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8299cb  No.12881923[Last 50 Posts]

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8299cb  No.12881928


>>12839691, >>12839695, >>12839708, >>12839720, >>12839727, >>12839732, >>12839736, >>12839746 'Unmasked:' has the Truth about the 2020 election has been uncovered

>>12831571, >>12831467, >>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK

>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final

>>12693790 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released

>>12792878, >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com


>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, >>12774404 Apprentice Baker LEARN TO BAKE

>>12854089, >>12857181, >>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

NotablesAre Not Endorsements


>>12881249, >>12881365 white house presser live

>>12881252 "Baseless conspiracy" bun, re: Qanon hit piece

>>12881255 impeachment CSPAN livestream

>>12881281 Georgia prosecutors launch a criminal investigation into Trump's election pressure campaign

>>12881276, >>12881295 australia earthquake update

>>12881296 biden halts TikTok's sale to oracle and walmart

>>12881309 FB will scale back all political content in news feeds for some users

>>12881316, >>12881342, >>12881346 the weekend flashing satanic subliminal messaging in past performance, not superbowl

>>12881321 anon opines: Jan 6 threat level fuckery

>>12881326 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2

>>12881345 Midwives told to stop using terms such as 'breastfeeding' and 'breastmilk'

>>12881413, >>12881689 Nick Ragland gorrilla glue CFO dig continued

>>12881426 Iran Suggests It May Seek Nuclear Weapons, in New Escalation of Threats

>>12881269, >>12881449, >>12881478, >>12881543, >>12881704 trump is permanently B& from twitter, even if he wins in 2024/RED1 marker

>>12881463 CDC updated its face mask guidelines, now advises double masking

>>12881484 former DC capitol police chief wote letter to pelosi that refutes the accusations against trump for inciting riiot

>>12881501 The Face of America’s Erosion: NBA Owner Mark Cuban Refuses to Play National Anthem at Home Games

>>12881503 biden tweet:

We’re facing an economic crisis caused by a public health crisis — and we need bold action to address both

>>12881525 Criminal probe into ‘attempts to influence’ 2020 US election in Georgia targets Trump, media claims

>>12881547, >>12881577 Q [next week] delta/SCOTUS case starts next week, on a friday

>>12881557 Biden Administration Quietly Drops Trump Proposal To Track Chinese Influence In US Schools

>>12881581 ‘I’m still standin’: Elton John & Michael Caine encourage remaining at-risk Britons to get Covid-19 vaccine

>>12881598 washington examiner Op_Ed: dont be naive republicans, impeachment isnt about trump, its about you

>>12881600 Biden’s ‘American Recovery Act’ Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion

>>12881606 Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass announced that he has officially left the Republican Party

>>12881625 Cop Busted Selling Fentanyl to School Children, While On Duty, From His Cruiser

>>12880661, >>12881628, >>12881644 10th mtn division tweet/Q post "D" series connection

>>12881639 Twitter reports $1.14 billion net loss for 2020

>>12881647 ‘I Can’t Afford To Live’: Man Panics When Insulin Skyrockets to $2,000 Under Biden Regime

>>12881675 Poll: more NY voters believe state needs new governor, 40% support a recall

>>12881678 W.H.O. Adviser: ‘Actual Investigation’ in W.H.O. Wuhan COVID Probe ‘Done by Chinese Authorities’

>>12881702 Short Sentences for Two Paedophiles Hunting for Girls as Young as 10

>>12881717 Deported Sex Offender Found Hiding in 138-Migrant Group at Border Checkpoint

>>12881728 Another Disgusting Lie: Democrat Raskin Shows Slide Claiming “7 People Lost Their Lives” in January 6 Capitol Siege

>>12881741 Trump Defense Lawyer Schoen Plays Compilation Video of Democrats Calling For Trump’s Impeachment Since Day One of His Presidency

>>12881807 pompeo tweet: It’s a fact that Iran is sponsoring the Houthis. It’s a fact that the Houthis are conducting terror.

>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants

>>12881831 Germany set to extend lockdown on concerns over new coronavirus variants

>>12881885 Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ing crook' and sued him last year arguing the president was trying to suppress mail-in voting

>>12881909 #16442

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8299cb  No.12881932


>>12880935, >>12881011 PF reports

>>12880464 Boss of top French Sciences Po university resigns over incest scandal rocking intellectual elite

>>12880470 de blasio: "donald trump gave the order to attack the capitol

>>12880510 welcome to crazy town: anon vaccine dig

>>12880546 The New York Stock Exchange threatened on Tuesday to leave New York if lawmakers approve a proposal to tax stock sales.

>>12880574 flurry of 5+ aftershocks in australian earthquake

>>12880577, >>12880999 anon dig: gorrilla glue CFO and his children's charity

>>12880589 anon intel: picture of 9/11 pops up for a second during FBN commercials

>>12880599 101st airborn RT from Jan 23: still trusting the vaccine/plan?

>>12880611 pope big business/banks dig

>>12880649 new follow the pen: Capitol Police Union Statement “By January 4th, the Department knew that the January 6th event would not be like any of the previous protests held in 2020”

>>12880661, >>12880988 10th Mountain Division tweet: It's on!

>>12880663 Jan 6 Capital Hill narrative on officer Brian Sicknick killed by maga mob is being blown open

>>12880678 The CIA can reject a public records request seeking information on U.S. payments to Syrian rebel forces because a tweet from former President Trump didn’t officially acknowledge such records exist.

>>12880734 Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness

>>12880740 NZ issues tsunami warning after 7.7 earthquake

>>12880760 GAB on Feb 1: “Over the course of the past week Gab has been deplatformed by one of our banks, a business we were working with to source new server hardware, third-party infrastructure analysis software, and even our accountant.”

>>12880821 VIDEO: Solomon: Alleged conspirator charged for US Capitol assault appears to be former senior FBI official

>>12880842 Opioid overdoses 29% higher in 2020 than before the pandemic: Study

>>12880863 Important changes are coming for Department of Defense (DoD) employees with security clearances

>>12880863 Important changes are coming for Department of Defense (DoD) employees with security clearances

>>12880860, >>12880870 Patrick Byrne: How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 6: The Aftermath

>>12880879 tampa dem mayor hunting down "no maskers" busted for not wearing a mask

>>12880890 Anderson Cooper compares Capitol riot toRwandan genocide- sara carter

>>12880893 Dem congresswoman dismisses call for permanent Capitol fencing as 'security theater'

>>12880904 superbowl ratings plunges to lowest in 15 years

>>12880926 Revealed: Bruce Springsteen was arrested for DWI and reckless driving in sandy hook, NJ back in november

>>12880949 pelosi tweet: trump is guilty

>>12880995 Will you be forced to pay for Twitter this year?

>>12881044 World's first 3D-printed rib-eye steak created in Israel

>>12881055 how did the Qanon conspiracy go global?

>>12881128 live: House Ways and Means Committee Considers FY2021 Budget Resolution

>>12881160 #16441

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8299cb  No.12881933


>>12879647, >>12879650 The american dream: a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system

>>12879663 US space command: Train for the known. Educate for the unknown. I spent yesterday at @HQAirUniversity, to make sure we have the right #Space warfighting curriculum in our enlisted education pipelines

>>12879665 civilian plane on fire in SA after houthi rebels attack international airport

>>12879688 new corona virus closely linked tho china virus discovered in thailand, their antibodies can neutralize chyna virus

>>12879689 A white supremacist used messaging apps Discord, Kik, and a fringe kink website to groom a 12-year-old, according to a federal prosecutors

>>12879706, >>12879736, >>12879797, >>12879867, >>12880008, >>12880238 FL missile launch dig, A summary of all in-force Navigational Warnings by navigation area Issued daily

>>12879724 Dallas Mavericks Stop Playing National Anthem Before Games

>>12879759 MLB Players, Personnel To Wear Electronic Contact Tracers Due To Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic

>>12879802 Senate GOP rips Trump's attorney for lackluster arguments on trial's first day

>>12879820 Trump unhappy with his impeachment trial defense after day one: reports

>>12879924, >>12879940, >>12879954, >>12879968, >>12880075, >>12880142, >>12880277 7.7 earthquake off coast of australia, tsunami watch issued

>>12879937 Indonesian investigators suspect throttle problem in fatal crash of Sriwijaya Air Flight 182/Q post connection

>>12879977 paris hilton abuse dig

>>12879720 Operation Clothe Julian Assange

>>12880010 Twitter lights up with UFO talk after light seen in Florida sky, turns out to be Navy missile

>>12880047 Walt Disney Co. Shutting Down Greenwich-Based Animation Studio

>>12880052 todays white house schedule

>>12880105, >>12880107 impeachment day one anon analysis

>>12880121, >>12880181, >>12880268 australia/new zealand earth cams, tsunami watch

>>12880151 30yo GA substitute teacher charged with child molestation for filming herself fap in class full of students

>>12880242, >>12880244 Rihanna is building a lingerie empire to rival Victoria’s Secret

>>12880257 The FBI is renting billboards around the country to pervert reality and promote Democrat lies that President Trump and his supporters are violent

>>12880353 #16440


>>12878854 CNN’s Cooper Compares Trump, Supporters to Hutus in Rwandan Genocide

>>12878862 , >>12878897 Dallas Mavericks stop playing national anthem before games

>>12878877 Biden DOJ drops Trump lawsuit against controversial California net neutrality law

>>12878890 Poll Finds Majority Of Americans Expect Economy To Worsen Under Biden

>>12878904 J&J CEO says people may need annual Covid vaccine shots for the next several years

>>12878910 Biden White House Walks Back Promise to Open Schools in 100 Days

>>12878921 Q3600 - There is no escaping God

>>12878928 CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws”

>>12878939 Federal judge prevents Biden administration from pausing deportations for two more weeks

>>12878943 Nikole Hannah-Jones Scrubs Social Media After Doxxing Free Beacon Reporter

>>12878958 Celebrities join environmental and indigenous groups calling on Biden to shut down Dakota Access pipeline

>>12878972 Seattle commie calling for rioting

>>12878979 Super Bowl half-time show was satanic, says ex-NFL great

>>12878984 The total catastrophe of fake news Exclusive: Joseph Farah outlines most important battle this nation has ever faced

>>12879003 How Long Can Democracy Survive Q and Its Allies? (narrative building)

>>12879008 Judge Overrules Cuomo's Religious Gathering Restrictions

>>12879034 White House declares opposition to Newsom recall

>>12879040 Giuliani's voter fraud witness who went viral is running for Michigan office

>>12879052 Lin Wood doubles down on attacking Pence, Roberts

>>12879053 US lawyer accidentally turns on cat filter during court hearing via Zoom

>>12879101 IDF Military Exercise 'Lightning Storm' begins in Northern Israel

>>12879108 Fake News Push Dubious WHO Claim COVID Didn’t Come from Wuhan Lab

>>12879221 Biden withdraws Trump rule on schools disclosing ties to Chinese state-run Confucius Institutes

>>12879287 High Level GOP Staffer Ruben Verastigui Plotted to Rape & Kill Children

>>12879354 High-Powered Explosives Have Gone Missing From The Nation’s Largest Marine Corps Base

>>12879518 The COVID19 Genocide

>>12879608 Armie Hammer’s ex Courtney Vucekovich: He wanted to ‘barbecue and eat’ me

>>12881733 #16439

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8299cb  No.12881936


>>12878315 Vigilant Citizen Oped: The Occult Meaning of The Weeknd’s Super Bowl Performance

>>12878341 Twitter suspended my account for Retweeting this ECW Tweet.

>>12878369 anon digging around: We the people demand that all 2020 Presidential election fraud cases be heard in the US Supreme Court, Congress and investigations by the DOJ and FBI.

>>12878370 ChristianPost: Federal Court PERMANENTLY Blocks Democrat-Oppressed NY's Unconstitutional Restrictions on Houses of Worship

>>12878432 Vigilantcitizen: Armie Hammer, Cannibalism and the Sickness of the Elite

>>12878444 USArmy: Greater speed across domains will be key to winning future wars.

>>12878506 ABC.au: Europe's oldest person, French nun Lucile Randon, overcomes coronavirus in time to celebrate 117th birthday

>>12878582 Kidnapped 10-year-old saved by 2 sanitation workers on pickup route

>>12878590 toddstarns: FOX News Owner Lachlan Murdoch: ‘We Don’t Need to Go Further Right’

>>12878618 BLM-Antifa are now hopping on the violence bandwagon over events in Seattle

>>12878626 Suddenly a lot of slaves being found in Australia

>>12878647 GP: Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Breaks Silence on Capitol Tragedy – Requests Public’s Help in Identifying Persons of Interest

>>12878687 Dick Morris just spoke with Trump, and shared to Newsmax how the former president is feeling

>>12878817 #16438


>>12877267 ZH: China Injects Record Amount Of Loans In January

>>12877408 Trump got us out of wars …Brought Troops home… …And that was fun while it lasted: B-1B Makes First US Bomber Visit to India Since 1945

>>12877433 NYP: Mark Cuban's Mavericks won't play national anthem anymore

>>12877439 Stripes: Aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt train together in South China Sea

>>12877464 USNI: Marines Considering 3 Littoral Regiments for the Indo-Pacific

>>12877544 Wired: Facebook Ad Services Let Anyone Target US Military Personnel

>>12877581 T&CMag: Secret Service Agents Reportedly Took Selfies with Donald Trump's Sleeping Grandson Now there's an investigation into the incident.

>>12877751 Breitbart: CNN’s Randi Kaye said she called the police over maskless fans in Tampa, Florida, celebrating the Super Bowl.

>>12877759 There's been a shooting in Seattle

>>12877886 RT: Biden throws weight behind Newsom as campaign to recall California governor says it nears 1.5mn signatures needed to trigger vote

>>12877923 ArmyTimes: US Army begins equipping first unit with hypersonic capability https://trib.al/p6A9LSI

>>12877943 #16437

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8299cb  No.12881938


>>12876508 Activistpost: 8 Million More Living In Poverty, 9 Million Small Businesses In Danger Of Closing, 10 Million Behind On Rent…

>>12876614 Sputnik: Canada reportedly reviewing #Iran official recording on flight PS752 being intentionally hit

>>12876632 Shenanigans happening with Devin Nunes's Twitter account

>>12876676 DCPatriot: Don Jr. Speaks Out; “Here’s What Comes Next For Our Amazing Movement”

>>12876677 News.com: Virginia Giuffre - Give ISLAND to the victims - we can build anew

>>12876678, >>12876695, >>12876740 More anon D5 digs: “Demonstration and Shakedown Operation (DASO) launch!”

>>12876703 Foxbiz: 14 State AGs sign Letter to Biden - We're reviewing KeystoneXL legal options

>>12876747 Freedomfirstnetwork: Ultimately, however, had Trump actually lost the 2020 Election, this impeachment would not be happening.

>>12876918 ABC.au: US President Joe Biden's administration won't give up plans to seek extradition of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange

>>12877046 Planefag reports

>>12877053 c-span: House Hearing on a President's Clemency Power

>>12877094 ZH: The Chinese are not having children. A lot.

>>12877128 SpaceX Starlink sats spotted over Washington.

>>12877129 Anon opines: They’re shaping their narrative for WAR

>>12877152 #16436

Previously Collected Notables

>>12876310 #16433, >>12876149 #16434, >>12876370 #16435

>>12872453 #16430, >>12873002 #16431, >>12875931 #16432

>>12869466 #16427, >>12870582 #16428, >>12872448 #16429

>>12866939 #16424, >>12867716 #16425, >>12868556 #16426

>>12864578 #16421, >>12865347 #16422, >>12866096 #16423

>>12862265 #16418, >>12863052 #16419, >>12863825 #16420

>>12859899 #16415, >>12860681 #16416, >>12861432 #16417

>>12857551 #16412, >>12858384 #16413, >>12859151 #16414

>>12855250 #16409, >>12856006 #16410, >>12856761 #16411

>>12852986 #16406, >>12853742 #16407, >>12854465 #16408

>>12850400 #16403, >>12851409 #16404, >>12852203 #16405

>>12848299 #16400, >>12849068 #16401, >>12850431 #16402

>>12845864 #16397, >>12846624 #16398, >>12847445 #16399

>>12843583 #16394, >>12844361 #16395, >>12845082 #16396

>>12841230 #16391, >>12842005 #16392, >>12843411 #16393

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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8299cb  No.12881943

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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8299cb  No.12881946

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

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Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

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Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


!!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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8299cb  No.12881951

File: f054b3d015c957b⋯.png (28.11 KB, 620x351, 620:351, ClipboardImage.png)



baker needs handoff

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24c791  No.12881963

File: 48beb8dfcfa5a20⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 332E9239_2590_422B_8608_3….jpeg)

File: 3e5c20c70086fbf⋯.jpeg (244.69 KB, 692x550, 346:275, 13AAE529_AE74_4220_9E8F_5….jpeg)

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c98554  No.12881972

>12880988 (LB)

D Series pays homage to the 10th soldiers of ww2 who trained high in the Rockies and fought to victory.

We used to dig for reality here ffs

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5d0261  No.12881979


Handoff Confirmed?

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24c791  No.12881999

File: 53d1bf4c60cebe0⋯.jpeg (553.29 KB, 1306x735, 1306:735, 19035ECF_F135_490E_9D2E_4….jpeg)

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b8d55c  No.12882004

File: dfc3ac22624547f⋯.png (46.2 KB, 819x623, 117:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 339491dd88a8c28⋯.png (208.78 KB, 798x826, 57:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4dfb0d0dcae800⋯.png (236.36 KB, 807x924, 269:308, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b166de98ae391e3⋯.png (67.68 KB, 821x789, 821:789, ClipboardImage.png)

Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

In North America and Europe, it has become abundantly clear that Covid-19 and the lockdowns that followed have devastated society. In the United States, unemployment is through the roof and 2020 saw the largest economic contraction in modern history. Social and cultural depression continue to weigh down society as restaurants close, the arts are stunted, and everything that it means to be human is taken from us.

We have plenty of data to paint a picture of the devastation in countries like the United States but there has been little analysis done in developing countries, more than likely due to lack of infrastructure. We know that many developing countries closed their economies in response to Covid-19 but we are unsure of how they fared.

In particular, developing countries likely do not have the same support structures be it private or public as countries like the United States do. They cannot simply print trillions of dollars to finance quantitative easing policies to prop up the stock market or send stimulus checks to ailing citizens. They also likely lack the private safety nets created by nonprofits and the general flexibility of an advanced business sector. One can only imagine the damage economic depression would bring upon such communities.

That was until a team of researchers published a study with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The study provides a glimpse into the extent of the damage caused by the economic contraction in Africa, Asia, and South America. It details how living standards have fallen due to decreased access to basic needs such as food, unemployment, and the likely long-term consequences that will arise. Much like how in the United States there has been a noted correlation between economic shocks and decreases in life expectancies, we can expect similar if not worse consequences in developing countries.

It is worth noting, to be fair to the intent of the authors, that they are not making a judgment that the economic damage they note is in part or fully due to lockdown policies. Either way, it should be abundantly clear to everyone that the economic damage that has been wrought on societies across the world is not simply a minor inconvenience. It is a serious problem that has led to long-term as well as short-term adverse consequences in affluent countries like the United States and likely worse consequences for those who live in developing countries.

The Study

The methodology for the study made use of a series of household surveys conducted via phone calls in different developing countries. The authors explain,

We assemble evidence from over 30,000 respondents in 16 original household surveys from nine countries in Africa (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone), Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines), and Latin America (Colombia).

They noted that,

The data paint a consistent picture: The economic shock and attendant disruptions to livelihoods during the early stages of pandemic appear to be large across a range of populations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The scale of the disruption may even exceed the effects that economists have documented in other recent global crises, including the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the 2008 Great Recession, and the Ebola outbreak of 2014.

AIER has frequently noted that large-scale lockdown policies have no precedent in the history of public health policy, which may explain why the economic contraction was so large compared to previous years. I would contend that consciously working to shut down businesses rather than attempting to support them, as would be the case in a normal recession, leads to highly unusual economic damage.


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3e6de8  No.12882007

“Rights are not protected by law, but by the citizen’s willingness to use violence against the authorities when they are not respected.”

We often talk about rights. In fact, George Carlin had his own routine concerning rights, where he questioned the legitimacy of rights as an idea and eventually came to the conclusion that either you have all rights, or you have no rights at all. His explanation was mostly aimed at being humorous, but I think it is important to examine what rights are and why we have them, or rather why a government would feel inclined to let us have them. I propose the following answers:

1. Rights are what the citizens of a nation are entitled to as long as they follow the conditions following those rights, namely following the law. It is not laws which dictate what rights citizens have, but their rights which dictate what laws are possible.

2. The reason a government would rather let its citizens have rights is to avoid violent conflict. Violence is undesirable because of the inevitable destruction it brings and so by knowing what the government is not allowed to do unless it wants to face a violent uprising from its citizens, violence can be averted. They are essentially a way to have “civil discourse” if you will.

Let us examine the first answer I give, namely that rights are what citizens are entitled to as long as they follow the law, and that laws are designed around rights, not the other way around. First of all, a citizen who follows the law should expect his rights to be respected. And even if there is an accusation against him, certain rights also protect him in that they allow him to have a proper defense and the such.Without rights, citizens would essentially be constantly at the mercy of their government. They would have no official power to oppose the authority in any way.

However, as long as they have rights and they are respected, then the citizens are capable of defending themselves against potentially abusive authorities.Likewise, this is why it is not laws which should determine what rights you possess,but rather the rights you have which should determine what laws can be created.If laws can change rights, then the government can decide which rights you have and they are essentially meaningless. On the other hand, if laws must be designed around predetermined rights, then the government does not have the power to create laws which violate your rights.

Yet all this is meaningless unless the citizenship is willing to enforce its rights.

So we reach the most important point I am making here, which is the necessity of the citizenship‘s willingness to engage in violence if the government denies its rights.

You see, one must ask himself what forces the government to respect rights in the first place. If they ignore them, if they trample them, what ill will befall them? Who will stop them? The answer here is simple:The citizenship must stop them, and the only means by which they can achieve it is through violence.Some foolish souls may claim that merely electing a new government will change things, but voting is in itself a right and if a government is willing to remove one right, it will not hesitate to remove another.And if one party does not suffer dire consequences for attacking the rights of the citizenship, then the other parties have no incentive to restore those rights. Thus, paradoxically, it is violence which gives rise to rights. And rights arise and are respected in order to avoid violence.

Governments themselves have an incentive to respect rights. As said, violence is destructive and it is far more efficient to arrive at a peaceful solution, which involves respecting the rights of the citizenship. Though it could ignore said rights, this would be at an undesirable cost. Or rather, it should be, which brings me to my ultimate point.

This is why everything is going wrong with the west right now. This is the root cause of all the issues which we are faced with: Governments are not respecting their citizens’ rights, yet these citizens are unwilling to use violence to defend themselves. Rather, they sit back and grumble quietly, telling themselves that it’s preferable to lose those rights than to engage in violence.

It is not.

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b8d55c  No.12882008

Biden to Continue Seeking Extradition of Julian Assange

US is appealing UK judge's decision not to extradite Assange due to suicide risk and conditions of US prisons

The Biden Administration will continue to seek the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a Justice Department official said on Tuesday. This means the US will continue to challenge the decision of Vanessa Baraitser, the UK judge who ruled against the extradition, citing the risk of Assange committing suicide if he ends up in a US supermax prison.

“We continue to seek his extradition,” said Justice Department spokesman Marc Raimondi, according to Reuters. Baraitser made her decision on January 4th, and the US formally appealed the ruling on January 15th. The appeal process could take months, and Assange is still being held in London’s Belmarsh prison.

The Trump Administration indicted Assange on 17 counts of espionage and one count of conspiracy to commit a computer crime. If extradited, Assange could face up to 175 years in prison for exposing US war crimes.

While Baraitser ultimately ruled against the extradition, she sided with the US prosecution team in her ruling and said the US would be justified to put Assange on trial for espionage. But Assange used standard journalistic practices to obtain the leaks he was indicted for, something many human rights groups, journalist organizations, and UN officials have pointed out.

With the change in US administrations, Assange supporters appealed to President Biden to drop the charges against the WikiLeaks founder. More than 20 organizations sent a letter to Biden’s Justice Department calling for the release of Assange.

“The indictment of Mr. Assange threatens press freedom because much of the conduct described in the indictment is conduct that journalists engage in routinely — and that they must engage in in order to do the work the public needs them to do,” the letter reads. Signatories to the letter include the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Reporters Without Borders.


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3e6de8  No.12882010


It is unacceptable for any man who believes that he has any rights to allow these abuses to take place. Though it is important to make sure that rights have been violated before taking action so as to make sure one is righteous, once it is truly determined that a citizen’s rights are not being respected, it is the duty of all to rise up and oppose their government. Those who sit down and begrudgingly accept these repeated outrages are no better than slaves and deserve no better fate than slaves.

And so, remember this, and plan accordingly. Once your government thinks they can take away your rights, it is time to hold on to them as tight as possible with one hand while thrusting your spear with the other. Otherwise, you are nothing but a slave and deserve to be treated as such.

Violence is the pillar on which all societies are built and its repression is tantamount to societal collapse.

For societies to function, there must be a set of agreed upon rules, which we call laws, to govern all individuals which comprise them. Without those rules to abide by, individuals would likely work against each other and societies would collapse. Even assuming the good will of the individuals comprising a society, having laws allows us to determine the point at which a dysfunctional individual must be stopped by force.

Of course, laws are simply words. Spoken words or words on paper, but only words. Laws gain power through their enforcement, and enforcement is only possible through violence or the implied threat of violence. As an example, a man may pay off a speeding ticket because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, but what stops him from deciding he doesn’t feel like paying it is the threat of being forcefully taken to jail. And once in jail, what keeps him behaved is the threat of further confinement, which is achieved through violence. Thus, without violence, laws cannot be enforced. If laws cannot be enforced, the laws mean nothing. If the laws mean nothing, then nothing stops individuals from acting against the well-being of that society. And if nothing stops individuals from acting against the well being of society, then the society will eventually collapse. It will take longer in societies where individuals are responsible, but it will happen eventually. What keeps the predatory, the sociopathic, from gaining full power over individuals aiming to make society function, is the threat of violence against them.

Thus, the notion that “violence is never the answer” is a laughable one.We teach(or rather, our governments teach)our children that violence is wrong, that they must never use it no matter what. The aim of this is to create a society of slaves who will never protect themselves when abused. It is slave morality and we must emancipate ourselves from it.

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c40dce  No.12882012

Bang Bang Fang Fang is up

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c45fa5  No.12882013

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3e6de8  No.12882014


Yes, violence is acceptable, in certain conditions.It may not be desirable, but it becomes acceptable – nay,necessary– if one hopes to have a complex and functional society. Otherwise, what you have is merely a parody of a society, a human organization which does not work for the good and improvement of humanity, but for the glory of its sociopathic leaders. This, in essence, is the reason behind the west’s continued descent into decadence. If the decent, righteous folks who constitute the majority of mankind refuse to engage in violence, then dysfunctional individuals won’t hesitate to take what they want by force. Over time, this will allow them to gain positions of power where they will weaken the laws even further and allow even more dysfunctionals into positions of power until we reach a point where the common folk are dominated by a handful of psychopaths, refusing to defend themselves as they believe violence is wrong while letting violence be used to dominate them.

Once such a point is reached, the less intelligent brutes will begin using violence not because they want freedom from the dominating castes, but merely because no one is stopping them. The decent folk refuse to use violence to stop them while those in charge don’t care. Worse, those in charge now hesitate to use violence to stop the brutes because it might set a precedent, teach the decent folks that violence is indeed the answer. This is how we wind up with riots all over the place and eventually, either when someone sees an opportunity to seize power or the decent folks finally have enough, civil war. Once the civil war blows over, people with power and the will to enforce laws will create their new state, with new laws, but none can tell if these laws will be the kind which allow a civilized society.

In conclusion, it is my belief that to prevent a total societal failure of the west, it is imperative to teach violence to people again. Teach them how to do it, when to do it, why they should do it.

Remember that it is not a prayer which will keep the darkness at bay, but a sword.

1 Kings 18:40 - And Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal! Do not let one of them escape!” So they seized them; and Elijah brought them down to the Brook Kishon and executed them there.

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9f0ba4  No.12882022



'Get' FREE Social-credit Points NOW!

>'Get' FREE Social-credit Points NOW!








- - -A present for all the hard work - - -

Time' to raise and get a better daily live







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ccbb33  No.12882024

File: 16d0554a1ac210e⋯.png (574.49 KB, 622x942, 311:471, swordy.PNG)


Thanks baker

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fb59db  No.12882025


>Bang Bang Fang Fang is up


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1e4183  No.12882026

File: d121531f2f4c1d8⋯.png (2.25 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


JD on trips?

Guess anon must do another shot.

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1e3c45  No.12882028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12881811 lb


Democrats are ‘absolutely terrified’ of Donald Trump

Sky News Australia


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8299cb  No.12882029



have good bake anon.

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c39235  No.12882030

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c39235  No.12882031

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b8d55c  No.12882032

File: f4f483b4663a941⋯.png (441.35 KB, 578x469, 578:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Here We Go: CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One – Just One Week After Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks

A new CDC study found wearing two face masks are better than one in slowing the spread of Covid-19.

This new government study on double masking was released one week after Dr. Fauci backtracked on the insane idea of wearing multiple masks.

ABC News reported:

U.S. government researchers found that wearing two masks are better than one in slowing coronavirus spread, but health officials stopped short of recommending that everyone double up.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday reported the results of a lab experiment that spaced two artificial heads 6 feet from each other and checked to see how many coronavirus-sized particles spewed by one were inhaled by the other.

The researchers found that wearing one mask — surgical or cloth — blocked around 40% of the particles coming toward the head that was breathing in. When a cloth mask was worn on top of a surgical mask, about 80% were blocked.

When both the exhaling and inhaling heads were double-masked, more than 95% of the particles were blocked, said the CDC’s Dr. John Brooks.

Here’s a brief history on mask recommendations given by Fauci and the CDC in the last several months:

On March, 8 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci advised healthy Americans against wearing face masks.

In April 2020 — The CDC said Americans should be wearing face masks for the COVID.

In May 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine have admitted that masks are little more than symbols. Virtue signaling.

On January 25, 2021 — Dr. Fauci told healthy Americans to wear two masks instead of one.

On January 31, 2021 —Last weekend Dr. Fauci backtracked on that insane idea of wearing multiple masks.

Here we are just over a week later and the CDC is claiming two masks are better than one.

Had enough yet, America?


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c39235  No.12882033

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eb70a5  No.12882034

I just want this madness to end already

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9f0ba4  No.12882035

File: 8a106044b0c0a1d⋯.png (11.32 KB, 365x298, 365:298, ClipboardImage.png)



'Get' FREE Social-credit Points NOW!

>'Get' FREE Social-credit Points NOW!








- - -A present for all the hard work - - -

Time' to raise and get a better daily live










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b8d55c  No.12882036

Democrats to offer new footage showing 'extreme violence' in Capitol attack

House Democrats on Wednesday offered a small window into their Day Two impeachment argument before the Senate, promising to air new video footage providing an "extraordinary" glimpse of both the violence and heroics that accompanied the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

"We'll be using footage never seen before that shows a view of the Capitol that is quite extraordinary, and a view of the attack that has never been public before, which you will see for the first time, starting today," a senior aide to the impeachment team told reporters Wednesday morning on a phone call.

Pressed for more details, the aide demurred, saying only that the footage will feature both the violence of the pro-Trump rioters and the valorous efforts of law enforcement officers to repel the mob during the attack.

"It will provide new insight into both the extreme violence that everyone suffered, the risk, and the threat that it could have led to further violence and death to many, but for the brave actions of the officers," the aide said. "And shows really the extent of what Donald Trump unleashed on our Capitol."

A second aide for the impeachment managers described the new video as "Capitol security footage," although it's unclear precisely what that was a reference to.

Countless hours of dramatic footage from the Capitol siege have already been circulating publicly in the five weeks since the attack, much of it captured by the rioters themselves.

Yet there remains a good deal of footage yet unreleased, including that captured by the numerous cameras positioned around the enormous Capitol complex. In the hours immediately following the assault, FBI agents roamed the building seeking that footage to guide their own investigation.

Capitol Police officers are not required to wear body cameras, but some officers on duty during the siege said they used their smartphones to capture parts of the attack, providing Democrats another potential source of new footage.

The Democratic impeachment managers, led by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), launched the Senate trial on Tuesday with a dramatic airing of a 13-minute video showing some of the more brutal scenes from the hours-long attack. All of that footage had been previously public.


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c62e4a  No.12882039

File: fe78993245ddf65⋯.jpg (42.39 KB, 500x540, 25:27, castrocrook.jpg)

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ffe8ff  No.12882040

File: 2a3ae509394d677⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d0261  No.12882041


Great Job Baking today Baker.

Handoff Acknowledged

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c2002e  No.12882042


gov must bail them out!

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e0a73d  No.12882043

File: 848279b55823236⋯.png (684.73 KB, 1180x674, 590:337, msjwk1.png)

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05b0b2  No.12882044

What I'm getting from this shit show:

Trump is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi;

Trump supporters are ISIS.

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fa3b0b  No.12882045



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000000  No.12882046

Remember when in 2016 Democrats said Russia stole the election. Why are they taking the moral high ground in 2020 when Trump questioned this election?

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c39235  No.12882047

Stay Tuned

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ed77ce  No.12882048

File: 73ad56211103147⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, chineseorder.mp4)

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6a9a4d  No.12882049


Two masks? If you add a plastic bag its 100% effective against COVID because you die of suffocation.

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1a77cf  No.12882050

do they really expect Swalwell to be credible?

the rumor must be true..Nancy Pelosi is making it easy for R senators to vote NO

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3e6de8  No.12882051

>>12881990 Last

>Oh, and btw, from my experience, very few Jews profess Jesus as the Messiah, at least in public, so how am I Jewish again?

But all Jews are willing to lie to win the argument.

>>12881982 Last

>no, it proves you're a retard for allowing shills to distract you with group think.

>You know how all Op's are faggots? Same is true for group thinkers. All faggots.

Morning KB, good to see you helping WNB in his losing arguments this morning.

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bf8222  No.12882052

File: 624493d10661219⋯.png (502.04 KB, 516x483, 172:161, ClipboardImage.png)


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5ceba9  No.12882053

>>12882005 (Lb)

The body is a temple for the Spirit.

Your spirit does not die when the flesh does. You are merely asleep.

You have been greatly deceived by the teachings of those Jesus warned you about.

You are literally born again.

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474ec4  No.12882054


Well, the Vatican can kiss my Lutherian Protestant backside. I shall not bow down and kiss any body-part of any unholy mortal man. The Pope and the Papacy is Antichrist. Period. Do I have to go get Pastor John MacArthur aka Johnny Mac (they don't call him Johnny Mac for nothing)? Even Spurgen in his time knew that the enem of mankind was Rome aka The Vatican. He stated that paraphrasing, "You don't appease nor make friends with it, you make WAR with it, destroying the very blasphemous doctrines it spews out".

Anyone that is Catholic, SORRY, but this video drop is needed.

The Truth must be told.

Are Catholics Saved?

John MacArthur



Grace to You

The Pope and the Papacy

And for tonight, I want to talk about the Pope and the papacy because it’s been in the news so much. This isn’t really going to be a sermon; I’m just going to try to take you through a little bit of …


Grace to You

The Illegitimacy of the Pope

One of the major, early catalysts in the Protestant Reformation was a book by John Huss, a Bohemian Christian who preceded Martin Luther by a full century. The book was De Ecclesia ( The Church ), …

Not only do we as America must take out the Corporation but mankind must take out the seat of Maritime-Admiralty Law and make those documents known as BANK NOTED BIRTH CERTIFICATES done away with.

In order to be TRULY FREE a Nation must eradicate the corporate structure, all unholy Holy See Laws, Maritime-Admiralty Laws upon THE LAND, and ,must take control over its own monetary system away from the Khazarian Mafia (Fake Jews).

BIRTH CERTIFICATES & MARRIAGE LICENCES are the very reason why Local and State Governments can take children out of the Home and away from Parents. Also, that BIRTH CERTIFICATE is also another Demonic Document that is used afainst all Parents as well.

Hey, I know how people are about The Vatican and Catholicism. The Truth must be told and if they don't like it and me, oh well.


let this sink in.

Who's name in ALL CAPS is atop of that CONTRACT?



It ain't the Man.

Same with the 501 C3 CONTRACT.

Now who's supposed to be the Head of the Church?

Jesus Christ.


U.S. Government Publishing Office Style Manual



Jane Doe = Living Person

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a8acc0  No.12882055

File: 6880aeebddac4c5⋯.png (75.12 KB, 474x310, 237:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed77ce  No.12882056

File: caac416c0eea0a4⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 478x266, 239:133, admin.mp4)

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9632bd  No.12882057

Day 2 of the impeachment trial


Oh my God! So much lying!

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c39235  No.12882058


Next up Sen Stolen Valor.

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b322c8  No.12882059

John 8

Jesus is speaking to the Jews in the Temple. I've highlighted in red text the Jews.

31 Then said Jesus to thoseJewswhich believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32 Andyeshall know the truth, and the truth shall makeyoufree.

33Theyanswered him,Webe Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou,Yeshall be made free?

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say untoyou, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall makeyoufree,yeshall be free indeed.

37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; butyeseek to kill me, because my word hath no place inyou.

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: andyedo that which ye have seen with your father.

39Theyanswered and said unto him, Abraham isourfather. Jesus saith unto them, Ifyewere Abraham's children,yewould do the works of Abraham.

40 But nowyeseek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41Yedo the deeds of your father. Then saidtheyto him,Webe not born of fornication;wehave one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said untothem, If God wereyourFather,yewould love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why doyenot understand my speech? even becauseyecannot hear my word.

44Yeare of your father the devil, and the lusts ofyourfatheryewill do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tellyouthe truth,yebelieve me not.

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3e6de8  No.12882060

File: 8a1ed3d4525bfeb⋯.png (420.82 KB, 500x665, 100:133, Screenshot_2020_10_03_shut….png)

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657699  No.12882061


They already have the votes to convict. Don’t kid yourself.

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1a77cf  No.12882062

The only evidence the Dems are introducing is evidence of voter fraud.

everyone is finding out how much there was

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866eaa  No.12882063

File: 8e6173a55142ba5⋯.jpg (63.1 KB, 600x471, 200:157, goalposts.jpg)

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c2002e  No.12882064


filter it

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c39235  No.12882065


It's not the Jews

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24c791  No.12882066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c42e1a  No.12882067

File: 3cfb849fb88e8e1⋯.jpeg (10.67 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 3cfb849fb88e8e1f354913939….jpeg)

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8128e8  No.12882068

File: 07fe3916ea332c6⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck America

I'm moving to Tel Aviv

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6cb9ec  No.12882069

Never would I ever use the Cringy.

But Fuck this trial is so Cringy!!

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69bc71  No.12882070


The knights of dorito

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f50958  No.12882071

File: e2010444dd9c075⋯.jpeg (149.74 KB, 647x314, 647:314, 2E927E28_A3C2_4FCF_8D33_6….jpeg)


We haven’t even begun….

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718d96  No.12882072

>>12882009 (pb)

Yes, I know that. It was more of a rhetorical question, I just want to see how he squirms out of that one.

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49ed00  No.12882073

File: 06ee2160d314246⋯.mp4 (635.76 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 06ee2160d31424629bba98af4d….mp4)

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e0a73d  No.12882074

File: 684dc51b96a75ee⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 960x959, 960:959, fangfangchingchang.jpg)

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fe1bd7  No.12882076

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ed77ce  No.12882077

File: e06fcd5d330edb7⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, cmItaly1.mp4)

File: a09d5b27a12a510⋯.mp4 (3 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, cmItaly2.mp4)

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3e6de8  No.12882078

File: fb5b92e99a4d76b⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1095x925, 219:185, Screenshot_2020_10_27_Q_Re….png)


>filter it


>It's not the Jews

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eb70a5  No.12882079


Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself

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82128e  No.12882080

File: 7c01b2663418b21⋯.jpeg (153.47 KB, 654x424, 327:212, pepe_kek.jpeg)

Hey Fartwell how is Fang Fang?

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b8d55c  No.12882081

File: 5c82364295f0a0a⋯.png (62.99 KB, 753x850, 753:850, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcedc35bfdefbb9⋯.png (66.42 KB, 755x883, 755:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a24d63a5b4f473⋯.png (63.22 KB, 749x898, 749:898, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 670061233f6cbd4⋯.png (59.9 KB, 772x773, 772:773, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Russia is driving the West crazy

Future historians may register it as the day when usually unflappable Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov decided he had had enough:

We are getting used to the fact that the European Union are trying to impose unilateral restrictions, illegitimate restrictions and we proceed from the assumption at this stage that the European Union is an unreliable partner.

Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, on an official visit to Moscow, had to take it on the chin.

Lavrov, always the perfect gentleman, added, “I hope that the strategic review that will take place soon will focus on the key interests of the European Union and that these talks will help to make our contacts more constructive.”

He was referring to the EU heads of state and government’s summit at the European Council next month, where they will discuss Russia. Lavrov harbors no illusions the “unreliable partners” will behave like adults.

Yet something immensely intriguing can be found in Lavrov’s opening remarks in his meeting with Borrell: “The main problem we all face is the lack of normalcy in relations between Russia and the European Union – the two largest players in the Eurasian space. It is an unhealthy situation, which does not benefit anyone.”

The two largest players in the Eurasian space (italics mine). Let that sink in. We’ll be back to it in a moment.

As it stands, the EU seems irretrievably addicted to worsening the “unhealthy situation”. European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen memorably botched the Brussels vaccine game. Essentially, she sent Borrell to Moscow to ask for licensing rights for European firms to produce the Sputnik V vaccine – which will soon be approved by the EU.

And yet Eurocrats prefer to dabble in hysteria, promoting the antics of NATO asset and convicted fraudster Navalny – the Russian Guaido.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, under the cover of “strategic deterrence”, the head of the US STRATCOM, Admiral Charles Richard, casually let it slip that “there is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state.”

So the blame for the next – and final – war is already apportioned to the “destabilizing” behavior of Russia and China. It’s assumed they will be “losing” – and then, in a fit of rage, will go nuclear. The Pentagon will be no more than a victim; after all, claims Mr. STRATCOM, we are not “stuck in the Cold War”.

STRATCOM planners could do worse than read crack military analyst Andrei Martyanov, who for years has been on the forefront detailing how the new hypersonic paradigm – and not nuclear weapons – has changed the nature of warfare.

After a detailed technical discussion, Martyanov shows how “the United States simply has no good options currently. None. The less bad option, however, is to talk to Russians and not in terms of geopolitical BS and wet dreams that the United States, somehow, can convince Russia “to abandon” China – US has nothing, zero, to offer Russia to do so. But at least Russians and Americans may finally settle peacefully this “hegemony” BS between themselves and then convince China to finally sit as a Big Three at the table and finally decide how to run the world. This is the only chance for the US to stay relevant in the new world.”

The Golden Horde imprint


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4c5a85  No.12882082


Explain how this works in an impeachment trial.

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b322c8  No.12882083


If the father of the Jews is the Devil,


the Devil is a Jew

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1a77cf  No.12882084


sure they do….16 R senators are going to convict after voting its unconstitutional?

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bf8222  No.12882085


evil digits , kek farticus

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c42e1a  No.12882086

File: 1e5bbf3b3b15e13⋯.png (177.87 KB, 340x309, 340:309, Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)

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c39235  No.12882087

Thank You Democrats for Introducing all this Evidence Legally.

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54e801  No.12882088


CDC should go back to doing science and stop with the politics.

If one face mask is ineffective then two ineffective face masks will still be ineffective.

By promoting multiple masks they are clearly showing that one mask is ineffective.

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ed77ce  No.12882089

File: 31d26b5adab12ac⋯.mp4 (748.3 KB, 452x854, 226:427, pornhub.mp4)

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9f0ba4  No.12882090

free clicker, this will make your work easier

















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c2002e  No.12882091

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)

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8127f8  No.12882092


Would not hit.

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5ae19f  No.12882093

File: 024e825397e406e⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 424x352, 53:44, nalkike.JPG)

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88667b  No.12882094


These people are stupid.





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ca39f6  No.12882095



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000000  No.12882096

Remember it's okay to believe Muh Russia stole the election in 2016 but if you question the integrity of the 2020 election you're buying into Trumps conspiracy theory.

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b322c8  No.12882097

File: 834907519008a7b⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 579x431, 579:431, Scanners.jpg)

File: f954ec3396ecae1⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 569x439, 569:439, ScannersII.jpg)

File: 527a34f2ef43446⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 520x480, 13:12, ScannersIII.jpg)

File: 086e2e83c255b83⋯.jpg (47 KB, 579x431, 579:431, ScannersIIII.jpg)

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 581x430, 581:430, 48hrsIIIII.jpg)

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1a77cf  No.12882098


sure they do….16 R senators are going to convict after voting its unconstitutional?

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24c791  No.12882099

File: c223808a8012d28⋯.jpeg (205.35 KB, 2500x1666, 1250:833, A7C5165D_8DB0_4EEE_B3FC_9….jpeg)

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a8acc0  No.12882100

File: 69a293132616d00⋯.png (173.52 KB, 236x384, 59:96, fang_fang_scarf.png)

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a3d01c  No.12882101

Social, fire memes/info re swalwall for effect; ty

this is not a drill

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e02fca  No.12882102

Multiply @jacks losses, quit / delete Twitter today!

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b8d55c  No.12882103

File: 451fecdf9220509⋯.png (638.89 KB, 809x429, 809:429, ClipboardImage.png)

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54e801  No.12882104


Jesuits are cryptojews.

Ignatius Loyola was a Marrano Jew.

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866eaa  No.12882105

File: 6779b7c75e71b57⋯.jpg (139.25 KB, 680x687, 680:687, off_the_ledge_1.jpg)

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e0a73d  No.12882106

File: 627cf6f726c820f⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 197x255, 197:255, 627cf6f726c820f00736e39bca….jpg)

Its everyone using Religion as a cover!

OMFG did I type that to where others can read it?!

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bf8222  No.12882108


i would, but would need to have protection, like keeping the triad gang at bay, kek !!

plus a shit load of condoms, never raw dog a hoe !!

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4c5a85  No.12882110


My main question, not being facetious or troll-like is, how MUCH must they commit before we actually do anything? Is there some sort of invisible barometer they must fill first?

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8299cb  No.12882112

File: 0c93e4f619307a1⋯.png (111.54 KB, 1179x483, 393:161, ClipboardImage.png)


this is what a fumble looks like. from last bread.

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657699  No.12882113

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000000  No.12882114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a8acc0  No.12882116

File: 48c09b29cb26d22⋯.png (324.26 KB, 512x384, 4:3, swalwell_china.png)

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b322c8  No.12882117

File: 5a18c4beea3d3cc⋯.png (47.32 KB, 500x557, 500:557, BigMikeBigFoot.png)

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b8d55c  No.12882118

The Sham Impeachment & The Attack on Free Speech

‘[T]his is not about ethics, this is about power and this is about using the levers of power and abusing the levers of power to curtail the ability of your political opponents to operate, yet alone participate, in our constitutional republic,’ Fitton stated Friday

This week’s Senate trial is much more than a targeting of President Trump, Fitton explained. The president was “summarily impeached” by the House of Representatives on the grounds that he incited the January 6 “insurrection,” but “the record demonstrates he was engaged in core First Amendment speech.” As Fitton explained, the impeachment trial is fundamentally about challenging the right to raise concerns about election integrity. “They want to outlaw or suggest that criticizing the way the elections were conducted is tantamount to violence,” he affirmed.

“So that’s why this impeachment trial … is so dangerous to our constitutional freedoms,” Fitton continued. The Senate impeachment trial is about going after those who are concerned about the security of election systems. “Can you raise questions about the way the election was conducted? According to the Left, you can’t.”

Fitton believes that the Senate’s jurisdiction to try a former president is “an open question.” However, even if the trial were constitutionally sound, Fitton has described it as a “sham.” The impeachment trial, Fitton argued, is another attempt to protect Biden from his corruption issues. “Now that Biden has been installed as president, they want to keep President Trump off the table as much as they can in terms of being a player so they will impeach him to protect Biden again.”

Amid ongoing investigations into the Biden family’s corruption, “this impeachment is a reflection of the corruption of President Trump’s opponents,” Fitton concluded. “They want to outlaw free speech, they want to outlaw their political opposition effectively, they want to wall off any discussion of election integrity.”

If you’re concerned about the precedent set by the Senate impeachment trial, support Judicial Watch today. As Fitton explained “we’re not going away and we’re not going to be intimidated.” “We have 105 Freedom of Information Act open record requests out among the several states to investigate the conduct of the election … they can de-platform us – we’re still going to keep on litigating.”


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904480  No.12882119

File: 519737eb6897f83⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)


hi, and you still are a faggot:

>>12881990 (lb)

>very few Jews profess Jesus as the Messiah

That's because very few jews are not pharisees.

The jews that were cool were Essenes. They, did profess Jesus as the Messiah.

That's why the Essenes got wiped out.

protip: John the Baptist was an Essene…. Jew.

Sooo… An Essene Jew baptized Jesus. That makes Jesus was an Essene Jew, too.

…That chased Pharisee jews with a whip.

Because, He is not nice.

He is Good.

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3bd863  No.12882120

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, download.jpg)

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1a77cf  No.12882121


it wouldn't surprise me, but I don't see it.

and you are just shitposting

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9f0ba4  No.12882122




















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788710  No.12882123

So Biden just put a bunch of leftist blacks in charge of the military, who's main objective will be to hunt down white people.

Wow. The plan is going great, wouldn't you say? The Patriots are clearly in control. Have some popcorn. Sit back and enjoy the show.

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f31984  No.12882125

Any anons familiar with delta 8 thc?

Gonna look into it now they have it here. Other is illegal where I am, and 8 is cheaper than the real

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b8d55c  No.12882126

Utah Axes Gun-Permit Requirement

State will allow residents to carry concealed guns without permit

Residents of Utah will soon be able to carry concealed guns without a permit.

Governor Spencer Cox (R.) will sign legislation into law this week to eliminate the permit requirement, his spokeswoman told the Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday. The act will allow any law-abiding person over the age of 21 to carry a gun under his or her clothes while in the state. Convicted felons, those adjudicated mentally ill, and other people prohibited from owning a gun are excluded from the policy.

Clark Aposhian, chairman of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, said his group has been pushing for the change since 2013, when a previous attempt was vetoed by then-governor Gary Herbert (R.). He said the bill becoming law is a win for law-abiding gun owners and will cut down on potential wait times for those in danger, noting that getting a permit can "take up to 90 days."

The repeal of permit requirements for concealed gun carry has accelerated over the past decade in a show of the increasing influence of gun owners and Second Amendment groups, especially at the state level. Utah is the 17th state to adopt a permitless carry system. While Vermont has used a permitless system since its founding, most states effectively banned any form of concealed gun carry until the mid-1990s. As recently as 1986, 16 states banned concealed gun carry while another 25 had laws allowing state officials to reject permit applications for any.

Now, no states outright ban concealed carry, and only eight states still allow officials to reject permit applicants who otherwise comply with training and background-check requirements.

Experts said the relaxation of concealed gun carry restrictions in recent years after concerted efforts from groups such as the National Rifle Association is proof of how influential politically active gun owners can be.

"The adoption of these laws in the last two decades has demonstrated the power and persuasive ability of a mobilized gun-rights movement," Jake Charles, executive director of Duke University's Center for Firearms Law, said.

Gun-control activists have continually opposed the loosening of gun carry laws by warning that violence would accompany the reforms. Moms Demand Action, a top gun-control group, attempted to block the Utah law. Activists accused lawmakers of "gutting" training requirements that would prove "dangerous" to the public. Utah state senator David Hinkins (R.), who sponsored the bill, disputed those talking points, arguing that broadened gun carry laws have not been linked to surges in gun crimes.

"The three safest states in the U.S. have permitless carry laws: Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine," he said during a floor debate. "This is not a left or a right issue, it's a good policy backed by good data."

Robert Leider, a George Mason University professor who studies gun laws, said gun-rights groups rebutted those arguments by emphasizing self-defense.

"Gun-rights groups have been immensely successful at legalizing the carrying of firearms for self-defense," Leider said. "Even many liberal states readily issue permits to carry firearms."

The new law will go into effect on May 5. It passed the Utah Senate by a 22-6 vote and the House by a 51-20 vote. Utah residents will still be able to obtain a concealed carry permit, which some other states require for nonresidents within their borders.


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a3d01c  No.12882127

'.@ericswalwell had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy and sits on the Intel committee.

And he’s one of the impeachment managers.

China is applauding your efforts Rep Swalwell.'


>scare ds by supporting/replying MTG

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c39235  No.12882128

"RINO's" Is hate Speech

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b322c8  No.12882129

File: bba493a3cbe112f⋯.png (52.91 KB, 555x449, 555:449, JesusSword.png)

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8e01a0  No.12882130

Q is full of shit. "Think Logically" is about the only sound advice these asshole fisters have ever provided.

From my experience, when some douche says they're going do do something "soon"…over and over… and then nothing ever happens… it usually means…IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

That's what Q is. Alphabet Riddler spewing horseshit for years, yet never acting on it. "Soon"…"Soon"…"Soon"… Fuck You. You might have some dumbshits still fooled on here, but there's a large portion that are done with this blind trust garbage, and demand proof.

So, hit the gas…or go fuck yourself.

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373455  No.12882131

File: 1aa24d6c2ed599a⋯.png (468.44 KB, 596x334, 298:167, Swallowell_feng_feng.PNG)

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c39235  No.12882133

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3bd863  No.12882134

File: 9b376d5e58857d2⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 255x241, 255:241, fkoutahere2.jpg)


Then why are you still here shill?

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866eaa  No.12882135

File: 2fe2d98d0595c9a⋯.jpg (330.51 KB, 1314x912, 219:152, these_people_are_stupid_.jpg)

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f47ec4  No.12882136

The lies coming out of their mouths is insane. What's more insane is every normie sheep believes them.

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c45fa5  No.12882137

Synopsis of the TIME magazine article bragging about the election fraud conspiracy

(a couple of paras from the article)

We have no way of knowing how many of the approximately 65 million 2020 election mail-in ballots were legal — meaning, how many fully complied with all applicable state laws to be validly completed by eligible voters. It could be all of them. It might not be. Nobody with power seems to care to find out. Joe Biden “won,” and the bad orange man is finally gone. That’s all that matters to them, and anyone who has any concerns or questions is simply a stupid bigot, end of story, move along, nothing to see here, shut up you white supremacist domestic terrorist or we’ll put you in jail without any bail — you’re so lucky we haven’t already.

“Election night began with many Democrats despairing. Trump was running ahead of pre-election polling, winning Florida, Ohio and Texas easily and keeping Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania too close to call,” Ball noted. But the “conspiracy” leader watched the results unperturbed, she says: “he could tell that as long as all the votes were counted, Trump would lose.” Amazing projection skills, right? Especially considering his “cabal” in reality pushed to declare Biden the winner before “all the votes were counted.”

Amid the big business-big labor discussion, Ball’s interviewees admit the leftist rioters who terrorized America throughout 2020 did so with the tacit permission of higher-ups, who can turn the riots on and off at will. That will be cold comfort to those who lost more than 30 family members in the riots and hundreds more in the subsequent murder sprees enabled the unrest pushing police to stand down from their jobs.

“Activists began preparing to reprise” the George Floyd riots as it looked like Trump was about to win, Ball writes.Their “Protect the Results” coalition “had a map listing 400 planned postelection demonstrations, to be activated via text message as soon as Nov. 4. To stop the coup they feared, the left was ready to flood the streets.”

But a curious thing happened on the way to this nationwide riot. The white-collar “conspiracy” leaders called off their thugs. Their nonviolent plan to “fortify the election” was working. Violence wasn’t needed at the moment. “[T]he word went out: stand down,” Ball writes. What a convenient little violent militia these people have, all at the summons of a text message!

So when they say they suspended election laws and threatened deadly violence to “protect democracy,” what all these people really mean is they worked to rig the election against Trump. They just think you are too stupid to put those two statements together. And they are apparently too narcissistic to hide their masterfully successful plotting.


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9f0ba4  No.12882138


Hey, i just clicked the link and i can't believe it but it is working, my social credit just went all the way up and now i can earn more! This is awesome!

everyone, click this link now!



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9ea4b7  No.12882139

File: 88edf7dc445ad4d⋯.jpg (20.55 KB, 476x248, 119:62, swallowswell.jpg)

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3e6de8  No.12882140



>That's because very few jews are not pharisees.

But all Jews are willing to lie to win the argument.

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4c5a85  No.12882141

I remember when now or never was Jan 20th.

What is it now.

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8128e8  No.12882142

File: 3c820556cf62506⋯.png (1.59 MB, 980x666, 490:333, ClipboardImage.png)


You jelly huh?

Tel Aviv is a party if ya have a few shekels

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35e72c  No.12882144

File: 49538d3c7565965⋯.png (820.59 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Published November 11, 2020Last Update November 18, 2020

Tucker Carlson:

Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

Many Trump voters believe this election was unfair. They're right.



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b8d55c  No.12882145

File: c6271c9c7444927⋯.png (263.52 KB, 557x491, 557:491, ClipboardImage.png)

Anderson Cooper compares Capitol riot to Rwandan genocide

CNN host Anderson Cooper compared rioters who were involved in the Capitol raid to third-world genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia, during CNN’s coverage of the Senate impeachment trial on former President Donald Trump Tuesday night.

Genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda left hundreds of thousands of people dead. In just 100 days in 1994, an estimated 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda by ethnic Hutu extremists. The Jan. 6 Capitol raid killed five people.

“We’ve seen it in Bosnia, we’ve seen it in Rwanda, where radios was telling people – you know, Hutus were telling the radio listeners that the Tutsi are cockroaches, you know, getting them ginned up for genocide,” Cooper said last month on CNN.

“And you see it in these videos where people who claim they are patriots are in the face of a police officer calling him you know… gouging out of the eye of one, squeezing one in…suffocating one in the doorway,” he continued.

Back on Jan. 12, Cooper used the same comparison by saying Trump supporters talk about Civil War “as if it’s some sort of a cleansing.”

“I was in Rwanda in the genocide briefly, I was in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan… I hear people talking about civil war in America as if they know what they’re talking about. As if they know what that looks like…I am so upset when I hear these people at rallies — Trump rallies talking about Civil War as if it’s some sort of a cleansing.”


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914074  No.12882146


You know what, a few years ago I would have called you a shill.

Today, you're fucking right.

We've been had.


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9f0ba4  No.12882147



'Get' FREE Social-credit Points NOW!

>'Get' FREE Social-credit Points NOW!








- - -A present for all the hard work - - -

Time' to raise and get a better daily live






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1a77cf  No.12882148

File: 4b7d8430a556024⋯.png (11.59 KB, 215x255, 43:51, butt_swab.png)

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788710  No.12882149

Joseph Stalin

Joseph Biden

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1e4183  No.12882150


aware of, but thats about it

cbd is federally legal, and most have a 5:1 or other style'd ratio. the :1 would be d9, not d8. i've often found decent stuff even at gas stations.

Is a small grow out of the question? Tent, LED light, carbon extraction system. Can use for other fruits and veggies also

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3e6de8  No.12882151


>Sooo… An Essene Jew baptized Jesus. That makes Jesus was an Essene Jew, too.

When John The Baptist believed in Jesus Christ he stopped being a religious Jew and became a Christian.

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b322c8  No.12882152


What makes you any less of a sheep if you are not questioning the plan by now?

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40ff2d  No.12882153

File: 9457f8833e568aa⋯.mp4 (573.08 KB, 640x360, 16:9, WzVscwvJMx8gGZZl.mp4)

Look at them. When did this world get so fucked up?

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c39235  No.12882154

File: 17a5548080794a0⋯.png (422.53 KB, 528x472, 66:59, ClipboardImage.png)

The Evidence Has Overwhelmed Him

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3e6de8  No.12882155

File: 1c722550c213198⋯.png (885.74 KB, 981x657, 109:73, ClipboardImage.png)


>Tel Aviv is a party if ya have a few shekels

I'm sure its is, for you.

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000000  No.12882156


>Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself

It's all so confusing, are you talking about Trump now?

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f47ec4  No.12882157


Had by what? Did you not learn more information and wake the fuck up? Who gives a fuck who Q is. We're not fucked because Q didn't deliver. We're fucked because of stupid normie cunts, fake news, and shit tons of corruption WE let go on.

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9f0ba4  No.12882158

NOMED - NAT. [sa] - live-d



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fa3b0b  No.12882159


That's the enthusiastic face of a gay man that loves to Swallow-well

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105651  No.12882160

File: 58fee6cf2db55a3⋯.png (412.07 KB, 632x373, 632:373, ClipboardImage.png)



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941442  No.12882161

File: 1fb75d5812e0b18⋯.png (666.96 KB, 831x559, 831:559, Capture.PNG)


I'll pass.


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a26863  No.12882162


Why do democreeps lie continuously

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b2fcd3  No.12882164

File: 071d9bb3c9d4a4b⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 640x350, 64:35, BRAIN_BUG_IT_S_AFRAID_.mp4)


This clip had to happen.

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c39235  No.12882165

Attacks are Intensifying.

Ride the Waves.

Enjoy the Movie.

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de5da4  No.12882166

I think I've watched so much Japanese porn that I'm no longer attracted to white women. Did the Jews get me, or did I break free from the Matrix?

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161dd6  No.12882167


RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything

In an interview with CHD Chairman RFK, Jr., Vandana Shiva warns listeners that if we don’t fight back against Gates and his empire, “They will own everything. You will own nothing … no commons, no public good, no shared values.

Transcript and vid https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rfk-jr-interviews-vandana-shiva-gates-empire/

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b322c8  No.12882168


What's good for ye is not good for me

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904480  No.12882169

File: ce2d99e9eae7101⋯.png (562.27 KB, 671x979, 61:89, maximum_salt.png)


kek, jews will jew. how about you?

Jesus is the only Way.

Have a Great Day!


Sure, but the ethics don't want to hear that. I personally don't care about the arguement because I've already invested in the Lord Jesus. Nothing else is required. ;)

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866eaa  No.12882170

File: 1ea02b93b0609c4⋯.jpg (334.5 KB, 1314x912, 219:152, patriots_in_control_.jpg)

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24c791  No.12882172

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, 340F5773_B306_462E_B975_B….jpeg)

File: 1fbd5e87ca8412a⋯.jpeg (179.49 KB, 1373x896, 1373:896, B5024E5C_DE02_4C90_A98C_B….jpeg)

File: 59166bdf90b8ad5⋯.jpeg (148.08 KB, 992x414, 496:207, 238A9DDA_FF91_4A94_8FB0_D….jpeg)

File: c2e9704c3c08eea⋯.jpeg (65.79 KB, 600x685, 120:137, 389EBA2D_EBA0_4A89_810A_D….jpeg)

File: cf4bb017e174e2a⋯.png (359.15 KB, 680x467, 680:467, 95C78489_3F33_44A7_B427_EE….png)

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b8d55c  No.12882173

Here’s a full list of known celebrities who supported the pedophile-ridden Lincoln Project

Prior to the public revelation that Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver is a homosexual pedophile who for many years used his executive position to try to groom young boys for sex, many prominent Hollywood celebrities were going gaga with worship towards his organization on social media.

Some of the biggest promoters of the Lincoln Project include “Will & Grace” star Debra Messing, “Star Wars” star Mark Hamill, former professional wrestler Dave Bautista, and “Ghostbusters” actress Leslie Jones. Another is “comedian” Chelsea Handler, who disturbingly tweeted that she has “become sexually attracted to the @ProjectLincoln.”

Other Hollywood celebrities who have gushed with praise towards the Lincoln Project include well-known names like Rob Reiner, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jason Bateman, and Jennifer Aniston, all of whom donated to the group. Harrison Ford, Sam Elliott, and Martin Sheen all helped narrate Lincoln Project videos.

On Oct. 23, 2020, pop star John Legend tweeted a Lincoln Project video containing footage of President Donald Trump promising a health care plan. The footage was from Jan. 2017, three years prior, so Legend mocked Trump by writing, “I’m beginning to think he has no healthcare plan.”

“Guardians of the Galaxy” star Dave Bautista has on numerous occasions, along with fellow Marvel star Chris Evans, tweeted Lincoln Project videos with nasty captions aimed at Trump.

“What a creepy lying ignorant piece of [poop],” Bautista tweeted in one of them, with a feces pile emoji instead of the word poop.

“This actual meatball wants to fire the U.S.’s top infectious disease expert during a pandemic,” whined Evans in a follow-up tweet about Trump, which included his own hand-selected Lincoln Project video.

“Fauci is a man of science. Other folks from the scientific community need to stand up for Fauci before this dunce cap replaces him with Lil Wayne.”

What skeletons might be hiding in closets of celebrities who praised Lincoln Project?

On June 25, 2020, “comedian” Jane Lynch tweeted “all praise” to the Lincoln Project for “doing all the heavy lifting” of ensuring that Trump was not reelected president.

“Whatever your politics this is wonderful,” tweeted “Zoolander” star Ben Stiller, praising Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson for his “great work” with the Lincoln Project.

Jamie Lee Curtis five days later encouraged her followers and fans to donate both to Joe Biden and to the Lincoln Project. Filmmaker Judd Apatow joined her by telling his followers that it was “important” for them to “learn how to vote,” “make a plan,” and “tell a friend to do the same thing.”

“Scrubs” star Zach Braff on Oct. 16, 2020, tweeted a pro-female video from the Lincoln Project with the caption, “Beautiful.” Actress-director Elizabeth Banks did much the same thing, calling a Lincoln Project video she shared on Oct. 8, 2020, “pretty genius.”

The infamous Alyssa Milano of course also tweeted her praise for the Lincoln Project, claiming that Trump was probably “freaking out” about it. Milano jokingly encouraged her followers to retweet said video.

Other questionable celebrities who have been caught promoting the Lincoln Project in suspicious ways include washed-up pop star Cher, Bette Midler, Julia Louis-Dreyfus of “Seinfeld” fame, Adam Scott, Sophia Bush, Jim Gaffigan, Padma Lakshmi, Bradley Whitford, Stephen King, Josh Gad, Ellen Barkin, Vincent D’Onofrio, Matthew Modine, Ken Jeong, Mia Farrow, John Leguizamo, Ron Perlman, Henry Winkler, Ava DuVernay, Mira Sorvino, Kristen Johnston, Wanda Sykes, Eric Roberts, Ana Navarro-Cárdenas, Sandra Bernhard, Steve Schmidt, Christina Applegate, Ken Olin, and Joshua Malina.

“All the people you would expect,” wrote one Breitbart commenter. “The leftist trash who had no problem with Weinstein and Epstein for decades.”


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3e6de8  No.12882174



kek, hive mind as fuck.

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8c8e36  No.12882175

File: cb6a1373027798f⋯.jpg (67.16 KB, 970x552, 485:276, rally_biden.jpg)

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1a77cf  No.12882176

they are intentionally reading tweets to rile up Trump's base even more

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e0a73d  No.12882177

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB, 634x547, 634:547, ba2cfda113072c359778083331….png)


Point being, Fang is a CCP spy whore and the faggot currently berating the greatest president in our life time, Fell into her pussy trap!


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a8acc0  No.12882178

File: 544f07cebe679bb⋯.png (399.78 KB, 708x440, 177:110, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f0ba4  No.12882179

i told john to just give it up, but you know his yannky arss doesn't listen so he took her and went down. What do you expect me to do? Anyhow, it doesn't matter anymore.

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a3d01c  No.12882180

File: fecc733262a18ec⋯.png (145.66 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, china_butt_swab.png)

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904480  No.12882181



>Sure, but the ethics don't want to hear that.

ethnics. derp

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718d96  No.12882182


I suggest you lay off the paint chips, it's not helping.

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1acbd8  No.12882183

File: 8ca9a9e034784f0⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 480x270, 16:9, oQXy15MF8qtfJCAC.mp4)


Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) blasted President Biden's nominee to head his budget office over her past rhetoric against Republicans and progressives alike, including Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) using his trademark colorful language.

"I'm very disturbed about your personal comments about people," he said at a Senate Budget Committee confirmation hearing for Neera Tanden, Biden's nominee to direct the White House Office of Management and Budget.

"I mean, you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut."

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c3f5ea  No.12882184


I would have been worse if you were waching nigger pron.

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30cfc0  No.12882187

File: dc9fa461a1aaaf1⋯.png (366.96 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ellen_page_liberal_aging.png)

Is this where QAnon posts?

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e229e0  No.12882188

File: b8f7859e9c4d57e⋯.gif (242.21 KB, 560x672, 5:6, 8_Kun_cat.gif)

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e6d3ea  No.12882189

You know. All it would take is a rogue group of say 100 ex-seals or like to make a few huge moves on a few huge bad actors and shit would change quick.

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1c01ef  No.12882190

shills working overtime


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a8acc0  No.12882191

File: d831f059fc4cd9b⋯.png (211.33 KB, 497x384, 497:384, panic_eagle.png)

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3e6de8  No.12882192



Except, I am not salty, I'm enjoying smacking WNB around like always.

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179d8a  No.12882193

File: bec54d2a293bbe6⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 488x599, 488:599, ZomboMeme_10022021132742.jpg)

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8c8e36  No.12882194

File: 02455f62a7bcbb2⋯.jpg (524.58 KB, 1660x934, 830:467, We_The_People.jpg)

File: 8583e0c41d0f3f4⋯.jpg (197.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trump_oct2018_houstonrally.jpg)

File: f4e5293559c14b8⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, 20201031_215935_1024x684.jpg)

File: 8b92fc7feff7a7a⋯.jpg (129.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, trump_rally_sunrise_1200x6….jpg)

File: f0dcf69dd93ceda⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 599x394, 599:394, America_.jpg)

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c39235  No.12882195

Remember this day

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88667b  No.12882196


They are enemies of Truth.

When you live in darkness hating truth is a survival mechanism.

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e0a73d  No.12882197


I am waiting for a Q drop!

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e6d3ea  No.12882198


No anons are finally pulling their heads out of the sand and admitting what this was.

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9f0ba4  No.12882199


play snake flute music near a feminist and watch what happens.

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8c8e36  No.12882200

File: d2a02a45a47cf57⋯.jpg (20.6 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Truth_1200x630_1.jpg)

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a26863  No.12882201

Hello up there at 40000', How's the view?

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b322c8  No.12882202

File: 103574f2a93eaff⋯.jpg (67.58 KB, 667x374, 667:374, ChaseRuss.jpg)

>>12882182 ← Jews, always mocking

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24c791  No.12882203

File: 5163ecc0cb16852⋯.jpeg (246.32 KB, 1400x878, 700:439, 45C4FA25_B4C8_41E8_AC97_2….jpeg)

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a8acc0  No.12882204

File: ae801e4ce3df770⋯.png (787.97 KB, 789x387, 263:129, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8d55c  No.12882205

Where's the Outrage? Biden Fires 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys

In what most of the media is characterizing as “a routine” event, Joe Biden has asked 56 U.S. attorneys appointed by Donald Trump to resign.

Indeed, it used to be a routine announcement. It’s part of the transition and shouldn’t draw any scrutiny. In with the new, out with the old, farewell, and good luck.

Except when Trump did it in 2016, you’d think it was the end of democracy. This was the headline story on the MSNBC website after Trump asked for the resignations on March 13, 2017.

Trump sparks new controversy with U.S. Attorney dismissals. Ten years after the last Republican White House had a U.S. Attorney scandal, Donald Trump has one of his own.

What “scandal”? The U.S. attorney for New York, Preet Bharara, threw a tantrum because he says Trump promised he could stay. He refused to resign and was promptly fired. The media blew this tantrum into a clash between the executive branch and the judicial branch.

But when Biden does it, it’s “routine.”


And then there was CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who complained of Trump, “one would have thought they’d have handled it better.” Blitzer’s colleague, Jim Acosta, complained, “They’re off to a very slow start… So it’s not surprising they’d do it in this fashion.”

The New York Times headlined its coverage, “Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign.” One can still be looking for the Biden announcement on the Times’s website.

The media misconduct remained consistent with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Routine practices were always criminal for the big bad orange man, while remaining admissible for Democrats.

In Biden’s “routine” firing of U.S. attorneys, he allowed two of them to stay on.

Fox News:

The U.S. attorneys will begin transitioning out of their roles, with the exception of the prosecutor overseeing the federal tax investigation into Hunter Biden, David Weiss for Delaware. John Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, will resign from his position as U.S. attorney but will stay on as special counsel to continue his now years-long investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday was asked about Weiss and Durham, and said that those “decisions were made in order to fulfill his promise of maintaining independence.”

It was politically smart for Biden to continue the Hunter Biden probe. He really didn’t have any choice because it may eventually lead back to him. But he could have taken the risk and asked for Weiss’s resignation too. That he didn’t is significant in that he wants to keep the focus on Trump impeachment and his pandemic relief bill.

For all the machinations of the media to destroy Trump’s presidency, none of it mattered in the end. All they ended up doing was destroying what was left of their credibility with the vast majority of the American people. And it’s things like this that sealed their fate.


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29a756  No.12882206


gonnarbe easy to pass that test

… just squirt some bleach up your ass

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e0a73d  No.12882207


and the whole world is watching

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fa3b0b  No.12882208


Its still in the toilet, unless you remembered to flush.

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b41e97  No.12882209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b8d55c  No.12882210

File: 291e8e30867326b⋯.png (370.69 KB, 564x469, 564:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Regime Halts Deportation of Criminal African Migrants 'Due to Black History Month'

Joe Biden's acting ICE director, Tae Johnson, halted deportation flights of criminal African migrants because they were "scheduled during Black History Month," according to a report from the Washington Post.

From Washington Post:

When ICE scheduled a deportation flight to Africa for earlier this month, lawyers and activist groups sent urgent requests to political appointees at the White House and DHS, asking them to intervene.

Their request asked for the administration to give the deportees more time to pursue humanitarian claims in immigration courts, noting that the flight to majority-Black countries had been scheduled during Black History Month, emails show. Within hours, the acting director of ICE wrote to senior staff, stopping the deportations.

A senior ICE official declined to comment on deportation flights, because they are internal law enforcement operations.

Sirine Shebaya, executive director of the National Immigration Project, a legal aid group, said the new priorities are the "humane and right thing to do," especially because ICE often arrests people swept up by a police system under scrutiny for targeting people of color.

The Post reported that "ICE officials also canceled Operation Talon, a nationwide operation targeting sex offenders subject to deportation that had been planned in the final weeks of the Trump administration, emails show."

Johnson clearly wants to curry favor with newly confirmed DHS director Alejandro Mayorkas, a regimist crony who wants to end deportations of criminal migrants while simultaneously declaring American patriots "domestic terrorists."

The Biden regime is currently vindictively charging some 243 Americans for as little as stepping foot in "The People's House" last month and working on hitting many with outrageous "sedition" charges without any mercy but criminal illegal migrants are having their deportations blocked to honor Black History Month!


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904480  No.12882211


I love that meme so much I found the hi res one. I was dying to just drop it on someone like punky brewster

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8128e8  No.12882212


Wow that is a massive amount of suckers

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f31984  No.12882213


It is. Unfortunately Tm. I've enjoyed a nice break from real stuff tbh, but ki da wanna try it and see. Been using kratom as a mood stabilizer instead, but kinda over it for now

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1a77cf  No.12882215


notable…….Kennedy took Tanden and Sanders down at once

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373455  No.12882216

File: f28c8efbb643a99⋯.png (192.4 KB, 446x374, 223:187, bidan.PNG)

Moar cavalry coming for the Big Guy!

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3e6de8  No.12882217


>punky brewster

Also a Jew.

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a3d01c  No.12882218

'Bruce Springsteen arrested for DWI, reckless driving in November. Wonder if he was driving a ⁦@Jeep⁩'


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9f0ba4  No.12882219

File: bcad6bbd4f8dd76⋯.jpg (118 KB, 1268x292, 317:73, 1535479066750.jpg)

when truth is right in front of you

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c45fa5  No.12882220

File: 8b61483b3da8ed8⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 487x600, 487:600, TT_1_on_98.jpg)

Truckloads of Illegal Aliens Found at Texas Border Checkpoint

LAREDO, TEXAS – Border Patrol agents at the Interstate 35 (I-35) checkpoint, north of Laredo, Texas intercepted two human smuggling attempts in commercial vehicles within a day of each other. Within the smuggled subjects, a convicted sex offender was apprehended.

One of the incidents occurred during the early evening of February 5, when a tractor-trailer approached the I-35 checkpoint. During an immigration inspection of the driver, a Service canine alerted to the trailer. At secondary inspection, agents discovered concealed individuals inside the trailer. They were determined to be illegally present in the United States from the countries of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, and Honduras.

The second incident occurred the next evening, when another tractor-trailer approached the I-35 checkpoint. A non-intrusive scan of the trailer revealed multiple individuals inside. They were determined to be illegally present in the United States from the countries of Mexico and Guatemala.

In both events, 138 individuals and the drivers, both U.S. citizens, were placed under arrest pending further investigation. U.S. Border Patrol seized the tractors and trailers.

During the screening of the arrested subjects, record checks revealed that Juan Castro-Castro, a 41-year old Mexican national, had been arrested in 2001 and convicted for Sexual Assault, Aggravated Assault with a Weapon in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Castro-Castro is being held by the U.S. Border Patrol pending prosecution of his immigration violations. He will be remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshal Service.

All subjects were medically evaluated for their safety and none required medical attention. Despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, none of the individuals were wearing any personal protective equipment (PPE).

the human smuggling continues…


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5b9bd5  No.12882221

How long does that buttfucker get to sit there and lie? Isn't there a time limit on their arguments?

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b322c8  No.12882222

Read it "christian" Jew worshipers.

Jesus is chastising the jews here

32 Andyeshall know the truth, and the truth shall makeyoufree.

33Theyanswered him,Webe Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou,Yeshall be made free?

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say untoyou, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall makeyoufree,yeshall be free indeed.

37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; butyeseek to kill me, because my word hath no place inyou.

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: andyedo that which ye have seen withyourfather.

39Theyanswered and said unto him, Abraham isourfather. Jesus saith unto them, Ifyewere Abraham's children,yewould do the works of Abraham.

40 But nowyeseek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41Yedo the deeds of your father. Then saidtheyto him,Webe not born of fornication;wehave one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said untothem, If God wereyourFather,yewould love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why doyenot understand my speech? even becauseyecannot hear my word.

44Yeare of your father the devil, and the lusts ofyourfatheryewill do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tellyouthe truth,yebelieve me not.

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a3552b  No.12882223


so why cant they simply put all the evidence out in the public domain???

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9ea4b7  No.12882224

File: 51c266e0be5706d⋯.png (894.48 KB, 870x492, 145:82, ClipboardImage_9_.png)

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788710  No.12882225


No person throughout human history has been so full of shit as Q has.

America, and freedom itself, is so unbelievably screwed because of that lying charlatan.

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a26863  No.12882226



Historic, Q gave you everything, Review.

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2b22d9  No.12882227


fucking fraud, he is.

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b8d55c  No.12882228

File: 4a1849706d7ebea⋯.png (604.35 KB, 736x491, 736:491, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Backtracks on Promise to Reopen Schools in First 100 Days

As early as last December, Joe Biden was promising to reopen schools his first 100 days in office. This was a very popular idea among parents who were nearly desperate to keep their children from falling further behind.

But that promise was made before the teachers’ union moved the goalposts — again — and decided that schools shouldn’t open until teachers and their union members were vaccinated.

The teachers broke fundraising records to get Biden elected and demanded fealty. The Biden administration — like mayors across the country — gave it.

“His goal that he set is to have the majority of schools—so more than 50 percent—open by day 100 of his presidency, and that means some teaching in classrooms,” press secretary Psaki said. “Teaching at least one day a week in the majority of schools by day 100.”

That’s a far cry from “opening” the schools to in-person instruction. Here’s what was in the National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness document released in January.

“The United States is committed to ensuring that students and educators are able to resume safe, in-person learning as quickly as possible, with the goal of getting a majority of K-8 schools safely open in 100 days,” the document reads.

I don’t see anything about “one day a week” in-person instruction there. Indeed, the media had to scramble to cover the president’s butt. USA Today headlined their piece, “White House clarifies Biden’s goal to reopen schools.” Some “clarification.”

But Biden was forced to “clarify” his goal because the teachers are refusing to return to work despite all evidence that it can be done safely.

Washington Examiner:

The White House distanced itself from CDC director Rochelle Walensky last week after she said that vaccinating teachers is not required to safely reopen schools for face-to-face learning. Psaki claimed Walensky had spoken “in her personal capacity” and insisted the White House wait for further guidance.

While many of the country’s largest teachers’ unions backed Biden during his 2020 presidential run—and teachers broke donation records to support the president—they have led the resistance to return to the classroom. Many unions have demanded that all teachers receive the vaccine before teaching students in person and have claimed without evidence that returning to the classroom is unsafe. An American Academy of Pediatrics study from January found that transmission of the virus in schools is “extremely rare.”

For the teachers, that’s not good enough. They want an ironclad guarantee that none of their members — or any family members — will get sick.

If this were a question of health, the kids would have been back in class already. This is about power and who wields it. The unions are flexing their muscles, knowing they have the politicians over a barrel and will press their advantage to the absolute limit. And the politicians will have no choice but to cave to their demands.

President Reagan told the air traffic controllers where they could stick it when they went on strike threatening to bring chaos to the skies. The union believed they had the upper hand and were badly outguessed when Reagan stood up to them and broke their union and fired them. Forty years later, there have been no other controller strikes.

It won’t happen with the teachers, of course, They’re too well-connected politically to break them. But setting a date certain for them to return to class and then firing those who don’t comply would be a good start toward reestablishing a balanced power relationship between the schools and the unions.


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b322c8  No.12882229

File: ebdc7891073c853⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 517x499, 517:499, 22TickTock.jpg)

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8127f8  No.12882230


Imagine the smell…

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9f0ba4  No.12882231

this is toilett to keep shills derailed

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df585a  No.12882232

>>12881261 (LB)

She converted in 1966? to Jewish faith from Catholic? Would be cool to call her out as "Eva" in a presser and see if she triggers some M-K Ultra spoopy stuff!

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904480  No.12882233


who? the actor? They are all Jews. Jews own hollywood, they said so.

They deny it now, but it's on vid all over the internet.

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9ea4b7  No.12882235

File: 3d74aa2528f9b98⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 960x931, 960:931, 76900161_10157728154602442….jpg)

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49562a  No.12882236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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24c791  No.12882237

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8c8e36  No.12882238

File: 07e341a5f3f4425⋯.jpg (73.97 KB, 1024x713, 1024:713, USA.jpg)

File: 238fb4555f699a8⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 288x360, 4:5, Trump_4Eva.gif)

File: f480f8580dbf5e4⋯.gif (7.41 KB, 541x293, 541:293, Trump_WW.gif)

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e0a73d  No.12882239

File: a7dde8a998d6197⋯.png (594.38 KB, 1192x602, 596:301, shilly2.png)

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b36e1d  No.12882240

File: 843226f0d9f066a⋯.jpeg (601.98 KB, 828x1276, 207:319, 5F647CCA_F4F0_4DA9_9667_C….jpeg)

File: 812afeba614f4f7⋯.jpeg (479.42 KB, 828x1090, 414:545, DA5CE4E5_CA59_4F74_9A5B_B….jpeg)

File: bd02b12386fb8e3⋯.jpeg (101.53 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, 93C7D253_709F_4450_AC79_7….jpeg)


Can someone explain Trump’s strategy in this trial?

One of his lawyers is a 33rd degree mason and another sued him previously for calling mail-in voting ripe for fraud?!? Their pisspoor performance yesterday was rationalized as a fumble to allow for the unconstitutional impeachment trial proceed, presumably to allow election fraud evidence to presented to the public. But, even nevertrumpers on tweeter yesterday were shocked by the shitty performance of his lawyers.

When can we expect to see rational defense. Hell, we could choose anons from this board who could do a better job. Is this shit show just a distraction until the SC takes the case on the 19th?


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06bd71  No.12882241

Wow! Swallowell is bringing it!

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9998f4  No.12882242


>No person throughout human history has been so full of shit as Q has.

>America, and freedom itself, is so unbelievably screwed because of that lying charlatan.

Just a psyop to get you to do nothing while the carcass was being picked clean.

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49562a  No.12882243

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fb59db  No.12882244

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fa3b0b  No.12882245


Time for Nancy's anal probe.

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f47ab0  No.12882246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8e01a0  No.12882247



Both can be right. A little column "A" and a little column "B". The Q-Op pacified people into trusting some vague plan. I mean just read the shit on this board…

For months, people spewing "Biden will never be President"…"Biden will never get into the White House"…

Now that it happened…

"Oh, well…Biden IS part of the plan!"

"Biden is controlled by Trump & the White Hats!"

Instead of just admitting they were wrong, they take the easy route, and live in denial. Whatever it takes to continue this fuckery.

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a26863  No.12882248


That's the commie fist up your ass

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0ccce9  No.12882249


Not to mention, 80 million Americans would be eternally grateful to them.

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1a77cf  No.12882250


the new eva peron

or the new eva braun

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2b22d9  No.12882251

File: 56a506392dfbfcf⋯.png (99.68 KB, 408x323, 24:19, ClipboardImage.png)


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d28993  No.12882253

File: 60508f05fec29d0⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, fangfangsbitch.png)

pretty fucking brazen to run a Chinese spy up there

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69bc71  No.12882254


Thrown, to prevent second wave.

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866eaa  No.12882255

File: 951a3c80f1bbb94⋯.jpg (32.22 KB, 532x594, 266:297, c_mon_drop.jpg)

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8e01a0  No.12882256


Total snake oil salesmen.

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3e6de8  No.12882257

File: b5988dbb9af33e6⋯.png (230.7 KB, 2331x618, 777:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a1fc79862a2bbb⋯.png (431.11 KB, 427x548, 427:548, ClipboardImage.png)



>They are all Jews. Jews own hollywood, they said so.

We know.

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788710  No.12882258


Things will never reopen. They are destroying America.

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40ff2d  No.12882259

File: b963682715c07b7⋯.png (186.5 KB, 860x881, 860:881, 3_37478_pepe_fren_hd_png_d….png)

The thing about the vaccine.

If the vaccine works than you shouldn't be afraid of me if I don't take it.

If you're afraid of me for not taking it than it doesn't work.

Either way I'm not taking it.

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384a9e  No.12882260


Chevy Chase is A Jew

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9c5187  No.12882261

File: 739d6425dc4133c⋯.png (33.67 KB, 358x575, 358:575, pew.png)

Remember when they used to believe in voter fraud?

Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote

February 14, 2012

Research commissioned by the Pew Center on the States highlights the extent of the challenge:

-Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.

-More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.

-Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.

-Researchers estimate at least 51 million eligible U.S. citizens are unregistered, or more than 24% of the eligible population.



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49562a  No.12882262

File: bb62e58696d1bc4⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 960x810, 32:27, bodydouble.jpg)


The TV televised portion hit the pubic in the subconscious


If they want to kill you , you have no rights

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904480  No.12882263


>>12882211, >>12882233

the numbers just follow me around.. i dunno..

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8128e8  No.12882265

File: ae890872fa79e50⋯.png (317.72 KB, 656x480, 41:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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914074  No.12882266


So what can we do?

They are already making us look like terrorists.

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866eaa  No.12882267

File: 824dfcba68487e0⋯.jpg (151.19 KB, 576x500, 144:125, over_the_target_3.jpg)

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9ea4b7  No.12882268

File: e96665a26907141⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 624x468, 4:3, Pelosi_Thumb_Up_420x315_1_.jpg)

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8127f8  No.12882269


Kek. Great shoop

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219346  No.12882270


Pffffft. That guy's just Nobody.

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8f28f8  No.12882271

I know I’m opening up myself to shills, but…

Is there any TANGIBLE PROOF that Q will ever post again?

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6f944b  No.12882272

File: 565e7ef9a4b9f3f⋯.png (81.38 KB, 248x240, 31:30, laughs.png)




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b36e1d  No.12882273


>Thrown, to prevent second wave.

2nd wave?

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e0a73d  No.12882274

File: 3421a81c3523443⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 300x234, 50:39, 038d35c759f6fb7d757d1bbfbb….jpg)


I know it!

Q told me to chill and to take of myself so that's what I am doing.

I am so comfy it ought to be against the Law!


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b322c8  No.12882275


No, Chevy Chase is Clark in that movie.

Nice try though.

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5d0261  No.12882276


>>12881951 Dough

#16443@250 Notables

>>12882004 Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

>>12882008 Biden to Continue Seeking Extradition of Julian Assange

>>12882028 Democrats are ‘absolutely terrified’ of Donald Trump

>>12882032 CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One – Just One Week After Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks

>>12882036 Democrats to offer new footage showing 'extreme violence' in Capitol attack

>>12882057 Day 2 of the impeachment trial (video link)

>>12882081 Why Russia is driving the West crazy

>>12882118 The Sham Impeachment & The Attack on Free Speech

>>12882144 Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

>>12882167 02/08/21 RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything

>>12882173 Here’s a full list of known celebrities who supported the pedophile-ridden Lincoln Project

>>12882183 Sen Kennedy to BIden OMB pick - "I mean, you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut."

>>12882205 Where's the Outrage? Biden Fires 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys

>>12882220 Truckloads of Illegal Aliens Found at Texas Border Checkpoint

>>12882210 Biden Regime Halts Deportation of Criminal African Migrants 'Due to Black History Month'

>>12882218 @CLewandowski_ - 'Bruce Springsteen arrested for DWI, reckless driving in November. Wonder if he was driving a ⁦@Jeep⁩'

>>12882261 Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote


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4c5a85  No.12882277

We did our part. We woke them. We voted for the Red Wave.

When do we get our just rewards?

None of this cloak n dagger trial stuff wakes 'the remaining' normies. What is the plan here?

I really hope we get some left field "shockwave" arrest out of the blue, sort of like when Maxwell was arrested and no one suspected it back then.

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c88280  No.12882278



they say that we do but we aren't and you add to it by claiming it works, when it does not.

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a26863  No.12882279


It's going to ge heaven sent when the VIDEOS COME OUT

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2ac96b  No.12882280

Headlines incoming. Yahoo: House managers argue Trump planted seeds for U.S. Capitol breach prior to the election. Can see every media headline late tonight saying Democrat House Impeachments Managers brilliantly argue case. They dumb as rocks if you ask me. They laying openings for citizen Trump to drive trucks through

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914074  No.12882281


Of course they are.

Nothing has stopped them. Nothing is going to stop them.

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3e6de8  No.12882282


>the numbers just follow me around.. i dunno..

I hit trips 3 times last bread. Get on my level.

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1a77cf  No.12882283

File: 79c9609d5985f33⋯.png (91.75 KB, 1238x605, 1238:605, ClipboardImage.png)

who is NP's mom?

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24c791  No.12882284

File: fc1d56910281566⋯.jpeg (36.95 KB, 255x170, 3:2, FAD8928D_3F71_4B94_A0A4_2….jpeg)

lemme see your best images/memes of POTUS beaming w strength and power! Let the world know we’re still in here!

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69bc71  No.12882286

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40ff2d  No.12882287

File: af04a86f012c6cc⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 900x900, 1:1, angry_pepe.jpg)

The Vaccine and Dont Kill my Grandma Rhetoric

If you believe everyone needs to get a vaccine to save your grandma then I’ve news for you, you have already killed your Grandma. If your grandma has 2 years left on this earth and you have abandoned her and allowed her to be perpetuated by fear without explaining to her the truth then you have most likely killed her sooner. They come from an age when it was trust the tv and trust the government. They have a few years left maybe and instead of spending the twilight of their years, enjoying them, relaxing, seeing their grandkids and having joy, you demand they stay away, wave from a distance and live in fear. When you are looking for someone to blame for killing your grandma don’t be looking elsewhere.

This bullshit rhetoric was created to manipulate and play on your self riotousness and a craving to appear empathetic… you are the useful idiots they wanted and boy how they laugh at how easily you bought into it. Don’t kill my granny, you did that yourself

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9f0ba4  No.12882288

think mirror


think mirror

there is no mirrored Q in the mirror univers

Q is Q


star trek

the thinks you had to learn but never did

your retarded triggerism of your soicety

blue yellow

red dot

charly NOMED


bring that nigger something to drink, start with bleach.

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e0a73d  No.12882289


I meant that I am waiting for one of these Dim's to use some Q drops against POTUS!


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49562a  No.12882290

File: e2f107bb1c7e205⋯.jpg (49.39 KB, 264x395, 264:395, templeorgyisland.jpg)


No outrage.

People only feel what the TV tells them is there

or the push by the main broadcasters

That's why they are fierce in eliminating the opposition/


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ee41be  No.12882291

election was stolen….unlike Swalwell, math does not lie

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9f0ba4  No.12882292


my penis in your face

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866eaa  No.12882293

File: 9bbc3d51caebaa1⋯.jpg (330.45 KB, 1314x912, 219:152, 2nd_coming.jpg)

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85ab0d  No.12882294

File: 2cb0950f5eb21f4⋯.jpg (83.88 KB, 607x543, 607:543, THESBIAN.jpg)

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b322c8  No.12882295



And by the way, Chase isn't Jewish.

He's Dutch Scottish mutt.

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f31984  No.12882296

So is late late about the only time I can get into the fun stuff or something

Or even not then

I'm struggling here

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788710  No.12882297


More brown-skinned, female Trojan Horses courtesy of (((them))).

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b8d55c  No.12882298

File: dccbef1a7c2c0cc⋯.png (471.47 KB, 1457x810, 1457:810, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ad26dfe3003fa8⋯.png (131.89 KB, 1459x804, 1459:804, ClipboardImage.png)

Rothschilds Courting Financial Collapse

The Illuminati always tell us what they're going to do. We never listen.

So I repeat, someone whom I believe is Jacob Rothschild wrote the US dollar "is being phased out not with a whimper but with the bang of a mushroom cloud in the creation of unlimited trillions."

They plan to inflate the money supply until they precipitate an economic collapse that will be the pretext for world government/currency. The WEF is already prepping us for another "crisis" much worse than COVID. The timetable? They are inflating the balloon until it pops.

The Fed is engaged in an orgy of money creation. More than a quarter of all $USD were created in the last 15 mos. alone. Why?

Obviously they've opened the "stimulus" floodgates to mitigate the harm from their pandemic, which Rothschild admits is a "plandemic." However, this "stimulus" is not reaching the hardest hit, and has driven the stock market and cryptocurrencies to insane valuations.

But the larger agenda is to replace the $USD with a digital world currency. However, Rothschild insists, a one-world-government is the prerequisite.

I am surmising that these developments could only happen in the aftermath of a financial collapse.

Our "leaders" have sold us out to the NWO without any consultation.


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904480  No.12882299


But.. they just …happen.. Hunting for them is gay

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35e72c  No.12882301

File: 75b52ae833a39ba⋯.png (481.68 KB, 610x722, 305:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9496544af1d445⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2025x720, 45:16, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet @USNavyEurope


@USNavy #USSPorter and #USSDonaldCook depart the #BlackSea following17days of operations alongside @NATO Allies & partners: 🇺🇦🇷🇴🇬🇪🇹🇷

Brussels Media Hub and 9 others

2:31 AM · Feb 10, 2021·Twitter Web App



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b322c8  No.12882302

File: b75c026ce2f552c⋯.jpg (100.8 KB, 794x500, 397:250, EpsteinTempleJew.jpg)


These are all Jewish things.

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3bd863  No.12882303


EXACTLY THIS is what makes me trust the plan. Otherwise such group would have already taken action (maybe)

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e0a73d  No.12882304


graveyard shift lives matter

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9ea4b7  No.12882305

File: e120ad9e685aa3d⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 777x960, 259:320, 59950062_1078900802294201_….jpg)



Ignorant commie jew slut.

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0f1859  No.12882306

>>12881785 pb lb

>And after the election something like this has happened to me

>I think I am blessed! And it is amazing!

Please tell us what happened that we might share in your joy.

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d28993  No.12882307

File: f4b107f09e77885⋯.png (75.51 KB, 182x333, 182:333, fangfang1.png)


thanks anon.

can't find any decent full body shots.

that one worked though

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904480  No.12882309



fuck, it just happened again.. Is there an off button?

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9f0ba4  No.12882310

~+~ . ~+~ .



~+~ . ~+~ .

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788710  No.12882311


This is the master plan. Prepare yourselves as best as you can, anons.

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f47ec4  No.12882312

Nothing seems precipice-y yet IMO. Normies need to see their country almost completely destroyed to wake up. Sorry.

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3e6de8  No.12882313


>But.. they just …happen.. Hunting for them is gay

I have literally never tried to time a post to get trips/dubs, I think the entire idea behind it is gay.

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16e4ce  No.12882314

File: 2d0fc0adae1709f⋯.png (28.53 KB, 533x264, 533:264, Pollak_re_QAnon_Dems_Riots….PNG)

Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

Democrats want it both ways: on the one hand, QAnon is a delusional conspiracy theory that led to the riot. On the other, @JoeNeguseis citing people who believe in Q as reliable witnesses that Trump ordered the riot. #ImpeachmentTrial


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1a77cf  No.12882315

File: 77c8b1d172442f9⋯.png (117.96 KB, 991x721, 991:721, ClipboardImage.png)


>who is NP's mom?


In a recent visit to Little Italy, she told CNN’s Dana Bash, however, that she learned as much about politics fromher mother, Annunciata M. “Nancy” D’Alesandro (née Lombardi),who was born in Campobasso, Italy, a southern region that was home to many of Baltimore’s Italian immigrants. Her mother, Pelosi says, pulled together Little Italy’s women into her father’s grassroots campaign.

“He leapfrogged over the Irish [to become the city’s first Catholic mayor], that was a big deal,” she told Bash. “It took political organizing.”

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ec7ce7  No.12882316

People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’


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af19d7  No.12882317

File: dc4e454fbf2f635⋯.png (1.24 MB, 866x1067, 866:1067, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12881717 (lb)

>Deported Sex Offender Found Hiding in 138-Migrant Group at Border Checkpoint

Look at all the poor women and children, anons!!!!

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a8acc0  No.12882319

File: 7f1c65591dc7d4b⋯.png (418.02 KB, 652x367, 652:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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5ceba9  No.12882320


You misunderstand.

It's not about worshipping Jews, it's about recognizing Truth and not having hate in your heart.

Who was embedded with the Jews whom they followed?

Who is the accuser?

Who did they have their hopes set on?

Who introduced the "Law"?

What was his history? Where was he raised?

Who are the Pharisees, and who's seat do they sit in?

If Jews love Jesus, they are children of God. If they put their hopes in Moses, they are children of the devil.

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d844a7  No.12882321

File: 4c490d2894a4b79⋯.jpg (74.35 KB, 994x1024, 497:512, 4c490d2894a4b794d2430feff2….jpg)

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d76773  No.12882323


That sure is a BIG gauntlet.

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4c5a85  No.12882324


This is the problem. Any normies left encourage this. They are border line anarchists. I've talked with them, They LOVE this shit.

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6f944b  No.12882325

File: 116d1e9446d83dc⋯.png (85.48 KB, 330x265, 66:53, clothespinqq.png)



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c45fa5  No.12882326

File: 661bf304bb15dbd⋯.jpg (325.53 KB, 1184x1402, 592:701, Xnip2021_02_10_13_42_11.jpg)

Aunt Jemima is making her last batch of pancakes.

Quaker Oats said Tuesday that its Aunt Jemima brand pancake mix and syrup will be renamed Pearl Milling Company. Aunt Jemima products will continue to be sold until June, when the packaging will officially change over.

Quaker Oats, a division of PepsiCo Inc., had announced last June that it would retire the Aunt Jemima brand, saying the character’s origins are “based on a racial stereotype.” A former slave, Nancy Green, became the first face of the pancake products in 1890.

Quaker Oats bought the Aunt Jemima brand in 1925 and had updated the logo over the years in an effort to remove the negative stereotypes. But in the cultural reckoning that followed last summer’s Black Lies Matter riots, Quaker decided to change the name altogether. Other brands, like Uncle Ben’s rice, followed.

best syrup ever…now gotta find something else.


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9f0ba4  No.12882327

File: b352520d85da9d0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 25.64 KB, 466x700, 233:350, thumb_pagespeed_ce_XfM1lrg….jpg)

does this trigger you?

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b322c8  No.12882328

File: 7c69bcbff25b58b⋯.png (371.3 KB, 555x483, 185:161, KatzKike.png)

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16f498  No.12882329

this eric swalwell is sooo poor while acting.

They coule brought in de caprio for this thing. These people they put in here are just bad.

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904480  No.12882330



Then why did you brag about levelling up? I don't want to level up on gayness. I'm an op often enough.

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b36e1d  No.12882331

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af19d7  No.12882332

>>12880546 (lb)

> The New York Stock Exchange threatened on Tuesday to leave New York if lawmakers approve a proposal to tax stock sales.

The "rich" will never pay taxes like you and I, anons.

Consumption taxes are the only way.

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15ffe3  No.12882333


Fuck Democracy! We are a Constitutional Republic you fuckin Kike!

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2b1f3f  No.12882334

File: 0703e861a6c0d8e⋯.png (746.76 KB, 867x442, 51:26, ClipboardImage.png)



much better shop than mine. kek. noice.

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69bc71  No.12882335

File: fa4b04e04f917b0⋯.jpg (371.79 KB, 1079x718, 1079:718, cures.jpg)


cures exsist

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3e6de8  No.12882337


>Then why did you brag about levelling up? I don't want to level up on gayness. I'm an op often enough.

Culture is culture.

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866eaa  No.12882339

File: bb326c5119e85a4⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 960x540, 16:9, never_has_been_2.jpg)

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0ccce9  No.12882340


Don't buy that garbage, it's bad for you.

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16f498  No.12882341

all they have for this impeachment is a couple of trumps tweets???


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914074  No.12882342


And how do you prepare for that?

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d844a7  No.12882343

File: 651392e8e894064⋯.png (5.94 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 651392e8e894064e78f8e031d1….png)

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e0a73d  No.12882344


Its just a Larp! No wait!


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f31984  No.12882345


Just trying not to dig the hole deeper, heh

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69bc71  No.12882346

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af19d7  No.12882347


Pearls are white.

Dats rayciss!!!

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f47ec4  No.12882348


They need to be starving, cold and alone, fearful of attack physically, their homes burned and their families dead, broke, suffering…and realize the dems are to blame. "Only then will people find the will to change"…


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24c791  No.12882349

File: ebdeccceaf1326e⋯.jpeg (45.24 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 14BD359B_69D4_4806_B768_9….jpeg)

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b8d55c  No.12882350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Texas sheriff says President Biden is releasing 'thousands' of illegal aliens into the US without COVID-19 tests

'It's absolutely true'

Sheriff A.J. Louderback of Jackson County, Texas, said this week that President Joe Biden is releasing illegal immigrants into the U.S. without first subjecting them to a COVID-19 test.

Louderback, who appeared Tuesday on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight," said that it was "absolutely true" that the Biden administration is engaging in such risky behaviors and "essentially" defunding Immigration and Customs Enforcement via memo.

What are the details?

Carlson began his monologue by saying, "Tonight we learned that the Joe Biden administration is releasing thousands of foreign nationals living here illegally into American neighborhoods without bothering to test them for the coronavirus."

He then referred to a video clip featuring an exchange between White House press secretary Jen Psaki and Fox News reporter Kristin Fisher.

In the clip, Fisher can be heard asking Psaki, "What could be done to provide COVID testing to migrants at the border? Because right now, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection is saying they're having to catch and release some migrants without giving them any kind of COVID test before they're entering the community. So what is being done? What could be done?"

Psaki responded, "Are you suggesting they're letting people in across the border without testing them? Or, tell me a little bit more about—"

Cutting Psaki off, Fisher continued, "They're being released, they're having to [release them] because of the executive order that the president signed earlier this week."

Clearly confused, Psaki responded, "Which executive [order]? Which one?"

'Releasing people without knowing' if they're infected

Carlson stopped the video and quipped, "Yeah, which one? COVID-infected illegal aliens released into the United States. Whatever. It's not like there's a pandemic. The press secretary didn't care enough to answer the question."

He then said that he'd spoken with Leon Wilmot, sheriff of Yuma County, Arizona, and Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, both of whom reportedly said that illegals were being released without testing.

"[W]e're releasing people without knowing [if they're infected], which puts the public at risk," Judd, along with Wilmot, told the show.

According to the Daily Mail, "Customs and Border Protection announced that some migrants were being released into the United States to await immigration hearings last week, but did not specify how many. The agency cited overflowing detainment facilities as the reason for the releases."

On Tuesday, the New York Times also reported that about 1,000 migrants were released in Texas, with hundreds more in California — but Customs and Border Protection said nothing about whether the released migrants were tested for COVID-19 before their release.

The Daily Mail notes that at least one facility in Laredo, Texas, reported being unable to administer COVID-19 tests because "they had run out."

'It's absolutely true'

Later inviting Louderback to speak, Carlson asked if such reports of were true.

Louderback responded, "It's absolutely true."

"[A] memo that I received this week, it's essentially a 'defunding ICE by memo' … a memorandum that was sent out by [then-acting Homeland Security Secretary] David Pekoske on Jan. 20 or 21. So this is a particularly devastating document for Texans and Americans here in the United States. The message really has been sent, when I read it first and looked at it, it's a message to the world, you can come here illegally, you could commit crimes here against Americans and remain here illegally."

Carlson responded, "But of all things, the coronavirus, since Americans are now being told in the near future, we may not be allowed to fly on airplanes domestically without being proven free of the virus without a certificate that says we've been tested in our negative, how in a country like that, could we just forget to test illegal aliens for the virus before releasing them? Like how did that happen? Do you know?"


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1a77cf  No.12882352

File: 8670b8fa1772dc3⋯.png (389.26 KB, 1146x794, 573:397, ClipboardImage.png)



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a2a31b  No.12882353


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fb59db  No.12882354


>best syrup ever…now gotta find something else.

It's poison corn syrup, anon.

Get some real maple syrup.

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8c8e36  No.12882355

File: 73a1245ad813d36⋯.jpg (80.45 KB, 962x548, 481:274, 30373800_8488979_President….jpg)

Traitors better thank Jesus for President Trump because he is the only man holding America back.

Gun sale skyrocketing? We the people see all you corrupt commies for what you are. Your mask ain't hiding nothing.

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ffe8ff  No.12882356

File: 6245edce86da87c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2897268d7eeeebb⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f367bc29b472be2⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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24c791  No.12882357


they had some video clips and powerpoints too

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d76773  No.12882358



(Standard Bolshevik Operating Procedure)

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5b9bd5  No.12882359

So is POTUS Trump going to defend himself at any point in this circus?

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c39235  No.12882360

File: d82b89528cd03c5⋯.png (717.41 KB, 977x688, 977:688, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e01a0  No.12882361


Self preservation. Be ready to defend you, and yours. Your family, your property, etc.

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1a77cf  No.12882362

cnn crying now.

they are saying the R senators have feet on desk reading comic books….iow…not paying attention to swallwell and castro.

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b322c8  No.12882363

File: 81c14b417a6aa29⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 520x480, 13:12, JCV.jpg)


If you are playing poker, and the other guy cheats and walks away with your $1000, are you gonna sit there and forgive the fucker or are you gonna put a world of whoop ass on his Jewish ass?

Stop trying to convince people that your need to be a pussy to be a christian.

Now, fuck off with your "hate" bullshit. Same bullshit as "hate" speech. We all see through it.

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a8acc0  No.12882364

File: 9ec43e10f373b12⋯.png (293.43 KB, 335x480, 67:96, misery.png)

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904480  No.12882365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are you part of the culture club? Do you really wanna hurt me, fag? Are you larping as Boy George?


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49562a  No.12882366

Daughter of Nicola Lombardi and Concetta Lombardi

Annunciata M. "Nancy" D'Alesandro

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16f498  No.12882367


Yeah…just show violence and say its trump.haha

I just cant belive they didnt prepare better…




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8128e8  No.12882368

File: 3a3a75c682c3eee⋯.png (4.88 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, The_ride_never_ends.png)

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24c791  No.12882369


it’s a trial, and everyone will get a turn to speak w/o interruption

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92142b  No.12882370


Brown/Black women in power have become a bane to our society. They say and/or do anything they want because if anyone criticizes them, they can just cry Raaaacism.

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1a77cf  No.12882371

CNN breaking


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3630d0  No.12882372


Keep it in perspective.

1st impeachment DJT was accused of the exact thing Biden is literally on camera doing.

2nd Impeachment is the same - the violence and destruction at the capital was premeditated and planned by whom?

Who planted those bombs?

Who coordinated Antifa?

I like the argument that this is setting precedent for prior administration impeachment - but to what end? Does it really lead to a criminal referral w/ DOJ?

This is all a distraction while election fraud cases continue.

What does the finale look like?

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ffe8ff  No.12882373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HOT MIC interview

🔴 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2


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9f0ba4  No.12882375

File: 218ff4cb7cdbbf9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 20.13 KB, 371x347, 371:347, TIODQ_1337.jpg)

File: 218ff4cb7cdbbf9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 20.13 KB, 371x347, 371:347, TIODQ_1337.jpg)




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b8d55c  No.12882376

Biden Announces US Sanctions Against Myanmar Military Leaders Following Recent Coup

In light of allegations that Myanmar's recent general elections were riddled with fraud, the country's military generals seized power from democratically-elected officials in a coup d'état and opted to impose a one-year state of emergency.

US President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that his administration would be imposing sanctions against several military leaders in Myanmar after soldiers recently detained government officials and placed the country under the command of the armed forces.

Biden noted that his administration will be placing a freeze on $1 billion in government funds that Myanmar currently holds within the US, with similar steps being taken on other assets that aid the Southeast Asian country.



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000000  No.12882377

Could Q's Done in [30] relate to Inaugaration Day Jan 20 - Supreme Court Hearings Feb 19 ? That's exactly 30 Days

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1e3c45  No.12882378


>Democrats want it both ways

shocking…if you're brain dead!

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af19d7  No.12882379

File: 860b3f899b55b72⋯.png (314.94 KB, 512x288, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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35e72c  No.12882380

File: 1153030a3c18ede⋯.png (559.7 KB, 743x904, 743:904, ClipboardImage.png)


>who is NP's mom?



>>12445280 pb

>Big Digg!



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c39235  No.12882381

File: 03ef17f53b57efa⋯.png (643.86 KB, 606x584, 303:292, ClipboardImage.png)

Senator Stolen Valor says Trump committed Heinous Acts.

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c88280  No.12882383


it's been well known for years that the dangerous relationship of south-asian women at work is a curse.

they are a bane at the office because they care less except to be in control, cause havic, and move on.

they have not scruples and hide behind the 'I'm a pretty young thing'.

fully out of control. this has been known for over 20 years.

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5b9bd5  No.12882384


I get that he has the right to, but will he exercise that right?

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352488  No.12882385

File: 33f2fc18647c677⋯.png (319.76 KB, 480x375, 32:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2620ae00d3d00be⋯.png (471.4 KB, 609x752, 609:752, ClipboardImage.png)

Won't hear from the defence today or tomorrow?

Disgusting TRASH lying fucks.

Joe Bidens former chief of staff, Danny O'brien running Fox that called the election early.

Can't wait until you won't be able to ever show your faces again.

Done with this shit show.

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d844a7  No.12882386

File: 14f625c25671056⋯.png (362.75 KB, 460x507, 460:507, arVw0RV_460s.png)

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fb59db  No.12882388


>HOT MIC interview

Anon is listening. Someone is giving up the dem's trial strategy.

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af19d7  No.12882389

File: 82b71ffbe749865⋯.png (346.64 KB, 295x475, 59:95, ClipboardImage.png)


You must read Vince Flynn.

What if America's leaders were held accountable for their broken promises – and made to pay for their corruption?

Vince Flynn brings to life a chilling scenario of Washington under siege – in the provocative, edge-of-your-seat political thriller that stormed onto national bestseller lists.

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e0a73d  No.12882390


More eyes on during dayshift has a certain charm yet it also means more shills are active and more gatekeepers as well so there is a trade off.

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62a75b  No.12882392


Diversify your cash into other stores of value - real estate, gold/silver, artworks, btc etc. - things that will retain their value and ideally have intrinsic worth eg. usefulness.

Either that or bug the fuck out.

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f47ab0  No.12882393


We, of course,

will need to object greatly

to this evidence to ensure

that they keep it in . . . 

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a26863  No.12882394

File: fe8e8acda747e13⋯.jpg (56.89 KB, 667x468, 667:468, usam.jpg)

Let's call bullshit when we see it. Democrats and Republicans don't care about our Interest. They Cheated TRUMP that is why they trying to destroy We the People

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1e3c45  No.12882395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Juan O Savin - It's About the Military


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ecfc94  No.12882396

File: 42c41047308b5a6⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1440x1593, 160:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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914074  No.12882397


Everyone really needs to stop date fagging.

We are never right.

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05b0b2  No.12882398

File: ca7b8bfe6e6fa09⋯.png (4.49 MB, 2148x1672, 537:418, comfyaf.png)


Excellent post.

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b36e1d  No.12882399


So where is the Ashli Babbet now?

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3e6de8  No.12882401


More of an Aha guy myself.

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2b22d9  No.12882402

File: a588e95d50d4f04⋯.png (523.06 KB, 777x521, 777:521, a588e95d50d4f04fdb6dd553f0….png)


this is absolutely true, and I for one, am really fucking sick of it!

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e0a73d  No.12882403

File: 792f756cc471458⋯.png (359.39 KB, 320x480, 2:3, 792f756cc471458a2de11c4062….png)

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c2002e  No.12882404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Facebook VP of Integrity Guy Rosen Refuses To Comment When Confronted By Veritas Senior Journalist

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5ceba9  No.12882405


I forgive everyone. I also pray for those who accuse me, exactly as Jesus told me. I will fight if necessary, but fighting someone doesn't mean I hate them.

You should try listening to Jesus instead of your hatred.

I said nothing about hate speech, but nice try.

You hate all Jews because of their history/genetics. Even those who love Jesus.

Anyone who hates a brother does not have eternal life.

You are just as lost as those you hate and you're too blind to see it.

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606aae  No.12882406

File: 38542e86543274c⋯.png (511.97 KB, 840x1216, 105:152, 1609950609.png)

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3630d0  No.12882407



Impeachment distraction


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914074  No.12882408


I don’t give up the ship Anon.

Thank you for the advice. Already there.

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e83e4e  No.12882410


I never said the spirit dies when the flesh does.

As for being born again,

that takes place in the spirit during this plane of existence.

The flesh is not reborn.

Jesus never taught reincarnation.


the rest the soul in Christ undergoes after putting off the flesh is relative to awaiting its resurrection.

That will occur on Judgment Day,

and not a day sooner,

and it will never occur again as it is everlasting from that point.

It is resurrection,

and not reincarnation.

No one in this life is born again physically.

Christ Jesus never taught that.

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7985cf  No.12882412

How the fuck is Chuck Schumer the “majority leader” when there are 48 democrats, 2 independents and 50 republicans?

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914074  No.12882413


Top Kek.

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718d96  No.12882414


Again, I am not Jewish, the question I have is, why does it matter? There are good Jews and bad Jews, just like there are good and bad <fill in blank>. It's what INDIVIDUALS do, that make INDIVIDUALS either good or bad. There are good Americans and bad Americans, so are ALL Americans bad because there are some bad ones? Just curious.

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24c791  No.12882415


municipal traffic court prosecutors put more effort into speeding ticket trials! but if they showed more, everyone would see the capitol invasion was a frame job, and POTUS did nothing wrong.

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b6edd6  No.12882416


faith. hope. love. the greatest is love.

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06bd71  No.12882417


Popcorn, Cornpop! I’m so excited.. i just can’t hi-ide it! I’m about to lose control….

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606aae  No.12882418

File: 42b581b47f9b27e⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Em9Wu7yWMAMz_9w.jpg)

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d54b86  No.12882419

File: 3342a081bc238db⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 702x525, 234:175, DJTMakeover.jpg)


It will be awesome when those same DJT tweets are used

against them once the PROOF verifies DJT was right!

The perfect makeover!

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62a75b  No.12882420

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a26863  No.12882421


need to out these tools

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0ccce9  No.12882423


Flynn was one of the best, right up there with Clancy IMHO.

Both are greatly missed.

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5ae19f  No.12882424


Every other government agency has failed the people who pay their salaries. Now just waiting on the military to fag it up and spread their cheeks.

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cc9c32  No.12882425

File: cbbce790a4a4b3b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1299x805, 1299:805, Swal.png)

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445e66  No.12882426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9f0ba4  No.12882427

File: c81f788e82a0fed⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 20.63 KB, 371x347, 371:347, 218ff4cb7cdbbf9804ee1afcb7….jpg)

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fa3b0b  No.12882428


Trump is falling on his sword to protect his family. Wake up you idiots. Trump and Q lost. The PLAN is no more.

Time for a different way of thinking.

Nevermind just make memes, That's all you limp dicks are good for.

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b322c8  No.12882431

File: db3dc19dfdf1bf4⋯.jpg (69.95 KB, 668x374, 334:187, GBSLime.jpg)

File: f7a1f8cd77aa7a6⋯.jpg (58.46 KB, 564x442, 282:221, GBSLimeII.jpg)

File: 93396cd08cc1b15⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 571x437, 571:437, GBSLimeIII.jpg)

File: 412f846e0cd185c⋯.jpg (45.2 KB, 647x386, 647:386, GBSlimeIIII.jpg)


The truth makes a very angry man out of me.

Hate? maybe.

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914074  No.12882432

Is it me, or is the sound out of whack with the picture on Fox?

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06bd71  No.12882433

I got called the N-word… sniff.

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b823af  No.12882434

I'm not calling myself out as being notable – I'm calling Q out.




Is there a plan in place for AFTER trump?





C'mon guys, THERE IS A PLAN!

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68c7b2  No.12882435


Look, Moe, a tarantula!

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b6edd6  No.12882436


meat gazer

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9f0ba4  No.12882437

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c103d4  No.12882438

File: 6b771cfdd897fb6⋯.png (843.92 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, potential_revenue_stream_f….png)

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0ccce9  No.12882439


Got proof?

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f31984  No.12882440


Be nice if they could just be straight forward about stuff

Autists prefer it

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d76773  No.12882441


Probably our posts.


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b322c8  No.12882442


OK, name the good jews.

I'll be waiting.

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8e5159  No.12882443

Peach mint bore dumb has set in. I cannot beleive this is only the 1st day.

I need to inject something interesting into my day while watching this. I decided to multi task and watch paint dry at the same time for my viewing pleasure

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445e66  No.12882444


We are watching a movie

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9f0ba4  No.12882445




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914074  No.12882446


That’s horrible Anon. How could you post that?

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606aae  No.12882447

File: 7b0d66b6df2e42e⋯.jpeg (63.42 KB, 840x561, 280:187, 7b0d66b6df2e42e5dbda1cd1d….jpeg)

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35e72c  No.12882448

File: 12bc2d106ecf51a⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1145x854, 1145:854, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let's call bullshit when we see it.

Okay. Your photo is BULLSHIT!

This is the "real" photo.

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d76773  No.12882449


Maimondes is a good jew.

get it? he be dead.

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06bd71  No.12882451

The Big Lie is back! Kek

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3bd863  No.12882452


That's hot!


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ed77ce  No.12882453

File: 4ede4b7270263cc⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, RyMac_The_shooting_A_threa….mp4)

File: 193a324efff0fc0⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB, 888x398, 444:199, RyMac_Now_look_at_what_act….mp4)

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606aae  No.12882454

File: b6bea5dce8d0cda⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 441x440, 441:440, b6bea5dce8d0cda4d9733f1c71….jpg)

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9f0ba4  No.12882455

File: 7ddf66d03ed8ccb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 21.18 KB, 371x347, 371:347, 218ff4cb7cdbbf9804ee1afcb7….jpg)


how about this, without skin

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5ceba9  No.12882456


Your spirit is literally reborn. You're wrong anon.

Yes Jesus did teach it, but those on the outside are ever seeing but never perceive, and ever hearing but never understand.

Why do you think Jesus told you John the Baptist was the Elijah to come, and "let those with ears to hear hear"?

Like I said, you've been deceived by those Jesus warned you about anon.

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6fd691  No.12882457


this is day 2 tho

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a8acc0  No.12882458

File: b10fb4276d6c1d8⋯.png (611.77 KB, 474x643, 474:643, ClipboardImage.png)


Of similar note.

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c45fa5  No.12882459

File: 4a166022e938443⋯.jpg (126.14 KB, 1750x782, 875:391, Xnip2021_02_10_13_52_57.jpg)

File: 0ab3e6efa71bc3b⋯.jpg (414.73 KB, 2292x1516, 573:379, Xnip2021_02_10_13_52_08.jpg)

File: fbc480a0b252e77⋯.jpg (397.46 KB, 2262x1518, 377:253, Xnip2021_02_10_13_55_44.jpg)

WOW, we got a vaccine tracker!!! Awesome. /sarc/

what kind of made up pie-in-the-sky shit is this???


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b322c8  No.12882460


I get it.

Sassoon, good Jew.

Epstein, good Jew (maybe)

Weinstien, good Jew (in prison at least)

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d65343  No.12882461

Anons should watch "Operation Odessa" re Russian Jew Mafia + Colombian Cartel out of Florida in the 90s after Soviet Union Fell.

It's basically a Q post but in long form. This anon was fascinated.

It's on Netflix (calm your tits) but maybe could be found elsewhere.

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904480  No.12882462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kek.. I was not interested in that genre of music at all as a kid.

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3bd863  No.12882463


who cares

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92142b  No.12882464


Every time goods or services change hands, the gov't wants a piece of it. Over the life time of a car being bought and sold, who much tax is paid on it? Not just the initial sale of the car, but each time there is new ownership of the car, tax is paid on it again.

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1a6f4a  No.12882465



I bought both of them as a collectable.

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5d0261  No.12882466


>>12881951 Dough

#16443@400 Notables

>>12882004 Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

>>12882008 Biden to Continue Seeking Extradition of Julian Assange

>>12882028 Democrats are ‘absolutely terrified’ of Donald Trump

>>12882032 CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One – Just One Week After Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks

>>12882036 Democrats to offer new footage showing 'extreme violence' in Capitol attack

>>12882057 Day 2 of the impeachment trial (video link)

>>12882081 Why Russia is driving the West crazy

>>12882118 The Sham Impeachment & The Attack on Free Speech

>>12882144 Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

>>12882167 02/08/21 RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything

>>12882173 Here’s a full list of known celebrities who supported the pedophile-ridden Lincoln Project

>>12882183 Sen Kennedy to BIden OMB pick - "I mean, you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut."

>>12882205 Where's the Outrage? Biden Fires 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys

>>12882220 Truckloads of Illegal Aliens Found at Texas Border Checkpoint

>>12882210 Biden Regime Halts Deportation of Criminal African Migrants 'Due to Black History Month'

>>12882218 @CLewandowski_ - 'Bruce Springsteen arrested for DWI, reckless driving in November. Wonder if he was driving a ⁦@Jeep⁩'

>>12882261 Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote

>>12882283 , >>12882315 Who is Nancy Pelosi's mom?

>>12882316 Iran Cleric - People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’

>>12882326 Aunt Jemima is making her last batch of pancakes.

>>12882373 HOT MIC interview - President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2

>>12882376 Biden Crime Cartel freaking out about Burma Coup

>>12882385 Joe Bidens former chief of staff, Danny O'brien running Fox that called the election early.

>>12882404 Facebook VP of Integrity Guy Rosen Refuses To Comment When Confronted By Veritas Senior Journalist (video)


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bf059e  No.12882467


>Trump and Q lost.

Wrong. They won big. They just didn't tell us who they were playing for.

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af2170  No.12882468

File: e169ac9d30da714⋯.jpeg (25.28 KB, 193x255, 193:255, F0BB84E0_9C2F_4121_90F3_1….jpeg)


Anyanon here able to read this? Very interested in a translation. Looks japanese.

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4f88e5  No.12882469

And to think in a million years we will all be connected thinking as one. We are all connected now however we are thinking individually.

When will all of you figure out you are one?

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fb59db  No.12882470

File: 680b7ab55dabc29⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 680b7ab55dabc298265372988a….jpg)

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5b9bd5  No.12882471


As boring as yesterday was, today is a snoozer.

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b8d55c  No.12882472

File: a4b7decaac9ef5d⋯.png (123.54 KB, 892x905, 892:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0c293ffbd48c1c⋯.png (59.13 KB, 889x890, 889:890, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5df71470c084ef8⋯.png (194.97 KB, 905x916, 905:916, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Stimulus To Shower State And Local Govts With $350 Billion In Aid, Make Changes To Medicaid

State and local governments are set to receive $350 billion in funding as part of the next stimulus bill, according to draft stimulus legislation released Tuesday night by House Democrats.

The funding - which took a backseat during the Trump administration amid GOP criticism that it was nothing more than a bailout for poorly run Democratic strongholds - is slated for committee action on Friday in the House Oversight and Reform Committee after Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) introduced it. The bill would bypass the traditional appropriations process which is not eligible for budget reconciliation, according to Bloomberg.

States would receive $195 billion and that money would partly be distributed based on a the share of unemployed workers. The District of Columbia would get the same share as states, unlike in last year’s relief bill. Local governments would receive $130 billion, partly based on population, with a carve-out for smaller communities. Territories would receive $4.5 billion and tribes $20 billion.

The bill also would spend $570 million to pay for 600 hours of paid leave for federal and postal workers to use for Covid quarantine or to care for infected loved ones. -Bloomberg

"Democrats’ plan to bail out locked-down, poorly managed liberal states is unfair to American taxpayers and is ripe for waste, fraud, and abuse," said the committee's top Republican, James Comer of Kentucky.

Meanwhile, the House Energy and Commerce Committee has drafted a proposal which would make big changes to Medicaid - offering states more money to expand public health insurance options for the poor, as well as granting them the ability to claw back funds for prices increases on certain drugs.

Released late Tuesday night, the plan would end Medicaid drug rebate caps for certain medications, currently set at 100% of a drug's average manufacturer price. After the cap is reached, drug makers can reach their prices. By eliminating the caps, drugmakers could be prompted to leave the Medicaid program or curtail research, according to a 2019 warning by a congressional advisory committee.

What's more, states would be allowed to restart Medicaid benefits for people in prison up to 30 days prior to their release - a provision intended to support those who need addiction treatments and other services.

The plan has $14.2 billion for vaccines-related activities. Community health centers also would receive $7.5 billion and $6 billion goes to tribal health centers. The legislation has $7.5 billion for the expansion of internet access. Chairman Frank Pallone’s draft would also provide $46 billion for Covid-19 testing, tracing, monitoring and mitigation. The committee has planned a Thursday vote on the provisions. -Bloomberg

Earlier this week, President Joe Biden supported a proposal to more quickly phase out planned $1,400 stimulus checks as House and Senate Democrats clash over what extended unemployment should look like.

Expect more stimulus details to emerge over the coming weeks, as over a dozen different House committees are working on various components of Biden's plan, and will be releasing them as they go along.


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b322c8  No.12882473


Isn't he Jewish too?

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d76773  No.12882474


> How Schumer a D majority leader 48 D, 2 I, 50 R.

The two independents caucus with the Democrats.

The President of the Senate (a.k.a. Vice President of the United States) is a nigger whore communist D.

That's how.

LOL I was going to joke that Schumer and McConnel had a contest of how many babies they could eat in 3 minutes and Schumer won

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69bc71  No.12882475


he has security, he's trying to protect Us.

Do you not see the effort to de-humanize us?

You know whats intended when people are de-humanized right?

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fa3b0b  No.12882476


Just stay in your fantasy land.

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718d96  No.12882477


Jesus of Nazareth.

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e83e4e  No.12882478




>The Pope and the Papacy is Antichrist. Period.

>Even Spurgen in his time knew that the enem of mankind was Rome aka The Vatican.

>One of the major, early catalysts in the Protestant Reformation was a book by John Huss, a Bohemian Christian who preceded Martin Luther by a full century. The book was De Ecclesia ( The Church ), …


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a26863  No.12882479


Nice try shill

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86a07a  No.12882480

Red2: Central comms blackout = censorship of all things voter fraud.

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b322c8  No.12882482

File: ff5293c23ae0c1b⋯.png (73.25 KB, 564x448, 141:112, Blumenthal.png)

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841081  No.12882483


He just accused Trump of plotting to kill Mike Pence…

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f47ab0  No.12882484


Pillow Guy did that.


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d844a7  No.12882485

File: f226cf8aad094cc⋯.jpg (86.79 KB, 1000x757, 1000:757, George_Washington_at_Valle….jpg)

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195e1a  No.12882486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Only The Strong Survive

Jerry Butler

Gotta be a man..

Gotta take a stand

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16f498  No.12882487


New shocking evidence that will prove that trump incited 6th jan capitol riot….

Castro and Swallwell…

…"and here, you can see this trumps tweet"

(Note…do not look on the whole tweet..just words we put in yellow)

Patriots…one this is crystal clear to me….i havent bought enough popcorn for this…will need much more!

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914074  No.12882488


Fucking disgusting.

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d76773  No.12882489


Well fuck.

Obviously was meant for:


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ffecea  No.12882490

File: 709fef1d0f10bf8⋯.png (15.78 KB, 612x616, 153:154, qmedy.png)

Happy New Year !!!

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05b0b2  No.12882491


living it up until the DS 187 her.

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68c7b2  No.12882492


Their hypocrisy is only trumped by their stupidity.

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05b0b2  No.12882493

File: 3b65081d1b676cc⋯.jpeg (90.75 KB, 500x656, 125:164, TOGTFO.jpeg)

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219346  No.12882494


There is/are no Qanons.

There is only Q and anons.

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bf059e  No.12882495

File: 2491d36baea0459⋯.png (181.01 KB, 1732x379, 1732:379, Fuck_Trump_011921.png)


Yeah, I'm the one that's in the fantasy world. ;-)

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8128e8  No.12882496

Want to play the game?

Get dirt and bribe people or STFU

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5ceba9  No.12882497


Nice try. I'm not a Jew, I'm mostly Scottish with a little American Indian. I am a True believer in Jesus Christ and follow Him.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.

If Truth makes you very angry, you are a hater of Truth.

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b4c3c9  No.12882498


First of all, let’s not confuse the joohs of today with the Israelites of the Bible. The Ashenazi is actually the tribe you’re referring to and they are NOT the biblical Israelites. That being said, I’m sure a few might be good… the rest are fucking grabblers. Grabblers exist in every tribe world wide. Call ‘em “financial criminals” if you like that better.

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718d96  No.12882500


I would say that the good ones are the ones who are like Abraham, and have faith in the God of Abraham. I don't know every Jew in the world so how could I name names? God knows though.

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b322c8  No.12882501


Again, John 8

31 Then said Jesus to thoseJews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32 Andyeshall know the truth, and the truth shall makeyoufree.

33Theyanswered him,Webe Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou,Yeshall be made free?

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say untoyou, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall makeyoufree,yeshall be free indeed.

37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; butyeseek to kill me, because my word hath no place inyou.

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: andyedo that which ye have seen withyourfather.

39Theyanswered and said unto him, Abraham isourfather. Jesus saith unto them, Ifyewere Abraham's children,yewould do the works of Abraham.

40 But nowyeseek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41Yedo the deeds of your father. Then saidtheyto him,Webe not born of fornication;wehave one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said untothem, If God wereyourFather,yewould love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why doyenot understand my speech? even becauseyecannot hear my word.

44Yeare of your father the devil, and the lusts ofyourfatheryewill do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tellyouthe truth,yebelieve me not.

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af2170  No.12882502


The objective is to get you to suffocate, yourself.

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1b0a31  No.12882503

File: bc576e997c21543⋯.pdf (296.31 KB, BILLS_117hr127ih.pdf)

Here's the "GUN BILL" folks are talking about. can read the full info here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/127/text?r=19&s=1 Shows current status et al.

This is HR 127

Excerpts >>>

>>> PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION.—A psychological evaluation is conducted in accordance with this paragraph if—

“(A) the evaluation is conducted in compliance with such standards as shall be established by the Attorney General;

>>> (d) Firearm Insurance.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General shall issue to any person who has applied for a license pursuant to subsection (c) and has paid to the Attorney General the fee specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection a policy that insures the person against liability for losses and damages resulting from the use of any firearm by the person during the 1-year period that begins with the date the policy is issued.

>>> (2) PENALTIES.—Section 924(a) of such title is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(8) Whoever knowingly violates section 922(aa) shall be fined not less than $75,000 and not more than $150,000, imprisoned not less than 15 years and not more than 25 years, or both.

Full bill attached.

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e83e4e  No.12882504


You seem mixed up.

Now you're talking about the spirit being reborn.

I don't disagree with that.

And I'm not wrong about that because Jesus discussed all this in John 3.

John the Baptist was not the reincarnation of Elijah.

Elijah and John the Baptist had the same Holy Ghost inspiring them.

When John the Baptist was said to come in the spirit of Elijah,

it was referring to the Holy Ghost.

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0ccce9  No.12882505


If the bite didn't kill you, the cure will.

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24c791  No.12882506


from a defense standpoint, he doesn’t need to. a prosecutor has a case to prove, and when they fail to do so, you don’t step up and try to prove your innocence. you’ve already won.

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b322c8  No.12882507

You can't name any good Jews. lol.

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b8d55c  No.12882508


>>12882126 Utah Axes Gun-Permit Requirement State will allow residents to carry concealed guns without permit

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fcec07  No.12882509

Reddit is at it again. Pot stocks….

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69bc71  No.12882510


stupid argument

good luck explaining that one to the normies.

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1a6f4a  No.12882511


They aren't seeing enough bacterial pneumonia cases.

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d844a7  No.12882512

File: ff1898d293a8fb9⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1296x810, 8:5, 1745.png)

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6ecffc  No.12882513


Stable Genius bundled in the election fraud stats for all to see! KOFL when Fartwell read each tweet out loud, one after the other, as they were displayed full screen! Love me some Q+ !!!

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6fd691  No.12882514


david schoen

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219346  No.12882517


>good luck explaining that one to the normies.

with every passing day, there are fewer and fewer normies. welcome to the great awakening.

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b322c8  No.12882518


What fucking part of


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e0a73d  No.12882519


Do you mean Q team?

Imagine being tasked with disseminating this sort of data set yet all the while mindful that the enemy is also reading every word.

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f47ab0  No.12882520

File: ab220b5afd89a12⋯.jpeg (153.74 KB, 608x400, 38:25, image_1_.jpeg)



this Twitter

hidden Tweet !

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0962fb  No.12882522


did he question the heinous lie that is the holocaust?

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b8d55c  No.12882523

File: 1a83acf27e517ad⋯.png (312.77 KB, 617x584, 617:584, ClipboardImage.png)

Hospitals Instruct Midwives to Use Terms ‘Chest Feeding’ and ‘Human Milk’ to Be ‘Gender Inclusive’

A group of hospitals in Great Britain is raising eyebrows after instructing midwives to start using the terms “chest feeding” and “human milk” to be more “gender inclusive.”

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals will also be rebranding their maternity services department as “perinatal services.”

“Terms like ‘chestfeeding’ and ‘human milk’ are being introduced at an NHS trust in a bid to boost inclusivity,” Bristol Live reports. “Staff have been asked to use gender-neutral language alongside – not instead of – traditional terms to ensure that all groups are represented.”

LBC reports that terms such as “woman” and “father” will also be superseded by “woman or person” and “parent,” “co-parent,” or “second biological parent” respectively.

“For us, a gender-additive approach means using gender-neutral language alongside the language of womanhood, in order to ensure that everyone is represented and included. … It is important to note that the term ‘women’ encompasses both cis and trans women. Professionals should be aware that co-parents could have any gender identity, and could also be cis, trans, non-binary, and/or intersex. … Unless conversation is focused on gender identity with relation to cis, trans or non- binary status, it is not necessary to include the adjectives ‘cis’ or ‘trans’ before the words ‘woman,’ ‘man,’ or ‘person,'” Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust said in a statement about the changes.

The Daily Wire reports that “on a poster titled ‘Gender Inclusive Perinatal Care,’ Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust asks, ‘What can you do to support trans & non-binary parents?’ The poster answers, ‘Ask ALL service users about their pronouns & offer pronoun stickers to trans & non-binary people,’ ‘offer your own pronouns when introducing yourself,’ ‘get comfortable with ‘They, them, theirs’ pronouns,’ ‘use inclusive language when talking to, or about, groups of people,’ ‘make sure signs and leaflets are gender-inclusive.’”


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d76773  No.12882524


The final red pill-the one that determines if you get iron pilled or black pilled-is you cannot trust even a 'good' jew. You'll find that when there are no bad jews left, the 'good' jews don't side with the goy; they become bad jews.

It really sucks to learn that but nobody said learning the Truth was easy.

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b322c8  No.12882525


He'll turn out to be a two faced POS. Take that to the bank.

Trump really knows how to pick them though.

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b8d55c  No.12882526




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6c7276  No.12882527

File: 114ad4faa7ac921⋯.gif (6.66 MB, 282x257, 282:257, 20210210_120012.gif)

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9f0ba4  No.12882528

Live: https://youtu.be/tyCmeh5AHZY


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bf8222  No.12882531

File: 5e0dfcb6e2080b1⋯.png (737.33 KB, 564x570, 94:95, ClipboardImage.png)


They are trying this in the enemy's territory, the only result will be guilty, but the truth will be shown, no expects the dems to change their mind, they have been a solid block when voting.


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b8d55c  No.12882533

File: 020726fb3bc1289⋯.png (17.61 KB, 811x162, 811:162, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed77ce  No.12882534

Senate's back in session

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d76773  No.12882535


> chest feeding, human milk INGSOC words.

Does anybody here know who the god of Betelgeuse is?

I would like to pray to it so I can ask that the star go hyper-nova to flood us all with a gamma-ray burst killing everything.

Fuck this gay earth.

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24c791  No.12882536



but that said, i think it’s a great opportunity to get a lot of the shit (((they))) out on the senate floor

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7b16ca  No.12882538

File: 8685012f9750976⋯.jpg (479.94 KB, 1242x1233, 138:137, Eagle_Comfy_AF.jpg)

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5b9bd5  No.12882539

Why is it only democrats so far?

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b68ec8  No.12882541

File: fd32762939a5628⋯.png (335.69 KB, 512x384, 4:3, cuomo_emmy.png)

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c0e06d  No.12882542

File: 9bdfe3dba397f6e⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 526x526, 1:1, electric_ave.jpg)

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718d96  No.12882544


Stop. You are just showing your ignorance and hatred for Jews. Jesus isn't talking about being natural or genetic offspring of Abraham, He is talking about what they DO. It's a spiritual thing. They do the WORKS of their father, so it's what they DO that is the determining factor. Some do what they should be doing and some don't. WHO were the first Christians? JEWS. It was only after the RULING POWERS rejected Jesus and the people had a chance to accept their savior or not, that He went to the Gentiles, lucky for us.

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3bd863  No.12882545

File: aa56648cb72f7de⋯.jpg (26.74 KB, 304x480, 19:30, John832.jpg)


This is true, and we haven't really seen the meat n potatoes yet

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e0a73d  No.12882546


"Before invoking it, the president "must first issue a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse within a limited time, 10 U.S.C. § 334.4. If the situation does not resolve itself, the President may issue an executive order to send in troops," according to a 2006 report by the Congressional Research Service."

What Is The Insurrection Act That Trump Is Threatening To Invoke?

June 1, 20209:00 PM ET


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83dc13  No.12882547

>>12881647 (lb/pb)

>‘I Can’t Afford To Live’

Cannot find yesterday's story on the former big pharma exec who Trump appointed to help reduce drug prices who "committed suicide by blunt force trauma".

Been trying for 20 minutes to find it. Appears scrubbed from existence.

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bf059e  No.12882548


As if we could forget the day he held a rally for absolutely no reason at all except to lead his most loyal followers into an Antifa FF so patriots could conveniently be labeled domestic terrorists in advance of the Xiden taking office.

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b6edd6  No.12882549


a long train of abuses and usurpations

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b8d55c  No.12882550


cleanse by fire

I'm down with that too

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f47ab0  No.12882551


You go to war with the army you have.

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bbcdb2  No.12882553

File: 47a82656eecf0bc⋯.jpeg (51.96 KB, 540x357, 180:119, 3CA2861C_89C8_4FE1_B407_8….jpeg)

File: fabfec6a70ecb9a⋯.jpeg (100.27 KB, 575x756, 575:756, 91E8474A_F4A3_41BD_8C4D_A….jpeg)


What’s to prevent Trumps lawyers from using all the “evidence” we’ve seen here and on social media aka Lin Wood, Sidney Powell et.al. And produce some graphics and show the Senate who-what-where-how the fucking election was stolen!

The Democrats use inciting words, mischaracterizations and outright lies in their presentation today!

Trumps lawyers can show them “their proof”.

Listening to DS today, they opened that door!

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5d0261  No.12882554


>>12881951 Dough

#16443@500 Notables

>>12882004 Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

>>12882008 Biden to Continue Seeking Extradition of Julian Assange

>>12882028 Democrats are ‘absolutely terrified’ of Donald Trump

>>12882032 CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One – Just One Week After Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks

>>12882036 Democrats to offer new footage showing 'extreme violence' in Capitol attack

>>12882057 Day 2 of the impeachment trial (video link)

>>12882081 Why Russia is driving the West crazy

>>12882118 The Sham Impeachment & The Attack on Free Speech

>>12882144 Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

>>12882167 02/08/21 RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything

>>12882173 Here’s a full list of known celebrities who supported the pedophile-ridden Lincoln Project

>>12882183 Sen Kennedy to BIden OMB pick - "I mean, you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut."

>>12882205 Where's the Outrage? Biden Fires 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys

>>12882220 Truckloads of Illegal Aliens Found at Texas Border Checkpoint

>>12882210 Biden Regime Halts Deportation of Criminal African Migrants 'Due to Black History Month'

>>12882218 @CLewandowski_ - 'Bruce Springsteen arrested for DWI, reckless driving in November. Wonder if he was driving a ⁦@Jeep⁩'

>>12882261 Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote

>>12882283 , >>12882315 Who is Nancy Pelosi's mom?

>>12882316 Iran Cleric - People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’

>>12882326 Aunt Jemima is making her last batch of pancakes.

>>12882373 HOT MIC interview - President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2

>>12882376 Biden Crime Cartel freaking out about Burma Coup

>>12882385 Joe Bidens former chief of staff, Danny O'brien running Fox that called the election early.

>>12882404 Facebook VP of Integrity Guy Rosen Refuses To Comment When Confronted By Veritas Senior Journalist (video)

>>12882472 Biden Money Laundering Bill To Shower State And Local Govts With $350 Billion In Aid, Make Changes To Medicaid

>>12882126 Utah Axes Gun-Permit Requirement State will allow residents to carry concealed guns without permit


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06bd71  No.12882555


People want the Truth.. until it doesn’t agree

with their preconceptions. Kek

My answer does not mean i agree with your premise however, although maybe i do.

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c88280  No.12882556


you are repeating lies.

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219346  No.12882557

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b322c8  No.12882559

File: 15635c69dae8f87⋯.png (75.85 KB, 500x505, 100:101, 300.png)

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24c791  No.12882560


they’re the impeachment managers arguing for impeachment. POTUS’s people will get their chance for opening statements afterward

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16f498  No.12882562

File: ed55c35c958a6cb⋯.jpg (735.11 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, Screenshot_20210210_200700….jpg)

She is a mother

…a wife…and grandmother to 3 ..with 4th on its way.

And next what she says is that trump incited violence…

Poor husband…

Poor kids…

Poor grandkids…

What are they going to do when she ends up like a paid liar?

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a26863  No.12882563



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b8d55c  No.12882564

File: 38599f3fcbc3c3b⋯.png (398.02 KB, 555x422, 555:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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b322c8  No.12882565


He has an army of 80 million. Why pick the worst?

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c45fa5  No.12882567

File: 2fd11bc203b559f⋯.jpg (286.18 KB, 1192x1014, 596:507, Xnip2021_02_10_14_06_27.jpg)

The Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce public miscarriage

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2019. She is completing her residency in Radiation Oncology at the same Milwaukee college. Her profile on a website called SheMD says she is “passionate about medical education, public health, and mentorship, particularly for women interested in radiation.” She is married with one daughter and had another child on the way – until yesterday.

Dr. Beltrán Ponce tweeted on January 28 that she is 14 weeks pregnant and “fully vaccinated.” She repeated many of the most common talking points related to COVID-19 and vaccines in the tweet chain.

The miscarriage happened at 14 1/2 weeks, indicating it was three days after she got the first or second mRNA shot. She did not say if it was the Pfizer or Moderna shot. Dr. Beltrán Ponce has since locked her Twitter account so only verified followers can see her tweets.

people are just so absolutely stupid. take an untested vaccine against an imaginary disease while pregnant.


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1b0a31  No.12882568


Please consider 12882503… unless this is already a notable. Thanks.

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ad1090  No.12882569

File: 7ac59526df29823⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1089x1501, 1089:1501, 7ac59526df29823996b21a6f2f….png)

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69bc71  No.12882570


How can people that always insist on proof (sauce)

become so deluded?

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219346  No.12882571


double error:

1) there is no QANON.

2) it isn't JEWS, it is criminals.

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24c791  No.12882574

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bf059e  No.12882577


Is this a lie too?


Everything fat POS Barr did was with Trump's approval, including killing/freeing Epstein.

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b322c8  No.12882578


Jews still reject Jesus to this day.

Now, fuck off.

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b6edd6  No.12882579


too bad they are not under oath or on record

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d76773  No.12882581






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5ceba9  No.12882582


Wrong. You are very deceived anon.

You must be born again. Literally, in the flesh.

In revelation, those who die in the Lord FROM NOW ON will rest.

When they testify their ancestors killed the prophets, they testify against themselves.

John WAS Elijah. Let those with ears to hear hear.

You are following the false teachings of the false catholic church and her many daughters.

You do not have ears to hear.

Mary the so called queen of heaven (according to catholics) said she was blessed for all generations. The end of days is the end of generations, when everyone will know the Truth.

You do not understand the parables or why Jesus said things the way He did.

Pray for Truth, even if everything you THINK you know is wrong. Put your faith in Him.

May God open your eyes and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

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b322c8  No.12882583


Yeah, knew I'd get a few kikes chiming in on that one.

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06bd71  No.12882584


They are vicious and they stick together.


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82079f  No.12882585

>>12881163 lb

Shall henceforth be called boobfest or tittiemeal.

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3e6de8  No.12882586


>kek.. I was not interested in that genre of music at all as a kid.

Neither was I, I was a hip hop head since NWA… my taste have chnged a lot as I have gotten older. I despise rap now.

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c42e1a  No.12882587


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219346  No.12882589


worse…she's using that heinous gendered language. what a poor uneducated simp this non-binary gendered human is.

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9f0ba4  No.12882590









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bf8222  No.12882591

File: eeaeb20c0427bed⋯.png (774.42 KB, 1111x500, 1111:500, ClipboardImage.png)


KEK !!!

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179d8a  No.12882593

File: f4c6e71deb1ac5a⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 780x792, 65:66, ZomboMeme_06022021191043.jpg)

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352488  No.12882595

File: 79ae3d3625b5421⋯.png (150.67 KB, 1158x614, 579:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76a3f73830e8ea5⋯.png (380.81 KB, 484x788, 121:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed77ce  No.12882596


It's a tactic

"We're human, see"

Emotional and irrelevant personal anecdotes should not be a part of this

One would think the lawmakers would know this, yet nearly all of them do it

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8127f8  No.12882597


Fuck around and find out. Retarded cunt

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b322c8  No.12882600


Getting too hot in the kitchen for the kikes, time to split the bread eh.

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b36e1d  No.12882601

File: 9ae2d9bedc92b10⋯.jpg (964.39 KB, 2885x1757, 2885:1757, wooznews.jpg)




Mass media critic and self-proclaimed motivator of the masses, Wooz brings his sassy, smart and satirical point of view to a range of current and relevant issues in his very own comedy show. The weekly topical series hosted, written, and edited by Wooz, provides wry commentary on contemporary issues of the day, political dishonesty, online viral video clips, society, celebrities, and other parts of popular culture and stereotypes.

From the ingenious to the absurd and tasteless, messenger of political mockery, Wooz, sheds light on the true hilarity of our political system in this evidence-based comedy series.

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b8d55c  No.12882603

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

14For you, brothers and sisters,* became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, 15who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets,* and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone 16by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last.*



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9cf716  No.12882604


I just can explain it as "the absolute peace/calm within"! It is as I have to wait now for furhter instructions for a new part of the mission! Can´t explain it. Good things are happening to me again! (not that bad things ever happened to me!)

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5ceba9  No.12882605


What does that have to do with what I said?

By the way, you're watching a movie. Patriots are in control.

You do not know Truth.

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9f0ba4  No.12882606


may 6million ovens visit your place, frank.

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219346  No.12882607


>Yeah, knew I'd get a few kikes chiming in on that one.

wrong, idiotfag. i'm not jewish. i'm just not stupid.

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2b062d  No.12882608

File: 9bbb138c821baf8⋯.mp4 (791.04 KB, 512x292, 128:73, votes_stolen_live.mp4)

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0ccce9  No.12882610


Anon hunts duck for sport.

Ready and waiting.

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db9f6a  No.12882611


I can't even stand to listen to (((THEIR))) lies! Makes me sick to my stomach that they can stand there and proclaim such BULLSHIT! Where are out guys? Where are the ones who will shatter (((THEIR))) Overton Window? Where Q? WHERE?

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fa3b0b  No.12882612


Muslims reject Jesus

Buddhist reject Jesus

Hindus reject Jesus

Satanist reject everything good.

Should we kill them all?

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b6edd6  No.12882613



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25b454  No.12882614

File: 1f317a486e1d395⋯.png (5.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0535d22395e7ccb⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1400x788, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf059e  No.12882615


Truth is you're either a chink, Jew or a retard. There are no other possibilities.

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804222  No.12882616

File: 381fafc2b987e1a⋯.png (484.65 KB, 625x376, 625:376, gvfdgdds.PNG)

File: 070932b057ffb6c⋯.png (419.3 KB, 866x769, 866:769, vggfdvgdsfgvsfd.PNG)

Madeleine Dean just admitted she's a a lawyer, and holding public office.

She has violated the constitution.and has admitted to it on national TV.

She needs to be arrested and tried for treason.

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b322c8  No.12882617

File: 51ac186a5cf0578⋯.jpg (100.03 KB, 500x779, 500:779, CSStoryIIII.jpg)

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24c791  No.12882618

File: ba0247c3aa8354d⋯.jpeg (19.99 KB, 222x227, 222:227, 21680F9F_5847_4695_908F_D….jpeg)


BLM is just an idea, c’mon man!

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0962fb  No.12882620


how about outlawing the practice of infant genital mutilation?

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24c791  No.12882623

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30664a  No.12882624

>>12881662 PB

Anons must be known by Truth.

"fentanyl is a mind control weapon" stated in a crumb.

Another crumb asked for "sauce"

reply was "just take another anon's word for it"


Just take another anon's word for it is not valid sauce!

We on this board must be vigilant to not make anything NOTABLE that is NOT sauced.

I am even getting to the point that I verify sauce on my own.

Is this a lie? Is that a photoshopped picture or a doctored video? The month is covered by a mask so we really don't know any audio unless the mask is removed and we can read the person's lips.

We must push for TRUTH!! And we must dig and verify everything and not use google or WIKIpedia. We have to find original sources or not repeat it unless we drop it as a crumb to be examined for validated sauce over and over again.

We are living in a sick, fake word and we need to even stop believing what we think our eyes see if it is not eyewitness and even then we need to check for deception, slight of hand, a magic trick, etc.

We MUST only repeat info the has been deeply vetted, if we expect to stand for truth. And to be known as people who validate what we believe to the best of our ability.

Pray for God to lead! And for clarity.

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9cf716  No.12882625

File: 47ca19fdf42a120⋯.png (3.61 KB, 500x400, 5:4, Horse.png)


>QAnon is a delusional conspiracy theory

>Q as reliable witnesses

Nice choise of the 17…

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bf8222  No.12882626


DIGITS , its ok we are hardened to bullshit !!!

kek the shills in here are much worse !!

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5ceba9  No.12882627


Not all of them.

You're so full of hatred.

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ed77ce  No.12882628


It's entirely possible

If all of this is a show, perhaps it's not for the benefit of preventing a civil war

If the evidence came out, civil war talk would disappear

Perhaps the show is for the CCP, making them think they're still in control of their puppets

This is war, after all

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a8acc0  No.12882629

File: 4b5ba726013845f⋯.png (1.24 MB, 846x564, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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6fd691  No.12882630


name a buddhist that rejects jesus

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b322c8  No.12882631


Muslims don't reject Jesus, but they are killing themselves off.




Who gives a fuck. They are chaff.

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b68ec8  No.12882632

File: cb8e96bea6135e7⋯.png (191.7 KB, 854x1241, 854:1241, Navarro_Report.png)

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8c8e36  No.12882633

File: 30015a5a50e36be⋯.jpg (304.29 KB, 612x792, 17:22, deprivation_of_rights_fron….jpg)

File: 68a7d4bbf42b2de⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 393x419, 393:419, Traitor.jpg)

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ccbb33  No.12882635




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6ecffc  No.12882637

File: 0dd3a10446c60d1⋯.jpeg (254.31 KB, 1242x1778, 621:889, FAD36407_D57D_4FFE_A3DF_6….jpeg)




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b322c8  No.12882638


You're so full of…filtered.

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5d0261  No.12882640


Ignore anons

Baker will bake early because of attack

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b68ec8  No.12882642

File: d1cad870a7e2728⋯.png (29.59 KB, 321x796, 321:796, Q_4529_color_of_state_law.png)


Color of Law

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35e72c  No.12882643

File: 66e47a0cf57bc5a⋯.png (89.69 KB, 1076x751, 1076:751, ClipboardImage.png)



>What Is The Insurrection Act That Trump Is Threatening To Invoke?

>June 1, 20209:00 PM ET


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9f0ba4  No.12882644


take your fucking meds, nigger.

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d76773  No.12882646


I still cannot find out what happened to Tiffany Dover.

You cannot even get a death certificate in Alabama until….going off memory here…..I think six months after death.

Guess what?

That law was passed in Alabama after Sandy Hook.

Anyway what the fuck ever point is based on all the evidence I can only speculate that Dover IS STILL alive but she got some kind of damage from the vax (like shaking or something).

Too much to put into here what makes me think that but I wish somebody here knew something more about it.

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24c791  No.12882647

File: b350241736baa5c⋯.jpeg (762.58 KB, 1433x967, 1433:967, F7DB13A2_7266_4561_8AD3_6….jpeg)

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5ceba9  No.12882648


All wrong.

You do not know Truth and blindly accuse out of hatred.

Jesus warned you, but you hate Truth.

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a8acc0  No.12882649

File: 8bc6f6c86ef0b1c⋯.png (477.41 KB, 768x389, 768:389, acb_beautiful_black_sky.png)

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2d09ad  No.12882652

Rep. Madeleine Dean was charged with ethics violations


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fa3b0b  No.12882653


Name a Buddhist that think Jesus is their savoir and only way to Heaven.

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b322c8  No.12882655

File: b5bd494c24d430b⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 516x483, 172:161, Keebler.jpg)

File: 13e03acdf87a1bc⋯.jpg (67.03 KB, 688x362, 344:181, KeeblerII.jpg)

File: e604535733be34d⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 606x412, 303:206, KeeblerIII.jpg)


Nice try splitting breads kikey.

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4b36a6  No.12882656


When the shoe was on the other foot, China executed many US agents.

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30664a  No.12882659

>>1288259 PB

Should be NOTABLE

Facts of BLM treason, sedition and insurrection

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718d96  No.12882660



Rom 9:30  What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. 

Rom 9:31  But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. 

Rom 9:32  Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; 

Rom 9:33  As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 

Rom 10:1  Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. 

Rom 10:2  For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. 

Rom 10:3  For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. 

Rom 10:4  For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. 

The Message of Salvation to All

Rom 10:5  For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. 

Rom 10:6  But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) 

Rom 10:7  Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) 

Rom 10:8  But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; 

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 

Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 

Rom 10:11  For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 

Rom 10:12  For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 

Rom 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 

Rom 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 

Rom 10:15  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! 

Rom 10:16  But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? 

Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 

Rom 10:18  But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. 

Rom 10:19  But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. 

Rom 10:20  But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. 

Rom 10:21  But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. 

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9f0ba4  No.12882661


doesn't change the six million ovens on the way to your home.

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3258d4  No.12882662


Does not mean that they reject Jesus. I do wonder what Jesus would think of your views.

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8128e8  No.12882663


The Trump army has been neutered and had it's tongue cut out.

America is cucked and will continue to talk big game in a bubble while they jerk off & watch wife get fucked.

Everyone's on their own.

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5ceba9  No.12882664

See, you hate Truth so you filter.

You WANT to be full of hatred.

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a26863  No.12882665


I've never seem a person eat words but it must be great to witness

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e89dc8  No.12882666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why so tense?

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718d96  No.12882668


Rom 11:1 I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

Rom 11:2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,

Rom 11:3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life.

Rom 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.

Rom 11:5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.

Rom 11:6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

Rom 11:7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded

Rom 11:8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.

Rom 11:9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:

Rom 11:10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.

Gentiles Grafted In

Rom 11:11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

Rom 11:12 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?

Rom 11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:

Rom 11:14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

Rom 11:15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

Rom 11:16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.

Rom 11:17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;

Rom 11:18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

Rom 11:19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.

Rom 11:20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:

Rom 11:21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

Rom 11:22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

Rom 11:23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.

Rom 11:24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree?

The Mystery of Israel's Salvation

Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.

Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

Rom 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Rom 11:30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:

Rom 11:31 Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.

Rom 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

Rom 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

Rom 11:34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?

Rom 11:35 Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?

Rom 11:36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

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9cf716  No.12882669

File: 12aba92799caa49⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, No_Joke.mp4)


… and dystopian funny stoical stupid dead

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b322c8  No.12882670


Last time I checked, Buddhists aren't trying to gain control of the world.

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ed77ce  No.12882671

File: c1aee479bc15572⋯.png (76.87 KB, 661x570, 661:570, ClipboardImage.png)

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0962fb  No.12882672


circumcision of infants is a satanic ritual, make it illegal!

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f47ec4  No.12882673

CDC Says Two Masks Better Than One to Fight Coronavirus, Not Better at Maintaining Healthy Human Oxygen Levels

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904480  No.12882674

File: d4976fce7778816⋯.png (144.58 KB, 293x293, 1:1, KEK456.png)

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69bc71  No.12882678

File: b253e361956730b⋯.jpg (166.64 KB, 569x376, 569:376, FLYNN.jpg)

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837693  No.12882679

File: bb80b1918b633bb⋯.jpg (980.44 KB, 1193x2123, 1193:2123, wikideath.jpg)

Here is why shills are mad today, they are being served justice.


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30664a  No.12882680


Drop this and take it off site. This has nothing to be with Anon diggs and needed crumbs. Go to your own playground.

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3e6de8  No.12882681


This is high-quality.

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2d09ad  No.12882682


Thank you!

She's so full of shit.

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ad1090  No.12882684

File: d00bbeeb170193d⋯.png (17.63 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 39879f02f01f4d7f0e08b05080….png)

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b322c8  No.12882685



That dang bible is so anti-semitic.

How long beforeADLcalls it "hate speech"?

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ccbb33  No.12882686


He would probably think that the guy is as dumb as a post and needs some lessons from life.

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fa3b0b  No.12882688


I know what Jesus think of my views.

His thoughts are listed verse for verse.

You're a moron, please note I didn't use the word fool.

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1e3c45  No.12882689


love this decode, nik'd it weeks ago and just added the dates last night-

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5d0261  No.12882690


>>12881951 Dough

#16443 FINAL Notables

>>12882004 Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

>>12882008 Biden to Continue Seeking Extradition of Julian Assange

>>12882028 Democrats are ‘absolutely terrified’ of Donald Trump

>>12882032 CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One – Just One Week After Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks

>>12882036 Democrats to offer new footage showing 'extreme violence' in Capitol attack

>>12882057 Day 2 of the impeachment trial (video link)

>>12882081 Why Russia is driving the West crazy

>>12882118 The Sham Impeachment & The Attack on Free Speech

>>12882144 Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

>>12882167 02/08/21 RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything

>>12882173 Here’s a full list of known celebrities who supported the pedophile-ridden Lincoln Project

>>12882183 Sen Kennedy to BIden OMB pick - "I mean, you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut."

>>12882205 Where's the Outrage? Biden Fires 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys

>>12882220 Truckloads of Illegal Aliens Found at Texas Border Checkpoint

>>12882210 Biden Regime Halts Deportation of Criminal African Migrants 'Due to Black History Month'

>>12882218 @CLewandowski_ - 'Bruce Springsteen arrested for DWI, reckless driving in November. Wonder if he was driving a ⁦@Jeep⁩'

>>12882261 Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote

>>12882283 , >>12882315 Who is Nancy Pelosi's mom?

>>12882316 Iran Cleric - People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’

>>12882326 Aunt Jemima is making her last batch of pancakes.

>>12882373 HOT MIC interview - President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 2

>>12882376 Biden Crime Cartel freaking out about Burma Coup

>>12882385 Joe Bidens former chief of staff, Danny O'brien running Fox that called the election early.

>>12882404 Facebook VP of Integrity Guy Rosen Refuses To Comment When Confronted By Veritas Senior Journalist (video)

>>12882472 Biden Money Laundering Bill To Shower State And Local Govts With $350 Billion In Aid, Make Changes To Medicaid

>>12882126 Utah Axes Gun-Permit Requirement State will allow residents to carry concealed guns without permit

>>12882567 China Virus caused miscarriage?

>>12882652 Rep. Madeleine Dean was charged with ethics violations

>>12882637 , >>12882649 Reddit is at it again. Pot stocks….


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b8d55c  No.12882693

File: 7d2a223e31fbb19⋯.png (468.67 KB, 522x332, 261:166, ClipboardImage.png)


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9f0ba4  No.12882694





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bf8222  No.12882695

File: b41f035a12719b9⋯.png (890.47 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)


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b322c8  No.12882696


Flynn, just another carreer govt official sucking off the taxpayer teet?

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8128e8  No.12882697

File: a7cb8ebd6fd5772⋯.png (267.71 KB, 412x232, 103:58, ClipboardImage.png)


Jelly bro?

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6fd691  No.12882699


Burden of proof, dude. Non practicing doesn't imply rejecting, Buddhism and Christianity go pretty well together actually.

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b68ec8  No.12882700

File: f79f8c3df23d3ff⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, a_little_high.jpg)


ACB? Ha, check out TLRY

Their breakout was back at 13, Reddit's late to the party…again.

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d76773  No.12882701


They probably won't.

Instead, an ADL faction will 'convert' to Christianity to be inspired to create a kosher translation because they used to be jews so they know the Lord, am I right????

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3258d4  No.12882702


Did Jesus write the Bible?

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c5702b  No.12882703

I just want to say I think I am starting to understand. If you look in a mirror you can see yourself. I know that the Trump supporters became obsessed like the Obama supporters. I never went full MAGA but I understand why some people did. I think that the 8 years of Obama is what caused the MAGA crowd. I just want to know why the people who made the masses treat Obama as our savior did it?

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24c791  No.12882704

File: 228e4095bfd3406⋯.png (472.47 KB, 683x720, 683:720, 59906270_6EFA_45D2_BA3A_5B….png)

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2d3ebd  No.12882705

File: d4c5a9fd350e44a⋯.png (317.11 KB, 496x509, 496:509, wethpeople.png)

Sounds like Sterling had some inside knowledge. He was part of the fix

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d76773  No.12882710


He really is the best SP minor character.

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1e3c45  No.12882711

File: 4efd79065d65fc9⋯.png (780.47 KB, 720x761, 720:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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fa3b0b  No.12882712


Last I looked Israel was open to all religions as well.

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000000  No.12882714

Now would be the time to give Trump’s Defense Team “The We Have Everything” the fake fuggin’Q bragged about for the past 3 years… We have everything… oh yeah?

Do it fucker!

“Q” better hope he is never exposed, because there’s gonna be a long line of Patriots who will be itching to pull the trigger, use a red scarf or just plain beat the shot out of him if Trump is left out to hang and dry with the impeachment.

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e62536  No.12882716

"Death threats" from who? The DS?

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e89dc8  No.12882719


Befouled, kek

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d76773  No.12882720


Well akshually……

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b8d55c  No.12882724

File: 3c26ded9d4f84c3⋯.png (203.63 KB, 217x312, 217:312, ClipboardImage.png)



The Jews wrote their own version of the bible

The Israel Bible is a bilingual English-Hebrew version of the Hebrew Bible, edited by Rabbi Tuly Weisz and published in June 2018, for the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence.[1][2] It contains the full text of the Hebrew Bible along with scholarly introductions to each book of the Bible and various maps, charts, illustrations, and photographs.[3][4] Weisz says that his bible is the only one "exclusively dedicated to the Land of Israel, the people of Israel and the God of Israel".[5] The commentary, by a team of Orthodox rabbis, draws a strong connection between biblical Israel and the modern State of Israel. The book is aimed at both Jews and Christians.[2] The forward was written by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, founder of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation.[6][7]


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2d3ebd  No.12882727

They sure know how to weave a story.

MSM runs fake story. Politicians repeat fake stories a,d the MSM reports about the politician repeating the fake story.

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c9a04b  No.12882728


>That law was passed in Alabama after Sandy Hook.

wow what a coincidence

Problem? Reaction! Solution.the solution will always benefit [them]

Thesis - Mass casualty event planned

Anti-Thesis - Attack the victims ie: no deaths, to the point of revulsion

Synthesis All records will be sealed to "protect" people (the ones who carried out the MCE NOT the victims)

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be8495  No.12882730

File: 968649aeae65b90⋯.png (265.74 KB, 524x604, 131:151, Screen_Shot_02_10_21_at_02….PNG)

President Biden


US government account

I’m delivering remarks on our Administration’s response to the coup in Burma. Tune in.

1:22 PM · Feb 10, 2021·Periscope


Joe's comms to us today!

Timestamp 13:22

13+2+2= 17

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9f0ba4  No.12882731


its jewish, was retranslated by some faggot kikes in rom, just the talmut for the goys.

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6f944b  No.12882732

File: 8b668e5e6c0b559⋯.png (172.31 KB, 420x364, 15:13, pepesmoking.png)


>James Woods

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1a77cf  No.12882733


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f47ab0  No.12882734


They are largely entering in to evidence,

Truth, with some rather digusting whining.

Don't interrupt the Enemy when they are

in the process of detstroying themselves . . .

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3258d4  No.12882735


Oh, Jesus sat down with a quill and parchment?

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2d3ebd  No.12882737

May they choke on all of their lies

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f31984  No.12882738


There are ways to tell some folks what to stfu up on though. More than a few. Rather than… well…

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6fd691  No.12882740


Buddhism isn't a religion you imbecile. What the fuck do they worship?

Also, to answer your other question. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_F._Knitter

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596612  No.12882742


I tend to agree, it is really weird, I should be angry all the time but I am not. Good is happening in my life even though tragedy surrounds me everywhere I go. Its like I am in a bubble, like my reality is not the same as everyone elses.

Has someone turned off the mad frequency???

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b322c8  No.12882743


>>12882701 True

Again, bible thumping Christians who don't understand the teaching of Jesus.

The reason the only way is through Jesus is because he is the Judge on Judgement day.

Now Jesus will open up the book of life and judge your works, not your faith. But your faith helps you do the works that get you into heaven.

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ed77ce  No.12882744

File: 35081bcae4f2388⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

"Someone's going to get killed"

Tell that to Adam Jackson

The wedding limo crash in NY that killed 20 people a few years ago

Started looking, found this:

One victim, Adam Jackson, had been a Republican deputy commissioner of elections for Montgomery County. His death had distracted his coworkers so much that the absentee ballots they sent out for the November elections accidentally omitted a line for Republican congressional candidate Joe Vitollo. When the mistake was discovered, new ballots were mailed to 89 voters in the town of Amsterdam who had received the incorrect ones.



The democrat who won that race

Paul Tonko

This is who they cheated for

In June 2007, Tonko resigned his Assembly seat to become president and CEO of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). He led the organization until he departed to run for Congress in 2008.

Why was it so important to keep him in office?




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3258d4  No.12882745


Yes it is.

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c45fa5  No.12882746

Iranian ayatollah says COVID-19 vaccine has turned people into 'homosexuals'

As Iran began inoculating citizens against COVID-19, an Iranian cleric told followers that the vaccine will turn them into "homosexuals," which in Iran is considered an offense punishable by death.

"Don't go near those who have had the COVID vaccine," Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian wrote on his Telegram social media platform on Tuesday, according to the Jerusalem Post. "They have become homosexuals."

strickly for the keks


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fa3b0b  No.12882747


Did the follows of Jesus even write the Bible?

Matter of fact lets look at the original texts.

Were they all in the same language?

Were they written in real time?

Was you mother one of the authors?

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d27cc0  No.12882748

File: 0c2c77cffbefb46⋯.webm (769.19 KB, 552x544, 69:68, 1612265578106.webm)



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1a77cf  No.12882749

Are they going to go 16 hours like this?

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730cab  No.12882750


Righteous Anger

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6fd691  No.12882751


Care to explain why?

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ad1090  No.12882752

File: fb62501fc966ecb⋯.png (1.56 MB, 2034x2034, 1:1, fb62501fc966ecbed4863a3657….png)

File: 6c57a480d0d6785⋯.gif (536.16 KB, 800x792, 100:99, 6c57a480d0d6785fa3aadddf18….gif)

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1a77cf  No.12882753

ted Lieu came over as a slave in a basement in ohio

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f48c70  No.12882755


You deceive yourself! Following Jesus has nothing to do with any religion! Religion is anathema to a relationship with God!

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ed77ce  No.12882757

Ted Lieu put Ed Buck on the Electoral College

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9f0ba4  No.12882758









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bf8222  No.12882759

File: b7e8f20947ae57d⋯.png (902.84 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)


BOOM !!!

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1a77cf  No.12882760


Early life

Lieu was born in Taipei, Taiwan. At three years of age, he immigrated with his family to Cleveland, Ohio.[1] In 1987, he graduated from Saint Ignatius High School, in 1991 from Stanford University with a BS in computer science and a BA in political science, and in 1994 with a JD magna cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center, where he was editor-in-chief of the Georgetown Law Journal and received four American Jurisprudence awards.[2] At Stanford, he also became a member of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity.

Lieu served as a law clerk to Judge Thomas Tang of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.[

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fb59db  No.12882763

File: e0f935bf21752b7⋯.png (359.62 KB, 945x557, 945:557, e0f935bf21752b745748262faa….png)


>Has someone turned off the mad frequency???

Not mad

Not scared

Comfy while world burns.

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3258d4  No.12882764


My mother is old, but not that old.

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0bcc54  No.12882765

Ah, Goog, Ted Looney Lieu!

Can't wait to hear his BS.

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69bc71  No.12882766


generals don't fight , they make "plans"

"When in war a general must often guess,

If he guesses right , he's a good general.

If he guesses wrong, he is not"

Bertrand Russell

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fa3b0b  No.12882768


So, why do you hate on the Jews?

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866eaa  No.12882769

File: 27fdb69d996bc26⋯.jpg (330.43 KB, 1314x912, 219:152, you_are_watching_a_movie_.jpg)

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c88280  No.12882770


you last statement is a falsehood.

everyone has a relationship.

and you can't say that they do not.

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d76773  No.12882771



Oh for fuck's sake I was playing around.

No more brother wars.

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b8d55c  No.12882772



No evidence needed

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914074  No.12882773


Who gives a fuck?

We all have had a rough upbringing.

We need to pass a new law. You can't hold office in the US if you aren't a naturally born citizen.

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9f0ba4  No.12882774

ok, enough of that shit

actual real bread here





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2d3ebd  No.12882775

File: 16de89755e2b694⋯.png (636.18 KB, 647x752, 647:752, buck_friends.png)


It's Ed Bucks buddy

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a26863  No.12882776


Who did the murder?

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1a77cf  No.12882777



Military career

Lieu joined the Air Force in 1995 and served four years on active duty as a member of the Judge Advocate General's Corps. As a military prosecutor and adviser to commanders, he has received various awards and medals for his service, both abroad and locally, including the Meritorious Service Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, the Air Force Commendation Medal, and the Humanitarian Service Medal.[2] Since 2000 he has served in the Air Force Reserve. He was promoted to colonel in December 2015.[4]

California State Legislature

Lieu previously served as a Torrance city councilman.[5]

California Assembly

Lieu won a September 13, 2005, special election to fill the 53rd Assembly district following the death of incumbent Mike Gordon. Lieu defeated three Republicans, including physician Mary Jo Ford and fellow Torrance City Councilman Paul Nowatka.[

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ad1090  No.12882778

File: 96dffaa75239368⋯.png (14.63 KB, 255x165, 17:11, 0659cc067a019f6a3963720b48….png)

File: 34757f6ae16f577⋯.jpg (19.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 17412bd647826069ee09087217….jpg)

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92c8a4  No.12882781

Masterplan: Highlights only:

Don’t you see we actually own all of the law makers

whatever we do is quite above any of the laws which apply to the common people

They are all nations which are part of our web

The engineering of these new arrangements, which some refer to as the New World Order

Alternatively, if the people reject our proposal most of the governments in the West are at the mercy of us calling in our loans and bankrupting them

Of course the Covid pandemic is a plandemic

If the people do not comply, undoubtedly a second wave will come their way, and with that food shortages,

and complete government domination in order to usher in all of our proposed changes.

Full: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=212837#comment-957970

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b68ec8  No.12882782

File: b35fbdbe5bbc881⋯.jpg (48.85 KB, 481x361, 481:361, aaand_its_gone_GME.jpg)


>MSM runs fake story. Politicians repeat fake stories a,d the MSM reports about the politician repeating the fake story.

People like to be lied to for some strange low-energy reason. Like, the GameStock games they played on novices' emotions, for example.

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0bcc54  No.12882783


Let them GO! Let more of the normies wake up to their BS and their shenanigans.

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125615  No.12882784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Freddy the Face Hugger

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3258d4  No.12882785

File: 03f1f532b1d855e⋯.png (52.34 KB, 766x528, 383:264, ClipboardImage.png)


Why Buddhism is a religion?

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16f498  No.12882787

File: 5c536d2ddd9810e⋯.jpg (714.92 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, Screenshot_20210210_202602….jpg)

Next pleaseeeeeee…

This one said "just like you i love thus country"

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b322c8  No.12882788

File: 2b67552878025aa⋯.png (62.49 KB, 500x517, 500:517, GBU.png)

File: 71f26e56d63e540⋯.png (51.86 KB, 530x471, 530:471, GBUII.png)

File: 56560f47812af68⋯.png (61.94 KB, 510x489, 170:163, GBUIII.png)

File: 27945d0bfbf0d63⋯.png (67.37 KB, 500x542, 250:271, GBUIIII.png)

File: 746e1836024279a⋯.png (62.01 KB, 609x410, 609:410, GBUIIIII.png)


Fool me once, lesson learned.

I don't get fooled twice.

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24c791  No.12882789


why (((they))) all so vocal about this… fake news also trying to paint image of poor burmese protesting against military dictatorship

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1a77cf  No.12882790

lieu is a chinese spy..

everyone up there today for the Ds in a chinese spy/informant/ slave

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5d0261  No.12882791

Baker here



Ignore this asshole

The new bread is:

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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9f0ba4  No.12882793

you know what

00fuck that clown shit00










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1a83b9  No.12882795


Well, even if it isn't part of the plan it's still pretty cute!! The laugh did me good anon. kek I'm telling ya, those little cats are just like the big ones. Predators. Fido's okay with it though.

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b36e1d  No.12882796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva

Here is the Dr. Shiva that exposed RFK, Jr as controlled Opposition for the Gates Cabal

Like how the John Birch Society was created by the Rockefellers to keep tabs on their opposition, RFK, Jr's NGO has NEVER prevented a vaccine mandate in any state.


RFK, Jr may speak the truth about vaccines and maybe even stuff related to Gates, but giving them money just keeps their operations going. Just like any other medeical NonProfit, they never really want to cure anything.

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352488  No.12882797

File: afd9bc96f56c550⋯.png (37.59 KB, 598x404, 299:202, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5ac5d8f41f3f26⋯.png (279.47 KB, 598x674, 299:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f6625beb482c63⋯.png (338.63 KB, 598x614, 299:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5476ee82acab9c⋯.png (292.16 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9a04b  No.12882798

File: 980dcb72e0279f2⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 263x265, 263:265, 980dcb72e0279f26802257ac07….jpg)


Inciting the big one

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9f0ba4  No.12882799




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d27cc0  No.12882800

File: 43fc7274ca439aa⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Woah_.jpg)



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32d489  No.12882801

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f48c70  No.12882802


See…this illustrates your problem…you're walking according to your own understanding! Me? I'm going with Infinite Wisdom! God Is God! And we're not, so, ALL is on His terms!

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000000  No.12882804


And McConnell surrendered without a fight. Who’s worse? Schumer or Cocaine Mitch?

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29d73e  No.12882806




STILL trying to paint us as violent. Fucking Leaf - i rarely wish ill upon anyone, but j hope karma kicks your ass one day - it will be much deserved. Fuck you

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000000  No.12882807



Gee, nothing funny about an 8 second time difference….the kayfabe continues….

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f48c70  No.12882808


I don't!

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d28993  No.12882809

File: a6fa9804f756abf⋯.jpeg (13.97 KB, 230x255, 46:51, tedLieuEdbuck.jpeg)

File: 8192d7ec7c5b548⋯.png (904.9 KB, 944x632, 118:79, ted_lieu_approved.png)

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9f0ba4  No.12882810


you saw that one with the kraken?

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2d3ebd  No.12882814

He's right Ted, they are weak, and he did win

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a8acc0  No.12882816

File: 54d170fde650f89⋯.png (721.18 KB, 853x535, 853:535, ClipboardImage.png)

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d27cc0  No.12882817

File: 844392d63ebd86d⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 960x960, 1:1, 1610753386325.webm)

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914074  No.12882818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's all there for anyone that wants to look.

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9f0ba4  No.12882820


just eight seconds? i thought i was better than this.

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1a83b9  No.12882822


Kamy anon. She is the queen of the senate. Makes Chuck U the ML.

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c45fa5  No.12882823


indies caucus with the dems. kamala breaks ties.

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5d0261  No.12882824

Baker here - we're under attack


The new bread is:

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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ad1090  No.12882825

File: d39e49479cdf90d⋯.png (13.25 KB, 218x255, 218:255, 1f9a1af06530930a94610aa1d6….png)

File: dc098bea62063be⋯.jpeg (21.68 KB, 255x247, 255:247, ab57cf45ce890bfa340f92c14….jpeg)

File: 49b2641265275df⋯.png (1.01 MB, 918x1299, 306:433, 49b2641265275dfb134264d7d4….png)

File: 45f9b31ebff765f⋯.png (21.29 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 14567a01e9e651147ba30721fc….png)

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fdb7c9  No.12882826


beccccause they faggot, like you

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ed77ce  No.12882827

File: 64d4ff1efc5eca2⋯.png (257.27 KB, 361x369, 361:369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca1998122f0e127⋯.png (167.75 KB, 464x353, 464:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2880a97ab901b8⋯.png (229.12 KB, 407x257, 407:257, ClipboardImage.png)

Ted is totally impartial and keeps good, ethical company

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fa3b0b  No.12882828


yeah, And if Joe and Jill went up the hill

Each with a buck and a quarter and

Jill came down with two and a half.

You still think they went up for water.

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9f0ba4  No.12882830


yo fuck off, i won

real bread over here





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008a77  No.12882831


sauce that shit

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61429a  No.12882832

File: 8d6640f2811853a⋯.png (141.96 KB, 260x300, 13:15, 20101Fr.png)

File: e41ee869d20fff6⋯.png (246.11 KB, 439x398, 439:398, 221210ru.png)

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c39235  No.12882833


You have My Axe Baker

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5d0261  No.12882834


Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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1deab8  No.12882835


>Everyone's on their own

At this point, this is the conclusion that anon has come to as well.

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75fe4d  No.12882836

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 813ce199bd19144dd312494c69….gif)

When are you dumbfuk shills gonna

grow the fuk up and take your balls out of

your purse?

Quit shittin' in the catalog

[demented assholes]


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866eaa  No.12882838


what's your religion?

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30664a  No.12882839


But she can get away with it because NO Democrat or elite has to obey laws

While Trump's lawyers bring this up? Hell no!

I pray I am wrong but Trump's lawyers which

are really our (anon) lawyers. And from what I have seen them they need to be fired.

I know we have amazing lawyers on our side. Why are we using stupid lawyers?

The plan is for us to loose.

Does this still mean "the plan is working" and "we are in control" …….

What a better opportunity is being given?

Now is the time to present ELECTION FRAUD Facts!

If Trump's lawyers don't provide election fraud proof, our day to win is over!!! If they don't even try to layout the proof, we have been played!

Okay! What do Trust the Plan (which I am one for 3 years) have to say?

Feedback of others is needed.

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5ceba9  No.12882840


Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.

Truth is the only Way to everlasting Life.

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718d96  No.12882841


I would say the bible is anti disobedient.

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9f0ba4  No.12882842








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c39235  No.12882843

File: a0c0e16ea0bda57⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1064x653, 1064:653, ClipboardImage.png)

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c88280  No.12882845


no, they are not 'anon lawyers'

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5d0261  No.12882846

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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0ccce9  No.12882848


Same birds.

Same feathers.

Equally corrupt.

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f48c70  No.12882849


Again, you're so wrapped up in your idol, that you can't / won't see the forest through the trees! Read His Word…He's clear! This is the whole issue…your way or God's way! Free will!

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d27cc0  No.12882850

File: 0d3163f20487864⋯.jpg (113.68 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 1608636892050.jpg)




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c39235  No.12882851

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8c8e36  No.12882852

File: 5798ade47775dd0⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 567x240, 189:80, 3dd3a42487ad76a8ff7d22d751….jpg)

File: 53507de9fe6ecd7⋯.jpg (154.2 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Lexington_and_Concord_Batt….jpg)

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1a83b9  No.12882853


Wow, a full bag of kitty!!! What a sweetpea!!! Still a Predator!! kek

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5d0261  No.12882854

Baker here - Board under attack

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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3e6de8  No.12882855

File: 90fa0943dc6caaa⋯.png (592.37 KB, 698x458, 349:229, Screenshot_2021_02_06_Pict….png)


>STILL trying to paint us as violent. Fucking Leaf - i rarely wish ill upon anyone, but j hope karma kicks your ass one day - it will be much deserved. Fuck you

Shut up stupid, nothing in those post portray Q research as violent, they portray Q research as lambs for the slaughter. Nigger.

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9f0ba4  No.12882856



fucking bot

see, thats why we take the fun one






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d76773  No.12882858


I'm not necessarily defending him but you do realize we're going to be accused of violence even if every last one of us became a devout Jain monk, right?

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c39235  No.12882860


you have no power here

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30664a  No.12882862


That is my exact point! Everyone and every notable MUST be sauced

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9f0ba4  No.12882863


top kek, i am just one guy. wtf….

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718d96  No.12882864


Nope. Works THROUGH faith. Faith comes first, and works are the fruit of the faith.

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a8c12b  No.12882865

File: e80d408da470079⋯.jpg (185.8 KB, 1077x767, 1077:767, Saudi_attack.jpg)

Houthis Attack Saudi Airport Days After Joe Biden Removes Group From Terror List - NEWSWEEK 2.10.21

The Saudi-led coalition fighting against Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen has condemned what it called a Houthi terrorist attack on the Abha airport in Saudi Arabia Wednesday, which set fire to a passenger plane there.

The attack comes just days after President Joe Biden's administration rescinded the terrorist organization designation applied to the Houthis by predecessor President Donald Trump in his final days in office.

It also follows Sunday's warning from the State Department that the Houthis must stop attacks on civilian targets.

The Saudi-led coalition said Wednesday the Houthi attack on Abha International Airport caused a fire in a civilian plane which has now been brought under control, the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television station reported.

"Attempting to target Abha airport and threatening civilian travelers is a war crime," the coalition said in a statement. "We are taking all necessary measures to protect civilians from the threats of the Houthis."

The Associated Press quoted Colonel Turki al-Maliki, the spokesman for the Saudi-led military coalition, who said coalition forces had intercepted and destroyed two Houthi drones launched at Saudi Arabia. Turki described the attack as a "systematic and deliberate attempt to target civilians in the southern region" of the kingdom.

Wednesday's attack follows a similar effort from Sunday when coalition forces intercepted and destroyed four armed drones launched from Yemen towards Saudi Arabia. Turki said the drones were targeting "civilians and civilian objects."

The Houthis have been intensifying attacks against Saudi targets in recent weeks. The Iranian-backed rebel groups have been fighting the Saudi-led coalition since 2015. Riyadh is fighting on behalf of the deposed government, its effort largely consisting of airstrikes against Houthi military and civilian targets.

Biden said last week he was ending U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition. The U.S. had previously given logistical, intelligence and weapons support to the effort against the Houthis, which the Trump Administration considered a key battle in the fight to contain Iran.

The president did say the U.S. would maintain defensive support for Saudi Arabia to help guard against drone and ballistic missile attacks from Yemen.

Trump designated the Houthis a terrorist organization shortly before the end of his term, despite concerns among NGOs and American allies that doing so would hinder diplomatic efforts to end the war and to alleviate the humanitarian crisis for Yemenis.

The Biden Administration lifted the designation last week. Soon after doing so, the State Department issued a statement noting it remains "deeply troubled by continued Houthi attacks."

State Department spokesman Ned Price called on the Houthis "to immediately cease attacks impacting civilian areas inside Saudi Arabia and to halt any new military offensives inside Yemen, which only bring more suffering to the Yemeni people."

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9f0ba4  No.12882866


power? fuck that overrated shit.

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5d0261  No.12882868

Baker here - We're under attack because we're over the target

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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24c791  No.12882870

didn’t Jesus say that his message was for jews alone, the lost sheep of israel, and further instruct his disciples not to teach to gentiles or something like that?

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a8c12b  No.12882871




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c39235  No.12882872


Your Fear Sustains Me.

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c88280  No.12882876


how so?

I am not the person to whom you were first charlatining . . .

I'm a different person.

Each person has a relationship.

and you saying that religions is an impedment is a falsehood.

charliton preachers might try to trip you on the path.

that's what you seem to be trying to do.

so 'again'?

no, you weren't dealing with me before.

you can leave now.

you've been shown as a bullshitter.

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1acbd8  No.12882877

File: 036be66c49414e6⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Fg4SJMs2f2sFLMvz.mp4)


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866eaa  No.12882879

File: 7ee1f899775ad47⋯.jpg (464.87 KB, 1350x900, 3:2, screaming_2021.jpg)

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9f0ba4  No.12882880


you mom is over the target, fucking bot.

get in here





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5d0261  No.12882881

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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d76773  No.12882882


yes but that was before resurrection.

It's progressive revelation.

No faggot progressive doesn't mean the liberal meaning it means a little bit is revealed at a time.

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5d0261  No.12882884

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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3630d0  No.12882885

Who wins baker wars?

Well the water is so damn muddy, the general consensus will always win out.

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9f0ba4  No.12882888



if i could choose i would take this one




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5d0261  No.12882889

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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d844a7  No.12882890

File: 32674638ded31b5⋯.jpg (115.01 KB, 1001x782, 1001:782, Ice_Index.jpg)


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5d0261  No.12882893

Q Research General #16444: PANIC In DC - Impeachment Not Working Edition


>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

>>12882698 Fresh Bread

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f48c70  No.12882895



No religion! Religion is anathema to a relationship with God! Religion is mans attempts to please / reach God…we can't! The BEST we can do is TURN to The Most High God…Who Is a Good God and RECEIVE The GRACE (unmerited favor) He is offering you! You're works are like filthy rags…you can't do it…BUT HE DID IT! All you have to do is receive / accept His Grace and HE WILL SAVE YOU!!! it's that basic! The ONLY thing you can do…is RECEIVE His Saving Grace! He'll change you from the inside out!

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