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606f1e  No.12836606[Last 50 Posts]

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606f1e  No.12836618


>>12831571, >>12831467, >>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK

>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>12829845, >>12829848, >12829858 NOTABLES ARCHIVE

>>12820368 :MEDIA-COMMAND-LETTER. :Peaceful-Solutions.

>>12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final


>>12747424, >>12747431, >>12747438, >>12747442, >>12747447, >>12747452, NOW THEY COME FOR THE GUNS. - H. R. 127

>>12713994, >>12714009, >>12714014, >>12714024, >>12714432 Bidens first big bill. This will destroy America as you know it.

>>12720520, >>12720533 Bookmark this The Office of Donald J. Trump

>>12693790, >>12695941 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released

>>12792878, >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com


>>12253134, >>12774404, >>12253135, >>12253456 Baker Handbook Flash Version - LEARN TO BAKE

>>12829657 Hollywood Insider dishes on Pedophilia (VID Removed?)

NotablesNot Endorsements


>>12835930 , >>12835951 , >>12835958 , >>12835981 , >>12835966

>>12835984 Puppy Bowl 17 to feature Jill Biden message - Q post 4484 - Super Bowl > puppy show

>>12835986 Transgender Navy SEAL: President Biden's executive order repealing a Trump-era transgender military ban is "going to give a lot of other individuals that chance to finally be themselves" WTF???

>>12835987 MAGA Cap In Tom Brady's Locker

>>12836000 , >>12836025 First picture is from a reporter captioned: Biden getting on AF1 today for his flight to Delaware - Except he didn't get on AF1.

>>12836009 Secret Service dog comms?

>>12836030 Pittsburgh Hospital (UPMC) massive data breach

>>12836047 , >>12836265 Fox Business cancels 'Lou Dobbs Tonight'

>>12836158 , >>12836223 Anon opines about Super Bowl and FBI deaths re:Human Trafficking

>>12836172 Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War (video)

>>12836243 US Supreme Court Schedules Pennsylvania Election Case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan Case and Lin Wood’s Georgia Case for Feb 19 Conference

>>12836267 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds' new Emergency Proclamation starting Sunday: No mask mandate / No limits on gatherings / No limits in Public Establishments

>>12836302 , >>12836250 Mike Lindell: Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America, Rumble link & Mike Lindell direct link

>>12836332 The Capitol FF broken down - FALSE FLAG (video)

>>12836370 Presumptive vice presidential nominee KamalaHarris has chosen “Pioneer” as her Secret Service code name, according to a report (Donner Party?)

>>12836394 , >>12836374 Trump issues support for Lou Dobbs

>>12836450 Anon opines - Even if you're feeling down - get some exercise EVERY DAY, get outside EVERY DAY. We have a long way to go...

>>12836582 , >>12834504 anon connects jill biden/US secret service dog comms

>>12836600 #16385

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606f1e  No.12836621


>>12835162 tech companies could soon be able to form independent government zones in NV

>>12835175 video surfaces showing thousands of ballots delivered to MI after hours

>>12835185 businesses that dropped MyPillow

>>12835188 Greene Says Republican Votes Against Her Are a ‘Big Betrayal,’ May Cost Party Majority in 2022

>>12835209 spreadsheet of IPs from mike lindells election fraud documentary

>>12835217 UK political candidate claimed to have had kinky sex with an alien that led him to fathering an extraterrestrial child.

>>12835243 MSNBC Condemns Obama Advisor For Criticizing Biden

>>12835259 OAN runs giant disclaimer warning before airing MyPillow guy’s documentary claiming to present ‘100% proof’ of election fraud

>>12835265, >>12833784 trumpet news flynn interview analysis

>>12835274 Britt Reid, a Kansas City Chiefs linebackers coach and son of head coach Andy Reid, is under investigation for driving impaired after police say he was involved in a three-vehicle crash Thursday

>>12835293, >>12835335, >>12835337, >>12835358, >>12835451, >>12835595, >>12835616 anon digs, biden was on AF2

>>12835299 LGBTQ Americans at heightened risk for severe coronavirus symptoms, CDC says

>>12835307 ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’: US congressman tears up while apologizing for his ‘white privilege' on House floor

>>12835314 Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill

>>12835316 “You Owe the American People an Apology. You Lied About President Trump” – Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene RIPS CNN Hack at DC Press Conference

>>12835347 #NY22: Republican Claudia Tenney Ousts Brindisi Leaving Democrats Just a Five Seat Majority

>>12835350, >>12835379, >>12835775 The Military and Air Force One 2 more cheerleeders from netflix's "cheer" charged w/ sex crimes against children

>>12835386 John Kerry defends taking private jet to accept climate award in Iceland

>>12835411 twitter kek: If Trump appeared, tapped any of these worthless Democrats on the shoulder and said…….. BOO…….. they would wet themselves.

>>12835427 Americans Filmed Living Life Normally In Naples, Florida Triggers Outrage On Twitter

>>12835439 Supremes to consider taking lawsuits challenging 2020 election If accepted, likely would not be heard until October

>>12835454 $100 Bill with a Trump stamp: Withdrawn from an ATM in Houston

>>12835460 Three Democrats file paperwork to challenge Lauren Boebert in 2022

>>12835469 biden tweet re: american rescue plan/Q connection

>>12835500 US, UK special forces injured in anti-ISIS raid, report says

>>12835518 Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin is the first alleged rioter to have pretrial detention order overturned.

>>12835397 watch mike lindells election fraud documentary on https://michaeljlindell.com

>>12835527 Exclusive: Navy CNO On Rooting Out Extremists

>>12835530 MO house passes ban on enforcement of federal gun laws

>>12835531 Mayor Lightfoot Issues Ultimatum to Chicago Teachers

>>12835541 Microsoft: No Donations Through 2022 to Lawmakers Who Opposed Biden Certification

>>12835603 The Mysterious Case Of Disappearing Influenza

>>12835610 NY Times Producer Andy Mills Resigns Amid Continued Caliphate Fallout, Renewed Scrutiny of Misconduct Allegations

>>12835612 ICE tweet: Feb. 6 is Zero Tolerance Day for #FGM. Female genital mutilation is a human rights violation with severe, enduring mental and physical health impacts for women and girls.

>>12835615 oan repeating lindells election fraud documentary all weekend

>>12835630 FLASHBACK: Lincoln Project Cofounder Steve Schmidt Was Too ‘Untrustworthy’ for Donald Trump

>>12835640 biden remarks re AF1: >>12835630 FLASHBACK: Lincoln Project Cofounder Steve Schmidt Was Too ‘Untrustworthy’ for Donald Trump

>>12835659 NEW - Biden says Trump should not receive intelligence briefings anymore (CBS)

>>12835675 Pelosi and Democrats Break Over 200 Years of Precedent and Ban Minority Party Member from House Committees

>>12835684 Doddering Biden Boards Air Force One En Route to Delaware After CDC Tells Americans Not to Travel

>>12835708 CON INC? Mike Pence Gets Heritage Foundation Post

>>12835715 GOPers ask Acting Sgt at Arms to fine Pelosi for not passing through magnetometers yesterday to enter the chamber. Say multiple mbrs observed her bypassing mags

>>12835730 TRAVELSORT: TSA will fine face mask violators up to $1,500

>>12835736 mike lindells absolute proof of election fraud documentary on rumble

>>12835768 latest interview with general flynn hosted by doug billings

>>12835775 The Military and Air Force One

>>12835776 puppy bowl XVII to feature jill biden message/Q connection

>>12835822 Mike Lindell has a Gab TV channel now. Absolute Proof has been uploaded to his channel.

>>12835855 #16384

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606f1e  No.12836624


>>12834379, >>12834830, >>12834856 PF reports, biden plane did not use AF1 callsighn

>>12834385, >>12834766, >>12834952 VIDEO: President Biden Flies Home To Delaware On First Air Force One Trip/a different AF1?

>>12834402 kimberly guilfoyle: Democrats don’t want civility or unity, they want absolute power and control. They wouldn’t even join with @mattgaetz to recite the pledge

>>12834462 2013: Majority in U.S. Still Believe JFK Killed in a Conspiracy

>>12834472 MyPillow mike's election fraud documentary on bitchute

>>12834488, >>12834614, >>12834910, >>12834614, >>12834973 castle rock entertainment dig/anon connect trumps "who cares" with melania's i dont care jacket

>>12834501 A former secretary [unnamed of course] from the Stutthof Nazi concentration camp has been charged with complicity in the murders of 10,000 people, German prosecutors said Friday

>>12834504 anon connects jill biden/US secret service dog comms

>>12834510 dan trolling the #NY22 election fukery

>>12834516 Joe Biden boards Air Force One, wheres jill?

>>12834524, >>12834578 Rasmussen Reports Tweeted Summary From "Absolute Proof" Video

>>12834542, >>12834606, >>12834657, >>12834694, >>12834811 JUST IN- fox news has canceled lou dobbs tonight, host not expected to be back on air

>>12834636 BREAKING: New York judge rules that Republican Claudia Tenney has defeated US Rep. Anthony Brindisi by 109 votes in last open race.

>>12834649 VIDEO: CNN inside a Qanon meeting

>>12834644 Russia's National Guard says its website faced major DDoS attack from abroad overnight

>>12834659 UN chief reappoints Michael Bloomberg as climate envoy

>>12834697 Gov. Reynolds lifts face mask mandate, other COVID-19 restrictions in Iowa

>>12834746 USA Today: enough with America's 'thank you for your service' culture. It's betrayal, not patriotism.

>>12834755 Hunter Biden and Michael Cohen top Amazon's Best Sellers in Chinese Biographies Today

>>12834767, >>12834639 biden already back in DE just 17 days after tearful goodbye

>>12834774 The new Biden administration border and immigration policy is already resulting in a massive tidal wave of illegal immigrant crossings into the United States, a migratory wave that Arizona law enforcement is calling “Obama 2.0.”

>>12834783 Biden received more money from teachers unions than any other candidate in 2020

>>12834787 biden tweet: This morning, I met with House Democratic leaders to discuss the American Rescue Plan.

>>12834797 Sebastian Gorka: Democrats Working on Amendment for NSA, CIA to Target Americans as Terrorists

>>12834832 Democrat lawyer Marc Elias has filed a lawsuit citing voting machine "irregularities" in the New York District 22 U.S. House of Representatives race

>>12834851 state dept sideshow: jen psaki's most embarrassing fails, most entertaining grillings

>>12834876, >>12834915 Trump Supporter and Mother of Two Fears for Her Life and Her Children’s Safety After Kathy Griffin Doxxes Her Family

>>12834914 Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof of Election Fraud Video (Alternate Backup) Here

>>12835009 Video Documentary – The Pre-Planned Capitol Hill Protest and Riot Narrative Exposed

>>12835029 trump statement re dobbs cancelled: “Lou Dobbs is and was great. Nobody loves America more than Lou. He had a large and loyal following that will be watching closely for his next move, and that following includes me.”

>>12835052 501 Deaths + 10,748 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show

>>12835082 JUST IN: Lincoln Project co-founder Jennifer Horn resigns from the organization, citing the revelations surrounding co-founder John Weaver

>>12835085 The Queen has appointed Andrew Parker, Baron Parker of Minsmere, as Lord Chamberlain, the senior officer of the Royal Household

>>12835098 #16383

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606f1e  No.12836626


>>12833932, >>12834030, >>12834051, >>12834220, >>12834225, >>12834227 PF reports

>>12833602 Casino Claims Slot Machines Aren't Rigged, Just 'Fortified'

>>12833609 NFL commissioner roger goodell in letter to bien offers stadiums as vaccination sites

>>12833612 kek hunter biden memoir listed #1 best seller under "chinese biographies" on amazon

>>12833614 KM tweet re: defends van jones against left PANIC for taking a pic with candace owens

>>12833621 Military rulers of #Myanmar have banned #socialmedia.

>>12833629, >>12833688 anon 11.3 theory

>>12833650 President Biden on new jobs numbers: “At that rate it’s gonna take 10 years before we get to full employment. That's not hyperbole. That's a fact."

>>12833654 mike lindell's election fraud documentary important 24 min exerpt

>>12833677 Biden admin likely going back to 'good old days' of Iran nuclear deal: McFarland

>>12833683 Alabama Senator Has Indicated He Won't Run Again

>>12833690 GOP Donors Join for Newsom Recall

>>12833698 Group Paying Off Mortgages for 2 FBI Agents Killed in S. Florida

>>12833702 >>12833671, >>12833947 #NY22 update: judge denies request for recount

>>12833706 Capitol rioter ‘QAnon Shaman’ moved to Virginia jail that serves organic food

>>12833707 VIDEO: ontario canada, Kid was sitting on his skateboard behind a parked cop car, cops didn't like it.

>>12833708 Nude ‘wood sitting on a bed’ meme included in Capitol rioter complaint

>>12833723 ICC has jurisdiction to probe Israel, Hamas for war crimes, pretrial judges rule

>>12833194, >>12833742 dig: from cisa/gchq aug 2020: Alert: potential legacy risk from malware targeting QNAP NAS devices

>>12833745 The Virginia House and Senate have both approved landmark legislation to abolish the death penalty in the commonwealth

>>12833765 anon opines on his hope of what is to come

>>12833812, >>12833634 anon: MyPillow = sweet dreams, lindell Q connection

>>12833837 March 5th is the 75th anniversary of the UKUSA Agreement – a historic and lasting partnership between the UK's @GCHQ and USA's NSA.

>>12833844, >>12833893 Rep.@replouiegohmert (R-TX) introduced legislation Friday that would force President Joe Biden and his administration to abide by Biden’s own “dictatorial” mask mandate

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606f1e  No.12836631

#16382 cont'd

>>12833867 Calls for Bank of America boycott grow after data given to FBI

>>12833878 BERNIE SANDERS: ‘It Was Never My Intention To Raise The Minimum Wage Immediately And During The Pandemic’

>>12833889 Yesterday DNI Haines visited @NSAGov, our nation’s leader in cryptology – the art and science of making and breaking codes

>>12833896 China and Russia have formed axis of power, NATO’s top general warns

>>12833908 anon decodes possible suicide weekend for friday Feb 26

>>12833917 bucks county PA congressman is sole PA republican to supoort MTG committee removal

>>12833922 links to mike lindell's election fraud documentary

>>12833957 TIME Mag: “Trump Was Right. There Was A Conspiracy, Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media & Controlling Information.”

>>12833989 Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, Once Bragged with Ben Rhodes “We’re Liars” and “Lying Footsoldiers”

>>12833997 The QAnon Shaman feels played by Trump, lawyer says

>>12834015 ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’: US congressman tears up while apologizing for his ‘white privilege' on House floor

>>12834028 Dr. Fauci Secretly Ordered Chinese “Animal Experiments” With Disturbing Links to COVID Outbreak

>>12834041 ‘He’s a Private Citizen… He Has Been Working to Unwind His Investment’ – Psaki When Asked About Hunter Biden’s 10% Stake in Chinese Investment Firm

>>12834052, >>12834040 U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses

>>12834077 Pentagon blog warns that freedom leads to populism, which “undermines national security”

>>12834093 2.37 Persons out of 100 May Experience the Inconvenient Side Effect of DEATH from mrna vaccine

>>12834096, >>12834159 Scavino trolling the news about #NY22 election "irregularities"

>>12834120 heavy.com: Ashli Babbitt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

>>12834141 huber tweet re: US marshalls in DC So many brave professionals put it on the line for our safety, and for law and order. We wish a speedy recovery for the seriously injured deputy marshal, and we are mindful of family and friends, as well.

>>12834152 Gab.com: "Now that John Matze has been ousted by the Mercers, perhaps it's time to speak a little more freely about Parler

>>12834158 Dems Are Calling This 'Sedition': Missouri Subverts Biden Gun Laws, Nullifies Federal Statutes

>>12834162, >>12834183 mike rothschild PANIC re: mike lindell documentary and Q

>>12834163 USSS This week the Secret Service lost a dedicated member of our Explosive Detection Canine team.

>>12834176 COVID-19 Killed 14% Of New York’s Nursing Home Population

>>12834125 archive of the orginization mentioned in the TIME magazine article

>>12834276, >>12834272 #16382

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606f1e  No.12836632


>>12833096, >>12833143 PF reports

>>12832814 irregular warfare dig

>>12832860, >>12832881 The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator

>>12832906 VIDEO: It is for your health - Dutch covid stormtroopers

>>12832912 MSNBC's Nicole Wallace suggests we use domestic Drone strikes on Americans as a solution to lockdown protestors!

>>12832931 Unrestricted or non linear war uses "psychological operations" or Information Operations to attain military economic and social objectives.

>>12832952 Air Force investigating after man gained unauthorized access to Joint Base Andrews

>>12832953 NYT senate intel committee wil look at russian influence in capitol "attack"

>>12832981 @PentagonPresSec John F. Kirby holds a briefing.

>>12832992 lindell doc: Skip to 1 hour and 36 minutes for the new absolute proof

>>12833015 ‘He’s a Private Citizen… He Has Been Working to Unwind His Investment’ – Psaki When Asked About Hunter Biden’s 10% Stake in Chinese Investment Firm

>>12833017, >>12833002 obama face book climate change dig

>>12833037 Time Magazine: ‘Secret,’ ‘Well-funded Cabal’ Worked to ‘Protect’ 2020 Election

>>12833043 Ecuador: #US-Backed Gov’t Scrambles to Privatize the Central Bank Before Elections.

>>12833047 Dominion’s uses solarwinds network software. On December 13, the US government pulled solarwinds off all federal networks due to its massive security vulnerabilities.

>>12833052 China Claims All Uyghur Concentration Camp Victims, Witnesses Are Fake

>>12833059, >>12833083 4 local men indicted for seeking to sexually assault kids in FBI sting operation

>>12833060 GAI ‘Cannabis Cronyism’ Report: Top Democrats Financially Benefit from Ties to Marijuana Industry

>>12833086 Serbian Man Extradited to U.S., Charged with $70 Million Fraud in North Texas

>>12833113 Drugged, tattooed, forced into prostitution: Qld couple accused of keeping women in sexual servitude front court

>>12833120NEW: 42 GOP lawmakers press for fencing around Capitol to be removed

>>12833129 Price tag of ongoing National Guard presence in D.C. up to $500 million: report

>>12833194 from cisa/gchq aug 2020: Alert: potential legacy risk from malware targeting QNAP NAS devices

>>12832969, >>12833212, >>12833222 Pennsylvania DA, 44, is charged with raping at least five women in his office with a noise cancelling machine on when he worked in the private sector/ so many 44s lately

>>12833229 Pelosi hopes House can pass COVID-19 relief within two weeks

>>12833236 based ricky gervais' legacy goes far beyond his golden globes speeches

>>12833286 ‘He’s a Private Citizen… He Has Been Working to Unwind His Investment’ – Psaki When Asked About Hunter Biden’s 10% Stake in Chinese Investment Firm

>>12833292 Mike Lindell Releases Explosive Documentary on the 2020 Election – “ABSOLUTE PROOF” Film Includes Testimony and Interviews from Experts on Historic Fraud in 2020 Election

>>12833302 Seriously? 'View' Hosts Accuse Van Jones of Providing 'Racial Cover' for Trump

>>12833317 alleged James Clapper Interrogated - and he tells all, and he names names.

>>12833328 Scarborough Slams Evangelicals For 'Bizarre, Bizarre, Bizarre' Concern About Abortion

>>12833330 states top doctort says infertility could be side effect of covid

>>12833333 quads confirm trump won

>>12833377 ‘We are lost’: Fox News suffers worst ratings in 20 years

>>12833388 Rudy Giuliani slams radio station live on air for adding disclaimer to his show: ‘We’re not in East Germany’

>>12833422 #NY22 election may get overturned

>>12833433 Hunter Biden moves family to $5.4million canal-front home in Venice

>>12833445 The Curious Case Of The Hedge Fund That Made $700 Million On GameStop

>>12833460 #16381

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606f1e  No.12836635

Previously Collected Notables

>>12831061 #16378, >>12831916 #16379, >>12832678 #16380

>>12828760 #16375, >>12829539 #16376, >>12830301 #16377

>>12826404 #16372, >>12826766 #16373, >>12827964 #16374

>>12824089 #16369, >>12824859 #16370, >>12825618 #16371

>>12821698 #16366, >>12822441 #16367, >>12823243 #16368

>>12819979 #16363, >>12820086 #16364, >>12820892 #16365

>>12816175 #16359, >>12816933 #16360, >>12817728 #16361

>>12813917 #16356, >>12814567 #16357, >>12815343 #16358

>>12811404 #16353, >>12812115 #16354, >>12813004 #16355

>>12809039 #16350, >>12809849 #16351, >>12810662 #16352

>>12806778 #16347, >>12807547 #16348, >>12808310 #16349

>>12804467 #16344, >>12805239 #16345, >>12806015 #16346

>>12802119 #16341, >>12802951 #16342, >>12803715 #16343

>>12802506 #16338, >>12803294 #16639, >>12802107 #16340

>>12797217 #16335, >>12802495 #16336 >>12798908 #16337

>>12794895 #16332, >>12795649 #16333, >>12796425 #16334

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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606f1e  No.12836638

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606f1e  No.12836641

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>12772779 ————————————–——– Australia #13

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>>12514711 ————————————–——– Germany #74

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

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>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12673719 ————————————–——– UK #30

>>12704334 ————————————–——– Vatican #3


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


!!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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606f1e  No.12836643




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a63e96  No.12836679


Confirm Handoff

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606f1e  No.12836689


Not yet.

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45e643  No.12836694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nurse in Broward County, Florida says there will be a planned COVID crisis next week. - YouTube

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25770e  No.12836701

File: bc356613c24ca43⋯.png (944.36 KB, 1838x1176, 919:588, aircraft_one.png)

someone give it a big red NOTABLE

Aircraft One Vs Airforce One….spot the difference

am i seeing this right? is there different versions? any planefags wanna chime in?

pic sawce:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NMsNS5UWDc&t=218s (Biden aircraft)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-d63VHcZC4&t=79s (Trumps)

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0b6149  No.12836707

File: 88cf4d27f7f36de⋯.png (9.73 KB, 736x86, 368:43, ClipboardImage.png)


C'mon man.

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1b05f1  No.12836708



You know way more on this than I do.

I understand cause I am wlaking part of this story.

But that is some of the joy in it for me, is not reading it all and knowing.

I just need people to see where I am in the book.

I think I have no name.

I just show up.

personally, i feel like I am a trumpet.

but, i still read the book literally

and I wonder where teh trumpets are

so i live this metaphor version and then it takes flight in real life

super wild stuff


thank you for sharing

any more you have let me know

i have this old soul and talk to God

but people dont understand

that doesn't mean i know everything

or have answers

i do it like everyone else

i ask around and people tell me

God is funny cause I did at first, I wouldn't shut up, like what is gonna happen, where am I , who are you, are you really God, blah blah blah. I would not shut up to God for YEARS and YEARS.

Anyway. I find it true that God is a friend and we are all made in his image to some degree.

I usually just find myself... kinda talking to myself.

But. It is different, cause if the Lord tells me to smear shit on my face and run down the street naked, I would.


>>12836650 lb

Logic is learned in school.

Common sense you are born with.

Demons use logic.

People use common sense.

Do you know the difference?

demons do not

people do

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9a89e8  No.12836709

File: 561e0cbd1e13ab6⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 600x637, 600:637, PigTYB.jpg)



not actually mrpig so don't filter me plz

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e16b66  No.12836710

Oh you sweet summer child. Very whiteout statement concerning this.

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606f1e  No.12836711


KB - you out there?

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53d322  No.12836712

File: a1f9152f3f9897c⋯.gif (5.4 MB, 512x384, 4:3, Rapid_Randy.gif)

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53d322  No.12836713

File: 5af1811c597de7a⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1464x1811, 1464:1811, 1612580799548.png)

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51cb06  No.12836714

File: 9e0abd7ed579ca6⋯.png (622.86 KB, 751x500, 751:500, ClipboardImage.png)


TY, baker.

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53d322  No.12836715

File: 9ad44a5af045c9a⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1390x1908, 695:954, 1611624630302.png)

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9e5c17  No.12836716

>>12836445 PB

Billy goats stink -- resolves the sniffing process that Biden does constantly

He just checking for the odor of billy goats

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53d322  No.12836717

File: 997d77bf4d79f63⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1242x2135, 1242:2135, 1610749762991.png)

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2f2c76  No.12836718

File: 25d0f9754bf5fca⋯.png (73.86 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….png)

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53d322  No.12836719

File: 796ad6d2a079754⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1242x2135, 1242:2135, 1610749664964.png)

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53d322  No.12836720

File: a6c09140b8960ff⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1330x1995, 2:3, 1610719074687.png)

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1b05f1  No.12836721



either you are in favor with the Lord

and need nothing from me

or you care not for the Lord

and you shoud read

it may save you from a journey back to Earth aka as hell.

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578ebe  No.12836722

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53d322  No.12836723

File: bae92cc62fe6ae7⋯.png (225.89 KB, 633x406, 633:406, 1612580575739.png)

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eea163  No.12836724

File: bd66a389fcdde8d⋯.png (1.16 MB, 587x958, 587:958, dasdsadasfga.PNG)

File: 87e7277b496b51a⋯.png (130.32 KB, 378x136, 189:68, dsadsadasf.PNG)

File: 3228427eecb9378⋯.png (469.09 KB, 651x359, 651:359, fsdfsdfsdg.PNG)

File: 6cb1b231caa1686⋯.png (252.03 KB, 904x438, 452:219, fsdfsdfsdgsd.PNG)

Aren`t you guys into stocks?

I guess this will be worth thousands in a few short years.

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5c9d6f  No.12836725


s-should I be?

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000000  No.12836726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

nailed it

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606f1e  No.12836727


You gonna take the bake?

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53d322  No.12836728

File: 9744e3bb319bb7f⋯.png (223.11 KB, 389x610, 389:610, 1612580086104.png)

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eea163  No.12836729

File: ea1a1d597ff7a7a⋯.png (932.7 KB, 983x1156, 983:1156, dadasda.PNG)

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f5e10a  No.12836730

>>12836698 -next bread-

calls itself?

i'm sorry, I don;t have internet.

can you explain?

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53d322  No.12836731

File: 1010e1cab448563⋯.png (46.59 KB, 276x168, 23:14, 1612579926851.png)

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5c9d6f  No.12836732

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1b05f1  No.12836733

fucking democrats

they channel syrians

they channel arcturians

they channel pleadians

they talk to mother ayahuasca

they talk to little gnomes on DMT

they do allister crawley stuff like it is real


dud comes along



i channel the Lord

and that is dumb to them..

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a34043  No.12836734

File: c8bccf3ecc27e64⋯.png (529.56 KB, 1026x720, 57:40, pepe_tribulation_rapture_2.png)

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e75595  No.12836735





this is how stupid they think you are anons.

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3ef9b4  No.12836736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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53d322  No.12836737

File: 52ae772c7b21f13⋯.png (71.79 KB, 343x296, 343:296, 1612579548524.png)

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41539b  No.12836738

File: 8c50d562e5ba2bf⋯.png (38.21 KB, 817x615, 817:615, ClipboardImage.png)

Get ready night shift bitches

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45e643  No.12836739

Hospital in Washington state detaining people until they submit to a covid test

This is a 12 minute video of the family and others going nuts trying to get a 74 year old woman released.

She went in for a urinary tract infection and the hospital detained her and put her on oxygen (as if she had covid) and they are probably going to kill her. There's no question they want her added to the Covid stats. That reminds me -

We brought my father in law to a neurologist last year during the Covid scam because (this time) he tripped on a curb and broke a tooth. This is not the same incident that happened a few years ago, (not related to it at all). The neurologist looked at his brain scan and told him his brain looked GREAT. And then he went off topic and said Covid was a scam being pushed by the Jews. And I was like, OH BOY, HERE WE GO. I never even told him that, he figured it out himself . . . .

So she (the neurologist) then said, "Maybe your brain is NOT in good condition, I think you need further testing. And I said HELL NO, IT IS A SCAM and the only error he made was saying that here and saying who's doing the scam. And it was at the end of the appointment so we left and she was circling us saying it is NOT a scam and I did not budge. She was flipping out. And when we got to the exact same doors we entered they were locked. And then the other doors were locked. And the staff was like "That's weird, they are not supposed to be locked, and they let us out a staff entrance. Obviously that doctor sounded the alarm and wanted us detained, and it was supposed to be a secret so much of the staff did not know. When we were just getting back to the car the cops arrived at the door we were first trying to leave through, we got in the car, and someone immediately pulled up behind us to prevent us from backing out (an expensive car, not a junker.) Parking help and "Tamale guy" flipped out and started screaming "You can't block them in" (I was thrilled by how they flipped out, it was PERFECT) and he VERY reluctantly backed up and we got TF out of dodge.

I have no doubt that if we had not escaped that hospital we would have been added to the Covid stats.

I reported on this a while ago. And this is exactly the kind of thing I believe is happening in American hospitals now, either you go along with the covid scam or you'll be detained. The old lady probably told them Corona was B.S. and she was not as lucky as we were. So they want to force a test, declare her positive, and kill her. I bet a $50 that is EXACTLY what this is about.


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8795a1  No.12836740

File: e6dcc90e842d19b⋯.jpg (35.21 KB, 700x420, 5:3, e6dcc90e842d19b2bd2f33b61e….jpg)

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23d5b0  No.12836741

File: 2c5941118e4b87c⋯.jpeg (102.64 KB, 720x705, 48:47, TRUMP_2020.jpeg)

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578ebe  No.12836742


I never asked for it

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65ff1f  No.12836743

told you

it is NOW


the video of Mike Lindell

the shortened to the point part of the full video

where he show the evidence with the forensics lady and all the proof

was simply titled


but YT says it violatied YouTube's Community Guidelines



This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.

Learn more


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53d322  No.12836744

File: 103fdf1af2fa20b⋯.png (87.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1612575640569.png)

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5619d8  No.12836745

>>12836370 pb

kamala believes she will be the first woman Prez

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53d322  No.12836746

File: 0a25c66541a27f8⋯.png (263.36 KB, 823x531, 823:531, 1612575500005.png)

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000000  No.12836747



everyone who thinks you're retarded is a democrat

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cf06dd  No.12836748

File: 5daeb93a16ce6c6⋯.jpg (615.84 KB, 1158x1775, 1158:1775, nJUQHB0.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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c58adb  No.12836749


>>12836679, >>12836709, >>12836711, >>12836712, >>12836714

Has the post length been reduced lately? Getting message that post is too long. Have posted longer ones in the past. What is…?

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e76975  No.12836750

File: a8b7dabeec43fd1⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 500x549, 500:549, 4wwyjf.jpg)

>>12835959 lb

Nice digits

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53d322  No.12836751

File: 2bade10d9bcadb0⋯.png (350.4 KB, 794x794, 1:1, 1612575137978.png)

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53d322  No.12836752

File: 4addbf01048fde4⋯.png (630.05 KB, 1024x937, 1024:937, 1612575080100.png)

File: a8d6dce789040c6⋯.png (401.46 KB, 727x600, 727:600, 1612574649641.png)

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23d5b0  No.12836753

File: cb84fcbce043735⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 720x716, 180:179, cb84fcbce043735fabb25b8753….jpg)

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41e48d  No.12836754

File: c675d0fe937f138⋯.png (118.88 KB, 316x233, 316:233, ClipboardImage.png)



the wing tip flipped up at the end bit

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b0c6b5  No.12836755

File: fa752aded11f285⋯.jpg (948.27 KB, 1337x744, 1337:744, dobbs.jpg)

File: 7bc64241a1916cd⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1707x912, 569:304, fauxbanj.png)

GOOD for Lou! Literally relieved for him. Finally free from that censored cesspool. Only thing sad about - not surprising he didn't get to get the last word in.

OANN needs to offer him an hourly show during weekdays to break Wall & Franco up. (Their delivery/vocal clarity need improvement.)

Lou knows how to be a NEWS anchor anyway, could get back to his roots - even if he spent the hour digging in to actual current NEWS items all by himself.

Screw hannity & the rest of the clowns left at faux. They're too used to dramatics/theatrics, and wouldn't know how to break down legitimate NEWS without worthless FILLER anyway.

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dfcfad  No.12836756

File: 91bc30b01665874⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 508x445, 508:445, IF_PIG_HAD_TITS.jpg)

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578ebe  No.12836757

File: 953aedd39bb360d⋯.png (68.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, reaperComfy.png)


I'm the first post.

I think I found out how stupid they are.

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e76975  No.12836758

File: 25f1a19cd527a16⋯.mp4 (679.03 KB, 480x404, 120:101, 4IpfkL578cvtprhn6BJ8_05_11….mp4)

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3ff681  No.12836759

File: 60600b632f35915⋯.jpg (160.43 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, 60600b632f359154985293bd50….jpg)


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65ff1f  No.12836760





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ab9c1a  No.12836762

File: e81e92832ab2103⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sS8gyBK5ra36IOr6.mp4)

File: 033b51bfc6ab783⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 2020_11_29.jpg)

>>12836582 (lb)

>>12834504 (pb) anon connects Jill biden/US secret service dog comms

Their dog is freaked out and has been for a long time, this is the dog that Biten took a picture of, whatever they do to their dogs is horrifying. No dog ears look like that when they are happy, they have to be intimidated and beaten. I hate these people

he broke his foot trying to pull the dog into the shower with him

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5c9d6f  No.12836763

File: 629710144a2a2b4⋯.png (714.58 KB, 697x496, 697:496, kek_bees_dd_mashup.png)

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606f1e  No.12836764


Was it you that asked for the bake last bread?

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000000  No.12836765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e9c96a  No.12836766

File: 28e261aa67c8032⋯.jpg (246.89 KB, 500x544, 125:136, joe_biden_pedo.jpg)

File: 43f95e043349ca2⋯.jpg (109.75 KB, 500x426, 250:213, pelosi_gender_neutral.jpg)

File: 6b887b349ae15b5⋯.png (226.87 KB, 512x383, 512:383, the_dave_hog.png)

File: e7edc24696ac755⋯.jpg (161.17 KB, 500x332, 125:83, kamala_wants_to.jpg)

Featuring Dave Hoggs new pillow catalog

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8a36a9  No.12836767

File: 4896d0b34798041⋯.png (146.19 KB, 414x334, 207:167, C4C1133E_F43D_4821_B015_A9….png)


TY, night shift.

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a63e96  No.12836768

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21d288  No.12836769

File: 498f449d99f58ad⋯.jpg (317.17 KB, 866x486, 433:243, Polish_20210205_211649957.jpg)

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2649f2  No.12836771


cool maybe peta will come arrest him

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4e9c70  No.12836772


Should be Taylor Green - Gatez

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8795a1  No.12836773

File: 75a202f5ba83b96⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 901x667, 901:667, 75a202f5ba83b96442e8ad815e….jpg)


Shit don't expand …. reposting for any collectors

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41e48d  No.12836774

File: 48454ba50fc68e6⋯.png (359.74 KB, 566x488, 283:244, ClipboardImage.png)


landing gear

paint to cockpit, paint not to cockpit

the whole fucking plane is different

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c72f40  No.12836775


I was getting so mad at all the news, (Safe Tech, Lou Dobs etc) that i wanted to throw something…then i saw this meme.

Thank you, Anon.


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b703ef  No.12836776

File: 80d0c441090f56c⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1513x760, 1513:760, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12836623 lbpb

found some more pictures



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65ff1f  No.12836777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



archive NOW



12,681 views•Feb 5, 2021


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e13639  No.12836778

File: 21010074fef7b92⋯.png (702.76 KB, 890x501, 890:501, ClipboardImage.png)

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a57f86  No.12836779


look everyone a poet.

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a63e96  No.12836780

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23d5b0  No.12836781


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8d44da  No.12836782

andmy kittens , "heres your snack foods " Q and anon "smoke and mirrors nothing given" fucking fake ass shit

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2f8f86  No.12836783


An honor to The Great Lou Dobbs


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c58adb  No.12836784

File: ca556c40af9380e⋯.png (77.83 KB, 749x600, 749:600, 1.png)

File: aaa48804a50895a⋯.png (76.04 KB, 726x530, 363:265, 2.png)

File: 2eb372a6229b491⋯.png (74.11 KB, 755x510, 151:102, 3.png)

File: 6246264ff86896d⋯.png (90.36 KB, 739x600, 739:600, 4.png)


Lincoln Project Founders, Advisors, Funders, Chuck Schumer and More

Influence Watch

Lincoln Project Founders


The Lincoln Project lists eight founders, all of whom are current or former members of the Republican Party. [10]

George Conway III

Reed Galen

Jennifer Horn

Rick Wilson

Mike Madrid

Ron Steslow

Steve Schmidt

John Weaver

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746424  No.12836785

File: 801cd490c6bdc30⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8f67fe69fe523e40e7d4725909….jpg)

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21d288  No.12836786

File: 3286abe47acb171⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Polish_20210205_212002419.jpg)

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f5e10a  No.12836787


did you just quit posting that ufly shit morse, and start w/ stvpid cats?

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37b6b5  No.12836788

File: cbf6ce8417c42ae⋯.jpeg (941.85 KB, 1109x1854, 1109:1854, 542EE921_E70A_4112_B917_A….jpeg)

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9e5c17  No.12836789


Come on Shills – just gave you an out for Biden over the Pedo Claims floating everywhere

And you empty headed bastards won't even lift a finger to help

Grab the slide and run with it ya lazy sods

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b6f704  No.12836790

>>12834093 (pb)

This is 2.37% of all reported side effects, not 2.37% of everyone who has the vaccine.

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4e9c70  No.12836791


Reported for gore

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23d5b0  No.12836792

File: 80e4af4e3ee7353⋯.jpg (146.84 KB, 932x626, 466:313, 80e4af4e3ee7353db4924e911d….jpg)

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0da1df  No.12836793

>>12836489 p

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38fdf9  No.12836794

File: d9a6c00598c5ef6⋯.png (229.36 KB, 1179x215, 1179:215, archon_in_human_form_descr….png)

File: 04d0c7879b6df10⋯.jpg (247.44 KB, 791x1079, 791:1079, archon_hook_nose_chair.jpg)

File: fc19704fc7b25c6⋯.jpg (49.28 KB, 500x621, 500:621, jewish_hats_archquloids.jpg)

File: 3a0643cccbf440d⋯.png (794.9 KB, 1881x774, 209:86, archon_1.png)

File: 5e8b928db824302⋯.png (541.92 KB, 652x681, 652:681, jew_traits_cain_withered_f….png)

>>12836535 (pb)

Sylvie makes a simple to understand concept too complex because she doesn't name them. They came in human form to try to eliminate the beings of light. They hijacked an identity and by the time this was even discussed in biblical writings their DNA had already degraded (think Asgard) and the bible refers to it as withered FRUIT. Zacharia was running a red head breeding op trying to snatch some of that good non withered DNA. That's why he was stoned to death–for being an adulterer.

They really fucked up with the Rh- neg which was detrimental to their survival and required consanguineous marriage in order for both mother and child to survive. They then did what they always do..flipped the script and tried to make Rh- a good thing. LOL nope.

Why do you suppose "abraham" REALLY sent his wife Sari into Pharaoh's harem? When Pharaoh discovered the ruse he sent Sari back to "Abraham" with a midwife.

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0c46b2  No.12836795


Different shape of front cockpit. Nose on Dear Leader's plane is lower :D

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41539b  No.12836796

File: 9cb386bcc77c7e1⋯.png (354.21 KB, 660x373, 660:373, ClipboardImage.png)


it closely resembles Air Force 2

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606f1e  No.12836797

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31fd50  No.12836798

File: f715663abace0ee⋯.png (565.05 KB, 495x389, 495:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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23d5b0  No.12836799

File: a5c79a2ac546e73⋯.gif (773.58 KB, 260x173, 260:173, a5c79a2ac546e73ab5eeee799d….gif)

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8d44da  No.12836800

>>12836782 me and

me and my kittens , "heres your snack foods " Q and anon "smoke and mirrors nothing given" fucking fake ass shit

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000000  No.12836801

mr pig is an image response bot

modeled off of a chat bot

its not very good

but you are falling for it so

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7497ae  No.12836802

File: 32f7dc68c7f26b1⋯.png (85.1 KB, 552x515, 552:515, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3bbed4df0fd7f0⋯.png (25.07 KB, 579x454, 579:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02cc12b66d00791⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1024x651, 1024:651, ClipboardImage.png)

when does a bird sing?


John F. Kennedy – Lancer

Jacqueline Kennedy – Lace

Caroline Kennedy – Lyric

John F. Kennedy, Jr. – Lark

Rose Kennedy – Coppertone

Ethel Kennedy – Sundance

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c58adb  No.12836803

File: 220fd286cebdc79⋯.png (105.13 KB, 876x643, 876:643, 5.png)

File: 8d0617a88495adf⋯.png (52.48 KB, 722x644, 361:322, 6.png)

File: 2b0fabd753631c2⋯.png (70.55 KB, 728x592, 91:74, 7.png)

File: 001f99a1e075747⋯.png (95.63 KB, 735x604, 735:604, 8.png)



Lincoln Project Founders, Advisors, Funders, Chuck Schumer and More

Influence Watch


Lincoln Project


"The Lincoln Project was founded by eight current and former Republican political operatives: George Conway III, Reed Galen, Jennifer Horn, Rick Wilson, Mike Madrid, Ron Steslow, Steve Schmidt, and John Weaver. Critics have questioned the motives of many of these individuals: Conway reportedly has a longstanding personal feud with Trump, Schmidt and Weaver have been accused of engaging in political gamesmanship for publicity, and companies connected to Galen and Steslow received lucrative contracts from the Lincoln Project."

George Conway III

Reed Galen

Jennifer Horn

Rick Wilson

Mike Madrid

Ron Steslow

Steve Schmidt

John Weaver

"Though the Lincoln Project has an unusually high rate of small donors, many of its large funders are wealthy donors to Democratic candidates and PACs, including billionaire hedge fund manager Stephen Mandel, Silicon Valley billionaire Ron Conway, and Walmart heir Christy Walton. In addition, the Lincoln Project has paid employees and consultants with ties to the Democratic Party. In November 2020, Federal Elections Commission filings showed that Majority Forward and Senate Majority PAC, Super PACs affiliated withSenate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer(D-NY), had contributed to Lincoln Project.[3]"

Anons may be interested in looking at the references cited by Influence Watch in this report. There is a lot of information here.

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0da1df  No.12836804

File: 27aa3537c6aedf0⋯.png (200.61 KB, 468x245, 468:245, yellen_spaceball.png)

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578ebe  No.12836805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Don't forget this faggot earlier swore he was not JonDoodle, then just admitted it is JonDoodle.


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65ff1f  No.12836806





archive now

mirror it spread it


@ 1:35:00


that is where the in real time visual shit is shown


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f5e10a  No.12836807


Do you know that if you die w/ a cat in the hose, she will start eat your eyes, fingers, ears, nose?

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039462  No.12836808

That was a sweet barrel roll.

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7dac55  No.12836809

File: 829f462617e1062⋯.gif (120.33 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 829f462617e106265aa40368ef….gif)

Castle Lock

fren ready

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23d5b0  No.12836810

File: 5e16f9ec72c569e⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 148x281, 148:281, d7eefd297c75c40fa7717a7fd5….gif)

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eea163  No.12836811


Its kinda cute tho

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67d496  No.12836812

I've heard that the United States Corporation is dissolved. Which case was that, exactly? A friend is trying to research it and found this:


Why does that company have the following dba listings, among others?

China Teletch Holding Inc.

China Telecom (America) Corporation

It appears that this case is dismissed and closed. Is there another?

Maybe the correct case belongs in the Globals section before the Notables?

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c14ff1  No.12836813

File: 6c9ce9fe03f2e97⋯.png (410.84 KB, 607x336, 607:336, ClipboardImage.png)

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eea163  No.12836814



Love has no beginning, bitchessssssssss

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23d5b0  No.12836815

File: 08bd7cc069cb235⋯.jpg (450.21 KB, 887x1200, 887:1200, EKeZWEYU8AEH63F.jpg)

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3ef9b4  No.12836816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9c9846  No.12836817

File: 89e6722546ec22b⋯.png (472.04 KB, 1053x1556, 1053:1556, ClipboardImage.png)

It is over. 45 has now, through an attorney, called himself a private citizen and not the president. End this pathetic charade. It is over.

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139ba1  No.12836818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen to this poem. It'll stun you. STUN you, I say.

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000000  No.12836819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ai is never cute

ai is always faggot

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23d5b0  No.12836820

File: 7fef21ac3e9bf1b⋯.jpeg (995.83 KB, 1534x2048, 767:1024, f0a9d326314896f0998863e7b….jpeg)

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f5e10a  No.12836821


cock svcker.

a dog will just die on your chest, and die of huingry, stvpid incult.

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41539b  No.12836822

File: c7eb4d1f443ca96⋯.png (32.3 KB, 725x263, 725:263, ClipboardImage.png)

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c58adb  No.12836823

File: 5dd5b12bee95e95⋯.png (71.9 KB, 770x606, 385:303, 9.png)

File: 5e38734067e74e5⋯.png (84.54 KB, 751x631, 751:631, 10.png)

File: 8654ff10d2e46af⋯.png (73.85 KB, 695x652, 695:652, 11.png)

File: 6471f78ac253eca⋯.png (46.36 KB, 925x514, 925:514, 12.png)



Lincoln Project Founders, Advisors, Funders, Chuck Schumer and More

Influence Watch


Lincoln Project


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578ebe  No.12836824

File: 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 980x653, 980:653, lemmy.jpg)


Oh Kek Bee.

Sorry for the confusion.

That whole KB question confused the fuck out of me.

You guys are so smart.

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a93a88  No.12836825


Go get the other posts please.

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d8526f  No.12836826

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eea163  No.12836827

File: 295aee23a496d40⋯.jpg (57.6 KB, 457x664, 457:664, c5643cc9a72d20a5c2e451f2f2….jpg)

File: 563f67887047ab5⋯.jpg (314.05 KB, 2000x1415, 400:283, 23orb_superJumbo.jpg)

File: a96f4b5c477708f⋯.png (79.05 KB, 165x180, 11:12, groupiesbecraycray_9_.PNG)

The eye is on top of the pyramid and thus it can see all.

Meaning the entity on top of the pyramid is in the best position to make decisions for the rest of the hierarchy(pyramid).

Everything under the Capstone has the sole purpose of keeping the eye elevated to preserve it`s ability to see and thus make wise decisions for the rest of the hierarchy.

Who decides who becomes the capstone? Here we enter the realm/dimension of ideas.

"God"/The eye is the set of ideas that triumphs over all other sets of ideas in all possible hierarchies of ideas.

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2f8f86  No.12836828



So Lou didn't get a final show? Fucking BS!!

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dfcfad  No.12836829

File: a3d00eb509f4457⋯.jpg (63.65 KB, 489x622, 489:622, WTF_MORSE.jpg)

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b703ef  No.12836830

File: 719c2855360f349⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1588x841, 1588:841, ClipboardImage.png)


and one that got splotched already.


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730d64  No.12836831


Interesting - singing bird - lyric. WHAT does a bird sing, WHEN it sings?

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759db2  No.12836832

File: aafbd07059f7b27⋯.jpg (310.33 KB, 1080x1146, 180:191, 20200104_200422.jpg)

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cdfd86  No.12836833


The state of this fucking board.

Boeing 757-200

Boeing 747-300

Totally different aircraft type.



This is starting to look like a basic shill slide.

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5c9d6f  No.12836834

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41539b  No.12836835

File: 29e85debe15f79e⋯.png (36.52 KB, 735x386, 735:386, ClipboardImage.png)

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23d5b0  No.12836836

File: b27dd721a6e4749⋯.gif (14 MB, 397x292, 397:292, WTC_VII.gif)

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5f2ac5  No.12836837


Because he wasn't 45, not of the Republic.

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8d44da  No.12836838

youre all just bullshit Q and anon is fake fucking bullshit. best wise up , patriots will take it from here, its gonna get mega bloody

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9e5c17  No.12836839


Spreadum is just as guilty as Biden over voter fraud

Don't think she can fuck her way into that seat like she did all the rest

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31fd50  No.12836840



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1b05f1  No.12836841


The Lord is only a fear-creating creature

When you don't respect him


he wants to know us

you can respect the Lord

without respecting me

the Lord doesn't want me disrespected

I am his conduit

I wouldn't be the conduit for the Lord if I was gonna turn around and question it all.

I dont worry about what I write

I type it

It is the Lord typing

a typo is not a mistake to us

or whaetver

it is legible?




Lord wants to know people through the conduit

so.. do not think the being who speaks from the Lord or whatver, is GODLY

i am not A GOD myself.

I am a mortal.

I am an embodied mortal though


i can look around

i just made up those words

to describe my experience

and i can do that

cause there is alwyas

scripture and stuff to back it up

i cant "be wrong"

not because i am perfect

but because this comes from the Lord

the Lord doesn't tell me to fuck a girl on Tindr

but i do it anyway

that is different than me talking on his behalf

I don't filter the content through my brain

I am not "bias" in my personal favor

in fact, from my personal perspectvie, the body me, I gve to you

I am serving you personally, on behalf of the Lord

I am your conduit, you yell at me, i tell you again, i am here to help.

but it could take several generations of people like me saying "hey, i am the conduit guy" before people take that serious

you are in alighnment

you have teh benefit

of hearing the Lord speak to you very directly

the Lord alys speaks but not the same


I feel bad for you all personallly


I have the Lord talking to me

and nobody has any questions

or anything

I guess that is good

it means everyone read the book and doesn't need anything

I am just not that good with the scripture and stories so maybe I project a bit

like i dont know

i am personally trying to be a <good dude>

like always

i don't want to be a bad guy

and at this point

i sure dnont want to piss off the Lord by questioning if he is the devil cause I got this Zeus thing now


i gotta go look up zeus

i dont know how zeus goes in the Bible

it has to be

on a separate cycle

like Jesus came in [SOME} cycle


the Techer was born mid-larger cycle

you have days, and weeds, and months, and years, and solar years, solar alignments and galactic alighments


and the Lord is part of all of those processs

youi are the source, the begining, the center, yes.

but all those process govern life

I said earlier

You had the Lord before Jesus, you just didn't have Jesus

so the Lord appeared a long time ago and Zeus arrive, and now here I am

maybe Zeus comes in mini-cycles and Jesus came in a major cycle?

okay. look at Krishna.

This was not Jesus

Krishna was not the Son of God

but the teaching was pretty identical

i am pretty sure the Lord taught Krishna how to be … the best Jesus, before there was a Jesus to be the best at

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23d5b0  No.12836842


Pull it

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d8526f  No.12836843

File: 88dea35531969af⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 564x619, 564:619, seerved.jpg)

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25b674  No.12836844



Red Pill Jesus Digit Connection

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1e13a1  No.12836845


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c58adb  No.12836846

File: 2a3098a9eb1cb57⋯.png (50.76 KB, 765x496, 765:496, 13.png)

File: e82d51080590869⋯.png (102.61 KB, 703x596, 703:596, 14.png)

File: bb385eb75facd0c⋯.png (83.59 KB, 664x417, 664:417, 15.png)

File: b0e12ce354333fe⋯.png (87.42 KB, 710x609, 710:609, 16.png)

File: a5115449c95d29c⋯.png (48.96 KB, 1311x635, 1311:635, 17.png)



Lincoln Project Founders, Advisors, Funders, Chuck Schumer and More

Lincoln Project




Sally Canfield

Chip Felkel

Molly Jong-Fast

Sophia Nelson

Tom Nichols

Tara Setmayer

Chris Vance

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407039  No.12836847



The new "fake oval office" slide.

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a28c64  No.12836848

File: 9e7c95c13fbb029⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 540x344, 135:86, Mickey.jpg)

The Thirty Tyrants

The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta


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0c46b2  No.12836849

File: a77b622074a3c84⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2002x1324, 1001:662, 1522E71C_EBB4_481A_84FE_A6….png)

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56ef2f  No.12836850




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606f1e  No.12836851


Got it. I wouldn't want to bake with OSS/Gerbil lurking either. They have a way of doing that to people.

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b52ef8  No.12836852


You should watch the pillow guy’s election fraud video. Seems that Biden wasn’t elected by the people.

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8d44da  No.12836853


broadcast systems fail now it gets fucking bloody

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c14ff1  No.12836854

File: 1eafb187eef49ba⋯.png (625.26 KB, 620x612, 155:153, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab9c1a  No.12836855

File: 6ce466f8e345979⋯.jpg (56.41 KB, 720x497, 720:497, 20210205_202511.jpg)

File: 81af71c791d51ed⋯.jpg (163.54 KB, 720x1184, 45:74, 20210205_202522.jpg)



Washington, D.C. Republican senior staffer arrested for child p-rn

We have researched the identity of an individual mentioned to us, who was just arrested in Washington D.C. for child pornography.

We have found a unique name and age match in DC, matching a public profile indicating the individual has recently worked as a senior GOP staffer.

Media is in the process of confirming the details for publication

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730d64  No.12836856


Hahahaha….they are making desperate moves when they are this out in the open. WE SEEEEE YOOOUUUUUU

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1b05f1  No.12836857


Actually. Democrats have a special DNA.

I assume you live in the Beltway or California and share the DNA?

If you do not. I can show you.


Yes. Techincally, scientifcally.

People who do not agree with me are morally different and genetically different, they are British, I am German, they live in the North and in Cali, I live in the midwest.

Now. I think you try to insult me with the liogic.

If you want to use logic, go look up what I said and try to say something informed on the issue.

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4e9c70  No.12836859


Nice. A bird sings When the storm has cleared.


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759db2  No.12836860

File: 2b01023ae6c5081⋯.png (572.44 KB, 1086x737, 1086:737, ClipboardImage_7_.png)

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8d44da  No.12836861


you failed us the tree will get watered

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a64fd8  No.12836862

I reckon the main source of the enemy's PANIC is that for once in their whole lives they have no idea what's coming. They know in their bones they've lost control, and they don't understand it. Lack of faith is TERRIFYING.

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3ff681  No.12836863

File: 86037a27abfe5b8⋯.jpg (304.62 KB, 1837x1585, 1837:1585, 86037a27abfe5b87ad1e236152….jpg)

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3972f1  No.12836864

File: 697201f9ad97445⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 400x374, 200:187, boys.jpg)


Lucky Larry Silverstein Wants MORE

$4.55 Billion Not Enough! -

In case you don't remember, he's the big time New York PRIVATE "developer" who got the $2 billion dollar settlement from insurance claims arising from the destruction of the World Trade Center. The largest settlement in US regulatory history, bringing his total take from the insurance claims to $4.55 billion. He got that money in May of 2007.

But that wasn't enough for him. And now, almost two years later, he's back for more.


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0c46b2  No.12836865




Air Force One is for Number #2

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c58adb  No.12836866

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a28c64  No.12836867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There’s colors on the street

Red, white, and blue

People shuffling their feet

People sleeping in their shoes

There’s a warning sign on the road ahead

There’s a lot of people saying we’d be better off dead

Don’t feel like Satan, but I am to them

So I try to forget it any way I can


Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

[Verse 2]

I see a woman in the night

With a baby in her hand

There's an old street light

Near a garbage can

Now she put the kid away and she’s gone to get a hit

She hates her life and what she’s done to it

There’s one more kid that’ll never go to school

Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool


Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

[Electric Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]

We got a thousand points of light

For the homeless man

We got a kinder, gentler machine gun hand

We've got department stores and toilet paper

Got styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer

Got a man of the people says keep hope alive

Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive


Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

Keep on rockin' in the free world

[Electric Guitar Solo]


Keep on rockin' in the free world

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c2c238  No.12836868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Nurse in Broward County, Florida says there will be a planned COVID crisis next week

Based lady.

You can sit here if you like

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45e643  No.12836869


My bad, sorry

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4e9c70  No.12836870



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1b05f1  No.12836871


the voice in my head

it says that it's name is the Lord

it calls it self the lLord

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578ebe  No.12836872


You used a period instead of a comma

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9a89e8  No.12836873


not that I'm aware of.

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8d44da  No.12836874

too many Q false flags Q is invalidated.

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b52ef8  No.12836875

File: 9e43a3aa9f081e9⋯.jpeg (116.52 KB, 640x957, 640:957, F2AD416E_FB18_4BDC_A9FF_7….jpeg)


Not a giant dog. They are eating people whole. National emergency.

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a64fd8  No.12836876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You can begin to imagine just how seductive theosophy is. Talk about a god-complex.

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56ef2f  No.12836877

Weird fuckin song. Dont like it. >>12836859

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5f2ac5  No.12836878

Very slow news week.

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8d44da  No.12836879

Americans take over from here

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4e9c70  No.12836880

File: 7cab58f838de4e6⋯.png (532.41 KB, 491x485, 491:485, C00BDDD0_07B7_420A_A7AF_10….png)


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9e5c17  No.12836881


You lying bastard – worse case of a false stolen identity ever

Hell this even tops all the stolen password lies told by countless spouses

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dfcfad  No.12836882

File: 60bfbbce4bb61f4⋯.jpg (108.23 KB, 521x556, 521:556, CAT_NIP_BOI.jpg)

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37b6b5  No.12836884



There’s a reason the schools stopped teaching Greek and Roman history.

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e13639  No.12836885


So they did find some tings on those laptops?

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8d44da  No.12836886

fuck Q and anons

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23d5b0  No.12836887

File: 7ff3d9d4a33e0e7⋯.png (125.42 KB, 364x293, 364:293, gk2.png)


Self-report to teh kittah

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9a89e8  No.12836888

File: 345aa730b6408bf⋯.jpg (4.08 KB, 225x225, 1:1, kittay3.jpg)


Have to be a pretty big hose.

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b0c6b5  No.12836889


According to this, nope.

Dobbs’ program, which airs twice nightly at 5 and 7 p.m. Eastern on the Fox Business Network, will have its final airing Friday, according to a Fox News representative who confirmed the cancellation. Starting next week, the program will be called “Fox Business Tonight,” with rotating substitute hosts Jackie DeAngelis and David Asman, who filled in for Dobbs on Friday. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-02-05/fox-news-cancels-lou-dobbs-tonight?_amp=true&__twitter_impression=true

Had someone always bitching about how Lou "interrupted" people too much. Tried to tell them the reason, but they'd have none of it. They are STILL stuck with faux, therefore know absolutely nothing.

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50df63  No.12836890

The Biden fake Presidency deception isn't for us. We know it's all fake. it's a deception for the Chinese.

Show what you see, but don't splash it all around.

Once they take the bait, their arrogance will sink them. No other time in history has our miltary been so yoked.

We already won the war, the moves have to be made.

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759db2  No.12836891

File: 430d4fbb6bace6e⋯.jpg (152.95 KB, 1280x965, 256:193, 6459cdca_1_.jpg)

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730d64  No.12836892


And then, the shockwave

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8d44da  No.12836893


limp dick pathegens.

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e13639  No.12836894


>fuck Q and anons

Your mom's a whore and she should have aborted (You).

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578ebe  No.12836895


Cue FBN ratings cratering.

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ddc4cf  No.12836896


BrowardParkland ff, sheriff Israel etc

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4e9c70  No.12836897


Dumb fox.

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c58adb  No.12836898

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31fd50  No.12836899

File: 1bacd4f8ff48f45⋯.png (285.75 KB, 361x1385, 361:1385, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb87ce  No.12836900



This. What IS notable is why Biden is not flying on the 747, which is expressly designed and reserved for the President. Sure, there could be maintenance reasons, scheduling reasons, etc. But it looks highly fishy to this anon, considering the OPTICS that go along with a President's first flight somewhere.

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38fdf9  No.12836902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12836677 (pb)

Robin just picked up old chatter. The threat is real, but it's not knew, his "voice in his head" is just slow.

>>12836415 (pb)

>A true MAGA patriot would never do any of that shit and we all know it.

Which is exactly my point...Sullivan aka deep state AP filmed and edited the entire thing to inflame....embedded vid is Josh Philips interview with experienced Japanese reporter who proves how edited the footage Sullivan "clipped" for CNN and for message boards actually was. "Babbit" was AIR FORCE deep state like Sullivan, his daddy and his brother...these are the PUPPETMASTERS aka deep state. Antifa/BLM are just their useful idiots.

This is another crossroads interview with a highly respected war reporter (and likely the source of many of the photos exposing, for example, the fake white hat ops in Syria).


Both are well worth the watch....they literally prove what everyone is so hungry to know

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b08bf4  No.12836903

File: f303f4b738c8496⋯.png (3.85 KB, 460x137, 460:137, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Q.png)

>>12836802 We are coming up on the one year anniversary since this Q post. It's one of my favorites.

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578ebe  No.12836904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b05f1  No.12836905


If you think I am retarded and don't make snse

You live in the Beltway or Cali problem.

I bet your parents are democrats, at least one of them.

If one is a democrat, I bet she comes from a more wealthy family than the republican.

There are exceptions..

But I think 70/30 ffor both

70% of each <biopolitic> is match

30% is.. not


you have statistical significance between democrat/republican and party affiliation, but it is not 100%

but it isn't meaningless either.

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0b54d9  No.12836906

File: 3cd4a8eb4869031⋯.png (332.26 KB, 500x371, 500:371, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sure anons across the globe can locate every property Kathy Griffen owns across the US and abroad so as to keep a safe eye on her as well.


Be Seeing you…

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31fd50  No.12836907

File: acdc554cc610718⋯.png (202.21 KB, 2689x609, 2689:609, ClipboardImage.png)



triperoos' meowed

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d0b34b  No.12836908

File: bb031f3de0b08e8⋯.png (629.31 KB, 1253x913, 1253:913, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12836909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

meme a lyric, mr pig

do it and ill be impressed

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8795a1  No.12836910

File: 0eae054a195c14f⋯.jpg (210.53 KB, 1034x1577, 1034:1577, 0eae054a195c14fc1476d730f0….jpg)

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25b674  No.12836911


posted on youtube Jan 15th.. guess dig and see if it happened.

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0c46b2  No.12836912

File: 1fa4a15967e62c0⋯.png (330.83 KB, 638x528, 29:24, E3BADB6A_1C37_438F_8D04_E8….png)


That plane is not for The Big Man.



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fcda8b  No.12836913

File: 7673b4d6199241c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1157x1054, 1157:1054, Screen_Shot_2019_05_31_at_….png)

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5c9d6f  No.12836914


I baked this morning, kek.. Gerbils mad at me because I ghosted it when he showed up and told him to fuck himself

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a93a88  No.12836915


What's the "Watkins approved" thing doc (supposedly) is talking about?

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488213  No.12836916

File: 258bd099e323662⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1920x2500, 96:125, ClipboardImage.png)



Hottest girl out there….

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5590e1  No.12836917

File: f71298cb62779c4⋯.jpg (160.9 KB, 709x373, 709:373, f71298cb62779c455fb5a7f16d….jpg)


the 12th is the big day.

save this post.

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2f8f86  No.12836918


Anon posted tweet above re Trump's lawyer who was booked on the 5 pm show and then canceled

This is ridiculous. The Great Lou has put too many years in the news trenches to be treated this way. Outrageous!

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df882f  No.12836919

>>12835370 PB

holy shit Miss Everdeen or Evergreen??

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578ebe  No.12836920


You just kinda dropped out after 3rd grade huh?

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23d5b0  No.12836921

File: 9903aa5639f3f0f⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 213x163, 213:163, pepegk.jpg)

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7497ae  No.12836922


could it be a Republican who voted to impeach Trump or one who voted oust MTG off committee?

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000000  No.12836924


>>>12836535 (You) (pb) (me)

That big nosed gray appears to perhaps be fucking an animal under that blanket

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0263c7  No.12836925

It would be helpful if we knew what he wanted.

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139263  No.12836926

File: 885e3a8b7279a89⋯.jpeg (13.92 KB, 240x255, 16:17, 1b380dedcc486e9456bd0128b….jpeg)


'Media is in the process of confirming the details for publication'. nice trips faglord

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b19470  No.12836927


Expect to see nothing but republican "child porn" arrests now. Remember how it worked during the Obama years?

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759db2  No.12836928

File: 61f56b150d4b170⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 341x376, 341:376, 39F92A28_CB06_4FDC_B1E8_12….gif)

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cdfd86  No.12836930


You cannot physically take off or land a 747 at fucking Wilmington, Delaware. That is why he used the 757.

There are NO conclusions to be drawn here. Shut up about AF1 and AF2 unless you have the first fucking clue please.

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000000  No.12836931


It was Coppertone Rose Kennedy who was quoted as saying..

“Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?”


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31fd50  No.12836932

File: c0e0647d18ff93c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1047x605, 1047:605, ClipboardImage.png)

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42e015  No.12836933

File: 377840b091c2dc8⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 499x665, 499:665, undiscovered_star.jpg)

File: 0b7c70b841e15a9⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 499x660, 499:660, SAG.jpg)

File: 640d012e8f8d2c2⋯.jpg (84.56 KB, 807x453, 269:151, JV.jpg)

File: 8354eef749d336a⋯.jpg (152.53 KB, 499x709, 499:709, NSA_hw.jpg)

File: 0bf09b4ab589a5c⋯.jpg (113.9 KB, 500x746, 250:373, DEATH_guitar.jpg)



Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths.





Mr. Pig

271 Prospect Park W,3L, Brooklyn, New York, 11215

Come visit Mr. Pig !


[[[ ;P]]]

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bb87ce  No.12836934

File: dcbf55fa4e04e39⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 890x503, 890:503, castle_rock.jpg)


Think Space Force

We have it all.

Semper Supra, above all

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d8526f  No.12836935

File: 12bf41f057b78bb⋯.png (770.24 KB, 960x786, 160:131, Truth1.png)

File: 22a0ed6aeff60a5⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 780x543, 260:181, Truth2.jpg)

No Datefagging

but Florida..Buccaneers…

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5fd0c3  No.12836936


Two completely different air-frames, and you are pulling a Horeshack over the paint scheme??

Jesus fuck guys

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9e5c17  No.12836937

For new Anons not familiar with shill tactics

The shills are using cat pictures to self ID themselves to each other

That way they can keep up with their butt fucking buddies

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2f8f86  No.12836938


Who will it be?

And who do we hope it is? Who needs to be taken down a peg prior to being pegged in da slammer

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0263c7  No.12836940

Anybody following the Navy patents? Taxpayer funded, they just made sure no fusion barons rise and take power.

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000000  No.12836941


so you literally just verified that pig is your image bot, leafy

holy fuck you are the dumbest mother fucker on this board

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31fd50  No.12836942

File: 7ca7b275cdce1bd⋯.png (137.69 KB, 1231x535, 1231:535, if_you_only_knew_lin_doggo.png)

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d8526f  No.12836943


Castle Rock Low Key Good…Patriots handling it…the ones that didnt turn

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ab9c1a  No.12836944

File: f74ecd600480bf5⋯.jpg (144.18 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 20210205_203210.jpg)

File: 06eee01be65aa61⋯.jpg (165.19 KB, 720x798, 120:133, 20210205_203116.jpg)

Former WWE wrestler Gabbi Tuft comes out as transgender

Tuft — who wrestled professionally under the name Tyler Reks in the late 2000s and early 2010s — shared the news in a press release Thursday.


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4e9c70  No.12836945

File: acea3d1a0d3e8c3⋯.png (173.25 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2693E647_809F_4687_B45A_D0….png)

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651645  No.12836946

File: ba74823c9c5150f⋯.png (399.23 KB, 821x820, 821:820, 78978572112143342.png)

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bedfd9  No.12836947


wasnt it also said that FBI typically frame oppositions with cp?

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7497ae  No.12836948

File: 4beef691443a96a⋯.png (408.85 KB, 1512x705, 504:235, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5e10a  No.12836949


Great. Knowing this, I will go to sleep. I consider that I;ve learned enough for today.

Love patriots, fk traitors, and hope tomorrow is biden buys a new mansion next GITMO.

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23d5b0  No.12836950

File: 885fbff26e0aed7⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 403x324, 403:324, gkpepe.jpg)

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9a89e8  No.12836951

File: 5d11b4ac7dc6364⋯.png (733.95 KB, 938x569, 938:569, boobpillow.png)

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d8526f  No.12836952

File: 751758de0a2a2de⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1242x894, 207:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80e2c687eb6b448⋯.png (2.55 MB, 877x1280, 877:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

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7497ae  No.12836953


>wasnt it also said that FBI typically frame oppositions with cp?

this could be true, too

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578ebe  No.12836954


>I reckon the main source of the enemy's PANIC is that for once in their whole lives they have no idea what's coming.

The put a feckless dementia patient in the oval office through blatant election fraud.

They have no leader, only careerists writing fantasies into EO's.

Like most bank robbers, they don't know what to do with the money. As soon as they spend it, they get busted.

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2f8f86  No.12836955


The dirty tricks squad

Headed by Rod R

Probably from his own stash

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0263c7  No.12836956


That is, as long as you can insert that information into the public consciousness so a corrupt judge can't get away with stealing your children's future. You know they will try.

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e76975  No.12836957

File: 3e78ff74686ac2d⋯.jpg (26.82 KB, 440x330, 4:3, occult_washingtondc_owl.jpg)

Trump will bulldoze the owl.

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12bdf1  No.12836958

File: 010f906ec85b268⋯.png (865.82 KB, 1052x526, 2:1, PartyTime.png)

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dfcfad  No.12836959

File: 1146d00698ebafd⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 542x562, 271:281, YOUR_ISSUE.jpg)

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ab9c1a  No.12836960

File: ef7a90ed64b31f2⋯.png (501.43 KB, 758x750, 379:375, Hunter_Bidens_new_mansion.png)

File: 559630ba62ed3ac⋯.jpg (433.51 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, Hunter_Biden_venice_home_3.jpg)

File: 94e7766751fb7ec⋯.jpg (76.55 KB, 962x640, 481:320, 38881292_9224113_Prior_to_….jpg)

File: 046664501cc8e00⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 962x640, 481:320, 38881318_9224113_Modern_li….jpg)

File: a62b06bf741fbda⋯.jpg (66.72 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 38881328_9224113_The_other….jpg)

>>12836623 end of pb

Daily mail story has more pictures of the inside of the house.


"Interestingly the homeless people who were living up along the street he now lives on are gone."

Hunter Biden, family move into $5.4M Venice, Calif. home: report

The property includes a private pool and a balcony overlooking the Venice Canal

Hunter Biden and his family reportedly have moved into a pricey home in Venice, Calif.

Biden, 51, moved into the $5.4 million canal-front, three-story property toward the end of last year with his wife, Melissa, and their 10-month-old son Beau, the Daily Mail reports. They are under 24-hour protection by the Secret Service.

The property is being rented for an estimated $25,000 per month by Biden from Sweetgreen co-founder and CEO Jonathan Neman, according to the Daily Mail.

Before the move, it's believed Biden and his family lived in a $3.8 million three-bed property in Hollywood Hills.

The new Venice home is near the trendy and popular Abbot Kinney Blvd., as well as the beach

According to the outlet, the 3,700-square foot property has two bedrooms, both master suites.

One bedroom reportedly expands into a lounge and marble bathroom while the second is loft-style and opens to a private balcony that overlooks the Venice Canal.

In addition, the property contains a furnished terrace with outdoor seating and a fireplace. The deck is accessible via a spiral staircase.

The living room boasts 25-foot acoustic ceilings and limestone white floors.

A small, private swimming pool is also included on the property.

Along with the famous new neighbor came his security detail, which has "caused a stir on the canals," as one local told DM.

"They're driving around in these huge blacked-out GMCs, they look like they mean business," the local added.

Some neighbors, however, are happy with the added security.

"[The security team is] there 24/7 which is a plus for us here on the Venice Canals. We need the extra security considering the amount of crime we have," said 15-year Venice resident Ricky Otterstrom. "Interestingly the homeless people who were living up along the street he now lives on are gone."

He added: "It could be a coincidence or the city had them removed because of Hunter. I think his presence will help clean up the area and I hope he gets involved with the community. It's a tight community with great people."

"l welcome him and his family. Having Secret Service in the area will keep us all safer. I appreciate anyone who is open about their story of recovery," said Darin Grant, who lives just a few houses away from the President's son. "... It's such a relief that his father is now running the country. There's finally an adult in the White House."

Yet another neighbor said they felt Biden moving in "can only be a good thing," and expressed hope that he'd get to work fixing the problem of homelessness in the area.




Sounds like he has some really stupid and brainwashed Neighbors.

The houses there cost 5 million, no normal working family let alone homeless people will ever be able to afford housing in that area.

The Biden family only cares about themselves, their corrupt money and no one else.

Hunter is not going to do jack shit to improve that neighborhood. If anything it makes it more unsafe( for children) having a prolific Pedophile in the neighborhood, one who does not care if the kids are his own relatives.

If he is willing to rape and molest his own niece, imagine what he would do to kids not related to him.

The only reason why the homeless magically went away is because

They either killed them or moved them to the other side of town.

God help the secret service who have to be around these sick POS's.

Hopefully they are collecting more evidence against this evil family.

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29b896  No.12836961


no, not anyone who voted

a republican staffer

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606f1e  No.12836962


>>12836643 Dough

#16386@250 Notables

>>12836739 Hospital in Washington state detaining people until they submit to a covid test

>>12836743 Youtube removes Mike Lindell Video for violating Comunity 'guidelines'

>>12836784 Dig on Lincoln Project

>>12836855 Washington, D.C. Republican senior staffer arrested for child p-rn

>>12836931 It was Coppertone Rose Kennedy who was quoted as saying.. “Birds sing after a storm;


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ddc4cf  No.12836963

File: 71ef088fb282297⋯.jpg (100.74 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, 1569506180522.jpg)


And just so the public wouldn't notice Lunchpail Joe getting on a different plane, some man sneaked on the the tarmac & tried to get in one of the planes today.

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31fd50  No.12836964

File: 01899633e95800d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1006x1204, 503:602, grammar_kitty_d.png)

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41539b  No.12836965

File: d6fca76b3bf1f1c⋯.png (95.34 KB, 734x650, 367:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db58c4210346e60⋯.png (670.84 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

These morons promoted themselves as comms geniuses, but this is some of the worse crisis PR I've ever seen.

They really suck at that which they claim to be experts.

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f5e10a  No.12836966



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000000  No.12836967


hello honey…pot

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000000  No.12836968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


come on nigger

make a meme including lyrics

do it

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a93a88  No.12836969


Ok, so Comms hates 8bit & FJ but love them some Jim.


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cdfd86  No.12836970



Ridiculous bullshittery on AF1 and AF2.

So dumb, surely it can't be organic ignorance.

Yet not a muhjoo shill to be seen.

Maybe Finkelshill and shill team six are moving into slide territory?

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0263c7  No.12836971

File: 5883f864b9d123d⋯.png (10.89 KB, 489x423, 163:141, 1596939126159.png)

Slow tonight, is everyone drunk and high or something?

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7497ae  No.12836972


>no, not anyone who voted

>a republican staffer

yeah, i mean someone who works for those who voted

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5590e1  No.12836973


at least i get to be wrong first..


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f381db  No.12836974


When is Michael 0bama gonna come out as transgender?

Wouldn't the Left be all excited and congratulatory about that?

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31fd50  No.12836975


guy makes 10 million a year. is he downsizing?

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4959bf  No.12836976

yall know we have months of this still, right?

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13b96d  No.12836977

This fell off the end of the last bread so reposting…

I just created a site for Mike Lindell's video.

The link is:


It has the video but the page will be formatted to look better in the next few minutes.

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23d5b0  No.12836978

File: beed60924f44c9e⋯.png (90.48 KB, 290x209, 290:209, bsu.PNG)

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606f1e  No.12836979


Understood. I'm not handing off to those pukes.

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000000  No.12836980


Arresting Maricopa county supervisors tuesday perhaps?

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4e8473  No.12836981

Spread hate. Fuck all of them. I hate everyone.

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634e6a  No.12836982


Last one out has to get the lights

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a5dc15  No.12836983

File: 68a18299a2ae6b2⋯.png (1.66 MB, 994x755, 994:755, ClipboardImage.png)

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eea163  No.12836984


Why are you here?

To learn?

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dfcfad  No.12836985

File: e72611e01e0d19f⋯.jpg (92.59 KB, 483x529, 21:23, IMPRESSED.jpg)

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31fd50  No.12836986

File: 3e013efe404d432⋯.webm (361.13 KB, 464x500, 116:125, tuco_tight.webm)

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67b4f6  No.12836987

File: cbb1dac33b7bfae⋯.png (320.39 KB, 956x664, 239:166, the_wind.png)

Haha. I have something funny.

You guys are going to like it.

Should I post it?

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000000  No.12836988


love it

love every fucking minute of it

i see you

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38fdf9  No.12836990

File: f24cc8823efedcc⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1867x933, 1867:933, juan_o_savin_wayne_willott….png)

File: df99dbca9f1bf24⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1365x8155, 39:233, juan_o_savin_wayne_willott.png)

File: 4efe3efe4adda38⋯.png (320.85 KB, 848x816, 53:51, juan_o_savin_willott.png)

>>12836399 (pb)

> Abel Danger channel no longer has any content to verify.

You literal retard. That expose proves that "Juan" has been "insider sourcing" for years. That still where he was livestreaming was an accident. He's a literally nobody LARPing as an insider and he's been DOING IT FOR YEARS.

Why has he let the myth that he's JF perpetuate? Why does he attack anyone that posts his livestream fuckup? KEK I guarantee you Juan is gonna get arrested. He doesn't think so because he's gotten away with this shit for so long. But he's going fucking down.

bank on it.

ALL he does is read 4chan and qresearch and riff off of that. He's exactly the same "personality type" as Gregory Hallet, you know, the real king of England?

Just like Jerome Corsi....just like every other fucking ex cia, ex navy seal, ex FBI....he's a fraud you idiot.

Wayne Willott is a HIGHLY intelligent fast talking fraud just like Gregory Hallet...kek he convinced so many people he was the "real king of England" that it took his entire family making a video showing photos of him from childhood on up and explaining that despite the fact that Gregory is highly intelligent, he's a psychopathic cast talker that has convinced millions to give him money, and lend him mansions...

You've been deep faked and can't admit it.

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b52ef8  No.12836991

File: 1dc694fe8ccf774⋯.gif (340.52 KB, 500x296, 125:74, B57B0599_2A5A_4749_8324_6E….gif)

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000000  No.12836992


Or not drunk or high enough….it is Night Shift ya know…we're just getting warmed up.

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5590e1  No.12836993


its the only place left to go..

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b8a7e0  No.12836994

File: fb0ded77f0860f4⋯.jpg (140.73 KB, 500x488, 125:122, lord_jesus.jpg)

File: 44de05acbf191f0⋯.jpg (126.6 KB, 499x665, 499:665, tryna_SOS.jpg)

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 498x699, 166:233, pink_lightning.jpg)

File: 50a731bbfe90bd6⋯.jpg (134.92 KB, 500x661, 500:661, Terminator_2.jpg)

File: 67f1642e12a8757⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 499x495, 499:495, Q_A.jpg)


[[[ ;P]]]

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24bfb3  No.12836995

File: c16a5d44691da0b⋯.png (861.44 KB, 621x622, 621:622, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c9846  No.12836996

First of all, the woman shouldn't have asked Benjamin Franklin what they ended up with. She should have demanded an answer at gunpoint.

He replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it."

Americans couldn't keep it. They failed in 1871. They failed in 1913. They are failing now. Americans cannot defend themselves. Therefore they are "meat on the table".

Not even with a 2nd amendment can Americans defend themselves from abject losers. It is pathetic beyond description.

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dfcfad  No.12836997

File: eb6306f80e2a287⋯.jpg (86.48 KB, 421x420, 421:420, AMERICA_FIRST.jpg)

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65ff1f  No.12836998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

someone who knows how to

take this video

and slow it way down for the olders folks

who are saying they cannot really see what is being shown

and re-post it everywhere

title it with the

slowed speed

as a catch title


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180ef1  No.12836999

File: 237e9172b77a191⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 237e9172b77a19198efb78e3c3….jpg)

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25b674  No.12837000


Can some Anon please tape the superbowl for us? I don't have access to television

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af4434  No.12837001


im not sure what thats about but im glad johnheretohelp wasnt in notables kek.

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eea163  No.12837002


Go to do what?

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000000  No.12837003


no its hilarious at this point how far you've fallen leaf

its so much fucking fun

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38fdf9  No.12837004


>>12836399 (pb)

>"And now we hear that Wayne Willott has been posing as Juan O. Savin on Field McConnell’s Abel Danger channel.

It's the same damn voice you literal retard.

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000000  No.12837005


ok call me

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67b4f6  No.12837007

File: 8d83b98bb18a04e⋯.png (22.13 KB, 200x150, 4:3, this_is_not_a_rotary_hole_….png)


ppl are going to lose their shit.

I guess it's OK though.

They'll just say it's another "conspiracy theory".

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9e5c17  No.12837008


There is no other – first one killed by drunk driver

Have not been issued a replacement for her yet

Thanks for asking Jeremy Vimes – you actually care


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df882f  No.12837009


1st day?

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fcda8b  No.12837010

File: b198e15fb00b27e⋯.png (166.15 KB, 378x371, 54:53, b198e15fb00b27e0674ff122a2….png)

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c90e85  No.12837011





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000000  No.12837012

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41539b  No.12837013

File: ddc80607a2b6e3a⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1102x2048, 551:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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31fd50  No.12837014

File: 5da4242a458bd2e⋯.png (32.6 KB, 509x411, 509:411, pepe_stressed_max.png)


pepe hitting it hard!!!

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000000  No.12837015


omg you're so tryhard

you dumb fucking kike

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3f3148  No.12837016


It began long before Trump.

It's not over. Too bad for you.

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2f8f86  No.12837017


Half the house is closed off for when "the big guy" hits town

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d973d7  No.12837018

File: 4a69c20ae80bd0e⋯.jpeg (436.02 KB, 677x975, 677:975, E0E0D329_BDA9_4CF3_B193_1….jpeg)

Say something really nice about The Maverick

Let’s set the record straight, John McCain was an American HERO and establish Republicans had every right to turn on Trump. Unite the right by saying something super nice about John McCain, and MAYBE you won’t end up in prison.

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fe0686  No.12837019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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23d5b0  No.12837020

File: 3b44185bbc2f4fd⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB, 654x360, 109:60, Sky_Event.mp4)

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4e9c70  No.12837021

File: 95ddc68e5ebae85⋯.jpeg (68.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 4D315AF2_B726_49DA_9063_0….jpeg)

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5c9d6f  No.12837022

File: bae99b3f02454da⋯.png (51.67 KB, 792x700, 198:175, muhfeelings.png)


You pick a baker that tripfags to try to imprsonate? How stupid are you?

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000000  No.12837023



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3972f1  No.12837024

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e2a74f  No.12837025


He can no longer betray his Country.

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67b4f6  No.12837026

File: e30c1942250c1f8⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1100x739, 1100:739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e8fb0082a2d879⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2005x1245, 401:249, ClipboardImage.png)

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5590e1  No.12837028


waste time while the world burns?

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2649f2  No.12837029

File: 769e715ee612ab1⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 500x332, 125:83, R8ac0c38db14bec75def0d4f76….jpg)


feelin fucky tonight

bring on nightshift

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000000  No.12837030


Fuck you and McStain… That guy was a piece of crap and a traitor to our Country.

Get some real sauce and go fuck yourself

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9e5c17  No.12837031


More Cat Comms ???

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41539b  No.12837032

File: 0b7781664867db2⋯.png (23.54 KB, 731x521, 731:521, ClipboardImage.png)

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31fd50  No.12837033

File: 4aea7fd72bee58c⋯.jpg (334.1 KB, 1600x2560, 5:8, skyking_d.jpg)


only sky event….

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a11995  No.12837034


Re: the exit SIGN… Count the windows you fucking retard.

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df882f  No.12837035


if you honestly think that, I mean honestly…you are not an AMERICAN.

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000000  No.12837036


Never heard of him…

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578ebe  No.12837037


Jim doesn't know baker drama. He thought he waas just being cool to the kids.

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c207f2  No.12837038


Now I know why Q hasn't posted. He's waiting for the recovery from the IQ dead cat bounce.

fuck you people are stupid.

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a64fd8  No.12837039


Share your best new dig?

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2f8f86  No.12837040


He's dead

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578ebe  No.12837041

File: 7ea7cfa45d68492⋯.jpg (200.05 KB, 585x376, 585:376, pepeCocaine.jpg)


No, why do you ask?

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12bdf1  No.12837042

File: f076d1d279c2bbd⋯.png (552 KB, 880x684, 220:171, PirateGood.png)

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41e48d  No.12837043


just catching up.

been a long road.


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eea163  No.12837044

File: 70203b4d6b70dc8⋯.png (40.88 KB, 187x269, 187:269, fdsfsdfsdfsd.png)

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000000  No.12837045


You sure about that?

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dfcfad  No.12837046

File: 1f740df4b1b47fc⋯.jpg (118.61 KB, 524x561, 524:561, DUMBASS.jpg)

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27abb0  No.12837048

File: 15284a0e4e4581a⋯.jpg (400.23 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_036.jpg)

hodl <dance>

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8795a1  No.12837049

File: 78f1b9c5d15d6ec⋯.jpeg (130.65 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 78f1b9c5d15d6ec649a5004f8….jpeg)


>comfy pillow

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3972f1  No.12837050

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1d2bf2  No.12837051

File: e75e84c859aa2f3⋯.jpg (184.55 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, image_11_.jpg)

has anyone figured out what this is yet?

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a93a88  No.12837052


>no teevee


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eea163  No.12837053


You boring!

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a5dc15  No.12837054


He gave his Heart and Soul into Helping ISIS become a fighting force.

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23d5b0  No.12837055

File: bcd9dd8ea893bbb⋯.jpg (27.9 KB, 1233x669, 411:223, bcd9dd8ea893bbbc6822ded970….jpg)


Drone #1 Reporting

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c207f2  No.12837056

File: a8cc8ad0466cb3a⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 658x819, 94:117, cummings_mccain.jpg)


I think this meme I made is really nice.

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25b674  No.12837057

File: 471d24176c0ab8a⋯.jpg (976.97 KB, 738x766, 369:383, nsftLit.jpg)

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000000  No.12837058


He must have given good cabal head to get so far

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f381db  No.12837059


So should Hillary's face be replace with Biden's face?

Biden is picking up where 0bama left off.

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dfcfad  No.12837060

File: d202eae3a2396a7⋯.jpg (20.91 KB, 325x196, 325:196, SEIZE_YOU_SOON.jpg)

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24bfb3  No.12837061

File: 38a79fbc9efe611⋯.png (834.49 KB, 593x497, 593:497, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e5c17  No.12837062


Songbird is dead and they dumped his sorry ass in the ocean

America is rid of him now

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31fd50  No.12837063

File: dc532fe36e51546⋯.jpg (109.59 KB, 1200x727, 1200:727, pepe_joker_wakeen.jpg)


that stuff will make you skitzo

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2f8f86  No.12837064


I live in hopium

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ddc4cf  No.12837065

File: ad472b1c0835217⋯.png (119.51 KB, 293x427, 293:427, ad472b1c083521737f3909dae0….png)

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41e48d  No.12837066



how troll would it have been for Trump to say 'no AF1 for you. take a repainted trump jet'

'What did the letter say pres xiden?'

"He was very generous."

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578ebe  No.12837067

File: 307f183c9cc60e7⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 480x432, 10:9, reaperRiver.gif)

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7b8901  No.12837068



>has anyone figured out what this is yet?


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a408f3  No.12837069

File: 0aefcd34000e28b⋯.jpg (85.01 KB, 710x481, 710:481, BOOM_3.jpg)

File: 8deb7180de36174⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 613x434, 613:434, BOOM_4.jpg)

File: 1c7f4b39601b1b3⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 705x400, 141:80, boom.jpg)

File: 61574775cc18a2a⋯.jpg (117.06 KB, 499x592, 499:592, what_is_life.jpg)

File: 95e6e24e0e47dc0⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 500x508, 125:127, BOOM_2.jpg)

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b52ef8  No.12837070

File: aa0e5077b827c09⋯.jpeg (52.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 9695EFE3_3B18_4A53_9429_2….jpeg)


Balloon head dreadlocks dog knows. He ain’t saying, but he know.

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c392b7  No.12837071

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5590e1  No.12837072

File: 217042c94ecc7d8⋯.png (364.95 KB, 601x357, 601:357, acccc36369cd86d7f3f30de32f….png)


I am a huge disappointment..

sorry anon.

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000000  No.12837073


a slide

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1cfe9d  No.12837074

File: a47f2afc5d2483b⋯.gif (4.98 MB, 480x272, 30:17, 4055C393_6C9F_4F91_A4F7_59….gif)


>it is night shift

We in here.

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000000  No.12837075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

even leaf is boring at this point

just recruit me, this is fucking gay

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771658  No.12837076

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31fd50  No.12837077

File: 01af29ecabc0caa⋯.jpg (350.7 KB, 1600x2560, 5:8, skyking_h.jpg)

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860273  No.12837078


Watch Mike Lindell’s Censored “Absolute Proof”


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dfcfad  No.12837079

File: e73b080a3329be9⋯.jpg (81.65 KB, 421x423, 421:423, MOAR_PIG.jpg)

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0b54d9  No.12837080

File: 3f99d56ff6785b4⋯.png (4.74 MB, 3522x1602, 587:267, ClipboardImage.png)



Possible DS shill "Photoshop Psych-Op"

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12bdf1  No.12837081

File: 66e7dcae74af574⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1414x940, 707:470, NS_F28_2.png)

File: 5e6a1dffb57b83c⋯.png (3.37 MB, 1410x936, 235:156, NS_F28_3.png)

File: 19ad47122a6c7c0⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1410x942, 235:157, NS_F28_4.png)

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000000  No.12837082


dude i know its you

why are you even trying

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67b4f6  No.12837083


there's an added emergency exit at the back. but they're real similar planes.

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7dac55  No.12837084

File: 1e6649e0b1d8434⋯.png (339.38 KB, 535x515, 107:103, Screenshot_2021_02_06_New_….png)

Doctor who treated Alexei Navalny after poisoning dead at 55


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0c46b2  No.12837085

File: 6b0390585354d6b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1048x867, 1048:867, 724A6572_318A_4FDC_B8BA_7E….png)


I'll Kek that.

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9e5c17  No.12837086


Trumps private plane looks nicer that Bidens private plane

Eye test proves it

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cdfd86  No.12837087


Yeah, it's a slide.

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a0fe9d  No.12837088

File: 0d306ed0612bef1⋯.jpg (76.63 KB, 858x830, 429:415, 0d306ed0612bef1722bdf38bca….jpg)


WTF happened to all the autists in here?

Maybe this is just another dumbass slide but I know how to count fucking windows!

You cannot be serious!

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3f3148  No.12837089



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31fd50  No.12837090

File: 15db88d6a95e3bf⋯.jpg (39.37 KB, 492x451, 12:11, pepe_picaso.jpg)


van go to pick an asshole

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4e9c70  No.12837091


The only thing to be disappointed in is disappointment itself anon.

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27f65a  No.12837092


Flynn gave a interview today, think it's got everyone a little discouraged.

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ddc4cf  No.12837093

File: 0c0460048aebd3a⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 0c0460048aebd3a81c4c2f5132….jpg)

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f381db  No.12837094


Per his daughter, Meghan, they could only kill him once.

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e5506a  No.12837096

>>12836701 Upper photo is a Boeing 757 variant with "winglets" on the wing tips. Not ailerons. These are fixed in position to help reduce wing tip vortices and fuel consumption. Two engines. The lower photo is 747. Four engines.

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fcda8b  No.12837097

File: 13cbce70a831a18⋯.png (615.1 KB, 933x500, 933:500, Screen_Shot_2019_03_18_at_….png)

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12bdf1  No.12837098

File: c43670aba3b8ba1⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1436x1024, 359:256, SSNS.png)

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578ebe  No.12837099


Then why did you ask if I was gonna take the bake you utterly incompetent excuse for a dipshit?

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31fd50  No.12837100

File: 0c70e8748130e1a⋯.jpg (780.15 KB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, 11a.jpg)


dat smell blocker

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65ff1f  No.12837101


guise the maker of this is asking for help to spread the video

Pinned by Wooz News

Wooz News

3 hours ago

Hey y'all, how can we get this to AwakenWithJP or ReallyGraceful?'


6146 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035

Mailing: P.O. Box 35090, Los Angeles, CA 90035


General Inquiries








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a93a88  No.12837102


>8bit called them faggots a few weeks back

That threw me for a loop because they always spoke of QRB (QR-Comfy) in such glowing terms.

Seems the feeling wasn't mutual.

That had to have stung the crickets hard when that happened.

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27ddbd  No.12837103

File: 7519b8ac53a250c⋯.jpg (27.06 KB, 460x255, 92:51, ayne.jpg)

>>12836667 (pb)

OMG. Unless he was acting.

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3972f1  No.12837104


we're waiting for you to post yours

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eea163  No.12837105

File: 7b6f5851bf0bd18⋯.png (302.21 KB, 626x417, 626:417, fdfdfdfdsss.png)

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e2a74f  No.12837106


No one is stopping you…

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a64fd8  No.12837107


Quote: "She has been finally set free and ready to rule her world"

Spoken like a true theosophist. Note how many deities in the syncretic cult of Qabalah are trans.

Rather than ruling one's own world, perhaps it was worth a try surrendering to God and seeing if that alleviated your gender dysphoria? I mean, I doubt there has been a study (they'd never study that) but I think it might have been worth a go, rather all the heartache and medical interventions required to accomplish not so much.

Or it's all a stunt. I mean, WWE 'wrestlers' are actors aren't they?

Either way, worth praying to God rather whatever spirit is tattooed on your arms.

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b19470  No.12837108

File: b8b539e33dc006a⋯.jpg (784.94 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, tumah.jpg)


Get well soon!

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48e0d5  No.12837109

File: 357075622f43256⋯.png (234.19 KB, 334x498, 167:249, 127017cd5bcc41017c46ae475f….png)

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2649f2  No.12837110

File: 4a7038e4ded8db5⋯.jpg (89.25 KB, 1280x868, 320:217, facts_machine.jpg)

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dfcfad  No.12837111

File: 72bb7b6e26fbbca⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 672x435, 224:145, BLESS_LINDELL.jpg)



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47c1e8  No.12837112

>>12833317 lb

Not James Clapper

That is from Lin Wood. It is @johnheretohelp

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a1277b  No.12837114


I would not know I don't drink or do anything… I guess maybe other people you are addressing. I prefer to keep my self pure and don't know if I will ever drink again. I am leaning on never… so hey I guess you must be projecting.

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0b54d9  No.12837115

File: a7b53ce604c0713⋯.png (9.6 MB, 4753x3081, 4753:3081, ClipboardImage.png)


Up dated

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e2a74f  No.12837116


You cannot read between those lines?

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42e015  No.12837117

File: 6e1351fe89e80d4⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 540x387, 60:43, 66_Sir_Terry_Pratchett_SGM.jpg)


[[[ ;P]]]

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9e5c17  No.12837118


I see water —- yep it's a water slide

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eea163  No.12837119


That`s pathetic.

Youre one of us.

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606f1e  No.12837120


>>12836643 Dough

#16386@400 Notables

>>12836739 Hospital in Washington state detaining people until they submit to a covid test

>>12836743 Youtube removes Mike Lindell Video for violating Comunity 'guidelines'

>>12836784 Dig on Lincoln Project

>>12836855 Washington, D.C. Republican senior staffer arrested for child p-rn

>>12836931 It was Coppertone Rose Kennedy who was quoted as saying.. “Birds sing after a storm;

>>12836960 Hunter Biden, family move into $5.4M Venice, Calif. home

>>12836998 Breakdown of how the Capitol False Flag attack was executed (video)

>>12837084 Doctor who treated Alexei Navalny after poisoning dead at 55


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a5dc15  No.12837121

File: b4977a1f3357061⋯.png (283.53 KB, 389x368, 389:368, ClipboardImage.png)

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45e643  No.12837122


This is from the same day:


This is 8 days later:


And the 28th:


Could just be result of trend analysis, though.

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a0fe9d  No.12837123

File: cbd71ff31f9622d⋯.jpg (62.01 KB, 599x844, 599:844, cbd71ff31f9622d105f5907cf7….jpg)


Soooo which room is he gonna shoot all the pron in?

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5590e1  No.12837124


that's my middle name.

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4959bf  No.12837125

File: 2728626ae64caff⋯.png (109.3 KB, 800x1111, 800:1111, Screenshot_2021_02_05_21_4….png)

in line on the Q clock today


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6b233c  No.12837126

File: 2ad26d7d57961e1⋯.png (418.96 KB, 1440x1815, 96:121, Screenshot_20210205_214806….png)

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1cfe9d  No.12837127

File: b27614334a0bff8⋯.gif (2.31 MB, 480x238, 240:119, 2577B71E_C52A_4696_8E62_B9….gif)

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aa13f8  No.12837128


Ja wirklich ?

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29b896  No.12837130


"she should have demanded an answer at gunpoint"

maybe she would now but back then philly was not an all jogger population

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578ebe  No.12837131


The Jim brag was target.

Can't hit every target at once

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de9084  No.12837132

pj romero for governor 2022 was tryin for some kinda fb live action but got squelched apparently. we need some kinda torrent tor video live dealio.

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7497ae  No.12837133

File: 0b484f145d54ba8⋯.png (386.79 KB, 579x665, 579:665, ClipboardImage.png)



See new Tweets


Los Angeles Times


Henry Casas, who worked for L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti from 2013 to 2018, is the first staffer to publicly allege improper behavior by former senior mayoral aide Rick Jacobs while he worked for the mayor.

Former Garcetti aide says top mayoral advisor engaged in unwanted touching

Henry Casas says in a deposition that he was repeatedly hugged and given unwanted shoulder massages by former senior mayoral aide Rick Jacobs.


5:24 PM · Feb 5, 2021

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000000  No.12837134


>'What did the letter say pres xiden?'

>"He was very generous."

Bonus $ for the robotoid

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9c9846  No.12837135


Does being "an AMERICAN" mean that even though you are lawfully entitled to use force to overthrow corrupt governance, you consume hopium while waiting for a nonexistent cavalry to save you? Fine, then I am not "an AMERICAN". Interesting choice you made to spell "American" ALL CAPS. Freudian slip perhaps. Enjoy your fate.

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fcda8b  No.12837136

File: 4f822e9ea231bd6⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 479x258, 479:258, 4f822e9ea231bd66bc750ba35a….gif)

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a1277b  No.12837137


I don't believe I have friends anymore. I have alot of people that fallow me and I choose not to have friends anymore because well I don't want people to stalk them… I consider myself doing them a favor to not be to close to anyone right now. I would not wish what is going on to me on anyone. I respect other people to much and in this way I show them love.

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000000  No.12837139

>responds to itself because its quite literally scared

i cant even imagine how pathetic my life would have to be to take this place seriously

much less actually try and control it

holy fuck dude, you are quite literally the definition of a gamma

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578ebe  No.12837140


Pfff. I got meds for that.

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5c9d6f  No.12837141

In this bread? I didn't ask anyone anything.

Last bread? I didn't ask anyone anything.

the baker asked if kb was around.

two people responded.

now, if you are bk, then it is just mis-communication.

but the baker did ask for "kb"

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38fdf9  No.12837142

File: 42abbe5637c84ff⋯.png (74.66 KB, 314x147, 314:147, antifa_bus_arriving_capito….png)

File: 3163e34dcc0f814⋯.png (75.43 KB, 314x144, 157:72, antifa_buses_dc.png)

File: 197725d86d420c4⋯.mp4 (740.3 KB, 906x360, 151:60, maga_rally_crowd_6_jan.mp4)

File: e08daf0c041d334⋯.jpg (194.85 KB, 1905x981, 635:327, antifa_changing_clothes_ca….jpg)

File: 05518582a030cc3⋯.jpg (283.59 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, megaphone_lady_bullhorn_di….jpg)

>>12836332 (pb)

To be honest, I didn't really need a paytriot to break down something I already knew. I spent the summer on 4chan watching blm riot live streams and am very familiar with Antifa/BLM tactics. Sullivan livestreamed all of it...agitating "just an observer".

What I PERSONALLY observed

Antifa call and response as they broke into the front...they just can't help themselves, their programming is too strong.

Antifa "gas masks to the front"

Antifa changing clothes in the bushes.

Trump knew this was going to happen. He arrived 1 hour late to speak, spoke OVERTIME and it takes HOW long for such a massive crowd to walk to the capitol?

Only programmed people need videos like this to "explain" what happened. The retard planners didn't factor in Trump's clever time fuckery they started on time.

They bused Antifa into DC which is yet another Antifa tactic. the only people this shit fooled were overly anxious Magatards who are so programmed to believe whatever is fed them that they actually do need help.

Another reason I don't listen to 'this is what really happened" videos is because many of them are made to "poison the well"...the hoaxtards are always poisoning the well with fake 'this is what really happened' videos.

In the same way the "no planes" poisoned the well re 9.11 truth...after that no one paid any more attention to the 9.11 truth movement.

Planes hit the towers pre-wired with explosives

Missile hit pentagon, FBI covered it up

Shanksville was shot down, covered up

Bld. 7 was pulled for insurance

It's that simple and the well poisoners have completely taken over the "truth" movement.

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af4434  No.12837143


>Not even with a 2nd amendment can Americans defend themselves

we havent had to yet. but if the left wants to go there, im sure patriots are ready.

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000000  No.12837144


Thats not it…Flynn said what he said for a reason. Not to make anons comfy. He already gave anons props last couple interviews. Read between the lines on Flynns interview.

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a64fd8  No.12837145


Everyone's name in oz media is made up. If they interview somebody, I just presume it's not their real name (and not their real story). Fantasy land.

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e76975  No.12837146

File: c2ba9c0f46ab301⋯.gif (351.07 KB, 220x258, 110:129, tenor.gif)

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5c9d6f  No.12837147


>>12837099 forgot to tag you

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578ebe  No.12837148

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dfcfad  No.12837149

File: fb75133e581fdd9⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 506x483, 22:21, NOT_THAT_SMART.jpg)

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31fd50  No.12837150

File: 70323d577d2c9dc⋯.png (352.56 KB, 492x492, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


toss em and get one of these

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ce7220  No.12837152


“Ephemeral” messages not synchronized across devices.

“New” communications.

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23d5b0  No.12837153

File: a8d28d83871d4f4⋯.png (972.11 KB, 737x695, 737:695, 1589134540499.png)

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a1277b  No.12837154


I don't take any medication period anymore. Period I am leading a very natural healthy life. I find that I am much more happy this way.

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eea163  No.12837155

File: a11e5c016d665e8⋯.png (211.94 KB, 462x700, 33:50, ggffgfgfg.png)

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e753c2  No.12837156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm not going to plugg this guys youtube, but I am do to research.

Watch randonautica videos he does. When he goes from site to site it is research that is in a game form. They think they are doing a game, but in fact if you research the items he finds it leads you to information for the masses. I came to a conclusion it has to be white hats or something along the line cuz if you research the porta potties/ the places he goes and the items… I can't wrap my head around it. The timer/tv and jfk pic and robert kennedy along with pics from Mitt Romney dad(sep videos)… I have took a few days to recover as I am mentally and physically wiped out with what ever this muscle disease is. I was shocked to see he hasn't connected the dots to the locations/items/and info at his very hand. I hope it continues to encourage others to do the research, and connect the dots. Wonder if there is a connect the dots game for them… some seem helpless. Worth the watch, and ideas of what you guys think.

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5590e1  No.12837157


I member a time when being one of us was exciting and fun. when the entire world seemed to make sense and the hive mind in this place and movement sparkled in excitement

2018 was glorious anons…

i miss it so much

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2bf667  No.12837158


LOL!!!! Love me some pepe peeps!!!

I needed that laugh. o7

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21d288  No.12837159

File: be06f11770421d1⋯.png (125.66 KB, 320x282, 160:141, Polish_20210123_005225910.png)

File: dbc4afa1ee90321⋯.jpg (474.55 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Polish_20210205_173556008.jpg)

File: 4826b50308e83ad⋯.png (367.14 KB, 650x427, 650:427, Polish_20210203_235237509.png)

File: f0ee1c42c6b81d3⋯.jpg (130.83 KB, 320x359, 320:359, Polish_20210122_002220071.jpg)

File: 688192f283998f4⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Polish_20210123_232039192.jpg)

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eea163  No.12837160


Let people love you.

And love yourself.

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000000  No.12837161


>gamma internet posting intensifies

how fat are you, honestly?

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fcda8b  No.12837162

File: 922d98aeb0f9dff⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 540x305, 108:61, 922d98aeb0f9dff214b81c1c6c….jpg)

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6e3466  No.12837163


Source (can't divulge)

Asking if we've seen any arrests today…

Source was unaware of whom it might be…

Source is very well connected…

Source was also VERY angry when I said nothing noted so far…

I was severely urged to continue checking…

Can I get help digging?

Who can we verify or account for ?

Source was going to "make a few calls"…

Most of my active sources have all been dark since 1/20…

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a1277b  No.12837164


Sorry I am not social I consider doing anything social may bring hardship on others this is my way of showing love to people. I do not want crazy people to stalk anyone. So I do not want to bring the crazy people around people that hopefully are not crazy. I consider this an act of love.

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578ebe  No.12837165

File: 63f3bbac19d4405⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 728x410, 364:205, reaperNoGame.jpg)

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8795a1  No.12837166

File: 5b95a7725cac8a2⋯.gif (455.78 KB, 245x245, 1:1, 5b95a7725cac8a2b895721a609….gif)


>Yes. Techincally, scientifcally

Kek! Ach so!

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7497ae  No.12837167

File: a14cf8f656b4dfd⋯.png (219.45 KB, 1469x432, 1469:432, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db6383e2fb66eaf⋯.png (209.87 KB, 912x689, 912:689, ClipboardImage.png)




tit for tat

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bb87ce  No.12837168


Look, let me outline for you the illogic here:

1. Who the fuck is Wayne Willot? Can find no clips or references of him today, other than this screen shot you keep posting. Someone 'named Wayne Willot as "W the insider". Is that true or not? Who knows and who cares? Wayne Willot's identity is irrelevant, as is any accidental livestream of his face.

2. "W the Intelligence insider" has SHITLOADS of relevant interiews, which are up right now, from Hagman's show, Rogue Money, and others. Why this is relevant…it is CLEARLY the same voice as "Juan O'Savin". WHO THE FUCK CARES what he calls himself, as it is obviously a pseudonym. Why is this so hard to grasp.

3. Nothing you have stated makes him irrelevant. If he has been "posting as an insider for years", isn't that a good thing? His insights and knowledge on all the topics we care about are off the charts. Has he lied about something? Has he been wrong? Near as I can tell, his insider red-pilling is right on target, and way early. So he has obfuscated his backstory….SO FUCKING WHAT….wouldn't you?

4. If he is a nobody and a fake and a larp, then I would expect most of what he says to be bullshit, which is not the case. Ironic how the only people complaining about "Juan" seem to be those who are butt hurt for some reason.

So what is your real beef? You think he's fake, and he gets his intel off 4 chan, and purports to be someone he is not. You have no proof of this, but whatever let's say you are right.So what?

If he is just scooping info online like the rest of us, he is doing a damn good job of piecing it together and explaining it. That is what I care about. i'm not hanging on his words like he is Q or Jesus Christ.

What makes you so butthurt frend?

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3f3148  No.12837169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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03cdd8  No.12837170

> >>12836009 Secret Service dog comms?

Oh, I get it. Military personnel that serve the presiden't become "missing in action", they're automatically considered lost. Could this be a possibility?

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feb790  No.12837171

File: 3505096fe3330c1⋯.jpeg (393.03 KB, 671x692, 671:692, 16E4C252_50A8_49A5_AB4E_7….jpeg)



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eea163  No.12837172

File: 6bc4080f1cb4612⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Comedic_Genius.mp4)


No Pain no gain.

It will be glorious.

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9e5c17  No.12837173

Cat pictures everywhere — the shills are talking in secret with their open comms

Remember if they do it in front of you then they are more powerful

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dfcfad  No.12837174

File: 45518e7f05cdf34⋯.jpg (81.09 KB, 455x510, 91:102, LARD_ASS.jpg)

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f381db  No.12837175


Someone got mad and threw their garage door opener at a brick wall.

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64feb8  No.12837176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forty-eight hours ago, I wanna be sedated

lincoln project was under attack

Jenni Jenni Jennifer Horn

requested signing bonus

Forty eight hours ago

gimme lincoln Tv show, podcast n board seat

before I go insane

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65ff1f  No.12837177

File: 409eb4744ff24df⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 800x420, 40:21, download.jpg)

File: 2f52a9dfed70828⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 800x450, 16:9, download_1_.jpg)



look down the stairwell

the dude is changing his clothes

blink you will miss it…

taking off or putting on a COAT

I think it is this guy?

the one whose dad cried in court about his son?

same coat? animal hide/pelt

whomever it is he is changing his attire/costume

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b52ef8  No.12837178

File: be490507589909e⋯.jpeg (236.71 KB, 790x465, 158:93, 731F4D1C_5956_4D74_9C25_B….jpeg)


That’s horrible advice Anon.

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fe1ab2  No.12837179

File: 2da01acb72aaffc⋯.jpg (92.65 KB, 1179x944, 1179:944, asdasdasdasdasdasdassa.JPG)

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65ff1f  No.12837180



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c58adb  No.12837181



Pillow 8.1.0


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e2a74f  No.12837182


>So what is your real beef?

Can't have people hearing the truth.

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eea163  No.12837183

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a1277b  No.12837184


yep don't smoke pot don't drink I am leading a very natural healthy life style. This is my choice I am not sure why anyone would be against me being healthy. It seems like there is always constant pressure to try and get me to do things that I will never do… You people are free to do what you want but I have learned that people don't want me to be healthy that want me be unhealthy and do not want what is best for me so yes pot takers be silent. No matter what anyone does it is my choices what I put in my body and don't. I am perfectly happy leading a natural healthy lifestyle.

I am not sure why this would be a problem…?

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12bdf1  No.12837185

File: d3b1ceb14cfa81e⋯.png (278.3 KB, 763x507, 763:507, TheDan.png)

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578ebe  No.12837186


How does this absolve you from being an incompetent excuse for a dipshit?

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38fdf9  No.12837187

File: cf1e9acc8e4b767⋯.png (245.63 KB, 597x467, 597:467, antifa_ashli_babbit_office….png)

File: 402965bd4c2b93e⋯.jpg (921.22 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, officer_shot_ashli_same_da….jpg)


>>12836272 (pb)

She fucking GLOWS...reposting...No way coincidence she was "filmed" by the son of Air Force deep state General Sullivan's son. And the man who shot her?

4chan knows. I had to slomo his itchy fingers...reminded me exactly of what I observed in vids of Michael...itchy fingers...he planned to shoot a Trump supporter and spent the entire evening prior to murdering Patriot Prayer Joey...itchy fingering his vest where his gun was hidden. In one video Trump supporter trucks were going by and he was itchy fingering that vest so hard I was sure he was going to shoot someone then.


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2a096b  No.12837188

File: f075fa3c5112833⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0cb5abee4fa5d8e80d3e891730….jpg)



Just the Truth… I have to concur in to include the state of the board.



>>12828268 (PB)

>>12827908 (PB)

–Air Force = AF1

Marine = Marine1

Army = Army1

Navy= Navy1

Space Force "SF1/SPACE1??"

Coast Guard = "Coast1/CG1"

Which Military Service is the Owner/ Drivers of the Transport of POTUS?

Even if POTUS is on a Rowboat, that becomes the #1 Priority and transport of that Service's owner/operator.

Was spelling that out last night…

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32d4d3  No.12837189

Anons, is this James Clapper spilling his guts on everyone? It almost sounds like him. This guy talks awful fast and I don't remember Clapper flapping his gums like this. Of course, he could be very, very nervous. kek


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fe0686  No.12837190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.12837191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the entire board is run by this dumb kike tranny

and you dipshits let it happen

outside of me and 3 others you all encouraged it

you fucking deserve every single fucking thing you get

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c392b7  No.12837192

File: 634e3434845e45a⋯.png (905.79 KB, 1022x685, 1022:685, V22_Night_Shift_3.png)

File: 2f3fe1d2b8a6b26⋯.png (769.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, NightShiftFLIR.png)

File: 79464785d4a4ebd⋯.png (477.6 KB, 680x612, 10:9, Night_Shift_Intruder_1.png)

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23d5b0  No.12837193

File: ecfe84287a4ddf3⋯.jpg (365.13 KB, 1200x762, 200:127, gst.jpg)

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eea163  No.12837194

File: 18fefb6b63d6414⋯.png (208.81 KB, 462x700, 33:50, asdasdasdasdsa.png)

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606f1e  No.12837195


>>12836643 Dough

#16386@500 Notables

>>12836739 Hospital in Washington state detaining people until they submit to a covid test

>>12836743 Youtube removes Mike Lindell Video for violating Comunity 'guidelines'

>>12836784 Dig on Lincoln Project

>>12836855 Washington, D.C. Republican senior staffer arrested for child p-rn

>>12836931 It was Coppertone Rose Kennedy who was quoted as saying.. “Birds sing after a storm;

>>12836960 Hunter Biden, family move into $5.4M Venice, Calif. home

>>12836998 Breakdown of how the Capitol False Flag attack was executed (video)

>>12837084 Doctor who treated Alexei Navalny after poisoning dead at 55

>>12837133 Former Garcetti aide says top mayoral advisor engaged in unwanted touching


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64feb8  No.12837196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3e804d  No.12837197

File: 379cddf05d80cbf⋯.png (258.83 KB, 396x298, 198:149, Screen_Shot_2021_02_05_at_….png)

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03cdd8  No.12837198

File: d7ceffa1922c74d⋯.jpg (74.68 KB, 720x696, 30:29, yoda_wake_up.jpg)


Sober as fuck.

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42e015  No.12837199

File: 2d492c95edc702d⋯.png (217.37 KB, 596x420, 149:105, 368ta93wvak01.png)


[[[ ;P]]]

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08849e  No.12837200

{Fr~<Comment ça va mes « en-Q-lés »?}


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000000  No.12837201


Why destroy perfectly good planes?

those passengers are either organ donors or they were lizard people anyway, they just put on new skins'

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5c9d6f  No.12837202

File: 14d64e8ed844610⋯.gif (4.02 MB, 568x320, 71:40, pepe_honk_honk_bitchezzz.gif)

>>12837147, >>12837141, >>12837099, >>12837186

matter of fact, I haven't asked if anyone was "gonna take muh bake" today. soo have a great day!

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cdfd86  No.12837203

File: 68a98da552cf517⋯.png (395.03 KB, 600x600, 1:1, NS1.png)

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578ebe  No.12837204


>"Hurr Durr 8bit loved us but FJ is comped."

Tommy should rename their board

Hurr Durr DERP!

So Night Shift can have MNR back.

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12bdf1  No.12837206

File: 7d5e9a593214b3a⋯.png (414.72 KB, 500x568, 125:142, NS_110_1.png)


Evening, fren.

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feb790  No.12837207


What no notable for my other post? Pfff

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25b674  No.12837208

>>12837088 kek , yeah fire exit sign ? = autists?



.. that video that came out recently with oval office & the "red building" i saw some debunk of it, but they were talking about glare on the building.. it made no sense.. there shouldn't be any buildings in these scenes.

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8795a1  No.12837209

File: 97e480428200fcb⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 97e480428200fcb284d79b9d1a….jpg)

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12bdf1  No.12837211

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23d5b0  No.12837212

File: bacccd0b8da5658⋯.jpg (115.46 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Vaticansnakeinthegrassobel….jpg)

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dfcfad  No.12837213

File: 9e1fc011a4ef8fb⋯.jpg (72.04 KB, 421x420, 421:420, 4_GINGER.jpg)

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45e643  No.12837214



Remember that this guy was vehement that NO poisoning agents were detected on Navalny's body; that goes against Navalny's claims, not the Kremlin…

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c58adb  No.12837215

Here you go


All four Lincoln Project posts in a bun.

>>12836784, >>12836803, >>12836823, >>12836846 Lincoln Project Founders, Advisors, Funders, Chuck Schumer and More

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20616b  No.12837216

File: bdc48465cefb966⋯.png (540.18 KB, 695x714, 695:714, 4366.png)



the namefagging pig/clown idiot is back from vacation/jail

immediate filter applied

I was hoping the pig had been slaughtered for bacon

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27f65a  No.12837217


No saying I am. Did seem like air was sucked out of room after his interview dropped. I'm getting a sense the "done in 30" was the last straw for some. I could be wrong.

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7497ae  No.12837218

File: 681f04925575d50⋯.png (279.61 KB, 573x690, 191:230, ClipboardImage.png)


Ally Mutnick


NEW: House Dems unveiled the message they plan to hammer throughout the 2022 cycle: The GOP is the party of QAnon

"They can do QAnon or they can do college-educated voters. They cannot do both" - DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney



House Dems move to yoke GOP to ‘QAnon’

"They can do QAnon, or they can do college-educated voters. They cannot do both."https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/02/qanon-gop-465157


7:11 PM · Feb 2, 2021

I think there are a lot of college educated anons here.

we are smarter than them

we are richer than them

we are the super elite.

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65ff1f  No.12837219




is it the guy RUFIO?

or just another glasses wearing facial hair dood?

lots of coat and hat changes that day

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fcda8b  No.12837220

File: d728470f7efba55⋯.jpg (95.13 KB, 640x377, 640:377, d728470f7efba5585a1a0e6468….jpg)

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9c9846  No.12837221


>if the left wants to go there, im sure patriots are ready.

Hopium springs eternal.

What in history can you point to?

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1b05f1  No.12837222

File: 6ac069152d1ba37⋯.png (92.77 KB, 285x177, 95:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dda1e248715370⋯.png (414.86 KB, 800x390, 80:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf3768fa27404c9⋯.png (715.72 KB, 900x484, 225:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ed6e8fba9146c8⋯.png (89.71 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh duh

I am Adam

Alpha and Omega

I wasn't born a sinner, or was I?

You see.

If you want to step into my thelogical shoes at the moment.

I do have an interesting experience.

If you can bypass or understand I got this Lord guy, right, my voice the Lord.

I will always tell you that.

I dont know what Lord is okay.

I cannot prove Lord

I cannot tell you anything of Lord except it is He and He is Powerful.

He is here to smash demons.

He found me smashing corporations 10 years ago.

He helped me get here.

I started smashin' cabals instead of corporations.

I am done smashing cabals now

I am seriously ready to put those things in teh oven.

I know that sounds insane

I am just telling you waht I saw

I saw the science

I saw the data

I can't build you a file.

I shared lots of links.

Whatever, a demon is.

It is related to Haplogroup R T Q S


There are ancient types to like E X W

It gets confusing though

becuase every bloodltype is bad at some point

and every one si good at some point

it is the karmic wheel

some have been good one more time than bad 2/3

or some have it reverse 3/2

so… chicken egg

go back

who knows

i live on my side of the polarity divide

i call my self +

there blood literally says -

maybe they think - is + somehow

in the brain


this is neuro stuff

DNA mutations

strange things from the bible

i use science to explain

i can tell you the science of revelation and the plague in about 30 seconds

google super-organism and plate tectonic + storms

google COVID-19 neandrathal

google COVID-19 impact map

google Haplogroup R1 distribution map

okay. so you have tribes of israel DNA {R1B] also the area where teh democrats live in the northeast, also the British people live there.

Okay. R1 is British. I am R1. okay.

It is about a mutation at DYZ19. It deletes a core part of the genome sequence.

But why do they all live over geothermal vents?

then covid impact

look you see india, europe, SE asia, and america.

go here and see haplogorup R


i am not making this shit up

have one more. here is your haplo X

track it from pharoah, to scotland with scotia <known as moses>, and then to new <scotia>

and it rips across your northern border

you have tribes of israel, mixed with egyptian pharoah blood telling you what to do with the federal government. the democrats have a different moral code. google it. genopolitics or biopolitics.

There is a mutation that impacts these groups of people called DYZ19

the present DJT has it

look at DJT BY20693 it is his DNA point

make sure it is his

look it what it is

look at DYZ19

okay - there wont be much

just know they are mutated together

live over geothermal vents

are all from british descendants - some of us come through virgina, others northeast


look up halplogroups of founding fathers

each side has their own <branch>

that tracks back

there is anti-mason also anti-federalist also germa.

there is mason also federalist also gernan

i know it is scottish masonry, just bear with me to keep the thread in tact.

it is <the isles> it gets messy after a while

you get high and lowland scots

and irish scott amd wales


the important is the big ipicture not the little

but you need to know the picture… is more complex i am just not diving there

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1b05f1  No.12837223




there is a cali haplogroup too.


I can tell you

washing DC has 40% haplogroup E

unique to the nation

only state with primary E haplogroup

E is the natufians is Africa

they becames moors and turned white

they did skull worship

and stuff

oh, no way?


that stuff ummm,

that is why you see the muslim brotherhood

operating in DC

they see they are <special gene>

it is true though, but it is special evil gene

the good evil gen that matches

is the Mulengeon, or maybe the original natufians.

there are strands of +/- that weave throughtout the entire human ecosystem

you cannot

just say this that

everyone wants to talk % or +/- ABO


i will just say this

i have been looking

i find the common denominator

to be a threshold level of neadrathal %

I am low % @ 2.5%

I am 25th percentile for tested people

Mom is high @ 3.6%

She is 70th percentile for tested people

so only a 1% diffrence

but half of the people tested

fall in that margin


here is the thing

you need to trust us genetic people some

cause i got shit up my sleeve all day long

i could track these mother f

fuckers right to there dinner tables

and arrest them


i am just showing you all

what i am [SURE] the governmet knows


i tell you all

i am the commander here

it is my job to track these people and shit

if you have questions

or want to help

just ask

i got projects out my asss

but i can hardly convicne anyone

i am looking at heir damn cabal in the DNA


here is the article about

the state by state haplogroup breakdown

E is OLD = not all bad, but DC is bad yea

see cali, see nevada

see lousiana ? black people


the further back the letter

the older the blooodline


you could have a real old line

mix with a real new line

and it would get a new letter

but could be associated with the old line or royal line

royal lines are just ancient lines or old lines

so yea

that is why they fuck babies and do creepy shit


i dont know about fucking baby thing yet

i am sure it was a ritual

and whatever, not okay


the skull drunking and stuff


is it illegal in america to drink from a skull?

i had to ask this stuff

what is legal magic

or whateer

legal ritual

can you kill a goat?

can you kill a goat by hand?

can you kill a goat by hand with a knife?

can you kill a goat by hand with a knife and do it for the Lord?

can you kill a goat by hand iwth a knife and call it Halal?

Do you mind if I put some candles around it?

I was hoping to kill a goat by hand with a knife for my spirit ancestors DIDJABOOTI!

Is that cool?

It is part of my roots from Africa.

I am stuck in America now and I want me cultural traditions respected.

The White man kills the goat.

The Arab man kills the goat

Why cna't the <WHITE LIBERAL> murder the goat for her god the earth and biden?


that is the problem

the democrats are gonna go

staright fucking crawly crawly

white magician they call it

there is not such thing as wa white magician


i got carried awy

i am going to push enter

long story short you can see some of the <older stuff>

but older stuff is just old . doesnt make it good or bad

but you know because of the political game you already play

if you can see the genetics to explain the geopolitical positions

saudi has gentics

pakistan/india border has genetic

turkey/syria has genetic

kurds have genetic

taiwan vs china

ukraine vs russian

sk vs nk

east germany vs west germany

i could go on and on

but every story

has onE thread going through it

the politcs, the morality, the this and that

% level neandrathal genome


Haplogroup with a ABO +/- determination

You need all 3 I think

Haplogroup ABO +/-

and even then

you may need more

like I have a string to tell me my sub

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65ff1f  No.12837224

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45e643  No.12837225

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23d5b0  No.12837226

File: 27ff41696cc84dd⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 524x655, 4:5, obelisks.jpg)

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dfcfad  No.12837227

File: 128a2fd8b8b0b32⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 584x374, 292:187, MEME_JAIL.jpg)

File: 7f413b3d9182463⋯.jpg (75.06 KB, 690x357, 230:119, HARD_KNOCK_MEME.jpg)

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e2a74f  No.12837228


How many times has the US been invaded?

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aac4ac  No.12837229

File: e2e85dc66c3a1ca⋯.jpg (81.75 KB, 816x608, 51:38, MrCatMrPigPlaceInWorld.JPG)

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578ebe  No.12837230


How the fuck am I gonna swallow that?

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20616b  No.12837231

File: fcbd8ce1942e359⋯.jpg (110.3 KB, 497x486, 497:486, 6464.jpg)

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23d5b0  No.12837232

File: ab39804ffaa31b8⋯.jpg (86.02 KB, 828x811, 828:811, Eb3OIqTVAAAQtZt.jpg)

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c207f2  No.12837233

File: 9f1bb08fd2f29a4⋯.jpg (19.13 KB, 255x252, 85:84, debbie_dws_ramen_noodle_ha….jpg)


that's dark af but hilarious.

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cd618d  No.12837234


EXACTLY!! This was a DS hit job from beginning to end. They pulled this same shit back in '04 in Ukraine. Poison a guy to get sympathy and make the other side look like monsters tied to Russia.

They keep using the same stupid dirty trick and blaming it on Russia bc normies are too stupid to figure it out.

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528524  No.12837235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2f8f86  No.12837236



I hate polls, but too bad we can't do one as I suspect you are 100% correct, anon

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9c9846  No.12837237


The U.S. has ALWAYS been invaded. Wake the fuck up.

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8795a1  No.12837238

File: 34fe72cb749002c⋯.jpeg (149.9 KB, 828x918, 46:51, 34fe72cb749002cad1bf82e0c….jpeg)


most of them are

They used to say that night shift are the ones who talk to Q (or somethin' along these lines … kek!)

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528524  No.12837239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31fd50  No.12837240

File: 480a8400c530245⋯.png (246.93 KB, 362x638, 181:319, 125.png)


licky boom boom down

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4959bf  No.12837241


1. >There is no plan

Could he really say there was one? Optics.

2. >POTUS did not sign Insurrection Act

He didn't need to; conditions present for 11.3 to kick in made it unnecessary for him to do so.

3. >Military is not running the country.

NOW. Not running the country NOW. Doesnt mean they weren't. Means that Trump now is.

Anon is not discouraged

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528524  No.12837242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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561b39  No.12837243


thats what they tell me..

we shall see.

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67b4f6  No.12837244


>mechanics color revolution on USA 'purple'.png


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23d5b0  No.12837245

File: 2c6fd0be1292830⋯.jpg (15.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6924c0b6a12c0ad713bd288457….jpg)

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f381db  No.12837246


Q doldrums.

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528524  No.12837247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31fd50  No.12837248

File: 71529ab63254276⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 1000x426, 500:213, yoda_and_luke.webm)


sad beep

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4959bf  No.12837249


and green text fail

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011686  No.12837250


The new 'Sharpie Harpie', from Ronco

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a93a88  No.12837251



>there were some nice MNR memes before those faggots named their board

The OP (or, just one of them) of those memes was heartbroken over their use there.

Anons were telling him to kys Comms and he was all like wait wut?

He then went on like a 3 day crusade telling anyone who would listen that it's not his fault his memes got stolen.

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2f2c76  No.12837252

File: e1a22b24e6ec497⋯.png (270 KB, 695x635, 139:127, Screen_Shot_2021_02_05_at_….png)

File: cd8fda7f96208bc⋯.png (298.19 KB, 417x330, 139:110, Screen_Shot_2021_02_05_at_….png)

File: 7afdb93e874bc56⋯.png (196.55 KB, 560x726, 280:363, Screen_Shot_2021_02_05_at_….png)

File: 882cff8dfcfabab⋯.png (520.84 KB, 610x616, 305:308, Screen_Shot_2021_02_05_at_….png)

File: e0e775156cc1cac⋯.png (306.85 KB, 637x604, 637:604, Screen_Shot_2021_02_05_at_….png)



who would think that our church leaders would lie to us…..

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e2a74f  No.12837253


Surely you can point to a few times then…

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20616b  No.12837254

File: 00a395f9383d239⋯.jpg (162.21 KB, 1025x924, 1025:924, 464646.jpg)

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528524  No.12837255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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634e6a  No.12837256

How heavily armed is your state?

Ironic #2 is DC

2. District of Columbia

The District of Columbia comes in at number two in the nation, with 66.4 guns for every 1,000 residents. That's 42,897 registered firearms dispersed among only 646,449 people.


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000000  No.12837257


Yeah. Flynn may not be in the know and if he was he would play ignoro

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64feb8  No.12837258


some anons are like meme making gunslingers

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528524  No.12837259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3972f1  No.12837260


not getting any of that from this anon

this anon only takes the pot because taking the Zoloft put me under a bridge over a bayou listening to the cars drive by overhead in despair

indica doesn't do that

you be you anon, no worries here

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af4434  No.12837261


the revolution is a pretty good example. Inb4 it didnt work. freedom isnt won in a day. but 1776 was a big step in the right direction. there have been setbacks, and successes along the way. but the DS hasnt tried something like that war again, because they know if you put an american in a position where they have to shoot you to preserve their freedoms. they wont hesitate.

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b52ef8  No.12837262

File: bef2835d1978b02⋯.jpeg (93.85 KB, 530x476, 265:238, 40A79C7A_FCBF_417E_AC3C_9….jpeg)

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528524  No.12837263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c9846  No.12837264


>point to a few times

What part of the word "always" do you fail to comprehend?

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2f8f86  No.12837265


I hate to ask, but I'm tired of wondering: who is this roving person

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23d5b0  No.12837266

File: 5790f0125e92aff⋯.png (390.16 KB, 656x625, 656:625, 64326e07d32e69892795a3d849….png)

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88d2b1  No.12837267

File: 1f838522b6c9252⋯.png (46.14 KB, 646x336, 323:168, Screenshot_2021_02_05_at_9….png)

Interesting take on the Time article

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619c0c  No.12837268

File: f1712cda0433327⋯.png (430.53 KB, 608x611, 608:611, Screen_Shot_02_05_21_at_11….PNG)

Daily Caller


Life Will Return To Normal In Seven Years, Vaccine Database Shows



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528524  No.12837269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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31fd50  No.12837270

File: 7c960820bfd80f1⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 265x285, 53:57, curtains.gif)


mek me laff

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3fb98f  No.12837271


Thought it was "lick the moo moo cow" guess I had that wrong

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a63e96  No.12837272

File: 66a3bb57e94692b⋯.png (997.31 KB, 1094x726, 547:363, 66a3bb57e94692b0db4d618541….png)

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23d5b0  No.12837273

File: 0876ef862170d06⋯.jpg (106.8 KB, 605x757, 605:757, FeinsteinChiCom.jpg)

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cd618d  No.12837274


More people will believe in Q by 2022. They keep hammering this shit and end up making more and more people curious about it.

On another note, we wouldnt even have a reason to worry about 2022 if we had more MAGA lawyers. We know we have the overwhelming votes. But we get out lawyered, except in the state of TX where they have an actual AG taking on the POS lawyer attacks by Elias, who should be hung btw.

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eea163  No.12837275

File: 6e7e7497dfe92e2⋯.png (80.34 KB, 202x255, 202:255, groupiesbecraycray_7_.png)

Love is the most powerful force in the universe

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99732e  No.12837276

File: 38e635ce4b7e298⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 4wx3v3.jpg)

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20616b  No.12837277

File: 43831e6e9a3b15a⋯.png (430.25 KB, 771x405, 257:135, 546474.png)

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e2a74f  No.12837278


What part of show me does your Glow Nigger ass not understand. Show me the US being invaded. Enemy ships or troops or something.

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ce15ec  No.12837279

Dude, look at some of the Proud Boys pictures. Looks like a photoshoot from a Gay Bear Club.

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528524  No.12837280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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feb790  No.12837281


99% survival.

Protect the seniors and health care workers.

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38fdf9  No.12837282

File: 6a0c652107c08bc⋯.png (572.65 KB, 1881x961, 1881:961, deep_state_russia_putin_nv….png)

File: 77dee26b9f42de2⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 474x520, 237:260, Putin_davos_speech_quote_b….jpg)

File: 044e70a2d857c1f⋯.jpeg (106.96 KB, 553x493, 553:493, Putin_davos_speech_quote.jpeg)

File: a75a8abf0387303⋯.jpg (251.67 KB, 1523x451, 1523:451, jews_go_after_putin.jpg)

File: 6ecb82a894605f6⋯.jpg (53.79 KB, 449x449, 1:1, putin_popcorn.jpg)

>>12836236 (pb)

>It was Victor Ashe.

Thanks bro…memory fart…knew it was ash something notoriously gay. I remember LMAO because back then there's no way a straight man would have willingly roomed with a gay man that flamed so bad.

>>12836039 (pb)

You guys are so fucking stupid. EVERY fucking thing you just wrote as "truth" was bullshit. No one had to rig Obama's election he was very charismatic and got the "white guilt vote"..the second time? probably.

He's touting OLD shit ….And Russia…holy shit you're stupid af if you believe Russia did something to blame on the chinks. Stupid af.

They do to Putin the same damn thing they do to Trump and have done for years. ((OLIGARCHS)))…have been trying to get rid of Putin for years. Anyone claiming Russia is an enemy is stupid literally stupid af and programmed. You just handed me even more proof that JUAN is a fucking LARP repeating old chestnuts to lend himself credibility.

FAT…the (((MAYOR of MOSCOW))) is Russia's wealthiest (((WOMAN)))…guess who she was making a deal with?

Nalvany's latest move was a last ditch effort to get the "color revolution" activated in Russia.

Putin is based af. Or didn't you bother to listen to his Davos speech? (quotes in screencaps)

I will repeat, anyone that believes anything the "truth with fiction" Juan o Savin aka Wayne (((WILLOTT))) says is a literal programmed retard.

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2f8f86  No.12837283


Interesting, Anon. I have been contemplating going on Zoloft but am concerned about some of the reports

I always liked that little white oval from the commercial, though

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23d5b0  No.12837284

File: 91d5e364be7367b⋯.jpg (77.5 KB, 612x612, 1:1, tumblr_mexegdQXzG1rld84wo1….jpg)

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578ebe  No.12837285


Sorry. All you comms niggers look a like.

The few brain cells you all share doesn't help in the differentiation process either.

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55aac7  No.12837286

File: 97c3b264c7280c3⋯.jpg (161.24 KB, 1051x1200, 1051:1200, Dicks_in_congress_GOP_ball….jpg)

I keep seeing people posting that Trump will/should run in 2024…Have they already forgotten about the rigged voting machines??? Since the Republican party has "NOT" acknowledged that the "ELECTION" was "STOLEN"…Does anyone seriously believe that anything will have changed in 2024???

Absolute Proof that the ELECTION WAS STOLEN and the REPUBLICANS are quiet as a mouse!!!…WHY???

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b1d54d  No.12837287

Just got off work and heard that guy with Lindell talking about Frankfurt and a malware called "Q Snatch" hmmm we have it all.


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528524  No.12837288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4959bf  No.12837289


that is the whistleblower that Lin Wood posted

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cd618d  No.12837290


People should be tried for crimes against humanity for not producing HCQ for the masses.

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c2c238  No.12837291


>yep don't smoke pot don't drink I am leading a very natural healthy life style

You do know that cannabis is natural, right?

It effectively substitutes for over a hundred different pharmaceuticals.

So, like, before you start judging people, yo, consider the "alternative", which there is absolutely no pharmaceutical medication that can substitute for one single Natural plant.

>I am not sure why this would be a problem…?

You're the one calling people names, bruh

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011686  No.12837293

File: e70038c6f8d4733⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, HOGG.png)

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606f1e  No.12837294

Baker here

I was looking for KB cause I thought he wanted to bake from bread before. That's all it was. No conspiracy.

Shill bakers have been harassing all day. We're all a bit tired…

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64feb8  No.12837295


never thought i would say this but

I am really craving some DWS

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000000  No.12837296

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c207f2  No.12837297

File: af38621a8b66bea⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trump_drum_burma_dancer.mp4)

You fuckers forget McTraitor's death was foretold to theMINUTEand it was known 2 weeks in advance the motherfuckingLord's Prayerwas due for an overhaul. Take your 'Flynn didn't know' and 'there was no plan' back to Antarctica.

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7dac55  No.12837298

File: a5b6cc3faa2f6fc⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 749x1051, 749:1051, EtalfRvXcAElYe6.jpg)

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12bdf1  No.12837299


>the ones who talk to Q

good memories

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9c9846  No.12837300

Yuri Bezmenov. Until you get a fucking handle, you should lurk, you stupid fucking nigger.

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feb790  No.12837301

File: 7ffeada9584ae1c⋯.jpeg (141.48 KB, 750x416, 375:208, 896EAB70_1AB2_40F0_A719_F….jpeg)

File: 949ac8956dc3fe0⋯.jpeg (180.33 KB, 1360x906, 680:453, 68525F3C_45E6_4E90_989F_5….jpeg)

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65ff1f  No.12837302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

news media viewer

realizes the fakery and editing

as it occurs on live tv


and "they are all gonna die"

comment monts earlier but used day of Capitol fakery


Trump says "they're all going to die" - fake blood hand off caught on tape at Capitol building

524 views•Jan 7, 2021




Watch "Full Phone Call: Trump Pressures Georgia Secretary of State To Recount Election Votes | NBC News" on YouTube


How MSM portrayed Trump phone call as a strong-arming dictator trying to overturn a fair election

Watch "Trump’s Phone Call with Georgia Election Officials Could Be a Crime: A Closer Look" on YouTube


Watch "Interview: Laura Ingraham Interviews Donald Trump on Fox's Ingraham Angle - Part 1 - August 31, 2020" on YouTube


@3:20​- kundilini at 40 years old

Watch "The Pleiadians - The moon is a satellite that was constructed." on YouTube


(2 soul hybrids, human/reptilian @3:00​)



Watch "KJ'S WHAT HAPPENED? (Jan 5th 2021)" on YouTube


Salty cracker

Watch "Trump Releases Statement About Transition of Power as Tech Silences Him" on YouTube


Trump says "they're all going to die" - fake blood hand off caught on tape at Capitol building

524 views•Jan 7, 2021


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0263c7  No.12837303


If the powers that be decided to tell the public the truth…

How the GOP decides to react will determine who remains in the party. We don't need them but they need us. 0.4598% isn't really that far off from 3.

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ce15ec  No.12837304

File: ef05d3c450507dc⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 569x569, 1:1, 71B3QYi9mxL_AC_SX569_.jpg)

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528524  No.12837305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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31fd50  No.12837306

File: 6f4e151be8395e0⋯.png (687.8 KB, 599x448, 599:448, odds.png)

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ab9c1a  No.12837307

File: d0b284edb66735c⋯.png (531.02 KB, 475x750, 19:30, Hunter_s_son_if_only_you_k….png)

File: 522b9e12e51ee48⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 500x588, 125:147, 4wx461.jpg)

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cd618d  No.12837308


that's @johnheretohelp

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23d5b0  No.12837309

File: 2860ace39daf98d⋯.png (521.02 KB, 1080x775, 216:155, Sss978946.png)

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dfcfad  No.12837310

File: 139b38474684bbb⋯.jpg (92.91 KB, 586x489, 586:489, TRUTH_BOMB.jpg)



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528524  No.12837311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ff0e8d  No.12837312


and your code name is LARP

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65ff1f  No.12837313


from comments


3 weeks ago

That video of the fake blood squib has been wiped from history. I’ve got two screen shots. Do you have anything else?

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02b952  No.12837314


I may despise Fauchi more than HRC at this point….

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fcda8b  No.12837316

File: 5532aaa7409860a⋯.png (118.98 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5532aaa7409860a31f502da0b8….png)

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180ef1  No.12837317

File: b873157be27998f⋯.png (1.27 MB, 960x539, 960:539, b873157be27998fcff91b70c35….png)


Wow, really embarrassing your self now

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b52ef8  No.12837318

File: 9e362a16f0c6190⋯.jpeg (315.78 KB, 880x880, 1:1, 5729586A_0193_4FF0_813C_7….jpeg)

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4959bf  No.12837319


oh my gosh, clapper is the whistleblower???

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528524  No.12837320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a93a88  No.12837321


Cannabis & Kratom

TY God - I'm very appreciative.

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cdfd86  No.12837322

File: b73bf7c7a355a2c⋯.png (183.6 KB, 450x300, 3:2, JIDF.png)


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feb790  No.12837323


I have never seen a better meme until I eye saw this.

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03cdd8  No.12837324


>Say something really nice about

He was less sinister than Hillary.

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e16b66  No.12837325

Like what on Earth was the ending rush all about. The medium is the massage. Winter has come.


Bloody well right. Those are the ones you need. Whittling upvotes exclude all extroversion ex culpa mea swarthy. WE SENTENCE YOU TO KISS OUR ASS! You corruption chaos blowhards.


Well now you seen it. You've seen something truly stupefying and zang. Which would save the world. Precipice pullback.

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20616b  No.12837327

File: 04d360e6438173d⋯.png (298.49 KB, 600x525, 8:7, 647585.png)

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528524  No.12837328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mount tabor is Christian religion place believed to be the place of transfiguration of Jesus Christ where Jesus begins to radiation light and covered with Moses Elijah

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9c9846  No.12837329


Was meant for this stupid ass nigger:


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29b896  No.12837330


i thought that if the russians decided to kill you with a poison

you would probably not be alive now

it appears that russia's most deadly nerve agent is about as dangerous

as the worlds most deadly pandemic

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4e9c70  No.12837331


I mean eyes.

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31fd50  No.12837333

File: cd03fff9b187d61⋯.png (953.9 KB, 728x820, 182:205, seed_chelsea_pike_madelin_….png)

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528524  No.12837334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2f8f86  No.12837335


kek. A pharmaceutical after my own heart

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00f46e  No.12837336

File: 95363eadbff663b⋯.jpeg (272.57 KB, 1029x673, 1029:673, 32356.jpeg)

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c207f2  No.12837337

File: 829ad77c0859f15⋯.png (192.8 KB, 255x252, 85:84, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfcfad  No.12837338

File: 3990d9d5e85a1a4⋯.jpg (113.9 KB, 451x599, 451:599, PIG_BAD_UGLY.jpg)

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cd618d  No.12837339


The No Name thing was freaky as hell.

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a34043  No.12837340

File: 3969d63c9e73ee3⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 660x413, 660:413, ayanna_pressley_black_pant….jpg)

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fdf684  No.12837341

File: f43c0da1bec15a4⋯.png (313.11 KB, 400x404, 100:101, ruggyd.png)

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38fdf9  No.12837342

File: 9a45aba3b4f5158⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1479x1000, 1479:1000, 4chan_cipher_air_plane_cra….png)


Look carefully. I'm only going to post 1 photo from the video of a terrified Russian flight crash investigator….all I should need is 1 photo.

She was on scene within two hours. Please advice me, how does a 2 hour dead body develop close to a year's worth of adipos tissue?

Why were all the passengers Asian?

Why were they all wearing summer clothes?

Why were all the suitcases packed with summer clothes…for a trip to very cold Ukraine?

The truth is so beyond fucked up that your usual "insider paytriot this is what happened" videos have not touched this one.

Yet another attempt to take Putin down….Maidan affiar anyone?

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cdfd86  No.12837343

File: 1ca482725d28b35⋯.png (29.15 KB, 1869x899, 1869:899, Filtered.png)


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528524  No.12837344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e2a74f  No.12837345


So you can't show me an invasion?

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1b05f1  No.12837346

File: b1f67e154e27a97⋯.png (40.7 KB, 951x471, 317:157, ClipboardImage.png)



do you think that is english?

have you heard my posts on this topic maybe.

what is work lichen

who are lichen

mix of alga + fungi

lichen is good hybrid / very powerful

tracks to <iceland moss> | atlantis

clear here

i always think in spirit animals

and it works out for me

so the lichen goes with the blood in which the name is associated

my first thought is

that the germans are telling the aryans to go to work

do you think i can find that?

i dunno

gonna hit send

maybe it is meaningless

maybe will



waht do you know of

east vs west german?

i bet their speakin' different langauges.

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000000  No.12837347



-1 reveals

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23d5b0  No.12837348

File: 183e842615094c5⋯.png (444.5 KB, 480x726, 80:121, 2020_02_11_19_18_25.png)


She wasn't supposed to lose - HONK HONK - Clown fucking world

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20616b  No.12837349


trips chkd

nice Horseface pic

I only see one pussy in that shot, the other is obfuscated by a Demon

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a93a88  No.12837350


>Shill bakers have been harassing all day. We're all a bit tired…

All that harassing will tire a crew out.

TY for being honest and admitting who you are tho.

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528524  No.12837351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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606f1e  No.12837352


>>12836643 Dough

#16386 FINAL Notables

>>12836739 Hospital in Washington state detaining people until they submit to a covid test

>>12836743 Youtube removes Mike Lindell Video for violating Comunity 'guidelines'

>>12836784 Dig on Lincoln Project

>>12836855 Washington, D.C. Republican senior staffer arrested for child p-rn

>>12836931 It was Coppertone Rose Kennedy who was quoted as saying.. “Birds sing after a storm;

>>12836960 Hunter Biden, family move into $5.4M Venice, Calif. home

>>12836998 Breakdown of how the Capitol False Flag attack was executed (video)

>>12837084 Doctor who treated Alexei Navalny after poisoning dead at 55

>>12837133 Former Garcetti aide says top mayoral advisor engaged in unwanted touching

>>12837218 NEW: House Dems unveiled the message they plan to hammer throughout the 2022 cycle: The GOP is the party of Q

>>12837268 @DailyCaller Life Will Return To Normal In Seven Years, Vaccine Database Shows


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55aac7  No.12837353

Why isn't the "Republican Party" in a uproar over the stolen election???

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fdf684  No.12837354

File: 58b6abc2b8f9487⋯.png (123.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ki_fililteredz.png)

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21d288  No.12837355

File: 0ccc403abe1e2a7⋯.jpg (139.59 KB, 474x340, 237:170, Polish_20210130_005236065.jpg)

File: 86657c3f6b37aa6⋯.jpg (155.7 KB, 780x437, 780:437, Polish_20210202_162751587.jpg)

File: 98b56fd6f6ec403⋯.png (457.86 KB, 864x573, 288:191, Polish_20210201_094213882.png)

File: a2f28df2ff30b42⋯.png (87.14 KB, 409x292, 409:292, Polish_20210128_200423585.png)

File: 606725cd3e8ce75⋯.jpg (111.17 KB, 530x298, 265:149, Polish_20210131_233518070.jpg)

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23d5b0  No.12837356

File: da8c18c55a3171a⋯.jpg (213.24 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, da8c18c55a3171a3236c03de56….jpg)

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32d4d3  No.12837357


This guy plays his fucking ass off. First heard Eric Johnson back in the mid to late 80's. Looks about the time of this live performance. Incredible musician!!! TY anon!!!!


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528524  No.12837358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e5b94e  No.12837359


Dont concede the wine. Ill be there when you uncork it.

He said.

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5c9d6f  No.12837360


eh, all of your groupthink shit is the same. Everyone's oss. Everyone's gerbil. Everyone's comms. Everyone's mnr.. I noticed everyone and their brother was kekbees today, kek!

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cdfd86  No.12837361

File: 24c0f2c6015151b⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 252x255, 84:85, FreeGoatWithCarpet.jpg)

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20616b  No.12837362

File: fe7cf1d754cb301⋯.jpg (108.14 KB, 650x471, 650:471, 4474.jpg)

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619c0c  No.12837363


Spill it.

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9c9846  No.12837364


Senator McCarthy was right. Is that not enough of an invasion for you?

America has ALWAYS been invaded.

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a93a88  No.12837365

File: 143a307db46a1a4⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 450x600, 3:4, DWS_SexxxxxyGoddess.jpg)


>I am really craving some DWS

Fake Debbie is the one to crave.

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528524  No.12837366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e2a74f  No.12837368


Infiltrated is not invaded. Dumb fuck.

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180ef1  No.12837369

File: eef2f9e660b7e18⋯.jpg (71.18 KB, 545x500, 109:100, eef2f9e660b7e183680f28fd08….jpg)


Enjoying the new chem trails, up to 14% pig's blood plasma binder agent now. Breathe deeply!

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a1277b  No.12837370


I don't care about your sad beep. See you don't want me to be healthy. It is that simple you don't want good things for me you want to destroy me mentally and emotionally. It is not going to happen. I am not falling for people being nice to me in my life. A gift is not a gift if you expect something in return. You are not a healthy person wishing bad on other people constantly. You have shown your true colors over and over again.

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fdf684  No.12837371

File: 1a85759cc86f2dd⋯.jpg (155.38 KB, 743x954, 743:954, v69ygdx9pgw11.jpg)

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b19470  No.12837373

File: 3daba4a169c76a9⋯.jpg (27.83 KB, 804x720, 67:60, gretchen_4.jpg)

File: 72ea948d7998bfa⋯.png (5.71 KB, 77x66, 7:6, q_pendant.png)



I want to lick that Q snatch.

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6e3466  No.12837374

File: 4049141a99ceb23⋯.jpg (444.27 KB, 1057x1647, 1057:1647, Screenshot_20210205_231717….jpg)


Kinda weird seeing no traffic on east coast after weeks of non stop…

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cd618d  No.12837375


Imagine being as incompetent with poison as they have been over the years. Kek. Still questionable who targeted Alexander Litvenenko.

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528524  No.12837376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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67b4f6  No.12837378

File: 37ad16bd8e637f2⋯.png (547.26 KB, 690x459, 230:153, ClipboardImage.png)


wait this dig is getting more complex. Trump's jet changed.. This is apparently the 757 he bought from Paul Allen in 2011..

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fdf684  No.12837379

File: a310712682f3535⋯.png (1.29 MB, 636x743, 636:743, yep.png)

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1b05f1  No.12837381

I bet some of you are ready.

I have a solution

for language.

Obviously. Something is up with it all.

You look.

You see.




It still weird me out everyday.

I understand.

If you dont see it, you don't

If you do see it, good luck stopping sometimes

I do have a solution.

But you don't give solutions to people who don't have a problem yet.

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578ebe  No.12837382


Nice astro turf you got there. I particularly liked the opening denial.

So when you kids gonna get to go back to school?

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38fdf9  No.12837384

File: 0426fc30cad13d9⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 4chan_potato_I_can_count.jpg)


Why are you so rabidly protecting this fake ass fucker? Interdasting. All he's doing is regurgitating and remixing old conspiracy shit wrapped up in a "important today' blanket.

He will be arrested. BANK the FUCK ON IT. His larp as JR is what did him in this time.

I'm don arguing with a potato. That's literally your IQ.

I bet you believe the Queen is a lizard that eats babies in the palace basement and that it's the RUSSIANS lol all you did was hand me MORE fucking proof Willott is a fraud.

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cdfd86  No.12837385

File: af018dcd1a7c77e⋯.png (311.02 KB, 702x336, 117:56, Solemani.png)

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dfcfad  No.12837386

File: 254c083835a8d9d⋯.jpg (78.44 KB, 459x316, 459:316, TERMINATE_DS.jpg)

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528524  No.12837388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fdf684  No.12837389

File: 7182bd249447101⋯.png (494.78 KB, 609x534, 203:178, rope_traitors.png)

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43abba  No.12837391

File: c76a3bc6fd2d485⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 500x376, 125:94, addamsmoncher.jpg)

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32d4d3  No.12837392


So is this Clapper anon? Sounds like him and then it doesn't. If it is, then HOLY FUCK"N SHIT!!!!

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89136c  No.12837393


That airplane is a 727

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8795a1  No.12837394

File: 30b699a43e5a340⋯.jpg (135.03 KB, 748x500, 187:125, 30b699a43e5a340f4b09ac228c….jpg)

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759db2  No.12837395


Some of the top R's are involved and/or knowingly let the steal happen.

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180ef1  No.12837396


British Army 1814, and Pancho Villa iirc 1910

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528524  No.12837397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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12bdf1  No.12837398

File: b8e759d51fc8982⋯.png (655.31 KB, 718x822, 359:411, Screen_Shot_2021_02_05_at_….png)

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20616b  No.12837399

File: 7cfa46fb3e24d1a⋯.png (345.16 KB, 737x487, 737:487, 666.png)


>the new chem trails

Bill is into chem-trails now….

Trust Bill

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c2c238  No.12837400

File: 512d88f5ebd6528⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 4765124_Mike_Tyson_Quote_I….jpg)


>Interesting, Anon. I have been contemplating going on Zoloft but am concerned about some of the reports

Best Tyson quote ever.

He, too, has since switched the cannabis :)


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e2a74f  No.12837401


Thank you.

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f8b616  No.12837402

File: e71953ad7026214⋯.jpg (11.66 KB, 225x222, 75:74, BillClintonImranAwan.jpg)

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fcda8b  No.12837403

File: 5c5e16c38823a4b⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 474x609, 158:203, 5c5e16c38823a4bad4b75d6abc….jpg)

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cd618d  No.12837404


Before judging…remember the DS loooooves to plant child porn on devices to set people up. It's a favored method.

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606f1e  No.12837405


They wore the entire board out which I believe was their strategy. Sad. They've already lost and they know it.

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b331e7  No.12837406


He hung out at the Canyon.

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e16b66  No.12837407

Just imagine. Freedom restored.


What's happening? They're totally blown away.


Entire movies of content, except, it's not actually real. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Yeah. Oh… my God. I think you're right. See I know. Just passing the grey pilgrimage rider. It's called a stock supply helipad.

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ce15ec  No.12837408

File: 52556e3cdb71b1e⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 320x240, 4:3, tumblr_lp049uG1NC1qlsh4u.jpg)

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23d5b0  No.12837409

File: 4ffb48096c584ba⋯.jpg (247.02 KB, 1440x1957, 1440:1957, D_5Z0YpWwAAYhKu.jpg)

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9c9846  No.12837410


And you have an imposter for a "president", a group of traitors crying crocodile tears in "your Capitol" over a staged event, a military that is slowly teetering over to treason, and a populace too morally bankrupt to do anything about it, even though they are armed with an amendment that states their right to do it, AND with the physical arms to accomplish it. And you want split hairs between infiltration and invasion. Good luck with that when the jackboots come for you, comrade.

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1f1126  No.12837411

File: 38160ede30f7f6c⋯.jpg (100.9 KB, 720x734, 360:367, fauci_the_hand.jpg)

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528524  No.12837412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e38f74  No.12837413


Where'd ya get the idea that comms hates 8bit?

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38fdf9  No.12837414

File: 389d70fb017aa86⋯.jpg (11.12 KB, 275x183, 275:183, count_to_potato.jpg)



>>>12836399 (pb)

>>"And now we hear that Wayne Willott has been posing as Juan O. Savin on Field McConnell’s Abel Danger channel.

It's the same damn voice you literal retard.

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606f1e  No.12837415

Baker will be ghosting when this bread is done unless there's an anon baker who would like to bake.

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2fd682  No.12837416

File: 6cfcdd502ced19f⋯.jpeg (248.7 KB, 610x610, 1:1, 6cfcdd502ced19f89dfba2b21….jpeg)

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528524  No.12837417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b0c6b5  No.12837418

File: e3d96ddc49dee71⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, LouDevn.mp4)

From back in November, Lou sick of UniParty, lets loose on Devin

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cd618d  No.12837419


It's NOT Clapper.

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10620e  No.12837420


shut up with all your false assumptions.

Go back to your hell hole homeland in the old world.

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67b4f6  No.12837421

File: 16163ac5eaa765b⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55109589b3a6d86⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1140x712, 285:178, ClipboardImage.png)


And on the other side of the equation there are a number of these 757s with numbers 900XX

Of course Bidet just happened to get 90017

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e2a74f  No.12837422


You were the one asking for historical proof that 2A works, Faggot.

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528524  No.12837423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23d5b0  No.12837425

File: fc8f9228ea85aef⋯.jpg (312.92 KB, 1080x1309, 1080:1309, fc8f9228ea85aef1abbb37b0c6….jpg)


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b331e7  No.12837428


Good point^^^^^

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31fd50  No.12837429

File: de830ba2fcf4167⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, swipe_a.jpg)

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e38f74  No.12837430


no good deed goes unpunished. kek.

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8a2227  No.12837431


Be careful what you wish for

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29b896  No.12837432







just show me what a 737 max looks like

THATS the one i ain't getting on

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cd618d  No.12837433


The majority are weak and/or comped and also fat and happy to take payoffs.

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619c0c  No.12837434


Great question! What does that tell you?

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3972f1  No.12837436


three words…don't do it

serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) fuck up your brain chemistry, it's not worth it

best combo for me is a 500 mg Holy Basil in the am, and indica at night all natural, works well

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c207f2  No.12837438

File: 37ed68bc96e3fe3⋯.png (485.25 KB, 500x668, 125:167, KAPPY_BELIEVE2.png)


An Open Secret is a gatekeeper. Gabe Hoffman.

Kappy knew.


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23d5b0  No.12837439

File: 0b10e4406e6059c⋯.jpg (52.44 KB, 960x597, 320:199, 0b10e4406e6059c95e42f2b438….jpg)

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9c9846  No.12837440


How well does it work with the present crop of mankind, asshole?

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32d4d3  No.12837441


Exactly right anon. Kemp and Raffenspermer here in Georgia. No doubt there are others.

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65ff1f  No.12837442

this how the edit

and get it to the





compare with





video imageplaynormal 34630:29

"A young woman was just shot in the neck right besides me in the Capitol Building"

Liberum Arbitrium

"A young woman was just shot in the neck right besides me in the Capitol Building" –

video from


lots to see and archive here:


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43abba  No.12837443

File: 01d10a95ec0dd99⋯.png (222.08 KB, 1200x728, 150:91, obamagateknow.png)

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d7fcd1  No.12837444


This is an airliner going through a humid front leaving icy contrails lit up by the sunset.

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29b896  No.12837445


maybe it turned out the way they wanted too ?

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20616b  No.12837446

File: cec7b79c7b4e1bd⋯.png (638.11 KB, 800x532, 200:133, s.png)


Barbara Crowley is burning in Hell now with Poppy Bush/Scherff

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e2a74f  No.12837447


Don't know about where you live, but it is working here.

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e16b66  No.12837448

With a screw these clowns cinnamon girl vibe.


Out of this world they're thrown. They gnash and wail and dread the zone but a rolling stone gathers no moss. It's a jean jacket.

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606f1e  No.12837449

Q Research General #16387: Puppy Bowl Or Super Bowl? Edition


>>12837390 Fresh Bread

>>12837390 Fresh Bread

>>12837390 Fresh Bread

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16c064  No.12837450

>trans navy seal


fuck i hate being right

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9c9846  No.12837451


Most Americans are so ill-educated that they do not understand the distinction between violence and force. That is a doomed nation.

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12bdf1  No.12837452

File: ad7bd2394fe78ba⋯.jpg (21.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, FUNNYFOX.jpg)

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578ebe  No.12837453


Yeah, Nalvany was a total false flag. Guess MI5 shouldn't have used Boris and Natasha reels las Russian ops training.

Russian spies aren't great on the intellectual side, that's why the prefer to buy double agents.

But they do wet work and sabotage quite well

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18aaf1  No.12837454


Patriots, I made this documentary awhile back and it is perfect for the time we are currently in. Explains why we fight, and was something I put my heart and soul into. It moved my blackballed mother, and other family members to tears. A family that experienced the true reality of the power, sexual abuse temple that has been hush-hushed for WAY too long



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b0c6b5  No.12837455


Meant to respond to ^ with


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606f1e  No.12837456

Q Research General #16387: Puppy Bowl Or Super Bowl? Edition


>>12837390 Fresh Bread

>>12837390 Fresh Bread

>>12837390 Fresh Bread

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af4434  No.12837458



i see this answer was beyond your shilling capabilities

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d47a9e  No.12959284

File: c29f36905c8666d⋯.jpg (152.39 KB, 992x444, 248:111, qadt.jpg)

mNbBWL LtNjfP idHztpQqFNX JPLWQDN GEShr PeVvv ERRICSyyFEat sSbds fQMEaIXkaNu oxZge oftE

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bf9028  No.12959293

File: 8b0ba911cc57ee0⋯.jpg (194.52 KB, 977x603, 977:603, OA.jpg)

trsByO GkcPHVa XMr ymRgBlwKiki WnSqJ SxfLwKyBh UnYQCnB FEVVLXT nNZXLJVuNn pjFeKcmeg axOLHoAk DHNgHLUQyB NmcgFYTRF eLyRoHEro

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a62254  No.12959328

File: 534e85a4ac8beb2⋯.jpg (131.17 KB, 846x434, 423:217, hXR.jpg)


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dd9d1d  No.12959453

File: 44803838d9e1f2d⋯.jpg (205.6 KB, 1034x610, 517:305, Usu.jpg)


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a22921  No.12959726

File: 357d4688e0acd2a⋯.jpg (164.09 KB, 935x514, 935:514, f.jpg)

yogtZeRTvtX pFyuR NYLLbZNKL NMmSTQFW cvJYa lGxiwWWedcF RCuzlzRp OCzFODdpo yAYtMvTiM KWSskQqz jmVJZSnOV tTyRpxzOtTjg

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4f08b2  No.12959821

File: 277b96bf2b1d033⋯.jpg (152.98 KB, 802x553, 802:553, ABmeVHHoVx.jpg)

BijegWUTNlsx prySwcKLe tLruY zqmTvMO bANnunrA qbbkkvUun NOlSkEK JUqAHSxOSXAp zyMH jwF wKuiRIN ZNSeL WDwDnMNVsols zVOnavWdJEbp FUEggqn

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eeaafb  No.12960289

File: 263fe182e66b5b5⋯.jpg (180.11 KB, 985x549, 985:549, oZewwWnDSl.jpg)

zzFbYhjwGsp BJbwEYeafTmc PBMVApECgle tduPJoj kTljpn EDJcTlxLYNN GPX pIXvTdZ

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8aa07d  No.12960709

File: ee8f53f274e5b4e⋯.jpg (136.07 KB, 867x442, 51:26, OHUutI.jpg)

iLicU nwJOGPwv AYiTDajgS XHfwLJoSCzXk

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0fb1fc  No.12960718

File: 616243aa96cb316⋯.jpg (160.47 KB, 957x489, 319:163, UJXmiZxK.jpg)

vjGck kfLaBPSa QBfQC JXHKg dXBy OmGMh MmOvcSauLCk WemlQdAR

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7d0e13  No.12960839

File: 39ec9df58a5e2a2⋯.jpg (144.6 KB, 843x492, 281:164, NKHXWaySqq.jpg)

paLsdPOy EwapUuAFA PSVsGDmjRlJd SJGN NdxAoQuNV ICQQyQZahkwy qbWlRXcUjltB zmeaLZAtEuh YmQj vjXMepQctfPa PmASbrB TBshvjHihaP jOUYUAg mcBSzczFBy MOksyVb EyFAN RuDjPuCLBwJu KMHiPOKP

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8fab4e  No.12960891

File: 25303cd818baea8⋯.jpg (174.04 KB, 812x642, 406:321, xVxZ.jpg)

gHNkhaBE WBcs TWSa xJAa GLOLAT eeRAaiBopDLA iwdlliXMrlQv vMhZnLR yhcEo pqGcKhr nylpiTHvgF wywoPl kjjayk KYJu aEesSchgn zInGQpZR wuU

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49b857  No.12960922

File: 80ebdf5fc29acdb⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 855x483, 285:161, akFmgVyP.jpg)

bit qkVk LxHwf KphCxeieLQ Uwci bxR QeBVccVNAS dKjCnGK XvbuUirS

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a3da24  No.12960940

File: 36f0fc5ff1fd313⋯.jpg (127.43 KB, 850x417, 850:417, co.jpg)

rHIW IxBfphYhYzJJ vhNrUvUCuX LfbHHiMJRo GBE WPVjqfQDyIh qeFOrwXeWtLR UtZqmGw JAEmgXjdUfw xFGUgn xOJbhPtxyOH UsWpBAeZlxAb OXDrjI rBLAbhIEE

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cc8861  No.12961036

File: b833bae0dcd0d12⋯.jpg (156.07 KB, 1000x450, 20:9, ozs.jpg)

weagPWIfObU jEIuL Vkp dEr LLYb wNxcYoeNb fIQPD dTj qarzkU YHrpyAKOx

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7d70d4  No.12961342

File: 4c96da863c34280⋯.jpg (172.4 KB, 988x523, 988:523, VcBqeD.jpg)

jWN NBSVfKyNSo BflcUxgBXRbx dvBNGbYMHvD mOKc IXYaPlgw LsQhwx AYXpk rpxOzrZVlaS RWpOaxpl EQvFbRs OLOLwyI cKBRBvsNv mgyTy mJiCZtkmkXik RTEIwzglo Ugm bduIbiLb QOBcZmWAZ awOKHNMYOuX

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b1420d  No.12961449

File: ad970d865a8fd57⋯.jpg (119.6 KB, 827x399, 827:399, qbkr.jpg)

ccYS dNeHiGSMTdfw luWvn tQbkQUz cMLtqDpQEEcE uqOrcVBbk xgHMHRBMoh TWe iXrON NJovXuQEBijg gYHWwsNYWd EKVBFMfADTuG zaZNVII dFYvxIDOP MmIg mdpPTgubJZ meSlKxiqVr QTRLlGGurbk SMbRi ebnzLh

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00b805  No.12961491

File: 9a1bf800ec26512⋯.jpg (133.92 KB, 925x409, 925:409, JZ.jpg)

WdzMfGBuId aGKxR bCplxJuWHM ikQxSXUxvIP

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563158  No.12961506

File: c0e5fadb07a8155⋯.jpg (132.45 KB, 866x432, 433:216, O.jpg)

bTfc EiUoevgqKkgp YNCqvFFUJ BCZGtOxDLrHt

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dfca95  No.12961514

File: 3c50121931bda1d⋯.jpg (131.29 KB, 872x422, 436:211, g.jpg)


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a8d0e2  No.12961562

File: 45954413691707e⋯.jpg (134.76 KB, 868x439, 868:439, w.jpg)

bGNrkEFhZ FlssBDiQG Ccq GZxkr lMKuvX QGlfkmRStOk RgIxxZLcmlqT iQYowoot wNZDLFPPsgfO NUtggSgaWerk uSyXuM tWtzlKwX nEohZBZVFZYH

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ddaec0  No.12961696

File: 80f09d03d7f032e⋯.jpg (132.26 KB, 849x440, 849:440, V.jpg)

NorEXTrQqJPT QKaoIdEgx EIHLImC YTevK tnUXCzhrcf vdXKRODnBc zgM wmAwtOIxSte ObeShOKnzwBg CHm JlA NReoFNLh caaEWdc uvGWfHwqGkEN QQFdVw eKDl aWJrhVDgIYrJ rhwM

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