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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, standard_banner.png)

67299a  No.12905520[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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67299a  No.12905526


>>12839691, >>12839695, >>12839708, >>12839720, >>12839727, >>12839732, >>12839736, >>12839746 'Unmasked:' has the Truth about the 2020 election has been uncovered

>>12832438 DOWNLOAD LINDEL VID HERE 'Voter Fraud' - Absolute Proof

>>12830486 Trump Election Cases Status https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

>>12811334 The Navarro Report PDF Final

>>12792878, >>12705083, >>12775338 Download Petition Only 150,000 more CA signatures to recall Newsom https://recallgavin2020.com


>>12805310, >>12805315 New Baker, >>12774404 Apprentice Baker LEARN TO BAKE

>>12854089, >>12857181, >>12862409 Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>12904824 Senate Impeachment Q&A Livelink (video)

>>12904842 Mario Draghi Officially Becomes Premier Of Italy, Names His Top Ministers

>>12904850 Joe Biden Meets with Andrew Cuomo, Ignores Comments on Nursing Home Deaths Scandal

>>12904867 Scott Morrison’s fall girl and Senator for Sports Rorts Bridget McKenzie uses defamation threat to try and cover-up their corruption

>>12904870 Maryland lawmakers are moving forward with a first-in-the-nation tax on internet ads for big tech companies

>>12904876 DeSantis Slams Biden For ‘Farce’ Of Halting Domestic Travel While Allowing Illegals To ‘Pour Across The Southern Border’

>>12904884 Report: FBI Investigating Lincoln Project Cofounder’s Behavior with Underage Boys

>>12904886 I'm excited to cosponsor the "English Language Unity Act" (H.R. 997), introduced by @replouiegohmert (English as official language of US)

>>12904895 Trump's Lawyers Destroy Democrats Showing Everyone Using the Word "Fight" (rumble video link)

>>12904913 In Major U-Turn, WHO Says Wuhan Lab-Leak Hypothesis Still A Possibility

>>12904954 SPAR65 callsign Gulfstream V 01-0065 #AE10B3

>>12904957 YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit, Locks Down Account After Posting Interview with New Hampshire Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines

>>12904972 Biden Breaks Promise to ‘Fire People on the Spot’ if They Treat Others with Disrespect – Places Hostile, Misogynistic Deputy Press Sec on One-Week Suspension

>>12905295 , >>12905439 "White House says staffer who harassed reporter has been suspended for one week"

>>12905003 Psaki stumbles over Ducklo drama after Biden vowed to ‘fire’ aides for harassment

>>12904986 House Dems ‘Really Blew It’ at Senate Impeachment Trial

>>12905025 Activists push Democrats to give stimulus checks to 9M noncitizens

>>12905049 The persecution of Gina Carano - Her sacking perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy and intolerance of the woke elites.

>>12905086 Cuomo Chaos: N.Y. Dems Consider Revoking Emergency Powers as Nursing Home Coverup Unravels

>>12905095 Anon opines on the 'US Corporation' view of Trump, the illegitimate President who broke all their rules and exposed them. (video)

>>12905106 EPIC! Trump’s Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of “Fight” Word Like Trump Did!

>>12905165 Lincoln Project funded mostly by left / far left donors

>>12905203 CDC Issues Guidance For Schools To Reopen "As Soon As Possible"

>>12905241 CDC says schools can be reopened without vaccinating teachers

>>12905249 US Navy - Helping us stay ready and in the fight

>>12905286 Dems want Andrew Cuomo stripped of emergency powers over Covid ‘cover-up’ after aide admits they HID damning numbers

>>12905312 Gov. Cuomo ducks reporters after Biden WH meeting amid nursing home scandal

>>12905373 Andy Ngo: Goal of Antifa/BLM Is to Abolish Nation States

>>12905378 In one year more Americans died of drug overdoses than were killed in the whole Vietnam war

>>12905379 SOHR sources from Al-Hasakah countryside say that U.S. forces have redeployed today, east of Hasaka

>>12905416 San Francisco sues schools over record number of suicidal students

>>12905457 INSIDER TRADING? Pelosi’s Husband Put $1M on Tesla RIGHT BEFORE Biden Announced Fleet To Turn Electric

>>12905481 Biden letting the caravans inside the US

>>12905498 Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ Networks Hid Millions in the 2020 Elections Sixteen Thirty Fund, Tides Advocacy used by wealthy donors to anonymously back Biden and Democrats

>>12905510 #16472

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67299a  No.12905530


>>12904086 BREAKING: NY GOP Congressional delegation is calling on @TheJusticeDept to open Obstruction of Justice investigation into Cuomo

>>12904104 BREAKING: Law firm Kirland & Ellis, on behalf of Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, and Jeanine Pirro, filed a motion to request the dismissal of the $2.7 billion Smartmatic libel lawsuit -AP

>>12904107 Communications outage hits Cuba for 90 minutes

>>12904172 election fortified by secret cabal/Norm Eisen dig

>>12904230 new scavino tweet VIDEO: "peace/law and order dem hypocrisy"

>>12904413 Experts warn Iran could be behind the Florida water supply cyber-hack

Baker Change

>>12904455 Defense counsel concludes its arguments in Senate trial. Next up: as long as 4 hrs where senators submit written questions to the managers or the defense counsel.

>>12904371 Democratic Party Executive Director, Mary Bond, in Jefferson County, Tx Arrested On Charges Of Theft and Unauthorized Use Of Vehicle

>>12904589 P8 recon looking for something off the coast of Seattle

>>12904437 , >>12904378 , >>12904590 , >>12904610 , >>12904632 , >>12904659 Dominion Voting Comms MGR Penelope Chester Starr is very closely connected to the Clintons

>>12904608 Anchors and analysts on CBS, NBC and ABC are frantically trying to re-argue the Democrats impeachment case against Trump in the wake of effective defense by Trump lawyers

>>12904628 JEEP is owned by a CCP company HQ'd in Wuhan, China. Joe's use of Jeeps was not accidental or by chance. It was a signal to China they are on board.

>>12904621 , >>12904635 When does a bird sing? After a storming.

>>12904671 U.S. Army Corps attorneys withdraw from Dakota Access Pipeline case

>>12904696 Mrs. Melania Trump is announcing the opening of The Office of Melania Trump. Please follow this account for news and updates.

>>12904702 YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit, Locks Down Account After Posting Interview with New Hampshire Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines

>>12904714 Overheard just now at the WH - 'We told you jackasses this impeachment would blow up in our faces!!!'

>>12904725 Use global if you see actual CP (child porn) posted

>>12904740 #16471


>>12903283, >>12903323, >>12903410 nationwide blackout in cuba, correction, its phones and internet that are out

>>12903294 WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says Soros, Bloomberg & Bezos-Funded Groups Targeting His Show

>>12903311 Israel Threatens to Abandon America, Ally With China And Russia After Securing $40B In U.S. Aid

>>12903325 Biden to resume remittances, travel to Cuba, but other Obama-era overtures will take a while

>>12903335 FBI Investigates as the Lincoln Project's Troubles Moun

>>12903359 "fight fight fight" trending on twitter/Q post connection

>>12903421 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4

>>12903449 Biden administration announces it will let around 25,000 asylum-seekers into the U.S.

>>12903488 Ibrahim Idris, a Guantánamo Bay Detainee on Day 1, Dies at 60

>>12903525 new ben garrison cartoon

>>12903563 Former President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi has agreed to serve as the next prime minister of Italy.

>>12903575 Lurid texts from Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver to interns revealed

>>12903588 5th Graders in Failing Public School Celebrate Angela Davis, ‘Black Communism’

>>12903618 “Protesting is now illegal in Canada”: Twice arrested organizer speaks out

>>12903304, >>12903692, >>12903890 morning sun brings heat on W.H.O.?

>>12903704 US navy: special operations forces from the Greek & Cypriot Underwater Demolition Teams joined #USNavy Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen for a maritime exercise in Greece

>>12903706 Rubio: ‘Possible’ We Have Senate Impeachment Vote by Sunday Morning

>>12903724 Probation Official Charged with Child Pornography Offenses

>>12903753 new CDC data shows 11,249 recorded adverse events, including 501 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna.

>>12903768 UK general warns situation with pandemic is reminiscent of years before Second World War

>>12903788 De Blasio calls for 'full accounting' after Cuomo accused of covering up nursing home death toll

>>12903844 Hundreds gather in Melbourne CBD to protest COVID-19 lockdown

>>12903857 Trump team plays videos of Democrats’ repeated vows to ‘fight’

>>12903861 Cuomo aide attempts to clarify bombshell admission in COVID-19 nursing home death probe

>>12903548 Damning report concludes prominent evangelist Ravi Zacharias sexually abused women for years

>>12903887 NYPD watchdog recommends charges against SBA union boss over offensive tweets

>>12903967 #16470

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67299a  No.12905533


>>12902454 Bitcoin closing in on $1 TRILLION market cap

>>12902485, >>12903093 VIDEO: A Lunar New Year Message From The Bidens

>>12902488 Scandal-Rocked Lincoln Project Donors Include Romney’s Bain and China-Linked Sequoia Capital.

>>12902498 British economy crashes nearly 10% in 2020 due to Covid pandemic

>>12902511 Report: ‘At Least a Dozen’ Republican Senators Walked Out of Impeachment Trial

>>12902524 DHS Releases at Least 2K Border Crossers into U.S. In 10 Days

>>12902546 Never Trump Lincoln Project Publishes, Then Deletes Ex-Member’s Private Messages amid Weaver Scandal

>>12902555 Soros-Funded NGO Demands Punishment for Hungary Migrant ‘Pushbacks’

>>12902614 Both Groups Charged with Conspiracy to Storm the Capitol Were Led by FBI

>>12902718 Russian police raid Alexei Navalny's offices after wife of Putin's greatest critic flees Moscow for Germany

>>12902755 Colorado’s 2020 Election Results Are Also Suspect – Biden’s Numbers Raise Serious Red Flags and Alleged Turnout Is More Like Saddam’s Iraq than the US

>>12902570, >>12902834, >>12902867 US attorney john huber resigns under the instruction of biden

>>12902800 Navy Will Make COVID-19 Vaccination Mandatory 'As Soon as We Can:' 3-Star Admiral

>>12902823 18 plastic bags full of hacked-up body parts found in Mexico

>>12902825 Qatar Is Pushing For a Return to Iran Nuclear Deal

>>12902902, >>12902938 watergateX1000, 1000 days since Q's P@in--23 password reveal

>>12902930 Citing Government Misconduct, Judicial Watch Appeal Seeks Release of Sally Yates’ Records on Refusal to Defend President Trump’s Travel Ban

>>12902985 LIVE: President Trump Impeachment Trial: Day 4

>>12903099 Yes, There's a Safe Way to Have a Cannibalism Fetish. The Armie Hammer Story's Not It.

>>12903107 Trump Attorneys DESTROY House Managers on Lying to American Public and Using Manipulated Tweet as Evidence!

>>12903166 #16469

Previously Collected Notables

>>12902370 #16468

>>12900564 #16465, >>12900732 #16466, >>12901600 #16467

>>12897531 #16462, >>12898301 #16463, >>12900879 #16464

>>12895239 #16459, >>12896027 #16460, >>12896776 #16461

>>12892921 #16456, >>12893765 #16457, >>12894707 #16458

>>12890559 #16453, >>12891340 #16454, >>12892105 #16455

>>12888940 #16451, >>12888940 #16451, >>12889812 #16452

>>12886667 #16448, >>12887417 #16449, >>12888189 #16450

>>12884357 #16445, >>12885145 #16446, >>12885900 #16447

>>12881909 #16442, >>12882690 #16443, >>12883547 #16444

>>12881733 #16439, >>12880353 #16440, >>12881160 #16441

>>12877152 #16436, >>12877943 #16437, >>12878817 #16438

>>12876310 #16433, >>12876149 #16434, >>12876370 #16435

>>12872453 #16430, >>12873002 #16431, >>12875931 #16432

>>12869466 #16427, >>12870582 #16428, >>12872448 #16429

>>12866939 #16424

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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67299a  No.12905537

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

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International Q Research Threads

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12850476 ————————————–——– Germany #75

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

>>12276230 ————————————–——– Russia #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12815420 ————————————–——– UK #31

>>12704334 ————————————–——– Vatican #3

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Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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67299a  No.12905538

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525275  No.12905539

File: 2376ada35fb55c6⋯.png (827.69 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_500.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum et arcus ipsorum confringatur

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67299a  No.12905546




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8b8fb3  No.12905560


>Report: FBI Investigating Lincoln Project Cofounder’s Behavior with Underage Boys

Just like weinstein, they all knew.

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0a29c0  No.12905572

File: 1dc4396a13b0879⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 4862x2572, 2431:1286, A1JPG.jpg)

File: be66da84c0d3963⋯.jpg (3.5 MB, 4856x2724, 1214:681, A11jpg.jpg)

File: f4947208b317c0d⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 3924x2568, 327:214, A21jpg.jpg)

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 1)

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0a29c0  No.12905582

File: c0a6f0ccc9a654d⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 4270x3629, 4270:3629, B.jpg)

File: 64877f2d9cb6e9b⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 4296x3740, 1074:935, B15.jpg)

File: 6451be2ac288211⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 4024x3560, 503:445, B30.jpg)

File: 72a8d6fafcd016d⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 4092x3468, 341:289, B45.jpg)

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 2)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a29c0  No.12905594

File: ba8e90088feca2c⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 4420x3752, 1105:938, C1.jpg)

File: 2bb796db54d9a1d⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 5140x2420, 257:121, c4.jpg)

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 3)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a29c0  No.12905601

File: 8bff2eba5994c96⋯.jpg (3.64 MB, 3762x4187, 3762:4187, D.jpg)

File: dceccf8c492e3d9⋯.jpg (3.8 MB, 3546x3979, 3546:3979, d3.jpg)

File: 3eab443181b0712⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 5096x2496, 49:24, d5.jpg)

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 4)

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0a29c0  No.12905614

File: 772ca09fffe0044⋯.jpg (3.92 MB, 4032x4389, 192:209, E.jpg)

File: fa4a6498a83e9ac⋯.jpg (3.79 MB, 4054x4428, 2027:2214, E20.jpg)

File: ac41b9ab565da14⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 4480x2532, 1120:633, E40.jpg)

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 5)

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471ecd  No.12905616

i c some scared sacred ppl about.

i c some sacred scared ppl about.

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e95ecc  No.12905618

Raskin has gross looking fingers

Knobby looking finger tips is indicative of congestive heart disease if I recall correctly

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098c4c  No.12905619

File: 30c3107bca2eaea⋯.png (779.5 KB, 766x648, 383:324, ClipboardImage.png)

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109e0d  No.12905620

File: 9daf57eab0e62a8⋯.jpg (157.72 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, pops.jpg)

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16a490  No.12905621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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037783  No.12905622

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0a29c0  No.12905623

File: b59641cdeda1d6e⋯.jpg (3.92 MB, 4047x4508, 4047:4508, F.jpg)

File: a87525498b64b5a⋯.jpg (3.7 MB, 4047x4529, 4047:4529, F20.jpg)

File: 14e78069831a0f1⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 5296x1292, 1324:323, F39.jpg)

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 6)

Key Reminders of how to try to ensure survival during a genocide

“White Privilege” means “Scheduled for Genocide”.

“Diversity Officers” collect names, put them on lists.

Never permit yourself to be disarmed.

You need to be lethal, and not afraid to use a weapon.

“Door to door gun collection” means SHTF is about to happen.

All genocide originates from the wealthy leadership.

Stay away from citiess.

When ordered to report to mass collection points – run for the woods.

Your neighbors WILL turn you in.

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e03235  No.12905624

File: ebace35b0b2f0c9⋯.mp4 (12.57 MB, 854x480, 427:240, videoplayback2.mp4)

>>12905162 lb


had to make smaller dimension to upload

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9af622  No.12905625

File: fd8ba7e0d63df7d⋯.gif (5.91 MB, 600x336, 25:14, fd8ba7e0d63df7d7c0098fa309….gif)

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ef5778  No.12905626

File: c2498844eeb216e⋯.png (369.13 KB, 683x402, 683:402, ClipboardImage.png)

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64f52f  No.12905627

Yes, Ruskin you hypocrite.

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0d72b4  No.12905628

File: 47ac4e536dc076c⋯.jpg (18.7 KB, 474x296, 237:148, bagofweed.jpg)


…Thank you, Baker.

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5acbc6  No.12905629

File: a5501afaddeee23⋯.png (357.97 KB, 390x603, 130:201, jamie_raskin_rat_kaleidosc….png)

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2aeb8e  No.12905631

File: ea57c38494cf389⋯.png (49.65 KB, 599x311, 599:311, Screen_Shot_2021_02_12_at_….png)

Has this been seen or discussed?

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9842f9  No.12905632

>>12905566 LB

Staged. Go do some research. Start with notables and qresear.ch and elsewhere. Open your eyes, ears and mind.

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9ffe27  No.12905633

File: 739fb0677614817⋯.png (607.72 KB, 480x640, 3:4, E8CE90E1_820F_462E_AEAB_CD….png)

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8b8fb3  No.12905634

File: 1aa0abc49e03a4f⋯.jpeg (104.56 KB, 664x881, 664:881, 1aa0abc49e03a4f316d529b2a….jpeg)

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3a9573  No.12905635

File: 53410401b74c98a⋯.png (385.53 KB, 436x304, 109:76, QBakery.png)

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0d216f  No.12905636

I don't care who is still here or not. So long as I'm an exploited slave I'll be a one man army until I convince everybody or am properly compensated for my plight.

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0a29c0  No.12905637


>key reminder this glows

Key reminder if AFLB says something glows you should look at it and study it closely.

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62d7cc  No.12905638

Lit a match. That was a tweet from dan in past couple of days.

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64f52f  No.12905639

“Do t mix up what Democrats and Republicans have done” means “There are special rules for Democrats.”

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6d9e3e  No.12905640

File: edff9325c812e53⋯.png (617.03 KB, 785x403, 785:403, ClipboardImage.png)

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79adc1  No.12905641


Key reminder this is what, the 3rd thread you've said this exact same shit?

Give it a rest, dude. Call me a shill. Do it.

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0d216f  No.12905642

File: 336afde91428b4f⋯.jpeg (57.22 KB, 735x1020, 49:68, 40e15d42_7054_4913_96db_6….jpeg)

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68e5af  No.12905643

File: 94cfc896301f2da⋯.jpeg (116.85 KB, 750x935, 150:187, EXt2fBi.jpeg)

They're scared. You can hear it in the cadence of their voices.

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a5a418  No.12905644

File: 02c03ec7616fc82⋯.png (312.16 KB, 662x632, 331:316, e4d2163e95e29ba1050a784f96….png)

Anon wants to live long enough to shit on Raskin's grave.

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90d9c7  No.12905645



Nichan Satan is right, dickless one. You actually managed to make a post that didn't suck for once.

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471ecd  No.12905646


All is done, god has won therefore he own

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dfe735  No.12905647

File: e5ab2b95c2f9fd2⋯.jpeg (231.48 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 75AE2658_6396_4C44_A26C_D….jpeg)

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20f2c0  No.12905648

File: d1ec2e872ce1394⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 1080x675, 8:5, jamie_raskin_1080x675.jpg)

Fuckin snakeskin keeps pushing the lie

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c63b14  No.12905649

Dark to light.

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a59fbe  No.12905650

>>12905545 [LB]

anon, this image is giving me one hell of a dejavu… as if i had a dream about this…

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982682  No.12905651


okay, spammer.

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2323a2  No.12905652

Britanon here, what is the penalty (if any) for house managers lying to the senate?

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62d7cc  No.12905653

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2f684d  No.12905654

File: f350e227b6fea8c⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 500x596, 125:149, yuyrtyuttr.jpg)

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35e835  No.12905655

File: 141b2f4a65e9078⋯.png (393.97 KB, 926x615, 926:615, ClipboardImage.png)

Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19


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a5d87d  No.12905656

File: 4ec63b5c3c2d105⋯.gif (4.82 MB, 640x590, 64:59, 4ec63b5c3c2d1050b567854306….gif)

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8b44b5  No.12905657

He Hot!

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64e071  No.12905658

Where's the peachment at now ?

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104025  No.12905659


Or falsifying evidence?

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64f52f  No.12905660

They got caught doctoring the evidence. Case over!

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a72e98  No.12905661

File: 3d1ad8750f9c5bc⋯.png (205.33 KB, 474x381, 158:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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037783  No.12905662

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3e3d51  No.12905663


>Where's the peachment at now ?

Super gay with a high likelihood of MOAR gay.

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5acbc6  No.12905664

File: a5adb72e44ed4bc⋯.png (771.86 KB, 900x580, 45:29, stacey_plaskett_mountain_y….png)


Tropical mountain yeti sighted

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a5a418  No.12905665

File: ad472b1c0835217⋯.png (119.51 KB, 293x427, 293:427, cb93a0b765cd40ee842972345f….png)


>Britanon here, what is the penalty (if any) for house managers lying to the senate?

An extra million to their re-election campaign.

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16a490  No.12905666


further than begun, so far

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982682  No.12905667



On national TV?

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a72e98  No.12905668



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18242c  No.12905669

DEMS always go on beyond the question asked to continue prosecution. These remarks should be stopped.

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06f4a3  No.12905670

File: e786bf18b47dad5⋯.png (835.41 KB, 1282x422, 641:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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219f2d  No.12905671

Trump's lawyers should have taken enough time to put questions off until tomorrow.

They gave up control of the news cycle.

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9842f9  No.12905672

Noice. A pissed-off Van der Veen.

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832e08  No.12905673

Well that did NOT introduce any "BOOM" info I was hoping for ?

Well we shall see…….

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64f52f  No.12905674


Good question.

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d29b4a  No.12905676



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cdf3e7  No.12905677

They got caught doctoring the evidence.

This case should be over.

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a59fbe  No.12905678


and yet they go on as if nothing had happened

why is nobody wondering why?

they should ask

>why do yo continue even when you got cought doctoring evidence?

go on, ted cruz, i know you lurk here.

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098c4c  No.12905679

File: 2f929b41c854194⋯.png (559.6 KB, 796x589, 796:589, ClipboardImage.png)

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037783  No.12905680

here it is!!!

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62d7cc  No.12905681

This case should be over, I’m not American and the senate looks like a joke to me.

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44effd  No.12905682


Kangaroo Courts don't care about doctored evidence! They'll just bring more doctored evidence.

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64f52f  No.12905683

Oooo big lie.


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982682  No.12905684


That's a good question for the mil tribunals!

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4d177d  No.12905685


That was the first time I saw someone come out and just cut right through ALL layers of bullshit all at once.


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5b582d  No.12905686

File: 3cd20dc3b60fe92⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 563x443, 563:443, dasuseleciss3.jpg)

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5acbc6  No.12905687


"This is the most miserable experience I've ever had!"

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6d9e3e  No.12905688


uk anon here, same as what we have in the uk, nothing !!!

different rules for different class !!!

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000000  No.12905689

Q blows goats. Not a single thing has come from any of his little riddles and catchphrases.

You know what your "plan" has got ya? COVID bullshit, and Biden as President. Congratulations on that sweet plan.

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ae118b  No.12905690



>Ol' joe maybe losing it, but he knows that the moment he stops 'playing along'…he's gone.

>He's in too deep to get out of this movie alive.

>…nobody walks away.

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000000  No.12905691

bernie with the Q

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3e3d51  No.12905692

"Did Trump actually win the election?"

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104025  No.12905693

Do they think Trump won the election? This'll be interesting..

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1581ca  No.12905694

Anons who has the video (or knows the song) classical song that POTUS and Melania danced to??

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0d72b4  No.12905695

File: 372d70973d5ee9d⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 720x405, 16:9, getImage.jpg)

File: e9b40cf3db474b4⋯.png (43.26 KB, 748x692, 187:173, ratking.png)

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a5d87d  No.12905696

File: fe5cccf6bca890a⋯.jpg (251.27 KB, 800x533, 800:533, fe5cccf6bca890ae61c29ff27b….jpg)

>>12905599 (lb)

>>12905574 (lb)

>>12905573 (lb)

Kek! Left "home" long ago. Expat.

And yes, white. But I can say and write "muy bueno", "gracias" and "si" quite well. Kek!

Also, I can always say I'm white 'cause I'm from Argentina or Chile (those germans, you know …)

So could that possibly work (pic relates)?

>>12905580 (lb)

That's bad. I like the rule of law.

Even though, I have to admit that I maybe like Texas, Tequila and to be in the US more than a law that I know this faggot Bidan is not gonna enforce ….

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55299e  No.12905697

That question threw them for a loop

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b19f44  No.12905698

I listened to two of the questions directed to the impeachment managers (buffoons in suits). All they did was regurgitate bullshit that Trump's lawyers had already destroyed. It seems that they have a script and none of them have whatever it might take to deviate from it.

Schumer called two breaks in short order. I got to think that he sees this slipping away from him.

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8f19e7  No.12905699

File: 16dc74cea6af2af⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 320x400, 4:5, 16dc74cea6af2afc8bc4839db….webm)

Juan Williams is Muh house nigga.

Celebrating Black History Month


>>12905610 lb

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64f52f  No.12905700


Is there value to making the Dims lie about who won the election?

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037783  No.12905701


hirono said they would ask it.

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e03235  No.12905702

File: 3c7306a98a217f0⋯.png (88.41 KB, 479x438, 479:438, LB.png)

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e47fdb  No.12905703


And yet you're here.


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62d7cc  No.12905704

As we All know he did win.

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3e3d51  No.12905705


>Is there value to making the Dims lie about who won the election?

Yes because it shows they are knowingly participating in the coup d'etat.

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16a490  No.12905706

did Trump lose any court case? The Trump team were never allowed to show the evidence to a court.

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cdf3e7  No.12905707

Sometimes the other side cheats…

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ce1b51  No.12905708

File: 4edc06bd7454332⋯.jpg (64.58 KB, 640x548, 160:137, Be_My_Valentine.jpg)

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5acbc6  No.12905709

File: ff2e0670c913f50⋯.jpg (152.84 KB, 1316x597, 1316:597, stacey_plaskett_meet_stace….jpg)

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64e071  No.12905710

The last lawyer said that they was going to end early because the priority should be getting us our check.

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edeff4  No.12905711


Only if they decide to finally SHOW it.

Right now, it's still he said, she said shit.

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982682  No.12905712

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20fbaf  No.12905713

File: e43da284f517259⋯.jpg (91.36 KB, 1024x659, 1024:659, TrumpFistAmFlag.jpg)

Still FIGHTING for America

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4b9011  No.12905714

File: f5cdecfae78213e⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 768x432, 16:9, f5cdecfae78213e159fda42082….jpg)

This case should be over!


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000000  No.12905715


AnD yEt YoU'rE hErE

Cope more, douche.

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06f4a3  No.12905716


Freudian slip?

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64f52f  No.12905717

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44effd  No.12905718

They will with the help of Mitch McConnell, convict Trump

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21b839  No.12905719

File: 350bb79d80c7074⋯.png (193.66 KB, 570x628, 285:314, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ace5f82a20bec67⋯.png (246.98 KB, 1209x623, 1209:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 530af4a1023dc8f⋯.png (72.22 KB, 567x653, 567:653, ClipboardImage.png)

Daytona 500 Sunday, Valentines Day

Public to awaken [mass-start].

3-year anniversary Parkland School Shooting

February 12

National Plum Pudding Day

No One Eats Alone Day – Changes Annually (February 12, 2021)

February 13

Galentine’s Day

National Cheddar Day

National Tortellini Day

Global Movie Day – Second Saturday in February

February 14

National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

National Ferris Wheel Day

National Organ Donor Day

Valentines Day

Jan 25th 2019 - 7:33:50 PM EST




I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!


Jan 27, 2018 12:34:38 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 69

Chatter exploding.

Change of narrative will be required.


Public to awaken [MASS-START].

Sleeping pill reject.

OP Mockingbird FAILURE.




Where we go one, we go ALL>


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33e7b2  No.12905720

File: 596c0e54baa740c⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 370x272, 185:136, 1612344878513.gif)

>The Impeachment Blew Up In Their Faces

Did it? Or is this yet more /qresearch/ delusion?

I haven't been paying attention.

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74374c  No.12905722

I'm loving PresidentTrump's attorney.

They really want a concession of election via Attorney. Hope he says that is not pertinent and


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2aeb8e  No.12905723


January 6, 2021

The new owners of the log in credentials have only had that one initial sale since purchasing the credentials. Perhaps it is the prices they are charging They thought this would be a cash cow. For yesterday and today, they were asking $150K to post a link to a site or a YouTube channel. No one was willing to pay, so it all remains dark, for nearly a month now.


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0ba06e  No.12905724


they got caught doctoring the votes in the presidential election also

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037783  No.12905725

i hope VDV says the question is irrelevant

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3c63a7  No.12905726


And he'll do even better in the 206 election!

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20a5ab  No.12905727


Dems say: It’s over when the CCP says it’s over

They want to make sure orange man can’t be president once the Supreme Court rules the election was fraudulent

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b851c8  No.12905728




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3e3d51  No.12905729


>did Trump lose any court case? The Trump team were never allowed to show the evidence to a court.

correct. the only court(s) where the evidence was actually heard upheld Trump. I believe there has only been one in a state court.

Virtually all courts dismissed the cases without hearing or considering evidence.

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c961af  No.12905730

File: 5081e788c12c542⋯.jpg (11.08 KB, 215x255, 43:51, 4855e67c4577024756ee76cc32….jpg)

>>12905556 lb

The green face, beard, and eye patch will do the trick

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79adc1  No.12905731


Like a psychic. Now the room is getting upset.

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8f2c2f  No.12905732


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037783  No.12905733


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edeff4  No.12905734

Ratskin just making shit up right now.

Holy crap. Where in the Constitution does it say that there are two different conviction rules?

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64f52f  No.12905735


Ooh, Defense lawyers don’t want to answer!

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6d9e3e  No.12905736

File: b2e01938a8277f7⋯.png (454.2 KB, 552x414, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


cheque (dumb yankees) kek !!

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d87780  No.12905737

File: 50b6774c3aaae9a⋯.png (123.58 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 50b6774c3aaae9af97ba282061….png)


Good God in heaven..heart skipped a beat there


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982682  No.12905738

File: 07ad685c3d582e1⋯.png (732.75 KB, 594x707, 594:707, 2021_01_18_08_44_13_NINTCH….png)

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8b44b5  No.12905739

File: cd5621e058154c2⋯.png (332.97 KB, 612x666, 34:37, Screen_Shot_02_12_21_at_05….PNG)

President Biden


US government account

Earlier this week, Vice President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination site in Arizona. Because of the hard work of these folks — and countless others across the country — we’re going to beat this virus once and for all.

4:55 PM · Feb 12, 2021·The White House


Vid available on tweet…

Our comms from Joe today…

Timestamp 16:55 1+6+5+5 = 17 also we got a 5:5 Enjoy!

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3ef394  No.12905740

who asked that question? KEK.

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a72e98  No.12905741

File: 1a39b3dc8b69768⋯.png (265.08 KB, 480x272, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Order in the court muddafuckers!

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2323a2  No.12905742

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2c0af6  No.12905743


Disinformation is Necessary

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0db705  No.12905744

How long before the majority of normies wake up?

What is the tipping point that they realise that those who control them, are themselvves 'controlled'.

Nothing moar than 'career political puppets' that will say/do anything, as long as the money keeps coming in.

Politicians, Worldwide, are Prostitutes

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e47fdb  No.12905745


Lurk moar, homo.

Understand what Q meant by "Sometimes you have to show them".

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44effd  No.12905746


Lets make it up as we go!

They buried that precious Document years ago!

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0a29c0  No.12905747

File: d2e45fde63a4fa7⋯.png (225.19 KB, 1116x660, 93:55, Screenshot_2021_02_12_Q_Re….png)

If they convict DJT of leading an "insurrection", that means all of his supporters are insurrectionists. Think about what this means for a moment. If you = insurrectionist then you can be killed under the "war on terror"

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36af70  No.12905748

Twitter posts their best financial week in six years?!? They ought to be shut down for their almost complete purge of any conservative voices.

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cdf3e7  No.12905749


The "Gotcha question" that backfired spectacularly.

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3e3d51  No.12905750


>Ooh, Defense lawyers don’t want to answer!

The defense attorneys' judgement on whether or not Trump won the election is not at issue in this trial.

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d29b4a  No.12905751

I SURE AM GLAD OUR TOTALLY NON-CUCKED REPUBLICANS are introducing a bill to make English the official language of the USA.

I am sure it will pass and Alzheimer Joe will sign it.

Republicans proposed this brave bill after proposing voter fraud reform, stronger Second Amendment protections, vote fraud reform after the Big Steal, regulation of Big Tech to protect free speech, censure of Biden as he was illegally 'elected' President, and laws keeping not only guns but ammo safe and secure.


Republicans are STILL passing shit symbolic laws that won't even pass but don't worry vote them in the midterms in 2022 in our election systems that are rigged but that's why you have to TURN UP EN MASSE TO VOTE.


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b851c8  No.12905752

File: 1fb66de949d2f0a⋯.png (334.05 KB, 596x686, 298:343, AQ1.png)

"Where I come from, when you get caught doctoring the evidence, your case is over. And that’s what happened. They got caught doctoring the evidence, and this case should be over." - Michael van der Veen.


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b19f44  No.12905753


Fauci says that the same humidity fosters the bacterial pneumonia that killed the vast majority of the people who died from the "Spanish Flu."

I'm tired of people running to a fukking microphone every time they have a hunch. If these "scientists" don't KNOW something, they have an obligation to keep their cock drains shut.

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037783  No.12905754

he is the kracken!!!

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5acbc6  No.12905755


They're already sweating, wont be long now before Raskin drops a rat deuce on the House floor.

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e03235  No.12905756

File: 52bd84341dbde89⋯.jpg (27.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, maam.jpg)

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64f52f  No.12905757


He still refuses to say Trump did not win! This is getting good!

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5b582d  No.12905758

File: c25ddf2dc21bcdd⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 701x356, 701:356, dasuseleciss22.jpg)

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e76dc1  No.12905759

File: e4d3c28835eff6d⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB, 320x692, 80:173, bringoutyerdead_china.mp4)

Just a reminder that this Hoax was started in CHYNA

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982682  No.12905760


that's a funny way to talk about genocide.

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44effd  No.12905761


Numbers are fake!

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cd4e8c  No.12905762

File: f6c8ac1f4ab9300⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 850x233, 850:233, Peach_mint_clusters.jpg)

File: e1e732e39eb43f8⋯.png (113.44 KB, 460x456, 115:114, Peach_Mint_Badge.png)

File: 13a74d5f5e14ca3⋯.png (238.76 KB, 720x772, 180:193, Peach_Mint.png)

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3ef394  No.12905763


you are assuming he has not already.

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64f52f  No.12905764


Agreed, buit maybe he also doesn’t want to go on record with a lie.

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525275  No.12905765

File: 946e0e9591bc562⋯.png (468.52 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_514.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

non est fortis sicut Deus noster

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d29b4a  No.12905766



love those to

kek baited you, two

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2c0af6  No.12905767

File: 82ca6cff73be179⋯.jpg (308.44 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20210212_170911.jpg)

Huber's resignation is effective February 28th.

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104025  No.12905768


FISA? Election evidence..? So much more to reveal to wake people up..

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3e3d51  No.12905769

File: dd651f6a3b2a341⋯.png (359.31 KB, 658x436, 329:218, ClipboardImage.png)


well, it depends…

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0db705  No.12905770





See something…filter something.

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0079b0  No.12905771

File: c514a220b9afc0d⋯.png (119.11 KB, 666x328, 333:164, ClipboardImage.png)


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44effd  No.12905772


Bring out you dead!

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64e071  No.12905773


Fuckin kek

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20fbaf  No.12905774

File: 4a49db72bbb8ff9⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 420x236, 105:59, MelaniaCoffeeCheers.gif)


Amen, anon - both are MAGA patriots

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eeaf25  No.12905775

File: 91462637f287676⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 587x628, 587:628, 1c2jza.jpg)

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00f2d1  No.12905776

File: b4c8c4e69c5b78e⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 606x467, 606:467, one_the_first.JPG)


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States


“One of the first people arrested was a leader of Antifa”

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0a29c0  No.12905777


>that's a funny way to talk about genocide.

The genocide will be against conservatives, not a particular race/creed/religion. If you are against globohomo you are the target.

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dd89f4  No.12905778

c before d

communist before democrat

why are democrats communist?

why was this hidden?

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20f2c0  No.12905779

File: 98b14dec1b36a6d⋯.jpg (232.79 KB, 720x1097, 720:1097, 20210212_150715.jpg)

File: b2203611cdcae6e⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 430x290, 43:29, 20210212_150605.jpg)


Program officials for the five DoD weapon systems that we assessed complied with Risk Management Framework requirements and obtained an authorization to operate. Read more here:


Audit of Cybersecurity Requirements for Weapon Systems in the Operations and Support Phase of the Department of Defense Acquisition Life Cycle (DODIG-2021-051)

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16a490  No.12905780


it could have been a good retort, but the trial is not about the election fraud

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982682  No.12905781

File: 8efa60ef913e490⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB, 352x240, 22:15, BRINGOUTYOURDEAD.mp4)

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d98941  No.12905782

Here we go

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991848  No.12905783

Can someone explain how so many of the people arrested at the capital are from Pennsylvania? One guy was caught in PA but was from Kentucky. Did these people go to PA on purpose? Also read about a drug dealer caught in PA recently who was from somewhere else.

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098c4c  No.12905784

File: e5db9f2664b00c7⋯.png (75.89 KB, 796x580, 199:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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04f60d  No.12905785

File: 35f20c56a6d8d3f⋯.mp4 (996.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, oe73VvXzAe_P5mgF.mp4)



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a72e98  No.12905786

File: bf7573bc9dc691b⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 1152x768, 3:2, KNOWINGLY_multi.jpg)

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dfe735  No.12905787

File: 4f9718daaa5ea00⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1044x696, 3:2, 93ECEAD7_89E5_4BA8_990D_96….png)

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b851c8  No.12905788

BREAKING REPORT: 14 [NY] Democratic Senators CALL FOR REMOVAL of Cuomo’s Emergency Powers…


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e768ff  No.12905789

>>12905566 pb

Anons, have you ever seen what happens to a person when their spinal chord has been severed? The instantaneous effects of that on the body? When Ashli got shot that bullet severed her spinal chord at the base of the brain stem. Hands, arms, facial expression all frozen in that split second instance. Watch the video. Her arms and hands as she is lying on the floor are in the exact position they were in as she was holding onto the the sides of that broken window. When she hit the floor and she hit that floor HARD. Her arms were extended, her hands in the exact same position they were holding on to that window frame, frozen in place. Her eyes were wide fucking open. No blinks, no movement, no nothing. Her facial expression is unchanged. That woman was dead and even a fucking lay person could tell that. So, fuck off with your ignorant selves.

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bc89ba  No.12905790

Coprophilia (from Greek κόπρος, kópros—"excrement" and φιλία, philía—"liking, fondness"), also called scatophilia or scat (Greek: σκατά, skatá—"feces"),[1] is the paraphilia involving sexual arousal and pleasure from feces.[2][3] In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association, it is classified under 302.89—Paraphilia NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) and has no diagnostic criteria other than a general statement about paraphilias that says "the diagnosis is made if the behavior, sexual urges, or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning". Furthermore, the DSM-IV-TR notes, "Fantasies, behaviors, or objects are paraphilic only when they lead to clinically significant distress or impairment (e.g. are obligatory, result in sexual dysfunction, require participation of nonconsenting individuals, lead to legal complications, interfere with social relationships)".

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9ffe27  No.12905791

File: b8924c6f13d7c7b⋯.png (526.74 KB, 640x360, 16:9, E16A0144_58AB_4A41_8154_A8….png)

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000000  No.12905792

At what Temperature do you cook a turkey?


Stove Top [STUFFING]

Dinner is Served.


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982682  No.12905793


that's what it's looking like : Johnny Sixpack is on the firing line.

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0079b0  No.12905794

File: b1b07c7690a288c⋯.png (901.9 KB, 1148x783, 1148:783, ClipboardImage.png)


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d7affb  No.12905795

Holy cow! Kek!

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7d40a8  No.12905796

File: 8a83ec9d0533625⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 028198a3a2cf5b63387e717cce….jpg)

JIminy Crickets!!


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7bbf45  No.12905797

Jiminy Crickets!!

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79adc1  No.12905799

Michael is tearing up this case. God bless this man.

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64f52f  No.12905800

Def Veen is cracking me up.

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bc89ba  No.12905801


Although there may be no connection between coprophilia and sadomasochism (SM), the limited data on the former comes from studies of the latter. A study of 164 males in Finland from two SM clubs found that 18.2% had engaged in coprophilia; 3% as a sadist, 6.1% as a masochist, and 9.1% as both.[4] In the study pool 18% of heterosexuals and 17% of homosexuals had tried coprophilia, showing no statistically significant difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals. In a separate article analyzing 12 men who engaged in bestiality, an additional analysis of an 11-man subgroup revealed that six had engaged in coprophilic behavior, compared with only one in the matched control group consisting of 12 SM-oriented males who did not engage in bestiality.[5]

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eeaf25  No.12905802


You haven't been paying attention yet you insinuate QR is the source of delusion?

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21b839  No.12905803


Not if they have a form of "relegious experience"… not if a monstrous veil over their eyes is shedded… can be a "MASS" start. But I get your point.

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e03235  No.12905804

File: 8d94181417dfc22⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 240x193, 240:193, 8d94181417dfc22db5338c43f2….jpg)

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525275  No.12905805

File: ddfb5ae7729c439⋯.png (715.91 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_513.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

Super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis et; conculcabis leonem et draconem

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a5a418  No.12905806

File: 4009389fca61d00⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1485x722, 1485:722, aebdede61fee5164336381f5ff….png)

We got the question on why the Capitol wasn't protected by NG.

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4d177d  No.12905807


He's my new role model, I love him so much!

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bc89ba  No.12905808


American musician Chuck Berry recorded videos of himself urinating on and engaging corophilia with women. In one video, a woman defecates on him after he says "Now it's time for my breakfast". He was also sued for videotaping dozens of women in the restroom of a restaurant he owned.[6][7][8]

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d29b4a  No.12905809


I haven't been paying attention either.

However it is delusion.

Call it an educated guess.

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a72e98  No.12905810

File: ee07babecdf831e⋯.png (269.87 KB, 474x422, 237:211, ClipboardImage.png)


Shit's getting real now kek

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0a29c0  No.12905811

File: 45a98220f2ebbdb⋯.png (9.05 MB, 3770x6250, 377:625, cOLOR1DSB.png)


>that's what it's looking like : Johnny Sixpack is on the firing line.

And yet you call me a spammer for trying to warn people. Same way I was attacked as a spammer for saying the US was headed for a color revolution.

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e76dc1  No.12905812


And nothing is going to happen because -Surprise! Huber is a Mormon. Clown Evan McMuffin planning a new fuck trump party - surprise! Mormon.

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bc89ba  No.12905814


Cleveland steamer

The Cleveland steamer is a colloquial term for a form of coprophilia, where someone defecates on their partner's chest.

The term received news attention through its use in a U.S. Congress staff hoax email and being addressed by the United States Federal Communications Commission.[9]

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a65493  No.12905815

File: b711f363684b027⋯.png (376.47 KB, 297x505, 297:505, ClipboardImage.png)

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7efbcb  No.12905816

Alaska Anons need to vote out Murkowski next year. Elect a real Republican for senator.

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3fc4e6  No.12905817

File: 18a7af2e42d5806⋯.jpeg (504.75 KB, 828x1004, 207:251, 8EC81422_DADE_417C_B0C1_5….jpeg)

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4d177d  No.12905818

File: 0b524caa534223b⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 417x306, 139:102, dafoe.jpg)

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3ef394  No.12905819

exculpitate. is that a word?

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0db705  No.12905820

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35e835  No.12905821



Just another shit "study" to keep the sheep in fear and to love their muzzle.

Fuck all these scientists and MDs going along with this farce.

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58c286  No.12905822

exculpitate ?

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dfe735  No.12905823

File: 41dfba26d4bc736⋯.jpeg (459.58 KB, 1061x701, 1061:701, 3204FEA9_4A76_4ADB_80F2_1….jpeg)

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a65493  No.12905824


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79adc1  No.12905825




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06f4a3  No.12905826

Who did ignor the NG offer ?

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bc89ba  No.12905827


See also

2 Girls 1 Cup


Ass to mouth—removing the penis from the passive partner's anus followed by its immediate insertion into the mouth

Coprophagia—the consumption of feces

Dirty Sanchez—an urban legend which involves smearing feces under the nose of the partner in the form of a moustache

Flatulence fetishism

Hot Karl (slang)



Urolagnia (also known as urophilia)—a paraphilia involving sexual pleasure from urine

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8f19e7  No.12905828

File: dad78076c96502c⋯.png (429.54 KB, 603x460, 603:460, dad78076c96502c365a2723408….png)

File: 71b5d37216fc447⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1268, 270:317, Screenshot_20210212_130645….png)

File: e1ba882b741ddac⋯.png (939.49 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, Screenshot_20210212_052431….png)



Trump Can Still Activate The MAGA Patriots Ex Military Anytime He Wants.

_All MAGA Posts had this Excerpt____↓

At least14 MILLION Americanscan walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this included women.

The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.




Antifa Terrorists.

BLM Terrorists.

Harassing Police Officers.

Non-Peaceful Protesting.

Promotion Of Civil Unrest.

Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.

ATTN:MAGA Patriots are law abiding tax paying citizens and we respect our police officers and will follow military rules of engagement during mission CODE RED.

Disclaimer:8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information, OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.

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3ef394  No.12905829


audible kek.

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3e3d51  No.12905830


she dum

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5b582d  No.12905831

File: 204d307359e9a99⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 754x500, 377:250, dasnotsouseleciss.jpg)

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eeaf25  No.12905832


Yeah cause they're getting those gov bux again

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56110c  No.12905833

Don't gotta hate, you must exculpitate

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cdf3e7  No.12905834

My question is who ignored it, and why?

If there had been an investigation, we would have the answer.

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a5d87d  No.12905835

File: 6dbd3e2a2cebf2d⋯.png (148.12 KB, 265x323, 265:323, ClipboardImage.png)


>color, beard & handicap


There is this meme that I can't find now: kermit & pepe saying sth like "one day we won't have to be ashamed to be green"

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3e3d51  No.12905836


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06f4a3  No.12905837


Love him

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04f60d  No.12905838

File: ae6187c9ea277c8⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CdPA8cMcSBigh2ce.mp4)



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64f52f  No.12905839



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982682  No.12905840


three breads in a row.

Why not try posting it in the morning, at mid day, and then again at night?

That way it is not a push.

How the fuck do you think the clown doc got in the dough?

It got there because it wasn't shoved down people's throats every single bread.

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a59fbe  No.12905841

File: 12a39a9f5a0a894⋯.png (266.92 KB, 363x333, 121:111, dfh.PNG)



in the name of god, is wrong with this person and the way it is speaking? Way over the top, what the fuck!

anons, am i the only one??

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a72e98  No.12905842


I prefer mops that don't shit

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000000  No.12905843



Stick to smaller words, cunt with a cross-dressing husband.

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edeff4  No.12905844


She's just salty cause she used gorilla glue on her bangs.

She thinks everyone else, should get the evidence to prove their case. Backasswards Bitch talk.


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e768ff  No.12905845


Hey Max? You are a a fucking fraud and you can spin this shitshow anyway you want. You have ZERO credibility. Less than ZERO. Go back to sucking that commie cock they feed you there at that piece of shit fake news shithole you prostitute yourself at.

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2e622e  No.12905846


Why hasn’t the defense provide evidence? When does the election fraud evidence get presented? Tomorrow?

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56110c  No.12905847

Bring out the exculpitater!

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e47fdb  No.12905848

"It's unindefensible."

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eeaf25  No.12905849


Whose delusion?

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a65493  No.12905850

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06f4a3  No.12905851


well said anon

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2f684d  No.12905852

Plaskett is way too stupid to be in this position.

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60cb25  No.12905853

File: 51c5819388c3f4c⋯.jpg (631.54 KB, 2094x984, 349:164, 20210212_151348.jpg)

File: e169412d2023f0d⋯.jpg (561.45 KB, 2094x984, 349:164, 20210212_151428.jpg)


<for your viewing pleasure.

point by point, no less.

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20b501  No.12905854


Perhaps succeeding in impeachment?

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dd89f4  No.12905855

i tink the view crew is writing these questions for the demonrats

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31f53f  No.12905856

Nancy had that authority. Ms. Plaskett.

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a5a418  No.12905857

File: 638a5b25f0b99da⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 33.24 KB, 326x192, 163:96, Screen_Shot_2020_09_28_at_….png)


Spoiler that shit, anon.

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bc89ba  No.12905858

File: 0bde382d49df3e6⋯.jpg (87.44 KB, 692x960, 173:240, IMG_0762.JPG)

File: 6fedad118a50ad5⋯.jpg (163.51 KB, 600x953, 600:953, IMG_0774.JPG)

File: 1636f248afbc7b8⋯.jpg (155.85 KB, 1420x800, 71:40, IMG_0800.JPG)

File: 40755018d59ee0a⋯.jpg (154.9 KB, 1236x800, 309:200, IMG_0804.JPG)

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64f52f  No.12905859


“It’s un–indefensible.”

If you say so, Virgin Islands.

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3e3d51  No.12905860


>"It's unindefensible."

Your misunderestimating just how unindefensible this is.

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67299a  No.12905861


>>12905546 Dough

#16473@250 Notables

>>12905655 Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19

>>12905739 Biden Cabal continues to try to sell the vaccine

>>12905752 "Where I come from, when you get caught doctoring the evidence, your case is over. They got caught doctoring the evidence, and this case should be over." - Michael van der Veen.

>>12905779 DOD Inspector General Audit of Cybersecurity Requirements for Weapon Systems


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0db705  No.12905862


Thanks Anon

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79adc1  No.12905863


That's not what this trial is about. The trial is about whether or not Trump incited the riots at the capital.

Evidence is later. Waking normies is now.

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286e9a  No.12905864


They dance to "I did it my way" at the inauguration.

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dfe735  No.12905865

File: fe9f5b6f77b30b8⋯.jpeg (635.19 KB, 1107x738, 3:2, 10A8C561_4E7A_42AA_8359_1….jpeg)

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e768ff  No.12905866


Not the time nor the place for that anon. This is about their contention that our POTUS incited an insurrection.

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16a490  No.12905867

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fe0aa2  No.12905868

File: 49451611bd07197⋯.jpg (399.19 KB, 1277x710, 1277:710, biden_drive_in_puppet_show.jpg)

>>12904628 JEEP is owned by a CCP company HQ'd in Wuhan, China. Joe's use of Jeeps was not accidental or by chance. It was a signal to China they are on board. (pb/notables)

the hands controlling the strings

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0a29c0  No.12905869


>Why not try posting it in the morning, at mid day, and then again at night?


>That way it is not a push.

Because the more people that see it the better off we are. You are here 24/7, I am here 24/7, my goal is for people that only stop bey occasionally to see it. What information could beMOREimportant right now that historical facts about what the communists are planning in plain site.

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c2e395  No.12905870



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9ffe27  No.12905871


Top kek

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64e071  No.12905872

Can't take any moar brb gotta watch the rest. I'm having peachment withdrawals

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64f52f  No.12905873

Loaded question much?

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20f2c0  No.12905874

File: a558742b7f8c325⋯.jpg (66.46 KB, 535x499, 535:499, 4xu22u.jpg)

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74374c  No.12905876

That was just a stupid question

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104025  No.12905877


He was released? Who released him??

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2b35aa  No.12905878

Who is female hottie lawyer sitting at Trump's defense counsel table? That's the real question!

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33e7b2  No.12905879

File: c49771fa85948c3⋯.png (116.23 KB, 500x380, 25:19, 1609483367260.png)

Wait, what just happened that everybody's excited about? QRD? I've been ignoring this nonsense because I figured no real news would be made.

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6692c1  No.12905880

File: 0bb65adc0013956⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1836x1690, 918:845, 0bb65adc001395642550763a34….png)

The only questions now are

1. Are there enough crooked Rs to convict.

2. Are enough normies awake to put the plan into action?

We'll know 1 in a day or two.

2 is probably a no.

Normies are unaffected by facts.

It'll take a bigger hammer than open source info and memes to crack their cognitive dissonance.

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44effd  No.12905881


No evidence of fraud is to presented

Because there is none and we said so!

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eeaf25  No.12905882

File: 0b48979dae9cd16⋯.png (78.13 KB, 219x236, 219:236, hey_fellow_goys.png)


Shlomo kek

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3ef394  No.12905883

File: 8ee112824895ae1⋯.jpg (110.14 KB, 297x505, 297:505, 3ed7dx6c2.jpg)

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18242c  No.12905884

Back bench VI nigger because there weren't any negresses in the house as uppity.

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2e622e  No.12905885


>The defense attorneys' judgement on whether or not Trump won the election is not at issue in this trial.

I thought Trump fired the first lawyers because they were unwilling to present evidence of voter fraud ?!?

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64f52f  No.12905886


“Given all the lies I am telling about him, isn’t he guilty because I presume it?

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a72e98  No.12905887


the trial is juicier than expected

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9842f9  No.12905888

The idiocy. I hope they let Van Der Veen take this question also. Rip them a new asshole for their stupid assumptions.

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037783  No.12905889


i know, right?

they seem to be moving the goalposts now to include everything POTUS has ever said and not just the 1/6 speech.

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e768ff  No.12905890


Tranny drama queen.

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3e3d51  No.12905891

Perhaps we're about to see 53-47.

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44effd  No.12905892

Banana republic

Banana republic

Banana republic

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eeaf25  No.12905893


Try reading the thread you dumb cunt

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bc89ba  No.12905894

File: ad6d41175427716⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_0726.JPG)

File: 7262e0dfb0a8a0d⋯.jpg (186.95 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, IMG_0730.JPG)

File: 9655016ec51cb59⋯.jpg (96.79 KB, 606x960, 101:160, IMG_0731.JPG)

File: e854b458257c110⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1080x1192, 135:149, 8AA44670_321A_4978_A543_D7….png)

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8f2c2f  No.12905895

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3e3d51  No.12905896


>I thought Trump fired the first lawyers because they were unwilling to present evidence of voter fraud ?!?

You saw that, but did you believe it?

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cdf3e7  No.12905897

I cannot wait for "The Big Lie" to legally bite this guy in the ass.

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4b9011  No.12905898


Lets talk about the "lie" you say.

Yes Trump won.

Democrats frauded the election.

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a59fbe  No.12905899

File: 641b593d4482de8⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 555x607, 555:607, 37345.jpg)

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0a29c0  No.12905900



Also, I'll let you in on a little secret fren, this isn't to save my life but yours. My life is over, I have a terminal illness that will leave me dead in months if my medicine supply is cut off. I've already accepted no matter what else happens, if supply lines are cut, and medical supplies stop flowing I die either way.

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8d4448  No.12905901

File: 3041af62ca90ce4⋯.png (109.6 KB, 598x477, 598:477, Screenshot_2021_02_12_AFP_….png)

BREAKING British human rights lawyer elected new ICC chief prosecutor


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e03235  No.12905902

File: 11c6a4dc36e230f⋯.png (17.66 KB, 934x330, 467:165, van_der_Veen.png)

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2e622e  No.12905903


>This is about their contention that our POTUS incited an insurrection.


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33e7b2  No.12905905


No nigger faggot, all anyone's doing is going WOOOOOOOOOWEE HOLY SHIT WOWWWWWWW

You could just say "I don't know" like the ignorant faggot you are.

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a5a418  No.12905906

File: df3a68a4669fe1b⋯.jpg (114.03 KB, 297x505, 297:505, 8ee112824895ae161e32326207….jpg)

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bc89ba  No.12905907

Your Bullshit needs filters

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8f19e7  No.12905908



Imagine the smell of that Ape woman….ew

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2f684d  No.12905909

Raskin now equating Trump to a bank robber.

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64f52f  No.12905910


Love this.

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74374c  No.12905911

Can you guys imagine how epic it would have been if Trump was able to tweet response to this?

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90d9c7  No.12905912

File: 8f4183d6c4e21f7⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh boy. No wonder Kayleigh and the WH focused on him!


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a72e98  No.12905914

wut? rob a bank, or burn and loot?

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c10429  No.12905915

File: 6ef8bc797d1b4fb⋯.png (74 KB, 988x427, 988:427, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

File: 77af0eb53cbfbee⋯.png (272.7 KB, 949x577, 949:577, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

File: 3d00911319a68fe⋯.png (101.22 KB, 989x386, 989:386, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

File: 6fbca3ba1585396⋯.png (77.2 KB, 546x609, 26:29, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

The Niapele (pronounced nee-uh-peh-lay, it means “children” in the Liberian dialect Kpele) Project was created to help the refugee children through community-based programs. “Our approach is based on the principles of sustainable development,” says Chester, “providing them with increased and improved access to health care, education, shelter, food, and a stable nurturing environment. By offering support and development services for local grassroots organizations, we ensure that communities work together to address their common problems and towards a common sustainable future.”

Thanks to a fiscal sponsor,the organization was not difficult to set up. “As time went on,” Chester says, “and the Niapele Project grew in scope and reach, the amount of work required to actually keep the organization going grew along with it. We have been lucky in that we have found some amazing people along the way to assist us in making the Niapele Project grow and improve. Without their help and support, it would certainly have been more challenging.”

The Niapele Project currently supports three programs in the Buduburam refugee community. First, there is the School Nutrition program, which feeds more than 650 elementary school children a day. The Project is also partnered with the Harmony Children’s Center, which aids physically and mentally handicapped children. Thirdly, the Niapele Project works with the Abandoned Refugee Children’s Home (ARCH), which currently houses 25 abandoned children.

Segal Family Foundation funded $5000 in 2010


>>12904437 , >>12904378 , >>12904590 , >>12904610 , >>12904632 , >>12904659 Dominion Voting Comms MGR Penelope Chester Starr is very closely connected to the Clintons

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3e3d51  No.12905916

This is warming people up (predictive linguistic programming) to the idea of THE BIG LIE.

The lie is a lot bigger than people think.

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bc89ba  No.12905917

File: 61d581d47c33fd9⋯.jpg (71.74 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3370.JPG)

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8b44b5  No.12905918

File: b8ccfaf471a5d0d⋯.png (57.42 KB, 596x423, 596:423, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder: Joes leaves at 5:30 pm for Camp David

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3ef394  No.12905919


comey makes everything funnier

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c10429  No.12905920



links at the end

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dd89f4  No.12905921

raskins growing hair out of all of his facial orfices and losing hair from the top of his head all at the same time

its quite remarkable


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20fbaf  No.12905922

So the DC Police "were outnumbered" - threats or potential for violence was known.

Who knew and when did they know it?

FBI supposedly knew in advance since these politicians say they were aware of attendees who were on the "FBI watch list"…who else was in on this?

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79fb61  No.12905923


Does he take air force one to get there?

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97e7cb  No.12905924


no shit, ya'll. Anon is no genius, but these people are retarded

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eeaf25  No.12905925

File: 16cd632164e3166⋯.jpg (234.36 KB, 960x800, 6:5, aroused.jpg)




I don't even follow this shit and it took me 5 seconds to figure out. Why don't you go back to halfchan and bitch and moan in "white women love black cock" threads

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982682  No.12905926



well, you do you. Don't get mad for someone calling the spamming action you are engaging in, out. I'm sure the newfags love it, but like I said, you do you.

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33e7b2  No.12905927

File: b72b0620f8ff4fc⋯.jpg (124.96 KB, 437x451, 437:451, 1600552736343.jpg)


You need an MKUltra mindslave to pay you a visit, you stupid little bitch.

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728b8d  No.12905928


>>>12905379 SOHR sources from Al-Hasakah countryside say that U.S. forces have redeployed today, east of Hasaka

Baker FYI SOHR is a clown op run out of the UK and should never be in notes!

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18242c  No.12905929

Just shut them down hard!

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bc89ba  No.12905930


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel

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5b582d  No.12905931

File: 194412f4c7afbb4⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dasuseleciss33.jpg)

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20f2c0  No.12905932

File: 5cd85eb0c1a9805⋯.jpg (175.91 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 4tmmfp.jpg)

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104025  No.12905933


You mean Airforce 0.1?

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a65493  No.12905934

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79adc1  No.12905935

finally a good question

and raskin's already lying

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cdf3e7  No.12905936

Is that equivalent to saying nothing when your activists are burning and looting personal property?

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2f684d  No.12905937

File: 1d47df651cde575⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 888x493, 888:493, mmjdfghtf.jpg)

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e768ff  No.12905938


KMFAO!!! Butterball a white or black hat? Trust Butterball? Naw, I don't think so. To much like Wray, Barr, Sessions.

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3ef394  No.12905939

KH is totally innocent. KEK. dodge that question traitor.

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99f3b9  No.12905940

File: 2b4b8fe30eb9119⋯.jpg (63.64 KB, 640x421, 640:421, new_capitol_gate_007.jpg)

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a5a418  No.12905941

If I close muh eyes it doesn't exist.

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64f52f  No.12905943

Ruskin: “Pigs are more equal.”

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00f2d1  No.12905944

File: e293aa9f67b3c79⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 852x480, 71:40, and_my_vote.JPG)

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ee0d48  No.12905945

When does SCOTUS Roberts make his judgement

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098c4c  No.12905946

File: 074cecafea8feb6⋯.png (4.54 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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a72e98  No.12905947

File: f37ca1f62351411⋯.png (92.79 KB, 229x220, 229:220, Pepe05.png)


it'll happen to you some day.

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728b8d  No.12905949

File: 6412542ba9386c7⋯.png (85.67 KB, 750x890, 75:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bd10d2e48fa1ee⋯.png (21.01 KB, 757x295, 757:295, ClipboardImage.png)

Two Men Charged in Multi-million Dollar Darknet Drug Distribution Conspiracy


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79fb61  No.12905950


Heh guess Biden is just a regular joe like the rest of us

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8f19e7  No.12905953

File: 3474a3a24e49cd6⋯.jpg (39.35 KB, 505x434, 505:434, downloadfile_3.jpg)

Juan Williams just got a text message…lol

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5b582d  No.12905954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e29670  No.12905955

all true

all PB







The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital, it must be controlled… @POTUS: Less than 1% of Americans do what you do: put yourself on the line for the rest of the 99% of the Americans you represent. The 99% of us owe you

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bc89ba  No.12905957

File: 2abeabcabe0da9b⋯.jpg (174.47 KB, 800x1165, 160:233, IMG_0646.JPG)

File: efd55b66583e0ed⋯.jpg (126.65 KB, 800x999, 800:999, IMG_0651.JPG)

File: 14e673c8a98d194⋯.jpg (144.5 KB, 960x916, 240:229, IMG_0654.JPG)

File: 28b481f10d9a038⋯.png (549.07 KB, 916x724, 229:181, IMG_0656.PNG)

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0ba06e  No.12905958

File: 28b77e9afd20ef0⋯.png (86.68 KB, 330x248, 165:124, 28379734g8e6cj586ac57c404c….png)

these are magic 8 ball questions

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20fbaf  No.12905959

File: 780693e0d0a91f9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 123.41 KB, 705x1200, 47:80, IrisWeinshallSchumer.jpg)


How did my husband do today?!

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9842f9  No.12905960


Not a legit. proceeding, hence no Chief Justice needed to preside.

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000000  No.12905961


Yup. Slim to No chance anyone is going to do anything about it ever.. nvm by March 4th

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386878  No.12905962


His hair is growing on the inside of his head and it is tickling his last two brain cells.

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3ef394  No.12905963

File: b3945564b74b0a4⋯.png (252.56 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 7848297c04b1d0f4d927b8b904….png)

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728b8d  No.12905964

File: c40d687b47d2f34⋯.png (246.53 KB, 346x320, 173:160, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Ndrangheta-linked “Asphalt Billionaire” Loses €212 million

An Italian construction magnate has been expropriated of assets worth over 212 million euro (US$256 million) on Thursday for his suspected ties to two infamous ‘Ndrangheta families involved in illegal bid rigging for construction contracts.

Asphalt ConcreteAsphalt concrete: the “black gold” of the Italian ‘Ndrangheta. (Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0)Italy’s Guardia di Finanza said they confiscated assets including 13 joint stock companies, 11 properties and 12 luxury watches from Domenico Gallo, the 65-year-old Calabrian “Asphalt Billionaire” who until recently controlled a vast concrete and asphalt empire, due to decades of alleged collusion with the ‘Ndrangheta’s Piromalli and Zagari-Fazzalari clans.

Gallo was detained during Operation “Cumbertazione” in 2017, which unveiled a gigantic national-level corruption network based out of the southern city of Reggio Calabria.

Comprised of ‘Ndrangheta members, businesspeople and public officials, this “construction cartel” had for years conducted systematic fraud by rigging bids on tenders for the construction of large public works, including parts of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and Milan-Genoa high-speed railway.

Gallo, who first appeared in police reports about criminal-corporate collusion as early as 1985, stands accused of a litany of crimes, including illegal bid rigging, tax evasion, money laundering, fraud and mafia association.

The two clans he has been tied to belong to the Tyrrhenian district, one of the three territorial units the ‘Ndrangheta has carved into Calabria. Construction is one of their biggest earners: motorways, railways, boulevards and even a large portion of Gioia Tauro, Italy’s biggest container port and a major cocaine entrepot.

The Piromalli in particular are one of the ‘Ndrangheta’s most distinguished families, according to Sergio Nazzaro, a journalist and adviser to the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission. To them, and in fact to the ‘Ndrangheta in general, the multibillion-dollar cocaine trade is just about generating start-up capital for construction projects.

“Drugs [are just] the first step, because the real target is the legal economy”, Nazzaro told OCCRP.

For while cocaine may be a criminal steroid, its bulk cash profits cannot buy true power, at least not in Europe; that kind of influence lies in cement, it lies in creating jobs. From there, says Nazarro, votes and the political success they ensure are but a step away.


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0f9562  No.12905965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take it easy, anons.

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982682  No.12905966


pb only happens to people with the pb gene.

Guess who the pb gene came from?

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e768ff  No.12905967


This putz is a pathetic blight. Not to mention a soy boi kunt. Someone needs to slap the absolute shit out of him. Twice.

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0db705  No.12905968


We did a dig on this woman and posted online nearly 2 yrs ago.

I hope Q archived,..because it is all public domain now and admissible in a court of law.


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a65493  No.12905969

File: c0ea3d1ff41a8be⋯.png (499.59 KB, 708x468, 59:39, JoeThing6.png)


'Ceptin' he likes to sniff lil girls and feel their chests.

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2f684d  No.12905970

Raskin is working himself up into a total panic.

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e47fdb  No.12905971

File: b0a8228581cf31c⋯.mp4 (10.45 MB, 1072x720, 67:45, Police_Open_Door_to_Let_Pr….mp4)

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dd89f4  No.12905972


isnt that crazy eddies son?

dollar tree

come on man - why is raskins yelling??

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06f4a3  No.12905973


McQuaid ?

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64f52f  No.12905974

Raskin is belatedly trying to argue a case.

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a72e98  No.12905975

'Kamala would never do that'

Oooo spotlight!

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613a40  No.12905976

File: dee1fd30c6ca063⋯.jpg (200.01 KB, 888x493, 888:493, Polish_20210212_162537275.jpg)

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a59fbe  No.12905977


Something is off with this image, all those extras in it, everytime i see it i get a big big dejavu of a dream i had long long ago…. i know its just shitpost memetic, nothing special, and i know that i am the only one here getting triggered like a little autistic pussie i am….

maybe i feel better when i point it out?

the thing is, the dream was about an apocalypse, the days before it happens.

never mind.

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2c0af6  No.12905978


Don't get your magic panties in a bunch. Everything he has will go to someone else.

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109e0d  No.12905979

File: 0dadd91dcf9b0dc⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 297x505, 297:505, exculpitit.jpg)

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cdf3e7  No.12905980

No precedent, no problem.

We will make it up as we go along.

Our new unconstitutional rules will be the new rules going forward.

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525275  No.12905981

File: 2b504f2c1d6a109⋯.png (556.68 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_512.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

Dominus a dextris tuis confregit in die irae suae reges mundi

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b19f44  No.12905982


Is this guy someone important? Even for his official portrait, he's such a slob that he didn't bother to brush or comb his hair.

Looks about half-drunk when all of his half-remembered, slurred and stinky jokes strike HIM as hilarious, but no one else is laughing. He just told the joke about the Girl Scout who drowned in the pudding again. The punch line is that it wasn't liver pudding … it was chocolate.

Um … I guess you had to be there.

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7bbf45  No.12905983


Plants dressed as DC police.

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728b8d  No.12905984

File: ed7e2900f6812bc⋯.png (83.43 KB, 759x908, 759:908, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Citizen Charged with Murder of Department of Defense Employee in Bahrain


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ba445c  No.12905985

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33e7b2  No.12905986


I think I will. There's actual information there, instead of a bunch of faggot boomers posting music videos from 50 years ago.

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0db705  No.12905987


epstein island

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58c286  No.12905988

File: 0edff91767dfa32⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pXmyb_caa_1.mp4)

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90be8f  No.12905989

File: 74c668842b06ce4⋯.jpeg (50.67 KB, 480x360, 4:3, FB8E3583_4CFA_4C2E_B8D0_7….jpeg)

Van der Veen / Van de lay

Gonna make 'em cry?

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728b8d  No.12905990


unsealed also

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5f3722  No.12905991

File: 8bb1e1f770a7152⋯.png (6.95 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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e768ff  No.12905992


Marine 1. CD ain't but a 20, 25 minute flight and there ain't no runway there. AF1 could get in there but only once and would leave in a million pieces.

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00f2d1  No.12905993

File: 46b1eb273bb0549⋯.jpg (88.27 KB, 784x665, 112:95, meme_mat.JPG)



USA TODAY Entertainment

First lady Jill Biden decorates White House lawn with giant hearts for Valentine's Day

MEME material…..

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339baf  No.12905994

File: 04a70a501e01855⋯.png (308.6 KB, 497x599, 497:599, 04a70a501e01855457f867a4c7….png)

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a5d87d  No.12905995

File: df4587f867cb540⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 630x566, 315:283, df4587f867cb5402caacb50e02….jpg)


>it'll happen to you some day

Naw, not necessarily.

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eeaf25  No.12905996


Let me just ask you a quick question: do you think the Kyle Rittenhouse and Ashli Babbit shootings were real?

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8b44b5  No.12905997


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e76dc1  No.12905998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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34ee42  No.12905999

I am so kicking myself in the ass

Can you help? Yesterday I went to a National Guard site with a write up on 1/7/2021 about how they get called out.

I don't know what autist led me there,but it is there.

Absolutely refutes impeachment managers.

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79adc1  No.12906000

VDV rightfully pushing that justice is blind. Also calling out Raskin for literally lying or admitting he hasn't been paying attention KEK

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79fb61  No.12906001

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8783eb  No.12906002

File: 1b00bd670274ed4⋯.jpeg (328.25 KB, 640x868, 160:217, E1055F8A_2B31_4A3F_8E98_4….jpeg)

Xidan’s America


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000000  No.12906003


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9842f9  No.12906004


I would imagine, since Van der Veen is ripping him a new asshole, that he's quite side-tracked right now. KEK

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58c286  No.12906005


>Drugs [are just] the first step, because the real target is the legal economy

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b91424  No.12906006

File: b59ef413647c82c⋯.jpg (218.98 KB, 1366x722, 683:361, Kamala_lies.jpg)

File: 3120a5bca3b28a7⋯.png (449.92 KB, 519x447, 173:149, 2_for_the_price_of_1.png)

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a5a418  No.12906008

File: 800ddc357369068⋯.png (387.59 KB, 775x653, 775:653, 229867ec4710f92f23a6e19bfb….png)



Here's a treat for ya.

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3e3d51  No.12906010

File: 5cf193b17eb73de⋯.png (236.96 KB, 565x313, 565:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d9e3e  No.12906011


not all education is good education, getting buttfcuked to get a degree is not the same as having common sense !!!

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525275  No.12906012

File: 5347455c0653992⋯.png (422.44 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_511.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum et arcus ipsorum confringatur

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104025  No.12906013


Wow, so you can't buy a sandwich unless you're locked into their system..

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8b44b5  No.12906014


Six o' clock can be dangerous.

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18242c  No.12906015



Ebonics folks

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9842f9  No.12906016

File: c41722ede114854⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 470x314, 235:157, priceless.jpg)

Van der Veen's statements the last half hour especially…

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99f3b9  No.12906017


the king is dead . . . long live the king.

it's the end of one world and the start of another one . . .

the man is outside the gates!

He is free!

nothing to trigger.

The columns, they are odd. It doesn't look real. I agree.

but it's supposed to almost be a dream.

the man is free!

the theme would be he's asking 'where is the national reflectiong pool's national wave tank

but I thought I wouldn't put words in the General's mouth so I left that out.

Plus the idea of the national reflecting pool being a surf wave (for surfers) is another farce.

though maybe not such a bad idea.

but he's free, outside the gates!

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000000  No.12906018


It doesn't matter what anyone believes to real. It's only what is able to be proven. Not one thing has been proven since this entire shitshow began since the 60s or even the 40s… not one.

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0db705  No.12906019

File: 5037d1a938034ff⋯.png (978.27 KB, 718x520, 359:260, EOChinO21.png)

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bc89ba  No.12906020

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000000  No.12906021


KEK, I was waiting for someone to say that today, being Friday…with this trial going on. Ya'll so fuckin' predictable.

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a72e98  No.12906022

… that horrific day…

muh tears

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109e0d  No.12906023

File: d5585ff26187684⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 500x667, 500:667, burgerita.jpg)


You just reminded me it's lunch time here.

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8f19e7  No.12906024

File: 2f1238d89617d02⋯.jpg (315.86 KB, 940x529, 940:529, downloadfile_1.jpg)





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b91424  No.12906025

File: a354fee423a1f3f⋯.jpg (238.94 KB, 1053x1108, 1053:1108, A_done_deal.jpg)

File: 42896f791e82031⋯.png (24.6 KB, 255x255, 1:1, stupid_lie_Trump_won.png)

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20f2c0  No.12906026

File: c68d066334049fd⋯.jpg (164.67 KB, 720x1152, 5:8, 20210212_152906.jpg)

File: 1e4d1eb0c20f508⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 4096x2734, 2048:1367, 20210212_152835.jpg)


Freeze! The #FBI's February #ArtifactoftheMonth is a set of business cards—one for #Clarice Starling and one for Jack Crawford—from "The Silence of the Lambs," which celebrates its 30th anniversary this weekend. https://t.co/6Sh6oIUc46 https://t.co/oN30rGA9w7

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ba445c  No.12906027


The AssMan

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eeaf25  No.12906028


I wasn't asking what "anyone" believes I was asking that anon. Is that you? Really easy, it's just yes or no

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00f2d1  No.12906029

File: 03e7c7bdcaedd81⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 925x288, 925:288, so_sorry_batch.JPG)


White contestant dating first Black ‘Bachelor’ apologizes for racist past, host dragged for defending her

There are additional claims made that she shared QAnon conspiracy posts. QAnon is a group of pro-Trump conservatives who have gained a reputation for spreading false information about COVID-19, attacking the Black Lives Matter movement, and most infamously, are believed to have helped organize the siege at the Capitol.

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982682  No.12906030


what? did they mean expiate? expectorate?

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60716f  No.12906031


>Wow, so you can't buy a sandwich unless you're locked into their system..

Brought to you by the likes of Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter etc

Big tech will usher in the ultimate cancel culture in America

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2f684d  No.12906032

File: 567b3c5b8c5935f⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 750x494, 375:247, sdfghjttft.jpg)

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67299a  No.12906033


>>12905546 Dough

#16473@400 Notables

>>12905655 Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19

>>12905739 Biden Cabal continues to try to sell the vaccine

>>12905752 "Where I come from, when you get caught doctoring the evidence, your case is over. They got caught doctoring the evidence, and this case should be over." - Michael van der Veen.

>>12905779 DOD Inspector General Audit of Cybersecurity Requirements for Weapon Systems

>>12905901 British human rights lawyer elected new ICC chief prosecutor

>>12905949 Two Men Charged in Multi-million Dollar Darknet Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>12905964 ‘Ndrangheta bid riggin linked “Asphalt Billionaire” Loses €212 million

>>12905984 U.S. Citizen Charged with Murder of Department of Defense Employee in Bahrain

>>12905993 White House ground crew decorates White House lawn with giant hearts for Valentine's Day


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3a9573  No.12906035


Their goal post have always been on wheels. Their ideology requires that they achieve their goal no matter what. Lying and cheating are simply their tools.to attain their goal. They have no sense of truth, honor or values. These are foreign to them and they reject them.

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525275  No.12906036

File: 1a81a87af4b3120⋯.png (532.01 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_510.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

non est fortis sicut Deus noster

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0a29c0  No.12906037

Any republican senators that wants to run in 2024 will most likely vote for convictions.

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e76dc1  No.12906038

File: 692b62f5cbbfcdb⋯.png (3.82 MB, 1462x1348, 731:674, magic_panties.png)


LOL - Magic Panties!!

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2c0af6  No.12906039

File: c4a980c4e202d93⋯.jpg (147.01 KB, 791x791, 1:1, ZomboMeme_12022021163510.jpg)

File: 787b09c195f573e⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ZomboMeme_12022021135506.jpg)

File: 8eafac6bd72e4c4⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 625x417, 625:417, ZomboMeme_12022021130031.jpg)

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6d9e3e  No.12906040


kyle was real, babbit was fake !!!

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0f9562  No.12906041


look at YOU

clowns clowning.

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e29670  No.12906042


why what is habbening the way it is IS habbening

the pace

the waiting

anons were first to see it all for years ahead of now withthe Q crumbs

now the sleeping normies get to feel the uncomfortable shit

as they begin to wake

that is what is going down now

>The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital

Another way of saying,

"They would go mad…"

Not in the way of insanity,

but in outrage.

That outrage would cause a conflagration,

spilling out into the streets,

destabilizing general society,


so it's no longer recoverable for a long time.

This way it had to come out in crumbs,

over time,

to produce a relative calming effect,

so people could remain reasonable and logical.

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8f19e7  No.12906043

Juan Williams is America's toilet.

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eeaf25  No.12906044

File: eafc530120629ab⋯.png (202.94 KB, 796x542, 398:271, NGlHfdC.png)


Here's a crazy idea: maybe don't affiliate sexual imagery with Jesus Christ and the cross he died on? Maybe?

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0d72b4  No.12906045


…There's a 'tap that' joke, somewhere.

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0db705  No.12906046


FYI…Tor isn't Anonymous

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e768ff  No.12906047

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00f2d1  No.12906048

File: 57d7eec2e894ec7⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 760x718, 380:359, who_wrong.JPG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB, 628x519, 628:519, mirror_look.PNG)


After the Capitol insurrection, “one of the first people arrested was a leader of antifa."

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eeaf25  No.12906049


>kyle was real

No kek no it was not. But you were right about Ashli

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982682  No.12906050


That's not the way aflb or the ccp roll, anon.

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0a29c0  No.12906051


>A lot of sentences to just say trust the plan and sit on your ass.

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e03235  No.12906052

File: 81828df399f366d⋯.jpg (39.25 KB, 650x422, 325:211, aspie_king.jpg)


how does one eat that?

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f068b4  No.12906053


While the Chinese and Democrats rigged the elections these faggots were probably pumping jizz up each other’s asses and giggling as America’s future was sold to the highest bidder

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fe0aa2  No.12906054

File: ad4a9c00aff4b98⋯.jpg (372.97 KB, 728x1091, 728:1091, trump_unforgiven.jpg)

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0284a3  No.12906055

File: 7c6815c4ffb7f25⋯.png (1.02 MB, 866x1024, 433:512, ClipboardImage.png)

This headline is fucking HILARIOUS! There was no sauce or link where I saw it in a past bread.

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64f52f  No.12906056

How the hell is “Remember this day fore,” incitement? And why do they think that Trump can be convicted for what he DIDN’T say?”

Then he literally says we will remember this day.

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d1f2cf  No.12906057

File: 1b5ef3d9015dc14⋯.png (386.88 KB, 598x766, 299:383, astormapproaches.png)


MILITARY is the only way.

I have faith in the Plan and believe.

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cdf3e7  No.12906058

Remember the day that Patriots traveled to DC to peacefully support their president.

This guy is implying that he knew what Trump was thinking and twisting his words to fit their narrative.

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000000  No.12906059


Do you really believe that the Military or some other miracle is going to take over the US and prove Election Fraud, Child Trafficking, Occult Majic, Pedophilia, and Cannibalism?

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a5d87d  No.12906060

File: 34614bd2836ddde⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 431x763, 431:763, 34614bd2836dddea74fe7b0eca….jpg)

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60ffb9  No.12906061

If Trump gave orders to attack none of the corrupt traitors would be living. Let that sink in.

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3a9573  No.12906062

File: f17b35932ebab3a⋯.png (971.93 KB, 1005x436, 1005:436, XIDEN.png)

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06f4a3  No.12906063

File: 10dd348d4b09afe⋯.png (155.22 KB, 378x261, 42:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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e505e7  No.12906064


sauce that comment nigga

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b851c8  No.12906065


The Planeswalker that can summon 'dat ass must be powerful indeed.

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79adc1  No.12906066


Babylon Bee

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e29670  No.12906067

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9842f9  No.12906068


for 2025 presidency.

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109e0d  No.12906069

File: 42e8da7d12b7597⋯.png (691.71 KB, 2200x837, 2200:837, sooprfrenz.png)


With frens of course.

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fcbfb8  No.12906070


The show was not for us, we've already seen this part of the movie. The show was for all the normies that haven't seen this part of the movie, the ones calling in to their different radio and tv shows asking why is this impeachment going on after today's eye opener.

They are the target audience, not us, unless we are still asleep.

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dfe735  No.12906071

File: fece6e2b0a63eb0⋯.jpeg (96.62 KB, 500x581, 500:581, CBEE011F_863D_4D2F_8D21_9….jpeg)

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00f2d1  No.12906072

File: 2620ed8edc36e32⋯.jpg (48.34 KB, 1325x219, 1325:219, gay_frogs.JPG)


The latest viral COVID-19 conspiracy theory boosted by QAnon falsely claims vaccines turn children gay or trans

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613a40  No.12906073

File: 4b89493f771a88e⋯.jpg (134.3 KB, 750x494, 375:247, Polish_20210212_163428708.jpg)

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a72e98  No.12906074

File: 8114e98171ce90e⋯.png (276.16 KB, 805x455, 23:13, AOC.png)

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728b8d  No.12906075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Trebek’s last ‘Jeopardy!’ champ, Brayden Smith, dies unexpectedly at 24

“Jeopardy!” is suffering another tragic loss after the death of beloved host Alex Trebek.

Brayden Smith, a champion competitor during Trebek’s final episodes he filmed before losing his battle with pancreatic cancer, died at age 24.

He died unexpectedly last Friday in his hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada.

“The ‘Jeopardy!’ family is heartbroken by the tragic loss of Brayden Smith,” the show said in a statement. “He was kind, funny and absolutely brilliant. Our deepest condolences go out to Brayden’s family. He will be missed.”

“We are heartbroken to share that our dear Brayden Smith recently passed away unexpectedly,” Smith’s mother Debbie wrote on Twitter. “We are so grateful that Brayden was able to live out his dream on @jeopardy.”

The cause of death is unknown, TMZ reported.

Smith won five games in a row and more than $115,000 during his week on the show, which was filmed in October.

According to his obituary, Smith “attained a lifelong dream” when he competed on “Jeopardy!” and was hailed on social media as “Alex’s Last Great Champion.” Trebek had nicknamed him “Billy Buzzsaw” during his run and said: “Most impressive, I don’t know what to say,” during his gameplay.

see also

Alex Trebek’s last ‘Jeopardy!’ episode: A poignant tribute

“He was looking forward to competing in the show’s Tournament of Champions,” for which he had been qualified, according to his obit from the Dignity Memorial funeral home.

“[Trebek] did, I believe, really like Brayden,” executive producer Mike Richards told EW. “I could tell that he very much enjoyed that young man, and that was fun to watch. I think that energized him.”

“The best part of it for me was spending time with [Trebek],” Smith said in an interview after his winning streak. “Doing the questions and answers is almost incidental, I think, to spending time with somebody who I had cherished in my life for such a long period of time… I think back on it all the time and really savor each moment that I got to have with him.”

“Every moment since I last was on the studio lot has been a moment that I’ve been wanting to get back on there,” he said.

Smith graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a degree in economics in 2020 and was hoping to attend law school to become an attorney for the federal government. Recently he had served as an intern for the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C., helping to research criminal justice reform cases.

Before college, Smith attended Liberty High School in Henderson, Nevada where he was a National Merit Scholar semifinalist. His love for “Jeopardy!” was fostered as a young adult when he captained his school’s Quiz Bowl team to back-to-back state runner-up finishes.

The “Jeopardy!” champ was not only booksmart, but was in love with culture, too. His family noted that he was an avid sports fan, loved all genres of music and was passionate about film, flipping between Oscar winners and slapstick comedies with ease.

Smith is survived by his parents Scott and Deborah (Rudy) Smith, and three brothers: Bryce, 26, of Reno, Nevada, Brock, 18, and Brody, 15, both of Las Vegas.

Donations in Smith’s memory may be made to the Brayden Smith Memorial Fund.

Trebek, who hosted the show since 1984, died Nov. 8 at age 80.


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0a29c0  No.12906076


>I have faith in the Plan and believe.

K, what would it take for you to stop "believing"

Biden in office was not enough, maybe door to door confiscation of weapons? By all means, keep hoping for the best but we are way past the time to prepare for the worst.

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8f19e7  No.12906077

File: 13f61de845f2531⋯.jpg (130.18 KB, 753x479, 753:479, 4xprk6_1.jpg)



Tyrell is that you?

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06f4a3  No.12906078

File: 1737993be11e5d3⋯.png (385.83 KB, 475x290, 95:58, ClipboardImage.png)

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eeaf25  No.12906079


That's true.


Whoa coming in hot huh? Maybe kek I'm here to find out

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00f2d1  No.12906080

File: 27c69f1a2f9caab⋯.jpg (71.23 KB, 662x638, 331:319, ex_tends.JPG)


Cuomo extends NYC restaurant and bar closing time

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dd89f4  No.12906081

no one is willing to give these prima donnas anymore political bucks - they running out of capital, and peach mints got no flavor

dead prosecutor men walking crying foul

screaming mercy

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c6d07b  No.12906082


They've been doing that for 5 years anon.

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037783  No.12906083

cassidy question. good grief.

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64f52f  No.12906084

Again these idiots now want to condemn a person for things he DID NOT say.

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5b582d  No.12906085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0f9562  No.12906086


ya meme is shit

as usual

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000000  No.12906087


Highest IQ post of the day on here, by far.

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982682  No.12906088



He told people to go home. They all did except for the crisis actors.

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90be8f  No.12906090

File: f628b88c5690fe0⋯.jpeg (138.47 KB, 1647x980, 1647:980, F346597F_20D2_417B_A733_C….jpeg)

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dd89f4  No.12906091


sucks ticks

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728b8d  No.12906092

File: 746dde9ea45825c⋯.png (242.24 KB, 527x470, 527:470, ClipboardImage.png)

PSAKI: One-Week Break For Biden Spokesman Who Threatened To ‘Destroy’ Female Reporter Is ‘Serious Punishment’

Psaki says "we've had "conversations" with TJ Ducklo about how unacceptable his behavior was, as a form of punishment for his threats against a female reporter

Biden administration press secretary Jen Psaki defended the administration’s refusal to fire a White House spokesman who threatened to “destroy” a female Politico reporter on Friday, claiming that the misogynist official’s brief one-week suspension without pay was a “significant step” and a “serious punishment.”

According to Vanity Fair, White House Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo had threatened Politico reporter Tara Palmieri for reporting on his sexual relationship with an Axios political reporter, telling her “I will destroy you” and threatening to ruin her reputation.

Ducklo accused Palmieri of being “jealous” of his sexual relationship with the Axios reporter, claiming without evidence that her reporting on the ethical concerns of Ducklo’s relationship stemmed from another man wanting “to f**k” the Axios reporter “and not you.”

Despite the misogynistic nature of Ducklo’s comments, the Biden administration chose not to fire him, suspending him without pay for the small span one week. Psaki defended this decision during a press conference on Friday.

“A deputy of yours has been suspended for a week without pay for comments he made to a female reporter, bullying her, after she reached out for request for comment about a story,” CNN’s Kaitlin Collins said. “Whose idea was the one-week suspension, instead of a potential resignation or firing, and how can you keep this person in a public facing, press relations role, dealing with female reporters when he made such sexist comments to this female reporter reaching out for a request for comment?”

Psaki responded by invoking her own gender status as a woman, defending Ducklo by saying he apologized “quite shortly after” the outburst, and downplayed his threats as a “heated conversation about a story related to his personal life.”

When pressed further, Psaki described the suspension as “significant step,” and said “we’ve had conversations with” Ducklo about how unacceptable his behavior was, stating that she felt the brief suspension and scolding were a “serious punishment.”

Though Ducklo’s threats to the reporter reportedly occurred shortly after Biden’s inauguration on January 20, the White House did not suspend him until the story became public almost three weeks later, on Friday February 12.


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dfe735  No.12906093

File: 6159e730f9c3779⋯.png (146.67 KB, 801x364, 801:364, 721EF080_9E0D_4D12_A038_94….png)

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fe0aa2  No.12906094

File: 2fafd6d456c06bb⋯.jpg (205.52 KB, 475x576, 475:576, obama_spermbike_captcha.jpg)


could be Obama's son

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0a29c0  No.12906095

We have one side (dems) that will 100% vote for conviction

We have one side (rinos) that will 100% vote for convictions

We have a few that will vote for conviction because it will benefit them (not facing Trump in 2024)

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edeff4  No.12906096


If they used facts, they wouldn't have a case. Hence, wish in one hand shit in the other, which one fills up first?

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173197  No.12906097

When they deny Republicans the ability to bring forth evidence of election fraud to challenge the validity of the election they are acting in a de facto capacity or in other words we live in a dictatorship.

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64f52f  No.12906098

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5fc216  No.12906099

File: 086f18330c4dbd9⋯.png (986.35 KB, 1211x1031, 1211:1031, 14000870543.png)

File: d59ab7ec5479840⋯.png (542.23 KB, 1035x620, 207:124, 1434728790078.png)

File: 086f18330c4dbd9⋯.png (986.35 KB, 1211x1031, 1211:1031, 14000870543.png)

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535ba0  No.12906100

I'm just starting the Q&A part.

I thought the defense did a decent job.

And I can't stand these DS assholes – the election victory was stolen.

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cdf3e7  No.12906101

House Managers presuming to know facts?

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c31cc1  No.12906102


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00f2d1  No.12906103

File: 7f29603b324bc52⋯.jpg (30.87 KB, 595x336, 85:48, sorbo.JPG)


Kevin Sorbo



Facebook has deleted my official account with over 500,000 followers

I have created a new page, spread the word!


10:23 AM · Feb 12, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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99f3b9  No.12906104

File: 7f1ef13ba46939b⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 275x255, 55:51, vote_for_good_people_0A5_M.jpg)

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4b9011  No.12906105

The movie is going good right now!

Dems are looking like they're batshit.

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a5d87d  No.12906106

File: 416e7d4d8191071⋯.gif (356.77 KB, 266x200, 133:100, 416e7d4d819107145d7c303843….gif)


dubz confirm it's true.

As a matter of fact, by the time it happened I was somewhat disappointed.

Now I know why he said so.

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728b8d  No.12906108

File: fcfc501480acaf5⋯.png (28.3 KB, 574x337, 574:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c23ef81f662233⋯.png (183.92 KB, 594x660, 9:10, ClipboardImage.png)

Another Lincoln Project Adviser Bails as Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Never Trump Group

Another adviser to the Lincoln Project bailed on the Never Trump organization as it becomes engulfed in allegations one of its founders exploited young men.

Tom Nichols, of USA Today and the Atlantic, indicated on social media that he was not necessarily leaving altogether:

“I’m glad @ProjectLincoln is hiring outside counsel for this,” he said of the scandal in which founder John Weaver reportedly attempted to curry sexual favors from young men while helping them with jobs or connections.

The Lincoln Project announced it agreed to a “third-party review” of the allegations, Breitbart News reported.

“I’ve always been transparent about all my affiliations, as I am now: I told TLP leadership yesterday that I’m stepping down as an unpaid adviser as they sort this out and decide their future direction and organization,” Nichols said.

Nichols’ departure came just days after cofounder Jennifer Horn left the group of anti-Trump “Republicans.”

On Thursday, the Lincoln Project posted on Twitter private messages between Horn and a reporter:

Images of messages exchanged by Horn and 19th News reporter Amanda Becker were posted on the social media site. The Lincoln Project blasted Becker for the discussion with Horn but did not reveal how the group obtained them.

Horn resigned on February 5 after allegations that cofounder John Weaver had groomed several young men — at least 21 — for sexual favors. One was reportedly 14 years old when Weaver began contacting him.

Journalist Yashar Ali also revealed the FBI is investigating Weaver’s actions and claimed “two sources who told me they were contacted by FBI agents.”

“Sources were asked if Weaver ever behaved inappropriately toward them when they were underage,” Ali reported.


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869fb4  No.12906109


Both David Rockefeller and George Bush Sr. said "China is the model." They meant this as the model for all societies in the future. Elon said it too but not with the same meaning. Netflix dystopia can fuck off.

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3e3d51  No.12906110


>Dems are looking like they're batshit.

Pretty easy to do when you're batshit.

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109e0d  No.12906111


ya momma shit

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eeaf25  No.12906112


The sauce I have is the video of the shooting (which I don't have right now). In it Kyle is running, he is being chased by 2 to 3 men. Before they get to him he falls to the ground and turns around, just in time for the 1st man to jump over him (with assistance from Kyle's overhead kick while on his back) while Kyle fires at the man (not hitting him) then he is assaulted by the next man (who later has a hole in his arm) who he fires on.

I could see no blood. And in the video I saw the man's "wound" looked fake with no blood gushing. Kyle himself has what I call the "spook smirk" which all feds or feds in training have.

I also call Kyle "21 Jump Street" because he is more than likely a fed pretending to be 17

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804670  No.12906113

File: 29153e3bb9c4684⋯.png (52.11 KB, 733x271, 733:271, 20210212_173413.png)

It's not the crime.

It's not the cover up.

It's the backfire.

Trump's Silent War.

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00f2d1  No.12906114

File: 41536c102ed68ff⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 869x662, 869:662, no_goal.JPG)


Psaki Concedes That the Biden Administration Has No Current Goal on When to Open High Schools (VIDEO)

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b851c8  No.12906115

File: f6451cd766a8de2⋯.png (6.95 MB, 594x209, 54:19, AQ1.png)

Holy cow! and Jiminy Cricket! Somebody gotta have an inklin to something!


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869fb4  No.12906116

File: 47f59ed2180f017⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, REPORTEDLY_MEANS_i_HAVE_nO….mp4)

File: a82a5839639ff34⋯.png (13.95 KB, 306x112, 153:56, Donyae.PNG)

So 'Donya Ya Donya' has lain claim to clips of Democrats saying 'reportedly' in the impeachment and Facebook is conveniently using this as an excuse to censor the attached clip originally tweeted by Trump War Room & retweeted by Dan Scavino.


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20b501  No.12906117

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64f52f  No.12906118

Raskin now explains they could not handle a criminal case so brought a civil case. Loser!

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99f3b9  No.12906119


we want to build the space elevator, a giant spiral rocket-track.

they want a toy train setup.

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0db705  No.12906120


How magnanimous of the …

Familicidal Maniac

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90be8f  No.12906121

File: f52a979f3bea323⋯.jpeg (18.39 KB, 261x193, 261:193, B0AA846C_AF6D_4338_95A6_B….jpeg)

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cdf3e7  No.12906122

New low?

Invoking Scalia?

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8f64a4  No.12906123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes but it's WW.

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8b44b5  No.12906124

Come on the stage, Mr. President!!!

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edeff4  No.12906125

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB, 355x313, 355:313, KEK.png)

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0f9562  No.12906127


I don't think they were "crisis actors". I do think they were insurrectionists and not on /our/ side.

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3e3d51  No.12906128


>Raskin now explains they could not handle a criminal case so brought a civil case. Loser!

Raskin explains how in criminal cases, they're fucked.

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a72e98  No.12906129


They're a complete shit show this lot.

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4d7b2b  No.12906130

File: 0790476c8c9e96d⋯.png (269.3 KB, 606x644, 303:322, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e929d626dcd842⋯.png (60.79 KB, 741x419, 741:419, ClipboardImage.png)

How to Double Mask

The CDC has released a report showing that two masks are better than one for curbing transmission of the coronavirus. Here's the proper way to double up.

The specific method tested by the CDC starts with a disposable medical mask underneath. Then add a cloth mask over the top. As with any mask you wear, the most important thing is making sure both masks have a proper fit. Both masks should be covering both your nose and mouth. Ideally, the inner medical mask will have a nose wire to make a proper seal against your nose, and the cloth mask will press the inner mask closer to your face and ensure a tighter fit.


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dfe735  No.12906131

File: d112030f05131bf⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1013x870, 1013:870, BD211E88_C066_460A_8288_C9….png)

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6ae1e1  No.12906132


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e29670  No.12906133


ID # 0a29c0

-16 posts and counting

every post is

trying to demoralize anons

your shade of glo is lame and ghey AF

anons have seen too much and we are not buying your shit

try moar glo fag

you would not be here trying so hard if you did not think we have already won


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ee0d48  No.12906134

How funny would it be if President Trump stormed on to the floor of congress right now

It would be silent enough you could hear a pen drop & then a Hammer LOL

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3ef394  No.12906135

File: f08bc372930ce1c⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 300x223, 300:223, 300px_Quint.jpg)

these fucks wanted trump to provide evidence for his innocence. where have i seen that before.

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00f2d1  No.12906136

File: 099da1cdfd23faa⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 1131x309, 377:103, chi_sim.JPG)


Rep. Mark Green: Cancel culture eerily similar to Communist China playbook to control its people

China seeks to shape its ideal citizen: don’t ask questions, disobey or think for yourself

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e505e7  No.12906137


Ok, thanks.

So it's purely your own opinion of a video you saw. no real sauce.

carry on . . .

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0f9562  No.12906138


you don't want to meet my momma.

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28c209  No.12906139


When the solid waste makes contact with the climate management system.

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e36ed6  No.12906140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8b44b5  No.12906141


Did the event help us get the Insurrection Act?

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9842f9  No.12906142

SpouseLawFagAnon can't even watch because it's such a shitshow. Amusing as hell to me.

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56110c  No.12906143

File: de4cb74f5b73fd7⋯.png (473.97 KB, 570x429, 190:143, ClipboardImage.png)


This is cultural appropriation.

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8d4448  No.12906144

File: a461fffb26c9579⋯.png (464.56 KB, 598x586, 299:293, Screenshot_2021_02_12_New_….png)

Alex Trebek's last 'Jeopardy!' champ, Brayden Smith, dead at 24


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e768ff  No.12906145


No penalty anon. They can do what they want.

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8f19e7  No.12906146

File: 0c5d9963100900e⋯.jpg (116.94 KB, 701x499, 701:499, 4xrgv3.jpg)


Trump Can Still Activate The MAGA Patriots Ex Military Anytime He Wants.

_All MAGA Posts had this Excerpt____↓

At least14 MILLION Americanscan walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this included women.

The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.




Antifa Terrorists.

BLM Terrorists.

Harassing Police Officers.

Non-Peaceful Protesting.

Promotion Of Civil Unrest.

Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.

ATTN:MAGA Patriots are law abiding tax paying citizens and we respect our police officers and will follow military rules of engagement during mission CODE RED.

Disclaimer:8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information, OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.

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e29670  No.12906147


out of the the short bus posters, sure

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b91424  No.12906148

File: 77d3cb692fcfd04⋯.jpg (238.6 KB, 1248x702, 16:9, masks_are_bullshit.jpg)

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5f3722  No.12906149

File: cb9e9683f36f236⋯.png (786.39 KB, 796x675, 796:675, ClipboardImage.png)

It’s happening


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2c0af6  No.12906150


FB deleted muh page, so I made a new FB page.

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0a29c0  No.12906151


>you would not be here trying so hard if you did not think we have already won

I've been here since the before Q ever made his first post kike. Explain exactly and succintly how we have "won"

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91bc41  No.12906152


Donny turned and locked the door…

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3e3d51  No.12906153


>Did the event help us get the Insurrection Act?


The Democrats are making their entire case predicated on the fact that Jan. 6th was an INSURRECTION.

Would it not, then, be 100% appropriate that Trump signed the insurrection act?

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869fb4  No.12906154

File: 924fcd83e7e484b⋯.png (393.7 KB, 576x384, 3:2, cuomo_covid.png)

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0db705  No.12906155


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037783  No.12906156


i couldn't watch the dems 2 days. they have nothing but hyperbole and innuendo.

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64f52f  No.12906157

All these Dims sure are concerned for poor Pence.

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104025  No.12906158


Maybe this is why the Dems suddenly want him out. He's undoing their method of controlling New York..

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e76dc1  No.12906160


So the motherfuckers in charge have control of the globe?!!!

Rise up? Start drinking?

Rise up? Start drinking?

It's Friday so…

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982682  No.12906161


"crisis actors" don't need to be feckless cunts from the local uni.

Theyy can also be professional contractors or actual cia assets. They only farm out the stuff they think is beneaththem, because that's how lefties think.

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e47fdb  No.12906162


Like, from the planet?

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a3766a  No.12906163

File: 6691c2e7d81bcca⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 493x276, 493:276, gavinold.jpg)

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4b9011  No.12906164

File: 24764e437577b96⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tj5CC3XVxgj_IBbI.mp4)



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000000  No.12906165


Zero, or EU 3?

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64f52f  No.12906166


They incited me.

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339baf  No.12906167

White House press secretary Jen Psaki waffled Friday when grilled on TJ Ducklo’s one-week suspension for threatening a journalist — even though President Biden has vowed to fire his aides “on the spot” for harassment.

Psaki said the remarks from Ducklo — who threatened to “destroy” Politico reporter Tara Palmeri for reporting about his personal relationship — were “completely unacceptable” but refused to address why he wasn’t outright fired.

“We felt it was a serious punishment,” Psaki told reporters at a White House press briefing.

Biden’s zero-tolerance promise came as he swore in his appointees on Inauguration Day.

“I am not joking when I say this, if you are ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect … talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot,” he said at the time. “On the spot. No ifs, ands or buts. Everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity. That’s been missing in a big way the last four years.”

Ducklo was suspended without pay for a week over his tirade to Palmeri, to whom he’s also apologized. When he returns, he will no longer be assigned to work with Politico reporters.


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000000  No.12906168


He's too busy golfing.

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0d216f  No.12906169



Mic Drop

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7d40a8  No.12906170

File: 235e998fa5c17b0⋯.png (59.74 KB, 362x294, 181:147, 235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)


i heard her say that today on fauxnews…..

Made me look up from my work for a minute…

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64f52f  No.12906171

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0d72b4  No.12906172

File: 21358028cd66084⋯.png (1.24 MB, 840x630, 4:3, specialplace.png)

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e768ff  No.12906173


What is a Raskin? Is it a rash? Perhaps an anal rash or sumpt'n?

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0db705  No.12906174


Like…from existence

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2340f3  No.12906176


Fuck off, trying to slide the board while the trial is going on will get you no where with anons, but it will get you filtered by anons.


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535ba0  No.12906177


Me neither.

I just can't stand any more of their lies and bullshit.

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8f19e7  No.12906178



Did he overdose on drugs…?

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00f2d1  No.12906179

File: 66613be144f583b⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 1169x910, 167:130, cali_pow.JPG)



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7b0276  No.12906180

Imagine life extension technology that only the super rich can afford. You and all the way up to your great great great great grandkids will be ruled over by the same creepy scummy big tech overlords.

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339baf  No.12906181

File: 8f815bd7c653eff⋯.png (944.48 KB, 800x517, 800:517, ClipboardImage.png)


Biden Aide Threatens Female Reporter — ‘I Will Destroy You’



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8b44b5  No.12906182


>The Democrats are making their entire case predicated on the fact that Jan. 6th was an INSURRECTION.

You are catching on, anon! They have been trying to tell us the whole time since then. Democrats have been screaming Insurrection since that day!

>Would it not, then, be 100% appropriate that Trump signed the insurrection act?

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c31cc1  No.12906183


I already met yo mamma.

I been paying child support for you ever since!!

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2522bd  No.12906184


> Title correction.

Here's a sure way to double sure your decrease in oxygen levels and raise your carbon dioxides.

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2f684d  No.12906185

None of the democrats could care less that many of the Capitol Police simply stood by, ushered people in, and allowed them to enter the House Chamber.

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2c0af6  No.12906186

File: bec54d2a293bbe6⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 488x599, 488:599, ZomboMeme_10022021132742.jpg)

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64f52f  No.12906187


First arrest?

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311493  No.12906188

File: 361d0cffd684f02⋯.png (266.83 KB, 462x459, 154:153, 361d0cffd684f0239e3bda2257….png)

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dd89f4  No.12906189


no goals?? say…

that is so hunter

llets calll itt critical hunter theory

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cdf3e7  No.12906190

You know what else is a dereliction of duty of the Commander-In-Chief?

Allowing fraudulent elections.

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105d39  No.12906191


>Imagine life extension technology that only the super rich can afford. You and all the way up to your great great great great grandkids will be ruled over by the same creepy scummy big tech overlords.

Sounds like the American dream!

We get to live in a big tech creepy psycho billionaires utopia dream world

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08f9c3  No.12906192

Q team, I have been in the heart of Saudi Aramco's computer facility, like something out of a James Bond film. Four Crays analyzing seismic data 247. I get that this Kraken thing has to sort this out. I for one am patient, awaiting drip by drip that the Dark has to come out.

Go in peace and tell the Commander of this Op, anons have his back!

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8b44b5  No.12906193


So what does that tell you about the Dems this whole time?

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5f3722  No.12906195

File: 324103e362dece3⋯.png (771.17 KB, 785x480, 157:96, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e86b79b8e22628⋯.png (2.56 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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9842f9  No.12906196


Agreed, Anon. I couldn't watch the last 2 days either. I'm a huge fan of Van der Veen today though with his responses calling out the Dems absolute idiocy, irrelevant questions, drama and lies.

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0db705  No.12906197


Just get him into my realm…I'll do the rest.

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109e0d  No.12906198


what a waste of money

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0f9562  No.12906199

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eeaf25  No.12906200


KEK don't worry I'll make up a nice play by play for next time. I'll be sure to ruin all your fantasies, fag boy

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6b3bc0  No.12906201

File: 2d6945c3c9264f2⋯.png (908.35 KB, 916x678, 458:339, newsom_ca_corruption.png)

File: a9ef9372d824194⋯.png (781.49 KB, 946x596, 473:298, newsom_burn_it_all.png)

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b91424  No.12906203

File: d13df5c8db2e8a3⋯.jpg (416.86 KB, 2276x700, 569:175, not_filtered.jpg)

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000000  No.12906204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gonna sum up the Dems impeachment attempt.

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982682  No.12906205


the other part people miss is: The blood doesn't need to be fake.

The feckless cunts sign a release in exchange for that money. So if they get shot or otherwise hurt, that is their problem.

And the handlers do not care.

Remember that you feckless cunts, the handlers are only your fren until the job is done. After that they won't know you.

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5acbc6  No.12906206


>What is a Raskin?

Sorta like a faggot, but gayer

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308029  No.12906207

File: 430f7c7f3aef66c⋯.jpg (150.91 KB, 358x600, 179:300, sots.jpg)

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20b501  No.12906208


A cheesy ambulance chaser.

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e76dc1  No.12906209

File: ab1499c90f622ec⋯.png (352.42 KB, 473x732, 473:732, aliens_meet_biden.png)

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dd89f4  No.12906210


its not like its murder or anyting, raskin busy prosecuting real crimes , Yo

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fce94b  No.12906211


This part of the movie wasn't for anons; it was for normies. This is why all of MSM was forced to broadcast today's event. Gentle red pill.

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99f3b9  No.12906212

vitiated congress people say

'due process is discretionary'

the answer from President Trump's lawyer.

"due process is never discretionary"

"in the last two hours we have just had prosecutorial misconduct"

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b851c8  No.12906213

File: 46ae96fce4a0740⋯.png (6.95 MB, 601x235, 601:235, AQ1.png)

Raskin just seemed to confirm that they are offering an entirely new standard of "presidential incitement" – rejecting the application of legal authority and definitions of incitement.


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a5a418  No.12906214

File: 5de142e992bf975⋯.png (167.11 KB, 513x282, 171:94, 5de142e992bf975180d587e6cc….png)


>Alex Trebek's last 'Jeopardy!' champ, Brayden Smith, dead at 24


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8f64a4  No.12906215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e29670  No.12906216


ID # 0a29c0

you trust THEIR plan


we trust another plan they real one that WINS

and yours is the faggot scaredy trust

no ones here that is anons is afraid

the Q stuff is a winning plan

your shit that you are trusting in and are trying to "warn" of us of


they lose and you are still afriad of their shit and now posting it over and over like a scared baby

every post you make is a glo stick of retard lame fag

irl no one would even talk to you you would be alone at your dork table

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0f9562  No.12906217


Child support usually is.

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c31cc1  No.12906218


Yeah it’s about that time.

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0db705  No.12906219


Soros and his ilk, should not be allowed to come back here, unlees they have to start again as insects.

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000000  No.12906220


Now THAT is a Boom.

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c1ddcf  No.12906221

File: 46007856c3a2490⋯.jpg (278.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_0423.JPG)


Jeep is not owned by sum frickin' CCP company.

Don't fall for that anon''s uniformed bullshit.

Do a little basic research FFS.


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6b3bc0  No.12906222

File: 393426e986e034b⋯.jpg (160.8 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, hey_grrl.jpg)

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104025  No.12906223


Thee Dems are on the backfoot after today. If they vote to impeach they prove to the world that they act against the Constitution.

What happens after that is anyone's guess..

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00f2d1  No.12906224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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91bc41  No.12906225


It's happening in case you haven't noticed. It's happening in a way designed to minimize the violence and chaos.

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67299a  No.12906226


>>12905546 Dough

#16473@600 Notables

>>12905655 Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19

>>12905739 Biden Cabal continues to try to sell the vaccine

>>12905752 "Where I come from, when you get caught doctoring the evidence, your case is over. They got caught doctoring the evidence, and this case should be over." - Michael van der Veen.

>>12905779 DOD Inspector General Audit of Cybersecurity Requirements for Weapon Systems

>>12905901 British human rights lawyer elected new ICC chief prosecutor

>>12905949 Two Men Charged in Multi-million Dollar Darknet Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>12905964 ‘Ndrangheta bid riggin linked “Asphalt Billionaire” Loses €212 million

>>12905984 U.S. Citizen Charged with Murder of Department of Defense Employee in Bahrain

>>12905993 White House ground crew decorates White House lawn with giant hearts for Valentine's Day

>>12906026 Freaky FBI Business cards from a movie about cannibals?

>>12906029 Hollywood propping up race wars

>>12906048 After the Capitol insurrection, “one of the first people arrested was a leader of antifa."

>>12906075 Alex Trebek’s last ‘Jeopardy!’ champ, Brayden Smith, dies unexpectedly at 24

>>12906080 Cuomo extends NYC restaurant and bar closing time

>>12906092 PSAKI: One-Week Break For Biden Spokesman Who Threatened To ‘Destroy’ Female Reporter Is ‘Serious Punishment’

>>12906103 Kevin Sorbo Facebook has deleted my official account with over 500,000 followers

>>12906108 Another Lincoln Project Adviser Bails as Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Never Trump Group

>>12906114 Psaki Concedes That the Biden Administration Has No Current Goal on When to Open High Schools

>>12906130 The CDC has released a report showing that two masks are better than one for curbing transmission of the china virus

>>12906181, >>12906167 Biden Aide Threatens Female Reporter — ‘I Will Destroy You’

>>12906213 Raskin just seemed to confirm that they are offering an entirely new standard of "presidential incitement" – rejecting the application of legal authority and definitions of incitement.


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20b501  No.12906227


Ch, ch, ch, ch, ch, chia!

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0d216f  No.12906228

File: 5fa3960667c3a33⋯.png (696.94 KB, 1045x637, 1045:637, They_can_t_do_shit.png)

File: dc581abe9eb79dd⋯.png (218.89 KB, 1075x655, 215:131, This_can.png)

Tell it to the flag

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0a29c0  No.12906229

File: f3fd9ba5a694071⋯.png (14.38 KB, 631x380, 631:380, ClipboardImage.png)

reddit posting this hard

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2c0af6  No.12906230

The question is, will they all vote lockstep or was the defense case so effective that some will vote to acquit?

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64f52f  No.12906231

Everyone need to watch Van Deen , wow!

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fe0aa2  No.12906232

File: 683778d1753c933⋯.jpg (234.28 KB, 599x800, 599:800, pinocchio_joe.jpg)


CCP, Soros, whomever…someone is pulling the strings. it's NOT Bidan

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2a28d9  No.12906233

File: a895eaa29d4c11d⋯.jpeg (211.23 KB, 709x930, 709:930, 612EEFDD_55A1_450E_8543_F….jpeg)

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e505e7  No.12906234


Alphabet! Double mic drop ~~~ KYS


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9c02e2  No.12906235




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64f52f  No.12906237


Even Virgin Islands knows they should aqcuit!

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0a29c0  No.12906238

File: 2a74a1a3fd480cf⋯.png (14.37 KB, 631x380, 631:380, ClipboardImage.png)

Engrish second ranguage posting this hard

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3e3d51  No.12906239


any senator voting to convict will end up being 100% unelectable.

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99f3b9  No.12906240

senator Levvheay?

Mummbble mumble mumble

ignore the elephant in the room

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8f2c2f  No.12906242


Continental weather lockdown to boot

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20b501  No.12906243


You can almost see the foam at the corner of his lips.

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b6d973  No.12906244

File: 026c081d466f3ab⋯.jpeg (282.49 KB, 640x603, 640:603, 075ABF01_8B7A_47D4_81D9_A….jpeg)

File: a30e67953a5de21⋯.jpeg (100.4 KB, 640x366, 320:183, 10C15E81_FB66_4B98_93FC_0….jpeg)

File: 7a3f63728a395e7⋯.jpeg (289.51 KB, 640x791, 640:791, 99ED69B0_716A_48E2_AF06_B….jpeg)

File: d1e7d77fc355aef⋯.jpeg (273.37 KB, 640x625, 128:125, 9CC68649_38B7_45CE_9C76_A….jpeg)

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8f64a4  No.12906245

File: d9e6bb84ed6c28a⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1245x1326, 415:442, antifa_rioter_posing_as_tr….png)

File: 4636581583d6cbe⋯.png (382.13 KB, 601x420, 601:420, antifa_blm_sullivan_leadin….png)

File: 20d6424b5a98c97⋯.mp4 (6.31 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, antifa_capitol_trump_suppo….mp4)

File: ca6fd1bc946b43c⋯.png (426.35 KB, 590x539, 590:539, ca6fd1bc946b43c05177b4f81b….png)

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04f60d  No.12906246


He's doing a great job!👍

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79fb61  No.12906247


Too bad most normies aren’t watching

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21b839  No.12906248

File: 7851708d967121b⋯.png (56.84 KB, 560x600, 14:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1783aeea09ade36⋯.png (66.1 KB, 817x382, 817:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cee902e0aa6a751⋯.png (73.38 KB, 846x397, 846:397, ClipboardImage.png)



6 o'clock can be dangerous.


35 9+9=18 (6 o'clock)


454 days ago.

Posted 13:13:56

1 1 11

on a date that reads "two 1's, 2"?

[23] on QClock today, overall time is 19:23

Q1923 contains "3min 55 sec"? (JFK 2)

Both deltas posted have dual 46's and dual 45's?

Today's date also makes a "KA47"

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64f52f  No.12906249


Meme them to infamy!

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5579da  No.12906250

Have any of you wondered why Trump has completely dropped off the face of the earth? Sure, he was banned from all the major platforms but nothing is stopping him from addressing his supporters on, say, Gab or Parler. But he hasn't. I used to believe in all this shit but it seems delusional at this point. I'm asking genuinely - how do you reconcile the fact that he hasn't even attempted to do anything to communicate with his supporters when he still has channels he could use if he actually cared at all?

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a4ee58  No.12906251

File: 8fcee3e567e9464⋯.gif (206.79 KB, 959x540, 959:540, stillalive.GIF)

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2c0af6  No.12906252


I think we deserve a few keks by now.

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00f2d1  No.12906253

File: ccdccb1872b87e1⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 674x753, 674:753, another_link.JPG)


Another Lincoln Project Adviser Bails as Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Never Trump Group

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5f3722  No.12906255

File: 3a79597cf9538b1⋯.png (57.66 KB, 742x488, 371:244, ClipboardImage.png)

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84dab5  No.12906256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ef394  No.12906257


they will not be able to walk the street.

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a59fbe  No.12906258


normelfags watch the schizo friendly gaslight edition on chinas television broadcasted in america, yes, i mean cnn you fuckhead.

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20b501  No.12906259


kekity kek!

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a4ee58  No.12906261

File: 56a1a29d4f9b67c⋯.jpg (149.7 KB, 474x576, 79:96, merg.jpg)

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037783  No.12906262

File: b8f70b594521f2f⋯.png (89.7 KB, 466x509, 466:509, EuAVGtiVgAAc_j8.png)

File: 36cf504f5981c10⋯.png (104.15 KB, 327x774, 109:258, EuAe53_VgAAt3M1.png)


you need to research. 54% of Stellantis is owned by Dongfeng. Dongfeng is a CCP owned entity.

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0d216f  No.12906263

File: 8c8a3e93f7cbca9⋯.png (865.78 KB, 1078x911, 1078:911, Screenshot_20210124_130535….png)

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fe0aa2  No.12906264


he is the elephant in the room

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2c0af6  No.12906265


Hopefully that Samsquanch dude on the left

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104025  No.12906266


They really don't look natural.. Like mannequins..

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00f2d1  No.12906267

File: 0905754ee318738⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 752x696, 94:87, intro_bill.JPG)


Marjorie Taylor Greene Co-Sponsors Bill to Prevent Illegal Aliens From Voting in Federal Elections

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8b44b5  No.12906268


They need to show sauce of us "supposively" organizing the siege. They can't do it.

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bc89ba  No.12906269


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20b501  No.12906270


Transgressors of the law are a law unto themselves.

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982682  No.12906271


These are the people that hate Trump: Pedophiles and fucking Creeps.

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fe0aa2  No.12906272

File: 5c684d0b29b2187⋯.jpg (732.92 KB, 1001x1362, 1001:1362, pepe_anime_rick_wilson.jpg)

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64f52f  No.12906273


I already talked to a normie who gets news from Twitter and thins the Dims won this.

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2f684d  No.12906275

Now Raskin compares Trump to one who ordered people to commit arson.

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3e3d51  No.12906276

This whole thing is forcing the normies to have to argue total complex conspiracy theories about Trump in order to defend their positions.

This will end up breaking down their ability to argue against complex conspiracies.

Minds open. Game over.

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a59fbe  No.12906277



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6122c9  No.12906278


Anybody have the uncensored?

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44effd  No.12906279

Lets not talk about do process!!

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a4ee58  No.12906280

File: fa09e04b5496693⋯.png (12.82 KB, 224x145, 224:145, 8kun_logo_color.png)

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037783  No.12906281

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e76dc1  No.12906282

File: 8bbbcb6eb798d48⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB, 400x224, 25:14, simpsonsvirus.mp4)

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4b9011  No.12906283

Raskin is the poster child of every treasonous kangaroo lawyer involved in the justice system, building the criminal industrial complex to kidnap and enslave Americans.

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21b839  No.12906284

File: ca60f5f4302f804⋯.png (365.1 KB, 506x475, 506:475, ClipboardImage.png)


KEK. Aiin't that the truth.

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3ef394  No.12906285

use your common sense, ya know thomas paine. WTF. This guy its a fucking homo with pubes for hair.

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67299a  No.12906286


>>12905546 Dough

#16473 FINAL Notables

>>12905655 Researchers propose that humidity from masks may lessen severity of COVID-19

>>12905739 Biden Cabal continues to try to sell the vaccine

>>12905752 "Where I come from, when you get caught doctoring the evidence, your case is over. They got caught doctoring the evidence, and this case should be over." - Michael van der Veen.

>>12905779 DOD Inspector General Audit of Cybersecurity Requirements for Weapon Systems

>>12905901 British human rights lawyer elected new ICC chief prosecutor

>>12905949 Two Men Charged in Multi-million Dollar Darknet Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>12905964 ‘Ndrangheta bid riggin linked “Asphalt Billionaire” Loses €212 million

>>12905984 U.S. Citizen Charged with Murder of Department of Defense Employee in Bahrain

>>12905993 White House ground crew decorates White House lawn with giant hearts for Valentine's Day

>>12906026 Freaky FBI Business cards from a movie about cannibals?

>>12906029 Hollywood propping up race wars

>>12906048 After the Capitol insurrection, “one of the first people arrested was a leader of antifa."

>>12906075 Alex Trebek’s last ‘Jeopardy!’ champ, Brayden Smith, dies unexpectedly at 24

>>12906080 Cuomo extends NYC restaurant and bar closing time

>>12906255 14 Dems want repeal of Cuomo Emergency China Virus powers in wake of Nursing Home Deaths cover up

>>12906092 PSAKI: One-Week Break For Biden Spokesman Who Threatened To ‘Destroy’ Female Reporter Is ‘Serious Punishment’

>>12906103 Kevin Sorbo Facebook has deleted my official account with over 500,000 followers

>>12906108 , >>12906253 Another Lincoln Project Adviser Bails as Sex Abuse Allegations Rock Never Trump Group

>>12906114 Psaki Concedes That the Biden Administration Has No Current Goal on When to Open High Schools

>>12906130 The CDC has released a report showing that two masks are better than one for curbing transmission of the china virus

>>12906181, >>12906167 Biden Aide Threatens Female Reporter — ‘I Will Destroy You’

>>12906213 Raskin just seemed to confirm that they are offering an entirely new standard of "presidential incitement" – rejecting the application of legal authority and definitions of incitement.

>>12906267 Marjorie Taylor Greene Co-Sponsors Bill to Prevent Illegal Aliens From Voting in Federal Elections (WTF - They can now? I don't think so)


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9842f9  No.12906287

Raskin giving up on the idea of conviction!

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a5a418  No.12906288

File: c6b07015ed6be7e⋯.png (206.26 KB, 257x921, 257:921, c6b07015ed6be7ec81a82c852f….png)

Wear two masks!

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104025  No.12906289


Making it up as it suits their agenda.. Much like the 'virus'..

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982682  No.12906291


>Rick Wilson

Didn't this faggot get a movie push like traitor Snowden?

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0a29c0  No.12906292


When they convict what will be your cognative dissonance to justify how it was part of the plan?

We have one side (dems) that will 100% vote for conviction

We have one side (rinos) that will 100% vote for convictions

We have a few that will vote for conviction because it will benefit them (not facing Trump in 2024)

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91bc41  No.12906293


More likely they will all just freeze in place BSOD'd - either way it's a better world.

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a997d6  No.12906294


exculpate - to clear of guilt or blame

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0f9562  No.12906295


Do you even understand what the CIA actually is?>>12906161

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b91424  No.12906297

File: ac256e7f0894aa0⋯.jpg (226.23 KB, 1042x533, 1042:533, how_long_before_he_swings.jpg)

5 million people did not."over run the capital"… a couple hundred antifa members did…. there would be nothing left if 5 mill went nuts…lol.

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0d216f  No.12906299


The game was won before it was even played. Comfy.

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64f52f  No.12906300


I know. I know. I pointed out Twitter ensors the other side, and this person said, “Only Russian bots.” Even though this person knows I was kicked off.

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3e3d51  No.12906301


Their whole argument is based on the premise that Trump is so shrewed and tricky that he planned this attack for months and got everyone riled up with The Big Lie.

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6a73ed  No.12906302


deserves spoiler

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dd89f4  No.12906303

you know how the capitol riot was planned?

cause they didn't spray paint those pretty blue boards with antifa and blm and acab and wut nuts

sumbody meme't it

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cdf3e7  No.12906304

Thinking about what Raskin just said, it's the CIC's job to protect our country against all acts of insurrection, treason, sedition, etc.

How does that reconcile with the crimes committed by many in that very room?

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90be8f  No.12906306

File: 0e8a58bdc92e2b9⋯.jpeg (301.23 KB, 1936x982, 968:491, 8C735B8E_5447_4FF7_99FA_4….jpeg)

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982682  No.12906307


ok. I was wondering whether they meant driving out demons, or spitting on the street. Apparently it was neither. thanks.

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64f52f  No.12906308

“Contradicted their own charge…” KEK.

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9842f9  No.12906309

File: dcce94183a77e57⋯.jpg (11.92 KB, 221x255, 13:15, grammar_kitty.jpg)

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dd89f4  No.12906312


sucks freshmen

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8b44b5  No.12906313


4% to 6%

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34ee42  No.12906315


Libs aren't going to change their minds nor are they going to change their play. Their objective is to take any power away from a Repug when they do the same thing

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6ae1e1  No.12906317


We were warned about … the Big Lie.

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5f3722  No.12906319

File: 7617f358558f0a1⋯.png (277.65 KB, 780x669, 260:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f148505b733df6f⋯.png (165.63 KB, 788x471, 788:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe0aa2  No.12906321

File: e41d5bf11d69a27⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 600x315, 40:21, tom_hanks_and_wilson.jpg)


they decided to re-cast the role

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91bc41  No.12906323

Conviction before Durham.

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79fb61  No.12906326


No need to name call, we’re on the same team anon

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99265e  No.12906327

File: 588566924d95299⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 600x315, 40:21, samsquanch.jpg)

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982682  No.12906328


clown in action farm the stuff they think is bullshit work out to the patsies. They keep the "important to them" shit close tot he vest.

They are lazy as fuck like that.

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e03235  No.12906330

Raskin getting shrieky and shrill. Panic.

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dfe735  No.12906331

File: 446ed080b9d55b1⋯.png (595 KB, 504x484, 126:121, 2652B79C_4D49_46E5_9C6D_B4….png)

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44effd  No.12906332

Why the Dems allowing any defence?

Trump is guilty of being Trump!!!

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3e3d51  No.12906333


>When they convict what will be your cognative dissonance to justify how it was part of the plan?

I won't have cognitive dissonance. I'm not making assumptions. I made an assertion which is valid regardless of whether or not Trump is convicted.

Regardless of what happens, Trump has the support of the majority, contrary to the MSM's reporting. The way things are going, that majority is growing daily.

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c8c091  No.12906334

File: 9747bdf2ab4f761⋯.png (72.44 KB, 916x741, 916:741, bmyqew.PNG)

Black History month is there to remind blacks that they are not to be happy and loving free independent people.

They are to live in fear reminded every year that they are victims and need their slave masters to take care of them.

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00f2d1  No.12906335

File: cb391b8d022e1b7⋯.jpg (116.6 KB, 1063x480, 1063:480, re_pete.JPG)


Close, Reopen, Repeat. Restaurants Don’t Know What Covid-19 Will Dish Out Next.

Multiple stops and starts are making daily life even more challenging for small businesses as they grapple with shifting government directives and employee illnesses. ‘You are almost on standby all the time.’

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9af622  No.12906337

>>12906149. 👀



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3e3d51  No.12906339




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dadc82  No.12906340

File: 724b29f6112f027⋯.png (481.84 KB, 4866x1670, 2433:835, ClipboardImage.png)

So I made this:


to navigate better the hundreds of cases of deaths by vaccination and COVID "vaccination."

I know it's rough, I'll work on it some more, it's just the first version.

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cdf3e7  No.12906341

You cannot infer or presume the words of the speech.

Which is exactly what they are doing.

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5579da  No.12906342


Okay, man. Get back to me in "two more weeks"

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8f64a4  No.12906345


Are you sure it's 5 million and not 6 million?


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0f9562  No.12906346

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64f52f  No.12906347


Their argument is that unless Trump bends the knee and supports THEIR lie that he lost, he is a danger to them. In this, they are right. It’s just not Constitutional for them to force speech from him.

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5fc216  No.12906348

File: f87762412f4affd⋯.png (1.02 MB, 852x851, 852:851, 654145098747.png)

File: d2a851051f92713⋯.png (1.09 MB, 744x1206, 124:201, 1796007863.png)

File: f87762412f4affd⋯.png (1.02 MB, 852x851, 852:851, 654145098747.png)

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000000  No.12906350

Well, it's 6 o'clock on the east coast… is it dangerous yet?

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c4156b  No.12906352


comfy at west point

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0a29c0  No.12906353


>Regardless of what happens, Trump has the support of the majority, contrary to the MSM's reporting.

When they convict they will have just set legal precedant to call a former President a leader of an insurrection. Which means that his supporters/voters are insurrectionists. Marxist choose their words very very carefully. There is an exact reason why they keep calling it an insurrection.

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0d216f  No.12906354

File: b8dcc785eb204ba⋯.png (259.81 KB, 1079x1009, 1079:1009, Screenshot_20210212_170115….png)

File: 0befde934d63501⋯.jpg (554.52 KB, 961x2109, 961:2109, Screenshot_20210212_170239….jpg)

I've been trying to tell you guys all along.



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20f2c0  No.12906355

File: 183f20ebfbc24c5⋯.jpg (605.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 20210130_085128.jpg)

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3e3d51  No.12906356


Do you do realize that "six-o-clock" also means "behind you"?

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a5a418  No.12906358

File: c7c6da92c2b7a63⋯.png (197.44 KB, 900x722, 450:361, c7c6da92c2b7a630e72b6d5e6f….png)

White hats should ask Dem managers to explain why their videos were selectively edited to promote a narrative.

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a59fbe  No.12906360


If you are unable to see the sarcasm and feel gaslighted by this post, than congratulation, you just showed two sympthoms of schizophrenica.

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dadc82  No.12906361

File: 2550945289136fc⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1080x1066, 540:533, do_a_terror.jpg)

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3e3d51  No.12906362


No kidding - I actually saw a guy at the grocery store with a mask he'd made out of a Crown Royal bag. Looked much better than the photo you posted. I complimented him on it and he laughed.

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64f52f  No.12906364

Raskin, “That’s the complete opposite of Trump, because Bond was a Communist!”

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3ef394  No.12906365


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20f2c0  No.12906367

File: bc9d342509ce5ae⋯.jpeg (225.45 KB, 2000x1655, 400:331, bc9d342509ce5aef27432b437….jpeg)

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982682  No.12906368

File: 18eb4494d20860d⋯.png (431.51 KB, 750x414, 125:69, suckassclownop2.png)

File: 4469f04eb38c5d8⋯.png (119.42 KB, 630x324, 35:18, piss_poor_clowns.png)


the last few false flags were not done by patsies, because the patsies kept fucking it up over the last 3 years.

the suck ass clown op v2 was done by contractors, imo. They still fucked it up, but that's because anons are good at what they do.

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00f2d1  No.12906369

File: 606b5f5ef215034⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 857x813, 857:813, people_dd.JPG)


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Doubles Down on False Anti-Vaccine Claims After He Is Banned from Instagram

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6d9e3e  No.12906371

for the moron who keeps asking about ashil babbit, qresearh is your friend, link below,



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eee84c  No.12906376

File: 7d0951718b230c1⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 1074x1592, 537:796, USA.jpg)

The hot blood which stood us at Concord still flows in our veins!

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037783  No.12906377

they keep quoting Liz Cheney. wonder why???

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5f3722  No.12906378

File: a79838e69f35c4b⋯.png (1.32 MB, 616x1095, 616:1095, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd8e0d  No.12906379

File: b43dafc8b74a772⋯.png (592.05 KB, 517x614, 517:614, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c0af6  No.12906380

Remember, you can't spell " A Shill" without Ashlli.

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b91424  No.12906381

File: 5316a282febf94e⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 680x382, 340:191, Greta_full_of_Schiff.jpg)

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20b501  No.12906382


That's right.

Keep them fat,


and drunk.

Maybe they won't notice his thuggery.

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3a9573  No.12906384


She's the new John McCain.

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60cb25  No.12906385


well… when is the revolucion?

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0535f5  No.12906386

File: 0229d3106bf771d⋯.png (88.2 KB, 407x613, 407:613, ClipboardImage.png)

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640116  No.12906387


You're right.

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109e0d  No.12906388

File: 7c194f407a0f13a⋯.jpg (131.91 KB, 961x1536, 961:1536, signal_2021_02_12_162027.jpg)

Oooo, sounds like a threat, WaPo.

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edeff4  No.12906389

"This attack was not just about one speech."


SPONTANIOUS was their charge. Goal posts moved. Do they really think the double talk is working.

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037783  No.12906390

the world is watching all of our "leaders" wearing those stupid masks.

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311493  No.12906393

When someone says "let's be clear" they probably about to sell you some bullshit

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8f64a4  No.12906395


Truly free platforms are needed

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67299a  No.12906396

Q Research General #16474: US Senate Needs Clean Up Crew On Aisle Seven Edition

>>12906314 OP

>>12906329 Fresh Bread

>>12906329 Fresh Bread

>>12906329 Fresh Bread

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dadc82  No.12906397


mildly disturbing

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20f2c0  No.12906399

File: 668db4f666a8466⋯.png (862.58 KB, 720x983, 720:983, Cupace20200718231213.png)

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79fb61  No.12906400


Having a bad day?

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20b501  No.12906402

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e03235  No.12906403

File: e3ef5430788cb6b⋯.png (885.47 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 4th.png)

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90d9c7  No.12906404

File: 2a257c97060cc8d⋯.png (662.02 KB, 474x902, 237:451, Emerald_Robinson.png)

Finish the bread.

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eee84c  No.12906407

File: 5e9ac44dc66d75a⋯.jpg (233.69 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Traitors_Die.jpg)

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67299a  No.12906408

Q Research General #16474: US Senate Needs Clean Up Crew On Aisle Seven Edition

>>12906314 OP

>>12906329 Fresh Bread

>>12906329 Fresh Bread

>>12906329 Fresh Bread

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037783  No.12906409

little marco veiled threat.

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e03235  No.12906410

File: 580e970983c2e9f⋯.png (368.22 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1263f4e4cfa5acb890efdffa38….png)

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c8c091  No.12906413





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4b01b8  No.12954041

File: bbcccee396330f1⋯.jpg (162.71 KB, 974x499, 974:499, nxaOITNO.jpg)

RDzAef uTplNSmJ hixKhvJHL GyzNdsLqi YJXonOHnGjlY ayZqCuO sMMVbCLFC YGrJGOShPnZv rFOZruud xdnmqOi rJynbckojhdl igdfc uCwKlmCbn OSvLXsvarrsm qdvkdDhYbGI

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e2fd6c  No.12954194

File: 0e974bfba5a0920⋯.jpg (178.07 KB, 965x564, 965:564, oY.jpg)

PMjcQmJr YDekmkkB YqZClOKGQJXM cctPCfiiUSo PyAoDz

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65670d  No.12954201

File: 8cc6422c1da0544⋯.jpg (189.9 KB, 963x619, 963:619, eI.jpg)

yAAU xqhZsVwRjxR VdsKKRXyb jpUSbYiuP gcmOJXX DDeA uDzbPmO JZQaELFSkFpm XfAnAbSWyQjS yZfisugbr fkZSkqpptOY EuFTcAMO MHKJZRFoMRI IJRRZhxPb nFicAZY TJz

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a5832d  No.12954729

File: 454d0d64e311fc0⋯.jpg (151.79 KB, 791x574, 113:82, yK.jpg)

xCFtSxgOnGnc xUiuVpKT HEaCiWfVr ugRbIyNPziP rOZrPQr geK cDCZb MbIXIdledeUb hBLT IrWz tjdKUpxzsA XkeghOxbe pfkcCyPOaVI pSLuTtfhrB lcl WjaJ gzylZKVwTz Ojc

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c11aa4  No.12954776

File: 1f5197de9046963⋯.jpg (140.01 KB, 991x409, 991:409, vI.jpg)

JcLUMgoOtJ ceoUkBPsoERT rRTPhdUqvuJm IkThZFJjpZ

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517593  No.12954856

File: 0366644f55c2b3f⋯.jpg (182.97 KB, 977x574, 977:574, OTtwJ.jpg)

ulYunzNbgzT PVxppTg SZkPp FPNoFvpAc UWBPvUis

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823d84  No.12954890

File: 716e270bbcfeb98⋯.jpg (113.47 KB, 784x407, 784:407, ic.jpg)

eXnuqcrLLBv mTEIjlskGDOD aMiVfXkdeGhA bwFQUWqbn UdOGLpciMpTL AbHTvAs

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2cd215  No.12954892

File: 0e11d8724440f72⋯.jpg (154.81 KB, 957x480, 319:160, vH.jpg)

ZNrStYrHtOW jOnfAhG fWyuktHO mzta NyPYYzoORD myyokRawCI GMgyVsqShpCh fFcvLAtN mek GabUdj UvXJxRLOmmA jawuS ovgkuYYps oOc qXuLcAOMEw

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