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File: d2389d94a5ebee4⋯.jpg (144.64 KB, 1920x1027, 1920:1027, Union_Jack.jpg)

6c4043  No.12815420[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to UK Q Research

UKAnons it's about time we start fighting and take our country back, but to do that we need all the information and proof of the corruption that is destroying our country and we need to understand our part in spygate.

We also need to look in to our own government and MP's especially the ones who are trying to stop Brexit

It's our job now to start waking the British public, I know it's going to be hard I've noticed most are in a coma or they are not bothered, so get digging and twatting and be part of the British revolution.

Our MSM needs to be shown we know they are fake news and try to counter them with the truth.


Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Private Board >>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Those still on the board — https://8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Q's Latest Posts to UKQR

Tuesday 12.08.2020


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6c4043  No.12815434

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12674375 Dominic Raab using the Build Back Better Satanic NWO symbolic phrase

>>12674415 New Administration hates Boris

>>12686941 Biden-Linked WHO Adviser Says COVID-19 'Likely' Leaked From Wuhan Lab

>>12686957 Boris Johnson phones belligerent President Biden

>>12687431 Ireland - France trade route emerging avoiding British roads.

>>12688231 Trust In Mainstream Media Just Hit An All-Time Low

>>12696387 Smoke seen rising from Houses of Parliament in London again

>>12698556 Priti Patel to axe Hate Speech laws

>>12699069 The UK version of "The Corporation" was dissolved at the same time as the US's was…18 months ago.

>>12700234 English High Court rules GCHQ general warrants require sufficient specificity

>>12700265 Priti Patel publishes new strategy to protect children from sexual abuse

>>12700513 UK government ‘quietly’ extends local authorities’ lockdown powers in England until July 17

>>12700560 Grooming gangs to be put under spotlight in new Home Office strategy to combat record levels of child abuse

>>12704246 U.K. university creates protections for 'student sex workers'

>>12708929 Rothschilds getting fingers into Bitcoin pie

>>12709850 A Rothschilds first child dead at 15. Now pregnant

>>12710458 Biden Is Blundering Us Into World War 3

>>12710694 Mastercard is hiking fees for UK shoppers buying from EU-based companies

>>12712782 53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started

>>12714087 Anon reports being "detained in a nut house" for speaking the truth (the great awakening), asks for help.

>>12716800 & >>12719533 UK Column News - 25th January 2021

>>12719922 Are these numbers comms from MOD?

>>12719992 MOD and RAF tweeting the NWO mantra of Build Back Better

>>12720426 On the Edge Video Archive

>>12723214 Freemason Polytechnic Lodge No. 2847, located at 309 Regent Street

>>12723754 Doctor accused of killing Covid patients to ‘free up beds’ in Italian hospital arrested in raid as deaths are probed

>>12729368 £1Billion for Phone masts in Rural communities.

>>12729924 Anons response to Holocaust Memorial Day - It was not the Germans, it was them.

>>12730014 MOD Playing with torpedo's and pedos with the NWO mantra

>>12732360 2011 FOIA Request about Illuminati in the Government

>>12734937 ITV / ITN tries to terrify the British public with a irresponsible headline

>>12736375 German MEP to Britain: “You will suffer for this”

>>12741210 MARTIN GEDDES, the REAL polymath

>>12741320 Another essay on the Q movement by MARTIN GEDDES

>>12745283 A different LONDON 2847 dig

>>12749836 Anons thoughts - The power of the GameStop trade

>>12759158 UK Column 27 Jan 21

>>12759919 UK Column 29 Jan 21

>>12760047 Anons story re Antibodies

>>12760306 UKPM Tweet featuring a no 17

>>12760544 Guardian Twitter fratures a Freemason G and a Pedophile symbol of a Butterfly

>>12766047 Anons dig into large Travel and Hospitality companies

>>12766424 Anon mini dig into Russell Brand, finds cabal symbolism on his website

>>12769291 Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong

>>12771771 X22 #2391 [KC] had his sentencing today, DNA being collected by Chinese owned companies.

>>12777701 Hong Kong: New UK visa route opens for up to 3 million people

>>12779904 There Is No Pandemic

>>12780239 Pakistan receiving 17m doses of UK's AstraZeneca Vaccine

>>12780750 Viva Frei Signalling to Q community with "Scott Free" spelling mitsake

>>12781884 Stop endless referendum talk, UK PM Johnson tells Scotland

>>12782654 Conservative News Aggregator

>>12782899 FOIA Answer, London will be using Smartmatic/dominion systems this May in the London mayoral elections


>>12789054 Anonymous letter from an acting Constable from within the current Police force. Well worth a read.

>>12790986 London Bridge Jihadi’s Widow Granted 15K in Legal Aid, as Victim’s Families Denied Funding

>>12790996 As Govt Eyes Tax Rises, British Taxpayer Burden is Already at 70-Year High

>>12791834 UK Column 01 Feb 21

>>12792275 Boatfagging report

>>12793824 MOD engaging in identity politics despite knowing it is being used as a weapon against us

>>12800535 revisit Q post # 784- [UK}!Stay Alert.

>>12800852 London to Resume Trading Swiss Shares After Losing EU Billions

>>12800928 Exxon Mobil posts first annual loss in 40 years

>>12801571 Polish Government to Breitbart: Big Tech’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Is Bolshevik, Not Democratic

>>12801658 Daughter of African kleptocrat has £13m London mansion

>>12802583 UKQR #30 is experiencing technical difficulties

>>12803891 London pics dig restarts

>>12804242 GCHQ saying they are working with Priti to tackle Child Sexual Abuse

>>12804589 The efficacy of Q

>>12805022 Clip from the UK Column video re. Alex Thomson [GCHQ] "has a large sprinkling of Satanists and Child Abusers"

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6c4043  No.12815440

>>12805216 AIS has TATTERSHALL CASTLE "Out-of-Range" but estimated to be just Northwest of Ann Arbor, Michigan

>>12808621 Happy 50th Birthday to Jon Pratt

>>12809533 Why Are We Waiting / Starlink Satellites

>>12810099 Essex police fine man £10,000 for NYE party in a Church

>>12810268 Anons idea for British Gendamerie to police those who were corrupted

>>12811075 SpaceX launching 2 rockets within 4 hours of each other putting 120 more StarLink satellites in orbit

>>12811393 Cabinet Office MINDSPACE document, Sinister psychological attack on the people

>>12812442 #bombfrog

>>12813860 British Army Tweets out phrase Darkness to Light

>>12814034 Sadiq Khan imposes a charge to drive inside the north and south circular

>>12814725 Pelosi's office just released a statement referring to Republican McCarthy as (Q-CA) twice

>>12815166 G7 Tweeting out BBB and about Open Societies.

>>12815167 Anon opines on Robert Barnes / Viva Frei situation


London Pics Dig

>>12803891, >>12804175, >>12804235, >>12804337, >>12804476, >>12812153, >>12812185, >>12812197, >>12812291, >>12812375, >>12812428, >>12812546, >>12812757, >>12812841, >>12812918, >>12812970, >>12813740, >>12813774, >>12813849, >>12813861

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6c4043  No.12815445

UKBaker Intro


It is looking increasingly like this was meant to happen to show the people what they are losing, the only question we have is how long is this sham going to continue?

The proofs have slowed down considerably but are still there if you look close enough. Have faith and trust the plan. I have a hunch that things are about to get a little bit chaotic in here next week!

Remember, Biden would never permit Michael Flynn's brother to take such a powerful position in the Pacific if he was really in charge of the military, they also refused him a plane to bring him to DC.


For those of you new here, this is where UK Anons discuss and research all things Q related and investigate goings on in the UK. Q monitors this board and posts here from time to time so if you spot something you think Q should know about post it up for us all to see.

This board is heavily infiltrated by shills and clowns who try to divert us away from the target and prevent people from posting, we are clearly over the target with our research. These shills can be savage and rude to try to prevent you from interacting with the community, ignore them, we welcome all of you. I would advise you lurk first to see how things work before posting, if you are attacked by a shill or a clown do not let it anger or upset you as they are only doing what they are paid to do, it is however important to not feed the trolls so please do not reply.

As the bread fills up with crap, finding the good stuff can be hard, if you see something you think is notable please say so by replying to that post as it will make my job a lot easier.

You may see Anons seemingly obsess over the pictures Q has posted about London, We are still digging into the pictures, if you want to help out please feel free.

We need to carry on waking people up and introducing them to The Great Awakening, I foresee a time when this board will be flooded with new anons but until then we must do everything we can to get as many people on board as possible, Go on LifeLog truther groups and encourage people to come over here where they can talk freely and anonymously, let bring the awake to OUR platform.

Please post all of the following

ANYTHING Rothschild, Soros or Payseur, UK Media Bias, UK Media Q pieces (Good or bad), Evidence of corrupted and controlled persons in the UK or European public eye. Notable DEATHS, Notable RESIGNATIONS, All things ROYAL, MP's Doing Good and Bad things, Anything MI5/MI6/GCHQ related, Paedophile ring intel and of course SYMBOLISM wherever you see it We need to start keeping an eye out for Christopher Steele and what this cretin is up to. We also need some UK Planefags and Boatfags to keep an eye on the skies and water.

Useful Bakery Ingredients

Q Aggregator Sites:

Q Alerts (with desktop notifications) https://qalerts.pub/

Qanon.pub https://qanon.pub/

Qanon.news https://qanon.news/

Qposts online https://qposts.online/

Q Research sites:



Telegram Channels

Lin Wood https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth

General Michael Flynn https://t.me/GenMichaelFlynn

General McInerney https://t.me/GeneralMcInerney

Karaken Wood https://t.me/RealKrakenWood

Jordan Sather https://t.me/jordansather

InevetableET https://t.me/InevitableET

CodeMonkeyZ https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ

We The Media https://t.me/WeTheMedia

Q Video Channels:

JoeM Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/50tnZ2hx6duU/ Rumble Not Yet

In Pursuit of Truth Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Xe2ztraIRXRX/ Rumble Not Yet

SGT Report Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nLPcg68RnP97/ Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-297721

And We Know Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1uDxpDogKMs9/ Rumble https://rumble.com/c/AndWeKnow

Praying Medic Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FJLej1ou6JVe/ Rumble https://rumble.com/c/PrayingMedic

JustInformedTalk Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zWqrqKTLkhqW/ Rumble https://rumble.com/c/JustInformedTalk

Destroying the Illusion Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XyIkC2xqtFHY/ Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-295521

X22 Report Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n78PbEkvWx2g/ Rumble https://rumble.com/c/X22Report

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6c4043  No.12815448

UK Q Research #1 through #30 courtesy of GermanArchiveAnon:

UK #30: https://qanon.news/archives/x/12673719

UK #29: https://qanon.news/archives/x/12443793

UK #28: https://qanon.news/archives/x/12196203

UK #27: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11953731

UK #26: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11709084

UK #25: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11505196

UK #24: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11297393

UK #23: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11047711

UK #22: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10768658

UK #21: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10507852

UK #20: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10226357

UK #19: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9947756

UK #18: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9768751

UK #17: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9566053

UK #16: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9344953

UK #15: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9285090

UK #14: https://qanon.news/Archives/x/9099370

UK #13: https://qanon.news/Archives/x/8758105

UK #12: https://qanon.news/Archives/x/8574141

UK #11: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7887749

UK #10: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7515739

UK #9: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7354957

UK #8: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7307489

UK #7: https://qanon.news/archives/x/6666569

UK #6: https://qanon.news/archives/x/6350212

UK #5: https://qanon.news/archives/x/6045200

UK #4: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5936409

UK #3: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5889157

UK #2: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5686781

UK #1: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5126595

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6c4043  No.12815450

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/warroom/ Warroom Operations

>>>/midnightriders/ Midnight Riders board

>>>/qrb/ QRB (Alternative to main QRB)

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>12772779 ————————————–——– Australia #13

>>12731367 ————————————–——– Balkan #5

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>12668883 ————————————–——– Canada #13

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>833182 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12514711 ————————————–——– Germany #74

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

>>12276230 ————————————–——– Russia #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12704334 ————————————–——– Vatican #3

Useful Links

Wayback Machine for old archived websites https://web.archive.org

Tin Eye to find original posting date and source of pics https://tineye.com/

Free Translator https://www.collinsdictionary.com/translator

Banned YouTube Channels Archive https://www.altcensored.com/channel/deleted

National Archives Discovery https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/

Westminster Planning Applications https://idoxpa.westminster.gov.uk/online-applications/

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6c4043  No.12815453

UK Pics Background and SitRep

Embankment Pictures

On Fburary 16th 2018 Q posted a picture from a London Traffic Cam by Embankment Staion [https://qalerts.pub/?n=784], the image was of London traffic and Big Ben. The File Name of the picture was NSA_Traf_CAM_LONDON2847.png. 9 minutes later Q posted a stringer warning to the UK of a possible car attack.

3 Months later on May 20th 2018 Q posted a series of 3 pictures [https://qalerts.pub/?n=1423] from the same traffic camera which was rotated through 3 positions. Q was telling us this camera has a field of view from the Corinthia hotel and up the Victoria Embankment towards Parliament.

2 months later on the 27th of July 2018 Q reposted one of the previous pictures with people circled [https://qalerts.pub/?n=1720], this was identified as Lisa Page, lover of disgraced traitor and FBI goon Perter Strzok.

Q revists the theme again on Febuary the 18th 2019 when Q posts 3 more pictures of the Cornthia hotel from the same camera [https://qalerts.pub/?n=2797] indicating that the couple may have been staying there.

17th May 2018 Pictures

On the 17th of May Q posted a series of pictures from two locations in London and several locations in China, there is likely a connection between the two. An anon posted a theory which Q quoted indicating that the theory was on the right lines. The China pics were of pallets of boxed technology (possibly secure satellite phones that operate on a Chinese satellite), the Foxconn factory and an airport with a Chinese plane at a gate. The theory suggested that China were supplying secure communication devices to the cabal so that they could communicate without sigint (Signals Intercept) by the NSA. The London connection is through Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, the lovers were secretly in London (perhaps arriving by boat on the Thames to avoid official record of the visit) and being surveilled by the Q team the whole time. The theory stated they were either collecting or distributing these communication devices for other cabal members, Q also posted a picture from the plane and an Owl and the Space Shuttle.

Piccadilly Circus Pictures https://qalerts.pub/?n=1405

In post 1405, which is the first of the 17th of May series, Q posted a picture of a red London Routemaster bus, Q also posted a Winter Wonderland picture of 2 peoples legs, The Red Bus picture was titled Fsurv_londonps1.png, Presumably someone in the picture is of interest, its likely this picture was posted to inform the person who is being surveilled that they were being watched. The following post [https://qalerts.pub/?n=1406] contained two more pictures from Piccadilly circus. The picture is of a road sign and the Britannia hotel. The Britannia hotel has similar archways to that of the temple on Epstein Island and the Aleppo Bathhouse Hammam Yalbugha.

Winter Wonderland Pictures

Q posted the first Winter Wonderland picture of 2 peoples legs on the plastic flooring at Winter Wonderland, A second picture of the Wilde Maus Roller-coaster was posted about a month later [https://qalerts.pub/?n=1456]

Black Box

The Black Box Pic was posted by Q on the 27th Of July 2018 [https://qalerts.pub/?n=1725] in Reply to the WARNING Stay alert post back in February 2018.

Anons found the black box stands alongside bus shelter 'S' by Westminster Abbey in London. Its precise location is outside No 4 Victoria street. No 4 Victoria Street used to have a branch of the corrupt HSBC bank and Anons found out it is the home of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC House). Other tenants of the building seem to have links to Iran. The building across the street from the black box is the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

The black box is about a 11 minute walk from Thames House, the home of the Security Service [Mi5] and a 23 minute walk from the Secret Intelligence Service [Mi6]. Q's Picture of the box featured a Qanon sticker with a White Rabbit, the text said "The Storm is Coming". Subsequent pictures of the box always shows that lots of stickers have been put on the box, it seems to be a popular "Slap Tagging" location but Anons think this could be a form of discreet communication either by White Hats or Black Hats. A recent visit to the box by an anon shows the box in desperate need of repainting because it has been constantly scrubbed clean by street cleaners indicating a massive amount of stickers has been put on the box in the last 2 years.

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6c4043  No.12815483



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20c58c  No.12815487

File: 889b3dc251c562a⋯.png (8.83 KB, 255x139, 255:139, autistic_ass_hole.png)

OK anons, the REAL anons, not the insta-gratification fags, shills, and Biden nut lickers, this documentary may need review again. It is going to require 1 hour, 15 minutes of time. Knowing what you know now, this will make sense perhaps. Red Pilled many people with this.


or goto plandemicseries.com

PS. to the anon whom made this meme, I salute you!

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6c4043  No.12815511

File: b12739d7998bc8a⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 521x403, 521:403, Filter_out.jpg)


Shills and spammers clutter up the bread, you can easily filter them out so that they disappear, you may have to do this a few times, but it is well worth it.

Click on the triangle next to the posters name - Add Filter - ID


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9851cc  No.12816213

File: aea07396c5d94ed⋯.jpeg (98.06 KB, 629x520, 629:520, 9FFCC805_541D_47E5_AFF9_D….jpeg)

Thanks very much to our Bakers.

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3c8c6a  No.12817328

File: 4ec6e280f0c439c⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 480x640, 3:4, e8d26b31b49435ce128ac8a07d….jpg)


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3c8c6a  No.12817379


By the Way,Happy Birthday

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9851cc  No.12818286

File: 54c5ba693dfb128⋯.png (235.95 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, B9DCEDF8_1754_4BC1_BC98_97….png)

File: 8e9502998a1f96e⋯.png (252.01 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 109ED604_5558_4889_A1F3_C7….png)

File: 587303cc2f2ef0b⋯.jpeg (319.23 KB, 750x1303, 750:1303, BD8E89C6_5BF1_4743_A905_E….jpeg)


When you use someone's words you are supposed to attribute the quote to its author. You are just a dimwitted parrot plagiarizing what someone else wrote. You stole that quote WORD FOR FRICKEN WORD from Tex Marrs in Codex Magica. and put your fake name to it eh DENNIS?

What a thick lying loser PRATE you are.

Guyz there isn't time in the day or year to look into all of the plagiarized stuff this parrot posts. Ultimate loser.

Back to filter you go.

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125a2d  No.12818970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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03274d  No.12819384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Loki [Major Tom] Vidlet

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87b9bf  No.12819385

What’s up blokes?

US bread anywhere around?

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c6e114  No.12819823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UK Column 3 Feb 2021

00:33 - Antibody Study Being Misreported?

02:02 - State Policy Inspired by Hollywood?

03:12 - Surge Testing For Asymptomatic People

05:29 - No Going Back To Normal

14:20 - Are COVID 19 Vaccines Causing Harm?

18:10 - Fact Checking The Fact Checkers

20:06 - While Vaccine Ethics Aren't Law They Are Hard To Ignore, Though Forced Vaccine Is Unlawful

30:21 - EU Open To Vaccines From Russia

31:42 - Chris Whitty Accused Of Lying Upsets The Media

33:18 - Tescos Face A Legal Challenge From Disabled Person

41:50 - Possible Correction On UK Column Swab Story

45:00 - World Economic Forum Seeks To Remove Carbon From The World Which Means Us

50:38 - SNP Implosion Exposes The End of Traditional Political In Scotland and The UK

01:03:14 - Fact Checking Official Trust

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c6e114  No.12819854


Yes, indeed. Like the Avengers clip.

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1e63a1  No.12820249

Can't believe how the UK board gets spammed so much by that mental case Jon James PRATT!

Go get medical help, see a psychiatrist or something.

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8cb9a2  No.12820412

American Anon

What satanic holiday happened a couple hours ago?

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8cb9a2  No.12820441

fuck Pratt by the way

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d6135a  No.12820638


he's in the psych ward, that's the problem.

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9851cc  No.12822730

File: 025537297bd0e4e⋯.jpeg (129.48 KB, 750x832, 375:416, ADA241E6_741B_44C0_8856_B….jpeg)


Homeless Life Expectancy in UK IS 47 years of age

(The article is below)

"The Street Store London led by UCLU charity Make London Home is a great initiative raising awareness of an everyday struggle faced by thousands of Londoners.

Homelessness remains a real pressing issue in London. Every year approximately 8,000 people in London, and a staggering 400,000 nationwide, are forced to sleep rough on the streets. Homelessness is a very unforgiving and dangerous predicament, exposed to the elements and 13 times more likely to be a victim of violent crime, a rough sleeper is 35 times more likely to commit suicide than the average person.

People from a wide variety of backgrounds face homelessness, those made redundant, mental health sufferers or victims of domestic abuse are some of the reasons. Recent studies estimate that the average life expectancy of a homeless person is 47 years as opposed to 81 years for the average U.K citizen.

The rough-sleepers seen on the street form only a fraction, with many out of public view in hostels, temporary accommodation or moving between friends’ houses."

End of quote from article.


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3c8c6a  No.12823534


I looked that up, interesting set up for a co-op. Thanks for the lead!

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3c8c6a  No.12823810



What is not mentioned is the large number of homeless veterans that have moved into the area over the years because of the local weather. Damn JJP, the co-op thing there and in nearby locales may be the way to go. Might make it a State-wide thing (homeless tend to move South in the Winter, a thing about not wanting to freeze to death)

Did you just point the way to solving a YUGE problem?

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3c8c6a  No.12824039


Don't know, bounce the idea off some others and then approach the Phoenix people about how they and the other groups connected to them have done it.

Might be better to go over the heads of the "City Fathers" and right to the County Board of Directors (libs like big government telling what them to do)

Damn JJP, you may have started something really good!

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3c8c6a  No.12824182


Check the Scotland board, question for you.

You might be on a roll

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6c4043  No.12824201

I cannot believe what has just happened to me, I have just had a discussion with a director in the NHS responsible for sourcing covid treatments.

I asked him if he was using HCQ and he told me it does not work, he tried to cite the Lancet study which was retracted as his reasoning. He was not aware that it had been retracted.

When I showed him the retraction he literally tried to tell me it was a study that said it was effective that was withdrawn.

These people are in charge of life and death decisions and they are so arrogant they will not even read the facts.

Is this guy a satanist or just happy to do their work for them.

I literally cannot believe what has just happened.

I an fuming with rage right now.

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6c4043  No.12824242


My brother just read the chat transcript and said "they don't want it to end"

My god, he is right, they are clearly getting too much praise and attention, and they don't want it to end.

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9851cc  No.12824260


>Does the vaccine make you less gay(?)

Jon James Pratt (999) aka the storm

Why don't you let us know after you get the vaccine?

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3c8c6a  No.12824264


Image server being asshoe again, will have to check back later. Can't get the things to expand right now.

Dude? Did YOU just open a bridge on a serious "Societal Disconnect?"

If you remain fixated on nailing people to wood or using fire on those who might disagree with you I can guarantee any popularity would be short-lived.

I say again. YOU may have pointed the way to solving a huge problem. Work with me or troll?

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9851cc  No.12824557

File: e4d97d32b551fb1⋯.png (782.96 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D285C8A9_36EE_4EE6_9E47_0A….png)

File: 7db99cc78215bdc⋯.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1DAE54AB_FE17_4A69_9865_EB….png)

MYANMAR (Burma) is critical for India's national security


(The article is a year old but written during the Trump Admin's efforts to strengthen India and its allies against Chinese aggression. Was a stage being set? In light of Dominion voting machine fraud bring alleged as justification for the military takeover, could be.)

(excerpt from article, cuz too long)

As one of only two Southeast Asian countries invited to attend the swearing-in of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he won re-election in May 2019, Myanmar’s relations with India have been thrust into the spotlight. Here’s why Naypyitaw should matter to Delhi in 2020.

For a start, Myanmar is an important member of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), a minilateral subregional organization that is committed to fostering bilateral or regional cooperation among Bay of Bengal countries. As the members of BIMSTEC were invited by Modi to his second inauguration, he will be looking to prioritize this body in his second term, which will include greater engagement with Myanmar.

Myanmar is geopolitically significant to India as it stands at the center of the India-Southeast Asia region. Myanmar is the only Southeast Asian country that shares a land border with northeastern India, stretching some 1,624 kilometers. The neighbors also share a 725-km maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal.

Being the only country that sits at the intersection of India’s “Neighborhood First” policy and its “Act East” policy, Myanmar is an essential element in India’s practice of regional diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific, and serves as a land bridge to connect South Asia and Southeast Asia.

It is therefore in India’s geostrategic interest to see Myanmar prevail as a stable and autonomous country, thereby making possible greater bilateral engagement in India-Myanmar relations.

(article goes on)

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9851cc  No.12824922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3c8c6a  No.12825039


China is not short of manpower, has not been for centuries. Belt and Road would be useful for ports to extend the reach of an expanding Navy.

I would respectfully submit before those of a Nation with a Tradition that knows the importance of a powerful Navy take heed.

With China pressing Land borders, and population issues (omg omg the kung flu among water issues) the Indian Navy is not going to be on the forefront of where to invest.

China is in a better position. Kung-Flu has killed off most of those the State would pay for the care of (or about to, remember the video of the guy dropping dead in the street? Where besides that has such a thing happened?) , thus money for a Fleet.

Shall we test the shill power of observation?

A little black metal box at a bus stop.

A pic of a park turned into a place for fun in winter

The interesting things on maps of where offices are located, and how close they really are in the same city with I believe a mass transit system called the "Tube" has been in operation. Many years, abandoned tunnels. Some Service tunnels not important enough to be carried over on maps.

Tell me again about the old rumour of a tunnel made for horse-drawn wagons that cut through a "Plague-Pit" and the horses would buck and "a whip need be applied for passage"

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6c4043  No.12825469

File: c5d40d5b8bb4bf1⋯.png (29.47 KB, 816x540, 68:45, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Cadb….png)

It should never have left in the first place. Now change the recipe back to how it was.

Cadbury’s Dairy Milk back where it belongs

The production of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate bar will soon relocate back to Britain after years on the continent.

The quintessentially British chocolate will be brought home to Bournville, Birmingham where Dairy Milk was founded more than a century ago, following a £15m investment in new production line facilities at the original site.

It has been manufactured in Germany and other European factories since 2011.

Louise Stigant, UK head of Cadbury’s parent company Mondelez, said: “At a time when manufacturing in the UK is facing significant challenges, it has never been more vital to secure the long-term competitiveness and sustainability of our business.”

The £15m investment will increase production capacity at Bournville by 30 per cent.

"This investment will continue the modernising of our production processes at Bournville and ensure we are meeting the need for a highly efficient and robust supply infrastructure for our iconic

Cadbury Dairy Milk tablets." [Louise Stigant, UK head of Mondelez]

Andrew Mitchell, Tory MP for Sutton Coldfield, said: “It’s a welcome boost to our local economy at a difficult time – and for the city which invented Cadbury’s chocolate to the delight of millions.”

Trade unions welcomed the move, calling it a “vote of confidence in the UK workforce”.

Unite’s national officer for the food industry Joe Clarke said: “To complete consultations and negotiations to deliver this fantastic investment, even in the midst of the Covid restrictions, is a credit to the trade union representatives, the members and the business.”

Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng described the move as “a sweet piece of news”.


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6c4043  No.12825529

File: c88fe58e475655a⋯.png (269.73 KB, 535x853, 535:853, Screenshot_2021_02_05_U_S_….png)

US, UK and Saudi gearing up!!!!!!!!

Royal #Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF), UK Maritime Component Command (UKMCC) and NAVCENT conducted tri-lateral maritime exercise #NauticalDefender21 in the @US5thFleet

, Jan. 20-29. @RoyalNavy



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6c4043  No.12825538

File: 3f8abaf542c9683⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1903x1962, 1903:1962, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Saud….png)

File: 2171d7b5b31e799⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 4928x3280, 308:205, 210124_N_XG173_1498.JPG)

File: 31323743fac0867⋯.jpg (931.53 KB, 4117x2040, 4117:2040, 210124_N_XG173_1526.JPG)

File: 5e12919d5835f88⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 4928x3280, 308:205, 210124_N_XG173_1553.JPG)

File: 52c879b64e410dd⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 4650x2136, 775:356, 210124_N_XG173_1567.JPG)

Saudi, UK, U.S. Forces Complete Exercise Nautical Defender 21

By U.S. Naval Forces Central Command Public Affairs Office



Feb. 4, 2021 —

NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY BAHRAIN (Jan. 29, 2021) – Forces assigned to the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF), UK Maritime Component Command (UKMCC) and U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) conducted tri-lateral maritime exercise Nautical Defender 21 (ND 21) in the Arabian Gulf, Jan. 20-29.

ND 21 is the capstone in a series of multi-national maritime security exercises designed to broaden levels of cooperation, support long-term regional security, and enhance military-to-military interoperability between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UK and the U.S.

“This was the largest Nautical Defender exercise we’ve participated in thus far with significant contributions by all participants,” said Capt. Christopher Gilbertson, commander of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 50 and Commander, Task Force (CTF) 55, who led the exercise. “With such a large, complex force, we were able to conduct in depth training across a wide variety of skill sets.”

To expand upon existing year-round interoperability training, participating units conducted multiple simulated scenarios, practicing maritime security, coastal harbor defense, counter-unmanned aerial systems, shipboard gunnery, high value unit escort, small arms, diving and mine clearance skills.

The exercise also marked the first time that an air operations in support of maritime surface warfare (AOMSW) drill has been integrated into a named exercise between the three nations, and the seventh time NAVCENT has conducted such a drill with joint and coalition partners.

These drills feature crews aboard various surface platforms, such as destroyers or patrol craft, directing aircraft to conduct fires against simulated fast attack craft attempting to attack coalition forces.

“Our coalition forces are becoming increasingly more flexible and formidable as we involve AOMSW in more and more combined training opportunities,” said Gilbertson.

With a focus on enhancing interoperability across partner nations, ND 21 participants fielded a variety of forces, including a guided-missile destroyer, mine countermeasures ships, patrol craft, maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft, fixed wing fighter aircraft, helicopters, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians, marine platoons, visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) teams and additional supporting staff.

“The increased scale for this iteration of Nautical Defender shows just how profoundly our mutual capabilities are growing as we train alongside regional and coalition partners,” said Vice Adm. Samuel Paparo, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces (CMF). “With steps like this toward sustained interoperability and a long-term goal of interchangeability, we will continue to build a powerful combined force, capable of defending against any threat to freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce in this region’s critical waterways.”

The U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations encompasses about 2.5 million square miles of water area and includes the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean. The expanse is comprised of 20 countries and includes three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal and Strait of Bab al Mandeb at the southern tip of Yemen.

For more news from Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/5th Fleet, visit www.cusnc.navy.mil/


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9851cc  No.12825545

File: 02798a810bb0a98⋯.jpeg (175.38 KB, 750x875, 6:7, 530FBFD4_B15C_4C32_B837_A….jpeg)


Sorry for vid having to link elsewhere. Won't happen again.

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6c4043  No.12825636

File: 15b93d5719a9da1⋯.png (411.8 KB, 544x977, 544:977, Screenshot_2021_02_05_BFBS….png)

We gained ACCESS to @43Commando

, @RoyalMarines

on Ex Serpent Rock in Gibraltar, for our *brand new* episode!

Drones & throwbots

Cliff assaults

Close-quarters battle

Premiering at 4:45pm UKT with @SimonSiThornton

answering your Qs




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6c4043  No.12825647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good video, worth watching

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9851cc  No.12825785

File: 5fc4d5beba09afa⋯.jpeg (257.46 KB, 750x1195, 150:239, D0A2AEC8_8138_44F7_BC5D_2….jpeg)

File: 04aa46ed626f220⋯.jpeg (44.76 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 0B41B1FF_DFA5_4985_97A2_F….jpeg)

File: ea2c772c81f5bea⋯.jpeg (126.58 KB, 710x532, 355:266, 96FEE493_6162_48E6_80A3_5….jpeg)


>The U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations encompasses about 2.5 million square miles of water area and includes the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean. The expanse is comprised of 20 countries and includes three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal and Strait of Bab al Mandeb at the southern tip of Yemen.

Nice opportunity to "take inventory" of all subs in such a large area. 3 Navies conducting an "exercise" will find, but don't necessarily have to tell they located subs. >Shall we test the shill power of observation?

>A little black metal box at a bus stop.

>A pic of a park turned into a place for fun in winter

>The interesting things on maps of where offices are located, and how close they really are in the same city with I believe a mass transit system called the "Tube" has been in operation. Many years, abandoned tunnels. Some Service tunnels not important enough to be carried over on maps.

>Tell me again about the old rumour of a tunnel made for horse-drawn wagons that cut through a "Plague-Pit" and the horses would buck and "a whip need be applied for passage"


see pics for keks

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6c4043  No.12826107

How are these people going to feel that did everything they could to stop an awesome man from stopping this. I see it every day, hatred for him so strong they cannot see what is in front of their eyes, it is so horrible it makes you weep, the burden we have of knowing for so long takes its toll.

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9851cc  No.12826300


2 ways: 1) Oh shit we got caught. Can I be arrested for what I did?

2) Meh, Hey not my fault they lied to us, but that's messed up what they did. But again, that shit ain't on me.

Either way, not as much as "those that know".

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3c8c6a  No.12827697


Links are good anon. Please keep posting. Many boards standing by to receive

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ab21b3  No.12828361

File: 2cfff1ed2a812b3⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1169x727, 1169:727, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons please try to find the following scene via GOOMAPS.


Apparently GooMaps has changed the images of that scene for that partular month/year MAY 2012 by replacement. Interdasting that the GooMap had taken two trips through that area such that an entire set of images has been replaced.

Natch, would appreciate if others can confirm the replacement has indeed occurred. If you can not find the image below, then, somethintg was changed. The next query is how and why and when AND by whom.

It is a view of Northumberland Avenue looking toward Victoria Embankment at the pedestrian crossing featured in Q's London pics. This image appeared in Q 2800 when Q reposted it from an Anon's dig on the location of the security camera that took those pics.


See if you can find those particular vehicles elsewhere on the roads in that area. Perhaps a different month. So far have not found other scenes changed/replaced.

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ab21b3  No.12828375

File: b94385e49a2aa11⋯.png (142.04 KB, 844x395, 844:395, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab21b3  No.12828379

File: 9fbdc0c1676922e⋯.png (344.37 KB, 921x529, 921:529, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab21b3  No.12828414

File: 36658996b4302a8⋯.png (14.26 KB, 462x196, 33:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab21b3  No.12828428

File: 85b8e18733b17b7⋯.png (10.19 KB, 467x149, 467:149, ClipboardImage.png)


Q 1446

Q 1447

Q 2799

Q 2800

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ab21b3  No.12828476

File: 59467af22c8efef⋯.png (495.37 KB, 957x997, 957:997, ClipboardImage.png)



Anons, please replicate this tineye image search.

Note the dates.

Image was posted in FEB 2019.

Today's tineye search found only one match from APR 2019.

Wiped out.

Obviously, twitter copies have been expunged along with the many, many, many censored/disappeared accounts. This one seems have survived. But what about other sites that would have copies of this image? Tiney not looking everywhere? Is this something new, anons, limited searches for tineye? Back in APR 2019 the system searched through about 37 billion images; today almost 46 billion images. What are possible/plausible explanations?

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ab21b3  No.12828584

When it comes to dating the EMBANKMENT pics, we have looked at the surroundings and discovered changes that provide the direct evidential basis for bookends - not after/not before time intervals.

Another track we could now follow, limited by the narrowest bookends we could establish by features in the surroundings, might be to give a go at identifying persons within the frames and, from known whereabouts within the established bookends, narrow further the interval.

For example, on the possibility that JAMES COMEY was the tall man walking with the group on the pedestrian crossing, can we eliminate dates based on his whereabouts?

Well, he was appointed FBI director during a ceremony in Washington on 28 OCT 2013. He was in Omaha, Nebraska during a tour of FBI field offices on 25 FEB 2014 and for a day or so more. He testified at the House Appropriations Committee on 26 MAR 2014. And he testified at the Senate Judiciary Committee on 21 MAY 2014.


That's a start at least.

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ab21b3  No.12828611


Comey atttended a roundtable with reporters at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, on 9 JAN 2014.


Looking for possible trips overseas during winter of 2013/2014.

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ab21b3  No.12828614

File: 478d841caa6e788⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1024x799, 1024:799, ClipboardImage.png)

Came across this old chestnut.


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ab21b3  No.12828637

File: 7886f5c11e3803f⋯.png (33.61 KB, 930x346, 465:173, ClipboardImage.png)

This info was posted some time ago but thot to add it here given using Comey as example of possibly dating pics by speculating on ID of persons within the frames.



Appointed on 4 MAR 2013 and Resigned on

4 SEP 2013.

The brief time on board was prior to his being appointed as FBI DIRECTOR in OCT 2013.

Comey left the Justice Department in 2005 to become general counsel of the Lockheed Martin Corporation, then the largest defense contractor. He later served as general counsel (2010–13) at Bridgewater Associates, then the largest hedge fund.

In June 2013 Pres. Barack Obama officially nominated Comey to head the FBI, replacing the retiring Robert Mueller. Comey was easily confirmed by the Senate, and his 10-year term began on September 4, 2013.

So prolly between the announcement of his nomination and his confirmation COMEY was tied up in DC doing the rounds, JUNE-SEP 2013.


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ab21b3  No.12828682


According to FBI list of his speeches, COMEY was at the following locations.

RSA Cyber Security Conference, San Francisco, California, on 26 FEB 2014.

Anti-Defamation League National Leadership Summit, Washington, D.C. on 28 APR 2014.

New York City Bar Third Annual White-Collar Crime Institute, New York City, New York on 19 MAY 2014.


COMEY was at FBI's New Orleans Field Office on 20 MAR 2014.


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ab21b3  No.12828712


To sum-up the dates that can be eliminated IF Comey was in the EMBANKMENT pics. Should expand this to include the bookends for the WW pics.

09 JAN 2014

25 FEB 2014

26 FEB 2014

20 MAR 2014

26 MAR 2014

28 APR 2014

19 MAY 2014

21 MAY 2014

When Comey began as Director, he started a year-long tour to periodically visit one of the 56 FBI field offices in the USA. Lots of domestic travel. Have yet to find a trip to LONDON UK - or overseas.

Given the above list, which is just starting, could prolly bracket each date by a few days just for travelling across the pond and back, plus time in London doing whatever.

So here is the list again with process of elimination extended based on probablity, not certainty.

09 JAN 2014 Eliminates 8 and 10, prolly.

25 FEB 2014 These two dates eliminate 24 and 27, prolly.

26 FEB 2014

20 MAR 2014 These eliminate 19, 21-25, and 27, prolly.

26 MAR 2014

28 APR 2014 Eliminates 27 and 29 prolly.

19 MAY 2014 These eliminate 18, 20, 22 prolly.

21 MAY 2014

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ab21b3  No.12828739

Taking break from COMEY dig, here are a few items of more up-to-date interest related to him.

FBI feared foreign power was targeting money to Clinton before 2016 campaign, memos show


James Comey and Robert Mueller have Massive Clinton Foundation Problems





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ab21b3  No.12828765

File: 66548eaf1d882b5⋯.png (735.58 KB, 1214x619, 1214:619, ClipboardImage.png)



Q-Whitehall tunnel



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ab21b3  No.12828770

File: 70c806a75d60acc⋯.png (678.13 KB, 1292x601, 1292:601, ClipboardImage.png)

TUNNEL connexion betwixt EMBANKMENT pic scene and the scene of the BLACK BOX pic.

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ab21b3  No.12828961

File: 8160127ec6dd11f⋯.png (3 MB, 1604x2467, 1604:2467, ClipboardImage.png)



Might an anon with privileges at a traditional library gain access to this book?

War Plan UK

By Duncan Campbell

Year: 1983 Pub: Paladin (revised ed.)


Secret civil defence plans stress sealing off roads against refugees, interning protestors and pacifists, and impounding food and fuel supplies.

There will be no rescue and no medical aid for the trapped and dying in the aftermath of a nuclear attack.

Millions will die in nuclear target areas as a direct result of government civil defence policies.

Protection for the 'privileged few' -full details of hundreds of bunkers.

'If all the great trees and much of the brushwood are felled, a forest may not regenerate for centuries. If a sufficient number of the great trees is left, however, if felling is to some extent selective and controlled, recovery is swift. In its way, a nation is like a forest and the aim of war planning is to secure the survival of the great trees' - THE NORTH EAST THAMES REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY WAR PLAN

War Plan UK is the result of more than five years research into the real face of British civil defence. Duncan Campbell reveals the incredible history of how one government after another has planned to protect itself and survive.

See maps of tunnels here

"An unprecedented break in the secrecy surrounding civil defence planning… quotes confidential government documents" - Andrew Wilson THE OBSERVER

"Astonishingly thorough… chilling documentation from official sources.” – Martin Walker, Literary Review

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6c4043  No.12829080


>Might an anon with privileges at a traditional library gain access to this book?



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ab21b3  No.12829128



Q-Whitehall is the name given to a communications facility under Whitehall.

The facility was built in a 12 ft (3.7 m) diameter tunnel during World War II, and extends under Whitehall. A similar facility was constructed in a tunnel that ran parallel to the Aldwych branch of the Piccadilly Line and was known as Trunks Kingsway. The project was known as 'Post Office scheme 2845'.[9] A detailed description, with photographs, was published just after the war in the January 1946 edition of The Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal.

Sites equipped with unusual amounts of GPO/BT telecommunications plant are given a BT site engineering code. This site's code was L/QWHI.

The site provided protected accommodation for the lines and terminal equipment serving the most important government departments, civil and military, to ensure the command and control of the war could continue despite heavy bombing of London.

At the northern end, a tunnel connects to a shaft up to the former Trafalgar Square tube station (now merged with Charing Cross station), and to the BT deep level cable tunnels which were built under much of London during the Cold War. At the southern end, an 8 ft (2.4 m) diameter extension (Scheme 2845A) connects to a shaft under Court 6 of the Treasury Building: this provided the protected route from the Cabinet War Room. This was known as Y-Whitehall. The 8 ft (2.4 m) tunnel was further extended (Scheme 2845B) to the Marsham Street Rotundas. This extension housed the 'Federal' telephone exchange which had a dialling code of 333 from the public network. In the 1980s it housed Horseferry Tandem which provided a unified communications system for all government departments as well as the Palace of Westminster.

Access to the tunnel is gained via an 8 ft (2.4 m) lateral tunnel and a lift shaft in the nearby Whitehall telephone exchange in Craig's Court. A further entrance is via the deep level portion of the Admiralty.

Spur tunnels, 5 ft (1.5 m) in diameter, were built to provide protected cable routes to the major service buildings either side of Whitehall.

The Whitehall tunnels appear to have been extended in the early 1950s. Some official documents refer to a Scheme 3245: this is the only numbered tunnel scheme that has never been officially revealed or located by researchers. Files in the National Archives which may relate to this have been closed for 75 years and will not be opened until the 2020s.

The journalist Duncan Campbell managed to get into the BT deep level cable tunnels below London, and described his adventure in a New Statesman article in 1980. He found a (closed) entrance to Q-Whitehall below Trafalgar Square. He has since put some pictures of this trip on a web site.[10]

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ab21b3  No.12829163



A number of tunnel systems have been constructed under Whitehall, and primary source information about some of them is available.

Post Office deep level tunnels

A dual-purpose network of tunnels was constructed under Whitehall during World War II, serving several key buildings. It provided a route for communications cables secure against bombing, and a walkable route between buildings that could be used by personnel in the event of a gas attack. The Whitehall tunnel is connected underground to both the tube tunnels and the British Telecom cable tunnel network (built after the war) at Trafalgar Square. The network was extended during the early 1950s but details are still scarce. T 219/115 and T 219/116 remain closed for 75 years until 2028 and 2026 respectively.

Post Office scheme 2845

A GPO memorandum (item 1C in AIR 2/4124), which is undated but appears to have been written no later than 15th April 1939, suggested five different options, including a tunnel of 8 ft. diameter for cables only or a tunnel of 12 ft. diameter, “in order to provide not only for cables but to enable Government personnel to reach the tube railway system etc. from the various war rooms which may be constructed under Whitehall.”

Epps writes: (Epps, p. 130 )

The initial scheme, commenced in December, 1939, was a tunnel 12 ft. in diameter and at a depth of about 100 ft., which, intended at the time solely for cable protection, is connected by short lateral tunnels of 5 ft. diameter to the Service Departments and Federal exchange. The latter is a protected exchange in sub-ground accommodation and was provided at the outbreak of war to give an uninterrupted service for the principal officers in Government Departments. Access to the main tunnel for Post Office personnel is provided by an automatic lift and emergency staircase in a shaft at an exchange, which is connected to the main tunnel by an 8 ft. diameter lateral tunnel. The cables from the buildings of the Service Departments, after being taken through 12-in. steel bore tubes connected to the smaller lateral tunnels, are terminated on the Main Distribution Frame in the main tunnel. A portion of this M.D.F. can be discerned in Fig. 5.

It was obvious that the main tunnel would provide absolute security for telephone and telegraph equipment, the first installation of which was accordingly proceeded with and completed in the summer of 1941 to meet the increasing requirements for defence communications. This equipment, which has been added to from time to time, and now provides for about 4,000 working circuits, includes among the many constituent items, 71 18-channel V.F. systems, 26 carrier systems, 12 coaxial cable terminals and 864 audio amplifiers. A small portion of this equipment may be seen in Fig. 6.

Figs. 5 & 6 in this article correspond to GPO negative numbers 12055 and 12056 respectively, held in the BT Archives. From the list of photos, it is evident that the original tunnel scheme referred to above formed, in Post Office idiom, 'Scheme 2845'. From a sketch in CAB 21/2640, we can see that the phrase 'Service Departments' referred to the Admiralty Citadel, War Office and Air Ministry buildings, and that access for Post Office staff was gained via the Whitehall exchange in Craig's Court.

Harbottle notes that one of the deep level tunnels constructed specifically for Post Office use “was used as an underground repeater station for audio, carrier and V.F. telegraph circuits. Before this tunnel had been excavated, a portion of one the platforms at a nearby Underground Railway station was partitioned off and a cross-connecting frame with simple testing facilities was installed in the accommodation provided.”

Moar …

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ab21b3  No.12829169




Post Office schemes 2845A, 2845B and 143A

CAB 80/30/7 contains a letter from the Postmaster General to the Prime Minister, dated 21 August 1941, proposing a 280 ft. long extension from the Whitehall tunnel to the 'War Cabinet Basement', with a lift installed. CAB 79/13/46 contains another GPO memo, dated four days later, which explains that the shaft would be constructed under Court 6 of the building. This is in the north-east part of the building whereas the Cabinet War Rooms were in the western part of it. CAB 21/2640 contains a sketch showing the route from the 'A door' of the CWR to Court 6, which was in the part of the building occupied by the Air Ministry. GPO negative number 12255, in the BT Archives, is a photo of the top of completed Air Ministry lift shaft.

The PMG's letter in CAB 80/30/7 also says, “A lift would also be provided in the Trafalgar Square shaft so that in the event of it being necessary to use this point as an exit, better facilities would be available than the ladders at present fitted.”

Epps continues:

During 1941-42 major extensions of the tunnel, which more than doubled its length, were carried out, affording underground access between various Service Departments and accommodating a teleprinter message centre.

In all, a total of 1 mile 740 yards of tunnel has been constructed under the various schemes associated with the tunnel system and six shafts with passenger lifts provided.

From the list of photos in the BT Archives, these extensions appear to comprise Schemes 2845A, Scheme 2845B (extensions to Air Ministry and Horseferry Road) and Scheme 143A (housing a teleprinter centre in 16 ft. diameter tunnels).

Nancarrow's article on the Defence Teleprinter Network (DTN) (Nancarrow, p. 121) includes two photos showing a teleprinter centre in tunnels that appear to be of the right diameter. Fig. 1 is captioned 'Teleprinter switching centre' and Fig. 2 is captioned 'Teleprinter room associated with switchboard (Fig. 1)'. These photos correspond to BT Archives negative numbers E12862 and E12861 respectively, where they are recorded as being of Trafalgar exchange. Other BT photos (negatives 12493 and 12496) show the same rooms during equipment installation. These are captioned 'Teleprinter switchroom (scheme 143A)' etc.

A note in ADM 1/26961 (which deals with the Admiralty Citadel) dated 1958-09-29 said “At present … the Victoria and Trafalgar exchanges which are housed in and under the Citadel.”

Thus it appears that Trafalgar exchange housed a DTN switching centre and was accommodated in 16 ft. diameter tunnels, constructed as Scheme 143A and located under the Admiralty Citadel.

Post Office scheme 3245

Scheme 3245 appears to have been a new tunnel project which began in 1952 or thereabouts.

A Cabinet Office committee called GEN 379 had been formed to consider how to respond to newspaper stories about another GPO tunnel project in another part of London: scheme 2147, the Kingsway telephone exchange. This committee also considered, at a second meeting, how best to minimise press coverage of scheme 3245, construction of which was about to begin. Minutes of this meeting appear in CAB 21/3999 and CAB 130/71.

The meeting was held on 18th October 1951. It noted that work on the scheme “was due to start shortly”, and that the total number employed ”would be between 400 and 500, with a turnover of, roughly, 10 per cent every six months.”

Also: “Details of the existing network of Post Office tunnels, with which the proposed new tunnels would be linked, had been published, together with explanatory diagrams, soon after the war. It would therefore be possible to guess with some degree of accuracy at the probable direction of the new tunnels, even though they would not run direct from a point marked A to a point marked B. But the information which it was most important to safeguard was the use to which some portions of these tunnels would be put, and this would not become obvious until the equipment engineers got to work. If all the workmen were vetted, a known Communist, for instance, might be prevented from working on the site; on the other hand any astute journalist had only to ask one or two different questions of several workmen to be able to learn enough to piece together a fairly accurate picture of the tunnelling system.”

The minutes also recorded that, “About one third of the new tunnel system would contain Post Office equipment and this would, of course, lend authenticity to the official version of the purpose of the tunnels”, and that, “The Ministry of Works would, however, need to put out a statement at some future date explaining that an alternative site for the Trooping of the Colour ceremony had been authorised by His Majesty the King.”

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ab21b3  No.12829185


Post Office Cables in Tube Tunnels: Emergency Services


Finding number TCB 2/404

Level File

Date 1937-1944

Extent 2 folders

Description Papers relating to requirements for cables to interconnect all interception exchanges and the War Rooms of the Defence Departments via the Whitehall Tunnel and the Tube railways, January 1939 - December 1945, including correspondence with the London Passenger Transport Board, drawings of the proposed distribution frame for Trafalgar Square Station, memoranda and notes on expenditure and estimates, notes on the provision of equipment to enable a skeleton telephone service to be provided if the London Trunk Exchange was put out of action, notes on difficulties of installing cables in tube tunnels, correspondence relating to authorisation of the work, progress reports, investigations into more secure routes for services out of London, a drawing showing Post Office cables at deep level in London (1943), and notes on the routine inspection of cables. There are 49 parts to these folders together with an index to the files.

Former file reference P667/1967

Physical Description Loose pages and drawings

Format Manuscript


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063fa8  No.12829401

File: 285b52986be12fa⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1207x925, 1207:925, Opera_Snapshot_2021_02_05_….png)


You might also want to look into Bazalgette's Embankment system & if that links in.


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6c4043  No.12829673

File: 37fa01d09d175dd⋯.png (596.34 KB, 656x833, 656:833, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Scen….png)

Scent of a Rothschild: Baroness Ariane’s life in fragrance

Shortly before her beloved husband Benjamin’s untimely death in January, aged 57, Baroness de Rothschild spoke to Tatler about the family’s long-running influence in the worlds of wine, horticulture, music, politics, palaces, glittering parties – and now fragrance

Baroness Ariane de Rothschild may not have been born into the world’s most famous banking dynasty, but ever since she married into this great family, she has certainly made her mark on it. She is the president of the French branch of the family’s Edmond de Rothschild private bank, and asset manager and chair of its foundations and heritage brand, overseeing everything from vineyards and grand properties to the opening of its new Four Seasons in Megève. Lady of the manor (the whopping Château de Pregny on Lake Geneva) she is not. ‘I’ve always struggled to say exactly what I do. “Are you a banker? A baroness and housewife?”’ she ponders, over a video call from her office in Paris. ‘I dislike boxes. Banking is 70 per cent of my time, the rest is the rest. I like to have an elastic brain.’

Not to mention an impeccable nose. Her latest venture is purely sensory: perfume. In 2018, Ariane decided to buy and revamp the 117-year-old perfume house of Caron, which is what the French call a belle dormante, or sleeping beauty – a dusty heritage brand that is cherished by one generation, but disparaged by the next. The Caron store on Rue de la Paix was a destination, known for its Baccarat-crystal fountains flowing with pioneering scents designed for the bold 20th-century woman. A bottle of Caron’s Narcisse Noir was famously cradled in the hands of Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, while N’Aimez Que Moi was a favourite parting gift from soldiers to their lovers. Ariane and Caron’s ‘nose’, Jean Jacques, are now launching a new men’s fragrance, Aimez-Moi Comme Je Suis, and refreshing other house classics. ‘A lot of my work is legacy transformation, passing the baton,’ she says. ‘I make it work and pass it to my daughters. If you keep legacy as it is and think it will continue, it’s not going to work.’

Most billionaire wives do not dirty their hands with corporate life, but Ariane seems to relish it. ‘It is an anomaly,’ she acknowledges. It would have been easy for her to enjoy the sweet life and the glitzy social circuit of philanthropy when she married the late Benjamin de Rothschild in 1999. ‘He said to me, “At the end of the day, I am the smartest of them all, because I married a woman who is doing the job for me,”’ she laughs. ‘My husband was a peculiar person, otherwise it wouldn’t have worked. He was original – fascinated by cars and speed and racing. He had an interior richness that goes way beyond what the family is about.’

When we speak, she’s bare-faced and dressed in a simple button-down shirt (although she is wearing Caron perfume, she tells me), and has been going into the office throughout ‘le confinement’. Born in El Salvador and raised in Colombia, Bangladesh and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then Zaire), Ariane Langner was a young trader working in New York when she met Benjamin, who sent a dozen red roses to her desk early on in their courtship. ‘I had a very different life to the traditional European one,’ she says of her peripatetic upbringing, during which, she adds, she spent every Saturday on the hunt for perfumes in local markets. ‘My parents gave us no concept of social class. I didn’t have this preconceived idea of what this family was.’

Ariane and Benjamin had four daughters, now between the ages of 18 and 25. Ariane took a few years off work to raise them before diving back into the world of business, travelling every other day and stepping into her husband’s shoes as president of the bank. It goes without saying that she wouldn’t have been able to do it without her army of staff. ‘I always said to the schools, “If my daughters have acceptable grades, don’t call me. Why do you have to keep calling?” It’s probably the category I resent most: schools judging hard-working mothers. You are struggling, trying to juggle your kids with your work and your husband. Their expectation of motherhood is not the same as mine.’

Moar at sauce…


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6c4043  No.12829684

File: a3f2f86e5f38514⋯.png (762.45 KB, 1302x784, 93:56, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Prof….png)

Professing Faith: How the Rothschild family became a target for conspiracy theorists

The recent publication of a remarkably anti-Semitic Facebook post by a woman who is now an elected member of the U.S. House of Representatives came as something of a surprise to many people.

In 2018, Marjorie Taylor Green, R-Georgia, published a statement blaming the California wildfires on a collusion of various prominent Jews, including the famous Rothschild family, whom she said were in control of a space laser and ignited the blazes from orbit. Among those cited by the congresswoman-to-be was Roger H. Kimmel, a director at PG&E, who also serves as a vice president at Rothschild Inc., the well-known banking firm. One can only respond to this kind of accusation with a loud, “huh?”

The Rothschild family has long been the target of conspiracy charges that go back about two centuries. They have been accused of bankrolling the Nazis, orchestrating the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the 9/11 attacks, involvement with the killings of Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy, starting wars to profit their banks, founding Israel and the Islamic State, and most recently Washington, D.C., Councilman Trayon White Sr. accused the family of trying to control the weather, in order to “create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities.” The councilman has also been taped saying the Rothschilds are in charge of the World Bank and the federal government. In 2010, Louis Farrakhan, the head of the Nation of Islam, declared “The Federal Reserve is a group of Jewish and gentile bankers that took over the printing of your money. It’s not U.S.-government owned, it’s a family of Jewish and gentile international bankers, the head of whom is the Rothschild family.”

But from where comes this hatred of a highly successful banking family?

The Rothschild financial empire dates from the career of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who lived from 1744-1812. Mayer was originally a merchant of collectable coins, who got a second job in a bank. Through his status as a Jewish banker, he attracted the attention of the Landgrave, William IX of Hesse-Kessel in what was then the Holy Roman Empire, now modern Germany. Because Christians could not loan money, many nobles hired a “Court Jew” to handle their financial transactions. Apparently, Mayer was very good at investing and soon had other ruling families hiring him for help. Doubtless the knowledge of what the king was going to invest in was extremely useful knowledge and Mayer was sufficiently successful that he opened a bank of his own in Frankfurt.

Moar @ sauce:


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6c4043  No.12829709

Something tells me this will be their last award!

Hedging adviser of the year: Rothschild Risk Awards 2021

restructuring effort helped Arqiva to slash its derivatives exposures by 40%

By any measure, restructuring the UK telecoms firm Arqiva’s £1.3 billion derivatives portfolio was a gargantuan task. The Covid-19 pandemic made it immensely more difficult. In the middle of a global lockdown, Rothschild slashed the eye-wateringly complex book of interwoven swap trades by 40% – a “really good job”, according to the client. Another project saw the firm restructure £4 billion of debt and related hedges following the £11 billion merger between betting firms Flutter Entertainment and the Stars Group. The client says hiring Rothschild was “money very well spent”. Nor did the pandemic deter Rothschild from steering clients through another pressing concern: benchmark transition. With most Libor rates set to be discontinued at the end of 2021, firms with cash and derivatives products linked to the benchmarks face major uncertainty. Here, Rothschild worked with Southern Water to switch ultra-long Libor exposure on inflation swaps to the sterling successor rate, Sonia. Not just a future-proofing activity, the switch helped unlock £140 million of cash for the client while also providing a ratings cushion.

Glen Manning, Rothschild’s head of hedging and derivatives for global advisory, had no qualms about taking on such complex assignments in the midst of a pandemic. Time and again, the firm stepped up to the challenge, guiding clients with perplexing problems through the eye of the storm with impressive results.

Moar @sauce:


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6c4043  No.12829798

File: a209d04a5fbf677⋯.png (37.69 KB, 769x510, 769:510, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Shou….png)

File: 46b1b2d552d0da0⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1903x7347, 1903:7347, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Mana….jpg)

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File: 13cf01aed5f5ee3⋯.png (97.11 KB, 1903x938, 1903:938, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Blue….png)

This link https://www.compsmag.com/news/hacking/should-governments-hack-cybercrime-cartels/ features this line: Accordingly, many governments are looking for better “law enforcement and policy solutions,” said Robert Hannigan, president of cybersecurity services provider BlueVoyant International.

Taking a look at this company, the logo has a triangle with a circle in it. So traitor Hannigan is part of this mob and also at Bletchley Park.


Hannigan is still linked to Crowstrike, This company is also a link with Google and Microsoft. The other companies are worth digging into

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000000  No.12829894

Hey lads, ladies and gentlemen

Come post on









We're a community of british truth seekers and we love the work of Q and patriots across the world. we need some more posts so feel free to pop in and say hello!

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6c4043  No.12830783

File: 6fb07f80a86a6f3⋯.png (472.56 KB, 598x818, 299:409, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Swan….png)

Evil Hillary Clinton connection to Wales, not just that, with Education as well.

Remember that Supreme Court Justice Roberts trafficked children from Wales with Jeffery Epstein

I think we may be getting warm

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6c4043  No.12831010

File: c66e0eabcf10a1c⋯.png (215.92 KB, 598x513, 598:513, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Swan….png)

File: 31987df9b368f2a⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1903x3132, 1903:3132, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Sara….jpg)

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Sara Pan Algarra

The video on her showreel on Vimeo shows some sinister type of NWO performances, You can see why Hillary is interested in her.

From Swansea Uni:

Sara's recent research includes:

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador, evaluating patterns of return migration through a qualitative study.

The transition to online teaching and learning in Ecuador, due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

How the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Climate Crisis and COVID-19 pandemic may require updates on public policy curriculums in Asia.

Her previous research includes:

Assessing Motivators and Barriers to Intercollegiate Sports among Women Athletes: The UAE Case (2018), Co-Author.

Music Concerts: Cultural Consumption among NYUAD Students in Abu Dhabi and Dubai (2019), Author.

Female Sexual Violence and jus post bellum in the Rwandan Genocide (2017), Author.

Sara's ongoing research, as part of the MA in Global Challenges, with UNICEF UK, covers:

The Gendered Impacts of Climate Displacement on Access to Education: how, why, and in what ways girls’ education is challenged by climate displacement.


From Vimeo:

Sara is a Senior pursuing a double degree in Theater and Social Research & Public Policy with a specialization in Political Science at New York University Abu Dhabi. She has implemented five programs on arts and sports education for social transformation in three countries. Her professional experiences in Venezuela, Canada, Lebanon, India, Italy, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates have developed in her skills in research, project management, facilitation, theatre, and conflict resolution. She has training in local youth governance, arts and sports education, social science research, and project design and implementation.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” This is her passion: service through education and the arts. Sara lives with an awareness of her responsibility for giving something to our world to make it a better place.


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6c4043  No.12831102

File: af184875bbfa905⋯.png (207.06 KB, 598x466, 299:233, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Swan….png)

File: 302b9f19867239e⋯.jpg (937.5 KB, 1903x2294, 1903:2294, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Dan_….jpg)

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Dan Anlezark

Another new deep state satainst in our midst. The education system is making these at a rate of knots.


Areas of Expertise

Dan will focus on the human rights and technology aspect of the Global Challenges Program, applying his experiences with leveraging open source information to identify, verify and report on alleged violations of international human rights law in armed conflict settings. Dan is passionate about accountability and intends to use his time as a Global Challenges Scholar to formalize his professional practice into a research output for the collective benefit of human rights investigators, researchers and activists.

Dan will specifically be researching best practice approaches on applying an open source investigative lens to the analysis of witness, victim and survivor testimony. Through this process, Daniel hopes to establish methods to establish credibility, increase veracity and present the written or spoken experiences of witnesses, victims and survivors into a visual analysis.


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6c4043  No.12831133

File: e1915f3a97fde4c⋯.png (212.65 KB, 598x466, 299:233, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Swan….png)

File: 74c7fae6fbb72ed⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1903x2875, 1903:2875, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Augu….jpg)

File: eafdf2a362794f1⋯.png (975.05 KB, 1903x4603, 1903:4603, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Augu….png)

File: cd8bc799ea246bd⋯.png (149.83 KB, 1920x938, 960:469, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Augu….png)

August Dichter


August Dichter - Global Challenges Scholar

Born in the birthplace of American Democracy, August Dichter comes from Philadelphia, PA, a product of educator parents who believe in the value of using education and art to change the world. His interest in politics started while learning and laughing along to the satirical news shows of the early 2000s. Through comedy, he was able to learn about complicated political topics, such as campaign finance reform and gerrymandering. In his undergraduate studies his focus turned to understanding the media’s ability to critique and create strategic narratives. An underlying passion of August’s through his studies has been media freedom and freedom of speech.

Educational and Career Background

In 2019, August graduated from Eckerd College, receiving the Murphy-Rackow Award in recognition of outstanding performance in Political Science. His undergraduate thesis focused on the ways in which strategic narratives shape how individuals consume political information. His findings from the study were featured on NPR’s ​On Point, ​and​​ presented at the National Political Science Honor Society conference in Washington, DC.

Outside of the classroom, August has explored how media channels communicate political messaging. Some of these experiences include creating a satirical newspaper, interning in late night TV at Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, and working as a writer’s assistant at Crooked Media, a podcast company run by former President Barack Obama’s communication team. ­

Areas of Expertise

During his placement for this program, August will be researching the life of the Digital Services Act, the legislation that aims to further democratise the internet in the EU. He hopes it will give him a framework and insight into global leadership and policy in the war on disinformation, which threatens to undermine democratic institutions. August's areas of expertise include satirical news and media production

Ambitions and Hopes for the Future

"My hope for the future is that I can influence policy and create educational content for public broadcasting aimed at combating misinformation and disinformation.

Other things I want to do along the way inlcude: creating a national educational curriculum which more accurately depicts the dark realities of US history so we can be better prepared for our challenges ahead, and helping media freedom around the world in some way."


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6c4043  No.12831179

File: 896d30c5869c574⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1903x8187, 1903:8187, Screenshot_2021_02_05_83_F….png)

File: 857edd7d4b4074c⋯.png (111.85 KB, 1920x938, 960:469, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Feli….png)

Felicity Mulford


Felicity Mulford - Global Challenges Scholar

Felicity Mulford grew up near the beautiful city of Oxford. She loves to travel, experience other cultures and be busy! With a jam packed schedule, Felicity ensures each day is lived to the fullest.

Becoming a student at Swansea University and living in Swansea fills Felicity with joy, as it is where her Welsh Grandfather spent his childhood. She is enjoying retracing his steps!

Although the pandemic means the course has begun online, Felicity is excited to collaborate with, and learn from, her fellow scholars. As the only British scholar, she cannot wait (covid permitting) to have the scholars and team over for a (not so) traditional Vegan Sunday Roast.

Educational and Career Background

Felicity graduated from the University of Leeds with a First Class Honours in BA Human Geography, followed by a Distinction in MA International Relations. She obtained awards for being the most ‘meritorious female student’ in the School of Geography, as well as the ‘Best Dissertation’ in the School of International Relations.

Felicity has worked with numerous NGOs, in the UK, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Swaziland and Greece. The projects have varied from providing support at an HIV/AIDs daycentre, to education, overseas community engagement research, construction, conservation, marketing and events support, assisting at a pre-school, organising clothing & commodity distributions for refugees, and working with survivors of genocide in a refugee camp.

During her time at Leeds, Felicity did venture out of the library. She was Social Secretary of the University’s Snowsports Society, the manager of a popular student event, and the Brand Representative for an events platform. Since being repatriated from a remote Filipino Island at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Felicity has worked (remotely) in Marketing for two Oxford University Spin Out Artificial Intelligence companies.

All of these experiences have contributed to Felicity’s determination to be part of a sustainable global movement, to reduce global inequalities and to work towards the protection and fulfillment of Human Rights.

Areas of Expertise

Although Felicity is interested in the broad spectrum of Global Challenges that we face, her previous research has focussed on the impact of conflict and mass atrocity crimes on human rights.

During her Undergraduate Degree she specialised in Migration, Asylum and Political Geographies, ultimately undertaking a dissertation on the portrayal of Syrian Refugees in the British Press. The notions of criminality and illegality permeate through the media, contributing to hostile domestic policies and the disregard of asylum seekers’ human rights. This research inspired Felicity to travel to Greece to work in a refugee camp with Yazidi’s, a minority group who were persecuted by ISIS.

Following this, Felicity’s Masters Degree allowed her to explore academia on Conflict, Complex Emergencies and Global Justice. Her experiences at the refugee camp had honed her interests in the prevention of mass atrocity crimes; thus, for her dissertation Felicity focussed on the ongoing conflict in Yemen and the role of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ norm in the prevention of atrocity crimes.

Felicity’s research on Yemen opened her eyes to the extent of Yemeni suffering. As well as numerous mass atrocity crimes, the conflict has caused the breakdown of public services, and obstruction of aid has contributed to mass starvation. During the Global Challenges programme, Felicity will continue to research these issues by working with Global Rights Compliance on their ‘Starvation Accountability’ Project, in collaboration with the World Peace Foundation.

Ambitions and Hopes for the Future

"I have many hopes for the future. I hope to build my practical experience so that I can help to deliver effective policies which have a real, and meaningful, impact on people’s lives.

The Covid-19 pandemic has proved to us that the Global Challenges we face today can be worsened by an invisible factor. Covid-19 is exacerbating global inequalities at an alarming rate, reversing the hard work of many individuals and organisations around the world. I really hope that we can get the pandemic under control, so that the important work can continue, lives can be improved, human rights fulfilled, opportunities expanded and the climate protected.

Covid-19 has shown how interconnected our world is. We are one world facing many problems; thus, I believe that we should remind ourselves of our common humanity and work together to solve these pressing issues. I am prepared to dedicate my life to this challenge."


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6c4043  No.12831185

File: 4903e957bf23a04⋯.png (199.87 KB, 598x466, 299:233, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Swan….png)

File: 6916e26c0a244f2⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1903x3734, 1903:3734, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Feli….jpg)

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6c4043  No.12831233

File: 63ccb4a9daf63b2⋯.png (197.88 KB, 598x491, 598:491, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Swan….png)

File: 9947ff8995306dd⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1903x4015, 173:365, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Abbi….jpg)

File: 4eb13ff6f0b16f1⋯.png (744.33 KB, 1903x6485, 1903:6485, Screenshot_2021_02_05_83_A….png)

File: 1adc15c06cc3564⋯.png (139.88 KB, 1920x938, 960:469, Screenshot_2021_02_05_Abbi….png)

Abbiba Princewill


Abbiba Ivy Princewill - Global Challenges Scholar

Abbiba Ivy Princewill is a qualified lawyer from Nigeria and an African Liberty Writing fellow for 2020/2021, one of 35 competitively selected fellows from Africa. She is a 2020 UN Women Nigeria Young Aspiring leader, one of 25 young Nigerian female leaders selected by UN women to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action.

She is passionate about children's rights, gender equality, and essay writing. Abbiba will be working with the Children’s Legal Centre of Wales for the Global Challenges research placement project.

Educational and Career Background

Abbiba graduated from King's College London in 2014 with an Upper Second Class Honors in Law. Upon graduation, she moved to the US, where she obtained an LLM in Securities Regulation from the University of California, Los Angeles. Subsequently, she was awarded an LPC from City University London. In 2016, she moved to Nigeria and worked as a legal associate at Opeyemi Bamidele & Associates and taught English at the Junior Secondary School, Jabi, Abuja for her mandatory National Youth Service year. Abbiba enjoyed her teaching experience, and it was during this time she became interested in children's rights, particularly the right to education for children.

After attending the Nigerian Law School, Abbiba was admitted into the Nigerian Bar in 2019. She then became a volunteer for L'Osservatorio – the research center on the impact of conflict on civilian victims, and an Ambassador for the World Literacy Foundation, an organisation dedicated to eradicating illiteracy across the world.

These experiences further strengthened her interest in children's rights and gender equality, as she observed the disproportionate impact of conflict and illiteracy on women and girls, in particular.

In November 2020, Abbiba attended the official launch of the UN's Generation Equality campaign. In December 2020, she presented her poem, "We Say No" at the African Women Leaders Network (Nigerian chapter) and UN Women’s Intergenerational Dialogue on advocacy for accelerated action on violence against women and girls in Nigeria.

Areas of Expertise

Since commencing the Global Challenges programme, Abbiba has been researching the legal framework for educational services for children with special educational needs. This is part of her placement with the Children's Legal Centre in Wales. Her research involves examining international human rights obligations, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Then she will critically analyze the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 and determine how effective the legislation is in respecting, protecting, and fulfilling the right to education for children with special needs.

Ambitions and Hopes for the Future

“My ambition for the future is to work towards a doctorate in the field of children's rights, and to work for an international organisation to promote children's rights and gender equality globally.

I hope to gain research, policy, and advocacy skills from the Global Challenges programme to become a voice and a change agent in children's rights and gender equality in Africa and globally.”


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6c4043  No.12831261



Who is behind this? You do realise you that Jim Watkins owns the brand 8chan dont you? I doubt he will be very happy!

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4746b2  No.12831973

File: 3c8fb7fa65ef46e⋯.png (155.75 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 4bg2hb.png)

File: ef38b5c517c5224⋯.png (113.6 KB, 671x447, 671:447, 4bg2u4.png)

File: 1d53d97e74d839c⋯.png (230.35 KB, 557x320, 557:320, MAGAmeseeyeyeyeye.png)



REQUEST for you…….fuck off and kill yourself!

At least Pratt is ocasionally entertaining, you're just a monotonous, exceptionally boring cunt!

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6c4043  No.12832144

File: 0f11e8c610e2dd6⋯.png (113.06 KB, 598x811, 598:811, Screenshot_2021_02_05_NSA_….png)

File: 8bf95f608afac29⋯.png (33.88 KB, 858x900, 143:150, 2022.png)

I think this is one of the first positives that we have seen about NSA and GCHQ working together, As you know, Q termiated GCHQ Budes main frequency bands several years ago

This is nice to see, but @BakesCorp is not ready to stop trolling GCHQ until we know for sure that things have been fixed there. TRANSPARENCY


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9851cc  No.12833356

File: 599e9b8eb2e3a30⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 640x350, 64:35, E678A3B4_BCA6_4388_8BE5_B6….gif)

File: bfe7901e3c5d8d4⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 142x240, 71:120, 0AAD8BB5_0565_4F6E_A784_4….jpeg)


So you know that eliminates MARCH entirely, IF considering anything close to a Full toward Waning Moon.

I had thought we were looking strongly at MARCH due to signage. After St. Patrick's Day.

btw I am reminded- did TIDE TIMES get posted for FEBRUARY and MARCH for future reference?

If not, say the word and it shall be done.

Who wears light coloured trousers a day before Spring? No red-blooded, ginger-haired Royal I can assure you.

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9851cc  No.12833652


What if it is No Name we are to look at in front of CORINTHIA HOTEL?

What if it is Meghan Markle at WW with a boyfriend. Before "meeting" Harry.

The "couple picture" at WW, the woman's nose seems doctored to hide the nose. Looks odd. Hairline is good for Meghan but not a match for Lisa Page's very low hairline. CH pic reminds of Harry and NoName. Evening pedestrian couple reminds of Harry and Meghan.

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3c8c6a  No.12833657


Social media, anybody you talk to in the market. Spread the word. Bureaucrats without clues are running the show, not people with any medical knowledge.

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d2b6ab  No.12833692

File: 3eacb6d65200528⋯.png (142.28 KB, 503x241, 503:241, Wjilliam_Casy_quote_we_kno….png)


>As a Hod carrier


>Job and knock today

You be careful with that bad back of yours.


>Fuck Tom and the horse he rode in on

Poor old Tom was the one getting rode by da gubmint convid propaganda machine. The auld guy probably died from exhaustion from the many marathons they had him running…to add insult to the injury they said he died from convid!

you couldn't make this shit up….oh wait…they did.

I said to my mate, his boggly-eyed(ness) the Grand Chieftan of the Guinnea-pigs right at the start of the plandemic, that if the government said, live on air, that eating a mouldy 3 week old dog turd was the only cure for co(n)vid 19, some of those still asleep and believing this shite would watch for the neighbours taking their dogs for a walk and follow them with a wee bag, ready to scoop it up and gobble it all up. Some of these dummies would fight each other in the street over dog poop and rob little girls and old ladies for droppings. That's the level of stupidity of the average citizen these days.

For slightly more than 40 years I've been the conspiracy theorist, for nothing more than trying to point out that there was a plan to reduce the population and chip/mark the remainder. That the vatican was the house of satan and not the house of god as they'd have you believe; which even a cursory look at their history would reveal. I remember watching the Wogan show when David Icke appeared on it and my mates all slagging me off and telling me they'd found me a new mate. In 1991 I was 25 and had been telling anyone who would listen (pretty much nobody) that man had never been on the moon and the world was run by satanists, for around 13 years; or from the age of about 12. I remember the first time I saw tv footage of the moon landing and my first thought was, "if that's the first time they ever landed on the fucking moon, who the fuck was filming it?"

I call it primary school logic, primarily because all I have is a primary school education. I got the belt one day in school - I got the belt nearly every day in school in reality - after the teacher gave us a formula and told us to use it to answer questions, I asked for an explanation of what the formula was/how it worked and was told to shut up and get on with the exercise…I hate it when people try to shut me up ;), anyway the fucker belted me because of his own inadequacy, he didn't have an answer for me, prick.

That's my problem I'm told, I ask too many questions! Personally I don't think I ask enough, I know the majority of people don't ask enough questions, unless it has to do with material things or cost.

"scientific materialism" I recall one polymath call it (many times).

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e2820a  No.12834075

File: cb491b0d038c9da⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 772x960, 193:240, cb491b0d038c9da116175ca938….jpg)

BoJo Sec Ops

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c1d769  No.12838961

File: d562d6dedd0741d⋯.jpeg (197.53 KB, 1920x816, 40:17, 143EBC44_38B5_45CF_8D9E_B….jpeg)


So Harry has jumped ship. I think its clear Megan is his new handler, but is she CIA black-hat or a White-hat?

Personally I think she is a Clown operated sex bot. Think Austin Powers.

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cbc798  No.12839272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c1d769  No.12839402


When they make these statements without offering any evidence and you can look around you and see for yourself they are wrong, you must conclude these people are either:

1. Deliberately trying to deceive you for increased views.

2. Are totally stupid and believe everything they see/read without checking first.

They are just reading off what we all know is likely to happen, and trying to claim they are the people with their finger on the pulse and the first to know.

They don’t have any evidence, just like I or you don’t

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d4f20c  No.12840667

File: eb565f57268380f⋯.gif (6.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, A5F90BCA_6CBE_45C0_A88F_D8….gif)

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4f8ae5  No.12841075

Oh dear me. Have just received an email from Boris, encouraging me to apply for a postal vote……

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3c8c6a  No.12842641

Originally midnightriders #248 >>53613

Absolute Proof Documentary with Mike Lindell

Repost from yesterday. All links just checked and good.









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b9cb5e  No.12844155

Do not rollout Covid-19 vaccine passports - petition


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6c4043  No.12844172

File: f8fa7fcd704ff29⋯.png (321.2 KB, 685x855, 137:171, Screenshot_2021_02_06_Harr….png)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle held secret summit with top Democrat in run-up to US election

PRINCE Harry and Meghan risked a new row by holding a secret meeting with a top US Democrat in the run-up to the American election, it has emerged.

The California-based pair spent an hour chatting to the influential Governor of the state, Gavin Newsom.

Their video link-up came shortly after they were widely criticised for wading into the presidential election debate.

The virtual meeting happened while Governor Newsom was under pressure to replace California Senator Kamala Harris — who went on to become the new Vice President — with another black woman.

A memo seen by The Sun on Sunday reveals Meghan, 39, and Harry, 36, had the conference with Newsom, 54, once widely tipped to be a White House frontrunner, on October 19 last year — two weeks before the election.

His office refused to reveal what was discussed in their chat. It was listed as an “introductory meeting”.

A spokesman said: “We do not comment on the content of meetings between the Governor and private parties or his staff.”

It came weeks after Meg described the battle between Donald Trump and Joe Biden as “the most important election of our lifetime”.

She added: “When we vote, our values are put into action and our voices are heard.

"Your voice is a reminder that you matter. Because you do. And you deserve to be heard.”

In the same interview, Harry raised royal eyebrows by saying: “As we approach this November, it’s vital we reject hate speech, misinformation and online negativity.”

The meeting came as reports in America claimed Governor Newsom was being urged to find a black woman to replace Harris as her departure left no women of colour in the Senate.

He eventually chose Mexican immigrants’ son Alex Padilla as the state’s first Hispanic senator.

It has long been rumoured Meghan wants a career in politics, with some suggesting she has even set her sights on being President.


Members of the Royal Family are supposed to remain politically neutral but Harry and Meghan have stepped down as senior royals to find a “progressive role” in the US.

Their comments were widely regarded as an attack on then-President Trump.

At the time, it was reported that Buckingham Palace aides warned that the pair were close to “crossing a line”.

Under Megxit terms struck 12 months ago, the pair pledged that “everything they do will continue to uphold ­values of Her Majesty”.

Mr Trump responded to Meghan’s comments by saying: “I’m not a fan of hers. I wish a lot of luck to Harry, because he’s going to need it.”

Meghan had also revealed she had been cold-calling Americans to encourage them to vote.

She became the first member of the Royal Family to vote in a major election after casting a postal ballot in November’s US presidential election.

In a TV appearance in 2016, Meghan branded Trump “misogynistic”.

She revealed she supported his beaten Democrat rival Hilary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Mr Biden is expected to meet the Queen for the first time since becoming US President when he visits Britain for the G7 summit in June.

A spokesman for Harry and Meghan declined to comment.


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e22b9e  No.12844205

Do not rollout Covid-19 vaccine passports - petition


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d7bff9  No.12845045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UK Column 5 February 2021

00:23 - Vaccine Data Farm

02:45 - Pick 'n' Mix vaccines

06:12 - What Is the Vaccine Mortality Rate?

15:54 - Iran Takes an Independent Stand

21:57 - Surge Testing Ramps Up

24:38 - Lockdowns Criticism Is Antisemitic

29:11 - Political Public Health Censorship

37:45 - Greta Thunberg Backlash

41:15 - Corporate Separatism

46:36 - U.S. Foreign Policy

49:22 - British Upset About Navalny

55:06 - Vaccines The Key To Perpetual Lockdowns and Demonising The Unvaccinated

59:00 - Economic Lockdown Carnage

01:04:43 - French Curfew Not Going Down Well

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d4f20c  No.12845182

File: 8fa66240308b8f6⋯.jpeg (110.97 KB, 750x1203, 250:401, 97F259CB_2B3E_433D_BAFD_E….jpeg)

File: aabca7dadb06c51⋯.jpeg (278.65 KB, 739x1301, 739:1301, E4F32D0D_808F_452C_BD4E_D….jpeg)


She had just ended one of her marriages in August 2013. Was she a cougar on the prowl in December 2013? Maybe at WW?

She has a kind of ski-jump nose (like Bob Hope had). Now look at the woman at WW2013. Her hairline is a match. Lisa Page's hairline too low with a widow's peak.

If you really zoom in on the woman's nose she def has a long nose. Almost looks like someone has played with a few pixels of the image to hide it. Can't guess who her date is at WW, but she could be Embankment girl and with Harry in Spring 2014. "UK has problems."

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ab21b3  No.12845576


Fren, let us use the process of elimination and determine the whereabouts of No Name duing the winter of 2013/2014. Perhaps by cross referencing some of the 'suspects' we'd find a way to date the pics independent of other ways we have used so far. If there are alignments between our previous results and new results, found through a different path, then, we will really have something.

So, Comey.

No Name.


We can start there but the list is whatever we think is viable. For example, let us add PappaD and Carter. Let us add certain other candidates for the 2016 presidential race.

I believe that certain individuals will almost certainly be eliminated from the London Pics. For instance, Comey is fairly nearly eliminated but that dig continues.

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ab21b3  No.12845585

>>12833652 .

Fren, let us use the process of elimination and determine the whereabouts of No Name duing the winter of 2013/2014. Perhaps by cross referencing some of the 'suspects' we'd find a way to date the pics independent of other ways we have used so far. If there are alignments between our previous results and new results, found through a different path, then, we will really have something.

So, Comey.

No Name.


We can start there but the list is whatever we think is viable. For example, let us add PappaD and Carter. Let us add certain other candidates for the 2016 presidential race.

I believe that certain individuals will almost certainly be eliminated from the London Pics. For instance, Comey is fairly nearly eliminated but that dig continues.

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ab21b3  No.12845767

File: 704f3dd4d3f6c6c⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1685x1325, 337:265, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4f20c  No.12847052


>I believe that certain individuals will almost certainly be eliminated from the London Pics. For instance, Comey is fairly nearly eliminated but that dig continues.

Dear Fren, I sincerely appreciate your hard work on Comey's whereabouts. Your posts are detailed, with much info. It is for that reason sometimes I only think of things to add or ask a day or days later. I was just going to say, but you beat me to it, that suspecting, and I admit that even in my above posts, that someone appears in a picture should not eliminate DATES, but rather WHERE AND WHEN persons were elsewhere should eliminate them from the "PICTURE". Was going to say you did a good job eliminating Comey from London EMBANKMENT pics. imho

Let's continue this tack. Cheers Fren.

ps I see you may be having same difficulty as this anon with hanging posts and retrying to post them. Nice to see it's not just me.

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d4f20c  No.12847447


Some breads back I mentioned that I thought that might be a lady in the CORINTHIA HOTEL pic but I thought you corrected me, saying you believed it was a gent with light coloured trousers. Being a humble phonefag, I often defer to you anons who have large screens with no doubt really good resolutions. Kek, sometimes when I look at that pic I can almost even see someone dressed like Angus Young from AC/DC in short pants school uniform and socks. Almost even make out a backpack on that person.

So you think it could be ginger lass?

The "scarf" you mentioned, is almost worn as a mask. To be discreet?

I will also add just for reference that pics of Harry in 2013 show him with no beard.

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d4f20c  No.12847494

File: 12aa666a79c2ff5⋯.jpeg (122.98 KB, 737x1145, 737:1145, 3985A6B0_9986_41AD_B81A_3….jpeg)

Miscellaneous but submitted for Anons. ADMIRALTY CHART #2847. QATAR

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386acc  No.12848354


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6c4043  No.12848451


Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12819823 UK Column 3 Feb 2021

>>12822730 Homeless Life Expectancy in UK IS 47 years of age

>>12824201 Anons conversation with NHS Director, he does not know HCQ works.

>>12824557 MYANMAR (Burma) is critical for India's national security

>>12825469 Cadbury’s Dairy Milk back where it belongs - the UK

>>12825529 & >>12825538 US, UK and Saudi forces working together

>>12825636 & >>12825647 43 Commando on the Rock of Gibraltar

>>12825785 2847 Masonic Lodge

>>12828765 & >>12828770 & >>12828961 London Tunnels

>>12829684 How the Rothschild family became a target for conspiracy theorists

>>12829709 Hedging adviser of the year: Rothschild Risk Awards 2021

>>12829798 Anons dig on ROBERT HANNIGAN reveals links to CROWDSTRIKE through BLUEVOYANT

>>12830783 Evil Hillary Clinton connection to Wales vis Swansea University. She funded 5 Students.

>>12831010 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Sara Pan Algarra dig

>>12831102 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Dan Anlezark dig

>>12831133 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University August Dichter dig

>>12831179 & >>12831185 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Felicity Mulford dig

>>12831233 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Abbiba Princewill dig

>>12832144 NSA Tweeting about 75 years of GCHQ agreement, Are GCHQ now housecleaned?

>>12834075 Great COVID Hoax insanity meme

>>12842641Absolute Proof Documentary with Mike LindellMUST WATCH, But 2 hours long!

>>12844155 Do not roll-out Covid-19 vaccine passports - petition

>>12844172 Prince Harry and Megan Markle held secret summit with top Democrat in run-up to US election

>>12845045 UK Column 5 February 2021

>>12845182 Megan in London pics?

>>12847494 ADMIRALTY CHART #2847. QATAR

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6c4043  No.12848454

>>12842641 ,Absolute Proof Documentary with Mike LindellMUST WATCH, But 2 hours long!

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6c4043  No.12848474

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e3edbd  No.12848488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Must see: Explosive video exposes MI6 links to Alexei Navalny

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6c4043  No.12848623



Anon, Forgive my ignorance, could you explain the origin of 2847, I think I have missed it.

I checked the Q post, and it doesn't seem linked to the London pics.

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6c4043  No.12848854

File: edc63e3029d48d6⋯.png (467.29 KB, 535x1005, 107:201, Screenshot_2021_02_07_Brit….png)

British Army tweet. They seem to be recognising the threat associated with cyber warfare.

It has become totally evident that the intelligence agencies have assumed the role of cyber protectors when in fact it should be the responsibility of the military.

The intelligence agencies are corrupt, they are extensions of the globalist cabal and should not be responsible for anything this vital to our defence. They have clearly allowed themselves to become infiltrated so do not have the measures in place to prevent hostile forces from gaining a foothold in this country.

I see a shift coming, I can't see how the intel agencies can survive the storm knowing what we know about their use of children. The only way is the military.

The military are there for our defence and if necessary any retaliatory strike. This should be all threats, including cyber threats and foreign and domestic.

Intel agencies controlling politicians, commerce and influencers by use of blackmail and bribery is the biggest threat this country has ever faced. Even Hitler did not get a foot in the door here, these bastards walk amongst us.


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1978d9  No.12852224


Hmm, looks a bit diversionary. Some breads ago, this anon posited that the Page / Strozk couple might be Comey & Page, after seeing a pic of Comey with red bobble hat posted here. .This was confirmed by a five 0s ID, with a well done. One of the proudest moments of anon's life. Additional info that Comey is 6ft 5in provided to us. He was a Board Director at HSBC in London for 6 months in March to Sept 2013, be4 floating into FBI & sworn in as FBI director on September 4, 2013.

Why would Harry & Meghan be involved in this set of pix. She was introduced into BRF with aim of creating race tensions in our country, by the flexible faggot & Baphomet partner.. POTUS said he didn't know she was "nasty". Look up definition in street slang dictionary. Also been described as a "yacht girl". Wonder if there are Epstein connections. Looks like our brave prince bats for the other side & has been hopelessly ensnared. No son, just a Darren doll. Wonder if Bojo's latest is also a doll ….

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3c8c6a  No.12852250


According to the Lotus Note that came in back in December, mainly to give the Pratt something to complain about

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1978d9  No.12852252


Why don't you post files that can actually be read??

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d4f20c  No.12852816


Yes, it's true we have become a bit specialized and well-familiar with the London/UK oriented drops. The Q post is 784 - [UK] Stay Alert. 2847 refers to the picture designation: NSA_Traf_CAM_LONDON2847.png.

We have been recently trying to revisit this mysterious label unlike any of the other NSA cam pics. Atm, we can't say what it means. Only some really intriguing coincidences. The current list:

1. Citadel Securities Europe Ltd (LONDON)

has the CED #2847 on the London Stock Exchange.

2. NGC2847 (a deep space galaxy) which would be in frame of the picture NSA_Traf_CAM_LONDON2847.png photo if taken when we suspect it has been taken- after St.Patrick's Day 2014. In the Southern sky after Midnight to 1:30am.

3. The London Polytechnic Institute Lodge #2847 (a Freemason lodge) (now Westminster University on Regent St)- well within the neighborhood of all the London pics.

4. This Admiralty chart #2847 from the UK Office of the Admiralty. Included as iirc Qatar is mentioned in Q drops?

I think that is the list. Oh, forgot.

5. The numbers 2,8,4 and 7 do seem important also. As in post #784 which was posted in the second month (2) of February.

It could be a street address. Not Victoria Embankment though. In checked.

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d4f20c  No.12853116


Your dig on Comey remains a 'well done'.

None of us are committed to any particular person actually being in the London pics. But as we have done great work narrowing down the timeframe of the Q pics, it's time to start eliminating the people who could not possibly have been in London for the London pics. Worth mentioning, the Corinthia Hotel pics (daylight) may have been taken on a different day than the night pics of CH and Embankment.

Why mention MM the actress you say? Because as I think you yourself infer, she may be an "arranged" handler for Harry. The potential scandal being that she was just divorced and dating other men at the time (2013). I think Harry had become available at the time and gone on a trip to the US. He was invited to an exhibition of a program started by Princess Di to remove antipersonnel mines. Was photo-op'd with No Name at the US Capitol. Introduction's made? Idk. We are just starting to ask these questions.

2013/2014 was long before the 2016 Presidential Election though.

Diversion? No. We are just getting started trying to place or eliminate potential suspects, having laboriously laying the groundwork of dating the London pics with timeframes.

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ab21b3  No.12853187


Anon, the dig on Comey's whereabouts continues. By process of elimination it appears there are few days in the target interva; for him to have spent time in London during winter 2013/2014. The HSBC connexion has been an excellent lead. The red hat is also intriguing - it was I posted the pic from his tweet account and compared it with red hat individual in a coupla London pics. If he can be placed in London, at all, during that winter, we will have a means to cross-ref an individual with all the other methods used to date these pics.

If anons have other individuals to suggest, and a list has begun over the past several months, then the same process of elimination based on known whereabouts is useful.

At the moment, we do not have confirmaiton of Lisa Page's whereabouts duirng this interval. We have a vague nod from a Q post or two. She had children who were very young at that time. She has made remarks about the Boston bombing and, IIRCC, she did so in context with the London Marathon of the very same year.

If nothing else, anons can read the declassified docs that have been coming out with an eye open for this interval and the whereabouts of various individuals - there are 6 targets that Q mentioned in post regarding these London pics.



I'll add that recently PappaD said that all poliical opponents of Hussein were targets of various efforts to surveil. Not clear what he was getting at except in a very broad scope. I think that apart from opponents, there are those who would have been useful, if brought into the fold so-to-speak, in the UK side of things. Think bridges.

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ab21b3  No.12853595

File: cbbcf505b5b486c⋯.png (227.4 KB, 1049x1337, 1049:1337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64cc8989c913514⋯.png (255.63 KB, 1017x1593, 113:177, ClipboardImage.png)


Re Q London pic 2847

It may be a tangent, but Q post 2847 included a reposting of a prev post, Q 1113. In both there is mention of chemicals injurious to children. Some time ago, and I have no detailed recollection, there was a story in local papers about new hazards presented in schools and daycares because of the over-zealous cleaning that has been undertaken daily and in some places far more often. The chemicals used to 'fight covid' may be more hazardous to kiddies than covid - or whatever covid actually is.

Q posted these things in a certain context that included CHINA - which manufactures loads of chemical-laden clothing, furnishings, as well as chemical products.

Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Ventilation

Plan, Prepare, and Respond


Sorry don't have anything specific to offer but here are pics that show the context of these Q posts within the immediate sequence of posts.

Q 1114

Q reposted and cofirmed Anon's observations - see

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 0cd760 No.974537📁

Apr 9 2018 19:33:59 (EST)

Anonymous ID: fda204 No.974444📁

Apr 9 2018 19:26:49 (EST)



The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.

Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.

>[future proves past]

Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.

What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.

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d4f20c  No.12854416

File: eefbd87a82accaa⋯.jpeg (557.02 KB, 750x1297, 750:1297, 6DD06A02_F9DE_46F7_81D6_6….jpeg)

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a4f602  No.12857086

File: 9fcc7a75392b5bb⋯.png (13.44 KB, 1003x100, 1003:100, talktalkIntrusiondocumenta….png)

File: cca12751dbba6d7⋯.png (37.93 KB, 277x678, 277:678, TALKTALK_whoIs.png)

File: cc85edaa1894ddc⋯.png (134.63 KB, 279x537, 93:179, TALKTALK_SirCharlesDunston….png)

File: 02d209bcb5bf0c6⋯.png (780.06 KB, 973x851, 973:851, talktalk_wedding_Blair.png)

File: 283fd936f3766bc⋯.png (900.76 KB, 1051x868, 1051:868, talktalk_wedding_PiersMorg….png)

According to the recently released information there were a number of attacks on the 2020 US election from the UK. The successful one was from a company called TALKTALK in Salford. The owner of the company is Sir Charles Dunstone.

Here is a summary & some links posted in another bread:

On November 4rth the ip address linked to TALKTALK was the origin of a hack and loss of 67,000 votes for Trump in Allegheny County PA. TalkTalk is a part of a wider network owned by Sir Charles Dunstone who re-asserted direct involvement and is listed as a director and major owner of TalkTalk in Manchester. That company was originally located at 11 Eveshem Street in London but moved to Salford, near Manchester on April 1, 2020. The hack occurred from the Salford location. In December 2020 Dunstone finally agreed to sell the company to Tosca Fund effective first quarter 2021.





Here are some other links. You might find the wedding pics interesting - maybe recognize some ppl I don't know.






Looks to me he took very the company with te specific plan to interfere in the election. Haven't found any connections he has with the US but could have missed it.

Anyway, thought you should know, as no one else seems to be talking about it.

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f132ad  No.12857258

I just guessed what and how many. Does that make any sense to you?

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ab21b3  No.12857436

File: 2fe8e5585377ced⋯.png (146.72 KB, 819x1001, 9:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c77d6aaca06a389⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 10.57 KB, 287x163, 287:163, ClipboardImage.png)






U.S. Department of State


13. Can foreign companies be issued an FCL?

Foreign companies cannot be issued FCLs. Foreign-owned U.S. companies can be issued an FCL, but it is contingent on the country from which the foreign ownership is derived and whether the FOCI can be mitigated.

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ab21b3  No.12857464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







Defense Security Service (DSS)


There is a federal agency known as the Defense Security Service (DSS) that has been in the headlines in the last decade for a variety of reasons; one significant development involving the agency occurred in April of 2019 when a presidential executive order “shifted responsibility” for background investigations of those applying for security clearances.

That shift was away from the federal agency that formerly held the responsibility for background checks-a background check office operating under the jurisdiction of the Office of Personnel Management, with the responsibility for background checks being transferred to the Department of Defense.

That investigative agency, known as the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB), issued a press release stating that the move is no surprise to those in the Bureau ever since the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act “first mandated a phased transition for DoD to conduct background and security investigations for DoD personnel,” according to a statement on the NBIB official site.

A different press release, issued from the Department of Defense adds, “This executive order reflects the administration’s commitment to reform the personnel vetting enterprise to ensure a trusted federal workforce and achieve an efficient, effective, and secure operation that meets all government-wide needs for background investigations.”

The Defense Security Service plays an important part in this transfer of responsibility; as a result of the executive order, the Department of Defense was tasked with reorganizing DSS “to best position the department to assume primary responsibility for the government-wide background investigation mission.”

A consequence of these changes is that DSS “will be renamed the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency” (DCSA) and is directed to continue all assigned duties when it existed as DSS “and serve as the primary entity for conducting background investigations for the federal government” according to the press release.

The agency formerly known as DSS and now renamed as DCSA now reports to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.


Think AWAN.

Think Huma.

Compare HUSSEIN admin and TRUMP admin.

Recompare w/BIDEN.

Who is in charge of clearances?


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ab21b3  No.12857540

File: b24fff9334b4ac8⋯.png (36.99 KB, 752x188, 4:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9c7e485c5b3b20⋯.png (80.04 KB, 748x401, 748:401, ClipboardImage.png)


>Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Joseph D. Kernan

Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence


The Honorable Joseph D. Kernan, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy, retired, served as the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) from November 2017 through Nov. 10, 2020. He was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate in November 2017.

As the USD(I), Mr. Kernan was the principal intelligence, counterintelligence and security advisor to the Secretary of Defense (SecDef), and the SecDef’s principal representative to the Intelligence Community. He also was dual-hatted as the Director of Defense Intelligence in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and reported to the DNI in that capacity. He exercised authority, direction, and control on behalf of the SecDef over the National Security Agency/Central Security Service, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the Defense Security Service. Mr. Kernan established policy and priorities; and oversaw the Defense Intelligence Enterprise, consisting of more than 110,000 component employees, and an annual budget of over $54B. This included the Military Intelligence Program, the Defense portion of the National Intelligence Program and the Battlespace Awareness portfolio.

Prior to serving as the USD(I), Mr. Kernan served in a variety of positions from 2013-2017, including: Board Director and Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Marketing for SAP National Security Services; Advisor for JLM Companies; Chairman of NS2 Serves, a Non-profit training and employment program for veterans; and Board member for the National Navy SEAL Museum and The Mission Continues.

After graduating from the United States Naval Academy in 1977, Mr. Kernan served as a Surface Warfare Officer until 1981 and as Naval Special Warfare Officer until his military retirement in 2013. Over the course of his career, he commanded SEAL Team TWO, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, the Naval Special Warfare Command, and U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. Fourth Fleet. He also served as Senior Military Assistant to former Defense Secretary Robert Gates and as the Deputy Commander of the U.S. Southern Command.


Pentagon warns home DNA kits bought as Xmas presents could expose spies and put soldiers at risk


PENTAGON top brass have warned home DNA kits bought as Christmas gifts could blow the cover of US spies and put serving soldiers at risk.

Several companies now allow people to track down their genetic makeup and geographic heritage just by providing a cheek swab or saliva sample.

“Exposing sensitive genetic information to outside parties poses personal and operational risks to Service members,” wrote Joseph D. Kernan, the undersecretary of defence for intelligence

The memo also points out some firms have been targeting military personnel with discounts.

“These (direct-to-consumer) genetic tests are largely unregulated and could expose personal and genetic information, and potentially create unintended security consequences and increased risk to the joint force and mission,” it goes on.

“There is increased concern in the scientific community that outside parties are exploiting the use of genetic data for questionable purposes, including mass surveillance and the ability to track individuals without their authorisation or awareness.”

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ab21b3  No.12857609



A Brief History Of DSS

In 1972, the Defense Security Service was created, (then known as the Defense Investigative Service or DIS) but its origins trace back to 1965 when the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) was opened.

In 1970, a government panel declared Department of Defense security clearance work as a “non-combatant function” leading the government to consider and later implement the creation of an Office of Defense Investigation.

Thanks to an order from the Secretary of Defense, DIS was born as a separate operating agency with a single mission: carry out all Defense Department background checks for security clearances. This agency’s responsibility was to screen industrial personnel to determine their suitability for being granted access to classified information.

DISCO was consolidated into the Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudication Facility in 2012, which lead to becoming the Defense Security Service (DSS). As such the agency was charged with carrying out personnel security investigations, but also similar work for industrial security.


Erin Murphy, a professor at New York University’s School of Law, said a commercial genetic database could be used to unmask a person working undercover.



Think covid swabs.


POTUS re covid embers.

The CHINA virus.

The invisible enemy.

Trade deficit is more than a trade deficit.


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ab21b3  No.12857850

File: ae9950c7d19b7b6⋯.png (505.7 KB, 646x348, 323:174, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd9045883b07ea5⋯.png (86.62 KB, 865x933, 865:933, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e95f230d363b0b⋯.png (52.1 KB, 763x475, 763:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f4fdc9a9885fd0⋯.png (90.85 KB, 687x797, 687:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c36aa168462f2b⋯.png (86.58 KB, 877x921, 877:921, ClipboardImage.png)





Q 1917

Q 1918



Donald Trump claims the '1917' Spanish flu 'ended World War II'








Think POTUS re COVID embers.

They broke in during the fire.



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ab21b3  No.12857897

File: 19fe4f6b24c0e29⋯.png (5.02 MB, 3201x1305, 1067:435, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab21b3  No.12857902



No Table NOM

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ab21b3  No.12857959

File: e2e09cac7b226ca⋯.png (12.76 KB, 591x113, 591:113, ClipboardImage.png)






Reporting from Chongqing, China — During afternoon tea at the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong, I told a friend that I had arrived by way of Chongqing.

“Ah. Chongqing’s time has come,” he said. It was a flattering comment, considering CQ, as it’s also called, isn’t as well known to Westerners as Chengdu, the seat of Sichuan province and Chongqing’s rival city.

Chengdu in recent years has cemented itself as an international destination for pandas and food. It prides itself as the civilized counterpart, with an updated metro system and English-friendly signage, to Chongqing’s brash intensity.

The real point of cultural contention between the two cities is food, of course, which reigns supreme in Sichuan. Chengdu is more accessible to foreigners, and its citizens’ emigration to far-flung locales has exported its modern cuisine around the globe. But travelers would be remiss to ignore Chongqing.

Chongqing is the best food city you don’t know about. It lies at the junction of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, a sprawling mountain city connected by a congested network of bridges. Its population dwarfs the size of Los Angeles, New York City and Chicago combined.

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ab21b3  No.12857981


Explaining TL, STL, LTL, FCL, and LCL shipping


FCL shipping

FCL shipping has to do with moving freight over an ocean. As you might imagine, the rules of shipping FCL and the benefits of doing so are quite akin to TL service. The standard size of an FCL shipment is six pallets in a 20-foot container and 12 pallets in a 40-foot container.

That said, if you have valuable or cumbersome commodities that you would prefer not to share with other freight due to risk of contamination or damage, a partially full FCL may be the wisest decision. At times, a half-full FCL is more cost-effective since there are no handling or consolidation fees for loose cargo, like there are for LCL shipments. Responsibility in the import and export business generally varies for each of these options, sometimes falling on the consignee and at other times falling on the shipper.

How FCL works

Ocean freight companies offer a variety of containers that differ in size and functionality. They include standard dry containers, refrigerated containers, tank containers, flat rack containers, and collapsible flat rack containers. The average lengths of these containers are 20 feet and 40 feet. Once you’ve chosen a container, you often have the option of arranging for the shipper to load your container or to live-load the cargo yourself.

While it may be cheaper to live-load, having the shipper load and unload may be a more efficient use of time. Once packed, the container travels to the port and loads onto a cargo ship. Upon arriving at its destination (and depending upon which type of delivery you chose), the goods are ready to unload and deliver to the consignee. Because of this process, FCL is the safest and fastest way to ship freight — especially valuable goods — over the ocean.

Pros of FCL

FCL is great for large-volume shipments. You have the option to ship big order quantities or volume freight in a specialized container for your commodity.

FCL is also safer than LCL shipping. With FCL shipping, items are less likely to incur damage or contamination by other goods. Risk of losing items along the delivery route is also significantly less than LCL shipping.

To wrap up this section, FCL shipping never stops at other delivery locations. Without transfers, freight goes straight to its destination.

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ab21b3  No.12857992



Full Cargi Load full container load

Think ports.

Does CHINA own/possess UK ports?

CHINA-IRAN connexions?

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ab21b3  No.12858282

File: 2ad545ce0944a6c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1749x1557, 583:519, ClipboardImage.png)



>Think bridges.


>amazing 25k across 16 London Bridges

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d2c93b  No.12858546


Lots of companies moved to Manchester, think BBC & MSM etc. Wonder how many are involved.

Then there is this in the general thread #16413

>>12850692 & >>12858113 (both Q General thread)


Nearly 200 British academics at more than 12 universities in the United Kingdom are being investigated on suspicion of unwittingly helping the Chinese government build weapons of mass destruction, The Times newspaper reported on Monday.

The scholars are suspected of unknowingly breaching export laws designed to prevent intellectual property in highly sensitive subjects from being handed to hostile states, the newspaper said, citing an unnamed source.

The Times said that the government was preparing to send enforcement notices to the academics who are suspected of transferring research in advanced military technology such as aircraft, missile designs and cyberweapons to China.

The individuals could face a maximum of 10 years in prison if found in breach of the Export Control Order 2008.

Security services are concerned that the research could help Beijing develop weapons of mass destruction and be used in the repression of political dissidents and minorities including the Uighurs.

“We could be seeing dozens of academics in courts before long,” a source told the Times. “If even 10 percent lead to successful prosecutions, we’d be looking at about 20 academics going to jail for helping the Chinese build super-weapons.”

A UK government spokesman stressed to the paper: “Exporters of military goods and those engaged in the transfer of military technology specified in the Export Control Order 2008 require a licence to export or transfer from the UK.”

Research from Civitas, a civil society think-tank based in London, meanwhile, has alleged that 20 British universities had dealings with 29 Chinese universities and nine companies with military links, including with Chinese weapons conglomerates, the Times said.

Radomir Tylecote, the study’s lead author and a former Treasury official, expressed concern that research sponsored by Chinese organisations could have “inadvertent dual use” in a military capacity, the paper said. He highlighted potential problems with research into hypersonic technology at a time when Beijing is seeking to develop hypersonic missiles, and graphene research while the material is starting to be used in armoured Chinese helicopters.

The work served to “increase the prestige and business in general of Chinese military-linked universities and military or partially military conglomerates,” the paper quoted Tylecote as saying.

In 2019, China’s military showcased the DF-17, a new hypersonic ballistic nuclear missile, at an enormous military parade at the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The weapon is believed to be capable of breaching all existing anti-missile shields deployed by the United States and its allies.

Last week, the University of Manchester ended a research project with China Electronics Technology Group (CETC) after a UK parliamentary committee raised concern that the state-owned firm’s technology was being used against the Uighurs.


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cd9af4  No.12860809


Dunstone seems to have/had strong links to media companies:

-The Daily Mail General Trust

- Independent Media Distribution PLC

(links in previous post)

both powerful organizations where Trump hatred flourishes. Does Dunstone realize he is part of an effort to induce communism world-wide? Does he and his cabal friends believe they are protected from the evils of communism and so be able to continue their usual elitist ways? Are cabal/elites & CCP all the same thing? They seem to have the same core (lack of) principles. Kinda looks that way to me…

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ab21b3  No.12861482

File: 74c20bcb9640739⋯.png (835.2 KB, 824x594, 412:297, ClipboardImage.png)


>a sprawling mountain city connected by a congested network of bridges


>amazing 25k across 16 London Bridges


>What is the purpose of a BRIDGE?


>The suspected spy … took on other roles … including … being Feinstein’s liaison to the Asian-American community in the state. He attended Chinese Consulate events on behalf of the senator.


>That someone was connected with the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of State Security.


>not spies in the traditional sense … associated with a state-owned business or research institute … Chinese officials, in particular, often cajole or outright threaten Chinese nationals (or U.S. citizens with family members in China) working or studying locally to provide them with valuable technological information.

>As Silicon Valley continues to take over the world, the local spy war will only get hotter—and the consequences will resonate far beyond Northern California.

>The Russians treated [Rusnano USA] as an intelligence platform, from which they launched operations

>Rose Pak … was for decades one of San Francisco’s preeminent political power brokers … famous for making and unmaking mayors, city councilmen … and pushing city contracts to her allies and constituents in Chinatown. … organizing numerous junkets to China … links to the Chinese Communist Party

>Most brazenly, said former intelligence agents, Chinese officials bussed in 6,000-8,000 J-Visa holding students—threatening them with the loss of Chinese government funding—from across California to disrupt Falun Gong, Tibetan, Uighur and pro-democracy protesters. … directing blocs of pro-PRC students to intimidate, disrupt and overwhelm anti-Beijing protesters across the parade route. … an effort by a hostile foreign intelligence service to forcibly suppress First Amendment activities in a major American city.

But spies will never leave Silicon Valley. As the region’s global clout grows, so will its magnet-like attraction for the world’s spooks. As one former U.S. intelligence official put it, spies are pulled toward the Bay Area “like moths to the light.” And the region will help define the struggle for global preeminence—especially between the United States and China—for decades to come.


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8cb9a2  No.12861844

no one is above another

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8cb9a2  No.12861857

jon james pratt should stay away from witchcraft.

jon, get some help.

Americans are worried you give Q a bad rep.

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8cb9a2  No.12861872

File: b7fa7d4803d993f⋯.png (25.38 KB, 190x196, 95:98, Screenshot_2021_02_08_at_2….png)


for your storm

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8cb9a2  No.12861904


who decided for you to know what's right vs wrong?

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8cb9a2  No.12861916


do you even know why your here?

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8cb9a2  No.12861935


forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Hollywood has poisoned your mind and you have become that of the wicked.

We will pray for you Jon.

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8cb9a2  No.12861951


we doubt that

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8cb9a2  No.12861967


goodbye jon

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6c4043  No.12862790

File: 1f373dc2542c3dc⋯.png (38.18 KB, 629x196, 629:196, Screenshot_2021_02_08_proj….png)

Just been over on Projectdcomms, Q's first post over there is going to be at a 2-year delta on the 12th.

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6c4043  No.12862834


Anon,on my walkabout in London I posted a picture of the citadel with ray guns on it!

Beefed up security now.

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6c4043  No.12862893

File: 980d7e18cd2b5d2⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 980d7e18cd2b5d25b7b63a556d….jpg)


Hey buddy do you have a link to the spreadsheet?

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6c4043  No.12862898

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6c4043  No.12862912


Michael Grade moved the BBC to Manc to enrich himself apparently. There was something going around about some dodgy property deal, and he made a killing. I will try to find out. Thousands of people lost jobs.

Usual deep state corruption stuff

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ec3e85  No.12862923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To all genocidal governments & their collaborators

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d2b6ab  No.12863851


>Why don't you post files that can actually be read??


None of your attachments are expanding, making them impossible to read…though in fairness it might only be myself and the guy above who want to read them and haven't muted you ;D

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6c3378  No.12864029

Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals


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6c4043  No.12864233

File: e7b4439f548e9f9⋯.jpg (116.5 KB, 962x525, 962:525, 38260640_9228135_Benjamin_….jpg)

File: 65f5427c49144a3⋯.jpg (57.11 KB, 470x388, 235:194, 38260660_9228135_Benjamin_….jpg)

File: 10abb2832820e8a⋯.jpg (134.06 KB, 962x671, 962:671, 38923046_9228135_image_a_2….jpg)

File: 886c5b761d9b6dd⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 38926064_9228135_image_a_1….jpg)

File: 7d4b15410c2483c⋯.jpg (258.15 KB, 962x1443, 2:3, 38926066_9228135_image_a_8….jpg)

The powerhouse behind the French Rothschilds: Financier Ariane de Rothschild, 55, rescued the family's Geneva bank as her late husband struggled with heroin - AND presides over a perfume house and vineyards

Billionaire banking heir Benjamin de Rothschild died on January 15th at the age of 57 following a heart attack

Despite taking over Geneva bank that bears his name at 34, it is de Rothschild's ambitious blonde wife Ariane, 55, a mother-of-four, who is now president and has ensured the investment house has continued to prosper

Employees at the bank haven't always warmed to the ambitious blonde aristocrat, described as 'outspoken'

Other assets in the glamorous blonde Baroness' portfolio include luxury perfume brand House of Caron, a string of luxury properties and a kosher wine vineyard

The death of billionaire banking heir Benjamin de Rothschild, who died two weeks ago aged just 57, might have been expected to signal huge uncertainty for Edmond de Rothschild, the historic Swiss bank which still bears his father's prestigious name.

However, it seems that, on the contrary, the driving force behind the historic Geneva bank - and a whole portfolio of other assets including a perfume house, luxury hotels and a vineyard - was never the thrill-seeking father-of-four…but instead his dynamic, and hugely talented, wife.

Seemingly the epitome of a city slicker supermum with a clutch of A-list friends, Ariane de Rothschild, 55, who married into the Rothschild banking dynasty when she wed Benjamin in January 1999, has long since ensured the private investment house is a steady - and successful ship, overseeing an ambitious overhaul after the brand faltered in the early noughties and ensuring it could survive the kind of family tragedy that has sadly now ensued.

Benjamin, whose battle with heroin addiction was well documented, died of a heart attack at the couple's grandiose home, Château de Pregny on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland, on Friday 15th January, at the age of just 57. Dubbed 'the richest Rothschild', he was heir to $2.5billion fortune.

Ariane, who met Benjamin in Manhattan in the nineties and was wooed with a dozen red roses sent to her trader desk, shares daughters Noémie, Alice, Eve and Olivia - aged between 18 and 25 - with her late husband.

Never content to lavish in the riches that such a fortune can afford, the baroness has instead been heavily involved in the bank since her husband found it in his sole control when he was just 34.

The ex New York banking whizz currently oversees around $194 billion in asset management finance, and unlike her late husband, is partial to a high society party or cutting the ribbon on a five-star ski hotel opening, something he became less and less comfortable with.

Far from straying from her first career, Ariane admits she relishes it, and despite taking off several years from work to raise her four daughters, once they reached school age, she said recently that she was more than happy to hand over their education to their respective private schools.

In an interview with Tatler shortly before her husband's death she recalled how she was happy to be a hands-off parent when it came to her daughter's schooling, saying: 'I always said to the schools, "If my daughters have acceptable grades, don’t call me. Why do you have to keep calling?".'

The baroness admits the bank now takes up the majority of her working life, saying: 'Banking is 70 per cent of my time, the rest is the rest. I like to have an elastic brain.'

Among the 'rest' is the Parisian perfume brand the House of Caron, which has been creating fragrances for 117 years but was also desperately in need of a revamp when Ariane decided to snap it up two years ago.

There's also a kosher wine and vineyards partnership, now 30 years old, with Royal Wine Corp plus multiple inherited vineyards across the globe including in Argentina, France and South Africa.

It's thought she's hopeful her offspring will take on the fragrance brand, with youngest daughter, Olivia already designing a bottle for the company's Aimez-Moi Comme Je Suis fragrance.

The family tends to promote male heirs over female ones to higher rank of the Rothschild's, and prior to Edmond's death, his cousin David's son Alexander was seen at a likely successor, the FT wrote in 2016.

However, the same article noted that Ariane had discussed the issue of with Jacob Rothschild, the British financier who left NM Rothschild [the U.K. merchant bank that became part of the Rothschild Group] after a fall out in 1980.


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6c4043  No.12864267

File: c4b4c4d539e4bcf⋯.jpg (170.14 KB, 962x1445, 962:1445, 38926068_9228135_image_a_1….jpg)

File: 97d93e2522979b4⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 962x640, 481:320, 38926070_9228135_image_a_5….jpg)

File: 73f1aaccf57f11b⋯.jpg (207.63 KB, 962x1009, 962:1009, 38926106_9228135_image_a_7….jpg)

File: e89ff3b2f449f24⋯.png (783.39 KB, 740x556, 185:139, 1612722849534.png)

The entire Rothschild family descends from Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a powerful 18th century banker from Frankfurt, whose sons brought the family name to London, Paris, Vienna and Naples.

Despite Benjamin being the only son of Edmond de Rothschild, the scion apparently found little pleasure in being involved with the eponymous Swiss banking group.

Indeed, as Benjamin stood back, distracted by a passion for fast cars, motorbikes and high-speed yacht races - as well as big game hunting, his glamorous wife stepped up - at her husband's request.

In 1997, he was arrested for heroin possession, and had another brush with the police in 2007 following an affray with a laser pointer.

A string of failed CEO appointments in the years before had seen profits slump by around 11 per cent, something which quickly transformed once Arine took the helm as Chief Executive and began enacting her plan to restore it to its former glory.

Outspoken Ariane, who was born Ariane Langner, enjoyed a global childhood in El Salvador, Bangladesh and Colombia thanks to her father's job as a senior executive at an international pharmaceutical company.

Prior to Ariane's rise to the top of the family bank, the couple were heavily involved in philanthropy, overseeing a foundation that supports education in Isreal. They also backed the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital in Paris.

The baroness is said to be unfazed by the heavy workload that banking brings but understands passing on the investment house to her four daughters isn't the easiest sell and she's had to steel them for the positives and negatives in life that their famous surnames might bring, telling them: 'You are what you do – and to rebalance the weight of the name, you need to be very strong.'

In a profile on the 'married-in CEO' the Financial Times said Ariane 'had come to wield great, and controversial, authority within the family.'


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6c4043  No.12864307

File: c431272f1a9f35b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 928x645, 928:645, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Aria….png)



Foot article of above Daily Mail article…


The British branch of the Rothschild family, in a different approach to some of their European counterparts, are very happy to mix parties and politics - and the latest generation have multiple aristocratic marriages between them.

Sisters Kate and Alice Rothschild, granddaughters of Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild, married brothers Ben and Zac Goldsmith, respectively, in high profile weddings. Kate and Ben are now divorced. Their brother, James Rothschild married hotel heiress Nicky Hilton, sister of socialite Paris, in 2015.

Meanwhile Nathaniel Rothschild, son and heir of Jacob, 4th Baron Rothschild, was married to socialite Annabelle Neilson, who died in 2018 at the age of 49. He is now married to former Page 3 girl Loretta Basey.

Nathaniel, known as Nat, also has highly publicised friendships with people such as Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska whose £80million yacht was the scene of an infamous gathering in Corfu with George Osborne and Peter Mandelson which led to Nat’s dramatic and widely reported fall-out with Mr Osborne, an old school friend.

In Europe, the Rothschild family has known tumultuous times. Amschel Rothschild, son of the 3rd Baron Rothschild who married Anita Guinness, took his own life aged 41 at the Le Bristol hotel in Paris in 1996. The French and Swiss branches of the family were also locked in a public feud over the use of the Rothschild name. It was resolved in 2018.

In January, Benjamin's death was announced in a statement from the bank that bears his name.

It read: 'It is with great emotion and deep sadness that Edmond de Rothschild Group announces the passing of Benjamin de Rothschild.

'The thoughts of the Group's employees go out to his wife Ariane de Rothschild and his children, as well as to all his family and loved ones, to whom they extend their most sincere condolences.

'Visionary entrepreneur, passionate about finance, speed, sailing and automobiles, wine enthusiast, Benjamin de Rothschild was also an active philanthropist, namely involved in developing innovation within the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital.

'With his unique character, Benjamin de Rothschild never ceased to transform and modernise his legacy, in line with the family's values.'


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6c4043  No.12864373


This is not going to happen. The entire population are victims of brainwashing techniques. These people literallly think they are saving mankind. The vaccine may be ok, we just dont know, there are so many out there now its literally a minefield.

There are a great deal (most) of healthcare professionals out there that are great people, they are just as succeptable to the brainashing as your mum and dad

Medical people are taught from books that have been written by rockerfellers, Fake Science has been tainting the medical industry for decades. When was the last time you heard of a cure being discovered?

Look at GcMAF, people are sitting in jail right now for manufacturing making this. NAGALASE and GcMAF are the two compounds that are instrumental in Cancer growth and destruction yet they are completely unknown to almost all medical profesionals.

I cant wait to find out the chain of command as promised by Q!

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6c4043  No.12864483

File: a2a06771eb348d7⋯.png (62.52 KB, 654x603, 218:201, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Man_….png)

I am sure Tom didnt fight tyranny to have this man arrested for making a mildly offensive statement on social media. The irony here is sickening.

We have allowed evil to take control of these nations. IT STOPS NOW.


Free speech campaigners including Laurence Fox blast police in Scotland after man, 35, is charged over 'offensive' tweet about Captain Tom that read: ‘burn, auld fella, buuurn'

Joseph Kelly to appear at a Sheriff Court accused of communications offences

Sir Tom, who raised millions for the NHS, died from coronavirus last Tuesday

Police Scotland said tweet about veteran was reported to them three days later

Free speech campaigners today blasted Police Scotland over its decision to charge a man over an offensive tweet about Captain Sir Tom Moore.

A tweet sent shortly after war hero's death last Tuesday read: 'The only good Brit soldier is a deed one, burn auld fella, buuuuurn.'

Joseph Kelly will appear at Lanark Sheriff Court accused of communications offences.

Laurence Fox led anger about the decision today, tweeting: 'The police should be free to do their jobs, which is investigate actual crime, not arresting idiots who tweet idiotic things.

'Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of any open society. Protect it, even if you don’t like or agree with it.'

One libertarian Scottish Twitter user wrote 'my country is a joke' next to an article announcing the charge today.

Politics lecturer Adrian Hilton wrote: 'Unless this tweet threatened violence or incited civil unrest or some other kind of harm, I'd very much like to know why this man has been arrested. We have a right to be 'offensive', and that's a high bar. If anyone can send me the tweet, please do.'

It comes as the SNP continues efforts to introduce a new hate crime bill that will criminalise 'stirring up hatred' - a 'vague' definition that critics believe could legalise cancel culture.

Senior lawyer Thomas Ross, QC, is one of the most high-profile critics of the SNP's hate crime bill.

He warned it would be 'impossible' for Scots to know if they had committed a crime, which could lead to debate on controversial subjects being stifled.

He believes laws are already in place to deal with those who commit hate crimes, while the vague language used in the Bill could lead to serious offenders being acquitted.

Serious concerns have been raised, including over vague language and reference to 'inflammatory material'.

Lawyers, politicians, campaigners and religious groups believe the law could have a devastating impact on freedom of speech.

In particular, they believe a section referring to the 'stirring up of hatred' signals that someone could be charged over comments perceived to be offensive, even if this is not intended.

There are also concerns people could be prosecuted for possessing 'inflammatory material' - which could include books, blogs, leaflets or social media. Those who share, forward or repeat such material could also face charges.

Mr Ross said: 'If the Scottish Government is going to create an offence that can be committed unintentionally, drafters of the legislation have to make the essentials of the offence crystal clear. They've failed to do that.

'The language used in the Bill is so difficult to understand that it will be impossible for the man or woman in the street to know when the line is likely to be crossed.

'A person might think, "I don't intend to be offensive and I don't think this comment is abusive, but what might a mythical sheriff think about it if the procurator fiscal is persuaded to prosecute? Why take the chance".

Sir Tom, who helped raise tens of millions for the NHS during the first national lockdown, died in hospital last Tuesday.

Police Scotland said a tweet about the 100-year-old was reported to them three days later and a man from Lanarkshire was arrested.

A spokesman for Police Scotland said: 'On Friday we received a report of an offensive tweet about Sir Captain Tom Moore who died on Tuesday February 2.

'A 35-year-old man has subsequently been arrested and charged in connection with communication offences and is due to appear at Lanark Sheriff Court on Wednesday, February 17.'

The World War Two veteran passed away after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia.


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6c4043  No.12864485


His daughters, Hannah and Lucy, issued a statement reading: 'It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our dear father, Captain Sir Tom Moore.

'We are so grateful that we were with him during the last hours of his life; Hannah, Benjie and Georgia by his bedside and Lucy on FaceTime.

'We spent hours chatting to him, reminiscing about our childhood and our wonderful mother. We shared laughter and tears together.

'The care our father received from the NHS and carers over the last few weeks and years of his life has been extraordinary.

'We politely ask for privacy at this time so we can grieve quietly as a family and remember the wonderful 100 years our father had.'


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6c4043  No.12864524

File: 8b5046b6f7bb139⋯.png (257.84 KB, 1024x905, 1024:905, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Into….png)

Into the Grey Zone: The 'offensive cyber' used to confuse Islamic State militants and prevent drone attacks

Two top officials overseeing UK cyber operations have spoken to Sky News about tactics used in the fight against Islamic State.


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6c4043  No.12864564

File: e047ed44c5545f1⋯.png (305.86 KB, 598x759, 26:33, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Astr….png)

AstraZeneca admitting the fake pandemic is screwing over those with cancer

Crimes against humanity.


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6c4043  No.12864600

File: 2c9e8d22c32ca75⋯.png (345.81 KB, 598x734, 299:367, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Brit….png)

File: 6d41576fb275315⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1903x3542, 173:322, Screenshot_2021_02_09_16_M….jpg)

File: 002c9e03a97f414⋯.jpg (738.1 KB, 2582x3069, 2582:3069, EtuQKesXEAEK7ES.jpg)

File: 55fb0bb605bfeab⋯.jpg (573.01 KB, 2544x2959, 2544:2959, EtuQKg9WgAArM4S.jpg)

File: f4ac38fac54d02b⋯.jpg (798.53 KB, 2731x4096, 2731:4096, EtuQKgEXMAEYjsz.jpg)

Cool tools for the Army medics.

Satellite technology, I wonder if they are going to be using STARLINK?



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6c4043  No.12864680

File: dec85462aff62ad⋯.png (188.76 KB, 535x945, 107:189, Screenshot_2021_02_09_GCHQ….png)

GCHQ getting all morally superior about child sexual abusers, @BakesCorp to the rescue to point out how vulgar this type of virtue signalling is considering what we know about the intelligence communities penchant for the little ones.


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6c4043  No.12864692





Correct link to tweet


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6c4043  No.12864758

File: 9a9d2b5fa9cb5e7⋯.png (493.57 KB, 598x789, 598:789, Screenshot_2021_02_09_talk….png)

Gary Glitter gets vaccinated. Pedophiles to the front of the queue


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6c4043  No.12864797

File: ae733f15fc14101⋯.png (702.12 KB, 850x711, 850:711, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Brit….png)

British Airways announced on Friday that it was planning to use the Verifly app to check vaccination, Covid-19 testing and other health status certifications on smartphones.

Trials with the app, produced by the Fairfax, Virginia-based Daon will begin on February 4th, on flights to the US, the airline said in a statement. Use of the Verifly app will not be mandatory, but check-in procedures are liable to be more complex without it.

The app will allow customers to complete all verification before leaving home, leading to a faster experience at the airport, the statement said. This allows both the airline and passengers to avoid a potential contact point at the airport and simplifies check-in.

After the passenger uploads the necessary certificates, the app shows a pass-or-fail message, depending on if the passenger meets the requirements required, including whether the passenger has a valid reason for making the trip.

British Airways chose to use Verifly, as it is the app that partner American Airlines has been using since November. Daon is a privately held software company that has pioneered methods for securely and conveniently combining biometric and digital identity capabilities with large-scale deployments that span payments verification, digital banking, wealth, insurance, telcos, and securing borders and seamless travel.

There is currently a range of other solutions being developed, including the IATA Travel Pass. The EU Commission has agreed to standards for vaccine vertification, but only for medical use at this point.

Commenting on the roll-out of the app, British Airways CEO Sean Doyle said,

“Although flying is currently restricted, it is essential we do as much as we can now to help those who are eligible to fly and prepare to help our customers navigate the complexities around changing global entry requirements when the world re-opens. We remain focused and committed to finding user-friendly, evidence-based solutions to make journeys as seamless they can be.”


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6c4043  No.12865000

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12819823 UK Column 3 Feb 2021

>>12822730 Homeless Life Expectancy in UK IS 47 years of age

>>12824201 Anons conversation with NHS Director, he does not know HCQ works.

>>12824557 MYANMAR (Burma) is critical for India's national security

>>12825469 Cadbury’s Dairy Milk back where it belongs - the UK

>>12825529 & >>12825538 US, UK and Saudi forces working together

>>12825636 & >>12825647 43 Commando on the Rock of Gibraltar

>>12825785 2847 Masonic Lodge

>>12828765 & >>12828770 & >>12828961 London Tunnels

>>12829684 How the Rothschild family became a target for conspiracy theorists

>>12829709 Hedging adviser of the year: Rothschild Risk Awards 2021

>>12829798 Anons dig on ROBERT HANNIGAN reveals links to CROWDSTRIKE through BLUEVOYANT

>>12830783 Evil Hillary Clinton connection to Wales vis Swansea University. She funded 5 Students.

>>12831010 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Sara Pan Algarra dig

>>12831102 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Dan Anlezark dig

>>12831133 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University August Dichter dig

>>12831179 & >>12831185 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Felicity Mulford dig

>>12831233 Hillary Clinton / Swansea University Abbiba Princewill dig

>>12832144 NSA Tweeting about 75 years of GCHQ agreement, Are GCHQ now housecleaned?

>>12834075 Great COVID Hoax insanity meme

>>12842641 ,Absolute Proof Documentary with Mike LindellMUST WATCH, But 2 hours long!

>>12844155 Do not roll-out Covid-19 vaccine passports - petition

>>12844172 Prince Harry and Megan Markle held secret summit with top Democrat in run-up to US election

>>12845045 UK Column 5 February 2021

>>12845182 Megan in London pics?

>>12847494 ADMIRALTY CHART #2847. QATAR

>>12848854 British Army tweet. They seem to be recognising the threat associated with cyber warfare

>>12852816 Anon explains 2847

>>12857086 Successful attack on US Election came from a TALKTALK IP stole 67,000 votes for Trump in Allegheny County PA

>>12857436 Finally Chemicals Learn our comms could be Federal CLearance

>>12857540 Pentagon warns home DNA kits bought as Xmas presents could expose spies and put soldiers at risk

>>12862790 Projectdcomms, Q's first post over there is going to be at a 2-year delta on the 12th.

>>12864233 & >>12864267 & >>12864307 Daily Mail puff piece on the Rothschilds

>>12864483 & >>12864485 Man, 35, is charged over 'offensive' tweet about Captain Tom by Scottish Gestapo

>>12864524 Sky News Podcast about Cybercrime

>>12864564 AstraZeneca admitting the fake pandemic is screwing over those with cancer

>>12864680 GCHQ virtue signalling about child sexual abusers

>>12864758 Gary Glitter gets vaccinated. Pedophiles to the front of the queue

>>12864797 British Airways to use vaccine passport app Verifly


London Pics Dig

>>12825785, >>12828361, >>12828375, >>12828379, >>12828414, >>12828428, >>12828476, >>12828584, >>12828611, >>12828637, >>12828682, >>12828712, >>12828739, >>12833356, >>12833652, >>12845576, >>12845767, >>12847052, >>12847447, >>12852224, >>12853116, >>12853187, >>12853595, >>12854416, >>12857897, >>12858282,

Tunnels Under London Dig

>>12828765, >>12828770, >>12828961, >>12829080, >>12829128, >>12829163, >>12829169, >>12829185, >>12829401

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a958a5  No.12866674


Brexit effect: No custard creams for Brits in Europe

Brexit effect: No custard creams for Brits in Europe


British supermarkets that have stores in Europe are facing supply problems because of post-Brexit rules on exports to the EU. It's affecting fresh produce at 20 Marks and Spencer stores in France, Morrison's in Gibraltar, and a chain of UK supermarkets in Belgium is on the verge of closure with no deliveries since December.

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d4f20c  No.12866869


I remember that. Very funny. There are those odd things on the roof. Defensive systems?

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cdd6fb  No.12867114

File: ab1bb2d48753dcd⋯.jpeg (375.42 KB, 640x908, 160:227, 2C63240E_29D6_407D_BF99_C….jpeg)

08:48 GMT 09.02.2021

by Aleksandra Serebriakova

The British monarchy has a largely ceremonial role, but Westminster is still required to follow a number of procedures and get the Queen’s consent when it comes to laws that could affect the royal household.

The royal household has vetted over 1,000 laws at the UK government’s request since Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne in 1952, a much larger figure than was initially assumed, The Guardian revealed.

Curious minds at The Guardian came up with a list of 1,062 parliamentary bills that were sent to Buckingham palace for the Queen’s consent during the last 69 years.

The Queen’s consent is a formal procedure that requires ministers to ask for the monarch’s permission to proceed on with parliamentary debate if lawmakers believe that the proposed legislature would affect the Crown.

Traditionally, that would cover laws related to such fundamental powers as the ability to declare war, royal assets and estates, as well as wealth and taxation (the Windsors are one of the richest families in the United Kingdom, after all).

If lawmakers decide that the Queen’s approval for upcoming laws is necessary, the government then sends a formal request to Buckingham Palace for royal lawyers to study the proposal for two weeks and then either grant permission or deny it.

It is only with the Queen’s approval that the British parliamentarians can then commence a debate on the proposed legislation.

According to the Queen’s spokesperson, the monarch’s consent remains a “purely formal” process.

“Consent is always granted by the monarch where requested by government. Any assertion that the sovereign has blocked legislation is simply incorrect”, she argued.

But the list shows that some of the proposals recently sent to Buckingham Palace have had vital importance for the whole country and not just the royal family in particular: last year, the royals were asked to vet a bill on the UK’s future relationship with the European Union (dated by 30 December 2020) and the 21 January 2020 European Union Withdrawal Agreement.



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6c4043  No.12867566

GCHQ taking on its self-appointed role as Internet Safety.

This is how censorship and control of the internet is masked.

"It's for our own safety". I don't need you to keep me safe, when the unconstitutional firearms restrictions are lifted, I will be able to keep myself safe.

Luckily thanks to Lin Wood' revelations, these intel agencies will soon have no power over any human being alive, they will not be permitted to exist once the truth gets out about their methods.

I foresee a time when the tasks that they perform will be completed by AI, but AI under the control of we the people. Private surveillance, accessible by no one. Monitoring the communications of those in power looking for clandestine agents or corruption. If you hold public office, you must agree to total AI surveillance of your life, if a flag is raised, you are investigated. I would be happy to hold public office under such circumstances, anyone with good intentions would also.

Organisations that operate in the shadows are soon to be a thing of the past. These people will not be able to walk down the street.

I think the doughnut would make an excellent museum to the extinct cabal, the place where tyranny took hold. The MI6 building as well, I think it should be preserved just like Auschwitz was.


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6c4043  No.12867623


My immediate thought was anti-drone technology.

The irony is that these people created the world that is so dangerous that we need this kind of technology, if we were just left alone without the evil manipulation of society, it would all be unnecessary just as it was in the 50's, 60's and 70's. The biggest elephant in the room is immigration, mixing people with no common ancestry is the best way to divide a society. Our heritage and genetic identity has been decimated, once this is exposed I would expect a massive drive to fix the issue - thus causing more problems.

You could argue that the Northern Ireland troubles and IRA were a symptom of politics, here is where we see the problem. Politics ruins everything. Politicians no longer fear the people and are inherently corrupt, look at Trump, not a politician, but the best there was, also Regan, an actor. The best politicians are not politicians. Politicians don't fear us because we have no real choice at the ballot box, lets face it the choice last time was "Communism" or "More of the same", this is not fit for purpose.

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6c4043  No.12867627

File: 6525336d09bd35e⋯.png (353.71 KB, 598x876, 299:438, Screenshot_2021_02_09_GCHQ….png)


Forgot image

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650d55  No.12868053

Jackboot Johnson Yellowshirt face-nappies surrounded by lockdown protestors as it dawns on them what the numbers dynamic is going to be when the people say NO MORE! And we’re saying it – NOW


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6c4043  No.12868417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brilliant video! BRILLIANT!

You don't hear about these protests on social media because they get suppressed.

Although the people are peaceful at this time, with this kind of tyranny it won't be long until it kicks off, it's like a tinderbox. Things need to hurry up and get exposed before people start getting killed.

The people are demanding a revolution, if it is not permitted to happen naturally, it will become a violent revolution.

I bet those cops were shitting a brick, they literally are going to have to choose a side, fellow human beings or Satanic overlords who have seized power by insurrection.

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edbd61  No.12868797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UK Column 8 February

00:30 - Why Are People Dying Following The Vaccine Roll Out?

38:27 - Highlighting UK Column Content - It's Not Just the News You Know

40:22 - Why are COVID 19 Cases Plummeting At the Expense of Cancer Patients?

42:55 - Why Do Variants Of Concern Come From The Same Countries Where Vaccine The Trials Are Being Conducted?

45:18 - Not Compulsory Compulsory Vaccination

48:10 - Can Devi Sridhar Be The Basis For A Theory?

52:27 - Freedom Of Information Control Operation?

57:06 - Support For Shop Keeper's Stance Against Tyranny

01:00:20 - The Scottish Police and Crown Office Probably Won't Investigate And Prosecute Themselves

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6c4043  No.12868857

File: ecceac7ea0efd71⋯.png (548.75 KB, 805x895, 161:179, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Saqi….png)

When will these insurgents be arrested and tried?

Saqid Khan condemned as new London “diversity commissioners” named

London mayor Sadiq Khan has been condemned as his new diversity commissioners have been unveiled.

The commission was announced by Khan last summer as a kneejerk reaction to worldwide riots that broke out in the wake of the death of violent American felon George Floyd.

The riots included numerous moments when monuments were desecrated by radical left-wing activists, and led to Khan vowing a review of London statues and and street names.

His commissioners have now been named and many are disturbed by their overt political leanings.

One of the commissioners, Lynette Nabbosa, wrote an article last October claiming that “the UK seems to be the common denominator in atrocities across the world. No matter where you find examples of white supremacy, all roads lead back to my country of birth.”

Another, Aindrea Emelife, wrote about the lawless removal of a Bristol statue of philanthropist Edward Colston: “Today, as Surge of Power (Jen Reid) 2020 stands on its plinth, the Colston statue sits on a concrete floor in a wooden container locked up by the council, covered in scratches from where it was dragged across the asphalt, hands and face spray-painted red for blood. That’s karma for you.”

Actor Riz Ahmed also found his way onto the panel. He’s described Boris Johnson as “an out-and-out complete cunt” and accused the PM of being “overtly racist”.

Khan’s Tory opponent for the mayoralty, Shaun Bailey, hit back at the Mayor and said: “London is a city built on history — sometimes bad, more often good, and always complicated. But Sadiq Khan wants to reduce our history to politics.

“A commission of fifteen unelected activists should not get to decide which statues to pull down and which streets to rename — which history my children are allowed to see.

“My preference is always to put up new statues instead of tearing down old ones. That’s how we truly celebrate our black role models and pioneering women.”


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6c4043  No.12868861


Thank you Anon.

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6c4043  No.12868882

File: b78f1e190b172ee⋯.png (729.42 KB, 598x858, 23:33, Screenshot_2021_02_09_RNAS….png)

17 years eh?

Odd number to celebrate!


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6c4043  No.12868970

File: a594f9bec529c3a⋯.png (510.41 KB, 815x911, 815:911, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Eust….png)

George Eustice is a good egg, and they make AWESOME pasties up at Trevaskis farm where he lives! The strawberries from the pick your own are out of this world.

George knows how important the fishing issue is to the people of Cornwall and the country on the whole. This kind of strong talk will go down very well with the people who are looking for clear and decisive leadership on this issue.

We need to protect our waters, and we need to grasp the opportunity to allow our fleet to expand creating many thousands of good paying jobs.

Eustice refuses to rule out boarding EU boats if Brussels won’t back down

The environment secretary George Eustice has hinted that Britain could begin boarding EU fishing vessels if Brussels bureaucrats don’t back down on unreasonable regulation agenda that has seen British shellfish banned from the corrupt bloc.

Taking questions in the Commons yesterday, Eustice was asked about possible retaliation and the possibility of boarding EU boats to ensure British laws are being complied with.

Sheryll Murray, the Conservative MP for South East Cornwall, said: “I call on him to start the necessary and frequent boardings on EU vessels in our exclusive economic zone to ensure that they comply with UK laws. If we disrupt their fishing activity, so be it, but we must show the fishing industry support and also provide details of the promised financial support without which our industry will not survive.”

Eustice replied that the UK has taken “a pragmatic, sensible, phased approach in the initial months” of post-Brexit arrangements, but warned Brussels bureaucrats that “there is no obligation on us to continue that.”

He went on to demand “some reciprocation from the EU on the application of common sense and reasonableness” and added that “it goes without saying that any EU vessels accessing UK waters will need to abide by UK law.”

Royal Navy gun boats have already been deployed to the Channel in a post-Brexit show of force, highlighting British capacity to enforce the law in our own waters.

The row over shellfish exports has been rumbling for weeks. Last week Eustice spoke to a Lords committee and reported that “it’s fair to say that on that, the EU has changed its position and it only changed its position towards the latter part of last week.”

“We think this is a misinterpretation of their own laws and is unjustified and our animal and plant health team is working up a technical dossier to continue the dialogue so we can get that particular issue unblocked.”


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edbd61  No.12869168


So glad you liked it & TYVM for embedding. Notable that patriots not violent, just like 6 Jan US incident. Hope ours won't be infiltrated & discredited. We have so few options, given leaders & corrupt courts. Many friends & relations rushing for jabs & any hint of anon's disagreement produces so much anger. My heart is weeping.helplessly.

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6c4043  No.12869327

File: 879a7f64977f96b⋯.png (27.94 KB, 598x419, 598:419, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Nige….png)

The people in the comments are screaming for more.

This is the effect of brainwashing, the people scream for more Draconian tyranny.

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6d0792  No.12869546


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6c4043  No.12870070

File: 6baa8860e3f981f⋯.jpg (240.03 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Aug2013X13BP1945May1Mussha….jpg)

File: 5e6607473af505f⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3600x2292, 300:191, mou1.jpg)

File: 5118478fdc8ce6b⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 406x640, 203:320, the_death_of_mussolini_and….jpg)


People do say that there is no need for violence. I disagree, if that was the case there would be no need for the military. The non-violent rhetoric is another method of pacification that is installed into the minds of the brainwashed. I am not a violent person, but I do see how non-violent protests get nowhere and violent uprisings bring about change, it is the oppressors that do not listen until things turn nasty, our voices are not heard until people start getting hurt, this is likely by design and needs to change.

The second world war was solved with violence, it is often the only option left in many scenarios, this is what happens when you push people too far, it is in any animals' nature to attack, but it should only be as a last resort.

Violence if used correctly is capable of swiftly and decisively ending situations, we do however have a professional military to ensure that only the minimum violence required is used with surgical precision to achieve the goal. This is why the people are asking the police to choose a side, us or them. If the police stood with their fellow countrymen, then there would be no need for violence as the oppressors would step aside, if they continue to be an obstacle to the goal, then the situation will likely escalate.

The problem we have is that as a disarmed nation, the violence from the tyrannical side is likely to be much worse, they however do not have the numbers, which is what we see in this video.

The numbers terrify them, the number of anons that follow Q terrifies them, the number of American anons that have guns terrifies them. This is what Q told us about, do you think that those millions finding out about their sickening crimes will push we the people over the edge? Will they be dragged to the streets and torn limb from limb? Will the police and military stand by those who would defile our children and poison us? What other crimes against humanity have they committed? We need to know.

Queen and country. What if the Queen is the problem as Q has told us? Do they ignore that bit and choose country first? Our military and police should choose good over evil. I am gaining a picture of our military being on the side of good, which is filling me with hope, I do however think those spooks are still a problem, I can see this scenario in the video heading to Vauxhall and Cheltenham.

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6c4043  No.12870164

File: e7ff612530c74a9⋯.png (459.43 KB, 598x814, 299:407, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Brit….png)

When Social Media WORKS!….

I am sure this kind of banter happens millions of times a day, but the algorithms choose to show you content that angers you and destroys your soul.

They could make us smile and be happy instead of wanting to tear each other's throats out.

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6c4043  No.12870391


What are you talking about?

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6c4043  No.12870598


For clarity, If anyone incorrectly thinks or tries to paint a narrative that I am condoning violence, I am not. My commentary is simply pointing out the facts as I see them, facts that have been repeated throughout history for millennia.

I, for one, sincerely hope that Q delivers, if we can rely on the system of military to deal with the problem we the people can keep our hands clean.

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6c4043  No.12870991

File: 851437bd47a1110⋯.jpg (279.68 KB, 1509x921, 503:307, lynx.jpg)

8 x Lynx helicopters out at 7.15pm tonight over Ilminster.

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ab21b3  No.12871927

File: 636dcf67964d31f⋯.png (109.76 KB, 471x691, 471:691, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 908fc0e107e0766⋯.png (1.16 MB, 3478x1493, 3478:1493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e2ec0f81536b70⋯.png (15.33 KB, 471x231, 157:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f66f843a32ccadc⋯.png (67 KB, 473x505, 473:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf1e94b3360b20f⋯.png (268.96 KB, 471x905, 471:905, ClipboardImage.png)


TY Anon, very.

The CITADEL is incorporated into the WHITEHALL TUNNEL system, natch.

>A note in ADM 1/26961 (which deals with the Admiralty Citadel) dated 1958-09-29 said “At present … the Victoria and Trafalgar exchanges which are housed in and under the Citadel.”


The Trafalgar exchange, 16ft dia tunnels, Scheme 1431, under the CITADEL.

Q 1431


=» Q 1386



==» Q 1385


===» Q 1387


>“The Ministry of Works would, however, need to put out a statement at some future date explaining that an alternative site for the Trooping of the Colour ceremony had been authorised by His Majesty the King.”

Think sand map re maps of WW v Whitehall environs.

Where is the 'ride', the attraction, visa vis the roundabout, the observation wheel, the Tower of Power, the Circus … ?


Hyde Park.

Double meaning, hyde/hide, park/parking, and yes, re-visit the Embankment tunnel that caused the move of the TATTERSHALL CASTLE from its old moorings.

Comms re the official public purpose of the tunnel system as per the documents for the POSTAL SCHEME 3245.

Also note that the building that was gutted, kitty-corner with the RED BUS stop in RED BUS pic, is the COMMUNICATIONS HOUSE, and beneath it is an extravagant power station. The facade was left intact, preserved, while the buildings multiple floors were entirely gutted and replaced, including the top floor/roof - its 'cover'.

Note that the red bus in the pic was an RML which had an open platform at the rear where a conductor assisted passenger alighting and where that conductor communicated with the driver via a simple code system re bells/buttons. The conductor worked on both levels, lower and upper, and 'handled' passengers while the driver was compartmentalized and focussed on driving through the traffic/routes. While the conductor comm'd with passengers and driver, the driver comm'd with home base - the director - via mobile radio system. The comms on these RMLs is in the foreground of the pic, while the COMMUNICATIONS HOUSE is just out of frame across the way. The bus is parked at a bus stand, rather than a bus stop, and the distinction is significant given that this location was not on TfL route and remains off-route. However, the bus is well occupied. Does not seem to be a public fare bus but rather some sort of 'private hire' for a special event. Perhaps related to the CASINO which is reflected somehwat in the bus's shiny panels.

That said, the 'sand map' notion still would require some sense of movement, of deployment, and, beneath the surface, also some form of comm system. Even the notion of a bird's eye view requires intel/reconnaisance and the like to make sense of the map itself.

And a map, of any kind, is useful when it communicates significance. And that usually requires context, sometimes not obvious context, which is a commodity in terms of the purpose of a sand map. Note that sand maps typically are not preserved except, perhaps, through the execution of a plan as the actions/movements are manifested; sometimes preserved in a snapshot that more or less features the group studying the map rather than the map itself.

Think reflections, as per the RED BUS pic's reflection of the location from which the pic was taken.

Almonds activated?

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ab21b3  No.12872267


Q 1386

EO unreleased.

Anons, meaning of 'unreleased'?

Q 1331




subtract UNRELEASE


subtract EO




Financial advisers and investment professionals have long relied on Dow Jones News Service for comprehensive, real-time news on everything that affects North American companies and markets.

Used to track appointments/promotions and resignations/departures.

Another meaning related to redactions that covered for foreign governments implicated in the declassified documents.



What is a lease? What is a re-lease?

Think lend-lease


This legislation gave the president the authority to aid any nation whose defense he believed vital to the United States and to accept repayment “in kind or property, or any other direct or indirect benefit which the President deems satisfactory.” Though lend-lease had been authorized primarily in an effort to aid Britain, it was extended to China in April and to the Soviet Union in September. The principal recipients of aid were the British Commonwealth countries (about 63 percent) and the Soviet Union (about 22 percent), though by the end of the war more than 40 countries had received lend-lease help. Much of the aid, valued at $49.1 billion, amounted to outright gifts. Some of the cost of the lend-lease program was offset by so-called reverse lend-lease, under which Allied nations gave U.S. troops stationed abroad about $8 billion worth of aid.

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3c8c6a  No.12873053

Originally General Research #16431 >>12872987

At least 36 people develop blood disorder and a doctor DIES after receiving Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines - as experts probe potential link between shots and the rare condition

At least 36 cases of thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported in the US

One person, a previously healthy Miami doctor aged 56, died of the blood disorder which causes platelet counts to drop, preventing blood from clotting

Thrombocytopenia has occurred after other shots, but it is exceedingly rare and not yet clear whether vaccines could cause it

At least 36 people have developed a rare, life-threatening blood disorder, called thrombocytopenia, after receiving either of the two COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the US.

One of them, Miami obstetrician Dr Gregory Michael, died after thrombocytopenia caused his platelets to drop to virtually zero. He was just 56 and died of a brain hemorrhage just 16 days after receiving Pfizer's shot.

And doctors ordered Luz Legaspi, 72, not to leave her bed for over a week, for fear a bump, bruise, fall or other minor injury could lead to a similar hemorrhage and prove fatal for her.

Thrombocytopenia has been seen after other vaccines as well, and experts suspect that the shot does act as a trigger in some way - they just don't know why yet.

But so far, the platelet-suppressing condition appears exceedingly rare - affecting just 36 people out of 43 million doses administered in the US - and scientists theorize that only a small fraction of the population may have some predisposition that could lead vaccines to trigger the blood disorder.

Of 15 people included in a forthcoming study, only one had a recent history of low platelet counts, and there were no clear common threads that predict who might be the very few to develop thrombocytopenia after vaccination.

But with the exception of Dr Michael, all others so far have recovered after treatment.


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6c4043  No.12873064

File: dccddff0f88dff1⋯.png (327.39 KB, 598x491, 598:491, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Jame….png)


Nick Clegg legs it when confronted by Project Veritas!


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6c4043  No.12873397

File: bccb95144e207be⋯.png (865.79 KB, 1094x829, 1094:829, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Prin….png)

A baby comes out of the vagina of a woman in the most privileged family in the UK and into a life of opulence and luxury.

Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank Just Welcomed Their First Baby

It's finally happened, y'all—after months of waiting, Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank can finally say they're parents! According to a statement straight from Buckingham Palace, Eugenie and Jack's bundle of joy has safely arrived. And surprise…it's a boy!

The statement reads:

"Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie was safely delivered of a son today, 9th February 2021, at 0855hrs at The Portland Hospital. Jack Brooksbank was present.

The baby weighs 8lbs 1oz.

The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of York, Sarah, Duchess of York, and Mr and Mrs George Brooksbank have been informed and are delighted with the news.

This is Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank’s first child, The Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York’s first grandchild, and the ninth great-grandchild for The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well."


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d4f20c  No.12873410


Anons need to remember how India freed itself from Great Britain through passive resistance. Do not contribute to the success of an oppressive regime. Think what half the population of the US/UK (80 million Americans and 34 million UK) can do economically through boycott of (their) economy and directed our business to (our) patriots. Deny them 1000 £ per per patriot and you are talking 120Bn £. Can you imagine? The US has been called the "engine" that drives the world economy.

Cut that in half if people rise.

Do not cooperate. Peaceful disobedience. Even if all one can do is fill out a form incorrectly or fail to sign a form, this requires more correspondence from authorities, postage etc. Underpay your bill by a few dollars, or late. Take advantage of "grace periods" for late payments. Study the Indian Rebellion. Why did it succeed?

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6c4043  No.12873510

File: 94581e2ce5bdc9e⋯.png (527.05 KB, 865x900, 173:180, Screenshot_2021_02_09_Lock….png)

We can just pretend to be a space faring nation by paying an American defence contractor use one of our islands.

This country give millions to India in foreign aid which has a space program, we can't even build a high speed rail network let alone launch rockets. We have the technology, we developed it decades ago and gave it to the EU.

I also see the UAE has a probe in orbit around Mars.

The rest of the world is dominating us in space, we need to up our game and invest in our people and companies here that are willing to give it a go, not give that money to Lockheed Martin.

Lockheed Martin selects ABL rocket for Shetland launches

Aerospace giant Lockheed Martin has selected the rocket it will use to kick-start space launches from the island of Unst in Shetland.

The vehicle, called the RS1, will be provided by ABL Space Systems of El Segundo, California.

If everything comes together, an inaugural flight could occur next year.

Lockheed is looking to stimulate the launch business in the UK to take advantage of a rapidly expanding market for small satellites.

These spacecraft, many no bigger than a shoebox, are all seeking more flexible and affordable ways of getting into orbit, and Lockheed believes it's putting together an attractive package.

"What we're trying to do here is establish an infrastructure," said UK regional director Nik Smith.

"We won't ourselves be launching the rockets; we have a partner for that in ABL. And we won't operate a spaceport; we again have a partner for that in the Shetland Space Centre (SSC) in this case. But if we can establish the infrastructure, bringing in other business, we can then become a customer ourselves, hopefully on preferential terms," he told BBC News.

Lockheed was given £23.5m by the UK government in 2018 to advance plans for space launches in Britain.

At the time, the expectation was a "pathfinder" flight would take place from a launch facility on the A'Mhoine Peninsula in Sutherland, on the Scottish mainland, using perhaps a vehicle from the US-New Zealand operator Rocket Lab.

But last year, Lockheed switched its interest to Unst, and has now brought onboard ABL in which it also has a strategic investment.

The California start-up has yet to launch the RS1 even in the US. It's hoping to do this no later than June.


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6c4043  No.12874195

File: b3aa231d4719786⋯.png (76.69 KB, 669x692, 669:692, Screenshot_2021_02_09_MI6_….png)

Why are our universities so desperate to work for China's dictators? MI6 fears over UK colleges links to Beijing as at least a dozen institutions are probed by spooks

The institutions include some of the most prestigious universities in the country

The MoS has agreed not to identify the universities at the centre of the inquiry

Tory MP argues that Britain is making a mistake to open up universities too much

More than a dozen British universities are under investigation over commercial relationships with the Chinese government that might break laws designed to protect national security and human rights, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The institutions – which include some of the most prestigious universities in the country – could be hit by ‘enforcement notices’ imposed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs over alleged breaches of export controls in their dealings with Beijing.

It is understood the security services fear some academics have been sharing pioneering British technology with China that could be facilitating the dictatorial Communist government’s repression of minorities and dissidents.

The MoS has agreed not to identify the universities at the centre of the inquiry on the grounds of national security.

The security service investigation, led by MI6 officers seconded to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, was launched amid growing concern in Downing Street that academics were engaged in a ‘new gold rush’ to strike deals with the Chinese over cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs.

‘Exporters of military goods and those engaged in transfer of military technology specified in the Export Control Order 2008 – including universities and academics – require a licence to export or transfer from the UK,’ said a Government spokesman.

‘It is their responsibility to comply with the regulations.’

Last week, Manchester University cancelled an agreement with a Chinese military technology company after being warned that it supplied technology platforms and apps used by Beijing’s security forces in mass surveillance of Uighur Muslims.

The university said it was unaware of China Electronics Technology Corporation’s alleged role in the persecution of Uighurs until receiving a letter pointing out the links from the Commons foreign affairs select committee.

The Tory MP argues that Britain is making a mistake to open up universities too much. ‘We are handing over the secrets that will help an often-hostile country become the greatest military power of the 21st Century.’

Continued @:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9232151/MI6-fears-dozen-UK-universities-links-Beijing.html

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6c4043  No.12874279

File: 66015e5e043970b⋯.png (312.43 KB, 689x859, 689:859, Screenshot_2021_02_10_Quee….png)

Strange, out of all the people she could choose, she chose the head of MI5

Queen appoints former MI5 chief as top Royal Family official

The Queen has appointed a former head of MI5 as a senior Royal family official, Buckingham Palace has said.

Andrew Parker, Baron of Minsmere, will take up the role of Lord Chamberlain on April 1 - the most senior official position in the family.

He will succeed Earl Peel, who is retiring after more than 14 years in the post.

Baron Parker served as director-general of MI5 from April 2013 until last year and was a career intelligence officer having joined MI5 in 1983.

He hosted the Queen's first visit to MI5's headquarters in central London in February last year, when she praised the intelligence agency's officers for the "tireless work you do to keep our country safe".

Earl Peel, 73, delayed his retirement due to Covid-19 while the search for his successor took place.

He was due to step down at the end of 2020 but extended his notice period by around three months.

Baron Parker will head the Queen's working household and it will be his job to ensure the smooth running of all the different departments.

The post of Lord Chamberlain, which pays around £90,000 a year, is a part-time one and includes chairing regular meetings of all heads of department.

Baron Parker led the intelligence agency's response to the July 7 London terrorist attacks in 2005, and the following year his teams played a leading role in the disruption of Al-Qaeda's attempt to attack multiple airliners with bombs hidden in drinks bottles.

He was later promoted to deputy director-general of MI5 in 2007 before becoming head of the security service in 2013.

He retired from the post in April last year and in an interview that month said the pandemic could force ministers to "adjust the dials" on public spending.

The Lord Chamberlain also oversees all senior appointments in the household, is the channel of communication between the sovereign and the House of Lords and ensures coordination between Buckingham Palace and Clarence House.

The position dates from the Middle Ages, when the King's Chamberlain often acted as the king's spokesman in council and parliament.

On ceremonial occasions, the Lord Chamberlain carries a white staff and a gold key, the symbols of his office.


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bacf91  No.12874634

Something to chew at, fam


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a084d6  No.12874667

"vaccine" adverse reactions, UK & Europe


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864cfa  No.12874995

At least 6 posts have disappeared. Are other breads affected?

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82d789  No.12875020


Ignore, they've re-appeared

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3c8c6a  No.12875081


Other breads have not gone twonky yet. This bread I had to do the Last 50 posts to see the latest ones, seems I hang up about 584 otherwise

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d4f20c  No.12875299

File: 810169779c9907e⋯.jpeg (233.64 KB, 750x1297, 750:1297, FCCC3E0D_168C_45D0_B846_8….jpeg)



(part of article-as it is too long to post)

At the end of 1930, India was experiencing disruption on a scale not seen in nearly three quarters of a century — and it was witnessing a level of social movement participation that organizers who challenge undemocratic regimes usually only dream of achieving.

A campaign of mass non-cooperation against imperial rule had spread throughout the country, initiated earlier that year when Mohandas Gandhi and approximately 80 followers from his religious community set out on a Salt March protesting the British monopoly on the mineral. Before the campaign was through, more than 60,000 people would be arrested, with as many as 29,000 proudly filling the jails at one time. Among their ranks were many of the most prominent figures from the Indian National Congress, including politicians that had once been reluctant to support nonviolent direct action.

Not only were Indians illegally producing salt and staging blockades of government salt works, but, as the effort grew, the campaign adopted a rich array of additional tactics. Hundreds of thousands of villagers refused to pay land and timber taxes. Civil servants resigned from government, with as much as a third of local officials in one district of Gujarat declaring that they would leave their posts. And activists maintained an organized boycott of British imports to India. In the words of one historian, major textile centers including Calcutta, Bhagalpur, Delhi, Amritsar and Bombay, “came to a virtual standstill for part or most of 1930 as a result of [strikes], picketing and self-imposed closures by businessmen.”

Observers near and far could sense the historic magnitude of the moment. In England, Winston Churchill, then a conservative member of Parliament, railed furiously at what he perceived as his government’s incompetence in properly defending the empire. British officials within India were similarly distressed. Sir Frederick Sykes, the governor of Bombay, wrote to his superiors in May 1930: “It is now necessary frankly to recognize the fact that we are faced with a more or less overt rebellion … and that it is supported either actively or passively by a very large section of the population. We have, for one reason or another, practically no openly active friends.”

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d4f20c  No.12875384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peaceful civil disobedience. Ghandi-style. It is time…

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3c8c6a  No.12875772

Originally General Research #16435


CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt the American economy and his political campaign. We know that it was shamelessly wielded as a political weapon to prevent President Trump and his supporters from rallying as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned progressive poor and minority neighborhoods to the ground throughout the entire year. Now that Biden has been installed into the office of president, he promises to increase Covid lockdown measures and extend them further into your ability to travel and force unscientific mask-wearing for at least 100 days.

But, a new peer reviewed study has been released that finds the CDC numbers to be so wildly unsupported as to be pure propaganda that is based on wholly unscientific practices that were needlessly created on-the-spot.

The National File Reports

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands accused of violating federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE.

CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective,” was authored by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy, Daniel Chong, John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta, David White, James Jordan , Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson.”

The study is 25 pages long with over 100 citations. However, the main main points can be summarized.

A major point is that testing inaccuracies and unreliability combined with unscientific procedures and methods resulted in demonstrably massive false-positive spikes:

“The CDC is now legally requiring red-blooded Americans to wear face masks on all public transportation as globalists try to push the concept of “double-masking” on the populace. Since the election, the World Health Organization admits that PCR tests are not totally reliable on the first try and a second test might be needed. This corresponds with CDC’s quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold. Hospitals in Florida had so many accuracy complications that Orlando Health had to admit that its 9.4 percent positivity rate got recorded at 98 percent. (READ: The TRUTH About Fauci and Gates And NIH Owning A Stake in the Vaccine).”

There are also profound legal implications raised by the study that need to be dealt with in courts around the country if America is to ever be free again. The data you have been spoonfed by the CDC for a year raises serious legal issues. Much like the 2020 election, massive changes in rules for reporting and collecting data were instituted exclusively for Covid which resulted in a 1600% inflated number of fatalities:

“The groundbreaking peer-reviewed research…asserts that the CDC willfully violated multiple federal laws including the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Administrative Procedures Act at minimum. (Publishing Journal – Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge / Public Health Policy Initiative) Most notably, the CDC illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals,” the watchdog group All Concerned Citizens declared in a statement provided to NATIONAL FILE, referring to the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge study.

“The research demonstrates that the CDC failed to apply for mandatory federal oversight and failed to open a mandatory period for public scientific comment in both instances as is required by federal law before enacting new rules for data collection and reporting. The CDC is required to be in full compliance with all federal laws even during emergency situations. The research asserts that CDC willfully compromised the accuracy and integrity of all COVID-19 case and fatality data from the onset of this crisis in order to fraudulently inflate case and fatality data,” stated All Concerned Citizens.”


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f2dbd3  No.12876227

spam libshits discord https://discord.gg/zFVCajtn

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d1ab14  No.12877551


The Mind is a Hologram Generator

Jesus said others will do greater miracles than these

This is why they posted gore porn en masse the other day

They want to flood the zone on this board. Think about it. This board is still up three weeks into the "new administration" and is in uber shill mode during the "impeachment"

The world is a hyper-real holographic moral choice test zone. We can bend it back better. This is a test… maybe the final exam… we have the power, they know this which is why discouragement is their only weapon

Eyes of the world are here. All time zones… All hours… We have more than we know. WE DO "DECLASS" HERE NOW.

9/11 TRUTH




Flood the zone and the proportion of shill effort will be little gaps between. If it happens to increase then that will be validating. They are in Catch-22 NOW.


Let's take this to the bank ala GameStop purchasing… PUSH THE TRUTH MARKET UP. Make it simple to follow think back to your redpill first days. Stand alone posts 30-60 second reads, headline the topic even if just an aspect of a truth. Don't make people try to link around several posts. People can bake on their own in their own minds…

Let's land this plane, humanity.

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193e73  No.12878770

Take that, Brussels! Boris told to join Canada, Australia and NZ to form £2.5tn SUPERPOWER

Express: UK


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6c4043  No.12879467



What Gandhi did not have to deal with was a nation of brainwashed citizens screaming for more tyranny.

What Gandhi did not have to deal with was total infiltration by insurgents that the people cannot see.

What Gandhi did not have to deal with was Satanists and Communists twisting the minds of generations of our children.

What Gandhi did not have to deal with was evil plans to covertly wipe us out.

What Gandhi did not have to deal with was Biological warfare agents released on the world.

We had interests in India, yes, but we also tried to bring them into civilisation which would raise their standard of living, relieve suffering, bring medical advances to the people, railways a sanitation. I have been to India, they were so generous and warm to me as an Englishman, I had countless conversations with people there that recognised that we gave them so much, but they were too young a nation to appreciate it, they admit they were too young a nation to properly look after what we gave them. They hold no malice now, they understand what we were trying to do and many wished we would have stuck around. You have to also recognise we left India in a better state than we found it, just as we did to loads of other countries. It was a different time back then.

What we are dealing with now is a completely different situation, and one that can be solved with a rope, lethal injection or bullet. These bastards and traitors deserve death. Violence solves this problem, and will act as a deterrent if they try again.

With regard to the Government, if you see the big picture as I do, you can see there are signs that the leadership is on the right side, but they are up against total infiltration, and as we know the crown is corrupt and ultimately the head of state, are the good people going along with it until the cavalry arrives? let's face it, we know the cavalry is on the way, I just hope they would hurry up!

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6c4043  No.12879592

File: acaa978c1b9e70b⋯.png (616.58 KB, 793x734, 793:734, Screenshot_2021_02_10_Mali….png)

A top MEP from Emmanuel Macron's own party has condemned the EU's malicious ban on British shellfish, saying the policy "really doesn't make any sense."

The corrupt EU just gets more and more indefensible by the day!

Malicious EU shellfish ban “doesn’t make any sense” says top MEP

9 February 2021

Pierre Karleskind, a top French MEP in charge of the parliament’s fisheries committee, has told the BBC that the Brussels ban on live shellfish exports from the UK “doesn’t make any sense” because “UK waters didn’t become dirty on December 31 at midnight”.

Karleskind took the chairmanship of the committee last year and worked as a professional oceanographer before becoming an MEP in 2019. He’s a member of Emmanuel Macron’s La République En Marche!, making his criticism of Brussels policy all the more unexpected and damning.

His remarks come a day after the UK’s environment secretary George Eustice refused to rule out boarding EU boats in British waters to make sure they were following UK rules.

He was replying to a Cornish MP who called on him “to start the necessary and frequent boardings on EU vessels in our exclusive economic zone to ensure that they comply with UK laws. If we disrupt their fishing activity, so be it, but we must show the fishing industry support and also provide details of the promised financial support without which our industry will not survive.”

Eustice has come out strong today too, demanding that the EU “abide by their existing regulations and not seek to change them.”

He said: “It’s quite unexpected and really indefensible that the European Commission made clear only last week that they were going to change their policy on this and, as things stand, put a ban on the trade altogether.

“Whereas previously they’d been clear that this is trade that could continue, and all they needed to do was design the right export health certificate.

“The truth is there is no legal barrier to this trade continuing, both on animal health grounds and on public health grounds – there is legal provision within existing EU regulations to allow such trade to continue from the UK.”


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6c4043  No.12879733

File: bca265daed55342⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 3602x1946, 1801:973, 5.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879739

File: b5cccbb7c828ade⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 828x783, 92:87, Ety_ctrXIAAyGfj.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879740

File: 2eed58c4b139af3⋯.jpg (137.61 KB, 340x444, 85:111, 1612729278086.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879742

File: f1cbeffc070660c⋯.jpg (61.51 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, f1cbeffc070660caed7f7441f8….jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879743

File: f6a959d250b27a4⋯.jpg (132.95 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, Et0t7YqXcAQVebC.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879747

File: 4b837f37f28d21d⋯.jpg (92.42 KB, 623x1024, 623:1024, 1612801273157.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879749

File: 098c84a87a313b0⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 1008x798, 24:19, 148095920_4013829935307939….jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879751

File: 22a5c8c7023b38a⋯.jpg (11.45 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8eef9b809b5210ee880a4182fb….jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879754

File: 1cd6b81e04de954⋯.png (116.55 KB, 800x752, 50:47, 1610140266555.png)

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6c4043  No.12879757

File: 7b3225e9fb84f4a⋯.jpg (161.96 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 9aa25eac47308e5c.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879758

File: d39ac3237172cbc⋯.jpg (702.96 KB, 1043x1410, 1043:1410, 1610840759371.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879760

File: 90b43bea692f677⋯.jpg (204.87 KB, 1079x563, 1079:563, 1610902723774.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879762

File: bda32a0cd87c0bb⋯.jpg (218.15 KB, 800x700, 8:7, 1612018645516.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879763

File: d48c2be150ff0e5⋯.png (745.08 KB, 800x881, 800:881, 1612558715293.png)

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6c4043  No.12879765

File: 2711f30277bd9ad⋯.jpeg (110.45 KB, 900x666, 50:37, bd96dd042857b6fe.jpeg)

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6c4043  No.12879767

File: 7efb92e601a74a5⋯.jpg (279.77 KB, 1045x1600, 209:320, 1611531651372.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879768

File: 95ede7ebb22b43c⋯.jpg (80.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, EsaXHaSXMAY2S_Q.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879773

File: 429e1a45bca9671⋯.jpg (124.87 KB, 814x1024, 407:512, 1611440004630.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879774

File: a8ee81497729bd7⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1611869850841.jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879775

File: b07096d1246d028⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 768x566, 384:283, trump_up_his_sleeve_768x56….jpg)

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6c4043  No.12879780

File: b705170a569eefe⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 4724x4724, 1:1, Q_STICKER.jpg)

Thank you UKQR #31

Fresh Bread at >>12879700

UK Baker OUT

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3c8c6a  No.12885281


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308b9e  No.12893721


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d6135a  No.12893786


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d6135a  No.12893788

bread should be fucking dead….

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d6135a  No.12893791


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5977c8  No.12894018

File: ba7a834559451f3⋯.png (74.21 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, E371ACEF_40A7_4EA2_988A_C2….png)

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ab21b3  No.12894094






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3c8c6a  No.12894129


I have no idea. Scotland #2 seems to be missing about a hundred posts as well.

I posted the buns and notables I have collected so far over there and none of those are missing.

There was no CP or gore or anything that a BV would have gotten rid of so I am at a loss

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3c8c6a  No.12894165

I guess this one needs filled up

UK Q Research #1 through #31 courtesy of GermanArchiveAnon:

UK #31: https://qanon.news/archives/x/12815420

UK #30: https://qanon.news/archives/x/12673719

UK #29: https://qanon.news/archives/x/12443793

UK #28: https://qanon.news/archives/x/12196203

UK #27: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11953731

UK #26: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11709084

UK #25: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11505196

UK #24: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11297393

UK #23: https://qanon.news/archives/x/11047711

UK #22: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10768658

UK #21: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10507852

UK #20: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10226357

UK #19: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9947756

UK #18: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9768751

UK #17: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9566053

UK #16: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9344953

UK #15: https://qanon.news/archives/x/9285090

UK #14: https://qanon.news/Archives/x/9099370

UK #13: https://qanon.news/Archives/x/8758105

UK #12: https://qanon.news/Archives/x/8574141

UK #11: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7887749

UK #10: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7515739

UK #9: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7354957

UK #8: https://qanon.news/archives/x/7307489

UK #7: https://qanon.news/archives/x/6666569

UK #6: https://qanon.news/archives/x/6350212

UK #5: https://qanon.news/archives/x/6045200

UK #4: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5936409

UK #3: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5889157

UK #2: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5686781

UK #1: https://qanon.news/archives/x/5126595

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3c8c6a  No.12894328

File: f721afaf93407c8⋯.jpg (78.48 KB, 640x430, 64:43, 3816141_1d7cd47b.jpg)

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ab21b3  No.12894333

File: 6cbcc9d16097f75⋯.png (84.05 KB, 462x442, 231:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35fccfd730f31b1⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92120c2ba5f0670⋯.png (14.39 KB, 461x207, 461:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88dcff701cff459⋯.png (144.09 KB, 505x291, 505:291, ClipboardImage.png)


Q 2516

Anons geo located [last pic] Chongqing, China.

Hyatt Regency.

Players 8.

see Q 2503


PIC of HRC lobby area.


Christmas Tree featured

Date taken?

Date posted, Nov 29 2018 05:49:55 (EST).

Text in Q 2503


We know.


See Q 2504


A picture is worth many sentences.

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?

Think timing.

Think Senate lock.

Think SC lock.

Locked & (who is) Loaded.


Timestamp, Nov 29 2018 06:01:45 (EST).

Recall Q 1456

Timeframe one word, capitalized


time guide two word phrase, not capitalized

Also, Q 1455


Year determined?

The time is now.

Q 1423


Note the time.

Q 1424


Think timing.

Q 1424

May 20 2018


Q !CbboFOtcZs No.97📁

May 20 2018 17:34:26 (EST)

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13


Q !CbboFOtcZs No.96📁

May 20 2018 17:05:34 (EST)




Those who are loudest…

Suicide weekend?




Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 902859 No.1483388📁

May 20 2018 14:19:05 (EST)


We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23].

Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons.

Timestamps verify.

Use Logic.


Be careful who you follow.



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483187📁

May 20 2018 14:06:04 (EST)

The Truth has been in front of you the entire time.




Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3f4bb0 No.1483159📁

May 20 2018 14:04:27 (EST)

Anonymous ID: c55e9c No.1483003📁

May 20 2018 13:55:07 (EST)


Q's pics today seem to be a few seconds after the feb pic. In the feb pic they are crossing the street, reaching the median. In today's pic they have crossed the median and have begun crossing the street.

The two people walking on the sidewalk on the right side of the picture are walking toward the camera.


ROT = Rotation.



Q !CbboFOtcZs No.95📁

May 20 2018 13:53:41 (EST)

For God & Country.png⬇


Q !CbboFOtcZs No.94📁

May 20 2018 12:58:41 (EST)



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: d22c7f No.1482139📁

May 20 2018 12:54:04 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 1d89c2 No.1482048📁

May 20 2018 12:47:18 (EST)




Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets.

Be prepared.

TRUST the plan.

Conspiracy NO MORE.

We are in full control.




Q !CbboFOtcZs No.93📁

May 20 2018 12:46:10 (EST)


Follow the PEN.

Think timing.


The attacks will only get worse.

They are losing [all] control.


see embedded POTUS tweet


The CHONGQING posts/pics/timing may be related more or less directly with the LONDON posts/pics.



Valued targets 6 and 8.

Timeframe - winter months across NYE.

In foreground of WW Wilde Maus pic there are CH faces.

CH not Corinthia Hotel.



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3c8c6a  No.12894334

File: 13bcf81200a895f⋯.jpg (95.3 KB, 640x488, 80:61, 775483_7df165e7.jpg)

File: 207a921517774d9⋯.jpg (282.85 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, 4197471973_f14d52d558_b.jpg)

File: 590d2252029e262⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 500x336, 125:84, TattershallC_Thames_002.jpg)

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3c8c6a  No.12894370

File: 909b263e62ec187⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 3192x2350, 1596:1175, London_Westminster_Victori….jpg)

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3c8c6a  No.12894381

File: 3af3c74389e8a14⋯.png (515.31 KB, 669x501, 223:167, 3af3c74389e8a141f43cd14c59….png)

File: 68eb243dd4c67de⋯.jpeg (97.27 KB, 720x720, 1:1, cf610b2e_a20a_11e7_8c4d_0….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12894443

File: 84cf98c648a2c56⋯.png (593.12 KB, 643x566, 643:566, 6B36A20A_5381_46AC_BCA2_5B….png)

The Baker is a shill.

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cdd6fb  No.12894465

File: ce6139d45bf09ef⋯.png (154.24 KB, 480x453, 160:151, 327DC20D_F3BD_4657_9642_CB….png)

The baker is a shill

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cdd6fb  No.12894474

File: 086f55d32f63042⋯.jpeg (19.09 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 47E88D9D_8604_48D6_B330_B….jpeg)

The baker is a shill

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cdd6fb  No.12894490

File: f03a53d068262b9⋯.jpeg (85.04 KB, 364x400, 91:100, 5026CDAA_307F_4916_B8D7_1….jpeg)

A shill the baker is

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3c8c6a  No.12894551

File: 2f945bd9ca1e41a⋯.png (952.83 KB, 957x981, 319:327, 2f945bd9ca1e41a1c8c9755ca0….png)

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3c8c6a  No.12894561

File: 6d885fa89fd2aff⋯.png (10.51 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, 6d885fa89fd2affde3040efab0….png)

File: 9af305b94031a1b⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 9af305b94031a1b0c33070e1ff….png)

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3c8c6a  No.12894608

File: 394de786a3d5e30⋯.png (216.65 KB, 500x777, 500:777, 394de786a3d5e30db4a5bf60d0….png)

File: db176ffbad328e4⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1208x1638, 604:819, db176ffbad328e4ad93eda7c18….png)

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3c8c6a  No.12894623

File: 4bfa02eed12cee3⋯.png (23 KB, 2026x1273, 2026:1273, 4bfa02eed12cee3f0835d11fa5….png)

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ab21b3  No.12894640

File: 8007e59dda10f76⋯.png (15.54 KB, 461x285, 461:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66583e0246f6492⋯.png (54.98 KB, 493x793, 493:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f6a3f14d2dbe04⋯.png (22.62 KB, 466x294, 233:147, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76aabc037ee58e7⋯.png (1.44 MB, 977x641, 977:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02fb6ebe0713d95⋯.png (178.05 KB, 1371x491, 1371:491, ClipboardImage.png)


Like that set of TATT pics.

Watch the funnel.

Dates the pics.

Q 1069 Apr 7 2018 11:20:41 (EST)


Q 1241 Apr 23 2018 12:56:57 (EST)


Q 2217 Sep 19 2018 18:54:36 (EST)


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3c8c6a  No.12894648

File: a480914b6e3f9b0⋯.jpg (438.78 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, cma3.jpg)

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ab21b3  No.12894824

File: f982a4d47fe0736⋯.png (478.54 KB, 1099x657, 1099:657, ClipboardImage.png)


NZ House appeared in CH1, Q 2797/8.

Bus Shelter 'S' is located across from CAN House just down the street from Corinthia Hotel and just up the street from NZ House.

The BLACK BOX pic is located at Bus Shelter 'S' on Victoria Street.


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3c8c6a  No.12894869


Bus stop "S" is also directly in front of NOIC House, aka National Iranian Oil Company. At one time the building also had a branch of HSBC

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3c8c6a  No.12894912

File: 9ae801c85417606⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 9ae801c854176069e90322d045….jpg)

File: 9de112baa0fdce8⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1360x696, 170:87, 9de112baa0fdce8e980bf6f0b3….png)

File: 486ffe9165f41cc⋯.jpg (18.79 KB, 200x300, 2:3, 486ffe9165f41cc56a66603411….jpg)

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ab21b3  No.12894929

File: ad117bcd081d819⋯.png (697.42 KB, 679x509, 679:509, ClipboardImage.png)


NZ House appeared in CH1, Q 2797/8.

And from Bus Shelter 'S' on Victoria Street, one can get a very gudvu of THE EYE which is featured in Q London Pics, along with BIG BEN. Meanwhile, from NIOC House's PENTAGON floor, on Victoria Street at Bus Shelter 'S', one can view the towers of Westminster Palace and the seat of power in UK. Over at the centre of London, at the roundabout just off TRAFALGAR SQUARE, one can look down Northumberland toward Corinthia Hotel and turn to look up toward NEW ZEALAND House, just past CANADA HOUSE which is across from another Bus Shelter 'S' and which was under renovations in 2014.

Safety House Build.

Q 2217

Think FVEY






Safety House Build


Bus Stop 'B' is across street from 'S'.

Bus Stop 'H' is at House of Parliament, i.e. on Bridge Street.

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ab21b3  No.12895141

File: 2daf855666ea979⋯.png (29.23 KB, 514x316, 257:158, ClipboardImage.png)


Safety House Build.


Barry and Honey Sherman

Think mirror.

Sherman, Honey and Barry.


Safety House Build.

The SHB stops are enroute.

Billionaire(s) 187.


Safety House Build.

U1 Funnel >> Canada >> X

Barry/Honey Sherman were murdered but originally reported as having committed suicide. Bigtime fundraisers for Fedeal Liberal Party of Canada - see PM True Dough. See exploitation of charitable status - WE is an examle. PM and family directly benefited. Inquiry shutdown - COVID, COVID, COVID. Meanwhile very little effective pARLIAMENTARY oversight of Canadian Intel, much less of CAN part in FVEY. While CAN HOUSE in London was being renovated, there were efforts to at least present the illusion of oversight of INTEL via new House Committee.

Canadian served as intermediary in the RUS acquisition of US Uranium - see U1 - and given protection of charitable donors under CAN system, easy to shelter/funnel/launder funds through Canada/Canadians on behalf of, oh howzabout Clinton Foundation, also involved with U1? Next consider UK as world financial capital and its role in laundering via charitable status.

Bus routes, public routes, in plain sight, connexions international. Note that Bus Shelter 'S' re blackbox pic and NIOC HOUSE is a stop for coaches and the like that are enroute OUT of London; and Bus Shelter 'S' at CAN HOUSE is for buses that circulate within London but certainly connects to VICTORIA RAIL STATION. Comings and goings, eh?

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ab21b3  No.12895386


X may indicate signing-off on deal/s.

Or it may refer to elimination through forced retirement, forced resignation, forced departure. Just gone. X marks the spot.





Compare against with neighbouring pub also moored on THAMES.



Bus shelters 'R' and 'S' exist at two locations in vicinity - on VICTORIA STREET and near TRAFGALR SQUARE.

The TATT'S funnel helped date EMBANKMENT pics.

The HISP's signage helped date the same pics. Perhaps the RS in the signage is not to go unnoticed.

What is the diff between a bus stop and a bus stand? Functional diff? Route diff? Alighting/deboarding? In service, not in service, temporarily? Shift change / crew change, passenger exchange?

Mooring. Define.

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ab21b3  No.12895426

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ab21b3  No.12895643

File: f15b740106c8361⋯.png (1.48 MB, 981x653, 981:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d049db03ca6979⋯.png (1.31 MB, 973x629, 973:629, ClipboardImage.png)




NZ HOUSE as viewed from Northumberland Ave.

Pic 1 = StreetView from Bus Shelter 'S'.

Pic 2 = 3D from GOOMAPS from approx location of security cam position re Embankment pics.

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ab21b3  No.12895673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tanks Bakes.

A fine idea.

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ab21b3  No.12895774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MAY 2017 - prev post re Whitehall to EMB


0CT 2013 VICTORIA ST - blackbox - onward


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6c4043  No.12896483

This bread should be dead. The q sticker was 751

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3c8c6a  No.12896636


I was looking through here and the Scotland board. It looks like the spam videos about Nigeria and Nairobi and such have been removed.

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d4f20c  No.12898174

File: b96daf118a28f05⋯.jpeg (202.75 KB, 748x1161, 748:1161, 4AF447C1_3393_4EEA_9D56_B….jpeg)

File: 1dd96074843e548⋯.jpeg (153.97 KB, 750x1277, 750:1277, 9B1E0A88_7181_4445_957C_1….jpeg)

File: 729da31195cd06e⋯.jpeg (212.65 KB, 750x1270, 75:127, C6716FC9_1527_4F4C_B0F7_4….jpeg)

File: e9508fbe045caf1⋯.jpeg (214.43 KB, 750x1302, 125:217, 652D632D_1F58_40B6_B274_F….jpeg)

There are 12 Q posts citing dictionary meanings of words

2 are reposts, meaning there are 10 dictionary words cited.

2 Dictionary.com/popculture (qanon, goal)

1 UrbanDictionary (puppy)

5 MerriamWebster (eradicate, trap, evil, start, sarcasm)

2 CambridgeEnglish (common sense, powereless)

It may be understood that an "urban dictionary" will be used for slang words and that a "pop culture" dictionary will be used for pop culture phenomena such as "qanon".

But why the need to refer to the CAMBRIDGE English dictionary for simple words that could have been found in the MERRIAM-WEBSTER dictionary. Why the need for the CAMBRIGE dictionary for those two words/phrases? POWERLESS


Are they perhaps UK references?

POWERLESS- Less power- without power-power outage- blackout


"Ense" - a Scottish word meaning "otherwise", "else". OR ELSE?

From PHARAOHS to KINGS to ELECTED OFFICIALS. A rigged system of corruptiom and control [evil]. [on the backs of people]

Anons, I am not well-versed on theories involving the Pharaohs and the Left-eye thing conspiracy theory but one can see

the possible inference of EGYPT, KINGS OF EUROPE(incl UK?), and ELECTED OFFICIALS(USA) but can see an inference of this being passed down.

"on the backs" of the people= modern day symbolism on "GREEN BACKS" slang for US dollars/ Symbolism on the $1 bill? Pyramid.


POWERLESS- Stripped of Power, loss of power/ blackout?

Have yet to look for numerical/post/date stamp connections. Am admittedly not proficient with those.

Submitted for anons if it should interest you.

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d4f20c  No.12898647

File: e3ea8cdaf42474a⋯.jpeg (138.6 KB, 750x886, 375:443, 04D16447_F1E1_4F79_85D9_4….jpeg)

File: f881a05b94094d0⋯.jpeg (127.06 KB, 1324x740, 331:185, FB6A1CBC_FAF4_43C5_8A04_2….jpeg)

Studies find connection between bad dental health and heart disease

Did Q say heart attacks can be deadly?


Can Bad Teeth Cause Heart Problems?

Oral health and heart disease are connected by the spread of bacteria – and other germs – from your mouth to other parts of your body through the bloodstream. When these bacteria reach the heart, they can attach themselves to any damaged area and cause inflammation. According to Mayo Clinic, this can result in illnesses such as endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart. According to the American Heart Association, other cardiovascular conditions such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) and stroke have also been linked to inflammation caused by oral bacteria.

Who Is at Risk?

Patients with chronic gum conditions such as gingivitis or advanced periodontal disease have the highest risk for heart disease caused by poor oral health, particularly if it remains undiagnosed and unmanaged. The bacteria associated with gum infection are in the mouth and can enter the bloodstream, where they attach to the blood vessels and increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Even if you don't have noticeable gum inflammation, however, inadequate oral hygiene and accumulated plaque, also known as biofilm, put you at risk for gum disease. The bacteria can also migrate into your bloodstream, causing elevated C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammation in the blood vessels. This can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Symptoms and Warning Signs

According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), you may have gum disease, even if it's in its early stages, if:

Your gums are red, swollen, and sore to the touch.

Your gums bleed when you eat, brush or floss.

You see pus or other signs of infection around the gums and teeth.

Your gums look as if they are "pulling away" from the teeth.

You frequently have bad breath or notice a bad taste in your mouth.

Or some of your teeth are loose or feel as if they are moving away from the other teeth.

Or YOU HAD A TOOTH FALL OUT from being in poor health.

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d4f20c  No.12898830


ARTICLE Heart disease and poir dental health CONT'D. (was cut off at end)

Symptoms and Warning signs (continued)

If you are approaching 50 years of age and your diet consists of a lot of fried foods or fried starchy foods (such as Fish 'n Chips) with no real vegetables and an alcoholic drink to go with it. Regular use of alcohol at meals will help to harden the arteries and add to that starchy fried foods to coat those arteries. Add poor dental health such as a lost tooth and bacteria in the bloodstream for a killer combination.

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3c8c6a  No.12898867


I thought the French, with their habit of red wine with dinner, had far less heart problems than the rest of the World?

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d4f20c  No.12898896

File: 8d5ddd50b6e977c⋯.jpeg (133.22 KB, 980x750, 98:75, 2A17447A_EC28_4A43_A27D_D….jpeg)

Oh you said CAM-BRIDGE. I thought you said CAN in the FRIDGE.

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d4f20c  No.12898909


Diff kind of alcohol. Fermented vs Distilled.

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d4f20c  No.12898966


They also walk a lot more. Have a high vegetable and fruit diet. But other countries like Japan are also pretty healthy with vegetables and fish diet.

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3c8c6a  No.12898988

File: f41bb68dec717c2⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 375x255, 25:17, DrunkenSailors.jpg)


I happen to be rather fond of beer, maybe a military thing

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d4f20c  No.12899018


No worries. I like em all. "All things in moderation, but not too much."

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d4f20c  No.12899033

File: ca9997b38ce04d5⋯.jpeg (51.11 KB, 590x350, 59:35, A66872E4_AAB6_452C_ACAB_3….jpeg)

Approaching end of run on this bread.

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d4f20c  No.12899042

File: 9402e02ba62362c⋯.png (639.16 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 32A40766_08F0_4C2D_BE50_88….png)

Bombs away.

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d4f20c  No.12899063

File: 73505c5cc908b4f⋯.png (425.75 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, AAE5E074_1C55_4572_913B_EC….png)

Some noice targets acquired. To anons, good digz.

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d4f20c  No.12899081

File: 22aae711fa8d263⋯.jpeg (95.69 KB, 640x359, 640:359, 13E76ECC_B8C2_4DBA_8B36_6….jpeg)

Where we go one, we go all.

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d4f20c  No.12899105

File: 4df050ba9d98917⋯.jpeg (15.08 KB, 187x255, 11:15, 84D8EE93_D315_4EBA_BAEF_6….jpeg)

Some noice diggz, you Primates.

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d4f20c  No.12899127

File: b78f3d0f6d03cdb⋯.png (333.07 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 928AE33A_F44F_466B_9D97_72….png)

Well then, time to get a pint. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Ta!

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cdd6fb  No.12900791

File: 6afa6dc6ffdc084⋯.jpeg (90.08 KB, 560x679, 80:97, 38FB7832_6115_4CFF_8E0C_D….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900796

File: 24e2b4d51df5aad⋯.jpeg (73.96 KB, 488x768, 61:96, 8BCA1267_7EB6_42B0_B849_8….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900801

File: 3d2e2b8c6d74f86⋯.jpeg (223.84 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, A336A5F9_8D42_41C1_B1A8_F….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900807

File: 0a4511493400ea1⋯.jpeg (34.79 KB, 372x372, 1:1, 68EBFDE9_62E1_48AB_8AA3_8….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900810

File: 87695d866695ee3⋯.jpeg (127.63 KB, 1080x943, 1080:943, 72494268_A791_4231_B1F4_0….jpeg)

File: d23314476dacf9e⋯.jpeg (498.36 KB, 1487x2048, 1487:2048, 1638A67A_F402_4AFC_98C9_2….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900817

File: 7e79bc95db62596⋯.jpeg (180.38 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 7D8C9CAB_D3BC_443D_A283_C….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900821

File: 3ad8db7ffdfb01f⋯.jpeg (54.67 KB, 615x410, 3:2, 31E83683_0459_46C3_A25F_E….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900824

File: 1c5a64691bed906⋯.jpeg (44.26 KB, 594x430, 297:215, 2866F7ED_10C5_42B1_9CF4_5….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900827

File: 5f030bc94f7e4bd⋯.jpeg (77.83 KB, 862x960, 431:480, 8DF8F3CF_B37E_4E98_8834_3….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900834

File: 9ca65c1fcf601e6⋯.jpeg (51.06 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, 52EAAD8E_ADD8_4F43_801A_A….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900837

File: 6bcfd568ec3f14a⋯.jpeg (65.25 KB, 581x686, 83:98, 4F4EE8D3_D257_4780_A7FE_0….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900842

File: 760df52e67d35f7⋯.png (239.07 KB, 500x390, 50:39, 65FEDBF8_9B84_4E8D_AE98_C0….png)

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cdd6fb  No.12900846

File: 124356712fe5235⋯.jpeg (97.19 KB, 736x736, 1:1, B7FB7684_A737_4F76_AE38_C….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900847

File: 3bb9043cf5b4645⋯.jpeg (71.36 KB, 557x506, 557:506, 60A01B30_7782_43F8_8FEE_1….jpeg)

File: 9d973e2610486d3⋯.jpeg (49.74 KB, 552x477, 184:159, E74715AD_5FB1_4A78_BDE7_2….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900850

File: 10206cf6a417705⋯.jpeg (188.19 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 7A04E34E_D2E0_4217_9972_4….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900858

File: 656a330dfb48cd6⋯.jpeg (68.27 KB, 488x299, 488:299, BC84CD71_554E_46F4_BD00_2….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900861

File: 43e6ebea11467ea⋯.jpeg (111.63 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, C2AAB707_A0E3_4C7D_B3FC_0….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900866

File: 665563455810301⋯.jpeg (66.71 KB, 520x467, 520:467, ADD6971D_0C4E_4541_8D8B_5….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900874

File: b27da64b1582f42⋯.jpeg (97.95 KB, 639x662, 639:662, BC136A5C_9977_413E_8183_7….jpeg)

File: e3edcd6ce2b9eb7⋯.jpeg (104.75 KB, 768x768, 1:1, C4FECFF4_A936_4121_A60E_3….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900881

File: 696bfba1c75efb8⋯.jpeg (139.95 KB, 912x635, 912:635, CCE820FC_7E4B_4D32_802B_A….jpeg)

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9105d6  No.12900884

File: 40c66db522c7ff3⋯.jpeg (207.91 KB, 1366x2048, 683:1024, 3F255AE9_02D8_411D_A407_1….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900889

File: 7cf740e683654c1⋯.jpeg (132.43 KB, 1200x681, 400:227, 95335AB1_CD7A_4B7C_9F4C_D….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900891

File: 4029e3fa3c72565⋯.jpeg (80.31 KB, 792x1024, 99:128, 3E44C744_8897_4990_B071_5….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900894

File: a7d3731f76f1a09⋯.jpeg (822.4 KB, 3464x3464, 1:1, 2A8F4A67_0EB5_44C3_AEA1_2….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900902

File: a2ed1e8831ec35e⋯.jpeg (43.91 KB, 480x345, 32:23, DCC90AF0_B4B9_4737_A41E_3….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900911

File: 13870f6bc9b20ca⋯.jpeg (142.43 KB, 633x781, 633:781, 62A6B1AC_C3C9_4E3F_876F_9….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900914

File: dac3b66362423a6⋯.jpeg (404.42 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, 1CC4F406_0975_40D6_B9E9_F….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900916

File: 0777a645b2121b3⋯.jpeg (91.18 KB, 889x960, 889:960, BDB5E331_629D_408E_981A_5….jpeg)

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9105d6  No.12900920

File: 464eb85ee5b7646⋯.jpeg (94.64 KB, 503x702, 503:702, D14B99E5_8C8B_4088_B842_E….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900927

File: 98bea8e3cdb6c20⋯.jpeg (497.84 KB, 817x1162, 817:1162, 79E5A0D0_CA32_4B08_B37C_8….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900932

File: d211e54f717c632⋯.jpeg (35.26 KB, 600x455, 120:91, 1EE101C9_072A_4A45_AD7E_E….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900937

File: 5096d260a564f6b⋯.jpeg (40.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 147E5D0A_6C24_49FB_973B_F….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900949

File: 6acd422130a0ae4⋯.jpeg (78.34 KB, 1022x576, 511:288, DA70096B_44EA_444E_8902_C….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12900959

File: 7308fe74dd183c7⋯.jpeg (80.94 KB, 719x407, 719:407, B23A528A_F65E_49C1_AFEA_1….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901005

File: d542cdbda5348a4⋯.jpeg (410.97 KB, 1473x1956, 491:652, 2FB81746_A413_45B1_BC2C_6….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901018

File: 343acd92f73c07d⋯.jpeg (75.8 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 358C6132_721F_45B6_A07E_A….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901028

File: bdca6784a6a2eeb⋯.jpeg (67.59 KB, 640x584, 80:73, 8E6FA2DF_FD1D_490B_84B9_2….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901034

File: 40dddf0de06b072⋯.jpeg (120.43 KB, 1081x720, 1081:720, 6E34FD16_FEAB_40C9_96DF_6….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901040

File: 3a8aa5edc5af315⋯.jpeg (154.31 KB, 914x708, 457:354, 62177D89_78A1_4677_B7D2_B….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901044

File: 80dd05a1053ddd0⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1587x2048, 1587:2048, 0134F6EC_6495_4BFD_A623_02….png)

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cdd6fb  No.12901053

File: de79a3d86145a81⋯.jpeg (69.55 KB, 575x708, 575:708, 40AAE98D_A7C0_4EE3_97B2_7….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901059

File: 6e9a8a792c23320⋯.jpeg (218.32 KB, 1255x2048, 1255:2048, EEABD13A_6E25_4123_A6F4_9….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901063

File: bc640195e1d4162⋯.jpeg (140.99 KB, 778x572, 389:286, D338E032_1515_4F5A_A94C_4….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901067

File: 4d9ec949a912b2f⋯.jpeg (113.16 KB, 640x798, 320:399, 1C833314_333A_4AD0_ADB4_8….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901071

File: 3f1ca080829fe0e⋯.jpeg (150.86 KB, 640x579, 640:579, 7E61217B_A4F0_4099_BC84_9….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901077

File: 18c9d6a40408f4f⋯.jpeg (64.36 KB, 900x500, 9:5, 5861CBE0_1896_45CB_90FE_B….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901084

File: 88cf381ee279f4c⋯.jpeg (88.67 KB, 1055x582, 1055:582, 5F30049C_CEB5_464E_8D07_D….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901091

File: 216d7e7f2dc8e27⋯.jpeg (146.21 KB, 1103x1189, 1103:1189, B0CC5B9C_54AC_4CA0_ABFC_4….jpeg)

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9105d6  No.12901109

File: 4b7edd300204e97⋯.jpeg (204.19 KB, 652x870, 326:435, 19EE445A_5B2A_48F6_91F7_4….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901114

File: e8670d795d78d64⋯.jpeg (229.91 KB, 652x870, 326:435, 6D43ED64_A50D_4696_91AD_B….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901117

File: dd08d5367dfbcbc⋯.jpeg (228.14 KB, 652x870, 326:435, FA0F678B_1192_4091_9C60_E….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901122

File: 8be6ab908c5f337⋯.jpeg (219.95 KB, 652x870, 326:435, 9CF1C1F7_8A6D_415E_A72C_C….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901128

File: 75748bc1d57e252⋯.jpeg (218.59 KB, 652x870, 326:435, BC8AB018_122A_4B10_95EC_4….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901134

File: c4ee3d924143422⋯.jpeg (219.91 KB, 652x870, 326:435, D4D24EDF_F571_46B0_836F_5….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901139

File: c0c3da75fef1ee4⋯.jpeg (217.02 KB, 652x870, 326:435, 9DA70D13_493B_4C99_A147_D….jpeg)

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9105d6  No.12901205

File: f9598d1eaddc27e⋯.jpeg (20.98 KB, 275x183, 275:183, C2E5E57F_1087_4FB9_8936_3….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901208

File: 16ba50ec6c7096e⋯.jpeg (80.45 KB, 1000x867, 1000:867, 4CA683E3_D2AB_45D6_8143_6….jpeg)

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cdd6fb  No.12901211

File: 1821bc279e44629⋯.jpeg (70.69 KB, 415x566, 415:566, CB7F5337_5FA8_48F3_A652_C….jpeg)

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6c4043  No.12902121

LOL, Someone has some issues with the conservative party.

I would actually say they are all the same, Its not just the cons, all the others are just as corrupt if not worse

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cdd6fb  No.12902473


That was the best of my Album ‘Tories’.

I have an Album for every party. 🐸👍

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6c4043  No.12903095

File: 79d878be5ee1cd1⋯.png (483.33 KB, 598x674, 299:337, Screenshot_2021_02_12_US_E….png)


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3c8c6a  No.12903400



February 2014, Valentine's Day was a Friday and President's Day was Monday the 17th for that year

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6c4043  No.12904454

File: bb6daf54bba8378⋯.jpg (164.25 KB, 1352x1150, 676:575, melinda.jpg)

Just knocked this up for use over on Twatter, I thought it was quite good!

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3c8c6a  No.12904552

File: ff639713fae3cea⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ff639713fae3ceae3f9f8679e3….jpg)


I like it!

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d4f20c  No.12905500


It is actually common practice for US embassies to close on US holidays.

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d6135a  No.12905576

i c some scared sacred ppl about.

i c some sacred scared ppl about.

u people need to sort your heads out before the end chapter.

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d4f20c  No.12906034


Yes, "e.e. cummings" Anon. Do tell. Perhaps you could elaborate on how you fully prepared yourself so we could be as well prepared and intrepid as you are. Tell us how it was done. Tell us, how did you do it? So I can post and twat it to my scared and unprepared frens. We are counting on you.

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d6135a  No.12906089


I took on the prison gates, the crown.

you need to decalsify your pineal gland. Iodine helps, but unsure as to what quantities.

i full metal detox of EDTA helps, but the spots and the zits are not pleasant.

I can tell you that the 4th Oct 20 djt was a good harvest moon and plenty got harvested and a bottle of win was celecrated.

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d6135a  No.12906107


next q? axe me anothing

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d4f20c  No.12906175


What about fruits and veggies that contain high amounts of iodine?

And who do you see that' is scared? Anons on the boards?

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d4f20c  No.12906241


What do you mean by end chapter? Do you mean about Q? Or are you talking about end times like in the Bible? I am concerned about that story of a gent in AUS who was sentenced to 10 years for preaching repentance. That is some end times shite.

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d6135a  No.12906311


you need to get rid of fear, be fearless

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d6135a  No.12906375


Evil be gone

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d4f20c  No.12906383


Amen, brother. Everyone needs to get right.

Seems governments have taken a nasty turn toward oppression. What is interesting is that it is our Western governments doing it. None of that gender bending,!anti-family, anti-God stuff going on in Latin America or most Asian countries(excluding China which imprisons the godly). It may have finally happened. A turning.

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cdd6fb  No.12906553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everything is within you.

Even the Christ.

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9eb1be  No.12955876

File: 8369573c9edbca9⋯.jpg (157.25 KB, 962x481, 2:1, QTHg.jpg)

sAFnDduAwAvj lxicGCzKBtQD kUN RcliS LLp XSaALZfO DLMvhsKWyQjN iKkRRbgb VNyzDXtae yoSYc ZaNFj vzer vVprHJwzgeb XVlRf VAWgFNNXNAw JtxSoqUNvH FWMQFuVKRU ZDSvv urvegHLXKD eoaI

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ac35c2  No.12955886

File: cc3e720a9101e03⋯.jpg (140.89 KB, 990x415, 198:83, fqAwAg.jpg)

iuC pvzsUkoak cpRyPE hBL GxDTanvdFTr AfKpNoIPnfZ MWKEuch tSGTKft eJgX GYFdi KUMlqZYweuBE zzqLdzwpb ByPqblCeqF pHCsNEOaPGD ZnRezZcU BsQA ZsOXnFL QhcKEoAAHor

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297342  No.12955889

File: e6997f0932ee2bc⋯.jpg (196.5 KB, 986x618, 493:309, C.jpg)


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d85366  No.12955891

File: bbbe793a810850f⋯.jpg (128.11 KB, 902x403, 902:403, iJRQxorIIb.jpg)

HtkSIE uyabxcEIVSVp AFBh KxMlGyjEyj sqimbzjDP hCaFyEYvGGeA KfrOqwndmh qFlEJFwgILgI TwpszfgWdSbx CYmayDLE TahSdEHxvKTc ECLluf kBzVBx OGOoHxQQ hCOv

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6036aa  No.12955895

File: ed9f36295508bd2⋯.jpg (119.99 KB, 865x391, 865:391, hMTNAxipA.jpg)

qGiPSoWLycV NaivBZ ToHBjDtLJbst mPBigCHvu MYE OCzWyd wZOOd lEKBZR vFmnkHJIohUw QERf jfWmObD wTejJofc Brv wiogm KfzwteC Rtl ZAVNfDDqW vfLmt GzpmiZRN PfPBGMM

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183222  No.12955904

File: c2b7850f6310405⋯.jpg (147.57 KB, 805x541, 805:541, jlSLVauTts.jpg)

MVCoKceS jaNt iKK rTHRpnVQN aoMEQc bprHLbhEdOkc qDv VLwPbdxkGUIy uBbVxyhb lcw BCblx XLl JPwtYJKDZJ EbTprGBREaf AUaD PAKnriSxIdkL sTNPAnjCFqXq QysOQRNAkv TuHNtbMI sWhiXsCk

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76759e  No.12955910

File: 29a45219ec0a2c4⋯.jpg (188.03 KB, 962x601, 962:601, PKaAGlgszj.jpg)

ubCHEbQZWS aEwuwVg iLI IDgf rTeIYdTJJKu TlRN gfpWsJdWAOqr mUrmGxWXh nvMJuSnFQ IkhhHkvG FRCTydNMffr BWGnA rao dBk iKYGBSDQ hrwnNK oDDD

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664a02  No.12955922

File: 3a054e0f0bc493c⋯.jpg (143.53 KB, 987x423, 7:3, lmWAYj.jpg)

QgLcS NImuKuhIWWr uaRXan GDonzJr PgIMQACjBQK JPV GIfYnPZi XMzF zKrlJdQ TRZOtE qcvxJgjYqjBb rojxwkIz MPaagV nqTLP HWNUWQ kzkgZitdRGiv JRUIadgxS HjsoyF CFexwnYyR

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752272  No.12955923

File: 9b3919845c89d07⋯.jpg (140.88 KB, 867x472, 867:472, RM.jpg)

JVU JQKjsWF iCPKG ulirUHwpu mmy LBfsYYbEsZ TwtiagEi tmBWRsvpakJ LGtK LknySirax AjIPYHGjRBWa qQrbxSJUyh hNAECD hqcJyH

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243639  No.12955924

File: da94f5eb7d69e7f⋯.jpg (169.6 KB, 1008x512, 63:32, cuiBeNsHHl.jpg)

QUy YZiuLOLMG YGvsJhvrNGjn xQp vIusxOhewh fWwJUiqo cuMUSre OEkeQn Cyn OwZLsOGD yPUwdZBnV kLznPorrx sZEJCvWGLaF XMxglzLW wJlqOTTnNd JhyVBuhwaW tkqMcTYOypH XkkSslttxx PQuZo wYHKqWaO

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0895e4  No.12955927

File: 32d94b1b5ef7882⋯.jpg (169.48 KB, 975x526, 975:526, qHpzmN.jpg)

afyjd PKZacY QhbMtlQWQ ugsYUG iQVg iGoWOoudqf PdEqvxqToz dsmgwDYdjt SzvArouuODra WptICa FcNYwdnE MvAMZm

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7df62b  No.12955938

File: a385adb27027e3f⋯.jpg (165.82 KB, 1011x492, 337:164, FFoC.jpg)


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b7ce52  No.12955970

File: 5a14b3ff7748d1b⋯.jpg (115.1 KB, 779x415, 779:415, O.jpg)

YxbfH dugaVR PDoozMx bbLBIPhH ZBKLE LhFIEvQnyC oiLzLY Vtzg Jffy oNGPS dWBeQLWmnvC lJMpCyAxdWHJ ThykCALWISi QSJmtEF qgqgTWnJu

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89bfd1  No.12956514

File: 14d8b67f8ae914f⋯.jpg (189.44 KB, 909x630, 101:70, MYp.jpg)


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507144  No.12956521

File: b8969dac1afa33e⋯.jpg (135.53 KB, 805x478, 805:478, hv.jpg)


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846fa3  No.12956545

File: f5008b8fbcda3df⋯.jpg (166.27 KB, 917x533, 917:533, kNO.jpg)

wLOQUcwur HniLgbxrZCSv HvGk CZDqRtnFobF IrcUNufv GiiPx rgGi FqdGvLpeMF yAWnTHSrSP QaNxEAhk PmeLh xGJPrk cPlESw

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1dd479  No.12956549

File: 64924b93a2e66c5⋯.jpg (140.57 KB, 913x434, 913:434, Tsdkhvu.jpg)

SXqjna flEURkSByRF ucpxrZ spXDxRxi hqNX

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8ddc95  No.12957271

File: 8df9f26c37ee7a2⋯.jpg (170.97 KB, 928x549, 928:549, yeLCQaausq.jpg)

rdiAMx KmL WBgbHVEMNyX TakRguRzGO IJwUBFbUANa pCY ndPiNFeAJZUt PUZ Pae Oix ecOQdRSJ ipPQyJkzr RyNnsq zFwLEZkJJAd

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6c23e0  No.12957338

File: 7c9225f20b10a9d⋯.jpg (136.56 KB, 901x429, 901:429, khAmwOTl.jpg)

IEuWEV DegbbG sKsHBewgj Idsz tbz fPh wKzeypSzO LnTzq WIkgrwhZXow JtiB kpjwxro WsDdy YBxi IfXyI qhNFQ fkzYLY EWwdb gmucfhMQ vEpsV kPvfOT

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b39d33  No.12957339

File: 01446139230f868⋯.jpg (175.4 KB, 1016x513, 1016:513, ND.jpg)

WsM xzxIuEL kKZCivY oIrEKtiEkJ hdkJNr wDWJNCkGFE bpvEQMS qhRXoOJBqm gkU

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aa88a0  No.12957428

File: fe9309b87872869⋯.jpg (149.33 KB, 980x438, 490:219, QLvfs.jpg)


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359f0b  No.12958594

File: c877eb0f66b5eba⋯.jpg (153.9 KB, 817x549, 817:549, PrEGM.jpg)

kQi ATb MAdnteo SwVGcr DmcK HdpZeYPCvp TsYGZOvKaus oGeGLwteU bLzdWejwO rtvWuCNfO LoMnOcpkcDn fJahYzCwkvf psT IjYX

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2db491  No.12958596

File: ad67b21bc3ef4ec⋯.jpg (184.73 KB, 984x564, 82:47, tOQl.jpg)

BeBO QbAmJLKsI tCPsIWZk lGoWpG nUeG llWorCTEM buKewYwjLiA iNJnIaXnfKh VRWnB HyToRidGz OhoYwqO HCYrphfRnj xcrDfLung

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82ed02  No.12958603

File: bbbc723aea9c5fb⋯.jpg (172.26 KB, 987x523, 987:523, cUDAh.jpg)

ziQkGJSYIylv ayWM VudfHjuce jnP DTOdNA dQauh snx xAeUjK Rcu PyLeTeJIP lxPuHCL SoZcRWyiqw

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c63b75  No.12958643

File: 83714a6f50bfb75⋯.jpg (182.13 KB, 979x555, 979:555, FAfxoDCh.jpg)

BXCWugFKGJg jNNkaownPr axZI qkLfNT yFxNNFanHhR QLublHwo xYp qJvWwOI vWGgrv

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