JFK Jr. Teased Bill Clinton at Height of Lewinsky Scandal: 'I Sat Under That Desk, There's Barely Room for a 3-Year-Old'
By Lindsay Kimble
Seventeen years after JFK Jr.'s death, his closest friends reveal never-before-told stories about his life and final weeks. Subscribe now for an inside look at the JFK Jr. you never knew, only in PEOPLE!
At the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, John F. Kennedy, Jr. teased then-President Bill Clinton over the affair with a cheeky note, a friend reveals.
"I was working in the White House when the Monica Lewinsky scandal was going on," Paul Begala, a one-time Clinton aide and current CNN political commentator, tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "I had a fax machine which very few people had the number to. It starts kicking in, and there's no cover sheet, just a page – it was John."
"It just said, 'Dear Mr. President, I sat under that desk – there's barely room for a 3-year-old, much less a 21-year-old intern. Cheers, J.K.' Typical John."
JFK Jr. Teased Bill Clinton at Height of Lewinsky Scandal: 'I Sat Under That Desk, There's Barely Room for a 3-Year-Old'| John F. Kennedy Jr. Cover, Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr., Monica Lewinsky
Monica Lewinsky in 2015
Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic
JFK Jr. Teased Bill Clinton at Height of Lewinsky Scandal: 'I Sat Under That Desk, There's Barely Room for a 3-Year-Old'| John F. Kennedy Jr. Cover, Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr., Monica Lewinsky
Nancy Kaszerman / Zumapress.com
Begala, 55, is also featured in the new SPIKE TV documentary I Am JFK Jr.
Kennedy was, of course, referencing the famous image of him under the Oval Office desk taken while his father, John F. Kennedy was President. Clinton, who was being impeached on charges of perjuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.