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43d0cd No.116981 [Last50 Posts]

This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General threads on /qresearch/.

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43d0cd No.116985

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43d0cd No.131124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Purpose is better than any drug you could ever think

If you know why you’re doing something

That’s all you need

I wake up ready for the day

Because I believe

In everything that I’m doing

Like it was meant to be

I get fixated

And captivated on learning things

Don’t hesitate to ask questions

The answer that I need

It's out there somewhere

I swear I can find the recipe

By testing, learning

And turning into a better me

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43d0cd No.131126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reposting last few days…

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43d0cd No.131136

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19928804 Q Research General #24468: Set The Controls For The Heart Of....None Shall Pass EDITION

Created 170136ZNOV23




>>107777 #24468

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a01d8be847b4171b235e012c19719bc6d13d1a2c8a9a96b6d8a8b345ab7f1260.mp4

>>107778 "The former off-duty Pentagon police officer who fatally shot two men in the parking lot of his Takoma Park condo building in April 2021 has been sentenced to 25 years in prison on two counts of second-degree murder

>>107779, >>107780 Tesla - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Films

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e4U-23TOKms - Tesla - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Films [Channel: IFC Films]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jrVfL0Tbbno - Tesla - Everybody Wants To Rule The World [Channel: Luzent'TS]

>>107781 Larry Johnson On Israeli PsyOps and & the Disinfowar

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w4r27 - Larry Johnson On Israeli PsyOps and & the Disinfowar [0] [Channel: Ryan Dawson]

>>107782 We are still thinking about this Sweet 16 Masquerade Party! What a night!🎭

>>107783, >>107784 Ham Radio Tip O' The Day!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kj8ldUMuabg - Ham Radio Antenna: Will a Tree-tenna Work? [Channel: SevenFortyOne]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6fd765a4f8468b6f14dafcb6f7f4a0d7538bb6ab502b1ceff5a440994b94aa95.mp4

>>107785, >>107789, >>107793, >>107795, >>107800 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>107786 A night of patriotism and pride: Lee Greenwood's Veterans Day performance

>>107787 @TrumpGolfDC/Q

>>107788 German industry shuts down as energy prices soar

>>107790, >>107792, >>107799, >>107801, >>107802, >>107808 Workers at Guantánamo Bay have now begun to festoon the base’s streets with holiday lights ahead of the Thanksgiving-Christmas season./in keeping with Muslim tradition/rudolph the red nose reindeer or jingle bells continuous play, vote now


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w6o4n - Trump's FINAL Motion to STRIKE; Engoron's GAG is STAYED; Fani Wants Floyd Back in JAIL [1:57:00] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>107794 The Fall of Minneapolis

>>107796, >>107798 Megyn Kelly Misses The Mark

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5D_fz1yDEzY - What Osama bin Laden's Viral "Letter to America" Says About America's Youth [Channel: Megyn Kelly]

>>107797 We Are the Chosen

>>107803, >>107804 @realDonaldTrump He is repeating things..we must be missing something

>>107805 Sum of All Fears??

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/76d201166d4b426604fc571e4b4839eec0deda18a9a773159cb4eb1dee964414.mp4

>>107806 hot potato APEC dinner

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3XV6GBWbtX8 - President Biden and The First Lady Host Heads of Delegation for the APEC Dinner [Channel: The White House]

>>107807 Privacy is only dead if you let it die./ghost buses/Higgins

>>107809, >>107810 DNC HQ: The Left is Imploding

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w1ovd - DNC HQ: The Left is Imploding [47] [Channel: Uncensored Storm]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AxVkWniKn6E - Wild Footage: Capitol Police Clash With Pro-Ceasefire Protesters Outside DNC Headquarters In D.C. [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>107811 #24468

(21 notables, 35 posts, 49 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131137

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19929569 Q Research General #24469: Gitmo Muslim Christmas Ornament Drive EDITION

Created 170437ZNOV23




>>107812 #24469

>>107813, >>107816, >>107822, >>107827, >>107828 Rep Higgins seems to have evidence of two ghost busses holding FBI agents dressed like Trump supporters, prima facie evidence @TheLastMohicans (Cap 1:29)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99b54a4f8d503c0505163fcae2f420acd307d43334eaea5cc862d55c5011b1ca.mp4

>>107814 Dan Scavino: Hillsdale free online collage course "Congress how it worked and why it doesn't today" : ANONS! your email and name dont have to be real... take the free class

>>107815, >>107819 Propaganda Due, the book that reveals the secrets of freemasonry Italian in Argentina: See Robert Anton Wilson for further edification Anon

>>107817, >>107823, >>107824 Donald J. Trump: Single Digits

>>107818, >>107820 Stefanik declares ‘victory’ after New York court lifts ‘unconstitutional’ gag order against Trump

>>107821, >>107825 Donald J. Trump: Trump Hating, Radical Left Judge, Arthur Engoron, is, sadly, the most overturned Judge in New York State he & Letitia James that committed the Fraud by knowingly, substantially, & outrageously devaluing my asset values in order to make me look guilty of something which I did not do

>>107826 Kari Lake’s Attorneys File New Brief & Petition to Transfer Election Case to AZ Supreme Court After Maricopa County BUSTED Falsely Certifying Voting Machines Past L&A Testing – 260/446 FAILED On AND BEFORE Election Day

>>107829 Gif of the bread

>>107830, >>107831 Donald J. Trump: Arthur Engoron has just been overturned (stayed!) by the New York State Appellate Division (Appeals Court), for the 4th TIME

>>107832 COMMS Spirit of dead soldier’ Georgia Renshaw-Smith 26th birthday at Quaglino’s, a mile away from Buckingham Palace

>>107833 BIDEN: “I want to talk about Gov. Newsom, he could be anything he wants. He could have the job I’m looking for.”

>>107834 @GOPoversight Our investigation revealed key facts contradict the White House’s and President Biden’s personal attorney’s narrative about the discovery of classified documents found at Penn Biden Center

>>107835 US Army sending letters to former troops saying that in light of the removal of the Covid-19 vaccine requirement, they can now apply to get their reasons for discharge changed

>>107836 BLM Activist John Sullivan “Jayden X” Found Guilty on All Seven Counts for his Actions on January 6, 2021

>>107837 #24469

(16 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131138

File: ae8cf3e4e88495c⋯.jpeg (8.69 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19930469 Q Research General #24470: Arthur Engoron's Professional Suicide: Over-Turns E-Numbers? Edition

Created 171051ZNOV23




>>107838 #24470

>>107839 Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused of rape, physical abuse for over a decade by singer Cassie: suit

>>107840 On same day of news leaking that Biden will not be held accountable for significant mishandling of classified docs for decades, DOJ brags about convicting pro-life activist Paula “Paulette” Harlow, 75.

>>107841 NYC Mayor Eric Adams has announced that due to the financial impact of ongoing migrant arrivals, the city will have to make budget cuts that will reduce NYPD officers

>>107842 The Federal ‘Kill Switch’ Signals Our Surrender To Tech Overlords

>>107843 Yet another former Silicon Valley darling is convicted of investor fraud

>>107844, >>107845 Attorney Accuses the CIA and DoD of Being Deeply Involved With COVID-19

>>107846 Gaetz Accuses Committee Members of Being 'Bought and Paid for By Big Pharma'

>>107847 @realDonaldTrump A.G. Letitia Peekaboo James is running for Governor of New York AGAIN!!!

>>107848 @realDonaldTrump WOW! FAKE NEWS CNN, THROUGH A LEAK FROM.........

>>107849 End Times News

>>107850 Capitol Police Clash With Pro-Ceasefire Protesters Outside DNC Headquarters In D.C.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AxVkWniKn6E - Wild Footage: Capitol Police Clash With Pro-Ceasefire Protesters Outside DNC Headquarters In D.C. [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>107851 Fulton County, Georgia Judge orders some evidence in Georgia election interference case to be withheld from public

>>107852 Biden Admin Pushing Coup in Israel??

>>107853 Captain Jim Fannell Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Decade Of Concern With The CCP

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w6qq7 - Captain Jim Fannell Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Decade Of Concern With The CCP [11:08] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>107854, >>107855 @realDonaldTrump double truths

>>107856 Statement from Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the Passage of a Continuing Resolution

>>107857 Did you know the World Health Organization, in its founding document exempted itself from criminal prosecution?

>>107858 Video Shows 386,151 Votes REMOVED from GOP Supreme Court Candidate’s Totals

>>107859, >>107867 PF updates

>>107860, >>107861 PM Rishi Sunak Is proposing a new law to send the invaders back. Note the bit where it says this may affect Human Rights Act 1998…

>>107862 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3waned - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -- 11/17/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>107863 Pfizer Partner Is Top Investor in Govt-Backed 'Fact Checker'.

>>107864 Yet another burner email account for Biden was just discovered - "VP Biden Followed Advice Hunter Sent To His ‘Champ4’ Burner Email"

>>107865 Target Shuns Christian Shoppers, Hires Gay Pride Strategist

>>107866 Weather warfare underway in Central Florida right now.???

>>107868 Female Air Force reservist wins new job, promotion after fighting COVID vaccine mandate

>>107869 #24470

(28 notables, 32 posts, 34 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131139

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19931394 Q Research General #24471: DS Fear Pron Nearly 86'd, Get It While It's Hot or NOT Edition

Created 171457ZNOV23




>>107870 #24471

>>107871 Keks in Confusion

>>107872 David Petraeus on Israel, Ukraine, and the Evolution of Warfare Atlantic Council

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=flnf2Ushn7U - David Petraeus on Israel, Ukraine, and the evolution of warfare [Channel: AtlanticCouncil]

>>107873 Moar Pfizer Partner Is Top Investor in Govt-Backed 'Fact Checker'

>>107874, >>107878, >>107884, >>107889, >>107898, >>107902, >>107907, >>107910 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>107875 2018 Q anon cards

>>107876 Twitter/X has announced that accounts generating profits from offensive and inappropriate content won't be monetized.

>>107877, >>107881, >>107885, >>107887, >>107894, >>107903, >>107906 A MSM journo, close friend of John Podesta, bragged about 'debunking' Pizzagate, has been arrested on a sickening slew of child rape charges/Slade Sohmer

>>107879 Pedro Sánchez reelected Spain's prime minister despite controversy over amnesty for separatists

>>107880 Marathon of thousand illegals running to invade Spain.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f9bcc88660e16778377ca1c7c17e787e35177bd933626f47f04fac2072f1c0cd.mp4

>>107882 Mysterious Fatal Respiratory Illness Sickens Dogs Across The US, Vets Are Puzzled

>>107883 8KUN MP4 Archive Updated

>>107886 Defendants arraigned in international firearms trafficking case

>>107888 Ingersoll Lockwood Top 100 Cybersecurity News Sites

>>107890, >>107896, >>107897 Highest-Ever Childhood Vaccine Exemption Rate in History

>>107891 A self-described journalist was convicted Thursday of participating in, not just observing and documenting, the incursion at the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

>>107892, >>107893 The 'Kill Switch' Signals Our Surrender To Tech Overlords

>>107895 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Nightlights in Qeqertaq

>>107899 Lockheed Martin Opens 25,000-Square Foot, $16.5M Missile Defense Lab

>>107900 Mark Levin Interviews Alina Habba

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ih1HKJzqrjc - Mark Interviews Alina Habba [Channel: The Mark Levin Show]

>>107901 Scavino: Right Wing Avengers

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae0f927fb341ff11a5f8352df0f753458fc58c551e7fb31505589c6c9b20cb6b.mp4

>>107904 Russian Justice Ministry asks the Supreme Court to declare the "LGBTQ movement" extremist.

>>107905 China launches new-gen Haiyang ocean monitoring satellite

>>107908 Spectrum Slump: Exploring the FCC's Challenges in 5G Leadership American Enterprise Institute

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=akP9ZnIKKL4 - Spectrum Slump: Exploring the FCC’s Challenges in 5G Leadership [Channel: American Enterprise Institute]

>>107909, >>107919, >>107921 resident hosts a bilateral meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7kQODhVxBW0 - President Biden Hosts a Bilateral Meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico [Channel: The White House]

>>107911, >>107912 Seems Rep. Higgins has evidence of January 6 “FBI ghost buses” filled with agents dressed like Trump supporters…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b088c58ae3268ad9c969f2d599b8e431ba89ce08a2802d58193c5b8bdcd30041.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4c616b7d3535c14cce88fa2701f5ecc7d2ad2a3f6df4fcbaabce58aa09fd09ca.mp4

>>107913 QClock November 16, 2023 - We The People, Stand Up Step Up

>>107914 Rogue rocket that slammed into the moon last year confirmed to be Chinese vehicle

>>107915 Schiffty: Proud of and excited for my friend @YVindman for announcing his campaign for Congress in Virginia today.

>>107916 Ultra Liberal Michael Rapaport May Vote for President Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wb1wa - Ultra Liberal Michael Rapaport May Vote for President Trump [2:01] [Channel: Uncensored Storm]

>>107917 1871 American Medical Association once accurately predicted what would happen if society embraced abortion

>>107918 Planned Protests Downtown Sacramento Friday and Saturday

>>107920 Children’s Hospital in Winnipeg published this article detailing how they helped a 10-year-old kid transition

>>107922 #24471

(34 notables, 53 posts, 59 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131140

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19932235 Q Research General #24472: Lessons In Communism HHMMM... Edition

Created 171826ZNOV23




>>107923 #24472-B

>>107924 President Obrador: [Biden]

>>107925 @realDonaldTrump Funeral Now. I Love (.You.) Maryanne. God Bless You. Rest In Peace!

>>107926 @CodeMonkeyZ Does anyone know why there is a pentagram on the back wall during this Freemason ritual?

>>107927, >>107946 Michael Rapaport is joining the Trump train2 (Cap 2:02)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d7f504b0c52c041f13ef343da6265da6f582fac8d2f1aaee4e7dbfd9180180d7.mp4

>>107928 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>107929, >>107931 @Techno_Fog This is Newsom’s final term as governor; he’s barred from running in 2026.

>>107930 resident hosts the APEC Leaders Retreat, where he will officially transfer the APEC chair to President Boluarte of Peru

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PPt8cwYAdLE - President Biden Hosts the APEC Leaders Retreat [Channel: The White House]

>>107932, >>107949 @USNHistory Today's #FeatureFriday is the watercolor on paper by Dwight Shepler titled, "D-Day Plus Seven, Omaha Beach Head."

>>107933 Netanyahu's Surprise Admission: Israel "Not Successful" At Minimizing Civilian Casualties

>>107934 U.S. Rep. George Santos (R-NY) used campaign funds to pay for OnlyFans, Botox and Sephora…


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/3u3sub1JXMtP/ - UTOPIA - SHORT FILM WHERE FREEDOM EXISTS ONLY IN PRISON - A LOOK INTO THE NOT SO DISTANT FUTURE [15:05] [Channel: wil paranormal]

>>107936 ‘Enough is Enough’: Judge Joe Brown Says He Left the Democratic Party

>>107937 Ukraine is broke - former PM/BUMMER

>>107938 Sanctuary City Chicago to Limit Migrants to 60 Days in City Shelters

>>107939 Huge Smoke Plume Billowing From US Base Near Irbil, As Iranian Media Touts Strike

>>107940 Pentagon has again failed its independent annual audit of $3.8 trillion in military assets.

>>107941 Which musicians and bands DID have the courage to speak up over the last few years?

>>107942 Ukraine-Born Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower’ Yevgeny Vindman to Run for Congress in VA-7

>>107943 Freemasonry

>>107944 Top leader of notorious MS-13 gang Elmer Canales set to face terrorism charges in New York trial over alleged involvement in two-decade long crime spree

>>107945 Israel hands out gas concessions to BP, ENI as Gaza war drags on

>>107947 San Diego sales guru kills himself amid $3M FBI probe after helping US security firm favored by Biden administration land vital $600million contract to stop fentanyl and weapons flooding across the border

>>107948 Company Controlling Political Robocalls and Texts Is Biased Against Conservatives, Riddled with China Ties

>>107950 CISA warns of actively exploited Windows, Sophos, and Oracle bugs

>>107951 In 2015, Obama authorized “behavior modification” experiments (digital version of MKUltra)

>>107952 Wells Fargo axes another 13 branches in a single week as a host of banks shut down vital services

>>107953, >>107955 Sad but tru

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6f745bd1bd0c0de29c2cbb3c4e5a11c1ba2d832c3869f8497a0f25084112428f.mp4

>>107954 British Library: Ongoing outage caused by ransomware attack

>>107956 IBM said it will stop advertising on X, formerly Twitter, after a media watchdog report found that its ads appeared alongside pro-Nazi tweets

>>107957 How smartphone addiction affects brain function and mental health

>>107958 Citizens in California have had enough, CCP flags now being torn down in San Francisco by angry protesters.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/05326e2ec91b6a49683127e53be5de055a03a0b08f1987ddbcc9435425fe1587.mp4

>>107959, >>107963, >>107969, >>107970, >>107974 Joe Biden and Xi stillshots for keks

>>107960, >>107967 Devin Nunes: Fake News Fiesta: Is the mainstream media doomed? with guest Thaddeus McCotter: LIVE LINK

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w4xsj - Fake News Fiesta: Is the mainstream media doomed? with guest Thaddeus McCotter [0] [Channel: Devin Nunes]

>>107961 Mike Davis: Article 3 Project Targeted For "Effective" Legal Combat Against Left 12:29

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wcas4 - Mike Davis: Article 3 Project Targeted For "Effective" Legal Combat Against Left [12:29] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>107962 Baker change

>>107964 Pro-Palestine Group Shares Anti Semitic NYC ‘Target’ Map of ‘Enemies’-Urges Followers to ‘Act in Their Own Interest’

>>107965 US Army scraps $1b. Iron Dome project, after Israel refuses to provide key codes 2020

>>107966 Pentagon Fails To Account For Over $3 Trillion For 6th Year In A Row

>>107968, >>107975 Judge Joe Brown Exposes Barack Obama

>>107971 Vatican confirms ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons

>>107972 EYES ON FAKE ALERT: Speaker Johnson: Today, I am keeping my promise to the American people and making all the January 6th tapes available to ALL Americans.

>>107973 #24472-A

>>107976, >>107979 RESIGNATION: Democrat Michigan Rep. Dan Kildee Will Not Seek Reelection

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/804bd32bcd9dc8474114e10463a8d047a848ffc681f3855f7074df14b51e8542.mp4

>>107977, >>107978 Speaker Mike Johnson @SpeakerJohnson Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself.

>>107980, >>107981 Link to new Jan 6th footage

>>107982 IDF uses tanks to Hexagram mark the Star of David onto the floor of Hamas training ground in Gaza City where the terror group trained fighters

>>107983, >>107984 Note: Due to privacy and security restrictions Safari may not be able to show our video previews. To view the videos, please use try another browser. Thank you.

>>107985 lb, J6 police: removes arresting cuffs then fist pumping (Cap 0:56)

>>107986 #24472-B

(50 notables, 64 posts, 59 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131141

File: ae8cf3e4e88495c⋯.jpeg (8.69 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19932984 Q Research General #24473: Johnson releases 5 pages of J6 video... meh? Edition

Created 172115ZNOV23




>>107987 #24473

>>107988, >>107989 @SpeakerJohnson Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself

>>107990 correct me if anon is mistaken, but this is 5 pages of j6 videos ?

>>107991 Donald J. Trump: Congratulations to Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson for having the Courage and Fortitude to release all of the J6 Tapes, which will explicitly reveal what really happened on January 6th!

>>107992, >>108001 @DC_Draino Wow what an “insurrection”! Watch as J6ers slowly walk past Capitol Police who just watch (Cap 1:15)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e209caaff57a52225a37449a435418e31def2043e95832469dba8698e55c044b.mp4

>>107993, >>108007 Sam Altman, CEO, got fired at OpenAI : forced resignation

>>107994 The 'Star Wars' universe celebrates Life Day today with red robes, glowing orbs and goodwill EVIL

>>107995, >>107996, >>107997, >>107999, >>108003, >>108005, >>108006, >>108022, >>108034 Jerome Brooks was found DEAD DAYS AFTER AUDIO WAS LEAKED OF SHEILA JACKSON LEE berating him

>>107998, >>108002, >>108004, >>108010, >>108027 lb, J6 police: removes arresting cuffs then fist pumping (Cap 0:56)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/21d2e9ed656e1e31357d8b1c648fba1a440a36d72a4fc164c7bdd91d8da7b6ca.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/08a432d616eb61ef617f93fe22ca1418bf0abfbf0c94a3c7b38535a0048abbfa.mp4

>>108000 Stacey Abrams' brother-in-law arrested in Tampa for human trafficking, attacking teen

>>108008, >>108012 House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Friday announced the public release of more than 40,000 hours of Capitol security footage from Jan. 6, 2021.

>>108009, >>108013 Dig on Jimmie Gardner, Stacey Abram's brother-in-law

>>108011, >>108021 Stacey Abrams’ brother-in-law arrested in Tampa for human trafficking, attacking teen: police

>>108014, >>108016 Stacey Abrams’ Sister Is Engaged to a Man Incarcerated 26 Years for a Rape and Robbery He Didn’t Commit

>>108015 2023 Leonid Meteor Shower peaks this evening with up to 10 shooting stars every hour - here's the best time to see it

>>108017 Deputy Archivist of the United States Debra Steidel Wall Retires: forced resignation

>>108018 Secret China Linked Bio-Lab in California Was Holding Deadly Viruses, Including Refrigerators Full of Ebola, COVID, Herpes, HIV and E. Coli and Hundreds of Mice Engineered to Carry COVID Virus (VIDEO)

>>108019 Was Pelosi's daughter the director of this Rotten Tomato Special?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd7707f1366e5b1e8d7f415480c34daed262774f6c7b3198213fbdc9aae99ce8.mp4

>>108020 If we were not effective, they wouldn't have attacked us. Keep your eye on the ball. Don't play the game. This isn't a game. It's Biblical.

>>108023 January 6th was a big show. Three photographers chased behind a Capitol officer to get an "action" shot before running back down the hallway.

>>108024 Apparently, the "insurrection" was so bad it included a pat on the back and a handshake from a Capital Police Officer while he gave directions.

>>108025 I'm falling asleep from boredom watching this "worse than Pearl Harbor" Insurrection. None of these people belong in prison. Free them all.


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/N5QK7QzBMY4V/ - KILL SHOT: The CIA's SV40 Cancer Weapon - Full Story w/ Shannon Joy [1:02:11] [Channel: Team Enigma]

>>108028, >>108030 Fist pump sauce

>>108029, >>108031 Slade Sohmer Arrested for Child Rape, John Podesta's Friend, Who "Debunked" Pizzagate

>>108032 GOP House Ethics Chair Pushes To Oust Rep. Santos From Congress

>>108033, >>108037 PF: Potato in 92-9000 747 and Flauxus in EXEC1F C-32A departed SFO and Moffett Federal Airfield respectively Potato to Philadelphia Intl where he’ll ditch the 747 and take helo to New Castle

>>108035 Mexican AF FAM3915 G4AMLOdeparting SFO with SAM947 already departed heading east

>>108036 Chief technology officer Mira Murati appointed interim CEO to lead OpenAI; Sam Altman departs the company.

>>108038 Speaker Mike Johnson to Release First Batch of January 6th Capitol Footage – ‘Within Days, Not Weeks’

>>108039 #24473

(31 notables, 53 posts, 60 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131142

File: ae8cf3e4e88495c⋯.jpeg (8.69 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19933743 Q Research General #24474: Give [THEM] The 'FUCK YOU - RESPONSE' Edition

Created 172318ZNOV23




>>108040 #24474

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7be684a71a62df723074b7e67ce5cfd8e5501e8ddfb3e830ef062b60abd54346.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/855c28acdb1c88bee102e8d00ac642506edefdd8ac57f9eaad01971dad3072f3.mp4

>>108041 US claims to global leadership meet increased world resistance — Russian Embassy

>>108042, >>108059 Brother-in-Law of Twice-Failed Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges Involving a Minor

>>108043 Pentagon Fails To Account For Over $3 Trillion For 6th Year In A Row

>>108044 ‘Burn Gaza now’ – Israel’s parliament deputy speaker

>>108045, >>108046 EXCLUSIVE: Marjorie Taylor Greene calls 'b****' Lauren Boebert a 'liar' and a 'copycat', rips into 'widely hated' Ken Buck and the 'hypocrite' Freedom Caucus members who kicked her out as she releases no-holds-barred tell-all

>>108047 Russian authorities want to outlaw ‘LGBT’

>>108048 White House condemns Elon Musk’s ‘abhorrent’ antisemitic tweets

>>108049 EXCLUSIVE: Codepink's hard-left activists dismiss claims they're secretly funded by Chinese Communist Party, but then refuse to condemn the mass detention of Uyghurs and talk up China's 'freedom'

>>108050 Backpage Principals Convicted of $500M Prostitution Promotion Scheme

>>108051, >>108052 Trump's Washington Election Trial Must Be Televised, Media Coalition Argues

>>108053 BREAKING REPORT: Colorado judge rules Trump WILL REMAIN ON STATE BALLOT despite DEM challenges..

>>108054 YAF & The Judiciary Committee Hearing

>>108056 Good morning from rainy Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay

>>108057, >>108058, >>108062, >>108068 Speaker Johnson says he’ll make 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage available to the general public

>>108060 At the war court this week, lawyers revealed aspects of a secret intelligence program that recorded Guantanamo prisoners’ conversations circa 2006-2009

>>108061 Ex-news site editor had hundreds of child sex abuse images, Mass. DA says

>>108063, >>108064, >>108066 January 6th footage

>>108065, >>108067 Lawyers for religious leaders challenging Missouri abortion ban say law imposes beliefs on everyone / Pennsylvania House passes bill to make state an abortion haven

>>108069 30 Minutes Late, Biden Shows Up to APEC Meeting and Malfunctions Multiple Times

>>108070 Amazon pulling seven brands of eye drops after FDA warning

(21 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131143

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19934609 Q Research General #24475: Right Down the Middle Bake of E Edition

Created 180219ZNOV23




>>108071 Some Nancy Pelosi Daughter on film talking about January 6th

>>108072 Trump Turnberry has once again secured its prestigious spot amongst GOLF magazine’s renowned list of the ‘Top 100 Golf Resorts in the World!’

>>108073 Marcos, Xi meet in San Francisco to ease South China Sea tensions


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/xm2Jm7fuYO4F/ - Police State - A Dinesh D'Souza Film [Full] [Channel: Interstellar Times]


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5219c0424093036c29800818f0f856f3b7677ac6130cc2046c0e1f98b7946fd9.pdf

>>108076 Vladimir Putin: "Humanity cannot be divided into “first and second class like meat"

>>108077 Builders of J6 gallows remain unidentified while FBI and DOJ continue to pursue other defendants

>>108078 Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself.

>>108079 Anon Predicts 100s and 100s of whistleblowers from the ranks of the House and DC Police

>>108080 #24474 posted #24475

>>108081 'Big Banks' See $63BN Deposit Outflows Last Week, Loan Volumes Continue To Contract

>>108082 #24475

>>108083 Support For Israel Drops As 68% Of Americans Want Ceasefire, Negotiations

>>108084 Jim Jordan Issues Subpoena to Bank of America for Sharing Customers’ Private Financial Information with the FBI

>>108085, >>108086 Breitbart News Joins First Media Visit to Netiv HaAsara, Town Hit by Hamas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iNqHlmUFdLk - WITNESS: Media Inspect Netiv HaAsara, Israeli Town on Border of Gaza Attacked by Hamas on 10/7 [Channel: Breitbart News]

>>108087 JFK in Palm Beach sixty years ago today

>>108088, >>108093 Ben Shapiro eloquently comes to the defense of Elon Musk's tweet bumble

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8876828aab9de2a871368761d6b4bdd7099e8f09b06facc70d3ab1c108be4f85.mp4

>>108089 Donald Trump opens up stunning THIRTY-NINE point lead over Ron DeSantis in GOP rivals' home state of Florida

>>108090, >>108091, >>108101 Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/01b0fa7335ff72720c4841276fd0117e6509f758ba55dfc94b820f4812808ae5.mp4

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5efd4ee044d4a76208c7656d2c44388b4b15277724d0619a4d38dd9059675d18.pdf

>>108092 Dan - Happening Now at Mar-a-Lago, Legendary @CoachLouHoltz88 introducing @realDonaldTrump…

>>108094, >>108100 Former President Donald Trump to the stage in Mar-A-Lago at AFPI’s Experience & Gala!

>>108095 Trump Campaign Statement on Legal Victory in Colorado

>>108096 Boris Epshteyn On Trump's Trials : "All of these are coordinated election interference"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3we5ga - Boris Epshteyn On Trump's Trials : "All of these are coordinated election interference" [10:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108097, >>108099 Refresh - January 6 video they've never shown the public.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/21d2e9ed656e1e31357d8b1c648fba1a440a36d72a4fc164c7bdd91d8da7b6ca.mp4

>>108098 BREAKING: Former President Trump said at Mar-a-Lago tonight, “We have so much evidence of election fraud, and I look forward to introducing it in my trials."

>>108102 President Trump's speech at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge, Iowa.4PM ET 11-18-23

>>108103 Scott Adams predicted Donald Trump in 1990

>>108104 The DOJ Also Recently Let Wall Street Short Sellers Burn All Evidence Of Their Financial Crimes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3bee081714c5898d719033651ced892327bbdf7b4992cafc59f9cdfb74902809.mp4

>>108105 And the place went NUTS!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wewmw - BOOOOOOM!!!😎😘😘😘 [1:00] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>108106 For the Keks

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wet61 - LOVE MAGA MIKE!!!😎😂😂😂 [15] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>108107 #24475

(31 notables, 37 posts, 47 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131144

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19935347 Q Research General #24476: Back in Bake Edition

Created 180507ZNOV23




>>108108 #24476

>>108109 Minnesota’s America-hating AG Keith Ellison just admitted the chilling truth about George Floyd…

>>108110, >>108123 Al Jazeera reports IDF has ordered doctors, patients, wounded, and displaced people to leave the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza within an hour.

>>108111 Trump is “deliberately inviting” the criticism that he’s behaving like Hitler

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ff840a7008ffcd1987abf3c45b246818291d403faab0d8a581ee7a6d3652759c.mp4

>>108112 James Comey writing a murder mystery about a hedge fund — and it sounds a lot like Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater

>>108113, >>108124 Elon Musk announces that X is filing a lawsuit against Media Matters

>>108114 That's why Newsom went to China. Take on Biden/China

>>108115, >>108116, >>108117 Revelations from the testimony of Special Counsel David Weiss

>>108118, >>108119 Elise Stefanik supplementing her ethics complaint against Judge Engoron

>>108120 Kash Patel on weaponized judicial system

>>108121 DOD Announces Release of 2023 Strategy for Operations in the Information Environment

>>108122 Federal Judge Fast-Tracks Lawsuit Against Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Employees

>>108125 US politicians are still benefiting personally from the Israel-Hamas & Ukrainian war, with a resistance to ceasefire.

>>108126 Censorship Industry: ‘Business Booming’ for Ex-Facebook ‘Disinformation’ Experts amid Wars

>>108127 San Diego Man Kills Himself After @FBI Launches Probe Into How He Helped The Biden Administration Get A Security Firm They Favored A $600 MILLION Federal Contract On Border Security!

>>108128 TOMA TAKEOVER: Runbeck CEO Serves as Board Member with Newly Elected Speaker Toma's Brothers

>>108129 Report: Worry Mounts About Violent Protests at Democrat Convention After DNC Riot

>>108130 Steel: Growing Antisemitism Among Democrats Is Creating a Political Crisis

(18 notables, 23 posts, 29 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131145

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19936220 Q Research General #24477: Back to the eBake Edition

Created 181313ZNOV23




>>108131 #24477

>>108132 Former Sky News boss John Ryley says he 'failed' on climate change coverage

>>108133 Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2V6jH-6F6K0 - Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson [Channel: Victor Davis Hanson]

>>108134 The shadow of Trump: inside the 17 November Guardian Weekly

>>108135 Reminder - President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23

>>108136 #24476 posted in #24477

>>108137 The CIA'S SV40 cancer weapon - full story w/Shannon Joy

>>108138 A New Tool Allows Researchers to Track Damage in Gaza

>>108139, >>108140 PF update

>>108141 Biden Offers China Unprecedented Access to US Nuclear Test Site

>>108142, >>108147 SpaceX launches Super Heavy-Starship rocket on 2nd test flight, but fails to get to space

>>108143, >>108144 Senate Democrats back down on Supreme Court ethics subpoenas after GOP threats

>>108145 US Army asks troops who left over Covid mandate to come back as war looms

>>108146 DJT re: The Witch Hunt

>>108148 James Biden signals willingness to cooperate in brother’s impeachment probe, Comer reveals

>>108149 #24477

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mQIZ-Esbg_c - The Best Is Yet To Come (2008 Remastered) [Channel: Frank Sinatra - Topic]

(16 notables, 19 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131146

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19936952 Q Research General #24478: Blackjack Shellaque Edition

Created 181616ZNOV23




>>108150 #24478

>>108151, >>108153, >>108154, >>108170 ALL HANDS NEEDED! Help us find details in these J6 videos!

>>108152 J6 clip: What's he saying?

>>108155 President Trump to speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7544b638bac645d8fec5c7d3773d48bb91856808c7083e1ffba9f0b6e5d2c11e.mp4

>>108156, >>108157 Was that letter REALLY written by Osama Bin Laden?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/35446e563bac598fa4be022cd752d646c3277adc557f0f1162fcf81138c50c89.pdf

>>108158 US, Indonesia expand defense cooperation, starting with cyber and space

>>108159, >>108162, >>108164, >>108166, >>108174, >>108179, >>108186 J6 vid tech support and download advice

>>108160 PF: CONUS Activity - Xi back in Beijing

>>108161 @Jim_Jordan Yesterday, @Weaponization subpoenaed Bank of America for sharing private financial data of customers with the FBI.

>>108163, >>108177 PF reports

>>108165, >>108171 J6 clip: 'The Fistbump' mp4 + analysis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbc47288c826274c7aefb98aa5e13cecc5a975bf68e08b47af3cc6d1b1cb883b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7389702b1c12a1966867c1f7afc8d5aaf80e8938f95c0694e6fde7624682e110.mp4

>>108167, >>108168, >>108169, >>108172 Who throws a flashbang into a church?

>>108173 @nypost The quippy Carolyn Bessette only her friends knew

>>108175 J6 clip: Even moar Tifa

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/227c6946994f67e87667f63bf0e8e9665af01b1559cf974028a3a418877460ed.mp4

>>108176, >>108183 This should be grounds for removal of every single FBI official, agent, and employee involved in allowing a child predator to go free in order to target Jan 6th protesters.

>>108178 PF: GTMO845 on ground at Ft Lauderdale as ANON… (unconfirmed)

>>108180 Comer: White House (still) 'Obstructing' Biden Inquiries

>>108181 request for planefags… is there a way to check logs retroactively?

>>108182 Maricopa County Files Response to Kari Lake – Claims Tabulators Were Working as Intended When 60% FAILED on Election Day

>>108184 UN & Bill Gates Launch "50in5" Global Digital Infrastructure Plans

>>108185 IRS will be sending out 1099-K tax forms to about 30 million Americans for earnings paid through Venmo and PayPal.

>>108187 Elon Musk Plans "Thermonuclear" Lawsuit Against Media Matters

>>108188 #24478

(23 notables, 39 posts, 37 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131147

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19937764 Q Research General #24479: Trump Rally Edition

Created 181930ZNOV23




>>108189 #24479

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w4ryj - Pres. Trump in Fort Dodge, IA [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>108190 Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.

>>108191 J6 VIDEO MAPPING PROJECT: Step 1 - Track Ray Epps and everyone he came in contact with

>>108192 Protest in Brooklyn, New York, by jihadists calling for a 'global intifada revolution'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zPkpM0c5gzk - LIVE From MARCH FOR GAZA In Brooklyn NY [Channel: Status Coup News]

>>108193 @realDonaldTrump “Engoron’s ‘Co-Judge’ Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield, Attended Anti-Trump Events Endorsing Biden & Tish James, Spurred on By Impeachment Leader Dan Goldman.”

>>108194 @realDonaldTrump The Judge committed FRAUD in my Trial by valuing my assets at a tiny fraction of what they are really worth in order to make his FAKE CASE against me

>>108195 Jim: This attack against X is the same sort of attack that has kept our site in such a terrible state for so long - do me a favor and share this tweet with your friends?

>>108196, >>108198 @RWMaloneMD I just saw data indicating that there have been 17M excess deaths worldwide from the vaccines.

>>108197 In new lawsuit filed under Maryland’s Child Victims Act, 25 people allege sex abuse at youth detention center

>>108199 45 in TWY16 Global 7000 on final at Fort Dodge IA from Palm Beach Intl

>>108200 U.S.-China emissions agreement continues disparity in approach to climate change

>>108201, >>108204, >>108207 DEEP DIGS ON QUATAR

>>108202 CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document

>>108203 @realDonaldTrump Just landed in the Great State of Iowa! Join me live at 3pmCST/4pmEST

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/432f8364db9357ce867c0ff37a1b33e510817922d110b678bf5b3fb94b843e2d.mp4

>>108205 1991 document describes what constitutes the New World Order; all nations will be given "quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis"

>>108206 Japanese investment giant SoftBank may partially exit Ola, Swiggy, FirstCry

>>108208 Witness this video where a Federal agent explicitly states they’re undercover as Antifa in the crowd.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0846e3e4091058b4eade4cdf735e0cc3896375acb2c7632216752c14c7b566be.mp4


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SQr00bTZQEw - LIVE: President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>108210 DJT ReTruthed Tammy Bruce Great news from our friend @greggjarrett – he has a new book! "The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents,"

>>108211 President Trump: Today the radical-left democrats and their allies in the fake news media are having an absolute meltdown because last night, our campaign won a gigantic court victory in Colorado.

>>108212 CNN hack reporter just tried to bait Vivek into turning on Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w2h1j - WATCH: CNN hack reporter just tried to bait Vivek into turning on Trump [1:59] [Channel: Terrence K Williams]

>>108214 Trafalgar Square is being evacuated by police following reports of a suspicious package being found.

>>108215 President Trump: "Trump Derangement Syndrome... I had a disease named after me!"

>>108216, >>108218, >>108219, >>108224 President Trump: "Our leader can't get off the stage. When he's finished with his speech, by the time whatever it is he's taking wears off…

>>108217, >>108221 Blood Tribe Spotted Marching on the streets carrying Swastika Flags

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7bb9590cff8e67ab9e1b0412a71537576e23f8d1ac72cd1b76af383b95c5edbc.mp4

>>108220 Breaking: Israel 🇮🇱 prime minister and defense minister state that Hamas leaders in Qatar 🇶🇦 will be killed.

>>108222 President Trump: Biden shut down the investigation into the Wuhan lab, he cancelled my program to rout out Chinese spies, he weakened my China tariffs…Biden let China open military bases in Cuba.

>>108223 @patel_patriot Elon is realizing how far the liberal media will go to ruin free speech and those they disagree with.

>>108225 Almost 30K watching the rally live on YouTube. Over 40K watching live on Rumble.

>>108226 President Trump: It's very simple. Crooked Joe is weak on China, because Crooked Joe is owned by China

>>108227 President Trump: "A very tiny little desk" [to immediately sign executive orders on Minute One].

>>108228 President Donald J Trump compares President Xi to Granite (second closest layer to the "core" issue?)

>>108229 #24479

(33 notables, 41 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131148

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19938557 Q Research General #24480: Rally Bread 2 Edition

Created 182150ZNOV23




>>108230 #24480

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SQr00bTZQEw - LIVE: President Trump speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Fort Dodge - 11/18/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>108231, >>108235, >>108236 We are gonna sign at the top of the steps - DJT

>>108232 President Trump: under a Trump administration, gasoline powered engines will be very much pushed…including hybrids. hybrids are much better because you can actually go a little bit further than the candy store.

>>108233 President Trump: “With a neck like a pencil…how does (Adam Schiff) hold up that fat ugly face?”

>>108234 President Trump: Under my leadership, we will have a rebirth of loyalty to the American farmer, starting at noon on inauguration day, 2025. And not only the farmer, manufacturers, everything else.

>>108237 President Trump: Crooked Joe puts China first, he puts Asia first, he puts Ukraine first, he puts illegal aliens first, environmental maniacs first... put America first every single time.

>>108238 Matt Gaetz praises Speaker Mike Johnson for releasing 44,000 hours of Capitol riot footage

>>108239 President Trump: We have a judge [Engoron] that refuses to give up. And we have a judge who is a democrat-club politician.

>>108240 Angelo Carusone responds to Elon Musk's legal threat over Media Matters reporting

>>108241 President Trump: They [Iran] have probably a hundred and twenty-five billion dollars now. They have tremendous amounts of money. They're a very rich country. And when I was there, they were broke, and everybody talked about it.

>>108242, >>108246 @DanScavino 58 days to go! - Official Registration: President Trump’s Iowa Caucus Team: ia.donaldjtrump.com/

>>108243 President Trump: If you hate America, you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists and then we don't do exactly what you want, then you're not getting into the United States of America.

>>108244 President Trump: I will deliver tax cuts, regulation cuts, energy price cuts and interest rate cuts, like you've never seen before, because we start from such a high base.

>>108245 Counting War Crimes on half chan, Israel has violated 50% of the articles in Sections A and B

>>108247 President Trump: We Will Make America Great Again. One Hundred Percent Greater Than Ever Before!

>>108248, >>108251 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN FORT DODGE, IOWA 11/18/23

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w4ryj - Pres. Trump in Fort Dodge, IA [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>108249 President Trump: Unlike Desanctis, I will protect social security and medicare for our great seniors. He wanted hurt medicare and social security. REMEMBER THAT IN 56 DAYS.

>>108250 RFK Speaks About JfK JR w/ VLAD TV

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3i3bKtfteSQ - Robert F Kennedy Jr on JFK Jr Dying in Plane Crash, Thoughts on "Kennedy Curse" (Part 13) [Channel: djvlad]

>>108252 French Senator Charged with Drugging Fellow Lawmaker to Commit Rape

>>108253 Digits confirm genocidal maniacs are on the loose.

>>108254 Do you like 'Marching to Zion'?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8cVL0ViBB7E

>>108255 Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros

>>108256 Italy becomes the first country in the world to ban lab-grown meat

>>108257 Death Toll Rises To At Least 130 In Kenya, Somalia And Ethiopia Floods

>>108258 Rothschilds connected to Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance

>>108259 PF conus update

>>108260 Donald J. Trump THANK YOU, IOWA!!! We are just 58 DAYS AWAY from Iowa’s First in the Nation Caucuses.

>>108261 #24480

(28 notables, 32 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131149

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19939310 Q Research General #24481: 81 MILLION WTF? EDITION

Created 190009ZNOV23




>>108262 #24481

>>108263 No Cease Fire as UK Prime Minister’s Family Signs Deal with Israel for Gaza’s Natural Gas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F7MHInf1syg - U.K. Prime Minister’s Family Raking In BILLIONS From Gaza Oil [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]


>>108266, >>108268, >>108269, >>108271 @realDonaldTrump 2024 is our final battle.With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3okgiy - Caucus for President Trump! [3:13] [Channel: DonaldTrump]

>>108267, >>108273, >>108304 Technical explanation for the difficulty of downloading the J6 videos/screen record

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/oGBwsi2zjrJ3/ - Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | ACT 2 (Director's Cut Documentary) [1:54:07] [Channel: Wooz News]

>>108270, >>108274, >>108276, >>108279, >>108280, >>108289, >>108291, >>108292, >>108293, >>108296, >>108300, >>108305, >>108306 the key to reading the map??NK/Clinton/Arafat

>>108272, >>108301, >>108302 Qagg.news anticipates being operational on Sunday, November 19th, 2023

>>108275, >>108277, >>108288 Ron DeSantis Has an Undocumented Immigrant Problem

>>108278, >>108290 Militant leftist protesters have shut down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago in "solidarity" with Palestine.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/738a712549e003b7dd12f7067a4bbb6ba3cb2f0ddf4d37bcdb416b32a6862774.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/165b7fccb0aee526441b214d9a129dd1845d7f512a1eec2fa08fee4bd4d8196c.mp4

>>108281, >>108286 WHO released a document that states how to turn vaccines into bioweapons


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83995df4386f192d29783a3ccf43ca6be7429f2eb0dabc879185d4fa9fb1bf28.mp4

>>108283, >>108285, >>108287, >>108297, >>108303 qofficial.net/paytriot

>>108294, >>108295 Fears of political violence are growing as the 2024 campaign heats up and conspiracy theories evolve

>>108298 The Biden administration has successfully brokered a tentative deal between Israel and Hamas to halt fighting for five days

>>108299 It is always an honor to be joined by one of the greatest living thinkers of our time,Dr. Thomas Sowell.

>>108307 Ukraine and Israel Get Billions? What About Single Maui Mom Who Loses Her Business & Home to Fire!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yDEsRjZi8Xs - Ukraine and Israel Get Billions? What About Single Maui Mom Who Loses Her Business & Home to Fire! [Channel: Hawaii Real Estate]

>>108308 Somehow it’s gonna work out-I can’t tell you how Trump in Iowa

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wmg9m - Somehow it’s gonna work out-I can’t tell you how [3:06] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>108309 The Intelligence Briefing / The Shocking Reality

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=l7a2-l8K0z4 - The Intelligence Briefing / The Shocking Reality - John B Wells LIVE [Channel: John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight]

>>108310 #24481

(19 notables, 49 posts, 73 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131150

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19940083 Q Research General #24482: Tentative Peace Brokered 5 Days and Counting EDITION

Created 190259ZNOV23




>>108311 #24482

>>108312, >>108315 What are the disparities in what medicaid covers in the cities vs in the country?

>>108313, >>108314, >>108316, >>108317, >>108319, >>108320, >>108321, >>108323, >>108330 USA Spending, the FBI, Vertical Jobs, Inc. and "Roll Players"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86b3545f927419ac88c918fc43a5a5fa485ee7549916b976fa6e4f5ac8d2c92d.webm

>>108318 Mary & Tara - Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wisvd - Mary & Tara - Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine [50:46] [Channel: X22 Report]

>>108322 PF: Call sign WROTH14. USN E-6B Mercury 162782. Up from Travis AFB

>>108324 Biden Pentagon Exposed for Buying Russian Fuel Oil, Evading Wartime Sanctions - Report

>>108325, >>108326, >>108327, >>108328, >>108329, >>108331, >>108335, >>108336 Building a mind palace

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u5Y4pIsXTV0 - How to Mind Map with Tony Buzan [Channel: Ayoa]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0FSKTndbwVo - The hound of baskervilles mind palace [Channel: Gourav Ghosal]

>>108332 Texas Gov. Abbott to endorse Trump for 2024 GOP nomination

>>108333, >>108334, >>108337 Nothing to see here. Probably.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/338e858e9d11e01a1b46210764db87b642a14afdf5370523d474369a19e8035e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cdded68a496300726311f42b44139726c71ca077998bfb4780496775b78d2685.mp4

>>108338 packout day at Guantánamo Bay

>>108339, >>108342 @AnnaPerezDC National Guard committing TREASON at our border

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/278faba7dc8a3911866e827e0c3698fdbbfbcc17d2f44526832ecb6cb20f5d2c.mp4

>>108340 J6 CLIPS: Is this person flashing a badge? If so, this would prove there were undercover federal agents disguised as MAGA.

>>108341, >>108344 Erdogan in tense talks in Germany as divisions over Gaza war deepens.

>>108343, >>108347 The U.S. Capitol Police will be conducting a training exercise with the military on Capitol grounds - expect to see Armored Vehicles and Helicopters

>>108345, >>108352 Amid recruiting woes, Army sent letters to soldiers separated for vaccine refusal

>>108346, >>108349 Bill Maher is Throwing in the Towel on Biden’s 2024 Run

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/51507eb45c2adbfa04167d5ecce62ac774f9026cbb9911ba67c09bdc65dd287a.mp4

>>108348 Wreckage found after two planes collide mid-air near Melbourne

>>108350 An NBC journalist in Israel was arrested on suspicion of inciting terror

>>108351 Timcast, The Benny Show join Babylon Bee in pledging X ad buys to fight cancel culture

>>108353 #24482

(20 notables, 43 posts, 75 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131151

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19940870 Q Research General #24483: Night Shift To Victory And Beyond Edition

Created 190702ZNOV23




>>108354 #24483

>>108355 Manhunt underway after Memphis shootings leave at least 4 dead

>>108356 GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed

>>108357, >>108360 @realDonaldTrump Eric: Wishing our father tremendous luck in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho & Hawaii today! Amazing father!

>>108358 PF updates

>>108359 Israel attacking Hezbollah's offensive structure

>>108361 Inside Britain's 'Frankenstein' lab: MailOnline goes behind-the-scenes to see how scientists can 3D-print BODY PARTS

>>108362 @DanScavino Mercer Plays

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6e0d7872fd3f3a6d47eeaa40e3185ace39c294a20e5c19a651632077876cfd34.mp4

>>108363 @DanScavino Proud To Be An American

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cddcc22ff8ca54fe04422ffc503e3c66e448a2a00574e3439efe93689e64a3a.mp4

>>108364 J6 video download app

>>108365 The Red Cross - is hostages cannot count on them, what does that tell you about the NGO community?

>>108366 Top OGBYN Confirms Abortion Pill is Dangerous: They’re Lying to Women

>>108367 @thejimwatkins Oh my, the fix is already in. How about some fries with that?

>>108368 Migrants move into Boston's AIRPORT as 'sanctuary city' runs out of beds for them

>>108369 New J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot By Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd

>>108370 11 British 🇬🇧 policemen vs 1 migrant

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ef1cb995ce6c8c52e1f8d5944824172e68af10e38a570ca9684189595811b4bd.mp4

>>108371 Who is this guy? Miller didn't hesitate to directly give the pen to this guy. Who is he?

>>108372 What's Liz Cheney So Afraid Of?

>>108373 An X executive discloses that the content highlighted in Media Matters' article constituted a mere 50 out of 5,500,000,000 ad impressions served throughout the entire day.

>>108374 ECW: Is there an indictment for the countless criminal acts committed by the Qatar-based leadership of Hamas over the years? If one exists, why hasn’t it been unsealed? @TheJusticeDept

>>108375 How a flood of congressional retirements is rocking the 2024 elections

>>108376 Oregon Democratic candidate vows to 'reclaim her sexuality' after footage of her working as a $500-per-hour dominatrix at Manhattan BDSM dungeon

>>108377 #24483

(23 notables, 24 posts, 26 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131152

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19941696 Q Research General #24484: Psyunday Mornin Psywar Edition

Created 191246ZNOV23




>>108378 #24484

>>108379 End Times News

>>108380 LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QpRG6pP_xC0 - LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>108381 What if the world had chosen to stand up to Hitler earlier? Could the course of history have been altered

>>108382, >>108383, >>108390, >>108391 Arrow Security was manning the doors at that Illegal Migrant hotel in NYC

>>108384 Why is voter discovery of 2020 ballots with perfectly filled in ovals a huge problem for 2024?


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w4ryj - Pres. Trump in Fort Dodge, IA [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>108386 Washington Archdiocese Attempting to Overturn Maryland Child Victims Law

>>108387 Portland-area school district caves after teacher refuses to remove LGBTQ+, Palestinian flag murals from classroom

>>108388 New Jersey Teachers Union Calls For End Of Basic Skills Test For Teachers

>>108389 resident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves U.S. Virgin Islands Emergency Declaration

>>108392 CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

>>108393 NASA’s Deep Space Optical Comm Demo Sends, Receives First Data

>>108394 Illinois Gov. Pritzker says he’s ‘deeply concerned’ about Trump’s retaliation rhetoric

>>108395 #24484

(15 notables, 18 posts, 26 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131153

File: 02c36deeffa5e60⋯.png (65.24 KB,255x187,15:11,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19942679 Q Research General #24485: The End of Basic Skills Edition

Created 191534ZNOV23




>>108396 #24485

>>108397, >>108438 Crooked Joes lays down some fresh 2015 Obama talking-points

>>108398 Ron Jeremy has been released to a private residence to live out his last days.

>>108399, >>108404, >>108413, >>108414 FINEOWL LLC, Arrow Security Dig

>>108400, >>108402, >>108405, >>108406, >>108407, >>108439 J6 CLIP: Suspected Undercover Officer Allegedly Flashing Badge Inside US

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5d55db5a0b8461649c45786582d07fa4d00038245bd64cc8eda90429c767f138.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/812d45f40c70958cb87e5006e5c2e5efeb48fc5e9255fdcc05b3a85259b89de5.mp4

>>108401 Nobody voted for this. It is Unconstitutional. It is Treason.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/edfc4b008aa5f63705a1ef3a4e673ece4f10a1d15bf7aca197f0f29853d573d8.pdf

>>108403 CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

>>108408, >>108416 Can the DOJ Be Fixed? Kash Patel Lays it Out

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wjrzy - Kash Patel: “The January 6th Truth Has Entered The American Bloodstream” [5:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3vqmes - Can the DOJ Be Fixed? Kash Patel Lays it Out [17:43] [Channel: Joe Pags]

>>108409 Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

>>108410 Rep. Jordan Subpoenas Bank Of America Over Allegedly Sharing Jan. 6 Info With FBI

>>108411 When did it become a Crime to Record out in Public?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F09rdOi0SwM - November 17, 2023 [Channel: James Hallwachs]

>>108412 A Plethora of Resignations we just Submitted...

>>108415, >>108426 About DAVID DAVID NAZRO PH.D

>>108417, >>108418, >>108420, >>108422, >>108428, >>108431 TRUMP RALLY in TX!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QpRG6pP_xC0 - LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QpRG6pP_xC0 - LIVE: President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w4x3p - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3w4ryj - Pres. Trump in Fort Dodge, IA [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>108419 dnc-announces-chicago-to-host-2024-democratic-national-convention

>>108421 OTD: Approximately 64% of those on board the Hindenburg during its last flight survived the crash:

>>108423 Is This The End of Crooked Universities?

>>108424 NYC mayor Eric Adams comments on ongoing scandal as he visits churches this morning.

>>108425 ‘Blood’ and ‘money’ - Medvedev names essence of US security doctrine

>>108427 Gain of Function BIOWEAPONS DON'T EXIST - Dr. Stefan Lanka

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/t4tRk0OCqpc7/ - Gain of Function BIOWEAPONS DON'T EXIST -- Stefan Lanka [24:28] [Channel: Health Info For Skeptics]


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/zvXNyfQ35XNs/ - Dr. Tom Cowan - On How Virologists Scam by Deceptive Word Usage and Bogus Science. [1:05:24] [Channel: turtles_turtles]


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/PGHlUgE6rqGN/ - Dr. Sam Bailey Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud [27:39] [Channel: turtles_turtles]

>>108432, >>108436 OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO, Microsoft owns 49.% of the company and no one told them until two minutes prior

>>108433 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/19/23)

>>108434 Logistical 'sticking points' hold up hostage deal; 31 babies rescued at Gaza hospital: Israel-Hamas war live

>>108435 Abbott with a black gloved right hand and DJT with no gloves.

>>108437 PF UPDATE: 45 took same AC as last nights rally (baker mistook as PF CONUS update)

>>108440, >>108442 Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

>>108441 Arizona State Cancels Event With Democrat Rashida Tlaib After She Called For Genocide

>>108443 Armstrong Williams on the ground at the nations capital, witnessing a “training exercise“

(30 notables, 48 posts, 54 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131154

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19943671 Q Research General #24486: Where Da Bread At Edition

Created 191857ZNOV23




>>108444 #24486

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qUjgy1gn9v4 - buckin and jookin contest [Channel: Sterling Askew]

>>108445 Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

>>108446 Cheney, Kinzinger, And "Sham" J6 Committee Under Fire After Friday Footage Dump; GOP Senator Calls For Investigation

>>108447 Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Used Encrypted Messaging Apps to Communicate with Indicted Staffer About $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

>>108448 Top Biden Admin Official Invites CCP and Russian Officials to Tour Sensitive US Nuclear Testing Sites

>>108449 J6 video download app updated

>>108450 Javier Milei reveals Judaism conversion plans

>>108451 Dozens of Retired Military Officers Call on Army to Remove Socialist Prime Minister over Catalan Separatist Amnesty Deal

>>108452 @repmtg I’m calling on Speaker Johnson to create a January 6th Select Committee.

>>108453 Minnesota For Sale: How a handful of big donors fund the state Democrats

>>108454 PF: 12-3060 USAFSOC C-146A Dornier departed Bogota, Colombia after arriving from Panama City depart yesterday

>>108455 Blumenthal: Elon Musk Turned X Into a ‘Cesspool of Hate Speech’

>>108456 The Pentagon shuttle from the final war court hearing of 2023 at Guantánamo Bay has reached the USA carrying weary 9/11 case travelers.

>>108457, >>108458, >>108462 FULL SPEECH - President Trump Visits the Border and Operation Lone Star Service Members - 11/19/23

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d2e3161c5c1e6e7c0a03492535902b9e9e343bb8f4022ed7f00bbcb27499ea1.mp4

>>108459 Israeli troops 'warned about Hamas attacks: Female soldiers reported suspicious activity on the border with Gaza in weeks leading up to October 7 attack - but were threatened with court martial'

>>108460 POTUS stands by The Bread

>>108461 #24485 (in #24486)

>>108463 The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire.

>>108464 PF: SAM521 C40B inbound from Ramstein AFB depart-high level State Dept AC

>>108465 RE: POTUS and Greg Abbott were given disposable gloves - POTUS didn't put his on (They were handing out cutlery wrapped in a napkin)

>>108466 How it's going now in .gif

>>108467 Jewish group praises Albanese government for new Hamas sanctions

>>108468 PF: 45 in TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 east from McAllen,TX Intl Airport @ 575kts and 45k Ft back to PBI

>>108469 IDF confirms Houthis hijacked ship in Red Sea, says it is not an Israeli vessel

>>108470 Former first lady Rosalynn Carter dead at 96

>>108471 Hebrew media reports that Yemeni Armed Forces have seized Israeli-linked ship 'Galaxy Leader' with dozens of crew members on board.

>>108472 #24486

(27 notables, 29 posts, 33 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131155

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19944391 Q Research General #24487: Walls and Wheels Edition

Created 192146ZNOV23




>>108473 #24487

>>108474, >>108512 DJT Truth Post on the loss of Rosalynn Carter

>>108475 A memorial was erected in the main square of Santiago (the capital of Chile) in memory of children who were victims of Israeli misdeeds.

>>108476 N.Haley: Our soldiers and veterans are willing to fight for us—we have to fight for them. We have a country to save.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eac70fd27d792b1ec6e87b68a390d372207ebe703e21da99b0501a9dd52dbe21.mp4

>>108477 Tributes to former First Lady Rosalynn Carter pour in on news of her death

>>108478, >>108485 Update(s): Israeli Tanker GALAXY LEADER

>>108479 Kari Lake: The Arizona State Bar is being weaponized against attorneys who courageously take on Election Cases.

>>108480 Statement from former President Jimmy Carter on the passing of his beloved wife Rosalynn:

>>108481 Troops Take First Step in Filing Suit Over Alleged Sexual Abuse by Army Doctor

>>108482 Creepy Pedo Joe just asked a six year old if she was "17"

>>108483 DeSantis: Donald Trump should show up to debate, prove he can sit on that stage for two hours, defend his record and decisions

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/825edafac1ca7cd3adb85a965ec0dd8d5180d01ba54b99d945754bef5372f2f9.mp4

>>108484 Tom Homan: I promised President Trump when he announced that if he goes back, I go back.

>>108486 Israel Reports Houthi Forces Seized Two Cargo Ships in the Red Sea

>>108487 Royal Navy Tests Largest-Ever Unmanned Aircraft on Carrier off Virginia

>>108488, >>108489 Mark Dayton's (former governor of Minnesota) wife is a Rockefeller?Check out some of the donors for Minnesota politicians Ada Hutschinson?

>>108490 Pentagon Grapples With Trillions In Liabilities Amid Rising Chinese Military Power

>>108491 Planefag: Line of Blackhawks out of Beale AFB at low altitude heading north to Eugene, Or.

>>108492 DJT: It was my Great Honor to serve Thanksgiving meals to law enforcement and troops who will be stationed at the Southern Border during the Thanksgiving holiday this week

>>108493, >>108495, >>108496, >>108497, >>108498, >>108514, >>108515 Liberty for Argentina: Milei wins / Massa concedes

>>108494 PF: TWY16 N711SW Global 7000 landed at PBI about an hour ago from McAllen,TX depart and his 757 in for maintenance earlier this month

>>108499, >>108500, >>108501, >>108502, >>108503, >>108504, >>108505, >>108506, >>108508, >>108509, >>108513 EXCLUSIVE | J6 Police Body Cam Footage Is Uncovered by The Gateway Pundit’s Alicia Powe – Troves of Body Cam Footage Listed and Linked

>>108507 Former editor of left-leaning website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of child pornography

>>108510, >>108511 Bidens / Bill Clinton / Michelle Obama on Rosalyn Carter

>>108516 #24487

(24 notables, 44 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131156

File: 027f0fb1b63e252⋯.png (42.83 KB,255x172,255:172,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19945197 Q Research General #24488: Operation Deportation Ramp Up Edition

Created 200023ZNOV23




>>108517 #24488

>>108518 Israeli MPs introduce death penalty bill

>>108519, >>108521, >>108522, >>108529 Javier Milei has been elected as the next president of Argentina.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7be8e97e84c6a934d50b285b39118b3a87d1f683087c7b74e86a96915dfa4ab9.mp4

>>108520 UK government keeps secret files on critics – Observer

>>108523, >>108524, >>108525 Wild! Marines brawl 6th Street Austin TX

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/93cee3cd65e932501eef0a5fee80b190b32276f9e116c3aafabd7b7db866490f.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zDBBwy-68K8 - Wild! Marines brawl 6th Street Austin TX 11-19-2023 fight [Channel: TX StreetFights 2]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/75282803186b3697617a1c737cda590e68a4600176d5cb1e299b14cfe52cc39a.mp4

>>108526 Economic and market preview/schedule for Week of November 19, 2023

>>108527 The Bidens start Thanksgiving early by serving dinner and showing ‘Wonka’ to service members

>>108528 NewsGuard and U.S. Government Sued for Defamation, Libel and Slander

>>108530 Argentine libertarian Milei pledges new political era after election win

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ETlLWPzIH84 - Far-right populist Javier Milei takes shock lead in Argentina primary election [Channel: Channel 4 News]

>>108531 The biggest event - DJT on Election 2024

>>108532 A $2.7 million whisky bottle from the 1920s breaks the record for most expensive liquor sold

>>108533 The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IEmMdBfD3OQ - The Real Origins of the Philistines and Palestinians [Channel: Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages]

(12 notables, 17 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131157

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19946027 Q Research General #24489: Operation eBake Edition

Created 200327ZNOV23




>>108534 #24489

>>108535, >>108544, >>108551, >>108553 @TuckerCarlson interview with Javier Milei. Who is he?

>>108536 Jimmy Carter pays tribute to wife of 77-years Rosalynn after her death at 96

>>108537 LIVE: New Volcanic Eruption at Mt Etna!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FvbhGFiH5tY - 🌎 LIVE: New Volcanic Eruption at Mt Etna! (Fullscreen) [Channel: afarTV]

>>108538 World's largest child sexual abuse perpetration prevalence study recommends significant investment in early intervention measures

>>108539 YAHOO: Damning photos of Osama Bin Ladin posing with Obama, Condolezza Rice & Hilary Clinton

>>108540 #24488 posted #24489


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff9d59c1b8d042bd03eb1448b72a15b8c524e0cfa1cbe9b1aae113a3f9e6041.mp4

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/PolkBNkNPgiw/ - POLICE STATE (A Dinesh D'Souza Documentary) 👮⛓️🌎 [Channel: MAGAlionHAT]

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/oGBwsi2zjrJ3/ - Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | ACT 2 (Director's Cut Documentary) [1:54:07] [Channel: Wooz News]

>>108543 Missouri AG office investigates allegations that Media Matters created accounts and gamed servers for hit piece targeting X

>>108545 Australia: Deputy PM Richard Marles on taxpayer-funded trip to cricket World Cup final


>>108547, >>108550 Dan Scavino: They have @realDonaldTrump’s back, and he’ll always have theirs, thank you!

>>108549, >>108552, >>108561 Female draft? ACLU says male-only draft is "sex discrimination"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iDcegCJ8QwU - TikTok Compilation - The Female Draft [Channel: Taped TikToks]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Npzie9dqP2g - Modern Women REACTIONS To COMING DRAFT! [Channel: Datingwright]

>>108554 Jenna Ellis' anti-MAGA comments

>>108555, >>108557 QAGG is back…mostly

>>108556 @25 in POLICE STATE: Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization - PEPE is radical, KEK

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6f5aee8b5ea3cc326d84aca297c0415a2c32088086ea6662d08ede53a80b955d.mp4

>>108558 Fierce Dubai storm - weather event?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=COiFOWT1Gmg - Shocking!!! See How Dubai is devoured by water The wrath of God.. [Channel: MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE]

>>108559 Dan Scavino RT of Trump's "Thank you to all of my great Keyboard Warriors from 2020"

>>108560 Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

>>108562, >>108563 Original footage of Abramovic's spirit cooking event in 2013

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1097b0361089e72afa227731916ff93e5c7436956bb4368a9ad6b058cc87b736.mp4

>>108564 Congress concludes illegal California biolab had Chinese connections, slams CDC

>>108565 A small group of thugs learned a painful lesson last night after picking a fight with members of the proud U.S. Marines

>>108566 Elon Musk posts the Baptism Scene from Godfather I

>>108567 #24489

(24 notables, 34 posts, 34 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131158

File: 64c221eb3de525c⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19946818 Q Research General #24490: QAGG is back…mostly Edition

Created 201025ZNOV23




>>108568 #24490

>>108569 Israel Arrests NBC Journalist for Inciting Terrorism

>>108570, >>108573 DJT TS w/CAP: MAKE ARGENTINA GREAT AGAIN! Javier Milei win Argentina's Presidential election

>>108571 Taiwan's former US envoy, well-known in US, vilified by China, named VP candidate

>>108572 Protesters in EU nation blocking aid to Kiev - Ukrainian official

>>108574 YOUNG VOTERS CHOOSE TRUMP: New NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden nationwide, winning in 18-34 age bracket

>>108575 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/20/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wv68z - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/20/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>108576 9:30 AM EST Judges Hear Case on Reinstating Gag Order Against Fmr. President Trump

>>108577 End Times News

>>108578 A mishap occurred during the @SpaceX Starship OFT-2 launch from Boca Chica, Texas, on Saturday, Nov. 18. The anomaly resulted in a loss of the vehicle. No injuries or public property damage

>>108579 @RepClayHiggins To all things a season. We're either going to save our Republic, or lose it…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9821bd86a65e90ace8c323036dd4ea6ff1acb74e918907a4cabc499890a679d8.mp4

>>108580 Ingraham Angle polls audience

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wk0iv - BOOOOOOOM!!! IN YOUR FACE!!!😭🤣🤣🤣 [46] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>108581 Leaders Speakers Series - FHFA Director Sandra Thompson Bipartisan Policy Center

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7QeiuIsogW0 - Leaders Speakers Series - FHFA Director Sandra Thompson [Channel: Bipartisan Policy Center]

>>108582 The Bee: Satan Announces Early Retirement Thanks To TikTok

>>108583 #24490

(15 notables, 16 posts, 12 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131159

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19947756 Q Research General #24491: Mofos Moab Monday Incoming Edition

Created 201511ZNOV23




>>108584 #24491

>>108585, >>108586, >>108588 The United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, LIVE TRUMP GAG ORDER APPEAL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ngUhSD35DoA - The United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit [Channel: United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit]

>>108587 The question these Democratic operatives feared being: “Were you better off four years ago than you are now?”

>>108589 Operators active

>>108590 resident pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey in a ceremony on the South Lawn For The Keks

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2pKtZx-U_ls - President Biden Pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey [Channel: The White House]

>>108591, >>108593, >>108597 Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, Chris Stanton — The J6 Defendants Who Died by Suicide Following the Merciless Harassment by Their Government

>>108592, >>108594, >>108596, >>108630 NFL legend Joe Namath accused of allowing rampant child sex abuse to occur at football camp

>>108595 The Iowa Board of Regents has voted to abolish DEI in all state universities.

>>108598, >>108599 Javier Milei is literally a TV celebrity that is WEF-affiliated

>>108600 In case anyone is wondering who Media Matters is...

>>108601 It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better.

>>108602 Why is the FBI recruiting at an Anime convention?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d2d10c427bd01b48f00908a9c74ee7cfb13716be7c328e43fca3e2efbf72f7d.mp4

>>108603, >>108608 Jeff Clark Predicts Colorado Judge's Biased Ruling Targeting President Trump To Reach Supreme Court

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wjqq4 - Jeff Clark Predicts Colorado Judge's Biased Ruling Targeting President Trump To Reach Supreme Court [6:46] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108604 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Horsehead Nebula

>>108605, >>108607 Fed Boys: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

>>108606 QClock November 20, 2023 - Musk, Fake News Attacks & The Godfather

>>108609 ICYMI: All-women expedition to Antarctica: Pioneering global sustainability through STEMM leadership

>>108610, >>108629 Julie reveals a lot in this video that has still been hidden by the J6 committee, they refuse to them it all over to the republican house

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wjo84 - "The Breaking Of The Dam": Kelly Reacts To Speaker Johnson Releasing 44,000 Hours Of Jan. 6 Footage [6:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108611 Elon posted a video clip from The Godfather I showing Michael taking out the heads of the other families. Timestamp = 5:04am.

>>108612, >>108613, >>108618 Papua New Guinea volcano erupts and Japan says it’s assessing a possible tsunami risk to its islands

>>108614, >>108634 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>108615, >>108616 Fisher Space Pens to fly with Blue Origin crews as 'official ballpoint'

>>108617, >>108628 Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman / Greg Brockman, OpenAI co-founder, is also joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team.

>>108619, >>108622, >>108624, >>108625, >>108626, >>108627, >>108635, >>108638, >>108639, >>108647, >>108648 Naomi vs Naomi/Disney

>>108620 To Be Truly Free

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/1XK41pkaSMXN/ - To be Truly Human is to be Truly Free [2:32] [Channel: Computing Forever]

>>108621 ‘Chair Care’: New Mexico hairstylists being trained under CDC-funded program to push COVID, flu shots

>>108623 NASA’s Webb Reveals New Features in Heart of Milky Way

>>108631, >>108633 Russia's Desperate Scramble To Stave Off Demographic Catastrophe

>>108632 Italian court convicts 207 people in mafia ‘maxi-trial’

>>108636 Lara Trump’s NEW I Won’t Back Down (Acoustic) Cover Censored by Spotify and Apple

>>108637 Bannon: President Trump Gave The U.S. Peace And Prosperity In A "Fourth Turning"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wwc1a - Steve Bannon: President Trump Gave The U.S. Peace And Prosperity In A "Fourth Turning" [13:56] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108640, >>108654 Germany prepares to take in refugees from the Gaza Strip. Security authorities sound terror alarm

>>108641, >>108650 Buckwheat up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FYZztiGyz4g - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre [Channel: The White House]

>>108642 They're telling you they hate CAPITALISM. They don'thate Israel, Jews, or white Americans. They want to dismantle CAPITALISM. What's "decolonization"?

>>108643 Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s comment on the 10th anniversary of the beginning of Ukrainian Euromaidan

>>108644 Ohio priest sentenced to life in prison for sex trafficking

>>108645 Elon Musk on OpenAI / Microsoft drama

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c96b328fbe0e97f50f13f6d40ff9e9b2846fdbf6e7ec151d7187507d79b645f.mp4

>>108646 Quality Assurance Specialists started their day a little after 5 a.m. this morning, assisting with the #HawaiiWildfires federal response in Lāhainā, Hawaii

>>108649 Trump "Has To Be Eliminated": Another Dan Goldman Gaffe, Or Call For Assassination?

>>108651 A Tornado Watch is expected this afternoon from east/southeast Texas into much of Louisiana

>>108652 Video Series by InvestigateJ6 Shows Police and Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd with Rubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades WITHOUT WARNING!

>>108653 CIA's Burns & SecDef Austin In Separate 'Urgent' Trips To Ukraine As War Effort Implodes

>>108655 The IMF’s “Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook”

>>108656 I.M.F OWNS ARGENTINA???

>>108657 #24491

(45 notables, 74 posts, 82 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131160

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19948568 Q Research General #24492: As Pardons Go....Gag Order Appeal Watch Edition

Created 201912ZNOV23





>>108659 Mormon Leaders Accused Of Concealing Widespread Sexual Abuse And Incest Within The Church

>>108660, >>108672 RUMBLE: We are currently experiencing a major DDOS attack. Our engineers are investigating and we will report back here with updates.

>>108661, >>108691 Today is Joe Biden's birthday

>>108662 Russia condemns Israel’s genocide in Gaza: “Innocent people are being killed indiscriminately”

>>108663, >>108664 Outside Agitator - Naomi Klein and the new new left.

>>108665 Secy Defense Lloyd J. Austin - Ukraine’s fight against Putin’s aggression is a marathon - not a sprint (wants us there FOREVER)

>>108666, >>108673 PF

>>108667, >>108675, >>108676, >>108677 WATCH: Israeli Children Sing 'We Will Annihilate Everyone' in Gaza

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f767d2ee8229de9c00f4b3a42e82acdc75e7d34ad77dc2e69d57840b9d8a443.mp4

>>108668 Israel Bombing Southern Gaza Areas Civilians Were Told to Go to for Safety

>>108669, >>108671 Nommed: One of the hateful messages found in a Q train was accompanied by an altered swastika

>>108670 US Says Israel Has ‘Right’ to Expand Military Operations in South Gaza But Wants a Delay

>>108674 IDF's secret Unit 504 - How is it different from Mossad, Shin Bet?

>>108678 California Dem Party chair vows to hold accountable any delegates who aided ceasefire protest

>>108679 Former editor of website The Recount, Slade Sohmer, is charged on multiple counts of CP

>>108680 Document From 1991 Exposes The NWO Population Reduction “Quota”

>>108681 George Soros makes moves to take over Polish mass media

>>108682 Rescue agency reveals that Israel’s aerial attack killed over 260 Israeli CIVILIANS during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

>>108683 Netanyahu says Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians

>>108684 MTG - It's time we empower patients and doctors by investigating all reported cases [of vax injuries], without fear of retaliation.

>>108685 Street journalist interrupted by Palestine organizer insisting to only have interviews done by their press liaisons

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba9d114e1c8c71224dc3d661bbe23ed63c0cc94bfeabdd15cbc2ef15cf3727cc.mp4

>>108686 Pentagon won't say where it's sending US troops - to avoid embarrasing host nations

>>108687 Yields Tumble, Stocks Spike After Stellar 20Y Auction

>>108688 39 suspects identified in major online child sexual abuse swoop in the Western Balkan region

>>108689 PDJT: This is a Big and Wonderful deal! Mike Lindell cheers judge's "historic" ruling [on GA voting machines] as vindication

>>108690 Former Elon Musk Engineers Seek Funds for Robotic Pizzeria

>>108692 Indictment Adds 13 Defendants to Fentanyl Distribution Conspiracy


>>108694, >>108697, >>108701, >>108702 200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency

>>108695, >>108696 Trump's personal physician: President Trump's overall health is excellent.

>>108698, >>108700 Musk: Media Matters is pure evil

>>108699 Aussie state media lies again - mask don't stop anything - they do reduce oxygen and cause illness.

>>108703, >>108705, >>108706 Is a Federal court gutting the Voting Rights Act - denying citizens and groups the right to sue?

>>108704 MAGA Calls for Liz Cheney to Be Jailed: 'Guilty of Treason'

>>108707, >>108711 CMz: Happy Birthday, Jim!

>>108708 17 Old Things Younger Than Joe Biden - KEK

>>108709 ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection

>>108710, >>108712 Where are the homeless going in California?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d961de9b5c5475092a6d5424daf1c5feac85ac128e313c65731523870a09c83.mp4

>>108713 #24492

(39 notables, 56 posts, 64 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131161

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19949470 Q Research General #24493: 17 Old Things Younger Than Joe Biden Edition

Created 202232ZNOV23




>>108714 #24493

>>108715 Poles Poles and Hairy unimpressed Moles

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wxdeg - BOOOOOOOM!!!😂😂😂 [1:33] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>108716 Military members in TX helping invaders cross the border? (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d79d41fe43b12c979c45f7d5c47ffe4cc66b9bb5537f6648c6db3e22cd56d2a.mp4

>>108717 After 5 yrs Britain sends plane-mutiny rapist back to Somalia… w/ plush hotel, guards, therapy you paid for

>>108718, >>108720, >>108725, >>108727, >>108740, >>108749, >>108760, >>108763, >>108768, >>108772, >>108791 So STILL NO WORD on the HOMLESS in CA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/162e9bb09c204a012faa0fac218771a51835e09cd09565047903ad06f75d2325.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d961de9b5c5475092a6d5424daf1c5feac85ac128e313c65731523870a09c83.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d961de9b5c5475092a6d5424daf1c5feac85ac128e313c65731523870a09c83.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qem54z1c70I - This stream is prerecorded Kensington videos looped with a 24/7 live chat [Channel: DEEPVIEW MEDIA]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qem54z1c70I - This stream is prerecorded Kensington videos looped with a 24/7 live chat [Channel: DEEPVIEW MEDIA]

>>108719 Triple-threat flight operations?? The Boxer Amphibious Ready Group

>>108721 Released: New Episode on Ray Epps 'Fed-Surrection Part 3

>>108722, >>108756 YAG-37 project was one of many innovative roles that Liberty ships played in assisting the Navy

>>108723 Elon posts at 5:04>post 504= WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD. LEARN OUR COMMS

>>108724 QPost 24: RE (PB) ANOTHER DEM RETIREMENT: California Democrat Rep. Tony Cárdenas Will Not Seek Reelection

>>108726 DHS Chief Mayorkas Warns Agents Not to Misgender Border Crossers, but Ask Their Preferred Pronouns

>>108728 WaPo Reporter Who Questions Validity of Hunter's Laptop Was Recently Awarded for Using It As a Resource

>>108729, >>108741, >>108744, >>108754, >>108765, >>108774 Release of More Footage Spurs Calls for New Jan. 6 Inquiry

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1493ce0aaaf8e9849d7db7ff7a89abccc696b201242c153c69c422d6d0000d37.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZB8kjR4nYzk - Donald Trump tells supporters to 'go home' after they storm Capitol [Channel: The Telegraph]

>>108730 Trump just released letter from his DR revealing he’s in excellent condition and recently lost weight

>>108731 @IAPolls2022: Both Nikki & Ron coming in at 17 a piece…

>>108732, >>108735, >>108755, >>108770, >>108773 Biden Turkey Day Event: Liberty and Bell on the Clock

>>108733 Didn’t allow a “USA Day” because it’s “too politicizeF” Yet this same district celebrates pride month

>>108734 Federal court deals devastating blow to Voting Rights Act

>>108736 IDF Releases Video Showing Hamas Tunnel under Gaza Hospital?

>>108737, >>108739, >>108742 New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies

>>108738 I look at both sides for the real truth this is an interesting social experiment

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=arVWX_3WzzM - Brilliant social experiment exposing Hamas. By FactsForPeace #israel [Channel: Living Lchaim]

>>108743, >>108745, >>108766, >>108769, >>108776, >>108781, >>108783 DO "VIRUSES" CAUSE DISEASE?

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/TORel19zI2A2/ - The Real Science of Germs: Do Viruses Cause Disease [1:15:49] [Channel: DrAndrewKaufman]

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/WpXTtKLFxP3e/ - Gain of Fiction: Discussing Lab-Created "Viruses" Webinar from 11/11/22 [54:47] [Channel: Dr.TomCowan]

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vbp5ch8YU2ec/ - A Beginner’s Guide to Germ Theory | Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Jerm Warfare [1:12:39] [Channel: DrAndrewKaufman]

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/1ckM4ojRxRr7/ - Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s Guest Appearance on Look Into It with Eddie Bravo [2:52:45] [Channel: DrAndrewKaufman]

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/PGHlUgE6rqGN/ - Dr. Sam Bailey Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud [27:39] [Channel: turtles_turtles]

>>108746 PF CONUS Activity

>>108747 @WhiteHouse: Vaccines offer the best protection against the worst of COVID-19, flu, and RSV

>>108748, >>108751 Nikki has another event starting soon…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f04278af9f68f0076091025a614044e9af12be54c7a235abe34d2f0207ea13b8.mp4

>>108750 Argentina’s ‘Outsider’ President-elect Tied to WEF?

>>108752 Ottawa doctor's wife's divorce court filing exposes trudeau's wife's affair since at least last spring 10/23

>>108753, >>108762 Employees grateful Andrew & Tristan Tate for generous donations to Palestinian children

>>108757 Appeals court panel appears critical of Trump gag order in D.C. case

>>108758 End Times News

>>108759 FakePOTUS on X Threads, folks

>>108761, >>108775 Dem Rep. Goldman apologizes after calling for Trump to be 'eliminated'

>>108764 Former editor of liberal news outlet charged with multiple counts of child pornography

>>108767 ‘It Has Been Pretty Awful’: First State To Decriminalize Hard Drugs Looking To Reverse Liberal Experiment

>>108771, >>108780 IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari Speaks on Hostage Rescue Efforts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1saU9EypcbA - IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari Speaks on Hostage Rescue Efforts [Channel: Israel Defense Forces]

>>108777, >>108778, >>108782 SF mayor London Breed, her husband Lawrence Lui, his father Lui Chee Woo, CCP, etc…

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IqHfomIZeuI - The Scary Connection Between San Francisco and China [Channel: ThisisJohnWilliams]

>>108779 81st Birthday Poll: Voters Doubt Joe Biden’s Fitness for Office

>>108784, >>108786 Federal appeals court deals a blow to Voting Rights Act, ruling that private plaintiffs can’t sue

>>108785, >>108787, >>108788, >>108789, >>108792 X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI

>>108790 Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for new Jan. 6 Committee to investigate Dem panel

>>108793 Large military aircraft floating in Kaneohe Bay waters following apparent runway incident

>>108794 #24493

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0adc1976e54032289b34494bed2df0972a88437fb84ec282e53cef842ec77baf.mp4

(42 notables, 81 posts, 69 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131162

File: 0023c7c118972ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19950308 Q Research General #24494: X CORP. v. MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA and ERIC HANANOKI Edition

Created 210112ZNOV23




>>108795 #24494

>>108796, >>108798, >>108801, >>108803, >>108810, >>108818 Ken Paxton opens investigation into Media Matters

>>108797, >>108821 Truth Social filed defamation lawsuit likely unprecedented, incorp. twenty publications + moar?

>>108799, >>108800 Issue w/Berrien County’s dispatch technology, misidentification crossing, led to derailment 11/16

>>108802 Texas AG sues Pfizer over quality-control lapses in kids' ADHD drug

>>108804, >>108825, >>108842, >>108847 U.S. military plane, (Boeing P-8 Poseidon?), overshot runway splashed into Bay HI

>>108805 BROOKHAVEN, MS! Take cover immediately! Supercell with #tornado potential is approaching!

>>108807 US SEC sues Kraken crypto exchange over failure to register

>>108808 KISS OF DEATH: DeSantis Went Full Never Trump. You Never Go Full Never Trump

>>108809 Mike Lindell To The RNC: "They need to secure our election platforms"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wy1j1 - Mike Lindell To The RNC: "They need to secure our election platforms" [7:09] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108811 InvestigateJ6 Shows Police, Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd w/ubber Bullets, Explosive Munitions, Sound Grenades

>>108812, >>108816, >>108824 I just read thru the Cong Record for Jan 6.

>>108813 Dan Goldman Eliminate Trump, Also Dan Goldman Eliminate Hamas

>>108814 Pfizer is Finally Sued Over Covid Vaccine Fraud

>>108815 Trump's social media platform Truth Social files defamation lawsuit against twenty media companies

>>108817 X Corp filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters for America and one of its writers, Eric Hananoki

>>108819, >>108829, >>108830, >>108831, >>108840, >>108853 Planefag Report

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7dac19f0666bb0dc842680ee5cb605a95cca8ad1472a85bafe331685e1cfbded.mp4

>>108820 Even though Biden has coordinated President Trump’s 4 indictments, Mitch still considers Joe a great friend


>>108823 J6 Defendant Victoria White punched by Police in Face 30Xs + w/Fists, Sticks is Sentenced to 10 Days Prison

>>108826 MEDIA MATTERS IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE The judge hearing Elon Musk's lawsuit v. Media Matters appointed by DJT

>>108827 Trump Calls to 'Revamp the RNC' If Debates Continue

>>108828 Ezra A. Cohen rp: Israel isn’t trying wipe Gaza off map. Israel trying defend itself against genocidal terrorist

>>108832 Guess Who Just Brought Back Pizzagate?

>>108833, >>108837 Trump is clear favorite in a prospective GOP primary...

>>108834 This is fucking Hilarious, a hit job by Hasan brought in more donations for Article 3 Project

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wxwxm - Mike Davis: "No one has raised more for the Article 3 Project than Mehdi Hasan" [3:04] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108835 https://docs.reclaimthenet.org/x-corp-v-media-matters-rtn.pdf

>>108836 CEO of Media Matters is begging for money to fight lawsuit filed by Elon

>>108838 Appellate Court Reinstates New York Governor's Power to Enforce Quarantine Rules

>>108839 Oops: The Daily Beast Inadvertently Boosts Sales of Company Selling HCQ and Ivermectin

>>108841 America is on a war footing inside its own borders under the Biden Regime

>>108843 Federal Appeals Court Panel Blasts Judge Chutkan, Signals it will Narrow Trump’s Unconstitutional Gag Order

>>108844, >>108848, >>108851 Thierry Baudet leader far-right attacked w/ beer bottle Groningen bar

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a33e59ef1c3047aeb8021f88fbf45dc95c5485bf7bf59c0b611a8c1f8ca6ec0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8595b76ef23ff50fb069e0ed6ebc44ef26aed3d50e32155390ad36cf1c747df4.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3peoyj - Thierry Baudet spreekt bij ReAwaken America Tour met o.a. Trump [12:14] [Channel: Corpelijn]

>>108845 Stacey Abrams Group Exposed for Rampant Fraud

>>108846 Robert Bowes Explains How All Parts Of The Election System In Georgia Are Malfunctioning

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wxu8y - Robert Bowes Explains How All Parts Of The Election System In Georgia Are Malfunctioning [4:33] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108849 Up In Smoke: California's Largest Pot Distributor Collapses Amid $17 Million In Unpaid Taxes

>>108850, >>108852 Media Matters boss paid former partner $850G 'blackmail' settlement

>>108854 #24494

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eaeb3faf9c24ac48f70eff42e098e212338f4675e1e64f206dd369c7445ac0fa.mp4

(38 notables, 59 posts, 63 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131163

File: 0023c7c118972ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19951257 Q Research General #24495: Unprecedented Lawsuits - Happy Birthday Jim Watkins! o7 Edition

Created 210347ZNOV23




>>108855, >>108856, >>108857, >>108858, >>108860, >>108862, >>108863, >>108864, >>108865, >>108866, >>108868, >>108870, >>108872, >>108873, >>108874, >>108876, >>108916, >>108921, >>108922, >>108925, >>108929 Happy Birthday Mr. Jim Watkins o7 Patriot

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xKPbsgRZlzs - Birthday Greetings- Song Boogie Shoes [Channel: greetingish]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UVKsd8z6scw - Pee Wee Herman - Tequila [Channel: Sooner Craig]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b2cb1aa451e118514c0a754123dcc1c369ed88f8a546dc4669ac2abfd3f7b7e2.mp4

>>108859 Remember This November Day

>>108861, >>108878, >>108882 POTUS T TS : Gangster's Paradise v. clown show video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5553775c581922e5717ee3b7c4a11dbc8ad83ae5a61f83d5750af3e70eb1d143.mp4

>>108867 @RonDeSantis: I’d love to do debate on @NEWSMAX. Get former president & me - let’s have at it for an hour

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c68737c8c5b9ee5446143acbe8250df428614fa976eb6c68e7137a626e029002.mp4

>>108869 Biden-Harris Admin Awards $600M Bolster US manufacturing of COVID-19 Tests, Re-Opening of COVID Test Website

>>108871 Media Matters created, shaped & governed long time by David Brock, most craven, deceitful & amoral scumbag

>>108875 Putin Congratulates Argentina President-Elect Javier Milei

>>108877, >>108879, >>108880, >>108917 Planefag Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e5b20780c2b7aa4b3626715436d5358ead7e0a5c7892203ce99bb3a21f0c07b8.mp4

>>108881, >>108884, >>108885, >>108891, >>108897, >>108901 Biden has bonfire in the WH 81st bday

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FkHCf6sjBgo - "That's All Folks!" - Porky Pig [Channel: Gary Lobster]


>>108886, >>108893, >>108894 Zelensky accuses Putin of backing Hamas' murderous rampage against Israel on 10/7

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81779fc22ede645b99f802a2c07b0db082004d1fa4290bda5e47a49eaa9501db.mp4

>>108887 Where did SF's homeless population go during APEC? Here's what we uncovered

>>108888 Biden says he’s an optimist. But his dire warnings about Trump have become central to his campaign

>>108889 Iowa Governor @KimReynoldsIA on why she is supporting @RonDeSantis over Donald Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4c7acb4a3e85c7b3170be24e658741e5915f26a417e6ca0f048f009fa55f8c49.mp4

>>108890, >>108892 Jackie O one of Oz's biggest radio stars rushed to hospital with suspected Heart Attack…

>>108895, >>108898, >>108906, >>108914, >>108926 DIGG Request: Analyze all the J6 videos

>>108896 Reminder old interview with Megyn Kelly and James Alefantis: Pizzagate back in the news

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YXApkzwKIh8 - Pizzeria owner targeted by fake news stories speaks out [Channel: Fox News]

>>108899 Dem Rep. Goldman apologizes after calling for Trump to be 'eliminated'

>>108900 Several CA counties have or trying recall progressive DA's community leaders say fed up with violent crime

>>108903 @JakeSherman: @SpeakerJohnson met tonight with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago

>>108904, >>108912, >>108913 Today Truth Social filed a defamation lawsuit that is likely unprecedented in history

>>108905 LIVE: Police chase in Los Angeles

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y9rq2JC8wcc - LIVE POLICE CHASE LA Quick Monday Night STream [Channel: Portland Andy🌭]

>>108907 @elonmusk: All trolls go to heaven

>>108908, >>108910 Clockfag Reports

>>108909, >>108911, >>108915, >>108919, >>108927 Truth Social's Defamation Lawsuit Against 20 Publications

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33325216b7264982bdac36f9c460402719cdb54d77e64d6d3ec185e50cf7de66.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33325216b7264982bdac36f9c460402719cdb54d77e64d6d3ec185e50cf7de66.pdf

>>108918 Hakeem Jeffries breaks with ‘Squad,’ rips socialist group over racist image used in protest fliers

>>108920, >>108923 @repmtg: List feckless Repubs voted WITH Dems table my censure resolution against Rashida Tlaib

>>108924 Bill Maher Destroys Neil Degrasse Tyson In Gender Debate?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KXRGkqb565I - Bill Maher Destroys Neil Degrasse Tyson In Gender Debate? [Channel: KNIGHT TALK]

>>108928 Obama, Clooney and Gates: 'We can end child marriage in a generation'

>>108930 #24495

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EXuslEZsrc4 - Gangsta's Paradise GOES HEAVY! (@officialcoolio METAL Cover by STATE of MINE) [Channel: STATE of MINE]

(30 notables, 76 posts, 78 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131164

File: 0023c7c118972ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19952072 Q Research General #24496: Why So Blind To See? Gangsta's Paradise v. Clown World Edition

Created 211013ZNOV23




>>108931 #24496

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5553775c581922e5717ee3b7c4a11dbc8ad83ae5a61f83d5750af3e70eb1d143.mp4

>>108932 How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it?

>>108933 Elon Musk’s lawsuit against Media Matters will be heard by Judge Mark T. Pittman

>>108934 Former Troops Punished over Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Sue for Billions in Lost Wages

>>108935 Pfizer Layoffs Confirmed As Vaccine Manufacturer Drives For Cost Savings

>>108936 Lara Logan's Rest of the Story Docuseries Ray Epps

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wyg7d - Lara Logan's Rest of the Story Docuseries Ray Epps [27:28] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>108937 Attorney General Ken Paxton Launches Investigation into “Radical Anti-Free Speech Organization” Media Matters Over Fraudulent Activity

>>108938 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is Suing Pfizer for Defrauding Public Over Drug

>>108939 Late-Term Abortionist Found Dead in Her Hotel Room

>>108940 PF Some lucky Canadian Air Force members got the coveted Key West assignment

>>108941 PB, PDF Trump Media and Technology Group's complaint against 20 media outlets

>>108942 'Zombie Deer Disease' Confirmed at Yellowstone

>>108943 Ex-Maryland Democrat Mayor Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison from 150-Year Plea Deal for Child Porn Case Involving Over 500 Victims

>>108944 SECOND Democrat Accused of Cheating in Connecticut Race with Absentee Ballots

>>108945 North Korea launches missile; J-Alert issued for Okinawa Prefecture in Japan

>>108946 Trump Civil Fraud Trial at 10 am

>>108947 US Postal Worker Stole $24 Million in Checks in 4 Months

>>108948 2006 Audio Emerges of Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election

>>108949 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/21/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x1fvm - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/21/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>108950 Reminder Epstein Victim Who Testified Against Ghislaine Maxwell Found Dead.

>>108951 Muskegon Voter Fraud: Video Interrogation of GBI Strategies Official Released, Verifies Prior Gateway Pundit Reporting and Indicts Michigan AG Dana Nessel

>>108952 Christina Bobb: Trump won by millions and broke the left’s algorithm.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AXvb-LPUMNQ - Christina Bobb: Trump won by millions and broke the left’s algorithm. [Channel: One America News Network]

>>108953 PF NORSE02 and THNDR07 E3TB aircraft up and out of Tinker AFB this morning

>>108954 Happy Bithday James Watkins.

>>108955 Kris Mayes, is threatening to arrest anyone who does a hand recount of ballots in Mohave County

>>108956 Trump Leads GOP Primary Field With 67%

>>108957 CEO of NYC migrant contractor DocGo resigns after allegedly lying about college credentials

>>108958 NASA One Step Closer to Fueling Space Missions with Plutonium-238

>>108959 #24496

(29 notables, 29 posts, 28 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131165

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19953174 Q Research General #24497: Would (You) know and invasion if you saw it? Edition

Created 211512ZNOV23




>>108960, >>108972, >>108981 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM WATKINS AND TY

>>108961 Meme Army Charge!

>>108962, >>108963, >>108964 Impeach All RINOS

>>108965, >>108966, >>108970 RFK Jr. on the 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Death

>>108967 planeFag CONUS Activity

>>108968 MP4 Morning Joe UNHINGED “(Trump)... will execute whoever he is allowed to"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e6a5adb5b0b3f4c118e80708d90d103f0c15997d0ff21b4613ac7583cfa0d17f.mp4

>>108969 PDJT - Please study the numbers

>>108971 Kishida May Visit U.S. Next Spring-Yen strengthening/bond yields dropped

>>108973 @POTUS America, this week let’s gather and give thanks for what we have, for our families, and for the traditions we’ve built together.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8085dbb5bc9e5f6c7e701e4718e51a8ff14e2815a54597dea8c0b767b5e6f818.mp4

>>108974 @RepRaskin Antisemitic conspiracy theories, terrorist propaganda and disinformation are flourishing on @X under @elonmusk #Libel

>>108975 Beef Recall in Eight States as Possible Contamination Found

>>108976, >>108980 Kek of the Thread.

>>108977 MP4 Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra, explains the need for J6,

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eee0fefabf87d1ee378bd03867b7ecc200683de28d74fb3fac074c3988a60684.mp4

>>108978 8Kun Memes

>>108979 MP4 Israel infiltration of Palestine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f549b9b6e4d51c31944990ade2ed458832eb438304944cbd87651ebc16f5b167.mp4

>>108982 Nov 18 The U.S. government has declassified a secret intelligence program QMapped

>>108983 Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao Agrees to Step Down, Plead Guilty

>>108984 pneuma /noo′mə, nyoo′-/ noun The soul or vital spirit. #ConsciousEnergy

>>108985 "Corpus clock and chronophage" - YT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pHO1JTNPPOU - The Corpus Clock & Chronophage [Channel: Dr John C Taylor]

>>108986 #24497

(20 notables, 27 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131166

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19954129 Q Research General #24498: Morning Joe “(Trump) will execute whoever he is allowed to

Created 211818ZNOV23




>>108987, >>108996, >>108999, >>109024, >>109025, >>109026, >>109027 Morning Joe #PanicDrums #TooSexy MP4's

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/282d153772ea6f721b9a37ace2bbb2a415bad133f7769ea819197102daaac1f2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d6f6ce0d84a57964ce93e860b976465ed3956adc89f4321d4aa0d182f7de1e6.mp4

>>108988 SECOND Democrat Accused of Cheating in Connecticut Race with Absentee Ballots

>>108989 Ex-Maryland Democrat Mayor Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison from 150-Year Plea Deal for Child Porn Case

>>108990, >>108994 Happy Birthday to our Favorite anon - we love you Jim!! God Bless you this day and forever!!

>>108991, >>109013, >>109015, >>109016, >>109017 PB, PDF Trump Media and Technology Group's complaint against 20 media outlets

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33325216b7264982bdac36f9c460402719cdb54d77e64d6d3ec185e50cf7de66.pdf

>>108992 Establishment Crucifies Musk Over Jewish Antiwhitism Post

>>108993 2:00 PM EST Defense Department Briefing

>>108995 Anon Ask, What would unify America at this point?

>>108997, >>109014, >>109028 PF: Secretary of Defense returns from secret ‘visit to Kiev’ on SAM409

>>108998 @USMC “White Knights” of Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 165 (Reinforced) lifts off during flight quarters

>>109000 Israel’s Intelligence Minister Proposes the ‘Resettlement’ of Palestinians Outside Gaza

>>109001 FOMC Minutes-Fed gave no indication of possible rate cuts at last meeting, minutes show

>>109002 3:00 PM EST Attorney General Merrick Garland and Treasury Secretary Yellen News Conference

>>109003 PF Merlin New one

>>109004 U.S. President Joe Biden's energy security advisor is visiting Israel to discuss potential economic revitalization plans for Gaza

>>109005 Austin has announced Washington's allocation of an additional $100 mln military aid package to Kiev

>>109006, >>109007, >>109008 OTD AC-130 gunship engaged individuals responsible for launching a missile attack on U.S. and Coalition personnel

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KTq6ojdTlZg - AC-130 Gunship Lights up the Night [Channel: Red Pill Media - RPMTRUTH]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3dAbHxpJc0I - WATCH LIVE: Pentagon holds news briefing following Austin meeting with Zelenskyy [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>109009 Trump's Truth Social platform files massive, $1.5 billion lawsuit against MSNBC, Axios, Reuters, and 17 other media companies

>>109010 SICK: California Male Nanny Receives Over 700-Year Sentence for Molesting 16 Young Boys and Filming His Crimes.

>>109011 Senior Pentagon Official At Office Overseeing Elementary Schools Arrested For Human Trafficking

>>109012, >>109022 Schiffty looking at Elon's X amplifying of antisemitism?

>>109018 PF General Report

>>109019 PDJT CALL TO DIG HENRY FORD #Bloodlines MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c42d42dd8e8377fad852cc9007b0e31e47da4fdebd48ef5dbeb6e24c1dd6748.mp4

>>109020 House Casualties https://pressgallery.house.gov/member-data/casualty-list

>>109021, >>109023 Girl Scouts of America Now Tells Girls White People are Evil Oppressors #WokeRangers

>>109029 President Trump reveals thousands of ballots from Fulton County were duplicated in the 2020 election.

>>109030 Starlink’s high-speed internet is now available across Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands

>>109031 @libsoftiktok - President of Media Matters made fun of trans people and led a campaign for advertisers to leave X.

>>109032 #24498

(29 notables, 46 posts, 60 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131167

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19954910 Q Research General #24499: FULTON COUNTY Voter Corruption 3,600 Ballots Edition

Created 212058ZNOV23




>>109033 #24499

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7725152ea3aed76ecd0b65870cd2a5aec9d3a5e6022ccc343507002dd373e928.mp4

>>109034 NSA Promotes Anti-White Racism Among Employees, Leak Reveals

>>109035 #Binance allowed ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hamas to transact on its platform, US Government says.

>>109036, >>109040 Reports that China's most advanced ship 980 hull number Type 071 landing ship (Longhushan) is on fire

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/be03e95e37a89cb5043df78191994fe49801bd2c7c5c0901605a520339b5273e.mp4

>>109037 Buttigieg’s Friend & Biden WH Regular Patrick Wojahn Sentenced To 30 Years for Child Porn

>>109038 Tater wants to ban early termination fees for cable and satellite TV

>>109039 PF: SAM070 G5 departed Teterboro Airport south after an overnight and came from JBA yesterday, Likely going to Miami

>>109041 Washington’s War On Free Speech: The Government Vs. OAN

>>109042 China's state banks are buying yuan, quickening its rally


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/EGLXozWXDqUm/ - *NO ACCESS IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES/CENSORED*

>>109044 Marching to Zion - History of the Jewish people

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/zrJeAFGPO0xp/ - Marching to Zion [1:36:24] [Channel: SkipperQ]

>>109045 South Africa's Parliament just voted to cut off ties with Israel.

>>109046 Jordan subpoenas Assistant U.S. Attorney Wolf over Hunter Biden probe

>>109047 Agreement reached for the buyout of the hotel management and license agreements for the Trump International Hotel, Waikiki

>>109048 Please pick or submit a banner for the JANUARY 6th FOOTAGE REVIEW THREAD

>>109049 Alaska's Hill delegation introduces measure to open Arctic to drilling, reinstate canceled leases

>>109050 UK Appeals Court rejects plea to save the life of a baby on life support?

>>109051 GM’s Cruise CEO resigns amid concerns over driverless car safety

>>109052 Former Troops Punished over Vaccine Mandate Sue for Lost Wages

>>109053 This letter about OpenAI seem like concerns worth investigating.

>>109054 Hochul Administration Wins Appeal in Lawsuit Over ‘Quarantine Camps’ in NY

>>109055 @realDonaldTrump “DUE YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE.”

>>109056 @DevinNunes The Brief: Trump trial judge should read my book on the Constitution and bone up on civil liberties | Gregg Jarrett

>>109057 Week 45 UK Excess Deaths - WORSE THAN WW2

>>109058 San Antonio Food Bank Delivering Tons Of Food To The Huge Intake Center ForILLEGALSLocated On San Pedro Avenue Just A Couple Of Miles From The SA Airport

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/57f762e220a7a5b1bb14b0c32b57be63d0a2e73a29682c041512f98213d7206e.mp4

>>109059 Nearly 150 sick in Salmonella outbreak affecting 11 countries

>>109060 #24499

(27 notables, 28 posts, 39 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131168

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19955677 Q Research General #24500: Due Diligence Edition

Created 212329ZNOV23




>>109061 #24500

>>109062 OpenAI, Microsoft hit with new author copyright lawsuit over AI training

>>109063 Jim Jordan SUBPOENAS Lesley Wolfe about her role in the Hunter Biden investigation

>>109064, >>109065 U.S. Treasury Announces Largest Settlements in History with World’s Largest Virtual Currency Exchange Binance

>>109066 VA to Pause Foreclosures on Veterans Struggling to Pay Mortgages


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x3ukg - TIME TO UNIFY AND WIN!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳 [41] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x3gup - MAKE ARGENTINA GREAT AGAIN!!! [26] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>109069, >>109089, >>109090 THEY KNOW: Scarborough-He (Trump) will imprison and execute whoever hes allowed to imprison.Maddow-He (Trump) wants to put msnbc on trial for treason and execute us. Smells like PANIC.

>>109070 United Airlines pilot removed from service over pro-Hamas posts

>>109071 German police raid homes of residents accused of celebrating Hamas attacks online

>>109072, >>109077 PLA Type 071 Landing Ship Smokescreen Exercise Leads to Fire Rumors Online

>>109073 "This Is Going To Expose Everything": Mike Lindell

>>109074 November 21, 1694: Voltaire, a central figure of the French Enlightenment, was born in Paris

>>109075 Woman Convicted for Voter Fraud Scheme

>>109076 NY: Courts Pave Way For New York Quarantine Camps

>>109078, >>109086, >>109098 Eyez on Skyz/potatoes

>>109079 @USMC A #Marine CH-53E Super Stallion assigned to the “White Knights” of Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 165 (Reinforced) lifts off ...

>>109080 Israeli cabinet to vote on hostage deal as Netanyahu says war against Hamas will continue even if ceasefire reached

>>109081 Refresher: U.S. diplomatic cables leaked to WikiLeaks show that the Obama administration, like its predecessors, has played a double game with Iran’s Shiite government

>>109082, >>109084, >>109096 QClock November 21, 2023 - Think Navy Ship Crashes - We Are Active - Hawaii

>>109083 #MAGALOVE Latinos

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x2xas - LET'S GO!!!🥳🥳🥳 #MAGALOVE [2:33] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>109085 Richard Baris: "The MAGA coalition of the future is a little bit more urban and rural". MI has more support for Trump than I thought.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x4f37 - Richard Baris: "The MAGA coalition of the future is a little bit more urban and rural" [4:37] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109087 Dershowitz Explains The Media Being Against Israel And The Hostages Hamas Holds

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x4d61 - Alan Dershowitz Explains The Media Being Against Israel And The Hostages Hamas Holds [17:27] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109088 Abercrombie & Fitch suspends $1million lifetime annual bonus to former CEO Mike Jeffries after sex trafficking allegations and lawsuit claiming fashion brand enabled him to sexually abuse male models

>>109091 @RussiaUN #Nebenzia: #Maidan was conceived as a means of weakening 🇷🇺in the interests of the West

>>109092 North Korea fires rocket, entry of payload into orbit not confirmed

>>109093 It's #WorldHelloDay! DIA linguists are essential to our work defending the Nation

>>109094 3 Utah Company Executives Arrested On Human Trafficking Charges

>>109095 Silicon Valley Congresswoman Anne Eshoo is retiring

>>109097 Tera Dahl And Major Shadi Khaloul Explain Iranian Backed Militia's Fighting In Israel

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x4b54 - Tera Dahl And Major Shadi Khaloul Explain Iranian Backed Militia's Fighting In Israel [20:50] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109099 Biden Wants Voters to Freak Out Over Right to Carry Reciprocity

>>109100 So the Sam Altman situation and decision by the Board to fire him, was not a business endeavor but the board was very concerned of a Godlike ChatGPT

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x2or1 - Microsoft Poaches Sam Altman to Build AGI -- Artificial Godlike Intelligence [7:17] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109101 Barack Obama's former director of the National Security Council has been unmasked as a man seen unleashing an Islamophobic attack on a street vendor.

>>109102 #24500

(33 notables, 42 posts, 40 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131169

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19956458 Q Research General #24501: Biden Investigation Subpeonas Keep Comin Edition

Created 220211ZNOV23




>>109103 The former White House physician for Presidents Obama and Trump, Rep. Ronny Jackson, says Biden does not have the 'cognitive ability' to serve another term

>>109104 #24501

>>109105 Darren Beattie Joins WarRoom To Take A Look At The Supreme Courts Denial Of The Chauvin Appeal

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x58e1 - Darren Beattie Joins WarRoom To Take A Look At The Supreme Courts Denial Of The Chauvin Appeal [16:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109106 Trump lawyer Alina Habba is accusing New York Attorney General Letitia James of “extortion” in the former President’s New York fraud case

>>109107 Trillion Dollar Bailout: What Xi Really Wants From Biden

>>109108, >>109110, >>109111, >>109112 #84 Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Secret - Did Jeffrey Epstein Clone Himself? Nov 20, 2023

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CCz2s8wUG8U - Epstein's Secret Black Book | SRS #84 [Channel: Shawn Ryan Show]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Fo2LWDUUNT8 - Did Jeffrey Epstein Clone Himself? | SRS #84 [Channel: Shawn Ryan Show]

>>109109 PF City of Spokane over southern Iraq

>>109113 Tim Pool: Elon will ban the phrase "From the river to the sea"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sp2KCVf4Uf0 - Elon Musk WILL BAN The Phrases “Decolonize” & “From The River To The Sea” [Channel: Timcast IRL]

>>109114, >>109115, >>109116, >>109117, >>109124 @ChuckCallesto: White House Spying on Trillions of American Phone Records without warrants.

>>109118 CBS Evening News: Intel bulletin: "Increasing terrorist threat to New York State."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4159167a25ddede9199f0c393f4bca7072139a8dbe3865d4f7b8051f007d000d.mp4

>>109119 Location of US fleet on Nov 20

>>109120 Fire burning at Tesla Science Center on Long Island; one firefighter injured

>>109121 QClock November 21, 2023 - Be Alert Next 10 Days - Narrative Change

>>109122, >>109123, >>109126, >>109128 Two top Ukrainian cyber officials were dismissed today due to corruption

>>109125 "If We Killed 4,000 Palestinian Kids, It Wasn't Enough": Fmr Obama State Dept Official Celebrates Gaza Slaughter

>>109127 US Naval Inst.: Today is #TelevisionDay

>>109129 Susan Sarandon dropped by talent agency following pro-Palestinian rally appearance

>>109130 Biden arrives in Nantucket for a weekend vacation at billionaire friend David Rubenstein's $34 million beachfront compound

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2436c2086ee03c0e5c6e693aa6e9b64a08d91b19cd48f31233124ea521b37ba.mp4

>>109131 Plane crashes, erupts in flames just steps away from stores in Texas shopping center

>>109132 Republican Celeste Maloy Wins Special House Election In Utah

>>109133 Israel’s new laser system the Iron Beam successfully intercepted a rocket

>>109134, >>109137 NEW! Dedicated January 6th Thread


>>109136 6.7 magnitude earthquake 98 km from Port-Olry, Sanma, Vanuatu

>>109138 #24501

(25 notables, 36 posts, 39 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131170

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19957270 Q Research General #24502: WH Spying on Trillions of American Phones wo/a Warrant Edition

Created 220549ZNOV23




>>109139 #24502

>>109140, >>109142, >>109145, >>109146 PB Bun Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious / pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb >Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious, Double Zero Deltas on 2/17/2019 double confirmed by 2Q+drops

>>109141 GOP donor Harlan Crow's brother is accused of financing 100-person sex trafficking ring in bombshell lawsuit where women say they were drugged, abused and forced to perform sex acts

>>109143, >>109144, >>109160, >>109161 . Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of The Family Leader, is fueling… he believes he can sway the vote in Iowa

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x4wcx - Iowa Evangelical Leader, Bob Vander Plaats, Admits He Was Paid by DeSantis Team Prior to Endorsement [38] [Channel: TheLibertyDaily]

>>109147 Donald J. Trump: DeSanctimonious has been exposed: Bob Vander Plaats has deep influence in the early-voting state

>>109148 Bob Vander Plaats, Family Foundation Got Massive PaymeLast Updated on August 7, 2023 “That’s what we call BRIBERY.”

>>109149, >>109153, >>109162 Bob Vander Plaats Boy Lover Symbols In Plain Sight

>>109150, >>109151 Fulton County falsified 7 audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches of ballot images (Cap 2:16) (Cap 0:38)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd2d5299e560ce3821d32e24f24bdaafe34265b505a79d07c2f54f1714c4403d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f658773a34787b47fa218556937e22a3bcf2b6be6c1ead4d36f85e9cb7a491c8.mp4

>>109152 Sam Altman to return as OpenAI CEO with new board members

>>109154, >>109156 'Close the fucking border then, dipshit.' Roseanne tells Biden

>>109155 Media Matters’ Deceitful Study to Silence X/Rumble. Plus: Darren Beattie on New 1/6 Tapes, Argentina’s Election, & Israel-Gaza

>>109157 Fani Willis filed a motion asking Georia Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee to revoke Floyd's bond

>>109158 channel4 new york pushing the kill shot CDC Director Many Cohen

>>109159 Seized ‘Galaxy Leader’ Arrives in Yemen

>>109163 #24502

(15 notables, 25 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131171

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19958153 Q Research General #24503: Acres of Panic eBake Edition

Created 221128ZNOV23




>>109164 #24503

>>109165 MUST WATCH: Tucker Carlson Brings the House Down in Las Vegas, Warns, “The Next Year is Going to be Like… Nothing We’ve Ever Seen”

>>109166 Charleston, South Carolina Elects William Cogswell as Mayor – First Republican to Win Since 1877

>>109167 The Latest Filing In Kari Lake v. Katie Hobbs in Arizona

>>109168 kim dotcom w/CAP: Don’t be fooled. Media Matters isn’t telling corporations what to do.Corporations use Media Matters as an excuse to execute their WEF agenda

>>109169, >>109171, >>109172, >>109175, >>109176, >>109178, >>109180, >>109181 PB Bun Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious / pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb, pb >Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious, Double Zero Deltas on 2/17/2019 double confirmed by 2Q+drops

>>109170 Zelensky Cranks His ‘PR Counteroffensive’ Into Overdrive, Calls for the Killing of Putin, Says That Being Targeted for Assassination Is ‘Just Like Covid’

>>109173 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/22/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x86g4 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/22/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>109174 Bidenflation is Crushing the Housing Market - Home Sales in October Slowest Pace in 13 Years

>>109177 November 22 at 2:47 a.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station

>>109179 £47 million investment to supercharge space infrastructure across the UK

>>109182 60% of Americans believe Joe Biden helped son’s businesses – poll


>>109185 "Rep. Stefanik Emerges as Trump's Most Reliable House Defender"

>>109186 "BRYAN LEIB: Donald Trump Was The Ultimate Peacemaker President"

>>109187 MARSOC w/CAP: Dog Days Multi-Purpose Canine handlers from #MARSOC participate in a desert training package as part of the #MPC certifying course

>>109188 #24503

(17 notables, 25 posts, 37 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131172

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19959052 Q Research General #24504: Shillz Never Stood A Chance Edition

Created 221610ZNOV23




>>109189 #24504

>>109190 Marco Polo with IRS and FBI swamp creature Photo Directories

>>109191 Today's air show brings out yet another one

>>109192, >>109194, >>109199, >>109201 PHOTO: On this day 60 years ago, President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated in Dallas. He was 46 years old.

>>109193 Qlocking Today 11.22.23 is at the :16 mark (opposite of :46) - snippet for reference.

>>109195 Canada "Q_Anon" 'queen' leaves village, but she hasn't gone far

>>109196 Argentina’s president-elect Javier Milei, stance on current and historical Israel MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0017d31cd658fa291840cae49adbf613b5742153abe6d968a65c53a78c9ae0cb.mp4

>>109197 WTI Holds Losses After Large Crude Build, SPR 'Refill Plan' On Hold For 7th Straight Week

>>109198, >>109203, >>109205, >>109206, >>109208, >>109209, >>109210, >>109211, >>109213, >>109215, >>109217, >>109218, >>109220, >>109221, >>109223, >>109224, >>109225, >>109226, >>109228 Live YT, PF, MP4, MP4, MP4, Live Cam Niagara Falls - US Vehicle Entering Canada Explosion at Rainbow Bridge #TerroristAttack ( @USNavy Somewhere over the rainbow)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bfa4797a55a3b4f9665b1b26d7f15a29de614423edee52b67a38923d3a192f1e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/35e59f64e84ea00685e35463941fcd19a6fe8c91673ec57b39ddb9527916f11b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/64e60fc09fd50b54612697f592476300f528562403bc23a3b1dc10c21f89b915.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ce6a4f1aac5a3f79f95b46a4c6b9835bfb7135fa0d99cd2f49baf8b21d2932e.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=B5i7DQDpyNI - Rainbow Bridge.TERROR ATTACK. Explosion. Niagara Falls New York. [Channel: JLR© INVESTIGATES!]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dHXKeCQ-h4I - Two die in vehicle explosion in Niagara Falls after car crashes at 'very high speed' [Channel: Sky News]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/31232008f4aa61ed6dcab0a9cae00afed32beef012546529741eacf7f08ea2d0.mp4

>>109200 @CBS_Herridge NEW: @JudiciaryGOP subpoenas AUSA Lesley Wolf. Ordering investigators to remove from a search warrant any reference to "Political Figure 1" #QlockChQ

>>109202 PlaneFag CONUS/Central America Actvity:

>>109204, >>109207 Caps, MP4 David Brock and James Alefantis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dfa55d1db0cdbda75bde5bdbcd0541aad66dfb66c582d9938e7e0db416c7ec4c.mp4

>>109212, >>109219 . Kari Lake Files Bombshell Reply Brief in Election Fraud Lawsuit Exposing Maricopa County’s Lies – Moves That The Court Sanction Maricopa County

>>109214 Coast Guard AC off about 30m ago and heading to Port Au Prince Haiti

>>109216 Israel Bombs Near Revered Shia Shrine In Damascus Hours Ahead Of Gaza Truce

>>109222 Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=05kkFEDKFAo - this is the most DEMONIC thing I've ever seen... [Channel: Ruslan KD]

>>109227 Secret White House Surveillance Program Allows Cops To Spy On Trillions Of US Phone Records Without Warrants?

>>109229 #24504

(18 notables, 41 posts, 66 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131173

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19959906 Q Research General #24505: Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge #TerroristAttack Edition

Created 221945ZNOV23




>>109230 #24505

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/31232008f4aa61ed6dcab0a9cae00afed32beef012546529741eacf7f08ea2d0.mp4

>>109231, >>109232, >>109233, >>109235, >>109236, >>109238, >>109239, >>109240, >>109241, >>109242, >>109243, >>109251, >>109252, >>109255, >>109259 Live Cam, MP4, MP4, MP4 Still Digging Rainbows and we got a Passport for it #WatchTheWater #TerroristAttack

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc280bdbb36acfeb2abff17bf1dc3730c55a9bedc144a1b0667778fa3963f495.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eef467c305196380f07964229bde269d1a1e5631e6d74035e42b9c345e9166f5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d3ab97211aeb1dcf31d6b14094a22cd73148e88fc44d31e738daf5852011710.mp4

>>109234, >>109246 MP4 25% of all 2020 mail-in-ballots CONFIRMED to have NO signature match just in Maricopa County alone.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9718a632fdda6a0a919d436f9cdd3539facf7331c555b9327965d479c108307.mp4

>>109237 Q_anon Muh "Blood Libel" (tm). MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c99f33848c18f60a084ac5bc6ceb8cb7da0fbbf75207c63f4cc94413e2eb663e.mp4

>>109244, >>109245 MP4, Israel is a racist Country?

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/B2OQymLDwkx4/ - Israel is the One of the Most Racist Countries in the World [5:38] [Channel: PIRATEPETE]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/076284b77906bb04b935524d848075717fe3460a90d8915385aaadda507cd880.mp4

>>109247, >>109254, >>109258 MP4, YT, YT, THANK YOU PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY #SecretSocieties

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fbba536393d7a3b3fede3ad7a0c08325e07a90075a89fe2fbb49f6e757687d05.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4oVpt_I9iQQ - Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick - Full Documentary [Channel: Hidden Reality]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bgSgZjRp5YA - Murder Most Foul [Channel: Bob Dylan - Topic]

>>109248 Mystery Child Pneumonia Outbreak Sweeps Through Schools in China

>>109249, >>109256 Nancy Pelosi #J6 clips "I'm gonna Punch Him Out"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/824d540e1ca60817dd27be99c3d79fa6e529d0d0253ab1dd769a831c19aafad0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50d8c1e553f708dbfea60d5be1fb21961bdfa6152027d43b4df9a4ae53055295.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81becb954704762e0b3eee5a41862cbb95719d117ab26eaa46b4773e87ecbb4b.mp4

>>109250 QClock November 22, 2023 - JFK Anniversary

>>109253 New York can now take you away for mandatory quarantine and isolation for any virus at their sole discretion?

>>109257 Louisville shooter manifesto released and redacted

>>109260 #24505

(12 notables, 31 posts, 31 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131174

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19960689 Q Research General #24506: 25% of 2020 mail-in ballots CONFIRMED NO signature match Maricopa Edition

Created 222209ZNOV23




>>109261 #24506

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9718a632fdda6a0a919d436f9cdd3539facf7331c555b9327965d479c108307.mp4

>>109262 Israel national security adviser says no hostage releases before Friday

>>109263, >>109269 Governor Hochul [press conference]: no sign of terrorist activity with respect to this crash.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82a728f68983f8f7118f4efaac6c3b38e437aed83e5fc6da2aedbe04fdebccbc.mp4

>>109264, >>109267, >>109272 supply side reform = Manufactured Scarcity

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff9d59c1b8d042bd03eb1448b72a15b8c524e0cfa1cbe9b1aae113a3f9e6041.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uHqMfIjWXZ4 - Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt Autumn Statement - 22 November 2023 [Channel: UK Parliament]

>>109265, >>109266 "Mysterious" Chinese Pneumonia... Sorry, still not gonna take it

>>109268 All Trump challengers in single digits as ex-president sweeps primary field: poll

>>109270 Major oil spill off Louisiana coast sees 1.1m gallons of toxic petroleum spewed into Gulf of Mexico - and experts fear it could wipe out endangered whales and turtles

>>109271 The transhumanist agenda and how it correlates with groomers and gender dysphoria - from a mysticism standpoint

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HIOAYTbRjzQ - The Esoteric Role of Gender (Higher and Lower Timelines) [Channel: The Alchemist]

>>109273 2A Win: Federal Court Strikes Down Restrictive Handgun Law in Maryland

>>109274, >>109277, >>109278, >>109279, >>109280, >>109281 MUST-SEE: Ziegler Unveils IRS And FBI Agent Directory For Those Involved In The Biden Cover-Up

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x9lhm - MUST-SEE: Ziegler Unveils IRS And FBI Agent Directory For Those Involved In The Biden Cover-Up [5:31] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109275 Democrats Threaten To Subpoena Friends Of Supreme Court Justice Thomas As Method To Subvert Court

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x9j2y - Democrats Threaten To Subpoena Friends Of Supreme Court Justice Thomas As Method To Subvert Court [13:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109276 Iowa Candidate’s Wife Convicted On 52 Counts For Voter Fraud Scheme Involving Vietnamese Immigrants

>>109282 Who is Laura Dehmlow? FBI Official Who Suppressed Hunter Biden Probe Still Advising Facebook and Twitter

>>109283 Pentagon Official At Office Overseeing Elementary Schools Arrested In Human Trafficking Sting

>>109284 Restaurant That Ejected Family of Trump Spokeswoman Closes

>>109285 #24506

(16 notables, 25 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131175

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19961636 Q Research General #24507: Ziegler Unveils IRS And FBI Agents Who Obstructed Biden Investigation

Created 230013ZNOV23




>>109286 #24507

>>109287, >>109304 OpenAI allegedly warning of a powerful AI discovery that could threaten humanity

>>109288, >>109289 Identity theft, fictitious authors, and plagiarism at a nanoscience publication

>>109290, >>109306 Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party Wins in the Netherlands

>>109291, >>109292, >>109293, >>109294 @elonmusk Q*Anon (in response to article referencing a 'Q' AI) 6 YEAR DELTA

>>109295, >>109297, >>109305 Failed Actor John Leguizamo Shrieks at Univision for ‘Cozy Interview’ with Donald Trump

>>109296 Pope Francis Invites 44 Transgenders Who Work as “Prostitutes” to Vatican for Lunch

>>109298, >>109300, >>109301, >>109303 UPDATE: Bentley Driver Caused Niagara Falls Checkpoint Explosion, Not a Terrorist (Remote Assasination?)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b68be7aebb8442df3c668591390557fd17bb754a56867e2d7929b18c955d5919.mp4

>>109299 The newest Democratic propaganda in schools: 'Fake news' classes

>>109302 Daily Mail breaks down list of huge Biden homes worth a total of $75 MILLION

>>109307 How the elites manipulate the collective conscious via fear and implied inevitability

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=i4P-Yyx6ZLo - November Energy Update - The Alchemist [Channel: The Alchemist]

>>109308 #24507

(12 notables, 23 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131176

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19962637 Q Research General #24508: Hacked Cars and Haywire Shills... can (You) say Q*anon? Edition

Created 230226ZNOV23




>>109309 #24508

>>109310, >>109311, >>109312, >>109313, >>109315 Oak Grove Technologies LLC, Their Clients, Role Players DoD and USA Spending

>>109314 A mystic perspective on Timelines and Free Will

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=29k79ZVDaM0 - The Timeline Split Explained (NEW EARTH) [Channel: The Alchemist]

>>109316, >>109317, >>109320, >>109349 Undiscovered stars learned = Q*?

>>109318 President Trump to Deliver Remarks December 2nd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

>>109319, >>109342 NY forced Quarantine "Regulation" is an act of war

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qi6Ii5or3KH4/ - New York's FORCED QUARANTINE CAMPS Take Effect! The Rise Of Hochul's Tyrannical Health Dictatorship [8:42] [Channel: Tim Truth]


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=axuGfh4UR9Q - NOAM CHOMSKY - THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE [Channel: Machine Learning Street Talk]

>>109322, >>109324, >>109326, >>109328, >>109331, >>109335, >>109337, >>109339, >>109340 Elon was making a pun about OpenAI’s secret AGI project: [Q*]

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7714933b82f91bc992a3899705ad62a8c438fb7e4f4f03d1d572ad60b69bb40d.pdf

>>109323, >>109333 Candence Owens + Finklestein Discuss Israeli Warcrimes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f549b9b6e4d51c31944990ade2ed458832eb438304944cbd87651ebc16f5b167.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3wd8ng - Israel vs. Palestine with Norman Finkelstein [1:15:43] [Channel: Candace Owens Podcast]

>>109325, >>109336 MEME(S) OF THE BREAD

>>109327 Peter Schweizer: Planes, Trains, and Crony Capitalism

>>109329, >>109332 Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media (Documentary)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Li2m3rvsO0I - Manufacturing Consent Noam Chomsky and the Media (Documentary) 1080p [Channel: Inquire the Mind]

>>109330 Chemical Spill from Train Derailment in [ROCK-CASTLE] County Kentucky

>>109334 @realDonaldTrump Mike Johnson’s Courage will Vindicate HUNDREDS of J6 Political Prisoners…

>>109338 Wealthy Bentley Driver Caused Fiery Accident at US-Canada Border Near Niagara Falls

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9444145f3dd2299e285261bba259a4007de4fe8e31f55e42114c242a156bad8d.mp4

>>109341 Biden’s NSA Pushing Marxism & ‘Queer Theory’ onto Employees, Leaked Doc Shows

>>109343, >>109344, >>109347, >>109348, >>109350, >>109355 Attention being drawn for a reason?

>>109345, >>109346, >>109351, >>109356 AI [Creation] emulates God (CREATOR) …is that why [They] wanted us dependent on [Their] AI?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c9707de1b06bcb95d7670f362f39f31b2c1f7631f5b9ad641e62dee7bb39f7ef.webm

>>109352, >>109353, >>109354 Gender dysphoria in context to AI timelines, and the Vagus[Vegas] Nerve

>>109357 The Quietest and Most Satisfying Round We Have Ever Shot: 8.6 Blackout, developed by the weapons manufacturer Q

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ns96O3ZP0qU - The Quietest and Most Satisfying Round We Have Ever Shot [Channel: Garand Thumb]

>>109358 Disclaimer...

>>109359 #24508

(22 notables, 51 posts, 68 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FRESHfrom this point on…

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43d0cd No.131178

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19963459 Q Research General #24509: The Powers That Were. Edition

Created 230520ZNOV23




>>109360 #24509

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=J56suEFzlQ4 - Hieroglyphics - Powers That Be [Channel: Sound Recipe]

>>109361, >>109375 @elonmusk made Q trend in 🇦🇺❗️Thank Q

>>109362, >>109364 Donald Trump: Hostage deal substantially delayed. Too much talk, no action!!! Some hostages held by criminal syndicates of which Hamas has no control. ZERO

>>109363 Pulmonary nodule? SOUNDS LIKE MOAR FEAR PORN sounds like they just want to jab them kids with something. do not take any jabs

>>109365, >>109366 POTUS updated his banner to the military.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09c87548af612d5d443799c701ff690199746f2134a1f39362b703c5057b4fe2.mp4

>>109367, >>109368 Gov. Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency following a multiple-car train derailment that occurred in Rockcastle County this afternoon.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/43383328a7a6ab7652a22f490e5f43be240a3474d3effe2defd88dd419527673.mp4

>>109369, >>109370, >>109372, >>109373 Donald J. Trump: Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including… TOP KEK

>>109371 Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events 1:24:37

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3k0x5k - Wisconsin Victories bringing Remedy through Using Notices: A Timeline of Events [1:24:37] [Channel: Descendent of Morris]

>>109374 Dood who started the rumor? Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS

>>109376 Air Marshals are Monitoring Americans Called “Quiet Skies”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xbe81 - Air Marshals are Monitoring Americans who Flew into DC on J6 Instead of Monitoring Potential Terrorist Threats [1:56] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>109377 The Plot Against the President movie has been released @OnLocals & @rumblevideo as of tonight for Thanksgiving day &

>>109378 Rep. Dean Phillips (D) responds to blowback related to comments about Kamala Harris.

>>109379 PF Russian President Putin arrived in Minsk to participate in the CSTO summit.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c5cf4b102747754f9bdef91f8306fb1fc3c5a4f6dd0d87143352c6424ffd8b6d.mp4

>>109380 Small Kentucky town urged to evacuate after train derails, spilling chemicals

>>109381 Musk: "Not now, damn it,Q" on X

>>109382, >>109383 Emerson College Poll

>>109384 WH Daily Guidance and Press Schedule for thursday November 23, 2023

>>109385 WH: President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden to Travel to Georgia on Tuesday November 28th

>>109386, >>109387, >>109388, >>109389 Niagara vehicle explosion media dump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d3ab97211aeb1dcf31d6b14094a22cd73148e88fc44d31e738daf5852011710.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ebe4e19479045c5f838f8d8fff6f01dcd61797391f6f13559f56b420aefe54ad.webm

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba5c53f9bead1ecdf4cbb237f95ff30a16823fb41063de36a1e1f9e004683361.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/31232008f4aa61ed6dcab0a9cae00afed32beef012546529741eacf7f08ea2d0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c828cb7dfcca5272974f4c00186926c66b79731d33e1c6277d72b4bbca628b4b.webm

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1008de8792d014c4c79428304a37b467d59b94bd4311f0b5186623582fc4e2ea.webm

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b1b77cda383a44f1572a6c9b18becfed2bb2f010efcc1892bbe021051801493.mp4

(19 notables, 30 posts, 52 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131179

File: d87944c09ff585f⋯.jpg (219.11 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19964314 Q Research General #24510: E-Bake Edition

Created 231104ZNOV23




>>109390 #24510

>>109391 New York Appeals Court Reverses Decision, Rules the Governor May Decree Arbitrary ‘Lockdowns’

>>109392 KanekoaTheGreat: Lawyer @thevivafrei explains how Media Matters intentionally and deceitfully manipulated the system to fabricate defamatory material against @elonmusk and @X.

>>109393 LB Notes

>>109394 NY Gov. Kathy Hochul announces "tools" for students to "spot conspiracy theories and misinformation, disinformation and online hate."

>>109395, >>109396 FBI Confirms Pizzagate in College Station, Texas

>>109397 Workers Block News Channel From Filming Construction of Massive ‘Migrant Camp’ Site in Chicago

>>109398 Woke Disney 'Excited' to Roll Out Employee Pronoun Pins as Films Flop, Stock at Lowest Level in Almost a Decade

>>109399 Pentagon Requests $114 Million for ‘Dedicated Diversity and Inclusion Activities’


>>109401, >>109404 former national security adviser in the Obama administration has been arrested

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=o2j80S60SNo - What Has Come Over the People of New York? [Channel: Academic Agent]

>>109402 County acknowledges that 3,600 ballots from 2020 election audit were duplicated in Fulton County, Georgia alone..

>>109405 Wikipedia co-founder announces Twitter rival ‘pilot’

>>109406 IDF Spokesperson: director of the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip was apprehended

>>109407 Trump called Javier Milei late last night and plans on flying to Buenos Aires to meet with him

>>109408, >>109414 Happy Thanksgiving to all anons

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e404078202248f9944a4f5d23f9f641b92e1bd5f9b492336d2999e11bc53cde.mp4

>>109409 Israel to Vote on Hostage Deal with Hamas: 40 Children and 13 Moms to be Freed over 4-Day Truce

>>109410 Eric Adams Sexual Assault Charges incoming


>>109412 UK - Massive Highrise Fire

>>109413 PF 2 Canadian mil over head, one shortly after the other.

>>109415 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>109416 Ordinary Americans Are The Nation's Unshakeable Greatness

>>109417 @elonmusk Legacy media companies are desperately trying to kill this platform by any means possible

>>109418 #24510

(25 notables, 29 posts, 28 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131180

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19965045 Q Research General #24511: Happy Thanksgiving to all anons Edition

Created 231440ZNOV23




>>109419 Jim Cramer has said that the economy is headed for a soft landing, per CNBC./kek hang on to yo ass

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e404078202248f9944a4f5d23f9f641b92e1bd5f9b492336d2999e11bc53cde.mp4

>>109420, >>109421, >>109423, >>109424, >>109425, >>109426, >>109427, >>109428, >>109429, >>109430, >>109431, >>109432, >>109433, >>109436, >>109437, >>109440, >>109442, >>109443, >>109446, >>109454, >>109455, >>109457, >>109461, >>109465, >>109470, >>109471, >>109474, >>109483, >>109484, >>109486, >>109488, >>109490, >>109492, >>109495, >>109501, >>109502, >>109503, >>109508 Happy Thanksgiving Anons and to all Patriots WW+

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=egIB7tYW80M - Johnny Cash "Thanksgiving Prayer" [Channel: Bob Barry]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/827e0d7dc27d6ca332ed8efe011a389991118d2348411ae87b757a27931fa6f8.mp4

>>109422, >>109491, >>109496, >>109500, >>109506 WORDS MATTER Listen Closely: Trump Authorized For FEMA Camps In The US? #HomelessPeople #IllegalImmigrants #MS13

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/392d7a82adcd167a9db8bf7777f4546463c4e0ecc293eaae8d38790205f70496.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/71a67d0eb13ffbbebe6c871ba978f1a49b60916510a4e32fb096263ffa304f52.mp4

>>109434 Argentina's Milei says former US president Trump to visit Buenos Aires

>>109435, >>109466 Welcome to 8kun.top Normies

>>109438, >>109439, >>109447 Q* denotes the optimal solution of the Bellman equation.

>>109441, >>109459 OpenAI leaked Q* so let’s dive into Q-Learning and how it relates to RLHF.

>>109444 Turkey's central bank raises interest rate by 5% to 40%, a bigger-than-expected hike.

>>109445 Multiple children stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland. MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2555685338ccd0b9fb25a8f0972355bf6004cb668a15e150e52c40ce4443665.mp4

>>109448 "Pro-Palestinian protesters have glued their hands to 6th Avenue, disrupting the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

>>109449 Anon has been running the Automated X Meme Cannon and getting great results

>>109450 Meme of the Bread

>>109451 A Thanksgiving Message from President Donald J. Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xbm24 - A Thanksgiving Message. [3:23] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>109452 Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency after a freight train derailed in Rockcastle County.

>>109453 Qlockfag checking in for Turkeyday

>>109456 Message for Blacks that Support Trump. Own up to it! LET'S GO!!!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xavfd - LET'S GO!!!😎🥳🥳🥳 [4:31] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>109458 @donaldjtrumpjr - Evergreen Tweet re: realDonaldTrump Post Thanksgiving 2013

>>109460 Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 60Trudopedeparted Ottawa east heading to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

>>109462 Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Left’s Meltdown Over Trumps 2024 Agenda.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xc471 - Jeff Clark Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Left’s Meltdown Over Trumps 2024 Agenda [12:04] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>109463 Top DeSantis backer resigns from super PAC amid internal turmoil: 'Untenable' environment

>>109464 Top 10 News Stories to Bring to the Thanksgiving Dinner Table This Year

>>109467 Frogs of Congress Take Over

>>109468, >>109472, >>109473 Raw truth about the naked war crimes committed in Gaza by Israel?

>>109469 Anon Reminds, Enemy of the People is the Media

>>109475 TRENDS!!! "Thank Q"

>>109476 Anons Notes

>>109477, >>109479, >>109481 Biden and his family are staying on the island resulted in the Nantucket Fire Department being dispatched #FF

>>109478 Elon Q*Anon Dig

>>109480 SPAR78 G5 heading to back to Stuttgart

>>109482 Robert F. KENNEDY Jr. talks about the DEEPSTATE, COVID and the elections - YT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GzcnJQN-ss8 - Thierry Baudet and Robert F. KENNEDY Jr. talk about the DEEPSTATE, COVID and the elections [Channel: FVD International]

>>109485, >>109498, >>109499 YT, MP4, Vatican opens hidden underground Roman necropolis to the public

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rDnMOT6hbBA - Vatican opens hidden underground Roman necropolis to the public [Channel: New York Post]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3bc16eaa09280c42371a04256adce21bec2565891d0a2b806e8e1f14e73f03f7.mp4

>>109487 PF Report Billy has been at Saint Lucia island since 11/17


>>109493 PB Bun Donald J. Trump: D5 D5 @dualheadedeagle Ron DeDe Sanctimonious

>>109494 Get Tickets: Trump in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at 3:00PM CST

>>109497 November’s stock-market rally gets a boost from trend-following funds and company share buybacks and hedge funds panic..cover shorts and go long

>>109504 Iowa woman convicted today for a voter fraud scheme during 2020 primary

>>109505 President Trump published his official Thanksgiving holiday greeting to the country Thursday morning.

>>109507 Kek of the Thread

>>109509 #24511

(40 notables, 91 posts, 99 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131181

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19965944 Q Research General #24512: Thank Q * Anons Edition

Created 231822ZNOV23




>>109510 #24512

>>109511 Dem Senate Candidate Says Israel Lobby Offered Him $20M to Run Against Rep. Rashida Tlaib

>>109512, >>109533 #FibonacciDay is celebrated #Today, on November 23 because when the date is written like "11/23", it forms the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3).

>>109513 Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Gn_glW0wGQ8 - Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi [Channel: Valuetainment]

>>109514 Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pjOEJumoABg - Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids [Channel: CBN News]

>>109515, >>109516, >>109518, >>109519, >>109526, >>109527, >>109528, >>109530 Yeah, we comfy.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/26f1816edbddeb2303aa570d4ecc0819dce12c5c02cd8faea6d8972117c4c79a.mp4

>>109517 Niagra border explosion theory

>>109520, >>109522 Head of US judiciary's administrative arm to leave the bench By Nate Raymond

>>109521, >>109524, >>109537, >>109540 LIVE REPORT: Dublin nursery stabbing leading to RIOTS ON THE STREET

>>109523 Tater' traveling to Georgia on Tuesday for a tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who died Sunday at the age of 96.

>>109525, >>109535 Netherlands: New PM Geert Wilders is a threat to the WEF

>>109529, >>109531 Bidenomics in action! 40% More Expensive Thanksgiving Dinner Under Biden Than Trump

>>109532 UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

>>109534 PF: eastern Med activity-IAF ISR/tanker/C130 up being joined by USAF Rivet Joint ISR-Turks back to Ankara from Brussels

>>109536 Delta for today. North Korea successfully launched a satellite into space yesterday. Also, yesterday all this Elon Q* stuff came out….

>>109538 Trump shitposting

>>109539 China wealth manager Zhongzhi faces $37bn asset shortfall

>>109541 #24512

(18 notables, 32 posts, 26 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131182

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19966716 Q Research General #24513: Merry Chansgiving Edition

Created 232135ZNOV23




>>109542 #24513

>>109543, >>109549, >>109551 RE: OpenAi project “Q*”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=f9nveUUiRto - BREAKING: OpenAI INSIDER Drops BOMBSHELL "AGI Achieved" [Channel: TheAIGRID]

>>109544 Meathead claims JFK was killed by FOUR shooters not one

>>109545, >>109555 Irish kids knifed by foreign nationalist result in "Far Right Nazis" protesting mass immigration

>>109546 Have-a-go heroes praised for tackling knifeman in mass stabbing of children

>>109547 Melting ice exposes new petroleum reservoirs in the Arctic worth $7TRILLION

>>109548 Group Releases Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, Finds ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified

>>109550 Regardless of where they serve, let's give a Hooah to our #USArmy culinary specialists

>>109552, >>109558, >>109561, >>109564, >>109565 UBS CEO: SWITZERLAND NEEDS A PUBLIC LIQUIDITY BACKSTOP

>>109553 Sean “Diddy” Combs was hit with a second lawsuit

>>109554 Video shows how dolphins pull bait from hooks and open bait boxes off Western Australia in what experts called first-of-its kind footage.

>>109556 FBI has reported that now-arrested Clint Harden, who worked at Texas A&M, used the pedophile code word “pizza” in chats to discuss child porn.

>>109559, >>109563 Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA. This is what he really thinks of regular patriotic Americans.

>>109560 President Biden and son Hunter take Thanksgiving ‘polar plunge’ in frigid Nantucket waters

>>109562 Fashion photographer Terry Richardson accused of sexual assault in new lawsuit


>>109567 #24513

(17 notables, 25 posts, 23 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131183

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19967549 Q Research General #24514: No Pizza Allowed on Frensgiving

Created 240126ZNOV23




>>109568 #OTD in 1963, LIFE Magazine halted the printing of 7M copies of an issue featuring Navy QB Roger Staubach on the cover. The issue was scrapped and replaced with a special JFK memorial edition.

>>109569 Michael Hayden is the former director of the CIA and NSA equates average American with gun & Bible to Hamas with gun & quran

>>109570 China Races to End Property Panic, Fill $446 Billion Funding Gap

>>109571 M. Gates, M.Obama & Amal Clooney team up to end child marriage

>>109572 The Israel Op on the Clock!

>>109573 Economist: Bidenomics is Putting ‘Astonishing Burden’ on American Households

>>109574 PF: US Coast Guard C-130 Circling off Norfolk.

>>109575 Conor McGregor on Dublin Stabbings: Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory 🇮🇪 God bless those attacked today, we pray

>>109576 The anger of the Irish against mass immigration is unstoppable.

>>109577 Gearóid Murphy: For those not familiar, the war started when the state began secretly dumping busloads of strange foreign men into Irish communities against the wishes of the people.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd112cecdd5c32785b85fca3e43f4a1e75097735af966f80a3bd885fce98e02a.mp4

>>109578 Houthi rebels: We may seize more ships

>>109579 President Biden and son Hunter take Thanksgiving 'polar plunge' in frigid Nantucket waters; replete with Epstein Island Temple themed towels

>>109580 Anon theory RE: Israel Last

>>109581, >>109586, >>109588 PF: N777ZH up from Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. TVPX AIRCRAFT SOLUTIONS INC TRUSTEE/POWER CONCEPT

>>109582 Stellantis recalls more than 32,000 hybrid Jeep Wrangler SUVs because of potential fire risk

>>109583, >>109585, >>109587 Riots and arson grip Dublin after migrant stabbing spree

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8ujQE34PueM - Anti-immigration protesters set bus ablaze in Dublin following knife attack [Channel: New York Post]

>>109584 Iraqi Government 'Vehemently' Condemns US Airstrikes As Violation Of Sovereignty

>>109589 IDF elite intel officer warned about Hamas attacks, ignored - report

>>109590 British investment managers get green light for tokenised funds

>>109591 Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between COVID Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk

>>109592 Sky News host Laura Jayes slams Hamas head of international relations Basem Naim October 7 claims in tense back and forth ahead of Gaza ceasefire

>>109593, >>109595 RealDrJan: "Why has this speech been suppressed by the MSM?" RE FEMA CAMPS - ANONS DIG

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/71a67d0eb13ffbbebe6c871ba978f1a49b60916510a4e32fb096263ffa304f52.mp4

>>109594 PF: N481GV. Wilmington Trust Co Trustee.

>>109596 CNBC has “dismantled its climate desk" amid layoffs and will no longer have a dedicated team to cover our impending doom

>>109597 Musk: Grok punches above its weights

>>109598 Satanic Temple's 'bizarre' inclusion at Wisconsin Christmas tree festival sparks outrage: 'No neutral ground'

>>109599 #24514

(27 notables, 32 posts, 48 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131184

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19968421 Q Research General #24515: GRATITUDE to Patriots the World Around Edition

Created 240511ZNOV23




>>109600 #24515

>>109601 Q Clock Nov 23, 2023: Evergreen and… 9/11 & Freemasons??

>>109602 Hamas has broken the ceasefire 15 minutes after it started.

>>109603, >>109604, >>109605, >>109606 Inside James Comey’s Bizarre $7M Job as a Top Hedge Fund’s In-House Inquisitor

>>109607 UK Govt Quietly Confirms It Will No Longer Publish ‘Deaths By Vaccination Status’

>>109608 Toxic chemical spill from train derailment forces Kentucky residents to flee homes

>>109609 LAUGHABLE: Biden and Democrats Preparing 2024 Message That Trump Will Make the Border Crisis Worse

>>109610 TS: Donald J. Trump: Andrew C. McCarthy: “In reality, it is not the government but the Democratic Party that has an interest in a speedy trial — i.e.,

>>109611 God bless this board, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0LZqeGrEEfM - Trump says Jesus Christ is more famous than him [Channel: CBS 17]

>>109612 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035 via @gatewaypundit

>>109613 New York is now the ‘least free’ state, thanks to Democratic policies

>>109614 ‘Impeccable’: Investigators Reveal Details on Brothel Ring Serving Politicians, Military Officials

>>109615 Congress demands answers from White House over 'invasive' surveillance program

>>109616, >>109617, >>109618 Wow! For all of my many lawyers, and others, to watch. I am guilty of nothing! - Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump&AnonDig.

>>109619 Six in 10 Americans believe Joe Biden 'participated' in son Hunter's business?

>>109620 I discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press covered up for years! - @RudyGiuliani

>>109621 Texas A&M University Employee Arrested on Child Pornography Charges, FBI Uncovers Use of “PIZZA” as Code Word in Chats

>>109622 The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers are good for understanding the Context of Concerns that drove the establishment of a Union. - PDF

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/19af6c9da49bbe77a98dcd69238c2796bc9f2c00b011223e6577b0e639afa4fa.pdf

>>109623 Was Sam Altman's Sacking By OpenAI's Board Over 'Q-Star' Breakthrough Seen As Threat To Humanity?

>>109624 Dark Money’ Climate Group Popular in Hollywood is Connected to ‘Criminal Organization’

>>109625 Official's Wife Convicted of 52 Counts of Voter Fraud Connected to 2020 Election

(21 notables, 26 posts, 31 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131185

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19969362 Q Research General #24516:Freedom of Speech is Fundamental

Created 241215ZNOV23




>>109626 #24516

>>109627, >>109628 United States v. United States of America

>>109629 #24515

>>109630 Part III: Hezbollah’s Clandestine Terror Wing in America: the Michigan Mystery

>>109631 @gatewaypunditThe Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

>>109632 After China's Xi visit to San Francisco, business owners are complaining that the city is reverting into a den for homelessness and drug use.

>>109633 UnitedHealthcare accused of using AI that denies critical medical care coverage

>>109634 Declining response rates to official surveys raise the possibility that government and central bank officials have been making decisions based on flawed data.

>>109635 High-energy 'sun goddess' particle opens possibilities for new physics, exciting scientists

>>109636 it matters not the HUMAN BEING'S NAME who tells LIES about another HUMAN.

>>109637 China's youngest space station crew send home spectacular views from space (video)

>>109638 Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow

>>109639 Argentina's Milei says shutting central bank 'non-negotiable'

>>109640 Is US on the Verge of 'Catastrophic' UFO Leak? What We Know

>>109641 Algerian migrant stabs Irish children. Irish newspapers the next day:

>>109642 Judge Threatens to Jail Cops for Civil Asset Forfeiture Games

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OKdlHtViW_Y - Judge Threatens to Jail Cops for Civil Asset Forfeiture Games - Ep. 7.301 [Channel: Steve Lehto]

>>109643 Joe Rogan grills UFO whistleblower David Grusch on alien entities as ex-intel officer says ‘variety interacting with us’

>>109644 New retirement extensions allow the Army to retain critical talent

>>109645 RepAdamSchiff twats

>>109646 planeFag: Europe-RAF IN at Rzsesow/Eastern Med: Italians Spanish left Tel Aviv and two Egyptian locations

>>109647 Data from Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveal gamma radiation pulses from Sagittarius A*

>>109648 China Launches Fifth Military Force – ‘Near-Space Command’

>>109649 China conducts launch to test satellite internet capabilities

>>109650, >>109651 Space Force Reports 2 Suicides This Year, Marking the First in the Service's Short History

>>109652 Global tyrannical government isn’t a distant, future threat. It’s a clear and present danger

>>109653 Concentration Camps, Watchtowers going up in Ireland?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec76963b56f46c0cb1bb14982a446ae39227771faae0f1c2ddab2ec0b5a48493.mp4

>>109654 #24516

(27 notables, 29 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131186

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19970279 Q Research General #24517: Black Friday Bread Sale Edition

Created 241724ZNOV23




>>109655 #24517

>>109656, >>109668, >>109682 Conor McGregor UNLOADS on Nasty Irish Lib Journalist Who Smears Opponents of Mass Migration

>>109657, >>109664 Who is doing the looting? The Irish or the (male, fighting age) Migrants?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d00c1d1a503ddfca66a880c0559b31f639f3933509318c4b7dd9711947d7f1a.mp4

>>109658 The Sea Organization of Scientologists have signed a billion-year pledge of service to Scientology

>>109659 @FBIPittsburgh Hurricane Man Pleads Guilty to Bank Fraud

>>109660 Driver taken into custody after smashing car into New York subway station entrance

>>109661 Kim Jong Un celebrates North Korea's 'new era of space power' with his daughter and scientists after successfully launching spy satellite

>>109662, >>109698 RE: Q* algorithm search 'Q-learning'

>>109663 Manila 'sleepwalking 'into Washington's plans poses a threat to regional peace and stability: China Daily editorial

>>109665 Agency drops Susan Sarandon for saying Jews ‘getting taste’ of what Muslims go through

>>109666 Musk on Twit-X posts

>>109667 Californians To Pay Billions To Cover Costs Of New $25 Minimum Health-Care Wage Law

>>109669 ADL's leader has curious praise for Elon Musk

>>109670 WHO Recommends Masks, Social Distancing In China Amid "Mystery Pneumonia Outbreak"

>>109671 Hamas frees 24 hostages in exchange for 39 Palestinian prisoners as part of cease-fire swap

>>109672 Revolver: A federal judge, appointed by Obama, just ruled against voting machines in Georgia

>>109673 Israeli troops open fire at Palestinian civilians despite ceasefire - AP

>>109674 National File Restores Patrick Howley’s Classic “Obama and Hillary Created ISIS” Scoop After Breitbart Pulled It Down

>>109675 DeSantis Super PAC in Shambles

>>109676 Irish Patriots Burn Hotel Housing Illegals After Mass Stabbing Attack on Irish Kids

>>109677 Terry Richardson sued by second model claiming he forced her into sex, used photo for ‘art’

>>109678, >>109679 Moderna Engaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines

>>109680 Pres. Trump RT's Nov 3 Israel Op op-ed

>>109681 European Bonds Shaken As Germany Suspends "Debt Brake" To Allow Increased Borrowing

>>109683 Netanyahu Says UN Isn’t Doing Enough for Palestinians in Gaza

>>109684 President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank in Argentina

>>109685 Pentagon Wants AI Weapons to Make Killing Decisions


>>109687 How covid advanced One World Gov't plan

>>109688 "Israeli Air Force (reserve) Col. Nof Erez has described Israel's actions on 7 October as a "mass Hannibal" event

>>109689 Pfizer sues Poland for breach of contract over Covid-19 vaccines, demands $1.5 billion

>>109690 'Calculated, predatory, manipulative' Aussie politician is jailed for 20 years for sexually abusing four boys aged between 10 and 15

>>109691 More Fake Fed Nazis Show Up in Wisconsin

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qTX-zCXIpzI - Neo-Nazi group marches in downtown Madison, Wisconsin [Channel: CBS Chicago]

>>109692 Dark Money Fund Poured Millions Into Unhinged Climate Activist Groups That Vandalize Priceless Art and Block Highways

>>109693 Asian Brothels That Serviced Military Officials and Politicians Kept “Impeccable Records” as Feds Prepare to Identify “Johns”

>>109694 Anon doomsday schedule

>>109695 New documents reveal Moderna is spying on you

>>109696 73 attacks on U.S. mil in the middle easts since Oct 7th

>>109697 The United States Air Force have prohibited military personnel from attending a patriot rally organized by Turning Point Action, labeling the group as “pro-Trump” and “alt-right.”

>>109699 #245173

(40 notables, 45 posts, 52 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131187

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19971155 Q Research General #24518: Geneva Suggestions Edition

Created 242154ZNOV23




>>109700 #24518

>>109701 Right-wing MAGA politics caused Conservatives to turn backs on Ukraine, Trudeau claims

>>109702, >>109705, >>109706, >>109715, >>109726 Ireland has been Europe's guinea pig since they joined the EU

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d7f523e93b386cc107ddfdcd6e6e2ecc6e5cfcd2c1ab5d0f9c171909ad9025ed.mp4

>>109703, >>109721, >>109724 STILL suffering from TDS?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/64fe7c35c3fe049dff1c089836121566fb54ea51ac2364a13f44ceacea108747.mp4

>>109704 Until now, Americans didn't realize that the federal agents provoking the J6 riot were uniformed police


>>109708, >>109712 New Twitter Poll: Of the three groups, who is the greatest threat to Europe?

>>109709 Police are riot gear as a citywide Tactical Alert has been declared for a large groups of Pro-Palestine protesters

>>109710, >>109711, >>109717, >>109718 ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Chaos has erupted at Coronado Mall at reports of an active shooter

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ecc8002663ec7936a7c42162ce0ddcfe5a7710bf2227c9bf579f98ca9cd0266.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bbda2ee08a4870468980685c91bb9bd6f7ce89c794c2d6ce6bee68f922a4d167.mp4

>>109713 PF: HAMPSHIRE AVIATION LLP out of France

>>109714 U.S. Senator Ron Johnson CALLS OUT Shadow Government. LIVE on FOX!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/943f9504ee0c0b6f887d364876d0e2287caf1617199f1f47428f5277893950ff.mp4

>>109716 A college Degree is now the fastest way to unemployment line - GWP

>>109719 Nevada Judge Rejects Efforts to Place Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment on 2024 Ballot

>>109720 The hospital IDF still raided, after confirming Hamas HQ miles away...

>>109722 A federal judge in Georgia has ordered a trial for the case against Dominion voting machines.

>>109723 Tucker is killin' it. Half a billion views on this interview alone.



>>109728 lb President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank in Argentina SOURCE NEEDED

>>109729 #24518

(20 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131188

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19971981 Q Research General #24519: THERE'S A HAMAS COMMAND CENTER UNDER THE IRS BUILDING EDITION

Created 250101ZNOV23




>>109730 #24519

>>109731 @thejimwatkins Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too.

>>109732 Nevada judicial corruption: Washoe County, and the stunning disregard shown by the judge (Russell).

>>109733 Tennessee: 10 men charged after 2-day undercover human trafficking investigation

>>109734 Study Reveals More than Half of COVID-19 Vaccinated Feel Sick a Year Later - Naveen Athrapully

>>109735 @elonmusk Guys I found Q*

>>109736 PF: FORTE10 USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk 10-2045

>>109737 The EU could be facing another departure from the bloc, as the new President of the Netherlands is eyeing plans to leave the bloc.

>>109738 Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DhGiAX1Zglg - All Hail Grok [Channel: The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters]

>>109740 Irish Lives Matter

>>109741 The housing market has hit 'rock bottom' and the sales slump will last a long time, Redfin CEO says

>>109742 Biden impeachment inquiry continues to build momentum

>>109743, >>109744 CHALLENGE: Terminology to quash stereotypes while still calling out the combative subgroups.

>>109745 RE: GENEVA 'SUGGESTIONS' FOR ISRAEL: How hospitals became ‘fair game’ in Gaza | The Listening Post

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4kWauPUac3Y - How hospitals became ‘fair game’ in Gaza | The Listening Post [Channel: Al Jazeera English]

>>109746, >>109747 Newly elected Argentinian President Javier Milei meets with producer of The Sound of Freedom Eduardo Verástegui who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF MEXICO.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bbfe6f16061ade46afb2836579edaf4afee9c8344a0d98bba39ba71404d7443d.mp4

>>109748, >>109749, >>109750 A deeper dive into Lucius trust. Who is Alice Bailey and what is the connection to the UN?

>>109751 #24519

(18 notables, 22 posts, 18 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131189

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19972789 Q Research General #24520: The Vow to ERADICATE Child Sex Trafficking Edition

Created 250338ZNOV23




>>109752 #24520

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/795d2b69c5514fb0dd15d62f14e26fc6c5cc9b8f491291871530b52c500b2232.mp4

>>109753 Another Epstein victim sues Ghislaine Maxwell

>>109754, >>109756 Diverse group of Navy women had one job to do and they failed miserably…

>>109755 Geert Wilders Wins Bigly in Netherlands, media proclaims 'far right'

>>109757, >>109762 Dank anon vids

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xom8p - Somebody's Watching Me [4:04] [Channel: Grovers Corner]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xfytb - somebody's vvatching me [3:57] [Channel: Red3y3 Media]

>>109758 Man Pleads Guilty to Firebombing Wisconsin Pro-Life Organization

>>109759, >>109760, >>109761 The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election

>>109763 Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Federal Prison; Cop Convicted in George Floyd Death Given “Life-Saving Measures” Before Being Taken to Hospital

>>109764 Canadian PM blames ‘MAGA’ for Ukraine setback, says Conservatives are under the influence of American right-wing thinking and Russian disinformation

>>109765 UBS Bank Branch in Basel Switzerland DENYING Withdrawals - "Liquidity Challenges"

>>109766 DeSantis Camp Releases brutal Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton

>>109767 #24520

(12 notables, 16 posts, 12 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131190

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19973594 Q Research General #24521: NIGHT SHIFT!!! Edition

Created 250932ZNOV23




>>109768 #24521

>>109769 Kanye West ex personal trainer Harley Pasternak was STALKING him in Dubai

>>109770 Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_E4MxX86KGk - AP: Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison [Channel: FOX 26 Houston]

>>109771 Federal Judge Orders Troopers to Stop the 'Kansas Two-Step'

>>109772 Qatar plays host to terror - American Thinker

>>109773 @therealjimcaviezel Watch THE REDLINE INTERVIEW with me & @TrueGenFlynn

>>109774 Migrant children sexually abused in ‘rape tents’ while crossing deadly Darien Gap

>>109775 A damn good PsyOp.

>>109776 Headaches at Fox as Lachlan Murdoch takes reins from father Rupert

>>109777 Disney Report Warns Investors Social Goals Take Priority over Profits

>>109778 Feds Considered Sex Trafficking Charge for Hunter Biden.

>>109779 Oliver Stone Stuns Bill Maher Saying Ukrainian BioLabs Could Be Working on Pathogens Worse Than COVID

>>109780 How Bill Gates came to own America’s heartland

>>109781 A Dirty Little Secret About Drudge PJ Media

>>109782 Bethlehem cancels Christmas

>>109783 More Than Half of United States at Risk of WINTER BLACKOUTS as a Direct Result of Biden Energy Policies..

>>109784 Everyone's talking about OpenAI's Q*. Here's what you need to know about the mysterious project.

>>109785 George Soros Sent $5 Million To Legal Group Founded By Democrat Lawyer Behind Discredited Steele Dossier

>>109786, >>109793, >>109798, >>109799 Jan Halper-Hayes Teaches David Nino Rodriguez Patience

>>109787, >>109801 LIVE: Islamists On London Streets

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yXMVgoRyIs8 - 🚨 LIVE: Islamists On London Streets Inciting Hate [Channel: Mahyar Tousi TV]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LR_KE_q1vsE - 🚨 LIVE: Islamists Take Control Of London Streets 💥 [Channel: Mahyar Tousi TV]

>>109788 Sanctuary City NYC Defunds POLICE, FIRE & SCHOOLS To Care For illegal immigrants.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Od6pO2oe1l4 - Sanctuary City NYC Defunds POLICE, FIRE & SCHOOLS To Care For Migrants. [Channel: Nate The Lawyer]

>>109789 Red Cross Convoy Carrying Hostages Crosses Over from Egypt to Israel

>>109790 Griswold accused of sending more than 30,000 VOTER REGISTRATION MAILERS to illegal aliens in Colorado during 2022 election

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f03e5209714f6b87b3058bca04e09aa5e4b2fbb41ec49dd0d823a0503dced5e5.mp4

>>109791, >>109802, >>109804, >>109811

>>109792 @JMilei explains the Cantillon Effect, or how printing money benefits the first receivers of money at the expense of everyone else.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cae5411331c4ad9c6b83f84c3ade08bb3b04ac012bdf1c01bb09ce193f49202.mp4

>>109794 Firearm Industry Giants Sued For Gun Memes. THE DUMBEST LAWSUIT (SO FAR…)

>>109795 "Extreme Situation": Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative

>>109796 "Don't elect non-natives." has a certain ring to it.

>>109797 just another Saturday in #Iraq with a #USAF E-11A BACN circling for hours at 41,000ft

>>109800 Pope has a mild flu, CT scan shows no pulmonary issues

>>109803 Eni, BP (British Petroleum) Enter Israel's Upstream Despite War in Gaza

>>109805 @thejimwatkins call out to the influencers... stick to your guns and double down on red pilling

>>109806, >>109808 Everybody Wants Gaza's Gas

>>109807 Pro-abortion extremist who firebombed pro-life headquarters agrees to plead guilty

>>109809 THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3i4rme -TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030[5:47] [Channel: chestercat01]

>>109810 World Bank grants Uruguay green-oriented loan"

(36 notables, 44 posts, 40 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131191

File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19974820 Q Research General #24522: Disease Free E-Bake Edition

Created 251752ZNOV23




>>109812 #24522

>>109813 @JimWatkins on 'My dearest friends....by E.' video: These are serious words my friend.

>>109814 'Woke' Kellogg's Froot Loops Faces Boycott Calls for Attempting to Indoctrinate Kids

>>109815 Bill Gates’s Relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Revolved Around a Global Health Investment Fund

>>109816, >>109817 President JFK funeral 60 year delta - JFK is a legend in Special Forces after giving his support for them and the authorization of the #GreenBeret

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3KJQkn6zUvM - John F. Kennedy Funeral November 25, 1963 [Channel: Taps Bugler]

>>109818 @USAirForce: Members of NY Air National Guard & @AFResearchLab team up to improve MQ-9 Reaper's command & control and communications applications

>>109819 #24521

>>109820, >>109828 PF reports on Nantucket

>>109821 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: It’s so good to see how badly the THIRD RATE MAGAZINE, The Atlantic, is doing. It’s failing at a level seldom seen before, even in the Publishing Business.

>>109822 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: I don’t believe anything Bob Vander Plaats says. Anyone who would take $95,000, and then endorse a Candidate who is going nowhere, is not what Elections are all about!

>>109823 BusinessInsider runs an article about what happens if Trump dies while running for President

>>109824 PB digs on Bob Vander Plaat

>>109825 @USArmy Fort Sill: Waiting for a fire mission is just the calm before the STORM! 🌩️

>>109826 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other Countries but, so far, has not returned one American Hostage?

>>109827 NBA Launches Investigation Into Josh Giddey for Alleged Relationship With Minor

>>109829 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Oh, really bad news! The Owned by China Forbes Magazine deal with Russia just fell apart, so China will continue to own and run it, and say bad things about your favorite President, ME.

>>109830 Israeli-Owned Ship Comes Under Iranian Suicide Drone Attack In Indian Ocean

>>109831 China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

>>109832 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Hamas now wants a better deal for hostages. This is not going to end well!

>>109833 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Getting ready to leave for the Great State of South Carolina, to attend the Palmetto Bowl. Will be a terrific game. See you all later!

>>109834, >>109836 Timestamp and delta on DJT's Hamas hostage truth

>>109835 Israeli Official Admits Not Even Trying to Get American Hostages Released

>>109837 Argentinian President Signs Agreement With ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Producer To Eradicate Child Trafficking

>>109838 Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips won't seek reelection in 2024

>>109839 #24522

(25 notables, 28 posts, 41 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131192

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19975638 Q Research General #24523: DJT In South Carolina For The Palmetto Bowl Edition

Created 252028ZNOV23




>>109840 #24523

>>109841 American Thinker: First They Came for the Smokers…

>>109842, >>109847 @RealJamesWoods this day in 1783: Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

>>109843 Nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 vaccine recipients suffer from health complications a year later

>>109844, >>109845, >>109848 LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots; Queen's HS too

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nKVsPavOaEM - NYC Palestine Protest - Saturday Nov. 25 [Channel: The Flame of Liberation]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1450dcfd7b21e0f6065ebf722e042cb6983aa4df82bd664fe1f30bd10481b2ff.mp4

>>109846 Sam Altman's Sister Annie Altman's Old Tweets About Abuse Resurface After His Exit As OpenAI CEO

>>109849, >>109880, >>109881, >>109882, >>109883, >>109884 19976353 V2 pen - no Tineye matches

>>109850 Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xlnmm - Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson [10:33] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]


>>109853 Charlie Kirk - Don't put anything past these people.

>>109854 New York City will pay homeowners up to $395,000 to build an extra dwelling in their garage or basement to help ease the housing shortage

>>109855, >>109868 IDF confirms 13 Israeli hostages are in hands of Red Cross, on their way out of Gaza

>>109856 At Least 30,000 Additional Babies Born After Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

>>109857 The Left must get its violence under control

>>109858 2024 is starting to look amazing - Musk's suit could prove very EXPENSIVE for Media Matters

>>109859 PDJT: This Rigged Case should be ended immediately. POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!

>>109860 Biden Heckled by Protesters in Nantucket

>>109861, >>109862, >>109863, >>109864 Tom Renz: RNA and DNA in Our Food Supply - It’s Worse Than We Knew

>>109865 Pfizer Sues Poland, Demanding Money for Undelivered and Unwanted COVID Vaccines.

>>109866 LIVE: Protest at Michigan State Capitol by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2psNjeytQDI - LIVE: Pro-Palestinian Protest for Ceasefire at Michigan State Capitol [Channel: BG On The Scene]

>>109867 @DC_Draino: Vivek was NOT always a Trump fan

>>109869 The Red Cross is a child trafficking money laundering operation.

>>109870 Russian, Chinese Businessmen Considering Secret Underwater Tunnel Connecting to Crimea

>>109871 Musk agrees that the Irish version of the Twitter Files is "probably" waiting to be uncovered

>>109872 Ex-Binance CEO Zhao urges judge to allow him to leave US before sentencing

>>109873 Deranged leaders and lunatics love "The Polar Express"

>>109874 Eric West: Lahaina Fire Update November 24th - It's NOT GOOD.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_7QfQS18Va4 - What Does Baby Beach on Maui Look Like Today? Lahaina Fire Update November 24th 2023 [Channel: Hawaii Real Estate]

>>109875 @GenFlynn: Never forget that war results when diplomacy fails. And we have massive failure.

>>109876, >>109878 PF

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3638a424e725e2eb5fe28d1167b2d95c8b51f9214308a168937f308833e4eafc.mp4

>>109877 History You Were NEVER Told re The FED

>>109879 Mkt Fag, Godzilla and Mecha-Godzilla present: The Gold Act of 1900 and the Market Crash of 1907-setting the stage for the creation of the Fed

>>109885 #24523

(32 notables, 46 posts, 59 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131193

File: 4124dc1219c6799⋯.png (394.56 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19976399 Q Research General #24524: The V2 Pen - Real or Fake? Edition

Created 252341ZNOV23




>>109886 #24524

>>109887 Starting in 2024, all ballots will be required to have a watermark

>>109888 Dr. Jill wearing skull and bones

>>109889 PF: Call sign BLOKE05. USAF Boeing RC-135S Cobra Ball 61-2663. Squawk 2241

>>109890, >>109891, >>109893, >>109900, >>109902 President Trump arrives at Williams-Brice Stadium

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9641f40c542ea47cdc6c7ed439446a712efe5668b0c145870df8c0ce97184813.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0dd1fc8a5e9d11090a3ff2c511af6cd20543156efb49725e3ef27b55f693c691.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06556872df0fe8f8d4bfbb9496f80f1fc61405d847c4ad582648ffc6c6e141b0.mp4

>>109892 ‘Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6

>>109894 Air Force base walks back statement encouraging soldiers not to attend a conservative rally

>>109895 @JudiciaryGOP subpoenas AUSA Lesley Wolf. Allegations include Hunter Biden probe

>>109896 Over 23M Immigrants Eligible to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election

>>109897 'Elusive' Billionaire Dubbed 'Canada's Jeffrey Epstein' Accused of Horrific Sex Acts with Minors

>>109898 Japan's Prime Minister Shifts to Assertive Diplomacy Against CCP at APEC Summit

>>109899 At Least 4 Dead, Dozens Injured In Stampede At Music Festival In India

>>109901 Ministers accused of a cover up as it is revealed shadowy army unit DID spy on British critics of Covid lockdown policies

>>109903 #24524

(14 notables, 18 posts, 23 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131194

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19977192 Q Research General #24525: There is no Primary, TRUMP 2024 OR BUST Edition

Created 260210ZNOV23




>>109904 #24525

>>109905, >>109911 RE: Jill Biden Skull and Bones comms (322)

>>109906 Official conservatism would rather harumph about dissidence than address core issues

>>109907 Pavlov's dog experiment

>>109908 Prosecutors probing prime suspect in Madeleine McCann case hit major stumbling block

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wp43OdtAAkM - Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill - Official Music Video [Channel: KateBushMusic]

>>109909 Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting January 6 Was a Hoax

>>109910, >>109922 PF: Call sign CPS99. Former USAF Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker refueling something out over the Pacific

>>109912 Mass drone attack on Moscow repelled

>>109913, >>109924 Nogalesis in Arizona, Nagalaseis in the jabs?

>>109914 Pfizer Failed To Disclose Risks Of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death To Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial

>>109915, >>109916 Corrupt Judge Engoron Is Upset About Being Called Mean Names

>>109917 On this day in 1783, Last British soldiers evacuate the United States

>>109918 Meet The Mega Donors At Play In The 2024 Election

>>109919 Zurich Issues Digital Bond Using Wholesale CBDC

>>109920 Five Men Arrested After Police Post Fake Ad Promoting ‘Sexual Services From Minors’

>>109921 Royal profits on dead citizens’ money a ‘remnant of feudal Britain’ – mayor

>>109923 If genitals don't define gender, why does removing them affirm it?

>>109925 The DAS program, formerly known as Hemisphere, is tracking more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year

>>109926 The Overton Window has moved.

>>109927 #24525

(20 notables, 24 posts, 31 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131195

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19977979 Q Research General #24526: Don't you open up that Overton Window Edition

Created 260514ZNOV23




>>109928 #24526

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MXjhWgVXxRU - Don't you open up that window (spongebob edit) [Channel: OMG Richey]

>>109929 Russian evacuees brought home from Gaza - every other countries works to get their citizens out of Gaza except the US!

>>109930 Biden suggests Palestinian militants sought to derail a Saudi-Israeli peace deal

>>109931 Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 - Kiev’s top MP

>>109932 China issues nuclear warning over AUKUS pact

>>109933 Video emerges of the Kennedy Assassination leaving more questions than answers..

>>109934 Israeli-Managed Vessel Hit By Suspected Iranian Drone

>>109935 NJ high school football star fatally stabbed by a shoeless stranger in a late-night Manhattan street assault

>>109936 LA police chase

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RV4rbWxF90o - QUICK SATURDAY NIGHT STREAM #HIGH SPEED CHASE IN LA [Channel: Portland Andy🌭]

>>109937 PF: Swiss President’s fake and ghey visit with Zelensky “in Kiev”

>>109938 17 hostages and 39 Palestinian prisoners released in second exchange

>>109939 Dean Phillips announces he will not seek reelection to Congress in 2024

>>109940 PF: 2 C5 Galaxy ACs with early morning departures NE from Dover AFB-RCH805/216 and both headed across Atlantic

>>109941 Flight recorder recovered from Navy spy plane that overshot runway in Hawaii

>>109942 Arizona pilot tried to pull out of landing before plane crashed on the doorstep of Texas mall

>>109943 PF: Czech AF CEF08 A319 heading to Lublin Airport, Poland from Prague depart

>>109944, >>109946, >>109947 Trudeau Blames ‘MAGA Influence’ For Vote Against Ukraine Bill

>>109945 60 years after JFK's assassination, the agent who tried to save him opens up

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/676312b005b2b368e12cca4914709fd35f9712726ecc5916d52754e105a21a3a.mp4

>>109948 APD: At least one shot fired at Coronado Mall, no injuries reported

>>109949 Why is the GAY MEN'S CHORUS hanging around the WEST L.A. CHILDREN'S CHOIR?

>>109950 Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time

>>109951 Flashback - Plane Carrying 9-11 Widow Beverly Eckert Crashes - Accident Or Covert Murder? One Of 9-11's Most Outspoken Critics Has Been Silenced

>>109952 Donald Trump attends college football game between South Carolina and Clemson as the former US President gets a loud ovation from fans at Williams-Brice Stadium

>>109953 Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll

>>109954 'Shame On You': Joe Biden gets booed and heckled on streets of Nantucket as protesters are kept away from president after interrupting his earlier shopping trip

(25 notables, 27 posts, 26 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131196

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19978835 Q Research General #24527: Sunday Morning Anon Edition

Created 261146ZNOV23




>>109955 #24527

>>109956 Hillary Clinton Among Top Picks To Run in 2024 If Joe Biden Doesn't: Poll

>>109957, >>109958 First They Came For The Smokers

>>109959 Could this Democrat Congressman really be so blind? Maybe he should ask @JoeBiden why he willingly continues to renew the EOs of the @realDonaldTrump

>>109960 States are spending millions to send migrants somewhere else

>>109961 China infiltrated local and federal political leadership races in Canada

>>109962 Two more House lawmakers announce they won’t run for reelection

>>109963 ICYMI: Retreat is Defeat in the Mind War

>>109964 Alex Vindman’s Brother Makes His Virginia Congressional Campaign About Fighting Trump

>>109965 After the Trudeau Liberals announced cuts to the the Canadian military, gave $9 billion in aid to Ukraine, added another donation yesterday of “11,000 assault rifles and over 9,000,000 rounds of ammunition”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/68f9eba518e35faec111f50887fda2a7b8e1bc808171b9fe2fe8cc3f59e67a38.mp4

>>109966 Police arrest Tommy Robinson in London

>>109967, >>109982 PF updates

>>109968 #24526 notes

>>109969, >>109970, >>109978 BIOLABS AND HOW TO SPOT THEM

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/936882457d03149034b964c97a071b47d82cb779a810c84f53dd159fcff0ea8e.mp4

>>109971, >>109972, >>109973, >>109974 Donald Trump dying before the 2024 election would throw GOP primaries into chaos

>>109975 North Korea rocket explodes during spy satellite launch, and meteor hunters caught it on camera

>>109976 NASA Administrator to Travel to India, UAE; Discuss Space Cooperation

>>109977 Space Force extends Kratos’ contract for satellite ground systems

>>109979, >>109984 Video decoding one of JFKjr’s “George Magazine” CoversPretty interesting

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4cec7629f38612b04cc71ec0f921ac6005f8f3a59292c5acb9feecb9c4c03269.mp4

>>109980 #MH370x #MH370

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7bc18649b09913fec60e62d8a9c7b7a08591a858cc1b2046a10b12163c98d01e.mp4

>>109981 Pentagon school representative gets detained in human trafficking puncture

>>109983 Democratic fundraiser ActBlue processing donations for illegal immigrant bail fund

>>109985 Obama-era deal to allow Hamas office in Qatar backfired on US

(23 notables, 31 posts, 36 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131197

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19979929 Q Research General #24528: Prep For Moab Monday Edition

Created 261636ZNOV23




>>109986 #24528

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa1db0071141c9104ad30f603f3ccb755906f9d0aae8023f9ddbd300acbb5def.mp4

>>109987 #24526

>>109988 Which Muslim countries are filling the gas tank of the Israeli killing machine?

>>109989 'Tater Delivers Remarks on the Release of Hostages

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-9WsE2siLLM - President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Release of Hostages [Channel: The White House]

>>109990 anons ever dig into this troon, Omid Scobie?

>>109991, >>109997 EDL founder Tommy Robinson arrested at anti-Semitism march in London

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3Uq0SApZzRo - EDL founder Tommy Robinson arrested at anti-Semitism march in London | AFP [Channel: AFP News Agency]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=urQnc4_YYng - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>109992 MOAB MONDAY? 11/27/23 1 year last Qdrop Δ

>>109993 #24527

>>109994 PF CONUS activity: Germans arrived at Dulles Intl-2 SAMs west from JBA and Europe/Med activity

>>109995 Chinese Wealth Giant Crumbles: ZEG's Insolvency Shakes Shadow Banking

>>109996 The #Israeli ship "Central Barak," which sources claimed the #Yemeni army had taken control of, had reportedly halted its surveillance system after exiting the Suez Canal.

>>109998, >>110016 “Are there civilians inside?” “I don’t know. Just shoot!” - Israeli untrained tank crews on 7 Oct who shot indiscriminate fire.

>>109999 Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals

>>110000 DC_Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background

>>110001 Google’s own AI says that US moon landing photos/videos are fake. And Putin doesn’t look surprised.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/40dc27555de6e3291d98409b46cac7922e8488c48733d9cf60258cd1fcc5bc11.mp4

>>110002, >>110006, >>110009 United Nations Connection: @andrewzimmern and @chefaz

>>110003 Deepstate Dreams: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances

>>110004 PF: SAM378, SAM411 Blue and White 757s up and headed West

>>110005 Russia news agency claims evidence of UK Private Military Company trafficking in children and 2 Billion in "body parts"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7ce92bdcc2d802bf7db7475d959e64ef7d6617af58a181de1118da0e29a13a3f.mp4

>>110007 Have Estonia, Slovinia, New Zealand & now Slovakia REJECTED the WHO's Global Pandemic Treaty Accord?

>>110008 Conor McGregor Under Investigation for ‘Muh Hate Speech’

>>110010 Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online

>>110011 The mother of one of the children stabbed in Ireland speaks out about living in a multicultural society.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b296823d297752521bd061e77ff39ff1786b0c4cfa19b2c823db4829a895ce6e.mp4

>>110012 The Enemy Within: Major Money of Conservative American Compass comes from Far Left

>>110013 Biden DOJ Quietly Hires More Lawyers For Vaccine Injury Lawsuits

>>110014 PF: RCH3238 C17 Globemaster heading to Houston

>>110015 “Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available


>>110018 More than 200 march through London 'in largest protest against anti-Semitism since 1936'

>>110019 Greece Plays Both Sides: Delivers Weapons to Ukraine, Greek Shipping Companies in Lucrative Trade in Russian Oil

>>110020 3 Palestinian Students gunned down in Burlington, Vermont, on their way to a family dinner.

>>110021 Arizona: ‘The poison continues to spread’: legal losses fail to quell election denial hotbed

>>110022 South Afrika: Tens of Thousands Take to the Streets, Demand Restoration to Their Monarchy

>>110023 'PLAY THE VIDEO' Wray HIDES LIKE RAT After Matt Gaetz Revealed SH0CKING 'FBI Spy' Recording

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4kKOyNX-5eY - 'PLAY THE VIDEO' Wray HIDES LIKE RAT After Matt Gaetz Revealed SH0CKING 'FBI Spy' Recording [Channel: Luca Sterrantin]

(34 notables, 38 posts, 53 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131198

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19980831 Q Research General #24529: Deep State Big Mad Edition

Created 261923ZNOV23




>>110024 #24529

>>110025, >>110056, >>110062 The usual idiots are about to jump the shark on Macgregor...

>>110026 Does Mattias Desmet's mass formation theory account for responses to Gaza?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UeY8loWj9y8 - Dr Mattias Desmet on how to stop mass formation psychosis. [Channel: GBNews]

>>110027, >>110033, >>110044 PF reports

>>110028 Ex-WH doctor warns pace of Biden's cognitive decline is putting US 'at great risk'

>>110029, >>110031 Judge who approved FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search represented clients linked to Jeffrey Epstein

>>110030 Three Palestinian men shot in Burlington, VT, circumstances unclear

>>110032, >>110035, >>110037, >>110038, >>110046, >>110047 Economic discussion

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3jyjzc -COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21[3:11] [Channel: chestercat01]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29d9528d8da33852ae6c50469a3abd461444e0939c8468050319ae1478d194bd.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AWBRldjVzuM - This Robot Already Owns Everything (And it's just getting started) : Blackrock Aladdin [Channel: Roger James Hamilton]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IbWl40xgw0A - Empire of Shadows: True Story of the Richest Family in History [Channel: FINAiUS]

>>110034 #24528

>>110036 RT - Bibi's odd symbiosis with Hamas

>>110039, >>110040 Q1 2024: NG911 - the transition of the 911 system from analog and digital to Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems

>>110041 New crime ranking lists St. Louis as third ‘most dangerous’ US city

>>110042, >>110045 SAFECOM 2023 has been dug and dug again right?

>>110043 Norm Finkelstein DISMANTLES Hillary Israel Spin

>>110048, >>110049, >>110050, >>110052, >>110060 Arcturus mRNA medicines and vaccines company Timeline from March 4 2013 to November 14 2023 (STARR® vaccine platform)

>>110051 James O’Keefe Put on ‘SSSS’ List for Extra Screening for Domestic Flights

>>110053 Three Top Palestinian College Students Shot in Vermont

>>110054, >>110055, >>110057 The flu avian, Corona, Arcturus... they´re trying to tell us something.

>>110058, >>110059, >>110061 William Morgan (born 1774 – c. 1826) disappear'd for plotting to expose The Freemason Conspiracy?

>>110063 #24529

(20 notables, 40 posts, 36 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131199

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19981571 Q Research General #24530: Avian Flu, Corona, Arcturus mRNA... What does it all mean? Edition

Created 262150ZNOV23




>>110064 #24530

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n58OqBt2wwY - DJ Sound - Chokey Choke (Remastered) [Channel: DJ Haven]

>>110065 Virginia doctor Siavash Sobhani, (born in US) loses his CITIZENSHIP after applying for new passport because his dad was Iranian diplomat

>>110066 Donald Trump Jr.'s Thanksgiving Message Sparks Backlash

>>110067 California artist creates world's largest stain-glass window for Kansas' United Methodist Church, 100 FEET long

>>110068 Moar on Arcturus. Advisory Board has some sketchy connections, including pformer Pfizer and W.H.O. execs.

>>110069 Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant, per BI.

>>110070, >>110073, >>110077, >>110081 PF

>>110071 @GenFlynn Sadly for our country, I believe @DougAMacgregor is right about the overall atmosphere in WDC.

>>110072 Brace Yourself For What's Coming In 2024: Victor Davis Hanson Warns The Left Knows They're "Cooked" If "Vampire" Trump Wins

>>110074 Chemical Tanker Seized In Gulf Of Aden

>>110075 @AlexanderSoros propaganda machine cranked

>>110076 CIA’s Operation Mockingbird Historical Deep Dive & The Rise Of Alternative Media

>>110078 Thousands of Pro-Palestine protesters chanting for a ceasefire just shut down the Manhattan Bridge bringing traffic to a complete standstill.

>>110079 If you missed the documentary Plot Against the President by @Amanda Milieus , based on the book by @LeeSmith, you won't find it on #Amazon. But be of good cheer. You will find it on @rumble

>>110080 Iranian-Backed Houthis Hijack Israel-Linked Ship the Central Park Tanker in Red Sea, Three ships are now under their control

>>110082 Online shopping sales on Black Friday rose 7.5% this year compared to 2022, hitting a record $9.8 billion in the United States

>>110083 #24530

(17 notables, 20 posts, 26 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131200

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19982401 Q Research General #24531: Dusk And Beyond Edition

Created 270037ZNOV23




>>110084 #24531

>>110085 planeFag CONUS update

>>110086 It's almost time for “Pandemic” 2.0!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ccb2f28144efafba03050a6464c643437a699c8bc725fb301e8d664d893fe2e.mp4

>>110087 War Is Peace’: MSNBC Claims (Again) That Voting Is Anti-Democratic

>>110088 Powerful Home Affairs boss Mike Pezzullo sacked after investigation into backchannel lobbying

>>110089 NEVER FORGET: 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 – Never Explained

>>110090 Second group of hostages held by Hamas released following delay

>>110091, >>110093 Ukrainian military leadership has no plan for 2024 – senior MP (It’s over)

>>110092 Did The Latest iPhone Software Update Just Compromise Your Privacy?

>>110094 Germany in ‘serious crisis’ – Bavarian leader

>>110095 Japan rushes to contain bird flu spread in 1st outbreak of season

>>110096 Biden economic adviser insists 'real wages have grown', says economy is 'on the right track'

>>110097 Japan PM Kishida's approval rating sinks to new low of 30%

>>110098 Dan the Man, does great videos!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3y0dby - THE PEOPLE'S PRESIDENT!!!🇺🇸 [35] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xt8xy - MY FAVORITE MITT RINO MOMENT!!!🤣🤣🤣 BOOED IN HIS HOME STATE!!!😭🤣🤣🤣 [24] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>110100 UK gov publications: Human Augmentation–The Dawn of a New Paradigm

>>110101 @elonmusk Language being proposed as law in Ireland means this could literally happen to you for having a meme on your phone

>>110102 Discover the role the United States played in the growth of nationalists in Ukraine

>>110103 #24531

(19 notables, 20 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131201

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19983304 Q Research General #24532: Freedom of Meme Edition

Created 270353ZNOV23




>>110104 #24532

>>110105 Beijing rebukes Washington after warning off US warship in South China Sea

>>110106 Chinese hackers steal chip designs from major Dutch semiconductor company

>>110107 Hillary is a Dandelion

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7ea26422a32b996c5204615cf4131af2b489dd99394c922b2fa662d4f5af8ac8.mp4

>>110108 17 Donald Trump Quotes That Are Surprisingly Brilliant

>>110109 Carrier USS Eisenhower Enters Persian Gulf

>>110110 Background checks now required for New Yorkers buying ammunition

>>110111 @realDonaldTrump RTs

>>110112 "BREAKING. US Navy Rescues Hijacked Israeli-Managed Oil Tanker and Captures Houthi Pirates"

>>110113 Hunter Biden demands top prosecutor investigates former business partner Tony Bobulinski for 'lying to the FBI' about 'big guy'

>>110114 Drug kingpin with El Chapo ties shot dead in Los Angeles two days ago

>>110115 Russia put a Meta employee on a wanted list after designating the company a 'terrorist and extremist' organization

>>110116, >>110121 Hochul's organized looters have cost NYC over 4.4b in stolen property this year

>>110117, >>110118 MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3e8xye - J6 1:32-1:36 PM MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza [4:40] [Channel: InvestigateJ6]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3e8xye - J6 1:32-1:36 PM MPD Cop Throws 13 Explosive Munitions In A Row Into Crowd on West Plaza [4:40] [Channel: InvestigateJ6]

>>110119 NFL RedZone Studio Evacuated, Emergency Sirens Blast During Live Game

>>110120 NEVER FORGET: From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained

>>110122 Treasury fines Binance $3.4 billion for failure to report suspicious activity by terrorists

>>110123 #24532

(18 notables, 20 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131202

File: b737fb696fb2090⋯.png (391.4 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19984145 Q Research General #24533: J6 Videos Chip, Chip, Chipping Away at Pelosi's LIES Edition

Created 270850ZNOV23




>>110124 #24533

>>110125 American Spectator: The High Price of Gaslighting

>>110126 Ezra Cohen Repost re: OSINT defender and arrest of Houthi pirates

>>110127 First German village throws out “refugees” (Nov. 23rd)

>>110128, >>110130 Ireland's Green Party Senator O'Reilly: "We are restricting freedom for the common good."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c3364d83695a21f044d033420cf921da66b5dd92027e07db79fd3bf5074ca98.mp4

>>110129 Boris Johnson's father: If that means some of us are told 'well you can't go on a plane' - That's part of the national plan

>>110131 Arabic Becoming ‘Second Language’ in France

>>110132 NY Resident on FOX live: "They will never be allowed to walk down the streets again" (vid)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff802b36b268216e79835efd1ef0d7c3a6b2c630128b71239aedd6147971d42.mp4

>>110133 Barclays Bank locks superglued by Extinction Rebellion as more than 40 branches targeted

>>110134 Mask-wearing crowds piling into an 'overwhelmed' Beijing hospital - fears over mystery pneumonia sweeping country

>>110135 @OliLondonTV: Elon and Bibi at Kfar Aza, Israel

>>110136 Suspect arrested in possible hate crime shooting of 3 Palestinian college students in Vermont

>>110137 UK records "first human case" of new swine flu variant — Sun

>>110138, >>110140, >>110141, >>110142, >>110143 White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/318ff0e754156b0fce4581f8f688c29b2814dcaa1ba704ca0766c6488cb3f500.pdf

>>110139 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/27/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3y537s - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/27/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>110144 #24533

(16 notables, 21 posts, 28 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131203

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19984972 Q Research General #24534: The Surveillance State Edition

Created 271500ZNOV23




>>110145 #24534

>>110146 @realDonaldTrump Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country...

>>110147 Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>110148 ICYMI: Trump Wrecks DeSantis in Email Featuring Thigh-High Boot Meme

>>110149, >>110150 Potus seeking some interdasting Discovery items

>>110151 Wait, The FBI Had 40 Confidential Informants Tracking the Biden Family's Shady Deeds

>>110152 planeFag: Europe and eastern Med activity

>>110153 REDO of 2014 Massive Porno Bust At Bill Gates’ House

>>110154, >>110155 The Biden Administration Is Scheming To Take Your Kids Away

>>110156 Techno-Hell: AI Might Rather Kill a Billion White People Than Utter a Racial Slur

>>110157 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day LBN 86: The Eagle Ray Nebula

>>110158 America’s Sixth-Largest Bank Announces Closure of 19 Additional Branches Nationwide After Closing 203 Branches in 2023

>>110159 Ireland: They will literally jail you for the memes you saved on your phone.

>>110160 Fed Bank Bailout Program Borrowing Surged In November

>>110161, >>110163 Houthis fire 2 missiles at USS Mason in Mideast. Just a matter of time./Ukraine-nope/Israel-nope/Muzzies-let's try it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/98a190a23983e2a2e6f6b120368a0906f54d0e2ccc31e0c0b167948a76c9d00d.mp4

>>110162 White Savior Hysteria And The Real Reasons Why Leftists Hate YouTuber MrBeast

>>110164 Former NASA acting administrator Jurczyk passes away, died Nov. 23 of cancer. He was 61

>>110165 Trudeau now paying 55% of Journalists' salaries Bill C-18 Bailout

>>110166 House committee will deliver the accountability Americans demand on President Biden’s corruption

>>110167 This Gen Z Investigative Reporter Is Rocking Conservative Media??

>>110168 Food For Thought Argentina vs IMF?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c04c10f1cfee57b248a2bcfbc32aeac754c210b35267c5476d0a12cecc79d604.mp4

>>110169 Democracy, Populism, and the Tyranny of the Minority

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xUYma14nHRQ - Democracy, Populism, and the Tyranny of the Minority [Channel: National Constitution Center]

>>110170 The Decline of American Judeophilia…and What Comes Next

>>110171 Reminder: Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>110172 Zelenskyy allegedly bought 2 yachts via proxy worth over $75 million as reported by The Islander

>>110173 New Home Sales demand FIFY decrease to 679,000 Annual Rate in October

>>110174, >>110179, >>110185, >>110192 Buckwheat n Kirby up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=niKrbhEvlxI - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby [Channel: The White House]

>>110175 Have you already secured your ticket for the eagerly-awaited Third Collisions #CERNAlumni reunion, taking place from 9 – 11 February 2024 at #CERN?

>>110176 Milei Begins Whirlwind U.S. Tour with Jewish Holy Site Visit in NYC

>>110177 US Senate announces vote on Ukraine aid

>>110178, >>110182, >>110184, >>110191, >>110196 @NikkiHaley Defund sanctuary cities. Hire 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents. Stop catch-and-release; start catch-and-deport. Enact E-Verify/ Medicare will start running out of money in less than 10 years

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/448e07f93cd5fcc5b581eedbeaf11f438ab1bc0d5c14cd75dcf5c2b6b0fa7d72.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7f46da4643358f848af99f85b4cec73faebbcd2c767ea90c81145e8ad86130bd.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/70b2365a8e5f48840f1c0344ef6fd1f7c2f5cfb019de5544629553bf8db39ff7.mp4

>>110180, >>110186, >>110189 Bannon Destroys General Milley For His “Was It Worth It?” Answer On The Afghanistan War

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xt6cv - MUST-SEE: Bannon Destroys General Milley For His “Was It Worth It?” Answer On The Afghanistan War [16:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xt90p - "You're A Liar And Treasonous": Steve Bannon Promises To Hold General Milley Accountable For Betraying The Republic [4:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xt7ra - Steve Bannon Slams General Milley For Enforcing The "Post-War International Rules Based Order Fetish" Set Up By The Globalist And CCP [11:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110181, >>110188 Milei lines up ‘protocol meetings’ in United States with IMF, World Bank

>>110183 @HQ_AFMC Mission Ready

>>110187 2023-2024 Winter Reliability Assessment

>>110190, >>110194, >>110197 call to diggz Boehringer Ingelheim connected to: vaccines AND ivermectin

>>110193 ‘Satanic’ Christmas tree draws lawmaker's ire/can sumbody meme satan with xmas tree up his ass?

>>110195 @DeptofDefense Knees in the breeze! 🪂

>>110198 #24534

(39 notables, 54 posts, 61 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131204

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19985771 Q Research General #24535: Neocons Steal NATO's Playbook Edition

Created 271819ZNOV23




>>110199 #24535

>>110200 Olivers’ Non-Pretending Assessment of Global Politics

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=llPhL1JUBnw - Neil Oliver: For decades something deliberately disruptive has been forced on the people of the West [Channel: GBNews]

>>110201 @1stArmoredDiv Mr. Paul Albright CSM (Ret), El Paso’s Chief Military Officer, was recently recognized for his instrumental work in El Paso’s selection as one of five Great American Defense Communities in 2023

>>110202 2 days ahead of schedule? delta?

>>110203 Jill Biden Reveals the 2023 Holidays at the White House

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YjMc4n0nbkY - First Lady Jill Biden Reveals the 2023 Holidays at the White House and Thanks Volunteers [Channel: The White House]

>>110204 Passenger Causes Panic On Southwest Airlines Flight to Atlanta After Jumping Out Emergency Exit as the Plane Was Preparing For Departure

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ed1d7c230cc2ca93b14ec3d94c8568723595b64857b16d8edee2a2d7d37fb89e.mp4

>>110205 Musk Offers To Help Rebuild A Deradicalized, "Prosperous" Gaza After Touring Ravaged Kibbutz With Netanyahu

>>110206 John Kirby Admits Biden Regime Has Limited Information on the Condition of American Hostages Held by Hamas Terrorists

>>110207 So you're telling me that the great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is a buyer of Hunter Biden's art……

>>110208 Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’

>>110209 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110210 Argentina’s Javier Milei Visits the Ohel, Gravesite of Lubavitcher Rebbe, Before Meeting U.S. Officials

>>110211 Schumer: Senate Priority for Ukraine, Israel Funding Next Week, No Border Security Cash

>>110212, >>110217 Expose RINOS/DEMS, will help secure America and cancel a lot of the other BS out.

>>110213 UK Army spied on lockdown critics: Sceptics, including Peter Hitchens, suspected they being watched

>>110214 NATO reaffirms its long-term support for Ukraine and says its members all agree the nation will join the alliance, but not while the war is ongoing, and not before it has reformed.

>>110215 Sam Bankman-Fried’s Life Behind Bars: Crypto Tips and Paying With Fish

>>110216 Judge Allows Lawsuit To Proceed Against Biden For Allegedly Aiding Palestinian Terrorists

>>110218 JUST IN: Video emerges of Allison Greenfield, Judge Engoron's law clerk attending a Dem event campaigning for NY AG Letitia James.

>>110219 He isn’t going away quietly …

>>110220 Representative Thomas Massie Stumps Climate Hoaxer John Kerry

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cIDXzgfS2UY - Representative Thomas Massie Stumps Climate Hoaxer John Kerry [Channel: Divided States of America]

>>110221 Tommy Robinson RELEASED From Jail And Speaks Out

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NZGZk6UPi_M - 🚨 LIVE: Tommy Robinson RELEASED From Jail And Speaks Out [Channel: Mahyar Tousi TV]


>>110223 Trump challenges Biden to take cognitive exam

>>110224, >>110226 DJT truths

>>110225 First Lady Jill Biden Hosts Military Families for a Special Performance from Disney’s Frozen

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_aivWhmlbCk - First Lady Jill Biden Hosts Military Families for a Special Performance from Disney’s Frozen [Channel: The White House]

>>110227 Knife-wielding maniac arrested trying to drag his mom down NYC street by the hair

(27 notables, 29 posts, 26 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131205

File: 0cb8ea612a30818⋯.png (50.74 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19986597 Q Research General #24536: eBake Elon To The Promised Land Edition

Created 272138ZNOV23




>>110228 What is Plasmid DNA?

>>110229, >>110232, >>110235 New Outbreaks, OH NO, Fear Pron bun

>>110230 #24536-A

>>110231 Pelosi's daughter: "J6, the greatest hoax we've ever pulled off"

>>110233 Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

>>110234 WINNIPEG SHOOTING | Fourth victim confirmed dead, one left in critical condition

>>110236, >>110279 Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein Reveals New Software To Catch Real-Time Ephemeral Manipulation by BIG TECH

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3y6rdv - Robert Epstein Reveals New Software To Catch Real-Time Ephemeral Manipulation [10:44] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110237 Musk met with Netanyahu - says Israel has no choice but to “destroy Hamas"

>>110238, >>110240, >>110269 PDJT: They are trying to scare everyone with a new variant, and to scare and force the people into complying so they can rig elections, lockdowns, vaccines, masks.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3y76h7 - WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!! [1:30] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>110239 Suicide missions, abuse, physical threats: International Legion fighters speak out against leadership’s misconduct

>>110241, >>110248 HAPPENING NOW: A huge group of migrants is 3 miles away and making their way to Eagle Pass, TX.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b24d22f8c425deb260b33c8ea3c7897f6e46b474a611ce612f04afa8ee5383d.mp4

>>110242 Trump filed a motion in the J6 indictment case Requesting ALL Documents Regarding Informants, Cooperators, Undercover Agents, Representatives, who was Present or within 5 Miles of the US Capitol on J 6

>>110243 Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei on Monday visited the burial site of the the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe

>>110244 Vatican Says Transgender People Can Be Baptized and Become Godparents

>>110245 At least 400 female and child migrants have been brutalized in 'rape tents' along infamous Darien Gap

>>110246 #24535 Posted in #24536

>>110247 The great-aunt of the youngest American hostage and first American to be released by Hamas is apparently a buyer of Hunter's art

>>110249 #Supercomputer Kraken is named third most powerful in the @top500supercomp ranking

>>110250 "Judge DENIES Trump’s Request to Call Court-Appointed Monitor as Defense Witness"

>>110251 Check our America's Digital Shield site

>>110252, >>110253 Callesto - BREAKING REPORT: Rhode Island Federal Court DISMISSES Latest Challenge to Keep Trump Off the 2024 Ballot..

>>110254 Elon Musk N628TS G50 departed Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Intl

>>110255, >>110266, >>110267, >>110270 Dr. Epstein's wife died in a mysterious crash after he blew the whistle on Google

>>110256 Businesses Ditch ‘Diversity’ Initiatives In Droves Amid Economic Uncertainty

>>110257, >>110261, >>110264 Anons say sauce not enough for this lb notable: In exchange for 50 Israeli hostages, they have to give up 150 Palestinian prisoners

>>110258 New research reveals humans in N American thousands of years earlier than previously thought

>>110259 Hernando Arce report un SATXPolice unprofessional conduct re border duties

>>110260 President-elect Javier Milei will meet with President Joe Biden's national security adviser

>>110262 Google's AI supposedly reveals that photos taken on the moon by NASA were faked

>>110263, >>110265, >>110272 Polly: Sooo..Jack Posobiec's super insider source "Microchip" was FBI? Did he just fall for BS story?

>>110268 CMz: When will the rest of the J6 tapes be released? @SpeakerJohnson

>>110271 Wyatt: Post the truth. Let them hate you, unfriend you, block you, and mock you. We are here to feed the lions, not entertain the sheep.

>>110273 Bidan says horrified at shooting of Palestinian students

>>110274 Joe Biden Claims “MAGA Republicans” Are Proposing Cuts [in spending] to the Internet

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lLVktvZusE4 - Biden Bizarrely And Falsely Claims "MAGA Republicans" Are "Proposing Cuts" To "The Internet" [Channel: GOP War Room]

>>110275 @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden removed the Houthis from the Terror Watch List - now they are firing on America

>>110276 "BlackRock Set To Rake in $1 Trillion Rebuilding the Destruction They Financed in Ukraine"

>>110277 SLD 45 will support a Falcon 9 Starlink Southerly Trajectory Launch

>>110278 PDJT: Congressman Gary Palmer is a tremendous advocate for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District.

>>110280 General Flynn was investigating money laundering through military operations at the Pentagon before the Deep State had him removed

>>110281 @GuntherEagleman: Remember when our @HouseGOP gave Joe Biden a blank check during the debt ceiling debate? I do.

>>110282 @TheLastRefuge2: Sen. Ron Wyden Asks AG Merrick Garland to Release Information About AT&T Hemisphere" Dragnet Surveillance Agreement With U.S. Govt

>>110283 Health Scare Forces Stephen Colbert To Urgently Cancel Shows

>>110284 #24536-A

>>110285 Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers

>>110286, >>110287 Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US due to Insurrection Act

>>110288 ​Police Warn Parents About iPhone’s New ‘NameDrop’ Feature

>>110289 Woke Disney Buries ‘Social Goals’ in Long List of Risks to Investors in Required SEC Filing

>>110290 Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers

>>110291 #24536-B

(49 notables, 64 posts, 51 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131206

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19987386 Q Research General #24537: So Poso's "Secret" Source on "Q Psy-Op" Was Real

Created 280001ZNOV23




>>110292 #24537

>>110293, >>110294 Major Trump donors who soured on him after 2020 and Jan. 6 now insist he's their best choice

>>110295, >>110301 Declaration of North America (DNA)

>>110296, >>110306, >>110313, >>110316 PF updates

>>110297, >>110299, >>110310 Palestinians are still waiting for their hostages and prisoners to be released The first ones have just started to arrive

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gCNeDWCI0vo - 🔴 Al Jazeera English | Live [Channel: Al Jazeera English]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gCNeDWCI0vo - 🔴 Al Jazeera English | Live [Channel: Al Jazeera English]

>>110298, >>110303 Pres. Jimmy Carter plans to attend late wife Rosalynn Carter's memorial service in Atlanta/all living first ladies to attend

>>110300 A Ukrainian news channel accidentally releases the Kiev regime’s official list of KIA/MIA

>>110302 A #nuclearfleet change of command: Cmdr. Daniel Jones, incoming CO of the Virginia-class submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776)

>>110304 Operation MKNaomi pdf

>>110305 Several Piracy-Related Arrests Spark Fears of High-Level Crackdown

>>110307, >>110309 The 17XX IM OccFld formally manages the career paths of Marines who have gained highly-specialized training required for Space, EMSO, Cyber Warfare, Civil Affairs, and PSYOP and will support the development and reutilization of high-demand skillsets.

>>110311 @TrumpGolfDC Hard to believe the countdown for our beloved annual holiday tradition - Santa Brunch is officially 7 days away at @TrumpGolfDC We believe in the true magic of the holiday season!

>>110312 Trump Lawyers File Motion for Discovery in Jack Smith Case Demanding Documents Regarding Informants and Undercover Agents Related to Jan 6

>>110314 A Turkish-Iranian gold trader accused of violating US sanctions on Iran flipped against his codefendant on Tuesday and will cooperate with federal prosecutors.

>>110315 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3y6caj - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 11/27/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>110317 #24537

(16 notables, 25 posts, 22 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131207

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19988167 Q Research General #24538: Wood Burning Stoves Out by 2027? Save The ????? Edition

Created 280230ZNOV23




>>110318 #24538

>>110319, >>110320, >>110322 Biden's pathetic explanation of supply chains - "less than 10"

>>110321 Erik Prince interviewed on X22 Spotlight Streamed on: Nov 25, 2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xrud4 - Erik Prince - Israel Gaza Not Over, China Invading Taiwan, The World Is At A Tipping Point [1:01:26] [Channel: X22 Report]

>>110323, >>110327 ENERGY = MONEY = LIFE, They really mean REDUCE LIFE

>>110324 Lady Ballers For the keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fe241977315fcaf2a6f16c5a66a435a08d1d2a1274c4348054da59eb620615f3.mp4

>>110325 Reducing The Effects of Blue Light Medically Reviewed by Whitney Seltman, OD on September 16, 2022

>>110326, >>110328 Heavily redacted documents related to search warrant for Trump’s Twitter account released


>>110330 A national emergency: QAnon on the rise/America winning

>>110331 PF

>>110332 Welcome to the Age of Digital Media - IDF

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7XOOCB6qMlI - Welcome to the Age of Digital Media [Channel: Israel Defense Forces]

>>110333 Canada: National COVID -19 inquiry set to unveil groundbreaking final report detailing pandemic response impacts (Rebel News)

>>110334, >>110335, >>110337 Geert Wilders has spoken in an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, explaining his decision to broadcast cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammad on national television this weekend

>>110336 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110338 U.S., Partner Nation Task Force Respond to Commercial Vessel Distress Call

>>110339, >>110341, >>110342 Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing - transcript

>>110340 DOD Awards $3.7 Million to Enhance Advanced Thermoplastics Production


>>110344, >>110345 Ukraine Says More Than 26,000 People Missing Since Start Of Full-Scale Invasion


>>110347 #24538

(21 notables, 30 posts, 23 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131208

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19988954 Q Research General #24539: "A National Emergency, QAnon On the Rise - OH NO! Edition

Created 280548ZNOV23




>>110348 #24539

>>110349 Required reading for NATO recruits: Defeat the Memes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6959eb298c385164aabab3dcd53f43bf41a42fcc3a99f74dbf5f649ea6108dc7.mp4

>>110350 @TomFitton: Strzok/Page records still being reviewed - Judge wants answers.

>>110351 Buckwheat on why Americans disapprove of Bidenomics: Trump

>>110352 Tuberville (R-AL): Biden’s Border Policy Could Cause ‘9/11 Attack Every Few Weeks’

>>110353 Daughter of Saudi official involved in Khashoggi murder kills herself

>>110354 American Thinker: Legalizing Ballot Fraud in Pennsylvania

>>110355 Top White House health official: it's 'certainly possible' China KILLED researcher who started Covid by throwing him off roof

>>110356, >>110357 @EndWokeness: A large protest against mass migration has broken out in Lyon, France

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16fb9b558339d13f280775228751780057dacb6030b24a0ce44a7deeae9896b5.mp4

>>110358 Lovely White House Christmas decorations - Biden wishes everyone a COVID Christmas

>>110359 #24539

(11 notables, 12 posts, 15 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131209

File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19989859 Q Research General #24540: Shilly Morning Edition

Created 281140ZNOV23




>>110360 #24540

>>110361 X's lawsuit against Media Matters may come down to intent, proof of damages, legal experts say

>>110362 Idaho asks Supreme Court to stop federal government from using ER as 'enclave' for abortions

>>110363 The Irish government is seeking to make all “unapproved” memes “illegal,” but the US is actually one step ahead of them…

>>110364, >>110379 The only American who was held by Hamas has a great aunt who happened to purchase some of Hunter Biden's fingerprintings...

>>110365 Email: top govt doc under Fauci tried to bypass oversight on Covid origins

>>110366 Judge Denies Trump’s Request To Subpoena Jan. 6 Records In Federal Election Case - Judge Tanya Chutkan

>>110367, >>110371, >>110373 Hunter Biden’s attorneys are offering for their client to testify PUBLICLY on December 13th instead of in a closed door session as was originally offered.

>>110368 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/28/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ya27s - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/28/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>110369 WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich could remain in prison through the end of January after a Russian court extended his detention by two months

>>110370, >>110374, >>110380, >>110383 19990603, VOTE FRAUD EVIDENCE TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE D.C. COURT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec8774d74d38af1625fc0c058b0a2e48cf5f6488062a97d9ddcba28d0dbf2880.mp4

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d567d9310d84ad34123d26bd0ae013013a096538335049557d061650433cb10d.pdf

>>110372 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Ganymede from Juno

>>110375 NASA Scientific Balloons Ready for Flights Over Antarctica

>>110376 November 27 at 11:20 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

>>110377, >>110378 Habbenings for 11/28/2023

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kblOawJJ2X8 - The Federal Reserve and the Economic Outlook: A Conversation with Christopher J. Waller [Channel: American Enterprise Institute]

>>110381 Planefag with eyez on our skyz

>>110382 Comer didn't take the bait - Rep James Comer responds to Hunter Biden's offer, says he is required to sit for a deposition first.

>>110384, >>110385 JoeyCamp2020 - Faggot Judge Judge Arthur Engoron hires himself a lolywer to appeal the stay of Trump's gag order claiming Trump's speech is threatening his life with "credible threats"

>>110386 #24540

(19 notables, 27 posts, 22 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131210

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19990714 Q Research General #24541: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 281541ZNOV23




>>110387 #24541

>>110388 10:40 AM EST Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RfIA8FsQthw - NATO Secretary General, Press Conference at Foreign Ministers Meeting, 28 NOV 2023 [Channel: NATO News]

>>110389, >>110391, >>110392, >>110393, >>110395 BUN - D. The Solar Winds “SUNBURST” Attack

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e27cf4571220f2e3d3932027226915b3ac5f9a16f2f8e07932b98ead5685484.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c6f84ee3945273410fb00e445fa0d17259c8b5eb063aefd84e78a1ddf09711ca.mp4

>>110390 11:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>110394 PlaneFag CONUS-Potato to Carter memorial and on descent to Dobbins ARB-Kneepads

>>110396 Epstein Flight Logs unredacted PDF

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d30f3807f9e2b0a2dc112221607f2190e6fe6e8535e3ce198e4e6d723c7d7b15.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f8e111d7bd29039742de62e9f67cf5051b617e26a923117df323a5d2fb3c0de.pdf

>>110397 11 more days. Go @USArmy, beat @USNavy

>>110398 Huge volcanic eruption on Japan's Iwo Jima Island

>>110399 Clintons, Michelle Obama traveling on board Air Force One together with Bidens to Georgia

>>110400 Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Publicly Before House Panel

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yd5hd - BREAKING: Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Publicly Before House Panel [37] [Channel: BonginoReport]

>>110401 Nikki Haley lands endorsement from Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity PAC

>>110402 CAP is Derek Chauvin now a Loose End?

>>110403 Police State Ireland MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ecded4f8a6bafa31e78402e2a4547c92a00ad997bbebf97f893fd7f9390adf12.mp4

>>110404 Google Issues Warning To Drive Users Over Sudden Deletion Of Files

>>110405 Sen. Tuberville says he expects a ‘9/11 attack every few weeks’ because of Biden’s policies

>>110406 Palm Beach County Florida: You can't give your garbage away, that belongs to us!!!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MTOqPc4WOfQ - County Shuts Down Woman's Business w/Bizarre Argument [Channel: Steve Lehto]

>>110407 US Home Prices Rose For the 7th Straight Month In September

>>110408 Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it

>>110409 UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap

>>110410 Finland closes its entire border with Russia

>>110411 Tribute service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter

>>110412 FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots

>>110413 Pentagon looks to commercial space for an edge

>>110414 @realDonaldTrump Congressman Robert Aderholt is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Alabama’s 4th Congressional District.

>>110415 Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine Dr. Yusen Zhou was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine

>>110416 @realDonaldTrump “Trump arrives to fanfare at Williams-Brice Stadium for USC-Clemson football game”

>>110417 Donald J. Trump @JudicialProtest Follow When Judicial Protest promises, we always deliver.

>>110418 @NikkiHaleyHQ As Ron DeSantis put it yesterday: “If somebody endorses somebody other than you, you don’t always have to lash out.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72ab42888586bff1040514b895cef5a7c8cc2bb9ab7ce9d1f49d0d1addb47e09.mp4

>>110419 @SpeakerJohnson Come see the more than 5,000 handcrafted ornaments made by the Shawnee Tribe and communities across West Virginia!

>>110420 Stephen Colbert cancels week of shows due to burst appendix?

>>110421 Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3y9zda - Tucker Carlson: Ep. 41 Dublin in flames [23:40] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>110422 @mikelindell “We Need to Secure Our Election Platforms Immediately.”

>>110423 Michigan Tries to Force Christian School to Hire Anti-Christian Teachers

>>110424 Qapp Cap @ T: 00.17.17 REMINDER - NCSWIC @SourceCode

>>110425 #24541

(35 notables, 39 posts, 53 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131211

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19991550 Q Research General #24542: Remove the Blockades - Expose RINOS and Corrupt Dems #Uniparty Edition

Created 281759ZNOV23




>>110426, >>110429, >>110430, >>110434, >>110435 Remove the #Uniparty Blockades

>>110427 Qapp Qlock Cap 00.00.00 {30} moar hours.

>>110428 Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses

>>110431 Gold Fag Anon Report

>>110432 Network of Ukrainian-run drug labs busted in Russia


>>110436 #Uniparty Cards

>>110437, >>110440 Cap List Rinos Democrats

>>110438 RINO Cards

>>110439 Hunter Biden Demands To Testify Publicly Vs. Closed-Door Deposition

>>110441 DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens

>>110442 Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballot

>>110443 Soros' ex-wife lists Upper West Side co-op for $27.5M

>>110444 Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers

>>110445 Hamas Releases American Hostage Whose Family Purchased Hunter Biden’s Art

>>110446 PF Report

>>110447, >>110448, >>110449, >>110450 OP: Uniparty

>>110451 Trump Won All 50 States if Absentee Ballots Weren’t Counted

>>110452 Hamas senior official invites Elon Musk to visit Gaza?

>>110453 Pepe of the thread

>>110454 International collaboration leads to dismantlement of ransomware group in Ukraine amidst ongoing war

>>110455 Reminder NoName McStain CAPS #Terrorists

>>110456 @bennyjohnson Joe Biden seen deplaning Air Force One with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama in Georgia #WhereisBarak

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/35bd1f26ea10a5671ee0e2e1bcd1d4d8d68622d33c6b511ec62cb12a639bf3dd.mp4

>>110457 HOMER42 Rivet Joint setting up off Israel/Gaza from Souda Bay,Crete IAF C130 also up

>>110458 Anon Opines The Uniparty steals all the elections.

>>110459 Taibbi and Schellenberger: bigger than Twitter files. Live in an hour or so.

>>110460 US Navy medical officer discovers heart problems linked to Covax vaccine. MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/202be5bae79c41db6b7be3bf2a3e3cd7abc3634c7a95ae989dac16a0e176b011.mp4

>>110461 BLM leader Mark Fisher endorses Donald Trump for president??!! MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b766fb5777618134b7b49ed00af397bdd009ae1757b39fa952f476a0ed602c65.mp4

>>110462 #24542

(29 notables, 37 posts, 59 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131212

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19992370 Q Research General #24543: #Uniparty Remove the Blockades: Ronna McDaniel Recall Edition

Created 282034ZNOV23




>>110463 #24543

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6117be664bc67caaeba33ce2f5a6a1b87090b1690b1b6091e0cf03168761368d.mp4

>>110464, >>110466, >>110472, >>110482, >>110483 Rosalynn Carter Funeral Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mQJNCp50r5M - Chip Carter, son of Rosalynn, Jimmy Carter, shares fond memories of mother [Channel: Atlanta News First]

>>110465 USCENTCOM supported USAID by airlifting more than 54,000 pounds of humanitarian supplies to Gaza

>>110467, >>110468 U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Depart. Data Showing Increase in Heart-Related Issues

>>110469, >>110470 Supreme Court to consider ‘quadrillion-dollar question’ in major tax case

>>110471, >>110473 Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post

>>110474, >>110476, >>110488 Judge recuses himself from Elon Musk’s case against Media Matters

>>110475, >>110479 Billionaire Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's quieter partner has died.

>>110477 Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT Migrants

>>110478, >>110491 Bizfag Report

>>110480 @ArlingtonNatl: 20 days until #WreathsAcrossAmerica

>>110481 Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election

>>110484, >>110492 The national Christmas tree that Biden was set to light up Thursday night at the White House was blown over by the wind.

>>110485, >>110486, >>110487 The Gaurdians of the Pedophiles have Q derangement syndrome!

>>110489, >>110496 Massive heart related issues after the Covid-19 vaccine in United States Navy fixed wing and helicopter pilots

>>110490 Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Airlift of Critical Humanitarian Supplies to Egypt to Support Aid Delivery in Gaza

>>110493 Charlie Munger, friend and business partner of Warren Buffett, dies

>>110494 PF: Potato in Not AF1 92-9000 747 left Dobbins ARB heading to Denver Intl for a fundraiser with 09-0018 C32A as escort

>>110495 DHS Secretary Mayorkas Lays Out Amnesty Plan for 12-30 Million Illegal Aliens Here in the US via @gatewaypundit

>>110497 Trump demands communications between Biden, Hunter and Mike Pence and the Department

>>110498 Jill Biden DECORATES White House W/ COVID-19 Molecules

>>110499 Former Insider At Major Financial Services Organization Admits Involvement In Multimillion-Dollar Insider Trading Ring

>>110500 Ukraine's spy chief’s wife poisoned, Ukraine suspects Russia behind it

>>110501 Former Portsmouth Police Officer Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Minor

>>110502 FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots

>>110503 Finland closes its entire border with Russia. Effective from Thursday at 00:00 and for at least two weeks

>>110504 CCTV camera outside of DeSantis’s office where Florida Election Crime unit lead Peter Antonacci was found dead “wasn’t working”

>>110505 @Timcast THE DEMON HUNTERS: Two Days in Ohio Catching Child Predators

>>110506 Biden signals plan to sign the UN (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHRs) without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate approval.

>>110507 UK National Grid is activating its "blackout prevention scheme" amid current cold snap

>>110508 Senate intelligence committee (SSCI) leaders have introduced a bill to reauthorize and EXPAND FISA Section 702 *until 2035.*

>>110509 Israel must face international court – Erdogan

>>110510 @jsolomonReports Court papers say ex-Virginia election official on trial 'altered election results' in 2020 election

>>110511 Trad Catholic Family Dragged Out of Home at Gunpoint, Locked in Van After FBI ‘Goaded’ Teen to Post Offensive Memes, Dad Says

>>110512 ALMOST-X CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR3500 erupted on Nov. 28th (1950 UT)

>>110513, >>110514 President Trump’s Latest “Motion to Compel Discovery” Exposes Foreign Interference in 2020 Election in

>>110515 @zerohedge How Biden and Iran's Supreme Leaders Ali Khamenei became best buddies

>>110516 Iran recently released drone footage monitoring the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Strait of Hormuz

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e44a46090a129d3cad515367d8b8f7a0a7f5d8ed8de7984be7f0f0b6514e8ab3.mp4

>>110517 #24543

(39 notables, 55 posts, 55 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131213

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19993183 Q Research General #24544: Munger Down, Q Derangement Syndrome Up Edition

Created 282316ZNOV23




>>110518 #24544

>>110519 Debt Clock - Tuesday 28th of November 2023

>>110520 Pope to evict Cardinal Burke from Vatican-subsidized apartment, strip him of salary

>>110521 Moderna has its own spying operation using AI & a former FBI agent to monitor millions of vaccine-related conversations online

>>110522 North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon

>>110523, >>110555 Dr. Kat Lindley on WHO’s Global Governance via Pandemic Treaties and Amendments

>>110524, >>110530 Looks like a fairly dense full halo CME leaving the sun headed our way

>>110525 Judge Chutkan Blocks Trump Legal Team from Finding Out Truth About What Really Happened on J6

>>110526 United Nations set to call on Americans to reduce meat consumption

>>110527 MD: Blue State Will Continue To Enforce Handgun Law Even After It Was Declared Unconstitutional

>>110528, >>110532, >>110534, >>110537, >>110540, >>110543, >>110545, >>110553, >>110558, >>110560, >>110561, >>110563 Former VICE contributor, Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for possession of child pornography after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy.

>>110529 Swedish yoga guru, 71, is arrested and 26 women freed from 'deplorable conditions' in France after kidnap and rape probe

>>110531 Ron Paul: ‘Government, the Greatest Issuer of Disinformation’

>>110533 Moms For America Endorses Trump For President

>>110535 Dark Legacy

>>110536 HOW DO YOU INTRODUCE EVIDENCE? I hope Hunter is ready to sing.

>>110538 The sun was shining on Melania Trump today at Rosalynn Carter's tribute service.


>>110541 Dr. Robert Epstein Launches ‘America’s Digital Shield’ Exposing Big Tech Meddling in 2024 Elections

>>110542 NYT is losing bladder control over Schedule F. This smells like victory.

>>110544 Indian Rescuers Save 41 Construction Workers Trapped In Tunnel For 17 Days


>>110547 A packed house in DERRY, NEW HAMPSHIRE tonight for @NikkiHaley!/pendulum haz swung RINO

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3d20c1d44025b3c4d2c81e24ae3b1c817c0740275732ceb0387d5c8889dac9b7.mp4

>>110548 Black Lives Matter Leader Leaves The Democrat Plantation, Endorses Trump

>>110549 Nov 2023.Press conference European Parliament about the experimental COVID MRNA injections

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GTftKxWcqpk - Shocking! Nov 2023.Press conference European Parliament about the experimental COVID MRNA injections [Channel: Forest]

>>110550 Ransomware Impacts Health-Care Systems in Six States

>>110551 Bill Gates went underground to show a tour of the hidden history Brussels sewage system./forgot to flush

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/563c857eade8747ea11094b257dc3427fe395805d81465912dac4dcc4babe9fc.mp4

>>110552 Video footage of senior Pentagon official Stephen Hovanic getting arrested in connection to an alleged human trafficking ring has been released.

>>110554 Buckwheat not Otay

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GQcZcEO63Ng - WATCH: Fox Reporter Grills Jean-Pierre After Trans Influencer Goes Topless At WH Pride Celebration [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>110556 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110557 Australian government issues apology for 'thalidomide tragedy' 60 years on

>>110559 Safiye Elkhereji, daughter of @W_Elkhereiji who is a high ranking Saudi Arabian official and who was the ambassador to Turkey when Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, has committed suicide.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/461aee2af9c4d0b8f6aee807c3ebd5343f7fd60ab937aab7061dc22a69382d6e.webm

>>110562 Argentina's president elect Javier Milei is due to meet Biden aide Jake Sullivan today after lunching with Bill Clinton

>>110564 LIVE - Jesses Watters Primetime 11/28/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cLU8-O4AT9E - 🔴LIVE - Jesses Watters Primetime 11/28/23 - Full | Fox Breaking News Trump November 28, 2023 [Channel: Chhittar Bazi]

>>110565 #24544

(35 notables, 48 posts, 58 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131214

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19993952 Q Research General #24545: Double Aught 45 Dark To Light Edition

Created 290126ZNOV23




>>110566 #24545

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cba725ed30ae23ccf3f16bdf0e50cc2ca9034b1345237285b7aeecfaf8710b05.mp4

>>110567 Panic in DC!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ydt6a - Panic in DC [5:38] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>110568 the evergreen is down? same day as carter funeral, comms? Keks at least

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9d0870656be18e7bcad49ebba2a8c174f499847b3c580c1cf7d8b11fe16b2e84.mp4

>>110569 Joe Allen On Eric Schmidt: "He is promoting the use of these AI systems for weapons"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yg6hs - Joe Allen On Eric Schmidt: "He is promoting the use of these systems for weapons" [4:19] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110570 Dr. Robert Malone On The New Virus That Is Spreading: "I think this is another gross overreaction". Is another form of Fear Porn!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yg43y - Dr. Robert Malone On The New Virus That Is Spreading: "I think this is another gross overreaction" [9:39] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110571 Rosalynn Carter’s family said she specifically wanted Melania Trump to know she was invited to the service. In a time of division

>>110572 Michael Walsh On The Situation In Ireland: "The media is really the problem"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yg164 - Michael Walsh On The Situation In Ireland: "The media is really the problem" [8:32] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110573, >>110574, >>110578 Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/67e694be627b0c0c5be2f8ecc455f7ff6f2cf6135f42abbc27a4b4383580cc2e.mp4

>>110575, >>110576, >>110577 Not Only Can Trump Win, Right Now He's the Favorite To Win

>>110579, >>110580 Trump 'The Nominee' Before March 2024

>>110581, >>110587 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>110582, >>110583 Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him

>>110584, >>110586 ‘We Need Him Back!’ Nigel Farage Notes Trump Predicted Biden’s Iran Deal Would Have ‘Deadly Consequences’ for Israel and US

>>110585 PEDO BUN 28 November 2023

>>110588, >>110589, >>110590 Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

>>110591, >>110592 Biden Has Let Over 70,000 Illegals From Muslim Countries into U.S. in 2 Years

>>110593 Higher Incidence Of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers

>>110594, >>110595 Trump Gives Kari Lake ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Arizona Senate Race

>>110596 Travel pool 11 - funder remarks, rolling

>>110597 Steve Robinson, From “The Maine Wire”, Describes Chinese Nationals Running Massive Marijuana Grow Operations In The US. They have 300 MJ growing farms in Maine, where one got busted today

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yg05g - Steve Robinson Describes Chinese Nationals Running Massive Marijuana Grow Operations In The US [5:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110598 Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman

>>110599 holding a bipartisan press conference at the Capitol this Thursday morning before votes to publicly draw attention to the continual pushback, sidelining, & stonewalling we and countless Americans have received regarding UAPs.

>>110600 @CarloMVigano..being persecuted by Bergoglio is a source of pride: it remains to be seen..whether [they] will..say what really happened at the 2013 Conclave.

>>110601 @realDonaldTrump MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE.....

>>110602 China’s Mystery Respiratory Illness Comes to USA?????

>>110603 Japan’s Nikkei Erases Early Losses as Heavyweight Stocks Gain

>>110604 2:25 AM EST NATO Secretary General with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

>>110605 5:30 AM EST NATO Secretary General, Press Conference at Foreign Ministers Meeting: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

>>110606 When you understand that CISA owns a certain website attached to Sheriffs and Attorneys in Arizona, it might make your bum pucker.

>>110607 #24545

(30 notables, 42 posts, 41 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131215

File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19994701 Q Research General #24546: Evergreen Down Who Really Runs The Country? Edition

Created 290417ZNOV23




>>110608 #24546

>>110609, >>110623 Tucker goes full AYYY LMAO to cover up the fact we've had access zero-point energy and electro-gravitic spacecraft for decades

>>110610 It is unclear whether the current ceasefire agreement is at risk of dissolving due to the latest clash in the Gaza Strip.

>>110611 Senator Tommy Tuberville claims Biden's out of control border policy will result in 'a 9/11 attack EVERY FEW WEEKS'

>>110612 @RepRashida My statement calling for the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners.

>>110613, >>110619 @realDonaldTrump MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves… nothing but a 24 hour hit job… for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

>>110614, >>110616, >>110626 FBI ordered to turn over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich

>>110615 @realDonaldTrump All of these Fake Lawsuits against me could have been brought years ago, but they waited and waited

>>110617 Speaker Johnson Refuses to Confirm Matt Gaetz’s Claim About Deep State Program Authorization

>>110618 Nikki Haley wins backing from powerful Koch network

>>110620, >>110621, >>110622 Tunnels under Comet Ping Pong?

>>110624 @realDonaldTrump I don’t want to terminate Obamacare, I want to REPLACE IT with MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE. Obamacare Sucks!!!

>>110625, >>110627, >>110630, >>110631 Q Proof Trump Truth RT yesterday

>>110628 @realDonaldTrump Ron DeSanctimonious has become an Absentee Governor of Florida,never there, not working. The same thing happened to Sloppy Chris Christie.

>>110629 @realDonaldTrump I hope that Mayor Eric Adam’s, Andrew Cuomo, and all of the others that got sued.. will fight it on being totally unfair and UNCONSTITUTIONAL

>>110632, >>110633, >>110634, >>110635 US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

>>110636 #24546

(17 notables, 29 posts, 33 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131216

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19995547 Q Research General #24547: Nowhere To Run Edition

Created 291140ZNOV23




>>110637 #24547

>>110638, >>110640, >>110641 Special counsel Jack Smith got a secret search warrant for Trump's Twitter account for everyone who liked, followed, or retweeted 45

>>110639, >>110642, >>110644 US Osprey military aircraft with 8 aboard crashes in sea off Japan, condition of crew unknown

>>110643 Americans need an extra $11,400 today just to afford the basics, according to analysis of govt data

>>110645 gentle reminder of the hell Gates awaits...

>>110646 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis on ‘Right Wing Extremism’ (VIDEO)

>>110647 Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier arrested, accused of using gun to strike a woman

>>110648, >>110649 hearing and committee agendas for 11/29/2023

>>110650, >>110653 Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2V6jH-6F6K0 - Brace Yourself For What's Coming in 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson [Channel: Victor Davis Hanson]

>>110651 NATO recognizes Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed - member state

>>110652 Order on Seth Rich Files

>>110654 Planefag with eyez on our skyz

>>110655 GM Shares Surge Over 10% After Announcing $10 Billion Buyback, Raising Dividend By 33%, Updating 2023 Guidance

>>110656 Russia Takes Control of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery for 20 Years

>>110657 #24547

(15 notables, 21 posts, 22 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131217

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19997412 Q Research General #24548: Pantifa Shill Panic Off The Charts Edition

Created 291616ZNOV23




>>110658 #24548

>>110659 Hospitals brace for fines and reform following flood of Adult Survivors Act cases/must reg to read

>>110660 Lawsuit accuses Utah AG Sean Reyes of intimidating critic of Tim Ballard

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_QuBKoI_G-0 - Lawsuit accuses AG Sean Reyes of intimidating critic of Tim Ballard, OUR [Channel: KSL News]

>>110661, >>110667, >>110681, >>110685, >>110686, >>110693 JEREMY HUNT THE I.M.F, GLOBALIST CHINESE RAT ANSWERS QUESTIONS TO THE TREASURY COMMITTEE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P7dhV_3hSx8 - Jeremy Hunt answers questions from Treasury committee – watch live [Channel: Guardian News]

>>110662 FBI never searched their records on "Seth Rich" in response to FOIA request

>>110663 WHO Authorise Emergency Use of Novavax Protein-based COVID-19 Vaccine

>>110664, >>110665, >>110666 What if the Constitution no longer applied? Freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now

>>110668, >>110669, >>110670, >>110671, >>110672, >>110674, >>110677 CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v2x2ogf - CIA Agent Admits Hip Hop Was a Psy-Op Designed To Corrupt the Youth and Sow Division in America [13:34] [Channel: The People's Voice]

>>110673 NASA astronomy Picture of the Day A Landspout Tornado over Kansas

>>110675 British inquiry finds serious failings at hospitals where worker had sex with more than 100 corpses

>>110676 6 Tim Ballard accusers speak publicly for the first time

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EM77nhbZ5P0 - 'Gaslighting on a global scale': 6 Tim Ballard accusers speak publicly for the first time [Channel: KSL News]

>>110678, >>110679, >>110682 The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

>>110680, >>110694, >>110704 PF Eyes on Skyz

>>110683, >>110689 The UN roadmap to eating less meat isn’t legally binding, but it is expected to have influence over policymakers

>>110684, >>110700, >>110702 BLM leader endorses Trump for 2024, accuses Dems of 'racist' policies: 'We're not stupid'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c1435edcb80b45394ff5260004d8eef9ef2c9d947678b5bb5904080a7f0bc8bf.mp4

>>110687 @realDonaldTrump The Globalist Koch Fake “Network,” Americans for China Prosperity, who constantly admit that they did better in Business under President Trump than EVER BEFORE, have decided to back Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley over Ron DeSanctimonious...

>>110688 Globalist Tony Blair ADMITS Digital ID is about the ability to FORCE vaccinate the population.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8bef695d567416366979d542d92de7fefc1d55d4e8f7382dfc44daa66118f86c.mp4

>>110690 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Skydives with 106-Year-Old World War II Veteran

>>110691 US third-quarter growth revised higher; corporate profits rise strongly

>>110692 "Biden Admin to convert empty office buildings into affordable housing units…" Banks Halt Lending | The Whitehouse Has A Plan

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g_uFmvSkOxg - Banks Halt Lending | The Whitehouse Has A Plan [Channel: ThisisJohnWilliams]

>>110695 Argentina's Milei visits the White House, and Joe Biden fails to turn up

>>110696 At Least One Dead After U.S Military Osprey Crashes Off the Coast of Japan

>>110697 Ireland: Authorities Demand Access To Private Social Media Conversations To Spy On Anti-Mass Migration Sentiment

>>110698 RI: Court Rejects Another Bid To Keep President Trump Off Primary Ballot

>>110699 Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days

>>110701 U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Florida Law that Protects Children from Sexually Explicit Drag Shows

>>110703 Biden’s media intimidation crusade takes a turn for the worse

>>110705 Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

>>110706 House Freedom Caucus News Conference

>>110707 Migrant Whistleblower: NGOs ‘Stealing A Tremendous Amount of Money’ From US Taxpayers in Transport Scam

>>110708 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Second Resolution to Impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

>>110709 Elites Meet: 70,000+ Attendees Flying to Dubai for COP 28 Climate Summit


>>110711 California water board to require reduced indoor water use for citizens

>>110712 Pfizers Post-Marketing Surveillance Report Reveals That Pfizer Manipulated Data and Wrongly Tabulated Adverse Events, Concealed Them.

>>110713 #24548

(36 notables, 56 posts, 43 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131218

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19998247 Q Research General #24549: Vhere Are You In The Ven? Edition

Created 291931ZNOV23




>>110714 #24549

>>110715 3:00 PM EST - Roundtable With Families of Hostages Held by Hamas

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YZfpELT3G4o - HFAC Member Roundtable with Families of Hostages Held by Hamas [Channel: House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans]

>>110716 Derek Chauvin in stable condition after stabbing, lawyer says prison officials told him

>>110717 Reminder: 2/24/20 - Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen visited Doha on February 5 in order to ensure Qatar continues its financial aid policy to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip

>>110718 Freed Palestinian children say fellow prisoners were 'tortured to death'

>>110719 Irish citizens have begun building barricades and checkpoints around their local towns and villages to prevent their communities from being overrun by newly arrived migrants

>>110720 Trump Explains It SLOWLY for Media/DeSantis Fans: Obama Runs WH, Not Biden

>>110721 RE: Israel Accused of Spying on The Trump White House And The U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Training Base At Fort Huachuca

>>110722, >>110737 ICYMI: US Cardinal Raymond Burke kicked-out of Vatican apartment and striped of his salary by Pope Francis for criticizing his pro-LGBT stance

>>110723 July Sounds of Freedom goes viral; November #meToo vs Balland

>>110724 Biden-Appointed Commissioner with Links to Hunter Biden’s Art Sale is Related to the 4-Year-Old Released by Hamas

>>110725 Anti-Israel sentiment running high in Toronto demonstration

>>110726, >>110735 We owe Nancy's niece a big thank you for investing our tax dollars in Bidenomics!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CZLfX89rqOw - President Biden Delivers Remarks on Bidenomics [Channel: The White House]

>>110727 ICYMI: Judge orders FBI to turn over Seth Rich's laptop info with 14 days

>>110728 A 26-year-old man was arrested at Disneyland after stripping down on the It's A Small World ride

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54991efd89b7deeb47a22c44f7cbca045b896819de767f10c70882d9b3ad4af3.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1a6e1b21208600d527d3ffbfbab30afb9d2fbca0ea015aaa0c7caa07e40884d6.mp4

>>110729 ADAM COROLLA discusses the difference between HENRY WINKLER and HARVEY WEINSTEIN

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1Kni4FZlI4g - Jim Breuer on TDS & Hunter Agrees to Testify + Ted Cruz on Cultural Marxism in Tech & Journalism [Channel: Adam Carolla]

>>110730, >>110732, >>110739, >>110740 Shitlibs proving they are the real racists, yet again

>>110731, >>110736 Antarctic Raytheon Whistleblower Testimony: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AT THE SOUTH POLE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/327b26f132ef79226e47e744b19dd7bc1577e318e4398a4ef66bb2b9539fda6b.mp4

>>110733 '19999999' is a Q delta for tomorrow...

>>110734, >>110752 BIDEN:"Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/53bf9466bf9d004d3cf37a5c0de81fa52dbc429dcaa0dea4c4082d750a5deb9a.mp4

>>110738, >>110751 Irish Lives Matter is now hate-speech. But what if Irishanons crossed out "Irish" and sprayed in "BLACK"?

>>110741, >>110745 Class Action Lawsuit against Special Counsel Jack Smith NEEDED ASAP

>>110742 GEORGE_USSC_15JUNE2022.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd968a3ec68ed51f74697b1d7db7f67bec2a4a2258ea9cf061444740c114e705.pdf

>>110743 Supreme Court questions federal agencies' ability to serve as judge and jury

>>110744 Pro-Trump NFL Star Announces Congressional Run: ‘We’ve Gotta Fire Joe Biden’

>>110746 BIDEN: (heavily slurring): "I am friends with your leader, Mr. Moon, you know, hoo, we're, we're good guys"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e866697c1aef82533e26e05ceefded513806c5f0e15cca8ef37be477260c4f2.mp4

>>110747 FBI Conducts Record Number Of Background Checks On Black Friday As Gun Demand Surges

>>110748 Brazil's Military placed on HIGH ALERT, making immediate preparations for Venezuelan Invasion..

>>110749, >>110750 Antisemitism in US a 'five-alarm fire' amid Israel-Hamas war, Senator Schumer says

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0f6e3714ea4dbe65a73defe981ae2d7486aded4bbf0346a6e662c0c55bccec99.mp4

>>110753 @realDonaldTrump There would NEVER have been an attack on Israel if I were President, and what is going on now is unthinkable!

>>110754 The ADL Has Been Sending Top US Cops To Israeli Terrorism Seminars Blamed For 'Militarizing' Police

>>110755, >>110756 CRISIS IN NEW YORK: 94-year-old vet struggles to move on after nursing home evicts him, replaced by migrants

>>110757 Majority Leader Schumer News Conference on AI Insight Forum

>>110758 #24549

(34 notables, 45 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131219

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19999036 Q Research General #24550: Unthinkable Edition

Created 292208ZNOV23




>>110759 #24550

>>110760 Russian Man Jailed for 10 days for 'No to War' Snow Message

>>110761 OTD in 1943 at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran British PM Winston Churchill presented Soviet leader Joseph Stalin with the Sword of #Stalingrad.

>>110762 First Lady Jill Biden Unveils the 2023 White House Holiday Ice Rink

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w4TK3RZDluA - First Lady Jill Biden Unveils the 2023 White House Holiday Ice Rink [Channel: The White House]

>>110763, >>110765, >>110768, >>110777 Is Crooked Joe a dual citizen? ...Was Sleepy?

>>110764 RE: Osprey Crash

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QDBXwWlU64M - USAF CV-22 Osprey Crash Japan 28 Nov 2023 [Channel: blancolirio]

>>110766 NY Prosecutor Scrambles To Salvage Anti-Trump Case, Argues Deutsche Bank Being Happy Is 'Irrelevant'

>>110767, >>110772, >>110773, >>110775 Why does AP even have an HQ in Gaza?

>>110769, >>110770 Interviews with whistleblower Alexander Laurent. English transcript.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f7945102035e7ccac86aab935063e4e9ee90f3424f67ee3cd9af205ec270812.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/637de54ed154377c4031a75896d0e713fac2859bae34b067bb1d0d71eba7b4d7.pdf

>>110771, >>110782 #Irish Lives Matter

>>110774 Bank raised red flags about $5 million loan from Chinese firm to Hunter Biden, memo reveals

>>110776 @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron and Letitia James should be impeached... REMOVE THEM AND DISMISS THIS RIDICULOUS, NO VICTIM, NO JURY, CASE!

>>110778, >>110789 @realDonaldTrump Spoke with Mark Fisher yesterday, a great guy, very honored to have his and BLM’s support

>>110779 There's a New QAnon Convoy in Canada. They Want to 'Pick Up' Homeless - vice

>>110780 BIDEN: "Congressman Trump"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8d179da55f231a77625c832e0f27d2232ad4f0ca56636d6fce31d7ae8ef7acb6.mp4

>>110781, >>110783 All Americans deserve dual Israeli citizenship!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FKplabTRuak - Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel [Channel: VICE]

>>110784 3 People Dead, 1 Hospitalized In Ohio Auto Shop Explosion

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ba34085fdb624dd06d7f9e71e438432f3d5846f88e759cd3d3b2290eb6fa5479.mp4

>>110785, >>110787, >>110792 Elon Musk has a message for all the corporate blackballers "GO. FUCK. YOURSELF!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad88950f3d60e14ccc91f647f06838cdc3f73ba4706880528e06da28b24642e0.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Vv1cQIEnEc0 - Elon Musk tells boycott advertisers, “go fuck yourself.. Is that clear?” [Channel: tac]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6e9f5f976d8d421af028f0e6099d11fd7d4f61484562f34573b118849e15b0f0.mp4

>>110786 Japan's space agency hit by cyberattack

>>110788 PF: GHOST55 plane up.

>>110790 Elon Musk, Israel agree on use of SpaceX Starlink satellite internet in Gaza

>>110791 PF: potato in 09-0018 C32A departed Pueblo, CO back to JBA

>>110793 Matt Hancock is due testify to the u.k covid enquiry tomorrow.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77a20ecce9f9a4fbf24cd754fe60a4f1c06cc40a78514a07e97cb2e965c2d29d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/399044540e5fb6ddfe22c20866835a0628073b9ea25406bbc168bf9099e52a47.mp4

>>110794 #24550

(24 notables, 36 posts, 40 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131220

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/19999797 Q Research General #24551: FUCK 'EM EDITION

Created 300026ZNOV23




>>110795 #24551

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BdS0c-_-Q6s - Geto Boys - Fuck 'Em [Channel: johnniewalker23]

>>110796, >>110798, >>110799 Epic bread is epic

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Gk3r3YK8J74 - Corporate Avenger - The Bible is Bullshit [Channel: Sturmdrache 87]

>>110797 NEVADA: Corrupt Judge Blocks Exlection Fraud Investigation - BEADLES VS RODRIGUEZ

>>110800 LIVE: Protest in New York City by jihadists, communists, and useful idiots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ug99jlFldl8 - Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting 2023 [Channel: Portland Andy🌭]

>>110801, >>110816 'Go F**K YOURSELF'! Elon Musk blasts advertisers fleeing X, trying to 'blackmail me with money'

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yo94p - Elon Musk sends SCORCHING message to woke advertisers: "Go f**k yourself" [31] [Channel: BonginoReport]

>>110802 Quebec's legislature has unanimously adopted a motion in defense of Christmas.

>>110803 New details concerning the fatal crash of the USAF V-22 Osprey

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QDBXwWlU64M - USAF CV-22 Osprey Crash Japan 28 Nov 2023 [Channel: blancolirio]

>>110804, >>110806 Irish Immigrant Politician Calls for the Execution of Native Irishmen Who Protested

>>110805 Scott McKay Makes The Case That Obama Is Still Calling The Shots In The White House

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yo0uz - Scott McKay Makes The Case That Obama Is Still Calling The Shots In The White House [10:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110807 Slip of the tongue by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla confirming vaccines are weapons.

>>110808 Newsom vs. DeSantis debate: A battle between 2 Disney governors

>>110809 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on 2024 election: Help Nikki Haley 'even if you're a very liberal Democrat'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FLbkv0zL6bU - JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on 2024 election: Help Nikki Haley 'even if you're a very liberal Democrat' [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>110810 USA Spending and Joseph R. Biden Jr.

>>110811, >>110813, >>110814, >>110815 Henry Kissinger Dead at Age 100

>>110812 OMG goes undercover in Fresno to report on Chinese funded Bio Lab

>>110817 Like father, like daughter: why Vanessa Kerry is demanding action on climate and health

>>110818 DOD Enters Agreement to Expand Domestic Graphite Supply Chain

>>110819 Rep. Andy Biggs On Hunter Biden: "He's the scapegoat they're willing to throw him off the bus". Biggs is from AZ

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yo6lm - Rep. Andy Biggs On Hunter Biden: "He's the scapegoat they're willing to throw him off the bus" [8:07] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>110820 PF

>>110821 Why Tony Blair Never Went Away

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NA4OupQJngo - Why Tony Blair Never Went Away [Channel: Sonia Poulton]

>>110822 #24551

(21 notables, 28 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131221

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20000555 Q Research General #24552: Kissinger Kicks the Bucket, 20m Shitposts n' Counting Edition

Created 300230ZNOV23




>>110823 #24552

>>110824, >>110825, >>110826, >>110827, >>110828, >>110835 Henry Kissinger Dead? D5? State Funeral Coming Soon?

>>110829, >>110830, >>110833, >>110836, >>110840 Kissinger Digs

>>110831 ICYMI: OMG goes undercover in Fresno to report on Chinese funded Bio Lab

>>110832 Speaker Johnson bows down to kiss Kissingers Johnson in twatter tribute post

>>110834 mktFag report

>>110837 An FBI special agent was carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

>>110838, >>110843 Bill Maher wants to make a movie about QAnon!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ta6BRPDtAgY - Tommy Lee | Club Random with Bill Maher [Channel: Club Random Podcast]

>>110839 Bank record from @GOPoversight probe of Hunter Biden, Biden family foreign business deals indicated MONEY LAUNDERING

>>110841, >>110842, >>110844 All AYYY LMAO roads seem to lead to CIA’s Directorate of Science & Technology

>>110845 #24552

(11 notables, 23 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131222

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20001332 Q Research General #24553: All Roads Lead to CIA/MOSSAD Edition

Created 300502ZNOV23




>>110846 #24553

>>110847 Bill Ackman Says Biden Is Past His ‘Peak’ and Should Drop His 2024 Campaign

>>110848 Bid to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6 violence stalls at appeals court

>>110849 Rep. Greene reintroduces articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas

>>110850, >>110851, >>110865 Judge Berrel Howell is the one that gave Jack Smith all contacts, messages including followers and their user names

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ype3a - They are coming for you [8:18] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yp6yn - DC Judge leans in to open anti-Trump activism [6:07] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>110852 Kash Patel on the hostage situation

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ygsaj - Kash Patel on the hostage situation [8:43] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>110853, >>110854, >>110855, >>110856 On 100 year old Kissinger's most recent public appearance

>>110857 Money laundering bank investigator raised serious concerns in 2017 about a $5 million Biden loan

>>110858, >>110861 ICYMI - Major solar storm to hit Earth in the next few days?

>>110859, >>110862 Ukranian female shrink shot/killed after calling a Major a coward

>>110860 Columbia University: 'Hillary, Hillary, you can't hide! You are supporting genocide!'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9d11c3076cb587021680c2086b36c7713b2c2be91e584998eb74fdffd2002df4.mp4

>>110863, >>110864 Las Vegas police arrest more than 70 in sex trafficking operation

>>110866, >>110867, >>110868 Live NOW - Matt Hancock testifying to the UK COVID inquiry

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5054729d3de10b03572bf207c504ec310f75c64d36588e64bcbaa22c93c5a20.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/103f61058cfb6346898379cb6e5940a461e131c80bb06f2bb873a32ae009abe8.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YBK4g94PA5A - UK Covid-19 Inquiry Live Stream [Channel: UK Covid-19 Inquiry]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/77a20ecce9f9a4fbf24cd754fe60a4f1c06cc40a78514a07e97cb2e965c2d29d.mp4

>>110869, >>110871 Philip Schuyler @FiveRights: I shrugged off Pizzagate for years. No more.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ynqme - Trump's Twitter Search Warrant; Bank Witness DESTROYS Leticia's Case; Rich Records Ordered RELEASED [0] [Channel: Robert Gouveia]

>>110870 @BehizyTweets: Sources close to Trump say Dr. Ben Carson is the frontrunner for Vice President

>>110872 @stclairashley: Did New York Times delete the interview of Elon telling the advertisers to go f*ck themselves?!

>>110873 Vivek Ramaswamy's political director leaving to join Trump campaign

>>110874 Schiff: Hundreds of Republican Cowards Enable Trump Attacks on Democracy

>>110875 #24553

(19 notables, 30 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131223

File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20002228 Q Research General #24554: Judge Howell Morning Edition

Created 301206ZNOV23




>>110876 #24554

>>110877 DJT TS w/CAP: GREAT POLLS!!!

>>110878 Anthony Fauci to Testify in House on Covid-19 Pandemic’s Origins, U.S. Response

>>110879 Russia's Supreme Court designates the "international LGBT movement" as an extremist organizationand banned its activities within the country.

>>110880 'Devastating loss': Hollywood figure killed inside home in random attack, LAPD says - Michael Latt, a marketing consultant and social justice advocate

>>110881, >>110887 DJT TS w/CAP: Highly overrated Globalist Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMORGAN, is quietly pushing another non-MAGA person, Nikki Haley...

>>110882 Henry Kissinger reportedly dead at age 100

>>110883 good dig on twitter concerning where the immigrant kiddos are going…

>>110884 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/30/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yqava - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/30/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>110885 The FDA Pulls Key Medications as New China Virus Emerges

>>110886 Users on X report mass cancellation of Disney subscriptions after Elon Musk's interview"

>>110888, >>110889, >>110890 Habbenings for 11/30/2023

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2zs97B_OdFA - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=snGZt3NyZso - Oversight: Unmasking Challenges CDC Faces In Rebuilding Public Trust Amid Respiratory Illness Season [Channel: House Committee on Energy and Commerce]

>>110891 (Live) Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2zs97B_OdFA - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>110892 #24554

(14 notables, 17 posts, 14 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131224

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20003176 Q Research General #24555: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Govt Edition

Created 301535ZNOV23




>>110893 #24555

>>110894 Meme of the Bread

>>110895 LIVE: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2zs97B_OdFA - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>110896 PDJT Truths CAP

>>110897 Meme of the Thread

>>110898, >>110899, >>110900, >>110902, >>110904, >>110918 BUN "Who is Birx taking orders from?

>>110901 Troye [former Homeland Security]: Instead of continuing to spread conspiracy theories about government censorship

>>110903 Poll: Trump Continues to Lead Biden

>>110905 Connolly: This month, we learned that Donald Trump's shadow administration at Project 2025

>>110906 Remarks: Donald Trump Testimony to Congress - November 21, 1991

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AXO2936XM9w - Remarks: Donald Trump Testimony to Congress - November 21, 1991 [Channel: Factbase Videos]

>>110907, >>110911 Rep MASSIE to TROYE re censorship of one of Massie's tweets of an Israeli scientific study: MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ca17ec9f79c40fe236cd17e8469f54957d3a6517049b4a3ea93de3610a567ffe.mp4

>>110908, >>110926 PlaneFag: Persian Gulf and Europe activity

>>110909 Troye: I think you would see [in the second term of President Trump] many experts across US government and intelligence community purged.


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33306ae7d8c3befa548a60c655fbf75505d2372842ea04fc78869696f1c6c00c.mp4

>>110912 Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EomprKFlSSw - Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>110913, >>110914, >>110915 Charms and Ruby Ring Club Confirmed Qmapped #DarkMagik

>>110916 Bishop [quoting Shellenberger's report]: The authors advocated for police, military and intelligence involvement in censorship across Five Eyes nations, and even suggested that Interpol should be involved.

>>110917 @JackPosobiec God will judge America for our sins

>>110919 Garamendi: Indeed, we do have reasons to be concerned about this future,

>>110920 A Waukesha judge ruled Wisconsin voters cannot cancel an absentee ballot that they have already mailed back

>>110921 Oilfag Checks in, MUH OIL!!!

>>110922 Troye just admitted she colluded with social media to censor Americans?

>>110923 Arizona officials who refused to canvass election results indicted

>>110924 Goldman: The only evidence that we have here in front of us today about the weaponization of the federal government, is from Ms. Troye,

>>110925 Chairman Jordan Subpoenas Former Biden White House Officials for Roles in Government Censorship Efforts

>>110927 Car slams into Capitol barrier ahead of Santos expulsion debate

>>110928 Here is a list of companies pulling their ads from X in an attempt to blackmail Elon Musk #BoyCott

>>110929 TUNE IN NOW: Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference

>>110930 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


>>110932 #24555

(31 notables, 40 posts, 37 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131225

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20003957 Q Research General #24556: Jordan Subpoenas Former Biden White House Officials Edition

Created 301749ZNOV23




>>110933 #24556

>>110934 Bipartisan UAP Transparency Press Conference

>>110935 Someone urinated on Rush Limbaugh’s grave and this guy is celebrating it.

>>110936 Russia's Supreme Court in effect outlaws LGBTQ+ activism #ForTheGreaterGood

>>110937 AZ vax Adverse Reaction CAP

>>110938 King Charles at WEF: "The green recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4114ce70ea6be882d593a3887e8e5be5e1bb9fef311d3080b604c76d3b00b563.mp4

>>110939 Elon Musk on Power, Influence and the “Wild Storm” in His Mind FULL Interview - YT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2BfMuHDfGJI - Elon Musk on Power, Influence and the “Wild Storm” in His Mind | DealBook Summit 2023 [Channel: New York Times Events]

>>110940 “Over 200” FBI Agents Embedded Within Crowd on J6?

>>110941 PF: 92-9000 747 departed Denver Intl (this had Big Mike and Clintons on it yesterday as Potato went back to WH from Pueblo,CO yesterday

>>110942, >>110949, >>110950, >>110953, >>110955 BUN Olvia Troye Boyle Dig #Zaid

>>110943 Michael Shellenberger Reveals US and UK Military’s Leading Role in Censoring American Speech

>>110944 Hearing GOVT Weaponzation Oversight Committee - YT

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kf4INt7aeA0 - House panel holds hearing on social media censorship claims | full video [Channel: CBS News]

>>110945 Appeals court reinstates gag order on Trump in New York civil case

>>110946 Democrat Dan Goldman doesn't like being called a conspiracy theorist MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a80ecdb61fe733f02485ebf7792aec74fc192c7a7e9ca88d7e6deab0ac6293ca.mp4

>>110947 2:00 PM EST Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8V3OGbZOLB0 - Compliance with Committee Oversight [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>110948 2:15 PM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken Holds a Press Availability

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e6tP3zh6804 - *PRIVATE VIDEO*

>>110951 POTUS Truth Storm from (lb): #COMMSCHQ

>>110952 Swalwell, "They're just feeding the Beast".

>>110954 Federal censorship machine started years before COVID, involved military contractors

>>110956 Who is Superman?


>>110958 Moar #RubyRingClub

>>110959 How Henry Kissinger Became an ‘Old Friend’ of China

>>110960 Early NS has begun.


>>110962 @CodeMonkeyZ, "This is the way." AG Paxton suing Pfizer for misrepresentation of Covid-19

>>110963 Netanyahu gone down in history as 'butcher of Gaza,'?

>>110964, >>110970 Kissinger Dig

>>110965 Qofficial Update

>>110966, >>110967 @therealroseanne It’s up! Here’s a taste since no one has an attention span over 60 seconds on x Qmapped #Cathearding

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e01a03f71f6c46f89fe1ede7bfea74ca2be8ee2f36192a9d967d715287541c93.mp4

>>110968 To the effect of, Chad Wolf [Border Crisis Hearing]: During Biden, 500K unaccompanied alien children have come across the border

>>110969, >>110971 @catturd2 From President Trump to me. So cool. (Y)OU ARE GREAT!

>>110972 PF Reporting and Ghosting

>>110973 Argentina rejects to join BRICS bloc under Milei,

>>110974 Senator Dick Durbin just BLOCKED Senator Marsha Blackburn's request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs! #PedoAlert

>>110975 KJP claims "families are seeing lower prices on everyday items from gas to groceries."

>>110976 The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rhtn28fLqXc - The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem [Channel: House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans]

>>110977 FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.

>>110978, >>110980 Rep. Dan Goldman Gets Humiliated as He Tries to Defend the Biden Regime’s Censorship Tactics MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41208dec16685b68e6763bd87f1c14c2727a868358c9ed67cd69a9ecb192f68e.mp4

>>110979 Anon's got a point, When Trump nominates, that's our cue to shine a spotlight and scrutinize the bastard.

>>110981 Anon contemplates, RoseAnon is ??? #StopThisShit

>>110982 #24556

(42 notables, 50 posts, 73 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131226

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20004758 Q Research General #24557: U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution Edition

Created 302104ZNOV23




>>110983 #24557

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rhtn28fLqXc - The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem [Channel: House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans]

>>110984 German president ignored on arrival in Middle East (VIDEO)

>>110985, >>110990 DAWN MARIE, GOING DARK!

>>110986 There should be an investigation into any member of Congress blocking the request to subpoena Epstein’s flight logs.

>>110987 Foreign-Born Population Hits 49.5 Million Under Biden

>>110988 FBI releases photos of suspects wanted for carjacking a FBI agent in D.C.

>>110989 Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”

>>110991 Ohio defense attorney suspended for pooping in Pringles can that he dumped at victim-advocacy center

>>110992 Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship

>>110993 PF

>>110994 The Satanic Temple’s new telehealth venture, named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr.'s mom, seems like a social experiment in trolling.

>>110995 Fox News' Sean Hannity to host Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom in debate

>>110996 White House Briefing Descends Into Chaos as Karine Jean-Pierre Storms Out After Refusing to Call on African Journalist (VIDEO)

>>110997 NASA's Christmas Eve launch will be first time US craft has landed on the lunar surface in more than 50 years...

>>110998 Cops investigate rapey Florida power couple with ties to DeSantis

>>110999 Mary Cleave, first female astronaut to fly after Challenger explosion, dies at 76

>>111000 Eric Adams 'fears he'll be indicted for campaign violations over donations from Turkey'

>>111001 Precision Strike Missile completes successful Production Qualification Test 1 flight.

>>111002 Trump will hold a fundraiser instead of appearing at next week’s Republican presidential debate

>>111003 Tater participates in the National Christmas Tree Lighting

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DJsUxDA16iE - President Biden and the First Lady Participate in the National Christmas Tree Lighting [Channel: The White House]

>>111004 Greene pulls Mayorkas impeachment resolution from consideration on House floor

>>111005 United States Space Force Prepares X-37B for Launch

>>111006 Launch coverage of the ISS Progress 86 cargo craft to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Launch scheduled for 4:23 a.m.

>>111007 Trump-Hating Movie being made to launder $40M dirty money from "some South American child trafficker"

>>111008 MUOS SATCOM System Completes Successful Demonstration in Canada

>>111009 The Financial Times Admits That Europe’s “Far Right” Does Not Threaten Democracy. The discuss Migrants and Irish aliens, raping women

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ynxut - Harnwell: The Financial Times Admits That Europe’s “Far Right” Does Not Threaten Democracy [13:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111010 @DonaldJTrumpJr livestream

>>111011 Marines with 1st LAAD Battalion participate in the unit's “Turkey Bowl” on Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

>>111012 NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Pauses Science Due to Gyro Issue

>>111013 Innovations in money-laundering! Iowa Lottery Announces the Wrong Winning Numbers.

>>111014 @elisestefanik full statement on America's oldest gun manufacturer Remington Arms leaving New York State.

>>111015 Texas Car dealer paid Marines, ex-IDF member to kill escort, blackmailer over threats they’d expose sex trysts

>>111016 @nypost Chinese spies could use travel program to monitor US sites in Guam

>>111017 Israel is our greatest a-ACKKKKK

>>111018 An Italian fugitive connected to the ‘Ndrangheta mafia network has been arrested in Colombia

>>111019 #24557

(36 notables, 37 posts, 44 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131227

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20005521 Q Research General #24558: Watch us send Rockets to space as Civilization Collapses! Edition

Created 010004ZDEC23




>>111020 #24558

>>111021, >>111034 Biden's Infrastructure Law, San Francisco will soon receive $22 million to modernize our ferry system to be cleaner, safer & more reliable.

>>111022 Targeting Friday, December 1 for a Falcon 9 launch of the Korea 425 mission

>>111023, >>111047 Sen. Rand Paul uses Heimlich maneuver on choking Sen. Joni Ernst: ‘Hero!’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yeTxVwvifdA - Rand Paul Uses Heimlich Maneuver On Republican Senator After Choking At Senate Lunch [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>111024 Alec Baldwin, an American actor and producer, has reached a settlement in a $25 million defamation lawsuit

>>111025, >>111026 Raheem Kassam On Crime Committed By Migrants: "This is taking place all across Europe"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ywww7 - Raheem Kassam On Crime Committed By Migrants: "This is taking place all across Europe" [3:45] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ywvua - Raheem Kassam And Mike Davis Detail Mehdi Hasan's Firing From MSNBC [11:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111027, >>111040 Commie tactics in the Senate. PANIC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/128fa48991815ed8853a62291b3004deeb843df5548ef6368b96a0525a9299eb.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BTEwHkx3Vyw - 'Here's What She Said': Kennedy Reads Aloud 'Breathtaking' Letter He Says Disqualifies Nominee [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>111028 UK: Tory arses be squeaking

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/76e774828167299d31e6ca165f9e4ace73eead8be671a3f00c43ec2901497607.mp4

>>111029, >>111030 Russian court bans 'LGBT movement'

>>111031 🇮🇪 The Absolute State of Ireland Right now

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/61f37d70d42eb50dec6aa83999c6315e743a0009d73e1b545c0cb1d2ffdc293d.mp4

>>111032 Northern Lights expected tonight in the UK and US due to massive solar storm

>>111033 Remember the housing market crash during the Obama years? Well, you'll want to hear this 👇

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d75f6f20cbea32a05462a7b7c3c87a80589693b9daab8a7190218cefaebdd3d8.mp4

>>111035 US forced Saudi fund to exit AI chip startup backed by Open AI's Sam Altman

>>111036 Kim Jong-Un’s Powerful Sister Rejects US Calls for Return to Diplomacy: “Will Never Sit Face-To-Face”

>>111037 Calling for a dig on Robert Aderholt (Rep. from Alabama} who's been in D.C. going on 22 or 24 years, Trump endorsed

>>111038 Max Miller (R-OH): You’re a crook, George Santos (R-NY): You’re a woman beater

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b80a7da055bdf22ad18a5ef3371ccd422048c2e79180fa9de975cab31d2964db.mp4

>>111039 Burchett: "They're putting their political future ahead of the country's future"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ywsgm - Rep. Tim Burchett: "They're putting their political future ahead of the country's future" [7:40] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111041 New Polls: Thursday, November 30-RCP

>>111042 UN private jets to be powered by ?????

>>111043, >>111048, >>111052, >>111053 anon transcript Carlson on The Roseanne Barr Podcast

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EomprKFlSSw - Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EomprKFlSSw - Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>111044, >>111045 AmeriCorps is Created

>>111046 Gorka: "China was more powerful economically than America and we turned that around". touches on Kissinger, idea that America is in a “Thucydides Trap”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ywpqa - Seb Gorka: "China was more powerful economically than America and we turned that around" [16:44] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111049, >>111050 Ed Martin Discusses The Bicentennial Celebration Of The Monroe Doctrine

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yuz1m - Ed Martin Discusses The Bicentennial Celebration Of The Monroe Doctrine [9:20] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111051 Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

>>111054, >>111061 Money Market Funds See Massive Inflows As Fed's Bank Bailout Fund Holds At Record High

>>111055 A Detransitioner’s Take on the Transgender Movement

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S0uOcxDRbgE - A Detransitioner’s Take on the Transgender Movement | Chloe Cole LIVE at the University of Utah [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

>>111056, >>111058 Mark Finchem: Arizona's Attorney General "Oversteps" Role To Influence Election Outcomes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ytzm2 - Mark Finchem: Arizona's Attorney General "Oversteps" Role To Influence Election Outcomes [6:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ytz95 - Sonny Borrelli: Arizona Election Officials Start "Scare Tactic" Before 2024 Election [15:17] [Channel: Bannons War Room]


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-nUs_ppctB4 - JP Morgan Chief Jamie Dimon on the Dire State of the Global Economy | DealBook Summit 2023 [Channel: New York Times Events]

>>111060 LIVE: Gavin Newsom & Ron DeSantis DEBATE

>>111062 CME first shocks from the M9.8 (X flare) of 112823 have already arrived…about 5+ hours early.

>>111063 #24558

(31 notables, 43 posts, 41 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131228

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20006372 Q Research General #24559: CCPCommie Vs DeSantus Edition

Created 010253ZDEC23




>>111064 #24559

>>111065 @11thmeu: Living of[f] the land. [f]

>>111066 "They have a formal name for it. You don't need to call it a conspiracy. They call it the Whole-Of-Society framework."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb200f3d9ea082ca35617fcd69c6b04f569546162fe3bafb500065ce826cc5f5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/310b9dfcca2847050ac2d64bb04aa26b10a575ba3cf1b9ed5b555bfddf2b6bc9.mp4

>>111067, >>111068 Thayer Joins WarRoom To Discuss Henry Kissinger’s Passing. “When China says Kissinger was an Old And Valued Friend”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ywv6q - Bradley Thayer Joins WarRoom To Discuss Henry Kissinger’s Passing [11:05] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111069, >>111070 Newsom gives Biden an 'A'. kek

>>111071 Cleo Paskal Explains How China Is Buying Territorial Influence In The Pacific Ocean

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yuyxg - Cleo Paskal Explains How China Is Buying Territorial Influence In The Pacific Ocean [12:14] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111072 Ron's coming on a little stronger with twitter level talking points but really all this just makes me want yo vote for Trump Harder. So Trump, Trump is winning this.

>>111073 PF updates

>>111074, >>111076 Daniel Richard Joins WarRoom To Discuss Unconstitutional Moves Made In New Hampshire 2020 Election.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ynz92 - Daniel Richard Joins WarRoom To Discuss Unconsitutional Moves Made In New Hampshire 2020 Election [13:33] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111075 Huge win for Trump tonight.

>>111077, >>111078 Idiots at @MetOpera stopped the show, twice, to tell us all that there will be no opera on a dead planet. 🥴

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0df2501fd6df30d2734e15544e2c90933a9fd1392ca45d4c4da47bddff67334e.mp4

>>111079 Aurora: Panel of 17 live sky cams from Greenland. Can see which ones are good or cloudy.

>>111080 MARX is not dead! | Dinner Banquet featuring Jake Jacobs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gDOUVDGvx8s - MARX is not dead! | Dinner Banquet featuring Jake Jacobs [Channel: Young America's Foundation]

>>111081, >>111082 Pressure Builds in Idaho for Replacement for Establishment Rep. Mike Simpson

>>111083 Jim Jordan Chairs Weaponization Hearing On Govt - 2:21

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C-KEAgFziJU - BREAKING: Jim Jordan Chairs Weaponization Hearing On Govt Free Speech Suppression Feat. Matt Taibbi [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>111084 Joe Allen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Musk’s Bombshell Claim That AGI (Active Godlike Intelligence) Is 3 Short Years Away

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yww4i - Joe Allen Joins WarRoom To Discuss Musk’s Bombshell Claim That AGI Is 3 Short Years Away [7:57] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111085 @brianstelter on Newsom to DeSantis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/86d8aa36280a4ec36c691fe121e910d8145884edc2916235d0ee12475c2d4dcc.mp4

>>111086 Texas AG Ken Paxton takes Pfizer to court over Covid-19 shot

>>111087 According to Rawsalerts, Israel-Hamas ceasefire has expired immediately following rocket launches from Gaza, the war has restarted.

>>111088 More from Roseanne's Tucker interview

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b86e2227c41931b074effe19f46e5f87036800968128cfcfa34b3a6c157d307.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5a9c5a991652d87b974c30c7e2260482d66c8d3b6bb13747e8b91e94d1dc7518.mp4

>>111089 Senator Rand Paul used the Heimlich maneuver on fellow Republican Joni Ernst at a luncheon

>>111090 Top US general warns lawmakers of funding crisis

>>111091 European Council chief pitches EU ‘cyber force’

>>111092 Slovakia's new PM meets Russian ambassador

>>111093 US closes secret tavern at key military base

>>111094 In Roseanne interview, Tucker reveals he supported Trump for President after MarALago search

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yv4xp - Tucker Carlson | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #24 [1:18:00] [Channel: Rolling With You]

>>111095 Your average stupid woke leftist "activist" explaining geopolitical issues in the Middle East.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b27dc230578c8ff016cfb96f09e421fe3d307eb56774e1c562ae74fc5cf6a7ca.mp4

>>111096, >>111098 Ep. 43 of Tucker on Twit-X: Marjorie Taylor Greene

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3yycid - BREAKING: Ep. 43 of ‘Tucker on X’ just dropped [37:34] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>111097, >>111099, >>111100, >>111101, >>111103 Grassely participating in Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes; corn header new or not?

>>111102 Disney Stock CRASHES After Elon Musk-Led Boycott

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Sb6WDrvdtGA - Disney Stock CRASHES After Elon Musk-Led Boycott! "Go F*** Yourself" Bob Iger Admits TOTAL FAILURE [Channel: Benny Johnson]

>>111104 A Florida election fraud chief died last year in the hallway of Ron DeSantis' office

>>111105, >>111107 Wendy Rogers' Mystery map - trafficking routes from Mexico?


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd46e2bf92571eb2cba92ade29e6fcb43aa9679fbf74e95651ce41a8660285c5.mp4

>>111108 Conor McGregor has been arrested on charges of incitement and hate speech - Ireland is no longer a free country.

>>111109 Mass Disney+ Cancellations After Elon Musk Told Bob Iger to GO 👀 HIMSELF!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cLqg6ZxvxTw - Mass Disney+ Cancellations After Elon Musk Told Bob Iger to GO 👀 HIMSELF! [Channel: Tyrone Magnus]

>>111110 #24559

(36 notables, 47 posts, 45 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131229

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20007225 Q Research General #24560: “BATTLE OF LOSERVILLE” Desantis & Newsom DED? Edition

Created 010829ZDEC23




>>111111 #24560

>>111112 Tucker Carlson - Mike Pompeo Tried to have Julian Assange Poisoned and Murdered at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London

>>111113, >>111114 ‘MasterChef’ finalist Paul Douglas Frost found guilty of 43 child sex offenses

>>111115 Ireland's "Media Minister" calls on the public to report any "hate speech" they see online to the police, vows "new era"

>>111116 johnny maga w/CAP: Trump kept Kissinger close because he wanted to learn US foreign policy at a granular level

>>111117 DJT Jr w/CAP: Yikes! Washington Examiner: DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials


>>111119 Jack Smith Is Our 'Fascist Thug of the Year'

>>111120 King Charles delivers address at opening ceremony of COP28 Summit in UAE

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8aPjcdpz_pg - King Charles delivers address at opening ceremony of COP28 Summit in UAE [Channel: Sky News]

>>111121 Kamala Harris Promises She Will Tell Americans There Is a ‘Problem’ with Joe Biden ‘If Necessary’

>>111122 #24560

(11 notables, 12 posts, 9 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131230

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20008648 Q Research General #24561: Shillz Whine and Patriots Shine Edition

Created 011456ZDEC23




>>111123 #24561

>>111124 Presidential Candidate @NikkiHaleysits down with @SenScottBrown and lays out her plan to bring out the best in America

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c99945b4ed055b01f5eeffa959573971d1d0504d50ceb769850ed7cf9bf102fb.mp4

>>111125 DeSantis gave federally investigated Chinese company tax credit despite earlier denials

>>111126, >>111127, >>111129, >>111131, >>111133, >>111134, >>111135, >>111137, >>111138, >>111139 Remembering: How Sandra Day O'Connor's Swing Vote Decided the 2000 Election RIP

>>111128 MAX MILLER just sent this email to all House Republicans, Santos under fire

>>111130 The last month of a turbulent year

>>111132 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Milky Way Rising

>>111136 DC spends over $270,000 on BLM paint job as violent crime skyrockets

>>111140 Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments - 'The Meaning Of Serious Drug Offense.' (AUDIO)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gPkUMOaOm0Y - LISTEN: Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments - 'The Meaning Of Serious Drug Offense.' (AUDIO) [Channel: Purdunkin]

>>111141 Pedophile & Sex Trafficking Cover-Up? | Why Is This Dem Keeping Info Hidden?

>>111142 Newsom: When are you going to drop out and at least give Nikki Haley a shot to take down Donald Trump….

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/817a296e1e1dc6cd82ce2703fd5a5babb8bc5491c4ff454dedd880da8a771dd1.mp4

>>111143 Hearing for President Trump in Georgia attempting to throw out charges in 2020 election case

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qXRiMsn4GdU - Trump Georgia case hearing live stream [Channel: 11Alive]

>>111144 Shanghai to foster commercial space ecosystem

>>111145, >>111155 PlaneFag CONUS activity/India

>>111146 First-Ever 360° Images Of Earth From Space Are Truly Out Of This World

>>111147 @realDonaldTrump US Jews should deploy ultimate weapon. Stop voting democrat-starting today

>>111148 8 KUN MP4 Archive Updated

>>111149 Here is a full list of the 105 Republicans who voted to expel Santos on Friday

>>111150 NASA researchers get permission to apply for China’s moon samples

>>111151 @realDonaldTrump Newt article

>>111152 @realDonaldTrump Howie Carr show

>>111153 @realDonaldTrump Paula Grassia substack

>>111154 @realDonaldTrump Townhall

>>111156, >>111157, >>111176 @realDonaldTrump MTG

>>111158, >>111164 @realDonaldTrump Top contender

>>111159 @realDonaldTrump DeSantis donor

>>111160 @realDonaldTrump DeSantis RINO donors

>>111161 Refresher: 2019 Trump repeatedly pushed for Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden,

>>111162, >>111177 @realDonaldTrump Time for GOP to unite behind Trump

>>111163 @realDonaldTrump Fulton County, GA

>>111165 @realDonaldTrump Role In History

>>111166 @realDonaldTrump LEO

>>111167 @realDonaldTrump Make Christmas Great Again

>>111168 As Chinese Stocks Tumble To 4 Year Low, Beijing Steps In, Buys ETFs

>>111169 @realDonaldTrump 2024 Landslide win?

>>111170 @realDonaldTrump Biden n basketball

>>111171, >>111172 @realDonaldTrump Gen Kellogg

>>111173 @realDonaldTrump Jan 6

>>111174 @realDonaldTrump Vindicated

>>111175 @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron’s Wife deleted her account yesterday, because what she said...

>>111178, >>111179 Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

>>111180, >>111181 @realDonaldTrump Thank you to very talented Writer and Thinker, Byron York. He is right, the Radical Left Democrat Judge ruled against me before he learned anything about the case,

>>111182 @realDonaldTrump See you tomorrow Iowa

>>111183 #24561

(44 notables, 61 posts, 75 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131231

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20009388 Q Research General #24562: End Of An Era? It Was Over Before It Began Edition

Created 011740ZDEC23




>>111184 #24562

>>111185 Truce Collapses, Missiles Fly Over Gaza, With 137 Israelis Still In Hamas Captivity

>>111186 PF: SAM056 C32A Blinken leaving Dubai

>>111187 Kneepads says AI robots like Schwarzenegger in "Terminator" are "not a current threat."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iRBhxizY_TE - LINN VAN HEK - INTIMACY (original Terminator video clip) [Channel: chesslovechild]

>>111188 ‘Twitter Files’ Journalist Says FBI Director ‘Misled’ Congress On Its Censorship Operations

>>111189 Reauthorizing FISA and Strange Bedfellows

>>111190 DHS deletes video encouraging people to report family members for spreading COVID ‘disinformation’ online

>>111191, >>111197 Tucker profited by every lie [and murder] perpetrated against the American people???

>>111192 Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump

>>111193 Missing ‘Services’: Bank examiner raises concerns about Hunter’s account in 2018.

>>111194 @realDonaldTrump Melania and I are saddened by the loss of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

>>111195 US Aid to Israel: A Staggering $160 Billion Since 1949 - Where's the Balance?

>>111196 MEXICO 🇲🇽 Angry protesters burst into the Nuevo Leon legislature with smoke bombs after an interim governor was named

>>111198 Jeffrey Epstein Israeli Spy Allegations Haunt Washington As A Cover-Up Takes Place

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q8VpRmg5_lw - Former Mossad Agent, Ari Ben-Menashe: Jeffrey Epstein Blackmail Operation for Israel [Channel: Mary Davis]

>>111199 Santos interview with FOX

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z1je7 - Santos interview [6:35] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>111200 John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not Everybody Is Doing What They Promised’

>>111201 Veterinarian performed surgery on Israeli-French woman held hostage by Hamas

>>111202 "The Aladdin package contains classes and types to access functionalities provided by Sentinel protection keys"

>>111203 Good on Sen. Marsha Blackburn for continuing to push for the release of Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs!

>>111204 Bank of Israel estimates cost of war against Hamas will cost $53 BILLION dollars but don’t worry though American taxpayers got the tab!

>>111205 Judicial Watch: Lawsuit Uncovers 2016 Joe Biden Email Showing Hunter Biden Copied on Ukraine President Information

>>111206 Whistle-Blower information coming out of New Zealand

>>111207 Voting Company Smartmatic Banned From Philippines' Elections

>>111208 Vanished! House panel chairman says J6 videotapes of witness interviews missing

>>111209 Modified mRNA Vaccines for Livestock and Cattle

>>111210 The beautifully bizarre animated classic 'Fantastic Planet' turns 50 today

>>111211 Drivers would pay $15 to enter busiest part of Manhattan under plan to raise funds for mass transit

>>111212 Shellenberger: "US and UK military contractors" deployed "sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics… against the American people."

>>111213 Vidor Police investigating alleged gun altercation involving Orange County constable

>>111214 FOI request reveals Bellingcat collusion with Western intelligence

>>111215 Fitness guru Doug Brignole 'dies suddenly'

>>111216 The thyroid-poisoning additive in popular drinks

>>111217 China defense report links high-altitude spy balloons to hypersonic missile program

>>111218 Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in Israel

>>111219 Jussie Smollett headed back to jail after conviction for hoax attack upheld on appeal

>>111220 Sebastian Stan to play young Donald Trump in upcoming film ‘THE APPRENTICE’.

>>111221 Putin orders the increase of the Russian Armed Forces by almost 170,000 military personnel per decree

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tTODZpmM5xs - Putin Staying Alive [Channel: Dope Beat Fiend]

>>111222 @repmtg Maxine Waters is attacking me for taking a PPP loan... Maxine is 85 yrs old and has held government office since 1976!!!

>>111223 Trump can be sued for Capitol riot, court rules

>>111224 Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

>>111225 North Carolina court blocks law that would strip governor of election board appointment power

>>111226 Rep. Brandon Williams, Who Voted to Expel Rep. Santos, Filmed Threatening his Former Campaign Manager at DC Charity Event

>>111227 @USNavy forced @ted_macie to take down his video which highlighted increases in heart damage among active duty aviation forces

>>111228 State economist forced to resign for his analysis that the state's cap-and-trade policy would significantly increase gas prices

>>111229 #24562

(45 notables, 46 posts, 40 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131232

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20010350 Q Research General #24563: Republicans Give Santos House Seat to Democrats Edition

Created 012110ZDEC23




>>111230 #24563

>>111231 They would rather be exposed for destroying records than risk the American people seeing what is in them and what they did with them.

>>111232 Xwitter is being flooded with fake Paul Sperry accounts

>>111233 @RepAdamSchiff Here’s why I voted to expel George Santos

>>111234 CALL TO DIG: Nathan Reynolds

>>111235 Footage of Jussie Smollet in court

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pi3njoIxrI8 - Jussie smollett meets judge judy 😂😂 [Channel: GMoney iGvision]

>>111236 Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana (proving USA is a dictatorship)

>>111237, >>111239, >>111240 Club of Rome anti-growth plan seeks global socialism, accelerated population collapse

>>111238 pb, [they] "lost" the "tapes, How many coincidences…..? NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>111241, >>111242, >>111243 $280* BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED (and that's just what's on the books)

>>111244 Robin Williams’ former San Francisco abode on sale for $39.3m

>>111245 DeSantis Super PAC Loses Its Chairman

>>111246 Whatever Mr. Santos did with Botox or OnlyFansis far less concerning than the indictment against Sen. Menendez who’s holding gold bars from Egypt

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2fc899137d733ecd741befabd23cab095c428ad5e909e9baa14114f3ccab48f1.mp4

>>111247 Over 100 pigs lost after fire on Iowa highway

>>111248 AZ Paul Gosar Shares Why He Voted Against George Santos Expulsion, Weighs in on The 105 RINOs Who Voted With Democrats

>>111249 Dave Chappelle poses for selfie with Reps. Lauren Boebert, Anna Luna on Capitol Hill

>>111250 The US House of Representatives has blocked access for Congressmen and Congressional staff to the Gateway Pundit

>>111251 Dozen’s of illegals sleeping outside of a shopping center in San Antonio Tx

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c921291f0b4fb901193b87e5b187e0fff4eabafd80f3b03ec999b4e5c7c224a.mp4

>>111252 Walmart is the Latest Company to Cease Advertising on Elon Musk’s X Platform

>>111253 DefendingTheRepublic Obtains Thousands of Pages of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Records

>>111254 Ukraine seizes $1.5 million worth of crypto from former public official

>>111255, >>111268 We are now officially a communist third world banana republic with unrecoverable debt, a military that worries more about DEI than readiness and winning, a collapsed border, a demented person in charge of our nuclear codes, never mind being in charge of our economy, a severely corrupted justice system at the very top and now an even worse censorship state than previously imagined.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/30ed051f57746dd332876f3c8616a25dbbe76942aa02e6c2e56c39caddd7cc0b.mp4

>>111256 Sidney Powell Discusses Lawfare on Cowboy Logic

>>111257 Fatima TV Anchorwoman Anna Kulanová detained near St. Peter’s Square by Italian Police per the Vatican over a banner supporting cancelled Bishop Strickland

>>111258 They’re arresting J6’ers by almost 1 new arrest per day - nearly 4 years after it happened

>>111259, >>111264 In 2020 Netanyahu sent Mossad general to Qatar, ‘begged’ it to pay Hamas

>>111260 ICYMI: Seating incident at Carter Funeral

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3c9d5c529c3bf6cee7df32fd549eb1a64f42cc4e5ee624cba3e31f94480a584a.mp4

>>111261 Chinse robots reaching beyond uncanny valley

>>111262 Idaho Man Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges for Actions During January 6 U.S. Capitol Breach

>>111263 Russia's Supreme Court effectively outlawed LGBTQ+ activism

>>111265 Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

>>111266 California Defies SCOTUS by Imposing Myriad New Restrictions on Public Gun Possession

>>111267 Man Plotted ‘Mass Casualty’ Attack At Tesla Event Attended By Elon Musk, Officials Say

>>111269, >>111270 Prayers for Elon!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c621cba4c21b7804233ac7937e22da65730e985687c557180e83f7747eced627.mp4

>>111271 #24563

(35 notables, 42 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131233

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20011127 Q Research General #24564: Banana Republic Blues Edition

Created 012343ZDEC23




>>111272 #24564

>>111273 Underground Data Center DELTA

>>111274, >>111275, >>111283, >>111318, >>111321 Derek Chauvin was Stabbed 22 TIMES by John Turscak

>>111276 Today's conference at SCOTUS for cert petition on the 1512(c)(2) appeal was cancelled due to Sandra Day O'Connor's passing. Rescheduled for next Friday

>>111277 Angola signs Artemis Accords

>>111278 $24,000,000,000,000/144,500,000 taxpayers = $168,420 each,

>>111279 This Michigan courts ruled two to three weeks ago that Pfizer’s mRNA jab is an adulterated product, YOU CAN SUE PFIZER

>>111280 First on CNN: Biden campaign prepares legal fight against election deepfakes

>>111281, >>111288, >>111291, >>111292 Donald J. Trump: Catturd 81% you say?… 18 = R

>>111282 According to the Los Angeles Times, Turscak was sentenced in 2001 to 30 years in prison for carrying out crimes while working as a federal informant

>>111284 Comer rejects Hunter Biden's testimony demands, accuses legal team of bullying, intimidation

>>111285 A presidential candidate winning a poll on who won the debate he didn't even participate in, and it not only that, the vote total is not even close

>>111286 UPDATE: President Donald Trump Announced as Keynote Speaker at 111th New York Young Republican Club’s Annual Winter Gala

>>111287 McCarthy and his corrupt crowd are behind the Santos expulsion, They are going to go after every MAGA candidate now

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z1z0s - Frank Luntz roommate was behind this! [3:08] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>111289 Garrett Ziegler: "Hunter Biden's entire lifestyle is paid for by this bong smoking degenerate". They are coming after Ziegler with guns blazing

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z439v - Garrett Ziegler: "Hunter Biden's entire lifestyle is paid for by this bong smoking degenerate" [3:43] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111290 SpaceX KOREA 425 MISSION

>>111293 PlayStation/Sony To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For

>>111294 "Polls confirm that something special is happening."

>>111295 Must Watch: Eric Schmidt should have been arrested and judged for treason! Now he wants AI in every aspect of the Government running our lives

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z42kg - Ric Grenell: "When the left and these big government types see AI they wanna operationalize it" [16:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111296 New images of rare thunder

>>111297 Donald J. Trump: Thank you to the Ohio Republican Party, and Alex Triantafilou

>>111298 Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake

>>111299, >>111306, >>111308 Donald J. Trump, 44m TOGETHER, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!(Cap 0:44) (Cap 1:03)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a7d837efa94d51d3fd8d328e684cecc3cefdb16dd882809b58b8f9ff1d583e91.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8028afd475fc1df4b9f009ee9166ad66963c78310e3d23e619affd529b036311.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f14b139b11ffcb457e8fe6f4b0dbc48bf98ad638d858195dfc34d578f05bbb50.mp4

>>111300, >>111301, >>111302, >>111304, >>111312 FAKE NEWS: Pushing'white lung' pneumonia spike China and the US, not falling for your brand of bullshit, fuck off

>>111303 Meta struggling to control pedophiles

>>111305 Chauvin's attacker John Turscak was a FBI informant

>>111307 Dr. Wolf Breaks Down AG Ken Paxton's Lawsuit Against Pfizer For Defrauding American Citizens 29:25

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z2pkj - Dr. Wolf Breaks Down AG Ken Paxton's Lawsuit Against Pfizer For Defrauding American Citizens [29:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111309, >>111319 PlaneFag: SAM056 C32ABlinken-and his lack of a soulon ground at Shannon, Ireland-for a little over an hour and soon back to JBA

>>111310 2014 Dominion Voting Systems, Election Assistance Commission, The Department of the Treasury, the Bureau of Fiscal Service

>>111311 They tried silence him You Can’t Make This Up: Derek Chauvin’s Attacker, John Turscak, Is a Former Mexican Mafia and a Former FBI Informant

>>111313, >>111322, >>111323 Julian Assange truth memes

>>111314, >>111316, >>111317 pb, [they] "lost" the "tapes, How many coincidences…..? NYYRC 111th Annual Gala with President Donald J. Trump and Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>111315 House Republicans uprising against Mike Johnson: he's failing already, he failed by the CR and he’s listening to the Senate again 5:46

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z2r57 - Steve Bannon Reacts To Rep. Burlison Holding Speaker Johnson Accountable Over Spending Crisis [5:46] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111320 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 12/01/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z1wda - Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 12/01/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>111324 House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

>>111325 #24564

(36 notables, 54 posts, 63 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131234

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20011947 Q Research General #24565: All Comms Between Jack Smith and DOJ's Decision to Indict Trump? Edi

Created 020254ZDEC23




>>111326 #24565

>>111327, >>111328, >>111333, >>111334, >>111336 House Republicans Demand All Communications Between Jack Smith and DOJ About Decision to Indict Trump

>>111329, >>111331, >>111345 The Fed Just Lost Control of Interest Rates

>>111330 Twelve Q-drops of Christmas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db20f38b394989d1dc33b7f27d6e9d9191dd7ec3d2310c87a4d49b6ac5801301.mp4

>>111332 38% of the 800 protesters who entered the US Capitol on January 6th were waved in by Capitol Police at the West Terrace entrance

>>111335 Hollywood Reprobates Attend MOCA Spirit Cooking Gala, Marina Abramovitz 2023

>>111337 Anchors Laugh At Biden’s ‘Price Gouging’ Inflation Gaslighting mp4

>>111338 Heels trying to be cocky…

>>111339 Myco Plasma Pneumonia" is listed in the Pfizer Documents as an ADVERSE REACTION

>>111340 The Washington Post is Laying Off Hundreds of Staffers

>>111341 Irish Officials Are Trying to Use Welfare to Implement a Social Credit System

>>111342 WaPo is moving from twitter to REDDIT

>>111343, >>111344 Dave Chappelle DROPS MIC when asked what he'll do if Trump gets re-elected 0:15

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z43cp - Dave Chappelle DROPS MIC when asked what he'll do if Trump gets re-elected [15] [Channel: BonginoReport]

>>111346 Here is how to find the value of your birth certificate /SS#..

>>111347, >>111348 Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy threatens Matt Gaetz (FL) could end up like George Santos

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/97025e17bdd7b283345d572213ec0e1ae396e0df40f772c6ae5f0e95efe3f395.mp4

>>111349, >>111350 @realDonaldTrump you have been invited!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ea873c662b6c3803ccf8c754e95f0274b95f526c6975d5ad8c66897e8ad331c.mp4

>>111351 PF reports CONUS activity

>>111352 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Thanks Laura! - Laura Loomer interview mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e28b812524b7a40be3c3b95c22ed2c6bf8981a5904cf907e8734337497c4e7f8.mp4

>>111353 Actress Taryn Manning claims ‘gold juice’ is responsible for the unmeasurable success of Hollywood stars, 1m+ views and adrenochrome talk on social media

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f84a645fd4079b8279fd296c4710f5f01345647e5b61d43ea39f8f757f32964f.mp4

>>111354, >>111355 New Zealand vaccine database whistle-blower on vaccine deaths "people were dying as soon as they were vaccinated"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cfdfa73d0a2e28d14b9da0d43e3a8e892a2dd7fee15a24dbaa9b766169095bd7.mp4

>>111356, >>111358 @RepHageman pulls back the curtain on the censorship industrial complex and exposes government censorship through proxies such as social media, academia, and private companies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aeb00d4281b885edd7102f816aeaee97957315f86c3bbe8ab5e443482d68d6df.mp4

>>111357 PF reports Early morning departure for Israeli AF IAF695 707 Re’em tanker from Dover AFB

>>111359 COP28 High Level Segment National Statements Opening - Day 2

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=62Bmt3xOaZE - #LIVE COP28 High Level Segment National Statements Opening - Day 2 [Channel: COP28 UAE]

>>111360 #24565

(24 notables, 35 posts, 56 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131235

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20012889 Q Research General #24566: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES /start/ Edition

Created 020737ZDEC23




>>111361 #24566

>>111362 Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan. 6 Committee depositions are gone

>>111363 Scientists still unsure what's causing mysterious, potentially fatal respiratory illness in dogs (Fauci)

>>111364, >>111365 'Arian Taherzadeh was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for pretending to be a federal law enforcement officer

>>111366 Ohio state GOP endorses Trump

>>111367 Gateway Pundit was notified by friendly sources on Capitol Hill that our website was being censored by the House network.

>>111368 California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/IPz03gIVINzI/ - A [NEARLY] CONQUERED NATION -- Gemma O'Doherty [50:05] [Channel: SGT Report]

>>111370 Bryan Ardis interview on plasmid DNA

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3xryve - What's Plasmid DNA? Why's the Cabal Putting it in Food, Water, Air & Vaccines?! Dr. Ardis Interview [1:02:47] [Channel: BaggyPants]

>>111372 Durbin Blocks Senator Blackburn’s Request To Subpoena Sotomayor Staff, Epstein Flight Logs

>>111373 Fairbanks Alaska Aurora cam live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=O52zDyxg5QI - Fairbanks Aurora Camera powered by EXPLORE.org [Channel: Explore Zen Den]

>>111374, >>111408 President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gXnJ_prhcuI - LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>111375, >>111381 Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

>>111376 First Hospital In Nation To Require COVID-19 Vaccines Will End Mandate

>>111377 Hochul: This botox clown got community noted today for not knowing how a vacancy in the House of Representatives is filled.

>>111378 Beef Company CEO: “The Climate Change Argument Against Cows Is Garbage and We Will Not Comply”

>>111379 Journalist Liz Gunn joins Maria Zeee after releasing the most damning data to date on COVID crimes, with NZ Ministry of Health whistleblower data

>>111380 Jim Jordan’s YouTube Files: Internal Emails Show Google Sought to ‘Work Closely with Biden Administration’

>>111382 @GenFlynn #WeThePeople 🔥🦅🇺🇸

>>111383 Study: Children of Conservative Parents Have Better Mental Health

>>111384 Joe Allen Questions Musk’s Prediction For AGI In Less Than 3 Years

>>111385 Bradley Thayer On The Chinese Considering Henry Kissinger An Old And Valued Friend

>>111386 Six Democrats Join House GOP to Block Biden from Turning Federal Lands into Migrant Camps

>>111387 Trump the choice

>>111388, >>111390, >>111394 Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against @NMalliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading

>>111389, >>111391, >>111392, >>111393 Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cbca67d257e7fe8031b4a99f7fac0dac1e9b366d447694b0cc0163333ea4b579.mp4

>>111395 Wells Fargo shutters 15 locations while Bank of America closes seven in a week

>>111396, >>111403, >>111405, >>111407 Nikki Haley rakes in cash — from Democrats looking to stop Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ItO7V8pE6E4 - Nikki Haley on The Story with Martha MacCallum (FULL Interview) [Channel: Nikki Haley]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OGgzyMjT7CM - Bush family member backing Nikki Haley, targeting independents with super PAC | Cuomo [Channel: NewsNation]

>>111397 War in the Middle East: A plot to destroy mankind's faith and spiritual principles

>>111398, >>111399 FactChecking DeSantis-Newsom Debate

>>111400 Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger

>>111401, >>111402 Jim Watkins on liberty n shills

>>111404 George and Alex Soros Have Already Maxed Out Their Donations to Biden

>>111406 Tuberville’s principled stand to block Biden’s radical military nominees

>>111409 Maricop antics

>>111410 #24566

(36 notables, 50 posts, 45 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131236

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20014545 Q Research General #24568: 18 USC Chapter 115 /continue/ II Edition

Created 021801ZDEC23




>>111428 #24568-A

>>111429, >>111430 LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gXnJ_prhcuI - LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3y6dop - President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>111431 Antiwar.com: Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War

>>111432 Daniel Sachs controls the Soros by the open society.

>>111433 Ukraine removes Kissinger from ‘kill list’

>>111434, >>111435, >>111445, >>111459 Venezuelan vote on oil in Guyana raises concern - will Madura invade the country?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z8p9a - Faddis: Venezuela Prepares To Tear Off Two-Thirds Of A Neighboring Country Over Natural Resources [8:11] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111436 Remington Closing New York Plant, Which Opened in 1828

>>111437 A student made an AI version of Anderson Cooper. Can you spot the difference?

>>111438 LIVE: President Trump lands in Iowa - will campaign in Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23

>>111439, >>111441 TRUMP IS LIVE!

>>111440 Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State's Votes

>>111442 Lebron James’ Manager Maverick Carter Admits to Federal Agents He’s Bet Illegally on the NBA

>>111443 Israel Recalls Ambassador After Spanish PM Accuses IDF of Breaking Humanitarian Law

>>111444 Ransomware attack causes outages at 60 credit unions

>>111446 Actress Julianna Margulies is slammed for saying all Palestine supporters have been 'brainwashed to hate Jews'.....

>>111447 'Blatant Corruption': Byron Donalds Absolutely Hammers Biden In Heated Floor Speech

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ozZlNqHIqYI - BREAKING: 'Blatant Corruption': Byron Donalds Absolutely Hammers Biden In Heated Floor Speech [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>111448 Rep. Jim Jordan: THE YOUTUBE FILES PART 2.

>>111449 Bombshell report gets dropped about the FBI meeting with George Floyd's medical examiner and altering the autopsy report

>>111450 US Reportedly Shipped 100 BLU-109 Bunker Buster Bombs to Help Israel Fight Hamas

>>111451, >>111455 Heart issues skyrocketing in military, US Navy medic says

>>111452 Introductory episode for a series on Child Abduction, trafficking and judicial kidnap

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IJB0Bj-VKTw - Child Abduction Video 1 -- INTRODUCTION and SEPARATING CHILDREN [Channel: Child Abduction]

>>111453 DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer's Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Vaxxed Pilots

>>111454 US sends Israel 2000 lb bunker buster bombs

>>111456 Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer Sentenced for Being at the Capitol on January 6 via @gatewaypundit

>>111457 Harnwell: Putin orders 10% increase in troops as Zelensky blinks and pivots from offense to defense

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z8rny - Harnwell: Putin orders 10% increase in troops as Zelensky blinks and pivots from offence to defence [8:28] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111458 Moderna admits COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer

>>111460 LEAKED Audio-ADL chief Jon Greenblatt says its no longer Left vs Right on Israel, it's old versus young.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=228iVum3cWI - LEAKED Audio Reveals ADL is SPYING On Pro Palestine Orgs [Channel: Katie Halper]

>>111461 Romanian Prosecutors Request Criminal Inquiry into Former PM's Billion Dollar Spend on Unused Pfizer Vaccines

>>111462, >>111471 Scavino: "Nothing good about the clock!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fcf1d9243ea35700988d85f361e586c3518a0cbe436d05edf1412d0e63b8c048.mp4

>>111463 "Nano Graphene Oxide is a GENETIC AND VASCULAR HACKSAW especially when the particular size is sub 2 micron."

>>111464, >>111465 When Truth Becomes a Crime w/ Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z2nlb - Ep. 341: When Truth Becomes a Crime w/ Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff | The Courtenay Turner Podcast [1:04:35] [Channel: CourtenayTurner]

>>111466, >>111470 PF

>>111467 Cedar Rapids Trump Rally coming up!

>>111468 New Canal Between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea will Cross Israel/Palestine?

>>111469 'One of the best': Defenders show support for ousted Green Beret

>>111472 Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated

>>111473 Children of liberal parents more likely to have mental issues - study

>>111474 Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ - Guardian

>>111475, >>111476 U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say

>>111477 What Happened at the Barzilai Hospital? - Israel Defense Forces

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eOJBPRO19CE - What Happend at the Barzilai Hospital? [Channel: Israel Defense Forces]

>>111478 "Litigation floodgates are now open" for the mRNA vaccine-injure - 90 atty's available for lawsuits in different countries

>>111479 #24568-A

>>111480 @WallStreetSilv: Sis anyone tracking these promises so they can be reminded later that they need to leave?

>>111481 #24568-B

(44 notables, 54 posts, 42 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131237

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20013755 Q Research General #24567: 18 USC Chapter 115 /continue/ Edition

Created 021453ZDEC23




>>111411 Chairman of Ron DeSantis Superpac, Never Back Down, Quits

>>111412 Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal Status

>>111413 Terrorist Group Sponsored Princeton Anti-Israel Rally

>>111414 Ex-CIA head Michael Hayden: Gun-toting Christian 'no different' than Hamas suicide bomber

>>111415 7.8 earthquake in Philippines

>>111416 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? The CCP’s Covert Biolab Program in America

>>111417 California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UpNaf2dz1zU - Stephen criticises the Government for plans to inspect bank accounts [Channel: Stephen Timms]

>>111419 AZ Senate president’s son sodomizes 18 boys, is not charged with sexual assault

>>111420 Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6369d59a33cc1de81373e257511083316d960554dd879edce95d29ac3555a113.mp4

>>111421, >>111424, >>111425 PF

>>111422, >>111423 Sundance: Walmart Joins List of Companies that Withdraws Advertising from Twitter

>>111426 Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2PN

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3e9tul - Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2 [1:18:30] [Channel: Wooz News]

>>111427 The former general registrar of Prince William County, Va., allegedly “altered election results” during the 2020 election

(14 notables, 17 posts, 23 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131238

File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20015385 Q Research General #24569: Will Maduro Invade Guyana? Edition

Created 022118ZDEC23




>>111482 #24569-A

>>111483 PF

>>111484 Russia reveals new size of army

>>111485 President Donald J. Trump ON NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gXnJ_prhcuI - LIVE: President Trump to campaign in the Iowa cities of Ankeny and Cedar Rapids - 12/2/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>111486 President Trump: For decades you watched as a corrupt political class in our nation's capital, looted your money, trampled on your dignity, and pushed their radical agenda into every aspect of your lives. But in 2016, you voted to stand up to those liars, losers, crooks and creeps, and you elected an outsider as your president. It was about America First. We want to put our country first.

>>111487 Dem presidential candidates left off the FL ballot are digging in; party is standing by the process

>>111488 White House admits time running out for Ukraine cash

>>111489 EVERYTHING WE TOLD YOU ABOUT J6 IS TRUE. Watch the MPDC's failed attempt to tear gas peaceful J6 protestors

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/355f238cc64bf479f3d62e9e183b9b6b04c004c238990778b63045806c0bd85f.mp4

>>111490 New school bus tracking system at Rio Rancho Public Schools

>>111491 President Trump: For four straight years, they tried to overthrow the duly elected president with one hoax, witch hunt and abuse of power after another. Remember Russia, Russia, Russia, remember all of the nonsense all turned out to be fake. Then they rigged and stole the election of 2020. They rigged it, and they stole it.

>>111492 President Trump: Over the past few years, you've watched Biden and his band of marxists, communists, fascists, try to crush free speech, censor their critics, criminalize dissent, destroy attorney-client privilege, which is something nobody ever though they would see in this country, and even attempt to imprison their leading electoral rival by far, on bogus charges; that happens to be me, in case you forget.

>>111493 President Trump: No president ever sent the FBI to raid the home of his opponent for crimes that he himself actually committed. He committed crimes.

>>111494 President Trump: "Ban the use of AI to censor the speech of citizens on Day 1."

>>111495 US commits to shutting down its coal plants during COP28

>>111496 President Trump: This campaign is a righteous crusade to liberate our Republic from Biden and the criminals in the Biden administration; they're criminals. They're criminals. That think they can do whatever they want, break any law, tell any lie, ruin any life, trash any norm, and get away with anything they want. They want to control your speech, and they want to control your social media, they want to control what car you drive…They want to talk about your dishwashers and how much water you can have in your dishwater, even though they don't work, and all the other things that were so precious and dear, that you never really appreciated until now, because they want to take them away. Your heating and cooling in your house; they want to change it. They want to change everything. These people are sick.

>>111497 President Trump: Just this week, Biden's Homeland Security Secretary even admitted that they are weaponizing artificial intelligence to target American citizens for political speech…when I am reelected, I will cancel Biden's artificial intelligence executive order, and ban the use of AI to censor the speech of American citizens on Day One.

>>111498 @catturd2 - Badass.

>>111499 Man arrested for suspected online terrorism offences

>>111500 California Imposing Restrictions on Carrying Guns Despite SCOTUS Ruling

>>111501 President Trump: In the past three years, Biden and the radical-left democrats spent twelve trillion dollars wasting colossal amounts of your money on socialist scams that caused cumulative inflation of over twenty percent. As a result, the average thirty-year mortgage rate is now 7.8%, but you can't get it, so it doesn't matter.

>>111502, >>111503 Long Island nonprofit ERASE Racism has created a mapping tool that allows users to identify "high-opportunity" areas that might make prime candidates for affordable housing.

>>111504 President Trump: I think if you had a real election, and Jesus came down, and God came down, and said, 'I'm gonna be the scorekeeper here', I think we'd win there [California], I think we'd win in Illinois, and I think we'd win in New York.

>>111505 Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”

>>111506 BREAKING: UK to conduct surveillance flights over Israel and Gaza to help find hostages held by Hamas

>>111507 The Islamic Resistance in Iraq published a statement claiming responsibility for attacking an American position with a drone at Erbil airport in Iraq.

>>111508 PF: IAF 695 707 Re’em tanker departed Birmingham Intl Airport to Tel Aviv (with a load of weaponry) and 45’s flight from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids

>>111509 Planefag: France's Macron Going to leaving (FIFY) Qatar to Restart Israel-Hamas Truce

>>111510 Truckers and farmers have blocked border crossings in protest against EU trade deals with Kiev

>>111511 Dozens of US soldiers want to overthrow government - Pentagon

>>111512 Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign

>>111513 #24657 (posted in #24659)

>>111514 #24569-B

(32 notables, 33 posts, 23 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131239

File: c7149e516ae0b2a⋯.png (51.38 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20016161 Q Research General #24570: Rally & Tankers For Tel Aviv Edition

Created 022329ZDEC23




>>111515 #24570

>>111516, >>111522, >>111538 PF update 45 Palm Beach/Cedar Rapids

>>111517, >>111526, >>111527, >>111528 New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cfdfa73d0a2e28d14b9da0d43e3a8e892a2dd7fee15a24dbaa9b766169095bd7.mp4

>>111518 DJT Truth - “President Donald Trump delivered a knockout speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa…"

>>111519 President Biden on Sandra Day O'Connor

>>111520, >>111521, >>111523 Tourist is stabbed to death and 'British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower' - as suspect is arrested

>>111524 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations

>>111525 Zelensky has devolved into authoritarianism – Kiev mayor

>>111529 Ukraine has lost up to 300,000 soldiers – ex-Zelensky aide

>>111530, >>111531 Guess what causes the new ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumonia, which is also termed “white lung syndrome”?

>>111532 DJT - TruthSocial - The Ron DeSanctimonious campaign people are dropping like flies.

>>111533 German city paralyzed by heavy snowfall

>>111534 Exercise FREEZING WINDS 23, 🇫🇮 first major-led naval exercise as a member of NATO has come to an end 🏁

>>111535 DJT - TruthSocial - A great day in Iowa. Tremendous crowds and enthusiasm—will be back soon! MAGA!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9bbbee11f3e11980c8c35b3c5e22fde53d8c36ff0e77f469abc95901850455fe.mp4

>>111536, >>111537 BREAKING: President Trump Makes MAJOR Endorsement In Hotly Contested Texas Primary - 'Brandon Will Not Let You Down'

>>111539, >>111540 Trump, DeSantis Grasp for Last-Minute Iowa Support Before Caucus

>>111541 Swing state Muslim group to withdraw Biden 2024 support over war

>>111542 Biden’s DOJ arrests prominent conservative actor in front of pregnant wife for attending Jan 6 protests THREE YEARS after the fact, charges him with 4 misdemeanors

>>111543 Because She’s a Liar. J6 Select Committee Star Witness Made SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to Her Testimony – Then J6 Committee Deleted Her Taped Deposition

>>111544 This is a call between Hunter Biden and the CHAIRMAN of Walmart plotting how to take Trump out in 2020 by running Biden with Kasich. - @MarcoPolo501c3

>>111545 @realDonaldTrump delivers his concluding remarks in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this evening—with only 44 days until the IOWA Caucuses…

>>111546 #24570

(22 notables, 32 posts, 43 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131240

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20017013 Q Research General #24571: Double Down Bake! Edition

Created 030243ZDEC23




>>111547 #24571

>>111548, >>111551, >>111552 Dennis Meadows-Club of Rome on population reduction

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/52bde4f6f970bf6d9153af193d2e9e325b58d4a3af952b2af2dc9d7c64b3cb44.mp4

>>111549 Appeals court orders Texas to remove buoy barrier on the Rio Grande border

>>111550 New Hampshire shares unredacted complaint against Facebook parent Meta

>>111553, >>111557 The US Air Force (USAF) eliminated Boeing Co. from the replacement competition of a half-century-old "Doomsday" plane that can survive a nuclear war.

>>111554, >>111558 Nathan Reynolds - Eaters of Children corporately and wholesale video

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3sewzd - Must See!! WICKEDNESS IN THE HIGHEST PLACES -- NATHAN REYNOLDS [PT 1] [54:51] [Channel: RAVries]

>>111555, >>111556 Replace American Jewish Communal Leadership

>>111559, >>111560 The Curious Fraud Case Against Trump Just Got ‘Curiouser’

>>111561 The Guam National Guard hosts the 2024 Central Pacific Cybersecurity Summit,

>>111562 Ops never stop - USAF Twitter

>>111563 PF update DEBT49 Pope to Nellis

>>111564 #Marines with @2nd_MAW band alongside Italian Forces' musicians perform at the Vatican City, on Nov. 22.

>>111565, >>111569, >>111570, >>111572 PF Update

>>111566 Special Counsel’s Office – Smith Statement of Expenditures November 18, 2022 through March 31, 2023

>>111567, >>111568, >>111571 Dan Scavino - TruthSocial - Mar A Lago

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6169da211ccaaa1ee42b54b8eaa9467d7e81a6b879d0514385542ca6ebd17fb8.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9N4wMoqMzbw - The Sum Of All Fears - Nessun Dorma [Channel: Facundo]

>>111573 #24571

(16 notables, 27 posts, 25 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131241

File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20017790 Q Research General #24572: Last Call! Edition

Created 030641ZDEC23




>>111574, >>111575 Review of Deep State Assets in Ukraine and how they were used against Trump

>>111576 Hunter Biden was on the Amtrak board

>>111577 Israel Planning for Gaza War To Last Over a Year

>>111578 GO For Launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich!

>>111579, >>111581 3 yrs after Pentagon announces Cyber Warriors & Information Operators tasked with fighting disinformation & influence campaigns online, they are either creating it or ineffective against it

>>111580 December 2, 2023, is 11 months and 3 days until November 5, 2024.11.3

>>111582 WW2 Navy Dirty Tricks Dept successfully fights Japanese misinformation conducted via radio

>>111583 Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data

>>111584 Moving moment huge group of MAGA Republicans PRAY over Donald Trump

>>111585, >>111587 ADL CEO: We’ve Talked About Twitter, But TikTok Is ‘Like Al Jazeera on Steroids’

>>111586 Holy Shit! Human Chop Shop discovered in Phoenix AZ. Selling human body parts.

>>111588 Health worker arrested after allegedly misusing data to spread vaccine misinformation

>>111589 X22 Report

>>111590 UPDATE: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer’s Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination (VIDEO)

>>111591 Philippine is being hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just hours after the 7.6 earthquake.

>>111592 Poso "Kek" tweet: Trump last night: “Thank you very much for being here. They wanted to use the place … this place is packed. We don’t let people use Mar-a-Lago very much because, as you know, we hold very important documents here.”

>>111593 Video: It is now possible to buy javelin missile guidance computers off the internet thanks to ukraine.

>>111594 New Zealand Covid-19 vaccination database admin turns whistleblower and reveals how many people died after taking bad batches of the Pfizer vaccine. This must be investigated. If this data of mass vaccine casualties is real there must be accountability.

>>111595 American Thinker: United Nation’s agencies involved in the Middle East have placed it on the side of the most barbarous enemies of civilization.

>>111596 Paris attack near Eiffel Tower leaves one dead and two injured

>>111597 Witch Screams BALENCIAGA Before Being Burned In American Horror Story Scene (2022-Video)

>>111598 6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

>>111599 US Tightens Noose Imposing More Sanctions for Russian Price Cap Violations

>>111600 (2007) CIA Jet Crashed With 4 Tons Of Cocaine On Board

>>111601 Kash Patel-Truth: Loser has to take home stolen classified docs in his vette and lock them in the garage. HA - thanks @RealDirty

>>111602 #24572

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43d0cd No.131242

File: a5d0b0779c57f22⋯.png (150.33 KB,567x324,7:4,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20018647 Q Research General #24573: Crazyquilt Ebake Edition

Created 031257ZDEC23




>>111603 #24573

>>111604 Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan with Military and Federal Laws and Orders via current Bipartisan Legislation.

>>111605 Donald Trump: Man in the Arena

>>111606 Techno Fog: Henry Kissinger: America’s Most Prolific War Criminal

>>111607 Occidental Private Jet Visits Buffett's Hometown Twice Amid Speculation Of Major Shale Deal

>>111608 How did the 3-letter agencies take charge of COVID response inside the WH during Trump Administration?

>>111609 Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse

>>111610, >>111612, >>111615 Maduro Is About To Invade Guyana - We Will Do Nothing To Stop Him

>>111611 UFO Researcher: Peru 'Aliens' Are 'Unknown Species'


>>111614 Cosmopolitan magazine shares steps for how to have a 'Satanic Abortion Ceremony'

>>111616, >>111617 Israel Is Not Our Ally

>>111618 Meet Allison Greenfield, the law clerk driving Trump bonkers at his fraud trial

>>111619 Who is Loretta Durbin?

(14 notables, 17 posts, 25 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131243

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20019446 Q Research General #24574: Return of the eBake Edition

Created 031654ZDEC23




>>111620, >>111621, >>111623, >>111624, >>111625, >>111626, >>111634, >>111635, >>111637, >>111639 Houthi Terrorist (Yemen) attack USS Carney


>>111627 The mainstream media is telling you that J6 was an insurrection. Please tell me if the actions of Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman were heroic and proper.

>>111628 How George Soros Funds Anti-Semitism

>>111629 IDF attack about an hour ago in the Aladisa area in southern Lebanon in response to Hezbollah attacks

>>111630, >>111632 UKMTO reports three incidents involving ships in the vicinity of the Bab El-Mandeb Strait today

>>111631, >>111638, >>111645, >>111646, >>111647, >>111648, >>111683 Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland's husband is the neocon who worked with Bill Kristol to lie the country into multiple wars.

>>111633 Aftermath of #IAF 🇮🇱 airstrike, Deir El Balah, central #Gaza

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83748b0c8db1f5a538daaa87a5411630767c69abe57f188b3eacd89c9c202409.mp4

>>111636 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (12/03/23)

>>111640 Israel Kills Hamas Commander Wissam Farhat

>>111641 #24573 posted in #24574

>>111642 Last night Former Obama CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta were at the Reagan National Defense Forum disussing how the U.S. should respond

>>111643 ‘Ex’ of Uvalde mass shooter busted for repeatedly threatening community, victims’ families

>>111644 New Biden/DNC diss track just dropped

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4caa0a0840539eb211395ba09e751f3b717bd60206cfed1891d9bea298918b0e.mp4

>>111649, >>111651 Eastern Europe Is Privately Not Quite as Pro-Ukraine as Western Media Claim

>>111650 Texas Lawsuit Filed Against Pfizer for 'Defrauding Public' Could Unravel the Covid Vaccine Conspiracy

>>111652, >>111654, >>111664 @realDonaldTrump ...when Drudge went anti-Trump, the site fell apart, very much like Ron DeSanctus.

>>111653 There have been no consequences for previous attacks by these rebels by the Biden administration

>>111655, >>111665 U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines

>>111656, >>111677 Ansarullah Yemen has officially announced that they have attacked 2 ships in the Red Sea

>>111657 Why is the Israeli DEFENSE Force constantly targeting CIVILIANS?! The following media includes potentially sensitive content.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b4de8937bf82af425a6e285b33aa258efb7e87d0de8afbaebbbb31d6fabb2c6a.mp4

>>111658, >>111661, >>111663 Barnard’s Jewish president dig

>>111659 5 Al-Nujabaa militants were killed by USAF airstrike in Kirkuk

>>111660, >>111679 planeFag: SAM580 Not AF2 kneepads departed Ramstein AFB after arriving from Dubai (COP28) depart

>>111662 Russian Su-25 jets strike Ukrainian targets

>>111666 Over 140 Mail-in Ballots Discovered from Inactive Mailboxes Across Washington State

>>111667 Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022 while Delaying Service to US VETERANS

>>111668 N. Korea warns 'physical clash, war' on Korean Peninsula a matter of time, not possibility

>>111669 Number Of Kids Put On Puberty Blockers Doubles Despite NHS Promising To Stop

>>111670 Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

>>111671 Paris Terror Suspect Declared ISIS Support, Was Jailed in 2016 for Terror Offenses, But French Govt Says He Has ‘Psychiatric Disorders’.

>>111672 planeFag CONUS activity-lots of high level Point Mugu NAS departs and east coast stuff

>>111673, >>111676, >>111678 Sergey Poletaev: Here's the reason why next year's Ukrainian elections have been cancelled

>>111674 Biden Admin Rule Would Withhold Lunch Money From Schools That Reject ‘Woke’ Agenda

>>111675 Man killed in landslide at Minnesota state park

>>111680 US defense secretary revealed ‘military secret’ – ex-Russian president

>>111681 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Near the Philippines

>>111682 Recent Homeowners Lose Over $200 Per Day In Property Value Each Day

>>111684 White lung is how pneumonia shows up with x-ray (when they are starting another narrative)

>>111685, >>111686 NZ Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zbspk - New Zealand Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data! [5:28] [Channel: Sunfellow On COVID-19]

>>111687, >>111688 Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels

>>111689 ELON WINS! Disney CEO Bob Iger Will STEP DOWN After Disney DISASTER

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Lnfm2llBqJI - ELON WINS! Disney CEO Bob Iger Will STEP DOWN After Disney DISASTER, Hostile Takeover | “GFY Bobby!" [Channel: Benny Johnson]

>>111690 @Not_the_Bee A Vermont Christian school is suing after being banned from sporting tournaments because they refused to let a male play against their girl's team.

>>111691 In 2014, the US Patent Office issued Patent #8691563B2, for something called "iDNA" vaccine technology.

(44 notables, 72 posts, 71 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131244

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20020276 Q Research General #24575: Return of the eBake II Edition

Created 032055ZDEC23




>>111692 #24575

>>111693 Young European voters flocking to ‘far right’ - Guardian

>>111694 CBS New York celebrates 30 years since one of the nation's first public mass shootings with hour-long documentary on

>>111695 US college enrollment falling – CNBC (CIA failing to woo more propaganda tools)

>>111696 #24574

>>111697 71-Year-Old Romanian Yoga Guru Arrested in France for Allegedly Running International Sex Cult

>>111698 Foreign Minister Meets with Russian Counterpart Sergey Lavrov

>>111699 PF: Lula in Berlin for first Brazil-Germany talks in eight years

>>111700 Positive Changes in the Rate of National Population Decline

>>111701 IRS penalty for underpayments soars to 8% — nearly triple what it was 2 years ago

>>111702 George Santos is filing ethics complaints against several of his top New York tormenters.

>>111703 PF: SAM580 C32A kneepads still NOT AF2 reappears on the ‘sidewalk’ after crossing Atlantic from Ramstein AFB depart/stop and Dubai original departure

>>111704, >>111712 Cassidy Hutchinson who was supposed to “destroy Trump” just changed her story

>>111705 Rep James Comer - Crooked Biden Compromised

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zee8g - Rep James Comer-Crooked Biden Compromised [11:01] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>111706 Chris Christie Fails to Qualify for Maine Primary Ballot

>>111707 EU needs its own nuclear weapons – ex-German FM

>>111708, >>111710 NZ Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ynolk - New Zealand Is A Crime Scene: In One Clinic, In One Day 30 People Were Covid Vaccinated And All 30 Have Died [8:01] [Channel: ProgressiveTruthSeekers]

>>111709, >>111711, >>111719, >>111721, >>111725 Roseanne Barr roasts Bill Maher on his own show

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4LPgTpcB8sE - Roseanne Barr | Club Random with Bll Maher [Channel: Club Random Podcast]

>>111713 SK Innovation to secure significant volume of cobalt in long-term supply deal with Glencore

>>111714 Don’t be surprised if Fox News fires Greg Gutfeld after this…

>>111715 Israeli UN envoy attacks Soros over funding ‘pro-Hamas groups’

>>111716 Robert De Niro anti-Trump speech mysteriously replaced in teleprompter at Awards Show

>>111717 Massive Unknown Object Enters Solar System - UFO Enigma Unfolds

>>111718, >>111722 Jeff Bezos Hires Elon Musk TO FIRE MORE STUPID ROCKETS INTO SPACE

>>111720 Judge Slams SEC For "Materially False" Deception In Crypto Case, Threatens To Sanction Agency

>>111723 Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f89a884faaf7b070b633449b53347f4394c81bce61ea0f9c4db1f4e000413e04.mp4

>>111724 US Military whistleblower LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian Bio-weapons Labs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c0d4bc7929ca96bf4a5f412d57383acbcce770d09740f3b675f34af4d5ce9dcd.mp4


>>111728 PF: QID62 lands at Nellis

>>111729 #24575

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43d0cd No.131245

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20021073 Q Research General #24576: Let Me See Your Warface Edition

Created 040023ZDEC23




>>111730 #24576

>>111731 Roseanne Barr | Club Random with Bll Maher ENTIRE INTERVIEW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4LPgTpcB8sE - Roseanne Barr | Club Random with Bll Maher [Channel: Club Random Podcast]

>>111732, >>111739 Recent findings link the CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation to Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast

>>111733, >>111734, >>111735, >>111736, >>111738 The Upkeep on Former Presidents, Like Clinton, Is Expensive

>>111737 US warship, multiple commercial ships attacked in Red Sea, Pentagon

>>111740 Chinese developer Evergrande risking liquidation if creditors veto its plan for handling $300B in debts

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hHUbLv4ThOo - Pitbull - Timber ft. Ke$ha [Channel: PitbullVEVO]

>>111741 Putin on WWII

>>111742 GOP attorneys general argue Colorado can't remove Trump from primary ballot, based on 14th Amendment.

>>111743, >>111745, >>111746 Was Ron DeSantis lacklustre campaign doomed from the start?

>>111744 China had another successful Mars landing. They left the cameramen there from last time. For The KEKS!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/332f2cb01238dbd2f36e55ed76069fa7ed001fe7448146a3607fe11b49cc3d0e.mp4

>>111747 PF SAM400Blinken again?

>>111748 Found this "Exhibit J" from the Trump case. It seems very strange to Anon because it seems to be Engoron speaking on behalf of Letitia James, while James' name doesn't appear anywhere in the document

>>111749 West blocked Russia from international maritime body

>>111750 Russian MP proposes taxing childless people

>>111751 Retired FBI Agent Issues Face-to-Face Warning to Vivek Ramaswamy

>>111752 Right on the the open and the paper pushers got to work

>>111753 Snow and gusty winds hit inactive volcano summit on Hawaii's Big Island

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=J_tl4t_uwsA - Snow and gusty winds hit inactive volcano summit on Hawaii's Big Island [Channel: ABC 7 Chicago]

>>111754 Carlson: Want to be happy? Care only about the opinions of people who love you

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zgrcm - Tucker Carlson: Want to be happy? Care only about the opinions of people who love you [8:13] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>111755 Former US ambassador arrested in Florida, accused of serving as an agent of Cuba, Manuel Rocha, 73

>>111756 Dang Fox is showing The Boss Rip Biden!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z9r41 - Dang Fox is showing The Boss Rip Biden! [32] [Channel: RedpillUSAPatriots]

>>111757 #24576

(21 notables, 28 posts, 42 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131246

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20021866 Q Research General #24577: Dubs Of Completion Enjoy The Show Edition

Created 040330ZDEC23




>>111758 #24577

>>111759 PF: Argentinafag going home from DC. Callsign FAG72

>>111760 Bob Iger says he WILL step down in 2026 and insists he has 'robust' succession plans

>>111761, >>111762, >>111770 Trump responds to De Niro's botched hater speech "As the World watches, waits, and laughs!"

>>111763 Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry

>>111764, >>111772, >>111773, >>111774 conspiratorial theories.PDF

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/85bee0edabbd8ffe7cf93394962b5d720eecf0c2b5619956c149442de2c062f1.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dff63304a51a547ae41141006314e67c7f100822621748b97192f64b09c6a05e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e20e6c9936353abcaa562326bb3bfaf94b74a08b11fafe3c1f32b893ffb00271.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/392f690cde7cebce5f085f21a2c07d1dc052200201bfb26d960d0a2631864343.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/48fda113787ff3f6cbc61e104e6c278a3a6824452f52ce11ce0ca4c4e06a7c3f.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd16e727ee1bf998dfca21723b1d854d7b27d2f484a953162363368fbae928bb.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8e92ef46901c58ca70fd88c56a30db65b25e1f0c4284011e8fbf02de9f0326bb.pdf

>>111765, >>111766, >>111767 Henry Kissinger’s (Maybe) Last Interview: "Drop the 2-State Solution"

>>111768 J6 NOTABLES

>>111769 PF: XCOPF. Mexican National Guard from Mexico City to Rodriguez International Airport up by Tijuana

>>111771 Venezuelans voted by a wide margin Sunday to approve the takeover of an oil-rich region in neighboring Guyana

>>111775, >>111776 PF: Found our Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf.

>>111777 Bodies of 11 climbers after the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano in West Sumatra.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7u7nQ7DIrUw - Indonesia now! Mount Marapi exploded, Sumatra was covered in ash and chaos! [Channel: New Newspaper Today]

>>111778 American diplomat accused of being a Cuban spy.

>>111779 Christmas market and new carols in Germany in 2023 - singer is Muslim.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6b1ab676ccc72d12eedddea0e969a1f80c6832409bf787d615d29b51f6073c7a.mp4

>>111780 Nancy Pelosi Accused of Setting Up Taxpayer-Funded Fraudulent Slush Fund for House Members

>>111781 House Oversight Committee chairman reveals how China 'buys politicians off'

>>111782 PDJT truth about McCarthy - spelling Keven wrong twice 2 e’s e=5 ee=55

>>111783 Knife attack on tourists at the Eiffel Tower on 3rd December DELTA?

>>111784, >>111785 New poll puts Donald Trump on track to win 60% of votes in GOP primary - five times more than next-nearest rival Ron DeSantis

>>111786 Dan has changed his banner and circle pic

>>111787 Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts claims the pcr testing hoax 19 pcr testing hoax was planned for decades

>>111788 Kissinger died on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Warren Commission.

>>111789, >>111790, >>111791, >>111792 Summer 2023: Joan River's daughter on possible Obama involvement in her mother's death

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rfJPnGH89IE - Joan Rivers's Daughter Reveals How The Obamas Might've Eliminated Her Mother [Channel: Drama Bay]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RABI7AoktvE - FILE: JOAN RIVERS JOKES MRS OBAMA "IS A TRANS" [Channel: CNN]

>>111793 #24577

(24 notables, 36 posts, 48 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131247

File: a5d0b0779c57f22⋯.png (150.33 KB,567x324,7:4,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20022889 Q Research General #24578: New J6 Updates, Anons Dig! Edition

Created 041039ZDEC23




>>111794, >>111795 unusual whales w/CAP: pay to drive in NYC - home prices down 13%

>>111796 Two happy gay men posing with a baby they Just purchased from a black mother

>>111797 UK Government clause 34 would give Ministers power to inspect the bank accounts of any person in receipt of any social security benefits including child benefit…

>>111798, >>111799, >>111800, >>111801, >>111823 Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e336d6952006025e1905467f3950000a395e8a1af1a33298f1de53b27e01f3f7.pdf

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=W9R9oysRLK4 - Tucker Interviews Former Capitol Police Chief About What REALLY Happened On January 6th [Channel: TheDC Shorts]

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/266e3043643e79231bc39d6a5b0fb98becb699f350d2ff8e316d78dc90c59ea8.pdf

>>111802 DJT TS w/CAP: Robert De Niro is a “mental midget” whose mind is shot, and whose life is a total train wreck. Very much like Crooked Joe Biden, he can’t put two sentences together…

>>111803, >>111804 PF Eyes on Skyz

>>111805 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Plane Crossing Crescent Moon

>>111806 mktFag:Metals and crude dropped/Stonks notsomuch

>>111807 Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority

>>111808 This was the plan of J6 Committee all along

>>111809 Readout of the Vice President’s Call with President Isaac Herzog of Israel

>>111811 Remarks by resident Biden at the 2023 Kennedy Center Honorees Reception

>>111812 Nobel Prize Protest

>>111813 AFWERX and NASA collaborate to develop digital Advanced Air Mobility operations center

>>111814 NASA, Partners Launch US Greenhouse Gas Center to Share Climate Data

>>111815 We're working for legislation to help maximize AI’s benefits while minimizing its risks.

>>111816 US Air Force to Organize Space Medical Research Group

>>111817 If my father, Robert F. Kennedy, and my uncle, John F. Kennedy, were running today, they would be greatly disturbed by the chronic disease epidemic

>>111818 Watch Host's Face as Thomas Sowell Exposes the Real Origin of Jew Hatred

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XLzo2Hol6ic - Watch Host's Face as Thomas Sowell Exposes the Real Origin of Jew Hatred [Channel: The Rubin Report]

>>111819 23andMe Admits Major Data Breach as Hackers Access Ancestry Information of Millions

>>111820 Strange 'blob' circling Milky Way's central black hole is shooting powerful radiation at Earth every 76 minutes

>>111821 Judge cleared after removing breastfeeding mum from Melbourne court during high-profile trial

>>111822 DAF leaders emphasize adapting AI for warfighting success

>>111824 @MSCSealift @MSCSealift Ship in the Spotlight

>>111825 Expenditures of Jack Smith

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6553dd42d184c27665d7d903f2d5e10cd80c7f542ea0370b6b37e344050a08ce.pdf

>>111826 #24578

(26 notables, 32 posts, 35 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131248

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20023982 Q Research General #24579: Moab Monday Grab Bag Edition

Created 041612ZDEC23




>>111827 #24579

>>111828 O'Keefe: TOMORROW: We have an update in our case against the FBI and its relationship with the New York Times

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/60725edfe4b459939ebe68daacfe20359df2d9b3a6af2cae9fdae60ce4faa433.mp4

>>111829, >>111832 Liz Cheney is a dangerous demagogue who rode his father's name into Congress

>>111830 House Republicans Have 10 Days to Launch Impeachment Investigations into Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas Before Going on Christmas Break for a Month

>>111831 US Factory Orders Plunged Most Since COVID Lockdowns In October

>>111833, >>111857, >>111873 planeFag: CONUS activity/Israel

>>111834 Trump Campaign Releases New Ad — “Thankful”

>>111835 It will be Biblical

>>111836, >>111878 The first meeting of the Warren Commission occurred on December 5, 1963/no coinkidinks

>>111837 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BBtQ8Th53z0 - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - December 4, 2023 - 12:30 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>111838, >>111859, >>111862, >>111865 Ivan Raiklin has an interdasting theory on Musk's GFY throwdown

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/08558128780e2231d915a94fcc0e905d85603db45bbfd89a8fb385ce3895d4a6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0b7cd4a79d381fb1976848af3aa0a9a65fb2c52885dc173eb95387686d46f38.mp4

>>111839 Softimage founder Daniel Langlois whose work was used in Jurassic Park and Star Wars is feared dead with his partner in a burned out car in Dominica

>>111840 Congressional Newsmaker Series: A Conversation with Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0nNl4ZGwJGg - Congressional Newsmaker Series: A Conversation with Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) [Channel: United States Institute of Peace]

>>111841 Attorney General Merrick Garland Remarks on Reproductive Rights

>>111842, >>111869, >>111877, >>111879, >>111881 Buckwheat n Kirby up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9CIC8oeoyEc - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby [Channel: The White House]

>>111843 Wall St rally loses steam as data-heavy week looms, yields rise

>>111844 texting 9-8-8. That’s the number for Canada’s new suicide crisis helpline

>>111845 UFC star Conor McGregor drops biggest hint that he will run for president

>>111846 Justices will debate the meaning of ‘income’ under the 16th Amendment, Could Mess Up Chunks of the Tax Code

>>111847 Three loss prevention employees in Macy’s across the street from Philadelphia City Hall stabbed, one of them has died

>>111848 ‘We are out of money': White House pushes to pass stalled Ukraine aid

>>111849, >>111860 Joe Biden received direct monthly payments beginning in 2018 from Hunter Biden's LLC Owasco PC, which received millions of dollars of CCP linked

>>111850 NY Lawmaker Claims "Smoking Gun" In NYC Migrant Voter Fraud Scheme

>>111851 NZ: Hero Health Worker Turned Whistleblower Faces Court After He Exposes Shocking Number of Deaths Linked to COVID Vaccine

>>111852 Carville, the old bald lady just told you what the Biden regime really thinks: Christians are more dangerous to America than Muslim terrorists!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36176d9b3d0314c6d0a7b5b1e3e86a61baa2e7b69ec00c3a18ae8527b6377a58.mp4

>>111853 Hillary Clinton Raises Concern on Climate Change Body Count

>>111854 vaccine batch data

>>111855 Tara Reade: How long will Western warmongers keep feeding human lives to their narrative?

>>111856 Ex-U.S. ambassador accused of being Cuba’s ‘clandestine agent’ since 1981

>>111858, >>111872 Israel Expands Ground Operations To Whole Of Gaza, Seeking "Total Victory"

>>111861 Oxford University Press has named ‘rizz’ as its word of the year/ someone’s ability to attract or seduce another person.

>>111863, >>111864 Trading in death responsibly: ‘Woke’ funds funnel $5 trillion into arms industry

>>111866 Groups of "mostly Chinese men" crossing illegally into the United States at the border in California

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c78e3684550b27038c0d823fa7a40fa48ab3b550c1f35958c60929937c6ea011.mp4

>>111867 "Impeach Biden"

>>111868 Kissinger Cables: Henry #Kissinger and Shirley Temple's classified cable love affair

>>111870 Microsoft Inked Deals With Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Outlets

>>111871 Rethinking Tobacco Control: Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and FDA Regulations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LhH-mi_Ka4I - Rethinking Tobacco Control: Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and FDA Regulations [Channel: American Enterprise Institute]

>>111874 2:30 PM EST Designing the Future Joint Force With Admiral Christopher Grady Atlantic Council Scowcroft Center

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pkRNXorW1cg - Designing the future joint force with Admiral Christopher Grady [Channel: AtlanticCouncil]

>>111875 Thank you, Joe Biden For The KEKS!

>>111876 Sarah Huck: I was the first Governor in America to kick a Chinese state-owned company off our farmland. Now, I'm leading 17 states to tell Pres. Biden, Sec. Yellen, and Congress to protect our land from the CCP.

>>111880, >>111882 What Makes ArchConf 2023 a Must-Attend Event?

>>111883 #24579

(42 notables, 57 posts, 71 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131249

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20024770 Q Research General #24580: Documented Joe's % From Hunter Edition

Created 041933ZDEC23




>>111884 #24580

>>111885 Liz Cheney Hyperventilating on NBC

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d75f01a5daf773ba648b7c68dc5541e328b6d26851379ae05ce8bc71dc972885.mp4

>>111886 Trump RT Cory Mills "The American people want the economy Trump created... opposite of what we’ve gotten under the failed Biden Admin."

>>111887, >>111895, >>111903 NZ health whistleblower. Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All [COVID-19 Vaccine]

>>111888 Next Republican primary debate set for Wednesday in Alabama

>>111889 @AdamSchiff gets red at the airport

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b37da4900ab9c38b35716ddded013554ed4152ca8109c9e74b378842dafb8e9.mp4

>>111890 Chinese Spy Balloons Linked to Hypersonic Missile Program to Prepare for 'Merciless' Attacks on U.S.

>>111891 @USNavy Hospital Ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) concluded its second mission at the Solomon Islands

>>111892 761st EOD Company will be disposing of two MLRS rockets and two aerial bombs at the Ft. Sill West Range Dec. 5

>>111893 Global factory inventories up 30% in 4 years as China slows

>>111894, >>111917 Nathan Reynolds claims to have escaped his Illuminati family to save his soul and his first born child. [PT 1 + 2]

>>111896 Cameron Ortis under investigation for allegedly stealing and processing highly classified intelligence documents potentially valuable to Beijing.

>>111897 How many other LLCs with finger lake names are shell corporations for money funneling and laundering? CALL TO DIG

>>111898 US women’s magazine shares advice on ‘Satanic abortion ceremony’ - rt

>>111899 Remington is ditching NY

>>111900, >>111906 Massive Group of Military-Age Men From CHINA Invade US Border in California

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2dfadc7ff27c45f0d2eb5d52594fe7715970c45bbe0fa1209ad95b7bd651e3a.mp4

>>111901, >>111907, >>111909, >>111911 Percentage of Vaxx Mortality correlates with the Batch numbers.

>>111902 Iceland no longer offers anti-Covid vaccines to the general population after peak sudden deaths

>>111904 U.S., U.K., Australia sign agreement to jointly operate deep space radar network

>>111905 We Feel Poorer Because We Are Poorer: Here's Proof

>>111908 More Than 10,000 Illegal Aliens Flood Into U.S. Over Last 24 Hours on Joe Biden’s Open Border Invitation

>>111910, >>111912 KJP RUNS AWAY from question about Hunter. They know NCSWIC

>>111913 Swiss Private Bank, Banque Pictet, Admits To Conspiring With U.S. Taxpayers To Hide Assets And Income In Offshore Accounts

>>111914 Grand jury indicts former state public utilities chairman Samuel Randazzo, 74, of Columbus, for federal bribery, embezzlement crimes

>>111915 NYC Fire. Dept. Union held Press conferance regarding budget cuts.

>>111916, >>111918 Robert Kagan 'Editor at large' for WP writes article implying someone needs to assassinate Trump

(26 notables, 35 posts, 50 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131250

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20025674 Q Research General #24581: As the World watches, waits, and Keks Edition

Created 042255ZDEC23




>>111919, >>111928, >>111932 Robert Kagan, writes an op-ed effectively calling for President Trump to receive the Julius Caesar treatmen

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/936882457d03149034b964c97a071b47d82cb779a810c84f53dd159fcff0ea8e.mp4

>>111920, >>111921, >>111925, >>111926 New Zealand Data Concerning Deaths Associated With Vaccine M.O.A.R

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc5833402552d7004f7def734ae9c829bbf9dfa87b268deac1718962a6702fbe.mp4

>>111922 Meet The Latest Silicon Valley Billionaire Who Wants To ‘Destroy Donald Trump,’ LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman

>>111923 A Windows Update bug is renaming everyone's printers to HP M101-M106

>>111924 Hamas warns a 'war of liberation' bigger than October 7 massacre is 'coming soon':

>>111927 #TwitterFiles Hypocrite Taylor Lorenz’s now trying to rewrite history, claiming she’s been against big tech censorship for years.

>>111929 Judge Engoron's Connection to Michael Cohen needs explanation

>>111930 Federal appellate court sides with Douglass Mackey in meme case, drops prison sentence until after appeal

>>111931 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1301 A319 departed Shannon, Ireland WN after a stop and Brussels depart prior

>>111933 @thejimwatkins God bless you and the United States of America too.

>>111934 10 days left to deliver peach mint inquiry in time for Christmas!

>>111935 Niger ends security and defence partnerships with the EU: government

>>111936 @ChuckGrassley FBI Dir Wray will be b4 Judic Cmte tomorrow 4 oversight hearing It's been a yr since he was last here I hope he doesn't try to duck out early

>>111937, >>111941 German judge lets 8 men who gang-raped girl walk free

>>111938 #24580

>>111939 PF: DECOY74 MC-12S EMARSS Super King Air doing roundies over where those illegals at


>>111942 Bombshell Audit Reveals How Disney Bribed And Scammed Its Way Into An Unaccountable Florida Empire

>>111943 Frasier's Kelsey Grammer Tells BBC He Still Supports Trump, Paramount+ PR Team Ends Interview

>>111944 NATO's eastern flank has 3 years to prepare for Russian attack, says head of Poland's national security agency

>>111945 Former career US diplomat charged with secretly spying for Cuban intelligence for decades

>>111946 @DonaldJTrumpJr The lies and the coverups will not stop till we call it out. Enough!

>>111947, >>111948 Jacinda Arden former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Bio-Terrorist and Mass-Murderer. CALL TO MEME

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/05f5abd30ab6e8c0da976b607f32ac56fd024e1ece5a0d5dcf9c8a1455224e92.mp4

>>111949 Attention Democrats, Come to the Democratic Republic of the Congo!

>>111950 Slovakia Shocks the World: New Prime Minister Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>111951 Is a door opening to remove all the theft by goverment via tax?

>>111952 @gatewaypundit DC Elites Gather at Kennedy Center and Cheer Joe Biden as Americans Suffer Under His Oppressive Rule

>>111953 Biden climate czar John Kerry demands global ban on coal plants at UN COP28 conference

>>111954 US Water Systems Targeted By Iran-Linked Cyberattacks In Multiple States

>>111955 California Firefighter Terminated After 22 Years in Service for Refusing to Comply with COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>111956 three-judge panel has been selected that will decide whether former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is to face criminal charges in federal rather than Georgia state court

>>111957, >>111958, >>111959 Ivanka still keeping Kabbalah at heel

(32 notables, 41 posts, 52 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131251

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20026447 Q Research General #24582: EBAKE

Created 050139ZDEC23




>>111960 #24582

>>111961, >>111992 #24581, #24582

>>111962, >>111966, >>111968, >>111985, >>111987 House explodes in Arlington Virginia

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d57b265d34c148251cb0d2ff0ed542c014245a984aabb9f5f11b372d9e06ca5.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9996ad5f719ca6aa8192f7538ea68aa44f9f39f028f9ccac2408e301e558e9e2.mp4

>>111963 Night Owl News

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zkcha - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy --12/04/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>111964 The many things Joe and Hunter never discussed

>>111965, >>111977 PF reports USAF B-52 Stratofortress 61-0003 "Old Ironsides III" flying east from Minot AFB

>>111967, >>111982 PF reports Ukraine AF UKN1301 319 on the “sidewalk” inbound to CONUS from Shannon depart and prior Brussels stop/departure-it started at Rzsesow Airport, Poland earlier today

>>111969, >>111971, >>111972, >>111973 Endgame: How will Ukraine look after its defeat?

>>111970 Recent price movements in gold and silver

>>111974 J6 appeals now making their way thru system

>>111975 WHO asks Israel to spare Gaza warehouse

>>111976, >>111981 Harvard's Shocking Admission: Affirmative Action And CRT Killed South Africa

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zm6oa - Darren Beattie: Harvard's Shocking Admission: Affirmative Action And CRT Killed South Africa [10:11] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>111978 Harvard Gutted Initial Team Examining Facebook Files Following $500 Million Donation from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

>>111979, >>111980 PF reports Shitloads of B762 tankers flying into and around McConnell AFB Kansas.

>>111983 Marlow: Now that We Know They Were Lying, All the Biden Family Deals Should Be Unpacked

>>111984 Gold bars stashed in Dem senator's home recovered after 2013 violent robbery

>>111986 Four Republicans will be on stage for the fourth presidential debate

>>111988 USSOCOM hosted Hon. Robert P. Storch, the @DoD_IG and Lead IG for Operation Atlantic Resolve, to discuss SOF's role in supporting the #NDS

>>111989 John Kerry: "This moment is alarming. It's without precedent. It is terrifying, some have said, and others will say we are in uncharted territory."

>>111990 Ukraine and US trade blame for ‘failed counteroffensive’

>>111991 UK revises estimate of Russian casualties

(21 notables, 33 posts, 33 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131252

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20027196 Q Research General #24583: Night Of The Living Kek Edition

Created 050456ZDEC23




>>111993 #24583

>>111994, >>111995 Clockfags reporting

>>111996 PF reports heavy C130 activity

>>111997 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: mp4 of POTUS signing in Ankeny Iwoa - WE WILL ROCK YOU

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f79fc04ef6c88268336280ea29cd4c82e984bc1d030ba5a972c9e557b06bcfc2.mp4

>>111998, >>112003 New Zealand COVID data leak: the state is freaking out and arresting the whistleblower

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc5833402552d7004f7def734ae9c829bbf9dfa87b268deac1718962a6702fbe.mp4

>>111999 UK: They are coming for the pensions

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UpNaf2dz1zU - Stephen criticises the Government for plans to inspect bank accounts [Channel: Stephen Timms]

>>112000, >>112001 Scoop: Kushner, Jewish business leaders huddle with Qatari PM

>>112002 Biden got recurring $1,380 payment from Hunter’s firm starting in 2018

>>112004, >>112005, >>112006, >>112007, >>112012 Australian, NZ Covid News

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c59c26e58194669b5d6dc32a62f79e9e12ff21d7838b0a3d4fd0470a0a0b0f7e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bbd425deac53651aee4dd3a3cda3881de48025f80db74d6fe1be7539a1d69403.mp4

>>112008, >>112023 House in Arlington, Virginia explodes after police reportedly approached it with a search warrant

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/060ef4fed06ce5889306f8c8f210ab49c9b17e4478a04207d72e6e5c416a883e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc313c62df7ed484958eccc1740c7fc0b8e7fa8501d090e8c9fafaaae3ef8f7f.mp4

>>112009 Link to the vaccine batch data from 2021 and Feb. 2022

>>112010, >>112024, >>112025 UK Parliament testimony on COVID

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d453fa7556f3ee14bfad502fac64a5f08b828b5c80836c8ba53e9c2d79ed529b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2d8bbd8d4e287c9c8f57ea4259fb92f31a83455fd7e71a2b375e32cc451a88f9.mp4

>>112011 Reminder - Rumble on How to read the Clocks

>>112013, >>112016 Outrage as transgender women take gold AND silver medal at Illinois cycling championships

>>112014 Hamas accused of shorting shares in Israel's largest bank, making $900 Million

>>112015 @jsolomonreports: Putin, Xi, and Taylor Swift make Time's 'Person of the Year' shortlist

>>112017 China Holds Naval Drills in South China Sea From December 5-6

>>112018 17 Governors: Stop foreign adversaries from buying our land

>>112019 Putin will visit the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on Wednesday

>>112020 40% of Gen-Z have spent money on doomsday preparations, new survey finds

>>112021 @X22Report: [DS] Desperate,Biden In Trouble, Moves & Countermoves,Red October[Cyber Attack Attempts]

>>112022 Slovakia Shocks the World: New Prime Minister Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>112026 Large groups of Chinese men crossing the border in Jacumba Hot Springs, CA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e2dfadc7ff27c45f0d2eb5d52594fe7715970c45bbe0fa1209ad95b7bd651e3a.mp4

>>112027 Russia takes over BRICS chair from South Africa

>>112028 Chris Christie has been announced as a last-minute addition to debate

>>112029 #24583

(26 notables, 37 posts, 41 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131253

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20028317 Q Research General #24584: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 051310ZDEC23




>>112030 #24584

>>112031, >>112033 @JesseBWatters Derek Chauvin's attacker used to be called "Stranger."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d46570e677e3ef419ce8632b9627302600154b966706aed785d027259b3cff6e.mp4

>>112032, >>112037, >>112041 Notice military postures- ease, parade rest, attention IOW these are trained soldiers.

>>112034, >>112035, >>112040, >>112042 House exploding as police ready themselves to search with a warrant.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a7477da91b971d3f077b02b8d38996c9b7c86f0796861bdb9ed09c15d593277.mp4

>>112036, >>112038 Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022

>>112039 @VivekGRamaswamy Who needs Democrats when you have Republicans like @NikkiHaley

>>112043 Supreme Court hears a case that experts say could wreak havoc on the tax code

>>112044, >>112049 @ChuckCallesto Gold bars discovered in Sen. Bob Menendez’s home linked to 2013 armed robbery

>>112045, >>112050 PlaneFag: Eastern Med-Hungarians departed from Tel Aviv,

>>112046, >>112062 10:00 AM EST An Oversight Hearing to Examine the Federal Bureau of Investigation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d72f0d8b0f7bc36b9569fb1b841acc3501518f903d7667d553aa71fbd4ff9029.mp4

>>112047 Argentina’s Javier Milei Prepares a ‘Shock Package’ of Legislation

>>112048 10:00 AM EST Water Resources Development Acts:

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h50ZfWczM5w - Water Resources Development Acts: Status of Past Provisions and Future Needs [Channel: T&I Committee Republicans]

>>112051 Outrage as transgender freaks steal gold Medal in Il State Cyclocross Chanpionship

>>112052 Schools Locked Down As Armed Police Respond To ‘Serious Assault’ In Aberfan, Wales

>>112053 The Palestinian flying over City Hall in Dublin, Ireland this morning.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd2d9235dd75acb3e2d300d7c9b587f1cc3d7cc358725a7feefacdb2aabf4aa4.mp4

>>112054, >>112055 Army Veteran Files Lawsuit Alleging VA Computer System Delayed Cancer Diagnosis

>>112056 10:30 AM EST McCaul, Meeks to Host Press Conference with Families of Hamas Hostages

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6iBSvp9e42E - HFAC/AJC Press Conference Two Months After Hamas' October 7 Attacks [Channel: House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans]

>>112057 Watch News Online https://usnewson.com/watch/ #Services

>>112058 10:30 AM EST Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers: Hunter Biden Investigation Obstruction in Their Own Words

>>112059 Total number of VA claims lost in online systems tops 120,000

>>112060 WE GOT POLLS

>>112061 Integrated Mission Delta protypes report emerging successes

>>112063 #24584

(23 notables, 34 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131254

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20029166 Q Research General #24585: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Edition

Created 051611ZDEC23




>>112064, >>112078 Live: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

>>112065 WE GOT POLLS!!!

>>112066 Bishop [DOJ Civil Rights Oversight]: You are not aware of the Missouri vs Biden litigation

>>112067 Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page

>>112068 @I_Corps Day or Night, bringing the fight #DayShift

>>112069 University presidents testify on antisemitism on campus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QTLkpjrCewk - WATCH LIVE: University presidents testify on antisemitism on campus during Israel-Hamas war [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>112070 Job Openings Decreased to 8.7 million in October

>>112071 Cruz [FBI Oversight Hearing]: Have you opened an investigation into whether the attorney general lied under oath to congress

>>112072 Santos turns to Cameo after expulsion from Congress

>>112073 Turkish AF TUAF241/2 A400ms departed Istrana AB, Italy

>>112074 @USArmyEURAF It's happening, Folks!

>>112075 House Republicans Report Reveals David Weiss and DOJ's Preferential Treatment of Hunter Biden

>>112076 Republicans Propose New Office To Enforce Affirmative Action Ban

>>112077 Moar Planefagging #fighterjettuesdays

>>112079 @1st_Marine_Div We're Watching You #Optics

>>112080 The fix is in. Speaker Johnson Editing #J6 tapes?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8ce0e6a455745f9f961ae42ffcf67c14f8c043e0dadd0e2f8a6f6a10222dee72.mp4

>>112081, >>112082 Former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters filed a federal lawsuit seeking to ban the government from conducting criminal proceedings against her.

>>112083 McHenry will not Seek Reelection

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/011c6746a803dc267026fd84a16a035f044da0b5321e7259d083606416954424.mp4

>>112084 Israel Readying Risky Plan To Flood Miles Of Gaza's 'Terror Tunnels' With Sea Water

>>112085 @AFGlobalStrike Emergency managed, No magic, all preparedness

>>112086 Blackburn: [FBI Oversight Hearing]: What specifically has the FBI done to investigate the claim that Epstein and others participated in, produced, possessed, and distributed CSAM

>>112087 #OTD in 1945, Flight 19 of five TBF Avengers disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.

>>112088 Chairman Durbin: Senator Backburn…I want to make a point for the record, since I understand you made some statements about the Jeffery Epstein flight logs

>>112089 DOJ’s U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Kristen Clarke IS NOT familiar with Missouri v Biden,

>>112090 2:00 PM EST Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the media in the Pentagon Briefing Room

>>112091 2:00 PM EST The Importance of Protecting Female Athletics and Title IX

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VVdIDpPGpx4 - Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>112092 #24585

(27 notables, 29 posts, 27 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131255

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20030073 Q Research General #24586: Remove the UNIPARTY and SECURE the BORDER. #Recall Edition

Created 051839ZDEC23




>>112093 #24586

>>112094 EXCLUSIVE: GOP-Led States Demand Major Firms Stop Backing Efforts To ‘De-Bank’ Conservatives

>>112095 Rise and grind! 🌤️ 💪

>>112096 Billionaire Democratic Donor Reid Hoffman Donates to Nikki Haley

>>112097 North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un cries as he tells women to have more babies

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abc6b72e50d54c3c93b19183c1e71481880998e5bd134c677f5d3c632116b1ec.mp4

>>112098 DJT Truth - Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats, despite the lessons recently learned in Germany and numerous other places, want to shut down all U.S. COAL PLANTS

>>112099 Growing Proportion Of Canadians Want Trudeau To Step Down

>>112100 DJT Truth - SEE YOU TONIGHT, AT 9:00 PM EASTERN!


>>112102, >>112116 Speaker Johnson Declares J6 Footage Faces Must Be Blurred Prior to Public Release for Security Reasons

>>112103 Dan Scavino on 2024 Presidential Election voting intention

>>112104 MTA tests out hard-to-jump fare gates in Queens

>>112105 Zelensky will not attend classified briefing virtually anymore because of a “last-minute” matter,

>>112106 PDJT: Join me in Coralville, Iowa at a “Commit to Caucus” event on Wednesday, December 13, 2023!

>>112107 Russians Are Advancing ‘On All Sides’! Watch: Victory Banner Flies Over Maryinka

>>112108 Pope Francis Compares Trump to Herod, Who Tried to Kill Jesus - KEK

>>112109, >>112111 Former Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry Retires From Congress

>>112110, >>112112 Israeli stocks saw short-selling spike ahead of attacks

>>112113 PDJT: I am proud to give my Complete and Total Endorsement to U.S. Senator Rick Scott of Florida in his bid for Re-Election

>>112114 DJT Truth - Join me in Durham, New Hampshire for a MAGA Rally on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at the Whittemore Center Arena!

>>112115 PF Report

>>112117 Will Saudi Prince MBS become Biden Partner in Containing Mideast conflict?

>>112118 Dan the Man Truth - 🗣️IOWA—41 DAYS🗳️

>>112119 DJT Truth - Judge Engoron has totally ignored a major decision on the Statute of Limitations in the New York Attorney General’s Witch Hunt Case against me.

>>112120 DJT Truth - We have totally proven our Case against the Corrupt, Racist, New York Attorney General, Letitia “Peekaboo” James

>>112121 Cue the Top Gun music 🎵

>>112122 Giuliani - Why did the FBI refuse to acknowledge the fact that Hunter Biden's laptop was REAL? The corruption runs deep

>>112123 Nearly 1000 Dutch expat votes arrived too late to be counted

(28 notables, 31 posts, 36 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131256

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20030899 Q Research General #24587: Idiot: Arthur Engoron's “weaponized law fare” against Trump? Edition

Created 052119ZDEC23




>>112124 #24587

>>112125 Rep. Elise Stefanik files ethics complaint against judge in Trump’s civil fraud trial

>>112126 Republicans in the Senate Suddenly Take Strong Stand on the Border and Illegal Immigration in Exchange for Funding Ukraine

>>112127 Assistant AG for Civil Rights Claims Ignorance on the ‘Most Massive Attack on Free Speech in US History’ Case — Missouri v. Biden Case

>>112128 #24586 posted in #24587

>>112129 Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett calls Texas and Florida “deplorable states”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2fdcdc8fa888fec429bef237a124b61cbfd36d8b642465243a3c3eadeb6b5fec.mp4

>>112130, >>112131, >>112132, >>112133 New York State Unified Court System

>>112134 Pelosi - California takes great pride in our ambitious status as the leading edge of high-speed rail in America.

>>112135 Tucker Carlson Explains Why You'll Never Get an Apology for What Happened During COVID

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd8dbbd4ef9ac591feb9780dfe86d5aae399a757eb1d00d22976604f3a07b5ef.mp4

>>112136 @Jim_Jordan and @RepLoudermilk Launch Inquiry into Fani Willis Colluding with the January 6 Committee

>>112137 Moody's puts China on downgrade warning as growth, property pressures mount

>>112138 Gov. Gavin Newsom cancels the annual Christmas tree lighting in the State Capitol

>>112139 US House Speaker issues Ukraine ultimatum to Biden (RT)

>>112140 Secretary Blinken to Participate in a Conversation At the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition 2023 Tribute Celebration Department of State

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q1tnaN80_Rs - Secretary Blinken participates in a conversation at the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition - 7:00 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>112141 #24587

(15 notables, 18 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131257

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20031690 Q Research General #24588: Bread Saving Ninjas Edition

Created 060018ZDEC23




>>112142 #24588

>>112143 Kash Patel: We're Gonna Use The Constitution To Prosecute Those Destroying The Republic.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zrlia - Patel: We're Gonna Use The Constitution To Prosecute Those Destroying The Republic [12:47] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112144 Rep. Bob Good: "The two greatest threats are the snowballing debt and the border invasion"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zsk8b - Rep. Bob Good: "The two greatest threats are the snowballing debt and the border invasion" [11:01] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112145 Julie Kelly: "Where are these tapes on all the interviews, depositions, witness testimony of more than a 1,000 held, did they disappear?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zsox2 - Julie Kelly: "Where are these tapes, did they disappear? Were they intentionally destroyed?" [15:22] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112146, >>112166 PF Reports

>>112147 Evidence that Special Counsel Jack Smith intends to introduce at Trump's DC trial

>>112148 Statement from resident Joe Biden on the Death of American Service Members

>>112149 Letter to the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate on an Agreement with the Republic of the Marshall Islands

>>112150 Letter to the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate on an Agreement With the Federated States of Micronesia

>>112151, >>112153 Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting with Prime Minister Andrew Holness of Jamaica

>>112152 resident Biden Transmits Compacts of Free Association-Related Agreements to U.S. Congress

>>112154 World's First Factory for Humanoid Robots Coming

>>112155 Statement from resident Joe Biden on Lift of Senator Tuberville’s Blockade on Military Appointments

>>112156 Readout of National Security Advisor to the Vice President Phil Gordon’s Trip to Israel

>>112157 Assistant Secretary of Defense Christopher P. Maier Addresses Crucial Role of Irregular Warfare at the Semi-Annual Irregular Warfare Forum

>>112158 Here are some notes from the first J6 Video

>>112159 DOD Awards $23.4 Million to Expand Domestic Capability to Upcycle Scrap Material into High-Grade Metal

>>112160 Statement From Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on the Senate's Confirmation of 425 General and Flag Officers

>>112161 Trump Media drops Nextstar from defamation suit over 'falsely' reporting Truth Socials financials

>>112162 Conor McGregor might be stepping into the political octagon to run for office

>>112163 NASA Currently Tracking 20,000 Or More Near-Earth Asteroids

>>112164 S.C. dropping Disney from state investment portfolio

>>112165 RNC Issues Lawsuit Warning. Alleges Irregularities in Nevada’ Voter Rolls

>>112167 Josh Hammer Joins WarRoom To Discuss COP 28 And Why It Is Being Underreported.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zrsnd - Josh Hammer Joins WarRoom To Discuss COP 28 And Why It Is Being Underreported [22:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112168 Readout of Joint Task Force Alpha Summit

>>112169, >>112172 A Federal Judge in DC issues ORDER in a case regarding the FBI raids.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dee857e381fd0d28843e733b7d20dd5ae5f06d5a0cc6dcf4b60891f7aaa35e18.mp4

>>112170 Defense Secretary Warned Congress U.S. Troops Could Be Deployed If Ukraine Aid Is Not Sent

>>112171 Moscow still ready for talks with Kiev – Kremlin (RT)

>>112173 Putin's Saudi Visit To Talk OPEC+ Cuts & Gaza War Highlights US Failure To Isolate Russia

>>112174 White House Sanctions Israeli Settlers For 1st Time Since Clinton Administration

>>112175 #24588

(31 notables, 34 posts, 20 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131258

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BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20032485 Q Research General #24589: Digital Misfits Edition

Created 060327ZDEC23




>>112176 #24589

>>112177 The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has announced tonight that the Esequiba Region of Western Guyana is now “Official” a Territory of Venezuela

>>112178 IRS whistleblower confirms Hunter Biden received nearly $5 million from donor for personal expenses


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zsxly - Hannity Town Hall with President Trump in Davenport, IA [59:49] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112180 DJT - It was great to stop by and see everyone at the Front Street Pub & Eatery in Davenport, Iowa tonight. THANK YOU—MAGA!!!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a95621e823b99eda5aafb08df2e6c34c223982a22882f4b3576b9e92a10edafe.mp4

>>112181 Joe Biden Used Fake Name To Exchange Over 50 Private Emails With Hunter Biden’s Business Associate, Docs Show

>>112182 PF Report

>>112184 Kelsey Grammer’s BBC interview cut short after being ‘perfectly happy’ to show support for Trump

>>112185 Japan adds Chinese nuclear weapons lab and 35 others to WMD concern list

>>112186 DJT Truth


>>112188 PF reports: 57-1483 KC-135 tanker over western Iraq at refueling altitude-26k Ft

>>112189, >>112190 Donald J. Trump speaks with Hannity at town hall event, predicts Biden won't be the Democrat nominee

>>112191, >>112192, >>112193 Questioning Wray on FBI's efforts into Epstein case, Hunter laptop and more "The people need to know who was on those planes" - mp4s

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3141cdf6151422768ef3fab12860c6246fc7911c95c050487824edde3a5ecfa7.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/286c6c904c4ea47d99e986f2dc34f8890d582facc792f1f03e61b62c15be9b8d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/690367519d94cad678b895dae7153442a1268f5cabc7899917a66cf041df54dd.mp4

>>112194 Indications that some stock traders knew about the Hamas attack on Israel in advance and made millions on the inside

>>112195 Kevin McKernan loses entire database of Barry Young's leaked research after NZ health service obtains an injunction to prevent sharing of leaked Covid vax health data

>>112196 WEF planned water crisis reminder

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd6e7a145cc56cf50e4b4bf65d8c2c64374b82f8bc9b332135f1b748775ec181.mp4

>>112197 #24589

(18 notables, 22 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131259

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20033334 Q Research General #24590: Winning Intensifies Through The Night Edition

Created 061013ZDEC23




>>112198 #24590

>>112199 Sephora - woke as Budlight and Target


>>112200 NYC will charge workers a toll to go to work

>>112201, >>112215 The Democrats Are Using Lawfare Against Trump Because They Can't Beat Him Fairly

>>112202 Harvard, MIT and Penn testify that Calling for the Genocide of Jews Does Not Necessarily Violate their Campus Code of Conduct

>>112203 American Thinker: Our Institutions Have Betrayed Our Trust

>>112204, >>112205 SC's state investment funds will no longer invest in Disney after its 𝕏 boycott

>>112206 Study: People Who Complied with COVID Restrictions More Likely to Suffer Mental Health Issues

>>112207 IDF Chief Suggests Israel May Flood Hamas tunnels with Seawater

>>112208 @realmuckraker: Military aged US-bound Chinese staging area found at Colombian Hotel

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3f84a44a3180c897bf02a0e18900972b1884afd4919e52a9521d687a538a653c.mp4

>>112209 Rep. Thomas Massie(R) accused of anti-Semitism for sharing Drake meme

>>112210, >>112211, >>112212, >>112213 Campus Anti-Semitism is not new: 2020 Newsweek OP Ed cites DoJ 2019 study, Qatar

>>112214 Doctors spot mysterious 'fentanyl exposure syndrome' in BABIES

>>112216, >>112218, >>112220 @DiedSuddenly_


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YOkKmziko6o - UK Covid-19 Inquiry Live Stream [Channel: UK Covid-19 Inquiry]

>>112219 Sen. John Kennedy To FBI Director Wray:Who Made The Decision To Raid Mar-a-Lago For Documents?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4MLZ9zLxneQ - BREAKING NEWS: John Kennedy Questions FBI's Wray About Raid On Mar-A-Lago [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>112221 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ztu7g - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -12/06/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>112222 Full Committee Hearing: Annual Oversight of Wall Street Firms Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee

>>112223 Marsha Blackburn Grills FBI's Wray About 'Heavily Redacted' Search Warrant For Trump Twitter Account, out of Jack Smith’s crusade, against Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9RX-6EluMwo - Marsha Blackburn Grills FBI's Wray About 'Heavily Redacted' Search Warrant For Trump Twitter Account [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>112224 John Kennedy Grills FBI Director Wray About Hunter Biden Laptop Story. FBI violated the 1st Amendment of Free Speech by making Social Media limit or censure “disfavored speech”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AExMV1fpZA4 - John Kennedy Grills FBI Director Wray About Hunter Biden Laptop Story [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>112225, >>112226, >>112231, >>112239 Genomics scientist Kevin McKernan has lost an entire database of research worth $200,000 after the New Zealand health service obtained an injunction to prevent the sharing

>>112227 Iran court orders US to pay $50 billion for Soleimani assassination

>>112228 Transnational Repression: Authoritarians Targeting Disssenters Abroad Senate Foreign Relations Committee

>>112229 Housing Affordability: Governmental Barriers and Market-Based Solutions House Financial Services Committee

>>112230 Judge Denies Jack Smith's Request To Conceal Documents In Trump Classified Materials Case

>>112232 Italy Exits China's Silk Road Initiative Citing 'Lack Of Expected Results'

>>112233 Janet Ossebaard, Creator of “Fall of the Cabal” Series, Is Missing and Is Feared to Have Committed Suicide

>>112234 PF Russian AF RSD501 Special Flight Detachment-this is VP and departed Dhabi and heading to Riyadh,SA to meet with MBS and discuss OPEC+ cuts, muh Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, Yemen

>>112235 Oppenheim's idea of "waving space-time" is based upon asking why gravity should have a quantum nature

>>112236 @NavalInstitute China is engaged in a campaign of low-level coercion to control disputed spaces by using a steady progression of incremental steps while avoiding armed conflict to secure its aims.

>>112237, >>112238, >>112240, >>112241, >>112242, >>112243, >>112244, >>112246 Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose

>>112245 #24590

(32 notables, 49 posts, 67 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131260

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20034214 Q Research General #24591: GOP Senate Doubles Down on Border Close or No War Funds Edition

Created 061532ZDEC23




>>112247 #24591-B

>>112248, >>112254, >>112255 Mark Lamb (R) Pinal County AZ Sherriff says that every illegal crossing the border receives a $5,000 gift card

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JoAGETmfLz8 - $5000 GIFT CARDS FOR BREAKING THE LAW #arizona #sherifflamb [Channel: Sheriff Lamb]

>>112249, >>112311, >>112319 RFK Jr. admits he twice flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet and wife had ‘relationship’ with Ghislaine Maxwell

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4adeb8fd35d7708fceadbfefe0cd93028c42aad178372862e86a52b942bbc194.mp4

>>112250 Grothman Blasts UPenn President Over Jewish Student Who Is 'Afraid To Walk To The Library At Night'

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WWhxV-zWVdg - Grothman Blasts UPenn President Over Jewish Student Who Is 'Afraid To Walk To The Library At Night' [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>112251 Ukraine’s defense intelligence ministry says it assassinated former Pro-Russian Ukrainian presidential candidate Illia Kyva near Moscow in targeted operation

>>112252 US House committee to markup FISA Section 702 reform bill

>>112253 Is WAPO looking for a “lone wolf” to assassinate President Trump? Matt Gaetz seems to thinks so…

>>112256 California retailers that refuse to have gender-neutral toys for children will be FINED up to $500

>>112257 Biden, Xi to agree on reopening of military-to-military channels

>>112258 Wikileaks just dumped a massive trove of documents

>>112259 Bank of Canada Keeps Rates At 5% As Expected, Drops Language On Rising Inflation Risks

>>112260, >>112261 X politics trending

>>112262 New polls!

>>112263 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Stars Versus Dust in the Carina Nebula

>>112264 17-year-old suspected gang member arrested for armed carjacking of female FBI agent in DC SURPRISE!

>>112265 Autistic hospital patient dies after being left to ‘starve to death’

>>112266, >>112267, >>112291, >>112298 Add to list McCarthy Out

>>112268, >>112288 Belgian National Charged with Crimes Related to Scheme to Illegally Procure Critical U.S. Technology for End Users in China and Russia

>>112269 Iran Says It Launched Animals Into Orbit in Preparation for Human Space Missions

>>112270, >>112304, >>112306, >>112307, >>112308 resident Biden delivers remarks urging Congress to pass his national security supplemental request, including funding to support Ukraine.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FDXPe_f2LWY - President Biden Delivers Remarks on his National Security Supplemental Request [Channel: The White House]

>>112271, >>112273 UK's Sellafield Nuclear Plant Allegedly Hacked By China And Russia, Government Says…

>>112272 'You Have A Lot Of Gall, Sir!': Mike Lee Explodes At FBI's Wray Over Agents' Abuses

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ePBysxMUKoI - 'You Have A Lot Of Gall, Sir!': Mike Lee Explodes At FBI's Wray Over Agents' Abuses [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>112274 PF Russian AF RSD911 Special Flight Detachment Ilyshun 96 appears NE of Cuba heading to Havana from Moscow depart

>>112275 Drug startup aims to cure blindness by developing medications in space

>>112276 Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alexander Ben Zvi told TASS he would complete his diplomatic service in Moscow in late December and retire

>>112277 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks Announcing Four Russia-Affiliated Military Personnel Charged with War Crimes in Connection with Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

>>112278 1st_Marine_Div Off Into the Sunset

>>112279, >>112283 Judge Denies Jack Smith's Request To Conceal Documents In Trump Classified Materials Case

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dfb49d8bcba62caef4f3db13de57ae24857e7d987977aa6c47833d03875269ed.pdf

>>112280 Nuclear power on the moon: Rolls-Royce unveils reactor mockup

>>112281, >>112289, >>112293, >>112294 In comments listen to Jeff Bezos discuss the DoD's desire to rent over 200 warehouses, which numerous sources believe will be used as indoctrination camps to 'reprogram' MAGA/America First/Supposedly???

>>112282 President of Russia Vladimir Putin arrives to Riyadh on a working visit

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QDiC2O5nvGw - The Hanging Tree [Channel: Rachel Zegler - Topic]

>>112284 American chocolate tycoon Jonathan Lehrer is charged with MURDER alongside 'hitman' he 'hired to kill Canadian software developer Daniel Langlois and his partner' in Dominica

>>112285, >>112295 @SenJohnBarrasso is objecting to the passage of S. 25 by unanimous consent—preventing the passage of a ban on so-called "assault weapons"

>>112286 Judicial Watch received 25 pages of records in a FOIA request from the DC Department of Transportation which show the cost to taxpayers to repaint the Black Lives Matter slogan on a street in the nation’s capital was over $270,000.

>>112287 @FORSCOM #Soldiers joined forces with New Zealand Defence Force gunners of 163 Battery, 16th Field Regiment, Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery

>>112290 lb, Today marks 1700 days in prison for Julian Assange without trial for his journalistic work of exposing US and NATO war crimes. The war criminals spent 0 days in prison. 4.7 years

>>112292 "They're Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud": Tucker And Massie Slam Additional Ukraine Funds For 'War They Cannot Win'

>>112296 Navigating Mental Health in Aviation

>>112297 PF SAM312 C40B WH NSO AC departed Austin Intl NW-arrived from Travis AFB, CA last night

>>112299 China launches remote-sensing satellite for Egypt

>>112300 Senator Shaheen and Others News Conference on National Security Supplemental Aid Request

>>112301 lb, Kevin McCarthy ~ "That's a wrap." As the son of a firefighter from Bakersfield 17 55

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd3f7764514c1a0500f587086ed79ef93b5c6cefc67f2d5cc6add3fea5ef69f4.mp4

>>112302 Trump Campaign Strikes Back At 'Dictator' Hit-Piece In WaPo, Gaetz Says 'Green-Lighting Assassination'

>>112303 Exxon Hikes Buybacks 14%, Will Buy Back $20 Billion In Stock Next Year

>>112305 "Echo Chamber Of Diplomats": Jeff Ubben The Latest Fund Manager To Criticize "Green" Investing

>>112309, >>112310, >>112313, >>112314, >>112315, >>112317 The sky over Abu Dhabi was painted in the colors of the Russian flag in honor of Putins arrival

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc51a985dcb49c9ccfa986480ae6b181da468c13ad0aebee6333f22e0d9ee05e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/da7330cc85c10462ac8be5f33a566069122bafb8ef0fa2aa6e8a2bac71169148.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5e36c1fcffedcb2b9b354149bd47cec0744994f32d8f1e4bb123c05d38e1f751.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74e6c9f612db019a9c975749b7087bdf0a43bffdbcc40e3fd58583f2b47d41d8.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/022df92d3a69621e1888eb0fb5184418ec512b2ef0362033ddc0d595fd7097dc.mp4

>>112312 Harnwell: Ireland announces it has “run out of room” for refugees — 75% of which are Ukrainian.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zqy24 - Harnwell: Ireland announces it has “run out of room” for refugees — 75% of which are Ukrainian [8:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112316 'Huge risk' of terrorist attacks in the European Union, home affairs chief warns

>>112318 Dr. Ryan Cole: 'The Synthetic Spike Protein [in the Covid VAXXX] Is the Swiss Army Knife of Harm'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f8a6a6d53c11fcd7cf06c6eee770555be81814cd7f4420d7bae36f727ea2b21.mp4

>>112320 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EwsJCHb0pEA - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - December 6, 2023 - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>112321 Governments are spying on Apple and Google users through phone notifications, U.S. senator says

>>112322 #24591-A

>>112323 Journalists suggest reporting on ‘climate change’ like war or COVID to rile up Canadians

>>112324 Good vs Evil." Q post #925

>>112325 #24591-B

(55 notables, 79 posts, 90 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131261

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20035124 Q Research General #24592: 'You Have A Lot Of Gall, Sir!' Edition

Created 061812ZDEC23




>>112326 #24592-A

>>112327, >>112330, >>112336, >>112339 ICYMI : James Yoo and a False Flag Warning for Dec 7

>>112328, >>112333, >>112334, >>112345 Putin got the purple floor in SA. Was trying to post that clip, invalid image.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LlY90lG_Fuw - Pharrell Williams - Freedom (Video) [Channel: PharrellWilliamsVEVO]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/18ae42e0996a5ec0c5a98bec936aab3e443aceeb10735053bb0bb60b919707aa.mp4

>>112329, >>112364, >>112370 Kiev could become a Russian city - US senator: They must need a lot more money to launder

>>112331, >>112342 Governments Need to Impose Global Carbon Tax on Citizens to Punish Them for Using Energy: Leo Hohmann exposes the EVIL IMF Boss, Kristalina Georgieva

>>112332, >>112385 Swalwell wants to make FISA all inclusive (Cap 5:00) (Cap 1:49)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/65f5231aadd39d92b77b3ec9dee689dcc51b0100a66ee960bdd863d6c6b91b1e.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9dcaa01c7de70d921d3010948f7840c5ec54851f8b3f70961dc41a250e22b30d.mp4

>>112335 Canuck: Mayor Valérie Plante, Suddenly Collapses While Giving a Press Conference on Live TV

>>112337 NATO warplanes ‘legitimate targets’ over Ukraine – Moscow

>>112338 In the post’s caption, the group wrote, “Holiday Display up at the State Capitol. Hail Satan! And Happy Holidays from Satanic Iowa.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jRVrVPUWVR0 - Satanic Temple of Iowa Puts display in State Capitol [Channel: WHO13]

>>112340 resident delivers remarks at the White House Tribal Nations Summit Department of the Interior, Biden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fA2NFVdMtyU - President Biden Delivers Remarks at the White House Tribal Nations Summit [Channel: The White House]


>>112343, >>112350, >>112352, >>112357 Sean Combs and two other men have been accused of gang-raping a 17-year-old inside his recording studio in 2003 in a new lawsuit

>>112344, >>112379 PF updates

>>112346 Zelensky critic found dead in Russia

>>112347 ‘End of the Country’ if House Bungles Frank and Hunter’s Testimony

>>112348, >>112367, >>112372, >>112388 Forbes names ‘most powerful woman’ award winner: Ursula von der Leyen’s backing of Ukraine, second year running

>>112349, >>112358 Donald J. Trump: Crazy Liz Cheney, who may be responsible for destroying the evidence from the J6 Unselect Committee, making all cases, past and present…

>>112351, >>112359, >>112361, >>112365, >>112369, >>112381 Kevin McCarthy Announces Retirement at End of Year Q 1822

>>112353 Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb: Every Illegal Alien Crossing Border Received $5,000 Gift Card

>>112354 Dick Durbin Suffers Memory Loss After Claiming Epstein Flight Logs Inquiry Has “Never Been Raised by Anyone” Despite Requests from Senator Blackburn

>>112355, >>112360 Ecocentrism?

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/18078de50432bb2272fe06ea8f380d31e7ad3d9c5e8c04eabcb0466f5150afb1.pdf

>>112356 Applicants for German Citizenship Must Now Declare Loyalty to Israel, Zionism in Saxony-Anhalt

>>112362 House Republicans investigating Georgia DA Fani Willis for coordinating with the J6 Cmte obtained this letter, it's a scam

>>112363, >>112371, >>112383 Jim Jordan's strongly worded letter, If Biden does not appear for his deposition on December 13, 2023, the Committee will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings

>>112366 FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin explains the dark “circular model” being used against J6 political prisoners…

>>112368 Italy Withdraws from China's Belt and Road Initiative: Italy was the ONLY G7 Nation part of the initiative

>>112373 District’s LGBTQ Lesson Plans For Kindergarteners Include Resources From Pro-Sex Change Organization

>>112374 Attorney General Ken Paxton suing the US State Dept, fight to save Americans’ constitutional rights

>>112375, >>112376, >>112377 Todays House Oversight and Accountability Committee links

>>112378 FAKE NEWS: Bill Gates says Africans need GMO seeds, chickens to survive climate change

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cV-JQobztok - Bill Gates speech at Africa Climate Summit [Channel: NTV Kenya]

>>112380, >>112382 Pedo Cultist and UN Secretary General António Guterres warns of "humanitarian system" collapse in Gaza

>>112384 Live stream: 2024 presidential primary debate 8pm ET

>>112386 U.S. sends another $175 million in weapons to Ukraine.

>>112387 Biden: Today, I'm signing an executive order to reform the federal funding system for tribes, cutting that red tape, so you can deliver for your community faster, and better. [making it easier to steal money by using Tribal Nations as a front]

>>112389 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby 2:45 PM EST LINK

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=joU2SD4q1Ok - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby [Channel: The White House]

>>112390 Boris Epshteyn On The Mainstream's Fear Mongering Of President Trump 4:34

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zy0ed - Boris Epshteyn On The Mainstream's Fear Mongering Of President Trump [4:34] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112391 The Money Supply (M2) Continues Its Biggest Collapse Since The Great Depression

>>112392, >>112405, >>112411, >>112420, >>112424 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | PBD Town Hall LIVE NOW

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yqxF3nJtShk - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | PBD Town Hall [Channel: PBD Podcast]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yqxF3nJtShk - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | PBD Town Hall [Channel: PBD Podcast]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yqxF3nJtShk - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | PBD Town Hall [Channel: PBD Podcast]

>>112393 Darren Beattie: Is WAPO Looking for a “Lone Wolf” to Assassinate President Trump? 14:38

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zy0ys - Darren Beattie: Is WAPO Looking for a “Lone Wolf” to Assassinate President Trump? [14:38] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112394 The White House’s Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws

>>112395, >>112402 lb, Kevin McCarthy ~ "That's a wrap." As the son of a firefighter from Bakersfield 17 55

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c62ff9d2d8020222ce0bd3a342d0b061278bdcec3754a1414b443e33383b2b22.mp4

>>112396 Chuck Schumer comms: The world is watching. Our adversaries are watching.

>>112397 RNC Alleges Irregularities in Nevada Voter Rolls, Issues Lawsuit Warning

>>112398 Breitbart Throws a Fit Over GOP Rep. Thomas Massie Sharing 'Anti-Semitic Meme'

>>112399, >>112401 lb, Today marks 1700 days in prison for Julian Assange without trial for his journalistic work of exposing US and NATO war crimes. The war criminals spent 0 days in prison. 4.7 years

>>112400 Louisiana Another Election Overturned Due to Shenanigans

>>112403 #24592-A

>>112404 Colorado Supreme Court Oral Arguments in Trump 14th Amendment Case to prevent Trump from appearing on election ballots

>>112406 Jill Biden Hosts a Toys for Tots Celebration with Military Families

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=igAELBzYAf8 - First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Toys for Tots Celebration with Military Families [Channel: The White House]

>>112407, >>112415, >>112419 Chuck Schumer destroying the rights of the 2nd Amendment: 11 years ago next week, 26 innocent lives were cut short by an automatic weapon in Sandy Hook

>>112408, >>112414, >>112418 ADL / Anti Defamation League Dig Bun / lb

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec83377a70f45e2b594d9fcf4c038fca1c203407b4e226cf9b3db9d02fa833dc.mp4

>>112409 Janet Yellen Joins Zelensky In Saying US Would Be "Responsible For Ukraine's Defeat"

>>112410 LEAK: Fulton County Prosecutors Put Mike Pence on Witness List to Testify Against Trump in RICO Case

>>112412 WTF are Beers Ears? biden (Cap 0:36)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55ada8e0f714160e814e863bb95a1468e19b99e6906db40c799ea1b87151d498.mp4

>>112413 CLOWN Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Posts Video of Visit to Pentagon and Shares He’s Working on a Special Task

>>112416 PF updates SAM400 C32A inbound from Prague depart-possibly DNI Avril Hainesand was in Muenchen prior to Prague

>>112417, >>112423, >>112427 University of Nevada, Las Vegas “active shooter”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sewtaQvDXhQ - ACTIVE SHOOTER: Multiple victims reported by Las Vegas police [Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles]

>>112421 Jean-Pierre: We have to act. The time is now. The world is watching for sure, and we can't let Putin win.

>>112422 Donald J. Trump: What a great group and people! (Cap 0:27)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db26a060a638a87b3f9e29adbd4632cb48a2331d7b1fd48dad4ad53bdae4c303.mp4

>>112425 Democrat mega donor Reid Hoffman gives $250k to boost Nikki Haley’s campaign and ‘defeat Trump’

>>112426 Is it me or is there always a shooting when Joe Biden gets accused of something with receipts

>>112428 MTG: Speaker Johnson worked with Chuck Schumer to cut a deal that removes all abortion and trans surgery prohibitions we passed under Speaker McCarthy

>>112429 #24592-B

(63 notables, 104 posts, 97 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131262

File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,Clipboard.jpeg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20035917 Q Research General #24593: Assault Weapons Ban DEFEATED: Dems Activate Nevada Shooter? Edition

Created 062122ZDEC23




>>112430 #24593

>>112431, >>112451 Wave after wave of fighting age 'migrants' flooding the border setting records

>>112432 New Zealand whistleblower who leaked data linking COVID jabs to excess deaths faces 7 years in prison

>>112433, >>112434, >>112436, >>112438, >>112439, >>112440, >>112441, >>112442, >>112445 ADL / Anti Defamation League Dig Bun

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u12I5_mLazI - ADL CEO calls for Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson [Channel: CNN]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X0qeNOTyGU4 - Asking Social Media To Ban Trump's Accounts Is Not "Unreasonable," Says ADL CEO [Channel: Bloomberg Technology]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X51-Ixl0Jr8 - Why the CEO of ADL says Trump has 'joined the 'D' list of celebrities' [Channel: CNN]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sZ6hvUFdtoE - ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Discusses President Trump's Racist Tweets [Channel: Anti-Defamation League]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=e_cxiPWPBKQ - ADL CEO explains why Whoopi Goldberg shouldn't be 'canceled' [Channel: CNN]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VY0hbjm5AAA - ADL’s Greenblatt: Trump’s Social Media Attack On Jews 'Are Dangerous Comments At A Dangerous Time’ [Channel: MSNBC]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VlL6tQ0yzcM - ‘OK’, Bowlcut Now Hate Symbols, The ADL Says [Channel: CBS Boston]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ItYUmmbv1ec - I'm Surprised Anyone Is Still Surprised By Trump's Actions: Jonathan Greenblatt [Channel: MSNBC]

>>112435, >>112437 Janet Ossebaard is missing

>>112443 NYC Orders Voter Registration Forms For All Migrants

>>112444 Look at this bill that's being proposed in Illinois about blood donations

>>112446, >>112448, >>112453 Anon review of the first two J6 vids

>>112447 Did Tucker Carlson just out AJ as Mossad?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/08a3b72412ed8f52cde01fdc437907d1de30fa58529d4a13745e9da09d2e6da3.mp4

>>112449 Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users

>>112450 Carson Block shorts Blackstone Mortgage Trust

>>112452 "They Set Up A System Impervious To American Citizens": Bannon On The Elites' Control

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zy5p7 - "They Set Up A System Impervious To American Citizens": Bannon On The Elites' Control [10:18] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112454 #24593

(13 notables, 25 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131263

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20036713 Q Research General #24594: Thanks again for "Releasing" all those J6 tapes to the public!

Created 070026ZDEC23




>>112455 #24594

>>112456 Archives of Disease in Childhood: Child mask mandates for COVID-19: a systematic review

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3a3c8ffbbf3630c288ffca8636fabd8187f1c7333168b605bc2d1fc11ea5941c.pdf

>>112457 World Health Organization Calls for Huge Global Tax Increases on Alcohol, Soda

>>112458 One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response

>>112459 BBC gives the finger

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bace4294ae8388b8abccf01c2c73cf2bc4cc5343481d647fe63caa4f676c0403.mp4

>>112460, >>112480 @US3rdFleet RIMPAC 2024 Trailer

>>112461, >>112462, >>112465, >>112468, >>112481 1998 De Niro held, questioned in Paris over vice ring

>>112463 First Boeing 787 Dreamliner Lands on Icy Runway in Antarctica

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f70c5c5398f791ba1143c1e6dea0ba2ced809c89dda4735d98cbea5aabe5743b.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b92e5176f956aed5e794eb5b070f479bf43a24d3c5d3ce96217ccaa215afdb1e.mp4

>>112464 Four Year Delta

>>112466 @USSF_SSC Don't forget, the USSF T-MINUS 10-MILER race is this weekend! It’s a great way to support Space Systems Command’s essential role in the race to resilience by 2026

>>112467, >>112471 Stocks slip, 10-year Treasury yield falls as rate cut timing weighed (January 25bp then in March another)

>>112469, >>112472 Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy take the stage in bid to close the gap with Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yFCidAyIMUU - LIVE: Blaze Media Reacts to 2024 Republican Presidential Debate, Moderated by Megyn Kelly [Channel: BlazeTV]

>>112470, >>112473, >>112483, >>112486 PF updates

>>112474, >>112478 Leadership is asking members of the NDAA “conference” to sign the 3000+ page conference report which is being released behind closed doors without even getting time to read it! 702 passed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CsCHNpUeNsI - Spectacular volcanic eruption on Iwo Jima Island [Channel: news.com.au]

>>112475 Bannon: "Once MAGA gets into power they're gonna start connecting the dots on what you've done". By the way, I speak for Steven K Bannon, I do not speak for Donald J. Trump, he speaks for himself.“

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zzbpa - Bannon: "Once MAGA gets into power they're gonna start connecting the dots on what you've done" [8:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112476 Kash Patel Explains How Christopher Wray And The FBI Have Been Illegally Surveilling Americans

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zzgb4 - Kash Patel Explains How Christopher Wray And The FBI Have Been Illegally Surveilling Americans [8:00] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112477 Night Owl News Archives 'Game Night

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zxe3v - Night Owl News Archives 'Game Night'- 12/06/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>112479 Anniversary of Pearl Harbor tomorrow 12/7/1941

>>112482 Air Force looks to create single ‘Frankenplane’ from 2 damaged F-35s

>>112484 Honduran cartels allegedly supply the fentanyl in San Francisco

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lLGRGZTk51w - Jack the Bipper [Channel: Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan]

>>112485 Liberty Council has won multiple lawsuits at the SC and they are convinced that Pfizer could be in deep shit

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zyqha - Matthew Staver Discusses The Liberty Counsel’s Progress In The Fight Against COVID Vaccines [26:57] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112487 BANG! Latest Gun-Ban Scheme Gets Shot Down in Congress.

>>112488 #24594

(23 notables, 34 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131264

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20037435 Q Research General #24595: GOP Debate Winner Remains Trump Edition

Created 070314ZDEC23




>>112489 #24595

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de2513cb4ec4e6a1e3879dac295bd9898c339fbcf62199fdc5b64c01c7f8f44f.mp4

>>112490 Lara Logan's Rest of the Story: What are they still hiding about January 6th? People are afraid for their lives!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zzysh - Lara Logan's Rest of the Story: What are they still hiding about January 6th? [26:41] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112491, >>112494 VIVEK: Chris, do everybody a favor, walk off this stage, have a nice meal, and get out of the race

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2ea76ce01b4b06faf8a030e8f414b40ba48923ca8a7c89a3a1e2c8dc82131f7a.mp4

>>112492 Bob Ferguson's office is providing $40.6 million in financial restitution to households whose income is at or below 175% of the federal poverty level

>>112493 Mike Johnson Backtracks, Caves to Deep State, Democrats on Slipping FBI Spy Power Reauthorization into Defense Bill

>>112495 Jack Smith just filed a motion describing the evidence he plans to use in Trump's J6 trial in DC

>>112496, >>112497 @GovChristie This is the fourth debate @VivekGRamaswamy would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in America

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b996410ecebcc6d68a6f440955a971f312f9e75e7d30805381f74274fe25e68.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/963e2ded009f4bc42262825190791c0c25f81245014e9e5af3425817d2e8b58c.mp4

>>112498 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>112499, >>112502 cloud seeding graphene oxide nanoparticles

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33bff03eff308112bf556b12bb02135c4cd22c6a4e395a8daf9a6848986ecdf6.mp4

>>112500 @NikkiHaleyHQ Vivek: “Not worth my time.”

>>112501 Ramaswamy calls out all three candidates for turning on Trump after using him for money and endorsements and then drops truth nukes

>>112503 The Cat pulls one out of his hat!

>>112504, >>112506 So you're not mad at those who lied to you for years. But you're mad at me for proving they lied to you?

>>112505 QClock December 06, 2023 - Quantum DARPA Entangled Spiderwebs

>>112507 Trump’s phone background is a photo of himself

>>112508 Biden Threatens Direct U.S. Troop Fights Against Russia if Congress Doesn’t Fund Ukraine

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_iZv5ursdYg - Biden: "We're the reason Putin hasn't totally overrun Ukraine" [Channel: Global News]

>>112509 The Radical Left Democrats in Congress, under the influence of the Crooked Joe Biden Regime, viciously subpoenaed my COMPLETELY INNOCENT family

>>112510 Christie: And I guess tonight I just had had enough. I had enough of listening to his garbage.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7826da398f9b54a4a0f8fce14b38b4bf22940f764c8d54290b64f1b15923242a.mp4

>>112511 Melania Trump to Speak at National Archives Citizen Swearing In Ceremony.

>>112512 @realDonaldTrump Thank you, Iowa voters!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9645ad580dd5b4fef52ddc843ee74536fefe12aec979e831f2028d857bc96bda.mp4

>>112513, >>112515 Memes of the bread.

>>112514 RASHEED WALTERS: Donald Trump Isn’t Worried About ‘Neocon Nikki’

>>112516 Just some nice music to listen to

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ST00EfLAvBM - The Best Of YIRUMA Yiruma's Greatest Hits ~ Best Piano 2022 [Channel: Miracle Music]

>>112517 This level of lying is what you see in full blown dictatorships

>>112518 #24595

(25 notables, 30 posts, 41 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131265

File: 4124dc1219c6799⋯.png (394.56 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20038277 Q Research General #24596: Lara Logan J6 Video, Watch Out Ray Epps! Edition

Created 070649ZDEC23




>>112519 #24596

>>112520 Nikki Haley stomps on Ramaswamy's '3-inch heels' comment

>>112521 Here they come.

>>112522 Researchers have now observed "unexpected molecular processes" inside the cells of people after mRNA injection — FAZ

>>112523 There are no military planes flying anywhere near Kiev.

>>112524 Iranian president arrives in Moscow

>>112525, >>112530 FBI agents arrested a 58-year-old man near Heber Overgaard, Arizona, last week on a U.S. charge that alleged he incited the violence through comments posted online last December

>>112526 Swampy habbenings for 12/7/2023

>>112527 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/07/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v4013rj - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/07/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>112528 Bidens America, try to get some holiday shopping done while thugs in all black rampage the malls stealing and destroying everything in sight...

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c71337b96000e5c6d2f9857a8c46cfd22ba5018d634e19429cfe1a43b5c5ec64.mp4

>>112529 Two years after Oakley Carlson was declared missing, her former foster parents honored her at Disneyland.

>>112531 DJT TS w/CAP: Heading to a Witch Hunt with a Crooked Judge and a Bats..t CRAZY (and Racist!), A.G. This case was decided against me before it even started...

>>112532 #24596

(13 notables, 14 posts, 13 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131266

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20039209 Q Research General #24597: A Date That Will Live In Infamy Edition

Created 071438ZDEC23




>>112533 #24597

>>112534 Disney lost over 195 billion this past year

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ce133c4724682b9ef6ac73897a5a9a7cceaaa17348cd9e9e19617226206c5f75.mp4

>>112535 December 7, 2023 10:00 AM EST National Archives and Records Administration's Freedom of Information Act

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=485AosMBBZM - FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting [Channel: US National Archives]

>>112536 December 7, 2023 10:00 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the Anti-Corruption Champions Award Ceremony

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PC5WAM7TFfo - Secretary Blinken delivers remarks at the Anti-Corruption Champions Award Ceremony - 10:00 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>112537 Trump: I won’t be a dictator ‘except for day one’

>>112538 11:00 AM EST Business Meeting Senate Foreign Relations Committee

>>112539 (SOUTHCOM) will conduct flight operations in Guyana's airspace amid Venezuela tensions.

>>112540 Trump Blasts Judge, 'Lunatic' Letitia James Before NYC Civil Fraud Trial Resumes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JIqRBC7C24U - BREAKING NEWS: Trump Blasts Judge, 'Lunatic' Letitia James Before NYC Civil Fraud Trial Resumes [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>112541 Anon Defines Democide

>>112542, >>112544 House censures Bowman for falsely pulling fire alarm

>>112543, >>112546, >>112548 PF report

>>112545 Ramaswamy Meme Template

>>112547 Musk / GROK: The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall.

>>112549 CBP to ‘temporarily’ suspend operations at Lukeville border amid migrant surge

>>112550 Station Reaches 25 Years in Orbit

>>112551, >>112553, >>112554, >>112559 ALL PB planeFag: Europe/Med-Ukraine AF A330 landed at Rzsesow from JBA

>>112552 12:00 PM EST News Conference on Sandy Hook Anniversary

>>112555 President Trump speaks during a break in his NYC civil fraud trial outside the courtroom.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9MIukNJ1-o8 - BREAKING NEWS: Trump Goes After 'Horrendous' Letitia James, Biden During NYC Civil Fraud Trial Break [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>112556 Elon Musk unloads on advertisers - Yeah, why do their Chief Marketing Officers endorse child trafficking!?

>>112557 NYC man wins $10M on scratch-off lottery ticket — for the second time

>>112558 California Governor Cancels Public Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

>>112560 Trump’s loyalty-first cabinet. EXCLUSIVE details:

>>112562 #24597

(23 notables, 29 posts, 28 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131267

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20040094 Q Research General #24598: Trump/Ramaswamy 2024 Edition

Created 071755ZDEC23




>>112563 #24598

>>112564 1:00 PM EST Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans Hold News Conference on Border Security

>>112565, >>112567, >>112572 MP4, Memes of the Thread

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/03d2269639c37e930d5288f6a4da89c0dada15cdbac89447ffe73755c137ffe5.mp4

>>112566, >>112581 Israel 10/7 Day of Rampage

>>112568 Mike Johnson Compares Himself to Moses #Biblical

>>112569, >>112582 Trump will leave NATO?

>>112570 Maricopa County Republicans Passes Resolution to Impeach Arizona’s AG for Persecuting Election Officials

>>112571, >>112579, >>112592 MP4 UNLV shooting suspect dead after 3 killed on campus, Las Vegas police say

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0f32505594cee17c7de8bd07a6ce261eef3597d7f036c63656f69b8715dac89d.mp4

>>112573 Speaker Mike Johnson Tables Move to Slip Deep State Reauthorization in Defense Bill

>>112574, >>112578, >>112587 "Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's (E)Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell #Disneygate

>>112575, >>112576, >>112577 Disney Official Guilty in Pornography Case #Disneygate

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d7044403c060995a1da8130d1fe7f53ad093f52c70d5d89253dbdf837c08417b.mp4

>>112580 John Kirby (WH conference): There are a small number of republicans that want to hold that aid (Ukraine) hostage

>>112583 EU state expels US embassy staff

>>112584 Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’

>>112585 Saudi Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz bin Bandar Al Saud has passed away,

>>112586 White House Approves Arms Sales to UAE and Saudi Arabia

>>112588 Jean-Pierre: We're coming out of a pandemic. What Americans had to deal with was a big deal.

>>112589 Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones, the most censored man in the world, will be released tonight!

>>112590, >>112591 End Of Fed Liquidity Pump Spells Trouble For Markets?

>>112593 PF: SAM312 C40B on final at Portsmouth Intl from Charleston Intl-WH

>>112594 Hazmat crews are on the scene as 10,000 Gallons of Fuel has Spill Onto JFK Airport

>>112595 PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

>>112596 Elon's giving the world the opportunity to call out Disney. #Memes

>>112597 Cosmopolitan Admits Abortion Is Satanic

>>112598 Army Soldier Files Criminal Complaint Against Commanding General for Unlaw in Violating His Whistleblower Status

>>112599 Soros nonprofit donated over $1M to group that previously bailed out suspect charged in deadly Texas shootings

>>112600 #24598

(27 notables, 38 posts, 36 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131268

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20040990 Q Research General #24599: Dubs Confirm DisneyGate Epstein #Iceberg Edition

Created 072108ZDEC23




>>112601 #24599

>>112602 ACT NOW AGAINST SECTION 702 ILLEGAL SPYING https://www.chooseliberty.org/intel-false-702-reform

>>112603 Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List

>>112604 ‘Memer of Congress’ Mike Collins trolls Hunter Biden with Christmas display: ‘Let it snow’

>>112605 @nypost Man found mauled to death in zoo enclosure after staff spotted big cat with shoe in its mouth

>>112606, >>112608 It's a big club and we ain't in it

>>112607 PF: SAM520 G5 returns to JBA after a quick 40m on ground at Offutt AFB-STRATCOM

>>112609 Forest Whitaker’s ex-wife, Keisha Nash Whitaker, dead at 51

>>112610 The J6 download app has been updated. Now features the ability to download the videos as MP4.

>>112611 Fox News has spent today absolutely burying Vivek Ramaswamy over his debate performance last night.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9b15741ca007bf1c1f66ab6ef9159994bdd44bfdf2d678da1a3faee450ceb194.mp4

>>112612 Democrat school board president eschews Bible, takes oath of office on pornographic LGBT book

>>112613 @X buckle up everyone, access to @grok is now rolling out to Premium+ subscribers in the US over the next week.

>>112614 lawyers at Defending the Republic just obtained thousands of pages of #Moderna documents

>>112615 50-year-old man once again competes with teenage girls in Ontario swim competition

>>112616, >>112634 PF: SAM480 G5 inbound to JBA, C102 US Coast Guard G5 west from Reagan National, 73-2676 E4B Nightwatch SE

>>112617 Archives to Divulge 62K Biden Records to Investigators, Including Alias Emails

>>112618 Russian hackers accused of targeting U.S. intelligence community with spear phishing campaign

>>112619, >>112641 @realDonaldTrump Happy Hanukkah!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6aa5f92986ab5cf93549624d2f33d06cd623e45305bccb33f612b77283f8e191.mp4

>>112620 Over $239M Worth Of Cocaine Seized In Pacific Last Month

>>112621, >>112622, >>112636 @TuckerCarlson “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” - Lloyd Austin

>>112623 @realDonaldTrump The Failing New York Times. Perhaps the most egregious statement of FAKE NEWS I have seen in years. [Maggot Hagerman]

>>112624 Son of North Dakota Sen. Kevin Cramer killed a police deputy in stolen SUV crash yesterday

>>112625 Vivek Ramaswamy Takes CNN's Dana Bash to School Regarding the New Footage Release from January 6th

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/61627451bfc6cd46704323ad493acabad48e497fa628f1563948559081ca3501.mp4

>>112626 UN Secretary-General invokes Article 99 on humanitarian crisis in Gaza: Why and what it means?

>>112627 Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein dies "unexpectedly" at 51

>>112628 Matt Perna gets an military honor guard at his funeral

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7689e49b7a51c3b011e84c859bd5efd3c164f1a2c92a9376e831ff7af0c9dff7.mp4

>>112629 Ukraine's latest weapons request includes THAAD air defenses and F-18s

>>112630 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 46 The Alex Jones Interview https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1732897835572461582

>>112631 M 7.1 Earthquake - 123 km S of Isangel, Vanuatu

>>112632 ‘Worse than Pornhub and OnlyFans’ — New Mexico AG Sues Meta Platforms and Mark Zuckerberg Following Undercover Operation Involving Minors

>>112633 @realDonaldTrump Just three years ago, our economy was booming

>>112635 Never-Ending Line of Military-Age Men show up on Biden’s Open Border Invitation

>>112637 6 pro-Trump ‘fake electors’ indicted by Nevada grand jury

>>112638 James Biden to Skip Wednesday’s Impeachment Inquiry Deposition

>>112639 It Now Costs 3.4 Million Dollars To Live “The American Dream”

>>112640 Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing

>>112642 #24599

(37 notables, 42 posts, 47 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131269

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20041831 Q Research General #24600: RECLAIM the REPUBLIC Edition

Created 080018ZDEC23




>>112643 #24600

>>112644 Crooked Joe has agreed to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023

>>112645 Owner of Philly restaurant targeted in Palestine protests is official Israeli govt propagandist and Biden ally

>>112646 Gaza / Isreal Livefeed of Updates

>>112647, >>112648, >>112650, >>112651, >>112652, >>112653 Trump trial live updates: 'There is no fraud here,'

>>112649 PF: BOXER42 C40C departed JBA NE across Atlantic

>>112654 Former Pennsylvania State Police Corporal Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison for Child Sexual Exploitation Offenses

>>112655 Japan's GDP contraction revised to 2.9% drop (annualized)

>>112656 @realDonaldTrump Ted Yoho: “America faces a crisis on almost every front."

>>112657 (DoD) has announced it will conduct military training across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex from December 4 to December 16, 2023


>>112659, >>112661, >>112662, >>112663, >>112669 Hunter Biden indictments unsealed: [9] new tax evasion charges in California, facing 17 YEARS

>>112660 PF: B-52H 60-0001 "Memphis Belle IV". Still flying unidentified at this time and now holding station to the NNE of Syracuse, New York


>>112665, >>112666 Voat Anon reporting. The v/pizzagate anon who’s been investigating Heather O’Rourke’s death.

>>112668 @realDonaldTrump 45Conven.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c542fd7acf1fbd5952f172ba5fc36699d3c45dbfaad2d2a023a5c758fecd1dff.mp4

>>112670 #24600

(17 notables, 28 posts, 42 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131270

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20042652 Q Research General #24601: Finally, Q Research Edition

Created 080245ZDEC23




>>112671 #24601

>>112672 Italy becomes the first country to officially ban lab grown meat.

>>112673, >>112675 What is an abortion ritual?

>>112674, >>112681, >>112694, >>112697, >>112699 RE: [9] New Hunter Indictments UNSEALED

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8c817537e7fcb79915aff0b9d837162c40feba03d65b8db7517c0e24fdc28d99.mp4

>>112676 NOTABLE PDF - Dissertation on the relationship between Congress and FBI

>>112677, >>112679 The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon - globalresearch

>>112678 PF: Tracking SAM312

>>112680, >>112683, >>112701, >>112704, >>112705, >>112706 ADL Funding DIG #BanTheADL

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ec83377a70f45e2b594d9fcf4c038fca1c203407b4e226cf9b3db9d02fa833dc.mp4

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4aa4bfbbd3879715f3569c2fa72fbb20ef53e8f762ac01e1453e1ec31da1f07.pdf

>>112682, >>112684, >>112685, >>112686, >>112689, >>112690, >>112691, >>112692, >>112693 Robin Ware and USA Spending

>>112687 Private Emails Reveal Fani Willis Wants to Jail Trump and His Top Allies Charged in RICO Case - GWP

>>112688 PF: RCH1583 and 2805 C5 Galaxys departed Dover AFB w/4 digit call signs-equipment for VIP visits

>>112695 FBI Whistleblower: Why I Had to Expose the Political Agenda of Our Two-Tiered Bureau

>>112696 Elon's caveman chatbot Grok has been released to the public

>>112698 [WHO] offers modest $250 compensation to Congo sexual abuse victims

>>112700, >>112702, >>112703, >>112708 Excerpts: The ADL's '[PROTECT] Plan' DIG

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3005dd29d23e3d6e4c88cc9ebcd61eabda4c9a6962c69312452d71f9c09b4ba3.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7a1a4ec7854c0ed930f7d8094cdc5de0d46c4d3bfe0a05548a8fb41b0064e59a.pdf

>>112707 Remarks of James Yoo, owner of the house that got blown up in Arlington VA

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e179fb965bc04560d0c0878e0bd5532b3ca6ae659d1c0cc58cfced4564862452.mp4

>>112709 #24601

(17 notables, 39 posts, 79 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131271

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20043464 Q Research General #24602: 9 Unsealed Indictments Edition

Created 080824ZDEC23




>>112710 #24602

>>112711 Trump-appointee will oversee Hunter Biden's tax evasion case: First Son potentially faces 17 years in jail

>>112712, >>112714, >>112715, >>112716, >>112718, >>112719, >>112720, >>112721, >>112722, >>112735, >>112736, >>112737 James Woo/ Cyber OP dig cont from pb, house blown up to eliminate another Global Crossing witness?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RGgvvwHazJ0 - iQ Silk Route Transit Introduction [Channel: We Are iQ]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RGgvvwHazJ0 - iQ Silk Route Transit Introduction [Channel: We Are iQ]

>>112713 Saudi prince dies in plane crash – media

>>112717 Seychelles Declares Emergency After Heavy Flooding, Massive Blast at Explosives Depot

>>112723 Russell Brand: U.S Government forced to censor Anti-Vax videos because of surplus vaccines

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v404n5d - It's OVER For Pfizer! This Vaccine Lawsuit Could Change EVERYTHING [16:33] [Channel: Russell Brand]

>>112724, >>112725, >>112727, >>112730 Read the indictment charging Hunter Biden with nine federal tax crimes

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74a69af79ce5f8a74c960fa1663bd5e840366c7d11b04108fbd8bbf92477557f.pdf

>>112726 US Imposes Sanctions Over Red Sea Shipping Attacks

>>112728, >>112729, >>112745 A warning to anyone who is hosting the NZ whistleblower data….the NZ injunction is being ENFORCED around the world.

>>112731 @petermcculloughmd: My clinical practice experience with low-dose nicotine patches is positive.

>>112732 Vegas shooter has interesting interests.

>>112733 Loomer calls out Kayleigh McBitchfaceEnany for trashing DJT

>>112734 Another public school employee busted for CP

>>112738 WaPo mass walkoff today

>>112739 NEW DJT - "...the slimeballs brought them right in the middle of my very successful campaign for President..."

>>112740 Putin announces 2024 presidential bid

>>112741 Rocket fire around US embassy in Baghdad

>>112742 Based water filter salesman issues silver alert over meth fueled naked and geriatric white house explorer.

>>112743 DJT +50 in latest poll

>>112744 Russia supplying US Mil oil?

>>112746 The Biden family’s banking shell game

>>112747 Field Hearing, Little Rock, AR: Connecting Communities: Building Innovation Ecosystems Across America House Financial Services Committee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XzWOEuCoTDE - Hearing Entitled: Connecting Communities: Building Innovation Ecosystems Across America [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

>>112748 5 days ago Philippines Earthquake: Deaths Reported After 7.6 Shake

>>112749 Harris, Emhoff celebrate start of Hanukkah: ‘even in darkness, we can bring forth the light’

>>112750 #24602

(25 notables, 41 posts, 47 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131272

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20044403 Q Research General #24603:PEDO- IRS- FARA? Edition

Created 081511ZDEC23




>>112751, >>112753, >>112754, >>112773, >>112780, >>112782 @realDonaldTrump WATCH THE TRIAL!!!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vrjSGwBZHrU - Trump Latest News | Colorado Trial Live | Court to Decide If Trump Be Barred from Elections | N18L [Channel: CNN-News18]

>>112752 Rapper Kodak Black is arrested on drug charges three years after he was pardoned by Trump

>>112755, >>112759 @NikkiHaley If Russia wins, China wins. If Hamas wins, Iran wins. And if evil succeeds it puts all of us at risk

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/026811bfc15ee524dc05cee5e9314e446f88962b60ab460583ea727768eab344.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NEPpz8aJqCM - The Haleys Join Harris Faulkner’s “Families in Focus” [Channel: Nikki Haley]

>>112756 ITALY - A man Shot dead 2 of 3 robbers to defend his shop and wife and daughter who had both been tied up. He’s been ordered to pay €280,000 to the criminals families and imprisoned for 17 YEARS!!!

>>112757 We Aren’t Prepared For The Hell Democrats Will Put America Through In 2024

>>112758 U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

>>112760, >>112792 ICYMI: July Hunter Biden Hearing Before House Oversight Committee | U.S. Congress | N18L

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vwcpt4cMJFc - Hunter Biden LIVE | Hunter Biden Hearing Before House Oversight Committee | U.S. Congress | N18L [Channel: CNN-News18]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40akuv - Garrett Ziegler On Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Indictment: Drugs, Pimps, And Prostitutes [12:36] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112761, >>112763 Thousands of tons of dead fish wash ashore in Japan - three months after the nation released treated Fukushima radioactive water

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3i6n5WWAK_g - EMERGENCY UPDATE. CALL EVERYONE TO GET READY. [Channel: Full Spectrum Survival]

>>112762 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Vega and Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

>>112764, >>112770, >>112788 PF planeFag: Europe/Med./Gulf activity/CONUS:Potato departed for LasVegas then to LA

>>112765 Two Michigan couples are arrested for conspiring to adopt dozens of children from foster care before subjecting them to 'routine mental and physical abuse'

>>112766 Rationale for Nicotine Patch in Treatment of Long-COVID and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

>>112767 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>112768 @realDonaldTrump I am pleased to announce that very popular and highly respected Congressman, Jeff Van Drew, will be heading up my New Jersey effort for President

>>112769, >>112772 More Nations Meet to Address Space Security

>>112771 Wall Street CEOs try to convince senators that new capital rules will hurt Americans as well as banks

>>112774, >>112790 Controversial Satanic altar on display in Iowa State Capitol building

>>112775, >>112777 new Bill to ban hedge funds from invading housing markets/owning single fam homes

>>112776 Man, 56, to be sentenced in Perth after 249 charges on child sexual offences laid by Western Australia police

>>112778 UMich Inflation Expectations Collapsed In December; Republicans Drive Surge In Sentiment

>>112779 Brand New Volcanic Island Seen Growing From Space

>>112781 "Police deaths and illnesses alarm, we want data"

>>112783, >>112784 Runaway Space Station Tomato Rediscovered After 8 Months On The Lam

>>112785 November Employment Report: 199 thousand Jobs, 3.7% Unemployment Rate

>>112786 Meet Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's little known personal lawyer

>>112787 CDC: Salmonella Cases From Cantaloupes Have Doubled

>>112789 1:00 PM ESTmRestoring Free Inquiry and Civility in Higher Education American Enterprise Institute

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=eo1LG2g7UlE - Restoring Free Inquiry and Civility in Higher Education [Channel: American Enterprise Institute]

>>112791, >>112793, >>112794, >>112795, >>112796, >>112800 I’m doing a special interview with a former CIA contractor, now whistleblower, on corruption in our federal agencies, including child trafficking, national betrayal & murder.His team also created Q.???/Sawyer


>>112799 Prominent Rabbi Resigns from Harvard’s Antisemitism Board After School President’s Embarrassing Testimony

>>112801 US-Israel Rift Over Civilian Casualties Intensifies As 'King Bibi' Doubles Down

>>112802 US State Department used taxpayer funds to back censorship firms that target conservative media outlets

>>112803 French far-right leader Marine Le Pen to stand trial over alleged misuse of EU funds

>>112804 Many Countries Want Israel To Give Up The Golan Heights, Where A Cheney And Rothschild Company Drilled For Oil Under Netanyahu/What Is Genie Energy?

>>112805 Anti-Socialist Albanians Storm Parliament with Flares, Barricades, and Fires.

>>112806, >>112810, >>112811 Buckwheat up

>>112807 FDA Approves First CRISPR Treatment in U.S./ sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia

>>112808 Newly revealed 1994 photo of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with Jeffrey Epstein

>>112809 Affirm Israel’s Right to Exist in Writing if You Want German Citizenship, Migrants Told by Saxony

>>112812 #24603

(40 notables, 62 posts, 70 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131273

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20045288 Q Research General #24604: Trials: Trump Rollin, They Hatin Edition

Created 081914ZDEC23




>>112813 #24604


>>112815 Faced With Record Illegal Immigration, the White House Wants To Expedite Border Crossings

>>112816 Florida To Officially Classify mRNA COVID Shots As Illegal Bio-Weapons

>>112817 DC Removing 103,000 Ineligible Names from the Voter Rolls in Response to Judicial Watch

>>112818 @photowhitehouse - The evergreen tree is a stubborn woman

>>112819 Great afternoon for the D.C. National Guard's ‘District Dustoff’ to optimize hoist proficiency!

>>112820 Banks filed at least 6 suspicious activity reports flagging Joe Biden's home address, senator says

>>112821 DJT Truth

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/51d1f0a650eb0a4dbabf2be8a4257659d77b0827e063f68dfbf84a075cf169c7.mp4

>>112822 Unexpected Protein Linked to Early-Onset Dementia in Huge Discovery

>>112823 Shocking Report: U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

>>112824 Hunter Faces 42 Years in Prison

>>112825 @tassagency_en - Russian servicemen have completely dispelled the notion that Western military equipment is invulnerable during the special operation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a ceremony dedicated to Heroes of the Motherland Day

>>112826 17,177 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Strikes on Gaza Since Oct. 7 - Gaza Health Ministry

>>112827 Russia’s Central Election Commission has adopted a formal resolution designating March 15-17 as the dates for holding next year’s presidential election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3wG-krTvbqM - YOUR NEW MORNING ALARM (1 Hour Version) [Channel: Sasuke0pro]

>>112828 CDC encourages Americans to wear masks AGAIN in anticipation of respiratory contagion

>>112829 RepMikeTurner - Congress cannot let Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) expire at the end of December

>>112830 Not enough - millstone these fuckers (figuratively)

>>112831 @Jim_Jordan Subpoenas Secretary Mayorkas for Information on Violent Criminal Aliens Allowed Entry by DHS

>>112832 Charles Barkley on Trump supporters (for the keks)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e0e1a467e104f624c93ddb1568a55987892c59c384114c217e1257626930a55e.mp4

>>112833 There’s Only One Explanation For Hunter Biden’s Simple Indictment Taking So Long: 2020 Election Interference

>>112834 CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show

>>112835 Biotech CEO Pleads Guilty to COVID-19 Securities Fraud Scheme

>>112836 Musk - Does online count?

>>112837, >>112839 🌠 GUARDIANS OF THE DELTA! 🌠

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13959ebe0c4413517735c6cbe59c7918b453896d7464b8f211fd15c6c03e09a7.mp4

>>112838 DC Court of Appeals completely eviscerated the Trump gag order

>>112840, >>112844 UN Security Council resolution calling for an "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza has been vetoed by the United States

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ea95c5a75ead4fa7678d422ca94f40bf97c10316adec9623f42fca5d3d9a66e.mp4

>>112841, >>112851 PF Reports

>>112842 DJT Truth - We will appeal this decision!

>>112843 The stage is being set! 🚀

>>112845 Musk - Why does Bob Eager advertise on Meta, but boycott 𝕏? Real question.

>>112846 Snowden - This is well worth seeing. It's tomorrow. Be there.

>>112847 Yen reaches crossroads as BOJ explores end to negative rates

>>112848 Godfather of mRNA vaccines reveals plans to immunize people against CANCER

>>112849 No Christmas in Bethlehem! (WTF?)

>>112850 Dershowitz: Info About Hunter Was Almost ‘Covered Up by a Deal That Made No Sense’ — Need Special Counsel for Joe

>>112852 TRUMP's endorsement of Abe Hamadeh for AZ-8

>>112853 Git you sum J6 Video Action!

>>112854 Democrat Mega-Donor, Who Visited Epstein Island, Says He Is Funding Nikki Haley to Stop Donald Trump

>>112855 Home Depot co-founder endorses Nikki Haley, says Trump's time 'has come and gone

>>112856 BIDEN: "Over a billion three hundred million trillion three hundred million dollars!"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bc39010c6e96d63e372fd00b93d57bbc0c3b1ded5eef9f16801cc47d57ee0911.mp4

>>112857 California Sheriffs Travel to Border – Are Alarmed and Appalled at What they Saw

>>112858 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>112859 #24604

(44 notables, 47 posts, 45 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131274

File: d82661b60f35c4e⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,255x172,255:172,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20046074 Q Research General #24605: Ever Vigilant Anons Edition

Created 082328ZDEC23




>>112860 #24605

>>112861 Kash Patel: Tens Of Thousands Of Americans Surveilled Illegally Under Section 702 In America. His report is shockingly violations by the FBI

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40ake7 - Kash Patel: Tens Of Thousands Of Americans Surveilled Illegally Under Section 702 In America [19:22] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>112862 JAMES WOO DIG: Eric Holder's Role in Dicey Telco/Global Crossing Deal

>>112863, >>112866 Service Members to Get 5.2 Percent Raise in Bill

>>112864 Foreign Secretary David Cameron warns world order will NOT 'snap back' after Israel-Hamas war and 'appalling' Russian and Chinese aggression

>>112865 Planet Fitness Director and former CEO, $PLNT, sold 100% of his shares, approximately one million shares, for $66 million

>>112867 Statement from Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita on Media Speculation About Transition Effort

>>112868 US Bank Deposit Outflows Continue To Surge As Regional 'Stress' Accelerates

>>112869 Flights from Purdue University to Chicago resuming in 2024

>>112870 McCarthy declares support for Trump in 2024

>>112871 Ryan O’Neal, ‘Love Story’ actor who was longtime partner of Farrah Fawcett, dead at 82

>>112872 Potato got AF1 on the last 1k ft of his arrival descent from McCarran Intl to LAX

>>112873 Wowie! The Desantii, knowing they are going to get crushed in Iowa, now plan on bringing in voters from out of state to vote in their caucus.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ad57422a2585925bc63baff5f3a6988394d539cb7d1204469ab00e2d3e4da95.mp4

>>112874 #24605

(14 notables, 15 posts, 20 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131275

File: d82661b60f35c4e⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,255x172,255:172,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20046857 Q Research General #24606:Bread Title .... SOON............... Edition

Created 090253ZDEC23




>>112875 #24606

>>112876 Musk - I am told that there is no evidence that he (Bill Gates) ever visited the island

>>112877 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine pay dropped after Trump took office (RT)

>>112878 EU state’s parliament overrules president on Ukraine weapons (RT)

>>112879, >>112880 Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

>>112881 MBS canceled UK trip before welcoming Putin – FT (RT)

>>112882, >>112883, >>112884, >>112889 New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on FB and Instagram

>>112885 Dan the Man Elf on a Shelf

>>112886 DJT Truth - I never confused Crooked Joe Biden with Barack Obama, except in the form of a sarcastic joke, which the Fake News knows and fully understands. Sarcasm is a very dangerous thing for me to use!!!

>>112887 DJT Truth - Great day in the Rigged Court. Financial Expert was fantastic, exposing the Corrupt A.G. as a FRAUD!

>>112888 Scientists make 'huge' $540 billion discovery at the bottom of a giant lake

>>112890 Court Halts Imprisonment of Meme Artist Douglass Mackey Amid First Amendment Appeal

>>112891 #24606

(13 notables, 17 posts, 17 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131276

File: d82661b60f35c4e⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,255x172,255:172,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20047746 Q Research General #24607: Something Always Habbening in the Background Edition

Created 090829ZDEC23




>>112892 #24607

>>112893, >>112906 REMINDER: This is how they will begin the great reset - Moore vs United States

>>112894, >>112895, >>112896 CALL TO DIG Google Patent Reveals Maui Lazer fired by Discovery Channel

>>112897 Nypost overtly advocating for killing Palestinian civilians

>>112898 Joe Biden's personal lawyer Mel Monzack is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment

>>112899, >>112903 Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles

>>112900 Piers Morgan dedicates an interview to guilt tripping and trying to demoralize Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself from a violent mob

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ywDUcrVg7_Q - “It’s Our Right To Bear Arms!” Piers Morgan and Kyle Rittenhouse Debate Gun Control Laws [Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored]

>>112901 Van Jones in 2021 talking about how amazing it is that the white population is being replaced. (Just a far-right conspiracy theory)

>>112902, >>112904 How "People" were "legally" made into Corporations and Frauded

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b33e750943e38e991f4ee122ea495212a0d925ac61f611f4005c08cc222bb027.mp4

>>112905 After spending hours watching the first two J6 clips here are key takeaways - look for yourself!

>>112907 Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity of Impact

>>112908 le funny meme

>>112909, >>112910, >>112911, >>112912 RELEASE THE MONKEY POX NEWS CYCLE

>>112913, >>112918, >>112921, >>112922, >>112924 2019 Rothschild-Owned PG&E to Declare Bankruptcy Following California Wildfires

>>112914 King Felipe has arrived in Buenos Aries The King arrives in Buenos Aires to attend the inauguration of the President-elect of the Republic of Argentina, Javier Milei.

>>112915 This is Chyna's new export policy.

>>112916 INSIDERS ..

>>112917 climate activists not unglued kek

>>112919 @Harvard President Claudine Gay apologizes for her remarks in Congress:

>>112920, >>112923 1st Amendment Audit Fort Worth PD: The Birth of Turner v Driver

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oCs9tVY-2y4 - 1st Amendment Audit Fort Worth PD: The Birth of Turner v Driver [Channel: The Battousai]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zNYBCjE6_O8 - Man Flees Illegal Stop and Wins in Court [Channel: The Civil Rights Lawyer]

>>112925 US vetoes resolution on Gaza which called for ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire'

(21 notables, 34 posts, 38 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131277

File: 59bb80182d6ed14⋯.png (146.22 KB,609x338,609:338,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20048574 Q Research General #24608: E=BAKE

Created 091614ZDEC23




>>112926 #24608

>>112927 A bipartisan demand from @EliseStefanik and @RepMoskowitz for the removal of Presidents Gay, Magill, and Kornbluth.

>>112928 Terrified Leftist Media Stokes “Dictator” Fears As Biden Supporters Flee To “Orange Jesus” [Trump!]

>>112929 Woman arrested for alleged attempt to burn down Martin Luther King Jr's Atlanta birth home with gasoline

>>112930 New Mexico vs. Meta - Anons catch the cheese pizza drop?

>>112931 Nikki Haley's Fake Moderation Should Fool No One

>>112932 @JackPosobiec - Trump impeachment witness Alexander Vindman accused of trying to profit off Ukraine war

>>112933 Hunter Biden got staggering $4.9M from ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris: IRS whistleblower

>>112934 Crew of "Andromeda" yacht, which is believed to be involved in the Nord Stream pipeline attack, was checked by Polish officials before the explosion: "Our American friends were also on-site" - Polish agents


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3z6x22 - KERRY CASSIDY INTERVIEWS REAL CHIEF OF POLICE : TRUTHER [1:39:21] [Channel: BaggyPants]

>>112936 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains the History of the U.S. Bioweapons Program

>>112937 OSF commit $50m to women and youth groups' work on democracy

>>112938 Don't sell the DA's office to Soros supporters in exchange for sky high crime and social justice

>>112939, >>112945, >>112955, >>112979 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>112940 Boston-Area K-12 Schools to Receive Migrant Children After Families Housed in Local Hotels

>>112941, >>112942 Govts spying on Apple, Google users thru push notification - US Senator

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6efc1fedc513c5dffeabe6388be1209d0f7aa6fd97cac7286375e00d45b56849.mp4

>>112943 With Pizzagate in the news again, here's a brief summary of the story from Ben Swann.

>>112944 @LauraLoomer - @MAGAIncWarRoom President Trump’s PAC just released this statement calling out @CaseyDeSantis for encouraging voter fraud in Iowa ahead of the Iowa Caucus.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/743549e39c8ccc3c5c0d5dc03e56371f7d5bcc83ceffe35a248e4d2352f44e78.mp4

>>112946 #24607 posted in #24608

>>112947 Elise Stefanik: “In NY, President Trump is facing a two-pronged attack.

>>112948, >>112949 Rep. Gosar Is Second GOP Lawmaker to Demand House Members Access to The Gateway Pundit - Currently Blacklisted-Banned

>>112950 Ohio Whistleblower Says Schools Hiring Professionals to Push Big Pharma Drugs on Children via @gatewaypundit

>>112951 RE DIG of Maui Lazer & California Wildfires: Attorney Ralph Martin of Longmont, CO

>>112952 Social media algorithms are like digital AR-15s, they’re pulling people into “Qanon” rabbit holes, and Al Gore wants them banned...Qanon is the best known version of Artificial Insanity

>>112953 After the DeSantises Purposefully Spread False Election News to Commit Organized Voter Fraud in the Iowa Caucus, Voters Demand Kim Reynolds Must Declare a Free and Fair Election

>>112954, >>112962 @elonmusk Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? 70% Yes 30% No

>>112956 Billboards plastered with the phrase 'New York City Welcomes Immigrants' are popping up across El Paso

>>112957 America’s Destructive Education System

>>112958 Ukraine’s Defense Minister, U.S. DoD Inspector General talk joint monitoring of aid use


>>112960 @zerohedge: X CEO Says 10 Million New Users Joined 'Free Speech' Platform In December

>>112961 CMz: re accts not yet unbanned on Twit-X: Tag the banned account in a comment reply and also tag @elonmusk, Let's get you all unbanned.

>>112963 Arizona Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Being Handed $5,000 Visa Gift Cards

>>112964 @ArmyNavyGame weekend TODAY - 17th annual Patriot Games

>>112965 Trump’s campaign is distancing him from allies who have sketched out plans for a second term

>>112966, >>112967 Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms

>>112968 IG Robert P. Storch met with Ukraine's Defence Minister Rustem Umerov re transparency and accountability of U.S. security assistance to Ukraine

>>112969, >>112970 THE UNITED STATES IS BEING INVADED. The border looks like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

>>112971 “It was Russia that stopped to supply Europe with energy, it was the Russian president who stopped gas delivery,”

>>112972 Fueling this declining interest in science funding is a declining interest and trust in science itself

>>112973, >>112976, >>112977 @CBS_Herridge Attorney: “Mr. Biden has offered to appear at a hearing on Dec 13, 2023…He is making this choice because the Committee…uses closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort, the facts…”

>>112974 Signal Facing Collapse After CIA Cuts Funding Kit Klarenberg

>>112975 Tornado Warning including Waverly TN and McEwen TN, Tornado Warning continues for Bowling Green KY, Auburn KY and Plano KY

>>112978, >>112980 US Joins Over 60 Other Nations To Pledge Emissions Reduction From Air Conditioners And Refrigerators

>>112981 North Dakota Battling Cattle Anthrax Crisis: 25 Confirmed Cases Spark Concerns

>>112982 NATO Aspirant Sweden Signs Deal To Let US Military Use All Its Bases

>>112983 #24608

(47 notables, 58 posts, 69 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131278

File: 0767ba918f7e61b⋯.png (253.26 KB,740x500,37:25,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20049386 Q Research General #24609: Follow The Pen Edition

Created 092141ZDEC23




>>112984 #24609-A

>>112985 Investigating Israeli War Crimes is ‘Pure Antisemitism’ says Netanyahu

>>112986 Paranoid Hunter Biden Thinks YOU’RE ‘Trying to Kill’ Him.


>>112988 Scholz lying about gas - Medvedev

>>112991 74% of Germans think Scholz failing at his job

>>112993 EU leaders panicking over potential Trump return, would pull the US out of NATO?

>>112994, >>112995, >>112996 Since The ADL partnered with PayPal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pwZiLe9Hcz4 - ADL CEO on partnering with PayPal to combat extremism [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>112997 Trump declares Megyn Kelly the 'biggest loser' of the low-rating fourth GOP debate

>>112998 @realDonaldTrump new poll

>>112999 Gangs from South America use security jammers to break in to expensive homes across country

>>113000, >>113019, >>113020, >>113022, >>113026, >>113029, >>113039 Destructive #tornado near I65 earlier near Nashville…later: A massive tornado has caused a massive explosion near Nashville - PRAY.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JLuRoqV7gpQ - 🔴LIVE - Emergency Tornado Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - Live Weather Channel... [Channel: Ryan Hall, Y'all]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1f3101db10e8127e3b1cae8c5a49b4b89495fcacd1bb92b07a1729b2045775c3.mp4

>>113001 New Mexico Dem AG Raúl Torrez has filed suit against Meta & CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and associated entities, including Instagram & FB re child sexual exploitation on its platforms

>>113002 WAKE-UP CALL Inside Tiger Woods’ insane body transformation with brutal 4am workouts in fight back from injury over past seven months

>>113003 Donald J. Trump: THANK YOU, IOWA! Where to Commit to “Caucus for Trump”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b8d8580c1fdc074d6869e5af00c1e6bb52d28473a2793e3a14306a4e3062d769.mp4

>>113004 Deceitful Red Cross Lectures Parents of Israeli Hostage - PJ Media

>>113006 Scavino: Caucus for Trump in Iowa advert!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9acbc0880f3a730048b3f5dd79acad07832f789b13c2c4224d8ca35838938551.mp4

>>113007 Global Elites Attending UN Climate Summit Enjoy Burgers and BBQ While Telling Americans to Not Eat Meat

>>113008 State Department bypasses Congress, OKs sale of tank shells to Israel

>>113009 Donald J. Trump: HELLO to our wonderful Trump Caucus Captainsin the Great State of Iowa!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2b8c52cbab4b0d6ad2c81277e8ba80268c17c6c5dc73b8627129f82562f65176.mp4

>>113010 Biden is mocked after botching announcement of support for rail projects

>>113011 'Your Ratings Are In The Tank' - Republican Shreds CNN To Their Face

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=58YyVf8O0wI - 'Your Ratings Are In The Tank' - Republican Shreds CNN To Their Face [Channel: Explain America]

>>113012 Hakeem Jeffries Issues Challenge to GOP to Punish Him After Bowman Learns His Fate

>>113013 Joe Rogan says he refuses to visit Canada anymore because Justin Trudeau is transforming that country into a Communist nation

>>113014 December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

>>113015 QClock December 08, 2023 - Packet Sniffers SSH & CP on board

>>113016 Jessie Waters on Dick Durban and The Epstein Flight Logs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ccwIwcKQ6IE - Jesse Watters: Are Epstein’s flight logs being used as blackmail? [Channel: Fox News]

>>113017 Agenda47: The American Academy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3ur3mp - Agenda47: The American Academy [2:51] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>113018 PF

>>113021 Critics of the Biden admin grateful after the "Community Notes" feature on Twit-X hit WH press secretary KJP with a crowdsourced fact-check

>>113023, >>113028 Thanks to the incredible activism of @NatlGunRights members, the "Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988" sunsets TONIGHT at 11:59 pm!

>>113024 New York Democrats Nominate Former Rep. Tom Suozzi To Fill Santos' Seat

>>113025 @EmeraldRobinson: We've hit the iceberg. Millions of people are going to start dying and very soon.

>>113027 Pelosi: The wicked witch of D.C.

>>113030, >>113031 Billionaire Democrat Mega Donor Who Visited Epstein Island Funds Nikki Haley Soley ‘To Stop Donald Trump’

>>113032 Delusional Cheney Claims Trump Will Be A Dictator

>>113033, >>113036 Massive ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ chant breaks out at Army / Navy game

>>113034 NY Rep Elise Stefanik Asks Simple Questions About Antisemitism, Three Left-Wing Ivy League Presidents Collapse Under Spotlight

>>113035 President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - expected to speak @10 pm.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AorEm24gOtQ - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>113037 Piers Morgan and Kyle Rittenhouse Debate Gun Control Laws

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ywDUcrVg7_Q - “It’s Our Right To Bear Arms!” Piers Morgan and Kyle Rittenhouse Debate Gun Control Laws [Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored]

>>113038 Musk’s Grok AI just as “far left” as ChatGPT

>>113040 Report: 17 million died from covid vaxxes, mostly the MRNA versions

>>113041 #24609-A

>>113042 #24609-B

(44 notables, 59 posts, 66 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131279

File: 99fb7c26caf1ce2⋯.png (963.37 KB,1446x832,723:416,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20050182 Q Research General #24610: Massive Tornado near Nashville Tears It Up Edition

Created 100145ZDEC23




>>113043 #24610

>>113044 Russia won’t allow existence of ‘Nazi state’ on its border - Moscow (RT)

>>113045, >>113046 Mayor Giuliani: The Laptop From Hell Created A Case Against Hunter By "End Of 2019"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40gvjk - Mayor Giuliani: The Laptop From Hell Created A Case Against Hunter By "End Of 2019" [10:31] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40gxaw - "We've Never Had Bribes At This Level": Giuliani On The Biden Impeachment Inquiry [11:30] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113047 Zelensky’s wife pleads for more US cash (RT)

>>113048 President Donald J. Trump (Video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=AorEm24gOtQ - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>113049 As of now, there have been six fatalities reported from today's deadly tornado outbreak in Tennessee

>>113050 Democrat John Whitmire elected Houston mayor, defeating congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

>>113051 PF Report - USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group. Persian Gulf.

(8 notables, 9 posts, 8 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131280

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20051017 Q Research General #24611: It's been such a long time e-bake edition

Created 100503ZDEC23




>>113052 #24611

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TnwqUEelQjE - Boston - Foreplay / Long Time (Audio) [Channel: BostonVEVO]

>>113053, >>113056 "Get Ready Kash Patel, Get Ready" PDJT

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40j9an - Trump - Get Ready Kash Patel, Get Ready 🔥🔥🔥 [12] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>113054, >>113055 ARCHIVING - TRUMP IN NYC AT NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala !!!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zxjup - President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/2023 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>113057, >>113058, >>113059, >>113061 Elon Musk will reinstate Alex Jones on X

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3x27en - Xi Jinping Meets Tim Cook, Elon Musk In US | Who Attended Xi's Gala Dinner | Tim Cook | Elon Musk [2:16] [Channel: Enter87]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd15dba96a1d579406682ac5eb27846bf712c5b2c17f2e70ec35f484f3ac0154.mp4

>>113060 #24610 posted in #24611

>>113062, >>113063 Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein

>>113064, >>113065 Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has confirmed that fragments of DNA have been detected in COVID mRNA shots.

>>113066 baker change

>>113067 Musk - Why are the UFO pics always so blurry!?

>>113068, >>113069, >>113070, >>113071, >>113072, >>113073 Musk - This philosophy is pure poison

>>113074 Governor Gretchen Whitmer Posts Video of Herself Cooking on Her GAS STOVE

>>113075 #24611

(12 notables, 24 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131281

File: d82661b60f35c4e⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,255x172,255:172,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20051750 Q Research General #24612: Coalescing Minds Edition

Created 101119ZDEC23




>>113076 #24612

>>113077 Gen. Flynn Welcomes back Alex Jones to X

>>113078 @johnpodesta - Let the 4Chan lunatics and QAnon crazies commence

>>113079, >>113080, >>113081 Lesley Podesta, a woman who once claimed to be the niece of John Podesta, resigned from Twitter's Trust and Safety Council on Thursday

>>113082, >>113083 University of Pennsylvania president resigns after Congressional testimony

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fi_RMUvysXc - University of Pennsylvania president resigns after Congressional testimony [Channel: 13News Now]

>>113084 'Joe, be very careful what you wish for!' Trump tells raucous Wall St crowd that 'Biden indictments' against him opened 'Pandora's box'

>>113085 @Harvard board meeting today…

>>113086 The UN Declaration of Human Rights turns 75 today

>>113087 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Big Dipper over Pyramid Mountain

>>113088 Fireside Chat with John Podesta

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S-OkcoHKFP0 - Fireside Chat with John Podesta [Channel: The Aspen Institute]

(10 notables, 13 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131282

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20052557 Q Research General #24613: Blinded By The Light Edition

Created 101551ZDEC23




>>113089 #24613

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cgOvpIK_kSA - Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Blinded By The Light (Watch 1978) [Channel: Manfred Mann]

>>113090, >>113092 Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles?????

>>113091 Anti-Semitism On Display At Pro-Palestine Rally In New Haven

>>113093, >>113095 The Curious Case of Claudine Gay

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e5f4ff733b62626ed83bf1a6c9402fe8dd32d0117c6516dd8648aa586ea8dda6.pdf

>>113094 The Wealth Tax You May Already Owe

>>113096, >>113097 WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes

>>113098 Outgoing VP of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, gives Milei supporters the middle finger as she departs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/018bf55af71f2099698acacd193c7dafa8c56abb7d2f371c2e6185640c97e304.mp4

>>113099 Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Confirms Detection of DNA Fragments in COVID mRNA Vaccines

>>113100 SNL spent last night defending genocide against Jewish people and ridiculing those standing up for them in Congress. Why is this so hard for the left? Calling for the extermination of an entire race of people is indefensible

>>113101, >>113102 Last night a violinist serenaded Trump with the most beautiful music you've ever heard.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8b716b54c500cbe93b2bb32bd456846b17e676678cbde81711a172b6ba8a7edf.mp4

>>113103, >>113104 Musk: God Bless America, And the World

>>113105 Dem Gov Katie Hobbs demands half a billion dollars from President Biden to cover escalating costs of illegal immigration crisis.

>>113106 @thejimwatkins Could you make sure to apply for your official press pass? You can ask an Anon for the application.


>>113108, >>113111 These Are The Richest 'Politicians' In The US

>>113109, >>113112 PF Eyes on Skyz

>>113110 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will serve as a venue for talks between Presidents Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana on settling the territorial dispute between the two countries on December 14

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ewRjZoRtu0Y - M.I.A. - Paper Planes [Channel: MIAVEVO]

>>113113 Decentralised Data For a Decentralised Future

>>113114 #24613

(19 notables, 26 posts, 29 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131283

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20053454 Q Research General #24614: Hand Me Down World Edition

Created 101908ZDEC23




>>113115 #24614

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-PKpxebwbe0 - The Guess Who - Hand Me Down World (Official Audio) [Channel: TheGuessWhoVEVO]

>>113116 At least 5,600 federal-only ballots cast in Arizona 2020 election without US citizenship proof

>>113117 In call, Netanyahu flogs Putin over Gaza war stance and blossoming Iran ties

>>113118, >>113124, >>113125 STATEMENT OF 45th PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!

>>113119 Flood watch in effect as powerful storm to bring heavy rain, wind to NYC

>>113120 Media Matters releases statement on the reinstatement of Alex Jones' account on X

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d9b92e1fd0b1dbbac19120958254aa0a65640d23b63e6cab6dff74f8f8bd9d0.mp4

>>113121 Civilians and gang members clash in Texcaltitlan, Mexico

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6712fb3da1a3882bbe717bdf1f7ffb9cc51778ec2a87b0122b8f7e82c13593de.mp4

>>113122 Biden will host Zelensky at the White House on Tuesday

>>113123 Newsmax with Devin Nunes: Walls have closed in on Biden, Team Obama wants him out

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v4055zv - Walls have closed in on Biden, Team Obama wants him out [6:11] [Channel: Devin Nunes]

>>113126 Truth Social, Rumble, and the future of free speech online

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zs7ds - Truth Social, Rumble, and the future of free speech online [10:54] [Channel: Devin Nunes]

>>113127, >>113129 Endorsing a presidential candidate in the 2024 race would be the "kiss of death," says @SenatorRomney

>>113128 Elon on Live Space - “We are suing Media Matters in every country they operate in and all those who fund them. Let me be clear, we are going after everyone that funds them. They can go to hell”

>>113130 JamesOKeefeIII on X: Here’s video of yours truly crossing the Rio Grande River dressed like Osama bin Laden

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b620fc7c01c6f539fcd44fb675947b01f1dde7be048e5fdb39630f8804b30f7e.mp4

>>113131 DoD - The jungle can be merciless, but learning what plants are edible, how to create a shelter, and setting animal traps can make a Marine the master of the jungle!

>>113132, >>113134, >>113138 Tater Trackin' (PF Reports)

>>113133 Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Kruse on his congressional confirmation as DIA's 23rd Director

>>113135 California Facing Record $68 Billion Deficit, Potential 'Fiscal Budget Emergency': Legislative Analyst

>>113136 FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40kuza - FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annual Gala - 12/9/2023 [1:24:32] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>113137 Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

>>113139 25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Cambridge Scientists Warn

>>113140 #24614

(21 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131284

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20054270 Q Research General #24615: Totally Comped by Patriots Edition

Created 102210ZDEC23




>>113141 #24615

>>113142 Expert DEMOLISHES Establishment Story About WTC Bldg. 7 Collapse!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40kb91 - Expert DEMOLISHES Establishment Story About WTC Bldg. 7 Collapse! [57:17] [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>113143 NavalInstitute - #OTD in 1954, Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma relinquished command of Allied Forces in the Mediterranean

>>113144 Musk X - God Bless America

>>113145 WhiteHouse - This holiday season, the First Lady welcomed local Marine Corps and military-connected families for a Toys for Tots event at the White House


>>113147 drawandstrike - Keep your eyes on Menendez in the Senate, and Hunter Biden, currently the only public target of the Weiss Special Counsel.

>>113148 The NRA has a surprising defender in its free speech case before the Supreme Court

>>113149 PF Report Europe/eastern Med

>>113150 Devastating drone video shows the damage after a deadly tornado tore through the Nashville area on Saturday

>>113151 Former Tennessee Titans tight end Frank Wycheck, part of Music City Miracle, dies at 52

>>113152 Japan consumer lenders brace for bad debt on 'revenge spending'

>>113153 A new set of vulnerabilities in 5G modems by Qualcomm and MediaTek, collectively called "5Ghoul," impact 710 5G smartphone models from Google partners (Android) and Apple, routers, and USB modems.

>>113154 #24615

(14 notables, 14 posts, 15 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131285

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20055072 Q Research General #24616: Shills Crying in the Night Edition

Created 110031ZDEC23




>>113155 #24616

>>113156 Russia explains relationship with Hamas (RT)

>>113157, >>113158, >>113159 Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, the last of Australia's loathed COVID-era, Resignation

>>113160 Special Counsel Jack Smith is accusing President Trump of “stochastic terrorism” in a new legal brief

>>113161 US F-16 crashes into Yellow Sea

>>113162, >>113163 Bill Ackman on Twitter

>>113164 Important discussion with Douglass Mackey, sentenced to prison over an HRC meme.

>>113165 PF: Ukraine AF UNKN1111 A330Zelenskydeparted Buenos Aires heading NW

>>113166 #24616

(9 notables, 12 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131286

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20055896 Q Research General #24617: Reverberating Reees Edition

Created 110312ZDEC23




>>113167 #24617

>>113168 RTV Reports Roberto Speranza, the Italian Health Minister during the time of COVID measures is under investigation by the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office based on leaked emails that they are aware of the dangers of the COVID vaccination from the start

>>113169 NEW REPORT: 'Thousands' of Ballots Cast in Arizona's 2020 Election without Proof of US Citizenship

>>113170 One law firm prepared both Penn and Harvard for antisemitism hearing

>>113171 Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

>>113172 Why is there a picture of a pizza for sale for $9,000. Why is there a little kids phone case in the photo?

>>113173 Economic Schedule for Week of December 10, 2023

>>113174 PF Report: Elon Musk in N628Ts G650 departed Warwick Ri TF Green Airport to Austin,TX

>>113175 Amid $BTC Flash crash, over $333 million worth of #Bitcoin long positions have been liquidated

>>113176 #24617

(10 notables, 10 posts, 11 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131287

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20056736 Q Research General #24618: Manic Monday Come Early Edition

Created 110625ZDEC23




>>113177 #24618

>>113178, >>113179 Don Jr interviews Douglas Mackey (Ricky Vaughn]

>>113180 Trillion dollar club: Leaders in Congress who helped amass $34 trillion in national debt.

>>113181 Economist/YouGov poll: 20% of Young People Say Holocaust is “Myth”

>>113182, >>113183, >>113184, >>113185, >>113187 @ShadowofEzra: Barack and Michelle Obama produced the new Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" featuring major US blackout

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/212ee01b7a9d9556356f390e4f5c4b15542eba43669f971e642db22a30ec6d6c.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mrc1zGEPPmg - LCD Soundsystem - Oh Baby [Channel: Cheap Vinyl Records UK]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cMVBi_e8o-Y - Leave The World Behind | Official Trailer | Netflix [Channel: Netflix]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xYCV2zybQoI - LCD Soundsystem - Pow Pow [Channel: Aliiara]

>>113186 @julie_kelly2: More on the deleted Secret Service texts related to J6, Kim Cheatie

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b9d73784252e0017943a03c15f2d83d7d14e338e6a4a381f837b41ef7e5de9c1.mp4

>>113188 Donald Trump CANCELS plan to testify at civil fraud trial in New York - saying he has 'nothing more to say other than that...

>>113189 @SpeakerJohnson w/CAP: The power of impeachment, next to a declaration of war, is perhaps the greatest power that Congress holds.

>>113190 @seanhannity w/CAP: Truck Billboards Calling For University President Claudine Gay to be Fired Circle Harvard

>>113191 @DeptofDefense w/CAP: Sometimes you just want to fly with your friends.

>>113192 In his first act as President of Argentina, Javier Milei signed an Executive Order SLASHING the Argentine Government from 21 departments to 9

>>113193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/11/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40q4cs - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/11/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>113194 Developing Countries Receiving the Most Loans from China

>>113195 Charted: The Richest Politicians in the U.S.

>>113196 DSRC will dedicate its new supercomputer, Carpenter, Dec. 12. Named in recognition of Medal of Honor recipient and MS native Cpl. Kyle Carpenter18 (USMC Ret.), the system has 9 pFLOPS

>>113197 #24618

(16 notables, 21 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131288

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20057790 Q Research General #24619: 9 pFLOPS? What's that in Giraffes? Edition

Created 111513ZDEC23




>>113198 #24619

>>113199 @CorpsHistory #HappyHolidaysMarines

>>113200, >>113202 Pflops

>>113201, >>113203 Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS, Trump Tops Biden By 4 /DS panics big

>>113204, >>113216, >>113251, >>113257, >>113263, >>113264 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>113205 @FORSCOM 🗣GAS GAS GAS! 🚨

>>113206 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Solar Minimum versus Solar Maximum

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JqH0diwqcUM - Solar Minimum versus Solar Maximum [Channel: APOD Videos]

>>113207, >>113209 @RealChrisBrunet and I have obtained documentation demonstrating that Harvard President Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. thesis

>>113208 Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9NHmnwGwGYM - Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates and John Kirby Gaggle Aboard Air Force One [Channel: The White House]

>>113210 @HQ_AFMC Open Season for Federal Employees ends at 11:59 pm ET today!

>>113211 Grassley: Christmas around the Capitol

>>113212 Tucker Carlson is launching his own video network with multiple shows.

>>113213 Giuliani Faces Trial For Defamation Today---Here’s What To Expect

>>113214 NASA Signs Memorandum of Agreement for Space Weather

>>113215, >>113237, >>113238, >>113248 U.N. climate negotiators confirmed Monday pushing for a deal at the COP28 climate summit beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

>>113217 Henry Kissinger and the birth of space diplomacy

>>113218, >>113223 11 DROPS IN TOTAL - THIS BELOW #QDROP 484 Muslim Brotherhood

>>113219, >>113220 NASA’s Webb Stuns With New High-Definition Look at Exploded Star

>>113221, >>113236 Secretary of Defense Austin and Zelenskyy speak at National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

>>113222 DoD Announces New Reserve Forces Policy Board Chair

>>113224, >>113228 USACE operates one of fiveDoD DSRC supercomputers.RED CASTLE

>>113225 SCOTUS punted to Jan on creative use of "official proceeding" case/Jan 6 case

>>113226 Netflix's "Leave the World Behind" cyber apocalypse movie warns about "white people" if "the world falls apart."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36bd9ab6904b16c57157bc04e04d5eda7f96b1a2d40d25888e7b7532205cc21f.mp4

>>113227 SSC Partners for Cost Effective Corrosion Control on its Launch Ranges

>>113229 Readout of Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman’s travel to Germany


PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/97d134ccb56508aacf79388c430e151bb6475303f8753e6c19dac4d34bb1d068.pdf

>>113231 India's Aditya-L1 solar observatory captures 1st gorgeous views of the sun

>>113232 Pervert Who Bragged About Having Sex With His Cat Buys Twin Boys Through Surrogacy

>>113233 Why are advertisers still on Facebook and Instagram but have such a massive problem with X, child trafficking!?

>>113234 China falls deeper into deflation territory, hitting markets; IMF warns of risk of cold war II – as it happened

>>113239, >>113245 For The Market To Be Right, Every Member Of The FOMC Has To Be Wrong (they are with little truth in the many “speeches”)

>>113240 Elias helped to fund and facilitate Christopher Steele and his dossier

>>113241, >>113247 A New Hampshire man accused of threatening to kill Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramswamy has been arrested

>>113242 Beyond the SCIF: Countering Chinese Influence Operations on American Soil

>>113243, >>113250 resident delivers remarks at the announcement event for the city of Philadelphia receiving a $22.4 million SAFER Grant award

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U5NOPzMWfvg - President Biden Delivers Remarks for the City of Philadelphia Receiving a SAFER Grant Award [Channel: The White House]

>>113244, >>113246 @realDonaldTrump Great new polls numbers out of Iowa, thank you---MAGA!!!

>>113249, >>113256 Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b471575b00af47616affeb98534648314996f039ea42f08e5815f1ebf68ba89b.mp4

>>113252 Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish Truckers Are Blocking Border Checkpoints With Ukraine -- Protests Over Kiev’s Haulers Privileges Are Hurting Military Campaign

>>113253 The FBI Report on the Late Night Ballot Fraud Operation in Georgia in 2020 EXONERATES RUDY GIULIANI and Implicates Chris Wray

>>113254 Polish PM loses no-confidence vote, spells the end of Mateusz Morawiecki’s government and his six-year rule

>>113255 Cosmic nuclear fission seen for 1st time

>>113258 1:15 PM EST Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rHszCjJ64xE - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - December 11, 2023 - 1:15 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>113259, >>113265 Special counsel goes directly to Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump has immunity from prosecution

>>113260 Boatfag

>>113261 1:50 PM EST New York Foreign Press Center Briefing on Catalyzing Innovation in Technology through Regional Tech Hubs

>>113262 The Air Force disciplined 15 people over the leak of classified documents on the Discord social media site, allegedly by Jack Teixeira.

>>113266 Finland Declassifies Oswald File

>>113267 Mel Monzack, 83, Joe Biden's personal lawyer is LINKED to Hunter's newly filed criminal indictment

>>113268 #24619

(49 notables, 71 posts, 82 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131289

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20058554 Q Research General #24620: Algore Truths Edition

Created 111843ZDEC23




>>113269 #24620

>>113270, >>113271 Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

>>113272 NavalInstitute - USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker

>>113273, >>113275 We have reason to believe Media Matters used fraud to solicit donations from Missourians in order to bully advertisers into pulling out of X

>>113274 Biden awkwardly poses halfway in the photo, then just wanders away

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fffbb530fb79dc08ebb625a72d87b334c6f1261a37aed39b88b1ac2085219b00.mp4

>>113276 'Spain expels two US spies for infiltrating secret service'

>>113277 PF Report - Potato in 09-0015 C32A landed at Philly Intl

>>113278 Harvard President Claudine Gay DENIES she plagiarized sections of her Ph.D

>>113279 Baker change/claimed dough

>>113280 Christie warns of ‘deranged sycophants’ staffing second Trump administration

>>113281 Swamp Schedule

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7mFi4XFp10k - Rules Committee Hearing H.R. 357, 1147, 6570, 6611 [Channel: HouseRules]

>>113282 Special counsel Jack Smith asks the Supreme Court to rule quickly on whether Trump can be prosecuted

>>113283 She’s with him: Hillary Clinton steps out as a key player in Biden’s re-election effort

>>113284 PEDO ALERT - pizzagate continues

>>113285 Q+ successfully gets fake news to criticize its own controlling dictatorship

>>113286 @rumble - We are aware of service disruptions and our engineers are looking into it. We will provide an update shortly.

>>113287 #24620

(17 notables, 19 posts, 30 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131290

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20059382 Q Research General #24621: This is for Humanity Edition

Created 112141ZDEC23




>>113288 #24621

>>113289 Preliminary Evidence: we are closer to AGI than it appears.

>>113290 @ZelenskyyUa - I began my visit to the USA by meeting with @SecDef Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown at the US National Defense University.

>>113291 Who Is Sara Biden? Joe’s In-Law Emerges as Central Figure in Foreign Cash Deals

>>113292 @AdamKleppAZ - 3rd straight Monday in Lukeville. Welcome back everybody for the march of the migrants.

>>113293 New poll shows Trump winning 2024 in a landslide, taking the majority of swing states

>>113294, >>113295 Real Estate Titans Battle DeSantis Over China Property Crackdown

>>113296 @mkraju - Dick Durbin told me that Clarence Thomas should consider recusing himself from case on whether Donald Trump should be given immunity from prosecution.

>>113297 Ex-EU boss elected as Polish PM again (RT)

>>113298 #SCOTUS has *granted* Jack Smith’s motion to expedite the petition for certiorari before judgment—and has ordered former President Trump to respond to the petition by next Wednesday at 4 ET.

>>113299 Minneapolis - About 30-40 pro Palestine protesters have entered the freeway on I-94 near IMS, blocking traffic.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33ed53f0ae0cc43140db3faa64915c0354c377ca66089742f6355e8edbdd485a.mp4

>>113300 @HillaryClinton - I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of my friend Dr. Gao Yaojie, who faced house arrest and exile from China after exposing a blood transfusion program that spread HIV/AIDS.

>>113301, >>113304 Tucker Carlson Interviews (Ep. 48 /w Kid Rock & Ep. 49 /w Dana White)

>>113302 URGENT: Community Notes requires a makeover, as it seems to be infiltrated

>>113303 LIVE: Jihadists blocking street in Chicago suburb

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rzOQXoBQMIo - LIVE: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators block traffic in southern suburbs [Channel: ABC 7 Chicago]

>>113305 Perspectives on the Israel-Hamas War: A Congressional Newsmaker Series Conversation with Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

>>113306 The President and The First Lady host a Hanukkah Holiday Reception; The Second Gentleman attends East Room

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Z69YLQROB4U - President Biden Hosts a Hanukkah Holiday Reception [Channel: The White House]

>>113307 Remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Introducing President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

>>113308 Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an Off-Camera, On-the-Record Press Briefing

>>113309 SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket to launch secretive X-37B space plane  today after delay

>>113310, >>113311 Trump Has Good Shot With Supreme Court to Get DC Case Tossed, Experts Say

>>113313 Biden Admin Sends Billions To California For Brightline West Rail Project

>>113314 #24621

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43d0cd No.131291

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20060155 Q Research General #24622: This is for You, Maties Edition

Created 120022ZDEC23




>>113315 #24622

>>113316 @newsbusters - Taxpayer funded PBS is now trying to push prison abolition? Yes, that's where your tax dollars are going…

>>113317 DJT Re-Truth - Special prosecutor, aka bag man, aka deep state puppet, Jack Smith admits to the Supreme Court his entire case against Q+ is POLITICAL, not legal

>>113318 An asteroid will eclipse the puzzling red star Betelgeuse on Dec. 11

>>113319, >>113320 Standing down from tonight’s Falcon Heavy launch due to a ground side issue

>>113321, >>113322, >>113323 MktFag: The Basis Trade: US Treasuries, Arbitrage, Hedge Funds, and Leverage-how it may affect you

>>113324 Pizzagate continues: The PEDO deleted his posts

>>113325 Two TBMs passing in the night

>>113326 Top Pentagon policy official stepping down amid Sen. Tommy Tuberville holds

>>113327 Shocking Video Reveals Democrats Stuffed Nearly 3,000 Illegals Into Chicago Warehouse

>>113328 CRITICAL LAWSUIT — We just sued the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration for illegally concealing government records related to the suppression of lifesaving drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID

>>113329 EU state to reduce welfare payments to Ukrainian refugees – media (RT)

>>113330 Mike Davis: "They timed these 4 indictments back to back to back to interfere with the Election". Very Sinister maneuvering

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40s2lh - Mike Davis: "They timed these 4 indictments back to back to back to interfere with the Election" [5:14] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113331 Mike Davis On Biden corruption and Why Putin Invaded Ukraine: “Putin Knows That Biden Is A Crook And Is Compromised”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40sprg - Mike Davis On Why Putin Invaded Ukraine: “Putin Knows That Biden Is A Crook And Is Compromised” [3:58] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113332 Former resident Barack Obama is facing backlash over a film on which he was a consultant, which "warns" about white people

>>113333 "These People Have No Idea What They're Trying To Accomplish": Senator Vance On The Establishment's Obsession With Ukraine

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40qw87 - "These People Have No Idea What They're Trying To Accomplish": Senator Vance On The Establishment's Obsession With Ukraine [11:24] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113334 @GOPoversight - We identified 20 shell companies created by the Biden Family – most of which were created when Joe Biden was Vice President.

>>113335 #24622

(18 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131292

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20060991 Q Research General #24623: Night of the Kekking Ninjas Edition

Created 120328ZDEC23




>>113336 #24623

>>113337 West wants to replace Zelensky - Russia’s top spy (RT)

>>113338 Zelensky meets the main constituency he's fighting for

>>113339 Claudine Gay will not resign and the governing boards decided not to terminate her as president of @Harvard

>>113340 CENTCOM Statement on missile attack in the Bab-el-Mandeb

>>113341, >>113343 a pizza bag that holds 5 boxes SOLD FOR $30,000.00; Over 1400 sold!?

>>113342 Upper leaders of Military have been sabotaging the military for more than 30 years; 30 years of Treason

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40r1hs - "We Are Simply Not Prepared": Ron Armstrong On The State Of The U.S. Military [4:22] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113344 US Navy Medical Officer Lieutenant Ted Macie Raises Alarm on DoD Data on Covid Vaccine Related Injuries, Specifically Heart Related Issues Among Pilots

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/710ccfd4b73a08f0a9de00cb897e8ada308c33f5a8dcaef87ecdfb283edcb3e7.mp4

>>113345 Javier Milei about-turns as he commits to Paris climate agreement

>>113346 Orban allies and US Republicans to discuss Ukraine aid cut - Guardian (RT)

>>113347 Russia attacking on all fronts - senior Ukrainian commander (RT)

>>113348 #24623

(12 notables, 13 posts, 11 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131293

File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20062049 Q Research General #24624: Tuesday Morning Shadilay Edition

Created 120915ZDEC23




>>113349 #24624

>>113350 The New Yorker Ep30 (White Lung and AIDS-Like Syndrome) by Dr. Paul Cottrell

>>113351 Lawsuits Against Trump Are So Transparently Political They're Backfiring Badly With Democrats

>>113352 DC_Draino w/CAP: If Jack Smith is able to prosecute Trump for actions he took while sitting President, guess who that can be used against once Trump is back in charge?

>>113353, >>113354 LIZ CROKIN w/CAP: MSM Is Pizzagate: Vice News continues to cover up Pizzagate. The fake news outlet slams Elon Musk for his “Pizzagate is Real” post

>>113355 San Antonio gets $24.5M in FEMA funding to continue aiding migrants through 2025

>>113356 First Light Diagnostics Receives FDA Clearance for Rapid Anthrax Test

>>113357 Monmouth Poll: How do you feel about the possibility of a rematch between Biden and Trump?

>>113358 Illinois provides $9,000 in rental assistance to migrants seeking temporary housing

>>113359 Google’s App Store Ruled an Illegal Monopoly, as a Jury Sides With Epic Games

>>113360 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -12/12/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40thf4 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -12/12/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>113361, >>113370 New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu expected to endorse Nikki Haley for president

>>113362 Thomas Massie w/CAP: How does the DC swamp deny you representation? Unrelated, unpopular, and unconstitutional legislation is inserted into a popular bill.

>>113363 Left-wing group 'defrauding' consumers with 'pro-Nazi' smear of Elon Musk: Republican state AG

>>113364, >>113365, >>113366 Today in the swamp 12/12/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=i7DQIKWAfGU - Rules Committee Hearing H.Res. 918 [Channel: HouseRules]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4U-9DYLsXQo - Full Committee Hearing "Looking Ahead Series: Oversight of the Smithsonian Institution." [Channel: Committee on House Administration]

>>113367 Sirens resound in Spanish Civil War town to show solidarity with Gaza

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E01NIbfdgCQ - Sirens resound in spanish Civil War town to Show of Solidarity with Gaza [Channel: The New Arab]

>>113368 UN General Assembly set to demand Gaza ceasefire

>>113369, >>113372 DJT TS w/CAP: I wanted to testify on Monday, despite the fact that I already testified successfully, answering all questions having to do with the Fake, No Victims...

>>113371 PF with eyez on our skyz

>>113373 #24624

(20 notables, 25 posts, 20 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131294

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20063124 Q Research General #24625: Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

Created 121613ZDEC23




>>113374, >>113375, >>113376, >>113378, >>113380, >>113388, >>113393, >>113395, >>113403, >>113411, >>113438, >>113440 Happy Melania Tuesday

>>113377 Anon points out that Koch backed Nikki Haley is a Media Mirage she ain't got a chance against Trump.

>>113379 Massie: I served on the Oversight Committee when the democrats did their inquiry [President Trump impeachmen

>>113381 #Marines with @3rdMLG conduct a tactical convoy during Stand-in Force Exercise (SIFEX)

>>113382, >>113383, >>113384, >>113394, >>113396 MULTIPLE COMMS!!! PDJT (O) (S)

>>113385 Director Wray emphasized that allowing Section 702 to lapse or undermining its effectiveness lays the bricks to rebuild another pre-9/11-style wall

>>113386, >>113389, >>113420, >>113423 @realDonaldTrump Due to the great Excitement and Success of my previous TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we’re doing it again

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/71a8a72e924c0f74d817fc4e4f9471f71c7d839443b34afbd3143d4762d2bb88.mp4

>>113387 Harvard Memes

>>113390 OTD A sarcophagus in Saint-Maximin, France, was found, believed to contain Mary Magdalene's remains.

>>113391 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>113392 Norman: I was at the SCIF one time, and Adam Schiff was conducting it. We had to basically break in. He had the doors shut

>>113397 @SenSchumer Thank you to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy for coming to speak with the Senate today!

>>113398 NASA Sensor Produces First Global Maps of Surface Minerals in Arid Regions

>>113399, >>113432 Missouri introduced a bill this week to execute women who have had abortions

>>113400 Speaker Johnson Press Availability with Reporters on Ukraine Aid, Border Security

>>113401 YoY Measures of Inflation: Services, Goods and Shelter

>>113402 BOEING WC-135R 64-14829 "Constant Phoenix" nuclear sniffer aircraft.

>>113404 Scientists warn solar storms could cause train accidents, rail network chaos

>>113405 White House Convening on the American Rescue Plan's Major Investment in Home & Community-Based Care

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=a3_8_JA9sFI - White House Convening on the American Rescue Plan's Major Investment in Home & Community-Based Care [Channel: The White House]

>>113406 @HillaryClinton I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of my friend Dr. Gao Yaojie, who faced house arrest and exile from China after exposing a blood transfusion program that spread HIV/AIDS

>>113407 SAM047 G5 inbound to CONUS from Ramstein AFB depart

>>113408, >>113410 MSNBC viewers got music, ads and reruns instead of start of ‘Morning Joe’

>>113409 Area 51: Metallic egg-shaped UFO the size of an SUV was kept at the highly-classified Air Force base in the 1980s?

>>113412 Anon Opines Think of the New testament as a science book on how to obtain immortality

>>113413, >>113415 The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state

>>113414 The voice of the people was heard. The House pulled both FISA bills after backlash.

>>113416 SecAF redesignates Space Operations Command West as US Space Forces

>>113417 @bennyjohnson You won't believe your eyes after after footage exposes US border utterly overrun by illegal migrants

>>113418 NYC man found dead in Central Park playground feared ‘human traffickers,’

>>113419 Swiss banks charging Russians for frozen accounts

>>113421 Rumble Hit With "Unprecedented" Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage

>>113422 Ukraine's Largest Mobile Network Hit By Major Cyberattack Blamed On Russia

>>113424 1:45 PM EST Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the media in the Pentagon Briefing Room

>>113425 Google Loses On Every Count In Play Store Antitrust Case With Epic Games

>>113426 Netanyahu claims entire world is “antisemitic” in UNHINGED rant about Hamas attack

>>113427 JUST IN: Hanukkah candles at Poland's parliament extinguished by far-right MP Grzegorz Braun MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3dfad984649dd943631900618cf15141bff24590d4e5157db9a0079b66824bf8.mp4

>>113428 2:00 PM EST From Festive Cheer to Retail Fear: Addressing Organized Retail Crime

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5qvU-WKkj2I - From Festive Cheer to Retail Fear: Addressing Organized Retail Crime [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

>>113429 Warren Buffett Selling $28.7 Billion in Stock Rings Alarm Bell Over Economy

>>113430, >>113431 In his first act, newly sworn President of Argentina, Javier Milei, signs an executive order reducing the Argentine government from 21 Departments to 9

>>113433 Turkish MP, today in Paiament, promised the “Wrath of Allah” on those who support Israel, Moments later he fell over with a massive heart attack. MP4 #DiedSuddenly

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d9ea99d94aa80c415502b428d3bb5419d318a864af70b7a2f9f8a63466b7dcf2.mp4

>>113434 Landmark Fluoride Lawsuit Restarts In January: Here Are Four Reasons You Should Care

>>113435 One week after collapsing Mayor of Montreal is mia.

>>113436 A Seattle student reportedly failed a quiz after asserting men can’t get pregnant. #SueTheBond

>>113437 @EndWokeness We have reached the point where our Capitols are removing Jefferson while monuments to Satan are erected.

>>113439 Gubernatorial candidate Mac Warner: ‘The election was stolen, and it was stolen by the CIA’

>>113441 Migrant-Children who extinguished the Eternal Flame in St. Petersburg will be deported from Russia along with their parents.

>>113442, >>113443 @SpeakerJohnson after meeting with Ukrainian President Zelensky says, "I have asked the White House since the day that I was handed the gavel as speaker for clarity.

>>113444 UPDATE: The launch window for Falcon 9 Starlink 6-34 now opens at 23:00 EDT

>>113445 Kek of the bread

>>113446 US Hired Guns From Ukraine Spotted in Gaza Operating on Behalf of Israel

>>113447 Who Is Sara Biden?

>>113448 Harvard Says to Us, Get Over It?

>>113449, >>113451 Anon likes the New Speaker, Our eclipse anointed Speaker is doing phenomenally, bravo! MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db8e4e444a08be5bb464fe68b2faad19f650ccfb81f189b99954eb4fdf06d659.mp4

>>113450 @DonaldJTrumpJr Wow, a really honest and powerful pitch from Zelensky on why America should send Ukraine more aid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a75a1e446e946b3e5f07c02cd010b7411f880e0fbedd453aaf7cc048ccfe7b66.mp4

(54 notables, 78 posts, 88 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131295

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20063905 Q Research General #24626: Mike Johnson Speaker Edition

Created 121948ZDEC23




>>113452 #24626

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db8e4e444a08be5bb464fe68b2faad19f650ccfb81f189b99954eb4fdf06d659.mp4

>>113453, >>113512, >>113521 Is Obama warning us? Movie: LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND

>>113454, >>113463, >>113464 UK crackdown on American junk food

>>113455, >>113466, >>113469, >>113474, >>113476, >>113507 “Pictures of pizza” selling on Etsy for $3,000+

>>113456 WHEN did Harvard drop Christ and the Church from its motto?

>>113457 NSW Department of Education took 10 years to remove teacher accused of historical child sexual abuse

>>113458 # 24625-A

>>113459 #24625-B

>>113460 The nation’s largest pharmacy chains - CVS Health, Kroger and Rite Aid - handed over Americans’ prescription records to gov't without a warrant

>>113461 " What Drives an Individual to Join a Terrorist Group?" - Homeland Security Today

>>113462, >>113467 Biden: "I just signed another $200 million drawdown from the Dept of Defense for Ukraine"

>>113465 The Intercept: A 26-year-old TikTok influencer is recruiting his viewers to staff secret U.S. military bases in Israel.

>>113468 Israel Open to Truce Deal with Hezbollah - wants US troops deployed as peacekeepers

>>113470, >>113473, >>113481 Vigano Mentions Pizzagate, Names Names (Slade Sohmer) at 13:35 - DIG CALL

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gBx-jtQXhLo - IS THE POPE CATHOLIC? : Intervention at the online Conference organized by prof Edmund Mazza [Channel: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò]

>>113471 HAPPENING NOW - Over +1,000 migrants in massive groups of crossed illegally into Eagle Pass, TX

>>113472, >>113475, >>113479, >>113491 Today in Q post history - O made into a Q

>>113477, >>113483, >>113487, >>113488, >>113492 Trump's 3rd mention of the Trump Trading cards today

>>113478 Top Court Clears Path for Democrats to Redraw House Map in New York

>>113480 US Space Force: Guardian Arena 2023 successfully launched at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station!

>>113482, >>113502 4:15 PM EST: Biden Presser with Zelensky

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qxAnSckZ34w - President Biden Participates in a Press Conference with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine [Channel: The White House]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BQY8TRLpOY0 - WATCH LIVE: Biden and Zelensky Hold Press Conference [Channel: The Hill]

>>113484, >>113490, >>113497, >>113513 PF: Pakistan AF PA786 G4 inbound to CONUS from London-Luton depart and arrived yesterday from Lahore depart as PA786 & more

>>113485 Warren Buffett Has Given $50.7 Billion Toward Historic Pledges to the Gates Foundation and Others

>>113486 DeSantis' campaign interactions with super PACs raised internal legal concerns, AP sources say

>>113489 Shellenberger: US officials deny they censored the public, but they did, masking it as "cognitive warfare," "public-private," and as "cybersecurity"

>>113493, >>113495, >>113496 Nobel Prize Protest Appeal - Sign for all those harmed by mRNA vaccines

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0e2e3e83610644a1acb1d6801314d535f7ca9d7830f9b2fee1d96bf04e1b2732.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40l5mu - The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and mRNA Vaccines - An Interview with Sven Roman [4:40] [Channel: Nobel Prize Protest 2023]

>>113494, >>113498 "ADL Helps Schools Navigate Through the December Dilemma"

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4d76c567ffcc3b55ca38307a75e1c7326cad5deb7b9e6b76f39b16c14501d00f.pdf

>>113499 Israel begins pumping seawater into Hamas tunnels: Report

>>113500 RollingStone: Nick Fuentes calling for a genocide of "perfidious Jews" and other non-Christians

>>113501 Biden: Putin has failed. Failed in his effort to subjugate Ukraine. The brave people of Ukraine have defied Putin's will at every turn, backed by the strong and unwavering support of the United States and our allies, and partners of over fifty nations in Europe and the Indo-Pacific.

>>113503 30Y Auction Has First Stop Through Since June, Sparks Algo Buying Frenzy

>>113504 New filing: "U.S. v. Trump (appeal of no immunity to election obstruction charges)"

>>113505 China to Verify Citizens' Identities With New Blockchain-Based Platform

>>113506, >>113508 H. Res. 918 re House cmte's inquiring about grounds for Biden impeachment

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=i7DQIKWAfGU - Rules Committee Hearing H.Res. 918 [Channel: HouseRules]

>>113509 The CIA Sure Looks Busy; Regions/cities with highest data center power capacity

>>113510 Last year, after Elon Musk acquired Twitter, President Biden gave federal agencies the green light to go after him.

>>113511 Hedge Funds Are Challenging SEC’s New Short-Sale Disclosure Requirements

>>113514 Wisconsin ‘Fake’ Electors Lawsuit Fizzles Without Damages or Admission of Wrongdoing

>>113515 Gov. Reynolds calls Satanic Temple display at Iowa Capitol building ‘objectionable’

>>113516 California Has A $68 Billion Budget Deficit With Only $30 Billion In Reserves

>>113517 US's busiest border crossing now CLOSED to legal traffic after coyotes overwhelmed Arizona hot spot with illegal migrants

>>113518 Trump-Hater Tech CEO Christian Lanng Accused of Sexual Coercion

>>113519 Green Beret Veteran John Frankman on the Army’s Letter to Soldiers Discharged for Refusing the COVID Vaccine

>>113520 Planned Parenthood took $1.8B in taxpayer money in 3 years— with $90M from COVID loans

>>113522 Loomer on corruption in St Lucie Co

>>113523 Jury Rules Google Has Illegal Monopoly

>>113524 #24626

(46 notables, 73 posts, 76 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131296

File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20064709 Q Research General #24627: Not-So-Dynamic Biden/Zelensky Duo Presser Edition

Created 122314ZDEC23




>>113525 #24627

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BQY8TRLpOY0 - WATCH LIVE: Biden and Zelensky Hold Press Conference [Channel: The Hill]

>>113526 Nikki Haley Gets the Backing of Wealthy South Carolina Donor

>>113527 Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation Demanding Harvard, MIT Presidents Resign

>>113528 Democrats Combine All Their Gun Control Plans Into One Comprehensive Bill

>>113529 Ukraine’s HUR disrupts Russian Tax Service, erases entire database, full recovery impossible

>>113530 More Narrative Seeding? Ukraine’s Leading Mobile Provider Targeted by Severe Cyber Assault

>>113531 PEDO BUN 12 December 23

>>113532 House Oversight Committee spokesperson: “Chairmen James Comer and Jim Jordan have been clear: Hunter Biden must appear for his deposition on December 13 at 9:30a or they will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.”

>>113533 Tucker Carlson on the Jimmy Dore Show! Talking Jon Stewart, Alex Jones, Israel, COVID & More!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zaWrGIbLySY - Tucker Carlson on the Jimmy Dore Show! Talking Jon Stewart, Alex Jones, Israel, COVID & More! [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>113534 @Snowden - CALL YOUR SENATOR TODAY! Your calls to Congress yesterday thwarted the House Intel Committee's plan to sneak into law the largest expansion of warrantless spying since the Patriot Act—so now they're trying to force part of it into a "must-pass" Senate bill.

>>113535 resident Biden - If Congress breaks for holiday recess before passing supplemental funding for Ukraine, they'd be giving Putin the greatest gift he could ever hope for.

>>113536 Vladimir Putin pinpoints the end of Western banking dominance – BRICS reign begins

>>113537 West sees BRICS expansion as direct threat analyst

>>113538 Watchdog: Soros-Linked Milwaukee District Attorney Refuses to Review Cases of Potential Illegal Voting

>>113539 PF: Aussie AF MGPE01 E7 Wedgetail AEW&C back on its trackin’ just north of Rzsesow Airport, Poland

>>113540 PF: Zelensky departed JBA on UNKN1112 A319 after munee secured cuz its all “our fault” if he loses

>>113541 Al Gore Says There is a Mental Health Crisis Around the World Because “We Are Not Solving the Climate Crisis”

>>113542 Co-resident Harris - In Ukraine, the freedom of the Ukrainian people — as well as international rules and norms — is on the line.

>>113543 Alex Degrasse Explains New York's Top Court Ruling For Democrats In Redistricting Case

>>113544 Bannon: "Your phone calls made a huge difference because there's no money going to Ukraine". Zelensky got snubbed by Senators today.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40y12l - Bannon: "Your phone calls made a huge difference because there's no money going to Ukraine" [7:26] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113545 Japan's Kishida to remove scandal-hit spokesman as soon as Thursday

>>113546, >>113547 Rut roh. Michael Cohen's lawyer in some doo doo

>>113548 Google just unveiled their most capable A.I. model yet called Gemini 1.0

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6f58485dd729c3c9110ddd9feb5bb2afcc7ff026e185ddf2a48561fc108019a2.mp4

>>113549 @DiscussingFilm - Andre Braugher has sadly passed away at the age of 61

>>113550 #24627

(25 notables, 26 posts, 21 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131297

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20065531 Q Research General #24628: Ninjas in the Night Edition

Created 130155ZDEC23




>>113551 #24628

>>113552 DJT Truth - collecttrumpcards.com Merry Christmas

>>113553 Project Veritas CEO Hannah Giles has resigned effective immediately, after less than a year in the role.

>>113554 ISS - Dragon Undocking Postponed to Friday

>>113555 Chinese intelligence officials offered a Taiwanese army pilot millions of dollars to steal a US-made transport helicopter and land on a Chinese aircraft carrier

>>113556, >>113558, >>113559, >>113561, >>113562 PF Reports

>>113557 Conservative MP defends petition calling for no-confidence vote against Trudeau from ‘angry,’ ‘wild socialists’

>>113560 BREAKING LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM admits to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/730f12a9f58a72f75637d3be1cf5524d95fb37f0e12dd296a7a3e74c40778821.mp4

>>113563 In a 1st, scientists combine AI with a 'minibrain' to make hybrid computer

>>113564 NEW VIDEO: BP Agents in Eagle Pass, TX were hammered with massive groups of hundreds of migrants illegally crossing in multiple locations as the border surge shows no signs of slowing down

>>113565 @TomFitton - BREAKING: Newly released records show that when Secret Service agents rushed to try to rescue Obama’s chef Tafari Campbell, who was drowning, both of the agency's boats were inoperable

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e0a7d01ccbe04fa696b97b009885d4180955ebe23037abfebbcc0d5ff0edb98e.mp4

>>113566 Multiple Dallas residents have Reported seeing Mysterious Black Military Helicopters Flying at Low Altitudes throughout the city

>>113567 46 Deep State Officials Including Rosenstein, Clapper and Morell Urge Congress to Pass HPSCI Version of FISA-702 Renewal to Expand Domestic Surveillance

>>113568 Readout of Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks' Visit to Silicon Valley, California

>>113569 US FCC Commissioner, Brendan Carr, accuses White House and other government agencies of targeting Elon Musk

>>113570 U.S. Remains Steadfast in Support of Ukraine, Israel

>>113571, >>113572 Biden Administration Announces New Security Assistance for Ukraine

>>113573 Zelensky just went on Fox and begged western leaders to send ALL their money to Ukraine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd78c03e826368567e175e609c55b4261e6120c00c7f1b6fc0763294d2ee9c8f.mp4

>>113574 Steve Bannon: Biden Flying Zelensky In Shows Exactly Where His Priorities Are

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40with - Steve Bannon: Biden Flying Zelensky In Shows Exactly Where His Priorities Are [14:56] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113575 Eva Vlaardingerbroek Exposes New Netflix Film’s Connection To The World Economic Forum

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40wvbh - Eva Vlaardingerbroek Exposes New Netflix Film’s Connection To The World Economic Forum [7:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113576 #24628

(21 notables, 26 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131298

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20066502 Q Research General #24629: Tangents and Mental Waves Edition

Created 130607ZDEC23




>>113577 #24629

>>113578, >>113579 Slade Sohmer DIG

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40zqrz - 🍕 Carlo Viganò Naming Names- Deep State, Deep Church, and Crimes Against Children [12:55] [Channel: Qnotables.com]

>>113580, >>113581 BOOM: Google Loses Antitrust Case

>>113582 Proposed COP28 Climate Deal Calls for Transition Away from Fossil Fuels

>>113583 Israeli Port Disclosed the Destination of Tanker Hit by Houthi Missile

>>113584, >>113586, >>113589 E-commerce company Etsy is the latest target of a baseless far-right conspiracy theory: “The new Wayfair”

>>113585 PF: Ukraine AF UNKN1112 A319 Zelensky landed at Oslo Intl Airport after JBA depart

>>113587 Harvard-linked Black Diamond Capital Management firm recently bough Epstein Island for $60mil

>>113588 Wyatt: Q2615 Five-year delta today; Starlink changed their icon pic today, safeguarded by "Black Eye"?

>>113590 Congress gives US the ammunition to torpedo AUKUS deal

>>113591 Zelensky’s extraordinary visit can’t fix the fact America’s Ukraine aid is dead

>>113592 Italian Health Minister gave orders to conceal vax deaths.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c85c5078c8d332d41dd74017bb4302ba0b4b8313ec154d5b841cde5c0c8f16f5.mp4

>>113593, >>113598 PF: Israel AF IAF669 707 Re’em tanker crossed Atlantic from RAF Mildenhall depart

>>113594, >>113595, >>113610 One in FIVE main-in voters admit to committing MAIL FRAUD in 2020; PDJT: "THIS IS THE BIGGEST STORY OF THE YEAR"

>>113596, >>113601 Donald Tusk installed as Polish Leader

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fac3f21fea056c96a26b7e864ef2326b478279a5d928615d4e9094e700392590.mp4

>>113597 UAE officially stops using dollar for oil trades

>>113599, >>113600 Leave the World Behind DIG

>>113602 Kamala heckled during holiday party by Dem lawmaker

>>113603 Hamas Leaders Flee Qatar, Turn Phones Off

>>113604 Crokin on Flynn tweet re "child trafficking craziness has to end"

>>113605 @elonmusk: Optimus

>>113606 Judicial Watch FOIA re: Tafari Campbell drowning: the search was paused so President Obama could speak to the eyewitness

>>113607 Paul Sperry Ex-federal agent John Moynihan has filed DOJ whistleblower complaint against Trump indictor Jack Smith, claiming Smith was "an active participant in a scheme...

>>113608 Orban says Hungary will block EU membership negotiations for Ukraine

>>113609 DJT TS w/CAP: Thank you to Kid Rock and Tucker. This is what you call a great interview!

>>113611 Techno_Fog - Michael Cohen's bid for early termination of supervised release encounters a roadblock -His attorneys made up cases in support of Cohen's release.

>>113612 Swamp habbenings for 12/13/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E4Bw6sRu4h0 - Hearing Entitled: Moving the Money Part 2: Getting Answers from the Biden Administration... [Channel: GOPFinancialServices]

>>113613 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -12/13/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40y24a - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -12/13/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>113614 Some New Polls!


>>113616 #24629

(31 notables, 40 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131299

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20067858 Q Research General #24630: Jack Smith's Extortion Problem Edition

Created 131445ZDEC23




>>113617 #24630-B

>>113618, >>113619 Live: US House Republicans ready vote to formalize Biden impeachment inquiry

>>113620 The Senate will continue work on the final version of the 2024 defense programs and policy bill (NDAA)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TRopaIRr2-E - Digital Copyright Piracy: Protecting American Consumers, Workers, and Creators [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

>>113621 Oversight of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Modal Perspectives House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=82gSSJKejXM - Oversight of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Modal Perspectives [Channel: T&I Committee Republicans]

>>113622 Recruiting Shortfalls and Growing Mistrust: Perceptions of the US Military House Armed Services Committee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VIngXajW_wQ - 20231213 MLP Hearing: Recruiting Shortfalls and Growing Mistrust: Perceptions of the US Military [Channel: U.S. House Armed Services Committee]

>>113623, >>113625 Rep. Byron Donalds: "Hunter Biden is not bigger than anybody else/MariaBartiromo

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v411n3f - Rep. Byron Donalds: "Hunter Biden is not bigger than anybody else [6:12] [Channel: The Post Millennial Live]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v411pfj - Hunter Biden sold father to the 'highest bidder': Rep. Nancy Mace [6:14] [Channel: MariaBartiromo]

>>113624 Do You Want To Die Today? Inside Canada’s Euthanasia Program

>>113626 Comer live

>>113627, >>113628, >>113629, >>113631, >>113634, >>113635, >>113636, >>113638, >>113639, >>113640, >>113644 HUNTER SKIPS DEPOSITION, DEMANDS PUBLIC HEARING

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae01bfe6dda6173d52a6d702c50209aa02ca759867552ffd04f503e72a2bdda7.mp4

>>113630 Protecting Workers and Small Businesses from Biden's Attack on Worker Free Choice and Economic Growth

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vWj-vb1VwNc - Protecting Workers & Small Businesses from Biden's Attack on Worker Free Choice & Economic Growth [Channel: House Committee on Education & the Workforce]

>>113632 House Members Speak to Reporters About Biden Investigation

>>113633 The State of Florida is officially SUING the College Football Playoff Committee!

>>113637 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Deep Field: The Heart Nebula

>>113641 Engineers Working to Resolve Issue With Voyager 1 Computer

>>113642 2024 Leadership Changes to Include NASA Stennis Director’s Retirement

>>113643 @3rdmaw Steel Knight 23.2 | Networking Beyond Boundaries with Sgt. Samantha Delgado

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/944412149d6570903639226a7eb8bb4df59b6b188d8c744f5e79c3fef0761b67.pdf


>>113646 Hamas leader: “Not just in the West Bank or Gaza, but in every city worldwide, we're shaping the future—training suicide bombers to target Jews”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7d9c3eb5d0377ccb12a2ec38b504f4b294ae54d3bbd536b2de5ae3b8cb87b48f.mp4

>>113647, >>113662 planeFag:Europe/eastern Med and overnight activity/CONUS

>>113648, >>113661, >>113664, >>113665 Supreme Court Accepts Case Challenging Jan. 6 Obstruction Charges

>>113649 Chris Miller - Former Secretary of Defense on Toppling the Taliban | SRS #88 Part 1

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6RUlpi3gA-c - Chris Miller - Former Secretary of Defense on Toppling the Taliban | SRS #88 [Channel: Shawn Ryan Show]

>>113650 Chris Cuomo can’t hold in his laughter while interviewing a girl with Tourette syndrome who tells him to “f*** off.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/171bfb23995f453a22e300bfbbe3268512a49ad0670e67b4bae68b6f8ebf0859.mp4

>>113651 'The fact is, he has no respect.': Pelosi blasts Johnson's embrace of 'no basis' Biden impeachment

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/552af357420e9631ca15301efc36f328f769a84c416351ae29e7870bdc9d8d8b.mp4

>>113652 The Bee: Gay: I have a dream

>>113653, >>113654 @realDonaldTrump Moms for America Action Endorses Trump for President.....


>>113656 @realDonaldTrump Ohio GOP endorses

>>113657 @realDonaldTrump FBI @1/6

>>113658 @realDonaldTrump Lake on Smith

>>113659 @realDonaldTrump MS muscle

>>113660 Stunning new information now has Americans seriously questioning 2020 election…

>>113663 Tesla issues massive recall of more than 2 million vehicles over autopilot safety concerns

>>113666 re: Jack Smith and extortion scheme

>>113667 Argentina peso: Milei begins 'shock therapy' by devaluing currency

>>113668 @realDonaldTrump Join me LIVE tonight in Coralville, Iowa at 6pmCST—7pmEST. Will be on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @realamericasvoice, @OAN, and Donald J. Trump @rumble, among others. MAGA!

>>113669 'It's So Unimaginable': Tucker Carlson Says He's 'Not Suited' to Be Donald Trump's Running Mate Ahead of 2024 Election

>>113670 WTI Holds Gains After Big Crude Draw; Biden Admin Unexpectedly Drains SPR

>>113671 resident Biden Delivers Remarks at a Meeting of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Lr2awloWVfI - President Biden Delivers Remarks at a Meeting of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council [Channel: The White House]

>>113672 House Republicans speak after Hunter Biden defies subpoena for closed-door testimony

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=R7glnAwnTlk - House Republicans speak after Hunter Biden defies subpoena for closed-door testimony [Channel: CBS News]

>>113673 UAP disclosure bill revised; two key provisions stripped

>>113674 More Damning Information Revealed about RFK Jr.’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

>>113675 Rumble Hit With "Unprecedented" Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage

>>113676 At Grocery Stores, Customer Marketing Data Is Becoming The Product

>>113677 Those darned Trump supporters

>>113678 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8uLnpxgCO9I - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - December 13, 2023 - 12:30 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>113679 Tireless Busybodies Again Target Substack

>>113680 Harris Remarks on Gun Violence Prevention

>>113681 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism launches partnership with the Vatican

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=codupRlgf-Q - The Council for Inclusive Capitalism launches partnership with the Vatican [Channel: Yahoo Finance]

>>113682, >>113683 Jonathan Gilthorpe the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the mRNA vaccines

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v4125jd - Jonathan Gilthorpe the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the mRNA vaccines [5:03] [Channel: Nobel Prize Protest 2023]

>>113684 #24630-A

>>113685 Four years ago today, Biden called an Iowa man “a damn liar” after the man accused Biden of “selling access” (which was completely true)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e971c0ded355f4fa629bd60b936ee17f06b42bdac9b8844e9ed2e5eb0f33534.mp4

>>113686, >>113687, >>113693 Switzerland has moved to defund UNRWA!

>>113688 Sad Meatball - Chris Sununu Slights DeSantis, Endorses Nikki Haley

>>113689 Hunter rode in some piece of shit little car, up front I might add whereas Swallwell rode in a normal SUV

>>113690 Rep. Raskin News Conference Ahead of Biden Impeachment Inquiry Vote

>>113691 Buckwheat n Kirby up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jpdlEpIz2s0 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby [Channel: The White House]

>>113692 McGovern [House Biden Impeachment Inquiry Vote]

>>113694 #24630-B

(58 notables, 78 posts, 67 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131300

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20068899 Q Research General #24631: Mornin Son Brings The Heat Edition

Created 131801ZDEC23




>>113695 #24631

>>113696, >>113736, >>113753 House lawmakers debate possible Biden impeachment inquiry

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bhJK12K2nEE - Live: House lawmakers debate possible Biden impeachment inquiry [Channel: Fox Business]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QQQoTKW4IkQ - Hunter Biden challenges House Republicans: 'I am here to testify at a public hearing today' [Channel: ABC News]

>>113697 Nebraska Farmer Turns Cornfield Into Giant Image Of trump's Mugshot

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40y9xh - Nebraska Farmer Turns Cornfield Into Giant Image Of trump's Mugshot [21] [Channel: Trending Politics]

>>113698 Note Taker Bun / Pfizer shares sink after it resets 2024 COVID expectations

>>113699 @realDonaldTrump WHERE’S HUNTER?

>>113700 Note Taker Bun / PF Italian AF IAAM9002 A319Meloniand GreekAF HAF652B Falcon 7x went to Brussels

>>113701 Note Taker Bun / @PDJT: WHERE’S HUNTER?

>>113702 Vax Ammo Bun

>>113703 Note Taker Bun / Dr. Pierre Kory: Why will the CDC Will NO LONGER Track Data on Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19?

>>113704 Republicans to Initiate Contempt of Congress Proceedings After Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena

>>113705 Anti-Zionist Jews Block Major LA Freeway To Demand Gaza Ceasefire

>>113706 Polands most popular fundraising site has raised tens of thousands in USD for Grzegorz Braun will be blocked.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29cd076e659f19bd906c08f4f5e1ffc16d103a1bf9e085055c6cfc0f8127afa4.mp4

>>113707 Note Taker Bun / More than 150 mostly teen/mostly Albanian asylum seekers have disappeared from UK hotels

>>113708 Note Taker Bun / Claim: Israelis Killed Palestinian Women, Kids, Babies ‘Execution-Style’

>>113709 @DJT A Fake News article in Politico, through anonymous sources (as usual!

>>113710 Special Counsel Jack Smith Asks Supreme Court to Decide Trump Immunity

>>113711 Note Taker Bun / Proposals for a Water Resources Development Act of 2024

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ed4K0utPK48 - Proposals for a Water Resources Development Act of 2024: Stakeholder Priorities [Channel: T&I Committee Republicans]

>>113712 Ted Cruz Reveals Why He Thinks Dems Are ‘Blocking’ Epstein Flight Logs

>>113713 2:00 PM EST Reforming the WHO: Ensuring Global Health Security and Accountability

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=USDLyyyY050 - Select Subcommittee Hearing [Channel: GOP Oversight]

>>113714, >>113715, >>113718 Note Taker Bun / Hearings at 2pm EST - Reforming the WHO, 2nd Amendment rights, Censorship Laundering pt2, Growth of the tax exempt sector

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fl7p-2aMAMg - Second Amendment Rights Empower Women’s Rights [Channel: House Judiciary GOP]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9MhKHJ8dUGE - Censorship Laundering Part II: Preventing the Department of Homeland Security's Silencing of Dissent [Channel: Homeland Security Committee Events]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fx7bPrK47QI - Oversight Subcommittee Hearing: Growth of the Tax-Exempt Sector & the Impact on American Politics [Channel: Ways and Means Committee Republicans]

>>113716, >>113745 Twitter Trends

>>113717 In case you missed it, The new Pindar is dead.

>>113719 2:30 PM EST Press Conference Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=L5y8BVAaz6g - Subcommittee Hearing: Government Promotion of Safety and Innovation in the New Space Economy [Channel: Commerce Dems]

>>113720 Note Taker Bun / Zelensky Confronts Hungary’s Viktor Orban at Javier Milei Inauguration; "no match for Orban"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qYN8veMHs0g - Zelensky confronts Viktor Orban at Javier Milei inauguration [Channel: The Telegraph]

>>113721, >>113724 Meme of the Thread

>>113722 Note Taker Bun / Israeli leaders: War to go on until Hamas defeated, ‘with or without’ world’s okay

>>113723, >>113726, >>113738 A truck driver attacked by protesters drives over one of them on LA freeway. MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7fbe004b2c09f71d59730e121f50ef213ef03d29d38e77f7f9124348f6b5fe69.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=6D4643rfmxE - Truck and trailer drive through crowd protesting in Tulsa on live TV [Channel: Tulsa's NewsChannel 8]

>>113725 Based Cap of the Thread

>>113727, >>113739, >>113749 Keks of the Thread

>>113728 Gov’t Report Finds, Feds Sent Nearly $2 Billion To Planned Parenthood And Other Pro-Abortion Groups

>>113729 @Snowden opines If Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) abuses the NDAA, then he should be dumped just like McCarthy.

>>113730 Supreme Court agrees to hear showdown over abortion pill access

>>113731 SAM564 C40B departed San Jose Intl

>>113732 Note Taker Bun

>>113733 @bennyjohnson US border utterly overrun by illegal migrants

>>113734 Federal Reserve signals rate cuts next year #Financefag


>>113737 Jean-Pierre: It's been unprecedented number of seventeen of his (Biden) cabinet members, and other principal, has traveled to the continent (Africa).

>>113740 Coming soon

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f29059a0afef604429fe807a08c0fc705c8759e199bedae7f9f43bef365b876d.mp4

>>113741 Police Detective and Former School Resource Officer Indicted on Child Sex Abuse Material Charges

>>113742, >>113748 ADL dig on the magnifying of White Nationalism #CallforDig

>>113743 Supreme Court to hear case that could undo hundreds of Jan. 6 charges, including Trump's

>>113744 Was JFK’s Assassination Instrumental is Strengthening Zionist Israel?

>>113746 Hunter Biden refuses to attend deposition, claims House committee that subpoenaed him is 'illegitimate'

>>113747 Soros-funded IfNotNow just blocked an entire freeway in LA with buses full of children for almost 2 hours.

>>113750 #BidenCrimeFamily these are not good people.

>>113751 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò mentions HRC, Podesta, Pizzagate and their friend who was just convicted for CP?

>>113752 School Bus involved in 3 vehicle accident

>>113754 #24631

(49 notables, 60 posts, 69 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131301

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20069685 Q Research General #24632: The Biden Crime Family #QuidProQuo Edition

Created 132119ZDEC23




>>113755 #24632

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5450c23653845f308c5cc1613c4cf5fc39f47388725d01234dbd27484845d8c5.mp4

>>113756 LIVE: President Trump rallies voters at Commit to Caucus event in Coralville, Iowa - 12/13/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xBgxBuVPrnA - LIVE: President Trump rallies voters at Commit to Caucus event in Coralville, Iowa - 12/13/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>113757 @SLDelta45 - Congratulations Team Great Eight!

>>113758 Protesters shut down major Calif. freeway during rush hour

>>113759 Baker claim

>>113760 Yes, Trump can win the 2024 election. Here are four reasons why

>>113761 DJT Rally Schedule 12/13/23

>>113762 @NavalInstitute - “Thank you for your service” should be said both more frequently and beyond the armed forces.

>>113763 @ORNL_PhysSci - Magnesium oxide is a promising material for capturing carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere

>>113764 Judge pauses Jan. 6 case against Trump amid former president's appeal to dismiss

>>113765 Etsy is Discovered to Have Suspicious High Priced “Child” Items on their Website and now their Stock Falls and They’re Laying off 11% of their Employees

>>113766 DOJ just filed a sentencing rec asking for 66 MONTHS IN PRISON largely based on 1512c2 conviction…

>>113767 HOUSE GOP @RepJamesComer @Jim_Jordan initiate contempt proceedings

>>113768 House Session, Part 2: The House plans to consider a resolution to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

>>113769 Trump, Elon Musk, and Billionaire ‘Populists’ Threaten Democracy and Freedom (for the keks)

>>113770, >>113771, >>113779 Impeachment inquiry is a go.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jTlaeNwGcuA - BREAKING NEWS: House Republicans Vote To Advance Impeachment Inquiry Into President Biden [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>113772 PF Report - Russian AF RFF7301 Tupolev Tu-154 returned to Moscow from Tehran depart-landed about 30m ago

>>113773 @SpeakerRyan and @SpeakerJohnson just emerged from the speakers suite together

>>113774 Statement from Trump Campaign on Pause of Biden’s D.C. January 6 Hoax

>>113775 @DeptofDefense - Celebrating 387 years of the National Guard!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/acc37f84e62db7e3c43d48a0ed3474eaef1df070d8dec8956791f2d1131301cb.mp4

>>113776 Q: "Should your son have defied the subpoena?" President Biden does not respond

>>113777 SenSchumer - After years of advocacy, I'm announcing—standing with @SecArmy

>>113778 Judge Chutkan has stayed Donald Trump’s D.C. case pending his appeal of the motion to dismiss based on presidential immunity

>>113780 DJT Truth - So Deranged Jack Smith, the Biden appointed “nut job” prosecutor with a big record of loses because he goes too far, wants to RUSH,RUSH,RUSH to the Supreme Court on the important matter of Presidential Immunity, something which is so basic to America that it should be automatic.

>>113781 Soros Media Matters Sues to 'PERMANENTLY BLOCK' AG Ken Paxton From Investigating Them

>>113782 PF: Bottom line is somebody went from Oahu to Maui yesterday-and nothing shows up until cap 2-in a high level AC (sometimes used as AF2) and no stories that I see

>>113783 #24632

(27 notables, 29 posts, 31 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131302

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20070467 Q Research General #24633: Trump Train Rally Edition

Created 140023ZDEC23




>>113784 #24633

>>113785 @CodeMonkeyZ - House formally votes to open impeachment inquiry into Biden. More trumped up charges for Trump incoming.

>>113786, >>113789 Milei govt building fire

>>113787 New Dubinsky and Kulyk Case: How Joe Biden is Cleaning Up Evidence of His Corruption in Ukraine with the Help of Ukrainian Authorities

>>113788 FCC Denies Elon Musk’s Starlink $886 Million in Rural Broadband Subsidies

>>113790 WATCH: Rand Paul Raises Eyebrows With Comments On Fauci's Link To CIA

>>113791 Japan's negative rate exit scenario muddled by Fed outlook


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v412212 - President Trump in Coralville, IA [1:19:38] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>113794 AdamSchiff - House Republicans just voted to open an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. It’s a complete sham. Let’s break it down.

>>113795 @thejimwatkins - Rally Breads are best breads

>>113796 Ben Bergquam: IOWA Caucus. "There's clear direction, there's clear objective to win the caucus for Trump"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v414o50 - Ben Bergquam: "There's clear direction, there's clear objective to win the caucus" [11:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113797 PF: 45 in GJE21 G5 departed Iowa City Muni Airport after rally and back to PBI

>>113798 Ben Bergquam Reporting Live From President Trump's Caucus Event In Iowa. There is a convergence on conservatives of every state and every race...

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v414fxz - Ben Bergquam Reporting Live From President Trump's Caucus Event In Iowa [2:41] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113799 Mike Davis: "There's no rush to get Trump before the election other than election interference"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v414f80 - Mike Davis: "There's no rush to get Trump before the election other than election interference" [6:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113800 Tucker Carlson: "Anne Applebaum Is The Totalitarian": Carlson On The Global Progressive Advocating For Oligarchy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v412r7y - "Anne Applebaum Is The Totalitarian": Carlson On The Global Progressive Advocating For Oligarchy [11:20] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113801 #24633

(16 notables, 18 posts, 16 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131303

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20071261 Q Research General #24634: Looking for Hunter Again Edition

Created 140255ZDEC23




>>113802 #24634

>>113803 PF Report: TRIXY73 E6B Mercury out of PAX River ‘cleared the road’ in front an approaching45in GJE21 G5 heading back back to PBI

>>113804 Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured as three floor are evacuated after person set papers on fire then used a fire extinguisher to put it out

>>113805 Hunter Speech

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ae01bfe6dda6173d52a6d702c50209aa02ca759867552ffd04f503e72a2bdda7.mp4

>>113806 mp4 rally clips from rally bread

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/949cef68f1b2fafdb965a088637ec7322f1eb418738ac88c075d37156f9fa147.mp4

>>113807 Must See Movie “Let My People Go” – Produced by Professor Clements to Be Released on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th

>>113808 When you guys see what Based AI can do you're going to have a blast. Gab is going to be the place to be for uncensored Based AI in 2024

>>113809 Tom Renz - Hunter Biden made money off Covid scamdemic by investing in Metabiotic

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/dkp3A3jXb0PS/ - CONGRESS DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN COVID COVER-UP [5:24] [Channel: The Resistance 1776]

>>113810 @robbystarbuck - @Google’s AI Bard was asked about me in a series of questions and the results are insane. Bard didn’t just lie about me, it invented fake articles, videos and quotes to paint me as a racist, KKK supporting danger to America. Then it admitted it lied.

>>113811 PF Reports

>>113812 PF Report: And landed at PBI about 15m ago

>>113813 Billionaire hedge fund boss Ken Griffin to pay Manhattan cathedral up to $164 million for air rights to build new skyscraper

>>113814 Steve Doocy floats outrageous new plan to “stop Trump,” and his cohosts quickly shoot him down…

>>113815 #24634

(14 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131304

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20072068 Q Research General #24635: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Edition

Created 140925ZDEC23




>>113816 #24635

>>113817, >>113820 Gonzalo Lira's Wrongful Imprisonment Highlighted

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b6ca9d637ecd2aebeddfea7d1f6d849b4f99823d2fe4869f570f9cda2b59d1d9.webm

>>113818 LB Fire in NYC courthouse hosting Donald Trump's trial leaves 17 injured #BS

>>113819 The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the bipartisan Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) tasked with redrawing congressional district lines be given another chance

>>113821 The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines - Journal of Medical Ethics study

>>113822 West Virginia Official Accuses the CIA of Stealing the 2020 Election: "Gateway: Beyond the Headlines"

>>113823, >>113824 Rally archive anon: repost with updated dough for rally notes

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v412212 - President Trump in Coralville, IA [1:19:38] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>113825 After getting his phone smashed, little punk drives truck into restaurant mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/51bd5e65fbc36ca0ae9e4600a342470043f4a7fa39d2d3737b9fa0ff2148e113.mp4

>>113826 @nytimes doctored what Hunter said today, leaving out "financially"

>>113827 I am the mother of @elonmusk His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS wants to stop him. Have you any idea how furious I am?

>>113828 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday threw out three cases challenging the Biden administration’s now-defunct COVID-19 vaccine mandate for executive branch employees and military service members

>>113829 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 51: It’s becoming obvious that the US government has made contact with nonhuman beings. So why are they lying to us about it? We asked UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch

>>113830 Catherine Herridge update: judge insists that the need for evidence for a case involving the federal government supersedes her First Amendment privileges.

>>113831 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Global Illicit Drug Trade

>>113832, >>113833 Canadian journalist who pushed forced vaccination dies suddenly

>>113834 Turkish lawmaker dies two days after collapsing while giving a speech saying Israel would 'suffer the wrath of Allah' for invading Gaza

>>113835 needs verification: It would seemBrunson has won before the SCOTUS But Is under a gag order

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MzM1RdVeDSw - BRUNSON CASE WON? [Channel: Bare Naked Truth]

>>113836 Donald Trump leading Biden in seven critical swing states, Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll shows

>>113837 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/14/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v416ba7 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/14/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>113838, >>113840 Swamp habbenings for 12/14/23

>>113839 Huge fire breaks out in 13-storey offices next to Buenos Aires government building

>>113841 MikeCristo8 w/CAP: How the G7 Central Banks collapse ALL at once...

>>113842 Ohio Senate approves bans on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes

>>113843 #24635

(24 notables, 28 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131305

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20073429 Q Research General #24636: Demolition Of The Old Guard Edition

Created 141509ZDEC23




>>113844 #24636

>>113845, >>113852, >>113877 Planefag Reporting for Duty

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d7375f37b760010bcb208d546d0dfcb81b5b83da3577726bb2b8b630c5f40bbc.mp4

>>113846, >>113850 Boatfag Reporting for Duty

>>113847, >>113848 Anons OPTICS List

>>113849 Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Dubinsky Is Violently Beaten in Ukrainian Detention Center

>>113851 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>113853, >>113878 Defense bill passed

>>113854 Navy Releases 109 Pages Of UFO Sightings

>>113855 Stockfag Reporting for Duty

>>113856 Dr. Robert Epstein Joins WarRoom To Discuss His Testimony Tomorrow On Election Manipulation

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v40yqav - Dr. Robert Epstein Joins WarRoom To Discuss His Testimony Tomorrow On Election Manipulation [14:13] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113857, >>113870 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty

>>113858 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / "Hunter Biden"

>>113859, >>113872, >>113873 Anon looking for the Systems of the Down

>>113860 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / Impeach

>>113861 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / "James Comer"

>>113862 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / Capitol

>>113863 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / "Jim Jordan"

>>113864 Russia Insists on an Expanded Boundary in the Arctic Ocean

>>113865 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / Whites

>>113866 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / Obamas

>>113867 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / Senate

>>113868 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / "House GOP"

>>113869 BUN, Trendfag Reporting for Duty / "Biden Family"

>>113871 NatGas 'Widowmaker' Spread Goes Negative As Supply Glut Forms Due To El Niño (mktFag Amaranth comments)

>>113874 @DJT Biden had 150 Suspicious Activity Reports!!! I never had one!!!

>>113875 1:00 PM EST Protecting the Human Rights of Foster Children

>>113876 Anons Simps for Communism. CAP

>>113879 Pope planning his funeral? #ElectionInterference

>>113880 The theater of the absurd continues. Former House impeachment manager Eric Swalwell arranged for the press conference #BidenCrimeFamily

>>113881 Boston Asian mayor in hot water over White and Black segregated “Electeds of Color Holiday Party”

>>113882 Congress Approves Extension Of Warrantless Surveillance Powers Opposed By Civil Libertarians?

>>113883, >>113885 Anon first to call #ActorHunter Out

>>113884 Anon calls for AppleTechfags #Halp

>>113886 #24636

(34 notables, 43 posts, 49 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131306

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20074271 Q Research General #24637: Hunters in the Basement with the Silver Spoon Edition

Created 141848ZDEC23




>>113887 #24637

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/64a2f1aafa002b38f0ad0a57e7008e67495b356dd79d4ad96fbc5d60a19e5d7f.mp4

>>113888 FDA & HHS Sued Over Docs Revealing Suppression Of HCQ And IVM (it's about time)

>>113889 US Has No Plans to Restrict Military Aid to Israel - antiwar.com

>>113890, >>113895 WH presser: President O'BIDEN - Freudian slip or crafty insertion?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d837dc48b8372938209ad6244d2f067e5cef2665640ef440d0fd9848cd665211.mp4

>>113891 Elon Musk is Planning a New University in Austin, Texas - initials spells TITS ha-ha

>>113892 Final Batch Of Pfizer Documents Released By FDA

>>113893 PDJT: My Financial Statements were extremely “undervalued,”...

>>113894 IDF Fires on Ambulance in Gaza and Arrests Medical Staff - libertarianinstitute.org

>>113896 Israelis Question if 'Hannibal Directive' Was Used on Oct 7


>>113898 House Passes Resolution Condemning Testimony Of University Presidents On Anti-Semitism

>>113899 Soros Dark Money Keeps Biden’s SuperPAC Alive

>>113900 LIVE: Protest in New York City over drag story hour at Children's Museum

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=87eaDoORIL0 - Protesters oppose supporters at “Drag Story Hour” in NYC [Channel: News2Share]

>>113901 Florida detransitioner Isabelle Ayala who was trans'd at AGE 14 sues American Academy of Pediatrics

>>113902 US Navy whistle-blower who exposed spike in pilot heart-related conditions post-vax is under investigation

>>113903 3:15 est Biden delivers remarks on lowering the cost the prescription drugs

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-oUZ6ljrE6w - President Biden Delivers Remarks on his Administration’s Progress to Lower Prescription Drug Costs [Channel: The White House]

>>113904, >>113907, >>113908, >>113910, >>113912 PF: Caribbean update/Trudope landed at Vancouver from Ottawa depart & others

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c70e008c69f56a8d8a8610a9b1eb0be2d6275804170c1b8c14ab7720fe5ebd8.mp4

>>113905 Pentagon Bio-laboratories - An Investigative (documentary)

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/VUIhRySvlNiQ/ - Pentagon Biolaboratories - Investigative Documentary [27:37] [Channel: NancyDrewberry]

>>113906 iPhone users in uproar over Apple's new Journal app that is auto-downloaded to your device and shares information with strangers nearby

>>113909, >>113911 Tucker Carlson plants billboards at NYTimes, CNN, MSNBC and the WashPo

>>113913 "Ms TayIor" is identified as the staffer who was paddle boarding with Barack Obama's chef Tafari Campbell

>>113914 MSM news outlets slash 2,700 jobs - NY Post

>>113915 Hunter Biden fears he will have to FLEE the US if Trump is elected - Daily Mail

>>113916 Putin Holds a Marathon 4-Hour Press Conference

>>113917 Former Security Engr For Intl Tech Company Pleads Guilty To Hacking Two Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges

>>113918 Secret Service boats were 'inoperable' as Obama's chef was drowning

>>113919 Cruise Ship Counselor Charged with Sexually Abusing Minors

>>113920, >>113921 Texas House Release Invoices from the Paxton Impeachment

>>113922 Washington Wizards, Capitals plan to depart DC as crime crisis intensifies

>>113923 Satanic idol at Iowa State Capitol BEHEADED by Christian veteran

>>113924 Congress has approved legislation preventing any president from withdrawing the U.S. from NATO without approval from the Senate or an Act of Congress

>>113925 #24637

(32 notables, 39 posts, 45 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131307

File: 4f5603a4f60014c⋯.png (146.33 KB,437x242,437:242,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20075130 Q Research General #24638: Carlson TROLLING Major MSM OUTLET w/Portable Billboards Edition

Created 142238ZDEC23




>>113926 24638

>>113927 Kevin McCarthy Delivers His Final Speech on House Floor: Lauds Democrats as True Reflection of America, Criticizes GOP as “Restrictive Country Clubs” (VIDEO)

>>113928 @CodeMonkeyZ - It is essentially confirmed that the US Govt has crashed UFOs and the pilots that were flying those UFOs.

>>113929 EU opens membership talks with Ukraine (RT)

>>113930 @BasedMikeLee - The Senate just voted to waive the point of order against the NDAA. 35 of us opposed the motion to waive. We needed only 41 to prevent this outcome

>>113931 @RevolverNewsUSA - Etsy “pizzagate” scandal—is this the tip of a child rape iceberg?

>>113932 Look Out Below!

>>113933 Tucker Ep. 52 Kyle Rittenhouse exercised the most basic right of all: the right to self-defense.

>>113934 Former Special Agent in Charge of the New York FBI Counterintelligence Division Sentenced to 50 Months for Conspiring to Violate U.S. Sanctions on Russia

>>113935 Could This Supreme Court Case End Government Overreach By Three-Letter Agencies?

>>113936 A section within Hunter Biden's 56-page federal tax indictment raises questions about the connection between his sobriety from drugs and the timeline of his alleged crimes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/17d9ae40cc462ecddb8607c402bcb38cee46d26217d5c3a1d6beb4c6e0ee85e6.mp4

>>113937 Baker claim

>>113938 USEUCOM Commander Gen. Christopher Cavoli, met w/ #Ukrainian President @ZelenskyyUa in Germany to discuss ongoing U.S. & international military support to Ukraine

>>113939 Former resident @BarackObama joined elementary students at Parkside Community Academy on the South Side of Chicago to spread some holiday cheer

>>113940 The 12 Days of Tropic Lightning

>>113941 Washington Lawmaker Wants To Toss People In Jail For Using Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers Because They "Contribute To Climate Change"

>>113942 West Virginia Secretary Of State Insists CIA Robbed Trump Of 2020 Election Win!

>>113943 Congress Passes Legislation Blocking Future Presidents from Exiting NATO Without Senate Approval – After Trump Forced NATO Nations to Pay Their Fair Share

>>113944 #24638

(19 notables, 19 posts, 17 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131308

File: d82661b60f35c4e⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,255x172,255:172,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20076011 Q Research General #24639: Deep State Panic Edition

Created 150135ZDEC23




>>113945 24639

>>113946 X2.8 solar flare, largest since 2017 and the largest of Cycle 25, occurred at 1700 UTC today

>>113947 Chuck Schumer Twitter:The world is watching

>>113948 Italian nationals sentenced for running Knoxville-area pill mills

>>113949 Man Who Smashed Iowa Satan Statue Arrested (The Babylon Bee, for the keks)

>>113950 @tassagency_en - Putin kicks off combined Direct Line Q&A session, year-end press conference

>>113951 Trump rails against opponents while urging Iowans to ‘put big numbers up’ in caucuses next month

>>113952 DJT Re-Truth

>>113953, >>113960 Read Sidney Powell's VERY brief apology letter for election interference

>>113954 DJT Statement On The 14th Amendment Victorious Ruling In Michigan

>>113955 Ex-FBI Counterintelligence Chief, and Peter Strzok’s boss, Charles McGonigal, who was in charge of my “case” during the Russia investigation scam, was just sentenced to 4+ years for colluding with Russian oligarchs.

>>113956, >>113958 New Iowa poll shows Trump far ahead, DeSantis and Haley work to gain ground

>>113957 White House Press Corps Bursts Into Laughter After Peter Doocy ‘Mistakenly’ Refers to Joe Biden as ‘Obiden’

>>113959 Kiev sends its soldiers to die – Putin (RT)

>>113961 #24639

(15 notables, 17 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131309

File: d82661b60f35c4e⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,255x172,255:172,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20076803 Q Research General #24640: Ten Days. Christmas. Edition

Created 150448ZDEC23




>>113962 24640

>>113963 Here Are The Lists Of The US Senators And The 147 House GOP Members Who Voted YES On The NDAA Without Removing Funding For The Unconstitutional FISA Courts

>>113964 Lora Logan interview Clay Higgins

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/IGKaDJNepZSW/ - Interview with Clay Higgins | Lara Logan [37:42] [Channel: Banned Youtube Videos]

>>113965 Julie Kelly Explains How Jack Smith Struggles To Hold March Trial Date For Trump, with many more reports

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v414ieq - Julie Kelly Explains How Jack Smith Struggles To Hold March Trial Date For Trump [10:21] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113966 Fenn, a 6-month-old giraffe, died after being "unexpectedly startled," the North Carolina Zoo announced

>>113967 Steven Robinson Joins WarRoom To Discuss CCP Marijuana Drug Bust In Maine Today

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41buqk - Steven Robinson Joins WarRoom To Discuss CCP Marijuana Drug Bust In Maine Today [10:35] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113968 Sebastian Gorka: "Trump: They Want Him Dead". Kagan’s article was calling for assassination attempts

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41b84s - Sebastian Gorka: "Trump: They Want Him Dead" [16:28] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>113969 BREAKING: Satanic idol at Iowa State Capitol BEHEADED by Christian veteran

>>113970 (brief) Mass power outage reported after EXPLOSION at Con Edison plant in New York City

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7b65d3b551075de99a7c9173ff77bc87176b77b03d8b8b41c4156db2435b1e98.mp4

>>113971 Tucker Carlson Tonight December 14, 2023

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Zj0rKhZxGoI - Tucker Carlson 12/14/23 | Tucker Carlson Tonight December 14, 2023 [Channel: DSP Channel]

>>113972 Impeachment inquiry zeroes in on origin of Hunter Biden's China deals while Joe Biden was VP

>>113973 Pentagon falls 41,000 short of reduced military recruitment goals

>>113974 POLL: Donald Trump Leading Biden in Seven Swing States Heading Into 2024

>>113975 Airplane makes emergency landing on I-26 near Ashville, NC, and bursts into flames sending two people to the hospital

>>113976 Update: FDNY races to rescue New Yorkers trapped in dark ELEVATORS as the Big Apple and New Jersey is (briefly) plunged into chaos by sudden mass power outage sparked by 'explosion' at Con Edison plant

>>113977 Uncontrollable street takeover sees participants throwing fireworks at cop cars as Connecticut authorities try to identify participants in gatherings

>>113978 Microsoft Word now scolds you if you use words that aren’t “inclusive”!

>>113979 WHO DID THIS??😂😂😂

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/944ed7b6ba58c2d7a2b24684df79f4563fb24d44cfaa9558169a49f22399ca5b.mp4

>>113980 Men charged with killing 3,600 birds, including bald and golden eagles, to sell on black market

>>113981, >>113982 Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who has been accused of obstructing the Hunter Biden probe, has left her post at the Justice Department, it was reported Thursday

>>113983 #24640

(21 notables, 22 posts, 20 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131310

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20077843 Q Research General #24641: Good Morning Frens Edition

Created 151139ZDEC23




>>113984 #24641

>>113985 Illinois Strip Club Paid Mayor to Run Prostitution for Years, U.S. Says

>>113986 Evening 'News' Echoes Biden Spin on Scandal: 'No Proof….Where Is The Evidence?'

>>113987 Chris Christie Needs to Stand Down

>>113988 Baby swept away in Tennessee tornado found alive ‘by the grace of God’ in unusual spot

>>113989 JUST IN - Many injured after lawmaker detonates multiple grenades during a council meeting in Transcarpathia, western Ukraine.

>>113990 Prince Harry privacy case: 'Extensive' phone hacking by Mirror Group newspapers was carried out

>>113991 DJT Truth - Sloppy Chris Christie did so poorly in the Great State of New Hampshire in 2016 that immediately after the votes were counted he dropped out,endorsed me.

>>113992 Trump’s secret weapon consolidating the GOP: Fear (anons know better)

>>113993 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/15/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v419dxy - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/15/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>113994 @ChrisSununu I've been on the trail with all the candidates dozens and dozens of times — time and again, @NikkiHaley connects.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/50101f0ad1a9f87f20dfdd9f1829133ddd2d42915c6d850e8a42dba93bbc3cb3.mp4

>>113995 Many injured after lawmaker detonates multiple grenades during a council meeting in Transcarpathia, western Ukraine.

>>113996 ICYMI: New J6 Video with GOP Lawmaker and Crime Fighter Clay Higgins

>>113997 How Far Will The Climate Cult Go?

>>113998 Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: "You have to be brave now".

>>113999 planeFag: Eastern Med./Europe

>>114000 QClock December 12-14, 2023 - Shepherd of Israel Biblical


>>114002 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Betelgeuse Eclipsed

>>114003 Ted Cruz lays out three steps to fight cultural marxism: transparency, change the ledger, influence

>>114004 @realDonaldTrump Sloppy Chris Christie did so poorly in the Great State of New Hampshire in 2016 that immediately after the votes were counted, he dropped out and endorsed me.....

>>114005 @realDonaldTrump Why didn’t the Deranged Jack Smith “Team” file their lawsuit 3 years ago?.....

>>114006 Some Icy Exoplanets May Have Habitable Oceans and Geysers

>>114007 Melania Live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LldFtiq2aKU - Melania Trump speaks at ceremony for naturalized citizens [Channel: Fox News]

>>114008 #24641

(25 notables, 25 posts, 25 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131311

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20078838 Q Research General #24642: TGIF Edition

Created 151555ZDEC23




>>114009 #24642

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72323fc1c2dd438b8616932577ab22df707c6c9fd0627dcf5bb73fbd962a4785.mp4

>>114010, >>114055 The World Enslavement Forum Presents - Christmas Hits With Klaus Schwab

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/i9lsvTROJlFB/ - The World Enslavement Forum Presents - Christmas Hits With Klaus Schwab | Snicklink [4:00] [Channel: Banned Youtube Videos]

>>114011, >>114012, >>114018, >>114029 Lara is talking about the "catch phrases" for the information war are the roadmap which trace back to the fedbois

>>114013, >>114014, >>114016, >>114026 Venezuelan threats to its neighbor highlights questions about Biden’s foreign and energy policies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kWk1iiKzIjQ - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (2003) [Channel: Chingon Domino]

>>114015 What is the Linux kernel?

>>114017, >>114019, >>114020, >>114022, >>114025, >>114027, >>114030, >>114031 Did somebody say WilmerHale, AKA Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP.? Connections Much?

>>114021 Fed’s John Williams says the central bank isn't 'really talking about rate cuts right now'

>>114023 Republican Debate - WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE!!! Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/plhDCeunTBrP/ - Republican Debate - WHAT YOU DIDN'T SEE!!! [3:27] [Channel: Banned Youtube Videos]

>>114024 Blackstone-led joint venture pays $1.2B for stake in Signature Bank real estate portfolio

>>114028 Natural gas expansion project to add more reliable energy to Texas grid

>>114032 Her Work Is Complete: Crooked Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf Who Blocked Search Warrants and Felony Charges for the Bidens Resigns at DOJ


>>114034 Biggest solar flare in years causes problems with radio communications with planes

>>114035 Melania Trump Remarks at National Archives Naturalization Ceremony

>>114036, >>114048 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>114037 Top USSF leaders discuss the Space Force of 2030

>>114038 Space Force birthday today! established in 1982

>>114039 Keyword Stuffing

>>114040 Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’ America if Donald Trump Reelected

>>114041 Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

>>114042 @Biz_Shrink Steals $4mil as head of DEI at Meta. So plagiarism, theft…what’s next to be exposed? Or should we ask WHO will be next?

>>114043 Shipping giant Maersk pauses all voyages through the Red Sea despite two American aircraft carrier groups in the region./also Hapag-Lloyd

>>114044 School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible

>>114045 Vanita Gupta, Top DOJ Official Who Oversaw Abortion Taskforce, To Resign

>>114046 Scientists push for UAP research without waiting for government

>>114047 Melania Trump welcomes new citizens at National Archives naturalization ceremony in rare public appearance

>>114049 ‘Mayday!’: Plane erupts in flames after crash-landing on NC highway

>>114050 @JamesOKeefeIII JUST LEARNED: @IBM has shut down their entire Slack Channel after @OKeefeMedia published the slack messages below…

>>114051 @AGAndrewBailey “Missouri attorney general exposes DOJ funding to Soros-backed group that trains left-wing prosecutors”

>>114052 Officer Harry Dunn, outspoken about Jan. 6, plans to leave Capitol Police.

>>114053 Ex-FBI counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal sentenced to four years in prison for secretly colluding with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

>>114054, >>114061 'What is that material?': Potentially hazardous asteroid Bennu stumps scientists with its odd makeup

>>114056 @SpeakerJohnson The latest alarming example of why we MUST have transformative policy changes to secure our southern border.

>>114057, >>114059 There's an important hearing in Maine this morning on whether Donald Trump should be kept off the ballot as disqualified from office under the 14th amendment

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JvBkgW893g8 - Hearing Regarding Challenges to Trump Primary Nomination Petition [Channel: Maine Department of the Secretary of State]

>>114058 Dozens of men arrested for sex trafficking during undercover Las Vegas strip operation, over 200 victims identified

>>114060 Driving to dystopia: Whistleblower exposes coordinated plans for tracking and disabling your car

>>114062 Japan Inc. sees record capital spending in fiscal 2023, led by EV, AI

>>114064 Highly classified binder on 2016 Russian election interference went MISSING during Trump's last days in the White House: CIA still searching for file that vanished from safe/RED FILE kek

>>114065 #24642

(39 notables, 56 posts, 94 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131312

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20079405 Q Research General #24643: One law firm prepped Ivy Presidents, Flotus Edition

Created 151858ZDEC23




>>114066 #24643

>>114067 WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Biden Fish and Wildlife Service Wants to Release Wolves Into Colorado Cattle Country

>>114068 A Florida prosecutor has announced the first death penalty case for child r*pe after Gov. DeSantis signed a measure into law allowing child r*pists to be put to death.

>>114069 Investigative Reporter Lee Fang: NewsGuard Demands News Orgs Conform to Government Narratives

>>114070 Report: Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’ America if Donald Trump Reelected

>>114071 Desantis goes biblefag

>>114072 Happy Birthday @JackPosobiec!

>>114073 Melania's American dream

>>114074 Japan's flu cases surge to warning level at fastest pace in 10 years

>>114075 "He Will Unravel The Institutions Of Our Democracy!": Supercut Of Dramatic Dems Freaking Out Over 'Dictator' Trump

>>114076 China launches top-secret military plane into orbit just one day after US' delayed mystery launch - and Space Force chief says timing is 'no coincidence'

>>114077 You mean the Russian collusion hoax records President Trump declassified via presidential order the day before he left office? Those presidential records he is allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act?


>>114079 Demanding answers from Texas House General Investigating Committee, which forced Texans to pay over $30,000 to a PR firm led by former comms chiefs for liberal Speaker Straus and the Senate DEMOCRAT Caucus for "communications support" in their impeachment of @KenPaxtonTX.

>>114080 Adam Schiff Panic

>>114081 Baker claim

>>114082 @realDonaldTrump joins the show at 4:05 PM EST

>>114083, >>114087 Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million for defaming Georgia election workers

>>114084 IDF forces 'MISTAKENLY' Kill 3 of their own Israeli hostages during raid

>>114085, >>114086 Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room (WARNING: Link has graphic video on autoplay)

>>114088 SpaceX to Launch First Direct-To-Cell Starlink Satellites This Weekend

>>114089 Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D), announces via executive order that she is deploying the AZ National Guard to the AZ border, saying “the federal government is refusing to do its job to secure our border.”

>>114090, >>114091, >>114093, >>114094 @LauraLoomer - I can exclusively confirm that the Senator whose staffer was caught filming a gay sex tape in the Senate Hearing room is Democrat Senator Ben Cardin. @SenatorCardin

>>114092 @INDOPACOM - @PACAF aircraft conduct flight operations at @KunsanAirBase, refining tactics and capabilities to execute air combat operations in support of of 🇺🇸–🇰🇷 security interests in the #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.📍: #SouthKorea

>>114095 resident Biden - After wasting weeks trying to find a new Speaker of the House and expelling their own members, House Republicans have left for the holiday without funding the government.

>>114096 #24643

(26 notables, 31 posts, 40 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131313

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20080206 Q Research General #24644: The Gaity of Congress Edition

Created 152250ZDEC23




>>114097 #24644


VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff9d59c1b8d042bd03eb1448b72a15b8c524e0cfa1cbe9b1aae113a3f9e6041.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e79760ac9a1a7d50d3aab64b4190f514aea7ceaceca0512018b31c1b23f0c9fa.mp4

>>114099 DOE Launches New Office to Coordinate Critical and Emerging Technology

>>114101 PF: CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope returning to Ottawa Intl from Vancouver B.C depart and overnight

>>114102 @Kash - Did anyone see the time the head of FBI's counterintelligence unit that ran Russia Gate got sentenced to 4 years in the federal pen for being a Russian asset, and he still has one federal sentencing to go??? Oh and he supervised Peter Strzok… nothing to see here, fake news mafia.

>>114103 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>114104 “If Trump loses, he will say it’s stolen no matter what.” - Desancimonious

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/26b5b63becdb350dc93da39d69a2ce2a94897bcf9ed4102bca9b5e3149292ee4.mp4

>>114105 Bank Loan Volumes Shrink As Deposits Rise, But Trouble Is Brewing

>>114106, >>114107 The 'staffer', Aidan Maese-Czeropski

>>114108, >>114109, >>114110, >>114111 Transient receives life sentence for killing NH couple

>>114112 BlackRock, State Street subpoenaed by U.S. House in ESG probe

>>114113 Clay Higgins brought his investigative skills from the streets of Louisiana where he was a cop for years to the halls of congress, where he’s been investigating January 6th ever since it happened

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f35e30e8d45ca12f8f279c8e36d9cf41581997c6b1fdbcfe46ce7b54ba3847ad.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/00543784c861fdbbc6bcac00a6764786628bcf6e63c71c0bfa3289271de0d406.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/406b8aae690ee9bf7c7531cda2be3bafbab2418c9866571decaef9f4c9275bd2.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d299888f9c7702cf3771fa270ee3402f997dbce3b778374169f2a384fe79a861.mp4

>>114114 PF: Italian AF IAN1496 G5Def.Min. Guido Crosetto departed Baku west after arriving from Tokyo Haneda Airport depart

>>114115 Retired Cook Children’s Hospital Chaplain Sentenced to 60 Years in Prison for Child Pornography

>>114116 Kremlin Shrugs After Putin Critic Alexey Navalny 'Disappeared' In Prison System

>>114117 Georgia Gov. Kemp's legal staff has notified Ga Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger that 17,852 invalid 2020 votes were counted in Fulton County, GA, alone

>>114118 #24644

(17 notables, 22 posts, 33 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131314

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20081097 Q Research General #24645: Night Shift Ninjas Edition

Created 160213ZDEC23




>>114119 #24645

>>114120 Owl found roosting in Kentucky family's Christmas tree (comms?)

>>114121 Too Funny - CNN Begins Apoplexy Narrative Around “Missing” 10 Inch Declassified Dossier That Details Trump-Russia Conspiracy

>>114122 Shipping Giants Pause Red Sea Voyages, Dealing Blow to Global Trade

>>114123 @LauraLoomer - I have exclusively obtained this photo of him wearing the same outfits he’s wearing in the video while he’s having gay sex in the Senate building.

>>114124 As a Record Number of Hill Legislators Resign, Two More House Members Declare They Won’t Be Seeking Reelection

>>114125, >>114126 Suspected Hijacking in Indian Ocean May Mark Return of Somali Piracy

>>114127 Tucker Carlson on Global Populism, the Censorship-Industrial Regime, Israel/Ukraine, His New Network, & More | SYSTEM UPDATE #200

>>114128 #24645

(9 notables, 10 posts, 10 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131315

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20082005 Q Research General #24646: Senate Rearing Room Edition

Created 160608ZDEC23




>>114129 #24646

>>114130 Jim Watkins: My good friend Orlando Munguia is running for State Assembly in California's 63rd district. Orlando was at J6 in DC and served honorably for 20 years in the Marine Corps.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bb763c5dc8f618ba02194fd14e68d7a325b2a4b096e38239b32d5ec267f92cd8.mp4


>>114132 U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) Asks Federal Reserve Whether Nations Are Repatriating Gold From New York

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_yyI7l3fSa0 - (BREAKING NEWS) Congress just DEMANDED the FED to Explain what Happened to OUR GOLD! [Channel: Silver Slayer]

>>114133 Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding for Ukraine

>>114134 A series of deadly attacks on unhoused people in the US has coincided with a spike in American homelessness

>>114135 On Wednesday, Transport Canada officially posted a recall notice which affects virtually every Tesla sold since 2017, about 193,000 units, for its faulty Autosteer or advanced driver assistance feature

>>114136 FRISCO, Texas - A former North Texas youth pastor has been arrested for possessing child porn, and police are asking for possible victims to come forward in the case

>>114137 Kuwait’s ruling emir, Sheikh Nawaf Al Ahmad Al Sabah, dead at age 86

>>114138 OUT OF THE SHADOWS re-launch with premiere party & screening on X - Dec 21

>>114139 VA Supreme Court Revives Lawsuit by Teacher Fired for Not Using Trans Student’s Pronouns

>>114140 Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

>>114141 National Film Registry’s LGBTQ collection is growing

>>114142 Project Veritas has released audio records and text messages showing yet another CNN employee describing lurid sex acts, this time his desire to commit sexual acts against a child.

>>114143 Anti-ESG Presidential Candidate Is Sued by Former Employees Who Allege Securities Fraud

>>114144 RudyG Drops Bombshells Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma

>>114145 People Who Got the COVID Jab Now Displaying Major Personality Changes Stemming From Vaccine

>>114146 Moar gay senate stuffs

>>114147 @NSAGov Check out our latest innovations to #Ghidra, NSA’s open source software reverse engineering suite of tools

(19 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131316

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20083098 Q Research General #24647: Saturday Morning Lull Edition

Created 161342ZDEC23




>>114148, >>114149 Steve Bannon Furious With Congress Over 'Handcuffing' Trump

>>114150 #24646

>>114151 Check out our latest innovations to #Ghidra, NSA’s open source software reverse engineering suite of tools. vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7286c7a467764dc752ee83f472788ecaadb58c97ce53bfa8c400130f64e4f7f1.mp4

>>114152 For those who remain in denial about the psywar being actively deployed

>>114153 South Africa On 16 December 1838 the Battle of Blood River took place

>>114154 The Epic Bullshit of Catastrophic Climate Change

>>114155 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Crescent Enceladus

>>114156 28 year old Megan Galloway-Cole died from sudden cardiac arrest. Her family posted leftist propaganda and were vaxxed to the max.

>>114157 World's best space-based thermometer dead 2 months after 1st image release

>>114158 AT&T Might Work With Cyanogen And ZTE On New Phone

>>114159 USSPACECOM commander declares Full Operational Capability

>>114160 Eric Schmidt has a 6-point plan for fighting election misinformation

>>114161 CMZ: The application of Section 230 and how it applies to our daily life far exceeds the comprehension of most people.

>>114162 Melania Trump's Immigration Journey Speech Mocked

>>114163 @CodeMonkeyZ: The application of Section 230 and how it applies to our daily life far exceeds the comprehension of most people.

>>114164 Planefag

>>114165 Researchers Spot Strange Microbial Ecosystems in Argentina Desert

>>114166, >>114169, >>114170 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Durham, New Hampshire - 12/16/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PuXi35ok62Y - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Durham, New Hampshire - 12/16/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PuXi35ok62Y - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Durham, New Hampshire - 12/16/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114167 Boston Tea Party 250 Year Anniversary

>>114168 U.S. warship operating in the Red Sea shot down 14 attack drones from Yemen this morning — CENTCOM

>>114171 lb, Durham (Washington)start: 12/25

>>114172 Haaretz: Graphic Videos and Incitement: How the IDF Is Misleading Israelis on Telegram

>>114173 Entrepreneur Explains How to Avoid Supporting Target, Other Woke Companies

>>114174 White House Sets Border Deal: 1 Million Illegals Per Year and $61 Billion for Ukraine

>>114175, >>114176 Glenn Beck: Trump Admin Insider Exposes EVERY LEVEL of the Deep State

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QTAFmjtll-I - Trump Admin Insider Exposes EVERY LEVEL of the Deep State | Ep 323 [Channel: Glenn Beck]

>>114177 Radical Michigan Imam Calls for Muslims to Wage Jihad in US

(26 notables, 30 posts, 27 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131317

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20083852 Q Research General #24648: Rally in Durham, NH Edition

Created 161643ZDEC23




>>114178 #24648-A

>>114179, >>114180, >>114190 Mark Zuckerberg building a sprawling $100 million Hawaii compound — complete with an underground bunker and its own food and energy sources — in a secret project

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=khRyo1gVulw - A walkthrough of the Thurston Lava Tubes hike | Big Island of Hawaii [Channel: Cinematic Memoir]

>>114181, >>114189 Human Remains Found in America Dated 128,000 BC: Graham Hancock

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NUmMaGX7GcU - Human Remains Found in America Dated 128,000 BC #podcast #grahamhancock #science #history #ancient [Channel: History Drops]

>>114182, >>114183 Too Funny - CNN Begins Apoplexy Narrative Around “Missing” 10 Inch Declassified Dossier That Details Trump-Russia Conspiracy

>>114184 Jesuits

>>114185 Top secret Russia documents went missing, American spies claim (CNN, FBI & DOJ losing it, rerunning the narrative)

>>114186 lb, Durham (Washington)start: 12/25

>>114187, >>114192 PlaneFag: Gulf/Europe/Med. activity

>>114188 MELANIA TRUMP: I was honored to receive the invitation to participate in the Naturalization Ceremony on Bill of Rights Day.

>>114191, >>114193, >>114194, >>114195, >>114196, >>114197, >>114199 YOUR PRESIDENTIAL BRIEFING FROM TRUMP FORCE ONE

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e7e64a1b900cee6fdb67d891d07fb874222aeefbbc8652c3143950a135b9041.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=dYV6KZpnEak - Phil Collins - In the air tonight (live) [Channel: frang35]

>>114198, >>114202, >>114204 The office of Sen. Ben Cardin just sent out a statement saying that Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed after he filmed himself having sex in the senate hearing room.

>>114200, >>114201, >>114203 Pete Strzok @petestrzokFollow the money. Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Nawaf dies, Sheikh Meshal named as successor reut.

>>114205, >>114211 planefag CONUS activity

>>114206 #24647

>>114207 President Trump: During this holiday season, families all across American are struggling under the brutal weight of Crooked Joe's failures, disasters, and heartless betrayals.


>>114209 President Trump: After three years of Bidenomics, they call it Bidenomics from hell, the average monthly mortgage payment has gone from, one thousand, seven hundred and forty-six dollars, under my administration, to three thousand, three hundred and twenty-two dollars today.

>>114210 President Trump: As long as Joe Biden is in the White House, the American Dream is dead. But all of that will change the minute the polls close on election night, 2024. The next economic boom will begin the instant Crooked Joe Biden is gone, and Donald J Trump has won four more years as President of The United States.

>>114212 President Trump: By Christmas of next year, the economy will be roaring back, energy prices will be plummeting, the hordes of people charging across our border will have ended, the invasion of our country will have stopped. We will stop the invasion very quickly.

>>114213, >>114214, >>114222 TRUMP IS HIGH ENERGY TONIGHT

>>114215 President Trump: You're going to be in the poorhouse to fund his [Biden] big-government, Green New Deal, which is a socialist scam…lets' call it from now on, the Green New Scam.

>>114216 President Trump: These are people [DeSantis, Haley] that can't be trusted on taxes, on trade, or on anything else, frankly. They will betray you, just like they betrayed me.

>>114217 President Trump: We're gonna have very little crime in this country very soon. As soon as we get in. We're gonna have very little crime in this country.

>>114218 TOP KEK "Please sir, do not call @GovChristie a 'fat pig.' Not appropriate. You can't use the word 'fat.' You can use the word 'pig,' but not 'fat.'" – Trump at @UofNH

>>114219 President Trump: I will also immediately stop Crooked Joe Biden's latest rip-off of the American people, his plan to, listen to this- global climate reparations to foreign nations. He's gonna give billions of dollars, because he's saying that we have a dirty climate, and he's gonna give billions and billions of dollars to foreign nations who think we're the dumbest people in history…he's gonna give reparations to other countries that have filthy climates, by the way.

>>114220 Homelessness in America reached a new record 650,000 people experienced homelessness on a single January night, a 12% jump from a year earlier.

>>114221, >>114223, >>114224, >>114225 When is he going to talk about frogs?

>>114226 electric vehicles "they don't go far" kek

>>114227 Drill baby drill

>>114228 President Trump: When I'm back in the White House, this globalist, it's really a Biden plot, for climate reparations and all of this money going to other countries, by the billions and billions, and ultimately, the trillions, will be stopped on Day One. We're not going to do that. We're gonna start paying off debt. We won't be sending them one penny.

>>114229, >>114231 Talking about Valdimir PUTIN - DJT

>>114230 President Trump: It's no wonder Biden and the far-left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary. They're willing to violate the US Constitution, at levels never seen before, in order to win. They will do anything to win.. They'll do whatever they have, whatever they can, and remember this- Joe Biden is a threat to democracy. He's a threat.

>>114232 TRUMP: "Biden plans to obliterate the Trump tax cuts and raise income taxes on American families all across the nation. Crooked Joe will put you in the poorhouse."

>>114233 President Trump: We got a lot of work to do. You know, when they let, I think the real number is fifteen, sixteen million people, into our country; when they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They're poisoning the blood of our country. That's what they've done.

>>114234 Election Wizard: Trump takes historic lead over Biden in RCP Poll Average

>>114235 Democrat Judges Disallows Giuliani From Defending Against Charges, Rudy Giuliani Explains 24:19

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41mdr6 - Democrat Judges Disallows Giuliani From Defending Against Charges, Rudy Giuliani Explains [24:19] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114236 President Trump: When Biden came in, he heard about Space Force, probably the first time he heard about it, and he laughed. He thought it was funny. He thought it was some kind of a war game. It's gonna be one of our most important; first, think of it- first new area of division. First new thing that we've created, militarily, for so many years…the creation of Space Force is such a big deal.

>>114237 #24648-A

>>114238 #24648-B

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43d0cd No.131318

File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20084610 Q Research General #24649: TRUMP TELLS THE THE SNAKE: DURHAM Edition

Created 162006ZDEC23




>>114239 #24649

>>114240 President Trump: This country is going to go through hell if these very, very stupid people are allowed to stay in office. It's a horrible thing; they are indeed evil people.

>>114241 President Trump: If you remember, in Minnesota, Minneapolis, where they took over the police station; they took it over and they burned it down. By the way, what happened to those people? Are those people in jail with the J6 hostages? What happened to those people, come to think of it?

>>114242 President Trump: In addition to our Capital, we're gong to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safety, and beauty, better than they have ever been before. We're going to rebuild our cities. It will be the greatest investment ever made.

>>114243 President Trump: We're also going to stand up to the radical-left communists, marxists, fascists and frauds, who have taken over our universities. They've taken over our universities, you saw that this week,. They've destroyed the reputations of once highly respected schools, like Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, the great Wharton School of Finance; it's so sad to see it all happening; and others. Indoctrinated our youth, and brought censorship and anti-Semitism to our campuses. Under the Trump administration, if universities discriminate against conservatives, Christians, Jews, if they attack free speech, we're going to take away their tax advantages and grants, we're going take away their endowments, and they will pay us billions and billions of dollars for the terror they have unleashed into our once great country.

>>114244 Sex in the Senate while jailing people for walking through?

>>114245 President Trump: We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up those great, beautiful skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made America the single greatest nation in the history of the world.

>>114246, >>114248 So the snake is a reference to the criminal illegal immigrants!

>>114247 President Trump: We've got a Federal Bureau of Investigation that won't allow bad, election changing facts, to be presented to the public, and which offers one million dollars to a writer of fiction about Donald Trump, to lie, and to say it was fact. Where Hunter Biden's laptop from hell was Russian disinformation, and the FBI knew that it wasn't, but fifty-one intelligence agents said it was.

>>114249 TRUMP CHANGES truth social BANNER: MARKER?

>>114250 Steve Bannon: "You Are The Army Of The Awakened". The Great Awakening. Media Matters attacks his opening. First three minutes are left wing media, lying about Trump is going to do 14:27

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41m8pw - Steve Bannon: "You Are The Army Of The Awakened" [14:27] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114251 Men who hate Trump meme

>>114252 Diamond and Silk: The Green New Deal is the Green New Scam!

>>114253, >>114254, >>114255, >>114257, >>114258 >Rumble is down for me

>>114256, >>114261, >>114264 When Trump comes back …

>>114259, >>114262 Africans now have the majority in France. Macron invited them all in, huge amounts of Africans

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41hiaw - Harnwell: The US Might Just Be Able To Survive The Present Invasion Crisis — But The EU Won’t [10:03] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114260 I can't even get a plastic bag for my carrots and apples, Yet everything in the supermarket is triple wrapped in that shit!

>>114263 17th is 10 days. marker [9]

>>114265, >>114266 ARCHIVING - TRUMP IN NEW HAMPSHIRE 16TH DEC 2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41f5fw - President Trump in Durham, NH [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>114267, >>114270 C before D Conviction before Declassification?

>>114268, >>114269 PANIC: Media warn if Trump wins again every bad possible thing will happen

>>114271 Dr. Hatfill was in the WH working with Navarro trying to prevent the experimental vaccines 6:34

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41hoy2 - Dr. Steven Hatfill And Donald Slaughter Detail How Dr. Hatfill's New Article is Being Suppressed [6:34] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114272 Gingerbread House In California Listed On Zillow For $1.9 Million

>>114273 Barbra Streisand Is Willing to Rebuild Her Underground MallIf Trump Wins Again

>>114274, >>114278 Dr. Steven Hatfill: "The COVID Debacle: Merging Criminal Law And Medical Science For Accountability" 19:39

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41hm5n - Dr. Steven Hatfill: "The COVID Debacle: Merging Criminal Law And Medical Science For Accountability" [19:39] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114275, >>114276 ANON: Got back from Durham.

>>114277 Aidan Maese-Czeropski

>>114279 #24649

(28 notables, 41 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131319

File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20085388 Q Research General #24650: Triple Wrapped Stupidity: No Plastic Bags For Carrots & Apples? Editi

Created 162232ZDEC23




>>114280 #24650

>>114281 REAWAKEN AMERICA TOUR - 12/16/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41lidy - REAWAKEN AMERICA TOUR - 12/16/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

>>114282 Zuckerberg is building one of the biggest homes in US history: $270M Hawaiian compound will include its own VILLAGE and huge underground bunker

>>114283 DAY 1 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Charlie Kirk, Roseanne Barr, Glenn Beck, and Patrick Bet-David - 12/16/23

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41i0vn - DAY 1 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Charlie Kirk, Roseanne Barr, Glenn Beck, and Patrick Bet-David - 12/16/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114284 David Clements Joins WarRoom To Premiere His Movie Trailer: Let My People Go

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41hxqq - David Clements Joins WarRoom To Premiere His Movie Trailer: Let My People Go [10:22] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114285 E3, once gaming’s biggest expo, is officially dead

>>114286 Why Google Will Stop Telling Law Enforcement Which Users Were Near a Crime

>>114287, >>114289, >>114290, >>114293, >>114295, >>114297, >>114306, >>114307 @DOD_Outreach HAMMER

>>114288 James Waters: A Tick On The Elephant’s Back

>>114291 Durham Durham 2 days ahead

>>114292 8:00 PM EST Act Four: The 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party - Boston Harbor

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=X2eHfOyineM - Boston Tea Party 250th Anniversary - December 16th @ 8pm EST [Channel: Boston Tea Party 250th Anniversary]

>>114294, >>114298 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>114296, >>114299, >>114305 Source tells me that the “top” in the video below seen plowing @SenatorCardin’s staffer @Aidanmaesec in the Senate building from behind is George Gauger!

>>114300 Tomorrow's delta. The Storm Sequence of Events: Horowitz IG Report > Comey Report > Declas of FISA > Indictments

>>114301 4th Generation Devastation: The West Has Been Targeted in a Cowardly Globalist Mind War

>>114302 @StephenM I doubt most normal Americans realize just how deeply radical young “progressives” are — and what they will do as they rise in the ranks

>>114303 @DJT Look, it is what it is, but isn’t it unfair that I can be running such a great and successful campaign for President, leading in every poll against a corrupt and incompetent President, working so hard in a historic fight to save our Nation.....


>>114308 Bannon: "The Steal Was As Providential As Our Come-From-Behind Win in '16"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41ge87 - Steve Bannon: "The Steal Was As Providential As Our Come-From-Behind Win in '16" [2:59] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114309 #24650

(20 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131320

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20086194 Q Research General #24651: DOD: HAMMER TIME Edition

Created 170142ZDEC23




>>114310 #24651

>>114311 U.S. Capitol Police is reportedly investigating the shocking videotape of two men having sex in public

>>114312 Lawmakers Demand Answers After House Paid PR Firm in Paxton Impeachment

>>114313, >>114315, >>114316 Senate Sodomite in Capitol Sex Tape Is the Latest Attempt by Biden to 'Bring Back Decency'

>>114314 PF: RCH4586 C17 Globemaster departed JBA and 4 diggies usually means equipment for VIP visits

>>114317 @DanScavino - Let’s GOOOOOOOOO! #UFC296 🇺🇸🦅

>>114318 Noter Out

>>114319 Q Proof?

>>114320 Rudy Giuliani Speaks to Gateway Pundit Following “UnAmerican” Trial in DC Court, Says He Will Appeal $148 MILLION Ruling – Still Stands by His Statements About the 2020 Election

>>114321 Baker claim

>>114322 Japan PM Kishida's support sinks to 26% on slush fund scandal

>>114323 @tassagency_en - Russia’s second meteorological satellite Arktika-M, which was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by a Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle, has been successfully put into a designated orbit with a Fregat booster

>>114324 Antonio Negri, some dead commie, is dead.

>>114325 Pray for patriot Bryce Mitchell. He began to seize after being clobbered by Josh Emmett

>>114326 DJT Truth - Jeff Roe is out—GAME OVER for DeSanctimonious! #MAGA🇺🇸

>>114327 #24651

(16 notables, 18 posts, 20 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131321

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20087048 Q Research General #24652: Auroras in the Night Edition

Created 170514ZDEC23




>>114328 #24652

>>114329 Many refuse to believe it and absolutely are incapable of believing it because they’ve been brainwashed too hard for so long A message from Llumumba Amin, son of Idi Amin Former President of Uganda, Africa

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d8f40505d55ec5ba72db3b12d20b2910044a7f04fafc1cf14d1644d44bb49aab.mp4

>>114330 US and Britain say their navies shot down 15 attack drones over the Red Sea

>>114331 Drug cartel delivers hundreds of toys to kids in hospital as gifts from El Chapo

>>114332 @USNavy - In the Twilight Zone 🌚 🌟 ✈️

>>114333 Pentagon To Launch ‘Operation Prosperity Guardian’ To Reopen Red Sea Passage

>>114334 Mike Davis Applauds Stefanik For Ethics Complaint Against Dem. Judge Committing Election Interference

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41g784 - Davis Applauds Stefanik For Ethics Complaint Against Dem. Judge Committing Election Interference [14:57] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114335 Oman Mediates Talks with Houthis to Halt Ship Attacks in the Red Sea

>>114336 Garrett Ziegler Joins WarRoom To Discuss Hunter Biden’s Work As A Foreign Agent

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41exvo - Garrett Ziegler Joins WarRoom To Discuss Hunter Biden’s Work As A Foreign Agent [21:29] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114337 Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group With Ties to Terrorists and Cop Killers via @gatewaypundit

>>114338 This Is What The Government Fears Beyond All Else, A Well Educated Population Who Knows Their Rights

>>114339 “‘I Told You” — Former Rep. Madison Cawthorn Reacts to Capitol’s Gay Sex Scandal Following His Previous Revelations About D.C. Orgies

>>114340 #24652

(13 notables, 13 posts, 9 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131322

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20087822 Q Research General #24653: Sunday Morning Covfefe Edition

Created 171214ZDEC23




>>114341 #24653

>>114342, >>114345, >>114346 PF: Wassup with ADSB? No military aircraft over CONUS. 3 'Ghost' targets off the NE Coast, showing airspeed of 1knt.

>>114343 Russia wants to improve ties with NATO, not fight – Putin (RT)

>>114344 Hawaii governor to use short-term rentals to help with Maui housing after wildfires

>>114347 Why is RFK Jr on FB begging for SS protection?

>>114348 Kash Patel ReTruthed

>>114349 Ukraine missed chance for good deal – Moscow (RT)

>>114350 Research finds COVID mRNA vax makes 'Pfrankenstein' proteins, but feds seem unphased

>>114351, >>114352 'GAME OVER' Q Proof?

>>114353, >>114354 Jesuits financing Border Crisis

>>114355 GEERT WILDERS: "We have imported a monster into Europe and this monster is called Islam."

>>114356 @petestrzok I call them convicted felons (RE: DJT statement on the J6 prisoners as 'hostages'.)

>>114357 West secretly urging Russia-Ukraine talks – Lavrov - The top diplomat says Moscow has “never rejected” peace negotiations out of hand (RT)

>>114358 @LauraLoomer - Between Senator Menendez and Senator Cardin @SenatorCardin, it sure looks like our foreign adversaries may have pounced on Menendez and Cardin with blackmail at the exact time when NDAA was up for a vote in the Senate.

>>114359 Mind control in all it's forms is the battlefield.

>>114360, >>114363, >>114366 Republican strategist Jeff Roe quits pro-DeSantis super PAC amid turmoil

>>114361 A gunfight between Russian and Ukrainian forces is underway in a border village, Vyacheslav Gladkov has said (RT)

>>114362 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Geminids over China's Nianhu Lake

>>114364, >>114368 People, the immigration/Ukraine deal is being worked by Schumer. We have to expand coverage of this news and get some leakers to tell us what Schumer is hiding

>>114365, >>114367 US Coast Guard MH-65D DOLPHIN, 6591 Just off shore near Mar A Lago

>>114369 NEW - Tucker Carlson, David Sacks, and Congresswoman Luna

>>114370 @thejimwatkins - I’ve been asked to verify this account by many people. This is not my platform. It belongs to Elon Musk. The website is run by his former WEF CEO. This is not an anonymous platform. Obviously someone with a trademark and a Q in their name could be verified by one of those two individuals.

>>114371 planeFag Europe activity - AVLON31 C40C and RCH4604 C17 Globemaster departed Ramstein AFB WN (the C17 left last night CONUS as RCH4064 and AVLON31 arrived about 5h before the C17 and had another one leave w/4 diggies last night as well

>>114372 #24653

(24 notables, 32 posts, 40 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131323

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20088636 Q Research General #24654: Rising Sun, Rising Dough Edition

Created 171604ZDEC23




>>114373 #24654

>>114374, >>114377 Pope’s former adviser jailed over major Vatican corruption scandal

>>114375 Mr and Mrs Potato arrived at New Castle Cty Airport in empty call sign (09-0015) from JBA depart SAM645 G5 departed behind the Potatoes heading EN

>>114376 Former Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki) a.k.a. 'Circle Back' says the White House would want Hunter Biden to "stop talking in public” and to "probably go away right now." WATCH

>>114378 ROTUS - After the Philly Fairmount fire, I told city officials I would do everything I could to bring Ladder 1 back into service.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c98a36b78e4c7acadf3956ce0c1381e4823eff1b1d63b6fa287b1279f0bf3cd.mp4

>>114379 @canadafreepress - Joe Biden is Doing the Work of Three Men: Larry, Curly and Moe

>>114380 @IranObserver0 ⚡️BREAKING - You can now finally say that the suez canal is out of service

>>114381 🇮🇷 Oil refinery on fire in the city of Isfahan, Iran.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fdc2b71c2c01c7d9413d97d439b4b78e2ae5648c3b2eea51743c4952e667ad05.mp4

>>114382 Original AC/DC drummer Colin Burgess has died at 77

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VlWgVdrnuhU - AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill (Live At River Plate, December 2009) [Channel: acdcVEVO]

>>114383 1:30 PM EST DAY 2 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr, Roger Stone, and Alina Habba 12/17/23

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41i2qb - DAY 2 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr, Roger Stone, and Alina Habba 12/17/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114384 Israeli army says it uncovered biggest Hamas tunnel yet

>>114385 DJT - Where is the Nikki “SURGE,” and the DeSanctimonious “BOUNCE.” (I am beating Ron in Florida, 83% to 12%) I went up 7 Points, they both went down. Christie is dogmeat, Hutchinson is holding solid at 1%. Everyone should drop out, unify, and go after the WORST & MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, CROOKED JOE BIDEN!

>>114386 Kash Patel: Republican Majority Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle

>>114387 @IranObserver0 ⚡️BREAKING - The aircraft carrier Eisenhower has arrived in the Gulf of Aden and is now in striking position

>>114388 LIVE: President Trump holds a Commit to Caucus Rally in Reno, Nevada - 12/17/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=4upujOFRQ1o - LIVE: President Trump holds a Commit to Caucus Rally in Reno, Nevada - 12/17/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

(15 notables, 16 posts, 11 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131324

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20089450 Q Research General #24655: 17th Ebake Division Edition

Created 172009ZDEC23




>>114389 #24655

>>114390 NEW BREAKTHROUGH in Julian Assange case! Could be devastating for CIA | Redacted w Clayton Morris

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41a5tg - NEW BREAKTHROUGH in Julian Assange case! Could be devastating for CIA | Redacted w Clayton Morris [1:49:31] [Channel: Redacted News]

>>114391 Mayor Adams admits Dems ‘underestimated’ migrant impact, warns no federal help on way next year: ‘Extremely painful’

>>114392, >>114393, >>114397 20089600, PF Reports

>>114394 GOP Neocon Senator Lindsey Graham Suggests Lack of Evidence Against Joe Biden’s Corruption

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_dOwVgU2AzU - Full Lindsey Graham: ‘I’ve never been more worried about a 9/11 than I am right now’ [Channel: NBC News]

>>114395 #24654 posted in #24655

>>114396, >>114398 UPDATED DOUGH/Baker claim

>>114399, >>114401 Japanese Scientists Find Indisputable Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Are Man-Made

>>114400, >>114402 2020: The “Transition Integrity Project” (TIP) was plotting a color revolution if Trump won fair and square…

>>114403 PF Europe/Med update

>>114404, >>114407, >>114409 The U.S. Space Command says it has reached full operational capability.

>>114405 Harnwell: Biden is insisting on $61bn for Ukraine when he knows he won’t get it — why?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41lymk - Harnwell: Biden is insisting on $61bn for Ukraine when he knows he won’t get it — why?! [4:39] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114406 Florida Republican Party suspends chairman and demands his resignation amid rape investigation

>>114408 Gen Z is blowing up for Trump, it’s pretty amazing! The Political Future Of The United States | Jayne Zirkle Interviews America Fest Attendees

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41q808 - The Political Future Of The United States | Jayne Zirkle Interviews America Fest Attendees [9:00] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114410 PF: 45 in N895MM G5 on ground Reno/Tahoe Intl after inbound from Las Vegas and arrived from Portsmouth Intl yesterday Landed a few minutes ago

>>114411 4 E-6Bs up at this time. Seems up tempo to this PF.

>>114412 PF: Sheriff helo orbiting something SW of Reno-Tahoe Airport.

>>114413 #24655

(18 notables, 25 posts, 30 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131325

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20090327 Q Research General #24656: DJT Rally Day Edition

Created 172317ZDEC23




>>114414 After years of denials Baroness Michelle Mone admits to #BBCLauraK that she stands to benefit from millions of pounds of profit from PPE sold to the government during the pandemic by a company led by her husband

>>114415 PF: Apparently things are up tempo all over today. The US Coast Guard seems to be helping the United States Secret Service on their Trump protection detail.

>>114416 King Abdullah and Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan have traveled to Kuwait to offer their condolence following the death of Amir Nawaf.

>>114417 US Army soldiers by the thousands head home to rest and recharge during holiday block leave

>>114418 #24656

(5 notables, 5 posts, 5 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131326

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20091117 Q Research General #24657: Post Rally Frens Edition

Created 180050ZDEC23




>>114419 #24657

>>114420 BREAKING: Israel is now bombing Syria, Gaza, and South Lebanon.


VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41rxmk - President Trump in Reno, NV [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>114422, >>114423, >>114427 45 in N895MM G5 departed Reno/Tahoe Intl Airport after rally

>>114424 The New York Fed Has Extended Its Half Trillion Dollar Bailout Facility to a Sprawling Japanese Bank You’ve Never Heard Of

>>114425 PF: Battle of the Red Sea And now the Germans have shown up.

>>114426, >>114430, >>114433, >>114434, >>114435, >>114436, >>114437 Car crashes into vehicle which is part of Biden's motorcade in Delaware. Circumstances unclear. Biden was at a campaign event and not involved

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f50a89191134a509679d3a5f817b2f5c9bfe8b04428de382d0ef3ee137aadf4b.mp4

>>114428 @realDonaldTrump signing MAGA hats at Trump International in Las Vegas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eb0808c03cb3e96ef80d8687015fc2b9944288ca9a07b4932213c3311ed3c287.mp4

>>114429 @FBIOklahomaCity - The master of holiday mischief stopped by to let us know he's been on his best behavior this year! 💚 #Grinch #FBI #OKC

>>114431 (Not) POTUS and (Not) FLOTUS emerged from the Biden-Harris 2024 headquarters in downtown Wilmington at 8:07am. (not) FLOTUS entered the vehicle first, saying “Happy Holidays” to the pool. (not) POTUS then emerged and his exit was interrupted by a car that hit a motorcade SUV.

>>114432 @HillaryClinton - Puppet (kek!)

>>114438 @ICDefenseJobs - NSA hiring Special Operations Support Specialist - Experienced … icjobz.com/N1219970 (12/17) Fort Meade MD

>>114439 President Trump Announces New Nevada Endorsements

>>114440 #24657 posted in #24660

(14 notables, 22 posts, 28 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131327

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20091880 Q Research General #24658: Biden's Motorcade Incident Edition

Created 180304ZDEC23




>>114441 #24658

>>114442, >>114444, >>114445 Photo of the driver that crashed into Joe Biden's motorcade outside of campaign headquarters in Delaware

>>114443 A Tesla Cybertruck gets stuck in California forest. Let the trolling begin

>>114446 Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years — Pentagon Issue “National Call of Service” to Younger Generations

>>114447 “I consider it a great badge of honor.” — President Trump on his politically-charged indictments in Reno, Nevada

>>114448 President @realDonaldTrump visiting with supporters at Trump International Las Vegas! 🇺🇸


>>114450 bread is ghost

>>114451 Massive line to hear President Trump at the Reno Convention center in Nevada.

>>114452 Brig. Gen. Steven Carpenter, CG of 7ATC, & Markus König, Mayor of #Nuremberg, signed a #partnership agreement on Dec. 1 to symbolize the unity between both communities.


>>114455 feels good man

>>114456 Anti-Israel protesters in a shopping mall in Toronto threaten to kill Christmas shoppers who voiced their opposition to their decision to protest in a shopping mall.

>>114457 Uh oh…. US SPACE COMMAND Says it Has Reached Full Operational Capability

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dbe41f750acf3ae037bc0b44992f5aabd20462f41765b2ea557d04ec54f84957.mp4

>>114458 BREAD IS GHOST Is there a baker in the house? (note takin)

(15 notables, 18 posts, 17 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131328

File: d87944c09ff585f⋯.jpg (219.11 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20092671 Q Research General #24659: EBAKE Edition

Created 180729ZDEC23




>>114459 #24659

>>114460, >>114475 Car plows into vehicle in Biden's motorcade at Delaware campaign HQ

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5ae359e5b1acd764102d52541d696070153025b320f3314a4bcf8a0b1a015ecb.mp4

>>114461, >>114490 Planefag

>>114462 #24658 posted in #24659

>>114463 Politico Handles Senate Gay Sex Tape Scandal Very, Very Delicately

>>114464 NBC News frames Senate sex tape video as 'conservative news outlets' pushing the story

>>114465 EU states threw away €4 billion worth of Covid vaccines

>>114466, >>114470, >>114471, >>114472 Reports of explosions in the waters of Yemen

>>114467, >>114468, >>114473 Oil giant BP and Taiwan's Evergreen shipping line halt all transits through the Red Sea

>>114469 Former (delusional) Ukrainian PM suggests how West could pressure Russia

>>114474 Ukraine probes wiretapping of top general’s office

>>114476 FBI has "officially adopted the LGBTQIA+ acronym in place of LGBT+," according to an email reportedly sent to all staff

>>114477 Supreme Court will hear a case that could undo Capitol riot charge against hundreds, including Trump

>>114478 Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin Sentenced to 18 Months Probation by Arizona Bar for Representing Conservatives and Filing Election Lawsuits

>>114479 US SPACECOM Achieves Full Operational Capability—in Colorado

>>114480 US Army faces 'TikTok mutiny' as Gen Z recruits whine about low pay, 'sh***y' food and FITNESS TESTS while on bases in uniform

>>114481, >>114486 The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/18/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41v4j8 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -10/18/2023 [0] [Channel: The Night Owl News with Dee Stevens]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Qy-oajP81MI - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12-18/2023 [Channel: Dee Stevens]

>>114482 Japan’s Nippon Steel to buy US Steel for $14.1 bn

>>114483 Retired Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor will lie in repose in the Great Hall of the Supreme Court of the United States on Monday, December 18

>>114484 Right-wing German party secures ‘historic’ win

>>114485 National Archives Makes Surprise Announcement, Is This How Biden Goes Down?

>>114487 New Shepard’s 24th Mission Will Carry 33 Science Payloads to Space

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=T-rT1_bCsTw - New Shepard Mission NS-24 Webcast [Channel: Blue Origin]

>>114488 Western firms lost $103 billion from Russia exits - NYT

>>114489 Speaker Mike Johnson releases J6 footage, but why are potential informants’ faces blurred?

>>114491 Chris Wray’s FBI Arrests Maine Nurse For Walking Through Open Door on US Capitol on Jan. 6 - Nearly 3 Years after Protest!

(25 notables, 33 posts, 38 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131329

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20093753 Q Research General #24660: If you want to save the world, try saving the Dough First Edition

Created 181518ZDEC23




>>114492 #24660

>>114493 Speaker Mike Johnson releases J6 footage, but why are potential informants’ faces blurred?

>>114494 Homeland Security watchdog concludes barriers most effective at curbing illegal immigration: FOIA

>>114495, >>114501, >>114516 PF: Gulf, Med and Europe

>>114496 Fired Democrat senator's aide, 24, who made gay sex tape in Senate could face CRIMINAL charges

>>114497 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!

>>114498 MEMO: Nevada is “Going All In” for President Donald J. Trump

>>114499, >>114500, >>114502, >>114508 PDJT: Election Poll results

>>114503, >>114517 NEW: Evergreen suspends Israel shipping services

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4fed514aaed989352202035a79a884ee138e8bc1647f3690b5cd091efa2e2b93.webm

>>114504 Pope says priests can bless same-sex unions, requests should not be subject to moral analysis

>>114505, >>114526 #24659 posted in #24660

>>114506 Replacing Kamala Harris

>>114507 Shipping Giants Pause Red Sea Voyages as Attacks Mount

>>114509 RAMASWAMY SMACKDOWN! GOP Candidate Tells CNN's Van Jones to 'Shut the F-k Up'

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1a06af83d66e2310b1eb33ba78778a0d4721d3219794dc28e3f40ec92cd3f33e.mp4

>>114510 FBI secretly recorded James Biden's dealmaking during unrelated bribery probe

>>114511 Honor guard collapses in front of the casket of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor at the Supreme Court

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8f44b6df6aec486dafc7ae1312f12982f4e1f83f0a8e95f676eb7713646261ec.mp4

>>114512, >>114518, >>114522 US Military Faces 'Mutiny' Of Enlisted Gen-Zers As TikTok Virus Spreads

>>114513 Anti-Roseanne report on Roseanne appearance at AmericaFest.

>>114514 US Military ‘Poster Boy’ For COVID Vaxx Dies Suddenly at the Age of 39

>>114515 High Immigration Linked To Worsening Inflation, Bank Of Canada Deputy Governor Says

>>114519 Meet Lawyer Michael Dreeben, The Man Behind Three Major Anti-Trump Operations

>>114520 Election Poll: Harvard-Harris - Field Dates: December 13-14, 2023

>>114521 Will Clarence Thomas Vote To Drop Trump Charges? Democrats Urge Him To Recuse

>>114523, >>114524 MktFag Op. Ed. Yen reverses downtrend as policy rates of BOJ and Fed set to move closer

>>114525 TPUSA AmericaFest LIVE

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41i0vn - DAY 1 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Charlie Kirk, Roseanne Barr, Glenn Beck, and Patrick Bet-David - 12/16/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114527 Scientists claim they've had a 20 minute conversation with a WHALE - and say it could pave the way for conversations with aliens someday

>>114528 Flash flooding in Queensland shuts down Cairns airport (CNS)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fe5406a2cf8840313c5b8187a7f7c43c74582051f0633c1bebf8883c632df845.mp4

>>114529, >>114530 Trump Coins New Term: 'Green New Scam'

>>114531 AI-generated news anchors to be part of new national news channel premiering in 2024

>>114532 @realDonaldTrump Great night at UFC 296 in Las Vegas, Nevada—Thank you!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/db22782e9cebaae34312fef9135b2b3324bd297287748863d96ed1f003fe22b9.mp4

>>114533 First daughter Ashley Biden owes $5,000 in income taxes, lien

>>114534 CDC Will Now Screen You for COVID, Flu, and RSV at 4 Major Airports/voluntary, for now

>>114535 Crane Moved Into Arlington Cemetery for Removal and Destruction of Civil War Reconciliation Memorial this Week

>>114536 The Houthi rebels in Yemen have struck a tanker vessel near the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait, Swan Atlantic tanker

>>114537 Euronav has suspended its activities in the Red Sea

>>114538 @WSSchools sent out a memo to employees that they can’t put up Christmas decorations, play Christmas music, or dress up for Christmas.

>>114539 Pope Francis publishes norms for clergy to ‘bless’ homosexual couples

>>114540 1:15 PM EST Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=__LtOrLzX_0 - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - December 18, 2023 [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>114541 1:00 PM EST DAY 3 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and MORE

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41i5j5 - DAY 3 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and MORE - 12/18/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114542 #24660

(40 notables, 51 posts, 63 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131330

File: b737fb696fb2090⋯.png (391.4 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20094550 Q Research General #24661: TPUSA AmericaFest LIVE Edition

Created 181820ZDEC23




>>114543 #24661-A

>>114544 Getting on Track: Space and Airborne Sensors for Hypersonic Missile Defense - Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kZslOrQktEU - Getting on Track: Space and Airborne Sensors for Hypersonic Missile Defense [Channel: Center for Strategic & International Studies]

>>114545 Baker claim

>>114546 Das boots. The Ron part of the movie has made for good comedy.

>>114547 David Miliband & Hillary Rodham Clinton will discuss the deepening global humanitarian crises covered in the IRC’s 2024 Emergency Watchlist - 2024 IRC Emergency Watchlist: No Myths, Just Facts (yeah right)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D1h1aa0Iv1Y - 2024 IRC Emergency Watchlist: No Myths, Just Facts [Channel: Columbia SIPA]

>>114548 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III is traveling. His remarks at a joint press conference at 9:30 a.m. EST with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant in Tel Aviv, Israel, will be livestreamed on Defense.gov

>>114549 2007 FBI Investigation Resurfaces – A Biden Is Clearly Heard on the Tapes

>>114550 Previously Unseen Photo of Bill Gates with an Accuser of Jeffrey Epstein Emerges in Damning Report Highlighting Epstein’s Continued Manipulations After his 2008 Conviction

>>114551 German ‘heavy brigade’ to deploy close to Russia’s border (RT)

>>114552 PF CONUS Activity Report

>>114553 Former Rep. George Santos Hints There Are “Cages” Inside of House Office Buildings

>>114554 Reed Cooper: Donald Trump is The Rightful 'Person of The Year'

>>114555 Pentagon to tear down Reconciliation Monument in Arlington National Cemetery by week's end despite protest

>>114556 A new photo taken by Jeffrey Epstein himself has been released of Bill Gates with an alleged Epstein victim. (WSJ)

>>114557 EU Hits Musk With X Probe On Possible 'Disinformation'

>>114558 PF: Kuwait City departs for Sheikh Blah,blah,blah memorial

>>114559, >>114561, >>114564 Mission Details: Firefly’s Alpha rocket will launch Lockheed Martin’s new wideband Electronically Steerable Antenna (ESA) technology integrated on a Terran Orbital Nebula satellite bus.

>>114560 Diplomatic Visit Cancelled After German Chancellor Tests Positive for Coronavirus

>>114562 Japanese steel company to purchase U.S. Steel for nearly $15B

>>114563 Someone Just Burned Down This Beautiful LA Church Only Hours Before Their Community Toy Drive!

>>114565 Room Number 326 (???)

>>114566 DOD Releases Microelectronics Commons FY24 Call for Projects to Catalyze U.S. Microelectronics Innovation

>>114567 Prince William taking 'last-minute flight' to Kuwait on behalf of the King following tragic passing of country's Emir

>>114568 Flag Officer Assignments: The secretary of the Navy and chief of naval operations announced the following assignments

>>114569 BF Report: Some USN - The P8 is headed near a French cable layer that came out of Victoria Canada

>>114570 Switzerland: Health insurance data shows 73% increase in people receiving cancer treatment since 2020

>>114571 California pilot dies after smashing 'experimental homebuilt' aircraft into dirt slope 50 seconds after takeoff and plane 'erupts into flames' - as authorities rule out engine failure

>>114572 Bureau of Motor Vehicle Chief and PRC Citizen Sentenced to Federal Prison for CNMI Driver’s License Fraud Scheme

>>114573 Executives Charged with Bid Rigging, Territorial Allocation and Defrauding the U.S. Forest Service After a Wiretap Investigation

>>114574 Top Democrat Senator Demands Border ‘Must Be Shut Down’: ‘We Are Sold Out. We Are Over Capacity.’

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rAYe5y3vsxM - Joe Manchin Slams Political 'Extremes' But Says 'I Haven't Said I'm Going To Run For President' [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>114575 Now That IBM Is In The News… Remember IBM's Patent Application For EV Charging Stations That Included A Social Credit Database?

>>114576 MIA Update: The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced two burial updates for service members who have been missing and unaccounted for from World War II and the Vietnam War. 🇺🇸 o7

>>114577 JOHN FETTERMAN: “The acquisition of US Steel by a foreign company is wrong for workers and wrong for Pennsylvania. I’m gonna do everything I can to block it."

>>114578 Secret Service Response to Joe Biden Motorcade Accident Raises Questions

>>114579 Bennie Thompson confirms in letter to @RepLoudermilk that rather than turn over all evidentiary materials produced by J6 committee, some files were instead given to Fanni Willis, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith and withheld from House Republicans.

>>114580 @Chris_D_Steele - It is a mark of Putin’s deepening autocracy and the odd passivity of Russia’s people, that he can consign 300k young men to the meat grinder of an unjust, failing war in Ukraine without any serious public dissent or protest. This would not be the case in any other major country

>>114581 BREAKING REPORT: U.S. District Judge Rossie Alston Issues Injunction to STOP REMOVAL of Confederate Monument at Arlington National Cemetery..

>>114582 Senate passes Kennedy initiative to bring accountability to Ukraine aid as part of national defense bill

>>114583 BOOM!!! Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are suing Rudy Giuliani for defamation AGAIN, since he can’t shut his big dumb mouth!!!! LFG! 🔥🔥

>>114584 #24661-B

>>114585 #24661-A

(41 notables, 43 posts, 36 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131331

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20095412 Q Research General #24662: Distractions Everywhere Edition

Created 182137ZDEC23




>>114586, >>114615 BREAKING: Massive explosion at Iran's Space Force headquarters in Tehran.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/715baab01e84cba12ea1634f2d9a7d12ad3b3fbcd677c61646bb871db619ad6c.mp4

>>114587 #24662

>>114588 Meet Lawyer Michael Dreeben, The Man Behind Three Major Anti-Trump Operations

>>114589 Desantis Hit with FEC Complaint for Illegal PAC Coordination

>>114590 The surge is non stop 24/7 Gridlock at the American Replacement Center ARC

>>114591 45th President Donald Trump Shares Heartfelt Message To OAN Viewers.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a7842dbab4f288478108da178819c4a4c7c429285c52a2c0f87701366e48bc73.mp4

>>114592 LIVE: Protest inside Penn Station by jihidists, communists, and useful idiots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yY5R6N5ilrY - LIVE as Cops and Pro-Palestine Protesters CLASH at NYC Protest [Channel: Status Coup News]

>>114593 @elisestefanik - Great meeting at Mar-a-Lago with my friend President @realDonaldTrump! It’s all on the line. Let’s do this! 🇺🇸 @TeamTrump

>>114594, >>114603 USS O'Kane (DDG 77) Arleigh Burke-class Flight II guided missile destroyer coming into San Diego - December 18, 2023

>>114595 Oklahoma Baptist parents were told that their church's associate kids pastor was leaving to pursue "the next step in God's plan for his life." They weren't told that he was the target of a child sex abuse investigation in Arkansas

>>114596 Taiwan's Evergreen shipping line halt all transits through the Red Sea.

>>114597 @SecDef announces Operation Prosperity Guardian, which brings together multiple countries including the UK, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain, "to jointly address security challenges in the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

>>114598 Flaco the Famous New York City Owl Has Become a Peeping Tom

>>114599 Icelandic Volcano Eruption live now.

>>114600 James Biden’s business partner, Michael Lewitt, pulled money belonging to elderly Americans from an investment fund and “transmitted it to Americore, which turned around and paid James Biden. James Biden on the same day cut a check to Joe Biden for the exact same amount as James Biden received from Americore.” Per @GOPoversight

>>114601 @BrandonStraka - 🚨VICTORY!!!🚨 I have WON the J6 civil case against me by the corrupt, lying, leftist Soros-funded DC nonprofit lawfirm Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (@LawyersComm).

>>114602 PETA putting out OWL COMMS today too. (?)

>>114604 H.R.2435 - Gold Standard Restoration Act (Still active!)

>>114605 The design of culture: US Space Force emblems

>>114606 BREAKING: Texas Governor signs law allowing police officers to arrest migrants who cross the border illegally

>>114607 56 teams started. 16 finished. Team 3 of the Big Red One was one of those 16. Congratulations Team 3!

>>114608 Planned Parenthood drops challenge to Kentucky abortion ban after woman loses baby

>>114609 Vice resident Harris Twit/X

>>114610 LONG DJT Truth

>>114611 PF: Aussie AF MGPE01 W7 Wedgetail went over to just north of Rzsesow Airport,Poland

>>114612 Appeals court rejects Meadows bid to move Georgia election case to federal court

>>114613 @SpaceX - Targeting Monday, December 18 for a Falcon 9 launch of @Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Florida (What time?)

>>114614 Several kilometers long volcanic fissure opened up near Grindavík, Iceland.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/65b24c0904ef3d96eca0721a2f5a7940c5716cf12202d998a5995e916b59ba8b.mp4

>>114616 #24662

(29 notables, 31 posts, 32 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131332

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20096187 Q Research General #24663: Things are Heating Up Edition

Created 190019ZDEC23




>>114617 #24663

>>114618 LIVE: DAY 3 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and MORE - 12/18/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ww-tNeJ-C54 - LIVE: DAY 3 TPUSA's AmFest ft. Mike Lindell, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and MORE - 12/18/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114619 US has funds for only one more Ukraine aid package (wait, what?)

>>114620 Musk - Thank you for defending free speech in America and your commitment to truth

>>114621 Media Matters Sues Texas AG in Maryland Over Investigation Of Its Report On Musk's X

>>114622 Argentinians who participate in road closures will be punished by loss of social benefits

>>114623 @LindseyGrahamSC - The idea of the Palestinian Authority governing a consolidated West Bank and Gaza - given their track record - is impossible to imagine.

>>114624 PBOC conducted 119 billion yuan of the 7-day RRP and 182 billion yuan of the 14-day RRP on Tuesday. A total of 113 billion yuan will be drained from the market on a net basis as 414 billion yuan comes due today. #China #liquidity

>>114625, >>114626 Rep. Clay Higgins tells reporter that he has SEEN VIDEO EVIDENCE of POLICE walking into rooms, and then RE-EMERGING, dressed as TRUMP SUPPORTERS and CONSTRUCTION WORKERS. Also, GROUPS of what appear to be TRUMP SUPPORTERS roaming the HALLS OF THE CAPITAL well before the BREACH!

>>114627 IDF Reveals Attack Tunnel Network Big Enough to Drive Vehicles Through, Built by Muhammad Sinwar

>>114628 @JamesOKeefeIII - About to go live 7pm on the Tim Pool show on stage at #amfesf and break more from inside IBM

>>114629 @RepAndyBiggsAZ - The Lukeville border wall has been repatched SIX times today. The Biden Administration has got to stop these massive migration flows.

>>114630, >>114631 Kash Patel, just insinuated there is some kind of "battle" going on in space and that our most valuable assets are in space and under water…Wow. What is really going on with Space Force that they aren't showing us? Wtf?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bae2ee8ca1c4664217d999f33a70a6d0a97b2a3d9c89c13d5404ec9dac4c09d7.mp4

>>114632 PF: N66RC Aerial Survey aircraft made an emergency landing on US Hwy 80 in Forney, a suburb of Dallas, today.

>>114633 Orban gifts Erdogan a horse

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tychIhEAPkg - President Erdogan gifts Togg to Hungarian Prime Minister Orban [Channel: Haber Lütfen]

>>114634 Americore Gave James Biden $600k Loan on Promise He’d Deliver Funding from Middle East, Trustee Says

>>114635 #24663

(17 notables, 19 posts, 15 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131333

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20097128 Q Research General #24664: Heavy Shilling Through the Night Edition

Created 190237ZDEC23




>>114636 #24664

>>114637 Fox News’ Bill Melugin utterly shocked at the overwhelming amount of migrants currently waiting to be processed in Eagle Pass, Texas.

>>114638 Biden Goes on Leisurely Shopping Spree in Delaware as Authorities Shut Down International Commerce to Free Up Agents to Help with Flood of Illegals (VIDEO)

>>114639 PF: FORTE11 RQ4 Global Hawk heading back to Sigonella AB after patrol on Moldova

>>114640, >>114641 What is Cloward-Piven strategy?

>>114642 5-year-old twin boy and girl found dead on floor of NYC apartment

>>114643 Union Pacific is responding to the Biden administration’s decision to shut down two international railway bridges in Eagle Pass and El Paso

>>114644 Former Rep. George Santos Hints There Are “Cages” Inside of House Office Buildings

>>114645 Today's monetary losses in Eagle Pass, Texas, top $50 Million USD.

>>114646 New Information About James Biden’s $200,000 Check to Joe Biden Emerges

>>114647 4,200 at Eagle Pass TX today, probably more given the overnight video we have.

>>114648, >>114650, >>114655 The Fetterjin Chinesium stock holder fears the Nippon-steel

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a63729a2e681e62ca00cd888394b0af5d190da772f33e6f468d89e64efb25a14.mp4

>>114649 SIOUX FALLS, S.D: Shepherd’s Table becomes South Dakota’s first LGBTQ2S+ ministry

>>114651 @DJT Has any smart and energetic Republican in the Great State of Texas decided to run in the Primary against RINO Congressman Chip Roy?

>>114652 The Franklin Coverup Scandal - The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

>>114653 BOJ Keeps Monetary Policy Unchanged

>>114654 New internal slides within IBM’s Red Hat explains ‘how whiteness works’

>>114656 Bishop Strickland urges bishops to say 'no' to Francis' 'blessings' for gay couples

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IfUBXyRaSq8 - EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Strickland urges bishops to say 'no' to Francis' 'blessings' for gay couples [Channel: LSNTV]

>>114657 #24664

(19 notables, 22 posts, 28 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131334

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20097970 Q Research General #24665: Unexplainable Behavior, AMERICA at Siege Edition

Created 190517ZDEC23




>>114658 #24665

>>114659, >>114664, >>114665 HZ-MS71, Beechcraft 350 Super King Air, Saudi Medevac flying toward the Battle of the Red Sea

>>114660 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Says Their ‘New Moonshot’ is Cancer

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f22d8994f768b39d38c82eeebe8f6772b8511737059b0d90b6e66f1475f0455.mp4

>>114661 PF: German AF GAF948 A350 returning to BerlinFM BAERbock and tryin’ to get Scholz’ job cuz muh wimmins

>>114662, >>114663 Pfizer completes $43 Billion acquisition of Seagen on Dec.14, 2023 - becomes largest oncology company to treat most TURBO CANCERS caused by mRNA Vaccines

>>114666 Kash Patel says the FBI has Jeffrey Epstein's little black book and that Trump should release every name on day one of his next administration. He wants to see a continuous declass post 2024. They have it all. 👀

>>114667 baker claim


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n9rRbVycNQk - WHO debate, UK parliament [Channel: Dr. John Campbell]

>>114670, >>114672, >>114673 Japan government maintains overall assessment of the economy in December

>>114671 ‘Biblical’ plague of frogs, toads and tadpoles causes multi-car pile-up

>>114674 Japanese yen tumbles as BOJ sticks with ultra-loose policy

>>114675 #24665

(12 notables, 18 posts, 18 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131335

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20098804 Q Research General #24666: Evil Has No Place Here Edition

Created 191313ZDEC23




>>114676 #24666-B

>>114677 Rebuilding alliances, without the NATO political baggage

>>114678 (woke ai is woke) Can AI help brands avoid marketing stereotypes? This startup thinks so

>>114679 Two Strategic War Fronts to Watch – The First to Be Announced Tomorrow

>>114680 SEC charges fintech Tingo chief with ‘massive’ fraud after Hindenburg short position. US regulator says it uncovered ‘billions of dollars’ of fictitious transactions through entities controlled by Dozy Mmobuosi

>>114681 BF Report

>>114682 Here is Steven Miles, new Premier of QLD, 2 years ago announcing the new ‘Vaxxas’ facility, where 300 million “needle free” “vaccines” will be produced per year for the “next time” we need to “vaccinate our whole population.”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/758bbeeb05407eb2124e01096eec5c3a3dd990045c301fbb75c736d26c04a473.mp4

>>114683 Coffee & Conversation With Linda Weissgold, Former Deputy Director of CIA for Analysis Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA)

>>114684 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/19/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42280r - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/19/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>114685 Trump-appointed judge just blocked the left’s latest “Critical Race Theory” plot…

>>114686 Some New Polls!

>>114687 DJT Truth - Has any smart and energetic Republican in the Great State of Texas decided to run in the Primary against RINO Congressman Chip Roy. For the right person, he is very beatable. If interested, let me know!!!

>>114688 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: NGC 1499: The California Nebula

>>114689 Secretary Buttigieg and FAA Administrator Whitaker News Conference on Holiday Travel

>>114690 Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024

>>114691 NASA’s Tech Demo Streams First Video From Deep Space via Laser

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/eaa86e46a4a967b78eff736f1db95878b69e45513fa2188b3b37799a44ba0dfc.mp4

>>114692 Suitcases with Millions in Cash Found in Home of Senior Hamas Member

>>114693 Former Israeli & Egyptian Ambassadors Discuss a Palestinian State: "From Balfour to Biden: How to Move a Palestinian State and Lasting Peace Forward" featuring Ambassador Michael Harari and Ambassador Abderahman Salaheldin, the authors of "Peace Needs a New Balfour Declaration—A “Biden Declaration."

>>114694 Brits will have to give fingerprints to holiday in Europe: Holidaymakers face travel chaos next autumn with introduction of post-Brexit checks and facial scans on entry into EU

>>114695 NASA’s GUSTO Prepares to Map Space Between the Stars

>>114696 Blackouts in Maine

>>114697 The FDA Can Now Withhold COVID Vaccine Safety Records. Again, We Ask – Are The FDA, With Their Ties to Bill Gates, Fit For Purpose?

>>114698, >>114699 WalMart to add new "We'll Fuck Our Customers Harder!" service at registers!

>>114700 @realLizUSA - Jack Smith is totally lawless

>>114701 The Southern Red Sea situation now impacting almost 25% of all containers shipped in the world as they sail the long way around Africa.

>>114702 @DevinNunes - 🚨LIVE NOW with @X22Report: X22 has been kicked off every major platform except @truthsocial and @rumble 🇺🇸


>>114704, >>114705 Astronomers have discovered not one but two planetary systems with sun-like stars at their hearts

>>114706 Judge Engoron Tears Donald Trump to Shreds (yeah right)

>>114707 NATO troops directly involved in Ukraine conflict – Russia (RT)

>>114708 Russia has free hand in Ukraine conflict now – Putin (RT)

>>114709 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>114710 No Russia at Davos – ambassador (RT)

>>114711 Communist China is paying Americans to camouflage themselves as environmentalists so they can destroy us from within.

>>114712 Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing: new study

>>114713 @ChrisSununu - I went on @NEWSMAX this morning to make the case that @NikkiHaley is the real deal.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/883ad768f970cba558ed90cb3dd1ebc64efc14364aa38d08b52ce4d479c89bab.mp4

>>114714 LIVE: Sandra Day O’Connor laid to rest at funeral service

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LVh_pf92wUo - LIVE: Sandra Day O’Connor's funeral service [Channel: Associated Press]

>>114715, >>114717 Native American nation will not allow National Guard troops along its part of Arizona border

>>114716 US Space Force, DIU delegation participate in commercial partnering dialogues held in Norway, US

>>114718 #24666

(40 notables, 43 posts, 41 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131336

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20099611 Q Research General #24667: Epstein's Black Book in a Fortnight Edition

Created 191641ZDEC23




>>114719 #24667

>>114720, >>114735 Twitter Trends, How to counter

>>114721 Trump could leave NATO -Reuters (PANIC Fear Porn)

>>114722 “Where are all the civil war veterans? To stand in front of that monument and say ‘it’s not yours to destroy!’”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fc96e1716865db848e7b170465b3858ad1fe33bab62986edd279e26272ff3ff5.mp4

>>114723 Newsweek: Calling for a Ceasefire is Anti-Semitic

>>114724, >>114764 Ex-Pakistani PM uses AI to deliver speech from prison

>>114725 The mayor of Chicago is mad that his sanctuary city is being used as a sanctuary city.

>>114726 "The document is a pointless reiteration of already established Church teachings."

>>114727 12:30 PM EST Axios News Shapers: The Honorable Andy Kim and The Honorable Jeff Duncan

>>114728 12:45 PM EST Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ZuxaeVL7dkE - Department of State Daily Press Briefing - December 19, 2023 - 12:45 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>114729 The 10” binder full of documents that Trump declassified has gone missing

>>114730, >>114737, >>114779 Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=sy1dYFGkPUE - Justice - D.A.N.C.E. (Official Video) [Channel: Justice]

>>114731, >>114733 @realDonaldTrump Santos/Loomer

>>114732 Raheem Kassam And Eva Vlaardingerbroek Discuss Europe's Politics And Migration Crisis. The EU has to go

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v420h7b - Raheem Kassam And Eva Vlaardingerbroek Discuss Europe's Politics And Migration Crisis [11:40] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>114734 Bongino x Tucker Carlson: The Unfiltered Interview (PART 1)

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41zfph - Bongino x Tucker Carlson: The Unfiltered Interview (PART 1) - 12/18/23 [46:54] [Channel: The Dan Bongino Show]

>>114736 List of Billionaires 2023

>>114738, >>114746, >>114759 The Aussie Two Party System explained in 3 minutes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1309c7edbb3d606d27c5a6ebe6e30f717cab34f53af5de125075296c0dc0c942.mp4

>>114739, >>114741 Down Under vax patch

>>114740, >>114786 lists the most major cases ofPublic Corruptionthat the FBI has cracked./ none in about 20 years

>>114742 Elite clients of high-end brothel busted in Massachusetts and Washington DC

>>114743, >>114763, >>114769, >>114771, >>114774, >>114777, >>114778, >>114782 Buckwheat n Kirby up

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2mWYPAdkrWg - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby [Channel: The White House]

>>114744 James Biden received $600,000 after promising political favors, witness testifies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kl4wkIPiTcY - Rage Against The Machine - Sleep Now in the Fire ( [Channel: RATMVEVO]

>>114745 Georgia Elections Workers Sue Giuliani Again - Seek to “Permanently Bar” Him From Making Public Statements

>>114747 Prominent Transgender Activist Kendall Stephens Arrested After Raping Two Minors in Philadelphia

>>114748 2:00 PM EST Dr. Ben Carson to Deliver Remarks as part of Team Trump Iowa Faith Tour in Sioux City, Iowa

>>114749 NATO troops directly involved in Ukraine conflict - Russia

>>114750 2:00 PM EST President Isaac Herzog Discusses the Israel-Hamas War and Its Impact on Domestic and Foreign Policy Atlantic Council

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VYaTbUyOLaA - President Isaac Herzog discusses the Israel-Hamas War and its impact on domestic and foreign policy [Channel: AtlanticCouncil]

>>114751 The latest Defense spending bill headed to the president's desk includes the first $60 million for Guantanamo's new, state-of-the-art health facility

>>114752 Union Pacific urges the Eagle Pass and El Paso border crossings be reopened immediately

>>114753, >>114758 Bibi

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fJFLXBqaVSc - Watch! Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans. "IT'S ABSURD!" [Channel: Acts217Tube]

>>114754 Emails Show Biden Admin Coordinating With Enviro Group That’s Suing Them

>>114755, >>114757 Before Arizona Gov. Hobbs deployed National Guard, she neutered border security measures

>>114756 UK Wants to Build Mini-Nuke Plants in Ukraine

>>114760 Trump moves to dismiss Georgia election case on First Amendment grounds

>>114761 US military 41,000 troops short of recruitment goal

>>114762 U.S. Taxpayer Money Funding Alex and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation Despite Their Active Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election

>>114765, >>114768, >>114776 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>114766 UN Demands Crackdown on Food Supply to ‘Fight Climate Change’

>>114767 Klaus Schwab wants to stop the retreat of globalisation and global governance with a new form of globalisation and global governance

>>114770, >>114772 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption

>>114773 President Biden Names Forty-Third Round of Judicial Nominees

>>114775 2:21PM Senate Republican Agenda

>>114780, >>114783 Canadian journalist who advocated for punishing the unvaccinated has died at 33

>>114781 Q3133 Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f8e111d7bd29039742de62e9f67cf5051b617e26a923117df323a5d2fb3c0de.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f5231520ba5e1a77335a016f6e351745033a23002f5cb760380ab6fec60bb25b.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/75e4b7b97d10443ce91e67ebef8a16729f0cc0a8986a85e7a84dcd0e5f32c417.pdf

>>114784 3:30 PM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks and signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Smithsonian Institute

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yytOZLTLxZs - Secretary Blinken delivers remarks and signs a Memorandum of Understanding - 3:30 PM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>114785, >>114787 (DOE) Office of Petroleum Reserves announced that contracts for the acquisition of 2.1 million barrels of U.S. crude oil

>>114788 #24667

(47 notables, 70 posts, 52 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131337

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20100451 Q Research General #24668: FIB Not Cracked Case In 20 Years, We Need Trump Now Edition

Created 192035ZDEC23




>>114789 #24668

>>114790, >>114792 California can't afford Electronic Elections

>>114791, >>114793, >>114798, >>114800, >>114802, >>114806 CALL TO DIG: [Water Island property] currently owned by Scott Green since 2020, a lobbyist with close ties to Joe Biden

>>114794, >>114796, >>114797, >>114799 James Aloysius (James Aloysius) Rabbitt sold Water Island property in 2005 to James Biden

>>114795, >>114820 Cyrus Vance Jr. Dig

>>114801, >>114805, >>114807, >>114813, >>114824 It's not just a meme, Indian degenerates are invading Canada (and online forums)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fe236001f49dbfd6566838333043f8df55d5bb799d1895c1f91b5fc28f6746e5.webm

>>114803 Bongino x Tucker Carlson: The Unfiltered Interview Part 2

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v425o02 - Bongino x Tucker Carlson: The Unfiltered Interview (PART 2) - 12/19/23 [52:36] [Channel: The Dan Bongino Show]

>>114804 Cyrus Roberts Vance Jr. argued on behalf of Jeffrey Epstein, asking for 'sex offender' status to be reduced.

>>114808 Dog comms? Woman caught on camera throwing dog off the top of a parking garage in grueling security footage: ‘I did her a favor’

>>114809 NJ police lieutenant arrested for stealing cocaine, fentanyl from evidence room

>>114810 @CitizenFreePres: Linda Sarsour is leading an Anti-Israel insurrection in the Capital.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/775e7c9c66ecd079fc0ee974e09fcff1a148a869f75c711a3af7270ac30e056e.mp4

>>114811 PF: B1B heading back to Dyess after a trip over Colorado Springs

>>114812 New York City poised to ban background checks for many apartment renters and buyers (illegal immigrants)

>>114815, >>114817, >>114821 Epstein/Trump True Relationship dig

>>114816, >>114825, >>114826, >>114827, >>114829 President Trump to Speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, Iowa @7pm

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v3zwjyv - President Trump to Speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, Iowa - 12/19/23 [0] [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v4205vk - President Trump in Waterloo, IA [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>114818, >>114819, >>114832, >>114835 Rachel Chandler will be trending soon

>>114822 Jerry Seinfeld meets with freed Israeli hostages, families of captives in Tel Aviv

>>114823 WTI Fades Off 2-Week Highs After API Reports Across-The-Board Inventory Builds

>>114828 Marine One returns Joe and Hunter Biden to the White Housebefore the Christmas holiday.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HsK99RKCxLE - Marine One returns Joe and Hunter Biden to the White House before the Christmas holiday. [Channel: penguinsix]

>>114830 Argentina to Ban Woke ‘Inclusive’ Language in the Military

>>114831 Bernie Moreno, is exactly the type of MAGA fighter that we need in Ohio Senate

>>114833, >>114840 Full stadiums of military aged fighting 'immigrants' to be be entering the country every 7 days

>>114834 Kevin McCarthy formally resigns from Congress.

>>114836 Philadelphia LGBTQ activist has been arrested and charged for sexual assault of minors

>>114837, >>114842 Jim Jordan subpoenas US Attorney General Merrick Garland over allegations the DOJ attempted to access personal information of lawmakers

>>114838, >>114839 Comcast's Xfinity: 36 Million Customers' Data Compromised

>>114841 Christian farmer reaches settlement with Michigan city that violated his First Amendment rights

>>114843 Martians gotta eat

>>114844 Tesla to raise pay for hourly Nevada Gigafactory workers in January to stave off union interest

>>114845 Colombian Criminal Org Leader Pleads Guilty To Sending Over 19k Kilograms Of Cocaine Via Semi-Submersible Vessels To The Sinaloa Cartel

>>114846 New Yorker Guilty of Defrauding 50+ Investors in Pre-IPO Scam Sentenced

>>114847, >>114854 Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from 2024 ballot, pauses ruling to allow appeal

>>114848 What the Hell Is Going on with Zuckerberg's Hawaii Supervillain Lair?

>>114849 @realDonaldTrump It’s a sad day for America..

>>114850 DOJ Unseals Charges Against Iranian and Chinese Nationals for Procurement Fraud Involving the Acquisition of Components for Drones

>>114851 US court approves settlement against Binance, firm to pay $2.7B to CFTC

>>114852 Congressional Democrats call for totalitarian central bank digital currencies and digital ID - theblaze

>>114853 Ex-Pakistani PM uses AI to deliver speech from prison

>>114855, >>114856 @realDonaldTrump Meet Lawyer Michael Dreeben, The Man Behind Three Major Anti-Trump Operations

>>114857 #24668

(40 notables, 68 posts, 60 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131338

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20101265 Q Research General #24669: Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, IOWA RALLY Edition

Created 200003ZDEC23




>>114858 #24669

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rVBtTcIO2rI - LIVE: President Trump to Speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, Iowa - 12/19/23 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>114859 3 Afghan pilots killed. C-172 Crash Independence Oregon 16 Dec 2023?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jXBTrmav7sU - C-172 Crash Independence Oregon 16 Dec 2023 [Channel: blancolirio]

>>114860 President Trump: Powered by the momentum of our historic victory, by Christmas of next year, the economy will be roaring back

>>114861 President Trump: As soon as I get back in the Oval Office, I will also end immediately end the war on Christians.

>>114862 President Trump: Upon taking office, I will create a new federal task force on fighting anti-Christian bias, to be led by a fully reformed Department of Justice

>>114863 Team Trump Issues Fiery Response After Radical-Left Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies Him from 2024 Ballot

>>114864, >>114865, >>114866, >>114867, >>114868, >>114869, >>114870, >>114871, >>114872, >>114873, >>114874, >>114886 President Trump: I rebuilt our military, it's all tippy-top.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b0ec38dde2fbf435905e1a9318c7ede029bc3c6c7d9fab16c49ee2a2decf4a03.mp4

>>114875 PF: SAM664 possibly JCOS Chair Brown arriving at JBA from Tel Aviv depart earlier/Paki Army Chief departing Dulles Intl

>>114876 President Trump: Yesterday we had a single-highest day record of illegal border crossings ever record. Twelve thousand, six hundred. One day. We have no idea who any of them are. They come from, Africa. They come from Asia. They come from, South A,erica, but not just South America; they're all over the world. They dump em on the border, and they pour into our country, and nobody's there to check 'em. And the Border Patrol is incredible by the way, they want to do it, but they're told not to do their job.They're ruining our country. And it's true- they're destroying the blood of our country.

>>114877, >>114878, >>114880, >>114881, >>114883, >>114890 Tippy Top x2

>>114879 CIA pushing to resume Hamas talks – RT

>>114882 President Trump: This week, the Biden administration closed two vital railway crossings, so that border agents could be redirected to help process even more migrants

>>114884 President Trump: Ada Hutchinson has been polling at zero, and he has the personality of that broken floor tile, see it there!

>>114885 President Trump: We're gonna clean it up [Washington, DC]... They've taken over the capital.

>>114887 President Trump: We Will Make America Great Again!

>>114888, >>114889 President Trump Speaks at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, Iowa

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rVBtTcIO2r - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v4205vk - President Trump in Waterloo, IA [0] [Channel: Donald J. Trump]

>>114891 #24669

(17 notables, 34 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131339

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20102045 Q Research General #24670: TIPPY TOP EDITION

Created 200215ZDEC23




>>114892 #24670

>>114893 VivekGRamaswamy - I pledge to withdraw from the Colorado GOP primary ballot until Trump is also allowed to be on the ballot, and I demand that Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley do the same immediately - or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous…

>>114894, >>114895, >>114896, >>114898, >>114899, >>114900, >>114902, >>114903, >>114904, >>114905, >>114906, >>114908 Trump rally Iowa 19th Dec 2023 notes collected in mp 4 vid form.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ccd404235d7cf0623420ba4db34e8eb2295edc22136b0d174b62aecc31d91835.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d87770ad89ffb755a244cd054085e6a805dea891fff8532b5356561a998f214d.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/184a1512fdb10845f86f176d6fc465bdf3868835faa881de4e17e48d80acddf0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9a481456e05e9a5d71508f60e5c394dacd4ddacec034d1f32bcfba9222f207fc.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd64bf6e983fc48af314574ad4a9be92da896f51f6a7559ce187aa1ea21a9192.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9c980f9f592b21c548a455483e043385b044ef8ff48d41c374c68973d5e0a00f.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/414ba238b04f08a73b62bb34989be9bedde710e439dc6e81e0aa1ffaead9a694.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ac961634a39f618a38f2657e4a04976efd213ac1ffe1b3f269810fd9dcfc903.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b5be713129fc106709a83cf260b85ecd4febf42b3b28cdaefb10c8a2f27a9bde.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e756a8a8b5e912f272e421039a2aed9b6b61b61670126709db260bf465cf562.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/87f75c2e7c95222bc1dfd6cdc6376f1ff728ae02642c19e5f74a03d9284ea02c.mp4

>>114897 Dan the Man Twitter/X - BOOM

>>114901 Chicago-bound immigrants dropped off in secret locations so drivers can avoid fines

>>114907 Ancient Mesopotamian Bricks Captured a Mysterious Blip in Earth's Magnetic Field

>>114909, >>114912 possible j6 bomber dig

>>114910 Baker claim

>>114911 Colorado Man Arrested for Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS

>>114913 PF: Earlier today. All time stamps CST.


>>114915 Trump faces similar challenges to his eligibility in 16 active lawsuits across the country

>>114916 PF: SAM703 G5 had a stop at San Antonio Intl of about 30m and heading back to JBA

>>114917 #24670

(14 notables, 26 posts, 34 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131340

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20102826 Q Research General #24671: Helping Others Get to the Tippy Top Edition

Created 200439ZDEC23




>>114918 #24671

>>114919 America’s Mayor RUDY GIULIANI Discusses His Ruling Tonight on ‘Gateway: Beyond the Headlines’ at 8 PM ET – And Colorado Supreme Court Ruling!

>>114920 lb, CALL TO MEME Who had moar 'invaders' in 2023, The Ukraine or The USA?

>>114921 Stephen Miller: "December 19th will be remembered in history because two things happened today: we found it was the WORSE DAY IN AMERICAN HISTORY for illegal immigration and we also found out that RADICAL LEFT JUDGES said Donald Trump can’t be on the ballot in Colorado."

>>114922 CCP YouTube AI Influence Operation "Shadow Play"

>>114923 UN-FOUR-GETTABLE: Today is the day. Space force born on 12/20/19 The @SpaceForceDoD ’s birthday next week will be un-four-gettable. 4️ 🎈🎁

>>114924 PF - ANON47 USAF C-17 Globemaster 06-6159. Squawk 5201. Looks to be shooting landings at Travis AFB.

>>114925 U.K. gov’t departments are SECRETLY MONITORING critics on social media and BLACKLISTING them

>>114926 #24671

(9 notables, 9 posts, 9 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131341

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20103581 Q Research General #24672: Write-in Trump on the Ballot Edition

Created 200844ZDEC23




>>114927 #24672

>>114928, >>114971 lb, CALL TO MEME Who had moar 'invaders' in 2023, The Ukraine or The USA?

>>114929 @DanScavino: Add your name below and DEMAND the resignation of antisemites from Congress!

>>114930 DJT retruth: "If I ever did that they would impeach me a third time"

>>114931 ICYMI: Philadelphia LGBTQ activist Kendall Stephens charged with rape of minors

>>114932 ZH: Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), An Accomplice Of Hamas?

>>114933 KanekoaTheGreat w/CAP: Trump campaign says Colorado ruling "completely flawed," appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court

>>114934 unusual_whales w/CAP: Germany will deploy troops for first time since World War II, with German troops stationed in the Lithuanian cities of Kaunas and Vilnius beginning in 2024

>>114935, >>114936 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / partnership the Tohono O’odham Utility Authority established with CCP Baicells Technologies

>>114937 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / $9 Million in Grants from the USG.

>>114938 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Baicells CEO worked for Huawei

>>114939 "For Catholics, this may burst your bubble. Photo of Mother Theresa with Robert Maxwell, Israeli Mossad Agent...

>>114940 Republican, Abraham Lincoln was taken off the ballot by Democrats in 1860. On April 12th, 1861 the Civil War began. I truly hope and pray we do not repeat our history

>>114941 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / "Connect the Unconnected" sorta like connecting election equipment that's 'not connected to the internet' to servers in CHY-na

>>114942, >>114949, >>114968, >>114969 Planefaggory aloft

>>114943 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Another CCP company at the southern border

>>114944 Another CCP company at the southern border Beijing Baicells Technologies Co. Ltd. diggz

>>114945 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / O-RAN ALLIANCE mission and members. radio access network (RAN) capabilities

>>114946 Tim Burchett says that Congress is blocking the release of Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs because “too many of my colleagues are compromised” and are being blackmailed.

>>114947 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Anons, Think Lindel Plan


>>114950 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Dominion Voting > Dell Hardware > Open Radio Access Network

>>114951, >>114952, >>114953, >>114954, >>114955 Today in the Swamp 12/20/23

>>114956 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/20/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42bfch - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/20/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>114957 Senate confirms senior military leaders, including two four-star Space Force generals

>>114958 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Radio Access doesn't stop at the border either. Reservation encompass parts of Pinal, Pima and Maricopa Counties

>>114959 US-Led Coalition To Create Safe Corridor In Red Sea As Ship Diversions Mount - FT

>>114960 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Using federal CARES Act funding, the Tohono O'odham Nation built its own private cellular network.

>>114961, >>114967 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / What could go wrong…everything. Baicells remote attack exploit

>>114962, >>114963, >>114964 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Leaf Reservations and us schools infiltrated

>>114965 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation / Tohono O'odham Nation Graphics

>>114966 Bizarre Fast Radio Burst Exhibits a Unique Signal Never Seen Before

>>114970 Lookie what we have here! The guy behind illegally blocking @realDonaldTrump off of the ballot in Colorado is also behind weaponizing against Americans...

>>114972 #24672

(34 notables, 46 posts, 64 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131342

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20104430 Q Research General #24673: Cabal in Final Death Throes Edition

Created 201502ZDEC23




>>114973 #24673

>>114974 How to filter namefags, copy/paste ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$)) to Options/Filter/Name CHECK OFF REGEX NEW

>>114975 10:30 AM EST Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=A2stIrTkDKY - Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby Gaggle Aboard Air Force One [Channel: The White House]

>>114976 New Evidence Suggests That NO Audit was Performed by Election Machine Testing Company

>>114977 The Colorado Supreme Court 4-3 Decision Is Pure Nonsense

>>114978 NASA Sets Coverage for White House National Space Council Meeting

>>114979 Bun from PB CCP Infiltration via Tohono O'odham Nation

>>114980 11:00 AM EST Secretary Antony J. Blinken

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hhMgnJ3PzkU - Secretary Blinken holds an end of year press availability - 11:00 AM [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>114981 Blue Origin launches New Shepard rocket

>>114982 State buildings allowed to display Christian crosses – German court

>>114983 @SpaceForceDoD Happy birthday to us!

>>114984 PlanFag:Med/Europe SAM656 C-32A heading NW from Cyprus depart-reappeared over Amman, Jordan

>>114985 FREEDM74 flies over St Louis

>>114986, >>114988, >>114989, >>114991, >>114992, >>114993, >>114994, >>114998, >>115001 Trends

>>114987 Interview Between Vivek Ramaswamy & Jimmy Dore!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n7g5oAcvRiI - BLOCKBUSTER Interview Between Vivek Ramaswamy & Jimmy Dore! [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>114990 Raytheon, an RTX company, has secured a three-year, $31.3 million contract from the Naval Surface Warfare Center

>>114995, >>115004 who on the naughty list? #PrinceAndrew #EpsteinList

>>114996 DJT Truth and Q2664 A SAD DAY IN AMERICA! #Qmapped

>>114997 A quarter of Methodist congregations abandon the Church as schism grows over LGBTQ issues

>>114999 Part of Malaysia Airlines plane found in South Australian waters?

>>115000 Mexi AF MXA1200 737 heading to Tijuana

>>115002 Navy officer caught in N.Y. sex sting brings teddy bear

>>115003 Foreign DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines Exceeds WHO Limits

>>115005 Chaos broke out at the 13th Congressional Democrats' Christmas party Saturday.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/22211e40d121aa9f86a73ebb3c31d6f3d00fa19b705bdbde698f20cf072941d2.mp4

>>115006 Ukraine aid delayed in Congress until 2024

>>115007 #24673

(26 notables, 35 posts, 43 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131343

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20105220 Q Research General #24674: Trump Removed From CO Ballot. Panic #EpsteinList *Soon Edition

Created 201809ZDEC23




>>115008 #24674

>>115009 Meme of the Thread

>>115010 Feds Suing Colony Ridge Developer

>>115011 Houthis Threaten to Attack US Warships if Washington Targets Yemen

>>115012 VM101 US Navy G5 in at Chicago O’hare

>>115013 Latest WEF report names ‘misinformation, disinformation’ as ‘core cybersecurity concerns’

>>115014 CA Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis urges SOS to explore every legal option to remove Trump from 2024 ballot

>>115015 Is Prince Andrew set for fresh legal battle in the New Year?

>>115016 Dissenting Judge on CO Supreme Court Says Trump Denied Due Process, ‘Like Nothing I’ve Seen in 33 Years’.

>>115017 @SpaceX After 39 days docked to the @space_station, the Dragon spacecraft supporting SpaceX’s 29th commercial resupply mission

>>115018 Mr. Biden: When black small businesses grow, everything benefits.

>>115019 Pilot and news photographer are killed in ABC Action News helicopter

>>115020 2:05 PM EST Vice President Harris

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=TSVD72D4AHA - Vice President Harris Chairs a Meeting of the U.S. National Space Council [Channel: The White House]

>>115021 More than 110 dead in northwestern China earthquake

>>115022 On the 12 days of Christmas the Democrats gave to me:

>>115023 PF: SAM656 C32A and likely No Nightwatch Austin

>>115024 @SpaceForceDoD Happy Birthday to all our #Guardians as the Space Force celebrates its fourth anniversary. #COMMSDAY

>>115025 3AM talking Point ty #NightShift

>>115026 Colorado Republican Party won’t have a primary. It’s to be a caucus?

>>115027 Rainstorm to trigger flash flooding from Southern California to Arizona

>>115028 Judge reverses earlier decision and allows removal of Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery?

>>115029 MktFag on: US consumer confidence jumps to five-month high

>>115030 Netanyahu’s Allegations against Pakistan

>>115031 Conan O’Brien compares Trump to Voldemort in interview with Biden


>>115033 Potato in 92-9000 done being black in Milwaukee

>>115034 #24674

(27 notables, 27 posts, 35 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131344

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20106029 Q Research General #24675: Thank (You) Donald Trump #NCSWIC Edition

Created 202151ZDEC23




>>115035 #24675


>>115037 Venezuela agrees to extradite Fat Leonard, key figure in massive military bribery scandal

>>115039 DC Council Member Vincent Gray won't seek reelection in 2024

>>115040 Ketanji Brown Jackson Faces Calls to Be Investigated Over Husband's Income

>>115041 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis adverse effects may be attributed to...

>>115042 Happy Birthday, Space Force o7

>>115043 Did James Okeefe pull a Portnoy and buy back his old company for $1?

>>115044 Of Course: Biden Admin Linked To Trump Ballot Ban In Colorado

>>115045 Judge orders GOP congressman Rep. Scott Perry to hand over hundreds of texts, emails to FBI in 2020 election probe

>>115046 Uber-Hawk Graham Blows A Gasket At Report Xi Warned Biden He Plans To Reunify Taiwan With China

>>115047 U.S., Venezuela Reach Deal On Prisoner Swap

>>115048 Mark Paoletta: "They're trying to shrink the court so they have their preferred Justice's"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42erzk - Mark Paoletta: "They're trying to shrink the court so they have their preferred Justice's" [14:00] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115049 62% Of Americans Live Paycheck-To-Paycheck And The Bottom Of The Economic Food Chain Is Already Collapsing

>>115050 Jack Smith Quietly Adds DC Swamp Lawyer From Mueller’s Inquisition to His Special Counsel Team – Trump Responds

>>115051 Pennsylvania Abruptly Cuts Short Contract With Voter Registration Firm

>>115052 Union Pacific urges the Eagle Pass and El Paso border crossings be reopened immediately

>>115053, >>115054 Al-Quassam Brigade is bringing a new rifle to the market

>>115055 Raheem Kassam: "It's not a failure of the Biden regime to secure your border, it is intentional"

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42exut - Raheem Kassam: "It's not a failure of the Biden regime to secure your border, it is intentional" [11:58] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115056 Vacant Office Space in Crime-Ridden San Francisco Hits Record High

>>115057 California-Based Green Energy Company That Received Millions From Biden Regime Failing

>>115058 Jeff Clark Discusses The January 6th Report Being Used To Kick Trump Off Ballot

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42cy81 - Jeff Clark Discusses The January 6th Report Being Used To Kick Trump Off Ballot [5:37] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115059 Mike Davis On Why The Colorado Supreme Court Didn’t Follow Proper Procedure To Remove Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42cxyc - Mike Davis On Why The Colorado Supreme Court Didn’t Follow Proper Procedure To Remove Trump [7:49] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115060 Million Customers Affected In Massive Comcast Data Breach

>>115061 Stormy Daniels wants to party with ‘fun’ Hunter Biden at White House: ‘Wouldn’t say no’ -nyp

>>115062 Dr. Peter Navarro Discusses The Corruption Of Ron DeSantis And Nikki Haley.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42cyoa - Dr. Peter Navarro Discusses The Corruption Of Ron DeSantis And Nikki Haley [9:33] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115063 Mystery as Prince Andrew's company receives £200,000 from an anonymous donor

>>115064 Kamala serves up ANOTHER word salad:

>>115065 AI autism test can detect the condition with 100% accuracy based on a simple eye scan - dailymail.co.uk

>>115066 Latest WEF report names ‘misinformation, disinformation’ as ‘core cybersecurity concerns’

>>115067 #24675

(31 notables, 33 posts, 31 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131345

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20106815 Q Research General #24676: Fight in the Shade Edition

Created 210102ZDEC23




>>115068 #24676

>>115069, >>115075 Re: How many invaders in Ukraine vs USA in 2023?

>>115070 Mike Davis Breaks Down The Bombshell Ruling From CO Supreme Court To Take Trump Off The Ballot

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v428rsn - Mike Davis Breaks Down The Bombshell Ruling From CO Supreme Court To Take Trump Off The Ballot [9:46] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115071 Feds Suing Colony Ridge Developer

>>115072 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky End-of-Year News Conference - cspan

>>115073 @DJT The last time the Democrats took someone off the ballot was in 1860 (Abraham Lincoln) - Gateway Pundit

>>115074 PF: SAM699 G5 departed March AFB after an overnight-inbound from Eglin AFB

>>115076 Court Blocks Biden's Plan to Remove Texas Border Razor Wire

>>115077, >>115079, >>115083, >>115085, >>115091 DIG: Were WEF & ADL behind the mass banning of Q accts? Yoel Roth connected?

>>115078 Musician makes a metal song using an unhinged leftist rant as vocals.

>>115080, >>115081 Angry German farmers drive their tractors to Berlin over diesel tax

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/426c6f036a796fad8774ce6560a93b9b5d17210c91db0697ccab4ecfa8488c14.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=JdPDT6pAOOQ - Angry German farmers drive their tractors to Berlin over diesel tax [Channel: euronews]

>>115082 'There's no more room': Migrants being held for days at Eagle Pass, ALL Border Patrol facilities in Texas are full

>>115084 Federal judge blocks (another) California law that would have banned carrying firearms in most public places

>>115086 [Colorado] Republicans threaten to CANCEL state's primary and switch to caucuses

>>115087, >>115088, >>115090, >>115094 @TrumpDoonbeg We all have that one cosy corner where we like to sit with a good book and relax.

>>115089 Half of Buick Dealers Take Buyouts to Avoid Having to Sell GM’s Electric Cars

>>115092 Resident Biden Says President Trump Supported an Insurrection CLIP

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/19ad089409660608253ed2466eb33f4826321e675e4d9111b733a77bfac4060a.mp4

>>115093, >>115096, >>115097 Anon has a point: REMOVE THE DEMONCRATS FROM THE BALLOT

>>115095 Trump Campaign Statement on The Colorado Supreme Court Ruling

>>115098 #24676

(20 notables, 31 posts, 35 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131346

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20107569 Q Research General #24677: Remove [THEM] From the Ballot Edition

Created 210424ZDEC23




>>115099 #24677

>>115100 Baker claim


>>115102 Extraordinary amount MPs have charged Aussie taxpayers - as Anthony Albanese joins high roller club with his huge VIP flight bill

>>115103 Sen. Steve Daines Donates to Donald Trump’s Legal Fund After Colorado Disqualified Him from Ballot

>>115104 3.4 million US acres bought by foreigners in 2022, report shows

>>115105 Trump Hands Supreme Court a Historic Question

>>115106 Online Service Outages

>>115107 DJT Re-Truth Storm

>>115108 #24677

(10 notables, 10 posts, 8 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131347

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20108335 Q Research General #24678: DJT Re-Truth Storm Edition

Created 210756ZDEC23




>>115109 #24678

>>115110, >>115111, >>115112, >>115116, >>115119, >>115121, >>115123, >>115125, >>115128 levine-center.org - Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Washington v Trump

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=DlDPH8mjpVY - CREW Exposed [Channel: ActivistFacts]


>>115114 The Truth about the Jeffrey Epstein John Does: What the media and "influencers" are getting wrong.

>>115115 What Donald Trump's Ukraine Strategy Could Look Like

>>115117 Texas RINO Chip Roy Defends Support for DeSantis, Calls Out Trump for Skipping Debates: “Trump Hangs Out in His Basement in Florida, Afraid to Actually Debate”

>>115118 US Man Hides 17 Bullets In Baby Diaper At New York Airport, Caught By Security

>>115120 WEF and UN join forces to initiate the next global crisis – water

>>115122 Kash Patel Dissects The Disinformation Campaign In Colorado. The Mainstream Media is responsible for this lie of “Insurrection” accusation of PDJT

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42cxhs - Kash Patel Dissects The Disinformation Campaign In Colorado [6:20] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115124 Will Upton Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Sale Of US Steel To A Foreign Entity. Only a few Senators are trying to overturn this dangerous deal

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42cyxh - Will Upton Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Sale Of US Steel To A Foreign Entity [5:30] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115126 Schumann Resonance

>>115127 MEGA-DEREGULATION of President Milei in his First National Broadcast- 20/12/23

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VPYwL8Szrqw - MEGADECRETO DESREGULADOR del Presidente Milei en su Primera Cadena Nacional- 20/12/23 [Channel: MILEI PRESIDENTE]

>>115129 Raheem Kassam Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Dangers Of Nikki Haley

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v427tk5 - Raheem Kassam Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Dangers Of Nikki Haley [17:46] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115130 #24678

(14 notables, 22 posts, 29 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131348

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20109155 Q Research General #24679: Winter Solstice Edition

Created 211440ZDEC23




>>115131 #24679

>>115132 The Ellensburg doctor, who sold COVID vaccine exemptions and received dozens of complaints about her professional conduct, will keep her medical license.

>>115133 Capitol Police Investigating Second Sex Video

>>115134 Channel Train service closed

>>115135 Another mass illegal crossing of 700+ in Lukeville, AZ this morning

>>115136 DJT Truth - I’m not an Insurrectionist (“PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY”), Crooked Joe Biden is!!!

>>115137 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Dec 21, 2023 - Three Galaxies and a Comet

>>115138, >>115139 White House News Dump December 20, 2023

>>115140 Top Russian general reveals details of Kiev's failed counteroffensive

>>115141, >>115153 Shooting with multiple fatalities at Charles University's Faculty of Arts in Prague

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3edf098d6411bc826961dbc1b1b05f47790e9cf789ef3aab4f8b49cfa72de650.mp4

>>115142 NASA Leadership Participates in Vice President-Chaired National Space Council Meeting

>>115143 How Vanderbilt's AI law lab wants to use the technology for good

>>115144 Shareholder Arrested After Remarks About Gates and Epstein Files SEC Complaint Against Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway

>>115145 What Does the Space Force Do? 4 Years After Its Birth, Glimpses of the Service's Mission Emerge

>>115146 PF: Russian AF 82503 Tupolev Tu-154 departed St. Petersburg Levashovo AB ES to Moscow

>>115147 Nico Delgado Joins WarRoom To Discuss The RNC Youth Advisory Council. Arizona Youth Vote. He’s doing this “to save our state, if we lose AZ we lose the country”, thats why he is involved

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42f5s8 - Nico Delgado Joins WarRoom To Discuss The RNC Youth Advisory Council [7:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115148, >>115155 BREAKING: Federal judge orders more than 150 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein unsealed, three will remain sealed

>>115149 Feds One Step Closer to Unmasking Elite Client List of High-End Asian Brothel as Prosecutors Seek to Charge 28 Politicians, Military Officers

>>115150 Bill Barr: SCOTUS Will ‘Slap’ Down Colorado Disqualification Decision

>>115151 Raynard Jackson Shares His Firsthand Account Seeing The Migrant Crisis At The Airport In Arizona, he was leaving after attending AmFest, leaving by plane

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42esl8 - Raynard Jackson Shares His Firsthand Account Seeing The Migrant Crisis At The Airport In Arizona [5:24] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115152 Jeff Clark Explains Next Steps With Supreme Court Overturning CO Ballot Decision

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42juo8 - Jeff Clark Explains Next Steps With Supreme Court Overturning CO Ballot Decision. [1:32] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115154 planeFag Med/Europe activity

(22 notables, 25 posts, 28 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131349

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20110051 Q Research General #24680: vBaked Edition

Created 211757ZDEC23




>>115156 #24680

>>115157, >>115161, >>115166 Former Presidents with Jeffrey Epstein links to be named in court docs set to be unsealed

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UqOL7LOR6ko - Goran Bregović - Kalashnikov (Poznań 1997) [Channel: LagoonaLoire]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XhzpxjuwZy0 - House of Pain - Jump Around (Official Music Video) [Channel: Tommy Boy]

>>115158, >>115159, >>115214, >>115216 Swamp presser events

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fWMinJqi244 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby [Channel: The White House]

>>115160, >>115162 Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption

>>115163 Rudy Giuliani files for bankruptcy and lists more than $500million in debts and $10 million in assets

>>115164 Bosnia detains chief justice of the country’s top court and former intelligence chief

>>115165, >>115173, >>115189, >>115203 Capitol Sex-capades Vol. 2 - Backdoor Edition

>>115167 An 18-year-old hacker who leaked clips of Grand Theft Auto 6 has been sentenced to an indefinite hospital order

>>115168, >>115176, >>115219 Chip Roy Defends Support for DeSantis

>>115169, >>115172, >>115177 Standing beside a Chinese flag, Nikki Haley told Chinese executives: "I now officially work for you"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e953352e33d1682ede36282d85bbdd7e37e127f7f42ced2580285bb3c95a48fd.mp4

>>115170 Biden exchanged emails with his son Hunter’s business associate 54 times while he was serving as VP

>>115171 Top US military officer General Charles “CQ” Brown spoke with China’s General Liu Zhenli on Thursday

>>115174, >>115175 Operation Brian Moran

>>115178, >>115182, >>115187, >>115190, >>115194 (2011) Nikki Haley gave advantage to Savannah over the economic engine Port of Charleston

>>115179 Biden Regime Is Now Sending Prominent J6 Prisoners to Mental Institutions to Keep Them from Talking Like in the Old Soviet Union

>>115180 Chicago City Orders Seizure of Democrat Mayor Johnson’s Motorcade SUVs for Accumulating $2,130 in Unpaid Red Light and Speed Camera Tickets

>>115181, >>115211, >>115218, >>115221, >>115229, >>115232 PF: PAT306, PAT579, LBRTY51, 79-0113, SAM704, OPS2, MEDVC71

>>115183 Kamala: Artemis Accords, 12 new nations have signed on, total number of signatories to 33

>>115184 Baby Show ‘CoComelon’ Features Drag Tot Dancing for His 2 ‘Dads’

>>115185 Crates of guns secretly being dropped in Chicago alleys

>>115186 One of the four ruling to bar Donald Trump from the state ballot, Colorado Supreme Court Judge Melissa Hart

>>115188, >>115195, >>115205, >>115208, >>115210, >>115213, >>115220 Migrants breaking into AZ are given paperwork, told where to go

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd7110bb29d93a8dada80a0b0dd5df9c5886e2cf0a6e771758e4bfc5d3b6bde6.mp4

>>115191 Taiwan reports sightings of Chinese balloons

>>115192 Google To 'Limit' Answers To Election Queries On Bard AI Tool & Generative Search

>>115193 China bans export of rare earth processing tech over national security

>>115196 Rite Aid Banned From Using Facial Recognition Software

>>115197, >>115200, >>115204, >>115207 Trump Still Dominates, With Biggest Lead To Date

>>115198 Polish Leader Donald Tusk Shuts State-Run News Channel TVP Info

>>115199, >>115201 Trump did not call for an insurrection

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ffa3f659a5332142d3b97048bf3ed850deadcba2619ce6420872ecfeec689903.mp4

>>115202 Prague, Czech Republic: 15 Killed, 30 More Wounded in University Shooting

>>115206 (Dec 13, 2023) Communist Party Stalwart Alfred Marder Dies At 101

>>115209 Pulitzer-Winning Authors Join OpenAI, Microsoft Copyright Lawsuit

>>115212 #24679 collected in #24680

>>115215, >>115217 John Schneider: 'I Believe you and your son (Joe / Hunter) are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung'

>>115222, >>115223 European vacation or legitimate business? Nikki Haley’s fiscal priorities under fire as summer ‘jobs’ trip detailed

>>115224 Harvard finds more ‘duplicative language’ in president Claudine Gay’s work as Congress investigates plagiarism

>>115225 The Washington Post has removed the "War in Ukraine" section from their website

>>115226, >>115227, >>115228 From Suez to the shores of Hawaii, not a single US Military flight is registered on public flight radars

>>115230, >>115231 Russia, China completely abandon US dollar in bilateral trade, says Russian PM

>>115233 #24680

(40 notables, 78 posts, 70 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131350

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20110887 Q Research General #24681: The Dukes of Hazzard Edition

Created 212102ZDEC23




>>115234, >>115259 #24681

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IUbakT7fQZ0 - Dukes of Hazzard General Lee jump dixie horn [Channel: Jabba MTA]

>>115235 Krystal and Saagar discuss comments from Israel on war crimes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=yMY4ZaoflNc - 'I Am For War Crimes': Israeli's Say Quiet Part Out Loud [Channel: Breaking Points]

>>115236 2,000 boys in a shelter in a converted Walmart over 40 shelters for minors in the "valley"

>>115237 ‘Captain America’ arrested at US military base

>>115238 Covid Research Grant Fraud - :Whistleblower Attorney Greene

>>115239, >>115240 Biden on justice (kek)

>>115241, >>115246 Dr. Drew on Roseanne

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PlZGJfHUoy8 - Dr. Drew tells Roseanne she is dead inside | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #27 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>115242 China is working on advanced 'brain warfare' tech including devices that send enemies to sleep and thought-controlled weapons - reportedly (Daily Mail)

>>115243 Biden's press secy Michael LaRosa was 'forced out' of WH after he 'tried to take gay dates' to his room on secure floor of hotel where prez was staying during NATO summit

>>115244 WAPO: Israel Lied About Hamas Tunnels Connecting to al-Shifa Hospital

>>115245 PF

>>115247, >>115248 UFO near AF1?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Gn0xAEMXhd8 - 🔴LIVE AIR FORCE ONE at LAX | LAX LIVE | LAX Plane Spotting [Channel: L.A FLIGHTS]

>>115249 Confirmed visitors to Epstein Island

>>115250 Masses of adult men from around the world still waiting for Border Patrol processing after crossing illegally into Lukeville, AZ today

>>115251 Baker ghost

>>115252 DJT Re-Truth - “Colorado Supreme Court ensures 2024 election win for Trump”

>>115253 DJT Re-Truth - Colorado Primary

>>115254 DJT Re-Truth - Who will be the next Republican nominee?

>>115255 Baker claim

>>115256 DJT Re-Truth - 2024 Iowa Republican Caucus

>>115257 DJT Re-Truth - Voting intention percentage

>>115258 WH's new thing is posting edited YT shorts to hide Joe's dementia

(22 notables, 26 posts, 32 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131351

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20111750 Q Research General #24682: Big Mad? Too Bad Edition

Created 212338ZDEC23




>>115260 #24682

>>115261 Harnwell: Ukraine latest — men aged 25 to 60 living abroad “to report for military service”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42kger - Harnwell: Ukraine latest — men aged 25 to 60 living abroad “to report for military service” [8:14] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115262 BREAKING: A jury has found three officers not guilty in the 2020 death of Manuel "Manny" Ellis while in police custody in Tacoma, Washington.

>>115263 FASCISM: Democrats in Four States Including Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts Decide to Have Only Joe Biden on the Primary Ballot

>>115264 NOT JUST COLORADO: Here Are the 16 Other States Where President Trump’s Enemies are Trying to Kick Him Off the Ballot – Nine Active Cases Brought by Long-Shot GOP Presidential Candidate

>>115265 Michael Cassidy Details How He Took Down The Satanic Statue In The Iowa State Capitol

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42mld5 - Michael Cassidy Details How He Took Down The Satanic Statue In The Iowa State Capitol [4:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115266 Save Our Shrimpers

>>115267 Sebastian Gorka: “I think the question answers itself, who the Biden’s are working for”

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42mkww - Sebastian Gorka: “I think the question answers itself, who the Biden’s are working for” [12:44] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115268 DJT Truth - Where's Hunter?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b14e261bfeb7386de3135ea406c7397c21c7b3e140bc075c438e4412b70fea87.mp4

>>115269 CM Tweet/X - THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

>>115270 DJT Truth - I Never Mix Up Biden and Obama, They Are BOTH Responsible for Ruining Our Country…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/95027bdfc9fde387801b429ac43333f91f2d7fba43a1d21694c1bb0a67ed31fd.mp4

>>115271, >>115276 Fat Leonard, Who Filmed Orgies Involving Senior Navy Admirals, Extradited To The US By Venezuela

>>115272 More than 20 countries now part of US-led Red Sea coalition-Pentagon

>>115273 PF: Polish AF PLF105 G5 south from early morning depart Warsaw-mebby we’ll get to see who this is based on destination as this AC was in Wrocław 2 days ago and left Warsaw shortly after Tusk installed as PM both times under PLF105 call sign

>>115274 Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick to step down at the end of the year

>>115275 We gonna flip Chicago red. The Democrat Party is done in Chicago!” Black voters expose how the Democrats are spending half a billion dollars to build a shantytown for illegals.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d679086a7f76418e22b050b06a24fc6f6b0ab94c9184b8659fbeed8e6893c435.mp4

>>115277 Former Longview police lieutenant gets nearly 13 years in prison for trying to have sex with 11-year-old girl

>>115278 BREAKING REPORT: Filings reveal Jack Smith may never have been PROPERLY APPOINTED as Special Counsel

>>115279 #24682

(19 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131352

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20112497 Q Research General #24683: Becoming the Light in the Darkness Edition

Created 220159ZDEC23




>>115280 #24683

>>115281 LIVE Q & A ON XWITTER: 'Out of the Shadows director's commentary w/ Mike Smith, Liz Crokin and Gen. Flynn


>>115283 Germans are ‘thieves’ – Lavrov (RT)

>>115284 France forced to close embassy in former colony - Reuters (RT)

>>115285 New Declassified Documents Reveal FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover Greenlighted Surveillance Program In Hawaii Just 2 Months Before Pearl Harbor Attack

>>115286, >>115288 PF Reports

>>115287 Jeff Clark Shreds Illegal, Unconstitutional Lawfare Behind Trump’s CO Ballot Removal. Clark is the best on War Room, he knows the law and reveals the flaws

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42ju0w - Jeff Clark Shreds Illegal, Unconstitutional Lawfare Behind Trump’s CO Ballot Removal. [10:25] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115289 4 Indian soldiers killed and 3 wounded in an ambush by rebels in disputed Kashmir

>>115290 BOJ Holds Record 54% of JGBs at End-Sept.

>>115291 BREAKING: Hazmat crews are on the scene, as a mass casualty incident has been declared due to a chemical spill

>>115292 KJP - Happy Holidays from the White House press team! We wish you a JOYFUL new year!

>>115293 #24683

(13 notables, 14 posts, 18 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131353

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20113261 Q Research General #24684: America Winning Edition

Created 220506ZDEC23




>>115294 #24684

>>115295 "If I was the deep state" - Must watch video.

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/kOKyyLmOk2Ov/ - If I was the Deep State. Deep Injection of Truth...Election Fraud, Jan 6, COVID, Biden, Trump, MAGA [1:39] [Channel: CASTALIA2020: Seeing With Our Own Eyes]

>>115296, >>115297, >>115298, >>115299, >>115300 Southwest Key Programs (Unaccompanied minors) dig.

>>115301, >>115314 Hulk Hogan baptized.

>>115302, >>115309 Clinton-Silsby connection Dig Reloaded

>>115303, >>115307 Comey Coms

>>115304 Why Is the Consumer Price Index Controversial?

>>115305 Russia, China completely abandon US dollar in bilateral trade

>>115306 Scoop: Warner Bros. Discovery in talks to merge with Paramount Global

>>115308 Baker Claims —

>>115310, >>115311, >>115312, >>115313 Vax Musings

>>115315 Meme of the Bread

>>115316 #24684

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43d0cd No.131354

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20113986 Q Research General #24685: Stay Strong, Stay Safe WW Edition

Created 221111ZDEC23




>>115317 #24685

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/04bbb170ad93309f30150d96d75f804a9cb00eb378ee77430bc98b4a269606ea.mp4

>>115318 Police called to Mass. middle school over ‘concerning illustrations’

>>115319, >>115322 Dozens of college students agree to fund the k*lling of Jews

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ad2b4cdd83f7dbd1c4a9989a4479b56b0fff14710dc8d5b393af65811d9a439c.mp4

>>115320 Joe Biden Pressured Merrick Garland to Prosecute Donald Trump

>>115321 AmThk: The Globalist 'Final Solution'

>>115323 Migrant facilities in Texas and Arizona overwhelmed 18,500 in custody

>>115324 Number of Homeless Veterans Rose by 7 Percent Over the Last Year


>>115326 France pours cold water on Ukraine’s EU dream

>>115327 Meme of the Bread

>>115328 US wants $300 billion of Russian assets for Ukraine - NYT

>>115329 'Trump, come in here and clean this mess up!' Seething Chicago resident explodes

>>115330 Kellyanne: Democrats wake up it's January 6, drive electric vehicle to get an abortion

>>115331 Doctors Take Legal Action Against Transgender Mandate

>>115332, >>115333 Potus Birdie Shack

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abdfaf31b89d5a88a4bbf013106632868e123cdb71e22cdde33906c56f59dedb.mp4

>>115334 VAQ-136 Commanding Officer Relieved

>>115335 New Hampshire Poll – President Trump Dominates With 52%, Nikki Haley at 22%

>>115336, >>115337 US Navy says they don’t have enough warships to start Operation

>>115338 #24685

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43d0cd No.131355

File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20114964 Q Research General #24686: Merry XMas Eve Weekend Edition

Created 221555ZDEC23




>>115339 #24686

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0e82d41a9d70bf6362c1727412c0609adb869c0b6941ca67a5dced4ea5b4f45e.mp4

>>115340 Ukraine can’t defeat Russia - EU state’s PM

>>115341, >>115372, >>115380, >>115385, >>115391 planeFag: Europe/Med activity/CONUS

>>115342 Faux noos pushin RINO Haley

>>115343, >>115346, >>115349, >>115351, >>115358, >>115360 France grounds plane carrying over 300 Indians for human trafficking/Turkey/Romania

>>115344 @CNN to host back-to-back GOP Presidential Town Halls in Iowa on Jan. 4. Gov. Ron DeSantis will join moderator @kaitlancollins at 9pET & frmr. Amb. Nikki Haley will join moderator @ErinBurnett at 10pET.

>>115345 @TeamHaley 📺 What Iowans are watching in Davenport

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/74748a342f879809a25fb1d8bec79a7778f92d24a958c9cdbb615eb1b2a6eb0e.mp4

>>115347 Biden emailed son’s business associate 54 times - Republicans

>>115348 Chinese-US military contacts resume

>>115350 Tyler Bowyer Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Turnout Among Young People At Turning Point This Year

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42m1nk - Tyler Bowyer Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Turnout Among Young People At Turning Point This Year [13:03] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115352 Digital Privacy Bootcamp Part 1 of 2

>>115353 Former Chicago Alderman Ed Burke, one of the most powerful and longest-serving politicians in the Windy City, was found guilty Thursday of racketeering, bribery and attempted extortion after a six-week-long federal corruption trial.

>>115354 Bannon Shreds Intentional Destruction Of America With Immigration, Blasts Speaker Johnson’s Inaction

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42r8ub - Bannon Shreds Intentional Destruction Of America With Immigration, Blasts Speaker Johnson’s Inaction [12:55] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>115355, >>115373 "Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, Aylo Holdings S.A.R.L. (formerly MindGeek S.A.R.L.) (Aylo), parent company to Pornhub.com/sex trafficking

>>115356 mktFag on: Govt Wage Growth Hits Record High As Fed's Favorite Inflation Indicator Tumbles

>>115357 SHuck: I’m calling on Arkansas Board of Corrections Chairman Benny Magness to resign.

>>115359 CBP sources tell FOX… Since Oct 1st, BP alone has released more than 386,500 migrants into the US


>>115362 It's #CrosswordPuzzleDay. Prior to D-Day in 1944, several codewords including OMAHA, OVERLORD, and NEPTUNE appeared in the Daily Telegraph crossword

>>115363 Tesla to recall over 120,000 vehicles in US - NHTSA

>>115364 #OTD in 2001, the Japanese Coast Guard engaged in a firefight and sank an armed North Korean infiltration ship

>>115365 @US_CYBERCOM U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Timothy Haugh confirmed as #CYBERCOM's next Commander and Director, will assume command from U.S. Army Gen. Paul Nakasone

>>115366, >>115379 Operation Heroes-34 Türkiye arrests hundreds for alleged ISIS links

>>115367 Mickey Mouse, Long a Symbol in Copyright Wars, to Enter Public Domain


>>115370 The Secret Service is now investigating Dukes of Hazard star John Schneider for calling Joe Biden a traitor.

>>115371 Corey's Digs: Dig It! #212: Merry Christmas!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42qvpt - Dig It! #212: Merry Christmas! [50:14] [Channel: Corey's Digs]

>>115374 Cenk Uygur eviscerated on the Piers Morgan Show over support for Hamas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd4e8ddcaef92009084cce0dab5ac9a876de74fc3f466add687512585cc3b3da.mp4

>>115375 Chairs Leading Push to Oust Trump from Colorado Ballot Linked to Biden Contributions

>>115376 Indian PM Modi and His BJP Party Under Fire After 140 Opposition MPs Suspended From Parliament

>>115377 “Oct. 7 Would Not Have Happened Under Trump”, Says Former US Ambassador

>>115378 Bill Gates Strikes Again with New ‘Wafer’ Vax

>>115381 Biden Commutes Sentences of 11 Convicts with Meth and Cocaine Offenses

>>115382, >>115383 Iranian Spy Ship Helps Houthis Direct Attacks on Red Sea Vessels

>>115384 Members of Congress ‘Advise’ Epstein-CCP Influence Op

>>115386 American Public Pension Funds Pour over $68 Billion Into China in Just 3 Years

>>115387 Rep.TimBurchett: Members of Congress are being blackmailed.

>>115388 US Sailors Stranded In Red Sea Deserve Immediate Military Support

>>115389 NSA #Ghidra team has released a powerful new version of Ghidra that includes BSim

>>115390 U.S. Blasts UN Security Council For Failure to Condemn Hamas For Oct. 7th Attack

>>115392 #24686

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43d0cd No.131356

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20115774 Q Research General #24687: @US_CYBERCOM Thank You For Your Service Gen Nakasone Edition

Created 221937ZDEC23




>>115393 #24687

>>115394, >>115395 Jack Smith is about to REEEEEEEEEE

>>115396 USN - Hold the Line! 🗣️

>>115397 Baker claim

>>115398, >>115400 @FtMeadeMD - Congratulations to @usairforce Lt. Gen. Timothy Haugh who has been unanimously confirmed by the Senate to be the next Commander for @US_CYBERCOM, Director of @NSAGov/@NSACyber and Commander of Central Security Service. Lt. Gen. Haugh will also be receiving his fourth star.

>>115399 Boeing hands over first 787 Dreamliner to China since 2019

>>115401 BF Report: Iran-flagged MV BEHSHAD (IMO 9167289, MMSI 422036200) in the Red Sea.

>>115402 New law… If any state in our Union blocks the official nominee of a major political party from the Presidential ballot, their electoral slate will not be counted by Congress on the following January 6th.

>>115403 The resident and The (not) First Lady make a holiday visit to patients and families at Children’s National Hospital

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KlCwSWN9SmI - President Biden and the First Lady Visit Patients and Families at Children’s National Hospital [Channel: The White House]

>>115404 @SpaceForceDoD - Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman, Jennifer Saltzman, Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force John Bentivegna and Cathy Bentivegna wish all of our #Guardians, families and teammates around the world a safe and happy holiday season!

>>115405 Homeland Majority Releases Phase Five Report on Mayorkas’ Abuse and Waste of Resources Amid Border Crisis

>>115406 The next time a storm is to be named in Denmark, it will not start with the letter Q, which will be skipped, and replaced with the letter R.

>>115407 RFK Jr. - Why doesn’t every American understand that If they can do this to a former US President, EVERYONE is vulnerable to punishment for crimes with which they have never been convicted.

>>115408 POTATUS - It was great teaming up with my friend and brother, @BarackObama, to spend some time with supporters Cynthia and Nick.

>>115409, >>115411, >>115414 Stuttgart brought to a standstill by 2000 tractors sending an ultimatum to the government, withdraw plans to abolish agricultural diesel and vehicle tax exemptions by January 8th or face the wrath.

>>115410 NSA_CSDirector - Holiday gift for you. Ghidra 11.0 released!

>>115412 WH schedule

>>115413 @catturd2 - I was just swatted again… the local cops are great and know what's going on now. All is well at the Catturd ranch. Still not going to shut up.

>>115415 Mike Lee Brutally Grills Judicial Nominee

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-VUA1hmYWBM - 'You Didn't Disclose That To The Committee, Did You?': Mike Lee Brutally Grills Judicial Nominee [Channel: Forbes Breaking News]

>>115416 DJT Truth - The Supreme Court has unanimously rejected Deranged Jack Smith’s desperate attempt to short circuit our Great Constitution.

>>115417 @TuckerCarlson - TC Shorts: Julian Assange

>>115418 #24687

(22 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131357

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20116553 Q Research General #24688: Vigilant Frogs, Day & Night Edition

Created 222309ZDEC23




>>115419 #24688

>>115420, >>115426 Firefly Aerospace just launched their 4th Alpha rocket to orbit this morning with a Lockheed Martin payload

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QMJv-54Dpcc - Alpha FLTA004 Fly The Lightning [Channel: Firefly Aerospace]

>>115421 @GovNedLamont - Sad day in Connecticut as we mourn the loss of Broko, a brave K-9 who gave his life in the line of duty.

>>115422 ConocoPhillips to move forward with development of $8 billion Willow project

>>115423, >>115424 PF: No callsign P-8 hunting something

>>115425 Police Chief Troy Finner wants all Houstonians to install security cameras or license plate readers

>>115427 PF: Saudi AF SVA7232 737-900 registered to Saudi Ministry of Finance departed Houston Intl EN arriving 12/21 and stopped at Bangor,ME for about 50m and London-Luton for about 90m from its Riyadh,SA depart on

>>115428 Large Bank Deposits Rise As Money-Market Outflows Accelerate, Small Banks Still Stressed

>>115429 Barack Obama looks on par as he enjoys round of golf in his home state of Hawaii while wearing custom glove and shoes emblazoned with his presidential number 44

>>115430 POTATUS - Jill and I had the honor of spending the afternoon at Children's National Hospital reading with some of the strongest kids and parents there are.

>>115431 POTATUS - Ready for St. Nick

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f00d2e264e2e040e481d678ea2ddda8ba85e3685219f4426d75652e95fe11a1a.mp4

>>115432 #24688

(12 notables, 14 posts, 21 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131358

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20117317 Q Research General #24689: Endless, Nameless Edition

Created 230237ZDEC23




>>115433 #24689

>>115434 BREAKING REPORT: Several gotaways caught on camera in Eagle Pass, Texas CARRYING RIFLES into the country

>>115435 Law enforcement releases video of Texas RINO Rep. Jeff Leach, one of the ringleaders in the Ken Paxton impeachment, committing several traffic violations. Leach has been endorsed by Governor Greg Abbott for reelection.

>>115436 Biden signs $886 billion US defense policy bill into law

>>115437 Wisconsin Supreme Court orders new legislative maps in redistricting case brought by Democrats

>>115438 PF: OBAN28 E6B Mercury done off shore returning to Pax River-prolly some sub comms with the VLF antenna

>>115439 Bodies of 3 Soldiers Recovered from Helicopter That Crashed into the Mediterranean Sea

>>115440 @RepThomasMassie - This is rich: Door-to-door gun buy-back group, trading gift certificates for private weapons, violated gun transfer laws in NM.

>>115441 US Bans Pentagon From Using Chinese Port Logistics Platform

>>115442 CBP reopens key ports of entry for freight trains at US-Mexico border

>>115443 @BillMelugin_ - Flying out of Tucson airport tonight and the terminal is full of illegal immigrants released into the US with their DHS paperwork.

>>115444 PF: I tend to believe this C17 has marked the end of COG at Holloman AFB -the same place it began -for no other reason than "I think so because I think so."

>>115445 Gen. Flynn - "This is not a joke. The “deep state” aka a certain intelligence agency, better mind their p’s and q’s."

>>115446 Report: Pentagon has so far committed only a fraction of its JWCC cloud contract’s $9B budget

>>115447 #24689

(15 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131359

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20118081 Q Research General #24690: The Ride May Make Stops, but it Never Ends Edition

Created 230552ZDEC23




>>115448 #24690

>>115449 Facebook, Instagram’s Encyrpted Tech Allows Sexual Deviants To Target Kids

>>115450 Former Kenyan minister and 2 others charged with fraud over hospitality college project

>>115451 Getting to zero trust: The Pentagon’s effort to put data security first in 2023

>>115452 Biden Issues Blanket Pardon For ‘Simple Possession’ of Marijuana

>>115453 Never Back Down, pro-DeSantis super PAC, cancels $2.5 million in 2024 TV advertising as new group takes over

>>115454 Opportunity Assessment of the Missile Tracking Systems Market, 2023 to 2033: AI and ML Integration for Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)

>>115455 Navy awards $6-million contract for cleanup of World War II hangar in Tustin that burned

>>115456 DoD outlines four-phase approach to implement CMMC in proposed rule

>>115457 Oshkosh Corporation Recognized by Military Times as a 2023 Best for Vets Employer

>>115458 First American Financial Corporation, the second-largest title insurance company in the United States, took some of its systems offline today to contain the impact of a cyberattack

>>115459 #24690

(12 notables, 12 posts, 13 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131360

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20118855 Q Research General #24691: Rising with the Morning Sun Edition

Created 231203ZDEC23




>>115460 #24691

>>115461 Newspaper apologizes for 'anti-semitic' Zelensky cartoon

>>115462 Unaccompanied minors on plane held in France over suspected trafficking, with their ages ranging from 21 months to 17 years.

>>115463, >>115509 Louisiana's outgoing anti-prison Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards pardons 56 inmates - including 40 MURDERERS

>>115464 Turn Out the Lights, the Country's Over: TSA Accepting Arrest Warrants as ID for Illegal Immigrants

>>115465, >>115476 Flynn reply to Loomer Tweet - re: attempt on President Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/abdfaf31b89d5a88a4bbf013106632868e123cdb71e22cdde33906c56f59dedb.mp4

>>115466 Putin's Russia 'smuggling illegal immigrants into Europe with fake airline'

>>115467 Former Ukraine military officer drops a napalm bomb right on Zelensky…

>>115468 I stand with Nikki Haley tweet (vial)

>>115469 Ukrainian TV host flees to EU

>>115470, >>115471 The Clintons, the Epstein Brothers and the Humpty Dumpty Congress Members

>>115472 The secret U.S. effort to track, hide and surveil the Chinese spy balloon

>>115473 Georgia is on fire (more sauce other than Telegram?)

>>115474 Flashback - Catherine Herridge New POTUS MEMO (delta)

>>115475 CNN's "health" expert says we need to get MORE Covid boosters to prevent hospitals from filling up this winter

>>115477 Without Fossil Fuels ‘Six Billion People Would Die Within a Year’

>>115478 Flashback - The U.S. Federal Bank Reserve's Jewish Origins

>>115479 Reminder - James Corney's daughter lead prosecutor

>>115480 Reminder - Democrats: Nikki Haley “Sold Out Port” For $15K

>>115481 Charlie Kirk exposes RFK Jr.’s true progressive agenda in stunning interview…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/164fee39ac4f7cb11ecc0c84a414a35b1edc1f35a9f8e6cf57f44cfcdbe90cf0.mp4

>>115482 Biden’s Parole Pipeline Frees Over 670K Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 11 Months

>>115483 Billionaire Peter Thiel Regrets Supporting Trump For President In 2016

>>115484 Wisconsin Supreme Court, now under liberal control, overturns Republican-favored legislative maps

>>115485 DJT Truth - The Supreme Court has unanimously rejected Deranged Jack Smith’s “SUPER SPEEDY” lawsuit against me.

>>115486 Fmr. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Tells Harvard’s Institute of Politics How to Convince the Vaccine Injured to Get More Vaccines

>>115487 Only Half of All Ford Dealers Agree to Sell EVs Next Year

>>115488, >>115489 Stunning new polling theory emerges that could give Biden a very sneaky edge in 2024…

>>115490, >>115491, >>115496, >>115502 Roger Stone mini bun - burn notice?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/18855ee2661cb8e595bffc50589a38ada6b694c4a4e9ece6993c56c32a06328e.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41xutk - Patreon Video 30 - Israeli Unit 8200 Gave Roger Stone The Info On Clinton Emails Not Wikileaks [56:43] [Channel: Unit8200]

>>115492 Congressman reveals exactly how our elected officials are being controlled through blackmail…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3825f569b8a77c902c3ef9f13428ff0440be28bc5703687a651d1df18139a7d8.mp4

>>115493 Confirmed: Biden Admin Sought to Conceal Chinese Spy Balloon from Public As It Crossed Continental United States – Mark Milley Involved

>>115494, >>115498 Russia Space Agency Official Held Over Multi-Million-Euro Fraud

>>115495 EU countries destroy €4B worth of COVID vaccines

>>115497 African migrants bound for US use Nicaragua to bypass Darien perils/Officials don’t know how thousands of African migrants end up in Tijuana

>>115499 All Ukrainians must fight – security chief

>>115500 51 Days Later, Tucker Carlson Releases Interview With Julian Assange

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42u07e - Tucker Carlson Shorts: Julian Assange [5:43] [Channel: MJTruth]

>>115501, >>115504 James O'Keefe - Travel and the Refugee

>>115503 On Saturday, December 23 at 12:33 a.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit...

>>115505 Firefly Alpha upper stage malfunction puts payload into wrong orbit

>>115506 Brandon Straka asks "Where's the money"?

>>115507 Spain, Italy, France Decline US Command Of Red Sea Operation Prosperity Guardian

>>115508 How Republicans are weaponizing antisemitism to take down DEI

>>115510 Putin’s navy makes sudden retreat from Black Sea as Ukraine left baffled

>>115511 #24691

(43 notables, 52 posts, 55 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131361

File: 5c6b5f8b3ee7730⋯.png (737 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20119718 Q Research General #24692: Morning Coffee and the Christmas Season Edition

Created 231626ZDEC23




>>115512 #24692

>>115513 Tucker Carlson tells about his experience after meeting and having a conversation with Julian Assange

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42wkvh - Tucker Carlson Visits Julian Assange [14:37] [Channel: Tucker on Twitter | Gutfeld | Five | Jesse Watters Primetime]

>>115514 All-Girls Catholic College Reverses Trans Decision After Well-Earned Backlash

>>115515 Fighter Bo Nickal shares story of playing a round of golf with DJT

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f3fd0fc4ca47d983fb48b05bbcaf2760b002a5e34dc17353f0e7de5c601b6d90.mp4

>>115516, >>115517 Alex Jones reacts to Bill Gates' bizarre answer to being asked about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

>>115518 Michigan Democrat Prays To ‘Sexy Satanic Baphomet Goat Altar’

>>115519 Joe's policies did not age well for Hunter in the end

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/14733c85f3bd3f070bc8a3f988b5f82bc86174da0617b58ba6b3bcbeaa8f6a5a.mp4

>>115520, >>115527, >>115539, >>115540 Grassley tweet with DQ / Vacuum

>>115521, >>115523, >>115524, >>115532, >>115543 Q never specifically mentioned Xi / Putin are our allies

>>115522, >>115537, >>115547 Busload of abandoned migrants from El Paso found wandering down Illinois highway

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b27ee7dbbc415e1349b6bb20c9bb120a5bbf982de0c27472251f3c0c77fe85f0.mp4

>>115525, >>115526, >>115530, >>115536, >>115542 Planefags

>>115528, >>115529 The Roman Power Pyramid

>>115531 Qpost Deltas: 5:5 | [GS] | GO | [#2] | NK / Iran | [i] | Eye on the [markers]

>>115533 Congressional Partisan Breakdown from New Hampshire

>>115534 Marsha Blackburn Grills Witness Over Dems' Soft-On-Crime Policies

>>115535, >>115538, >>115550, >>115552, >>115553, >>115558 Why do the White Hats continue to allow illegals into our Country?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zI-ouFNzt0U - Arrested Development George Sr. and His Infamous Lessons [Channel: jennngiggles]

>>115541 Jim Watkins: Grok is fun. Grok is prolific. It will take some time for Grok to surpass ChatGPT ...

>>115544, >>115546, >>115549, >>115561, >>115564 The Plan (The Trap) ... Fraud Vitiates Everything

>>115545 IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

>>115548 ‘More Broken Promises’ — Sunak’s Government Waters Down Restrictions on Chain Family Migration

>>115551 Monsanto ordered to pay $857 million to 7 people who got sick from PCB exposure in a Washington school

>>115554 Chinese-linked firm building near US military bases

>>115555 Japan strives to control debt in face of rising rates

>>115556 Running for his old seat, Tom Suozzi visits Israel, calls for destroying Hamas

>>115557 (Oct 6, 1940) New World Order Pledged To Jews

>>115559 Fox News Shills John Fetterman Over His Support for Israel: 'Gives Me Hope for This Country'

>>115560 Biden Signs New US Sanctions Targeting Russia's Defense Industry

>>115562, >>115563 To those whom believing in the wild brainless theory that Putin is a 'White Hat' and on the side of Freedom & Liberty...

>>115566 Downtown Phoenix Arizona Tunnel system

>>115567 #24692

(30 notables, 55 posts, 51 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131362

File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.png (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20120536 Q Research General #24693: Naughty (Epstein) List Edition

Created 232039ZDEC23




>>115568 #24693

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6c1412c8b44993b381d69598806cc08cdd3f254defbde0918c6b3facb542fe1c.mp4

>>115569 Baker claim

>>115570 DJT Truth - the Supreme Court saw right through it

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b666f5701f8fec673434795f09592a819eff994740c8ff76272bae6ace3779a0.mp4

>>115571 PF: RCH3227 C17 Globemaster arriving at Charleston from St. Croix depart so look for Potato/kneepads to possibly take a Caribbean vacation in the next week (4 digit call signs are usually equipment for VIP visits)

>>115572 PF: EXEC1F Flauxtus done at Ft. Campbell photo op back to JBA

>>115573, >>115574 IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

>>115575, >>115576 The Plan to Stop Donald Trump: LAWFARE…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7391054baddde868ead24e1969174e1a9cc515f1f5e8a5d1c4e87ef0a68e8da5.mp4

>>115577 Mormon church now owns $2BILLION of US farmland, with more acreage than Bill Gates and China combined: Huge land grabs in Nebraska and Florida spark backlash from local farmers

>>115578 Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill granting government access to previously hidden LLC records

>>115579 SLDelta45 - Night launches like launch #70 are mesmerizing, do you have a favorite launch photo from this year?

>>115580 #24693

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43d0cd No.131363

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20121308 Q Research General #24694: Eyes On the Christmas Break Edition

Created 232327ZDEC23




>>115581 #24694

>>115582 House Judiciary Seeks Documents From Jack Smith Over Trump Cases

>>115583 Pornhub Parent Firm Arraigned, Admits to ‘Receiving Proceeds of Sex Trafficking’.

>>115584 Deutsche Bank sees recession in the US, anemic economic growth in Europe

>>115585 Hunter Biden Named as Creditor in Rudy Giuliani’s Bankruptcy Case

>>115586 Once-Powerful Democratic Lawmaker Busted for Heinous Corruption, Now Faces 20 Years in Prison

>>115587, >>115594 PF Tater Trackin': Bidens Spending Holidays at Camp David, St. Croix: ‘Ready for St. Nick’

>>115588 @DeptofDefense - Tis the season for joy! Every Dec., NORAD's 🎅 Tracker, a humble tradition turned massive volunteer operation, delights millions as families worldwide follow Santa's magical journey.

>>115589 NEW: Taiwan reports Chinese warplanes and warships around the island, including aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait. - NBC

>>115590 PF: SAM655 G5 NE from Ft Worth-Meacham Intl after ground stop arriving earlier today

>>115591 Man killed, woman wounded in shooting inside Ocala, Florida, mall

>>115592 @25thID ⚡ The 12 Days of Tropic Lightning 🌺 On the tenth day of Tropic Lightning, the 25th Infantry Division gave to me, ten #Lightfighters at Super Garuda Shield.

>>115593 PF CONUS Report

>>115595 #24694

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43d0cd No.131364

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20122282 Q Research General #24695: Checking the Naughty List Twice Edition

Created 240316ZDEC23




>>115596 #24695

>>115597 Trump posted 17 videos in a row on 12/21

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/348d28e67dc88d85cf50d64e88edbe85e92c84ee6b6874804773021998190f98.mp4

>>115598 Outgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards pardons 56 inmates, including 40 convicted murderers

>>115599 Talk about one scared motherfucker… (Adam Kinzinger)

>>115600 NEW: Prince Andrew is reportedly “totally tormented” after a judge ruled that 170 Epstein associates’ names would be released in the new year.

>>115601 SHOCK REPORT: ⚠️Starbucks loses $11 BILLION in market value..

>>115602 Microsoft has shelled out $76 million for a pumpkin farm in Wisconsin

>>115603, >>115604 Rumble updated with new J6 videos

>>115605 House Republican: Jeffrey Epstein flight logs not released because colleagues would be ‘compromised’

>>115606, >>115607 Disney is reportedly planning a "new version" of the hit 90s sci-fi show The X-Files.

>>115608 #24695

(11 notables, 13 posts, 8 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131365

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20123397 Q Research General #24696: The Paradox of Christmas Eve Morning Edition

Created 240940ZDEC23




>>115609 #24696

>>115610, >>115611, >>115614, >>115615, >>115616, >>115618, >>115619, >>115621, >>115622, >>115623, >>115624, >>115628, >>115629, >>115631, >>115632, >>115633, >>115635, >>115636, >>115640, >>115643, >>115645, >>115646, >>115647, >>115649, >>115650, >>115657, >>115661, >>115663 Merry Christmas Eve Morning

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/949cef68f1b2fafdb965a088637ec7322f1eb418738ac88c075d37156f9fa147.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df762b9d97ffbf147af575d00dc8ea3f0f077aa2e9955d0dcdd7879833b39904.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2a21fdead024a14789a60258a0401a32cad6b8299897bda6986913f301bc42b6.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cff7c71c2b91d907710aed8cf773fea76993fd783b1489cc8fff745267568afb.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WI02_UJ1C6I - All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth [Channel: videeeoh]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/949cef68f1b2fafdb965a088637ec7322f1eb418738ac88c075d37156f9fa147.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/343257c942de5c63194f056c3cc20164cd94ec00d89e55a504cb57be78838c4c.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/233be09856001381d39fb44a9c6c5871c0367a4cc69727fa1e803639aa64125d.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=q4MSQzlhJ2M - Oh Christmas Tree (Your Ornaments Are History) [Channel: Sho Ko]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=5QqmpLzZ5_A - Gary Hoey - The Twelve Days of Christmas [Channel: Shane D Rozario]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7187f75512fb1b3aacad37432b58d3fe3e5df788a589b670db784ff0764f9e12.mp4

>>115612 What do you give someone with everything?

>>115613 WarRoom - Home Of ultraMAGA

>>115617 Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

>>115620 GP - “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN MEME EVER!

>>115625, >>115626, >>115627, >>115637, >>115655 Soros on the Beach Meme Fodder

>>115630 @elonmusk We're kinda due for a chill year, right? RIGHT?! DELTA? #MonsterYear

>>115634 Dad tells Biden, 'Let's go, Brandon' during Christmas Eve call Updated December 24, 2021 2:30pm EST DELTA MP4

>>115638 Oil tanker caught in hurricane MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6ed656e441e40f5dfee186d3dc718b0491b195792df38f638ebae911a8d316fd.mp4

>>115639 Don't Mess With OLD PPL MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1658f4e29d78043b3fb0e4b48bf5a60fab65b9b976ec75a2fb983d53ef2390d6.mp4

>>115641 DOG COMMS!!! Lua

>>115642 Meme of the Thread #EpsteinIsland

>>115644 President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ey_qLGtD-Vg - Former President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more [Channel: Hugh Hewitt]

>>115648 Kek of the Thread

>>115651 COMMS CHECK @VP The Vice President's Residence is ready for Christmas. MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/46e2793fac344a75e8d14c7c555b2330c2238eabfa30b8cf5c5a3eccbe0e5753.mp4

>>115652 Honorable Louis Farrakhan endorses President Donald J. Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3fbc0eceb3ab012c9dfc80bac4af55bdacb8b0342408d4c3c41dface10ebf52b.mp4

>>115653 It’s been (33) years since Macaulay Culkin

>>115654 @VivekGRamaswamy If they remove Trump from Colorado’s GOP primary, then Colorado shouldn’t count towards the GOP nomination

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/664fa0a880e90bab32746c7b3d5acc95087aa18f5c52e6f1aca14119548c3d62.mp4

>>115656 NCSWIC.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1c07a0d6dc124e46d56f1a864223748d0a13b365c71834d197343dd48205e285.mp4

>>115658 Joe Allen Explains How Social Media Draws and Phones online create People Away From Religion

>>115659 Nikki Haley thread meme

>>115660 Archive Offline

>>115662 PDJT Comms CHQ of -> or

>>115664 Janet Ossebaard, the filmmaker known for her documentary series “The Fall of the Cabal” has been confirmed as dead by suicide after being reported missing for weeks MP4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7f8ac131b964f6608ac48c137eae6460c2d6777b260c0160266dd4aa8daa8905.mp4

>>115665 Bill Gates’ Synthetic Milk Found To Contain 92 Carcinogenic Compounds

(26 notables, 57 posts, 77 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131366

File: f69d1982b1d16c5⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1480x1344,185:168,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20124171 Q Research General #24697: The Christmas Eve Morning Edition

Created 241448ZDEC23




>>115666 #24697

>>115667 Janet Ossebaard found dead of overdose after being missing for five weeks

VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/k3XL7vEXlJJ5/ - Deeply sad message about Janet Ossebaard [3:55] [Channel: FallCabal]


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/eM1sScDZvp7a/ - Frankenskies: The Lies In Our Skies Exposed - A Climate Engineering Documentary [Full] [1:21:39] [Channel: Interstellar Times]

>>115669, >>115670, >>115691, >>115693 Two detained after French police ground aeroplane suspected of human trafficking

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zMsnnH7Tu34 - Galt MacDermot - Coffe Cold [Channel: sinextrorsum]

>>115671 the US-led world order is well and truly behind us…

>>115672 Abramovic to hold "special event" re her new book on Jan 4, 2024

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/730809d6e5f52c550ef3ab70603210d16e63e6ba3f3163ab358e01acf17525c4.mp4

>>115673 Ten year delta, for the 2013 London Christmas pics. Happy Christmas, anons from UK Bread.

>>115674, >>115676, >>115679, >>115684 @GenFlynn Sir, you are the “raw sewage,” you are the greatest of all disinformation mouthpieces, @BarackObama

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/44dff4d29541b58438eb4f6c7b3776b1287d321884d9b3dee958f2129a712bb1.mp4

>>115675 #24696 Posted in #24697

>>115677 Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ey_qLGtD-Vg - Former President Donald Trump full interview On Biden, Israel, Ukraine, Campaign 2024 and much more [Channel: Hugh Hewitt]

>>115678 Biden's Democratic challengers hit ballot access roadblocks

>>115680 LetMyPeopleGo

>>115681 Illinois judge declines to block Jan. 1 gun registration deadline, vows to decide case on merits

>>115682 Fake Ozempic Seized By FDA As Demand For Obesity Drugs Soars

>>115683 @FLAUXTUS visits Fort Campbell after the tornado

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab82b39796a4d248e2ac1219ee6cc687c84ff5417cc07c9a73c7bd226a680a6e.mp4

>>115685 @GenFlynn: Evil exists here on earth.

>>115686, >>115687 Liar Michael Cohen calls President Trump a "grifter"

>>115688 Republicans Draft Bills to Remove Biden from Ballot in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania

>>115689 Jesus makes a profound and resounding return in New York City’s Time Square…

>>115690 Louis Farrakhan shocks the Internet with his grand endorsement of PDJT

>>115692, >>115694 @RandPaul: I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

>>115695 Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024

>>115696, >>115699, >>115700, >>115709 PF: Gulf/Med activity etc

>>115697 Trump shouldn’t be immune from prosecution – Biden

>>115698 Albania’s new ambassador to the UK is an illegal immigrant

>>115701 Disney loses battle over lawsuit

>>115702 Six EU states resisting Ukraine ‘security guarantees’

>>115703 Celebrations in Bethlehem halted due to Israel-Hamas war

>>115704 Top EU diplomat fears right-wing wave

>>115705, >>115708 Washington Crossing the Delaware: Q 456 12-24-2017 & DoD 12-24-2023 = SIX YR DELTA

>>115706 German industry warns coal phase-out may "take a while"

>>115707 Ukraine to multiply forced conscription checkpoints - RT

>>115710 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California

>>115711, >>115712 DEVELOPING - Color Revolution attempt in Serbia

>>115713, >>115714 Ep. 56 A Christmas Eve election surprise: Tucker interviewing Frank Underwood

>>115715 #24697

(36 notables, 50 posts, 52 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131367

File: 99fb7c26caf1ce2⋯.png (963.37 KB,1446x832,723:416,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20125093 Q Research General #24698: Demoralization Shills: No BAH HUMBUG here! Edition

Created 241954ZDEC23




>>115716 #24698

>>115717 Former Erie County Democratic Party Chairman [Steve Pigeon] Receives Sentence in New York Child Sex Abuse Case Involving a 9-Year-Old

>>115718, >>115719, >>115722, >>115725 Baker change

>>115720, >>115724, >>115749 PF Reports

>>115721 German economic adviser proposes tax increase to fund Ukraine

>>115723 ‘O Come Let Us Adore Him’: A Syrian Christmas

>>115726, >>115727, >>115739 Tucker Carlson interview with Kevin Spacey

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WqPePWyduxQ - Being Frank With Tucker [Channel: Kevin Spacey]

>>115728, >>115729, >>115730 Years Of Planning Behind Democrats’ Turn Against Democracy

>>115731, >>115748 'Fantastically-rare' white albino deer is spotted bolting through woodland and roads around quaint Hampshire town - Daily Mail Online

>>115732, >>115733 The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42t2vt - Mark Paoletta: RFK Jr.'s Favorite SCOTUS Justice Tells Us Everything We Need to Know [4:55] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42t2sw - The Left Continues Their Targeted Attack on Justice Thomas: Mark Paoletta Debunks Their Lies [11:21] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115734 Sen. Susan Collins Pushing Gun Control for U.S. Troops

>>115735, >>115736 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Roger Stone Launches Furious Attacks on Ron DeSantis

>>115737 Donald J. Trump: Thank you Tucker!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc91d0b2e1cd55ffbe6cd878c267ec18ad2063fb60fe58b4742b6592f9892e4c.mp4

>>115738 Congressman reveals exactly how our elected officials are being controlled through blackmail…

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3825f569b8a77c902c3ef9f13428ff0440be28bc5703687a651d1df18139a7d8.mp4

>>115740 RFK Jr. Slams the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling and Predicts it Will Actually Help Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42ltqz - RFK Jr. Slams the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling and Predicts it Will Actually Help Trump [6:39] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115741 Charlie Kirk: How We Know We're Living Through a Synthetic Political Simulation

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42ltn3 - How We Know We're Living Through a Synthetic Political Simulation: This is What's Coming Next [5:17] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115742, >>115743 Human hunting in Yellowstone National Park?

>>115744, >>115745 Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42f2ok - Will Scharf Maps Out the Complete Timeline of the 4 Looming Trump Trials [4:59] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42f2o5 - Will Scharf: The CO Ruling is One of the Most Dangerous Court Opinions Ever [6:48] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115746 Cindy H. McCain (@WFPChief), Executive Director of @WFP, will join the @wef's Annual Meeting 2024 taking place 15-19 January 2024 in Davos, Switzerland.

>>115747 @realDonaldTrump Almost everybody agrees, even most of the crazed Radical Left Lunatics, that the Colorado decision is political delusion, and that I am, separately, fully entitled to PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY

>>115750 Assange Appeal Hearing Set for February

>>115751 Christmas cheer in the house

>>115752 X22

>>115753 ‘Swamped with death threats’: CO Sec. of State on fallout from Trump ballot ruling

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3ORWQLaDcOk - ‘Swamped with death threats’: CO Sec. of State on fallout from Trump ballot ruling [Channel: MSNBC]

>>115754 Tracking Santa LIVE on Christmas Eve 2023 NORAD Santa Tracker 🎅

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UMC_qWAXr4k - 🔴 Tracking Santa LIVE on Christmas Eve 2023 NORAD Santa Tracker 🎅 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>115755 Biden: "No question" Trump supported an insurrection.

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v42d3z0 - Biden: "No question" Trump supported an insurrection. [22] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115756 The Bee: Soros-Backed District Attorney Prosecutes Illinois Boy For Terrorizing Burglars

>>115757, >>115763 Czech that Quran translation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/762f5a11e17ba1bf1677409ff27aaf00a0c2c29a693089c1461a9071fd908331.mp4

>>115758, >>115759 On Christmas Eve, 1968, Apollo 8 Astronaut Bill Anders captured a sight that had never been seen before: "Earthrise."

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41cabf45be7c470ebcd46730086410438f9c2135a6e48d201fd83168c8400fa3.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ToHhQUhdyBY - Apollo 8's Christmas Eve 1968 Message [Channel: NASA Video]

>>115760 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Rosbank's purchase of shares in VTB, Rosneft, Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel and other Russian companies owned by Societe Generale

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G6OckRdD1C8 - Putin and Russian Olympic Team Sing National Anthem Together [Channel: FunkerL]

>>115761 Cold Moon 2023: The final full moon of the year rises this Christmas

>>115762 Brandon Tatum: Black Americans May Be Starting to Wake Up to the Left's Marxist Agenda

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v426gc2 - Brandon Tatum: Black Americans May Be Starting to Wake Up to the Left's Marxist Agenda [5:00] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115764 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>115765, >>115766, >>115767 ‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia - Vucic

>>115768 #24698

(35 notables, 53 posts, 42 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131368

File: f69d1982b1d16c5⋯.png (1.04 MB,1480x1344,185:168,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20125977 Q Research General #24699: NORAD TRACKING SANTA FOR THE KEKS! Edition

Created 242346ZDEC23




>>115769, >>115772, >>115778, >>115794 norad santa - bidens twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dcb67b86a46cb9f5cc3d55b8b6339e7a3ab3ef9d66da48af7882f4db6deaa2bd.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd99c3e8b873f51c43eb432edf4a731a595bc77721584a1460b13e2b703ae453.mp4

>>115770, >>115774, >>115777 tucker interviews kevin spacey the pedo - youtube clip not full plus lb.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=WqPePWyduxQ - Being Frank With Tucker [Channel: Kevin Spacey]

>>115771, >>115773, >>115775 EU state's president blocks budget over state media 'takeover' - rt.com bun

>>115776, >>115782 The Great Replacement is Real, and Here's the Proof- charlie kirk (goofy moran, keep up) kek

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41zx3q - The Great Replacement: We're Being Taken Over By Illegal Immigrants Coming From Our Nation's Enemies [4:49] [Channel: The Charlie Kirk Show]

>>115779 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California. - gwp

>>115780, >>115800 planefag posts

>>115781 Think tank looks to lasso 'deep state' by recruiting conservatives to work in government in 2025 - justthenews.com (john sullivan)

>>115783, >>115784 wef-pushes-to-control-every-aspect-of-public life - blacklisted bun (no are you listening klaus)

>>115785 indian woman kills her own son by starving - north carolina - daily mail.

>>115786 Kim Jong UN bans Christmas - fox snooze

>>115787 President Trump's Christmas message- mp4 vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd9eb1cef9c38c04b82775bf5cb63a9a5018977cff4f75be55259d3328de9623.mp4

>>115788 Q and dod delta (6 years)

>>115789 Israeli-Linked Ship Struck By Drone in Arabian Sea - reuters

>>115790 Former DNI Ratcliffe: Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court - gwp (jack smith reeee)

>>115791, >>115792 Here Are The Lessons You Should Take Away From The Obamas ‘Leave The World Behind’ - the federalist (predictive programming fear porn)

>>115793 Gaetz Issues Letter to Delta CEO Amid Allegations of Illegal Alien Flights - headlineusa.com

>>115795, >>115797 Janet Ossebaard Death: “The Fall of the Cabal” Maker Found Dead, Suicide Suspected (Death Obituary) - trendsnewsline.com

>>115796 clockfag notable called.

>>115798 Newsom pans efforts to block Trump from California ballot - politico (treason)

>>115799 EPSTEIN CLIENT LIST A.K.A. LITTLE BLACK BOOK - pdf (the guilty)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f8e111d7bd29039742de62e9f67cf5051b617e26a923117df323a5d2fb3c0de.pdf

>>115801 #24699

(21 notables, 33 posts, 35 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131369

File: 7dfe4e0263acd74⋯.png (670.21 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20126756 Q Research General #24700: Christmas Day bread - God Bless Everyone edition

Created 250308ZDEC23




>>115802 MAY 2024 BE THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!!!❤️🎄🎄🎄 #MerryChristmas

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v436pek - MAY 2024 BE THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!!!❤️🎄🎄🎄 #MerryChristmas [1:18] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]


VIDEO https://www.bitchute.com/video/121AEBNmdl0Z/ - Zelensky Insider Blows Whistle on Massive Elite Pedophile Ring in Ukraine [11:40] [Channel: Free Your Mind]

>>115804, >>115806, >>115810, >>115811, >>115814, >>115815, >>115816, >>115817, >>115818, >>115819, >>115820, >>115821, >>115822, >>115823, >>115824, >>115825, >>115826, >>115827, >>115828, >>115829, >>115830, >>115831, >>115833, >>115835, >>115836, >>115837, >>115838, >>115839, >>115840, >>115841, >>115846, >>115847, >>115848, >>115849, >>115850, >>115851, >>115853, >>115854 ANON CHRISTMAS CARDS

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=isL6Vwp31oU - O Holy Night, Morris Robinson, Bass [Channel: Morris Robinson]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9dabfd902bef2ccc08be873aadd26c4076137798fcb5eeef4521aac8ce587da.mp4

>>115805 Biden's twats (aim them guns, its probably the feds) dogfaced pony soldier. (LB)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd99c3e8b873f51c43eb432edf4a731a595bc77721584a1460b13e2b703ae453.mp4

>>115807 PF: PARMA48 E6B Mercury heading to Tinker AFB from Travis

>>115808 PF: This Nightwatch 73-1676 has not has a call sign since December 8th when it left Offutt to Davis-Monthan AFB for its SOP coverage as Mr and Mrs Potato attended a reported 6 fundraisers in the LA area

>>115809 George Washington, considered a traitor to the crown, launched one of the first amphibious assaults on Christmas Day in 1776.

>>115812, >>115813 The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/36bd9ab6904b16c57157bc04e04d5eda7f96b1a2d40d25888e7b7532205cc21f.mp4

>>115832 Dan the Man Scavino: Reindeer mp4, Dec. 23

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea9922f1d291e6616edf1af7359de8ca8e44d09dacc39b7d4b3c557128930f68.mp4

>>115834, >>115842, >>115843, >>115844, >>115845 @realDonaldTrump - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Dec 25, 2023, 12:13 AM

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/618c3fd2cad14ee2257b662f1e95ab28ad1a946fcaddd988306853d3c37fd887.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=7TXGKuIQeWQ - christmas message given by DONALD TRUMP [Channel: My Dream Media]

>>115852 Biden DOJ fines Cummins $1.675 Billion for EPA violations

>>115855 Protesters storm Belgrade city hall (VIDEOS)

(12 notables, 54 posts, 76 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131370

File: 6a86823183e24d0⋯.png (248.84 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20127603 Q Research General #24701: By the Dawn's Early Christmas LIGHT Edition

Created 250923ZDEC23




>>115856, >>115858 #24701

>>115857 #24700 REPOSTED IN #24701

>>115859 baker handoff/change

>>115860 Russian Forces Destroy Starlink Station Near Kupyansk

>>115861 Hamas rejected a proposal to end its authority in #Gaza and hold elections in exchange for not prosecuting its leaders

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e21664a7258802112ab8e1706ef10c38a378eef027ab48b0d8ecbce589f05c6a.mp4

>>115862 POTATUS - From our family to yours: Merry Christmas, America.

>>115863 @HillaryClinton - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! 🎄

>>115864 @ChuckGrassley - wishing u a very very merry christmas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/648b632b37916d3a7fd8c55478be8223305bfa72432a347da96affb666a744cf.mp4

>>115865 Kash Patel: FBI Has Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book - Trump Should Release It on Day 1

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v424bfc - Kash Patel: FBI Has Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book - Trump Should Release It on Day 1 [2:11] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115866 Kash Patel: Republicans Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle, with Professor Dershowitz

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41s1zo - Kash Patel: Republicans Rewarded FBI-DOJ for Breaking the Law - Approved FISA Process Through Next Election Cycle [8:40] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115867 Seyed Razi Mousavi, one of the closest IRGC commanders to Qassem Soleimani and the commander of the Iranian forces in Syria was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Damascus earlier today. Tasnim news confirmed the news.

>>115868 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 25, 2023 - Cathedral, Mountain, Moon

>>115869 @MelaniaTrump - Merry Christmas ✨✨✨

>>115870 Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

>>115871 NY Democrat Governor Establishes Slavery Reparations Commission Amid $4.3 Billion Budget Shortfall

>>115872, >>115874 @BarackObama - This year has tested us in many ways, but Christmas is a reminder of the power of community to keep us together even in difficult times. Wishing you all a peaceful holiday.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0a93068bc71e0dcb8a0b7318ed8007ed86c24d4287d70d57206e5e61378a480b.mp4

>>115873 ‘Au Revoir’: The Last French Troops Leave Niger, Signaling the End of Paris’ Influence in Africa’s Sahel Region

>>115875 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

>>115876 #24701

(19 notables, 21 posts, 16 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131371

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20128597 Q Research General #24702: The First Day of Christmas Edition

Created 251626ZDEC23




>>115877 #24702

>>115878 PF: A C17 “KAF343 from Kuwait leaving Charleston NC .

>>115879 Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’ (RT)

>>115880 Royals, including disgraced Prince Andrew, attend Christmas church service

>>115881 Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v41cp32 - Attorney Will Scharf: Supreme Court Will Likely Find that 1512 Was Improperly Applied in J6 Cases - Will Gut Jack Smith's Case Against Trump [7:40] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115882 New DJT Truth - Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare. I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!

>>115883 Vladimir Putin has praised the liberation of Maryinka in the Donetsk People’s Republic as a success and expressed gratitude to Russian military servicemen

>>115884 NEW: Japan moon lander enters lunar orbit

>>115885 @DouglasEmhoff - Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! @KamalaHarris and I hope you and your loved ones have a joyous holiday season. 🎄

>>115886 Russian court orders arrest of Ukraine’s spy chief (RT)

>>115887 planeFag: CONUS activity

>>115888 Japan's nominal GDP per capita at record-low 21st among OECD members

>>115889 @USMC - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄

>>115890 Thousands join migrant caravan in Mexico ahead of Blinken’s visit to the capital

>>115891 #24702 partial collect

>>115892, >>115894 Harvard's Board Gets Failing Grade From NYT for Botching Claudine Gay Scandal

>>115893 Former Tennessee Official and Spouse Plead Guilty to Illegally Producing and Selling ‘Hundreds’ of Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants

>>115895 Israel Routinely Dropping US-Supplied 2,000-lb Bombs In Dense Civilian Areas - zerohedge

>>115896 Israel's Military Strikes Hezbollah Command Center In Serious Escalation

>>115897 General Milley Lied - Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It. Milley lied many people died

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v431c6b - General Milley Lied - Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It [2:49] [Channel: The Gateway Pundit]

>>115898 Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning

>>115899, >>115904, >>115905 @GenFlynn tweets RE: the VAXX

>>115900 More Than 20,000 Military Members Became Sterile After COVID Vaccination - americanlibertyreportnews

>>115901 CDC Admits There Are Severe & Long-Lasting Side Effects From Covid Vaccines

>>115902, >>115903 Peru declares a state of emergency amid a rise in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the human nervous system.

>>115906 Thousands flee as Sudan’s civil war spreads to crucial aid hub

>>115907 Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened

>>115908, >>115909 Islamic Terrorists Plotting Christmas Attacks in EU Arrested in Vienna and Germany

>>115910 EU votes to allow open access to private health data without patient consent

>>115911, >>115917 EU wants to force X to shut down if Musk does not ban independent media from the platform

>>115912 PF Report

>>115913 @realDonaldTrump Merry Christmas to all… MAY [THEY] ROT IN HELL

>>115914, >>115919 Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible

>>115915 @realDonaldTrump Home Alone 2!

>>115916 George Soros spotted in Barbados with his “helpers” who DeFiNaTeLy are not his secret gay lovers…

>>115918 Record number of migrants are applying for New York City ID cards, over 112,000 approvals in 2023



>>115922 Nevada spent millions for sex change surgery, trans-gender hormones, including minors, data shows

>>115923 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion

(40 notables, 47 posts, 54 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131372

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20129350 Q Research General #24703: On The First Day Of Christmas An Ebake Just For Me Edition

Created 251955ZDEC23




>>115924, >>115946 #24703

>>115925, >>115926, >>115931, >>115935 Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v438bpa - Massive Illegal Caravan Coming To Our Southern Border [44] [Channel: Blabber.Buzz]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=knA86Qi-pGA - This is on you Mayorkas [Channel: Oscar Blue Ramirez]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mB3zTa2c6D0 - Breaking news - 8 thousand migrant caravan [Channel: Oscar Blue Ramirez]

>>115927, >>115929 @DJT “A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER”

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a5401189e0a6a68e5265d0f422a5d298720eaaf50c50a91c1a7e7a61db9df0cb.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a5401189e0a6a68e5265d0f422a5d298720eaaf50c50a91c1a7e7a61db9df0cb.mp4

>>115928 Ayanna Pressley encourages people to celebrate abortion for Christmas

>>115930 #24702

>>115932 U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber

>>115933 US depopulation plan hits new milestone

>>115934 Governor of Colorado Jared Polis

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f68ccc8db32eafe4633782d5047e4df893de90d17e49234aff91aca86942dfcf.mp4

>>115936 Beyonce’s childhood home burns down on Christmas

>>115937, >>115939, >>115940 MTG and Rep. Brandon Williams swatted on Christmas day

>>115938, >>115941 Kamalas creepy husband vague post

>>115942 Israel ramps up war effort - Netanyahu

>>115943 Ivanka Trump at the Miami Dolphins game with Jared Kushner

>>115944 Hunter_dance.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/72323fc1c2dd438b8616932577ab22df707c6c9fd0627dcf5bb73fbd962a4785.mp4

>>115945 Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

>>115947 Red states like Texas and Florida see population boom - while migrant crisis offsets loss in 'sanctuary city' states

>>115948 Sara Netanyahu appeals to Pope Francis to help free Gaza hostages

>>115949 Saudi Sheikh Ibrahim al-Muhamid criticizes the Palestinian resistance groups

>>115950 The Central Bank of Russia follows China banning all employees from using iPhones

>>115951 #24703

(20 notables, 28 posts, 24 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131373

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.jpg (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20130231 Q Research General #24704: Shills on a Shelf Edition

Created 252338ZDEC23




>>115952 #24704

>>115953 Apex Group acquires Edmond de Rothschild's third-party asset servicing activities based in Luxembourg

>>115954 ‘Zombie deer disease’ concerns scientists over possible spread to humans (comms?)

>>115955, >>115958 NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d80fcc280f55179b069175e20c6645a116a723ef87255afb1a01ec555eb2b9c0.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/82851c26ba016e17062548e87148b7056bf3ef4e528bf332c0b894e3c89f0f9e.mp4

>>115956, >>115957 @JackPosobiec - Parents just got swatted again, Christmas night (WTF?)

>>115959 baker claim

>>115960 @RepWilliams Our home was swatted this afternoon. Thanks to the Deputies and Troopers who contacted me before arriving.

>>115961 Russia: Lieutenant General Oleg Frolov, Deputy General Director of RosCosmos in charge of the Satan-2 nuclear ICBM project (RS-28 Sarmat), arrested for embezzling $4.5 million in state funds.

>>115962 POTATUS - Today, may the light from the first Christmas illuminate your homes, warm your hearts, and kindle your hopes for the year to come. From the Biden family, we wish you and your family a peaceful and healthy holiday.

>>115963, >>115965 BREAKING: Janet Ossebaard, the creator of the “The Fall of the Cabal” series that shed a massive light on elite child trafficking networks and clients has allegedly committed suicide after being reported missing for weeks.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5bf95877516ba74155aed8a74da6526fbf753986b8fc4a05970ae75fc2631194.mp4

>>115964 @ChuckCallesto - Ukrainian surrender may be imminent, Russian Defense Minister is now reporting military forces have taken most of Donetsk and all of Maryinka.

>>115966 #24704

(12 notables, 15 posts, 18 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131374

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20130996 Q Research General #24705: Reading Between the Lines Edition

Created 260238ZDEC23




>>115967 #24705

>>115968 Trump: Biden ‘Illegally Using All of the Levers of Law Enforcement’ to Jail Me

>>115969 @WallStreetSilv - Germany's Housing Bubble Just Popped

>>115970 Biden orders strikes on Iranian group in Iraq after three US service members wounded

>>115971, >>115972 Musk and this Prime number

>>115973 One of the locations targeted by the U.S two hours ago in Hilla,Babel #Iraq

>>115974 #24705

(7 notables, 8 posts, 10 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131375

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20132015 Q Research General #24706: The Second Day of Christmas Edition

Created 260805ZDEC23




>>115975 #24706

>>115976 Links to documentaries: Fall of the Cabal from Janet Ossebaard

>>115977, >>115978, >>115979, >>115980, >>115983, >>115984, >>115985, >>115986, >>115987, >>115988, >>115990, >>115991, >>115992 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun / The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations

>>115981 US airstrikes hit Kataib Hezbollah sites in Iraq after attack on US troops

>>115982 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

>>115989, >>115993 WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b1de3ac7e4dfe05f03626175c19c29d5dbddb0c9d2e14cd0a016cdb9e441b12d.mp4

>>115994 Child Pornography Found in AI Training Material: Stanford Report

>>115995 On April 27, 2015, Inside Edition spoke with Jeffrey Epstein’s air hostess Chauntae Davis and filmed footage of his infamous Lolitas Express jet...

>>115996 Google searches questioning sexuality and gender up 1,300% since 2004, analysis shows

>>115997 ‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report

>>115998, >>115999 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun

>>116000 SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

>>116001 #24706

(13 notables, 27 posts, 72 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131376

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20132853 Q Research General #24707: Watch The Water Edition

Created 261519ZDEC23




>>116002, >>116016 Elon Prime X Post Q3430

>>116003, >>116015 @NatReconOfc In order to view Corona’s film, analysts used light tables like this Cutler-Hammer AIL 1540.

>>116004 Pot callin the kettle black

>>116005 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day IC 443: The Jellyfish Nebula

>>116006 planeFag:Conus activity: Trudope to Jamaica, Potato back “at WH”, Nightwatch NW from Robins AFB

>>116007 Heavy gunfire in the streets of Haiti. US Embassy NOW on lockdown..

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4b0a8e5f4118f7139e42c27988b5db84203bf68fbf5cab69eaaadcb26af337b2.mp4

>>116008 First Ukrainian pilots complete F-16 training – UK

>>116009 @NavalInstitute If Santa did not make it to your house yesterday.....

>>116010 British home secretary apologizes for date rape drug joke

>>116011 Civilian, military, and #IntelligenceCommunity applications for #UAVs

>>116012 Japan's SLIM 'moon sniper' lander arrives in lunar orbit for Christmas

>>116013 Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company's Texas factory during violent malfunction

>>116014 Seattle ranks among most 'unsafe' cities during the holiday season

>>116017 Obama shaped CIA to boost his political agenda, hired leftist activists, former agent says

>>116018, >>116019 Gambling Habits Of Transgender Monkeys On Meth - Rand Paul Exposes $900 Billion In Govt Waste

>>116020 #24707

(16 notables, 19 posts, 19 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131377

File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20133772 Q Research General #24708: Are We There Yet? Edition

Created 261851ZDEC23




>>116021 #24708

>>116022, >>116023, >>116025, >>116033, >>116035, >>116038, >>116040, >>116050, >>116051 Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

>>116024 Israel Marked Christmas by Bombing 600-Year-Old Christian Monastery

>>116026, >>116030, >>116041 Israel's Channel 12 reported an assassination in Netanya, a man was killed in a car explosion

>>116027, >>116029 Iran escalates production of near-weapons grade uranium in shocking reversal, nuclear watchdog warns

>>116028, >>116034 Qpost #1010 regarding Chemical Warfare

>>116031, >>116044 PF: C-17 with call sign "X" | Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev BEC001

>>116032, >>116043 JFK Jr

>>116036 Israel Faces Major Power Outage Amid Cyberattack Concerns; Netanyahu and Cabinet Relocated

>>116037 100+ Federal Investigations Opened In U.S. Stemming From October 7 Attack

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=qTsJntgWJ5Q - US facing a ‘very challenging threat environment’: Lisa Monaco [Channel: ABC News]

>>116039, >>116042 Trump: ‘May they rot in Hell. Merry Christmas’

>>116045 Space Force Recruiting: Why shoot for the stars when they’re already in reach?

>>116046 Democrats switching over to GOP in Pennsylvania at double the rate of Republicans

>>116047 Douglas Elliman broker Tom Cooper who jumped to his death

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=jrL_LzX5wv4 - House of Pain - Jump Around (Official Music Video) [HD] [Channel: HouseofPainVEVO]

>>116048 Tesla Robot Suffers Malfunctions and Allegedly ‘Attacks’ Engineer at Texas Factory, Leaving ‘Trail of Blood’

>>116049 WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming

>>116052 Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant hinted on Tuesday that the country had retaliated in Iraq, Yemen and Iran

>>116053 What is [Boxing Day?]

>>116054 #OnThisDay in 1776, Gen. Washington and his 2,400 men defeated the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton

>>116055 CIA accused of hiding records on paying to bury COVID lab leak finding

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0rzNLXxo01Q - Antonio Carlos Jobim - ♫ One Note Samba ♫ [Channel: JukeJunkies]

>>116056 Migrant invasion digs

>>116057 Vivek Ramaswamy House: His Ohio Mega-Mansion Revealed

>>116058 DJT Truth

>>116059 Kanye apologizes to Jewish community

>>116060 Lloyd Austin supplied ISIS for Barack Obama, new job is to get all MAGA patriots out of the US Military

>>116061 NYC filled with pro-Hamas chants on Christmas

>>116062 #24708

(27 notables, 42 posts, 55 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131378

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20134592 Q Research General #24709: Unveiled Edition

Created 262208ZDEC23




>>116063, >>116064 #24709

>>116065 baker claim

>>116066 @SpecialTactics_ - Every minute, every second is crucial to saving lives and that's why no one else compares to our Special Operations Surgical Teams (#SOST).... it's what they're trained to do

>>116067 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Program Proposed Rule Published

>>116068, >>116071 CIA accused of hiding records that analysts took ‘monetary incentives’ to bury COVID lab leak finding

>>116069 Oregon Lawmakers Sue to Halt “Misinformation” Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

>>116070 Kwanzaa's 'history'

>>116072 Paratroopers, what's the rate of descent for the iconic T-10 parachute?

>>116073 The State of Virginia is working with Planned Parenthood to cut out parents from their child’s medical decisions

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8cad3bd224cf4a5137cfad5430fed6df4dc52c31f47ec0a51b577acae460efb4.mp4

>>116074 #24709

(10 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131379

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20135384 Q Research General #24710: The Frog of War Edition

Created 270101ZDEC23




>>116075 #24710

>>116076 Taiwan's President election is taking place on January 13th 2024

>>116077 Ramaswamy's campaign stops spending money on TV ads shortly before Iowa and New Hampshire

>>116078, >>116080 DJT Truth - He will, I am sure, Endorse me.But Vivek is a good man, and is not done yet!

>>116079 PF: Call sign NITE11. ICAO hex AE4D5C decodes as USN MH-60S 168582. Looks to be headed into Singapore. Almost certainly from the Vinson Carrier Strike Group.

>>116081 Ron is shrinking, he's almost gone

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/596e30e1f57f4d09a3b04a13782a4f68e27f9cfaacebd443d414e7c67e6345b4.mp4

>>116082 Upton with Raheem Kassam: Kevin McCarthy’s Rise To Power And Intention To Never Let Jordan Or Scalise Become Speaker

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43ha1h - Upton: Kevin McCarthy’s Rise To Power And Intention To Never Let Jordan Or Scalise Become Speaker [15:45] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116083 Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo on the DNA Contamination Found in the mRNA COVID Vaccines

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc5f7a578ae821a657ac06981daf733203b9e9c2910e007eddc5cf86fe325e55.mp4

>>116084, >>116086, >>116087 How Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign quietly built a grassroots juggernaut for the Iowa Caucuses

>>116085 DJT Truth - Americans For Chinese Prosperity (Action?) is a Globalist CON JOB that is big on giving our Country away to China and other countries throughout the World. They Endorsed “Birdbrain” because that has always been where her sympathies lie. She is a Globalist RINO, much like “Rob” DeSanctimonious, but not a smart one, and I got to see that up close and personal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

>>116088 DJT Truth - Debbie Dingell of Michigan is a LOSER

>>116089 DJT Truth - Steve Bannon: “Ditto Mr President—for ALL Those Trying to Destroy Our Beloved Country — ‘May They Rot in Hell’”

>>116090 DJT Truth - Lego Trump

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cabbe1daef75e7599a2c69582a24dfec238c487f8df45ed3e45e2ef2b3acf5a7.mp4

>>116091 The Wall Street Journal reports the CIA is 'struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities' in China, which is the 'agency's top target', after a network of agents were 'systematically rounded up' a decade ago.

>>116092 Former CIA agent and Georgetown University professor John Gentry, who served at the agency from 1978 to 1990, claims the CIA underwent mass politicization during the Obama administration, it was reported

>>116093 #24710

(16 notables, 19 posts, 23 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131380

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20136148 Q Research General #24711: Nearing the End of the Year Edition

Created 270357ZDEC23




>>116094 #24711

>>116095 17 Individuals On FBI Terror Watch List Caught Attempting Entry At Southern Border

>>116096 Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling

>>116097 Ukrainian marines sentenced for war crimes

>>116098 Revived North Korean Port Aids Russia’s War Effort in Ukraine

>>116099, >>116100 New T-Mobile A2P, non-consumer non-compliance fees beginning January 1

>>116101 Indian Navy Deploys Destroyers After Drone Strike

>>116102 Cuba quietly authorizes euthanasia

>>116103 #24711

(9 notables, 10 posts, 3 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131381

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20136942 Q Research General #24712: The Third Day of Christmas Edition

Created 271228ZDEC23




>>116104 #24712


>>116106 Your Car Stores Your Text Messages - Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit

>>116107 Politicians Broke the Housing Market … Again

>>116108 ICYMI: Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the troubling confrontation between Donald Trump and a feisty 92-year-old widow, Molly Forbes

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=k9RweR9EUSg - The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You've Been Trumped Too (2020) | Full Film [Channel: Journeyman Pictures]

>>116109 DEI: Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance

>>116110 A New Solar Powered Desalinization Method Might Have Just Helped Solve Water Scarcity

>>116111 @GenFlynn Team Obama is running the show in WDC and has been

>>116112, >>116116, >>116120, >>116122, >>116127, >>116139, >>116140, >>116142, >>116143, >>116145 Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aaf9b791ddd054927ff66cbc6224c452d19663d4d9969713ec841aaa2e0c6793.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4ae8e5aa63c43415d1c901c92c6cfdf4152dc71a6b71b353195843e5827a67c1.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b19cdcf39b7804836b633206960680a1ac1aa4002a5925133ea5168be089da9e.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a0004b7a155d51708639a7da78a3f50235574c69c1460135407aff210b99fde.pdf

>>116113 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43ijqh - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/27/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>116114 Christmas Service Attack in Nigeria

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f8aa93e0b782d81fe7fd48780a5106d0d687d18be52aca64856d70f8dc4b7e6c.mp4

>>116115 Matthew Lawrence Stickney was arrested last week. 1/6

>>116117, >>116118, >>116138 Q Deltas

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/684f5badcc7cdf32e339c71520f9fec9bd3cddb9d106f7987fc788f21319e708.mp4

>>116119 Biden signs order finalizing 5.2% pay raise for feds in 2024

>>116121, >>116148 Looks like we gotta missing (y) comm. @realDonaldTrump They illegally spied on my campaign, lied to Congress, cheated FISA, didn’t get approval from State Legislatures.....

>>116123 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Rainbow Aurora over Icelandic Waterfall

>>116124 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections

>>116125 Michigan Supreme Court rejects attempt to remove Trump from 2024 ballot

>>116126 NASA Issues New Space Security Best Practices Guide

>>116128, >>116130, >>116133 Agent told boss Biden laptop could be Russian disinformation, but team knew otherwise

>>116129 NASA Aeronautics in 2023

>>116131 Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign

>>116132 Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

>>116134 Mayor Adams sounds alarm on NYPD BLM settlement as anti-Israel protests rage: ‘Very troubling’

>>116135 Discovery of 'calendar' rock carvings from Ancestral Pueblo in US Southwest surpasses 'wildest expectations'

>>116136 Number of Chinese Nationals Spikes at the Border

>>116137 Plagued by plagiarism scandal, Harvard's political donations flood to Democrats

>>116141 New York Times sues OpenAI, Microsoft for alleged copyright infringement

>>116144 North Carolina election board unanimous in primary ballot decision: Joe Biden lone Democrat

>>116146 First Amendment claim struck down in Project Veritas case focused on diary of Biden's daughter

>>116147 The Complete 2024 Presidential Primary Schedule by State

>>116149 NASA 2024: Onward and Upward

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IGuHErKAiHs - NASA 2024: Onward and Upward [Channel: NASA]

>>116150 #24712

(33 notables, 47 posts, 61 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131382

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20137714 Q Research General #24713: Trump's Woodstock, Dims Waterloo Edition

Created 271642ZDEC23




>>116151 #24713

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4fd7f2397f1aff31f86851267c4f65b80977409c385d514ff591be37959d44f.mp4

>>116152 Former GOP congressman's conviction of lying to the FBI reversed by appeals court/Fortenberry

>>116153, >>116162 @NikkiHaley We’re coming back to NH tonight for more town halls, more voter questions, and more momentum

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a7e77bbf9f7066d71a6c588a22e50f86e5e303705d3f07f81a6cd62cd0b981cd.mp4

>>116154 Jack Smith, in likely vain attempt to keep March 4 trial date, filed another pretrial related to what the jury should be allowed to consider. (All pretrial deadlines now on hold)

>>116155 Governor DeWine of Ohio has had the SAFE Act (protects women's sports & child mutilation) on his desk to sign into effect since the 15th. He hasn't signed it yet. He has 2 more days to sign before it becomes law without his signature.

>>116156, >>116157 A Soros, Gates, and Rockefeller funded censorship ring was inserted into Arizona courts! And right before the 2020 election!

>>116158 @surflant Smooth Sailing ⚓️🚢

>>116159 Multiple roads into JFK Airport are being blocked by pro-Hamas extremists

>>116160 Latinos now make up around 40.2% of Texas’s population, outpacing non-Hispanic whites, who make up 39.8% of the population???

>>116161 Gun tycoon Gaston Glock (94) is dead.

>>116163 Gov. Noem's Office of Economic Development to Make $1M Investment in SD Trade

>>116164, >>116165 @DailyMail Tom Smothers dead at 86

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_81L5EbU6KQ - Yo-Yo Man | Tommy Smothers | The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour [Channel: The Smothers Brothers]

>>116166 @DeptofDefense Ready for takeoff!

>>116167 Bill Clinton's closest aide Doug Band is among those whose links to Jeffrey Epstein are to be exposed in new tranche of documents

>>116168 ECW: We should have eliminated the enemy’s capability to fire on our ships months ago

>>116169 The official death toll of the Christmas mass-murder on Christians by Muslims in Nigeria has risen to 198

>>116170, >>116173 Poland liquidates all public media for restructuring

>>116171 Kash: “You don’t think that Bill Gates is lobbying Congress night & day to prevent the disclosure of that list?…

>>116172 This should tell you everything you need to know about the catastrophic situation on the southern & northern borders

>>116174 Obama-Produced Netflix Cartoon ‘Ada Twist, Scientist’ Shows Children Planning and Attending Gay Wedding

>>116175 The only people saying that Trump's first term was a failure are the fake news and the idiot's that consume & parrot it.

>>116176 Netanyahu Working To Find Countries To 'Absorb' Palestinians Who Want To Flee Gaza

>>116177 @Technofog to Grenell: Per your email, who in the White House - "the oval" - requested the IC statement on COVID origins?

>>116178 The mayor of Jacksonville ordered the last remaining confederate statue to be taken down in the middle of the night WITHOUT city council approval

>>116179 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath

>>116180 A Yemeni brother sent us this picture in front of the Galaxy Leader ship seized by the Ansarullah.

>>116181 Joe Biden Schedules Virgin Islands Vacation During Catastrophic And Rapid Decline of America

>>116182 Iran has agreed to help Iraq build its refineries and the two countries will invest in joint gas and oil fields.

>>116183, >>116184 P-8 sub Hunter off the east coast of FL. They’re lookin around.

>>116185 Viral Levels in the Water Supply Skyrockets

>>116186 Pro-Palestinian protestors blocking traffic at LAX

>>116187 JPMorgan earned one-fifth of total US bank profits through September: ‘Goliath of Goliaths’

>>116188, >>116189 USSF-52 SpaceX launch tomorrow.

>>116190 17 Market Predictions for 2024

>>116191 CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

>>116192 #24713

(36 notables, 42 posts, 47 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131383

File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20138588 Q Research General #24714: Bread With A Side Of TDS Edition

Created 271933ZDEC23




>>116193 #24714

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ffee6a4bc422a24e1a2465f81e3e3bba5dc974e479e57d40e48860dc3518844.mp4

>>116194 Kevin Barrett: Israel Paying a Heavy Price for Its Crimes

>>116195 LAPD are in Riot Gear as Pro-Palestine Protesters has blocked the entrance to the LAX Airport

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bde5bdac1aaa7a38560b5f8d50b119d1c3a02615db64bb1b14de7ef5daa3e385.mp4

>>116196 Australian man, his wife and brother killed in Lebanon after building hit by Israeli air strike

>>116197 Nikki Haley: Getting out of Obama's Iran deal sent a message to Iran that America meant business

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fee1dbe5d1d863390f940f8708f7998bb0700b4f8d7419cfbabdc6519cf6c6a2.mp4

>>116198 Vyacheslav Volodin announced the launch of the State Duma website in Chinese

>>116199 POTUS retruths at 1:07 / Upside down Glock Qpost

>>116200 2023-015 Global Overview of the U.S. Maritime Advisory System

>>116201, >>116203 ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Immigrants In California For Removal Over Crimes Of Sexual Abuse

>>116202, >>116204, >>116206, >>116207, >>116209, >>116212, >>116216, >>116218 Adam Schiff (DMFI, JACPAC, JDCA)

>>116205 Obama-Appointed Judge Rejects First Amendment Claim in Project Veritas Case with Ashley Biden Diary

>>116208 M3.8 - 5 km NE of Etowah, Arkansas

>>116210 DJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s errand boy, Deranged Jack Smith, is obsessed with attacking your favorite President, me

>>116211 Northern Gaza Is Now A Moonscape

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=szxpqODnUR8 - (Video) Northern Gaza Is Now A MOONSCAPE! [Channel: The Jimmy Dore Show]

>>116213 Todd Grande

>>116214 DJT: 30 years ago (how time flies!), Director Chris Columbus was begging me to make a cameo in Home Alone 2

>>116215 @CENTCOM: An AV-8B Harrier aircraft lands on the flight deck of USS Bataan (LHD 5), in the Red Sea

>>116217 DIME (Diplomacy, Information / Informatics, Military, Economics)

>>116219 Anon shares favorite books, movies, and music of 2023

>>116220 DJT: Debbie Lesko endorses Donald Trump

>>116221, >>116222 Planenormie: Spotted a Caribbean flight to Georgia, Carolinas?

>>116223 The Valerie Jarrett Power Matrix

>>116224 @RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan are investigating Biden on influence / obstruction of his son's House impeachment inquiry

>>116225, >>116226, >>116227, >>116228, >>116229, >>116230, >>116231 Meet the Haleys saying some shit on record

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NEPpz8aJqCM - The Haleys Join Harris Faulkner’s “Families in Focus” [Channel: Nikki Haley]

>>116232 #24714

(25 notables, 40 posts, 55 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131384

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20139239 Q Research General #24715: In Memory of Janet Ossebaard Edition

Created 272223ZDEC23




>>116233 #24715

>>116234 Baker claim

>>116235 DJT Truth - Wow, what a truck. What an artist. Thank you! We will,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3bbf1d56cb3f7a1b01f16e0ece155a4bef51b6b88e48861abefd7595f1dd0d2b.mp4

>>116236, >>116237 @DanScavino - Trump Fire Truck Video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/02d2e99db8fdbe4c0dfc6e934024fa08f345ca4f76879cf72c81e027534a46a4.mp4

>>116238 TONIGHT @ 6PM ET: Watch #JustTheNewsNoNoise with @jsolomonReports for an exclusive interview with President Trump!

>>116239 Republican House committees request "documents and communications" regarding Hunter Biden from the White House and his lawyers as part of their impeachment inquiry

>>116240 Police say they arrested a man carrying knife and machete outside the US Capitol

>>116241 John Fetterman tells Clinton adviser James Carville to 'shut the f*** up' for being critical about Biden's chances in 2024 and claims he is not longer 'relevant'

>>116242 @DeptofDefense 🌙 U.S. Marines from @2dMarDiv showcase combat readiness in night live-fire training at @camp_lejeune, during the @USMC Combat Readiness Evaluation.

>>116243 #24715

(10 notables, 11 posts, 7 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131385

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20140195 Q Research General #24716: Amphibians of the Night Shift Edition

Created 280110ZDEC23




>>116244 #24716

>>116245 Trump Demands Maine Secretary Recuse Herself From Ballot Challenge Over Jan. 6 Statements

>>116246 Argentina’s New Elected President Lays Off 5K Gov’t Employees

>>116247 Eiffel Tower Shuts Down As Employees Go On Strike On 100th Anniversary Of Founder’s Death

>>116248 Herb Kohl, a former Democratic U.S. senator from Wisconsin and former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, has died at age 88, his foundation says.

>>116249 $2100 gold soon? (let's see what happens)

>>116250 Schumann doing a thing

>>116251 #24716

(8 notables, 8 posts, 7 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131386

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20141184 Q Research General #24717: Noisy Shilldren Edition

Created 280333ZDEC23




>>116252 #24717

>>116253 In memory of Chuck Shramek the photographer of the Saturn-like object by the Hale Bopp comet in November of 1996, which gained him international notoriety

>>116254, >>116256, >>116258 99% of phones are being tracked through push notifications and the US Gov't has a gag order in place so people don't find out

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/151baeb73b46625913afecb98aa61a7c87e95be4df660bc1c7ff2dfee9c1be72.mp4


>>116257 Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43o1ge - Joe Kent Explains How The U.S. Government's Funding Our Own Enemies In Iraq [13:40] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116259, >>116260 Newsmaker Interview: Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice, dispels Nikki rumors

>>116261, >>116262 @elonmusk - Don’t Look Up (ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=L7QBNcccR5Q - ChatGPT Created an Image of God with a Bunny [Channel: PowerfulJRE]

>>116263 Kash Truth - As a former federal public defender, I put the cops and prosecutors on trial every damn day in the court room, thats not only the job, but comes from constitutional Due Process. Of course there’s a two tier system of justice with Jack Smith.

>>116264 Fox News Audio anchor Matt Napolitano who appeared on ‘Jeopardy!’ dead at 33

>>116265 'LOCAL MEDIA BIAS: @RealSafeSeattle calling out the Seattle Times’ coverage of the BLM Garden getting crushed by the city on Wednesday.'

>>116266 #24717

(11 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131387

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20141953 Q Research General #24718: The Fourth Day of Christmas Edition

Created 281001ZDEC23




>>116267 #24718

>>116268 Javier Milei Continues Cleaning House: Announces Layoff of 5,000 Government Employees

>>116269 Scientists Destroy 99% of Cancer Cells in The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules

>>116270 Pepe Escobar: Yemen Ready to Stare Down a New Imperial Coalition

>>116271 Putin ally Vladimir Egorov 'falls to his death from third-floor window'

>>116272, >>116273 Biden Secretively Vacations at Home of Billionaire Who is Connected to Over 800 Media Companies

>>116274 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43qmu2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/28/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>116275 DEVELOPING: Parts Of New York City Under Shelter-In-Place Order

>>116276 QClock December 27, 2023 - Whatever Happened to the Awan Brothers

>>116277 Did Q+ just out George Stephanopoulos as a pedophile?

>>116278 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Jupiter and the Geminid

>>116279 Strzok: Trump Supporters ‘Engaging in Threats of Violence,’ Biden Folks Don’t


>>116281 #24718

(14 notables, 15 posts, 18 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131388

File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20142828 Q Research General #24719: Buckle Up For 2024 Edition

Created 281606ZDEC23




>>116282 #24719

>>116283 Fetterman To Carville: 'Shut The F*** Up' Over Biden's Sagging 2024 Prospects

>>116284 GOP oversight writing mean letters again

>>116285 Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=KxiB9ii9lxo - Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28 [Channel: Roseanne Barr]

>>116286 Attention all Patriots! Fort Sill National Cemetery just received burial requests for four unclaimed veterans. These heroes served during the Vietnam War Era and are set to be laid to rest alone.

>>116287 Lunnon, AI enhanced

>>116288 Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

>>116289 Backlash Over Israel's Video Of Hypothetical Hamas Christmas Day Attack On Seoul

>>116290 QClock December 28, 2023 - For God And Country

>>116291 Federal Judge Rejects Press Freedom Claims By Project Veritas In Ashley Biden Diary Case

>>116292 Warmonger Lindsey Graham: “Hit Iran… Blow It Off the Map”

>>116293 Child tells Nikki Haley "Chris Christie thinks you're a flip-flopper on the Donal Trump issue...honestly, I agree with him." KEK

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/de7b6edc487384e5adea25ecca50b7cf94164808221f3b1ac4ebeb50680d2735.mp4

>>116294 Microsoft Buys Over 1,000 Acres of Farmland in Wisconsin

>>116295 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson warns that every city service is on the verge of collapse thanks to the illegals

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/274cd5b408976267fd28f95af0ad498cae4deaf2f00ae1dd97bba83a6786e103.mp4

>>116296 US Announces $250 Million Arms Package for Ukraine

>>116297 Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths

>>116298 Israel hits Red Crescent Society headquarters in Gaza

>>116299 Photos have emerged of a new Russian observation post on the Golan Heights on the border of the Syrian provinces of Daraa and Quneitra.

>>116300 Ivanka Trump on the "timeless wisdom of Mr. Rogers"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/58e2d1ff8505f6b803fb11f8f1570042332a6af16c3148b0d55f8bde4efd45fe.mp4

>>116301 Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice

>>116302 IDF takes no action against soldiers who killed Gaza hostages

>>116303 Foreign Minister of the Israeli: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah should quickly understand that Israel's next goal is him and Lebanon.

>>116304, >>116305 Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert swaps congressional districts'

>>116306, >>116307, >>116310, >>116311, >>116313, >>116317 BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

>>116308 QClock December 28, 2023 - Something Big Is Coming, Mr. Rogers - Helpers.png

>>116309 Middle District Of Florida Prosecutes 1,500 Individuals For Child Exploitation Offenses As Part Of Project Safe Childhood

>>116312 Mike Pompeo summoned by court to explain alleged US govt plot to assassinate Julian Assange

>>116314, >>116318 Caravan Update in Spanish

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RZ7OawBDWkI - Caravan Update [Channel: Oscar Blue Ramirez]

>>116315 @realDonaldTrump: Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again

>>116319 Is Treasury slowly taking over the Fed? WSJ

>>116320 AOC slammed over Christmas message

>>116321 #24719

(32 notables, 39 posts, 37 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43d0cd No.131389

File: 4124dc1219c6799⋯.png (394.56 KB,879x474,293:158,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20143768 Q Research General #24720: Trump is back on the Colorado ballot! Edition

Created 282034ZDEC23




>>116322 #24720

>>116323 Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 - no evidence covid vaxxes saved a single life

>>116324 Vivek Ramaswamy Says Voting For Trump Is A ‘Trap’ During Iowa Town Hall.

>>116325 The 10/7 Project by ADL and others: says they seek "accurate, unbiased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict"

>>116326 US-NATO Black Ops: Destabilization in Serbia and the Former Soviet Union

>>116327, >>116328 @DC_Draino This Palm Beach mansion was just listed for sale at $187,500,000, Yet NYC Marxists tell us MAL is only worth $18 million?!

>>116329 Federal Court sided with Justin Trudeau and ruled that Ezra Levant's book, The Libranos, was illegal, warranting $13,000 Fine, as a Christmas Gift

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y8_HuW3KVQU - BREAKING: Judge rules my “Libranos” book was illegal, orders me to pay $13,000 [Channel: Rebel News]

>>116330 Elise Stefanik + Ed Cox's statement on the Albany Supreme Court's decision to dismiss our request to halt illegal unregulated mass mail-in ballots:

>>116331 @DC_Draino J6 indictments cite cell phone geo tracking data... But when 2000 Mules uses geotracking data regime media puppets say it’s “unreliable data” and “debunked”

>>116332 Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Motion to Delay E. Jean Carroll Defamation Trial


>>116334 Bernie positive for Covid


VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=h2cKaOIx5Ro - The Wire - December 28, 2023 [Channel: S2 Underground]

>>116336 Hospitals in California, Illinois, New York the U.S. have reintroduced mask mandates


>>116338 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote 9/28/2020

>>116339 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause 10/01/2020

>>116340 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls… against Jena Griswold 10/05/2020

>>116341 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Jena Griswold Of course Soros backed. 11/21/2020

>>116342 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Griswold worked for Obama's campaign, The first elected Democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1963 and the first woman Dem to ever hold the office 06/19/21

>>116344 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits, Griswod: "My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits" 06/21/21

>>116345 BACK ON THE BALLOT.mp4

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43vdbl - LET'S GO!!!🥳🥳🥳 [1:58] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>116346 Dog found stabbed 17 times on Long Island, $5K reward offered

>>116347 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, 'Protect' Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers 8/03/2021

>>116348 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County 8/10/21

>>116349 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters 8/11/2021

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/99f05b724adf0574037c80d917e1ae13b68c7238dad1b1722ae2d0b9b8308eec.mp4

>>116350, >>116353, >>116360, >>116363, >>116370, >>116372 Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

>>116351, >>116352, >>116354, >>116355, >>116356, >>116357 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/deb6434e4c5450b10b78d4d21fe4f2bb7f010eadd38dfb5a1405294dca9adcc1.mp4

>>116358 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CMz: Why is Jena Griswold trying to blame Tina Peters for the bios passwords leak when only Jena Griswold should have had access? 8/12/2021

>>116359 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Jenna griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it 8/12/2021

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y9CgZif3HW0 - Griswold provides update on Mesa County voting system security breach [Channel: 9NEWS]

>>116361 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CM Forwards Seth Keshel - I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State jena griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County.. 8/14/2021

>>116362 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor?? 8 /14/2021

>>116364, >>116368 New congressional map in Georgia signed off, District Judge Steve C. Jones, an appointee of President Barack Obama

>>116365 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CodeMonkeyZ - Can jena griswold be trusted with a "Trusted Build"? (VIDEO) 8 /15/2021

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/edbe60ae32c485be7bdf8e4aa1b631d6562c67315a53c0f71d7be7d16174a38b.mp4

>>116366, >>116369, >>116371, >>116373 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

>>116367 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green daughter’s houses swatted

>>116374 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach 08/18/21

>>116375 @TuckerCarlson Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they'd do this to him, they'd do it to you.

>>116376 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords 08/20/21

>>116377 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits 08/30/21

>>116378 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election 8/30/2021

>>116379 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CODEMONKEYZ - jena griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election 9/1/2021

>>116380 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. jena griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd 09-08-2021

>>116381 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight 9/17-2021

>>116382 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold wanted private security due to threats 2021-09-23

>>116383 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Election Records Are Being Destroyed! 2021-09-26

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tlaRe-p3tTo - Tina Peters and Sherronna Bishop: Searching for the Truth [Channel: Truth & Liberty Coalition]

>>116384 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Court Tina Peters case to be decided by District Judge Valerie Robison, Secretary of State jena griswold… 2021-09-30

>>116385 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / griswold asks judge to dismiss 'baseless' GOP election-denier lawsuit 2021-12-30

>>116386 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Bad News 4 Soros-Backed SOS jena griswold - Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit 2022-02-01

>>116387 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold BTFO third report on mesa county voting machines released 2022-03-22 12/27/23

>>116388 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete 2022-05-06

>>116389 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Two Colorado County Clerks Sue Deceitful Secretary of State jena griswold - Ask Court for Permission to Use Their Saved Voting Machine Data to See If griswold Illegally Meddled with Machines 2022-02-17

>>116390 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, jena griswold, for Illegal Recount - Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado 9/14/2022

>>116391 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / 2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners 1/6/2023

>>116392 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through 9/6/2023


>>116394 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections - “What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

>>116395 #24720

(58 notables, 74 posts, 57 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131390

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20144574 Q Research General #24721: OUR BORDER HAS COLLAPSED, OUR COUNTRY IS BEING INVADED. MAGA! EDITION

Created 282312ZDEC23




>>116396 #24721

>>116397 Florida GOP senator Rick Scott’s Naples home swatted

>>116398 Lawmakers Sue Democrat Governor, Election Officials To Halt ‘Misinformation’ Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

>>116399 Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter attacked by what Armenian officials are calling a group of 30 Israeli extremist settlers

>>116400 Christians in Bethlehem reduced from over 90% of the population in 1993 to under 5% now

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43u9th - Harnwell: Christians in Bethlehem reduced from over 90% of the population in 1993 to under 5% now [11:15] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116401 A drug cartel in central Mexico has kidnapped 14 local residents in apparent retaliation for an uprising by angry farmers earlier this month that killed 10 cartel gunmen

>>116402, >>116408, >>116413, >>116414, >>116415, >>116417, >>116418, >>116419 Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

>>116403, >>116422 Bannon: How many of you as a leader of a nation would skip out and take a Caribbean Vacation while our nation is being destroyed?

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43tel6 - Steve Bannon: Biden’s Immigration Crisis Is A ‘Middle Finger To America. [2:11] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43td8z - Steve Bannon: How Can Biden Even Enjoy Himself On Vacation While America Is Being INVADED? [13:16] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116404 The idea is for Japan to become less dependent on foreign energy sources.

>>116405, >>116411, >>116412, >>116421, >>116427 Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

>>116406 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives 2022-05-06

>>116407 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1)

>>116409 Key US Navy Allies Abandon Red Sea Operation After White House Blunders

>>116410 Google settles massive $5B lawsuit over improperly tracking ‘incognito mode’ users

>>116416, >>116420 BlackRock allegedly owns and controls the world. But the investment giant claims they are just impartial shareholders. What is really going on?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=STYgeA9VScc - The Blackrock Conspiracy Debunked [Channel: The Hated One]

>>116423, >>116424, >>116425 Reminder that the majority of the people we interact with online are bots

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V9PkWdrYOz0 - The Dead Internet Theory - Complete Edition [Channel: All Time]

>>116426 USN P-8 Poseidon patrolling the Strait of Hormuz.

>>116428 #24721

(18 notables, 33 posts, 38 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131391

File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB,1588x1072,397:268,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20145409 Q Research General #24722: What Makes a Good Treason Inferno? Edition

Created 290146ZDEC23




>>116429 #24722

>>116430 An inquiry into the Soham murders of schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman was opposed by Tony Blair, files reveal

>>116431 The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. earlier this year used a U.S. internet service provider to communicate

>>116432 L'Oreal heiress Francoise Bettencourt Meyers becomes the first woman to accumulate $100 billion

>>116433 Texas arrests thousands of illegal immigrants for crossing border

>>116434, >>116450 Iran will sign a currency agreement with Russia in early 2024

>>116435, >>116440, >>116446, >>116449, >>116453, >>116456 Maine being lame con't

>>116436 Massive pro-Palestine protests erupt in New York City: hundreds of demonstrators try to force their way into the WTC

>>116437 IDF targeting Christianity's holiest sites on purpose

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j8hv3LVwzTk - "They're targeting Christianity's holiest sites on purpose" | Redacted News [Channel: Redacted]

>>116438 @USArmy: #DYK? This month marks 106 years since the 7th Infantry Division was established Dec. 10, 1917

>>116439, >>116443, >>116447 The White House just put out this video featuring John Podesta

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dba57ddb2349c0906dbaf66b45741aa391fc4e3659b2c1fce9ed44a44b3bbba6.mp4

>>116441 Mexican Cops Step Aside as New Migrant ‘Poverty’ Caravan Moves North

>>116442 CMZ: Will SCOTUS knock over the cards yet again?

>>116444 Trump Campaign Statement on Maine Secretary of State Ruling

>>116445, >>116463 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) | FISAGATE

>>116448 PragerU Sides with ADL Claiming Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

>>116451, >>116452, >>116458 Author investigating Hillary Clinton dies in plane that crashed into Pentagon on 9/11?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0694f7f8cab15e52272f691adf60b5cd7db46466233e31f07ab43d6551d5bc4d.mp4

>>116454, >>116455 Falcon Heavy launches USSF-52 to orbit from Florida

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0-FFOLKTlMQ - Watch live: SpaceX Falcon 9 booster launches from Cape Canaveral with Starlink satellites [Channel: Spaceflight Now]

>>116457, >>116459, >>116464 Maine Rep. John Andrews makes motion to impeach Shenna Bellows for barring President Trump from ballot

>>116460 PF: Looks like some US brass headed out from Riyadh to have a little hands on time with the Battle of the Red Sea

>>116461 Colorado law banning Styrofoam containers at restaurants, plastic bags at retail stores, goes into effect Jan. 1

>>116462 A United States Navy ship in the Red Sea shot down a ballistic missile and a drone on Thursday night

>>116465 #24722

(23 notables, 37 posts, 45 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131392

File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.png (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20146280 Q Research General #24723: FISA-gate Edition

Created 290424ZDEC23




>>116466 #24723

>>116467 @mrddmia - Democrats are the fat kids at the all-you-can-eat buffet. They can’t stop themselves

>>116468 Ukrainian FM Dmitry Kuleba derides the EU for not making enough weapons to give Kiev

>>116469 Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start

>>116470 Maine SOS on MSNDC Discusses Decision to Remove Trump from Ballot

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2f71f269767dab181cc6ca548ae122acdb38f59bade806384a4f32f85a55cb38.mp4

>>116471 Replacing US Aid to Kiev Impossible

>>116472 Looks like a tsunami. Wonder what is going on off the coast of CA?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6bf8a768be9b938b134eb17d1017ba3a97a0043aab5cd373c207e0b3ba70c73c.mp4

>>116473 Wheat Futures Surge After Grain Ship Hits Mine

>>116474, >>116478 Pro Surfers Have Traveled from All Over the World to Ride Massive & Powerful Waves at Northern California’s Legendary Mavericks

>>116475 PF: A little bit of everything.

>>116476 Tucker Carlson Interviews Stephen Miller About Workplace and Leftist Racism

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VDlw9q6PGJk - Tucker Carlson 12/28/23 | Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28, 2023 [Channel: Aktn]

>>116477 Massive waves flood California beach towns as evacuations ordered

>>116479 Baker claim

>>116480 PF: There are currently zero military flights showing over the continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii.

>>116481 Another “Old-time Chicago Pol” Convicted of Racketeering, Bribery, Extortion


>>116483 #24723

(17 notables, 18 posts, 23 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131393

File: 5add81e7eb1b144⋯.jpg (9.63 KB,255x138,85:46,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20147083 Q Research General #24724: The Fifth Day of Christmas Edition

Created 291134ZDEC23




>>116484 #24724

>>116485 SpaceX launches secretive US military spacecraft on research mission

>>116486 Powder Keg South America: Maduro Mobilizes 5K Troops, Dozens of Military Vessels and Planes to Essequibo Region After British Warship Heads to Guyana

>>116487 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/29/2023

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v43zq2o - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/29/2023 [0] [Channel: AhoyTheShipShowAndExtraGravy]

>>116488 @jensstoltenberg - Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland. #NATO stands in solidarity with our valued Ally, is monitoring the situation & we will remain in contact as the facts are established.

>>116489 Dozens more Hamas terrorists have been captured by IDF forces in Gaza.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cf75b7d11bcfd97f4f4972014ba1a30651ea368dfd15301378f3fbc218f5dccf.mp4

>>116490 @DHSgov - 2023 ⏪ In a historic first, @POTUS (ROTUS)'s June 2023 visit to the @AF_Academy in Colorado Springs was supported by an all-female @SecretService transportation team. #DHSYearinPhotos

>>116491 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 29, 2023 'Shakespeare in Space'

>>116492 NASA’s Juno to Get Close Look at Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io on Dec. 30

>>116493 @MarsCuriosity Hey look – I’m a sundial!

>>116494 #24724

(11 notables, 11 posts, 10 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131394

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20148144 Q Research General #24725: Plenty of Morning Noise Edition

Created 291610ZDEC23




>>116495, >>116496, >>116497 Giving guns to illegals and taking gun citizens? ANONS DIG

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/41b6db46eacaf8570841b28df2814ffbc7ddc45aec370d4c21bd18c1f9faa119.mp4

>>116498, >>116516 Russia confirms 'massive barrage' on targets in Ukraine (RT)

>>116499 France warns of "very high" terrorism threat on New Year's Eve, deploys 90,000 police forces and 5,000 soldiers — Telegraph

>>116500 Ukraine requests emergency funding meeting - Bloomberg

>>116501 Maine has now followed Colorado's lead re taking Trump off the ballot

>>116502 Biden slams Nikki Haley after Civil War slavery dodge

>>116503 Ukraine hit by large-scale air attack

>>116504 Pfizer to lay off 285 amid declining Covid vaccine sales

>>116505 US allies waver on joining Red Sea task force

>>116506 @jensstoltenberg: Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland...

>>116507 Ohio's GOP governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes in girls sports

>>116508 @elonmusk - To give you a sense of the immense and growing size of illegal immigration!

>>116509, >>116512 TechnoFog on Cohen's AI motions

>>116510 Why Are Capitol Police Setting Up Satellite Headquarters In Major American Cities The Answer Could Be Dangerous - video

>>116511 @realDonaldTrump: DEROY MURDOCK: Boom Boom — Out Go The Lights!

>>116513 "Epstein & Gates scientist, Melanie Walker, reported to Jim Kim at World Bank

>>116514 @JesseMatchey: Chelsea was involved with Ghislaine because of the Clinton Global Initiative

>>116515 A Free And Open Internet Is An Existential Threat To The Establishment

>>116517 Iran's IRGC Suffers Single Deadliest Day In Syria As Israel Strikes Damascus Airport

>>116518 Argentina opts out of BRICS

>>116519 Zionists Launch 'Massive Coordinated Attack' on Christians in Jerusalem

>>116520 General Flynn: The American People Have Lost ALL Trust In The U.S. Government [VIDEO]

(22 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131395

File: 6a86823183e24d0⋯.png (248.84 KB,659x357,659:357,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20148932 Q Research General #24726: Afternoon E-bake Edition

Created 291917ZDEC23




>>116521 #24726

>>116522, >>116551 Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BeWTz5RNxsE - Jesse Watters: Biden's Green New Deal is falling apart [Channel: Fox News]

>>116523 How Swiss Bankers Helped Dictators and Criminals Hide Their Money (18min documentary)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=20V_bW_T-G4 - How Swiss Bankers Helped Dictators and Criminals Hide Their Money (Documentary) [Channel: The Market Detectives]

>>116524 Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack

>>116525 CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

>>116526 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed DC_Draino on geotracking hypocrisy

>>116527 California keeps Trump on ballot after Colorado and Maine use 14th Amendment to say 'No'

>>116528 Israel embassy pulls inappropriate video imagining Hamas attack on Seoul

>>116529 #24725

>>116530 Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus: Ukraine Labs Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

>>116531 NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes Israeli Govt's Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on October 7

>>116532, >>116534 @DC_Draino: Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection

>>116533 BBC to hand over secret Diana emails about handling of Martin Bashir scandal after judge ordered release of nearly 3,000 hidden documents

>>116535, >>116557, >>116574 Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the US

>>116536, >>116538, >>116539, >>116545, >>116549, >>116553, >>116558, >>116565, >>116566, >>116567 Anons discuss the Insurrection Act

>>116537, >>116541, >>116546, >>116548, >>116552 Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

>>116540 Mike Davis: Dear House Republicans - Do not count electoral votes from any state that removes Trump from the ballot

>>116542 AZ Military Museum closes after Vietnam vet founder, 80, told tour: 'Eventually they will replace me with some gay, black, woman woke Jew'

>>116543 Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story Will Reveal Bombshell Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation

>>116544, >>116556 Multiple large explosions are taking place at a fuel company with reports of evacuations underway

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b38a58f6817d387704cf5207c3e127e2898cdc06c7ac13578c47bbb93cc1662e.mp4

>>116547 baker change

>>116550 Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping Unconscious 15-Year-Old Girl

>>116554 Hijacked Galaxy Leader Owner Encouraged by Reports of Imminent Release of Crew

>>116555 The Marine Corps has trained its final 8 scout snipers

>>116559 Shards from the 'Crown of Thorns' placed into new Phoenix statue set atop Notre Dame Cathedral

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=G7EbhUZ9y1U - Notre Dame Spire. Cross. A Falling Away First. Reformation. Rooster Phoenix 500 Antichrist Rebirth [Channel: Many Fishers]

>>116560, >>116571 Ironic: @shennabellows says America is experiencing an epidemic of election disinformation

>>116561 Donald Trump blasts David Bowie's Starman from his cart as he plays golf with Lindsey Graham after Maine boots him off the ballot

>>116562 Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

>>116563 Keystone Pipeline

>>116564, >>116568, >>116572 Iran executed 4 Mossad agents for working against Iran's national security

>>116569 New England outages point to grid issues that are often blamed on ‘extreme weather’

>>116570 @AirMibilityCmd: #23in23

>>116573, >>116575 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Shakespeare in Space

>>116576 Tom Hanks tripping balls

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a07748e5c703e874aa0e8098301fb51467b8e541f5fe27af84fe7fe7a9c576a.mp4

(34 notables, 56 posts, 53 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131396

File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.png (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20149701 Q Research General #24727: Starman Edition

Created 292158ZDEC23




>>116577 #TeamHaley is in Iowa

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dc5c1fea9a4bac455f65816df3c95c26cd5df3abae01a24997d797875746e59b.mp4

>>116578 Biden makes a promise that sounds more like a threat: "And we're not finished yet"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4eadd3ff30d28bbe0bf4de4de338b05278b6ac1455acd06f2d7d9b5b3987ac20.mp4

>>116579 Cohen: MISTAKENLY gave his atty FAKE CASE CITATIONS generated by AI (oops)

>>116580 Law of War manual: End of Occupation

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa773a31e7ed7c0b9722f3a5c128a08a17c87a44b6e12dcb7458ca75424709ec.pdf

>>116581, >>116587 Israel Rejects "With Disgust" South Africa's Gaza-Related Genocide Case At World Court - ZH

>>116582 #24726

>>116583, >>116595 Refresher. Jonna Hiestand Mendez signed the statement about Hunter's Laptop and a Russian information operation.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d40344d8b1cdf5c44606a95b4eb4609aded6aa13d5a7ac753e43f295ea121840.mp4

>>116584 #24727

>>116585 Tunisian President Keys: Victory is approaching, all of Palestine will be liberated

>>116586 Channel 12: Netanyahu prevented Shin Bet and Mossad chiefs from attending a sensitive security discussion this morning

>>116588 Fox News faced its lowest average audience since 2015 in 2023

>>116589 PF report

>>116590 Kiev Aid justifies military call up: "“We will all die anyway"

>>116591, >>116592 NASSOUR: DeSantis’ Baseless Attacks On Haley Reveal His Desperation

>>116593 Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=VDlw9q6PGJk - Tucker Carlson 12/28/23 | Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28, 2023 [Channel: Aktn]

>>116594 Explosion In Bridgeport At Tradebe Environmental, Same Facility That Settled EPA Violations In 2018

>>116596 Federal judge blocks enforcement of Iowa law banning pornographic books and LGBTQ+ topics in classes

>>116597 #24727

(18 notables, 21 posts, 14 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131397

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20150485 Q Research General #24728: Omnishift MAGA, Here We Go Edition

Created 300056ZDEC23




>>116598 #24728

>>116599 Baker change

>>116600 @JackPosobiec - BREAKING: Jonathan Turley reportedly swatted tonight

>>116601, >>116603 @thejimwatkins - Recently, YouTube has updated what they are allowing. This philosophy was shadow-banned for years. #accelerationism is a thing. No, really, it's a thing.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CQmoQEeNYrs - Why Some Billionaires Are Actively Trying To Destroy The World [Channel: Joe Scott]

>>116602 @NASAAmes - 🎵 Woahhhh, we’re halfway there! 🎵 Our VIPER Moon rover is already half-built, and the best is yet to come!

>>116604, >>116606 Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years – Will Reveal BOMBSHELL Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation – COMING SOON!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/483f0146100ea743a3cf3f6dd9a8eb30711c3ac3743aaa603d0e01c29bf36b40.mp4

>>116605 A Massive Rescue operation is underway as more than 75 to 100 people are stranded on a large broken sheet of ice

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/11b5ea3b0558e69adad5dd8e991b1fb86e02591f3398bb1759ad60cb2450388a.mp4

>>116607 #24728

(8 notables, 10 posts, 13 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131398

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20151277 Q Research General #24729: All Day/Night/Omni Shift Appreciation Edition

Created 300339ZDEC23




>>116608 #24729

>>116609 Trump and The King

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/33041efdd19484ddd5d7eca04e1eaa3114f649889c143cdeacf89a4bf0caec68.mp4

>>116610 Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 58: Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market (VIDEO)

>>116611 DJT Truth - It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the “Crazed” Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

>>116612 ‘Devil Comet’ the Size of Mt. Everest to Explode This Weekend

>>116613 #24729

(6 notables, 6 posts, 4 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131399

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20152043 Q Research General #24730: Peak Mental Laziness Through AI Edition

Created 300713ZDEC23




>>116614 #24730

>>116615, >>116620, >>116621, >>116623, >>116627 "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/06a95c43ee1f81638ee9435b085db98e7777efcafd24abcee630ba39f7a78df0.mp4

>>116616, >>116617 How do I know Janet Ossebaard died on the 16th of November?

>>116618 2024 BINGO CARD

>>116619 Sam Bankman-Fried donated $100 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

>>116622, >>116626, >>116632, >>116633 Moar on the Podesta vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ef41987558e220422665c0dfb6272871f0384475972a23c3b037855557e8af3c.mp4

>>116624, >>116625 How the EPA is attempting to kill the Berkey water filter

>>116628 Ghost

>>116629, >>116630, >>116631, >>116634 Anons discuss Scavino post

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_Ul_IRqtcWE - Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma! (Lyric Video) [Channel: Legendary Opera Recordings]

>>116635 Bizarro Potato vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4eadd3ff30d28bbe0bf4de4de338b05278b6ac1455acd06f2d7d9b5b3987ac20.mp4

>>116636 @DanScavino from 12/29/23: We will be taking this to court and will fight to the Supreme Court if necessary.

>>116637 @EthicalSkeptic: Cancer is not only elevated 6.5%, but it has a new growth rate of 2.4% annually

>>116638 @gatewaypundit: Xfinity-Comcast Security Breach Compromises 36 Million Customers’ Contact Info and SS Numbers

>>116639, >>116641 Despite Numerous FOIA Requests, the NSA Is still Withholding Government Documents Related to Seth Rich

>>116640 Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

>>116642, >>116643 @DC_Draino: Woman getting interviewed on camera claims to have been maced on J6 - using an onion on her eyes?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/81dc3aff02e367c6dc0b0e1e4c2e7910e7a2cb820980e1492015c325381df4c6.mp4

>>116644 Republican lawmaker in Maine files to impeach secretary of state Shenna Bellows after her decision to disqualify Trump from the ballot

>>116645 #24730

>>116646 @KenPaxtonTX Bring it! We will defend Texas.

>>116647 Market Forces Put the Brakes on “Gender-Affirming” Surgeries in Children

>>116648 Blinken Gets Roasted on Twitter for Declaring Pride in ‘Global Peace and Security

>>116649 Ex-Democratic Party Chair Sentenced for Child Sex Abuse

>>116650 Vivek on 🔥 and dropping truth bombs!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8919fe67e720fddc3072af54d735fd947f86b7a359a3c026541b3baacecfa836.mp4

>>116651 Turley becomes latest ‘swatting’ victim after false report of shooting at his home

>>116652, >>116654 MAGA Activist Accuses Michigan GOP Officials of Being Dem. Plant

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/917a48a23cb7687454d059501d241643414950e430a8bd4884d1987395729f49.mp4

>>116653 Social media platforms are now viewed as the main battlefields of this current information & cultural war being waged.

>>116655 @DanScavino Flashback Friday


>>116657, >>116667 Flooded tunnel near London disrupts Eurostar train services

>>116658 Swiss financial watchdog wants to examine clawing back bankers' bonuses

>>116659 University Chancellor Fired After Making Adult Films

>>116660 Venezuelan magnate Gustavo Cisneros dead at 78

>>116661 Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to Private Homes

>>116662 Biden’s DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024

>>116663 X22 Make No Mistake The [DS] Will Not Give Up Power,Setting The Stage,Playbook Known,Buckle Up - Ep. 3246

>>116664 Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

>>116665 This thread represents just the past two days of EMRS reports on the trains and buses bringing migrants to the suburbs

>>116666 Migrant caravan 6,000-people strong splinters as it works its way through Mexico

>>116668 Bobby Kotick, Activision-Blizzard’s CEO, is no longer CEO as of tomorrow.

>>116669 Fuck Your Feelings - Leigh Hunt

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c397834da3040ae0b9da92205bc01e28cb85e59b699e3e413474deea6ce1969a.mp4

(40 notables, 56 posts, 70 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131400

File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20152864 Q Research General #24731: The Underwhelm Of AI, Not For CGI Fans Edition

Created 301500ZDEC23




>>116670 #24731

>>116671 JAN 6 The QANON Committee 🐸 #DDK

>>116672, >>116676 There is something deeply mysterious about the Richat Structure

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=r9Gj_6dmNcM - Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa [Channel: Bright Insight]

>>116673 Covid checkpoints in Fla

>>116674 The U.S. government is dropping six charges against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried including campaign finance violations

>>116675 #24730 posted in 31

>>116677 GOP rep warns House has final say over election after states deem Trump ineligible for ballots

>>116678 No wonder Bill Gates is lying about the origin of COVID: he’s actively funding EcoHealth Alliance

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/75294d180608bb80fd5ad615523214c565fda708e357685bfdada021392a266d.mp4

>>116679, >>116680 Trump's outtakes from Jan. 7 speech shown by committee???

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/017b902be7ede423569ac9af70a67db3fa9e5cb55b15ffc6bca5a7f1cbf0d388.mp4

>>116681 Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

>>116682 UK: It starts with the terminally ill, then it's the mentally ill, then it's anyone who wants it because 'bodily autonomy' and 'freedom'.

>>116683 Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?!

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v4412ix - Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?! [3:23] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116684 President Javier Milei of Argentina is now following End Wokeness

>>116685, >>116686 Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This Nation

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v442e0w - Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This Nation [2:54] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v440dqr - Boris Epshteyn Shreds Nikki Haley For Ukraine First Policies [4:48] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116687, >>116689 Former CIA employee: Zelensky is expecting a military coup

>>116688 Anons, how does one "honor the legacy" of a piece of shit Communist bastard? By mis-spelling the bastard's name in the tribute.

(16 notables, 20 posts, 19 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131401

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20153860 Q Research General #24732: Save the Bread E-bake Edition

Created 301858ZDEC23




>>116690 #24732

>>116691 #24731 posted in #24732

>>116692 Updated Dough

>>116693 China & Iraq Begin Construction Of New City Near Baghdad

>>116694 Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode

>>116695 Biden Admin Rolls Out Slew Of Regs Targeting Americans’ Appliances On Last Friday Of The Year

>>116696 Raheem Kassam On The Failures Of The DeSantis Campaign

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v446wl6 - Raheem Kassam On The Failures Of The DeSantis Campaign [27:36] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116697 Ex-Albanian Prime Minister Placed Under House Arrest over Corruption Probe

>>116698 Ben Harnwell: Ron DeSantis Is a Weak Man — Which Makes Him Far Worse Than a Neocon

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v446xc9 - Ben Harnwell: Ron DeSantis Is a Weak Man — Which Makes Him Far Worse Than a Neocon [18:12] [Channel: Bannons War Room]

>>116699 Russia calls emergency UN meeting over Ukrainian shelling (RT)

>>116700 Schumann Resonance

>>116701, >>116702 DJT Truths - As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections.

>>116703 UN SECURITY COUNCIL - Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9524th meeting

>>116704 #24732

(14 notables, 15 posts, 9 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131402

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20154825 Q Research General #24733: 177 Names Soon Edition

Created 302200ZDEC23




>>116705 #24733

>>116706 resident Biden - One more great year in the books. (Laundry list of bullshit)

>>116707 Security increased for the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square (fear pron or eyes on?)

>>116708 Tucker Carlson - How The Babylon Bee Predicts the Future. Corporate media is dead, which is why The Babylon Bee is more trusted than CNN. CEO Seth Dillon joins Tucker Carlson to discuss.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zdbqUoTyReo - How The Babylon Bee Predicts the Future [Channel: Tucker Carlson]

>>116709 122 Fishermen Rescued From Detached Ice Floe in Northern Minnesota (VIDEO)

>>116710 This week, Bill and Hillary Clinton were spotted in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a surprise visit.

>>116711 Iranian national with ties to terrorism attempted to enter the U.S. illegally

>>116712 Russia launches 122 missiles, multiple drones in massive attack against Ukraine. The attack resulted in 22 civilians dying

>>116713, >>116714, >>116716, >>116717 Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

>>116715 The DC Establishment Is Deeply Concerned That Trump May Have Copies Of His Declassified Binder

>>116718 Maine secretary of state’s house 'swatted' day after Trump ballot disqualification decision

>>116719 Hong Kong’s ‘Vaccine Ambassador’ Drops Dead at 57

>>116720 #24733

(13 notables, 16 posts, 13 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131403

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20155721 Q Research General #24734: Slow Bread Rising Edition

Created 310103ZDEC23




>>116721 #24734

>>116722 Jack Smith has filed his reply brief with DC appellate court for Trump's appeal of Judge Chutkan's order

>>116723 Trend: Year-End Poll Shows Trump Gaining, Biden Losing Support of Black Voters

>>116724 Paula Abdul is accusing former 'American Idol' exec producer Nigel Lythgoe of "multiple sexual assaults"

>>116725 State of Things: San Francisco

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e37f0b53fcdd57a22a0002f887d3fe82d0540f19951961fd736acb7c3511b57.mp4

>>116726 Lawmaker Kevin Hern has purchased up to $6,000,000 worth of energy and mining stocks in the past year

>>116727 Upcoming Commit to Caucus Rallies in Iowa

>>116728 IRS “Collection Notices” Going Out to Millions of Americans Starting Next Week

>>116729, >>116735 Shenna Bellows was Director of the Maine Holocaust Center from 2018-2020

>>116730 (Not Babylon Bee) Former DefSec Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief

>>116731, >>116732, >>116746, >>116748, >>116752, >>116753 @DanScavino

>>116733 California Court attempts to ban carrying guns in most public places

>>116734 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

>>116736 Money Laundering 101

>>116737 Obama ally David Axelrod says he thinks it ‘would rip the country apart’ if Trump were prevented from running

>>116738 Tayler Hansen: I have obtained documents from a whistleblower proving I was investigated illegitimately for reporting on J6

>>116739 Battle of the Bulge

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a2fe4a76d7478b3eeb03af15abfe425aa33ca854ee2ab14afcb51af0f33028f5.mp4

>>116740 Congress gives Harvard more time to respond to President Gay’s plagiarism scandal

>>116741 Body Language Ghost: Maine Secretary of State

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pQdgZu5dWoU - Body Language: Maine Secy. Of State, Trump Removal [Channel: Body Language Ghost]

>>116742 California trying to force masks in L.A. County healthcare facilities for employees, patients and visitors (do not comply)

>>116743, >>116744 Refresher: Trump vs Biden Presidential Honors Gun Salute

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/964fdaab7c9518965fa0c02f4b85ba79282cdf3cdf6d95a1df25714871cd2cd1.mp4

>>116745 PF: Only two military birds up over the US tonight - a Blackhawk, and an E6

>>116747, >>116750, >>116751 I'm trying to figure out why or how DIA can operate on US Soil

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ee8c726af646a10fbe3a9b1295efe25a9bb66ba2867c17f3797f9ab5f9a608ec.mp4

>>116749 Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

>>116754 #24734

(25 notables, 34 posts, 31 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131404

File: 4772b15b3ab3eb0⋯.png (575.72 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20156517 Q Research General #24735: Hyped on Audio Edition

Created 310359ZDEC23




>>116755 #24735

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9tjdswqGGVg - The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) [Channel: immortalsongs]

>>116756 Fresh embarrassment for Nikki Haley as she confuses name of basketball star with CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins

>>116757 Elevating Naval Priorities: China Appoints Admiral as Defense Minister

>>116758 U.S. Navy Divers Recover Wreckage From Downed Aircraft off Japan

>>116759 Baker claim

>>116760 #24735

(6 notables, 6 posts, 3 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131405

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20157515 Q Research General #24736: Fill Out Your Complaint Forms Edition

Created 310836ZDEC23




>>116761 #24736

>>116762 DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets

>>116763 DanScavino Twit/X - Video of fire?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f110d21e4c303f0711179deecce61faa08e463efe4e1795fafeb28259e7dca0c.mp4

>>116764 Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis

>>116765 @CENTCOM - Iranian-backed Houthi small boats attack merchant vessel and U.S. Navy helicopters in Southern Red Sea

>>116766 Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

>>116767 Moscow retaliates for Ukrainian ‘terrorist attack’ – MOD (RT)

>>116768 Laws banning semi-automatic weapons and library censorship will take effect in Illinois

>>116769 California Law Barring Guns From Most Public Spaces Set To Go Into Effect After Appeals Court Ruling

>>116770 DJT Truths

>>116771 Truckers have joined the farmers in massive protest against planned fuel price and tax increases

>>116772 Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

>>116773 PF: Coast Guard C-130 1716 looking for something off Cape Kennedy

>>116774 New Evidence Suggests There Was Never Voting Machine Election Audit Performed in Georgia Following 2020 Election – Raffensperger Caught Again!

>>116775 More from Jack Smith's brief filed yesterday arguing presidents can be criminally prosecuted. Hmmmm…does a dossier count?

>>116776 NYPD ‘prepared’ for large pro-Palestine protests during New Year’s Eve bash at Times Square

>>116777 #24736

(17 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131406

File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20158522 Q Research General #24737: Eyes On, World Wide Edition

Created 311404ZDEC23




>>116778 #24737

>>116779 DJT Re-Truth

>>116780, >>116782, >>116789 US Navy obliterates Houthis

>>116781 Colorado and Maine are just the beginning. Litigation is heating up in 20 states seeking to block Donald Trump from primary election ballots.

>>116783 noted notes

>>116784 Major pornographic website blocks NC access days before new law takes effect

>>116785 The Corruption of Everything

>>116786 NATO state too ‘scared’ to attend UN meeting – Russian diplomat

>>116787 Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia to join BRICS as of Jan. 1: Report

>>116788 US wary of completely ruining relations with Russia – Lavrov

>>116790, >>116793 re you ready for a Pfizer information dump?

>>116791 Drug Cartels Trafficking Migrants to CA for 'Modern Day Slavery' on Black Market Marijuana Farms

>>116792 Biden-Appointed Federal Judge Blocks Iowa Law Banning Explicit Books and Gender Ideology from Elementary Schools via @gatewaypundit

>>116794 Active shooter situation unfolding at MGM Signature hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

>>116795, >>116796 WEF Klaus Schwab Calls For The End Of Elections - Talks With Google Founder Sergey Brin

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e79760ac9a1a7d50d3aab64b4190f514aea7ceaceca0512018b31c1b23f0c9fa.mp4

>>116797 Cartel Gunfight Erupts With Mexican Military Near Arizona Port Of Entry

>>116798 Blue States Prepare To Enact Slew Of Left-Wing Laws In 2024

>>116799 2am Emergency Sirens Test “Classified Military Alarm System”

>>116800 Eleanor Hunton Hoppe - Virginia socialite mom snared in FBI pedophile sting - makes another bid for freedom, claiming inadequate medical care behind bars

>>116801 U.S. Public Pensions Invest over $68 Billion in China

>>116802 Flashback - Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament (MAR 2023)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OVZPYQS1dFA - Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament [Channel: New Discourses]

>>116803 An unprecedented statement is expected to be released by the UK and the US in the coming hours which will warn the Houthis to stop attacking commercial vessels or face the military might of the West.

>>116804 Portland Poop Crisis Triggers Bacteria Outbreak Normally Found In Third World

>>116805 Dying to Watch a Democratic Presidential Primary Debate?

>>116806 #24737

(25 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131407

File: 5c6b5f8b3ee7730⋯.png (737 KB,826x461,826:461,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20159278 Q Research General #24738: 2024 - On Course On Glideslope Edition

Created 311811ZDEC23




>>116807 #24738

>>116808 Mutiny Erupts in a Michigan G.O.P. Overtaken by Chaos

>>116809, >>116815, >>116820, >>116821, >>116822, >>116848 Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

>>116810 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac has been 'swatted' at his home in Delaware

>>116811, >>116819 Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked To Higher Risk Of Infection: CDC Preprint

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/afce26236272508761205cacdf1c7e24c4a7716a501fc67ea8553c41e6407244.mp4

>>116812 Ex-House Speaker settles child sexual abuse payments suit

>>116813 Maine shows the danger of zealots in our legal system

>>116814, >>116816 DJT Truthstorm

>>116817 Maine Sec. of State Shenna Bellows who booted Trump from ballot met with Biden at WH twice in 2023

>>116818, >>116836, >>116841, >>116844, >>116846, >>116849, >>116851, >>116852, >>116855 Logically AI dig

>>116823, >>116824, >>116825, >>116826, >>116832, >>116835 Kamala kitchen fuckery

>>116827 Archive and save - will become extremely important

>>116828 Chicago's Mayor calls illegal immigration a federal crisis, lamenting that local governments are forced to bear the financial burden

>>116829, >>116830 Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week

>>116831 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Accuses Biden Administration of Aiding and Abetting Cartels with Their Open Border Policies

>>116833 Large Israeli Airstrikes On Southern Lebanon, US Warplanes Hit Iraq-Syria Border In Escalation

>>116834 Iconic journalist John Pilger dies

>>116837, >>116838, >>116839, >>116840, >>116843, >>116845 @DanScavino

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1a86a807605143601a4eb5483b511b6ad080618fe0ab7f6c27064b0659672777.mp4

>>116842 Veteran traveler shares incredible photo album from a 1970s road trip through (pre-CIA Taliban) Syria, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan

>>116847 ‘I gained so much more than I lost’ with Jan. 6 testimony: Cassidy Hutchinson

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ayskvrPidTI - ‘I gained so much more than I lost’ with Jan. 6 testimony: Cassidy Hutchinson [Channel: ABC News]

>>116850 Bravo Zulu

>>116853 The Year the Gloves Came Off

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v449ooq - THE YEAR THE GLOVES CAME OFF!!!😂😂😂 [38] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>116854 Blacks for Trump - The Hood is Waking Up

VIDEO https://rumble.com/v449gn3 - A YEAR OF NEW FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!🇺🇸 [4:31] [Channel: il Donaldo Trumpo]

>>116856 @DeptofDefense decode

>>116857 Nine top PLA generals dismissed from China’s Parliament

>>116858 #24738

(26 notables, 52 posts, 59 media/files)

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43d0cd No.131408

File: aa4a498e76158f0⋯.png (219.12 KB,1777x888,1777:888,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/20160276 Q Research General #24739: 123123 Edition

Created 312112ZDEC23




>>116859 #24739

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY - Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (Official Video) [Channel: beegees]

>>116860 Blue cities and states attempting new covid power grab measures

>>116861 Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the group behind lawsuit taking Trump off ballot in Colorado

>>116862, >>116864 Maybe some useful Infographics for someone

>>116863, >>116865 J6: A True Timeline

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/16452d3f9c32af725a6881c33e8db2765c553acb80a0bd23534f9e428d632ee5.mp4

>>116866, >>116869, >>116875 DIG: Venezuela, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound at La Orchila.

>>116867 Denmark's Queen Margrethe II to resign on January 14 next year after 52 years on the throne

>>116868 Crazy Britney flipping someone off thru latest interpretive dance

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e95716c63278facc3182d26e877c30fcfc103c4572cd1af4feaf2ddba91910b4.mp4

>>116870, >>116879 new @DanScavino

>>116871, >>116882 Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents.

>>116872 Iran's IRIS 'Alborz' warship has entered the Red Sea near Yemen as part of Iran's 94th Naval fleet.

>>116873, >>116874, >>116876 X5 Solar Flare


>>116878 British actor Tom Wilkinson has died “suddenly” at his home, he was 75.

>>116881 Legendary Australian journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has sadly died aged 84

>>116883 #24739

>>116884, >>116885, >>116886, >>116887, >>116888, >>116889, >>116890, >>116892, >>116893, >>116894, >>116895, >>116896, >>116897, >>116899 The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/deca04605ed2303044ca66e7a84edd6f782a49c51df2e6f88d1aacda02fefaf9.pdf

>>116891, >>116900, >>116903, >>116905, >>116906 Dan THE MAN! twat - bill clinton no 36 plus q drops, qclocks and pain, multiple commms.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e98d74b7db6459df58753527326a98f0b34816207ee0d8468f2ddef192e26718.mp4

>>116898, >>116904 trump and 22 special force comms - need source

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/29d9528d8da33852ae6c50469a3abd461444e0939c8468050319ae1478d194bd.mp4

>>116901 Who would have thought that? - Tax returns reveal that China of all countries finances Western climate activism - legitim.ch

>>116902 Why is @GregAbbott_TX shipping illegal Aliens to key states that also happen to give illegals drivers licenses - twat laura loomer

>>116907, >>116910 new year prayers bringing 2024 (muh notables muh choice)

>>116908 Lab grown meat is made from harvesting cell lines from animal cancers or fetuses, which are taken from the animals while they’re still alive - slaynews.com (bill gates)

>>116909 Pro-Palestinian protesters are marching towards Times Square where the New Years celebration is set to begin. - twat colin rugg

>>116911 Bill Clinton 'will be named as John Doe 36' when a list of Jeffrey Epstein - daily mail

(25 notables, 53 posts, 66 media/files)

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