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File: d1e74abf33199dd⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

14653c  No.12864584[View All]

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04bff6  No.12865398

File: 6f303e5121ff24f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1008x708, 84:59, 63363636.png)



Celebrate Diversity

Enjoy your Black History

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1937f8  No.12865400


Its… not quite that

In a way I suppose, but I'm talking legitimately experiencing something out of nowhere. Its usually something simple like hear head on myshoulder, but this weekend it was straight sexual. Felt telepathic. I'm gonna keep moving on, as it happened long while back now, but it caught me off guard af. Idk wtf it was,

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79846d  No.12865401



Where da brow, woman?

I did notice the comma, two.

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327e59  No.12865404


They have those too. and if you go to pick them up, you can swing by the Spoetzl Brewery too.

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5b4e5a  No.12865406



Blast to the past!

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b06cea  No.12865408


Why can't they start at 8:00 am each day? It's not like they are doing anything else. 1:00 pm does not work for me.

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0a7499  No.12865410


where did this come from?

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3f0fac  No.12865411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mount tabor is Christian religion place believed to be the place of transfiguration of Jesus Christ where Jesus begins to radiation light and covered with Moses Elijah

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1d8773  No.12865412


I guess being in the NE I see more of it then if i lived down south. It seems like every girl these days is tattoo's pink hair, yoga pants and overweight. If they are not they have a huge rock on her hand and driving a 100k car.

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06ea14  No.12865414


so it goes 'til the first day of Spring

How convenient.

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285d67  No.12865416

File: c0100bae3cde9a7⋯.png (732.76 KB, 1040x655, 208:131, x.png)

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f3ec17  No.12865418

File: bd01928782ef52f⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 19e6aceba684d9eb8ba39ef332….jpg)


Go to pawn shop & buy junk coins >>12865217

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2c174e  No.12865419

File: ed4bd8188249b44⋯.jpg (745.42 KB, 691x656, 691:656, be6nmr6ni_bevw46w_3.jpg)


all i really want is

2 redheads

2 blondes

and a brunette..but she can't have teeth

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dbb1ce  No.12865420


Here, for you —❯ >>12865047

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a1d22c  No.12865423

File: 4bcc2250c08acde⋯.gif (371.24 KB, 417x234, 139:78, 20210208_200712.gif)

then you do not know Him.


if æı were Him… you would all be fukt.

ohhh… w8…



gottah good devil thœ.

æı collect em.

tell мæı… why is satan never depicted as female in movies?

know a thing by its absence.


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000000  No.12865424


You're freaking me out with your satanic 6 snipeing and i'm still pissed.

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e3310e  No.12865426

File: 0580e013e7e308c⋯.jpg (139.05 KB, 700x1400, 1:2, 0580e013e7e308cc3086a3e03f….jpg)

File: 4a3ab2a8d642e70⋯.png (764.96 KB, 1001x1001, 1:1, Haitian_Bakin.png)


>Celebrate Diversity


>Enjoy your Black History

You just made bro admit it.

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3f0fac  No.12865428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f3ec17  No.12865431


Cant get the Fuck off the meme

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04bff6  No.12865432

File: 5f674a47ef371ea⋯.png (649.34 KB, 533x668, 533:668, 1.png)

File: 1af9c7aed7d3878⋯.jpg (499 KB, 1200x1189, 1200:1189, 2.jpg)


Cosby, lived across the road from Epstein…..

wink wink…

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43fd54  No.12865434


too hungover to start at 8am

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ed7075  No.12865436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Black History Month Celebration

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d91a8e  No.12865439

File: 9ea093fcc4f5e3c⋯.gif (78.15 KB, 227x533, 227:533, 1592586804387.gif)


I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know shit, frankly.

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47cb3f  No.12865440


That's wonderful.

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3f0fac  No.12865441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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79846d  No.12865442

File: cf6494667406e44⋯.jpg (172.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Holy_Cannoli.jpg)


That was probably an accident because of the water, I'm sure.

Bewbs. Holy Schmolly Cannoli!

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3f0fac  No.12865445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c2ab5f  No.12865447

File: c00d9a9527ac48c⋯.png (369.68 KB, 490x492, 245:246, ClipboardImage.png)


>Cosby, lived across the road from Epstein…..

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e3310e  No.12865450

File: f36964171bc24e7⋯.jpeg (194.46 KB, 1125x1414, 1125:1414, CNN_Capatcha.jpeg)


ohhohohoh Look at you celebrating by posting these images.

Are you CNN?

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bbeb7c  No.12865451


That's the spirit!

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3f0fac  No.12865454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a1d22c  No.12865456

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003f85  No.12865458

Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition

>>12865355 OP

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

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d91a8e  No.12865461


Yeah, Lost is more about Enki and Enlil, but you get the idea.



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3f0fac  No.12865462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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99f807  No.12865466

File: 0ff2e6353313b61⋯.png (11.94 KB, 250x224, 125:112, 2244_27443_14897.png)

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3f0fac  No.12865467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2c174e  No.12865469

File: 63151a555659242⋯.png (578.33 KB, 839x465, 839:465, prov327.png)


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2eff4f  No.12865471

File: f08ac6886e3c78f⋯.png (762.45 KB, 735x793, 735:793, ClipboardImage.png)

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47cb3f  No.12865472


Edgar Cayce moved his operation to Virginia Beach because he said he was told it would be spared in the coming calamity.

Unfortunately he did not live to see the calamity as he got calamitied by something else.

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155a45  No.12865475


Remember that.

Top KEK day around here.

Right up there with the "Gas The Kikes" bread.

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650911  No.12865481

File: 7ee086d33a262c3⋯.png (272.11 KB, 776x600, 97:75, future.png)

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8da483  No.12865483

File: d6490e13f917d66⋯.jpg (12.81 KB, 255x164, 255:164, d6490e13f917d66af4386e2e7e….jpg)

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327e59  No.12865484

File: 61d7f51939785e8⋯.png (16 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 9ee08415b97e119e73e2f7a8f1….png)

File: c60d1b185579fc5⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

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e3310e  No.12865485

File: 81d4077f99d7bda⋯.png (384.74 KB, 600x810, 20:27, NOTABRUH.png)


>>Your next post

oh my goodness so notable your input.


>Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition

Nice title baker.

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003f85  No.12865487

Q Research General #16423: Warning: Impeachment Testimony Is Closer Than It Appears Edition

>>12865355 OP

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

>>12865377 Fresh Bread

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e57e28  No.12865488


>Looking at my remote now

Always good for a kek

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003f85  No.12865492

File: 8eb3cd89d70ce8a⋯.png (763.05 KB, 693x391, 693:391, 8eb3cd89d70ce8a62c184d5831….png)

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003f85  No.12865493

File: 9f29eb134a9e538⋯.png (770.66 KB, 1407x809, 1407:809, 9f29eb134a9e538bb29ef85650….png)

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23b284  No.12957372

File: d213fda5e5650ad⋯.jpg (194.69 KB, 929x635, 929:635, hpAq.jpg)

BYWpXYZuXow CEmazzZju amJIdXvyKB Jyeqop hSSCLFg lFbWxoSDFv mWzaNENrWls TFw HHTPRoUHJbmE aOONpyvl lKoCTkgSOek vnA sIiMiI NirVTJZ

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