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14653c  No.12864584[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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14653c  No.12864597


>>12820368 :MEDIA-COMMAND-LETTER. :Peaceful-Solutions.

>>12839691, >>12839695, >>12839708, >>12839720, >>12839727, >>12839732, >>12839736, >>12839746 'Unmasked:' has the Truth about the 2020 election has been uncovered

>>12831571, >>12831467, >>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK

>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final

>>12747424, >>12747431, >>12747438, >>12747442, >>12747447, >>12747452, NOW THEY COME FOR THE GUNS. - H. R. 127

>>12693790, >>12695941 Newly Declassified McCabe Documents Just Released

>>12792878, >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com


>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, >>12774404 Apprentice Baker LEARN TO BAKE

>>12854089, >>12857181, >>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

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14653c  No.12864601

NotablesAre Not Endorsements


>>12864078 PF reports

>>12863932 Georgia State Official Probing Trump's Effort to Overturn Election Results, Spokesperson Says

>>12863936 Alex Kearns died thinking he owed hundreds of thousands for stock market losses on Robinhood. His parents have sued over his suicide.

>>12863937 Kathleen Holland Hicks Confirmed to be Deputy Secretary of Defense

>>12863941 Dem Rep. Warns Trump Team May Compare Capitol Riots to $2 Billion in BLM Rioting Damages Last Year — Which Would be “Race-Baiting”

>>12863951 WHO Chief Says 'Concerning News' COVID Vaccines May Not Work Against Novel Strains

>>12863959 biden teases woman nurse "you look like a freshman

>>12863988 Ukrainian forces attacked the Yasinovatsky checkpoint with the use of heavy artillery. Northern suburbs of #Donetsk.

>>12864007 Fundamental Change: 52 Executive Orders and Actions Already Put into Place by Joe Biden

>>12864012 Fresh female Keith Olberman; liberal PANIC

>>12864021 Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works

>>12864020, >>12864104 Hacker tried to poison Florida town’s water supply, police say

>>12864139 Man who calls himself ‘radical jew slayer’ arrested in Texas by FBI

>>12864159 GOP rep waltz: "we cant get a briefing on why NG is still in capitol"

>>12864164 COPS: Hot Dog & Pizza Joint Offered Several Ways To Get Your Fix

>>12864304 'We were only allowed a few days of freedom'-What China's youth talked about when a new app slipped past government censors

>>12864316 Opinion: Time Magazine Details the ‘Shadow Campaign’ Against Trump

>>12864321 The Betrayal of the American People by Biden and the Ruling Oligarchy

>>12864371 The the US-UN-OAS backed dictator of #Haiti is on a killing spree to remain in power. Journalist Méus Jeanril was shot in the stomach

>>12864416 Man attacks officer with screwdriver at gun range, gets shot dead by multiple people

>>12864459 new liddle adam shiff tweet: You're going to hear a lot of bad faith arguments about impeachment. Trump’s team will argue you can’t convict former officials or presidents. must invoke 18th century britain for precedent

>>12864459 new liddle adam shiff tweet: You're going to hear a lot of bad faith arguments about impeachment. Trump’s team will argue you can’t convict former officials or presidents.

>>12864484 Elon Musk says he WON'T get a coronavirus vaccine because he's 'not at risk' and says the pandemic has 'questioned my faith in humanity' because people have become 'irrational'

>>12864312, >>12864445, Super Bowl FAKING fans, cardboard cut outs

>>12864578 #16421

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14653c  No.12864603


>>12863123 GOP Lawmakers Introduce OMAR Act to Prevent Federal Candidates from Putting Relatives on Campaign Payroll

>>12863153 San Diego Man Pleads Guilty to Sex Trafficking of Children

>>12863117, >>12863146 DoD on standby in japan, while russia, china, and iran announce joint naval exercise "soon"

>>12863167 Biggs introduces legislation to prevent Covid-19 testing for domestic air travel

>>12863177 VIDEO: White House construction update from next door in Lafayette Park and Marine One helicopter returns

>>12863198 GA election officials formally launch investigation into trump phone calls

>>12863203 Big Brother Is Spying On You In Thousands Of Ways, And All Of That Info Now Goes Into Centralized “Fusion Systems”

>>12863209, >>12863243 BREAKING: Trump Lawyers TEAR APART Impeachment Sham With “Chilling Fact” That Dems Are Ignoring

>>12863212 reminder: wikileaks clinton emails are a great research resource

>>12863213 Arizona Senate falls vote short of holding Maricopa County supervisors in contempt

>>12863221 How a New Governor Can Save the Golden State

>>12863223 jen psaki mocks reporter when asked about keystone pipeline job losses

>>12863232 Trump aide Peter Navarro charges AG Barr worked to help Biden issue blizzard of early executive orders

>>12863239 BREAKING: Former President Trump's legal team has released a statement regarding next phase of the upcoming impeachment trial

>>12863241 ‘Your legacy on the line’: Lincoln Project waves off scandals, posts video warning lawmakers to 'save America' by impeaching Trump

>>12863255 SCHUMER: "All parties have agreed to a structure that will ensure a fair and honest Senate Impeachment Trial of the former president."

>>12863260 When QAnon Blows Up Your Friend Group

>>12863266 University's Wykeham chair of physics will now be known as Tencent-Wykeham chair in honour of the computing conglomerate/chinese influence

>>12863272 National Guard deployment in DC will cost $483M through mid-March

>>12863287 FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Joked About Killing Trump, Pence, and Jeff Sessions

>>12863329 >>12863310 Jan 15 2021: mysterious dark heicopters were landing on multiple downtown LA rooftops/dig

>>12863322 Iran Demands Reparations from Biden for Damage Caused by President Trump that Prevented Them from Obtaining a Nuclear Weapon

>>12863333 Doctor Sentenced for Role in Unlawful Distribution of Opioids

>>12863363 With Scorching Economy Set To Overheat, Goldman Brings Forward First Rate Hike Estimate

>>12863381 House Democrats Demand Parler Hand Over List of Investors, Creditors

>>12863399 Julian Assange Accuser: ‘I’m Not a CIA Agent, I’m a Sexual Abuse Victim’ tell all book

#16420 cont'd

>>12863418 Former QAnon follower: I really believe it's a cult

>>12863443 bill maher calls capitol riot a "faith based initiative"

>>12863447, >>12863614 Fox reporter Peter Doocy pressed White Jen Psaki about thousands of laid off energy workers thanks to Joe Biden’s executive orders.

>>12863486 Wave of departures leaves federal court seats for Biden to fill

>>12863488 EXCLUSIVE: VIDEO, Suspicious Vehicle Seen Escorting Late Night Biden Ballot Van at TCF Center on Election Night

>>12863515 Dr. Laura Berman’s son Samuel dead at 16 from drug overdose

>>12863527 Dogecoin hits new high as Snoop Dogg, Gene Simmons join crypto craze

>>12863535, >>12863722, >>12863699 BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation

>>12863551 Top New York elections board lawyer retires amid misconduct probe

>>12863591 LA times Op-Ed: I'm sick with post-Trump derangement syndrome, are you?

>>12863597 Japanese submarine, Hong Kong ship collide off Shikoku

>>12863602 Jonathan Turley: Impeaching Trump – House threatens to trash this core principle to ensure conviction

>>12863626 anon analysis: DS using capitol riots in same way hitler used the Reichstag fire to purge opposition

>>12863638, >>12863659 New Bill Would Essentially Criminalize Private Gun Ownership in the United States

>>12863654 Beyond Parody: CNN Reporter Brags about Calling Cops on Maskless Floridians

>>12863675 GOP House lawmakers introduce bill to pull tax exempt status for sanctuary city bonds

>>12863691 Facebook says it will crack down on COVID vaccine misinformation

>>12863711 China Arrests High Profile Australian Journalist On Spy Charges

>>12863721 New Twitter App Blocks Over 800 New York Times Journos In "Fight Against Disinformation"

>>12863731 #BREAKING: Iran's Minister of Intelligence Mahmoud Alavi: If one day we obtain a nuclear weapon, it is not our fault. Rather, we had to.

>>12863748 Pete Buttigieg going into quarantine after COVID-19 exposure

>>12863825 #16420

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14653c  No.12864604


>>12862775, >>12862818 PF reports

>>12862320 14k resignations on the list now

>>12862334 anon opines: What if people are so easily brainwashed by the media because they have no internal monologue with which to think for themselves?

>>12862348 White House Confirms Illegal Aliens Who are Convicted of DUI, Rape and Drug-Related Crimes Will NOT be Deported

>>12862366 biden platform commitee member chris jackson uses same biden in church pic that he used back in november.

>>12862367 Former Rivals Agree On Draghi To Lead Apolitical "Unity" Government In Italy

>>12862391 kek: Searches for the word “dog” on Instagram’s stories feature are showing an emoji for a takeout box associated with Chinese American food

>>12862405 Biden Quietly Revokes Trump’s Ban on Chinese Communist Propaganda in Schools

>>12862408 cuomo announces 100 days of impromptu performances from actors, artists around state

>>12862412 ALT TECH RISES: Gab Received More Traffic Than NBC, TMZ, Breitbart, and Huffington Post in January

>>12862419 Ghislaine Maxwell loses bid to keep deposition excerpt secret

>>12862420 Iowa's governor lifts statewide COVID mandates, encourages personal responsibility: No more mandatory masks, social distancing, or gathering restrictions

>>12862421 DoorDash is buying automated food prep company Chowbotics to expand its fresh meal offerings.

>>12862438 reminder: Barr Order Detailing the Scope and Authority of Special Counsel Durham Investigation in Obamagate

>>12862447, >>12862454 Tools and Services Link Dump Updated

>>12862499 Biden Justice Department Pick Opposed Enforcing Civil Rights Laws Against Blacks

>>12862559 George News dropping 9/11 pics

>>12862564 new mike lindell video "unmasked: has the truth about the 2020 election been uncovered"

>>12862575 Gorilla Glue trending on twitter girl who accidentally stuck her hair to her head seeks hospital treatment

>>12862531 Department of Defense stutters through press conference

>>12862625 CDC: over 500 deaths now following MRNA experimental injections

>>12862661, >>12862813 watch the water, FL Sheriff: Investigation underway after hacker attempts to poison Florida town’s water supply

>>12862680 LIVE: Starship SN10 Cryogenic Proof Test

>>12862727 VIDEO: FBI shows up at trump supporters house, asks about Jan 6…this patriot wasnt even in DC

>>12862748 maxine waters denies inciting violence against republicans

>>12862778 New Donald Trump website about his accomplishments

>>12862867 Deepfake Detectors Can Be defeated, computer scientists show for the first time

>>12862942 One America News Offers Lou Dobbs Job After Fox News Fired Him Following $2.7Bn Smartmatic Lawsuit

>>12862966 Youtuber Shot Dead While Filming 'Prank' Video Attacking Strangers With Butcher Knife

>>12862975 US Courts 'Clogged Up' With Eviction Cases As Activist Groups Fight Back

>>12862980 Sky News Australia: VIDEO It's not taken long to see the ramifications of a 'weak left-wing Biden Presidency'

>>12862985 Introducing the Clinton Project Fighting to restore the era of Democratic politics when crime and welfare were frowned upon, but banging interns wasn't

>>12863001 Press Briefing Jen Psaki Psaki: "First, the president himself will tell you that we keep him pretty busy"

>>12862849 The Greatest Super Bowl Commercial You’ll Never See

>>12863052 #16419

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14653c  No.12864608


>>12862253 PF reports

>>12861483 Republican Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby announced Monday that he will not run for reelection in 2022.

>>12861492, >>12862207 katie pavlich correction: White House confirms illegal aliens convicted of "simple" assault not sexual assault will not be deported

>>12861563 Scarborough to Trump Supporters: ‘Your American Values Have Collapsed’

>>12861590, >>12861702 anons analysis, re: absolute truth, mary fanning stated "Cyber Security experts started collecting data on Nov 1 - before, during, and after the election. They collected terabytes of data"

>>12861591 Democrat Impeachment Managers respond to Trump's 78 page memo with 3 and a partial pages

>>12861594 Shedding Light on Big Secrets in Tiny Luxembourg

>>12861599 Brazil Dismantles Anti-Corruption Task Force Behind Lava Jato

>>12861609 Myanmar Military Leader: Election Commission Used COVID as Excuse to Prevent Fair Campaigning

>>12861611, >>12861704, >>12861782 Clearview AI's facial recognition app, used by law enforcement to catch pedos, called illegal in canada/digs

>>12861624 FB Earnings Presentation Q4 2020

>>12861628 Mature democracies should shun political personality cults, pope says

>>12861638 PDF: out of sight, not out of reach: the global scale and scope of transnational repression

>>12861660 Trump appointee sues Biden admin after ‘illegal’ firing from independent federal agency

>>12861678 VIDEO: biden gets boo'd at super bowl party

>>12861692 Alleged paedophile Alan Jones settled defamation case with SBS after they filed a truth defence and Australian media covered it up

>>12861703 thread: This weekend Peter Navarro pulled back the covers on how the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel handled both Trump's and Biden's Executive Orders.

>>12861732 Missing Daughter of Former Omaha Mayor Who Vanished in January Is Found Dead

>>12861740 netanyahu: Not delaying my corruption trial would be election interference

>>12861749 BREAKING: Nebraska GOP to censure Senator Ben Sasse

>>12861767 Former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Drops a BOMB on Power-Drunk Democrats, Trump Offered Assistance Multiple Times to DC Officials Before January 6th

>>12861778 Poland, Germany, Sweden expel Russian diplomats in tit-for-tat move

>>12861779 Guest Post by Mathematician Bobby Piton: Tech Giants Are Gaining Too Much Power

>>12861790, >>12861736 anon dig: Swampy Restaurant Immigrant Food's assistance in breaching the Capitol

>>12861576, >>12861798 anon dig: croation DS concentration camp

>>12861817 Jen Psaki's sign language interpreter says she was 'canceled' for pro-Trump views

>>12861823, >>12861684 knockout of the year

>>12861848, >>12862168 LIVE: @PentagonPresSec John F. Kirby holds a briefing.

>>12861885 LIVE: Flight MH17 trial continues at the Schiphol Judicial Complex

>>12861899, >>12861930 ed buck case dig

>>12861950 Grand Jury Charges Pasadena Man Who Allegedly Bought Maserati SUV with Fraudulently Obtained COVID-19 Jobless Relief Money

>>12861968 Iranian cleric claims COVID-19 vaccine turns people into ‘homosexuals’

>>12861991 Why the Pentagon collects and studies bats

>>12862007 reminder: the inauguration was 3 weeks ago and DC is still a fortress

>>12862037, >>12862183 Mystery Illness Kills In Hours In Tanzania/watch the water

>>12861944, >>12861982 george news releases new 9/11 pentagon videos

>>12862089 Brigitte Gabriel: Flying back home from Palm Beach. I had great meetings and I am delighted to tell you that President Trump is working on something big. Good things are happening. Have a fabulous week.

>>12862105 new UNMASKED video from Mike Lindell that just came out yesterday

>>12862163 NEW - Large column of smoke over Nuremberg, Germany: power plant on fire. 120 firefighters on the scene. The plant is currently off the grid

>>12862245 BREAKING: 200 British academics are being investigated on suspicion of unwittingly helping the Chinese government build weapons of mass destruction

>>12862265 #16418

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14653c  No.12864617


>>12860755, >>12860789 Rep. Ron Wright (R) of Arlington who had lung cancer is the first member of congress to die of covid

>>12860777 jen psaki press briefing

>>12860787 A bombshell investigative report from Fox News host Steve Hilton has shed all-new light on the origins of Covid-19

>>12860802 Hillary Clinton Says Conspiracies About Her Are ‘Rooted In The Ancient Scapegoating Of Women’

>>12860820 ‘Worst Cooks in America’ winner charged with killing daughter tweeted about kids’ white privilege

>>12860821 US Navy: thanks for the call mr president

>>12860823 haiti attempted coup dig

>>12860840 “Political Theater” – Trump’s Lawyers Demand Immediate Dismissal of Charges in Senate Impeachment Trial

>>12860842 @SenShelby 86, is retiring after 42 years

>>12860845, >>12860860 Q3843 (1 year delta) "that light is worth believing in."

>>12860847 14 German care home residents test positive for UK Covid-19 strain after getting 2nd Pfizer jab

>>12860866 Charles Schwab, Robinhood, and ETrade Suffer Widespread Outages… Again!

>>12860878 Amid protests & ahead of upcoming election, Israeli PM Netanyahu pleads not guilty to corruption charges

>>12860892 nigel farage tweet: bluefin tuna are back. brexit britain must seize the moment

>>12860898 China to give away over $6mn in digital currency during Lunar New Year in massive e-yuan trials

>>12860901 'If you support the Green New Deal but oppose all responsible mining projects in America, realize that children mining in the Congo with their bare hands is the alternative for providing the minerals and metals necessary for solar panels, wind turbines and car batteries.'

>>12860929 kek the "raiser up of the light", and kauket, the "raiser up of the night" from ancient egypt

>>12860934 Myanmar Bans Twitter, Facebook For Promoting Protests Against Military Coup Provoked By Voter Fraud

>>12860937 Trump Jr. says he will campaign against Liz Cheney in Wyoming in revenge for her attacks on his father after Trump loyalists fail to get her booted from GOP leadership

>>12860941 Democrats Plan To Violate Constitution, Strip Trump’s 5th Amendment Rights For Impeachment Trial

>>12860951 Biden Praises Xi Jinping As ‘Bright,’ Refuses To ‘Criticize’ Lack Of Democracy

>>12860965 At Least 23 Shot, 3 Killed, During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

>>12860970 China’s U.S. Envoy Joins Chorus Pressuring W.H.O. to Seek Coronavirus Origin in U.S.

>>12860971 Alexander Soros in Myanmar a week before Xi's visit

>>12860975 UK Universities Under MI6 Investigation for Conspiring with Chinese Communist Party: Report

>>12860989 will rep cori bush also be stripped of committee assignments after encouraging prison riot?

16417 cont'd

>>12860999, >>12861079 tracking Qanon, how trump turned conspiracy theory research upside down

>>12861003 Biden-Induced Border Crisis, Where COVID Meets Catch-And-Release

>>12861009 tesla buys 1.5 billion in bitcoin, plans to accept it as payment

>>12861010 U.K Government Say Bosses Can Legally Demand Employees Get Vaccinated!

>>12861066 congo suffers 4th ebola outbreak in 3 years

>>12861076 Huge data breach from multiple websites

>>12861105 Texas Republicans give massive taxpayer handouts to Big Tech, effectively financing censorship of their voters

>>12861122 David Sereda interview with Kerry Cassidy on Project Camelot

>>12861127, >>12861354 DoD tweet: On standby, 17 USAF F-16 falcons wait on the ramp at @374AirlifWing, japan/

>>12861153 Army Taps Fort Riley Combat Aviation Brigade for Deployment to Europe, Africa Region

>>12861213 SINKING SHIP: Just 3 of 8 Founding Members Remain at Scandal-Plagued Lincoln Project

>>12861235 U.C. Berkeley Advised Chinese Government on Economic Decisions

>>12861262 Tel Aviv To Receive $9bn In Arms From Biden Administration

>>12861297 Activists in #Haiti, angry over Joe Biden's support for the former puppet president who refuses to step down

>>12861311 WI Gov. to include plan for marijuana legalization in budget

>>12861315 5th special forces group: Welcome to another Monday. Here is your daily dose of #motivation! Get after it!

>>12861330 Four Chinese Regulators Meet With Tesla, Urge Company To "Operate According To China Law"

>>12861348 video: Myanmar general repeats pledge of new election as thousands join protests against coup

>>12861380 good advice for dealing with shills

>>12861391 THE FIX IS IN: Right after the election, Hunter Biden retained criminal defense lawyer Chris Clark. Then, one day after he took office, Joe Biden installed Clark's law partner to head the Justice Department's Criminal Division investigating his son

>>12861408 despite dip in covid cases, expert says US is in the eye of the hurricane as variants spread

>>12861432 #16417

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14653c  No.12864618


>>12859973 video: Emergent Behaviour vs. Conspiracy Theory

>>12859985 JUST IN - Myanmar military says 'voter fraud' justified coup.

>>12860006 mike rothslchild twitter PANIC: How many moon landing deniers have sacked the Capitol, kidnapped their own kids, or shot a mob boss in the face?

>>12860009 New plan, show leftists trying to destroy other countries, since they don’t believe ours is worth saving

>>12860023, >>12860086 why is the beauty industry hiring men for women's modeling jobs? woke means putting woman out of work?

>>12860028 The Democratic Party Has a Fatal Misunderstanding of the QAnon Phenomenon

>>12860058 keks: superbowl halftime show improved

>>12860093, >>12860071 weird reddit superbowl commercial

>>12860081 biden tweet: We don’t have a second to waste when it comes to delivering the American people the relief they desperately need. I’m calling on Congress to act quickly and pass the American Rescue Plan.

>>12860098 Tyrann Mathieu deletes tweet on run-in with Tom Brady: 'He called me something I won’t repeat'

>>12860100 carlin was rigth of course, re: fake elections

>>12860116 video: The Great Terror by Robert Conquest

>>12860187 tampax goes full retard: Not all women have periods, Not all people with periods are women. Let's celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed!

>>12860236 “President” with “61% approval rating” booed at the Super Bowl.

>>12860240, >>12860342 Hunter Biden 'nets $2m advance' for his upcoming memoir

>>12860252 NEW mysterious monolith pops up near gobekli tepe with inscription: "look at the sky. see the moon"

>>12860271 smart contact lenses could improve your sight while monitoring for conditions like diabetes and strokes

>>12860278, >>12860513 Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and Forefathers of Antifa, Instigated and Participated in the Capitol Hill Riot Alongside Antifa

>>12860285 floods trigger power outages, evacuations in indonesia's capital

>>12860301, >>12860308, >>12860317 ACLU FOIA document, us naval investigative service, investigative file "F"

>>12860320 ‘This fever will break’: Republican Jeff Flake on the slow fade of Trumpism

>>12860356, >>12860367, >>12860438, >>1286056 trump's impeachment trial memorandum

>>12860364 TRUMP impeachment lawyers, without details, say there was a "flurry of activity" in the White House to try to get more security to the Capitol on Jan. 6 but that "complex" procedures got in the way.

>>12860366 Fox is told senators are circulating a prospective framework for President Trump’s second impeachment trial. It would start with four hours of debate on Tuesday determining the Constitutionality of the trial.

>>12860381, >>12860447 Marco Rubio Brings Back Bill Making it Tougher for Suspected Terrorists to Buy Guns

>>12860383 anon dig: Mark Thompson, CEO of NYT, protecter of pedos, engineered teh BBC savile cover up

>>12860385 biden arrives back at WH after weekend in delaware

>>12860412 anon dig: Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

>>12860340, >>12860360, >>12860386, >>12860433 trumps impeachment is a direct attack on free speech

>>12860491, >>12860532, >>12860519, >>12860523, >>12860537 Rep. Ron Wright dies after contracting COVID-19, but his lung cancer had nothing to do with it

>>12860500, >>12860536 anon opines: This impeachment trial is to ensure that Trump can never run again.

>>12860556 russia, china, and iran to hold joint naval drills in indian ocean soon

>>12860562 Longtime ESPN reporter Pedro Gomez dead at 58

>>12860583 Travis Kelce’s girlfriend Kayla Nicole throws shade at Super Bowl referees

>>12860606 list of video download resources

>>12860631 The Two Largest Sources of Industrial Demand For Silver Are About to Explode Higher

>>12860599, >>12860636 Fact-Check True: FBI Got Punked and Included Pornstar’s Photo in their Official Report on US Capitol Protester’s Arrest

>>12860656 anon theory: Trump impeachment trial may be an epic backfire. "How do you legally inject evidence?"

>>12860681 #16416

Previously Collected Notables

>>12859899 #16415

>>12857551 #16412, >>12858384 #16413, >>12859151 #16414

>>12855250 #16409, >>12856006 #16410, >>12856761 #16411

>>12852986 #16406, >>12853742 #16407, >>12854465 #16408

>>12850400 #16403, >>12851409 #16404, >>12852203 #16405

>>12848299 #16400, >>12849068 #16401, >>12850431 #16402

>>12845864 #16397, >>12846624 #16398, >>12847445 #16399

>>12843583 #16394, >>12844361 #16395, >>12845082 #16396

>>12841230 #16391, >>12842005 #16392, >>12843411 #16393

>>12839615 #16389\1, >>12839616 #16389\2, >>12840428 #16390

>>12837352 #16386, >>12838140 #16387, >>12839083 #16388

>>12835098 #16383, >>12835855 #16384, >>12836600 #16385

>>12833460 #16381, >>12834276 #16382\1, >>12834272 #16382\2

>>12831061 #16378

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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14653c  No.12864622

Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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14653c  No.12864626

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>12772779 ————————————–——– Australia #13

>>12731367 ————————————–——– Balkan #5

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>12841735 ————————————–——– Canada #14

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12850476 ————————————–——– Germany #75

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

>>12276230 ————————————–——– Russia #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12815420 ————————————–——– UK #31

>>12704334 ————————————–——– Vatican #3


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


!!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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14653c  No.12864663

File: cd6629cbe4c2c75⋯.png (492.62 KB, 500x612, 125:153, ClipboardImage.png)




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bdffd7  No.12864666

Vibe check - how are you guys doing?

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bdffd7  No.12864669




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0834d6  No.12864671

File: 45c70dc7229c422⋯.png (151.44 KB, 825x535, 165:107, 45c70dc7229c4228c3bf8ae1c9….png)



eyes on anons

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887498  No.12864672

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0834d6  No.12864674

File: e9b2d1c187270c0⋯.png (296.84 KB, 573x364, 573:364, comfywbonenfrens.PNG)

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003f85  No.12864676


Baker here I'll bake a few

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2b9e77  No.12864677

File: 717379d266768b4⋯.jpg (358.05 KB, 911x1153, 911:1153, 20210123_115707.jpg)

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740cc4  No.12864679

File: b174c7c0057fa59⋯.jpg (89.95 KB, 1439x488, 1439:488, Screenshot_20210208_194014….jpg)

You think this is OVER????

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963ea8  No.12864682

File: 0e3829370874577⋯.png (357.72 KB, 499x599, 499:599, 0e38293708745774b64300293c….png)



Confirm Handoff

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51f1bc  No.12864683

File: 06088001e7c82cf⋯.png (1.03 MB, 754x796, 377:398, 1612803499361.png)


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003f85  No.12864684

New Baker Id is 003f85

Thanks to the outgoing Baker. Great run!

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d32dff  No.12864685

File: 8db280028ec6c3e⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 147530004_1015756057101610….jpg)


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a08d2a  No.12864686

File: 1c606eaf725cfc7⋯.png (387.67 KB, 598x614, 299:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f75274ef103c672⋯.mp4 (255.61 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Hologram.mp4)

File: 2f0408f2dba734f⋯.png (416.25 KB, 598x692, 299:346, ClipboardImage.png)

Must've missed this.



Check out the weird light/hologram spinning around the Capitol dome, then see next tweet.



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887498  No.12864688


nah, just done with the 30 and ready for the next part


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4c478c  No.12864689


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2b9e77  No.12864691

File: 145d05c472a9305⋯.jpg (6.28 KB, 279x180, 31:20, Hy.jpg)

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24a3f7  No.12864694

File: f33169da117c32c⋯.png (675.37 KB, 733x495, 733:495, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Threatens America's Dominance in Space

Since the 1960s, space exploration has become embedded into the American DNA. The end of the Space Shuttle program, under Barack Obama, seemed to put American space leadership into doubt. But during the Trump administration, space exploration got a shot in the arm, and promises of humans landing on Mars were suddenly within grasp.

President Trump re-established the National Space Council early in his first term. At the end of 2017, he signed Space Policy Directive 1, a change in national space policy that provides for a U.S.-led, integrated program with private sector partners for a human return to the Moon, followed by missions to Mars and beyond.

The policy calls for the NASA administrator to “lead an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the solar system and to bring back to Earth new knowledge and opportunities.” The effort will more effectively organize government, private industry, and international efforts toward returning humans on the Moon, and will lay the foundation that will eventually enable human exploration of Mars.

Trump and Congress created the Space Force — the eighth uniformed military service branch — in December 2019.

In his final days in office, President Trump issued a National Space Policy, which advocated “expanding U.S. leadership in space, allowing unfettered access to space, encouraging private sector growth, expanding international cooperation, and establishing a human presence on the Moon with an eventual human mission to Mars.”

Americans have gotten increasingly excited about our nation’s space exploration goals during the last four years. The culmination of the public-private partnership between Elon Musk’s SpaceX and NASA saw Americans cheer wildly as Americans were lifted into space again in May 2020. This was the first time since the Space Shuttle that Americans flew on U.S.-built spacecraft leaving from American soil.

Now, it appears the Biden administration is once again rolling back the clock on American space dominance. In his first days in office, Biden gave just tepid approval to the “Artemis” lunar program, yet at the same time called into question Trump’s bold plans to land an American on the moon in 2024.

In a more troubling and impactful decision, President Biden’s Federal Aviation Administration recently canceled the flight of another SpaceX mission which would have launched on January 28, 2021. According to Brandon Weichert in a column in The Washington Times, this cancellation seems to be setting the stage for a broader pullback of Trump’s space directives.

Sadly, the visionary goal of getting Americans to Mars first came crashing down when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) which, under the Trump administration had allowed for SpaceX to conduct their important test flights, ordered Mr. Musk to cancel the Starship prototype test.

The FAA did not cite its reasoning behind ordering the cancellation of the launch. Many have speculated that the cancellation was brought about due to safety concerns. After all, in December 2020, SpaceX did a test of the experimental rocket. The Starship prototype made it to a height of 41,000 feet. Once it reoriented itself, in order to allow for the rocket to land vertically, the great silver spacecraft promptly did a bellyflop that ended in a massive explosion.

Further, Weichert warns that China will be the beneficiary of the new Biden slow-walk approach to space exploration.

It’s likely that the FAA’s decision to cancel the launch is part of a wider Biden administration effort undo the Trump administration’s vibrant space policy. Plus, former President Trump’s space vision was explicitly aimed at countering advances made by China in space. It is unlikely that the Biden administration seeks to continue that policy, as the Biden team attempts to stabilize deteriorating relations with Beijing over the next few years.


It is not only Mr. Musk who suffers from the FAA’s cancellation of the SpaceX test flight. We, the American people — and the entire effort to beat China to Mars — suffer. The Biden administration’s decision to increase regulations on the private space launch services sector and slow down their operations, as evidenced by the recent Starship launch cancellation, will only help China in its ongoing mission to defeat America in the new space race.

On many fronts, it seems the Biden administration is downplaying the threat to the United States from China — both on Earth and beyond. Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s derision of the Space Force last week is perhaps the best look into the current mindset of the Biden White House when it comes to American space dominance.


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16927a  No.12864695

File: 5d13038612e27ab⋯.jpg (529.28 KB, 1314x911, 1314:911, Polish_20210208_132011644.jpg)

File: dbc4afa1ee90321⋯.jpg (474.55 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Polish_20210205_173556008.jpg)

File: 823382301b1536d⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1660x1660, 1:1, Polish_20210207_000618484.jpg)

File: 4826b50308e83ad⋯.png (367.14 KB, 650x427, 650:427, Polish_20210203_235237509.png)

File: 941fc77ab8d380f⋯.jpg (482.62 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Polish_20210202_204035260.jpg)

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003f85  No.12864696


Baker here

I already claimed the bake. Kitchen was open

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10e5cf  No.12864699

File: aa3914a62590cda⋯.jpg (732.55 KB, 1078x1800, 539:900, Screenshot_20210202_063049….jpg)

File: c00b1cb3c2bc2b7⋯.png (73.01 KB, 357x284, 357:284, 1612571157347.png)

File: 50940045412bb61⋯.png (169.33 KB, 511x560, 73:80, 1611864536014.png)

File: f435ae878b493a3⋯.png (53.45 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 1611719842793.png)

File: 6f13c4939591fca⋯.png (321.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1610457203580.png)

TheSELF SUCKINGContinues….



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2b9e77  No.12864707

File: 732d0764fff37d4⋯.jpeg (109.07 KB, 1020x880, 51:44, 1580695751.jpeg)

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9d52b0  No.12864708

so, the one party system is setting all this up to send a message, the message is no moar outsiders will be allowed to enter the cesspool to effect change, this is only reserved for cesspool dwellers to insure their own survival.

Schumer, McConnell Reach Agreement on Trump Impeachment Trial – Here Are the Details


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9b07c4  No.12864709

File: 93b9940498a68bb⋯.jpg (255.31 KB, 863x486, 863:486, propagandaQuestion.jpg)

File: baab583cf9a324a⋯.jpg (180.21 KB, 1033x596, 1033:596, titles1Mysteryillness.jpg)

File: f8a3926dff5d3fb⋯.jpg (201.47 KB, 1026x626, 513:313, titled2mysteryillness.jpg)

File: 2516eb8af1bb259⋯.jpg (184.43 KB, 1035x622, 1035:622, titled3Mysteryillness.jpg)

Unidentified disease kills 15 in Tanzania


'no mystery' here


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000000  No.12864710


beezlebub that you?

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6d1a28  No.12864711



Here are your answers anon


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01a085  No.12864712

Dear anons,

The water treatment plant they tried to poison Americans with was in Tampa. Where was the Super Bowl? Remember when anons figured (((they))) we’re going to stage a FF during the last Super Bowl? The weird art on the stadium? Pacific North West.

Pattern recognition anon remembers.

God bless.

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bdffd7  No.12864713

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19a394  No.12864714


Project Jew Beam

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01a085  No.12864715


Water treatment center poisoning on Friday in Florida, Super Bowl on Sunday, Florida… seeing it yet Baker????

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24a3f7  No.12864716

File: 03924e40e624267⋯.png (702.93 KB, 862x614, 431:307, ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook to take down all false vaccine claims, not just those related to coronavirus

Facebook has announced it will expand the list of false health claims it bans from the platform to include debunked claims about vaccines in general.

Key points:

False vaccine claims are already prohibited in advertisements on Facebook

The company said it would remove groups, pages and accounts that repeatedly share the debunked health claims

Facebook also said it would help users find out where and when they could receive the coronavirus vaccine

The social media company said in a blog post that any false claims about the coronavirus, its vaccine and other vaccines, including that COVID-19 is a man-made virus, and that vaccines are dangerous and cause autism, would be removed.

Such claims are already prohibited in advertisements on the platform.

Facebook said it would remove groups, pages and accounts that repeatedly shared the debunked health claims.

The company has introduced more stringent policies to combat COVID-19 vaccine misinformation during the pandemic, but took a more relaxed approach to misinformation about other vaccines.

Misleading information about vaccinations in general has rarely been removed and only when it was considered to risk "imminent harm".

Five ways you're being fooled online

Don't believe everything you read — or see or hear. Here are a few common ways you're getting conned while scrolling through social media.

In December, Facebook announced it would remove false claims about COVID-19 vaccines that had been debunked by public health experts, though in recent weeks news reports had identified Facebook pages, groups and Instagram accounts still spreading these false claims.

Facebook also said it would help users find out where and when they could receive the coronavirus vaccine.

It will partner with Johns Hopkins University and the American Association of Retired Persons to reach black, Latino and Native American residents in the United States, as well as people over 50, with educational content addressing concerns those groups may have about the new vaccine.


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8c6441  No.12864717


Why are all the firetrucks there?

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7068fe  No.12864718

File: d36f1a0a10bd961⋯.jpeg (199.69 KB, 586x622, 293:311, CFC9A7B1_D121_4677_AE5E_8….jpeg)

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92d2f6  No.12864719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Blame everything on California and call it a day.

Luv my raisins!

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75e1a8  No.12864720

File: a98b1e38b3bce62⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1008x525, 48:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Stand at White House almost dismantled (yesterday).

Watch @10:44ish


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2b9e77  No.12864721

File: 8c23a86152c75a6⋯.jpeg (249.91 KB, 1080x1247, 1080:1247, 1598980296.jpeg)

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d1ad6b  No.12864722

File: 7d664c3dc00b187⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 255x147, 85:49, db09d2c1588ff4da6ccff3072f….jpg)


>Vibe check - how are you guys doing?

You tards respond to these slides every damn bread.

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2c174e  No.12864723


They'll get it eventually…..

maybe not


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47cb3f  No.12864724

File: ddfaa7a8d98b0d5⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, baker.

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dc544c  No.12864725

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01a085  No.12864726

File: 59cc8c3f626b090⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 255x309, 85:103, 72F1E5C1_72BF_4841_80C9_91….gif)


SEEING IT YET ANONS? We were right about the FF last year. Proof is exposed this year… WE SEE WE KNOW.

God bless.

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2c174e  No.12864727




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19a394  No.12864728

File: 33733f4228255f6⋯.jpg (85.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2fkvxyjcwu451.jpg)


Just because nothing is happening doesn't mean nothing is happening.

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24a3f7  No.12864729

James Clapper Interrogation - 2

James Clapper Interrogated - and he tells all, and he names names. The corruption he describes is worse than we ever imagined. This clip is only a fraction of what Clapper disclosed.


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8e490b  No.12864730

>>12864413. LB

You need not refer to yourself as a newfag. Anon will do. Well said.

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fd0ef4  No.12864731

File: 6ebf0d85b2c1ea4⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1155x1535, 231:307, ClipboardImage_copy_2.png)


Thank you, Bakerer.

>bewbs of breads past.

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9b07c4  No.12864732


Doing great. Been looking at crematorium and funeral homes because my friend is not long for this hell. other than that…

It seems that we aren't worthy of the 'technology' that should have been released decades ago.

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cff7ae  No.12864733


Verified legit via: https://george.news/#/

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47cb3f  No.12864734

File: 814a1659309dec2⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, RIPskyking.mp4)


Vibing high fren.

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2b9e77  No.12864735

File: 6500a5834b93f3d⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 385x530, 77:106, 1890134b5eb6e9bebac3628705….gif)

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01a085  No.12864736

File: ca661ad2bbbb1f5⋯.jpeg (112.85 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 17116D64_ADD7_4E1F_A679_9….jpeg)


Time stamp.

God bless.

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451478  No.12864737


MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is Not Exposing a Crackpot. It Risks Turning Her Into the Next Trump.

Leia Idliby 11 hrs ago

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5f0c54  No.12864738

It suddenly occurred to me that you may be respecting the authority of the sovereign

Do what you must accord to the LORD

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8c6441  No.12864739


They can make a hologram stand if they need to.

Don't need the real one.

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dc544c  No.12864740

File: 5034f8c0cf7c135⋯.jpg (280.49 KB, 2311x1446, 2311:1446, TELEMMGLPICT000060114136_t….jpg)


ooo evil digits.

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f9e72f  No.12864741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hangin' in there

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1e4f6d  No.12864742


Vibrator out of batteries.

Rethinking associated life choices.

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b312d1  No.12864743

File: 5ee04d10644b848⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 640x350, 64:35, ZomboMeme_22012021123350.jpg)

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9037f4  No.12864744


Sounds like poisoning not a disease

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f7b2c6  No.12864745

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a1d22c  No.12864746

File: 7799538c74e9f53⋯.jpg (118.91 KB, 758x452, 379:226, 20210208_185831.jpg)

File: e591a3337961035⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20210207_021420.gif)

æı rarely quote without attribution.


that is mæı opinion.

that is viggo mortensen as lucifer in chris walken's the prophecy.

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2eff4f  No.12864747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1ad6b  No.12864748

File: b18f75a703f6e8f⋯.jpg (151.24 KB, 670x775, 134:155, 84c4a3e4277c9b21976e8c99de….jpg)


>MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is Not Exposing a Crackpot. It Risks Turning Her Into the Next Trump.


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c2ab5f  No.12864749



looks like 003f85 got it first.

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000000  No.12864750


been pissed all day

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6d1a28  No.12864751

Impeachment will pass.

You must show them

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2b9e77  No.12864752

File: 65c1d845f2deebc⋯.png (361.06 KB, 1080x775, 216:155, Memeto_1603074991674.png)

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a7e731  No.12864753


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51f1bc  No.12864754

File: 7730bdadcd68484⋯.jpg (180.53 KB, 1122x1108, 561:554, 678490682bf244c64f99af5711….jpg)

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47cb3f  No.12864755


Man, if that's the best they got… boy are they FUKT.

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22fe37  No.12864756


Capitol building had the dome painted black on

Brett Beaur show tonight.

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79846d  No.12864757

File: 815b79f24847a66⋯.png (764.36 KB, 1111x737, 101:67, Biden_Jeep_Ads_Move_To_Chi….png)

File: a984f08c4bf874a⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB, 320x674, 160:337, Election_Biden_All_Jeeps_A….mp4)

>>12864706 (lb)

TY Anon. Re: Jeep advertising, Bidens, China, Biden rally and possibly the Jeep ads during the superbeau.

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ea01d8  No.12864759

President Trump retains control of the military for up to 60 days after leaving office. He still has the nuclear football.

source: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/394/text

Public Law No: 116-121 (03/03/2020)

[116th Congress Public Law 121]

[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

[[Page 137]]


ACT OF 2019

[[Page 134 STAT. 138]]

Public Law 116-121

116th Congress

An Act

To amend the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 to improve the orderly

transfer of the executive power during Presidential

transitions. <<NOTE: Mar. 3, 2020 - [S. 394]>>

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Presidential

Transition Enhancement Act of 2019. 3 USC 1 note.>>


This Act may be cited as the ``Presidential Transition Enhancement

Act of 2019''.


(a) In General.–Section 3 of the Presidential Transition Act of

1963 (3 U.S.C. 102 note) is amended–

(1) in subsection (a)–

(A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> in the matter preceding

paragraph (1), by striking ``upon request,'' and all

that follows through ``including'' and inserting ``upon

request, to each President-elect, each Vice-President-

elect, and, for up to 60 days after the date of the

inauguration of the President-elect and Vice-President-

elect, each President and Vice President, for use in

connection with the preparations for the assumption of

official duties as President or Vice President necessary

services and facilities, including''; and



SENATE REPORTS: No. 116-13 (Comm. on Homeland Security and Governmental



Vol. 165 (2019):

Aug. 1, considered and passed


Vol. 166 (2020):

Feb. 5, considered and passed House.

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89399f  No.12864760


RIP Skyking


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99f807  No.12864761

>>12864703 (pb)

>..you find yourself at a crossroads

There now seem to be two distinctly seperate parts of yourself that are competing for dominion of your heart, mind and soul.

The part of reason and logic has never felt such hate. Hate for the person that abandoned you, how they could have treated you this way after the experiences you shared.

Hate for yourself that let this happen, that was apparently not good enough. What sense is there to continue living in this world if you can not do that which you most desire to?

What kind of comically cruel fate has befallen you, to give you a taste of heaven only to leave you utterly alone in the dark with contempt for everything you are, and everything that is?

Why is it that you feel you can accomplish anything but the thing you really want to accomplish? What sense is there in accomplishing anything if the sense of reward is all but meaningless since the happiness pales in comparison to what you have experienced?

But there seems to be another part of you. In moments of contemplation, you start crying happy tears of gratitude that you were gifted this time with that person.

You start to consider the possibility that in this chaotic universe of endless possibilities, it could be that you are happily together with the person but they are taken away from you. That they die. Even though they want to be with you.

So you start to realize that there are indeed worse fates than that which has happened to you.

You feel the person in your hear and something tells you that you will be together again. And that somehow, it will happen as soon as you manage to let go.

Then, you re-enter your previous everyday life and the other part takes over again. You find yourself hating yourself even more for having any hope just to wake up alone again, again and again. You hate the part of you that will never give up. It is a seemingly endless cycle of happy memories, realizing they are not where your life seems to be going, and not having any desire to exist at all under these circumstances.


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181a5b  No.12864762

File: 683b1724149943e⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 625x343, 625:343, baker_faggots_fighting_1.gif)

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8da483  No.12864763

File: 2d2e286c07ed7a3⋯.png (347.87 KB, 535x553, 535:553, Screenshot_2021_02_08_Sput….png)

Japanese sub mangled by collision with cargo ship


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bdffd7  No.12864764


yea pretty sure we deserve eternal damnation


was that a real femanon…?


</3 why you do this to me

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7f70bb  No.12864765


666 Hi Satan

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2c174e  No.12864766

File: 3179fc1bfe58d06⋯.jpg (348.7 KB, 1635x1656, 545:552, g34g737634.jpg)

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b58d91  No.12864767

File: 8a4ac1c29114741⋯.png (3.66 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)





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d3a001  No.12864768

>>12864678 PB

The HCQ explanation is only a hypothesis of why Musk might be saying he is not at risk in such a definitive way.

All I ask is for him to explain that definitive statement 'I am not at risk'. Him. From his lips, not ours.

Why are you not at risk, Elon? Help the world that you call irrational by giving it an alternative to a vaccine.


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6307f7  No.12864769

File: c3b4a9450a05119⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB, 500x624, 125:156, hitler_tamed_by_prison_NY….jpeg)

File: 869e699892e800a⋯.png (974.58 KB, 1279x786, 1279:786, v_it_numb_tired_of_winning….png)

File: fcc0209253dc67f⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 380x262, 190:131, witches_forks_v.jpg)

>>12864697 pb

>["the jesuit that sent Guy Fawkes"] was imprisoned in the tower of London and managed to escape


Like hitler being "let out early".

That doesn't reek of false flag at all.

Still trying to figure out how many forks it takes to make a crown.

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000000  No.12864770


pass like a fart?

If it's stinky enough will that wake the sheeple?

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19a394  No.12864771


This is stupid. Why am I laughing so hard?

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8c6441  No.12864772

My local news in Bakersfield is all full of good news coronavirus stories.

All the bad indicators are down and all the good indicators are up.

I think this will all be over as soon as it warms up, probably around April.

Just like trump said last year.

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bdffd7  No.12864773


tits or gtfo

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79846d  No.12864774

File: 7c06c6c0cff96d8⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 622x664, 311:332, Boobies_Clean_64_.jpg)


tyb and Anons

Have a cookie … YEAH!

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c3b9cc  No.12864775



the question posed to the senate is- is Donald J. Trump still the president?

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fd0ef4  No.12864776


>was that a real femanon…?

I think it was, fren. I did the obligatory searches and it came-up as unique.

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2eff4f  No.12864777

File: e723ee02566e53b⋯.png (36.11 KB, 722x460, 361:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed01133cbc4ecb3⋯.png (97.78 KB, 740x941, 740:941, ClipboardImage.png)

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760700  No.12864778

File: 84fd7788fb96790⋯.png (2.11 MB, 2048x1068, 512:267, 84fd7788fb96790decdf06178a….png)


Maybe POTUS will legally inject some MOABs. Dems would shut that shit down in a hurry.

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1e4f6d  No.12864779


>tits or gtfo

I'm a dude, you faggot.

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bdffd7  No.12864780


i rebuke satan

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35ceaa  No.12864781

File: c32dfd7a1421acd⋯.jpeg (966.52 KB, 1242x2260, 621:1130, 6BA7F2AE_8F4D_4D92_B9FC_0….jpeg)

For the TOP KEK’s!


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963ea8  No.12864782

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bdffd7  No.12864783


a dude with a vibrator, ok

degenerate fuck

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47cb3f  No.12864784


Sounds like it's totally not ebola at all and probably just a mystery illness.

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24a3f7  No.12864785


James Clapper Interrogation - Part 5


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3fcbf9  No.12864786

My mothers friend dobe done told me the same god dang thing my mam. man.

You know what I told it? I say I say I say zumba babygirl. My dick in your poochie.Talk about zoom. Ba.

So then I cut her throat open.

Its all about spot reduction and these wizard eyes see all the demons.

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1e4f6d  No.12864787


>degenerate fuck

Note how I mentioned I was reconsidering associated life choices.

Reading comprehension.

You should try it.

It is a thing.

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bdffd7  No.12864788

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c2ab5f  No.12864789

File: dd75a5276fda5e0⋯.png (187.19 KB, 500x332, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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003f85  No.12864790

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6307f7  No.12864791


Anons confirmed this is bullshit

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6a3de1  No.12864792


No violence on the boards.

Just cool your rhetoric ya Mammering giglet.

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963ea8  No.12864793

File: 835d6b88ceb4d34⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1044x903, 348:301, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Lindell Absolute Proof



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8da483  No.12864794

File: f82dccae500fc5e⋯.png (360.38 KB, 555x555, 1:1, f82dccae500fc5e2bba638bd97….png)


Badge of honor anons

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2b9e77  No.12864795

File: b016e0e44fa1a78⋯.jpg (21.61 KB, 620x330, 62:33, cft.jpg)


I miss him bros

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8e490b  No.12864796

File: 893951dcff1878e⋯.jpeg (447.92 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 0A1ADD7E_200B_4763_AA4D_D….jpeg)


Side bewbs are pretty bice too, anon. Kek

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94ccf1  No.12864798

File: 5aa58d140140773⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 5760x3840, 3:2, redhead_sunlight.jpg)

>>12862850 (pb)

Whites of their eyes, remember anons? It's going to get real close before it gets real good, but the hard part is remembering who's in control. It's going to be like a sunrise covering the world and suddenly, there's no way out for them. You honestly think PDJT would script it any other way?

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d3a001  No.12864799


String can do that to an ear.

My mirth would be more along the lines that we're supposed to believe the travelling salesman when he tells you he's also taking his cure all concoction. "Look, I even drank it all to prove to you how safe it is. I'll sell you a brand new bottle."

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8e490b  No.12864800

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47cb3f  No.12864801


You sure are serious about NOT blaming the Jesuits for the Gunpowder Plot. Serious enough to invoke the Hitler Card.

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2c174e  No.12864802


Vagina or GTFO

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1937f8  No.12864803


If you're in the mood for it I'm down to read and think

Thanks for doing it even if you're not

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92d2f6  No.12864804


His name is Stan, ffs

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e82891  No.12864805

Gab down for anyone else?

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a7e731  No.12864806











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18391b  No.12864807

File: bba61a6a5d17ddb⋯.jpeg (214.71 KB, 1236x2026, 618:1013, AEEEA32D_FCEB_430B_A082_6….jpeg)

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2c174e  No.12864808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AA is going well

Only had 6 beers tonight

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9087be  No.12864809


Curious why he owes you any explanation?

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49fed6  No.12864810

File: 05450714d9b2bbc⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 360x298, 180:149, melaniatrust.jpg)

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1e4f6d  No.12864811

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47f60f  No.12864812

File: 1f71185c59b25bf⋯.jpg (93.18 KB, 615x409, 615:409, fake_harry_double.jpg)

File: 7cda3e3fa6edf23⋯.png (820.37 KB, 621x972, 23:36, markle_prince_harry_look_a….png)

>>12864350 (pb)

What does he know how to do except for Princing? Cut ribbons, shake hands, give speeches written for him by staff...drink....LARP in uniform as something something and bitch endlessly about Muh dead mom. Hell maybe he would make a good mayor. She's gonna run for president....kek

They use a double for him all the time. Pic one is double arriving back to UK to see granny...pic 2 is same double on way home from grueling day pretending to be Harry.

Almost nothing you see about them in the media is true....he's probably never left UK and some people think she's locked the fuck up.

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257a2a  No.12864813



pretty sure Jesuit operatives lurk and post here.

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fd0ef4  No.12864814

File: d11bc7c4ea12ac2⋯.jpeg (719.42 KB, 2158x1725, 2158:1725, 6C175316_3EE2_4C48_A2E6_D….jpeg)



Full-frontal is kang, lads.

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d1ad6b  No.12864815

File: e0f53d9c177dadc⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)



Using obviously faked evidence is FBI's way of blowing a case against a clown asset.

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2b9e77  No.12864816

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

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797142  No.12864817

File: 12aeb68767bbb6e⋯.png (149.7 KB, 1309x928, 1309:928, weak_pres_biden.png)

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6307f7  No.12864818

File: 0323f681cad4462⋯.png (290.7 KB, 470x546, 235:273, ClipboardImage.png)

Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].

System of control.

Many choose the path of least resistance.

For many you cannot tell them the truth.

You must show them.

Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].

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199e1c  No.12864819

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b312d1  No.12864820

The question before the Senate tomorrow is….is Trump still President.

Imagine the shock if they concluded that, indeed, he is.

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18391b  No.12864821





You assume too much, anon.

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285d67  No.12864822

File: 03380a13d0dc7ea⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 250x187, 250:187, fucking_logical.jpg)

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49fed6  No.12864823

File: ddfd39d1f8e27b9⋯.jpg (336.68 KB, 800x800, 1:1, bakergirl3.jpg)

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6a3de1  No.12864824

File: 4d954bc47662685⋯.jpeg (124.88 KB, 550x542, 275:271, B6DBF66F_6132_42AA_AD72_F….jpeg)

File: e3ee11c9030d481⋯.jpeg (87.78 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, E4404F21_4701_4C4D_87F6_4….jpeg)


Baby steps,Anon.

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2c174e  No.12864825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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89399f  No.12864826

File: ad1ebf1498a9acd⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 255x238, 15:14, smoking_sad_pepe.jpg)


He's a Dude.. He stick it up is ass…

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b58d91  No.12864827

File: 737dc4e9e93cb44⋯.png (483.22 KB, 720x724, 180:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e4f6d  No.12864828


>You assume too much, anon.

Finally someone got it.


You haz it.

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94ccf1  No.12864829


Someone very close to me finally left this shit world behind for something better, and then I turned around and had the best series of my life in in bowling.

I'm feeling… weird.

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2c174e  No.12864830


Asshole or GTFO???


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8cc679  No.12864831

File: ee45131283c4711⋯.png (1.44 MB, 940x669, 940:669, ee45131283c4711c7196ee00f3….png)

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dc544c  No.12864832


i like 'em side boobs.

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03cab3  No.12864833

rule #1 of the internet

there are no grils on the internet

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bdffd7  No.12864834


good, please do reconsider


oh no, anon.. RIP

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e3310e  No.12864835

Thursday 1.28.2021

>>12751462 #16278

>>12749174 #16275, >>12749913 #16276, >>12750668 #16277

>>12746774 #16272, >>12747536 #16273, >>12748367 #16274

>>12744510 #16269, >>12745264 #16270, >>12746023 #16271

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12742108 #16266, >>12743418 #16267, >>12743681 #16268

>>12739700 #16263, >>12740949 #16264, >>12741374 #16265

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 1.28.2021

Wednesday 1.27.2021

>>12738932 #16262

>>12736622 #16259, >>12738234 #16260, >>12738124 #16261

>>12735823 #16258, >>12735056 #16257, >>12735823 #16258

>>12734290 #16256\2, >>12734288 #16256\1, >>12735056 #16257

>>12731913 #16253, >>12732250 #16254, >>12733502 #16255

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12730359 #16251, >>12731147 #16252

>>12728219 #16248, >>12728710 #16249, >>12729514 #16250

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 1.27.2021

pb check

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47cb3f  No.12864836


I guess now would be a bad time to tell them I'm a Gerard descendant that's not supposed to exist?

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1d8773  No.12864837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Galactic plane Survey. the magnetic field that flips the earth every 12k years has been found.


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afff75  No.12864838


Nice news site

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47f60f  No.12864839

File: 11330c23f917125⋯.png (479.4 KB, 1642x893, 1642:893, fbi_investigates_capitol_r….png)

File: 340463af2d28dbf⋯.jpg (248.04 KB, 1125x1695, 75:113, fbi_uses_photoshopped_pic_….jpg)

File: b36efed85aa79b0⋯.jpg (73.97 KB, 712x640, 89:80, fbi_uses_photoshopped_pic_….jpg)


LOLOL did the FBI do this for /pol/?

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6d1a28  No.12864840

File: 71d3313fdffef24⋯.png (681.12 KB, 590x800, 59:80, A1F2E7E0_7EF6_4DFC_B04F_D6….png)

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51f1bc  No.12864841


To that degree? Doesn't look like a tight or heavy mask at all. His entire inner ear structure disappears. I tried to replicate the same result using my own mask to get my ear to look like that and the string had to be near the edge of my ear and the inner structure remains clearly visible if not more-so because it gets squished. Try yourself. Not saying 100% but still makes me personally skeptical.

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2c174e  No.12864842


They call God a group of Drunks

and some nigger keeps giving me the I'm Klan look

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dc544c  No.12864843

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000000  No.12864844


Butler, or Depardieu?

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94ccf1  No.12864845

File: 81e058eefbeb743⋯.gif (4.28 MB, 240x182, 120:91, popcorn.gif)


>MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene

They took control of the media. Look who's getting 24/7 indoctrination via programing now that this place is no longer the focal point. Truth is, Donald Trump's already unleashed his media company.

This shit just keep getting better and better.

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c2ab5f  No.12864846

File: b5e158c72517600⋯.png (80.53 KB, 1052x768, 263:192, ClipboardImage.png)



0 results for "military" in that act. but its an amendment. any lawfags interpret this legalese and amended law references?

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f57e6b  No.12864847


my asshole feels slightly faggot,

not sure if I should be concerned.

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49fed6  No.12864848

File: aac9809222192db⋯.jpg (990.52 KB, 2700x2047, 2700:2047, greggwat_2.jpg)

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15c820  No.12864849

File: d63f173068691dd⋯.png (491.79 KB, 577x571, 577:571, potus_walking_tall_now_pla….png)

File: e05eaf4edbd7e9f⋯.png (614.32 KB, 618x590, 309:295, potus_walk_to_church.png)

File: d52972557c764d0⋯.png (213.04 KB, 367x384, 367:384, potus_queen_golf.png)

File: b4cd470928dfb81⋯.png (796.69 KB, 553x793, 553:793, potus_cried.png)

File: 9435549023555d4⋯.png (379.48 KB, 578x384, 289:192, potus_concede_nothing.png)

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9087be  No.12864850



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6307f7  No.12864851


Knowledge is power.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Do due diligence.

You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.

Sheep no more.



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a1d22c  No.12864852


*half frontal

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963ea8  No.12864853

File: 94cd5e203e4348a⋯.png (260.07 KB, 456x753, 152:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Noah's Prophecy, [08.02.21 20:34]

@SABMYK Recognition Sign No. 2

According to @NoahsProphecy , SABMYK performs the ceremony of the Orion King in the first @Atmumra age (which is twelve). This consists of a (bloody) wound to the right hand (his

Shawunawaz hand), which is

intended to ensure that the future

King first experiences the pain that

the wielding of the Orion sword

@Shawunawaz means and endures it.

In ancient times a boy who was a

future Orion King was cut in the

right palm. According to the

prophecy, on the other hand,

Sabmyk's hand was at the age of

twelve first exposed to fire and

then literally shredded and grown

back together, showing two (1 & 2)

shapes that are reminiscent of


🌳 t.me/NoahsProphecy

https://t.me/NoahsProphecy/45 @8:34

https://t.me/JohnFKennedyJr/1432 @8:37

https://t.me/NicolaTeslaNews/839 @8:37

https://t.me/CharlesFlynn/280 @8:37

We have some serious coordination happening here

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94ccf1  No.12864854


MTG has a tough job ahead of her.

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bbeb7c  No.12864855

File: 010f906ec85b268⋯.png (865.82 KB, 1052x526, 2:1, PartyTime.png)

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740cc4  No.12864856

File: a36300bb8c33220⋯.gif (5.71 MB, 480x359, 480:359, giphy_downsized_large.gif)

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9bc1e5  No.12864857


I think I'm almost to 100Hz, seems harder when drinking instant instead of brewed

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d3a001  No.12864858


He owes me nothing. Curious you'd take that inference from what I say.

He's the one that states he thinks people have become irrational. He says he's not at risk of getting Covid. It leads to the questions - How? Why? And those questions, under the reality of imposed lockdowns plus arrests and fines for Covid rule breaking are NOT irrational.

So a rational human being asks him why he's believes himself to be at no risk.

He is turn has the right to ignore or refuse to answer the question if put to him. But rational people will/would draw their own conclusions if that was his position on such a Meaningful question in an age of oppression.

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6307f7  No.12864859


You are the MAJORITY.


Do you think it’s a coincidence we are being attacked aggressively by some of the biggest media corporations in the world right after our return?

If we are simply a ‘conspiracy’ or ‘LARP’ or ‘some kid living in a basement’ as stated repeatedly, why do the world’s largest media Co’s continue to dedicate so much attention and time to attacking us?

Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to stop a LARP?

Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to attempt to ‘shape the mindset (narrative)’ to prevent and slow digestion of the masses?

You attack those you fear the most.

Why does the media rush to ‘shape’ events?

Why are the same ‘keywords’ always used?

Psych 101 – If you see and hear the same thing over and over again……..

They do not want you thinking for yourself.

They do not want you challenging their authority.

Logical thinking always wins.

Trust yourself (always).

Attacks will intensify [FAKE NEWS [arm of the D party]].

Enemy of the PEOPLE.


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7587f2  No.12864860

File: 32cfb62a8629393⋯.png (273.84 KB, 408x720, 17:30, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 972ce78bb48fbca⋯.png (85.6 KB, 831x674, 831:674, ClipboardImage.png)


Iran 'hides spyware in wallpaper, restaurant and games apps'




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bc3534  No.12864861

Everything the Democrats do is a scheme to loot your tax money.

The power of the purse is in the hands of thieves.

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47cb3f  No.12864862

File: 60dd5d47d888ba8⋯.png (295.91 KB, 308x500, 77:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f83bc4be87a110⋯.png (208.42 KB, 358x269, 358:269, ClipboardImage.png)


You caught the Tater.

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fd0ef4  No.12864863


>*half frontal

Okay. You got me. Care to rectify?

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01a085  No.12864864


SEEING IT BAKER? We may never have such clear proof of both last years and this years super bowl false flags again.


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19a394  No.12864865


The syringe is likely filled with a saline solution.

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dacb34  No.12864866

File: 2b0ada4f0609736⋯.gif (152.65 KB, 293x290, 293:290, man_boobs.gif)




Amateurs.. Gif Boobs are what you want

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000000  No.12864867


I still don't know what's really going on. Considering the circumstances I'm dealing with it chill. I'll keep paying attention, researching, and trying to be more self sustaining.

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c67a87  No.12864868


>Its a monday and I figured out why my code wasn't working. It was the other guy's fault.

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8e490b  No.12864869

File: 82094237a2b69b2⋯.jpeg (70.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, D3A35D12_21E0_48EF_A02C_4….jpeg)






I see we have a healthy contingent of side bewb enthusiasts. Bewbs are fun.

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2c174e  No.12864870


ummm errr umm

and uhhh

i cut my right hand bloody breaking into my place

i can't stop looking at the Orion cluster

and my first name is very close to that @

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963ea8  No.12864871


https://t.me/NoahsProphecy/45 @8:34

https://t.me/JohnFKennedyJr/1432 @8:37

https://t.me/NicolaTeslaNews/839 @8:37

https://t.me/CharlesFlynn/280 @8:37

We have some serious coordination happening here

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18391b  No.12864872


Damn, Tater Salad had some lettuce.

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1d8773  No.12864873

File: 05a5f78b41c5437⋯.gif (975 KB, 245x300, 49:60, 05a5f78b41c54379a273b57767….gif)

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c5901c  No.12864874

I like boobs.

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963ea8  No.12864875


i dont care about the weird shit, look at the time stamps..

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ec71af  No.12864876

File: 049d90bc7f017fb⋯.jpg (289.01 KB, 620x931, 620:931, NatAK_WoodBison040.jpg)

Hello QAnons !

still waiting for the biblical event ?

it will happen soon …………….

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1e4f6d  No.12864877

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b58d91  No.12864878

File: 2c5dfe253b74e88⋯.png (5.46 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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9087be  No.12864879

>>12864858 You honestly need to ask him such questions to receive some sort of validation to what you already know? You know the answers and if the answer he gives you does not align with your preconceived shallow opinion you will discredit him anyways. Think for yourself anon. Try it, just this one time.

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49fed6  No.12864880

File: f0dd89bee71bc63⋯.jpg (447.48 KB, 1917x1109, 1917:1109, sticksf.jpg)

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000000  No.12864881


Wow thanks for the update. Never would have come to that conclusion.

Incredible insight.

UMMMMM…Yeah…yer 2000 and late.

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7dbb2a  No.12864882

File: d1cfe62d3e404d7⋯.jpg (146.34 KB, 376x378, 188:189, cofv2.jpg)

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760700  No.12864883

File: 4fcdffd8bb05524⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 458x409, 458:409, 4fcdffd8bb055244efbd4333a8….jpg)

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1d8773  No.12864884

File: 4ec1862f83cb94a⋯.jpg (137.51 KB, 792x844, 198:211, 4ec1862f83cb94a8c5b3ca6a0b….jpg)


soon anon


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fd0ef4  No.12864885

File: edce24fe785a8d5⋯.gif (1018.02 KB, 500x345, 100:69, releasethem2.gif)


>challenge accepted.

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bdffd7  No.12864886

File: 9fb71619502764a⋯.png (760.38 KB, 604x1182, 302:591, Screen_Shot_2021_02_08_at_….png)


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79846d  No.12864887


>Check out the weird light/hologram spinning around the Capitol dome

Back in the day, cities in my area in the lower Midwest had a spot light that would circle the sky looking for tornadoes.

We also had a spotlight at the CMC store shining towards the sky - 1970's.

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2c174e  No.12864888


yeah but still…err umm

and uhhh

coordination is not just a timestamp

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3973a1  No.12864889

File: 4a94b4127fa3112⋯.png (183.76 KB, 271x232, 271:232, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b9e77  No.12864890

File: 1fb2be0c58e878e⋯.jpg (182.94 KB, 1440x693, 160:77, 1fb2be0c58e878efe4b83f3257….jpg)

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18391b  No.12864891


If Iran is doing it, you can be your sweet ass that the Democrats are doing it, too.

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3611c1  No.12864892

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fd0ef4  No.12864893


>Bewbs are fun

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1d8773  No.12864894

File: f4e7404fae475be⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 270x480, 9:16, 7dfea0e32668dadf0ceff794a2….gif)

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a7e731  No.12864895


and they don't know they dumb yet

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8e490b  No.12864896


Can’t add text right now, but if I could:


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47cb3f  No.12864897

File: 0a269b2c41b2c6c⋯.png (1.42 MB, 755x803, 755:803, ClipboardImage.png)


I am the official spirit animal of the Q-ons, I beast such as myself is sent to Earth once every thousand years to tell the world, "KYSF."

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7dbb2a  No.12864898


that's a man

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b44c5f  No.12864899


Would till love a challenge coin when this chapter of American rebirth is over. God knows we will all need to slam a drink or two…

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f7b2c6  No.12864900


The first revolutionary war happened because "all your guns"

your purple border sucks too.

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99f807  No.12864901


Sure thing, Anon. I have nowhere else to be, as you might understand very well.

>It is a seemingly endless cycle of happy memories, realizing they are not where your life seems to be going, and not having any desire to exist at all under these circumstances.

As you live through this ycle again and again, things begin to appear unrealistic. You start to question why you would choose to exist if not to be with this person.

You notice though that, in the daylight hours, you start to become more steadfast when it comes to all the little nuisances in life. No small thing bothers you as any pain pales in comparison. There is only one pain you know, but it still feels insurmountable.

You realize you are no longer afraid of social rejection, poverty, injury and death. You start to develop a life that is oriented towards a singular goal. Being with this person. But, paradoxically, you have no idea as to which actions will take you closer to that goal.

This experience teaches you that as cheesy as it sounds, and even though you previously never were much of an emotional type, the kind of love you experienced is truly the only thing worth living for. And that you would 100% choose to drop dead this instance if somehow you knew that you were to never see this person again.

You wonder why on earth you can not let go of this person. Why the memories seem to be painful but yet give you motivation, the only reason to open your eyes when you wake up.

It set you free. Free of everything except the fear of never being with that person again.

You talk to other people and your inner self of about this experience. They tell you to let go, or get over it, but you would rather carry the painful memory with you forever than forget the person.

You distrust yourself as when you hear something that gives you hope, a part of you doubts as to whether you are just hearing what you want to hear.

Your ego has been completely shattered.

The only thing remaining over the years is the singular point of light in the dark that is the nonzero possibility of being with that person again.

This is where I am. Maybe this is where you are, and where a very distinct group of Anons here seem to be. This all seems to coincide with the mysteriously resonating information being discussed here, as well as the surreal course of events in normal reality that you are used to.

You can weigh in if you want to.

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6806dc  No.12864902


Nigga smokin' crack.

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a7e731  No.12864903


that fag looks gayAF

better send nudes right away

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fd0ef4  No.12864904

File: c8280d17c6ba304⋯.gif (4.72 MB, 250x444, 125:222, shakenbake.gif)

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2c174e  No.12864905


what is an Orion King …king of?

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43fd54  No.12864906


this is why i read the posts here

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49fed6  No.12864907

File: 6a5cbb9d1353829⋯.jpg (19.35 KB, 360x284, 90:71, obamacoke.jpg)

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a7e731  No.12864908



makes pretty udders

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79846d  No.12864909


>Thank you, Bakerer.

>bewbs of breads past.

My fav. Tx for ur archive. Damn …

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353d32  No.12864910

File: a83b9270e99cc17⋯.png (131.72 KB, 790x465, 158:93, Screenshot_2021_02_08_2117….png)


>Why are you not at risk, Elon? Help the world that you call irrational by giving it an alternative to a vaccine.

Cannabis, bro


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003f85  No.12864911




With some sauce this would be great.

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a7e731  No.12864912


oh no

it's a bummernegro meme

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1d8773  No.12864913

File: 437af47c600f43b⋯.gif (3.08 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 437af47c600f43b9ff5c693133….gif)

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b58d91  No.12864914

File: 3f7a95851c6a029⋯.png (573.11 KB, 640x479, 640:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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dacb34  No.12864915

File: 604816f199b539a⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 3_tit.gif)


>Accepted and raise you a Tit.

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a7e731  No.12864916

File: 233b7b3744f832c⋯.png (422.09 KB, 640x764, 160:191, ALJT2740.png)

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fd0ef4  No.12864917

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e3310e  No.12864918

THIS IS (You)r "DAILY BREAD"!~ All ["Your"] Fake News and People Are Belong to Us.

Highlights for 2.8.2021 Anons/Bakers Provide Input Within ~ "Q Research Kitchen Meta": >>11728868

New Bakers Go Here... ( >>11728868, >>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker ~ For 1st Timers, ~ >>11728868, >>12774404 Apprentice Baker ("Baker Handbook Flash Version" + "For Apprentice Bakers"

Notable Mentions- Hot Topics - Provide Input Anons\Bakers... >>11728868

Previously Collected Notables As of 2.8.2021~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!})

Monday 2.8.2021

>>12863825 #16420, >>12864578 #16421, #16422

>>12861432 #16417, >>12862265 #16418, >>12863052 #16419

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12859899 #16415, >>12860681 #16416

>>12857551 #16412, >>12858384 #16413, >>12859151 #16414

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 2.8.2021

Sunday 2.7.2021

>>12855250 #16409, >>12856006 #16410, >>12856761 #16411

>>12852986 #16406, >>12853742 #16407, >>12854465 #16408

>>12850400 #16403, >>12851409 #16404, >>12852203 #16405

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12849068 #16401, >>12850431 #16402

>>12846624 #16398, >>12847445 #16399, >>12848299 #16400

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 2.7.2021

Saturday 2.6.2021

>>12844361 #16395, >>12845082 #16396, >>12845864 #16397

>>12842005 #16392, >>12843436 #16393, >>12843583 #16394

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12840428 #16390, >>12841230 #16391

>>12838140 #16387, >>12839083 #16388, >>12839615 #16389

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 2.6.2021

Friday 2.5.2021

>>12837352 #16386

>>12835098 #16383, >>12835855 #16384, >>12836600 #16385

>>12833460 #16381, >>12834276 #16382\1, >>12834272 #16382\2

>>12831061 #16378, >>12831916 #16379, >>12832678 #16380

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12830301 #16377, >>12831061 #16378

>>12827964 #16374, >>12828760 #16375, >>12829539 #16376

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 2.5.2021

Thursday 2.4.2021

>>12826404 #16372, >>12826766 #16373

>>12824089 #16369, >>12824859 #16370, >>12825618 #16371

>>12821698 #16366, >>12822441 #16367, >>12823243 #16368

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12820892 #16365

>>12817728 #16361, >>12819979 #16363, >>12820086 #16364

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 2.4.2021

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6307f7  No.12864919

File: be8e187ce6caa3f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 872x872, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

[USA Today = Gannett]





Gannett-offshoots also prints the marine times and other military-themed publications

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e3310e  No.12864920

Wednesday 2.3.2021

>>12816175 #16359, >>12816933 #16360

>>12813917 #16356, >>12814567 #16357, >>12815343 #16358

>>12811404 #16353, >>12812115 #16354, >>12813004 #16355

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12810662 #16352

>>12808310 #16349, >>12809039 #16350, >>12809849 #16351

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 2.3.2021

Tuesday 2.2.2021

>>12806015 #16346, >>12806778 #16347, >>12807547 #16348

>>12803715 #16343, >>12804467 #16344, >>12805239 #16345

>>12802107 #16340, >>12802119 #16341, >>12802951 #16342

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12802506 #16338, >>12803294 #16639,

>>12797217 #16335, >>12802495 #16336 >>12798908 #16337

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 2.2.2021

Monday 2.1.2021

>>12794895 #16332, >>12795649 #16333, >>12796425 #16334

>>12792602 #16329, >>12793506 #16330, >>12794202 #16331

>>12791091 #16326, >>12791058 #16327, >>12791840 #16328

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12788722 #16324, >>12789489 #16325

>>12786400 #16321, >>12787181 #16322, >>12787953 #16323

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 2.1.2021

Sunday 1.31.2021

>>12780178 #16313, >>12785623 #16320

>>12783377 #16317, >>12784114 #16318, >>12784854 #16319

>>12781021 #16314, >>12781766 #16315, >>12783444 #16316

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12777822 #16310, >>12778622 #16311, >>12779402 #16312

>>12775531 #16307, >>12776255 #16308, >>12777111 #16309

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 1.31.2021

Saturday 1.30.2021

>>12774739 #16306

>>12771805 #16303, >>12772885 #16304, >>12773889 #16305

>>12767799 #16299, >>12769639 #16301, >>12770767 #16302

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12766201 #16297, >>12766952 #16298,

>>12763768 #16294, >>12764583 #16295, >>12765381 #16296

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 1.30.2021

Friday 1.29.2021

>>12762969 #16293

>>12760674 #16290, >>12761418 #16291, >>12762213 #16292

>>12758351 #16287, >>12759119 #16288, >>12759893 #16289

>>12756814 #16285, >>12757529 #16286\1, >>12757538 #16286\2

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12754503 #16282, >>12755264 #16283, >>12756038 #16284

>>12752230 #16279, >>12752978 #16280, >>12753727 #16281

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 1.29.2021

Thursday 1.28.2021

>>12751462 #16278

>>12749174 #16275, >>12749913 #16276, >>12750668 #16277

>>12746774 #16272, >>12747536 #16273, >>12748367 #16274

>>12744510 #16269, >>12745264 #16270, >>12746023 #16271

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>12742108 #16266, >>12743418 #16267, >>12743681 #16268

>>12739700 #16263, >>12740949 #16264, >>12741374 #16265

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 1.28.2021

All Your Base are Belong To Us.



>Godspeed 07™

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b58d91  No.12864921

File: 3ec21aff4b43829⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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47cb3f  No.12864922


Yeah man. Called this before they called covid :P

The man will come back and be like, "So since I'm live on TV and being impeached I'm jsut gonna tell you WEED CURES COVID SMOKE UP BITCHES."

*drops mic*

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49fed6  No.12864923

File: dc67f2245223f01⋯.jpg (590.5 KB, 983x660, 983:660, weednight_2.jpg)


Breathe deeply and be at peace anons

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000000  No.12864924


3rd antigravity confirmation.

prepare for liftoff

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ed4eac  No.12864925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night at Work | Instrumental Chill Music Mix

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a7e731  No.12864926


oh sure

so out of the ordinary

much expression

kinda queer

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b7c923  No.12864927


Watching more old Oriole games and old Movies. Tasting the Black Pill.

Come back here out of sheer habit and the funny memes.

Tired of waiting for anything public to happen.

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760700  No.12864928


That's not my meme (but I like it) and I didn't mean to respond to OP with that pic. Sorry.

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fd0ef4  No.12864929

File: d8f51d2979d4629⋯.gif (497.15 KB, 200x139, 200:139, 1327770196711.gif)

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181a5b  No.12864930

File: 5b0696faf349de1⋯.png (280.26 KB, 900x596, 225:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7dcdb  No.12864931

File: b2c61f90064ca8d⋯.jpg (81.05 KB, 372x372, 1:1, christopher_walken_mickey_….jpg)


>chris walken's the prophecy

i'll have to watch it

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1d8773  No.12864932


i love me some skinny chicks..

they are hard to come by these days

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2c174e  No.12864933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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003f85  No.12864934


>>12864663 Dough

#16422@250 Notables

>>12864683 Special Forces warned because ALL OF THEM use Pepe. Reconcile

>>12864686 Check out the weird light/hologram spinning around the Capitol dome, then see next tweet.

>>12864694 Biden Threatens America's Dominance in Space

>>12864708 Schumer, McConnell Reach Agreement on Trump Impeachment Trial – Here Are the Details

>>12864709 Unidentified disease kills 15 in Tanzania

>>12864716 Facebook to take down all false vaccine claims, not just those related to coronavirus

>>12864737 MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is Not Exposing a Crackpot. It Risks Turning Her Into the Next Trump.

>>12864793 Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

>>12864860 Iran 'hides spyware in wallpaper, restaurant and games apps'


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47f60f  No.12864935

File: 6df530fccc54526⋯.jpg (737.75 KB, 1576x898, 788:449, biden_acceptance_rally_emp….jpg)

File: ad6d8c4142466a8⋯.jpg (216.79 KB, 1473x521, 1473:521, biden_acceptance_rally_emp….jpg)

File: 063a7e0bf4dff2a⋯.jpg (120.95 KB, 1101x467, 1101:467, biden_acceptance_rally_emp….jpg)

File: 3967037d6bcc3c1⋯.jpg (396.12 KB, 1907x853, 1907:853, biden_acceptance_rally_emp….jpg)

File: 0985d5c64655583⋯.png (808.94 KB, 1216x677, 1216:677, biden_acceptance_rally_emp….png)


I think what this MP4 fails to comprehend is that Biden was NOT there….Bloomberg left up their livefeed (thanks anonymous button pusher) of the "car lot" for 45 seconds after Biden was speaking from somewhere….else entirely. Was one of the best ever watch parties on /pol/ the keks were epic…biden is on the big screen but not on the stage….later they tried to cover it up, switched to bloomberg feed again but a LONG LONG shot and someone in a suit came out….but too late..game's up. 45 seconds of hysterical keks were had.

But yeah, Jeep is chink and they name jeeps after the SS call name for US officials…Sundance, Renegade….etc.

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f3ec17  No.12864936

File: 801cd490c6bdc30⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8f67fe69fe523e40e7d4725909….jpg)

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1a7173  No.12864937

File: 8d959ea53d9de89⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 680x680, 1:1, starypepe.gif)


and weed.

Mmmmm Bewbs and weed..

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fd0ef4  No.12864938

File: 73133f347d9d237⋯.png (165.54 KB, 381x294, 127:98, 73133f347d9d2371c6e0425744….png)

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a7e731  No.12864939

File: e403ed6d403913a⋯.jpeg (105.27 KB, 726x960, 121:160, GKIC7421.jpeg)

File: aabcf5a51723274⋯.png (131.07 KB, 590x332, 295:166, GLHC8225.png)

File: 0346e93769169f1⋯.jpeg (13.93 KB, 246x255, 82:85, HIOL7589.jpeg)


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49fed6  No.12864940

File: 3fe79a5f4692d2f⋯.jpg (401.71 KB, 1156x711, 1156:711, toobig.jpg)

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1d8773  No.12864941

File: b1a2be0ab54075c⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 350x371, 50:53, d36fb71c8127efcf75d2f4c4f5….gif)

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504684  No.12864942

Do you think we'll ever get another Q drop?

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92d2f6  No.12864943

File: da2546b52dc7411⋯.jpg (327.22 KB, 600x820, 30:41, IMG_0336.JPG)


I luv the meme about when Q is away anons are out of control, then when Q comes back everyone is standing at attention.

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49fed6  No.12864944

File: 9290d60e454aa74⋯.png (553.72 KB, 596x523, 596:523, maga2020_2.png)

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8e490b  No.12864945


And farts are funny. Kek. It’s the little things in life.

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c2ab5f  No.12864946


good memory anon. iirc the last super bowl even switched their private security for the event at the last minute to some outfit with a lot of FF suspicion.

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dc544c  No.12864947

File: d86b47dd20e6416⋯.jpg (164.21 KB, 830x1050, 83:105, Xnip2021_02_08_21_21_10.jpg)

I thought I'd seen pretty much everything…and then…

Taken from Adolf Hitler’s Berghof home by U.S. forces, the one-of-a-kind toilet seat is one of several linked to the Nazi madman and his girlfriend Eva Braun up for sale online Monday and Tuesday at Maryland’s Alexander Historical Auctions.

The auction house, one of Secrets’ favorites because it regularly sells incredibly rare and sometimes topical historical artifacts, said that the toilet seat was taken by American M.P. Ragnvald C. Borch after the U.S. invasion.

According to the auction house description, Borch was told, “‘Get what you want.’ He made his way to Hitler's bedroom, taking a World War I armored vest on display and two oil paintings. He saw the toilet seat and removed it, being asked by another M.P. holding a chandelier: ‘What are you doing with that toilet seat?’ The young M.P. smartly replied: ‘Where do you think Hitler put his ass?’”

It could fetch up to $15,000. As of noon Sunday, the bidding had already reached $6,500.

The auction house is also offering several of Braun’s undergarments, including her lace panties.

Alexander President Bill Panagopulos told Secrets today, “How could we possibly embarrass and denigrate Hitler more than offer his toilet seat and his wife's undies? The image of Hitler on the ‘throne’ is just ridiculous.”


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15c820  No.12864948

File: e19651568c91be6⋯.png (252.43 KB, 266x438, 133:219, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7e731  No.12864949

File: c7e9ec524eae2e1⋯.jpeg (153.25 KB, 587x768, 587:768, AYNO4655.jpeg)


and tehy like being there too

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d32dff  No.12864950

File: 922a88431d8f6c4⋯.jpg (117.65 KB, 1271x810, 1271:810, Look_out_below.jpg)

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d3a001  No.12864951


Horseshit. If I truly believed I was Not at Risk of getting this thing called Covid - and if I believed I knew the reason why I could state so, I'd happily come on here and share the good news. Why would I be coy when so many millions live in fear that I could help assuage?

What would I possibly say?

1. I had it. And I believe that offers greater immunity from ever getting it again than a vaccine.

2. I take HCQ. I know this prevents a person from getting it.

3. I have proof no such virus exists.

4. I'm an elite. I know many of the power people who had a hand in introducing this bioweapon. I am an elite. Not at risk. Not a target.

Well, maybe I'd keep that last one a secret ;)

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6307f7  No.12864952

File: 3a6256823a57326⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 490x604, 245:302, colorized_abe_lincoln_jesu….jpg)


"was imprisoned in the tower of London and managed to escape" = LOL

gunpowder plot reeks of reichstag fire FFS. Reeks of it.

Get off your religious high horse & realize more than one group does bad stuff

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fd0ef4  No.12864953

File: 47f6436222d72aa⋯.gif (4.65 MB, 253x450, 253:450, 19542689.gif)

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49fed6  No.12864954

File: 5cb89b4fc2d320a⋯.png (829.95 KB, 822x444, 137:74, pepecutout.png)

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dc544c  No.12864955

File: 6f643b6dbd28f8f⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 650x243, 650:243, happyp.jpg)

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b44c5f  No.12864956


I can guarantee you that both the SF, their COs, & assoc units who already have their own unique symbols do NOT GAF. This is pure bullshit rag news for optic circulation.

In other words, NOBODY 'warns' SF, ODA, etc

Shoulder to Shoulder


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327e59  No.12864957

File: 9394cde2033b78e⋯.jpg (208.98 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2021_Texas_Silver_Round_re….jpg)

File: c117780229b1453⋯.jpg (200.13 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2020_Texas_Silver_Round_Re….jpg)

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6806dc  No.12864958


had a comfortably numb moment on saturday, shaved everything above the waist. feelin smooth an comfy

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1937f8  No.12864959


I would, but I'm kinda pooped from being emotional tonight

I do appreciate you, though.

Perhaps tomorrow evening.

Think I just hit another let go point on it tbh

For now, at least

Thank you though

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2c174e  No.12864960


Only from Rouge Q

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085062  No.12864961

File: 7db44fef1f781f8⋯.jpg (9.08 KB, 474x328, 237:164, chase.jpg)



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5b4e5a  No.12864962


String cant get rid of that weird clipped ear thing though. Looks like someone clipped off a part of Billy's ear. Vaccine dude doesn't have that, with or without mask

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dbb1ce  No.12864963

File: 6978d404afb8174⋯.jpg (17.44 KB, 204x270, 34:45, d957da65.jpg)



State Funeral


George Pratt Shultz

(born December 13, 1920,

New York, New York, U.S.)


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a7e731  No.12864964

File: 08621fb124aa752⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 584x590, 292:295, IMG_3035.JPG)

Theresa bourbonaise

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fd0ef4  No.12864965


Most definitely it's the simple pleasures.

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c67a87  No.12864966


60% of it is clandestine, so…

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1d8773  No.12864967


i wonder if Q will make chicks skinny again,

i was born in the wrong generation..

fatties everywhere these days

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afff75  No.12864968

File: 0f4ad897017a7ca⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1056x1355, 1056:1355, 20210208_211321.png)

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eaa311  No.12864969

Regular browser won’t load in, incognito works though

Over the top porn posting, senators got their committee assignments

Investigations delayed

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3eb970  No.12864970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f7b2c6  No.12864971


no big, it's the internet

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47f60f  No.12864972


KEK how slow are you guys? That was a hysterical hologram of AOC fake crying at the illegal alien fence. Earlier they had one of Bernie in his mittens and chair….and fuck I didn't save the Bernie hologram.

All the ER vehicles were from the 6th…you know that deadly "riot".

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7c58ce  No.12864973

well america.

i guess i sorted to <> 3x+5 issue


i know some people don't have bio-photon cameras and vibration detectors in their living room so I thought I would catch you up with the world at large

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bdffd7  No.12864974


same, fren.. same..

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9087be  No.12864975


I'm not at risk. You also have the info to figure that out yourself. Quit being lazy and sliding.

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3eb970  No.12864976

File: 3e6832d6e88c0df⋯.png (335.75 KB, 587x422, 587:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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99f807  No.12864977

File: 70d0708983d1fa9⋯.png (15.67 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 15708_1610_30653.png)



type "twin flame" and "mirror soul" into google and read some of the information. Might get spooky, be warned.

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a1d22c  No.12864978

File: 43a4e2ca8ce2cb2⋯.gif (319.39 KB, 181x181, 1:1, talkingmonkeys_l_453809347….gif)

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bca87d  No.12864979


"How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."

We aren't done.

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285d67  No.12864980

File: 8af633bd9d6d772⋯.jpg (762.64 KB, 1280x872, 160:109, 55.jpg)

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1d8773  No.12864981

File: e78a1c79785cb29⋯.gif (731.54 KB, 430x318, 215:159, e78a1c79785cb294cb5278c4a6….gif)

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a7e731  No.12864982

File: cc04751e44a9c4d⋯.jpg (81.71 KB, 564x707, 564:707, IMG_3168.JPG)

gay fag chopping apples

cause buttfuck itunes

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49fed6  No.12864983


yes it does

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8da483  No.12864984

File: 3bcda08e6fe43ba⋯.png (400.32 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, Screenshot_2021_02_08_US_L….png)

Haitian President Jovenel Moise won the disputed 2015 election, but thanks to a prolonged investigation, was not inaugurated as president for a full year following the vote. As a result, he now claims his five-year term should be another year longer, to compensate.

Nearly two dozen members of the Haitian government were arrested over the weekend in what Haitian President Jovenel Moise has called a “coup.” Critics say that, according to the Haitian Constitution, Moise’s term expired on Sunday and the arrested figures were preparing an interim government to follow his departure from office.


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2c174e  No.12864985


God I fucking love Night Shift

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8e490b  No.12864986


Talk about your D5

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797142  No.12864987

File: 7949de82dddf1ea⋯.png (50.28 KB, 800x600, 4:3, je_edgar_bronfman_epstein_….png)

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47cb3f  No.12864988


The Holy Roman Catholic church attempted to kill King James who was championing the UNIVERSAL Catholic doctrine.

Yeah, Jesuit, nothing to see here at all.

Get learnt.

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43fd54  No.12864989


someone is going to get an eye poked out with those things

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f7b2c6  No.12864990


it just started.

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4c8851  No.12864991

File: 767ded328d2bfb6⋯.jpeg (394.2 KB, 640x967, 640:967, AD70EDC9_3681_469B_AF21_9….jpeg)

I like Desantis. Maybe he will run for President someday.


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a7e731  No.12864992

File: b23ce84108ab70e⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 474x307, 474:307, IMG_3514.JPG)

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dc544c  No.12864993

File: 10d8db31120afd6⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 222x296, 3:4, 462115.jpg)


the unaware downblouse is pretty special as well.

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a08d2a  No.12864994


keep playing it. FUCKING GREAT

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963ea8  No.12864995

File: dd9d529230625c2⋯.png (72.34 KB, 342x492, 57:82, dd9d529230625c2164aa9de5bd….png)

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2c174e  No.12864996

File: df5b048fe96d7d4⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 759x900, 253:300, df5b048fe96d7d45eba04a1168….jpg)

Shift the Night

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ae2ce3  No.12864997

File: 9f9ca77403e1ce3⋯.jpg (75.56 KB, 498x577, 498:577, Padlocked_toy.jpg)

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d91a8e  No.12864998


Yet you continue to avoid tearing down the veil…

We could make big changes, you know.

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c2ab5f  No.12864999


whats rouge Q?

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797142  No.12865001

File: 5ae61c0a64ce205⋯.jpg (93.93 KB, 553x612, 553:612, feinstein_vs_murkowski.jpg)

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01a085  No.12865002

File: eb052a319110b0c⋯.jpeg (147.95 KB, 601x851, 601:851, 61B10E8F_8492_424E_9A4A_4….jpeg)

File: ead0b34f2856183⋯.jpeg (970.63 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, C2197E9B_1489_4041_94D0_F….jpeg)


More than life itself I wish I still had those 4chan archived links. Have some “art.” Old anons will remember. God please help us to post them and show the world. I love you all and forgive my phone posting. Search Seattle Super Bowl False Flag. Nukes were the theory.

God bless.

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bdffd7  No.12865003




what the fuck is wrong with you two? get a fucking room. this is Q Research not fucking spiritual twitter. take your twin flame bullshit everywhere. let go. they don't love you. fucking let go already and take this conversation elsewhere.

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e3310e  No.12865004


the meme is broken fix it now.


For some reason I hear ladies laughing

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99f807  No.12865005


The metaphore is appreciated but to make a joke

You`d have to be kind of retarded to expect a light source to create a shadow

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1e4f6d  No.12865006

File: 86c2de3bcf529e7⋯.png (326.99 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbeb7c  No.12865007

File: d7e9a8bafd6110f⋯.jpg (155.76 KB, 1501x967, 1501:967, lebowski_bowling.jpg)

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bdffd7  No.12865008



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18391b  No.12865009

File: c292cadc1adba44⋯.jpeg (31.4 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 120B5FEE_0B9C_40FB_8370_5….jpeg)


I know Aoife Gallagher is probably lurking here.

Just wanted to say, Aoife, that we’re touched with how much you’ve come to worship us. It’s been pretty incredible, becoming celebrities, but your fanaticism is just part of the deal. It’s not easy being famous as fuck now, especially since everybody wants a piece of this ass, but just know that you aren’t the only one sitting up all night, thinking about us. We just seem to have that effect.

With that said, I’ll never think about you. You’re just another groupie, toots.

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a7e731  No.12865010

File: a06bb31e67d71db⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 630x420, 3:2, IMG_3039.JPG)

white power funeral is a having a special little oven ceremony in the call center break room

there will be ceremonial hotpockets there sponsored by tesla

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06ea14  No.12865011

>>12863443 pb


most important vid to show on eve of 2nd trumped -up bogus "Remove Trump from Office" this time when they allege DJT has already left….

"Attack" on Capitol was staged 100%

Just as some many Propagnada simulations they have accomplished over the years.

If you aren't used to studying it, this vid may go too fast for you.

It was done with the help of the enemies of chicom?

WAS IT ACTING? - 2021년 1월 6일 미국 국회의사당 폭동의 진실

should have many more views.

So much trouble linking to it


Be open to the idea, and see what you think?


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9d52b0  No.12865012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

reminder repost:

Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?

February 5, 2021

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2c174e  No.12865013


Well they eat pig shit out of their intestines…so whats a little black man poo poo gonna hurt?

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99f807  No.12865014


Just ignore it if you don`t like it.

I`m also open to talk about other stuff. Is there any specific topic you are interested in?

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d91a8e  No.12865015


… pretty sure?

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47f60f  No.12865016

File: 5ae45a898229d59⋯.jpg (147.75 KB, 1087x619, 1087:619, faith_sight.jpg)

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000000  No.12865017

Circle back Jen is worthless.

These fuckers are stupid AF

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25f106  No.12865018

File: 2484e8dc97e0664⋯.png (984.11 KB, 960x886, 480:443, Brunette3_Q_Super_Clear.png)


Maybe someone was trying to make you feel better. God Bless You Anon.

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d8f9dc  No.12865019

File: d86f423fa20344f⋯.png (488.64 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3a001  No.12865020


Yeah, you have no answer for Elon's coded evasion but you're a fan so……..

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6307f7  No.12865021


lol religious tard

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b312d1  No.12865022

File: 19602f81cb8a5ed⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 384x609, 128:203, ZomboMeme_04012021191642.jpg)

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6a3de1  No.12865023


>You`d have to be kind of retarded to expect a light source to create a shadow

Or an independent thinking absolute freaking genius!

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49fed6  No.12865024


ten to a dozen blueberries monitor toothpicks outside cord progress

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b44c5f  No.12865025


A touch of shading and lighting adjustment, and it could pass for real hehe … good job OP

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15c820  No.12865026

File: 476326056e32124⋯.png (479.75 KB, 696x500, 174:125, POTUSgoggles.png)

File: d757bc40998adf0⋯.jpg (49.39 KB, 750x562, 375:281, potuswalker.jpg)

File: 1fee14b04314cd7⋯.png (392.32 KB, 612x638, 306:319, POTUSFLOTUSsmile.png)

File: fda7023b008b833⋯.jpg (141.74 KB, 978x1200, 163:200, POTUSFLOTUSsmile.jpg)

File: 2f61d905bce655d⋯.png (701.82 KB, 630x590, 63:59, 2f61d905bce655d7bab5b7714f….png)

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c67a87  No.12865027


Looks like it is malfunctioning to me.

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a7e731  No.12865028

File: dce5b7a6ca3b12f⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 460x296, 115:74, IMG_3484.JPG)

these faggots need to learn to poop at home

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b312d1  No.12865029

File: 7674836bfd90037⋯.jpg (343.14 KB, 1079x697, 1079:697, Screenshot_20210208_210713….jpg)

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2c174e  No.12865030


drop some acid

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79846d  No.12865031

File: a9f75df5407218f⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 610x606, 305:303, 0000000000000.jpg)


>With some sauce this would be great.

'THIS IS DANGEROUS STUFF': Someone tried to poison city’s water supply during hack, sheriff says



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257a2a  No.12865032

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a1d22c  No.12865033

File: a5ae9447a555ca8⋯.gif (199.17 KB, 501x639, 167:213, 20210208_193052.gif)


it`s His damnt timetable… đœňþ вîтсн ат мæı.


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b312d1  No.12865034

File: 5979d3005d8e9b3⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 384x609, 128:203, ZomboMeme_04012021195352.jpg)



Fuck, wrong one

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181a5b  No.12865035

File: a7be6c6835b58c6⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 374x215, 374:215, FF_Clapping.gif)

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01a085  No.12865036


I beg a dig request on Seattle Super Bowl false flag speculation vs Tampa Super Bowl with actual Tampa Water Treatment Plant biological terrorist attack. Remember LDR came here and told us our children would die OF THIRST?

Watch the water.

God bless.

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dacb34  No.12865037


perfect example of jpg needing to be gif.

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47cb3f  No.12865038



>lol religious tard

I know. Facts suck, amiright?

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f7b2c6  No.12865039

File: 01898b485bd98ac⋯.jpg (283.94 KB, 750x1114, 375:557, 01898b485bd98ac15b73dbcbf7….jpg)

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03cab3  No.12865040


lynn rothschild should have hired better hackers

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18391b  No.12865041


I would settle for simply not pooping on the sidewalks.

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a7e731  No.12865042

File: 0da2068a497ca59⋯.jpg (158.66 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG_3043.JPG)


>ten to a dozen blueberries monitor toothpicks outside cord progress

there will also be meatball hotpockets for pretentious faggot jews too

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797142  No.12865043


another Anon made a nice aoc alpha

i happen to be looking at feinstein pic and combined the 2

keks me up still, kek

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000000  No.12865044


Bowling at its finest…taking the pot can make you feel funny.

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a7e731  No.12865045


go get a buttplug homo

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ce5f35  No.12865046

File: 4bad14639dc7e40⋯.png (322.83 KB, 570x475, 6:5, Nasim_Doggy.png)


>Fuck, wrong one

Dat Ass was correct.

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dbb1ce  No.12865047


A very special fingernail polish choice.

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d91a8e  No.12865048

File: 6eb4419925349d2⋯.jpg (103.16 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1598551105673.jpg)

File: c687629c0afe51e⋯.jpg (106.02 KB, 720x876, 60:73, 1598550617900.jpg)

File: 57efae2c431b56d⋯.jpg (119.7 KB, 719x709, 719:709, 1598550874853.jpg)

File: c68011404ce2ef6⋯.jpeg (115.07 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 2102d09aa72e5d0fc79f8b422….jpeg)


>tfw normies still don't get it

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1d8773  No.12865049

File: 33e69bbbc025ebb⋯.gif (754.88 KB, 480x281, 480:281, 33e69bbbc025ebb995858d5071….gif)

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eaa311  No.12865050

Those damn qanon kissless virgins that spam porn b4 Valentines Day are such loser loners

t. Fake news journo that spams /gif folder

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47f60f  No.12865051


>"Attack" on Capitol was staged 100%

Ironically this video does what the Japanese reporter didn't do. Although she did a great job re comparing 2 livestream vids and she did 100% expose it was Antifa, (Crossroads with Joshua Phillip interview after jan 6th fuckery)

I guess actually saying the shooting was fake and comparing the 3 streams was a bridge too far….this guy compared 3 livestreams and obvious fitup is obvious.


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c3b9cc  No.12865052

File: 62861bdb1dca3a1⋯.png (371.68 KB, 437x610, 437:610, bewm_therapy.png)

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ae2ce3  No.12865053

File: 51e0aa25e356a4b⋯.jpeg (65.71 KB, 720x698, 360:349, Pompeii_Today.jpeg)

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257a2a  No.12865054


The Jesuits are Vatican City's CIA.

It's more than mere "religion".

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c2ab5f  No.12865055

File: 53a15599a6101f6⋯.png (758.29 KB, 800x624, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7e731  No.12865056

File: caa2b80fd8cea13⋯.png (5.94 KB, 255x143, 255:143, BEHN0227.png)


>there will also be meatball hotpockets for pretentious faggot jews too

our hotpocket funeral with ceremonial hotpocketsfor pretentious faggot jews too is sponsored by tesla cause elon gapes

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8e490b  No.12865057

File: fd0ed4ff69a6e66⋯.jpeg (162.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ABDF0832_3C33_4DD6_8FAD_C….jpeg)


Some of my best times were sitting with my two young boys stinkin’ up the living room.

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e3310e  No.12865058


OH YOU HAVE A HARMLESS PLANT!? Let me go ahead and slap a charge on you that will follow you and mar your resume for the rest of your potential career doing far more damage than the plant ever could!


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49fed6  No.12865059

File: 3e6cd42c9503d4b⋯.png (250.87 KB, 385x385, 1:1, titstits.png)

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b312d1  No.12865060

File: fe7ff247ed71234⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 384x609, 128:203, ZomboMeme_04012021195730.jpg)


Wrong one x2

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d91a8e  No.12865061


Meh. The idea is kinda shit once you realize everyone is actually one being.

The concept isn't incorrect, it just doesn't utilize the full picture.

God is *everything*, anon. All of it. You, me, that rock over there. All of it, all at once.

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c67a87  No.12865062


Not that much, fuck on off now.

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bdffd7  No.12865063


this is not a chat room.

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760700  No.12865064

File: 1ecc5d1ea361985⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 4rkh0y.jpg)

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47f60f  No.12865065

File: 3d99640be73a4fb⋯.jpg (88.06 KB, 782x729, 782:729, pompei_jackoff.jpg)


And artfag can make a still of Hunter Biden showing crack up his ass (hoopin) and shaving his balls in this exact position…make it look like Pompeii….can it be done?

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1937f8  No.12865066


Oh, I have lol

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ae2ce3  No.12865067

File: dbd899a9915147e⋯.jpeg (129.61 KB, 700x903, 100:129, Ivanka_jackhammer.jpeg)

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f9e72f  No.12865068


all very good memes…the 3rd one speaks volumes!

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d3a001  No.12865070


Every religion IS more than just religion.

Even Aetheism, which is an inverted Religion in its own right.

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1df7ce  No.12865071

File: b6c19fae468a106⋯.jpg (774.9 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, IMG_060.jpg)

[flush]i9y.govern[flush] [flush]i9y.govern[flush] [flush]i9y.govern[flush]

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a7cba7  No.12865072

File: 9997dc779189d31⋯.png (80.24 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 607_mom_and_pop_store.png)

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94ccf1  No.12865073


Leave it to ebot to step it up a notch.

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e3310e  No.12865074

File: 315b0c57d66362d⋯.jpg (205.91 KB, 913x1200, 913:1200, Clinton_Epstein_Connection.jpg)

Meanwhile… Lobbyists in their private moments…

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03cab3  No.12865075


and the fucked up part is the assholes who made those laws hire whores, get stupid drunk, do massive amounts of cocaine, and probably rape little kids too

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a7e731  No.12865076

File: 96d4ae85f5dec09⋯.png (66.12 KB, 288x175, 288:175, ClipboardImage.png)


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99f807  No.12865077


Well yes. But god chose to experience himself as seperate entities with limitations. To get some variety into existence.

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49fed6  No.12865078


MYOB was a good policy

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fd0ef4  No.12865079

File: 0683523725eeea6⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 250x444, 125:222, 19950048.gif)

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e3310e  No.12865080

File: ffddfea18f1f3b7⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1200x1354, 600:677, Dossir.png)

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7c58ce  No.12865081

once you understand bi-polar is just IO flop in short cycle it makes more sense.

ez to track this stuff from here

that is all that matters really

don't need it all.


if i don't need it now , i don't need it later and i never come back cause I am always here, vessel by vessel I never really leave.

hello / goodbye

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94ccf1  No.12865082


Yes, that very much crossed my mind, too. I even typed it, and erased it.

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06ea14  No.12865083


who is elon?


"false vaccine claims"

as if

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1937f8  No.12865084


What do you think it was that's started the bewb slides

You're welcome

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c7dcdb  No.12865085

File: d31939341a86015⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 482x173, 482:173, Q_wont_believe_who_youre_t….jpg)

File: 0c459d77907fdb7⋯.jpg (322.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, speak_and_spell.jpg)


>[C] before [D]

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1d8773  No.12865086


we got like 6 dudes left in here.

even the fucking 3 letter faggots left.

its anything we want now.

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003f85  No.12865087


>>12864663 Dough

#16422@400 Notables

>>12864683 Special Forces warned because ALL OF THEM use Pepe. Reconcile

>>12864686 Check out the weird light/hologram spinning around the Capitol dome, then see next tweet.

>>12864694 Biden Threatens America's Dominance in Space

>>12864708 Schumer, McConnell Reach Agreement on Trump Impeachment Trial – Here Are the Details

>>12864709 Unidentified disease kills 15 in Tanzania

>>12864716 Facebook to take down all false vaccine claims, not just those related to coronavirus

>>12864737 MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is Not Exposing a Crackpot. It Risks Turning Her Into the Next Trump.

>>12864793 Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

>>12864860 Iran 'hides spyware in wallpaper, restaurant and games apps'

>>12864947 Maryland’s Alexander Historical Auctions to auction off Adolf Hitler's toilet seat

>>12864984 More on the Haitian Political Fight for power unfolding

>>12864991 Desantis being harassed by Fake News about not wearing a mask at the Superb Owl

>>12865031, >>12865036 , >>12865039 'THIS IS DANGEROUS STUFF': Someone tried to poison city’s water supply during hack, sheriff says (Oldsmar, FL - outside of Tampa, FL)


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740cc4  No.12865088

File: 62719bddafca5d5⋯.jpg (375.98 KB, 1438x2504, 719:1252, 20210208_204704.jpg)

Just got this email.

Google running out of money?

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d91a8e  No.12865089



We are "Him", anon…

You don't need to keep avoiding this.


You should be absolutely certain.

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b7150c  No.12865090

File: ec49ab09b71976a⋯.png (654.52 KB, 618x3783, 206:1261, Screenshot_2021_02_08_Supr….png)


Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant

The 4th Amendment right against warrantless searches of a person’s home is a pillar of Americans’ constitutional liberties. Before a police officer, or any other government official, can enter your home, they must show a judge that they have probable cause that they will discover specific evidence of a crime.

There are some limited exceptions to this right. There is an “exigent circumstances” exception. If a police officer looks through a home’s window and sees a person about to stab another person, the officer can burst through the door to prevent the attack. There is also the “emergency aid” exception. If the officer looked through the same window and saw the resident collapsing from an apparent heart attack, the officer could run into the house to administer aid. Neither of these cases violates the 4th Amendment and few would argue that it should be otherwise.

However, there is a broader cousin to these amendments called the “community caretaking” exception. It originally derives from a case in which the police took a gun out of the trunk of an impounded vehicle without first obtaining a warrant. The Supreme Court held that there is a community caretaking exception to the 4th Amendment’s warrant requirement because police perform “community caretaking functions, totally divorced from the detection, investigation, or acquisition of evidence relating to the violation of a criminal statute." The Court held that police activity in furtherance of these functions does not violate the 4th Amendment as long as it is executed in a “reasonable” manner.

Note that, unlike the first two exceptions, this exception is not limited to immediate emergencies. In the Supreme Court case just described there was only a general concern that vandals might eventually break into the impounded car and steal any weapons that were in the trunk. So the community care exception is far broader than the other two.

Also, all three exceptions allow warrantless searches so long as the police officer acted “reasonably”. That is one of the easiest constitutional standards to meet and is a significantly lower standard than “probable cause”, which is required for a warrant. As long as an officer might reasonably think that a warrantless search will alleviate a danger to the community, the search is considered constitutional.

There is a vigorous debate about whether the community care exception can apply to searches of a person’s home as well as of their car. Vehicles have always had less 4th Amendment protection than homes, which are considered a person’s most private sphere. Federal courts have been divided on this question and the Supreme Court has not ruled on it until now.

The Court has just announced that it will hear arguments next month on a case that presents this issue: Caniglia v. Strom. In this case, Mr. Caniglia was arguing with his wife and melodramatically put an unloaded gun on the table and said “shoot me now and get it over with.” His wife called a non-emergency number for the police who arrived shortly thereafter. The police disagreed about whether Mr. Caniglia was acting “normal” or “agitated” but they convinced him to take an ambulance to the local hospital for evaluation. The police did not accompany him.

While he was on his way to the hospital, Mrs. Caniglia told the police that her husband kept two handguns in the home. The police decided to search his home for the guns without obtaining a warrant. (Mrs. Caniglia’s consent to have the police search their home was legally negated because the police untruthfully told her that her husband had consented to the seizure of any guns.) The police located and seized the two guns. Mr. Caniglia sued for the violation of his 4th Amendment right to privacy and his 2nd Amendment right to keep handguns in the home for self-protection.

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2b9e77  No.12865091

File: 0cd641706d4d0b8⋯.jpeg (82.83 KB, 780x1023, 260:341, 1539527639.jpeg)

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bbeb7c  No.12865092

File: 6d5a0b321e562ed⋯.png (376.95 KB, 637x437, 637:437, Rouge.png)


Rig for Rouge.

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e3310e  No.12865093

File: bbbf1dc064b2363⋯.png (6.17 MB, 3190x2801, 3190:2801, Awan.png)



Oh, you saw what happened there?

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b7150c  No.12865094


The 1st Circuit Court of Appeals (which is the federal court just below the Supreme Court in Caniglia’s jurisdiction) sided with the police. The court wrote: “At its core, the community caretaking doctrine is designed to give police elbow room to take appropriate action when unforeseen circumstances present some transient hazard that requires immediate attention. Understanding the core purpose of the doctrine leads inexorably to the conclusion that it should not be limited to the motor vehicle context. Threats to individual and community safety are not confined to the highways.”

It is certainly true that the police need a good deal of discretion in carrying out their varied, complex, and sometimes dangerous duties. But they are also powerful agents of the government and their power is supposed to be restrained by the Bill of Rights. The 4th Amendment is supposed to protect the home above all other places. And whatever one’s views on gun control may be, the Supreme Court has clearly held that the right to keep handguns in the home is at the core of the 2nd Amendment.

Unlike the “exigent circumstances” and “emergency aid” exceptions, the community caretaking exception is not limited to circumstances where there is no time to apply for a warrant. And the question of what sort of caretaking falls under this exception is extremely vague. Will the police be able to use it to, for example, conduct warrantless searches of political protesters’ homes to make sure they aren’t planning on violent behavior at their next political rally? The Supreme Court is going to take a very close look at this case and there is a good chance that they will overrule the lower court’s decision.

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94ccf1  No.12865095


Yeah, already there, too. Hivemind, right?

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99f807  No.12865096


It literally is kek

You complain that the topic I wrote about is not what (you) want to talk about/research.

So I ask you what you would rather talk about or research.

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49fed6  No.12865097

File: 7da7aecb01cc637⋯.jpg (137.09 KB, 692x595, 692:595, pizza.jpg)


Pizza Time

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d58bba  No.12865098


The Qwest sign seems to show order out of chaos.

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a7cba7  No.12865100


That movie is pedo as fuck

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eaa311  No.12865101

File: e4cd5b6827157be⋯.png (1.27 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 09C1A5EC_EF9F_4919_9B82_3D….png)

File: 54f06b6a551f90c⋯.png (746.05 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 62FB58EA_9CC0_4D80_9B09_18….png)

File: 8fd76d2e777fddb⋯.png (1.17 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 63BAE520_0EB5_41E4_BC15_DB….png)

Just beat your dick, slaves

Fake news headlines are dogshit tabloids

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7c58ce  No.12865102


i'm blowin the whistle on jesus

i hear dudes been here a while

and he is hiding out from us all waiting to return and take over the demon controlled cesspit called hell or earth

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8e490b  No.12865103


My sister in law caught me checking her out just like pic related. She just smiled. Thank god for that.

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e3310e  No.12865104

File: 4c8b0a6f6689c90⋯.jpg (10.48 MB, 5400x6600, 9:11, Fisa_Abuse.jpg)

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d3a001  No.12865105


Oh yes it can. You 'Doubles' obsessives really are touchy about your theories.

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08fc84  No.12865106


Did you have a star game

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8bcbb6  No.12865107

File: 01c6e2723e73709⋯.jpg (65 KB, 640x427, 640:427, f068a7_aptopix_election_20….jpg)

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2c174e  No.12865108

File: 3d8ffcf899fdb7f⋯.png (858.75 KB, 720x838, 360:419, 3d8ffcf899fdb7fab5ec7a844d….png)


this is really me

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1d8773  No.12865109

File: c7c9adf6a60ef86⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 400x350, 8:7, c7c9adf6a60ef8685eb549415c….gif)

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e3310e  No.12865110

File: 241147da70aec37⋯.png (2.04 MB, 2486x1224, 1243:612, Fake_News_Monopoly.png)

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96e289  No.12865111

Slow night on the board, it appears.

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94ccf1  No.12865112


Maybe. Life's just weird like that sometimes.

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99f807  No.12865113


I figured as much. No coincidences here..

Last thing I can say, embrace the pain.

Godspeed, anon.

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810c0d  No.12865114


>>>12863123 GOP Lawmakers Introduce OMAR Act to Prevent Federal Candidates from Putting Relatives on Campaign Payroll

GOP is so brave when they are out of power.

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257a2a  No.12865115


Somebody else gets to decide what I should be.

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5b4e5a  No.12865116

File: ac1b94e452fa0e8⋯.jpg (252.84 KB, 1080x1269, 40:47, 20201227_175237.jpg)


So rouge! No Q

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b312d1  No.12865117

File: f654c755f1544fb⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 536x439, 536:439, ZomboMeme_05022021091715.jpg)

File: a853411fb2d23ca⋯.jpg (56.14 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_06022021202419.jpg)

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b4ea31  No.12865118

File: 591c619828f8b45⋯.jpg (124.22 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 38005552_9147335_image_a_7….jpg)


>>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

So was "Ashli Babbitt" a deep cover white or black hat?

If we are to take the video above seriously (and it is convincing), then presumably Ashli Babbitt did not die and was part of this "exercise." Right? I tried to find her records on truthfinder.com and nothing shows up country wide. Was there a funeral? Found a youtube video title so, but the person in the casket doesn't appear to look anything like her. Then I find this weird article from a UK paper that claims the couple had an open marriage with a live in girlfriend. WTF? None of this shit adds up. Is that lion tattoo real?

moar Qs than answers


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fd0ef4  No.12865119


Sounds like great memories, anon.

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7c58ce  No.12865120



i cannot be processed

i can repeat myself over and over and over

and it does not matter

it doesn't travel through time in this form

there is text and myth for a reason

not to be rewritten and erased in favor of continuity or base IOOI

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d91a8e  No.12865121




You guys realize that Rome just morphed in to a Religious entity instead of Governmental entity, right?…

Jesuits are just Holy Roman Knights who wage war via deception and infiltration.

Jesuits, Masons and Zionists all work in tandem at the behest of the ruling class, which isn't exactly hegemonic. Sure, Rome is in debt (literally) to the Rothschilds, but that doesn't mean they see eye to eye down to every single topic.

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03cab3  No.12865122


little hive action..been a while


>saving israel for last

annnnnny minute now..

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1d8773  No.12865123


post one with the message " DOITQ! "

for proof

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810c0d  No.12865124


>>>12864021 Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works

Biden lied People died. Should get death penalty.

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a7cba7  No.12865125



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000000  No.12865126


Transition…..to Night Shift.

Night Shift Comfy. '

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18391b  No.12865127



(Clowns are still here, sadly)

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1937f8  No.12865128

File: e249e98234cb823⋯.jpeg (13.24 KB, 255x252, 85:84, e249e98234cb8231830d0e0ed….jpeg)


Same to you, anon

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8e490b  No.12865129


Actually. The light does cast the shadow.

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2c174e  No.12865130


if Q is 17 think of me at 71

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fd0ef4  No.12865131

File: a00296cb94d7f5c⋯.png (934.72 KB, 714x780, 119:130, wwg1wga.png)


(pic related) goes with that image.

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e3310e  No.12865132

File: bc9917952d09ead⋯.png (1.86 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, The_Knowing.png)

Some of you really think bidan is president too huh? used to for a moment.

but then I remembered.

Some of us called this in July.

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06ea14  No.12865133


yeah, not him

proved by johnnie on the spot, shill

Hair is wrong too

so are eyes

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d91a8e  No.12865134



Then maybe what you're invoking is the twin studies that Mengele did (does).

That was my first thought when I'd begun seeing mention.

I think you're misunderstanding the analogy.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong. I just had an intuition ping, spidey sense kinda thing.

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2930b1  No.12865135

File: 387208954f703e7⋯.png (225.05 KB, 810x788, 405:394, Screenshot_2021_02_08_Joe_….png)


Biden then followed up by asking Hayes if she was a nurse.

“Are you a nurse?” he asked.

She replied that she had been a resident nurse for about nine years.

“I know having been a significant consumer of health care, I can tell … doctors let you live, nurses make you want to live,” Biden said. “If there’s any angels in heaven they’re all nurses, male and female, that’s not an exaggeration that’s the God’s honest truth.”


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2c174e  No.12865136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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99f807  No.12865137


Thought about that when I sent that. Words are difficult.

I think my meaning kind of got across though.

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e3310e  No.12865138

File: 97fe0d2792335c3⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1200x846, 200:141, The_Dossier.png)

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7c58ce  No.12865139

moses + job = judah

all else = tribe of what

mary is what. <G>

leave <G>

never move <G>

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d1ad6b  No.12865140

File: e7ef5b67811e8f3⋯.mp4 (232.83 KB, 290x360, 29:36, Red_eye_bewbs.mp4)

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e3310e  No.12865141

File: b41765b880b8018⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2500x2486, 1250:1243, Op_Kav.png)

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6ec577  No.12865142

Check out “The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #63” — more conversation about the outrageous Time Magazine confession of election manipulation. I’m struggling with the timeline I’m stuck in here. The funniest thing is to watch Twitter eating its own tail as it now fails to suspend people who gloat about the manipulation of the election. Seems it’s ok, as long as you’re on the non-Orange side.

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47cb3f  No.12865143

File: 8e56df6f514d2af⋯.png (525.28 KB, 1274x713, 1274:713, PopeSuperstar.png)



Know the difference between the UNIVERSAL CATHOLIC DOCTRINE and the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

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47f60f  No.12865144

File: 1d5814d52bddd9f⋯.png (126.95 KB, 1340x468, 335:117, twin_flame_souls_eye_of_ho….png)



>You wonder why on earth you can not let go of this person. Why the memories seem to be painful but yet give you motivation, the only reason to open your eyes when you wake up.

Just do some past life meditations with the goal of letting it go. Too many people use "twin flame" and "soulmate" as an excuse not to let go.

This "meeting" is exceedingly rare and yet merely searching for the term brings hundreds of thousands of results of people bitching/moaning, grieving….and using twin flame as an excuse not to heal…..IF twins meet in life, they rarely RARELY ever stay together. They're here to work not fuck.

A great little book to help you understand that love lets go is Neale Donald Walshe's little pink book on relationships that was created from a lecture he gave. LOVE does not hold on. Energetically the more you hold on to her…the harder everything gets for both of you. I recommend this book all the time for people who confuse love with attachment.

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e3310e  No.12865145

File: 37b251ae9ed8b78⋯.jpg (3.8 MB, 4096x4044, 1024:1011, New_Epoch.jpg)

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000000  No.12865146


…The single hair. Hmmm. We are going to need confirmation. Hair does not match

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94ccf1  No.12865147

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d1ad6b  No.12865148

File: 7a0ece147c18152⋯.mp4 (260.82 KB, 220x382, 110:191, pants_bounce.mp4)

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fd0ef4  No.12865149

File: c7d877b2087c12e⋯.gif (6.22 MB, 500x281, 500:281, download_2_.gif)


>ante upped

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98023b  No.12865150

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 4321804.png)

File: e51e9ec25acb79f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 954x868, 477:434, 64132189056.png)

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 4321804.png)

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6806dc  No.12865151

File: 898db7986cbe481⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, andrew_yang_whipped_cream_….jpg)

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7c58ce  No.12865152

you can't prepare for time

you can only walk destiny

and when you know

when it clicks

the inscription ends and begins in a moment of earth to breath to wind to what?

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e3310e  No.12865153

File: 628d09521bebd2e⋯.jpg (292.98 KB, 1200x1050, 8:7, Uranium1.jpg)

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d58bba  No.12865154



Highest Ranking Civilian in the Roman Empire

HRC=Podesta (Rank of the Highest Ranking Civilian in the Roman Empire)

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94ccf1  No.12865155


Q is making self improvement great again. That can often lead to a chain effect of good habits.

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257a2a  No.12865156


And then it morphed into a religious/governmental entity.

It's a principality,

given it by Il Duce.

And yes,

the Papacy works with the Rothschilds,

and both control the Masons.

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d91a8e  No.12865157



Elon actually flipped.

You seem him disrupting like four different markets at once, right?

The tech gatkeepers got unplugged.

Next thing you know, Musk might be throwing up a Solar Energy cable that extends from the ground to lower earth orbit ranges.

How no one else is putting this shit together is beyond me.

Elon's basically /ourguy/ now.

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99f807  No.12865158


The point I am at is that if "god" is a singular entity with infinite capabilities, seperation and limitation would be something god would be interested in experiencing, kind of a thought game.

Logically, all of reality is probably a metaphorical thought game.

Experience is why I exist, is what I am guessing. So I am also guessing that the best and most desirable experience of this entity I am right now is why I exist.

Am happy to be shown another perspective, always.

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c7dcdb  No.12865159

File: a3358d56880c114⋯.jpg (283.5 KB, 686x668, 343:334, wes_watson_paperwork_check.jpg)



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fd0ef4  No.12865160

File: 69d398abe1f59d9⋯.jpg (114.27 KB, 1006x585, 1006:585, anonsbunsandboobs.jpg)



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06ea14  No.12865161


yeah, they all know they stole it

Now that they are publicly admitting and gloating , it will be that much easier when the hammer falls

They know they are crooks ./ cheaters.

But like all criminal think they will never get caught.

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d1ad6b  No.12865162

File: 97bd225c64f702f⋯.png (384.54 KB, 598x576, 299:288, DeesRmine.png)



Long time no see.

Post moar bewbs.

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1ba68f  No.12865163

GEORGEnew navy video: "Red Air"



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2c174e  No.12865164

File: 929746f909d6819⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 497x247, 497:247, fc5q34vuic34ic99.JPG)

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2eff4f  No.12865165

File: 1294759c8bab763⋯.png (90.5 KB, 727x795, 727:795, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3310e  No.12865166

File: aeee6f08ffd8e50⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 4800x3076, 1200:769, aeee6f08ffd8e5088519146839….jpg)

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2930b1  No.12865167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Feb 8, 2021

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1937f8  No.12865168


I'm actually okay with it most of the time now, aside from a couple vivid experiences out of nowhere

Wasnt trying for them, just happened

I'll get over it, and dislike a lot of modern "spiritual" stuff, but there is some truth in there between the bs

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5f0c54  No.12865169

Way truth life I love you

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879d82  No.12865170

>>12864264 pb

A blood sucker admiring a blood sucker...

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740cc4  No.12865171

MSM still doing hit pieces on Q.

Thousands of NG still in DC.

D's trying to impeach Trump AGAIN

The cabal in power and still have no idea who Q is. You know if they knew they would be screaming for joy outing Q.

Wouldn't be surprised if they put up mil patsies and call them Q soon.

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bbeb7c  No.12865172


Looks like they want to migrate users over to a music service vs. having a library you control.

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a7e731  No.12865173



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47f60f  No.12865174

File: 65e5d132c319a40⋯.jpg (343.96 KB, 2511x1703, 2511:1703, Djbouti_pentagon.jpg)


Are you tryna get me to octagon post? Cause I can only pentagon post.

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b7150c  No.12865175



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d91a8e  No.12865176


The metaphor isn't getting through to you.

"Jesus" is your best self, the liberator, the fire-bearer.

You can activate it if you quit being retarded and actually learn the mythological patterns, underlying religious analogies and how different aspects of esotera overlap.

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99f807  No.12865177


I have read much information to that degree.

The thought that makes sense of that is the possibility of death of your twin, you would have to deal with that too somehow.

Not holding on does not mean stopping to love.

In my mind at least.

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7c58ce  No.12865178


i don't think you understand actually

i talk to Lord

and I am supposed to tell YOU that Jesus is returning and your metaphor sucks a big wank of campbell breath

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5b4e5a  No.12865179



Heh. And then Q would post two words:

What now?

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06ea14  No.12865180



i'm open minded.

I still think he's a cut out though

I could be wrong on that too

I'm open minded.

They claim he's more than a figure head.

I 'm quite skeptical

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b06cea  No.12865181

File: d3404fb6df99f27⋯.png (327.31 KB, 469x646, 469:646, Screen_Shot_02_08_21_at_09….PNG)

File: bbb037c0a054374⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 720x720, 1:1, biden3.mp4)

President Biden


US government account

I know a lot of folks out there are losing hope, so I want to make one thing clear: I’m going to act as fast as I can to get Americans the relief they so desperately need.

9:35 PM · Feb 8, 2021·The White House


9+3+5 = 17

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43fd54  No.12865182


if some real person (jew, mason, rothschild, fbi, alien,m16 , catholic) comes here to check in one of these days

and then shut off their bots

will take 3 days to fill a thread

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8da483  No.12865183

File: d2f69af0898551a⋯.png (61.04 KB, 535x585, 107:117, Screenshot_2021_02_08_Sput….png)

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to quarantine after security member tests COVID-19 positive



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d91a8e  No.12865184


Check you guys out, catching on and all.

Now find out how to use Shadow.

Just don't get us in trouble.

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79846d  No.12865185


>I think what this MP4 fails to comprehend is that Biden was NOT there….Bloomberg left up their livefeed (thanks anonymous button pusher) of the "car lot"

Tx Anon. I remember that, (now). Still weird Jeep shit to stay on top of.

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47cb3f  No.12865186

File: 6b56645a81ea4fd⋯.png (134.45 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Guy Fawkes at the behest of the Jesuits was to blow up Parliament including King James.

King James was supposed to be a patsy and support the Holy Roman Catholic Church. He did not. He studied the past and wrote papers on the UNIVERSAL (Catholic means UNIVERSAL) CHURCH. They needed him stopped. Can't have peace and love…

Now where have we seen that before?

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18391b  No.12865187


>losing hope

Yeah bro cuz you in office

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fd0ef4  No.12865188


>Post moar bewbs.

from the archives?

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7c58ce  No.12865189


you are human i should be nice


you are not wrong, there is a Christ that can be activated but a Jesus Christ returns and helps people to do that.

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d91a8e  No.12865190


>muh pilpul

didn't read; not converting

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2eff4f  No.12865191

File: 10420a938c8c3db⋯.png (41.33 KB, 733x449, 733:449, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3310e  No.12865192

File: db2f19b876d5232⋯.jpeg (72.68 KB, 750x889, 750:889, sHITKEKS.jpeg)

only reason bidan is president is because so many are cronies.

street level cronies.

every state every county every town.

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003f85  No.12865193


>>12864663 Dough

#16422@500 Notables

>>12864683 Special Forces warned because ALL OF THEM use Pepe. Reconcile

>>12864686 Check out the weird light/hologram spinning around the Capitol dome, then see next tweet.

>>12864694 Biden Threatens America's Dominance in Space

>>12864708 Schumer, McConnell Reach Agreement on Trump Impeachment Trial – Here Are the Details

>>12864709 Unidentified disease kills 15 in Tanzania

>>12864716 Facebook to take down all false vaccine claims, not just those related to coronavirus

>>12864737 MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is Not Exposing a Crackpot. It Risks Turning Her Into the Next Trump.

>>12864793 Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

>>12864860 Iran 'hides spyware in wallpaper, restaurant and games apps'

>>12864947 Maryland’s Alexander Historical Auctions to auction off Adolf Hitler's toilet seat

>>12864984 More on the Haitian Political Fight for power unfolding

>>12864991 Desantis being harassed by Fake News about not wearing a mask at the Superb Owl

>>12865031, >>12865036 , >>12865039 'THIS IS DANGEROUS STUFF': Someone tried to poison city’s water supply during hack, sheriff says (Oldsmar, FL - outside of Tampa, FL)

>>12865090 Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant

>>12865118 Was "Ashli Babbitt" a deep cover white or black hat?

>>12865181 Understatement of the year by a fraud - Joe Biden - 'I know a lot of folks out there are losing hope'

>>12865183 Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to quarantine after security member tests COVID-19 positive


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2930b1  No.12865194

File: 403c1759ffb5535⋯.png (826.3 KB, 1057x824, 1057:824, Screenshot_2021_02_08_My_P….png)


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760700  No.12865195

File: d9f65078c99ef70⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 230x400, 23:40, OIP_vLiOwqmF7Ytg0UqP8SIRHA….jpg)



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18391b  No.12865196


And who is this little fame-faggot?

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ed7075  No.12865197

Trust Sessions

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03cab3  No.12865198



these niggers are so out of touch

>oh, you lost your job because my policies killed them?

>here's $1,400 that doesn't even cover the average rent for a month

>good luck and don't forget to vote!

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791012  No.12865199


in other words

gonna go kill some moar jobs

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e3310e  No.12865200

File: 8dacd04246258fa⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 464x360, 58:45, Robert_Steele_Truth.mp4)


>bidan is presiden

>"Bidan is president…"


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0ebfea  No.12865201

when are we seeing a win?

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eaa311  No.12865202

Where’s the whitmer fag

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d91a8e  No.12865203

File: e0e2a3c15301fbe⋯.jpg (59.28 KB, 889x500, 889:500, e0e2a3c15301fbe9373c2ac227….jpg)


>a thought game.

You done it now.

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79846d  No.12865204

File: 8a338b28adb1861⋯.jpg (99.64 KB, 786x613, 786:613, 00000000000000.jpg)


>I luv the meme about when Q is away anons are out of control, then when Q comes back everyone is standing at attention.


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003595  No.12865205

File: 143540687ab483d⋯.png (966.04 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f048d6e5c862aa⋯.png (353.73 KB, 500x595, 100:119, ClipboardImage.png)


THOSE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT? A BIBLICAL CONSPIRACY THEORY - N.W.O (NEW OR NAZI) WORLD ORDER? (note - no mention of trump) i think he is a genuine man, but like everything, time will tell if that is true, ?


I keep seeing the number 666 associated with the side of the good, The mark of the beast, Trans humanism, The vaccine, Israel saved for last?


This is all about the control of the means to money (BANKSTERS) ?

Then do not give a fcuk how much fake money they print because they are getting ready for the Social Credit System, Digital industrial revolution?

They have profited from wars no matter who wins, in fact WW1 AND WW2 including probably every war was funded by the Bankers?

Steve Bannon is a General, and the biggest voice in the movement, but he is beginning to get under my skin for the most obvious reason, everything is China, C.C.P, complaining about the media, big tech, everything, yet not a single mention who really owns and controls the media? It is the fcuking ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM everyone knows it, who has benefited most from all this chaos but not been held to account, who owns most of the tech companies, banks, institutions, trusts, the destruction of religions and the one thing they want most is the building of the 3rd Solomon Temple?

Most people offline who i have spoken to think i am insane, but they are no way as clued into the global game as those who are researching and doing the real research.

Why do i think this, because you have to look at the power structure, Xi JinPing Spoke at the Davos meeting framed by Klauss opening and closing, now Xi is a power player but not the big man?



https://gab.com/Chestercat01/posts/105692855236815146 < – George Soros - Nazi Origin auto biography unedited

https://gsiexchange.com/the-truth-about-klaus-schwab-and-the-great-reset/ ←Klauss Schwab article

https://youtu.be/fp0HXMlStBA ←Davos Agenda Klauss and Xi JinPing


Most people offline who i have spoken to think i am insane, but they are no way as clued into the global game as those who are researching and doing the real research.

Why do i think this, because you have to look at the power structure, Xi JinPing Spoke at the Davos meeting framed by Klauss opening and closing, now Xi is a power player but not the big man?

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ac01fe  No.12865206

File: 1b81c7b05edc2dd⋯.jpg (53.86 KB, 1024x879, 1024:879, shiki.jpg)

File: d020e955ad74128⋯.jpg (12.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, shiki_b.jpg)

File: d60d6aea375d4fa⋯.png (119.83 KB, 498x252, 83:42, shiki_3.png)

File: bbe3d31e7014707⋯.jpg (44.72 KB, 600x315, 40:21, shiki_A.jpg)

File: 16437db0c5bfd3a⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, shiki_5.jpg)

[[[ ;P]]]

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e3310e  No.12865207

File: c2b683d43f07ad1⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB, 444x324, 37:27, TheQuestion_AndAnswer2.mp4)

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fd0ef4  No.12865208

File: c5e2796f1ed6710⋯.png (326.12 KB, 316x639, 316:639, Gretchen_Milkies.png)


There are more than one of us.

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2c174e  No.12865209


Confusion and Distraction

My job is done here


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18391b  No.12865210


Whitmer looks like garbage bags full of milk.

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92d2f6  No.12865211

File: 2c122806c10b66f⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 439x660, 439:660, IMG_0391.JPG)

File: c246676ca4bcfbb⋯.jpg (156.85 KB, 531x480, 177:160, IMG_0393.JPG)

File: 8e5228a8ab95840⋯.jpg (56.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_0395.JPG)


Top boob view is nice.

It's funny that they wear stuff like that just catch us lookin'.

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e3310e  No.12865212

File: ea4ae10ce2b3690⋯.png (429.93 KB, 610x607, 610:607, Questions3.png)

File: ea6345f3826cdd8⋯.mp4 (135.69 KB, 426x240, 71:40, cmonman_.mp4)

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327e59  No.12865213

File: 3ebc64b687bd40f⋯.png (578.32 KB, 800x552, 100:69, Etfha6aVoAA8pUJ.png)

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8bcbb6  No.12865214

File: ea8c2aad59d935d⋯.jpeg (532.69 KB, 1280x1034, 640:517, pepelove.jpeg)

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47cb3f  No.12865215


Catholic is Latin for UNIVERSAL.


Try reading sometimes.


universal in Latin

translation and definition "universal", English-Latin Dictionary online

add translation


IPA: ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl; Type: adjective, noun;

universalis { adjective masculine }

Music is the universal language.

Musica enim est lingua universalis.

universus { adjective masculine }

Everything speaks in the universe; there is nothing that doesn't have its language.

Omnia in universo loquuntur. Nihil est quod non habeat linguam.

communis [ commūnis ] { adjective masculine }

catholicus { adjective masculine }




encyclicus { adjective masculine }

perpetuus { adjective masculine }

The universality of the law and its obligation are acknowledged, not suppressed, once reason has established the law's application in concrete present circumstances.

Perpetua legis obligationisque proprietas non deletur, sed potius confirmatur cum ratio apponit applicationes ad casum definitum ac re praesentem.

Piotr Szelma


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15320c  No.12865216

File: 3245a6c8095b472⋯.jpeg (60.96 KB, 686x202, 343:101, C9B79B30_8A03_4FE5_AB1B_2….jpeg)



Shit’s lit, it’s habbening frens

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f3ec17  No.12865217

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94ccf1  No.12865218


That threat was borderline "esoteric". Meaning, they'd dry up the water supplies after they kill all us off in front of our children. That bitch don't play; she meant it.

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6c2398  No.12865219

File: 8436aa9dc9d8c21⋯.jpg (894.7 KB, 997x1327, 997:1327, 8436aa9dc9d8c219c56a0cd2be….jpg)


>[C] before [D]

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d91a8e  No.12865220

File: eed3587107d1e0e⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



You guys want a hint?

Each cast of characters this time around is the same as the last go 'round.

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760700  No.12865221

File: 03ac382643b15b0⋯.png (181.99 KB, 450x425, 18:17, 03ac382643b15b068fd9fb1111….png)

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2c174e  No.12865222

File: 22de22eb0dfacd4⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 474x574, 237:287, ceriw34vi347v57346i_MA_ove….jpg)

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740cc4  No.12865223


Q's rigged for red, silent running.

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d91a8e  No.12865224

File: f86030bc395e5ec⋯.png (11.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5baa5f44b4c899afe7caedf650….png)


inauthentic and homosexual

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19a803  No.12865225


Living the Dream. MAGA is my state of mind everyday! God-Trump-you-me-my dogs-life is good!

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285d67  No.12865226

Program ID:



Senate Proceeding


Senate Proceeding


Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Will Air:

Feb 09, 2021 | 12:55pm EST | C-SPAN 2

Airing Details

Feb 09, 2021 | 12:55pm EST | C-SPAN 2


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e3310e  No.12865227

File: cfe3331c9bc80f0⋯.jpg (294.68 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, mettlegear.jpg)

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47f60f  No.12865229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Memories are powerful things, and time is a funny thing. Instead of pushing it away, embrace the memory and "look" at it, yourself and her….I remember how hard it is to let go of what e believe at the time is that one true thing.

Each time you have an experience like that, thank her….just be in a space of thankfulness for all you learned during that time you had with her.

Common sense is neither "modern" or spiritual….some means of releasing memories are centuries old….

I always recommend this vid…when you do Ho'o'pono'pono you want to forgive both yourself and the other person. IF you've been suffering betrayal feelings as an example, you first find a memory where you betrayed someone….and forgive yourself and the other…(just an example of how this powerful prayer medication can help.)

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08fc84  No.12865230

File: f428c7b9a802a86⋯.png (128.82 KB, 278x500, 139:250, au0_pzxdJe44209mchgdfhjk_k….png)

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791012  No.12865231


defund congress NOW! they've gone bananas

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8da483  No.12865232

File: 1536bbf02667f62⋯.png (452.62 KB, 474x641, 474:641, Screenshot_2021_02_08_JPEG….png)

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e3310e  No.12865233

File: 2fea7d396bbf900⋯.jpeg (688.67 KB, 1578x2048, 789:1024, Hot_Sheet1.jpeg)

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fd0ef4  No.12865234

File: b9e173a2768134b⋯.png (109.04 KB, 600x571, 600:571, gold_star_alpha.png)


>Confusion and Distraction

Well done, fren. This is for you.

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92d2f6  No.12865235


Soft focus much?

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1937f8  No.12865236


Ogdoad? in a way, at least

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e3310e  No.12865237

File: 538a9c0edf46ed2⋯.jpg (190.42 KB, 1080x947, 1080:947, 538a9c0edf46ed2d575aa137f8….jpg)

File: 6ce712e818e5a8a⋯.mp4 (747.13 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Bidan_Uh_oh.mp4)

File: 559e183bceeb0fd⋯.mp4 (11.15 MB, 1414x600, 707:300, bLACKkNIGHT.mp4)

File: cf5d2724a652ee5⋯.jpg (140.44 KB, 925x2000, 37:80, Blessing.jpg)

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06ea14  No.12865238


patsy framed

as they always do

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d91a8e  No.12865239


Every single thing he pokes his head in to, he disrupts, pisses way too many people off, and comes out smiling.

He memes like a teenager and displays his clout like he's one of the richest people around (he uh… is).

You think this is just one big coincidence?…

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7c58ce  No.12865240

File: 5461151d0f48b67⋯.png (111.14 KB, 600x390, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay. I was working on the Bible stuff last night and my last problem was really the Earth changes. Plagues and swarms are easy, but how do you explain calculated changes in the crust of Earth.

Anyway. Welcome to the plan. Revelations comes with hardship and I would say, bast on my personal revelations over the last few week, your government is <well aware> of the coming changes on Earth.

It has been kept hidden because the truth would cause panic, chaos, disaster and must be manager appropriately by you, the human organism.

Bottleneck and adaptation are not the function of elites and governement, it is <you> at the end of the day that must stand and educate, inform, protect and secure your local areas for ten days of darkness.

I do expect it to happen in my lifetime.

I do not have a better time frame.

It looks like next week from here, but that is a poor litmus test for timing the systems.


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ed7075  No.12865241

File: c9bae2dd800a631⋯.jpg (932.38 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, capitol_rally_1.jpg)

Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sesions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Sessions Trust Session

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e3310e  No.12865242


>>12865237 The Biden Collection

"Biden is president" Surely You Jest!

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43fd54  No.12865243


ok bored nightshift memers

joe bought his votes for $2000 on day one- then stiffed those dems with only $1400

which they have not recieved

he also promised them $15 an hour–now says maybe $8 for a while

i think there are some memes or side by sides that we could send out into normie land

piss off the dem votors and start them raging on joe and the ho

make some safe for work and plant them on facebook etc

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d91a8e  No.12865244


You still do not have the metaphors in line.

Wrong again.

That "thing" has come here plenty of times and helped you all get shit done many more times than you think.

You're just stupid and can't remember shit.

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0dbbe8  No.12865245


Me likey top bewb moar

than under or side bewb.

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eaa311  No.12865246

Somalian elections are going well

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e3310e  No.12865247

File: d2c7ee6b6f33253⋯.png (382.64 KB, 687x607, 687:607, d2c7ee6b6f3325302f02f635e5….png)

Here's that muh fake election map"

Trump won duh

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15d8e6  No.12865248

File: b18ede67fd89e1c⋯.jpeg (741.45 KB, 1195x1008, 1195:1008, F0497985_33C6_4F6F_A6C0_6….jpeg)


Habsburg hold Holy Roman Emperor title

Isn’t Kerry a Habsburg

Would explain his access to Antartica

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4cb6ff  No.12865249

File: 7e86040905d789d⋯.jpeg (239.28 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, DDBF7E5D_625C_4E24_861A_0….jpeg)

>>12864620 lb


why is flag at half staff today at the White House?? And why don't they post the reason somewhere?

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760700  No.12865250

File: 3eda7b369598ae5⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 3eda7b369598ae555a777ace27….jpg)

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2eff4f  No.12865251

File: 92714935c8dcf70⋯.png (82.13 KB, 740x765, 148:153, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c23fa  No.12865252



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285d67  No.12865253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



PBS NewsHour


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94ccf1  No.12865254


White. Antifa was guided by patriots to do this. PDJT knew exactly what was going to happen. All planned, all scripted. Good theater.

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d91a8e  No.12865255


Catholics are just "Jews" that haven't figure it out yet.

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78b45c  No.12865256

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB, 253x254, 253:254, keks.png)


>Make the deal mutherfucker…

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47cb3f  No.12865257


Earthquakes in this section of the states SUCKS. Ground is really soft. Lots of damage. It's happened before, and east coast is NOT ready for seismic trouble.

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9c23fa  No.12865258


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94ccf1  No.12865259



She will forever be known as the kind lass that exposed her breast to the world in a plot to save the Republic.

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ed7075  No.12865260

media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

▶Anonymous (You) 02/08/21 (Mon) 18:54:28ed7075 (2) No.12865241

File (hide): c9bae2dd800a631⋯.jpg (0.91 MB, 2016x1512, capitol_rally_1.jpg) (h) (u)

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5b4e5a  No.12865261


David Hogg's pillow biting butt buddy. Not even joking

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0dbbe8  No.12865262

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9c23fa  No.12865263


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000000  No.12865264


chamber before discharge

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d91a8e  No.12865265

File: 6a2736b1107bff2⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 605x328, 605:328, rand.jpg)


Should be Seven, but who's counting?

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9c23fa  No.12865266


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e62cb1  No.12865267


No, I would prefer that you didn't make the deal because I want to be the MOTHERFUCKER who puts that nice, thick, tight noose around your filth laden, soiled, evil neck. Prison is too fucking good for any of them. Beside, I don't want to pay for their fucking sustenance. Fuck them. Hang Em' High.

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285d67  No.12865268


What: Former President Trump's Senate impeachment trial

Date: Trial begins on Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Time: 12 p.m. ET

Location: U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Online stream: Live on CBSN


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9c23fa  No.12865269


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06ea14  No.12865270


She was a crisis actor

That means paid

neither white nor black nor dead

do your homework


Courtesy of the anti Communist Chinese who want us to win.

WAS IT ACTING? - 2021년 1월 6일 미국 국회의사당 폭동의 진실

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bbeb7c  No.12865271

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e3310e  No.12865272

>>12865226, >>12865253 Double Jeopardy "Trump Impeachment" Feeds

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0e530b  No.12865273

File: 24c0f2c6015151b⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 252x255, 84:85, FreeGoatWithCarpet.jpg)

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7c58ce  No.12865274


It's okay.

I have been following this stuff for llike a few weeks and keep getting pointed beyond where I am looking.

This was the first <solution> that solved the puzzle cube better than before.

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617203  No.12865275

File: 463c7cb815c0009⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, 201x251, 201:251, download.jpg)

File: a81d2c5312fa3f3⋯.jpg (73.89 KB, 492x406, 246:203, vaw_terrien_diraward.jpg)

File: f33725c7f3d183e⋯.png (53.86 KB, 801x366, 267:122, Preet_Bharara_tweet.png)


Had to look up who the AG was at this moment, being that I don't remember anyone being confirmed. His name is Monty Wilkinson, and is serving in an acting position. One of those DOJ dwellers wh0o has been around forever. Served under Obama and Trump. Preet Bharara loves him.


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1937f8  No.12865276


I was thinking 8

Oh well I suppose

where else should I look into a bit if you dont mind

A little lost tbh

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000000  No.12865277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Too bad autists work multi dimensional layers. Its all in play as we play. No confusion. No distraction. It is all one. Light / Dark. Left / Right.

You would think most would have learned this by now.

We exist at all layers weather you realize it or not.

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887498  No.12865278

File: c80863ea8ce0771⋯.png (18.25 KB, 462x210, 11:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>2021년 1월 6일 미국 국회의사당 폭동의 진실

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257a2a  No.12865279


Doesn't mean he's resigning as Special Counsel though.

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9c23fa  No.12865280






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d91a8e  No.12865281


Hey, where do you think David's father works?

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a4f04e  No.12865282

File: d19218bd02c366d⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 252x255, 84:85, ruggy_goat_fuckers.jpg)

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587d3e  No.12865283

>>12863316 (PB)

Ivermectin cures bots. Says so on the box. ;-)

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47f60f  No.12865284


KEK not always…but at least until the old shit is solved and you move on.


If one actually understands love….I use that lecture book to help people who keep returning to bad relationships using the "pleassse don't leeaaave me I looooove you"….when the correct response to

"I'm sorry, I love you but I'm unhappy and I have to go…."

The response of LOVE should be

"I love you, I want you to be happy, you are free to go'.

Love means being free to go. :) If you hold on to someone you claim you love and prevent them from leaving either via threats, guilt, or both, THAT has nothing to do with love.

I've had quite good success with people using that book to heal and move on. Not everyone really wants to heal. Unbelievably many people choose to stay miserable.

Those memories tho…I do remember that hard time. Hang in there, it gets better.

Love means free to go.

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8c1fc9  No.12865285

File: 0c02d10a56a6111⋯.png (57.42 KB, 491x595, 491:595, 0c02d10a56a6111724922b207e….png)



Thank you, Bakers!

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06ea14  No.12865286


so they already claim to have impeached a POTUS who they say is not longer in office.

That's not too smart

People might start suspecting DJT is not really out of office

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bee326  No.12865287

File: 072097e4c416f29⋯.jpg (103.91 KB, 800x360, 20:9, luther.jpg)

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47cb3f  No.12865288

File: 9b210443c79b2d8⋯.png (145.46 KB, 400x247, 400:247, ClipboardImage.png)


It's always ze Germans.

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1d8773  No.12865289


Kek ..

I see me ..

what a great day till the fucking grandstanding faggots killed it.

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c67a87  No.12865290


Watch how many don't.

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a7cba7  No.12865291

File: 68737b598b614f7⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 854x602, 61:43, 1kr6sj.jpg)


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0e530b  No.12865292

File: 7dbf4b649bede46⋯.png (2.63 KB, 600x300, 2:1, msmuh.png)

File: 5d12ddd09923057⋯.png (2.76 KB, 600x300, 2:1, msjoo.png)

File: 4ff29a20f34d3a9⋯.png (2.85 KB, 600x300, 2:1, mjshill.png)

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ea4284  No.12865293

File: 46896d6e2dd73fb⋯.jpg (191.83 KB, 1201x610, 1201:610, Screen_Shot_2021_02_08_at_….jpg)

Manipulation of the market at its finest

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71d899  No.12865294

Subd. 2. Face coverings required. (a) An individual who is age five or older must wear

2.10 a face covering when the individual is:

2.11 (1) indoors at a business or public setting;

2.12 (2) waiting outdoors to enter an indoor business or indoor public setting;

2.13 (3) riding on public transportation, in a school transportation vehicle, in a ride-sharing

2.14 vehicle, or in a vehicle being used for a business purpose;

2.15 (4) outdoors when it is not possible to maintain social distancing from others who are

2.16 not members of the individual's household; or

2.17 (5) in a common area of a multi-unit dwelling.

2.18 (b) A face covering must be worn in a manner that completely coversthe wearer's mouth

2.19 and nose. An acceptable face covering includes a paper or disposable mask, cloth face mask,

2.20 scarf, bandana, neck gaiter, or religiousface covering. The following items are not acceptable

2.21 face coverings: a mask that incorporates a valve to facilitate easy exhaling; mesh mask; or

2.22 mask with openings, holes, visible gaps in the design or material, or vents.

2.23 Subd. 3. Face coverings not required. An individual is not required to wear a face

2.24 covering if the individual:

2.25 (1) has a medical condition, m

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49fed6  No.12865295

File: d607f0f4d361d70⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 498x498, 1:1, trumpwink_2.gif)

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d91a8e  No.12865296


You're going to want to watch the show, anon.

Think about what we said here and translate it to the show.

One last hint: it's not just a television show.

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e62cb1  No.12865297


Well, if Preet, whatever the fuck that is, likes him, tells you all you need to know.

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5b4e5a  No.12865298


Only guess I have is Schultz dying

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2c174e  No.12865299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ef5b0d  No.12865300


i believe this timeline is why Q stressed side by side images…agreed anon

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7587f2  No.12865301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Texas Republican congressman dies of COVID-19 (He was also "battling Cancer")

25,087 views•Feb 8, 2021

Representative Ron Wright died after testing positive for COVID-19 last month, his office said on Monday, making him the first member of the U.S. Congress to die from the pandemic disease that has claimed nearly 464,000 American lives.


1.5 minute video


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760700  No.12865302

File: 8b2c5e2892cb01a⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1862x1292, 49:34, Screen_Shot_2020_10_13_at_….png)


>Kek ..

>I see me ..

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71d899  No.12865303

Subd. 4. Temporary removal of face covering permitted. An individual otherwise

3.11 required to wear a face covering undersubdivision 2 may temporarily remove the individual's

3.12 face covering when the individual:

3.13 (1) is testifying, speaking, performing, or playing a musical instrument, provided the

3.14 individual maintains social distancing from others who are not part of the individual's

3.15 household;

3.16 (2) is an athlete participating in a higher education institution sport or professional sport

3.17 and where the level of exertion makes it difficult to wear a face covering;

3.18 (3) is participating in an activity, such as swimming or showering, in which the face

3.19 covering will get wet;

3.20 (4) is eating or drinking, provided the individual maintains social distancing from others

3.21 who are not members of the individual's party;

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d91a8e  No.12865304


>KEK not always…but at least until the old shit is solved and you move on.

I guess if you're Mayan and it's a few thousand years ago.

Maybe some of the Egyptians and some Atlanteans, but not the late ones of either.

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78b45c  No.12865305

File: fd52a98313dd43f⋯.png (53.92 KB, 247x202, 247:202, yikes.png)


Joe is a Serial Pedophile and Brazen Pervert?

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d3ee2f  No.12865306


What a complete scam.

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5b4e5a  No.12865307


If I had to guess, CIA

But i wish he worked for Mike Lindell

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b9a175  No.12865308

File: 0a3d31aeca1542c⋯.png (442.34 KB, 486x388, 243:194, persian.png)

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99f807  No.12865309



I hold no ill will towards her any more.

I do not feel betrayed anymore.

I feel eternatlly grateful for the time toether.

I hope our paths cross once again with all my heart.

I like to think about her, and it makes me happy, not miserable, when I do.

I realize that I do not want to be with a person who does not want to be with me, so in any case, everything is as it should.

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5fe2d8  No.12865310

File: 6316329db764955⋯.jpg (73.91 KB, 482x434, 241:217, popcorn.jpg)

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15320c  No.12865311

File: 8a68865d109ccf6⋯.jpeg (323.55 KB, 1280x1144, 160:143, 85CCF19C_5B71_4FB5_9DCC_4….jpeg)


“Something BIG is about to drop.”

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e3310e  No.12865312


STONK anon, you should make a compilation of recent fuckery for me to post wiht notable updates…

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75c9fb  No.12865313

File: f5c1a4e4819bce3⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 500x539, 500:539, f5c1a4e4819bce3c517afd5f09….jpg)

>>12862020 pb

>Blacks are only 6% of the total voting base in America

>only 5-7% of the black population vote

ONE OF THESE TWO STATEMENTS MUST BE WRONG!!!ffs can't ANYONE do 5th grade arithmetic anymore?

IF the first statement is true, then given that 150m people allegedly voted in 2020, 6% of that would be 9m black voters. 13% of 330m americans is 43m blacks. if 9m voted, then 9/43 = 21% of blacks vote.

>>12862036 pb

>That means less than a million black people vote.

WRONG! even IF you take the second statement above as correct, then 5-7% of 43m black americans equals 2.2m-3.0m blacks who voted, NOT "less than a million."

no matter if their skin is black or white, only stupid niggers can't do this arithmetic, which any 11yr old ought to be able to do. this level of stupidity is fucking UNACCEPTABLE! you wanna stop the CCP from taking over the US? then OPEN A FUCKING BOOK and learn how to to 5th grade percentage problems.

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e54044  No.12865314

File: 769583a8c56a153⋯.gif (5.38 MB, 480x328, 60:41, 0C444AAA_E40B_4794_BDD1_FC….gif)


>bored nightshift memers


no such thing

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f9e72f  No.12865315


ohhh, the Libs want their gibs. Gonna reach boiling point when the media points out his failed promises…which will never happen. They're too fukin stoopid to figure it out themselves.

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71d899  No.12865316

mn leg bill cont…


6.28 (a) Sections 1 to 3 shall expire upon the issuance by the federal Centers for Disease

6.29 Control and Prevention of guidance on measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission that

6.30 does not include a recommendation to wear a face covering to prevent COVID-19

6.31 transmission

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79846d  No.12865317

File: 53fd55fe98b1b92⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Shes_Hot_Antifa.jpg)

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0e530b  No.12865318

File: c59ce85b8f8bce6⋯.png (8.61 KB, 914x595, 914:595, NOT.png)

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a4f04e  No.12865319

File: 2a246b27d8c16bc⋯.png (533.8 KB, 534x497, 534:497, top_notch_memeing_crew.png)

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6806dc  No.12865320

File: 558d3310c8b3604⋯.png (415.1 KB, 490x346, 245:173, Screen_Shot_2021_02_08_at_….png)

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15d8e6  No.12865321

File: aaac1ace953b552⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1290x1040, 129:104, EE2D3028_8040_48D1_B835_65….png)

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e3310e  No.12865322

File: 2be7d07fa9d7a59⋯.png (178.23 KB, 304x303, 304:303, LWcrack.png)

Did I miss the newest fireside?

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760700  No.12865323

File: fc406c03675e666⋯.png (3.39 MB, 2498x1062, 1249:531, Screen_Shot_2020_09_16_at_….png)

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2edc13  No.12865324

Anons have that meme with a white maga guy and black rasta fist bumping?

The cartoon one? Says something like "what the elite are afraid of"

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a4f04e  No.12865325

File: 8bcbda8051583b8⋯.jpg (75.71 KB, 747x640, 747:640, the_face_jews_5b2ea5.jpg)

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04bff6  No.12865326



just like his crack-head son….

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2eff4f  No.12865327

File: cbcdc5745a85a12⋯.png (834.71 KB, 510x680, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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d91a8e  No.12865328

File: a94f1051b18ce74⋯.png (805.3 KB, 1200x650, 24:13, ClipboardImage.png)



Oh, I almost forgot.

This too

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650911  No.12865329


Fawkes Flag

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d58bba  No.12865330


Wouldn't it then be the Holy Roman Universal Church?

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71d899  No.12865331


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d91a8e  No.12865332


Boy, you're close.

Take another shot and you'll probably get it, actually…

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2930b1  No.12865333

File: efe86912c64f4f8⋯.png (833.59 KB, 1019x644, 1019:644, Screenshot_2021_02_08_My_P….png)

This really pisses me off! It should read, This will not stand! Period.


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28d325  No.12865334


They had two years of illegal spying on Trump to find anything corrupt that he did. That they're still pushing it is hilarious, it's a total "let them eat cake" moment.

DC is so corrupt that they assume everyone else must be compromised in some way or another, there's no way anyone could be at least mostly honest, especially someone rich

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d1ad6b  No.12865335

File: 5d97cf2f9811924⋯.png (134.87 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 5d97cf2f9811924fe2bd615506….png)


>Texas Republican congressman dies of COVID-19 (He was also "battling Cancer")

Had a distant in-law die of covid

Stage 4 pancreatic cancer spread to lungs, liver, etc. Having strokes, heart attacks, and beetus, but the chink flu did him in.

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2eff4f  No.12865336

File: ac340cd2c3dced4⋯.png (43.11 KB, 727x495, 727:495, ClipboardImage.png)

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47f60f  No.12865337

File: 17804ea590b2467⋯.jpg (154.16 KB, 750x598, 375:299, dmt_pepe.jpg)


>Wasnt trying for them, just happened

Yeah, there was a time when everyone looked like the person I said goodbye to. Always catching glimpses from the corner of my eye, always the dreams….I made my suffering worse by not understanding or refusing to understand….I'm a hard head at times.

The cool part is once you let go of the pain the connection can still be useful…

"you must move away from the coast, to the OTHER side of the mountains"….

amazingly packed up family and moved to the high mountains :)

Just because love doesn't show up for us in the "human expectation of togetherness" doesn't mean separateness. Humans focus too much on the physical.

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2c174e  No.12865338

File: 8381f82de777f8b⋯.jpg (425.86 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 8381f82de777f8bf5f9ca1bc4a….jpg)


I'm almost out of propane and i have no wood

about to start burning chairs

it's 8 degrees out


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285d67  No.12865339

File: 3d24e627a980318⋯.jpg (51.73 KB, 700x595, 20:17, FLOTUS700.jpg)

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f3ec17  No.12865340

File: 1b94b29d3cfa9bd⋯.png (11.73 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 6d0fbe711447699ba049122fb0….png)

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e3310e  No.12865341

tag in meta




>Board Admin & Discussion Threads


>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)


>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

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04bff6  No.12865342

File: 5f8e3041aa9a748⋯.png (525.25 KB, 690x488, 345:244, 3363.png)

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16927a  No.12865343

File: 7e8249f80a4f3f4⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 618x382, 309:191, 20210202_210326.gif)

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3eb970  No.12865344


It's funny you mention this. Every day on 2016 I'd stop for stuff at the 7-11 and the cashier chick was into pink hair and piercings. Thought to myself what a shame it was that this girl was bending to society to "fit in". The day after President Trump won she had removed her piercings and a week later her hair was back to being a normal color and all of it was the same color. She left a couple months later. I hope she is doing well today.

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47cb3f  No.12865345

File: 3df91552a9a1ab7⋯.png (200.33 KB, 474x294, 79:49, ClipboardImage.png)


-They- coopted the religion/movement, as they always do.

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5b4e5a  No.12865346


The FIB?

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003f85  No.12865347


>>12864663 Dough

#16422 FINAL Notables

>>12864683 Special Forces warned because ALL OF THEM use Pepe. Reconcile

>>12864686 Check out the weird light/hologram spinning around the Capitol dome, then see next tweet.

>>12864694 Biden Threatens America's Dominance in Space

>>12864708 Schumer, McConnell Reach Agreement on Trump Impeachment Trial – Here Are the Details

>>12864709 Unidentified disease kills 15 in Tanzania

>>12864716 Facebook to take down all false vaccine claims, not just those related to coronavirus

>>12864737 MSNBC and CNN’s Nonstop Coverage of Marjorie Taylor Greene is Not Exposing a Crackpot. It Risks Turning Her Into the Next Trump.

>>12864793 Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

>>12864860 Iran 'hides spyware in wallpaper, restaurant and games apps'

>>12864947 Maryland’s Alexander Historical Auctions to auction off Adolf Hitler's toilet seat

>>12864984 More on the Haitian Political Fight for power unfolding

>>12864991 Desantis being harassed by Fake News about not wearing a mask at the Superb Owl

>>12865031, >>12865036 , >>12865039 'THIS IS DANGEROUS STUFF': Someone tried to poison city’s water supply during hack, sheriff says (Oldsmar, FL - outside of Tampa, FL)

>>12865090 Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant

>>12865118 Was "Ashli Babbitt" a deep cover white or black hat?

>>12865181 Understatement of the year by a fraud - Joe Biden - 'I know a lot of folks out there are losing hope'

>>12865183 Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to quarantine after security member tests COVID-19 positive

>>12865216 US Attorney investigating Biden will stay, John Durham, who is investigating the Russia hoax, is expected to stay on

>>12865205 Dig on the Great Reset

>>12865253 , >>12865268 Impeachment links / when / where

>>12865301 Texas Republican congressman dies of Cancer (He was also "battling China Virus)


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3f0fac  No.12865348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0a7499  No.12865349

File: 9b330b422d2c757⋯.jpg (344.06 KB, 1068x1220, 267:305, Screenshot_20210113_164556….jpg)


What the?…

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1937f8  No.12865350

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18391b  No.12865351


In case anons haven’t figured it out, The Plan has always been accelerationism, in a sense.

>”Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.”

They are turning the sub into the path of the torpedo, before it arms.

They gave control of the government back to the DS, who are now frantically trying to seize power.

If they were really in control, would they need to impeach Trump? Would they need to silence us?

Now they work day to day under the looming threat of the perpetual military occupation. At any moment, it could end. And yet, they cannot publicly denounce the occupation.

So they accelerate.

They scramble to batten down the hatches before it all ends. Optics be damned. They don’t care about the opinion of the sheep, anymore. This is about survival. Outlasting Trump and whatever he had hatched.

The acceleration is backfiring.

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9bc1e5  No.12865352


I'm thinkin mirror

How's the goats Hajji?

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327e59  No.12865353



another source for some Au and Ag if the others are out.

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ed7075  No.12865354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Black History Month Celebration

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80ddfd  No.12865356


>Hey, where do you think David's father works?

Wasn't is F_I?

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000000  No.12865357


Email sniffy McFuckhead for your $1,400.00 We should all be yelling at this fuckhead and his incompetent, illegitimate staff.

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04bff6  No.12865358

File: d9b3aaf7a45521b⋯.gif (662.91 KB, 200x316, 50:79, 4525.gif)


>Vibe check -

666 tripz spell trouble

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e54044  No.12865359

File: b10951e19cf0dab⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1800x1350, 4:3, 68AD09E8_472C_4ACD_A98F_18….png)


Still comfy.

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3f0fac  No.12865360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e3310e  No.12865362




>Black History Month Celebration

Racism is derived from insecurity.

Got a lil peepee or were you just picked on and developed a hatred? Girlfren cheat on yu?

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59c803  No.12865363

File: 90a87ad0fce026d⋯.jpeg (20.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, CD1DC284_4F19_452E_9BEA_E….jpeg)

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872289  No.12865365

File: 500a9d74be92bb1⋯.jpg (117.53 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8cb583d0aaa9e279.jpg)

File: 90181b91a4b755e⋯.png (579.4 KB, 1215x2048, 1215:2048, Screenshot_20210208_200625.png)



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c2ab5f  No.12865366

File: 182a2e8d06bad12⋯.png (452.53 KB, 625x419, 625:419, ClipboardImage.png)


>coinbase is having problems since 10pm est


something seems fuckey there.

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75c9fb  No.12865368


>which any 11yr old ought to be able to do.

sorry. should have read, "which ANYONE WHO FUCKING VOTES OUGHT TO BE ABLE TO DO."

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15320c  No.12865369


Look at the brain on Brad

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2930b1  No.12865370

File: 3dc1bf0c460adb8⋯.png (326.86 KB, 937x793, 937:793, Screenshot_2021_02_08_EMER….png)

Video is dated February 9th…check it out


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3f0fac  No.12865372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f3ec17  No.12865374


I just have coins

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181a5b  No.12865376

File: e96cfe8c2b37539⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Psaki_podium_beaker.png)

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3f0fac  No.12865379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ed7075  No.12865380



China man shrimp dick communist shut your cocksucker~

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257a2a  No.12865382


Seeking by a familiar spirit is anathema to God.

Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father,

who is in Heaven.

'The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying to) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ,

and opening one to demonic activity.

(NOTE: Though angels were sent from Heaven by God to speak to men,

NONE of those Saints anywhere in Scripture INVOKED them.)

The claim would be this is not praying to "her".

Why the "Amen"?

There is not even one instance in Scripture where any other being in heaven was invoked by godly folk.

They knew they were only to seek God for spiritual aid and mercy.

And this is not the same as asking someone on earth to pray for you.

Praying to any other entity in heaven is not the same as asking someone on earth to pray.

This is because when Christ taught prayers directed toward Heaven,

are to be prayed to the Father.

His teaching nothing to do with asking those on earth to pray for you.

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617203  No.12865385

File: 6dfcc84f3f58529⋯.jpg (200.16 KB, 549x599, 549:599, Preet_whatever_the_fuck1.jpg)

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eaa311  No.12865386

File: 7282fcf0f2e7fc4⋯.jpeg (37.71 KB, 390x468, 5:6, E2B798BB_EFA7_4F9A_8778_6….jpeg)

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f9e72f  No.12865387

File: d4d8af3286aea55⋯.png (337.34 KB, 539x387, 539:387, cigghand.png)

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47f60f  No.12865388

File: f2323cc4df8e3d6⋯.jpg (80.47 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, journey_priest_pepe.jpg)

File: 903447e452ad131⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1919x4460, 1919:4460, balance_ying_yang_meaning_….png)


This is good….the next step is to open yourself for that next thing…be it monkhood/nunhood period of self study and growth or another 'incoming" teacher.

Once you learn (if you carry the ability) you can connect and converse when necessary (not whims or desire)…the key is to find balance within. Emmerson one said "know thyself, every heart vibrates on that iron string"..that's what relationship is all about. Not "completing yourself via someone else" but by being complete and in balance with yourself.

Be desireless, be excellent, be gone~the Tao of Steve

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d5f900  No.12865390


This anon believes that this movie is so crazy that Session's may indeed end up being trustworthy. Or, I might end up in a re-education camp. Lets see what happens

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e3310e  No.12865391

File: 39939ec13359f90⋯.png (320.11 KB, 1048x760, 131:95, _You_.png)


OH oh OHHHH oh, Okay.

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3f0fac  No.12865393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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15320c  No.12865394


I saw this this morning, any lawfags care to opine?

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06ea14  No.12865395

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ac01fe  No.12865396

File: 0126fcb9ed3a3ac⋯.jpg (140.35 KB, 800x400, 2:1, NCSWIC.jpg)


[[[ ;P]]]

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d1ad6b  No.12865397

File: 7db62f23cb1c1e1⋯.png (188.97 KB, 291x366, 97:122, 7db62f23cb1c1e11a5b9532d8f….png)

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04bff6  No.12865398

File: 6f303e5121ff24f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1008x708, 84:59, 63363636.png)



Celebrate Diversity

Enjoy your Black History

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1937f8  No.12865400


Its… not quite that

In a way I suppose, but I'm talking legitimately experiencing something out of nowhere. Its usually something simple like hear head on myshoulder, but this weekend it was straight sexual. Felt telepathic. I'm gonna keep moving on, as it happened long while back now, but it caught me off guard af. Idk wtf it was,

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79846d  No.12865401



Where da brow, woman?

I did notice the comma, two.

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327e59  No.12865404


They have those too. and if you go to pick them up, you can swing by the Spoetzl Brewery too.

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5b4e5a  No.12865406



Blast to the past!

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b06cea  No.12865408


Why can't they start at 8:00 am each day? It's not like they are doing anything else. 1:00 pm does not work for me.

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0a7499  No.12865410


where did this come from?

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3f0fac  No.12865411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mount tabor is Christian religion place believed to be the place of transfiguration of Jesus Christ where Jesus begins to radiation light and covered with Moses Elijah

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1d8773  No.12865412


I guess being in the NE I see more of it then if i lived down south. It seems like every girl these days is tattoo's pink hair, yoga pants and overweight. If they are not they have a huge rock on her hand and driving a 100k car.

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06ea14  No.12865414


so it goes 'til the first day of Spring

How convenient.

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285d67  No.12865416

File: c0100bae3cde9a7⋯.png (732.76 KB, 1040x655, 208:131, x.png)

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f3ec17  No.12865418

File: bd01928782ef52f⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 19e6aceba684d9eb8ba39ef332….jpg)


Go to pawn shop & buy junk coins >>12865217

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2c174e  No.12865419

File: ed4bd8188249b44⋯.jpg (745.42 KB, 691x656, 691:656, be6nmr6ni_bevw46w_3.jpg)


all i really want is

2 redheads

2 blondes

and a brunette..but she can't have teeth

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dbb1ce  No.12865420


Here, for you —❯ >>12865047

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a1d22c  No.12865423

File: 4bcc2250c08acde⋯.gif (371.24 KB, 417x234, 139:78, 20210208_200712.gif)

then you do not know Him.


if æı were Him… you would all be fukt.

ohhh… w8…



gottah good devil thœ.

æı collect em.

tell мæı… why is satan never depicted as female in movies?

know a thing by its absence.


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000000  No.12865424


You're freaking me out with your satanic 6 snipeing and i'm still pissed.

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e3310e  No.12865426

File: 0580e013e7e308c⋯.jpg (139.05 KB, 700x1400, 1:2, 0580e013e7e308cc3086a3e03f….jpg)

File: 4a3ab2a8d642e70⋯.png (764.96 KB, 1001x1001, 1:1, Haitian_Bakin.png)


>Celebrate Diversity


>Enjoy your Black History

You just made bro admit it.

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3f0fac  No.12865428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f3ec17  No.12865431


Cant get the Fuck off the meme

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04bff6  No.12865432

File: 5f674a47ef371ea⋯.png (649.34 KB, 533x668, 533:668, 1.png)

File: 1af9c7aed7d3878⋯.jpg (499 KB, 1200x1189, 1200:1189, 2.jpg)


Cosby, lived across the road from Epstein…..

wink wink…

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43fd54  No.12865434


too hungover to start at 8am

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ed7075  No.12865436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Black History Month Celebration

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d91a8e  No.12865439

File: 9ea093fcc4f5e3c⋯.gif (78.15 KB, 227x533, 227:533, 1592586804387.gif)


I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know shit, frankly.

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47cb3f  No.12865440


That's wonderful.

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3f0fac  No.12865441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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79846d  No.12865442

File: cf6494667406e44⋯.jpg (172.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Holy_Cannoli.jpg)


That was probably an accident because of the water, I'm sure.

Bewbs. Holy Schmolly Cannoli!

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3f0fac  No.12865445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c2ab5f  No.12865447

File: c00d9a9527ac48c⋯.png (369.68 KB, 490x492, 245:246, ClipboardImage.png)


>Cosby, lived across the road from Epstein…..

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e3310e  No.12865450

File: f36964171bc24e7⋯.jpeg (194.46 KB, 1125x1414, 1125:1414, CNN_Capatcha.jpeg)


ohhohohoh Look at you celebrating by posting these images.

Are you CNN?

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bbeb7c  No.12865451


That's the spirit!

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3f0fac  No.12865454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a1d22c  No.12865456

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003f85  No.12865458

Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition

>>12865355 OP

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

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d91a8e  No.12865461


Yeah, Lost is more about Enki and Enlil, but you get the idea.



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3f0fac  No.12865462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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99f807  No.12865466

File: 0ff2e6353313b61⋯.png (11.94 KB, 250x224, 125:112, 2244_27443_14897.png)

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3f0fac  No.12865467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2c174e  No.12865469

File: 63151a555659242⋯.png (578.33 KB, 839x465, 839:465, prov327.png)


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2eff4f  No.12865471

File: f08ac6886e3c78f⋯.png (762.45 KB, 735x793, 735:793, ClipboardImage.png)

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47cb3f  No.12865472


Edgar Cayce moved his operation to Virginia Beach because he said he was told it would be spared in the coming calamity.

Unfortunately he did not live to see the calamity as he got calamitied by something else.

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155a45  No.12865475


Remember that.

Top KEK day around here.

Right up there with the "Gas The Kikes" bread.

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650911  No.12865481

File: 7ee086d33a262c3⋯.png (272.11 KB, 776x600, 97:75, future.png)

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8da483  No.12865483

File: d6490e13f917d66⋯.jpg (12.81 KB, 255x164, 255:164, d6490e13f917d66af4386e2e7e….jpg)

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327e59  No.12865484

File: 61d7f51939785e8⋯.png (16 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 9ee08415b97e119e73e2f7a8f1….png)

File: c60d1b185579fc5⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

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e3310e  No.12865485

File: 81d4077f99d7bda⋯.png (384.74 KB, 600x810, 20:27, NOTABRUH.png)


>>Your next post

oh my goodness so notable your input.


>Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition

Nice title baker.

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003f85  No.12865487

Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition

>>12865355 OP

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

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e57e28  No.12865488


>Looking at my remote now

Always good for a kek

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003f85  No.12865492

File: 8eb3cd89d70ce8a⋯.png (763.05 KB, 693x391, 693:391, 8eb3cd89d70ce8a62c184d5831….png)

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003f85  No.12865493

File: 9f29eb134a9e538⋯.png (770.66 KB, 1407x809, 1407:809, 9f29eb134a9e538bb29ef85650….png)

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23b284  No.12957372

File: d213fda5e5650ad⋯.jpg (194.69 KB, 929x635, 929:635, hpAq.jpg)

BYWpXYZuXow CEmazzZju amJIdXvyKB Jyeqop hSSCLFg lFbWxoSDFv mWzaNENrWls TFw HHTPRoUHJbmE aOONpyvl lKoCTkgSOek vnA sIiMiI NirVTJZ

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