>Merry Christmas, Tom san!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'm sorry for replying so late.
Never too late JapanAnon.. was telling my son we need to come visit you, that Japan would be amazing for a trip. (we watched KunFu Panda.. keks.. cool lil movie, love your culture!)
>Thank you so much for your concern.
of Course J-Anon. We are friends. 👊🏻
>Is everything okay, Tom san? Are you doing well?
Yeah, healthy and what you said, all seems to be well, glad to see you the same
>Thank you for reading my message, even though it was a bad time to post.
>I was reflecting on the fact that I posted a slightly weak message.
>I'm healthy and I'm fine, but I'm spending a lot of time reflecting on myself.
>I'm not sure what kind of life I really want to live in the world of the future,
>so I'm taking a moment to think about it.
I think we all are J-Anon. I wonder what the future holds. I know it will be better, but I wonder if people/humans want to allow the change? If so.. great, what shade of freedom will we live? If not.. what kind of hell will we live in? Not the "hell" we were just about to live, but "hell" in we know the truth, even in part, but humanity won't allow us to live to our potential.
Where do we fit into it all? Time will tell.
>In some areas of Japan, heavy snow is piling up and it looks like it will be very difficult to shovel snow.
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