Letting WS Buy the Dip"

>>>/qresearch/12749447 TD Bank closing 81 branches, including 11 in the Philadelphia region

>>>/qresearch/12749473 COVID: A media pack of lies with no answers.

>>>/qresearch/12749549 ConservativeTreehouse: DeceptiCon Maneuvers, Don’t Forget Who Owns The New York Stock Exchange

>>>/qresearch/12749604 Here comes Ambiguity: Time to Update Sex Designations on Birth Certificates - New England Journal of Medicine

>>>/qresearch/12749627 They should call them foreign invaders instead then: Washington Times- ICE agents ordered to stop using ‘illegal alien’ term

>>>/qresearch/12749647 XVIII Airborne Corps - It’s getting dark. Patience is key. (p/b) Tweet now deleted

>>>/qresearch/12749664 Michael Jordan caught in the middle of Wall Street’s billionaire inferno

>>>/qresearch/12749685 The qanon bogeyman is back in the news.

>>>/qresearch/12749750 Russia to slash oil exports to curb rising domestic fuel prices – report

>>>/qresearch/12749778 Clockfagging

>>>/qresearch/12749817 Tucker clip: “People have to go to jail, plain and simple.”

>>>/qresearch/12749820 Looks like Syria supports China against any attempt of intervention in its domestic affairs

>>>/qresearch/12749897 Second officer from Capitol riot dies by suicide, police chief says

>>>/qresearch/12749913 #16276

(32 notables, 38 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29890

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12749930 Q Research General #16277: The 'Sometimes People Have To Be Shown' Edition

Created 290200ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12749965, >>>/qresearch/12750151 GP: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

>>>/qresearch/12750031 Breitbart: Rapper Ja Rule Accuses RobinHood App of ‘Fucking Crime’ for Halting GameStop Buys: ‘Do Not Sell!!! Hold the Line’

>>>/qresearch/12750039 ZH: Masayoshi Son Rewards Top Execs With Massive Loans To Help Pump SoftBank Shares

>>>/qresearch/12750048 Epoch: State Attorneys General Warn Biden Over Potential Presidential Overreach

>>>/qresearch/12750066 US Naval Institute: #OTD in 1915, the barque William P. Frye became the first U.S. vessel sunk during WWI

>>>/qresearch/12750090 TheUSSun: A Lie gets half way around the World before the Truth get's it's boots on.

>>>/qresearch/12750227, >>>/qresearch/12750307 Donald Trump Jr. just retweeted Bruesewitz's post about Trump’s “They’re not coming after me…" meme.

>>>/qresearch/12750236 Forbes hits the PANIC button

>>>/qresearch/12750249 Growing List Of Assassinations Of COVID-19 Researchers

>>>/qresearch/12750263 Coaches and Vans and Busses, Oh My? WH DC stream

>>>/qresearch/12750317 Anon dig on the deleted XVIII Airborne tweet

>>>/qresearch/12750347 Jon Stewart joins Twitter, immediately uses a Dog as profile picture. …Is he on a leash, and about to do some tricks?

>>>/qresearch/12750383 CNN: House Republicans who voted to impeach face backlash at home in test of Trump's staying power

>>>/qresearch/12750446 Information Warfare. Notice how Faux only admits that Dems are using shit they accused patriots of doing, after the fact?

>>>/qresearch/12750481 Conservative review: Trump Put Dozens Of Allies On Government Boards Before Leaving WH. Biden May Be Stuck With Them.

>>>/qresearch/12750538 Thebalance: Let us all never forget that GS did this before. Same. Old. Play.

>>>/qresearch/12750552 Peter Strzok’s Wife, Melissa Hodgman, Named Acting Director of the Division of Enforcement for the SEC

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=h9OTSR4Qdbk - Word for Word: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) Accused F [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12750553 Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing

>>>/qresearch/12750561 Vid: #Riggers There wasn't enough market liquidity (as in the entire stock exchange) to cover all the GME trades.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4RS4JIEVyXM - Anthony Denier, CEO of Webull | ZingerNation [Channel: Benzinga]

>>>/qresearch/12750599 @RepJeffDuncan "Tonight, I'm leading a bipartisan group of lawmakers in calling for the SEC to investigate Robinhood & other financial institutions for their unprecedented and harmful actions against individual investors.

>>>/qresearch/12750617 Here come the ayys: MSNBC goes there. …Because climate change.

>>>/qresearch/12750668 #16277

(22 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29891

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12750719 Q Research General #16278: The 'Information Is An Ancient Weapon' Edition

Created 290317ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12750759 Crim's remorse: ‘I’M ASHAMED’: Ex-Atlantic City Dem Mayor Sobs As He’s Sentenced To 30 Days In Jail

>>>/qresearch/12750770 Breibart Report: Top Joe Biden Aide Helped Found Think Tank ‘Heavily Influenced’ by Beijing

>>>/qresearch/12750844 Biden's LGBT Agenda: Pedophilia Coming Down the Pike?

>>>/qresearch/12750862 Today DNI Haines visited @NatReconOfc - our nation’s eyes and ears in critical places no human can reach.

>>>/qresearch/12750915 Navalny to remain in detention until his hearing

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129190558/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/657accf83a73f3fc8854a1c7920edb4372e88d59c8e710945de9c06983e3375b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12750941 Look who the History channel is giving a push to…

>>>/qresearch/12751020 Fearporn: John Heinz-Kerry makes Al Gore so proud

>>>/qresearch/12751061 pb, pb, , Jim Psaki: Real Estate Developer in Groton CT and SCIENT Federal Credit Union was Established in 1968 as Pfizer Employees Credit Union

>>>/qresearch/12751306 Report: Biden Administration to Vaccinate Terrorists First, Will Offer Coronavirus Vaccine to Gitmo Detainees

>>>/qresearch/12751356 The propagandists are getting a hard-on for anal probing swabs to detect covid

>>>/qresearch/12751400 pb, , People need to understand the game. It is ALWAYS rigged against the serfs. Wake up!

>>>/qresearch/12751432 GameStop's three largest shareholders earn over $2bn amid stock surge

>>>/qresearch/12751434 EDD: 27% of California unemployment payments could be fraudulent, state says

>>>/qresearch/12751462 #16278, #16279, #16280

(14 notables, 14 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29892

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12751474 Q Research General #16279: The 'It Happens In The Background Of Your Mind' Edition

Created 290428ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12751547 Anon's dig for anyone who may wanna try to help the children… Rothchild Management Corporation

>>>/qresearch/12751565, >>>/qresearch/12751668, >>>/qresearch/12751979 , CALL TO DIGG Pam Keith, Esq. @PamKeithFL find all associations and connections

>>>/qresearch/12751576 Jim Psaki dig: Real Estate Developer in Groton CT, 90m from Newton, CT ( Sandy Hook )

>>>/qresearch/12751619 Melissa Hodgman Graphic and Q (Peter Strokes wife)

>>>/qresearch/12751642 THIS IS YOUR MOVIE

>>>/qresearch/12751682 Are we being conned by a Reddit CCP Op to destroy the US Economy? (12 mins)

>>>/qresearch/12751769, >>>/qresearch/12751981 , Fraud, liar, Scumbag, Robinhood CEO says limited trade to protect firm and customers?

>>>/qresearch/12751777 Anon opine We are about to see “the plan” really kick off BOOM

>>>/qresearch/12751825, >>>/qresearch/12751847 , Recent USCG email from FEMA referenced new administration without mentioning it by name.

>>>/qresearch/12751828 , PF Report

>>>/qresearch/12751851 The Maricopa county audit will be conducted by a vested and involved auditor

>>>/qresearch/12751902 GET WITH THE PLAN BITCHES

>>>/qresearch/12751948, >>>/qresearch/12752025 , Ella Emhoff, Kamala's Step…… daughter?

>>>/qresearch/12751975 Due to market volatility Robinhood closes avaliability to buy shares

>>>/qresearch/12752019 Whoever Did This… You're A Legend! @vladtenev the clown of the financial world…(Cap)

>>>/qresearch/12752029, >>>/qresearch/12752034, >>>/qresearch/12752039 , Declaration of Restoration As Evidenced to Congress on the Steps of the Capital of the united States of America, January 6, 2021

>>>/qresearch/12752045 Anti-ship system Bastion conducts drills in Crimea as US destroyer visits Black Sea

>>>/qresearch/12752076 @USNavyEurope shows strength in the Black Sea with two destroyers

>>>/qresearch/12752106 Benjamin de Rothschild, Banking and Wine Heavyweight, Dies at 57

>>>/qresearch/12752230 #16279

(20 notables, 27 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29893

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12752236 Q Research General #16280: Castles Crumble Edition

Created 290552ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12752254 Dough #16280 @550 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12752304, >>>/qresearch/12752830 , Panicked Pam Keith, Esq. Inciting the arrest and indictment Donald J Trump

>>>/qresearch/12752338 Think Mirror JPMorgan Has Some Bad News For Hedge Funds Hoping The Nightmare Ends Soon

>>>/qresearch/12752349, >>>/qresearch/12752353, >>>/qresearch/12752585 , GUYS GUYS GUYS RED OCTOBER WAS THE STOCK MARKET CRASH OF 1929 end date 11.13

>>>/qresearch/12752366 Military in control graphic

>>>/qresearch/12752396 China's Virus is really UK's Virus

>>>/qresearch/12752558 Why did the NFL mandate masks on its sidelines? Over 2,000 players with zero evidence of “on-field transmission

>>>/qresearch/12752662 RESIGNATION: ABC News President James Goldstone to step down effective March

>>>/qresearch/12752684 SES & ToucheRoss Origination(See Also Delloite/Serco)

>>>/qresearch/12752789 Supreme Court Unanimously Reaffirms: Hate Speech Is Still Free Speech (2017)

>>>/qresearch/12752799, >>>/qresearch/12752844 , DEWs cause the CA wildfires, Russian sub took out Israeli DEW

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rhWBAFAGwzE - BAE Systems future technologies: The Laser Develop [Channel: BAE Systems]

>>>/qresearch/12752812 U.S. intelligence officials say Chinese government is collecting Americans' DNA

>>>/qresearch/12752834 Emotet Botnet Disrupted in International Cyber Operation

>>>/qresearch/12752838 Nancy Pelosi warns of 'enemy' within US Congress and calls for greater security to protect members

>>>/qresearch/12752894, >>>/qresearch/12752897 , Billionaire cries on Live tv (Cap) Sicking what will he do?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210128223311/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8d633a6e45ff62d9940d498a96886c903578a4501572160669e47ca263bba95d.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129182713/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/628e1577d528114502958c59a6b63dbda3ce10b1220c8e8efb7c8321fa72565b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12752977 What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ez90rXhMWjE - Whatu2019s Driving Californiau2019s Mass Exodus? [Channel: CNBC]

>>>/qresearch/12752978 #16280

(17 notables, 22 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12752865 Q Research General #16281: U.S. Officials confirm Chinese are collecting Americans' DNA Edition

Created 290742ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12753007 President Biden just smiled and said “no one requires me to do anything.”

>>>/qresearch/12753026 Watch the mental gymnastics to ride the tiger, Tucker Carlson full episode 1/28/2021

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=J58aYb8ZHWw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12753061 Houston, Texas: Fire has broken out in the JPMorgan building in downtown Houston

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129194943/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b6d1c6124e1a1097fad1b3e8ca5d5cc9dc68f8f55ba28ef536a743ca2d0ad87c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12753182, >>>/qresearch/12753198, >>>/qresearch/12753200, >>>/qresearch/12753204 , GME is up at almost 500 in pre market.

>>>/qresearch/12753380 ABC, CBS Ignore New York Caught Covering Up Cuomo’s Body Count

>>>/qresearch/12753422 New York Nursing Home COVID Death Scandal Far Worse Than Previously Known

>>>/qresearch/12753467 ‘Finally, a ray of light’: Janice Dean’s emotional reaction to long-awaited report on NY nursing home tragedy

>>>/qresearch/12753557 Pence spotted in Virgin Islands: Report

>>>/qresearch/12753569 AOC claims Ted Cruz tried to have her killed

>>>/qresearch/12753572 CFO of House GOP campaign committee resigned after lawmakers objected to Electoral College results

>>>/qresearch/12753628 Lawyer for ‘Guy with the Horns and Fur’ Offers to Bring Down Trump by Having ‘QAnon Shaman’ Testify at Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12753727 #16281, #16282, #16283

(12 notables, 15 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29895

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12753731 Q Research General #16282: NY Nursing Home COVID Deaths Far Worse Than Previously Known Edition

Created 291119ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12753862 Robinhood raises $1 billion as CEO defends actions amid GameStop frenzy

>>>/qresearch/12753867 ‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli on GameStop chaos: ‘LOL this thing is so nuts’

>>>/qresearch/12753872 Veteran ABC News chief James Goldston resigns suddenly

>>>/qresearch/12753965 Biden’s Worst Executive Order Went Almost Entirely Unnoticed

>>>/qresearch/12753966 PF reports: Priority Air Transports from Fort Knox.

>>>/qresearch/12753998 'US citizen has no right to free speech?' State Dept spokesperson grilled over Snowden

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GDFIVVmXE-g - 'US citizen has no right to free speech?' State Dept spokesperson grilled over S [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12754077, >>>/qresearch/12754127 Flu Cases Remain Almost Non-Existent in the U.S. This Year

>>>/qresearch/12754103 January 31 Three Year Delta

>>>/qresearch/12754104 Did PELOSI pre-arrange the "Domestic Terrorist Siege of the Capitol by Trump Supporters" Forensic Analysis seems to suggest The Speaker was deeply involved.

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210129200019/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a73191e968909454e0094362c308ee4cceb9e47a507f2d36fbd27f0f2f8848dc.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12754118 anon opines wrt datefagging … your ONLY role is: Stay safe.

>>>/qresearch/12754120, >>>/qresearch/12754329 ebot's premonitions of double gasketing come true, now with sauce!

>>>/qresearch/12754126 Psaki caught on hot mic calling her own statement ridiculous

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ON5QRDjuT-I - Psaki caught on hot mic calling her own statement [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12754142 anon opines: They could be relied upon to cheat

>>>/qresearch/12754190 dig: Billionaire jonny kerry wife Heinz gal has a private jet company: Flying squirrel LLC

>>>/qresearch/12754221 anon requests Deep State Deck of playing cards like back in the day

>>>/qresearch/12754232 "SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines- Interview with Judy Mikovits" bitchute vid

>>>/qresearch/12754308 anon opines Jim Carey is playing the ROLE of Biden

>>>/qresearch/12754374 banking scam PDF

>>>/qresearch/12754382 - Asia says we buyin GME

>>>/qresearch/12754443 anon opines: It will be over by spring

>>>/qresearch/12754503 #16282

(21 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29896

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12754532 Q Research General #16283: Deep State Deck Of Playing Cards Edition

Created 291330ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12754638 what does chinas social credit system have to do with alberta oil?

>>>/qresearch/12754723, >>>/qresearch/12754785, >>>/qresearch/12754933, >>>/qresearch/12754953, >>>/qresearch/12754955, >>>/qresearch/12754963, >>>/qresearch/12755045, >>>/qresearch/12755065, >>>/qresearch/12755272 pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, China demonstrates how to perform an #COVID19 anal swab sample collection. Passengers on a flight to Beijing were taken to a hotel where they were subjected to anal swabs.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129201102/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/dc6b69e2cabae5870c4b73cfed1f7d0f547c0c4b9dab084c253450f224f1f272.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12754853 Byrne’s corn field analogy - think Space Force

>>>/qresearch/12754903, >>>/qresearch/12754969 nancy and chuck are in a bind

>>>/qresearch/12754981 PCR tests are testing for DNA rather than a virus..

>>>/qresearch/12755070 We got a press briefing at 10:00 am (EST)

>>>/qresearch/12755102 GameStop investors suing Robinhood over trading limits face high legal bar

>>>/qresearch/12755138 A New York City police officer arrested Thursday on a child pornography charge

>>>/qresearch/12755152 ,>>12755163 GameStop: Market open at $397.7 ; DING DING DING DING already frozen

>>>/qresearch/12755196 SEC Commisioners statement on market volatility

>>>/qresearch/12755242 How To Survive “Cancel Culture” When You Have Unpopular Opinions

>>>/qresearch/12755264 #16283

(12 notables, 21 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29897

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12757569 Q Research General #16287: The Squeeze Is On Edition

Created 291828ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12757634 Biden DHS Suggests That Nearly Everyone Dissatisfied With The Status Quo Is A Potential Terrorist

>>>/qresearch/12757645 Sheila Jackson-Lee Will Decide if You're Sane Enough to Buy a Gun

>>>/qresearch/12757649 Bill Gertz reveals China’s nefarious biowarfare campaign: ‘They’ve discovered 2000 new viruses’

>>>/qresearch/12757655 ISIS ‘Governor Of Iraq’ Eliminated In Joint Operation By Washington & Baghdad

>>>/qresearch/12757664, >>>/qresearch/12757993 Marjorie taylor greene not taking any shit

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129233745/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/459e99bd4e1e836074c81f4cf1e70009b8a7b642f20b9470c10d91215b28f431.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12757666 Twitter crackdown on content leaves posts celebrating leftist violence untouched

>>>/qresearch/12757675 GOP rep. wants AOC to apologize for tweeting Cruz ‘almost had me murdered’

>>>/qresearch/12757678 White House refuses to address GameStop controversy

>>>/qresearch/12757682 Congo PM resigns after lawmakers vote him out

>>>/qresearch/12757683 Growing evidence Capitol assault was planned weakens incitement case against Trump, experts say

>>>/qresearch/12757704 Pope Francis Unable to Stand During Audience Due to ‘Troublesome’ Nerve Condition

>>>/qresearch/12757719 candace owens weighs in on gamestop

>>>/qresearch/12757731 Nine Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL

>>>/qresearch/12757739 Google deletes thousands of negative Robinhood app reviews

>>>/qresearch/12757754 State Dept.'s Psaki can't explain her beef with Ukraine

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_bg9X0eNFds - State Dept.'s Psaki can't explain her beef with Ukraine [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12757755 Election Cases SCOTUSblog is Watching

>>>/qresearch/12757784 Tony Blair: ‘Inevitable’ GLOBAL Vaccine Passports Should Be Implemented Now

>>>/qresearch/12757790 Cardinal Dolan in quarantine after coming in contact with someone who's tested positive

>>>/qresearch/12757813 Robinhood Limits Purchases Of GME To Just 2 Shares

>>>/qresearch/12757830 WEF's Klaus Schwab: "As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe."

>>>/qresearch/12757843 Kamala Harris’s Stepdaughter Ella Emhoff Gets Modeling Gig with IMG Models After Inauguration

>>>/qresearch/12757846 Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine

>>>/qresearch/12757856 11 soldiers at fort bliss become ill after ingesting "unknown substance

>>>/qresearch/12757868 Top Facebook executive reveals details of new brain-reading device in leaked audio

>>>/qresearch/12757890 new Q spin from mike rothschild

>>>/qresearch/12757898 On Spotify, music listens to you: Streaming platform wins patent to surveil users’ emotions to recommend music

>>>/qresearch/12757965 China finance official Lai Xiaomin executed in bribery case

>>>/qresearch/12757980, >>>/qresearch/12758080 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12757999 Disgraced FIFA exec extradited to New York to face bribery charges

>>>/qresearch/12758008 Lin challenges State Bar of Georgia that he submit to mental health exam to maintain law license

>>>/qresearch/12758012 US Reportedly Builds New Base in Kurdish-Controlled Part of Syria

>>>/qresearch/12758044 China Is Collecting Americans' DNA To 'Control The World's Biodata': Report

>>>/qresearch/12758047 Chinese Bombers Carried Out "Simulated Attack" On USS Roosevelt Carrier Near Taiwan

>>>/qresearch/12758048, >>>/qresearch/12758117 Rep. Cori Bush I've Gotta Move Offices … Marjorie Taylor Greene Came After Me!!!

>>>/qresearch/12758068 lawsuit claims subway tuna doesnt contain any tuna

>>>/qresearch/12758074 matt gaetz: there are more of us than there are of them and we see the fakes and the phonies more clearly than ever before

>>>/qresearch/12758097 robinhood lists purchase limits for 23 stocks

>>>/qresearch/12758133 FBI increases reward for pipe bomb suspects to $100K

>>>/qresearch/12758152 CNN confirms gamestop operation is now officially anti semetic white supremacy

>>>/qresearch/12758165, >>>/qresearch/12758183, >>>/qresearch/12758186, >>>/qresearch/12758190, >>>/qresearch/12758206, >>>/qresearch/12758239 FF Castle Rock LLC -> Jesuit High School Tampa -> Alumns

>>>/qresearch/12758169 big antarctic ice burg suffers major split

>>>/qresearch/12758177 Letters to the Editor: The Gavin Newsom recall is another GOP ploy to overturn an election

>>>/qresearch/12758204 fake vaccination of brazilian health secretary

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129234456/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/65f90c29a7cfea3df7d2dfd8a2608e6e59ba09f16c89f3ffba82b709e4819be1.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12758214 new police body cam footage from capitol riot. warning: graphic

>>>/qresearch/12758237 Biden warned brother over business dealings: report

>>>/qresearch/12758282 US distric court cleared schedule for FEB

>>>/qresearch/12758300 Iron Fist Of The Market: Wall Street Protects Hedge Funds From The Little Guy

>>>/qresearch/12758351 #16287, #16288, #16289

(48 notables, 56 posts, 61 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29898

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12755296 Q Research General #16284: most pernicious, wide ranging, and hard to kill Edition

Created 291444ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12755330, >>>/qresearch/12755379 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12755350 eyes on pompeo tweet. happy 160th birthday to kansas

>>>/qresearch/12755386 GME update at $340.64

>>>/qresearch/12755423 new FCC statement re: gamestop trading

>>>/qresearch/12755445 The game is rigged, reddit problems

>>>/qresearch/12755496 fidelity website problems

>>>/qresearch/12755527 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TPQQEnGEM3I - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12755631, >>>/qresearch/12755685, >>>/qresearch/12755706 J&J vaccine is 66% effective

>>>/qresearch/12755715 zerohedge: You finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up!

>>>/qresearch/12755734 FEDS arrest missouri man for capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12755752, >>>/qresearch/12755776 [KC] sentencing today, recommended 3-6mos in prison

>>>/qresearch/12755784 anon opines on the duality of the FBI

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20221216033015/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c1cdb399a1162736d496222cc1607722f6c67f6f3cb2b4e4c97f5ad3f28afb3e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12755816 reddit vs. wallstreet: the gamestop saga explained

>>>/qresearch/12755828 behind the scenes at biden press room

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129202940/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f2a02710288b15a440bd1ef78a4136e6134a3e0dadf57f491fe64647fc4aeaa6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12755902, >>>/qresearch/12755950 Weld County of Colorado seeks secession from state in order to join Wyoming state.

>>>/qresearch/12755981 Rush to stocks continues amid retail frenzy, BofA data show

>>>/qresearch/12756038 #16284, #16285, #16286

(17 notables, 22 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29899

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12756046 Q Research General #16285: Edition

Created 291600ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12756075, >>>/qresearch/12756079, >>>/qresearch/12756083, >>>/qresearch/12756084, >>>/qresearch/12756087, >>>/qresearch/12756089 H.R.127 gun grab bun

>>>/qresearch/12756130 short squeeze may not happen today, could go to next week. hold the line

>>>/qresearch/12756175 huge fire breaks out at napier barracks where 400 migrants complain about conditions

>>>/qresearch/12756176 Q cuomo bun

>>>/qresearch/12756179 Louisiana family denied burial because of skin color; “People need to know. It’s just not right.”

>>>/qresearch/12756187 Robinhood is looking to hire a senior professional as Manager, Federal Affairs

>>>/qresearch/12756215 israel to give 5k vaccines to palestinian authority

>>>/qresearch/12756338 reminder: President Trump Appoints Ezra Cohen as Chair and Member of the Public Interest Declassification Board

>>>/qresearch/12756339 Massive migration out of Kalifornia

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ez90rXhMWjE - Whatu2019s Driving Californiau2019s Mass Exodus? [Channel: CNBC]

>>>/qresearch/12756367 beyonce's 34 yo rapper cousin shot dead in home, police looking for 21 yo female suspect

>>>/qresearch/12756412 New billboards have appeared in Los Angeles, California, and Miami, Florida, saying: 'New York is dead. Don't come back'

>>>/qresearch/12756437, >>>/qresearch/12756444 Play-by-play of [KC] hearing

>>>/qresearch/12756439 How CIA Created Signal Messenger App

>>>/qresearch/12756440 PF updates

>>>/qresearch/12756495 portnoy for fox news, these people should go to jail!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UaPgBtf5m6w - Portnoy: Everyday people got 'cheated' in order to protect hedge funds [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12756506 glenn greenwald opines on current GME situation

>>>/qresearch/12756535 Texas Governor Orders Agencies to Sue Biden Administration for Climate Actions that ‘Kill Jobs’

>>>/qresearch/12756551 cuomo announces start of indoor dining of Feb. 14 @ 25% capacity

>>>/qresearch/12756573 female physicist invents new fusion rocket 10 times faster than conventional rockets

>>>/qresearch/12756589 proud boys supporter who US says had ammo pleads not guilty

>>>/qresearch/12756601 A Major Bank Publishes A List Of Shorts That Will Surge Next

>>>/qresearch/12756603 pope francis to roman rota: always keep in mind "the good of the children"

>>>/qresearch/12756632 pope francis in revolutionary plot to derail benedict's enduring quest for vatican power

>>>/qresearch/12756651 pelosi/capitol riot dig

>>>/qresearch/12756671 [KC] laywers ask for probation, technical difficulties at hearing

>>>/qresearch/12756694 Clinesmith in allocution confesses only to "taking an unnecessary shortcut.

>>>/qresearch/12756700 XI says china should make contingency plans for black swan and grey rhino events

>>>/qresearch/12756738 Democrats Introduce Bill to ‘Massively Expand’ Mail-in Voting

>>>/qresearch/12756758 SCOTUS grants writ of certiorari in trump election case

>>>/qresearch/12756801 pocohantus tells the SEC to explain what exactly it's doing to prevent market manipulation.

>>>/qresearch/12756814 #16285

(31 notables, 37 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29900

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12756816 Q Research General #16286: Anons Need New Exit Protocols Edition

Created 291727ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12756893, >>>/qresearch/12756950 [KC] has been sentenced to probation

>>>/qresearch/12756923 Georgia’s Raffensperger Caught in Another Scandal – After His Claims that “Audits” of Georgia’s Voting Machines and Election Were Performed by a Certified Auditor Come into Question

>>>/qresearch/12756935 And the people fight back, cancel culture getting cancelled right back

>>>/qresearch/12756944 NSA Puzzles

>>>/qresearch/12756945 Mofo's are starting to feel the squeeze. More fire sales and liquidation of assets incoming!

>>>/qresearch/12756951 State Bar of Georgia Tells Lin Wood to Undergo Mental Health Examination or Lose Law License

>>>/qresearch/12756968 'If you don't have the police…things go a little crazy': Former SEC official compares GameStop buying frenzy to US Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12756976 Google DELETES 100,000-plus one-star ratings of Robinhood app after enraged retail traders pile negative reviews over GameStop ban

>>>/qresearch/12756988 SEC Publishes Statement On Short Squeeze Insanity, "Will Protect Investors From Manipulative Trading"

>>>/qresearch/12756997 Top Winnebago County Republican Calls for GOP to Censure Trump-Hating Rep. Adam Kinzinger — Rally Set for Saturday

>>>/qresearch/12757003 Vile MSNBC Hack: Republicans “Willing to Kill” Those Who Disagree with Them – Republican Leadership Supports Them (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/12757020 Twitter Suspends Founder of Internet Accountability Project for “Hate Speech”

>>>/qresearch/12757032 Horowitz: The Robinhood-GameStop scandal, lockdowns, and a two-tiered justice system

>>>/qresearch/12757035 Portuguese parliament approves legalization of euthanasia despite last-minute attempt to delay vote

>>>/qresearch/12757052 ‘Pharma bro’ Martin Shkreli weighs in on GameStop-Robinhood saga, says he’s ‘willing to testify’ to Congress

>>>/qresearch/12757057 Texas governor vows to fight U.S. curbs on oil and gas activity

>>>/qresearch/12757066 MSNBC Guests Suggests Trump’s Election Remarks Warrant Drone Strike

>>>/qresearch/12757093 Robinhood CEO accused of ‘lying’ on CNN after claiming he halted stock purchases to adhere to vague ‘regulatory requirements’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6fs_lyGn4YA - Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev speaks to Cuomo after Gam [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/12757105 Delingpole: Davos Is a Madrassa for Global Eco-Fascist Tyranny

>>>/qresearch/12757106 Biden Allies Trash NYT Over Editorial Telling President To ‘Ease Up’ On Executive Actions

>>>/qresearch/12757113 U.S. Bishops Blast Biden over Reinstatement of Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

>>>/qresearch/12757132 Swedish Politician Accidently Shares Manga Porn During Remote Meeting

>>>/qresearch/12757137 new follow the pen

>>>/qresearch/12757182 Biden DoJ Reportedly Invites Former Big Tech Defender to Lead Admin's Antitrust Division

>>>/qresearch/12757191 FDA Issues New Warnings on Hand Sanitizers — Hundreds of Americans Poisoned This Month

>>>/qresearch/12757213 Pentagon Says Date for Afghan Pullout Uncertain, Is Biden Rethinking Peace?

>>>/qresearch/12757225 New US SecDef and Israeli Defense Minister Discuss Iran in First Call

>>>/qresearch/12757230 Watchdog group won’t drop Cuomo suit seeking COVID nursing home death count

>>>/qresearch/12757235 Biden Administration Affirms Support for Protectionist Jones Act, Throwing Hawaiians, Puerto Ricans to the Sharks

>>>/qresearch/12757253 Facebook reverses course on banned Robinhood trading group

>>>/qresearch/12757262 DOW down 666

>>>/qresearch/12757293 Disgraced fashion mogul Peter Nygard watches a 17-year-old dance on a stripper pole in his private jet - before he relaxes in his 'orgy cabin' with a girl, as his videographer comes forward with new footage ahead of his sex trafficking trial

>>>/qresearch/12757327 How Can the Government Agency Certifying Elections (the EAC) Maintain Its Independence When Its CIO Previously Worked for 10 Years for Dominion Voting Systems?

>>>/qresearch/12757333 Bed, Bath & Beyond stock collapses by 36% after Mike Lindell canceled

>>>/qresearch/12757347 Bar association keeps FBI lawyer convicted in Russia collusion scheme in 'good standing'

>>>/qresearch/12757362 AOC 'extraordinarily encouraged' by Biden's opening moves

>>>/qresearch/12757383 Dominion spokesperson confirms they have drafted a letter for Trump in case they add him to their $1.3billion defamation lawsuits

>>>/qresearch/12757384 china is set to exceed a corn buyin quota set by WTO for second straight year on american buying spree

>>>/qresearch/12757392 GameStop Squeeze Was Helped By 34 Year Old YouTubing CFA Who Turned $50,000 Into $48 Million

>>>/qresearch/12757400 GME top executives get $1.3 billion increase in holdings thanks to stock price rise

>>>/qresearch/12757401 Chinese National Charged with Criminal Conspiracy to Export US Power Amplifiers to China

>>>/qresearch/12757411 'Highly-Shorted' Stocks Slammed As WallStreetBets Reddit Site Goes Down For Some

>>>/qresearch/12757429 Crypto Restricted On Robinhood After Musk Comments Spike Bitcoin

>>>/qresearch/12757437 It’s time for a government bailout of GME shareholders at $10,000 per share. This would be roughly equivalent to the $700 billion bank bailout in 08 that was necessary to prevent ‘systemic risk’.

>>>/qresearch/12757447 The lying press in Germany: Donald Trump never came close to Joe Biden's poll numbers

>>>/qresearch/12757452 'TWISTED' TYCOON Prince Andrew’s pal Peter Nygard ‘sexually assaulted girl, 19, while repeating Nancy Sinatra loves to f***’, doc claims

>>>/qresearch/12757472 Guard Has to Order from DC Restaurants After Food Contract Comes Up Short

>>>/qresearch/12757498 Blast outside Israel’s New Delhi embassy damages cars; security raised worldwide

>>>/qresearch/12757517 Democrats ready to bypass Republicans on COVID-19 relief bill

>>>/qresearch/12757518 Black Lives Matter movement nominated for Nobel peace prize

>>>/qresearch/12757529, >>>/qresearch/12757538 #16286

>>>/qresearch/12757530 Major Security Issues w/ Hillary Clinton's Email Server–SCOTUS Fight Soon?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bk1uoVcJ1wM - Major Security Issues w/ Hillary Clinton's Email Server–SCOTUS Fight Soon? [Channel: Judicial Watch]

(52 notables, 54 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29901

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12758355 Q Research General #16288: Buying Stocks Is White Supremacy Edition

Created 291959ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12758432, >>>/qresearch/12758574 biden heading to walter reed

>>>/qresearch/12758494 Justice Department and EPA Announce Settlement with Stericycle Inc. to Address Environmental Violations at Medical Waste Incinerator

>>>/qresearch/12758517 Putin signs bill on extending New START into law

>>>/qresearch/12758530 Ohio Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Declare June 14 ‘President Donald J. Trump Day’

>>>/qresearch/12758532 trump supporter allegedly stop by TSA after a facial recognition hit

>>>/qresearch/12758562 bomb squad at Islamic Center now St Augustine Florida

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7D49dXlJrIc - bomb squad at Islamic Center now St Augustine Flor [Channel: NewsNowSanDiego]

>>>/qresearch/12758566 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12758582 Janet Yellen Briefs Joe Biden on the Economy After Populist Trading Movement Shakes Wall Street

>>>/qresearch/12758585 house judiciary GOP not happy with [KC] probation sentence

>>>/qresearch/12758587 has the virus been isolated? with dr andres kaufman and dr thomas cowan

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210129235459/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f91151a4f6440bb6f92f07e2e3ad7167cc5b5b2cd90e959178f27b8fbf24959e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12758600 Twitter has suspended @GabeHoff, producer of the film @AnOpenSecret which exposed child sex crimes in Hollywood

>>>/qresearch/12758650 GOP chair ronna mcdaniel wont back a trump 2024 campaign

>>>/qresearch/12758663 Biden Signs Whopping 40 Executive Orders In First Two Weeks, Smashing Record

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ido0mSoZ0WE - Joe Biden: "You can’t legislate by executive order unless you’re a dictator." [Channel: 米娜清谈]

>>>/qresearch/12758690 A network of Twitter bots has attacked the Belgian government's Huawei 5G ban

>>>/qresearch/12758727, >>>/qresearch/12758853 GME price update

>>>/qresearch/12758810 Twitter freezes CWR’s account over news story on transgender Dr. Rachel Levine

>>>/qresearch/12758819 Russia’s Admiral Makarov frigate conducts drills amid US destroyer’s presence in Black Sea

>>>/qresearch/12758849 Concerns raised about Constitutionality of an Impeachment Trial without Justice Roberts

>>>/qresearch/12758894 Canada judge won't relax Huawei CFO bail conditions

>>>/qresearch/12758912 GME Closes at $325.00, After hours weekend starts now.

>>>/qresearch/12758915 After Wall Street's carnage, the building of JP Morgan in Houston was on fire last night. What a strange "coincidence".

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130000008/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a6ea9f9c1045fb7198e0b4bd2e4df8ec37333b535da9b41391b19fa61c349f84.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12758956 insightful anon post

>>>/qresearch/12758960 Sibley Hospital ER Washington DC looks empty

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20201221152912/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ee2ca71fbed82d1fbfcc3a782953809564a69d94d694897b43a608cc4630b85b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12758966 The QAnon Shaman says he's willing to testify at Trump's impeachment trial - against the president

>>>/qresearch/12758980 Democrats introduce legislation to make D.C. 51st state

>>>/qresearch/12758989 video January 6th, cops giving Antifa water

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20230114073100/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c48b26d8f70f6b2813c24692c19fa499f33dfe89517f2bd9fb2c900157df50bf.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12759015 secret service fail at capitol before inauguration

>>>/qresearch/12759119 #16288

(28 notables, 30 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29902

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12759131 Q Research General #16289: Edition

Created 292131ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12759237 NEW: Outdoor dining has reopened in L.A. County as of today, but now the Health Department is banning restaurants from having their TVs turned on for customers. @FOXLA

>>>/qresearch/12759246 robinhood limiting GME and 50+ others buying to 1 share at a time

>>>/qresearch/12759261 david hogg afraid of marjorie taylor green

>>>/qresearch/12759272 GAETZ: “Liz Cheney taunts me for wearing makeup in my TV appearances… It’s pretty easy for me to get a little makeup off my shirt. Far more difficult for Cheney to get the blood off her hands after sending America’s best to foreign lands to die."

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130034859/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/fd3700bbc3688a452ae22efe2566b5586c0ba1bf548f425be932b54fd3c53a7f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12759284, >>>/qresearch/12759290 biden's destruction of america, day 8

>>>/qresearch/12759300 Are the same people that can get trading stopped in the middle of a trading day, the same people that can get vote counting stopped in the middle of an election night??

>>>/qresearch/12759303 Legendary Temple coach John Chaney dies at 89

>>>/qresearch/12759308, >>>/qresearch/12759425 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted: GOP jewsish coalition doesnt like marjorie taylor green

>>>/qresearch/12759353 What does a ton of meth look like? DEA makes ‘staggering’ drug bust in Denton County

>>>/qresearch/12759390 Macerich sold by Ontario Teachers Pension Plan: $497.37m-Jan 27

>>>/qresearch/12759460, >>>/qresearch/12759737 certified nursing assistant whislteblower about covid situation at his LTCH

>>>/qresearch/12759477 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Publishes Statement Addressing the Mob That’s Trying to ‘Take Her Out’

>>>/qresearch/12759483 ‘WATCH YOURSELF”: Biden Reportedly Loses It While Discussing Business Dealings With Family Member

>>>/qresearch/12759488 DC soldiers were moved outside the fence and no one seems to know why

>>>/qresearch/12759500 the marines leaving walter reed

>>>/qresearch/12759502 Bank Rule Requiring Lending to Oil, Gun Companies Paused by OCC

>>>/qresearch/12759503 Biden breaks with his own intelligence agencies denying Covid-19 originated in China.

>>>/qresearch/12759518 Rep. Lauren Boebert to David Hogg: 'Give your keyboard a rest, child'

>>>/qresearch/12759522 FBI: What happens when evidence lands at the bottom of a lake?

>>>/qresearch/12759525 Meet The Man Behind The Massive GameStop Rally

>>>/qresearch/12759537 twitter suspended @GabeHoff producer of @AnOpenSecret which exposed child sex crimes in pedowood

>>>/qresearch/12759589 pope francis struggles to stand while addressing vatican tribunal

>>>/qresearch/12759600 Conservatives fear Kevin Clinesmith sentencing could be the last word from John Durham

>>>/qresearch/12759627 Capitol "rioter" arrested, allegedly made threats of violence

>>>/qresearch/12759657 ella emhoff's mom is a pedowood producer

>>>/qresearch/12759690 possible 2 year delta ahead, 56 Members of the Continental Congress Signed Declaration of Independence

>>>/qresearch/12759710 pam keith thinks trump wants all his enemies dead

>>>/qresearch/12759743 AZ senate hires its own independent qualified forensic auditing firm to analyze 2020 results

>>>/qresearch/12759760 call to dig. anon theory: john sulliven planted the DC pipebombs

>>>/qresearch/12759771 the squad going after marjorie taylor green bigly

>>>/qresearch/12759779 O.J. Simpson gloats over getting his COVID-19 ‘shot’ on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/12759789 Crypto Jumps In January As Hedgies 'Suffer' Greatest Stock Short-Squeeze In History

>>>/qresearch/12759810 Google 'click fraud' legal battle looms

>>>/qresearch/12759811 'Qanon Shaman' Pleads Not Guilty to Capitol Riot Charges

>>>/qresearch/12759836 Boomer Esiason unloads on Steve Cohen over GameStop madness: ‘Keep your mouth shut’

>>>/qresearch/12759873 Dismissals and Discipline at Air Force Academy After 249 Cadets Investigated for Cheating

>>>/qresearch/12759893 #16289

(37 notables, 40 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29903

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12759871 Q Research General #16290: Friday Night Shift Edition

Created 292304ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12759963 Highway 1 in the Big Sur region has been shut down after a large part of the roadway crumbled into the Pacific Ocean

>>>/qresearch/12759979, >>>/qresearch/12760359 possible [KC] 11.3 marker

>>>/qresearch/12759980 US-Russia Relations Under Biden Administration Will be 'Difficult', National Security Adviser Says

>>>/qresearch/12760039 DC area awaits biggest snowstorm in 2 years

>>>/qresearch/12760046 Putin Warns World About Risks Of “Fight Of All Against All” In “Grim Dystopia” Amid Growing Crises

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8ylV43ZjjuM - Putin warns of u2018all against allu2019 fight if [Channel: CNBC International TV]

>>>/qresearch/12760085 Suspect accused of shooting Harris County deputy was free on multiple bonds

>>>/qresearch/12760096, >>>/qresearch/12760339 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12760148 new discovery solves 33 year old cold case murder

>>>/qresearch/12760204 China Rejects British Overseas Passports Ahead Of UK's New Program To Welcome Millions Of Hong Kongers

>>>/qresearch/12760213 Hysteria Grips Establishment over GameStop Trading

>>>/qresearch/12760249 Texas AG Issues CIDs To Robinhood, Citadel, Others Over "Shocking Coordination" Between Hedge Funds, Trading Platforms To Halt Trading

>>>/qresearch/12760255 Robinhood Investing App Will Resume ‘Limited Buys’ of AMC, GameStop Stock After Raising $1B Emergency Funding

>>>/qresearch/12760274 Seattle must pay $82,000 to Black Lives Matter lawyers in battle over police use of projectiles, pepper spray on peaceful protesters

>>>/qresearch/12760305 Scared of the Truth: Pakistan’s War on Journalism

>>>/qresearch/12760325 Justice Department Recognizes the 10th Annual Human Trafficking Prevention Month

>>>/qresearch/12760328 California’s Vaccine Chaos Fuels Push to Recall Gov. Newsom

>>>/qresearch/12760334 Why does the OCLC, that helps maintain the dewey decimal system, CARE about the UN's sustainability goals for farming?

>>>/qresearch/12760350 DJT Jr: Is it just me or does the Wall Street Bets guy look exactly like a young Donald Trump?

>>>/qresearch/12760375 Google Australia CEO Mel Silva caught lying defending Google and admits Google censor their search results

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sWY9guFYGlI - New Murdoch Tax will lead to Google and Facebook c [Channel: Kangaroo Court of Australia]

>>>/qresearch/12760381 Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit Account for Posting Virginia Court Ruling on Virginia Mail-in Ballots — Claims the Court Ruling Incites Violence!

>>>/qresearch/12760383 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin went to the US Capitol to meet with members of @USNationalGuard

>>>/qresearch/12760385, >>>/qresearch/12760467 website of the atomic energy organization of iran, and mehrabad international airport in tehran is offline

>>>/qresearch/12760398 Cuomo callously addresses COVID nursing home report: ‘Who cares!’

>>>/qresearch/12760426 The Next Hunter? Kamala Harris’s Stepdaughter Cashes in on Biden Presidency

>>>/qresearch/12760433 reddit's gamestop stock battle with wall street is an insane war

>>>/qresearch/12760477 Prosecution Files for Restitution on Behalf of Raniere’s Victims; Filing Under Seal, Raniere to Respond

>>>/qresearch/12760480 Fox News Doxxed Famed GameStop bull 'Roaring Kitty'

>>>/qresearch/12760484 US Air Force funding new tech to 're-programme' human cells for miracle healing

>>>/qresearch/12760517 Wapo rips cuomo's "who cares" remark re: nursing homes

>>>/qresearch/12760562 Janice Dean re cuomo: We always assumed he didn’t care about the deaths of our loved ones. And today’s heartless comment confirms it. “Who cares. They died.”

>>>/qresearch/12760587 ‘I Don’t Know The Answer’: Biden’s CDC Director Unsure Whether Or Not American-Made Vaccines Go To American Citizens

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mxJtf4iu15g - CBS Calls Out CDC Dir: "Surprised To Hear You Say You Don't Know," "It Calls Int [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>>/qresearch/12760596 NEW - Robinhood app is now "limiting trading" (buying only one share) in 50+ stocks (CNBC)

>>>/qresearch/12760609 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted What flavor of Jew-hatred should we be the most worried about?

>>>/qresearch/12760674 #16290, #16291, #16292

(34 notables, 37 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29904

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12760666 Q Research General #16291: Training Is Over Start Using What You Learned Edition

Created 300027ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12760747 terrence williams: AOC is predicted to be a millionaire soon.

>>>/qresearch/12760752 Paul Pelosi, Jr. Becomes President of St-Georges' Subsidiary

>>>/qresearch/12760795 moar [KC] 11.3 Placeholder - [DECLAS] marker

>>>/qresearch/12760886, >>>/qresearch/12761001 #GOPDomesticTerrorists trending on twitter. see something say something

>>>/qresearch/12760889, >>>/qresearch/12761097, >>>/qresearch/12761296 possible power outages in Iran, multiple govt & airport websites down too

>>>/qresearch/12760902, >>>/qresearch/12760961, >>>/qresearch/12761011 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12760952, >>>/qresearch/12761084 richard grennell trolling

>>>/qresearch/12761044 JUST IN: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Maority Leader Chuck Schumer announced tonight that Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick will lie in Honor in the US Capitol Rotunda.

>>>/qresearch/12761418 #16291

(9 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29905

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12761431 Q Research General #16292: Day 9, Precipice Day Edition

Created 300142ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12761531 Lawmaker Urges NY AG, DOJ To Subpoena Cuomo's Office Over Handling Of Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12761548 Bartirmo with JJ: "What's going to STOP it is the American People…"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130043106/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9219d10e30e38c997a7f626a4b9fd3c96af52af1ea9f291fbf69c8cb536b23e8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12761550 ZH: Facebook Bans "Robinhood Stock Traders Group" With 157,000 Members

>>>/qresearch/12761563 Breibart: Joe Biden Extends ‘Temporary’ Amnesty for 7K Syrian Nationals in U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12761567 Sputnik: At Least Five People Dead After Revolutionary Armed Forces Helicopter Crashes in Cuba, Reports Say

>>>/qresearch/12761574 Breibart: Democrats Seek to Ban Federal Agencies from Using ‘Illegal Alien’ Term

>>>/qresearch/12761588 Scared: Washington Post writer says Trump should never be allowed to have a presidential library

>>>/qresearch/12761590 @RubinReport Exciting! Appears Gavin Newsom has signed the recall!


>>>/qresearch/12761642 9 retired nuns in Michigan died from COVID-19 in January

>>>/qresearch/12761717 Reuters: Silver Lake cashes out on AMC for $713 million after Reddit-fueled rally

>>>/qresearch/12761771 @JaniceDean We always assumed he didn’t care about the deaths of our loved ones.And today’s heartless comment confirms it. “Who cares. They died.”

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130043322/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/47d3e1adc4d942ce4371de7df5890ca423a545a29e3965c803dc788b4c735492.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12761803 Brunt Ice Shield Breaking Up with Antarctica this Year?

>>>/qresearch/12761834 Snopes is right on cue for the poor qanons.. How sweet of them…

>>>/qresearch/12761848 berthub: reverse engineering the Pfizer vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12761856 My Pillow Announces Delays in Shipments Following “Overwhelming Support” for Company and Its Founder Mike Lindell

>>>/qresearch/12761872 MSN: New York City to ban natural gas hookups in new buildings by 2030: mayor

>>>/qresearch/12761903 George Conway retweeted: President Bush is planning to call VP Cheney tomorrow for two reasons: to wish him a happy 80th birthday, and to thank him for his daughter’s service.

>>>/qresearch/12761939, >>>/qresearch/12761998 Biden's goal 'is to put gun makers out of business'

>>>/qresearch/12761983 newsmax: Oil-State Republicans Say White House Rebuffed Meeting

>>>/qresearch/12762009 Six AGs Threaten Suit Over Biden's Flurry of Immigration Orders

>>>/qresearch/12762191 @DonaldJTrumpJr Great movie. It’s a must watch!!! "the Plot Against the President"

>>>/qresearch/12762213 #16292

(23 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29906

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12762227 Q Research General #16293: The 'Overwhelming Support Is Comfy' Edition

Created 300242ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12762362 If you wrote a negative review of Robinhood, and you were truly one of their customers, file an arbitration against them

>>>/qresearch/12762456 An heir to the Getty fortune was found dead in a Texas hotel room at the age of 52 Friday,

>>>/qresearch/12762512 Ilhan Omar Says If GOP Does Not Remove Marjorie Taylor Greene From Congress, Then Democrats ‘Must Do It’

>>>/qresearch/12762576 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12762600 Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: System 'Designed' to 'Create Systemic Fraud'

>>>/qresearch/12762656 ..former options trader Chris Marcus of Arcadia Economics explains that there is a looming explosion in silver due to price manipulation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UBWlb2yiJmA - The Coming Big Silver Short [Channel: The New American Video]

>>>/qresearch/12762758 Watch out for the jumpers this weekend

>>>/qresearch/12762775 Illinois mother sues governor after son struggling with pandemic isolation dies by suicide

>>>/qresearch/12762833 ZH: "This Is For You, Dad": Redditor Shares Heartbreaking Reason For Destroying Short-Sellers In WSB Raids

>>>/qresearch/12762969 #16293, #16294, #16295

(10 notables, 10 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29907

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12763001 Q Research General #16294: The 'Machines Designed With Fraud In Mind' Edition

Created 300351ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12763104 ZH: The DTPA is essentially the criminalization of speech, expression, and thought.

>>>/qresearch/12763120 Vid: Here is another from dc around 1pm today. Didn’t feel good at all to see this.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130081359/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b08d6e0578ab696622bf0b9385995626be040c1bef570e639847f66d5efbb501.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12763214 Anon wonders if the 51st state push is some sort of countermove

>>>/qresearch/12763244 Antifa Attacks Portland ICE Building, Hurls Mortars And Rocks At Feds

>>>/qresearch/12763253 Sanders: ‘Only Way’ We’ll open Schools Safely is Passing COVID Bill Through Reconciliation

>>>/qresearch/12763266 Trump's Residency at Mar-a-Lago Under Legal Review, Reports Suggest

>>>/qresearch/12763281 Senate leaders say Maricopa County's new audit of Arizona election results 'must be broader,' hires another firm

>>>/qresearch/12763553 Schwab Issues Statement About Recent Trading Activity

>>>/qresearch/12763561 Breitbart: Elizabeth Warren Urges SEC to Review GameStop Surge, Prevent ‘Market Manipulation’

>>>/qresearch/12763566 Winter Storm Watch in DC Jan 29-Feb1

>>>/qresearch/12763594, >>>/qresearch/12763639 Clark County: Legacy Salmon Creek in lockdown, protesters outside

>>>/qresearch/12763637 CDC: 329 Recorded Deaths So Far Following Experimental COVID mRNA Injections in the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12763654 Looks like Pedo/Cannibal and his buddies are using Hollywood to attempt to cover up his leaked texts

>>>/qresearch/12763754 prnewswire: The purpose of the analysis was to determine the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

>>>/qresearch/12763768 #16294

(15 notables, 16 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29908

File: 3bf95b575fb3c94⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,480x480,1:1,3bf95b575fb3c9421f4bec4250….jpg)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29946

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12763777 Q Research General #16295: The 'Birds In The Wire' Edition

Created 300508ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12763906 Little Caesar's is skipping the superbowl

>>>/qresearch/12763913 Kamala Harris giving Smollett a push

>>>/qresearch/12763985 For the keks: Merriam-Webster Changes Definition Of ‘White Supremacist’ To ‘Anyone Who Wins In The Stock Market When They’re Not Supposed To’

>>>/qresearch/12763991 Whistleblower on COVID Vaccine associated Deaths in his Nursing Home

>>>/qresearch/12764018 Fauci Sees Vaccination for Kids by Late Spring or the Summer

>>>/qresearch/12764026 NY Judge orders Trump org to hand over privileged documents

>>>/qresearch/12764031 COVID vaccine reactions: Major adverse effects reported in Florida

>>>/qresearch/12764045 NOPD officer, detective indicted in conspiracy to steal $100,000 from Army funds for fake funeral honors

>>>/qresearch/12764061 Federalist: It’s Part Of The Ongoing War Between Elites And Populists

>>>/qresearch/12764113 Eleven soldiers at a military base in #Texas were hospitalized, with two in critical condition, after drinking #antifreeze they mistook for #alcohol, @USArmy officials said on Friday.

>>>/qresearch/12764134 Republican Accountability Project launched a billboard campaign against Ted Cruz, Elise Stefanik,Hawley, McCarthy

>>>/qresearch/12764167, >>>/qresearch/12764270 BREAKING: Wearing #masks will become mandatory on federal transportation in the US starting February 1 says the @CDCgov

>>>/qresearch/12764196, >>>/qresearch/12764242, >>>/qresearch/12764277, >>>/qresearch/12764348, >>>/qresearch/12764471, >>>/qresearch/12764512, >>>/qresearch/12764566 Lin Wood is throwing down the gauntlet: "I challenge Kemp to sue me for defamation. …No lawsuit yet. "

>>>/qresearch/12764238 ZH: The SAME people who shut down Robinhhod shut down the Dominion Machines?

>>>/qresearch/12764252 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12764349 Corruption so bad that… Literally Even Blind Men Can See It.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FJzZ6zIJZzo - James brown - blind man can see it (extended) [Channel: coluche1212]

>>>/qresearch/12764432 Something's fishy in Romania: Fire at a covid hospital produces some deaths

>>>/qresearch/12764448 Breitbart: PETA: Using Animal Names as Verbal Insults Is ‘Supremacist Language’

>>>/qresearch/12764477 Komo: Warden out after new allegations at embattled jail where Jeffrey Epstein died

>>>/qresearch/12764583 #16295

(20 notables, 27 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29947

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12764597 Q Research General #16296: The 'Friday Night Bake-a-thon' Edition

Created 300644ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12764621, >>>/qresearch/12764647, >>>/qresearch/12764786, >>>/qresearch/12764791, >>>/qresearch/12764855, >>>/qresearch/12764891, >>>/qresearch/12764921, >>>/qresearch/12765025, >>>/qresearch/12765088, >>>/qresearch/12765099, >>>/qresearch/12765105 , Lin Wood seems to be nailing Corrupt Players to the wall, Justice John Roberts, Mike Pence, Rod Rosenstein, Cathy Cox…

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pvgdzwtQTgE - Message to the Class of 2020 from Mercer Law Alumn [Channel: MercerLawSchool]

>>>/qresearch/12764686, >>>/qresearch/12764694, >>>/qresearch/12764818, >>>/qresearch/12764951, >>>/qresearch/12765125, >>>/qresearch/12765248, >>>/qresearch/12765250 , ONE WAY to kill the metal shorts is to band together as mighty faggots

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fl_mo5OAxOQ - Why Junk Silver is King [Channel: Silver Dragons]

>>>/qresearch/12764712, >>>/qresearch/12764794, >>>/qresearch/12765027, >>>/qresearch/12765057, >>>/qresearch/12765146 , Possible FF 911 Tejas is Spanish for Texas. Google Tejas Golden Dawn and see for yourself.

>>>/qresearch/12764729, >>>/qresearch/12764739 , Red Sky at night

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2Yig9Eh3IO8 - Red sky in morning, sailor's warning: what does it mean? [Channel: AccuWeather]

>>>/qresearch/12764910 3 new Earth Quakes in South Shetland islands, all around 5 mag, all 10 km deep

>>>/qresearch/12765079 Join Telegram with temp email https://www.sharklasers.com/compose

>>>/qresearch/12765177 SPOOKY Q629 Delta 3yr & 3minutes

>>>/qresearch/12765260 Potus Memorial Day at Fort Mchenry, call the ball goes with insurrection actin the Q drop

(8 notables, 29 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29948

File: 70c9be8bf5e1533⋯.jpg (5.64 KB,250x158,125:79,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12765389 Q Research General #16297: Monkeys Sea Monkeys DOOOOOOO Edition

Created 300909ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12765574 Physical Silver decoupled from paper market

>>>/qresearch/12765582 Key Member of International Cocaine Conspiracy Involving Corrupt Air Traffic Controllers and Clandestine Airstrips Extradited to U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12765629 Nicolle Wallace Again Floats 'Drone Strikes' as Solution to 'Domestic Terrorism'

>>>/qresearch/12765643 U.S. Washington Residents Fear Mayor Has Embraced QAnon Conspiracy Theory

>>>/qresearch/12765649 STUNNING HYPOCRISY: Democrats Furious When Anti-Trump Maxine Waters Quote Is Turned On Them

>>>/qresearch/12765662 ‘MEDICAL KIDNAPPING’: Hospital Refuses to Let Daughter See Her Elderly Mother for Not Taking COVID Test, Crowd Comes and Gets Mom Released

>>>/qresearch/12765669 Democratic Rep. Calls Kevin McCarthy 'Coward' for Not Standing Up to Marjory Taylor Greene


>>>/qresearch/12765684 87% of Bureau of Land Management Staffers Quit When Trump Told Them to Move to Colorado

>>>/qresearch/12765687 Harbinger Author, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Reissues George Washington's Prophetic Warning for Biden and America

>>>/qresearch/12765698 US President Joe Biden departs the White House for a short visit with wounded veterans at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC, USA, 29 January 2021.

>>>/qresearch/12765701 Justice Department Probes SpaceX After Hiring Discrimination Complaint

>>>/qresearch/12765705 Republicans invite Trump to get-together for 'potential 2024 candidates' after he claims he is 'more popular than ever before'

>>>/qresearch/12765728 Conservatives Must Now Draw A Line In The Sand And Stop The "Great Reset"

>>>/qresearch/12765951 Black Lives Matter movement nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

>>>/qresearch/12765977 DOD tweet - Bomb sniffing dog retires at San Angelo's Goodfellow AFB

>>>/qresearch/12765991 Department of Justice drops investigation into Seattle's racial equity training

>>>/qresearch/12766008 US Navy tweet - live fire exercise - #AlwaysReady

>>>/qresearch/12766014 Canada concerned as Hong Kong starts to force dual citizens to choose status

>>>/qresearch/12766020 US Government Issues New Alert over Domestic Terror Threat

>>>/qresearch/12766022 Gambling addiction experts see familiar aspects in Robinhood app

>>>/qresearch/12766030 Is Jen Psaki's Brother the Lead Trader at Citadel, Links White House to Robinhood

>>>/qresearch/12766032 Sophie, acclaimed avant-pop producer, dies aged 34

>>>/qresearch/12766065 Two Years To Stop The Spread? Some Countries Will Close Borders Until At Least 2022

>>>/qresearch/12766110 Tucker Carlson reports DOJ hired ex-business partner of Hunter Biden criminal defense attorney

>>>/qresearch/12766149 Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Deceptions

>>>/qresearch/12766150 White House went dark last night for the 10th night in a row?

>>>/qresearch/12766159 Crisis acting 101 in Capitol FF riot

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210106235607/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c27a9d33a04d8f4fb15971e1e81718ccc3dc9a79b835907676c2f6f3b989f0ef.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12766201 #16297

(29 notables, 29 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29949

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12766214 Q Research General #16298: Coming Soon To A Theater Near You - GameStop II Edition

Created 301252ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12766285 anon opines on current shill presence and techniques

>>>/qresearch/12766301 ORCA MESSAGING ?

>>>/qresearch/12766303, >>>/qresearch/12766467 National Freedom Day is Monday.

>>>/qresearch/12766356 Analysis: Robinhood and Reddit protected from lawsuits by user agreement, Congress

>>>/qresearch/12766373 Child trafficking/rape by Democrat Party Chairman - in Arkansas

>>>/qresearch/12766407 XVIII Airborne tweet - “Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines.” (Dr. Strangelove)

>>>/qresearch/12766422 Alexander Solzhenitsyn Takes On The Progressives - Essay collection of warnings of secularism/progressivism in American Culture

>>>/qresearch/12766428 TSA Harasses Proud Boys Chairman On Family Vacation

>>>/qresearch/12766489 PSAKI has 3 sisters, not a brother!!!

>>>/qresearch/12766501, >>>/qresearch/12766531 Ella Emhoff (Kamala’s step daughter) was just “awarded” a modeling contract with IMG.

>>>/qresearch/12766507, >>>/qresearch/12766656 ,>>12766683, Jack Palladino (1992 Clinton PI) on life support from head inury after being robbed in SF

>>>/qresearch/12766517 Biden Inc: White House struggles to rein in potential family business conflicts

>>>/qresearch/12766534 Bette Midler Deletes Call for China to Pay Coronavirus ‘Reparations’

>>>/qresearch/12766556 Rep. Cori Bush Says ‘White Supremacist’ Congresswoman Marjorie Tayler Greene and Others Could Be ‘Conspiring Against Us’

>>>/qresearch/12766577 List of politicians dead in the last ten days

>>>/qresearch/12766589 Elizabeth Warren Jumps into the GameStock Controversy and Begs SEC to Investigate Reddit and Social Media

>>>/qresearch/12766606 Louisville, KY: The rise and fall of a father-son drug ring linked to multiple deaths and the Sinaloa Cartel; Operation Triple Crown

>>>/qresearch/12766615 Two viral videos encapsulate the state of the UK at the moment with police abusing powers given to them to enforce lockdown laws.

>>>/qresearch/12766624 Sen. Graham Calling "QAnon Shaman" as impeachment witness would turn trial into circus

>>>/qresearch/12766657 VirginiaParentAnon's: VDOE has History/Social Studies SOL input forms open. Any other states, check your DOE websites to see if you can do the same.

>>>/qresearch/12766671 trans icon Sophie Xeon, 34, worked with Madonna and Charli XCX killed in 'sudden accident'

>>>/qresearch/12766699 Ahmad Tibi elected head of Ta'al in Zoom-held C19 elections

>>>/qresearch/12766746 vast pdf collection on bloodlines etc. for your digging pleasure

>>>/qresearch/12766824 China has an entire digital military operation which does nothing but troll and incite people to violence. That unit is 130,000 digital warriors strong.

>>>/qresearch/12766826 JPost: Iran rejects any new participants or talks on the nuke deal

>>>/qresearch/12766952 #16298

(26 notables, 29 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29950

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12766959 Q Research General #16299: I'm pretty sure this needs to be taken seriously Edition

Created 301508ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12767052 From 9/24/20: Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden has addressed the 57th annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a long-time component of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US

>>>/qresearch/12767061, >>>/qresearch/12767083 Compare the early years of Bill Gates and Jack Dorsey. Isn‘t it strange that they both developed traffic related Software?

>>>/qresearch/12767085 @usairforce: A few faces participating in Red Flag 21-1

>>>/qresearch/12767099, >>>/qresearch/12767389 Muh LIttle Bun of Selected WEF History

>>>/qresearch/12767100 Accused Capitol rioter said she wanted to shoot Pelosi 'in the friggin' brain'

>>>/qresearch/12767103, >>>/qresearch/12767107, >>>/qresearch/12767217, >>>/qresearch/12767239, >>>/qresearch/12767543 Anon: found this last night while digging Q crumbs for info about the football that Potus didn't hand over to Xiden re:

>>>/qresearch/12767123, >>>/qresearch/12767241 dafuq is up with this notable/bread? link goes to bread but post is MIA

>>>/qresearch/12767203 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/12767215, >>>/qresearch/12767232, >>>/qresearch/12767303, >>>/qresearch/12767308, >>>/qresearch/12767327, >>>/qresearch/12767480, >>>/qresearch/12767483, >>>/qresearch/12767529, >>>/qresearch/12767627 Can silver be short-squeezed to $1,000? Peter Hug

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2pIDNcHhhO0 - Can silver be short-squeezed to $1,000? Peter Hug [Channel: Kitco NEWS]

>>>/qresearch/12767221 @mtgreenee Marjorie Taylor Greene: I had a GREAT call with my all time favorite POTUS, President Trump!

>>>/qresearch/12767306 @RepRonnyJackson: The Biden Administration has cut off funding for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program with NO explanation

>>>/qresearch/12767505, >>>/qresearch/12767600 Carousell Digg: Siu Rui Quek, Marcus Tan/Lucas Ngoo are the brains behind Carousell, a Singapore-headquartered online consumer-to-consumer marketplace which observers are calling one of Southeast Asia’s next $1 billion unicorns

>>>/qresearch/12767521 Judge releases Dominion audit report: System designed to create systemic fraud

>>>/qresearch/12767541, >>>/qresearch/12767639 Ocean City NJ 4 alarm fire

>>>/qresearch/12767623 Analysis: Robinhood and Reddit protected from lawsuits by user agreement, Congress

>>>/qresearch/12767782 BGI Group, the world’s largest genomics company, has worked with China’s military on research that ranges from mass testing for respiratory pathogens to brain science

>>>/qresearch/12767799 #16299, #16300, #16301

(17 notables, 34 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29951

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12767817 Q Research General #16300: The Sunshine Patriots Have Left, Anons Bid Them Good Riddance Edition

Created 301704ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12767911, >>>/qresearch/12767939, >>>/qresearch/12768020, >>>/qresearch/12768067 Democracy Matters Important schedule from January 19/20 2021

>>>/qresearch/12767925 Why would American Democrat Congressman, and former diplomat, Tom Malinowski, work at the service of Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed Soltan and his affiliates?

>>>/qresearch/12767927 How are the White House Press Secretary and Game Stop trading related?

>>>/qresearch/12767954 @DeptofDefense: The 100k Foot View

>>>/qresearch/12768009 Jan 31 – [D]ay [Of] [D]ays – 3 year Deltas

>>>/qresearch/12768102, >>>/qresearch/12768123 BREAKING REPORT: Rep Stephen Lynch [D-MA] has announced that he TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 after receiving BOTH DOSES of the Pfizer COVID vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12768113, >>>/qresearch/12768217, >>>/qresearch/12768246, >>>/qresearch/12768276 I think it was this video that set off the cp (Video of guards moved to outside fence at Capitol)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130184151/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d3fa0451ed701d84d006d9a35dc731f48e141cd41cf83b82d945a118413b2a57.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12768161 Anon, Want to Help, but Don't Know How?

>>>/qresearch/12768189 Sophie, avant-pop artist who produced singers like Madonna and Charli XCX and released the acclaimed 2018 album Oil of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides, has died at the age of 34

>>>/qresearch/12768200 Social media platform Reddit hit by outages in U.S.: Downdetector

>>>/qresearch/12768206 Whether a Person Died in a Nursing Home or Hospital… WHO CARES? THEY DIED?” – Governor Cuomo Proves He’s as Heartless as He is Reckless with NY Lives

>>>/qresearch/12768229 Germany Fires Top Financial Watchdog 7 Months After Being Blamed For Wirecard Collapse

>>>/qresearch/12768252, >>>/qresearch/12768534 Something is happening next month. February docket at D.C District Court? (No entries found)

>>>/qresearch/12768272 Robinhood Caps Maximum Holdings In 36 Stocks To Just One Share

>>>/qresearch/12768281 "It Just Doesn't Work As Expected" - Macron Questions Vaccine Credibility As EU Approves AstraZeneca Jab

>>>/qresearch/12768294 US imposes federal mask mandate on all forms of public transportation from February 1

>>>/qresearch/12768310 ‘Hang on, wait for others’: WHO urges UK to help foreign states with Covid-19 vaccine before continuing immunisation at home

>>>/qresearch/12768325 Massachusetts Rep. Stephen Lynch gets COVID-19 after second vaccine shot

>>>/qresearch/12768344 Schumer Says Biden Should Declare ‘Climate Emergency’, Rule Like A Dictator

>>>/qresearch/12768353 CLAIM: Analysis Proves COVID is Lab-Made Virus

>>>/qresearch/12768367 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/12768378 NYT writer arrested for allegedly working as secret agent of the Iranian government

>>>/qresearch/12768381 AP: Venezuela Hired Democratic Party Donor for $6 Million

>>>/qresearch/12768390 Robinhood CEO Sends Out Email to Customers Asking For That Free Stock Back

>>>/qresearch/12768411 FBI's most wanted paedo to be booted out of Britain after evading justice for 15 years

>>>/qresearch/12768413 WHAT?? YouTube REMOVES actual Senate videos of doctors testifying about early treatments of COVID

>>>/qresearch/12768426 Twitter suspends Christian magazine for saying Biden’s trans nominee is a man, not a woman

>>>/qresearch/12768441 Activists back French-Vietnamese woman's Agent Orange case

>>>/qresearch/12768458 Twitter rolls out Stasi-like “snitch” feature that mirrors what tyrannical bootlickers want for all of society: SECRET POLICE everywhere

>>>/qresearch/12768496 Judge orders Trump Organization's tax firm to hand over some documents that they deemed 'privileged' to NY attorney general

>>>/qresearch/12768497 U.S. Department of Justice is investigating SpaceX over whether company discriminates against non-U.S. citizens in hiring practices, said Elon Musk’s company is stonewalling subpoena

>>>/qresearch/12768503 Corporations continue to purge conservative employees and affiliates

>>>/qresearch/12768515 Lindsey Graham pleads with Democrats not to call the QAnon Shaman as a witness at Trump's impeachment trial to avoid a 'complete circus'

>>>/qresearch/12768522 Gavin Newsom's school reopening plan looks pretty dead

>>>/qresearch/12768524 Analysts see the Brotherhood’s conspicuous welcome of the new president as a way for the organisation to move closer to the Biden administration and consolidate the ties it tried to build during the election campaign

>>>/qresearch/12768527 After 440,000 Americans are Dead – Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!

>>>/qresearch/12768536 Inquiry begins after discovery of election gear

>>>/qresearch/12768538 West Virginia newspaper publisher sues Google, Facebook

>>>/qresearch/12768551 AFFIDAVIT of HARRI HURSTI re court action taken Georgia prior to election This guy is behind the Kill Chain doco about Dominion

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210130230521/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0294fa59b2d2e1a2677a499a99805b4077e12372ccdfc8a9bd2f5de2fd48ecf3.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12768555 White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed on Friday that President Biden appointed Rob Malley to be the US envoy to Iran. Malley was the lead negotiator for the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA

>>>/qresearch/12768652 #16300

(41 notables, 49 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29952

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12768696 Q Research General #16301: Getting A Lot Of Flak, Over The Target Edition

Created 301847ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12768713, >>>/qresearch/12768745, >>>/qresearch/12768757, >>>/qresearch/12768782, >>>/qresearch/12768796, >>>/qresearch/12768809 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12768766 NY judge overturns house election results in favor of GOP

>>>/qresearch/12768788 In reversal, WHO says pregnant women can get COVID-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12768824 Patrick Byrne, How DJT Lost the White House, Preface and 1.3

>>>/qresearch/12768834 Nationwide anti-Netanyahu protests underway for 32nd consecutive week

>>>/qresearch/12768838 So Much For Unity: Biden Will Move Ahead With Pandemic Relief Without GOP

>>>/qresearch/12768848 Biden Administration Halts Arms Deals Over Yemen… What’s Really Going On?

>>>/qresearch/12768860 Military Situation In Syria On January 30, 2021 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/12768883 Peruvian court rules that Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller family “created” coronavirus pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12768918 President Trump Calls Embattled Republican Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>>/qresearch/12768933 It's Not Just Robinhood, Reddit Rebellion Has Clogged Entire Financial System's Plumbing

>>>/qresearch/12768947 World Bank Donates $12BN To African Vaccine Effort

>>>/qresearch/12768978, >>>/qresearch/12768996 GME billboard in times square

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130231539/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/992002c13448db8c2da7e4f106972c0db1188fb42f3c7668bbb62d49a441077f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12768982 young people think Joe Biden will lead US out of recession, poll finds

>>>/qresearch/12768990 Four men charged over rape of two teenage girls in Brisbane

>>>/qresearch/12769037 Trump Las Vegas does dog comms….ties to treason trial post.

>>>/qresearch/12769055, >>>/qresearch/12769114, >>>/qresearch/12769167, >>>/qresearch/12769296, >>>/qresearch/12769348 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12769068 Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Guiffre gave bombshell evidence to secure Jean-Luc Brunel arrest claiming she was raped”

>>>/qresearch/12769070 Heir to Publix Super Markets chain bankrolled MAGA rally before Capitol riot with $300,000 donation alongside Alex Jones who gave $50,000 to event that was organized by Trump supporter who charged $730,000

>>>/qresearch/12769076 KT McFarland reacts to ex-FBI agent getting no jail time for altering Russia probe doc

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vbdP3x9hs1U - KT McFarland reacts to ex-FBI agent getting no jai [Channel: Fox Business]

>>>/qresearch/12769089 Spotify Wins Patent to Snoop on User’s Voice to Gauge ‘Emotional State’

>>>/qresearch/12769106 CDC makes no mask on public transportation a felony

>>>/qresearch/12769139 Morocco accused of blackmailing critics with revenge porn

>>>/qresearch/12769208 How the Hunt Brothers cornered the Silver Market

>>>/qresearch/12769219 In Biden’s First Full Week, The S&P 500 Records Its Worst Week Since October – Bringing the Market Into Loss Territory for the Year

>>>/qresearch/12769261 FLASHBACK: Robinhood Was Fined $65 Million For Misleading Its Users In December

>>>/qresearch/12769263 GME $306.9 on the last after hours

>>>/qresearch/12769313 biden says hes just getting started

>>>/qresearch/12769323 pentagon halts plan to offer covid vaccines to gitmo detainees

>>>/qresearch/12769328 the life and death of a sex slave

>>>/qresearch/12769343 Marjorie Taylor Greene’s QAnon Rant: ‘I Definitely Would Believe’ the Rothschilds Are Funding ‘Global Evil’

>>>/qresearch/12769382 Report: Biden administration can't account for as many as 20 million vaccine doses that were sent to states

>>>/qresearch/12769390 Vaccinated Congressman Tests Positive For COVID

>>>/qresearch/12769406 WH Dodges on Whether Janet Yellen Should Recuse Herself from GameStop-Robinhood Controversy

>>>/qresearch/12769416 West Virginia newspaper publisher files antitrust lawsuit against Google and Facebook for 'monopolizing the digital advertising market' and 'threatening the extinction of local newspapers'

>>>/qresearch/12769425 Understanding the Institutional Protection Racket Via Congress, Main Justice DOJ, FBI and FISA Court

>>>/qresearch/12769435 China Gene Firm Providing Worldwide COVID Tests Worked With Chinese Military

>>>/qresearch/12769452 warden at NYC jail where jeffrey epstein died abruptly steps down

>>>/qresearch/12769455 now you can blue check your home to feel superior over your neighbours

>>>/qresearch/12769457 1984: Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) before Congress arguing Al Gore's fascist censorship plan,

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=veoYcsH7Wrs - Dee Snider vs Tipper Gore 1984 [Channel: GiuseppeM]

>>>/qresearch/12769476, >>>/qresearch/12769498, >>>/qresearch/12769508 "Inside the QAnon Conspiracy," on CNN Saturday, January 30th, at 9:00pm

>>>/qresearch/12769479 epstein used bizarre messaging system called "mindspring" to boss around people in his home

>>>/qresearch/12769486 more than $2 million (64 bitcoins) were transferred to the bitcoin wallet of Navalny's headquarters yesterday. Mostly, new disposable wallets were used for the transfers.

>>>/qresearch/12769495 Project Veritas has insiders at Facebook…And they are leaking us tape of TOP executives…

>>>/qresearch/12769507 Trump and RNC raise nearly $90M contesting election: FEC records

>>>/qresearch/12769524 UNFAIR ATTACK Bill Maher mocks Melania Trump as ‘a victim of human trafficking’ in shocking joke

>>>/qresearch/12769537 Hillary Clinton calls on Rep. Tim Ryan to run for Ohio Senate seat

>>>/qresearch/12769615 NEW - South Carolina GOP has issued a formal censuring of Congressman Tom Rice after voting to impeach Donald Trump.

>>>/qresearch/12769617 Biden's Department of Justice is investigating @elonmusk for allegedly refusing to hire an employee who wasn't legally allowed to work in the US because he is not a U.S. citizen, possible ccp agent

>>>/qresearch/12769639 #16301

(50 notables, 62 posts, 66 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29953

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12769647 Q Research General #16302: Anons Own The Kitchen Edition

Created 302040ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12769682, >>>/qresearch/12769930 Epoch Times infographic, Biden's first week in office

>>>/qresearch/12769692 private dick hired by clinton in 90s on life support

>>>/qresearch/12769705 @ananavarro on. @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy visiting Trump in Fla.: “It’s white slavery … He looks like he’s owned by his master, and his master is Donald Trump, and it’s pathetic.”

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130233413/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/00cff801880c635aa51d74b4932f4b8ff81a71bd7bf6621231a1fa472324523f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12769713 Redditors made it to a Times Square billboard. “$GME GO BRRR,” blared a digital ad on the corner of 54th and Broadway in Manhattan. The ad ran for an hour.

>>>/qresearch/12769737, >>>/qresearch/12769952 Reddit Preparing To Unleash "World's Biggest Short Squeeze" In Silver

>>>/qresearch/12769756 Obama is giving an interview on Spanish tv tonight

>>>/qresearch/12769801 ‘Mad Max’ – Representative Maxine Waters Has Now Dished Out Over $1 Million to Her Daughter in Campaign Cash

>>>/qresearch/12769828 Here it is – The Bill to Destroy Gun Ownership

>>>/qresearch/12769841 Reps. Waters, McHenry Will Hold GameStop Hearing After They Took Max Contribution from Robinhood CEO

>>>/qresearch/12769864 Social Media Platform Reddit Hit by Outages in US

>>>/qresearch/12769870 DOS kissing the mockingbirds asses

>>>/qresearch/12769876 re-occupy wall street event planned for Jan 31

>>>/qresearch/12769881 DJT Jr: not all heros wear capes

>>>/qresearch/12769902 “Known paedophile Chief Justice Tom Bathurst” orders Justice Kelly Rees to stitch-up journalist Shane Dowling for exposing Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket

>>>/qresearch/12769906 The 12 Biggest Media Lies of the Russian Collusion Hoax

>>>/qresearch/12769919 First Chief Compliance Officer Hired at Facebook

>>>/qresearch/12769963 The Whole Biden Family Made Money with Chinese Deals – Hunter Biden Still Has Business in China

>>>/qresearch/12770014 GEOTUS' 1776 commission: national unity for america's founding values

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20220130034100/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca1738164f04799a76dfc5978da4044993363a130c7453e219b5284b3761d488.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12770048 MTG thread about GEOTUS call

>>>/qresearch/12770074 1776 Commission Director: Abolishing the Commission Won’t ‘Get Rid of These Principles’

>>>/qresearch/12770085 Biden ordered 600 million vaccines to fully vaccinate 300 Americans. That is 2 million vaccins for each of the 300 vaccinated Americans.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130233655/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a01d68e268929236552966123d941dce6c66942efe35c71d1cd30b1ec2900cb6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12770086 Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff’s First Official Outing in D.C. Spotlights ‘Food Insecurity’

>>>/qresearch/12770102 Three Trump-era Homeland Security Officials Join Conservative Think Tank to Help Counter China Threat

>>>/qresearch/12770135 WATCH: Bill Maher Worries That Trump Has Been So Quiet; “Like The Shark In Jaws”

>>>/qresearch/12770186 China is rehearsing for when it overtakes America

>>>/qresearch/12770214 Sophie, grammy nominated musician and trans "visionary" dead at 34

>>>/qresearch/12770261 Lewandowski PAC to Target 10 Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump

>>>/qresearch/12770277 Los Angeles City Councilors Each Employ Between 22 to 36 Aides, Some Making Over $100K

>>>/qresearch/12770356 11 Fort Bliss soldiers sick, 2 in ICU, after ingesting what they thought was an 'alcoholic beverage' during field training

>>>/qresearch/12770361 Maximum panic on CNN tonight

>>>/qresearch/12770468 Project Veritas Retraction #331: Yahoo News Crank Jon Ward Forced to Admit the Ballot Harvesting in Minnesota Linked to Ilhan Omar Was Clearly Illegal

>>>/qresearch/12770474 The Biden Administration has cut off funding for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program with NO explanation.

>>>/qresearch/12770487 "The GOP and the mainstreaming of right-wing extremism" (@TheHillOpinion)

>>>/qresearch/12770628 reminder: gold will destroy fed

>>>/qresearch/12770724 San Francisco Committee Changed School Names Based on Wikipedia and Wild Accusations

>>>/qresearch/12770767 #16302, #16303, #16304

>>>/qresearch/12770875 50 years of failed doomsday eco-pocalyptic predictions

(37 notables, 39 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29954

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12770776 Q Research General #16303: Biden Gonna Vaccinate All 300 Americans Edition

Created 302229ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12770899 Dr. Anthony Fauci Tells the Teacher's Union Biden's Goal to Open Schools in 100 Days May Not Happen

>>>/qresearch/12770910, >>>/qresearch/12770963 NY Judge overturns house election results in favor of GOP

>>>/qresearch/12770926 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12770987 New Report Finds Hundreds of Twitter Accounts Linked to China Sowed Discord Before and After Election

>>>/qresearch/12770988 Lin Wood says he will not undergo psychiatric evaluation ordered by Georgia State Bar

>>>/qresearch/12771005 Chinese tech giant Xiaomi sues Pentagon & US Treasury, demanding removal from blacklist linking it to Beijing’s military

>>>/qresearch/12771034 Biden Plagiarizes Again After Bloomberg Points Out Virus Plan Is Basically Trump's

>>>/qresearch/12771057 JP Morgan Has Cornered the Silver Market via Manipulation

>>>/qresearch/12771066 new film "cryptozoo" is like Narnia, only instead of Christian allegory, we get a lot of “f–k”s, warped sex scenes, brutal deaths and the clarity of a blindfold.

>>>/qresearch/12771084 Washington Post: Trump 'Must Never Have' His Own Presidential Library

>>>/qresearch/12771096 How’d He Know? Pelosi’s Husband Makes Huge Tesla Buy Right Before Biden Announced Green Vehicle Policy

>>>/qresearch/12771156 KT McFarland ~ Biden’s election has thrown the mullahs a lifeline

>>>/qresearch/12771271 Congresswoman Calls on Capitol Police to Allow Sledding at U.S. Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12771325 Maricopa county recall of the ballots and the five Maricopa county Arizona supervisors development

>>>/qresearch/12771346, >>>/qresearch/12771405 On January 10th, GME added 3 new board of directors… just before this all started…

>>>/qresearch/12771362 Central Virginia Crop Meteorologist predicts up to 30" possible in DC METRO AREA.

>>>/qresearch/12771418 DoorDash Scam Found To Be Fraudulently Charging People Who Didn't Even Have The App

>>>/qresearch/12771425 MSNBC SLAMS Violent Rhetoric on the Right – Then Argues President Trump Deserved to Have Been Drone Bombed

>>>/qresearch/12771435 Dr. John Eastman Fired from Chapman University After Speaking with Rudy Giuliani on Jan. 6 in DC — Former Students Speak Out in His Defense

>>>/qresearch/12771447 Biden’s climate executive orders devastated these US workers in a day

>>>/qresearch/12771451, >>>/qresearch/12771479, >>>/qresearch/12771511 biden's foreign policy history and what it protends for his presidency

>>>/qresearch/12771464 America’s 2020 Election and the ‘China Way’

>>>/qresearch/12771502 Ecuadorian president makes emergency landing in Washington

>>>/qresearch/12771533 Janice Dean accuses NBC's Lester Holt of censoring guest to protect Andrew Cuomo amid nursing home scandal

>>>/qresearch/12771565 Sonia Sotomayor denies bid from NY parents for kids’ vaccine exemptions

>>>/qresearch/12771694 Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered opening remarks on global leadership and cooperation at a virtual event hosted by the World Economic Forum.

>>>/qresearch/12771743 Top ISIS leader in Iraq killed in US airstrike

>>>/qresearch/12771781 How Trump’s Focus on Antifa Distracted Attention From the Far-Right Threat

>>>/qresearch/12771805 #16303

(29 notables, 33 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29955

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12771819 Q Research General #16304: Ride The Wave Edition Edition

Created 310007ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12771998 ‘A President is Not a King’ – Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

>>>/qresearch/12772034 anon opines on the power of the light, and the illusion of darkness

>>>/qresearch/12772059, >>>/qresearch/12772098, >>>/qresearch/12772122, >>>/qresearch/12772149 UK bill allowing for child spies is "really quite orwellian"/ bitchute fuckery

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210131043642/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/106bb963a2635d069b5cfe33a5532b2f54e86894081cab544beae7904ce0bfd7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12772073 nothing to see here WH dark

>>>/qresearch/12772267 remember the plan

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zPRa3676ITA - The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED [Channel: Anonymous OPS]

>>>/qresearch/12772291 anon opines: all out war against the elites has begun…

>>>/qresearch/12772347 oregon hammer attack suspect walks free after woman refuses to testify w/o mask

>>>/qresearch/12772357 True Detective Rust and Marty talk about the sky: The light's winning

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XmdPY-hFSt0 - True Detective Rust and Marty talk about the sky: [Channel: Daniele]

>>>/qresearch/12772497 wallstreetbets, Gamestop, Robinhood summary & update 1/30/2021

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jQDHWu32W7o - ud83dudd34 Ultimate wallstreetbets, Gamestop, Robi [Channel: Louis Rossmann]

>>>/qresearch/12772532 Reddit users report outages in US, Canada

>>>/qresearch/12772605 Anon comments: Buying retail only enriches retailers as premiums skyrocket over spot.

>>>/qresearch/12772725 500 more illinois NG heading to DC

>>>/qresearch/12772778 With a little more than a week before his impeachment trial is set to begin, President Trump's legal team is up in the air. Butch Bowers and Deborah Barbier, who were expected to be two of the lead attorneys, are no longer on the team,

>>>/qresearch/12772885 ##16304

(14 notables, 17 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29956

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12775537 Q Research General #16308: Edition

Created 310525ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12775617 Anon Nom

>>>/qresearch/12775654, >>>/qresearch/12775991 "For those of you have been in this game long enough I decided to re listen to Scott Bennett and Shell Game 2016 deepstate whistleblower pulled the covers on Snowden."

>>>/qresearch/12775667, >>>/qresearch/12775681, >>>/qresearch/12775692, >>>/qresearch/12775726, >>>/qresearch/12775751, >>>/qresearch/12775756, >>>/qresearch/12775784 Perth "JUST WENT INTO LOCKDOWN!" + Other Lockdowns?

>>>/qresearch/12775678 Latham v Trust?

>>>/qresearch/12775693 3GD Mineral Assessment?

>>>/qresearch/12775695, >>>/qresearch/12775790, >>>/qresearch/12775844, >>>/qresearch/12775847, >>>/qresearch/12775851, >>>/qresearch/12775854, >>>/qresearch/12775891, >>>/qresearch/12775919, >>>/qresearch/12775968 APMEX, the world's largest online bullion dealer, shudders in the face of a heavy load of weekend buyers in the early morning Eastern Time Sunday + STONKS!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ePqIXOrYvuw - Silver short squeeze live Q&A for Reddit WallStreetBets & new silver investors [Channel: Arcadia Economics]

>>>/qresearch/12775719 NCSWIC Revisited

>>>/qresearch/12775776 GEORGENEWS: I Will Not abandon You Nor Forsake You…

>>>/qresearch/12775799, >>>/qresearch/12775862 The True American Legacy

>>>/qresearch/12775802 Why are the markets afrenzy ?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210130040910/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/27f014181af7e0c346d631d254224bdeaf10cefdf0969955cf469c49cc9e8731.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12775812 FBI Raids Genesis Diagnostics Lab In Bucks County

>>>/qresearch/12775840 Capitalism is now Communism. Peace is War.

>>>/qresearch/12775850 "Do some of the Q drops relate to these Joint Publications? Many have been updated under President Trump. I found the Civil-Military Operations publication, particularly Chapter II-11, Military Government very interdasting."

>>>/qresearch/12775915, >>>/qresearch/12775926 An Anon's inquiry on God

>>>/qresearch/12775951, >>>/qresearch/12776056 Things To Remember…

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210131085420/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7001950d06d2eac7044604d37975d45db3292ae0c661ad3fa51bdd69d897823e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12775956, >>>/qresearch/12776010 Cryptic Messages

>>>/qresearch/12775999 NOTABLE UNSEALED DOCUMENT GM…

>>>/qresearch/12776003, >>>/qresearch/12776023 L.Wood Telegrams ~ So don’t forget that. Freedom isn’t free, but it’s worth sacrificing some convenience for, unifying under the Constitution despite our differences for, and working really damn hard for. 🇺🇸

>>>/qresearch/12776035 , Russia Russia!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Rr8ljRgcJNM - Rammstein - Amerika (Official Video) [Channel: Rammstein Official]

>>>/qresearch/12776084, >>>/qresearch/12776182 WH dark again

>>>/qresearch/12776230 Interesting Re-appearance in News… Guantanamo Bay Vax Procdure Backlash?

>>>/qresearch/12776255 #16308, #16309, #16310

(22 notables, 43 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29957

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12772895 Q Research General #16305: It's Getting Precipicey Edition

Created 310134ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12773017 Hiding Hunter Biden laying low in LA, starting art career with shady dealer

>>>/qresearch/12773035 sen scott wiener: Double masking is where it’s at.

>>>/qresearch/12773049 Large Group of Haitian Migrants Cross Border into Texas

>>>/qresearch/12773085 Democrats weigh expanding lower courts after Trump blitz

>>>/qresearch/12773180 Warden at NYC Lockup Where Jeffrey Epstein Died by Suicide Abruptly Steps Down

>>>/qresearch/12773183 Media’s 'Biden Is the Greatest Catholic Since Francis of Assisi' Narrative Is Not Going Well

>>>/qresearch/12773199 Military to distribute nearly half million vaccines a day: FEMA reports

>>>/qresearch/12773204 Update on the "$2,000 per person" Trump asked Congress for

>>>/qresearch/12773229 Biden names conservative appeals court judge Merrick Garland as attorney general

>>>/qresearch/12773238 A Huge Piece of California’s Highway 1 Near Big Sur Collapsed Into the Ocean

>>>/qresearch/12773287 Bill Binney pushing PanQuake.com

>>>/qresearch/12773293 CNN Qanon marathon highlight

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210131045321/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ba3cecf351f12d1b728dd8a4e431a33d8ca079329fc30edce178cf0409f88144.mp4


>>>/qresearch/12773423 politico: trump base is getting stronger since election, impeachment would only empower him

>>>/qresearch/12773440 Mark Zuckerberg reaches out to Josh Frydenberg over Australia's new media codes

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PzTdCKhlszQ - Mark Zuckerberg reaches out to Josh Frydenberg ove [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/12773448 MARK IT DON Calls for ‘Donald Trump Day’ to be held every year to ‘celebrate one of the greatest presidents in history’

>>>/qresearch/12773502 DJT Jr: Also, Biden spent the last 9 months telling everyone he had a plan. Apparently that was a lie like “I won’t ban fracking”

>>>/qresearch/12773544 The Los Angeles Times reports that one of the largest vaccination sites in the nation temporarily shut down Saturday

>>>/qresearch/12773635 richard grenell RT: put a fork in him, newsom is done.

>>>/qresearch/12773711 A woman in #Argentina was about to be cremated but was saved at the last second by her daughter, who watched her move right before the process began.

>>>/qresearch/12773841 Corporations That Support The $15 Minimum Wage Can Afford It. Here’s Who Can’t

>>>/qresearch/12773889 #16305, #16306, #16307

(22 notables, 22 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29958

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12773906 Q Research General #16306: Liberty Or Debt Edition

Created 310248ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12774255 2019:George Soros contributed at least $2 million to the campaign of Paul Penzone when he challenged Sheriff Joe Arpaio two years ago.

>>>/qresearch/12774300 today @wef launced partnering for racial justic in business, bringing together 48 organizations

>>>/qresearch/12774310 Why do D's deploy and use 'racism' as their 'go-to' tactic

>>>/qresearch/12774327 Rep. Elise Stefanik Calls for Federal Investigation on Criminal Acts Committed by Gov. Cuomo in COVID Nursing Home Scandal

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EI_17mu4Xxg - Rep. Stefanik Calls for Criminal Prosecution of Go [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>>/qresearch/12774349 Biden brood already cashing in on Joe’s presidency: Goodwin

>>>/qresearch/12774353 a Press Sec Psaki kek

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211101040820/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8778e4ff52a094eca1dfb9ad287ca0e22c88fe3a17f0d097e32a945c271109d2.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12774362 READ: Janet Yellen’s Ethics Agreement is Barely a Month Old and She’s Already Breached It.

>>>/qresearch/12774382, >>>/qresearch/12774452 CNN Qanon special bun

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pmSAL8yG9hQ - CNN's Anderson Cooper confronts ex-QAnon conspiracy theorist [Channel: The Atlantic]

>>>/qresearch/12774397 Robinhood Caps Maximum Holdings In 36 Stocks To Just One Share

>>>/qresearch/12774407 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12774439 Top Trump impeachment lawyer Bowers leaves team: reports

>>>/qresearch/12774555 The Addictive Qanon Drug

>>>/qresearch/12774739 #16306

(13 notables, 14 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29959

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12774694 Q Research General #16307: CNN Qanon Prime Time Edition

Created 310359ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12774887 NYTimes to Elites: Blame Americans First for Causing Illegal Migration

>>>/qresearch/12774900 Five of Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Leave Defense Team 9 Days Before Senate Trial

>>>/qresearch/12774910 WHO Team 'Tightly Controlled' By CCP During COVID-19 Origins Investigation

>>>/qresearch/12774924, >>>/qresearch/12775144, >>>/qresearch/12775224 Call To Dig Melvin Capital > Blackrock

>>>/qresearch/12774976 New Orleans priest accused of rape and assault of 10-year-old boy

>>>/qresearch/12774979, >>>/qresearch/12775097, >>>/qresearch/12775158 GEOTUS at the inauguration?

>>>/qresearch/12775127 Abolishing the 1776 Commission Won’t ‘Get Rid of These Principles’

>>>/qresearch/12775195 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12775334 los angeles protesters block mass vaccination site

>>>/qresearch/12775421 virginia guiffre RT: A tipster leads us to some explosive findings that puts the Maxwell family right at the heart of the US State Department

>>>/qresearch/12775459 Gabby James Comey last tweet was on 1/20. Just sayin.

>>>/qresearch/12775531 #16307

(12 notables, 16 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29960

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12777127 Q Research General #16309: Rumours, Hearsay, Lies, And Truth Edition

Created 310949ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12777193 The idea that they would even CONSIDER THIS…'LUNATIC Harwood: Tax Cuts to Blame for Nutty Conspiracy Theories'

>>>/qresearch/12777205, >>>/qresearch/12777277, >>>/qresearch/12777278 Trump parts with lead impeachment lawyers a week before trial ~ The Senate trial is scheduled to start the week of Feb. 8

>>>/qresearch/12777208 Investigation of 50 states reveals horrific conditions in abortion clinics

>>>/qresearch/12777213 Who does this? Appears Inorganic… PLAYING GAMES GameStop Reddit army trolls Wall Street billionaires with billboards and plane banners gloating over stock gains

>>>/qresearch/12777214 Trump loses his impeachment team amid unfaltering loyalty from the GOP

>>>/qresearch/12777288 POLL: Mittens Scores 84% Approval Rating With Utah DEMOCRATS

>>>/qresearch/12777362 #16310

>>>/qresearch/12777481 Interesting Deltas This Week

>>>/qresearch/12777673 BBC Glasgow Fire: TV and radio workers evacuated as smoke seen rising from studio building

>>>/qresearch/12777711 Where is Hunter? Launching a Painting Career.

>>>/qresearch/12777777 Freedom is a State of Mind

>>>/qresearch/12777822 #16310 (note collector)

(12 notables, 14 posts, 8 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29961

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12776341 Q Research General #16308: More Coming? Edition

Created 310720ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12776439, >>>/qresearch/12776545, >>>/qresearch/12777102 Notable Reports…The Shell Game, GM Related Article In Indictment…Others.

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20230321222349/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c47370ceadfc1fa153ab5eb93bc832560934ab096c5f3bebba537d719e0c193b.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12776455 Kylie Minogue in AU?

>>>/qresearch/12776534 Dont take the bait, silver is [Their] sure bet.

>>>/qresearch/12776634 “Show Republicans” Wow. Dems also?

>>>/qresearch/12776726 – History of BUSH CABAL?

>>>/qresearch/12776788 Comey in Ireland?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Jd1XoS_McBM - The future Former FBI Director James Comey sees fo [Channel: The Late Late Show]

>>>/qresearch/12776860, >>>/qresearch/12776945 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12776873 The Illusion of Anonymity ~ Think Creator Creation Corrupt v Incorruptible

>>>/qresearch/12777065 TJDillion Reveals the Obvious

>>>/qresearch/12777111 #16309

(10 notables, 13 posts, 7 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29962

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12778650 Q Research General #16312: The 'Flocking Fake News Flocks In Fear' Edition

Created 311501ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12778744 Justin Trudeau imposes new covid regs for returning Canadian subjects of HM Queen Elizardbreath II

>>>/qresearch/12778763 The attack began with a car bomb

>>>/qresearch/12778772 The Corruption of Senator Feinstein

>>>/qresearch/12778803 Biden has lost more than 20,000,000 does of the Covid-19 vaccine.

>>>/qresearch/12778824, >>>/qresearch/12778868 Did Fauci Know - Covid In the Plan?

>>>/qresearch/12778843 LesterHoltNBC - Fauci speaks about the effectiveness of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12778950 Mike Pence is reportedly making plans to form a political committee

>>>/qresearch/12779023, >>>/qresearch/12779500, >>>/qresearch/12779541 OPTICS

>>>/qresearch/12779053, >>>/qresearch/12779119 Bed Bath and Beyond IS SHORTED? [BBB]

>>>/qresearch/12779089, >>>/qresearch/12779108, >>>/qresearch/12779185, >>>/qresearch/12779212, >>>/qresearch/12779456 Memes

>>>/qresearch/12779157 In the event a former president shall resume the duties and office of president

>>>/qresearch/12779196 CDC: Only 6% of COVID deaths currently recorded have COVID-19 as the leading cause of death

>>>/qresearch/12779314 JP Morgan’s Silver Position

>>>/qresearch/12779357 Ingersoll Lockwood Dig (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/12779358 Did @MollyJongFast cover up for a child groomer?

>>>/qresearch/12779364 The Lincoln Project should probably change their name to the Pedophile Project to better reflect their true "values"

>>>/qresearch/12779402 #16312

>>>/qresearch/12779472 #PedoProject - Get it trending

>>>/qresearch/12779479 When a stock is "shorted", it means someone is gambling that the stock…

(19 notables, 27 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29963

File: 2dbd48c01cc90a7⋯.jpg (8.55 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12779398 Q Research General #16313: Hiho Silver Away Edition

Created 311631ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12779420 PROCEDURES

>>>/qresearch/12779423 Other

>>>/qresearch/12779490 David Nino Rodriguez Explains Why February 1 Is The Day It All Starts!

>>>/qresearch/12779513 Green New Deal Architect AOC Takes Credit for Biden's Climate Boondoggle

>>>/qresearch/12779523 No That’s Not Lady Gaga With Hunter Biden in Picture Before an Orgy – It’s Some Other Woman

>>>/qresearch/12779535, >>>/qresearch/12779888 Biden KILLS Trump Order Expanding Access To Opioid Abuse Treatment

>>>/qresearch/12779538 Hiding Hunter Biden laying low in LA, starting art career with shady dealer

>>>/qresearch/12779545 A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time

>>>/qresearch/12779566 Pope Francis Meets with Cardinal Cupich After Biden Inauguration Statement Dispute

>>>/qresearch/12779570, >>>/qresearch/12779670, >>>/qresearch/12779743 #PedoProject - Get it trending

>>>/qresearch/12779592 Two Pinocchios for Kerry’s wind-and-solar jobs claims

>>>/qresearch/12779594 Government Secrecy (CAPS)

>>>/qresearch/12779598 If Schools Are Essential, They Should Be Open

>>>/qresearch/12779603 Federal Judge to Extend Order Blocking Biden Administration’s 100-Day Deportation Pause

>>>/qresearch/12779604 21 men told me John Weaver, a Lincoln Project cofounder, sent them inappropriate messages,

>>>/qresearch/12779605, >>>/qresearch/12779613, >>>/qresearch/12779621, >>>/qresearch/12779625, >>>/qresearch/12779632 OPTICS

>>>/qresearch/12779623 Reddit-Raiders Spark Nationwide Physical Silver Shortage

>>>/qresearch/12779624 The former chairman of Disney gave $100,000 to the Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12779629 Imagine that, BAKER namefagging.

>>>/qresearch/12779637 Stimulus Checks Helped Fuel GameStop Stock Surge: Billionaire Gundlach

>>>/qresearch/12779639 Reminder Melvin Capital > Blackrock

>>>/qresearch/12779648 Stephen Colbert protecting pedos ???

>>>/qresearch/12779650 Hunter Optics


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Y8xVJzEMnlw - Unity: Biden Fired Trump Officials in Pentagon Who [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>>/qresearch/12779657 Exclusive: Joseph Farah cites the myriad dictates coming from Joe Biden's fancy pen

>>>/qresearch/12779661, >>>/qresearch/12779869, >>>/qresearch/12779884, >>>/qresearch/12779922, >>>/qresearch/12780004 Memes

>>>/qresearch/12779692 john weaver lincoln project harassment

>>>/qresearch/12779707, >>>/qresearch/12779708 Five of Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Leave Defense Team 9 Days Before Senate Trial

>>>/qresearch/12779714 GOP Senators Offer $600 Billion Stimulus Compromise to Biden (!Keking)

>>>/qresearch/12779732 Gov. Hutchinson Warns Against Primary Challenges To GOP With Contrary Views

>>>/qresearch/12779736 Steele Debriefing (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/12779757 GOP Miami mayor hits DeSantis over lack of COVID restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12779771 Counterfeit shares throughout the entire market per SEC?

>>>/qresearch/12779774 Cuomo's COVID nursing home death undercount a 'cover-up

>>>/qresearch/12779839 IG Group Holdings Plc said today that it will halt all new positions in GameStop Corp

>>>/qresearch/12779856 David Geffen donated $400,000 to the Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12779858, >>>/qresearch/12779942 Biden White House Fired Trump Officials in Pentagon Who Were Out on Maternity and Paternity Leave

>>>/qresearch/12779868 This statement by the @ProjectLincoln is an absolute lie.

>>>/qresearch/12779880 Democrats plan to marshal video, audio for Trump trial

>>>/qresearch/12779885, >>>/qresearch/12779944 Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12779898 MTA worker, second NY man with bomb-making files identified as Proud Boys

>>>/qresearch/12779902 Reddit Outages Reported As r/WallStreetBets Experiences Surge In Web Traffic

>>>/qresearch/12779907 Cuomo should resign if investigation proves 'criminal coverup' of nursing home deaths

>>>/qresearch/12779931 …continued…Kurt James Wolf…

>>>/qresearch/12779953 Dems Press Pelosi to Smuggle Path to Citizenship Into COVID-19 Relief Bill

>>>/qresearch/12779970 GameStop short-seller Melvin Capital lost 53% this month

>>>/qresearch/12779983 Books Seized And Burned In Communist China

>>>/qresearch/12779985 NYT columnist Charles Blow calls for a 'reverse Great Migration'

>>>/qresearch/12780001 How Joe Biden is jamming Western Dem governors with his oil-and-gas crackdown

>>>/qresearch/12780013 Push to reopen schools could leave out millions of students

>>>/qresearch/12780019 Robinhood execs’ contributions to House Financial Services panel leaders under scrutiny

>>>/qresearch/12780028 Biden's team can NOT find 20M doses of COVID vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12780039 GOP Rep. Kinzinger to start new PAC to challenge party’s embrace of Trump

>>>/qresearch/12780048 Anti-vaxxer protesters shut down large vaccination site at Dodger Stadium

>>>/qresearch/12780049 UK wants to join $12 trillion Asia-Pacific trade deal after leaving EU

>>>/qresearch/12780054 Anon Opines - Potus Talk on Perry Mason

>>>/qresearch/12780064 QMapFag Report

>>>/qresearch/12780067 Son found dead with mother in luxury NYC apartment was an actor, family says

>>>/qresearch/12780081 Biden National Security Advisor Told Hillary That al Qaeda ‘Is On Our Side’

>>>/qresearch/12780102 Whoopi Goldberg Caught Wearing Masonic Sweater, Prompts Public Outrage

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LSj1q76kB8A - Whoopi Goldberg Apologizes for Prince Hall Attire [Channel: Supasly75]

>>>/qresearch/12780116 Biden Hiding From Media, Public is Part of Strategy to ‘Restore Confidence’ in the White House?

>>>/qresearch/12780135 Janet Yellen’s Ethics Agreement is Barely a Month Old and She’s Already Breached It.

>>>/qresearch/12780178 #16313

(63 notables, 77 posts, 114 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29964

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12777812 Q Research General #16311: The 'Call The Ball' Edition

Created 311241ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12777982 "The Pentagon on Saturday announced that it was "pausing" a plan to give COVID-19 vaccinations at Guantanamo Bay – after accusations from Republicans and 9/11 survivors that it was prioritizing terror suspects over Americans.

>>>/qresearch/12777986, >>>/qresearch/12778020 Anon opines: Lie upon lie upon lie. How high do They think they can pile such a shitshow?

>>>/qresearch/12777992 Demands for Marjorie Taylor Greene's removal grow: 'There must be consequences for her actions'

>>>/qresearch/12777997 Maricopa County Preventing Valid Audit of 2020 Election Results and Now Media Claims State Law Prevents the County from Handing Over Ballots

>>>/qresearch/12778005 The VP has more Twat followers than POTUS? kek!

>>>/qresearch/12778032, >>>/qresearch/12778332 …Let the identity pol'ing shenanigans begin?

>>>/qresearch/12778046 Stocks and crisis events from the past: We will never know The government covered it up.

>>>/qresearch/12778054 American Universities Declare War on Military History

>>>/qresearch/12778081 Townhall: The Trump Comeback Begins: The Plan to Make Trump and America Great Again

>>>/qresearch/12778090, >>>/qresearch/12778215 Anons opine about the nature of Q2784. The MSM is seemingly flocking around the "qanon" identity politic.. Wonder why?

>>>/qresearch/12778139 Daily caller: Man Arrested For Allegedly Mailing A Fake Bomb To Coronavirus Vaccine Plant

>>>/qresearch/12778167 MI6 is throwing a lot of bait out there to attract new bodies

>>>/qresearch/12778172 Robinhood drew millions from bank credit lines as well as raising more than $1 billion from its existing investors. Ouch.

>>>/qresearch/12778174 Joe's team is losing precious covid vaccines now. Thought these things were top shelf important?

>>>/qresearch/12778179 Connecticut cold case murder of teen girl solved via DNA evidence, authorities say

>>>/qresearch/12778249 NaturalNews: The UK government admits that covid vaccines are pointless and offer zero protection

>>>/qresearch/12778260 Webb strikes back: Sorry Strzok and McCabe. I have fifteen witnesses that have me leaving DC before sunset. Looks like the Antifa/ Proud Boy FBI informants that planted the bombs are going to have to own up

>>>/qresearch/12778288 Newsweek: 10 Republicans Voted to Impeach Trump, 7 Already Facing Challenges for Their Seats in Congress

>>>/qresearch/12778305, >>>/qresearch/12778514, >>>/qresearch/12778568, >>>/qresearch/12778594 Planefag reports: Your morning Gitmo Air update, and other sky stuff

>>>/qresearch/12778310 Canada Joins New Zealand in Shutting Down Virtually All Air Travel Indefinitely To and From Their Countries

>>>/qresearch/12778319 Townhall: Democrats Outraged at Maxine Waters' Comments…They Just Don't Know She Said Them

>>>/qresearch/12778321 Anon connecting the dots: WeBull saying they were stopped last week from trading Gamestop shares by their clearing house Apex clearing. …The president of Apex Clearing isTricia Rothschild

>>>/qresearch/12778353 amuse alleges: Fake Twitter accounts from China responsible for Capitol Hill riot drama.

>>>/qresearch/12778364 COVID-19 tests now available in Oakland airport vending machines

>>>/qresearch/12778383 Dailymail: So allegedly the Flu is 'almost wiped out' and at lowest level in 130 YEARS as seasonal virus plummets by 95%…

>>>/qresearch/12778393 Andrew Torba: "Share this video everywhere … So important. It's being scrubbed from the internet. They don't want The People to know that he (Donald J. Trump) called for peace."

>>>/qresearch/12778414 NBC: 'Covid tongue' may be another coronavirus symptom, British researcher suggests.

>>>/qresearch/12778419 Hilton Valentine, founding Animals guitarist, dies at 77

>>>/qresearch/12778464 DonDon twat: Is anyone even a little bit surprised? The democrats are the party of Wall St. Just look at their donations…

>>>/qresearch/12778573 Bill Gates, "Producing Childhood Death Going Very Well"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211228193706/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c89c606d9a1a5f0c896e49ca3705e9374a38ecd15880fa94aecd204b9233a5f3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12778599 Drug shipments picking up speed. Pedos love Meth..

>>>/qresearch/12778611 Epoch: Looks like the smears aren't working: Greene: I will not back down to the mob.

>>>/qresearch/12778622 #16311, #16312, #16313

(33 notables, 39 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29965

File: b5e153b7ba2a797⋯.png (357.23 KB,689x390,53:30,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12781044 Q Research General #16315: Silver AMC Day Edition

Created 311925ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12781128 Netflix, HBO, Hulu censor streaming of Wall Street films after Reddit revolt

>>>/qresearch/12781133 Whistleblower - It's all a shell game - hillary, obama and the deep state are trying to hide is why they are breaking every law possible and the troops guarding the congress of deep state.

>>>/qresearch/12781141, >>>/qresearch/12781174, >>>/qresearch/12781188 The CRYBABIES OF WALL STREET have shut down the Metals markets. "Locked".

>>>/qresearch/12781143 Some of the top donors to Lincoln Project:

>>>/qresearch/12781184 Mega shilling by trolls trying to convince people to sell GameStop

>>>/qresearch/12781198 Biden WH dropping Lincoln Project - Refusing comment

>>>/qresearch/12781206 Great reference on the history of cryptoanalysis

>>>/qresearch/12781209 Q Post 2619 - GOLD shall destroy FED

>>>/qresearch/12781218 The (Cabal) Navalny Protests Charade: More Western Interference & Disinfo on Russia

>>>/qresearch/12781280 White House COVID Task Force Calls For Florida To SHUT DOWN Restaurants…

>>>/qresearch/12781288 Helsinki Committee: Israel Government, Pfizer Lead Illegal Experiment On Humans, Report

>>>/qresearch/12781311 August 21, 1988 - Hunt brothers of Dallas conspired with a group of other investors in a racketeering scheme to corner the world silver market in 1979 and 1980

>>>/qresearch/12781340 This [D] call for UNITY is Garbage ~ Kash Patel

>>>/qresearch/12781423 Anons who researched Gamestop and Loop Capital, should also look into TPG Capital

>>>/qresearch/12781469 Odd couple at center of Russian helicopter inquiry

>>>/qresearch/12781474 MTA reducing service as it gears up for 'unpredictable' snowstorm

>>>/qresearch/12781479 Taliban Warns of 'Consequences' Amid Reports That Biden Has Scrapped Trump Pledge on Afghan Pullout

>>>/qresearch/12781534 Schumer Says Biden Should Declare ‘Climate Emergency’, Rule Like A Dictator

>>>/qresearch/12781535, >>>/qresearch/12781665 DJT Jr - Oh wow, I see that the big bad predator-pedo defense network at Lincoln Project is springing into action!

>>>/qresearch/12781540 The DC guard were allowed no helmets, no body armor, no weapons. They were not allowed to stop or arrest protesters. Letter orders no interference with rioters

>>>/qresearch/12781543 In Biden’s First Full Week, The S&P 500 Records Its Worst Week Since October – Bringing the Market Into Loss Territory for the Year

>>>/qresearch/12781549 Moscow Tells US to Stop Meddling in Russia's Internal Affairs After State Dept's Protest Comments

>>>/qresearch/12781556 Two shocking headlines that sum up Covid: Billionaires MADE $3.9 trillion during the pandemic, while workers LOST $3.7 trillion

>>>/qresearch/12781557 The Ex Business Partner of Hunter Biden’s Criminal Defense Attorney Is Picked for a Top Justice Department Position

>>>/qresearch/12781570 Planefag: C-5 bird flying cross country. What’s FRED220 up to? That bird is Yuge

>>>/qresearch/12781576 Corporations That Support The $15 Minimum Wage Can Afford It. Here’s Who Can’t

>>>/qresearch/12781578 Goldman Warns If The Short Squeeze Continues, The Entire Market Could Crash

>>>/qresearch/12781589 Mark Cuban Presents A "Little Trick" For Creating The Mother Of All Short Squeezes

>>>/qresearch/12781593 George W. Bush Picks Sides – Calls to Thank Former VP Dick Cheney for His Daughter’s Service

>>>/qresearch/12781604 "Everyone Is Afraid Ahead Of The Open" - Reddit-Raiders Spark Nationwide Physical Silver Shortage

>>>/qresearch/12781614 More salad recalled for a possibly ‘serious or life threatening’ problem

>>>/qresearch/12781705 Anon opines - Silver head fake to get focus off AMC / Gamestop?

>>>/qresearch/12781724 May 2, 2011 - Sunday Night Silver Massacre

>>>/qresearch/12781753 Biden administration unaware of location of 20M COVID-19 vaccine doses

>>>/qresearch/12781766 #16315

(35 notables, 38 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29966

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12781780 Q Research General #16316: Silver Linings On The Horizon Edition

Created 312103ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12781889 Breitbart tweet: Biden to meet the Queen in London before G7 summit in June

>>>/qresearch/12781960, >>>/qresearch/12782033 Silver psyop by Cartel to take focus of AMC/Gamestop?

>>>/qresearch/12781976 Donna Brazile Has A Theory About Who Killed Seth Rich

>>>/qresearch/12782030 Richard Grenell calling out Janet Yellen

>>>/qresearch/12782034, >>>/qresearch/12782061 Mike Pompeo - "The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1

>>>/qresearch/12782042 Twitter Trending #BidenLied at 104k

>>>/qresearch/12782045, >>>/qresearch/12782135 Possible Tunnels under DC , same picture as Mike Lindel and 3-4 other pics

>>>/qresearch/12782054 Planefag Report: Only one (Kenyan) aircraft on scope

>>>/qresearch/12782074 Man hospitalised following attempted self-immolation in downtown Moscow, sources say

>>>/qresearch/12782077 LIVE: NY Young Republicans Hold ‘Re-Occupy Wall Street’ Protest After GameStop frenzy (Jan. 31) [Video]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=KHZ3SxXEQso - LIVE: NY Young Republicans Hold u2018Re-Occupy Wal [Channel: NTD]

>>>/qresearch/12782089 Aussie Prime Minister issues chilling warning about WuFlu in Australia for the coming year

>>>/qresearch/12782096 National Organization to Repeal the Fed reserve

>>>/qresearch/12782118 FF WARNING! - Active shooter report at Fox Valley Mall, Appleton WI - Eyes on

>>>/qresearch/12782143 'Insider footage of top Facebook Execs including Mark Zuckerberg dropping TONIGHT

>>>/qresearch/12782193 DeBlasio kills a groundhog

>>>/qresearch/12782196 Americans learn two-tiered justice system concerning Russia collusion investigation

>>>/qresearch/12782202 Sen. Portman calls on GOP to stand up to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene over school shooting "hoax" comments

>>>/qresearch/12782228 Parents at ultra-elite prep school mobilizing against race-obsessed curriculum changes

>>>/qresearch/12782232 Kamala Harris Sends Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema a Not-So-Subtle Message (support Biden or else)

>>>/qresearch/12782271 Democrats get ready to unleash the IRS for selective enforcement on political opponents

>>>/qresearch/12782273 Pence reportedly planning to form a Political Committee

>>>/qresearch/12782289 Maria B Sunday Morning Futures interviews incl Nunes and Patel (long version video 34 mins)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BlKObBLbw7A - Sunday Morning Futures 1/31/21| FOX BREAKING TRUMP [Channel: Live Movie]

(22 notables, 25 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29967

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12783388 Q Research General #16318: They Play Their Game On Our Backs. If We Stand Up The Game Stops Edition

Created 010017ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12783418, >>>/qresearch/12783434, >>>/qresearch/12783449, >>>/qresearch/12783465, >>>/qresearch/12783474, >>>/qresearch/12783476 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12783437 donna brazile: Why I joined the Lincoln Project: It's leading the 2020 fight to repel Trump and Trumpism

>>>/qresearch/12783444 #16316

>>>/qresearch/12783458 660 Fifth Ave. sheds Satanic address, to reopen next year

>>>/qresearch/12783478 Myanmar state TV says unable to broadcast due to technical errors

>>>/qresearch/12783481, >>>/qresearch/12783491, >>>/qresearch/12783523, >>>/qresearch/12783546, >>>/qresearch/12783549, >>>/qresearch/12783559 WINNING

>>>/qresearch/12783582, >>>/qresearch/12783628, >>>/qresearch/12783668, >>>/qresearch/12783699, >>>/qresearch/12783733 eyes on, anons, time to digg for Clinton connections to Myanmar corruption

>>>/qresearch/12783588 Biden, Democrats get torched by their own for breaking $2,000 stimulus promise: 'Never voting D again'

>>>/qresearch/12783627 Biden's labor agency appointee previously led Washington department that lost $600 million in unemployment checks to Nigerian fraud scheme

>>>/qresearch/12783643 Silver Futures Soar 8%, Rise Above $29 As Reddit Hordes Pile In

>>>/qresearch/12783695, >>>/qresearch/12783780, >>>/qresearch/12784072, >>>/qresearch/12784082 NAYPYITAW, Myanmar (AP) — Reports says a military coup has taken place in Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12783722 two NY 9/11 heroes died today

>>>/qresearch/12783729 New York Times Owners Descended from Slave-Holding Family, Published Pro-Lynching Articles Claiming ‘Republican Party Committed Great Public Crime’ When Giving Blacks The Right to Vote

>>>/qresearch/12783744 New York Times Uncritically Published From Hitler’s Mein Kampf on Eve of Largest Nazi Military Push

>>>/qresearch/12783772, >>>/qresearch/12783819 CardiB incites violence on twitter

>>>/qresearch/12783835 Secretary of State Antony Blinken Orders LGBT Flags Flown at U.S. Embassies, Will Name Special Envoy for Gay Rights

>>>/qresearch/12783854 Wikipedia Does Damage Control: Locks Page of Never-Trumper Caught Grooming Underage Boys

>>>/qresearch/12783867, >>>/qresearch/12783869, >>>/qresearch/12783908, >>>/qresearch/12784069 Trump Says Lawyers David Schoen and Bruce Castor will Lead Impeachment Defense Team

>>>/qresearch/12783883 Charles Hurt: As Biden Proclaims ‘Strategic Patience,’ China Is on the March

>>>/qresearch/12783890 Karl Rove Brought Up John Weaver Allegations in 2004; Dismissed as ‘Smear,’ ‘Lie’

>>>/qresearch/12783899 Conservative Leader Claims Daily Beast Editor-at-Large Molly Jong-Fast Knew of John Weaver’s Sexually Explicit Messages

>>>/qresearch/12783965 Do y'all notice this Administration says…. "shots into the arms of Americans" a lot?

>>>/qresearch/12783985 There's so many people buying right now JM Bullion keeps crashing

>>>/qresearch/12784053 Karl Rove had the John Weaver story back in 2004! (Atlantic dismissed it as a "lie")

>>>/qresearch/12784114 #16318

(25 notables, 46 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29968

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12782653 Q Research General #16317: Ebake For Victory Edition

Created 312256ZJAN21




>>>/qresearch/12782727 For the Keks: "Greener, Fairer, More Inclusive": IMF tweets on #DavosAgenda

>>>/qresearch/12782735 Biden Presidency May Herald New Start For Saudi-Iranian Relations

>>>/qresearch/12782748 Harris Handling Biden?

>>>/qresearch/12782767, >>>/qresearch/12782813, >>>/qresearch/12782842 Myanmar president, senior ruling party members reportedly arrested

>>>/qresearch/12782772 The Reddit Army Has Destroyed 3.7tn in Global Market Cap This Week

>>>/qresearch/12782779, >>>/qresearch/12782781, >>>/qresearch/12782784 Trump Announces Legal Team For Impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12782808, >>>/qresearch/12782820 Shooting reported at Wisconsin's Appleton Fox River Mall

>>>/qresearch/12782915 RobinHood On The Brink Of Collapse?

>>>/qresearch/12782984 Media Watchdog MRC: Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations

>>>/qresearch/12783322 Carmel Police Fatally Shoot 60-year-old Man Who Fired At Them And Others From Inside House

>>>/qresearch/12783331, >>>/qresearch/12783358 Gen. Flynn posts about Election Integrity and Interview With Jovan Hutton (also )

>>>/qresearch/12783377 #16317, #16318, #16319

(12 notables, 18 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29969

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12784129 Q Research General #16319: What Happened In SA Will Happen Here Edition

Created 010136ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12784218 Rofschild prediction came true: the fall of Syria, the future of NK and IRAN

>>>/qresearch/12784223 Virginia upholds election integrity for FUTURE elections as state judge outlaws counting late mail-in ballots without postmarks

>>>/qresearch/12784251 Senate delays vote to confirm Biden's DHS pick amid snowstorm

>>>/qresearch/12784253 In 2017, Soros Drafted Plan to Silence Patriots “by 2020”

>>>/qresearch/12784273, >>>/qresearch/12784447, >>>/qresearch/12784688 DJT Jr 10 days head nod?

>>>/qresearch/12784286 NYC issues state of emergency ahead of brutal winter storm

>>>/qresearch/12784287 FLASH: 21 people shot, 3 fatally, in weekend shootings across Chicago; So far this year, at least 245 people have been shot in the city.

>>>/qresearch/12784290 People Pretending To Do Journalism Are Mounting Pressure Campaigns To Silence Conservative Media

>>>/qresearch/12784319 The Stock Market, Fatally Wounded by the Truth, Will Stumble and Crash

>>>/qresearch/12784325 Robinhood App Owner’s Lie Caught on MSM

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=3-gUBJ-I7Wg - Robinhood App Owner's Lie Caught on MSM [Channel: HighImpactFlix]

>>>/qresearch/12784336 Silver Up 5+%

>>>/qresearch/12784345 The simulation is almost complete.

>>>/qresearch/12784346 Citron Research discontinues short selling research after 20 years

>>>/qresearch/12784389 New Republican stimulus proposal would cost $600B, include more direct checks

>>>/qresearch/12784500 What Happened to Aung San Suu Kyi? A human-rights icon’s fall from grace in Myanma

>>>/qresearch/12784534 Chairman Mao ‘would have approved’ of Google and Facebook’s threat to cut off its customers, a high-profile inquiry has heard.

>>>/qresearch/12784564 10 Senate Republicans who wrote letter to President Biden regarding Covid relief have been invited to the White House “early this week” for “a full exchange of views,"

>>>/qresearch/12784575 US 'alarmed by reports' about situation in Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12784580 Three new Veritas vids dropped on YT

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=e2y4b83Je8s - FACEBOOK INSIDER LEAKS: Zuckerberg & Execs Admit Excessive Power [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/12784602 internet connectivity in myanmar has fallen to 50% of ordinary levels

>>>/qresearch/12784603 statement by WH spokesperson jen psaki on burma

>>>/qresearch/12784693 Local #Myanmar #military TV Myawaddy has just announced the military has taken over control of the country

>>>/qresearch/12784854 #16319

(23 notables, 25 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29970

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12784881 Q Research General #16320: Happenings In Myanmar Edition

Created 010244ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12784972 #BREAKING: Whistleblower Leaks Footage Showing Facebook Execs Discussing Censorship, Capitol Riot & Alignment With Biden Admin.

>>>/qresearch/12784973 Ted Cruz: President Trump was “Both Reckless and Irresponsible” and Did Not Prove Election Fraud in Any Court

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=p6ReEeokXQI - Season Premiere: Biden's America | Ep. 63 [Channel: Verdict with Ted Cruz]

>>>/qresearch/12784981 Military/ Tadmadaw announced on military channel that military-backed VP is the acting president of #Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12784984 @PressSec on the situation in Burma:“The United States opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede Myanmar’s democratic transition,

>>>/qresearch/12784992, >>>/qresearch/12785182 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12785002, >>>/qresearch/12785060 History: the U.S. war dept borrowed 14k tons of govt silver to make the first atomic bomb

>>>/qresearch/12785068, >>>/qresearch/12785257 Police: Woman, 30, Found Dead of “Severe Laceration” on Streets of D.C.

>>>/qresearch/12785073 It's Never Too Early: Beto O'Rourke Hints at Run For Texas Governor

>>>/qresearch/12785105 capitol riot/pipebombs dig

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210129200019/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a73191e968909454e0094362c308ee4cceb9e47a507f2d36fbd27f0f2f8848dc.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12785113 Myanmar's state TV goes off air over 'communication problems', phone & Internet services limited amid apparent coup

>>>/qresearch/12785125 Myanmar army says detentions were made in response to election fraud

>>>/qresearch/12785147 COVID-19 vaccine ‘ruled out as a contributing factor’ in Placer County man’s death

>>>/qresearch/12785244 GameStop founder Gary Kusin said it was an 'honor' retail investors targeted the company: 'I just grabbed some popcorn'

>>>/qresearch/12785303 Dr Naomi Wolf: Just walked into a restaurant in Salem MA and was asked to scan my phone on entry for Track and Trace.

>>>/qresearch/12785343 Military Situation In Yemen On January 31, 2021 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/12785350 President" Biden publicly admonishes any attempt by a President to hand over power to their country's military in response to a fraudulent election

>>>/qresearch/12785378 Senator Manchin Slams VP Harris' TV Interview on COVID Plan, Calls For 'Bipartisan Pathway Forward'

>>>/qresearch/12785382 Ken Starr destroys impeachment

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=irRcc4ztoQg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12785418 Some old articles with Kansas comments on Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12785445 biden comes out of the PEOC for a photo op

>>>/qresearch/12785447 Myanmar among worst places for human trafficking, US report says

>>>/qresearch/12785450 bank Raphael de Rothschild's death an apparent OD after night of partying

>>>/qresearch/12785514 Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest

>>>/qresearch/12785557 LET IT SNOW: Giant pandas slide and somersault at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210201083110/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4e5f27c9a114559e2d9954474ea0ac1c38e8747cfa39f1e42729d3bff760275d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12785575 Silver futures 25k moar contracts than oil, and is up over 7%.

>>>/qresearch/12785593 project veritas FB drops

>>>/qresearch/12785623 #16320, #16321, #16322

(27 notables, 30 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29971

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12785629 Q Research General #16321: you must walk through the darkness before you see the light Edition

Created 010352ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12785698 Mom Turned Her Kids’ Placentas Into Chilli And A Burrito

>>>/qresearch/12785723, >>>/qresearch/12785815 DOS: We call on the Burmese military leaders to cease their actions and release all government officials and civil society leaders/first arrest PANIC?

>>>/qresearch/12785754 Here's The App Robinhood Investors Are Using To Join Class-Action Lawsuit Over GameStop Quagmire

>>>/qresearch/12785776 pre coup myanmar political climate

>>>/qresearch/12785781, >>>/qresearch/12785790 APMEX Statement On Current Market Conditions

>>>/qresearch/12785789 anon opines: So the Whitehats could have interfered with the election fraud in 2020 the same way that they interfered with it in 2016 to get Trump elected, but they didn't.

>>>/qresearch/12785810, >>>/qresearch/12785839, >>>/qresearch/12786196 Mitochondria and Calcium in Alzheimer’s Disease: From Cell Signaling to Neuronal Cell Death

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210201084321/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/de60b458dad4196d8890797517fdab46e99cabeed708ce79abb8a0dd2bab8ffb.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12785824 Media companies plead guilty to breaching suppression order in Pell stories

>>>/qresearch/12785830 Cernovich: The Ruling Class ‘Hates Us’

>>>/qresearch/12785848 Myanmar military chief Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing and Chinese President Xi

>>>/qresearch/12785863, >>>/qresearch/12785929, >>>/qresearch/12786372 myanmar & the clinton foundation

>>>/qresearch/12785877, >>>/qresearch/12785960 Remember when the police waved the protesters in through the Capitol on the 6th?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20221117101215/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81ee6cb3414ab376cde894a4753c39c476de2b5409249aba0c345368205de766.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220106213527/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6067c3802dd7e24c19fa2fad84a43634df40bc808de5b31cdf760eb6031a2885.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12785905 clockfag Time Stamp to Date Translation

>>>/qresearch/12785941, >>>/qresearch/12785952, >>>/qresearch/12786003, >>>/qresearch/12786211 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12786029 latest CDC data: 329 Deaths and 9,516 “Other Injuries” in U.S. Reported Following COVID Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12786034 Obama became the first American president to visit Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12786054 The PCR Test does not Identify the Virus: Covid “False Positives” Used to Justify the Lockdown and Closure of the National Economy.

>>>/qresearch/12786072 2015: As Myanmar Threatens Clinton Legacy, Podesta Firm Works to Mend Image

>>>/qresearch/12786073, >>>/qresearch/12786090 U.S. warns Myanmar’s military it’ll be punished for coup

>>>/qresearch/12786075 Psaki cant twitter, these people are stupid

>>>/qresearch/12786077 Kappy comms

>>>/qresearch/12786149 2017: Rex Tillerson went to Myanmar and accompanied President Donald Trump on his visit to Asia

>>>/qresearch/12786179, >>>/qresearch/12786187 Alexander Soros in Myanmar a week before Xi's visit

>>>/qresearch/12786209 unverified list of people arrested in today’s #Myanmar coup

>>>/qresearch/12786217 Angela stanton king: why hasnt myanmar happened in america?

>>>/qresearch/12786223 Army National Guard officer who described a recent letter by the Joint Chiefs sent military-wide as “seditious” is probably about to get a class on the military justice system.

>>>/qresearch/12786268 CNN: @Jack ignited a storm in Myanmar Dec 2018

>>>/qresearch/12786280 Timeline: Events in troubled Myanmar since Suu Kyi's NLD party came to power

>>>/qresearch/12786327 Q and asia happenings connection

>>>/qresearch/12786400 #16321

(30 notables, 42 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29972

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12786403 Q Research General #16322: Knights Errant Of Kekistan Edition

Created 010518ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12786517, >>>/qresearch/12786757 , WiredCraft wrote Myanmar’s voting system - complete with Angelina Jolie to promote it 'Made in China'?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211031192024/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/197725d86d420c42c3f67b1f5c83500a7d294d4e0e83f5ad30171d79cd06a85d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12786531 Watch the WATER

>>>/qresearch/12786535 Melvin Capital loses 53% in January over bet against GameStop thanks to Reddit buying spree

>>>/qresearch/12786561 GOP Rep. Kinzinger Says Family, Friends Turned Against Him After Trump Impeachment Vote

>>>/qresearch/12786567, >>>/qresearch/12786679, >>>/qresearch/12786769, >>>/qresearch/12786847, >>>/qresearch/12786849, >>>/qresearch/12786912 , HAPPY FREEDOM DAY ANONS

>>>/qresearch/12786585, >>>/qresearch/12786615 , What Comes Next For Robinhood And Reddit After Last Week’s GameStop Trading Frenzy?

>>>/qresearch/12786605 Wikileaks, Podesta to Linda Rotunno talking about "President Obama’s deep involvement with and interest in Myanmar’s political transition" and Aung San Suu Kyi (2016)

>>>/qresearch/12786625, >>>/qresearch/12786640 , (2018 Crozet) Virginia train crash

>>>/qresearch/12786649 Mike Lindel (My Pillow) says twtr ran his account for him for 15 days after they stop allowing him to use his account, could they set someone up?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=if64ZiEfTSo - Fox And Friends [Channel: Live Movie]

>>>/qresearch/12786688 Xi Jingping and Clinton Foundation

>>>/qresearch/12786713, >>>/qresearch/12786775, >>>/qresearch/12786850 , It Had To Be This Way…

>>>/qresearch/12786727 VA Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL

>>>/qresearch/12786741, >>>/qresearch/12786758 , FULL TEXT: Statement from Myanmar military on state of emergency

>>>/qresearch/12786746, >>>/qresearch/12786803, >>>/qresearch/12786896, >>>/qresearch/12787019, >>>/qresearch/12787050 , The 45-days-after-the-election up up tomorrow and the gov will begin examining if there was any foreign interference EO 13848 linked to Gamestop

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EXWDIjJYVAg - February Will Be Intense [Channel: David Nino Rodriguez]

>>>/qresearch/12786764 Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown: Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12786780 Twitch Hires Xbox Exec Angela Hession as Head of Trust and Safety

>>>/qresearch/12786804 GameStop founder Gary Kusin said it was an 'honor' retail investors targeted the company: 'I just grabbed some popcorn'

>>>/qresearch/12786814, >>>/qresearch/12786817, >>>/qresearch/12786893 , Dan Scavino Tweet Panda playing in snow 51 seconds long (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/12786821 Christianity is 70.6% in US

>>>/qresearch/12786828 MYANMAR & Marina Abramović connections

>>>/qresearch/12786857 Too close for comfort, Obama and Suu Kyi optimistic, guarded on Myanmar reform

>>>/qresearch/12786909, >>>/qresearch/12787038 , Myanmar is the world's second-largest producer of opium after Afghanistan, producing some 25% of the world's opium, and forms part of the Golden Triangle

>>>/qresearch/12786924 TRUMP PUMP UP VIDEO for good measure

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210201124836/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e4b64a5f488c9670ceeffdca10832edbd67fa0413b113bb61be07645fc9a0fec.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12786949, >>>/qresearch/12786999, >>>/qresearch/12787009 , Dan Scavino Message from President Trump (35 seconds) Time stamp 1:06am (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211214001132/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfa31fc374aa1fc3716c52c35b4ddd0487f5ecbc7b2d2224ad25d52a9023e961.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12786994 Invisibly visible masonic symbols (25 min)

>>>/qresearch/12787008 Hunt Brothers, The Hunters Become The Hunted, Silver Trading graph

>>>/qresearch/12787062, >>>/qresearch/12787136 , GEORGE News COMMS from their YT chat tonight ?

>>>/qresearch/12787090 London Stock Exchange, CITADEL SECURITIES EUROPE LTD (London) has a CED codice #2847. LONDON2847

>>>/qresearch/12787108 C-37A Gulfstream V, PF Reporting

>>>/qresearch/12787116 "DONALD TRUMP WINS" Dan Scavino just posted this some minutes ago from Mar a Lago

>>>/qresearch/12787181 #16322

(31 notables, 52 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29973

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12787195 Q Research General #16323: Happy Freedom Day + Scavino + GEORGE Edition

Created 010716ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12787316, >>>/qresearch/12787333 Anon nom: This is who the government they just removed was in the pocket of, which is why the State Department is making a fuss about it. (tweet of an Alexander Soros quote)

>>>/qresearch/12787357 Silver just crossed 10% gain threshold.

>>>/qresearch/12787733 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12787760 Apparently the Biden WH carries on Obama tradition of using Burma and Myanmar interchangeably.

>>>/qresearch/12787787 JUST IN - #Myanmar’s army declared a state of emergency, cites fraud during November’s general election in a video address broadcast.

>>>/qresearch/12787822 Detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has called on the people of Myanmar to oppose Monday’s military coup, even as the army promised new elections and a return to a civilian government.

>>>/qresearch/12787922 Is this the Office of the Former President Donald J. Trump's Website? Anons noticed the placeholders are atill in some places

>>>/qresearch/12787953 #16323, #16324, #16325

(8 notables, 9 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29974

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12787979 Q Research General #16324: The 'There Is A Freedom Emergency On This Day' Edition

Created 011020ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12788044 hotair: Senator Cassidy: No, the White House never reached out to Republicans on COVID relief bill

>>>/qresearch/12788051, >>>/qresearch/12788072 Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi detained in early morning raid as military takes over country

>>>/qresearch/12788054 Secretary of State Antony Blinken Orders LGBT Flags Flown at U.S. Embassies, Will Name Special Envoy for Gay Rights

>>>/qresearch/12788057 WND: Media scorched Amy Coney Barrett for being Catholic, but adore Biden

>>>/qresearch/12788063 Examiner: Infectious disease expert says wearing two masks could enhance ability to get infected by COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/12788073 Biden Withdraws $27.4 Billion in Spending Cuts Proposed by Trump

>>>/qresearch/12788077 Politico: Why you haven’t seen a sit-down Biden interview yet

>>>/qresearch/12788078 Warren primping at the markets: Dailycaller: ‘Grow A Backbone’: Elizabeth Warren Ramps Up Pressure On SEC To Regulate Stock Market

>>>/qresearch/12788084 MSNBC: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene won't get expelled from Congress

>>>/qresearch/12788092 ZH: America's Trust In The Mainstream Media Hits An All-Time-Low (And "Journalists" Are Shocked)

>>>/qresearch/12788100, >>>/qresearch/12788110 President Joe Biden's Press Secretary Jen Psaki dismissed concerns over potential conflicts of interest of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen after it was revealed that she had been paid to speak at Citadel LLC.

>>>/qresearch/12788106 Issuesinsights: Bare-Knuckle Brawl Over GameStop Pits America’s Elites Vs. ‘Deplorables’

>>>/qresearch/12788107 Frontpagemag: New York Times Writes Entire Article About Lincoln Project Sex Scandal Which Fails to Mention Biden

>>>/qresearch/12788123 Queen Elizabeth to host Biden, world leaders ahead of G7 summit

>>>/qresearch/12788128 Dailymail : 'Where are the Biden joke skits? Is the President now off limits?

>>>/qresearch/12788132 Pagesix: Veteran ABC News chief James Goldston resigns suddenly

>>>/qresearch/12788134 Rush Limbaugh Sends Dire Warning After GOP Plans To Get Rid Of The “MAGA” Movement

>>>/qresearch/12788146 Ghosted bake

>>>/qresearch/12788154 twitter suspends major christian group mind boggling grounds

>>>/qresearch/12788174 What does youtube BHM mean?

>>>/qresearch/12788203 U.S. expresses "grave concern" of military coup in Burma/Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12788218 Rats are abandoning the NY ship

>>>/qresearch/12788295 Jimmy Kimmel calling reddit Russian disruptors. KEK!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210201084608/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/008a08fc3e6a791bc4ce304666eaf6adcdc277f87b902d7edadbb8073ce7d2f8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12788317 What makes George News credible or worth watching?

>>>/qresearch/12788318 a MEMO from Trump’s Acting Sec. of Defense Chris Miller to the DC National Guard with directives NOT to engage

>>>/qresearch/12788335 Your skies and underground are brimming with higher dimensional beings

>>>/qresearch/12788337 is china going down?

>>>/qresearch/12788349 Wheels Up in the news

>>>/qresearch/12788364 New Zealand is slammed for siding with CHINA in trade war

>>>/qresearch/12788461 4am talking point is a coup

>>>/qresearch/12788471 New Baker

>>>/qresearch/12788477 Q drop, National Freedom Day

>>>/qresearch/12788490 Trump yesterday at Mar A Lago

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220101102807/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e5d372f61228251e2468f04605069ee6ac3abb7c2cfdd55e106f6809ec5b1835.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12788499 more bus loads of NG arriving in D.C.

>>>/qresearch/12788592 new allegations of abuse against Marilyn Manson

>>>/qresearch/12788604 Q drops with "Freedom"

>>>/qresearch/12788608 antifa group sieged a Red Lion hotel in Olympia, WA

>>>/qresearch/12788617 Stacey Abrams has been nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize

>>>/qresearch/12788722 #16324

(39 notables, 41 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29975

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12788780 Q Research General #16325: E-Bake For The Win

Created 011403ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12788823 Dozens of former Bush officials leave Republican Party, calling it 'Trump cult

>>>/qresearch/12788831, >>>/qresearch/12789137, >>>/qresearch/12789150 The Brokers Are Breaking… Again

>>>/qresearch/12788839, >>>/qresearch/12789392 PF Reports - Morning Gitmo Air update, P-3C heading off the coast of Florida

>>>/qresearch/12788848 CBS MarketWatch compare and contrast hit piece re: qanon/gme

>>>/qresearch/12788861, >>>/qresearch/12788892 Watching GME and AMC

>>>/qresearch/12788872 Browder family dig, RE: Robin Hood Class Action Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12788886 How Much Silver Is Really Sitting In Comex Vaults? (2016)

>>>/qresearch/12788888 Kek Hath Spoken - Diamond Pepe Gets Digits

>>>/qresearch/12788896 Peruvian court rules that Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller family “created” coronavirus pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12788940 The Diamond Invention, Diamond History Digg

>>>/qresearch/12788943 Here is what Congressional calendar looks like

>>>/qresearch/12788975 Higher Education has cost the taxpayers far too much

>>>/qresearch/12789018 Daily Mail on Trump's Impeachment Defense Team members

>>>/qresearch/12789032 Israel Successfully Completes Tests on Advanced Version of Iron Dome

>>>/qresearch/12789045 Lebanon army arrests 18 Lebanese, Syrians linked to Islamic State

>>>/qresearch/12789094, >>>/qresearch/12789097 Silver News Updates

>>>/qresearch/12789115 China 'is preparing for possible war' after staging military exercises near Taiwan 'almost every day' in January

>>>/qresearch/12789127, >>>/qresearch/12789180 Anon asks - Is this why KellyAnne quit Trump….she and her hubby knew Weaver was coming down soon?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210201155417/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/46e180eee3a8f53ce335ae5dba554365dd06520f10227269f660ff2cb957cd3e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12789159 Nine senior New York public health officials quit cuz of Gov. Cuomo's Covid-19 actions

>>>/qresearch/12789212, >>>/qresearch/12789218 Stephen Miller Goes OFF!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XQyPuBo5RWQ - Stephen Miller With Maria Bartiromo [Channel: The Sheridan Files]

>>>/qresearch/12789264 McConnell (Unsurprisingly) calls for the release of Myanmar Leadership.

>>>/qresearch/12789275 Anon Asks - Any idea if this is the sealed indictments we have been tracking?

>>>/qresearch/12789283 FOLLOW THE MONEY - $200,000,000 to DOPEY (Prince Al-Waleed) from WARNER MUSIC

>>>/qresearch/12789366 Price tag for extra security at California Capitol was over $22M

>>>/qresearch/12789458 Meme war call to arms from our brothers at voat - Anniversary of the death of Heather O’Rourke

>>>/qresearch/12789489 #16325

(26 notables, 33 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29976

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12789505 Q Research General #16326: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks Edition

Created 011546ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12789538 Screen caps GameStop Corp. & AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc

>>>/qresearch/12789612 Anons theory that GME should be over 1K

>>>/qresearch/12789613 Stop falling for the shills that are pushing the insurrection incitement narrative!

>>>/qresearch/12789615 Oregon law to decriminalize all drugs goes into effect, offering addicts rehab instead of prison

>>>/qresearch/12789619, >>>/qresearch/12789839 Anons, stop this shit and shut the fuck up, you are worst of the worst

>>>/qresearch/12789621, >>>/qresearch/12789661 "…we've seen EXECUTIVE ACTIONS…"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XQyPuBo5RWQ - Stephen Miller With Maria Bartiromo [Channel: The Sheridan Files]

>>>/qresearch/12789630 'There are a lot more Weinsteins': Actor and Me Too activist Rosanna Arquette warns that the Hollywood producer's conviction was 'the tip of the iceberg'

>>>/qresearch/12789635 “The ASOC simply could not accomplish its mission without the support of reserve personnel,

>>>/qresearch/12789645, >>>/qresearch/12789733 Her "White Superiority" is showing. "She ain't Black"……Wait for it….

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220916131429/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f6c97cece4dee966ea164cc896b5c43e6740b99ec3b712bdd005a31552944821.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12789658, >>>/qresearch/12789935 Thor is being played on the monitor

>>>/qresearch/12789689 The ASOC simply could not accomplish its mission without the support of reserve personnel

>>>/qresearch/12789713 Anons collection of "UFO"

>>>/qresearch/12789720 BE AFRAID! Infectious Disease Expert Warns 'Category 5' COVID-19 Hurricane Is About To Hit

>>>/qresearch/12789766 Flu cases in England have plunged by more than 95% to levels not seen for 130 years (Sky)

>>>/qresearch/12789768 Anons caps

>>>/qresearch/12789769 PF

>>>/qresearch/12789779 Dan Scavino posted POTUS Trump: "If I give you one message to hold in your heart today…

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220121042307/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7bf84f0971a61b406f4b734591fefc60247412d0d1440803596f162f0c8a4cda.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12789844, >>>/qresearch/12789951 (You), (You) If I give you one message to hold in your heart today

>>>/qresearch/12789854, >>>/qresearch/12789863, >>>/qresearch/12789876 Lin Wood archived posts

>>>/qresearch/12789865 (You) Anon points they can't even add "=="

>>>/qresearch/12789887 Anons meme - I'll have to circle back to you on that

>>>/qresearch/12789956 Oversight Board reverses Facebook removal of post touting hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 treatment

>>>/qresearch/12790105 Stacy Abrams Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Overwhelming Georgia Elections System with Questionable Ballots

>>>/qresearch/12790106 Rutgers researcher who developed first COVID-19 saliva test dies Heart Attack Age 51

>>>/qresearch/12790133 CAUGHT: Liar George Conway Tells MSNBC that He Didn’t Know Groomer John Weaver Well — Then This OpEd They Co-Wrote in the NY Times Resurfaces

>>>/qresearch/12790143 Twitter is quicker to ban sitting presidents and conservative commentators than alleged pedophiles. Sort your priorities, Jack

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0YOemKAmz_w - Twitter's Massive Pedo Problem [Channel: Savantics]

>>>/qresearch/12790168 Pa. Secretary of State Boockvar to resign over mistake: Report

>>>/qresearch/12790178 "This Is Unprecedented In History" APMEX CEO Explains Why They Halted Silver Bullion Sales Over The Weekend

>>>/qresearch/12790203 Vaccine crime ring: Chinese police make 80 arrests & seize 3,000 saline-filled syringes

>>>/qresearch/12790219 Russian Fighter Jet Buzzes US Warship In Black Sea As American Presence Builds

>>>/qresearch/12790230 12 arrested in SWAT operation after activists armed with KNIVES & AXES briefly occupy hotel in Olympia, WA

>>>/qresearch/12790256 Biden’s Adviser To Pick Federal Judges Was Accused of Physically Assaulting Children, Nudity

(32 notables, 39 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29977

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12792609 Q Research General #16330: Deep State Entrenched In Myanmar Coup? Edition

Created 012159ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12792624 Biden State Dept. spokeswoman called police 'largest threat to US national security': Report

>>>/qresearch/12792689, >>>/qresearch/12792825 Dustin Diamond, dead at 44

>>>/qresearch/12792695 Psaki Taunts Reddit Bros With The SEC

>>>/qresearch/12792703 “The Senate is Utterly Without Jurisdiction to Try Donald Trump” – Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr Explains Why Democrats Can’t Try Trump

>>>/qresearch/12792706, >>>/qresearch/12792833, >>>/qresearch/12792853 , Trump Assassination Foiled, Deep State in Panic Mode!

>>>/qresearch/12792708 PSAKI: Biden Administration Encourages Tech Censorship, Twitter Banning Trump Purged ‘Hate Speech’

>>>/qresearch/12792713 Homeland Security Descends on Tampa Bay Ahead of Super Bowl

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CwobSJ5kqws - Local organizations raise awareness about human tr [Channel: ABC Action News]

>>>/qresearch/12792714 Outrage after police pepper-spray handcuffed NINE-YEAR-OLD girl in Rochester, New York (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/12792729 Michigan’s Tyrannical, Economy-Wrecking Governor Aids CNN In Vile Propaganda Campaign To Label Dissenters Of Democrat Party’s Radical Agenda, “Domestic Terrorists”

>>>/qresearch/12792739 Paul M. Abbate who headed the Detroit FBI from 2013 to 2015, has been named deputy director of the FBI – the #2 spot in the agency, just under Director Christopher Wray.

>>>/qresearch/12792767 (You) Groundhog Day February 2

>>>/qresearch/12792768 Robinhood to continue trading limits on Monday, customers can still only buy one GameStop share

>>>/qresearch/12792792, >>>/qresearch/12793046 , Matthew 13

>>>/qresearch/12792803 Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., Petitioner v. Kathy Boockvar, Secretary of Pennsylvania, et al.

>>>/qresearch/12792804, >>>/qresearch/12792852 , #BidenLied tops Twitter trends as president's loyalists try to hijack hashtag to switch conversation from disappointment to Trump

>>>/qresearch/12792808, >>>/qresearch/12792809, >>>/qresearch/12792831, >>>/qresearch/12792942, >>>/qresearch/12793097 , Up coming event calls Pence "CURRENT VP of the US"

>>>/qresearch/12792811 'You got conned': Regretful Democrat volunteers cope with disappointment after Biden turns out to have misled about $2,000 checks

>>>/qresearch/12792824 Counting his chickens before they hatch, @rickklein

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202035540/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e6d9e3ebc99b45248d53c56228923116a97ad3bb2facc3888565371f0a4a1e23.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12792827 A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time

>>>/qresearch/12792829 Trump, Xi, Putin and Modi have a collaborative plan to take down the Chinese Communist Party, which was imposed upon the Chinese people by the globalist deep state cabal (vid)

>>>/qresearch/12792832, >>>/qresearch/12792869 , JFK library and XVIII tweeting snow comms

>>>/qresearch/12792839 Russia has plan to cut off country from ‘US-controlled’ global internet, but only as ‘last resort,’ says former President Medvedev

>>>/qresearch/12792862 Can't even get 2019 DEATH counts break down from CDC site. What a scam.

>>>/qresearch/12792878 , >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com

>>>/qresearch/12792884 Biden pushes green energy agenda after campaign donations from green industry

>>>/qresearch/12792897 Rep. Speier urges Biden admin. to vet social media accounts of military recruits and service members

>>>/qresearch/12792923 Wernher von Braun, Appollo 50th tweet

>>>/qresearch/12792956, >>>/qresearch/12793022, >>>/qresearch/12793063 , GME closed exactly $100.00 down from $325.00 to $225.00? Down another $50.00…Evidence of an algorithm?

>>>/qresearch/12792994 “Flag” painting in WH Oval Office chosen by Clinton, Obama & Biden for display - symbol of Salem Witch Trials, WWI and Crash of 1929

>>>/qresearch/12793014 Alexander Soros, PhD

>>>/qresearch/12793053 So ever since the Capitol riots, Rob asks, it's okay to call over 70 million Trump supporters 'white supremacists? (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202040306/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/40ab217b395e9b63d65ce70c9f3ee564af99270319225bd7d3e98c22f4c5ee98.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12793077 Just don't buy from De Beers(largest in the world and a private company)

>>>/qresearch/12793083 New ‘Smart’ Bullets Are Able To Change Direction In Midair

>>>/qresearch/12793093 Hunter. Georgia.

>>>/qresearch/12793096, >>>/qresearch/12793125, >>>/qresearch/12793197 , Ex-NFL star Marcellus Wiley calls for 'separate transgender category' in school sports after Biden order

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202032239/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0552b850892a481cfa1aa3e7d0b0c2843033c6002645cba04d7696a66f911479.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12793105 CME Hikes Silver Margins After Prices Surge to Eight-Year High

>>>/qresearch/12793132 Hundreds deported under Biden, including witness to massacre

>>>/qresearch/12793147 White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki says Trump might be a security risk

>>>/qresearch/12793162 "A Message to the Mob" from MTG…

>>>/qresearch/12793217 Trusted frauds are the most dangerous frauds

>>>/qresearch/12793237 Joe Biden is considering revoking Donald Trump's rights to be briefed on the nation's secrets as a former president, White House reveals

>>>/qresearch/12793253 Zarif Suggests EU High Representative Borrell ‘Choreograph’ US-Iran Joint Return to JCPOA

>>>/qresearch/12793259 Giga Berlin progress (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202041001/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a56ea35ad0309c0f5a4fffa2d7d0dc3663f1be5ecc82dd8d1fb470ebefabbc7c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12793329 Doug Mills, Biden & Harris meet with Republican Senators about the American Rescue Plan in the Oval Office.

>>>/qresearch/12793417 #16330

(45 notables, 59 posts, 72 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29978

File: 2dbd48c01cc90a7⋯.jpg (8.55 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12790373 Q Research General #16327: We Have The Best Anons, Don't We Folks ll Edition

Created 011730ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12790392 Burmese Leader Ousted For Vote Fraud In Military Coup Had Close Clinton, Soros Ties

>>>/qresearch/12790397 'This has all the hallmarks of the world's next major military drama'

>>>/qresearch/12790407 Rabobank: Uprisings And Revolutions Are Often The Result Of Expensive Silver

>>>/qresearch/12790420, >>>/qresearch/12790836 Evan Rachel Wood accuses former fiancé Marilyn Manson of abusing her

>>>/qresearch/12790433 Biden’s Adviser To Pick Federal Judges Was Accused of Physically Assaulting Children, Nudity

>>>/qresearch/12790442 Facebook Reverses Decision to Ban Trump-Backed HCQ as COVID Therapy

>>>/qresearch/12790446 Left-wing Capitol activist John Sullivan accused of violating terms of release with Internet use

>>>/qresearch/12790462 ‘I want these officers fired!’ Outrage after police pepper-spray handcuffed NINE-YEAR-OLD girl in Rochester, New York

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=M16D0Pn6Raw - Rochester, NY police pepper spray handcuffed 9-yea [Channel: KHOU 11]

>>>/qresearch/12790467, >>>/qresearch/12790484, >>>/qresearch/12790499, >>>/qresearch/12790508, >>>/qresearch/12790541, >>>/qresearch/12790564, >>>/qresearch/12790579, >>>/qresearch/12790633 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12790485 Robinhood narrows trade restrictions list to 8 companies, including GameStop

>>>/qresearch/12790510 Zuckerberg Explains Facebook Blacklisting Trump: He wanted to ‘Undermine’ the Transition of Power

>>>/qresearch/12790529 Based state Senator Amanda Chase files lawsuit against Virginia Senate, after getting censured for supporting Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/12790545 London Bridge Jihadi’s Widow Granted 15K in Legal Aid, as Victim’s Families Denied Funding

>>>/qresearch/12790546, >>>/qresearch/12790999 capitol riot timeline not adding up

>>>/qresearch/12790551 As Govt Eyes Tax Rises, British Taxpayer Burden is Already at 70-Year High

>>>/qresearch/12790575 scavino tweet/Q connection dig

>>>/qresearch/12790639 Biden Kills Trump Budget Cuts Totaling $27.4 Billion

>>>/qresearch/12790678, >>>/qresearch/12790925 for the record, amy kremer isnt suicidal

>>>/qresearch/12790685 Federal agents raid TN lawmakers offices and homes

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mwAn_a2pMQA - Federal agents raid TN lawmakers offices and homes [Channel: News4 WSMV Nashville]

>>>/qresearch/12790690, >>>/qresearch/12790936 Anal Swab Covid Test Won’t Make You Waddle Like A ‘Penguin’, China Says

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210201184240/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2e7464dd229bf469a9d8406fbd4a0ac23a9d3d07847d1cdf4df2aba70237e31e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12790700 Guess who greatly benefitted from Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline?

>>>/qresearch/12790716 GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger says 'we traffic in lies' as he launches campaign to 'take party back' from Trump and QAnon-following congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>>/qresearch/12790732 GTMO844, tail #163844 has a pretty interesting flight log.

>>>/qresearch/12790769 America vows to 'take action' if Myanmar military coup is not reversed after soldiers arrest Aung San Suu Ky, the president and MPs in dawn raids

>>>/qresearch/12790789 Howard Ruff: Gold's Great, But Silver And Uranium Are Where It's At

>>>/qresearch/12790792 India Farmers’ Protests: Internet Shutdown Highlights Modi’s Record of Stifling Digital Dissent

>>>/qresearch/12790804 a postal worker in Regina, Saskatchewan, refused to deliver a sample edition of The Epoch Times and was suspended for three days without pay.

>>>/qresearch/12790807 Tunisia: Ex-president says country witnessing struggle for power

>>>/qresearch/12790820 “according to a statement that carried Suu Kyi's name but not her signature.” How does a DETAINED political prisoner send out a message like this?

>>>/qresearch/12790850 Judge Orders Trump Organization to Hand Over Documents to New York Attorney General

>>>/qresearch/12790854 Biden condemns military coup in Burma

>>>/qresearch/12790866 anon opines: human entanglement

>>>/qresearch/12790879 Kushner Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

>>>/qresearch/12790905 Congressional War Vets Warn Biden Against Shuttering Gitmo

>>>/qresearch/12790957 ancient jersey teeth find hints at neanderthal mixing

>>>/qresearch/12790960 biden has spoken to the need for SM censorship: re geotus B&

>>>/qresearch/12790966 the office of DJT website fuckery

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210201225320/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e606369e5583c1da9eb55a51101adddbf4097075dd73f1999ca398c50e91a4ea.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12790981 ja rule flipps on gamestop

>>>/qresearch/12790990 77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election, familiarize yourselves with the narrative

>>>/qresearch/12791021 smartmatic in myanmar elections

>>>/qresearch/12791039 george papa: After millions of votes were suspected of being fraudulent, the Burmese military has just instituted a coup d’etat in Burma

>>>/qresearch/12791047 simpsons writer marc wilmore dead at 57 from covid

>>>/qresearch/12791058, >>>/qresearch/12791091 #16326, #16327, #16328

(43 notables, 55 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29979

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12791064 Q Research General #16328: Anons Own The Kitchen For Another Day Edition

Created 011846ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12791182 China Has Stolen The Personal Data Of 80% Of American Adults: Report

>>>/qresearch/12791187 Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Praised Biden’s Executive Orders: Leaked Video

>>>/qresearch/12791195 Scandal-rama: Figures tied to past controversies increasingly land jobs on Team Biden

>>>/qresearch/12791206 Blinken: Iran could be weeks away from enough nuclear material for bomb

>>>/qresearch/12791219 in god we trust one year delta

>>>/qresearch/12791223 The Impeachment, HRC’s Testimony & Much More!

>>>/qresearch/12791228 From the "leaked" call on Georgia voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/12791266 Ex-Salvadoran FIFA Official Extradited to the US

>>>/qresearch/12791269, >>>/qresearch/12791291 The art world has a money laundering problem - CNN/hunter biden connection

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=F3X2Qed_y2U - Modern Art is Used for Money Laundering?!?! [Channel: FUNspiracies]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OgINNeMzN3s - The Georges Bergès Gallery - A New Gallery Debuts in Soho [Channel: SinoVision 美国中文电视]

>>>/qresearch/12791280 Selling Homeland At Affordable Price: Videos Show Negotiations Between Western Intelligence And Executive Director Of Navalny Team

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4cXnTKvvhMA - Протесты и пропаганда: что обсуждали исполнительный директор ФБК и предполагаемы [Channel: RT на русском]

>>>/qresearch/12791303 ISIS Attacks Popular Mobilization Units As Iraqi Sources Blame U.S. For Airlifting Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/12791319 Details from the Senator Chase v Virginia Senate lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12791333 A Key Player in Malaysia's Biggest-Ever Corruption Scandal Found Sanctuary in Cyprus With Help From a Major London Firm

>>>/qresearch/12791337, >>>/qresearch/12791417 Dustin Diamond, Best Known For His Role As Screech on ‘Saved by the Bell,’ Dead at 44 After Battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer, TMZ Reports

>>>/qresearch/12791385 Physical Silver Premium To Paper Hits Record As Market Tears In Two

>>>/qresearch/12791419 smartmatic in myanmar scrubbed

>>>/qresearch/12791427 Private/Unlisted YouTube Videos of U.S. Government Agencies

>>>/qresearch/12791439 Court Fines Navalny’s Wife After Protests in Moscow

>>>/qresearch/12791443 @ChmnMendelson says "We literally cannot deliver the legislation. … It's this crazy home rule situation which would be avoided if we had statehood."

>>>/qresearch/12791458 Biden White House Wages War on 1st Amendment, ‘We Support the Need For Social Media Platforms to Take Steps to Reduce Hate Speech’

>>>/qresearch/12791459 Myanmar Connects to Human Trafficking, Election Fraud Smartmatic and more

>>>/qresearch/12791478 Biden said the U.S. could reinstate sanctions on Myanmar if the Southeast Asian country’s military doesn’t “immediately relinquish the power they have seized”

>>>/qresearch/12791479 We are watching a movie, myanmar military coup photo bombs aerobics work out

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211023140902/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/227802a335c9d19b3a412f16c642a5c76c689817b004f13142c6b3e511560413.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12791497 Nov 17 2020: Smartmatic Voting Technology Firm Linked to Alleged Fraud in Elections in Philippines, Venezuela

>>>/qresearch/12791513 biden tweet about covid relief

>>>/qresearch/12791560 meme magic: pres sec jen psaki is mad, admits conservative twitter is in her head with "circle back" mocking

>>>/qresearch/12791564 Biden White House OUTRAGED After Burmese Military Arrests Country’s Leaders over Alleged November Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/12791600 anon opines: pavlov and emotional mind controll

>>>/qresearch/12791649, >>>/qresearch/12791735, >>>/qresearch/12791820 more bus loads of NG arriving in DC

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210201231517/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a872251420e57419904f62ae554bba178d1a85e95605037098bfc7d1810e5a2e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12791661 Council on Foreign Relations calls for formation of state-owned media to quell subversive internet chatter

>>>/qresearch/12791703 10th mountain division laughs at your winter storm warning

>>>/qresearch/12791706, >>>/qresearch/12791717 A fast, at-home coronavirus test will be available to Americans this year

>>>/qresearch/12791749 DOD: #MilitaryWorkingDog Dina goes through tunnels during yard training at @KadenaAirBase

>>>/qresearch/12791772 GEOTUS getting shit done in his new office

>>>/qresearch/12791777 USA today: christian nationalism is a threat, and not just capitol attackers invoking jesus

>>>/qresearch/12791840 #16328

(36 notables, 41 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29980

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12791852 Q Research General #16329: Treat The Word Impossible As Nothing More Than Motivation Edition

Created 012016ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12791896, >>>/qresearch/12791944 baker on duty

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220121042307/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7bf84f0971a61b406f4b734591fefc60247412d0d1440803596f162f0c8a4cda.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12791925 wiredcraft wrote the software for Myanmar’s election system

>>>/qresearch/12791968, >>>/qresearch/12791972 GEOTUS keeps causing freedom erections

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211110022542/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed446eb91028b07d8421176007f3c825dea8fe05c8a1ed9d9a9852b13bda6006.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211110022617/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e068b23bf36447b71a5d349a555040f25db95883e9d6a42ec0811450a2579b1c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12791974 Joe Biden wants to bring down White House perimeter fence as soon as possible as extra security precautions remain in place

>>>/qresearch/12791979 US naval institute: #OTD in 1800, USS Constellation battled the French Navy frigate La Vengeance during the Quasi-War

>>>/qresearch/12791982, >>>/qresearch/12792105, >>>/qresearch/12792135 Karl Rove is asked about Lincoln Project founder John Weaver: “I've actually known about this pattern of behavior since 1988."/pedowood donors

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202033939/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4d089b5b6d67e267dd1bc8014c25c68bbe1ae99939fb08fe3c65cac761edacf3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12791995 Mainstream Media Lies About Hydroxychloroquine Are Costing Thousands Of American Lives

>>>/qresearch/12792020 Biden administration says Iran could now be 'weeks away' from having material to build a nuclear bomb.

>>>/qresearch/12792042 PROJECT VERITAS: Facebook Insider Leaks: Zuckerberg/FB Execs Admit Facebook Has Too Much Power, Wants to Work with Biden

>>>/qresearch/12792053 dr naomi wolf: Just walked into a restaurant in Salem MA and was asked to scan my phone on entry for Track and Trace. Restaurant faces $300 fine for not making me. I said No, Fourth Amendment.

>>>/qresearch/12792081, >>>/qresearch/12792094 2013: George Soros teams up with Irish tycoon 'Denis O'Brien' for Myanmar's telecoms services news

>>>/qresearch/12792092 telegram fag teases release of information about medical examiner lying about autopsy results, selling organs

>>>/qresearch/12792098 Myanmar Military Promise to Return Power After Free and Fair Election

>>>/qresearch/12792116 Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar will resign after the department reportedly failed to advertise a proposed constitutional amendment that would extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims

>>>/qresearch/12792152 Second Wave of Haitian Migrants Arrive at West Texas Border

>>>/qresearch/12792164 “We’re In A World of Complete Irrationality” – Dr. Scott Atlas on How the States Are Distributing Vaccines Under Biden

>>>/qresearch/12792171 MSNBC Did Not Ask Lincoln Project Founders About John Weaver Despite Booking Them 17 Times After The Story First Broke

>>>/qresearch/12792174 Lincoln Project Rocked by Trumpian Levels of Scandal, Disarray

>>>/qresearch/12792180 AP: 118 New Hampshire Guard Members to Deploy to Middle East

>>>/qresearch/12792188 These Are the Official Space Force Ranks

>>>/qresearch/12792196 another dead link: soros invests 9bn in myanmar telecoms

>>>/qresearch/12792225 sen john cornyn: it would be a "disservice for the presidents own defense" to argue the 2020 election was stolen

>>>/qresearch/12792248 Lin Wood changed his legal residence from the State of Georgia to the State of South Carolina

>>>/qresearch/12792254 Jailed 'Cowboys for Trump' Leader Moved to Solitary Confinement for Refusing COVID Procedure

>>>/qresearch/12792266 Former Business Partner of Hunter Biden’s Criminal Defense Attorney Is Picked for a Top Justice Department Position

>>>/qresearch/12792279 Biden Threatens Sanctions Against Burma Following Military Coup — Press Secretary Says It’s A ‘Message’ To China, Other Countries

>>>/qresearch/12792293 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12792305 some perspective:The Reddit army has destroyed $3.7tn in global mkt cap this week, equal to the GDP of Germany,

>>>/qresearch/12792328 Pompeo on Ingram tonight!

>>>/qresearch/12792332 Biden and Netanyahu's decades-long friendship faces new test after Israel's Prime Minister went all in for Trump

>>>/qresearch/12792334, >>>/qresearch/12792382 2015: george soros delivered his pre-recorded speech at the Oslo Conference to End Myanmar's Persecution of Rohingya DIG

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UAV5E_4Thh8 - George Soros: Myanmar's Rohingya Persecution parallels Nazi genocide [Channel: Maung Zarni]

>>>/qresearch/12792385 Cantor’s Lutnick Says Market Took a Breath, Is Now ‘Good to Go’

>>>/qresearch/12792399 harris tells unemployed coal miners to recaim abandoned land mines

>>>/qresearch/12792401 White House Reviewing Whether To Revoke Trump’s Access To Intelligence Briefings

>>>/qresearch/12792408 Shocking number of Queensland kids injured in childcare

>>>/qresearch/12792410 two 18th Airborne Tweets- snow / ice today

>>>/qresearch/12792506 Facebook slammed by UN for its role in Myanmar genocide

>>>/qresearch/12792543 GME down 100 points @ $225

>>>/qresearch/12792585 new killary: republicans didnt like the results of the election so they're trying to make it harder to vote

>>>/qresearch/12792602 #16329, #16330, #16331

>>>/qresearch/12792761 LB, Q predicting the failed suicide Bangladeshian bomber

(41 notables, 47 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29981

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12793431 Q Research General #16331: The Senate is Utterly Without Jurisdiction Edition

Created 012339ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12793506 #16330

>>>/qresearch/12793544, >>>/qresearch/12793582 , Silver for March 2021 Delivery - 5:24pm Chicago Time

>>>/qresearch/12793551 Non-core investments of banks should not jeopardize deposits safety, says Putin

>>>/qresearch/12793579 REVl3:l THE 7-7YDRA

>>>/qresearch/12793591 BOTUS gats nervous, The coup in #Myanmar opens up new opportunities for #Russia

>>>/qresearch/12793603 Research professor who developed first FDA approved COVID-19 saliva test unexpectedly dies at 51

>>>/qresearch/12793605 Grown-ups discussing Conartists and silver habbenings

>>>/qresearch/12793613 State of emergency declared in 44 counties

>>>/qresearch/12793631, >>>/qresearch/12793741 , S3 Partners is saying the big squeeze is over and the majority of the shorts covered

>>>/qresearch/12793653 More data on Xiden Marine 1 departure

>>>/qresearch/12793665 Ode to C@tvid

>>>/qresearch/12793688 House Bill Would Require Psych Test, Liability Insurance For Gun Ownership, Implement Mass Retroactive Registry

>>>/qresearch/12793697 Marilyn Manson dropped by label, TV show after Evan Rachel Wood abuse allegations

>>>/qresearch/12793699 Did Mike Burry sell his longs from last May?

>>>/qresearch/12793731 Karl Rove Reveals Knowledge of Lincoln Project Co-Founder John Weaver’s Predatory Behavior Since 1980s

>>>/qresearch/12793743, >>>/qresearch/12793914 , Single tweet claims, The White House is dark and has been for 10 plus days. Biden is not there. (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202042701/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d090372e82efa0787e4a2534a8c48a1ac3675ad64cb113ec9716d7ca19b07ec0.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12793776 Anatomy of a Cover-up: Media Outlets Bury Cuomo Nursing Home Report, Censor Guest — Updated

>>>/qresearch/12793777, >>>/qresearch/12793976 , Rep. Maxine Waters Schedules Hearing on GameStop Madness (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/12793880 What was Biden doing when this happened? (2007)

>>>/qresearch/12793896 The look of fear. VJ was looking ready and confident. i wonder if she regrets that?

>>>/qresearch/12793899 Redpill Vol. 2: Obstacles to the Truth PART I [10m37s]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=p03KSRPrjvE - Redpill Vol. 2: Obstacles to the Truth PART I [Channel: Red Sampson]

>>>/qresearch/12793963 Washington Examiner has another fake OPINION: We defeated al Qaeda and can do the same to the fascist thugs who attacked our democracy last month

>>>/qresearch/12793983 Misleading Absentee Ballot Reports Spark Concern in Myanmar Race (October 2020)

>>>/qresearch/12794030 PF Reporting Do you even Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System bruh?

>>>/qresearch/12794202 #16331

(25 notables, 29 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29982

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12797228 Q Research General #16336: Have Your Cake And Eat It Too Edition

Created 020705ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12797337 China-Myanmar relations: An old friendship renewed by the Belt & Road

>>>/qresearch/12797423 Hermiston man sentenced to over 200 years for numerous child rapes

>>>/qresearch/12797534, >>>/qresearch/12797759 >>12797537 Lin Wood What Storm? Mr. President

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7EPWKPQIx6g - What Storm? Mr. President [Channel: Scotty Mar10]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7EPWKPQIx6g - What Storm? Mr. President [Channel: Scotty Mar10]

>>>/qresearch/12797545 OVER 6,000 SIGNATURES in support of keeping Lin Wood’s name on Mercer Law School Courtroom! Let’s get it done Patriots!

>>>/qresearch/12797671 call for twitterfags to dig

>>>/qresearch/12797912 FBI evidence detailing payment to former UN official by Chau Chak Wing tabled in Parliament

>>>/qresearch/12797948 DC graveyard shift livecam screenshots

>>>/qresearch/12798064 #16336

(8 notables, 9 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29983

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12794208 Q Research General #16332: Do Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar Systems Edition

Created 020048ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12794254 Statement of Acting Chairman Rostin Behnam on Trading in Silver Markets

>>>/qresearch/12794263 CNN: Investigators recommend no charges for US Capitol Police officer accused of killing pro-Trump rioter during insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12794271 Hospital Researcher Sentenced to Prison for Conspiring to Steal Trade Secrets, Sell Them in China

>>>/qresearch/12794302 U.S.-Based Promoter of Foreign Cryptocurrency Companies Charged in over $11 Million Securities Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/12794306 Former Natural Gas Trader Pleads Guilty for Role in Commodities Insider Trading Scheme

>>>/qresearch/12794327 MSN: Andrew Brooks, a research professor at Rutgers University who led the development of the first FDA-approved Covid-19 saliva test, died suddenly on January 23, according to a Rutgers statement.

>>>/qresearch/12794330 Anon digging around: Official DOD photo of Biden as President elect getting sworn in

>>>/qresearch/12794348 Media just doesn't seem interested in 45 antifa terrorists with hatchets occupying a Red Lion hotel in Olympia

>>>/qresearch/12794349 Kremlin Tells US 'Back Off' Navalny Case As Viral 'Putin Palace' Story Deflated

>>>/qresearch/12794369 Anon opines: This is what has the leftists so fucking scared. The Burmese military can now expose to the world the same people and equipment who fucked with their elections are the same ones who fucked with the ones here.

>>>/qresearch/12794427 CNN: Liz Cheney gets boost from McConnell amid divisive intraparty battle over Trump's impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12794434 Anon nom: It's gonna be hard keeping track of all these erections, boys…

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211030131412/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/597e836e623617dbef1efc5a5f8b9fff577b68f98363bbd239dcdafc6bbfd8f2.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12794455, >>>/qresearch/12794631, >>>/qresearch/12794771 Anons digging around on the circumastances surrounding PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar to resign after department fails to advertise constitutional amendment

>>>/qresearch/12794461 CNN … breaking …Trump is going to add attorneys. No shit CNN.

>>>/qresearch/12794509, >>>/qresearch/12794571 Anons reporting a Discord outage at this posting

>>>/qresearch/12794518 WaPo: Opinion: If the GOP is to rise from the ashes, it has to burn first

>>>/qresearch/12794532 Chatter concerning possible Israel strike on Iran

>>>/qresearch/12794706 National file: CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by 1,600% by enacting new rules for data collection, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge.

>>>/qresearch/12794731 So-called "conservative" Washington Examiner Compares Trump Supporters to al Qaeda

>>>/qresearch/12794738 Pa. Senate GOP leaders call for a full investigation into Kathy Boockvar’s mistake

>>>/qresearch/12794762 Hawaii GOP chair resigns after party tweets about QAnon

>>>/qresearch/12794895 #16332, #16333, #16334

(22 notables, 25 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29984

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12794942 Q Research General #16333: The 'Discussing Everything Under The Sun' Edition

Created 020158ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12794984 Over $100K Of China-Made Counterfeit Currency Seized In Chicago

>>>/qresearch/12794995 Even the US expected the elections inBurma to suck. …but now they claim there’s no evidence….

>>>/qresearch/12795007, >>>/qresearch/12795136, >>>/qresearch/12795238, >>>/qresearch/12795259, >>>/qresearch/12795302, >>>/qresearch/12795341, >>>/qresearch/12795426 Planefag reports- drones anyone?

>>>/qresearch/12795008 Lawsuit Challenging FDA Approval of Novel Genetically Engineered Color Additive That Makes Impossible Burger “Bleed” Moves Forward

>>>/qresearch/12795059 There it is: Breibart- House Democrats Seek to Include Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in Coronavirus Relief Package

>>>/qresearch/12795081 Alex Soros spilling the beans: Kyi was allegedly also comped by China

>>>/qresearch/12795110 Myanmar coup: Joe Biden threatens to resume sanctions

>>>/qresearch/12795193 Sputnik: Dubai establishes ‘space court’ to settle disputes between countries

>>>/qresearch/12795201 Dailybeat: Biden's communications staff have already probed reporters to see what questions they plan on asking White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki during briefings (she's pretty bad)

>>>/qresearch/12795253, >>>/qresearch/12795312 Guess who's popping out of the weeds? Obama sending Hillary Clinton to Myanmar, making her the first U.S. secretary of state to visit the repressed country in 50 years

>>>/qresearch/12795319, >>>/qresearch/12795376, >>>/qresearch/12795428 More anon digs: Notes from 2010: Smartmatic- execs told: Surrender passports (ABS-CBN News clip)

>>>/qresearch/12795322 ‘Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae)’ Rapper Arrested For Murder

>>>/qresearch/12795345 David Schoen, Attorney to President Donald Trump on the Democrats impeachment WITCH HUNT:

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202052148/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e650f7d55f5ca3882f1cda44cc3f4e2e11bf2377776d1ba2ce1fae210cf09993.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12795351 Investmentwatchblog Oped: Joe diverts Farm Aid to Climate BS, scraps peace deal in Afghanistan, fails on COVID… Biden family already cashing in on Joe’s presidency

>>>/qresearch/12795397 Biden: We’ve never fully lived up to the founding principles of this nation

>>>/qresearch/12795401 MyNorthwest: Seattle council approves ban on gas heating in new apartments, commercial buildings

>>>/qresearch/12795534 The 4th wall breaks: “They said the masks do nothing, he said the mask you’re wearing, I know it’s an N-95, but, the particles are microscopic and they can get through,” says Klepper.

>>>/qresearch/12795586 pjmedia: Chinese Firm Shandong Xinchao Expands Its Foothold in Texas' Oil-Rich Permian Basin

>>>/qresearch/12795649 #16333

(19 notables, 28 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29985

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12795677 Q Research General #16334: The 'Traitors Never Live Up To Anything Except Cheating.' Edition

Created 020318ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12795695, >>>/qresearch/12795742, >>>/qresearch/12795748, >>>/qresearch/12795757 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12795760 reminder, Trump is still getting intelligence briefings.

>>>/qresearch/12795777 How ABC exec's departure affects Meghan McCain's future on 'The View'

>>>/qresearch/12795800 Lindsey Graham says don't give Judge Garland a "free pass"

>>>/qresearch/12795807 Erdogan: 'It Is Perhaps Time to Debate New Constitution'

>>>/qresearch/12795810 "One week before the insurrection, I started to get text messages that I needed to be careful — and that I needed to be careful on the 6th [of January]…those text messages came from other members of Congress…" -

>>>/qresearch/12795813 The similarities with myanmar to the bullshit happening here are off the charts.

>>>/qresearch/12795829 MTG: The real cancer for the Republican Party is weak Republicans who only know how to lose gracefully.

>>>/qresearch/12795844 Biden administration eyes Rahm Emanuel for ambassadorship

>>>/qresearch/12795855, >>>/qresearch/12796013, >>>/qresearch/12796291 lin wood message on telegram

>>>/qresearch/12795873 The State Department's foia website posted 892 items today.

>>>/qresearch/12795899, >>>/qresearch/12795929 USARMY reserve tweet "have been key enablers of success, baked in every mission." with dig

>>>/qresearch/12795911 FBI Now Has Less Than 3 Months to Produce Seth Rich Material

>>>/qresearch/12795945 Hezbollah claims shooting down Israeli drone in southern Lebanon

>>>/qresearch/12795996 WH reporters claim biden admin wanted questions in advance of press briefings

>>>/qresearch/12796142 Senator Cynthia Lummis ~ The only land mines we’re navigating in WY are the Biden/Harris policies

>>>/qresearch/12796189 ezra cohen RT: In Russia today: A record 5,000+ protesters were detained, 82 journalists, largest (and most aggressive) police presence in 20 yrs

>>>/qresearch/12796208 @AOC just said on her insta live that rioters broke into her office during the insurrection

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202085141/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/29a2db2ba3a3d8348b932b4902a5409e6a4bc94ef54c6f62ee37ae0246add457.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12796228 normie panic

>>>/qresearch/12796233 Ex-Mets manager Mickey Callaway accused of sexually harassing reporters

>>>/qresearch/12796264 @BillGates When it comes to preventing pandemics, scientific tools alone aren’t enough. We also need new capabilities, including a global alert system and infectious disease first responders

>>>/qresearch/12796318 DHS says undocumented immigrants should get coronavirus vaccines

>>>/qresearch/12796348 Reserve Bank Australia to pump extra $100b into economy; ASX rises as Robinhood forced to raise more cash

>>>/qresearch/12796375 19-year-old hospitalized in ICU days after receiving second Pfizer vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12796414 ASIO devoting more resources to growing threat of extreme right-wing domestic terror

>>>/qresearch/12796425 #16334

(26 notables, 32 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29986

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12796433 Q Research General #16335: FBI Has Less Than 3 Months to Release Seth Rich Material Edition

Created 020457ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12796518 Jared Kushner gets Nobel Peace Prize nomination for Israeli deals

>>>/qresearch/12796550 anon opines: Myanmar's military didnt remove her immediately.

>>>/qresearch/12796557 Dolly Parton reportedly turned down Presidential Medal of Freedom — twice

>>>/qresearch/12796561 susan collins statement re: meeting with biden about covid relief bill

>>>/qresearch/12796595 Preschool’s beloved 70-year-old pet tortoise attacked, beaten and stabbed by homeless man, police say

>>>/qresearch/12796628 john weaver was @Kasich campaign advisor

>>>/qresearch/12796634 Hillary: "what difference does it make?", Cuomo: "who cares"

>>>/qresearch/12796726, >>>/qresearch/12796870 Andrew mccabe asked about FBI tip line protocols Weird line of questioning at this hearing starts at 5:11

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IdgCyp3Qp74 - Sen. Whitehouse on Stonewalling from the Departmen [Channel: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=3ipKTLkiJdU - Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testifies [Channel: CBS News]

>>>/qresearch/12796775 100s of myanmar parliamentarians are locked inside government housing in the capitol

>>>/qresearch/12796797, >>>/qresearch/12796807 iran launches new rocket, showing advances in potential missile technology

>>>/qresearch/12796866 Record Label Drops Marilyn Manson Following Allegations Of Abuse

>>>/qresearch/12796894 liar checked

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202085141/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/29a2db2ba3a3d8348b932b4902a5409e6a4bc94ef54c6f62ee37ae0246add457.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12796943 is evil an incurable virus that attacks the moral integrity of the DYZ system?

>>>/qresearch/12797214 POTUS TWEET? John Barron 🗣🇺🇲 #FreeSpeech?

>>>/qresearch/12797217 #16335, #16336 #16337

(15 notables, 17 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29987

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12798113 Q Research General #16337: leet bakering in the wee hours Edition

Created 021054ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12798246 do we want to debunk or confirm this?

>>>/qresearch/12798447 Anon opines that anon opines are in no way notable.

>>>/qresearch/12798457 Do you see what you people are doing to all of these children??? Holy shit!!!! You do know that they WILL absolutely learn the truth.

>>>/qresearch/12798465 Have anons ever heard the theory that Obama's real parents were the king of Thailand and his first wife? And the deceased king of Thailand was born in the US.

>>>/qresearch/12798533 Anon opines that the Bidan Admin presents a striking similarity to Gumby, Pokey and the Block Heads

>>>/qresearch/12798711 ANON DOES NOT LIKE BEING NOM'ED!

>>>/qresearch/12798724 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>>/qresearch/12798815 sauce for the Obama Thai theory

>>>/qresearch/12798864 sauceless baker You-ing of trememdous urgency opines: 70 yr old pet tortoise & Mitch McConnell comms?

>>>/qresearch/12798891 anon's 1st redpill

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210202182947/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/bf6c5f37065957a513c6b8b96c47d37442141ac33c7c14a43d51489657ce7ece.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12798908 #16337

(11 notables, 11 posts, 6 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29988

File: 2dbd48c01cc90a7⋯.jpg (8.55 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12800633 Q Research General #16340: Scrape Notables Edition

Created 021722ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12800652 Trump team files brief with the House, arguing lack of constitutionality and the Trump speech was protected by first amendment. Also argues the House articles were improperly drafted.

>>>/qresearch/12800658 Two FBI agents killed, three injured in Florida shooting

>>>/qresearch/12800659, >>>/qresearch/12800667 Durham probe focused on FBI, but prosecution of high-level officials like Comey 'unlikely': sources

>>>/qresearch/12800676 America Last: Joe Biden to Open Special COVID Vaccination Sites for Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/12800680 Alexey Navalny jailed for 2.5 years after Moscow Court says he violated terms of suspended sentence in 'Yves Rocher' fraud cases

>>>/qresearch/12800682, >>>/qresearch/12800687, >>>/qresearch/12800697, >>>/qresearch/12800750

>>>/qresearch/12800690 Barstool founder Dave Portnoy sells GameStop, AMC shares at $700K loss

>>>/qresearch/12800773 Teen awakens from 11-month coma with no memory of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/12800776 “Mandates for Experimental Therapies are Neither Permissible Nor Advisable” – America’s Frontline Doctors Create a Petition to Stop Forced Experimental Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/12800786 5 children and 1 man killed in apparent mass shooting in Oklahoma, police say

>>>/qresearch/12800803 Tesla Officially Recalls 134,951 Vehicles, Musk Says He's "Off Twitter" For A While

>>>/qresearch/12800814 Trump Lawyer: Impeachment Is "Political Weaponization" Of A Constitutional Process

>>>/qresearch/12800822 Capitol officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt not likely to face charges

>>>/qresearch/12800845 Famed private investigator, Jack Palladino, dies days after violent robbery

>>>/qresearch/12800871, >>>/qresearch/12800879 The 45th President's Answer to Article of Impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12800873 12yo Girl Finds Hidden Camera Recording Her in Shower—It Belonged to a Cop

>>>/qresearch/12800900 Biden’s Blundering Inflames Tensions With Iran, Myanmar, Syria, Russia, and China

>>>/qresearch/12800906 Trump legal team argues impeachment article is in ‘violation' of Constitution, calls on Senate to acquit

>>>/qresearch/12800924 Biden Advisers’ Deep Ties to Chinese Communist Party Military and Propaganda.

>>>/qresearch/12800938 Central banks do not have the physical gold they pretend to have, fund manager tells Keiser Report

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=I1zXZTTfl1I - Keiser Report | Price Discovery in an Age of Paper | E1653 [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12800953 Biden: America Has ‘Never Fully’ Lived Up to Its ‘Founding Principles’

>>>/qresearch/12800962 san francisco teacher writes in op-ed: bernie sanders' mitten a "lesson inwhite privilege"

>>>/qresearch/12800979 GameStop Shares Swing Wildly

>>>/qresearch/12801001 Democrat Brief Claims U.S. Election Results Never Rejected Before – That’s A MASSIVE Lie.

>>>/qresearch/12801017 Kamala Harris Pressures Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema Through Media Tour In Their Home States Promoting Biden’s Radical Agenda

>>>/qresearch/12801032 UK Govt Scientific Advisor Predicts Annual Coronavirus Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/12801054 Polish Government to Breitbart: Big Tech’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Is Bolshevik, Not Democratic

>>>/qresearch/12801102 Texas Governor Vows State Action to Fill Gaps Left by Biden’s ‘Open Border Policies’

>>>/qresearch/12801134 Biden will streamline the naturalization of NINE MILLION migrants in series of executive orders today as he reverses Trump's policies

>>>/qresearch/12801135 JUST IN - Washington calls on Moscow to release Russian opposition leader Alexei #Navalny "immediately and unconditionally"

>>>/qresearch/12801162 11 cases of new UK 'super-mutant' Covid are all found in Bristol

>>>/qresearch/12801196 Canadian public health officials have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification performed anywhere, ever

>>>/qresearch/12801239 Mossad chief to present Biden admin with "sensitive intelligence info" about #Iran's nuclear project and military buildup in Syria, @amirbohbot reports; #Israel apparently believes US officials can't ignore this information as they prepare for nuke talks.

>>>/qresearch/12801258 Hunter Biden hired a new criminal defense lawyer

>>>/qresearch/12801261 QAnon Conspiracy Theorists Are Emboldened by the Coup in Myanmar - PANIC

>>>/qresearch/12801262 “What is the Great Reset?”: A Blatant propaganda Video by the World Economic Forum

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uPYx12xJFUQ - What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021 [Channel: World Economic Forum]

>>>/qresearch/12801279 Facebook reportedly considers designating term ‘Zionist’ as hate speech, internal email shows

>>>/qresearch/12801303 #16340

(38 notables, 43 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29989

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12801301 Q Research General #16341: ALWAYS BROWARD COUNTY Edition

Created 021827ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12801316 #16341 Baker on Duty -

>>>/qresearch/12801348 Biden Pick For Pentagon Mideast Desk Bragged That US "Owns" Syrian Oil Territory

>>>/qresearch/12801360 Jeffrey Epstein's estate has paid nearly $50million compensation to victims after more than 100 accusers applied to Virgin Islands-based fund

>>>/qresearch/12801371 Blinken Says US is ‘Reviewing’ Sanctions Against Russia

>>>/qresearch/12801393 Senate confirms Bootyjudge as Transportation secretary

>>>/qresearch/12801415 Sophia Bush backs call to label Republicans as 'terrorist right' following Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12801436 Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation Appeal Court Decision about Hidden Biden Senatorial Records

>>>/qresearch/12801469 Megadonors Pour Record Amount of Money Into ‘Get Out the Vote’ Effort for Dems

>>>/qresearch/12801481 Johnheretohelp thread on FBI using CP to frame their enemies

>>>/qresearch/12801488 Facebook bans Myanmar national military TV network page - PANIC

>>>/qresearch/12801489 Lindsey Graham: If Dems want impeachment witnesses, GOP will call on FBI to testify

>>>/qresearch/12801506 Happy Days Ahead for the Pentagon as Beacons Are Lit for the Military-Industrial Complex

>>>/qresearch/12801515 Seven Hour Siege In Mogadishu Hotel Ends: At Least 10 Dead, 30 Injured

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=apoMuXvZw7E - Somalia: At least three killed in Mogadishu car bomb attack [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/12801528 McCarthy to meet with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Her conspiracy theories may strip her of committee assignments

>>>/qresearch/12801548 NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence In Estonia

>>>/qresearch/12801553 Hal Holbrook, prolific actor who played "Deep Throat" in "All the President's Men," dies at 95

>>>/qresearch/12801562 The FBI Distributes Child Pornography to Catch People Who Look at It - Broward seems suspect

>>>/qresearch/12801568 JUST IN - Suspected #Chinese hackers exploited a flaw in software made by @SolarWinds to help break into US government computers last year

>>>/qresearch/12801584 Washington Examiner: Capitol Protesters Are 'Terrorists' Like Al Qaeda Who Must Be 'Ruthlessly Hunted Down'

>>>/qresearch/12801586 Confirmation that it is "JonDoodle" flipping his shit in support of /comms-mnr/ persona Gerbil.

>>>/qresearch/12801589 FBI Wray Statement on Broward shooting - ALWAYS BROWARD

>>>/qresearch/12801605 Netanyahu Appoints Steve Bannon Protege to Lead His Election Campaign

>>>/qresearch/12801624 Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court to Uphold Court Ruling Requiring Hillary Clinton to Testify Under Oath About Her Emails

>>>/qresearch/12801640 DARK TO LIGHT - INVESTIGATE 9/11

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=frh1tBnE_aU - Super Bowl Guy Grabs Microphone And Says INVESTIGATE 9 11 [Channel: ISLAM INDIAu2122]

>>>/qresearch/12801641 Y-heads, they are everywhere, including this bread.

>>>/qresearch/12801651 Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden?

>>>/qresearch/12801660 What were US State Dept, think tanks, NGOs, and Facebook doing in Myanmar?

>>>/qresearch/12801684 President Trump Team Responds To Impeachment Article, Argues Senate Has 'No Jurisdiction' To Bar From Running Again

>>>/qresearch/12801691 Biden Declares Myanmar Crisis A Coup D'Etat - Sanctions Coming As Unrest Looms

>>>/qresearch/12801711 @USNavy Setting the example. #SinkCOVID

>>>/qresearch/12801734 Covid: France restricts AstraZeneca vaccine to under-65s

>>>/qresearch/12801746 Lebanon - British Embassy Infiltrates Military Intelligence, Provides Snooping Equipment, Indoctrinates Young Palestinians

>>>/qresearch/12801764 Zuckerberg admits Facebook censored Trump to prevent free and fair 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/12801768 DEAD FBl AGENTS - Coincidence?

>>>/qresearch/12801791 Sinaloa cartel-linked fentanyl and heroin traffickers plead guilty, sentenced in Operation Cookout

>>>/qresearch/12801882 #16341

>>>/qresearch/12801916, >>>/qresearch/12801932 How /MNR-COMMS/ use the Gerbil Persona to get themselves in to the kitchen Everyday - Upsets JonDoodle

>>>/qresearch/12801922 Picture of female FBI agent killed in Broward Co

>>>/qresearch/12801930 JonDoodle Admits he is JIDF

>>>/qresearch/12801951 Biden Press Sec Says She Doesn't Know Who "Point Of Contact" Is At Branch Of US Armed Forces

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lLBX6x0vED8 - Biden Press Sec Says She Doesn't Know Who "Point Of Contact" Is At Branch Of US [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>>/qresearch/12801972 NOW VOTING: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #4, Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, of the District of Columbia, to be Secretary of Homeland Security

>>>/qresearch/12801986 LIVE DOD holds a Briefing

>>>/qresearch/12802007 Mike Pompeo - We know that the CCP disappeared journalists. We know they silenced doctors. They corrupted the WHO. These are things we know. The CCP must be held accountable for what they did to the U.S. and to the world.

>>>/qresearch/12802008 John Ratcliffe provides insights on Capitol riot investigation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oHfSlhLglHQ - John Ratcliffe provides insights on Capitol riot investigation [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12802013 Biden Press Sec Concedes Biden’s “Confusing” Policies Contributing To New Crisis At The Border

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=D-sy6NO77UQ - Biden Press Sec Concedes Bidenu2019s u201cConfusingu201d Policies Contributing T [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>>/qresearch/12802029 Crying Chuck Jewmer

>>>/qresearch/12802088 The EU condemns in the strongest terms the military coup carried out in Myanmar.

>>>/qresearch/12802107 #16338, #16639, #16340

>>>/qresearch/12802119 #16341, #16342, #16343

(49 notables, 50 posts, 55 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29990

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12802124 Q Research General #16342: Why do none of the Military Twitter acounts follow Biden? Edition

Created 021948ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12802150 #16342 Baker on Duty -

>>>/qresearch/12802232 Gov. Desantis Press Conference taking on big tech

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=X0YRQUXYQMY - LIVE: Gov. Ron DeSantis at the Florida State Capitol [Channel: 10 Tampa Bay]

>>>/qresearch/12802239 Joe Biden accepted foreign donations in July of 2020

>>>/qresearch/12802309 China Has Stolen The Personal Data Of 80% Of American Adults: Report

>>>/qresearch/12802442 China Joe on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/12802506 #16338, #16639,

>>>/qresearch/12802521 Billionaire Jared Isaacman to fly into orbit on first all-civilian SpaceX mission

>>>/qresearch/12802588 The Enemy of the People will lie about anything and everything

>>>/qresearch/12802615 Here’s the latest whine from Ghislaine Maxwell at Brooklyn jail

>>>/qresearch/12802621 Mark Cubin weighs in on GME stocks today on Reddit

>>>/qresearch/12802624 Ron DeSantis Announces Big Tech Crackdown After They Censor Trump, Untold Number of American

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=X0YRQUXYQMY - LIVE: Gov. Ron DeSantis at the Florida State Capitol [Channel: 10 Tampa Bay]

>>>/qresearch/12802628 US Senate Confirms Alejandro Mayorkas to Be Next Secretary of Homeland Security

>>>/qresearch/12802641 Civil war in military?

>>>/qresearch/12802651 Why Has Wisconsin Done Nothing With the 200,000 Ballots Its Supreme Court Claimed Were Likely Invalid In the 2020 Election?

>>>/qresearch/12802672 Newsmax not only tried to cut off Mike Lindell, but the host also got up from the chair and walked off the set

>>>/qresearch/12802682 SpaceX Starship explodes on landing

>>>/qresearch/12802683 New York State Senate Democrats Block Subpoena for Nursing Home Fatality Data

>>>/qresearch/12802690 Texas AG Ken Paxton on Robinhood Investigation: ‘We Just Want to Know What the Truth Is’

>>>/qresearch/12802700 McConnell Defends Cheney as 'Courageous'; Condemns Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as 'Loony'

>>>/qresearch/12802719 Door-to-door COVID testing underway across the UK

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pUXscDuZNLM - Door-to-door COVID testing underway across the UK [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/12802770 The Secret Service sends our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of fallen @FBI Agents Alfin and Schwartzenberger.

>>>/qresearch/12802796 Ohio children’s hospital researcher sentenced in plot to steal trade secrets, sell to China

>>>/qresearch/12802813 #16338, #16339,

>>>/qresearch/12802866 Hawaii Republican chair resigns following official account's QAnon tweets

>>>/qresearch/12802926 BREAKING: Jeff Bezos to step down as Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy to take over in Q3

>>>/qresearch/12802951 #16342

(26 notables, 26 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29991

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12802895 Q Research General #16343: All Your Algorithms Belong to Us Edition

Created 022110ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12802978 #16343 Baker on Duty -

>>>/qresearch/12803081 Iran has deepened a key breach of its 2015 nuclear deal

>>>/qresearch/12803098 Israel’s Risky Rhetoric on Iran CNN

>>>/qresearch/12803157 it turns out the Australian government helped to fund the military coup in Myanmar.

>>>/qresearch/12803210 Amazon Reports Blowout Quarter, Bezos Stepping Down As CEO

>>>/qresearch/12803222 For God & Country

>>>/qresearch/12803241 Alphabet Shares Soar To New Record High After Crushing Expectations

>>>/qresearch/12803290 Navy, Coast Guard seized $211 million worth of drugs from Pacific smugglers

>>>/qresearch/12803385 NYTimes: Biden needs a “Reality Czar” because Qanon!

>>>/qresearch/12803444 Body Language: Psaki Hot Mic Egypt Statement Briefing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xAUssnNCtOI - Body Language: Psaki Hot Mic Egypt Statement [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>>/qresearch/12803515 Kevin Clinesmith has been suspended by the DC Bar.

>>>/qresearch/12803548 It appears that many Constitutional scholars view the latest shampeachment as moot because Trump is out of office. No jurisdiction for an impeachment and no remedy.

>>>/qresearch/12803555 EXCLUSIVE: Trump supporter flagged with facial recognition technology at airport, interrogated by DHS, FBI

>>>/qresearch/12803567 “You're trying to tell me if there was hacked information that could damage me, you wouldn't print it?… You can whiz on my leg, but don’t tell me it’s raining."

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203034359/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/55c94e30c8fe4ecb3568e569481de676f32235b358ce17c2678bd4bda69e6d38.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12803584 Anger and anxiety over what's to come following Myanmar's coup

>>>/qresearch/12803622 Mayor Lori Lightfoot Blames TRUMP for Turmoil with Chicago Teachers Union

>>>/qresearch/12803640 Biden Administration can't use the military to distribute the vaccine.

>>>/qresearch/12803671 Country famous for GENOCIDE arrests leader

>>>/qresearch/12803715 #16343

(19 notables, 19 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29992

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12803673 Q Research General #16344: Bye Bye Big Eye Bezos

Created 022222ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12803734 #16344 Baker on Duty -

>>>/qresearch/12803763, >>>/qresearch/12803976 NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203035119/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ed5d7b3d7a064ee7ba8fa51f2f5ecbf89348461242134a8dbcc215da417c32b8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12803784 Day 11 of Biden Regime: Missing Vaccines? Trump Stole Them!

>>>/qresearch/12803797 Former ECB Chief Mario Draghi Tapped To Lead Italy As Government Collapses

>>>/qresearch/12803801 US Issues License Allowing Certain Transactions Necessary to Port, Airport Operations in Venezuela

>>>/qresearch/12803818 Top Democrat Calls on Pentagon to Screen Social Media Accounts of All Recruits for Ties to White Supremacy and “Violent Extremism”

>>>/qresearch/12803820 The Purge: Not just from social media, but from the entire internet

>>>/qresearch/12803839 Illinois Teachers Told to Adopt Progressive Ideology or Be Fired

>>>/qresearch/12803853 'Demonic' war: Americans urged to delete Big Tech apps, build Christian economy

>>>/qresearch/12803870 ‘Crazy conspiracies’: Plibersek confronts Kelly over COVID drug claims

>>>/qresearch/12803871 JUST IN: Defense Secretary orders the resignation of the hundreds of people that serve on the Pentagon’s 42 civilian advisory boards, purging a number of Trump loyalists

>>>/qresearch/12803882 Arizona’s largest county unanimously votes to conduct ‘full forensic audit’ of election equipment

>>>/qresearch/12803904 Edge Fund CIO: Elon Musk Has Already Bought Bitcoin

>>>/qresearch/12803929 Sen. Tim Kaine Ends Censure of Trump for Lack of Support

>>>/qresearch/12803936 H.R. 127 Mega Gun Control Bill Is “Insanity on Steroids-” Requires Psych Evaluations for Gun Owners!

>>>/qresearch/12803970, >>>/qresearch/12804169, >>>/qresearch/12804184 Jewish Superintendent of Public Instruction Who Swore in on a Children’s Book, to Deliver State of Education Address in Arizona Today

>>>/qresearch/12803981 @RichardGrenell was the first openly gay person to serve in a Cabinet level position

>>>/qresearch/12804002 Police, allies fight back as Soros-funded liberal DAs oversee big-city bloodshed

>>>/qresearch/12804020 House Democrat pushes Biden to issue executive order identifying White Supremacy as ‘critical threat'

>>>/qresearch/12804042 MTG is Based

>>>/qresearch/12804109 Australia eyes new trade deal with Israel, focusing on cyber security, innovation

>>>/qresearch/12804119 Let’s dump the Nobel Peace Prize. With a roll call of winners featuring terrorists and warmongers, it’s lost all its credibility

>>>/qresearch/12804144 General McInerney, [02.02.21 16:20] Which CEO stepped down today?

>>>/qresearch/12804147 NY Times Calls For Biden to Appoint “Reality Czar” to Fight “Misinformation”

>>>/qresearch/12804156 Lawsuit Filed Against Denmark PM For COVID-19 Restrictions & Killing 17 Million Minks

>>>/qresearch/12804215 Newsom approval rate plummets in California

>>>/qresearch/12804220 Psaki Refers To Space Force As ‘Plane Of Today,’ Can’t Say Whether Biden Will Keep It

>>>/qresearch/12804222 4 Democrat Conspiracy Theorists Who Should Be Denounced

>>>/qresearch/12804282 Given Amazon owns half the public cloud market, isn’t it interesting that news that Bezos is leaving two hours after the story about Chinese hacking of US gov computers via SolarWinds last year…

>>>/qresearch/12804291 China Suspected In Hack Of US Federal Payroll Agency Using SolarWind Exploit

>>>/qresearch/12804298 Republicans Demand Hold on Biden Commerce Pick Over Huawei Concerns

>>>/qresearch/12804307 WSB in Atlanta just informed me by email that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has opened an investigation of me - Lin Wood

>>>/qresearch/12804315 Biden Justice Department Nominee Faces Ethics Minefield From Father’s Corporate Interests

>>>/qresearch/12804322 Gun control bill H.R. 127

>>>/qresearch/12804366 The Supreme Court has agreed to deliberate on Trump vs Kathy Boockvar, et al 2/1/21: Pennsylvania secretary of state (Kathy Boockvar) resigns over ballot initiative error


>>>/qresearch/12804406 Hey Jen Psaki- @SpaceForceDoD is not a laughing matter to my constituents. This admin needs to get serious about the very real threats our warfighters face from China & Russia. Our military deserves better.

>>>/qresearch/12804467 #16344, #16345, #16346

(38 notables, 41 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29993

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12804464 Q Research General #16345: NEWSMAX IS DEEPSTATE Edition

Created 022354ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12804596 Breibart: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech

>>>/qresearch/12804610 Bail Fund Supported by Biden Campaign and Kamala Harris Keeps Bailing Out Violent Criminals–Including Rapists, Murderers and Pedophiles

>>>/qresearch/12804619 DEVELOPING: U.S. Mint unable to meet surging demand for gold and silver bullion coins - Reuters

>>>/qresearch/12804651 Senate confirms Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary

>>>/qresearch/12804728 Chinese Firm Shandong Xinchao Expands Its Foothold in Texas' Oil-Rich Permian Basin

>>>/qresearch/12804854 Psaki: We look forward to the continuing work of Space Force and invite the members of the team to come visit us in the briefing room anytime to share an update on their important work.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203040439/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/03b81149fb1947976dc299df132568b17569f147b9dc51c47f695d46dcca8d97.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12804859 Georgia Secretary of State Launches Investigation Into Whether Attorney Lin Wood Voted Illegally in 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12804868 US murder rate saw historic increase during Covid-19 pandemic, making 2020 a year with ‘no modern precedent’

>>>/qresearch/12804886 Regime Fears the People: Bus Loads of National Guard Still Arriving in DC

>>>/qresearch/12804905 Guiffre: Thank you @BoreDaily It’s sad & uncouth that almost a decade after I willingly handed over the original photo to the FBI in order to prosecute the abusers who were peddling me as a teenager, is still in question. #Epstein

>>>/qresearch/12804924 Aust MP calling bullshit on Government truth about covid

>>>/qresearch/12804943 Joe's signature is raising questions for more than just anons

>>>/qresearch/12804947 Permanent Fortifications Are INCREASING Around The Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12804998 Never-before-seen photos show pedophile Jeffrey Epstein cuddling a sleeping young girl on his lap on board his private jet after spending a day at Disney World with unsuspecting families

>>>/qresearch/12804999 MSN calling on the shills: Fainting Nurse Who Conspiracy Theorists Falsely Claimed Was Dead Is Alive and Well

>>>/qresearch/12805014, >>>/qresearch/12805021 She (AOC) admits 2 or 3 days before they HAD PRIOR KNOWLEDGE about the attack on the Capital 1/6/21! (then how the fuck was it Trump's speech that incited the attack?)

>>>/qresearch/12805038 Redstate oped: Does the Biden Administration Want to Lose? Because This Is Absolutely How You Lose

>>>/qresearch/12805058 Federalist: Biden’s Swampy Pick To Run Unemployment Lost Millions Of Dollars In Pandemic Aid To Nigerian Fraudsters

>>>/qresearch/12805069 ‘It’s a mess’: Biden’s first 10 days dominated by vaccine mysteries …Biden’s team is still trying to locate upwards of 20 million vaccine doses

>>>/qresearch/12805073 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12805080 Breibart: House Democrats Seek to Include Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in Coronavirus Relief Package

>>>/qresearch/12805092 NationalFile: House Bill Would Require Psych Test, Liability Insurance For Gun Ownership, Implement Mass Retroactive Registry

>>>/qresearch/12805100 Michigan’s Tyrannical, Economy-Wrecking Governor Aids CNN In Vile Propaganda Campaign To Label Dissenters Of Democrat Party’s Radical Agenda, “Domestic Terrorists” [VIDEO]

>>>/qresearch/12805110 GP: Conservative’ Washington Examiner Compares Trump Supporters to al Qaeda

>>>/qresearch/12805118 Breitbart PSaki shrugs off a branch of the USmil: Anon opines she should be fired.

>>>/qresearch/12805130 …"UNITY"?! Left-Wing Columnist Wants The Entire Republican Party To Be Put On Terror Watch List

>>>/qresearch/12805151 Sophia Bush Advocates for Labelling Republicans as Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/12805164 GP: Lindsay Graham Offers Support for Liz Cheney and Then Warns the Trump Team About Attempting to Present Evidence of Election Fraud In Front of the Senate

>>>/qresearch/12805239 #16345

(29 notables, 30 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29994

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12805269 Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition

Created 030111ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12805321 House Judiciary GOP: President Biden just revoked an immigration order titled: “Securing the Southern Border of the United States.”

>>>/qresearch/12805348 Populistpress: Marjorie Taylor Greene Heading to Mar-a-Lago…

>>>/qresearch/12805382 YANGON: Myanmar's military on Monday (Feb 1) announced a purge of Aung San Suu Kyi's democratically elected government, removing 24 ministers and deputies while naming 11 replacements in its new administration after seizing power in a coup.

>>>/qresearch/12805394, >>>/qresearch/12805445, >>>/qresearch/12805463, >>>/qresearch/12805585 Anon nom: New Jeffrey Epstein photos published - pedophile Disney World trip in 2004

>>>/qresearch/12805407 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene 'boasted' Monday that she would soon be visiting former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

>>>/qresearch/12805440 So, there's a WH acct on Bitchute…. Sweet ratio, Jen.

>>>/qresearch/12805443 Beijing Tells Biden Administration to Play by CCP’s Rules

>>>/qresearch/12805479, >>>/qresearch/12805548, >>>/qresearch/12805675 Anon nom: Election interference in yo faces

>>>/qresearch/12805480 Former Arizona GOP Chair Scammed $400k from Elderly Mass. Woman, Left Party Finances a ‘Mess’

>>>/qresearch/12805491, >>>/qresearch/12805541 Anon notices bad dough

>>>/qresearch/12805553 Warnock: ‘Shameful’ Georgia Republicans Moving to End No-Excuse Absentee Voting, Ballot Drop Boxes

>>>/qresearch/12805626 6 mil Aussies targetted to get shot…

>>>/qresearch/12805643 Texit? State representative will file bill to allow Texas to secede from the United States

>>>/qresearch/12805725 National Pulse: The center has hosted cybersecurity working groups alongside Chinese Communist Party government and military officials, despite China’s repeated poaching and hacking of U.S. technology:

>>>/qresearch/12805733 House Democrats are preparing to center their strategy for the far-off midterm elections on a simple, aggressive message: Republicans are the party of QAnon.

>>>/qresearch/12805794 Add to resignations/Terminations… NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DIRECTOR RESIGNS

>>>/qresearch/12805804 January 2021 Update to #SealedCases 5,775 new 228,061 entered 10/30/17 thru 1/31/21

>>>/qresearch/12805866 USArmy: #Teamwork! #Soldiers with @1BCT1CD, @1stCavalryDiv, gather materials to create abatis field fortifications

>>>/qresearch/12805890 Redstate: Who's Running the Asylum? House Democrat Urges Biden to Declare 'White Supremacy' a 'National Security Threat'

>>>/qresearch/12805956 Smear Job Complete: CNN Poll Claims Melania Most Unpopular First Lady ever. Funny coming from a 2nd rate "news" outlet

>>>/qresearch/12805992 USArmy Ft. Benning: Hang It, Fire!

>>>/qresearch/12805998 Two FBI Agents Killed In Florida Serving warrant for Violent Crimes against children. Subject of warrant not identified.

>>>/qresearch/12806015 #16346

(23 notables, 29 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29995

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12806041 Q Research General #16347: The '(un)Securing the Southern Border of the United States.' Edition

Created 030221ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12806119, >>>/qresearch/12806151, >>>/qresearch/12806157, >>>/qresearch/12806173, >>>/qresearch/12806221, >>>/qresearch/12806478 , Comms to us? Trump's formal answer to his impeachment starts off by misspelling 'Unites States' also MISQUOTE THE CONSTITUTION in a key passage arguing that the Senate trial is unconstitutional

>>>/qresearch/12806121 DJT Jr hints that Wall Street Bets is Q+

>>>/qresearch/12806143, >>>/qresearch/12806381 , Lightfoot forces teachers back to work of face discipline

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203043345/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c82914f507a02f0fff5c9b3fb770015262b85e6a3403b3be1447f11a85824669.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12806145, >>>/qresearch/12806599 , In WWII Soviet Forces Lost Estimated 7.5 Million to Combat, Accidents and Disease

>>>/qresearch/12806161 Newsmax Disrespects Mike Lindell On Live TV

>>>/qresearch/12806165 Dan Scavino Space force decode

>>>/qresearch/12806189 US Mint Warns It Can't Meet "Surging Demand" For Silver & Gold

>>>/qresearch/12806200, >>>/qresearch/12806426, >>>/qresearch/12806469, >>>/qresearch/12806632 , Q said military was the only way. He never said anything in regards to whose military

>>>/qresearch/12806224 FAKE and Foolish QAnon Expert on Rep. Greene: She's deep in the rabbit hole

>>>/qresearch/12806240 Australian news Scott Morrison reprimands Craig Kelly over vaccine views

>>>/qresearch/12806251, >>>/qresearch/12806368 , BOTUS uses US government account It’s simple: We are stronger when we welcome immigrants — we no shut dem out

>>>/qresearch/12806321, >>>/qresearch/12806449 , PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12806380 Anon surmises future events, Here's the sequence of events as I see it

>>>/qresearch/12806395 (lb), Trump's defense is actually brilliant, points out the impeachment is unconstitutional and sites every instance with the Articles of the Constitution

>>>/qresearch/12806397 FAKE News reporting on Jeff Bezos of Amazon steps down

>>>/qresearch/12806400 Marjorie Taylor Greene, The Cabal is trying to end her with 'death by a thousand paper cuts'

>>>/qresearch/12806444, >>>/qresearch/12806504 , [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming. NCSWIC. Announced today. Comm³. New technology that can use the power grid for communications. Possible back up Emergency Alert System? Possible back up net?

>>>/qresearch/12806498 , @tedcruz - Blue horseshoe loves GameStop. gets cryptic

>>>/qresearch/12806505 WATCH: Psaki Pondered ‘What on Earth is Happening’ with Biden after ‘Weird Comment’

>>>/qresearch/12806513 Facebook Shuts Down Former America First Senate Candidate Lauren Witzke’s Campaign Page

>>>/qresearch/12806530, >>>/qresearch/12806561, >>>/qresearch/12806586, >>>/qresearch/12806721 , At 10pm at night, President Biden now arriving at the Capitol to pay respects to late USCP officer Brian Sicknick?

>>>/qresearch/12806538 lb, Blue Horseshoe is a company

>>>/qresearch/12806558 Ezra RT 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape

>>>/qresearch/12806625, >>>/qresearch/12806749 , Explosion reported at scene of movie shoot in Santa Clarita, California

>>>/qresearch/12806634 Trump aides made a late request to Team Biden to extend their parental leave. They said no.

>>>/qresearch/12806700 Manhattan district attorney considering prosecuting Stephen Bannon following his pardon by Trump in federal fraud case

>>>/qresearch/12806734 Last week, the International Monetary Fund sent US$350 million (S$465 million) in cash to the Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12806778 #16347, #16348, #16349

(28 notables, 45 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29996

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12806786 Q Research General #16348: [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming. NCSWIC Edition

Created 030333ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12806863 DJT Jr Wall street bets buy looks like a young Donald J Trump, CHECKED

>>>/qresearch/12806869 Notables Calendars

>>>/qresearch/12806883, >>>/qresearch/12807012 , Biden Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, Strips Several Hundred Appointees of Their Posts on Pentagon Advisory Boards

>>>/qresearch/12806951, >>>/qresearch/12806970, >>>/qresearch/12807003, >>>/qresearch/12807027 , The "Last Trump' Technology

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nCtTfdpyxjU - The "Last Trump' Technology [Channel: Jetson White]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mB8A4s3fwIg - MIRROR of 'The Called - Makings of a Perfect Day' [Channel: Jetson White]

>>>/qresearch/12807005 Lin Wood, These propagandists need a mental health evaluation.

>>>/qresearch/12807042 Burmese Leader Aung San Suu Kyi, Ousted By Military For Vote Fraud, Had Close Clinton, Soros Ties

>>>/qresearch/12807048, >>>/qresearch/12807147 , Frank Luntz is a low class slob, zero interest

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=xT3hPuY8w5M - Trump's American Carnage: Frank Luntz (interview) | FRONTLINE [Channel: FRONTLINE PBS | Official]

>>>/qresearch/12807076 "Dr" Biden is signing

>>>/qresearch/12807084 Laz Ecenarro - Connecting Dots - Usual Corrupt Congress Critters, CCP, Burisma, Uranium One

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G5vaOymrhj8 - Laz Ecenarro - Connecting Dots - Usual Corrupt Congress Critters, CCP, Burisma, [Channel: Lorie K]

>>>/qresearch/12807183 Beijing Tells Biden Administration to Play by the CCP’s Rules

>>>/qresearch/12807235 Belt And Road Projects In Myanmar Likely To Progress In Light Of Military Coup

>>>/qresearch/12807261 FL Governor Ron Desantis Announces Penalties for Big Tech De-Platforming political candidates

>>>/qresearch/12807267 Secretary of State for Pennsylvania resigning over voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/12807277 What happened in this election, We ALL saw videos/photos/threats/irregularities/dead people voting, blatant fraud with mounds of tangible evidence

>>>/qresearch/12807283 No Excuses PAC seeks to replace West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin and Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema THE NOMINATION FORM… contains several KEKS

>>>/qresearch/12807297 Jim Jordan - very recent FOX News clip (Cap) 8 mins

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203083257/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/49fd501cea4de8ee7a80e0e96de77988fcff615794f7d2cd877796fc1d287b45.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12807359 Foolish members like @DWStweets are throwing Democrat colleagues under the bus.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203083417/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/5fed467179e9c65dfe1fb810595a845e3b2cb4540dbe35fa63630bd787e47285.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12807387, >>>/qresearch/12807389, >>>/qresearch/12807407, >>>/qresearch/12807473 , HAPPENING: ISIS IN MYANMAR

>>>/qresearch/12807418 Human Research, the internet and DARPA warning, get off as many Big Tech platforms as possible

>>>/qresearch/12807506 Autopsy report? Breitbart virtual signally to the deepstate?

>>>/qresearch/12807547 #16348

(21 notables, 29 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29997

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12807557 Q Research General #16349: Impeachment is Unconstitutional Edition

Created 030500ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12807617 Low Speed Chase LA

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zIAR_RojnLI - ud83dudd34 Police Chase [Channel: Portland Andy]

>>>/qresearch/12807685 Our Oligarchs’ Crisis of Confidence

>>>/qresearch/12807701 YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE - Man of the Year (2006) Official Trailer #1 - Robin Williams Movie HD - A comedian who hosts a news satire program decides to run for president, and a computerized voting machine malfunction gets him elected.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=3qbhKVxPEzs - Man of the Year (2006) Official Trailer #1 - Robin Williams Movie HD [Channel: Movieclips Classic Trailers]

>>>/qresearch/12807720 Likud Minister Says US Will Never Attack a 'Nuclear Iran', Israel May Have to Act Alone - Report

>>>/qresearch/12807743 Bondi Detoxologie clinic breaches infection controls forcing clients to get tested for blood-borne viruses like HIV

>>>/qresearch/12807757 ah there it is.Self firmed

>>>/qresearch/12807772 And there it is… White House considers barring Donald Trump from receiving intelligence briefing Why would he still be now… I wonder…

>>>/qresearch/12807806, >>>/qresearch/12807870 Blenderbox Digs Clientlist…

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210203084406/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c8031cbc94294b5260f4af25c9885fd2c28b17a99139b6a7a57267ebe84f0320.pdf

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210203084422/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c3ae898f0bd746a75d4f70c4ca04b8f8f8c5c91235795988a59974115118c60d.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12807894 "Anons 1st Dig?"

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210203084449/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c09c4776969f152b8d2de0551c39fe6407ed55862ea06fdb224316d620baeaee.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12807940 DJT ? Tweets: All great patriots come together. Follow me openly here on this page.

>>>/qresearch/12807961 Schumananon

>>>/qresearch/12807975, >>>/qresearch/12807990 Mummy Wihth Golden Tongue…

>>>/qresearch/12807995 STONKS!

>>>/qresearch/12808004 Public Enemy Number One: White People. Hate is Universal.

>>>/qresearch/12808005 IMF sent $350 million in cash to #Myanmar days before military takeover, report says…

>>>/qresearch/12808013 Experimental Cancer Drug Treats COVID?

>>>/qresearch/12808060 hereistheevidence.com

>>>/qresearch/12808066, >>>/qresearch/12808165 There’s a Plasma ship at the Eiffel Tower

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cIEpqcqRdIc - Thereu2019s a Plasma ship at the Eiffel Tower [Channel: Gina Maria Colvin Hill]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cIEpqcqRdIc - Thereu2019s a Plasma ship at the Eiffel Tower [Channel: Gina Maria Colvin Hill]

>>>/qresearch/12808083 Chess Moves…

>>>/qresearch/12808106 Twitter EXPOSES AOC For LYING About the Capitol Riot, SHE WAS NOT IN THE BUILDING

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8SPpBEc6TIk - Twitter EXPOSES AOC For LYING About the Capitol Riot, SHE WAS NOT IN THE BUILDIN [Channel: MR. OBVIOUS]

>>>/qresearch/12808131 Concern Detected: How do we prove that Q isn’t a psyop like Operation Trust? Baker Suggests… Not Our Job. but feel free to dig anons.

>>>/qresearch/12808140 Vice is Lame

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203085218/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/99431f9aa687602d94aeb5948898c2034b11fa8ee5aa98b1a8006e7ad2c19f81.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12808147, >>>/qresearch/12808198, >>>/qresearch/12808215 Easter Isl Quake

>>>/qresearch/12808159, >>>/qresearch/12808163, >>>/qresearch/12808292 Congressman reputed to be Rep Mike Nearman R/ OR district 23, opens door to Capitol for rioters access.

>>>/qresearch/12808166 SpaceDeltas

>>>/qresearch/12808245 Hapsburg Haw

>>>/qresearch/12808310 #16349

(27 notables, 34 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29998

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12808316 Q Research General #16350: We Own The Night Edition

Created 030711ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12808425 Feel The Burn

>>>/qresearch/12808428 Richard Grenell Retweeted: This isn't normal. Citizens who take years out of their lives to serve by ensuring agency equities are protected into the interagency pursuant to mission sets will not do so if one party violates longstanding norms regarding statutory privileges. Why

>>>/qresearch/12808435, >>>/qresearch/12808500, >>>/qresearch/12808548 Strings . . .

>>>/qresearch/12808479 Officer killed in Capitol riot lies in honor; President Biden pays respects

>>>/qresearch/12808497 RINO work

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211022052947/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/815ce99025a27a0ac1fb483e845dae2d2ce9c250136f2f8120940a04e7d81ca3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12808501 Ukraine Sanctions 'Russian Trojan Horse' Media Assets Associated With Putin Friend

>>>/qresearch/12808547 Police rule out criminal misconduct after investigation into Vatican payments to Australia


>>>/qresearch/12808554 Important to remember

>>>/qresearch/12808572 18 AB: Opportunity Awaits

>>>/qresearch/12808592, >>>/qresearch/12808675 Hes on clouthub. Here's his recent posts & reposts. Brian D. Hill, formerly of USWGO Alternative News, DECLARES INDEPENDENCE against the Corporation of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1871 – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News

>>>/qresearch/12808615 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12808666, >>>/qresearch/12808927 HCQ Cures

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20211128051209/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c811ec1a104f62e43ef77891cc6fa1fb68d54efbaad641588b99c8a52786b6fc.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12808677, >>>/qresearch/12808943 Hunger Games Director Reports ~ Spills ugly truth about Pedo Trafficking

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kD-vH6QVllk - John Paul Rice [Channel: Vin Cognito]

>>>/qresearch/12808738 Harrassment: Attorney Lin Wood under investigation over whether he voted illegally in November – (WSB-TV)

>>>/qresearch/12808748, >>>/qresearch/12808837 Myanmar, No Longer your Asian Whore Soros

>>>/qresearch/12808856 Moar Quakes? This one 6.7 West Chile Rise…

>>>/qresearch/12808880 "When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol"

>>>/qresearch/12808889 SICKENING: First Black Lt. Gov of North Carolina is Compared to the KKK for Being a Republican - This is how Democrats treat minorities who venture off the Plantation

>>>/qresearch/12808894, >>>/qresearch/12808903 Cancel Culture: Biden asks Supreme Court to cancel arguments on border wall, asylum cases

>>>/qresearch/12808897 Feds: Six family members received $7.4 million in pandemic loans by creating fake Ohio farms

>>>/qresearch/12808904 H.R. 127: A New Bill In Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently

>>>/qresearch/12808908 Embattled Pennsylvania Secretary Of State Resigns After Botching Constitutional Amendment

>>>/qresearch/12808913 'Demonic' war: Social-media CEO urges Americans to delete Big Tech apps, build Christian economy

>>>/qresearch/12808926, >>>/qresearch/12808929, >>>/qresearch/12808931 George Conway blames Trump and conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene for ‘moral collapse’ of GOP Kek… Fake News converge on a baseless conspiracy theory.

>>>/qresearch/12808993 Richard Grennell Tweets: Help find the people who broke the law at the Capitol. Take a look. And, by the way, can someone at the @FBI send me the poster of looters and arsonists from last summer’s and last week’s BLM protest? I assume you made the same public appeal?!

>>>/qresearch/12809000 Robinhood Made Nearly $700 Million By Selling User Data To Hedge Funds

>>>/qresearch/12809014 House Republicans Begin Effort To Remove Democrat Ilhan Omar From Committees

>>>/qresearch/12809017, >>>/qresearch/12809025 Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the former leader of Operation Warp Speed, is advising the European Union (EU) on its COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211115051142/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0e76c56c27fc3515c08bfb91a154333c361932ed24d52891bafc93e19e536320.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20201204221254/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f96f70f667d9b116d9e6801dbb66d086517fa980a3340c2583b5d77c9dc600c5.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12809028, >>>/qresearch/12809032 Obama Biden Follow the wives.

>>>/qresearch/12809039 #16350, #16351, #16352

(31 notables, 43 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.29999

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12809048 Q Research General #16351: As The World Turns Myanmar Becomes Liberated Edition

Created 031059ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12809228 GOOGLE Hacked?

>>>/qresearch/12809353 5 steps+

>>>/qresearch/12809357 "Team Love?" Rape Sacrifice Chamber?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NL25zXbFRSk - January 30, 2021 [Channel: Qanon WWG1WGA]

>>>/qresearch/12809383, >>>/qresearch/12809394, >>>/qresearch/12809424, >>>/qresearch/12809428, >>>/qresearch/12809436, >>>/qresearch/12809442, >>>/qresearch/12809444 , Anon Brings Egregious error to attention

>>>/qresearch/12809390 The Post Boom Bust

>>>/qresearch/12809426, >>>/qresearch/12809635 Dan The Man's shares

>>>/qresearch/12809439 The Netherlands officially opened it's first Gulag in Groningen. Forced detention of those who are accused of being presumably infected with Covid and not willingly go by the rules.

>>>/qresearch/12809478 Here are the potential terrorist threats to the Super Bowl, according to the FBI and DHS

>>>/qresearch/12809561 Bezos+Cornwatch

>>>/qresearch/12809563 Amazon+Babbel

>>>/qresearch/12809568 "Chapter 26 a Realistic Scenario"

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20220813110455/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2009dda77207bf9afa64d7a2a84d1e11a56a9d3e42a54f409e07937e531c7a54.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12809589 German Article ~ Merkel and Macron see the Corona-crisis as chance for NEW WORLD ORDER

>>>/qresearch/12809590 Re-Hash Politico reports that the No Excuses PAC, founded by some former staffers of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, is beginning its push to primary the two senators with an email beckoning support: “Help us find the next AOC to replace Manchin and Sinema.” (Keep in mind, though, that both are up for reelection in 2024 and that one or both could decide not to run again.)

>>>/qresearch/12809615, >>>/qresearch/12809636, >>>/qresearch/12809783, >>>/qresearch/12809799 PF Reports

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pVp2mh8pquc - Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 2 2 21 [Channel: Monkey Werx US]

>>>/qresearch/12809664 Any more to this image?

>>>/qresearch/12809668 Anti aircraft missiles were fired at and IDF UAV over Lebanon. They missed.

>>>/qresearch/12809686 Poseidon? Watching the Water?

>>>/qresearch/12809748, >>>/qresearch/12809776 Called it anons? SILVER RED ALERT! 61 Million Oz Silver Deposit in SLV Silver ETF!! (Bix Weir)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_ngA2YE4K3s - SILVER RED ALERT! 61 Million Oz Silver Deposit in SLV Silver ETF!! (Bix Weir) [Channel: RoadtoRoota]

>>>/qresearch/12809750 The 100 Series…

>>>/qresearch/12809789 Violating Import Laws?

>>>/qresearch/12809810 Moar handouts… No one should lose their home in the middle of this pandemic.

>>>/qresearch/12809849 #16351

(22 notables, 33 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30000

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12809860 Q Research General #16352: The Fake News Media Complex Scramble Continues Edition

Created 031415ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12809930, >>>/qresearch/12809935 Politico Reporter says Graham doesn't want Trump's team to prove election was stolen

>>>/qresearch/12809932, >>>/qresearch/12810447, >>>/qresearch/12810463, >>>/qresearch/12810478, >>>/qresearch/12810487, >>>/qresearch/12810548 PF - Aircraft sometimes known as AF1 is on a flight out of DC

>>>/qresearch/12809946 House Dems move to yoke GOP to QAnon

>>>/qresearch/12810007, >>>/qresearch/12810027, >>>/qresearch/12810144 3 Idaho National Guard personnel killed in Black Hawk crash

>>>/qresearch/12810033 Trump Team, Impeachment Managers Lay Out Arguments for Senate Trial

>>>/qresearch/12810058, >>>/qresearch/12810086, >>>/qresearch/12810186, >>>/qresearch/12810226, >>>/qresearch/12810233 Re-digging on Child Trafficking Congressional testimonies (ytube embeds)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7oZE2nod4i0 - Sound of Freedom [Official Trailer] [Channel: Sound of Freedom Movie]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HUmfsvegMRo - Ashton Kutcher Speech on Human Trafficking Before Congress | ABC News [Channel: ABC News]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Go62y25B8Vc - Tim Ballard - Senate Judiciary Committee March 6th 2019 [Channel: Tim Ballard]

>>>/qresearch/12810075 Anon dig on Qdrops re: Space Force and current habbenings

>>>/qresearch/12810109 [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming. CISA PHASE 2

>>>/qresearch/12810110 Biden says ‘no one in our family’ will be involved in government decisions

>>>/qresearch/12810142 ICYMI - Conway Blames Trump and conspiracy theorists for ‘moral collapse’ of GOP

>>>/qresearch/12810153 FLY FREE: Wildlife officials rescue and release a bald eagle (vid embed)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210203154230/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2bf3ea1c1ca30825f59b99a085894b694d65e8a70957f3fbb68f1e285df4bb4f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12810159 Aung San Suu Kyi charged with illegally importing communication devices following Myanmar coup

>>>/qresearch/12810164, >>>/qresearch/12810166 Rep. Devin Nunes Defends GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RL7jWT3FdUI - Rep. Devin Nunes Defends GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>>/qresearch/12810205 Grassley Grills FBI, DOJ about actions related to civil unrest

>>>/qresearch/12810212 President Biden just revoked an immigration order titled: “Securing the Southern Border of the United States.”

>>>/qresearch/12810244, >>>/qresearch/12810626 Chad Pergram quotes Schumer referring to Biden as "Acting" President

>>>/qresearch/12810250 Watch the Water - Humongous wave appears to bear face of Greek sea god

>>>/qresearch/12810254 Santa Rosa church leader arrested in connection with child sex assault

>>>/qresearch/12810278, >>>/qresearch/12810312 Schiff asking Newsom to appoint him as state AG plus possible Q delta

>>>/qresearch/12810306 Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo continued his war of words with Beijing this week

>>>/qresearch/12810317, >>>/qresearch/12810338 Adam Housley twats about Durham Investigation

>>>/qresearch/12810393, >>>/qresearch/12810446, >>>/qresearch/12810508 Ezra A. Cohen Retweets Nikki Haley, RE: Navalny being sent to prison

>>>/qresearch/12810402 Biden @POTUS twat - Secretary Mayorkas… look forward to working with him at the Department of Homeland Security

>>>/qresearch/12810412 U.S. Embassy in Ukraine supports censorship

>>>/qresearch/12810416 ICYMI - Psaki mocks Space Force then twats a CYA

>>>/qresearch/12810425 Antifa’s True Goals and Tactics Exposed: Andy Ngo

>>>/qresearch/12810546 Detroit TCF Center Turns Over Security Camera Footage of 3:30 AM Biden Ballot Dump to Gateway Pundit

>>>/qresearch/12810569 Child Abuse Runs Deep In The Biden Administration

>>>/qresearch/12810574 Yellen Gets Ethics Waiver To Lead Regulator Meeting On Gamestop Insanity After Taking $810K From Citadel

>>>/qresearch/12810578 The U.S. is no longer actively preparing to move nearly 12,000 troops out of Germany

>>>/qresearch/12810604 SCOTUS under pressure from the Biden Administration, cancels scheduled hearings on both the border wall and asylum cases

>>>/qresearch/12810638 Can anyone please explain Biden's 700 million acres of U.S land to China thing?

>>>/qresearch/12810662 >>12809039 #16350, >>12809849 #16351, #16352

(33 notables, 51 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30001

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12810676 Q Research General #16353: Our Girl MTG Edition

Created 031605ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12810719 HANDOFF CONFIRMED ID ddf7e7

>>>/qresearch/12810744 The anatomy of FFs

>>>/qresearch/12810781 Johnheretohelp #LincolnProject

>>>/qresearch/12810786 Military aircraft crash

>>>/qresearch/12810794 Welcome Aboard Steven K Bannon

>>>/qresearch/12810811 Biden admin Re-Opens Migrant Children Detention Camp

>>>/qresearch/12810844, >>>/qresearch/12811335 Digz FBI drafts top child porn investigator for hunter biden laptop case (cap)

>>>/qresearch/12810855 Plane Reports

>>>/qresearch/12810894 Pompeo says U.S. has concerns about Myanmar elections

>>>/qresearch/12810900, >>>/qresearch/12811197 Bezos?

>>>/qresearch/12810941 Why didn’t any of the useless Congress people think of this? #StateFraud

>>>/qresearch/12810943, >>>/qresearch/12811218 The bed is set for the president's youngest grandchild, Beau Biden Jr.

>>>/qresearch/12810960, >>>/qresearch/12811017, >>>/qresearch/12811238 Canada - Proud Boys a Terrorist org.

>>>/qresearch/12810962 Russia and the US to extend Treaty

>>>/qresearch/12810998 Is Biden Acting under Authority of Trump? (#Acting)

>>>/qresearch/12811003, >>>/qresearch/12811016 What Happened To The FBI Investigation Of Smollet?

>>>/qresearch/12811023 UNC Chapel Hill worked with the Wuhan Lab in 2015 to weaponize a bat virus

>>>/qresearch/12811030, >>>/qresearch/12811055 Gaetz volunteers to give up house seat to defend president trump in senate trial.

>>>/qresearch/12811037 Patrick Byrne: How DJT Lost the White House

>>>/qresearch/12811043 Liz Cheney is DONE! They Have The Votes

>>>/qresearch/12811074, >>>/qresearch/12811230 Russian envoy to US: I don’t believe sane US generals really consider nuclear war with Moscow.

>>>/qresearch/12811102 Anon Opines - You are watching a movie.

>>>/qresearch/12811106 WE ARE ALL FLYNN NOW ANONS

>>>/qresearch/12811109 Eyes on. Tampa Bay is the home of USCENTCOM and the NFC Champion @Buccaneers.

>>>/qresearch/12811124 WHO monitoring social media. Sinister.

>>>/qresearch/12811135 Nothing to see here.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nnqPVk0VmK8 - 2012 LONDON OLYMPICS COVID-19 RITUAL [Channel: Pieter Christiaens]

>>>/qresearch/12811138 Bill Gates briefing the Clowns

>>>/qresearch/12811144 [Sylver]sta Stalone and The SS

>>>/qresearch/12811149 DOD - "Waiting our turn.

>>>/qresearch/12811205 China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Says the US ‘Should Be As Transparent as China.

>>>/qresearch/12811220 Yellen Gets Ethics Waiver To Lead Regulator Meeting On Gamestop

>>>/qresearch/12811223 I really want to know what Officer Sicknick died fro

>>>/qresearch/12811228 Patriot Media Outlets

>>>/qresearch/12811232 International Court of Justice claims jurisdiction to hear Iran's dispute against US sanctions

>>>/qresearch/12811251 Schumer, McConnell end standoff to organize 50-50 Senate

>>>/qresearch/12811262 Former CIA Counter-Insurgency Officer Urges US Government to Use War Tactics Against Domestic Extremists Like Those Who Stormed US Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12811274, >>>/qresearch/12811286, >>>/qresearch/12811294, >>>/qresearch/12811311, >>>/qresearch/12811325 NEVER SPLIT THE BAKE, CALL CLOWN BAKERS OUT ( Bun )

>>>/qresearch/12811275 Administration prepares to open overflow facility for migrant children.

>>>/qresearch/12811290 Executive Who Made Decision To Shut Down Parler Will Replace Jeff Bezos As Amazon CEO

>>>/qresearch/12811293, >>>/qresearch/12811373 Aon?!

>>>/qresearch/12811296 Could be an errant photo but more likely a comm of some sort.

>>>/qresearch/12811297 G. FLYNN - I have become a [B]ig [B]eliever in what i refer to as "Digital Soldiers" ( o7 )

>>>/qresearch/12811304 New Mexico Democrat's bill could criminalize parents teaching kids how to shoot

>>>/qresearch/12811316, >>>/qresearch/12811361 How was AOC in her office at the time of the Capital breach?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8SPpBEc6TIk - Twitter EXPOSES AOC For LYING About the Capitol Riot, SHE WAS NOT IN THE BUILDIN [Channel: MR. OBVIOUS]

>>>/qresearch/12811317 Biden Takes Trump’s Wall to Next Level, New ‘Smart’ Wall Will Spy on Americans Hundreds of Miles Inland

>>>/qresearch/12811320 Twitter Bans Small Business Advocacy Group After They Call for Big Tech Regulation

>>>/qresearch/12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final

>>>/qresearch/12811342 LIVE - Three Idaho National Guard pilots killed in helicopter crash near Lucky Peak

>>>/qresearch/12811343 John NONAME's dad was a 33rd degree mason at Lodge #11, St John's Lodge, in Washington DC.

>>>/qresearch/12811367 After Making Claims of Widespread Voter Fraud, Lin Wood Comes Under Investigation for… Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/12811379 Should government be trying to alter the minds of its citizens?

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210203224325/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9c1bf5fabf4119173c68bed7c4559cf0b7c86690bb10856071d59f0cea3b81df.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12811404 #16353, #16354, #16355

(52 notables, 66 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12811389 Q Research General #16354: Have You Red Pilled Your Congressman Lately Edition

Created 031804ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12811461 lb, Anyone happen to notice the specific differences between these two images?

>>>/qresearch/12811483, >>>/qresearch/12811622, >>>/qresearch/12811998, >>>/qresearch/12812066 MOAR SPLIT DOUGH FAWKERY?

>>>/qresearch/12811489 Planned Parenthood CEO: ‘Completely Over the Moon’ with Kamala Harris as VP

>>>/qresearch/12811497 Complaint Seeks Forfeiture of Iranian Oil Aboard Tanker Based on Connection to Terror Group

>>>/qresearch/12811502 CDC: Mask Order Will Be ‘Further Enforced’ by ‘Federal Authorities’

>>>/qresearch/12811517 Lindsey Graham threatens Democrats: If you call even one witness for impeachment trial, we’ll open up 'Pandora's box'

>>>/qresearch/12811530 Mexican Police Behind the Mass Murder and Burning of 19 Victims

>>>/qresearch/12811531 Thoughts?

>>>/qresearch/12811546 THE DICK ACT OF 1902 — GUN CONTROL IS FORBIDDEN

>>>/qresearch/12811548, >>>/qresearch/12811549 BIDEN's destruction of America

>>>/qresearch/12811562 LB Late Notables

>>>/qresearch/12811563 Microsoft Defender ATP is detecting yesterday's Chrome update as a backdoor

>>>/qresearch/12811580, >>>/qresearch/12811617 Hydrogen-Powered Yacht (lels in Gates)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ub_-NY8cnD4 - SINOT - AQUA Full Hydrogen Yacht Concept [Channel: Boat Yacht World]

>>>/qresearch/12811586 Ryan Girdusky: Lincoln Project Is Part Grift, Part Grooming Operation for John Weaver

>>>/qresearch/12811593, >>>/qresearch/12811605 Consider Sharing these Memes.

>>>/qresearch/12811597 Biden Regime Moves Swiftly to Impose Communist Agenda

>>>/qresearch/12811611 U.S. approves five-year extension of nuclear weapon treaty with Russia

>>>/qresearch/12811618 Inside Colombia's FOUR BILLION DOLLAR jungle cocaine labs

>>>/qresearch/12811626 Americans Buying Guns at ‘Blistering Pace,’ FBI Data Shows: Expert

>>>/qresearch/12811631 MSPs in Holyrood have voted against a motion calling for an investigation into the finances of former US president Donald Trump.


>>>/qresearch/12811649, >>>/qresearch/12811709 AOC claims to have been in her office, which is located in the Cannon Building/

>>>/qresearch/12811669, >>>/qresearch/12811937 Man Sentenced for Advertising Videos and Images of Children Being Sexually Abused

>>>/qresearch/12811680 CA is increasing state income tax from 13.3% to 16%?

>>>/qresearch/12811688, >>>/qresearch/12811727 Psaki returns to White House

>>>/qresearch/12811691 Dear Committee Members… -Anon

>>>/qresearch/12811694 Mike Pompeo On The Trump Administration’s Handling Of China And Russia

>>>/qresearch/12811717 FBI Florida shooting.

>>>/qresearch/12811718 WH LIVE

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=w7pZZOFA5oQ - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12811728 Have you asked your Democrat family, friends or neighbors what they think of Biden's presidency so far?

>>>/qresearch/12811754 Ex-Sugar Hut boss Mick Norcross, 57, was found hanged in basement of his luxury Essex home after sending cryptic final tweet

>>>/qresearch/12811766 Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi is charged with possessing illegally imported walkie-talkies

>>>/qresearch/12811780 3 Idaho Guardsmen Die in Second Fatal National Guard Black Hawk Crash This Year

>>>/qresearch/12811781 [M]N[K]D

>>>/qresearch/12811785 Happy Donald J. Trump week in the City of Frostproof!

>>>/qresearch/12811786 Israel Continues False Predictions of Iranian Nuclear Breakout

>>>/qresearch/12811793 Germany Warns Against Afghanistan Withdrawal Deadline

>>>/qresearch/12811810 Plane Reports

>>>/qresearch/12811813 The Called - Makings of a Perfect Day (Anons mind blown)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=wxlyUNOgVDw - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12811821 House to vote Thursday to drop Greene from all committees

>>>/qresearch/12811832 Schumer Reveals His 4 ‘Big, Bold’ Plans To Radically Change America

>>>/qresearch/12811845 Mike Pompeo Tweet If you missed my interview with

>>>/qresearch/12811847 Chuck Schumer Used Violent Rhetoric To Sic A Mob On Two Supreme Court Justices

>>>/qresearch/12811849 Senate moving forward with impeachment trial of a private citizen

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WY2gagrfyTc - Clown show continues. Senate moving forward with impeachment trial of a private [Channel: The Duran]

>>>/qresearch/12811869 This is Odd: Joe Biden’s Signature

>>>/qresearch/12811886 Laz Ecenarro - Connecting Dots (vid)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G5vaOymrhj8 - Laz Ecenarro - Connecting Dots - Usual Corrupt Congress Critters, CCP, Burisma, [Channel: Lorie K]

>>>/qresearch/12811894 Rick Wilson Threatens Critics in ‘Exclusive’ Straw Man Defense of Embattled #LincolnProject


>>>/qresearch/12811906 Govt. Agency That Oversees Nuclear Labs Fails to Revoke Former Employees’ Security Clearance

>>>/qresearch/12811945 WE WANT SAUCE!

>>>/qresearch/12811969 SUPPRESS INFORMATION?

>>>/qresearch/12811976 Plan Z = Awake Masses?

>>>/qresearch/12811981 Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirms that stimulus checks will be $1400

>>>/qresearch/12811991, >>>/qresearch/12812045 What Banner Vid, do Anons Want?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5zezIBBxjEs - Marines admit man in iconic Iwo Jima photo was mis [Channel: CBS Evening News]

>>>/qresearch/12811993 Great Greta in the news.

>>>/qresearch/12812006 Do you guyz get the feeling that maybe some covert Patriots are in control over at Utube?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uPBbbsR0lmw - 02/02/21: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: Defense Flash News]

>>>/qresearch/12812011 Operation Trust (Sowing Division Anon?)

>>>/qresearch/12812074 Here’s @IlhanMN providing material support to BLM / Antifa domestic terrorists.

>>>/qresearch/12812115 #16354

(59 notables, 69 posts, 68 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30003

File: 3dfa0c4cf7266a5⋯.jpg (12.09 KB,255x199,255:199,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12813828 Q Research General #16357: POMPEO seeks Manila Edition

Created 032315ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12813855 Bezos Bug-Out Location, Climate Oops, Earthquakes (5 mins)

>>>/qresearch/12813895, >>>/qresearch/12814044 , Parler CEO John Matze says he’s been terminated by board: ‘I did not participate in this decision’

>>>/qresearch/12813921, >>>/qresearch/12813957, >>>/qresearch/12814008 , U.S. Navy Has Patents on Tech It Says Will ‘Engineer the Fabric of Reality’

>>>/qresearch/12813925 Press Secretary Jen Psaki tweeted a gay slur at Lindsey Graham

>>>/qresearch/12813966, >>>/qresearch/12814287 , FLOTUS, volume 33 February 2021

>>>/qresearch/12813978 White Supremacist Leader Pleads Guilty in Racketeering Case

>>>/qresearch/12813996, >>>/qresearch/12814003 , Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity in order to address white nationalism and extremism in its ranks

>>>/qresearch/12814000 no name northern star 129.8?

>>>/qresearch/12814012 Wisconsin’s ‘Indefinitely Confined’ Voter Status Excludes Requirement for Voter IDs – 265,000 Ballots Cast in 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12814032 Worshipped remains of early Christian in Rome don't belong to Jesus's apostle James, researchers say

>>>/qresearch/12814045 Sen. Rick Scott: Marjorie Taylor Greene 'clearly doesn't represent the Republican Party'

>>>/qresearch/12814049, >>>/qresearch/12814066 , Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer filed a bar complaint against Sidney Powell, asking that she be stripped of her law license

>>>/qresearch/12814050 Get #PelosiFalseFlag trending on social media

>>>/qresearch/12814052 Watch AOC’s story change. (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204122817/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7897d12f69cdc4197d9da1770dc43ab16d702fb2b71b89447f54359617df3820.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12814053 The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence selected Nokia Corporation NOK, recently secured contracts related to the 5G domain

>>>/qresearch/12814057 Navarro Reports much of the manipulation of data via the computer systems occurred from locations overseas

>>>/qresearch/12814061 A group identifying as #Jewish #Antifa hacked the website of a white supremacist #KluKluxKlan

>>>/qresearch/12814064, >>>/qresearch/12814189 , CDC Issues Super Bowl Party Guidelines, Limits Cheering and Alcohol

>>>/qresearch/12814068 Reddit's Silver Raid Sparked Highly Unusual Backwardation

>>>/qresearch/12814077, >>>/qresearch/12814089 , Psaki Says Biden’s $1400 Covid Relief Payments Fulfills His Promise of $2000 Stimulus Checks…

>>>/qresearch/12814080 @Breaking911 Greta Thunberg posted a document to Twitter, telling her what to post regarding the current protests in India, quickly deleting it (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/12814099 CEO Sentenced for $150 Million Health Care Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme

>>>/qresearch/12814176 Oxford study: If you survive coronavirus, you’re mentally ill

>>>/qresearch/12814186 Iran’s foreign minister applauds Iraq’s arrest warrant for Trump over Soleimani killing

>>>/qresearch/12814191 Tell Facebook: We need to be able to discuss Zionism

>>>/qresearch/12814208 Gun Control’s Unholy Union With Hollywood Is Too Rich

>>>/qresearch/12814246 Do we have any proof that Biden has authority over the military? Or space force?

>>>/qresearch/12814261, >>>/qresearch/12814399 , Cuomo spoke person agitating distractions

>>>/qresearch/12814309 SMaRTMaTiC (Cap) 2.19 mins

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211103171118/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/73bbc04d495442c2ebb6584d7034fbf73321645e144ab257b0e37e83446b995b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12814328, >>>/qresearch/12814392 , Dan Scavino USMC f35

>>>/qresearch/12814415 Rand Paul grills Biden's education secretary pick over biological males competing in girls' sports

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=F_LL7SgPjrg - Rand Paul presses education secy nominee on transgender athletes [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12814459 Top DOJ Official’s Connection To Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Will Test Biden’s Commitment To Ethics

>>>/qresearch/12814567 >>12813917 #16356, #16357, #16358

(33 notables, 43 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30004

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12815364 Q Research General #16359: The Evil And America Hating Cheney Family Edition

Created 040210ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12815438 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is “Revolutionary Socialist” Following Mao’s Teachings

>>>/qresearch/12815446 Dan Bongino Says Ex-Parler CEO Is Lying, Site ‘Absolutely Committed’ to Free Speech

>>>/qresearch/12815476 Makow –We Are In Deep Shit, We are In Denial about "Red Terror" We Face

>>>/qresearch/12815488 Anon says Q #2784 is a marker - "Qanon across 'censored platforms'

>>>/qresearch/12815503, >>>/qresearch/12815517 Grassley Calls Out Partisan Budget Negotiations

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7cp6GfpkiT4 - Grassley Calls Out Partisan Budget Negotiations [Channel: SenChuckGrassley]

>>>/qresearch/12815504 B-1 Bombers Are Deploying To Norway For The First Time With An Eye On Nearby Russia And The Arctic

>>>/qresearch/12815516 SAS trooper fights for life after crash with US soldier during 18,000ft sky dive before plummeting into IS territory

>>>/qresearch/12815519 Burma's Coup d'état EXPOSES Western Geopolitical IGNORANCE

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=QOl2fHVjWmg - Burma | Dangerously MISUNDERSTOOD by the WEST [Channel: Felix Rex]

>>>/qresearch/12815555, >>>/qresearch/12815572, >>>/qresearch/12815601 Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine candidate appears safe and effective

>>>/qresearch/12815564 American Airlines Warns It Will Cut Another 13,000 Job

>>>/qresearch/12815605, >>>/qresearch/12815670, >>>/qresearch/12815807 Planefag - Lots of Military Activity

>>>/qresearch/12815625 Study- CDC broke federal law by manipulating covid death statistics

>>>/qresearch/12815649 Last Friday a judge had overturned a congressional seat due to fraud

>>>/qresearch/12815694 Bun of latest Vax articles

>>>/qresearch/12815696 Scottish Parliament Votes Against Probing Trump Finances

>>>/qresearch/12815704 Gen. Nakasone - As the foundation of the Joint Force, the Army is critical to @US_CYBERCOM and @NSAGov mission

>>>/qresearch/12815706 Herridge - House Republicans vote by large margin to allow Wyoming Rep Liz Cheney to stay as GOP conference chairwoman

>>>/qresearch/12815708 Biden Tried to Remove a Former Trump Official From an ADVISORY Post, Against the Law

>>>/qresearch/12815745, >>>/qresearch/12815965, >>>/qresearch/12815978 Make a list - Identifying the 69 Patriots who voted to 86 Liz Cheney today

>>>/qresearch/12815802 Ezra Cohen retweets Senator Hagerty's Putin REEE

>>>/qresearch/12815828 Mandy at Body Language Ghost…goes comedic on B Gates

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_sFm2-4EolE - Body Language: Bill Gates, and u2018Theoriesu2019 [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>>/qresearch/12815830, >>>/qresearch/12815934 Trump Putin Helsinki 2018 July 16 Transcript

>>>/qresearch/12815974, >>>/qresearch/12815992 Not everybody knows Laura Bush ("Pickles") killed her boyfriend/fiance in 1963.

>>>/qresearch/12816001, >>>/qresearch/12816100 Kevin McCarthy Statement on Majorie Taylor Greene

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204083524/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8174cfa12fe59d01280d4f1ebd218b428421f088b5e9d797fe909cb341d14f36.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12816004, >>>/qresearch/12816089 Thursday's announced @WhiteHouse schedule.

>>>/qresearch/12816175 #16359, #16360, #16361

(26 notables, 37 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30005

File: 3dfa0c4cf7266a5⋯.jpg (12.09 KB,255x199,255:199,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12814587 Q Research General #16358: Parler CEO Job Vacancy apply at Evil Inc Amazon Edition

Created 040049ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12814674 Thomas Wictor thread

>>>/qresearch/12814687 A CHILD porn suspect opened fire on a group of FBI agents, killing two

>>>/qresearch/12814702 Judge Dismisses Hammer Attacker Case Because Victim Wanted to Wear Covid Mask During Testimony

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qgvNVV4rYAE - Oregon hammer attack suspect walks free after woman refuses to testify without m [Channel: KGW News]

>>>/qresearch/12814712 Words that are frowned upon on College Campuses

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6BEv5Mao2dA - Students Want A National Hate Speech Law…But Can't Define Hate Speech [Channel: Campus Reform]

>>>/qresearch/12814724 In Nov 2020 Pew Research survey showed that 20% of adults in America thought the Q movement was a good thing for the country.

>>>/qresearch/12814733 AOC whining about getting busted lying about the Capitol attack

>>>/qresearch/12814739 Kevin McCarthy digging his political grave

>>>/qresearch/12814755 Anon notables bun from #16355

>>>/qresearch/12814759 INDIA GETS REDPILLED by Greta Thurnberg mistaken tweet

>>>/qresearch/12814788 from halfchan - What Ulysses Grant Can Teach Joe Biden About Putting Down Violent Insurrections

>>>/qresearch/12814834 Sources say that roughly half the House GOP conference gave Marjorie Taylor Greene a standing ovation after she rose to speak a few min ago.

>>>/qresearch/12814928 Tucker Carlson opened his show with a story about how Lee Harvey Oswald was an avowed communist? WTF?

>>>/qresearch/12814937 FBI seeking victim info from Harvest Festival

>>>/qresearch/12814975 the Deep State Declares War against American Patriots in Fly Over Country (video)

>>>/qresearch/12815023 Iran’s Foreign Minister Applauds Iraq’s Arrest Warrant for Trump Over Soleimani Killing

>>>/qresearch/12815031 US State Department Says Disturbed by Reports About Systematic Rape in China’s Xinjiang

>>>/qresearch/12815053 Flight to GITMO from JBA tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/12815125 George Webb ID's Joe Biggs as a member of 4th Psych Ops with McChrystal in Afghanistan.

>>>/qresearch/12815161 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted Holding Russia Accountable for Malign Activities Act of 2021

>>>/qresearch/12815169 U-28 DRACO flying through the hot zone. This region of the US has been very active the last few weeks. Maybe it’s training, perhaps it’s moar?

>>>/qresearch/12815189 Hedgefund pleads guilty to bankruptcy fraud

>>>/qresearch/12815190 Judge: Cuomo Health Dept. illegally withheld COVID nursing home death toll

>>>/qresearch/12815234 House GOP Conference votes via secret ballot to not oust Liz Cheney as GOP Conference Chair

>>>/qresearch/12815286 Anon opines - time for Wyoming to impeach liz just like she did Trump

>>>/qresearch/12815343 #16358

(25 notables, 25 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30006

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12816206 Q Research General #16360: We Are The Light That Fights in the Night Edition

Created 040332ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12816278 GHunt is an OSINT tool to extract information from any Google Account using an email.

>>>/qresearch/12816289 Russian Expert in WHO Mission Says One Can Hardly Imagine Leak From Wuhan Institute of Virology

>>>/qresearch/12816296 Sec. of Defense Austin: Today, I met with senior leaders to discuss extremism in the military

>>>/qresearch/12816311 Lin Wood Fireside Chat 11

>>>/qresearch/12816334 John Kasich: GOP Will Begin to Die if It Stays a Trump Party

>>>/qresearch/12816375 Why Has Wisconsin Done Nothing With the 200,000 Ballots Its Supreme Court Claimed Were Likely Invalid In the 2020 Election?

>>>/qresearch/12816425, >>>/qresearch/12816866 Arizona Senate Resolution Threatens Arrest of Maricopa County Board for Failure to Adhere to Subpoena for Election Equipment & Ballots.

>>>/qresearch/12816432 Moar on Liz Cheney retaining Leadership Role

>>>/qresearch/12816525 The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday authorized U.S. companies to engage with Venezuela's INEA maritime authority

>>>/qresearch/12816562 Re-digging on Venezuelan Human Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/12816653 Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison holds 'warm and engaging call' with Biden

>>>/qresearch/12816658, >>>/qresearch/12816711 PF Report - QQQQQQQQ

>>>/qresearch/12816672 CYRUS PARSA: NEW BOOK: THE GREAT RESET

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ePaGmwCfcmc - CYRUS PARSA: NEW BOOK: THE GREAT RESET [Channel: Project Camelot]

>>>/qresearch/12816742 A Series Of Fortunate Events For The ECB

>>>/qresearch/12816758 Ex-Governor of Mexican Puebla State Arrested on Torture Charges After Hiding for More Than a Year

>>>/qresearch/12816760 Mario Draghi, Credited With Saving The Euro, Tapped To Form A New Government In Italy

>>>/qresearch/12816778 Lin Wood Set To Deliver And Handover Flash Drives Of Election Fraud!

>>>/qresearch/12816820 DOJ gave notice to a federal court that it is dropping a #Discrimination lawsuit it filed against #Yale University only a few months ago

>>>/qresearch/12816827, >>>/qresearch/12816844, >>>/qresearch/12816865 Link to document Greta posted

>>>/qresearch/12816833 NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Slams Liberal Media Outlet For Cartoon Depicting Republicans As KKK Members

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=26hVaUWV1Dg - NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson takes offense at editorial cartoon [Channel: The News & Observer]

>>>/qresearch/12816847, >>>/qresearch/12816852, >>>/qresearch/12816853 “Know your enemy,” There Will Be No Unification

>>>/qresearch/12816933 #16360

(22 notables, 28 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30007

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12816947 Q Research General #16361: The "Q On" Edition

Created 040441ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12817006 BREAKING: Medical examiners did not find signs that US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick sustained any blunt force trauma

>>>/qresearch/12817015 PF Reports - Three E6s in the air and a Q from a K35 refueler

>>>/qresearch/12817038 Biden Education Secretary Pick Says Schools Have Responsibility To Let Boys In Girls Sports If They Are Trans

>>>/qresearch/12817052, >>>/qresearch/12817057, >>>/qresearch/12817141, >>>/qresearch/12817179, >>>/qresearch/12817227 Digging on the Greta Document, This rabbit hole is getting weird guys

>>>/qresearch/12817082 Eric Trump tweets ~ http://TrumpStore.com

>>>/qresearch/12817120 Number Of Russians Seeking Asylum In The US Jumps Amid Pandemic, Protests

>>>/qresearch/12817154 ACLU says trans girls don't have any ‘unfair advantage’ in women’s sports

>>>/qresearch/12817165 U.S. Treasury's Yellen to meet financial regulators Thursday to discuss volatility

>>>/qresearch/12817211 Warning labels: TikTok introduces Twitter-like censorship measures to curb ‘misinformation’

>>>/qresearch/12817231 Switzerland delays approval of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines due to 'insufficient data'

>>>/qresearch/12817245, >>>/qresearch/12817409, >>>/qresearch/12817461 Re Reading drops #4686, #4671 - Who is Kevin

>>>/qresearch/12817255 Readout of Biden's Call w/ PM Morrison of Australia

>>>/qresearch/12817285 Covid denier mom banned from ALL HOSPITALS after repeatedly posting footage of ‘empty wards’ (UK)

>>>/qresearch/12817310 The courtyard of the Royal Academy has a steel tower that resembles new Amazon 'tower of Babel'

>>>/qresearch/12817340 11 Iranian Migrants Arrested for Illegally Crossing Border into Arizona

>>>/qresearch/12817354 NC Meteorologist - By my count, there have been at least 60 aftershocks in this area (Sparta, NC) since August.

>>>/qresearch/12817428, >>>/qresearch/12817544 fake news NYTimes, they NEED QAnon stories, now that Trump is not a daily meal for them

>>>/qresearch/12817435, >>>/qresearch/12817449, >>>/qresearch/12817453, >>>/qresearch/12817457 FBI Agents killed were both veterans of multiple child pornography investigations w/Anon theories

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204090018/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/778e41ee83827f1c097a01e97f5ebdd23d7e18638c32f9e7c5364fc761dd722e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12817472, >>>/qresearch/12817508, >>>/qresearch/12817535, >>>/qresearch/12817552, >>>/qresearch/12817602 Anons Share Video Collections from Capitol "attack". All embeds

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210106224808/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d447c01bb014aa718954d213778c616c7f51b3cd7ac83de7c5028ce121f20c9e.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210106182037/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9d7f317606fcf3d0139450655994cbab16816225e853da67bd4a41c91300fa31.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210107042042/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/740d09774da51737bcd99a3710e33d957f55303d67a08d454aa0ffe1336849ca.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220209232145/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02c275c45571d90192774deffa52dde73ea5b154fbc6cadf5c7200b9d0b58935.webm

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210120051827/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/598f4f22f9e908a88bc8ff508023dfd6517d4b44fa914b5a278cf54d15f8e27c.webm

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210107090259/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6892928a055e1288ba0b38f67f0937c41432bdcc6713c637998ee34e36d0db88.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220210211913/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30a8ee41b9a63f80ca277acc667256d67e57ff3c21e09d592f8ad97a18e5b81b.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211022015013/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c83ead04c3790acdc42135e721ad853d9fbec70a90f0e117c61fe87908154dc2.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210107125605/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/140efdded6df24935e65c3d42846167331e2dfe2b20a6f4940702d650816aa1e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12817553 Perth Hills bushfire emergency claims more homes as blaze continues to burn out of control (Australia)

>>>/qresearch/12817608, >>>/qresearch/12817634, >>>/qresearch/12817644, >>>/qresearch/12817658, >>>/qresearch/12817689 Twitter User asking for help, claims he is sex crime victim and being intimidated by the police

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204090250/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/aa7fe3cebba85ba32dede0f55f770c83bd7ecb2cb9f8fad7fa84ee74a083eda8.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204182217/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/fd0b0eaeaebd62dece742221c4e239cf5dc2b1446707ee5dcc1d22024de9dcf8.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204152627/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0baccc068fe73c36aa20f3ca40732d2e43e99ce1cbd0e4bfbd30e3c77b283cb8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12817709 Sen. Bill Hagerty: ‘China Is Singing All the Way to the Bank’ Thanks to Joe Biden’s Policies

>>>/qresearch/12817728 #16361

(23 notables, 41 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30008

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12817754 Q Research General #16362: MSM Flak Intensifies, Anons Over the Target Edition

Created 040611ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12817802 Mark Levin: Chuck Schumer Should Be on Trial — ‘He Threatened the Supreme Court’

>>>/qresearch/12817810 World Economic Forum Again Delays Annual Meeting Due To Pandemic Travel Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12817832 So this LA times reporter goes to the Capital protest wearing a helmet, he is at the front of the mob, what did he know?

>>>/qresearch/12817844 Ditch the "Football?"

>>>/qresearch/12817861, >>>/qresearch/12817897 Veganism or Die (Plants have feelings too y'know…)

>>>/qresearch/12817862 Astana guarantor states reaffirm commitment to sovereignty, territorial integrity of Syria

>>>/qresearch/12817893 Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship + mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204090750/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b7c98e30d5aa584fc63eb658e2427cf98ad618348fe75a88f44a8f90af318023.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12817895 Quote from the piece: "For as open as the IMF and WEF are being about these plans—I mean, they’re literally hashtagging #TheGreatReset—I’ve heard very little in the way of voices of warning. . .

>>>/qresearch/12817936, >>>/qresearch/12818066 Greenberg Insurrection?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210110232737/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/81e42b21acceb38c7e8d4ffb274a55e7dee10664394b96e9109091c20d526b5d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12817947 Robert Smith…

>>>/qresearch/12817964, >>>/qresearch/12817966 Two National Guard members died after contracting COVID-19, bringing the total virus-related death toll since the onset of the pandemic to 19 in the military, according to Department of Defense data.

>>>/qresearch/12817970 Hey Dad Start paedophile Robert Hughes remains in jail. Denied Parole.

>>>/qresearch/12817994 2 Google Engineers Resign over firing of AI ethics Researcher Gebru… What happens when Ethics are out of AI equation?

>>>/qresearch/12818013 Nuclear war with Russia or China has become a “very real possibility” and the United States must adapt urgently to meet the threat, one of its most senior military commanders has warned.

>>>/qresearch/12818018 "Gab CEO outs self as QAnon supporter in diatribe to user base"

>>>/qresearch/12818026 McKinsey Settles for $573 Million Over Role in Opioid Crisis

>>>/qresearch/12818040, >>>/qresearch/12818044 Did a dirty bomb threat alter Q’s timeline for the plan?

>>>/qresearch/12818065, >>>/qresearch/12818353 The US #SupremeCourt has unanimously rejected an appeal by #Holocaust survivors and their heirs who wanted to pursue restitution claims in the #UnitedStates after failing in the countries where the art was stolen.+ Related?

>>>/qresearch/12818097, >>>/qresearch/12818129 Who else is close to a computer? Health workers start anti-coup protests in virus-hit Myanmar

>>>/qresearch/12818099 'It's a perfect storm': A shipping container crisis has upended the global food trade

>>>/qresearch/12818121 Any satanist holidays this day? Ceremony Disrupted? 81 person french orgy broken up?

>>>/qresearch/12818147 Vivisection of Castle Rock Productions Bidan Presidency

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204043351/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9be46dee3980bf7b1192a715b294c83b2b6d53aec9494460b8f69f9d1c8279a7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12818248 Who Is The NEWS Now? All For A LARP?

>>>/qresearch/12818316, >>>/qresearch/12818436 Defense Secretary Austin Orders 60 Day Military Stand Down?

>>>/qresearch/12818351 PR Reports

>>>/qresearch/12818393 ,We have found the fact checkers people!You're right, that makes the monkey sound like the bad guy…

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20200811024829/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d3152749add471dbc5ff3cb5b29d2bba7d5f40e9b1362bc774f5037d49403ea5.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12818417 Lin Wood: President Trump is a genius. He was granted that gift and many others by God who created him to be our President at this time and place in the history of our country. I have never wavered for a second in my belief that President Trump will lead us for at least 4 more years as our President.

>>>/qresearch/12818472 #16362

(28 notables, 35 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30009

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12818490 Q Research General #16363: Sunrise Over Another Media Damage Control Disaster Edition

Created 040851ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12818629 Parler CEO John Matze says he's been terminated by the organization's board

>>>/qresearch/12818749 @usnavy: Hard at work, anytime, anywhere… #Sailors, assigned to "Golden Eagles" of Patrol Squadron (VP) 9, conducts routine maintenance on a P-8A Poseidon aircraft

>>>/qresearch/12818775, >>>/qresearch/12818849 AOC just emailed her followers to mass-report everyone who tweeted #AlexandriaOcasioSmollet today so Twitter/Facebook will take down posts criticizing or fact-checking her

>>>/qresearch/12818803, >>>/qresearch/12818823 @elonmusk Low-key Loki

>>>/qresearch/12818880 Pence opens 'transition office' in Arlington, Virginia

>>>/qresearch/12818897 Omar calls on Biden to block pipeline being built in Minnesota

>>>/qresearch/12818901 House GOPers Seek White House Documents on ‘Unprecedented’ Firings of Labor Board Lawyers

>>>/qresearch/12818926 Florida professor charged with receiving $1.75M in NIH funding while profiting in China

>>>/qresearch/12818985 Former President Donald Trump can legally live at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, the town’s attorney has ruled after conducting a review (Forbes)

>>>/qresearch/12818986 UK regulator Ofcom revokes broadcast licence of China's CGTN

>>>/qresearch/12819048 World Economic Forum Again Delays Annual Meeting Due To Pandemic Travel Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12819139 Iranian diplomat given maximum 20-yr sentence for terrorism in Belgium

>>>/qresearch/12819213 I thought workers had begun to take viewing stand in front of the White House down. Today I see that it appears they have actually added another level to the construction

>>>/qresearch/12819324 Trump Receives Yet Another Nobel Peace Prize Nomination (Feb. 1)

>>>/qresearch/12819327 Diplomat’s wife accused of killing Harry Dunn was working with US intelligence: attorney

(15 notables, 17 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30010

File: b349ac4b3311bcc⋯.png (388.08 KB,693x539,9:7,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12819387 Q Research General #16364: Nobody Bothered To Bake, So Here Edition

Created 041300ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12819443 Biden's Destruction of America

>>>/qresearch/12819461 Covid Vaccine Shilling On Twatter

>>>/qresearch/12819465 Americans Epect to Lose Influence Under Biden - Yahwho

>>>/qresearch/12819473 All for a LARP?

>>>/qresearch/12819477 Rep. Maxine Waters wants Redditor Keith Gill behind GameStop frenzy to testify at hearing

>>>/qresearch/12819521 DDOT Cameras are back up in D.C

>>>/qresearch/12819529 PF Your morning GITMO Air UPDATE

>>>/qresearch/12819559, >>>/qresearch/12819568 PIZZAGATE (my frens think it was about a guy asking to see the basement)

>>>/qresearch/12819570 Greta Thunberg faces criminal conspiracy probe in India over farm protest tweets

>>>/qresearch/12819586 Pillow Mike Lindell now has a GAB?

>>>/qresearch/12819622 Bradford County D.A.'s arrest for sexual assaults

>>>/qresearch/12819630 Resurfaced Tweets Haunt White House Press Secretary Jen Psucki

>>>/qresearch/12819656 Faux on AOC Fake and Gay "WHERE IS SHE" Video

>>>/qresearch/12819677 Steve Herman: Thursday's @WhiteHouse Schedule

>>>/qresearch/12819696 UK, Japan express serious concern over situation in East, South China seas

>>>/qresearch/12819711 RSBN Announcement: New Platforms & Programming Coming Soon! (I Like Liz too)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_HqDmTTg4KA - 🔴 RSBN Announcement: New Platforms & Programming Coming Soon! [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12819716 halfchan/pol/ germany gov is cheating the world market… toppe kekkus.

>>>/qresearch/12819826 digging on Gilbert Orrantia the head of homeland security in AZ and partner of Cindy McCain's child trafficking task force.

>>>/qresearch/12819888 Hunter Biden Memoir?

>>>/qresearch/12819891 Denmark to Introduce World’s First Corona Vaccine Passport: Report

>>>/qresearch/12819964 CDC bypasses Congress and Senate (Bill to Law procedures) and can now make Federal Laws

>>>/qresearch/12819979, >>>/qresearch/12820086 #16363, #16364, #16365

>>>/qresearch/12820008 ICYMI: This week, @NCSCgov …

>>>/qresearch/12820041 Frazzle Drip HRC

>>>/qresearch/12820057 Elon Musk on Twatter - DOGE

(25 notables, 27 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30011

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12820091 Q Research General #16365: Note Taker Getting a Baker Badge Edition

Created 041458ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12820183 #AOClied Trending on Twatter

>>>/qresearch/12820195 Intradesting from Halfchan

>>>/qresearch/12820202 CNN president's Jeff Zucker to step down at year's end

>>>/qresearch/12820203 Collected Glowables

>>>/qresearch/12820232 WATCH LIVE: Senate debates budget amid ongoing negotiations for COVID relief

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BC69GEdYZ1s - WATCH LIVE: Senate debates budget amid ongoing negotiations for COVID relief [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/12820251 Greta leaked…

>>>/qresearch/12820252 @IDF 20th annual bilateral “Juniper Falcon” exercise

>>>/qresearch/12820255 6.8 billion face masks a day… turn them into roads

>>>/qresearch/12820258, >>>/qresearch/12820269 Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Bookvar is set to resign later this week And another one

>>>/qresearch/12820274 matt gaetz is on warroom

>>>/qresearch/12820282 Scientists have turned spinach into biological sensors that email environmental alerts

>>>/qresearch/12820284 (((THEY))) “created” coronavirus pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12820298 Hezbollah critic Lokman Slim found dead in Lebanon

>>>/qresearch/12820318 There is no equivalent of Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Democratic side.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204183612/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/06bad627e08cd9416bd9ac8fee44b18f391be717872b1e82ce5af1647a32fe81.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12820368 :MEDIA-COMMAND-LETTER. :Peaceful-Solutions.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Tjo3dwnRcaA - :MEDIA-COMMAND-LETTER. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

>>>/qresearch/12820413 Bongino BTFOs John Matze

>>>/qresearch/12820415 Confirms? Confirms doesn't Confirm? McInerney Telegram?

>>>/qresearch/12820419 Republicans just held a vote on Liz Cheney remaining in leadership and she survives!

>>>/qresearch/12820430 Peruvian Court Rules That Bill Gates, George Soros Criminally Liable For “Creating” COVID-19 Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12820457 Candace Owens Obliterates #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett After Being Caught In THIRD Outrageous LIE

>>>/qresearch/12820505 NYPost Twatter Zucker has Resigns

>>>/qresearch/12820525 Clown World and Kushner nomd for Nobel Peace Prize

>>>/qresearch/12820530, >>>/qresearch/12820770 Michigan Election Officials ordered to Hand Over Comms Records with Big Tech/Dominion

>>>/qresearch/12820539, >>>/qresearch/12820574 , >>>12820245 PF

>>>/qresearch/12820546 Why is Boris Johnson Destroying Britain?


>>>/qresearch/12820559 Smartmatic Peter Neffenger=>Obama Adm =>Bidan Adm

>>>/qresearch/12820581 Trump OMB chief launching new MAGA think tank

>>>/qresearch/12820630 GWP Video Surfaces of Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Training Antifa Soldiers and Selling Riot Equipment at his Website

>>>/qresearch/12820643 Bidens Bring an Unexpected Piece of Furniture to White House

>>>/qresearch/12820657 DEEPSTATE PR dept. on Overtime

>>>/qresearch/12820675 Smartmatic MAGIC ERASER

>>>/qresearch/12820792 Parleror Blocked as Extremist Group?

>>>/qresearch/12820859 Honeypot list?

>>>/qresearch/12820892 >>12819979 #16363, >>12820086 #16364, #16365

(35 notables, 38 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30012

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12820895 Q Research General #16366: Smartmatic Scrubberator Edition

Created 041637ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12820956 Moar on CDC AllPower

>>>/qresearch/12820962, >>>/qresearch/12821092 For Assange!

>>>/qresearch/12821007 @mikepompeo twatter By sanctioning me, China is sending a message to the new administration…

>>>/qresearch/12821024 Lots O Planes Faggin

>>>/qresearch/12821033, >>>/qresearch/12821040 Moar Michigan Elected Officials GIVE US YOUR COMMS

>>>/qresearch/12821046 Wiki 2021 Death Tracking?

>>>/qresearch/12821077 TGP to Release SMOKING GUN Video from TCF Center in Detroit!

>>>/qresearch/12821087 Edward Solomon Determines the 2020 Election Results at a Precinct Level Are “Impossible” and “Cannot Occur Naturally”

>>>/qresearch/12821093 China ready to ‘respond to all threats and provocations at any time’ as US warship crosses Taiwan Strait

>>>/qresearch/12821096 The Washington Post is very afeard of Russ Vought

>>>/qresearch/12821111 Newsmax Pledge to Clinton Foundation?

>>>/qresearch/12821113 ICC convicts former Ugandan warlord of war crimes and crimes against humanity

>>>/qresearch/12821133 New Video Surfaces of Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Training Antifa

>>>/qresearch/12821144 Setting up WSB faggots for a fall?

>>>/qresearch/12821149 64 Arrested, 2 Women Rescued In Riverside County Sex Trafficking Sting

>>>/qresearch/12821151 Moar PF

>>>/qresearch/12821158 NYPost: Popular Baby Foods contain Toxic heavy metals

>>>/qresearch/12821162 Five arrested during weeklong human trafficking probe

>>>/qresearch/12821166 COVID-19 Bill Is A Grab-Bag Of Leftist Goodies — Not Stimulus

>>>/qresearch/12821168 Wichita Falls auto group president arrested on human trafficking charge

>>>/qresearch/12821177 NIA Arrests the prime suspect in Jharkhand Human Trafficking Case

>>>/qresearch/12821185 SWIFT Sets Up Joint Venture With China Central Bank Ahead Of Imminent Digital Yuan Launch

>>>/qresearch/12821187 Biden pick for unemployment program lost $600M to Nigerian scammers

>>>/qresearch/12821196 Roman Catholic Church received $3 BILLION in US taxpayer-funded Covid-19 aid

>>>/qresearch/12821200 Maricopa County board refuses to turn over election equipment for Arizona Senate audit

>>>/qresearch/12821214 Elites are weaponizing censorship to keep the outsiders out

>>>/qresearch/12821243 Myanmar is listed as the 31st country to receive the most US Foreign Aid.

>>>/qresearch/12821244 COVID Detainment Facilities Go From ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to Official Govt Policy in 3 Months

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=R1o3zQPADEc - From "conspiracy theory" to official government policy in 3 months [Channel: BrutalCanadianPolice]

>>>/qresearch/12821269 Judge blocks Texas from fully defunding Planned Parenthood day before the action was to take effect

>>>/qresearch/12821285 Forget The $2,000 Stimulus, Biden Now Wants To Send Face Masks To Every American

>>>/qresearch/12821296 Hunter Biden Memoir 'Beautiful Things' Personal Demons…

>>>/qresearch/12821312 Texas AG Ken Paxton: Google Can Use Personal Information and Billions of Dollars Against Its Political Opponents

>>>/qresearch/12821324 Amid Rise in Child Self-Harm, Suicidality, Alcohol Deaths Boris Appoints ‘Mental Health Ambassador’

>>>/qresearch/12821332 Controlled Clown Op Partry

>>>/qresearch/12821365 Prince Charles ‘full of admiration’ for Joe Biden over US President’s top priority

>>>/qresearch/12821375 Poroshenko ‘most corrupt president ever,’ Hunter Biden’s board job may have been bribe for his father – UkraineGate documentary

>>>/qresearch/12821389 Maxine Waters: Trump ‘Absolutely Should Be Charged with Premeditated Murder’

>>>/qresearch/12821394 Mike Lindell is releasing a three hour documentary, Friday @5pm.

>>>/qresearch/12821406 After Trump Failed to Overturn 2020 Election, Republicans Are Trying to Steal the Next One

>>>/qresearch/12821408 SEC working “Around the clock” looking for Signs of Manipulation… Only on the Reddit Side

>>>/qresearch/12821434 Mike Pence reveals he will live near Washington D.C. 'for the next few months'


>>>/qresearch/12821446 Amazon needs to pay back nearly $62 million in drivers’ tips that it skimmed over the years

>>>/qresearch/12821458 Pelosi's Office Press Release Referring to @gopleader as "McCarthy(Q-CA)"

>>>/qresearch/12821467 House Republicans bring bill to reauthorize Keystone XL pipeline, cut Biden out of process

>>>/qresearch/12821483 US Poetry magazine comes under fire for publishing piece by convicted sex offender who was jailed for possessing 500,000 child abuse images

>>>/qresearch/12821539 MTG Speaking NOW

>>>/qresearch/12821553 German nuns ‘rented’ orphaned boys to businessmen for ‘gang bangs & orgies’ – suppressed report seen by media

>>>/qresearch/12821556 Covid-19 Was Planned

>>>/qresearch/12821572 The Destructive Plan Behind the Biden Russia Agenda

>>>/qresearch/12821575 CNN Even Admits There’s Still No Evidence Capitol Officer Sicknick Was Killed by Blunt Force to the Head on January 6th

>>>/qresearch/12821616 Trump resigns from Screen Actors Guild

>>>/qresearch/12821698 #16366, >>12822441 #16367, #16368

(53 notables, 55 posts, 78 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30013

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12821733 Q Research General #16367: Third Bake's The Charm Edition

Created 041819ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12821784, >>>/qresearch/12821788, >>>/qresearch/12821805, >>>/qresearch/12821811 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12821789 'Beijing Biden Is Not My President:' Troops' Social Media Posts in Spotlight After Capitol Riots

>>>/qresearch/12821793 Smartmatic voting technology company is suing Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, and Sidney Powell for $2.7 billion

>>>/qresearch/12821807, >>>/qresearch/12821896 About 730 deaths and 8 cases of spontaneous abortion recorded by EUDRA following Pfizer vaccination.

>>>/qresearch/12821817 This article referencing Qanon was sent out yesterday straight from the C suite of a multi billion dollar company with 90k or so employees. We've got more eyes now than ever.

>>>/qresearch/12821820 Biden Asia Czar’s Holdings May Present Conflict of Interest

>>>/qresearch/12821825 US Admiral Warns Nuclear War With Russia, China Is a ‘Real Possibility’

>>>/qresearch/12821832 biden tweet re: 2k to keep you quiet

>>>/qresearch/12821839 Biden to announce end to US support for offensive operations in Yemen

>>>/qresearch/12821851, >>>/qresearch/12821927, >>>/qresearch/12822368 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12821854 Democrats urge Biden to cancel up to $50k in student loan debt by executive action

>>>/qresearch/12821857 Joe Blow's Executive orders are now Registered

>>>/qresearch/12821866 Italian Democracy Cancelled: “Mr. Euro” Draghi Appointed Italy’s PM

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aVLxDUD3YI8 - Italian Democracy Cancelled: "Mr. Euro" Draghi Appointed Italy's PM [Channel: Alexander Mercouris]

>>>/qresearch/12821881 'Dangerous' for YouTube to remove doctor's Senate testimony on coronavirus treatment: Ron Johnson

>>>/qresearch/12821904 Report Requested by Congress Says US Should Stay in Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/12821920 Loud explosions from Haifa's petrochemical industry rattle residents

>>>/qresearch/12821923 House Democrats asking Trump to testify under oath for Senate impeachment trial

>>>/qresearch/12821934 Patrick Byrne: How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 4: The Christmas Doldrums (December 23- noon January 6)

>>>/qresearch/12821952 trump resigns from SAG: "i write to you today regarding the so called disciplinary committee hearing aimed at revoking my membership. WHO CARES!"

>>>/qresearch/12821970 Lin Wood thinks the military is in control and Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 19th President of the USA the Republic

>>>/qresearch/12822008 Sources: DHS whistleblower on Obama administration, terrorism in America found dead

>>>/qresearch/12822012 Unanswered questions shadow NIH-funded Wuhan lab that performed COVID research pre-pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12822014 grenell RT: the thirty tyrants, the deal that the american elite chose to make with china

>>>/qresearch/12822043 McKinsey Will Not Admit Wrongdoing After Reaching $573 Million Settlement In Opioid Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12822048 Candace Owens Obliterates #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett After Being Caught In THIRD Outrageous LIE

>>>/qresearch/12822051 Hunter Biden Memoir, Called 'Beautiful Things,' to Be Published in April

>>>/qresearch/12822052 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she 'regrets' believing QAnon conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/12822057 anon theory: Sean Hannity possibly being Steve Huffman from Reddit.

>>>/qresearch/12822076 Al Jazeera: Bangladesh PM Close to Dhaka Mafia Family

>>>/qresearch/12822089 Renowned Mathematician Edward Solomon Determines the 2020 Election Results at a Precinct Level Are “Impossible” and “Cannot Occur Naturally”

>>>/qresearch/12822093 BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Serbian police raided the stadiums of the country’s two biggest soccer clubs on Thursday

>>>/qresearch/12822099 Sullivan also organized an Antifa-Insurgence rally on January 6th at the Washington Monument at 11 AM before they stormed the US Capitol.

>>>/qresearch/12822119 How Many Sears And Kmart Stores Are Left? More Locations Closing [Complete List]

>>>/qresearch/12822136 Pompeo: China Will Use Artificial Intelligence to Harm United States

>>>/qresearch/12822143 Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order

>>>/qresearch/12822163 Democrat House Working on 2021 Fiscal Year Spending Bill of Nearly $6 Trillion Leaving a Deficit of $4 Trillion

>>>/qresearch/12822181 NOT THE ONION: CDC Warns Against Shouting, Cheering During Sunday’s Super Bowl

>>>/qresearch/12822201 Mike Pence to join Heritage Foundation as distinguished visiting fellow

>>>/qresearch/12822209, >>>/qresearch/12822235 MTG statements on house floor

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=F5bItzYCqNE - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Complete Floor Remarks [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12822214 Facebook permanently bans pro-gun group without explanation: Report

>>>/qresearch/12822216 special forces warned agains using pepe, III%ers, other extremist symbols

>>>/qresearch/12822288 VIDEO: Capitol riot hypocrisy and double standard.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205184714/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7374447c38f956831171cfc29800676f50dd6ae9d423c20a8ad94d32c273d05d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12822305 How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees

>>>/qresearch/12822316 Senators Cardin and Wicker Introduce legislative upgrade to the Global Magnitsky Act.

>>>/qresearch/12822380 White House is now saying CDC Director Walensky was "speaking in her personal capacity"when discussing vaccinations for teachers and opening schools.

>>>/qresearch/12822397 biden admin cheers the shut down of 3 TV stations that were critical of the pro NATO rule of Ukraine pres zelensky

>>>/qresearch/12822441 #16367

(47 notables, 54 posts, 57 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30014

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12822456 Q Research General #16368: GEOTUS to SAG: Who Cares! Edition

Created 041931ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12822585, >>>/qresearch/12822666, >>>/qresearch/12823009, >>>/qresearch/12823058, >>>/qresearch/12823102, >>>/qresearch/12823148, >>>/qresearch/12823175 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12822629 InfoWars continues to face legal bills and potential hefty future judgments from lawsuits in Connecticut and Texas over Jones’ attacks on the families of children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204225454/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/578849f5ec0f1a1d34f9713f0995dc190e640e7d728bd46998bfaab750e1de36.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12822633 WATCH: S.C. Mom Says She Was a QAnon Believer Who Escaped The Rabbit Hole

>>>/qresearch/12822635, >>>/qresearch/12822818, >>>/qresearch/12823060, >>>/qresearch/12823077, >>>/qresearch/12823145 @tedlieu: Literally three days ago Marjorie Taylor Greene called people pedophiles if they were anti-Trump.

>>>/qresearch/12822639, >>>/qresearch/12822708 BREAKING: Wisconsin State Assembly approves resolution to throw out the Governor's emergency order, ending the statewide mask mandate - WISC

>>>/qresearch/12822652 Biden's Destruction of America day 15 update

>>>/qresearch/12822657, >>>/qresearch/12822716 anon finds 650-page book called Untangling the Web : A Guide to Internet Research on NSA website from 2007, not been updated

>>>/qresearch/12822665 bitcoin billionaire brock pierce buys NYC church for $5M

>>>/qresearch/12822673 LIVE: DOD, Government Officials Hold Town Hall on COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

>>>/qresearch/12822676 smartmatic FB post from 2015: CEO with bill gates

>>>/qresearch/12822678 george papa: "The GOP is behaving like loyal opposition. America is undoubtedly a center right country. Stay firm on culture, shift a bit to the left on economic policy and advance America first policies.

>>>/qresearch/12822686 NEW: The House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy has released a report concluding that high levels of toxic metals including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury are found in several top baby food brands (WSJ).

>>>/qresearch/12822712, >>>/qresearch/12823130 david hogg launching competitor to mike lindell's my pillow

>>>/qresearch/12822793 VIDEO: Talk about near misses. CCTV footage from St. Petersburg captured the moment a car explodes with the driver still inside.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cvqbt6jMEyg - Car explodes with the driver insideu2026but he was wearing his lucky shirt [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12822803, >>>/qresearch/12823232 full GEOTUS statement to SAG

>>>/qresearch/12822889 A Wall Street insider has come to Project Veritas…stay tuned, we're going to the moon in 2021

>>>/qresearch/12822897, >>>/qresearch/12822942 reminder: anon dig, ed buck's trial date moved to april 20 2021

>>>/qresearch/12822909, >>>/qresearch/12823019 good read: The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta

>>>/qresearch/12822914 Witnesses: Chinese Concentration Camp Victims Endured Gang Rapes with Electric Batons

>>>/qresearch/12822917 ER visits for suicide attempts, overdoses, domestic violence soared during first part of pandemic: study

>>>/qresearch/12822927 Ankara says US behind 2016 abortive coup in Turkey against Erdogan

>>>/qresearch/12822963 Jeffrey Epstein victim compensation fund puts payout offers on hold

>>>/qresearch/12822977 reminder 2015: obama picks jen psaki to lead WH comms

>>>/qresearch/12822987 can wearing masks wrong be a clue to someone's dishonesty?

>>>/qresearch/12822997 Chinese Professor Took Millions From NIH While Failing To Disclose Chinese Communist Party Ties

>>>/qresearch/12823017 Candace Owens clip becomes most watched C-SPAN Twitter video from a House hearing

>>>/qresearch/12823051 Peruvian Court Rules That Bill Gates, George Soros Criminally Liable For “Creating” COVID-19 Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12823052 BREAKING: Democrats Ask Fmr. President Trump To Testify In Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12823062 hunter gets a book deal

>>>/qresearch/12823071, >>>/qresearch/12823092 the CNN "airport network" will be terminated in March after 30 years

>>>/qresearch/12823110 Man Sentenced for Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct with Minors in the Republic of Kenya

>>>/qresearch/12823123 JUST IN - Trump will not testify at the impeachment trial

>>>/qresearch/12823140 TFR over wilmington DE beginning friday

>>>/qresearch/12823162 House Impeachment Brief Against Trump Threatens Freedom of Speech of All Americans: Dershowitz

>>>/qresearch/12823179 biblical: mike lindells documentary about voter fraud will be released tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/12823191 nolte: investigators say blunt force trauma did not kill officer sicknick at capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12823231 BREAKING - U.S. House Resolution 91 has passed (218-210). Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been removed from her committee assignments. All House members have voted along party lines.

>>>/qresearch/12823243 >>12821698 #16366, >>12822441 #16367, #16368

(38 notables, 55 posts, 61 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30015

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12823249 Q Research General #16369: Return Of The Anons Edition

Created 042101ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12823310 new follow the pen: Attorneys for former President Trump respond to House Impeachment Managers letter, calling it “latest public relations stunt” + “there is no such thing as a negative inference in this unconstitutional proceeding”

>>>/qresearch/12823370, >>>/qresearch/12823524, >>>/qresearch/12823565 DoD tweet: Calm Before the Storm USMC provide security during a simulated raid exercise/ Q posts/ twitter PANIC

>>>/qresearch/12823380 Biden to Sign Executive Order Restoring and Expanding “Refugee Program” Despite Ongoing Covid Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12823405, >>>/qresearch/12823868, >>>/qresearch/12823919 anons connect military stand down with DoD "calm before the storm" tweet

>>>/qresearch/12823415, >>>/qresearch/12823428, >>>/qresearch/12823441, >>>/qresearch/12823459, >>>/qresearch/12823461, >>>/qresearch/12823465 sauce bun, wtf is this about? Pentagon, stumped by extremism in ranks, orders stand-down in next 60 days

>>>/qresearch/12823421 USAF: the belly of the beast The C-17 Globemaster III is the most flexible cargo aircraft to enter the airlift force

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204234321/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/430a0dd68580e63d82ac14a2ed7b1e197f87f69150f0a0e4e3075087ea6b4fc5.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204234321/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/430a0dd68580e63d82ac14a2ed7b1e197f87f69150f0a0e4e3075087ea6b4fc5.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12823434 Mike lays out whats coming tomorrow re: election fraud documentary

>>>/qresearch/12823482 iowa restarurant selling for $1 because of coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/12823496, >>>/qresearch/12823648, >>>/qresearch/12823844, >>>/qresearch/12823879, >>>/qresearch/12824063, >>>/qresearch/12824082 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12823500 USMC: Gas! Gas! Gas!

>>>/qresearch/12823503 anon opines: be thankful Q isnt posting

>>>/qresearch/12823521 Summary: Executive Order Allowing Pentagon to Recall Retired Service Members

>>>/qresearch/12823599 keks: Pelosi & AOC are white supremacists

>>>/qresearch/12823604 anon notices grammer fuckery in GEOTUS' statement to SAG

>>>/qresearch/12823632 woman who cant tell right from left labels her wrists with tatoos

>>>/qresearch/12823702 US CENTCOM: BRING ON THE #BOOM, task force spartan: here comes the #BOOM

>>>/qresearch/12823709 anon theory re: DC troops, wray set the narrative long ago with "white nationalists are the country's greatest threat"

>>>/qresearch/12823718 Example of stand down on joint base lewis-mcchord WA in 2013

>>>/qresearch/12823773 resignations keep coming merck CEO kenneth frazier to retire at end of june. are anons tracking?

>>>/qresearch/12823793, >>>/qresearch/12823824 GEOTUS SAG statement, Q post connection re: declaration of independence

>>>/qresearch/12823820 TX officials accidentally send amber alert with chucky doll

>>>/qresearch/12823845 google street view spots naked man in bizarre predicament with car

>>>/qresearch/12823865 Patrick Howley: Dan Bongino smears people in the business including me who he pressured a publisher to deplatform.

>>>/qresearch/12823890 @RepAOC & @RepJasonCrow will join @CBSThisMorning live on Friday to discuss dealing with trauma in the wake of the Capitol riots.

>>>/qresearch/12823891 Defense secretary orders 60-day stand-down to confront extremism in the military, muh nazis

>>>/qresearch/12823943 anon opines: Now that Trump is no longer an actor, will his testimony in the impeachment trial be based on real events, instead of the scripted movie we have been watching?

>>>/qresearch/12823948 Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds

>>>/qresearch/12823965 Macron Offers to Be ‘Honest Broker’ in US-Iran Talks, But Pushes JCPOA Expansion Tehran Rejected

>>>/qresearch/12824089 #16369, #16370, >>12825618 #16371

(29 notables, 44 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30016

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12824095 Q Research General #16370: The Calm Before The Storm Edition

Created 042222ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12824192 Ezra RT: USSOCOM The 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Originals are masters of #WinterWarfare fundamentals

>>>/qresearch/12824196 kyle rittenhouse in safe house after prosecutors try to rearrest him

>>>/qresearch/12824244 Biden officially nominates ex-ambassador to Russia Burns as new CIA head

>>>/qresearch/12824265 brennan: Ending U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s military misadventure in Yemen is long overdue

>>>/qresearch/12824272 Former Calif. mayor, 10 others charged in widespread bribery, corruption probe

>>>/qresearch/12824274, >>>/qresearch/12824489, >>>/qresearch/12824529, >>>/qresearch/12824736 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12824303 Global consulting firm McKinsey & Company agrees to pay $573M in settlement with attorneys general in 47 states, DC, and 5 territories

>>>/qresearch/12824306 @HouseJudiciary Democrats just voted against reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before committee hearings

>>>/qresearch/12824309 Biden OKs disaster aid for Wash. towns destroyed by wildfire

>>>/qresearch/12824319 US CENTCOM/ Q post/ coup timestamp connection "considering coup"

>>>/qresearch/12824329, >>>/qresearch/12824345 a guide to EAMs and websdr

>>>/qresearch/12824366 I’ll lift the hold (raimondo nomination) when the Biden admin commits to keep the massive Chinese Communist Party spy operation Huawei on the Entity List.

>>>/qresearch/12824385 Fox News, Trump allies sued for $2.7B over election disinformation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CUE61hWUKNU - Fox News, Trump allies sued for $2.7B over election disinformation [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/12824399 Pompeo on with Gowdy @FoxNews at 7pm ET

>>>/qresearch/12824405 anon remembers 1995: navy stand down order given to contemplate sexual harassment problems

>>>/qresearch/12824407 medical kidnapping in the US, kidnapping children for drug trials

>>>/qresearch/12824427 Police in Plant City, FLORIDA issue nationwide alert after CAR STOLEN with vials of COVID vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12824494 US military tweet comms bun

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210204225454/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/578849f5ec0f1a1d34f9713f0995dc190e640e7d728bd46998bfaab750e1de36.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12824548, >>>/qresearch/12824575 OTD in 2004, @Facebook launched into the Web. Today, the social network turns 17

>>>/qresearch/12824555 Billionaire residents complain about living in luxury New York high-rise 432 Park

>>>/qresearch/12824564 Turkish minister says U.S. behind 2016 failed coup attempt - Hurriyet

>>>/qresearch/12824584 mike rothschild PANIC: DoD "calm before the storm" tweet

>>>/qresearch/12824610 anon dig/theory: origins of the great awakening, trump/ general dunsford/ anna von reitz

>>>/qresearch/12824652, >>>/qresearch/12824681 TRUMP GAB account is active, comms back?

>>>/qresearch/12824663 Judge in Michael Flynn case takes senior status, giving Biden another judicial pick

>>>/qresearch/12824716, >>>/qresearch/12824741 Newsom Recall Now “Unavoidable” – Newsom’s Poll Numbers Tank, More Than 1.4 Million Signatures Collected in Recall Effort

>>>/qresearch/12824751 Florida Businesswoman Pleads Guilty to Criminal Health Care and Tax Fraud Charges and Agrees to $20.3 Million Civil False Claims Act Settlement

>>>/qresearch/12824759 Woman Pleads Guilty to Accessing and Releasing Sensitive, Non-public Information

>>>/qresearch/12824764 House Impeachment Brief Against Trump Threatens Freedom of Speech of All Americans: Dershowitz

>>>/qresearch/12824773 German Chancellor Merkel has been operating under a “Germany First” mindset, refusing to support the West over communism

>>>/qresearch/12824824 Chelsea Handler went to a dinner party at Jeffrey Epstein's house: 'It was so awkward and so weird'

>>>/qresearch/12824837 richard bransons next frontier is human genetics

>>>/qresearch/12824859 #16370

(33 notables, 40 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30017

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12824863 Q Research General #16371: Trump Active On Gab? Edition

Created 042350ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12824964, >>>/qresearch/12825106 11 Republicans voted with Democrats to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her CMTE assignments

>>>/qresearch/12824986 josh hawley:The Senate should take up my amendment for a vote today to ban Amazon, Google and the other mega tech companies from engaging in mergers or acquisitions

>>>/qresearch/12824991 anon theory re: military stand down, alinsky tactic rule #12

>>>/qresearch/12825004, >>>/qresearch/12825060 U.S. Navy Has Patents on Tech It Says Will ‘Engineer the Fabric of Reality’

>>>/qresearch/12825020 there were a number of vaccine trials performed in the mother & baby homes (aka launderies) in Ireland.

>>>/qresearch/12825029 anon opines: FEMA is running the show under Trump's declaration of a National Disaster on Jan. 11th and extended by FEMA on Feb 1st

>>>/qresearch/12825048 As predicted, Judge Sullivan from flynn case retires before 3/2021

>>>/qresearch/12825051, >>>/qresearch/12825180, >>>/qresearch/12825289, >>>/qresearch/12825338, >>>/qresearch/12825403, >>>/qresearch/12825434, >>>/qresearch/12825448, >>>/qresearch/12825466, >>>/qresearch/12825517, >>>/qresearch/12825532, >>>/qresearch/12825587 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12825073 The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said its agents arrested a group of 11 Iranians who illegally entered the United States.

>>>/qresearch/12825075, >>>/qresearch/12825081, >>>/qresearch/12825424 virginia giuffre tweet re: new child/epstein pics, i know that girl and have been threatened if i ever say her name…again

>>>/qresearch/12825090 BREAKING: biden signing EO to direct DOS to raise migrant quotas

>>>/qresearch/12825100 US State Dept in response to Turkish allegations says US had no role in 2016 attempted coup

>>>/qresearch/12825107 kek anons miss nothing. heels up harris directing xiden on which way to exit stage

>>>/qresearch/12825115, >>>/qresearch/12825501 FBI used a "memed-photo" in a criminal complaint court filing

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210205044357/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2a1b12c8977b8499855bbf4a278242c2f46b48b7a9f4b0fad52a304c489ac7dd.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12825132 The U.K.'s Office of Communications revoked a Chinese media company's right to broadcast Thursday, after finding that the license holder had no editorial control over the state-owned China Global Television Network.

>>>/qresearch/12825144, >>>/qresearch/12825192, >>>/qresearch/12825208 Sources report that approximately 10 pounds of Composition C-4 disappeared during a long training exercise two weeks ago from twentynine palms USMC base/anons connect w/ military C4 swastika shutdown

>>>/qresearch/12825153 anon opines on the biden pentagon purge

>>>/qresearch/12825156 MTG will be holding a press conference tomorrow at 11AM

>>>/qresearch/12825214 anon decodes virginia guiffire tweet re: new epstein/child photo

>>>/qresearch/12825260 Human Rights Activists Urge Biden to Join Boycott of 2022 Beijing Olympics

>>>/qresearch/12825269 Wisconsin GOP legislature repeals Dem Gov. Tony Evers' mask mandate; he reacts by signing a new one

>>>/qresearch/12825277 Michigan Gov. Whitmer calls for pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell to lose her law license over 'grave attorney misconduct'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Sfnbqg-xzF0 - Dominion sues Sidney Powell, seeks $1.3 billion [Channel: Reuters]

>>>/qresearch/12825310 NEW - Dominion voting systems sent letters to the social platforms requesting them to preserve posts of Trump, certain individuals, and of the media outlets OAN, Fox News, Rebel News, and Newsmax (NYT)

>>>/qresearch/12825328 House Okays Budget Resolution to Pass $1.9 Trln COVID Relief Bill Without Republican Support

>>>/qresearch/12825340 “On the 8th Day of Biden’s Coming to Power, the United States Officially Announced a Recession!” – China’s Yangtze River News

>>>/qresearch/12825370 Brent Oil Trades Above $59 for Barrel for First Time Since 21 February, 2020

>>>/qresearch/12825375 Sen. Bill Hagerty: ‘China Is Singing All the Way to the Bank’ Thanks to Joe Biden’s Policies

>>>/qresearch/12825413 Going in for a kill: Redditors going after targets they perceive to have stolen their money in 2008, says Max Keiser

>>>/qresearch/12825415 The Globalists Are Gonna Need A Bigger Virus As Economic Fraud Is Exposed

>>>/qresearch/12825436 BREAKING: An amendment to the FY2021 budget proposed by Senators Todd Young (R) and Tom Cotton (R), prohibiting illegal immigrants from receiving future stimulus checks, passes the Senate 58-42 with the support of 8 Democrats


>>>/qresearch/12825453 Trump Lawyers Dismiss Request for Former President to Testify During Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12825473 Israeli surveillance equipment bought secretly by Bangladesh's military has prompted the @UN to call for an investigation into corruption.

>>>/qresearch/12825478 National Guard deployment at Capitol through mid-March costing nearly $500 million

>>>/qresearch/12825528 latest scoop: Trump is plotting a campaign revenge tour targeting GOP defectors after Senate impeachment trial.

>>>/qresearch/12825551 WI Gov. tony evers issues new statewide mask mandate one hour after state GOP voted to repeal previous mandate

>>>/qresearch/12825553 Italy Detains Suspected Drug Trafficking Camorra Members

>>>/qresearch/12825555 Epstein estate suspends compensation offers to victims due to 'funding uncertainty'.

>>>/qresearch/12825575 First ‘excerpt’ from Hunter Biden’s new memoir

>>>/qresearch/12825599 Hannity: "Not a single conservative I know" shares Greene's "conspiratorial beliefs"

>>>/qresearch/12825600 myanmar times 15 Jan 2021 HEADLINE: Architect of Obama pivot to steer Asia Policy for Biden

>>>/qresearch/12825618 #16371

(42 notables, 59 posts, 68 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30018

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12825631 Q Research General #16372: Kitchen is SNAFU Edition

Created 050131ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12825705 Biden EPA Pick: ‘Most’ Solar Energy, Electric Vehicle Parts ‘Come From China’

>>>/qresearch/12825711 UK Revokes License For Top Chinese Communist Party Media Outlet

>>>/qresearch/12825721 Chinese company plans to build $39bn city on Australia’s doorstep

>>>/qresearch/12825773, >>>/qresearch/12825827 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12825774 I will always stand by this man. I pray history rewards him well.

>>>/qresearch/12825781, >>>/qresearch/12825796 RepGaetz: I offered an amendment to add the Pledge of Allegiance to our Judiciary Committee procedures. Every Democrat voted “no,” and several mocked me for making the suggestion.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205045302/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/33fc39603d0d7c1f5f3c82ea71e079ecf517dfc4d2a3afdc97379c72d445b2f0.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12825790 NYT: No, Ocasio-Cortez Didn't Make Up Her Capitol Riots Experience.

>>>/qresearch/12825793 Hedge Fund Rode Reddit Stock Revolution To $700 Million Profit

>>>/qresearch/12825801 [They] won't give US the $2,000 as promised; but, send every American a MASK!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205190154/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6bb511593a270df05b8df25a4f971dc424c7a408b9857de7213e94a9a5117716.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12825825 We Got It! TGP to Release SMOKING GUN Video from TCF Center in Detroit! …Update: OH BOY! Our Report WILL SHAKE the Political World!

>>>/qresearch/12825849, >>>/qresearch/12825869 wtf Aus MSM: Why Rosaleen Norton, 'the witch of Kings Cross', was a groundbreaking bohemian

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jQSB8AtXqi0 - The Witch of Kings Cross | Preview Clip | Introducing Rosaleen Norton [Channel: Journeyman Pictures]

>>>/qresearch/12825856 45-Year-Old Italian Doctor “In the Prime of Life and in Perfect Health” Drops Dead After the Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot: 39-Year-Old Nurse, 42-Year-Old Surgical Technician Also Dead

>>>/qresearch/12825879 Sex worker tells GQ he and politician Andrew Gillum did drugs in a Miami Beach hotel

>>>/qresearch/12825923 Article from 2016 after Trump won. The MSM conveniently forgets how violent the left got after the election

>>>/qresearch/12825924 lead impeachment manager raskin statement on trump not testifying: GUILTY

>>>/qresearch/12825960 Mysterious explosion in Malaysia shakes homes and residents: Fireball or aircraft?

>>>/qresearch/12825971 Ezra tweet like: Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape

>>>/qresearch/12825977 Destiny USA owner Robert Congel dies, Pyramid Companies

>>>/qresearch/12825979 AOC won't condemn ANTIFA

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211030021942/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc2e3a7e6232e8f971369b1d7cf36e7d7d080ff2bce64fe3a8c0a09647bff455.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12826019 Women held as sex slaves, drugged and tattooed as being 'property', Queensland police say

>>>/qresearch/12826024 Gary Miliefsky: How Voting Machines Are Easily Hacked

>>>/qresearch/12826036 Catholic Church paedophile networks to be mapped 'like organised crime' by academics

>>>/qresearch/12826166 The Capitol Hill ANTIFA Is Back In Custody!

>>>/qresearch/12826203 anon theory: military stand down w/ Q post

>>>/qresearch/12826209 VIDEO: NM state police officer killed, more wounded. suspect dead in I>>12826203 anon theory: military stand down w/ Q post shootout

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IUokRsJxHmU - Las Cruces chase and shooting caught on video [Channel: KVIA ABC-7]

>>>/qresearch/12826279 Hashtag criticizing Ocasio-Cortez's account of Capitol riot taken over by supporters sharing pet photos

>>>/qresearch/12826323, >>>/qresearch/12826334 "They're not 'The Squad' They're Ilhan. They are Alexandria. And they're Rashida. They are people. They are our colleagues … this is an AR-15" – Steny Hoyer printed out one of Marjorie Taylor Greene's incendiary tweets

>>>/qresearch/12826404 #16372, #16373, #16374

(28 notables, 32 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12827250 Q Research General #16374: Ebake 2 Edition

Created 050434ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12827293, >>>/qresearch/12827294 #BREAKING Al-Qaeda's leader in Yemen under arrest: UN report

>>>/qresearch/12827302 Doctor who treated Alexei Navalny after poisoning dead at 55

>>>/qresearch/12827308 Tom Cotton: DREAM Act Would Offer Amnesty to Illegal Aliens with Criminal Convictions

>>>/qresearch/12827313 Yellen cheers ‘RESILIENT’ markets, calls for ‘timely study’ into GameStop craze, as Wall Street crushes Reddit rebellion (RT)

>>>/qresearch/12827326 (NIST) responded to an alert of elevated radiation levels in the confinement building of the NIST Center for Neutron Research on its Gaithersburg, Maryland, campus.

>>>/qresearch/12827334 'As fake as her tweets’? Police open conspiracy PROBE into Greta Thunberg’s ‘protest toolkit,’ accuse creators of ‘WAR ON INDIA’

>>>/qresearch/12827338, >>>/qresearch/12827364, >>>/qresearch/12827514 Intruder breached Joint Base Andrews day ahead of Biden flight. Is this gonna be Biden's excuse to not fly now to keep the fake charade going?

>>>/qresearch/12827370, >>>/qresearch/12827433, >>>/qresearch/12827442, >>>/qresearch/12827445, >>>/qresearch/12827459 Time.com - The Shadow Campaign That "Saved" the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12827410 Lin Wood sends the anons some digital love.

>>>/qresearch/12827446 Spanish news article claims a three judge court ruled COVID-19 initiated by Bill Gates

>>>/qresearch/12827467 Jen Psaki gushes over 'Lady G' in reference to Sen. Graham, NOT Lady Gaga

>>>/qresearch/12827469 Link between Letter to Screen Actors Guild and Biden Taking Airforce1 + "who cares" deleted tweets from POTUS

>>>/qresearch/12827600, >>>/qresearch/12827892 Judge Sullivan steps down/retires from Gen. Flynn case, plus Qdrop delta

>>>/qresearch/12827646 GovernmentAttic.com - "Do we have more than we know?" - NSA's Psychic Investigators

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210205193228/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e5cc61a8c98d12a78a4da62b1f9cb0bfc0bdfd672de00444347106b073eecbfe.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12827680 Hunter Biden Writing Memoir Based On Drug Abuse – Gets A Cool $2 Million In Advance

>>>/qresearch/12827716 Doctor who treated Alexei Navalny after poisoning dead at 55: reports

>>>/qresearch/12827771, >>>/qresearch/12827813 1951 FBI investigative reports claim 'Q clearance' individuals involve 'homosexuality'

>>>/qresearch/12827801 Robinhood trading app lifts restrictions on all stocks, including GameStop

>>>/qresearch/12827852 U.S. Highway 27 “President Donald J Trump Highway“ petition

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205223518/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/5f5c6949dceb72cf812a481667cdea5aa01045c90b6c3bafc8f719dd2fd00d88.mp4

(19 notables, 28 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30020

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12826412 Q Research General #16373: Stage Is Being Set Edition

Created 050249ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12826499 Chase Bank Tries to Cancel Covfefe Coffee, Won’t Process Payments for Pro-Trump Coffee Brand

>>>/qresearch/12826512 Bank of America Secretly Flagged Purchase History of Customers and Sent the Data to Feds After Capitol Riot

>>>/qresearch/12826519 News Corp reports record 2Q profits amid focus on digital

>>>/qresearch/12826525 US intel gets info on chinas covert biological wapons program from PLA defector

>>>/qresearch/12826529 PHOTOS: Large Migrant Group in Mexico Boards Train for U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12826541 Pentagon to Review Deployment of US Military Across World, Austin Says

>>>/qresearch/12826545, >>>/qresearch/12826692 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12826552 Rich Leftist Elite Chrissy Teigen was blasted as "tone deaf" after posting a social media story about how she felt ripped off for spending $13,000 on a bottle of wine.

>>>/qresearch/12826581 Horned man charged in Capitol riot moved from DC to Va. jail after organic food demand

>>>/qresearch/12826621 WSJ opinion: In the Mideast, Biden Returns to Abnormal

>>>/qresearch/12826668 Dispute between ex-friends over art from Seattle's CHOP zone could land in court'

>>>/qresearch/12826716 President Trump ally Mike Lindell of MyPillow fame having just declared: “Everyone’s Going To See This Miracle Unfold

>>>/qresearch/12826722 Dentists say 'mask mouth' can cause serious health complications, including strokesDentists are warning about the health issues tied to prolonged use of a mask to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

>>>/qresearch/12826732 Looks like DoD deleted the “Calm before the Storm” tweet

>>>/qresearch/12826766 >>12826404 #16372, #16373, >>12827964 #16374

(15 notables, 16 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30021

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12828021 Q Research General #16375: Follow The ⚔LIGHT⛨

Created 050637ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12828106 Florida man steals car carrying 30 vials of COVID-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12828107 Ted Cruz: This thread powerfully speaks to the need to open schools. NOW.

>>>/qresearch/12828108 Oped: QUESTION: Do you say that the COVID pandemic is a hoax?

>>>/qresearch/12828111 Lawmakers push for 'true Constitutional Carry' law in Tennessee

>>>/qresearch/12828183 Tucker Carlson reveals that Bank of America was flagging the purchasing history of its customers and sending it to the federal government in order to find out if they were involved in the Capitol riot.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205194504/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3759ce2f1790780d56a2deb3bb0c14598dd0aacb8a73a882d0eee31ad4c269d1.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12828215 I spend a few hours digging. (pf reports) Argo is the most prominent spot on map

>>>/qresearch/12828255 Would 99% be in the hospital to remove a microchip if they knew they had one?

>>>/qresearch/12828544 Hannity vs Jordan on MT Greene renouncing previous beliefs in Q "conspiracy theory"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205195356/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/de0ced66d35b8923422a20293caabb2e6643ff87301ecddc104c0d2d65c4bef4.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205195410/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/5d1c0f026408772d826cc925009009e36bcef5ae9008ed3e3aad725fd9c181b9.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12828563 Several injured after explosion at German Red Cross office

>>>/qresearch/12828616 Green is supposed to be meeting with DJT in 4 days:

>>>/qresearch/12828719 Parkland school shooting survivor and gun control advocate David Hogg plans to launch his own pillow company with the goal of competing against embattled bedding company MyPillow.

>>>/qresearch/12828741 Epstein wanted to marry a girl that called him Uncle Jeff..Gross.

>>>/qresearch/12828760 #16375, #16376, #16377

(13 notables, 13 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30022

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12828706 Q Research General #16376: The 'Learn to BAKE!' Edition

Created 051005ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12828784 Massive dump of Jan 6 DC videos.

>>>/qresearch/12828794, >>>/qresearch/12828814, >>>/qresearch/12828955 Sitting on billions, Catholic dioceses amassed taxpayer aid and… acted like kangs

>>>/qresearch/12828803 Lin Wood tweet squall

>>>/qresearch/12828858 techno_fog: Ghislaine Maxwell files Motion to Dismiss.

>>>/qresearch/12828859 Cuomo: Racist Republicans Now GOP-Q, AOC Had a War Experience

>>>/qresearch/12828861 Rep. Jimmy Gomez: Marjorie Taylor Greene's loss of committee seats is a good first step. But she deserves expulsion.

>>>/qresearch/12828863 Cocaine McConnell takes aim at GOP 'John Birch Society' problem to avoid 2022 backlash

>>>/qresearch/12828865 Only 100,000 more signatures needed for recall of Newsom. 1.4 million Californians already have signed for new vote

>>>/qresearch/12828871 Breibart: Former CIA Operative Compares Trump to Saddam Hussein

>>>/qresearch/12828875 ZH: House Democrats And 11 Republicans Boot Greene From Committees Over QAnon

>>>/qresearch/12828886 ZH: Former CIA Counterterror Chief Suggests Going To War Against "Domestic Insurgents"

>>>/qresearch/12828898 MAGIC: COVID-19 cases drop 40% since last week Latest data in U.S. mirror global trend

>>>/qresearch/12828907 WND: The unholy trinity that hides election-fraud truth from the people

>>>/qresearch/12828921 GP: EXCLUSIVE: Here’s the Breakdown on the 80 Cases Related to the 2020 Presidential Election

>>>/qresearch/12828925 DailyBeast: Gerrman Nuns Allegedly Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators: Report

>>>/qresearch/12828940 Sun: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene demands House reinstate her to committees after pushing Parkland & 9/11 conspiracies

>>>/qresearch/12828946, >>>/qresearch/12828954 [They] want control: Cornell law professor creates online database of 220 universities. Meanwhile, the splc wants a say over your kids, too.

>>>/qresearch/12828952 >Romney Proposes $350 Monthly Payments To Families With Kids Under Six

>>>/qresearch/12828953 Hypocrisy on display: Tom Cotton: Republicans Condemn Fringe Right as Democrats Tolerate Omar, Schiff, Schumer, Swalwell, Waters

>>>/qresearch/12828966 redstate: Looks Like There Are Still More Issues With AOC's Capitol Story

>>>/qresearch/12828971 22 charged in Bergen County human trafficking ring: NJ officials

>>>/qresearch/12828979 Powerlineblog: Democratic Governors Have Devastated Their States

>>>/qresearch/12828983 NYPost finally going there: Why are Democrats so scared of Donald Trump when they just defeated him?

>>>/qresearch/12828985 17 Agreements were signed with JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action aka 'Iran Deal'). They are not supposed to be classified but are as of yet undisclosed.

>>>/qresearch/12828990 Fox: Pompeo on Biden declaring 'America is back': 'Back to when ISIS controlled a caliphate'?

>>>/qresearch/12828994 Dailymail: 'It's the most important movie in history': MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell will release a three-hour FILM called 'Absolute Proof' Friday claiming Chinese cyber attack stole the election from Trump

>>>/qresearch/12828998 Jumping the shark: Jacob Chansley was moved from a D.C. jail to a Virginia detention center 'in order to receive an organic diet'.

>>>/qresearch/12829019 Newsmax: Biden Pulls Yemen War Support, Welcomes Refugees in US Reset

>>>/qresearch/12829023 Newsmax plays the copypasta game: Politico: California Gov. Newsom Recall Now 'Unavoidable'

>>>/qresearch/12829057 WTN: Bundeswehr starts corona aid for Portugal

>>>/qresearch/12829068 Mayor Of Oakland Goes After City Council For Wanting To Slash Police Budget After Another Brutal Attack Caught On Video

>>>/qresearch/12829085 Fox: YouTube remonetizes independent journo's account hours after Fox News runs story on its actions..

>>>/qresearch/12829107, >>>/qresearch/12829227 Articles about How It Started, How It’s Going: ‘QAnon Shaman’ Stares into the Camera in First Public Photo Behind Bars

>>>/qresearch/12829147 Dailysignal Oped: Lawyers Are Facing Reprisal for Representing Trump. This Is Un-American.

>>>/qresearch/12829159 Anon opines: When a large percentage of the voting populace is seeking guidance from an unknown, versus the MSM who is supposed to be objective, serve the greater good, etc., you have a MAJOR PROBLEM. And it ain't "Q-Anon"; The issue is the MSM, not the letter Q.

>>>/qresearch/12829202 Axios: Late "dark money" flooded key Senate races

>>>/qresearch/12829206, >>>/qresearch/12829362 JUST IN - US Senate has adopted a budget scheme that will allow the Democratic party to pass the #COVID19 aid bill without Republican support. VP Kamala Harris has cast the decisive tie-breaking vote.

>>>/qresearch/12829217 Heads up Cali, FF incoming? Some C4 missing from a marine base

>>>/qresearch/12829220 Biden EPA Pick: ‘Most’ Solar Energy, Electric Vehicle Parts ‘Come From China’

>>>/qresearch/12829244 Be careful who you follow is more significant today then at any other time.

>>>/qresearch/12829252 #BREAKING: Protestors broke into a locked city hall in Bellingham today. Mayor had to be escorted out for safety.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210123052609/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3568615913735c83f5cc92ed8e525a0187e2b470e380217d586548051472b46a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12829263, >>>/qresearch/12829449 anons are digging around on a poster's claim that Trump controls the military for 60 days after the inaugration

>>>/qresearch/12829285 NYT wants us to …trust Chinese Vaccines now?

>>>/qresearch/12829292, >>>/qresearch/12829437 MYP: GameStop, AMC shares climb after Robinhood lifts trading restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12829328, >>>/qresearch/12829338, >>>/qresearch/12829433 The Supreme court is taking up the Penn, Michigan, and Georgia election cases in its Feb. 19 conference

>>>/qresearch/12829407 Ellis: FBI's desperate pretext to keep spying on Carter Page: He might write a book!

>>>/qresearch/12829409 Breitbart: Special Forces Warned Against Using Pepe the Frog, III%ers, Other ‘Extremist’ Symbols

>>>/qresearch/12829448 Cardiologists at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit say they discovered that the iPhone 12 has the ability to deactivate implantable cardiac devices when held too close to a person’s chest.

>>>/qresearch/12829450 GP: Tiny Group of Never-Trumpers Is Running an Ad Next Week on FOX News Attacking Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/12829490 WND: Seattle schools teach K-5 students to pick gender, disrupt nuclear family Agenda has left some parents livid

>>>/qresearch/12829539 #16376

(51 notables, 60 posts, 60 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30023

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12829570 Q Research General #16377: The 'Ghosts of Shadilay!' Edition

Created 051350ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12829589 Glowables

>>>/qresearch/12829607, >>>/qresearch/12829678 Anonymous Unofficial Official Board Message to 'Qanons'

>>>/qresearch/12829635 HANDOFF CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/12829657 Hollywood Insider dishes on Pedophilia (VID Removed?)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GOFR8oMiA5w - Producer of u201cHunger Gamesu201d talks about Hol [Channel: surviving susan]


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=prxnM4B4xcM - The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #62 [Channel: The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters]

>>>/qresearch/12829693 Interview with Mark Dice and Founder of GAB

>>>/qresearch/12829714 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/12829735 General Michael Flynn Interview

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Gvd96tP4FMA - General Michael Flynn Interview [Channel: Doug Billings]

>>>/qresearch/12829781 FBI Agents RIP

>>>/qresearch/12829806 Genetics testing company 23andMe is going public at a ~$3.5B valuation

>>>/qresearch/12829845, >>>/qresearch/12829848, >>>/qresearch/12829858 NOTABLES ARCHIVE

>>>/qresearch/12829866 Simon Parkes posted a live video of Biden walking through Amazon's 'Oval Office'

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205202418/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ea82b80a2a70a318489cd30013d472bd42a1779eeba9f1917ceccb665921b292.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12829870 In Anons opinion one more reason why Dems are trying to destroy POTUS, is because if their seriously deceived voters

>>>/qresearch/12829920 Mike Lindell Documentary - Absolute Proof Evidence of 2020 election foreign attacks.

>>>/qresearch/12829935 Kamala Harris Casts Tie-Breaking Vote for $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Spending Package

>>>/qresearch/12829947 Clockfag Report

>>>/qresearch/12830012 Senate drafts resolution threatening arrests maricopa county board supervisor

>>>/qresearch/12830016, >>>/qresearch/12830046 Moar Virginia Giuffre on Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/12830087 Supreme court puts trump pennsylvania case on february 19 conference

>>>/qresearch/12830105 Optics - Adrenochrome (CAPS)

>>>/qresearch/12830139 Facts about richard the lionheart

>>>/qresearch/12830301 #16377

(22 notables, 26 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30024

File: cadde5976593007⋯.jpg (424.22 KB,812x647,812:647,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12830293 Q Research General #16378: Recal - Newsom CA Ediion

Created 051528ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12830458 UK vaccine minister - all over age 50 must be vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>>/qresearch/12830493, >>>/qresearch/12830499, >>>/qresearch/12830597, >>>/qresearch/12830609, >>>/qresearch/12830610 Memes -o7

>>>/qresearch/12830519 Reminder, less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world.

>>>/qresearch/12830528 Lin Wood posted yesterday re: military rescuing the children (pic related)

>>>/qresearch/12830570, >>>/qresearch/12830629 Susan sarandon slams democrats for bait and switch on 2000

>>>/qresearch/12830647 Silver is Holding the Line

>>>/qresearch/12830656 Absolute proof that polls are phony

>>>/qresearch/12830673 PF - Nightwatch up out of Offu

>>>/qresearch/12830677, >>>/qresearch/12830749 Old Friend of CCP

>>>/qresearch/12830679 Lin Wood, As we sometimes do and perhaps should do more often…

>>>/qresearch/12830681 Anon Opines, The viral "Castle Rock" studios video is NOT at Culver City Studios.

>>>/qresearch/12830705 Video has emerged of a so-called 'QAnon' convention

>>>/qresearch/12830737, >>>/qresearch/12830761 Palm Beach Attorney issues memo granting President Trump residence at Mar-a-Lago.

>>>/qresearch/12830745 Tlaib Breaks Down Crying On House Floor Over Capitol Riot

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205203933/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ec90eecffbf5f626b3df4f0505aaa104d758c86edc33ac0d63f4466dd9fd0324.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12830753 Lin wood fires back after apparent backstabbing by breitbart

>>>/qresearch/12830766 Watch Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch, Founder of JBS, in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America (VID)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AZU0c8DAIU4 - Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy [Channel: Paradigm Shifting]

>>>/qresearch/12830776 Only 100,000 more signatures needed for recall of Newsom

>>>/qresearch/12830800 https://ustvgo.tv/one-america-news-network/

>>>/qresearch/12830824 Why would BillGates be briefing the CIA on vaccinating against the VMAT2 Gene (God Gene)?

>>>/qresearch/12830845, >>>/qresearch/12830966 U.S. judge in Flynn case retires, leaving key court vacancy for Biden to fill

>>>/qresearch/12830867 MIKE LINDELL OPTICS

>>>/qresearch/12830912 Battle royale on lockdown as Boris faces Tory demands to drop ALL curbs by MAY

>>>/qresearch/12830949 #16377 Posted in #16378

>>>/qresearch/12830991 This awakening unveils the silver lining of a wholesale change in perspective taking place throughout America.

>>>/qresearch/12831006 A former University of Florida associate professor and researcher has been indicted on allegations of fraudulently getting a federal grant

>>>/qresearch/12831033 More Adrenocrome Drops

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20220124192027/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d477543c359b14cb365d415bba64124d8fe063e8562b72656a22e836d10651e.pdf

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20220124192044/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9936bb79bb66be7f85fa8bc13486de177fdfee9de616cfc37e9b8d10f4e65476.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12831047 42 Senate Democrats Support Direct Payments to Illegal Aliens in ‘Vote-a-Rama’

>>>/qresearch/12831061 #16378, #16379, #16380

>>>/qresearch/12831334 lb, lb Moar Adrenochrome Caps Pdfs

(30 notables, 38 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30025

File: cadde5976593007⋯.jpg (424.22 KB,812x647,812:647,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12831058 Q Research General #16379: Recall Governor Whitmer [MI] Edition

Created 051655ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12831219 #16378 LATE LB NOTABLES

>>>/qresearch/12831243 Senate Dems Push Through $1.9TN Stimulus Blueprint As Harris Casts First Tiebreaker

>>>/qresearch/12831258 Blowback: Hedge Funds Ramp Up Security Amidst "Death Threats", "Obscene Messages"

>>>/qresearch/12831264, >>>/qresearch/12831279 Hot Mic Catches House Democrats Making Fun Of Pledge Of Allegiance After Matt Gaetz Proposes Idea

>>>/qresearch/12831273 Marjorie Taylor Greene NUKES Haters Who Removed Her From Committee Assignments

>>>/qresearch/12831290 American troops in Germany serve our ‘mutual interest,’ Berlin says, after Biden freezes planned withdrawal

>>>/qresearch/12831302 President Biden Delivers Remarks on the State of the Economy & the Need for the American Rescue Plan

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=40wZnyYv1LA - President Biden Delivers Remarks on the State of the Economy & the Need for the [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12831312, >>>/qresearch/12831330, >>>/qresearch/12831751 Lindell torrent created, if you're not on VPN your IP will be known to everyone (Download at own Risk. Not Liable)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205205322/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e2daf43818c96dd38924e544167ce570742edf69504c65d43884ec5ff378d3de.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205205350/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/094345d0c670dea68043ad775a4196c1d3fca882e41cecf5cc109cf831d027d4.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12831314 Biden Convenes "Urgent" High Level NSC Meeting To Talk Iran Nukes

>>>/qresearch/12831348 He’s Number One! Hunter Biden’s Memoir Tops Amazon ‘Chinese Biographies’ Section

>>>/qresearch/12831351 This method works great to download 'Lindel Vid'

>>>/qresearch/12831367 Democratic Lawyer Marc Elias Claims Voting Machine ‘Irregularities’ In New York House Race

>>>/qresearch/12831382 3 Major Trump Donors Contribute $325,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort

>>>/qresearch/12831384 WATCH: Nadler Refuses To Allow “Unnecessary” Pledge Of Allegiance To Be Recited

>>>/qresearch/12831406 No Election! Top Eurocrat to Form EU ‘Technocratic’ Government in Italy

>>>/qresearch/12831467, >>>/qresearch/12831571 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VKaSX9SKR1A - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12831495, >>>/qresearch/12831586 cisa Trolling

>>>/qresearch/12831496, >>>/qresearch/12831614 GME, AMC Suddenly Panic-Bid As Robinhood Lifts Trading Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12831497 Recent video provides conclusive evidence that Biden (or at least, someone who looks like him) is in the true Oval Office

>>>/qresearch/12831517 Democrat argues election stolen because voting machines misread ballots Claims errors in 'hundreds if not thousands of valid votes'

>>>/qresearch/12831518 Biden declares 'America is back.' Mike Pompeo asks: 'Back to when ISIS controlled a caliphate?'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IroaVDL2yBY - Pompeo slams Biden: America can't go back to Obama-era foreign policy [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12831521 Wth FBI?

>>>/qresearch/12831536 Mystery sound shakes Southern Arizona

>>>/qresearch/12831546 FBI raids home of suspected 'bullhorn lady' from Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12831564 #AbsoluteProof Trending with #MikeLindell #MyPillow

>>>/qresearch/12831567 Mike Pence is starting a podcast

>>>/qresearch/12831569 Human Trafficking Investigation Nets 145 Arrests in LA County

>>>/qresearch/12831616 Petition EN2192 - No Resrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination

>>>/qresearch/12831636 Biden tells Russia's Putin: US no longer 'rolling over'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HEiMNvd8oUw - Days of the US 'rolling over' to Russia are over: Biden ​ [Channel: The Straits Times]

>>>/qresearch/12831652 Lindell -> YT

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VKaSX9SKR1A - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12831654 Biden withdraws Judy Shelton's nomination as Fed board member

>>>/qresearch/12831660 DUMB hit in Myanmar?

>>>/qresearch/12831689 Reminder, President Trump Lost $2 Billion in Wealth Saving the Country

>>>/qresearch/12831697, >>>/qresearch/12831701 Rep. Gohmert: Why I Will Never Bow to the Anti-Truth Mob

>>>/qresearch/12831707 Biden signals he'll move forward on COVID-19 relief without GOP

>>>/qresearch/12831724 Russian Foreign Ministry Is Concerned About Political Persecution in the United States

>>>/qresearch/12831726 MSNBC host suggests drone striking americans who criticize covid lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/12831727 Trump Refuses to Give Evidence Sidestepping Dems’ Impeachment Trap

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MPI2-Da9v44 - Trump Refuses to Give Evidence Sidestepping Dems' Impeachment Trap [Channel: Alexander Mercouris]

>>>/qresearch/12831739 Exclusive: New Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Thousands of Illegal Ballots to Michigan Arena

>>>/qresearch/12831752 Rape cases increasing at alarming rate in King County this year

>>>/qresearch/12831775 Meme of The Year Award!

>>>/qresearch/12831786 Romanian Church under fire as six-week-old baby dies in baptism

>>>/qresearch/12831788 Virgin Islands AG wants to freeze Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘mismanaged’ assets

>>>/qresearch/12831792 Another one added to the Epstein list…PIGLET

>>>/qresearch/12831797 'Historic level' of court backlogs leaves criminals on the King Co. streets

>>>/qresearch/12831831 #16378 ''Posted in #16379

>>>/qresearch/12831835 Bob Iger, CEO Disney…..retire[d] ing

>>>/qresearch/12831840 Stolen mail leads to man’s arrest on 500+ charges of child porn, sexual abuse of animals, mail and ID theft

>>>/qresearch/12831854 Supreme Court Battle on CLINTON EMAIL Testimony!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=m8wA7iO1UuM - Supreme Court Battle on CLINTON EMAIL Testimony! [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>>/qresearch/12831871 International Criminal Court approves probe into possible war crimes by #Israel and Hamas in Palestinian territories,

>>>/qresearch/12831916 #16379

(51 notables, 58 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30026

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12832682 Q Research General #16381: Anons Own The Kitchen Edition

Created 051956ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12832796 Full list of download links for the Mike Lindell Documentary - Absolute Proof - ARCHIVE OFFLINE

>>>/qresearch/12832814 irregular warfare dig

>>>/qresearch/12832860, >>>/qresearch/12832881 The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator

>>>/qresearch/12832906 VIDEO: It is for your health - Dutch covid stormtroopers

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205231926/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9fb4a4d7f2637eb99da766bcef2079810974e5403808393e9fabebed61a503b6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12832912 MSNBC's Nicole Wallace suggests we use domestic Drone strikes on Americans as a solution to lockdown protestors!

>>>/qresearch/12832931 Unrestricted or non linear war uses "psychological operations" or Information Operations to attain military economic and social objectives.

>>>/qresearch/12832952 Air Force investigating after man gained unauthorized access to Joint Base Andrews

>>>/qresearch/12832953 NYT senate intel committee wil look at russian influence in capitol "attack"

>>>/qresearch/12832969, >>>/qresearch/12833212, >>>/qresearch/12833222 Pennsylvania DA, 44, is charged with raping at least five women in his office with a noise cancelling machine on when he worked in the private sector/ so many 44s lately

>>>/qresearch/12832981 @PentagonPresSec John F. Kirby holds a briefing.

>>>/qresearch/12832992 lindell doc: Skip to 1 hour and 36 minutes for the new absolute proof

>>>/qresearch/12833002, >>>/qresearch/12833017 obama face book climate change dig

>>>/qresearch/12833015, >>>/qresearch/12833286 ‘He’s a Private Citizen… He Has Been Working to Unwind His Investment’ – Psaki When Asked About Hunter Biden’s 10% Stake in Chinese Investment Firm

>>>/qresearch/12833037 Time Magazine: ‘Secret,’ ‘Well-funded Cabal’ Worked to ‘Protect’ 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12833043 Ecuador: #US-Backed Gov’t Scrambles to Privatize the Central Bank Before Elections.

>>>/qresearch/12833047 Dominion’s uses solarwinds network software. On December 13, the US government pulled solarwinds off all federal networks due to its massive security vulnerabilities.

>>>/qresearch/12833052 China Claims All Uyghur Concentration Camp Victims, Witnesses Are Fake

>>>/qresearch/12833059, >>>/qresearch/12833083 4 local men indicted for seeking to sexually assault kids in FBI sting operation

>>>/qresearch/12833060 GAI ‘Cannabis Cronyism’ Report: Top Democrats Financially Benefit from Ties to Marijuana Industry

>>>/qresearch/12833086 Serbian Man Extradited to U.S., Charged with $70 Million Fraud in North Texas

>>>/qresearch/12833096, >>>/qresearch/12833143 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12833113 Drugged, tattooed, forced into prostitution: Qld couple accused of keeping women in sexual servitude front court

>>>/qresearch/12833129 Price tag of ongoing National Guard presence in D.C. up to $500 million: report

>>>/qresearch/12833194 from cisa/gchq aug 2020: Alert: potential legacy risk from malware targeting QNAP NAS devices

>>>/qresearch/12833229 Pelosi hopes House can pass COVID-19 relief within two weeks

>>>/qresearch/12833236 based ricky gervais' legacy goes far beyond his golden globes speeches

>>>/qresearch/12833292 Mike Lindell Releases Explosive Documentary on the 2020 Election – “ABSOLUTE PROOF” Film Includes Testimony and Interviews from Experts on Historic Fraud in 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12833302 Seriously? 'View' Hosts Accuse Van Jones of Providing 'Racial Cover' for Trump

>>>/qresearch/12833317 alleged James Clapper Interrogated - and he tells all, and he names names.

>>>/qresearch/12833328 Scarborough Slams Evangelicals For 'Bizarre, Bizarre, Bizarre' Concern About Abortion

>>>/qresearch/12833330 states top doctort says infertility could be side effect of covid

>>>/qresearch/12833333 quads confirm trump won

>>>/qresearch/12833377 ‘We are lost’: Fox News suffers worst ratings in 20 years

>>>/qresearch/12833388 Rudy Giuliani slams radio station live on air for adding disclaimer to his show: ‘We’re not in East Germany’

>>>/qresearch/12833422 #NY22 election may get overturned

>>>/qresearch/12833433 Hunter Biden moves family to $5.4million canal-front home in Venice

>>>/qresearch/12833445 The Curious Case Of The Hedge Fund That Made $700 Million On GameStop

>>>/qresearch/12833460 #16381

(38 notables, 45 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30027

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12833471 Q Research General #16382: Absolute Proof Edition

Created 052132ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12833552 #16382 Baker on Duty

>>>/qresearch/12833602 Casino Claims Slot Machines Aren't Rigged, Just 'Fortified'

>>>/qresearch/12833609 NFL commissioner roger goodell in letter to bien offers stadiums as vaccination sites

>>>/qresearch/12833610 Covid cases magically plummetting since inauguration

>>>/qresearch/12833612 kek hunter biden memoir listed #1 best seller under "chinese biographies" on amazon

>>>/qresearch/12833614 KM tweet re: defends van jones against left PANIC for taking a pic with candace owens

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205234031/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7298138d061e1cd5b12aa1a638d4b0e443a71b6137e8cdaaba14a3c62bb5d996.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12833621 Military rulers of #Myanmar have banned #socialmedia.

>>>/qresearch/12833629, >>>/qresearch/12833688 anon 11.3 theory

>>>/qresearch/12833631 General Flynn 19 delta

>>>/qresearch/12833634, >>>/qresearch/12833812 anon: MyPillow = sweet dreams, lindell Q connection

>>>/qresearch/12833650 President Biden on new jobs numbers: “At that rate it’s gonna take 10 years before we get to full employment. That's not hyperbole. That's a fact."

>>>/qresearch/12833654 mike lindell's election fraud documentary important 24 min exerpt

>>>/qresearch/12833671, >>>/qresearch/12833702, >>>/qresearch/12833947 #NY22 update: judge denies request for recount

>>>/qresearch/12833676 British Bookmaker Gives Newsom 17 Percent Chance of Recall

>>>/qresearch/12833677 Biden admin likely going back to 'good old days' of Iran nuclear deal: McFarland

>>>/qresearch/12833683 Alabama Senator Has Indicated He Won't Run Again

>>>/qresearch/12833690 GOP Donors Join for Newsom Recall

>>>/qresearch/12833698 Group Paying Off Mortgages for 2 FBI Agents Killed in S. Florida

>>>/qresearch/12833703 Time Magazine: ‘Secret,’ ‘Well-funded Cabal’ Worked to ‘Protect’ 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12833706 Capitol rioter ‘QAnon Shaman’ moved to Virginia jail that serves organic food

>>>/qresearch/12833707 VIDEO: ontario canada, Kid was sitting on his skateboard behind a parked cop car, cops didn't like it.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210205234237/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6c83146bea1b91535b331d2daa81582680a29d3fb8490a5857758190b9d1e87e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12833708 Nude ‘wood sitting on a bed’ meme included in Capitol rioter complaint

>>>/qresearch/12833723 ICC has jurisdiction to probe Israel, Hamas for war crimes, pretrial judges rule

>>>/qresearch/12833745 The Virginia House and Senate have both approved landmark legislation to abolish the death penalty in the commonwealth

>>>/qresearch/12833765 anon opines on his hope of what is to come

>>>/qresearch/12833784 trumpet news flynn interview analysis

>>>/qresearch/12833837 March 5th is the 75th anniversary of the UKUSA Agreement – a historic and lasting partnership between the UK's @GCHQ and USA's NSA.

>>>/qresearch/12833844, >>>/qresearch/12833893 Rep.@replouiegohmert (R-TX) introduced legislation Friday that would force President Joe Biden and his administration to abide by Biden’s own “dictatorial” mask mandate

>>>/qresearch/12833867 Calls for Bank of America boycott grow after data given to FBI

>>>/qresearch/12833878 BERNIE SANDERS: ‘It Was Never My Intention To Raise The Minimum Wage Immediately And During The Pandemic’

>>>/qresearch/12833889 Yesterday DNI Haines visited @NSAGov, our nation’s leader in cryptology – the art and science of making and breaking codes

>>>/qresearch/12833896 China and Russia have formed axis of power, NATO’s top general warns

>>>/qresearch/12833908 anon decodes possible suicide weekend for friday Feb 26

>>>/qresearch/12833917 bucks county PA congressman is sole PA republican to supoort MTG committee removal

>>>/qresearch/12833922 links to mike lindell's election fraud documentary

>>>/qresearch/12833932, >>>/qresearch/12834030, >>>/qresearch/12834051, >>>/qresearch/12834220, >>>/qresearch/12834225, >>>/qresearch/12834227 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12833957 TIME Mag: “Trump Was Right. There Was A Conspiracy, Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media & Controlling Information.”

>>>/qresearch/12833989 Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, Once Bragged with Ben Rhodes “We’re Liars” and “Lying Footsoldiers”

>>>/qresearch/12833997 The QAnon Shaman feels played by Trump, lawyer says

>>>/qresearch/12834015 ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’: US congressman tears up while apologizing for his ‘white privilege' on House floor

>>>/qresearch/12834028 Dr. Fauci Secretly Ordered Chinese “Animal Experiments” With Disturbing Links to COVID Outbreak

>>>/qresearch/12834040, >>>/qresearch/12834052 U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses

>>>/qresearch/12834041 ‘He’s a Private Citizen… He Has Been Working to Unwind His Investment’ – Psaki When Asked About Hunter Biden’s 10% Stake in Chinese Investment Firm

>>>/qresearch/12834077 Pentagon blog warns that freedom leads to populism, which “undermines national security”

>>>/qresearch/12834093 2.37 Persons out of 100 May Experience the Inconvenient Side Effect of DEATH from mrna vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12834096, >>>/qresearch/12834159 Scavino trolling the news about #NY22 election "irregularities"

>>>/qresearch/12834120 heavy.com: Ashli Babbitt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

>>>/qresearch/12834125 archive of the orginization mentioned in the TIME magazine article

>>>/qresearch/12834141 huber tweet re: US marshalls in DC So many brave professionals put it on the line for our safety, and for law and order. We wish a speedy recovery for the seriously injured deputy marshal, and we are mindful of family and friends, as well.

>>>/qresearch/12834152 Gab.com: "Now that John Matze has been ousted by the Mercers, perhaps it's time to speak a little more freely about Parler

>>>/qresearch/12834158 Dems Are Calling This 'Sedition': Missouri Subverts Biden Gun Laws, Nullifies Federal Statutes

>>>/qresearch/12834162, >>>/qresearch/12834183 mike rothschild PANIC re: mike lindell documentary and Q

>>>/qresearch/12834163 USSS This week the Secret Service lost a dedicated member of our Explosive Detection Canine team.

>>>/qresearch/12834176 COVID-19 Killed 14% Of New York’s Nursing Home Population

>>>/qresearch/12834217 Iraqi forces kill ISIS commander in Al-Anbar

>>>/qresearch/12834229, >>>/qresearch/12834272, >>>/qresearch/12834276 #16382

(56 notables, 71 posts, 74 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30028

File: cadde5976593007⋯.jpg (424.22 KB,812x647,812:647,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12831908 Q Research General #16380: Recall Governor Andrew Coumo NY Edition!

Created 051831ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12831995 The United States Supreme Court has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case

>>>/qresearch/12832001, >>>/qresearch/12832003 Anons Notable Bun

>>>/qresearch/12832015 Pennsylvania Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Allow Drivers' Licenses For Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/12832024 Police in Europe Arrest 105 Over International Bank Card Fraud

>>>/qresearch/12832031 Bongino: ‘Monday looks good’ for Parler to return online

>>>/qresearch/12832042 YES, It was RICO

>>>/qresearch/12832048 University of Michigan Demands $1,200 for China Documents

>>>/qresearch/12832056 #16379 LATE LB NOTABLES

>>>/qresearch/12832058 DOWNLOAD LINDELL VID HERE

>>>/qresearch/12832072 FBI's desperate pretext to keep spying on Carter Page: He might write a book!

>>>/qresearch/12832082 Fashion mogul Peter Nygard denied bail over sex trafficking charges, will remain in custody

>>>/qresearch/12832098 Romney Proposal Would Give a Monthly Check to Families With Children

>>>/qresearch/12832102 Biden's national security team discussing Iran - but NOT making decisions!

>>>/qresearch/12832106 You can watch the Mike Lindell video at https://rumble.com/vdlebn-mike-lindell-absolute-proof-exposing-election-fraud-and-the-theft-of-americ.html

>>>/qresearch/12832108, >>>/qresearch/12832109 During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data

>>>/qresearch/12832111 How-I-built-my-own-mobile-cell-tower

>>>/qresearch/12832114 Biden's Daily Dose of Destruction || DAY 16 ||

>>>/qresearch/12832117 The SPLC's Horrifying Plan for Your Children's Schools

>>>/qresearch/12832121 Jill Biden: We Owe It to Our Dogs to Keep Wearing Masks

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206033315/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f7b22c9f76836e87a0cf930c442a254f30f56dac7d771a9bf6d22bf6dd482dae.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12832123 VIDEO why is the president going to delaware when the CDC said people should avoid travel?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206033354/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/975df85a34ebff5e32855d4261660970b46304eebc2ea0e5ad4164d7014dfafd.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12832131, >>>/qresearch/12832139, >>>/qresearch/12832154, >>>/qresearch/12832165 baker change

>>>/qresearch/12832135 Carper, Sanders, and Warren were the 3 votes against US Embassy remaining in Jerusalem

>>>/qresearch/12832164 Outspoken Republican US Rep. Lauren Boebert granted concealed carry permit in DC

>>>/qresearch/12832167 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Council of Economic Advisers Member Jared Bernstein

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=35bpskQzYr4 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Council of Economic Advisers Mem [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12832176 After Promising $2000 Stimulus Checks Would be Sent Out "Immediately," Biden Says $1400 Checks Are "What the American People Were Promised"

>>>/qresearch/12832200 TOTAL COINCIDENCE ALERT: C19 Diagnostic Criteria Tightened by WHO on Biden Inauguration Day!

>>>/qresearch/12832214, >>>/qresearch/12832531 Specific times, Machines, States & Precincts where our election was stolen

>>>/qresearch/12832247 Aug 2020: Soros, Gates-Linked Election ‘Integrity’ Group Falsifies ‘Bipartisan’ Claims While War-Gaming How Biden Could Seize Power Even if Trump Wins

>>>/qresearch/12832269 Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Case Logs 2009-2020

>>>/qresearch/12832292 Senior DOJ Officials Reportedly Greenlighted Non-Prosecution Deal for Epstein in 2000s

>>>/qresearch/12832338 VIDEO: MSNBC's Nicole Wallace suggests drone use on Americans

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206033917/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/deb0efa76a8798e87569f53047e8989c09faa4e49f1ab56c11081a9c0722afc9.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12832343 Russia Expels Diplomats From 3 Countries, Saying They Attended Pro-Navalny Protests

>>>/qresearch/12832354 legit non YT links to watch my pillow mikes election fraud documentary

>>>/qresearch/12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' - Absolute Proof

>>>/qresearch/12832451 Here’s what Senate Democrats rammed through in COVID-19 ‘vote-a-rama’

>>>/qresearch/12832491, >>>/qresearch/12832508 keks: POTUS is now pedophile of the united states.

>>>/qresearch/12832518 Looks like OANN is running the Mike Lindell Truth Bombs on loop.

>>>/qresearch/12832603 Jim Watkins links to /MidnightRiders/ board from Gab

>>>/qresearch/12832604 Russia expels Swedish, Polish, German diplomats for attending unauthorized rallies

>>>/qresearch/12832640 Blockchain Sector Receives a Big Boost in China, as the Country Approves 197 Firms, Baidu and Alibaba Included

>>>/qresearch/12832678 #16380

(41 notables, 48 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30029

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12834209 Q Research General #16383: PANIC Everywhere Edition

Created 052304ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12834379, >>>/qresearch/12834830, >>>/qresearch/12834856 PF reports, biden plane did not use AF1 callsighn

>>>/qresearch/12834385, >>>/qresearch/12834766, >>>/qresearch/12834952 VIDEO: President Biden Flies Home To Delaware On First Air Force One Trip/a different AF1?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=V4ou5ia9JBE - President Biden Flies Home To Delaware On First Air Force One Trip | NewsNOW fro [Channel: NewsNOW from FOX]

>>>/qresearch/12834402 kimberly guilfoyle: Democrats don’t want civility or unity, they want absolute power and control. They wouldn’t even join with @mattgaetz to recite the pledge

>>>/qresearch/12834462 2013: Majority in U.S. Still Believe JFK Killed in a Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/12834472 MyPillow mike's election fraud documentary on bitchute

>>>/qresearch/12834488, >>>/qresearch/12834614, >>>/qresearch/12834910, >>>/qresearch/12834973 castle rock entertainment dig/anon connect trumps "who cares" with melania's i dont care jacket

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>>/qresearch/12834501 A former secretary [unnamed of course] from the Stutthof Nazi concentration camp has been charged with complicity in the murders of 10,000 people, German prosecutors said Friday

>>>/qresearch/12834504 anon connects jill biden/US secret service dog comms

>>>/qresearch/12834510 dan trolling the #NY22 election fukery

>>>/qresearch/12834516 Joe Biden boards Air Force One, wheres jill?

>>>/qresearch/12834524, >>>/qresearch/12834578 Rasmussen Reports Tweeted Summary From "Absolute Proof" Video

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206041959/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6253eed54970047450fea6348e32a5014ba96e96a61f7898141c4e1d55f3763b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12834542, >>>/qresearch/12834606, >>>/qresearch/12834657, >>>/qresearch/12834694, >>>/qresearch/12834811 JUST IN- fox news has canceled lou dobbs tonight, host not expected to be back on air

>>>/qresearch/12834636 BREAKING: New York judge rules that Republican Claudia Tenney has defeated US Rep. Anthony Brindisi by 109 votes in last open race.

>>>/qresearch/12834639, >>>/qresearch/12834767 biden already back in DE just 17 days after tearful goodbye

>>>/qresearch/12834644 Russia's National Guard says its website faced major DDoS attack from abroad overnight

>>>/qresearch/12834649 VIDEO: CNN inside a Qanon meeting

>>>/qresearch/12834659 UN chief reappoints Michael Bloomberg as climate envoy

>>>/qresearch/12834697 Gov. Reynolds lifts face mask mandate, other COVID-19 restrictions in Iowa

>>>/qresearch/12834746 USA Today: enough with America's 'thank you for your service' culture. It's betrayal, not patriotism.

>>>/qresearch/12834755 Hunter Biden and Michael Cohen top Amazon's Best Sellers in Chinese Biographies Today

>>>/qresearch/12834774 The new Biden administration border and immigration policy is already resulting in a massive tidal wave of illegal immigrant crossings into the United States, a migratory wave that Arizona law enforcement is calling “Obama 2.0.”

>>>/qresearch/12834783 Biden received more money from teachers unions than any other candidate in 2020

>>>/qresearch/12834787 biden tweet: This morning, I met with House Democratic leaders to discuss the American Rescue Plan.

>>>/qresearch/12834797 Sebastian Gorka: Democrats Working on Amendment for NSA, CIA to Target Americans as Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/12834832 Democrat lawyer Marc Elias has filed a lawsuit citing voting machine "irregularities" in the New York District 22 U.S. House of Representatives race

>>>/qresearch/12834851 state dept sideshow: jen psaki's most embarrassing fails, most entertaining grillings

>>>/qresearch/12834876, >>>/qresearch/12834915 Trump Supporter and Mother of Two Fears for Her Life and Her Children’s Safety After Kathy Griffin Doxxes Her Family

>>>/qresearch/12834914 Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof of Election Fraud Video (Alternate Backup) Here

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Njb4m-wVJWA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12835009 Video Documentary – The Pre-Planned Capitol Hill Protest and Riot Narrative Exposed

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12835029 trump statement re dobbs cancelled: “Lou Dobbs is and was great. Nobody loves America more than Lou. He had a large and loyal following that will be watching closely for his next move, and that following includes me.”

>>>/qresearch/12835052 501 Deaths + 10,748 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show

>>>/qresearch/12835082 JUST IN: Lincoln Project co-founder Jennifer Horn resigns from the organization, citing the revelations surrounding co-founder John Weaver

>>>/qresearch/12835085 The Queen has appointed Andrew Parker, Baron Parker of Minsmere, as Lord Chamberlain, the senior officer of the Royal Household

>>>/qresearch/12835098 #16381

(34 notables, 48 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30030

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12835102 Q Research General #16384: Air Force Pun Edition

Created 060039ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12835162 tech companies could soon be able to form independent government zones in NV

>>>/qresearch/12835175 video surfaces showing thousands of ballots delivered to MI after hours

>>>/qresearch/12835185 businesses that dropped MyPillow

>>>/qresearch/12835188 Greene Says Republican Votes Against Her Are a ‘Big Betrayal,’ May Cost Party Majority in 2022

>>>/qresearch/12835209 spreadsheet of IPs from mike lindells election fraud documentary

>>>/qresearch/12835217 UK political candidate claimed to have had kinky sex with an alien that led him to fathering an extraterrestrial child.

>>>/qresearch/12835243 MSNBC Condemns Obama Advisor For Criticizing Biden

>>>/qresearch/12835259 OAN runs giant disclaimer warning before airing MyPillow guy’s documentary claiming to present ‘100% proof’ of election fraud

>>>/qresearch/12835274 Britt Reid, a Kansas City Chiefs linebackers coach and son of head coach Andy Reid, is under investigation for driving impaired after police say he was involved in a three-vehicle crash Thursday

>>>/qresearch/12835293, >>>/qresearch/12835335, >>>/qresearch/12835337, >>>/qresearch/12835358, >>>/qresearch/12835451, >>>/qresearch/12835595, >>>/qresearch/12835616 anon digs, biden was on AF2

>>>/qresearch/12835299 LGBTQ Americans at heightened risk for severe coronavirus symptoms, CDC says

>>>/qresearch/12835307 ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’: US congressman tears up while apologizing for his ‘white privilege' on House floor

>>>/qresearch/12835314 Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill

>>>/qresearch/12835316 “You Owe the American People an Apology. You Lied About President Trump” – Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene RIPS CNN Hack at DC Press Conference

>>>/qresearch/12835347 #NY22: Republican Claudia Tenney Ousts Brindisi Leaving Democrats Just a Five Seat Majority

>>>/qresearch/12835350, >>>/qresearch/12835379 The Military and Air Force One 2 more cheerleeders from netflix's "cheer" charged w/ sex crimes against children

>>>/qresearch/12835386 John Kerry defends taking private jet to accept climate award in Iceland

>>>/qresearch/12835397 watch mike lindells election fraud documentary on https://michaeljlindell.com

>>>/qresearch/12835411 twitter kek: If Trump appeared, tapped any of these worthless Democrats on the shoulder and said…….. BOO…….. they would wet themselves.

>>>/qresearch/12835427 Americans Filmed Living Life Normally In Naples, Florida Triggers Outrage On Twitter

>>>/qresearch/12835439 Supremes to consider taking lawsuits challenging 2020 election If accepted, likely would not be heard until October

>>>/qresearch/12835454 $100 Bill with a Trump stamp: Withdrawn from an ATM in Houston

>>>/qresearch/12835460 Three Democrats file paperwork to challenge Lauren Boebert in 2022

>>>/qresearch/12835469 biden tweet re: american rescue plan/Q connection

>>>/qresearch/12835500 US, UK special forces injured in anti-ISIS raid, report says

>>>/qresearch/12835518 Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin is the first alleged rioter to have pretrial detention order overturned.

>>>/qresearch/12835527 Exclusive: Navy CNO On Rooting Out Extremists

>>>/qresearch/12835530 MO house passes ban on enforcement of federal gun laws

>>>/qresearch/12835531 Mayor Lightfoot Issues Ultimatum to Chicago Teachers

>>>/qresearch/12835541 Microsoft: No Donations Through 2022 to Lawmakers Who Opposed Biden Certification

>>>/qresearch/12835603 The Mysterious Case Of Disappearing Influenza

>>>/qresearch/12835610 NY Times Producer Andy Mills Resigns Amid Continued Caliphate Fallout, Renewed Scrutiny of Misconduct Allegations

>>>/qresearch/12835612 ICE tweet: Feb. 6 is Zero Tolerance Day for #FGM. Female genital mutilation is a human rights violation with severe, enduring mental and physical health impacts for women and girls.

>>>/qresearch/12835615 oan repeating lindells election fraud documentary all weekend

>>>/qresearch/12835630, >>>/qresearch/12835640 biden remarks re AF1: FLASHBACK: Lincoln Project Cofounder Steve Schmidt Was Too ‘Untrustworthy’ for Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/12835659 NEW - Biden says Trump should not receive intelligence briefings anymore (CBS)

>>>/qresearch/12835675 Pelosi and Democrats Break Over 200 Years of Precedent and Ban Minority Party Member from House Committees

>>>/qresearch/12835684 Doddering Biden Boards Air Force One En Route to Delaware After CDC Tells Americans Not to Travel

>>>/qresearch/12835708 CON INC? Mike Pence Gets Heritage Foundation Post

>>>/qresearch/12835715 GOPers ask Acting Sgt at Arms to fine Pelosi for not passing through magnetometers yesterday to enter the chamber. Say multiple mbrs observed her bypassing mags

>>>/qresearch/12835730 TRAVELSORT: TSA will fine face mask violators up to $1,500

>>>/qresearch/12835736 mike lindells absolute proof of election fraud documentary on rumble

>>>/qresearch/12835768 latest interview with general flynn hosted by doug billings

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Gvd96tP4FMA - General Michael Flynn Interview [Channel: Doug Billings]

>>>/qresearch/12835775 The Military and Air Force One

>>>/qresearch/12835776 puppy bowl XVII to feature jill biden message/Q connection

>>>/qresearch/12835822 Mike Lindell has a Gab TV channel now. Absolute Proof has been uploaded to his channel.

>>>/qresearch/12835855 #16381

(47 notables, 55 posts, 61 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30031

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12836606 Q Research General #16386: President Trump Declares Support For Lou Dobbs Edition

Created 060304ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12836643 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12836679, >>>/qresearch/12836722, >>>/qresearch/12836725, >>>/qresearch/12836763, >>>/qresearch/12836834, >>>/qresearch/12836914

>>>/qresearch/12836739 Hospital in Washington state detaining people until they submit to a covid test

>>>/qresearch/12836743 Youtube removes Mike Lindell Video for violating Comunity 'guidelines'

>>>/qresearch/12836784 Dig on Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12836855 Washington, D.C. Republican senior staffer arrested for child p-rn

>>>/qresearch/12836931 It was Coppertone Rose Kennedy who was quoted as saying.. “Birds sing after a storm;

>>>/qresearch/12836960 Hunter Biden, family move into $5.4M Venice, Calif. home

>>>/qresearch/12836998 Breakdown of how the Capitol False Flag attack was executed (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12837084 Doctor who treated Alexei Navalny after poisoning dead at 55

>>>/qresearch/12837133 Former Garcetti aide says top mayoral advisor engaged in unwanted touching

>>>/qresearch/12837218 NEW: House Dems unveiled the message they plan to hammer throughout the 2022 cycle: The GOP is the party of Q

>>>/qresearch/12837268 @DailyCaller Life Will Return To Normal In Seven Years, Vaccine Database Shows

>>>/qresearch/12837352 #16386, #16387, #16388

(14 notables, 19 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30032

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12835864 Q Research General #16385: Anons Have Risen To The Occasion Edition Edition

Created 060151ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12835930, >>>/qresearch/12835951, >>>/qresearch/12835958, >>>/qresearch/12835966, >>>/qresearch/12835981

>>>/qresearch/12835984 Puppy Bowl 17 to feature Jill Biden message - Q post 4484 - Super Bowl > puppy show

>>>/qresearch/12835986 Transgender Navy SEAL: President Biden's executive order repealing a Trump-era transgender military ban is "going to give a lot of other individuals that chance to finally be themselves" WTF???

>>>/qresearch/12835987 MAGA Cap In Tom Brady's Locker

>>>/qresearch/12836000, >>>/qresearch/12836025 First picture is from a reporter captioned: Biden getting on AF1 today for his flight to Delaware - Except he didn't get on AF1.

>>>/qresearch/12836009 Secret Service dog comms?

>>>/qresearch/12836030 Pittsburgh Hospital (UPMC) massive data breach

>>>/qresearch/12836047, >>>/qresearch/12836265 Fox Business cancels 'Lou Dobbs Tonight'

>>>/qresearch/12836158, >>>/qresearch/12836223 Anon opines about Super Bowl and FBI deaths re:Human Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/12836172 Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cTtIPBPSv0U - Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War [Channel: Modern War Institute]

>>>/qresearch/12836243 US Supreme Court Schedules Pennsylvania Election Case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan Case and Lin Wood’s Georgia Case for Feb 19 Conference

>>>/qresearch/12836250, >>>/qresearch/12836302 Mike Lindell: Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America, Rumble link & Mike Lindell direct link

>>>/qresearch/12836267 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds' new Emergency Proclamation starting Sunday: No mask mandate / No limits on gatherings / No limits in Public Establishments

>>>/qresearch/12836332 The Capitol FF broken down - FALSE FLAG (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12836370 Presumptive vice presidential nominee KamalaHarris has chosen “Pioneer” as her Secret Service code name, according to a report (Donner Party?)

>>>/qresearch/12836374, >>>/qresearch/12836394 Trump issues support for Lou Dobbs

>>>/qresearch/12836450 Anon opines - Even if you're feeling down - get some exercise EVERY DAY, get outside EVERY DAY. We have a long way to go…

>>>/qresearch/12836600 #16385

(18 notables, 27 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30033

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12837367 Q Research General #16387: Puppy Bowl Or Super Bowl? Edition

Created 060417ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12837390 (You) Dough

>>>/qresearch/12837424 Q Posts 3 year delta on Superbowl Sunday

>>>/qresearch/12837464 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/12837470 More on Jill Bidens SS name 'Capri'

>>>/qresearch/12837473 More on 'AF1'

>>>/qresearch/12837500 State Auditor Robert Kane, a former Connecticut state senator, was found dead Friday by police making a check at his home at the request of his family

>>>/qresearch/12837503 Neurological damage to children from mask wearing

>>>/qresearch/12837517 Biden Says Trump Should No Longer Receive Classified Intel Briefings (major kek)

>>>/qresearch/12837524, >>>/qresearch/12837704, >>>/qresearch/12837746, >>>/qresearch/12837789, >>>/qresearch/12838022

>>>/qresearch/12837604 Trump Supporter and Mother of Two Fears for Her Life and Her Children’s Safety After KATHY GRIFFEN DOXXES Her Family

>>>/qresearch/12837668 spreadsheet of IPs from mike lindells election fraud documentary

>>>/qresearch/12837686, >>>/qresearch/12838095, >>>/qresearch/12838108 The Capitol False Flag exposed (video) - with comments - 'Dark to Light'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12837692, >>>/qresearch/12837873 Senior level GOP staffer in Washington DC that was arrested for distributing Child P-rN

>>>/qresearch/12837898 SuperBowl 55 / Puppybowl 17…. 2/07

>>>/qresearch/12837906 YouTube video titled "General Michael Flynn Interview" by Doug Billings dated Feb 5, 2021

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Gvd96tP4FMA - General Michael Flynn Interview [Channel: Doug Billings]

>>>/qresearch/12837950 A new SpaceX filing outlines plans for Starlink to offer phone service, emergency backup for voice calls, and cheaper plans for people with low incomes

>>>/qresearch/12837963, >>>/qresearch/12838070 Fox Business cancels Lou Dobbs Tonight - anons will follow Lou to wherever he goes next

>>>/qresearch/12837984 Courthouse burned down in Mason, TX, arson suspect caught

>>>/qresearch/12838009, >>>/qresearch/12838021, >>>/qresearch/12838041, >>>/qresearch/12838084 For Morale

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G02wKufX3nw - Magic Sword - In The Face Of Evil [Channel: Magic Sword]

>>>/qresearch/12838133 Navy staff instructor at Great Lakes dies of coronavirus complications?

(20 notables, 31 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30034

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12838153 Q Research General #16388: Love And Light Are The Life Work Of Anons Edition

Created 060612ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12838175 Fresh Bread

>>>/qresearch/12838257 Over 30 planes conduct reconnaissance flights near Russian borders in past week

>>>/qresearch/12838261 ‘America is back!’ Biden talks ‘tough’ on Russia and China, vows to reclaim ‘moral leadership & defend democracy’

>>>/qresearch/12838262 "America’s Fall To Communism" (2021) – Documentary

>>>/qresearch/12838275 Biden followed by scolding Turkey for being “an irresponsible NATO ally” after its interior minister truthfully blamed the Obama-Biden Regime for the 2016 coup attempt against Turkish President Erdogan

>>>/qresearch/12838286 Biden hypocritically saying that he was ending US backing for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen—then in the very next breath, Biden said he would continue US military support for Saudi Arabia’s war against Iranian-supplied forces in Yemen.

>>>/qresearch/12838306 “We’re Willing to Work with Beijing”

>>>/qresearch/12838311 Wut? Biden Imposes Permanent Masks & Social Distancing to Prevent Civil Unrest

>>>/qresearch/12838322 Bipartisan support emerges for domestic-terror bills as experts warn threat may last ‘10 to 20 years’

>>>/qresearch/12838349 How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees

>>>/qresearch/12838366 “WHO CARES!” Trump Sends Hilarious Letter to Screen Actor’s Guild After They Threatened to Remove Him From Membership

>>>/qresearch/12838423 #AbsoluteTruth links:


>>>/qresearch/12838525, >>>/qresearch/12838577 Robert Kane, Connecticut GOP state auditor, dead at 54

>>>/qresearch/12838562, >>>/qresearch/12838619 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12838572 "Dividing Rightly":Man Unsure If He's Persecuted Because He's A Christian Or Because He's A Massive Jerk

>>>/qresearch/12838594 Activists say ‘Barney & Friends’ theme song playing on repeat at vacant San Pedro property for weeks is anti-homeless harassment

>>>/qresearch/12838615 ANTIFA Command Structure

>>>/qresearch/12838670 Every single “TIME”

>>>/qresearch/12838689, >>>/qresearch/12838700 Biblical?

>>>/qresearch/12838757 Arrested in Capitol Riot: Organized Militants and a Horde of Radicals

>>>/qresearch/12838771, >>>/qresearch/12838792, >>>/qresearch/12838807 "Replica AF1?" Watch The Water…What was floated across the Potomac after winning the battle I wonder?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206153001/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c041a7ab384118dbe161b993300e8b2fdbe25118dd2367352ac3bf481bc70651.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12838821, >>>/qresearch/12838873 "Replica WH?"

(23 notables, 29 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30035

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12840466 Q Research General #16391: The 'Caturday Morning Sunrise' Edition

Created 061445ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12840538 HANDOFF CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/12840553 Anon Opines, How do you catch a dangerous animal?

>>>/qresearch/12840559, >>>/qresearch/12840648, >>>/qresearch/12841186 Plane Report

>>>/qresearch/12840576 Pope Francis has appointed a woman, Nathalie Becquart, a member of the Xavière Sisters

>>>/qresearch/12840594, >>>/qresearch/12840628, >>>/qresearch/12840961, >>>/qresearch/12841003 MORE TOOLS ADDED TO DOUGH (Watch for reverts)

>>>/qresearch/12840626 Researchers trying to understand ice age cycles by examining deep ice cores in Antarctica found jarosite

>>>/qresearch/12840671, >>>/qresearch/12840706 Trump delayed his speech an hour.

>>>/qresearch/12840692 The Four Stages of Communist Takeover

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IPGLROEQbcI - The Four Stages of Communist Takeover [Channel: PatrickCoffin.media]

>>>/qresearch/12840769 More than 700K November Voters Skipped Georgia Runoffs;

>>>/qresearch/12840796 Plane guy says too many similarities between to NG Huey crashes.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PhHdYosllME - Blancolirio UH-60 Safety Stand-Down [Channel: blancolirio]

>>>/qresearch/12840828 Do you know why people resort to violence?

>>>/qresearch/12840959, >>>/qresearch/12840970, >>>/qresearch/12840980 FBI looking for victims of child pornography ring allegedly run by NY man

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=r9g82XafwRk - Child stealing Guatemala [Channel: ted mann]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bEI6Mx3-MOE - Special Delivery for Mister P. Vore that you? sign [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/12840984 Tour Of The Great Wall Nancy Pelosi Built

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JaQU7yljBr8 - EXCLUSIVE: Tour Of The Great Wall Nancy Pelosi Built [Benny On The Block 37] [Channel: Turning Point USA]

>>>/qresearch/12840993 Arguments are set to begin Tuesday in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/12841031, >>>/qresearch/12841164 Anon has [Q]uestions.

>>>/qresearch/12841062 Conservatives are calling on the Liberal government to apply #Magnitsky sanctions in coordination with our partners and allies, on #Russian officials

>>>/qresearch/12841084, >>>/qresearch/12841153 Where is Rachel Chandler…? [DIG]

>>>/qresearch/12841095, >>>/qresearch/12841209 [CEMEX]

>>>/qresearch/12841110 Trump's defense team will show clips of Democrats urging violence in 2020

>>>/qresearch/12841154 New L. Lin Wood on Stew Peters' Patriotically Correct broadcast

>>>/qresearch/12841192 Archive off line because we are officially over the target. (VID)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jsOXMi1E0tQ - Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? [Channel: Pure Data]

>>>/qresearch/12841218 Conditioned Reflexes and Psychiatry was published in Britain in 1941.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=N0OLQh0fXtk - QTUVAGROOVE [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/12841222 A Prayer for the United States of America (Chqt)

>>>/qresearch/12841230 #16391, #16392, >>12843411 #16393

>>>/qresearch/12841234 Pray for one another.

>>>/qresearch/12841240 How do I get covid 19 medication?

>>>/qresearch/12841261 Anon looking for a debate.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=e69j4amVlOE - Live Forever [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/12841263 : NOTE FROM THE CHIEF, : Quantum-Patriots, : Quantum-Patriots,

(28 notables, 39 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30036

File: cadde5976593007⋯.jpg (424.22 KB,812x647,812:647,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12841229 Q Research General #16392: Recall Governor Ralph Northam [VA] Edition

Created 061636ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12841244 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/12841247 Other DIGS

>>>/qresearch/12841258 Mike Lindell video labeled "sexually suggestive" and has "partial nudity" on Fauxbook.

>>>/qresearch/12841287 Senior Anti-Trump Republican Staffer Arrested for Running Pedophile Ring

>>>/qresearch/12841349 Simone [Gold] Arrested for Role in Capitol Insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12841386 Secret 2020 election campaign

>>>/qresearch/12841398 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/12841414 71st Secretary of State ~ "the U.S. will defend our national interests"

>>>/qresearch/12841415 President Trump is winning election lawsuits in case you havent heard

>>>/qresearch/12841422, >>>/qresearch/12841778 Deborah, a prophetess and judge, advised Barak to mobilize the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulon on Mount Tabor to do battle against King Jabin of Canaan

>>>/qresearch/12841457 5 simple steps to fooling the people about coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/12841516, >>>/qresearch/12841647 Link List Drop. G. McInerney

>>>/qresearch/12841521 Clapper Optics (Interrogation)

>>>/qresearch/12841565 GEN FLYNN: "No plan; get involved." (msg to lurkers?)

>>>/qresearch/12841590 The CIA helped sell a mapping startup to Google.

>>>/qresearch/12841592 State of the union address

>>>/qresearch/12841601 Make [legal] Executions Great Again.

>>>/qresearch/12841641 Simone [GOLD] (pdfs, caps)

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210206184234/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8b3f4f361eb3c8d2d558111dc0f7b40d0dd33bbbe8ebc445bc928a61bf7510f4.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12841673 General Flynn (Disinformation necessary?)

>>>/qresearch/12841679, >>>/qresearch/12841690, >>>/qresearch/12841701, >>>/qresearch/12841713, >>>/qresearch/12841725 Welcome to Disneyland #Disneygate

>>>/qresearch/12841742, >>>/qresearch/12841750, >>>/qresearch/12841763, >>>/qresearch/12841796 Memes

>>>/qresearch/12841813 The Turkish government has tripled the funding for an international educational foundation established in 2016

>>>/qresearch/12841834 Optics (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/12841837 Rudy Giuliani | Common Sense | Ep. 109

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=i3wAHF_EAnM - Could We See A NEW TEA PARTY EMERGE? | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 109 [Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani]

>>>/qresearch/12841855 Bizarre Glass Portrait of Kamala Harris Installed on the National Mall in DC

>>>/qresearch/12841871 Lincoln Project Co-Founder Resigns Amid Weaver's "Grotesque, Sickening" Behavior

>>>/qresearch/12841880 Dominion Lawyer Says They ‘Warned’ OAN Not to Air Mike Lindell Doc

>>>/qresearch/12841886, >>>/qresearch/12841976 Inmates smash windows, set fire at St. Louis city jail.

>>>/qresearch/12841897 China’s trade turnover with Central and Eastern Europe tops $100 billion despite pandemic-hit 202

>>>/qresearch/12841900 As second impeachment trial looms, a strange omen is spreading across Europe (authorfag chimes in)

>>>/qresearch/12841907 Liberals call for BIGGER PURGE at Fox News as canceled Lou Dobbs shares tweets of support

>>>/qresearch/12841912 Workers taking down viewing stand in front of White House, plane overhead

>>>/qresearch/12841922 All Hail The Conquering Central Bankers… Or Else

>>>/qresearch/12841933 President DJT Reminder: "We can't play into the hands of these people"

>>>/qresearch/12841947 Anon Opines, Flynn is saying to capitulate and to VOTE #GoVote #AllDemsOut

>>>/qresearch/12842005 #16392


>>>/qresearch/12842020 #chairmanXiden (Lets get this trending)

>>>/qresearch/12842032 A bunch of small investors, day trader types, banded together on a Reddit thread called WallStreetBets to drive up the prices of two stocks,

>>>/qresearch/12842045 Clinton mass addiction to social media causing conspiracy theories.

>>>/qresearch/12842052 What the Bible says about Semiramis (kjv?)

>>>/qresearch/12842058 Why the **** was BEIJING and other foreign countries connected to DOMINION machines?

>>>/qresearch/12842093 Biden continuing with the lottery system until December 31, 2021

(43 notables, 53 posts, 76 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30037

File: 70c9be8bf5e1533⋯.jpg (5.64 KB,250x158,125:79,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12838991 Q Research General #16389: Another Day Dawns Edition

Created 060906ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12839003, >>>/qresearch/12839006 WH Replica Digs

>>>/qresearch/12839013, >>>/qresearch/12839017, >>>/qresearch/12839042 Feds arrest woman accused of using bullhorn to direct rioters during Capitol siege

>>>/qresearch/12839016 HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns and drugs continually since the days of Iran-Contra… Obama continued the family business…

>>>/qresearch/12839024 Something(s) To Remember Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel

>>>/qresearch/12839029, >>>/qresearch/12839104, >>>/qresearch/12839132, >>>/qresearch/12839139, >>>/qresearch/12839140, >>>/qresearch/12839154, >>>/qresearch/12839168, >>>/qresearch/12839177, >>>/qresearch/12839185, >>>/qresearch/12839195, >>>/qresearch/12839205, >>>/qresearch/12839210, >>>/qresearch/12839217, >>>/qresearch/12839222, >>>/qresearch/12839225, >>>/qresearch/12839228, >>>/qresearch/12839230, >>>/qresearch/12839232, >>>/qresearch/12839236, >>>/qresearch/12839240, >>>/qresearch/12839246, >>>/qresearch/12839250, >>>/qresearch/12839255, >>>/qresearch/12839266, >>>/qresearch/12839303, >>>/qresearch/12839488, >>>/qresearch/12839576 "POSTED FOR RESEARCH BY ANOTHER ANON AND ARCHIVE FOR FURTHER DIGGING TO IDENTIFY WHAT KLAUSS IS WEARING?"

>>>/qresearch/12839031 Sources: High-powered explosives missing, possibly stolen from Southern California military base

>>>/qresearch/12839057 Robert Kane, Connecticut GOP state auditor, dead at 54…

>>>/qresearch/12839073 Richest Man In The World: Jeff Bezos Has Sold $10 Billion Of Amazon Stock So Far This Year

>>>/qresearch/12839075 LB Notable: Is This Our "Key"Hole?

>>>/qresearch/12839079 Next Gen Trolling

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220121021133/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b99129efdc2eca6fb3c9a9425107756c6e5a37ac951358ed819fda4d3fba57c1.webm

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220218192610/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a316da86771f8833dc2d8134e3be4e3e8f4eab1d1099930a0ce6504f3faf1d73.webm

>>>/qresearch/12839083, >>>/qresearch/12839086 LB Notables Bun

>>>/qresearch/12839092 Updated Dough

>>>/qresearch/12839199, >>>/qresearch/12839203 Disinformation Campaign Claims Hunter Biden Engaged in Foot Related Sexual Act with a Young Family Member – Not True – It Was Just Another Hooker

>>>/qresearch/12839208 See what they did there?: Christians and Bible Attacked as Bill Maher Rips Trumpism and QAnon Conspiracies

>>>/qresearch/12839212 Schwab: OK, just what has QAnon, Trump done with the GOP?

>>>/qresearch/12839215 Breaking: US Supreme Court Schedules Pennsylvania Election Case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan Case and Lin Wood’s Georgia Case for Feb 19 Conference

>>>/qresearch/12839221, >>>/qresearch/12839429 Exclusive: Trump Allies Look to Grenell for Potential California Governor Bid as Newsom Recall Gains Momentum

>>>/qresearch/12839227 GOP pols want Pelosi to pay $5K for ignoring her own metal detector rules in Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12839231 Anons know all about this strategy… Democrat Lawyers Claim Voting Machines Stole Election for House Republican

>>>/qresearch/12839234 Supreme Court rules California churches may open despite the pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12839241 Iowa governor rolls back state's COVID-19 restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12839247 Starr: Chief Justice Roberts Should Make Clear Trump Impeachment Trial Unconstitutional

>>>/qresearch/12839251 Holy Shit! UNITY: MSNBC Host Suggests Using Drone Strikes On Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/12839264 Biggest Gun Control Bill In History Targets The Poor, Will Make Millions Of Felons Overnight

>>>/qresearch/12839270 Head Of The Fed's Plunge Protection Team Resigns To Join Biden Administration

>>>/qresearch/12839275 WHO changed virus test parameter the day Biden took office - Exclusive: Brent Smith explains how 'cycle threshold' had resulted in millions of false positives

>>>/qresearch/12839278 African women to Biden: Please don't fund abortion in Africa - Pro-family, pro-faith culture doesn't want widespread baby killing

>>>/qresearch/12839282 Texas officially defunds Planned Parenthood - Legal battle lasted over 5 years

>>>/qresearch/12839288 Dems Turn on Big Tech: Democrats seek to reform Section 230 to corral harmful content online

>>>/qresearch/12839294, >>>/qresearch/12839297 Uranium One and Pedo Files - Lincoln Project co-founder resigns amid John Weaver scandal

>>>/qresearch/12839299 Mandatory vaccine? Pentagon declines to say as troop shot refusals continue

>>>/qresearch/12839304, >>>/qresearch/12839353 Trump Returns to Social Media With Gab Post?

>>>/qresearch/12839312 Chamber of Commerce CEO Donohue Reportedly to Exit Post

>>>/qresearch/12839323, >>>/qresearch/12839345, >>>/qresearch/12839437, >>>/qresearch/12839521, >>>/qresearch/12839537 Biden Jeep Digs

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20201107100204/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/58a6ad0d4e8d4342406320a0a3d6f973a9bf694354eaaf554015aacec1d6cb4b.webm

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DMHsFGiRxm8 - 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sundancer Concept [Channel: Cars & Wheels]

>>>/qresearch/12839327 FBI looking for victims of child pornography ring allegedly run by NY man

>>>/qresearch/12839335 Calls for Bank of America boycott grow after data given to FBI

>>>/qresearch/12839339 "I am digging on how soon must a POTUS give The State of the Union Address. No info on that date yet, but it must be soon."… Something else intradasting in Article II, Section 3 is written about below (link included):

>>>/qresearch/12839342 Two New York Times journalists to leave amid criticism of behavior

>>>/qresearch/12839357 Omar Kept Husband’s Consulting Firm Afloat - Campaign payments to her husband's firm accounted for nearly 80 percent of its 2020 cash haul

>>>/qresearch/12839367, >>>/qresearch/12839379 X Files?

>>>/qresearch/12839372 GOP Picks Up House Seat After Judge Rejects Democrats’ Claims Of Voting Machine Irregularities?

>>>/qresearch/12839390 No shit huh? Robinhood Is Facing 30 Lawsuits. Is The App In Trouble?

>>>/qresearch/12839397, >>>/qresearch/12839421 Man must love fantasizing because they been talking about it since 2016… Bill Maher, noted atheist, rips Trumpism, QAnon as 'magical religious thinking'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zhTbtqOJA08 - New Rule: America's Mass Delusion | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) [Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher]

>>>/qresearch/12839407 You Knew It Was Coming: AOC, Bernie, and Earl Introduce Bill to Declare National Emergency on Climate

>>>/qresearch/12839433 Kek… Donald Trump Was an Actor in a Political Reality Show

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DfrhPO28_Kc - How DJT Lost the White House, the next chapter by Patrick Byrne [Channel: Connecting The Dots]

>>>/qresearch/12839443, >>>/qresearch/12839481 CHEER SCANDAL Two MORE Cheer stars, 23 and 25, arrested on child sex charges months after disgraced Jerry Harris’s nude pics rap

>>>/qresearch/12839448, >>>/qresearch/12839525 Censorship at work? Mike J Lindell's Video 404'ed @ Rumble

>>>/qresearch/12839459, >>>/qresearch/12839465 Facts Matter, Do Your Own Research.

>>>/qresearch/12839460 FBI criminal complaint on Capitol incursion used Photoshopped 4-chan hoax picture as evidence

>>>/qresearch/12839482 LAWYER OUT Kyle Rittenhouse FIRES fundraising attorney as Kenosha shooter, 18, faces jail after moving to ‘secret safe house’

>>>/qresearch/12839496 Armie Hammer Dropped by WME In Wake of Social Media Allegations

>>>/qresearch/12839505 The First arrest will shock the world. SuperBLOW 55 > PuppyShow 17

>>>/qresearch/12839528 The State’s Revised Nursing Home Death Toll Leaves Many Questions Unanswered

>>>/qresearch/12839539 Shine a light: The Cuomo administration hides vital facts from public view

>>>/qresearch/12839543 Keep pressure on Cuomo, Zucker to answer for Covid in nursing homes (Your Letters)

>>>/qresearch/12839546 Trafficking arrests mini bun

>>>/qresearch/12839558 A Man Who Allegedly Maced Police Officers During The Capitol Coup Attempt Has Been Arrested

>>>/qresearch/12839573 Marjorie Taylor Greene declares she is 'freed' after being booted from House committees

>>>/qresearch/12839575 Affidavit reveals Patterson Auto Group president’s role in human trafficking, alleged sexual acts …

>>>/qresearch/12839581 They Stormed the Capitol. Their Apps Tracked Them. Times Opinion was able to identify individuals from a trove of leaked smartphone location data.

>>>/qresearch/12839590, >>>/qresearch/12839601 But wait until 21 to drink… Squad Member Ayanna Pressley Doesn’t Understand Why People Oppose Lowering Voting Age To 16

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206155806/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/969f5841bd2ac0acbb8f132a263fdd86c634a2c2dcd0f640d22b4c2f7d766054.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12839597 Cardinal Blase Cupich demanding details on abusive order priests but won’t post findings

>>>/qresearch/12839615, >>>/qresearch/12839616 #163891, #163892, #16390

(63 notables, 108 posts, 91 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30038

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12839647 Q Research General #16390: FakeMedia Reconizes The BaseLess Conspiracy Theory Known As QAnon Edition

Created 061213ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12839680, >>>/qresearch/12839682, >>>/qresearch/12839807 Dominion case: Judge orders Michigan officials to turn over communications with Big Tech companies

>>>/qresearch/12839691, >>>/qresearch/12839695, >>>/qresearch/12839708, >>>/qresearch/12839720, >>>/qresearch/12839727, >>>/qresearch/12839732, >>>/qresearch/12839736, >>>/qresearch/12839746 'Unmasked:' has the Truth about the 2020 election has been uncovered

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160104/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b83ca34fc6d0707c7ed3c1406376d3448abdb63bed07ef1e0668076348e2cef0.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160131/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d04605b10ab896830a3e7b6f3c38490f81c92e6d69dda7045a38cd3fe13d2e58.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160211/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e6b0f1a643f15badbe27cb6ff5c2ce0ba398a989492d06e2053612b845501e52.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160319/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ded400cdeba9a85e70c1ab95d6daedbc9667db48f3df306351fca8d32aa260ba.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160322/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9a3080a5131f78eebcd36abe13ad443ed3e202ce8d624a191e53136a889b74d4.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160340/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ff75ce44d71a6248e8a416f0c0ba6f48c5eede02415bd4af2ffe580a679ce183.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160357/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7a8b56963b84a04cbfb7e3044ed7a78d79c516b37cecb89f294df01bf2ef6bae.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12839713 After Last Call potentional notabubble

>>>/qresearch/12839719, >>>/qresearch/12839723 (so-called) QAnon Believers Are Obsessed With Hillary Clinton. She Has Thoughts.

>>>/qresearch/12839722 Are their enough for their own league yet? Fallon Fox, who identifies as a "trans woman", fighting Tamikka Brents. Brents suffered a concussion and a fractured skull and had to receive 7 staples to the head.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210206160231/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/382dc7ec96a82a5e9dd5e5f6e47537d04598ddb994b3718634879550813ce5cc.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12839749 2021 Current Status

>>>/qresearch/12839755 NEW - Polar Vortex set to bring bitter cold to all 50 states in the US on Monday will cause temperatures to plunge to -35 degrees - so cold that car antifreeze could solidify.

>>>/qresearch/12839768 kek

>>>/qresearch/12839832 GM didnt they say defund the Police? Podesta has something to say…

>>>/qresearch/12839833, >>>/qresearch/12839842 You asked for the how - There it is. Keep this going b4 YT scrubbs

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jsOXMi1E0tQ - Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? [Channel: Pure Data]

>>>/qresearch/12839843, >>>/qresearch/12839859, >>>/qresearch/12839870 Don't concede that bottle of wine…

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20200919125754/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/61b146cd7df1bd77625dd4114a51ef789858116ae08c9bdd2ffbd16423394ed1.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12839868 The MOST IMPORTANT PART of Mike Lindell's (2hr) documentary is Mary Fanning's forensic cyber analysis, which she illustrates in a shocking, but very cool graphic - here is the 20 minute excerpt -

>>>/qresearch/12839882 Baker change

>>>/qresearch/12839883 Lifesitenews: Trump is winning election lawsuits, in case you haven't heard

>>>/qresearch/12839925 Dailymail report about a pedo priest was arrested in Surrey.

>>>/qresearch/12839971 CAGEMATCH: CNN’s Brianna Keilar slammed Fox News host Hannity for playing dumb on the "dangerous QAnon conspiracy theory".

>>>/qresearch/12839974 Campaign payments to Omar's husband's firm accounted for nearly 80 percent of its 2020 cash haul

>>>/qresearch/12840027 GP: MAGA Rapper Releases Two New Albums: God Wins and 1776

>>>/qresearch/12840154 c-vine oped: Do our new leaders feel the need to protect themselves from the very people who voted them in… unless we didn’t?

>>>/qresearch/12840270 Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid involved in multi-car accident with serious injuries, under investigation

>>>/qresearch/12840275 thoughtco oped: The U.S. Constitution does not allow for the recall of a president outside of the impeachment process or the removal of a commander-in-chief who is deemed unfit for office under the 25th Amendment.

>>>/qresearch/12840309 NFL playing it up, now: Marine Corps veteran selected as honorary captain for Super Bowl LV

>>>/qresearch/12840338 Connecticut state auditor found dead

>>>/qresearch/12840384 Dailymail: Netflix's Cheer is garnering attention for being pretty sleazy and into child porn.

>>>/qresearch/12840428 #16390

(25 notables, 38 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30039

File: cadde5976593007⋯.jpg (424.22 KB,812x647,812:647,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12841991 Q Research General #16393: Recall Governor Tom Wolf [PA] Edition

Created 061815ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12842021 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/12842022 Other

>>>/qresearch/12842085 Records ‘Disappeared’ of Cop’s Arrest Over Torturing Woman to Silence Her Claims of Child Rape

>>>/qresearch/12842089 The last few minutes of the Mike Lindell Election video, I may have found a downloadable XLS file detailing the election hacking going on world-wide. It was on Patrick Byrne's Deep Capture site - sauce below.

>>>/qresearch/12842110 China Threatens Revenge After UK Bans Communist Propaganda Outlet

>>>/qresearch/12842128 New York finally releases data on COVID-19 deaths at each nursing home

>>>/qresearch/12842143 Angry Brits protest over alleged Covid plan to ban ALCOHOL from pubs

>>>/qresearch/12842171 Wife of Sen. Josh Hawley takes criminal action after 'anti-fascist' group targeted family's personal residence

>>>/qresearch/12842174 Tim Scott: Biden Admin Doesn’t Want to Follow Science on Re-Opening Schools, We Already Approved $82 Billion for Schools

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zQWpmP21VjQ - Tim Scott: I'm truly 'stunned' Democrats are refusing to reopen schools [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12842179 Biden: ‘Nonstarter’ to Think Businesses Can Be ‘Open and Moving and Thriving Without Dealing with This Pandemic’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=52gVNZY-r1U - A Weekly Conversation: On the Line With Michele [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12842209 Nevada Democrats To Introduce Bill That Would ‘Allow Tech Companies To Create Governments’: Report

>>>/qresearch/12842232 Congress launches investigation into movements of Trump allies the day of the Capitol siege as new video emerges of Roger Stone surrounded by Oath Keeper militia members hours before the riot

>>>/qresearch/12842239 The State Is Destroying Freedom, Life, and History By Censoring and Eliminating Information and Speech

>>>/qresearch/12842281 ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt: The Masters of the Universe Aren’t Censoring Enough Conservatives - Totally not the Jews though.

>>>/qresearch/12842303 Hunter Biden and wife Melissa upsize into $25k-a-month canal-front home in Venice, California where they are under 24-hour protection by Secret Service agents

>>>/qresearch/12842330 Biden now admits Hunter still owns a billion dollar fund with the Chinese Communist Party but claims his son is trying to sell his stake.

>>>/qresearch/12842334 Biden to Reverse Terror Designation of Yemen’s Houthis

>>>/qresearch/12842349 Netanyahu: "SHUT IT DOWN"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8MFg1xxeidc - Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [Channel: IsraeliPM]

>>>/qresearch/12842405 Omar Kept Husband’s Consulting Firm Afloat

>>>/qresearch/12842431 ICC approves investigation into Israel, citing war crimes

>>>/qresearch/12842446 Ronald Wilson Reagan, February 6, 1911

>>>/qresearch/12842459 THOSE WHO SCREAM THE LOUDEST

>>>/qresearch/12842505 Military.com Now Under Communist Control

>>>/qresearch/12842687 Joe Biden Puts Americans in the Dark by Revoking Ability to Reject Refugee Dumping in Their Communities

>>>/qresearch/12842799 Senior Anti-Marjorie Greene Republican Staffer Arrested for Running Pedophile Ring

>>>/qresearch/12842817 Arrest Made in a Distribution of Child Pornography Offense

(26 notables, 26 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30040

File: cadde5976593007⋯.jpg (424.22 KB,812x647,812:647,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12842885 Q Research General #16394: Recall Governor Tom Wolf [PA] II EBAKE Edition

Created 062021ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12842951 2 people reported missing & at least 5 injured after explosion partially demolishes building in Bordeaux, France

>>>/qresearch/12842979 Imposter President - If I have to choose between getting help right now to Americans who are hurting and getting bogged down in a lengthy negotiation — it’s an easy choice.

>>>/qresearch/12843013 Facebook oversight board member decamps for Biden DOJ

>>>/qresearch/12843015 They changed the headline. It's as if they didn't want Trump associated with anti-pedophilias or something…

>>>/qresearch/12843036 NYC nursing home with 100 COVID deaths listed in Newsweek’s ‘best’ homes

>>>/qresearch/12843064 Chelsea Handler recalls ‘weird,’ star-studded dinner at Jeffrey Epstein’s home

>>>/qresearch/12843083 Biden Administration Immediately Caused the GDP to Decrease as Companies Stopped Hiring After the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12843112 HUGE! Top Democrat Elections Attorney Marc Elias Agrees With Republicans that Voting Machines Are Unreliable and Invalid

>>>/qresearch/12843202 Kodak Black (freed recently by President Trump) has offered to pay tuition for the 3 children of the 2 FBI agents who were murdered this week while trying to arrest a suspected of possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material.

>>>/qresearch/12843250 China Joe has arrived at Delaware Orthopaedic Specialists in Wilmington. He “stepped outside, wearing a greenish-brown sports coat, and entered through the clinic‘s front doors,”

>>>/qresearch/12843262 Lock Her Up Addresses QAnon Conspiracy Theories

>>>/qresearch/12843299 IT’S NOT WHAT YOU THINK: Fauci Used To Lurk Gay Bath Houses, Bars To Learn About AIDS Up Close

>>>/qresearch/12843304 Verastigui was part of a group of at least 18 people who were trading child porn on a website that remains unnamed “to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation.”

>>>/qresearch/12843310 Wyoming State GOP party voted to formally censure Liz Cheney for her vote to impeach Trump, calling on her to "immediately" resign.

>>>/qresearch/12843326 Trump Floated Making Michael Flynn His Chief of Staff in Final Days: NYT

>>>/qresearch/12843370 Navalny affair no grounds to cancel Nord Stream pipeline, new German CDU chief says

>>>/qresearch/12843388 Former Trump Campaign Aide and Staunch Pro-Life Advocate Charged With Receiving, Distributing, and Possessing Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/12843411 #16393

>>>/qresearch/12843446 Nick Cannon gets job back at ViacomCBS after network fired him over anti-Semitic remarks

>>>/qresearch/12843447 The General also said WE have to stand up.

>>>/qresearch/12843452 GOP Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds LIFTS Mask Requirement, ENDS Gathering Limits, OPENS Businesses!

>>>/qresearch/12843471 Biden: I love Jews

>>>/qresearch/12843514 ICC basically just became BASED

>>>/qresearch/12843583 #16394, #16395, #16396

(24 notables, 24 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30041

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12843561 Q Research General #16395: The General also said WE have to stand up Edition

Created 062203ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12843692 Just remember, just b/c Super Bowl is on Sunday, we may not know real winner for days or even weeks after the time allotted for official scoring

>>>/qresearch/12843697 DC is the official Psychopathy Capital of America

>>>/qresearch/12843710 Excel sheet that was presented in Mike Lindell's video

>>>/qresearch/12843725 KLAUSS SCHWAB - THE SUPER VILLAIN OF THE 21st Century and the Architect of '' THE GREAT RESET - 4th INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION

>>>/qresearch/12843799 “Just want to make sure everyone knows, guys, we are not done yet.”

>>>/qresearch/12843808 Armie Hammer dropped by agency amid cannibal DM scandal

>>>/qresearch/12843821 Brad Parscale - Question to the world. Did I give my phone to Trump to tweet?

>>>/qresearch/12843867, >>>/qresearch/12843875 Previously Collected Notables As of 2.6.2021

>>>/qresearch/12843886 Doge Coin Video, Read into it

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kQXsxmK8n5k - Elon Musk - Dogecoin Super Bowl Commercial [Channel: Upshod]

>>>/qresearch/12843907 Cuomo changes course, allows elderly inmates to receive coronavirus vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12843932 Polish Police Disrupts Fake Medicines Trafficking Ring

>>>/qresearch/12843949 Mike Rowe: Americans Are Realizing "The Price Of Safety Is Devastating"

>>>/qresearch/12843954 Why Do Some American Flags Have Gold Fringe?

>>>/qresearch/12843968 Democratic Bill To Target Social Media Giants Over Failure To Police Threats

>>>/qresearch/12843980 I love America. Thinking about running for President. - Candace Owens

>>>/qresearch/12844010 Light it up!

>>>/qresearch/12844070 We're only 24 hours away from the big game!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207035455/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6a3a0c1464f1aa4c8024f3f9921cbdbd2d52b7f957d94b6e7e19865a67267291.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12844076 WaPo OpEd: China "sitting on answers" of pandemic's origin

>>>/qresearch/12844137, >>>/qresearch/12844141 ‘He’s clearly laying groundwork’: Hawley paves 2024 path

>>>/qresearch/12844209 'You're an embarrassment. You should resign': Furious Michigan voters tear into freshman Republican Rep. Peter Meijer for voting to impeach Trump during Zoom town hall

>>>/qresearch/12844256 Bizarre Portrait of Kamala Harris Installed on the National Mall

>>>/qresearch/12844259 80,000 people left Illinois last year

>>>/qresearch/12844260 If Trump asked me how to win again. I would run on being impeached twice. They are about to give him super powers.

>>>/qresearch/12844361 #16395

(24 notables, 26 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30042

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12844339 Q Research General #16396: We're only 24 hours away from the big game! Edition

Created 070008ZFEB21





VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UINDvaZqwqU - Former Director of the National Security Agency Ad [Channel: Issue One]

>>>/qresearch/12844523 Sports events coinciding with FF events? "The number of major sporting events on any given day of the year. Thinking stock market trends and FFs?"

>>>/qresearch/12844532, >>>/qresearch/12844561, >>>/qresearch/12844686, >>>/qresearch/12844693, >>>/qresearch/12844721, >>>/qresearch/12844744, >>>/qresearch/12844975, >>>/qresearch/12845054 Antifa Marching on DC Authorities Monitoring Closely - Chanting "BURN IT ALL DOWN!"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207040736/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4bc7a3487d36931a06940cd512839c7576901d9448d82588e2b859722f9c92a7.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207040939/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/85fae3bdf609f72d6204572b0456ebf36613f0e3ac31b122d22c61df9331b5b7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12844533 Top Democrat Senator Slams Biden: He’s Going In ‘Wrong’ Direction By Being ‘Strictly Partisan’

>>>/qresearch/12844549 Book reveals worst about ‘talented TV a–holes’ Mike Wallace, Chris Cuomo, more

>>>/qresearch/12844553 Sebastian Gorka: Biden's plan for the CIA and NSA - "Which way is the truth? Subject and verb transposition? Someone has a plan. I do not think it is Joe Biden"

>>>/qresearch/12844559 POTUS was the Keystone? Trust Rogers?

>>>/qresearch/12844564 SHARING FACTS LEADS TO CENSORSHIP? Apparently for Social Media: Gateway Pundit Suspended from Twitter After Announcing More Video of TCF Center Fraud Will Be Released in Coming Days

>>>/qresearch/12844570 FOOD FOR THOUGHT ~ Fooling Hitler: The Elaborate Ruse Behind D-Day - Hitler was by plays (even a fake HQ in castle in the north) fooled where D-day would habben, and when it would habben. Fast forward to now, same kind of play in effect past few years?

>>>/qresearch/12844571 Panic. Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release – Five Million Completed the Film

>>>/qresearch/12844580 Here Come the 'Climate Lockdowns'

>>>/qresearch/12844586 From using the Defense Production Act to contain COVID-19 to taking action to reunite families separated at the border — it was another busy week.

>>>/qresearch/12844593, >>>/qresearch/12844615, >>>/qresearch/12844643, >>>/qresearch/12844725, >>>/qresearch/12844843 Reuben Ass Sandwich Verastigul : Former Trump and GOP Aide Charged With Distributing Child Porn - DISTURBING

>>>/qresearch/12844596 Oh I was just making sure YOU knew teehee… “Which Executive Order?”; Jen Psaki Had No Idea That Biden Resumed Catch And Release On The Border [WATCH]

>>>/qresearch/12844604 America’s Political Prisoners First

>>>/qresearch/12844633 Minimum Wage? Self-Service Pays $0 Per Hour… With Absolutely No Benefits

>>>/qresearch/12844637 ,Breaking: US Supreme Court Schedules Pennsylvania Election Case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan Case and Lin Wood’s Georgia Case for Feb 19 Conference

>>>/qresearch/12844649 The Dangers of Hiking Alone in the Wilderness Without Proper Protection

>>>/qresearch/12844652 Award-winning teacher warns of new 'social justice' indoctrination. 'If alarm bells are not going off in your head right now, they should be'

>>>/qresearch/12844656, >>>/qresearch/12844713 "Fake Roger Stone Video Circulating"

>>>/qresearch/12844662 Catholic education's value shines during pandemic - Offers 'lifeline to hundreds of thousands of children'

>>>/qresearch/12844672 Ugly Bitch Liz Cheney becomes latest GOP lawmaker who voted to impeach Trump to get censured in home state

>>>/qresearch/12844676 Marines conduct an urban assault training exercise at the Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif.

>>>/qresearch/12844706 Ohio GOP Chairwoman Jane Timken resigns

>>>/qresearch/12844710 Puppy Comms

>>>/qresearch/12844712, >>>/qresearch/12844738 ALERT….CNN TONIGHT 9PM ET - CNN Special Report - INSIDE THE QANON CONSPIRACY ~ Check it out on: https://ustv247.tv/cnn-live-stream/ OH, ANNNND ITS GONE.

>>>/qresearch/12844724 Washington's Most Powerful, Least Famous People: John Durham is on the list.

>>>/qresearch/12844739, >>>/qresearch/12844890 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12844788 Twitter Permanently Suspends Jim Hoft, Proprietor of Conspiracy-Peddling Pro-Trump Blog, The Gateway Pundit

>>>/qresearch/12844872 U.S. Capitol unveils a new warning system that signals the building is under attack.

>>>/qresearch/12844906 Symbolism… Two House Republicans Introduce Bill Named After Ilhan Omar, Whose Campaign Paid Millions To Her Husband’s Firm

>>>/qresearch/12845009 White House says Joe Biden will NOT have the final say on whether Donald Trump can receive intelligence briefings after the president said he would ban his predecessor

>>>/qresearch/12845031 ''Trumpy Comfy As Fuck Son. Respect'

>>>/qresearch/12845038 Nikki Haley accuses Biden of ‘snubbing’ Israel and launching ‘Obama 2.0’ with Iran nuclear deal

>>>/qresearch/12845061 Lin Wood floats idea of podcast

>>>/qresearch/12845082 #16396

(36 notables, 51 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30043

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12845096 Q Research General #16397: Countdown Edition

Created 070150ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12845227 PB Rehash, Speaks Truth on Communism and COVID

>>>/qresearch/12845256 White House unites around simple message: Spend now to save the economy

>>>/qresearch/12845257 Rules For Ye, But Not Me… ‘Rules do not apply to her’: GOP accuses Pelosi of breaking metal detector rule but not facing $5,000 fine like Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12845274 BLM Civil Insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12845281 Trump to campaign against 10 pro-impeachment House Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12845282 Mo Brooks: Pelosi, House Democrats Covered by Panic, Paranoia, and Power — Willing to ‘Overreach,’ ‘Abuse Their Power’

>>>/qresearch/12845290, >>>/qresearch/12845303, >>>/qresearch/12845308, >>>/qresearch/12845309, >>>/qresearch/12845425, >>>/qresearch/12845484, >>>/qresearch/12845639, >>>/qresearch/12845665, >>>/qresearch/12845800 Puppy Comms? Cool Pillow… Cover for Token Dog Representative of Sacrifice made at location?? Weeeuuu wwweeeeee

>>>/qresearch/12845297 The U.S. condemns the expulsion today of three European diplomats from Russia for observing the January protests. This arbitrary and unjustified act is Russia's latest departure from its international obligations. We stand in solidarity with Germany, Poland, and Sweden.

>>>/qresearch/12845304 DCNF, Judicial Watch Take Fight For Biden’s Senate Records To Delaware Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/12845323 China’s Ministry of Education Plans to Tackle ‘Feminization of Male Youths’ as West Embraces LGBT Agenda

>>>/qresearch/12845339 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Journalist Andy Ngo on how Antifa wants to 'destroy democracy'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rqk7QEdc_Ao - Journalist Andy Ngo on how Antifa wants to u2018destroy democracyu2019 [Channel: Campus Reform]

>>>/qresearch/12845368 Snowy Owl caught on camera perched in Central Park after being spotted for 2nd week

>>>/qresearch/12845389 Kindergarten students ordered to mimic sexual acts in school bathroom

>>>/qresearch/12845399 BREAKING: Arizona Senate GOP All Back Arresting Maricopa County Board Of Trustees For Contempt

>>>/qresearch/12845414 Monkey Business Special w Garrett Ziegler 02.06.21 - White House staffer working in Peter Navarro's office

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=cYAMDYeazSs - Monkey Business Special w Garrett Ziegler 02.06.21 [Channel: Monkey Werx US]

>>>/qresearch/12845427 Confirmed: Obama’s ‘Ethics Czar’ Led the ‘Color Revolution’ Behind the 2020 US Election and Then Bragged About It

>>>/qresearch/12845461, >>>/qresearch/12845496 Cancel Culture at work. Unlawful Moves: Not Satisfied with Twitter Suspension of Gateway Pundit — Sleeping Giants Founder Matt Rivitz Calls on Shopify to Cancel TGP Account @slpng_giants

>>>/qresearch/12845465, >>>/qresearch/12845655 Leon Spinks, ex-heavyweight champ who upset Muhammad Ali, dies at 67

>>>/qresearch/12845480 Mis-Representation and Lawful Grounds toSUE For DEFAMATION! Get Em Roger!

>>>/qresearch/12845497 Time Magazine - hit piece on Trump - The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12845502 Get Em Rudy! President Biden is intending to deny President Trump security briefings. A real act designed to unite?

>>>/qresearch/12845517, >>>/qresearch/12845615 Keks + Truth

>>>/qresearch/12845519 Democrats Go Ape Over DC Violence While Ignoring Riots, Murder, And Mayhem Everywhere Else

>>>/qresearch/12845542, >>>/qresearch/12845612 STONKS! From Blomberg Terminal, $GME has not gone through the squeeze yet

>>>/qresearch/12845557 Biden trusts intelligence community & will let them decide on Trump’s access to briefings – White House

>>>/qresearch/12845570, >>>/qresearch/12845731 8 caught in Utah Avalanche, 4 Survive

>>>/qresearch/12845583 2 people reported missing & at least 5 injured after explosion partially demolishes building in Bordeaux, France

>>>/qresearch/12845603 "But it's comedy" Right… Now, who preaches mass delusion?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zhTbtqOJA08 - New Rule: America's Mass Delusion | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) [Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher]

>>>/qresearch/12845621 You Lose, You Lose! Judge Orders OAN to Pay Rachel Maddow and MSNBC $250,000 in Attorney Fees For Filing Frivolous Defamation Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12845651 Biblical prophecy fulfilled after car-size 'orange' meteorite falls into river, claims witness

>>>/qresearch/12845668 Hakeem Jeffries Scolds Burgess Owens for 'Lecturing' on Patriotism After Vote to Overturn Election

>>>/qresearch/12845679 Why are You Freely Allowing Yourself to be mined for data? We should be paid for this honestly…

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220816140838/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83298a38d358cbb3588f7abc29e7aa5dfbfc04796bef5ee5873c9aa778263f0e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12845717 Pray for the baby! Line coach and son of degas coach Andy Reid causes life threatening brain injury to little girl in drunk driving crash

>>>/qresearch/12845728 "Apparently Kushner is keeping Trump off social media."

>>>/qresearch/12845753 Those Damn Qannonners! D. A. C. [Curtis], a journalist and member of the early Theosophical Society, gave this account of an occasion when HPB was swapping ghost stories with Countess Paschkoff:

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RknsyrQTyas - Krystal Ball: Dems ABANDON Populism, Go ALL IN On QAnon For Midterms [Channel: The Hill]

>>>/qresearch/12845774 Goats seen catching waves while surfing in California

>>>/qresearch/12845803 "Why are all the Anti Democracy Types Pedophiles and FREAKS?!"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TI5K_y1A3-M - Senior #AntiTrump Republican staffer arrested by #DC police for operating a mass [Channel: Breakingology]

>>>/qresearch/12845864 #16397, #16398, #16399

(38 notables, 51 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30044

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12845824 Q Research General #16398: Countdown To.. Edition

Created 070335ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12845985 Here We Go Again… Daniel Scavino Jr. · One year ago today, below——Wouldn’t have ever imagined in a million years that we’d have to go through it all over again, a year later, as PRIVATE CITIZENS——but here we are! 🇺🇸🦅—Dan

>>>/qresearch/12845997 That Didn’t Take Long: US Borders Wide Open – Fake Asylum Seekers Walk Across Border and Are Immediately Released

>>>/qresearch/12846012 "Have you ever read the Paris Agreement? America and the UK are getting FUK'd!"

>>>/qresearch/12846014, >>>/qresearch/12846180 Book Deal Faggots FIGHT THE BULLSHIT!

>>>/qresearch/12846019 Assange sex abuse accuser steps out of the shadows and into controversy

>>>/qresearch/12846028, >>>/qresearch/12846170, >>>/qresearch/12846173, >>>/qresearch/12846272 Jeanne Winnick Brennan - Now connection to a Ham Radio system for Little St. James Island

>>>/qresearch/12846064 German Nuns Sold Orphans For Gang Bangs and Orgies With Priests and Businessmen - Report

>>>/qresearch/12846071 Secretive international banking group may enforce Great Reset ‘green’ agenda on world

>>>/qresearch/12846089, >>>/qresearch/12846127, >>>/qresearch/12846137 Germany: Catholic Church child abuse scandal widens ~ Nuns sold orphaned children to priests, businessmen to serve as sex slaves, new confidential report reveals Anyone remember the drops about mother Theresa?

>>>/qresearch/12846110 Nevada Bill Would Bring Back the 'Company Town' With a Big Tech, Big Brother Twist

>>>/qresearch/12846136 Grace & Peace

>>>/qresearch/12846152 Another Voting Machine Lawsuit, Cascade Effect in play NY 22

>>>/qresearch/12846192 A comedian who hosts a news satire program decides to run for president, and a computerized voting machine malfunction gets him elected…

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=3qbhKVxPEzs - Man of the Year (2006) Official Trailer #1 - Robin Williams Movie HD [Channel: Movieclips Classic Trailers]

>>>/qresearch/12846231 Elon Musk: Time to tell the story of Tesla & SpaceX ~ Of Earth and Mars - Lessons Learned

>>>/qresearch/12846286 What the absolute FUCK! Jennifer Horn's goal at the Lincoln Project, was to establish immediate and long-term financial security. $250k signing and $40k per month

>>>/qresearch/12846332 Biden To Remove Ansar Allah Terrorist Designation (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/12846372 ClockAnon Analyzations

>>>/qresearch/12846419 Earthquake of magnitude 6 jolts Mindanao, Philippines, reports say

>>>/qresearch/12846504 "Church of Satan denounces Big Tech in hilarious tweet"

>>>/qresearch/12846531 Daniel Scavino Jr. · “Trump's defense team will show clips of Democrats urging violence in 2020”

>>>/qresearch/12846607 Super Mario – Trying to Prevent ITALEXIT (Italy Exiting EU)

>>>/qresearch/12846608 Gov. Jared Polis Tells Wyoming Governor ‘Hands Off Weld County’The response comes after Gordon told KOA News radio earlier this week he supports a fringe movement planning to petition to get a ballot initiative to explore the idea of Weld County seceding from Colorado to become part of Wyoming.

>>>/qresearch/12846624 #16398

(23 notables, 29 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30045

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12846643 Q Research General #16399: Countdown Two Edition

Created 070541ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12846740 "We must appeal to the QAnnonners sir…" Biden already back in Delaware – Just 17 days after tearful goodbye…

>>>/qresearch/12846763 Combat the Negative Frequencies! Tune into some jams or some informational stimulating programming to lessen influence

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207084144/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2a160977566321e17f8b29b365aee10ed0f0afa2b5067f4be9e179c61ab2714e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12846806 Ready for a rabbit hole? Lurk the official Biden discord to see how they coordinate to discredit Q and spread feminization propaganda to young vulnerable

>>>/qresearch/12846825 Don't do this to your family, Please. 'Hug tent' provides safe embraces at Colorado assisted living center

>>>/qresearch/12846847 tell the man about the great awakening Negotiator!

>>>/qresearch/12846855, >>>/qresearch/12847323 GEORGE @ 17th story TT? +

>>>/qresearch/12846865, >>>/qresearch/12846907, >>>/qresearch/12847008 Vatican Keystone?

>>>/qresearch/12846878 General John Hyten again or has this been disproven anons?

>>>/qresearch/12846888 Liasons from Europe? California's Newsom met online with Harry, Meghan just before US electionThe Democrat's office refused to reveal what was discussed in the chat. It was listed as an "introductory meeting"

>>>/qresearch/12846900, >>>/qresearch/12846908, >>>/qresearch/12846920 Important Things to Remember ~ BOTH SIDES!

>>>/qresearch/12846903 The Swamp from 120k Ft. Share this one with your heavily indoctrinated friends and family. It will get them thinking.

>>>/qresearch/12846925 X22 Reports

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=l05EVStprkA - u201cDo not concede that bottle of wine.u201d [Channel: sparkgap]

>>>/qresearch/12846956, >>>/qresearch/12847080, >>>/qresearch/12847206 GET INVOLVED! BE AN ACTIVE CITIZEN! Model Your chosen vice PROPERLY if must. The FF were not exactly Straight edge. + How TO GET INVOLVED! Find out Who your Secretary of State is, they count the votes (Publicly - See Baking instructions above or in Kitchen Dough Meta for more Private Work…)

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210207084538/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0452d113ba5bb2d8572e1f7843e902abf6249acaf12a0ff46ba85b163c2b8746.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12847079, >>>/qresearch/12847134, >>>/qresearch/12847169 PF Reports, We Had 1 PF up Westside Earlier Endcap of LB if you care to examine anon…

>>>/qresearch/12847082 WH up late…

>>>/qresearch/12847122, >>>/qresearch/12847139, >>>/qresearch/12847141, >>>/qresearch/12847145 an anons Chastisement "There is No Love Without chastisement…"

>>>/qresearch/12847220 Michigan House passes COVID-19 recovery plan, would also limit Whitmer's powers

>>>/qresearch/12847225 Remember When You Started Here, Remember Why. Do Not Forget

>>>/qresearch/12847226 "Very clear to me that, fundamentally, Rogers is now cooperating to save his ass."

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Mi6hRCCCZ7c - The William Binney AMA tour: Leave no questions unanswered [Channel: LaRouchePAC Videos]

>>>/qresearch/12847257, >>>/qresearch/12847267, >>>/qresearch/12847278, >>>/qresearch/12847290, >>>/qresearch/12847305, >>>/qresearch/12847312, >>>/qresearch/12847321, >>>/qresearch/12847333, >>>/qresearch/12847344, >>>/qresearch/12847363, >>>/qresearch/12847374, >>>/qresearch/12847390, >>>/qresearch/12847399, >>>/qresearch/12847433 "What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 1+2)" 'Independent Opinion'

>>>/qresearch/12847296 LB They setup a gofundme for the little girl. Because Britt would have to admit guilt in order to help the little girl he nearly killed.

>>>/qresearch/12847341, >>>/qresearch/12847389 This is Joe's America?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207123444/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/36b92377bacc387f4850e96fc7ca5a4c234190e98858df2373a52b3506d43fb9.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12847367 DC firefighter crawls into storm drain to rescue dog. The dog, named Brady, was stuck in the drain, which was about 2 feet in diameter, The Washington Post reported. The firefighter chosen to retrieve the Lab, Matt Owen of D.C. Rescue Squad 2, was the slimmest member of the rescue squad, the newspaper reported.

>>>/qresearch/12847413 Reminder to all you shills posting your fucking fears here. Better here than there though one could concur.

>>>/qresearch/12847445 #16399, #16400, #16401

(25 notables, 51 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30046

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12847455 Q Research General #16400: Oh; So, You Thought This Was Gonna Be Another Countdown Edition? Edition

Created 070818ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12847576 Manufactured Concensus? Or Genuine? Tens of thousands of people rallied across Myanmar on Sunday to denounce last week’s coup and demand the release of elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi, in the biggest protests since the 2007 Saffron Revolution that helped spur a transition to democracy.

>>>/qresearch/12847592, >>>/qresearch/12847616, >>>/qresearch/12847624, >>>/qresearch/12847629, >>>/qresearch/12847642, >>>/qresearch/12847650, >>>/qresearch/12847665, >>>/qresearch/12847674, >>>/qresearch/12847697, >>>/qresearch/12847716, >>>/qresearch/12847738, >>>/qresearch/12847747, >>>/qresearch/12847760, >>>/qresearch/12847784, >>>/qresearch/12847815 What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (Part 3+4) Think Critically+Calling out of Disinformation Agents Posting Childish memes that have no business associating with the information presented. Typical Disinformation Agents. Good Work

>>>/qresearch/12847598, >>>/qresearch/12848140 Himalayan glacier bursts in India, triggers flood, villages evacuatedNEW DELHI (Reuters) - India put many of its northern districts on high alert on Sunday after the "breaking of a part" of a Himalayan glacier, officials said, with people being evacuated due to rising water levels on a river that the glacier feeds.

>>>/qresearch/12847617, >>>/qresearch/12847639 Fake and gay hype? or Legit? Anons saw Spotlight memes posted earlier yesterday. Connected? Perhaps… Hunt down the post and Ill throw it up there…

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207124342/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/213b1150294fc4796412d7e8a592c2b506a48aba0afe9abb839f5da3da554d59.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12847640 Taiwan punishes Deutsche Bank, others in currency speculation caseTAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's central bank said on Sunday it hadbanned Deutsche Bank from trading Taiwan dollar deliverable and non-deliverable forwards and suspended it for two years from trading forex derivativesas part of a crackdown on speculation.

>>>/qresearch/12847660 "The Annunciation"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=b0eeidrMxPk - | Annunciation | Sophia Musik [Channel: Sophia Musik]

>>>/qresearch/12847711 State Sponsored Human Trafficking. Just Like The Good Ol Days Right?

>>>/qresearch/12847754, >>>/qresearch/12848057 Jack is acting Like Zuck…Twitter permanently bans Gateway Pundit…

>>>/qresearch/12847767 Myanmar is Trending in East Hemisphere as Peak Activity Time Approaches

>>>/qresearch/12847794 Play Stupid Games… Was it a Prank for a video? or…?

>>>/qresearch/12847822 Minivan with 2 children inside stolen while father delivers DoorDash order in San Francisco

>>>/qresearch/12847866 China-launches-3rd-Type-075-Carrier

>>>/qresearch/12848011 Phase 1 trial of Israeli covid-19 cure proves effective in 96pc of tested cases – report

>>>/qresearch/12848021 'SNL' reimagines Super Bowl commercials in the age of Covid-19 - One advertiser tells viewers to get a cold, refreshing "second dose."

>>>/qresearch/12848038 The Arizona State Senate unveiled a resolution to arrest election officials in Maricopa County for obstructing an audit of 2020 elections.

>>>/qresearch/12848045 It’s Been One Month to the Day and Americans Still Don’t Know Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt

>>>/qresearch/12848069 Hubris: Elites brazenly gloat they rigged election…and that's good news for us

>>>/qresearch/12848075 Rigging the Election for China and Profit

>>>/qresearch/12848085 Kek…. Dominion Lawyer Says They ‘Warned’ OAN Not to Air Mike Lindell Doc

>>>/qresearch/12848108 UPDATE: Don Jr. Speaks Out; “Here’s What Comes Next For Our Amazing Movement” "An article crafted to 'associate him later' in other future articles?"

>>>/qresearch/12848128 New York Times Sneers at Religion of President Trump's Impeachment Lawyer

>>>/qresearch/12848162 MA Climate Czar Says the Quiet Part out Loud in Private Meeting: We Must 'Break Your Will'

>>>/qresearch/12848168 Column: What can you do about the Trumpites next door?

>>>/qresearch/12848172 LB Fox News is in a race with itself to the bottom': Lou Dobbs retweets fans attacking network for cancelling his high-rated show after voting firm Smartmatic filed $2.7billion lawsuit, and thanks Trump for his support

>>>/qresearch/12848257 Must see: Explosive video exposes MI6 links to Alexei Navalny

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6TaG7jOlRmI - Must see: Explosive video exposes MI6 links to Alexei Navalny [Channel: RT America]

>>>/qresearch/12848299 #16400, #16401, #16402

(26 notables, 43 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30047

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12848316 Q Research General #16401: Oh; So, You Thought That Was The Final, Final Countdown Edition? Edition

Created 071109ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12848377 ‘SNL’: Weekend Update Fires Shots At Marjorie Taylor Greene, “Former Social Media Influencer” Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/12848427 The Official Overseeing Biden's Daily Briefings Previously Defended The CIA's False Intelligence About Torture

>>>/qresearch/12848452 Biden ends agreements to send asylum-seekers to Central American countries

>>>/qresearch/12848511 Why Are Inexpensive, Generic Outpatient COVID-19 Treatments Being Suppressed?

>>>/qresearch/12848521 History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind PDF

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20220307031949/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b5569e0de32cf32e7bbbe5475cc68018621ec274f6feb95de5c14ce58b39c33d.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12848529 Some of Dan The Man's recent Facebook posts and links to the articles….

>>>/qresearch/12848545 bidan revives decades old claim that he was "shot at" on overseas trip

>>>/qresearch/12848625 How Fox News Primetime Jacked Up Trump’s ‘Big Lie’

>>>/qresearch/12848673 Extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene are the real face of the new Republican party

>>>/qresearch/12848753 8488e5: "Im actually about to e-bake one ahead with no notes just to give a little leeway."

>>>/qresearch/12848806 extraneous extra bread reported for lock

>>>/qresearch/12848812 Trump’s attorneys have the perfect troll tactic for the impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12848817 Trump's Defense Team Will Use Sham Impeachment Trial to Show Clips of Democrats Encouraging Political Violence

>>>/qresearch/12848832, >>>/qresearch/12849043 WATCH: Mike Lindell Has Sudden ‘Epiphany’ And Says He Will Sue Dominion And Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/12848838 lurk more, you'd be surprised how many notes i have collected

>>>/qresearch/12848879, >>>/qresearch/12848889 (You) got a current baker, you sure you want to pursue this gaslight ploy in front of God and everybody?

>>>/qresearch/12848895 Yahoo: Tens of thousands rally in growing protests against Myanmar coup

>>>/qresearch/12848981 CNN Repeatedly Claimed Capitol Officer Sicknick Died Due to a Fire Extinguisher Hit… Now They’ve Quietly Admitted That May Not be True.

>>>/qresearch/12849016 The Grand Old QAnon Party: Fringe with benefits

>>>/qresearch/12849047 Many dying in israel following the experimental pfizer covid mrna injection

>>>/qresearch/12849057 Prosecutors Call for Mother of Eight to Be Held in Jail Indefinitely for Her Role in Storming the US Capitol in January

>>>/qresearch/12849068 Anons bun #16401

>>>/qresearch/12849154 #16401

(23 notables, 25 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30048

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12848762 Q Research General #16403: Countdown To End Of E-Bakes Edition

Created 071327ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12848883 HANDOFF CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/12849077 Houthi rebels aren't terrorists, Trump supporters are

>>>/qresearch/12849143 Bruce L. Castor Jr., one of Trump's lawyers, is 33 degree Scottish Rite Master Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner

>>>/qresearch/12849155 #16401 posted in #16402

>>>/qresearch/12849202, >>>/qresearch/12849314 Optics

>>>/qresearch/12849204 BREAKING! Police negotiating with man armed AK-47 in downtown Atlanta

>>>/qresearch/12849226 PUPPY BOWL

>>>/qresearch/12849260 India floods: Scores missing after glacier smashes Uttarakhand dam

>>>/qresearch/12849269 Torba finally comes clean that the letter he posted to RealDonalTrump on Gab was posted by HIM and NOT DJT.

>>>/qresearch/12849298 Qmapfag Chimes in

>>>/qresearch/12849332 Mike Lindell Has Sudden Epiphany And Says He Will Sue Dominion And Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/12849337 Wouldn't all Americans who were harmed by Dominion be allowed to participate in a class action lawsuit?

>>>/qresearch/12849352 Former senate republican rnc staffer arrested on child porn charges.

>>>/qresearch/12849387 Trump to campaign against 10 pro-impeachment House Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12849388 RashidaTlaib was at home when the Capitol was breached suffering from covid vaccine reaction

>>>/qresearch/12849408 Clinton/Maxwell/Roberts OPTICS (Link Drop) Caps

>>>/qresearch/12849414, >>>/qresearch/12849427, >>>/qresearch/12849543 Caps and Optics anons

>>>/qresearch/12849473, >>>/qresearch/12849556 @Planefags

>>>/qresearch/12849487 Alberto Fujimori - wiki

>>>/qresearch/12849502, >>>/qresearch/12849511 Exposed Email Logs Show 8kun Owner in Contact With QAnon Influencers and Enthusiasts

>>>/qresearch/12849531 Failed screenwriter from new jersey behind one of qanons most influential personas

>>>/qresearch/12849622 Iran: US must lift sanctions before it lives up to nuke deal

>>>/qresearch/12849624 Joe Biden is already putting the brakes on several campaign promises

>>>/qresearch/12849660 Authorfag chimes in

>>>/qresearch/12849663 Democrats reportedly looking into creating a narrative about roger stone and the oath keepers.

>>>/qresearch/12849688 The Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County May Soon Face Arrest as Arizona Senate Fast Tracks Their Contempt Vote

>>>/qresearch/12849733 Greensboro shooting - 2 ded

>>>/qresearch/12849747 https://factba.se/biden/calendar/ (keep watching)

>>>/qresearch/12849754 Pray for one another (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/12849788 Reminder Speaker 'Lube Rack' is in the house. (cap)

>>>/qresearch/12849806 'Trump's DC hotel is hiking prices for March 4 - the day QAnon followers think the former president will be sworn in'

>>>/qresearch/12849828, >>>/qresearch/12849975 INFORMATION WARFARE (Monitor Results)

>>>/qresearch/12849847 TOOLS

>>>/qresearch/12849858 Signaling? Ice cream truck, (pic related)

>>>/qresearch/12849888, >>>/qresearch/12850001 KEKD AND CHQT (Archived Offline)

>>>/qresearch/12849902 It’s been five months since Joe Boever was fatally struck on a remote highway, and the demand for answers is growing.

>>>/qresearch/12849904, >>>/qresearch/12850119, >>>/qresearch/12850122 Reminder, Loretta Lynch’sand US Senate DemocratsDisturbing Video Calls for Blood and Death

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Cgq3ww9v_ig - AG Loretta Lynch & Senate Dems Sanction Insurrection, Treason, Sedition & Violen [Channel: Black & Blonde Media]

>>>/qresearch/12849937 BREAKING: Former President Trump’s defense team will show videos of Democrats urging violence in 2020 during the Senate impeachment trial this week -The Washington Times

>>>/qresearch/12849978 Virus Variant First Found in Britain Now Spreading Rapidly in U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12850012 Pope Francis has appointed two women to Vatican posts previously held only by men

>>>/qresearch/12850019 WATCH THE WATER (Run Red)

>>>/qresearch/12850022 G. FLYNN Keep the bottle closed (Vid)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207190217/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/dd3691e6b5528736d26e586a6d5d560253babc8393c3ef0f3c63504bc1cd55ca.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12850063 Reminder 6.5T Missing from Defense Dept

>>>/qresearch/12850077 Back to color revolutions?

>>>/qresearch/12850078 Dunant Submarine Cable System, First to Use SDM Technology

>>>/qresearch/12850111 All the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained. (Chq'm)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207190310/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9f5070a4f5363c1aab627674a7b1118fe62d154e8eccea106ab974901467032a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12850149 Moves and Counter Moves (Meme)

>>>/qresearch/12850198 What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (Part 3+4)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-aDHORxBmOA - Shakin' All Over [Channel: The Guess Who - Topic]

>>>/qresearch/12850308 NYP - Watch Springsteen's 'ReUnited States of America' (Or Not)

>>>/qresearch/12850311 BUSH’S PROJECT HAMMER AND THE 9/11 DECEPTION

>>>/qresearch/12850316, >>>/qresearch/12850324 Walls coming apart?? OPTICS ANONS

>>>/qresearch/12850320 Here's just the 50 sec video of lynch without all the other BS

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bcQs8_Uk04I - WATCH: Fmr AG Loretta Lynch alludes to blood and death on streets; Says rights b [Channel: Renee Nal]

>>>/qresearch/12850336 Biden claims america back Pompeo shreds in just 1 mic dropping line.

>>>/qresearch/12850400 #16403, #16404, #16405

(54 notables, 64 posts, 82 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30049

File: cadde5976593007⋯.jpg (424.22 KB,812x647,812:647,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12850383 Q Research General #16404: DONT SPLIT THE DOUGH - CONFIRM HANDOFFS Edition

Created 071740ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12850445 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/12850447, >>>/qresearch/12850501

>>>/qresearch/12850561 Democrats Worry Special Counsel John Durham Will Tie Biden’s Hands, ‘Settle Old Scores’ on Russia

>>>/qresearch/12850566 Check out the @usairforce "Be the QB" display at the #SuperBowlLV Experience

>>>/qresearch/12850600 HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. A number of parents in Highlands Ranch have been told to take down yard signs honoring their high school seniors.

>>>/qresearch/12850654 501 Deaths + 10,748 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show

>>>/qresearch/12850681 Oregon - 'See Something, Say Something Online Act' Punishes Big Tech for Not Snitching

>>>/qresearch/12850718 Congress mulls tightening eligibility for stimulus checks

>>>/qresearch/12850724 New York Times: UAE hired NSA hackers to spy on Qatar

>>>/qresearch/12850734 Covid 'is a gift that keeps on giving': Labour shadow attorney general is caught on tape saying pandemic is GOOD for rich

>>>/qresearch/12850740 U.S. Navy controls inventions that claim to change "fabric of reality"

>>>/qresearch/12850742 Indian army’s special forces on standby as rescue operation underway after glacier disaster

>>>/qresearch/12850772 Sleeping Giants’ Anonymous Founder Unmasked; Top Ad Writer Behind Boycott Campaign Targeting Breitbart, Ingraham

>>>/qresearch/12850782, >>>/qresearch/12850946 George Shultz, 60th US Secretary of State, dies aged 100

>>>/qresearch/12850814 Kamala Harris signed letter in May against ICC's ‘dangerous politicization'

>>>/qresearch/12850825 #16403 and #16402 Late Notables (Thanks Gerbil)

>>>/qresearch/12850828 Government waste critic: Deceased will get stimulus checks under Biden $1.9T stimulus plan

>>>/qresearch/12850833 BREAKING: FBI raiding homes of Trump supporters who were not inside Capitol, inclg DEA agent who had gun & credentials confiscated

>>>/qresearch/12850853, >>>/qresearch/12851020 Walls on the Biden Oval Office set coming apart???

>>>/qresearch/12850859 Torba finally comes clean that the letter he posted to RealDonalTrump on Gab was posted by HIM and NOT DJT.

>>>/qresearch/12850874, >>>/qresearch/12851352 NOT RUSH'S It was actually Letters To The Editors, combined

>>>/qresearch/12850877 Board Owner - I swear bakers are the most dramatic niggers on the internet

>>>/qresearch/12850886 ECB's Lagarde Says Cancelling Covid Debts 'Unthinkable'

>>>/qresearch/12850896 Military Situation In Syria On February 7, 2021 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/12850942 UK weather: Storm Darcy brings snowfall and gale-force winds

>>>/qresearch/12850945 'Child Sex Pizza at Hillary's Pizzeria': SNL Lampoons Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory in 'Super Bowl Ad'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U9tL0CqmwqI - Super Bowl Pre-game Show Cold Open - SNL [Channel: Saturday Night Live]

>>>/qresearch/12850968 Nevada giving big tech Governmental authority?

>>>/qresearch/12851025 Revealed: Queen lobbied for change in law to hide her private wealth

>>>/qresearch/12851043 'It gave me hope that my boy is back': Biden fights back tears as he gushes about Hunter's upcoming memoir about his drug abuse

>>>/qresearch/12851066 ISRAELI PM NETANYAHU TRIAL at 9am Israel-time tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/12851073 Trump’s Efforts to Fight Sex Trafficking Made ‘Incredible Impact

>>>/qresearch/12851085 Iran’s Supreme Leader Declares ‘Post-US Era Has Started’ As World Paradigm Shatters Under Biden

>>>/qresearch/12851114 Dominion Spox Laughs Off Mike Lindell’s Legal Threat: ‘He’s Begging to Be Sued… and We May Oblige Him’

>>>/qresearch/12851159 Real anons are tracking what's going on in the real world, not paying attention to the stupid as hell baker war distraction op.

>>>/qresearch/12851172 Kitten bowl live on hallmark

>>>/qresearch/12851189, >>>/qresearch/12851251 Rudy Giuliani - Antifa and BLM attack DC like they helped organize the January 6 attack on Congress.

>>>/qresearch/12851193 Israel to Brief Hundreds of Defense Officials, Fearing They May Be Arrested After ICC Ruling

>>>/qresearch/12851194 The "S.4758 - See Something, Say Something Online Act of 2020" 116th Congress (2019-2020) was introduced but died in committee. Thank God!

>>>/qresearch/12851201 Election was OUTRIGHT STOLEN from President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12851208 Biden: U.S. won't lift sanctions until Iran halts uranium enrichment

>>>/qresearch/12851233 Publisher Silver Sprocket recently announced their upcoming graphic novel The Antifa Super-Soldier Cookbook.

>>>/qresearch/12851247 Jews fear Marjorie Taylor Greene will lead America’s ‘antisemitic resistance’

>>>/qresearch/12851256 Experts report the Super Bowl is one of the largest human trafficking event in the world

>>>/qresearch/12851258 The most voted for President in history gets no traction on Social Media?

>>>/qresearch/12851303 Liz Cheney On with Chris Wallace speaking about Q and Anons - Anon report

>>>/qresearch/12851304 India's elite Marine Commandos to the rescue (glacier disaster)

>>>/qresearch/12851310 Ted Cruz - Don't know how to report on things now that Biden is president? Check our handy guide for journalists: (Babylon Bee RT)

>>>/qresearch/12851313 A new 'invite only' social media platform called 'Clubhouse'

>>>/qresearch/12851319 Anon opines - 'Name ONE country that taxes their people and sends that money to America, I'll wait…'

>>>/qresearch/12851322 White House pushes to get Press questions in advance of Press Conferences.

>>>/qresearch/12851409 #16404

(51 notables, 56 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30050

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12849073 Q Research General #16402: BEWARE EARLY FAKE EBAKES Edition

Created 071416ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12849160 Bruce L. Castor Jr., one of Trump's lawyers, is 33 degree Scottish Rite Master Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner

>>>/qresearch/12849164 Biden is de-listing the Houthi rebels of Yemen as a terrorist organization

>>>/qresearch/12849240, >>>/qresearch/12850123 Lin Wood Says “The Kraken” Is Securely Saved In United States v. Ryan Dark White

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211101040820/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8778e4ff52a094eca1dfb9ad287ca0e22c88fe3a17f0d097e32a945c271109d2.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12849286 Kevin Corke: over 1000 detained for illegal border crossing now released into country

>>>/qresearch/12849300 Impeachment trial starts at 1 pm EST tomorrow and nobody even knows the rules yet.

>>>/qresearch/12849336 Reminder the Super Bowl is today, but we may not know the real winner for days or even weeks

>>>/qresearch/12849360 (You) note that like any abuser, Grvl says we brought it on ourselves.

>>>/qresearch/12849365 PF question for PFs

>>>/qresearch/12849405 The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta

>>>/qresearch/12849411, >>>/qresearch/12849724 Biden Puts Americans in the Dark by Revoking Ability to Reject Refugee Dumping in Their Communities (from 5 Feb)

>>>/qresearch/12849450 reminder that mirco took over the wikileaks account on 10/24/16

>>>/qresearch/12849563, >>>/qresearch/12850165 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less ( GLOBALS NOMINATED )

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12849738 looked at a couple of the Inauguration Videos and Noticed some very weird things that will need Continued EYES.

>>>/qresearch/12849745 Pray for one another.

>>>/qresearch/12849755, >>>/qresearch/12849775 REPORT: Andrew Gillum’s Sexual Affairs With Male Escort Were More Extensive Than First Claimed

>>>/qresearch/12849791 Gee Whiz fact about the construction of our Buildings in DC.

>>>/qresearch/12849803 Monsters under your bed are REAL! (Vid)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210207183119/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c376a0c66435d61b01ce0ad705b8e95b29203fbbd4f6c912e4f12ecd95806284.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12849830 USA INC CH 11 BANKRUPTCY

>>>/qresearch/12849832 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/12849844 TOOLS

>>>/qresearch/12849850, >>>/qresearch/12849864, >>>/qresearch/12849907 CAPS


>>>/qresearch/12849938 Reminder, About 730 deaths and 8 cases of spontaneous abortion recorded by EUDRA following Pfizer vaccination.

>>>/qresearch/12849941 The Democrats Are Pursuing a Palpatine Strategy

>>>/qresearch/12849946, >>>/qresearch/12849969, >>>/qresearch/12849999 BREAKING: JAMES CLAPPER INTERROGATED TELLS ALL AND HE NAMES NAMES. PENCE,ROD IN ON THE CORRUPTION. (Quads says its Clapper)

>>>/qresearch/12849949 Reminder, House Dems block for 80th time born-alive bill requiring care for botched-abortion survivors

>>>/qresearch/12849950 Crusade Prayer (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/12849986 Feb. 4, 2021 Senate Democrats Block Amendment to Stop Infanticide, Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions

>>>/qresearch/12849997 Pizzas by Elizabeths. (DIG)

>>>/qresearch/12850034 Anons Do Not Care of Baker Wars (STOP DOUGH SPLITTING)

>>>/qresearch/12850054 I have all the audio recording from his testimony that Lin Wood posted on Telegram (This is not Clapper!)

>>>/qresearch/12850056 Reminder, Loretta Lynch’s Disturbing Video Calls for Blood and Death

>>>/qresearch/12850082 Dunant Submarine Cable System, First to Use SDM Technology.

>>>/qresearch/12850108 Meme idea: V for Vendetta: The Dominoes Fall

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yrwTDfdck7I - V for Vendetta: The Dominoes Fall [Channel: 55blahh55]

>>>/qresearch/12850142 Reminder, Dr Fauci FAKES his Vaccine injection - indicates WRONG arm in interview.

>>>/qresearch/12850208 Former CIA Director and Never-Trumper Michael Hayden Happy Biden Is Considering Withholding Intel Briefings from President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12850213 Was Gen McKenzie one of the generals standing with Trump for the calm before storm picture?

>>>/qresearch/12850214 Gov. DeSantis Is First US Leader to Challenge Far Left Tech Monopolies

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6H5Rl2aX9sk - Gov. DeSantis on Tech Giants: "It's Consumer Fraud - Will Deplatform Conservativ [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>>/qresearch/12850229 150 Missing After Glacier Collapse Causes Himalayan Tsunami In Northern India

>>>/qresearch/12850240 Biden puts US in standoff with Iran.

>>>/qresearch/12850254 Technocrats Everywhere: Central Bankers as Political Saviors

>>>/qresearch/12850264 Hundreds march through Copenhagen to protest Covid-19 lockdown & plans for vaccination passports

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zqWXjGurbP4 - Lit-torch march | Hundreds protest against 'vaccine passports' in Copenhagen [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12850275 Anti-White, Impeachment “Witness” from Facebook Board who Mocked Barron Trump Joins Biden Justice Dept

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=d0GfOYxeIrk - Dem Constitutional Lawyer Karlan Attacks White People in Speech [Channel: Raheem Kassam]

>>>/qresearch/12850286 Body of former Omaha mayor’s daughter found weeks after disappearance

>>>/qresearch/12850303 After Escaping Jail the First Time, Fmr. DARE Cop Arrested AGAIN for Making Child Porn

>>>/qresearch/12850305 Mil Check #Fly Navy

>>>/qresearch/12850314 TORBA: ‘Dopey Advisors Like Jared Kushner’ Are Blocking Trump From Using Gab

>>>/qresearch/12850348 Delingpole: Study Disputes That Earth Is in a ‘Climate Emergency’

>>>/qresearch/12850358 Greek PM Unhappy with German Sale of Attack Submarines to Turkey

>>>/qresearch/12850367 Useful Idiot: Labour MP Nominates Communist Cuba’s Slave Doctor Regime for Nobel Prize

>>>/qresearch/12850415 AP Poll: 65% Of Republicans Say Biden Was Not Legitimately Elected

>>>/qresearch/12850431 #16402

(52 notables, 60 posts, 75 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30051

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12851424 Q Research General #16405: BO Is Right You Know - Bakers Are Drama Queens Edition

Created 071941ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12851444 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12851495, >>>/qresearch/12851509 More on Burma coup

>>>/qresearch/12851500 Taxpayer $$$ spent on protecting NFL merchandising profits

>>>/qresearch/12851538 GOP House pickup by Judge overturning the election

>>>/qresearch/12851556, >>>/qresearch/12851855 Fake poll by CNN on Q and Anons - PANIC

>>>/qresearch/12851565 Flashback attempted assassination on President Trump - Q Post 2807

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220423231347/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cac973b7db3c66ecddf56ea2caac8e9f4684f6931534f8e1e628f8cec567a33d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12851567, >>>/qresearch/12851647 Guinness Super Bowl Commercial: "The Best Is Yet To Com

>>>/qresearch/12851578 Rantz: Gary Ridgway, inmates in process of receiving COVID vaccines, well before your grandparents

>>>/qresearch/12851583 Ohio Rep draws primary challenger after voting to impeach Trump

>>>/qresearch/12851601, >>>/qresearch/12851853 Biden Executive Order Recommends Fines from $250 to $1,500 for Violating TSA Mask Mandate

>>>/qresearch/12851607 Mike Lindell's 'Absolute Proof' links

>>>/qresearch/12851614 FBI looking for victims of Pedo ring ran by NY man

>>>/qresearch/12851617 Republican lawmakers are stepping up pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, alleging her use of a secret entrance at the Capitol violated her own metal detector screening rules

>>>/qresearch/12851625 “It’s Consumer Fraud – They Will Deplatform a Conservative But Allow Ayatollah Khamenei!” – Gov. DeSantis Is First US Leader to Challenge Far Left Tech Monopolies

>>>/qresearch/12851644 The head of the social media company CloutHub this week defended publishing a video by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell in which he presented alleged proof of election fraud.

>>>/qresearch/12851655 New bill allows state to ignore Joe Biden's executive orders Requires constitutional review of presidential actions

>>>/qresearch/12851669, >>>/qresearch/12851699, >>>/qresearch/12852099, >>>/qresearch/12852259

>>>/qresearch/12851674 Report: Russia memos declassified by Trump still concealed Transparency goal being thwarted in Washington

>>>/qresearch/12851680 Capitol False Flag EXPOSED

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12851693 Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters march through DC surrounding diners, skirmishing with police, and chanting 'burn it down'

>>>/qresearch/12851708 Talking politics during Super Bowl sit-down will 'backfire' on Biden: Presidential historian

>>>/qresearch/12851732 Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) told CBS Miami he would not rule out a run against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in 2022.

>>>/qresearch/12851738 The investigation into hush money paid to conceal former President Donald Trump's alleged affairs with Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels has not been resuscitated since he left office.

>>>/qresearch/12851753 Senior Dems Plan $3K Per Child Stimulus Starting July

>>>/qresearch/12851758 Attempted Haiti coup?

>>>/qresearch/12851774 Democrat Shill Bruce Springsteen in Super Bowl Ad by Jeep Calls for ‘Meeting in the Middle’ of ‘ReUnited States of America’ after he Proclaimed ‘New American Resistance’ to Trump

>>>/qresearch/12851834 Rep. Omar's campaign reportedly funded 80 percent of her husband's consulting firm

>>>/qresearch/12851886 Donald Trump Banned From Future Readmission to SAG-AFTRA

>>>/qresearch/12851905 Dems Target USPS Gen. DeJoy Under Biden Reform Agenda

>>>/qresearch/12851925 LAPDOG: Marco Rubio Unveils Law That Would Ban Guns For Anyone Ever Investigated For ‘Domestic Terrorism’

>>>/qresearch/12851930 Border Agents Release Migrants Into US in Shift From Trump

>>>/qresearch/12851934 Trump Lawyers To Use Videos Of Democrats Inciting Violence During Impeachment Defense

>>>/qresearch/12851941 "There Is No Modern Precedent": American Murder Rate Soars 30% In 2020

>>>/qresearch/12851962 Intelligencer - What If the COVID Pandemic Never Really Ends?

>>>/qresearch/12851972, >>>/qresearch/12852139 Army tweet comms - US Army - Enjoy the game.

>>>/qresearch/12851990 Lawmakers lay blame on Trump over riot as second impeachment trial looms

>>>/qresearch/12851993 Seven years to return to normal after China Virus?

>>>/qresearch/12852003 French court finds France failed to meet its own Paris Agreement climate commitments

>>>/qresearch/12852006 The New York Times Succumbed to Another Mob. Journalism Is Unrecognizable

>>>/qresearch/12852025 Dig on DoD Law of War Manual - Is FEMA in charge now?

>>>/qresearch/12852039 Writeup on Gamestop trading by FakeNews

>>>/qresearch/12852051 Trump signed a memorandum on declassifying Russigate docs, NOT order?

>>>/qresearch/12852093 Time Magazine bought by Marc Benioff, Salesforce billionaire (connected to Nancy Pelosi)

>>>/qresearch/12852098 Dig (tongue in cheek) on North Koreay Tunnels

>>>/qresearch/12852125 Catholic Church Pedo networks to be mapped 'like organized crime' by academics

>>>/qresearch/12852136 TX Woman: A Forced Ultrasound Would Interfere With My“Satanic Abortion Ritual”

>>>/qresearch/12852180 Youtube removes US Senate committee hearing videos

>>>/qresearch/12852203 #16405

(48 notables, 56 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30052

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12852217 Q Research General #16406: Joe Montana - The Best Is Yet To Come Edition

Created 072114ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12852241 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12852326 South Africa halts the rollout of AstraZeneca jab due to 'limited protection' against the #COVID19 variant discovered in the country

>>>/qresearch/12852334 2020 Census new seats in the House - 3 in TX, 2 in FL, 1 each in AZ, CO, MT, NC & OR

>>>/qresearch/12852337, >>>/qresearch/12852651, >>>/qresearch/12852769 HAITI'S 'PRESIDENT' STAYS IN OFFICE PAST TERM AND IS FRIENDS WITH BILL CLINTON?

>>>/qresearch/12852359, >>>/qresearch/12852411, >>>/qresearch/12852538

>>>/qresearch/12852395 Police say they found over 3,000 images of child porn in Pasco, WA man's email account

>>>/qresearch/12852405 Portland Police apprehended a man who was smashing out windows of multiple buildings using a hammer.

>>>/qresearch/12852424, >>>/qresearch/12852476 Anons have had enough of prima donna baker drama

>>>/qresearch/12852459 SB 55 (5:5) Puppy Bowl 17 (Q)

>>>/qresearch/12852506 Elon Musk tweeting about 'The story of Tesla and SpaceX' and lessons learned

>>>/qresearch/12852513 Professor Who Made Barron Trump Joke At Impeachment Hearing Is Joining The Biden DOJ

>>>/qresearch/12852518, >>>/qresearch/12852524, >>>/qresearch/12852633 Anon opines on Trump strategy to fight election fraud

>>>/qresearch/12852526 It’s payment time. Which position is going to be offered to Justice Kavanaugh’s accuser?

>>>/qresearch/12852533 Look who is involved in HAITI ELECTIONS, as well as many other countries…..IFES, International Foundation for Electoral Systems

>>>/qresearch/12852537 Navarro: DOJ Slow-Walked Trump’s Executive Orders While Fast-Tracking Biden’s

>>>/qresearch/12852546 FB & Youtube played the biggest role in the Capitol FF, yet it was Parler Dems demanded be removed from the Internet

>>>/qresearch/12852605 Anon opine - Q652 Re_read EO’s on enemy combatants & Put together Foreign manipulation of US election via Internet? Via space? (Nasa Earth tweet)

>>>/qresearch/12852634 Alaska Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Las Vegas

>>>/qresearch/12852649 REVEALED: TheQueen successfully lobbied the UK government in the 1970s to change a draft law in order to conceal her private wealth from the public

>>>/qresearch/12852669 Maxine Waters: I Have Never Glorified or Encouraged Violence Against Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12852697 “MAGA Terrorism” – CNN’s Jake Tapper Says Trump Supporters Who Question 2020 Election Results Need to be ‘Held Accountable’

>>>/qresearch/12852710, >>>/qresearch/12852734, >>>/qresearch/12852786 Haiti's President Says "Attempted Coup D'Etat" Foiled; 23 Arrested

>>>/qresearch/12852791, >>>/qresearch/12852861 US Space Force - It's Super Bowl Sunday #SBLV!

>>>/qresearch/12852794 Fort Hood Restricts Base Access After Shooting Incident

>>>/qresearch/12852802 US soldier charged after wife found dead in barracks

>>>/qresearch/12852814, >>>/qresearch/12852833 US Fish & Wildlife - Superb Owl tweet?

>>>/qresearch/12852815 Indian Nationalists Burn Images Of Kamala’s Niece For Backing Soros, Greta Thunberg-Sponsored Protests

>>>/qresearch/12852848 Report on wealthy celebs using government Covid-19 bailouts sparks debate over fate of taxpayers' funds

>>>/qresearch/12852868 Kangana Ranaut blasts global ‘conspiracy to brutally divide India' amid farmer protests

>>>/qresearch/12852910 Fired for telling the truth - Hachette fires best selling Author who wrote 'Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy'

>>>/qresearch/12852950 An Intriguing Email About the Clintons, Smartmatic and Elections

(31 notables, 42 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30053

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12853030 Q Research General #16407: Superb Owl Edition

Created 072304ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12853057 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12853079 Richard Grenell Retweeted - They are all Keith Olbermann now.

>>>/qresearch/12853103 The Gateway Pundit’s Explosive Michigan, TCF Center Reporting ABSOLUTELY Shows Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/12853109 Israel to Ask Allies to Pass 'Discreet Message' to ICC Not to Open Alleged War Crimes Probe - Report

>>>/qresearch/12853113 “MAGA Terrorism” – CNN’s Jake Tapper Says Trump Supporters Who Question 2020 Election Results Need to be ‘Held Accountable’

>>>/qresearch/12853114 Biden trying to hold the mask false flag together with EO's and tweets

>>>/qresearch/12853117 Planefag report - heavy Superb Owl protection

>>>/qresearch/12853141 2010 Katie Connors has been promoted to Director of Online Marketing for Hachette 2021 FIRED for writing bestselling book on Antifa destroying America

>>>/qresearch/12853144 The Reichstag Fire of the Democrats (Capitol FF) A pretext for political terror.

>>>/qresearch/12853169 Note to Baker(s), Notetaker(s), and Digging Anons - Worldwide viewers APPRECIATE Q Research

>>>/qresearch/12853178 Mark Meadows lets the cat out of the bag…before Impeachmint…listen

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208035934/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d7e1bc34297a9c000b8617ac22f322be168c1c4187953e0dfe4484316de2ea7b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12853199 Department of Defense - (Don’t) burn, baby, burn! Marines at @MCASCPPA conduct live-fire fuel burn training.

>>>/qresearch/12853232 Iran now wants 'reparations' for damage from Trump sanctions Regime opens throttle on pressure campaign against U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12853255 South Africa suspends AstraZeneca vaccine drive

>>>/qresearch/12853265 For the KEK!!! Biden created one job in 47 years - It was for Hunter

>>>/qresearch/12853288 Anon opines - Why haven't i noticed anyone citing this drop with the puppy bowl thing? (Q Post 4484)

>>>/qresearch/12853308 Attempted Coup Foiled in Haiti: Justice Minister

>>>/qresearch/12853374 My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell says he made a three-hour election fraud film

>>>/qresearch/12853385 @kayleighmcenany Flyover bombers heading for the #SuperBowl in Tampa, Florida!!!

>>>/qresearch/12853387 Russia memos declassified by Trump still concealed

>>>/qresearch/12853396 Capitol False Flag EXPOSED

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12853412 ABSOLUTE PROOF- MIKE LINDELL links

>>>/qresearch/12853425 Increased hotel room pricing at Trump International DC for March 3 and March 4.

>>>/qresearch/12853445 Julian Assange refused bail despite judge ruling against extradition to US

>>>/qresearch/12853478 US Army - District of Washington DC

>>>/qresearch/12853550 Maxine Waters: I Have Never Glorified or Encouraged Violence Against Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12853554 PF Report on Tampa

>>>/qresearch/12853558 Time Magazine produces article on 'Shadow Campaign' to save 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12853578 “He Was Really Working Against this Administration in a Lot of Ways” – Trump Administration’s Peter Navaro on Deep State’s AG Bill Barr

>>>/qresearch/12853582 Very interesting tweet on Haiti unrest…

>>>/qresearch/12853584 #Packed is trending on twitter freakout over the Super Bowl crowd not COVID distancing

>>>/qresearch/12853664 A Study Touted As A Blow To Conservatives’ Complaints About Big Tech Censorship Was Funded By A Major Biden Donor

>>>/qresearch/12853669 Dig on Operation Flicker to stop Child Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/12853703 CDC working to require 'negative China Virus' tests to qualify for Domestic Air Travel?

>>>/qresearch/12853714 Project Flicker investigation exposes vast child pornography ring

>>>/qresearch/12853727 Israeli Air Force 707 approaching CONUS

(36 notables, 36 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30054

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12853762 Q Research General #16408: The World Is Watching Q Research Still Edition

Created 080011ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12853783 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12853788 Alaska Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Las Vegas

>>>/qresearch/12853848 NEW Dan Scavino!!!

>>>/qresearch/12853887 Air Force performs historic flyover during Super Bowl LV in Tampa

>>>/qresearch/12853897 Mike Flynn offered POTUS Chief of Staff job?

>>>/qresearch/12853899, >>>/qresearch/12853913 Bruce Springsteen Promotes Political Healing in Jeep Super Bowl Commercial After Repeatedly Bashing Trump

>>>/qresearch/12853986 Did Biden Get Booed? Bidens Make Creepy Video Appearance at Super Bowl, Tell Americans to Wear Masks and Get Vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/12853996 Life, Liberty & Levin 2/7/21 (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=d8BtsU6jiks - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12854019 PEARL67 tanker flaunting its presence south of Taiwan, making refueling loops fairly close to Hong Kong.

>>>/qresearch/12854041, >>>/qresearch/12854054 PF Report on Tampa area

>>>/qresearch/12854084 North Dakota Republicans Are Considering To Nullify Federal Laws Due To Biden’s Misuse Of Executive Orders

>>>/qresearch/12854089 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12854117 Israeli AF 707 from LB is up again

>>>/qresearch/12854162 Daniel Scavino Jr. GRONK — Here’s a throwback for y’all, took this pic of GRONK 45 back in 2017….

>>>/qresearch/12854300 Streets in an Indonesia village were flooded blood-red on the weekend, after flood waters leached dye from a local factory.

>>>/qresearch/12854408 5.7 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Philippine Islands, USGS Says

>>>/qresearch/12854421 Biden administration moves to rejoin UN Human Rights Council in another reversal of Donald Trump's foreign policies

(17 notables, 19 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30055

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12854512 Q Research General #16409: Superb Owl Underway In Tampa Edition

Created 080120ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12854532 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12854560 the superb owl is EVIL. even their half time star, the weekend, uses satanic subliminal messaging in his performances

>>>/qresearch/12854646 George Soros biography

>>>/qresearch/12854653 U.S. Air Force B-1 + B-2 + B-52 = #SuperBowlLV Flyover! Enjoy the game! #AFflyover

>>>/qresearch/12854767 Israeli plane on approach to… DC?

>>>/qresearch/12854820 From comments - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OWqFauy0EiA - Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less [Channel: Wooz News]

>>>/qresearch/12854925 In Case You Missed It: Super Bowl LV Kicks Off with Singing of Black National Anthem

>>>/qresearch/12854959, >>>/qresearch/12854966 Ok here the pic from tv. Happened at 8:20 after a Cure Auto Insurance! (Reddit ad)

>>>/qresearch/12854997 Babylon Bee - Fox News Analysts Declare Tampa Bay Super Bowl Winners Four Minutes Into First Quarter

>>>/qresearch/12855045 Biden tweet about bothering US Servicemen during the Superb Owl

>>>/qresearch/12855086 Interesting Impeachment Trial Thread

>>>/qresearch/12855160 Queen lobbied for change in law to hide her private wealth

(12 notables, 13 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30056

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12855259 Q Research General #16410: The Superb Owl Black Mass Halftime Edition

Created 080215ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12855284, >>>/qresearch/12855432, >>>/qresearch/12855540

>>>/qresearch/12855411 Planefag reports: looks like the Israeli 707 landed Dover AFB in Delaware.

>>>/qresearch/12855461 ZH: "This Is The Wildest Market I've Ever Seen": Druckenmiller's Must-See Goldman Interview

>>>/qresearch/12855493 Australian journalist Cheng Lei formally arrested in China, says Foreign Minister Marise Payne

>>>/qresearch/12855547 Snowflake alert: Tom Brady gets berated for being maskless

>>>/qresearch/12855776 Breitbart: illions of Americans Projected to Remain Jobless as Biden Packs U.S. Labor Force with Foreign Workers

>>>/qresearch/12855932 SanDiegoTribune: Review: The Weeknd, though underwhelming, made history with first Super Bowl halftime show held during a pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12856006 #16409, #16410, #16411

(8 notables, 10 posts, 7 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30057

File: fc95a65e717e75e⋯.png (283.45 KB,790x423,790:423,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12856026 Q Research General #16411: The 'Superb Owls …In A Bowl' Edition

Created 080318ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12856103 Southfront: EU High Representative’s Visit To Moscow Unveiled Hypocrisy Of European Diplomacy

>>>/qresearch/12856115 Nyetnews: Israeli cyber industry records 70% growth in investments during pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12856118 ZH: Pizza Hut To Begin Drone Deliveries In Israel

>>>/qresearch/12856125 Southfront: Foreign Puppets United: Tsikhanouskaya Promotes Navalny’s Wife As ‘Leader Of Russian Opposition’

>>>/qresearch/12856133 Myanmar military orders saw data network temporarily halted

>>>/qresearch/12856158 vid: Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney reveals the most important part of Mike Lindell's 'Absolute Proof'

>>>/qresearch/12856159 GP: Neo-Nazi Ukrainians (Forefathers of Antifa) Instigated and Participated in the Capitol Hill Riot Alongside Antifa

>>>/qresearch/12856216, >>>/qresearch/12856240, >>>/qresearch/12856609 Scavino posts a vid: Stars and Stripes… Take care of each other… Anons dig.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208081425/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a221feb5e121155154c8d7777b33fe80469fc2f8cdd7ac1eed49cd55ee13ea49.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12856264, >>>/qresearch/12856290 Report Exposes Decades of Sexual Trade Carried Out by German Nuns

>>>/qresearch/12856298 Lin Wood: That halftime show struck me as almost Satanic

>>>/qresearch/12856300 DJTjr: I take it back, Brady != GOAT…

>>>/qresearch/12856367, >>>/qresearch/12856392, >>>/qresearch/12856445 Dan twats Brady; a commercial from the game. Anons dig.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208081749/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d8e3e6dd6ba73a46054dad77497b199779ee8370d25bd6656ac585fc8d38978c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12856444 News.au: Wuhan COVID origin investigator says WHO team has found evidence about how pandemic started

>>>/qresearch/12856453 NYP: NY adds another 1,500 to long-term care "COVID-19 death toll"

>>>/qresearch/12856533 Anon dig: UK hack causes loss of 67,000 Trump votes; Decided to look into the info Mary Fanning presented about the hacks from the data captured….

>>>/qresearch/12856643 Anon notices a name in a Guardian article: If the capital FF is Nancy's movie, wonder who she'd get to direct it?

>>>/qresearch/12856651 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12856761 #16411

(18 notables, 23 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30058

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12856787 Q Research General #16412: The 'Satanic Shows And Hypocrite Diplomats' Edition

Created 080436ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12856870 AmericanThinker: Rigging the Election for China and Profit

>>>/qresearch/12856877 Mises: The GameStop Saga Unravels Stakeholder Theory

>>>/qresearch/12856901 LiveScience: Schizophrenia is 2nd highest risk factor for dying of COVID-19, after age

>>>/qresearch/12856960 Biden twat: Congratulations to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on their #SuperBowl victory

>>>/qresearch/12857034 Anon digs on links between Vatican, Italygate, 2020 Election Hacks, Satellites.. Everyone knows… Except Thieves apparently.

>>>/qresearch/12857123 VIDEO: President Trump’s Director Of Trade Peter Navarro NAILS ‘Biden’s First AG’ Bill Barr, Says “He Was Really Working Against This Administration

>>>/qresearch/12857147 GP: Big Tech Purge Contines: Twitter Suspends Conservative Radio Host Wayne Root

>>>/qresearch/12857181 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

>>>/qresearch/12857191 Magic! After Biden Inauguration, Coronavirus Cases Plummet 45% During Middle Of Flu Season…How can this be?

>>>/qresearch/12857211 RT: Reddit blows ‘entire marketing budget’ on 5-second Super Bowl ad… with a nod to GameStop thriller

>>>/qresearch/12857220 Marco Rubio is trying to pass a law to make it illegal for you to own a gun if you've ever been *investigated* for domestic terrorism. Not convicted.. Investigated..

>>>/qresearch/12857229 RT: ‘No families are opting out’: Utah school REVERSES decision to allow kids skip Black History Month classes after backlash

>>>/qresearch/12857253 LI: Law Prof Who Mocked Barron Trump at 2020 Impeachment Hearing Joining DOJ Civil Rights Division

>>>/qresearch/12857278 Here come the aayyyys: “Respected Harvard astronomer who worked with late Stephen Hawking claims that an alien 'traveler' paid us a visit in 2017“

>>>/qresearch/12857282 LI: Trump’s Lawyer Previews Defense Strategy, Says Will Use Videos of Democrats During Trial

>>>/qresearch/12857307 CFP: Biden supporters threaten to burn down DC…

>>>/qresearch/12857349 AMN: Texas base will be home to Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets, Rep. Kay Granger says

>>>/qresearch/12857368, >>>/qresearch/12857435 President Trump watching the Super Bowl.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208084034/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d87e027e3eba9c3cc31b19137751c85891a18495014b2618c584046fa5694069.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208084233/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/03c67f07458bbe178aa981764d4a179291a7d0c4f5f2cf05b280b88fbc798371.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12857376 AMN: National Guard’s post-riot deployment cost at least $480 million

>>>/qresearch/12857397 AMN: Rights groups call for boycott of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, citing worsening abuses

>>>/qresearch/12857551 #16412, #16413, #16414

(21 notables, 22 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30059

File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12857591 Q Research General #16413: The 'Everyone knows… Except Thieves, Apparently… …' Edition

Created 080630ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12857694 Polar Vortex 2021: A New Look At The Icy Arctic Blast About To Hit

>>>/qresearch/12857971 South Dakota introduced a bill to nullify Bidens Ex orders.

>>>/qresearch/12857975 U.N. Reclassifies Cannabis as a Less Dangerous Drug

>>>/qresearch/12857988 How Admiral Souers Shaped the National Security System

>>>/qresearch/12858022 George news 9/11 pentagon videos new?

>>>/qresearch/12858033 Ebot made me a sammich, kek

>>>/qresearch/12858066, >>>/qresearch/12858113 UK academics investigated over weapons links to china

>>>/qresearch/12858069 Netanyahu returns to court for bribery and fraud

>>>/qresearch/12858074 Biden plans to use Stadiums for vaccinations

>>>/qresearch/12858124 Ariane De Rothschild takes over Geneva bank after husbands addiction

>>>/qresearch/12858251 BERNSTEIN: Spread of QAnon comes as response to social instability

>>>/qresearch/12858316 XVIII Airborne Corps tweeted about Dragon's Lair & the Rock..

>>>/qresearch/12858384 #16413

(13 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30060

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12858343 Q Research General #16414: Be Calm and Find Peace Edition

Created 080925ZFEB21





>>>/qresearch/12858451 Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and Forefathers of Antifa, Instigated and Participated in the Capitol Hill Riot Alongside Antifa

>>>/qresearch/12858454 In Case You Missed It: Super Bowl LV Kicks Off with Singing of Black National Anthem

>>>/qresearch/12858462 Millions of Americans Projected to Remain Jobless as Biden Packs U.S. Labor Force with Foreign Workers

>>>/qresearch/12858469 New York State Employees Required to Have ‘Gender Identity Toolkit’ Training

>>>/qresearch/12858471 ANON muses upon individuals lack of ""internal monologue" THINKING

>>>/qresearch/12858474 Jake Tapper and Chris Hayes Lose Their Minds 'Inciting' Against GOP And Reveal Next Step to Control the Narrative

>>>/qresearch/12858488 George Washington's First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789

>>>/qresearch/12858491 Nolte: How the Fake Media Destroy Trump Supporters Like NFL Legend Jim Brown

>>>/qresearch/12858504 National Guard And Razor Wire Everywhere: DC Gets Dystopian As Impeachment Trial Kicks Off

>>>/qresearch/12858510 Establishment 'declared war on me'

>>>/qresearch/12858516 YouTube and Vimeo remove Mike Lindell's election fraud movie

>>>/qresearch/12858530 Pedro Gomez, beloved ESPN reporter, dead at 58

>>>/qresearch/12858556 Protestants in pulpits say that the QAnon era is creating tension in many pews

>>>/qresearch/12858574 Trump hotels in DC Increase Prices due to demand Mar. 4th

>>>/qresearch/12858579 Iranian diplomat sentenced to 20 years prison for terror plot.

>>>/qresearch/12858589 Newsom recall crossed line from ‘possibility to probability’

>>>/qresearch/12858602 Taiwan Penalizes Deutsche Bank, 3 Others for Currency Trades

>>>/qresearch/12858633 THE PRIVATE SOLDIER UNDER WASHINGTON by Charles Knowles Bolton (1867 - 1950)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2R-5oOpgfj0 - THE PRIVATE SOLDIER UNDER WASHINGTON - FULL AudioBook | GreatestAudioBooks [Channel: Greatest AudioBooks]

>>>/qresearch/12858667 Supreme Court To Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant

>>>/qresearch/12858691 Media’s Obsession With Jan. 6 ‘Extremely Frustrating’

>>>/qresearch/12858693 Prime Minister Modi says India will "respond with full might to a global conspiracy,"

>>>/qresearch/12858702 Scandal Royal Navy LT caught shooting x-rated video on Nuclear Submarine

>>>/qresearch/12859151 #16414

(24 notables, 24 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30061

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12859141 #16415: A new morning, a new day

Created 081257ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12859216, >>>/qresearch/12859460, >>>/qresearch/12859468, >>>/qresearch/12859486, >>>/qresearch/12859488 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12859252 After Joe Biden Picked Patrick Mahomes over Tom Brady, Buccaneers Crush Chiefs in Super Bowl

>>>/qresearch/12859265 Gretchen Whitmer ‘Emits Real Guffaw’ over Prospect of Arresting Donald Trump for Coronavirus ‘Violations

>>>/qresearch/12859287 boko haram releases new video kiloled nigerian soldier, policeman

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Lt6rlf30N7w - BOKO HARAM RELEASES NEW VIDEO KILLED NIGERIAN SOLD [Channel: CONCRETE POET]

>>>/qresearch/12859301 Ben Carson launching new think tank to reconcile divided Americans around 'cornerstone values'

>>>/qresearch/12859336 White House: Hunter Biden 'working to unwind' from joint venture with Communist Chinese government

>>>/qresearch/12859342 edwards air force base Laboratory has formally been established as an IBM Q Network Hub

>>>/qresearch/12859370 Dozens of UK scholars may land behind bars for unwittingly helping China’s military, report says

>>>/qresearch/12859378 Growing evidence Capitol attack was pre-planned undercuts Trump impeachment premise

>>>/qresearch/12859404 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on trial: play-by-play

>>>/qresearch/12859449 Myanmar military leader: Election commission used COVID as excuse to prevent fair campaigning

>>>/qresearch/12859452 GOP Senator attempts to blame Nancy Pelosi, not Trump, for the Capitol riot as impeachment trial looms

>>>/qresearch/12859461 Patrick Byrne: How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 5: Agitation & Chaos (January 6 – 20)

>>>/qresearch/12859483, >>>/qresearch/12859597 jared kushner dig

>>>/qresearch/12859490 Royal Navy officer reportedly films porn with lover inside secret nuclear base

>>>/qresearch/12859627 pompeo tweet: the iranian people are noble and want to be freed from the yoke of the current theocratic regime

>>>/qresearch/12859634 Serbian police apparently thwart attempt to assassinate President Alexandar Vucic

>>>/qresearch/12859659 michael malice: "journalists" remain an existential threat to our democracy

>>>/qresearch/12859672, >>>/qresearch/12859691 Milky Way warps like a Mexican wave and a nearby galaxy is to blame 'Still shaking'

>>>/qresearch/12859783 Biden Removes Terrorist Label From The Houthi Movement Whose Motto Is “Death To The USA”

>>>/qresearch/12859813 BREAKING: twitter is no longer allowing users to post pics of biden acting inappropriately with children

>>>/qresearch/12859853 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday said the United States has concerns about Myanmar's parliamentary elections

>>>/qresearch/12859856 our world is close to becoming teh puppy bowl/Q post connection

>>>/qresearch/12859899 #16415, #16416, #16417

(24 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30062

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12859897 Q Research General #16416: Monday Morning Sun Brings Heat Edition

Created 081457ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12859973 video: Emergent Behaviour vs. Conspiracy Theory

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LQNbjkPuCYQ - Emergent Behaviour vs. Conspiracy Theory [Channel: Academic Agent]

>>>/qresearch/12859985 JUST IN - Myanmar military says 'voter fraud' justified coup.

>>>/qresearch/12860006 mike rothslchild twitter PANIC: How many moon landing deniers have sacked the Capitol, kidnapped their own kids, or shot a mob boss in the face?

>>>/qresearch/12860009 New plan, show leftists trying to destroy other countries, since they don’t believe ours is worth saving

>>>/qresearch/12860023, >>>/qresearch/12860086 why is the beauty industry hiring men for women's modeling jobs? woke means putting woman out of work?

>>>/qresearch/12860028 The Democratic Party Has a Fatal Misunderstanding of the QAnon Phenomenon

>>>/qresearch/12860058 keks: superbowl halftime show improved

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208221923/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/22713c42f2f583c396eec9ecac3fdc5ec33b31bf8e515e793df25fd1220d36cf.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12860071, >>>/qresearch/12860093 weird reddit superbowl commercial

>>>/qresearch/12860081 biden tweet: We don’t have a second to waste when it comes to delivering the American people the relief they desperately need. I’m calling on Congress to act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan.

>>>/qresearch/12860098 Tyrann Mathieu deletes tweet on run-in with Tom Brady: 'He called me something I won’t repeat'

>>>/qresearch/12860100 carlin was rigth of course, re: fake elections

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220126142439/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8701ab5c07f864dc26225b5e409f07d517e50c235ad47e6d994632dc641d343d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12860116 video: The Great Terror by Robert Conquest

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=c4Z6cH_P1Cw - The Great Terror by Robert Conquest [Channel: ReadingforWisdom]

>>>/qresearch/12860187 tampax goes full retard: Not all women have periods, Not all people with periods are women. Let's celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed!

>>>/qresearch/12860236 “President” with “61% approval rating” booed at the Super Bowl.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208222226/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/edf99c7116c778cbf1f092f87326fcb3a8570ddaf283a053386e6bdce15e47e7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12860240, >>>/qresearch/12860342 Hunter Biden 'nets $2m advance' for his upcoming memoir

>>>/qresearch/12860252 NEW mysterious monolith pops up near gobekli tepe with inscription: "look at the sky. see the moon"

>>>/qresearch/12860271 smart contact lenses could improve your sight while monitoring for conditions like diabetes and strokes

>>>/qresearch/12860278, >>>/qresearch/12860513 Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and Forefathers of Antifa, Instigated and Participated in the Capitol Hill Riot Alongside Antifa

>>>/qresearch/12860285 floods trigger power outages, evacuations in indonesia's capital

>>>/qresearch/12860301, >>>/qresearch/12860308, >>>/qresearch/12860317 ACLU FOIA document, us naval investigative service, investigative file "F"

>>>/qresearch/12860320 ‘This fever will break’: Republican Jeff Flake on the slow fade of Trumpism

>>>/qresearch/12860340, >>>/qresearch/12860360, >>>/qresearch/12860386, >>>/qresearch/12860433 trumps impeachment is a direct attack on free speech

>>>/qresearch/12860356, >>>/qresearch/12860367, >>>/qresearch/12860438 , >>1286056 trump's impeachment trial memorandum

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210208223233/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/00fa178fd0f28d601a26f97b13880d067ed1f744396dbe31472cb467c247a05d.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12860359 Drilled by the Vril? anon vril society dig

>>>/qresearch/12860364 TRUMP impeachment lawyers, without details, say there was a "flurry of activity" in the White House to try to get more security to the Capitol on Jan. 6 but that "complex" procedures got in the way.

>>>/qresearch/12860366 Fox is told senators are circulating a prospective framework for President Trump’s second impeachment trial. It would start with four hours of debate on Tuesday determining the Constitutionality of the trial.

>>>/qresearch/12860381, >>>/qresearch/12860447 Marco Rubio Brings Back Bill Making it Tougher for Suspected Terrorists to Buy Guns

>>>/qresearch/12860383 anon dig: Mark Thompson, CEO of NYT, protecter of pedos, engineered teh BBC savile cover up

>>>/qresearch/12860385 biden arrives back at WH after weekend in delaware

>>>/qresearch/12860412 anon dig: Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

>>>/qresearch/12860491, >>>/qresearch/12860519, >>>/qresearch/12860523, >>>/qresearch/12860532, >>>/qresearch/12860537 Rep. Ron Wright dies after contracting COVID-19, but his lung cancer had nothing to do with it

>>>/qresearch/12860500, >>>/qresearch/12860536 anon opines: This impeachment trial is to ensure that Trump can never run again.

>>>/qresearch/12860556 russia, china, and iran to hold joint naval drills in indian ocean soon

>>>/qresearch/12860562 Longtime ESPN reporter Pedro Gomez dead at 58

>>>/qresearch/12860583 Travis Kelce’s girlfriend Kayla Nicole throws shade at Super Bowl referees

>>>/qresearch/12860599, >>>/qresearch/12860636 Fact-Check True: FBI Got Punked and Included Pornstar’s Photo in their Official Report on US Capitol Protester’s Arrest

>>>/qresearch/12860606 list of video download resources

>>>/qresearch/12860631 The Two Largest Sources of Industrial Demand For Silver Are About to Explode Higher

>>>/qresearch/12860656 anon theory: Trump impeachment trial may be an epic backfire. "How do you legally inject evidence?"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210924142914/https://images.128ducks.com/file_store/d709ac949c8dd822b16ea475a4cf938523d7d990b4f58af57cca9b0c2f0925a8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12860681 #16416

(40 notables, 58 posts, 71 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30063

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12860683 Q Research General #16417: The Biden Administration Is A Meme Edition

Created 081652ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12860755, >>>/qresearch/12860789 Rep. Ron Wright (R) of Arlington who had lung cancer is the first member of congress to die of covid

>>>/qresearch/12860777 jen psaki press briefing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gH8HeM46bp4 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12860787 A bombshell investigative report from Fox News host Steve Hilton has shed all-new light on the origins of Covid-19

>>>/qresearch/12860802 Hillary Clinton Says Conspiracies About Her Are ‘Rooted In The Ancient Scapegoating Of Women’

>>>/qresearch/12860820 ‘Worst Cooks in America’ winner charged with killing daughter tweeted about kids’ white privilege

>>>/qresearch/12860821 US Navy: thanks for the call mr president

>>>/qresearch/12860823 haiti attempted coup dig

>>>/qresearch/12860840 “Political Theater” – Trump’s Lawyers Demand Immediate Dismissal of Charges in Senate Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12860842 @SenShelby 86, is retiring after 42 years

>>>/qresearch/12860845, >>>/qresearch/12860860 Q3843 (1 year delta) "that light is worth believing in."

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vDi1oAC-wSY - Future Heroes - Archangel [Dramatic Orchestral Cho [Channel: Jennyni20 (Epic Music)]

>>>/qresearch/12860847 14 German care home residents test positive for UK Covid-19 strain after getting 2nd Pfizer jab

>>>/qresearch/12860866 Charles Schwab, Robinhood, and ETrade Suffer Widespread Outages… Again!

>>>/qresearch/12860878 Amid protests & ahead of upcoming election, Israeli PM Netanyahu pleads not guilty to corruption charges

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=K76EA948otI - Israel: Anti-Netanyahu protesters rally outside his residence ahead of trial res [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/12860892 nigel farage tweet: bluefin tuna are back. brexit britain must seize the moment

>>>/qresearch/12860898 China to give away over $6mn in digital currency during Lunar New Year in massive e-yuan trials

>>>/qresearch/12860901 'If you support the Green New Deal but oppose all responsible mining projects in America, realize that children mining in the Congo with their bare hands is the alternative for providing the minerals and metals necessary for solar panels, wind turbines and car batteries.'

>>>/qresearch/12860929 kek the "raiser up of the light", and kauket, the "raiser up of the night" from ancient egypt

>>>/qresearch/12860934 Myanmar Bans Twitter, Facebook For Promoting Protests Against Military Coup Provoked By Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/12860937 Trump Jr. says he will campaign against Liz Cheney in Wyoming in revenge for her attacks on his father after Trump loyalists fail to get her booted from GOP leadership

>>>/qresearch/12860941 Democrats Plan To Violate Constitution, Strip Trump’s 5th Amendment Rights For Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12860951 Biden Praises Xi Jinping As ‘Bright,’ Refuses To ‘Criticize’ Lack Of Democracy

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=S50h0ZDWrWM - Biden Says u201cI Donu2019t Mean It As A Criticismu201d When Calling Chinau2019s [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>>/qresearch/12860965 At Least 23 Shot, 3 Killed, During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

>>>/qresearch/12860970 China’s U.S. Envoy Joins Chorus Pressuring W.H.O. to Seek Coronavirus Origin in U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12860971 Alexander Soros in Myanmar a week before Xi's visit

>>>/qresearch/12860975 UK Universities Under MI6 Investigation for Conspiring with Chinese Communist Party: Report

>>>/qresearch/12860989 will rep cori bush also be stripped of committee assignments after encouraging prison riot?

>>>/qresearch/12860999, >>>/qresearch/12861079 tracking Qanon, how trump turned conspiracy theory research upside down

>>>/qresearch/12861003 Biden-Induced Border Crisis, Where COVID Meets Catch-And-Release

>>>/qresearch/12861009 tesla buys 1.5 billion in bitcoin, plans to accept it as payment

>>>/qresearch/12861010 U.K Government Say Bosses Can Legally Demand Employees Get Vaccinated!

>>>/qresearch/12861066 congo suffers 4th ebola outbreak in 3 years

>>>/qresearch/12861076 Huge data breach from multiple websites

>>>/qresearch/12861105 Texas Republicans give massive taxpayer handouts to Big Tech, effectively financing censorship of their voters

>>>/qresearch/12861122 David Sereda interview with Kerry Cassidy on Project Camelot

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gT1x2qCaNOA - DAVID SEREDA: ET SHOOT DOWN OF COLUMBIA [Channel: Project Camelot]

>>>/qresearch/12861127, >>>/qresearch/12861354 DoD tweet: On standby, 17 USAF F-16 falcons wait on the ramp at @374AirlifWing, japan/

>>>/qresearch/12861153 Army Taps Fort Riley Combat Aviation Brigade for Deployment to Europe, Africa Region

>>>/qresearch/12861213 SINKING SHIP: Just 3 of 8 Founding Members Remain at Scandal-Plagued Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12861235 U.C. Berkeley Advised Chinese Government on Economic Decisions

>>>/qresearch/12861262 Tel Aviv To Receive $9bn In Arms From Biden Administration

>>>/qresearch/12861297 Activists in #Haiti, angry over Joe Biden's support for the former puppet president who refuses to step down

>>>/qresearch/12861311 WI Gov. to include plan for marijuana legalization in budget

>>>/qresearch/12861315 5th special forces group: Welcome to another Monday. Here is your daily dose of #motivation! Get after it!

>>>/qresearch/12861330 Four Chinese Regulators Meet With Tesla, Urge Company To "Operate According To China Law"

>>>/qresearch/12861348 video: Myanmar general repeats pledge of new election as thousands join protests against coup

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7ttUUpSMLMg - Myanmar general repeats pledge of new election as thousands join protests agains [Channel: FRANCE 24 English]

>>>/qresearch/12861380 good advice for dealing with shills

>>>/qresearch/12861391 THE FIX IS IN: Right after the election, Hunter Biden retained criminal defense lawyer Chris Clark. Then, one day after he took office, Joe Biden installed Clark's law partner to head the Justice Department's Criminal Division investigating his son

>>>/qresearch/12861408 despite dip in covid cases, expert says US is in the eye of the hurricane as variants spread

>>>/qresearch/12861432 #16417

(48 notables, 52 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30064

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12861439 Q Research General #16418: Biden Praises Xi Jinping As ‘Bright' Edition

Created 081837ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12861483 Republican Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby announced Monday that he will not run for reelection in 2022.

>>>/qresearch/12861492, >>>/qresearch/12862207 katie pavlich correction: White House confirms illegal aliens convicted of "simple" assault not sexual assault will not be deported

>>>/qresearch/12861563 Scarborough to Trump Supporters: ‘Your American Values Have Collapsed’

>>>/qresearch/12861576, >>>/qresearch/12861798 anon dig: croation DS concentration camp

>>>/qresearch/12861590, >>>/qresearch/12861702 anons analysis, re: absolute truth, mary fanning stated "Cyber Security experts started collecting data on Nov 1 - before, during, and after the election. They collected terabytes of data"

>>>/qresearch/12861591 Democrat Impeachment Managers respond to Trump's 78 page memo with 3 and a partial pages

>>>/qresearch/12861594 Shedding Light on Big Secrets in Tiny Luxembourg

>>>/qresearch/12861599 Brazil Dismantles Anti-Corruption Task Force Behind Lava Jato

>>>/qresearch/12861609 Myanmar Military Leader: Election Commission Used COVID as Excuse to Prevent Fair Campaigning

>>>/qresearch/12861611, >>>/qresearch/12861704, >>>/qresearch/12861782 Clearview AI's facial recognition app, used by law enforcement to catch pedos, called illegal in canada/digs

>>>/qresearch/12861624 FB Earnings Presentation Q4 2020

>>>/qresearch/12861628 Mature democracies should shun political personality cults, pope says

>>>/qresearch/12861638 PDF: out of sight, not out of reach: the global scale and scope of transnational repression

>>>/qresearch/12861660 Trump appointee sues Biden admin after ‘illegal’ firing from independent federal agency

>>>/qresearch/12861678 VIDEO: biden gets boo'd at super bowl party

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208230631/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2658b6685eaba5a0f6c925f4d29e59a1bf0ae215f1881f6346f5cb8e082f72e1.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12861684, >>>/qresearch/12861823 knockout of the year

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209032946/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/787d01effff27ff071ee74fa3094cfc4ebdd16a881c992880caf24d419dcd3b6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12861692 Alleged paedophile Alan Jones settled defamation case with SBS after they filed a truth defence and Australian media covered it up

>>>/qresearch/12861703 thread: This weekend Peter Navarro pulled back the covers on how the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel handled both Trump's and Biden's Executive Orders.

>>>/qresearch/12861732 Missing Daughter of Former Omaha Mayor Who Vanished in January Is Found Dead

>>>/qresearch/12861736, >>>/qresearch/12861790 anon dig: Swampy Restaurant Immigrant Food's assistance in breaching the Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12861740 netanyahu: Not delaying my corruption trial would be election interference

>>>/qresearch/12861749 BREAKING: Nebraska GOP to censure Senator Ben Sasse

>>>/qresearch/12861767 Former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Drops a BOMB on Power-Drunk Democrats, Trump Offered Assistance Multiple Times to DC Officials Before January 6th

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Tq-f0jcyu1s - Mark Meadows: President Trump Offered Security Assistance Multiple Times [Channel: Trump War Room]

>>>/qresearch/12861778 Poland, Germany, Sweden expel Russian diplomats in tit-for-tat move

>>>/qresearch/12861779 Guest Post by Mathematician Bobby Piton: Tech Giants Are Gaining Too Much Power

>>>/qresearch/12861817 Jen Psaki's sign language interpreter says she was 'canceled' for pro-Trump views

>>>/qresearch/12861848, >>>/qresearch/12862168 LIVE: @PentagonPresSec John F. Kirby holds a briefing.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1mOJw29gQd8 - WATCH LIVE: Pentagon press secretary holds news conference [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/12861885 LIVE: Flight MH17 trial continues at the Schiphol Judicial Complex

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SUpdFR_T6IQ - LIVE: Flight MH17 trial continues at the Schiphol Judicial Complex [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/12861899, >>>/qresearch/12861930 ed buck case dig

>>>/qresearch/12861944, >>>/qresearch/12861982 george news releases new 9/11 pentagon videos

>>>/qresearch/12861950 Grand Jury Charges Pasadena Man Who Allegedly Bought Maserati SUV with Fraudulently Obtained COVID-19 Jobless Relief Money

>>>/qresearch/12861968 Iranian cleric claims COVID-19 vaccine turns people into ‘homosexuals’

>>>/qresearch/12861991 Why the Pentagon collects and studies bats

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210209033044/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/92607cf9183291dc69f13b48419c94f5982edf85754b10a9352148c4ecbe44b0.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12862007 reminder: the inauguration was 3 weeks ago and DC is still a fortress

>>>/qresearch/12862037, >>>/qresearch/12862183 Mystery Illness Kills In Hours In Tanzania/watch the water

>>>/qresearch/12862089 Brigitte Gabriel: Flying back home from Palm Beach. I had great meetings and I am delighted to tell you that President Trump is working on something big. Good things are happening. Have a fabulous week.

>>>/qresearch/12862105 new UNMASKED video from Mike Lindell that just came out yesterday

>>>/qresearch/12862163 NEW - Large column of smoke over Nuremberg, Germany: power plant on fire. 120 firefighters on the scene. The plant is currently off the grid

>>>/qresearch/12862245 BREAKING: 200 British academics are being investigated on suspicion of unwittingly helping the Chinese government build weapons of mass destruction

>>>/qresearch/12862253 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12862265 #16418, #16419

(41 notables, 52 posts, 66 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30065

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12862267 Q Research General #16419: The Pentagon Collects Bats Edition

Created 082026ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12862320 14k resignations on the list now

>>>/qresearch/12862334 anon opines: What if people are so easily brainwashed by the media because they have no internal monologue with which to think for themselves?

>>>/qresearch/12862348 White House Confirms Illegal Aliens Who are Convicted of DUI, Rape and Drug-Related Crimes Will NOT be Deported

>>>/qresearch/12862366 biden platform commitee member chris jackson uses same biden in church pic that he used back in november.

>>>/qresearch/12862367 Former Rivals Agree On Draghi To Lead Apolitical "Unity" Government In Italy

>>>/qresearch/12862391 kek: Searches for the word “dog” on Instagram’s stories feature are showing an emoji for a takeout box associated with Chinese American food

>>>/qresearch/12862405 Biden Quietly Revokes Trump’s Ban on Chinese Communist Propaganda in Schools

>>>/qresearch/12862408 cuomo announces 100 days of impromptu performances from actors, artists around state

>>>/qresearch/12862412 ALT TECH RISES: Gab Received More Traffic Than NBC, TMZ, Breitbart, and Huffington Post in January

>>>/qresearch/12862419 Ghislaine Maxwell loses bid to keep deposition excerpt secret

>>>/qresearch/12862420 Iowa's governor lifts statewide COVID mandates, encourages personal responsibility: No more mandatory masks, social distancing, or gathering restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12862421 DoorDash is buying automated food prep company Chowbotics to expand its fresh meal offerings.

>>>/qresearch/12862438 reminder: Barr Order Detailing the Scope and Authority of Special Counsel Durham Investigation in Obamagate

>>>/qresearch/12862447, >>>/qresearch/12862454 Tools and Services Link Dump Updated

>>>/qresearch/12862499 Biden Justice Department Pick Opposed Enforcing Civil Rights Laws Against Blacks

>>>/qresearch/12862531 Department of Defense stutters through press conference

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IXNWt0_KBTw - BREAKING: Department of Defense URGENT Press Briefing [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>>/qresearch/12862559 George News dropping 9/11 pics

>>>/qresearch/12862564 new mike lindell video "unmasked: has the truth about the 2020 election been uncovered"

>>>/qresearch/12862575 Gorilla Glue trending on twitter girl who accidentally stuck her hair to her head seeks hospital treatment

>>>/qresearch/12862625 CDC: over 500 deaths now following MRNA experimental injections

>>>/qresearch/12862661, >>>/qresearch/12862813 watch the water, FL Sheriff: Investigation underway after hacker attempts to poison Florida town’s water supply

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MkXDSOgLQ6M - Treatment Plant Intrusion Press Conference [Channel: Pinellas Sheriff]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MkXDSOgLQ6M - Treatment Plant Intrusion Press Conference [Channel: Pinellas Sheriff]

>>>/qresearch/12862680 LIVE: Starship SN10 Cryogenic Proof Test

>>>/qresearch/12862727 VIDEO: FBI shows up at trump supporters house, asks about Jan 6…this patriot wasnt even in DC

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-dWMThSKKNo - FBI SHOWS UP AT TRUMP SUPPORTERu2019S HOUSE, ASKS ABOUT JAN 6 u2013 THIS PATRIOT [Channel: Stew Peters]

>>>/qresearch/12862748 maxine waters denies inciting violence against republicans

>>>/qresearch/12862775, >>>/qresearch/12862818 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12862778 New Donald Trump website about his accomplishments

>>>/qresearch/12862849 The Greatest Super Bowl Commercial You’ll Never See

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pfiyOOj1HvM - The Greatest Super Bowl Commercial Youu2019ll Never See [Channel: Alpha Punisher]

>>>/qresearch/12862867 Deepfake Detectors Can Be defeated, computer scientists show for the first time

>>>/qresearch/12862942 One America News Offers Lou Dobbs Job After Fox News Fired Him Following $2.7Bn Smartmatic Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12862966 Youtuber Shot Dead While Filming 'Prank' Video Attacking Strangers With Butcher Knife

>>>/qresearch/12862975 US Courts 'Clogged Up' With Eviction Cases As Activist Groups Fight Back

>>>/qresearch/12862980 Sky News Australia: VIDEO It's not taken long to see the ramifications of a 'weak left-wing Biden Presidency'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VvWk8UB1td0 - It's not taken long to see the ramifications of a 'weak left-wing Biden Presiden [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/12862985 Introducing the Clinton Project Fighting to restore the era of Democratic politics when crime and welfare were frowned upon, but banging interns wasn't

>>>/qresearch/12863001 Press Briefing Jen Psaki Psaki: "First, the president himself will tell you that we keep him pretty busy"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gH8HeM46bp4 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12863052 #16419

(35 notables, 38 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30066

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12863048 Q Research General #16420: Be The Light And The Darkness Will Flee Edition

Created 082226ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12863117, >>>/qresearch/12863146 DoD on standby in japan, while russia, china, and iran announce joint naval exercise "soon"

>>>/qresearch/12863123 GOP Lawmakers Introduce OMAR Act to Prevent Federal Candidates from Putting Relatives on Campaign Payroll

>>>/qresearch/12863153 San Diego Man Pleads Guilty to Sex Trafficking of Children

>>>/qresearch/12863167 Biggs introduces legislation to prevent Covid-19 testing for domestic air travel

>>>/qresearch/12863177 VIDEO: White House construction update from next door in Lafayette Park and Marine One helicopter returns

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fmsyV-5Jm2E - White House construction update from next door in Lafayette Park and Marine One [Channel: penguinsix]

>>>/qresearch/12863198 GA election officials formally launch investigation into trump phone calls

>>>/qresearch/12863203 Big Brother Is Spying On You In Thousands Of Ways, And All Of That Info Now Goes Into Centralized “Fusion Systems”

>>>/qresearch/12863209, >>>/qresearch/12863243 BREAKING: Trump Lawyers TEAR APART Impeachment Sham With “Chilling Fact” That Dems Are Ignoring

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210209034828/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8e8a76f6237997ae119172af40dd730052c371ed9962728fd1d9719e7e61fb7b.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12863212 reminder: wikileaks clinton emails are a great research resource

>>>/qresearch/12863213 Arizona Senate falls vote short of holding Maricopa County supervisors in contempt

>>>/qresearch/12863221 How a New Governor Can Save the Golden State

>>>/qresearch/12863223 jen psaki mocks reporter when asked about keystone pipeline job losses

>>>/qresearch/12863232 Trump aide Peter Navarro charges AG Barr worked to help Biden issue blizzard of early executive orders

>>>/qresearch/12863239 BREAKING: Former President Trump's legal team has released a statement regarding next phase of the upcoming impeachment trial

>>>/qresearch/12863241 ‘Your legacy on the line’: Lincoln Project waves off scandals, posts video warning lawmakers to 'save America' by impeaching Trump

>>>/qresearch/12863255 SCHUMER: "All parties have agreed to a structure that will ensure a fair and honest Senate Impeachment Trial of the former president."

>>>/qresearch/12863260 When QAnon Blows Up Your Friend Group

>>>/qresearch/12863266 University's Wykeham chair of physics will now be known as Tencent-Wykeham chair in honour of the computing conglomerate/chinese influence

>>>/qresearch/12863272 National Guard deployment in DC will cost $483M through mid-March

>>>/qresearch/12863287 FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Joked About Killing Trump, Pence, and Jeff Sessions

>>>/qresearch/12863310, >>>/qresearch/12863329 Jan 15 2021: mysterious dark heicopters were landing on multiple downtown LA rooftops/dig

>>>/qresearch/12863322 Iran Demands Reparations from Biden for Damage Caused by President Trump that Prevented Them from Obtaining a Nuclear Weapon

>>>/qresearch/12863333 Doctor Sentenced for Role in Unlawful Distribution of Opioids

>>>/qresearch/12863363 With Scorching Economy Set To Overheat, Goldman Brings Forward First Rate Hike Estimate

>>>/qresearch/12863381 House Democrats Demand Parler Hand Over List of Investors, Creditors

>>>/qresearch/12863399 Julian Assange Accuser: ‘I’m Not a CIA Agent, I’m a Sexual Abuse Victim’ tell all book

>>>/qresearch/12863418 Former QAnon follower: I really believe it's a cult

>>>/qresearch/12863443 bill maher calls capitol riot a "faith based initiative"

>>>/qresearch/12863447, >>>/qresearch/12863614 Fox reporter Peter Doocy pressed White Jen Psaki about thousands of laid off energy workers thanks to Joe Biden’s executive orders.

>>>/qresearch/12863486 Wave of departures leaves federal court seats for Biden to fill

>>>/qresearch/12863488 EXCLUSIVE: VIDEO, Suspicious Vehicle Seen Escorting Late Night Biden Ballot Van at TCF Center on Election Night

>>>/qresearch/12863515 Dr. Laura Berman’s son Samuel dead at 16 from drug overdose

>>>/qresearch/12863527 Dogecoin hits new high as Snoop Dogg, Gene Simmons join crypto craze

>>>/qresearch/12863535, >>>/qresearch/12863699, >>>/qresearch/12863722 BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209040718/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/dffc5d16e0b3bc1a22507c42dfce709fcc60c10846141a956400f7b9b0802937.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12863551 Top New York elections board lawyer retires amid misconduct probe

>>>/qresearch/12863591 LA times Op-Ed: I'm sick with post-Trump derangement syndrome, are you?

>>>/qresearch/12863597 Japanese submarine, Hong Kong ship collide off Shikoku

>>>/qresearch/12863602 Jonathan Turley: Impeaching Trump – House threatens to trash this core principle to ensure conviction

>>>/qresearch/12863626 anon analysis: DS using capitol riots in same way hitler used the Reichstag fire to purge opposition

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209040207/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0c68e1378b7a3572339b209987d70ac47592adc77ff50cadce302b3310199b84.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12863638, >>>/qresearch/12863659 New Bill Would Essentially Criminalize Private Gun Ownership in the United States

>>>/qresearch/12863654 Beyond Parody: CNN Reporter Brags about Calling Cops on Maskless Floridians

>>>/qresearch/12863675 GOP House lawmakers introduce bill to pull tax exempt status for sanctuary city bonds

>>>/qresearch/12863691 Facebook says it will crack down on COVID vaccine misinformation

>>>/qresearch/12863711 China Arrests High Profile Australian Journalist On Spy Charges

>>>/qresearch/12863721 New Twitter App Blocks Over 800 New York Times Journos In "Fight Against Disinformation"

>>>/qresearch/12863731 #BREAKING: Iran's Minister of Intelligence Mahmoud Alavi: If one day we obtain a nuclear weapon, it is not our fault. Rather, we had to.

>>>/qresearch/12863748 Pete Buttigieg going into quarantine after COVID-19 exposure

>>>/qresearch/12863825 #16420

(48 notables, 55 posts, 67 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30067

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12863829 Q Research General #16421: Edition

Created 090012ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12863932 Georgia State Official Probing Trump's Effort to Overturn Election Results, Spokesperson Says

>>>/qresearch/12863936 Alex Kearns died thinking he owed hundreds of thousands for stock market losses on Robinhood. His parents have sued over his suicide.

>>>/qresearch/12863937 Kathleen Holland Hicks Confirmed to be Deputy Secretary of Defense

>>>/qresearch/12863941 Dem Rep. Warns Trump Team May Compare Capitol Riots to $2 Billion in BLM Rioting Damages Last Year — Which Would be “Race-Baiting”

>>>/qresearch/12863951 WHO Chief Says 'Concerning News' COVID Vaccines May Not Work Against Novel Strains

>>>/qresearch/12863959 biden teases woman nurse "you look like a freshman

>>>/qresearch/12863988 Ukrainian forces attacked the Yasinovatsky checkpoint with the use of heavy artillery. Northern suburbs of #Donetsk.

>>>/qresearch/12864007 Fundamental Change: 52 Executive Orders and Actions Already Put into Place by Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/12864012 Fresh female Keith Olberman; liberal PANIC

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209041040/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f3cee8164c58c331a71008200b109ebc97a014216d872c868fb00aa4c98ec173.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12864020, >>>/qresearch/12864104 Hacker tried to poison Florida town’s water supply, police say

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MkXDSOgLQ6M - Treatment Plant Intrusion Press Conference [Channel: Pinellas Sheriff]

>>>/qresearch/12864021 Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works

>>>/qresearch/12864078 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12864139 Man who calls himself ‘radical jew slayer’ arrested in Texas by FBI

>>>/qresearch/12864159 GOP rep waltz: "we cant get a briefing on why NG is still in capitol"

>>>/qresearch/12864164 COPS: Hot Dog & Pizza Joint Offered Several Ways To Get Your Fix

>>>/qresearch/12864304 'We were only allowed a few days of freedom'-What China's youth talked about when a new app slipped past government censors

>>>/qresearch/12864312, >>>/qresearch/12864445 , Super Bowl FAKING fans, cardboard cut outs

>>>/qresearch/12864316 Opinion: Time Magazine Details the ‘Shadow Campaign’ Against Trump

>>>/qresearch/12864321 The Betrayal of the American People by Biden and the Ruling Oligarchy

>>>/qresearch/12864371 The the US-UN-OAS backed dictator of #Haiti is on a killing spree to remain in power. Journalist Méus Jeanril was shot in the stomach

>>>/qresearch/12864416 Man attacks officer with screwdriver at gun range, gets shot dead by multiple people

>>>/qresearch/12864459 new liddle adam shiff tweet: You're going to hear a lot of bad faith arguments about impeachment. Trump’s team will argue you can’t convict former officials or presidents.

>>>/qresearch/12864484 Elon Musk says he WON'T get a coronavirus vaccine because he's 'not at risk' and says the pandemic has 'questioned my faith in humanity' because people have become 'irrational'

>>>/qresearch/12864578 #16421

(24 notables, 26 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30068

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12864584 Q Research General #16422: Peach Mint 2.0 Eve Edition

Created 090138ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12864683 Special Forces warned because ALL OF THEM use Pepe. Reconcile

>>>/qresearch/12864686 Check out the weird light/hologram spinning around the Capitol dome, then see next tweet.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209042332/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f75274ef103c6723d3bc1283ae9052571806ce92221c34cf36551a57817e5834.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12864694 Biden Threatens America's Dominance in Space

>>>/qresearch/12864708 Schumer, McConnell Reach Agreement on Trump Impeachment Trial – Here Are the Details

>>>/qresearch/12864709 Unidentified disease kills 15 in Tanzania

>>>/qresearch/12864716 Facebook to take down all false vaccine claims, not just those related to coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/12864737 MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is Not Exposing a Crackpot. It Risks Turning Her Into the Next Trump.

>>>/qresearch/12864793 Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

>>>/qresearch/12864860 Iran 'hides spyware in wallpaper, restaurant and games apps'

>>>/qresearch/12864947 Maryland’s Alexander Historical Auctions to auction off Adolf Hitler's toilet seat

>>>/qresearch/12864984 More on the Haitian Political Fight for power unfolding

>>>/qresearch/12864991 Desantis being harassed by Fake News about not wearing a mask at the Superb Owl

>>>/qresearch/12865031, >>>/qresearch/12865036, >>>/qresearch/12865039 'THIS IS DANGEROUS STUFF': Someone tried to poison city’s water supply during hack, sheriff says (Oldsmar, FL - outside of Tampa, FL)

>>>/qresearch/12865090 Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant

>>>/qresearch/12865118 Was "Ashli Babbitt" a deep cover white or black hat?

>>>/qresearch/12865181 Understatement of the year by a fraud - Joe Biden - 'I know a lot of folks out there are losing hope'

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209042751/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/bbb037c0a054374ead75db70de45027e7719ab3452c486206305ce45a8bf137c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12865183 Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to quarantine after security member tests COVID-19 positive

>>>/qresearch/12865205 Dig on the Great Reset

>>>/qresearch/12865216 US Attorney investigating Biden will stay, John Durham, who is investigating the Russia hoax, is expected to stay on

>>>/qresearch/12865253, >>>/qresearch/12865268 Impeachment links / when / where

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=asAjozV-7Qg - WATCH LIVE: Trumpu2019s second impeachment trial begins in Senate | Day 1 [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/12865301 Texas Republican congressman dies of Cancer (He was also "battling China Virus)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=R5WOb_35fEo - Texas Republican congressman dies of COVID-19 [Channel: Reuters]

>>>/qresearch/12865347 #16422

(22 notables, 25 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30069

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12865355 Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition

Created 090306ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12865377 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12865381, >>>/qresearch/12865911 Black Vehicle that came with Biden Vote Van 3:11 in the morning to the back door of the TCF center. We can ID this vehicle owner and driver.

>>>/qresearch/12865479 A hacker allegedly took control over a Florida water treatment facility's computer system and attempted to tamper with the water supply, investigators say.

>>>/qresearch/12865489 Political ‘personality cults’ are bad for democracy and rule of law, Pope says, citing events of 2020

>>>/qresearch/12865511 Tom Cotton: Joe Biden Will Keep Foreign Drug Dealers in U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12865523 China To "Seriously Sanction" Any Boycotters Of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

>>>/qresearch/12865527 New Zealand Suspends All High-Level Political Contact With Myanmar (Burma)

>>>/qresearch/12865546 Brigitte Gabriel - "Flying back home from Palm Beach. I had great meetings and I am delighted to tell you that President Trump is working on something big. Good things are happening.

>>>/qresearch/12865567 PF Report 'Skyfall'

>>>/qresearch/12865570, >>>/qresearch/12865667, >>>/qresearch/12865700 Substitute teacher accused of filming herself masturbating in front of class

>>>/qresearch/12865576 Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment

>>>/qresearch/12865598 Retards gonna retard - Democrats Cry Foul – Say Tom Brady Winning All Those Super Bowls During Black History Month Is “Racist”

>>>/qresearch/12865603, >>>/qresearch/12865611 False Flag? Man arrested outside Henderson Airport with machete and gun/

>>>/qresearch/12865612 New York Times Meltdown Plays Out in Private Facebook Group

>>>/qresearch/12865617 PF Report - Ghostrider AC 130 and a couple pilatus over Eglin. The AC 130 will probably head of to Avon Park test range and light things up.

>>>/qresearch/12865645 At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be “identified” by law enforcement and that police will “handle” the situation”

>>>/qresearch/12865652 Biden’s CIA Pick received as much as $2 million in recent years from a Chinese businessman

>>>/qresearch/12865655, >>>/qresearch/12865671, >>>/qresearch/12865837 Interesting anon opine on Virginia, Maryland and DC

>>>/qresearch/12865681 Rothschilds Plan to Scapegoat Wall Str

>>>/qresearch/12865690 Biden’s CIA Pick, William Burns, Leads A Think Tank With Close Ties To China

>>>/qresearch/12865711, >>>/qresearch/12865863 Why is Chief Justice Roberts skipping the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.

>>>/qresearch/12865713 US Criminal ‘Justice’ System Is Operated for the Benefit of Those Who Operate It, Not for Justice

>>>/qresearch/12865736, >>>/qresearch/12865893 CBS FAKE News Trump impeachment trial: Watch day 1 of former President Trump's second trial live (video link)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yLzBKX4HVAs - Trump impeachment trial: Day 1 of former President Trump's second trial [Channel: CBS News]

>>>/qresearch/12865778 Good video. Praying for England + world. Joseph J Flynn God bless and pray for our cousins over the Pond….England is lost !

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209183746/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4db77418ed709311f601289ec9f0dba573af44a714f5385c5ce952d96ed8802c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12865779 Lin Wood - The flag reminds us of why we never stop fighting for freedom

>>>/qresearch/12865795 Twitter considering subscription fees to ensure "revenue durability."

>>>/qresearch/12865797 Trump's Ambassador to Israel - Rejoining UNHRC is "Terrible Policy"

>>>/qresearch/12865804 PRAY FOR EACH OTHER Some really heavy negative energy all over today/night. Stay in the fight.

>>>/qresearch/12865827 @StateDeptSpox's attempt to make "Persuasive" argument on rejoining UNHRC

>>>/qresearch/12865865 KC-135 refuels B-2 Spirit for Woke Super Bowl LV. Feb. 8th, 2021

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=z4qQ-ghbCWY - KC-135 refuels B-2 Spirit for Woke Super Bowl LV. Feb. 8th, 2021 [Channel: GEORGEnews]

>>>/qresearch/12865868 Mayoral candidate Jane Castor's ex-domestic partner sues to end civil union

>>>/qresearch/12865887 Did Trump drop a crypto currency hand grenade on Biden?

>>>/qresearch/12865892 Red blood cells can enhance battery performance? The deeper you go…

>>>/qresearch/12865899 Well this is weird! What’s the WH doing on Zillow

>>>/qresearch/12865905 Federal judge halts effort to release local Proud Boy linked to DC insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12865909 59 vehicles in two convoys reportedly snuck into Syria from Iraq carrying equipment for US forces

>>>/qresearch/12865930, >>>/qresearch/12865971 Dig on Ashli Babbit

>>>/qresearch/12865942 Hologram in DC. The Hologram is AOC

>>>/qresearch/12865988 POTUS? - In a real trial, if a jury member has already made up their mind on the verdict before the start, that juror is dismissed.

>>>/qresearch/12865992 11 Iranians arrested in Arizona after jumping U.S.-Mexico border

>>>/qresearch/12866086 There is an argument that the Presidential transition of power does not happen until 4 march 2021.

(41 notables, 50 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30070

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12866107 Q Research General #16424: The Senate Impeachment Trial Is A National Embarrassment Edition

Created 090456ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12866129 Fresh Bread

>>>/qresearch/12866183, >>>/qresearch/12866427, >>>/qresearch/12866572 About the WH Flag seen at Half-staff earlier today. In Honor of Ron Wright?

>>>/qresearch/12866222, >>>/qresearch/12866240

>>>/qresearch/12866223 Gen Michael Hayden Insults Grenell on twitter

>>>/qresearch/12866234 Printer in Michigan Printed Tens of Thousands of Excess Pennsylvania Ballots Which Were Shipped/Filled out in New York Then sent to PA

>>>/qresearch/12866237 Feb 9 [Next Week] Delta Theory

>>>/qresearch/12866249 Ytuber LIVE FROM THE BORDER At an immigration detention and prossessing center in El Paso TX

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9vTM-V8923I - LIVE FROM THE BORDER [Channel: Real Anthony Aguero]

>>>/qresearch/12866251 Man charged in US Capitol riot worked for FBI, lawyer says

>>>/qresearch/12866284, >>>/qresearch/12866297, >>>/qresearch/12866319, >>>/qresearch/12866398, >>>/qresearch/12866416 Anons try to ID Vehicle and Driver that came with Biden Vote Van @3am to TCF center

>>>/qresearch/12866298, >>>/qresearch/12866482 US Secret Service Agent who killed Babbitt ID'd? A BLM militant? Same cop the GOP baseball game shooting

>>>/qresearch/12866305, >>>/qresearch/12866444 Honduran president target of US drug investigation, court filings reveal

>>>/qresearch/12866354 Robinhood brokers inspiration from jordan belfort?

>>>/qresearch/12866355, >>>/qresearch/12866645 PF Reports - US Navy drone MQ-4C Triton is up. Mystery plane callsign ANON out of Whibey Island.

>>>/qresearch/12866360 Dig on BECHTEL - A super secret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Working arm of the CIA ?

>>>/qresearch/12866369 U.S. Naval Institute - The "Q" Transition (Feb 1997)

>>>/qresearch/12866392 Rumble removing views from X22?

>>>/qresearch/12866395 They are pushing the Deepfakes to the max

>>>/qresearch/12866409 The PROMIS Affair, the FBI/DOJ Scandal that Will Not Die Digg

>>>/qresearch/12866410 Half Staff Alert - Texas. February 8-10, 2021 & Day of Interment

>>>/qresearch/12866425 Super Bowl ratings delay has many expecting heavy viewer decline

>>>/qresearch/12866448 National Reconnaissance Office tweets about the #starcatchers

>>>/qresearch/12866455 Judge rejects Ghislaine Maxwell's bid to keep 20 lines of Epstein testimony PRIVATE

>>>/qresearch/12866460 @NSAGov: Many artifacts exist that highlight a pre-existing relationship between UK Intel officers and US Intel officers.

>>>/qresearch/12866464 UN Puts Sweden on 'Shame List', Urges to Bring 'Home' Daesh Children

>>>/qresearch/12866467 Washington State Patrol trooper killed in Kittitas avalanche incident

>>>/qresearch/12866476 The Slow Death of Facebook and the “Woke” Police. Total Loss of Neutrality

>>>/qresearch/12866485 Newsmax's Greg Kelly Tells Audience About his Time with President Trump This Past Weekend. "His Spirits Are High"

>>>/qresearch/12866500 Students not concerned about China…until learning what CCP is doing

>>>/qresearch/12866502, >>>/qresearch/12866508, >>>/qresearch/12866514, >>>/qresearch/12866520 Analysis on Byrne's How DJT Lost the White House: very clever disinfo?

>>>/qresearch/12866510, >>>/qresearch/12866542, >>>/qresearch/12866583 Unmasked — Have we uncovered the truth on 2020 election fraud? (ytube & rumble links)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jsOXMi1E0tQ - Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? [Channel: Pure Data]

>>>/qresearch/12866525 New federal rules on transgender discrimination stirs hope in Washington state. Trans 13 yr old Kirkland quoted in article

>>>/qresearch/12866527 Richard Grenell’s Brutal Truth on Biden Trying to “Muscle Out” Trump

>>>/qresearch/12866539 Judge Stops Some of Soros-Funded L.A. District Attorney George Gascón’s Radical Policies

>>>/qresearch/12866562 Manhattan D.A. Cannot Prosecute Paul Manafort After Trump’s Pardon Due to Double Jeopardy

>>>/qresearch/12866573, >>>/qresearch/12866603, >>>/qresearch/12866632, >>>/qresearch/12866644, >>>/qresearch/12866651, >>>/qresearch/12866685 Anons Opine - Starting to see why a "great awakening" is the only possible way

>>>/qresearch/12866575 New App Allows Twitter Users to Block All NY Times Reporters With One Click

>>>/qresearch/12866577 Not this shit again. The CA bullet train authority will seek a $4.1-billion appropriation

>>>/qresearch/12866596 Photo of maskless Tampa mayor surfaces after she promises to 'identify' and 'handle' maskless Super Bowl fans

>>>/qresearch/12866698 Kentucky Public Health Commissioner fails to put his mask on in time for camera. (vid embed)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209190517/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/942cb7569f6cf9c3342273b8cb1dbf24b2d71b6a97cd6679f16117b55fee51f8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12866704, >>>/qresearch/12866812 Looks like someone got hacked. Blockfolio crytpo currency tracker website (kek)

>>>/qresearch/12866774 @DeptofDefense - Seventeen @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcons wait on the ramp at @374AirliftWing, Japan

>>>/qresearch/12866796 WA Employment Security Department whistleblower says she was told not to help people

>>>/qresearch/12866889 Pittsburgh building fire/explosion/collapse


>>>/qresearch/12866939 #16424

(45 notables, 66 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30071

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12868527 Q Research General #16427: #NeverForget Hillary's Emails Edition



>>>/qresearch/12868976 Pres. Grant signed a bill establishing a weather service under the U.S. Army Signal Service.

>>>/qresearch/12869563 Arizona Senate Fails to Hold Maricopa Board of Supervisors in Contempt Over Election Fraud Audit

>>>/qresearch/12869593 Outrageous! Facebook Flags and Bans Gateway Pundit Video of Late Night Ballot Dump at TCF Center

>>>/qresearch/12869602 Jerusalem mayor threatens to ban unvaccinated Arabs from attending mosques

>>>/qresearch/12869614 Dems To Cut Off Stimulus Checks At $200K Household Income

>>>/qresearch/12869667 Lilly's CFO Resigns After Allegations Of "Inappropriate Personal Relationship"

>>>/qresearch/12869705 India Threatens To Jail Twitter Employees For 7 Years After Alleged Interference In Country’s Politics

>>>/qresearch/12869739 Paris Hilton Testifies on Abduction as a Child, Placement in Facility, Torture and Sex Abuse

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IQNvU5rfodk - Paris Hilton TESTIFIES In Utah Senate Judiciary For Alleged Abuse Case | NewsNOW [Channel: NewsNOW from FOX]

>>>/qresearch/12869815 Rape Gang Victim Names 18 Abusers, Police Charge Nobody in 8 Years, Lose Interview Tapes

>>>/qresearch/12869851 BIDEN's destruction of America (con't) [Day 20]

>>>/qresearch/12869852, >>>/qresearch/12870026 Plane Report

>>>/qresearch/12869862 ALERT: Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD

>>>/qresearch/12869888 More States Are Creating Legislation To Prevent Biden Executive Orders From Being Followed

>>>/qresearch/12870015 Military “Stand Down” Offers Biden the Opportunity to Spy on Americans


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GqYHa-fpWfw - Bill Gates Involvement With Eugenics and Population Control - How it Ties in Wit [Channel: 4bztruth]

(15 notables, 16 posts, 12 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30072

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12867737 Q Research General #16426: Impeach A GEOTUS At Your Own Peril Edition

Created 091237ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12867774, >>>/qresearch/12867799 CD Projekt's Servers Have Been Hacked

>>>/qresearch/12867807 China angry: Beijing warns against US warships when sailing through the South China Sea Island

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mMF-G4KvDAk - China angry: Beijing warns against US warships when sailing through the South Ch [Channel: U.S. Daily Military]

>>>/qresearch/12867821 Q RELATED ARTICLES AND HIT PIECES FROM THE LAST 12 HOURS - 7:30 AM EST 02 09 2021

>>>/qresearch/12867840 Mystery illness in Tanzania reportedly kills 15 people, leaves victims vomiting blood

>>>/qresearch/12867848 Digg on Paul Boyer, the Arizona Senate GOP defector that stopped Maricopa County contempt over election audit

>>>/qresearch/12867858 Dig on Rust, the project on which the comedy Silicon Valley is based,

>>>/qresearch/12867900, >>>/qresearch/12867954 Investigations are underway after unknown culprits tried to poison the water supply of a city in Florida

>>>/qresearch/12867935, >>>/qresearch/12867964 FF inbound?

>>>/qresearch/12867946 Anon Opines - What is the Great Awakening?

>>>/qresearch/12867959 Senate tax bill strips NFL, other sports leagues from tax-exempt status

>>>/qresearch/12868004 'QAnon' Thinks Trump’s Impeachment Actually Means He’s Still President

>>>/qresearch/12868017, >>>/qresearch/12868019 NOTABLES ARCHIVE UPDATE (Should be in Dough?)

>>>/qresearch/12868062 State Attorneys General Warn Biden Over Potential Presidential Overreach

>>>/qresearch/12868063 Troops fear SecDef Austin's stand-down will single out one form of extremism, ignore others

>>>/qresearch/12868064 Fauci: Masks Start Coming Off When ‘the Level of Virus Is So Low, It’s Not a Threat at All’

>>>/qresearch/12868079 Rep. Bob Wittman on Lloyd Austin: ‘What Is the Definition of Extremism?’

>>>/qresearch/12868104 Love Fulfills the Law

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=k4Nu_bScaaU - Peace Be Still - 20210209 [Channel: BardsFM]

>>>/qresearch/12868111, >>>/qresearch/12868114 BIDEN's destruction of America Day 8

>>>/qresearch/12868117 Lee Smith: Impeachment ‘Isn’t About Trump,’ but ‘Punishing the American Voters’

>>>/qresearch/12868128 Chuck Grassley - “Can’t fly into USA w/o showing negative test for virus but Pres Biden will let ppl who illegally walked across border do so w/o testing.

>>>/qresearch/12868166 Opine, What is there to say?

>>>/qresearch/12868175 BAKER ON DUTY #16426 HANDOFF CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/12868184, >>>/qresearch/12868264 U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Aqhw-rS3VKU - U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12868188 Opine, As I see it this is currently the only viable path forward as things stand:

>>>/qresearch/12868299 CLINTONS EMAILS https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/

>>>/qresearch/12868301 White House Budget Director Nominee Neera Tanden Confirmation Hearing

>>>/qresearch/12868357 Q is HERE?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SMGCFRILTvk - GREAT GOONAN PODCAST #5 - QaNON !! #podcast #conspiracy #QAnon #lizardpeople #c [Channel: Charles Goonan]

>>>/qresearch/12868392 ANONS!! LOOK AT THIS!

>>>/qresearch/12868416 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/12868420 #PedoPrez 'Creepy Joe is at it again': President is blasted after telling a nurse running a vaccine site that she 'looks like a freshman' during a video conference

>>>/qresearch/12868436 Brigitte Gabriel Dig

>>>/qresearch/12868475 VATICAN RCC RESEARCH FILE 3.0 (Q Drops)

>>>/qresearch/12868530, >>>/qresearch/12868556 #16426

(33 notables, 40 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30073

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12869617 Q Research General #16428: The Stage Is Set Edition

Created 091724ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12869688 Michelle Obama launching children's cooking show 'Waffles + Mochi' on Netflix

>>>/qresearch/12869735 BIDEN's destruction of America (con't) Day 20

>>>/qresearch/12869798, >>>/qresearch/12869882 Lilly's CFO Resigns After Allegations Of "Inappropriate Personal Relationship"

>>>/qresearch/12869838 The "CNN Presidential Town Hall with Joe Biden" will air live from the Pabst Theater on February 16 at 8 p.m. ET Milwaaukee, WI

>>>/qresearch/12869855 WATCH: White House press secretary Psaki holds news conference Started streaming 34 minutes ago

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=W5sINABBzUg - WATCH: White House press secretary Psaki holds news conference [Channel: Washington Post]

>>>/qresearch/12869870 U.S. Army major sentenced to three decades in federal prison for production of child pornography (Feb. 8)

>>>/qresearch/12869909 Peach Mint Party Begins Soon!!!!!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/12869930, >>>/qresearch/12869943 Fact Checkers are now claiming "false", even when there is evidence in video that it was said

>>>/qresearch/12869942, >>>/qresearch/12870024 Hypersonic weapons to comprise backbone of Russia’s conventional deterrence forces

>>>/qresearch/12869983, >>>/qresearch/12870109, >>>/qresearch/12870121, >>>/qresearch/12870277, >>>/qresearch/12870339, >>>/qresearch/12870435, >>>/qresearch/12870553 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/12869987 The #UAE's 1st mission to #Mars reached the red planet and entered #orbit on Tuesday after a 7-month, 494 million km journey

>>>/qresearch/12869996, >>>/qresearch/12870008, >>>/qresearch/12870057 Impeachment trial coverage now in progress

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=o5SHE6Mbyhs - ud83dudd34 President Trump Impeachment Trial LIVE- Day 1 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12870071, >>>/qresearch/12870076, >>>/qresearch/12870078, >>>/qresearch/12870102, >>>/qresearch/12870124, >>>/qresearch/12870160, >>>/qresearch/12870165, >>>/qresearch/12870181, >>>/qresearch/12870210, >>>/qresearch/12870378 Impeachment Trial Notes

>>>/qresearch/12870142 Buffalo shooting: Gunman reportedly opens fire inside Allina Health Clinic

>>>/qresearch/12870152 Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment

>>>/qresearch/12870195 The Dallas Express A new outlet that will tell the truth, etc.

>>>/qresearch/12870211 #16427 (locked bread notes)

>>>/qresearch/12870214 Cybercom tweet on Pizza/Internet Day

>>>/qresearch/12870241 Judicial Watch Continues Pursuit of Biden’s Hidden Senate Records

>>>/qresearch/12870250 Less than 3% of recent COVID deaths in Israel were vaccinated - Netanyahu

>>>/qresearch/12870286 Is this really what the vaccine is about?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nit80z9PkWw - Laminin DNA Connector ( Mirrored video - Linda Rose Spiritsong) [Channel: Sabbath Seekers]

>>>/qresearch/12870317 U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing - February 9, 2021 - 1:30 PM •Started streaming 2 hours ago

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NstLfO8yJf8 - Daily Press Briefing - February 9, 2021 - 1:30 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>>/qresearch/12870347 His son died. A week later he survived the Capitol riots. Now, he's leading the impeachment case against Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/12870351 First Deputy Head Of Ukrainian SBU Admits State Security Service Works In Interest Of Foreign Powers

>>>/qresearch/12870388 @USACEBaltimore: Located on the North Branch of the #PotomacRiver near the border of MD and WV, #JenningsRandolphLake is about 200 mls upriver from #DC…

>>>/qresearch/12870394 Stella Immanuel MD thread and video - I demand an apology [HCQ]

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209193311/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/46cce54783f6b39a3956d92114cc7f998dfbda7d9fdf032f9c75047fbd3d0489.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12870412 Flashback: Here’s Video Of Chuck Schumer Inciting Violence At Supreme Court During Kavanaugh Hearings

>>>/qresearch/12870455, >>>/qresearch/12870529 Trump Trial Memo - PDF (78 pages)

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210209034828/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8e8a76f6237997ae119172af40dd730052c371ed9962728fd1d9719e7e61fb7b.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12870467 Anon notables

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OkDYrCCmUIA - The Warrior Song - Aquila Natus (with lyrics) [Channel: The Warrior Song Project]

>>>/qresearch/12870470 Next: Climate Lockdowns?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5HLZDotY_zs - Next Up… CLIMATE Lockdowns ud83eudd2c / Hugo Talks #lockdown [Channel: Hugo Talks]

>>>/qresearch/12870484 COVID-19 Relief Bill Stalled Over Payments to Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/12870503 Third Stimulus Package Update: Top CEOs Meeting With Joe Biden, Janet Yellen

>>>/qresearch/12870517 #16427

>>>/qresearch/12870582 #16428

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9UALs9xEC_M - Wiz Khalifa We Own It ft. 2 Chainz Fast & Furious) Official Video [Channel: aTnSkyPilot]

>>>/qresearch/12870638 NotBarron1946 account suspended

(35 notables, 56 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30074

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12870613 Q Research General #16429: The Impeachment Party Begins Edition

Created 091854ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12870686 Biden Son-in-Law’s Work for Medical Investment Firm While Advising POTUS on Covid Sparks Concerns

>>>/qresearch/12870691 Senate Impeachment Trial

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Aqhw-rS3VKU - U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12870696 Biden opens major push for LGBTIQ rights abroad

>>>/qresearch/12870733, >>>/qresearch/12870769, >>>/qresearch/12870807 Impeachment Trial Notes

>>>/qresearch/12870743 Dems Intro Bill To Stop Govt Hiring People They Say Have ‘Spread Conspiracy Theories’ – No Mention of Russiagate

>>>/qresearch/12870763 California judge issues injunction against Soros-backed district attorney's policies after his deputies sued him

>>>/qresearch/12870774 Disney is personally blocking Absolute Proof

>>>/qresearch/12870778, >>>/qresearch/12871107 To Be BLOUNT… GAME OVER. The First Impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12870809 White House won't 'opine' on Democratic calls for violence

>>>/qresearch/12870813 Alleged White Nationalist Charged With Gun Crime

>>>/qresearch/12870820, >>>/qresearch/12870925 Multiple injured, suspect in custody after shooting at Minnesota health clinic. omb detonated after first responders were on scene

>>>/qresearch/12870904 Trump's second impeachment trial begins as Dems promise 'devastating new evidence' against the ex-President - who is watching 'every minute' on TV from Mar-a-Lago


>>>/qresearch/12870998 Corporate Concentration in the US Food System Makes Food More Expensive and Less Accessible for Many Americans

>>>/qresearch/12871008 ELECTION INTEGRITY: Georgia GOP Offers 10 Pages Of Recommendations To Keep Future Elections From Being Stolen

>>>/qresearch/12871069 Far Left ‘American Bridge’ Super PAC Will Spend $100 Million to Back Biden, Democrats in 2022

>>>/qresearch/12871100 Jonathan Turley rebuts Rep Neguse Impeachment Opening

>>>/qresearch/12871170, >>>/qresearch/12871315 Anon news notables bun

>>>/qresearch/12871183 Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows

>>>/qresearch/12871217 notableQ posts on impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12871221 Sciences Po director reportedly resigns after incest case involving a university professor

>>>/qresearch/12871229 Lead House Impeachment Manager Raskin Plays Deceptively Edited Video of Trump During Senate Trial

>>>/qresearch/12871408 #16429

(23 notables, 28 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30075

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12871467 Q Research General #16430: You're Watching A Movie, Enjoy The Show Edition

Created 091946ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12871533, >>>/qresearch/12871544, >>>/qresearch/12871568 HANDOFF CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/12871565, >>>/qresearch/12871852 Her first follows on twat are obama, bill gates and other ultra-lib follows

>>>/qresearch/12871590 #16429

>>>/qresearch/12871595 PF Report - Tankers up everywhere

>>>/qresearch/12871596 BUFFALO SHOOTING UPDATE: Wright County officials say there were no bombs or explosives detonated at the Allina Health Clinic Tuesday

>>>/qresearch/12871617 US Rep. Raskin of Maryland Announces Death of Son Tommy, 25

>>>/qresearch/12871625 Military equipment was reportedly #stolen from an @IDF base in southern #Israel on Monday morning

>>>/qresearch/12871711 Burma - Representatives from the army twice demanded a response from Suu Kyi’s representatives to the military's request to examine the results of the November's election

>>>/qresearch/12871742 Biden continuing to push the vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12871775 Mossad wishing everybody 'Happy Pizza Day'?

>>>/qresearch/12871782 Kellyanne Conway's Daughter Claudia, 16, Auditioned for American Idol, Katy Perry Confirms

>>>/qresearch/12871812 #PizzaGate Cap

>>>/qresearch/12871937 Jonathan Turley - Many continue to use Trump as a license to hate

>>>/qresearch/12871947 Raskin's Son Committed Suicide on NYE 2020

>>>/qresearch/12871956 Man charged in connection with the U.S. Capitol riot claims he’s worked for the FBI and holds a top security clearance since 1979

>>>/qresearch/12871963, >>>/qresearch/12871976 The ridiculously political impeachment trial of President Trump begins today at 1:00pm (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=asAjozV-7Qg - WATCH LIVE: Trumpu2019s second impeachment trial begins in Senate | Day 1 [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Aqhw-rS3VKU - U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump [Channel: C-SPAN]


>>>/qresearch/12872088 Head of the Institute for National Security Studies Prof. @YadlinAmos has announced on Tuesday that he will be leaving his position after holding it for 10 years.

>>>/qresearch/12872121 Anon opines - All of YOU need to fight like hell. Don't expect it to just be your elected officials.

>>>/qresearch/12872131 SEC Braces For Market Manipulation Crackdown (reddit), Expands Staff's Power To Start New Probes

>>>/qresearch/12872157 Anon Notables @500

>>>/qresearch/12872198 Video of President Trump’s January 6 speech, with transcript

>>>/qresearch/12872199, >>>/qresearch/12872204 Camp Coleman (just the kids)

>>>/qresearch/12872214 More mask and virus propaganda from DC Corporate Government

>>>/qresearch/12872221 China Virus mRNA vaccines may cause life-threatening blood disorder, thrombocytopenia

>>>/qresearch/12872233 There is Q There are anons There is no QAnon

>>>/qresearch/12872250 Man impersonating Officer detains woman in Wilmington, DE

>>>/qresearch/12872253 #16430

>>>/qresearch/12872332 We're going to pull the whole diseased temple down on their heads

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LUsLDzXWUU4 - Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical) [Channel: Krstonosec1]

>>>/qresearch/12872359 "I have a lot of enemies, you may not see me for awhile" DJT @Whirlpool (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=riVLJ37JKgI - President Trump on his fight against Big Pharma to lower drug prices [Channel: Donald J Trump]

(30 notables, 35 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30076

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12873026 Q Research General #16432: Anon Confidence Level High Edition

Created 092152ZFEB21





>>>/qresearch/12873056 A Capitol rioter told the FBI that officers 'helped us' and did not stop him from entering

>>>/qresearch/12873081 DOJ purging all Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys — except the one investigating Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/12873112 Jason Chaffetz Go to page 34 of House Rules. Did the manipulated video violate the House Rules?

>>>/qresearch/12873211 Head of Army War College suspended

>>>/qresearch/12873249 National Guard Comms? - Q1720 & Q1010

>>>/qresearch/12873260 Michael P Senger is convinced we have all been psyop'd by China and effectively all guidance we have ever had on lockdowns etc originated from China

>>>/qresearch/12873298 *EXPLOSION* A manhole fire erupted in Astoria near broadway in New York with two thundering booms, shaking nearby homes and filling the air with smoke

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210033201/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1def68736f5edb23fed0feb0499b2cbc8cf891cc7bf948686753078f71fcea62.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12873313 Midwives told to stop using terms such as 'breastfeeding' and 'breastmilk

>>>/qresearch/12873333 Yikes: Biden Beat Reporter Reveals She's Been Dating Top White House Aide

>>>/qresearch/12873338 J&J CEO Says Annual Covid Vaccine Needed "For Years" As MSM Warns Virus Will "Circulate For Decades"

>>>/qresearch/12873343 Biden Scraps Trump Mandate For Universities To Report Chinese Dealings

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=zcD3cD8uFUM - China Infiltrating American Campuses: Gordon Chang With The Details [Channel: Campus Reform]

>>>/qresearch/12873346 Time 'Shadow Campaign' Story Reveals That Union Leaders Betrayed Working Families in 2020

>>>/qresearch/12873348 Senate Votes 56 to 44 to Proceed with Impeachment Trial of Private Citizen Donald J. Trump

>>>/qresearch/12873357 Debt and the Demise of the Middle Class

>>>/qresearch/12873359 Bill Cassidy (LA), Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Mitt Romney (UT), Ben Sasse (NE) and Pat Toomey (PA) vote to try Trump

>>>/qresearch/12873381 How Many Americans Has the American Medical Establishment Killed?

>>>/qresearch/12873385 Alleged Oath Keeper ‘Insurrectionist’ Is Actually Former FBI Section Chief With Top Secret Clearance, Says His Lawyer

>>>/qresearch/12873394 Sen. Kennedy on impeachment trial: Dems want to equate Trump voters with ‘nutjobs’ who stormed Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12873412 Dem Impeachment Case Leans on Legal Scholar Who Says Their Use of His Position is Based on Erroneous CNN Claim.

>>>/qresearch/12873422 Axios Reporter Hid Relationship With Top Biden Staffer Throughout Campaign

>>>/qresearch/12873435 Verified Twitter User Gailen David Calls Violent Attack on Senator Rand Paul ‘A National Treasure’

>>>/qresearch/12873449 Dominion hired private investigators to chase Sidney Powell evading lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12873480 Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows

>>>/qresearch/12873486 GOP calls for DOD investigation into Biden administration placing Michael Ellis on leave at NSA

>>>/qresearch/12873489 Army Creates Quantum Sensor That Detects Entire Radio-Frequency Spectrum Breakthrough could help the military fight in the electronic spectrum

>>>/qresearch/12873499 Super Bowl ratings fall flat despite historic quarterback matchup

>>>/qresearch/12873525 Dominion spokesman: Mike Lindell 'is begging to be sued' MyPillow CEO defends his 'Absolute Proof' documentary on election fraud

>>>/qresearch/12873532 'Eli Lilly and Co said on Tuesday Chief Financial Officer Josh Smiley had resigned after allegations about a personal relationship sparked an investigation

>>>/qresearch/12873548 Two ex-execs of Venezuelan oil giant PDVSA given five year prison terms for leaking data to US

>>>/qresearch/12873580 NBC News White House Reporter Nichols is wearing a 'Holy See Press Office' Neck Strap for his Credentials

>>>/qresearch/12873664 Israeli Military Intel: Iran Is Two Years Away From Nukes, but Hasn't Decided on Breakout

>>>/qresearch/12873675 Jill Biden Promises Free Access to Community College

>>>/qresearch/12873715 Trump impeachment lawyer says ‘floodgates will open’ if Senate convicts him

>>>/qresearch/12873725 Truckloads of Illegal Aliens Found at Texas Border Checkpoint

>>>/qresearch/12873745 President Trump’s Lawyers Present A DEVASTATING Piece Of Evidence!

>>>/qresearch/12873748 Mike Pompeo comms?

>>>/qresearch/12873794 Marjorie Taylor Greene should be removed from Facebook for spreading 'dangerous lies,' advocacy groups say

>>>/qresearch/12873806 Three Cast Members of Netflix Cheerleading Series Arrested for Sexual Misconduct With Minors

>>>/qresearch/12873823 Psaki When Asked About Biden’s EO Forcing Girls to Compete Against Biological Males: Transgenders are More Important Than Your Daughters

>>>/qresearch/12873831 Lee Smith: Impeachment ‘Isn’t About Trump,’ but ‘Punishing the American Voters’

>>>/qresearch/12873870 India Threatens To Jail Twitter Employees For 7 Years After Alleged Interference In Country’s Politics

>>>/qresearch/12873885 The Dumbing Down Of America Is Poised To Accelerate

>>>/qresearch/12873898 Americans Have Never Been More Dissatisfied With How The Country Is Functioning Than They Are Right Now

>>>/qresearch/12873932 Johnson & Johnson can't even make baby powder that is safe but we should trust their vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12873996 Fresh Bread

(46 notables, 46 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30077

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12872246 Q Research General #16431: Disinformation is necessary Edition

Created 092045ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12872389 Biden’s Dept of Justice To Demand 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys Resign

>>>/qresearch/12872399 U.S. Attorney Transition Begins

>>>/qresearch/12872419 Psaki When Asked About Biden’s EO Forcing Girls to Compete Against Biological Males: Transgenders are More Important Than Your Daughters

>>>/qresearch/12872442 Pompeo Slams WHO Findings That COVID-19 Did Not Come From Wuhan Lab Despite Demanding Investigation

>>>/qresearch/12872448 #16429

>>>/qresearch/12872452 New York Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Republican Activists, Including Bevelyn Beatty, For Planned Parenthood Protests

>>>/qresearch/12872453, >>>/qresearch/12873002 #16430, #16431, #16432

>>>/qresearch/12872460 SEC Braces For Market Manipulation Crackdown, Expands Staff's Power To Start New Probes (Reddit users)

>>>/qresearch/12872464 Remember Kolomoisky?

>>>/qresearch/12872488 Anon opine - 1/27 GME hits peak (efforts behind the scenes contain) 10 business days later is tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/12872532 Establishment Media Express Collective Outrage over Democrats’ Impeachment Video

>>>/qresearch/12872592 “WHO offered me 20million dollars to put a little toxic in my Covid-19 remedy” – Madagascar President exposes WHO

>>>/qresearch/12872645, >>>/qresearch/12872652 Comms? (Pic)

>>>/qresearch/12872698 Trump's top lawyer asks to delay the impeachment trial if it's not finished by the beginning of Sabbath

>>>/qresearch/12872804 'Super Bowl ratings: Major drop in TV viewership, major surge online'

>>>/qresearch/12872881 National Guard - Training in support of NASA Spaceflight

>>>/qresearch/12872888 Computer system causes Hawaii unemployment payment delays

>>>/qresearch/12872938 Buffalo shooting: Gunman identified as Gregory Paul Ulrich

>>>/qresearch/12872954 Biden opposes effort to recall CA Gov Newsome

>>>/qresearch/12872968 Indian Cancer Drug Manufacturer Agrees to Plead Guilty and Pay $50 Million for Concealing and Destroying Records in Advance of FDA Inspection

>>>/qresearch/12872987 At least 36 people develop blood disorder and a doctor DIES after receiving Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines - as experts probe potential link between shots and the rare condition

(21 notables, 23 posts, 14 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30078

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12866977 Q Research General #16425: Twas the Nighshift Before Peach Mint Edition

Created 090843ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12867014 Democratic Senator Says Rand Paul May Be Right About ‘Unconstitutional’ Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12867024 Rust Foundation, a new independent non-profit organization. Google/Amazon/Huawei/Microsoft/Mozilla are members

>>>/qresearch/12867037, >>>/qresearch/12867069, >>>/qresearch/12867396 Claudia Conway will make her American Idol debut on the February 14th season premiere.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210209191201/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/5217ea4ce2c439e0f94bfa60e491fe515c51fee4358d8d2c47d4786a2fa819dd.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12867052 Trump Trial Memo, 8 February, 2021 (pdf)

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210208223233/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/00fa178fd0f28d601a26f97b13880d067ed1f744396dbe31472cb467c247a05d.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12867057, >>>/qresearch/12867059 Hope Probe: Why two moons recently appeared in Dubai

>>>/qresearch/12867104 1 Year DELTA. Q#3849 - Justice

>>>/qresearch/12867144 2 Year DELTA. Q#2677 - We never left. it's time to return publicly

>>>/qresearch/12867158 Larry Johnson: A Closer Look at the Hammer and Scorecard

>>>/qresearch/12867172 Democrats have a back-up plan in case the Senate doesn’t convict Trump on impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12867181, >>>/qresearch/12867196 Law enforcement failed to act on intel ahead of Capitol riot. Trump offered assitance b4 the 6th

>>>/qresearch/12867186 GOP congressman: 'We still don't have answers' to why National Guard remaining around Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12867189 Revealed: 104 terrorist border crossings

>>>/qresearch/12867201 Southern Poverty Law Center Stops Monitoring Black Hate Groups Because of ‘Equity’

>>>/qresearch/12867204 Biden prepares rules to limit ICE arrests, deportations

>>>/qresearch/12867209 Supermodel Beverly Peele claims Peter Nygard sexually assaulted her

>>>/qresearch/12867211 The (New Normal) War On Domestic Terror

>>>/qresearch/12867215 IMF Wants To Use "Digital Footprint Of Customers' Online Activities" To Assess Creditworthiness

>>>/qresearch/12867221 Hell Pizza has joined forces with Kiwi sex shop Adult Toy Megastore (New Zealand)

>>>/qresearch/12867235 Democrat bill implements 'every bad idea' for voting

>>>/qresearch/12867241, >>>/qresearch/12867339 US attorney handling Hunter Biden probe asked to stay on

>>>/qresearch/12867247 Fox moves to dismiss $2.7B Smartmatic lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12867250 GOP defector blows up Arizona Senate vote to hold Maricopa County supervisors in contempt over election audit

>>>/qresearch/12867252 450 Arrested in Human Trafficking Scheme, Part of Operation Reclaim and Rebuild. Happened in Finger Lakes (ytube embed)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=i-BpQtCEOYE - 450 arrested in human trafficking scheme, part of Operation Reclaim and Rebuild [Channel: 23 ABC News | KERO]

>>>/qresearch/12867266 Christian Films the Next Target of Cancel Culture

>>>/qresearch/12867271 Georgia Town Removes Confederate Statue in Front of Courthouse

>>>/qresearch/12867273 Judicial Watch Continues Pursuit of Biden's Hidden Senate Records

>>>/qresearch/12867291, >>>/qresearch/12867297, >>>/qresearch/12867328 Capitol Breachers Updates. Salon owner in L.A. Jail, Proudboy Released.

>>>/qresearch/12867309 NYC eateries to reopen for indoor dining on Friday

>>>/qresearch/12867323 Purdue Backs Down on Mandatory Antiracist Training for Music Students

>>>/qresearch/12867341 California lawmaker encourages teachers to opt-out of funding Gov. Newsom as recall nears threshold

>>>/qresearch/12867352 Democrats Threaten to Punish Trump for Not Testifying at Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12867446 59 Vehicles in Two Convoys Reportedly Snuck Into Syria From Iraq Carrying Supplies, Equipment

>>>/qresearch/12867650 @USNavy - Amphibious Ready Group, Arriving

>>>/qresearch/12867672 F-15EX Flies For First Time As USAF Prepares For Deliveries

>>>/qresearch/12867716 #16425

(35 notables, 42 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30079

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12868573 Q Research General #16427: No Rodents In The Kitchen Special Edition

Created 091515ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12868652, >>>/qresearch/12869033 Oath Keeper leader is FBI (daily mail)

>>>/qresearch/12868670, >>>/qresearch/12868751, >>>/qresearch/12869109, >>>/qresearch/12869163, >>>/qresearch/12869319 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/12868671 'Sanitation worker leads police to missing girl'

>>>/qresearch/12868689, >>>/qresearch/12868936 Corona Cash: Financial Disclosures Reveal Biden Surgeon General Made Millions off Pandemic ‘Consulting’

>>>/qresearch/12868730, >>>/qresearch/12868793, >>>/qresearch/12868866 Waiting on Schumer for a Covid-19 Briefing

>>>/qresearch/12868755 A 57-year-old South Florida restauranteur is accused of serving up a cocktail of illegal drugs at his Chicago-style hot dog joint, sheriff's officials said

>>>/qresearch/12868768 Live: View of US Capitol ahead of Trump's 2nd impeachment trial

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sLhrCNcARDo - Live: Former president Trump 2nd impeachment trial [Channel: The Sun]

>>>/qresearch/12868875 Feb. 9 is National Pizza Day and businesses across the nation are celebrating with discounted pizza and other specials

>>>/qresearch/12868983 South Africa is halting its rollout of the AstraZeneca-University of Oxford Covid-19 vaccine, the country’s minister of health said Sunday

>>>/qresearch/12868996 A House subcommittee examines a president’s clemency power and when it can be used under the Constitution

>>>/qresearch/12869014 U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Aqhw-rS3VKU - U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12869046 WHO experts hold press conference as Wuhan investigation ends

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jKhyof2PTQA - WHO experts hold press conference as Wuhan investigation ends [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12869099 A rare glimpse inside Calgary's COVID-19 isolation hotel facility, as travellers share concerns

>>>/qresearch/12869167 Iran's IRGC Shows Off 340 Boats Including New 'Bladerunner'

>>>/qresearch/12869269 Ice Storm central USA this week

>>>/qresearch/12869304, >>>/qresearch/12869314 Senate debates rules for Trump’s impeachment trial. Start in 25 minutes

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EyubuR2QK4o - WATCH LIVE | The second impeachment of Donald Trump [Channel: Washington Post]

>>>/qresearch/12869370 On Thurs Feb. 25, 2021 at 11am PST, our agency/U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) will jointly send Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) test message across many wireless devices in King, Pierce/Thurston Counties Washington State

>>>/qresearch/12869466 #16427, #16428, #16429

(18 notables, 27 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30080

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12874720 Q Research General #16434: Anon Ebake With Solid Dough Edition

Created 100047ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12874754, >>>/qresearch/12874947

>>>/qresearch/12874904, >>>/qresearch/12874939 Biden pushing the money laundering bill called 'Covid Relief'

>>>/qresearch/12874920 FED SNITCH BUSTED

>>>/qresearch/12874937 Leon Brittan's widow speaks out today to attack a 'culture of cover-up' at Scotland Yard.

>>>/qresearch/12874965 'The six Republicans were Senators Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania.'

>>>/qresearch/12875016 US city of Philadelphia replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day

>>>/qresearch/12875094 Jeffrey Lord Read Through the Democrats’ 77 Page Impeachment Paper and Identified 75 Lies

>>>/qresearch/12875110 News flash! We are no longer living in a free country

>>>/qresearch/12875144 House impeachment managers present a video compilation of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12875162 Two Crown Resorts directors resign after damning report halts opening of new Sydney casino

>>>/qresearch/12875170 Karen Lewis, the firebrand former president of #Chicago’s teachers #union, has died at 67 after a long battle with brain cancer.

>>>/qresearch/12875174 Patrick Byrne's Story: How Trump "Lost" The White House In Election 2020 (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=u-eFhBDtxaM - Patrick Byrne's Story: How Trump "Lost" The White House In Election 2020 [Channel: Beyond The Noise with David Zhang]

>>>/qresearch/12875186 Here's the narrative - Buffalo shooting: Gunman Gregory Ulrich a ‘wack job’ who just got legal firearm: report

>>>/qresearch/12875224 PolitiFact rates claim that Maxine Waters said Trump supporters ‘not welcome here’ as ‘mostly false’

>>>/qresearch/12875256 Psaki Says 50% of Schools with In-Person Classes ‘One Day a Week’ Fulfills Joe Biden’s Promise to Reopen Schools

>>>/qresearch/12875264 Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12875326, >>>/qresearch/12875460 Louisiana GOP rebukes Cassidy over vote saying Trump trial constitutional


>>>/qresearch/12875474 The goal of these mendacious totalitarians is to provoke Trump supporters into a violent response, so they can usher in their Domestic Terrorism Act (Patriot Act 2.0)

>>>/qresearch/12875536 Carjackings are so bad lately in Chicago….police are pumping gas

>>>/qresearch/12875540 Michigan Senate leader @SenMikeShirkey - Capitol Riots wasn't the Trump people. That's been a hoax from day 1.

>>>/qresearch/12875575 NTSB 'narrative' on Kobe Bryant crash

(22 notables, 25 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30081

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12873906 Q Research General #16433: Day Shift Down Edition Ebake

Created 092329ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12874020 Disgusting: Three more cast members from Netflix series “Cheer” arrested for sexual misconduct with minors

>>>/qresearch/12874029 Man Pleads Guilty to Stealing Nude Photos of Dozens of Victims

>>>/qresearch/12874078, >>>/qresearch/12874121 Why Trump lawyer David Schoen covered his head with every sip of water

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rBJHxWGH2EY - Reason why Trumps Law Schoen holds his head while he drinks is bcz he is observi [Channel: Tony Dortie - 24/7 Eyes]

>>>/qresearch/12874112 Bruce L. Castor Jr., one of Trump's lawyers, is 33 degree Scottish Rite Master Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner

>>>/qresearch/12874193 Biden administration asks Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys to resign — but not Durham

>>>/qresearch/12874213 NBC News White House Reporter Nichols is wearing a 'Holy See Press Office' Neck Strap for his Credentials

>>>/qresearch/12874229 Texas Judge Blocks Biden’s Deportation Freeze for Two More Weeks

>>>/qresearch/12874303 W Virginia: "Gov. Jim Justice…says there’s no reason for the Legislature to examine boundaries on the executive’s emergency powers

>>>/qresearch/12874361 Number of Sex trafficking arrests seem to be higher than usual over past 24 hours

>>>/qresearch/12874468 WE ALREADY KNOW what "Q thinks about the 2nd impeachment"~! They told us almost 3 years ago!

>>>/qresearch/12874538, >>>/qresearch/12874577, >>>/qresearch/12874592 @parscale: Trump in a couple weeks…

>>>/qresearch/12874561, >>>/qresearch/12874629, >>>/qresearch/12874632, >>>/qresearch/12874642 Trident missile launched from a submarine

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210034518/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0942e46e754ca237f9cab8384bf8c9b7e374f4bb4f49ea11751a8d7c068fd354.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12874603 Two US Carriers Hold Exercises In South China Sea As Beijing Blasts 'Blow To Peace & Stability'

>>>/qresearch/12874619 CNN’s Cooper: Trump Supporters Can No Longer Claim ‘They Are Lovers of Law and Order’

>>>/qresearch/12874694, >>>/qresearch/12874708 Richard Shelby Senator from Alabama will not be seeking another term

>>>/qresearch/12874695 The goal of these mendacious totalitarians provoke Trump supporters into violent response, so they can usher their Domestic Terrorism Act (Patriot Act 2.0)

>>>/qresearch/12874728 These Are The Shadowy New York Financial Institutions That Forced Robinhood To Restrict Trading In Certain Stocks

>>>/qresearch/12874804 City of Tacoma Wa and Kent Wa having some twitter war. Kek

>>>/qresearch/12874831 Trump's legal team must be off to a good start considering CNN is already saying he is unhappy with their performance

(19 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30082

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12875598 Q Research General #16435: The 'Wrain Treck' Edition

Created 100220ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12875707 GP: CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act

>>>/qresearch/12875726 US Coast Guard Offloads More Than $206 Million In Cocaine, Marijuana At Port Everglades

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JSBsgOSfyUc - WEB EXTRA: Coast Guard Offloads More Than $206 Million In Cocaine, Marijuana At [Channel: CBS Miami]

>>>/qresearch/12875731 USAToday: 35 Senators have stated that they will not convict.

>>>/qresearch/12875737 Averaging 7 people shot a day so far this year…and 67 homicides in Shady Chicago

>>>/qresearch/12875748, >>>/qresearch/12875758, >>>/qresearch/12875799, >>>/qresearch/12875815, >>>/qresearch/12876054, >>>/qresearch/12876132, >>>/qresearch/12876234 Anons dig: What happened today? The Navy launched a Trident II D5 ballistic missile

>>>/qresearch/12875818 TheBiasNews: Super Bowl posts worst viewer ratings since 2007 (CNBC).

>>>/qresearch/12875910 Senate PDF concerning the so-called Trial Procedures

>>>/qresearch/12875913 LATimes: Policymakers across the country are looking to California to show that it’s possible to phase out fossil fuels.Until recently, things seemed to be going well….

>>>/qresearch/12875931 #16432

>>>/qresearch/12876077 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12876086 Politico: Trump was quite displeased with his impeachment defense team

>>>/qresearch/12876149, >>>/qresearch/12876310, >>>/qresearch/12876370 #16433, #16434, #16435

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OkDYrCCmUIA - The Warrior Song - Aquila Natus (with lyrics) [Channel: The Warrior Song Project]

>>>/qresearch/12876261 Bannon: The logic angle is not helping Trump. Changes needed now.

>>>/qresearch/12876288 Breitbart: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) concluded on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump “gave the order” to attack the U.S. Capitol on January 6 (except there's video of him telling people to go home)

>>>/qresearch/12876308 Hollywood Celebrities Demand Trump Conviction During Senate Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12876337 BIDEN: This afternoon, I met with business leaders from across the country to discuss the state of our economy and the American Rescue Plan.

>>>/qresearch/12876351 Man charged over British heiress Anna Reed death claims it was ‘sex game gone wrong’

(17 notables, 25 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30083

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12876385 Q Research General #16436: The 'Correctly Numbered Bread (#16436)' Edition

Created 100344ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12876508 Activistpost: 8 Million More Living In Poverty, 9 Million Small Businesses In Danger Of Closing, 10 Million Behind On Rent…

>>>/qresearch/12876614 Sputnik: Canada reportedly reviewing #Iran official recording on flight PS752 being intentionally hit

>>>/qresearch/12876632 Shenanigans happening with Devin Nunes's Twitter account

>>>/qresearch/12876676 DCPatriot: Don Jr. Speaks Out; “Here’s What Comes Next For Our Amazing Movement”

>>>/qresearch/12876677 News.com: Virginia Giuffre - Give ISLAND to the victims - we can build anew

>>>/qresearch/12876678, >>>/qresearch/12876695, >>>/qresearch/12876740 More anon D5 digs: “Demonstration and Shakedown Operation (DASO) launch!”

>>>/qresearch/12876703 Foxbiz: 14 State AGs sign Letter to Biden - We're reviewing KeystoneXL legal options

>>>/qresearch/12876747 Freedomfirstnetwork: Ultimately, however, had Trump actually lost the 2020 Election, this impeachment would not be happening.

>>>/qresearch/12876918 ABC.au: US President Joe Biden's administration won't give up plans to seek extradition of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange

>>>/qresearch/12877046 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12877053 c-span: House Hearing on a President's Clemency Power

>>>/qresearch/12877094 ZH: The Chinese are not having children. A lot.

>>>/qresearch/12877128 SpaceX Starlink sats spotted over Washington.

>>>/qresearch/12877129 Anon opines: They’re shaping their narrative for WAR

>>>/qresearch/12877152 #16436, #16437, #16438

(15 notables, 17 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30084

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12877177 Q Research General #16437: The 'The Gravey Train Has Funky Rails' Edition

Created 100523ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12877267 ZH: China Injects Record Amount Of Loans In January

>>>/qresearch/12877408 Trump got us out of wars …Brought Troops home… …And that was fun while it lasted: B-1B Makes First US Bomber Visit to India Since 1945

>>>/qresearch/12877433 NYP: Mark Cuban's Mavericks won't play national anthem anymore

>>>/qresearch/12877439 Stripes: Aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt train together in South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/12877464 USNI: Marines Considering 3 Littoral Regiments for the Indo-Pacific

>>>/qresearch/12877544 Wired: Facebook Ad Services Let Anyone Target US Military Personnel

>>>/qresearch/12877581 T&CMag: Secret Service Agents Reportedly Took Selfies with Donald Trump's Sleeping Grandson Now there's an investigation into the incident.

>>>/qresearch/12877751 Breitbart: CNN’s Randi Kaye said she called the police over maskless fans in Tampa, Florida, celebrating the Super Bowl.

>>>/qresearch/12877759 There's been a shooting in Seattle

>>>/qresearch/12877886 RT: Biden throws weight behind Newsom as campaign to recall California governor says it nears 1.5mn signatures needed to trigger vote

>>>/qresearch/12877923 ArmyTimes: US Army begins equipping first unit with hypersonic capability https://trib.al/p6A9LSI

>>>/qresearch/12877943 #16437

(12 notables, 12 posts, 14 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30085

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12877979 Q Research General #16438: The 'Ghost of Shadilay!' Edition

Created 100711ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12878315 Vigilant Citizen Oped: The Occult Meaning of The Weeknd’s Super Bowl Performance

>>>/qresearch/12878341 Twitter suspended my account for Retweeting this ECW Tweet.

>>>/qresearch/12878369 anon digging around: We the people demand that all 2020 Presidential election fraud cases be heard in the US Supreme Court, Congress and investigations by the DOJ and FBI.

>>>/qresearch/12878370 ChristianPost: Federal Court PERMANENTLY Blocks Democrat-Oppressed NY's Unconstitutional Restrictions on Houses of Worship

>>>/qresearch/12878432 Vigilantcitizen: Armie Hammer, Cannibalism and the Sickness of the Elite

>>>/qresearch/12878444 USArmy: Greater speed across domains will be key to winning future wars.

>>>/qresearch/12878506 ABC.au: Europe's oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, overcomes coronavirus in time to celebrate 117th birthday

>>>/qresearch/12878582 Kidnapped 10-year-old saved by 2 sanitation workers on pickup route

>>>/qresearch/12878590 toddstarns: FOX News Owner Lachlan Murdoch: ‘We Don’t Need to Go Further Right’

>>>/qresearch/12878618 BLM-Antifa are now hopping on the violence bandwagon over events in Seattle

>>>/qresearch/12878626 Suddenly a lot of slaves being found in Australia

>>>/qresearch/12878647 GP: Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Breaks Silence on Capitol Tragedy – Requests Public’s Help in Identifying Persons of Interest

>>>/qresearch/12878687 Dick Morris just spoke with Trump, and shared to Newsmax how the former president is feeling

>>>/qresearch/12878817 #16438

(14 notables, 14 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30086

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12878822 Q Research General #16439: The 'Fast Scrape' Edition

Created 100952ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12878854 CNN’s Cooper Compares Trump, Supporters to Hutus in Rwandan Genocide

>>>/qresearch/12878862, >>>/qresearch/12878897 Dallas Mavericks stop playing national anthem before games

>>>/qresearch/12878877 Biden DOJ drops Trump lawsuit against controversial California net neutrality law

>>>/qresearch/12878890 Poll Finds Majority Of Americans Expect Economy To Worsen Under Biden

>>>/qresearch/12878904 J&J CEO says people may need annual Covid vaccine shots for the next several years

>>>/qresearch/12878910 Biden White House Walks Back Promise to Open Schools in 100 Days

>>>/qresearch/12878921 Q3600 - There is no escaping God

>>>/qresearch/12878928 CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws”

>>>/qresearch/12878939 Federal judge prevents Biden administration from pausing deportations for two more weeks

>>>/qresearch/12878943 Nikole Hannah-Jones Scrubs Social Media After Doxxing Free Beacon Reporter

>>>/qresearch/12878958 Celebrities join environmental and indigenous groups calling on Biden to shut down Dakota Access pipeline

>>>/qresearch/12878972 Seattle commie calling for rioting

>>>/qresearch/12878979 Super Bowl half-time show was satanic, says ex-NFL great

>>>/qresearch/12878984 The total catastrophe of fake news Exclusive: Joseph Farah outlines most important battle this nation has ever faced

>>>/qresearch/12879003 How Long Can Democracy Survive Q and Its Allies? (narrative building)

>>>/qresearch/12879008 Judge Overrules Cuomo's Religious Gathering Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12879034 White House declares opposition to Newsom recall

>>>/qresearch/12879040 Giuliani's voter fraud witness who went viral is running for Michigan office

>>>/qresearch/12879052 Lin Wood doubles down on attacking Pence, Roberts

>>>/qresearch/12879053 US lawyer accidentally turns on cat filter during court hearing via Zoom

>>>/qresearch/12879101 IDF Military Exercise 'Lightning Storm' begins in Northern Israel

>>>/qresearch/12879108 Fake News Push Dubious WHO Claim COVID Didn’t Come from Wuhan Lab

>>>/qresearch/12879221 Biden withdraws Trump rule on schools disclosing ties to Chinese state-run Confucius Institutes

>>>/qresearch/12879287 High Level GOP Staffer Ruben Verastigui Plotted to Rape & Kill Children

>>>/qresearch/12879354 High-Powered Explosives Have Gone Missing From The Nation’s Largest Marine Corps Base

>>>/qresearch/12879518 The COVID19 Genocide

>>>/qresearch/12879608 Armie Hammer’s ex Courtney Vucekovich: He wanted to ‘barbecue and eat’ me

(27 notables, 28 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30087

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12879601 Q Research General #16440: Edition

Created 101216ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12879647, >>>/qresearch/12879650 The american dream: a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ExBE651_vOY - The American Dream Film Part 1 HD [Channel: theamericandreamfilm]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kx7HDTDDopA - The American Dream Film Part 2 HD [Channel: theamericandreamfilm]

>>>/qresearch/12879663 US space command: Train for the known. Educate for the unknown. I spent yesterday at @HQAirUniversity, to make sure we have the right #Space warfighting curriculum in our enlisted education pipelines

>>>/qresearch/12879665 civilian plane on fire in SA after houthi rebels attack international airport

>>>/qresearch/12879688 new corona virus closely linked tho china virus discovered in thailand, their antibodies can neutralize chyna virus

>>>/qresearch/12879689 A white supremacist used messaging apps Discord, Kik, and a fringe kink website to groom a 12-year-old, according to a federal prosecutors

>>>/qresearch/12879706, >>>/qresearch/12879736, >>>/qresearch/12879797, >>>/qresearch/12879867, >>>/qresearch/12880008, >>>/qresearch/12880238 FL missile launch dig, A summary of all in-force Navigational Warnings by navigation area Issued daily

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210153001/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8a303745cd4b1a7a081aad4c883e08e524d1beeb27bb3d8b1551f6b0aaf08836.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12879720 Operation Clothe Julian Assange

>>>/qresearch/12879724 Dallas Mavericks Stop Playing National Anthem Before Games

>>>/qresearch/12879759 MLB Players, Personnel To Wear Electronic Contact Tracers Due To Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12879802 Senate GOP rips Trump's attorney for lackluster arguments on trial's first day

>>>/qresearch/12879820 Trump unhappy with his impeachment trial defense after day one: reports

>>>/qresearch/12879924, >>>/qresearch/12879940, >>>/qresearch/12879954, >>>/qresearch/12879968, >>>/qresearch/12880075, >>>/qresearch/12880142, >>>/qresearch/12880277 7.7 earthquake off coast of australia, tsunami watch issued

>>>/qresearch/12879937 Indonesian investigators suspect throttle problem in fatal crash of Sriwijaya Air Flight 182/Q post connection

>>>/qresearch/12879977 paris hilton abuse dig

>>>/qresearch/12880010 Twitter lights up with UFO talk after light seen in Florida sky, turns out to be Navy missile

>>>/qresearch/12880047 Walt Disney Co. Shutting Down Greenwich-Based Animation Studio

>>>/qresearch/12880052 todays white house schedule

>>>/qresearch/12880105, >>>/qresearch/12880107 impeachment day one anon analysis

>>>/qresearch/12880121, >>>/qresearch/12880181, >>>/qresearch/12880268 australia/new zealand earth cams, tsunami watch

>>>/qresearch/12880151 30yo GA substitute teacher charged with child molestation for filming herself fap in class full of students

>>>/qresearch/12880242, >>>/qresearch/12880244 Rihanna is building a lingerie empire to rival Victoria’s Secret

>>>/qresearch/12880257 The FBI is renting billboards around the country to pervert reality and promote Democrat lies that President Trump and his supporters are violent

>>>/qresearch/12880353 #16439, #16440, #16441

(23 notables, 39 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30088

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12881163 Q Research General #16442: Superbowl Ratings Plunge Edition

Created 101649ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12881249, >>>/qresearch/12881365 white house presser live

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YWiac6Ry9zI - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12881252 "Baseless conspiracy" bun, re: Qanon hit piece

>>>/qresearch/12881255 impeachment CSPAN livestream

>>>/qresearch/12881269, >>>/qresearch/12881449, >>>/qresearch/12881478, >>>/qresearch/12881543, >>>/qresearch/12881704 trump is permanently B& from twitter, even if he wins in 2024/RED1 marker

>>>/qresearch/12881276, >>>/qresearch/12881295 australia earthquake update

>>>/qresearch/12881281 Georgia prosecutors launch a criminal investigation into Trump's election pressure campaign

>>>/qresearch/12881296 biden halts TikTok's sale to oracle and walmart

>>>/qresearch/12881309 FB will scale back all political content in news feeds for some users

>>>/qresearch/12881316, >>>/qresearch/12881342, >>>/qresearch/12881346 the weekend flashing satanic subliminal messaging in past performance, not superbowl

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AM-Vai-4pnw - The Weeknd Flashing SATAN On Stage [Channel: Knowledgeispower]

>>>/qresearch/12881321 anon opines: Jan 6 threat level fuckery

>>>/qresearch/12881326 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=c5rJchBZsOk - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12881345 Midwives told to stop using terms such as 'breastfeeding' and 'breastmilk'

>>>/qresearch/12881413, >>>/qresearch/12881689 Nick Ragland gorrilla glue CFO dig continued

>>>/qresearch/12881426 Iran Suggests It May Seek Nuclear Weapons, in New Escalation of Threats

>>>/qresearch/12881463 CDC updated its face mask guidelines, now advises double masking

>>>/qresearch/12881484 former DC capitol police chief wote letter to pelosi that refutes the accusations against trump for inciting riiot

>>>/qresearch/12881501 The Face of America’s Erosion: NBA Owner Mark Cuban Refuses to Play National Anthem at Home Games

>>>/qresearch/12881503 biden tweet: We’re facing an economic crisis caused by a public health crisis — and we need bold action to address both

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210183726/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/92c5b999019e1b6bbf97bd3158986a42b204880e23e628fb1dfb44e70351c58b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12881525 Criminal probe into ‘attempts to influence’ 2020 US election in Georgia targets Trump, media claims

>>>/qresearch/12881547, >>>/qresearch/12881577 Q [next week] delta/SCOTUS case starts next week, on a friday

>>>/qresearch/12881557 Biden Administration Quietly Drops Trump Proposal To Track Chinese Influence In US Schools

>>>/qresearch/12881581 ‘I’m still standin’: Elton John & Michael Caine encourage remaining at-risk Britons to get Covid-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12881598 washington examiner Op_Ed: dont be naive republicans, impeachment isnt about trump, its about you

>>>/qresearch/12881600 Biden’s ‘American Recovery Act’ Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion

>>>/qresearch/12881606 Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass announced that he has officially left the Republican Party

>>>/qresearch/12881625 Cop Busted Selling Fentanyl to School Children, While On Duty, From His Cruiser

>>>/qresearch/12881639 Twitter reports $1.14 billion net loss for 2020

>>>/qresearch/12881647 ‘I Can’t Afford To Live’: Man Panics When Insulin Skyrockets to $2,000 Under Biden Regime

>>>/qresearch/12881675 Poll: more NY voters believe state needs new governor, 40% support a recall

>>>/qresearch/12881678 W.H.O. Adviser: ‘Actual Investigation’ in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe ‘Done by Chinese Authorities’

>>>/qresearch/12881702 Short Sentences for Two Paedophiles Hunting for Girls as Young as 10

>>>/qresearch/12881717 Deported Sex Offender Found Hiding in 138-Migrant Group at Border Checkpoint

>>>/qresearch/12881728 Another Disgusting Lie: Democrat Raskin Shows Slide Claiming “7 People Lost Their Lives” in January 6 Capitol Siege

>>>/qresearch/12881733 #16439

>>>/qresearch/12881741 Trump Defense Lawyer Schoen Plays Compilation Video of Democrats Calling For Trump’s Impeachment Since Day One of His Presidency

>>>/qresearch/12881807 pompeo tweet: It’s a fact that Iran is sponsoring the Houthis. It’s a fact that the Houthis are conducting terror.

>>>/qresearch/12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants

>>>/qresearch/12881885 Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ing crook' and sued him last year arguing the president was trying to suppress mail-in voting

>>>/qresearch/12881909 #16442, #16443, #16444

(39 notables, 49 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30089

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12882698 Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition

Created 101921ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12882729 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12882829 Hillary Clinton: If GOP Senators Don’t Convict, It Proves That the Jury ‘Includes His Co-Conspirators’

>>>/qresearch/12882902 WA police seize millions in cash, kilos of meth in truck and van stings

>>>/qresearch/12882909 Twitter CFO says Trump's ban is permanent, even if he runs for office again

>>>/qresearch/12882912 This is the correct bread. Other faggot tried to steal handoff. Catalog lolicon spam has been cleaned as well.

>>>/qresearch/12882923 Biden ramping up for War?

>>>/qresearch/12882924 Children Need Less Formulaic Teaching or Risk Being Replaced by Artificial Intelligence

>>>/qresearch/12882935 CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws”

>>>/qresearch/12882946 MUST READ: Democrats Were ONLY Able to “Win” in 2020 By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws in EVERY SWING STATE

>>>/qresearch/12882947 Dirty Mitch McConnell Declines to Whip GOP Senators for Acquittal of President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12883017 Lots of command birds up lately. Earlier today 3 E6s and a pair of JSTARS. Now we have not one, but two E4Bs up at the same time

>>>/qresearch/12883041, >>>/qresearch/12883125 Congresswoman Plaskett leaked nudes, naked cross-dressing husband with children

>>>/qresearch/12883048 Canada to fund opposition in Belarus and names Russia and China its main enemies

>>>/qresearch/12883078 Woman with 'elastic brain': Ariane de Rothschild dubbed 'driving force' behind Geneva bank

>>>/qresearch/12883081 Biden to Launch a Pentagon Review of China Strategy

>>>/qresearch/12883086 Macron, other top French officials condemn “woke” theories being imported from U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12883108 Q Post 1210 The door will be opened later. The choice, to know, will be yours.

>>>/qresearch/12883109 Lin Wood Forwarded from Narrative Reframes - Understand that Main Stream Media is OWNED

>>>/qresearch/12883115, >>>/qresearch/12883180, >>>/qresearch/12883470 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief'

>>>/qresearch/12883128 The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud

>>>/qresearch/12883167 The Foreign Roots of Haiti’s “Constitutional Crisis”

>>>/qresearch/12883175 Crypto Boom Is ‘Speculative Mania,’ Bank of Canada Deputy Says

>>>/qresearch/12883178 Leftist journalist David Corn/Mother Jones delivered four of the Steele dossier reports to friend FBI General Counsel James Baker in Oct 2016

>>>/qresearch/12883190 Congresswoman backtracks on keeping Epstein donations

>>>/qresearch/12883197 Demand for vaccine in Israel plummets, officials may resort to incentives?

>>>/qresearch/12883222 Anon reports comments on Youtube are OVERWHELMINGLY Pro Trump - Most Fake News WON'T ALLOW COMMENTS

>>>/qresearch/12883230, >>>/qresearch/12883252 DOD dog comms

>>>/qresearch/12883284 SILVER! Precious metals expert Ted Butler joins Daniela Cambone to share the real story behind the silver squeeze (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gL0VfudSx3M - Why Silver Price Manipulation Is Best Reason To Own It: Ted Butler [Channel: Stansberry Research]

>>>/qresearch/12883285 Majority of those arrested for Capitol FF had a history of financial trouble

>>>/qresearch/12883291 Lin Wood - Wouldn’t it be great to find that war with China/Russia was a distraction from the real war against the Deep State/Cabal/globalists-bankers?

>>>/qresearch/12883292 Dems block Stefanik amendment barring funds to Confucius Institute partners after Biden nixes Trump rule

>>>/qresearch/12883305 For the KEK!!!

>>>/qresearch/12883322 Anon opine - Comprehensive notables never more important than now to grok the unfolding Big Picture. This is why clwn bakers are going full retard

>>>/qresearch/12883323 Fang Fang is trending. @Jack must be taking a nap

>>>/qresearch/12883337 Dem Impeachment Team - DOMESTIC TRUTH TELLER ANONS ARE THE DANGER !!!

>>>/qresearch/12883365 Sniffer Joe and the Communist Ho speak NOW at Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/12883402, >>>/qresearch/12883424 3 people stranded on uninhabited Bahamas island for 33 days rescued, Coast Guard rescues 66 in Wisconsin?

>>>/qresearch/12883404 Tony Blair’s Take on Global Vaccine Strategy Leaves Online Users Fuming

>>>/qresearch/12883440 Footage of "Overwhelmed" Capital Cop handing bottled water to "rioters" (24 second video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20230114073100/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c48b26d8f70f6b2813c24692c19fa499f33dfe89517f2bd9fb2c900157df50bf.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12883446 Superb Owl champs won't be going to White House anytime soon because of China Virus

>>>/qresearch/12883514 Anon opines - Q Research is a peaceful research board. We are researchers that do not condone or use violence.

>>>/qresearch/12883532 Three Cast Members of Netflix Cheerleading Series Arrested for Sexual Misconduct With Minors


(43 notables, 48 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30090

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12880364 Q Research General #16441: Introducing Evidence Delta Day Edition

Created 101453ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12880464 Boss of top French Sciences Po university resigns over incest scandal rocking intellectual elite

>>>/qresearch/12880470 de blasio: "donald trump gave the order to attack the capitol

>>>/qresearch/12880510 welcome to crazy town: anon vaccine dig

>>>/qresearch/12880546 The New York Stock Exchange threatened on Tuesday to leave New York if lawmakers approve a proposal to tax stock sales.

>>>/qresearch/12880574 flurry of 5+ aftershocks in australian earthquake

>>>/qresearch/12880577, >>>/qresearch/12880999 anon dig: gorrilla glue CFO and his children's charity

>>>/qresearch/12880589 anon intel: picture of 9/11 pops up for a second during FBN commercials

>>>/qresearch/12880599 101st airborn RT from Jan 23: still trusting the vaccine/plan?

>>>/qresearch/12880611 pope big business/banks dig

>>>/qresearch/12880649 new follow the pen: Capitol Police Union Statement “By January 4th, the Department knew that the January 6th event would not be like any of the previous protests held in 2020”

>>>/qresearch/12880661, >>>/qresearch/12880988 10th Mountain Division tweet: It's on!

>>>/qresearch/12880663 Jan 6 Capital Hill narrative on officer Brian Sicknick killed by maga mob is being blown open

>>>/qresearch/12880678 The CIA can reject a public records request seeking information on U.S. payments to Syrian rebel forces because a tweet from former President Trump didn’t officially acknowledge such records exist.

>>>/qresearch/12880734 Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness

>>>/qresearch/12880740 NZ issues tsunami warning after 7.7 earthquake

>>>/qresearch/12880760 GAB on Feb 1: “Over the course of the past week Gab has been deplatformed by one of our banks, a business we were working with to source new server hardware, third-party infrastructure analysis software, and even our accountant.”

>>>/qresearch/12880821 VIDEO: Solomon: Alleged conspirator charged for US Capitol assault appears to be former senior FBI official

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Edc9fC1zan0 - Solomon: Alleged conspirator charged for US Capitol assault appears to be former [Channel: Eric Greitens]

>>>/qresearch/12880842 Opioid overdoses 29% higher in 2020 than before the pandemic: Study

>>>/qresearch/12880860, >>>/qresearch/12880870 Patrick Byrne: How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 6: The Aftermath

>>>/qresearch/12880863 Important changes are coming for Department of Defense (DoD) employees with security clearances

>>>/qresearch/12880879 tampa dem mayor hunting down "no maskers" busted for not wearing a mask

>>>/qresearch/12880890 Anderson Cooper compares Capitol riot toRwandan genocide- sara carter

>>>/qresearch/12880893 Dem congresswoman dismisses call for permanent Capitol fencing as 'security theater'

>>>/qresearch/12880904 superbowl ratings plunges to lowest in 15 years

>>>/qresearch/12880926 Revealed: Bruce Springsteen was arrested for DWI and reckless driving in sandy hook, NJ back in november

>>>/qresearch/12880935, >>>/qresearch/12881011 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/12880949 pelosi tweet: trump is guilty

>>>/qresearch/12880995 Will you be forced to pay for Twitter this year?

>>>/qresearch/12881044 World's first 3D-printed rib-eye steak created in Israel

>>>/qresearch/12881055 how did the Qanon conspiracy go global?

>>>/qresearch/12881128 live: House Ways and Means Committee Considers FY2021 Budget Resolution

>>>/qresearch/12881160 #16441

(32 notables, 36 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30091

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12881923 Q Research General #16443: @Jack Loses $1.14 Billion Edition

Created 101807ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12882004 Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

>>>/qresearch/12882008 Biden to Continue Seeking Extradition of Julian Assange

>>>/qresearch/12882028 Democrats are ‘absolutely terrified’ of Donald Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IZqVl2Di_8Q - Democrats are u2018absolutely terrifiedu2019 of Donald Trump [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/12882032 CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One – Just One Week After Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks

>>>/qresearch/12882036 Democrats to offer new footage showing 'extreme violence' in Capitol attack

>>>/qresearch/12882057 Day 2 of the impeachment trial (video link)

>>>/qresearch/12882081 Why Russia is driving the West crazy

>>>/qresearch/12882118 The Sham Impeachment & The Attack on Free Speech

>>>/qresearch/12882126 Utah Axes Gun-Permit Requirement State will allow residents to carry concealed guns without permit

>>>/qresearch/12882144 Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

>>>/qresearch/12882167 02/08/21 RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything

>>>/qresearch/12882173 Here’s a full list of known celebrities who supported the pedophile-ridden Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12882183 Sen Kennedy to BIden OMB pick - "I mean, you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut."

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210225449/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8ca9a9e034784f0962efb8fa87d88830b414203afe16f65f07df5ee31e47a198.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12882205 Where's the Outrage? Biden Fires 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys

>>>/qresearch/12882210 Biden Regime Halts Deportation of Criminal African Migrants 'Due to Black History Month'

>>>/qresearch/12882218 @CLewandowski_ - 'Bruce Springsteen arrested for DWI, reckless driving in November. Wonder if he was driving a ⁦@Jeep⁩'

>>>/qresearch/12882220 Truckloads of Illegal Aliens Found at Texas Border Checkpoint

>>>/qresearch/12882261 Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote

>>>/qresearch/12882283, >>>/qresearch/12882315 Who is Nancy Pelosi's mom?

>>>/qresearch/12882316 Iran Cleric - People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’

>>>/qresearch/12882326 Aunt Jemima is making her last batch of pancakes.

>>>/qresearch/12882373 HOT MIC interview - President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=c5rJchBZsOk - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12882376 Biden Crime Cartel freaking out about Burma Coup

>>>/qresearch/12882385 Joe Bidens former chief of staff, Danny O'brien running Fox that called the election early.

>>>/qresearch/12882404 Facebook VP of Integrity Guy Rosen Refuses To Comment When Confronted By Veritas Senior Journalist (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kxChkmpPFaI - Facebook VP of Integrity Guy Rosen Refuses To Comment When Confronted By Veritas [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/12882472 Biden Money Laundering Bill To Shower State And Local Govts With $350 Billion In Aid, Make Changes To Medicaid

>>>/qresearch/12882567 China Virus caused miscarriage?

>>>/qresearch/12882637, >>>/qresearch/12882649 Reddit is at it again. Pot stocks….

>>>/qresearch/12882652 Rep. Madeleine Dean was charged with ethics violations

>>>/qresearch/12882690 #16443

(30 notables, 32 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30092

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12883559 Q Research General #16445: Only President Trump Is Attacked More Than Q Research By FakeNews Edition

Created 102031ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12883579 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12883591 Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD

>>>/qresearch/12883652 Two busted for dirty-diaper attack on conservative reporter

>>>/qresearch/12883655 MI State Senate Leader calls Capitol FF attack a 'hoax'

>>>/qresearch/12883658 Fentanyl Deaths up in Western States

>>>/qresearch/12883661, >>>/qresearch/12883726 Bruce Springsteen Busted for DWI in New Jersey (Was he in a Jeep?)

>>>/qresearch/12883671 Biden announces new Pentagon China task force

>>>/qresearch/12883697 A 'Disturbing Pattern' of Deadly Army Black Hawk Crashes Has Lawmakers Asking Questions

>>>/qresearch/12883781, >>>/qresearch/12884234 Love you, anons. God Bless each and every one of you, beyond what you can ask or think - Hold the Line Frens

>>>/qresearch/12883784 US Army addresses Biden as 'Commander in Chief' Not quite. It was "commander in chief"……

>>>/qresearch/12883787 Italian Lawyer Alfio D’Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D’Elia’s Involvement In US Election Hacking

>>>/qresearch/12883819, >>>/qresearch/12883881 Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police officer

>>>/qresearch/12883890 Biden Cabal tells SCOTUS Obamacare should be upheld, reversing Trump position

>>>/qresearch/12883917 If Biden got 81+ Million votes, why are Dems afraid of Trump running again?

>>>/qresearch/12883964 Left is going crazy over Josh Hawley not paying attention to Dem Impeachment Managers in farce Impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12883979, >>>/qresearch/12884066 They have changed the banner now yet it was there and Powell is definitely involved with this site.

>>>/qresearch/12883996 Raskin calls Pelosi 'Vice President'

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210230849/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6bdaa9929cc32908c854a3c165b8925af84bc21bd706a24405ac5bc8cf99c000.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12883998, >>>/qresearch/12884217 Repost of Q drop 4555 shows link between BLM and Democrats

>>>/qresearch/12884017 DJT's 3rd impeachment lawyer 'called him a f***ing crook' and sued him arguing the president was trying to suppress mail-in voting

>>>/qresearch/12884024 DO Gov denies request to prioritize vaccines for homeless

>>>/qresearch/12884029 Rep Jamie Raskin's 2nd biggest donor was ACTBLUE

>>>/qresearch/12884047 Anon opines about DeepState

>>>/qresearch/12884050 The Latest Short Interest Data Was Just Released: Here Are The New "Most Shorted Stocks"

>>>/qresearch/12884067 Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands, is unlikely to return the thousands of dollars donated to her campaign by Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/12884092 Narrative COURT DOCS: Prominent Attorney Had Guns, Ammo, And Was On His Way To D.C. To Kill Government Officials

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rG29Ru-Gwdo - Police: Lancaster County attorney planned to attack government officials in Wash [Channel: wgaltv]

>>>/qresearch/12884118 20 Earthquakes/Aftershocks (and counting) on Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia near Australia

>>>/qresearch/12884138, >>>/qresearch/12884208 Tomorrow is the new moon, and a major confluence of planets in Aquarius.

>>>/qresearch/12884139 Notable for ActBlue "donation" of $70,717


>>>/qresearch/12884216 Stanford pediatrician arrested on suspicion of attempting lewd acts with minor

>>>/qresearch/12884228 Everything wrong with the Capitol shooting in less than 21 minutes

>>>/qresearch/12884238, >>>/qresearch/12884255 CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO’s COVID Investigator is Recipient of Chinese Communist Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab for 18 Years

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210231616/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1d891124538f86bf87f6f1d3d465d88a71bd31127fc46e7d2cb7917a4dac783a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12884265 Narrative fear porn - AI tool can predict who will die from China Virus

>>>/qresearch/12884280 Iran’s production of uranium metal, which can be used to form the core of nuclear weapons, violates a 2015 international accord

>>>/qresearch/12884289 Suzanne Clark, the incoming chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, praised Democrats

>>>/qresearch/12884290 Summary of Dem House Manager's case in short video

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8uMwhKzd6Tg - Trump…it was all bullshit [Channel: Alex Mathews]

>>>/qresearch/12884326 Anon reports local story about Q Awakenings

(37 notables, 44 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30093

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12884380 Q Research General #16446: Shills Have Us Surrounded Again - Poor Bastards Edition

Created 102158ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12884393 Fresh Bread

>>>/qresearch/12884448 No lockdown in Jan 2018 when Flu deaths skyrocketed?

>>>/qresearch/12884472, >>>/qresearch/12885034, >>>/qresearch/12885054 Not long now

>>>/qresearch/12884480 NEW: The Biden Cabal is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions

>>>/qresearch/12884486 'Real' Commander in Chief tweet from the US Army

>>>/qresearch/12884502 Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell accused of raping girl, 11, in new court filing

>>>/qresearch/12884517 German parliament advances Mark of the Beast with “Agenda ID2020” ratification

>>>/qresearch/12884532 Emergent Behavior vs. Conspiracy Theory

>>>/qresearch/12884560 RSBN has chat on - LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=c5rJchBZsOk - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12884585, >>>/qresearch/12884600 The Capitol FF story changes minute by minute - terrible liars

>>>/qresearch/12884591 Biden Fumbles Early on Opioid Addiction: He rolls back a Trump reform to increase access to treatment

>>>/qresearch/12884610 Among the Trump administration’s last and best decisions was to allow almost all physicians to prescribe buprenorphine, one of the most effective treatments for opioid addiction

>>>/qresearch/12884620 The FBI knew about the Capitol FF and DID NOTHING

>>>/qresearch/12884660 HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, New Hampshire, 300 Votes!

>>>/qresearch/12884683, >>>/qresearch/12884689 ITALY GATE #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT

>>>/qresearch/12884707 DC National Guard troops are disaster waiting to happen

>>>/qresearch/12884716, >>>/qresearch/12884836 Hannity grills Trump's defense attorney on 'unfocussed' opening argument (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LWFXcWpwD6Y - Hannity grills Trump's defense attorney on 'unfocussed' opening argument [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12884754 According to BLM - American Capitalism’ Is the Enemy

>>>/qresearch/12884762 Anon decode - [H]ouse PAIN

>>>/qresearch/12884764 Porn Mogul Larry Flynt Dead at 78

>>>/qresearch/12884765 Joe Biden … 52 Executive Orders in 3 weeks. 0 new laws going through Congress and Democrats called Trump a dictator.

>>>/qresearch/12884782 Rioters are trying to break down the door of the Portland Police Association. Portland Police are monitoring the situation.

>>>/qresearch/12884796 Both of the Cray EX supers are up and running at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee

>>>/qresearch/12884819 US Army to equip first ground battery with hypersonic weapons this year, but no missiles before 2023

>>>/qresearch/12884880 Remember Antipope Bergoglio’s creepy pectoral Cross? Well, it’s EXACTLY the same Cross worn by the Satanist pedophile rapist, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

>>>/qresearch/12884971 Resignation: Dave Wichmann, CEO of United Health Group, largest health insurer in the US.

>>>/qresearch/12884978 Biden to invite Trump to unveil his portrait at White House resuming presidential tradition

>>>/qresearch/12884982 When it comes to the events at the Capitol on Jan 6th, nothing is what it seems. We now know this was a pre-planned conspiracy with FBI connections. (video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211040612/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/be53d376b91fd44ed0fd09526e3249fea669c7bfcaab59956e72dd5982ac875e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12885050 Mike Lindell cancelled by 18 Companies - Here's the list

>>>/qresearch/12885110 Analysis of the Biden doublespeak address to Defense Dept

>>>/qresearch/12885117, >>>/qresearch/12885119 Is this a revolver? Possible link to this? https://www.revolver.news

(31 notables, 37 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30094

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12885153 Q Research General #16447: Why Impeach A President Who Left Office? Anons Know - PANIC Edition

Created 102321ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12885169 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12885227 PB US Army post in:re commander in chief no capitalization (the post bothers to capitalize Sec of Def…) Speaking doesn't begin until 17:17 on Twit vid, kek

>>>/qresearch/12885258 CIA Can Shield Records on Syrian Rebel Funding

>>>/qresearch/12885273 Case against Poroshenko closed, - National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/12885297 ‘Oath Keeper’ accused of leading Capitol rioters is a former FBI section chief who had top-secret security clearance, lawyer says

>>>/qresearch/12885386 Jeep pauses ad with Bruce Springsteen after musician’s DWI arrest goes public

>>>/qresearch/12885395 Call to dig on Dem Impeachment contractor 'SITE Intelligence Group'

>>>/qresearch/12885403 A majority of the people arrested for Capitol FF had a history of financial trouble

>>>/qresearch/12885416 Google Quietly Escalates Manual Search Censorship

>>>/qresearch/12885422, >>>/qresearch/12885525 Biden campaign bus False Flag in Central Texas could get mention in Trump impeachment trial

>>>/qresearch/12885441 FBI getting sloppy - hiring for a False Flag in Houston, TX on Craigslist

>>>/qresearch/12885444 Lunatic fringe left SJW woke cancel culture too much even for France's Macron

>>>/qresearch/12885451, >>>/qresearch/12885471 Narrative building continues in Fake News world

>>>/qresearch/12885458 FBI misconduct news suspiciously arrives too late to help Trump

>>>/qresearch/12885464, >>>/qresearch/12885510 Capitol False Flag was an inside job

>>>/qresearch/12885473 Facebook Flags and Bans Gateway Pundit Video of Late Night Ballot Dump at TCF Center — Citing “Nudity” and “Sexual Activity”

>>>/qresearch/12885475 PlaneFag Report - I don't think this is normal for Boston

>>>/qresearch/12885483 California fast tracking cannabis business licenses for refugees

>>>/qresearch/12885491, >>>/qresearch/12885602 Georgia Sen. Warnock Under Investigation For Voter Registration Misconduct

>>>/qresearch/12885497 New Twitter App Allows Users to Block Misleading New York Times Journalists

>>>/qresearch/12885516 Doctors Disappointed After Joe Biden Rescinds Trump Reform to Boost Access to Opioid Addiction Help

>>>/qresearch/12885518 Conference call with Maria Zack re U.S. election fraud and the involvement of Italy and Leonardo (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fNomuhIV3s8 - Italy Did It – Maria Zack [Channel: aslickdog]

>>>/qresearch/12885522 Plane Fag Report - "Dragon Lady", high altitude reconnaissance

>>>/qresearch/12885533 Remember the 4 oil tankers Trump had seized? 1.2m barrels oil sold.

>>>/qresearch/12885537 Biden Drops Plan To Track Chinese Communist Influence In American Schools: Report

>>>/qresearch/12885541 Striking New York taxi drivers shut down Brooklyn Bridge in anti-debt protest

>>>/qresearch/12885551 Houston Doctor Fired for Giving Away Doses of Covid Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12885561 Prayer for the day

>>>/qresearch/12885608 Trump's tweets the day of the Capitol False Flag, asking for peaceful protest

>>>/qresearch/12885609 GET YOUR DARK TO LIGHT CUP ON FB FROM DAN?

>>>/qresearch/12885631 Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, New Hampshire, 300 Votes!

>>>/qresearch/12885649 U S ARMY MAJOR GENERAL Paul E. Vallely talks Q and drops a hint to a NEW INTERNET (video under 2 minutes)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2DkVA2twqAM - U S ARMY MAJOR GENERAL Paul E. Vallely talks Q and drops a hint to a NEW INTERN [Channel: Voter Fraud Organization]

>>>/qresearch/12885675 Dan Stein: The Biden Betrayal - ‘America Last’

>>>/qresearch/12885681 PlaneFag Report - P3 looking very hard for something around the Channel Islands off the Long Beach coast. Subsurface included for reference.

>>>/qresearch/12885684 'TWISTED' TEACHER Substitute teacher, 30, ‘videos herself masturbating in front of class full of second graders,’ cops say

>>>/qresearch/12885693 15 Hedge Fund Managers Made $23 Billion In 2020

>>>/qresearch/12885735 BIDEN’S AMERICA: Illegal Immigrants Frantically Call Texas Police, Say They’re Being Smuggled In Tanker With No Oxygen

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Cz5s1ZwAm1A - 911 call from immigrants trapped in a tanker truck in TX [Channel: Coffee With Beautiful Disaster]

>>>/qresearch/12885767, >>>/qresearch/12885829, >>>/qresearch/12885863


>>>/qresearch/12885837, >>>/qresearch/12885844, >>>/qresearch/12885852 @aurabogado Larry Flynt tormented me by commissioning racist caricatures of my likeness and written hit pieces against me

>>>/qresearch/12885884 "You're not allowed to question the vaccine"

(41 notables, 49 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30095

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12885912 Q Research General #16448: Not Long Now Edition

Created 110030ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12885949 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12885994 Two Military convoy vehicles overturn in WA

>>>/qresearch/12886045, >>>/qresearch/12886136

>>>/qresearch/12886047 What is it with the left corruption and 'Jeep'?

>>>/qresearch/12886067 PlaneFag Report - U2 is up over vallejo

>>>/qresearch/12886119 Rioters are trying to break down the door of the Portland Police Association. Portland Police are monitoring the situation.

>>>/qresearch/12886142 Plane Fag report - Some dogfight training going on south of Tupelo. Unmarked jets versus T38s

>>>/qresearch/12886165 MasterCard Joins Visa, PayPal On The Crypto Payments Bandwagon

>>>/qresearch/12886185 Biden Administration Considering Whether to Impose Domestic Travel Restrictions, Including on Florida – Gov. DeSantis Responds

>>>/qresearch/12886207 Spain Arrests Dozens in Crackdown on Chinese Mob

>>>/qresearch/12886209 CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9F09m0cPgjM - CCP Goal: Supplant United States By 2049 | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 110 [Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani]

>>>/qresearch/12886211 Angola asks Dutch court to seize Isabel dos Santos-linked stake in energy firm

>>>/qresearch/12886215 RSF Urges China to Release 7 Journalists who Reported on COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/12886243 Son of Russian Railways Official Owns European Real Estate Empire

>>>/qresearch/12886253, >>>/qresearch/12886527 U.S. Government Contractor Embedded Software in more than 500 Apps to Track Phones of hundreds of millions of users!

>>>/qresearch/12886278 Iranian nuclear scientist killed by one-ton automated gun in Israeli hit, reports Jewish Chronicle

>>>/qresearch/12886358 FYI RUMBLE is owned by Russian Jews

>>>/qresearch/12886385 Scorn in the USA - Springsteen Jeep ads paused after 'The Boss' busted for drunk driving

>>>/qresearch/12886389 False Flag Rioters used tours of the Capitol to do reconnaissance prior to January 6th

>>>/qresearch/12886409 DOD tweet - On standby 17 fighting falcons

>>>/qresearch/12886415 HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, New Hampshire, 300 Votes!

>>>/qresearch/12886459 Myanmar (Burma) State Councilor Aide, At Least 4 Senior Figures Reportedly Arrested Overnight

>>>/qresearch/12886471 New US Military Base in Northeast Syria Latest of Biden's Warlike Moves

>>>/qresearch/12886505, >>>/qresearch/12886562 A brief history of Jeep: 75 years from Willys to Wrangler

>>>/qresearch/12886569 Several Anons and Musicfag have posted Michael FK to include Q. Q posts with songs from qresear.ch:

>>>/qresearch/12886582, >>>/qresearch/12886658 Sen Lee: “Statements Were Attributed To Me” By Dems “Are Not True & I Asked That You Strike Them” (This is rich after this election cycle)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BWsxrSrvGME - Sen Lee: “Statements Were Attributed To Me” By Dems “Are Not True & I Asked That [Channel: GOP War Room]

(26 notables, 30 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30096

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12886684 Q Research General #16449: When They Least Expect It - NCSWIC Edition

Created 110150ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12886701 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12886767 Biden trying to get access to Trump / Putin comms

>>>/qresearch/12886768 Stanford Children's Hospital pediatrician, 33, is arrested in 'pedophile sting after showing up to meet an underage girl he'd sent porn to' and being met by cops instead

>>>/qresearch/12886770, >>>/qresearch/12886782 PF Report - U2 doing laps near Frisco; many K35 fuelers & H60 Blackhawks.

>>>/qresearch/12886773, >>>/qresearch/12886904 Anon decode - [H]ouse PAIN from notables

>>>/qresearch/12886805 Major French cinema producer placed In custody over allegations of sexual assault

>>>/qresearch/12886811 Marijuana stocks propped up by Government spending is the new 'high' of Wall Street

>>>/qresearch/12886823, >>>/qresearch/12886848 Newsome CA Gov recall petition has the needed 1.5 million signatures

>>>/qresearch/12886860 The Trump phenomenon has forced the party of Davos hand

>>>/qresearch/12886989 Hillary Clinton: If GOP Senators Don’t Convict, It Proves That the Jury ‘Includes His Co-Conspirators’(Nervous Hillary?)

>>>/qresearch/12887039, >>>/qresearch/12887052 Weird timing huh Anons Feb 10th

>>>/qresearch/12887110 President Biden announces the creation of Defense Department 'China task force

>>>/qresearch/12887157 Narrative for China Virus Passport - White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida

>>>/qresearch/12887203 Cabal Aficionado Biden holds his first call with China's Xi Jinping:

>>>/qresearch/12887211 After the Dominion Machine Voter Fraud Myanmar (Burma) is going to have new Elections WITHOUT the dominion machines.

>>>/qresearch/12887213 Vice President Kamala Harris once joked on national television about killing former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence


>>>/qresearch/12887269 Rights Groups Outraged After Twitter Purges Accounts Of Saudi Political Prisoners

>>>/qresearch/12887309 Delta Flight Slides off Taxiway at Pittsburgh International Airport

(19 notables, 23 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30097

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12887427 Q Research General #16450: Mike Lee - The Prima Donna Who Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It Edition

Created 110303ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12887444 Fresh Bread

>>>/qresearch/12887530, >>>/qresearch/12887751 Anon nom: Want to know how to take over the RINO Republican Party with true Conservative Patriots?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6TADnSeBXJA - Precinct Committeeman Tutorial [Channel: Major Patriot]

>>>/qresearch/12887547 ABC.au: Hundreds of millions believed laundered at Crown Casino Perth through $2 shell company

>>>/qresearch/12887564 NationalPulse: HYPOCRITES: Dem Impeachment Leader Attempted to Block Trump Election Certification

>>>/qresearch/12887581 Heres how you know the weed stocks are bullshit propaganda, heres a linked in job listing specifaclly for a position to control WallStreetBets

>>>/qresearch/12887582, >>>/qresearch/12887635, >>>/qresearch/12887647, >>>/qresearch/12887692, >>>/qresearch/12887720

>>>/qresearch/12887722 ANTIFA // BLM Hero Worship to a murderer that killed a 30 year old woman with 5 bullets to the head and 3 to the torso and then shot at Seattle Police

>>>/qresearch/12887740, >>>/qresearch/12887742 Biden Unveils ‘China Task Force’ at Pentagon; Anon digs

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HSyaWqqxVgs - Biden briefed on new DOD China task force [Channel: Associated Press]

>>>/qresearch/12887744, >>>/qresearch/12887745, >>>/qresearch/12887770, >>>/qresearch/12887794, >>>/qresearch/12887808, >>>/qresearch/12888116 Explosion was not at the WH, but shook area houses

>>>/qresearch/12887775 Biden: This afternoon, I visited the Department of Defense to meet with officials and deliver remarks to the incredible service members and civilians

>>>/qresearch/12887779 #CapitolRiots NEW: Law enforcement official confirms @CBSNews The task force is reviewing whether there was foreign support to include money, social media

>>>/qresearch/12887988 Here we go (again)… South African COVID-19 variant found in California, Gov. Newsom says

>>>/qresearch/12888047 Thousands sign petition by Chico State student to either lower tuition or reopen campus

>>>/qresearch/12888093 PatriotRising oped: (some) Americans Plan On Being Slaves Long After COVID Is “No Longer A Threat”

>>>/qresearch/12888118 Serial paedophile jailed for 'sadistic, perverted' targeting of thousands of boys on Facebook

>>>/qresearch/12888189 #16448, #16449, #16450

(16 notables, 27 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30098

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12888197 Q Research General #16451: The 'Material And Social Support Of Foreign Origin?' Edition

Created 110423ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12888306 DW: Oliver Stone Claims New JFK Assassination Documentary Is Being Blocked In America

>>>/qresearch/12888313 January Border Apprehensions Jump 157 Percent over Last Year as Biden Takes Office

>>>/qresearch/12888320 Disney World Manager Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

>>>/qresearch/12888365, >>>/qresearch/12888461, >>>/qresearch/12888498 Anons digging on the interactions concerning Trump, Tuberville, and Lee calls: Democrat Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211082437/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/bbe971c3e02d4ecf111532d6be732f157b05559938dbc63d4edadc8f2f73dae6.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211082512/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c2970165c8ca1c4f3bae4347209c96ffbd8a41c116eec81dfbe67dccc2f76272.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12888402 Berkeley Dorms Guarded by Cops Who Only Let Students Out To Eat, Use the Bathroom, or Get a COVID-19 Test

>>>/qresearch/12888448 Cuomo sets up 19 COVID-only "nursing" homes

>>>/qresearch/12888449 kitco ramping it up: Is there enough silver? The real story in silver is the physical squeeze

>>>/qresearch/12888494, >>>/qresearch/12888548 Anon opines: I wonder if something similar will happen to other communities/groups of people?

>>>/qresearch/12888622 Ottawacitizen: Canadian traces origin of AIDS …to starving First World War soldier who hunted chimpanzees?

>>>/qresearch/12888640 EBT: Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital pediatrician, 33, arrested on suspicion of attempted lewd acts with a minor

>>>/qresearch/12888686 Advocate.com: Dr. Fauci Visited Gay Bathhouses and Bars to Study HIV

>>>/qresearch/12888712 Southfront: US Shifts Official Justification Of Its Illegal Presence In Syria From ‘Guarding Oil’ To ‘Fighting ISIS’

>>>/qresearch/12888826, >>>/qresearch/12888834 UPDATE: SPD has released video associated with Tuesday's Officer Involved Shooting.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EQgaIljWLp8 - February 9th Officer Involved Shooting [Channel: Seattle Police Department]

>>>/qresearch/12888832 Anon opines: BLM-Antifa are protesting a cold blooded murderer's death

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211083011/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f7b7c1bbab8f19941c86a66c4eeacc354184457cf8a3cc5ddba162b3c06db8b0.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12888940 #16451, #16451, #16452

(15 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30099

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12888960 Q Research General #16452: The 'Suddenly In The Spotlight' Edition

Created 110552ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12889013 MSN: The USS Nimitz sailed into the disputed waters of the South China Sea this week to meet up and train with a fellow aircraft carrier.

>>>/qresearch/12889077 New DS cyber super soldiers. …Literal pigs?

>>>/qresearch/12889104 Crews investigate elevated carbon monoxide levels, exploding manhole near DC apartment

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210210033201/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1def68736f5edb23fed0feb0499b2cbc8cf891cc7bf948686753078f71fcea62.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12889131 Dan Scavino facebook 2/10/2021 - Libel Definition

>>>/qresearch/12889218 Border is being overrun! (ytube stream)

>>>/qresearch/12889230 Democratic Rep. Andy Biggs REVEALED Pelosi and Dems were AWARE OF THE THREAT TO THE CAPITOL days before Jan 6th

>>>/qresearch/12889237 Georgia Sen. Warnock Under Investigation For Voter Registration Misconduct

>>>/qresearch/12889239 PSYCHOPATH 101: Bill Gates Microsoft Antitrust Deposition - Highlights (ytube)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gRelVFm7iJE - Bill Gates - Microsoft Antitrust Deposition - Highlights [Channel: Joe John]

>>>/qresearch/12889244, >>>/qresearch/12889287 Child porn gets you a job at Disney. Disney Word Manager Arrested for pedo porn

>>>/qresearch/12889252 Tokyo Olympics chief Yoshiro Mori is to resign over sexist remarks

>>>/qresearch/12889315, >>>/qresearch/12889330, >>>/qresearch/12889385, >>>/qresearch/12889407 Seattle residents berate Antifa Militants. Call them Q people ? (vid embed)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211083500/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9b72a4c7ea8021298269bb3738b3baa5b15837dec1ba10c85154ceddf1c47e2c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12889354 Devin Nunes interview: This will be 'career ending' for Mitch McConnell (ytube)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=22O0CyAQ79g - This will be 'career ending' for Mitch McConnell | Devin Nunes [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/12889453 @SeattlePD arrested one individual during a foot pursuit.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211083807/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/811f3e874c5dec0b98d4e8723f849a7d6bb7a5d253b67be8625f06476d29396d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12889461, >>>/qresearch/12889658, >>>/qresearch/12889727 Done in 30 could be expanded to describe the shortened interval for Judge Sullivan's 'retirement'.

>>>/qresearch/12889487 Slavery Ring Broken Up In Nigeria. Human Milk Factory Where Customers Pay With Bitcoin

>>>/qresearch/12889520 CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

>>>/qresearch/12889530, >>>/qresearch/12889540 Anon Opines on Patrick Byrne

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211083856/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/60ef7025c676422b5f5b0e42a4abda38f5d7b3689cda02ca5a0f2530638e1c00.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12889542 Anon digs through CIA docs - The real reason we’re in Syria

>>>/qresearch/12889550 Stanford pediatrician arrested for trying to have sex with underage girl

>>>/qresearch/12889555 Financiers of Jeffrey Epstein’s estate were hit with a lawsuit by authorities in the Virgin Islands on Wednesday

>>>/qresearch/12889633 How China’s 17+1 Became a Zombie Mechanism

>>>/qresearch/12889738 Dozens of former Republican officials in talks to form anti-Trump third party

>>>/qresearch/12889742 China's first Mars probe enters Red Planet's orbit

>>>/qresearch/12889750 Obama HHS Abortion Mandate Loses in Court, Can’t Force Christian Businesses to Fund Abortions

>>>/qresearch/12889765 GOP senators signal they plan to acquit Trump despite visceral presentation by House Democrats

>>>/qresearch/12889803 Russian Navy likely to Get Naval Variant of Tor-M2 SAM System

>>>/qresearch/12889812 #16452

(27 notables, 34 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30100

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12892092 Q Research General #16456: Information Warfare Dough Enabled Edition

Created 111613ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12892131 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/12892133 DIG MEME PRAY

>>>/qresearch/12892249 #16455 LB LATE NOTABLES

>>>/qresearch/12892261 USE GAB?

>>>/qresearch/12892281 Looks like we are going to have some Marine Patsies Written in to the Script

>>>/qresearch/12892285 In the end there will be only one - cypto (Bitcoin?)

>>>/qresearch/12892297 Eric Trump officiated wedding in Lake Placid

>>>/qresearch/12892301 The bread/dough/notables are being tracked. Focus on dig / meme / pray

>>>/qresearch/12892306, >>>/qresearch/12892308, >>>/qresearch/12892322, >>>/qresearch/12892404, >>>/qresearch/12892718 SIDNEY POWELL PROMOTES ITALYGATE ON HER WEBSITE DEFENDING THE REPUBLIC #ITALYGATE ( GLOBALS?)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fNomuhIV3s8 - Italy Did It – Maria Zack [Channel: aslickdog]

>>>/qresearch/12892307, >>>/qresearch/12892477 Military District of Washington? Wut?

>>>/qresearch/12892324 Carson Block: The 'Stonk' Bubble Poses Significant Global Risks

>>>/qresearch/12892337 Rittenhouse, accused of violating bond, going before judge

>>>/qresearch/12892344 Lubbock dentist indicted, accused of making and distributing child pornography

>>>/qresearch/12892351 Putin takes aim at "Mockingbirds"

>>>/qresearch/12892353 Biden and Harris Meeting. (No One Cares)

>>>/qresearch/12892359 Feds arrest third Michigan resident in Capitol riot probe

>>>/qresearch/12892378 Steven Mnuchin Moves Back to L.A., Picks Up Snyder Cut Credit

>>>/qresearch/12892387, >>>/qresearch/12892434 Anon needs Hope

>>>/qresearch/12892389 ICE Records Reveal Disturbing Impact of Biden Enforcement Freeze

>>>/qresearch/12892395, >>>/qresearch/12892445 Democratic delegate plaskett sex tape

>>>/qresearch/12892406 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 3 RSBN

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=d9lQYhISUaw - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 3 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12892409, >>>/qresearch/12892417 Georgia SOS: 35 voter fraud cases referred for criminal prosecution (23 officers investigating)

>>>/qresearch/12892448 3 spacecraft are arriving at Mars between Feb 9 to 19 from the UAE,

>>>/qresearch/12892486, >>>/qresearch/12892661, >>>/qresearch/12892735 #StaceyPlaskett (Epstein Connected)

>>>/qresearch/12892493 10 states with the highest personal income tax rates

>>>/qresearch/12892506 Krebs, other officials urge Congress to take strong action to tamp down cyber threats

>>>/qresearch/12892526 Dark matter is a scientific construct explaining why galaxy don't fly apart

>>>/qresearch/12892539, >>>/qresearch/12892582, >>>/qresearch/12892842 Plane Report

>>>/qresearch/12892559 Two Mandalorian Actors Make Nazi, Holocaust Analogies Months Apart; Lucasfilm Fires The Conservative One

>>>/qresearch/12892561, >>>/qresearch/12892755 Any anons seen this video?

>>>/qresearch/12892566 Bretton Woods system

>>>/qresearch/12892568 Idaho Falls dad of 4 mistakenly shot dead by cops looking for suspect w/ gun

>>>/qresearch/12892581 Any high-ranking militaryfags lurking here? SIR!

>>>/qresearch/12892643, >>>/qresearch/12892644 China Lunar New Year, which begins February 12 in Asia

>>>/qresearch/12892665 New York Stock Exchange Threatens to Leave NYC Over Transfer Tax

>>>/qresearch/12892680 Gorilla Glue - Not for Hair

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211184233/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9f78fa483d175d10b43825076eaafc360211cd99a23c79f8446b677dac0b3ef2.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12892689 Anon: A vax that apparently doesn't work, mercury in the water. (Unrelated?)

>>>/qresearch/12892711 Russia Issues Rare Call For "Restraint" From Iran After Uranium Metal Production

>>>/qresearch/12892736 7 arrested for alleged bomb-making and plotting terrorist attack in Denmark

>>>/qresearch/12892753 America's Oldest Bank Adopts Cryptocurrencies, Will Treat Bitcoin "As Any Other Asset" (BNY Mellon)

>>>/qresearch/12892768 Instagram bans Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for sharing 'debunked' vaccine claims as Facebook takes major steps to silence misinformation

>>>/qresearch/12892787 US unemployment remains sky-high as cuts to benefits loom

>>>/qresearch/12892808 NBC News Calls Chinese Communist Party An ‘Ally’

>>>/qresearch/12892809 FORT WORTH PILE UP 50 Cars

>>>/qresearch/12892828 UK loses track of BILLIONS of pounds worth of crucial PPE, auditor says

>>>/qresearch/12892848 Total Jobless Claims Jump Past 20 Million While Democrats Push Impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12892862 Joe Biden: ‘We All Know We Have to Move On’ from Impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12892881 Farage: We Are Fast Becoming a Police State

>>>/qresearch/12892895 NEW SCAVINO

>>>/qresearch/12892921 #16456, #16457, #16458

>>>/qresearch/12892969 Anon Notables

(51 notables, 65 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30101

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12889825 Q Research General #16453: Comfy is As Comfy Does Edition

Created 110831ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12889836 Trump, "China", The Military, Justification for Peace (Anon Nom)

>>>/qresearch/12889901 The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital, it must be controlled… @POTUS: Less than 1% of Americans do what you do: put yourself on the line for the rest of the 99% of the Americans you represent. The 99% of us owe you.

>>>/qresearch/12889903 Law harassment of the Watkins by?

>>>/qresearch/12889932 Portland Antifa arrest follow up

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211123714/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4a235e0a17b454a8027a6760f90a03f0da1e95db43232f881c80f96f44e4c94b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12890019, >>>/qresearch/12890241 Mouthy Buddah! ~ "Art Embassies And Human Trafficking!!!"

>>>/qresearch/12890138 Biden Holds First Phone Call With Xi, Both Sides Offer Vastly Different Accounts Of What Was Said

>>>/qresearch/12890141, >>>/qresearch/12890174, >>>/qresearch/12890184 Reports trickling in of downs… and otherwise

>>>/qresearch/12890155 21 inverted. - More than 120 former Republican officials hold Zoom meeting to discuss forming breakaway anti-Trump third party based on 'principled conservatism' - as ex-president's spokesman brands them 'losers'

>>>/qresearch/12890173 Twitter-Pedopplatform

>>>/qresearch/12890175 Israel killed Iran's top nuclear scientist with remote-control machine gun that was smuggled into the country in small parts, report claims

>>>/qresearch/12890176 Religion and Politics? Seperation of Chuch and State? Gina Carano for Republican-Jewish Analogy Only Proves Her Point

>>>/qresearch/12890179 The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Has Buyer's Remorse After Helping to 'Fortify' the Election

>>>/qresearch/12890183, >>>/qresearch/12890193, >>>/qresearch/12890221, >>>/qresearch/12890328, >>>/qresearch/12890334, >>>/qresearch/12890372, >>>/qresearch/12890386, >>>/qresearch/12890420, >>>/qresearch/12890439, >>>/qresearch/12890467, >>>/qresearch/12890471 TTR… ClownOps

>>>/qresearch/12890187 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been banned from Instagram

>>>/qresearch/12890194 Tech Chip Bottleneck

>>>/qresearch/12890197 Aussie Pedos BUSTED!! 9 CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS 2 SAVED!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/12890206 Oliver Stone Claims New JFK Assassination Documentary Is Being Blocked In America

>>>/qresearch/12890227 There was marching Last Night? The Feds Knew Where I Was Last Knight, HBY?

>>>/qresearch/12890230 "White County, TN is trying to get an exception to fine residents like an HOA. This is one of the poorest parts of the country with very little in the way of jobs and opportunity, and they want to screw with the residents. Also, this could spread VERY easily with towns/states needing money due to C19. Not good."

>>>/qresearch/12890252 Facebook Hires Former NATO Press Officer As Its 'Intelligence Chief'

>>>/qresearch/12890260 Biden Admin Says It Will Continue Trump DOJ's Extradition Of Julian Assange

>>>/qresearch/12890266, >>>/qresearch/12890273 Psychiatrist attests to reality of demonic possession in new book

>>>/qresearch/12890267 Another Farce? 'One platform for all' to counter Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube - Tech entrepreneur to roll out platform built on free speech, privacy

>>>/qresearch/12890291 Gab founder says he'll no longer do interviews with 'pagan' media -'You are not entitled to my time'

>>>/qresearch/12890299 Thank God For The Trump Presidential Library… They're trying to scrub Trump's presidency from history - Exclusive: Sean Harshey declares, 'The harassment will literally follow him to the grave'

>>>/qresearch/12890322 Fight Tha Powah! Iowa Gov. Reynolds’ proclamation drops enforcement of COVID-19 mandates

>>>/qresearch/12890367 ‘People Will Die. People Will Be Raped’: Former Acting ICE Chief Says Biden Has Declared America ‘A Sanctuary Jurisdiction’

>>>/qresearch/12890559 #16453, #16454, #16455

(28 notables, 42 posts, 51 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30102

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12890562 Q Research General #16454: Morning Shift E-Bake Edition

Created 111130ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12890716 450 people arrested, 39 victims rescued during statewide anti-human trafficking operation: L.A. officials (7 days ago)

>>>/qresearch/12890725 22 People Arrested In Human Trafficking Ring Bust In New Jersey (6 days ago)

>>>/qresearch/12890738 Don’t want to vaccinate? Israel set to limit access to cafes, culture and more

>>>/qresearch/12890798 California Governor Newsom's press conference interrupted by 'recall' chants. The governor was in Fresno to discuss a vaccine rollout.

>>>/qresearch/12890810 Graham asks about what Pelosi knew prior to the Capitol riot. Prosecutors are arguing that Trump’s words were part of “the big lie”

>>>/qresearch/12890811, >>>/qresearch/12890832, >>>/qresearch/12890898 Don’t know why the article claims that the CDC have removed the data (they removed the fact sheet)

>>>/qresearch/12890848 New complaint claims Jeffrey Epstein forced some of his victims to marry each other

>>>/qresearch/12890969 Calendaranon updates for Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021

>>>/qresearch/12891002 A Timeline Of The COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Origin Theory (forbes)

>>>/qresearch/12891012 Online claims that Chinese scientists stole coronavirus from Winnipeg lab have 'no factual basis' (CBC Canada Jan 2020)

>>>/qresearch/12891084 Why Is There A Correlation Between The Vaccine Rollout And Increased COVID–19 Mortality? (ukcolumn)

>>>/qresearch/12891127, >>>/qresearch/12891138, >>>/qresearch/12891170, >>>/qresearch/12891179, >>>/qresearch/12891211, >>>/qresearch/12891222, >>>/qresearch/12891235, >>>/qresearch/12891254, >>>/qresearch/12891293 VAERS Adverse Event Reporting System - Covid-19

>>>/qresearch/12891267, >>>/qresearch/12891285 Hillary Clinton Says Donald Trump Will Only Be Acquitted For 1 Reason

>>>/qresearch/12891294 According to researchers at Cambridge University, in terms of annual energy consumption, Bitcoin now consumes more power than Argentina, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates, at 121.36 TWh

>>>/qresearch/12891340 #16454

(15 notables, 26 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30103

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12892927 Q Research General #16457: Military District of Washington? Edition

Created 111800ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12892944 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/12892948 DIG MEME PRAY

>>>/qresearch/12893033 #16456 LB LATE NOTABLES

>>>/qresearch/12893039, >>>/qresearch/12893352, >>>/qresearch/12893382 Plane Reports UPSET41, ORDER66

>>>/qresearch/12893041 Biden Admin Paying Facebook Board Back By Ensuring They Have Influence In Administration

>>>/qresearch/12893053 Bosnian Police Arrest Suspected Montenegrin Mafia Members

>>>/qresearch/12893061 Klaus Martin Schwab

>>>/qresearch/12893068 Experts Claim ‘Falling Ill’ Or ‘Death’ After Receiving COVID Vaccine ‘Predictable’ And ‘Actually A Good Thing’

>>>/qresearch/12893080 Have anons seen these videos?

>>>/qresearch/12893093 CERN is coming back online in May.

>>>/qresearch/12893099 Myanmar’s new military gov't will hold elections and hand over power to the winner

>>>/qresearch/12893100, >>>/qresearch/12893218 Anon: To understand the cabal one must go back into history

>>>/qresearch/12893104, >>>/qresearch/12893175 YouTube shuts down Pro Life Site’s channel, every video completely gone

>>>/qresearch/12893108 UK slams BBC ban in China as 'unacceptable curtailing of media freedom'

>>>/qresearch/12893110 Georgia election board launches investigation into Raphael Warnock over voter registration misconduct

>>>/qresearch/12893128 David Schoen 1:30pm ET on @FoxNews

>>>/qresearch/12893129 Footage Showing Violence at the Capitol on January 6th Was Filmed by Antifa.

>>>/qresearch/12893145 Boat Report

>>>/qresearch/12893159 Biden administration sitting on $1 trillion in unspent COVID-19 relief funds

>>>/qresearch/12893173 Biden Holds First Phone Call With Xi

>>>/qresearch/12893174 NBC New York reporter Katherine Creag dies suddenly at 47

>>>/qresearch/12893188 Gina Carano fired from Lukas Films for saying what we all feel about COVID (MEME MAKERS!!!)

>>>/qresearch/12893214, >>>/qresearch/12893307 What the **** does our military actually do?

>>>/qresearch/12893223 Australian Christians In Shock: Ten Year Jail Sentence For Preaching Repentance

>>>/qresearch/12893258 Bill would cut over 100,000 DoD jobs

>>>/qresearch/12893271, >>>/qresearch/12893318 What is this Rep DeGette hiding?

>>>/qresearch/12893281, >>>/qresearch/12893369 “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” Goldman Sachs analysts ask

>>>/qresearch/12893290 20 suspected of testing illegal missiles in central Israel, selling to Asia

>>>/qresearch/12893303 Biden terminates Trump emergency order used to construct border wall

>>>/qresearch/12893326 TikTok sale to Oracle, Walmart reportedly on hold as Biden administration reviews

>>>/qresearch/12893354, >>>/qresearch/12893465 Who produced Star Wars?

>>>/qresearch/12893363 Leaked Letter Shows Germany Offered $1Bn To U.S. LNG Business In Return For Lifting Nord Stream 2 Sanctions

>>>/qresearch/12893418 How signatures in public data helped expose the UK’s dirty money cottage industry

>>>/qresearch/12893420 REPORT: High Powered EXPLOSIVES missing from Nation’s Largest Marine Corps Base.. (ASK YOURSELVES)

>>>/qresearch/12893433 Biden Administration Intervenes in SCOTUS Obamacare Case

>>>/qresearch/12893437 Ukrainian Oligarch Paid $700,000 To The Husband Of A House Judiciary Committee Democrat

>>>/qresearch/12893447 Victoria, Australia, makes it illegal to not affirm gender dysphoria

>>>/qresearch/12893452 Twitter's Top India Execs Face Arrest As Company Refuses To Comply With Government's Blocking Orders

>>>/qresearch/12893471 EXCLUSIVE: NEW HAMPSHIRE Dominion Owned Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each GOP Candidate

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RgG0HKkJnN4 - EXCLUSIVE: NEW HAMPSHIRE Dominion Owned Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each G [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>>/qresearch/12893503 1/10 of an inch of ice. (Crazy) Vid Related

>>>/qresearch/12893504 Go Inside a Large-Scale DEA Bust in New York City

>>>/qresearch/12893512 Kavanagh To Dems: ‘Stop Your Illegal Impeachment Or We’ll Stop It For You’

>>>/qresearch/12893513 Biden admin erects tent city in Texas to handle influx of illegal immigrants

>>>/qresearch/12893538 Rep. Cicilline: "His true North Star isn't America's well-being.

>>>/qresearch/12893549 Crown CEO Ken Barton bows to pressure and agrees to resign

>>>/qresearch/12893561 Tasmanian childcare center worker charged with producing child exploitation material

>>>/qresearch/12893646 DiplomatsDay: The Hague Conventions of 1899 & 1907, which were elaborated & adopted given the critical role of Russia diplomacy

>>>/qresearch/12893669 BIDEN's destruction of America Day 22

>>>/qresearch/12893727 Update to planefag report last bread a KC-135 tanker plane UTAH51 ( OPTICS )

>>>/qresearch/12893746 New Dan Tweet. https://twitter.com/i/status/1359928593070116868

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211028151858/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/751f70b301bc893e226e3ed73e4a12c474862d1da4a02a280cc7949c2e5cd0bc.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12893765 #16457

>>>/qresearch/12893802, >>>/qresearch/12893809 Anon notables

(52 notables, 61 posts, 67 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30104

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12893758 Q Research General #16458: What the Water & Ice Edition

Created 111946ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12893769 Q Post

>>>/qresearch/12893777 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/12893779 DIG MEME PRAY

>>>/qresearch/12893849, >>>/qresearch/12893851 #16457 Anon Notables

>>>/qresearch/12893878 Massive U.S. Army Exercise Will Focus on Black Sea, Balkans

>>>/qresearch/12893898 "Show Of Force Unseen Since Cold War": US Military Flexes In Norway

>>>/qresearch/12893912 Late #16457 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12893942 West has failed to realize that Russia has given up on ‘greater Europe’ & no longer cares what EU thinks

>>>/qresearch/12893943 Rubio Reintroduces Legislation to Prevent Suspected Terrorists From Purchasing Firearms

>>>/qresearch/12893949 #16456 Anon Notables

>>>/qresearch/12893954 ‘Stop your saber rattling!’ Russia tells US to sail its warships in its own waters, and not jeopardize peace in far-away Black Sea

>>>/qresearch/12893960 A declassified FBI "matrix" tracking the 6 avenues by which agents received the Steele dossier reports blacks out one of the ways. Sources believe it exposes congressional Democrats:

>>>/qresearch/12893974 BUSTED! Eric Swalwell Caught Using Photoshopped Tweet at Impeachment Trial #FakeNews

>>>/qresearch/12893995 Expert counters Democrat claims Trump supporters were behind Jan. 6 protests

>>>/qresearch/12894020 Study Finds Facebook ‘Far and Away’ Most Used Social Media By Capitol Hill Rioters

>>>/qresearch/12894023, >>>/qresearch/12894042 PF Report - COST46 an E-6 TACAMO doomsday plane up out of Lincoln Municipal Nebraska.

>>>/qresearch/12894032 Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages From Deep State-Backed ‘Signal’ App

>>>/qresearch/12894044 Gina Carano Rehired By Disney After She Identifies As An Abusive Male Director

>>>/qresearch/12894064 “Not Guilty Vote Is Growing”- Lindsey Graham Destroys Dem Impeachment Sham

>>>/qresearch/12894079 Judge denies new arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse

>>>/qresearch/12894211 Rockefeller Also Known As Levingston: The Snake Oil Salesman Of The United States!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LaDsOJATX3A - The Real Story of Snake Oil | Consumer Reports [Channel: Consumer Reports]

>>>/qresearch/12894245 President Biden Issues Proclamation to Terminate National Emergency at US Border With Mexico

>>>/qresearch/12894257 Witness Says Man Who Died of Heart Attack on Jan 6 Was Shot In Face By Capitol Police Projectile

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sosfziZ8Jb8 - Capitol Hill Protester Died of Heart Attack After Capitol Police Shot His Face W [Channel: National File]

>>>/qresearch/12894285 Ted Cruz: You can blame the Trump administration for not reining in Big Tech censorship

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=68IgBEUYhw0 - Cancel Gina Carano? Go Screw Yourselves… | Louder with Crowder [Channel: StevenCrowder]

>>>/qresearch/12894304 Illegal Missile Sale to 'Asian Country' Could Harm Israel-U.S. Ties

>>>/qresearch/12894375 DeSantis Goes Off on Biden For Considering Domestic Travel Restrictions on Florida, ‘We Will Act Swiftly’

>>>/qresearch/12894457 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation China Virus Vaccines Will Start Working In 3-6 Months!

>>>/qresearch/12894491 Dan post a beautiful video this morning on FB. Sorry not sure how to get vids from FB to here.

>>>/qresearch/12894638 Plans to de-program Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/12894707 #16458

(30 notables, 32 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30105

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12890652 Q Research General #16455: Morning Shift E-Bake Corrected Dough Edition

Created 111151ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12891451, >>>/qresearch/12891468, >>>/qresearch/12891482 In Notables for #16452 wrong notable:

>>>/qresearch/12891488 Eighty-six Jewish activists, including six Reconstructionist rabbis, were arrested in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 17 in a bold act of civil disobedience.


>>>/qresearch/12891562 A549 cells are adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cells

>>>/qresearch/12891673 Myanmar online crusaders hunt down shooter of brain-dead woman as Britain urgently considers sanctions

>>>/qresearch/12891780, >>>/qresearch/12891814, >>>/qresearch/12891976 Bidens Proclamation To Discontinue Southern Boarder Emergency

>>>/qresearch/12891783 Biden We can reduce suffering in this country, put people back to work, and gain control of this virus.

>>>/qresearch/12891805 Torrent with 3K videos of BLM/Antifa riots from 2020

>>>/qresearch/12891846 According to service records released by the Air Force Personnel Center, Babbitt served more than 12 years in different parts of the Air Force.

>>>/qresearch/12891856 Does anyone present here trust Dersh at all?

>>>/qresearch/12891862 Thursday @WhiteHouse announced schedule includes a @POTUS visit to @NIH

>>>/qresearch/12891883 Twitter has locked both James O’Keefe and Project Veritas out of their accounts for “violating our rules against posting private information”

>>>/qresearch/12891919, >>>/qresearch/12891967, >>>/qresearch/12892049 100 CAR PILE UP - 3 Dead #Dallas ( NEWSNOW )

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=z-ZoLiSazPE - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>>/qresearch/12891930 Marjorie taylor greene more popular now after removal committees

>>>/qresearch/12891948 REMINDER, FBI chief says U.S. 'Antifa' demonstrators are targets of multiple probes

>>>/qresearch/12891981 AMC shorts 17 days to cover…

>>>/qresearch/12891982 Governor Beshear declares State of Emergency in Kentucky. Ice storm has many places at a standstill and a lot of power outages.

>>>/qresearch/12891990 Bitcoin surges to all time high (BNY Mellon Supporting Crypto)

>>>/qresearch/12891996 Gina Carano, "…being a Republican today is like being Jewish during the Holocaust." (…and fired.)

>>>/qresearch/12891998, >>>/qresearch/12892030 Qmap Report (Better than tattoos)

>>>/qresearch/12892003 Georgia Raphael Warnock under investigation.

>>>/qresearch/12892022 WHY IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN??

>>>/qresearch/12892035 Democratic delegate’s ‘sex tape’ makes shocking appearance online

>>>/qresearch/12892039, >>>/qresearch/12892052, >>>/qresearch/12892060 They're putting Mercury in the water?

>>>/qresearch/12892071 Morgan Wallen shares apology video for using racial slur: 'I fully accept any penalties I'm facing'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GB3OII1pZI8 - Update from me [Channel: Morgan Wallen]

>>>/qresearch/12892105 #16455

(26 notables, 36 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30106

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12894382 Q Research General #16459: Fresh Bread For Anons Edition

Created 112109ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12894405 Dough


>>>/qresearch/12894544 The heat is on = Think LEO & US Military = Heat = Massive round up of arrest WW You flush out the criminals WW with proof of evidence of their crimes over the years

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IgmkwIVDhok - Glenn Frey The Heat Is On OST Beverly Hills Cop 1984 [Channel: vadimdvr dvr]

>>>/qresearch/12894557 Jussie Smollett's trial is coming up March 5, 2021 - what did Kamala know and when did she know it…?

>>>/qresearch/12894599 PF Report - haven't seen a more zoomed-out image posted before…and what are those two 6-pointed structures?

>>>/qresearch/12894667 Former Ohio Treasurer and 2022 Senatorial Candidate Josh Mandel Claims 2020 Election Stolen from Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TYl5LNisb4w - FULL INTERVIEW: Ohio US Senate candidate Josh Mandel speaks with 3News' Mark Nay [Channel: WKYC Channel 3]

>>>/qresearch/12894687 W.H. China Virus Adviser: ‘Complexity in the Detail’ on Whether Teachers Need to Be Vaccinated to Re-Open

>>>/qresearch/12894705 Sleepy Joe Wakes Up ISIS: The ISLAMIC STATE Is BACK In Force And Causing Chaos

>>>/qresearch/12894710 ‘Unvetted’ and ‘Unvaccinated’ Illegal Aliens Pouring into USA as China Virus Pandemic Rages

>>>/qresearch/12894716 Connecticut Democrats Want Insurance Companies to Subsidize Healthcare Coverage for Low-Income Residents, Illegal Migrants

>>>/qresearch/12894794 Mike Lindell on OANN at 7-10EST tonight during showing of 'Absolute Proof'

>>>/qresearch/12894811 Allen TX Mayor Pro Tem Gary Caplinger has been arrested in Collin County & charged with possession of child pornography and possession with intent to promote child pornography.

>>>/qresearch/12894843 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband has placed up to $1 million worth of bullish bets on Tesla stock, the politician revealed in a financial disclosure form last week.

>>>/qresearch/12894859 Leslie Robertson, Who Engineered the World Trade Center, Dies at 92

>>>/qresearch/12894874 Swalwell Caught Photoshopping Tweets Presented At Impeachment Trial…

>>>/qresearch/12894905 Impeachment managers wrap up (smear) case

>>>/qresearch/12894913 CAPITOL FALSE FLAG PSYOP: A Devious Black Op to Cancel the Patriot Movement

>>>/qresearch/12894924 Video demonstrating Dem hypocrisy—impeachment outrage vs. their own real-life behavior.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tNMtyoSibG4 - VIDEO: Democrat Impeachment Managers lay out case to impeach fellow Democrats. [Channel: AceSix4]

>>>/qresearch/12894927 Minnesota Catholic diocese paying out nearly $22M to settle 145 abuse claims

>>>/qresearch/12894948 Hit Piece 'wrap up smear' on Marjorie Taylor Greene by Fake News - Is Greene a Cabal sleeper?

>>>/qresearch/12894956 Explosion Reportedly Heard in Syria's Southern Governorate of Quneitra

>>>/qresearch/12894960 David Webb goes 'Fight Club' on CNN Stooge - "Fuck You Anderson Cooper"

>>>/qresearch/12894975, >>>/qresearch/12894984 History: US Business Operations with Nazi Germany

>>>/qresearch/12895019 Newly elected Democratic prosecutor in Georgia opens probe on 2020 election result

>>>/qresearch/12895035 Case against Buffalo Police who shoved elderly Trump Supporter to the ground dismissed

>>>/qresearch/12895037 Wisconsin Judge denies new arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse…

>>>/qresearch/12895057 Biden White House Leaks Health Information About President Trump to New York Times

>>>/qresearch/12895067 Utah Axes Gun-Permit Requirement

>>>/qresearch/12895071 White Evangelicals Are More Likely to Believe in Q Research Than Any Other Faith Group, Poll Finds

>>>/qresearch/12895084 Another death from the mrna China Virus vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12895088 Biden’s Policies So Far Benefit Beijing: China Expert

>>>/qresearch/12895099 70 Percent of Republicans Would Consider Joining Trump-Led Party, Poll Finds

>>>/qresearch/12895103 Biden Cabal can’t say how it is refuting perception that the US border is open

>>>/qresearch/12895110 Tucker Carlson: What we still don't know about the Capitol riot Where was the necessary security? How did the riot start? How did Officer Brian Sicknick die?

>>>/qresearch/12895118 Pelosi: US Capitol Police ‘Martyrs’ Will Get Congressional Gold Medal

>>>/qresearch/12895142 Anti-Trump Lincoln Project was warned married co-founder was 'serial harasser targeting male staff,' but did NOTHING

>>>/qresearch/12895154 Biden administration opens another tent city to detain surge of illegal migrants

>>>/qresearch/12895168 The World Goes On While America Sleeps

>>>/qresearch/12895176, >>>/qresearch/12895191 Elite Human Trafficking Volume 1 & 2 (video)

>>>/qresearch/12895184 'Woke' warriors on San Fran school board deny gay white dad with bi-racial daughter place on volunteer parent committee because he's not diverse ENOUGH

>>>/qresearch/12895227 12-year-old boy kills himself after depression during China Virus lockdowns

(41 notables, 43 posts, 57 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30107

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12895245 Q Research General #16460: The Awakening Is Engulfing The Planet Edition

Created 112303ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12895263 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12895278 Trump War Room Retweeted Raheem Kassam Let’s hold the Democrats to their own words (Video cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210212034514/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/56122e060dce88c57566e113dd88f1e4a12c4f9f08cda45c92b8207fa9ccf2af.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12895320 ‘Fucking bring it’: Matt Gaetz fires back at anti-Trump GOP Rep Adam Kinzinger for targeting his seat

>>>/qresearch/12895353 Pelosi seeks to award Capitol Police officers Congressional Gold Medal: ‘They are martyrs for democracy’

>>>/qresearch/12895376 Frantic 911 calls spark local search for tanker carrying undocumented, potentially endangered immigrants

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7anpUVxcNY8 - Texas authorities looking for tanker potentially carrying endangered undocumente [Channel: KENS 5: Your San Antonio News Source]

>>>/qresearch/12895418 Flashback: Chuck Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch And Kavanaugh (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZYAe6-JIT6s - Unhinged: Chuck Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch And Kavanaugh [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>>/qresearch/12895465 Patriots Fight 462

>>>/qresearch/12895467 Rep. Andy Biggs: Evidence seems to indicate Congress leadership knew of Capitol riot days before

>>>/qresearch/12895528 Shelley Duvall On Dr. Phil: I Found Out The 'Hard Way' What Kind Of Person He Is

>>>/qresearch/12895541, >>>/qresearch/12895561 Trump targeted with virus by Cabal?

>>>/qresearch/12895544 Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver used his power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed. His colleagues were warned.

>>>/qresearch/12895566 Dig on Sean Birdges (Associated with Clapper)

>>>/qresearch/12895573 Tomorrow's 3yr delta. This is not a game. Wall Street's red October Q Post 722

>>>/qresearch/12895584 FL Gov. DeSantis Tells Biden: “Go Fuck Yourself”

(14 notables, 15 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30108

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12896033 Q Research General #16461: America Is Awakening And The Heat Is On The Old Guard Edition

Created 120037ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12896052 Fresh Bread

>>>/qresearch/12896147 Medical Trial: Cheap Asthma Inhalers 90% Reduction in Severe Covid Symptoms

>>>/qresearch/12896178 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12896227 @GovRonDeSantis The recent report that the Biden administration is considering restricting the travel of Floridians is completely absurd, especially when Biden allows illegal aliens to pour across our southern border

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210212035217/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/594d0a43e8b2990e42e90ee41423e3bb14b7f0b51d942ce2d50d0f3444902bfe.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12896282 CNN: Three GOP senators meet with Trump's lawyers on eve of impeachment defense presentation

>>>/qresearch/12896315 @kaitlancollins In his first trip to the presidential retreat since taking office, President Biden is going to Camp David tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/12896368 NYP: Cuomo aide admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out

>>>/qresearch/12896395 Friday Biden to meet with bipartisan mayors, governors on COVID-19 relief

>>>/qresearch/12896447, >>>/qresearch/12896460, >>>/qresearch/12896470, >>>/qresearch/12896484, >>>/qresearch/12896499 Delaware Matters - Delaware Court of Chancery dig

>>>/qresearch/12896505 Breitbart: John Brennan projects: Only Dishonest, Self-Serving Senators Will Vote to Acquit ‘Lawless Thug’ Trump

>>>/qresearch/12896517 GP: Loudmouth Daughter of Infamous War-Monger Compares Capitol Riots to 9-11 Terror Attacks that Killed 3,000 Americans

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ObpwgVDlTYw - The View's Meghan McCain Says Capitol Hill Riot Is 'Really Comparable' to 9/11 [Channel: The Patriots Gazette]

>>>/qresearch/12896529 Breitbart: Heilemann projects, too: Trump Is the ‘Textbook Definition of a Monster’

>>>/qresearch/12896538 ZH: Crackdown Begins As SEC Suspends Trading In Pennystock

>>>/qresearch/12896567 Military.com: Army's Revamped ACFT Would Create 'Gender-Specific' Promotion Evaluation Categories

>>>/qresearch/12896585 Ohio teacher’s aide had ‘sexual relationship’ with her 15-year-old student, cops say

>>>/qresearch/12896598 Man Sentenced for Operating Multi-Million Dollar International Money Laundering Scheme

>>>/qresearch/12896617 FOX: Schumer displays his abject fear of a man …who isn't even in office anymore, by his own party's counts.

>>>/qresearch/12896717 @SarahHuckabee It’s cold but the fish are still biting today on the gorgeous White River near Cotter, Arkansas.

>>>/qresearch/12896776 #16459, #16460, #16461

(19 notables, 23 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30109

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12896798 Q Research General #16462: The 'Projecting Projectors Projecting Projections' Edition

Created 120206ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12896918 Texas mom tackles a scumbag accused of peeping in daughter’s window

>>>/qresearch/12897014 ABC.au: Crown director Andrew Demetriou resigns following scathing report from NSW gaming authority

>>>/qresearch/12897016 Bloomberg: Facebook Helped Government Identify Capitol Rioters From Photos

>>>/qresearch/12897059, >>>/qresearch/12897165 Ex-staffer killed himself outside of GOP Congresswoman's house, and police are unsure why

>>>/qresearch/12897077 Anon dig: New Biden envoy to Iran is a Soros lackey, Hamas sympathizer, and was employed by Smartmatic’s Chairman, Lord Malloch-Brown.

>>>/qresearch/12897105 GP: ‘Something Is Rotten in New Jersey’: Springsteen Camp Attacks Police for Boss’ DWI Arrest, Little Steven Van Zandt Winks at Call for Mob Contract on Cop

>>>/qresearch/12897109 PJM: FLASHBACK: Biden Compared Trump to Goebbels, Used Hitler in a Campaign Ad (Weren't the Nazis social democrats?)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G3U1YkOOHfk - The Love - @Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson | Joe Biden for President 2020 [Channel: Joe Biden]

>>>/qresearch/12897123 NTD: Democrats Have Failed to Tie Capitol Breach to Trump, Says Defense Attorney David Schoen

>>>/qresearch/12897141 NYP: Over 9,000 COVID-19 patients sent into NY nursing homes

>>>/qresearch/12897156 CBS DECLARES: You’ll Need A COVID ‘Vaccination Passport’ To Travel By Summer 2021

>>>/qresearch/12897179 Is Biden is trying to shut Florida’s economy down now? DeSantis is unimpressed.

>>>/qresearch/12897199 IL: Israel Threatens to Abandon America, Ally With China And Russia After Securing $40B In U.S. Aid

>>>/qresearch/12897240, >>>/qresearch/12897289 Biden makes a covid tweet. An anon gives their opinion about Joe's efforts

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GziGynAo0ek - EXPLAINS HOW THE DEPOPULATION mRNA VACCINES WILL START WORKING - DR. SHERRI TENP [Channel: Brian K Hall]

>>>/qresearch/12897267 Spectator: The Left’s Obsession With Death “…The Democrats will put a step on it, among other things, because if Trumpism has proved anything, it is that there are lots of conservatives"

>>>/qresearch/12897368 ZH: Biden 'Eager' To Take On NRA After Pledging To Defeat Gun Rights Organization

>>>/qresearch/12897398 Scavino posts a Schumer vid

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20230308232942/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3196076a41adaa5d3dc9e7efccc33c13894ba8fc996f3b544e65c091c88ff4f4.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12897400 Saracarter: Instagram toughening penalties for sending ‘hateful’ private messages

>>>/qresearch/12897425 Courtlistener: 73 pages of Maxwell court docs dropped today

>>>/qresearch/12897472 Sputnik: Turkish defence minister says Ankara ready to share military knowledge with Iraq

>>>/qresearch/12897485 ZH: Supreme Court To Decide Whether Police Can Enter Homes Without Warrant To Seize Guns

>>>/qresearch/12897531 #16462, #16463, #16464

(21 notables, 23 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30110

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12897573 Q Research General #16463: The 'Entering Homes To Seize Property Under Color Of Law' Edition

Created 120331ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12897642 Louisiana man who thought Tessica Brown was “lying” ends up in emergency room after he tries to apply Gorilla Glue to a Solo cup, stick it to his lip, and lick it off

>>>/qresearch/12897721, >>>/qresearch/12897879 COVID LOCKDOWN: Victoria announces major restrictions to combat coronavirus outbreak

>>>/qresearch/12897792 Georgia Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

>>>/qresearch/12897956, >>>/qresearch/12898084, >>>/qresearch/12898167 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12898073 Officials say they still don't know why Officer Brian Sicknick died following Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12898075 EpochTimes: Great Disinformation Campaigns From History That Live On and Prosper Today

>>>/qresearch/12898096 VIDEO:Woman slaps employee after refusing to wear mask in Colorado store

>>>/qresearch/12898152, >>>/qresearch/12898154 Judge Sets New Date For Trial Of Five Men Accused Plot Against Gov. Whitmer

>>>/qresearch/12898186 Doctors suspect COVID delayed immune response in young surgeon’s death

>>>/qresearch/12898190 ET: The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group

>>>/qresearch/12898212, >>>/qresearch/12898242 TheHill: "So our job at the NRCC is to protect 'our' incumbents, and the money we help raise will go to that"

>>>/qresearch/12898264 Quakefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12898301 #16463

(13 notables, 18 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30111

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12898337 Q Research General #16464: The 'Gorilla Glue Is NOT Lip Gloss' Edition

Created 120502ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12898355 Dough, Ghosted

>>>/qresearch/12898423 Scavino, Mar-a-Lago vid Watching the Water

>>>/qresearch/12898448 Moar on EQ in SWVA DUMB Destroyed?

>>>/qresearch/12898460, >>>/qresearch/12898526 China Orders BBC Off the Air in Its Territory

>>>/qresearch/12898603 UK police chief accused of attempting to cover up mistakes in paedophile sex abuse probe

>>>/qresearch/12898606, >>>/qresearch/12898771, >>>/qresearch/12898829 (((They))) MUST destroy India.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pMgQb6Epmrg - Earliest Western Account of India + Caste System // 300 BC Megasthenes // Ancien [Channel: Voices of the Past]

>>>/qresearch/12898615, >>>/qresearch/12898622 Powerful blast reported in #Vladikavkaz, Russia

>>>/qresearch/12898761 Yashar Ali's Thread with screenshots of deleted Lincoln Project tweets

>>>/qresearch/12898776 Democrats may bring 14th Amendment if they fail to convict #Trump, Schumer hints

>>>/qresearch/12898821 Trump attorney David Schoen said Thursday that the defense’s case should go quickly on Friday

>>>/qresearch/12898845 FBI Director Christopher Wray Has Been Hiding His Connections to a Russian Energy Company Likely Connected to Uranium One

>>>/qresearch/12898958 FBI Appoints King & Spalding Partner to General Counsel

>>>/qresearch/12898967, >>>/qresearch/12898978 Myanmar military authorities announce pardons for over 23,000 prisoners

>>>/qresearch/12899045 QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley finally apologizes for storming Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12899091 Bodiless Cal Ripken Jr. joins wife’s virtual judicial confirmation hearing

>>>/qresearch/12899153 Cuomo Aide Admits — ‘We hid nursing home ‘death data’ so Trump’s DOJ wouldn’t find out the truth’…

>>>/qresearch/12899186 A woman more important than Stacey Abrams in the Georgia Election Steal

>>>/qresearch/12899221 McReynolds Paedophile Information Exchange Connection

(18 notables, 23 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30112

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12900739 Q Research General #16467: Anons Love The Smell Of Impeachment In The Morning Edition

Created 121430ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12900848 ted cruz: "nuts" re: project veritas B& from twitter

>>>/qresearch/12900879 #16464

>>>/qresearch/12900890 Project Veritas Account Restored

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210212184358/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/524dfa75606154f2898b74a1c4a6936045c72ae22351a77972145ed88b0762d8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12900897, >>>/qresearch/12900917, >>>/qresearch/12900966 #ITALYGATE

>>>/qresearch/12900907 investigation found the late Ravi Zacharias leveraged his reputation as a world-famous Christian apologist to abuse massage therapists in the United States and abroad

>>>/qresearch/12900923 Antifa rioter 23 Sept 2020 in Portland who threw Molotov cocktails at police, is given probation, community service, and a fine, after pleading guilty to felony arson and felony mischief

>>>/qresearch/12900934 How to make gab's on gab more visible and boost them.

>>>/qresearch/12900946 ‘Something Is Rotten in New Jersey’: Springsteen Camp Attacks Police for Boss’ DWI Arrest, Little Steven Van Zandt Winks at Call for Mob Contract on Cop

>>>/qresearch/12900950 Mega thread on Antifa planning Jan 6th capitol insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12900988 5th graders in failing public school celebrate angela davis, "black communism"

>>>/qresearch/12901008 NYT flips on cuomo nursing home murders

>>>/qresearch/12901015 UK economy suffered record annual slump in 2020

>>>/qresearch/12901023 elon musk: "I’m an alien"

>>>/qresearch/12901120 Amazon’s planned HQ2 almost looks like the modern version of the biblical Tower of Babel. It didn't work out so well the last time though…

>>>/qresearch/12901129 Cuomo's COVID Cover-Up. Also: Reports that Biden DOJ dropped the civil rights investigation.

>>>/qresearch/12901181 chicago mayor lightfoot celebrates the chinese new year. "year of the OX"

>>>/qresearch/12901193, >>>/qresearch/12901210 scavino twitter vid: morning sun brings heat?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211006222345/https://images.128ducks.com/file_store/224848658c0eee1309c724599bc0a6f1629886a347bb02548abc5eb27b116fb6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12901200 Impeachment video shows Pence had 'nuclear football' as he moved away from Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12901228, >>>/qresearch/12901278, >>>/qresearch/12901318 joe and jill walk the dogs

>>>/qresearch/12901233 biden tweet: I see enormous pain in this country. A lot of folks are out of work. A lot of folks are going hungry, staring at the ceiling at night wondering, “What am I going to do tomorrow?” That’s why I’m urging Congress to pass the American Rescue Plan and deliver much-needed relief.

>>>/qresearch/12901257 C-Span Live Coverage of Impeachment Trial Starts at Noon ET Today

>>>/qresearch/12901273 biden schedule, biden to meet with a bipartisan group of governors and mayor to discuss the #AmericanRescuePlan. In the evening he'll head to Camp David for the first time in his presidency.

>>>/qresearch/12901284 biden admin launches review aimed at closing GITMO

>>>/qresearch/12901295 elon musk is an alien/Q post connection

>>>/qresearch/12901303 DJT Jr: Of course CNN is covering for the Predator Project! CNN's Anderson Cooper again invites George Conway on air, avoids John Weaver, Lincoln Project scandals

>>>/qresearch/12901306 JUST IN - #Facebook helped law enforcement identify MAGA supporters at the U.S. Capitol unrest by "monitoring the assault in real-time"

>>>/qresearch/12901344 Another Senate Dem, NY freshman Sen. Samra Brouk – to the list of officials calling for Cuomo's emergency powers to be stripped.

>>>/qresearch/12901363 San Francisco files emergency order to reopen public schools

>>>/qresearch/12901400 conman with long history of deceit dennis montgomery inserted false info into election fraud investigation/ update, dig

>>>/qresearch/12901486 Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out

>>>/qresearch/12901496 anon opines: The fabric of the universe is consciousness.

>>>/qresearch/12901510 HRC tweet: fulfill your oath. convict him

>>>/qresearch/12901521 Judge declines new arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse

>>>/qresearch/12901565 Unearthed tweets show Jamie Raskin, Joe Biden saying ‘fight like hell’

>>>/qresearch/12901568 Instagram Now Monitors Your Private Messages… Will Ban you…

>>>/qresearch/12901600 #16467

(36 notables, 41 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30113

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12899268 Q Research General #16465: E Bake Edition

Created 120750ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12899278, >>>/qresearch/12899516 Covid vaccine - Prion disease - Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease Call to dig

>>>/qresearch/12899292 Qanon warnings on Youtube videos about silver

>>>/qresearch/12899293 Ashli Babbit QPost 2598 Link?

>>>/qresearch/12899310 Biden Castle Rock Studio Vid

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YL7iXkQLAdk - Youu2019re watching a white hat movie. [Channel: Photonic Truth]

>>>/qresearch/12899311 KEK Vid of Zuckerberg/Psaki

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210212112243/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7442b5eee5fd44d5f530bb280a50b52c7bb6da86d148b906c326a2252cbe89f7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12899315 Indigenous Amazonian Communities Fear Taking Vaccine, Experts Say

>>>/qresearch/12899324 Judge refuses to send Capitol riot suspect back to jail after breaching orders

>>>/qresearch/12899390 Thatcher stopped Peter Hayman, Top UK Spy, Diplomat, and High Chancellor to Canada, being named as paedophile-link civil servant

>>>/qresearch/12899444 The CCP OWNS JEEP

>>>/qresearch/12899452 Former ICE Director Sounds Alarm: Biden Flooding America With Illegal Immigrants To Expand Democrats’ Power

>>>/qresearch/12899467 Happy Birthday Anon (No Baker means Note Taker adds non Notables)

>>>/qresearch/12899496 RobinHoodApp not allowing $metal futures trades?

>>>/qresearch/12899620 Si vis pacem, para bellum

>>>/qresearch/12899810 Year of the Buffalo

>>>/qresearch/12899897 Mega thread on Antifa planning Jan 6th capitol insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12899949 "For the record: George Conway,the most public face of the Lincoln Project, barely knew co-founder Weaver

(16 notables, 17 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30114

File: 70c9be8bf5e1533⋯.jpg (5.64 KB,250x158,125:79,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12899790 Q Research General #16466: Watch The News Edition

Created 121009ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12900078, >>>/qresearch/12900082, >>>/qresearch/12900091 Delta, Defense Begins Argument in Peachment 2.3

>>>/qresearch/12900102, >>>/qresearch/12900172 Anon connects David Brock to Alefantis/Podesta Group

>>>/qresearch/12900124 Dems blunder over tweet at impeachment hearing Inappropriately changed 'Calvary' to 'cavalry,' author contends

>>>/qresearch/12900128 Dramatic video shows Texas mom Phyllis Pena body-slamming a suspected peeping tom accused of looking into her teenage daughter’s bedroom window. (Courtesy Lake Jackson PD)

>>>/qresearch/12900131 Feds reportedly probing traders behind GameStop frenzy

>>>/qresearch/12900143 Twitter suspends Project Veritas account

>>>/qresearch/12900220 THEY GOT CAUGHT: Dominion Owned Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each Windham, New Hampshire GOP Candidate

>>>/qresearch/12900267 Nikki Haley breaks with Trump: 'We shouldn't have followed him'

>>>/qresearch/12900282 Paris Hilton Testifies On Abduction As A Child, Placement In Facility, Torture And Sex Abuse

>>>/qresearch/12900283 China Bans BBC News Broadcasts in Apparent Retaliation

>>>/qresearch/12900302 WHO chief says Wuhan lab leak theory needs further study after all

>>>/qresearch/12900356 Cuomo aide’s admission on nursing home coverup sparks calls for probe — and gov’s prosecution

>>>/qresearch/12900387 MI Senate Majority Leader MIKE SHIRKEY, mistakenly told the truth on camera by stating the supporters of President Donald Trump were not not at fault by storming of the U.S. Capitol building.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210211231710/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d79bdc0c20ce6add4956478c579d9330e3c88f86816c27f60906d40a546152f4.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12900395 LIVE: Wuhan welcomes Lunar New Year with light show display

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0uLttwfnMCs - LIVE: Wuhan welcomes Lunar New Year with light show display [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/12900413 project veritas: We will be posting REGULARLY here on Gab moving forward - Stay tuned for more from us soon.

>>>/qresearch/12900442 Facebook More than Doubled the Number of Items Removed from Its Site in the 4th Quarter of 2020 When Compared to 2019

>>>/qresearch/12900485 Russia ready to cut ties with EU in case of sanctions in sensitive sectors, Lavrov says

>>>/qresearch/12900494 PlannedParentHood darkest side for everyone to see

>>>/qresearch/12900557 Let it snow: Israel looking forward to 'storm of the season' next week

>>>/qresearch/12900564 #16465

>>>/qresearch/12900623 funeral home van with body inside stolen in missouri

>>>/qresearch/12900630, >>>/qresearch/12900687 dan scavino morning sun video tweet.

>>>/qresearch/12900661, >>>/qresearch/12900667 Impeachment blunder: Author of tweet introduced at trial says it was falsified, misinterpreted

>>>/qresearch/12900721 Conman With Long History of Deceit, Dennis Montgomery, Inserted False Information Into Election Fraud Investigation, Who’s Paying Him?

>>>/qresearch/12900732 #16466

(25 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30115

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12901605 Q Research General #16468: Elon Musk Is An Alien Edition

Created 121601ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12901678 Former Lincoln Project employees ask to be released from their NDAs to speak about John Weaver

>>>/qresearch/12901683 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BrTUGVlz1i8 - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12901695 Pelosi Banned Congresswoman’s Military Officer Son From Attending Her Swearing-In

>>>/qresearch/12901716 The three GOP senators (Graham, Cruz and Lee) seen meeting with Trump’s defense team last night were giving them advice ahead of their rebuttal today

>>>/qresearch/12901737 "i will destroy you": biden aide threatened a politico reporter pursuing a story on his relationship

>>>/qresearch/12901750 Tokyo Olympics chief resigns over sexist comments, says he 'caused a lot of chaos'

>>>/qresearch/12901840 Cops bust 14 on party bus in Brooklyn, recover 8 loaded guns

>>>/qresearch/12901850 Timeline: Trump Was Still Speaking When the Capitol Riot Began, But the Left Blamed Him Anyway

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210212191234/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4e8b99dd229cda1f3436f5bbd69f9a73c12ba107ca11efe4125b964dec397180.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12901865 operation clothe julian assange #3

>>>/qresearch/12901877 In small town Sand Springs, Oklahoma where this type of t hing has never happened, Sand Springs has had TWO multiple murder of (children) + suicides (fathers) within one week of each other and within one mile of each other

>>>/qresearch/12901891 bidens destruction of america day 23

>>>/qresearch/12901893 GOP Meets With President Trump’s Impeachment Defense Team, including H1B visa pez dispenser mike lee (R-UT)

>>>/qresearch/12901896 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12901897 sputnik Op-Ed: The longest three weeks in history/Q connection

>>>/qresearch/12902031 CSPAN impeachment live stream

>>>/qresearch/12902062 Governor Gavin Newsom faces the looming recall efforts with 1.5 million signatures. still requires verification

>>>/qresearch/12902124 list of impeachment livestreams

>>>/qresearch/12902187 Former Olympic swimmer Klete Keller indicted on 7 charges tied to storming the US Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12902231 ‘Disgusted’ Nikki Haley throws Trump under the bus, but conservatives & #Resistance are having none of her ‘flip-flop’

>>>/qresearch/12902264 Lawmakers Call for Governor Cuomo’s Removal from Office Following Top Aide’s New York Nursing Home Confession

>>>/qresearch/12902269 Earthquake strikes multiple cities of Pakistan including Lahore, Islamabad

>>>/qresearch/12902275 CGTN off the air in Germany after UK pulls Chinese broadcaster’s licence

>>>/qresearch/12902288 Biden Cancels Emergency Border Wall Funding As DHS Prepares To Admit 25,000 Migrants Waiting In Mexico

>>>/qresearch/12902304 KPMG’s UK chair resigns after demanding employees ‘stop moaning’ about Covid pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12902321 975 COVID-19 vaccines thrown away accidentally, Knox County Health Department says

>>>/qresearch/12902346 biden tweet: From the Biden family to yours, happy #LunarNewYear.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210212192050/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d7122e65498c3c9bcdc68f16bc0d0bbed24bfaa723f4f6dbbaa5c19ba0720258.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12902370 #16468

(27 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30116

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12902373 Q Research General #16469: Get The Popcorn, It's Impeachment Defense Day Edition

Created 121727ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12902454 Bitcoin closing in on $1 TRILLION market cap

>>>/qresearch/12902485, >>>/qresearch/12903093 VIDEO: A Lunar New Year Message From The Bidens

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fRjf5ksFBgo - A Lunar New Year Message From The Bidens [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12902488 Scandal-Rocked Lincoln Project Donors Include Romney’s Bain and China-Linked Sequoia Capital.

>>>/qresearch/12902498 British economy crashes nearly 10% in 2020 due to Covid pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12902511 Report: ‘At Least a Dozen’ Republican Senators Walked Out of Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12902524 DHS Releases at Least 2K Border Crossers into U.S. In 10 Days

>>>/qresearch/12902546 Never Trump Lincoln Project Publishes, Then Deletes Ex-Member’s Private Messages amid Weaver Scandal

>>>/qresearch/12902555 Soros-Funded NGO Demands Punishment for Hungary Migrant ‘Pushbacks’

>>>/qresearch/12902570, >>>/qresearch/12902834, >>>/qresearch/12902867 US attorney john huber resigns under the instruction of biden

>>>/qresearch/12902614 Both Groups Charged with Conspiracy to Storm the Capitol Were Led by FBI

>>>/qresearch/12902718 Russian police raid Alexei Navalny's offices after wife of Putin's greatest critic flees Moscow for Germany

>>>/qresearch/12902755 Colorado’s 2020 Election Results Are Also Suspect – Biden’s Numbers Raise Serious Red Flags and Alleged Turnout Is More Like Saddam’s Iraq than the US

>>>/qresearch/12902800 Navy Will Make COVID-19 Vaccination Mandatory 'As Soon as We Can:' 3-Star Admiral

>>>/qresearch/12902823 18 plastic bags full of hacked-up body parts found in Mexico

>>>/qresearch/12902825 Qatar Is Pushing For a Return to Iran Nuclear Deal

>>>/qresearch/12902902, >>>/qresearch/12902938 watergateX1000, 1000 days since Q's P@in–23 password reveal

>>>/qresearch/12902930 Citing Government Misconduct, Judicial Watch Appeal Seeks Release of Sally Yates’ Records on Refusal to Defend President Trump’s Travel Ban

>>>/qresearch/12902985 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BrTUGVlz1i8 - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12903099 Yes, There's a Safe Way to Have a Cannibalism Fetish. The Armie Hammer Story's Not It.

>>>/qresearch/12903107 Trump Attorneys DESTROY House Managers on Lying to American Public and Using Manipulated Tweet as Evidence!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G_rE77M8IoA - BOOM! Trump Attorneys DESTROY House Managers on Lying to American Public and Usi [Channel: Jim Hoft]

>>>/qresearch/12903166 #16469

(21 notables, 25 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30117

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12903171 Q Research General #16470: FIGHT! Edition

Created 121839ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12903283, >>>/qresearch/12903323, >>>/qresearch/12903410 nationwide blackout in cuba, correction, its phones and internet that are out

>>>/qresearch/12903294 WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says Soros, Bloomberg & Bezos-Funded Groups Targeting His Show

>>>/qresearch/12903304, >>>/qresearch/12903692, >>>/qresearch/12903890 morning sun brings heat on W.H.O.?

>>>/qresearch/12903311 Israel Threatens to Abandon America, Ally With China And Russia After Securing $40B In U.S. Aid

>>>/qresearch/12903325 Biden to resume remittances, travel to Cuba, but other Obama-era overtures will take a while

>>>/qresearch/12903335 FBI Investigates as the Lincoln Project's Troubles Moun

>>>/qresearch/12903359 "fight fight fight" trending on twitter/Q post connection

>>>/qresearch/12903421 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BrTUGVlz1i8 - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12903449 Biden administration announces it will let around 25,000 asylum-seekers into the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12903488 Ibrahim Idris, a Guantánamo Bay Detainee on Day 1, Dies at 60

>>>/qresearch/12903525 new ben garrison cartoon

>>>/qresearch/12903548 Damning report concludes prominent evangelist Ravi Zacharias sexually abused women for years

>>>/qresearch/12903563 Former President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi has agreed to serve as the next prime minister of Italy.

>>>/qresearch/12903575 Lurid texts from Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver to interns revealed

>>>/qresearch/12903588 5th Graders in Failing Public School Celebrate Angela Davis, ‘Black Communism’

>>>/qresearch/12903618 “Protesting is now illegal in Canada”: Twice arrested organizer speaks out

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-apyFpExuPM - u201cProtesting is now illegal in Canadau201d: Twice arrested organizer speaks o [Channel: Rebel News]

>>>/qresearch/12903704 US navy: special operations forces from the Greek & Cypriot Underwater Demolition Teams joined #USNavy Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen for a maritime exercise in Greece

>>>/qresearch/12903706 Rubio: ‘Possible’ We Have Senate Impeachment Vote by Sunday Morning

>>>/qresearch/12903724 Probation Official Charged with Child Pornography Offenses

>>>/qresearch/12903753 new CDC data shows 11,249 recorded adverse events, including 501 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna.

>>>/qresearch/12903768 UK general warns situation with pandemic is reminiscent of years before Second World War

>>>/qresearch/12903788 De Blasio calls for 'full accounting' after Cuomo accused of covering up nursing home death toll

>>>/qresearch/12903844 Hundreds gather in Melbourne CBD to protest COVID-19 lockdown

>>>/qresearch/12903857 Trump team plays videos of Democrats’ repeated vows to ‘fight’

>>>/qresearch/12903861 Cuomo aide attempts to clarify bombshell admission in COVID-19 nursing home death probe

>>>/qresearch/12903887 NYPD watchdog recommends charges against SBA union boss over offensive tweets

>>>/qresearch/12903967 #16470

(27 notables, 31 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30118

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12903970 Q Research General #16471: Senate Is So Scared, They Ran Out Of Toilet Paper Edition

Created 121943ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12904086 BREAKING: NY GOP Congressional delegation is calling on @TheJusticeDept to open Obstruction of Justice investigation into Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/12904104 BREAKING: Law firm Kirland & Ellis, on behalf of Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, and Jeanine Pirro, filed a motion to request the dismissal of the $2.7 billion Smartmatic libel lawsuit -AP

>>>/qresearch/12904107 Communications outage hits Cuba for 90 minutes

>>>/qresearch/12904172 election fortified by secret cabal/Norm Eisen dig

>>>/qresearch/12904230 new scavino tweet VIDEO: "peace/law and order dem hypocrisy"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210212224528/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3d9a1402d4d0ad59f768a952690f40379c4d4fbbff56051d4caafb34ab0bff50.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12904371 Democratic Party Executive Director, Mary Bond, in Jefferson County, Tx Arrested On Charges Of Theft and Unauthorized Use Of Vehicle

>>>/qresearch/12904378, >>>/qresearch/12904437, >>>/qresearch/12904590, >>>/qresearch/12904610, >>>/qresearch/12904632, >>>/qresearch/12904659 Dominion Voting Comms MGR Penelope Chester Starr is very closely connected to the Clintons

>>>/qresearch/12904413 Experts warn Iran could be behind the Florida water supply cyber-hack

>>>/qresearch/12904455 Defense counsel concludes its arguments in Senate trial. Next up: as long as 4 hrs where senators submit written questions to the managers or the defense counsel.

>>>/qresearch/12904589 P8 recon looking for something off the coast of Seattle

>>>/qresearch/12904608 Anchors and analysts on CBS, NBC and ABC are frantically trying to re-argue the Democrats impeachment case against Trump in the wake of effective defense by Trump lawyers

>>>/qresearch/12904621, >>>/qresearch/12904635 When does a bird sing? After a storming.

>>>/qresearch/12904628 JEEP is owned by a CCP company HQ'd in Wuhan, China. Joe's use of Jeeps was not accidental or by chance. It was a signal to China they are on board.

>>>/qresearch/12904671 U.S. Army Corps attorneys withdraw from Dakota Access Pipeline case

>>>/qresearch/12904696 Mrs. Melania Trump is announcing the opening of The Office of Melania Trump. Please follow this account for news and updates.

>>>/qresearch/12904702 YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit, Locks Down Account After Posting Interview with New Hampshire Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/12904714 Overheard just now at the WH - 'We told you jackasses this impeachment would blow up in our faces!!!'

>>>/qresearch/12904725 Use global if you see actual CP (child porn) posted

>>>/qresearch/12904740 #16471

(19 notables, 25 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30119

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12904759 Q Research General #16472: The Senate Impeachment Op Is Failing Edition

Created 122053ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12904824 Senate Impeachment Q&A Livelink (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uHdL3pDfrf0 - U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump (Day 4) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12904842 Mario Draghi Officially Becomes Premier Of Italy, Names His Top Ministers

>>>/qresearch/12904850 Joe Biden Meets with Andrew Cuomo, Ignores Comments on Nursing Home Deaths Scandal

>>>/qresearch/12904867 Scott Morrison’s fall girl and Senator for Sports Rorts Bridget McKenzie uses defamation threat to try and cover-up their corruption

>>>/qresearch/12904870 Maryland lawmakers are moving forward with a first-in-the-nation tax on internet ads for big tech companies

>>>/qresearch/12904876 DeSantis Slams Biden For ‘Farce’ Of Halting Domestic Travel While Allowing Illegals To ‘Pour Across The Southern Border’

>>>/qresearch/12904884 Report: FBI Investigating Lincoln Project Cofounder’s Behavior with Underage Boys

>>>/qresearch/12904886 I'm excited to cosponsor the "English Language Unity Act" (H.R. 997), introduced by @replouiegohmert (English as official language of US)

>>>/qresearch/12904895 Trump's Lawyers Destroy Democrats Showing Everyone Using the Word "Fight" (rumble video link)

>>>/qresearch/12904913 In Major U-Turn, WHO Says Wuhan Lab-Leak Hypothesis Still A Possibility

>>>/qresearch/12904954 SPAR65 callsign Gulfstream V 01-0065 #AE10B3

>>>/qresearch/12904957 YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit, Locks Down Account After Posting Interview with New Hampshire Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/12904972 Biden Breaks Promise to ‘Fire People on the Spot’ if They Treat Others with Disrespect – Places Hostile, Misogynistic Deputy Press Sec on One-Week Suspension

>>>/qresearch/12904986 House Dems ‘Really Blew It’ at Senate Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12905003 Psaki stumbles over Ducklo drama after Biden vowed to ‘fire’ aides for harassment

>>>/qresearch/12905025 Activists push Democrats to give stimulus checks to 9M noncitizens

>>>/qresearch/12905049 The persecution of Gina Carano - Her sacking perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy and intolerance of the woke elites.

>>>/qresearch/12905086 Cuomo Chaos: N.Y. Dems Consider Revoking Emergency Powers as Nursing Home Coverup Unravels

>>>/qresearch/12905095 Anon opines on the 'US Corporation' view of Trump, the illegitimate President who broke all their rules and exposed them. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XQesfLIycJw - Hillary Clinton: "Trump knows he's an illegitimate president" [Channel: CBS Sunday Morning]

>>>/qresearch/12905106 EPIC! Trump’s Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of “Fight” Word Like Trump Did!

>>>/qresearch/12905165 Lincoln Project funded mostly by left / far left donors

>>>/qresearch/12905203 CDC Issues Guidance For Schools To Reopen "As Soon As Possible"

>>>/qresearch/12905241 CDC says schools can be reopened without vaccinating teachers

>>>/qresearch/12905249 US Navy - Helping us stay ready and in the fight

>>>/qresearch/12905286 Dems want Andrew Cuomo stripped of emergency powers over Covid ‘cover-up’ after aide admits they HID damning numbers

>>>/qresearch/12905295, >>>/qresearch/12905439 "White House says staffer who harassed reporter has been suspended for one week"

>>>/qresearch/12905312 Gov. Cuomo ducks reporters after Biden WH meeting amid nursing home scandal

>>>/qresearch/12905373 Andy Ngo: Goal of Antifa/BLM Is to Abolish Nation States

>>>/qresearch/12905378 In one year more Americans died of drug overdoses than were killed in the whole Vietnam war

>>>/qresearch/12905379 SOHR sources from Al-Hasakah countryside say that U.S. forces have redeployed today, east of Hasaka

>>>/qresearch/12905416 San Francisco sues schools over record number of suicidal students

>>>/qresearch/12905457 INSIDER TRADING? Pelosi’s Husband Put $1M on Tesla RIGHT BEFORE Biden Announced Fleet To Turn Electric

>>>/qresearch/12905481 Biden letting the caravans inside the US

>>>/qresearch/12905498 Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ Networks Hid Millions in the 2020 Elections Sixteen Thirty Fund, Tides Advocacy used by wealthy donors to anonymously back Biden and Democrats

>>>/qresearch/12905510 #16472

(35 notables, 36 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30120

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12905520 Q Research General #16473: The Impeachment Blew Up In Their Faces Edition

Created 122148ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12905655 Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/12905739 Biden Cabal continues to try to sell the vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12905752 "Where I come from, when you get caught doctoring the evidence, your case is over. They got caught doctoring the evidence, and this case should be over." - Michael van der Veen.

>>>/qresearch/12905779 DOD Inspector General Audit of Cybersecurity Requirements for Weapon Systems

>>>/qresearch/12905901 British human rights lawyer elected new ICC chief prosecutor

>>>/qresearch/12905949 Two Men Charged in Multi-million Dollar Darknet Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/12905964 ‘Ndrangheta bid riggin linked “Asphalt Billionaire” Loses €212 million

>>>/qresearch/12905984 U.S. Citizen Charged with Murder of Department of Defense Employee in Bahrain

>>>/qresearch/12905993 White House ground crew decorates White House lawn with giant hearts for Valentine's Day

>>>/qresearch/12906026 Freaky FBI Business cards from a movie about cannibals?

>>>/qresearch/12906029 Hollywood propping up race wars

>>>/qresearch/12906048 After the Capitol insurrection, “one of the first people arrested was a leader of antifa."

>>>/qresearch/12906075 Alex Trebek’s last ‘Jeopardy!’ champ, Brayden Smith, dies unexpectedly at 24

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=z_-dGhKp-aw - Brayden Smith's 5-Game Streak | JEOPARDY! [Channel: Jeopardy!]

>>>/qresearch/12906080 Cuomo extends NYC restaurant and bar closing time

>>>/qresearch/12906092 PSAKI: One-Week Break For Biden Spokesman Who Threatened To ‘Destroy’ Female Reporter Is ‘Serious Punishment’

>>>/qresearch/12906103 Kevin Sorbo Facebook has deleted my official account with over 500,000 followers

>>>/qresearch/12906108, >>>/qresearch/12906253 Another Lincoln Project Adviser Bails as Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Never Trump Group

>>>/qresearch/12906114 Psaki Concedes That the Biden Administration Has No Current Goal on When to Open High Schools

>>>/qresearch/12906130 The CDC has released a report showing that two masks are better than one for curbing transmission of the china virus

>>>/qresearch/12906167, >>>/qresearch/12906181 Biden Aide Threatens Female Reporter — ‘I Will Destroy You’

>>>/qresearch/12906213 Raskin just seemed to confirm that they are offering an entirely new standard of "presidential incitement" – rejecting the application of legal authority and definitions of incitement.

>>>/qresearch/12906255 14 Dems want repeal of Cuomo Emergency China Virus powers in wake of Nursing Home Deaths cover up

>>>/qresearch/12906267 Marjorie Taylor Greene Co-Sponsors Bill to Prevent Illegal Aliens From Voting in Federal Elections (WTF - They can now? I don't think so)

>>>/qresearch/12906286 #16473

(24 notables, 26 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30121

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12906314 Q Research General #16474: US Senate Needs Clean Up Crew On Aisle Seven Edition

Created 122258ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12906398 Biden breaking promises immediately after making them

>>>/qresearch/12906418 Janice Dean - 'It's happening' (video cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20201105042213/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/11434d5c89f8cf8fd16a86b9f483af18b7aed2193ee8282681e1ab355c4cff18.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210213035321/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ed37a8c3663bc16fc58fe7e72516befcaf5b94058d54522bd8c251b33a676375.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12906420 Washington Post - 'If you don't convict, we'll riot'

>>>/qresearch/12906423 Plaskett: "This attack is not about one speech. Most of you men would not have your wives with one attempt at talking to her." (video cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210213035522/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6a0fc599ff180099ef80e67dbeef8ec932e61c631384b9e5d0ab191e9824bb8a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12906459, >>>/qresearch/12906581 Randy Quaid - 'You overran the Capitol and claimed we overran the Capitol'

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220825115014/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ead928ecd583f92b06508be9532eb87f8c04e8a43d6b48e245eb95b5d30471f6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12906469 US government appeals UK ruling against Julian Assange's extradition

>>>/qresearch/12906491 KT McFarland: Trump the only president who understood China threat

>>>/qresearch/12906539 They’re holding an impeachment trial for a guy who’s no longer president and Jill Biden’s putting “Unity” hearts on the White House lawn.

>>>/qresearch/12906586 Parks Police helicopter N11PP flying a patrol from its pad in Anacostia Park around the WH and along to JBA

>>>/qresearch/12906595 Listen to Trump's lawyer define an insurrection. You will get a KEK out of it. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BrTUGVlz1i8 - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12906608 Impeachment video shows Pence had "nuclear football" as he moved away from Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12906614 Look at the callsign used last week on Joe's trip to Delaware. Hopefully that will make you feel better. :)

>>>/qresearch/12906620 Just thought it very unusual for a callsign to include 666 and for that aircraft to be a Gates Learjet. Notice SPAR666.

>>>/qresearch/12906638 NOT AF1 just took off from JBA. looks like he's using the usual AF2 plane again. but it should still carry the AF1 call sign with the president on board.

>>>/qresearch/12906732 Bluefield College (VA) suspends Basketball players for kneeling during anthem, forfeits game

>>>/qresearch/12906737, >>>/qresearch/12906768 Baker found sauce before adding. Forgot to ask for sauce. Thanks anons

>>>/qresearch/12906757 House Democrats conclude Trump impeachment case, warning of potential violence if Republicans refuse to convict

>>>/qresearch/12906766, >>>/qresearch/12906785 Lincoln Project co-founder resigns

>>>/qresearch/12906798 Biden’s ‘100 Days’ Of Masks Transforms Into Masks ‘Through The Next Year’

>>>/qresearch/12906816 Counsel Says Politicians Raising Bail For Rioters Encourages More Rioting, Harris Promoted Bail Fund Group For ‘Protestors’

>>>/qresearch/12906838 Cuomo lied and covered it up — we need a federal investigation to find the truth

>>>/qresearch/12906848 Two police officers who helped fight the Capitol mob have died of suicide

>>>/qresearch/12906850 Former First Lady Announces Launch Of ‘Office Of Melania Trump’

>>>/qresearch/12906853, >>>/qresearch/12906872 Cabal narrative - Biden is in charge with nuclear football

>>>/qresearch/12906860 A massive fire erupted Friday at Connecticut’s Hole in the Wall Gang Camp founded by late actor Paul Newman, a report said.

>>>/qresearch/12906861 Biden administration says it intends to close Guantanamo prison

>>>/qresearch/12906865 Days after shutting down another nuclear reactor: Sweden's electricity shortage has TV station telling viewers to avoid vacuuming

>>>/qresearch/12906866, >>>/qresearch/12906887 Riots if Trump not convicted?

>>>/qresearch/12906891 Ian Sams, Former Kamala Aide and ‘Grillary Clinton’ Apron Model, Lands New Gig as Biden’s COVID Spox

>>>/qresearch/12906905 China bans BBC for ‘fake news’ on Xinjiang, China Virus

>>>/qresearch/12906919 What Collapsed the Middle Class?

>>>/qresearch/12906920 Air Force VIP plane 9-0016 has landed

>>>/qresearch/12906933, >>>/qresearch/12906961 We have a balloon in the Atlantic.

>>>/qresearch/12906952 Rep. Raskin falsely claims Trump supporters took part in church burning

>>>/qresearch/12907029 California Is Making Liberals Squirm If progressivism can’t work there, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?

>>>/qresearch/12907041 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The COVID Vaccine on Trial Webinar

>>>/qresearch/12907088 #16474

(37 notables, 43 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30122

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12907918 Q Research General #16476: Lincoln Project Is Afire And Taking On Water Edition

Created 130153ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12907937, >>>/qresearch/12908040, >>>/qresearch/12908669

>>>/qresearch/12907961 Richard Grenell considering running for Cali Gov

>>>/qresearch/12908044 CDC calls for K-12 schools to reopen

>>>/qresearch/12908053, >>>/qresearch/12908055 Anons nom an oped: As matters stand, significantly more than half of the nation's citizens know that vote fraud occurred in this election.

>>>/qresearch/12908075 COVID Forever? EU health agency chief says Covid-19 might NEVER be eradicated

>>>/qresearch/12908096 Sputnik: DC court denies FOIA documents, ruling Trump tweet wasn’t admission CIA funded Al-Qaeda in Syria

>>>/qresearch/12908101 Solomon: And it begins. Biden administration to allow 25,000 migrants waiting in Mexico to enter U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12908117 WashTimes: Trump's lawyer says Hillary Clinton could be impeached under new precedent

>>>/qresearch/12908134 Breitbart: ICE Plans Large Migrant Group Release into West Texas Despite CDC Rule

>>>/qresearch/12908139 Former US attorney Cody Hiland considers run for Arkansas AG

>>>/qresearch/12908157 JTN: Census Bureau says redistricting data will be delivered just one month before off-year elections

>>>/qresearch/12908192 Sen. Tim Kaine: Not enough bipartisan support to censure Trump in Senate

>>>/qresearch/12908198 CandaceO: Everything you were told about the “Capitol Riot” is a lie.

>>>/qresearch/12908326 Looks like someone is breaking the law and leaking internal Capitol phone calls to CNN

>>>/qresearch/12908376 LSN: US bishops’ charity arm caught funding promoters of abortion, LGBT activism

>>>/qresearch/12908381 CNN: US Capitol Police officers issue vote of no confidence for acting chief, other top leaders

>>>/qresearch/12908424 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12908478 , >>12792878 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com

>>>/qresearch/12908574 rt: The Joe Biden Regime will carry out a “robust review” of the Guantanamo Bay priso

>>>/qresearch/12908620 Warroom.org: Donors are Rejecting Nikki Haley after Graham Introductions

>>>/qresearch/12908654 GP: Biden White House Leaks Health Information About President Trump to New York Times

(21 notables, 24 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30123

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12910413 Q Research General #16479: Q Doesn't Want To Talk To Us Anymore Edition

Created 130823ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12910421, >>>/qresearch/12910431, >>>/qresearch/12910432, >>>/qresearch/12910442, >>>/qresearch/12910451, >>>/qresearch/12910464, >>>/qresearch/12910487, >>>/qresearch/12910491, >>>/qresearch/12910522, >>>/qresearch/12910540, >>>/qresearch/12910550, >>>/qresearch/12910552, >>>/qresearch/12910557, >>>/qresearch/12910575, >>>/qresearch/12910590, >>>/qresearch/12910603

>>>/qresearch/12910433 Pelosi crime Family partners with Joe?

>>>/qresearch/12910455, >>>/qresearch/12910691 Interdasting article about Dark Winter written April 1, 2020

>>>/qresearch/12910638, >>>/qresearch/12910658, >>>/qresearch/12910676 #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT


>>>/qresearch/12910879 Trump Tower DC rates for Febuary and March. Look at the spike on the 3rd & 4th


>>>/qresearch/12910931 On and around November 3, 2020 – Experts and governments witnessed attacks on U.S. critical election infrastructure.

>>>/qresearch/12910939 Looks to me like "COVID" vaccine deaths are being called "COVID" deaths.

>>>/qresearch/12910946, >>>/qresearch/12910949 Have you read the comments in response to these giant cut-outs on the White House lawn?

>>>/qresearch/12911021 Yellen Tells G7 ‘The Time To Go Big Is Now.’ NWO goes back to money laundering over climate change

>>>/qresearch/12911143 Venezuela receives more airlifts of refinery materials from Iran

(12 notables, 32 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30124

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12907097 Q Research General #16475: The US Senate Is A National Embarrassment Edition

Created 130020ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12907187 Former US Olympian Klete Keller Indicted on Additional Charges Over Capitol Riot

>>>/qresearch/12907207 Trade Unions Refuse To Answer Why They Supported Biden Despite His Years Of Promising To Take Down Keystone

>>>/qresearch/12907279, >>>/qresearch/12907349 Team Magma leaving Angola/Cyrpus a lovely day laundering money

>>>/qresearch/12907289 White House says Biden will shut down Guantanamo Bay prison by the end of his term

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Vi57sFSg5pU - Biden Seeks to Close Prison on Guantanamo Bay After Review: Psaki [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake: Now]

>>>/qresearch/12907292 Biden pushing valentines on the WH lawn to make up for poor leadership

>>>/qresearch/12907296, >>>/qresearch/12907370 Still not AF1 heading back to DC

>>>/qresearch/12907302, >>>/qresearch/12907434 Lincoln Project Co-Founder Resigns Amid Accusations Of Criminality

>>>/qresearch/12907356 GO TO 4:15:00 Check out Cooms laying out how they are breaking the law but blaming it on Trump. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BrTUGVlz1i8 - ud83dudd34 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12907373 Former intelligence boss Nick Warner joins lobbying firm while working as a consultant for Prime Minister's Department

>>>/qresearch/12907403 Impeachment manager mistakenly says Trump should 'be acquitted' (God works in mysterious ways)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jP_IaVlAEOc - WATCH: Impeachment manager mistakenly says Trump should 'be acquitted' [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12907426 FoxNews team 'The Five' say nursing home scandal could 'end Cuomo's political career'(video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=o2BHywQz3SA - 'The Five' say nursing home scandal could 'end Cuomo's political career' [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12907449 Trump Impeachment Attorney Drops a Bomb on Democrats, Reminds Americans – “One of the First People Arrested was a Leader of Antifa”

>>>/qresearch/12907462 ,SMOKING GUN, Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out

>>>/qresearch/12907488 mRNA vaccine just the beginning, 65 mRNA products in pipeline

>>>/qresearch/12907523, >>>/qresearch/12907598 Fake AF1 landing at Joint Base Andrews…

>>>/qresearch/12907543 Northeast Ohio doctor pleads guilty to sex trafficking six children

>>>/qresearch/12907559 Dissatisfaction growing in the junior ranks of 'Lincoln Project', which were made up of largely young and liberal staffers.

>>>/qresearch/12907566 Biden to be confined to Camp David for the weekend

>>>/qresearch/12907591 David Corn, liberal narrative jock at Mother Jones, personally delivered 4 of the Steele dossier reports to FBI legal boss James Baker in Oct, 2016

>>>/qresearch/12907670 Two DC police officers died of suicide after Captiol riot. More are hurting. - The Washington C_A Post

>>>/qresearch/12907675 Kellyanne Conway Retweeted Donald Trump Jr. - refunds for Project Lincoln donors

>>>/qresearch/12907692 But Voter ID is out of the question? 'On October 1, 2021, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities.'

>>>/qresearch/12907729 FBI arrests 2 'Boogaloo Bois'-associated militia members, 1 who incited riot on Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/12907738, >>>/qresearch/12907739 Meghan McCain turns on 'Lincoln Project' founders and Brit Hume IMMEDIATELY comments. PANIC!!!

>>>/qresearch/12907764 Russian space agency publishes declassified documents on world’s 1st lunar soft landing

>>>/qresearch/12907790 Matt Gaetz - While POS Steve Schmidt was enabling John Weaver he was attacking my family bc we are different. I have parented an immigrant son for 7 years, though we share no blood.

>>>/qresearch/12907802 France attempting to fill the vacuum left by Biden withdrawal from the South China Sea with nuclear attack submarine

>>>/qresearch/12907804, >>>/qresearch/12907821 Colt ends 175 years as an American gunmaker with purchase by Czech firearms company

>>>/qresearch/12907856 DC Court Denies FOIA Documents, Ruling Trump Tweet Wasn’t Admission CIA Funded Al-Qaeda in Syria

>>>/qresearch/12907914 #16475

(30 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30125

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12908693 Q Research General #16477: The 'Leakers Break The Law' Edition

Created 130343ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12908841 Ngo: A BLM activist from Chattanooga, Tenn. has been terminated from his job at the local public library after an investigation found he stole the library's conservative books & set them on fire

>>>/qresearch/12908860 DJTjr retweets: The Lincoln Project is taking on water fast from the sex scandal…

>>>/qresearch/12908907 TheDrive: Farmers are figuring out that sometimes companies don't make it easy to be technically advanced, and independent at the same time.

>>>/qresearch/12908958 Breitbart: Utah Becomes 17th State to Abolish Concealed Carry Permit Requirement

>>>/qresearch/12908959 NYP: A former fashion model was found shot dead along Interstate 80 in Pennsylvania over the weekend, and a man has been arrested in her murder, authorities said.

>>>/qresearch/12908969 TRS: Alan Dershowitz calls out Democrat Jamie Raskin for SPECIFIC hypocrisy during phony impeachment

>>>/qresearch/12909046 COVID-19 vaccinations to open up to people 16+ with severe health conditions, disabilities

>>>/qresearch/12909080 A Maui-based Native Hawaiian housing advocacy organization on Thursday filed a whistleblower complaint against Bank of America

>>>/qresearch/12909102 “They Legally Eviscerated Them” – GOP Senator Ron Johnson on the President’s Lawyers’ Performance on Friday (VIDEO)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216124729/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b892e2dd9db344b57e63789a61ce9e8a77ad9609efeb14da612f3532ee7d8320.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12909106 Scavino Posts a watery video to watch

>>>/qresearch/12909125 GP: “Does a Politician Raising Bail for Rioters Encourage More Rioting?” – GOP Senators Question Democrat Impeachment Leader Over Kamala Harris’s Rioters Bail Fund

>>>/qresearch/12909172 More GP: Hypocrite Joe Biden Approaches Maskless Female Reporter…Hands Her His Cup…Tells Her To Drink From It During Pandemic [VIDEO]

>>>/qresearch/12909173 Mayor, police chief and city clerk of Armstrong, IA arrested on multiple charges

>>>/qresearch/12909198 Police in Laurel, Maryland, have made two arrests in connection to a home burglary that left a well-known attorney dead.

>>>/qresearch/12909266 Sanitation Worker Praises God for Helping Him Rescue Young Girl from Sex Offender

>>>/qresearch/12909318 For keks: Are they auctioning off the Democrats' case against President Trump?

>>>/qresearch/12909326 Palmierireport: Trump Set To Return To The Public After Impeachment…Will Take On Those Who Voted To Impeach

>>>/qresearch/12909399 BLP: FLASHBACK: Dr. Fauci Praised Gov. Cuomo as He Lied to Federal Authorities about Nursing Home Victims

>>>/qresearch/12909453 #16477, #16478, #16479

(19 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30126

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12909482 Q Research General #16478: The 'Sometimes Hypocrites Just Need To Be Called Out' Edition

Created 130527ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12909546, >>>/qresearch/12909564, >>>/qresearch/12909643, >>>/qresearch/12909664, >>>/qresearch/12909675 Huber Resignation. News Unlocks?

>>>/qresearch/12909577 ZH: Great Reset? Putin Says, "Not So Fast"

>>>/qresearch/12909581, >>>/qresearch/12909586 Russia ready to cut ties with EU if Navalny sanctions target economy

>>>/qresearch/12909597 WSJ: U.K. Economy Suffers Biggest Slump in 300 Years Amid Covid-19 Lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/12909601 RT: Japan appoints ‘MINISTER OF LONELINESS’ amid rising suicide rates during Covid-19 crisis

>>>/qresearch/12909612 Tass: Russian envoy points to political crackdown in US

>>>/qresearch/12909640 List of companies that do not like patriots like Mike Linde

>>>/qresearch/12909987 Rereading the Wikileaks Podesta Emails

>>>/qresearch/12910133 George Washington was confident that the country could and should function without the existence of political parties

>>>/qresearch/12910135 What have we become? Classroom full of plexiglass desks (vid embed)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216125946/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6c7b4a8aa50e71cc5ff6e9382961e19e3e8efe2cd65a921e2f19e0f302d6b811.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12910146 IBM is rolling out the first digital vaccine passport on mobile phones in Denmark

>>>/qresearch/12910161 Kamila Harris is violating her oath of office if she think she is VP ?

>>>/qresearch/12910192 'Holy Cow!' Tempers Flare During Q&A Session of Trump's Impeachment Trial

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=15s4MAKltYA - 'Holy Cow!' Tempers Flare During Q&A Session of Trump's Impeachment Trial [Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake: Now]

>>>/qresearch/12910215, >>>/qresearch/12910221, >>>/qresearch/12910255, >>>/qresearch/12910270, >>>/qresearch/12910303, >>>/qresearch/12910317, >>>/qresearch/12910354 Ekta Foundation. Ashok Mahbuani (in Wikileaks emails) dig.

>>>/qresearch/12910260 Indian Space Research Organisation creates a local alternative to Google Maps

>>>/qresearch/12910331 Nomilitary planes in the air over CONUS

>>>/qresearch/12910360 Looking back at Operation Gladio

(17 notables, 28 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30127

File: 70c9be8bf5e1533⋯.jpg (5.64 KB,250x158,125:79,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12911161 Q Research General #16480: But Our Flag Was Still There Edition

Created 131114ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12911206 Large Explosion Near Iranian Border


>>>/qresearch/12911257 Twatter CNN link "QAnon ruined my family" (Side Note. GabBots vs TwatterBots. This Baker like Gab, but ur still a bot.)

>>>/qresearch/12911265 Targeting State and Local Level Officials who attended Jan6th Rally?

>>>/qresearch/12911270 Statewide audit in Trump-contested Michigan affirms 2020 election results

>>>/qresearch/12911275 Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt resigns as group's sexual harassment scandal grows

>>>/qresearch/12911283 ‘Likely’ that COVID-19 is ‘with us forever,’ warns EU health official

>>>/qresearch/12911302 'You can run the best campaign, and you can have the election stolen from you'

>>>/qresearch/12911325 GOP Rep Calls For Investigation Into Nursing Home Cover-Up

>>>/qresearch/12911329 #Marines with VMM-262 (Rein), @31stMeu, provide close air support during a visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) mission in the Philippine Sea.

>>>/qresearch/12911354 Cuomo lied and covered it up — we need a federal investigation to find the truth

>>>/qresearch/12911362 Probation Official Charged with Child Pornography Offenses

>>>/qresearch/12911377 Violent BLM protest in NYC leaves two NYPD cops injured, 11 arrested

>>>/qresearch/12911397 Capitol Police Officers Issue Vote of No Confidence in Acting Chief and Leadership

>>>/qresearch/12911401 14 suspected terrorists arrested in denmark germany

>>>/qresearch/12911416 Ohio among states with the most extremist anti-government groups

>>>/qresearch/12911418 #16478

>>>/qresearch/12911422 #16479

>>>/qresearch/12911427 Gas Prices Have Already Spiked Under Biden

>>>/qresearch/12911466 BREAKING! Great News on Election Fraud Cases Before Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/12911495 Report: ‘At Least a Dozen’ Republican Senators Walked Out of Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12911504 ‘Too late!’ Liz Cheney not gaining sympathy after complaining about Biden’s disastrous energy policies

>>>/qresearch/12911530 Biden Makes History: First President in 40 Years to Punt on Contacting Israel

>>>/qresearch/12911538, >>>/qresearch/12911552 Senate meets at 10 am et for what are expected to be final arguments in President Trump’s second impeachment trial. A verdict could come midday. twatter sauces

>>>/qresearch/12911544 I'm sure its no coincidence that Huber resigns on 2/28 and there's only one post that has 2/28 in the post…….#SealedCases #SealedIndictments

>>>/qresearch/12911589 No slow down for January, 5,775 added - sealed indictments

>>>/qresearch/12911595 New Rudy

>>>/qresearch/12911613 BUCKLE UP folks. [They] are calling for violence! - If you dont convict we will cause more riots.

>>>/qresearch/12911624 NBC Reporter Claims Capitol Rioters Thought ‘National Guard Would Turn On The Capitol Police’ And ‘Take Over The Government’

>>>/qresearch/12911671, >>>/qresearch/12911673 White House Reassures Gun Control Groups It Will Fulfill ‘Ambitious’ Gun Control Agenda

>>>/qresearch/12911685 SELF-CONFIRMING

>>>/qresearch/12911689 Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ Networks Hid Millions in the 2020 Elections

>>>/qresearch/12911694 Cambridge panel claims Churchill was white supremacist

>>>/qresearch/12911732 Chris Wallace’s toxicity with Fox News viewers on display in charity auction

>>>/qresearch/12911739 After a slow start, Trump’s attorneys had a barn-burning impeachment closing

>>>/qresearch/12911762 Exclusive–Melania Trump Office Says Former First Lady’s Future Initiatives Will Be Done with ‘Quality and Passion’

>>>/qresearch/12911786, >>>/qresearch/12911789 Biden Energy Policies Heading America Toward a ‘Full-Fledged Recession,’ Oklahoma’s Rep. Mullin Warns

>>>/qresearch/12911794 SENATE TRIAL RESUMES 10AM ET C-SPAN2

>>>/qresearch/12911929 It was wonderful to meet all of the incredible children from all around the world. Wishing everyone a happy #ValentinesDay weekend! - FLOTUS

>>>/qresearch/12911979 #16480

(40 notables, 44 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30128

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12911975 Q Research General #16481: When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty Edition

Created 131359ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12912101 Should Mike Lindell’s Election Fraud Video Should be Played at the Impeachment Trial?

>>>/qresearch/12912151 SHAM IMPEACHMENT DAY 5: Senate to Convene at 10 AM ET, Closing Arguments and Then a Vote — Will Democrats Rig This Vote Too?

>>>/qresearch/12912160 Biden DOJ Files Appeal To Extradite Julian Assange, Ignoring Rights Groups

>>>/qresearch/12912189 Paul Sperry - FBI analysts ALTERED source statement written by Steele's handling agent. Drip Drip Drip

>>>/qresearch/12912221 Google Agrees To $76 Million Settlement With French Publishers

>>>/qresearch/12912232 XVIII Airborne Corps - Here's an interesting footnote to this morning's #TDIDCH about the reactivation of the 10th Mountain Division 36 years ago today

>>>/qresearch/12912248 ‘Those protests were dreadful’: UK Home Secretary says she ‘wouldn’t kneel’ for BLM, kicking off online slugfest

>>>/qresearch/12912261 Cambridge academics slated by Brits for conference declaring Winston Churchill ‘WORSE THAN THE NAZIS’

>>>/qresearch/12912264 Dems weigh witness question as new details about Trump’s conduct revealed

>>>/qresearch/12912281 Gov. Greg Gianforte - who made headlines when he "body slammed" a reporter in 2017 - has officially ended Montana's mask mandate.

>>>/qresearch/12912284 A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan’s Fukushima prefecture on Saturday

>>>/qresearch/12912289 UK Economy Suffers Biggest Drop in 300 Years

>>>/qresearch/12912308 EU Calls on China to Reverse Ban on BBC World News Channel

>>>/qresearch/12912347 MORE EVIDENCE: Riots at the Capitol Were Pre-Planned by Members of Antifa, Neo-Nazis and Others

>>>/qresearch/12912355 Biden’s DOJ Drops Suit Against Melania’s Former Friend Who Breached Her Contract and Secretly recorded Her for Tell All Book – DOJ Doesn’t Provide a Reason

>>>/qresearch/12912367 Breaking: Gabriel Agard-Berryhill, the 18-year-old accused Portland #antifa bomber identified by his Trump-loving grandma last year, has been arrested again by federal authorities

>>>/qresearch/12912368 NY DAILY NEWS: Mayor De Blasio calls for Gov. Cuomo to lose emergency powers

>>>/qresearch/12912378 AP source: GOP leader McConnell will vote to acquit Trump

>>>/qresearch/12912469 Impeachment manager Jamie Raskin says they want to subpoena Congresswoman Beutler and her notes.

>>>/qresearch/12912561 Iowa town's mayor, police chief, others linked to embezzlement scheme

>>>/qresearch/12912576 Democrats didn’t do their homework. Now they’re trying to backtrack by calling “witnesses.”

>>>/qresearch/12912589 So California will vigorously ensure you’re a legal registered voter to recall a democrat, but won’t even verify you’re a US citizen to vote for him

>>>/qresearch/12912601 New ‘do not resuscitate’ orders imposed on Covid-19 patients with learning difficulties

>>>/qresearch/12912604 Did the Democrats "Tank" the second Trump trial?

>>>/qresearch/12912618 Arkansas A.G.: I’ll Take Legal Action to Re-Open Keystone Pipeline Construction if Needed

>>>/qresearch/12912656 Senate Democrats call for 11th-hour witnesses in Trump impeachment trial

>>>/qresearch/12912721 Myanmar (Burma) connection to Podesta group

>>>/qresearch/12912768 5 Republicans Vote to Allow Witnesses in Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12912773 Under President Trump, over half of the new jobs created went to women

>>>/qresearch/12912794 BOMBSHELL REPORT: Trump legal team seek to subpoena D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and Nancy Pelosi if Dems call witnesses

(30 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30129

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12912849 Q Research General #16482: Emergency Ebake Edition

Created 131549ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12912906 U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump (Day 5) C-SPAN

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CRN70Sb7l50 - U.S. Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump (Day 5) [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12912910 Magnitude 7.1 earthquake jolts Fukushima area

>>>/qresearch/12912927 "…bizarre to have this sudden surprise witness come up literally before closing arguments…in a normal court of law a judge would go absolutely ballistic…" - Jonathan Turley

>>>/qresearch/12912939 Chaos at the impeachment trial. Dems had agreed to no witnesses, then House Managers changed their mind this morning.

>>>/qresearch/12912952, >>>/qresearch/12912960 Messenger RNA vaccines EXPLAINED

>>>/qresearch/12912953 Trump impeachment defense lawyers warn in 78-pp trial brief that Democrats' "slippery slope" impeachment tactics

>>>/qresearch/12912998 Cruz talking about Anonymous Q's

>>>/qresearch/12913001 END of The Lincoln Project (video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210213043327/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b660c4a25c3524dde9f960179de60d4c31ab879914d4c6049ca64e9b29af1660.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12913003 Q mentions exculpatory evidence in 4 posts.. 3542, 3548, 3559 and 3693

>>>/qresearch/12913005 Trump Attorney Van Der Leen ERUPTS After Democrats Flip the Script, Attempt to Change Rules and Decide to Call Witnesses as Their Case Collapses

>>>/qresearch/12913028 Rubio - Now that we are going to have witnesses no one can claim this is a fair trial unless both sides are now allowed to call them.

>>>/qresearch/12913042 With the Senate vote for witnesses, this could potentially extend the trial for weeks. Both sides will need to depose witnesses, … open the gates to “discovery.”

>>>/qresearch/12913082 #16481

>>>/qresearch/12913091 2/x While we’re waiting to figure out what’s next, I thought I’d share some of the Qs in the pile that DIDN’T make the cut to be asked yesterday

>>>/qresearch/12913144, >>>/qresearch/12913223 Look how quickly they changed Wikipedia on Jaime Lynn Herrera Beutler…

>>>/qresearch/12913186 Maybe THIS is why Graham changed his vote? Graham's call with Georgia's secretary of State will be investigated: report

>>>/qresearch/12913252 If the House Managers call Rep Herrera Beutler as a witness, the first witness Trump’s lawyers should call is Nancy Pelosi.

>>>/qresearch/12913278 Jason Miller is walking around with a witness list that says WITNESS LIST 301 (SO FAR)

>>>/qresearch/12913281 Statement from Powell County Montana Public Health Officer - defies Gov Gianforte

>>>/qresearch/12913306 JUST IN - Trump’s defense team has 301 witnesses "so far" that they want to call.

>>>/qresearch/12913356 Q Proof 3835 - Impeachment goal was to delay?

>>>/qresearch/12913358 Herrera Beutler Again Confirms Conversation with McCarthy Regarding January 6 U.S. Capitol Attack

>>>/qresearch/12913382 List of possible witnesses, including: Ted Lieu Joaquin Castro Nancy Pelosi Kamala Harris Mazie Hirono Elizabeth Warren Chuck Schumer Maxine Waters

>>>/qresearch/12913385 Breaking: Trump Legal Team Asks to Call in Speaker Nancy Pelosi and DC Mayor Bowser to Testify on Inside Info They May Have Had on Capitol Breach

>>>/qresearch/12913390 Carlson: ‘Lincoln Project Was Powerful and Feared — And Now It’s Done, It’s Over, It’s Not Coming Back’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YpDs1NURRqA - Tucker: Inside the seedy world of the 'Lincoln Project' [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12913392 Senate recesses until 12:30 to discuss the witness thing

>>>/qresearch/12913400 Biden White House Plan to Keep Occupying Troops in DC Through End of Year

>>>/qresearch/12913417 Senate votes to summon impeachment trial witnesses, extending trial indefinitely

>>>/qresearch/12913430 "Trump's former national security advisor shared a message asking the president to suspend the Constitution, impose martial law, and hold a new election"

>>>/qresearch/12913444 Colt Firearms Being Acquired by CZG Firearms via Cash, Stock Purchase

>>>/qresearch/12913448 We’re supposed to believe that only 11 million illegal immigrants are in the USA and that the number has been the same since 2003

>>>/qresearch/12913465 Minneapolis to spend $6.4 million to hire more police. The Minneapolis Police Department says it's down about 200 officers following George Floyd's death.

>>>/qresearch/12913482 Editorial - Impeaching the Voters

>>>/qresearch/12913503 House Impeachment Managers Manipulated Evidence and Created Fake Tweets

>>>/qresearch/12913507 Trump Lawyers Play Madonna’s ‘Blow Up the White House,’ Johnny Depp’s ‘Assassination’ Remarks During Impeachment Trial

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aj1Rwlztapg - Trumpu2019s lawyer plays a video of Democrats and celebrities advocating violenc [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/12913515 The Times’ Superspreader Lie About Officer Sicknick

>>>/qresearch/12913516 “The first arrest will shock you”

>>>/qresearch/12913530 #16482

(38 notables, 40 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30130

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12913547 Q Research General #16483: How Do You LEGALLY Present Evidence? Edition

Created 131706ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12913635 Possible witness list from Jason Miller

>>>/qresearch/12913670 Lindsey Graham - It is my firm belief that the House Managers are trying to investigate the case AFTER it was brought to the Senate.

>>>/qresearch/12913683 California COVID-19 deaths now highest in nation, with disproportionate impact on Latino community? FakeNews narrative changing?

>>>/qresearch/12913687 JUST IN - Negotiations underway about putting CNN's reporting in the impeachment trial record instead of calling witnesses

>>>/qresearch/12913721 The Senate returns at 12:30 pm et. At that point, we could have senators announce some sort of an agreement on a universe of witnesses or a way forward.

>>>/qresearch/12913762 "The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows"

>>>/qresearch/12913859, >>>/qresearch/12913873 Bowser to DOJ, Pentagon: DC isn't asking federal law enforcement to assist with protests

>>>/qresearch/12913992 Russian shopping centre blown apart in gas explosion as rescuers begin sift through rubble for victims

>>>/qresearch/12914004 Obama’s boys are at it again. Good thing the traitors running our country actively fund the enemy …

>>>/qresearch/12914046 Globalism in one easy chart

>>>/qresearch/12914063 Biden Wants to Shut Down Credit Reporting Agencies. Shades of 2007/2008 anyone?

>>>/qresearch/12914272 House Impeachment Managers FOLD – Back Off On Witnesses After Trump Legal Team Announces Pelosi Will Be Called In — Closing Arguments Begin!

>>>/qresearch/12914306 #16483, #16484, #16485

(13 notables, 14 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30131

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12914318 Q Research General #16484: Democrats Delay With 'Witness Narrative' Edition

Created 131828ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12914387 Gov. DeSantis Tells Biden: “Go Fuck Yourself”

>>>/qresearch/12914439, >>>/qresearch/12914447 Harvard Center Attacking China Virus Lab Theory Has Extensive Financial and Personnel Links With The Chinese Communist Party.

>>>/qresearch/12914446 Video of Biden in dirty old beast and exhaust spewing AF1

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216141109/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/620b69d3d24e4e4c6c5e16b836a757581a2871a6229592003223641c5a54fa0c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12914462 Biden’s DOJ Drops Suit Against Melania’s Former Friend Who Breached Her Contract and Secretly recorded Her for Tell All Book – DOJ Doesn’t Provide a Reason

>>>/qresearch/12914481 Louisiana teacher, 34, 'had sex with her male foreign exchange student, 15, while her husband watched'

>>>/qresearch/12914499 "Powerful Enough To Be Spotted From Space": Fuel Tanker Convoy Explodes At Afghan-Iran Border

>>>/qresearch/12914510 It’s official. 1.5 million signatures. Recall Gavin Newsom has reached its goal.

>>>/qresearch/12914529 ‘No arrests’: Portland protesters pelt officers with ice, break windows of businesses as police RETREAT and post pictures

>>>/qresearch/12914540 Ignoring Pleas of Press Freedom Defenders, Biden DOJ Files Appeal to Extradite Julian Assange

>>>/qresearch/12914558 Melissa DeRosa, Cuomo aide in nursing home cover-up, is related to top fed prosecutor

>>>/qresearch/12914582 11 Arrested During Violent BLM Rally that Left 2 NYPD Officers Injured

>>>/qresearch/12914618 Netherlands Stops International Adoptions After ‘Stolen Children’ Scandal Exposed

>>>/qresearch/12914629 Man Sentenced for Blackmailing Minors for Sex in Paris Suburbs

>>>/qresearch/12914633 House Impeachment Managers FOLD – Back Off On Witnesses After Trump Legal Team Announces Pelosi Will Be Called In — Closing Arguments Begin!

>>>/qresearch/12914656 Yellen Is Creating a New Senior Treasury Post for Climate Czar

>>>/qresearch/12914677 Woman Claims Democratic Impeachment Managers Falsified and Misinterpreted Her Tweet

>>>/qresearch/12914686 Prosecutor Demands €5,000 Fine Against Marine Le Pen over Photos Exposing ISIS Crimes

>>>/qresearch/12914687 “To Manager Swalwell: Tell Us About Fang Fang” – EPIC! Here Are the GOP Questions that Were Not Asked During Sham Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12914696 “Pelosi Can Testify on Whether She Made a Decision Based on Optics, Based on Politics” – TED CRUZ DROPS A MOAB

>>>/qresearch/12914709 Melinda Gates’s ‘family planning’ group has strong ties to abortion, transgenderism

>>>/qresearch/12914712 In Reversal, Senate Reaches Deal to Skip Witness Testimony in Trump Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12914726 Ex-New York Times boss Jill Abramson responds to unrest at the paper

>>>/qresearch/12914729 UN human rights office prepares global ‘LGBT hate groups’ blacklist

>>>/qresearch/12914735 Report: Mitch McConnell to Vote to Acquit Former President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12914739 Biden Cabal says 'not involved in decision not to call witnesses'

>>>/qresearch/12914746 The CEOs of Melvin Capital, Robinhood, Citadel, and Reddit will testify to the U.S. House Financial Services Committee on Feb. 18 regarding the recent scandals surrounding stocks such as Gamestop -Bloomberg

>>>/qresearch/12914793 Nickelodeon’s ‘Blue’s Clues’ Brings LGBTQ Message to Alphabet: ‘P Is for Pride’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ezEdMZhA5jk - ABC Song 🎵 w/ Blue! | Alphabet Song for Kids | Blue's Clues & You! [Channel: Blue's Clues & You!]

>>>/qresearch/12914807 Taxing profits before they arrive called 'a mess' Fight is over value of stock when it surges, and falls

>>>/qresearch/12914813 House impeachment managers' closing arguments stalled again as they were warned for the second time not to "present any new evidence" during this segment.

>>>/qresearch/12914818 Poll: Majority of Republicans Want Donald Trump to Stay Active in Politics

>>>/qresearch/12914824 DJT Jr - Seems like the rule of law doesn’t apply, but that’s what happens when you have a judge that’s already voted on the jury

>>>/qresearch/12914889 Lincoln Project Co-Founder Pedo enabler Steve Schmidt Resigns

>>>/qresearch/12914892 Proof that all politicians (with very few exceptions) are absolute lying scum. The GOP needs to cease to exist. - Emerald Robinson

>>>/qresearch/12914898 Fort Bliss Soldier Charged with Murder in Shooting Death of Former Soldier

>>>/qresearch/12914917 UK - China Virus restrictions could remain in place until ALL adults receive vaccine, UK health official says

>>>/qresearch/12914918 Inside Democrats' witness fiasco The impeachment managers in Donald Trump's trial spent Friday night and Saturday morning wrestling with the question themselves.

>>>/qresearch/12914945 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday did not mince words on a congested conference call with Biden and federal health authorities who are seeking to prohibit domestic travel to and from the Sunshine State

>>>/qresearch/12914953 Sen. Marsha Blackburn - Dems Seek to Cancel Our Rights

>>>/qresearch/12914975 Robinhood CEO Admits Communications Shortcomings, Ahead of House Testimony

>>>/qresearch/12915020 House Finance Committee to hold Dog & Pony show on Gamestop / Robinhood Stock chaos

>>>/qresearch/12915025 Senate Democrats Get Absolutely Destroyed for Nixing Plan to Call Witnesses at Trump Trial: ‘What an Unbelievable Cave’

>>>/qresearch/12915057 Pedo infested Lincoln Project Still Being Warmly Welcomed to Hit Trump on CNN, MSNBC

>>>/qresearch/12915091 Trump Lawyer Flips Script On Dems After They Plan to Bring Witnesses

>>>/qresearch/12915120 #16484

(44 notables, 45 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30132

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12916681 Q Research General #16487: Winning Never Gets Old 2-0 Edition

Created 132118ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12916767, >>>/qresearch/12916793 Statement from President Trump on second impeachment hoax

>>>/qresearch/12916807 LIN WOOD'S call to help , unsure exactly what he needs, but nearly 1,700 page grievance just dropped against him by state of GA

>>>/qresearch/12916814 Putin Does Not Exclude Blocking Foreign Internet Services in Case of Hostile Anti-Russia Sanctions

>>>/qresearch/12916847 Ted Cruz Reveals Submitted Questions Not Asked: ‘Can We Build Keystone Pipeline if We Add Hunter Biden to the Board?’

>>>/qresearch/12916886 “President Trump Incited an Insurrection” – Louse Mitt Romney Releases Statement After Voting a Second Time to Impeach Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/12916940 Biden Cabal Plan to Keep Occupying Troops in DC Through End of Year

>>>/qresearch/12916965 Anon opines - The vote for witnesses showed neither Scumbag or McConman have control in the Senate. They're scared.

>>>/qresearch/12916977 Crown Casino: Chinese triad rumours that sunk billionaire James Packer’s casino bid

>>>/qresearch/12917038 #16487

>>>/qresearch/12917135 7.1-magnitude earthquake in Japan’s Fukushima leaves thousands without power

>>>/qresearch/12917174 "Power Bills To The Moon": Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode

>>>/qresearch/12917213 @RicharGrenell: Turn on the escalator!

>>>/qresearch/12917240 VIDEOS show mountains of snow, collapsed roofs & sliding trucks as Moscow gets hit by record-breaking snowfall

>>>/qresearch/12917255 As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK

>>>/qresearch/12917325 “So Righteous as the Democrats – Were Pushing Russia Collusion Bullshit for 3 Years” – Donald Trump Jr. ON FIRE — Blasts Mitch McConnell After He Trashes President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12917357 Georgia State Legislature Considers Bill to Ban Zuckerberg-Funded Private Election Administration Donations

>>>/qresearch/12917371 Billions in California prisoner unemployment benefits fraud

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oETNF_2Gans - How a California Inspector Uncovered the Multi-billion Dollar Unemployment Fraud [Channel: California Insider - The Epoch Times]

>>>/qresearch/12917372 @CBS_Herridge: #impeachment Seven republicans join all dems in voting "guilty" The seven republicans were: Burr, Cassidy, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, Toomey

>>>/qresearch/12917375 Report: China Used Computer Chips to Spy on American P.C. Systems

>>>/qresearch/12917408 BLM Group Allegedly Attacks Photographer, Injures Cops In Violent March in NYC, It Doesn't End Well for Them

>>>/qresearch/12917487 LAAFB hosts U.S. Space Force ceremonial transfer events (Feb 9th)

(21 notables, 22 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30133

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12915130 Q Research General #16485: US Congress Is Proving To Be A National Disgrace Edition

Created 131938ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12915200 The Dem FakeNews/Political Coalition is in tattered shambles. Thanks President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12915231 Both Groups Charged with Conspiracy to Storm the Capitol Were Led by FBI

>>>/qresearch/12915233 Biden Makes History: First President in 40 Years to Punt on Contacting Israel

>>>/qresearch/12915241 MSM's narrative about the murderous Capitol mob has collapsed, but don't let that get in the way of a good political lynching

>>>/qresearch/12915243 Flashback - House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member asked Current House Impeachment Manager Raskin why his wife unmasked Michael Flynn… (29 Jul 2020)

>>>/qresearch/12915251 Overnight in NYC, #BLM protesters shut down traffic by pulling blockades into the street.

>>>/qresearch/12915258 Military Situation In Syria On February 13, 2021 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/12915261 Capitol Police Officers Issue Vote of No Confidence in Acting Chief and Leadership

>>>/qresearch/12915272 China Virus relief bill embraced by Democrats will cause billions of dollars in cuts to critical programs such as Medicare

>>>/qresearch/12915275 Ammo Company Demands Customers 'Check Box Saying They Did Not Vote For Joe Biden' to Purchase Rounds

>>>/qresearch/12915279 BOOM! Trump Impeachment Attorney Drops a Bomb on Democrats, Reminds Americans – “One of the First People Arrested was a Leader of Antifa

>>>/qresearch/12915289 "Netanyahu not bothered that Biden hasn't phoned him yet, envoy says"

>>>/qresearch/12915314 Drug Companies Want Tax Breaks After Opioid Epidemic Lawsuit Settlements?

>>>/qresearch/12915319 Flashback - Marsha Blackburn used the Capitol False Flag Riot to NOT PROTEST the Election Steal

>>>/qresearch/12915321 Families want 2 Capitol Police officers deaths by suicide recognized as "in the line of duty"

>>>/qresearch/12915324 Trump Legal Team Plays Scorching Montage Of Democrats 'Inciting' And Challenging Past Elections

>>>/qresearch/12915330 Circling The Drain: Ped Infested Lincoln Project Founder Steve Schmidt Resigns on Lincoln’s Birthday Just two of eight founding members remain at scandal plagued Super PAC

>>>/qresearch/12915347 Trump’s Lawyers Deny He Incited Capitol Mob, Saying It’s Democrats Who Spur Violence

>>>/qresearch/12915355, >>>/qresearch/12915613 Michigan Senate Majority Leader Says Capitol Takeover Was ‘Staged’ and a ‘Hoax’ in Secretly Recorded Conversation (Video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=d2j92O7TFRo - Hillsdale County Republican Party Raw Footage Senator Mike Shirkey February 3, 2 [Channel: R.O.A.R. (Reclaim Our American Republic)]

>>>/qresearch/12915364 Janice Dean - If Andrew Cuomo doesn’t resign, he should be removed from office (Cuomo the new Dem distraction? Under the bus he goes?)

>>>/qresearch/12915366 Jonathan Turley — ‘Trump lawyers landed a haymaker on Raskin and Swalwell’…

>>>/qresearch/12915379 “They Legally Eviscerated Them” – GOP Senator Ron Johnson on the President’s Lawyers’ Performance on Friday

>>>/qresearch/12915384 New ABC Race Division narrative being built

>>>/qresearch/12915394 New Minnesota narrative being built for abortion & gun control

>>>/qresearch/12915400 Biden Breaks Promise to ‘Fire People on the Spot’ if They Treat Others with Disrespect – Places Hostile, Misogynistic Deputy Press Sec on One-Week Suspension

>>>/qresearch/12915412 ‘I will destroy you’ to female White House Journalist: Deputy White House spokesman SUSPENDED over threatening reporter

>>>/qresearch/12915417 Report: Mark Zuckerberg Said Facebook Has to ‘Inflict Pain’ on Apple in Privacy War

>>>/qresearch/12915418 Joseph Farah says NY Governor Cuomo belongs behind bars for nursing-home cover-up

>>>/qresearch/12915427 And then they came for Hercules: Facebook removes conservative actor Kevin Sorbo's account with 500,000 followers

>>>/qresearch/12915445 One of the most revealing moments of #impeachment trial was @JoaquinCastrotx defending the rioters that attacked Hong Kong's legislature as "pro-democracy protesters."

>>>/qresearch/12915451 DOCS: Trudeau gov't handed out official talking points to criticize The Epoch Times

>>>/qresearch/12915471 FBI Investigating Lincoln Project Cofounder’s Behavior with Underage Boys

>>>/qresearch/12915487 Twitter Reports $1.14 Billion Loss in 2020 – And that Was Before They Eliminated President Trump and His Top Supporters

>>>/qresearch/12915511 Pentagon ADMITS that it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes

>>>/qresearch/12915532 Big Tech spent $500,000,000 bribing election officials in five swing states

>>>/qresearch/12915596 SAFE HAVEN? Disturbing Connection Emerges Between Cuomo Aide And Federal Prosecutor

>>>/qresearch/12915632 Guardian writer insists cancel culture doesn’t exist, gets whacked by the granddaddy of all special interests: Big Israel

>>>/qresearch/12915654 Cancel mob inadvertently makes Gina Carano a BIGGER STAR, landing her gig producing & starring in upcoming Daily Wire film

>>>/qresearch/12915665 Dr. Peter Navarro: What Mike Pence did will go down as the biggest betrayal

>>>/qresearch/12915678 Pelosi Bans Naval Academy Grad from Seeing His Republican Mother Sworn Into Congress

>>>/qresearch/12915713 BREAKING: NYPD deploying 500 more officers to subway after series of stabbings on A line leaves 2 dead in 24 hours

>>>/qresearch/12915723 Democrats Already Worried About Landslide 2022 Loss, Fear Getting “Caught with Our Pants Down”

>>>/qresearch/12915740, >>>/qresearch/12915756 Biden Cabal , Congress to remove cap for Immigration 'Green Cards'

>>>/qresearch/12915827 Dig on Audrey Strauss SDNY US Attorney

>>>/qresearch/12915891 #16485

(45 notables, 47 posts, 55 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30134

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12915909 Q Research General #16486: US Congress - Nowhere To Run Nowhere To Hide Edition

Created 132042ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12916136 US Senate votes to acquit Donald Trump on charges of inciting insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12916204 A World That Operates By Financial Cheating And Unsound Money Is Doomed

>>>/qresearch/12916267, >>>/qresearch/12916401 Your list of Republican traitors

>>>/qresearch/12916370 Anon report on Senate remarks after Trump acquittal - Schumer now blaming 43 R Senators as responsible for the next attack on the Capitol…

>>>/qresearch/12916481 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>>/qresearch/12916640 US Navy - Leading from the front

>>>/qresearch/12916660 #16486, #16487, #16488

(7 notables, 8 posts, 8 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30135

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12917430 Q Research General #16488: Post Presidential 'Quittal Night Time Dreams Edition

Created 132206ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12917688, >>>/qresearch/12918149 "What is the real reason they go all out?"

>>>/qresearch/12917702 #16487

>>>/qresearch/12917864 LW Needs Help Frens, Lets DO IT!

>>>/qresearch/12917871, >>>/qresearch/12918003, >>>/qresearch/12918012 Anons Call To Action To Avert Electronic Big Tech Extremism!

>>>/qresearch/12917944 Winter Weather Emergency in Oregon

>>>/qresearch/12917945 The Bellwhether Counties

>>>/qresearch/12918041 Mitch Finally Says What's "On His Mind", McConnell: Trump Spent ‘Weeks’ Provoking Riots, Didn’t ‘Do His Job’ to Stop Riot

>>>/qresearch/12918105 DOD Tweets: Being quite direct. …

>>>/qresearch/12918180 #16488

(9 notables, 12 posts, 10 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30136

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12918186 Q Research General #16489: Senate Impeachment Inquiry Steamrolled Again…What's Next MAGA? Edition

Created 132320ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12918245 Judicial Harassment! New York Prosecutors Investigating Loans Trump Took Out For His Manhattan Properties

>>>/qresearch/12918294, >>>/qresearch/12918342 Bill Gates’ daughter jokes on social media about getting COVID-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12918311 Ready Player One?

>>>/qresearch/12918332 Seven Senate Republicans Vote to Impeach Donald Trump, Two Flip Previous

>>>/qresearch/12918335 Former US President Trump has responded to the Senate vote, welcoming his acquittal, saying that his movement "has only just begun".

>>>/qresearch/12918347, >>>/qresearch/12918476 The Epoch Times Exclusive: Trump Acquitted in Second Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12918371, >>>/qresearch/12918388, >>>/qresearch/12918734 Can't Win? Try Smearing Messengers: TRAITOR Spray Painted on Van Der Veen Driveway

>>>/qresearch/12918380 You Called it anons, JUST IN: Now that former Pres. Trump has been acquitted, Democrats now want Congress to vote to invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prevents anyone who has "engaged in insurrection" against the US from holding office.

>>>/qresearch/12918417 Witness List Digs

>>>/qresearch/12918492, >>>/qresearch/12918709 Some kind of flashing red signals from Washington monument ?

>>>/qresearch/12918493 Trump 2nd Impeachment Prophecy // Prophet Kim Clement?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SACny3JzK8c - Trump 2 Impeachment Prophecy // Prophet Kim Clement [Channel: Hermann Candelaria]

>>>/qresearch/12918524 Ashley Judd recovers in ICU after nearly losing her leg in 'catastrophic' accident in Congo rainforest

>>>/qresearch/12918620 Good Ol Boys Desperate ClampDown: Senator Bill Cassidy censured by East Baton Rouge Parish GOP

>>>/qresearch/12918622 Remember Those 4 Ballot Dumps…?

>>>/qresearch/12918654 When All Else Fails…? Dozens hurt as massive blaze erupts on Afghanistan-Iran border

>>>/qresearch/12918718 DJT Jr. Tweets: Great Week…

>>>/qresearch/12918765 "Final Trump Trial Memorandum"?

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210209034828/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8e8a76f6237997ae119172af40dd730052c371ed9962728fd1d9719e7e61fb7b.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12918785 Putin does not exclude blocking foreign internet services in case of hostile anti-Russia actions

>>>/qresearch/12918832 Content And Context

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20230117143828/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5f310702d95567d20a408154bbab7269b810b5febb2e0cbf2a70e1bc27e2ffd1.webm

>>>/qresearch/12918854 BREAKING: White House deputy press secretary TJ Ducklo has resigned.

>>>/qresearch/12918897 #16489, #16490, #16491

(21 notables, 26 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30137

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12918906 Q Research General #16490: Post Quittal Media Frenzy! Edition

Created 140025ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12919047 CDC has been slow to reveal the number of deaths following "COVID" vaccination.

>>>/qresearch/12919068 Mike Pompeo joining Watters World tonight at 8pm ET!

>>>/qresearch/12919113 US Power outages

>>>/qresearch/12919137 US Space Command We’re proud of the @45thSpaceWing team and what they do to ensure our society continues to have access to important services like #GPS.

>>>/qresearch/12919141 Louisiana GOP Executive Committee Votes Unanimously to Censure Senator Bill Cassidy Over Sham Impeachment Vote

>>>/qresearch/12919202 Three 300,000 Biden Vote Dumps Late on Election Night in Virginia Cannot Be Adequately Explained or Tied to Final Results

>>>/qresearch/12919214 Trump Attorney - 'We're going to Disney World'

>>>/qresearch/12919296 Grenell - Two scoops, two impeachments, two acquittals

>>>/qresearch/12919316 School closures, masks until 2022: Biden Cabal lies during basement campaign continue to mount

>>>/qresearch/12919317 White House aide resigns after threatening female journalist and being slapped on the wrist by Biden

>>>/qresearch/12919360, >>>/qresearch/12919398 Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Defeats Globalist Coup To Overthrow Him

>>>/qresearch/12919382 China, with Biden Cabal withdrawal, becomes aggressive in South China Sea, tells Chinese Coast Guard to shoot when provoked

>>>/qresearch/12919393 Are strange space signals in Antarctica evidence of a parallel universe?

>>>/qresearch/12919417 Who's REALLY Calling the Shots in Biden's America? | Red Flags Part 1 (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Enin0NJ0VzM - Who's REALLY Calling the Shots in Biden's America? | Red Flags Part 1 [Channel: Man In America]

>>>/qresearch/12919501 Hawaii Idiot Senator Hirono argues when Dems say “fight” it means something different than when Trump says it

>>>/qresearch/12919520 Hillary Clinton could be charged under precedent set in Trump Impeachment trial, his lawyer says after Rubio floats the idea

>>>/qresearch/12919532 PF Report UAE to Afghanistan over Iran's skies and back to UAE

>>>/qresearch/12919548 All of Pence's aide's are coming out against President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12919583 ‘Traitor’ spray-painted outside of home of Trump’s impeachment attorney, as he says he’s received ‘nearly 100 death threats’

>>>/qresearch/12919617 SAFE HAVEN? Disturbing Connection Emerges Between Cuomo Aide And Federal Prosecutor

>>>/qresearch/12919623 Widespread power outages in the Portland, OR Area continue

>>>/qresearch/12919659, >>>/qresearch/12919709 You are here

>>>/qresearch/12919671 NASA’s TESS discovers new ‘Earth-sized’ exoplanets floating in a ‘river of stars’

>>>/qresearch/12919697 The Government CON - Gabriel Sterling, negotiated to quit his $114,000 per year job with the State of Georgia and return as a contractor at $200,000 per year

>>>/qresearch/12919719 #16490

(25 notables, 27 posts, 29 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30138

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12919728 Q Research General #16491: Two Scoops Two Impeachments Two Acquittals Edition

Created 140148ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12919855 GP: EXCLUSIVE: Three 300,000 Biden Vote Dumps Late on Election Night in Virginia Cannot Be Adequately Explained or Tied to Final Results

>>>/qresearch/12919871 Video - Mike Shirkey, Michigan Senate Majority Leader gives it all away on Capitol Riot

>>>/qresearch/12919904 Eric Swalwell - Godless heretic "God herself"? Really?

>>>/qresearch/12919930 “My Entire Family, My Law Firm, My Home Is Under Siege Right Now” – Trump Attorney Van Der Veen Chokes Up Talking about Vicious Assaults by Democrats

>>>/qresearch/12919947 WH aide resigns after allegedly demeaning reporter despite Biden's warning of firing

>>>/qresearch/12919956 Breitbart: Hollywood Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Acquitted, Declare 43 Republicans ‘Traitors,’ ‘Fascists’

>>>/qresearch/12919979 Breaking: Decision in Impeachment Trial In, Liberals Losing Their Minds On Social Media, too!

>>>/qresearch/12920003 NYP: New Yorkers are fleeing to Palm Beach — and NYC businesses are following

>>>/qresearch/12920045 @NYGovCuomo⁩ Didn't Protect Seniors From COVID-19. But it Was the Media That Covered it Up

>>>/qresearch/12920058 Federalist: Top Biden COVID Adviser Wrong About Spiking COVID-19 Numbers (Again)

>>>/qresearch/12920095 ZH: The US Ministry Of Woke Propaganda Wants To Cancel You, Me, Fox, & Anyone Else Who Disagrees

>>>/qresearch/12920122 A 78-year-old woman died shortly after being inoculated at a mass vaccination site in Los Angeles County, health officials announced Saturday.

>>>/qresearch/12920138 Pelosi rebukes Cuomo claim that New York didn’t receive enough federal aid

>>>/qresearch/12920149 Hypocrisy: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Skips Andrew Cuomo Controversy, Still Finds Time to Tweet Moral Lectures at Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12920156 Newsbusters: Why Isn’t the Press Interested in Dem Oversight on Capitol Police After Riot?

>>>/qresearch/12920227 DM: 'He wasn't the same': Wife of Capitol cop, 35, who killed himself days after he was hit in the head by a pole during the Capitol riots questions his medical care and says he dreaded going back to work

>>>/qresearch/12920234 Thehill: Virginia college forfeits men's basketball game after suspending players for kneeling during anthem

>>>/qresearch/12920272 Glenn Greenwald agrees - Can only conclude the "prosecution" was full of crap

>>>/qresearch/12920278 GP: Pelosi Lashes Out at McConnell, GOP After She Becomes First House Speaker to Bring Two Failed Impeachments (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/12920289 Callesto: Pelosi Furious About Impeachment Trial Results, Rules Out Censuring Trump…

>>>/qresearch/12920295 What a putz: "If that is the Raskin doctrine, that a president of the United States cannot incite violent insurrection against the Union and the Congress, then I embrace it, and I take it as an honor."

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216155606/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6e06503a2f273b5fac97f260b6840d9c027d1bf5682a6cf72d5e38272b9a1659.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12920313 Breitbart: Nolte: 7 Reasons Fake News Media Had a Very Bad Friday

>>>/qresearch/12920397 BLP: Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages From Deep State-Backed ‘Signal’ App

>>>/qresearch/12920410 AXois: Police widows want husbands' deaths by suicide honored

>>>/qresearch/12920433 Trump defense attorney Michael van der Veen speaks with @LanaZak after the Senate's acquittal vote

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216155819/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6f73739f5494e0073697dbcc08af1f8e54edf9a68af0e45510fc16ff96654b17.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12920444 WE: Ghislaine Maxwell massage testimony unsealed

>>>/qresearch/12920463 #16491, #16492, #15493

(27 notables, 27 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30139

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12920485 Q Research General #16492: The 'Impeachment 2.0: Snowflakes Melting When It's Cold As Hell.' Edition

Created 140259ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12920594 Medina Co. Justice of the Peace arrested by TX Attorney General’s office, sheriff says

>>>/qresearch/12920603 Analysis of Covid vaccine deaths including age, location, symptoms, how it was administered, and Vaccine taken

>>>/qresearch/12920664 MSM protecting Lincoln Project(of course)

>>>/qresearch/12920703 Tass: Attempts to deter Russia intensify as it grows stronger — Putin flexing

>>>/qresearch/12920720 DM: Testing materials from UFO crash, memory metal, Nitinol. Pentagon exploring whether Nitinol could be integrated into the HUMAN Body to "improve health"

>>>/qresearch/12920766 Anon calls out @jaketapper: C'mon guise, all they, United States Congressional Representatives, did was change the evidence used in an impeachment trial on the floor of the United States Senate…

>>>/qresearch/12920767 Statement by President Joe Biden on the Senate Vote in the Trial of Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/12921078, >>>/qresearch/12921093 LinWood asks for help: Under the “rules” of the State Bar of GA, I have “the right to challenge the competency, qualifications or objectivity of any member of the State Disciplinary Board” but I have to do so within 10 days.

>>>/qresearch/12921162 Red carpet? NY fashion week twat from @GeorgePapa19

>>>/qresearch/12921229 #16492, #15493, #16494

(10 notables, 11 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30140

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12921250 Q Research General #16493: The 'Altering …"Evidence" On The Senate Floor?' Edition

Created 140432ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12921345 WSJ: Mario Draghi Named Italy’s Prime Minister Amid Crises

>>>/qresearch/12921354 Scavino twats about TDS

>>>/qresearch/12921368 Thehill: Capitol Police union says acting chief 'failed' officers, Congress (And they want to say it's TRUMP's fault?)

>>>/qresearch/12921373 DJ: A Missouri state lawmaker refused to resign after being indicted on federal fraud charges for falsely claiming a treatment she sold contained stem cells that could help with COVID-19 and other illnesse

>>>/qresearch/12921406 Scavino is smashing on the Troll Now button on Facebook: Who made this? kek!

>>>/qresearch/12921509 Newsweek pushing the narrative along already: Iran Courts China, Russia As New Nuclear Deal With 'Declining' U.S. Stalls

>>>/qresearch/12921680 So these DC cops are posing with and helping tresspassers…. but it was Trump's fault?

>>>/qresearch/12921724 Welp, anons, the witches don’t like the generals of Myanmar stepping up for fair elections.

>>>/qresearch/12921781 Anon digs on the arrested JP: Appears he is a GOP JP judge elected in 2018, and from recent meeting notes, he apparently arranged CARES Act funding for the county.

>>>/qresearch/12921783 WaPo OpEd: Russia’s opposition is regrouping for a spring offensive. Here is why.

>>>/qresearch/12921791, >>>/qresearch/12921819, >>>/qresearch/12921850, >>>/qresearch/12921857, >>>/qresearch/12921872, >>>/qresearch/12921963 More Anon Lin Wood Digs: Georgia disciplinary board shenanigans

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210216162835/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/dd4292b591dc5b609e36f0dde111f1d4b65a06914a127054802cff17c0e00ac4.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12921835 TheHill: Duckworth urges Biden to oust entire Postal Service board

>>>/qresearch/12921866, >>>/qresearch/12921907 Info put out by the German Marshall Fund of the US, which incidentally was involved with the Color Revolution in Belarus. Oh my…

>>>/qresearch/12921880 U.S. Marines with the @31stMeu train with their rifles aboard the #USSAmerica

>>>/qresearch/12921976 Fire Destroys Part of Paul Newman's Camp for Ill Children updated 2/13

>>>/qresearch/12921987, >>>/qresearch/12922002 Fake National Populist Marco Rubio Promotes Gun Grab

>>>/qresearch/12922007 #15493

(17 notables, 24 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30141

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12922017 Q Research General #16494: The 'All Witches Deployed' Edition

Created 140657ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12922110, >>>/qresearch/12922113 Lin Wood dig - FBI, King & Spalding Connections. Knights of Columbus

>>>/qresearch/12922124 For the nightshift fags that were all over the missile launch the other night

>>>/qresearch/12922127 You'll get busted by "woke police" for saying "woke police." Bachelor host 'stepping aside'

>>>/qresearch/12922137 Joe Biden - President's Public Schedule. Available as a Google Calendar

>>>/qresearch/12922143 Hysterical nigger cope happening on twatter, niggers attacking Asians and blaming it on white people

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216163943/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9fa41f9a94e1bb5402e0d22ac62a37c9c582d36640177a91a65e1971dd8e54f0.webm

>>>/qresearch/12922149 Here is NYT from 2013 glorifying and excusing the revival of Maoist Struggle Sessions in China.

>>>/qresearch/12922168 LIVEMAP - ISIS incidents - real-time news and updates about incidents

>>>/qresearch/12922174 A global display of human trafficking incidents and news

>>>/qresearch/12922180 Juan O Savin With Kerry Cassidy - INTERVIEW

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=P9vKZosj58I - Juan O Savin With Kerry Cassidy - INTERVIEW [Channel: BeyOverlife]

>>>/qresearch/12922183 RE: PF report of anomaly in Idaho

>>>/qresearch/12922186 A continuously updated global display of aviation incidents and accidents

>>>/qresearch/12922245 The Weinstein domino effect: Who else is accused of sexual misconduct so far? Read the list" (2017 article) Where are they now?

>>>/qresearch/12922247 Anons, is this panic? Nancy Pelosi loses her shit over censure suggestion (vid embed)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216164253/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/07db0ebc458326840f829128fed94e9e624f9796034b25551582d1e907091f08.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12922268 Trump Atty. Michael Van der Veen tears into CBSN talking head (vid embed)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216155819/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6f73739f5494e0073697dbcc08af1f8e54edf9a68af0e45510fc16ff96654b17.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12922295 It's been one hell of a week. Anon recaps big habbenings

>>>/qresearch/12922302 Anon Opines - It’s about me. Who am I? I am Patriot.

>>>/qresearch/12922365 Coronavirus: Auckland to level 3 tonight; rest of country at level 2 (New Zealand)

>>>/qresearch/12922366 Who is Joseph Cofer Black?

>>>/qresearch/12922375 Mitt Romney: ‘I’ve Concluded That President Trump is Guilty’

>>>/qresearch/12922412 China Is Creating a New Master Race. Gene Editing

>>>/qresearch/12922471 MP David Davis calls for Vitamin D therapy to be rolled out 'immediately' after study finds it can 'reduce Covid deaths by up to 60%

>>>/qresearch/12922747 Food Network Star Denied Bail in Murder Case of Foster Care Victim Victoria Rose Smith

>>>/qresearch/12922754 Student Loan Debtors Refusing to Pay Off Debt in Anticipation of Biden Forgiveness

>>>/qresearch/12922757 FBI Informant Panic Is Ruining Friendships All Over the Far Right

>>>/qresearch/12922764 North Carolina GOP Condemns Richard Burr

>>>/qresearch/12922844 American Thinker - What’s Up with Fox News?

>>>/qresearch/12922862 #16494, #16495, #16496

(27 notables, 28 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30142

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12922879 Q Research General #16495: Light Shift Frequencies Sharpen the Sword of Morning Edition

Created 141127ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12922890, >>>/qresearch/12922942, >>>/qresearch/12923632 (You) Dough, Ghosted, Handoff Self-Confirm

>>>/qresearch/12922959 State Department Says Estimated Date Of Completion For FOIA Request For Alleged ItalyGate Election Hacker Is September – 2022

>>>/qresearch/12922961 What's up with Solar Cycle 25? Why is the data being suppressed?

>>>/qresearch/12922971, >>>/qresearch/12922997 ITALY GATE #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT (Bakerposter seeking Global Notable, Up to you, Edit this out)

>>>/qresearch/12922984, >>>/qresearch/12923436 QDrop #4753 Senate vote on impeachment:53-47

>>>/qresearch/12922991 53-47 Comms


>>>/qresearch/12923013 Ghislaine Maxwell massage testimony unsealed


>>>/qresearch/12923039 Steve Scalise on Cuomo nursing-home scandal: ‘Just be honest with these families’

>>>/qresearch/12923050 New DC Gun Dealer Sees Business Boom After Overcoming City Roadblocks

>>>/qresearch/12923060 SNL’s Weekend Update Takes On Trump Impeachment Trial: ‘Mike, They Only Tried to Hang You, Stop Being Such a Drama Queen!’

>>>/qresearch/12923072 Harry Potter, Hobbits don masks in CDC ad urging kids to ‘mask up’ against COVID

>>>/qresearch/12923075 New York man threatened Fox News personalities and politicians: Police

>>>/qresearch/12923078 Joe's Statement on Impeachment Vote

>>>/qresearch/12923090 There was another Mike Flynn and he suddenly died the soon after mentioning the Clinton Foundation and President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12923095 Maria Zack Italy did it - Arturo Delia Admits to steal US Election

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AZrLgGYcxbk - Maria Zack Italy did it - Arturo Delia Admits to steal US Election [Channel: Just Videos]

>>>/qresearch/12923096, >>>/qresearch/12923180 Demons don't use their real names!

>>>/qresearch/12923101 Another Mike Flynn theory?

>>>/qresearch/12923116 Newsmax: Trump Remains Dominant Force in GOP Following Acquittal

>>>/qresearch/12923125 Pelosi Bashes ‘Pathetic’ McConnell For Creating His Own Trump Acquittal Excuse

>>>/qresearch/12923129 Anon opines about tunnel being dark right now

>>>/qresearch/12923136 The Governor of Nevada plans to introduce new legislation that would effectively allow tech companies to form separate local governments within the state.

>>>/qresearch/12923137 Biden must reopen DOJ probe into Gov. Cuomo after nursing home cover-up: Janice Dean

>>>/qresearch/12923145 QPosts with 'nursing homes' = 15

>>>/qresearch/12923151 there’s something weird and missing from "Bite-ass’s" WH

>>>/qresearch/12923153 Recall Newsom campaign reaches enough signatures to potentially trigger special election

>>>/qresearch/12923164 SNL Witch, trips dubs

>>>/qresearch/12923165 Zerohedge: The US Ministry Of Woke Propaganda Wants To Cancel You, Me, Fox, & Anyone Else Who Disagrees

>>>/qresearch/12923174 YT Vid Fox: Ruepublicans Call for Cuomo to be Prosecuted

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=TnJUtn-2pBc - 'Jail time': Janice Dean reacts to 'damning' Cuomo cover-up report [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12923182 USA Today: COVID nursing home deaths: Andrew Cuomo is running from his part in my dad's death

>>>/qresearch/12923186 Newsom recall organizers collect more than 1.5 million signatures

>>>/qresearch/12923203 Hiding Biden: How Democrats Crafted the First Impeachment, Helping Defeat Trump in 2020 With Media Help

>>>/qresearch/12923218 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

>>>/qresearch/12923222, >>>/qresearch/12923233, >>>/qresearch/12923257 Saturday Night Live: Regina King shines, cast mines Trump impeachment

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211128231326/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2bf2162c3db1811759c8f47d0d1bfbcc38ee2076a94de76160a10558de9870c3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12923254, >>>/qresearch/12923282 The Long Hack: How China Exploited a U.S. Tech Supplier

>>>/qresearch/12923258 Juan O Savin & Robert David Steele. Feb 13 2021

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bToNZ-Jyl9Q - Juan O Savin Update of 13 February 2021 [Channel: SHEEP NO MORE]

>>>/qresearch/12923265 WAYNE ROOT: I’ve Been Banned by Twitter, You’re Next

>>>/qresearch/12923272 Midbread Anon Collects

>>>/qresearch/12923285 MTG twats: kids should not wear masks

>>>/qresearch/12923289 Bill Maher Calls Out Steve Schmidt on No 'Sane Conservative' Rebuttal on MSNBC

>>>/qresearch/12923325 'SNL' Tackles Trump's Acquittal on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight,' Plus QAnon and Infused Gummy Bears

>>>/qresearch/12923352 Jack Posobiec tweet with video of MVDV eviscerating reporter.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216155819/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6f73739f5494e0073697dbcc08af1f8e54edf9a68af0e45510fc16ff96654b17.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12923370 Demonrats inciting violence after Trump acquittal

>>>/qresearch/12923374 TGP: The Power of the CCP

>>>/qresearch/12923377 TGP: Thanks To Lockdowns, UK Economy Suffers Biggest Decline In Over 300 Years

>>>/qresearch/12923393 Can you live on $1400 for 4-5 months? Bidan thinks so.

>>>/qresearch/12923432 The Lincoln Project is filled with them, coming out soon(twatter thread)

>>>/qresearch/12923444 [D]aytona [5]00?

>>>/qresearch/12923449 Census Bureau says data for redistricting will not be released until Sept, threatening redrawing for 2022

>>>/qresearch/12923464 Lindell bought up every domain before the Hogg struck

>>>/qresearch/12923512 TGP: Democrat Senator Leahy Caught on Hot Mic Voicing What All Americans Are Thinking About Second Sham Impeachment Against President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12923529, >>>/qresearch/12923586 @MELANIATRUMP: On this #ValentinesDay, I think of the brave & inspirational children at @TheChildrensInn twatter

>>>/qresearch/12923530 Eight people test positive for Ebola in Guinea in 'really concerning' resurgence of disease

>>>/qresearch/12923585 ‘TRAITOR’ Painted Onto Trump Lawyer Michael Van Der Veen’s Driveway

>>>/qresearch/12923600 In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media

>>>/qresearch/12923602 The mayor, police chief and city clerk of Armstrong, Iowa, have all been charged following an investigation that accuses them of misappropriating city funds, producing fraudulent public records, using a TASER on a civilian for cash and concealing embezzlement (ABC News).

>>>/qresearch/12923604 Breitbart: Trump Lawyer Van Der Veen: ‘We Demolished Their Case — They Were Like a Dying Animal That We Had Trapped in the Corner’

>>>/qresearch/12923615 GeneralMcInerney Telegram: A request for help has been made. "Lin Wood Needs Our Help."

>>>/qresearch/12923617 TGP: Ashli Babbitt’s Memorial Held in Southern California

>>>/qresearch/12923631 Biden plays MARIO KART with his granddaughter after Trump acquitted in impeachment trial and his deputy press secretary quits for threatening to 'destroy' reporter.

>>>/qresearch/12923633, >>>/qresearch/12923643 Bidan plays Mario Kart with Naomi after Trump's acquittal

>>>/qresearch/12923636 (You) Collection of #16491 (if it wasn't added, if you missed)

>>>/qresearch/12923658 NASA rover faces 'seven minutes of terror' before landing on Mars

>>>/qresearch/12923672, >>>/qresearch/12923696 How did Trump know it would be so cold? (Sep 2020)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216172137/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c9f05165c0167e9b048286271bdfb3b529cd8077d6f115d3844e620641cb4006.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12923698 Help Us Send President Trump A Huge CONGRATS For Beating The Sham Impeachment!

>>>/qresearch/12923716 Ilhan Omar named vice chair of House foreign affairs subcommittee

>>>/qresearch/12923743 Don Lemon AGAIN Excuses BLM Violence

(68 notables, 79 posts, 97 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30143

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12923720 Q Research General #16496: Heavy Wieght President of the World - Trump 0 and 2 Edition

Created 141507ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12923828, >>>/qresearch/12924051, >>>/qresearch/12924099 "India activist Disha Ravi arrested over 'toolkit'" (Greta Connected)

>>>/qresearch/12923833 Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rOMgdjNa5c4 - PUTIN KICK'S ROTHSCHILD'S OUT OF RUSSIA ! [Channel: Bri S]

>>>/qresearch/12923847 LIN WOOD REQST TO DIG

>>>/qresearch/12923851 Recent Natalie Portman comments shine light on film's sexualization of underage 'Lolita' character"

>>>/qresearch/12923856 What is an Innovation Zone? (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/12923880 Anon reqst PG rated Notables Please

>>>/qresearch/12923881 States stealing Fed dollars, it’s in many states and want more Fed dollars

>>>/qresearch/12923885, >>>/qresearch/12923897, >>>/qresearch/12923900 Money laundering, no mistake made by these states

>>>/qresearch/12923952 Billion years of Earth's tectonic plate movement in just 40 seconds

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gQqQhZp4uG8 - Plate tectonic evolution from 1 Billion years ago to the present. [Channel: EarthByte]

>>>/qresearch/12923965, >>>/qresearch/12923989 Rudy Giuliani, Witness 301 (So Far)

>>>/qresearch/12923975 Ted's got [Q]uestions

>>>/qresearch/12923977 Anon: If a bread does not have notables collected it needs to be labeled an E-BAKE

>>>/qresearch/12923985 I before e except after c, kek (It's all Science)

>>>/qresearch/12924002 Chart Report: 428 deaths by AGE. Also made a pie chart for number of deaths per vax manufacturer.

>>>/qresearch/12924028 Plane Report

>>>/qresearch/12924075 ‘Traitor’ spray-painted outside of home of Trump’s impeachment attorney ( 100 death threats )

>>>/qresearch/12924097 J Ducklo, Biden's Dep. Press Sec, resigns.

>>>/qresearch/12924100 #MarkWalker for NC

>>>/qresearch/12924103 Reminder, Trump lawyer — ‘You want witnesses, then I’m going to subpoena Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris!’

>>>/qresearch/12924106 Here’s Why the Democrats Didn’t Want Trump’s Legal Team to Call in Pelosi to Testify in Sham Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12924113 Michigan Senate Majority Leader Says Capitol Takeover Was ‘Staged’ and a ‘Hoax’ in Secretly Recorded Convo

>>>/qresearch/12924123 POTUS’s and Our very existence is a Bain to them

>>>/qresearch/12924124 Pelosi Crashes House Impeachment Managers Presser, Melts Down Over Acquittal and Blames McConnell

>>>/qresearch/12924137 Media Rage over Democrats’ Decision Not to Call Witnesses in Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12924140 Today, @POTUS signing an executive order “reestablishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships,

>>>/qresearch/12924161 Lindsey Graham Floats Idea of Republicans Impeaching Kamala Harris If They Retake House

>>>/qresearch/12924165, >>>/qresearch/12924178 Anon has Clues

>>>/qresearch/12924169 In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media

>>>/qresearch/12924180 EXCLUSIVE: Three 300,000 Biden Vote Dumps Late on Election Night in Virginia Cannot Be Adequately Explained or Tied to Final Results

>>>/qresearch/12924190 Biden White House Plan to Keep Occupying Troops in DC Through End of Year

>>>/qresearch/12924194, >>>/qresearch/12924218 Anon Opines Stalin

>>>/qresearch/12924199 Trump impeachment acquittal is a victory for ‘white supremacy’… according to liberals crying over ‘sad day in America’

>>>/qresearch/12924230 As fears rise over San Francisco-area attacks on elderly Asians by black assailants, leftists find the real culprit: WHITE PEOPLE

>>>/qresearch/12924232 U.S. Space Force Dumps Northrop and Blue Origin in Favor of Boeing, Lockheed, and SpaceX

>>>/qresearch/12924235 Seattle Leader Who Called For Defunding Police Wants VIP Treatment From Police Over Threats

>>>/qresearch/12924242 "Power Bills To The Moon": Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode (It's True)

>>>/qresearch/12924257 Democrats Prepare To Gut Medicare And Farm Subsidies With Billions In Cuts

>>>/qresearch/12924268 Biden concession to the Trump campaign? (For Larps)

>>>/qresearch/12924278 Ted Cruz Reveals Submitted Questions Not Asked: ‘Can We Build Keystone Pipeline if We Add Hunter Biden to the Board?’

>>>/qresearch/12924284 Anon Opines: "What's next?" (Thoughts?)

>>>/qresearch/12924296 In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media (Redstate)

>>>/qresearch/12924321 Conflict of Interest? Business of Kamala Harris' Niece Raises Eyebrows in White House, Report Says

>>>/qresearch/12924327 Sen. Richard Burr Openly Admitted That He Violated the Constitution By Voting to Impeach Trump

>>>/qresearch/12924342 notablesMini Bun for #16495 ALL PB!

>>>/qresearch/12924343 Trump’s Lawyer Says Hillary Clinton Could Be Impeached Under New Precedent

>>>/qresearch/12924347 Nancy Triggered - This is GLORIOUS

>>>/qresearch/12924356 Trump Delivers a Very Trumpian Response to Acquittal, Dem House Managers Left in Tears

>>>/qresearch/12924359, >>>/qresearch/12924376 Just a little warning (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/12924368 “What If Bill Gates Disappeared?”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jbXiQhkOVTA - What if Batman Disappeared? | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children [Channel: It's AumSum Time]

>>>/qresearch/12924375 Another black and white moment for the losers 'Democrats'

>>>/qresearch/12924390 Bitcoin Hits $49,700 As Institutions Now Own 3% Of The Circulating Supply

>>>/qresearch/12924400 Washington and Seoul to resume drill simulating war with North Korea after break due to Covid-19 and Trump-Kim talks – media

>>>/qresearch/12924430 Auditors Selected by Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Send Message to Observers

>>>/qresearch/12924453 The most powerful magical spell that nobody wants you to know about #BeBest

>>>/qresearch/12924465 The Pentagon refused the 10,000 NG guards, was that Miller making that decision?

>>>/qresearch/12924477, >>>/qresearch/12924501 Caps (Optics)

>>>/qresearch/12924519 #16496

(57 notables, 66 posts, 71 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30144

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12924437 Q Research General #16497: Please, Allow us to Counter -mil Pretty Sure Edition

Created 141716ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12924576, >>>/qresearch/12924633 Incoming SEC Chair Gary Gensler Could Be Worth Up To $119 Million

>>>/qresearch/12924595, >>>/qresearch/12924629 Anon calls for Optics (FBI connected)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7sYMJSip484 - CNN Interview with Activist who recorded shooting on woman in Capitol Building. [Channel: Ericka Shervington]

>>>/qresearch/12924601 Biden uses 3rd anniversary of Parkland shooting to demand gun control

>>>/qresearch/12924605 San Antonio native who worked as Trump aide arrested in Washington D.C. on child porn charges

>>>/qresearch/12924606 UK foreign sec says Covid vaccine passports ‘under consideration’ just days after vaccine minister calls idea ‘discriminatory’

>>>/qresearch/12924609 Anon, How to Wield the Power of Speech.

>>>/qresearch/12924618 Liberal Hollywood celebrities suffer complete meltdowns over Trump's acquittal, deem Republicans as 'traitors'

>>>/qresearch/12924624 Remember y'all #ItalyDidIt

>>>/qresearch/12924625 Residents of Laredo have lost the right to assemble

>>>/qresearch/12924627 WHO ‘ramping up readiness’ for new Ebola outbreak dubbed ‘EPIDEMIC’ in Guinea

>>>/qresearch/12924641 FBI Report On Violent Activist John Sullivan Is Damning…Why Did CNN Interview Him Immediately After The Capitol Seige? (CAPS)

>>>/qresearch/12924645 VIDEO: Seattle Antifa Builds ‘Snow Wall’ To Keep Police, Emergency Vehicles From Leaving East Precinct

>>>/qresearch/12924650 Nancy MeltDown (VID)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216164253/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/07db0ebc458326840f829128fed94e9e624f9796034b25551582d1e907091f08.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12924651 #prosecutehousemanagers

>>>/qresearch/12924652, >>>/qresearch/12924722, >>>/qresearch/12924808 CDC director Rochelle Walensky: Too early for states to lift mask mandates

>>>/qresearch/12924653 Anon ask, What comes after 301? (302)

>>>/qresearch/12924659 Jim Jordan - reacts to happenings

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216175730/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7a216acd7d82499e5baa20fe4588e4efc12f2e69cdbea5c10bbc8837865c8b4b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12924663 Russian & Chinese vaccines are necessary to win ‘world war’ against Covid-19 – Macron

>>>/qresearch/12924669 Start digging for dirt on this guy. (#BillCassidy)

>>>/qresearch/12924672 New Zealand puts largest city into lockdown over 3 positive COVID-19 cases

>>>/qresearch/12924701 Israel Will Face 'Toughest Response' If It Crosses 'Red Lines' in Syria, Iran Warns

>>>/qresearch/12924710 Paedophile Convicted of Sexually Abusing Sister, 8, Says Charges Motivated by Racism

>>>/qresearch/12924734 Google adds 12 new types of manual action penalties (Site Related)

>>>/qresearch/12924738 18 Trash Bags Full of Human Remains Found near Mexican Soccer Stadium

>>>/qresearch/12924767 Anon, The "baker" is ignoring anons, and just scraping every single spam bot news post. (WE ARE THE NEWS)

>>>/qresearch/12924783, >>>/qresearch/12924797 Secret bat cages at Wuhan lab where researchers planned to breed animals for virus experiments

>>>/qresearch/12924786 WarAnon SEEKING GLOBAL NOTABLE FOR #ITALYGATE …

>>>/qresearch/12924829 Biden tells Americans to wear face masks until 2022 just months after saying they’d only need them until April

>>>/qresearch/12924860 US Marshals and ICE ‘Reevaluate’ Operations on Sex Offenders After Biden Deportation Freeze

>>>/qresearch/12924881 'Cancel Culture’ hits fever pitch: Journalists, critics, actors, TV hosts, musicians in crosshairs (Cancel, Cancel Culture)

>>>/qresearch/12924917, >>>/qresearch/12925069 FOIA reveals Pentagon has been testing material discovered from UFO crashes (BlueBeam imminent?)

>>>/qresearch/12924949 Virginia College Forfeits Basketball Game After Suspending Players For Kneeling During Anthem

>>>/qresearch/12924961 Donald Trump's impeachment trial was a way to effectively blackmail the president into not pardoning Julian Assange?

>>>/qresearch/12924979 New Hampshire Department of Justice Refuses to Investigate the Largest Voting Machine Counting Error in State History

>>>/qresearch/12924988 10 Steps to steal an Election (Grafx)

>>>/qresearch/12925015 Rural Californians are fighting to reclaim their state, even if that means starting their own #Secede

>>>/qresearch/12925019 The swift death of the media darlings known as the Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12925058 Time to question our tech billionaire overlords

>>>/qresearch/12925100 Top Areas by Outages (SITE DOWN ?)

>>>/qresearch/12925121, >>>/qresearch/12925136 Shelia Jackson Lee's Gun Control Bill

>>>/qresearch/12925134 So did Mitch McConnell pay off the ‘big guy’ so he could move cocaine around?

>>>/qresearch/12925172 Melania Trump honors Valentine's Day with heartwarming message to sick children at National Institute of Health

>>>/qresearch/12925217 DC Tunnels

>>>/qresearch/12925220 Rep. Matt Gaetz: Gov. Cuomo, Media Exposed in 'Flu D'Etat' #FluDEtat

>>>/qresearch/12925231 Do anons think that Mitch McConnell smuggles cocaine and also children?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aRgAQ_s10GE - Joe Biden is apparently unveiling a bold new plan "to get our kids to market swi [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>>/qresearch/12925240 Every baker is a paid Q supporting shill.

>>>/qresearch/12925249 Georgia State Bar Looks To Punish Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood

>>>/qresearch/12925260 #16497, #16498, #16499

(48 notables, 55 posts, 79 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30145

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12925233 Q Research General #16498: Reminder: We are FIGHTING a deeply entrenched enemy. Edition

Created 141859ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12925318 Building the Beast System: FDA Wants GPS on Crops – Spinach Sends Email – Cow Registration Mandates (video)

>>>/qresearch/12925330 National Guard could be stationed in DC until at least the fall: report

>>>/qresearch/12925343 Coronavirus Israel Live: Netanyahu Pushes for Legislation to Disclose Identities of Non-vaccinated Israelis

>>>/qresearch/12925353 The State Bar of Georgia is looking to discipline pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood who asked his 'Army of Patriots' to investigate its members

>>>/qresearch/12925380 Top 10 hypocritical SCHOOL RULES during Covid

>>>/qresearch/12925391 Suicide statistics from 2019 x 2020 nowhere to be found

>>>/qresearch/12925406 Dig on new Italy boss Mario Draghi

>>>/qresearch/12925430 Pentagon approves 20 more COVID-19 vaccination teams

>>>/qresearch/12925442 JUST IN - #Myanmar (Burma) experiencing 'near-total internet shutdown'

>>>/qresearch/12925461 More narrative building from FakeNews About Capitol Cabal False Flag Riot

>>>/qresearch/12925464 Gitmo Gone? Biden Cabal aims to shut down detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

>>>/qresearch/12925469 Armoured vehicles deployed to major Myanmar (Burma) cities after mass protests

>>>/qresearch/12925476, >>>/qresearch/12925547 Lin Wood requested digs on George Barr Association

>>>/qresearch/12925477 Police: PA Man Sexually Assaulted Multiple Children At Church And Foodbank

>>>/qresearch/12925481 Sunday Talks, Richard Grenell Discusses the New Police State in Washington DC (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=f5eD4SaLQl0 - Ric Grenell With Maria Bartiromo [Channel: The Sheridan Files]

>>>/qresearch/12925487 NY Mag admits Fauci “hot-wired” China Virus with gain-of-function engineering

>>>/qresearch/12925502 Tapper Blasts Cuomo for Hiding Nursing Home Deaths, Trump 'Not an Excuse' (Cuomo new patsy?)

>>>/qresearch/12925505 ABC Now Looks to State and Federal Prosecutors to Get Trump in Court

>>>/qresearch/12925525 WHO's China Virus failure another example of a 'global institution crisis'

>>>/qresearch/12925533 Why isn't Kamala Harris being impeached for bailing out violent BLM/Antifa rioters?

>>>/qresearch/12925538, >>>/qresearch/12925540, >>>/qresearch/12925545, >>>/qresearch/12925552 Prayers for America and Americans

>>>/qresearch/12925565 Hidden political donations hit record high

>>>/qresearch/12925566 Grenell comments on the Dem disaster interviews following the failed impeachment stall tactic

>>>/qresearch/12925574 King & Spalding - The FBI corrupt lawyer revolving door Law Firm

>>>/qresearch/12925594 WHO scientists traced 13 China Virus strains to Wuhan from late 2019

>>>/qresearch/12925738, >>>/qresearch/12925787, >>>/qresearch/12925833 Millions raised by Lincoln Project went to companies run by group's founders

>>>/qresearch/12925755 You are here

>>>/qresearch/12925770 Arrested veteran from Capitol False Flag riot is Antifa militant who trained with YPG (Kurdish Defense Forces) after @OANN investigation

>>>/qresearch/12925816 First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win

>>>/qresearch/12925821 Now after they took billions in bribes from China and stole the elections and got power they are going to take away our right to bear arms.

>>>/qresearch/12925832 Appearance of military vehicles in Myanmar's major cities sparks warning from US embassy

>>>/qresearch/12925899 Compare media video about Biden's Valentines at the White House on Feb 12 VS today's cam with NO valentines today on Feb 14

>>>/qresearch/12925945 How Barack Obama Made Joe Biden The Biggest Threat to Our Republic

>>>/qresearch/12925963 Ted Cruz tweet is hilarious - 100,000 monkeys with 100,000 typewriters, one might produce a Shakespearean sonnet.

>>>/qresearch/12926013 #16498

(35 notables, 41 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30146

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12926043 Q Research General #16499: New Bakers Needed - Inquire Within Edition

Created 142049ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12926081 Check the Information Warfare Section on each dough.

>>>/qresearch/12926116 Anon Opines: Prepare anons, war is coming

>>>/qresearch/12926153, >>>/qresearch/12926333, >>>/qresearch/12926401, >>>/qresearch/12926537 Biden calls for tougher gun laws on Parkland massacre anniversary (CAP )

>>>/qresearch/12926156, >>>/qresearch/12926312 Harry and Meghan expecting second child

>>>/qresearch/12926233 Two of the swamping places in the country having huge power outages right now

>>>/qresearch/12926239 Anon Opines: Regarding the keystone…

>>>/qresearch/12926251 Recall Newsom Effort Gains Enough Signatures To Trigger Special Election In California #RECALLGOVNEWSOM

>>>/qresearch/12926324 Joe Biden Plays Mario Kart as Thousands of Americans Die of Covid

>>>/qresearch/12926347 Sean Penn, Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don’t follow Nikki Haley’s lead

>>>/qresearch/12926359 Anon, Who’s ready for higher taxes?

>>>/qresearch/12926406 The First public Arabic Ambassador to Israel, the UAE’s ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud al-Alkhaja

>>>/qresearch/12926422 The Predator in the Lincoln Project John Weaver used his power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed.

>>>/qresearch/12926461 QMap Report

>>>/qresearch/12926521 Reminder, Trump sacrificed his wealth for his country

>>>/qresearch/12926535 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Publishes Preliminary Data On Foreign Vote Flipping In 2020 US General Election

>>>/qresearch/12926552 Obumer Comms

>>>/qresearch/12926562 Anon asking, Did I miss anything??

>>>/qresearch/12926564 So PP is dealing drugs to the kids?

>>>/qresearch/12926577 Reminder: "Who will ask the Q?"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=D_8cKO6wVgM - Trump refuses to denounce far-right QAnon conspiracy theorists [Channel: The Independent]

>>>/qresearch/12926589 Graham ~ Laura Trump represents the future of the Republican Party

>>>/qresearch/12926603 Your learning is up to you. (Sounds Q)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vWihJHCGGl0 - :PODCAST-~01-~26-~26-~2021 OF THE POSTMASTER-GENERALS-PERFORMANCES: Russell-Jay: [Channel: For the QUANTUM-COMMUNITY.]

>>>/qresearch/12926669 How politicians and their friends get rich off insider stock tips,

>>>/qresearch/12926675 Steinmetz Brother in law arrested for rape of babysitter in 2011.

>>>/qresearch/12926681 Oregon Governor Declares State of Emergency

>>>/qresearch/12926685 Qproof?

>>>/qresearch/12926690 Happy Valentine's Day anons

>>>/qresearch/12926752 ANONS NOTABLES

>>>/qresearch/12926768 Anon Opines, When you came to earth…

>>>/qresearch/12926781 NSA New banner?

>>>/qresearch/12926809 #16499

(30 notables, 34 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30147

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12926800 Q Research General #16500: Information Warfare is not a Game Edition

Created 142218ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12926959 Phony Prince charged with committing sex crimes

>>>/qresearch/12926978 “Presiding” Democrat at Impeachment hoax Caught On Hot Mic: “This Is All F*#’D Up”

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216185024/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/367c20193d1bf1297b780ec30ff63578f65a49a59f9afff49005edeba9aca842.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12926981 The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone

>>>/qresearch/12926987 Georgia state bar sends disciplinary complaint to pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood

>>>/qresearch/12927163 The American People Are Sick and Tired': Gen. Flynn Says GOP Establishment Is in for a Reckoning

>>>/qresearch/12927198 Joe Biden was on that list he told us to read carefully. MK Ultra

>>>/qresearch/12927213, >>>/qresearch/12927244 Hilarious video capture

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220227152940/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0723022f192bce6e4acef24a6dbadac1da497adbb1d98e058a985ac943c61d9c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12927231 Saturday Night Live spoofs Q Research about Witches and Child Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/12927260 Hezbollah decided we’re the perfect ones… to terrorize.

>>>/qresearch/12927282 Cost of insulin skyrockets under Biden? (video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216185517/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/74666d46d2bf9400802e3369ea70e971e052bbf054b94eb2539017a91ffc9f65.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12927283 McConnell stabs Trump in the back again (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qZCZ5RAmj8c - McConnell Stabs Trump in the Back Again, 3509 [Channel: The Still Report]

>>>/qresearch/12927293 Clinton Family Friend Accidently Slips DARKEST Secret, Hillary Involved In Witchcraft

>>>/qresearch/12927305 Dem Congresswoman wants ‘truth commission’ to target ‘white supremacy’ and rein in ‘far-right media’ over US Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12927310 Richard Burr’s Vote to Convict Renews Talk of a Lara Trump Run in North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/12927323 Biden asks Congress to ban ‘weapons of war on our streets’ as he uses 3rd anniversary of Parkland shooting to demand gun control

>>>/qresearch/12927391 China Virus VACCINE - the Nightmare Scenario

>>>/qresearch/12927436 The worldwide crew of the Soros's and Gates of the world are making a full on assault on mankind…

>>>/qresearch/12927487 Maryland RINO Governor Echoes GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, Says President Trump May Face Criminal Charges After Senate Acquittal

>>>/qresearch/12927538 DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston is one person Lin Wood asked to be dug

>>>/qresearch/12927602 #16500, #16501, #16502

(20 notables, 21 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30148

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12927632 Q Research General #16501: Now They'll Use The Criminal Courts To Go After President Trump Edition

Created 142344ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12927667 Why did Comey say at the end going after a castle? ref pipe bombs

>>>/qresearch/12927726 #16499 anon notables

>>>/qresearch/12927745 DITCH MITCH: Petition To RECALL Mitch McConnell Gains Steam After He Viciously Turns On Trump

>>>/qresearch/12927747 @DanScavino - twitter video cap

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20221006162927/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed85532b87748e07e1901853c3eea92c2ee522bc6cc3850cf5cec95b6b6dcadc.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12927762 ABC Now Looks to State and Federal Prosecutors to Get Trump in Court

>>>/qresearch/12927792, >>>/qresearch/12927996 Anon seeking a second for Global inclusion (votes flipped)

>>>/qresearch/12927803, >>>/qresearch/12927847, >>>/qresearch/12927854 This is why McConnell is called 'Cocaine Mitch'

>>>/qresearch/12927853 CDC Head: ‘We Need a Lot More Resources in Order to Get the Schools Safe’ - Forever lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/12927857, >>>/qresearch/12927921 Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

>>>/qresearch/12927870 Here come the sacrifices

>>>/qresearch/12927916 The Biden Cabal gun control strategy

>>>/qresearch/12927919 Demand For Used Private Jets Takes Off During Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12927977 Ron DeSantis slams 'lockdowner' Joe Biden for COVID hypocrisy over immigration: 'This stinks to high heaven'

>>>/qresearch/12928092 Anon opine - The ATF engineered Waco for self survival - They needed a bad guy

>>>/qresearch/12928157 Australia’s Seven West Media strikes partnership with Google; tech giant will pay for news content

>>>/qresearch/12928183 Young staffer Brittany Higgins says she was raped at Parliament House

>>>/qresearch/12928216 Crown CEO Ken Barton resigns following scathing report into casino giant

>>>/qresearch/12928220 PF Report - SPAR699 SPAR = Special Priority Air Movement

>>>/qresearch/12928233 Cabal Jews - After chat with Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, Yellen thinks deals under media code are 'very close'

>>>/qresearch/12928255 Narrative building - Woman With Loaded Gun Arrested Near The White House, Claims She Had Letter For Biden

>>>/qresearch/12928303 I’m paying for a plane to fly over Mar A Lago tomorrow for Presidents Day! Details to follow shortly. I’ve also spoken to RSBN about it!

>>>/qresearch/12928363 #16501

(22 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30149

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12928391 Q Research General #16502: We Have Only Just Begun To MAGA Edition

Created 150102ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12928496 No Peer Reviewed Evidence for Climate Science. Not a single paper proves the base hypothesis

>>>/qresearch/12928501 Probably not related but there are some interesting things going on with US laser makers.

>>>/qresearch/12928512 Blowing the doors off the Ashli Babbit BS

>>>/qresearch/12928521, >>>/qresearch/12928550, >>>/qresearch/12928554 Here I found a recent Class Action Filing

>>>/qresearch/12928524 One to add to the list of notable deaths. Dan Butler died unexpectedly Feb 5 2021 - CEO of CSC, known as Corporation Service Company

>>>/qresearch/12928543 The Great Awakening continues unabated

>>>/qresearch/12928601 Biden’s DHS Cabal to Release 25.6K Migrants into Texas, California Communities

>>>/qresearch/12928610 Texas Sheriff: ‘Clear Evidence’ Illegal Immigration Soaring Under Biden Cabal

>>>/qresearch/12928620 ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: Rothschilds patented China Virus biometric tests in 2015. And 2017

>>>/qresearch/12928652 Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers

>>>/qresearch/12928664, >>>/qresearch/12928702 Baker change

>>>/qresearch/12928666 UK's 'Do Not Resuscitate' Orders Drawing Anger

>>>/qresearch/12928745 Syrian army says Israeli jets target Damascus countryside after Iran warns of repercussions

>>>/qresearch/12928759 ET: Ex-FBI lawyer suspended by DC bar for forging wiretap email against ex-Trump campaign adviser Carter Page

>>>/qresearch/12928773 Page6: Nicki Minaj’s father was killed by a hit-and-run driver on Long Island, police said Sunday.

>>>/qresearch/12928778 RT: ‘Creepy’: CIA trolled over baffling Valentine’s Day poem on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/12928790 PM: New York Times retracts claim that Capitol police officer was killed by Trump supporter with fire extinguisher

>>>/qresearch/12928825, >>>/qresearch/12929063 A #hacking campaign that used a US tech company as a springboard to compromise a raft of US government agencies is "the largest and most sophisticated attack the world has ever seen," @Microsoft President said.

>>>/qresearch/12928844 LinWood dig Georgia Bar Elizabeth Fite

>>>/qresearch/12928908 NF: BUSTED: CDC Inflated COVID Numbers, Accused of Violating Federal Law

>>>/qresearch/12928914 Skynews: Chairman Dan Andrews unable to confirm if lockdown will end on Wednesday

>>>/qresearch/12928932 MTG: I'm excited to announce that I've cosponsored the "Old Glory Only Act" (H.R. 85) introduced by @RepJeffDuncan of South Carolina!

>>>/qresearch/12928933 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12928955 Here come the thought police: The LAPD is investigating a Valentine’s Day-style image mocking George Floyd that was shared among its employees

>>>/qresearch/12929001 President Biden declares emergency exists in all of Texas' 254 counties

>>>/qresearch/12929013 GP: Donors Shun Anti-Trump RINO Nikki Haley – This Comes After She Slams President Trump During Impeachment Trial

>>>/qresearch/12929014 A further look at Ms. Sherry Boston, a member of the State Bar of Georgia.

>>>/qresearch/12929038 BARF: Washington state officially begins human composting

>>>/qresearch/12929052 GP oped: It’s Clear – Since the 2020 Election – Joe Biden and His Gang Are Scared to Death of Facing the American People

>>>/qresearch/12929103 #16502

(30 notables, 34 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30150

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12929119 Q Research General #16503: The 'Scared to Death of Facing the American People' Edition

Created 150217ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12929232 LR: it wasn't the flu and it didn't start in spain. it was a meningitis vaccine given to US soldiers being sent to spain.

>>>/qresearch/12929278 PM: Is China building a time machine?

>>>/qresearch/12929283 ZH: Biden Initiates Process To Close Guantanamo Bay Prison Permanently

>>>/qresearch/12929303 The lifelog facebook mind reading stuff anons dug on previously (over a year ago) is starting to make the rounds in the msm

>>>/qresearch/12929322 MSN cranking up the fearporn in time for Joe Biden's call to congress now, with some coincidental Valentine's day shootings

>>>/qresearch/12929388 Breitbart: Biden’s DHS to Release 25.6K Migrants into Texas, California Communities

>>>/qresearch/12929463 ZH: Silver Bug Sunday Night Report

>>>/qresearch/12929494 Newsbusters: Remember when NY Governor Andrew Cuomo was hailed by the left for his coronavirus briefings to the extent that he even won an Emmy in November for them? Actors. They even admit it.

>>>/qresearch/12929549 GP: “We’re Starting From Scratch” – Kamala Harris Falsely Claims There Was No Plan For Covid Vaccinations

>>>/qresearch/12929608 NYP: House Dems hire ex-gang member to top campaign post

>>>/qresearch/12929670 Anon dig: 'IVY TECHNOLOGIES' is owned by Staple Street which owns Dominion

>>>/qresearch/12929746 USNews: Kosovo’s main opposition party appeared headed to a landslide victory in Sunday’s early election of a new parliament held amid the coronavirus pandemic, an economic downturn and stalled negotiations with wartime foe Serbia

>>>/qresearch/12929801 Lin Wood: Do Nick Ayers, Austin Chambers, Paul Bennecke, Mike Pence, Nikki Halley, GA Governor Brian Kemp, GA Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, and GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger have historical and/or present political and/or business relationships?

>>>/qresearch/12929812 9news: Meteor flashes in the sky above Melbourne

>>>/qresearch/12929845 News.au: Taree man’s three years of alleged terror ends in horrific list of 70 charges

>>>/qresearch/12929862 CNN: Jussie Smollett indicted by grand jury on six counts for making false reports, special prosecutor says

>>>/qresearch/12929901 #16503, #16504, #16505

(17 notables, 17 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30151

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12930803 Q Research General #16506: Biblical Lies - Apostasy Edition

Created 150601ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12930858, >>>/qresearch/12932154, >>>/qresearch/12932224 Power outage increasing in Texas

>>>/qresearch/12931667 Moar new social media start-ups are coming?

>>>/qresearch/12931677 Lincoln Project Donors Include Romney's Bain Capital And China-Linked Companies

>>>/qresearch/12931680 Georgia refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

>>>/qresearch/12931691 The Hill claims: Six people who guarded Roger Stone entered Capitol during attack: NYT

>>>/qresearch/12931697 Windham, New Hampshire Election Witnesses Discuss Voting Machine Scandal with Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/12931700 “We’re Starting From Scratch” – Kamala Harris Falsely Claims There Was No Plan For Covid Vaccinations (VIDEO)


>>>/qresearch/12931742 Flashback: Celebs Gushed Over 'Truthful' Cuomo's Emmy for COVID Briefings

>>>/qresearch/12931744 Klaus Schwab: Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis - Power Grid Down, Banking Offline (Nov. 15, 2020)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0DKRvS-C04o - Klaus Schwab: Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis - Power Grid Down, Banking [Channel: Ice Age Farmer Resources]

>>>/qresearch/12931745 The Media Is Telling Us It's OK to Love the First Lady Again

>>>/qresearch/12931746, >>>/qresearch/12931758 FBI Visits Home of Republican Political Candidate for Being in D.C. on January 6

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=X7v2czSQ0Jw - FBI Visit Home of Black Republican Political Candidate for Being in D.C. on Janu [Channel: National File]

>>>/qresearch/12931759 Flamboyant former Argentine President Carlos Menem dies. He forged close ties with the United States.

>>>/qresearch/12931762 Biden Pulls 65 Pending Trump Executive Orders. Withdrawals take sledgehammer to immigration agenda

>>>/qresearch/12931771 Wholesale power for delivery Sunday was trading from $3k to $7k a megawatt-hour in some places, triple records set in some places Sat. & a 2,672% increase from Fri. at TX’s West hub

>>>/qresearch/12931786 “Trump’s Force Will Wane” – GOP Senator Cassidy Bashes Trump Voters After Voting to Impeach President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12931803 Georgia Legislature Considers Bill Banning Zuckerberg-Funded Private Election Administration Donations

>>>/qresearch/12931812 Call to Dig re Lin Wood: Georgia Bar

>>>/qresearch/12931875 Democrats Promote Ilhan Omar to Vice Chair of Africa Subcommittee

>>>/qresearch/12931899 FBI Admits it Now Has 20,000 Pages and Seth Rich Laptop After Years of DENIAL (Dec. 9)

>>>/qresearch/12931966 It’s Been One Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week For The Democratic Party

>>>/qresearch/12932018 OH MY! Latinos For Trump Sues to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations>>12932018 OH MY! Latinos For Trump Sues to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations

>>>/qresearch/12932024 Smoking gun: Comey told Clapper FBI unable to 'sufficiently corroborate' Steele — then signed FISA

>>>/qresearch/12932055, >>>/qresearch/12932097 Why would Kemp be updating the citizens arrest laws?

>>>/qresearch/12932268 Dorsey, who is also founder and chief of financial services and mobile payments firm Square, said in a tweet that he and Jay-Z are giving 500 bitcoin to fund an independent endowment called "Btrust."

>>>/qresearch/12932425 #16506, #16507, #16508

(26 notables, 30 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30152

File: eb41965d45aa5f5⋯.jpg (28.26 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12932288 Q Research General #16507: The 'Morning Sun Bread' Edition

Created 151357ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12932531 Could Type 1 Diabetes Be Reversible After All?

>>>/qresearch/12932559 JTN: Parler resumes social media app after securing new computer servers

>>>/qresearch/12932581 AE: No Scientific Evidence that Masks do Anything! Sweden Banning Masks

>>>/qresearch/12932586, >>>/qresearch/12932608 Scientists are finding that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will almost always be adopted by the majority of society

>>>/qresearch/12932598 EYES ON: Solarwinds and Big Tech shenanigans- the fuckery has just begun

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=0DKRvS-C04o - Klaus Schwab: Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis - Power Grid Down, Banking [Channel: Ice Age Farmer Resources]

>>>/qresearch/12932601, >>>/qresearch/12932607, >>>/qresearch/12932609 Why would Kemp be pushing to overhaul Georgia's citizens arrests law? Is it because he knows any private citizen can detain him at any time with ONLY probable cause?

>>>/qresearch/12932678 Yahoo: White House lawyers reportedly tell Meena Harris to stop using Vice President Kamala Harris' name or likeness to boost her personal brand

>>>/qresearch/12932683 USSS: The importance of #PresidentsDay is in the details… Where's Joe?

>>>/qresearch/12932725 Middle East …people making it about them again. Israel shooting rockets into Syria

>>>/qresearch/12932808 DJTjr: Who did this? kek!

>>>/qresearch/12932814 @jsolomonReports Smoking gun: Comey told Clapper FBI unable to ‘sufficiently corroborate’ Steele — then signed FISA, newly declassified memo shows.

>>>/qresearch/12932836 Anon analyzing CDC data is asking questions

>>>/qresearch/12932839 Planefags: Your morning GITMO Air update

>>>/qresearch/12932896 WH: Nominations sent to the Senate

>>>/qresearch/12932912 Berenson: 900x more likely to die after CHINA Virus vaccine than after flu vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12932916 AMG oped: Article on the negative impacts of suffering from TDS and the lincoln project.

>>>/qresearch/12932938 Yahoo: The Kremlin is interested in taking up Elon Musk's offer to chat with Putin on Clubhouse

>>>/qresearch/12932943 Dailymail: Aus billionaires want to build covid camps?

>>>/qresearch/12932963, >>>/qresearch/12933072 General Flynn interview transcript

>>>/qresearch/12932965 Politco is claiming Biden's presidency starts… Today?

>>>/qresearch/12932971 Ngo: As Seattle was slammed by the biggest one-day snowstorm the city had recorded in 52 years, Antifa spent Saturday night piling up snow in front of an exit to the East Precinct, which prevented patrol vehicles from responding to emergency calls

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216202803/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/aafd5ee494b6fb5d5dac228604c7b4778ab0f8f0e0b4a9604ef6872ea2f3b0f3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12932991 An anon is digging around on EAM messages

>>>/qresearch/12933007 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted SHAPE_NATO Allied Command Operations @SHAPE_NATO

>>>/qresearch/12933057 Breitbart: Half of Texas' wind farm turbines are frozen.

>>>/qresearch/12933063 Yahoo: 3 Detectives Obtained a False Murder Confession. Was It One of Dozens?

>>>/qresearch/12933075 James Costos & Mike Smith digz.

>>>/qresearch/12933090 #16507

(27 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30153

File: eb41965d45aa5f5⋯.jpg (28.26 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12933115 Q Research General #16508: The 'The Importance Is In The Details' Edition

Created 151620ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12933183 Queen of Sweden rushed to hospital with multiple fractures

>>>/qresearch/12933207, >>>/qresearch/12933856 'GRID CHAOS' SPARKS MASSIVE ROLLING BLACKOUTS ACROSS TEXAS

>>>/qresearch/12933210 Belief in Q Research growing exponentially

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nRnt3TE-V-Y - The Simpsons - Just ask this Scientician [Channel: Martin Sta Ana]

>>>/qresearch/12933213 What Russians Are Saying about Biden's Pick for CIA Director

>>>/qresearch/12933230, >>>/qresearch/12933244 Pro-Trump lawyer and major Q booster Lin Wood has urged hundreds of thousands of his supporters to dig up dirt on Georgia officials

>>>/qresearch/12933241 Liberal Europe is feeling that green tech bullshit too.

>>>/qresearch/12933247 FOR APPRENTICE BAKERS - 'HOW TO BAKE

>>>/qresearch/12933279 CIA Cancels Money Supply Reporting

>>>/qresearch/12933310 Gates is the largest land owner of farm land

>>>/qresearch/12933408 Pentagon admits it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes

>>>/qresearch/12933436 China Virus Outliers: Why are Swedish Towns Banning Masks?

>>>/qresearch/12933445 Why are they so afraid of Q Research?

>>>/qresearch/12933451 Republicans are suddenly very in favor of a third political party, according to Gallup

>>>/qresearch/12933460 North Carolina boy, 12, opens fire and kills a home intruder, who shot his 73-year-old grandmother in the leg

>>>/qresearch/12933482 Press review: Second impeachment bid against Trump fails and Russia triples gold exports

>>>/qresearch/12933505 Con Inc Plots Third-Party Effort to Sabotage MAGA Candidates in the Republican Party

>>>/qresearch/12933546 Now the Cabal is pushing the 14th Amendment to stop President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12933596 Son Tipped Off F.B.I. About His Father, Who Is Charged in Capitol Riot

>>>/qresearch/12933604 Creepy Bill Gates Now Pushing China Vaccines and Radical Global Warming Policies to Ruin US Energy Sector


>>>/qresearch/12933612 Protesters to #Haiti's US-UN-OAS backed dictator, @moisejovenel: "Your term is over. We don't recognize you as president. You must go."

>>>/qresearch/12933621 Judge Rejects Kenosha Prosecutor’s Motion to Re-Arrest Kyle Rittenhouse, Raise His Bail

>>>/qresearch/12933640 Parler CEO Says Social Media App Is Back Online – Company Gets New Servers After Tech Giants Collude and Shut Down Platform

>>>/qresearch/12933649 ‘Largest-ever the world has seen’: Microsoft president claims 1,000+ software engineers must have worked 'on' SolarWinds breech (on or with?)

>>>/qresearch/12933651 Presidential Emergency Action Documents info

>>>/qresearch/12933686 Unvaccinated citizens’ names should be DISCLOSED, new proposal by Israeli PM suggests amid slowdown in immunization campaign

>>>/qresearch/12933724 Republicans grow a stiff backbone in the House?

>>>/qresearch/12933731 Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms - The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/12933738 Pro Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, FL on Presidents’ Day 2/15/21 Live link

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WjqAlSx-Pe0 - ud83dudd34 LIVE: Pro Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, FL on Presidentsu2019 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12933755 Philadelphia sex offender charged after ‘deep-fried’ body parts found

>>>/qresearch/12933777 Pennsylvania - Police Called to Child’s Suicide Attempt and the Responding Officer Molested Her

>>>/qresearch/12933788 Iowa - Police Chief, Mayor, Others Arrested for Running Theft Ring, Carrying Out Violence for Cash

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Do6uDIegb0U - City of Armstrong officials arrested on multiple charges stemming from multi-yea [Channel: KCAU-TV Sioux City]

>>>/qresearch/12933806 Putin, Mohammed bin Salman Discuss Russian-Saudi Relations over Phone

>>>/qresearch/12933809 PHOTOS: Biden’s Science Advisor Met With Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/12933826 Declassified Emails Reval Comey Couldn’t ‘Sufficiently Corroborate’ Memo Alleging Trump-Russia Collusion

>>>/qresearch/12933895 >>12932425 #16506, >>12933090 #16507, #16508

(36 notables, 38 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30154

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12933903 Q Research General #16509: Romney Bain Capital Wayfair Lincoln Project Child Trafficking Edition

Created 151800ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12933955 Robinhood raked in $700 million by backstabbing users on behalf of hedge funds

>>>/qresearch/12933956, >>>/qresearch/12934282 GOP lawmakers demand answers from Pelosi on Jan. 6 security decisions

>>>/qresearch/12933968 68 Migrants Found in Four Stash Houses near Border in Texas

>>>/qresearch/12933977 Michigan State Police Officials Are Dodging Public Records Obligations By Using Encrypted Messaging Apps

>>>/qresearch/12933982 Facebook, Google and eBay want the Supreme Court to make it harder to sue them and other big tech companies

>>>/qresearch/12933992 Deutsche Bank quietly moves to bring crypto into play after producing numerous reports bashing its bubble nature

>>>/qresearch/12934027 09-0016 USAF C-32A on ground at Hagerstown Regional Airport, MD

>>>/qresearch/12934028 LIVE: Pro Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, FL on Presidents’ Day 2/15/21 (Live video link)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WjqAlSx-Pe0 - ud83dudd34 LIVE: Pro Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, FL on Presidentsu2019 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/12934029 Top UK Defence Research Lab Gave Grants to Chinese Military-Tied Academics: Report

>>>/qresearch/12934044 Biden Policies Force Release of 200 Migrants into West Texas Border Community

>>>/qresearch/12934049 16505 Notables posted in 16509 (Thanks anon)

>>>/qresearch/12934054 Coronavirus Patients with Learning Disabilities Given ‘Do Not Resuscitate Orders’ in Britain

>>>/qresearch/12934064 Sheila Jackson-Lee demands a national gun ownership database that would expose your home address to criminals nearby

>>>/qresearch/12934121 German parliament ratifies Agenda ID2020 and Bill Gates’ “vaccination package” for global depopulation

>>>/qresearch/12934139 ByteDance reportedly shelves deal to sell TikTok to Oracle

>>>/qresearch/12934184 Cruz with the killshot.

>>>/qresearch/12934200 President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s critical role in the #Corona program / Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/12934211 Recovered Covid patients have been reinfected with new virus strains, WHO says

>>>/qresearch/12934245 Dutch Police Bust Multi-Million Euro Carousel Fraud

>>>/qresearch/12934314 Bill Gates warns that manufacturing could challenge climate goals

>>>/qresearch/12934317 Fauci wins Israel’s prestigious $1m. Dan David Prize for 2021 for successfully shutting down the world economy

>>>/qresearch/12934328 The blacklist is back. Today it’s called cancel culture

>>>/qresearch/12934329 Drug overdose crisis worsens in shadow of China Virus pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12934335 Fighting for America. We’ve been taken over by globalists, by the Chinese. Fighting for America. I’m not here for Trump. I’m here for America.”

>>>/qresearch/12934344 President Trump’s Getting Back To His Old Self

>>>/qresearch/12934359 IDF launches surprise IAF exercise to prepare for war with Hezbollah

>>>/qresearch/12934398 The Guardian Revealed Itself in Sacking Columnist for Criticizing US Military Aid to Israel

>>>/qresearch/12934411 Biden regime: If corporations hire Americans instead of non-citizens, they will be criminally investigated by the DOJ

>>>/qresearch/12934451 Romney’s Foreign Policy Adviser Joseph Cofer Black Served On the Board of Burisma Holdings Alongside Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/12934465 NYT Retracts Claim That 'Pro-Trump Rioters' Smashed Officer Sicknick In The Head With A Fire Extinguisher

>>>/qresearch/12934495 For the KEK - Biden Orders Kung Pao Chicken During First Official Call With China - The Babylon Bee:

>>>/qresearch/12934506 Notable completion for bread 16504 (thanks anon)

>>>/qresearch/12934517 Hershey, Nestlé, Mars and Other Chocolate Makers Named in Child Slavery Class Action Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12934554 270 addresses are responsible for 55% of all cryptocurrency money laundering

>>>/qresearch/12934588 Nestle's Gerber and Hain Celestial among baby food makers found with toxic metal levels

>>>/qresearch/12934608 Florida Man Uses Stimulus Check to Start Thriving Home Garden to Feed His Community

>>>/qresearch/12934656 Anon reports - Trump just did a drive by on the crowd in FL. And the crowd goes wild.

>>>/qresearch/12934667 #16509, #16510, #16511

(38 notables, 39 posts, 46 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30155

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12934684 Q Research General #16510: Most Attacked By The Cabal - 1. President Trump 2. Q Research Edition

Created 151929ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12934743 Yes, we miss you President Trump

>>>/qresearch/12934758 Forest brook Elementary teacher Teresa Holmes recorded a video of her classroom which has 28 desks now armed with plexiglass shields - It’s a psychological conditioning program

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216212700/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/eb83b8f584e1cd648089c9522da9c606019475cf5a5e030c750d6f7000104598.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12934759 653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following China Virus Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show

>>>/qresearch/12934770 Australian Defense renews storage deal with Global Switch, years after Government vowed to ditch Chinese-owned firm

>>>/qresearch/12934781 William McRaven adapts bestseller ‘Make Your Bed’ for kids

>>>/qresearch/12934793 At least 10 dead, nine missing after landslide buries Indonesian village under tonnes of mud

>>>/qresearch/12934803 Was Microsoft a part of the SolarWinds hack?

>>>/qresearch/12934805 Democrat Rep. Calls for ‘Truth Commission’ to Promote ‘Common Narrative’ About Politics and Race

>>>/qresearch/12934812 Not AF1 09-0016 USAF C-32A departed Hagerstown Regional Airport MD back to JBA

>>>/qresearch/12934823 Joe stopped by the Camp David gift shop

>>>/qresearch/12934831 Houston Mayor: "Expect blackouts to increase in coming hours." (Awakening in full throttle?)

>>>/qresearch/12934850 Odd thing, maybe just scheduled maintenance flight. Airforce VIP plane 09-0015 appears as leaving base Andrew, heading south east for a few circle laps

>>>/qresearch/12934865, >>>/qresearch/12935036 LA protester lost testicle after he was shot with rubber bullet: lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/12934887 CUOMO: Trump administration at fault for inadequate China Virus vaccine supply

>>>/qresearch/12934920 DJT Jr - #MAGA ascending again

>>>/qresearch/12934932 “Key domestic contacts for Chinese phase one target projects.” VP Harris, Schumer, Klobuchar, Feinstein, Gilibrand, Cuomo, De Blasio, McCauliffe - Pandora's 'political elite' box?

>>>/qresearch/12934933 This is the 1600+ page grievance complaint filed against Lin Wood by the State Bar of Georgia

>>>/qresearch/12934934 Derek Utley booked a plane to fly over West Palm Beach Trump Celebration (video cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216213506/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e8e8f676d53ae712fff83a53d25f67bb4f5a5e21432117cb7653374d120d2226.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12934942 If elderly most at risk [known][knowingly] why did Cuomo order China Virus positive patients back into nursing homes?

>>>/qresearch/12934945 Lin Wood is urging his 800K Q Research supporting followers to dig on the Georgia officials trying to disbar him.

>>>/qresearch/12934946 Thousands MORE Rally for President Trump Day! (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Qzj0gcchQjk - Thousands MORE Rally for President Trump Day! [Channel: Chris Nelson (The Target Guy)]

>>>/qresearch/12934954 Texas / Oregon Power Outages (graphic)

>>>/qresearch/12934961 Rep. Mike Johnson: Impeachment Was About Democrats Framing 75 Million Trump Supporters as Capitol Hill Rioters

>>>/qresearch/12935002 ABC News chief national correspondent Matt Gutman has been suspended for violating a company policy on China Virus safety.

>>>/qresearch/12935007 09-0016 USAF C-32A on final approach at JBA from Hagerstown, MD Regional Airport

>>>/qresearch/12935014 Congress Voted $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=QwBOEeVjBKc - Homeless in America | Full Measure [Channel: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson]

>>>/qresearch/12935024, >>>/qresearch/12935244 Mike Lindells election fraud video (Absolute Proof) is back up on his channel at youtube (already removed again).

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HUHe4xfMNIA - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12935025 US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL Is $266.7 Billion Dollars From 1946 - 2019

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=wTaEPYvKxEw - BLOODSUCKERS: Legends to Leeches @ ROM [Channel: mycompasstv]

>>>/qresearch/12935043 President Trump drive by in Florida! (video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216213848/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0f9a668f808a32d879c08d2a333e39834c28003aace1f3d0b39bd45a85c9faea.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12935103 Three rockets land in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan

>>>/qresearch/12935159 Wind energy is a scam

>>>/qresearch/12935173 Cuomo the new narrative patsy?

>>>/qresearch/12935224 Wind energy failure? Comms? Are we missing something?

>>>/qresearch/12935227 Smoking gun: Comey signed FISA after casting doubt on dossier

>>>/qresearch/12935228 52% of young adults live with their parents? Most educated and debt laden generation in history?

>>>/qresearch/12935229 More on Biden’s 308,000 Ballot Drop in Fairfax County Virginia on Election Night

>>>/qresearch/12935233 All 11 of Biden's Picks For Top Posts are Jews (under 2% of US Population)

>>>/qresearch/12935246 DOD tweet - Test your military knowledge about America's first president

>>>/qresearch/12935295 Nadler got Clinton to pardon a Jewish woman that planted a bomb outside the US Senate chamber to assassinate Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12935314 Another tragedy, due it seems to a China Virus vaccine.

>>>/qresearch/12935340 Dept of Defense - Air drop incoming

>>>/qresearch/12935385 Doctor suffers miscarriage one week after receiving China Virus vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12935751 'Forever' China Virus in UK

>>>/qresearch/12935755 Janice Dean's brutal live tweeting of Gov. Cuomo's presser

>>>/qresearch/12935762 Anon opines - The events of Jan. 6 would seem to be the Reichstag fire for the Democrats

>>>/qresearch/12935789 #16510

(46 notables, 48 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30156

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12935793 Q Research General #16511: Yes President Trump, We Miss You And PRAY FOR YOU Edition

Created 152053ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12935818 The sauce is the graphic #EndTheFed

>>>/qresearch/12935887 Elite Human Trafficking [Vol. 1] - Ghislaine Maxwell's Terramar Project (Video)

>>>/qresearch/12935894 Maryland Bill Seeks to Rename ‘Indian Head Highway’ to ‘President Barack Obama Highway’

>>>/qresearch/12935918 Moscow: An invitation from Tesla boss Elon Musk for Russian President Vladimir Putin to join him for a chat on a social networking app? “Very interesting,” the Kremlin said on Monday.

>>>/qresearch/12935930 DESPERATION: Dems, RINOS Beg For ‘9/11-Type Commission’ To Investigate Trump As Public Interest In Jan. 6 Coverage Plummets

>>>/qresearch/12935932 Axios deleted a tweet which pointed out that Kamala’s claim seemed to be contradicted by what Fauci has said, and Axios replaced it with a Kamala tweet which no longer includes the context from Fauci.

>>>/qresearch/12935952 Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug

>>>/qresearch/12935958 House Bill Calls for United States to Boycott Beijing Olympics

>>>/qresearch/12935970 BREAKING: Gov. Cuomo blames staff, 'disinformation' and 'toxic political environment' for COVID nursing home deaths scandal

>>>/qresearch/12935972 Hackers Auction Data from Breach Against Polish Game Designer

>>>/qresearch/12935986 Authorities charge former NJ school teacher with sexually assaulting, showing pornography to 10-year-old girl

>>>/qresearch/12936008 PANIC PANIC PANIC The Left is turning on patsy Cuomo!

>>>/qresearch/12936010 President Joe Biden has gone beyond purging the legacy of Donald Trump to scrub that of Barack Obama too, taking down the White House petitions page

>>>/qresearch/12936017 Arizona Official admits to making money off anchor baby trade (child trafficking)

>>>/qresearch/12936044 From last May: The China Virus Is Deadliest Where Democrats Live

>>>/qresearch/12936569 #16511

(16 notables, 16 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30157

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12936582 Q Research General #16512: Nothing Will Stop What's Coming Edition

Created 152144ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12936654 Smoking gun: Comey told Clapper FBI unable to 'sufficiently corroborate' Steele — then signed FISA

>>>/qresearch/12936722 Drew Hammill - Pelosi's lap dog

>>>/qresearch/12936724 @JudiciaryGOP: @RodneyDavis, @Jim_Jordan, @RepJamesComer, @DevinNunes demand answers from Speaker Pelosi on her security decisions surrounding January 6th.

>>>/qresearch/12936730 WHO COVID ‘Investigator’ is Chinese CDC Advisor Who Accepted CCP Research Grants.

>>>/qresearch/12936732 Pelosi's office pushes back on House GOP questions about Capitol security ahead of riot

>>>/qresearch/12936736 State Dept Refuses to Explain Iran Envoy’s Talks with China

>>>/qresearch/12936757 Jason Chaffetz: Speaker Pelosi, when will you answer these 13 security questions?

>>>/qresearch/12936766 Green energy USELESS during cold weather

>>>/qresearch/12936769 The FCC Fairness Doctrine was abolished in 1987. All media is literally propaganda.

>>>/qresearch/12936778 23andMe just sold the genomes of millions of its users (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1lRxbzeGTGw - 23andMe just sold the genomes of millions of its users [Channel: RT America]

>>>/qresearch/12936799 UK Labour leader Keir Starmer’s “Anti-Semitism Advisory Board”: A rogue’s gallery of Israel stooges

>>>/qresearch/12936821 Turkey summons US ambassador over statement on killings

>>>/qresearch/12936858 Less than a week after Disney fired actress and former mixed martial arts star Gina Carano over social media posts widely viewed as anti-Semitic, a Disney corporate partner has enmeshed the company in a spinoff controversy.

>>>/qresearch/12936880 S.394 - Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019: President Trump RETAINS control of the Military for 60 days (March 20, 2021) after inauguration.

>>>/qresearch/12937080 Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019

>>>/qresearch/12937278 Governor Abbott Sends Additional Resources To Local Officials Throughout Texas

(16 notables, 16 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30158

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12937342 Q Research General #16513: Under Heavy Attack - What's New? Edition

Created 152211ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12937445 Cernovich - They are fascists. They know they are fascists. We know they are fascists. They knew we know they are fascists.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216215419/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/655a0206d849aae173de74025e725fb42cc15112abbf2de9fa28d35ea34dbd84.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12937451 The state of Florida has processed so many applications for concealed carry licenses in the past year that the fund used to help pay for the background checks is now nearly out of money

>>>/qresearch/12937452 #16511 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12937465 Brittany Higgins alleged rape: Parliament office steam cleaned after alleged attack

>>>/qresearch/12937471 Bill Gates FrankenFood company, IMPOSSIBLE FOODS, uses genetically modified ingredients to create fake food

>>>/qresearch/12937480 PA Restaurant abuse - Moments after demanding a microbrewery in Lancaster close, this health inspector did a happy dance

>>>/qresearch/12937499, >>>/qresearch/12937911 QProof Q4289

>>>/qresearch/12937506 After Absorbing this Attack we will be Stronger than Ever Before

>>>/qresearch/12937511 Anyone who tells you they believe or “trust” in science, is confusing science with marketing.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216215535/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3ac83c1e51aed6c2b0979506d063ecd9171f1260d8a402d52c3384f1baeaf076.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12937528 God Bless Potus, Donald John Trump!

>>>/qresearch/12937904 Dig on 60 Minutes TV Program HOSTS

>>>/qresearch/12937919 Steve Cortes - WINNING

>>>/qresearch/12937934 Anon has good questions about Biden's Camp David visit

>>>/qresearch/12937948 The Secret Luxembourg Base of Italy’s ’Ndrangheta Mafia

>>>/qresearch/12937962, >>>/qresearch/12938789 #16512, #16513, #16514

>>>/qresearch/12938393 Flashback - Happenings Calendars for Feb, March, April, May 2018

>>>/qresearch/12938412 Yesterday a Plane went by Mar-A-Lago with a sign Best President Ever. Today on President’s Day Scavino tweets it. Who is really in Control?

>>>/qresearch/12938414 Biden motorcading from Camp David was also discussed right before shilling started.

>>>/qresearch/12938432 Planet Normal: ‘Scientists Should Be ‘the Last People Running Society’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yCsjFTozjKk - Planet Normal: Dr John Lee on why scientists shouldn't be running the country [Channel: The Telegraph]

>>>/qresearch/12938460 A Doctor’s View About the New mRNA Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/12938469, >>>/qresearch/12938541 Ex-NFL star Vincent Jackson dead at 38

>>>/qresearch/12938476 Narrative building on 'The View' about Q Research - ALL FOR A LARP

>>>/qresearch/12938480, >>>/qresearch/12938523 E4Bs moving around the country again. Shell game from last week ongoing.

>>>/qresearch/12938552 What if the pens had some spy tech recorders built in or some crazy shit like that? Follow the pen!

>>>/qresearch/12938557 60 Minute's Mike Wallace (Real name 'Wallik' - Russian Jew) once on communist watch list (Son - Chris Wallace (Wallik) - FoxNews)

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20211212181712/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/be6b2eb5145841e22630c76b8643ddaa6a289afb1b534efc35aa4201690ab029.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12938583, >>>/qresearch/12938625 Beijing Weather Modification Office?

>>>/qresearch/12938588, >>>/qresearch/12938609, >>>/qresearch/12938624 View of 28-desk classroom with plexiglass barriers in an Horry County Schools elementary

>>>/qresearch/12938591, >>>/qresearch/12938633 Did we notice that the suspects names in both of these Notables is "Herring"?

>>>/qresearch/12938635 Are we getting the Hussein Pic/Video?

>>>/qresearch/12938649 THE BEST IS YET TO COME - DJT Jr and Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/12938659 Previous Study on AccuVote Voting Machines Like Those Used in New Hampshire Found Serious Flaws and Ability to Steal Votes with Little Risk of Detection

>>>/qresearch/12938685 The biggest conspiracy ever conceived is a China Virus global lockdown for a non-existent Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12938754 US special services accuse #Iran of planning attack on UAE Embassy in #Ethiopia - reports

(33 notables, 41 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30159

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12938803 Q Research General #16514: Anons Are Digital Patriots That NEVER Stop Fighting Edition

Created 152323ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12938877 George Washington is known as the founding father of American Intelligence

>>>/qresearch/12938928 State, federal authorities bust Colorado-based international drug enterprise, arrest 64

>>>/qresearch/12938930 WOW! Half a Million Patriots Watch Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, Florida on RSBN!

>>>/qresearch/12938937 Biden accused Trump of ignoring Haiti. As turmoil deepens, will he change US policy?

>>>/qresearch/12938941 The Supreme Court is scheduled to consider a handful of high-profile election challenges at its mid-February conference taking place this week

>>>/qresearch/12938968 Bill Gates Goes Full Captain Planet, Wants To Change 'Every Aspect Of Economy'

>>>/qresearch/12938974 Perhaps coincidentally (or perhaps not) Q's first post was on Oct 28, 2017…..the 301st day of the year.

>>>/qresearch/12938998 Biden admin gets sued for details of Swalwell's China connection 'Already refusing to cooperate with us to expose government corruption'

>>>/qresearch/12939019 Rockets strike near U.S. base in Iraq, killing 1, wounding 8

>>>/qresearch/12939034 Blackouts Hit 13 States Beyond Texas in Deepening Power Crisis

>>>/qresearch/12939050 Cuomo’s COVID cover-up hid nearly 1,900 NYC nursing home deaths

>>>/qresearch/12939080 State Dept Refuses to Explain Iran Envoy’s Talks with China Malley's powwows with China about Iran deal hint at Biden admin divisions on diplomacy

>>>/qresearch/12939110 ‘Donald J Trump’ trends on Twitter for Presidents Day

>>>/qresearch/12939119 Lara Trump is 'the Biggest Winner' of Impeachment Trial, Graham Says

>>>/qresearch/12939124 Previous Study on AccuVote Voting Machines Like Those Used in New Hampshire Found Serious Flaws and Ability to Steal Votes with Little Risk of Detection

>>>/qresearch/12939168 NYT Retracts Story First Published on Jan. 8 That Capitol Hill Police Officer Was Killed by a Fire Extinguisher Thrown by Protesters

>>>/qresearch/12939173 GOP Leaders Ready to Turn Page on Trump After Impeachment Trial Better Get Ready For A Reckoning

>>>/qresearch/12939176 Scwheizer: Biden, Harris Families Have ‘Cultural History’ of ‘Cashing in’ on Family Name — ‘Semblance of Entitlement’

>>>/qresearch/12939530 #16514

(19 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30160

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12939542 Q Research General #16515: Night Shift Edition

Created 160040ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12939614, >>>/qresearch/12939711 , Dan Scavino This is unbelievable! 45 returns to Mar-a-Lago this afternoon, after an awesome day out on the links….to this…. (Cap) 34 seconds

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217005847/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1ed2e3239c0ecb5fce9043992d535d66aa2a6844eae917ad10f6ada68924b569.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12939671, >>>/qresearch/12939755, >>>/qresearch/12939963, >>>/qresearch/12939992, >>>/qresearch/12940029 , 3.76 million without power in #Texas

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yEBSSiAyIKE - Widespread Power Outages in Texas - LIVE WINTER WEATHER COVERAGE [Channel: Agenda-Free TV]

>>>/qresearch/12939674, >>>/qresearch/12939675, >>>/qresearch/12939678, >>>/qresearch/12939799, >>>/qresearch/12939861, >>>/qresearch/12939894, >>>/qresearch/12940031, >>>/qresearch/12940085 , Are 80% Lowers Legal? Yes, absolutely, it is legal to purchase and own in most states, https://www.atf.gov

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U9zio3k3eVk - How To Machine a 80% Lower Receiver (AR15) Quick and Easy [Channel: City Prepping]

>>>/qresearch/12939703 Catherine Herridge #CapitolRiots NEW: DHS Intelligence Report from 2/12/21

>>>/qresearch/12939708 “Our Vote Matters” Suing Facebook, Dominion, Mark Zuckerberg, Certain State Officials, Others for Infringing Upon Right to Vote, Assemble and Speak Freely - You can join too

>>>/qresearch/12939710 Biden picks interventionist Samantha Power to serve as USAID head (3 min)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mXdS4v_HOSo - Biden picks interventionist Samantha Power to serve as USAID head [Channel: RT]

>>>/qresearch/12939712 Florida deputy busted in child predator sting

>>>/qresearch/12939729, >>>/qresearch/12939778 , Martin Gugino old man head injury Buffalo cops 1 year later this video looks kinda fake, right?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kte5gK2fshQ - Emotional UPDATE on Martin Gugino, the Elderly Man Police Assaulted. TYT Reacts [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>>/qresearch/12939750 Smoking gun: Comey told Clapper FBI unable to 'sufficiently corroborate' Steele — then signed FISA

>>>/qresearch/12939753, >>>/qresearch/12939808, >>>/qresearch/12940400 , The Canadian National Advisory Committee for Immunization has recommended prioritizing race over age for COVID-19 vaccinations

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20200506214724/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/bc6c16cc62275a581d9902b942836f2a99ecc120821830ac264fcefda5d9cfd6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12939767 Dan Scavino posted @ 1:07 This photo from Camp David

>>>/qresearch/12939787 Gov. Edwards warns #Louisiana faces the potential for rolling blackouts due to demand on electricity.

>>>/qresearch/12939794 Cuomo Doubles Down, Claims New York Always Fully Reported Nursing Home Deaths

>>>/qresearch/12939801, >>>/qresearch/12939843, >>>/qresearch/12939920, >>>/qresearch/12939983, >>>/qresearch/12940259 , FF weather?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ei5HzeT8UtQ - HAARP What is HAARP IS HAARP Dangerous HAARP and Weather Control [Channel: IceDevias]

>>>/qresearch/12939810 Biden’s DHS Releasing Border Crossers into U.S. Without Coronavirus Tests

>>>/qresearch/12939856 Millions of homes and businesses without power in #Mexico after imports of natural gas from the U.S. were curbed, knocking power stations offline (Bloomberg)

>>>/qresearch/12939859 U.S. Dep of Energy We’re celebrating #PresidentsDay2021 with a look back at how past Presidents have influenced energy

>>>/qresearch/12939878 After two years of challenging the Trump administration, New York Attorney General Letitia James is taking on Facebook and Google in antitrust cases

>>>/qresearch/12939885 This cannot be talked about enough

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Hv60gF164WY - The Least of These: Save the Children (Rescue) [Channel: Alejandro Alonso]

>>>/qresearch/12939891 The UNITED STATES Corporation cannot provide an Air Plane for their Guy Joey…

>>>/qresearch/12939909 FEMA on @Readygov tweeted, Jan 13, 33 days ago, this power outage prep thing was posted on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/12939955 The Corsair Club

>>>/qresearch/12939956 ‘He’s not going back’: former Obama adviser Podesta on Biden’s Keystone XL decision

>>>/qresearch/12939981 Democrats slam ‘lying’ Cuomo over COVID-19 nursing home ‘cover-up’

>>>/qresearch/12940081 CNN President Biden has expressed a preference for a fire built in the Oval Office fireplace, and sometimes adds a log himself to keep it going

>>>/qresearch/12940099, >>>/qresearch/12940112, >>>/qresearch/12940166, >>>/qresearch/12940198, >>>/qresearch/12940222 , Was Actor Chris 'Ashton' Kutcher running a software company to handle logistics for child trafficking?

>>>/qresearch/12940107 The North Carolina GOP has unanimously voted to censure Sen. Burr

>>>/qresearch/12940156 Earthquakes world wide (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/12940199, >>>/qresearch/12940237, >>>/qresearch/12940247, >>>/qresearch/12940323, >>>/qresearch/12940345 , Happy Valentine’s Day 2021 from @US_CYBERCOM. As our gift to you, we present 12 crypto challenges

>>>/qresearch/12940212 New York Post Lincoln Project reportedly spent $10M+ on failed bid to oust GOP senators https://trib.al/fx0ntwA

(30 notables, 57 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30161

File: 55a248327a813e5⋯.png (103.79 KB,250x166,125:83,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12940357 Q Research General #16516: "Dark Winter?" Edition

Created 160206ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12940442, >>>/qresearch/12940444 , Do I Need a Serial Number On My 80% Lower?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BtiSwZeTnQI - How to Stay Out of Prison When Building a Rifle at Home [Channel: 3 F Words]

>>>/qresearch/12940446 I looked at 4-6% lost forever as a math problem, 4 minus 6 percent = 3.76

>>>/qresearch/12940447 Poll: A majority of Americans say they want Trump to be unable to hold future office

>>>/qresearch/12940450 Live updates on US power outages the number in Texas keeps rising

>>>/qresearch/12940455 David Perdue Files FEC Paperwork To Run For Senate In 2022

>>>/qresearch/12940495, >>>/qresearch/12940971 , “Happy President’s Day!” – Hillary Clinton Posts Photo of Herself with Obama, Biden on President’s Day – Leaves Out Her Husband Bill

>>>/qresearch/12940511, >>>/qresearch/12940541 , 6.2-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Vanuatu, USGS Says

>>>/qresearch/12940564 Criminal complaint against george h.w. Bush for money laundering, conspiracy to violate logan act and human trafficking under r.i.c.o.

>>>/qresearch/12940575 Former FBI officials tapped for Amazon’s growing security apparatus

>>>/qresearch/12940577 Covid 19 was a planned assault on humanity.

>>>/qresearch/12940704 ‘We the People’ gone and no one noticed: Biden removes Obama-era petition tool to thunderous media silence

>>>/qresearch/12940706 FBI Tool reads SIGNAL msgs

>>>/qresearch/12940711 The North Carolina GOP has unanimously voted to censure Sen. Burr

>>>/qresearch/12940725 Creepy Bill Gates Now Pushing Corona Vaccines and Radical Global Warming Policies to Ruin US Energy Sector

>>>/qresearch/12940727 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted NRO, On Presidents’ Day, we're reflecting on President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s critical role in the #Corona program

>>>/qresearch/12940741 North Carolina Republican Party votes to censure Burr for vote to convict Trump

>>>/qresearch/12940748 British Red Cross and International Planned Parenthood are close (map)

>>>/qresearch/12940749 Turbines Freeze Up in Texas Cold Snap – Shutting Down Nearly Half of the Wind Energy in West Texas

>>>/qresearch/12940789 Painting the roses red

>>>/qresearch/12940796 Deceptively Titled 'Equality Act' Would Be Giant Step to Destroying Religious Freedom

>>>/qresearch/12940803 Former Marine Corps officer, GOP state Sen. Paul Schimpf announces bid for Illinois governor

>>>/qresearch/12940815 Videos: Rocket attacks on US-Coalition forces in Iraq injures US troop, kills civilian contractor

>>>/qresearch/12940857 Dan Scavino Happy Presidents day

>>>/qresearch/12940859 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted during a press conference that it based its new school guidelines on science, but also input from teachers and stakeholders

>>>/qresearch/12940869 At Least 3 Dead In Car Bomb Attack On Somalian Parliament Building Compound

>>>/qresearch/12940878 Petition To Censure Sen. Romney For Impeachment Vote Circulates Among Utah GOP

>>>/qresearch/12940901 Dr. Fauci Is Just Making It up as He Goes, and This Latest Example Proves It

>>>/qresearch/12940903 80 million votes… but only 57k views 1500 likes 11,000 dislikes Biden, meanwhile POTUS gets almost 1 million views of a spontaneous parade in Palm Beach where he does a drive by

>>>/qresearch/12940918 Myanmar’s internet has been cut overnight on Sunday, hours after armored vehicles rolled into several cities, prompting fears for the fate of protesters and warnings by diplomats that “the world is watching”.

>>>/qresearch/12940919 [Sleepy Joe] preventing flights to GITMO via Florida, until his attempt to close?

>>>/qresearch/12940928 Technocracy’s Plan For The World Excludes The Existence Of America

>>>/qresearch/12940935 Biden decks himself out in POTUS merchandise after spending President's Day at Camp David and returns to the White House in Air Force One aviator jacket and personalized 'Pop' cap

>>>/qresearch/12940996 Americans reporting vote fraud say claims repeatedly dismissed by FBI

>>>/qresearch/12941001 FEAR AND JUSTICE: Firewall with Bill Whittle

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6zTnkt6qrV0 - FEAR AND JUSTICE: Firewall with Bill Whittle [Channel: Bill Whittle]

>>>/qresearch/12941026 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12941039 Google & Facebook falling in line ‘very soon’ with Australian government media reform bill

(36 notables, 39 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30162

File: 55a248327a813e5⋯.png (103.79 KB,250x166,125:83,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12940938 Q Research General #16517: Out Of Darkness And Brings Deep Darkness To Light Edition

Created 160309ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12941214, >>>/qresearch/12941276, >>>/qresearch/12941277, >>>/qresearch/12941301 Reminders

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217014445/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/02e989729f92bceaa7647ca2d1d0ad390d3b7e4a25cd2d0d121a9b5eebc81e22.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B5T7Gr5oJbM - White Squall 1996 Movie Trailer (Jeff Bridges, Sco [Channel: CappaZack]

>>>/qresearch/12941216 "QMap Report From Notables" Breakdown in different format

>>>/qresearch/12941217, >>>/qresearch/12941621 2020 US Presidential Election Related Lawsuits	

>>>/qresearch/12941224 Trump Surprises Supporters at President’s Day Celebration

>>>/qresearch/12941262 Dr. William Grace, oncologist and hematologist, says if you take Vit D (and zinc), covid and variants are a nothing burger

VIDEO https://vimeo.com/443563413 - John Lennon - #9 Dream (1975) [4:44] [Channel: MUNROW'S RETRO on VIMEO]

>>>/qresearch/12941292 And? He Donated 4 years of salary, it's called a conversation piece, and you played the part: "REVEALED: Trump took model of redesigned Air Force One from White House and has it on a coffee table at Mar-a-Lago"

>>>/qresearch/12941299 , >>1294143

>>>/qresearch/12941326 "GOP Rep. 1 Y Doe if Muh Vaccine Is Safe? Pfizer bails out of India after country demands safety testing for COVID vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12941355, >>>/qresearch/12941937 "From A Texas Power Trader"++

>>>/qresearch/12941457 Group “Our Vote Matters” Is Suing Facebook, Dominion, Mark Zuckerberg, Certain State Officials, Others for Infringing Upon Right to Vote, Assemble and Speak Freely – You Can Join Too

>>>/qresearch/12941463 Lincoln Project statement is Insufficient per "staff"

>>>/qresearch/12941489 Clock Anon Stops By: "The Shot Heard Round the World" Delta and others upcoming

>>>/qresearch/12941542 Like Censorship? Hope You Enjoy It Yourselves… Maine GOP to discuss possible censure of Sen. Collins for vote to convict Trump

>>>/qresearch/12941551, >>>/qresearch/12941561 Reading transcript of interview with Gen. Flynn here: + Moar

>>>/qresearch/12941563 They Present an Idea of what you are coupled with their desire for you and pray you follow suit - Film Criticized on how it Depicts Autists

>>>/qresearch/12941669 DJT Jr. Pointing Out The Pedo Project

>>>/qresearch/12941702 Probation Official Charged with Child Pornography Offenses

>>>/qresearch/12941712 Two Men Charged in Multi-million Dollar Darknet Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/12941733, >>>/qresearch/12941791 The "Second Amendment Preservation Act": Missouri Passes Bill To Nullify Federal Gun Laws

>>>/qresearch/12941771 Biden Pulls 65 Pending Trump Executive Orders

>>>/qresearch/12941772 Bitcoin smashes biggest record by far, trading at $49,998

>>>/qresearch/12941836 Boatfag

(22 notables, 29 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30163

File: 55a248327a813e5⋯.png (103.79 KB,250x166,125:83,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12941891 Q Research General #16518: So That Whoever Believes In Me May Not Remain In Darkness Edition

Created 160510ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12941955 Crime Attempted, Situation Averted - When Keeping It Real Goes Right

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217015950/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/73328fb56acedd3f635ea5303fe879dd876013140983161ba5c33fb18dc32645.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12941993, >>>/qresearch/12942042 , UPDATE: Trump Attorney Michael Van Der Veen Says He Sent His Children to Secretive Location, Has Hired Armed Guards at Home and Work due to Threats

>>>/qresearch/12942114 "What Is A Planet?

>>>/qresearch/12942272 25th Marine Div Tweets: Soldiers from @3_4CAV_3IBCT recently took a dip for Combat Water Survival Testing! DropletSplashing sweat symbol

>>>/qresearch/12942300 Muh Neu Wuhrld Disorder

>>>/qresearch/12942315 Anon's Dig Result LW v. GA. Bar

>>>/qresearch/12942421 Canada unveils a declaration - signed by dozens of other countries - targeting the arbitrary detention of foreign nationals, a practice Ottawa says China has deployed against Canadian citizens

>>>/qresearch/12942561 #16516 Notables Bun

>>>/qresearch/12942760 … Ardern condemns Australia for revoking ISIL suspect’s citizenship

>>>/qresearch/12942778 Facts Matter Elected Delegates…

(10 notables, 11 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30164

File: 55a248327a813e5⋯.png (103.79 KB,250x166,125:83,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12942703 Q Research General #16519: Light Dawns In The Darkness For The Upright Edition

Created 160721ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12942808 Anon Bun From #16516 Thank You Anon

>>>/qresearch/12942862 New YouTube "Warning Labels"

>>>/qresearch/12942867 Hard For Him Maybe… Reaching zero emissions will be 'hardest thing humanity's done', Bill Gates says

>>>/qresearch/12942868 UPDATE: Trump Attorney Michael Van Der Veen Says He Sent His Children to Secretive Location, Has Hired Armed Guards at Home and Work due to Threats (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/12942898 Not Odd At All… HAPPENING NOW: COVID-19 positive patients are currently being transferred out of the Holiday Inn, in the heart of Melbourne, with garbage bags over their heads. @ChristineAhern #9News

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217021434/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f74863f09772629977307d9a66ffb326eca2dddb9247ebc692f3b3e51e636c59.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12942946 Caught in A Setup and need an out? UrgentS Korea's Intelligence Agency Claims Pyongyang Tried to Steal Pfizer Vaccine Technology, Reports Say

>>>/qresearch/12943008, >>>/qresearch/12943282 "BAKER HUGE NOTABLE COVID NURSING HOME DATA DUMP"

>>>/qresearch/12943011 Graham backs Lara Trump for Senate in NC, as Walker hits back

>>>/qresearch/12943044 Wanna Play Minecraft?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216212700/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/eb83b8f584e1cd648089c9522da9c606019475cf5a5e030c750d6f7000104598.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12943091 Supercell Popup in NC? JUST IN: Search and rescue teams are heading to Brunswick County, North Carolina to help find missing people after a tornado ripped through the area (CNN)

>>>/qresearch/12943224, >>>/qresearch/12943260 MATTHEW MASTERSON Digs

>>>/qresearch/12943229, >>>/qresearch/12943287, >>>/qresearch/12943438 #16515, #16516, #16517

>>>/qresearch/12943268 The Morning Briefing: Get Ready for COVID-19 Variants Panic Porn Perma Mandates

>>>/qresearch/12943275, >>>/qresearch/12943283 "These People Are Sick" WATCH: Health Inspector Does Happy Dance Moments After Ordering SoCal Brewery to Close

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217022619/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/965473cafb7bdc4e8bebba745859838a63883bad9c58d8df670252a21cbe4e42.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12943281 ‘Equity’ Book Program Suspended After Backlash From Parents Over Third-Grade Transgender Book

>>>/qresearch/12943284 Petition To Censure Sen. Romney For Impeachment Vote Circulates Among Utah GOP

>>>/qresearch/12943289, >>>/qresearch/12943372 #16518, #16519, #16520

>>>/qresearch/12943304 Deceptively Titled 'Equality Act' Would Be Giant Step to Destroying Religious Freedom

>>>/qresearch/12943308 , Dan Scavino Joins Trump Out For President's Day!

>>>/qresearch/12943312 Democrats' new 'War on Domestic Terror' - How normal, patriotic, center-right Americans have become 'the enemy'

>>>/qresearch/12943314 WATCH: Congressman calls for 'a white nationalism task force' - Dem accused of sex with Chinese spy claims there are racist 'training camps' within U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12943325 Fmr Bush WH Medical Adviser Proposes Plan to Get All Teachers Vaccinated and ‘Open Schools Three Weeks Later’

>>>/qresearch/12943335, >>>/qresearch/12943337, >>>/qresearch/12943348, >>>/qresearch/12943359 UN-Backed Great Reset Turns Off Texas Power

(23 notables, 32 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30165

File: 081542f8fc2ade5⋯.jpeg (377.23 KB,1314x830,657:415,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12943378 Q Research General #16520: Dawn Breaks The Shadow Of The Horizon Once Again Edition

Created 161057ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12943387, >>>/qresearch/12943389, >>>/qresearch/12943447 baker on duty

>>>/qresearch/12943482 Group “Our Vote Matters” Is Suing Facebook, Dominion, Mark Zuckerberg, Certain State Officials, Others for Infringing Upon Right to Vote, Assemble and Speak Freely

>>>/qresearch/12943810 Trump era in Atlantic City to end with a blast Wednesday with implosion of Trump Plaza

>>>/qresearch/12943850, >>>/qresearch/12944055 The Hague court sides with activists, tells Dutch government to IMMEDIATELY lift ‘illegitimate’ curfew

>>>/qresearch/12943853 trump was right about wind power, of course

>>>/qresearch/12943877 scavino FB post: acquitted meme

>>>/qresearch/12943883, >>>/qresearch/12943899 list of biden EOs

>>>/qresearch/12943890 today's biden schedule

>>>/qresearch/12943927 Catholic nuns, priests join Myanmar anti-coup protests More Catholics take part in demonstrations as security forces open fire to disperse protesters in Myitkyina

>>>/qresearch/12943944 Capitol police union issues vote of no confidence in department leadership after riot 92 percent of union members voted no confidence

>>>/qresearch/12943960 VIDEO: @GovRonDeSantis: We will not turn back…re: reopening schools

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217023057/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a3487e963d945f7a38391a0790d269c88312a3a2569a3bc3afb2c601f5d084f8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12943962 DPP seeks convictions in Pell media contempt case

>>>/qresearch/12943978 Hotels are full in Austin except for Ramada, where they have raised their rates to $999 a night.

>>>/qresearch/12943990 people in TX forced to sleep in their cars to stay warm

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217023738/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e216e3c36946b6181893d06cff751d643f09a968cb0fa59022f44b5773b9aa9f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12944000 wind power growth in TX power grid

>>>/qresearch/12944004 covid variant fear porn from UK

>>>/qresearch/12944008, >>>/qresearch/12944012 active amber alert Towanda New York

>>>/qresearch/12944019, >>>/qresearch/12944022 Op-Ed: Trump's impeachment: 'The cowards stand aside'

>>>/qresearch/12944049 biden tweet: Before I took office, I set a big goal of administering 100 million shots in the first 100 days. With the progress we’re making I believe we’ll not only reach that, we’ll break it.

>>>/qresearch/12944103 Antifa extremist Daniel Baker, 33, of Tallahassee, was arrested by the FBI after calling for comrades to kidnap Trump supporters using firearms last month. Baker previously traveled to both Syria & Seattle's CHAZ

>>>/qresearch/12944112 twitter "hacked content" policy double standard

>>>/qresearch/12944132 Vatican not mentioned in China’s new rules on Bishop appointments

>>>/qresearch/12944215, >>>/qresearch/12944322, >>>/qresearch/12944528 Texas Power Ercot forecasts

>>>/qresearch/12944347 Archbishop Blisters Biden Over Pro-Abortion Stances; ‘He Should Stop Defining Himself As A Devout Catholic’

>>>/qresearch/12944348 nationwide power outages update

>>>/qresearch/12944352 peace is the prize

>>>/qresearch/12944564 GITMO air update

>>>/qresearch/12944585 Conservative Lawmakers Launch Legislative Blitz Exposing Biden’s Weakness on Communist China

>>>/qresearch/12944662 #16520

(29 notables, 37 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30166

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12944667 Q Research General #16521: Cuomo Is Toast Edition

Created 161517ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12944745 , >>12944702 Rolling Blackouts Across 13 States Beyond Texas

>>>/qresearch/12944758 Myanmar’s military says that it will hold an election and hand power to the winning party

>>>/qresearch/12944761 France identifies Russia-linked hackers in large cyberattack

>>>/qresearch/12944771 marriott ceo dead of cancer at 62

>>>/qresearch/12944818 House Republicans Claim Pelosi May Be Responsible For Delaying National Guard Deployment On Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/12944843, >>>/qresearch/12945470 Democratic congressman sues Trump over role in Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12944907 Ben Sasse is signaling his he needs help form the UN. In a interview today he says, 'to persuade people we have a 2030 agenda instead of next 30 minutes agenda

>>>/qresearch/12944949 leader mcconnell: As recently as September, fewer than half of Democrats professed confidence that elections are free and fair. In November that number shot up to 90% - because they liked the result

>>>/qresearch/12945039 democrats just made a sneaky $50 million addition to the covid relief bill

>>>/qresearch/12945079 It's official - if you are white, Justin Trudeau put you in the back of the line to get a vaccine.

>>>/qresearch/12945192 chuck shumer's "advocacy group" funded the lincoln project

>>>/qresearch/12945200 Dramatic 24-hour standoff with Spanish rapper who barricaded himself in university ends with his arrest over tweets insulting king

>>>/qresearch/12945203 anon dig, capitol "riot" deaths

>>>/qresearch/12945217 AP suggests State of the Union on Feb 23?

>>>/qresearch/12945231 The Texas Speaker of the House has called for a hearing on the statewide power outages.

>>>/qresearch/12945241 A Pennsylvania state lawmaker who filmed himself bullying teenage girls as they prayed outside an abortion facility is running for lieutenant governor of the state.

>>>/qresearch/12945254, >>>/qresearch/12945420 BREAKING: Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron has just been fired for handling of 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/12945641 #Antifa extremist Daniel Baker, 33, of Tallahassee, was arrested by the FBI after calling for comrades to kidnap Trump supporters using firearms last month. Baker previously traveled to both Syria & Seattle's CHAZ.

>>>/qresearch/12945720, >>>/qresearch/12945836 all feared dead in helicopter crash on st. thomas/dig

>>>/qresearch/12945765 nearly 400kg of heroin seized in varna bulgaria

>>>/qresearch/12945904 VP Kamala Harris has been taking calls with world leaders on behalf of Pres. Joe Biden She recently spoke with Pres. Emmanuel Macron of France and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

>>>/qresearch/12945911 Biden fondles 6 yo and asks if she is 17

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217030743/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b960e118450b974bd12d85330402cdbeedb10adb01ad7673c438c888875f0c3d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12945930 #16521, #16522, #16523

(23 notables, 26 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30167

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12945936 Q Research General #16522: Biden's "Dark Winter" Has Begun Edition

Created 161651ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12946013 JUST IN: Former Capitol Police chief, sergeants at arms called to testify in Senate probe on Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/12946024 Texplainer: Why Does Texas Have Its Own Power Grid?

>>>/qresearch/12946043 Very detailed database of 222 arrests at the US Capital riot

>>>/qresearch/12946048 Russia scientists 'are trying to extract prehistoric viruses from 50,000-year-old animal carcasses frozen in permafrost' this week.

>>>/qresearch/12946073, >>>/qresearch/12946224 a second idiot TikToker Avani Reyes claims she 'accidentally' put Gorilla Glue in her hair

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217031037/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/96798a57d35d41ff111013195b7d81f53b2587b3f47faee091cea7c06b404bbb.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12946100 NAACP sues Trump and Giuliani after Jan. 6 riots

>>>/qresearch/12946133 Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210216155006/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0438bf3f834cb972701a7fe561299202c994f29b9db4a931c4069017044cc1a7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12946136 white house press conference

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gLHEy9KI4f8 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/12946162 Indiana's Secretary of State Connie Lawson is resigning to "focus on my health and my family."

>>>/qresearch/12946216 ERCOT to change TX energy prices to meet high demand amid winter storm

>>>/qresearch/12946227, >>>/qresearch/12946229 BIDEN's destruction of America day 27

>>>/qresearch/12946280 anon opines on CERN

>>>/qresearch/12946305, >>>/qresearch/12946406, >>>/qresearch/12946418, >>>/qresearch/12946432, >>>/qresearch/12946470 strange red area found in antartica

>>>/qresearch/12946321, >>>/qresearch/12946475, >>>/qresearch/12946564 BONO/slacker family connections, DIG

>>>/qresearch/12946379 Judicial Watch Sues on Behalf of High School Coach Fired for Objecting to BLM/Critical Race Theory Curriculum for Daughter’s 7th Grade History Class

>>>/qresearch/12946466 "i didnt want him to do it mama" 7yo dylan farrow describes woody allen abuse in new documentary

>>>/qresearch/12946569 Thousands protest in Algeria demanding end of ‘military state’ on anniversary of demos that ousted President Bouteflika

>>>/qresearch/12946596 Pure Racism: New York City Principal Sends Home White Identities List to Parents to Convert Them to the “White Traitors” Stage of Whiteness

>>>/qresearch/12946598 Censure of Senator Willard Mitt Romney

>>>/qresearch/12946610 The Hague court sides with activists, tells Dutch government to IMMEDIATELY lift ‘illegitimate’ curfew

>>>/qresearch/12946661 Oil hits pandemic high as winter storm pushes demand and poses production risk

>>>/qresearch/12946664 Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Call with Iraqi Minister of Defense Jumaah Saadoon

>>>/qresearch/12946667, >>>/qresearch/12946674 Citi loses bid to recoup massive mistake in surprise ruling

>>>/qresearch/12946668 Israel violates international law anew, again bombing Syria…to further indifference of Western media

>>>/qresearch/12946698 Mom encouraged ‘sexual relationship’ between 13-year-old daughter and her 29-year-old abuser, police say

>>>/qresearch/12946701 VIDEO: Police show up to woman's house over Facebook post

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=grDvImwvuhg - Palm Beach County Sends Gestapo [Channel: Angelique Contreras]

>>>/qresearch/12946707 Governor Abbott Declares ERCOT Reform An Emergency Item

>>>/qresearch/12946718 Texas House Bill 1359: Relating to proposing a referendum to the people of the State of Texas on the question of whether this state should leave the United States of America and establish an independent republic.

>>>/qresearch/12946729 ‘Team Biden’ Sought To Cultivate Ties To Businessman Who’s Now Awaiting Sentencing On Federal Charges

>>>/qresearch/12946745 Democratic congressman sues Trump over Capitol riot under Civil War-era KKK Act, says he 'suffered emotional distress'

>>>/qresearch/12946750 Report: Second Underage Boy Accuses Lincoln Project Cofounder of Harassment

>>>/qresearch/12946765 China Threatens To Hobble US Defense Industry By Limiting Export Of Rare-Earth Metals

>>>/qresearch/12946789 Tom Cotton: It Is Time to Send the National Guard Troops Home from D.C.

>>>/qresearch/12946914 #16522

(34 notables, 43 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30168

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12946918 Q Research General #16523: Anons Are United, Not Divided Edition

Created 161855ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12946995 Washington to Organize Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova to Challenge Russia in the Black Sea

>>>/qresearch/12947033 US threatens to ban Israeli planes landing in America

>>>/qresearch/12947046 Biden plans to release immigration bill THIS WEEK that would give 11 million undocumented immigrants an accelerated path to citizenship and expand the refugee program

>>>/qresearch/12947059 US Navy tweet: #FlyNavy at its finest!

>>>/qresearch/12947075 big line at austin TX grocery store. this is why you prep

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217034642/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/eab83c3518039dcf32442d83407a62b88703e01a8058b6937719a077486704aa.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12947131 “This Blizzard Exposes The Perils Of Attempting To ‘Electrify Everything’”, Climate Change Activists Wrong

>>>/qresearch/12947179 Supporters light up Russia’s cities to keep faith with jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny

>>>/qresearch/12947188 Senior Partners at Firm Hired to ‘Review’ Lincoln Project Scandal Have Donated Thousands to Group

>>>/qresearch/12947199 politico 2024 GOP primary poll. trump wins by a landslide with 54%

>>>/qresearch/12947252 Support For Third U.S. Political Party Reaches Highest Point in Twenty Years, 63 Percent of Republicans and 70 Percent of Independents Want Third Party Option

>>>/qresearch/12947262 BlackRock sells more than $470 million worth of gold as it focuses on silver

>>>/qresearch/12947348 #16523

(12 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30169

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12947858 Q Research General #16524: Compressed For Ebake 2 Postings Edition

Created 162102ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12947896 Marilyn Manson Accused Of Child Sex Trafficking As Demands The F.B.I. Investigate Mount

>>>/qresearch/12947925 Rona Vax VAERS update 11 Feb 1170 deaths in two months

>>>/qresearch/12947962 Downtown Houston lit while the people freeze.

>>>/qresearch/12947989 Harris Takes Customary Role Of President by Calling Several Heads of State

>>>/qresearch/12948152 Awful lot of money being spent on heroin protection

>>>/qresearch/12948163 Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize HIV Virologist Says CV "Bio-engineered" in Lab

>>>/qresearch/12948192 Texas Woman, Child Die from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning While Trying to Stay Warm After Power Outage From Cold Snap

>>>/qresearch/12948307 Bill Gates addresses COVID-19 conspiracy theories and offers grim prediction in Australian interview

>>>/qresearch/12948340 AT&T Pressuring Dept. Of Commerce To Keep China Telecom Off Blacklist

>>>/qresearch/12948358 Jen Psaki: Joe Biden Has Not Spoken Personally to Governors Affected by Winter Storms

>>>/qresearch/12948421 Fifth graders forced to celebrate 'black communism,' hold mock 'Black Power' rally for Angela Davis, define 'communist' in 'favorable terms': report

>>>/qresearch/12948432 The Backlash to Biden's Transgender Agenda Is Already Brewing

>>>/qresearch/12948465 When Israel Sells Arms to Everybody, 'Dr. Strangelove of Drones' Feels Invincible

>>>/qresearch/12948469 Trump issues a statement blasting McConnell, blaming him for 2020 losses and calling him a “dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack.”

>>>/qresearch/12948506 Active-duty troops to administer vaccines in Texas, New York and Virgin Islands

>>>/qresearch/12948539 DARPA's New Space Program Stirs Worldwide Concern

>>>/qresearch/12948554 PF

(17 notables, 17 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12948742 Q Research General #16525: Ebake

Created 162234ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12948755 Leaked Greta Thunberg Texts PROVE Knowledge Of Lawbreaking In India & Implicates Rihanna & Others

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-EJfT7WDH0o - Leaked Greta Thunberg Texts PROVE Knowledge Of Lawbreaking In India & Implicates [Channel: TheQuartering]

>>>/qresearch/12948771 California Socialism - 3rd highest poverty rate in the Nation

>>>/qresearch/12948778 New POTUS on Gab - rips Mitch a new one

>>>/qresearch/12948781 Schools named after George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Sen. Feinstein are among those being renamed

>>>/qresearch/12948786 Fallout from the 'vaccine bio-attack' coming in 4 to 14 months?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GziGynAo0ek - EXPLAINS HOW THE DEPOPULATION mRNA VACCINES WILL START WORKING - DR. SHERRI TENP [Channel: Brian K Hall]

>>>/qresearch/12948855 The architect of the Dems fraudulent voting scheme: MATTHEW MASTERSON

>>>/qresearch/12948859 Texas Energy Crisis: Ice Storm Stops 'Green New Deal' Wind Turbines

>>>/qresearch/12948872 Larry Kudlow trashes Heels Up Harris in expletive filled hot mic outburst on FauxNews

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217090437/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ec2f74c5e3fb601eff9aabc8c7aa6820a5a0aa21893e7cb07f6c48e32df58cc9.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12948883 Texas suffers Biden Cabal 'Dark Winter' op

>>>/qresearch/12948923 MI Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey - "It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer."

>>>/qresearch/12949008 The transition to a @KamalaHarris Presidency has already begun

>>>/qresearch/12949017 Jeffrey Epstein / Bill Gates connections?

>>>/qresearch/12949037, >>>/qresearch/12949075, >>>/qresearch/12949111, >>>/qresearch/12949118, >>>/qresearch/12949134, >>>/qresearch/12949297, >>>/qresearch/12949397 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/12949044 Australia's Scott Morrison covers up the rape of Liberal Party staffers as easy as his friend Hillsong’s Brian Houston covers up the rape of children by his father

>>>/qresearch/12949063, >>>/qresearch/12949358 GA Fulton Country Director of Elections, Richard Barron, Is Removed From Office

>>>/qresearch/12949077 ISIS-Daesh is Returning To Syria, The “Moderate Opposition” is Fighting against the Syrian Government

>>>/qresearch/12949128 Your compassion can help victims find the resources they need to heal. Join us as a Victim Specialist. Apply today. #FBIJobs

>>>/qresearch/12949139 NYT Discreetly 'Updates' Their Own Fake News on Capitol Police Officer's Death

>>>/qresearch/12949145 Hasbro Cancels Gina Carano Star Wars Action Figures After Disney Firing

>>>/qresearch/12949157 South Florida Jamaicans put Kamala Harris’ Caribbean heritage into perspective

>>>/qresearch/12949173 Law Firm 'Investigating' Lincoln Project Gave Thousands in Donations to the Lincoln Project PAC

>>>/qresearch/12949175 Emails Reveal US Officials Joined With Agrochemical Giant Bayer to Stop Mexico’s Glyphosate Ban

>>>/qresearch/12949189 CNN Anchor Brooke Baldwin Announces Departure From Fake News CNN Cabal Op

>>>/qresearch/12949201 Texas Chinese Wind Farm? Houston-based GH America Energy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chinese Guanghui Industry Investment Group

>>>/qresearch/12949214 A New Conservatism Must Emerge

>>>/qresearch/12949222 A Freedom-Loving People Needs to Call the Bluff of Those Instilling Fear

>>>/qresearch/12949227 Fake news/fearmongering - Galveston County asks for truck to hold bodies of winter storm victims

>>>/qresearch/12949246 California’s Multibillionaires Intend to Conquer the World while raking 3rd in the Nation in poverty

>>>/qresearch/12949252 Lee Smith Nails It, The Elites “Want Us To Know” They Hold all Power and Control

>>>/qresearch/12949269 Longtime Calif. teacher arrested on suspicion of child molestation

>>>/qresearch/12949273 'I didn't want him to do it mama.' Seven-year-old Dylan Farrow describes how adoptive father Woody Allen 'touched her private parts

>>>/qresearch/12949276 How Mail-In Voting Affected the 2020 Election. Have liberals become as numerous as the stars of heaven?

>>>/qresearch/12949316 School sued for canceling coach who protested 'extremist' race studies - 'Fired for exercising his constitutional rights to object as a citizen and father'

>>>/qresearch/12949319 Olympic swimmer accused of running drug syndicate

>>>/qresearch/12949340 Parler bans Milo

>>>/qresearch/12949375 CHINA MITCH: McConnell Has Family Ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm

>>>/qresearch/12949421 #16524, #16525, #16526b

(37 notables, 44 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30171

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12949429 Q Research General #16526: Anons Are The Salt Of The Earth Edition

Created 162345ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12949504 Interesting DELTAS

>>>/qresearch/12949518 The Republican Establishment is Engaging in Political Suicide.

>>>/qresearch/12949522 Mexican Politician Denies Links to Riviera Maya Gang

>>>/qresearch/12949542 SCOTUS scheduled several contest of election lawsuits (needs sauce)

>>>/qresearch/12949549 Giuliani NOT FIRED - Simply that there are no pending cases where Mayor Giuliani is representing the President. The Mayor remains an ally and a friend.

>>>/qresearch/12949558, >>>/qresearch/12949567 Biden Cabal First President in 40 Years Not to Contact Israel’s Leaders Upon Taking Office (Jewish Narrative building)

>>>/qresearch/12949591 Biden Cabal Set To Revive Obama’s Devastating Middle East Foreign Policy

>>>/qresearch/12949618 U.S. Soldier Injured After Rocket Attack In Iraq

>>>/qresearch/12949621 Turkey Summons US Ambassador

>>>/qresearch/12949636 National Guard Could Stay in D.C. Until Fall

>>>/qresearch/12949638 #16524

>>>/qresearch/12949639 “recent events”’ is a disgusting way to minimize pedophilia.

>>>/qresearch/12949640 CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform's New Policy

>>>/qresearch/12949650 Smoking gun: Comey told Clapper FBI unable to ‘sufficiently corroborate’ Steele — then signed FISA

>>>/qresearch/12949653 Our Illegitimate Ruling Class: A Tale of Two Senators

>>>/qresearch/12949666 All You Need To Know About Italy’s F-35 Carrier That Just Arrived In The US

>>>/qresearch/12949669 Trudeau gov't wanted to downplay hydroxychloroquine purchase

>>>/qresearch/12949705, >>>/qresearch/12949716 A Green New Deal Disaster Unfolding in Texas as “Green Energy” in Complete Failure, Millions Without Power

>>>/qresearch/12949707 DJT JR I generally try to avoid profanity but in this case it’s fully merited. Holy Shit March… as in they knew 11 months ago????

>>>/qresearch/12949714 "Trump fires back at McConnell, calling him a 'dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack'"

>>>/qresearch/12949727 Texas Deploys National Guard As Green New Deal 'Grid Chaos' Leaves Millions Freezing In Darkness

>>>/qresearch/12949736 Lots of H60 Blackhawks working the night shift

>>>/qresearch/12949746 Snarky Chuck Todd to Texans: At Least the Green New Deal Power Outage Will Make You Want to Wear a Mask!

>>>/qresearch/12949750, >>>/qresearch/12949763 Green energy works, except for when you need it the most

>>>/qresearch/12949805 Not Even An Ice Storm Can Stop Antifa From Rioting In Portland And Seattle

>>>/qresearch/12949811 Free Speech’ Platform Parler Bans Milo Yiannopoulos — UPDATE: Milo Reinstated

>>>/qresearch/12949820 Fulton Country Director of Elections, Richard Barron, Is Removed From Office – Will They Now Ensure a Valid Audit on Their 2020 Results?

>>>/qresearch/12949829 Judicial Watch Sues Capitol Police for Riot Emails and Video from January 6

>>>/qresearch/12949835 German Nursing Home Whistleblower: "Elderly Dying After COVID Vaccine"

>>>/qresearch/12949837 You can join the $160 Billion lawsuit against Dominion, Facebook, Elected Officials - first of it's kind

>>>/qresearch/12949867 Mars, Nestlé and Hershey to face child slavery lawsuit in US

>>>/qresearch/12949872 Democrats' new 'War on Domestic Terror' - How normal, patriotic, center-right Americans have become 'the enemy'

>>>/qresearch/12949878 Murder By “Vaccine”: The Evidence Mounts

>>>/qresearch/12949881 House Republicans demand Pelosi account for actions before riot Speaker charges lawmakers trying to 'deflect' blame from Trump

>>>/qresearch/12949882 Not your President on No AF1 coming into Milwaukee

>>>/qresearch/12949887 Taking Reservations for Third Annual Trump Impeachment Show

>>>/qresearch/12949893 Biden, Inc Hires Massive Madison Avenue PR to Spin Us on the Awful Things They’re Doing to Us

>>>/qresearch/12949917 Fa.se Flag in San Francisco

>>>/qresearch/12949942 Instagram Announces Policing Of Private Direct Messages, Law Enforcement Team-Up In Latest ‘Hate Speech’ Crackdown

>>>/qresearch/12949951 Marilyn Manson accused of child sex trafficking…

>>>/qresearch/12949964 887,000 and Counting Watch Trump Parade on President’s Day – 47,000 Watch Dementia Joe Biden’s Speech on President’s Day

>>>/qresearch/12949978 ‘Who Else Does Republican Party Have with His Personality, Energy, Vigor, Charisma, and His Courage?’ – Nigel Farage Predicts Trump in 2024

>>>/qresearch/12949999 Corey Lewandowski: Trump Team to Announce Challenger for Never-Trump RINO Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler in Coming Days

>>>/qresearch/12950005 China Passes US as European Union's Largest Trading Partner Amid Historic Investment Agreement

>>>/qresearch/12950007 Steve Bannon to Boston Republicans: Trump will ‘lead us in 2024’

>>>/qresearch/12950017 NYC public school asks parents to ‘reflect’ on their ‘whiteness’

>>>/qresearch/12950029 Zionist Organization of America Dinner, Steve Bannon - Never mentions Israeli criminals

>>>/qresearch/12950060, >>>/qresearch/12950090 Michigan Removes 177,000 Voters From Voter Rolls After Legal Challenge Election watchdog calls settlement a check on voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/12950080, >>>/qresearch/12950101 Rick Wilson BTFO

>>>/qresearch/12950119 Mark Zuckerburg caught red handed talking about (vaccines) modifying DNA and RNA.

>>>/qresearch/12950126 Gas group ‘still waiting’ to see why plants went offline in Texas during cold snap

>>>/qresearch/12950129 Anon dig - I posted the first image and called it Dots point to Lynn De Rothschid a few days ago. Now General Flynn put this out….Look how it connects to Rothschild.

>>>/qresearch/12950131 America First means no dual citizenship?

>>>/qresearch/12950138 Biden Cabal Aims to Erase Donald Trump’s Successes in Combating China

>>>/qresearch/12950166 Crisis PR Fails the Celebs Who Spin Their Sins

>>>/qresearch/12950193 Atlantic Managing Editor Joins Vox as Editor-in-Chief

>>>/qresearch/12950221 Lincoln Project - Evergreen connection, anyone?

>>>/qresearch/12950227 Herrera Beutler said people should not be surprised by her recent statements surrounding impeachment and her conversation with McCarthy.

>>>/qresearch/12950238 #16526a, #16527, #16528

>>>/qresearch/12950240 #16526b

(60 notables, 65 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30172

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12950270 Q Research General #16527: All Roads Lead To MAGA Edition

Created 170112ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12950334 Banking documents reveal consulting giants’ cash windfall under Angolan billionaire Isabel dos Santos

>>>/qresearch/12950403 There's a LOT of electronics in the air and all but one of them are in the Southeast.

>>>/qresearch/12950405 1/2 hour film featuring researchers, medical professionals, pharmacists, journalists from all over the world decrying the validity of the scamdemic itself, the lack of research for the vaccines

>>>/qresearch/12950415 Information warfare, faggots - it's up to us. Consider this a 4 a.m. wake-up call

>>>/qresearch/12950424 US Service Member Injured after Bombs Dropped in Iraq – Iran Suspected – Biden Cabal Does Nothing

>>>/qresearch/12950434 How Sheldon Silver’s Pardon Was Scuttled

>>>/qresearch/12950563 Kamala Harris' ties to the UK

>>>/qresearch/12950577, >>>/qresearch/12950585, >>>/qresearch/12950593 Why did Obama show up everywhere President Trump did? Worldwide Cabal? Controlling Biden?

>>>/qresearch/12950694 US ‘Aggressively’ Communicating With Houthis Via Back Channels? Recruits for ISIS? Negotiating with Terrorists?

>>>/qresearch/12950711 Joe Biden stole Wisconsin with a big vote dump in the middle of the night after Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/12950766 NorthKorea's leader #KimJongUn's wife, Ri Sol Ju, appeared in state media for the first time in more than a year on Wednesday, joining her husband at a concert on one of the country's biggest holidays.

>>>/qresearch/12950794 Kraft Heinz, Conagra Will Start Passing On Soaring Food Costs To Consumers

>>>/qresearch/12950796 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform's New Policy

>>>/qresearch/12950801 WHO sends Ebola alerts to 6 countries after outbreak declared in Guinea, as nations hope to avoid 2014–2016 disaster

>>>/qresearch/12950815, >>>/qresearch/12950980 Alarming ‘Not For Public’ New Biden Interview Vid Leaked (video cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20221220042645/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/751256397599fddacf47d3b6384c16732e38640f7c23fe44ad6c09fb4ee8b6a6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12950861 Joe Biden: "Everyone knows I like kids better than people"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220217003152/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44ab1154cbef06904613de9132ca0e2253df8e642d561391c20d7cd41664df5f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12950878 OK anons this is not normal I planefag here in AsiaPac most days (night shift) and Australia rarely has more than one military plane up.

>>>/qresearch/12950935 Bill Gates says 'all rich nations should move to 100% synthetic beef' to combat climate change

>>>/qresearch/12950956 NEW: John Sullivan, charged for his participation in the Jan. 6 riots, was paid $35,000 apiece from CNN and NBC for his footage inside the Capitol

>>>/qresearch/12951028 #16527

(20 notables, 23 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30173

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12951053 Q Research General #16528: Wake Up And Smell The Covfefe - Time To WIN Edition

Created 170248ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12951190 "Yes," Biden says when directly asked if he wants a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants

>>>/qresearch/12951259 SAM 780 (B737) non-stop from Stockton, CA to DC (?) Swung out over the Gulf to meet up with a KC-35 (now on ground)

>>>/qresearch/12951263, >>>/qresearch/12951299 Massive lie from Joe Biden CNN Townhall: “we didn’t have [the coronavirus vaccine] when we came into office”.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217101829/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/5ea6b91e4829c610b66096e1857cf9fb0ff44753723422fdf25f43df5314286f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12951318 A Democrat small-business owner/brewer asks how small businesses will survive and President Biden’s answer: Inspectors general…?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217102037/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/fdbd4594ef00f5d4be829d19501f70cdfc4c386c2c93f0aca399daaeac317efe.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12951363 Milwaukee BLM and socialist activists are hosting a Joe Biden hate-fest outside of the Pabst Theater town hall.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217102103/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/bcd58015be9642d8a22de30cfa33234d13709428122b3c12b199c5d385d77180.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12951381 Rural Electric Companies Hit Hard by Keystone XL Cancellation

>>>/qresearch/12951430 BREAKING: ANTIFA Terrorist Arrested By FBI After Calling ‘Comrades’ To Kidnap Trump Supporters Using Firearms

>>>/qresearch/12951457 BREAKING: YOU Can Join the $160 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Against Dominion, Zuckerberg, Facebook, Elected Officials, Others…First of Its Kind

>>>/qresearch/12951499, >>>/qresearch/12951527, >>>/qresearch/12951558, >>>/qresearch/12951595, >>>/qresearch/12951621, >>>/qresearch/12951634, >>>/qresearch/12951647 Serious Questions about Vaccines and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)

>>>/qresearch/12951513 Joe Biden’s DHS Blocks Use of Terms ‘Illegal Alien,’ ‘Assimilation’

>>>/qresearch/12951547 DCCC’s Hire, an Ex-Gang Member, Referred to Police as ‘White Supremacists,’ Defended Looting

>>>/qresearch/12951576 Stunning Images Reveal Massive Commercial Jet Parking Lot Amid Travel Collapse

>>>/qresearch/12951590 BIDEN: "No one should go to jail for a drug offense. No one should go to jail for the use of a drug."

>>>/qresearch/12951635 CNN PAID Antifa Agitator at Capitol Riots. Receipts prove it

>>>/qresearch/12951657 Ghislaine Maxwell says she’s losing her hair and was abused by guard behind bars

>>>/qresearch/12951691 Lincoln Project's millions of dollars of internal contracts highlight D.C. habit of self-dealing

>>>/qresearch/12951731 #16528

(17 notables, 24 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30174

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12951753 Q Research General #16529: Night Shift Situational Awareness Edition

Created 170351ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12951891, >>>/qresearch/12951952, >>>/qresearch/12952211 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12951946 NYP: Kim Jong Un makes an appearance. Guess he wasn't dead like the fake news said.

>>>/qresearch/12951960, >>>/qresearch/12952087 CNN & NBC Paid Antifa Agitator at Capitol Riots — Now We’ve Got Receipts to Prove It

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210217102613/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0eb03831e07dbf76e6ff9c55b823e29e0289266ff0b1393da71d730df6611450.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12952024 Breitbart: Biden: Former Military, Police Fueling ‘Growth of White Supremacy’ Groups

>>>/qresearch/12952044 Breitbart: LA County DA Resigns From State DA Association Due to …All-White Board of Directors?

>>>/qresearch/12952047 Sputnik: WHO Says Number of New COVID-19 Cases Falling Worldwide

>>>/qresearch/12952054 WA Dems try to create unemployment program for illegal immigrants with almost no vetting. You can't even contact employer to confirm they're unemployed.

>>>/qresearch/12952064 Dubuque Woman to Spend 30 Years in Prison for Sexually Exploiting Children and Possessing Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/12952131 Sputnik: Email reveals FBI chief Comey approved Trump surveillance despite inability to verify Russia claims

>>>/qresearch/12952272 A woman and an 8-year-old girl are dead due to carbon monoxide poisoning after a car was left running in a garage to help generate heat, Houston police said Tuesday morning.

>>>/qresearch/12952278 Dice: Joe Biden says "bIack on bIack crime" is the primary concern of many minority communities, not police brutality

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217104119/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a86a72f535722cba00d07e00bf4e21bfea4fe39a246eace44c2318bc280915af.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12952288 Thomas Wictor oped: That Means This Isn't Over

>>>/qresearch/12952371 Newsweek: Above-Top Secret contingency plans already exist for what the military is supposed to do if all the Constitutional successors are incapacitated

>>>/qresearch/12952411 Brooke Baldwin announces she’s leaving CNN

>>>/qresearch/12952429 AP: One woman is dead and another is being held in jail for investigation of murder after a fight over the alleged theft of a political sign

>>>/qresearch/12952436 Anons nom: Is this martial law in a legal yet clandestine manner?

>>>/qresearch/12952440, >>>/qresearch/12952544 Kayleigh knows what anons know.

>>>/qresearch/12952533 Really? Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Receives Tri Global Energy's Wind Leadership Award

>>>/qresearch/12952536 The Lincoln Project’s George Conway said Tuesday he supported shuttering his own organization and said his colleagues need to “come clean” about their knowledge of impropriety by one of the group’s co-founders

>>>/qresearch/12952568 #16529, #16530, #16531

(20 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30175

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12952598 Q Research General #16530: The 'Make It Bankrupt And Defunct' Edition

Created 170607ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12952637 SeattlePD: Officer involved shooting at Alaskan Way and Seneca Street. PIO is en route. More information when available.

>>>/qresearch/12952700 Stripes: Someone has defected from NK

>>>/qresearch/12952748 Dice: Joe Biden says black people and Hispanics don’t know how to use the Internet and can’t figure out where to get the vaccine.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217103813/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/05806f628df16920ab973266eca7c31c62ced863cc756ddfbf978bdc698d395b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12952761 Spaceweather: HAMS: "We're monitoring spacecraft around Mars"

>>>/qresearch/12952930 President Trump: The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political "leaders" like Sen. Mitch McConnell

>>>/qresearch/12953029 DM: Multi-million dollar Bel Air mansion where the feds found huge cache of guns belongs to billionaire Getty scion's former mistress

>>>/qresearch/12953042 Biden's America: We’ve had a total of 4 hours of power in 2 1/2 days. Water is also contaminated across the county as a boil water is in effect … It was 7 degrees last night, and will snow again tonight

>>>/qresearch/12953051 Anon dig: there was a lot of secessionist talk here recently and then Biden talks Dark Winter and BOOM on Texas the only state that was talking secession.

>>>/qresearch/12953073 Bloomberg: Tyson Joins Bill Gates, Cargill to Invest in Lab-Meat Producer

>>>/qresearch/12953142 Summit: Report: National Guard To Stay In DC ‘Through Fall 2021’

>>>/qresearch/12953168 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12953224 Anon opines: We’re living in a very strange time as it pertains to language.

>>>/qresearch/12953358 China congratulates Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as WTO's new director-general

>>>/qresearch/12953361 Biden administration urges DHS officials to stop using ‘illegal alien’ in favor of ‘inclusive’ language that fits their narrative. They should be called foreign invaders.

>>>/qresearch/12953379 China Increases Production Of AIP Submarines With Massive New Shipyard

>>>/qresearch/12953406 Afghanistan: 30 Muslims killed in mistake at bomb-making class at mosque

>>>/qresearch/12953425 #16530

(17 notables, 17 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30176

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12953456 Q Research General #16531: The 'R vs D: Two Sides Of The Same Shitcoin' Edition

Created 170931ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12953532 THIS RAISES SERIOUS RED FLAGS: CNN and NBC Paid Black Lives Matter Leader John Sullivan $35,000 apiece for His US Capitol Riot Footage

>>>/qresearch/12953543 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform's New Policy

>>>/qresearch/12953549 Law firm that represented Trump in his bid to overturn the election is hacked: Cyber-criminals steal 100GB of files and post them on the dark web

>>>/qresearch/12953551 Biden won’t “speak out” against the Uighurs genocide because it is just a Chinese "cultural norm".

>>>/qresearch/12953556 Biden Is in Wisconsin Tonight for Highly Scripted CNN “Town Hall”

>>>/qresearch/12953561 The Coming Parent Revolt Over School Reopening They will not sit by while Democrats and teachers unions neglect their children.

>>>/qresearch/12953567 Chuck Schumer Repeatedly Refuses To Answer Questions About Cuomo Nursing Home Mass Murders

>>>/qresearch/12953573 Biden Falsely Claims: ‘We Didn’t Have’ A Vaccine ‘When We Came Into Office’

>>>/qresearch/12953581 Kevin Sorbo left in the dark by Facebook after 500K followers purged: 'Told absolutely nothing’

>>>/qresearch/12953584 Joe Biden Aims to Erase Donald Trump’s Policies in Combating China

>>>/qresearch/12953601 National Guard mission in DC to conclude by mid-March, Pentagon says

>>>/qresearch/12953610 Jen Psaki: Biden Cabal has not ruled out using executive orders to crack down on gun rights

>>>/qresearch/12953629 Media Silence After Biden Removes Petitioning From White House Website

>>>/qresearch/12953637 Man who appeared on ‘Dance Moms’ arrested for sexually abusing students

>>>/qresearch/12953662 Lincoln Project Isolated as Donors and Allies Flee

>>>/qresearch/12953689 Two Lincoln Project Founders Call on Group to Disband

>>>/qresearch/12953697 LA County DA Gascón resigns from state DA group, complains its board is all White

>>>/qresearch/12953707 Secret Service Lets Swamp Slip Through Capitol Checkpoint

>>>/qresearch/12953713 Lincoln Project Co-Founder Reed Galen Tied to Dark Money

>>>/qresearch/12953714 Democrats accuse Cuomo of ‘obstruction of justice’ over nursing home mass murders

>>>/qresearch/12953718 Fauci: ‘I Prefer Not to Comment’ on Gov. Cuomo Mishandling Coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/12953741 The Democrats’ Plan for a Permanent Majority

>>>/qresearch/12953782 Biden Tells CNN FakeNews TownHall fake crowd: ‘I Like Kids Better Than People’

>>>/qresearch/12953803 #16531

(24 notables, 24 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30177

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12965937 Q Research General #16533: spam attack ebake Edition

Created 171537ZFEB21





>>>/qresearch/12966314 Corn belt farmland has lost a third of its carbon-rich soil

>>>/qresearch/12966428 The White House's petty dig at MBS shows Biden is serious about bringing Saudi Arabia to heel

>>>/qresearch/12966588 Janice Dean Needs Help Finding Howard Stern Dirt re: Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/12966597 Hong Kong tycoon Jimmy Lai arrested again while in jail, papers say

>>>/qresearch/12966609 LIVE FCC meeting

>>>/qresearch/12966859, >>>/qresearch/12970079 Why is Joe Biden trying to explain away China's human rights violations?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210217193647/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/eaf68bc2c16541d6a79eb281addc67a1c2b4cd486a7f2895ced05f913e18e296.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12967004, >>>/qresearch/12967376, >>>/qresearch/12967492, >>>/qresearch/12967588, >>>/qresearch/12967696, >>>/qresearch/12967894, >>>/qresearch/12967960 Inside The Military's Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government

>>>/qresearch/12967078 Satellite images show China emptying military camps at border flashpoint with India

>>>/qresearch/12967105 Russia and Japan could be set to officially end WWII after 75 years

>>>/qresearch/12967171 Joe Biden, Warmonger (1999)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hYXf2G6Ng7M - Joe Biden calls for "Japanese-German style occupation" of Serbia [Channel: DCUT 75]

>>>/qresearch/12967317, >>>/qresearch/12970548 At least 20 Dead as record cold winter storms sweep across U.S.

>>>/qresearch/12967363 Bill Gates: These 3 lessons from COVID-19 can help us fight climate change

>>>/qresearch/12967490 @18airbornecorps: Fear The Snow Dragon.

>>>/qresearch/12967669 BIDEN's destruction of America, Day 28

>>>/qresearch/12967680, >>>/qresearch/12970040 PF Reports - 2 California U2 spy planes just 60,000ft.

>>>/qresearch/12967933, >>>/qresearch/12968131, >>>/qresearch/12968205 NEED MORE EYES. WAS $25Billion given to DNC by traitorous dems? These docs show proof

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210217194925/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9d74796504f399dea2a3894d02feb91d41e4a7c6660ece18804413573e4d9f48.pdf

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210217194932/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c4ffa15f8db6dedebfa1a5c35621c0f2b561a76e08cb02a238ef4a3e6b647dda.pdf

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210217194923/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ea9b959de2c451cf05ae6dfe33d5208089b455f17279b8dadf2c8719027a417f.pdf

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210217195004/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2104a75c83039eb8105fa3dcf9a075f0ef2cd6d6970b70e610e2c0db810d0a64.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12968360 MQ-4C TRITON PROGRAM OVERVIEW

>>>/qresearch/12968480 The witch (HRC) is celebrating a disused building (Trump Plaza Hotel) being demolished

>>>/qresearch/12969533 Who Deserves to Have Their Past Mistakes “Forgotten”? (Newspapers rewriting history)

>>>/qresearch/12969577, >>>/qresearch/12970205 Call for operation: #CuomoLiedPeopleDied - Let's get this trending on all social media platforms.

>>>/qresearch/12969770 Does this count as “Watch the Water”? re: Houston water problems

>>>/qresearch/12969974 Shady behaviour by the FBI? George Papadopoulos explains treatment by feds

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ynRF_PCi6oE - Shady behaviour by the FBI? George Papadopoulos explains treatment by feds [Channel: Rebel News Clips]

>>>/qresearch/12970327 ‘Only the strong will survive’: Texas city mayor resigns for lashing out at residents asking for help

>>>/qresearch/12970516 Another US Navy destroyer challenged China in the South China Sea by sailing past contested islands without asking permission

>>>/qresearch/12970604 Biden administration approves $200 million arms sale to Egypt despite concerns over human rights abuses

>>>/qresearch/12970624, >>>/qresearch/12970703, >>>/qresearch/12970798, >>>/qresearch/12971120 OMG! Rush has died! Tears and prayers.

>>>/qresearch/12971060 Instagram Now Reads Your Private Messages To Detect And Ban ‘Hate Speech’

>>>/qresearch/12971169 Oil pushing higher as winter storm cripples US energy sector

>>>/qresearch/12971298 #16533

(30 notables, 45 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30178

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12973498 Q Research General #16535: ebake Edition

Created 171749ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12973515, >>>/qresearch/12974255, >>>/qresearch/12974299, >>>/qresearch/12974333, >>>/qresearch/12974363, >>>/qresearch/12974380, >>>/qresearch/12974390, >>>/qresearch/12974405, >>>/qresearch/12974458, >>>/qresearch/12974477


>>>/qresearch/12974269 Biden campaign 2020 Jeeps → COMMS for Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan (or JEEP)?

>>>/qresearch/12974279 CPS Energy: 'These are no longer rolling outages. They are controlled outags..

>>>/qresearch/12974283 Rush passed away…RIP

>>>/qresearch/12974302 Texas running out of food. Biden’s promised Dark winter is here.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZfQoWOq7vBI - Dark Winter is Here, Millions Without Power, Latest, Feb 17, 2021 [Channel: Leak Project]

>>>/qresearch/12974329 Every living president EXCEPT Trump has called me says Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/12974371 Game[stop] / Game over? or reaching too far?

>>>/qresearch/12974386 Houston's 'Mattress Mack' opens his store so freezing residents with no power can take refuge in the storm: Texans rage as power grid CEO refuses to apologize for deadly outage

>>>/qresearch/12974400 Military being purged of all conservatives, under Biden

>>>/qresearch/12974411 #16534

>>>/qresearch/12974435 Western Governments Are Killing Their Own People … Again. Experimental mRNA Injections in Nursing Homes

>>>/qresearch/12974454 Issue of BLM’s Relationship to the Democratic Party: Black Lives Matter Inland Empire Announces Departure from BLM Global Network.

>>>/qresearch/12974479 #16535, #16536, #16537

(14 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30179

File: 081542f8fc2ade5⋯.jpeg (377.23 KB,1314x830,657:415,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12955708 Q Research General #16532: FaceBook Backpeddles, Who's Next? Edition

Created 171320ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12959717, >>>/qresearch/12959720, >>>/qresearch/12959914, >>>/qresearch/12960077, >>>/qresearch/12961087 Digg on New Italian PM Draghi

>>>/qresearch/12959839 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg takes ‘anti-vax’ stance in violation of own policy

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oXWREk7MVqQ - Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes u2018Anti-Vaxu2019 Stance in Violation of His [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/12959952 Texas Wind Power Dominates Coal In Crossover Year

>>>/qresearch/12960735 Oddly enough one of the cases to be heard on Feb 19th is 17 pages long

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210217153843/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c58508a090967f59c12ebcad56d517f386742bc4e947f160c059ef417eeb0d50.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12961235 We are really the news now, that they have to work to discredit (Biden AF1, halfchan dig)

>>>/qresearch/12961248 Auckland will move into Alert Level 3 for three days

>>>/qresearch/12961665 The whole Board is being Spam Attacked, all breads , everything…

>>>/qresearch/12961716 Sex offender arrested after police find deep-fried human remains while responding to burglary call

>>>/qresearch/12961845 Prince Philip admitted to hospital, expected to remain in care several days

>>>/qresearch/12962062 The House Democratic campaign arm’s plan to label the GOP as the GQP — the party of QAnon

>>>/qresearch/12962148 HOSTILE SOCIAL MEDIA MANIPULATION. Rand Corporation (c) 2019

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20211224212134/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/993f5395c133ed1201cee60ee6cfaddb2709e55154a3a26a98292501e8254b18.pdf

>>>/qresearch/12962152 Officials fear Iran may try to poison Israel's water, country unprepared

>>>/qresearch/12962241 TV station forced to apologize after altering police department’s motto to ‘coffee, corruption, donuts’

>>>/qresearch/12962330 Prince Harry Upset Queen Agrees to strip Royal Patronages

>>>/qresearch/12962371 Kim Jong's Wife Makes First Appearance for a Year. New Baby?

>>>/qresearch/12962503 PF Report - Mystery of this Russian plane might be solved.

>>>/qresearch/12962517 Experts warn Iran could be behind the Florida water supply cyber-hack

>>>/qresearch/12962532 NYC public school asks parents to 'reflect' on their 'whiteness'

>>>/qresearch/12962645 Biden "exits stage right" with VC-25A

>>>/qresearch/12962960, >>>/qresearch/12964317 North Korean hackers tried breaking into the computer systems of pharmaceutical company Pfizer

>>>/qresearch/12963386, >>>/qresearch/12963593 Trump took model of redesigned Air Force One from White House and has it on a coffee table at Mar-a-Lago

>>>/qresearch/12963663 China overtakes US to become EU's top trading partner

>>>/qresearch/12963945 Now, Climate Change caused the storm in Texas, not weather modification…nothing to see here folks.

>>>/qresearch/12963984 Covid-Linked Syndrome in Children Is Growing and Cases Are More Severe

>>>/qresearch/12964009, >>>/qresearch/12964092, >>>/qresearch/12964410, >>>/qresearch/12964547 Looks like someone dug up proof that $25 Billion was stolen/misplaced from Republican PACS and placed into the Biden for President PAC and other DNC PACs. Needs eyes.

>>>/qresearch/12964043 Facebook fined 7 million euros in Italy after refusing to address user data concerns

>>>/qresearch/12964132 Former Detroit TV News anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels dies just a day after taking vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12964136 #AmyCooper, the #NewYork woman from a viral video who called police on a black man freed from criminal charge

>>>/qresearch/12964199 Organizers now claim they have gathered the 1.5 Million needed Signatures for the RECALL

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yt2QChU_0Z8 - Newsom recall effort hits major milestone [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12964785 Be prepared to be without power through Wednesday, possibly longer, Austin Energy says

>>>/qresearch/12964832 #16532, >>12971298 #16533, >>12974411 #16534

(31 notables, 40 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30226

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12971470 Q Research General #16534: Talent on Loan From God Returns Home Edition Edition

Created 171722ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12971963 Cop Caught In The Act, On-Duty Attempting Sex with a Child and He Is Still on the Job

>>>/qresearch/12972146 Qmap: 1 year delta (Game Over)

>>>/qresearch/12972149 Joe Biden Poised To Turn 9th Circuit Court Hard Left

>>>/qresearch/12972642 Biden campaign 2020 Jeeps → COMMS for Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan

>>>/qresearch/12972643 BLOOD MONEY: CNN, NBC, etc Paid BLM/Antifa Activist Who Broke into Capitol on Jan 6 $77,000

>>>/qresearch/12972738 Millions remain in the dark in Texas as Midwest, South endure deep freeze

>>>/qresearch/12972747 GOP Report: Secretary of State Blinken Founded Firm That Received Chinese Money for DOD Research-Linked Universities

>>>/qresearch/12972756, >>>/qresearch/12972758 NOTABLES ARCHIVE UPDATED

>>>/qresearch/12972769 Three North Korean Military Hackers Indicted in Wide-Ranging Scheme to Commit Cyberattacks and Financial Crimes Across he globe

>>>/qresearch/12972775 Joe Biden Recommits to Amnesty for Illegal Aliens as 17M Americans Are Jobless

>>>/qresearch/12972788 Bette Midler Suggests Texas Deadly Winter Storm Is ‘Payback’ from God to Senators Cruz, Cornyn

>>>/qresearch/12972814 Owner of app that hijacked millions of devices with one update exposes buy-to-infect scam

(12 notables, 13 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30227

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12974464 Q Research General #16536: Anons FIGHT Edition

Created 171815ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12974638 You have more than you know.

>>>/qresearch/12974905, >>>/qresearch/12974918 anons over target situational awareness protocol

>>>/qresearch/12974922 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/12974969 Direct evidence of theft from the SolarWinds hack?

>>>/qresearch/12974991 Israeli Defense Ministry delays giving state prosecutor info on Guatemala arms sales

>>>/qresearch/12975013 'Israeli tycoon Steinmetz told me to pay for dirt on Soros'

>>>/qresearch/12975019, >>>/qresearch/12975032 Talk Radio Legend Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70

>>>/qresearch/12975064 Anon accurately documents the gerbil op

>>>/qresearch/12975096 All NATIONS - Breads are ALL being spammed - Your bakers are working the issues

>>>/qresearch/12975105 E4-B Nightwatch, callsign ORDER66, took off from Edwards AFB doing a touch and go at Vandenberg. A C-5M Galaxy also close by callsign ABIDE55. yes sir o7

>>>/qresearch/12975139 Rudy Giuliani remembers Rush as "Most influential commentator in the world"

>>>/qresearch/12975141 "Cuomo said 'he can destroy me': NY assemblyman alleges governor threatened him over nursing homes scandal"…

>>>/qresearch/12975250 Unidentified plane hex# AE66CE possibly a P-8 or E-2 Hawkeye circling Fayetteville.

>>>/qresearch/12975272 Eric Schmidt, Jeff Bezos, and Ghislaine Maxwell (pic)

>>>/qresearch/12975277 BREAKING: South Carolina House passes a ban on nearly all abortions, a bill the Republican governor has promised to sign

>>>/qresearch/12975289 Anon reports - FoxNews shows vid of Rush interviewing George HW Bush on 9-11-1992.

>>>/qresearch/12975292 Taiwan Says Deal To Buy 5 Million Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccines On Hold, Hints At Pressure From China

>>>/qresearch/12975295 NY Robinhood rival Public raises $220M at billion-dollar valuation

>>>/qresearch/12975307 Non mask wearers being made to wear yellow exemption stickers in UK supermarkets

>>>/qresearch/12975317 Foreign delegates visit Montana before U.S. CENTCOM event

>>>/qresearch/12975318, >>>/qresearch/12975321 Comey Memo to Clapper Exposes Attempt to Take Down Trump Feb 17, 2021

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ktkkNJYnRDI - Comey Memo to Clapper Exposes Attempt to Take Down Trump [Channel: Alexander Mercouris]

>>>/qresearch/12975323 UK PF Report

>>>/qresearch/12975336 President Trump releases a note of condolence and honors the legacy left behind by talk radio and conservative legend, Rush Limbaugh.

>>>/qresearch/12975356 Anon reports - Defiantly trying to hide something. 4chan /pol/ is full of irrelevant slide thread after irrelevant slide thread, so it's not just here.

>>>/qresearch/12975370 AOC Cat fight brewing, check it. Green Bad Deal..

>>>/qresearch/12975385 California is requiring signature verification for Gavin Newsom’s recall, but didn’t require it for the mail in ballots during the presidential election.

>>>/qresearch/12975404 Hold the line Texans. Abbott must resign and admit the epic green energy failure. He must be held accountable What are Abbott’s connections to China?

>>>/qresearch/12975425 EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 7th 2021 Audio recording John Sullivan is confronted about his father being in "psyops" He says, "I know we were going to storm the Capitol"

>>>/qresearch/12975464 PF Report SAM 652 Up

>>>/qresearch/12975466 NSA - While these days can prove challenging, NSA remains on mission in defense of the nation — 24/7.

>>>/qresearch/12975493 Seven People Shot In Broad Daylight Near Olney Transportation Station, Philadelphia Police Say

>>>/qresearch/12975497 "Prophet" Robin Bullock says that Trump is still president and that President Joe Biden "doesn't exist": "They all know he's not real."

>>>/qresearch/12975533 Sean Hannity to interview President Trump tonight on 'Hannity' FoxNews program

>>>/qresearch/12975551 >>12974479 #16535, #16536, #16537

(34 notables, 37 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30228

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12975548 Q Research General #16537: Great Awakening Is Accelerating Edition

Created 172109ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12975646 Psaki Says Coal and Natural Gas – NOT Frozen Wind Turbines Caused Power Grid Failure in Texas Cold Snap

>>>/qresearch/12975663 5.6-Magnitude Quake Rocks Southwest Iran, Seismologists Say

>>>/qresearch/12975667 Thai Woman Extradited To U.S., Indicted For Role In International Sex Trafficking Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/12975670 Facebook to restrict sharing or viewing Australian and international news content

>>>/qresearch/12975688 Washington Post Fact Checker Defends Biden Lie on Vaccines: ‘It Was a Verbal Stumble’

>>>/qresearch/12975707 Guided-missile destroyer Winston Churchill seizes thousands of illicit weapons from dhows off Somalia coast

>>>/qresearch/12975715 Goodyear man sentenced to 20 years in prison for sexual exploitation of minor following HSI investigation

>>>/qresearch/12975724 Democrat House Members Break With Party over False DCCC Ads Alleging All Republicans Are Q Research followers

>>>/qresearch/12975735 About a third of troops have turned down the COVID-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/12975745 45th President of the United States Donald Trump joins Greg Kelly Reports to discuss the passing of Rush Limbaugh and beyond.

>>>/qresearch/12975751 At Least Seven People Shot in Mass Shooting Near Transit Station in North Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/12975754 Large Cache of Terrorist Weapons Discovered in Syria's Homs Province, Russian Military Says

>>>/qresearch/12975774, >>>/qresearch/12975799 Cuomo said 'he can destroy me': NY assemblyman alleges governor threatened him over nursing homes scandal

>>>/qresearch/12975788 Biden on ‘short leash’ as Cabal rethinks China relations

>>>/qresearch/12975886 SICK: CNN Ghoulishly Attacks Rush Limbaugh On The Day of His Death (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eJYVcRxs34E - SICK: CNN Ghoulishly Attacks Rush Limbaugh On The Day of His Death [Channel: DronetekPolitics]

>>>/qresearch/12975932 DEA dismantles NYC’s first known meth conversion lab in the Bronx

>>>/qresearch/12975944 Russia Blasts Biden Regime For ‘Persecution’ Of Trump Supporters, Political Dissidents

>>>/qresearch/12975981 15 Gunmen Arrested After Shootout in Cancun

>>>/qresearch/12975993 Lockdowns, masks destroying mental health of children and young people

>>>/qresearch/12976007 President Trump is Now More Popular than Ronald Reagan Among Republicans

>>>/qresearch/12976015, >>>/qresearch/12976240 BREAKING: Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church of Edmonton was just carried off to jail in hand and ankle cuffs for preaching

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Dh6nXD4Rtg0

>>>/qresearch/12976028 Absolute Proof Please share with everyone you know to help save our country!

>>>/qresearch/12976063 Thailand’s top child modelling agent arrested after police discover half a million images of sex abuse

>>>/qresearch/12976083 Taxes on the Rich: One-Sixth of What They Used to Be

>>>/qresearch/12976090 MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Oddly Silent on Lincoln Project Implosion After Boosting Its Top Leaders


>>>/qresearch/12976118 Democrats are demanding $350 billion for state and local governments. But do states and local governments really need it?

>>>/qresearch/12976134 RNC CHAIRWOMAN: The RNC will "play a crucial role in restoring confidence in our elections" (RNC is on life support in reality)

>>>/qresearch/12976137 Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip, 99, Admitted to Hospital

>>>/qresearch/12976166 Chimpanzees Die After Texas Wildlife Sanctuary Loses Power in Winter Storm

>>>/qresearch/12976175 Cuomo now in SERIOUS trouble, caught orchestrating the coverup and threatening people.

>>>/qresearch/12976192 Grand Jury Indicts Georgia District Attorney on Felony Charges After Sexual Harassment Allegations, Leaked Recording

>>>/qresearch/12976200 BIDEN'S DISHONESTY

>>>/qresearch/12976202 Durham Congratulates 3 AUSAs Nominated to be Connecticut Superior Court Judges

>>>/qresearch/12976203 POTUS on OANN soon

>>>/qresearch/12976249 Texas TikTok users share nightmare videos of water pouring from burst pipes

>>>/qresearch/12976267, >>>/qresearch/12976280 In Georgia, a New District Attorney Starts Circling Trump and His Allies

>>>/qresearch/12976281, >>>/qresearch/12976307 Narrative building in Texas to slow the Great Awakening?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210218040838/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/85443cff56e2691a4751ed58bc872127c92c7b6c1a32d1470ccbb6a3c72ed282.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12976313 Direct evidence of theft from the SolarWinds hack?

>>>/qresearch/12976331 Disney Announces New Movie Telling Sympathetic Feminist Origin Story Of Xenomorph Queen

>>>/qresearch/12976335 Baker's note - use youtube link instead of pic to bake in case of attacks

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg - Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima – Slow Motion [Channel: AiirSource Military]

>>>/qresearch/12976347 Billions of dollars in transfers… That's with a (B) NRA missing ALOT of money right now

>>>/qresearch/12976363 DJT Jr - My thoughts on the loss of an American Legend, Rush Limbaugh today. Check it out. #rush #RushLimbaugh

>>>/qresearch/12976375 Large cache of terrorist weapons discovered in Syria's Homs province, Russian military says (Biden Cabal re-arming ISIS?)

>>>/qresearch/12976388 #16537

(45 notables, 49 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30229

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12976392 Q Research General #16538: President Trump On OANN NewsMax FoxNews Tonight Edition

Created 172325ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12976502 South Carolina passes bill banning nearly all abortions — and Democrats throw a temper tantrum

>>>/qresearch/12976519 Calif. Governor, Lawmakers Strike Deal on COVID Relief Package; 5.7M To Receive Stimulus Checks

>>>/qresearch/12976527 KENTUCKY: County GOP Demands McConnell Resign After Trump Slams ‘Dour, Sullen, Unsmiling Political Hack’ In Statement

>>>/qresearch/12976546 Houthi Snipers Hunt Down Saudi-led Coalition Fighters, Equipment On Several Fronts (Biden Cabal new ISIS)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rI48nCFAlYk - # [Channel: alyaman]

>>>/qresearch/12976614 Former Subcontractor Sentenced for Obstruction of Justice

>>>/qresearch/12976626 A Trump criminal probe in Georgia expands to include Sen. Lindsey Graham

>>>/qresearch/12976636 The model of Donald Trump's proposed revision of the color scheme of Air Force One that was once in the Oval Office is now on display on a coffee table in the lobby of Mar-A-Lago


>>>/qresearch/12976647 Rinos trying to snow electorate on stolen election

>>>/qresearch/12976658 SICK Group focuses on the development, production, and distribution of sensors, systems, and services for industrial automation technology.(video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_gU9419zYTE - SICK AG Corporate Video: THIS IS SICK Sensor Intelligence. | SICK AG [Channel: SICK Sensor Intelligence.]

>>>/qresearch/12976661 Facebook deletes Australian news

>>>/qresearch/12976722 OANN will be replaying Trump interview all night - anon report

>>>/qresearch/12976731 Pres. Trump on the election: “We were robbed. It was a rigged election. And Rush let his thoughts and ideas be known.”

>>>/qresearch/12976758 Pres Trump live on Newsmax

>>>/qresearch/12976778 Trump Impeachment Attorney Canceled by Law School, Civil Rights Law Group

>>>/qresearch/12976839 Fake News attempting to cover up the 'Green Raw Deal' power outages in Texas

>>>/qresearch/12976851, >>>/qresearch/12976932 Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan (or JEEP)

>>>/qresearch/12976861 US Spent Nearly A Billion Dollars On ‘Gender Equality’ Projects In Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/12976886 Disney 1959 The Future - Weather Control (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FiUiw7ukQgY - Disney's 1959 Eyes in Outer Space 3 of 3 - The Future - Weather Control [Channel: Tomorrowland1950s]

>>>/qresearch/12976919 FBI probing Cuomo's handling of COVID in nursing homes (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=thjX9yJK77U - FBI probing Cuomo's handling of COVID in nursing homes: Report [Channel: Fox Business]

>>>/qresearch/12976938 Nielsen Launches Gracenote Inclusion Analytics To Bolster Diversity On TV

>>>/qresearch/12976939 NEW: On an interview with Newsmax, former Pres. Trump stated that he is considering building his own social media platform, won't be back on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/12977035 L.A. County DA George Gascon Speaks Out on Chateau Marmont Racial Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct Claims

>>>/qresearch/12977052 Resignation - Frontier Communications chooses Vodafone CEO as its new CEO to take over company after emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

>>>/qresearch/12977074 #16538

(25 notables, 26 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30230

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12977155 Q Research General #16539: President Trump Back In The Saddle Tonight Edition

Created 180105ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12977354 Excellent thread on Thomas Wictor's theory concerning the military acting against domestic enemies

>>>/qresearch/12977387, >>>/qresearch/12977610 Fake News trying to cover up the 'Green Raw Deal' power grid failure in Texas

>>>/qresearch/12977411 Trump Impeachment Attorney Canceled by Law School, Civil Rights Law Group

>>>/qresearch/12977426 House Hearing today on Slavery Reparations?

>>>/qresearch/12977438 (You) have more than you know.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=m3ioJGMCr-Y - John Stockwell - CIA's War on Humans [Channel: Soliloquy Monologues]

>>>/qresearch/12977469 Texas Gov. Abbott gives update on winter climate event (live video link)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YU9h1b7CvSE - WATCH: Texas Gov. Abbott gives update on winter climate event [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/12977472 President Trump - Rush Limbaugh a unique gentleman

>>>/qresearch/12977475 Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Expresses Concern About COVID-19 Vaccines in Leaked Footage

>>>/qresearch/12977488 Cuomo threatens Democrat Ron Kim over nursing home scandal: ‘You will be destroyed’

>>>/qresearch/12977499 Vladimir Putin's 'secret daughter' says she's enjoying the 'limelight'

>>>/qresearch/12977548 The names of the groups Bono and wife are involved in.

>>>/qresearch/12977570 Information WATERFALL 2 yr delta

>>>/qresearch/12977600 Donald Trump speaks out about 'soft' Mitch, a 2024 run, Twitter ban, Cuomo, Hillary and more (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=s_ndFKvUGLg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>>/qresearch/12977653, >>>/qresearch/12977905 Texas energy loading charts 2/10 - 2/17/21 (need link)

>>>/qresearch/12977676 OUTRAGEOUS: After Abandoning Trump and Allowing Landslide Election to be Stolen, Republican “Leaders” Now Want to Look Into Election Integrity – What Garbage!

>>>/qresearch/12977725 Everything They Don't Like Is Now a Public Health Emergency

>>>/qresearch/12977741 Biden Cabal signals green light for reparations study as Congress press bill to examine slavery & discrimination from 1619 to present

>>>/qresearch/12977800 Understanding The Dangers Of Innovation Zones And Smart Cities

>>>/qresearch/12977810, >>>/qresearch/12977817 Facebook has cut Australians ability to communicate with the out side world, as they prepare for mass population vaccination, next week

>>>/qresearch/12977816 The WEF Agenda Behind Modi Farm Reform

>>>/qresearch/12977832 States that imposed lockdown have more China Virus deaths per million compared to no-lockdown states

>>>/qresearch/12977853 Australia takes on Big Tech, so Facebook blocks ALL news stories from Australia for the entire world

>>>/qresearch/12977886 Facebook ban on Australian news slammed as wrong by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg

>>>/qresearch/12977895 The Facebook page of Western Australia's opposition leader has been blocked, three weeks ahead of the state election.

>>>/qresearch/12977902, >>>/qresearch/12977913 Parliament in France Passes Anti-Islamist Bill

>>>/qresearch/12977914 Vatican Conference to Promote Mary as ‘a Jewish, Christian and Muslim Woman’

>>>/qresearch/12977921 Israeli PM Netanyahu says he had ‘friendly and warm’ call with Cabal puppet Biden

>>>/qresearch/12977929 Biden: White supremacists are ‘the most dangerous people’ in America

>>>/qresearch/12977944 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Behind ‘Anti-Racist’ Math Push

>>>/qresearch/12977947 I ran a quick check and there are 10 drops with the word 'rush'; exactly ONE with 'Rush"

>>>/qresearch/12977953 Biden Cabal will pay WHO $200+ million membership dues blocked by Trump

>>>/qresearch/12977954 @RepDLamborn Tomorrow, I will introduce a resolution honoring the life and legacy of Rush Limbaugh.

>>>/qresearch/12977960 PA accidentally gives out 2nd doses as first doses.

>>>/qresearch/12977990 #16539

(34 notables, 38 posts, 51 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30231

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12978005 Q Research General #16540: Australia Comms Are Going Dark Before MASS Vaccination Edition

Created 180254ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12978075 USC, O.J. Simpson’s Alma Mater to Host Panel Discussion with Founder of Scandal-Plagued Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/12978080 Why Is AIPAC Staying Silent on Netanyahu’s Latest Electoral Deal With Racists and Homophobes?

>>>/qresearch/12978102 Sexual abuse survivor wants former boys' school principal stripped of Order of Australia award

>>>/qresearch/12978106 Civil lawsuits against BLM/Antifa victim Kyle Rittenhouse dismissed

>>>/qresearch/12978110 Sexual violence against children being used as a ‘weapon’ of war

>>>/qresearch/12978126 Act Now: Stop Bill that Removes Parents from Medical Decision-making

>>>/qresearch/12978140 New York State Senate Democrats are moving to strip Gov. Cuomo of his emergency powers -NYT (arrest for mass murder is appropriate)


>>>/qresearch/12978166 Facebook has wiped Australian media from their platform

>>>/qresearch/12978201 US Navy V-22 Osprey east from North Island heading to El Centro NAF

>>>/qresearch/12978214 ORDER66 doing touch and goes with RATS33 earlier and now with ARRIS99 at March AFB.

>>>/qresearch/12978218 FBI, US Attorney investigating NY Gov. Cuomo administration handling of nursing home crisis: Report

>>>/qresearch/12978221 Facebook Dictator backtracks on MRNA vaccines that alter your DNA sequencing

>>>/qresearch/12978238 The Reddit and YouTube trading star known as “Roaring Kitty” is set to testify before the U.S. House Financial Services Committee on Thursday.

>>>/qresearch/12978242 Biden pac money transfers deep dive.

>>>/qresearch/12978247 Dig on DNA re-sequencing by MRNA vaccines - Looking bad anons

>>>/qresearch/12978256 When does the military have the right to step in?

>>>/qresearch/12978257 IN CASE YOU MISSED IT @kayleighmcenany on pedo Biden - "Everyone knows I love kids better than people.”

>>>/qresearch/12978279 Lou Dobbs Rest in peace legend!

>>>/qresearch/12978302 Fountain in front of White House lit up I've been watching for weeks. First time this has been lit.

>>>/qresearch/12978332 Bill Gates sets off backlash after suggesting rich countries should eat only synthetic beef

>>>/qresearch/12978361 REST IN PEACE RUSH: Limbaugh Discusses Cowardice On The Right With James O'Keefe (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vdYknLbfNb8 - REST IN PEACE RUSH: Limbaugh Discusses Cowardice On The Right With James O'Keefe [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/12978368 Anon story about Rush Limbaugh call - major kek

>>>/qresearch/12978389 0 callsign out of 'Canon' Air Force base flew east over Wichita falls did a 180º turn, now flying due west approaching CA.

>>>/qresearch/12978466 CUOMO LIED, PEOPLE DIED

>>>/qresearch/12978576 Maybe now Lin Wood will return my call? This makes 2x connections between Isaac Kappy & Justice Roberts.

>>>/qresearch/12978605 Atlantic City, NJ Trump Plaza Hotel demolished

>>>/qresearch/12978611 Hollywood shouldn't be telling ANYBODY what is morally right or wrong

>>>/qresearch/12978627 CABAL01 flying west from Tampa 40 knots and tracking fast. 62-3564 United States K35R Boeing KC135R Stratotanker


>>>/qresearch/12978680 Boat dock holding several people in house boats collapses into freezing water in Old Hickory, Tennessee

>>>/qresearch/12978682 Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk is a high-altitude, remotely-piloted, surveillance aircraft

>>>/qresearch/12978684 “If They Can Harass and Silence a Professional Journalist, They Can Silence Anybody” – Twitter Bans Top Conservative Investigative Journalist Paul Sperry Without Warning

>>>/qresearch/12978693 8bit / BV / BO's hanging out in a thread tonight

>>>/qresearch/12978750 Trump Pays Tribute To Rush Limbaugh, Talks 2024 And More In Phone Interview

>>>/qresearch/12978756 Military members resisting getting COVID vaccination

>>>/qresearch/12978837 #16540

(37 notables, 37 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30232

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12978842 Q Research General #16541: 500 Internal Server Error Edition

Created 180445ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12978917 OAN: Report: Military Members Resisting Getting COVID Vaccination

>>>/qresearch/12978960, >>>/qresearch/12978965, >>>/qresearch/12978987 Lin Wood illuminates the Cabal search and destroy on Trump supporters

>>>/qresearch/12978983 Hong Kong Aiming For Legislation To Ban Insulting Public Officials

>>>/qresearch/12978992 Lincoln Project Founder Paid Off Mortgage Days After NYT Reported on Weaver Scandal

>>>/qresearch/12979013 Police investigating cocaine sex scandal allegations implicating Labor NT members

>>>/qresearch/12979014 Just add regular text to your posts to combat the 500 internal server error

>>>/qresearch/12979015 So gerontocidal maniac Cuomo sent thousands of elderly nursing home residents to their death, wrote a book and won an Emmy for it?

>>>/qresearch/12979018 Barcelona protests erupt in violence for second night in a row after Spanish rapper arrested for insulting king

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mEIxH353slU - LIVE: Protest over arrest of Pablo Hasel takes place in Barcelona [Channel: Ruptly]

>>>/qresearch/12979021 Wuhan Institute Of Virology Research Partner Took $750,000 In Pandemic Relief Funds

>>>/qresearch/12979046 The 1st Canadian pastor to be jailed for holding a church service

>>>/qresearch/12979083 Audio and transcript from Rush Limbaugh's wife concerning his passing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=m-118-9V1Kc - Rush Limbaugh | Kathryn Adams Limbaugh on Our Beloved Rush [Channel: The Rush Limbaugh Show Official]

>>>/qresearch/12979084 Erase back to html and put a ? after html before posting works

>>>/qresearch/12979210 Rush from his TV show days. - The same thing he says about ribbons can be applied to masks today. The left is all about virtue signaling and control. (video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210218082311/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/df3b14495b508b5ed923a5414fe6d628965743d2125444208e6c7383c12bef8e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12979216 If this site goes down

>>>/qresearch/12979409 Snow on the walls of Jerusalem

>>>/qresearch/12979663 Original Newsmax Kelly/Trump Interview Removed

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eqCmtyFaGEI - VIDEO: President @real_DonaldJTrumpu2019s full interview with @NewsmaxTVu2019s G [Channel: Donald Trump Jr - FANS]

>>>/qresearch/12979700 Just confirmed @SenTedCruz and his family flew to Cancun tonight

>>>/qresearch/12979735 The #antifa who pointed out the videographer so she could be assaulted

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210218115216/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f4d5e10e1a7487dff68320b4bcb3d775813d980a7488204bf7ec4c8d07212cd3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12979867 new baker self confirming

>>>/qresearch/12979893 1/2 Chan thread, war coming in middle east?

>>>/qresearch/12979925 DJTjr. We love Junior.

>>>/qresearch/12979936 get a load of this shit

>>>/qresearch/12979939 JUST IN - Messaging app #Telegram is planning to raise $1 billion in a bond offering for a handful of selected investors.

>>>/qresearch/12979992 Who is ++?

>>>/qresearch/12980001 vaccines and the risk of Prion disease

>>>/qresearch/12980029 European (Dutch) auction house selling plots of american land to the general public

>>>/qresearch/12980042 Russian Foreign Ministry lambasting the United States government for “ongoing persecution campaign” against anyone who does not agree with the results of the latest presidential election.”

>>>/qresearch/12980059 The White House was listed on Zillow for sale by a "3rdParty"

>>>/qresearch/12980099 3 year delta

>>>/qresearch/12980107 #16541

(30 notables, 32 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30233

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12980122 Q Research General #16542: Military Members Resisting Getting COVID Vaccination Edition

Created 181030ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12980171 See the Jeffrey Epstein Court Documents a Federal Judge Ordered to be Destroyed (PDFs)

>>>/qresearch/12980178 Nevada to become Smart Crypto City Through Blockchains LLC

>>>/qresearch/12980190 Biden recommits to amnesty for 22 million illegal aliens

>>>/qresearch/12980200 Republican panel appointed to target integrity of elections

>>>/qresearch/12980220 New York ends mandatory covid testing in schools

>>>/qresearch/12980294 This sums up what you want to know about power shortages in Texas!

>>>/qresearch/12980342 Leftist Blue Checks Mock Rush Limbaugh, Celebrate Passing with ‘#RestInPiss’

>>>/qresearch/12980364 Exciting times. You could have been born another time. You get to witness and participate in History!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20201112160738/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/726ff818e8c0d9197137d734bebc22aa5ec96d43b448a698617711ff1f2e24cd.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12980369 One day away from the Supreme Court hearing!

>>>/qresearch/12980378 Biden administration has cash flow problems?


>>>/qresearch/12980410 Who killed more New Yorkers?


>>>/qresearch/12980442 Bill Gates talks with Biden Administration on vaccines

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aZ9OhDFwb-I - Bill Gates: J&J, Novavax vaccines retain 'a lot of capability' against variants [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>>/qresearch/12980474 Stroppy Me's latest "drain the swamp: news

>>>/qresearch/12980477 Democrat House Members Break With Party over False DCCC Ads Alleging All Republicans Are QAnon

>>>/qresearch/12980493 TEXAS RESIDENTS: Check your Mask Mandates, Austin's ended on February 16th

>>>/qresearch/12980497 General practices stand to receive between $65 and $74.90 for each fully vaccinated patient.

>>>/qresearch/12980514 "Ted Cruz on a flight to Cancun"

>>>/qresearch/12980517 Looks like Texas shut down the wind generators around Feb 8th, long BEFORE the storm hit.

>>>/qresearch/12980576 In the middle of summer, a shitload of energy hog AC's are running in Texas. The power overload is bullshit.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EfGhdzlakmw - Top energy researcher in Texas on what went wrong with the state's power grid, a [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>>/qresearch/12980611 Supreme Court sits on Trump's Tax Return case and Isn't Saying Why

>>>/qresearch/12980685 It's not the Covid-19 deaths that are a problem, it's the infected "survivors"

>>>/qresearch/12980699 Planefag report - o7 pf

>>>/qresearch/12980704 Dems Never let a crisis go to waste…

>>>/qresearch/12980708 "Where the pedovores roam"

>>>/qresearch/12980784 Natural gas provider urges energy conservation from customers

>>>/qresearch/12980790 rare earth stuff going on here in the US

>>>/qresearch/12980812 China hits Canada for statement against arbitrary detention

>>>/qresearch/12980832 De Blasio calls for Covid-19 probe, pullback of Cuomo’s powers

>>>/qresearch/12980910 #16542

(31 notables, 31 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30234

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12980919 Q Research General #16543: See Jeffrey Epstein documents ordered destroyed Edition

Created 181436ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12980971 5 Texas ERCOT board members don't live in Texas

>>>/qresearch/12981000 Five out of six of the most 'liked' news pages on Facebook are Chinese purely promoting propaganda to foreigners or Chinese living abroad

>>>/qresearch/12981007 Activist suggests paying criminals not to kill to cut Baltimore crime rate

>>>/qresearch/12981017 Number of Migrant Families Arriving from Mexico Hits Pre-Pandemic Levels

>>>/qresearch/12981025 Trouble posting and getting error, post some text with it

>>>/qresearch/12981073 Awesome President's Day Flyover at Mar-a_Lago

>>>/qresearch/12981074 US President Joe Biden is expected to deliver the annual State of the Union address on 23 February 2021

>>>/qresearch/12981075 this is who cnn has on, one of many Ds pol hacks, trying to blame Abbot for ERCOT failure to buy coal

>>>/qresearch/12981086 help and do your part, LAST CHANCE TOMORROW FOR THE SCOTUS CASES TO BE GIVEN A SHOT.

>>>/qresearch/12981118 site to keep an eye on and digg

>>>/qresearch/12981133 Is WHO's working to protect US researcher sand their Government sponsors?

>>>/qresearch/12981139 People get death threats for dining indoors during the pandemic

>>>/qresearch/12981160 James Goldsmith warnered the US Senate what would happen if they passed the General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs known as GATT.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YnL352yANA8 - Senate Commerce Committee on GATT: 03.08.95 [Channel: Sir James Goldsmith]

>>>/qresearch/12981203 Facebook Just BANNED Basically The ENTIRE Country Of Australia

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6OMraR6Ct0Y - Facebook Just BANNED Basically The ENTIRE Country Of Australia In Most INSANE Ac [Channel: Timcast]

>>>/qresearch/12981214 Supreme Court Building will be closed to the public until further notice


>>>/qresearch/12981250 Mario Draghi goes to Italy's bedside and promises radical remedies

>>>/qresearch/12981269 Psaki Says Coal and Natural Gas – NOT Frozen Wind Turbines Caused Power Grid Failure in Texas Cold Snap

>>>/qresearch/12981277 Rush Limbaugh and his wife Kathryn Rogers at a Roy Black party. Jeffrey Epstein's Lawyer.

>>>/qresearch/12981283 BREAKING: NYPD Bomb Squad on scene after a grenade was found on the sidewalk in Queens. Nearby homes evacuated.

>>>/qresearch/12981316 Texas Frozen Chaos Becomes Global Oil Market Nightmare With 40% Of US Crude Production Offline

>>>/qresearch/12981320 Planefags ponder hidden message o7 to PF's

>>>/qresearch/12981328 Democrat Senators Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer released a statement urging Joe Biden to “cancel student loan debt” the morning after he said he wouldn’t cancel $50,000 in debt

>>>/qresearch/12981352 "More Recent Ghislaine Maxwell Depositions" from the link below and there are Bill Cosby court docs mixed in.

>>>/qresearch/12981366 It's all about gaining access, yeah.

>>>/qresearch/12981377 Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) holds her weekly press briefing with reporters on Thursday morning.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hKsSqzfR4V0 - WATCH LIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds weekly news briefing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/12981493 "NEW: President Biden has authorized the Wuhan Institute of Virology to receive US taxpayer funding through 2024

>>>/qresearch/12981499 JUST IN - U.S. Capitol Police officials told congressional leaders the razor-wire topped fencing around the Capitol should remain in place until September

>>>/qresearch/12981521 Donald Trump to Newsmax TV: Biden Lying or 'Mentally Gone' on Vaccine Gaffe

>>>/qresearch/12981531 NASA's Mars rover is hours away from a nail-biting landing attempt

>>>/qresearch/12981543 Bob Dole diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer

>>>/qresearch/12981659 #16543

>>>/qresearch/12981681 Coming up on a 3 yr [DELTA]

>>>/qresearch/12981906 There is a lot of conflicting "information" about the TX blackouts.

>>>/qresearch/12982074 #16543 Final notables @675

(35 notables, 35 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30235

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12982417 Q Research General #16544: "ERCOT board members don't live in Texas" Edition

Created 181728ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12982621, >>>/qresearch/12982744, >>>/qresearch/12983425 COVID JOB BULLSHIT! Israel, Vatican to bar unvaccinated people from some jobs, says health minister

>>>/qresearch/12982629 Robinhood CEO, Reddit Co-Founder & Others Testify on GameStop Stock - Just switched over to Nancy and the House floor

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sFd4-a83Su0 - Robinhood CEO, Reddit Co-Founder & Others Testify on GameStop Stock [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12982681 BBC names as new chair ex-Goldman Sachs banker who advised Boris Johnson and gave £400k to UK's ruling party

>>>/qresearch/12982716 Why would China Recieve American Taxpayer Funds? JUST IN: Wuhan Institute of Virology eligible to receive US taxpayer funding through 2024 - President Biden has committed to providing the WHO with $200 million in US taxpayer dollars

>>>/qresearch/12982722 "Youtube is Faggot" ~ YouTube Removes President Trump’s Interview with Greg Kelly from Newsmax on Rush Limbaugh and 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/12982769 Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

>>>/qresearch/12982772 Keep this for yourself and realize many of these people act the same Counterintel

>>>/qresearch/12982792 Haven't Americans Sacrificed Enough? Jerome Powell Says We Must Sacrifice… But For What?

>>>/qresearch/12982814 Russia to present new concept of national digital currency – Central Bank

>>>/qresearch/12982823 Biden takes a Snowday with his Family - Calls a lid

>>>/qresearch/12982856, >>>/qresearch/12983720 Are You Not Entertained? 5:5 BB, + Moar Keks

>>>/qresearch/12982877 Ex-Australian Facebook CEO urges users to ‘delete the app’ over news ban

>>>/qresearch/12982940 Backup breads


>>>/qresearch/12983073, >>>/qresearch/12983417 Bot Attacks Digs

>>>/qresearch/12983108 Biden’s Presumptive China Ambassador Headlined An Event Sponsored By Chinese Communist Party Propagandists.

>>>/qresearch/12983177 Ted Cruz… 2024 Hopeful Ted Cruz Skips Town, Goes To Cancun As Millions Of Texans Suffer Without Power

>>>/qresearch/12983279 Report: Joe Biden Plans Second Coronavirus Package with $3 Trillion More in ‘Build Back Better’ Spending

>>>/qresearch/12983333 ‘Loud Enough For My Wife To Hear’: Ron Kim Details Threatening Phone Call From Gov. Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/12983343 Texas Hospitals and Homes Lose Water Due to Winter Storm

>>>/qresearch/12983401 ‘Facebook Attacked a Sovereign Nation – We Will Not be Intimidated’ – Australian Prime Minister Responds to Facebook’s Shakedown and Threats

>>>/qresearch/12983408 Kinda Pointless really but… Children to be Tested for Corona Twice a Week After Returning to UK Schools

>>>/qresearch/12983411, >>>/qresearch/12983731 How Low can you go? Not 6ft at Arlington… JUST IN: House Dems have introduced a bill to ban “twice impeached presidents” from burial at Arlington National Cemetery and federal funds from going to buildings displaying their names or acknowledging their achievements

>>>/qresearch/12983416 USDC opinions 1200 in 7 days

>>>/qresearch/12983420, >>>/qresearch/12983769 NSA comms…? Coordination?

>>>/qresearch/12983457 Hackers Claim to Be Selling Almost All of Ukraine’s Personal Data

>>>/qresearch/12983539 Belarus Authorities Jail Two Journalists Despite International Protests

>>>/qresearch/12983554 Draghi Says New Italian Gov’t to Be Pro-European, Atlanticist in International Relations

>>>/qresearch/12983556 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/12983564 Stephenlendman.org - "Disappearing Freedoms in America"

>>>/qresearch/12983569 Remember who has the facts, not fake news,Tune into The Supreme Court Arguments Tommorrow.

>>>/qresearch/12983573, >>>/qresearch/12983673, >>>/qresearch/12983688, >>>/qresearch/12983749, >>>/qresearch/12983765 , Why are there foreign interests in our power grid? Un-fuckingreal! ARREST THIS MFER!' CCP Biden gives China access to US power grid for 90 days in a recent executive order & his Press Secretary not only fumbles all over her response but uses her classic “I’ll circle back with you directly”

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220217211916/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53e5b7ad315398ef46cb3f45f6ae72ba1b077470a2eed61e8562e7fd94bff818.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12983599 Still dont believe they are systematically killing your elders? Spain: Second Pfizer Shots Halted After 46 Nursing Home Residents Die After the First Shot

>>>/qresearch/12983632 Study Pavolov's dogs and Break Your Synthetically manufactured psychological conditioning, you can do it!

>>>/qresearch/12983646 Government slams Facebook for sick double-standards by creating the 'perfect' platform for paedophiles to share child abuse - while stopping YOU from reading the news

>>>/qresearch/12983674 73 Percent of the U.S. Covered in Snow, the Most Widespread Coverage in 17 Years

>>>/qresearch/12983699 Uh, Scared? I would be if my actions ld to the deaths of others… ERCOT Removes Names of Board Members from Site Following Death Threats Over Texas Outages

>>>/qresearch/12983725 Myanmar was the trial run

>>>/qresearch/12983741 Twenty days of infamy: the January 2017 red flags the FBI blew past on Russia collusion

>>>/qresearch/12983801 "Whale" Whale Tales … DogE Coin and Robinhood

>>>/qresearch/12983824 Dr. Lee Merrit: The Vaxx Is Preparing World For Mass Death Event

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9c4jZBKbQNs - Big Tech Censorship [Channel: The New American Video]

>>>/qresearch/12983836 ,Liberal Logic

>>>/qresearch/12983861 State of the Union is… Is… Is is… Cmoon man, What was I saying?

>>>/qresearch/12983865 LGBT people of color two times more likely than straight, white people to get COVID-19: study

>>>/qresearch/12983904 Parliament House rape allegations: New text messages reveal trouble for PM’s office

>>>/qresearch/12983919 #16544, #16545, #16546

(46 notables, 56 posts, 64 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30236

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12983560 Q Research General #16545: Supreme Court Final Level Showdown Edition

Created 181803ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12984000 Tommorrow SCOTUS is Considering the cases of Election Fraud in the 2020 Election… SHARE SHARE AND CALL THEM!

>>>/qresearch/12984064, >>>/qresearch/12984280 JUST IN: House Dems have introduced a bill to ban “twice impeached presidents” from burial at Arlington National Cemetery and federal funds from going to buildings displaying their names or acknowledging their achievements

>>>/qresearch/12984081 "Politico's Defense News, Brought to You by Northrop Grumman"

>>>/qresearch/12984106 Largest City in Texas Now Under Boil Water Notice

>>>/qresearch/12984109 Mars Rover Landing Pregame before the Landing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PL7aJda0cM0 - NASA's Perseverance rover successfully lands on the surface of Mars | FULL [Channel: Global News]

>>>/qresearch/12984114 Reddit Suffers Widespread Outage As "Game Stopped" Hearing Starts

>>>/qresearch/12984148 The Pedophile Proje - The Lincoln Project is forming a “transition advisory committee” to provide “full support and cooperation” for its internal investigation into John Weaver and “any systemic workplace culture issues," according to an internal memo I obtained.

>>>/qresearch/12984152 "The Dumbed Down Masses are the Problem "

>>>/qresearch/12984158 Stay Focused on The Most High Anons. Our Deliverer

>>>/qresearch/12984159, >>>/qresearch/12984323, >>>/qresearch/12984686 ,No Deals,SCOOP: NIKKI HALEY reached out to DONALD TRUMP on Wednesday to request a sit-down at Mar-a-Lago, but he turned her down, a source tells Playbook.

>>>/qresearch/12984163 The Lines In The Sand

>>>/qresearch/12984165, >>>/qresearch/12984483 Pathologist: FDA ‘Misled the Public’ on Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy

>>>/qresearch/12984169 "BAKER notable as support for earlier Tom Wictor notable" X22…

>>>/qresearch/12984179 That's Chidan's EO. here is a link to the Trump EO scrubbed from the White House site:

>>>/qresearch/12984182 IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776. . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security . . .

>>>/qresearch/12984200, >>>/qresearch/12984697 Why didn't the first one work? or the second? Nah fuck that shit fam thanks Bill Gates Calls For ‘Third Shot’ of Vaccine to Protect Against Alleged ‘New Variants’


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NnRTj6jdl9Y - ROBERT DAVID STEELE: ABOUT 4 MOVIES [Channel: Project Camelot]

>>>/qresearch/12984215 Trump Jr. puts Cernovich on the spot!

>>>/qresearch/12984226 The First Step Towards Righting America Is Refusing To Believe The Left About Anything

>>>/qresearch/12984229 Yellen’s Call with Mohammed Al-Jadaan of Saudi Arabia

>>>/qresearch/12984237 TEXAGEDDON: A False Flag Geoterrorist Operation With Multiple Nefarious NWO Goals

>>>/qresearch/12984239 They want to hurt biden?

>>>/qresearch/12984250 I… Didnt know they needed help? I thought they live with Heroes? Helping military children is ‘critical to our national security,’ says first lady

>>>/qresearch/12984264 "Shared Fundamental Security Interest…"

>>>/qresearch/12984269 Planet Earth its quietest in decades as lockdowns reduce seismic noise

>>>/qresearch/12984284 Moar NSA Flex

>>>/qresearch/12984285 HS football coach fired after complaining about left-wing curriculum in daughter's class to district officials, parents: lawsuit, Pray Frens!

>>>/qresearch/12984295, >>>/qresearch/12984352, >>>/qresearch/12984369 Texas Launches Gold-backed Bank, Challenging Federal Reserve

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=N6xBAQsrumc - Rep Giovanni: Texas Creating Gold-Backed Bank; Federal Reserve Alternative [Channel: VisionLiberty]

>>>/qresearch/12984306 ,Lunatic MSNBC Guest Says They Wish ‘We Could Just Blow Up All The Trump Buildings’

>>>/qresearch/12984312, >>>/qresearch/12984733 Piece of the Q Comms Puzzle ?

>>>/qresearch/12984317 Nanotechnology…

>>>/qresearch/12984330 A Benghazi investigation video for you all

>>>/qresearch/12984357 Biden Administration’s Changing Message On Reopening Schools - The Biden Administration Pledge To Follow The Science To Reopen Schools Is Already Being Watered Down, As They Promote Their Teachers’ Union-Backed Spending Plan That Would Keep Many Schools Closed

>>>/qresearch/12984373 One of Bidens Executive Orders lets China put software into Americas electrical grid they can shutdown whenever they want.

>>>/qresearch/12984385 Colorado Chief Justice Brian Boatright admits “crisis of confidence” in courts amid scandal - Allegations of judicial misconduct and a high-level cover-up have rocked the judicial branch

>>>/qresearch/12984421 BURMA?

>>>/qresearch/12984424, >>>/qresearch/12984554 DYE 5:5B?

>>>/qresearch/12984432, >>>/qresearch/12984491 Gov Cuomo: "There is nothing to investigate"

>>>/qresearch/12984449 SolarWinds hackers studied Microsoft source code for authentication and email


>>>/qresearch/12984599 The Biden administration has sent 60 generators, thousands of blankets and other supplies to Texas to help address mass power outages amid a rare bout of extreme winter weather.

>>>/qresearch/12984611 Global Warming… Or "Climate Change? The Goalpost keeps moving… Whatever happened to Acid Rain and the Ozone Layer?

>>>/qresearch/12984614 I would add this to globals anon but it may be better suited for the Kitchen Dough Meta. Aside from the raids our posts tend to stick around there for a bit.

>>>/qresearch/12984626 This little Tune I Play on a - Viola

>>>/qresearch/12984654 Ted cruz caught on the coke run.

>>>/qresearch/12984671 Anon Question about the SC Hearing

>>>/qresearch/12984700 Moar Insurance Fraud

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gD7rgTFGwOM - 7 Boats Burn In Dana Point Harbor, Witnesses Report Hearing Explosion [Channel: CBS Los Angeles]

>>>/qresearch/12984772 #16545

(48 notables, 59 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30237

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12984755 Q Research General #16546: Patterns Of Corruption Edition

Created 182121ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12984802 VILE: German Carnival Parade Features Dead Trump Float

>>>/qresearch/12984809 ERCOT Hiding board member to elude prosecution amidst reassignment?

>>>/qresearch/12984810 NATO to Increase Troops in Iraq From 500 to 4,000 Amid Daesh Resurgence, (((Stoltenberg))) Says

>>>/qresearch/12984860 Political Disconnect from the General Pop. Define Strength

>>>/qresearch/12984873 Dirty habits of Australian politicians revealed by insider

>>>/qresearch/12984914 Dirty Habits of Multinational Corporations

>>>/qresearch/12984927 "No Evidence of fraud"… Right… SUSPICIOUS: Late Night VA Ballot Drop Accounts for 73% Of All Biden Votes In Fairfax County

>>>/qresearch/12984931 Small Brokers Saw Massive Windfall From Robinhood's GameStop SNAFU

>>>/qresearch/12984960 On Prince Phillip

>>>/qresearch/12985112 Bristol Man Charged with Attempting to Sex Traffic Minor, Distributing Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/12985138 Planned Parenthood sues as South Carolina gov’t signs fetal heartbeat bill into law

>>>/qresearch/12985139 But did we plant it?

>>>/qresearch/12985153 Arbiter of truth: Facebook plans to flag and debunk misinformation about climate change but Muh election… now everything… See a Trend Anons?

>>>/qresearch/12985215 Did Joe Biden 'Restart Funding' to Shady Wuhan Lab?

>>>/qresearch/12985249, >>>/qresearch/12985281 And Now a Reading From Ezekiel 33:1-33

>>>/qresearch/12985272 New York lawmaker recounts threatening phone call from Cuomo, says gov asked 'if I were an honorable man'

>>>/qresearch/12985327 Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers Delivers Remarks on the National Security Cyber Investigation into North Korean Operatives

>>>/qresearch/12985345 Speaker Pelosi just got caught. She falsely claimed “the $130 billion in K-12 will help provide immediate relief to schools so they can safely reopen for in-person instruction.” - 95% of those funds won’t even be spent this year.

>>>/qresearch/12985398 NCSWIC

>>>/qresearch/12986160 Biden to pledge $4 billion to global vaccine-sharing campaign COVAX

>>>/qresearch/12986211 The White House announced a sweeping immigration bill Thursday that would create an eight-year path to citizenship for millions of immigrants already in the country and provide a faster track for undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children

>>>/qresearch/12986268 #16546

(22 notables, 23 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30238

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12987327 Q Research General #16549: Up Early? Edition

Created 182237ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12988025 TURN ON CAPTCHA TO POST

>>>/qresearch/12988026, >>>/qresearch/12988112 , Solar Minumum

>>>/qresearch/12988033 Repost on Facebook faggotry

>>>/qresearch/12988228 …The panic make this anon comfy.

>>>/qresearch/12988415 I ask anons on occasion to pray for me /

(5 notables, 6 posts, 4 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30239

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12994930 QRG #16553: Hope this Still Works Edition

Created 190331ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12994971, >>>/qresearch/12995039, >>>/qresearch/12995081, >>>/qresearch/12995130, >>>/qresearch/12995135, >>>/qresearch/12995140, >>>/qresearch/12995166, >>>/qresearch/12995205, >>>/qresearch/12995296, >>>/qresearch/12995355, >>>/qresearch/12995377, >>>/qresearch/12995389

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VEe2_kca1BM - The Future of Astrology, Capital Punishment, and Creation of the PEA [Channel: Dr. D]

>>>/qresearch/12995057 US signals it is open to sending more troops to support NATO's mission in Iraq

>>>/qresearch/12995115 Atlantic: The Man McMaster Couldn't Fire

>>>/qresearch/12995129 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/12995160 Ghislaine Maxwell admitted Jeffrey Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and the Clintons after she was tricked by 60 Minutes producer in 2016 - 'but refused to help locate them because she wanted Hillary to win'

>>>/qresearch/12995176 Biden Muscles Out Chicago Prosecutor Hot on the Heels of Powerful Dems

>>>/qresearch/12995178 New York Assembly Republicans officially began the impeachment process against Governor Andrew Cuomo for his potentially criminal activity relating to the nursing home scandal.

>>>/qresearch/12995209 Manhattan D.A. Recruits Top Prosecutor To Go After Trump Family

>>>/qresearch/12995223 Why aren’t school districts giving taxpayers their money back?

>>>/qresearch/12995294 TV Shows Push Gun Control Myths – in Sync With Biden

>>>/qresearch/12995305 Blinken Tells Europeans Biden Ready to Negotiate With Tehran

>>>/qresearch/12995324 ‘De-occupy DC’: Two GOP congressmen say ‘QAnon threat’ being hyped to justify permanent fence & troops in US capital

>>>/qresearch/12995329 ERCOT board meeting last week included joke about cowboy boots, less than 40 seconds of storm talk

>>>/qresearch/12995333, >>>/qresearch/12995418, >>>/qresearch/12995462, >>>/qresearch/12995524 Anon dig: Gregory Talbert


>>>/qresearch/12995369 Mexican President Confirms Discovery of ‘Experimental’ Cartel Coca Field

>>>/qresearch/12995386 Biden: Tonight, I called Governor Greg Abbott to discuss the ongoing situation in Texas

>>>/qresearch/12995438 DOJ Changes Legal Position in Arizona Voting Case

>>>/qresearch/12995464 Criminal Rings in China Made Fake Covid-19 Vaccines, Some Sent to Foreign Countries

>>>/qresearch/12995527 Chinese Wind Farm in Texas: 'It's the greatest national security concern'

>>>/qresearch/12995528 Biden Nominee for Top State Dept Post Contributed to Book About How ‘Israel Lobby’ Controls American Politics

>>>/qresearch/12995757, >>>/qresearch/12995766 ERCOT dig

>>>/qresearch/12995763 Iran Deal Part Two: Blinken Tells Europeans Biden Ready to Negotiate With Tehran

>>>/qresearch/12995786 #16553, #16554, #16555

(24 notables, 39 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30240

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12986278 Q Research General #16547 Raid Precaution Bake Header Edition

Created 182214ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12986495 Testimony still live but wrapping up

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sFd4-a83Su0 - Robinhood CEO, Reddit Co-Founder & Others Testify on GameStop Stock [Channel: C-SPAN]

>>>/qresearch/12986603 Moar Whale Tales?

>>>/qresearch/12986622 "Republicans now enjoy unmatched power in the states."

>>>/qresearch/12986717 Check Your Intel

>>>/qresearch/12986743 Reminders…

(5 notables, 5 posts, 6 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30241

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12987127 Q Research General #16548: The Raid Continues While Free Speech Venues Subliminate Edition

Created 182230ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12987266, >>>/qresearch/12987806 #16547, #16548, #16549

>>>/qresearch/12987270 Anon Suggest Reporting Inflammatory Statements on News

>>>/qresearch/12987273 LB final


>>>/qresearch/12987495 PF Reports


(6 notables, 7 posts, 5 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30242

File: eb41965d45aa5f5⋯.jpg (28.26 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12996592 Q Research General #16555: The 'All The Liars Are On The Hypocrisy Train for Real' Edition

Created 190819ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12996595, >>>/qresearch/12996602, >>>/qresearch/12996622, >>>/qresearch/12996659, >>>/qresearch/12996717, >>>/qresearch/12996724, >>>/qresearch/12996730, >>>/qresearch/12996738, >>>/qresearch/12996757, >>>/qresearch/12996772, >>>/qresearch/12996774

>>>/qresearch/12996735, >>>/qresearch/12996737, >>>/qresearch/12996782 PDJT trolling fake news at Joint Base Andrews, 'When I want to get something out to the press, I tell certain people, And it’s amazing, it gets out there" (Cap and Transcript)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g9g_Oo80fPs - Trump: I agree that my tweets make Barru2019s job harder [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/12996815, >>>/qresearch/12996976 5 of 7 Republican Senators Who Voted to Convict Trump Censured in Home States

>>>/qresearch/12996888 Admiral Lyons is laying out what has happened in our gov over the last 70 years

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ecWRl2w3tHY - Admiral Lyons [Channel: Blue Sky]

>>>/qresearch/12996975 OUTSTANDING: West Virginia County Becomes Second Amendment Sanctuary

>>>/qresearch/12996985 Former CIA Director, Critics Slam Biden Over Move To Pursue Iran On Nuclear Deal: ‘Absolutely Chokes’

>>>/qresearch/12997001 Six US Capitol Police officers have been suspended and 29 others are currently being investigated for their actions during the deadly DC riot - as one took a selfie and another wore MAGA hat

>>>/qresearch/12997003 House Democrats Introduce ‘No Glory for Hate Act’ to Prevent Trump Name from Being Displayed on Federal Projects

>>>/qresearch/12997007 NYC government's 'Black Lives Matter' pavement paint job doesn't give pro-Trump group right to paint its own message, says judge

>>>/qresearch/12997022 Pompeo

>>>/qresearch/12997227 The Lincoln Project’s Implosion Has Derailed Its Founders’ Plan for a Media Empire

>>>/qresearch/12997318 Media’s censorious gatekeepers are mad — because they’re losing power

(12 notables, 25 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30243

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12995860 Q Research General #16554: The 'To Be, Or Not To Be …Collected' Edition

Created 190540ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12995927 Check out the Masonic imagery in Harris' tweet - checkerboard floor, two columns and her legs make up the compass/pyramid.

>>>/qresearch/12996069 Breitbart: Report: Chris Murphy to Put Forward Universal Gun Background Checks for Biden

>>>/qresearch/12996077 Congress Seems Poised to Remove Aid to Veterans and Underserved Students in the COVID Relief Package

>>>/qresearch/12996088 Epoch: Australian Belt and Road Deal Expected to Be Ripped up in Weeks

>>>/qresearch/12996094, >>>/qresearch/12996100 So… about this Supreme court thing…Someone was trying to minimize it stating that oh it's on thuh huhuhuhuh thuh thing…

>>>/qresearch/12996098 Townhall: Democrats Are Trying to Ruin the Military

>>>/qresearch/12996101 New filing today in the U.S.Supreme Court: Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., Petitioner

>>>/qresearch/12996109 BBC: DR Congo's mysterious metal monolith destroyed by mob

>>>/qresearch/12996117 Anon digs on "Waiver of right of respondents Federal Election Commission, et al. to respond filed.". Seems to be a popular search lately

>>>/qresearch/12996123 AP: Migrants on the move again in Mexico and Central America

>>>/qresearch/12996142 Fox: One of the two major Republican candidates running in the likely California gubernatorial recall election is investing another $1 million of his own money into his campaign.

>>>/qresearch/12996173 Fox on the hypocrisy train: Inside Wikipedia's leftist bias: socialism pages whitewashed, communist atrocities buried

>>>/qresearch/12996189 NYP: NYPD cop-killer convicted in 1980 murder to be paroled

>>>/qresearch/12996196 Anon: I hope Anons realize how much money [they] are willing to spend and continue spending to try to prevent the undoing of the 14th Amendment.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1h9gmJxvZU0 - Amend: The Fight for America | Official Trailer | Netflix [Channel: Netflix]

>>>/qresearch/12996204 NJ Governor Phil Murphy, Wife’s Pro Soccer Team Cited in Federal Immigration Fraud Investigation

>>>/qresearch/12996215 The case of the missing 13th amendment to the Constitution…

>>>/qresearch/12996268 RT: Pay up, Zuck: Canada allies with Australia in ‘battle’ against Facebook over news content

>>>/qresearch/12996296 More Hypocrisy, this time from Hollywood: Lucasfilm president excoriated for talking of EMPOWERING WOMEN after firing Gina Carano, forcing Oscars to wipe comments

>>>/qresearch/12996325 Footage of migrants foreign invaders streaming into the country in Santa Fe

>>>/qresearch/12996329 Worldwide protests are ongoing …and the MSM is vacant

(20 notables, 21 posts, 14 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30244

File: eb41965d45aa5f5⋯.jpg (28.26 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12997943 Q Research General #16556: Sunrises in the East and Sets in the WRest Edition

Created 191053ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12997984, >>>/qresearch/12998014 Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home scandal is more than just a coverup (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211028142104/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f1220a51adf2032a67d8a1362588fedd242455468e82342d57765bbc9cf471a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/12998013 Democrats Work with White House on Plan to Crack Down on Dissent and Eliminate First Amendment Rights

>>>/qresearch/12998096 Former CIA Director, Critics Slam Biden Over Move To Pursue Iran On Nuclear Deal: ‘Absolutely Chokes’

>>>/qresearch/12998376 John Rich shares secret story of Rush Limbaugh as floodgates open on Doctor of Democracy’s true character

>>>/qresearch/12998389 House Democrats Introduce ‘No Glory for Hate Act’ to Prevent Trump Name from Being Displayed on Federal Projects

>>>/qresearch/12998391 Democrats are more focused on renaming schools than reopening schools, Jim Jordan

>>>/qresearch/12998414 Missing San Francisco programmer found dead in crawl space

>>>/qresearch/12998421 Tennessee bill would allow fathers to petition abortions

>>>/qresearch/12998446 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/12998453 Collection of articles- "Where the pedovores roam"

>>>/qresearch/12998458 NYC Waitress Fired For Waiting To Take COVID Vax Over Pregnancy Concerns

>>>/qresearch/12998463 Only 44% Of High Schoolers Submitted SAT Or ACT Exams Last Year

>>>/qresearch/12998469 Judges order 2-month delay in case to compel McGahn testimony to House

>>>/qresearch/12998471 ‘Mercenary’ donor gets 12 years in campaign finance scheme

>>>/qresearch/12998475 Florida Man Charged for Plotting Attack on Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/12998478 Montana Relaxes Gun Restrictions, Allows Guns on Campuses

>>>/qresearch/12998486 Anon dig: on the night of September 11, 2001, when all commercial airspace over the U.S. was closed, the only commercial aircraft aloft had the name Kalitta painted on its side

>>>/qresearch/12998498 The Most Powerful State Politician in America Is Resigning His Seat

>>>/qresearch/12998500 The Morning Briefing: Dems' Trump Derangement Syndrome Hits Pathetic New Low

>>>/qresearch/12998501 ABC Spent Less than a Minute on Federal Cuomo Probe, Almost 4x on Cruz Optics

>>>/qresearch/12998528 The Obama Media Empire Expands: Malia Obama Lands Screenwriting Gig For Amazon Prime

>>>/qresearch/12998531 Retired General Leading Capitol Review Has A History Of Peddling Far-Left Conspiracy Theories

>>>/qresearch/12998797 Biden Muscles Out Chicago Prosecutor Hot on the Heels of Powerful Dems

>>>/qresearch/12998963 Former VP Pence’s Chief of Staff Reveals New Details About Evacuation, Deployment of Nat’l Guard During Capitol Insurrection

>>>/qresearch/12999078 Exposed: The Media Has Been Lying About The Capitol Protests

(25 notables, 26 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30245

File: eb41965d45aa5f5⋯.jpg (28.26 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12999130 Q Research General #16557: The ' Spammers suck dek' Edition

Created 191226ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12999909 BV Chimes in

>>>/qresearch/12999923 5 Of 7 Republican Senators Who Convicted Trump Have Been Censured In Home States

>>>/qresearch/12999934 ‘De-occupy DC’: Two GOP congressmen say ‘QAnon threat’ being hyped to justify permanent fence & troops in US capital

>>>/qresearch/12999937 I don't know how I can continue right now.GHOST BAKE IN EFFECT

>>>/qresearch/12999946 TY o7 I'm out too.. I need sleep.

>>>/qresearch/12999947 ‘Bullying, screaming’: In Albany, Cuomo wields phone as a weapon

>>>/qresearch/12999954 SPAR19 (USAF VIP exec jet) departs Phoenix.

>>>/qresearch/12999989 The problem with the American Populist movement is that it was centralized.

>>>/qresearch/13000000 The Name of God? CHQQT

>>>/qresearch/13000012 White House dismisses GOP messaging on reopening schools

>>>/qresearch/13000049 Border mayor begs Biden to stop releasing illegal immigrants into his city

>>>/qresearch/13000052 1619 Project Backlash Is Building in Statehouses Across the Country

>>>/qresearch/13000058 FEMA Sends Only 60 Generators to Texas During Power Crisis

>>>/qresearch/13000086 #CuomoGate: a Nixonian scandal is engulfing New York

>>>/qresearch/13000092 The First Step Towards Righting America Is Refusing To Believe The Left About Anything

>>>/qresearch/13000098 BOOM! Poland Will Fine Big Tech $13.5 Million Per Case For Removing Ideological Content:

>>>/qresearch/13000106 Marilyn Manson Domestic Violence Allegations Under Investigation by LA County Sheriff’s Department

>>>/qresearch/13000110 John Caldon, Founder of Flame Distribution, Dies at 73

>>>/qresearch/13000130 New Bill Seeks To Improve Military’s Ability To Keep Out White Nationalist Enlistees

>>>/qresearch/13000137 Georgia Republicans Are Doubling Down on Racist Voter Suppression

>>>/qresearch/13000146 AnonObvious, Can I just point out attacks are intensifying

>>>/qresearch/13000148 Anon Ask, what happened to the epic digs

>>>/qresearch/13000149 Seattle ANTIFA Attack Live-Streamers and Press – Break Windows in the Name Of “Black Justice”.

>>>/qresearch/13000157 The first legal US "three dad" family.

>>>/qresearch/13000159 What happened to Remember your oath

>>>/qresearch/13000162 Are you tired of winning yet? (NOT AT ALL)

>>>/qresearch/13000166 HANDOFF CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/13000167, >>>/qresearch/13000455 Kalitta Air dig Bush Sr Connection

>>>/qresearch/13000177 Queen strips Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, of their royal patronages

>>>/qresearch/13000180 Biden signed the instrument to bring the U.S. back into the Paris Agreement on his first day in office

>>>/qresearch/13000198 NEW: House and Senate Democrats have introduced a bill that would replace the term “alien” with “noncitizen”


>>>/qresearch/13000283 Outages Morph Into Outrage As Texans Slapped With "Mind-Blowing" Power Bills

>>>/qresearch/13000299, >>>/qresearch/13000309 AF2 up…where's Kameltoe going?

>>>/qresearch/13000328 Why Aren't School Districts Giving Taxpayers a Refund?

>>>/qresearch/13000347 BREAKING: New immigration bill will bring illegal aliens back to the U.S. and provide them with citizenship

>>>/qresearch/13000389, >>>/qresearch/13000409 Welcome Guardians (Ty Zavala)

>>>/qresearch/13000427 Plane Report, Kalita air animal transport rig

>>>/qresearch/13000431 Reminder Obamagate/Obamadate/BidenGate

>>>/qresearch/13000457 (PB) Who Was Cesar Chavez and Why Is He in the Oval Office?

>>>/qresearch/13000474 Rush Limbaugh's grandfather was President of the Boy Scouts in Missouri.

>>>/qresearch/13000486 AF2 USAF C-40B west from JBA

>>>/qresearch/13000536 AF2 Call sign being used, but looks like a diff reg #?

>>>/qresearch/13000603 #16556, #16557, #16558

(44 notables, 47 posts, 50 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30246

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13000578 Q Research General #16558: Everything in Texas is Big, Including Elec Bills Edition

Created 191456ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13000716 Plane Report

>>>/qresearch/13000718 Cuomo proposes sending covid positive elderly to eldercare facilities in Washington DC. Clears seven sharks.

>>>/qresearch/13000738 Biden Unveils Skin Color Chart To Determine Who Gets Federal Aid (Kek)

>>>/qresearch/13000739 At a Glance The quake struck on the state line about 150 miles north of Oklahoma City.

>>>/qresearch/13000756 Catholics and many who call themselves Christian do not understand what the true gates of hell are.

>>>/qresearch/13000776 Rush's death is still very surreal to me.

>>>/qresearch/13000814 Dr. Fauci now says the COVID-19 vaccine will stop the spread of the virus and will protect those who are unvaccinated

>>>/qresearch/13000823 'California and Texas are warnings': blackouts show US deeply unprepared for the climate crisis

>>>/qresearch/13000840, >>>/qresearch/13000904, >>>/qresearch/13001049, >>>/qresearch/13001271 PB Kalitta Air Dig Bun

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Zh_0AFifKZg - JOHN LEAR INTERVIEW - BILL COOPER | #0025 [Channel: Bill Cooper]

>>>/qresearch/13000844 SCOTUS hearing today Feb 19th

>>>/qresearch/13000879 how much is your power bill

>>>/qresearch/13000889 New 'Blue's Clues' ABC Song Goes LGBTQIA

>>>/qresearch/13000901 Camden County Becomes Missouri’s First Second Amendment Sanctuary County

>>>/qresearch/13000908 Let me spin you a yarn frens.

>>>/qresearch/13000933 The head of NorthComm.

>>>/qresearch/13000934 Fauci: Trump Did ‘Terrible Things’ Whenever I Pointed Out His Mistakes

>>>/qresearch/13000944 Minneapolis is a nice city no longer

>>>/qresearch/13000959, >>>/qresearch/13000965, >>>/qresearch/13001223, >>>/qresearch/13001287 GENERAL FLYNN PROMOTES #ITALYGATE

>>>/qresearch/13000969, >>>/qresearch/13001155, >>>/qresearch/13001190 GENERAL FLYNN PROMOTES ITALYGATE ON TWITTER ( Global)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fNomuhIV3s8 - Italy Did It – Maria Zack [Channel: aslickdog]

>>>/qresearch/13000974 New York Assembly Republicans Start Impeachment Process Against Governor Cuomo #RecallDemGovernors

>>>/qresearch/13000990 USOECD status

>>>/qresearch/13001000 in Wood, I have learned that DeKalb County…

>>>/qresearch/13001020 China: Clergy Must Embrace Chinese Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/13001023 501(3)C internal revenue error

>>>/qresearch/13001024 ERCOT CEO: 'Catastrophic Blackout' Would Have Hit Texas Without Outages

>>>/qresearch/13001041 David Schoen ‘canceled’ for representing Trump in impeachment trial

>>>/qresearch/13001042 Marilyn Manson Domestic Violence Allegations Under Investigation by LA County Sheriff’s Department

>>>/qresearch/13001046 Former Illinois House Speaker resigns amid bribery investigation

>>>/qresearch/13001051 CNN’s Chris Cuomo Recommends Texas Mayor Should Resign in Tweet – Thousands Mock Him, Urge His Corrupt Brother Resign

>>>/qresearch/13001056 Prince Harry will relinquish his honorary military appointments and patronages

>>>/qresearch/13001067 Biden Reverses Trump Order, United States Officially Rejoins Paris Climate Accord

>>>/qresearch/13001079 Virginia man sentenced to 3 years for driving truck towards BLM protesters

>>>/qresearch/13001085 Marilyn Manson being investigated for allegations of domestic violence,

>>>/qresearch/13001099 SC governor signs abortion ban; Planned Parenthood sues

>>>/qresearch/13001111, >>>/qresearch/13001123 Don't vote for anyone you wouldn't trust with your dog/child

>>>/qresearch/13001112 Biden’s Insane Executive Order on Climate Change Gave China Access to the US Grid

>>>/qresearch/13001128 US officially rejoins Paris climate agreement

>>>/qresearch/13001129, >>>/qresearch/13001143 Former owner of computer store where Hunter Biden left his computer suing Twitter for defamation

>>>/qresearch/13001140 Masks that are scented with the female anatomy.

>>>/qresearch/13001162 Groundbreakers 2021: 50 Women Changing the World

>>>/qresearch/13001171 Biden’s Pentagon ‘Open’ To Increasing Troop Levels In Iraq

>>>/qresearch/13001184 Biden is live on fox yt channel. (5k Watching and yet he won)

>>>/qresearch/13001187 Rochester couple suspected in torching of St. Paul school, stores during civil unrest are caught in Mexico

>>>/qresearch/13001198 Fox News’ Janice Dean Slams ‘Liberal Media,’ Says They Played Role In Covering For Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Failure

>>>/qresearch/13001200 UK court blocks release of HSBC papers in Huawei CFO fraud case

>>>/qresearch/13001211 Republicans prepping campaign against earmarks as Democrats work to bring them back

>>>/qresearch/13001213 Anon is Dasted

>>>/qresearch/13001229 QAnon conspiracists think Biden and China are responsible for the crisis in Texas

>>>/qresearch/13001262 Black, female and high-profile, Kamala Harris is a top target in online fever swamps

>>>/qresearch/13001266 MEMES

>>>/qresearch/13001278 NSA, For the next 40 days [and nights]… (Biblical?)

>>>/qresearch/13001289 LASD investigating Marilyn Manson abuse allegations after multiple women speak out

>>>/qresearch/13001295 In new defense, dozens of Capitol rioters say law enforcement 'let us in' to building

>>>/qresearch/13001297 Marco Rubio Wants To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

>>>/qresearch/13001305 Republicans Acquit Trump, But Leave His Supporters Defenseless

>>>/qresearch/13001310 Supreme Court Set to Consider Whether Trump Voter Fraud Cases in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan Can Proceed

>>>/qresearch/13001317 Oregon Wants To Ban All Self Defense

>>>/qresearch/13001333 There is a dating app called 'Her' which is specifically for lesbians and…

>>>/qresearch/13001346 Biden’s America. Canceling the dreams of young girls everywhere

>>>/qresearch/13001348 A state court, in changing the meaning of laws enacted pursuant to Article II

>>>/qresearch/13001354 50-year-old transsexual ‘woman’ makes college basketball debut

>>>/qresearch/13001355 Welp, we got a Q+ and a 17 timestamp from Joe so far today

>>>/qresearch/13001376 Biden’s Secretary of Defense just rewarded a $285M defense contract to a company he owns over $1m of stock in.

>>>/qresearch/13001378 #16556,

>>>/qresearch/13001382 Cruising alt 40k?

>>>/qresearch/13001390 #16555 Posted in '57

>>>/qresearch/13001397 COVID adviser Andy Slavitt struggled to explain why California and Florida have similar COVID numbers (Somebody lying)

>>>/qresearch/13001410, >>>/qresearch/13001421 How Baker Rolls, I did it by posting the entire dough in the head post. It fits if you keep the notes section tidy and only to 2 or 3 sections.

>>>/qresearch/13001429 Warroom was always in the dough, Gerbil was simply the next target.

(69 notables, 80 posts, 75 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30247

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13001334 Q Research General #16559: Attacks Will Intensify Edition

Created 191701ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13001511 Anons, alot of talk about Fauci this morning, but there is another name we need to dig

>>>/qresearch/13001517 How come the ANTIFA thugs all look like METH Addicts?

>>>/qresearch/13001523 Biden is now on his way to the Pfizer vaccine plant in Kalamazoo, Michigan. (Not My Prez)

>>>/qresearch/13001548 Biden COVID adviser can’t explain why despite lockdowns, California's virus numbers are the same as Florida's

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=OF5d3z4UU94 - Andy Slavitt On COVID Cases Falling | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>>/qresearch/13001569 BIDEN's destruction of America [30]

>>>/qresearch/13001576 Peter Daszak's claims that the lab does not house live bats captured in the wild. (BIG LIE)

>>>/qresearch/13001577 Reminder Chinese Investment Near Texas Military Base Draws Scrutiny

>>>/qresearch/13001580, >>>/qresearch/13002127 Wuhan Lab *Was* Cause Of COVID-19, Claims Award-Winning Scientist in New Study Citing 600 Pieces of Evidence.

>>>/qresearch/13001589 Baker, can we put Lin Wood and Sidney Powells website back in the globals? (Done)

>>>/qresearch/13001598 31 people die after BUBONIC PLAGUE outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo

>>>/qresearch/13001601 Lin Wood lawsuit explained and why they are going after them

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DMFy6_ubDLI - LIN WOOD Supreme Court case from GEORGIA Preview [Channel: David K. Clements]

>>>/qresearch/13001606 WhatsApp pushes controversial privacy policy forward despite backlash

>>>/qresearch/13001610 French refugee center manager stabbed to death by asylum seeker – police

>>>/qresearch/13001614 UK's Prince Harry To Lose All Honorary Titles, Says Buckingham Palace

>>>/qresearch/13001618, >>>/qresearch/13001628, >>>/qresearch/13001649, >>>/qresearch/13001666 I think this is Joe…I am new at PF'ng

>>>/qresearch/13001624 Biden Warns Governors Minimum Wage Hike Won't Happen Even With Dems In Control

>>>/qresearch/13001637 Federal judge says lawyer who killed son had dossier on Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

>>>/qresearch/13001652 Amuse is not amused @RepCollinAllred

>>>/qresearch/13001659 Schumann Report

>>>/qresearch/13001667, >>>/qresearch/13001890, >>>/qresearch/13002039, >>>/qresearch/13002045 . These People Are Sick (Disney)

>>>/qresearch/13001681 Under Biden, Justice Department presses fight against Omarosa

>>>/qresearch/13001691, >>>/qresearch/13001717 19 February 1945 – Battle of Iwo Jima (Battle of Kun Related?)

>>>/qresearch/13001698 Montana Bill Would Designate Antifa as Domestic Terrorism

>>>/qresearch/13001706 Danielle DiMartino Booth via FBN’s ‘Cavuto: Coast to Coast’ To Discuss GameStop Probe

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_sYnt3EGpjs - Danielle DiMartino Booth via FBNu2019s u2018Cavuto: Coast to Coastu2019 To Discu [Channel: Danielle DiMartino Booth]

>>>/qresearch/13001709 Blair Tells Boris Not to Ditch Tier System After Lockdown

>>>/qresearch/13001731 Joe Biden makes his debut on the world stage in a glitchy zoom version of the G7

>>>/qresearch/13001744 Coca-Cola Telling Employees to 'Try To Be Less White': Internal Leak

>>>/qresearch/13001760 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Rolls out Election Integrity Agenda: Targets Ballot Drop Boxes, Ballot Harvesting

>>>/qresearch/13001762 Biden announces end of Trump’s ‘America first’ agenda in G-7 speech

>>>/qresearch/13001789 CDC caught massively inflating coronavirus cases, deaths in violation of federal law

>>>/qresearch/13001794 AF2 USAF C-40B heading to LAX

>>>/qresearch/13001795 Top political donor sentenced to 12 years in prison for illegal campaign contributions to Biden and Graham

>>>/qresearch/13001799 Plane Report Hanscom (Epstein Connect)

>>>/qresearch/13001813 Anon Notables

>>>/qresearch/13001819 Supermarket in Israel checking vaccine papers…NO VACCINE NO FOOD

>>>/qresearch/13001837 Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor

>>>/qresearch/13001842 AF2 with call sign but the two B752s running with 09-0016 and 09-0017 tail numbers

>>>/qresearch/13001843 Updated Kalitta Air Dig Bun

>>>/qresearch/13001846 IT'S ALL ABOUT ENERGY CONTROL (YOURS)

>>>/qresearch/13001851 Wuhan Institute of Virology Approved for U.S. Taxpayer Funding for Research Through 2024

>>>/qresearch/13001873 DARPA, Linux Foundation Partner to Advance 5G

>>>/qresearch/13001876 Bugaloo Thread Active (Keep us updated)

>>>/qresearch/13001885 FILE CIA > DISNEY CONNECTIONS

>>>/qresearch/13001892 China orders clergy to toe Communist Party and socialist line

>>>/qresearch/13001901 NY Dem ‘flooded’ with Cuomo stories: ‘So many people have been bullied, mistreated, or intimidated by him’

>>>/qresearch/13001944 Fauci to ToI: Israeli vaccine effort ‘a model for rest of the world’

>>>/qresearch/13001956 “The Allegations and Indictment Are Baseless and Politically Motivated.”

>>>/qresearch/13001969 Biden Muscles Out Chicago Prosecutor Hot on the Heels of Powerful Dems

>>>/qresearch/13001971 South ParQ is going to do Q from the looks of it.

>>>/qresearch/13001984 DMV Fraud Investigators Punished for Sharing Illegal Immigrants’ Info with ICE

>>>/qresearch/13002002 South Australia has a minority government after MP resigns

>>>/qresearch/13002032 Malaysia arrests 11 suspects for hacking government sites

>>>/qresearch/13002086 Newsome has strategy to ensure no recall vote - 50% SIGNATURE REJECTION rate

>>>/qresearch/13002098 Misc Caps

>>>/qresearch/13002114 Operation ChokePoint v2

>>>/qresearch/13002124 Plane Report: So what would this backup be doing? (ARCHIVE OFFLINE)

>>>/qresearch/13002133 #16559, #16560, #16561

(57 notables, 65 posts, 80 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30248

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13002284 Q Research General #16560: Lie Test Edition

Created 191920ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13002310 Twitter Banning


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Lt6rlf30N7w - BOKO HARAM RELEASES NEW VIDEO KILLED NIGERIAN SOLD [Channel: CONCRETE POET]

>>>/qresearch/13002312 OBSESSED: House Dems Introduce Bill To Ban Naming Federal Buildings After Trump, Erecting Statues In His Honor

>>>/qresearch/13002315 Happening Today: Supreme Court Set to Consider Whether Trump Voter Fraud Cases in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan Can Proceed

>>>/qresearch/13002321 Joe Biden Met With The Chairman Of The Chinese Propaganda Unit Seeking To ‘Influence Foreign Governments To Adopt Beijing’s Preferred Polices.

>>>/qresearch/13002327 AF2 USAF C-40B on final approach for Los Angeles Int'l from JBA depart

>>>/qresearch/13002338 Merciless War on Mankind Will Not End

>>>/qresearch/13002342 Big Tech sues Maryland to stop country’s first tax on digital ads

>>>/qresearch/13002352 EPA Approves Chemical “Air Treatment” Against COVID, Despite Known Health Hazards

>>>/qresearch/13002367 Battle of Iwo Jima 19 February–26 March 1945

>>>/qresearch/13002373 Real monetary question for anons

>>>/qresearch/13002375 The swamp ignored Trumps declass orders. Think they will do the same for Joe?

>>>/qresearch/13002392 Scott Morrison refuses to deny the alleged parliament house rapist is Bruce Lehrmann who previously worked for Senator Linda Reynolds

>>>/qresearch/13002426 Hundreds of Sydney students claim they were sexually assaulted

>>>/qresearch/13002450 Qproof fagging

>>>/qresearch/13002484 10 Million Counterfeit masks what?

>>>/qresearch/13002511 Updated Kalitta Air Dig Bun

>>>/qresearch/13002568 Biden says he'll visit Texas soon

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210219231549/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2b329eab7098834c1cd0ce7cb1a54be6d699976adc827f6cfbd3241b385fbb9c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13002613 HA incoming links to SCOTUS cases


>>>/qresearch/13002621, >>>/qresearch/13002654 State Police Fatal Accident Unit Releases Findings on Drag Strip Crash that Claimed Life of Scott Kalitta

>>>/qresearch/13002624 Biden delivers remarks at a Pfizer manufacturing plant in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

>>>/qresearch/13002640 Just What?

>>>/qresearch/13002643 Gen. Flynn brings a message to His Glory YT channel

>>>/qresearch/13002689 Snow in Saudi

>>>/qresearch/13002735 Baker, can we put Lin Wood and Sidney Powells website back in the globals?

>>>/qresearch/13002760 Amid Capitol riot, FBI released files from Kennedy-era investigation into Nancy Pelosi's father

>>>/qresearch/13002770 Deep state going after Texas?

>>>/qresearch/13002776 Prisoner Transport 09-0017 aka NOT AF1 headed back to JBA

>>>/qresearch/13002781 BIDEN's daily COVID deaths (88944 ded)

>>>/qresearch/13002795, >>>/qresearch/13002806, >>>/qresearch/13002814 Celebrity Divorce (Kim and Kanye)

>>>/qresearch/13002798 I (CM)…

>>>/qresearch/13002867 A_C Calling for Cuomo Investigation

>>>/qresearch/13002883 Journalist Nearly Has His Skull Bashed with Hammer by ANTIFA

>>>/qresearch/13002893 Our Cosmology is changing

>>>/qresearch/13002915 Cuomo Tells Journalists There’s A Few More Deaths That Won’t Be Reported If They Keep Asking Questions

>>>/qresearch/13002937 Taiwan reports eight Chinese fighters in its defence zone as it appoints new defence minister

>>>/qresearch/13002942 Federal Charges Against Stanford University Researcher Expanded

>>>/qresearch/13002981 Single engine plane crashed into a semi truck in San Pedro

>>>/qresearch/13003006 Russian citizen arrested in Moscow over suspicion of treason, says source

(40 notables, 43 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30249

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13002972 Q Research General #16561: Supreme Court Information Blackout Edition

Created 192107ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13003090, >>>/qresearch/13003127, >>>/qresearch/13003129, >>>/qresearch/13003367, >>>/qresearch/13003454, >>>/qresearch/13003545 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/13003092 Pentagon Chief Hints at Breaking Afghanistan Deal

>>>/qresearch/13003093 Russian citizen arrested in Moscow over suspicion of treason

>>>/qresearch/13003094 Biden Administration Prepares Way For Banks To Refuse Service To Democrats’ Enemies

>>>/qresearch/13003104 Attorney Lin Wood Releases Statement Before Supreme Court Ruling on Election Fraud Today

>>>/qresearch/13003106 Capitol Police Probe Actions of Dozens of Officers

>>>/qresearch/13003109 UK government appears to back push to boost negative coverage of Russian state

>>>/qresearch/13003113, >>>/qresearch/13003147, >>>/qresearch/13003163, >>>/qresearch/13003184, >>>/qresearch/13003191 Coronavirus News

>>>/qresearch/13003116 CNBC Writer Claims “$1,400 Stimulus Check Would Help Keep 20 Million Adults Afloat Through July”

>>>/qresearch/13003122 Journalist Nearly Has His Skull Bashed with Hammer by ANTIFA

>>>/qresearch/13003152 Joe Biden Apologizes to Europe for Trump; Vows to Work with ‘Friend’ Angela Merkel

>>>/qresearch/13003168 AOC calls for 'full investigation' of Cuomo's handling of nursing homes amid coronavirus pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13003178 Biden Silent Over Big Tech Suspensions Because He ‘Benefits From the Censorship'

>>>/qresearch/13003195 CNN 'Fact Checker' Ruled on 4 Biden 'False Claims' in Town Hall…But Never on TV!

>>>/qresearch/13003203 Censored Hunter Biden Laptop Story Comes Back Around to Bite Twitter

>>>/qresearch/13003217, >>>/qresearch/13003495, >>>/qresearch/13003514 SCOTUS Updates: Hearings today, opinions or rulings on the 25th

>>>/qresearch/13003225 NCAA to allow limited fans for March Madness

>>>/qresearch/13003227 Outages morph into outrage as Texas slapped with 'mind blowing' power bills

>>>/qresearch/13003238 Jim McIngvale, owner of Gallery Furniture in Texas, opens warming centers

>>>/qresearch/13003246 Report finds Cuomo nursing home order linked to additional 1,000 deaths

>>>/qresearch/13003247 PRESIDENT OF GHANA tells country about Rockefeller plan of GLOBAL Depopulation/Economy Destruction

>>>/qresearch/13003257 How and why a nuclear reactor shut down in Texas cold snap when energy was needed most

>>>/qresearch/13003270 AOC asked supporters for donations for Texas

>>>/qresearch/13003271 Judge tosses Nunes' libel suit against CNN

>>>/qresearch/13003283 House takes first steps toward deciding contested Iowa election

>>>/qresearch/13003292 South Carolina Abortion Law Suspended a Day After Passage

>>>/qresearch/13003301 ACLU Asks SCOTUS to Declare All-Male Draft Unconstitutional

>>>/qresearch/13003312 Rattled Andrew Cuomo rants about nursing home scandal ‘lies,’ won’t take responsibility

>>>/qresearch/13003322 WhatsApp pushes controversial privacy policy forward despite backlash

>>>/qresearch/13003332 Former DHS official: Right-wing extremists and white supremacists targeting QAnon followers for recruitment

>>>/qresearch/13003353 Fox News Anchor Bill Hemmer Warns Cancel Culture Could ‘Come After Bible Characters Next’

>>>/qresearch/13003369 Virginia State Senator Who Calls Herself ‘Trump in Heels’ Forced to Sit in Plexiglass Box Because She Won’t Wear a Mask

>>>/qresearch/13003406 CNN Anchor Reacts To ‘Shocking’ Report On Gang Rape In Chinese Internment Camps

>>>/qresearch/13003414, >>>/qresearch/13003560 Biden signs EO revoking Trump order on apprenticeship programs

>>>/qresearch/13003419 Why Are Four Democrat Governors Given a Pass After Sending COVID Spreaders to Nursing Homes

>>>/qresearch/13003427 Biden’s Michigan Speech is a Disaster

>>>/qresearch/13003434 Remains of a Virginia teen who vanished in 2013 have been discovered

>>>/qresearch/13003441, >>>/qresearch/13003628 USArmy tweet: Now is the time!

>>>/qresearch/13003465 Jason Miller, top adviser to Trump 2020 campaign, indicates potential 2024 presidential bid

>>>/qresearch/13003498 Report: Trump To Make McConnell’s Life Miserable

>>>/qresearch/13003541, >>>/qresearch/13003698 FauxTUS Biden on stimulus checks

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220011222/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ea03da98d5071f012db132b7d3cf758f16316c8215eb0a86ecdb21c280907c55.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ODdRJSbXAVo - President Biden Answers Twitter Questions [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/13003550 US begins admitting migrants from Mexico -Fox News

>>>/qresearch/13003570 Top DCCC Senior Adviser on Parole in New York

>>>/qresearch/13003572 Contaminated Meat From China Imports Soar

>>>/qresearch/13003588 Angry Andrew Cuomo Vows to ‘Aggressively’ Take on Nursing Home ‘Lies’

>>>/qresearch/13003592 Department of Energy: Emergency Order for ERCOT

>>>/qresearch/13003604 Doctors Disappointed After Joe Biden Rescinds Trump Reform to Boost Access to Opioid Addiction Help

>>>/qresearch/13003605, >>>/qresearch/13003631 Sen. Manchin Oppose OBM Nominee

>>>/qresearch/13003611 'Illegal Alien' Changed To 'Noncitizen' In Newly Introduced Bill

>>>/qresearch/13003634 Taiwan Appoints New US-Trained Defense Minister As 8 Chinese Fighters Again Breach Airspace

>>>/qresearch/13003643 Biden admin targets Trump's let-the-water-flow legacy and other energy efficiency rules

>>>/qresearch/13003647 Biden at the Munich Security Conference: “America is back,” but democracy is “under assault”

>>>/qresearch/13003666 Pence’s former Chief of Staff says Trump and Pence in communication

>>>/qresearch/13003682 Second woman accuses ex-Liberal staffer of rape

(54 notables, 69 posts, 102 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30250

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13003710 Q Research General #16562: Unprecidented Happenings Edition

Created 192307ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13003787 Why Are These Four Democrat Governors Given a Pass After Sending Sickly COVID Spreaders to Nursing Homes Like Gov. Cuomo?

>>>/qresearch/13003891 Lin Wood Opines on SCOTUS

>>>/qresearch/13003893 Looks like Gab is Down

>>>/qresearch/13003934 CA Charter School under fire for equity training

>>>/qresearch/13003955 CERN Sacrifice Vid

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220219141647/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6be1e3988767978e1e91853dab1edc9966105a556e3dd010725541a8126f2c71.webm

>>>/qresearch/13003995 ‘On a hair trigger’: Soviets armed 108 jets for nuclear war during 1983 NATO drills, docs show

>>>/qresearch/13004043 Biden (brother): maskless at Mayweather party

>>>/qresearch/13004059 Anon Opines on LB posts

>>>/qresearch/13004090 Friday Fun

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220035934/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c5f6e43f36fa03c565dff3cbc2ea4017ab8273a5110fbcce8354257f39f34d5b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13004116 Pfizer to Roll Out 10Mln COVID Vaccines Weekly as Biden Assures Shots for All By July

>>>/qresearch/13004130, >>>/qresearch/13004140, >>>/qresearch/13004154 Manchin will vote against Biden pick for OMB

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220040029/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a9a370e38eaf4b8f9ef3d962b4dfdbecb493127cb45b187a459a820d367850c7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13004175 Pandemic will be with us until EVERYONE on earth given Covid-19 vaccine, says Merkel after G7 summit

>>>/qresearch/13004181 The Left Explodes with Rage at DeSantis for Order to Lower Flags to Half-Staff for Rush Limbaugh’s Memory

>>>/qresearch/13004187 2009: WashU protest and James O'Keefe interview

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hGqyFH4VoHM - WashU protest and James O'Keefe interview [Channel: Reboot Congress]

>>>/qresearch/13004189 Joe Biden is already breaking his promise to end the US’ ‘forever wars’ in the Middle East

>>>/qresearch/13004215 In an Act that NO ONE VOTED FOR, Biden Withdraws Trump’s US Sanctions on Iran

>>>/qresearch/13004271 Anon trying to scrape notables gets internal server error

>>>/qresearch/13004283 Steven Douglas Cliff Notes on Wictor's Continuity of Government thoughts

>>>/qresearch/13004347 Kim Kardashian West has filed for divorce

>>>/qresearch/13004381 Video: Straka vs BLM Wokeness

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220040137/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/759541519625812ebe9eaf8c9e6d9044942c63bd6f632e9fc23b2c59c76b9541.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13004413 40% of Colorado teachers are considering quitting after pandemic school year, survey finds

>>>/qresearch/13004423, >>>/qresearch/13004452, >>>/qresearch/13004465 anon opines: The Great Awakening

(22 notables, 26 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30251

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13004501 Q Research General #16563: The Happenin's Keep Happening! Edition

Created 200059ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13004592 #16560

>>>/qresearch/13004701 CIDs to ERCOT and Oth­er Com­pa­nies Fol­low­ing Dan­ger­ous Win­ter Storm Pow­er Failures

>>>/qresearch/13004708 Rhodium still climbing

>>>/qresearch/13004765, >>>/qresearch/13004843, >>>/qresearch/13004846 SCOTUS SHHHCEDULE

>>>/qresearch/13005185 Northrup Grumman Demonstrates C2 Success in Multinational NATO Exercise

>>>/qresearch/13005187 SCOTUS "Out of concern for the health and safety of the public and SC employees, the Supreme Court building will be closed to the public until further notice."

>>>/qresearch/13005297 Class action against Dominion?

(7 notables, 9 posts, 8 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30252

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13008513 Q Research General #16568: the absolute state of this fucking place edition

Created 201515ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13008545, >>>/qresearch/13008573, >>>/qresearch/13009300, >>>/qresearch/13009381, >>>/qresearch/13009443, >>>/qresearch/13009465, >>>/qresearch/13009486, >>>/qresearch/13009814, >>>/qresearch/13009834, >>>/qresearch/13009855, >>>/qresearch/13009885, >>>/qresearch/13009947, >>>/qresearch/13009950, >>>/qresearch/13009969, >>>/qresearch/13010068, >>>/qresearch/13010095, >>>/qresearch/13010123, >>>/qresearch/13010128

>>>/qresearch/13009395 Epoch - President Biden discontinued an industry-led #Apprenticeship system launched under President Trump, shifting the control over those programs back to the federal government.

>>>/qresearch/13009421, >>>/qresearch/13009447, >>>/qresearch/13009479 Disconnected from Power and People: The Biden administration, via the DOE, issued the order to wreck Texas. And Extort Taxpayers…To Giver Their Money Away Overseas!

>>>/qresearch/13009422 #16568 Most of the Notables from before Bare Crash

>>>/qresearch/13009427, >>>/qresearch/13009690 Toro Issues Nationwide Recall For A Snow Blower Over Amputation Risk - BUY AMERICAN!

>>>/qresearch/13009456 Dinesh D'Souza: "We're really no longer living … in a free country"

>>>/qresearch/13009467 Cumo = NO Mo Mo' Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal

>>>/qresearch/13009482 CDC Reveals 7,000 Reactions from COVID-19 Vaccine Reported in the first month

>>>/qresearch/13009484 UNETHICAL! President Trump’s Attorney David Schoen Is Cancelled from a Teaching Gig Because He Represented President Trump in the Democrats’ Second BS Impeachment

>>>/qresearch/13009495 Dropbox with "Facebook mobility data"?!! Using Facebook to track us? Concerns with this link are astronomical. E-mail addresses from GATES FOUNDATION.

>>>/qresearch/13009500 Ready For The Bird Flu Vax? First cases of H5N8 bird flu strain detected in humans: Seven poultry workers in Southern Russia infected, reveals health watchdog

>>>/qresearch/13009507 Monkey 96 on TGA ~ Conspiracy theories — unmasked! From Winston Churchill to QAnon in a few easy steps - Do we live in a golden age of wacko paranoia? No, says German scholar Michael Butter: It's always been with us

>>>/qresearch/13009511 Fear God, Have Faith.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IIEokJ_ZxKE - Man Struck By Lightning Thrice (Original) [Channel: Haymo Sachs]

>>>/qresearch/13009523 Reminder AJ is Controlled OP, NTBT Think For Yourselves

>>>/qresearch/13009531 They NEVER Had To Tell Us That Before About Vaccines… "There's No Chip In The Vaccine" Brits Told During Prime-Time Ad - Is It really A Conspiracy? It surely was insinuated before but why defend it now?

>>>/qresearch/13009537 Just Why Are Post, NY Times Obits Nicer to Terrorists Than Conservatives?

>>>/qresearch/13009541 DO NOT RELY ON MEGA NZ ANON! Our MemeFarmer LOST THEIR ENTIRE REPRETOIRE OF MEMES THERE! BIDEN's Destruction Of America Thread

>>>/qresearch/13009544 80 Million Votes. 2 Wavers

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220224707/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b31cb67c3e0818f40cda4b58d465b0c86ef668baa5b2876d82fcae4a40f85031.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13009551 'Don't waste vaccine!' After early confusion, experts say it's always better to use leftover shots than toss them.

>>>/qresearch/13009557 Cancel Culture Is Becoming Biblical… Network pulls plug on major Christian ministry for carrying Christian message D. James Kennedy Ministries refuses to 'cave to the cancel culture'

>>>/qresearch/13009562 Nigel Farage Teases Big Drop Soon…. 10pm UK, 5PM EST

>>>/qresearch/13009563 Space Weather News

>>>/qresearch/13009565 Winton Digs…

>>>/qresearch/13009574, >>>/qresearch/13009662 Nolte: Lincoln Project Hires Lincoln Project Donors to Investigate Lincoln Project … Sounds Like a Conflict Of Interests… + Connection on Self Investigation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=w9POs7yxXHo - Joel McHale Slams Chris Christie at 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner [Channel: TDC]

>>>/qresearch/13009589 No Longer Consenting, Carlsbad California Restaurant Owners Defy Order and Open for Indoor Dining…

>>>/qresearch/13009594 Migrant smugglers take advantage of Texas deep freeze

>>>/qresearch/13009602 Ew, Boris Johnson Says ‘America Is Back’ with Biden, ‘Gloom’ of Trump Era Is Over

>>>/qresearch/13009605 The SLAVECOIN Is Here - BLOCKCHAINED To The BEAST A Documentary?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qgdttU6sH9I - The SLAVECOIN Is Here - BLOCKCHAINED To The BEAST A Documentary [Channel: Shaking My Head Productions 2]

>>>/qresearch/13009612 Keep It Real UK Footballer to Stop Taking Knee, Brands BLM ‘Marxist Group’ Pushing ‘Racial Unrest’

>>>/qresearch/13009613 General Population Informed Opinion Status=Nominal

>>>/qresearch/13009617 Allegedly Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Seized in Mexican Border State Clinic Came from Texas, Says Owner

>>>/qresearch/13009643, >>>/qresearch/13009716 What good is $15 Min Wage when noone can do anything? Most Of Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill Has Nothing To Do With Public Health

>>>/qresearch/13009652 Volcano Fuego is Erupting 30 to 40 times a MINUTE, volcanologists say when it gets to 80 a minute we are in for a massive eruption, which should be soon. Volcano live stream:

>>>/qresearch/13009654, >>>/qresearch/13009661 But Is It REALLY? Biden suspends Trump’s EO barring foreign nations from interfering with US power Grid (specifically China) for 90 days without explanation "We'll Circle Back To it…"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220217211916/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53e5b7ad315398ef46cb3f45f6ae72ba1b077470a2eed61e8562e7fd94bff818.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13009660 For Sir? Russel Brand's Faggot Holes

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211026131743/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/79fdde3f025f2b137591cea6ec1b7bfe3a1e851a153436da987873447675af88.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220818130734/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6be1ae7c596422dee57094ec111037b85189751c38c90f804d289886d05a29cc.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13009679 Deltas Habbenin, Much Habbenins

>>>/qresearch/13009687, >>>/qresearch/13009714 PF Reports, DMPSTR1 Approaching Dallas

>>>/qresearch/13009695, >>>/qresearch/13009721 Anon Bun

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U7TpzX79dV4 - Woman is revealing what is happening in Texas NOW on 2-19-21 [Channel: TRUMPET NEWS]

>>>/qresearch/13009734 Project TENDR, which stands for Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks, is a group of volunteer scientists, health professionals and child advocates working to study and reduce children's exposure to neurotoxic chemicals and pollutants.

>>>/qresearch/13009737 LA DA Gascón drops death penalty for man charged with killing police officer

>>>/qresearch/13009744 Buh Muh Dreamers… What if he was Latino and snuck back across the border illegally, would he be allowed then?…

>>>/qresearch/13009745 Democrats planning revival of congressional earmarks following GOP's 10-year ban

>>>/qresearch/13009757, >>>/qresearch/13009769, >>>/qresearch/13009770, >>>/qresearch/13009772 Exchange Stabilization fund on the 7th floor. Free from any oversight. Operating from and controlling the New York Fed.

>>>/qresearch/13009766 How White's The CEO? Coca-Cola Confirms And Doubles Down On Training Employees to ‘Be Less White’

>>>/qresearch/13009773 Trump Has $100M In Backing For New Media Venture After Courting Billionaire Donors: Report

>>>/qresearch/13009780 AU PATRIOTS FIGHT! Anti-coronavirus vaccine protests held in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth

>>>/qresearch/13009819 #16569, #16570, #16571

(47 notables, 75 posts, 72 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30253

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13005301 Q Research General #16564: HABBENINS INTENSIFY!! Edition

Created 200238ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13005320, >>>/qresearch/13005814, >>>/qresearch/13005823, >>>/qresearch/13005839 glow niggers hunter bidens coke bun. notes to the dough

>>>/qresearch/13005402 bidens bro parties with so.e nigger

>>>/qresearch/13005406 pa cop arrested for Capitol ff

>>>/qresearch/13005412 U.N. Report Accuses Blackwater Founder Erik Prince of Libya Weapons Ban Violations

>>>/qresearch/13005441, >>>/qresearch/13005684, >>>/qresearch/13006012 #16562, #16563, #16564

>>>/qresearch/13005522 this is why math is racist

>>>/qresearch/13005549 Link Wood Rush bun

>>>/qresearch/13005559 Pittsburgh restaurant having a rally. FF incoming

>>>/qresearch/13005584 UN is being a bunch of faggots again. They want to fly Illegal aliens into the US

>>>/qresearch/13005586 ERCOT Dig. Anon nommed

>>>/qresearch/13005599, >>>/qresearch/13005820 16560 notes

>>>/qresearch/13005694 we all know Pelosi is behind the Capitol ff

>>>/qresearch/13005731 Some PA inmates getting paid to take vaccine as others struggle

>>>/qresearch/13005748 Federal Charges Against Stanford University Researcher Expanded

>>>/qresearch/13005809 16561 notes

>>>/qresearch/13005989 clear up shit, no I'm checking out, just trying to help when I have times

(16 notables, 22 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30254

File: 89ccf1a77b2476b⋯.png (246.46 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13006068 Q Research General #16565: Anon TeamBake ~ Night Silence Settles In Edition

Created 200415ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13006144, >>>/qresearch/13006532 World Banks….Global Soccer Clubs….and Child Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/13006154 Mossad is a communist organization

>>>/qresearch/13006192 DC Fence Contract Length Of Term

>>>/qresearch/13006196 The Trustees Have Failed

>>>/qresearch/13006204, >>>/qresearch/13006245, >>>/qresearch/13006470 Al Qaeda Magazine Leaked

>>>/qresearch/13006225 Report: China May Curb Rare Earth Exports to Cripple U.S. Defense Industry

>>>/qresearch/13006260 There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6

>>>/qresearch/13006301, >>>/qresearch/13006312, >>>/qresearch/13006343, >>>/qresearch/13006419 , Sky News Australia say it how it is ‘Never before’ has the leader of the free world been ‘so cognitively compromised’ Biden's lack of capacity is evident (Cap 4:22)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220083348/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/8b811d917faa658e145133553bd16065914dc3bcba614c2e3bbfecde0f41238a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13006340 China's Infiltration of the Texas Power Grid via Windmills (rumble vid)

>>>/qresearch/13006346 Israel reportedly expands Dimona nuclear complex

>>>/qresearch/13006356 Know your heritage. 76 years ago today some brave dudes did some things, Iwo Jima

>>>/qresearch/13006433 Latest L. Lin Wood - He even mentions Castle Rock

>>>/qresearch/13006450, >>>/qresearch/13006529, >>>/qresearch/13006557 , TESLAm2l on 4chan Sell stock? Friendly 8-Hour Warning From The Rocket Man?

>>>/qresearch/13006461 (:55 seconds) FOX One officer suspended allegedly took a selfie with one of the rioters and 35 other officers are under investigation, and 6 are suspended

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=iFW95X3LpoI - Six Capitol police officers suspended in response to Jan 6 riot [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/13006475, >>>/qresearch/13006541, >>>/qresearch/13006653 So, this seems to have been pr3etty accurate…

>>>/qresearch/13006502 Eric Prince Digs

>>>/qresearch/13006533, >>>/qresearch/13006620, >>>/qresearch/13006806 New Dan Scavino "These children would have been killed by the Nazis" Leaking Intel Of FF on Synogogue? + Questionable Tweet

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220314194003/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd92c51ceb7183afa55e43d787fc5756e205e56930cdf35804bfe7f4d46d67c5.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220083706/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9ed5bbdb3a6a29a92a29a4781ebc9a536a8d9f05ec882882fd5609d1c0619eff.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13006543 The Bank, BNP Paribas, which was subpoenaed to track Jeffrey Epstein funds DONATED $25 M TO THE CLINTONS - Bank is also getting money from PA Gov Wolf

>>>/qresearch/13006554 Neurotmesis 'Cutting the nerves and isolating the head' Muslim magazine featuring cabal players such as Comey and dedicated to the destruction and death of America

>>>/qresearch/13006565 TRUMP is still in control (or more importantly, why Biden is not in control)

>>>/qresearch/13006580, >>>/qresearch/13006615, >>>/qresearch/13006773 MM Digs

>>>/qresearch/13006585, >>>/qresearch/13006630, >>>/qresearch/13006723, >>>/qresearch/13006840 John Solomon Alabama military jet crashes near airport, two dead | Just The News


>>>/qresearch/13006669 ENTIRE California School Board RESIDNS After Caught Mocking Parents Over School Reopenings

>>>/qresearch/13006682, >>>/qresearch/13006687 Fake News Exclusive: White House working with Facebook and Twitter to tackle anti-vaxxers

>>>/qresearch/13006695, >>>/qresearch/13006736 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/13006698 Portland militant #antifa Juniper Simonis explains her perspective on police guarding a dumpster filled w/spoiled food antifa were trying to steal for redistribution. Simonis was arrested last year by federal officers & immediately shouted, “I’m a woman!”

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220083619/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7a82ecf22a6304f3ccd55887bce3c18ed7b7f77bab969387d115e2a5eed121d8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13006707 Im no Stonkfag but… I thought anons said someone already had the silver monop… "Anons, Don't forget the Silver Squeeze is going on right now"

>>>/qresearch/13006728 White Supremacists"Retentionist" Digs?

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210220083636/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6c9538fe79b8e470aaaa5ab9865e9c80c8a462d62a7a3fcfa418d64ee94a7cf7.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13006733, >>>/qresearch/13006765, >>>/qresearch/13006767, >>>/qresearch/13006781, >>>/qresearch/13006789, >>>/qresearch/13006830, >>>/qresearch/13006837, >>>/qresearch/13006849, >>>/qresearch/13006862, >>>/qresearch/13006881, >>>/qresearch/13006887, >>>/qresearch/13006903, >>>/qresearch/13006905, >>>/qresearch/13006914, >>>/qresearch/13006953 , , , , Huge open source data mine on Coronavirus at the public link regarding Washington State and Bill Gates. + Results & Discussion

>>>/qresearch/13006753 PHOENIX POLICE: 37 predators nabbed in child sex crimes and human trafficking sting

>>>/qresearch/13006754, >>>/qresearch/13006823 Ted Cruz Hate Mail Over Poodle, Dog Comms?

>>>/qresearch/13006768, >>>/qresearch/13006794 Thanks For Checking

>>>/qresearch/13006778 Hopium… For The Leftists

>>>/qresearch/13006858 Are You Entertained?

(35 notables, 70 posts, 70 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30255

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13008515 Q Research General #16568: NameLess Heroes - Glory To The Father Edition

Created 201516ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13008536 DNMSFI

>>>/qresearch/13008541 Truth Control: They say it open. CENSOR

>>>/qresearch/13008544 DOD Taking Steps to Prevent Sexual Assault, Extremism

>>>/qresearch/13008547, >>>/qresearch/13008595, >>>/qresearch/13008611, >>>/qresearch/13008632 , Images: Texans Froze To Death Because Biden Admin Ordered ERCOT To Throttle Energy Output By Forcing It To Comply With Environmental Green Energy Standards - MEANWHILE Someone stokes the Political Fire Rather Than Contribute POSITIVE CHANGE

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U7TpzX79dV4 - Woman is revealing what is happening in Texas NOW on 2-19-21 [Channel: TRUMPET NEWS]

>>>/qresearch/13008560 "It's A National Crisis" - Officials Admit Billions Lost In "Veritable Tsunami" Of Pandemic Aid Fraud

>>>/qresearch/13008567 RT NYTimes warns readers against critical thinking lest they realize the ‘paper of record’ is feeding them lies

>>>/qresearch/13008577 QE, MMT, YCC, Smoke & Mirrors: Exposing The Great Egghead Caper

>>>/qresearch/13008583 We got some Joe comms 10:17 timestamp

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220185942/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/09a1d79be48764c89f18d96ae75ecbe192c35493cdf0dfe854feb24e79b795f4.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13008586 Biden Fires Chicago U.S. Attorney Hot on the Trail of Democratic Corruption

>>>/qresearch/13008591 Here are the 63 Biden Administration Officials with Harvard Ties

>>>/qresearch/13008607, >>>/qresearch/13008609, >>>/qresearch/13008612, >>>/qresearch/13008756, >>>/qresearch/13009034 Vaccines And Allergies Discussion

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yBkm6mIPc-k - Dr. Anthony Fauci Calls Racial Disparities In Vaccination Rates u2018Very Distur [Channel: MSNBC]

>>>/qresearch/13008615, >>>/qresearch/13008618 The US is back in the Paris Agreement. What’s next? | John Kerry and Al Gore

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Lz9CQ2zKt3M - The US is back in the Paris Agreement. Whatu2019s next? | John Kerry and Al Gore [Channel: TED]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=PG9Hm5aFHVo - John Kerry Says Climate Change Should Be Called Climate Crisis | NBC News NOW [Channel: NBC News]

>>>/qresearch/13008636 Thank You DHS for Acknowledging [They] are trying to Subvert This Movement

>>>/qresearch/13008652 "OCTAGON – FREEJACK – ZODIAC"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Rp_umWoSZj4 - OCTAGON u2013 FREEJACK u2013 ZODIAC [Channel: Headlines with a Voice]

>>>/qresearch/13008667 Taiwan scrambles air force again after Chinese exercises in South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/13008708, >>>/qresearch/13008723 Scientists at 7 universities found NO covid19 in 1,500 covid19 positive samples. All samples were influenza A or B. Conclude covid19 was imaginary and fictitious and are SUING THE CDCAlready Removed!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220184646/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9171bdb4448db44765027cf3b66294f13d2d8039d478b2ce0e3dd251ed0bfa52.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13008727, >>>/qresearch/13008952, >>>/qresearch/13008980 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/13008734 Subliminal Sexuality: The Fountainhead for America's Obsession

>>>/qresearch/13008764, >>>/qresearch/13008771, >>>/qresearch/13008853 "Rothschilds used to control the weather" & Bad JuJews

>>>/qresearch/13008788 Keks But honestly, who wouldnt be? COOK THE MAN ANOTHER ONE!

>>>/qresearch/13008831 Mad Storm Season This Year?

>>>/qresearch/13008872, >>>/qresearch/13008880, >>>/qresearch/13008915, >>>/qresearch/13008969 Rush Limabugh Sr, Cape Girardeau Tunnel Digz

>>>/qresearch/13008873 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE — Sidney Powell Speaks Out After SCOTUS Meetings: ‘We Expect Any Orders To Come Out Monday’

>>>/qresearch/13008894 Boxing's biggest firm founded by 'drug cartel boss' lands in Canada

>>>/qresearch/13008900 Kek, Russell Brand On "Q Anons"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ic2C30ElCSY - QAnon: How Did It Hit Home? And WHAT NEXT?! [Channel: Russell Brand]

>>>/qresearch/13008939 Blood on Bidans Hands - 914,210 Pints of it give or take

>>>/qresearch/13008978 Global Nomination

>>>/qresearch/13008984 Not All Sweet Dreamers… Mexican pimp Hugo Hernandez-Velazquez, brothers ran US sex ring, feds say

>>>/qresearch/13009013 BIDEN's destruction of America = Day 31

>>>/qresearch/13009019 Define Posturing: Heavy Boots Cut off my life force Patriarchy Now and Forever <OUR FATHER anyone?

>>>/qresearch/13009024 , AWE THEY PAINT A PRETTY GODDAMN PICTURE DON'T THEY: PICTURE IMPERFECT Epstein ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell’s never-before-seen pics taken for dad’s boat as seeds of her downfall were sowed

>>>/qresearch/13009027 Texans Unite On Telegram

>>>/qresearch/13009057 #16568

(33 notables, 49 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30256

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13009860 Q Research General #16570: Maintaining Focus Amidst The Madness Edition

Created 201923ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13010023, >>>/qresearch/13010589 Remember Why We Are Here

>>>/qresearch/13010093, >>>/qresearch/13010099 Texas Grid Collapse Digs

>>>/qresearch/13010134 That doesn't Sound Constructive&hellip; "break your will" re climate bolshevism

>>>/qresearch/13010151 Reminder of the casual everyday lies of bluechecks

>>>/qresearch/13010159 Signs And Wonders In Russia? What Was HAPPENING IN That House Of Worship!?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210220230656/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/dcc8ac41e0c6dab88c5d32fdf55d39d4931906909ccaaefafca1a903d3526bc3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13010166 De-Centralization Of Information Dissemination Message From POTUS?

>>>/qresearch/13010170 U.S. Strategic Command Tweets: Our #B52s are the most responsive attribute of the #nucleartriad. It takes great #teammates to ensure that our #bombers are ready within a moment’s notice no matter what Mother Nature throws in our way.

>>>/qresearch/13010176 Is This A Sign Of Imminent Collapse? Arturo Di Modica, the #sculptor of #WallStreet's "Charging Bull" statue has died in his hometown of Vittoria, #Sicily Nope, it's a Hype Title

>>>/qresearch/13010179 Reposting Texans Unite Telegram Group Chat. Stay Comfy Frenz

>>>/qresearch/13010187, >>>/qresearch/13010198, >>>/qresearch/13010216, >>>/qresearch/13010251, >>>/qresearch/13010265, >>>/qresearch/13010514, >>>/qresearch/13010546, >>>/qresearch/13010570 Did You Call it Again Anons? Late Prince Phillip? Charles Was Allegedly Visibly Shaken&hellip; Which means&hellip; Here Comes The Bioweapon?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20230313031918/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b7c4dd01917b65efb31bca3c412b5cb757b22b14210f4ee2067fe47bf408ba17.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13010204, >>>/qresearch/13010278, >>>/qresearch/13010413, >>>/qresearch/13010513, >>>/qresearch/13010548 Saving "Jewish" Children Or Fucking, Breeding And Eating Them?


>>>/qresearch/13010209, >>>/qresearch/13010247, >>>/qresearch/13010676, >>>/qresearch/13010688, >>>/qresearch/13010742 PF ReportsFF IN FLIGHT!?

>>>/qresearch/13010219 QResearch and It's Participants Are a Very Real Thing, There Is No conspiracy But To Cover iTrutht up with LIES

>>>/qresearch/13010221, >>>/qresearch/13010243 Night_Riders_FLY.

>>>/qresearch/13010258, >>>/qresearch/13010274, >>>/qresearch/13010301 Glad I Voted For Obama For Some Odd Reason&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13010269 Basham Weighs in On Columbia Professor's Statements (Shit most of us just want to grow and smoke homegrown aside from our Careers&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13010289 2620 Priming? When Did Dreamer Flights Announce? You Know [They] Are Comparing This To &hellip;That, But If Making That Comparison&hellip; Why are we in the MIDDLE EAST instead of South The Border?

>>>/qresearch/13010302 Boozy Bragger Busted

>>>/qresearch/13010303 Iowa Election Recalled?

>>>/qresearch/13010305 General McInerney Telegrams&hellip;.STOP. Bet On They having already sent recon out while the big heads were meeting - "Be aware of a false flag. Top level Biden officials meeting with CIA puppets."

>>>/qresearch/13010308 Epstein Island Escape Needs Testers! Count Baker in Drop A Link Please Anon.

>>>/qresearch/13010492 Alt-right social media network Gab goes dark Kek&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13010499 Conservative Group Demands Inquiry Into ‘Unelected Power’ of Boris Johnson’s Fiancée

>>>/qresearch/13010510 SPEAK UP WHEN [THEY] TRY YOU STATES! FL AG Moody: ‘No Reason’ for Biden to Terminate Operation Targeting Sex Offenders in Country Illegally (Where There Is Light There Can Be No Darkness)

>>>/qresearch/13010516, >>>/qresearch/13010624 For Thee..But Not We.

>>>/qresearch/13010518, >>>/qresearch/13010532, >>>/qresearch/13010568 Yay an appearance Kek! BREAKING: Former Pres. Trump to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Feb. 28in first public appearance after leaving office + Intel Leaks From The Team

>>>/qresearch/13010536 Moar Alarming Spending From The Biden Administration, 3 Trillion In 30 Days?

>>>/qresearch/13010564 See how they try to Examine it by people until they get the result they want? Another Expert Review of the Pennsylvania 2020 Election Results Provides More Evidence for Suspected Election Fraud. These Ballots Must Be Forensically Reviewed.

>>>/qresearch/13010576 Institutionalized Racism, Veteran Bronx educator claims she was fired after refusing ‘Black Panther’ salute

>>>/qresearch/13010587, >>>/qresearch/13010595 , >>13010597Kyle Stay Safe Kid! AquittedJudges are starting to not give a fuck and it's pretty based like hard i son based bro

>>>/qresearch/13010608 Two Democratic Governors See Stars Dimmed by Virus Woes

>>>/qresearch/13010631 Nigel Farage Remind 30 Minutes! ( 33 Comms )

>>>/qresearch/13010638 She's right you know, Those people Typically Lie unless it is a GREAT facility&hellip; NY nursing home resident: "State tally of 1 COVID death at my facility is BS!"

>>>/qresearch/13010672 This PURIM Prophecy is HUGE! The Deeper Meaning of Esther Reveals SALVATION and RESTORATION Comes!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-xZiNrtGqVw - This PURIM Prophecy is HUGE! The Deeper Meaning of Esther Reveals SALVATION and [Channel: Jacob Israel]

>>>/qresearch/13010678 Chinese military scientist accused of obstructing DOJ investigation into her visa fraud at Stanford

>>>/qresearch/13010699, >>>/qresearch/13010718 Cuomo Accepts Imminent Impeachment Case Mounting "New York Legislature ‘Inching Toward’ Impeachment Probe Of Cuomo, Democratic Assemblyman Says"

>>>/qresearch/13010711 ,GEN FLYNN ITALYGATE REPOST!

>>>/qresearch/13010835 #16570

(39 notables, 64 posts, 81 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30257

File: 8b0fcc4bc4994e8⋯.png (1.49 MB,1173x778,1173:778,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13012321 Q Research General #16573: Texas Grid Taken Down On Purpose By Ercot And Dept Of Energy Edition

Created 210108ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13012392, >>>/qresearch/13012410, >>>/qresearch/13012412

>>>/qresearch/13012441 SELF-DISCIPLINE

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221040640/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/025f054079f07393a117a7e6279d5ca5cd8dac43b08e4cfe00be022913fb4f45.webm

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210221040624/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7462a2433f216738afc1b033419e7eeb41ea8365dc7db56739a7938d15112d1c.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13012445 Niger Votes in Presidential Runoff to Usher in First Democratic Transition

>>>/qresearch/13012460 ON READY

>>>/qresearch/13012465 Cruz Apologizes For Fleeing the Storm?!?, 3519

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ss1rqHWErWA - Cruz Apologizes For Fleeing the Storm?!?, 3519 [Channel: The Still Report]

>>>/qresearch/13012471, >>>/qresearch/13012822 China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao

>>>/qresearch/13012478, >>>/qresearch/13012653 Q, Beware the 'farm'ers here.

>>>/qresearch/13012501 UK could declare Brexit 'water wars':

>>>/qresearch/13012519 Anybody else trusting the plan? (-o7)

>>>/qresearch/13012565 This anon sees 10s of MILLIONS of $$$$$$$$ being spent and expended by the MSM in constant, increasing attacks on the Q movement.

>>>/qresearch/13012583 The USSR was the first state to recognise the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd and incorporated territories

>>>/qresearch/13012601 Election was stolen by .666 votes

>>>/qresearch/13012642, >>>/qresearch/13012683 BAKER HERE STILL GETTING HIT WITH 505 SERVER ERRORS

>>>/qresearch/13012644 Gov. McMaster calls for review of SC’s power grids, agencies ready to comply

>>>/qresearch/13012671 Lighting up the night! (M240’s and .50 cal)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221040832/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/fb28c2d1550a3eeea3121b8910ad2d83a9c8858c32c7b18e45b9dbd8797aa42e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13012696 Nearly 100,000 in U.S. Died from Coronavirus in Biden’s First Month in Office

>>>/qresearch/13012702 Why do they want the destroy the Texas power grid?

>>>/qresearch/13012707, >>>/qresearch/13013168 #16572, #16573, #16574

>>>/qresearch/13012721 Texas Blackouts Spark First Lawsuit; AG Vows Prob

>>>/qresearch/13012725 Sen. Inhofe Documents Clinton’s Culpability in #Chinagate

>>>/qresearch/13012741, >>>/qresearch/13013088 Anons, Here is a paint by color to keep you busy today.

>>>/qresearch/13012760 Prof. Carol Swain: Left targeting K-12 after 'destroying' higher education

>>>/qresearch/13012768 Watch Ashleigh Shackelford. All white people are racist. White people are born into NOT being HUMANAnd you will always be racist.

>>>/qresearch/13012773 The moment when SIRI is more honest than Q.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ya-8tEIpRQ4 - February 10, 2021 [Channel: Qanon Wwg1wga]

>>>/qresearch/13012776 add spacing betwwen the text notables seemed to work for 505 server long post error

>>>/qresearch/13012813 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Attends Election Night Gathering

>>>/qresearch/13012827 Nigel Farage: UK Schools selling out to Beijing

>>>/qresearch/13012838 bad notables are bad for the aggregator at wearethene.ws.

>>>/qresearch/13012844 Who are these optics for? Not the public.

>>>/qresearch/13012847 I figured out about FLIES

>>>/qresearch/13012908 Boom Memes

>>>/qresearch/13012956 Reminder, Nothing can kill off QR.

>>>/qresearch/13012980 Here's an aspect of environmentalism the liberal cult masters would like us to forget:

>>>/qresearch/13012986, >>>/qresearch/13013025 Putin announces total independence from rothschild controlled us dollar (Comrade -o7)

>>>/qresearch/13012995 Anons asking for digs on Pelosi

>>>/qresearch/13013009 National Security ‘Experts’: GOP ‘Behaving Like a Terror Group,’ to Be Viewed ‘as Enemy Combatants’

>>>/qresearch/13013020 Hurt by Lockdowns, California’s Small Businesses Push to Recall Governor

>>>/qresearch/13013024 Reminder TRUST THE PLAN

>>>/qresearch/13013033 The FBI and DOJ Are Investigating Alex Jones and Roger Stone For Their Roles in Insurrection

>>>/qresearch/13013051 Get #BidenBlackout and #ErcotGate trending on social media.

>>>/qresearch/13013061 With its March 17 deadline approaching, the campaign to #RecallGavinNewsom is less than 60,000 signatures short of triggering an election, officials say.

>>>/qresearch/13013069 Here's the screenshot Nancy's brother Rape and perverted practices 11 and 13 years old

>>>/qresearch/13013106 Texas-Ercot DOE Order

>>>/qresearch/13013132 NIGHT SHIFT ACTIVE

(44 notables, 52 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30258

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13012930 Q Research General #16574: Mitch [CCP] McConnell Edition

Created 210230ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13013222 RT: What happens if you don’t consent: WhatsApp won’t allow users to READ & SEND messages if they reject new privacy rules

>>>/qresearch/13013310 Breitbart: Rep. Chip Roy to American Plumbers: We Need Your Help in Texas to Repair Frozen Pipes

>>>/qresearch/13013376 AFP: "Allen v. Farrow," paints a damning picture of Oscar-winning director Woody Allen

>>>/qresearch/13013390 Anon graphic: Shit, cocaine Mitch and CCP Chao really did help steal this election.

>>>/qresearch/13013393 TheDiplomat: South Korea doesn't appear to be interested in vaxxing people&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13013440 Breitbart: National Security ‘Experts’: GOP ‘Behaving Like a Terror Group,’ to Be Viewed ‘as Enemy Combatants’

>>>/qresearch/13013487 Techstartups: Germany is now offering futuristic ‘coffin-like’ sleeping pods to its homeless citizens

>>>/qresearch/13013496, >>>/qresearch/13013513 Anons are digging on weather modification in the wake of what happened to Texas

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210221080128/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/db266437d10c2bb18719023397dcc208f9b45f7358f33c6ca5a47b37a28c5039.pdf

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210221080145/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f741a6451cdfed92a0bfe58ffa3ee74b7e6d9a20ff7d542f7d9c3423c8f40dff.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13013501 Jpost: Fauci wins $1 million Israeli prize for 'defending science'

>>>/qresearch/13013551 Texel, in Reston, Va, became one of the nations largest private telecommunications services providers.

>>>/qresearch/13013584 Anon posts some FBI Vault files on Pelosi’s Politician Father Thomas D’ Alesandro

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210221080249/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0d4b96e6a8c7a0ba689b1482d534054b4511b976e16b111011fdb34447142803.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13013601 TheHill: United Airlines announces investigation into leak of Cruz's Cancun flight information

>>>/qresearch/13013710 CHD: 1/3 of deaths from covid19 vaccine occur within 48 hours

>>>/qresearch/13013721 Yahoo spreading lies with zero shame: "Feds" now claim right-wing extremists responsible for majority of deadly terrorist attacks last year?

>>>/qresearch/13013749 ERCOT seeks an immediate order from DOE authorizing the provision of additional energy from all generating units subject to emissions or other permit limitations.

>>>/qresearch/13013768 Anon posts a JFK graphic: [H] 63 302s [R]

>>>/qresearch/13013779 GP: Mitch the Bitch thinks you are stupid

>>>/qresearch/13013824 NYP: Nigerian Instagram star helped North Korean hackers in $1.3B scheme: Feds

>>>/qresearch/13013826 Epoch: Armed Good Samaritans Stop Shooting Spree That Left 3 Dead

>>>/qresearch/13013849 OANN: If the GOP establishment doesn't get on board with Trump supporters, they will be lucky to get 30% of the vote next election and will never get in the WH again.

>>>/qresearch/13013877 WP: U.S. investigating possible ties between Roger Stone, Alex Jones and Capitol rioters

>>>/qresearch/13013883 #16574

>>>/qresearch/13013895 lb, They have plans for Prince William

(23 notables, 24 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30259

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13013929 Q Research General #16575: The 'Anons Fight Through The Darkest Nights. Can Do!' Edition

Created 210543ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13013954, >>>/qresearch/13013972, >>>/qresearch/13013991, >>>/qresearch/13014009, >>>/qresearch/13014055, >>>/qresearch/13014105, >>>/qresearch/13014125, >>>/qresearch/13014137, >>>/qresearch/13014150, >>>/qresearch/13014174, >>>/qresearch/13014675, >>>/qresearch/13014755, >>>/qresearch/13014821

>>>/qresearch/13013982, >>>/qresearch/13014041 TCP reset attack, an attacker kills a connection between two victims by sending one or both of them fake messages

>>>/qresearch/13014012 CABAL wants a one world government/religion/money Catherine Austin Fitts-Planet Lockdown

>>>/qresearch/13014013 Beware the 'farm'ers here (17 mins)

>>>/qresearch/13014018 Cuban surfers know what Liberty means

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oZPda591k8A - Havanna Libre teaser [Channel: Big Sky Documentary Film Festival]

>>>/qresearch/13014027, >>>/qresearch/13014060, >>>/qresearch/13014066, >>>/qresearch/13014069, >>>/qresearch/13014096, >>>/qresearch/13014099, >>>/qresearch/13014106, >>>/qresearch/13014157, >>>/qresearch/13014173, >>>/qresearch/13014190, >>>/qresearch/13014263, >>>/qresearch/13014275, >>>/qresearch/13014276, >>>/qresearch/13014283, >>>/qresearch/13014290 Texas was deliberately attacked by a demented “self-appointed master” named Cho Xideng

>>>/qresearch/13014028 A deleted Bill Gates documentary has been revived. Remember he made a statement saying he doesn't understand why people don't like him?

>>>/qresearch/13014033 A machine learning AI has remastered "Rick roll" in 4K (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221081526/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d16eff04954a62e2dfaf089e8a6a4c54ecf27524472a8a6d7f58453f3c46f91f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13014049, >>>/qresearch/13014056, >>>/qresearch/13014061, >>>/qresearch/13014110, >>>/qresearch/13014123, >>>/qresearch/13014156 Anon specializes exclusively in counter-PSYOP, tactics on how to deal with customized PSYOPs

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20201009114826/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/5d79066a51f2bbfd137dd2b9a3a40f3ae10c978b0b5975861dafc91ef62eeac2.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221113417/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ae7ec1d5e091904705a7a7cfe462552181c254895b59d0a8997babbcbd3b0881.webm

>>>/qresearch/13014065, >>>/qresearch/13014204 Biden's odd and pointless tweets of the day

>>>/qresearch/13014078, >>>/qresearch/13014141 Retired Airforce Silverback Silver Squeeze, Bitches

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=qxmmvBHV-8g - #Silversqueeze - NEWBIE / retired military 1080p [Channel: DOWNRANGE]

>>>/qresearch/13014084, >>>/qresearch/13014094 Deep states Playbook

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20220604211825/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81e23edf2e685a1a879ba8b820d4f1c098ab80625110b8fecc3a834a29ee1261.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13014129 US Navy "We're Ready" one year delta

>>>/qresearch/13014165 Information Warfare Special Forces to build ‘influence artillery’ for online campaigns

>>>/qresearch/13014199 Eroding America from within: Marketing data threatens military cohesion

>>>/qresearch/13014301 Facebook to add Fake labels to climate change posts and adds altered information prompts on posts

>>>/qresearch/13014376 Biden Fires U.S. Attorney John Lausch on Brink of Exposing Democrat Corruption

>>>/qresearch/13014422 Australian spy found dead reportedly planned to release classified data on Afghan 'war crimes'

>>>/qresearch/13014444 PB - Q like drop, AUTH478-24zgP

>>>/qresearch/13014447, >>>/qresearch/13014536 John Sullivan (Jayden XYZ and Insurgence USA) now that we have the receipts of NBC and CNN $70k payments

>>>/qresearch/13014518, >>>/qresearch/13014520, >>>/qresearch/13014603, >>>/qresearch/13014673 , "The EO shows the Biden administration ordered ERCOT to throttle its energy output by forcing it to comply with environmental green energy standards, while knowing full well Texans could freeze to death in their homes with zero electricity as temperatures plunged into the single digits.”

>>>/qresearch/13014534 The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

>>>/qresearch/13014561, >>>/qresearch/13014604 Trump to Make First Public Speech Since Leaving White House at CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13014578 G7 Summit in Carbis Bay, Cornwall, United Kingdom on 11-13 June 2021.

>>>/qresearch/13014602 Pizzagate is entirely real and all of these sickos are connected

>>>/qresearch/13014610 The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

>>>/qresearch/13014622, >>>/qresearch/13014680, >>>/qresearch/13014696 , I asked CM what Crypto he favored and he sent me a link to: https://susukino.com/.

>>>/qresearch/13014637 NBC News Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department 2013

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=P3J1gpYaQN4 - NBC News Hillary Clinton u2018Covered Upu2019 Pedophile Ring At State Department [Channel: Captain GreyBeard]

>>>/qresearch/13014671 Justice Department is investigating possible ties between Capitol rioters with Roger Stone and Alex Jones

>>>/qresearch/13014762 #16575, #16576, #16577

(30 notables, 72 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30260

File: bc11e8ccdf04e31⋯.jpg (12.92 KB,255x198,85:66,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13014768 Q Research General #16576: What happened with Texas and its Energy Edition

Created 211010ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13014791 Crowdstrike, the Firm at the Center of the Russia Collusion Scam, Was Next Involved in a China Linked “Electric Panda” Hacker Tale – Is This Now Relevant Today?

>>>/qresearch/13014802 Massive Crowd of Two Supporters, Welcomes the 81 Million Vote Recipient Kamala Harris Back to Her California Home (Video)

>>>/qresearch/13014807, >>>/qresearch/13014900 , Prophecy of the Two Presidents | Kim Clement

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=W3hPnxp6HlQ - Prophecy of the Two Presidents | Kim Clement [Channel: Trey Smith]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Coo9a7lDNY0 - Kim Clement Prophecy fulfilled: "IT'S SNOWING IN JERUSALEM" A Very Rare Event in [Channel: Kissy Slimes]

>>>/qresearch/13014812, >>>/qresearch/13014877, >>>/qresearch/13014975 , Erik Prince Busted In Illegal Libya Gun-Running Scheme That Included 'Assassination For Hire'

>>>/qresearch/13014814 Weather Warfare, Texas in a nutshell Anons Rothschild Orion technologies

>>>/qresearch/13014818 COVID commission chief has history of praising China, criticizing U.S.

>>>/qresearch/13014824 Trump already has 'hundreds of millions' in backing to launch social media platform

>>>/qresearch/13014848 The Biden Administration has apparently decided to stop construction and plugging this hole in the wall.

>>>/qresearch/13014858, >>>/qresearch/13014884 , Exclusive: White House working with Facebook and Twitter to tackle anti-vaxxers

>>>/qresearch/13014875 (You) Next time a shill comes and whines about a "Plan", Give them this (Meme Flowchart)

>>>/qresearch/13014882 IS BOB DOLE IN TX >>>? Biden visits 'good friend' Bob Dole following cancer diagnosis

>>>/qresearch/13014885 Directed evolution: Its how they made both the virus and the vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13014923 Hillary's favorite lawyer, Marc Elias is spearheading an illegal overturn to get a democrat in office: A Democrat Lost By Six Votes, Now The U.S. House May Throw Out Election Results To Let Her Win

>>>/qresearch/13014924, >>>/qresearch/13014932 PB Sergeant Robert Leroy Horton (US ARMY CIVIL AFFAIRS & PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS

>>>/qresearch/13014937 Fantastical Energy, American Thinker February 21, 2021

>>>/qresearch/13014943 Former Republican Rep. Greg Walden joins board of clean energy group

>>>/qresearch/13014949 An FBI asset who infiltrated the Oath Keeper movement charged in Capitol false flag attack

>>>/qresearch/13014957 Failing LA Times regular Qanon hit piece

>>>/qresearch/13014966 Facebook removed the main page of Myanmar military as protests continue following a military coup

>>>/qresearch/13014971 Over 80 percent of submitted Newsom recall signatures have been verified

>>>/qresearch/13014979 2021 Super Bowl LV Flyover + Behind The Scenes Footage

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YpZdrWPbsvs - 2021 Super Bowl LV Flyover + Behind The Scenes Footage [Channel: AirshowStuffVideos]

>>>/qresearch/13014985 Ghosted Kitchen Cancelled

>>>/qresearch/13014988 Forbes: Judge Tosses Out Another GOP Lawsuit Against CNN

>>>/qresearch/13015008 USAToday: As millions of kids skip kindergarten, the learning gap widens — and schools may lose funding

>>>/qresearch/13015032 TheHill: Media's gushing promotion of Gov. Cuomo looks pretty bad now

>>>/qresearch/13015034 Footage of the Port Los Angeles/Long Beach anchorage area with container vessels awaiting entry.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=iobGdkfsgEY - Footage of the Port Los Angeles/Long Beach anchorage area with container vessels [Channel: Defense Flash News]

>>>/qresearch/13015038 Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment

>>>/qresearch/13015100 ABC:"Boy" Scouts celebrate the first group of female Eagle Scouts

>>>/qresearch/13015121 PJM: Climate Hysterics Urging Biden to 'Go Well Beyond' Paris Climate Deal Limits

>>>/qresearch/13015162 TheCritic oped: Face masks make you stupid

>>>/qresearch/13015171, >>>/qresearch/13015441, >>>/qresearch/13015491 More ERCOT digging

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lLcStTYZQO8 - Texas Power Outages Explainedu2014Jason Isaac | American Thought Leaders [Channel: American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times]

>>>/qresearch/13015173 Megyn Kelly goes hypocrite: ‘A Corrupt, Lying, Cheating Criminal’ (AUDIO)

>>>/qresearch/13015230 Beacon: Wuhan Lab Kept NIH Funding Despite Trump Crackdown

>>>/qresearch/13015233 Taiwan scrambles air force again after Chinese exercises in South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/13015389 Axois: America's vaccine rollout has been among the best in the world

>>>/qresearch/13015570 AT Oped: The first 30 days of Biden's reign are as bad as we feared

>>>/qresearch/13015578 Sputnik: Australian Spy Found Dead Reportedly Planned to Release Classified Data on Afghan 'War Crimes'

>>>/qresearch/13015586 New Mexico Governor Grisham Caught Using Taxpayer Money to Pay for Her Groceries, Tequila and Whiskey

>>>/qresearch/13015593 #16576

(39 notables, 46 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30261

File: eb41965d45aa5f5⋯.jpg (28.26 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13015621 Q Research General #16577: The 'Ghosts of Shadilay!' Edition

Created 211415ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13015683, >>>/qresearch/13015692, >>>/qresearch/13015705, >>>/qresearch/13015712, >>>/qresearch/13015724, >>>/qresearch/13015737, >>>/qresearch/13015824, >>>/qresearch/13016102, >>>/qresearch/13016304, >>>/qresearch/13016313, >>>/qresearch/13016327, >>>/qresearch/13016355, >>>/qresearch/13016371, >>>/qresearch/13016384

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SW0KowJoJ40 - Neil Fallon - Instant Winner [Channel: Kenny MacKenzie]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oHrTOQ18yzU - "Staring at the Sun" by TV on the Radio [Channel: Touch and Go Records / Quarterstick Records]

>>>/qresearch/13015720 About a dozen armed "Boogaloo" as well as two anti-fascist activists gathered this afternoon to hold an anti-ICE "Open the Cages" protest outside the Atlanta Immigration Court.

>>>/qresearch/13015721 How the Bush's Help Hitler to rise to power

>>>/qresearch/13015725 Medias gushing promotion of gov cuomo looks pretty bad now

>>>/qresearch/13015740 schumann report

>>>/qresearch/13015761 Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics oh my

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210221183836/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/161ebcd372ed193f959e288f7c2cb37b6ef6fabd2e5f3efddf7ca7e65b328998.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13015774 Jim Carrey Retires From Political Cartooning With ‘Orange Julius Caesar’ Out of Office


>>>/qresearch/13015797 Interesting post on 1/2 Chan, Biden was supposed to be President poster says read Q posts see pics. He had to be exposed

>>>/qresearch/13015804 EQ prediction Jan 2018, near to the Hawaii missile alert and more (INFO MAP)

>>>/qresearch/13015820 SNLs rips Andrew Cuomo nursing home scandal

>>>/qresearch/13015821 III MEF Marines: 73rd Reunion of Honor

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221184017/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/330911f07dafab4b43b2b15fd880212caf0028ca24ea7b7baa909fc3bd1c66a3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13015831 The Collapse of California – 2022?

>>>/qresearch/13015877, >>>/qresearch/13015881 PROOF THAT BIDEN ADMIN CAUSED TEXAS BLACKOUTS!

>>>/qresearch/13015892 Winter Weather Warfare - John B Wells Live

>>>/qresearch/13015904 anon whac-a-mole operation | marines confirm?


>>>/qresearch/13015948, >>>/qresearch/13016073 Pelosi tasks retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré with leading review of Capitol security

>>>/qresearch/13015977 Raytheon Awarded $49 Million DoD Contract Weeks After Former Board Member Lloyd Austin Confirmed as Defense Secretary

>>>/qresearch/13016004 Please watch the Cross in the middle of the screen as the vid plays (Creepy)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221184312/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1710de2bf7220bf3dabf8fa0e71265495e10b9f8b450b42a1a0d26c1023668c7.webm

>>>/qresearch/13016087 Former vice president Mike Pence reportedly declined an invitation to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC),

>>>/qresearch/13016114 US AIR FORCE BRINGING THE HEAT

>>>/qresearch/13016124 The GOP is rapidly becoming the blue-collar party.

>>>/qresearch/13016144, >>>/qresearch/13016261, >>>/qresearch/13016285 Steve Scalise refuses to admit that Joe Biden legitimately won the election

>>>/qresearch/13016148 Jason Miller says President Trump is "really concerned" about where Biden "is taking things" within the country (Vid)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Uy1IUcvlk9c - EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump 'really concerned' with where Biden 'is taking things' [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13016192 Biden could visit storm-ravaged Texas 'as soon as this week,' White House says

>>>/qresearch/13016203, >>>/qresearch/13016217, >>>/qresearch/13016228 DC Pizza Gate- A Primer UPDATED 11-12-16 (Caps & Pdf)

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210221184643/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0051016be28d48419a5eb5b49fa4c449ea1cf30586d0046889390d3c29a5a3a1.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13016208 Rep. Cori Bush brings Black Lives Matter passion to the halls of Congress

>>>/qresearch/13016230 Reminder, Obama’s Tyrannical Executive Orders

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eduPVK-VSBY - FEMA : ALL Citizens required for processing [Channel: MYK HYN]

>>>/qresearch/13016247 Mask Check

>>>/qresearch/13016260 Two F117 nighthawks stealth aircraft spotted over los-angeles

>>>/qresearch/13016292, >>>/qresearch/13016298 Anon Defends Freedom of Speech

>>>/qresearch/13016300 Joe Biden Ends Trump Program that Targeted Sex Offenders in the US Illegally

>>>/qresearch/13016309 President Trump Oversaw the Greatest NASDAQ Market Increase of the Last Eight Presidents

>>>/qresearch/13016312 Dem Rep. Khanna: ‘We Don’t Want’ Small Businesses That Can’t Afford $15 Minimum Wage

>>>/qresearch/13016316 Woman is revealing what is happening in Texas NOW on 2-19-21 (Vid)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U7TpzX79dV4 - Woman is revealing what is happening in Texas NOW on 2-19-21 [Channel: TRUMPET NEWS]

>>>/qresearch/13016353 Trump spokeswoman Sanders running for Arkansas governor

>>>/qresearch/13016393 #16577

(38 notables, 58 posts, 59 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30262

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13016376 Q Research General #165778 Tag team baking Edition

Created 211704ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13016403, >>>/qresearch/13016407, >>>/qresearch/13016439, >>>/qresearch/13016484, >>>/qresearch/13016527, >>>/qresearch/13016543, >>>/qresearch/13016557, >>>/qresearch/13016600, >>>/qresearch/13016601, >>>/qresearch/13016629, >>>/qresearch/13016673, >>>/qresearch/13016712, >>>/qresearch/13016761, >>>/qresearch/13016782, >>>/qresearch/13016972, >>>/qresearch/13017003

>>>/qresearch/13016423 Biden Ends President Trump’s ‘America First’ Policies in a Speech to the G7 From an Unknown Location

>>>/qresearch/13016436 Press prepares public to accept its likely breach of Trump Negotiated Afghanistan withdrawal

>>>/qresearch/13016453 New Mexico Governor Grisham Caught Using Taxpayer Money to Pay for Her Groceries, Tequila and Whiskey

>>>/qresearch/13016462, >>>/qresearch/13016583, >>>/qresearch/13016655 ANOTHER Boeing jet rains down debris due to engine fire (Netherlands)

>>>/qresearch/13016471 ZH Erik Prince Busted In Illegal Libya Gun-Running Scheme That Included 'Assassination For Hire'

>>>/qresearch/13016493 Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment

>>>/qresearch/13016525 Silver and Research Suggestions

>>>/qresearch/13016556 Pizzagate Thread

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221185519/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7747b067049ef08bbfc43e98161f33950215611f5f04cf73f39eff6351879c4e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13016558 World debt soars to record $281 TRILLION in 2020, set to rise again this year

>>>/qresearch/13016561 DJT will soon begin screening 2022 midterm candidates who are eager to forward “America First”

>>>/qresearch/13016630 California schools debate pins Newsom between allies and GOP recall backers

>>>/qresearch/13016652 Australian Spy Found Dead Reportedly Planned to Release Classified Data on Afghan 'War Crimes'

>>>/qresearch/13016653, >>>/qresearch/13016763, >>>/qresearch/13016997, >>>/qresearch/13017037 Fraud Vitiates & Trump Jr Call the Ball

>>>/qresearch/13016668 Jake-Sullivan-washington-response-solarwinds-hack-within-weeks

>>>/qresearch/13016765 Dems' $2T coronavirus bailout bill a job killer, GOP House budget panel leader says

>>>/qresearch/13016873 Scalise Says $60B Already Available to Reopen Schools

>>>/qresearch/13016894, >>>/qresearch/13016990, >>>/qresearch/13017023 Nunes case was dismissed on technicality

>>>/qresearch/13016902 Biden signs major disaster declaration for 77 Texas counties, but governor asked for all 254

>>>/qresearch/13016913 Judicial Watch Going After Pelosi

>>>/qresearch/13016921 #YouTube Takes Down Video of Testimony Given During Ohio House Session

>>>/qresearch/13016940 US Moves Short-Range Air-Defense Systems From Northeastern Syria To Iraq (Photos)

>>>/qresearch/13016962 Taiwan Intelligence Officers Face Charges Over Spying for China

>>>/qresearch/13016969, >>>/qresearch/13017019, >>>/qresearch/13017025, >>>/qresearch/13017033, >>>/qresearch/13017064, >>>/qresearch/13017101, >>>/qresearch/13017121, >>>/qresearch/13017126, >>>/qresearch/13017144 Steve Cortes visiting DJT Twat Decode

>>>/qresearch/13016979 Biden’s press secretary repeatedly refuses to condemn Andrew Cuomo’s actions

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221225334/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/78d932decfd645f16e65497c5b071595e7115235ba7374e647f840d27ee3f5b8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13017038 Officials say rockets strike Iraqi air base, one injured

>>>/qresearch/13017059, >>>/qresearch/13017075, >>>/qresearch/13017077 U.S. Justice Dept. investigating possible ties between Roger Stone, Alex Jones and Capitol rioters -WAPO

>>>/qresearch/13017084 Human Factors Considerations of Undergrounds in Insurgencies Army Pamphlet PDF Sept 1966

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210221230006/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b957050ba9cb8330036fd3833951d485f98683b44055690d002e76a86eb0f972.pdf

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20230614181631/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d4e9fe14666c5343374ae73c3145d01604aa19d33ef0e346828b6d554202912c.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13017112, >>>/qresearch/13017124, >>>/qresearch/13017135, >>>/qresearch/13017142 Anon asks for eyes on GME connections

>>>/qresearch/13017156 Where we go one we go all Ascension to 5th Dimension

>>>/qresearch/13017161 Iran-was-behind-planned-attacks-on-uae-embassies

>>>/qresearch/13017165 WWII Nazi Concentration Camp Guard Removed to Germany

>>>/qresearch/13017206 #16578, #165792, #165791

(33 notables, 68 posts, 80 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30263

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13017218 Q Research General #16579: Time To Turn It Up To Higher Gears Edition

Created 211913ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13017259 Seven men charged in northern Minnesota child sex trafficking sting

>>>/qresearch/13017274, >>>/qresearch/13017452 Johns Hopkins expert says COVID-19 pandemic could end by April

>>>/qresearch/13017275, >>>/qresearch/13017287, >>>/qresearch/13017300, >>>/qresearch/13017314, >>>/qresearch/13017335, >>>/qresearch/13017355, >>>/qresearch/13017388, >>>/qresearch/13017395, >>>/qresearch/13017411, >>>/qresearch/13017425, >>>/qresearch/13017474 This Is Art, World? To Some It's A Religion and a Lifestyle - This is Sickness!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221230653/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4aa1d1c2fde1212d36e495be94b5ebadd967032dbcd90639a3a5c810a43580f5.webm

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20230114004528/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3018a3cfbcba2efac30910c1624ce4719700725528818e38ca4c4669ec39c7fd.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13017284 Man accused of homicides found dead in jail cell

>>>/qresearch/13017288, >>>/qresearch/13017312 Biden and the Democrats Still Running Scared After Stealing Election – Will Never Hold an Open Event with the American People

>>>/qresearch/13017292 "Morally Grotesque" - Whistleblower At Smith College Resigns Over 'Reverse-Racism'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=blqpCMChBpI - Dear Smith College: I Have a Few Requests [Channel: Jodi Shaw Smith College Big Dig]

>>>/qresearch/13017299 Biden Supreme Court Pick?

>>>/qresearch/13017302 Ezra Tweets: Pottinger tells @margbrennan evidence exists that the Chinese military was doing coronavirus experiments on animals for years and that the researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology got sick in Autumn, 2019. @FaceTheNation

>>>/qresearch/13017308 ,There Is An Effort To Subvert Anons And Make Crazy Fuckers Believe Crazy Shit And Act Out Beware!

>>>/qresearch/13017311 ‘Just embarrassing’: Fans boo TA president after mentions of vaccine, Andrews government

>>>/qresearch/13017321, >>>/qresearch/13017353, >>>/qresearch/13017372 Special Ops Commander Trump, checkin in&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13017329 Market Watch Fiat Money 'Cerns

>>>/qresearch/13017330, >>>/qresearch/13017424, >>>/qresearch/13017431, >>>/qresearch/13017437, >>>/qresearch/13017457, >>>/qresearch/13017462, >>>/qresearch/13017481, >>>/qresearch/13017495, >>>/qresearch/13017509, >>>/qresearch/13017519, >>>/qresearch/13017528 'Progressive' church claims: Parts of the Bible are wrong because it isn't the 'Word of God' + Bible Stories Short Versions

>>>/qresearch/13017334 It's only complicated if you don't understand&hellip; PolitiFact Editor-in-Chief Pushes Cuomo's Nursing Home Lies, 'Really Complicated'

>>>/qresearch/13017340 Comparing Capital Marchers to Isis, CNN Host in WashPost: 'The Capitol Rioters Speak Just Like the Islamic Terrorists'

>>>/qresearch/13017343, >>>/qresearch/13017348, >>>/qresearch/13017351, >>>/qresearch/13017354, >>>/qresearch/13017527 ,-What Does it Even MEAN Though&hellip; An Anon's Considerations on Drops And Deltas Coupled with Current Events

>>>/qresearch/13017350 BACK2THEFUTURE! Wait&hellip;Cornell Offers a Racially Segregated Rock Climbing Course, Then Scrubs Its Website to Hide Their Racism

>>>/qresearch/13017368 Reminder, Nowhere to RunHide BUSTED ‘Operation Broken Hearts’ sees 37 ‘child sex predators’ arrested in undercover human trafficking sting in Arizona

>>>/qresearch/13017376 NarcoCommunist Rag Poilitico - Teachers union leader on reopening schools:

>>>/qresearch/13017382 OPEN S.D. Judge cancels Newsom, brings back sports to Sam Diego

>>>/qresearch/13017391, >>>/qresearch/13017400 The Largest Undercover Sting In Global History's Dragnet Closes In

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221184805/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/0690271ebbb0a3614cef8de5272ad46e1db50dea8a873984c112c703273b28ae.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13017398 FEMA Camps? NYC Bronx?

>>>/qresearch/13017409, >>>/qresearch/13017429, >>>/qresearch/13017466 Family of 11-Year-Old Boy Who Died Amid Texas Blackouts Suing Electrical Grid Operator That Has Sovereign Immunity&hellip;Does Joe?+Storm Woes, UnREAL Bills

>>>/qresearch/13017413, >>>/qresearch/13017502 Biblical, Reportedly occured in November&hellip; Up to 800 people are believed to have been killed in the fighting, which took place in November but news of which has only just emerged because the region has been cut off from outsiders

>>>/qresearch/13017414 F.U.C.K. Y.O.U. "W.O.K.E." B.I.T.C.H.E.S.

>>>/qresearch/13017440 Nigel Tweeted Yesterday IW Reports Today - Nigel Farage: “Communist Takeover” Underway In UK, CCP-Linked Firms Buying Schools

>>>/qresearch/13017448, >>>/qresearch/13017784 PF Reports Superstallion Over NYC

>>>/qresearch/13017453 Joe Knew&hellip; Why didn't we know about #COVID19 earlier? Matt Pottinger tells @margbrennan China turned to military instead of health experts: "The Chinese CDC to some extent was cut out because [they] turned to its military to try to cover this thing up..contain it until it was too late"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210221230949/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a6e0829c05168c95bb62ff4802cad8f0e05a07f0eaf0bd75e820d6c390fe07a0.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13017476 Colorado’s 2020 Election Results Make No Sense – No Way Biden Received Half a Million More Votes than Obama, Hillary or Trump. No Way!

>>>/qresearch/13017500 THE KRAKEN!

>>>/qresearch/13017507 Scalise outclasses ABC’s Jon Karl, who remains transfixed on Trump and Jan. 6 Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/13017511 “This is MADNESS!” – Former Trump Advisor Stephen Miller Goes Off – Democrats Propose Sending Invites to Criminal Illegal Aliens to Come Back and Get Citizenship

>>>/qresearch/13017526 Michael Flynn’s Wild Ride Into The Heart Of QAnon&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13017538 Pandemic's mental health burden heaviest among young adults - In a recent survey, almost two-thirds of 18- to-24-year-olds reported symptoms.

>>>/qresearch/13017546, >>>/qresearch/13017547 L. Wood Update Via Gab ~ Trump CPAC Gonn Be PACKED!

>>>/qresearch/13017575 Obama Official: More Than One Million Migrants to Hit Border This Year

>>>/qresearch/13017588 The Office of Prime Minister Benjamin @Netanyahu refuses to answer questions about why #Israel is expanding its Dimona nuclear facility.

>>>/qresearch/13017594 Welcome Back To The Neo-Civil Rights Movement

>>>/qresearch/13017612 A.I. "Iron Dome" Anti Ballistic Missile Defense Systems?

>>>/qresearch/13017617 Gina Carano Lashes Out at Disney Over ‘The Mandalorian’ Firing to New Boss Ben Shapiro

>>>/qresearch/13017620 Stage 2 Of "[Their] Cure" Coming Soon?

>>>/qresearch/13017623 Greek theatre director arrested on rape charges

>>>/qresearch/13017624 THE MAN THEY LOVE TO HATE IS BACK!! HERE WE GO: Trump Plots First Huge Political Move, And The Establishment GOP Should Be Nervous!!

>>>/qresearch/13017638 Harry And Megan's Upcoming Interview On OPRAH&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13017641 TV shows syncing with Biden on gun-control message - 'Lessons from these entertainment shows are clear. Don't try to use a gun for protection'

>>>/qresearch/13017645 Emotionally Charged Language Using Metaphors With War In Politics&hellip; Cmon Man enough of that!

>>>/qresearch/13017651 Remember, If you Voted For Biden You're Black, SO ACT LIKE IT! Great Work People.

>>>/qresearch/13017683 Fag STUNNING! Never-Trumper Adam Kinzinger Lashes Out at His Own Voters After He Is Censured by Will County Republicans

>>>/qresearch/13017691 Research The Brain Games They Play. This has Been Going on For over 50 FUCKING YEARS PEOPLE At Least Publicly

>>>/qresearch/13017692 She'll Circle Back To it&hellip; Psaki Repeatedly Refuses to Condemn Cuomo’s Actions That Led to the Deaths of Thousands of Elderly New York

>>>/qresearch/13017734, >>>/qresearch/13017894 SoChiComBidenIsBeijing's Mouthpiece?Who The Fuck Is In Beijing?+ Gas Chronicles

>>>/qresearch/13017746 Wow, Guess his fursuit is realistic looking?

>>>/qresearch/13017775 The Switch! Facebook political ad ban blocks pro-vaccine messages

>>>/qresearch/13017776 CocaineChiComMitch(3rd/4th row on right in red box) – noticed the company name Unicom – at first I thought it said unicorn - It may or may not relate to Q’s post 3036, but China Unicom is interesting….

>>>/qresearch/13017788 , Q Company - A Legitimate Firearm and Self Defense Weapon Company Re (SkinheadAlert)

>>>/qresearch/13017806 Censorship!!!! YouTube Takes Down Video of Testimony Given During Ohio House Session

>>>/qresearch/13017876 FFS Australian MSM & NYT -Coronavirus US: Shocking New York Times front page shows America’s crisis

>>>/qresearch/13017877 Germany initiates probe into killings of Soviet war prisoners by Nazi soldiers, reports say

>>>/qresearch/13017918 #165791

>>>/qresearch/13017919 #165792

(60 notables, 95 posts, 179 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30264

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13017924 Q Research General #16580: Patriots Back In The Saddle Again Edition

Created 212121ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13017989 “DARK TRIAD OF POLITICAL SCANDAL”: Trey Gowdy Blisters Cuomo’s Nursing Home Coverup

>>>/qresearch/13018062, >>>/qresearch/13018098, >>>/qresearch/13018485, >>>/qresearch/13018614, >>>/qresearch/13018697 Reperations For Us All, We ALL Have Been ROBBED! DJTJr's Got a point&hellip; The Democrats made the rules I’m just playing by them. 100,000 deaths in Joe Biden’s first month. where is the CNN death count take her? Where is the main stream media questioning each and every decision?

>>>/qresearch/13018075 MAD LONDON "Men"! Third woman alleges she was sexually assaulted by the same person accused of raping Brittany Higgins

>>>/qresearch/13018082, >>>/qresearch/13018093, >>>/qresearch/13018094 , Great Graphics on Corruption Put Together By Accredited Professionals. (Years Ago)

>>>/qresearch/13018085, >>>/qresearch/13018220 Parler Has Gone Full Faggot Minus The Hate For Homosexuals: REVEALED: Parler’s New CEO Wants Convention That Would Let George Soros Rewrite The Constitution

>>>/qresearch/13018103 Get These MOTHERFUCKIN MECHANICAL FAILURES OFF MY MOOTHERFUCKIN AIRPLANES! Nigerian military plane crashes near capital airport; seven dead

>>>/qresearch/13018110 STONKS! Hedge Fund CIO: "This Is The Endgame - We Are Entering The Hyper Speculation Phase"

>>>/qresearch/13018115, >>>/qresearch/13018435, >>>/qresearch/13018451, >>>/qresearch/13018456, >>>/qresearch/13018487, >>>/qresearch/13018492 The Seething Coontinues&hellip; How Trump offered Kim a ride on Air Force One - President Trump's meetings with Kim Jong-un were among the most eye-catching moments of his presidency. (Why share it then anons?) - Better than a fake bomb threat I guess&hellip; What Are Friends For?! JUST IN 🚨 President Trump offered North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un a lift home on Air Force One: Trump’s former deputy National Security Adviser (The Hill)

>>>/qresearch/13018117 Do You Believe In Coincidences?

>>>/qresearch/13018120 Former Florida Mayor Charged With Possession Of Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/13018133, >>>/qresearch/13018164 , Magic Numbers False Flag Setup Attempt?

>>>/qresearch/13018145 The International Rights Advocates, a human rights organization, is suing seven cocoa companies. These companies include Nestle, Cargill, Mars, Mondelez, Hershey, Barry Callebaut, and Olam. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of eight Malian men who were trafficked and forced to harvest cocoa.

>>>/qresearch/13018148, >>>/qresearch/13018160 Because why would armed escort be following them up the stairwell anyway, (They were kinda in the bunch no?) VETERAN SHOT AND KILLED AT CAPITOL BUILDING RIOT - SHE'S ALIVE - HOLLYWOOD STUNT WAS ALL PLANNED

>>>/qresearch/13018157 Indian Express Gushes over The Godfather Rewind 'Miss the ole Days?'

>>>/qresearch/13018165, >>>/qresearch/13018230 TITANIC TELEGRAPH ~ The machine will prove One of the Greatest Crimes Ever Committed Against Humanity

>>>/qresearch/13018166 House Democrats’ Own 2021 Election Bill Concedes Voting Machine Issues

>>>/qresearch/13018186 Another Plane crash but not today, Recent- San Pedro Prop Plane Pilot Killed 1 hospitalized

>>>/qresearch/13018213 Gateway Pundit is asking for help Someone is Stealing Their Content and Claiming it as their own List Inside ANONS DIG! THESE ARE FAKE PAYTRIOTS! PATRIOTS ARE NOT GRIFTERS!

>>>/qresearch/13018238 Fallout From Yesterday's False Flag, Pray For The Victim's Families!

>>>/qresearch/13018240 FBI Tweets: Combating Foreign Influence

>>>/qresearch/13018285 Sidney Stated Monday Should Yield Some Results&hellip; But Thurs SCOTUS? Order Lists Mon 9:30&hellip; Sidney Said&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13018297 We Are The New Hippies Apparently, But We're Not Hippies!

>>>/qresearch/13018322 Defund teacher's unions, etc How some radicals got into the schools - The Broad Academy.

>>>/qresearch/13018342 ,YOU CAN SHOVE IT!Vaccinations Will be Required Before Every Foreign Holiday, Warn Oxford Scientists

>>>/qresearch/13018345 Soros Riots in Europe Kicking Off Hard For An Early Summer Beginning

>>>/qresearch/13018350 ICE to Release Migrants Further into U.S. — Away from Texas Border Cities

>>>/qresearch/13018365 For Muh Conpiracy Of LIGHT

>>>/qresearch/13018381 California Nurses Sponsor Bill Mandating Free Healthcare For Everyone - Broken Heart logo hmmmmm…….up is down left is right

>>>/qresearch/13018402, >>>/qresearch/13018541, >>>/qresearch/13018582 COVID-19 Drives Command Teams Charged With Homeland Defense Into Cheyenne Mountain Bunker Above Top Secret Protocol

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Rp_umWoSZj4 - OCTAGON u2013 FREEJACK u2013 ZODIAC [Channel: Headlines with a Voice]

>>>/qresearch/13018413 Pence declined invitation to attend CPAC: reports

>>>/qresearch/13018440 Reversal of Earth's magnetic poles may have triggered Neanderthal extinction – and it could happen again&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13018459, >>>/qresearch/13018682 White Squall&hellip; QClock We Will Emerge Through This UNIFIED!

>>>/qresearch/13018464, >>>/qresearch/13018480 Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210222043450/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/798ad0d1ce2bf0328be76b9294643a4f56915ebe091fb09d33be3c1fd4356a5f.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13018470 Beer Is RACIST! BBC Are At It Again!! SKI Sunday Hosts Tell Countryfile To Hold Their Race Baiting Beer

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222043415/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/071f77536d220ac6164cbd8aa05c2e6f3b4434136bc92b6c09deec1db4c892f8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13018517 Are GeoEngineering Aircraft Being Destroyed and Cover Story is Falling Debris From Damaged Aircraft? Muh Conspiracies&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13018531 Prince William Suspected In Hospice - Prince Philip has spent a fifth night in hospital in London.

>>>/qresearch/13018581 Any Pothead could probably tell you that&hellip; so why are you reposting? even the potheads know, AND ITS OLD! Are you taking pots?

>>>/qresearch/13018616 The Essential Worker Pandemic Compensation Act $370,376 TAX FREE FOR ESSENTIAL WORKER DEATH FROM COVID

>>>/qresearch/13018617 FAA Issues Mandatory Directive To STEP UP Inspections on the Boeing 777 Pratt Whitney Engines and mechanicals.

>>>/qresearch/13018674 Richard Grenell tweet asking for more details on the large black woman speaking, as well as the event she was speaking at – the one where she says, "I believe white people are born into not being human."

>>>/qresearch/13018725, >>>/qresearch/13018727 #165802, #165801, #16581

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222043933/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/465d037391d1d1235d96519181ad1a5e852ddfd8d9520c96257fc66b4d57a4bb.mp4

(41 notables, 61 posts, 76 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30265

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13018741 Q Research General #16581: Kickin' Up Dust Edition

Created 212346ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13018904 Pope Francis accepts Cardinal Robert Sarah's resignation from divine worship congregation

>>>/qresearch/13018930 Chuck Schumer rips Texas for ignoring climate change

>>>/qresearch/13018961, >>>/qresearch/13019068 WE ARENT GONNA TAKE IT! Governor Newsom to 'Set Aside' 10 Percent of Vaccine Allotment for Teachers

>>>/qresearch/13019001 Trump Watch

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FZoExFNP7uU - Trump Today at MaraLago [Channel: Right Side News]

>>>/qresearch/13019011 Pizzagate Freak Home Album

>>>/qresearch/13019015 Rank Ass NY Subways Stunning Levels Of Air Toxins Found In New York's Subway System

>>>/qresearch/13019050 Fucked Either Way then? Study warns solar farms could unleash unintended consequences on the environment, including global warming

>>>/qresearch/13019058 Why do they have to do this to ENFORCE THE LAW ? Biden Under Pressure From 18 State AGs to Reinstate ICE's Operation Talon Targeting Sex Offenders

>>>/qresearch/13019093, >>>/qresearch/13019109 HERE THE old Biden bragging about trespassing at the Capital

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220929131943/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1be3d07e9f00c9209a0c9171674034699da7c43a731aadcd6674aaa50ea0b0aa.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13019096 McStain Chronicles

>>>/qresearch/13019121 Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia,” leaked docs reveal

>>>/qresearch/13019126, >>>/qresearch/13019245, >>>/qresearch/13019330, >>>/qresearch/13019352, >>>/qresearch/13019356 , 60 MINUTES ON "Q" and "Anons"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=B_pUsWoCm6w - Naked man appears to climb out of Buckingham Palace window [Channel: Burak Ersemiz]

>>>/qresearch/13019138 Trudeau gov't sought “urgent” international comparison of border measures

>>>/qresearch/13019140 Bots Vs Bots

>>>/qresearch/13019169 Iran reaches temporary agreement with UN inspectors, as nuclear deal hangs in the balance

>>>/qresearch/13019184, >>>/qresearch/13019216 Remember This Later&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13019212 Hypocrite DEFINED!

>>>/qresearch/13019437 #16581

(18 notables, 25 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13019442 Q Research General #16582: Well Thanks 60 Minutes For The Fresh Eyes Edition

Created 220144ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13019500, >>>/qresearch/13019506 Who Else Remembers This? I remember when this film "Gray State" was being made and then the film maker died and all the talk about him being killed because they didn't want this movie to be released. I

>>>/qresearch/13019509 WATCH: Farage Slams Coca-Cola for Alleged ‘Try to Be Less White’ Staff Training

>>>/qresearch/13019546, >>>/qresearch/13019581 Londoners Fighting Back Against Tyranny

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220220111048/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/985f79afac8d240e65467e7da50f4c7c88bb2e92c22a60b3937ed48dc7d2e5bb.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13019620, >>>/qresearch/13019623, >>>/qresearch/13019651, >>>/qresearch/13019714, >>>/qresearch/13019782, >>>/qresearch/13019801, >>>/qresearch/13019844, >>>/qresearch/13019971, >>>/qresearch/13020161 60 Minutes in 13:31 seconds On Q + Anons or&hellip; Just Anons really it seemed&hellip;

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222074453/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b44c9d230f50d5e328e758e3e4dc40d94247906243c3a8f2b4abbb25efd0aefb.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=bNKdlnoAqIs - Bill Gates: The 2021 60 Minutes interview [Channel: 60 Minutes]

>>>/qresearch/13019636 Russian Stealth Jet Tests Realistic Mockup Of New "Intra-Fuselage Hypersonic Missile"

>>>/qresearch/13019809, >>>/qresearch/13019869, >>>/qresearch/13019925, >>>/qresearch/13020065, >>>/qresearch/13020083, >>>/qresearch/13020129 , , Pinging Clearnet Do Not Alter Your Computer Files To access 8kun, These could be nefraious actors trying to open you up to ATTACK! + Nerdspeak stuffs

>>>/qresearch/13019837 4 People Killed in Teachy, NC Trailer Park Suspect being Sought

>>>/qresearch/13019852, >>>/qresearch/13020177 On Consiousness, The Know, Unknown, And Blockages to Knowing

>>>/qresearch/13019973, >>>/qresearch/13020026 U.S. Maritime Strategy: Advantage at Sea

>>>/qresearch/13020098 60 Minutes, The Real Version

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VtHCofbE1PM - PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS [Channel: Elizabeth Mapplebeck]

>>>/qresearch/13020168 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/13020195 CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From WHO, Leaked Documents Reveal

>>>/qresearch/13020239 #16582, #16583, #16584

(13 notables, 30 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13020244 Q Research General #16583: Why Is 60 Minutes Titled As Such When… They're Not 60 Minutes? Edition

Created 220516ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13020329, >>>/qresearch/13020362 Banned Bill Gates Documentary

>>>/qresearch/13020466 Kash Patel: Biden’s Stance on CCP’s Uyghur Genocide ‘a Serious Threat to the World’

>>>/qresearch/13020540 60 Minutes - of Deflection

>>>/qresearch/13020580 Highest Classification

>>>/qresearch/13020615 Current Arkansas Gov will not support POTUS in 2024 paving the way for Sarah to be the next Arkansas Gov.

>>>/qresearch/13020618 South Jersey Giants - "Cancel Culture" thread on published OpEd

>>>/qresearch/13020685, >>>/qresearch/13020687 Kraken Wood Telegrams… Stop Calls Biden On Lies …Stop Shares Personal History…STOP

>>>/qresearch/13020690 Is the QFS Artificial Intelligence Q??

>>>/qresearch/13020715, >>>/qresearch/13020716 Missouri County Empowers Sheriffs with Ability To Arrest Feds Attempting To Confiscate Guns

>>>/qresearch/13020746 An Unruly Son Shall Be His Mother's Woe

>>>/qresearch/13020809 God is our Shield The Word Is Our SWORD

>>>/qresearch/13020812 #16583

(12 notables, 15 posts, 15 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30268

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13020627 Q Research General #16584: Departing Baker Courtesy Pre-Bake Edition

Created 220638ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13021120 'They want to live forever. They want to be gods' New alarm over Big Tech and 'ascending the human race'

>>>/qresearch/13021126 'Watch Your Back': Cuomo Accused Of "Gangster" Threats Against "Flood" Of People

>>>/qresearch/13021136, >>>/qresearch/13021148 Oath Keepers leader charged in Capitol riot claims she met with Secret Service

>>>/qresearch/13021153 Legal experts warn New York Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home scandal may rise to federal level of criminal offense

>>>/qresearch/13021166 Recall Gavin Newsom organizer 'confident' that recall measure will end up on the ballot this summer

>>>/qresearch/13021172 “I Don’t Want America to be Energy Independent; I Want America to be Energy Dominant” President Trump to Economist Steve Moore

>>>/qresearch/13021180 Janice Dean tweet: It makes me sick that @NYGovCuomo was seriously being considered as attorney general just a few months ago by @JoeBiden

>>>/qresearch/13021183 Australian Open crowd boos at mention of vaccines and government

>>>/qresearch/13021194 Luongo: Merkel's War For Germany Is Nearly Over

>>>/qresearch/13021215, >>>/qresearch/13021224, >>>/qresearch/13021232 Former NY AG Eric Schneiderman’s ex alleges he threatened to kill her/Q posts

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222141920/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/13c170b6b8edd1c641d48aa02ad15d0ca4679edcaf215ac8af507ae46e9606dd.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13021227, >>>/qresearch/13021235 The Biden administration will only allow businesses with fewer than 20 employees to apply for PPP loans for two weeks beginning on Wednesday.

>>>/qresearch/13021295 CDC data vaccine reactions update: 2477 dead

>>>/qresearch/13021379 Glen Greenwald: Permit me to observe once again that those who spread deranged conspiracy theories most persistently, shamelessly and destructively are not Q Anon or 4Chan teenagers but members of the corporate press

>>>/qresearch/13021394 New version of Alleycat Player is now available

>>>/qresearch/13021426 Trump to speak at CPAC in first public appearance after leaving office

>>>/qresearch/13021550 60 mins Qanon hit piece

>>>/qresearch/13021554, >>>/qresearch/13021580 anon opines: WHEN THEY LEAVE THEY WILL HAVE ALREADY "RED PILLED" THEMSELVES!!

>>>/qresearch/13021598 merrick garland to be questioned on cuomo, hunter and more at AG confirmation hearing

>>>/qresearch/13021685 C_A affiliated pheonix air returns back from beirut

>>>/qresearch/13021741 POLL: most voters consider biden a puppet of the radical left

>>>/qresearch/13021771 Trump Reportedly Made A Bonkers Air Force One Offer To Kim Jong Un/Q delta tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/13021778 #16584

(22 notables, 27 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30269

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13021780 Q Research General #16585: Monday Morning Illumination Edition

Created 221404ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13021908 UN chief guterres warns white supremacy is a transnational threat

>>>/qresearch/13021981, >>>/qresearch/13022034, >>>/qresearch/13022040 todays SCOTUS orders

>>>/qresearch/13022019, >>>/qresearch/13022278, >>>/qresearch/13022443 amicus curiae is granted in trump for pres VS. Pa sec of state

>>>/qresearch/13022060, >>>/qresearch/13022082 SCOTUS rules presecutor can get trump tax records/ refuses to review PA election cases

>>>/qresearch/13022101 Italian ambassador killed in Congo kidnap attempt

>>>/qresearch/13022193 Supreme Court Hands Trump Monday Losses On Tax Returns, PA Election Challenge

>>>/qresearch/13022212 Former DOJ official: Gov. Cuomo should be worried about federal probe into COVID-19 nursing home deaths

>>>/qresearch/13022253 WATCH LIVE: AG nominee Merrick Garland testifies during Senate confirmation hearing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=iZ12zFXYrYc - WATCH LIVE: AG nominee Merrick Garland testifies during Senate confirmation hear [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/13022277 Donald Trump ‘Probably’ Interested in 2024 Presidential Run: Lara Trump

>>>/qresearch/13022291 NBC's Pete Williams: The New York grand jury will see Trump's tax returns "almost immediately."

>>>/qresearch/13022370 REPORT: Biden Admin, ICE Cancel Operation to Remove Convicted Sex Offenders in the US Illegally

>>>/qresearch/13022391 Trump, Allies Rejected by U.S. Supreme Court on Election Appeals

>>>/qresearch/13022400 sidney powell on SCOTUS releases

>>>/qresearch/13022424 Mike Pompeo is joining the ACLJ to serve in a new role as Senior Counsel for Global Affairs.

>>>/qresearch/13022434, >>>/qresearch/13022468 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/13022495 Supreme Court to hear challenge to Trump 'public charge' rule

>>>/qresearch/13022518 biden tweet: vaccines are safe

>>>/qresearch/13022545 #16585, #16586, #16587

(18 notables, 24 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30270

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13022548 Q Research General #16586: SCOTUS Happenings Edition

Created 221558ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13022656 The Video About "Q" That "60 Minutes" Doesn't Want You To Watch

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo - Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED [Channel: WestVirginia Patriot]

>>>/qresearch/13022674 Every House Democrat signs on to sweeping HR 1 bill, GOP argues it would 'undermine' election integrity

>>>/qresearch/13022713 Iran will enrich uranium up to 60% if it wants to, Khamenei warns amid discontent over IAEA deal

>>>/qresearch/13022748, >>>/qresearch/13022789, >>>/qresearch/13022801, >>>/qresearch/13023079 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/13022749 happy birthday george washington

>>>/qresearch/13022760 biden AG nominee: "I certainly agree that we are facing a more dangerous period than we did in Oklahoma City at that time"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222184841/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ac1b0edd9f3be4574e74ecea4c696fc3cffa410704b1e440acd0ad7ef329add7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13022810 U.S. Supreme Court rebuffs porn star's bid to revive suit against Trump

>>>/qresearch/13022859 Did nuclear-powered CIA spying device lost in the Himalayas in 1965 trigger India's glacier flood? Locals blame Cold war device for disaster which killed 200 this month

>>>/qresearch/13022921 Over 1,200 San Francisco residents have signed a petition to recall three members of the city's board of education for prioritizing renaming schools over reopening them.

>>>/qresearch/13023033, >>>/qresearch/13023156 a list of coca cola products to avoid if you're so inclined.

>>>/qresearch/13023040 Justice Thomas Blisters Court on Rejecting Election Cases

>>>/qresearch/13023078 Patent for weather modification?

>>>/qresearch/13023083 New Hampshire Senate Votes 24-0 to Force the State to Perform Audit of Windham, New Hampshire November 3rd Elections

>>>/qresearch/13023089 After Democrats Destroyed the Restaurant Business in New York with Insane COVID Policies, Democrat Senator Schumer Is Pushing for $25B in Relief from the Federal Government

>>>/qresearch/13023116 Democrats Target Cable Providers for Carrying Fox, Newsmax, OANN

>>>/qresearch/13023160 Iran Wants Compensation For $1 Trillion Damage Inflicted On Economy By US Sanctions

>>>/qresearch/13023313 #16586

(17 notables, 21 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30271

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13023318 Q Research General #16587: Happy Birthday George Washington Edition

Created 221735ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13023352 spotify launches obama/springsteen podcast, Renegades: Born in the USA

>>>/qresearch/13023487 READ: Dominion Sues Mike Lindell for $1.4BN, Uses Nazi “Big Lie” Phrase 31 Times in Court Filing.

>>>/qresearch/13023525 Mexican Authorities Arrest 135 Migrants in Border State Hotel

>>>/qresearch/13023534 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/13023571 A Suffolk University/USA TODAY Poll finds that 46% of those surveyed said they would abandon the GOP and join the Trump party if the former president decided to create one.

>>>/qresearch/13023583 China Boasts of Military Buildup While Pushing ‘Dialogue’ with U.S.

>>>/qresearch/13023593 Merrick Garland Declines to Say He Will Keep Special Counsel John Durham

>>>/qresearch/13023653 ‘Fervent Sinophile’ Boris Johnson Pushes for China Trade Deal, Despite Genocide Objections

>>>/qresearch/13023694 Crowdstrike, the Firm at the Center of the Russia Collusion Scam, Was Next Involved in a China Linked “Electric Panda” Hacker Tale

>>>/qresearch/13023741 Berlin Police Called Out to Antifa Stronghold over 700 Times in 2020

>>>/qresearch/13023748 Psaki asked why no USMC outside front door of WH. "does it mean the president is not in the oval? people are fascinated by this"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=c3iIYTKDD00 - WATCH LIVE: White House press secretary Psaki holds news briefing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/13023752 symbolism will be their downfall thread

>>>/qresearch/13023804 Air Force Base Halts Flight Operations After 2 Killed in Alabama T-38 Jet Crash

>>>/qresearch/13023820 How the Gates Foundation Seeded America’s COVID-19 Policy Catastrophes

>>>/qresearch/13023834 Johns Hopkins: COVID Has Had No Effect On US Death Rate

>>>/qresearch/13023844 Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer, 23, gets engaged to her Egyptian showjumper boyfriend Nayel Nassar, 28

>>>/qresearch/13023846 Rockets target US embassy in Iraqi capital: Military

>>>/qresearch/13023857 Former defense officials back US return to Iran deal, urge new long-term pact

>>>/qresearch/13023862 Trump To Make Clear He’s ‘Still In Charge’ Of Republican Party At CPAC: Report

>>>/qresearch/13023906 NY Dem says Cuomo nursing home scandal is impeachable offense, as governor blames Trump for vaccine woes

>>>/qresearch/13024071 16587

(21 notables, 21 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30272

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13024061 Q Research General #16588: Trump Will Speak At CPAC Edition

Created 221910ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13024147 Ex-IDF generals, top Mossad officials urge Biden to return to Iran deal

>>>/qresearch/13024164 Biden’s Interior nominee failed to report casino income on congressional ethics report

>>>/qresearch/13024202 Statement on the Continuing Political Persecution of President Donald J. Trump

>>>/qresearch/13024224 Biden Administration Doing Away With Citizenship Test Developed Under Trump

>>>/qresearch/13024230 2 year delta. thank you anons

>>>/qresearch/13024233 Grassley: "Have you discussed this Hunter Biden case with the president?" Attorney General Nominee Merrick Garland: "I have not”

>>>/qresearch/13024318 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that bitcoin is an “extremely inefficient” way to conduct monetary transactions.

>>>/qresearch/13024338 TRUMP: "I will fight on, just as I have, for the last five years (even before I was successfully elected), despite all of the election crimes that were committed against me. We will win!"

>>>/qresearch/13024360 Sting operation in Anderson ends with two arrests for sex trafficking

>>>/qresearch/13024386 $17,000 Electric Bill? A Deregulated Power Grid Leads To Wild Prices For Texans

>>>/qresearch/13024393 Attorney general nominee Merrick Garland pledges broad probe into roots of Jan. 6 Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/13024404 Unbelievable, SCOTUS Refuses to Hear PA Election Challenge AFTER Previously Granting Injunction

>>>/qresearch/13024432 Biden AG Pick Vows To Prosecute White Supremacists Who Stormed US Capitol on Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/13024462, >>>/qresearch/13024494 Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened at night.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222225332/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/faad312cd9a5cd610421c3e4a8eb1712bd218eeab6d657e7379e736d060ea4ef.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20200923223705/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1584896d3773bae7fda87c2912ecb80c9f2d43eaf4bee0097278b5c365fd162e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13024465 biden says nigger

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222225406/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b8721e72186d8b77fa1272d2911aff953d5deb9cda8e57d0a552e0003e6c049d.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222225406/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b8721e72186d8b77fa1272d2911aff953d5deb9cda8e57d0a552e0003e6c049d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13024474 seven years ago, the bloody coup shook the entire #Ukraine, led to #Crimea’s secession & the still ongoing armed conflict in #Donbass.

>>>/qresearch/13024509 US B-1 bombers arrive in Norway for the first time

>>>/qresearch/13024520 biden re-appoints eric goldstein to CISA as executive assistant director of cybersecurity

>>>/qresearch/13024670 70 years ago, hundreds of children of Yemenite immigrants disappeared in Israel, inflicting a wound that has never healed. Today, Israel officially offers reparations and expresses sorrow

>>>/qresearch/13024695 George Clooney and Smokehouse Pictures will produce a docuseries about a decades-long abuse scandal in the athletic department at Ohio State University

>>>/qresearch/13024701 Four Members of Former BJP State President’s Family Die by Suicide in Rajasthan, Probe on

>>>/qresearch/13024848 DJT Jr: Trump was apparently really bad at being a dictator… democrats, on the other hand, seem to be running with the dictator playbook BIGLY and it should scare the hell out of us all.

>>>/qresearch/13024875, >>>/qresearch/13024887 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/13024913, >>>/qresearch/13024956 #16588, #16589, #16590

(24 notables, 27 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30273

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13024916 Q Research General #16589: Terrorism Doesn't Happen At Night Edition

Created 222042ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13025056 Stephen Miller on how Biden’s immigration reform bill will impact economy, jobs

>>>/qresearch/13025103, >>>/qresearch/13025357, >>>/qresearch/13025399 Derek chauvin trial will be televised on court TV starting on March 8th

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222230636/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d21cca7c9e172401d2ceacdbd0a516de6024509bf02252d755da796ba337831e.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8M0nxE_ET88 - WATCH LIVE: The George Floyd Murder Trial - MI v. Derek Chauvin - March 8th on C [Channel: COURT TV]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=8M0nxE_ET88 - WATCH LIVE: The George Floyd Murder Trial - MI v. Derek Chauvin - March 8th on C [Channel: COURT TV]

>>>/qresearch/13025135 IDF Central Command head makes rare visit to West Bank outpost

>>>/qresearch/13025180, >>>/qresearch/13025199 UAL 328 UPDATE Fan Blade Failure

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EwNCCrjMmeg - UAL 328 UPDATE Fan Blade Failure B777-200 22 Feb 2021 [Channel: blancolirio]

>>>/qresearch/13025204 pompeo interview after joining ACLJ

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6VW7Nc7m2es - BREAKING: New ACLJ Senior Counsel Mike Pompeo Joins Us In Studio [Channel: OfficialACLJ]

>>>/qresearch/13025220 Biden’s AG not certain if illegal border crossings are a crime.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222230723/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/86a586841163315480a58e013a8f184d03840c0f14e362e19be087b498cc1cc8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13025251 #RECALLGOVCUOMO

>>>/qresearch/13025304 #CENTCOMCDR Gen Frank McKenzie: “It was a pleasure to meet with President al-Sisi and senior military leaders in Cairo

>>>/qresearch/13025312 french government worried about Q getting to big

>>>/qresearch/13025378 afterr biden announcement that US would cease offensive operations assistance to Saudi-led war in Yemen, head of @CENTCOM Gen. Frank McKenzie says US will continue to provide Saudi Arabia with support for “defense purposes”

>>>/qresearch/13025441, >>>/qresearch/13025494 More on marine out front of White House

>>>/qresearch/13025452 Prince William says his grandfather Prince Philip is ‘OK’ and doctors are ‘keeping an eye on him'

>>>/qresearch/13025478 Secretary of State - " The United States remains unwavering in its commitment to Israel’s security."

>>>/qresearch/13025506 Qanon comes to south park in new hour long vaccination special

>>>/qresearch/13025526 Merrick Garland Grilled on Ending Death Penalty for Domestic Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/13025531 Amazon Reportedly Offers Workers $2,000 ‘Resignation Bonuses’ as Protests Back Alabama Union Drive

>>>/qresearch/13025551 Raskin: Trump ‘Remains a Clear and Present Danger to the American People’

>>>/qresearch/13025563 Helipad at Mar-a-Lago demolished

>>>/qresearch/13025574 Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Announces Initiation of Investigation to determine if DOJ tried to alter 2020 election outcome

>>>/qresearch/13025614 Chinese Spies Hijack NSA Hacking Tools To Use Against The US

>>>/qresearch/13025619 HUGE NEWS: New Hampshire Senate Votes 24-0 to Force the State to Perform Audit of Windham, New Hampshire November 3rd Elections

>>>/qresearch/13025698 archbishop vigano tweeting truth about abramovic, gates, roths et al. 60 mins BTFO

>>>/qresearch/13025736 obama tweet: new podcast with bruce springsteen

>>>/qresearch/13025785 #16589

(24 notables, 28 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30274

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13025796 Q Research General #16590: Couldn't Think Of A Bread Title Edition

Created 222234ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13025852, >>>/qresearch/13026036, >>>/qresearch/13026060, >>>/qresearch/13026274, >>>/qresearch/13026341, >>>/qresearch/13026346, >>>/qresearch/13026558 , Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says #Antifa attacks on federal courthouse may not be domestic terrorism because they happened at night

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210222225332/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/faad312cd9a5cd610421c3e4a8eb1712bd218eeab6d657e7379e736d060ea4ef.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BnXAFCQkfO4 - Grassley Opening Remarks at Hearing on Nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to be [Channel: SenChuckGrassley]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=sL67Jjzk560 - Grassley Questions Judge Garland at Hearing on Nomination to be Attorney General [Channel: SenChuckGrassley]

>>>/qresearch/13025862, >>>/qresearch/13025907 , Illegal entry at America's border, should remain a crime? Avoiding the question Attorney General-nominee Merrick Garland: "I haven't thought about that question. I just haven't thought about that question."(Vid cap) 6:03 mins

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223034240/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/faac49ad45a47cc607a94566de8da34eea5369f30fbb3509f7397c307f39c94c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13025924, >>>/qresearch/13026004 FAKE NEWS Psaki Blames Trump, Lies About Vaccine Plan (VIDEO) Yet All cases have been plummeting in 50 states for the past three months, the virus is rapidly disappearing

>>>/qresearch/13025928 Pope's visit to put Iraqi ziggurat back on tourist map, santanic verses for everyone? Big demonic turnout expected

>>>/qresearch/13025950 Google's loss of income and idol treats

>>>/qresearch/13025959 Insanity on Stilts: Iraqi Official Claims ‘Trumpist Sleeper Cells’ Behind Rocket Attack

>>>/qresearch/13025970 Kyrgyz Ex-Deputy Custom Chief, Matraimov, Back in Jail

>>>/qresearch/13025981 Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen joined Dan Abrams on Sirius FM proving he is a corrupt loud mouth by breaking client-lawyer confidentially

>>>/qresearch/13025995, >>>/qresearch/13026017 UN secretary general instructs the world on their Nazi ideals of a black dominated world without whites

>>>/qresearch/13026011 Setting the stage for a FF against DOJ judges and lawyers, CBS

>>>/qresearch/13026028 "Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo - Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED [Channel: WestVirginia Patriot]

>>>/qresearch/13026083, >>>/qresearch/13026103, >>>/qresearch/13026104, >>>/qresearch/13026146, >>>/qresearch/13026319 Elon Musk Changed Twitter To Fork

>>>/qresearch/13026089 CBS Regrets ‘Big Time’ Cancel Culture… When It Impacts Democrats

>>>/qresearch/13026137 Murdoch son funds Dem-allied fake news while slamming conservative media 'disinformation' The fake news strategy will be delivered on a drip over time, reaching voters through targeted ads and boosted posts across Facebook.”

>>>/qresearch/13026145, >>>/qresearch/13026195, >>>/qresearch/13026198, >>>/qresearch/13026228, >>>/qresearch/13026294 . , Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch Blast Supreme Court’s ‘Inexplicable’ Refusal to Hear Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/13026164 Rep. Charlie Crist calls for DOJ investigation into DeSantis’ vaccine distribution

>>>/qresearch/13026179 WHO Coronavirus Report Is Such Blatant Chinese Propaganda That Even The Biden Administration Admits It

>>>/qresearch/13026189 Psyop, Biden AG Nominee Downplays Portland Riots, Compares Capitol Riot to OKC Bombing

>>>/qresearch/13026204 Organ harvesting (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20221125021008/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02b839d97e805c794fc3484400a5bf0e9e116d232045dc2bf1cd8589ae780cfc.webm

>>>/qresearch/13026208 German Special Forces soldiers training in Arizona mistaken for TERRORISTS after ‘bizarre’ visit to local hospital

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uL5-ZbpaUVs - KSK u2013 Elite Bundeswehr soldiers in Arizona [Channel: Bundeswehr]

>>>/qresearch/13026218 SCOTUS plays Catch 22 with challenges to Pennsylvania election

>>>/qresearch/13026231 "I Have All The Evidence On Them": MyPillow CEO Lindell Welcomes $1.3 Billion Dominion Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/13026238 Supreme Court denies Trump request to keep tax records private

>>>/qresearch/13026248 Blinken Welcomes EU Decision to Sanction Russia Over Navalny Situation

>>>/qresearch/13026257 Merrick Garland Was Asked If Biological Males Should Compete In Women’s Sports. Here’s How He Responded

>>>/qresearch/13026260 Great Awakening hinges on anything SCOTUS does

>>>/qresearch/13026322, >>>/qresearch/13026342, >>>/qresearch/13026348, >>>/qresearch/13026398, >>>/qresearch/13026416, >>>/qresearch/13026422, >>>/qresearch/13026480 , Wife of Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman arrested on charges of international drug trafficking

>>>/qresearch/13026328 This is worldwide, Q anon hit piece in Taipei times

>>>/qresearch/13026358 “YEAH, YOU FUCKED UP!” Hero cop rescues missing girl, 13, from motel room with man she met online

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ULochab_Dc0 - Volusia deputy rescues missing girl at motel: 2/18/21 [Channel: Volusia Sheriff's Office]

>>>/qresearch/13026446 Arkansas state Senate approves bill banning all abortions unless mother's life is threatened

>>>/qresearch/13026460 Gravy Train Keeps Rolling for Second Stepdaughter Ella Emhoff, Hunter Biden 2.0?

>>>/qresearch/13026476, >>>/qresearch/13026484 , WE CAUGHT THEM: Matt Crane, Critic of TGP’s Article on Obvious Questions of the 2020 Election Results in Colorado, Was Not Forthright – Turns Out His Wife Worked for Dominion and Sequoia for Over a Decade

>>>/qresearch/13026492 Democratic representatives Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerny write to cable companies including AT&T and Comcast and streamers Amazon and Hulu demanding they drop Fox News, OAN and Newsmax over 'misinformation'

>>>/qresearch/13026499 Merrick Garland Won’t Promise to Protect Durham Investigation

>>>/qresearch/13026508 Why Is the White House Covering for Cuomo?

>>>/qresearch/13026515 Pentagon Chief Purges Defense Boards; Trump Loyalists Out

>>>/qresearch/13026523 John Kerry 'colluded' with Iran to undermine Trump, report says

>>>/qresearch/13026545 Qanon in Japan

>>>/qresearch/13026553 Chinese Government Buys Ads In Times Square Taunting Us Over COVID…

>>>/qresearch/13026571 Microsoft forms a coalition to "combat disinformation" online. Founding members are Adobe, Arm, BBC, Intel, Microsoft, and Truepic

>>>/qresearch/13026577 The Atlantic, A Catholic Sinner Seeks Communion—And Happens to Be President

>>>/qresearch/13026589 How the small group of Israeli fighter pilots who command the Israel Defense Forces have monopolized U.S. military aid

(42 notables, 66 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13026581 Q Research General #16591: Socialism Works Till You Run Out Of Other People's Money Edition

Created 230017ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13026678 Matt Crane, Critic of TGP’s Article on Obvious Questions of the 2020 Election Results in Colorado – Wife Worked for Dominion and Sequoia

>>>/qresearch/13026687 Colorado Bill Would Limit Mail-In Voting, the Country's "Gold Standard"

>>>/qresearch/13026698 Warren Buffett Just Sold His Pfizer Stock. Why?

>>>/qresearch/13026704, >>>/qresearch/13026935, >>>/qresearch/13027089, >>>/qresearch/13027230, >>>/qresearch/13027287, >>>/qresearch/13027303, >>>/qresearch/13027318, >>>/qresearch/13027324, >>>/qresearch/13027328, >>>/qresearch/13027331, >>>/qresearch/13027349 , El Chapo's Wife Arrested and dig

>>>/qresearch/13026739 115th fighter wing airman one of two killed in a civilian plane crash in Wisconsin, was from same group that lost a pilot in F-16 crash in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/13026741 Malcolm X's family releases letter alleging FBI, police role in his death

>>>/qresearch/13026751 NYPD to stay out of mental health crisis calls, social workers will respond instead in Manhattan

>>>/qresearch/13026757 Rush Limbaugh's widow announces virtual memorial service for radio legend in coming weeks

>>>/qresearch/13026850 Chuck Grassley letter to Samantha Powers about investigating World Vision, wants to know why she protects terrorists and funds organizations

>>>/qresearch/13026962 US treasury secretary floats idea of digital dollar maintained by the Fed

>>>/qresearch/13026963 DJT Jr. tweet: The latest COVID "relief" plan seems to have much more Pork in it than relief

>>>/qresearch/13026986 BREAKING: Boeing Delta flight diverted to Salt Lake City after engine issues

>>>/qresearch/13027017 Cop Fired After Department Finds Out Shocking Intel He Allegedly Supplied to BLM Protesters

>>>/qresearch/13027025 LB Listen closely…. 'WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE!?' (???)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211022073340/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b76c121b8228cd5fd098c84b3a12a3138afff2c18ae4ebade92ce020e1787b75.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13027092 Biden tweet about Covid

>>>/qresearch/13027093 Harmeet Dhillon calls out Kimberly Klacik's claim of losing because of RNC lack of support

>>>/qresearch/13027132, >>>/qresearch/13027164 , Merrik Garland wants brief with FBI's Wray about CapitolBombing

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223035400/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7845e800fb846fda68ae928cfc2f4cd2aaf2fcaaf09b043b69649b501b53371e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13027161 Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down

>>>/qresearch/13027223 Video of Biden saying he was arrested at Capitol

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223035546/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/89c39e18778a15153d754d60e818014869b85a55e0073ee2192b9727a94f12de.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223035609/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e92519f32cf481ece3a4b0e7c338bad9b5f21b0eca417a7796e313226aea114f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13027265 Jill Biden about Joe: “I met him at a fundraiser for his campaign in 1972", despite earlier claim of meeting in 1975 blind date.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223035619/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2e3793f67dc6554f11b045e7ac98b105ad362b6c913e49da406a846dcc191b09.mp4

(20 notables, 31 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30276

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13027294 Q Research General #16592: The Grey State - U.S. In 2021 Edition

Created 230156ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13027406 16591 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13027483 The UAE Public Prosecution said that there is a Dhs3 million fine with five to seven years in prison for a person who is involved in trading of human organs

>>>/qresearch/13027505 Telangana India: 76 arrests by Rachakonda trafficking unit

>>>/qresearch/13027509 Evidence Chinese military responsible for Chinese Virus pandemic, ex-deputy NSA says

>>>/qresearch/13027525 Clarence Thomas issues 'big' warning about US elections (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LYTy3gL2vJ4 - Clarence Thomas issues 'big' warning about US elections [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/13027543 New York socialite who was found dead at the bottom of a trash chute in her $6,500-per-month apartment 'was having an affair with married WebMD CEO

>>>/qresearch/13027547 More on the China Virus origination in China

>>>/qresearch/13027602 73% of Trump Voters Say China Joe Biden Was Not Legitimately Elected

>>>/qresearch/13027667 Biden’s HHS Pick Advocates Sex Changes for Kids.

>>>/qresearch/13027674 Democrat China Virus Money Laundering Bill Contains ‘At Least $312 Billion’ in Policies Unrelated to Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13027683 James O’Keefe Shows How CNN Launders Lies in Real Time… Predicts Retraction.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mnBmKZuRteU - PRETRACTO: CNN Reports False Information About Project Veritas On Live TV; Will [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/13027690 16590 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13027721 Eight DOS ‘Slaves’ Defend Secret Sorority, Nxivm and Keith Raniere

>>>/qresearch/13027732 Gravy Train Keeps Rolling for Second Stepdaughter of purported VP Harris Ella Emhoff

>>>/qresearch/13027745 NASA says grab the popcorn?

>>>/qresearch/13027809 At 6:10 listen to this reporter asking about policy of a Marine standing outside the door when Joe is in the Oval

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=avzA00w78X4 - 02/22/21: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/13027869 Facebook Goes Nuclear On Australia – Blocks All News Sharing Across Continent

>>>/qresearch/13027939 Italian ambassador killed in DRC in attack on UN convoy

>>>/qresearch/13027992 Freezing temperatures cause spike in Colorado gasoline prices

>>>/qresearch/13028011 Congressmen, Anna G. Eshoo and Jerry McNerney forcing downward pressure on news outlets with thinly veiled threats and demanding they drop Fox News, OAN and Newsmax

>>>/qresearch/13028072 #16591, #16592, #16593

(21 notables, 21 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30277

File: f876c6962b1b0a3⋯.png (1020.07 KB,997x885,997:885,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13028081 Q Research General #16593: Justice Thomas Issues Grave Warning Over State Of US Elections Edition

Created 230338ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13028226 MSN: United will still fly the Boeing 777-200 after a scary engine failure in Colorado -but the ones still flying have a different engine.

>>>/qresearch/13028229 OANN: Meghan McCain calls for Dr. Fauci to be removed from Biden admin.

>>>/qresearch/13028293 Wood: House Democrats are attempting to pressure television carriers into deplatforming Fox News and two other cable news channels, arguing they have been spreading “misinformation” related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

>>>/qresearch/13028305 GP: North Dakota House Passes Bill Making Mask Mandates ILLEGAL, Bill Sponsor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolical Silliness’

>>>/qresearch/13028317 ZH: Russia Says Jihadists Are Planning "Simulated" Chemical Attack In Idlib To Get Biden's Attention

>>>/qresearch/13028321 #16591

>>>/qresearch/13028324 Breitbart: China Boasts of Military Buildup While Pushing ‘Dialogue’ with U.S.

>>>/qresearch/13028346 NavyTimes: Navy says ‘liking’ or sharing extremists’ posts on social media can get you in trouble

>>>/qresearch/13028353 Breitbart: 25 Hedge Fund Managers Made $32 Billion in Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13028375, >>>/qresearch/13028464 Wood: I read the 2010 Rockefeller Institute Think Tank Study a few months ago before it was removed from the Internet &hellip; Hope you also had a chance to read it.

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20211223022256/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/127f63a160fd86b19afb358bd95dec4c0138f44812259abd518a4628277b065f.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13028392 smh.au: Facebook to reinstate news content after government agrees to last minute amendments to media code

>>>/qresearch/13028395, >>>/qresearch/13028462 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/13028402 Check out this word salad of twisted lies: US studies find zero "unanticipated" side effects linked to Pfizer vaccine. Did they even look?

>>>/qresearch/13028419 JTN: "Reparations" commissioners slated for top federal pay grade that hasn’t existed since 1978

>>>/qresearch/13028527 Kellyanne Conway: In the last decade, the percentage of blue collar voters who call themselves Republicans has gone up by 12 points.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223082033/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a3e57461758491aacf420743cdb2093eb5d52e34c78249725049e3070ce319a7.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13028532 Fox: AG nominee Merrick Garland passes on saying whether Chinese Communist Party a US 'enemy'

>>>/qresearch/13028550 “I Believe Joe Biden’s Mental State is a Clear National Security Threat” – Newsmax Host Grant Stinchfield on Joe Biden’s Dementia

>>>/qresearch/13028556 Sputnik: Obama Officials Reportedly Negotiated With Iran During Trump Term to Spoil Latter's Diplomacy

>>>/qresearch/13028574 WP: First migrant facility for children opens under Biden


>>>/qresearch/13028594 Skynews: Joe Biden facing an embarrassing setback in the US senate

>>>/qresearch/13028610 CG: Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Ordering All 2021 Elections by Mail &hellip;Including his own Recall. But there's no cheating &hellip;Right?

>>>/qresearch/13028613 Skynews: Hong Kong receives one million doses of Chinese vaccine. Most of HK's people don't seem to want it.

>>>/qresearch/13028664 MSN: Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis Calls Visit Out West To Explore Boring Company’s Tunnel Projects ‘A Very Productive Trip’

>>>/qresearch/13028666 Rockwell: Exposing Unwelcome Truths About the Deep Flaws of PCR Testing

>>>/qresearch/13028674 Skynews: Media censorship forces pro-Trump movement to continue offline. Protip: Word of mouth is still a thing

>>>/qresearch/13028681 TASS: Russia’s Army and Navy ready to address major challenges, Putin says

>>>/qresearch/13028695 SKYnews: Air NZ trials vaccine passport system app

>>>/qresearch/13028698 HAF: So you think the Pfizer jab is good? 46 residents out of 145 in one nursing home in Spain all DIED after the second dose

>>>/qresearch/13028762 Anon posts some articles describing hypocrisy in the CDC (and its handlers).

>>>/qresearch/13028803 Wood dog comms? Telling the puppies a night time story about what happened to the rule of law in America today. Allie is shocked beyond words

>>>/qresearch/13028881 #16593

(32 notables, 34 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30278

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13028883 Q Research General #16594: The 'Baking In The Gulch' Edition

Created 230623ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13028921, >>>/qresearch/13029699

>>>/qresearch/13028957, >>>/qresearch/13028958, >>>/qresearch/13028969, >>>/qresearch/13028999, >>>/qresearch/13029009, >>>/qresearch/13029017, >>>/qresearch/13029390 ChiCom Biden+Biden Files

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=m60_LipXbpg - "I'm eager to hear - n** to hear, next from my good friends" [Channel: Tatum Report]

>>>/qresearch/13029002 March Madness Soon

>>>/qresearch/13029003 "Alleged Currency Trends

>>>/qresearch/13029020 "Nuhtheeng Ever Happended Doe" - Reconcile

>>>/qresearch/13029033, >>>/qresearch/13029353 Remember This…

>>>/qresearch/13029049, >>>/qresearch/13029108 What The Fuck Is This Shit?

>>>/qresearch/13029077 List Of Arrests?

>>>/qresearch/13029086, >>>/qresearch/13029338 Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, Are YOU Being Technologically Harassed?

>>>/qresearch/13029121 This Looks Fake And Gay…

>>>/qresearch/13029147 … Peter Hansen says he’s ‘learnt a lot’ while in jail for child sex abuse

>>>/qresearch/13029157 Mass killings under communist regimes - Follow ID: 249eb5 scraping Late

>>>/qresearch/13029234 How Long Have They Lied About GOD and God's TRUE Nature?

>>>/qresearch/13029238 Ex-Clinton adviser Naomi Wolf warns US becoming 'totalitarian state before our eyes' under Biden

>>>/qresearch/13029241 Lucius Trust? Pope Francis appoints Cardinal Tagle as member of Vatican central bank

>>>/qresearch/13029245 REPORT: Blue Collar Voters Are Flocking To The Republican Party

>>>/qresearch/13029252 Two F-117 Nighthawks stealth aircraft spotted over Los Angeles

>>>/qresearch/13029263 GodSpeed Mister Lindell and Team! MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he's losing $65 million over election fraud claims and it proves he's not pushing conspiracy theories for the money

>>>/qresearch/13029276 Donald Trump's son Eric has told Fox News the former president would be "a force to be reckoned with" in 2024 because he has 80 million people that would follow him "to the end of the earth".

>>>/qresearch/13029278, >>>/qresearch/13029318 Meghan McCain takes down CNN's Chris Cuomo in one tweet?

>>>/qresearch/13029286 …GOP Caucus Unveils ‘Playbook’ To Combat Democrats’ $1.9T COVID Relief Package… Right.

>>>/qresearch/13029316, >>>/qresearch/13029381 Anon Brings To Attention Notables Fuckery

>>>/qresearch/13029321 Propaganda for the masses US studies find 'zero unanticipated side effects' linked to Pfizer vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13029359 "vote with your money"

>>>/qresearch/13029404 Social distancing rules could be abolished by June in England

>>>/qresearch/13029412 Facebook Unbans AU News…

>>>/qresearch/13029487 Biblical Cosmology?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ax6ytIWlIY4 - AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary) [Channel: the Truth is stranger than fiction…]

>>>/qresearch/13029495 Trump administration deserves credit for 'breathtaking' Operation Warp Speed success: NIH director

>>>/qresearch/13029499 Indiana House votes to eliminate license to carry a handgun in state

>>>/qresearch/13029503 Woke Dr. Baker. Not sure how long this will last.

>>>/qresearch/13029505, >>>/qresearch/13029554 Can The Purge Of Central And South America Begin? El Chapo's wife arrested on drug trafficking charge; detained at Washington-area airport

>>>/qresearch/13029512 Australian opposition leader Anthony Albanese joins calls for Julian Assange to be released:

>>>/qresearch/13029518 Ring The Bell Of FREEDOM!

>>>/qresearch/13029536 ,Moar Russia Russia?

>>>/qresearch/13029635 #16594, #16595, #16596

(35 notables, 48 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30279

File: 86e1b6e309520cc⋯.jpg (8.78 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13030269 Q Research General #16596: Mars Rover Touch Down Confirmed

Created 231322ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13030421 More Terramar

>>>/qresearch/13030510 Lin Wood Telling the puppies a night time story about what happened to the rule of law in America today

>>>/qresearch/13030563 Venezuela Gets Bush Visit, Too

>>>/qresearch/13030585 RFI on space based astrophysics includes quantum sensors

>>>/qresearch/13030600 Reminder Warroom #RecallGovCuomo Op looking for shares and intel

>>>/qresearch/13030669 The patriot party already exists its the democrats (Just Kidding)

>>>/qresearch/13030675 WATCH LIVE | Senate holds hearing on Jan. 6 Capitol riot

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XtCuo2ZoboI - Senate holds hearing on security breaches during Capitol riot - 2/23 (FULL LIVE [Channel: Washington Post]

>>>/qresearch/13030758 Bombshell Investigative Book Exposes Deep Corruption Within America’s Media Establishment

>>>/qresearch/13030783, >>>/qresearch/13030787, >>>/qresearch/13030791 Thomas dissent from SC cuckery.

>>>/qresearch/13030784, >>>/qresearch/13030806 CAPS

>>>/qresearch/13030792 #impeachnancypelosi #recallnancypelosi

>>>/qresearch/13030800 America Dodged A Bullet when Merrick Garland Was Blocked for SCOTUS

>>>/qresearch/13030814 Perdue tells friends and associates he’s not running for GA senate in lengthy note.

>>>/qresearch/13030827 Chinese foreign minister calls for 'reset' of U.S.-China relations

>>>/qresearch/13030838 To begin to heal, we must recognize the depth and breadth of our loss. My heart goes out to everyone mourning (Heart)

>>>/qresearch/13030849 REMINDER. Attorney General Bill Barr made two important evidentiary decisions yesterday that delivered body blows to both President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden.

>>>/qresearch/13030855 Anon Opines, Our system of governance has been stolen.

>>>/qresearch/13030863 Train collides in Texas with 18-wheeler

>>>/qresearch/13030867 Arkansas AG Announces Bill Banning Transgender Athletes from Girls' Sports

>>>/qresearch/13030870 Dr. Fauci says that it's "possible" that Americans will be wearing masks in 2022.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223143644/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/da57133c7f9f6cd86200acb1e71dc6bc12fd36b14520bb3f44f13217374736fc.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13030873 Bette Midler had no pictures of her wedding day for years, she revealed this week.

>>>/qresearch/13030880 Biden’s HHS Pick Advocates Sex Changes for Kids.

>>>/qresearch/13030881 Biden Urges Congress to 'Swiftly Pass' Equality Act that Would Let Boys Play on Girls' Teams

>>>/qresearch/13030883 Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle is now a member of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See (Holy C)

>>>/qresearch/13030893, >>>/qresearch/13031129 Wife of drug kingpin el chapo due in court arrested monday on drug trafficking charges

>>>/qresearch/13030897, >>>/qresearch/13030934 Psycho Bette (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/13030903 Homo sapiens chromosome 8, Primary Assembly

>>>/qresearch/13030914 Anon Opines, It's a freedom operation, and there were backchannels.

>>>/qresearch/13030925 BOOMS in Milan TX

>>>/qresearch/13030932 Judicial Watch to Facebook: End Censorship of Trump

>>>/qresearch/13030937, >>>/qresearch/13030953 Let us first emphasize the fact that this Earth planet is a school… a school for experiencing, learning, growing, and – most importantly – evolving!

>>>/qresearch/13030938 Reminder Fight Patriots - YOU ARE WINNING THIS WAR

>>>/qresearch/13030939 Biden to restore taxpayer funding to Wuhan lab, WHO

>>>/qresearch/13030960 GO MARINES!

>>>/qresearch/13030973 We are the masters of the Hopi tribe and we are happy to come forward today for a channeling r

>>>/qresearch/13030978 Plane Report Helo N204TX orbiting FM2095 & rail crossing nr US77 Cameron Tx.

>>>/qresearch/13030983 Princess diana message divine feminine

>>>/qresearch/13030991 #RecallGovCuomo (Hospital Capacity Cap)

>>>/qresearch/13031018, >>>/qresearch/13031107 Big Tech Backflip: Facebook Drops Australian News Ban, Bows to Government Regulation

>>>/qresearch/13031055 Reparations commissioners slated for top federal pay grade that hasn’t existed since 1978

>>>/qresearch/13031086 Liberal Naomi Wolf Tells Tucker Carlson That The US Is In Step 10 Of Democracy Being Closed Down

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-CvWWafkH3I - Liberal Naomi Wolf Tells Tucker Carlson That The US Is In Step 10 Of Democracy B [Channel: no one]


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ikC5N-KL89k - Vatican control of World Health Organization popul [Channel: LolaHeavey]

>>>/qresearch/13031111 VetAnon Chimes In (Ty Soldier CHQT)

>>>/qresearch/13031144 List of Prominent Deep State Catholics and Court Jews

>>>/qresearch/13031150 If you needed more reasons to ditch Parler (other than the massive data breach),

>>>/qresearch/13031166 A windmill project near Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio has many concerned because the owner is a Chinese company.

>>>/qresearch/13031172 MEET GEORGE SOROS


>>>/qresearch/13031180 Reminder, TRUST THE PLAN & STAY COMFY

>>>/qresearch/13031197 #16596

(50 notables, 57 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30280

File: f386f1b107a12de⋯.png (173.73 KB,1185x711,5:3,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13031227 Q Research General #16597: Impeach and or Recall Gov Cuomo Edition

Created 231612ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13031284 The Video About "Q" That "60 Minutes" Doesn't Want You To Watch [Archive Offline]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo - Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED [Channel: WestVirginia Patriot]

>>>/qresearch/13031319 Romney, Cotton propose $10 minimum wage plan

>>>/qresearch/13031322 Malcolm X's family releases letter alleging FBI, police role in his death

>>>/qresearch/13031336 "We Are NOT Done” – Sidney Powell Responds to Supreme Court Decision to Ignore Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/13031341 https://www.trumpvoterlist.org/ (???)

>>>/qresearch/13031352 Feds-offer-plea-deal-lawyers-accused-tossing-Molotov-cocktail-NYPD-van

>>>/qresearch/13031388 Are you Registered with Q Research [NS]?

>>>/qresearch/13031392 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Caught Deleting Dominion Voting Machines 2015 Proposal for Work

>>>/qresearch/13031448 Transplant patient died 61 days after being given covid infected lungs

>>>/qresearch/13031449 Biden, Unable to cancel student debt?

>>>/qresearch/13031452 Hopefully at today’s Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee hearing we can get some answers:

>>>/qresearch/13031475 In the spring of 1999, CIA did a baseline review of the operational strategy against Bin Ladin and a new strategic plan (The Plan)

>>>/qresearch/13031481 CAPS Hedge, Biden

>>>/qresearch/13031484 ACTORS with fake blood to make white people look like terrorists

>>>/qresearch/13031487 QMapFag Report

>>>/qresearch/13031522 Multiple Vids (DC Uprise)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211129031624/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3ce3bd8acad4ba4aaa011c4b7760513ba06ceb4f7e27facde328807de58ef263.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211022015013/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c83ead04c3790acdc42135e721ad853d9fbec70a90f0e117c61fe87908154dc2.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220121002414/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c36440b5973ecae877c7af44701c64eea297cda2afb3784fd1ea28ce8eda9a9.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220112022113/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bf25f15735b76fff747a522e2b06190530455e7b27f73ac58b93fc8f2b9b5ec9.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13031525 william barr, donald trump russia investigation was fbi sabotageattempt

>>>/qresearch/13031527 OANN/Fox News Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/13031544 Q Reminder, Some will take the easy path and exit early.

>>>/qresearch/13031548 I was digging on the tunnels in Cape Girardeau, Rush Limbaugh's home town.

>>>/qresearch/13031552 Qanon name dropped in the hearings on the capital. (Anon Reminder, Call to Dig on Qanon)

>>>/qresearch/13031571 $4_KEKS (Liberal Melt Down Vid)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211101130627/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1de9ac185c66b1d35bd1ee3e88fa50d8610acab0a8079cd6babc1e2cb5a71c44.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13031573 Sen. Ron Johnson just read into the record this eyewitness account of what actually happened during the riot at the Capitol.

>>>/qresearch/13031577 #Knowingly (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/13031581, >>>/qresearch/13031599 US Marshals - On February 23, 1861, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln quietly slipped into Washington, D.C. to prepare for his inauguration on March 4.

>>>/qresearch/13031587 Pompeo, These cases were only one vote away from getting a full hearing at the SCOTUS (CAP)

>>>/qresearch/13031603 PlaneReport E-6B Mercury up over Komiefornia, call sign JAIL34.

>>>/qresearch/13031612 BiteLabs grows meat from celebrity tissue samples

>>>/qresearch/13031647 Anon ask, Is this the hacker known as Qanon?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223225015/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/767b5b72b2c020255cdd03f48dbb906b37493ff47377e4beeee8d69879da3eca.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13031655 Jen Psuki Psuki Live

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uTILN5_fF8E - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/13031661 Testimony, 'I saw Provocateurs at the Capitol Riot on Jan 6th' (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/13031687, >>>/qresearch/13031694 Reminder, P A I N today is 23rd

>>>/qresearch/13031691 WATCH LIVE: COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers testify about production before House committee

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Eh6yhGB-exw - WATCH: COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers testify about production before House comm [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/13031717 Anon asking, But is DoD still involved?

>>>/qresearch/13031768, >>>/qresearch/13031850 MEET DR. ANTHONY FAUCI A JESUIT TRAINED SELF PROCLAIMED "HUMANIST"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211022044656/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5e2af3f4a2b5b55d8e379e0409bae0ec62c024c473cdb774af83a4dcaa1193d.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20201224051910/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9cc310056fff1330596d36ec378250b1e1a87dd053870f824f5b6029855fa8e3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13031800 Clock Fag Report Feb 23 Lincoln

>>>/qresearch/13031872 Shiff Comms? [DUMV$CRE] AAA

>>>/qresearch/13031912 New: @AmnestyUK

>>>/qresearch/13031944 Sen Scott, Seems no one has Any idea why the National Guard are there.

>>>/qresearch/13031945 This Day in History: Feb. 23

>>>/qresearch/13031949 The Dangoor family is donating the largest-ever gift to @RUSI_org, the world's oldest think tank.

>>>/qresearch/13031954 System Overwhelmed by Thousands of Migrant Children Flooding US Border After Biden Reverses Trump Policy

>>>/qresearch/13031985 White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defends the administration’s creation and use of “migrant facilities for children” at the southern border:

>>>/qresearch/13031994 #16597, #16598, #16599

(44 notables, 47 posts, 57 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30281

File: f386f1b107a12de⋯.png (173.73 KB,1185x711,5:3,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13031965 Q Research General #16598: Why is the National Guard in DC? Edition

Created 231748ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13032069 Dems Want Mayor Bowser – Who REFUSED Troops for Jan 6 – to Have Full ‘Commander-in-Chief’ Powers in DC.

>>>/qresearch/13032075 Fauci Says US May Soon Ease Rules… For The Vaccinated

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vWpAOaneZxM - Fauci on easing restrictions for fully vaccinated people [Channel: ZeroHedge Janitor]

>>>/qresearch/13032098 Biden Regime Ends Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’, AG’s Say Decision Will Create ‘Perverse Incentive For Foreign Sexual Predators’

>>>/qresearch/13032117 Kids in Cages: Biden Opens Gated Compound for Illegal Immigrant Children — Democrats and AOC Silent

>>>/qresearch/13032128 Chinese Company Owns TWO Wind Turbine Farms In Texas

>>>/qresearch/13032131 no bail for Emma Coronel Aispuro, the 31-year-old wife of Joaquin "El Chapo"

>>>/qresearch/13032148 PF call sign 'dasting.

>>>/qresearch/13032154 State Locks Up 10yo Child Sex Trafficking Victim, Lets Her Multiple Abusers Walk Free

>>>/qresearch/13032173 There is ‘no credible route to a zero-Covid Britain,’ Boris Johnson says

>>>/qresearch/13032179 Investigative Book Exposes Deep Corruption Within America’s Media Establishment

>>>/qresearch/13032181 Steve Scalise refuses to admit that Joe Biden legitimately won the election.

>>>/qresearch/13032194 State Department Briefing Gets Heated After Reporters Accuses Biden Of Taking Credit For Trump’s Accomplishments

>>>/qresearch/13032206 The CEO's Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/13032234 UK: Health Authorities Announce Not a Single Case of Flu Detected This Year

>>>/qresearch/13032272 French actor Gerard Depardieu reportedly charged with rape

>>>/qresearch/13032281 Train collides with tanker cars in Texas causing huge blaze, prompts evacuation

>>>/qresearch/13032283 Vegan 'milk' maker Oatly files to go public as the company backed by Oprah and Jay-Z looks seeks a valuation around $10 billion

>>>/qresearch/13032336 Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Attorney: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder”

>>>/qresearch/13032340 Rep. Eric Swalwell 4 Bills to ensure that future Presidents of the United States cannot perpetrate some of the same corrupt acts that former President Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/13032380 FDA says Covid vaccine makers can modify shots as variants emerge

>>>/qresearch/13032404 Hundreds Killed on Each Side; Yemen’s Maarib a ‘Blood Bath’

>>>/qresearch/13032410 Blinken: US Wants to ‘Strengthen’ Iran Nuclear Deal

>>>/qresearch/13032434 Ex-Capitol Police chief did not get FBI report warning of violence on Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/13032442 Twitter removes 100 accounts allegedly associated with Russia, aimed against US, EU, NATO

>>>/qresearch/13032447 Biden Only Approved 77 of 254 Counties in Texas’ Major Disaster Requests White House Says

>>>/qresearch/13032474 Israel donates COVID vaccines to Palestinian Authority, other countries

>>>/qresearch/13032494 PF

>>>/qresearch/13032522 Photo Of Ukrainian Deputy PM Next To Ramzan Kadyrov Triggers Political Scandal In Kiev

>>>/qresearch/13032607 Biden Regime Throws The Book At Capitol Protesters, Offers Molotov-Throwing BLM Lawyers Plea Deal

>>>/qresearch/13032638 New York Shuts Down, Fines Bitfinex Cryptocurrency Platform

>>>/qresearch/13032673 Trudeau gov't practices safe relations with China, abstains from genocide vote

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eXuPwkPaPkI - Trudeau gov't practices safe relations with China, abstains from genocide vote [Channel: Rebel News]

>>>/qresearch/13032689 There is no going around the Presidency to gain nuke codes.

>>>/qresearch/13032698 Biden’s China Chief Said She Was “Fine” With the CCP Spreading Influence in America And Pre-Briefed Communists Ahead of a Major Summit.

(33 notables, 33 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30282

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13032916 Q Research General #16599: Really Bros? Edition

Created 232016ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13032936 Hillary Clinton’s plans to pen ‘political thriller’ met with groans on social media "Publish your emails instead"

>>>/qresearch/13032964 Is this normal?

>>>/qresearch/13032974 Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s Mother: ‘He Wasn’t Hit on the Head’ by Trump Supporter

>>>/qresearch/13032980, >>>/qresearch/13033115, >>>/qresearch/13033167, >>>/qresearch/13033198, >>>/qresearch/13033228, >>>/qresearch/13033229, >>>/qresearch/13033276, >>>/qresearch/13033323, >>>/qresearch/13033325, >>>/qresearch/13033531, >>>/qresearch/13033647, >>>/qresearch/13033706 , Three ROTHS giraffes electrocuted after walking into power lines in Kenya Comms

>>>/qresearch/13032995, >>>/qresearch/13033006, >>>/qresearch/13033085, >>>/qresearch/13033086, >>>/qresearch/13033100, >>>/qresearch/13033156, >>>/qresearch/13033219, >>>/qresearch/13033235, >>>/qresearch/13033348, >>>/qresearch/13033423 , Tiger Woods

>>>/qresearch/13033020 Relative Of Queen Elizabeth Jailed For Sexual Assault At Castle

>>>/qresearch/13033040, >>>/qresearch/13033093 , Night lights. #USSPorter sails at night in the Mediterranean Sea; the ship's bridge is illuminated by the glow of the bridge instruments Q100 and Londons Ferris Wheel

>>>/qresearch/13033076 SolarWinds hack hearing LIVE

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IPozXgMqMag - WATCH LIVE: Senate committee hears testimony on SolarWinds hack [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/13033112 Gerard Depardieu reportedly charged with rape

>>>/qresearch/13033236, >>>/qresearch/13033377 , 76 years ago, on Feb. 23, 1945, #Marines raised the #flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223231228/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/a9e74e71427c5cea052d479306c4903f3e5265f57ed8983e59f14eb13ff1a6af.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210223231347/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/061729ddfa6610405d585b7df567f261667c60a4d55184c67e00cdfa75c7734c.mp4


>>>/qresearch/13033278 Children's Defense Fund #pedovore superscams#

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=N0OLQh0fXtk - QTUVAGROOVE [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/13033279 PDJT statement throught Jason Miller

>>>/qresearch/13033282, >>>/qresearch/13033679 , PF Report

>>>/qresearch/13033296, >>>/qresearch/13033331, >>>/qresearch/13033359, >>>/qresearch/13033402 , D-Day U.S. Marines Tale of Two Flags

>>>/qresearch/13033328 Ghislaine Maxwell offers to give up UK, French citizenship to get out of jail

>>>/qresearch/13033441 No charges for Rochester police officers involved in Daniel Prude's death. #ROC

>>>/qresearch/13033456 BIDEN's daily COVID deaths

>>>/qresearch/13033474 So its the flu? UK variant of Covid-19 have had muscle aches and lethargy rather than earlier coronavirus variants of flu

>>>/qresearch/13033493 Where do Americans go to claim asylum from Joe Biden’s policies?

>>>/qresearch/13033522 #16598

>>>/qresearch/13033547 Facebook Receives “User Statement” Regarding President Trump’s Ban from Platform

>>>/qresearch/13033549 Eyewitness Account, with No Outside Details I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/13033552, >>>/qresearch/13033618 , US Marshals HQ On February 23, 1861, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln quietly slipped into Washington, D.C. to prepare for his inauguration on March 4.

>>>/qresearch/13033558 Riots in three Ecuadorean prisons have left more than 50 people dead

>>>/qresearch/13033605, >>>/qresearch/13033626, >>>/qresearch/13033648 , UPDATE: BLM-Antifa Organizer John Sullivan, Who Was Arrested After Storming US Capitol, Bashing Windows Is Writing a Book, Being Paid for Video as Trump Supporters Rot in Jail

>>>/qresearch/13033650 Think Mirror

>>>/qresearch/13033698 Fauci Cocaine habit, damn

(28 notables, 57 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30283

File: bf69940e023ba9f⋯.png (163.82 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13033329 Q Research General #16600: On This Day In 1945… Edition

Created 232122ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13033585 The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President, The Federalist will continue its rigorous coverage of the new White House

>>>/qresearch/13033680 Mitch McConnell intends to support the nomination of Merrick Garland to serve as attorney general

>>>/qresearch/13033689 House Democrats, Targeting Right-Wing Cable Outlets, Are Assaulting Core Press Freedoms

>>>/qresearch/13033715, >>>/qresearch/13033789 A piece of Philly history goes up for auction on Thursday: 1774 edition of Ben Franklin’s newspaper “The Pennsylvania Journal” that features his famous “Unite or Die” snake logo on the masthead

>>>/qresearch/13033716, >>>/qresearch/13033725, >>>/qresearch/13034123 ERCOT board members Sally Talberg, Peter Cramton, Terry Bulger, Raymond Hepper, Vanessa Anesetti-Parra and Craig Ivey, who live outside of Texas are resigning in the aftermath of the power outage, winter storm

>>>/qresearch/13033735 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/13033746 Man with a giant penis has made his home on Denmark's primary children's broadcaster. Called John Dillermand

>>>/qresearch/13033749 Welcome home! Seeing families reunited with their service members after a successful deployment never gets old

>>>/qresearch/13033756 Maskless Fauci insists, Even if vaccinated, wear mask, no indoor dining, theaters

>>>/qresearch/13033759 Cattle ranch with Area 51 grazing permit hits market for $4.5 million

>>>/qresearch/13033771, >>>/qresearch/13033804, >>>/qresearch/13033907, >>>/qresearch/13033990, >>>/qresearch/13034160, >>>/qresearch/13034192, >>>/qresearch/13034227, >>>/qresearch/13034262, >>>/qresearch/13034325 , Tiger Woods Q 712 and the Golf God's Genesis. anon decode

>>>/qresearch/13033790 General Russel Honoré Has No Business Leading Any Security Review Related To Capitol Breach

>>>/qresearch/13033796 George News official Telegram link

>>>/qresearch/13033827 Six, Q144 on C_I supercomputers seven dwarfs with larger explainations

>>>/qresearch/13033840 Second Missouri County Becomes 2A Sanctuary, Authorizes Sheriffs To Arrest Gun-Grabbing Federal Agents

>>>/qresearch/13033932 Serbian Founder of Digital-Asset Companies Indicted in International Cryptocurrency Scheme

>>>/qresearch/13033936 More dog comms UK Johnson

>>>/qresearch/13033942 One of the Nation’s Largest Chicken Producers Pleads Guilty to Price Fixing and is Sentenced to a $107 Million Criminal Fine

>>>/qresearch/13033952 Secret Service and Peoria Police Dept investigation led to an Illinois man being sentenced to 15 years in prison for receiving and possessing child pornography

>>>/qresearch/13034041 Nigerian Influencer Implicated in $1.3 Billion DPRK Cyber-Campaign

>>>/qresearch/13034042, >>>/qresearch/13034398 Anon opines, The reason Q was emphatic on "trust the plan" is because there was absolutely no way to pull this off without going to subversive route

>>>/qresearch/13034061 The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science

>>>/qresearch/13034071 Paranoid Secret Service brings back old guard for Biden's comfort 'amid concerns'

>>>/qresearch/13034074 A baker, a bunch of shills, and someone looking for a shred of good news — walk into a bar

>>>/qresearch/13034083 GOP Lawmakers Demand Investigation Into National Institutes Of Health’s Relationship With Wuhan Lab

>>>/qresearch/13034099 Australian Defense Minister Reynolds Hospitalized as 'Precautionary Measure' against being questioned over rape case

>>>/qresearch/13034108, >>>/qresearch/13034138 43 days after the Jan 20th Inauguration day is March 4th!! C before D?

>>>/qresearch/13034110 Microsoft President Blames Russia Intelligence Agency for SolarWinds Hack

>>>/qresearch/13034147 ‘Never before’ has the leader of the free world been ‘so cognitively compromised’ Biden

>>>/qresearch/13034176 Bill would protect reporters from hate crimes Tampa

>>>/qresearch/13034236 Facebook Announces Plan To Break Up U.S. Government Before It Becomes Too Powerful


(32 notables, 45 posts, 58 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30284

File: 081542f8fc2ade5⋯.jpeg (377.23 KB,1314x830,657:415,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13034202 Q Research General #16601: Oh Ye Of Little Faith, Merely The Battle Is Won Edition

Created 232332ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13034579 Sen. Sinema Shirt 'Dangerous Creature'?

>>>/qresearch/13034673 Biden Regime Ends Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’, AG’s Say Decision Will Create ‘Perverse Incentive For Foreign Sexual Predators’

>>>/qresearch/13034701 Former Bill Clinton advisor and liberal author Naomi Wolf warned that America under President Joe Biden is becoming a “totalitarian state before our eyes.

>>>/qresearch/13034896, >>>/qresearch/13034908, >>>/qresearch/13034928, >>>/qresearch/13034992 Same Guy???

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=YHYiu5OTRxs - Shining a light on Syria's civil war [Channel: 60 Minutes]

>>>/qresearch/13034918 Over 4 years in prison for man who put pictures of child’s face on adult porn

>>>/qresearch/13034965 Dozens of New Yorkers asked to get revaccinated after shots stored at wrong temperature

>>>/qresearch/13035007 Gab BANNED from Three Banks in Three Weeks Due to Media Smears

>>>/qresearch/13035034 House, Senate GOP: Joe Biden’s HHS Nominee Wants Taxpayer-Funded Medicaid for Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/13035043 Navy sailor in Virginia dies of COVID-19, marking military's 23rd death from virus

>>>/qresearch/13035060 missing 'to' in DJT Jr twat

(10 notables, 13 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30285

File: b349ac4b3311bcc⋯.png (388.08 KB,693x539,9:7,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13035238 Q Research General #16602: It Ain't Gonna Bake Itself Edition

Created 240201ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13035265, >>>/qresearch/13035899 #16600, #16601, #16602

>>>/qresearch/13035294 Lin Wood "I hear all the talk of potential candidates&hellip;"

>>>/qresearch/13035306 ERCOT Managers Resign After Widespread Storm Outages

>>>/qresearch/13035318 Ex-Capitol Police Chief: Intel Indicated Antifa, Proud Boys, Other Groups Would Join on Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/13035385 LynndR diggs

>>>/qresearch/13035407 New "news" outlet - The Rightly.

>>>/qresearch/13035537 – This dumb fuck thinks anons are dumb fucks

>>>/qresearch/13035622 DJT Jr Tweet - CNN more powerful & destructive than Qanon

>>>/qresearch/13035742 Anon requested notable: George Mag

(9 notables, 10 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30286

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13036676 Q Research General #16604: The 'Spending All Day Looking For The Strawman' Edition

Created 240642ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13036730 Mitch McConnell Will Vote to Confirm Merrick Garland as U.S. Attorney General

>>>/qresearch/13036741 "Why CPAC disinvited me from their event!" (Video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2iflF6bkUL4 - WHY CPAC DISINVITED ME FROM THEIR 2021 EVENT! [Channel: YOUNG PHARAOH]

>>>/qresearch/13036742 The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection Why Americans should be afraid. Very afraid.

>>>/qresearch/13036770 In 2003, a white hat hacker used a network mapper to sketch a map of the entire internet. In 2021, he did it again—and showed just how quickly it's expanded.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220101193114/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/579ab5d19eada971009f55050cc68e8a77249514fe312493571b4e57062dcd79.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13036798 Immunologist Warns Pfizer and Moderna Coronavirus Vaccines May Cause Neurodegenerative Disorders Such as Alzheimer’s

>>>/qresearch/13036810 Counterinsurgency Campaign’ Against ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ Could Backfire

>>>/qresearch/13036824 16600 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13036827 #16600


>>>/qresearch/13036848 New 'white supremacy' narrative to attempt to slow the Great Awakening

>>>/qresearch/13036894 VPN slowed heavily today. They've been slow this whole month. This guy picked up on it earlier this month. Possibly related? (video)

>>>/qresearch/13036908 Drug executives: Big jump in vaccine supply is coming soon

>>>/qresearch/13036923 top 10 1000% plus stock gains last 52 weeks?

>>>/qresearch/13036940, >>>/qresearch/13036950 The predicted FAKE alien invasion (full-on FF event)

>>>/qresearch/13037017 #16599

>>>/qresearch/13037023 FCC response to call for Dem calls to deplatform OANN, FOX, NEWSMAX

>>>/qresearch/13037028 Not a single case of influenza has been detected by public health officials in England for the past seven weeks. 685,243 samples that have been reviewed at PHE’s laboratories so far

>>>/qresearch/13037032 The sporting world was 'holding its breath' following Tiger Woods' serious crash

>>>/qresearch/13037033 US Senate inquiry finds major security failures ahead of Capitol riots they failed to read an email

>>>/qresearch/13037039 Two elderly Australians given four times recommended COVID vaccine dose

>>>/qresearch/13037044 The west is 'de-industrializing itself' against a 'big threat' like China

>>>/qresearch/13037046 DJT - “I will fight on, just as I have, for the last five years (even before I was successfully elected), despite all of the election crimes that were committed against me. We will win”

>>>/qresearch/13037089 GeorgeNews Telegraph update

>>>/qresearch/13037127 Democrats Don’t Want Biden To Have Full Control Of Nuclear Weapons

>>>/qresearch/13037131 Trump Submits Formal Appeal to Be Reinstated on Facebook and Instagram

>>>/qresearch/13037137 Another Democrat Narrative Goes up in Flames – Ex-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund Says He Had Intel Antifa Was Part of the January 6 Attack

>>>/qresearch/13037141 Debunking the False Insurrection Lie by the Democrats

>>>/qresearch/13037144 Ex-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund Says He Did Not Get FBI Report Warning of Violence on January 6

>>>/qresearch/13037148 Ashli Babbitt Is Laid To Rest In Pacific Ocean by Family and Friends?

>>>/qresearch/13037152 Boycott the Gaslight Media and Save America

>>>/qresearch/13037160 WaPo During Trump: ‘Kids In Cages’; WaPo During Biden: ‘Migrant Facility For Children’

>>>/qresearch/13037162 Clarence Thomas Dissent in Election Cases: ‘Our Fellow Citizens Deserve Better’

>>>/qresearch/13037168 Buffalo public schools claim 'all white people' perpetuate systemic racism and force kindergarteners to watch video of dead black children to warn them about 'racist police and state-sanctioned violence'

>>>/qresearch/13037171 Why The Texas Blackout Has The Greens So Scared

>>>/qresearch/13037178 156699 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13037179 Democrats Move to Silence Non-Liberal Speech

>>>/qresearch/13037190 The Blue States Are Now the Beggar States

>>>/qresearch/13037195 Capitol Police Witnesses Struggle to Explain How Rioters Breached the Capitol on January 6

>>>/qresearch/13037239 Biden is creating 'a totalitarian state before our eyes'

>>>/qresearch/13037245 Iran now demands $1 trillion in 'reparations' from Biden

>>>/qresearch/13037255, >>>/qresearch/13037281 Texas Storm Aftermath: Several Electric Reliability (ERCOT) Board Members Resign

>>>/qresearch/13037261 Biden HHS Nominee Defended Subjecting Kids to Chemical Castration

>>>/qresearch/13037299 Former Florida congressman fined $456K for campaign scheme

>>>/qresearch/13037304 Pentagon wades into political minefield in hunt for extremists

>>>/qresearch/13037314 Anon 16604 notables

>>>/qresearch/13037384 Biden Cabal Consulting South Korea on Releasing Frozen Iranian Funds

(46 notables, 48 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13038271 Q Research General #16606: We Were Chosen For A Reason Edition

Created 241501ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13038290 Dough

>>>/qresearch/13038410 Washington Post lobbies for more abortions

>>>/qresearch/13038418, >>>/qresearch/13038452

>>>/qresearch/13038439 U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton has indefinitely banned enforcement of Pres. Biden’s 100 day deportation pause

>>>/qresearch/13038445 16604 Notables FINAL

>>>/qresearch/13038450 US MARSHALLS do not want anyone to think that yesterdays message concerning Lincoln sneaking into DC for his March 04 Inauguration, has any hidden meanings.

>>>/qresearch/13038460 Chrissy Teigen Asks President Joe Biden To Unfollow Her On Twitter - Pedos have to have privacy you know, freaks

>>>/qresearch/13038483 FL Gove DeSantis - RIP Rush

>>>/qresearch/13038497 'Very Frightening': Dr. Scott Atlas Explains How Public Health Officials Have Damaged the American Psyche

>>>/qresearch/13038500 Georgia has PASSED their voter ID Bill!

>>>/qresearch/13038514 Why 28 Republicans Are Calling for an Investigation Into the National Institutes of Health

>>>/qresearch/13038529 Foil-capped TikTokers are spreading conspiracy theories claiming that historic snowfall in Texas was actually planted by the government

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210224223035/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f02d7126a2d4fa2b6f4b8ab8a58104d71049ffda4f4bf44b883c78dacedf3b25.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13038595 More Media narrative pushing blood drinking

>>>/qresearch/13038620 Rome, Italy Police Defend Protesters in Solidarity

>>>/qresearch/13038628 First look at BLM finances, details finally come to light – to the tune of $90 million

>>>/qresearch/13038669 Suffolk University "Qanon" Poll (Bannon Warroom video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AHu_UN-pWHQ - SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY QANON POLL [Channel: ltfiftysix]

>>>/qresearch/13038685 Ever notice how protecting people from dangerous misinformation looks exactly the same as censoring true information you're scared of?

>>>/qresearch/13038698 Anon opines on Q Posts - Biden being controlled by foreign government

>>>/qresearch/13038727 WATCH LIVE: Fed Chair Jerome Powell testifies before Congress — 2/24/21

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NIQ5moocXzM - WATCH LIVE: Fed Chair Jerome Powell testifies before Congress u2014 2/24/21 [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>>/qresearch/13038796, >>>/qresearch/13038921 SOUND OF FREEDOM -The story of Tim Ballard, who quits his Government job in order to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20200816141241/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/87f8273a05554edc9308cba51fe04a91483eecca4fb77a69b655e790bac81ad8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13038818 Now Ted Cruz may be buying his own books through a mystery company (Salon is as Deep State friendly as you can get)

>>>/qresearch/13038840, >>>/qresearch/13038860 Planefag: Q4 Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton Unmanned Aerial Vehicle circling off the coast near Washington DC

>>>/qresearch/13038919 A financial snapshot shared exclusively with The Associated Press shows the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation took in just over $90 million last year

>>>/qresearch/13039001, >>>/qresearch/13039040 Twitter’s discrediting of leaked docs that show UK’s covert activities against Russia is a shocking case of media manipulation

>>>/qresearch/13039014 Anti-Trump Lincoln Project received $32mn in free media coverage since sexual harassment scandal broke – report

>>>/qresearch/13039049 Baarack, the Australian sheep

>>>/qresearch/13039065 #16606, #16607, #16608

(27 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30288

File: a157c048d7e7d16⋯.jpg (17.74 KB,255x200,51:40,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13039068 Q Research General #16607: Democrats Don't Want Biden To Have Control Of Nuclear Weapons? Edition

Created 241731ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13039085, >>>/qresearch/13039297, >>>/qresearch/13039306, >>>/qresearch/13039324, >>>/qresearch/13039414, >>>/qresearch/13039424, >>>/qresearch/13039451, >>>/qresearch/13039495

>>>/qresearch/13039117 1 in 6 Americans under 23 say they’re LGBTQ, as more people in the US than ever identify as non-heterosexual

>>>/qresearch/13039123 New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office Wants to Take Custody of Windham Voting Machines – Take Them Away for Audit

>>>/qresearch/13039130 The Israeli medical authorities have been leaking some of the data on Covid vaccination based upon figures kept in tabular form

>>>/qresearch/13039155 Tell Congress to help America, Not Itself link

>>>/qresearch/13039175 Opponents attack wife of Clarence Thomas over his dissent bashing decision to not hear critical election case

>>>/qresearch/13039184 Global airline industry body to launch Covid ‘travel pass’ by March PAPERS PLEASE

>>>/qresearch/13039197 New York Democrats Hold Outdoor Presser Calling for Charges Against Governor Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/13039211 ‘Flat Lie’: Federal Prosecutors In New York Admitted To Lying About Evidence In Sanctions Case

>>>/qresearch/13039215 Biden’s CIA Nominee Has Close Ties to Communist China

>>>/qresearch/13039223 White House reporter covering Kamala Harris tests positive for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/13039253 China Assails Five Eyes Intelligence Network ‘Axis of White Supremacy’

>>>/qresearch/13039292 What if the “Conspiracy” is Real?

>>>/qresearch/13039296 Maine Congregations Faced With 'Stay Away From Church or Go to Jail'

>>>/qresearch/13039303 Wear Two Masks Until June, De Blasio Tells New Yorkers

>>>/qresearch/13039374 Why a Durham Report Is Becoming Highly Unlikely

>>>/qresearch/13039420, >>>/qresearch/13039531 Putin says Russia thwarted the activity of hundreds of foreign agents nationwide

>>>/qresearch/13039427 Trudeau Officially Unveils Ludicrous COVID Travelling Protocols, Complete with “Detention Centers”

>>>/qresearch/13039453 Israeli cyber firm: Chinese hacking tool was modeled on NSA spyware

>>>/qresearch/13039463 Electronic bracelets to be put on people entering Israel

>>>/qresearch/13039467 Ex-bank president in Texas gets 8 years for fake loans, arson to try to cover up fraud

>>>/qresearch/13039509 Twitter is now adding a controversial 'hacked materials' warning label to tweets

>>>/qresearch/13039550 Biden WH and EU face humiliation for Navalny support after racist video surfaces

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=r646CRFA3gE - Biden WH and EU face humiliation for Navalny support after racist video surfaces [Channel: Alex Christoforou]

>>>/qresearch/13039565 Judge dismisses drunk driving charge against Bruce Springsteen

>>>/qresearch/13039577 Twitter has deleted dozens of account for the crime of "undermining faith in the NATO alliance"

>>>/qresearch/13039672 Military Situation In Syria On February 24, 2021 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/13039716 California Stimulus Check: Illegal Immigrants Will Also Receive $600 Payments

>>>/qresearch/13039717 FEDARAL RESERVE OFFLINE

>>>/qresearch/13039728 Illinois Becomes First State to End Cash Bail for Most Crimes

>>>/qresearch/13039768 Europe records its biggest ever cocaine bust 46 mt

(30 notables, 38 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13035909 Q Research General #16603: It Ain't Gonna Bake Itself - TOR Edition

Created 240344ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13036004 TUCKER: "We spent all day trying to locate the famous QAnon, which in the end, we learned is not even a website. If it's out there, we could not find it

>>>/qresearch/13036026 Yahoo: COVID In Colorado: Vaccines Can Cause Worrisome Side Effect For Women.. swollen lymph nodes show up in mammograms?

>>>/qresearch/13036091 Breitbart: Feds Increase Migrant Releases amid Detention Space Shortages

>>>/qresearch/13036110 ZH:Amnesty International Rescinds Navalny's 'Prisoner Of Conscience' Status After Discovering His Past

>>>/qresearch/13036132 JTN: Modern book burnings have begun at Amazon: Company quietly ends sales of books it labels 'hate speech'

>>>/qresearch/13036143 JTN: Banks, financial services firms next to bow to 'woke left,' ban conservatives, warns Rep. Ted Budd

>>>/qresearch/13036163 MSN: Italian cemetery in Camogli collapses, causing hundreds of coffins to fall into the sea

>>>/qresearch/13036166, >>>/qresearch/13036256, >>>/qresearch/13036572 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/13036178 OANN: Senator Johnson outright called 1/6 a false flag. “Fake Trump Supporters” he called it.

>>>/qresearch/13036180 News.au: China did ‘little’ to investigate COVID-19 origin, leaked WHO report claims

>>>/qresearch/13036201 Jim Jordan on NewsMax ''The LEFT doesn't want US to talk."

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210224075444/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1838b6774bad2d0b532b4b6c4ed319e4910927b1f627c4492bf0594cd3dfc954.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13036220 Dan Scavino - Watch this video with @TigerWoods &hellip; follow it up by watching the final moments of the 2019 Masters

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210224075535/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/279e3f565673778d1e57d2f7458b75ff71a270d8fe50f7ea338f3d205f4d8c09.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13036234 TheBlaze: DOJ withdraws from federal lawsuit claiming unfair competition from transgender athletes in high school track racing

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=wJIiWKYVRAo - VIDEO: 3 CT high school girls track athletes file suit after transgender girls w [Channel: WFSB 3]

>>>/qresearch/13036247 Leaked docs reveal how news agency Reuters secretly serves as a tool for British influence across the world

>>>/qresearch/13036261 RT: Chicago lawmaker calls to BAN Grand Theft Auto in new bill, blaming ‘violent video games’ for spike in carjackings

>>>/qresearch/13036292, >>>/qresearch/13036332 Are you making fun of Chapo’s wife? Former Mexican President Vicente Fox says AMLO will ‘rescue’ Emma Coronel

>>>/qresearch/13036308, >>>/qresearch/13036373 Virginia Giuffre ~ Definitely a good listen to those wanting to get their head around the Epstein saga.

>>>/qresearch/13036313 Vid: President Biden just ordered a global effort to&hellip; decriminalize homosexuality.

>>>/qresearch/13036364 Fox: Thomas Webster, 54, a 20-year NYPD veteran who also served in the Marine Corps, turned himself into the FBI Monday. Remember that when the narrative says it was "protesters".

>>>/qresearch/13036398 Breibart: Media Silent as Biden Illegally Holds Unaccompanied Migrant Children, Says Border Patrol Union

>>>/qresearch/13036442 Rudy W. Giuliani ~ This is quite accurate and well written @Jillie_Alexis: True freedom cannot be limited by science.

>>>/qresearch/13036453 Sputnik: US Capitol Police chief testifies FBI report warning danger of ‘war’ on January 6 never reached him

>>>/qresearch/13036454 Looks like the AP is trying to run a counter-narrative&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13036518 Vid: Ex-FBI Agent Indicted for Felony Perjury in Soros-funded Case against GOP Gov. Eric Greitens

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CNjvvbU27Wk - Ex-FBI Agent Indicted for Felony Perjury in Soros-funded Case against GOP Gov. E [Channel: Eric Greitens]

>>>/qresearch/13036538 DonJr agrees with Tucker: Disinfo outlet CNN is far worse than the so-called "qanon" narrative

>>>/qresearch/13036557 Pompeo reminder from 1/19: The United States of America is the greatest country in the history of civilization

>>>/qresearch/13036564 Military.com: Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground.

>>>/qresearch/13036615 Breitbart: Children trafficked by coyotes to the border, taken by border patrol, put in cages? Is that what this is?

>>>/qresearch/13036642 Sputnik: Australian police tracking man with swastika on face who assaulted woman with 'flamethrower'

>>>/qresearch/13036673 #16603, #16604, #16605

(30 notables, 34 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30290

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13037169 Q Research General #16605: The Absolute State Of AMERICA Right Now… Edition

Created 241013ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13037339 President Trump appeals Facebook / Instagram suspension

>>>/qresearch/13037469 Vatican supports waiving patent protections for Covid-19 vaccine?

>>>/qresearch/13037533 Residents in Schuylkill County borough told not to drink water after water tower vandalized

>>>/qresearch/13037611 Daily Beast tries to cover up evidence of Child Sex Abuse

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=l3YiEfKlbyI - DarkToLight [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/13037620 Olympian McKayla Maroney Ensnared in Mystery ‘Cult’ the Church of the Master Angels

>>>/qresearch/13037635, >>>/qresearch/13037760 Liz Cheney Wants Republicans to Announce They ‘Aren’t The Party of White Supremacy’

>>>/qresearch/13037638 Capitol Police Head Claims FBI Never Warned Cops About January 6 ‘War’ Threat

>>>/qresearch/13037655 Former Clinton Adviser: America Becoming ‘Totalitarian State’ Under Biden

>>>/qresearch/13037660 Utah business sign with American flag covering explicit word draws criticism

>>>/qresearch/13037673 Big Update: ‘Be Less White’ Training Seminar Coke Employees Took Gets ‘Canceled’

>>>/qresearch/13037679 Families of 3 sailors killed in NAS Pensacola attack suing Saudi Arabia

>>>/qresearch/13037733 No Pentagon nominees from Biden Cabal?

>>>/qresearch/13037739 CPAC readies for Florida gathering

>>>/qresearch/13037767 In California you can't leave your home after 10pm but you can still give someone HIV legally anytime

>>>/qresearch/13037781 Protecting people from 'disinformation' looks exactly like 'censorship'

>>>/qresearch/13037794 Pray for President Trump, family and country

>>>/qresearch/13037831, >>>/qresearch/13037897, >>>/qresearch/13037911 Dovile Paris= Lithuanian art models

>>>/qresearch/13037834 Democrats Don’t Want Biden To Have Full Control Of Nuclear Weapons

>>>/qresearch/13037904 UK Courts uphold right to remain silent under Police China Virus overreach regulations

>>>/qresearch/13037910 A federal judge late Tuesday indefinitely banned President Joe Biden's administration from enforcing a 100-day moratorium on most deportations.

>>>/qresearch/13037952 NEW - Not a single case of influenza has been detected by public health officials in England for the past seven weeks

>>>/qresearch/13037979 DJT Jr - My take on the media’s sudden silence about kids in cages… What happened guys?

>>>/qresearch/13037993, >>>/qresearch/13038195, >>>/qresearch/13038202 How to replace a corrupt, failed government with one controlled by We, the People

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>>/qresearch/13037998 'Home Improvement' star Zachery Ty Bryan convicted on two counts in domestic violence case

>>>/qresearch/13038046 House Democrats targeting right wing news sources for censorship / deletion from public consumption

>>>/qresearch/13038048 Tucker Carlson Can’t Find the Q Research Website. We're Here to Help.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BIQK4-9YFW0 - Five Finger Death Punch - Gone Away (Official Video) [Channel: 5FDPVEVO]

>>>/qresearch/13038062 VA Senator Amanda Chase is all alone, fighting the Swamp at ground zero

>>>/qresearch/13038112 At least 6,500 workers have died building Qatar’s World Cup failities

>>>/qresearch/13038131 CHICO, Calif. - Former San Diego Mayor visited Chico on Tuesday to show his support for the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom and campaign for governor.

>>>/qresearch/13038218 Former Obama Staff Colluded With Iran to Undermine Trump

>>>/qresearch/13038262 #16605

(31 notables, 36 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30291

File: 1bee4fa11d4f7be⋯.png (1.12 MB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13041389 Q Research General #16610: Wall Street Bets Strikes Again Edition

Created 250014ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13041410 Dough

>>>/qresearch/13041424 16607 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13041426 16608 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13041476 Earlier today the NYSE temporarily halted trading of $GME as a result of the SEC’s Limit Up-Limit Down rule

>>>/qresearch/13041535 Partial notes from 16609

>>>/qresearch/13041551 Did anyone dig on RILEY WILLIAMS?

>>>/qresearch/13041552, >>>/qresearch/13041560 Bongino whines about Paler's lot in the world

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=j9i4QFs3-mY - Ep. 1463 Some Great News That Has Democrats in a Panic - The Dan Bongino Show® [Channel: Dan Bongino]

>>>/qresearch/13041569 Twitter Blocks Links to CPAC Website

>>>/qresearch/13041573 Hunter Biden porking both brother's widow and married sister

>>>/qresearch/13041575, >>>/qresearch/13041631 New York Governor Cuomo Harassed a Woman In His Office, Had an Affair with a Married Woman for Months As Well

>>>/qresearch/13041596, >>>/qresearch/13041634 81 Helicopters up - Vast majority are Blackhawks -troop transports.

>>>/qresearch/13041621 Family Guy predicted China Virus Aired Jan 17th, 2020

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fia7k87-5TU - Peter Griffin Goes Out During a Health Crisis [Channel: Cartoon Digest]

>>>/qresearch/13041622 Final Defendant Sentenced in $7 Billion Investment Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/13041658 Similar distribution of C130's - a lot up for a Weds Night but not as extraordinary as the Helos.

>>>/qresearch/13041667 FBI Files – Cold War Era

>>>/qresearch/13041683 Woman finds kilo of cocaine in crochet kit bought at Seattle store

>>>/qresearch/13041699 A Bill to Ban Body Armor?

>>>/qresearch/13041740 Cult of LGBTQ says trans “female” MMA fighter who destroyed female competitor is “bravest athlete in history”

>>>/qresearch/13041745 Electronic surveillance ships making a showing tonight too. No E4-B .Yet.

>>>/qresearch/13041766 Helo numbers reducing (No Persist filter or the number would be waaay up) I never saw 5 H47s up simultaneously over the ConUS either.

>>>/qresearch/13041790 Online Child Exploitation at All-Time High

>>>/qresearch/13041795 Capitol riots? First was a dude who stole laptop.. Then suicide himself over a 1000$ fine?

>>>/qresearch/13041810 US deploys 780 service members to vaccination centers in Florida, Pennsylvania NORTHCOM

>>>/qresearch/13041833 Renton, Washington - Young girl, 5, found after car she was in was stolen from Renton Safeway parking lot

>>>/qresearch/13041868 96% saying Biden Cabal doing a 'bad job'. 49% said 'worse than expected'.

>>>/qresearch/13041880 Washington State Patrol employee arrested for two counts of attempted child rape

>>>/qresearch/13041962 Parents find 5,000 fentanyl pills in child’s toy from thrift store - PHOENIX AZ

>>>/qresearch/13041977 How badly has our money been devalued?

>>>/qresearch/13041982 Last 40 Minutes 110 Military Helos Up This is not not not normal.

>>>/qresearch/13042002 ‘The war continues’: Small investors up in arms after GameStop stock trades halted amid price surge & reports of Reddit outages

>>>/qresearch/13042005 China Wants Your Data — And May Already Have It

>>>/qresearch/13042020 WAR: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Decorates Hall Outside Her Office After Dem Rep. Puts Up Trans Flag

>>>/qresearch/13042028 Ohio Public School Orders Teachers and Students to Lobby for LGBT Legislation

>>>/qresearch/13042029 All the H60s are Squawking 1200 4 of the EC45s are Squawking 1200

>>>/qresearch/13042077 Security attacks man because of no mask.

>>>/qresearch/13042079 Couple gets surprised by President Trump while they were taking engagement photos at Mar-A-Lago. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uQ-tOFHXotw - Couple gets surprised by President Trump while they were taking engagement photo [Channel: Jimbo360]

>>>/qresearch/13042082 BRAINWASHING ACHIEVED! Democrat Voters Overwhelmingly Believe “Trump Supporters” Are The #1 Problem In The Country

>>>/qresearch/13042101 ISIS Claims 65 Nigerian Troops Killed Or Injured In New Borno Attacks

>>>/qresearch/13042113 ISIS Still Holds Mozambique’s Northeast In Its Grip (Biden Cabal is active 30 days and already ISIS is killing again)

>>>/qresearch/13042120 And we have an E4B Nightwatch joining the party

>>>/qresearch/13042155 16 KC135 Tankers - they are gassing something up!

(41 notables, 44 posts, 55 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30292

File: 067d3ef16dbde47⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13040668 Q Research General #16609 Still Learn To Bake! Edition

Created 242224ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13040745 Iona College basketball announcer hit with federal child porn charges


>>>/qresearch/13040818 Federal Reserve Behind Killing Gamestop Stock and Other Meme Stocks EXPOSED!!!

>>>/qresearch/13040830 #16607

>>>/qresearch/13040864 Report: FBI investigating Congress members as 'suspects' in riot

>>>/qresearch/13040865 Reuters is documented MI5 and MI6 tool.

>>>/qresearch/13040873 'Security threat': House Republicans request FBI briefing on Swalwell's ties to alleged Chinese spy

>>>/qresearch/13040874 Twitter Bans Hundreds of Accounts for ‘Undermining NATO’

>>>/qresearch/13040947 Rep. Elise Stefanik: Gov. Cuomo is a ‘criminal sexual predator’ and should resign

>>>/qresearch/13040953 #16608

>>>/qresearch/13040977 U.S. Spent $787 Million On ‘Gender Equality’ Projects In Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/13040982 FEDS: PA Man Had Tens of Thousands of Images and Movies of Child Sexual Exploitation

>>>/qresearch/13041004 Hitman Pleads Guilty in Maltese Journalist’s Murder

>>>/qresearch/13041014 guy refuses test and quarantine police confirm not needed under law!

>>>/qresearch/13041018 Georgia GOP Senate Passes Bill Requiring ID for Absentee Voting

>>>/qresearch/13041024 Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020

>>>/qresearch/13041063 Netanyahu has reportedly urged US President Joe Biden to maintain his predecessor’s sanctions against the International Criminal Court

>>>/qresearch/13041066 The #USArmy plans to continue building its Integrated Tactical Network

>>>/qresearch/13041076 Fight erupts over Defence moves to sack special forces whistleblowers

>>>/qresearch/13041081, >>>/qresearch/13041098 Iranian refugee slams John Kerry's 'anti-American' backdoor meetings with Iran during Trump admin

>>>/qresearch/13041106 GameStop back in the news; Reddit crashes

>>>/qresearch/13041149 House Republicans held secret climate summit in Utah

>>>/qresearch/13041167 bidan's CIA Nominee's wife, Lisa Carty, works for these people….CISA

>>>/qresearch/13041176 Democratic spending package would cost each household a decent yearly salary

>>>/qresearch/13041245 How is blackmail used?

>>>/qresearch/13041344 Claims Hunter Biden was in relationship with brother Beau’s widow while ‘sending SEXTS to her married sister’

(26 notables, 27 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30293

File: c30f5c2dfb54a2b⋯.png (912.69 KB,1178x781,1178:781,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13042182 Q Research General #16611: Q Research Is The Bad Boy Of The New Republic Edition

Created 250210ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13042209, >>>/qresearch/13042292, >>>/qresearch/13042299, >>>/qresearch/13042979

>>>/qresearch/13042256 Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) - queen of bantz

>>>/qresearch/13042266 Congressional Republicans request FBI briefing on Swalwell's connections to Chinese spy

>>>/qresearch/13042275 "Door Is Always Open": China Invites UN Rights Chief To Investigate Uighur Genocide Charge

>>>/qresearch/13042279 PDJT Endorsement of Bob Paduchik on GEORGENEWS

>>>/qresearch/13042287, >>>/qresearch/13042353 Trading Floor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; In Photos, Over the Years

>>>/qresearch/13042301 Lin Wood, What did I do wrong? I exercised my right of free speech

>>>/qresearch/13042308, >>>/qresearch/13042429, >>>/qresearch/13042452, >>>/qresearch/13042726, >>>/qresearch/13042812, >>>/qresearch/13042914, >>>/qresearch/13042941 , PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/13042309, >>>/qresearch/13042314, >>>/qresearch/13042342 , Lin Wood, Homework assignment read this article about Operation Mockingbird, that the CIA from 1970’s uses against you

>>>/qresearch/13042330 Flynn’s interview streamed last night, highly recommend to watch it

>>>/qresearch/13042350 Lin Wood, We took our freedom for granted. And what inevitably happens when you take something for granted?

>>>/qresearch/13042362 Lin Wood In order for the CORRUPT to get more of anything, they have to take more from us

>>>/qresearch/13042372 One giant fraud, like so many gov't schemes. create and manufacture a fraud (problem) then act as if they can solve the problem (vid)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=wsc7XnWTMIY - 'Climate Change' Agenda 21/30, Club of Rome [Channel: Project Knowledge]

>>>/qresearch/13042379 CA "Diverse" board members deciding to silence customers from social media, banking and finance, broadcast media, etc.?

>>>/qresearch/13042381 Biden Plans To Issue A New Anti-Domestic Terrorism Law As A Possible Way To Target American Citizens

>>>/qresearch/13042389 Woke is merely (((their))) gateway to authoritarianism, Banks and Financial services bow to "woke left", ban conservatives, warns Rep Ted Budd

>>>/qresearch/13042394, >>>/qresearch/13042413 High School band practice insanity, these people are stupid

>>>/qresearch/13042399 #16609, #16610, #16611

>>>/qresearch/13042415 Canadians are fighting back .. when will the USA take a stand

>>>/qresearch/13042457, >>>/qresearch/13042536 , Dutch police announce 23 tons of cocaine seized by authorities in record haul

>>>/qresearch/13042460 Elite Panic Over The California Recall of Gavin Newsom, Shows What They Think Of Democracy

>>>/qresearch/13042468, >>>/qresearch/13042490, >>>/qresearch/13042535, >>>/qresearch/13042621, >>>/qresearch/13042681, >>>/qresearch/13042783, >>>/qresearch/13042785, >>>/qresearch/13042801, >>>/qresearch/13042884 , Arrested and savaged for not wearing a mask, I hope he sues (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210225035133/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c33f921ccfc10c6e35b4c129c519b6242ad23cbf7d8675006cede54741c34448.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13042482 FAKE NEWS fear porn Surge in serious respiratory illness among children puts doctors on high alert

>>>/qresearch/13042582, >>>/qresearch/13042628 , What did Ashli Babbitt do in Air Force?

>>>/qresearch/13042641 US Federal Reserve investigating disruptions to Fedwire payment system and other services

>>>/qresearch/13042653 Pro-Family News Outlet Censored By Twitter for Stating Biden Admin Official’s Biological Sex

>>>/qresearch/13042664 All of the election fraud information in one place: Archive offline

>>>/qresearch/13042699, >>>/qresearch/13042754, >>>/qresearch/13042780, >>>/qresearch/13042800 , Dr Richard Levine legal and reality issues

>>>/qresearch/13042715, >>>/qresearch/13042836, >>>/qresearch/13042858 , ABC, CBS, NBC avoid explosive sexual harassment claims against Andrew Cuomo on evening news broadcasts

>>>/qresearch/13042722, >>>/qresearch/13042861 , Nebulizer and use peroxide, covid-19 suggestions for relief

>>>/qresearch/13042769, >>>/qresearch/13042846 Trump delivers first address to Congress 1 Mar 2017 (embed)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZYUH3Xr7ImU - Full speech: Trump delivers first address to Congress [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/13042777 Phish is Pedos

>>>/qresearch/13042804, >>>/qresearch/13042869 PA Governor-Elect Wolf Names Sexually Confused Man to be His Physician General

>>>/qresearch/13042875, >>>/qresearch/13042888 , CIA tweeting about planes?? A12 [CIA] vs SR71 [USAF]

>>>/qresearch/13042915 South Dakota AG Jason Ravnsborg had the Victim’s glasses found in his car

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4Eyrux5CXdM - Ravnsborg Interview 1 [Channel: South Dakota Department of Public Safety]

>>>/qresearch/13042916, >>>/qresearch/13042939 Lucid Motors to go public in SPAC deal

>>>/qresearch/13042918, >>>/qresearch/13042922, >>>/qresearch/13043044 Salesforce’s Plan to Deplatform ‘Broader Range’ of Customers Who Have ‘The Potential to Incite Politically Motivated Violence’ … Salesforce Inexplicably Severs Ties with Project Veritas

>>>/qresearch/13042921 Board of Directors Greater New York Hospital Foundation, Inc.

>>>/qresearch/13042985, >>>/qresearch/13043001 WeWork Co-Founder Adam Neumann to Get Extra $50 Million Payout in SoftBank Settlement

(39 notables, 75 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30294

File: 6883f938fa1d81b⋯.png (72.51 KB,255x194,255:194,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13042925 Q Research General #16612: Gamestop Riding Another Wave Edition

Created 250349ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13042940, >>>/qresearch/13043016, >>>/qresearch/13043021, >>>/qresearch/13043062, >>>/qresearch/13043074

>>>/qresearch/13042997 Xavier Becerra Refused to Name Even One Abortion Restriction He Could Support

>>>/qresearch/13043015 Congressional Black Caucus & Biden HUD Nominee Sent Constituents on Chinese Govt-Paid Trips to Laud “Amazing Communist Country.”

>>>/qresearch/13043027 Democratic Lawmaker Pushes to Designate Proud Boys, Other Right-Wing Groups as Domestic Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/13043049 California Bill Would Fine Stores $1,000 for Having Separate Boys and Girls Sections

>>>/qresearch/13043083 British Royals Met Tyrannical Middle East Monarchies over 200 Times Since Arab Spring Erupted 10 Years Ago

>>>/qresearch/13043084 Rep. Newmans daughter is transgender, and this video and tweet represents the hate and fame driven politics of self-promotion at all evil costs.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210225074947/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2e04fa8954a9402f7375c67ac36070bfbc18916ff2f0f1ccdff2f34744d27e68.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210225075004/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/af1832654e703250d30a08c9e0b53a09d03e17193bfc428d1af25a7f57423af8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13043088 Thanks, Anon (Anons). That means alot. I will update board with the conclusion of her lung problem after she had covid.

>>>/qresearch/13043106 Planes

>>>/qresearch/13043165 Facebook bans all Myanmar military-linked accounts and ads

>>>/qresearch/13043184 A Tucson man has been sentenced to five years in federal prison for possessing illegal weapons.

>>>/qresearch/13043225 NASA’s Perseverance rover is the gift that keeps on giving.

>>>/qresearch/13043231 Found it odd that Canadian Military would do this. but what do I know.

>>>/qresearch/13043248 Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser's Sister Dies from COVID Complications

>>>/qresearch/13043251 Youre hearing this first from me 100%, and Im forecasting a once in history event taking place… the simultaneous infinite squeeze on two separate stocks $GME and $AMC

>>>/qresearch/13043297 Charges stayed in one of Ontario's largest Mob busts after alleged illegal conduct by investigators

>>>/qresearch/13043338 The nation's immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit a record 44.5 million in July 2017, an increase of nearly 800,000 since 2016

>>>/qresearch/13043364 Out of Shadows documentary by Director, Producer Mike Smith, Hollywood Hollywood PREDATORS

>>>/qresearch/13043368 Man Dies After GF locks him in suitcase; it was murder.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g-QVblCO7sk - Hide-N-Seek Turns Deadly: Video Found Shows Victim Begging For Help | COURT TV [Channel: COURT TV]

>>>/qresearch/13043373 John Podesta’s father was Dr. Josef Mengele

>>>/qresearch/13043386 DC types talk a lot about politicizing intelligence

>>>/qresearch/13043444 Timestamps are important. Dan Scavino’s tweet f

>>>/qresearch/13043458 Shark with Human Face o.0

>>>/qresearch/13043481, >>>/qresearch/13043540 #16611

>>>/qresearch/13043550, >>>/qresearch/13043692 schumann

>>>/qresearch/13043561 Something happened to Bitcoin February 24th

>>>/qresearch/13043633 Ketamine link dump

>>>/qresearch/13043642 Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau's widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER

>>>/qresearch/13043683 New Quantum Grammar Thread

>>>/qresearch/13043703 Scavino Comms: Enjoy the Show!

>>>/qresearch/13043746 .@JoeBiden must “compensate” Iran for Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear accord

>>>/qresearch/13043759 Top Italian politician 'kills himself'

>>>/qresearch/13043766 What is the purpose of the pituitary and pineal glands? Link Drop

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210225112356/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3a439a1c0d915ad402325101951e611a6e702668df9d43f2b4874e4d440a9962.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13043805 Watch the Water (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/13043821 :RENO-Q/A. :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DDCLj97XUL8 - :Reno-Q/A. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

(35 notables, 41 posts, 61 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30295

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13039952 Q Research General #16608: : The 'Learn to Bake!' Edition

Created 241957ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13039996 The US Federal Reserve announced Wednesday it is investigating a disruption to services including Fedwire

>>>/qresearch/13040003 Hunter really keeping the fam tight.

>>>/qresearch/13040052, >>>/qresearch/13040224 Letter to US President wanting him to relinquish control of nuclear codes to Kamala Harris & Nancy Pelosi, which is against the US Constitution.

>>>/qresearch/13040106 NXIVM Sex Cult Slaves Speak Out: 'It Was New, It Was Edgy, and It Was Good'

>>>/qresearch/13040108 Key Biden aide said pandemic was 'best thing that ever happened to him', book says

>>>/qresearch/13040109 [D]Party created fake postal problems to create chaos around 2020 election

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210224224740/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4a1564b02e52d98f358db970d852a1748b7d362889031e4117637b025e065a3b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13040115, >>>/qresearch/13040132, >>>/qresearch/13040138 Zionist George Webb - Mossad's Agenda Supercut

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dKBC3gChmKQ - Zionist George Webb - Mossad's Agenda Supercut [Channel: brian M]

>>>/qresearch/13040165 Lebanese MPs Jump Vaccine Queue, Sparking Outrage

>>>/qresearch/13040175 Liz Cheney Goes Rogue – Ends House GOP Leadership Presser Saying Trump “Should Not Play Role in the Party”

>>>/qresearch/13040200 PF

>>>/qresearch/13040203 Coumo sexual harassment

>>>/qresearch/13040294 Seattle fire crews are responding to natural gas leak where flames are shooting through a sidewalk; nearby residents asked to evacuate

>>>/qresearch/13040296 HBO Not Removing Woody Allen Films After Release of Docuseries About His Disputed Child Abuse

>>>/qresearch/13040301 Rep. Steve Scalise Reminds Democrats of Attempted Assassination by Leftist

>>>/qresearch/13040330 College student found hanged after telling friends she had been raped

>>>/qresearch/13040346 DC Elitists Call Cops On Truck With ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ Plates, Fearing It May Be An ‘Insurrection Vehicle’

>>>/qresearch/13040381 Facebook sucker-punch the Australian government. What it means for independent journalists and social media users

>>>/qresearch/13040414 Reddit offline for many worldwide, the platform released an incident report.

>>>/qresearch/13040418 AOC slams Biden for reopening Trump-era migrant children holding facility, calls for elimination of DHS and ICE

>>>/qresearch/13040441 Democrat Equality Act ‘the most comprehensive assault on Christianity ever written into law’

>>>/qresearch/13040468 Twitter has started to flag links to CPAC's website as "unsafe" on the eve of the conference

>>>/qresearch/13040477 Pennsylvania Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges

>>>/qresearch/13040524 Biden’s policies are bad for jobs, national security, and coastal restoration.

>>>/qresearch/13040598 Saudi sovereign fund invests over $3 billion in major game publishers

>>>/qresearch/13040647 Sydney Morning Herald accidentally publishes Prince Philip’s obituary

>>>/qresearch/13040655 1.5 tonnes of heroin disguised as Himalayan rock salt seized in the Netherlands’ largest ever haul

(26 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30296

File: 39583c83cb144e8⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13044555 Q Research General #16614: Swordy Shift Ebake Edition

Created 251142ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13044613 Social worker now accompanies Kettering Police on certain calls

>>>/qresearch/13044620 half male, half female cardinal spotted in PA

>>>/qresearch/13044638 GameStop wont stop!!

>>>/qresearch/13044676 Looks like all aspects of the Federal Reserve are up and operating so far this morning.

>>>/qresearch/13044776 list of 2021 CPAC speakers

>>>/qresearch/13044889 NYT: GEOTUS will speak at CPAC at 3:40 on sunday

>>>/qresearch/13044911 Democrats ask Biden to cede authority on nuclear launches

>>>/qresearch/13044928 Congressional Black Caucus & Biden HUD Nominee Sent Constituents on Chinese Govt-Paid Trips to Laud “Amazing Communist Country

>>>/qresearch/13044936 "Facebook bans Myanmar military from its platforms as violent protests continue"

>>>/qresearch/13044938 NBC Pulls ‘Nurses’ Episode After Massive Backlash Over ‘Jew face,’ ‘Anti-Semitic’ Scene

>>>/qresearch/13044977 2018 report: Record 44.5 Million Immigrants in 2017

>>>/qresearch/13044989, >>>/qresearch/13045038 lady gaga's dogwalker is shot 4 times in chest by 2 men who stole 2 of her french bulldogs

>>>/qresearch/13045022 Baarack, a sheep rescued in Australia with over 75 pounds of wool, is 'getting more confident every day'

>>>/qresearch/13045044 Student was not victim of racism for 'eating while black' at $80k Smith College and made up details that ruined the lives of four campus workers and led to controversial anti-bias training that employee resigned over

>>>/qresearch/13045100, >>>/qresearch/13045107 inflation has not shown up yet, but its coming

>>>/qresearch/13045117 These civilians hunt child predators. Expert warns they're 'playing with fire.'

>>>/qresearch/13045160 D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Sister Dies Of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/13045209 United Way president Paul Logli announces retirement, will serve on Midway Village Museum board

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XOofNt3-ws8 - United Way president Paul Logli announces retirement, will serve on Midway Villa [Channel: Eyewitness News WTVO WQRF]

>>>/qresearch/13045246 Deputies say gangs exist within Los Angeles Sheriff's Department

>>>/qresearch/13045299 Plane crash in KY on Monday Single victim ID'd as Dr. Henry Babenco, anesthesiologist

>>>/qresearch/13045303 Explosive CIA Report Blaming MbS For Khashoggi Murder To Be Released Today

>>>/qresearch/13045314 #16612, #16613, #16614

(22 notables, 24 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30297

File: 93abff35c4714e0⋯.png (16.36 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13046087 Q Research General #16616: Capitol Police Under Investigation Edition

Created 251716ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13046168 an alternate timeline, And this fellow Americans, is how the American Revolution began, April 19, 1775.

>>>/qresearch/13046178 Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion COVID Bill Includes Up to $21,000 Bonus for Federal Workers Whose Kids or Family Members Are Impacted by Virus

>>>/qresearch/13046194 700+ children remain in detention at US border, 200 for over 48 hours, amid spike in unaccompanied crossings

>>>/qresearch/13046202 India introduces strict new rules on social media companies in battle on ‘double standards’

>>>/qresearch/13046207, >>>/qresearch/13046277 American diplomats in China complain they were forced to take anal swab tests for coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/13046225, >>>/qresearch/13046341 Trudeau’s hired security allegedly sexually assaulted woman, more assaults in COVID hotel

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U2-emNaF5gw - Trudeauu2019s hired security allegedly sexually assaulted woman, more assaults i [Channel: Rebel News]

>>>/qresearch/13046240 Most Major Retail Brokerages Suffer Outages As 'Meme Stock'-Mania Continues

>>>/qresearch/13046254 translated from german: raid on CSU member of parliment about alleged corruption in procurement of masks

>>>/qresearch/13046268 Statue of Queen Elizabeth II beheaded in canada

>>>/qresearch/13046291 Pennsylvania Poll Watchers Testified About Election Fraud and Irregularities in 2020 Election Then AG Special Agents Harassed Them and Now They’re Being Sued

>>>/qresearch/13046308 mr potato head will now be gender neutral, "potato head"

>>>/qresearch/13046320 School board VP: 'Forcing' teachers back to class before they're vaccinated is 'a very white supremacist ideology,' akin to 'slavery'

>>>/qresearch/13046331, >>>/qresearch/13046755 Maryland teacher’s aide seen masturbating during Zoom lesson with kids

>>>/qresearch/13046371 Report: Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago Ranked Most Corrupt City in America

>>>/qresearch/13046386 Hunter Biden Accused of Smuggling Ex-Stripper into Swedish Govt-Owned Embassy Building

>>>/qresearch/13046412 #16612

>>>/qresearch/13046424 Belgium gave pharmacists 15 million TOXIC Covid facemasks that can cause pneumonia, health chiefs fear

>>>/qresearch/13046455 Venezuela expels the European Union Ambassador in an act of sovereignty.

>>>/qresearch/13046456 Health Secretary Matt Hancock and NHS Sued Over £23.5 Mln Contract With US Data Firm Linked to CIA

>>>/qresearch/13046493 AZ moves to give lawmakers final say on election results

>>>/qresearch/13046498, >>>/qresearch/13046809 Acting U.S. Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman told lawmakers the government was aware armed extremists were planning mayhem at the Capitol on Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/13046499 My father, Amos Oz, sadistically abused me: Read an excerpt from Galia Oz's new book

>>>/qresearch/13046629 dickfish 2.0: bizarre sea penis worm gets a rise out of social media

>>>/qresearch/13046672 Potential Biden NASA Pick Invested in Chinese Telecom Giant Blacklisted by Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/13046692 Has anyone explained the scientific impossibility of having zero flu cases occur in the United kingdom this year?

>>>/qresearch/13046740 Qatar pledged $60 million on Thursday to help construct a natural gas pipeline running from Israel into the Gaza Strip

>>>/qresearch/13046750 Military Escalation Begins In Eastern Ukraine With Heavy Clashes Near Gorlovka

>>>/qresearch/13046839 Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary accused of raping underage girl in hotel room in 1969

>>>/qresearch/13046845 Masaaki Yamagiwa, producer of all things Bloodborne, is leaving Sony Interactive Entertainment.

>>>/qresearch/13046863 israel to share personal info of anyone who refuses COVID vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13046866 Game journo who has written articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling on other game journos to blacklist Hogwarts Legacy over JK Rowling and the pro-GG lead developer:

>>>/qresearch/13046870 Twitter just released super follow

>>>/qresearch/13046885 #16616

(33 notables, 37 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30298

File: 93abff35c4714e0⋯.png (16.36 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13045320 Q Research General #16615: Realize The Truth…Fiat Has No Value Edition

Created 251451ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13045356 iona college basketball announcer hit with federal child porn charges

>>>/qresearch/13045357 ted cruz tweet: No, sadly, you’re a Lefty pundit. As a Princeton prof, you should be honest in what you say.

>>>/qresearch/13045366 sky news: biden "blunders on" VIDEO

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Kd9J7VHbpPI - Joe Biden just u2018blunders onu2019 [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13045373, >>>/qresearch/13045378, >>>/qresearch/13045454, >>>/qresearch/13045695 JUST IN: In the skies over the center of Yerevan, multifunctional Su-30SM fighter jets of the Armenian Air Force are circling amid coup attempt

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210225183634/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3ac0073a5ccf03fa9b406364baf8df054273cca737ac586de13db3f83685132e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13045397 California’s net neutrality law is broadband companies’ worst nightmare

>>>/qresearch/13045399 The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is formally expanding a $3 million financial relief fund that it quietly launched earlier this month, to help people struggling to make ends meet

>>>/qresearch/13045402 Flu has virtually disappeared from the U.S., with reports coming in at far lower levels than anything seen in decades.

>>>/qresearch/13045409 CALL TO DIG: Seems current and Trump adminstration related info about The White House Office of the Military is being scrubbed and/or edited.

>>>/qresearch/13045411 New York City's highest-ranking uniformed police officer, who memorably took a knee with George Floyd protesters, is retiring

>>>/qresearch/13045415, >>>/qresearch/13045507, >>>/qresearch/13045588, >>>/qresearch/13045648 Anon dig on Phish-related pedo site: Touchpants

>>>/qresearch/13045464 Rep. Marjorie Greene hangs sign mocking congressional neighbor’s shrine

>>>/qresearch/13045471 Elise Stefanik Calls for Andrew Cuomo to Resign After Former Aide Claims Sexual Harassment

>>>/qresearch/13045485 Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign

>>>/qresearch/13045517 Right now they are demolishing the Chapelle Saint-Joseph in Lille, France.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210225184108/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/02ae56381b545168214a049135baf097290d950b8ba6154d182b94e6bb5fdd0a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13045555, >>>/qresearch/13045616 lawyers promise "nuremberg trials" against all behind covid scam

>>>/qresearch/13045563 Mayor de Blasio is calling for an independent investigation into the sexual harassment allegations of Lindsey Boylan made against Governor Cuomo.

>>>/qresearch/13045568 Costco raises its minimum wage above its competitors

>>>/qresearch/13045575 Idaho man sentenced to 30 years for lewd conduct with 11-year-old boy.

>>>/qresearch/13045580 DJT Jr: It’s almost like we are creating an environment where this will be manipulated for attention, money or perhaps both, while simultaneously ruining other’s lives with no likely consequences

>>>/qresearch/13045605 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt picture released, identity still unknown

>>>/qresearch/13045610, >>>/qresearch/13045766 Paul Ryan to join Solamere Capital

>>>/qresearch/13045612, >>>/qresearch/13045665 The FBI was investigating Senator Jeff Session's views of Russia during the campaign.

>>>/qresearch/13045627 Sen. Bernie Sanders calls Walmart the “largest welfare recipient” in the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/13045659 did dr rachel/richard levine change sex to avoid death caused by medical malpractice?

>>>/qresearch/13045668, >>>/qresearch/13045680 @freedomcaucus: "This is a government using its power to tell us to bow down to the will of a cultural elite in this town who want to tell us what we’re supposed to believe."

>>>/qresearch/13045674 BIDEN's destruction of America day 36

>>>/qresearch/13045677 Live: Pelosi holds weekly news conference

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-mkTyHVmOS8 - Pelosi holds weekly news conference [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/13045688, >>>/qresearch/13045743 Acting Chief of Capitol Police Yogananda Pittman says 35 officers are under investigation following the January 6th Capitol breach

>>>/qresearch/13045702 West Virginia state senate passes legislation to ban teacher strikes

>>>/qresearch/13045725, >>>/qresearch/13045754 THREAD/LIVESTREAM: "Genital mutilation" - That's the phrase by which Sen. Rand Paul starts his questioning of Rachel Levine

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=laS93iac9Ws - JUST IN: Rand Paul questions Dr. Rachel Levine on puberty blockers for minors wi [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/13045770 Live: House Holds Hearing on Capitol Riot

>>>/qresearch/13045891 biden gives fed employees paid leave to school at home while the rest of america gets nothing. schools stay closed.

>>>/qresearch/13045976 TX employs CCP at head of power system

>>>/qresearch/13046044 US Army tweet: red castle engineers helps the nation solve some of the toughest engineering challenges

>>>/qresearch/13046046 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/13046058 Crooked Manhattan DA Cy Vance Obtains Millions of Pages of Trump’s Personal and Corporate Tax Records Following Supreme Court Decision

>>>/qresearch/13046082 #16615, #16616, #16617

(37 notables, 49 posts, 47 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30299

File: 93abff35c4714e0⋯.png (16.36 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13046887 Q Research General #16617: It's All Coming Down Edition

Created 251922ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13046935 franklin graham says we can not remain silent, the equality act is dangerous threat to our nation

>>>/qresearch/13046960, >>>/qresearch/13047362 Maoist Monster: Biden Aide Says Pandemic, Which Has Ravaged the Nation, Was the 'Best Thing That Ever Happened' to Biden

>>>/qresearch/13046965 Leaked Emails Confirm UN Gave Names of Dissidents to CCP

>>>/qresearch/13046995 Facebook Pledges $1 Bn In News Investments Over 3 Years

>>>/qresearch/13047001, >>>/qresearch/13047433, >>>/qresearch/13047446 Pashinyan Clings To Power And Claims “Military Coup” in armenia As Army Demands His Resignation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=oaH9U7xm3p0 - Armenia "attempted coup." Pashinyan defies army demand for resignation [Channel: The Duran]

>>>/qresearch/13047012, >>>/qresearch/13047061 Senator Rand Paul DESTROYS Crazy Dr. Rachel Levine Over Hormone Therapy to 3-Year-Olds

>>>/qresearch/13047048 laura ingraham: Failure of our CDC to recommend early use of cheap, effective, safe therapeutics constitutes criminal negligence: “Scabies drug could cut Covid deaths by up to 75%….”

>>>/qresearch/13047062 Stevie Wonder tells Oprah he's leaving US for Ghana permanently

>>>/qresearch/13047080, >>>/qresearch/13047315 acting US capitol police chief says "milita groups want to blow up the capitol and kill as many members as possible"

>>>/qresearch/13047098, >>>/qresearch/13047109, >>>/qresearch/13047115, >>>/qresearch/13047139, >>>/qresearch/13047418, >>>/qresearch/13047493 anon dig: pope joins with rothschild, big business and mega banks (guardians) as the spiritual leader of push for "inclusive capitalism"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lJoXwh0Vu9M - The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican [Channel: Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism]

>>>/qresearch/13047103 Georgia GOP Senate Passes Bill Requiring ID for Absentee Voting

>>>/qresearch/13047108 Merkel: EU leaders agree to introduce vaccination certificates, they will be ready within 3 months

>>>/qresearch/13047129, >>>/qresearch/13047137, >>>/qresearch/13047148 , John Geddert, coach of USA gymnastics team, has been charged with multiple counts of human trafficking/sexual assault dig/suicide weekend connection?

>>>/qresearch/13047132 john solomon on warroom, good discussion including latest on durham

>>>/qresearch/13047150 Reminder: 8kun TOR url

>>>/qresearch/13047160 anon spots boy lover pedo triangle in old sonic christmas episode from 90s

>>>/qresearch/13047175 atlanta GA amber alert

>>>/qresearch/13047177 Oregon tops list in online searches related to armed group and conspiracy theories

>>>/qresearch/13047194 DoD Video tweet: Targets on the move. Marines practice marksmanship against trackless mobile infantry targets at the @USMC's combat center in Twentynine Palms, Calif

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210225231050/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/89e6b84c713556222b3fc055679b9fef10319d8e1709d4d3a1c753ed15e4ec0b.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13047207 anon opines on a convention of states

>>>/qresearch/13047282, >>>/qresearch/13047339, >>>/qresearch/13047341, >>>/qresearch/13047372 Mysterious ‘ghost plane’ spotted at US base in Somalia hints at ongoing clandestine ops

>>>/qresearch/13047389 Call them guardians: Seventeen airmen transfer to Space Force at US air base in Japan

>>>/qresearch/13047390 Qatar's Al Jazeera Launches Right-Wing News Platform For Americans "Who Feel Left Out" Of MSM

>>>/qresearch/13047414 Lawmaker Demands Biden Admin Disclose Secret Iran Talks with China

>>>/qresearch/13047450 Big Think, A Koch-Funded Company, Is Behind Racist ‘Be Less White’ LinkedIn Training Offered By Coca Cola

>>>/qresearch/13047470, >>>/qresearch/13047483 Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership

>>>/qresearch/13047487 How Societies Are Imprisoned: The Whole World Will One Day Be Like Hollywood?

>>>/qresearch/13047508 Donald Trump Jr. blasts Springsteen’s dropped DWI charge as ‘liberal privilege’

>>>/qresearch/13047517 MIKE LINDELL: “I would not go all in and risk everything I have, verything! I haven’t been able to see my grandkids. I’m in physical danger! “I will lose $65 Million this year alone”

>>>/qresearch/13047531 YouTube Down: Video site not working with users unable to access popular channels

>>>/qresearch/13047564 National Center on Sexual Exploitation releases 'Baker's Dozen' list of contributors to sexual exploitation

>>>/qresearch/13047635, >>>/qresearch/13047660, >>>/qresearch/13047680 #BREAKING: Ex-USA Olympic coach John Geddert has killed himself, hours after he was charged with human trafficking & sexual assault

>>>/qresearch/13047701 #16617

(33 notables, 51 posts, 51 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30300

File: 1bee4fa11d4f7be⋯.png (1.12 MB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13049278 Q Research General #16620: Don't Look Here, Look At Syria Edition

Created 260207ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13049322 Illegal Alien Charged With Raping 11-Year-Old Girl In North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/13049328 Chicago: Mercy Hospital files for bankruptcy

>>>/qresearch/13049342 Does this qualify as an 11.3 marker?

>>>/qresearch/13049343 Kash Patel: Donald Trump relented to U.S. intelligence leaders in his final days in office, allowing them to block the release of critical material in the Russia investigation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IstXmSlN4oM - Hidden Russiagate docs expose more misconduct, evidentiary holes: ex-investigato [Channel: The Grayzone]

>>>/qresearch/13049346, >>>/qresearch/13049533 US strikes Syria

>>>/qresearch/13049363 Gretchen Whitmer Administration Refuses to Answer Questions About Nursing Home Policy

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=1jlvf2whma8 - Rep. Steve Johnson: Whitmer Administration Refuses to Testify or Provide Data on [Channel: Michigan Rising Action]

>>>/qresearch/13049374 World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation Are Main Drivers for Digital Vaccines Passports

>>>/qresearch/13049389 Two Doctors Charged in Illegal Opioid Distribution and Health Care Fraud Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/13049398, >>>/qresearch/13049618 Live Texas energy discussion.

>>>/qresearch/13049431 Lawyers, accountants and other professionals play key role in cross-border financial crime, OECD warns in new report

>>>/qresearch/13049450 Following the money in the Philippines is risky business, Forbidden Stories shows

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=j8Ph0OyorQA - THE MONEY | The forbidden stories of Rappler.com | Chapter 3 #AmplifyRappler [Channel: Forbidden Stories]

>>>/qresearch/13049472 State Patrol worker arrested in child sex sting operation

>>>/qresearch/13049519 TikTok Pays $92 Million to Settle Dozens of Lawsuits on Personal Data Theft

>>>/qresearch/13049537, >>>/qresearch/13049959 Plane Reports

>>>/qresearch/13049566 US has 'lowest flu season' on record during COVID pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13049579 U.S. Conducts Defensive Precision Strike in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13049617 Kash Patel, whose work on the House Intelligence Committee helped unearth U.S. intelligence malpractice during the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe

>>>/qresearch/13049621 MAPS

>>>/qresearch/13049676 A study on mrna vaccines

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210226042314/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9fb4bcf26c02af073317f037a4430c6f6c54a0f804749096c6b2d9d447024b51.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13049737 Former Air Force contractor admits to stealing 2,500 pages of top secret information

>>>/qresearch/13049812 Trump endorses Jerry Moran (KS) for the U.S. Senate

>>>/qresearch/13049815 ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN Ignore Former Cuomo’s Aide’s Explosive Sexual Harassment Allegations

>>>/qresearch/13049822 Communist China Links

>>>/qresearch/13049833 Multiple Caps

>>>/qresearch/13049843 GOP lawmakers accuse Wolf admin of trying to fix results of ballot question limiting governors’ emergency powers

>>>/qresearch/13049881 Night Shift Active (What to Ask?)

>>>/qresearch/13049893, >>>/qresearch/13049911, >>>/qresearch/13049940 The Orion Wars

>>>/qresearch/13049896 In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says

>>>/qresearch/13049920 Netizens Spotlight Psaki's Old 'Sovereign Country' Tweet After US Airstrikes in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13049979 Police: Notorious gang leader escapes in deadly Haiti prison break

>>>/qresearch/13050001 #16620

(31 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30301

File: 4c40523fce508e1⋯.jpeg (40.58 KB,417x317,417:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13050774 Q Research General #16622: Mr And Mrs Potato Head Are Hetero Icons Edition

Created 260652ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13051057 Lin Wood: Ever wonder why I named my channel "LinWoodSpeaksTruth?"

>>>/qresearch/13051097 Biden Admin put Hundreds of children in harms way under after crossing US-Mexico border

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6knCqs5mNeY - Hundreds of children in border patrol custody after crossing US-Mexico border [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13051204, >>>/qresearch/13051206 Anon's ponders on "The Great Reset"

>>>/qresearch/13051300 Biden approves US air strike on Iran-backed militias in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13051305 US House Passes Gay And Transgender 'Equality Act' To End Discrimination

>>>/qresearch/13051316 Queen Elizabeth II statue found DECAPITATED in Canadian park

>>>/qresearch/13051324 Anon's take on why what Q represents is so powerful.

>>>/qresearch/13051358, >>>/qresearch/13051361, >>>/qresearch/13051365 Mining the Chans: Bots Exposed?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226113159/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1be6ab3bcbc6ff63b4a5e11428bc74afa3e503166549d6cd9f0676930fe9144f.webm

>>>/qresearch/13051363, >>>/qresearch/13051371

>>>/qresearch/13051393 Just another example of the hypocrisy of the "left"

>>>/qresearch/13051475 Why may VP Harris be "deeply concerned" about last night's strike on Syria?

>>>/qresearch/13051496 Fake News CNN finally covers Cuomo Claims for an entire 96 seconds

(12 notables, 16 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30302

File: 067d3ef16dbde47⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13049993 Q Research General #16621: CPAC and Don't Look Back Edition

Created 260335ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13050089 Trump shares plans for new super PAC in Mar-a-Lago meeting

>>>/qresearch/13050096 Petition to recall Mitch McConnell

>>>/qresearch/13050098 S.D. Gov. Calls For AG Resignation As AG Faces Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Fatal Car Crash

>>>/qresearch/13050122 Rand Paul calls out the Biden Cabal for murdering citizens of Syria

>>>/qresearch/13050124 The Fake Mask attack is over if you want it

>>>/qresearch/13050137 God Wins

>>>/qresearch/13050174 FBI Report on 'Dancing Israelis' - 'Give us twenty years and we'll take over your media and destroy your country'

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=CbQ7ylchvlg - Fox/ Cameron Segment on "Dancing Israelis" (December 2001) [Channel: Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry]

>>>/qresearch/13050184 Airline mass vaccinates all it's employees that interact with customers

>>>/qresearch/13050193, >>>/qresearch/13050672 Chinese Government Anally Swabs U.S. Diplomats, Biden’s State Department Begs Them To Stop

>>>/qresearch/13050241 Maricopa County Releases Junk Audit Reports – 12% Ballot Adjudication and Dominion Employee’s Use of Prohibited Orange External Drive Omitted from Report

>>>/qresearch/13050265 Watch DJT Jr. I Told You So. The Truth About Biden

>>>/qresearch/13050274 Jeep re-hires drunk driver Bruce Springsteen after his elite team of lawyers get the charges dropped

>>>/qresearch/13050290, >>>/qresearch/13050706 American Airlines confirms contact with 'cruise missile' shaped UFO over the US

>>>/qresearch/13050368 Biden Cabal says to President Trump - 'Stay out of the Middle East' then when they get power the murders begin.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226075353/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1c499ed9367ee830ff07a1db4b0ebe8e27ee5b0cf7a2d23ceb0b59d5487a1596.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13050396 Black man in the hood with a Q truck

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ChkxRtDi7wE - Black man in the hood [Channel: LONNELHARRISLIVE 2]

>>>/qresearch/13050399 Q Post One year delta "Be Strong In The Lord"

>>>/qresearch/13050424 Planet X chatter is coming back

>>>/qresearch/13050477 Tip for Telegram users - Turn on notifications for George channel

>>>/qresearch/13050509 For the Kek

>>>/qresearch/13050536 GEN.Mark Milley (MILITARY) "THIS WE WILL DEFEND" (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=D4JZS95dZD4 - GEN.Mark Milley (MILITARY) "THIS WE WILL DEFEND" I got chills yall….💜 ♥ Corp [Channel: She Knows]

>>>/qresearch/13050573 past bread notable - US Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman - remember that name? The street in Sandy Hook where Nancy Lanza lived

>>>/qresearch/13050586 GeorgeNews - NEW SITE COMING SOON - See me this weekend live at CPAC on Sunday!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220205221734/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/af00b26e5554d27aea74eeda3668daac6b2ce3a1ae72b7dd9de7d402957dcf3f.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13050606, >>>/qresearch/13050637 The Active Denial System (ADS), is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military, designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.

>>>/qresearch/13050621 07/19/2009 - Pelosi On Fed: People Want To Know The "Secrets Of The Temple"

>>>/qresearch/13050624 Peter Gotti, former Gambino crime boss, dead at 81

>>>/qresearch/13050662 The MRNA China Virus vaccine and the TERT gene - Attack on your immune system

>>>/qresearch/13050688, >>>/qresearch/13050700, >>>/qresearch/13050725 Nurse Tiffany reemergence, poor attempt to show she’s alive

>>>/qresearch/13050731 How the Bush Patriarch fueled Hitler's rise to power

>>>/qresearch/13050753 GEORGENEWS Knowing what we now know, about #SALESFORCE as reported by #ProjectVeritas, do you think our Military should continue working with them?

>>>/qresearch/13050771 #16621, #16622, #16623

(30 notables, 35 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30303

File: 59b00dd6debb5e3⋯.jpg (10.61 KB,255x191,255:191,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13052442 Q Research General #16624: Lets Roll Anons Edition

Created 261359ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13052474 Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations

>>>/qresearch/13052500 STACY25 E-4B out of Robins AFB in GA

>>>/qresearch/13052503 Industry Rent Crisis Worsens as Pandemic Drags On

>>>/qresearch/13052542 For Science! Making Fertilizer for you garden, also having other known uses

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=pm-7WzUrmzo - Homemade Gunpowder, For Science! How To Make Gunpowder - DIY Gunpowder Experimen [Channel: The King of Random]

>>>/qresearch/13052575 - /pol/ Destroys Bot Farm

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226182256/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1e1b97403ce180d0be851ce9622b0d1503a21ca7fb127cd38afbe8ec8ddf282b.webm

>>>/qresearch/13052592, >>>/qresearch/13052780 Anons, what is the way out

>>>/qresearch/13052638 Senator Paul Says He Can't Vote for HHS Nominee Over Stance on Gender Transition for Minors

>>>/qresearch/13052640 Psaki Tweeting Sheep Comms?

>>>/qresearch/13052659 On Thursday, the Douglas County School District announced a plan to return middle and high school students to full in-person learning on March 22.

>>>/qresearch/13052665 The $1.9 trillion relief bill is only a start. Here’s how to ensure it’s distributed equitably

>>>/qresearch/13052698 Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rN0_ZBnUyyw - Pedovores On Parade [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/13052728 German Catholic bishops call for change to Catechism on homosexuality

>>>/qresearch/13052756 Ilhan Omar has called for the firing of the government official who effectively blocked the party’s plans to raise the minimum wage.

>>>/qresearch/13052773, >>>/qresearch/13052782 State Inspector General recommending criminal charges against members of Northam's parole board for breaking the law

>>>/qresearch/13052790 Your morning GITMO Air update.

>>>/qresearch/13052815 Rand Paul: What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today?

>>>/qresearch/13052832 Plane Report TSTR17!

>>>/qresearch/13052834 spars pandemic scenario

>>>/qresearch/13052836, >>>/qresearch/13052843 Joe heading to Texas (Event Calendar )

>>>/qresearch/13052859 Albert Maggio Joins The Vatican’s Council For Inclusive Capitalism

>>>/qresearch/13052863 ALBERT B. MAGGIO, JR. Biography

>>>/qresearch/13052923 Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, shot in the chest four times. Dog Comms?

>>>/qresearch/13052941 president trump planning to launch a new super pac

>>>/qresearch/13052971 UK Supreme Court rejects IS bride's legal bid to return

>>>/qresearch/13052995, >>>/qresearch/13053038 Joe is in flight

>>>/qresearch/13053070 biden in houston here is a look at what the president plans to do during his visit

>>>/qresearch/13053079 The forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs' own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System

>>>/qresearch/13053122 Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip.

>>>/qresearch/13053126 Navy Destroyer Pulled Into San Diego Flying An Absolutely Gargantuan American Flag

>>>/qresearch/13053135 ‘In Fear Of The QAnon Kooks’: Dem Rep Condemns GOP For Not Condemning Message Of Two Genders

>>>/qresearch/13053174 #16624, #16625, #16626

(31 notables, 35 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30304

File: 6e025d0cc2dc6d9⋯.gif (359.34 KB,246x200,123:100,Clipboard.gif)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13053166 Q Research General #16625: The Right To Bear Arms Edition

Created 261555ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13053283 Babylon Bee - Middle Easterners Begin Painting Transgender Flag Colors On Doorposts To Avoid Biden Drone Strikes

>>>/qresearch/13053291 An #Israeli-owned cargo #ship used to transport vehicles was damaged Friday afternoon in an #explosion at the Gulf of #Oman.

>>>/qresearch/13053341 BIDEN's destruction of America Day 37

>>>/qresearch/13053348, >>>/qresearch/13053403 QR back to savvy bakin glad to see it (o7)

>>>/qresearch/13053366 Trump had to 'lose' and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him

>>>/qresearch/13053368 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/13053382 'Plan B' for $15 minimum wage unveiled

>>>/qresearch/13053385 GULF STREAM IS BACK IN THE NEWS

>>>/qresearch/13053411 Petaluma CA - Gas Stations cannot be built in the future

>>>/qresearch/13053417 U.S. diplomats in China were subjected to anal swab tests for Covid-19, a Department of State spokesperson confirmed Thursday,

>>>/qresearch/13053442 The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list

>>>/qresearch/13053450, >>>/qresearch/13053664, >>>/qresearch/13053768 Plane Reports

>>>/qresearch/13053468 China raises red lanterns to celebrate the first full moon of the lunar year

>>>/qresearch/13053476, >>>/qresearch/13053514 CPAC is Jewish financed gatekeeping bullshit (video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226182221/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2e75c167fbeef74c689ec852209e5172e49cf42685c80985d4bbf260cb857443.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13053486 Reminder, 13 Bloodlines payseur springmeier

>>>/qresearch/13053491 Normies trending the Chinese anal swabbing story

>>>/qresearch/13053512 The Biden Cabal 'wag the dog' war in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13053558 RFK Jr on Global Reset (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-c553fa0D_4 - Season 2, Episode 11 of "TRUTH" with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., featuring Catherine [Channel: Children's Health Defense]

>>>/qresearch/13053594 From GeorgeNews Telegraph account 2/21/2021

>>>/qresearch/13053702 The Chi-Rho symbol The Chi Rho (/ ˈkaɪ ˈroʊ /; also known as chrismon) is one of the earliest forms of christogram.

>>>/qresearch/13053724 Remember when Biden said 'If I disagree with Kamala Harris I'll have to resign.'? Here we go&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13053730 So now that there's a warrant for Biden and Fauci in Texas couldn't a licensed bounty hunter in Texas grab them and take them to the Sheriff???


VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=nTWob3FtMOo - DAVID BENGURION HOUSE THE FIRST PRIME MINISTER OF [Channel: CONCRETE POET]

>>>/qresearch/13053739 headline doesn't mentionsuicide. kek - Former U.S. Gymnastics Coach Dies Hours After Sex Trafficking Charges

>>>/qresearch/13053767 The Mask attack is over if you want it

>>>/qresearch/13053769 GreenScreen on SOS Blinken comms? Mexican Flag upside down?

>>>/qresearch/13053787 Biden refused to take a meeting with House Democrats on Syria this morning per WH official

>>>/qresearch/13053799 Q Reminder, First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

>>>/qresearch/13053800 Woman caught on video crashing into upstate NY bakery (Baker Abuse)

>>>/qresearch/13053811 DJT Jr with a typo on a:17

>>>/qresearch/13053860 Right to BARE arms: Canada approves the 60% efficacy vaccine that nobody else wants.

>>>/qresearch/13053871 US Army RED CASTLE taking measurements at when it's safe to break the ice!!!

>>>/qresearch/13053883 Joe Biden and His Handler Head to Texas Today following Historic Freeze and Failure of Green Energy Sources

>>>/qresearch/13053896 IGNORED BY MEDIA AND FBI: Antifa-BLM Activists Are Posting Photos and Bragging Online About Storming US Capitol on Jan. 6

>>>/qresearch/13053898 Every Illegal Claiming Asylum Gets An Average Of $1100 In Loans And Can Then Disappear – No MSM Coverage

>>>/qresearch/13053912 Gunmen kidnap 317 schoolgirls in northwest Nigeria, police confirm, the 2nd major raid in as many weeks

>>>/qresearch/13053916 Belgians warned to shun govt-distributed masks as they may contain TOXIC chemicals

>>>/qresearch/13053920 #16625

>>>/qresearch/13053926 LB Biden’s Virus Relief Plan Threatens to Trigger Medicare Cuts

>>>/qresearch/13053929 LB What a glorious self-own for this band of pedophiles and complicitous, charlatan grifters

>>>/qresearch/13053937 LB Someone From the Biden Administration Bombed Syria

>>>/qresearch/13053962 Biden formally offers to restart nuclear talks with Iran on February 18th. Biden strikes Iran-backed militia in Syria on February 25th.

>>>/qresearch/13053986 LB NYC Mayoral Hopeful Andrew Yang Blames NYPD For Spike In Crime

>>>/qresearch/13053991 LB Anon Notable Bun #16625

>>>/qresearch/13054003 LB Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union Address

>>>/qresearch/13054031 LB BBC: Most of Our Employees Are Bigots Who Need ‘Bias Training’

>>>/qresearch/13054038 LB Biden's HHS Pick Dodges Questions About His COVID-19 Nursing Home Scandal

>>>/qresearch/13054044 LB Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt – Lead Murder Suspect in Ashli Babbitt Case

>>>/qresearch/13054045 LB Planned Parenthood pledged to spent $45 million in 2020 elections, $0 for Republicans

>>>/qresearch/13054063 LB Fauci falls silent following New York nursing home scandal after repeatedly praising Cuomo response

(50 notables, 54 posts, 51 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30305

File: 93abff35c4714e0⋯.png (16.36 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13047705 Q Research General #16618: Suicide Weekend On The Horizon? Edition

Created 252143ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13047808, >>>/qresearch/13048175, >>>/qresearch/13048244 Ex-US gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself after sex trafficking charges

>>>/qresearch/13047821 When Jesus was crucified, satan was sure he had won. But upon the resurrection, the devil was dealt an ultimate and eternal defeat. Stay strong and faithful

>>>/qresearch/13047831, >>>/qresearch/13048109 XBox live messaging down?

>>>/qresearch/13047838 Not a single case of flu detected by Public Health England

>>>/qresearch/13047852, >>>/qresearch/13047892 House passes non Equality Act

>>>/qresearch/13047858 John Cornyn (Senator TX) sucking up to Biden Cabal

>>>/qresearch/13047883 Anon opines - US Supreme Court is corrupt and compromised

>>>/qresearch/13047897 GTMO845 Is resting up and refueling in Miami right now.

>>>/qresearch/13047901, >>>/qresearch/13047909 Baker Change

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210208154224/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2d1e286c03d9cc4c150f1f5d68178f77da6835540e12697cf1a6383941b7cc74.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13047911 Helicopter crashes at US Army post Fort Rucker (7/10 not accidents - Q)

>>>/qresearch/13047913 "Where's your mask…" - @VP Kamala Harris reminds Joe Biden to wear his mask after he forgot it at the podium.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226033806/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e88de05530e90892105df531d570d6d39fb8eb99d57be60d8bf42f33a95f13c1.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13047927 FEBRUARY 25, 2021 | Clip of confirmation hearing for Surgeon General and Tranny asst HHS nominee

>>>/qresearch/13047934 Michigan Truth Squad: Gretchen Whitmer’s role in Larry Nassar case

>>>/qresearch/13047937 More China Virus narrative scares from Fake News

>>>/qresearch/13047940 Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley not invited to CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13047947 CPAC is a Jewish financed scam. (video)

>>>/qresearch/13048075, >>>/qresearch/13048094 The Greatest Nuremburg of All Times is On It's Way

>>>/qresearch/13048129 @SpaceForceCSO spoke on the importance of the people who make up the Space Force during a fireside chat with @neiltyson at the @AirForceAssoc

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226034330/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d8526c04b88106aace92813b1a6f4d03e086a42ceca9cfe40770554c72de3c1c.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13048130 Adding a bit more spice to the soup. No marines at the White House while Bidan is there.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226034342/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9968b6502e7366d60fb68fc942cf3cffd7e945c260145a431e97e6cfea413b97.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13048142 WHO KILLED JAMES V FORRESTAL?

>>>/qresearch/13048145 According to the Constitution the President must address the Nation in Jan/Feb every year - Only Trump is addressing the Nation - Feb 28, 2021

>>>/qresearch/13048211 Beyond Meat (processed chemical product) signs multi-year supply deals with McDonald's and Yum!

>>>/qresearch/13048237 @RepRosendale ~ Thank you @Hasbro for recognizing there’s only 2 genders (Mr / Mrs Potato Head won't be switching genders)

>>>/qresearch/13048261 Former Air Force Contractor Pleads Guilty to Illegally Taking 2,500 Pages of Classified Information

>>>/qresearch/13048282 Son of fellow JFK conspirator Ted Cruz: ‘Criminals, Murderers, Rapists’ Entering on Biden’s ‘Most Radical Immigration Plan Proposed in History’

>>>/qresearch/13048295 US Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman Says “Militia Groups Want to Blow Up Capitol” at State of the Union Address without a shred of evidence

>>>/qresearch/13048306, >>>/qresearch/13048314 Chinese Government Anally Swabs U.S. Diplomats, Biden’s State Department Begs Them To Stop

>>>/qresearch/13048317 Bond Bloodbath Blows Up Stocks As Redditors-Revenge Hammers Hedgies (Again)

>>>/qresearch/13048323 “We Don’t Find It Safe Enough” – EU Lawmaker Jérôme Rivière: Mail-in Ballots and Voting Machines Banned in France

>>>/qresearch/13048329 Biden CIA Nominee Lies About Relationship With Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Front

>>>/qresearch/13048337 D328 Has not re-appeared in Haitian or P.R. airspace so likely also flew into Guantanamo.

>>>/qresearch/13048361 Demi Lovato says gender reveal parties are transphobic: 'There are boys with vaginas and girls with penises'

>>>/qresearch/13048370 Moderna expects $18.4b in COVID-19 vaccine revenue this year

>>>/qresearch/13048373 What war powers does the President of the United States have?

>>>/qresearch/13048389 Wait till Biden makes all those black-owned small businesses pay $15/hr for help.

>>>/qresearch/13048404 Mask wearing causing antibiotic resistant pneumonia outbreak?

>>>/qresearch/13048458 Biden Cabal back to killing in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13048467 #16618, #16619, #16620

(38 notables, 45 posts, 48 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30306

File: 86e1b6e309520cc⋯.jpg (8.78 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13053921 Q Research General #16626: The Right for Peaceful Warrants Edition

Created 261746ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13053954 4chan mods using bots to drive 90% of all threads. (nothing is real)

>>>/qresearch/13054049 Texas Desperate For Out-Of-State Plumbers Amid Broken Water Pipe Chaos

>>>/qresearch/13054065 Schumer Mulls Penalty For Big Businesses That Don't Pay $15 Minimum Wage

>>>/qresearch/13054073 Looking into Palantir: Activists want NHS to come clean about secretive deal with data-mining company

>>>/qresearch/13054075 Microsoft, Intel, and Adobe are teaming up to destroy online privacy by tracking every single piece of digital content you create

>>>/qresearch/13054086, >>>/qresearch/13054093 baker change

>>>/qresearch/13054087 As Americans Wait for $2,000 Checks, Biden Has No Problem Bypassing Congress to Bomb Syria

>>>/qresearch/13054114, >>>/qresearch/13054161, >>>/qresearch/13054504 new scavio tweet&hellip;looking at GITMO?

>>>/qresearch/13054127 The United States and European allies launched airstrikes on Friday night against Syrian research, storage and military targets

>>>/qresearch/13054132 Founder Of Chinese Front Group Spoke At CIA Nominee’s Think Tank Amid Beijing Propaganda Push

>>>/qresearch/13054136 NYP - Cat Comms?

>>>/qresearch/13054140 San Francisco to Redistribute $120 Million from Police to Black Community

>>>/qresearch/13054145 Report: China Raping Tibetan Women in Separate Crop of Concentration Camps

>>>/qresearch/13054168 UN Begins Effort to Transport 300 Asylum Seekers to U.S. Per Day

>>>/qresearch/13054184, >>>/qresearch/13054196 Judge rules Maricopa County must provide 2.1 million ballots from 2020 election to #Arizona Senate for audit under subpoenas.

>>>/qresearch/13054189, >>>/qresearch/13054313 New follow the PEN: Khashoggi Intelligence report NOW public with light redactions @ODNIgov “We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.”

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210226225946/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/d8a89c2a76f3818b5333bda4ad193ce167a93b3b9478c3abed2bf3fceadbd2fa.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13054213 Bank Of America Begins First Round Of Layoffs Since Pandemic-Inspired Freeze

>>>/qresearch/13054217, >>>/qresearch/13054269 CNN’s Jim @Acosta confronted at #CPAC2021

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226225144/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/2e94e9be127671f4c6eaa657b50891ba6ac45a63556c301c84ab2aa35e2c5bc1.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13054225 VIDEO: CNN’s Jim @Acosta confronted at #CPAC2021

>>>/qresearch/13054247 The Columbus Dispatch Bishop Ready teacher placed on leave after saying how George Floyd died is disputed Megan Henry

>>>/qresearch/13054260 RSBN CPAC livestream

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=21iI0l2ACVA - ud83dudd34 CPAC 2021 LIVE Coverage from Orlando, FL - Day 2 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13054271, >>>/qresearch/13054285, >>>/qresearch/13054296, >>>/qresearch/13054372, >>>/qresearch/13054704 Scavino Aiming @Gitmo

>>>/qresearch/13054272 African governments are crushing opposition using Israeli spyware

>>>/qresearch/13054283 Russia Has Information that US Plans to Stay in Syria Forever, Destroy the Country

>>>/qresearch/13054284 Cuomo's handling of nursing home COVID outbreak leaves health commissioner in the firing line

>>>/qresearch/13054292 British Ship Hit by Explosion in Gulf of Oman, UKMTO Says

>>>/qresearch/13054293 Two MC-12W Liberty airborne earballs orbiting over LaPlata Columbia South America @23-24k

>>>/qresearch/13054297, >>>/qresearch/13054483 Mark Meadows says Trump is ‘planning for the next administration’

>>>/qresearch/13054305 US bombs Syria and ridiculously claims self defense [17 ded]

>>>/qresearch/13054328 Oh The Places The Woke Will Go: Dr. Seuss Canceled For ‘Racial Undertones’

>>>/qresearch/13054332 Police and soldiers are chasing and shooting everyone on the streets of Mandalay

>>>/qresearch/13054346 Explosion hits Israeli-owned cargo ship in Gulf of Oman, no injuries

>>>/qresearch/13054369 #16622

>>>/qresearch/13054400 ballots were printed in Guangdong?

>>>/qresearch/13054488 United Airlines to Pay $49 Million to Resolve Criminal Fraud Charges and Civil Claims

>>>/qresearch/13054497 Israel Getting Ready to ‘Take Action’ to Stop Iran From Going Nuclear, Defence Minister Says

>>>/qresearch/13054531 Hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls taken in mass abduction

>>>/qresearch/13054556 U.S. attorney for Utah, John Huber, resigns

>>>/qresearch/13054574 Immunity for Bill Gates Vaccination Alliance GAVI in Switzerland

>>>/qresearch/13054600 JUST IN - Judge rules Maricopa County must provide 2.1 million ballots from 2020 election to #Arizona Senate for audit under subpoenas.

>>>/qresearch/13054626 Trump to go after Biden in highly anticipated CPAC speech

>>>/qresearch/13054665 Wisconsin: 28-Year-Old Healthcare Worker Has Aneurysm – Brain Dead 5 Days After Taking Second Experimental Pfizer Jab

>>>/qresearch/13054716 Scott Morrison, senators and AFP told of historical rape allegation against Cabinet Minister

>>>/qresearch/13054731 Biden administration to give Congress full classified briefing on Syria strikes by next week

>>>/qresearch/13054735 Pelosi To Keep Minimum Wage Hike In COVID-19 Relief Bill Despite Parliamentarian’s Ruling

>>>/qresearch/13054742 CNN’s Jim Acosta Confronted at CPAC — ‘Cuomo Killed 10,000 People and You Want to Talk About Ted Cruz!’

>>>/qresearch/13054744 #16623

>>>/qresearch/13054767 >>13053174 #16624, >>13053991 #16625, #16626

>>>/qresearch/13054829 #16626

(49 notables, 60 posts, 84 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30307

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13048474 Q Research General #16619: Another Human Trafficker Takes The Coward's Way Out Edition

Created 252350ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13048503 Doctor who exposed massive Volkswagen emissions violations claims say 'Nuremburg style trials' coming for 'crimes against humanity'.

VIDEO https://vimeo.com/498442220 - Dr Reiner Fuellmich CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY [49:00] [Channel: Hal]

>>>/qresearch/13048525 3/1/2021 - Mask termination day

>>>/qresearch/13048550 NY firm betting big on hot market, buying up Amazon Marketplace sellers

>>>/qresearch/13048584 7.05PM Eastern - 62 Military Helo's up right now.

>>>/qresearch/13048608 Facemasks contain metal?

>>>/qresearch/13048635, >>>/qresearch/13048681 Big Fireworks in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13048692 Former U.S. gymnastics coach John Geddert kills himself hours after being charged with 24 crimes

>>>/qresearch/13048695 Mossad chief to meet Biden, set out terms for overhaul of Iran nuclear deal

>>>/qresearch/13048724 3 "Republicans" voted for Joe Biden's non "Equality" Act

>>>/qresearch/13048732 Communism is Replacing Capitalism?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uPYx12xJFUQ - What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021 [Channel: World Economic Forum]

>>>/qresearch/13048745 Microplastics And Their Impact On Human Health Causes Concern And Requires Immediate Research

>>>/qresearch/13048780 Biden Cabal flooding targeted communities with unvetted Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/13048789 Columbia Man Sentenced to 25 Years in Federal Prison for Sex Trafficking of Minors

>>>/qresearch/13048793 Under Armour Forced White Employees to Undergo ‘Antiracist’ Reeducation Program

>>>/qresearch/13048795, >>>/qresearch/13048817 Who needs to worry about $2000 stimulus checks when you can murder people in Syria instead?

>>>/qresearch/13048799 Cecil County Pimp Pleads Guilty to Federal Child Sex Trafficking Ch

>>>/qresearch/13048811, >>>/qresearch/13048946 6 sets of 3 candles on the steps of the Owl Capitol (666) Just a coincidence, right guys???

>>>/qresearch/13048815 Canadian National Pleads Guilty to Human Smuggling Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/13048816 California School Board VP Says Reopening Schools Is ‘Very White Supremacist,’ ‘That’s What Slavery Is’

>>>/qresearch/13048840, >>>/qresearch/13048848, >>>/qresearch/13048855, >>>/qresearch/13048881 You have more power than you know

>>>/qresearch/13048851 The sheep are awakening - black hip hop dood in Philly and he has pepe as his pinned tweet

>>>/qresearch/13048852 Pervert Larry Nassar, Michigan State gymnastics doctor timeline

>>>/qresearch/13048877 Jan. 28, 2021 – China is not giving up on nasal or throat testing, but the country has adopted a new method for detecting the coronavirus: anal swabs.

>>>/qresearch/13048879 Tasmania Police took a decade to investigate alleged paedophile nurse who worked with children, review finds

>>>/qresearch/13048885 Soros, BHO & HRC helped China install a dictator to take over Myanmar (Burma) by surrounding India & gain control of the strait of Malacca

>>>/qresearch/13048893 Pedophile private tutor was allowed to CARRY ON teaching youngsters under shocking loophole in the law despite pleading guilty to molesting four victims

>>>/qresearch/13048909 "Report: More than 6,500 migrant workers have died during Qatar's World Cup prep"

>>>/qresearch/13048918 112 military helos were aloft at some point in the last hour. Anybody else find that remotely unusual? Two nights in a row?

>>>/qresearch/13048922, >>>/qresearch/13049226 Biden, throughout the past four decades, was seen and heard giving college and University-wide Commencement speeches at Penn State

>>>/qresearch/13048933 Oxford University COVID-19 Lab Reportedly Hacked by Cyber Gang

>>>/qresearch/13048948 Interesting parallels between Michigan State (Nasser) / Penn State Sandusky

>>>/qresearch/13048999 Q Research baseless conspiracy theory that pedos run the world

>>>/qresearch/13049022 Proposed California bill would fine stores that segregate kids' toys and apparel into boys' and girls' departments

>>>/qresearch/13049038 Mr / Mrs Potato Head refute claims that they dabble in transgenderism

>>>/qresearch/13049067 MO steps up vaccination schedule

>>>/qresearch/13049068, >>>/qresearch/13049072, >>>/qresearch/13049145, >>>/qresearch/13049153 Larry Nassar claims abound in Michigan governor’s race 10.11.2018

>>>/qresearch/13049074, >>>/qresearch/13049097 $15 minimum wage increase can't go in COVID relief legislation, Senate official rules

>>>/qresearch/13049119 Bernie Sanders suffered multiple humiliations this week.

>>>/qresearch/13049154 No respect for human life in the Biden regime.

>>>/qresearch/13049167 According to the Associated Press Joe Bidan was supposed to have given his STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS on 23 February 2021

>>>/qresearch/13049172 Name ONE time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys. I’ll wait…

>>>/qresearch/13049217 Pilot reports UFO, says missile-like object flew over plane during flight to Phoenix

>>>/qresearch/13049220 PRAY FOR EACH OTHER

>>>/qresearch/13049243 Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes Against Humanity”

>>>/qresearch/13049267 #16619

(45 notables, 56 posts, 66 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30308

File: 4c40523fce508e1⋯.jpeg (40.58 KB,417x317,417:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13051592 Q Research General #16623: BOTS BOTS BOTS Edition

Created 261059ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13051621 Reminder that a "Pandemic" has long been planned for

>>>/qresearch/13051630 Early morning keks: Dick fish just got some "stiff" competition

>>>/qresearch/13051665 "We Don't Find It Safe Enough": Mail-in Ballots & Voting Machines Banned in France

>>>/qresearch/13051682 McConnell Would "Absolutely" Back Trump If He's 2024 GOP Nominee

>>>/qresearch/13051697 Practice Discrimination to Cure Discrimination: Tracking Colleges embracing Critical Race Theory

>>>/qresearch/13051710 Biden is now flying illegal immigrants to their relatives in the US

>>>/qresearch/13051771 Fitzpatrick, Katko, Reed: These 3 Republicans Voted With Democrats To Pass "Equality Act"

>>>/qresearch/13051777, >>>/qresearch/13051831 MI GOP Lawmakers Demand Investigations Into Whitmer's Handling Of Nursing Homes

>>>/qresearch/13051795 BLM Global Network Foundation expanding a $3 million financial relief fund

>>>/qresearch/13051820 Biden Admin Blames Trump for Cabinet Appointments Moving Slow

>>>/qresearch/13051894 Lincoln Project Staffer May Have Violated Campaign Finance Law

>>>/qresearch/13052394 Would Americans have to brace for stimulus paybacks?

(12 notables, 13 posts, 12 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30309

File: c39f83232df48dd⋯.png (60.7 KB,255x194,255:194,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13054686 Q Research General #16627: Friday Funday Edition Edition

Created 261932ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13054965 Biden reportedly decides not to penalize Saudi crown prince after #Khashoggi intel report release

>>>/qresearch/13054973 Live: CPAC Day 1 closes with remarks by Donald Trump Jr

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Bx28johqOq8 - Live: CPAC Day 1 closes with remarks by Donald Trump Jr [Channel: The Independent]

>>>/qresearch/13055016, >>>/qresearch/13055596 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/13055029 CNN video: US intel: Saudi Crown Prince approved Khashoggi operation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tiQeFd_IuY8 - US intel: Saudi Crown Prince approved Khashoggi operation [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/13055072, >>>/qresearch/13055127, >>>/qresearch/13055210, >>>/qresearch/13055259 anon khashoggi dig

>>>/qresearch/13055097 Matt Geetz CPAC 2021/Feb/26

>>>/qresearch/13055153 amazon prime stops streaming clarence thomas documentary during black history month

>>>/qresearch/13055178 Facebook weighs adding facial recognition to smart glasses

>>>/qresearch/13055183 United Airlines to Pay $49 Million to Resolve Criminal Fraud Charges and Civil Claims

>>>/qresearch/13055256 SATIRE: Proud Obama Awards His Nobel Peace Prize To Biden For Bombing Syria

>>>/qresearch/13055260, >>>/qresearch/13055269, >>>/qresearch/13055283, >>>/qresearch/13055284, >>>/qresearch/13055584 US attorney durham resigns from US attorney's office

>>>/qresearch/13055299 Saudi-Led Coalition Says Destroyed Houthi Ballistic Missile Launched Against Kingdom

>>>/qresearch/13055308, >>>/qresearch/13055314 Judge Rules Arizona’s Maricopa County Must Turn Over 2.1 Million November Election Ballots to Senate

>>>/qresearch/13055328 Judge's daughter found dead in sorority parking lot after night of drinking

>>>/qresearch/13055331 George Papa Tweet: Durham resigned from his position in Connecticut NOT from his appointment as special counsel. Facts.

>>>/qresearch/13055351 SEC Suspends Trading In 15 Companies Due To "Questionable Trading And Social Media Activity"

>>>/qresearch/13055360 Gretchen Whitmer Loads ‘Council on Climate Solutions’ with Donors, Utility Lobbyist, Dark Money Group Exec

>>>/qresearch/13055410 durham resignation/Q post connection

>>>/qresearch/13055438 Artificial meat arrives at McDonald's

>>>/qresearch/13055554 If someone in your household has COVID-19, there's only a 1-in-10 chance you'll catch it too, study finds

>>>/qresearch/13055563 California Bill Would Give $1,000 Fines to Retailers With Separate 'Girls' and 'Boys' Toy Sections

>>>/qresearch/13055575 Exclusive: Steve Scalise: Cancel Culture Won’t Target Media, Politicians Who Inspired My Would-Be Murderer

>>>/qresearch/13055619 #16627, #16628, #16629

(23 notables, 32 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30310

File: 82b96307c083367⋯.png (59.46 KB,255x194,255:194,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13055626 Q Research General #16628: Never Give Up Edition

Created 262133ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13055748 @ChuckGrassley: U know liberal censorship has gotten ridiculous when Amazon stripped a documentary of the only African/American on SOTUS fr its streaming service during Black History Month

>>>/qresearch/13055753 2nd armed mass kidnapping in a week sees up to 300 school girls taken in nigeria

>>>/qresearch/13055765 Trump Appointed Rhode Island U.S. Attorney To Step Down

>>>/qresearch/13055771 Ilhan Omar Wants To Know Why Syrian Airstrikes Were Authorized Without Congressional Approval

>>>/qresearch/13055784 GEOTUS statement: endorsement of max miller

>>>/qresearch/13055800, >>>/qresearch/13056041, >>>/qresearch/13056118 planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/13055804 VIDEO: A golden statue of former President Trump was unveiled at CPAC

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210226232806/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/78b803f61ce4b5ef70fe21f313ac3dd5c8975fbbf14f62a605976acbb0176587.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13055814 Democrats renew push for war powers overhaul after Biden’s Syria strike

>>>/qresearch/13055820 Leonard Boyle, durham's replacement for U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut

>>>/qresearch/13055829 The Nation's Most Unpopular Governor: Raimondo Confirmation Could Come Next Week

>>>/qresearch/13055832 John Durham steps down as US Atty in CT.But stays on board as special counsel probing origins of Trump/Russia investigation

>>>/qresearch/13055839 REVEALED: Biden NatSec Advisor Claimed Al Qaeda Was ‘On Our Side’ in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13055850 Feds bust NY man who photographed congressional documents during Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/13055852, >>>/qresearch/13055854 HUFFPO hypocrisy: neuter your kids not your pets

>>>/qresearch/13055883, >>>/qresearch/13056012 statement from SA: Completely Rejects the Assessment in the Report Submitted to US’ Congress Regarding Murder of Saudi Citizen Jamal Khashoggi

>>>/qresearch/13055902 Biden’s team wants to charge reporters $170 for a COVID test every time they come to the White House

>>>/qresearch/13055927 Video Shows Capitol Police Conspiring With Antifa To Storm The Capitol And Blame Trump

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FViI4X7tLdM - BUSTED!!! Video Shows Capitol Police Conspiring With Antifa To Storm The Capitol [Channel: Bobby Powell]

>>>/qresearch/13055931 Jan. 6, 300+ people have now been charged and 280+ arrested.

>>>/qresearch/13055960 “They Didn’t Do Their Jobs” – Conservative Commentator Deroy Murdoch Puts Blame on Federal Judges for Role in Jan. 6 Riots

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=X68Ot0N1Iyw - CPAC 2021 - Protecting Elections - Part 1 [Channel: giramino]

>>>/qresearch/13055981 Hillary Clinton revealed George H.W. Bush’s ‘affair with younger aide’ sparking wife’s depression battle, book says

>>>/qresearch/13055990 FDA Panel Unanimously Endorses J&J Covid Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13056009 Elon Musk Responds That 'It Would Be Great' If He Was Investigated For His Dogecoin Memes

>>>/qresearch/13056052 US doctors propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to protect citizens from forced shots

>>>/qresearch/13056093 Romney, Schumer Advisers Among Dozens Of Congressional Staffers Participating In Chinese Communist Party Exchange Program.

>>>/qresearch/13056106 Federal Judge Rules CDC Eviction Moratorium Unconstitutional

>>>/qresearch/13056137 killary tweet: Grateful to see this progress in repairing one of the greatest evils of the Trump administration. (migrant kids to "parents")

>>>/qresearch/13056142, >>>/qresearch/13056322 anon kashoggi digs

>>>/qresearch/13056153 A global outage affecting Visa and Mastercard

>>>/qresearch/13056275 grenell gets a warm welcome from his peeps at CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13056290 daily covid vaccines administered per 100 people by country

>>>/qresearch/13056313 anon durham retirement/2 days ahead of schedule connection

>>>/qresearch/13056397 Gen. Nakasone: Vice Adm Nancy A. Norton was indispensable as DISA Director & Commander of JFHQ-DODIN. We are grateful for her contributions to @US_CYBERCOM & the @USNavy as she retires after 34yrs of service

>>>/qresearch/13056459 #16628, #16629, #16630,

(33 notables, 38 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30311

File: 82b96307c083367⋯.png (59.46 KB,255x194,255:194,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13056453 Q Research General #16629: Visa And Mastercard Down Edition

Created 262342ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13056545, >>>/qresearch/13056679 Trump endorses former aide Max Miller against pro-impeachment Republican Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio)

>>>/qresearch/13056566 Defense Intelligence Agency Connections Episode 11 - Hiding in Plain Sight (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=3GJbcBV5Zmg

>>>/qresearch/13056573 US & Israel Convene Top Secret "Strategic Forum" On Iran

>>>/qresearch/13056574 GEORGENEWS - State of the Union Address with President Donald J. Trump, Feb 4th 2020

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=iqOc3fxunPk - LIVE: State of the Union Address with President Donald J. Trump, Feb 4th 2020 #G [Channel: GEORGE]

>>>/qresearch/13056590, >>>/qresearch/13056593 The Walls Are Closing In On Andrew Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/13056599 Joe is up in the air! No AF1 callsign!

>>>/qresearch/13056615, >>>/qresearch/13056639 Mike Lindell On Dominion Lawsuit: What Are You Hiding?

>>>/qresearch/13056628 Former ATF Agent: 60% Of Guns In America Don't Have A Single Part That Is Subject To Federal Law (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=aq6l3IMbDSY - Former ATF Agent: 60% Of Guns In America Don't Have A Single Part That Is Subjec [Channel: Lead Therapy]

>>>/qresearch/13056664 Mike Lindell Vows To Counter-Sue Dominion AND Sue Big Tech & Media

>>>/qresearch/13056709 Some Ontario Stores are Requiring Babies to be Masked

>>>/qresearch/13056721 Marilyn Manson sex/physical abuse Accuser Set to Meet With the FBI

>>>/qresearch/13056756 Acting Deputy Attorney General John Carlin Delivers Remarks on Domestic Terrorism

>>>/qresearch/13056768 The FED Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet

>>>/qresearch/13056776 Not AF1 - 82-8000 USAF 747 departed Houston, TX-Ellington JRB back to JBA

>>>/qresearch/13056786 Two Presidential Birds in the Air out of Texas

>>>/qresearch/13056802 Chief of Staff for the NSA Earnest Green Try and Google, DuckDuck, etc.on Earnest 'Earnie' Green. You get nada

>>>/qresearch/13056831, >>>/qresearch/13056838 Judge rules Arizona Senate can access 2020 election ballots

>>>/qresearch/13056872 Maggie Haberman sending out discourage tweets trying to fortify Cuomo for a 4th term

>>>/qresearch/13056928 Trump's speech this Sunday to address the Biden Crisis: Hundreds of children in border patrol custody after crossing US-Mexico border

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=6knCqs5mNeY - Hundreds of children in border patrol custody after crossing US-Mexico border [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13056952 Lin Wood - When politics infects the administration of justice, bad things happen

>>>/qresearch/13057027 Top Dem Nadler - 'God's Will is of no concern in this Congress'

>>>/qresearch/13057097 Durham had served as the interim U.S. Attorney since October 28, 2017

>>>/qresearch/13057228 GEORGENEWS CPAC: 02-28-2021 A Special Day.

>>>/qresearch/13057263 #16629

(24 notables, 28 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30312

File: 4c40523fce508e1⋯.jpeg (40.58 KB,417x317,417:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13057268 Q Research General #16630: Bomb Syria To Punish Iran - Now That's Foreign Policy Edition

Created 270126ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13057329 ‘I Will … Dismantle Them’: Critical Race Theory Critic Ready to Debate at New York Times

>>>/qresearch/13057356 Oklahoma House votes to enable legislature to block Biden’s executive orders

>>>/qresearch/13057377 Rose McGowan: 'Monstrous' Accusations Against Andrew Cuomo Must Be Investigated

>>>/qresearch/13057382 In strike against federal overreach, judge declares pandemic eviction moratorium unconstitutional

>>>/qresearch/13057387 Threat level raised for US troops in Iraq; American contractors put on high alert

>>>/qresearch/13057402 Absence of Supremes in election dispute called 'ticking time bomb' Law professor warns justices will have to decide at some point

>>>/qresearch/13057405 Georgia Senate passes four voting bills, including ID for absentee ballots applications

>>>/qresearch/13057411 States must protect 2nd Amendment from federal gov't

>>>/qresearch/13057415 Top Dem Nadler - 'God's Will is of no concern in this Congress' (Previous Bread link)

>>>/qresearch/13057422 Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign

>>>/qresearch/13057423 Attempt to poison water supply deemed wakeup call to digital defenses 'Should be treated as a matter of national security'

>>>/qresearch/13057433 Biden Cabal attempts to change narrative by bringing up 'Havana Syndrome' attacks mystery

>>>/qresearch/13057455 Tuesday, MO state Sen. Bill White introduced a measure establishing what he calls the “Minutemen of the state.”

>>>/qresearch/13057478 Comms? Puppies rescued

>>>/qresearch/13057496 Reporter confronts Jim Acosta at CPAC, grills him on when CNN will begin covering Gov. Cuomo’s scandals

>>>/qresearch/13057497 ‘Don’t be thinking FEMA will be coming to assist us on this one’: Horry County SC leaders share status of flood response

>>>/qresearch/13057511 The House passes the monstrous non Equality Act and three Republicans voted with them

>>>/qresearch/13057515 Biden Stimulus Could Push US Into Devastating Hyperinflation

>>>/qresearch/13057521, >>>/qresearch/13057533 John #Durham resigns (expected) as US Attorney for Connecticut. DOJ website updated to say Durham's Special Counsel office will be located in DC

>>>/qresearch/13057526 God help us Biden talking in Texas: Joe Biden: "Lizzie Panilli, uh, excuse me, Pannill, and uh, what am I doing here?

>>>/qresearch/13057573 Ignored by Fake News Media: Joe Biden Is Completely LOST in Texas Even with His Handler in Tow

>>>/qresearch/13057590 Federal judge blocks Tennessee abortion restrictions

>>>/qresearch/13057605 CDC publishes new propaganda to keep China Virus fear alive

>>>/qresearch/13057607, >>>/qresearch/13057663 Texas actor charged with beating cop with crutch during Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/13057654 Texas Power Market Is Short $2.1 Billion in Payments After Freeze Electric retailers failed to make payments for power purchased when prices skyrocketed during the freeze

>>>/qresearch/13057657 PF Report - Been some no knockin’ flash bangin’ & pain trainin’. 55T 44c

>>>/qresearch/13057660 McPlant? Beyond Meat inks deal with McDonald's, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC

>>>/qresearch/13057673 FBI Becomes National Joke: Once Esteemed Agency Is Now Posting Wanted Alerts for Young Women Who Walked Through US Capitol

>>>/qresearch/13057688 LinkedIn Removes Racist ‘Be Less White’ Diversity Training, Releases Statement Following Backlash

>>>/qresearch/13057693 Oh The Places The Woke Will Go: Dr. Seuss Canceled For ‘Racial Undertones’

>>>/qresearch/13057694 Every Illegal Claiming Asylum Gets An Average Of $1100 In Loans And Can Then Disappear – No MSM Coverage

>>>/qresearch/13057698 Teachers Unions Are Becoming a Great Argument for School Choice in the Age of China Virus

>>>/qresearch/13057741 House Democrats plan to vote after MIDNIGHT on President Biden’s $1.9 trillion “stimulus” plan. What do Democrats have to hide?

>>>/qresearch/13057774 GeorgeNews - POTUS endorsement of Max Miller (OH) for Congress

>>>/qresearch/13057786 Voting fraud evidence raises suspicions over Dems' refusal to allow audit of voting machines

>>>/qresearch/13057795 Anon opines on the amount of digging still going on here on Q Research

>>>/qresearch/13057865 France declares Strait of Hormuz military mission fully operational

>>>/qresearch/13057873 A golden statue of President Trump has been unveiled ahead of his remarks at CPAC. - @NBCNightlyNews

>>>/qresearch/13057934 American gun buyers have shattered the record for monthly #Firearms sales

>>>/qresearch/13058039 #16630, #16631, #16632

(40 notables, 42 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30313

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13060414 Q Research General #16634: The '"The Emperor" Has No Clothes' Edition

Created 271404ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13060433 Baker Handoff

>>>/qresearch/13060530 mini bun on attempted multinational oligarchs technocratic/elite Fascist worldwide control of economy and so

>>>/qresearch/13060581 Joe boarding on "AF1"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=EPDeV6veo3s - President Joe Biden stumbles while boarding Air Force One in Delaware [Channel: The Hill]

>>>/qresearch/13060597 Three Most Corrupt Cities in the US are Run by Democrats

>>>/qresearch/13060610 SEC Run by Mrs. Peter Strzok Launches Investigation of Overstock.com

>>>/qresearch/13060623 Quantum Cryptocurrency - Quantum Project started in 2016 when new business models had started to emerge in the crypto environment

>>>/qresearch/13060627 Time to dial back the universal vaccine mania

>>>/qresearch/13060646 Judge Rules Miss USA Can Exclude Transgender Women

>>>/qresearch/13060679 Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home executives after big campaign donations

>>>/qresearch/13060730, >>>/qresearch/13060749 Massive industrial fire burns in Los Angeles…

>>>/qresearch/13060752, >>>/qresearch/13060763 Cecil Hotel in CA (Black Dahlia)

>>>/qresearch/13060755 Federal prosecutors on Friday said they are dropping an effort to seize three properties belonging to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

>>>/qresearch/13060761 North Dakota Senate Passes Bill to Hide Future Presidential Vote Counts From Public View Until After Electoral College Meets

>>>/qresearch/13060772 USNationalGuard, Help us send them off!

>>>/qresearch/13060825 Prosecutors Suggested That The Oath Keepers Had A Special Force Ready With Weapons During The Capitol Insurrection

>>>/qresearch/13060856 North Dakota Officials Block Wind Power In Effort To Save Coal

>>>/qresearch/13060918 Illinois’s state school board and legislature also deleted requirements that teachers prove they have learned any traditional curricular content or subject-matter knowledge.

>>>/qresearch/13060925 Newsom Recall Movement Organizer Predicts Recall Vote This Fall

>>>/qresearch/13060932 PELOSI’S FAULT: Speaker Pelosi told Sgt. at Arms to Deny National Guard at Capitol Due to Optics

>>>/qresearch/13060992 Gavin Newsom COVID-19 Nursing Home Scandal

>>>/qresearch/13061015 Legalized kidnapping for the purpose of slavery.

>>>/qresearch/13061016 steve scalise drops bombshell announcement

>>>/qresearch/13061040 Obesity costs Medicaid $8 billion a year

>>>/qresearch/13061046 The states with the most nursing-home deaths

>>>/qresearch/13061055, >>>/qresearch/13061068 Nigerian Authorities Searching For 317 Schoolgirls Kidnapped By 'Armed Bandits'

>>>/qresearch/13061075 Joe Going Lie

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FVWa6V0j47w - President Biden Delivers Remarks on the American Rescue Plan [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/13061085 Beautiful day in Mar-a-Lago with my favorite President.

>>>/qresearch/13061087 NRA vs Planned Parenthood (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/13061122 Based FL Congressman Byron Donalds Drops Truth Bomb After Truth Bomb, Decimating Democrats

>>>/qresearch/13061140 El Chapo’s wife Emma Coronel Aispuro poised to rat out cartel:

>>>/qresearch/13061166 Putin - 'Things I have Said'

>>>/qresearch/13061223 >>13060410 #16633, #16634, >>13062019 #16635

(32 notables, 35 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30314

File: 4c40523fce508e1⋯.jpeg (40.58 KB,417x317,417:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13058042 Q Research General #16631: CPAC Saved By President Trump This Year Edition

Created 270327ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13058077, >>>/qresearch/13058642 Biden sounds drunk and sick. He can barely talk.. “what am I doing here?”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ZHHYaOT9wwE - JOE BIDEN 'TALKS' at the FEMA COVID-19 Vaccination facility at NRG Stadium, 02/2 [Channel: GEORGEnews]

>>>/qresearch/13058145 Malliotakis: 'Speaker Pelosi wants us to vote on this 600 page bill that spends $1.9 Trillion at 2am, while the world is sleeping.

>>>/qresearch/13058207 Quakefag report

>>>/qresearch/13058220 SeanLangille: JUST IN: The Supreme Court rules in favor of Gateway City Church, allowing 5 California churches to hold indoor worship services for the time being.

>>>/qresearch/13058231 USNI: Cruiser USS Vella Gulf Returns to Norfolk After Suffering Damage in Heavy Seas Ye.

>>>/qresearch/13058244 The Hill: Here come the ayys: Pilot reports encounter with "object that almost looked like" a missile

>>>/qresearch/13058268 NYP: The FBI has time for this, but not for real crimes that effect the country.. Go figure.

>>>/qresearch/13058322, >>>/qresearch/13058334, >>>/qresearch/13058429 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/13058395 General Flynn: Get involved. Uncover DC.

>>>/qresearch/13058405, >>>/qresearch/13058568, >>>/qresearch/13058581, >>>/qresearch/13058608, >>>/qresearch/13058646 A hero in the law enforcement community &hellip; U.S. Attorney John Durham resigns

>>>/qresearch/13058416 Oped: Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo?

>>>/qresearch/13058443 LP: Eric Schmidt Warns Congress: “Chinese Leadership in Key Technology Areas is a National Crisis”

>>>/qresearch/13058463 CW: Was just doing a little digging on gun background checks and found this interesting: Seems that [they] used their assassination attempts to pass gun control laws. Shocker. Order out of chaos.

>>>/qresearch/13058594 Wood: Durham will continue his role as Special Counsel . . .

>>>/qresearch/13058641 Forbes: Smart Dust Is Coming. Are You Ready?

>>>/qresearch/13058661 RT: 33 Turkish soldiers confirmed killed in Idlib airstrike as Erdogan chairs emergency meeting on Syria

>>>/qresearch/13058678 A virus dig: 2004 - 2020

(17 notables, 24 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30315

File: de3252904544c80⋯.jpg (31.67 KB,800x419,800:419,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13058898 Q Research General #16632: EBake Edition

Created 270620ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13058907, >>>/qresearch/13058916, >>>/qresearch/13059523 Collection of articles tying Israel and China together

>>>/qresearch/13058913 Josh Hawley: ‘Our Rights Come from God, Not Google’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=vC2O9Fd9l8k - Live: Sen. Josh Hawley is speaking at CPAC in Orlando [Channel: 10 Tampa Bay]

>>>/qresearch/13058926 US Stratcom: The @DeptOfDefense has developed an integrated strategy to accelerate the development of offensive and defensive #hypersonic capabilities.

>>>/qresearch/13058928 KCA: Were young women sexually assaulted when Bruce Lehrmann, the alleged parliament house rapist, was an official at the ANU UN conference?

>>>/qresearch/13058929 Sputnik: B-2 stealth bombers seen cruising over skies above #Utah

>>>/qresearch/13058944 RT: World Economic Forum shouted down on Twitter for suggesting Covid-19 lockdowns ‘improved cities all over the world’

>>>/qresearch/13059036, >>>/qresearch/13059052, >>>/qresearch/13059061 4.10.20 get in the irs code?

>>>/qresearch/13059086 House passed the "relief" bill.. Once passed in Senate, checks will arrive late March, early April.

>>>/qresearch/13059134 US intelligence report says Saudi Crown Prince approved operation to 'capture or kill' journalist Khassoggi

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MR-CMujCG5k - US intelligence report says Saudi Crown Prince approved operation to 'capture or [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13059222 Epoch: Why did China get a pass at Paris accord?

>>>/qresearch/13059236 Donjr: Get well soon Tiger. If anyone can pull through this and make it back to the tip it’s you!!! #TigerWoods

>>>/qresearch/13059295 Hypocrite McConnell would 'absolutely' support Trump if he secured 2024 election nomination

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g1ZX_Y5hUHM - McConnell would 'absolutely' support Trump if he secured 2024 election nominatio [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13059486 Medhurst is not impressed with @JoeBiden sending democrat style peace and love his way

>>>/qresearch/13059634 #16631, #16632, #16633,

(14 notables, 18 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30316

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13059636 Q Research General #16633: The 'Gravey Snatch and Grab' Edition

Created 271018ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13059720 Trump Twitter Archive v2

>>>/qresearch/13059736 NB: Well Then: Capitol Police Say GOP Rep. Is NOT Under Investigation After HuffPost Claim

>>>/qresearch/13059738 ABC: GOP representative's husband distances himself from militia group after Jan 6. photos surface

>>>/qresearch/13059739 GP: Women Of Democrat Party Strangely Silent On Andrew Cuomo Sexual Harassment Scandal

>>>/qresearch/13059741 NYP: Surge of 13,000 Central American minors to US border expected in May

>>>/qresearch/13059744 TownHall: America’s elections must never be for sale

>>>/qresearch/13059749 Fox: Capitol security review to recommend additional officers, fencing: report

>>>/qresearch/13059781, >>>/qresearch/13059786 Chinese infiltration trove of articles

>>>/qresearch/13059787 AP: 2 US Navy warships in Mideast hit by coronavirus outbreaks

>>>/qresearch/13059792, >>>/qresearch/13059831 Biden Gun Control Plan Would ‘Criminalize’ up to 105 Million People: Gun-rights Group

>>>/qresearch/13059793 #16631

>>>/qresearch/13059797 Redstate: Biden Secretary of State Makes a Whopper of a Mistake During Meeting With Mexican Official

>>>/qresearch/13059806 BPR: Capitol police chief claims militias are plotting to blow up Capitol during SOTU, kill as many as possible

>>>/qresearch/13059815 Breitbart: Dowd: I Struggle Between Laughing and Crying that Trump, CPAC Are Mainstream of GOP

>>>/qresearch/13059819 News5: FCC to provide $50 per month internet subsidies for low-income families

>>>/qresearch/13059824 OANN: Sen. Hawley introduces bill to require $15 minimum wage for billion-dollar corporations

>>>/qresearch/13059838 ZH: Artificial Intelligence Takes Over Drive-Thru Orders At This Fast-Food Restaurant

>>>/qresearch/13059850, >>>/qresearch/13059906, >>>/qresearch/13059907 CPAC celebrates Trump as if he didn't lose in 2020

>>>/qresearch/13059867 Mercola oped: RFK Jr. Opens 'CIA Can of Worms'

>>>/qresearch/13059873 WE: Maricopa County judge finds GOP Senate subpoenas of election materials are 'legal and enforceable'

>>>/qresearch/13059887 Anon keks: Anyone notice Breitbart refers to Joe Biden as Emperor Biden in their sub headings?

>>>/qresearch/13059894 Newsmax: Ex-DHS Head Chad Wolf to Newsmax TV: Biden Policies Fueling Minors at Border

>>>/qresearch/13059899 ABC11: 3 killed in small plane crash in Ga.

>>>/qresearch/13059910 Sun.uk: THOUSANDS of homes have been evacuated and 12 uni halls closed after an eight-foot World War II 'bomb' was discovered near a city centre.

>>>/qresearch/13059938, >>>/qresearch/13059939 Anon dig: Well, we have some receipts documenting CNN's long history of disseminating fake news idiocy&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13059964 DailyCaller: Michigan state GOP lawmakers sent letters Wednesday requesting investigations into whether Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive orders at the onset of the pandemic contributed to the spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes

>>>/qresearch/13059966, >>>/qresearch/13059969 So how does the Associated Press feel about the Ga. voter ID? Apparently, they hate it.

>>>/qresearch/13059997 FreeBeacon: Minnesota Republicans Call For Environmental Activist’s Resignation: Winona LaDuke 'didn't take allegations of pedophilia … seriously',

>>>/qresearch/13060014 DailyCaller: Former SAA Irving’s sworn testimony at Tuesday’s Senate hearing examining the Jan. 6 riot on the U.S. Capitol, raises additional questions on the exact timeline of events

>>>/qresearch/13060043 Fox: Biden administration to open another new tent facility city in Texas amid surge in migrants at border

>>>/qresearch/13060091 WND: Ex-border chief says Biden is lying about child migrant 'facilities'. Are they 'incentivizing' illegal border crossing?

>>>/qresearch/13060241, >>>/qresearch/13060249, >>>/qresearch/13060259, >>>/qresearch/13060285, >>>/qresearch/13060289, >>>/qresearch/13060325, >>>/qresearch/13060333, >>>/qresearch/13060343, >>>/qresearch/13060377 Anons debating the current state of global notables

>>>/qresearch/13060255 NYP: Rudy Crew abruptly quits as Medgar Evers College president

>>>/qresearch/13060315 Kitco: Russian state-controlled company receives uranium mining permit in Wyoming

>>>/qresearch/13060410 #16633, #16634, #16635

(35 notables, 49 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13061165 Q Research General #16635: Tidy The Dough Edition

Created 271614ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13061302, >>>/qresearch/13061415 FOR FASTER HELP WITH BOARD ISSUES (MNR GV)

>>>/qresearch/13061315 Biden Dementia Quickening (Vid)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211022013430/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/15df298c544c796da5bf2bdffe091887379fa71ea4a53e9043f552d711bdf329.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13061318 subcommittee launches investigation into sale of utility customer info

>>>/qresearch/13061520 Seyed Rahi al-Sharifi was the young man that Biden murdered in Syria yesterday

>>>/qresearch/13061521 Georgia State Senate Passes Bill Requiring Photo ID for Absentee Voting


VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210227190036/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/751a683c15192b2021f05ec744f631e188992a10fb9c3331595f10ac99df75f6.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13061562 Pompeii: Archaeologists unveil ceremonial chariot discovery

>>>/qresearch/13061569 Latest high-res imagery release of Israeli nuke plant was made possible by a Trump admin order

>>>/qresearch/13061571, >>>/qresearch/13061737 Plane Report: Something unusual occurred around 11:00 EST diverting TWO VIP

>>>/qresearch/13061577 John carlin returns as acting deputy AG

>>>/qresearch/13061584 Gaddafi Said JFK Was Assassinated by Israel

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kMtSpNIRRRw - Gaddafi Said JFK Was Assassinated by Israel [Channel: Non Mirage Truth Vision]

>>>/qresearch/13061589, >>>/qresearch/13061725, >>>/qresearch/13061809, >>>/qresearch/13061835, >>>/qresearch/13061877 Qmap Reports: Don Jnr Tweet

>>>/qresearch/13061616 Maggie NY, Trump is planning to deliver a cpac speech tomorrow that will criticize President Biden's 5 weeks in office and make clear he still has a grip on the GOP

>>>/qresearch/13061652 John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED

>>>/qresearch/13061669 Hard truth time from Johnheretohelp (whistleblower)

>>>/qresearch/13061696 Anon Syncs about it HABBENING. [Hivemind]

>>>/qresearch/13061699 JC?

>>>/qresearch/13061702 Qmap Reports: Fed Wire → RR?

>>>/qresearch/13061739 BIDEN's destruction of America Day [38]

>>>/qresearch/13061741 Pope Francis expects to die in Rome&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13061753 Biden Green Czar Pushes for More Chinese Wind Turbines After They Freeze Up During Historic Texas Cold Snap

>>>/qresearch/13061761, >>>/qresearch/13061788 Biden Says US Will "Never" Accept Russia's Annexation Of Crimea

>>>/qresearch/13061767 Police evacuate nearly 2,600 properties in UK's exeter due to World War II bomb

>>>/qresearch/13061768 US airstrikes ‘strengthen & expand’ terrorist activities in the region, Iran says

>>>/qresearch/13061778 Merkel: EU Leaders "Have All Agreed That We Need Vaccine Passports"

>>>/qresearch/13061793 NYSE to delist oil giant CNOOC as Biden reviews Trump’s policies on China

>>>/qresearch/13061794 Readout assistant attorney general national security john p carlin's address french american

>>>/qresearch/13061797 China’s Xiaomi wants to create global manufacturing hub in India

>>>/qresearch/13061807 Foreign nationals under sentence of death in the US

>>>/qresearch/13061813 Seventh grade math teacher 'had sexual contact' with her teenage student, faces criminal charges

>>>/qresearch/13061815 Media claims US submarine was ready to sink Russian warships after 2018 strike in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13061828 The real reason why Bill Gates is now the US’ biggest farmland owner

>>>/qresearch/13061832 William Barr and Spygate

>>>/qresearch/13061836 Jerry Nadler Defends Radical Trans Surgeries By Saying: God’s Will Is No Concern Of This Congress

>>>/qresearch/13061845 REPORT: Pelosi’s ‘Conversations’ With Sgt At Arms Responsible For Lack Of National Guard On January 6

>>>/qresearch/13061857 Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse ‘Biggest Hypocrite in Politics’ on Dark Money

>>>/qresearch/13061871 Farage Accuses British Elites of Covering up Chinese Takeover

>>>/qresearch/13061893 U.S. Releases Drone Video Of Iranian Missiles Strikes On Its Forces At Ayn Al Asad Airbase In Iraq

>>>/qresearch/13061918 @CivMilAir Status

>>>/qresearch/13061919 Federal Suit Seeks Damages for Men Illegally Recorded at Florida Massage Parlors, Falsely Smeared as Sex Traffickers

>>>/qresearch/13061936, >>>/qresearch/13061943 Hillary Clinton timeline

>>>/qresearch/13061961, >>>/qresearch/13061968 Interesting&hellip; Trump authors sealed indictment on william barr

>>>/qresearch/13061962 Pompeo speaking at CPAC…coming up now!!!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MJ9cjtGXTLQ - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>>/qresearch/13061982 Drug test Congress?

>>>/qresearch/13062019 #16635

(45 notables, 55 posts, 95 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30318

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13062013 Q Research General #16636: The Dementia Quickening Edition

Created 271853ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13062061 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admits Israel is the 'world's lab.’

>>>/qresearch/13062074 CBS declares vaccine passports as must-haves for 2021 summer travelers

>>>/qresearch/13062093 Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Sgt. at Arms to Deny National Guard at Capitol

>>>/qresearch/13062110 Ad seeks well-paid PR strategist for New York governor amid nursing home deaths and harassment scandals

>>>/qresearch/13062113 New Narrative? Pfizer/BioNTech to study if THREE doses of Covid-19 vaccine can boost immunity against variants

>>>/qresearch/13062114 Gates buying up farmland, our freedom and liberties under attack and the billionaire race to Mars…

>>>/qresearch/13062116 The FBI Spent 80 Years CREATING Domestic Terrorism;

>>>/qresearch/13062134 Mike Pompeo at CPAC (video)

>>>/qresearch/13062141 New Army vehicle to carry infantry being tested in Arizona

>>>/qresearch/13062180 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/13062227 CPAC is just another Jewish funded gatekeeping operation?

>>>/qresearch/13062289 Rand Paul questions Jewish Dr. Rachel Levine on puberty blockers for minors

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=laS93iac9Ws - JUST IN: Rand Paul questions Dr. Rachel Levine on puberty blockers for minors wi [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/13062294 Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=tABZckUTL1U - Preaching in israel 2018 [Channel: Factor Effects]

>>>/qresearch/13062305 Mark Meadows comments on the new Congress's money laundering Bill

>>>/qresearch/13062342 Wikipedia Co-Founder Launching Competitor Due To Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias

>>>/qresearch/13062352 Federal Reserve just discontinued its M1 series. Do you want to know why? This should be the main headline in every newspaper, yet nobody is talking about it.

>>>/qresearch/13062361 Anon opine - 40,000 ft view of the world

>>>/qresearch/13062365 Russ Martin, Dallas-Fort Worth radio show host, found dead in his home, police say

>>>/qresearch/13062374 Oreo Reveals New Genderless OreX Cookies (Remember when Pres. Trump slammed Oreo 3 years ago?)

>>>/qresearch/13062404 Boston Public Schools have SUSPENDED ADVANCED CLASSES for grades 4-6, citing racial inequities..

>>>/qresearch/13062455 Security Alert: Reports of Missile Attack Over Riyadh – U.S. Embassy Riyadh

>>>/qresearch/13062497 Army CID Agent Charged with Wife’s 2018 Murder near Fort Hood

>>>/qresearch/13062511 TWITTER Refuses to Allow Any Photos or Video of MAGA Crowd Protesting Biden in Texas

>>>/qresearch/13062518 Blaming Iran, security officials said to back response to blast on Israeli ship

>>>/qresearch/13062531 Within 40 Days of Biden Inauguration: Terrorists Kidnap Another 317 School Girls in Nigeria

>>>/qresearch/13062546 State goes 'economically illiterate' on new taxing scheme 'Amusing' digital tax forecast to 'hurt people and small businesses'

>>>/qresearch/13062558 Brian Stelter’s Love of Censoring Goes Further Back Than You Know

>>>/qresearch/13062566 Pelosi’s non Equality Act Could Lead to More Parents Losing Custody of Kids Who Want "Gender Transition"

>>>/qresearch/13062572 MSNBC: Don't Blame Biden For Virus Problems; It's All Trump's Fault - Mark Finkelstein

>>>/qresearch/13062579 Boston Schools Will Suspend New Advanced Learning Classes Because They Have Too Many Whites and Asians

>>>/qresearch/13062587 Asian American Group Eviscerates Critical Race Theory: 'A Hateful, Divisive, Manipulative Fraud'

>>>/qresearch/13062629 Democrats Reject GOP Stimulus Amendment To Move $100M+ From Silicon Valley Subway To Children’s Mental Health

>>>/qresearch/13062653 Sabotage Attack Targets Gas Pipeline In Eastern Syria (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=mLzyfIaj7ds - : - [Channel: Syrianarabnewsagency]

>>>/qresearch/13062661 California Parents Rising Up for Reopening Schools

>>>/qresearch/13062682 Judge Approves $650 Million Facebook Privacy Lawsuit Settlement

>>>/qresearch/13062688 Colorado Cattlemen’s Association Responds To Gov. Jared Polis’ ‘Meatout’ Day With ‘Meatin’ Day

>>>/qresearch/13062701 Dan Bongino and the Parler mess

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=T2DCKdzuu7M - Ep. 1464 The Deadly Consequences of the Liberal Misinformation Machine - The Dan [Channel: Dan Bongino]

>>>/qresearch/13062711 Auckland to enter seven-day lockdown after mystery local COVID-19 case

>>>/qresearch/13062766 Who’s the Boss? Dr. Jill Jumps in to Answer Question as Joe Biden Speaks on Warehousing Migrant Children in Tents

>>>/qresearch/13062770 #16636

>>>/qresearch/13062776 CPAC Staffer Rescues Liberal Reporter From Project Veritas

(41 notables, 41 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30319

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13062784 Q Research General #16637: War Machines Are Turning Edition

Created 272103ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13062880 US Syria Strikes: A 'Very Mixed' Message to Iran & Return to Regime Change Op Against Damascus

>>>/qresearch/13062894 Echo Chamber: D's Now Dominate R's on Social Media Thanks to Mass Bannings, Algorithmic Suppression

>>>/qresearch/13062901 4 Retailers That Announced They’re Closing Stores In February 2021

>>>/qresearch/13062908 Gates largest farmland owner + farmers paid for sustainability, incentives for using less water, storing more carbon.

>>>/qresearch/13062952 U.S. Attorney For Connecticut John Durham Resigns

>>>/qresearch/13062957 Saudi Arabia says missile attack intercepted over Riyadh

>>>/qresearch/13062968 Boston Schools Will Suspend New Advanced Learning Classes Because They Have Too Many Whites and Asians

>>>/qresearch/13063018 US Dr. Baric Was Reviewing Moderna’s and Dr. Fauci’s Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019! — What’s Going On?

>>>/qresearch/13063049, >>>/qresearch/13063544 #16636, #16637, #16638

>>>/qresearch/13063092 Victor Davis Hanson on Impeachment and the ‘Cancer’ of Woke Ideology (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=K7b-HT3DLh0 - Victor Davis Hanson on Impeachment and the ‘Cancer’ of Woke Ideology | American [Channel: American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times]

>>>/qresearch/13063096 Malcolm X letter 'is FAKE - Daughter of NYPD cop 'behind deathbed note' claiming FBI and police conspired to assassinate civil rights leader in 1965

>>>/qresearch/13063100 Texas attorney general plays golf with Trump before CPAC appearance

>>>/qresearch/13063114 Snapchat Is A Transgender Propaganda And Grooming Machine

>>>/qresearch/13063124 Jill and Joe Biden Do Yet Another Joint Interview, and It's Really Awkward

>>>/qresearch/13063129 China Virus - Police officers injured at Dublin anti-lockdown protest

>>>/qresearch/13063135 How The Media Tries To Show That Biden Is Doing Interviews Alone – When He Fumbles They Are Forced To Put Jill On Camera

>>>/qresearch/13063148 Maryland man facing federal weapons charge after shooting outside Secret Service facility

>>>/qresearch/13063193 Joe Biden Is ‘Most Aggressively Anti-Catholic President in History’

>>>/qresearch/13063218 Biden has deep ties to deposed leader in Myanmar (Burma)?

>>>/qresearch/13063225 PRAYER TO REMOVE DEMONIC HARASSMENT from /QResearch/ and Q Army

>>>/qresearch/13063237, >>>/qresearch/13063283 DSM president presses for carbon pricing after Congress’s ‘180-degree flip’

>>>/qresearch/13063255 'HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE' New York gun store owner pays for giant billboard calling for Andrew Cuomo’s impeachment over nursing home scandal

>>>/qresearch/13063276 'I WANT JUSTICE' Dr Phil’s TV show guest claims she was sexually assaulted at ranch for troubled teens host told her to attend

>>>/qresearch/13063290 Researchers Sound Alarm About Harmful Chemicals in Common Disinfectants (Q Post 1010)

>>>/qresearch/13063293 Hildale, UT City Councilman arrested for stalking, domestic violence in presence of a child

>>>/qresearch/13063307 The new George Floyd narrative appears

>>>/qresearch/13063320 California to spend $28M to help arriving asylum-seekers

>>>/qresearch/13063348 PRAY FOR EACH OTHER

>>>/qresearch/13063351 Murder warrant out for MIT graduate in killing of Yale student

>>>/qresearch/13063380 South China Sea: PLA stages live-fire missile drill, US Navy on Paracels patrol

>>>/qresearch/13063402 Billboard in Albany Calls for Disgraced New York Governor Cuomo to Be Impeached

>>>/qresearch/13063414 Judge "Disturbed" To Learn Google Tracks 'Incognito' Users, Demands Answers

>>>/qresearch/13063473 Myanmar junta sacks UN envoy who called for his compatriots to keep fighting and win as crackdowns continue

>>>/qresearch/13063541 K. T. McFarland Full Speech at CPAC 2021 2/26/21 (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Qh2sLfxPdbM - 🔴 K. T. McFarland Full Speech at CPAC 2021 2/26/21 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

(34 notables, 36 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30320

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13063562 Q Research General #16638: China Virus Didn't Destroy The Economy, Government Lockdowns Did Edition

Created 272244ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13063638 Alex Jones Predicted COVID-19 Lockdowns In 2010

>>>/qresearch/13063654 Democrats Reject Coronavirus Bill Amendment to Divert Funds from Pelosi’s Subway to Children’s Mental Health

>>>/qresearch/13063659 Thessalonians 5:5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

>>>/qresearch/13063669, >>>/qresearch/13063681 Inclusive Capitalism Initiative is Trojan Horse to quell coming global revolt

>>>/qresearch/13063670, >>>/qresearch/13063675, >>>/qresearch/13063685 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lJoXwh0Vu9M - The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican [Channel: Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism]

>>>/qresearch/13063680, >>>/qresearch/13064286 My turn from President Trump (decode)

>>>/qresearch/13063704 Race Baiter Smollett is expected back in court March 5

>>>/qresearch/13063722 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_kJdOtnBUcw - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>>/qresearch/13063748 PCR Testing Scandal: Yes, We Were Duped

>>>/qresearch/13063754, >>>/qresearch/13064023, >>>/qresearch/13064135 The BITE that has no CURE, Symbolism will be their downfall.

>>>/qresearch/13063775 Police chase in Hamburg after a 17-year-old kid met some friends in a park without wearing a mask

>>>/qresearch/13063777 100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children Q DROP #1879

>>>/qresearch/13063791 Paul Gosar - $2,000??? Let’s get serious. Govt broke it. Govt fixes. My amendment is for $10,000 per person. Not corporations.

>>>/qresearch/13063831 JoeBama Put The Gang Back Together Inside The DOJ – John Carlin Returns as Acting Deputy AG

>>>/qresearch/13063855 The Perils & Absurdity of Iraq War 4.0. Biden's strike on Iranian backed Syrian militia pulls the U.S. into another phase of hopeless, wasteful war.

>>>/qresearch/13063906 Arab supremacists in Damascus are determined to keep Syria an ethno-state after decades of bloody despotism and 10 years of cataclysmic civil war.

>>>/qresearch/13063911, >>>/qresearch/13063971, >>>/qresearch/13064090 FAKE News hit piece Q: Into the Storm | Official Teaser | HBO (Cap 47 seconds)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=U2ftSMchz40 - Q: Into the Storm | Official Teaser | HBO [Channel: HBO]

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228041323/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/33821d447b6338cb89e0f2e8ff6c8d3987d1fece1dd3589d2a32aa847f8e3d23.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13063920, >>>/qresearch/13063963 , All Johnson & Johnson products are manufactured in China, J & J COVID-19 vaccine gets 'emergency use authorization' from U.S. FDA

>>>/qresearch/13063935 Catholic — Exclusive Interview: Steve Bannon

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_KCHkqkdA6c - Catholic — Exclusive Interview: Steve Bannon [Channel: Church Militant]

>>>/qresearch/13064003 Josh Hawley at TPAC (15 mins)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Y6l32zrvrg4 - Josh Hawley delivers FIERY speech at CPAC: "I'm not backing down" [Channel: The Hill]

>>>/qresearch/13064011 Klaus Schwab – The Making of a Genocider

>>>/qresearch/13064054 Facebook a ‘Hotbed of Child Sexual Abuse Material’ with 20M Incidents

>>>/qresearch/13064059 GOP Leader: "[2020] was the first time since 1994 no incumbent Republican lost. We beat 15 Democrats (Cap 55 seconds)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228041158/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3b57c4bd7d4d0ee84e05d787feb2f56fd376f24963d48d2ae700fab045ba9e45.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13064067 Cuomo Is Accused of Sexual Harassment by a 2nd Former Aide (NYT)

>>>/qresearch/13064092 Contact Arizona Senate and Demand They Audit All Arizona Ballots (Not Just Images) For Validity – They Have Only One Chance to Get It Right for America

>>>/qresearch/13064103 Democrats are accelerating plans to install President Harris

>>>/qresearch/13064106 The Trump train is still moving full steam ahead as CPAC speakers urge GOP to hop on

>>>/qresearch/13064116 Amazon drumming up book sales under the pretext of banning them

>>>/qresearch/13064130 This is what Netflix considers entertainment, Society is doomed. "I'm not Chinese enough for you" (Cap 35 seconds)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228041355/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/83e11a90745dc9611c865490567d54cc8a260aa34cd5fa68300b2010e0cb8328.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13064142, >>>/qresearch/13064300, >>>/qresearch/13064305 Qresear.ch <-what ever you need is here, independent library written by anons, this is not just notable, it is every post ever here (Cap 6:03)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=AM6kSAatu30 - What is Steganography | types of Steganography | Tools used used to perform Steg [Channel: Gaurav Roy Tech Guy]

>>>/qresearch/13064148, >>>/qresearch/13064194 South Park Covid Special needs some digging…

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HreDhYZq9F0 - SOUTH PARQ VACCINATION SPECIAL - All-New Episode March 10 [Channel: South ParQ Studios]

>>>/qresearch/13064176 Bill would allow individuals to sue government agencies, Authorities could lose 'qualified immunity' protection

>>>/qresearch/13064186, >>>/qresearch/13064239 CNN fake news reporter Donnie O'Sullivan hit piece, Some QAnon believers… Yawns (CAP)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210227112234/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/15a244547cec5a034010ef60b1a886ebcc3dbfaf542728337483998381193531.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=VsKY_C9Ygp4 - These Trump supporters are convinced he will be president again on March 4 [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/13064208 DAN SCAVINO You don’t want to miss 45 at @CPAC tomorrow——tune in! #CPAC2021

>>>/qresearch/13064269, >>>/qresearch/13064289 Time to watch “Trump the honey badger (Cap 1:27) for keks

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uFRrePdRq94 - President Honey Badger : The most fearless in all of the animal kingdom [Channel: Glenn Beck]

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220313152047/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/66e6cbd473ccd2f09b3b483bce75419f88fdb98dba6457605202b68f2fb2111d.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13064335 Moar inflation of China flu cases in Nevada. state officials blame data entry errors

>>>/qresearch/13064403 General Flynn Releases Big Statement by Michael T Flynn 27th Feb 2021

(37 notables, 51 posts, 62 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30321

File: 968b21800d8fc20⋯.png (52.98 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13065886 Q Research General #16641: Feb 28th: Let March Madness Begin Edition

Created 280406ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13066027 DailyMail: Prince Andrew's spin doctor steps down amid fury from palace officials at his botched attempt to discredit royal's sex abuse accuser Virginia Roberts

>>>/qresearch/13066121 A poll conducted by Echelon found While 81% of Republican voters cited immigration as the top issue, 82% of Democrats said that ‘Trump’s supporters’ is their top issue at the moment.

>>>/qresearch/13066213 Anon dig: A closer look reveals a circle of individuals &hellip;who were advocating for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government&hellip; Ahead of World War 2?

>>>/qresearch/13066248 ISDGlobal: Prominent accounts linking Dominion to voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/13066294 WT: Andrew Cuomo just can't resist harassing people, apparently.

>>>/qresearch/13066336 DJTJr: My Predictions Were Right— Joe Biden is Disastrous

>>>/qresearch/13066391 Lin Wood fighting back hard against the campaign to silence him concerning rank corruption in the US government.

>>>/qresearch/13066512 Biden: After a rigorous scientific review process, the FDA issued an emergency use authorization for a third&hellip; "safe and effective" COVID-19 vaccine? Yeah right, Joe.

>>>/qresearch/13066540 Saudi Arabia Says Intercepted Attack from Yemen on Riyadh. DJT leaves and 5 minutes later the kids are fighting over the top bunk&hellip;

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228080018/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/fbdc7a71df69e508e17cbf49e25a524c84c26a09758b52af264ffb2e36c96958.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13066622, >>>/qresearch/13066638 #16640, #16641, #16642

>>>/qresearch/13066630 #16638

(11 notables, 12 posts, 10 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30322

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13066646 Q Research General #16642: The 'And Frogs .. ……. ….' Edition

Created 280610ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13066729 Looking like viewership is meh for Kamala: Rev. Al Sharpton's Exclusive Interview with Vice President Kamala Harris | MSNBC

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=uxbjzRdU00g - Rev. Al Sharpton's Exclusive Interview with Vice President Kamala Harris | MSNBC [Channel: MSNBC]

>>>/qresearch/13066792 Business insider is pushing the qanon larp: National Guard on standby in DC for March 4

>>>/qresearch/13066800 Clearing up fuckery in the kitchen bun.

>>>/qresearch/13066851, >>>/qresearch/13066872, >>>/qresearch/13066907, >>>/qresearch/13067144 Anon dig: We know the Democrats are dirty, but many Republicans also participate.

>>>/qresearch/13066939 Macdailynews: They got everyone watching GameStop But bonds will bring house down

>>>/qresearch/13067132 Portland: According to @JenDowlingKoin6, rioters & protesters with the #antifa mob targeted an elderly man who was walking with a cane.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228113003/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/e7d216b373e9b940bab60872a4b8a91196a4cbff97e56b82e10df7f2bcfaad81.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13067346 RT: Oped: The Biden foreign policy is just scratching the surface of the rot in DC and elsewhere.

>>>/qresearch/13067390 GP: US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna and Dr. Fauci’s Coronavirus Vaccine in …December 2019

>>>/qresearch/13067401 #16642, #16643, #16644

(9 notables, 12 posts, 8 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30323

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13067410 Q Research General #16643: The 'Oh Damn, The Notes Went Walkabout Again, Again…' Edition

Created 280952ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13067490 Former Assistant Attorney General John Carlin Who Illegally Withheld Info from FISA Court in 2016 Returns As Acting Deputy AG Under Biden

>>>/qresearch/13067495 Leftists Cook Up Crazed Fever Dream to See Nazi Symbolism at CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13067497 RSBN Broadcasts from CPAC 2021 – Day Three

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13067516 et Yourself Apart from This Corrupt Generation


>>>/qresearch/13067529 NOW… comes the BIG debate question that 10/10 would keep the old dudes busy.

>>>/qresearch/13067537 Arizona’s Paul Gosar Proposes Amending Coronavirus Package to Replace Pork with $10,000 Stimulus Checks

>>>/qresearch/13067543 You guys see this from last bread. There’s a name we heard before. Relatives?.

>>>/qresearch/13067546 The Sound Behind You Is Reality Catching Up (and It’s Carrying a Gun)

>>>/qresearch/13067568 Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People:


>>>/qresearch/13067590 News in 2016, 2020

>>>/qresearch/13067597 Appeals court strikes city's gun 'storage' requirement

>>>/qresearch/13067609 Appeal to U.N.: If you're against torture, condemn abortion

>>>/qresearch/13067632 In Argentina the government are locking healthy people into prisons to "avoid the spread of the virus".

>>>/qresearch/13067637 TACAMO is a U.S. military term meaning "Take Charge and Move Out"

>>>/qresearch/13067648 DEMS TURN ON CUOMO New York Gov Andrew Cuomo branded a ‘monster’ as Democrats demand inquiry after sex pest allegations by second staffer Latest

>>>/qresearch/13067655 Founding Father's would have began Founding shit a long time ago. Just saying (always follow the law, let the enemy fire the first shot, etc).

>>>/qresearch/13067682 House Democrats, Targeting Right-Wing Cable Outlets, Are Assaulting Core Press Freedoms

>>>/qresearch/13067689 Soros is just a frontman for Israel/Rothschild.

>>>/qresearch/13067695 An AG probe is now a must for Andrew Cuomo: Goodwin

>>>/qresearch/13067739 Newsom appears to post TikTok inside restaurant, denies eating there

>>>/qresearch/13067749 White nationalists are once again using Christian symbols to spread hate

>>>/qresearch/13067753 'Like the evil clown that preys on children': Marjorie Taylor Green destroyed on SNL's Weekend Update

>>>/qresearch/13067759 Here are the QAnon supporters running for Congress in 2020

>>>/qresearch/13067775 Portland anti-ICE rioters smash windows, spray-paint businesses; downtown merchants frustrated

>>>/qresearch/13067786 What do you think? Are Patriots still in control?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220217003152/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44ab1154cbef06904613de9132ca0e2253df8e642d561391c20d7cd41664df5f.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211121032628/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d82eef314cb2169391d44645eec58722ecf5a4bd6d11fbc1a9b1dcd5c14729e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13067792 Hyatt claps back at CPAC haters: We take pride in operating a highly inclusive environment

>>>/qresearch/13067808 Not Historic? Amazon Dumps Clarence Thomas Film for Black History Month

>>>/qresearch/13067820 Even as Ghislaine Maxwell documents are unsealed, many of her secrets remain buried

>>>/qresearch/13067830 World Economic Forum commits a ‘Kinsley gaffe’ and then deletes Twitter video revealing its real agenda

>>>/qresearch/13067868 CPAC Organizer Denounces Critics Spotting What Looks Like Nazi SS Symbol On Stage

>>>/qresearch/13067897 Biden is a “puppet president.” The military is in charge and will be “restoring the republic with Trump as president,”

>>>/qresearch/13067922 Anyone Who’s Anyone Has a SPAC Right Now

>>>/qresearch/13067926 SNL Destroys Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Batshit Transphobi ‘I’M THE CRAZY ONE?!’

>>>/qresearch/13067948 Multiple agency investigation into child prostitution leads to 6 arrests

>>>/qresearch/13067987 The devil whispered in my ear:

>>>/qresearch/13068010 Judge blasts sheriff's suspension of gun permits Allows plaintiff in lawsuit to seek damages

>>>/qresearch/13068056 Even NPR Noticed Sen. Gillibrand Won't Talk About Cuomo #MeToo Moment

>>>/qresearch/13068068 New York bars, restaurants suing state over coronavirus curfew get temporary OK to stay open later: report

>>>/qresearch/13068085 Batting around an idea here.

>>>/qresearch/13068118 (You) HANDOFF CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/13068178 Top Biden aides cashed in advising major corporations

>>>/qresearch/13068195 MyHeritage now lets you animate old family photos using deepfakery

>>>/qresearch/13068215 #16643

(45 notables, 45 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30324

File: f386f1b107a12de⋯.png (173.73 KB,1185x711,5:3,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13068219 Q Research General #16644: Comms, Stay out of our Dough Edition

Created 281341ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13068243 White Rabbit provides sub-nanosecond synchronization accuracy,

>>>/qresearch/13068249 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>>/qresearch/13068250 INFORMATION WARFARE

>>>/qresearch/13068260 Dr Rachel Levine AKA Richard Levine and General Mark Miley are high school buddies.

>>>/qresearch/13068262 Pelosi’s Anti-Conservative Security Specialist Recommends $100 Million in New Officers and Fencing

>>>/qresearch/13068263 CPAC OPENS WITH JEWISH PRAYER.

>>>/qresearch/13068268 Time To Impeach Our Government

>>>/qresearch/13068294 CFR members (Call to Dig)

>>>/qresearch/13068301, >>>/qresearch/13068358 It's all one clique, Engineering War.

>>>/qresearch/13068351 They Must Be Worried: Minneapolis Adds 4th Layer of Fencing Outside Courthouse

>>>/qresearch/13068362 Me ponders if these are human traffic victims rescued.

>>>/qresearch/13068396 Disinformation experts aren’t happy about the trailer for HBO’s QAnon series

>>>/qresearch/13068408 White evangelicals' dominance of the GOP has turned it into the party of resistance (#ResistDems)

>>>/qresearch/13068439 2 yr [Delta] around the corner (#SaveAmerica)

>>>/qresearch/13068448, >>>/qresearch/13068450 Trump - CPAC 3:30 Estrn TODAY!

>>>/qresearch/13068496 Suspected ambulance, fire department arsonist from Connecticut arrested in Pa.

>>>/qresearch/13068511 Lin Wood, Globals Still needs to be Fightback.law.

>>>/qresearch/13068531 Note that Day 5 chemtrails returned to Texas.

>>>/qresearch/13068537 In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities.

>>>/qresearch/13068553 Jen Psaki Says There Should Be Independent Review of Andrew Cuomo Harassment Allegations

>>>/qresearch/13068559 I still don't have my money': IRS still hasn't processed millions of 2019 tax returns

>>>/qresearch/13068582 Supreme Court Could Put New Limits on Voting Rights Lawsuits

>>>/qresearch/13068592 Not a fair fight: Our athlete daughters shouldn't have to compete with transgender women.

>>>/qresearch/13068633 COVID is economic warfare akin to 1929.

>>>/qresearch/13068684 After 5 Years of Trump Attacks – Tina Fey Says No Political Jokes at Golden Globes This Year

>>>/qresearch/13068690 Ivy League University Offers Rock Climbing Class — NO WHITES ALLOWED

>>>/qresearch/13068747 NEWSBOT BUN - Part 1

>>>/qresearch/13068766 Lindsey Boylan and Charlotte Bennett’s detailed accounts of sexual harassment by Gov. Cuomo are extremely serious and painful to read.

>>>/qresearch/13068778 Pfizer demands sovereign assets such as military bases as guarantees for vaccines

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2zoSSHx9QtA - Gravitas: Pfizer's abusive vaccine deals [Channel: WION]

>>>/qresearch/13068798 Greek Navy Joins U.S. Coast Guard for Arabian Sea Exercises

>>>/qresearch/13068802 @real_DonaldJTrump Follow this account on telegram

>>>/qresearch/13068807 Recall Begins for Soros-backed Los Angeles D.A. George Gascón

>>>/qresearch/13068822 Remember when Durham exposed the torture program and Holder told him not to prosecute

>>>/qresearch/13068825 Trump Set to Return to the Spotlight with CPAC Speech

>>>/qresearch/13068870 Saying that Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman was responsible for the horrific murder of Jamal Khashoggi is not holding him accountable.

>>>/qresearch/13068898 Kamala Harris: Equality is Old News, Let's Talk About Equity

>>>/qresearch/13068909, >>>/qresearch/13068937 Learn To Bake!

>>>/qresearch/13068919 @FareedZakaria is asking @BillGates if the covid stimulus is enough or too much

>>>/qresearch/13068927 Two stillborn babies test positive for COVID-19 in Israel

>>>/qresearch/13068967 >>13067401 #16642, >>13068215 #16643, #16644

(40 notables, 43 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30325

File: 76706e7f903f159⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13064376 Q Research General #16639: The Psycho Gerbil Didn't Do His Job Edition

Created 280033ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13064421 Kevin McCarthy would bet his house the GOP takes back lower chamber in 2022

>>>/qresearch/13064422, >>>/qresearch/13064461, >>>/qresearch/13064621 2nd Cuomo former aide claims sexual harassment by NY governor

>>>/qresearch/13064458 Humboldt professor finds pandemic isolation may lead to conspiratorial thinking

>>>/qresearch/13064583 Kansas police officers reportedly injured in explosion in downtown Wichita

>>>/qresearch/13064930 NYSE to delist oil giant CNOOC as Biden reviews Trump’s policies on China

>>>/qresearch/13064974 El Chapo Wife Expected to 'Rat Out' Sinaloa Cartel Members

>>>/qresearch/13065015 Rep. Gosar (R-AZ) has proposed an amendment for $10,000 stimulus checks

>>>/qresearch/13065042 Liberals, Never-Trumpers Team Up Attacking Paul Gosar for Powerful 'America First' Speech

>>>/qresearch/13065131 #16639, #16640, #16641

(9 notables, 11 posts, 10 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30326

File: 968b21800d8fc20⋯.png (52.98 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13065137 Q Research General #16640: Night Shift Is Right Shift Edition

Created 280214ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13065192 WHO Official Caught on Video Dec 2019 Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation at Wuhan Lab Before Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13065234 DARPA launches entrepreneurial initiative to bring 150 national security innovations to market.

>>>/qresearch/13065381 "Impeach Cuomo" Billboard spotted in Albany along 787 in sight of the Capitol

>>>/qresearch/13065399 Gordon Chang polling CPAC audience about safety from China under Biden vs. under Trump: All hands up for Trump

>>>/qresearch/13065478 UN is transporting 25,000 asylum seekers to US from Mexico

>>>/qresearch/13065532 Missile attacks on Riyadh?

>>>/qresearch/13065577 Violent protests in Barcelona resume over jailing of rapper Pablo Hasel

>>>/qresearch/13065610 Apple Store Looted & Trashed by Portland Rioters Re-Opens Behind a 'Prison' Fence

>>>/qresearch/13065613 Biden in TX thanking "Rep. 'Shirley' Jackson Lee&hellip; Lizzie Pinnela, uh, excuse me, uh, Pinell, and uh, what am I doing here?"

>>>/qresearch/13065659 Oklahoma House Passes Bill Allowing State to Review, Reject Biden Executive Orders

>>>/qresearch/13065697 Biden's Immigration Bill Could "Erase the Very Essence of America's Nationhood"

>>>/qresearch/13065720 Hyatt releases a statement responding to critics of its decision to host the 2021 CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13065768 >>13063049 #16636, >>13063544 #16637, #16638

(13 notables, 13 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30327

File: f386f1b107a12de⋯.png (173.73 KB,1185x711,5:3,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13068959 Q Research General #16645: R.U. RED-E Edition

Created 281603ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13069042 Washington Post editor Marty Baron announces his retirement - Jan 26th, 2021

>>>/qresearch/13069045, >>>/qresearch/13069057, >>>/qresearch/13069089, >>>/qresearch/13069147 The struggle is real but anons are comfy as fuck waiting for the President Trump SOTU

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211022035231/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a877c5c5caa43db05be6d95bd36ea3aa7afbdd8950b1f97bfee570550ddbb1a9.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=S-gRoO1e5pI - Lupe Fiasco - Lupe the Killer [Channel: aciremalive]

>>>/qresearch/13069055, >>>/qresearch/13069101 This is how Dems control the narrative. Note the edits to Wikipedia on Shelby County vs Eric Holder

>>>/qresearch/13069118, >>>/qresearch/13069120 Previously collected notables - Right click/open in new tab to view so you don't lose your place in this bread

>>>/qresearch/13069125 Pro tip for Anons who don't understand Cabal MSM tactics:

>>>/qresearch/13069201, >>>/qresearch/13069246 RSBN cuts sound on Mike Lindell CPAC speech when he addresses China Virus vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13069312 Trump 45 followed by Trump 48?

>>>/qresearch/13069321 Even TalcumX (Shaun King) is acknowledging now that Trump is a better President than the Biden Cabal

>>>/qresearch/13069337 Original mini dig United Nations International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Water Futures and Solutions

>>>/qresearch/13069347 How Google and Big Tech Killed the U.S. Patent System

>>>/qresearch/13069373 OPTICS:TRUMP@3:40pm – > Q340 "Not everything can be stated 1:1."

>>>/qresearch/13069376 Understanding the Assassination of Malcolm X (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BsTj01mYqXY - Understanding the Assassination of Malcolm X [Channel: Wesley Muhammad]

>>>/qresearch/13069380 Biden launches free Transportation Service to destination of choice for illegal migrants

>>>/qresearch/13069403 Egyptian C-130H over CONUS EGY1104

>>>/qresearch/13069420 Cuomo should lose emergency powers amid sexual harassment claims: de Blasio

>>>/qresearch/13069459 Never forget the 93 out of 100 US Senators that covered up massive Vote/Election Fraud on Jan 6th, 2021

>>>/qresearch/13069496 Anon dig on 800 Ethiopians killed defending the 'Ark of the Covenant'

>>>/qresearch/13069515, >>>/qresearch/13069584 'Crazed' Antifa Mob Target Portland Businesses As 'Defunded' Police Stretched Thin

>>>/qresearch/13069543 South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem NEVER closed a single business or made people wear masks and she torches Fauci to standing ovations in CPAC speech (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=y750zcVhOq4 - Gov. Kristi Noem torches Fauci during emotional CPAC speech | FULL [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/13069558 CPAC SUNDAY: Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue Declares Trump the “Legitimate and Still Actual President”

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=orsVp4HxCCI - MSNBC 02 28 2021 11 43 54 [Channel: Thomas Boggioni]

>>>/qresearch/13069574 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage from Orlando PDJT starts in two hours from now.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13069576, >>>/qresearch/13069602 The left bought off the right's conservative think tanks / Senators / Congressmen to steal the Election and kill Big Tech reform

>>>/qresearch/13069588 Judge Rules That Miss USA Has First Amendment Right to Only Accept Biological Female Contestants

>>>/qresearch/13069597 At least 18 killed on bloodiest day of Myanmar protests as UN demands military stop using force

>>>/qresearch/13069613 Bitcoin’s record rally (manipulation by billionaires to buy low/sell high) minting thousands of crypto millionaires…at least in virtual reality

>>>/qresearch/13069620 China’s economy could double in size by 2035, eclipsing US along the way – (Chinese) Bank of America

>>>/qresearch/13069629 Yahoo news narrative - In Statehouses, Stolen-Election Myth Fuels a GOP Drive to Rewrite Rules

>>>/qresearch/13069643 TikTok video shows Gavin Newsom inside a restaurant while not social distancing

>>>/qresearch/13069696 #16645, #16646, #16647

(29 notables, 37 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30328

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13069701 Q Research General#16646: President Trump SOTU Address Today - Anons Comfy Edition

Created 281803ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13069780 So there was this rumor that the MSM was reporting that "Trumpers" believe Trump is coming back as POTUS on 3/4. Strange that POTUS is scheduled to speak today at 3:40.

>>>/qresearch/13069783 Mexican President Will Promote Migrant Work Visa Program to Biden

>>>/qresearch/13069800 Bernie Sanders calls out the Walton family with distraction to hide their selling of Chinese slave manufactured goods

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=jVae6sXaKrU - Bernie Sanders calls out the Walton family, owners of Walmart, for low employee [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/13069806 Devin Nunes Says FBI Informant ‘Made Up A Bunch Of Lies’ About Michael Flynn

>>>/qresearch/13069809 Minneapolis Spends $1.2 Million To Hire Black, Somali Influencers To Spread Propaganda About George Floyd Death Trial

>>>/qresearch/13069812, >>>/qresearch/13069821 Fauci: Those Vaccinated Must Continue to Wear Masks to Protect Others (mask narrative is failing)

>>>/qresearch/13069814 CPAC 2021: General Session Live stream on Rumble

>>>/qresearch/13069826 Secretive Israeli nuclear facility undergoes major project

>>>/qresearch/13069842 Farage: Britain is Paying France to Import COVID by Boat Migrants

>>>/qresearch/13069850 Fed Money Printing Does Not Create Wealth…It Only Destroys The Wealth & Prosperity of The Country

>>>/qresearch/13069865 Facebook a ‘Hotbed of Child Sexual Abuse Material’ with 20M Incidents

>>>/qresearch/13069870 GEORGENEWS News B-roll footage taking around D.C. from Jan 15 to 20, 2017. Never seen before (video link)

>>>/qresearch/13069877 Recall Begins for Soros-backed Los Angeles D.A. George Gascón

>>>/qresearch/13069937 RSBN feed jumps 60K viewers in last 20 minutes in anticipation of President Trump speech

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13069945 Iraqi Government Denies Involvement in US Airstrikes in Syria

>>>/qresearch/13069961 Missing Former NFL Player Louis Nix Found Dead in Florida

>>>/qresearch/13069978 New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State

>>>/qresearch/13069997 Scholar, former NOW board member is sounding alarm on crisis of fatherlessness

>>>/qresearch/13070018 Q Post 3613 - When does news become propaganda? Identity creation?

>>>/qresearch/13070025 ‘Abolish the police’ Antifa protest slated for beginning of March – and the group is calling for violence

>>>/qresearch/13070026 TEXAS-Police: Investigation underway after radio host Russ Martin found dead inside Frisco home

>>>/qresearch/13070029 For the KEK! But probably more close to the truth than we'd like to imagine

>>>/qresearch/13070048 Trump To Return To National Political Stage At CPAC - NBC Propaganda News feed (video - 3 minutes)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gVxIuYtZpto - Trump To Return To National Political Stage At CPAC | Sunday TODAY [Channel: TODAY]

>>>/qresearch/13070056 PRAYER to remove demonic harassment from /QResearch/ and Q Army

>>>/qresearch/13070111 Today's new word CUOMOCIDE – when you knowingly decide to kill NURSING HOME PATIENTS with COVID and try to HIDE IT!!!

>>>/qresearch/13070126 Why is Canada's gov't so secretive about quarantine hotels? (video 3:35)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HRWKgsl0StE - Why is Canada's gov't so secretive about quarantine hotels? [Channel: Rebel News Clips]

>>>/qresearch/13070146, >>>/qresearch/13070164 Mexico: Dramatic Increase In Cartel-Related Violence And Atrocities In Several Regions Amid Ongoing Turf Wars

>>>/qresearch/13070148 Lin Wood - Every day is a blessing to enjoy.

>>>/qresearch/13070211 Eugenicists Plan to Depopulate the Planet

>>>/qresearch/13070225 Missouri Judge Sends 14-Year-Old Girl to Live With Allegedly Abusive Dad While Jailing Her Mom (video w/ audio only 9:28)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=HfKpCS_y0Bs - Judge Nicole Zellweger bullies a child [Channel: Michael Volpe]

>>>/qresearch/13070230 President Trump CPAC speech live links

>>>/qresearch/13070238 Media Completely Ignore American Secret Agent's Trial for Terrorism in Venezuela

>>>/qresearch/13070270 Trump to proclaim himself as the future for Republicans in speech?

>>>/qresearch/13070297 Dozens of Leading Hong Kong Democrats Charged With Subversion in Major National Security Crackdown

>>>/qresearch/13070376 Bad timing: #Iran rejects EU & US offer to hold direct talks on reviving 2015 nuclear deal - No Deals Timing is everything

>>>/qresearch/13070384, >>>/qresearch/13070422, >>>/qresearch/13070429 Pipe Hitters - A terminology often used to categorize the elite, special operations (Pompeo speech)

>>>/qresearch/13070424 NASA deliberately created artificial glowing clouds in unusual weather control experiment

>>>/qresearch/13070457 For the KEK!!!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=F-mztxHgYQo - Buy A Shotgun Song - ft. VP Biden & Darren Criss [Channel: The Gregory Brothers]

>>>/qresearch/13070466 >>13069696 #16645, #16646, #16647

(39 notables, 43 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30329

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13070474 Q Research General#16647: Big Tech BOUGHT The RINO GOP Edition

Created 281955ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13070539 Joe Comms for today…..(Mask narrative is failing)

>>>/qresearch/13070546 Iran rejects EU, US invitation to hold nuclear talks; Biden White House says they're "disappointed"

>>>/qresearch/13070572 This is CHILD ABUSE

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220626232533/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c40bc9eaaee42807174eecfb405126facdb5faa7fb1724383d7596443f3d84e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13070585 Trump to speak at 3:40 EST

>>>/qresearch/13070590 18th Airborne Corp - CNN propped up the Gulf War

>>>/qresearch/13070615 NY AG Letitia James Wants to Launch Probe Into Cuomo Sex Claims after 2nd Accusation (change the narrative)

>>>/qresearch/13070626 Italygate was roundly rejected by anons for 2 weeks straight as a global notable

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DJPjRlXyhOE - Overlord [Channel: Black Label Society - Topic]

>>>/qresearch/13070633 Dan Scavino - GAME. ON.

>>>/qresearch/13070634 Biden’s Hug of Child on Texas Stop Proves to Be Very Controversial

>>>/qresearch/13070648, >>>/qresearch/13070692 RSBN live link for President Trump CPAC speech

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13070667, >>>/qresearch/13070695 Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue declares Trump the 'Legitimate and Still Actual President' (video cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228225702/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/80d9fffd66f472e1a0a59623bc2cca30396eb719f1978c9ddcdd8e4693c1f639.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13070723, >>>/qresearch/13070753 CPAC straw-poll: 97% Approval for the job President Trump did.

>>>/qresearch/13070727 Dan Scavino - Memorial Day Patriots Parade - Mon May 31st - Oh Yea - It's happening

>>>/qresearch/13070760 RALLY Bread is the best bread

>>>/qresearch/13070826, >>>/qresearch/13070890 Factcheckers are flagging the covid posters for March 1st but the link takes us to a link about Canada?

>>>/qresearch/13070875 President Trump Live sites for CPAC speech

>>>/qresearch/13070947 Explosion Heard in the Skies Above Syria's Damascus - SANA

>>>/qresearch/13070953 “Not a Single Piece of Advice that Lindsey Graham Has Given President Trump, That I’ve Ever Agreed With – He’s Just Poison” – Peter Navarro (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=psfZoA_tOiY - I'm Looking For Lindsey! [Channel: James Bochino]

>>>/qresearch/13070970 Prince Philip asked Prince Charles to visit him in hospital to discuss future of royal family

>>>/qresearch/13070974 ‘Gun Girl’ Kaitlin Bennett Asks Jim Acosta To Disavow White Supremacy, He Refuses

>>>/qresearch/13070994 "Socialism On A Global Scale": Sky News Host Demolishes Davos Elites And 'Great Reset' Scheme

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GUJMj6xQ6Ew - World Economic Forum leads a ‘concerted effort’ for global socialism: Bernardi [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13071092, >>>/qresearch/13071158 Planefag- 2 Jayhawks flying out near Roswell. PAIN 11 & PAIN 12

>>>/qresearch/13071112 CPAC 2021 held @ Hyatt Regency hotel(chain) First appearance of President Trump since leaving the WH.

>>>/qresearch/13071148 President Trump might not appear at CPAC till 17:00 EST (17?)

>>>/qresearch/13071155 This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 33

>>>/qresearch/13071187 This is Donald Trump's second win in a CPAC straw poll.

>>>/qresearch/13071223 Terrence K. Williams - President Trump's CPAC speech is getting more attention than Joe Biden Inauguration Speech

>>>/qresearch/13071235 #16647

(28 notables, 33 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30330

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13071249 Q Research General#16648: President Trump Rally Bread Edition

Created 282109ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13071332 Viewership of President Trump CPAC speech is skyrocketing

>>>/qresearch/13071352 Peter Navarro goes fight club on two faced Lindsey Graham

>>>/qresearch/13071357 Anon opines - stage is being set. if POTUS had been on time, this CPAC filler piece wouldn't been seen by as many people. Red pills throughout.

>>>/qresearch/13071368 NY Democrat State Officials Call for Gov. Cuomo to Resign Over Inappropriate Comments, But Not For Killing Seniors

>>>/qresearch/13071373 So Shingles is trending right now on Twitter & it's really weird. It is a bunch of people pushing the shingles vaccine. Saying almost the exact same thing.

>>>/qresearch/13071375 @mikepompeo “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

>>>/qresearch/13071383 Soros-backed DA, who now faces recall, hires prosecutor who called LAPD 'barbarians' and wants to abolish prisons

>>>/qresearch/13071385 More Liberal narrative Fake News trying to cover up Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/13071387 50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says

>>>/qresearch/13071399 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE (live links)

>>>/qresearch/13071403 Portland protesters smash businesses as locals scream at them to ‘go home’

>>>/qresearch/13071414 House Democrats’ Attempt to Pressure TV Carriers Could Trigger Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/13071433 The Whole World is Watching President Trump now set to speak at 4:55 EST (video)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228231313/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b958519e35a3078dffd184b00ef1c147dfd825bfb915b84826bbc8e6125edc00.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13071439 ‘When does it end?’: Restaurant owner boards up windows ahead of planned rally in NW Portland

>>>/qresearch/13071456 As Trump Is Getting Ready To Give His Speech, CPAC’s Website Is Allegedly Being DDOS’d

>>>/qresearch/13071458 CPAC 2021 Coverage NewsNOW from FOX' - LIVE ISS Space walk feed?

>>>/qresearch/13071464 The ‘World’s Largest Bookstore’ Gets Into the Censorship Business

>>>/qresearch/13071483 Noem Blisters Fauci; “He’s Wrong A Lot”

>>>/qresearch/13071486, >>>/qresearch/13071541 Cuomo team backs away from sexual harassment investigation pick, allows AG to choose independent lawyer

>>>/qresearch/13071487 DJT Jr - The FBI will be busy investigating missing dogs so they will not be able to help.

>>>/qresearch/13071538 At Least 17 Shot, Four Killed, Friday into Sunday Across Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

>>>/qresearch/13071547 For the KEK!!!

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228231343/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/303a447ee70516a1035744277e717b49ee54e85ebfd840a3da704d02209d5041.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13071559, >>>/qresearch/13071579 THOUSANDS of Supporters Greet President Trump Outside CPAC Before His Speech

>>>/qresearch/13071578 Jim Jordan endorses Trump for 2024, RAILS against Cancel Culture in CPAC 2021 speech (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ShPWnU84e0g - JUST IN: Jim Jordan endorses Trump for 2024, RAILS against Cancel Culture in CPA [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/13071582 Syrian air defences have shot down most of the missiles targeting the area outside Damascus (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=b3FJa6OVEqI - [Channel: Syrianarabnewsagency]

>>>/qresearch/13071584 Never-Trumper Ben Sasse Lashes Out at Nebraska GOP After Official Party Rebuke

>>>/qresearch/13071597 Biden Increases the Cost of Carbon, Setting the Stage for Drastic Climate Rules

>>>/qresearch/13071621 It's time for Biden to halt 'what looks like a China Virus cover-up'

>>>/qresearch/13071640 Despite news blackout, awesome outpatient China Virus protection is available

>>>/qresearch/13071641 CEO Mike Lindell asks attendees to remove face masks before cozying up to take selfies

>>>/qresearch/13071658 No vaccine, no entry laws the ‘obvious’ way to promote vaccines: Israeli minister

>>>/qresearch/13071667 Cuomo not the only Dem governor with pandemic management lapses Pennsylvania's Wolf 'failed to ensure health and economic security, refused to work with the legislature'

>>>/qresearch/13071691 Dan Scavino - Wheels up out of Palm Beach, to Orlando, for #CPAC2021

>>>/qresearch/13071698 Hong Kong police detain 47 pro-democracy activists on subversion charges

>>>/qresearch/13071725 Trump arrives at CPAC 2021 for his speech.

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210228231527/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ffbed145a678b7eccb45098d1748eabf9d4208e1ebd98e817ea922ca189f7ea9.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13071872 YES WE MISS YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP

>>>/qresearch/13072026 #16648, #16649, #16650

(37 notables, 39 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30331

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13073507 Q Research General#16651: President Trump Rally Bread IV - The Awakening Edition

Created 282309ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13073604 Key radical democrats are ‘after Andrew Cuomo’s blood’

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7GtjtFoGnIA - Key radical democrats are ‘after Andrew Cuomo’s blood’ [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/13073613 Lots Jim Jordan talk… Q Post 1381

>>>/qresearch/13073616, >>>/qresearch/13073635, >>>/qresearch/13073687 What happened at 3:02 in the morning? Q Post 131

>>>/qresearch/13073621, >>>/qresearch/13073624, >>>/qresearch/13073796, >>>/qresearch/13073887 Compiling view counts from all the various streams for President Trump CPAC Speech

>>>/qresearch/13073706 anyone else getting error at https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

>>>/qresearch/13073764 God bless President Trump.

>>>/qresearch/13073769, >>>/qresearch/13073943 PB QMap Report: State of the Union!!! 4 year delta 4 hours early

>>>/qresearch/13073774, >>>/qresearch/13073779 Trump Eviscerates Biden's Record in Blistering CPAC Speech

>>>/qresearch/13073830 Biden Will Never Experience This: Crowd at CPAC Erupts in Chant of ‘We Love You’ During Trump’s Speech

>>>/qresearch/13073846 “This Election Was Rigged and the Supreme Court and Other Courts Did Not Want to Do Anything About It”

>>>/qresearch/13073852 Trump wins CPAC straw poll by wide margin; DeSantis emerges as heir apparent

>>>/qresearch/13073874, >>>/qresearch/13073914 Notes from Donald J Trump CPAC Speech

>>>/qresearch/13073900 DONALDJTRUMP.COM Join now!!!!

>>>/qresearch/13073960 UPDATED Online viewers TOTALS for Trump @CPAC - 1,456,262


>>>/qresearch/13074054 Trump donation page goes offline

>>>/qresearch/13074096 pb, U.S.Army @DCComics announced that Johnson would be the writer on DC’s Superman and Action Comics

>>>/qresearch/13074162 Canada Post suspends mail delivery to 2 Toronto highrises after some residents seen without masks no mask no mail. (Mask narrative failing)

>>>/qresearch/13074178 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210301040345/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/f542b62569b832969a33c080d41b39908b42298ac4ca894b96e7c7eb8f170d1f.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13074221 Israel has announced plans to vaccinate tens of thousands of Palestinians who work inside Israel and its West Bank settlements.

>>>/qresearch/13074241 FBI Memos Using Stefan Halper Released, Show FBI Targeting Effort Against Trump Campaign Using Any Means Possible

>>>/qresearch/13074254 #16651, #16652, #16653

(22 notables, 30 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30332

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13074263 Q Research General #16652: Elections And Second Amendment In Grave Danger Edition

Created 010001ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13074287 Anon fren has provided a re-upload of the megamemes collection! Grab it before it's gone!

>>>/qresearch/13074350, >>>/qresearch/13074436, >>>/qresearch/13074448, >>>/qresearch/13074835 , Trump, “What happened at 3:02 in the morning?” (Cap 3 min) Q302 For Green, Q -end-

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=eG80X8eIH6U - Trump, “What happened at 3:02 in the morning?” [Channel: sparkgap]

>>>/qresearch/13074351, >>>/qresearch/13074464 Site up and running https://www.donaldjtrump.com

>>>/qresearch/13074378 Canadian #PPE manufacturers can't sell to Hospitals

>>>/qresearch/13074382, >>>/qresearch/13074437, >>>/qresearch/13074446 , PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/13074486, >>>/qresearch/13074622, >>>/qresearch/13074701, >>>/qresearch/13074715, >>>/qresearch/13074774 , RSBN YouTube 3 million views

>>>/qresearch/13074505 Down on the farm with Bill Gates?

>>>/qresearch/13074539 VIDEO: Trump Hints At 2024 Run In First Post Presidency Speech, 'May Even Decide To Beat Them For A Third Time' - National File

>>>/qresearch/13074554 PDJT asked us to read this TIME article: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/13074604, >>>/qresearch/13074848 , Michigan Forensics Voting report ANTRIM COUNTY FORENSICS REPORT, 23 pages

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20201214184601/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/07885f66e4da2dde5779ff1c2e1fe77003ede617c422760ca77e4e447e6d22f8.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13074661 Andrew Cuomo addresses sexual harassment accusations by saying his 'playful banter' was 'misinterpreted' by accusers

>>>/qresearch/13074670 TRUMP: ‘We Have A Very Sick Electoral Process’, Supreme Court ‘Didn’t Have The Guts Or Courage’ To Save Election Integrity

>>>/qresearch/13074682 Lin Wood stands against the vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13074698 https://www.donaldjtrump.com

>>>/qresearch/13074736, >>>/qresearch/13074742 , 302 Big tech break up

>>>/qresearch/13074805 Dan Scavino I think it’s time for FLORIDA to do one of those TRUMP BOAT PARADES (two days ago)

>>>/qresearch/13074825 At 6:00 PDJT is talking about TIME

>>>/qresearch/13074845 Trump speech was not directed solely at his supporters, it was directed at the deep state and the media!! Why?

>>>/qresearch/13074847 Marcus Mauling: Head Of Goldman's Consumer Bank Leaving For Walmart

>>>/qresearch/13074856 CEO of Goya Foods says that the 2020 election was illegitimate, that Donald Trump is still the legitimate and actual president of the United States

>>>/qresearch/13074900 For Keks? Looks like a redditor is also one of us frogs and made WSB vs hedgie song

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SyToNbov598 - WSB GME Shanty Bones in the Ocean Full Version [Channel: HamerD]

>>>/qresearch/13074917 Bernie Sanders sounds bitter and a tad defeated, too bad, kek

>>>/qresearch/13074948 Chuck Schumer Deflects from his Human trafficking involvement by complaining about the CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13074949 Sidney Powell LIVE: “There Is More than Enough Evidence in the Public Now to More than Reverse the Election in at Least 5 States” (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/13074950 Lin Wood 3rd time in a row

>>>/qresearch/13074959 Biden Will Never Experience This: Crowd at CPAC Erupts in Chant of ‘We Love You’ During Trump’s Speech (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/13074969 Trump Eviscerates Biden's Record in Blistering CPAC Speech

>>>/qresearch/13074980 Trump Unloads On Biden: He Has Sold Out America’s Children To Teacher Unions

>>>/qresearch/13074991 Trump COMMS we “need a huge sense of humor”

>>>/qresearch/13074999 ‘Blame Trump’ defense in Capitol riot looks like a long shot

>>>/qresearch/13075009 Acosta crying to Potato

>>>/qresearch/13075018 Faulty US Intel Report on Khashoggi Death Meant to Topple Saudi Crown Prince, Woo Iran

>>>/qresearch/13075036 #16652

(33 notables, 45 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30333

File: 5fb27466af532ce⋯.jpg (7.06 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13075065 Q Research General #16653: Trump COMMS we “need a huge sense of humor” Edition

Created 010139ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13075103 If you're triggered over the gender of a plastic toy potato - Congratulations - you're a loser"

>>>/qresearch/13075124, >>>/qresearch/13075126 , Biden's watery message to MBS: Your Impunity in Washington Is Over

>>>/qresearch/13075210 Israel said to hit Iranian targets in Syria after Tehran blamed for ship blast

>>>/qresearch/13075256 Goya CEO Robert Unanue says that Donald Trump is "still the actual president of the United States" at the 2021 CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13075295 Notice that the new motto of the Trump campaign is "SAVE AMERICA"; note link to Q drops 3028 (March 11, 2019) and 4361 (May 30, 2020).

>>>/qresearch/13075303 The #ITALYGATE #ITALYDIDIT Research Thread has been Anchored.

>>>/qresearch/13075318 Florida man sentenced to 170 years for sexually abusing a 5-year-old

>>>/qresearch/13075328 POTUS on Fox News The Next Revolution NOW 9pm Sunday

>>>/qresearch/13075361 Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data

>>>/qresearch/13075362 Biden Trump Comparison Vid (1 min)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210301042815/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c2c3fb5e63cd590663e0e3103de467f54f70a0397b0c40d718ec4f38d5713b0a.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13075370 Vatican RCC research file 3.0

>>>/qresearch/13075405 Jenna Ellis Trump 2024 is trending number 1 in politics. He’s not going anywhere GOP

>>>/qresearch/13075411 President Trump: U.S. Electoral System Needs Reforms

>>>/qresearch/13075443 Who is Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, first in line to succeed Gov. Cuomo?

>>>/qresearch/13075456 Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan won't run for U.S. Senate in 2022

>>>/qresearch/13075477 Six ‘Proud Boys’ Indicted for Conspiring to Obstruct Congress during Jan. 6 Capitol Siege

>>>/qresearch/13075516 After Leading School Closures, Berkeley Teachers' Union President Spotted Dropping Daughter Off at In-Person Preschool

>>>/qresearch/13075540 Australia's Crown Resorts director quits over ties to billionaire shareholder

>>>/qresearch/13075541 Lincoln Project saves face, kek

>>>/qresearch/13075550, >>>/qresearch/13075575 Former Trump Trade Official Peter Navarro Says There Will be at Least Three Indictments Coming from John Durham

>>>/qresearch/13075577, >>>/qresearch/13075588 Newt Gingrich says Trump has enormous control over the GOP, not even McConnell can try to fight him.

>>>/qresearch/13075587 GO GO GO! ONLY 2.5 HOURS LEFT TO BE A FOUNDING MEMBER! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

>>>/qresearch/13075590 WaPo Fact-Checker Gets Hilariously Fact-Checked After Dissing Trump's CPAC Speech

>>>/qresearch/13075641 They Have Betrayed the Constitution – Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption

>>>/qresearch/13075652 Remembering WACO, Texas tweet from ATF HQ comms?

>>>/qresearch/13075703 No fringe on CPAC flag this year

>>>/qresearch/13075750 Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray Testifies on January 6 Capitol Attack - LIVE at 10am ET on C-SPAN3

>>>/qresearch/13075804 #16653

(28 notables, 31 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30334

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13072040 Q Research General#16649: MORE President Trump Rally Bread Edition

Created 282200ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13072162, >>>/qresearch/13072444, >>>/qresearch/13072823 Quips from President Trump CPAC speech

>>>/qresearch/13072191, >>>/qresearch/13072212 Three scoops

>>>/qresearch/13072225 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13072264 President Trump at CPAC - 'Send Children back to school RIGHT NOW!"

>>>/qresearch/13072568 Tara Reade, the woman who alleged President Biden sexually assaulted her years ago, is calling out New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

>>>/qresearch/13072729 >>13072026 #16648, #16649, >>13073498 #16650

(6 notables, 9 posts, 3 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30335

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13072750 Q Research General#16650: President Trump Rally Bread For ALL Edition

Created 282234ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13072962 Washington Post already trying to defend Biden Cabal from President Trump CPAC speech

>>>/qresearch/13073178 President Trump - This Election was rigged and the Supreme Court and other Courts didn't want to do anything about it. Crowd: YOU WON YOU WON YOU WON

>>>/qresearch/13073195 New York Times Blasted for Citing ‘Unpublished Research’ Inciting Fear About New China Virus Fake Variants

>>>/qresearch/13073244 Voter ID law Now!!!

>>>/qresearch/13073260 HERE IT GOES: Get your yellow stars ready. Free travel within the “borderless” EU for the vaccinated!

>>>/qresearch/13073347 Fair Election Process Per POTUS

>>>/qresearch/13073442 "War monger…..Liz Cheney" - President Trump educating&hellip;

>>>/qresearch/13073457 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday issued a statement addressing sexual harassment allegations (narrative to stop nursing home murder investigation) from two former aides

>>>/qresearch/13073469 Prince Charles reportedly wants face-to-face meeting with Biden Cabal

>>>/qresearch/13073498 #16650

(10 notables, 10 posts, 10 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30336

File: cecd65f3d1f1c1a⋯.jpg (11.7 KB,255x196,255:196,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13075809 Q Research General #16654: President Donald J. Trump Edition

Created 010254ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13075853 Spot the difference in these headlines the 2nd one, Pelosi forced them to change the headline to blame her staff

>>>/qresearch/13075911, >>>/qresearch/13075998 New Zealand residents outraged as 'chaotic' checkpoints add grueling 8-hour waits to journeys home

>>>/qresearch/13075930 Trump 2024: The World After Trump (1:37:06 lenghth)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=hpSmSUZISjA - Trump 2024: The World After Trump - (((Documentary))) [Channel: WP Streams]

>>>/qresearch/13075942, >>>/qresearch/13076120 No yellow fringe on CPAC 2021 flag

>>>/qresearch/13075979 Abuse is really funny Cuomo?

>>>/qresearch/13076022 Andrew Breitbart's tweet from 9 years ago today

>>>/qresearch/13076047, >>>/qresearch/13076061 3:02 is a :MM:SS marker KEK as well SECONDS MATTER

>>>/qresearch/13076057 Rain of Lapilli and Ash Fall on Villages Near Etna Volcano After Latest Eruption

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=D9KOIQxglmU - Lapilli Rain Pouring on Villages Near Etna After Latest Volcano Eruption [Channel: Sputnik]

>>>/qresearch/13076058 More arrests, suicides. DShatred of god's creation exposed pray (And we know)

>>>/qresearch/13076077 CNN quickly took down the initial published report on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi

>>>/qresearch/13076140 Lin Wood, Trump and the country will come out even better because his wife is working closely with him.

>>>/qresearch/13076259 2021 CPAC Itinerary

>>>/qresearch/13076265 USNavy sent naval forces to the Red Sea & Gulf including six Aircraft Carriers to take part in Operation Desert Storm

>>>/qresearch/13076272, >>>/qresearch/13076343, >>>/qresearch/13076398, >>>/qresearch/13076460 , Clockfags

>>>/qresearch/13076275, >>>/qresearch/13076351 Marker [1] complete

>>>/qresearch/13076282, >>>/qresearch/13076336 , Standard Hotel shutting down (2:26 mins)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ePo--2DCOtU - The Standard Hollywood Shutting Down 'Indefinitely' [Channel: CBS Los Angeles]

>>>/qresearch/13076294 Border Patrol Thwarts Unique Human Smuggling Attempt

>>>/qresearch/13076323 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13076340, >>>/qresearch/13076355, >>>/qresearch/13076370 Anon dig on flaws of PCR test for covid-19.

>>>/qresearch/13076349 Irv Cross, NFL veteran and CBS legend, dead at 81

>>>/qresearch/13076414 Decade of Conservative Rule Saw Tax Raised on Britons Over 1,000 Times

>>>/qresearch/13076531 #16654, #16655, #16656

(22 notables, 32 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30337

File: cecd65f3d1f1c1a⋯.jpg (11.7 KB,255x196,255:196,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13076548 Q Research General #16655: Marker [1] complete Edition

Created 010438ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13076633 The Supreme Cowards take up some Arizona cases that make a joke of what has gone on for three months.

>>>/qresearch/13076637 BPR: Recall how they 'lost' General Flynn's original 302? Here come the fakes.

>>>/qresearch/13076644, >>>/qresearch/13076754, >>>/qresearch/13076880, >>>/qresearch/13077113, >>>/qresearch/13077114 Donjr comms? Are these oldskool POTUS-style "error correction" tweets?

>>>/qresearch/13076663 Pandora's box? “Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.”

>>>/qresearch/13076718 Anon nom: Geddes Oped: It isn’t just a fake Presidency, it seems like the whole election was a fake

>>>/qresearch/13076770 Ngo on realizing it's not opinion driving his rivals: Turns out, Zadrozny appears to intentionally mislead the public on antifa.

>>>/qresearch/13076819 Haaretz: Cyber power grab? To prevent "serious cyber attacks," Israel's cyber directorate wants to expand its authority substantially and is asking for Shin Bet-like powers - with little oversight

>>>/qresearch/13076832 Spacefag reports a Pepe Borealis

>>>/qresearch/13076883 RTM: Gov. Andrew Cuomo Releases Statement Following Sexual Harassment Allegations

>>>/qresearch/13076893 Navarro Oped: Guarantees 3 Russiagate Indictments. Urges Trump To Stop Listening To DC Insiders.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Ri8P5ITy39s - Navarro: Guarantees 3 Russiagate Indictments. Urges Trump To Stop Listening To D [Channel: The Sheridan Files]

>>>/qresearch/13076905 Ngo: Portland #antifa activist Laura Jedeed pretended to be a Republican and attended @CPAC, where she spoke to people to gather material.

>>>/qresearch/13076907 Sputnik: Benjamin Netanyahu claims Iran ‘clearly’ behind explosion on Israeli ship in Gulf

>>>/qresearch/13076925 GP: They Have Betrayed the Constitution – Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption

>>>/qresearch/13076926 Redstate: Pulitzer Winning Journalist Announces COVID Death Count Lawsuit Against Michigan Governor

>>>/qresearch/13076957 Hoover Oped: How did these foundations of mathematics get appropriated by Western culture, when people like Pythagoras came from Greece?

>>>/qresearch/13076966 Crokin: George News & Dan Scavino posted their live locations tonight within minutes of each other.

>>>/qresearch/13076980 CT: Transcript of President Donald Trump CPAC SPEECH 2021

>>>/qresearch/13077003 Lindell vid for those who couldn't see it earlier: RSBN Interview with Mike Lindell from CPAC 2021 (UNEDITED VERSION)

>>>/qresearch/13077016, >>>/qresearch/13077046 Anon dig on CEFC and Rosneft&hellip; One of the people from Lin Wood's GA bar dig request is also associated with King & Spalding

>>>/qresearch/13077081 LI: Hyatt Hotels Pushes Back on Leftist Boycott Calls Over Hosting CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13077083 NYP: Nevada gov wants to build crypto-run private cities in the desert

>>>/qresearch/13077091, >>>/qresearch/13077135, >>>/qresearch/13077186 "New" AI can detect emotion with radio waves

>>>/qresearch/13077110 Global corporations with Technocrat leadership are drawn to create autonomous smart cities from scratch that will be run by AI. How &hellip;Creepy.

>>>/qresearch/13077116 PB Activist post talks diaspora: We Are Witnessing A Last Minute Mass Exodus Before The Final Collapse Of Our Major Cities

>>>/qresearch/13077126 Skynews is starting the Bye Bye Biden chatter

>>>/qresearch/13077159 NO MASK BREAK FOR YOU: Breckenridge to hire security guards to enforce mask mandates during spring break

>>>/qresearch/13077160, >>>/qresearch/13077163, >>>/qresearch/13077178 Added additional baking instructions to the baking section of the dough per anon request

>>>/qresearch/13077285 #16655

(28 notables, 37 posts, 52 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30338

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13080445 Q Research General #16660: We Live In Unprecedented Times Of Authoritarian Overreach Edition

Created 012001ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13080496 Wreckage of T.W.A. Flight 800 to Be Destroyed Years After Explosion

>>>/qresearch/13080511 New York state senator James Skoufis dismisses the inquiry into the Cuomo Nursing Home scandal as "political theater" during a virtual senate meeting

>>>/qresearch/13080513 Ron DeSantis Unveils Sweeping Statewide Effort to Address Chinese, Foreign Influence


>>>/qresearch/13080611 Watch again: Donald Trump speaks at CPAC 2021 28TH FEB (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=g9ITyMTesmo - Watch again: Donald Trump speaks at CPAC 2021 [Channel: The Independent]

>>>/qresearch/13080618 An unusually large police presence outside King Edward VII hospital, where Prince Philip has been treated for nearly two weeks.

>>>/qresearch/13080624 Hollywood is slowly dying out of the American Fabric

>>>/qresearch/13080642 Jen Psaki won't directly say where Biden Cabal's 'red line' is on sexual misconduct claims

>>>/qresearch/13080650 HIDIN’ BIDEN: Psaki Says Biden Still Has No Plans To Hold A Press Conference

>>>/qresearch/13080672 Mike Pompeo: ‘Many’ in Saudi Arabia Seek Normalization with Israel

>>>/qresearch/13080673 Dr. Hermilo Jazmines OB/GYN medical director of Wellcare drowns searching for golf ball

>>>/qresearch/13080677 I'm with Lauren. Tired of appeasing these sexual deviants. If they want to be Republicans, fine. If not, oh well.

>>>/qresearch/13080680 DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas: There Is No Crisis on the Border

>>>/qresearch/13080693 Cuomo Hires Criminal Defense Attorney, Avoids Public As Scandals Mount

>>>/qresearch/13080712 Biden State Dept Lead Says She SUPPORTS Chinese Propaganda In US Schools.

>>>/qresearch/13080722 "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC…. GOD WINS.

>>>/qresearch/13080724 Whistleblowers Report Death Threats over DRC Bank Fraud Revelation

>>>/qresearch/13080735 YouTube suspends Rudy Giuliani's account for second time:

>>>/qresearch/13080806 US Navy - Don't give up the Ship

>>>/qresearch/13080814 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/13080819 PIPE HITTERS - MEANING !!!

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ifnvKxM8Wuk - Mike Pompeo shreds the media at CPAC: I'm proud of our fight [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/13080903 Huge Demonstrations Rock Haiti as Opposition to Moïse’s Claimed Extended Term Grows

>>>/qresearch/13080944 Jerry Nadler Unmasks the True Nature of the 'Non Equality Act'

>>>/qresearch/13080955 National Gun Registry to Be Introduced in Congress Next Month

>>>/qresearch/13080978 City of Minneapolis drops plan to hire social media influencers ahead of George Floyd death trials

>>>/qresearch/13081123 EARLY NUMBERS: NBC's Golden Globes viewership down 60%, lowest numbers since 1995

(26 notables, 26 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30339

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13077336 Q Research General #16656: The 'A Huge Sense Of Humor Is Comfy' Edition

Created 010831ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13077463 AGG Expanded

>>>/qresearch/13077497 CIA Gina playing for the other side

>>>/qresearch/13077532 President Trump: Capitol Officials Controlled by Pelosi Rejected My Recommendation of 10,000 National Guard

>>>/qresearch/13077543 Trump stages GOP comeback at CPAC by refusing to concede 2020 defeat

>>>/qresearch/13077551 Texas AG Paxton says in runup to annual GOP meeting no issue more important ‘than election integrity’

>>>/qresearch/13077618 "Shocking Investigation" Reveals China Buys Western Academics

>>>/qresearch/13077628 Karen Bass: We will do 'everything we can to defeat' Newsom recall if it succeeds

>>>/qresearch/13077678 Hyatt Fires Back At Criticism After CPAC Stage Compared to Nazi Symbol

>>>/qresearch/13077681 Stick a Fork in Andrew Cuomo… He's Done

>>>/qresearch/13077682 Myanmar Security Forces Kill More Than A Dozen Protesters

>>>/qresearch/13077685 Reminder, BUY SILVER anons.

>>>/qresearch/13077697 EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: Trump Supporters Line Up Outside CPAC, Cheer As Former President Takes Stage

>>>/qresearch/13077717 Biden Lied And 105,334 People Died

>>>/qresearch/13077720 Enough Is Enough: Time to Finally Follow the Science on Masks

>>>/qresearch/13077723 For real. How do you anons stay motivated?

>>>/qresearch/13077729 Cuomo staff accused of 'incessant bullying,' 'constant threats,' local TV reporter claims

>>>/qresearch/13077747 Recruiting NAVY SEALS to unCancel America.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Vr_5ubR2z_k - Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay w/ Boxing Champ David Nino Rodriguez & Ian Wen [Channel: Patriot Streetfighter 3]

>>>/qresearch/13077756 White women and the racist right: Marjorie Taylor Greene is not an aberration

>>>/qresearch/13077819 liberal hack of Gab exposes users acknowledged Gab CEO.

>>>/qresearch/13077878 States with the biggest nursing home outbreaks of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/13077936 Mike Flynn died if a heart attack after publishing info on Clinton Foundation. Yes there’s another Mike Flynn

>>>/qresearch/13078040 Just woke up from a dream and I figured I'd share my thought before I head out.

>>>/qresearch/13078051 A partial weekly schedule for Biden has been released by the @WhiteHouse

>>>/qresearch/13078077 Study uncovers flaws in process for maintaining state voter rolls

>>>/qresearch/13078165 #16656

(25 notables, 25 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30340

File: f386f1b107a12de⋯.png (173.73 KB,1185x711,5:3,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13078163 Q Research General #16657: Meme Shift Edition

Created 011335ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13078221 American Airlines Pilot Claims His Plane Was Buzzed By ‘A Cruise Missile Type Of Thing’

>>>/qresearch/13078223 Sarkozy convicted corruption sentenced to jail

>>>/qresearch/13078263 Politicized pandemic shaped compliance with social distancing

>>>/qresearch/13078287 For serious students of astrology:

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210301143718/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/9885bd22c7af2344d3422309705d642ef926dc411a9bd0d8188206ba13570c06.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13078327 (You) Time magazine article POTUS mentioned, links & PDF

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210301182748/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/297f6367ea8f225e401ae77eba3b1ef713304d84fbfdf6a9dc66da1ea1baba8e.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13078400 why asians wear surgical masks in public

>>>/qresearch/13078440 The New York Times even called me the “worst Secretary of State in history.” (Badge of Honor)

>>>/qresearch/13078483 Yeshua do not avoid me

>>>/qresearch/13078525 Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada

>>>/qresearch/13078531 Isolation is Child Abuse.

>>>/qresearch/13078547 Donald trump cpac 2021 speech transcript

>>>/qresearch/13078629 DJT, 120 out of one-hundred and twenty-two [or Q?] candidates I endorsed won

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13078635 Archbishop of Iraq "tests positive" One Week Before Pope's Visit

>>>/qresearch/13078644 Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Found Guilty Of Corruption

>>>/qresearch/13078657 Ghislaine Maxwell Offers to Surrender U.K., French Citizenship in Exchange For Bail

>>>/qresearch/13078665 Allen v. Farrow' reveals video of 7-year-old Dylan Farrow describing alleged sexual abuse by Woody Allen

>>>/qresearch/13078672 Plane Report, NUKED24 helo over Opp, Alabama

>>>/qresearch/13078674 Neera Tanden is meeting today with Sen. Lisa Murkowski in a bid to save her nomination

>>>/qresearch/13078687 Prince Philip has been transferred to a second hospital as he continues to receive treatment for an infection,

>>>/qresearch/13078702 Biden is planning a virtual meeting with Mexican Pres. Andrés Manuel López Obrado

>>>/qresearch/13078713 More on Bidens 308k Ballot Drio in Fairfax County VA (Caps)

>>>/qresearch/13078731 Biden allows CBS into a critical command center, (WHAT?!)

>>>/qresearch/13078740 ID for absentee ballots are now required in Georgia. Angry leftists react by storming the state capitol. (VID)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210301183323/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/25460ef8238d9bcf84432145c50c1539bfd9d41f7c848263edac9357c2d066ad.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13078745, >>>/qresearch/13078746, >>>/qresearch/13078757, >>>/qresearch/13078760 REMINDER - Pray for one another

>>>/qresearch/13078778 Credit card payment systems crashed friday at stores and restaurants across america

>>>/qresearch/13078821 legislative proposal for a Digital Green Pass.

>>>/qresearch/13078835 Biden's Foreign Policy, Censorship & January 6th

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NqnB87zg548 - GLENN GREENWALD: Biden's Foreign Policy, Censorship & January 6th [Channel: Daily Caller]

>>>/qresearch/13078852 Trump confirms he requested 10,000 National Guard troops for Jan 6 to defend the city. Says Capitol officials under Pelosi refused.

>>>/qresearch/13078861 Anon opine, This nation is at a very dangerous time right now. The most danger that in my 62 years on this planet, have ever seen.

>>>/qresearch/13078876 4 Arrested in Texas on 150 Counts of Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/13078883 "HUNTER'S LAPTOP FROM HELL CONTACTS"

>>>/qresearch/13078896 Reminder, Gaddafi’s son offers to give evidence that Libya funded Sarkozy election bid

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=FPPHk7me8Pc - Gaddafi’s son offers to give evidence that Libya funded Sarkozy election bid [Channel: euronews (in English)]

>>>/qresearch/13078923 Trump accuses Biden of being in the pocket of Beijing due to his 'very close, personal relationship with China':

>>>/qresearch/13078924 White House refuses to release ‘virtual visit’ logs

>>>/qresearch/13078932 'Nancy Pelosi on Smear Tactics' re wrap up smear

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=GMBeUORJWj4 - Nancy Pelosi on Smear Tactics [Channel: NorthStarOasis]

>>>/qresearch/13078935 Five governors besides Cuomo who sent COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes.

>>>/qresearch/13078957 #16657, #16658, #16659

(37 notables, 40 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30341

File: f386f1b107a12de⋯.png (173.73 KB,1185x711,5:3,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13078954 Q Research General #16558: Great things are done when Men and Mountains meet Edition

Created 011544ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13079024 Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) on the GOP's “civil war”:

>>>/qresearch/13079037 Anyone got a list of what offices were destroyed at the "Pentagon" or was it "Classified"???

>>>/qresearch/13079046 NY Bars and Restaurants Win Court Victory Against Cuomo's COVID Curfew

>>>/qresearch/13079049 Progressives push White House to overturn $15 wage ruling

>>>/qresearch/13079054 CAPS

>>>/qresearch/13079055 RNC Chairwoman: I Will Denounce Extreme Elements That Pretend to Be Republican

>>>/qresearch/13079063 Rawstory Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/13079071 No State of the Union Address, No President?

>>>/qresearch/13079075, >>>/qresearch/13079106 Integrated Space Plan CAPS ( PDF )

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20220517193943/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7a25527e01e6b5370f6a95ef51dc7a584c0a659a2b50f57d724d7b00c1d8f0b3.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13079121 Reminder, 'FBI Director James Comey “cleared” Clinton in his infamous “no reasonable prosecutor” statement on July 5, 2016. (#ChinaGate)

>>>/qresearch/13079134 Did anyone go through these FOIA docs?

>>>/qresearch/13079155 A rooster fitted with a knife around its foot stabbed its owner to death during practice for an illegal cockfight in India.

>>>/qresearch/13079160 CHINA PREPARING FOR A NUCLEAR WAR

>>>/qresearch/13079173 DAILY: Keean Bexte LIVE from a COVID JAIL! at 12pm

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SPJzC_imvRU - DAILY: Keean Bexte LIVE from a COVID JAIL! [Channel: Rebel News]

>>>/qresearch/13079181 Plane Report: 09-0016 USAF C-32A departed New Castle Cty Airport, DL for JBA

>>>/qresearch/13079206 Plane Report: Here's Joe….No AF1 callsign.

>>>/qresearch/13079207 The House will vote on @SpeakerPelosi's "For The People Act" this week.


>>>/qresearch/13079248 Hundreds claim decades of abuse by 150 youth center staffers

>>>/qresearch/13079250 Reminder, Oprah had Aquino on her show.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4NmN_or-ASU - NSA Michael Aquino Satanic Mind Control Cult - Oprah Show [Channel: MichaelAquinoFanClub]

>>>/qresearch/13079251, >>>/qresearch/13079384, >>>/qresearch/13079547 Report: ‘Conversations’ Pelosi Had With Sgt At Arms About National Guard Presence Factored Into ‘Blender Of Decision Making’ That Led To Jan. 6 Incident (MARCH MADNESS BEGINS!)

>>>/qresearch/13079261, >>>/qresearch/13079270 Reminder, GENERAL FLYNN PROMOTES #ITALYGATE ON TWITTER

>>>/qresearch/13079263 Anon ask, Why must you attack people?

>>>/qresearch/13079268 Serenity Prayer

>>>/qresearch/13079292 Trump reveals he will campaign to unseat Repubs that supported impeachment

>>>/qresearch/13079365 Biden senior adviser says White House will start acting on reparations ‘now’

>>>/qresearch/13079381 Five governors besides Cuomo who sent COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes

>>>/qresearch/13079402, >>>/qresearch/13079429 Fraud Overwhelms Pandemic-Related Unemployment Programs

>>>/qresearch/13079417 WH press briefing to begin shortly

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=5H7T94_W_CE - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Secretary of Homeland Security A [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/13079419 ID For Absentee Ballots Are Now Required In Georgia

>>>/qresearch/13079423 Arkansas school shooting: Student reportedly shot on first day of in-person learning

>>>/qresearch/13079436, >>>/qresearch/13079439, >>>/qresearch/13079442, >>>/qresearch/13079450, >>>/qresearch/13079563 Mulitple Vatican Docu Vids

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lJoXwh0Vu9M - The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican [Channel: Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism]

>>>/qresearch/13079462 Pray for the Children (#SAVETHECHILDREN)

>>>/qresearch/13079471 #STOPTHESTEAL: GOP Lawmakers in Swing States Move to Prevent Democrat Fraud and Return Voting Systems to Pre-2020 Rules

>>>/qresearch/13079472 Plane Report: Dooms Day plane Tail 73-1677 Boeing E-4B Call sign CREED16

>>>/qresearch/13079476, >>>/qresearch/13079481, >>>/qresearch/13079489 WHAT IS A COURT JEW?

>>>/qresearch/13079480 President Trump Targets the DeceptiCons, Those GOPe Establishment Politicians who Need To Be Removed

>>>/qresearch/13079486 ‘Pandemic of people': Border catch-and-release risks spread of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/13079501 Fauci deputy agreed to Beijing-approved secrecy pact

>>>/qresearch/13079516 GEOTUS in his SOTU yesterday said we should all read this if we haven't.

>>>/qresearch/13079532 HillaryClinton status

>>>/qresearch/13079541 Gab Hacked; Group Promises ‘Gold Mine’ Of Info On ‘Militias, Neo-Nazis, QAnon’

>>>/qresearch/13079570 New Evidence Shows U.S. Government and the American Scientific Establishment Involved in Cover Up of COVID-19’s Origin

>>>/qresearch/13079598 Trump: Request for 10K Guard Troops Rejected Days Before Riot

>>>/qresearch/13079601 Biden Allows “60 Minutes” to Release Military Imagery Secrets that Saved US Lives (TREASON!)

>>>/qresearch/13079611 White House refuses to release ‘virtual visit’ logs, claims they are like phone records, as watchdogs urge transparency from Biden

>>>/qresearch/13079620 Goldman Exodus Accelerates: Head Of Asset-Management Suddenly Quits, Going To Tiger Global

>>>/qresearch/13079627 Hollywood and sarkozy connection.

>>>/qresearch/13079630 Cramer received a Saturn Award (Saturn Comms?)

>>>/qresearch/13079637 This Administration Is Already a Failure

>>>/qresearch/13079654 ABC News: Antarctic iceberg larger than New York City breaks off ice shelf. (WATCH THE WATER LEVELS)

>>>/qresearch/13079658 Reminder - Biden sold out US CIA informants serving in China to the CCP regime

>>>/qresearch/13079665 New DHS Director and DACA ‘Chief Architect’ Alejandro Mayorkas Endorsed by La Raza, Other Pro-Amnesty Groups

>>>/qresearch/13079690 AGs of IN, AK, LA, OK, TX urge Biden to withdraw nomination of Vanita Gupta

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210301190134/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/b8c668f4f518adc3e4af8a9223d23e48bcd62ed04887be0f9283009ab9d324e0.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13079693 US Navy P8 callsign n/a just did 17 loops around GSP

>>>/qresearch/13079705 Prince Philip transferred to another UK hospital amid treatment for infection

>>>/qresearch/13079715 #16658

(57 notables, 68 posts, 80 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30342

File: f386f1b107a12de⋯.png (173.73 KB,1185x711,5:3,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13079711 Q Research General #16659: MARCH MADNESS BEGINS! Edition

Created 011739ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13079737 Texas judge and three others arrested on 150 counts of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/13079749 UK Convicts SBM’s Ex-Executive in Unaoil Case

>>>/qresearch/13079761 Two Ukrainian diplomats ARRESTED at border in Poland-bound minibus allegedly packed with cigarettes and gold

>>>/qresearch/13079764 Russian state-controlled company receives uranium mining permit in Wyoming

>>>/qresearch/13079771 Gab Hacked; Group Promises "Gold Mine" Of Info On "Militias, Neo-Nazis, QAnon"

>>>/qresearch/13079779 Hollywood is fading from the American Culture

>>>/qresearch/13079781 Crowder shows an Arizona county getting caught in real time updating fake voter roll addresses that he verified last week

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4fxKc874hDI - HUGE: Nevada Voter Mysteries DEEPEN! | Louder with Crowder [Channel: StevenCrowder]

>>>/qresearch/13079789 President Trump: Capitol Officials Controlled by Pelosi Rejected My Recommendation of 10,000 National Guard for January 6 Because of Optics

>>>/qresearch/13079791 FF? Arkansas school shooting: Student reportedly shot on first day of in-person learning

>>>/qresearch/13079792 OIG report on Mayorkas

>>>/qresearch/13079798 Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to 1 year home arrest for corruption

>>>/qresearch/13079803 Teachers Union Boss BUSTED Sending Own Child To Private School While Pushing School Closure

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=LjfxgDx9xFA - Hypocrisy: Matt Meyer Berkeley Federation of Teachers President [Channel: Guerilla Momz]

>>>/qresearch/13079808 California: ‘Rich Get Richer’ During Coronavirus Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13079820 42 Far-Left Terrorist Supporters Arrested After Storming of Greek Ministry

>>>/qresearch/13079827 500 Migrants Apprehended in Single Day in One Texas Border Sector

>>>/qresearch/13079832 Articles on Adrenochrome (The drug that is the genesis for much of the child trafficking)

>>>/qresearch/13079833 US wasted billions of dollars in Afghanistan: watchdog

>>>/qresearch/13079860 The ‘Cancel Culture’ phenomenon: kind of hate-hush all over the world

>>>/qresearch/13079869 Biden State Department Nominee Is a Defender of China Propaganda Program

>>>/qresearch/13079875 China already owns you and your children

>>>/qresearch/13079879 French President Sarkozy…Hollywood….Tech Connection

>>>/qresearch/13079881 Learn to bake resources

>>>/qresearch/13079884 Judicial Watch: New Emails Detail WHO/NIH Accommodations to Chinese Confidentiality ‘Terms’

>>>/qresearch/13079913 Mr Pig Cuomo "Governor Party Tits hounding a female reporter to “eat the whole sausage.”"

>>>/qresearch/13079931 Bombing Iraq And Syria: A True BFF Moment For U.S. And Israel

>>>/qresearch/13080030 Legal team wants ‘second Nuremberg tribunal’ to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity

>>>/qresearch/13080046 Ebola United States 13,000 Congo African Refugees Arrive (new narrative - mask narrative is failing)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=z2k5Uswf1bg - Ebola Kills Congo Migrant In Chicago [Channel: Coronavirus outbreak Map . Com]

>>>/qresearch/13080062 Ron Paul: We live in unprecedented times of governmental, bureaucratic and authoritarian overreach

>>>/qresearch/13080072 They Have Betrayed the Constitution – Overwhelming Evidence of FBI Corruption

>>>/qresearch/13080079 Lockdowns have killed millions

>>>/qresearch/13080089 UPMC non profit health system rakes in record high $23.1 billion in 2020 revenue

>>>/qresearch/13080104 Tuscaloosa police: 20 arrested in undercover prostitution, child sex trafficking bust

>>>/qresearch/13080109 BPSO assists in human trafficking arrests

>>>/qresearch/13080117 El Paso TX Multiple agency investigation into child prostitution leads to 6 arrests

>>>/qresearch/13080143 US Treasury not doing it's job in fighting the financing of terrorism and crime cartels

>>>/qresearch/13080162 THE FRAUD WILL STAND – Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Cases without Comment

>>>/qresearch/13080186 UPMC received 1 billion in federal aid

>>>/qresearch/13080196 Trudeau denied Defence Production Act while staffers talked amendments for “greater authority”

>>>/qresearch/13080222 Man Convicted of Human Trafficking by Federal Jury After Five-Day Trial

>>>/qresearch/13080225 Doctor Sentenced to Prison for Role in Unlawful Distribution of Controlled Substances

>>>/qresearch/13080296 Texas Electricity Firm Files for Bankruptcy Citing $1.8 Billion in Claims From Grid Operator

>>>/qresearch/13080379 Republican 'fake' grandstanders as "listed" by DJT at CPAC

>>>/qresearch/13080387, >>>/qresearch/13080409 US Army - Rain or shine…..or a whole lot of rain

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210301225917/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/761d066461960cdb534483635ebab9801b7e24be2f9fc78314fde7e2247eb9e0.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13080438 #16659

(44 notables, 45 posts, 72 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13082075 Q Research General #16662: Make It Rain Edition

Created 020044ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13082117, >>>/qresearch/13082339, >>>/qresearch/13082378, >>>/qresearch/13082461, >>>/qresearch/13082518, >>>/qresearch/13082632, >>>/qresearch/13082644, >>>/qresearch/13082659, >>>/qresearch/13082709, >>>/qresearch/13082751, >>>/qresearch/13082794

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4gFgiIFVSNk - KING DIAMOND - ARRIVAL [Channel: isaac8399]

>>>/qresearch/13082128 US Capitol Barbed Wire being removed by work crews today

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=JVAcB3Emayw - US Capitol Barbed Wire being removed by work crews today [Channel: penguinsix]

>>>/qresearch/13082131 Youtube suspends Rudy Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/13082135 Biden Cabal Starts Its First Talks With Taliban By Sending Trump-Appointed Envoy

>>>/qresearch/13082156 Third woman accuses NY Gov. Cuomo of sexual harassment (Sex narrative to crush mass murder of elders in 4 States)

>>>/qresearch/13082163 Mitt Romney knocked unconscious, suffers black eye during fall

>>>/qresearch/13082214 Speaker Pelosi Appears to Turn on Gov. Cuomo, Says Allegations Are “Credible”

>>>/qresearch/13082225 Capitol Police Chief damning resignation letter to Pelosi

>>>/qresearch/13082240 'My Pillow' Guy Mike Lindell Has Been Cancelled By Over 20 Retailers

>>>/qresearch/13082252 Gavin Newsom, George Lopez shoot PSA inside restaurant where indoor dining banned

>>>/qresearch/13082308 Katie Porter Is Going After Congressional Millionaires. Financial Disclosures Show She’s One Of Them

>>>/qresearch/13082326 Anti-Voter ID Activists Storm Georgia Capitol. Has Anyone Called the National Guard?

>>>/qresearch/13082355 New Court Documents Expose Turkish President Erdoğan's Islamic Terror Links

>>>/qresearch/13082392 Women allege sexual misconduct against North Carolina GOP lawmaker as his biography is under new scrutiny

>>>/qresearch/13082412 Fourth oil firm executive jailed in UK for bribery in post-invasion Iraq

>>>/qresearch/13082443 National security watchdog launches investigation into secret trial of Witness J

>>>/qresearch/13082460 Donald Trump's speech yesterday

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9kL9KiUNoZQ - President Trump CPAC 2021 Full Speech I NewsNOW from FOX [Channel: NewsNOW from FOX]

>>>/qresearch/13082468 BEIJING bolsters the role of the Coast Guard

>>>/qresearch/13082544 Now 40 Days, Biden Has Not Held Solo Press Conference

>>>/qresearch/13082568 Joe Biden Revokes Trump’s Order Requiring Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

>>>/qresearch/13082627 Lin Wood I know many feel that it is taking too long to expose and reverse the illegal November 2020 election. Walk by faith, not by sight

>>>/qresearch/13082637 Lin Wood Fireside chat 13 video link

>>>/qresearch/13082638 China now has world's largest navy as Beijing advances towards goal of a ‘world-class' military by 2049, says US DoD

>>>/qresearch/13082669 South China Sea: Satellite images show China building 'full-blown military bases' on artificial islands

>>>/qresearch/13082700 Chinese Military to Hold Month-Long Drill in Occupied South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/13082739 'Seventeen' teams of troops organized to support vaccine efforts throughout US

>>>/qresearch/13082754 US Army - I will never leave a fallen comrade

>>>/qresearch/13082791 Man locked up 33 years for double murder he didn’t commit sues city of Chicago / Police Dept

>>>/qresearch/13082802 #16662

(29 notables, 39 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30344

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13082806 Q Research General #16663: The Cuomo Sex Narrative To Cover For Mass Murder Edition

Created 020229ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13082825, >>>/qresearch/13082914

>>>/qresearch/13082885, >>>/qresearch/13083182 , Black eye during fall, Mitt Romney knocked unconscious

>>>/qresearch/13082888 Tower of Koutoubia Mosque, A rare Winston Churchill painting that was gifted to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II owned by Angelina Jolie's sold at auction

>>>/qresearch/13082894 Nobody has seen the real Derek Chauvin since he was arrested. They perp-walked a different person saying it was him

>>>/qresearch/13082896, >>>/qresearch/13082908, >>>/qresearch/13082953, >>>/qresearch/13083032 , AOR1 desert /arid digital camo pattern used by SEALS

>>>/qresearch/13082898, >>>/qresearch/13082911, >>>/qresearch/13082930, >>>/qresearch/13082948, >>>/qresearch/13082957, >>>/qresearch/13083004 , CALL TO DIG, Who paid and arranged for this gold statue of DJT at CPAC?

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=rFQyfe6NH7Y - With gold-coloured Trump statue, conservatives show fealty to former president [Channel: Global News]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Idfnm8Flz3E - Gary Stewart- Drinkin' Thing [Channel: texasrebel98]

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210302041155/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/c6a736d16e02f1a8156662171565677a0a5175d12c57500fbe16261359e4e2d3.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13082904 Martin Geddes on how the Biden show is saving American and the world

>>>/qresearch/13082925 Everyone’s Asking “Who’s Really Running the WH?”…Richard Grenell Says He Knows…

>>>/qresearch/13082931 Eric Trump: They Weaponized the Legal System – I Got Hundreds of Subpoenas – They Attacked Our Kids who are One-and-a-Half and Three-and-a-Half

>>>/qresearch/13082940 CYBERWAR is imminent & will affect ordinary Americans, claims CEO of company that ‘discovered’ SolarWinds hack

>>>/qresearch/13082941 NRO [C]orona before [D]iscovery?

>>>/qresearch/13082944 Masks stack up in US warehouses as nurses reuse N95 respirators

>>>/qresearch/13082951 HB2889, passed the Arizona House 51-1 today! If you're convicted of a child sex crime(sex trafficking, child pornography production/distribution, etc.) you're going to prison for life.

>>>/qresearch/13082955 US inspector finds AT LEAST $2.4 billion ‘wasted’ on buildings in Afghanistan in ‘clear pattern’ of misuse and destruction

>>>/qresearch/13082967 Amman condemns Israeli authorities after orthodox Jews break into Al-Aqsa Mosque during Jewish festival

>>>/qresearch/13082973 POTUS was 1 hr & 7 minutes late for CPAC.

>>>/qresearch/13082982 'Trump will be your president long before 2024,': MyPillow's Lindell amid Dominion defamation suit

>>>/qresearch/13082983 U.S. Space Command Today marks the 30th anniversary of Operation #DesertStorm’s ceasefire

>>>/qresearch/13082984, >>>/qresearch/13083054 , Cuomo Accused of Unwanted Advance at a Wedding: ‘Can I Kiss You?’

>>>/qresearch/13082998 Lin Wood Fireside Chat 13 | U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Case

>>>/qresearch/13083029 Authorities Detonate WWII Bomb In Exeter, England (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210302041209/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/ce9d6530ad03bdc7bdde2797332cb38b1698c465399509d932bee79932dabf33.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13083030, >>>/qresearch/13083305 , Australian news, Photo emerges of alleged rape victim and minister on night of claimed incident

>>>/qresearch/13083038, >>>/qresearch/13083041, >>>/qresearch/13083105 , Talking on the China virus, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Said "New Variants are Being Developed"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=dHpgSqySJ1Y - PM Trudeau Says 'New Variants are Being Developed' When Asked About Current COVI [Channel: 7UMMIT MAGAZINE]

>>>/qresearch/13083042 Internal Emails Show Fauci Deputy ‘Tailored’ Agreements ‘to China’s Terms’.

>>>/qresearch/13083045 China in Focus (March 1): Chinese Transplant Doctor Commits Suicide

>>>/qresearch/13083070 WHO Probe Under Scrutiny Over Investigators’ Ties to Chinese Regime

>>>/qresearch/13083080 Mike Pompeo ~ Looking forward to the inaugural Nixon Seminar tomorrow!

>>>/qresearch/13083093 Disgraced former Peru president Alberto Fujimori and other officials face trial over the "forced sterilizations" of thousands of poor, mostly indigenous, women.

>>>/qresearch/13083096, >>>/qresearch/13083152, >>>/qresearch/13083181, >>>/qresearch/13083203 , C before D diggs

>>>/qresearch/13083104 FBI Received Tip Deemed ‘Not Plausible’ Days Before Opening Flynn Probe

>>>/qresearch/13083115 Stacey Abrams calls GOP efforts to restrict voting ‘new Jim Crow era laws’

>>>/qresearch/13083137 Ranking Member @Jim_Jordan calls on @RepJerryNadler to hold first full committee hearing on “cancel culture.”

>>>/qresearch/13083145 Peru is Gate 1 Foundation

>>>/qresearch/13083166 Fauci holds a patent on the Covid-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13083183 For Keks Brian Stelter didn't like it when Donald Trump Jr. referred to him as a"gender-neutral Mr. Potato Head." (Cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20211128211043/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a34e35baf7e59c589d0ac5979ba2da539e9b132cccf9d9c30a0ec343a1e9ec37.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13083185 John Brennan admits to being increasingly embarrassed to be a white male. Not even sure that he is human, examining vet insists

>>>/qresearch/13083247, >>>/qresearch/13083301, >>>/qresearch/13083330 , 11.5 11.3 "La belle ferronnière by Leonardo Da Vinci in a vintage book Leonard de Vinci, author A. Rosenberg, 1898, Leipzig"

>>>/qresearch/13083315 Rep Kathleen Rice [D-NY] ~ The time has come. The Governor must resign

>>>/qresearch/13083325 Big bill to climb…..changing homo mindset will be biggest obstacle

>>>/qresearch/13083428, >>>/qresearch/13083445 , Alyssa Farah take - "A picture is worth a thousand words."

>>>/qresearch/13083561 #16663, #16664, #16665

(41 notables, 61 posts, 76 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30345

File: cf772680ffa1225⋯.jpg (15.66 KB,255x226,255:226,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13081302 Q Research General #16661: C before D spotted Edition

Created 012237ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13081333 The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the Arizona and Michigan election fraud cases brought by Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/13081355 FAKE NEWS CNN'reports' PDJT and FLOTUS recieved Covid-19 Vaccine even though they had the China virus????

>>>/qresearch/13081357 New Orleans Archdiocese Asks Catholics to Avoid Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine which is made in China

>>>/qresearch/13081379, >>>/qresearch/13081409 , U.S. Secret Service Tweets

>>>/qresearch/13081393 DC Mayor Bowser & Cabinet Picks Met With Top ‘Influence’ Arm Of Chinese Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/13081403, >>>/qresearch/13081407, >>>/qresearch/13081443 , HERSCHEL WALKER elected to #Fightback board

>>>/qresearch/13081410 WHO Insiders Blow The Whistle On Total Immunity of Bill Gates Through GAVI! - Global Vaccine Alliance

>>>/qresearch/13081414 Former SolarWinds CEO Blames Intern for Setting Password ‘solarwinds123’

>>>/qresearch/13081415 GEORGENEWS, FYI: Telegram do not personally store, or keep any of your info or data

>>>/qresearch/13081416 GEORGENEWS, Thought of The Day Series - YouTube

>>>/qresearch/13081426 Rep. Jim Jordan calls on Nadler to hold House Judiciary hearing on 'dangerous trend' of 'cancel culture'

>>>/qresearch/13081429 PROPAGANDA overload Biden's approval tops 60 percent in new poll

>>>/qresearch/13081437 Good News! Trump Campaign Strategist Katrina Pierson Set to Announce Run for US House from Texas

>>>/qresearch/13081441 BARR: It’s Official — Our Nation’s Capital Has Transitioned To Alice In Wonderland

>>>/qresearch/13081448 "Major Flooding" Submerges Parts Of Kentucky As Gov. Beshear Declares State Of Emergency

>>>/qresearch/13081453 Jen Psaki won’t directly say where Biden’s ‘red line’ is on sexual misconduct claims

>>>/qresearch/13081473 Sen. Marsha Blackburn BLASTS Big Tech at CPAC: ‘We Are Going to Fight Back’

>>>/qresearch/13081479 You Didn't Think Google's 'Incognito' Mode Really Protected Your Privacy, Did You?

>>>/qresearch/13081487 Just What You’ve Been Waiting For: Obamas to Produce All-Muslim Podcast for Ramadan

>>>/qresearch/13081513 CDC director warns states against lifting COVID-19 restrictions

>>>/qresearch/13081525 Biden Admin Takes First Step Towards Reparations; “We Don’t Want To Wait For A Study”

>>>/qresearch/13081528 Jacksonville Couple Charged With Conspiracy To Sex Traffic A Child And Other Child Exploitation Offenses

>>>/qresearch/13081531 BUSTED: Democrats Snuck $1 BILLION For ‘Racial Justice’ In Farming Section Of COVID Bill

>>>/qresearch/13081542 DHS secretary blames Trump for new border surge

>>>/qresearch/13081546 GP: New York Attorney General Letitia James Says She’s Investigating Claims of Sexual Harassment Against Governor Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/13081601 Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill forces taxpayers to bail out abortion industry

>>>/qresearch/13081610 NY AG Warns Crypto Industry: 'Play by the Rules or We Will Shut You Down'

>>>/qresearch/13081625 Gov. Ron DeSantis Targets Foreign Influence, CCP in Florida Bill

>>>/qresearch/13081635 “Pay Us Like You Owe Us” – Senior White House Official Announces Biden Will Move on Slavery Reparations without Congress

>>>/qresearch/13081642 JIM HOFT, A Fork in the Road For the “Windham Incident” – Meeting Tonight at 7 PM

>>>/qresearch/13081649 Senior Biden Adviser Says White House Will Start Acting on Reparations Without Congress

>>>/qresearch/13081673 The Golden Globes Gets Horrible TV Ratings

>>>/qresearch/13081685, >>>/qresearch/13081692 Court officer kills himself inside NYC court bathroom

>>>/qresearch/13081687 Jihadists attack UN base in Nigeria

>>>/qresearch/13081713 Biden Administration China Ties Reveal a Deeper Disturbing Truth | Opinion

>>>/qresearch/13081718 For keks

>>>/qresearch/13081721, >>>/qresearch/13081746, >>>/qresearch/13081749, >>>/qresearch/13081757 Google intentions for People who haven’t received COVID vaccine, will remain on lockdown

>>>/qresearch/13081775 MediaBuzz Calls Out Unfunny Late-Night Hacks Refusing to Mock Biden

>>>/qresearch/13081783 Five governors besides Cuomo who sent COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes

>>>/qresearch/13081808 "How Pro-Trump Forces Pushed a Lie About Antifa at the Capitol Riot"

>>>/qresearch/13081921, >>>/qresearch/13081958 #16660, #16661, #16662

(41 notables, 49 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30346

File: cf772680ffa1225⋯.jpg (15.66 KB,255x226,255:226,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13083577 Q Research General #16664: Eric Trump [They] Weaponized the Legal System Edition

Created 020413ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13083661 Sputnik: Democrat senator urges White House spy chief to declassify 'Russian bounty' intel

>>>/qresearch/13083680 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/13083760 Yahoo: Taiwan is now at the highest alert level,which could mean that Beijing is preparing for a full-scale invasion

>>>/qresearch/13083899 New York Post - Tomorrow's cover: 'Handsy Andy' Cuomo – accused of making unwanted advances at wedding

>>>/qresearch/13083986 Myanmar government documents reviewed by The New York Times indicate that dual-use surveillance technology made by Israeli, American and European companies made its way to Myanmar, despite bans on exports.

>>>/qresearch/13084004 All 279 Nigerian students kidnapped from their boarding school in Zamfara state have been released and are back on government property, the governor says.

>>>/qresearch/13084062 The Socialist Swamp Subsidy Summary: 1.9 Trillion spent on what???

PDF http://web.archive.org/web/20210302075524/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/641f9ebe378961002dc924722acdd93f9f8f07baf00e2aa00ba8e85d48cb6960.pdf

>>>/qresearch/13084114 Michigan National Guard Troops in DC Hospitalized After City Repeatedly Feeds Them Raw, Undercooked Meat and Meals With Metal Shavings

>>>/qresearch/13084199 The Mitt Romney, Puppet is looking pretty rough lately

>>>/qresearch/13084206 Navy WAVE, WWII Code Breaker Will Celebrate 100th Birthday with Her Own Parade

>>>/qresearch/13084381 ZH: Stefan Halper’s Role In Crossfire Hurricane More Significant Than Previously Known

(11 notables, 11 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30347

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13084410 Q Research General #16665: Bets On Cuomo Edition

Created 020701ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13084619 #16664

>>>/qresearch/13084656, >>>/qresearch/13084816 Wired throws some opeds out there about covid19

>>>/qresearch/13084679 LADB: Scientists Discover First Space Hurricane Over North Pole

>>>/qresearch/13084702 112.ua: Switzerland extends assets freeze for Yanukovych, his close circle

>>>/qresearch/13084712 Fox: 45 law enforcement officers shot, 11 fatally, in first two months of 2021: national police group

>>>/qresearch/13084726 Wired: Life in Myanmar with an Internet Shutdown

>>>/qresearch/13084863 Arstechnica is reporting on a new newly published browser hack that bypasses some important security vectors

>>>/qresearch/13084901 Epoch: Stefan Halper’s Role in Crossfire Hurricane More Significant than Previously known

>>>/qresearch/13084923 RT: The soy memes&hellip; Are they&hellip; Correct? Soy oil reported to cause neurological changes in mice

>>>/qresearch/13084961 IHE: Here we can see modern mind control being discussed as a product for sale to the highest bidder. The social managers are bought.

>>>/qresearch/13085036 Updated uk bread to #34.

>>>/qresearch/13085057 RT: Newly declassified footage of the shenanigans that went on after Soleimani was assassinated

>>>/qresearch/13085059 Infiltration, not invasion dig: Pittsburgh sister city to Wuhan?

>>>/qresearch/13085080 ##16665

(14 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30348

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13086661 Q Research General #16668: FBI Concealing Antifa Far Left Organized Attack On Capitol Edition

Created 021632ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13086692 Dough

>>>/qresearch/13086721 Wray hearing carried over

>>>/qresearch/13086756, >>>/qresearch/13086782, >>>/qresearch/13087051 FBI Director Wray said he could not disclose or confirm the cause of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s deat

>>>/qresearch/13086760 More money laundering introduced by Elizabeth Warren

>>>/qresearch/13086775, >>>/qresearch/13086790 Wray, no sign liberal activists were involved in Capital events.

>>>/qresearch/13086781 Biden DHS Secretary Says ‘Loving Parents’ Send Their Kids Across Mexico Alone

>>>/qresearch/13086797 Christian adoption service announces they’ll start placing children in LGBTQ families

>>>/qresearch/13086809 Why Did Whitmer Give a Secret Taxpayer-Funded Payout to Resigning Health Director Amid Her Own Nursing Home Scandal?

>>>/qresearch/13086815 REPORT: Facebook a “hotbed of child sexual abuse material” used to exploit children

>>>/qresearch/13086819 Christopher Wray will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee amid heightened concerns about violent extremism

>>>/qresearch/13086854 Supreme Court to hear case over two election laws in Arizona, one of which deals with mail-in voting

>>>/qresearch/13086860, >>>/qresearch/13086873 Kayleigh McEnany joins Fox News family

>>>/qresearch/13086880, >>>/qresearch/13086895 Patrick Byrne suspended from Twitter again, he must have said something important

>>>/qresearch/13086920 Pamela Powers Hannley was the only Rep from AZ who voted against life sentences for child traffickers. She works for the CDC

>>>/qresearch/13086986 The U.S. Scientific Establishment Conducted De Facto China Virus Briefings for the Chinese Military in May 2020

>>>/qresearch/13087007 Biden Gang Already In Deals with Ukraine – $125 Million of US Tax-payer Money on its Way to Ukraine Right Now

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=S3Ibbq_LG-4 - Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired [Channel: gelmann]

>>>/qresearch/13087021 In the last few days, Goldman Sachs has lost two very senior executives from the investment bank's two biggest bets on the future - consumer finance (Marcus) and wealth-management

>>>/qresearch/13087032 Supreme Court Hears Landmark Ballot Harvesting, Polling Location Case

>>>/qresearch/13087047 US hits Russian officials & organizations with new blacklist sanctions over Navalny jailing & alleged ‘chemical weapons’ claims

>>>/qresearch/13087060 Pope Francis Warns Mankind Faces A Second ‘Great Flood’

>>>/qresearch/13087069 National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) (Mentioned by Wray at today's hearing)

>>>/qresearch/13087070 ‘System of abuse’? At least 10,000 children sexually molested at hands of French Catholic Church since 1950s — report

>>>/qresearch/13087078 'Trump will be your president >>long before 2024,': MyPillow's Lindell amid Dominion defamation suit

>>>/qresearch/13087082 Saudi says all Muslims will need to have Covid vaccine before they can perform annual pilgrimage to Mecca

>>>/qresearch/13087090 FBI geo tracking 'suspects' but cannot say what authority they have to do so

>>>/qresearch/13087103 'Propagating structural racism': LA teachers union head blasts state's school reopening plan — and 'white, wealthy parents' for rushing return

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=IrPAmgabpW8 - Special UTLA News Statement 3/01/2021 [Channel: UTLA]

>>>/qresearch/13087142 UK Govt Scientist Says Britons Should Wear Masks with THREE Layers

>>>/qresearch/13087153 Twitter Will Enforce a ‘Strike System’ Against China Virus Vaccine Information that doesn't support it's narrative


>>>/qresearch/13087169 Nancy Pelosi Tweet From 2015 Resurfaces With Photo Of Her And Cuomo Discussing Sexual Assault

>>>/qresearch/13087174 Today John Solomon posted FBI reports and interview summaries concerning confidential human source Stefan Halper and his interactions with Carter Page.

>>>/qresearch/13087183 Ezekiel Emanuel: We Can ‘Have a Real Return to Normalcy’ by ‘End of September or October’

>>>/qresearch/13087212 Money Laundering Arrest Warrant Issued in Mexico for Former State Governor

>>>/qresearch/13087241 Boy Scouts (Young Boy abuse organization) tries to skate on payout to abuse victims

>>>/qresearch/13087266 To build something new, you have to destroy the old. Engineered bubble by the Federal Reserve. Create a crisis and then offer the solution.

>>>/qresearch/13087293 Russia, Belarus ink five-year strategic military partnership plan for first time.

>>>/qresearch/13087297 Psychiatrist says the world is suffering from “mass delusional psychosis” because of pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13087312 Netanyahu: Israelis May Need to Get Vaccinated Every Six Months

>>>/qresearch/13087337 Wray: FBI painted Jan. 6 attack as domestic terrorism

>>>/qresearch/13087354 Pray for each other

(40 notables, 45 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30349

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13087420 Q Research General #16669: America Is The Home Of the Brave Not The Regime Of The Silenced Edition

Created 021800ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13087458 Dough

>>>/qresearch/13087488 Biden Cabal Falsely Claims US Doesn't Sanction World Leaders In Response to Criticism Over Saudi Prince bin Salman / Khashoggi narrative

>>>/qresearch/13087504 EU imposes sanctions against Russian law enforcement officials over Navalny case — media / Biden Cabal operating in LOCKSTEP with EU dictatorship!

>>>/qresearch/13087540 Alleged Sex Pest Andrew Cuomo Hires Lawyer Who Defended Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen

>>>/qresearch/13087549 Mystery deepens over Biden Cabal Interior nominee's finances as she files third amended ethics report

>>>/qresearch/13087558 False Flag in Imperial, CA?

>>>/qresearch/13087565 3 days after Pfizer vaccine, Japanese woman dies from brain hemorrhage

>>>/qresearch/13087587 Kiev Continues Censoring Opposition, As Eastern Ukraine Escalation Nears Critical Mass

>>>/qresearch/13087595 Jury Convicts Madison Man of Sex Trafficking Minors

>>>/qresearch/13087608 Grassley says not including far-left extremism in Senate probe 'intellectually dishonest'

>>>/qresearch/13087625 Senator Kennedy lights up FBI Dir Wray over failure to act on Horowitz Report

>>>/qresearch/13087690 FBI Cannot ‘Disclose the Cause of Death’ of Officer Brian Sicknick: Director Wray

>>>/qresearch/13088041 Germany Arrests Ten in Mega Operation Against Neo-Nazi Criminal Network

>>>/qresearch/13088052 Michigan GOP demands state AG probe Whitmer's 'secret deal' with former top health official

>>>/qresearch/13088126 Business Insider: "Everything Is About To Get More Expensive. This Is Good"

>>>/qresearch/13088203 Two Men Charged in Ecuadorian Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme


>>>/qresearch/13088336 Nike US Head Resigns Following Reports About Son's Sneaker Reselling Business

(18 notables, 18 posts, 17 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30350

File: 50293cd895bb100⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,500x310,50:31,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13085116 Q Research General #16666: The 'Hurricanes More Significant Than Previously Known' Edition

Created 021017ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13085146 Hasidic Jews and Governor Andrew Cuomo are mutually enriching each other over nursing homes holding covid patients!

>>>/qresearch/13085179 Andrew Cuomo accused of making unwanted advances at wedding (cover up for elderly mass murder)

>>>/qresearch/13085185 Judge to review Psaki's email admitting 'lying' to the media

>>>/qresearch/13085187 Newsom 'Plan' to Re-Open California Schools Involves Billions in Bribes

>>>/qresearch/13085203 Stefan Halper’s Role In Crossfire Hurricane More Significant Than Previously Known

>>>/qresearch/13085210 LA Schools To Launch Microsoft China Virus-Tracking App So Children Can Attend Classes

>>>/qresearch/13085217 'Trump will be your president long before 2024 says 'My Pillow Guy' Mike Lindell

>>>/qresearch/13085239 Laid-off pipeline worker: The Biden administration ‘has taken my livelihood

>>>/qresearch/13085250 Chinese companies buy up UK private schools, sparking fears of CCP influence

>>>/qresearch/13085255 Gay poly throuple makes history, lists 3 dads on a birth certificate

>>>/qresearch/13085257 U.S. soccer will now allow players to kneel for national anthem

>>>/qresearch/13085273 Biden Cabal CANCELS Dr. Seuss and omits author from their Read Across America Day proclamation

>>>/qresearch/13085284 Georgia House passes GOP bill rolling back voting access

>>>/qresearch/13085296 Biden’s Cabal takeover Seems Ready to End

>>>/qresearch/13085304 Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues

>>>/qresearch/13085310 China Boasts It Is Getting Rich Selling Syringes to America

>>>/qresearch/13085322 DC Mayor Bowser & Biden Cabal Cabinet Picks Met With Top ‘Influence’ Arm Of Chinese Communist Party.

>>>/qresearch/13085328 Twitter cracks down on China Virus vaccine truthful information

>>>/qresearch/13085330 An extra 259 billionaires were created in #China in 2020, more than the rest of the world combined

>>>/qresearch/13085487 UK Now Coordinating with EU to Push-Through Vaccine Passports

>>>/qresearch/13085511 Mining magnets: Arctic island finds green power can be a curse

>>>/qresearch/13085512 As Biden Cabal opens southern border they hide skyrocketing illegal alien crime wave

>>>/qresearch/13085545 TX D Rep who speaks about Biden border policy. on CNN no less

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210302142301/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/4abd14aadabab022ad5bf9e6a88be902ad2aa1284133dc540268b8136cbd9d17.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13085550 6 Dr. Seuss books to be cancelled after being falsely accused of containing racist imagery

>>>/qresearch/13085655 List of all bracketed chars in Q posts

>>>/qresearch/13085696 Wray testifying today in just over an hour

>>>/qresearch/13085730 Space hurricanes….kek

>>>/qresearch/13085739 Klaus Schwab Advocates Perpetual Lockdowns?

>>>/qresearch/13085748 Miscarriages, Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination

>>>/qresearch/13085769 Definitely Notable! There was a discussion back in #16664 about this, but the baker/notetaker never added it…thanks for bringing it back (bracketed data - Q Posts)

>>>/qresearch/13085776 DJT Jr - More Celebrity Insanity From Lady Gaga (video link)

>>>/qresearch/13085815 Vernon Jordan, civil rights leader and close ally of Bill Clinton, dies

>>>/qresearch/13085830 American History - William Dawes: The Forgotten Midnight Rider

>>>/qresearch/13085874 Ohio mom tried to abandon son before killing him

>>>/qresearch/13085878 China Virus relief bill won’t extend eviction ban set to expire this month. Millions of Americans could be at risk of losing their homes

>>>/qresearch/13085882 Hollywood slowly fading from American Fabric

(36 notables, 36 posts, 38 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30351

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13088363 Q Research General #16669: America Is The Home Of the Brave Not The Regime Of The Silenced Edition

Created 021839ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13088679 Dough

>>>/qresearch/13088683, >>>/qresearch/13088686, >>>/qresearch/13089287, >>>/qresearch/13089530, >>>/qresearch/13089562

>>>/qresearch/13088693 Army Cyber Command @ARCYBER is hiring

>>>/qresearch/13088697, >>>/qresearch/13088818, >>>/qresearch/13090066 Three Names Were Mysteriously Deleted From Khashoggi Intel Report Just After Release

>>>/qresearch/13088717 What Israel is digging up under Dimona’s nuclear reactor?

>>>/qresearch/13088723 Fast-food menu prices have soared during the pandemic

>>>/qresearch/13088724 The Power of the Mainstream Media and Exposing Luciferian Hollywood

>>>/qresearch/13088733 Biden Cabal not allowing media inside migrant children facilities, citing China Virus concerns

>>>/qresearch/13088737, >>>/qresearch/13088778 At least 15 dead in California crash: Hospital officials

>>>/qresearch/13088743 Target Shatters Sales Growth Record, But Hedges Bets On Future Performance


>>>/qresearch/13088745 The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started – More Riots Are Planned

>>>/qresearch/13088750 Same clowns that didn’t secure elections are running around US lecturing companies about cyber security….kek

>>>/qresearch/13088753 Another Jernalist tired of gaslighting the public, all the time:

>>>/qresearch/13088779 Former CIA Director John Brennan: ‘Increasingly Embarrassed To Be A White Male These Days’

>>>/qresearch/13088781 Arizona Rep Mark Finchem Launches ‘Guardian Defense Fund’ to Fight Against Defamation, Big Tech Censorship

>>>/qresearch/13088783 Origins of China Virus was Covered Up by US and China

>>>/qresearch/13088797, >>>/qresearch/13090234 Ted Cruz TORCHES Chinese Communist Party in Senate floor speech (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ndXIWvw9Oc8 - JUST IN: Ted Cruz TORCHES Chinese Communist Party in Senate floor speech [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>>/qresearch/13088953 Satanic temple in Texas files lawsuit demanding “religious right” to sacrifice babies through abortion

>>>/qresearch/13089062 Youtube censors Jamie Dlux for “Save Our Children = inciting violence”.

>>>/qresearch/13089081 US terminates foreign assistance to Russia except urgent humanitarian aid over Navalny case

>>>/qresearch/13089124 "We are seeing a steady and systemic embrace of Communist China; and that is dangerous…." Q post 4821

>>>/qresearch/13089353 There’s Only One Reason Democrats Are Turning On Cuomo, And It Isn’t A Noble One (nursing home mass murder in 4 states coverup)

>>>/qresearch/13089548, >>>/qresearch/13089687, >>>/qresearch/13090562 Dig on Khashoggi situation

>>>/qresearch/13089575 Most attacked on the Planet Trump, Q Research, Putin, Saudi Prince bin Salman

>>>/qresearch/13089604 Report: US wasted billions on cars, buildings in Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/13089611 Humanity Faces Annihilation or Slavery under the Globalist vision

>>>/qresearch/13089619 Ford SUV with 27 immigrants crammed inside? Crash in California? How many of them were children?

>>>/qresearch/13089665 The west has 'definitely become a lot more authoritarian'

>>>/qresearch/13089752 Pope travels to Iraq this weekend

>>>/qresearch/13089861 Capitol riot hearing: FBI Director Wray says no evidence Antifa, 'fake Trump supporters' involved

>>>/qresearch/13090526 Wray: FBI investigators have not seen “any evidence” of Antifa, leftist involvement in Capitol rio

>>>/qresearch/13090544 Kamala Harris silent on mounting Cuomo allegations after Kavanaugh crusade, #MeToo support

>>>/qresearch/13090557 Anon opines - Q smoked Wray out and forced his exposure

>>>/qresearch/13090597 WATCH LIVE: Homeland cybersecurity officials asses threats (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=_xd6kwKf0L8 - WATCH LIVE: Homeland cybersecurity officials assess threats [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/13090632 Biden Press Sec Says She Has “Nothing” When Asked About Replacing Jobs They Are Destroying (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=L7fey-96G28 - Biden Press Sec Says She Has “Nothing” When Asked About Replacing Jobs They Are [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>>/qresearch/13090636 The U.N. is helping illegal immigrants enter the U.S. now thanks to Bidan. WTF

>>>/qresearch/13090744 Psaki Dodges Questions On Why VP Harris Hasn’t Spoken Out On Gov. Cuomo After Doing So With Kavanaugh

(38 notables, 48 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30352

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13085958 Q Research General #16667: Space Hurricane Q Confirmed Edition

Created 021433ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13085977 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever

>>>/qresearch/13085978 A good dig on Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, his involvement in the China Vius plandemic, research, and optimization of viruses (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=WSccUMtGo_A - Deception in America Episode One: The Tale of Peter Daszak [Channel: L isfortheWay]

>>>/qresearch/13085992 President Trump "One-hundred and twenty out of one-hundred and twenty candidates I endorsed won." (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=4VDZfIvXnzI - 🔴 President Donald Trump LIVE at CPAC 2021 Final Day COMPLETE LIVE Coverage fro [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>>/qresearch/13086008 Amazon Selectively Bans Books Containing Undefined ‘Hate Speech’

>>>/qresearch/13086043 Churches are under attack by militant LGBTQ Demonic attacks. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ApSszAEpCqo - Monday Spiritual Smackdown - REPLAY With Mark Taylor [Channel: The McFiles E Network Channel]

>>>/qresearch/13086060 ‘Kiss of Death’: Fredo in Hot Water After Cuomo Brother’s Scandalous Photo Reveals a Woman’s Horror

>>>/qresearch/13086086 Your morning Air Gitmo update.

>>>/qresearch/13086170 Gaddafi claims over financing Sarkozy presidential campaign reappear on French TV

>>>/qresearch/13086232, >>>/qresearch/13086648 #16666, #16667, #16668

>>>/qresearch/13086236 Long good thread on BS Kashoggi

>>>/qresearch/13086258 Rapper T.I. and his wife Tiny Harris have been accused of drugging and sexually assaulting multiple people

>>>/qresearch/13086264, >>>/qresearch/13086270, >>>/qresearch/13086277, >>>/qresearch/13086281, >>>/qresearch/13086295, >>>/qresearch/13086316 Corrections to corrupted EBake

>>>/qresearch/13086317 Compile the [] Anon Bun (caution - all links are from previous breads - right click to open)

>>>/qresearch/13086327 Lin Wood Fireside chat 13 (video link)

>>>/qresearch/13086343, >>>/qresearch/13086446 FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies on Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=o0UNwm4gaOQ - Live: FBI Director Wray Testifies at Senate Hearing on Capitol Riot | NBC News [Channel: NBC News]

>>>/qresearch/13086362 GOP Senator Barrasso pretends to be against China Virus money laundering bill

>>>/qresearch/13086415, >>>/qresearch/13086567 FBI still cannot confirm the cause of death of Officer Sicknick after almost a month has passed, Director Wray testifies at hearing.

>>>/qresearch/13086439 President Trump Requested 10,000 National Guard Before Capitol Attack, But Pelosi Blocked More Troops

>>>/qresearch/13086466 Cuomo targeted with 'resign now!' billboard amid dueling scandals. Albany-area gun store owner rents billboard slamming Gov. Andrew Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/13086501 31 Million Viewers watch President Trump's State of the Union Speech

>>>/qresearch/13086518 PF Report - It looks like VC-25 NOT-AF1 82-8000 is on a training sortie shooting approaches at Newport News

>>>/qresearch/13086529 More brainwashing to sexually deviate America

>>>/qresearch/13086549 Psycho Nimrada Haley careens from ditch to ditch

>>>/qresearch/13086555 FBI Director Wray lays cover story in testimony to conceal Antifa FF attack on Capitol

>>>/qresearch/13086590 There’s Only One Reason Democrats Are Turning On Cuomo, And It Isn’t A Noble One (Mass murder of elderly patients in 4 states leave Dems vulnerable)

>>>/qresearch/13086637 Corporate Media Gave Less Than A Minute To Cuomo’s Fatal Nursing Home Policy In 2020

(26 notables, 34 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13092514 Q Research General #16671: The Best Is Just Yet To Come Edition

Created 022011ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13093291, >>>/qresearch/13093939, >>>/qresearch/13094474, >>>/qresearch/13095321, >>>/qresearch/13095593, >>>/qresearch/13095722, >>>/qresearch/13096280, >>>/qresearch/13096493, >>>/qresearch/13096720, >>>/qresearch/13096963, >>>/qresearch/13097130, >>>/qresearch/13097337, >>>/qresearch/13099381

>>>/qresearch/13094703 While Fauci was CDC director, it was determined in 2005 that HCQ would treat, and stop the spread of Sars-Cov 1. which was the SARS virus

>>>/qresearch/13094732, >>>/qresearch/13097206 Texas gov lifts mask mandate & OKs businesses to operate at 100% capacity

>>>/qresearch/13095654 Transcript of HRC with Sec of State, Antony Blinken, teleconference, March 2, 2021

>>>/qresearch/13096388 DARPA - Today we announced the SemaFor research teams that are developing #AI tools to help detect & understand media manipulations

>>>/qresearch/13097319 Migrant Smugglers Arrested In Romania

>>>/qresearch/13097526 Almost Biblical: Pope Francis Warns of Second 'Great Flood'

>>>/qresearch/13097997 Rape culture in Australian schools: New Chanel Contos website exposes hundreds of testimonies from sexual assault victims

>>>/qresearch/13098067 Australian government extends overseas travel ban by three months to June

>>>/qresearch/13098868 Warren Introduces Wealth Tax Bill to Make Wealthy Wealthier (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gGz4Wd5wQMc - Warren Introduces Wealth Tax Bill; New York Mandates Strict Wedding Reception Ru [Channel: NTD]

>>>/qresearch/13099026 “Supreme Court’s Failure – Completes the Implosion of Each of the Three Branches of Government”

>>>/qresearch/13099046 WILD CLAIMS Capitol on high alert as QAnon followers push conspiracy theory Trump will be made president in THREE DAYS

>>>/qresearch/13099058 Mike Pompeo ~ The Paris Climate Accord was a job-destroying joke.

>>>/qresearch/13099070 Grassley Opening Remarks at Judiciary hearing on FBI Oversight (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DqBypdajZ-s - Grassley Opening Remarks at Judiciary hearing on FBI Oversight [Channel: SenChuckGrassley]

>>>/qresearch/13099101 Jim Jordan - Radical Dems trying to change Election/Police/Gun/Immigration laws in the next 2 weeks

>>>/qresearch/13099142 FBI pushing tech firms to write own backdoors into encrypted messaging apps, director tells Congress

>>>/qresearch/13099207 South Dakota’s Noem: COVID Didn’t Crush the Economy, Government Did

>>>/qresearch/13099304 Candace Owens - "You don’t need a government mandate" to live in FEAR!

>>>/qresearch/13099349 US Strategic Command - Combating a shortage of personnel and challenges created by China Virus

>>>/qresearch/13099371 USMC - Night Flight

>>>/qresearch/13099396 MIKE LINDELL LIVE: My Pillow CEO Has Message for RSBN Viewers

>>>/qresearch/13099609 #16669, #16670, #16671

(22 notables, 35 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30354

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13093681 Q Research General #16672: The Best Is Just Yet To Come Edition

Created 022020ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13099032, >>>/qresearch/13099376

>>>/qresearch/13099440 Chinese Court rules homosexuality can be diagnosed as a mental disorder

>>>/qresearch/13099443 Mike Lindell says it was at his direction, that RSBN mute him if he started talking about anything that could get them cancelled by [you]tube, etc…

>>>/qresearch/13099457 UPMC dig from last March.

>>>/qresearch/13099563 BOMBSHELL: Documents Prove that Fauci Was Working With Communist Party on COVID

>>>/qresearch/13099575, >>>/qresearch/13099594, >>>/qresearch/13099614, >>>/qresearch/13099616, >>>/qresearch/13099619 US Navy - First at see F-35C Power Module replacement? Pictures of Q on helmet?

>>>/qresearch/13099600 Do former presidents receive this kind of motorcade?

>>>/qresearch/13099604 Ben Stein - A word of warning on Moderna China Virus - Wild side effects

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210303035935/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/39bd4daa8e311f67b1ee419f7c9d1ce9d6fad55fb11510da4d2bbcffee9c9089.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13099611 16671 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13099653, >>>/qresearch/13099655 Dying In Darkness: Biden STILL Won’t Publish Schedule, Visitor Logs, Nor Hold A Presser… Deletes White House Comments And Petitions Pages

>>>/qresearch/13099664 Incoming SEC Chair Gensler Will Scrutinize Trading Apps, Rid Crypto Markets Of "Fraud" And "Manipulation"

>>>/qresearch/13099675 Twitter creates '4am fact check' account

>>>/qresearch/13099678 Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Hillary Clinton, “You and Me Both with Hillary Clinton” Podcast

>>>/qresearch/13099702 Golden Globes Drops 60% on Sunday Night — Fewer Americans than President Trump’s CPAC Speech Online

>>>/qresearch/13099711 Americans more concerned with violent protests in US cities than Capitol FF

>>>/qresearch/13099725 President Donald J. Trump - It is my great honor to give Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina my Complete and Total Endorsement

>>>/qresearch/13099734 GEORGENEWS Remember: 'STABLE GENIUS'

>>>/qresearch/13099751 Lin Wood, Simple truths are simple truth. The love of money is the root of all evil.

>>>/qresearch/13099756 Texas Judge, Three Others Charged with 150 Counts of Voter Fraud in Republican Primary

>>>/qresearch/13099770 Biden admin won’t let media visit migrant children facility ‘due to China Virus

>>>/qresearch/13099776 Former Maine DA Candidate Arrested in Florida on Sex Charges

>>>/qresearch/13099792, >>>/qresearch/13099796 Johnson & Johnson to Test China Virus Vaccine on Infants

>>>/qresearch/13099805, >>>/qresearch/13099806 Democrats Pushing HR1 Reforms Through House Without Hearings, Few GOP Amendments

>>>/qresearch/13099823 Trans YouTube star charged over possession of child sex abuse images

>>>/qresearch/13099835 @RepMattGaetz, and Judiciary Committee Republicans, blast @SpeakerPelosi's appointment of LTG Russel Honoré to lead a review of the U.S. Capitol’s security infrastructure.

>>>/qresearch/13099847 The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decisive ruling that TriMax Media committed no legal violations against Wickfire, L.L.C.

>>>/qresearch/13099942, >>>/qresearch/13100132 Biden Cabal loses OMB nominee after Neera Tanden withdraws

>>>/qresearch/13099945 Israel mortality rate from vaccine in young people is hundreds of times higher than from China Virus

>>>/qresearch/13099984 Degrassi star jahmil French dies at 29, no cause of death given

>>>/qresearch/13100022 PF Report - same callsign x5 across CONUS

>>>/qresearch/13100040 State Bar disciplinary committees have been weaponized against lawyers who are Trump supporters

>>>/qresearch/13100081 Texas to join 15 US states without statewide mask mandates

>>>/qresearch/13100082 All [] bracketed data from Q Posts

>>>/qresearch/13100090 Pittsburgh PA has Wuhan China ties?

>>>/qresearch/13100142 #16672, #16673, #16674

(35 notables, 44 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13100974 Q Research General #16674: Q Research Ops Continue Edition

Created 031114ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13100986, >>>/qresearch/13101040, >>>/qresearch/13101049

>>>/qresearch/13101082, >>>/qresearch/13101090, >>>/qresearch/13101100, >>>/qresearch/13101604 Texas Ends Covid Mask Mandate, Lifts All Anti-Virus Restrictions, Allows All Businesses To Reopen

>>>/qresearch/13101084 Smugglers push triple-digit groups of families and children across border, threatening Biden agenda

>>>/qresearch/13101089 Pentagon Announces $125 Million In Military Aid For Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/13101093 Sands Sells Las Vegas Resorts To Apollo And Vici As It Pivots To Asia

>>>/qresearch/13101103 Media’s MeTooing of Andrew Cuomo Is Really About Protecting Four Democrat Governors

>>>/qresearch/13101104 Tim Ballard Explains The Issue Of Human Trafficking & How To Protect Your Children From It

>>>/qresearch/13101105, >>>/qresearch/13101109, >>>/qresearch/13101160, >>>/qresearch/13101254 [F]alse [F]lag could >not< be anymore Obvious

>>>/qresearch/13101106 Nancy Pelosi Tried To Put $140 Million In Funding For Rail Project In Her District Into COVID Bill

>>>/qresearch/13101111 Conspiracy Theories From The Left: Cuomo Claims CPAC Attendees Think Up 'Wicked' and 'Magical' 'Ways to Kill' Dems

>>>/qresearch/13101114 FAKE NEWS: CBS Claims Only 1 New York Rep. Has Demanded Cuomo Resign

>>>/qresearch/13101123 Border Patrol discovers migrants in refrigerated truck (March 1, 2021)

>>>/qresearch/13101124 Cuomo Signed Law Lowering the Bar for Sexual Harassment 'Love Gov’ likely liable under new standards

>>>/qresearch/13101298, >>>/qresearch/13101300 States with no mask mandate (16)

>>>/qresearch/13101505 Stay away from any DC or any state Capital on March 4th Spread the word

>>>/qresearch/13101513 Firms backed by Robert Downey Jr. and Bill Gates have funded an electric motor company that slashes energy consumption

>>>/qresearch/13101528 The real reason why POTUS was late to the CPAC event, law enforcement of all kinds wanted to take a picture with himThey love our POTUS

>>>/qresearch/13101560, >>>/qresearch/13101580 First Lady Jill Biden will visit Meriden elementary school with new education secretary on Wednesday

>>>/qresearch/13101573, >>>/qresearch/13101589, >>>/qresearch/13101590, >>>/qresearch/13101616 LIVE: Senate reviews response to Jan 6 riot at the Capitol

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=-_ndeOIZmmA - LIVE: Senate reviews response to Jan 6 riot at the Capitol [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/13101574 JUST IN - Design Foundry, a design firm from Maryland, has taken responsibility for the "Nazi-design" of the CPAC stage

>>>/qresearch/13101607 Who is Kathy Hochul? Meet the woman who could succeed Cuomo if he leaves office

>>>/qresearch/13101614 Scathing report finds Rep. Ronny Jackson engaged in 'inappropriate conduct' as White House doctor Jackson denied the allegations (nbcnews)

>>>/qresearch/13101631 Vaccination in Israel: Challenging mortality figures? (February 18, 2021) (israelnationalnews)

>>>/qresearch/13101661 FBI DIR WRAY: No evidence of Antifa/fake Trump supporters at U.S. Capitol on 1/6 Screenshots from John Sullivan's Discord channel seem to contradict Wray's claim

>>>/qresearch/13101710 #16674

(25 notables, 38 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13100152 Q Research General #16673: MASK FREE Florida Mississippi And Texas Edition

Created 030312ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13100241 Documents Prove that Fauci Was Working With CCP on China Virus

>>>/qresearch/13100314, >>>/qresearch/13100362, >>>/qresearch/13100372, >>>/qresearch/13100388 2 keys, two seals on boxes posted for a couple of minutes on February 15, George News Telegram, wee hours of the morning. Then deleted.

>>>/qresearch/13100336, >>>/qresearch/13100412 14 Michigan members of the U.S. House Representatives send letter after MI National Guard members hospitalized for being served inedible food

>>>/qresearch/13100351 Ex-Smithsonian specialist gives Russian cultural center 100 books on art, history

>>>/qresearch/13100364 Lin Wood - I know the enemy. I hear the lies of the enemy. I am not impressed.

>>>/qresearch/13100369 Judicial Watch - Emails Detail WHO/NIH Accommodations to Chinese Confidentiality ‘Terms’

>>>/qresearch/13100397 Have some encouragement from your President.

>>>/qresearch/13100403, >>>/qresearch/13100416 FBI director says Crossfire Hurricane disciplinary action delayed at John Durham's request

>>>/qresearch/13100446 The U.S. national debt hits $28 trillion for the first time.

>>>/qresearch/13100570 Man charged in Capitol riot was ‘following the schedule Alex Jones’ promoted

>>>/qresearch/13100640 #Q2948 March 3rd Delta

>>>/qresearch/13100653 Pelosi’s Silicon Valley Rail Tunnel is out of the COVID Relief package!

>>>/qresearch/13100662 ODAL-Gate: Liberal Conspiracy Theorists Are More Absurd Than Q-Anon

>>>/qresearch/13100689 Dorsey Moves into Banking as Promised to Overthrow Trump

>>>/qresearch/13100708 Going thru recent state dept FOIA drop- this was an Interdasting one - Civil Society in Iran

>>>/qresearch/13100727 Scavino Facebook: Let’s GOOOOOOO! Dan. Re: Florida Trump Boat Parade

>>>/qresearch/13100729 Google fires founder and co-head of AI ethics unit, announces reorganization of AI teams

>>>/qresearch/13100751 @USairforce: #AirPower #ReadyAF

>>>/qresearch/13100794 BREAKING: U.S. forces say 10 rockets have hit Ain al-Asad airbase in Iraq hosting American troops; no information on any casualties.

>>>/qresearch/13100835 @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA - Welcome to Lt Gen Robert J. Skinner as he takes command of DISA Director & Commander of JFHQ-DODIN

>>>/qresearch/13100862, >>>/qresearch/13100879 New Picture shows Iran’s missile strike on US compound in Iraq

>>>/qresearch/13100887 Cancel Culture is a Dress Rehearsal for Mass Murder (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9L0dPKpfHRA - Cancel Culture is a Dress Rehearsal for Mass Murder | Stefan Molyneux [Channel: 21 Studios]

>>>/qresearch/13100890 3 yr delta Q Posts

>>>/qresearch/13100942 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE) Early birds #GreaterEachDay #WeLikeIke

>>>/qresearch/13100945 Saudis require vaccines to visit Mecca for pilgrimage

>>>/qresearch/13100950 South Carolina adds firing squad to execution methods

>>>/qresearch/13100970 #16673

(27 notables, 33 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13101751 Q Research General #16675: It's Happening ~ The Burn The 'Face Diaper' Day Edition

Created 031544ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13101832 Deranged Democrat Demands Prosecution of 40,000 Trump Supporters Who Were OUTSIDE Capitol Guilt by association

>>>/qresearch/13101835, >>>/qresearch/13101851 NEW VIDEO: If Wray has "seen no evidence" of antifa then he HASN'T LOOKED

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210303182843/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/bba30f303ca15341300f2837082a314a228689069b7bcd7f9c445db9b7c7cc88.mp4

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=L985ZwMIEcs - most important video of the year [Channel: The League of Shadows plvs vltra]

>>>/qresearch/13101843 @govkristinoem: Keep doing right thing @GregAbbott_TX. media is attacking because they can't allow freedom to succeed. It would disprove their entire agenda

>>>/qresearch/13101848 @kayleighmcenany: Today, I share with Harris my experience with the BRCA2 genetic mutation and my decision to have a preventative double mastectomy

>>>/qresearch/13101856 Biden cabinet nominee Gina Raimondo confirmed as Secy. of Commerce

>>>/qresearch/13101885 What? After REFUSING to Address Historic Fraud in 2020 Election and Stabbing Trump in the Back – Turncoat Mike Pence Is Now Lecturing on Election Integrity

>>>/qresearch/13101897 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ogs-4FssJR8 - Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials [Channel: The White House]

>>>/qresearch/13101902 LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken Delivers Foreign Policy Speech (March 3)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2eX9A24NtSE - LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken Delivers Foreign Policy Speech (March 3) [Channel: The Epoch Times]

>>>/qresearch/13101905 DC Nat'l Guard Gen Walker tells Senate cmtes says there was talk w/Pentagon on phone about "optics." Said Gens (Charles) Flynn/Piatt were concerned about what would look like to have Nat'l Guard deployed to Capitol on 1/6

>>>/qresearch/13101913 Australian attorney general denies rape allegation

>>>/qresearch/13101920 FBI arrests notorious white supremacist live streamer

>>>/qresearch/13101924 WATCH LIVE | General of D.C. National Guard testifies at Senate hearing on Capitol riot

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=lRC9Y4D7fNM - WATCH LIVE | General of D.C. National Guard testifies at Senate hearing on Capit [Channel: Washington Post]

>>>/qresearch/13101934 Reversing Trump, Interior Department Moves Swiftly on Climate Change

>>>/qresearch/13101951 Petition To Recall CA Governor Gavin Newsome

>>>/qresearch/13101975 BIDEN's destruction of America Day 42

>>>/qresearch/13101979 Eric Trump: “There’s A Very Good Chance We’ll All Be On Stage Again Soon”

>>>/qresearch/13102012 Senate panel deadlocks on advancing Biden's pick for health secretary (politico)

>>>/qresearch/13102019 @10thAirForce: If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind whom should we serve?

>>>/qresearch/13102027 ADP Private Payroll Estimate Falls Short of Expectations

>>>/qresearch/13102034, >>>/qresearch/13102066 Migrants Crossing Border and Being Released Into the U.S. Test Positive for COVID

>>>/qresearch/13102081, >>>/qresearch/13102084 Youtube killed The Independent's Trump CPAC speech. Youtube video is now dead. Had over 2Mil views when I noticed the fuckery

>>>/qresearch/13102103 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo makes announcement amid sexual harassment allegations

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=gGdcOyC3W6A - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo makes announcement amid sexual harassment allegations [Channel: NewsNOW from FOX]

>>>/qresearch/13102108 @kenvogel Among the recipients of big "dark money" donations from The Sixteen Thirty Fund were:

>>>/qresearch/13102112 CNN's Chris Cuomo finally addresses his brother's sexual assault allegations

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=MaH8qb-0G0E - CNN's Chris Cuomo finally addresses his brother's sexual assault allegations [Channel: Sky News Australia]

>>>/qresearch/13102125, >>>/qresearch/13102154 LIVE: Starship SN10 Flight Test SpaceX

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=XOQkk3ojNfM - LIVE: Starship SN10 Flight Test [Channel: NASASpaceflight]

>>>/qresearch/13102175 It seems Mittens Romney may have joined the "Black Eye Club"

>>>/qresearch/13102190 @navy_reserve: Fellow shipmates, we celebrate today our #NavyReserve’s 106th birthday

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210303222433/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/220f4d01aebaf2ffe4b39fcb86443fe5543d4182a77cd12a0188320595a4bff9.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13102288, >>>/qresearch/13102291 Gov. Cuomo just reported 75 deaths for all of NY and now he's raving about how bad the threat is

>>>/qresearch/13102396 Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands to sell Venetian, exiting the Strip

>>>/qresearch/13102407 SC Senate adds firing squad as method of execution as it advances electric chair bill

>>>/qresearch/13102431 @mikepompeo: Remember when (Gov Official) Biden said killing Soleimani put us “on the brink of major conflict in Middle East”? Well, we proceeded to strike peace deals in Middle East. That is America First

>>>/qresearch/13102525 #16675, #16676, #16677

(32 notables, 37 posts, 25 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13102536 Q Research General #16676: We Could Have Given Up, We Chose To Keep On Pushing Forward Edition

Created 031925ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13102607 Within 6 mos, the Fed had pumped out $9T in loans to WStreet’s trading houses, according to its own spread sheets. Which ones? No peep yet.

>>>/qresearch/13102629 3%ers: National Council determined w/all of negative light, from either members of other “Three Percenter” groups or movement in general, we must dissolve organization

>>>/qresearch/13102632, >>>/qresearch/13102648, >>>/qresearch/13102653, >>>/qresearch/13102672, >>>/qresearch/13102680, >>>/qresearch/13102684 L Wood: transcript taped interview w/brave whistleblower who speaks credibly re: crimes, highest levels of gov

>>>/qresearch/13102637 Eight people reportedly injured in suspected 'terrorist' stabbing attack in Sweden

>>>/qresearch/13102704 DC's Natn'l Guard Commander told members of Congress he had authority to mobilize troops respond to civil disturbance… until guidance changed day be4 insurrection (CNN)

>>>/qresearch/13102709 Former FBI Cyber Division and military intelligence leaders latest additions to LookingGlass Advisory Board (Feb 18th, 2021)

>>>/qresearch/13102723 Good Points Re: So Called Insurrection

>>>/qresearch/13102731 Dem NY Gov. Cuomo on Tues. announced new program will require New Yorkers show COVID-19 “passport” to enter sports arenas, theaters, other businesses

>>>/qresearch/13102732 Nancy Pelosi/Mitch McConnell refused National Guard support before the announced protests on January 6th: "No Such Official Request" says Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/13102740 DC National Guard commander says it took 3+ hours for Trump's Pentagon to tell him send in troops to respond to the Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/13102767 Wray Says No Evidence Antifa, Left-Wing Groups Played a Role in January 6 Capitol Riot

>>>/qresearch/13102819 Acting US Capitol Police Chief: militias want to blow up Capitol during SOTU. It’s probably going to be an excuse for Biden not giving a SOTU (2/25/21)

>>>/qresearch/13102841, >>>/qresearch/13102846 Phone Records Prove House Sergeant-at-Arms DID Ignore Pleas for Backup: Capitol Police Chief

>>>/qresearch/13102888 Marsha Blackburn: “Majority” of Biden’s Executive Orders Favor China

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=c3-hVL4ChP4 - Marsha Blackburn: “Majority” of Biden’s Executive Orders Favor China [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>>/qresearch/13102916, >>>/qresearch/13103081 Planefag Report (With Clue1)

>>>/qresearch/13102948 TEA: Masks still required in Texas schools, but local boards can opt out

>>>/qresearch/13102949, >>>/qresearch/13103265 Massive 78% Of Mail-In Ballots Proved Fraudulent, Judge Orders Election Do-Over in Mississippi

>>>/qresearch/13103034, >>>/qresearch/13103061, >>>/qresearch/13103100, >>>/qresearch/13103114 (You), (You) Sources: Alabama to Join Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Others in Eliminating Mask Mandates this Week

>>>/qresearch/13103037, >>>/qresearch/13103086, >>>/qresearch/13103088, >>>/qresearch/13103092 @emrwilkins: The House is canceling votes tomorrow officials warn of another potential attack on the Capitol…

>>>/qresearch/13103044, >>>/qresearch/13103163 @USMarshalsHQ: A coordinated effort to identify/locate missing children across Tennessee led to recovery of 150 missing children by the US Marshals Service, @TN_DCS & @TBInvestigation

>>>/qresearch/13103099, >>>/qresearch/13103110, >>>/qresearch/13103129 Google promises to stop spying on users, saying 3rd-party for-profit tracking model to be phased out

>>>/qresearch/13103105 Alabama Senate votes to make hormone therapy and surgery for trans youth a felony

>>>/qresearch/13103116 NEW: Bill that would give convicted sex traffickers life sentences passes the Arizona House by a vote of 51-1

>>>/qresearch/13103186 #16676

>>>/qresearch/13103187 @emrwilkins: The House canceling votes tomorrow officials warn of another potential attack on Capitol…

>>>/qresearch/13103209 Parler Drops Lawsuit Against Amazon

>>>/qresearch/13103231, >>>/qresearch/13103234 Biden participates in a virtual event with the House Democratic Caucus

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=QrB-eQjTGQQ - WATCH LIVE: Biden addresses House Democratic caucus — 3/3/21 [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>>/qresearch/13103261, >>>/qresearch/13103264 The House leaving town because of 3/4 security threat & Senate (apparently) staying in session, giving me flashbacks to Oct. 2001 anthrax attacks…

>>>/qresearch/13103270 New Information — FBI Took Possession of Suspicious Ballots in Georgia in Early January and Ordered Them Destroyed With a Shredder

(29 notables, 48 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30359

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13103322 Q Research General #16677: FF WATCH Edition

Created 041459ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13103356 Baker change

>>>/qresearch/13103388 Texas power grid CEO fired after deadly February blackouts

>>>/qresearch/13103395 Baker notes (thanks baker)

>>>/qresearch/13103409 Congress on Track to Recreate 1970s Welfare Policies

>>>/qresearch/13103441 Reason for Q Research outage?

>>>/qresearch/13103465, >>>/qresearch/13103534 New Fake News narrative - Scenes from the Capitol, where officials are on high alert following a credible threat of extremist violence

>>>/qresearch/13103512 Thank you bakers and Jim for getting this up and running again.

>>>/qresearch/13103515, >>>/qresearch/13103679 Cabal cuts Joe Biden feed when he asks what he supposed to be doing. (video cap)

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210304182819/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/6dabb998781a5434ac5af98391289283e74ef9ba72a4e54d2cf75bbd4df8f191.mp4

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210304183127/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/fb1cd8e3cf25d6e5d8938f35c8f66377ab385fc8fd096150ccded2d8f283c915.webm

>>>/qresearch/13103532 Republicans demand hearing to examine the Biden Administration’s response to the sharp increase of unaccompanied alien children arriving at the southern U.S. border.

>>>/qresearch/13103535 “There Were Literally 20 Guys with Guns Blazing – They Broke Down My Door” – Dr. Simone Gold Reveals Chris Wray’s FBI Henchmen Storming Her Home

>>>/qresearch/13103551 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) says she’ll vote in favor of Deb Haaland for Interior Secretary, “despite some very real misgivings.”

>>>/qresearch/13103553 Joe Biden Praises Nancy Pelosi: ‘I Admire the Devil Out of You’

>>>/qresearch/13103560 10 days until unemployment benefits begin to expire for millions of Americans …

>>>/qresearch/13103685 BIDEN's Destruction of America DAY 43

>>>/qresearch/13103744 Durham File: A documentary roadmap to special counsel probe of rogue FBI pursuit of Trump

>>>/qresearch/13103766 Recording Trump was discussed, Rod Rosenstein concedes

>>>/qresearch/13103775 Gang members with badges in LA

>>>/qresearch/13103803 7.3-magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand, reportedly triggering tsunami warning

>>>/qresearch/13103813 In the Biden Cabal everything is driven by identity politics

>>>/qresearch/13103851 Biden Cabal blocks $1,400 stimulus checks for 16M Americans after tightening income eligibility

>>>/qresearch/13103879, >>>/qresearch/13103928 Jack Dorsey’s Square, Inc. is buying a majority stake in Jay-Z’s streaming service Tidal (DARPA black budget money laundering)

>>>/qresearch/13103948 House Passes “Permanent Democrat Rule Act” by a Vote of 220-210 In An Effort To Create a US Politburo / One Party Government

>>>/qresearch/13103949 RSBN suspended from YouTube for 2 weeks for airing Trump #CPAC2021 speech. Earlier, YouTube punished other media outlets like RT, Sputnik but not others like "The Independent"

>>>/qresearch/13103951 Continued Israeli airstrikes on Syria are testing Moscow’s patience, Jerusalem would do well not to poke the Russian bear

>>>/qresearch/13103953 Another 745,000 Americans Filed for Unemployment Benefits Last Week

>>>/qresearch/13103963 Second SUV Carrying 19 Suspected Illegal Aliens Erupts In Flames Near Border

>>>/qresearch/13103970 DOJ Refused to Investigate Elaine Chao for Using Office to Benefit Family’s Chi-Com Business After Meeting With RINO Deep State Swamp Rat Mitch McConnell [Her Husband]

>>>/qresearch/13103981 SUV in crash where 13 died came through hole in border fence

>>>/qresearch/13103983 Hey…what time is #Trump's inauguration? Not even the Q people are saying that actually. I found their lair on a site called 8kun. It's just the Media claiming that QAnon people are saying that.

>>>/qresearch/13104000 Q Post 3598 - 4 March => TRAP

>>>/qresearch/13104024 Possible workaround for Q Research - Use clearnet board url in tor browser to post from clearnet with pics.

>>>/qresearch/13104041 Tintern 'secret' medieval tunnel system found by accident

>>>/qresearch/13104078 #16677

(33 notables, 36 posts, 26 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30360

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13104625 Q Research General #16679: FF WATCH Evening Edition

Created 041921ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13105039 @disclosetv: JUST IN - Myanmar’s military attempted to withdraw $1 billion held at New York Fed. The US blocked it (Reuters)

>>>/qresearch/13105068, >>>/qresearch/13105099, >>>/qresearch/13105122, >>>/qresearch/13105207 There's a reason everyone you know directly associated w/Q has basically denied Q's existence. Re: Digital Camo

>>>/qresearch/13105090 National Guard Troop Guarding Capitol: More Media Here Than Anyone Else, It's A Beautiful Day

>>>/qresearch/13105117 Biden Pick for Top Pentagon Post Called GOP 'Party of Ethnic Cleansing'

>>>/qresearch/13105128 #16676

>>>/qresearch/13105143 How much money will your state get if Biden's COVID-19 relief bill passes? (It's not a bailout?)

>>>/qresearch/13105167, >>>/qresearch/13105292, >>>/qresearch/13105307 If tsunami waves impact Hawai'i the first is expected to arrive at approximately 4:35 p.m. HST Thursday.

>>>/qresearch/13105171 REVEALED: Leaked documents show child migrant crisis at US-Mexico border

>>>/qresearch/13105187 Fakenews continues pushing lies to make popular a false narrative re: Qanon followers plotting attack on Capitol

>>>/qresearch/13105211, >>>/qresearch/13105217, >>>/qresearch/13105223, >>>/qresearch/13105235, >>>/qresearch/13105246 Shaun W. Bridges Digg: Former Secret Service Agent Pleads Guilty To Money Laundering And Obstruction

>>>/qresearch/13105253, >>>/qresearch/13105418, >>>/qresearch/13105445, >>>/qresearch/13105448, >>>/qresearch/13105496, >>>/qresearch/13105505, >>>/qresearch/13105533 Earthquake in New Zealand?

>>>/qresearch/13105305, >>>/qresearch/13105318, >>>/qresearch/13105323 Any way to post graphics using TOR?

>>>/qresearch/13105332 @mtgreenee: The “journalists” obsessed with Qanon are a cult. They’ve been spreading conspiracy theories for years

>>>/qresearch/13105347 Mitch Mcconnell Working With Kentucky Legislature On Senate Exit Strategy

>>>/qresearch/13105353, >>>/qresearch/13105464 @CBSNews obtains National Explosives Task Force “Quick Look Report”, forensic analysis of 2 pipe bombs found outside Rep Natn'l Committee + Dem Natn'l Committee HQ Jan 5

>>>/qresearch/13105371, >>>/qresearch/13105376 Brooklyn Jewish patrol founder charged federally for rape of 15-year-old

>>>/qresearch/13105384 Italian Mafia Bets on Illegal Online Gambling

>>>/qresearch/13105400, >>>/qresearch/13105437 General Flynn gives a shout out to anons!

>>>/qresearch/13105410 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/13105458, >>>/qresearch/13105504, >>>/qresearch/13105613 2 city council members in Paterson, New Jersey, were indicted mail-in voting fraud charges in city’s May 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/13105478 3/19 … Connecticut lifting ALL capacity limits on restaurants, retail, libraries, personal services, indoor recreation, gyms, museums, offices, houses of worship

>>>/qresearch/13105484 A grand jury is expected seated this week in Fulton County, Georgia, to look into efforts by Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election (abcnews)

>>>/qresearch/13105512 ‘Transparently Security Theater’: Onlookers, Members Of Congress Call Bullsh*t On Capitol Police ‘Security Threat’

>>>/qresearch/13105555, >>>/qresearch/13105561 "QAnon Shaman" of January 6th attack on the Capitol tells his story for the first time from jail, as he faces up to 20 years behind bars

>>>/qresearch/13105581 YouTube CEO says will lift suspension on Trump’s channel when ‘we determine the risk of violence has decreased’ (rt)

>>>/qresearch/13105584 @US_CYBERCOM and @NSAGov wk together in legally & technically complex domain - so engaging great lawyers enables Commanders to understand law & policy needed…

>>>/qresearch/13105600 Cop-Hating Portland Commissioner Makes the News Again: This Time She Was Accused of Hit-and-Run – Then Hid in Her Apartment and Denied It Was Her

>>>/qresearch/13105782 #16679

(28 notables, 51 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30361

File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.jpg (18 KB,248x140,62:35,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13105609 Q Research General #16680: In Comfort Lies Complacence ~ USE CAUTION! Edition

Created 042256ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13105789 Q SHUTS DOWN CONGRESS

>>>/qresearch/13105795 Democrats Pass HR1 To Federally Weaponize Election, Then Lockdown Capitol and Ask for 60-Day Extension of Military Troops to Protect Them

>>>/qresearch/13105818, >>>/qresearch/13105864, >>>/qresearch/13105866 16676 / 16677 / 16678 Notables

>>>/qresearch/13105896 South-West Iceland's Been Hit by 17,000 Earthquakes This Week. It May Be About to Erupt

>>>/qresearch/13105997 Explosive Testimony: National Guard General Confirms ‘Optics’ Reason for Weak Capitol Security on January 6th

>>>/qresearch/13106006 Gov. Cuomo reportedly ‘groomed’ ex-aide for sex, ‘derailed’ her career (cover up of mass murder in nursing homes)

>>>/qresearch/13106018 Fake News ABC Desperately Tries to Drum Up Controversy After 4 Trump Supporters Show Up to ‘Planned March 4th Insurrection’ at US Capitol

>>>/qresearch/13106060 AtlanticResolve! @101CAB #Soldiers conduct search & rescue hoist recovery training in preparation for #CombinedResolve XV

>>>/qresearch/13106071 National Guard surprised by extension request and find no Q - inspired protesters

>>>/qresearch/13106086, >>>/qresearch/13106168 Former Pentagon chief Mark Esper joins McCain Institute

>>>/qresearch/13106123 "Trump’s CPAC speech" It's on Gab tv also

>>>/qresearch/13106131, >>>/qresearch/13106306 Michael Moore says Texans don’t Deserve Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/13106132 Jimmy Kimmel says "canceling" Dr. Seuss is "how Trump gets reelected," cancel culture is "his path to victory"

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210305034108/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7167641c2122c45975caf8059d0438211dd74ebbbcd516e030d4a8f102d45d82.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13106143 Joe Biden Joins Virtual Call to Congratulate NASA on Mars Rover Landing and it Goes Downhill After He Veers Off Script

>>>/qresearch/13106147 PF Report - Lots of helos up tonight. 51 right now - with Persist on for 30 minutes I saw 90 in the air during that period.

>>>/qresearch/13106178 Very strong 8.0 magnitude earthquake hits near New Zealand, the third 7+ earthquake today

>>>/qresearch/13106213, >>>/qresearch/13106258 We Were Repeatedly Warned Of March 4 Violence. Troops Were Met With Mild Weather And Joggers

>>>/qresearch/13106237 Daughter of Dr. Fauci works as a software engineer at Twitter, Alison Christine Fauci

>>>/qresearch/13106242 Biden DOJ Asks Supreme Court to Dismiss Sanctuary City Cases

>>>/qresearch/13106255 US Navy - Keeping up the good work.

>>>/qresearch/13106269 Who said Joe Biden can't draw a crowd?

>>>/qresearch/13106276 China using ‘emotion recognition technology’ for surveillance

>>>/qresearch/13106294 Nancy Pelosi downplays Q threat to Capitol as 'silliness' and said House votes for Thursday were cancelled 'as a convenience' because Republicans have an issues conference scheduled

>>>/qresearch/13106310 Cartels and smuggling networks on the U.S.-Mexico border are growing more sophisticated, bracing for a historic surge of illegal immigration this spring.

>>>/qresearch/13106315 San Diego zoo apes given experimental China Virus vaccine?

>>>/qresearch/13106325 Twin Eagles @usairforce F-15E Strike Eagles fly over Southwest Asia.

>>>/qresearch/13106330 Biden Cabal's Pick For Defense Policy Is A Russian Collusion Hoaxer Who Repeatedly Smeared GOP Senators On Twitter

>>>/qresearch/13106337 “I Was Smeared, Attacked, My life Threatened, My Daughter and I Were Stalked” – Biden Sexual Assault Accuser

>>>/qresearch/13106341 Deceased Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Releases First Official Press Release?

>>>/qresearch/13106342, >>>/qresearch/13106451 Catturd called out by Julian's Rum for the Paytriotism angle , Catturd rebuts but stays mum on the coffee mugs

>>>/qresearch/13106345 Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Behalf of Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/13106363 1,600 Immigrants Arrested Over 3 Days In Single Texas Border Sector: Official

>>>/qresearch/13106378 31 Missouri Judges Recuse Themselves from Lawsuit Alleging Family Court Guardians and Psychologists Orchestrated Money-Making Scheme

>>>/qresearch/13106419 Putin thumbing his nose at the Cabal attempts to oust him

>>>/qresearch/13106452 Mexican Ruling Party Denies Leader Was In Sex Cult

>>>/qresearch/13106494 Atlantic Council President & CEO @FredKemp introduces today's esteemed #ACFrontPage guest, @YouTube CEO @SusanWojcicki!

>>>/qresearch/13106514 Judge orders new election after 78% of mail in ballots found to be invalid

>>>/qresearch/13106523, >>>/qresearch/13106524, >>>/qresearch/13106527, >>>/qresearch/13106529, >>>/qresearch/13106530 Details of HR 1 'Against the People' Act

>>>/qresearch/13106543 List of DUMBs by State – Complete List of Known Military Underground Bases in USA

>>>/qresearch/13106554 IDF updating military plans for potential strike on Iran's nuclear sites - report

>>>/qresearch/13106556, >>>/qresearch/13106565, >>>/qresearch/13106575, >>>/qresearch/13106589 POS obiec bounced from notables

>>>/qresearch/13106618 #16680

(42 notables, 55 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30362

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13103347 Q Research General #16677: Q Research Lives - Thanks Jim! Edition

Created 041502ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13104227 RSBN has been suspended from YouTube for two weeks because of the Trump #CPAC2021 speech

>>>/qresearch/13104902 GA Grand Jury Set To Convene

>>>/qresearch/13104992 Live stimulus updates: Kamala Harris breaks Senate tie to begin debate on Joe Biden's COVID stimulus bill

>>>/qresearch/13105083 The Mechanic is a 1972 American action thriller film which was directed by Michael Winner

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=M91qbp_SNvI - The Mechanic [Channel: YouTube Movies]


>>>/qresearch/13105730 Alec Baldwin Quits Twitter Again Amid Fallout From Gillian Anderson Dig

>>>/qresearch/13105740 Two Paterson City Council Democrats Indicted on Voter Fraud Charges After Using Mail-In Ballots to Steal Election

>>>/qresearch/13113115 Owner of explosive-laden car parked outside India's richest man's house found dead

>>>/qresearch/13113125 :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=440x2CoxsrM - :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

>>>/qresearch/13113162 Federal investigators are examining communications between US lawmakers and Capitol rioters

>>>/qresearch/13113326 #16687

(11 notables, 11 posts, 5 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30363

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13110908 #16686 Q Research Winning Never Gets Old Edition

Created 051704ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13111310 First ever post in tweeter from Jrpsaki is in March 10 2020 just curious

>>>/qresearch/13111323 2 in NC arrested for paying for shipment of Indentured Servants from Honduras

>>>/qresearch/13111329 John McAfee and his top cryptocurrency adviser charged with fraud and money laundering by US federal prosecutors

>>>/qresearch/13111331 Tweet below is calling out FBI over lots of shit.

>>>/qresearch/13111335 Russian shipbuilders to lay down two advanced nuclear-powered subs in May

>>>/qresearch/13111343 Duke helicopter pilot may have shut off wrong engine before fatal crash, NTSB says

>>>/qresearch/13111358 house democrat sits on capitol steps to protest extremist threat

>>>/qresearch/13111387 CIA tweeting about Stealth A-12 Plane

>>>/qresearch/13111395 The Democrat Party and Fake News Media is an incestuous free for all

>>>/qresearch/13111884 #16686

>>>/qresearch/13111950 Multiple Anon Caps

(11 notables, 11 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30364

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13112826 Q Research #16687 President Trump Is Still Your President Edition

Created 051806ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13112849 anon notables

>>>/qresearch/13112853 BIDEN's Destruction of America - Day 44

>>>/qresearch/13112857 John Earle Sullivan (Left Wing Antifa Capitol FF organizer) in His Own Words (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ujgEcTGWaPI - John Earle Sullivan in His Own Words [Channel: Jason Goodman]

>>>/qresearch/13112878 Grenell is pointing to Kosovo / Albania.

>>>/qresearch/13112893 :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing. (video)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=440x2CoxsrM - :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

>>>/qresearch/13113089 GEORGENEWS on Telegram at 10:10 EST - Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

>>>/qresearch/13113102 False Flag C C? Christ Church?

>>>/qresearch/13113132 Schumann Report

>>>/qresearch/13113161 it is very interesting the "attack" started, and then first bread after… GO TO Midnight Riders / Warroom edition… What?

>>>/qresearch/13113177 Anon - I'd agree to 1 captcha per post on /qr

>>>/qresearch/13113693 #16687

>>>/qresearch/13113974 #16688

(12 notables, 12 posts, 2 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30365

File: 9ad11b0ec06450a⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13104090 Q Research General #16678: Thanks Jim - Q Research Is Grateful Edition

Created 041733ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13104123 Man arrested for allegedly carving Q slogan at ‘America’s Stonehenge’

>>>/qresearch/13104151, >>>/qresearch/13104153 History of Anti Trust and Lobbying in the US

>>>/qresearch/13104237 Catturd issues brilliant denial/non denial on Q - learn digital warfare

>>>/qresearch/13104287 New Normal: It's safer to leave a 7 year old at the bus stop than to let him get on the school bus without a mask.

>>>/qresearch/13104304 Another earthquake in NZ.

>>>/qresearch/13104306 Anon opine - Been following George News on Telegram and it’s been just like lurking here on the board. You just have that certain feeling that you are listening to Q it’s weird AF

>>>/qresearch/13104317 Washington Post: The anti-vaccine movement is comparable to domestic terrorism, and must be treated that way

>>>/qresearch/13104319, >>>/qresearch/13104320 Previously collected notables (right click to open so you don't lose your place in this bread)

>>>/qresearch/13104338 #16678

(9 notables, 11 posts, 6 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30366

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13106622 Q Research General #16681: Q Research Stock Rising Across The Globe Edition

Created 050252ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13106674 3 yr delta: Do not blindly believe

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=2l6JUNFAJ9o - Tom MacDonald - "Fake Woke" [Channel: Tom MacDonald]

>>>/qresearch/13106700, >>>/qresearch/13107139 Call for Anons to tweet #CuomoKilledTHOUSANDS tomorrow 3/5/21 at 12pm EST

>>>/qresearch/13106703 Requesting handoff

>>>/qresearch/13106740 Is it cringey enough yet? Gaffe with Dr. Swati Mohan from NASA/JPL today… …"I tell you what."…

>>>/qresearch/13106754 'Welcome to America, here's your welfare, Grant Stinchfield blasts the welfare scheme perpetrated by Congress in the name of 'pandemic relief' (video link)

>>>/qresearch/13106760 Q Post 2784 - One day you will be hearing about Qanon across ALL platforms. Qproof.

>>>/qresearch/13106761, >>>/qresearch/13106923, >>>/qresearch/13106974 , Gwen: Caldwell-podcast with the Russell-Jay (38:58) Quantum-Syntax-Grammar

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UO-AQ3wxXpo - :Gwen: Caldwell-podcast with the Russell-Jay: Gould. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=SgIhcn2vueY - We are always FREE to chose the Truth, but belief based on falsehood is NEVER fr [Channel: sparkgap]

>>>/qresearch/13106772, >>>/qresearch/13106790 Anon notices some news proving drops: Mar 04, 2021 Joe Clements: We need an internet ‘bill of rights’

>>>/qresearch/13106780 Trump's CPAC speech appears to still be up on the Sky News channel on YouTube.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=KJTlo4bQL5c - IN FULL: Former US President Donald Trump hints at 2024 run [Channel: Sky News]

>>>/qresearch/13106789 Lights… Camera… COVID! Faking the China Virus for the news

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210305073011/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/35174ad2c995956acc5f0cd1a56b641a77c72e1d1ae1959c8747d162ca558c3e.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13106806 CCP Report Suggests Tighter Grip on Hong Kong

>>>/qresearch/13106809 NPR: How hard could it be to be a Capitol police officer these days? The national guard does all the grunt work.

>>>/qresearch/13106834 NKNews: Kim Jong Un urges officials to stop ‘bluffing’ and boost crop output

>>>/qresearch/13106854 Haberman retweets: @EricaLG “The extraordinary intervention … was the earliest act yet known in … a monthslong effort by the governor & his aides to obscure the full scope of nursing home deaths.”

>>>/qresearch/13106885 Another gem from Bidan today. "Sorry, can't hear the question." And with that the meeting is wrapped.

>>>/qresearch/13106886 Outgoing baker advertised a ghost; Ghost cancelled

>>>/qresearch/13106892 Newsax: Fox CEO Calls Fox News 'Loyal Opposition' in Biden Era

>>>/qresearch/13106904 NTD: Expert: US–China Battlefield Moves Under Water. Like basket weaving?

>>>/qresearch/13106912 Baker cancels offer for relief

>>>/qresearch/13106913 Lin Wood Fireside Chat #14 (video link)

>>>/qresearch/13107000, >>>/qresearch/13107147 Explosive New York Times report claims that top Cuomo aides rewrote a report to change nursing home death total months before federal investigation began

>>>/qresearch/13107005, >>>/qresearch/13107016 Pence begins the attempt to rehabilitate his image

>>>/qresearch/13107026 Bill Clinton ‘Bagman’ Doug Band Provides Evidence To Feds Investigating Ties To Epstein ‘Madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell

>>>/qresearch/13107028, >>>/qresearch/13107029 ‘Wop’ Doesn’t Mean What Andrew Cuomo Thinks It Means (2018)

>>>/qresearch/13107041 Two-year delta on the 6th of POTUS reflection in the pen, IMG_445EXE.png

>>>/qresearch/13107074 Trump calls on Fox News to 'get rid' of Karl Rove, 'a RINO of the highest order'

>>>/qresearch/13107084 AF Global Strike retweeted by Air Force - 'Modernization is a must'

>>>/qresearch/13107106 Eugenics: Over 1,000 Female Prisoners in California Forcibly Sterilized Because ‘It’s Cheaper than Welfare’

>>>/qresearch/13107143 Baker ghosts again, and drops notes @450

>>>/qresearch/13107194 The Fibby says they gotem: Trump appointee arrested in connection with Capitol riot

>>>/qresearch/13107216 AP: Top aides to Gov. Andrew Cuomo altered a state Health Department report to obscure the true number of people killed by COVID-19 in the state's nursing home

>>>/qresearch/13107224 Johnson & Johnson vaccine introduces DNA into your cell nucleus and introduces a gene. What could go wrong?

>>>/qresearch/13107227 Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism

>>>/qresearch/13107228 Ghost cancelled a second time

>>>/qresearch/13107266 Cuomo accuser rejects his public apology

>>>/qresearch/13107304 Anon digging around on Gates: He likes to experiment on Black people? There are some interesting articles. Also intentional misinformation.

>>>/qresearch/13107318 #16681

(37 notables, 44 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13108193 Q Research General #16683: The Path Ahead Will Not Be Easy. We Will Win, We Always Win Edition

Created 051431ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13108216 Handoff

>>>/qresearch/13108242 Johnson, Grassley Release Report on Conflicts-of-Interest Investigation

>>>/qresearch/13108252 Joe's schedule for today

>>>/qresearch/13108286 [F]reedom [F]ries Canceled

>>>/qresearch/13108307 New Zealand Surf Reports…Auckland area…notice on pic the three circled areas

>>>/qresearch/13108351 Nancy Memes

>>>/qresearch/13108354, >>>/qresearch/13108393 Why is sys.8kun.top still missing from the DNS servers?

>>>/qresearch/13108370 Tucker Carlson Reveals ‘The Monster Under Every Liberal’s Bed’

>>>/qresearch/13108387 US Bishops Discourage Catholics From Receiving Johnson & Johnson Vaccine If Alternatives Available Over Abortion Lin

>>>/qresearch/13108391 I’m outraged that U.S. Capitol Police have requested to keep the nearly 5,000 National Guardsmen at the Capitol Complex for another two months without presenting clear and specific information.

>>>/qresearch/13108406 (You) #16681 Notables Final

>>>/qresearch/13108408 WAPO Admits That March 4 Threat at the U.S. Capitol From ‘Militant’ Trump Supporters ‘Proves to be a Mirage’

>>>/qresearch/13108411 ‘Impossible to trace.’ Tech savvy dad may be holding daughter captive in WA, cops say

>>>/qresearch/13108416 NotAF1 82-8000 flew from JBA to atlantic City

>>>/qresearch/13108436 Previously Collected Buns

>>>/qresearch/13108441 Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Caroline Speaks Out About Her Sexuality and Her Path to Polyamory

>>>/qresearch/13108442, >>>/qresearch/13108457 ‘We’re Not Giving Up’: 150 Missing Children FOUND in Tennessee as Part of Massive Rescue Operation

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=l3YiEfKlbyI - DarkToLight [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/13108458 Possible terrorist event in Wales?

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20210305184215/https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3209118198f0db0ab0f7846f46dbe0a19fe20968b82295d25331a692fac5ebdf.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13108474 CDC have plans it seems, @!%$% ghouls

>>>/qresearch/13108977 #16683

(20 notables, 22 posts, 13 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30368

File: a3bb2afe45c56f8⋯.jpg (35.61 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13129345 Q Research General #16699: The 'Throw The Coal In The Fire' Edition

Created 052127ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13129371 #16684

>>>/qresearch/13129430, >>>/qresearch/13129983 I got through the Lin Wood whistleblower transcript

>>>/qresearch/13129441 Calling out FaceBerg and Twatter

>>>/qresearch/13129477 Possible whistleblower?

>>>/qresearch/13129487 *SEC: Three AT&T Investor Relations Execs Aided and Abetted AT&T's Reg FD Violations By Selectively Disclosing Nonpublic Info

>>>/qresearch/13129573 Former City of Laurel Police Chief David Crawford, 69, has been denied bail in Howard County after being arrested

>>>/qresearch/13129574 Antivirus software pioneer John McAfee indicted for cryptocurrency fraud: U.S. officials

>>>/qresearch/13129619 Today's pentagon briefing.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yj7ZpsJG9A8 - WATCH LIVE: Pentagon press secretary holds briefing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/13129622 First VA 'Rona Death for Child Under 10

>>>/qresearch/13129639 Democratic congressman Swalwell sues Trump for EMOTIONAL DAMAGE

>>>/qresearch/13129647 Stephen Colbert Explains QAnon's New Alleged Plot In Snow Day Terms

>>>/qresearch/13129653 Australian reporters ‘angered’ after advice to stop using term ‘pedophile’ to refer to accused serial child molestor

>>>/qresearch/13129660 BIDEN's destruction of America Day 44

>>>/qresearch/13129662 John Earle Sullivan in His Own Words

>>>/qresearch/13129671 :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing.

>>>/qresearch/13129674 Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced a term she called “The Committee of 74,” a reference to the 74 million people who voted for former President Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/13129675 Boeing 737 MAX makes emergency landing after one engine shut down over suspected mechanical issue

>>>/qresearch/13129676 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

>>>/qresearch/13129678 Fort Lee, VA Being Considered to House Migrant Children

>>>/qresearch/13129691 Catholic group opposes Colorado bill that would give child sex abuse survivors the ability to sue their abuser at any time

>>>/qresearch/13129707 Pedophilia Now Legal In CA SB-145

>>>/qresearch/13129709 House Republicans Working to Block New ‘Wall Street Tax’ Proposals

>>>/qresearch/13129835 Today's pentagon briefing to watch during the bot attack

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yj7ZpsJG9A8 - WATCH LIVE: Pentagon press secretary holds briefing [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/13129925 West Virginia Governor Jim Justice lightened restrictions on the state once again,

>>>/qresearch/13129935 Iranian terrorists claim to have active cells in Washington, DC

>>>/qresearch/13129938, >>>/qresearch/13129943, >>>/qresearch/13129947, >>>/qresearch/13129951 Downtime Notes

>>>/qresearch/13129939 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has reportedly cancelled his expected visit to #Israel, after it turned out he was not #vaccinated

>>>/qresearch/13129948 BBC propaganda piece about children returning to school

>>>/qresearch/13129964 "Hey, I know, let's house the 'flood of migrant children' right next to the DC Pedovores!"

>>>/qresearch/13129966, >>>/qresearch/13129973 , Updated Clinton Kill List

>>>/qresearch/13130045 Dr. Fauci warns of COVID-19 spike in coming weeks, even with more vaccine doses

>>>/qresearch/13130340 American Airlines 737 MAX Declared Emergency After Engine Issues, Lands Safety In Newark

>>>/qresearch/13130822 #16999

(33 notables, 38 posts, 19 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30369

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13112860 Q Research 16688 Fallback Bread Edition

Created 051813ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13113078 Scientists Analyze Neolithic Skull Recovered from Cave in Italy

>>>/qresearch/13113112 Why That Sheep With the Overgrown Wool is “A Freak of Our Making”

>>>/qresearch/13113118 :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing. :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=440x2CoxsrM - :Federal-Postal-Court: Mortgage: Deed of the Trust: Syntax-Fraud-Trial-Hearing. [Channel: :FOREIGN-CORRESPONDENT.]

>>>/qresearch/13113127 The Cause The PRI$E of TREASON (part 1)

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=DBOAUcVz-vk - The PRI$E of TREASON (part 1) [Channel: The Cause]

>>>/qresearch/13113137 "John Sullivan in his own words"

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ujgEcTGWaPI - John Earle Sullivan in His Own Words [Channel: Jason Goodman]

(5 notables, 5 posts, 4 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30370

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13116436 16690 Fallback Bread Edition for Q Research

Created 051927ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13116457 Indirect Accusation as to cause of Spam

>>>/qresearch/13116458 Nancy Pelosi doing a great job spending your money to house homeless in San Francisco

>>>/qresearch/13116754 Trump Library Reminder

>>>/qresearch/13117224 Attacker support Update

>>>/qresearch/13117228 Cuomo likely to be stripped of emergency powers today as scandals deepen

>>>/qresearch/13117273 Software guru John McAfee and his top cryptocurrency adviser charged with fraud and money laundering by US federal prosecutors

(6 notables, 6 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30371

File: a157c048d7e7d16⋯.jpg (17.74 KB,255x200,51:40,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13119775 Q Research General #16691: Anons Never Give Up Edition

Created 052013ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13119838 Comms From Joe?

>>>/qresearch/13119840 Armour Anointed And Adorned

VIDEO http://web.archive.org/web/20220414012253/https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/605498783e9d92d1083e23e70fdd6600931e846852b6e574fe9479df6b8d59f8.mp4

>>>/qresearch/13119846 Iranian terrorists claim to have active cells in Washington, DC

>>>/qresearch/13119850 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has reportedly cancelled his expected visit to #Israel, after it turned out he was not #vaccinated against #coronavirus.

>>>/qresearch/13119856 "QAnon Theorists Switch Date to March 20 After No Trump Inauguration, Call the 4th 'False Flag'"

>>>/qresearch/13119899 EXCLUSIVE-U.S. government eyes Virginia military base to house migrant children amid border surge

>>>/qresearch/13120181 Corruption Exposed

>>>/qresearch/13120237 Why America Will Want Donald Trump Back in the White House

>>>/qresearch/13120362 OPFOR Update

(9 notables, 9 posts, 8 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30372

File: 2dbd48c01cc90a7⋯.jpg (8.55 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12780166 Q Research General #16314: Silver is Back Edition

Created 311755ZJAN21





>>>/qresearch/12780209 PROCEDURES

>>>/qresearch/12780211 Other

>>>/qresearch/12781021 #16314, #16315, #16316

(4 notables, 4 posts, 1 media/file)

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b8ca28 No.30373

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12813010 Q Research General #16356: Blue Horseshoe Likes MannKind Corp Edition

Created 032129ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12813790 (lb), Did the USMC Dress Blues Uni's change in the last 4?

>>>/qresearch/12813819 #16356

>>>/qresearch/12813917 #16356, #16357, #16358

(3 notables, 3 posts, 2 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b8ca28 No.30374

File: 6adbd031bf53a6d⋯.mp4 (798.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12988027 Q Research General #16550: Always 10 Steps Ahead Edition

Created 182250ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/12988783 Over the Target

>>>/qresearch/12988809 #16549

>>>/qresearch/12988959 Sen Cruz has Friends Waiting for him "Protestors?"

>>>/qresearch/12988960 #16550, #16551, #16552

(4 notables, 4 posts, 1 media/file)

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b8ca28 No.30375

File: 081542f8fc2ade5⋯.jpeg (377.23 KB,1314x830,657:415,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13007583 Q Research General #16567:

Created 201148ZFEB21




>>>/qresearch/13007648 Mypillow IP: Le Tits PA

>>>/qresearch/13007680 (You) missing bread title: #165667: REEEEEEEdition

>>>/qresearch/13007685 #16567

>>>/qresearch/13008019 Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal

(4 notables, 4 posts, 2 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30376

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13113860 16689 Fallback Bread Edition for Q Research

Created 051859ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13114930 Pompeo Tweets…

>>>/qresearch/13114939 Near the Start of the Attack

>>>/qresearch/13114944 California Freakshow

>>>/qresearch/13115415 pb

(4 notables, 4 posts, 2 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13113887 17 Research #16689: Fight Edition

Created 051859ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13114918, >>>/qresearch/13114934, >>>/qresearch/13114980, >>>/qresearch/13115402, >>>/qresearch/13115701

>>>/qresearch/13115346 OB Former CIA Agent Reveals Human Trafficking Business Model

VIDEO https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=Tn_KcWR06l8 - Former CIA Agent Reveals Human Trafficking Business Model [Channel: Valuetainment]

>>>/qresearch/13115695 OB China has big money reason to look at Taiwan

(3 notables, 7 posts)

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b8ca28 No.30378

File: a157c048d7e7d16⋯.jpg (17.74 KB,255x200,51:40,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13120598 Q Research General #16692: Anons Never Give Up Edition

Created 052027ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13120637 BBC propaganda piece about children returning to school

>>>/qresearch/13121155, >>>/qresearch/13122346, >>>/qresearch/13122808 "Clinton Kill List"

>>>/qresearch/13125028, >>>/qresearch/13125436 GANNETT ~ USA Today ownder drops comic strip 'Mallar Fillmore' for 'not meeting standards' after jabs at trans athletes ~ (Agnet?)

>>>/qresearch/13125169 Comfy

(4 notables, 7 posts, 4 media/files)

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b8ca28 No.30379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13109023 Q Research General #16684: Still Winning Edition

Created 051644ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13109028 16683

>>>/qresearch/13109033 >>######## #16681, >>######## #16682, #16683

>>>/qresearch/13109034 https://twitter.com/JohnLilic/status/1367664332033712130?s=20

(3 notables, 3 posts, 1 media/file)

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b8ca28 No.30380

File: 7f2e0d5e536eece⋯.jpeg (276.33 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/13109757 Q Research General #16685: And Still Winning Edition

Created 051652ZMAR21




>>>/qresearch/13109796 Stephen Colbert Explains QAnon's New Alleged Plot In Snow Day Terms

>>>/qresearch/13109803 FF "Cancel Culture"?

>>>/qresearch/13109804 Biden called off strike against second target in Syria to avoid killing civilians, say officials

(3 notables, 3 posts, 1 media/file)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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