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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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| QNotables | QNotables 2023 | QNotables 2022 | QNotables 2021 | QNotables 2020 | QNotables 2019 | QNotables 2018 |

File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

086a84 No.51611 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116317

File: 6fb37799fe06141⋯.png (211.6 KB,655x944,655:944,Clipboard.png)

File: b25c0825e85650d⋯.png (548.9 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: ec85181a53c093f⋯.png (549.04 KB,991x660,991:660,Clipboard.png)

File: d5029829c72c9a3⋯.png (494.42 KB,1018x602,509:301,Clipboard.png)

File: a052f3c85724bba⋯.png (235.2 KB,511x538,511:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143708 (282024ZDEC23) Notable: BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

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Colorado Secretary of State says Trump is BACK on the ballot unless the Supreme Court rules he should be disqualified

Trump will remain on the presidential primary ballot in Colorado for now

Comes after the Colorado GOP appealed the state's ruling to the Supreme Court

Colorado Supreme Court is using clause 3 of the 14th Amendment to say Trump is disqualified from running because he engaged in an insurrection on January 6

read further


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086a84 No.116318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143709 (282024ZDEC23) Notable: Caravan Update in Spanish

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Caravan Update

Oscar Blue Ramirez

41.4K subscribers

1,456 views Streamed live 10 hours ago CHIAPAS

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086a84 No.116319

File: f1364c7cea70bcc⋯.png (59.51 KB,946x406,473:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143718 (282025ZDEC23) Notable: Is Treasury slowly taking over the Fed? WSJ

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like I said. You think you're smarter than you are.

Your narcissism makes SP look like an OG anon.


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086a84 No.116320

File: bb9acf2185436d9⋯.png (954.68 KB,1040x1740,52:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143724 (282027ZDEC23) Notable: AOC slammed over Christmas message

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[Jesus]“He was part of a targeted population being indiscriminately killed to protect an unjust leader’s power. Mary and Joseph, displaced by violence and forced to flee, became refugees in Egypt with a newborn waiting to one day return home.

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086a84 No.116321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143765 (282034ZDEC23) Notable: #24719

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#24719 >>116282

>>116283 Fetterman To Carville: 'Shut The F*** Up' Over Biden's Sagging 2024 Prospects

>>116284 GOP oversight writing mean letters again

>>116285 Marjorie spills ALL the piping hot Congress tea! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #28

>>116286 Attention all Patriots! Fort Sill National Cemetery just received burial requests for four unclaimed veterans. These heroes served during the Vietnam War Era and are set to be laid to rest alone.

>>116287 Lunnon, AI enhanced

>>116288 Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

baker change

>>116289 Backlash Over Israel's Video Of Hypothetical Hamas Christmas Day Attack On Seoul

>>116290 QClock December 28, 2023 - For God And Country

>>116291 Federal Judge Rejects Press Freedom Claims By Project Veritas In Ashley Biden Diary Case

>>116292 Warmonger Lindsey Graham: “Hit Iran… Blow It Off the Map”

>>116293 Child tells Nikki Haley "Chris Christie thinks you're a flip-flopper on the Donal Trump issue...honestly, I agree with him." KEK

>>116294 Microsoft Buys Over 1,000 Acres of Farmland in Wisconsin

>>116295 Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson warns that every city service is on the verge of collapse thanks to the illegals

>>116296 US Announces $250 Million Arms Package for Ukraine

>>116297 Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths

>>116298 Israel hits Red Crescent Society headquarters in Gaza

>>116299 Photos have emerged of a new Russian observation post on the Golan Heights on the border of the Syrian provinces of Daraa and Quneitra.

>>116300 Ivanka Trump on the "timeless wisdom of Mr. Rogers"

>>116301 Trump puts Iran, Europeans and antisemites on notice

>>116302 IDF takes no action against soldiers who killed Gaza hostages

>>116303 Foreign Minister of the Israeli: Seyed Hassan Nasrallah should quickly understand that Israel's next goal is him and Lebanon.

>>116304, >>116305 Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert swaps congressional districts'

>>116306, >>116307, >>116311, >>116310, >>116313, >>116317 BREAKING - Colorado Secretary of State announced that Trump is back on the ballot

>>116309 Middle District Of Florida Prosecutes 1,500 Individuals For Child Exploitation Offenses As Part Of Project Safe Childhood

>>116308 QClock December 28, 2023 - Something Big Is Coming, Mr. Rogers - Helpers.png

>>116314, >>116318 Caravan Update in Spanish

>>116312 Mike Pompeo summoned by court to explain alleged US govt plot to assassinate Julian Assange

>>116315 @realDonaldTrump: Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again

>>116320 AOC slammed over Christmas message

>>116319 Is Treasury slowly taking over the Fed? WSJ



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086a84 No.116322

File: 553a3b2d3c67961⋯.png (601.66 KB,1000x958,500:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143783 (282036ZDEC23) Notable: #24720

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baker seeking handoff

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086a84 No.116323

File: 15701901d62451b⋯.png (578.5 KB,1247x844,1247:844,Clipboard.png)

File: 865e53e03ec3684⋯.png (523.91 KB,1456x941,1456:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143795 (282037ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 - no evidence covid vaxxes saved a single life

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Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 (17% Increase in Mortality). There Is No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Saved a Single Life in Canada During 2021-2022

The Statistics Canada Report can be accessed HERE.

Excess deaths:

Let’s start by analyzing some simple numbers.

48,780 excess deaths in 2022 compared to 2019. 17% increase in mortality.

That’s 0.128% of the population, or 1 in every 784 Canadians died in 2022.

In USA, that would be equivalent to 423,270 American deaths

What would you do?

Let’s assume you’re the Trudeau government and you’ve poisoned your population.

You recommended 7 experimental COVID-19 Vaccines that are now causing heart attacks, blood clots, collapses, cancers & sudden deaths.

These are the COVID-19 Vaccines the Canadian Government (NACI) recommended:

2 doses in early 2021

1st booster in late 2021

2nd booster in April 2022

3rd (Omicron bivalent booster) in Oct.2022

4th (Omicron bivalent booster) in Mar.2023

5th (XBB.1.5 monovalent booster) in Sep.2023

If you followed the Canadian government recommendations precisely, you would have taken 7 COVID-19 Vaccines as of right now.

It was also possible to skip the 2nd booster and wait for the Omicron bivalent, which means you would have taken 6 COVID-19 Vaccines.

We know that there is a tsunami of sudden deaths in the COVID-19 Vaccinated, but how do you present that data as the Federal Government?

What caused 48,780 deaths in 2022?

19,700 deaths from “COVID-19” in 2022, up from 15,900 in 2020.

And this after 7 COVID-19 Vaccines recommended by NACI.

This is proof that COVID-19 Vaccines did not save a single life.

It’s important to remember that 80% of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 in Canada were found to be in long term care home settings (source), where vulnerable seniors were often left to die without adequate treatment (like antibiotics), or were given euthanasia drug cocktails (midazolam, morphine).

So most COVID-19 deaths in 2020 were not true COVID-19 deaths.

In terms of vaccines protecting from “severe disease”, where is this protection on the graph below? I don’t see any protection in 2021. Hospitalizations were similar in 2021 compared to 2020.

Now look at what happened after COVID-19 mRNA 1st booster shots were rolled out in Nov-Dec.2021. This was followed by massive Omicron spikes in 2022 in Jan (BA.1), March (BA.2), July (BA.5), October (BA.5+).

Again, where is this “protection from severe illness” promised by the vaccines?

There is once again no evidence of vaccines protecting people in 2022.


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086a84 No.116324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143798 (282038ZDEC23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy Says Voting For Trump Is A ‘Trap’ During Iowa Town Hall.

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exactly what a deepstate snake WOULD say

Vivek Ramaswamy Says Voting For Trump Is A ‘Trap’ During Iowa Town Hall.


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086a84 No.116325

File: d07220a90678a58⋯.png (71.21 KB,1065x527,1065:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143806 (282040ZDEC23) Notable: The 10/7 Project by ADL and others: says they seek "accurate, unbiased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict"

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The 10/7 Project

The 10/7 Project is led by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

Our Mission

The 10/7 Project is a communications hub advocating for accurate, unbiased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict


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086a84 No.116326

File: a11f4679d8041f4⋯.png (131.92 KB,1005x554,1005:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 09eee95d14f8d32⋯.png (95.5 KB,999x410,999:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143819 (282043ZDEC23) Notable: US-NATO Black Ops: Destabilization in Serbia and the Former Soviet Union

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US-NATO Black Ops: Destabilization in Serbia and the Former Soviet Union

The unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union over 30 years ago has left a power vacuum in the enormous territory it covered, either directly or through its ideological “brethren”. One of those was Yugoslavia, a relatively prosperous state that had a hybrid market socialist economy. It can be argued that Yugoslavia served as the testing ground for the US-led political West’s crawling aggression against Russia.

Eliminating the USSR simply wasn’t enough for Washington DC and Brussels, as the then newly established Russian Federation was still way too big and powerful for their liking. At the time, Moscow was kept down by the disastrous Yeltsin-era policies that essentially destroyed not only its status as a superpower, but also much of its internal sovereignty and economic power.

In the meantime, NATO focused on the destruction of whatever was left of Yugoslavia. The country’s largest ethnic group, the Serbs, was particularly targeted, with the political West aiming to reduce Serbian ethnic space as much as possible, starting with “Operation Storm” in 1995, when upwards of 400,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed from the former Republic of Serbian Krajina and western parts of Republika Srpska. The latter was forcibly incorporated into Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995.

And that certainly wasn’t the end of it, as just four years later, the world’s most aggressive military alliance directly attacked Serbia itself to take away its resource-rich province of Kosovo and Metohia, resulting in another ethnic cleansing of over 250,000 indigenous Serbs.

However, the US-led NATO wasn’t done with Serbia. On the contrary, already the following year (October 5, 2000), it launched a color revolution, in many ways the first one in the post-Cold War era. Belgrade never really recovered from this, as the newly established Western-backed government effectively destroyed the country’s sovereignty by handing it over to Washington DC and Brussels.

By the mid to late 2000s, Serbia was almost completely dismantled, with Montenegro detaching in 2006 after a shady EU-backed referendum. Even before the vote, NATO threatened Serbia in case it intervened to prevent the secession, which pretty much tells you all you need to know about its legitimacy. Just two years later, the political West officially launched the “Kosovo project” by recognizing its so-called “independence”.

In 2012, Serbia’s pro-Western government lost its standing and was replaced by what many thought was a much more independent and sovereigntist option led by the current President Aleksandar Vucic.

However, the pressure on Serbia never subsided and the new government continued much of the same policies. And yet, this wasn’t enough, so the political West continued supporting various pro-EU/NATO political parties and NGOs, seeking to put even more compliant people in power. The recent parliamentary election is a perfect example of that, where pro-Western opposition parties and organizations launched somewhat Maidan-like violent protests, attacking police and several key institutions, including the Belgrade Assembly, as the capital’s city hall is officially called.


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086a84 No.116327

File: 5b977e057a046a2⋯.png (1.98 MB,959x1070,959:1070,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143874 (282054ZDEC23) Notable: @DC_Draino This Palm Beach mansion was just listed for sale at $187,500,000, Yet NYC Marxists tell us MAL is only worth $18 million?!

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This Palm Beach mansion was just listed for sale at $187,500,000

Mar a Lago has *triple* the square footage, generates tens of millions in revenue, and is home to a living US President

Yet NYC Marxists tell us MAL is only worth $18 million?!

These thugs deserve jail time

Dec 28, 2023, 3:41 PM


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086a84 No.116328

File: 0a7a238773c81ad⋯.png (747.62 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143992 (282117ZDEC23) Notable: @DC_Draino This Palm Beach mansion was just listed for sale at $187,500,000, Yet NYC Marxists tell us MAL is only worth $18 million?!

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086a84 No.116329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144010 (282121ZDEC23) Notable: Federal Court sided with Justin Trudeau and ruled that Ezra Levant's book, The Libranos, was illegal, warranting $13,000 Fine, as a Christmas Gift

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BREAKING: Judge rules my “Libranos” book was illegal, orders me to pay $13,000 - Ezra Levant - Rebel News - Canada

Right before Christmas, the Federal Court sided with Justin Trudeau and ruled that Ezra Levant's book, The Libranos, was illegal and that he has to pay $13,000 to the government in fines and costs. No other author has ever been prosecuted by Elections Canada for publishing and promoting a book that is critical of a politician. If Rebel News doesn’t fight against this, no-one else will. So we're appealing this awful ruling.. vid - 15:31

Visit Rebel News for more on this story ► https://rebelne.ws/3RXBfpr

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086a84 No.116330

File: 0123463be77b391⋯.png (123.23 KB,595x543,595:543,Clipboard.png)

File: 05850481267f7ea⋯.png (148.07 KB,599x726,599:726,Clipboard.png)

File: a02df27598e882f⋯.png (90.73 KB,592x542,296:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144110 (282143ZDEC23) Notable: Elise Stefanik + Ed Cox's statement on the Albany Supreme Court's decision to dismiss our request to halt illegal unregulated mass mail-in ballots:

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Elise Stefanik


My full statement along with New York Republican State Committee Chairman Ed Cox's statement on the Albany Supreme Court's decision to dismiss our request to halt the unconstitutional implementation of illegal unregulated mass mail-in ballots:

Dec 28, 2023, 1:01 PM


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086a84 No.116331

File: bf7925347d35e70⋯.png (95.4 KB,884x445,884:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144118 (282145ZDEC23) Notable: @DC_Draino J6 indictments cite cell phone geo tracking data... But when 2000 Mules uses geotracking data regime media puppets say it’s “unreliable data” and “debunked”

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Gotta love how so many of these J6 indictments cite cell phone geo tracking data to bolster evidence that these people committed the mortal sin of…checks notes…walking through the open doors of Capitol

But for some reason when 2000 Mules uses geotracking data to expose the biggest ballot harvesting election fraud operation in US history, regime media puppets say it’s “unreliable data” and “debunked”

And you wonder why people despise the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and media

Dec 28, 2023, 10:27 AM


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086a84 No.116332

File: 07de8a59d858daf⋯.png (228.13 KB,665x900,133:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144121 (282145ZDEC23) Notable: Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Motion to Delay E. Jean Carroll Defamation Trial

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Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Motion to Delay E. Jean Carroll Defamation Trial

A federal appeals court on Thursday denied President Trump’s motion seeking to delay the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial set for January 15, 2024, in Manhattan.

Trump’s attorney asked the appeals court to give the former president 90 days to stay the trial and give him the option to take the fight to the US Supreme Court.

“The requested stays are necessary and appropriate to give President Trump an opportunity to fully litigate his entitlement to present an immunity defense in the underlying proceedings, including pursuing the appeal in the Supreme Court if necessary,” Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba wrote, according to ABC News.

A federal appeals court in September denied Trump’s request to stay a defamation suit filed by E Jean Carroll.

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this month ruled Trump cannot assert absolute presidential immunity.

Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, previously ruled that Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about E. Jean Carroll after she accused him of rape.

In May Manhattan jury reached a verdict in the E. Jean Carroll rape/defamation case.

In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.

Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job” who’s “not my type.”

The jury found Trump sexually abused and defamed Carroll and ordered him to pay $5 million in damages (Trump is also appealing this case).

Trump blasted E. Jean. Carroll during a CNN town hall in May.

“What kind of a woman meets somebody and brings them up and within minutes you’re playing hanky-panky in a dressing room?” Trump said, adding the accusation was a ‘fake’ and ‘made-up story.’

She went after Trump again and Judge Lewis Kaplan agreed with E. Jean Carroll’s lawyers and said Trump is liable for his statements.


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086a84 No.116333

File: ae4c6aa906d299e⋯.jpeg (223.63 KB,1053x584,1053:584,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144137 (282149ZDEC23) Notable: OUR BORDER HAS COLLAPSED, OUR COUNTRY IS BEING INVADED. MAGA!

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086a84 No.116334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144139 (282149ZDEC23) Notable: Bernie positive for Covid

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Bernie's joined the comms club.

Bernie Sanders




I have tested positive for Covid. My symptoms are minimal and I will continue to work from home in Vermont while isolating in accordance with CDC guidance. I am glad to be fully up to date with the vaccine.


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086a84 No.116335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144151 (282151ZDEC23) Notable: RED SEA VESSELS ADVISED TO TURN OFF TRANSMITTERS TO AVOID TARGETING

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>17 minutes ago


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086a84 No.116336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144171 (282156ZDEC23) Notable: Hospitals in California, Illinois, New York the U.S. have reintroduced mask mandates

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COVID Mask Mandates Return in California, Illinois, New York

Dec 28, 2023 at 11:52 AM EST

Hospitals in areas across the U.S. have reintroduced mask mandates to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.

City hospitals in New York City have reinstated masks after data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed a spike in cases in the state.

In New York, officials in hospitals felt the rise in hospital admissions in parts of the state including Suffolk and Nassau counties—both coping with a 33.2 percent rise in hospitalizations compared to the week before—was enough to reintroduce a mask mandate.


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086a84 No.116337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144175 (282157ZDEC23) Notable: JENA GRISWOLD CALL TO DIG

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Anons have been digging on this corrupt Soros-funded Dem activist for years, here's a record from qresear.ch from OLD to NEW:

>>>/qresearch/10812930 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote 9/28/2020

>>>/qresearch/10876069 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause 10/01/2020

>>>/qresearch/11546019 Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls... against Jena Griswold 10/05/2020

>>>/qresearch/11725545 Colorado's Secretary of State jena griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website 11/21/2020

>>>/qresearch/11733822 Jena Griswold Of course Soros backed. 11/21/2020

>>>/qresearch/11956594 Sec. of State Griswold certifies Colorado's 2020 General Election results 12/08/2020

>>>/qresearch/13936280 Griswold worked for Obama's campaign, The first elected Democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1963 and the first woman Dem to ever hold the office 06/19/21

>>>/qresearch/13952417 Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits, Griswod: "My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits" 06/21/21

>>>/qresearch/14260220 Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, 'Protect' Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers 8/03/2021

>>>/qresearch/14312219 Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County 8/10/21

>>>/qresearch/14319848 jena griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters 8/11/2021

>>>/qresearch/14337711, >>>/qresearch/14337757, >>>/qresearch/14337772 , >>>/qresearch/14337796, >>>/qresearch/14337819, >>>/qresearch/14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

>>>/qresearch/14338431 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold recently made it clear she prioritizes political posturing over sound public policy 8/12/2021

>>>/qresearch/14340210 CMz: Why is Jena Griswold trying to blame Tina Peters for the bios passwords leak when only Jena Griswold should have had access? 8/12/2021

>>>/qresearch/14340575 BV, please rename this bread to #18142: How Many More Scapegoats Does jena griswold Need? Edition , ty, baker 8/12/2021

>>>/qresearch/14339761 Jenna griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it 8/12/2021

>>>/qresearch/14347149, >>>/qresearch/14347219 CM Forwards Seth Keshel - I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State jena griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County.. 8/14/2021

>>>/qresearch/14351848 Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor?? 8 /14/2021

>>>/qresearch/14358374, >>>/qresearch/14358379 CodeMonkeyZ - Can jena griswold be trusted with a "Trusted Build"? (VIDEO) 8 /15/2021

>>>/qresearch/14366937, >>>/qresearch/14366958, >>>/qresearch/14366967, >>>/qresearch/14366974, >>>/qresearch/14367040 Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

>>>/qresearch/14393414 FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach 08/18/21

>>>/qresearch/14411326 Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords 08/20/21

>> Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits 08/30/21

>>>/qresearch/14492722 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election 8/30/2021

>>>/qresearch/14499816 CODEMONKEYZ - jena griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election 9/1/2021

>>>/qresearch/14538598 Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. jena griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd 09-08-2021

>>>/qresearch/14603663 Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight 9/17-2021

>>>/qresearch/14641487 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold wanted private security due to threats 2021-09-23

>>>/qresearch/14667574 Election Records Are Being Destroyed! 2021-09-26

>>>/qresearch/14692969 Mesa County Court Tina Peters case to be decided by District Judge Valerie Robison, Secretary of State jena griswold… 2021-09-30

>>>/qresearch/15278556 griswold asks judge to dismiss 'baseless' GOP election-denier lawsuit 2021-12-30

>>>/qresearch/15521139 Bad News 4 Soros-Backed SOS jena griswold - Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit 2022-02-01

>>>/qresearch/15643356 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Being Sued for: Not Legally Certifying 2020 Election 2022-03-12

>>>/qresearch/15918337 jena griswold BTFO third report on mesa county voting machines released 2022-03-22 12/27/23

>>>/qresearch/16219070 jena griswold Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete 2022-05-06

>>>/qresearch/16219101 jena griswold Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives 2022-05-06

>>>/qresearch/15848725 Two Colorado County Clerks Sue Deceitful Secretary of State jena griswold - Ask Court for Permission to Use Their Saved Voting Machine Data to See If griswold Illegally Meddled with Machines 2022-02-17

>>>/qresearch/17394595, >>>/qresearch/17394609 Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, jena griswold, for Illegal Recount - Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado 9/14/2022

>>>/qresearch/18089489 2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners 1/6/2023

>>>/qresearch/19523510 Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through 9/6/2023

>>116124 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections - “What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

Seems like Griswold is skating on pretty thin ice at this point.

is that why she's now backed down on the issue of Trump appearing on the ballot - too much attention on HER and her corrupt regime?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144183 (282159ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote 9/28/2020

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>>>/qresearch/10812930 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote 9/28/2020

Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote

Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold sent a postcard to non-citizens and the dead encouraging them to register to vote so they can cast ballots in November.

Griswold sent a mailer to several people who are not eligible to vote, CBS4 reported, in a swing state that has a U.S. Senate seat on the ballot this year and could prove pivotal in the presidential race.

Karen Anderson said she received one addressed to her mother.

“Which sounds really nice except my mother has been dead four years and she hasn’t lived, voted, owned property, worked, or done anything other than visit Colorado since 1967,” Anderson told the news station.

CBS4 found a dozen other examples, including “a deceased woman in Las Animas County, six migrant workers in Otero County, a Canadian in Douglas County, a man from Lebanon in Jefferson County, and a British citizen in Arapahoe County.”

The state defended sending the mailers to people who are not eligible to vote, according to federal law.

“Yes, it’s true that occasionally it will go to a person that it shouldn’t go to, someone who’s already registered or somebody that’s below the age of 18, but the vast, vast majority go to the people who are eligible and then many of them follow-up and become registered voters and they get their ballot in the mail and can vote in our election,” Judd Choate, director the secretary of state’s elections division, told CBS4.

The state sent 750,000 postcards with the hopes of ten percent of recipients registering to vote.

“He [Choate] says he’ll take the chance that a few will get the postcard who shouldn’t, if it means increasing voter participation by 75,000 people,” CBS4 reported.

Griswold is a progressive secretary of state similar to Michigan’s Jocelyn Benson (D).

Both spoke at the 2020 Netroots Nation conference on “protecting the vote.”

They also appeared together at a Center for American Progress event on protecting “America’s right to vote.”

“Our constitutional rights do not stop during a crisis,” Griswold said at that event, the Gazette reported, arguing the coronavirus pandemic should be used to advance progressive objectives to decrease voting safeguards.

In August, Griswold attacked President Donald Trump after he questioned vote-by-mail elections.

“The president has shown a degree of disrespect to this country that is just un-American,” Griswold declared, according to the New York Times. “There is something that we should all be able to agree on and that is well-functioning elections.”


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086a84 No.116339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144186 (282200ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause 10/01/2020

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>>>/qresearch/10876069 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause 10/01/2020






Not notable, no sauce (the twat is hear say) - it would be notable if verified with CBS sauce.

DENVER (CBS4) — Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause.

ATTN NATIONAL MEDIA EXECUTIVES: Our democracy cannot be held hostage to a ratings race. If you care about our democracy, you will protect it. Full Stop. (thread)

— Jena Griswold (@JenaGriswold) October 1, 2020

“Our democracy cannot be held hostage to a ratings race. If you care about our democracy, you will protect it. Full Stop,” Griswold tweeted.

“We are in the middle of a pandemic and the President of the United States has telegraphed that he may claim victory on election night, even when millions of ballots will not have been counted,” she continued.

“Indisputable facts: 1. This is no normal election. A record number of Americans will be voting by mail. 2. Election ‘night’ will be dramatically different than ever before. We need an UNPRECEDENTED plan from the media for how they will cover an unprecedented election.”

“That is why I am calling on national media networks to pledge to #PressPause for democracy and: 1. Make NO projections on election night 2. Announce NO election results on election night”

“In the coming days, I will ask election administrators, voting rights organizations, media ethicists, corporations, religious leaders, and all concerned Americans to stand with me in demanding media executives #PressPause for democracy.”

Mail-in voting has recently been a target of the Trump administration, with the president claiming it would lead to fraud.

“There is a lot of misinformation about this election. Unfortunately a lot of it comes from the President of United States,” Griswold said at a a virtual town hall Thursday.

Griswold, a Democrat, praised Colorado’s systems as being at the “forefront of accessible elections,” saying it includes mail-in voting, which started in 2013. Griswold encouraged mail-in voting due to the health risks of the coronavirus pandemic and noted that there are over 350 ballot drop boxes across the state.

This is a developing story and will be updated with more information.


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086a84 No.116340

File: 5b8bb12455a4526⋯.png (1.13 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144194 (282202ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls… against Jena Griswold 10/05/2020

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>>>/qresearch/11546019 Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls… against Jena Griswold 10/05/2020


(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of itself and three residents of Colorado against Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State, and the State of Colorado for failing to clean the state’s voter rolls as required by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) (Judicial Watch et al. v. Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and State of Colorado (No. 1:20-cv-02992)).

In its lawsuit against Colorado Judicial Watch argues:

A 2019 study showed that 40 of Colorado’s 64 counties had voter registration rates exceeding 100% of the eligible citizen voting-age population.The share of Colorado counties with registration rates exceeding 100% was the highest in the nation.

A study from last month confirmed that as many as 39 Colorado counties had registration rates exceeding 100% at any one time during the relevant reporting period.

Data Colorado itself provided to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) showed that Colorado was lagging in the processing and removal of certain classes of ineligible registrations belonging to those who had moved out of state.

In eight Colorado counties, more than one in six registrations belonged to an inactive voter.

Judicial Watch notes that registration rates over 100%, poor processing of out-of-date registrations, and high levels of inactive registrations “indicate an ongoing, systemic problem with Colorado’s voter list maintenance efforts.” Colorado’s “failure to comply with their … voter list maintenance obligations” injures lawfully registered voters by “undermining their confidence in the integrity of the electoral process, discouraging their participation in the democratic process, and instilling in them the fear that their legitimate votes will be nullified or diluted.”

Judicial Watch has asked the court to declare that Colorado and its Secretary of State are violating the NVRA and to order them to “develop and implement a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the registrations of ineligible registrants from the voter rolls in Colorado …”

“It is a direct threat to free and fair elections that with record numbers of mail-in ballots this cycle, over half of Colorado counties have more people registered to vote than are eligible to register,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “With its inaction, Colorado has failed its citizens and opened itself up to potentially be the victim of massive voter fraud.”

Judicial Watch is a national leader for cleaner elections.

V=Earlier this year, Judicial Watch sued Pennsylvania and North Carolina== for failing to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls as required by federal law. The lawsuits allege that the two states have nearly 2 million extra names on voter registration rolls.

In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld a voter-roll cleanup program that resulted from a Judicial Watch settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio. California settled a NVRA lawsuit with Judicial Watch and last year began the process of removing up to 1.6 million inactive names from Los Angeles County’s voter rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of hundreds of thousands of old registrations last year after it entered into a consent decree to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.

In September 2020, Judicial Watch sued Illinois for refusing to disclose voter roll data in violation of Federal law.

Judicial Watch’s 2019 study found 378 counties nationwide that had more voter registrations than citizens old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark.

Judicial Watch Attorney Robert Popper is the director of Judicial Watch’s clean elections initiative.

Colorado leads the nation in percentage of counties with more than 100% of eligible voters registered to vote


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086a84 No.116341

File: 77cf065e7670142⋯.png (144.24 KB,1430x769,1430:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144199 (282203ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Jena Griswold Of course Soros backed. 11/21/2020

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>>>/qresearch/11725545 Colorado's Secretary of State jena griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website 11/21/2020

Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website (www.sos.state.co.us). Direct connection to Sequoia and Smartmatic through Senior Product Manager - Ronald Morales.

More here:


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086a84 No.116342

File: 7486699ebf8fed0⋯.png (1.63 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144213 (282206ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Griswold worked for Obama's campaign, The first elected Democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1963 and the first woman Dem to ever hold the office 06/19/21

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>>>/qresearch/11956594 Sec. of State Griswold certifies Colorado's 2020 General Election results 12/08/2020

Sec. of State Griswold certifies Colorado's 2020 General Election resultsDENVER – Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold on Tuesday certified the state’s 2020 General Election results – the final step in making the election final before presidential electors vote on Dec. 14.

Colorado’s nine electors will cast their ballot for Joe Biden in accordance with state law and this year’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling after Biden defeated President Donald Trump by 13.5% points in the Centennial State, 55.4% to 41.9%.

Colorado had the nation’s second-highest voter turnout rate among both active registered voters (86.5%) and the voting-eligible population (76.4%), Griswold said, only topped by Minnesota. Griswold said that turnout among voters aged 18-24 was 76.7%.

Griswold said that 86% of voters returned their ballots prior to election day and 94% of voters of all parties voting using their mail ballots, with 12,260 people registering to vote on Election Day.

Griswold lauded the work by county clerks across the state in completing the election and subsequent audits, and recounts in a few counties, ahead of certification.

Griswold also brushed aside a letter sent by several Republican state lawmakers to the House Speaker calling for a special committee on election integrity and an independent audit of Dominion voting machines as political theater, saying that multiple audits had already been completed, and that the Dominion equipment was selected and certified by bipartisan teams, the state and feds.


In all, 3,291,548 Coloradans votes were counted, with unaffiliated voters being the top voting bloc, with 1,276,834 ballots counted.

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086a84 No.116343

File: ee037df2df42ca4⋯.png (20.51 KB,582x170,291:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144217 (282207ZDEC23) Notable: OUR BORDER HAS COLLAPSED, OUR COUNTRY IS BEING INVADED. MAGA!

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Caps = 547

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086a84 No.116344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144221 (282208ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits, Griswod: "My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits" 06/21/21

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>>>/qresearch/13952417 Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits, Griswod: "My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits" 06/21/21

Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits

Last month, Democrats across the country were horrified when Republican voters in Arizona began auditing the state’s highly dubious 2020 election debacle, specifically for Maricopa County where, after the counting was delayed for days last November, a surprise flood of last-minute ballots suddenly materialized – handing that key swing state to Democratic nominee Joe Biden, albeit by the slimmest of margins.

In response to these numerous calls nationwide for election accountability, Democrats in Colorado have rushed to pass new ‘measures’ that prohibit any such election audits from taking place in the Democrat-controlled state.

“My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits in the State of Colorado. We will not risk the state’s election security nor perpetuate The Big Lie. Fraudits have no place in Colorado,” said Secretary of State, Democrat Jena Griswold on Twitter this week.

My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits in the State of Colorado. We will not risk the state’s election security nor perpetuate The Big Lie. Fraudits have no place in Colorado. https://t.co/PFLCjJJmZg

— Jena Griswold (@JenaGriswold) June 17, 2021

“Colorado’s elections are considered the safest in the nation, and we must remain steadfast in our dedication to security,” said Griswold in her press release. “Along those lines, no third-party person or vendor will be permitted access to voting equipment in our state. We will not risk the state’s election security nor perpetuate The Big Lie. Sham audits have no place in Colorado.”

The Independent Chronicle reports…

The rules dictate that only certain qualified parties can access the state’s voting systems, including, “an employee of the county clerk, an employee of the voting system provider, an employee of the Secretary of State’s Office, or an appointed election judge.” The party must also pass “a comprehensive criminal background check” to access the systems.

Texas senator Ted Cruz responded to Colorado’s measure, asking why they would prohibit ballot audits if they truly had nothing to hide.

“This is just odd,” Cruz tweeted. “Who puts out rules saying ‘NO AUDITS ALLOWED!!’ Only those with something to hide.”

“If a company said “WE REFUSE TO BE AUDITED,” would you invest in them? (And to the straw man re “sham” audits, of course, don’t have a sham. But real audits are good.)” his tweet continued.

This is just odd. 🧐

Who puts out rules saying “NO AUDITS ALLOWED!!”

Only those with something to hide.

If a company said “WE REFUSE TO BE AUDITED,” would you invest in them?

(And to the straw man re “sham” audits, of course, don’t have a sham. But real audits are good.) https://t.co/db4PsMa4z7

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 19, 2021


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086a84 No.116345

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144222 (282208ZDEC23) Notable: BACK ON THE BALLOT.mp4

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086a84 No.116346

File: fdc49dfe178fce2⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1620x1512,15:14,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144231 (282209ZDEC23) Notable: Dog found stabbed 17 times on Long Island, $5K reward offered

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Dog found stabbed 17 times on Long Island, $5K reward offered

Article is comms.


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086a84 No.116347

File: 46521c33b8a4229⋯.png (217 KB,724x483,724:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144232 (282209ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, 'Protect' Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers 8/03/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14260220 Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, 'Protect' Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers 8/03/2021

Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, ‘Protect’ Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers — Hearing Today at 1 PM!

Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, ‘Protect’ Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers — Hearing Today at 1 PM!

Soros-funded Colorado Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, is moving quickly to crack down on free, fair and open elections in the state.

Today (Tuesday) at 1:00 PM the Colorado Secretary Of State is holding a virtual hearing which she is required to do by law concerning her permanent rule change.

The hearing today is for voter comment but she is not required to do any follow-up. Jenna is the final authority.


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086a84 No.116348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144235 (282210ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County 8/10/21

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>>>/qresearch/14312219 Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County 8/10/21

Apologies if already noted.

Yesterday, CO Sec of State issued a notice about some so-called activity happening in Mesa County.


Reported in the news:

Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County

DENVER, Colo. — Today, the Colorado Secretary of State’s office issued an Order in response to a potential chain-of-custody and security protocol breach for Mesa County’s voting system components.

Several items were published online that constituted a breach in the security protocols for Mesa County voting system components. The posted images depict the BIOS passwords specific to the individual hardware stations of Mesa County’s voting system. The public disclosure of the BIOS passwords for one or more components of Mesa County’s voting system alone constitutes a serious breach of voting system security protocols, as well as a violation of Election Rule 20.6.1. This breach in security protocol has not created an imminent direct security risk to Colorado’s elections and did not occur during an election.

It is likely from the content of the social media postings that this sensitive information was collected during the limited access trusted build installation in Mesa County on May 25, 2021. The collection and dissemination of this information during the trusted build installation violated security protocols and Department of State rules governing the process. In response to this breach in protocols, the Secretary of State’s office has sent an Order requesting inspection of election equipment and other relevant materials to the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, these violations may result in the decertification of the voting systems in Mesa County.


However... is CO SOS Griswold just trying to deflect

from the Aug. 4th rule-making hearing?

Where SO many testified against her?


If you haven't heard the hearing, and you have an interest in watching what's going on in CO, I'd highly recommend it!

Call to Action

Also, if you are involved at all for the State of CO, I would highly recommend sending CO SOS Griswold a letter, along with anyone else (CO legislators) and members of the Senate Intelligence Committee to recommend that Jena Griswold address the comments by constituents of the Aug. 4th hearing while also supporting Mesa County City Clerk's efforts to ensure election integrity despite CO SOS Griswold's interference in questionable practices using Dominion, and issuing orders for updates of critical systems that further eroding public trust in election integrity.

Contact CO Sec of State here:


U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Members: (maybe contact Tom Cotton, w/message supporting Mesa County City Clerk Tina Peters while questioning the actions of Griswold?)


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086a84 No.116349

File: a6363825fd8c316⋯.jpg (184.9 KB,720x1100,36:55,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99f05b724adf057⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,644x360,161:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144249 (282212ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters 8/11/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14319848 jena griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters 8/11/2021


Mike Lindell's cyber symposium.

Jena Griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters (with a search warrant). https://t.co/A06Z5xYR7l

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086a84 No.116350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144254 (282213ZDEC23) Notable: Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

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Report: Joe Biden Takes 418th Vacation Day in Virgin Islands for New Year’s

Just a thought

Wouldn't that be a perfect hidden from prying eyes place for jojo to have a fatal fall, heart attack or aneurysm?

He will never se seen again. No need to pursue hunter... cos no jojo.

Then they put camel as pres and let the rest of the dems have a free for all.

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086a84 No.116351

File: deb6434e4c5450b⋯.mp4 (13.63 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144283 (282218ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14337711, >>>/qresearch/14337757, >>>/qresearch/14337772 , >>>/qresearch/14337796, >>>/qresearch/14337819, >>>/qresearch/14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021


clip mp4


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086a84 No.116352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144285 (282219ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

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> >>>/qresearch/14337711, >>>/qresearch/14337757, >>>/qresearch/14337772 , >>>/qresearch/14337796, >>>/qresearch/14337819, >>>/qresearch/14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

Mesa County Elections Decertified

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo – Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately.

The Secretary of State’s office found enough evidence during its investigation of a recent security breach in which passwords to elections systems were posted on social media.

This is a breaking news story and more details will come as they are made available.


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086a84 No.116353

File: 5aae4ec3cbe2f1b⋯.png (185.64 KB,698x542,349:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144292 (282220ZDEC23) Notable: Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Joe Biden Takes 418th Vacation Day in Virgin Islands for New Year’s

Where's his new property?

One of Epstein's old cabanas?

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086a84 No.116354

File: e6ad58d4841bc4e⋯.jpg (77.12 KB,1000x486,500:243,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4ffbc69ab7af885⋯.jpg (57.92 KB,720x763,720:763,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144296 (282220ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

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>>>>/qresearch/14337711, >>>/qresearch/14337757, >>>/qresearch/14337772 , >>>/qresearch/14337796, >>>/qresearch/14337819, >>>/qresearch/14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116355

File: 8978576c1fff7f2⋯.png (1.96 MB,2048x1362,1024:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144303 (282222ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

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>>>>/qresearch/14337711, >>>/qresearch/14337757, >>>/qresearch/14337772 , >>>/qresearch/14337796, >>>/qresearch/14337819, >>>/qresearch/14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144304 (282223ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/14337711, >>>/qresearch/14337757, >>>/qresearch/14337772 , >>>/qresearch/14337796, >>>/qresearch/14337819, >>>/qresearch/14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021



Better Sauce.

Secretary of State Jena Griswold said the county will have to replace voting equipment by Aug. 30, or hand count ballots in the next election, after security breach.

Colorado Secretary of State orders Mesa County to stop using election equipment


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086a84 No.116357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144310 (282223ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14337711, >>>/qresearch/14337757, >>>/qresearch/14337772 , >>>/qresearch/14337796, >>>/qresearch/14337819, >>>/qresearch/14337857,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021



If a county decertifies its election by default the state would also have to decertify too.

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086a84 No.116358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144312 (282224ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CMz: Why is Jena Griswold trying to blame Tina Peters for the bios passwords leak when only Jena Griswold should have had access? 8/12/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14338431 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold recently made it clear she prioritizes political posturing over sound public policy 8/12/2021


Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold recently made it clear she prioritizes political posturing over sound public policy.

Less than six months into her term, Griswold has already destabilized the reputation her predecessors — both Republican and Democratic — worked to build around fair, nonpolitical excellence.

Two days after Alabama passed legislation barring most abortions, Griswold barred her employees from business travel to Alabama. A week later, an open records request provided evidence that Griswold passed her news release on the boycott through Planned Parenthood for revision before release.

Consequently, when Griswold chose to bar her employees from traveling to Alabama for training and certification related to elections — a core duty of her office — she consciously chose to sacrifice the opportunity to improve her office’s work product in order to make a political statement. That’s a line past Secretaries have been unwilling to cross.


Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Calls for Boycott of Alabama

In Response to New Law in Alabama Limiting Women’s Civil Rights and Rights to Reproductive Health Care, Secretary Griswold Calls for Boycott of Alabama and Takes Action at Department of State

Denver, May 16, 2019 – Today, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold calls on the Election Center to relocate their training out of Alabama and is restricting Colorado Department of State employees' travel to Alabama.

“Until the laws of Alabama allow for safe and legal access to health care for women, we call on the Election Center to move the location of its trainings from Alabama. I will not authorize the spending of state resources on travel to Alabama for this training or any other purpose,” said Secretary Griswold. “This is one action that I can take in response to this egregious law against women.

Colorado Department of State employees regularly travel to Auburn, Alabama to attend the Certified Election Registration Administrator (CERA) training and certification. This training is hosted by the Election Center (also known as the National Association of Election Officials), a non-profit organization aligned with Colorado’s values of fair, accessible, and equitable elections.

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086a84 No.116359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144326 (282227ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Jenna griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it 8/12/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14339761 Jenna griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it 8/12/2021



Yeah, Jenna Griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it.

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086a84 No.116360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144333 (282229ZDEC23) Notable: Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

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Staying at Two Palms Villa at St Croix.

Place is a rental but no idea if he is paying.

Probably getting it for free.

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086a84 No.116361

File: 1a5d07b0fdb0617⋯.png (16.49 KB,426x265,426:265,Clipboard.png)

File: 23fb787b8a0b956⋯.jpeg (358.4 KB,1284x1114,642:557,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144334 (282229ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CM Forwards Seth Keshel - I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State jena griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County.. 8/14/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14347149, >>>/qresearch/14347219 CM Forwards Seth Keshel - I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State jena griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County.. 8/14/2021

New CM https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ/1141


It was from the election numbers guy, Seth Keshel.

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086a84 No.116362

File: d95fdffdd426c1f⋯.png (440.86 KB,473x684,473:684,Clipboard.png)

File: 62251771616405b⋯.png (3.4 MB,1990x5250,199:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144348 (282232ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor?? 8 /14/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14351848 Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor?? 8 /14/2021

Griswold dig

Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor??

Just before Jena G became SoS in DEC 2018, a folksy article in the local Estes Park paper says she was still paying off her student loans:

"Like many post-graduates, she is still paying on her student loans."


And yet, according to one source, she's now worth $10mil.


another source: $1mil-5mil


a third source: $7mil


Granted, none of these sources is the best.

'''But the annual salary of the Colorado SoS =




How much is Jena really worth?

Assuming even the minimum claim of $1mil is true, how'd she get the money in 30 mos on a gov't salary?

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086a84 No.116363

File: b99d9f775a04d26⋯.png (726.17 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144357 (282233ZDEC23) Notable: Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

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Biden’s annual New Year’s getaway in St. Croix sparks controversy over villa’s Airbnb listing

Story by Mary K. Jacob • 23h

he Biden family’s annual St. Croix vacation has stirred controversy as the villa they’re staying in, valued at $3 million, has been publicly listed on Airbnb — leveraging the president’s own name to attract renters.

The private seaside haven known as the Two Palms Villa, where the Bidens are currently staying to ring in 2024, has been advertised on the vacation rental platform for a cool $700 a night.

The owners boast that it has hosted President Biden during his frequent trips to St. Croix — and is now available to cater to vacationers’ dreams.

Despite federal ethics regulations prohibiting federal employees from endorsing commercial enterprises, the utilization of the president’s name in the villa’s listing suggests an unlikely awareness on Biden’s part.

The owners, Bill and Connie Neville, identified as personal friends of the Bidens, host the family without charge. This valuable stay amounts to more than $6,000.

While the listing on Airbnb bears the name “Rich,” presumably a property manager, it’s clarified that the Bidens have no control over the rental website’s content.

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086a84 No.116364

File: f925db9238e1bf9⋯.png (23.85 KB,639x223,639:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 4265e51936db443⋯.png (445.03 KB,587x585,587:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144360 (282234ZDEC23) Notable: New congressional map in Georgia signed off, District Judge Steve C. Jones, an appointee of President Barack Obama

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A federal judge on Thursday approved a new congressional map in Georgia, which maintains the overall partisan split of the state’s congressional delegation. It also imperils Rep. Lucy McBath, who was drawn out of her congressional district.

District Judge Steve C. Jones, an appointee of President Barack Obama, signed off on lines drawn by the GOP-controlled legislature earlier this month. Jones had previously tossed the lines used in the 2022 elections for violating the Voting Rights Act by diluting the power of Black voters in the state, ordering the state to draw more districts where Black voters can elect candidates of their choosing.......



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086a84 No.116365

File: edbe60ae32c485b⋯.mp4 (7.58 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144368 (282236ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CodeMonkeyZ - Can jena griswold be trusted with a "Trusted Build"? (VIDEO) 8 /15/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14358374, >>>/qresearch/14358379 CodeMonkeyZ - Can jena griswold be trusted with a "Trusted Build"? (VIDEO) 8 /15/2021


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [15.08.21 10:16]

[ Video ]

Can Jena Griswold be trusted with a “Trusted Build”?


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086a84 No.116366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144373 (282237ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/14366937, >>>/qresearch/14366958, >>>/qresearch/14366967, >>>/qresearch/14366974, >>>/qresearch/14367040 Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

Check out Jena Griswold's campaign contributions


On the left, click Top Donors

At the top, sort by Type of Contributor

Scroll to Individual

A LOT of out-of-state contributions for odd, small amounts of money

In fact, I might say MOST of these people are states other than Colorado


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086a84 No.116367

File: 88921e882f645ea⋯.png (26.47 KB,601x325,601:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144376 (282237ZDEC23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green daughter’s houses swatted

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green


Both my daughter’s houses just got swatted today.

Big thanks to the police who responded! We appreciate you and support you!

Whoever is doing this, you are going to get caught and it won’t be funny to you anymore.


11:53 AM · Dec 28, 2023


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086a84 No.116368

File: 18cfbc1cea08fbd⋯.png (862.67 KB,1006x769,1006:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144389 (282239ZDEC23) Notable: New congressional map in Georgia signed off, District Judge Steve C. Jones, an appointee of President Barack Obama

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>>116364 New congressional map in Georgia signed off, District Judge Steve C. Jones, an appointee of President Barack Obama





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086a84 No.116369

File: 4f2efdca0537a57⋯.png (5.96 KB,362x135,362:135,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b364c27b74fa2f⋯.png (370.13 KB,1034x610,517:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 5037e0384f8d9ad⋯.png (355.71 KB,1005x617,1005:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144395 (282240ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/14366937, >>>/qresearch/14366958, >>>/qresearch/14366967, >>>/qresearch/14366974, >>>/qresearch/14367040 Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021


Jena Griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com


What is bigfoot.com?



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086a84 No.116370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144398 (282240ZDEC23) Notable: Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who the hell put those chocks there?

They're nowhere near the wheels.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116371

File: d5302a35dafcec0⋯.jpg (469.73 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144406 (282242ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/14366937, >>>/qresearch/14366958, >>>/qresearch/14366967, >>>/qresearch/14366974, >>>/qresearch/14367040 Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021


Might be a Washington thing.. see link



Page says:

About Us

Founded in 2004, Bigfoot Entertainment is an international entertainment company producing independent films for the global marketplace. The company finances and develops feature films, documentaries and reality TV shows, many of which have received industry accolades, festival awards and have been distributed throughout the world. Featuring both well-established and up-and-coming American and international talent, Bigfoot releases have shot on location worldwide including the United States, Hong Kong, China, Africa, Europe and Vietnam. Bigfoot Entertainment produces many of its projects at Bigfoot Studios, a wholly-owned subsidiary that encompasses six sound stages and on-site state-of-the-art post-production facilities.

Bigfoot also develops new filmmakers, talent and industry professionals through the International Academy of Film and Television. Headquartered in Miami Beach with studios in Cebu, Philippines, Bigfoot Entertainment creates content reflecting a Hollywood foundation with a global perspective.


Bigfoot Entertainment strives to create innovative and quality content, products, services and training for the global marketplace.

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086a84 No.116372

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144410 (282243ZDEC23) Notable: Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Great spotting!

Never flew? A prop?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116373

File: 3a736d3eaf1e851⋯.jpg (12.39 KB,561x140,561:140,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144415 (282244ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/14366937, >>>/qresearch/14366958, >>>/qresearch/14366967, >>>/qresearch/14366974, >>>/qresearch/14367040 Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021


>Jena Griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com


>What is bigfoot.com?




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116374

File: 3820abbd0127abc⋯.png (645.65 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144422 (282245ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach 08/18/21

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>>>/qresearch/14393414 FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach 08/18/21


FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach

The FBI has joined a criminal investigation into an alleged security breach of a rural Colorado county’s voting equipment

The FBI said Wednesday its agents are joining a criminal investigation into an alleged security breach of a rural Colorado county's voting equipment.

The agents are working with Mesa County prosecutors to determine if there was a criminal violation, FBI spokeswoman Courtney Bernal said in a statement.

The federal probe comes after Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold alerted federal cyber security officials within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security of the suspected May breach.

No elections have occurred since, and the federal officials confirmed the alleged breach posed no significant risks “at this point,” Griswold said earlier this week.

The allegations involve images of election management software used by Mesa County election's equipment that were obtained by conspiracy theorists.

Griswold's office said it believes one of the images was taken on May 23 from a secure room where the equipment was stored and accessed by Peters, another county elections worker and a non-employee.

Griswold’s office identified the non-employee but refused to say anything more about who he is or why he was there. The Associated Press isn’t naming him until more information becomes available. He has not been charged with a crime.

Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters condemned Griswold’s inquiry into the alleged security breach at an event last week in South Dakota hosted by My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell, who has become well-known for his unwavering support of former President Donald Trump and efforts to overturn the 2020 election because of widespread fraud. A range of election officials across the country, including Trump’s former attorney general, William Barr, have confirmed that widespread fraud did not occur.

Peters said Griswold's investigation is an attempt at a takeover of Mesa County’s elections in one of Colorado’s last Republican strongholds. Peters also alleged the investigation is an attempt by Griswold and Colorado's Democratic Gov. Jared Polis to “control the way you vote," she told the South Dakota audience.

The dispute is the latest illustration of how the November 2020 election that is a distant memory for many remains front and center for some far-right Trump supporters. A Republican-led audit of Arizona ballots has been going on for months despite any evidence to support the review.

Accelerating the dispute on Wednesday, Griswold's office blasted the My Pillow chief executive as the “chief misinformation spreader” in a fundraising email and asked Colorado residents to donate to Griswold's reelection campaign to “take action to show we stand with the truth, not with conspiracy theories created and spread by sore losers.”

The federal inquiry adds yet another layer to the political brawl between Griswold, a Democrat and Peters, a Republican. The feud came to a head last week when Griswold accused Peters of assisting in the security breach by directing staff to turn off video surveillance of its voting equipment before a May 25 software update and allowing a non-employee into the elections office at that time.

Griswold appointed Mesa County Treasurer Sheila Reiner to supervise the county’s upcoming elections and a three-person advisory committee to assist Reiner. Griswold also ordered Mesa County to replace its voting equipment due to the posting of the county’s voting equipment passwords on a far-right blog.

Colorado’s voting system has been praised by officials, including former Trump-appointed Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen, as one of the nation's safest.

The state’s election procedures were developed under both Republican and Democrat-appointed secretary of states.


Nieberg is a corps member for the Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.

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086a84 No.116375

File: c09692fb1d2cd9f⋯.png (243.66 KB,599x511,599:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144424 (282246ZDEC23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they'd do this to him, they'd do it to you.

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Tucker Carlson


Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they'd do this to him, they'd do it to you.

2:00 PM · Dec 28, 2023


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086a84 No.116376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144426 (282246ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords 08/20/21

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>>>/qresearch/14411326 Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords 08/20/21


the tale of tina peters, and the dark days ahead for whistleblowers

Tina Peters is a gold star mom, a cancer survivor, a public servant, and a courageous whistleblower. And the rapidly unfolding events in Mesa County are making smoke coming out of my ears.

As the County Clerk and Recorder for Mesa County, Tina Peters is the official — duly elected by the people of Mesa County — in charge of elections, with official custody (and responsibility) for the election equipment and electronics. This is Tina’s first term as Clerk and Recorder for Mesa County, and there was some turmoil surrounding her taking office from her predecessor, Sheila Reiner, after the November election.

Months after the transfer of power, it was discovered that Ms. Reiner had (allegedly) retained, for herself and her staff, access to highly secure facilities for election equipment. Worse, she may have expanded this access to include additional unknown players right before leaving office. Some peaceful transfer of power, huh?

When Tina Peters brought this to Mesa County District Attorney Dan Rubinstein, Dan said, allegedly, that he didn’t have time to investigate the badge access evidence that Tina brought. Typical bureaucrat. Sheila then went on to participate in the effort to recall Clerk Peters. This lady has a major grudge.

But that was months ago. A mere tussle between clerks during a transfer of power, right?

Well, let’s look at recent news, shall we? In one week, Colorado Secretary of State Jonestown Jena (JJ for short), the partisan hack whose power drunkenness would make George III blush, has raided Tina’s office twice. The first was on August 11th and, considering the nature of the events, intent appears to be to doctor evidence and modify the machines with no observers present. Then on August 16th, it’s rumored that JJ’s flying monkeys raided Tina’s office again to seize all the equipment. In between those two raids, Jena Grinchwald swung by the home of a private citizen and stole toys from children — literally.

What does JJ cite as her reason and authority? Her reason is that she alleges Tina stole passwords that Tina doesn’t have. She has no evidence of this, she just says it. And the authority she cites is, “because I said so.”

First on the passwords: Only Dominion and the Secretary of State have the passwords. We know this because of the months long drama in Arizona where they won’t release the passwords. Every person in America right now knows how tightly held those passwords are. What’s more likely? That Dominion has different access rules across states for their super secret passwords, or that the standard in Arizona holds?

Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords.

Read further


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086a84 No.116377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144440 (282249ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits 08/30/21

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>>>/qresearch/14492541 Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits 08/30/21

Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits

Whether Colorado election fraud is a real problem or not will remain unknown, as the state’s George Soros-backed SecState will permanently ban Arizona-style third-party audits.

Colorado Politics reported on Friday that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold “is permanently adopting the emergency rules rolled out earlier this summer to block future efforts at an Arizona-style ‘forensic audit’ conducted by a third party.”

How’s that for restoring people’s faith in election integrity?

Left unsaid: Exactly how a third-party audit is either a sham or would put the state’s “election security” at risk.

While Griswold’s rules would prevent potentially shady people who haven’t passed a background check from accessing voting machines, they would also block trusted “third parties, such as the Cyber Ninjas firm brought in by Republicans in the Arizona state Senate,” according to Colorado Politics.

Griswold, a former Barack Obama activist, is one of many Democrats throughout the state receiving generous financial backing from the George Soros family.

Colorado switched to all-mail-in voting in 2014, making it easier for groups like those affiliated with Soros to drive up turnout, but raising questions about Colorado election fraud.

A recent poll showed that the overwhelming majority of American voters — 63% — actually “reject the Democrat narrative regarding a number of election integrity issues, over three-quarters indicating they support basic election integrity safeguards such as voter ID and signature verification.”

Griswold’s refusal to even entertain notions of a third-party audit won’t do anything to set those questions aside.

The fact is that Americans from both parties no longer trust our elections.

Democrats still howl that 2016 was stolen somehow by Donald Trump, and Republicans are on firmer ground with questions about the integrity of the 2020 election. As I’m sure you’ll recall, that race was tainted with last-minute rules changes by unelected judges, mail-in balloting in states with no experience with them, questionable voting machines, Big Tech money, and more.

Third-party audits — and lots of them — might go a long way toward restoring faith.

But not here in Colorado. Not under Jena Griswold.


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086a84 No.116378

File: 64a739f9b89935d⋯.png (3.03 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144454 (282252ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election 8/30/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14492722 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election 8/30/2021

Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming electionC Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has filed a lawsuit seeking to prevent embattled Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters from being involved in the election in November.

Griswold’s filing asks the Mesa County District Court to make former Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams the county’s designated election official, and county Treasurer Sheila Reiner the elections director. Williams and Reiner are Republicans.

“My priority is ensuring that the voters of Mesa County have accessible and secure elections. With the quickly approaching election, I am taking action to ensure that the county’s election office can provide great elections for Mesa voters,” Griswold, a Democrat, said in a written statement Monday. “As secretary of state, I will continue to provide the support and oversight needed to ensure the integrity of Colorado’s elections.”

Griswold’s office said that the legal action “is necessary because although the Secretary of State’s Office can require supervision of a county clerk’s conduct, it cannot remove a sitting county clerk from acting as the designated election official.”

A designated election official is a person responsible for running elections for a local government, like a municipality or a county. They make determinations regarding elections issues for their municipality or county.

Griswold had already appointed Reiner to supervise the upcoming election. Mesa County’s commissioners, meanwhile, sought to have Williams appointed as the county’s designated election official.

Peters, a Republican who has cast baseless doubt on the results of the 2020 presidential election, is under investigation after a copy of an election system hard drive and Dominion Voting Systems equipment passwords from her office were posted online. Griswold claims that evidence shows Peters helped facilitate the leaks, at least in part, by allowing an unauthorized person to attend a secure software update.

The FBI, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office and Mesa County prosecutors are all investigating the situation.

“Colorado’s electorate cannot wait for the final resolution of these investigations and any criminal charges that may ultimately be filed,” the lawsuit says. “Counties are now preparing for the Nov. 2, 2021, coordinated statewide election, and Mesa County’s participation in that election must be conducted by a chief designated election official who is able to perform the duties required by the Election Code.”

The lawsuit alleges “Peters has breached her duties and committed wrongful acts.” Specifically, it asks that the court rule she is absent or unable to perform her duties.

Peters, who has been in hiding for several weeks, has not responded to Colorado Sun requests for an interview.

Peters attended a conference in South Dakota earlier this month held by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, an ally of President Donald Trump who has made baseless claims about last year’s presidential election being stolen. She told Lindell that she is being persecuted, but provided no proof.

The leaked passwords were specific to Mesa County and the U.S. Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency, housed within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, reviewed the leaked hard drive copies and determined they do not present a risk.

Mesa County was forced to procure new voting equipment before the Nov. 2 election as a result of the security breach.The county commissioners last week extended their contract with Dominion through 2029.


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086a84 No.116379

File: 6525ab2fe56fb6c⋯.png (122.86 KB,392x648,49:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144458 (282253ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / CODEMONKEYZ - jena griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election 9/1/2021

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>>>/qresearch/14499816 CODEMONKEYZ - jena griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election 9/1/2021


Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters is an ELECTED OFFICIAL.

Jena Griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election.




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086a84 No.116380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144459 (282254ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. jena griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd 09-08-2021

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>>>/qresearch/14538598 Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. jena griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd 09-08-2021


Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd Choate, Director of Elections, Colorado Department of State

Case Background

The Brennan Center for Justice, working with pro bono counsel at Reed Smith LLP, filed an amicus brief in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado to defend the constitutionality of Colorado campaign disclosure requirements for ballot committees. Plaintiff-Appellant Colorado Union of Taxpayers sued Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and Director of Elections Judd Choate in their official capacities, contending that the law’s donor disclosure requirements for advocacy supporting or opposing state ballot propositions chills free speech.

The Brennan Center’s brief highlights ways in which campaign transparency advances the core goals of the First Amendment. It also discusses the large body of social science research and judicial findings supporting the value of electoral transparency measures like Colorado’s law.

To read the Brennan Center's briefs in this case, as well as other materials, see below.

District Court:

Amicus Brief of the Brennan Center et al. in Support of Defendants (August 13, 2021)

Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgement (July 23, 2021)

Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgement (July 23, 2021)

Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint (May 24, 2021)


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086a84 No.116381

File: 9c29e5625d20b93⋯.png (812.87 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144464 (282255ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight 9/17-2021

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>>>/qresearch/14603663 Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight 9/17-2021

Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight

Mesa County ClerkTina Peters appeared at an event in Grand Junction on Thursday night, vowing to fight investigations into her office, chastising the Colorado Secretary of State and asking supporters for donations to fund her legal defense.

“I’m so happy to be home. This is where my heart is and this is where we’re going to take back America,” Peters told a crowd gathered at Appleton Christian Church.

The event, which was livestreamed on the Stand For The Constitution Grand Junction Facebook Page, was billed as a “Stand With Tina” rally and featured a handful of speakers. It was Peters’ first public appearance in Grand Junction after an investigation into her office was announced in August.

“It’s places like Mesa County that can be the catalyst to take back our country. And we need your help,” Peters told the crowd. “And it starts today.”

In addition to detailing a website where supporters could contribute to her defense fund, standwithtina.org, Peters also explained some of the events that led the clerk to allegedly tamper with county voting machines, prompting an investigation by the Secretary of State’s Office as well as the District Attorney.

Peters said after the 2020 election, she received calls and emails from hundreds of residents who believed the election was illegitimate, and she began investigating those claims on their behalf.

Peters and her deputy, Belinda Knisley, are both the subject of local, state and federal investigations into possible criminal violations that involved revealing secure passwords and hard drives to Dominion voting machines with voter fraud conspiracy theorists. As a result, both also have been temporarily prohibited from conducting this fall’s elections and Secretary of State Jena Griswold is taking action to have Peters removed from election duties.

“Some powerful people don’t want us to look at the facts. In fact,they’re trying to remove me as the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder,” Peters said, pausing for the crowd before continuing, “just for doing my job.”

Peters also addressed the fact that she’s been working remotely since appearing at a voter fraud symposium in early August. The investigation into Peters was announced while she was at the South Dakota event and the clerk, until Thursday night, had not appeared in Mesa County since.

Peters also referenced Griswold directly, saying they disagree politically “and now, she has the arrogance to try and completely remove me.”

Peters ended her remarks with a plea to the audience to support her in the weeks ahead.


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086a84 No.116382

File: da689025ef8ec3e⋯.png (272.11 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144471 (282256ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold wanted private security due to threats 2021-09-23

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>>>/qresearch/14641487 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold wanted private security due to threats 2021-09-23

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold wanted private security due to threats. One state board said no


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086a84 No.116383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144474 (282257ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Election Records Are Being Destroyed! 2021-09-26

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>>>/qresearch/14667574 Election Records Are Being Destroyed! 2021-09-26

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlaRe-p3tTo - Tina Peters and Sherronna Bishop: Searching for the Truth [Channel: Truth & Liberty Coalition]

Critical Breaking News:

Election Records Are Being Destroyed!

Stand with Patriots by Fighting for Election Integrity, Calling for Protection of Records, and Demanding Investigations into Interference!

Mesa County (Colorado) Clerk

Tina Peters


and grassroots activist Sherronna Bishop

shared an explosive revelation on this week’s Truth & Liberty livecast.


County Clerk Peters, a Gold Star mother, stated that Democrat Colorado Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, and Dominion Voting Systems personnel deleted tens of thousands of files from the county’s vote tabulation machine.

Peters and Bishop contend the destruction of records is a violation of Federal and State laws requiring officials to maintain election records for twenty two months under federal law and 25 months under state law. Griswold announced, just months after the disputed 2020 election, that her office would be doing a “software update” on all the voting machines in the state. Peters said that many people in her county had been approaching her with concerns about irregularities in the 2020 election.

'When the Griswold-Dominion software update was announced, Peters became concerned that important records could be permanently destroyed. Peters took action to preserve the records by having a mirror image of the machine’s hard drive created before the so-called update. After the update by Griswold and Dominion, conducted May 25-26, Peters also had a copy made of the new hard drive. Now she has before and after images of the drive.


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086a84 No.116384

File: 805cc32f45b4000⋯.png (45.42 KB,686x265,686:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144484 (282258ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Mesa County Court Tina Peters case to be decided by District Judge Valerie Robison, Secretary of State jena griswold… 2021-09-30

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>>>/qresearch/14692969 Mesa County Court Tina Peters case to be decided by District Judge Valerie Robison, Secretary of State jena griswold… 2021-09-30

A planned hearing today to discuss any potential disagreements in the facts behind the case of whether Mesa County Court Tina Peters should be temporarily barred from conducting this fall’s election has been canceled.


Instead, District Judge Valerie Robison will decide the case between Secretary of State Jena Griswold and Peters and her deputy, Belinda Knisley, solely on the legal briefs that have been filed to her court, and issue her ruling by Oct. 13, possibly before.

That’s several days after the first day that county clerks can mail ballots to voters, which they can do on Oct. 8.

Robison’s decision will be based on multiple briefs and exhibits filed by Peters’ attorney, former Secretary of State Scott Gessler, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser and Mesa County attorney Todd Starr over the past week.


NY Times changes the American Flag, and Jew Kike Griswold changes Colorado Logo....neat.

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086a84 No.116385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144487 (282259ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / griswold asks judge to dismiss 'baseless' GOP election-denier lawsuit 2021-12-30

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>>>/qresearch/15278556 griswold asks judge to dismiss 'baseless' GOP election-denier lawsuit 2021-12-30


Griswold asks judge to dismiss ‘baseless’ GOP election-denier lawsuit

Six Republican-elected officials are asking for an ‘audit’ of 2020 results

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has asked a judge to throw out a lawsuit filed by six Republican-elected officials seeking to launch a third-party “audit” of the 2020 election, part of a broader effort to spread baseless conspiracy theories about widespread voter fraud and seize control of state elections.

Griswold’s response, submitted on Monday, moves to dismiss all three claims for relief made by the lawsuit against her, which was filed last month by a group of GOP officials led by state Rep. Ron Hanks, a Penrose lawmaker and 2022 candidate for U.S. Senate.

“My office is requesting the judge dismiss this baseless lawsuit,” Griswold said in a statement. “The plaintiffs’ allegations are patently false, and their legal justifications without merit. Nationwide, bad actors are abusing the judicial process to spread disinformation, undermine confidence in elections, and suppress the right to vote. It is extremely concerning to see elected officials here in Colorado spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

Hanks’ lawsuit raises a series of objections to the secretary of state’s election procedures, including Griswold’s adoption of emergency rules prohibiting what she called “sham election audits” like the one that took place earlier this year in Arizona. That effort, conducted by Florida-based firm Cyber Ninjas at the request of GOP lawmakers, has been widely criticized as undermining confidence in the state’s election system while uncovering no credible evidence of fraud.

Colorado law already requires counties to conduct bipartisan risk-limiting audits, which are designed to provide a statistically high degree of confidence in election results.

Two Republican county clerks, Merlin Klotz of Douglas County and Dallas Schroeder of Elbert County, have joined Hanks as plaintiffs in the lawsuit, along with two Rio Blanco County commissioners, Gary Moyer and Jeff Rector, and Park County Commissioner Amy Mitchell.

Hanks, a first-term lawmaker who announced his candidacy for the Senate seat held by Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet in October, has become one of the state’s most prominent boosters of debunked conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. He was present at a rally in support of former President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, and admitted to crossing police lines during the assault by pro-Trump rioters on the U.S. Capitol.

Earlier this month, Hanks spoke at a “Citizen’s Forum” hosted by an election-denial group in Colorado Springs, at which he laid out a six-point plan for a total overhaul of election procedures in Colorado, beginning with “local-controlled, clean voter rolls” and the abolition of the mail ballot system.

“We are in a moment now where we are going to have to be aggressive,” he told the audience, according to audio of the event obtained by Newsline.

Griswold’s office said that in addition to failing to show that the new audit rules were invalid, other sections of Hanks’ lawsuit rest on false allegations relating to election record-keeping and the accreditation of voting systems.

“As Secretary of State, it is my duty to defend the rights of every Colorado voter – Republican, Democrat, and Unaffiliated, alike – and I will continue to do so,” Griswold said.

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086a84 No.116386

File: a59fc6c2c0191a6⋯.png (130.1 KB,489x541,489:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144493 (282300ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Bad News 4 Soros-Backed SOS jena griswold - Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit 2022-02-01

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>>>/qresearch/15521139 Bad News 4 Soros-Backed SOS jena griswold - Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit 2022-02-01

Bad News for Soros-Backed Secretary of State Jena Griswold — Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit

In November 2021, Colorado citizens filed a lawsuit against radical Secretary of State (SOS) Jena Griswold.

USEIP reported on the lawsuit — Hanks et al v. Griswold was filed in Denver District Court. The most damning facts of the case claim that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and her employees destroyed election records from the 2020 election. Griswold and other Colorado election officials are required by state law to preserve those election records for twenty-five months, and by federal law for twenty-two months. The relief sought in this case is a full, independent forensic audit of Colorado voting systems and the 2020 election in Colorado so citizens’ trust in their elections might be restored.

When asked whether the deleted elections records were significant or simply inconsequential extra files on election servers, or electronic voting equipment, Col. (ret.) Shawn Smith USAF systems testing expert stated,

“The Federal Election Commission’s 2002 Voting System Standards, which are a mandatory standard for Colorado voting systems, require voting systems to maintain and produce ‘all audit trail information,’ including operating system and hardware. The Department of Justice has already confirmed that digital records ARE election records. The federal and state statutes that require preservation of election records were written for the EXACT purpose of ensuring the availability of records EXACTLY like the those destroyed by the Secretary of State.”

Earlier in the year Griswold went on NPR to criticize Mesa County Clerk Ms. Tina Peters and The Gateway Pundit for reporting on Griswold’s request to destroy 2020 Election data.

Ms. Tina Peters copied election data from her county that Jena Griswold told her to delete. For this Griswold sent the FBI in to raid her offices. Jena Griswold wanted to erase all the evidence from the 2020 election but Tina Peters spoiled her plans.

Last week Ashe in America dropped more bad news on Soros-supported SOS Jena Griswold.

A SECOND Colorado County Clerk Dallas Shroeder from Elbert County also copied the files before they were deleted.

Via Ashe in America.

In an affidavit signed by Clerk Schroeder, he explains his actions:

“I was told that there was evidence that the ‘trusted build’ process that was performed on Mesa County’s Dominion voting system during May of 2021, had erased electronic files that were part of the 2020 election records. This information was concerning, because I have a legal duty to retain election records for 25 months after every election. The purpose of retaining the records is so that a proper audit of an election can be performed. I was concerned that the ‘trusted build’ process might erase electronic election records from the Elbert County elections systems, which would violate state law.”

Elbert County Clerk & Recorder Dallas Schroeder, January 7, 2022

The Colorado citizens suing Griswold are requesting a court order to have it forensically examined to confirm what cyber experts found in Mesa: destruction of election records, an uncertifiable, non-compliant voting system, and a coffin-nail in the unwarranted “gold standard” refrain.

Jena Griswold had hoped to steal all future Colorado elections. Now the situation is not looking so good for her.


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086a84 No.116387

File: fe41254a5ac4985⋯.png (110.02 KB,843x751,843:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144497 (282300ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold BTFO third report on mesa county voting machines released 2022-03-22 12/27/23

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>>>/qresearch/15643356 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Being Sued for: Not Legally Certifying 2020 Election 2022-03-12

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Being Sued for: Not Legally Certifying 2020 Election; Illegally Destroying Records; and, Creating Law Specifying Only Certain Unknown Individuals Can Audit Voting Machines

An election audit in Colorado between a citizen and Colorado’s Secretary of State Jena Griswold was filed in November. The case requests as relief a full, independent forensic audit of the voting systems in Colorado.

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold was sued over the destruction of election records, failure to properly test voting equipment, and obstruction of independent election audits. The relief sought in this case is a full, independent forensic audit of Colorado voting systems and the 2020 election in Colorado.

In the filing to the case, Hanks asserts the following:

WHEREFORE, on their First Claim for Relief, Plaintiffs pray that this Honorable Court enter judgment declaring that Defendant violated C.R.S. § 1-5-608.5 by failing to have Colorado voting systems tested by a federally accredited laboratory before the 2020 election. Plaintiffs pray that the Court enter judgment that an independent forensic audit is necessary to determine whether the voting systems meet legal standards, and whether the systems accurately recorded the votes of the people of Colorado in the 2020 election. Plaintiffs pray that the Court order the Defendant to pay the costs of such audit. Because of the importance of this case to the voters of Colorado, Plaintiffs pray for advancement on the docket and accelerated discovery pursuant to C.R.C.P. 57 (m). Plaintiffs pray for an award of costs, expert witness fees, reasonable attorney fees, and all other appropriate relief.

In this portion of the case, Hanks argues that the voting machines in Colorado weren’t properly certified by certified auditors per state law. The same situation occurred in Arizona. The TGP reported that the auditors in Arizona hadn’t been properly certified prior to the 2020 Election, therefore, nullifying any certifications they made before the 2020 Election.

The second point that Hanks makes is that the Secretary of State destroyed election records. Hanks states:

“Forensic examination found that election records, including data described in the Federal Election Commission’s 2002 Voting System Standards (VSS) mandated by Colorado law as certification requirements for Colorado voting systems, have been destroyed on Mesa County’s voting system, by the system vendor and the Colorado Secretary of State’s office. Because similar system modifications were reportedly performed upon county election servers across the state, it is possible, if not likely, that such data destruction in violation of state and federal law has occurred in numerous other counties.”

The third point from Hanks is that a recent law that Griswold put into place, despite unanimous pushback prevents independent election audits. [If this is allowed to stay there will never be independent, adequate, and honest election audits in Colorado]. An example of recent issues in the state where the machines should be audited is given in the case.

In the most recent election, November 2, 2021, the El Paso County clerk’s office transmitted election data to Defendant’s website using an internet connection. As batches of votes were transmitted, the total votes counted increased on Defendant’s website by approximately 20 per cent. This happened twice. The El Paso County Clerk telephoned Defendant’s office. Defendant’s office was unaware that its website was showing inflated vote totals from El Paso County. Defendant’s office and the El Paso County Clerk agreed to manually decrease the vote totalsthat had been transmitted by the voting system.



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086a84 No.116388

File: 3010e83fa78e19b⋯.png (46.07 KB,848x243,848:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144524 (282305ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete 2022-05-06

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>>>/qresearch/16219070 jena griswold Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete 2022-05-06

Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete

A Republican Clerk in Colorado handed over hard drives to authorities after capturing the drives when the corrupt Secretary of State (Jena Griswold – above) attempted to illegally delete information from the machines.

Reuters reported in a slanted article protecting the corrupt Colorado Secretary of State (see highlighted text):

A Republican county clerk, accused by Colorado authorities of breaching election data with activists who back former President Donald Trump’s stolen election falsehoods, handed over the copied information on Wednesday after a court order.

Elbert County Clerk Dallas Schroeder last year made copies of the county’s voting system, stating in legal filings that he believed he had a “statutory duty” to preserve records of the 2020 election.

The incident is among eight attempts to gain unauthorized access to voting systems in five U.S. states since the 2020 election, according to a Reuters examination of the incidents published last week. All involved local Republican officeholders or party activists advancing Trump’s falsehoods or conspiracy theories about rigged voting machines, the analysis found.

Schroeder said the hard drives with the data were not a “voting system component” and that he was authorized to make the copies, according to the judge’s order. Elbert County District Court Judge Gary Kramer rejected those arguments and ordered him to hand over the hard drives to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold by Wednesday afternoon.

(Note that it’s really outrageous that nearly every article by the far-left about the 2020 Election claims that the 2020 Election was not stolen despite ample evidence to decertify the election. 2000 Mules came out this week and a former Supreme Court Judge in Wisconsin has called for decertification of the election there. Evidence from that Arizona audit was more than enough to overturn the election there and Georgia as well has hundreds of thousands of ballot issues that have been left unresolved.

The media’s efforts in covering up the 2020 Election steal are as bad as their efforts to cover up Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell. The media also reported for four years that President Trump was Putin’s puppet and yet we now know this too is false.

Finally, the clerk didn’t take hard drives, the clerk made copies of the machines before they were damaged by the corrupt Secretary of State’s order.)

Judge Kramer was appointed as a District Court Judge in the 18th Judicial District in January 2016 by Democrat Governor Hickenlooper.

What the clerk did was an attempt to preserve evidence as is required per federal law. Griswold did what other Democrat Secretary’s of State did and mandated that the local election teams perform a type of maintenance on the voting machines in the state, but this activity would also erase all information on the machines related to the 2020 Election.

Griswold is being sued for her actions related to the 2020 Election.



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086a84 No.116389

File: fbe763cf217a821⋯.png (612.61 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144534 (282306ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Two Colorado County Clerks Sue Deceitful Secretary of State jena griswold - Ask Court for Permission to Use Their Saved Voting Machine Data to See If griswold Illegally Meddled with Machines 2022-02-17

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>>>/qresearch/15848725 Two Colorado County Clerks Sue Deceitful Secretary of State jena griswold - Ask Court for Permission to Use Their Saved Voting Machine Data to See If griswold Illegally Meddled with Machines 2022-02-17


Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives

A Republican county clerk, accused by Colorado authorities of breaching election data with activists who back former President Donald Trump's stolen election falsehoods, handed over the copied information on Wednesday after a court order.

Elbert County Clerk Dallas Schroeder last year made copies of the county's voting system, stating in legal filings that he believed he had a "statutory duty" to preserve records of the 2020 election.

The incident is among eight attempts to gain unauthorized access to voting systems in five U.S. states since the 2020 election, according to a Reuters examination of the incidents published last week. All involved local Republican officeholders or party activists advancing Trump's falsehoods or conspiracy theories about rigged voting machines, the analysis found.

Schroeder said the hard drives with the data were not a "voting system component" and that he was authorized to make the copies, according to the judge's order. Elbert County District Court Judge Gary Kramer rejected those arguments and ordered him to hand over the hard drives to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold by Wednesday afternoon.

"I can confirm we received hard drives today," Lawrence Pacheco, director of communications for the Colorado attorney general's office, said in an e-mail on Wednesday evening. Pacheco said the office, which is representing Griswold in the case, had received two hard drives.

Kramer had also directed Schroeder to describe the chain of custody for the hard drives but said that information would be accessible only to the court and parties to the legal action. Pacheco confirmed to Reuters the office had also received the chain of custody information.

Schroeder's lawyer John Case, who Schroeder had previously said was in possession of one set of copies, did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.

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086a84 No.116390

File: 95c9d3526330121⋯.jpg (656.39 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144542 (282308ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, jena griswold, for Illegal Recount - Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado 9/14/2022

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>>>/qresearch/17394595, >>>/qresearch/17394609 Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, jena griswold, for Illegal Recount - Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado 9/14/2022

Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, for Illegal Recount – Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado

Colorado Secretary of State candidate, Tina Peters is suing the corrupt Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold due to her performing a recent recount that was illegally executed.

Peters wants a recount according to the law. She believes this will prove that she won the recent 2022 GOP primary.

The Democrats and Dominion are doing all they can to stop this recount because if Peters is right, it will prove that the recent primary was stolen — which was likely.

Peters was dining over lunch when she was arrested on bogus charges in Colorado in 2021. Peters was told to perform an activity on her voting machines in Colorado which Peters feared would erase the memory in the machine back in 2021. In response, Peters obtained an expert who made a forensic copy of the machines in her jurisdiction before performing the task. Voter records in national elections, including machine data, are to be maintained per federal law for 22 months after the election. Destroying the data on these machines would have been a crime. Apparently, all the other counties in the state deleted information from their voting machines by performing the task ordered by the far left Democrat Secretary of State, Jena Griswold.

What Peters found on those machines is what the Democrats, RINOs, the Deep State, and voting machine companies did not want to be found.

Peters is being punished by these individuals and their corrupt media rather than being praised as an American hero.

After all of this, the Gold Star mother decided to run for the Secretary of State’s office (you can help her here).

Peters was way ahead in the polls by 20-30 points but some no-name character who’s connected to the CTCL which spread Zuckerbucks across the country in 2020, won the recent GOP primary.

Peters had to come up with $250,000 seemingly overnight to challenge the race. She did this and demanded an election recount. Peters believes she has information that the election was stolen. In response, the corrupt Democrat Secretary of State and Dominion reviewed a minuscule sample of votes and said everything was ok.

Ms. Peters believes this bogus process was illegal and does not comply with the state’s laws. She is suing Griswold so that she can obtain a full recount across the state which the law calls for.

For some reason, Dominion and the Democrats don’t want anyone looking inside their machines — once again!

Here are some more details on the recent bogus recount.


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086a84 No.116391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144543 (282308ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / 2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners 1/6/2023

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>>>/qresearch/18089489 2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners 1/6/2023

2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners

In September of 2022, the State of Colorado sent postcard mailers to 31,000 foreigners asking them to register to vote.

ERIC played a role in this problem because they can access licensed Colorado drivers. Their process obtains DMV information to determine which people are EBU (Eligible But Unregistered). Under their ERIC agreement, Colorado is forced to contact these people and solicit them to register. Jena Griswold, an activist Democrat, is the Secretary of State for Colorado. She knows foreigners are breaking the law if they register to vote.

Upon hearing this news last October, The Public Interest Legal Foundation conducted an investigation to find out who was responsible. PILF released their report Thursday which provides more evidence States should cancel their ERIC agreements. After the Colorado SOS office admitted foreign nationals were encouraged to register, they told the county election officials this was just a “data analytic error.” The SOS office resists transparency and will not provide any details on about this “error”.

In the past, the SOS office has described their procedures that prevent mail from being sent to ineligible recipients. But in 2022, those procedures were either no longer in place, or completely failed. They will only explain this list of 31,000 foreigners was created by comparing CO statewide voter roll with the master list of licensed Colorado drivers. This is the role ERIC plays. As previously reported, ERIC prevents States from knowing who is a foreigner. Their rules say “Under no circumstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of the U.S.” as listed in Exhibit A, 2b.

County officials were bombarded with requests from the media and concerned citizens. They needed guidance and answers. Communications obtained by PILF portray a CO Secretary of State office that was focused on damage control instead of answering questions and helping county election officials. In fact, the SOS office refused to supply the County election officials with the names of foreigners in their counties who received the registration invites. This was likely an attempt to help these foreigners obtain citizenship and full voting rights.

Moffat County asked to see the information on the 54 foreigners in their county that were mailed voter registration cards. The Deputy SOS Christopher Beall refused. He cited “potential legal issues”. But PILF found no communication indicating this was a concern in the SOS office. His LinkedIn page says he worked as attorney for Obama for America, the CO Democrat Party, and the ACLU. Beall proclaims he is “formerly a journalist, then a trial lawyer, still a law professor, and now a leader of Colorado’s preeminent elections operations.”

It’s another example how the left places activists inside election departments to help control outcomes.


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086a84 No.116392

File: cb92780e27cc280⋯.png (296.04 KB,521x504,521:504,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144554 (282309ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through 9/6/2023

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>>>/qresearch/19523510 Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through 9/6/2023

Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) called former President Trump a “liar,” after he suggested a recent push to use the 14th Amendment to keep him off the ballot in the state was “election interference.”

“Trump is a liar with no respect for the Constitution,” Griswold said in an interview on MSNBC on Saturday.


Anybody watching Colorados radical swing to the left lately? Democratic control of Denver and Boulder and now CO Springs, corporate control of ski areas, govt control of BLM and National Forest are a recipe for control

This year plastic bags were the target, no more plastic bags (well you can buy them for 10cents each, but Wally World just quit carrying them)

(((Lefties))) are trying real hard to get the people owned TABOR funds too, which is generated from pot sales.

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086a84 No.116393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144563 (282311ZDEC23) Notable: JENA GRISWOLD MEGA DIG PART 1

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086a84 No.116394

File: 1a1853c4d382954⋯.png (421.77 KB,665x372,665:372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144565 (282311ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections - “What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

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>>116124 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections - “What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections

Sometimes you have to destroy democracy to save democracy.

“What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold claimed in 2021.

“Everything we do every single day to ensure the American people can elect, freely choose their election officials,” the chair of the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State held forth in 2022. “We believe that democracy literally is on the ballot.”

In 2023, democracy is no longer on the ballot in Colorado because Griswold, who had spent every single year warning about an “assault on democracy”, launched an actual assault on democracy to ensure that people in Colorado would not be able to freely vote in elections.

After Colorado’s Democrat justices ruled that, on their say-so, former President Trump couldn’t appear on the ballot in Colorado, the state’s GOP proposed to move to a caucus system.

And Griswold responded by warning that the Colorado GOP couldn’t change its own primary so that voters can’t actually vote for the candidate they choose, only those that Democrats choose.

But as the Mills Brothers sang, “you always hurt the one you love.” And sometimes you love democracy so much that you have to kill it to save democracy from itself.

Some Democrats define any opposition as an attack on democracy. And when they end democracy, they’re really “upholding democracy” so high up so that the voters can’t get their grubby fingers on it.

Secretary of State Griswold had previously described Republican bans on ballot harvesting as an “assault on democracy”, challenging election results as a plot to “destroy American democracy” and questioning the behavior of hyper-partisan election officials like herself as an “all-out assault on democracy.”


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086a84 No.116395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144566 (282311ZDEC23) Notable: #24720

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#24720 >>116322

>>116345 BACK ON THE BALLOT.mp4

>>116337, >>116393 JENA GRISWOLD MEGA DIG PART 1



>>116367 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green daughter’s houses swatted

>>116330 Elise Stefanik + Ed Cox's statement on the Albany Supreme Court's decision to dismiss our request to halt illegal unregulated mass mail-in ballots:

>>116323 Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 - no evidence covid vaxxes saved a single life

>>116324 Vivek Ramaswamy Says Voting For Trump Is A ‘Trap’ During Iowa Town Hall.

>>116325 The 10/7 Project by ADL and others: says they seek "accurate, unbiased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict"

>>116326 US-NATO Black Ops: Destabilization in Serbia and the Former Soviet Union

>>116327, >>116328 @DC_Draino This Palm Beach mansion was just listed for sale at $187,500,000, Yet NYC Marxists tell us MAL is only worth $18 million?!

>>116331 @DC_Draino J6 indictments cite cell phone geo tracking data... But when 2000 Mules uses geotracking data regime media puppets say it’s “unreliable data” and “debunked”

>>116329 Federal Court sided with Justin Trudeau and ruled that Ezra Levant's book, The Libranos, was illegal, warranting $13,000 Fine, as a Christmas Gift

>>116332 Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Motion to Delay E. Jean Carroll Defamation Trial

>>116334 Bernie positive for Covid

>>116336 Hospitals in California, Illinois, New York the U.S. have reintroduced mask mandates

>>116346 Dog found stabbed 17 times on Long Island, $5K reward offered

>>116353, >>116350, >>116360, >>116363, >>116370, >>116372 Crooked Joe is in the Virgin Islands again for New Year’s, on his 418th Vacation Day... Or is he?

>>116364, >>116368 New congressional map in Georgia signed off, District Judge Steve C. Jones, an appointee of President Barack Obama

>>116375 @TuckerCarlson Derek Chauvin is serving 21 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Someone just tried to murder him. If they'd do this to him, they'd do it to you.


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086a84 No.116396

File: c35eaa8254ab1ba⋯.png (82.22 KB,464x593,464:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144579 (282313ZDEC23) Notable: #24721

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>baker accepting handoffs

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086a84 No.116397

File: c591dcbcf742aa7⋯.png (791.86 KB,1044x671,1044:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144603 (282317ZDEC23) Notable: Florida GOP senator Rick Scott’s Naples home swatted

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Florida GOP senator Rick Scott’s Naples

home swatted

CNN, by Shirin Faqiri

Posted By: Hazymac, 12/28/2023 5:06:37 PM

Florida Sen. Rick Scott’s home in Naples was swatted Wednesday night, according to Naples Police spokesperson Lt. Bryan McGinn. Scott posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, Thursday morning, stating: “Last night, while at dinner with my wife, cowards ‘swatted’ my home in Naples. These criminals wasted the time & resources of our law enforcement in a sick attempt to terrorize my family.” Swatting is a prank call made to authorities with the express purpose of luring them to a location – usually a home – where they are led to believe a horrific crime has been committed or is in progress. This results in a forceful response from local police or

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086a84 No.116398

File: 30f6f99ba0d6062⋯.png (521.46 KB,1062x751,1062:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144617 (282320ZDEC23) Notable: Lawmakers Sue Democrat Governor, Election Officials To Halt ‘Misinformation’ Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

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JUST IN: Lawmakers Sue Democrat Governor,

Election Officials To Halt ‘Misinformation’

Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

Gateway Pundit, by Alicia Powe

Posted By: 4250Luis, 12/28/2023 3:39:28 PM

Oregon state legislators, radio show hosts and GOP representatives are suing government officials to put an end to the state’s censorship of so-called “false election information.” According to a First Amendment lawsuit against Democrat Gov. Tina Kotek, Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade and Elections Director Molly Woon, Oregon’s election officials are negotiating deals with censorship vendors to silence “criticism of its election system” through a contract to “identify and mitigate” purported “MDM,” purported misinformation, disinformation and malinformation.

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086a84 No.116399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144674 (282332ZDEC23) Notable: Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter attacked by what Armenian officials are calling a group of 30 Israeli extremist settlers

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S p r i n t e r



Community members of Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter were attacked by what Armenian officials are calling a group of 30 Israeli extremist settlers. The assailants were dressed in black clothes and ski masks and armed with a variety of weapons.

Dec 28, 2023 · 11:03 PM UTC




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086a84 No.116400

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144689 (282335ZDEC23) Notable: Christians in Bethlehem reduced from over 90% of the population in 1993 to under 5% now

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Harnwell: Christians in Bethlehem reduced from over 90% of the population in 1993 to under 5% now


Christians — who are largely “Palestinian” — in the town where our Lord and Saviour was born have almost been eliminated in the last thirty years. Our #SociopathicOverlords did nothing.

Our Overlords however insist on action when the same “Palestinians” in Gaza — this time largely Muslim — appear at risk of a far lesser fate. It is no coincidence thesesame Overlords are also orchestrating the Invasion of the West by third world hordes — who are mostly Muslim.

The spiritual heart of “ethnic substitution” is “religious substitution”. Our Overlords hate Jesus Christ and detest those who follow him.


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086a84 No.116401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144708 (282339ZDEC23) Notable: A drug cartel in central Mexico has kidnapped 14 local residents in apparent retaliation for an uprising by angry farmers earlier this month that killed 10 cartel gunmen

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NBC News



A drug cartel in central Mexico has kidnapped 14 local residents in apparent retaliation for an uprising by angry farmers earlier this month that killed 10 cartel gunmen, officials say.


I member that fight.

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086a84 No.116402

File: 3464ecf37920bef⋯.png (1.21 MB,899x1072,899:1072,Clipboard.png)

File: 01cd50866384a37⋯.png (3.68 MB,872x3970,436:1985,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144720 (282340ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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Triad Weed: Maine Law Enforcement Raids Machias Marijuana Grow, Arrests Three Suspected Non-Citizens

Steve RobinsonBy Steve Robinson December 14, 2023Updated:December 17, 20235 Comments3 Mins Read8K Views

Maine law enforcement raided an illegal marijuana grow at 414 Kennebec Road in Machias Thursday, confiscating more than 2,600 live marijuana plants and more than 100 pounds of processed cannabis.

“At 9:30 monday morning, the Machias Police Department executed a search warrant at 414 Kennebec Road in Machias. This was as the result of a very lengthy investigation we’ve been conducting for the last month or so into an illegal commercial marijuana grow operation located at that address,” said Machias Police Chief Keith Mercier.

Mercier said that three individuals, all of Asian descent, were arrested in the course of the raid and none of them appear to be U.S. Citizens.

Ming Li, 52, of Machias

Dong Yang Li, 60, of Brooklyn, NYC

Peng You Phang, 61, of Machias

“2,607 plants were seized, and over 100 pounds of processed marijuana was seized,” Mercier said.

A photo taken today by a Maine Wire reader showed at least one marked cruiser present at the site.

The raid comes little more than one month after the Maine Wire published an investigative report revealing the locations and owners of dozens of Chinese-owned marijuana grows dotting rural Maine.

According to the Washington County Registry of Deeds, the Machias property was purchased in 2021 byHBA Properties, a Webster, Mass.-based company.

According to Mass. corporate records, the officers of that company areFanny Sun, Qiao Yi Wu, Sinh Phat Voong, and Zhan Su.

All three men were charged with two Class B felonies for illegal trafficking in Schedule Z and illegal trafficking in cannabis with 500 plants or more, Mercier said.

The Office of Cannabis Policy, who assisted in the raid, determined that the facility was not operating in relation to any adult use recreational or medicinal license.

The federal Drug Enforcement Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency assisted in the investigation.

The street value of the marijuana seized would amount to more than $1.1 million dollars if sold in Maine, but the price could be three times as high if the product were to be trafficking to states where marijuana is still illegal.

Steve Robinson on the George Hale Ric Tyler Show describes the bust:

> https://www.themainewire.com/2023/12/triad-weed-maine-law-enforcement-raids-machiasport-marijuana-grow/

Chen was not among those arrested Thursday morning, and it wasn’t immediately clear whether he would be questioned in connection with the raid.

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086a84 No.116403

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144774 (282349ZDEC23) Notable: Bannon: How many of you as a leader of a nation would skip out and take a Caribbean Vacation while our nation is being destroyed?

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Steve Bannon: Biden’s Immigration Crisis Is A ‘Middle Finger To America. How can Bidan hang out in the Caribbean while the US is being destroyed.Johnson is useless, cozying up to Bidan.



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086a84 No.116404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144819 (282356ZDEC23) Notable: The idea is for Japan to become less dependent on foreign energy sources.

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Any design modifications?

Visegrád 24



Japan decides to restart Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, one of the world’s largest nuclear power plants (7 reactors) after having been offline for more than a decade after Fukushima.

The idea is for Japan to become less dependent on foreign energy sources.


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086a84 No.116405

File: c54a23279276498⋯.png (30.73 KB,240x189,80:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144830 (282357ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

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Kyle Cheney


BREAKING: Maine Secretary of State rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot. 34-page decision: https://maine.gov/sos/news/2023/Decision%20in%20Challenge%20to%20Trump%20Presidential%20Primary%20Petitions.pdf


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086a84 No.116406

File: fbe763cf217a821⋯.png (612.61 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144845 (282359ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1) / jena griswold Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives 2022-05-06

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>>116337 (lb)

>>>/qresearch/16219101 jena griswold Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives 2022-05-06


Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives

A Republican county clerk, accused by Colorado authorities of breaching election data with activists who back former President Donald Trump's stolen election falsehoods, handed over the copied information on Wednesday after a court order.

Elbert County Clerk Dallas Schroeder last year made copies of the county's voting system, stating in legal filings that he believed he had a "statutory duty" to preserve records of the 2020 election.

The incident is among eight attempts to gain unauthorized access to voting systems in five U.S. states since the 2020 election, according to a Reuters examination of the incidents published last week. All involved local Republican officeholders or party activists advancing Trump's falsehoods or conspiracy theories about rigged voting machines, the analysis found.

Schroeder said the hard drives with the data were not a "voting system component" and that he was authorized to make the copies, according to the judge's order. Elbert County District Court Judge Gary Kramer rejected those arguments and ordered him to hand over the hard drives to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold by Wednesday afternoon.

"I can confirm we received hard drives today," Lawrence Pacheco, director of communications for the Colorado attorney general's office, said in an e-mail on Wednesday evening. Pacheco said the office, which is representing Griswold in the case, had received two hard drives.

Kramer had also directed Schroeder to describe the chain of custody for the hard drives but said that information would be accessible only to the court and parties to the legal action. Pacheco confirmed to Reuters the office had also received the chain of custody information.

Schroeder's lawyer John Case, who Schroeder had previously said was in possession of one set of copies, did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.

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086a84 No.116407

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144855 (290000ZDEC23) Notable: COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1)

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Reposted last bread from all over the years

Some images seems to have been lost, look inside original breads for thumbnails

>>116338 Colorado Secretary of State Encourages Non-Citizens, Deceased to Register to Vote 9/28/2020

>>116339 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold asked the national media to not report any results on any election results on Nov. 3, using the hashtag #PressPause 10/01/2020

>>116340 Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit in federal court to force Colorado to clean up its voter rolls… against Jena Griswold 10/05/2020

>>116341 Colorado's Secretary of State jena griswold CAUGHT deleting Dominion Voting System Proposal from her OFFICIAL website 11/21/2020

>>116341 Jena Griswold Of course Soros backed. 11/21/2020

>>116342 Sec. of State Griswold certifies Colorado's 2020 General Election results 12/08/2020

>>116342 Griswold worked for Obama's campaign, The first elected Democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1963 and the first woman Dem to ever hold the office 06/19/21

>>116344 Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits, Griswod: "My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits" 06/21/21

>>116347 Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, 'Protect' Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers 8/03/2021

>>116348 Statement from Colorado Secretary of State’s Office Regarding Official Order to Mesa County 8/10/21

>>116349 jena griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, along with Dominion "raided" the elections department of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters 8/11/2021

>>116351, >>116352, >>116354, >>116355, >>116356, >>116357,Mesa County Elections DecertifiedSecretary of State jena griswold announced during a zoom Thursday, her office would be decertifying Mesa County elections immediately. 8/12/2021

>>116358 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold recently made it clear she prioritizes political posturing over sound public policy 8/12/2021

>>116358 CMz: Why is Jena Griswold trying to blame Tina Peters for the bios passwords leak when only Jena Griswold should have had access? 8/12/2021

>>>/qresearch/14340575 BV, please rename this bread to #18142: How Many More Scapegoats Does jena griswold Need? Edition , ty, baker 8/12/2021

>>116359 Jenna griswold, SoS of Colorado. Her voice was shaking, tight forced smiles. She's definitely nervous/scared. She couldn't hide it 8/12/2021

>>116361 CM Forwards Seth Keshel - I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State jena griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County.. 8/14/2021

>>116362 Colorado SoS Jena Griswold: Rich or Poor?? 8 /14/2021

>>116365 CodeMonkeyZ - Can jena griswold be trusted with a "Trusted Build"? (VIDEO) 8 /15/2021

>>116366, >>116369, >>116371, >>116373 Check out jena griswold's campaign contributions + jena griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com 8 /16/2021

>>116374 FBI joins criminal probe in Colorado voting equipment breach 08/18/21

>>116376 Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords 08/20/21

>>116377 Colorado Election Fraud: Soros-Backed Secretary of State Permanently Blocks Arizona-Style Audits 08/30/21

>>116378 Colorado secretary of state files lawsuit to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved in upcoming election 8/30/2021

>>116379 CODEMONKEYZ - jena griswold is trying to use the courts to overthrow a lawful election 9/1/2021

>>116380 Colorado Union of Taxpayers, Inc. v. jena griswold, Colorado Secretary of State and Judd 09-08-2021

>>116381 Clerk Peters returns to Grand Junction,vows to fight 9/17-2021

>>116382 Colorado Secretary of State jena griswold wanted private security due to threats 2021-09-23

>>116383 Election Records Are Being Destroyed! 2021-09-26

>>116384 Mesa County Court Tina Peters case to be decided by District Judge Valerie Robison, Secretary of State jena griswold… 2021-09-30

>>116385 griswold asks judge to dismiss 'baseless' GOP election-denier lawsuit 2021-12-30

>>116386 Bad News 4 Soros-Backed SOS jena griswold - Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit 2022-02-01

>>116387 Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold Being Sued for: Not Legally Certifying 2020 Election 2022-03-12

>>116387 jena griswold BTFO third report on mesa county voting machines released 2022-03-22 12/27/23

>>116388 jena griswold Republican Clerk in Colorado Hands Over Copies of Hard Drives After Attempting to Protect Evidence Soros-Backed Secretary of State Tried to Delete 2022-05-06

>>116406 jena griswold Colorado clerk accused of voting system breach hands over hard drives 2022-05-06

>>116389 Two Colorado County Clerks Sue Deceitful Secretary of State jena griswold - Ask Court for Permission to Use Their Saved Voting Machine Data to See If griswold Illegally Meddled with Machines 2022-02-17

>>116390 Tina Peters Sues Colorado Secretary of State, jena griswold, for Illegal Recount - Massive Corruption Is Being Covered Up in Colorado 9/14/2022

>>116391 2022 Election: Colorado Secretary of State Sent 31,000 Registration Cards to Foreigners 1/6/2023

>>116392 Colorado secretary of state calls Trump a ‘liar,’ vows to see ballot lawsuit through 9/6/2023

>>116394 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections - “What we are seeing right now is the all-out assault on democracy,” Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116408

File: 77077325a25aed4⋯.png (164.31 KB,877x1130,877:1130,Clipboard.png)

File: ee85d36ffdeef39⋯.png (95 KB,777x654,259:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144860 (290001ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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>The raid comes little more than one month after the Maine Wire published an investigative report revealing the locations and owners of dozens of Chinese-owned marijuana grows dotting rural Maine.

Triad Weed: How Chinese Marijuana Grows Took Over Rural Maine

Steve RobinsonBy Steve RobinsonNovember 8, 2023Updated:November 8, 2023

Illegal Chinese marijuana grows have taken over much of rural Maine.

The government is either incapable — or unwilling — to do anything about it.

The Maine Wire has identified more than 100 properties that arepart of a sprawling network of Chinese-owned sites operating as unlicensed, illicit cannabis growing operations in rural Maine.

According to an unclassified memo from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) obtained by the Maine Wire, the illicit grows areoperated by Asian Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs).

The properties cover Somerset County, Penobscot County, Kennebec County, Franklin County, Androscoggin County, and Oxford County.

The sites were purchased over the past three years by single adults, primarily from New York and Massachusetts, using cash or financing arranged through a handful of mortgage companies.

The Maine Wire investigation began following the leak of a separate DHS memo that revealed the existence of more than 270 such sites in Maine.

That memo, first reported by Jennie Taer of the Daily Caller News Foundation, offered the first public confirmation of what law enforcement officials have long known, but what neighbors to these properties and legal marijuana entrepreneurs have only suspected.

Namely, that Chinese foreign nationals are exploiting Maine’s lax marijuana laws, the Biden Administration’s immigration policies, and cheap real estate in rural Maine to grow a fortune using exploited illegal alien laborers.

Nationwide, there are approximately 749 properties that DHS has linked to Asian TCOs.

The leaked memo included a spreadsheet, which has not been made public, that identified “270 properties within [Maine] that are actively used by the Chinese in relation to their operations.”

Local, state, county, and federal officials, speaking mostly on the condition of anonymity, have confirmed to the Maine Wire that various law enforcement agencies have known about this foreign network of illicit drug manufacturing and distribution for more than two years.

On Sept. 15, DHS sent the following memo to Maine law enforcement asking for help gathering intel on the properties:

“There are hundreds of these operations occurring throughout the state. It’s upsetting to those who live near these operations, and even those who are following Maine laws and procedures,” Penobscot County Sheriff Troy Morton told the DCNF.

Maine’s congressional delegation has called upon the Department of Justice to shutter the operation, but Attorney General Merrick Garland has yet to respond in writing.

Most of the properties were acquired after Maine legalized the sale of recreational pot in 2020.

According to the DHS memos, the sites are operated by Chinese foreign nationals, some who are in the U.S. illegally. DHS believes the network earns an estimated total income of$4.37 billion per year, some of which is returned to entities in the People’s Republic of China.

The locations of the sites — and the names of their owners — have not been publicly released.

Triad Weed in Rural Maine

Marijuana grown at these sites is notorious in Maine’s legal cannabis industry as “Triad weed.”

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086a84 No.116409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144866 (290003ZDEC23) Notable: Key US Navy Allies Abandon Red Sea Operation After White House Blunders

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Key US Navy Allies Abandon Red Sea Operation After White House Blunders

Reuters December 28, 2023

By Phil Stewart, David Latona, Angelo Amante and Jonathan Saul (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden hoped to present a firm international response to Yemen’s Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping by launching a new maritime force, but a week after its launch many allies don’t want to be associated with it, publicly, or at all.

Two of America’s European allies who were listed as contributors to Operation Prosperity Guardian – Italy and Spain – issued statements appearing to distance themselves from the maritime force.

The Pentagon says the force is a defensive coalition of more than 20 nations to ensure billions of dollars’ worth of commerce can flow freely through a vital shipping chokepoint in Red Sea waters off Yemen.

But nearly half of those countries have so far not come forward to acknowledge their contributions or allowed the U.S. to do so. Those contributions can range from dispatching warships to merely sending a staff officer.

The reluctance of some U.S. allies to link themselves to the effort partly reflects the fissures created by the conflict in Gaza, which has seen Biden maintain firm support for Israel even as international criticism rises over its offensive, which Gaza’s health ministry says has killed more than 21,000 Palestinians.

“European governments are very worried that part of their potential electorate will turn against them,” said David Hernandez, a professor of international relations at the Complutense University of Madrid, noting that the European public is increasingly critical of Israel and wary of being drawn into a conflict.

The Iran-backed Houthis have attacked or seized a dozen ships with missiles and drones since Nov. 19, trying to inflict an international cost over Israel’s campaign, which followed the Oct. 7 rampage in southern Israel by Hamas militants that killed 1,200 people and took 240 hostage.

The navies of the United States, Britain and France have each shot down Houthi-launched drones or missiles.

A person familiar with Biden administration thinking said the U.S. believes escalating Houthi attacks call for an international response separate from the conflict raging in Gaza.

The Rea Sea is the entry point for ships using the Suez Canal, which handles about 12% of worldwide trade and is vital for the movement of goods between Asia and Europe. Houthi attacks have seen some ships rerouted around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope, substantially increasing sailing time and costs.

Denmark’s giant container firm Maersk said on Saturday it would resume shipping operations in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. But Germany’s Hapag Lloyd said on Wednesday it still believes the Red Sea is too dangerous and will continue to send ships around the Cape of Good Hope.


While the U.S. says 20 countries have signed up for its maritime task force, it has announced the names of only 12.

“We’ll allow other countries, defer to them to talk about their participation,” U.S. Major General Patrick Ryder told reporters last week.

The EU has signaled its support of the maritime task force with a joint statement condemning the Houthi attacks.

Although Britain, Greece and others have publicly embraced the U.S. operation, several mentioned in the U.S. announcement were quick to say they are not directly involved.

Italy’s defense ministry said that it would send a ship to the Red Sea following requests from Italian ship owners and not as part of the U.S. operation. France said it supports efforts to secure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea but that its ships would remain under French command.

Spain has said it will not join Operation Prosperity Guardian and opposes using an existing EU anti-piracy mission, Atalanta, to protect Red Sea shipping. But on Wednesday, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said he was willing to consider the creation of a different mission to tackle the problem.

Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates earlier proclaimed no interest in the venture.

There is also the risk that participating countries become subject to Houthi retaliation. The person familiar with the U.S. administration’s thinking says that it is this risk – rather disagreements over Gaza – driving some countries to steer clear of the effort.

That appears to be the case for India, which is unlikely to join the U.S. operation, according to a senior Indian military official. An Indian government official said the government worries that aligning itself with the U.S. could make it more of a target.

The U.S. effort to draw international support for its Red Sea security push comes as the United States faces pressure on multiple fronts from Iran’s military proxies in the region.

Beyond the Houthis in Yemen, Iran-backed militia have been attacking U.S. troops in Syria and Iraq.

So far, the United States has carried out limited retaliatory air strikes against the militia in Iraq and Syria, but it has refrained from doing so in Yemen.

Michael Mulroy, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East under the Trump administration, said the Pentagon’s goal with the new maritime coalition appeared to be to make any future Houthi attacks an international issue in order to divorce it from the Israel-Hamas war.

“Once the military vessels in Operation Prosperity Guardian start protecting commercial shipping and come under a direct attack, (the Houthis) will be attacking the coalition, not just the U.S.,” Mulroy said.



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086a84 No.116410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144886 (290007ZDEC23) Notable: Google settles massive $5B lawsuit over improperly tracking ‘incognito mode’ users

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New York Post



Google settles massive $5B lawsuit over improperly tracking ‘incognito mode’ users


Dec 28, 2023 · 10:17 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116411

File: c54a23279276498⋯.png (30.73 KB,240x189,80:63,Clipboard.png)

File: d257d59bf24826d⋯.png (19.05 KB,240x106,120:53,Clipboard.png)

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File: c367e00076afcd4⋯.png (68.25 KB,678x141,226:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144914 (290011ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

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I revise and extend my remarks.

Kyle Cheney




BREAKING: Maine Secretary of State rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot. 34-page decision: https://maine.gov/sos/news/2023/Decision%20in%20Challenge%20to%20Trump%20Presidential%20Primary%20Petitions.pdf

Kyle Cheney




As in Colorado, Secretary Bellows stayed the effect of her decision pending court rulings.

Kyle Cheney


Here is her conclusion. And here is the Trump camp's response.


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086a84 No.116412

File: 0e56a4d1ea127dd⋯.png (117.07 KB,240x234,40:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144923 (290013ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

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ALX 🇺🇸


Maine Secretary of State Shannon Bellows


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086a84 No.116413

File: 2fadcb309facf00⋯.png (243.5 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

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File: 830d5659b40f444⋯.png (165.47 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20144958 (290018ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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>>116402 Triad Weed: Maine Law EnforcementRaids Machias Marijuana Grow, Arrests Three Suspected Non-Citizens

>>116408 part of a sprawling network of Chinese-owned sites operating as unlicensed, illicit cannabis growing operations in rural Maine.operated by Asian Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs).

>>>/qresearch/20144872, >>>/qresearch/20144879, >>>/qresearch/20144893, >>>/qresearch/20144903, >>>/qresearch/20144908 “When I say they function like a mafia, it is absolutely true,”


>2021 by HBA Properties, a Webster, Mass.-based company.

>Fanny Sun, Qiao Yi Wu, Sinh Phat Voong, and Zhan Su.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116414

File: afcd4fb217fad8e⋯.png (1.1 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7787347287bc9cb⋯.png (625.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145000 (290025ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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>HBA Properties, a Webster, Mass.-based company.

>According to Mass. corporate records, the officers of that company areFanny Sun, Qiao Yi Wu, Sinh Phat Voong, and Zhan Su.


HBA Properties LLC

Webster MA

Fanny Sun

14 Kosmas St Webster MA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116415

File: 49b4d4776356a0a⋯.png (1.5 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145008 (290027ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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>14 Kosmas St Webster MA

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086a84 No.116416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145013 (290029ZDEC23) Notable: BlackRock allegedly owns and controls the world. But the investment giant claims they are just impartial shareholders. What is really going on?

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to make the masses understand that all those who have pensions, shares and investments in the markets are actually giving blackrock, vanguard and state street their money to help to enslave the planet.

Thats right, Share holders (the masses) Stake holders (corporations) are helping to bring in the new world order.

The same thing that liberty (apple app) which will be used by the masses to invest in Green bonds which the B.I.S has invented for global use of all people who join their nwo ...






BlackRock allegedly owns and controls the world. But the investment giant claims they are just impartial shareholders. What is really going on?

Support independent research and analysis by joining my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/thehatedone

According to popular theories on social media BlackRock owns almost all of the biggest corporations around the world. They own the big tech, big pharma, big everything AND the mainstream media. This insinuates their hidden influence and secret agenda they supposedly enforce on the corporate world.

BlackRock is is indeed among the largest shareholders in the biggest corporations across all sectors of the economy. This isn't hidden information. Anyone can pull this up from publicly available sources. But the catch is that BlackRock doesn't legally own anything. The $10,000,000,000 in assets they have are under management on behalf of their clients.

The issue of BlackRock's power and influence has been well studied and analyzed by economists for years. It isn't just about raw numbers on the ownership list of big corporations.

Economists found that many major problems that plague our economy today can be directly attributed to the concentration of economic power by BlackRock and the like. Stagnation in innovation, rise of consumer prices, decreasing wealth of the working class, even income inequality.

There is no need to believe in conspiracy theories. Rational explanation is bad enough.

Sources (references available in the transcript)

Sources (references available in the transcript)

[0] https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-business-investment-idUSL2N2WI1K4

[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/1260855/vanguard-aum/

[2] https://www.statista.com/statistics/1378611/worldwide-investment-fund-firms-leading-by-assets-under-management/

[3] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-01-09/the-hidden-dangers-of-the-great-index-fund-takeover

[4] https://www.bu.edu/bulawreview/files/2019/06/BEBCHUK-HIRST-1.pdf

[5] https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/business..

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086a84 No.116417

File: 73c62a397c96022⋯.png (217.56 KB,842x598,421:299,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145064 (290037ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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>Several of the properties that show obvious signs of active or recently active marijuana growing operations have been purchased by Chinese individuals from New York or Massachusetts only to be resold shortly after to other Chinese individuals from New York or Brooklyn.





>Sinh Phat Voong

It turns out there's a contractor by the same name in NYC who did some work for

Real Estate billionare

Jane Goldman

of Sol Goldman LLC

Dec. 4, 2023

The Succession Battle Inside One of New York’s Most Secretive Real-Estate Families

Portrait of Kim Velsey By Kim Velsey, who is Curbed’s real-estate reporter


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086a84 No.116418

File: c24938ba7879a60⋯.png (817.1 KB,868x1295,124:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145079 (290039ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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>It turns out there's a contractor by the same name in NYC who did some work for

>Real Estate billionare

>Jane Goldman

>of Sol Goldman LLC

> http://www.checkpermit.com/contractor/Sinh-Phat-Voong




Phone: (212) 966-1263




Sinh Phat Voong holds a General Contractor license.

You can reach Sinh Phat Voong by phone: (212) 966-1263.

Sinh Phat Voong's company name is:Jnl Construction Inc.

Sinh Phat Voong completed most projects in 2006.

Based on the information received from Manhattan NY building department, there are 2 building permits associated with Sinh Phat Voong over the past .

If you are considering hiring Sinh Phat Voong for your home renovation project, we recommend using our bidding system to get competitive quotes.


Sinh Phat Voong has CheckPermit score of 59 which places them above 0% of local contractors.

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2 projects completed since 2006.



465 Lexington Avenue Manhattan Ny 10017

Date: November 29, 2006

Contractor: Sinh Phat Voong

Client: Jane Goldman | Client Address: 6 5th Ave, 3/f New York Ny 10018 | Client Phone: (212) 265-2280 | Client Company: Sol Goldman Investment Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104607276



465 Lexington Avenue Manhattan Ny

Date: November 29, 2006

Contractor: Sinh Phat Voong

Client: Jane Goldman Client Address: 6 5th Ave, 3/f New York Ny 10018 | Client Phone: (212) 265-2280 | Client Company: Sol Goldman Investment Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 104607276

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 rows

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086a84 No.116419

File: 6b0b4cee30b83c4⋯.png (19.77 KB,319x273,319:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cf18d9e605f6cd⋯.png (226.85 KB,890x1989,890:1989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145139 (290051ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

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>414 Kennebec Road in Machias

Back to Maine

Looks like the raided house isup for sale


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086a84 No.116420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145151 (290053ZDEC23) Notable: BlackRock allegedly owns and controls the world. But the investment giant claims they are just impartial shareholders. What is really going on?

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>$10,000,000,000 in assets they have are under management on behalf of their clients


–'we think of them as businesses in which we are part owners.'

'According to The Great Taking, author David Rogers Webb, this is not true. We don’t own small pieces of these companies, we own claims on those pieces, because – over the course of decades, through the exigencies of ever-increasing trading volumes, combined with the machinations behind the scenes of diabolical manipulators – stock ownership has been supplanted by “security entitlements”.

Webb posits that when the debt super-cycle culminates in its ultimate blow up; the trap will be sprung, and actual ownership over all these companies and assets will be subsumed by the clearing houses. An infinitesimal cadre of elites will effectively own everything, and the masses of the world will be reduced to serfdom.'

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086a84 No.116421

File: 3d022e40f37224c⋯.png (131.93 KB,555x613,555:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145157 (290054ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

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What y'all think of this??




Maine just said Trump can’t run bc he has already served two terms🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

He can’t serve bc it violates the 22nd amendment as stated by the lefties in Maine

You can’t make this up!!!!!



7:37 PM · Dec 28, 2023


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086a84 No.116422

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145244 (290109ZDEC23) Notable: Bannon: How many of you as a leader of a nation would skip out and take a Caribbean Vacation while our nation is being destroyed?

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Steve Bannon: How Can Biden Even Enjoy Himself On Vacation While America Is Being INVADED?How many of you as a leader of a nation would skip out and take a Caribbean Vacation while our nation is being destroyed?



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086a84 No.116423

File: e790841f5867647⋯.png (1.06 MB,1159x1046,1159:1046,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145278 (290117ZDEC23) Notable: Reminder that the majority of the people we interact with online are bots

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'''Dead Internet Theory"'

Old oldfag is a tech retard who never considered that this was happening, but this vid seems perfectly reasonable in its analysis and is much like this board.

However, anon is a little surprised to find this on gootube when they are a target of condemnation (as is its parent company - sploogle)


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086a84 No.116424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145283 (290118ZDEC23) Notable: Reminder that the majority of the people we interact with online are bots

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086a84 No.116425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145290 (290119ZDEC23) Notable: Reminder that the majority of the people we interact with online are bots

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Is 60% of internet content created by bots?

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086a84 No.116426

File: 1964cfb6c811254⋯.png (784.54 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f91b051781dbdb⋯.png (1.24 MB,1120x755,224:151,Clipboard.png)

File: d7a9be1c1960698⋯.png (292.28 KB,850x865,170:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145343 (290129ZDEC23) Notable: USN P-8 Poseidon patrolling the Strait of Hormuz.

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USN P-8 Poseidon patrolling the Strait of Hormuz.

Patrol Forces Southwest Asia Fast Response Cutters are somewhere in the area.



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086a84 No.116427

File: 8237fbf527d3472⋯.png (359.71 KB,904x1172,226:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145355 (290132ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Democrat Secretary Of State Kicks Trump Off Maine Ballot

A day after former president Trump's lawyers demanded the Maine secretary of state recuse herself from her upcoming decision on the former president’s ballot eligibility under the 14th Amendment - citing her past statements about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot; Shenna Bellows - a Democrat - has kicked Trump off the state's primary ballot.

The letter from Trump's lawyers seeking Bellows' recusal cites two social media posts Bellows issued the day Trump was acquitted in his second impeachment trial, which concerned the Capitol riot.

“The Jan 6 insurrection was an unlawful attempt to overthrow the results of a free and fair election. Today 57 Senators including King & Collins found Trump guilty. That’s short of impeachment but nevertheless an indictment. The insurrectionists failed, and democracy prevailed,” Bellows wrote on Twitter, the platform now known as X.


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086a84 No.116428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145399 (290144ZDEC23) Notable: #24721

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#24721 >>116396

>>116405, >>116411, >>116412, >>116421, >>116427 Maine Secretary of State [Shannon Bellows] rules Trump is ineligible to appear on 2024 ballot

>>116402, >>116408, >>116413, >>116414, >>116415, >>116417, >>116418, >>116419 Illegal Chinese marijuana growers have taken over much of rural Maine DIG

>>116397 Florida GOP senator Rick Scott’s Naples home swatted

>>116401 A drug cartel in central Mexico has kidnapped 14 local residents in apparent retaliation for an uprising by angry farmers earlier this month that killed 10 cartel gunmen

>>116400 Christians in Bethlehem reduced from over 90% of the population in 1993 to under 5% now

>>116399 Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter attacked by what Armenian officials are calling a group of 30 Israeli extremist settlers

>>116398 Lawmakers Sue Democrat Governor, Election Officials To Halt ‘Misinformation’ Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

>>116403, >>116422 Bannon: How many of you as a leader of a nation would skip out and take a Caribbean Vacation while our nation is being destroyed?

>>116404 The idea is for Japan to become less dependent on foreign energy sources.

>>116407 COLORADO Secretary of State JENA GRISWOLD DIG BUN (part 1)

>>116409 Key US Navy Allies Abandon Red Sea Operation After White House Blunders

>>116410 Google settles massive $5B lawsuit over improperly tracking ‘incognito mode’ users

>>116416, >>116420 BlackRock allegedly owns and controls the world. But the investment giant claims they are just impartial shareholders. What is really going on?

>>116426 USN P-8 Poseidon patrolling the Strait of Hormuz.

>>116423, >>116424, >>116425 Reminder that the majority of the people we interact with online are bots


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086a84 No.116429

File: e18e12c7613aa9b⋯.png (5.12 MB,3054x2030,1527:1015,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145416 (290147ZDEC23) Notable: #24722

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086a84 No.116430

File: 7351dd3ba81113e⋯.jpeg (501.83 KB,828x968,207:242,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145464 (290158ZDEC23) Notable: An inquiry into the Soham murders of schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman was opposed by Tony Blair, files reveal

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086a84 No.116431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145472 (290159ZDEC23) Notable: The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. earlier this year used a U.S. internet service provider to communicate

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NBC News



US intelligence officials have determined that the Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. earlier this year used an American internet service provider to communicate, according to two current and one former US official familiar with the assessment.

Dec 29, 2023 · 1:00 AM UTC


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086a84 No.116432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145559 (290216ZDEC23) Notable: L'Oreal heiress Francoise Bettencourt Meyers becomes the first woman to accumulate $100 billion

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Daily Mail Online



L'Oreal heiress Francoise Bettencourt Meyers becomes the first woman to accumulate $100 billion after shares in the beauty giant hit a record high


Dec 29, 2023 · 12:57 AM UTC


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086a84 No.116433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145581 (290220ZDEC23) Notable: Texas arrests thousands of illegal immigrants for crossing border

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Texas arrests thousands of illegal immigrants for crime of crossing border

The news comes as officials ramps up their efforts to secure the boundary between Texas and Mexico.

It has been revealed that thousands of illegal immigrants have been arrested in the two years since Governor Greg Abbott authorized an operation that allowed law enforcement to arrest anyone who entered the country by trespassing on people's properties along the southern border.

The news comes as officials ramp up their efforts to secure the boundary between Texas and Mexico.

According to Fox News, nearly 10,000 illegal migrants have been apprehended via the "arrest and jail" initiative, which gave those who owned land next to the border the option to enter into agreements with state authorities giving the latter the right to arrest anyone found crossing into the US via the properties and charge them with misdemeanor trespassing.

"When people start learning about this, they're going to stop coming across the Texas border," Abbott said upon passing the law in July 2021.

That year, there were 1.2 million crossings recorded between Mexico and Texas. Contrary to what Abbott predicted, that number has actually gone up under Biden administration policies. In Fiscal Year 2023, over 1.5 million people crossed the border.

The Texas Department of Public Safety, which is in charge of overseeing the trespassing arrests, has nonetheless defended the program, with spokeswoman Ericka Miller pointing out that many of those apprehended were gang members, sex offenders, and human traffickers.

"Had we not been there, all of it likely would have crossed into the country unimpeded," Miller said in a statement to the Associated Press. "The state of Texas is working to send a message to those considering crossing into the country illegally to think again."

Under the new set of laws, which Abbott signed on December 20, police will "crack down on repeated attempts to enter Texas by creating the offense of illegal reentry," essentially making it a crime punishable at the state level to illegally enter Texas from a foreign nation.

Those who break the law can be penalized with up to 20 years in prison.

Authorities will also be able to "order an offender to return to the foreign nation from which the person entered or attempted to enter this state," and, "provides civil immunity and indemnification for local and state government officials, employees, and contractors for lawsuits resulting from the enforcement of these provisions."


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086a84 No.116434

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145585 (290221ZDEC23) Notable: Iran will sign a currency agreement with Russia in early 2024

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S p r i n t e r



Iran will sign a currency agreement with Russia in early 2024

This was stated by the head of the Iranian Central Bank, Mohammad Farzin. According to him, the countries will conclude an agreement in the first quarter, after which they will be able to trade in rubles and rials.

“The volume of our exports to Russia has exceeded the growth of imports from this country, which means that we benefit from trade with Russia. “In addition, with Iran’s membership in the Eurasian Union, the tariff on 87% of goods from Iran, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan was reduced to zero, and doing business became easy,” Farzin said.

Dec 29, 2023 · 12:40 AM UTC


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086a84 No.116435

File: 399b5300eb67c3e⋯.png (66.81 KB,1048x430,524:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145589 (290222ZDEC23) Notable: Maine being lame con't

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Lawfare Continues - Maine Democrat Secretary

of State Determines, Without Judicial

Hearing, Donald Trump is Disqualified

from 2024 GOP Primary Ballot

Conservative Tree House, by Sundance

Posted By: Mercedes44, 12/28/2023 8:54:15 PM

At the same time the Colorado Republican Party files a petition to the United States Supreme Court to overturn a disqualification ruling issued by the Colorado Supreme Court {link}, a challenge that will result in President Trump appearing on the Colorado ballot {link}, the Democrat Maine Secretary of State has ruled by fiat that Trump should be disqualified. Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows issued a public statement [SEE HERE] declaring that under her independent determination, President Trump should be disqualified.N

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086a84 No.116436

File: 8a7d8d5960fd388⋯.png (56.86 KB,669x417,223:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145595 (290223ZDEC23) Notable: Massive pro-Palestine protests erupt in New York City: hundreds of demonstrators try to force their way into the WTC

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Massive pro-Palestine protests erupt in

New York City: HUNDREDS of demonstrators

try to force their way into the World

Trade Center as Times Square is taken over

Daily Mail (UK), by Stephen M. Lepore

Posted By: Imright, 12/28/2023 8:46:18 PM

Hundreds of pro-Palestine demonstrators marched at Times Square and then in a walk from Zuccotti Park to the World Trade Center, continuing protests in a week where anti-Israel marchers have shut down traffic at JFK Airport. Chants of 'Biden you will see, Palestine will be free' and 'Israel bombs, USA pays, how many kids did you kill today?' was part of the rhetoric used by the protesters. Effigies representing children killed in Gaza were seen after people took part in silent procession which was organized partly by elderly Jewish groups through Midtown Manhattan earlier Thursday.

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086a84 No.116437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145599 (290223ZDEC23) Notable: IDF targeting Christianity's holiest sites on purpose

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"They're targeting Christianity's holiest sites on purpose" | Redacted News


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086a84 No.116438

File: 02666b3e9244c6d⋯.png (477.52 KB,711x1052,711:1052,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a0560867c39799⋯.png (319.01 KB,670x1181,670:1181,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dfb2f9f8bcf1f2⋯.png (148.25 KB,719x780,719:780,Clipboard.png)

File: 64760e7ab9d453a⋯.png (94.94 KB,719x361,719:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 470b82d247a96cc⋯.png (372.48 KB,719x907,719:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145616 (290226ZDEC23) Notable: @USArmy: #DYK? This month marks 106 years since the 7th Infantry Division was established Dec. 10, 1917

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This month marks 106 years since the 7th Infantry Division was established Dec. 10, 1917.


Not including "Dec 10th" from tweet.


What are shovels used for?

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086a84 No.116439

File: e261db30e571054⋯.png (139.87 KB,589x711,589:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145621 (290227ZDEC23) Notable: The White House just put out this video featuring John Podesta

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The White House just put out this video on endangered species featuring John Podesta, a snake named John and an owl.

They love to flaunt their evil!


Square profile picture

The White House




Since the Endangered Species Act was signed into law 50 years ago today, it has helped protect over 1,600 species in the U.S.

To celebrate this landmark law, a few of these animals visited the White House.

Our Administration is committed to conserving America’s wildlife.

Show more

0:07 / 0:36

12:31 PM · Dec 28, 2023




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086a84 No.116440

File: 6d47b41bb647184⋯.png (57.34 KB,674x417,674:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 99fd1a868ad71c6⋯.png (998.33 KB,711x709,711:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145648 (290231ZDEC23) Notable: Maine being lame con't

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Breaking News: Now MAINE tries to dump

Trump: Secretary of state rules Donald

is NOT eligible for election ballot -

just hours after Colorado put him BACK

in the 2024 primary

Daily Mail (UK), by Harriet Alexander & Katelyn Caralle

Posted By: Imright, 12/28/2023 7:16:21 PM

Maine has become the second state to disqualify Donald Trump from the ballot, citing the 14th Amendment's ban on anyone who engaged in insurrection holding office. The decision by Maine's secretary of state, Shanna Bellows, follows a similar conclusion made by Colorado's Supreme Court. Trump is considered likely to appeal the decision, as he will in Colorado. Bellows, a Democrat, concluded that Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2024, incited an insurrection when he spread false claims about voter fraud in the 2020 election and then

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086a84 No.116441

File: 88d8f0eee21b404⋯.png (639.11 KB,673x665,673:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145666 (290233ZDEC23) Notable: Mexican Cops Step Aside as New Migrant ‘Poverty’ Caravan Moves North

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Mexican Cops Step Aside as New Migrant

‘Poverty’ Caravan Moves North

Breitbart Border, by Ildefonso Ortiz

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 12/28/2023 7:09:52 PM

Mexican authorities stood down any efforts to contain a new migrant caravan that embarked this week from the southern part of Mexico. Authorities are currently escorting the groups and providing crowd control. Calling themselves the Poverty Exodus (Exodo de la Pobreza), the caravan, which is made up of more than 6,000 migrants, left the city of Tapachula, Chiapas, on Christmas Eve. The caravan is making its way north. In various parts of the journey, the migrants waved a banner with the caravan’s name and carried a white cross. Members of the group made public claims that their goal was to reach the United States for economic reasons.

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086a84 No.116442

File: 2f7481a78687014⋯.png (21.52 KB,587x287,587:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145671 (290234ZDEC23) Notable: CMZ: Will SCOTUS knock over the cards yet again?

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The last time the country was this divided, SCOTUS' Dred Scott decision knocked over a house of cards that brought us the civil war.

We now see secretaries of state rebuilding the house of cards as they block Trump from the ballot.

Will SCOTUS knock over the cards yet again?

3:22 PM · Dec 28, 2023




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086a84 No.116443

File: dba57ddb2349c09⋯.mp4 (7.44 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145716 (290243ZDEC23) Notable: The White House just put out this video featuring John Podesta

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086a84 No.116444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145736 (290247ZDEC23) Notable: Trump Campaign Statement on Maine Secretary of State Ruling

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"The Maine Secretary of State is a former ACLU attorney, a virulent leftist and a hyper-partisan Biden-supporting Democrat who has decided to interfere in the presidential election on behalf of Crooked Joe Biden. We are witnessing, in real-time, the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American voter. Democrats in blue states are recklessly and un-Constitutionally suspending the civil rights of the American voters by attempting to summarily remove President Trump’s name from the ballot. Make no mistake, these partisan election interference efforts are a hostile assault on American democracy. Biden and the Democrats simply do not trust the American voter in a free and fair election and are now relying on the force of government institutions to protect their grip on power.

State courts in Michigan and Minnesota have rejected these bad-faith, bogus 14th Amendment ballot challenges, as have federal courts in New Hampshire, Arizona, Florida, Rhode Island, West Virginia, along with ten other federal jurisdictions.

We know both the Constitution and the American people are on our side in this fight. President Trump’s dominating campaign has a commanding lead in the polls that has dramatically expanded as Crooked Joe Biden’s presidency continues to fail.

We will quickly file a legal objection in state court to prevent this atrocious decision in Maine from taking effect, and President Trump will never stop fighting to Make America Great Again." —Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Spokesman

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086a84 No.116445

File: 20d92c533449b8f⋯.png (643.71 KB,478x680,239:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145739 (290247ZDEC23) Notable: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) | FISAGATE

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086a84 No.116446

File: a32b6038dbb8995⋯.png (27.13 KB,606x265,606:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145740 (290247ZDEC23) Notable: Maine being lame con't

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Sen Collins of Maine weighing in

Sen. Susan Collins


Maine voters should decide who wins the election – not a Secretary of State chosen by the Legislature.

The Secretary of State’s decision would deny thousands of Mainers the opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice, and it should be overturned.

9:10 PM · Dec 28, 2023





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086a84 No.116447

File: 8d5d7e391fcf86d⋯.png (446.16 KB,461x820,461:820,Clipboard.png)

File: 91eaf6812f28143⋯.png (297.23 KB,455x466,455:466,Clipboard.png)

File: b3d076368f8ac0a⋯.png (559.36 KB,466x688,233:344,Clipboard.png)

File: e2c2c6491fd3841⋯.png (389.12 KB,461x576,461:576,Clipboard.png)

File: bfca613c841fe1c⋯.png (260.88 KB,462x539,6:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145749 (290249ZDEC23) Notable: The White House just put out this video featuring John Podesta

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John (Podesta) the Snake

Athena the OWL

Winnie the Penguin

unnamed the Eagle

Def comms

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086a84 No.116448

File: 2ce1a117201e26f⋯.png (12.12 KB,490x103,490:103,Clipboard.png)

File: fac165202c04226⋯.png (48.07 KB,636x424,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145765 (290252ZDEC23) Notable: PragerU Sides with ADL Claiming Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

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PragerU Sides with ADL Claiming Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

A neoconservative Jewish 'educational' resource is now turning the tables against America First, claiming anti-Zionism is antisemitic.

Since the October 7th attack against Israel by Hamas, Zionists have been pressuring the American public to support the war with possible U.S. intervention. PragerU, a neoconservative, Jewish-owned and operated “educational” resource, posted on X that anti-Zionism is antisemitism, leaving no unprejudiced stances against the foreign policy agenda that serves Israel.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which many Jewish conservatives have rebuked as “leftists” and not “Jewish,” has longed to establish anti-Zionism as antisemitism in accordance with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Its working definition is certainly broad and, of course, includes anti-Zionism.

This conflating of anti-Zionism with antisemitism has been the ultimate crutch for the Zionist agenda, although support for US intervention continues to dwindle despite corporate media’s unabashed cheerleading.

Recall only a few months ago, during the #BanTheADL campaign, this appeared as a censorship problem. The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro ushered a space with Elon Musk and nine Jewish leaders to discuss “antisemitism, faith and free speech.”

The two-hour space was purely dedicated to antisemitism, as the nine explicitly told the owner of X that he simply didn’t understand the “sensitively of the Jewish people.”


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086a84 No.116449

File: 13571a5e308f422⋯.png (338.02 KB,594x594,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145880 (290313ZDEC23) Notable: Maine being lame con't

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸




, Maine’s unelected, non-lawyer Secretary of State who just unilaterally (and illegally) booted Trump off the ballot, was one of Biden’s presidential electors in the Electoral College in 2020.

Partisan clown.


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086a84 No.116450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145919 (290318ZDEC23) Notable: Iran will sign a currency agreement with Russia in early 2024

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086a84 No.116451

File: 0694f7f8cab15e5⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 33c56228473e264⋯.png (835.47 KB,550x700,11:14,Clipboard.png)

File: b10e86251b16f91⋯.jpeg (528.35 KB,2000x2701,2000:2701,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fa072766db54a35⋯.png (173.04 KB,486x393,162:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a282c1ffda3eec⋯.jpeg (168.78 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145928 (290319ZDEC23) Notable: Author investigating Hillary Clinton dies in plane that crashed into Pentagon on 9/11?

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086a84 No.116452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145941 (290321ZDEC23) Notable: Author investigating Hillary Clinton dies in plane that crashed into Pentagon on 9/11?

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that author died in the plane that crashed into the pentagon but others say it was a missile that hit the pentagon

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086a84 No.116453

File: 3b262cdb8a06927⋯.jpg (112.32 KB,1108x696,277:174,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20145947 (290322ZDEC23) Notable: Maine being lame con't

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Speaking of Maine

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086a84 No.116454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146048 (290336ZDEC23) Notable: Falcon Heavy launches USSF-52 to orbit from Florida

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Falcon Heavy launches USSF-52 to orbit from Florida

Dec 29, 2023 · 3:05 AM UTC


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086a84 No.116455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146061 (290338ZDEC23) Notable: Falcon Heavy launches USSF-52 to orbit from Florida

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But wait...There´s more!





Propellant load has begun for tonight’s launch of 23 @Starlink satellites from Florida. All systems and weather are currently go for launch

Dec 29, 2023 · 3:26 AM UTC

The Cybertruck Guy



Replying to @SpaceX @Starlink

Didn't y'all JUST launch a Falcon heavy?


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086a84 No.116456

File: dd8a8e705ac2b3f⋯.png (138.57 KB,597x546,199:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c4f3bb2add8a58⋯.png (157.77 KB,314x680,157:340,Clipboard.png)

File: f35615ba730b49d⋯.png (172.69 KB,314x680,157:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146071 (290338ZDEC23) Notable: Maine being lame con't

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MI GOP conflict of interest expose on Twitter/X

Tom Norton Fighting for America.


In Michigan based upon what patriot




is now in violation of our party bylaws. Only a simple majority is required to remove. We have a conflict of interest clause which has CLEARLY been violated. Attached please review bylaws:


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086a84 No.116457

File: 6287a1cfe7c7263⋯.png (244.32 KB,396x582,66:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146099 (290343ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Rep. John Andrews makes motion to impeach Shenna Bellows for barring President Trump from ballot

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Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Maine Rep. John Andrews has made a motion to IMPEACH Maine Secretary of State Bellows for BARRING President Trump from appearing on the 2024 Ballot


“Donald J. Trump has met all qualifications for the March 2024 Republican Presidential Primary. He should be allowed on the ballot. This is raw partisanship and has no place in the offices of our state's Constitutional Officers.”

"This is hyper-partisanship on full display. A Secretary of State APPOINTED by legislative Democrats bans President Trump from the 2024 ballot so that she can jockey for position in the 2026 Democrat Primary for Governor. Banana Republic isn't just a store at the mall."



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086a84 No.116458

File: 48d8960332bf1be⋯.png (568.03 KB,684x547,684:547,Clipboard.png)

File: f18eb709a388555⋯.png (387.16 KB,737x590,737:590,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c2a6ade7e59ff7⋯.png (120.35 KB,274x184,137:92,Clipboard.png)

File: 15d424b5155568e⋯.png (499.58 KB,1461x926,1461:926,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b9508fb29105d7⋯.png (326.47 KB,512x384,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146101 (290343ZDEC23) Notable: Author investigating Hillary Clinton dies in plane that crashed into Pentagon on 9/11?

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>that author died in the plane that crashed into the pentagon but others say it was a missile that hit the pentagon

She not ded anon. she assumed a new identity and remarried the very man she had widowed.

And the only way Todd Beamer died in that field in Pennsylvania is if he rode a Chinese cruise missile in Major Kong style.




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086a84 No.116459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146141 (290353ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Rep. John Andrews makes motion to impeach Shenna Bellows for barring President Trump from ballot

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this has TEETH

In four states—Maine, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Tennessee—the chief election official is selected by the legislature. Both chambers have a role, except in Oklahoma where responsibility lies solely with the state senate. 


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086a84 No.116460

File: ef18c4951bfcc63⋯.png (862.76 KB,1920x1008,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: a7a5fa5eac656de⋯.png (2.47 MB,1600x1083,1600:1083,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146142 (290353ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Looks like some US brass headed out from Riyadh to have a little hands on time with the Battle of the Red Sea

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Looks like some US brass headed out from Riyadh to have a little hands on time with the Battle of the Red Sea.


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086a84 No.116461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146146 (290355ZDEC23) Notable: Colorado law banning Styrofoam containers at restaurants, plastic bags at retail stores, goes into effect Jan. 1

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Colorado law banning Styrofoam containers at restaurants, plastic bags at retail stores, goes into effect Jan. 1


Butt fucking your husband infront of your stolen children is perfectly acceptable though

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086a84 No.116462

File: 8b8ba27092140e4⋯.png (408.68 KB,943x850,943:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146155 (290358ZDEC23) Notable: A United States Navy ship in the Red Sea shot down a ballistic missile and a drone on Thursday night

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A United States Navy ship in the Red Sea shot down a ballistic missile and a drone on Thursday night, officials confirmed to ABC News.

The USS Mason shot down one drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile fired by the Houthis an armed group backed by Iran into the Southern Red Sea, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

Eighteen ships, mostly cargo ships, were in the area at the time; however, CENTCOM said there was no damage to any of the vessels and no reported injuries.

Thursday night's attack was the 22nd attempted attack by the Houthi rebels on international shipping since mid-October.

Due to the escalating crisis in the Red Sea, the U.S. recently announced it had launched an international task force for maritime security.

State Department officials said the Biden administration's initial goal was to bring together a broad array of international powers to rein in the Houthis, who control a significant amount of territory in Yemen.

Earlier this month, Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder addressed the escalation of the attacks.

"We're continuing to take the situation in the Red Sea extremely seriously, there should be no doubt about that," Ryder said at the time. "The actions that we've seen from these Houthi forces are destabilizing, they're dangerous, and clearly a flagrant violation of international law. And so this is an international problem that requires an international solution."

A State Department official previously said that the U.S. has sent multiple messages to the Houthis via various diplomatic channels warning them against continuing their indiscriminate attacks, however, those threats appear to have had little impact, as the Houthis continue to insist they will stop only when Israel's war in Gaza ends.


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086a84 No.116463

File: d050b2451b556c0⋯.png (1.29 MB,1440x847,1440:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146160 (290358ZDEC23) Notable: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) | FISAGATE

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Why FISA-gate Is Scarier Than Watergate?

The Watergate scandal of 1972-74 was uncovered largely because of outraged Democratic politicians and a bulldog media. They both claimed that they had saved American democracy from the Nixon administration's attempt to warp the CIA and FBI to cover up an otherwise minor, though illegal, political break-in.

In the Iran-Contra affair of 1985-87, the media and liberal activists uncovered wrongdoing by some rogue members of the Reagan government. They warned of government overreach and of using the "Deep State" to subvert the law for political purposes.

We are now in the midst of a third great modern scandal. Members of the Obama administration's Department of Justice sought court approval for the surveillance of Carter Page, allegedly for colluding with Russian interests, and extended the surveillance three times.

But none of these government officials told the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the warrant requests were based on an unverified dossier that had originated as a hit piece funded in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign to smear Donald Trump during the current 2016 campaign.

Nor did these officials reveal that the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, had already been dropped as a reliable source by the FBI for leaking to the press.

Nor did officials add that a Department of Justice official, Bruce Ohr, had met privately with Steele - or that Ohr's wife, Nellie, had been hired to work on the dossier.

Unfortunately, such disclosures may be only the beginning of the FISA-gate scandal.

Members of the Obama administration's national security team also may have requested the names of American citizens connected with the Trump campaign who had been swept up in other FISA surveillance. Those officials may have then improperly unmasked the names and leaked them to a compliant press - again, for apparent political purposes during a campaign.

As a result of various controversies, the deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, has resigned. Two FBI officials who had been working on special counsel Robert Mueller's team in the so-called Russia collusion probe, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, have been reassigned for having an improper relationship and for displaying overt political biases in text messages to each other.

The new FBI director, Christopher Wray, has also reassigned the FBI's top lawyer, James Baker, who purportedly leaked the Steele dossier to a sympathetic journalist.

How does FISA-gate compare to Watergate and Iran-Contra?

Once again, an administration is being accused of politicizing government agencies to further agendas, this time apparently to gain an advantage for Hillary Clinton in the run-up to an election.

There is also the same sort of government resistance to releasing documents under the pretext of "national security."

There is a similar pattern of slandering congressional investigators and whistleblowers as disloyal and even treasonous.

There is the rationale that just as the Watergate break-in was a two-bit affair, Carter Page was a nobody.

But there is one huge (and ironic) difference. In the current FISA-gate scandal, most of the media and liberal civil libertarians are now opposing the disclosure of public documents. They are siding with those in the government who disingenuously sought surveillance to facilitate the efforts of a political campaign.

This time around, the press is not after a hated Nixon administration. Civil libertarians are not demanding accountability from a conservative Reagan team. Instead, the roles are reversed.

Barack Obama was a progressive constitutional lawyer who expressed distrust of the secretive "Deep State." Yet his administration weaponized the IRS and surveilled Associated Press communications and a Fox News journalist for reporting unfavorable news based on supposed leaks.

Obama did not fit the past stereotypes of right-wing authoritarians subverting the Department of Justice and its agencies. Perhaps that is why there was little pushback against his administration's efforts to assist the campaign of his likely replacement, fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Progressives are not supposed to destroy requested emails, "acid wash" hard drives, spread unverified and paid-for opposition research among government agencies, or use the DOJ and FBI to obtain warrants to snoop on the communications of American citizens.

FISA-gate may become a more worrisome scandal than either Watergate or Iran-Contra. Why? Because our defense against government wrongdoing the press is defending such actions, not uncovering them. Liberal and progressive voices are excusing, not airing, the excesses of the DOJ and FBI.


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086a84 No.116464

File: 9197d1299cd7aba⋯.png (282.61 KB,819x613,819:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146191 (290406ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Rep. John Andrews makes motion to impeach Shenna Bellows for barring President Trump from ballot

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OKC anon here. OK has done a lot of good stuff the last year. Ryan Walters is kicking progressive ass. anti-DEI stuff passed. porno books addressed. The blue hairs and alphabet mafia can't stand him. They subpoenaed him and stuff. This anon met him in Arcadia OK last year at a patriot rally before the election. His 10 year old daughter said the preamble of the Constitution by memory. before he spoke. I was amazed someone I voted for actually won. We need more like him.

video on page


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086a84 No.116465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146272 (290423ZDEC23) Notable: #24722

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#24722 >>116429

>>116430 An inquiry into the Soham murders of schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman was opposed by Tony Blair, files reveal

>>116431 The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. earlier this year used a U.S. internet service provider to communicate

>>116432 L'Oreal heiress Francoise Bettencourt Meyers becomes the first woman to accumulate $100 billion

>>116433 Texas arrests thousands of illegal immigrants for crossing border

>>116434, >>116450 Iran will sign a currency agreement with Russia in early 2024

>>116435, >>116440, >>116446, >>116449, >>116456, >>116453 Maine being lame con't

>>116436 Massive pro-Palestine protests erupt in New York City: hundreds of demonstrators try to force their way into the WTC

>>116437 IDF targeting Christianity's holiest sites on purpose

>>116438 @USArmy: #DYK? This month marks 106 years since the 7th Infantry Division was established Dec. 10, 1917

>>116439, >>116443, >>116447 The White House just put out this video featuring John Podesta

>>116441 Mexican Cops Step Aside as New Migrant ‘Poverty’ Caravan Moves North

>>116442 CMZ: Will SCOTUS knock over the cards yet again?

>>116444 Trump Campaign Statement on Maine Secretary of State Ruling

>>116445, >>116463 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) | FISAGATE

>>116448 PragerU Sides with ADL Claiming Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

>>116454, >>116455 Falcon Heavy launches USSF-52 to orbit from Florida

>>116457, >>116459, >>116464 Maine Rep. John Andrews makes motion to impeach Shenna Bellows for barring President Trump from ballot

>>116451, >>116452, >>116458 Author investigating Hillary Clinton dies in plane that crashed into Pentagon on 9/11?

>>116460 PF: Looks like some US brass headed out from Riyadh to have a little hands on time with the Battle of the Red Sea

>>116462 A United States Navy ship in the Red Sea shot down a ballistic missile and a drone on Thursday night

>>116461 Colorado law banning Styrofoam containers at restaurants, plastic bags at retail stores, goes into effect Jan. 1


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086a84 No.116466

File: 55f970e2297b269⋯.png (390.38 KB,478x680,239:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146296 (290426ZDEC23) Notable: #24723

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baker has ghosteth

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086a84 No.116467

File: fb5279714f2d303⋯.png (36.08 KB,900x264,75:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a75ff7437b1178⋯.jpg (85.79 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146312 (290428ZDEC23) Notable: @mrddmia - Democrats are the fat kids at the all-you-can-eat buffet. They can’t stop themselves

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Democrats are the fat kids at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

They can’t stop themselves.

Dec 28, 2023, 10:42 PM


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086a84 No.116468

File: e00b3d66013f9fb⋯.jpeg (37.72 KB,474x463,474:463,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a4f34f971c1c721⋯.jpeg (29.08 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b2c4063548240f8⋯.jpeg (21.87 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146338 (290433ZDEC23) Notable: Ukrainian FM Dmitry Kuleba derides the EU for not making enough weapons to give Kiev

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29 Dec, 2023 00:02

Western Europe ‘doesn’t know how to fight’ – Ukrainian FM (insults the West Again)

Dmitry Kuleba (Big Fat Whiny Baby) derided the EU for not making enough weapons to give Kiev


Western Europe isn’t producing enough weapons and ammunition to supply either Kiev or itself, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview on Thursday, lamenting Russia’s industrial advantage.

In an interview to the Kiev Independent, Kuleba expressed hope that Ukraine will eventually get more money, weapons, ammunition and equipment from the US and its allies, but was skeptical about their ability to expand their military production.

“Europe doesn’t know how to fight wars. The production of weapons is not the most popular area of business,” he told the outlet.“Unfortunately, our friends spent too much time deliberating on how and when to ramp up their production of weapons and ammunition.”

TheEU has sent Kiev at least €27 billion($29.88 billion)since Russia launched its military operation in the neighboring state in February 2022, with theUS contributing over $44 billion worth of weapons, equipment, and ammunition to replenish Ukraine’s combat losses. In recent months, however, they have fallen short of promised deliveries of artillery shells and rockets.

“I’m more concerned with the pace of development of defense industries than with the arrival of new types of weapons,” Kuleba told the Kiev Independent.

“Europe clearly has an advantage in its technology. The problem and challenge they face is scaling up that technology’s production. I regret to say it, but this will not be enough if the situation doesn’t change. And Russia will be ahead of us,” he added.

Kulena grudgingly admitted that Russia has cranked its military industry into high gear, despite the Western sanctions. He criticized the West for “protectionism” he said was hampering the military production.

“The solution is to create a certain level of alignment of all defense industries of the EU, the United States, and like-minded countries. For them to work as one whole system,” he said, but acknowledged that this was difficult due to intellectual property and security concerns.

US weapons manufacturers have frequently undercut Western European industries on the world market, even though their systems were supposed to be “interoperable” under NATO standards.

Facing opposition in Congress, the White House has tried to pitch more aid to Ukraine as a program to help the US defense industry and create jobs, but to little effect. Washington has also pushed for rebuilding the military industry in Ukraine itself, though the threat of Russian missile and drone strikes makes it a dubious proposition.

In October, as NATO stockpiles of ammunition began to run dry, Ukrainian Strategic Industries Minister Aleksandr Kamyshin lamented that “all the worldwide capacities” for the production of weapons and ammunition would “not be enough” for Ukraine’s warfighting needs.

(He is their Foreign Ministerdiplomat! Kek)


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086a84 No.116469

File: bded86f4a6e29f5⋯.png (343.71 KB,507x456,169:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d213b02a218b06⋯.png (372.72 KB,511x635,511:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146359 (290438ZDEC23) Notable: Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start

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Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start

One Gaza resident identified as Rami Abu Mosab was cited in a Wednesday CBS report as follows: "It was a night of hell. We haven't seen such bombing since the start of the war." Central and southern Gaza are still being pummeled.

Palestinian civilian deaths have continued to mount, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issuing a rare statement of regret over the December 24 attack on the Al-Maghazi refugee camp, which killed an estimated 70 people.

An IDF statement to CNN said that during "operations in the Gaza Strip against Hamas terrorist targets, IAF fighter jets struck two targets adjacent to which Hamas operatives were located on December 24, 2023."

"Before the strikes were carried out, steps were taken by the IDF to mitigate harm to uninvolved civilians in the area," it added. "A preliminary investigation revealed that additional buildings located near the targets were also hit during the strikes, which likely caused unintended harm to additional uninvolved civilians." Israel says it is continuing to investigate the matter.

In another key sign that the war is indeed widening further, Israeli forces are conducing unprecedented raids in the West Bank. Al Jazeera has described the IDF's "most intense raids yet on cities in the occupied West Bank as they pressed on with one of the largest incursions in the territory since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October."

The operations included no less than ten cities:

At least one person was killed after Israeli troops launched a coordinated overnight assault on 10 cities including Hebron, Halhul, Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem, el-Bireh, Jericho and notably the centre of Ramallah, which is the administrative headquarters of the Palestinian Authority.

The raids, which continued until early on Thursday morning, targeted Palestinian money exchange outlets.

“This was a raid like we haven’t seen in the centre of Ramallah, like no other. Since October 7 we haven’t seen a raid of this size,” Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan said, reporting from near the scene on Thursday.

The headquarters of six money exchange companies were reportedly raided, apparently the result of Israeli authorities accusing these of aiding in 'terror financing' and activities. Several casualties among Palestinians have been reported.

The Palestine Monetary Authority issued a statement denouncing the raids. "The Israelis arrested a number of the owners of these companies and seized sums of money from their safes, after blowing them up." The authority further said it considers the attack "an act that violates all international norms, laws, charters and agreements, and aims to undermine confidence in the Palestinian banking and banking sector."

In total at least 312 Palestinians have been killed by the military or Israeli settlers in the West Bank since the Hamas terror attack of Oct.7 - while nearly 5,000 Palestinians have been arrested amid clashes with security forces.


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086a84 No.116470

File: 2f71f269767dab1⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146387 (290443ZDEC23) Notable: Maine SOS on MSNDC Discusses Decision to Remove Trump from Ballot

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Maine SOS taking a victory lap on MSDNC tonight.


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086a84 No.116471

File: 3b67b912e5f4a17⋯.jpeg (131.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146432 (290453ZDEC23) Notable: Replacing US Aid to Kiev Impossible

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28 Dec, 2023 18:38

Replacing US aid to Kiev impossible – German politician

US Republicans are “distancing” themselves from America’s international “obligations,” The Greens co-chair Omid Nouripour warns(what obligations, what does the EU offer us?)

The loss of Washington’s military and financial support is likely to be critical for Kiev as America’s allies in Europe would probably not be able to fully compensate for it even if they tried, the co-chair of Germany’s Green Party, Omid Nouripour, said on Thursday.

Washington has been struggling to get congressional approval for its next major Ukraine aid package worth $60 billion, which President Joe Biden requested in October. Republicans in the House of Representatives blocked the bill, tying it to their demands for tougher immigration control at the US-Mexico border. The lawmakers eventually left Washington for the Christmas holidays without adopting the legislation.

The development came as Ukraine’s much-anticipated summer counteroffensive ended up in failure. Kiev’s forces have barely gained any ground on the frontlines while suffering heavy casualties and losing a significant portion of the Western-supplied heavy armor and other military equipment provided to it.

“It is hardly possible to simply compensate for what the Americans have achieved so far, either in terms of materials or in terms of money,” said Nouripour, who co-leads a party that currentlyforms part of the German ruling coalition, together with Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats and Finance Minister Christian Lindner’s Free Democrats.

Washington has been by far the biggest donor to Ukraine amid its ongoing conflict with Russia. According to the German Kiel Institute for World Economy, theUS alone spent almost $80 billion on military and financial aid to Kiev between January 2022 and October 2023. The White House itself allegedly released a spreadsheet detailingnearly $101.2 billion in aid that had already been sent to Kievor committed, according to a Fox News September report.

Although the EU institutions spent more than $85 billion on financial aid to Kiev alone over the same period,their military assistance to Ukraine was much smaller, the Kiel Institute’s data suggest. Germany, which emerged as the second biggest single military aid donor to Kiev, spent around $19 billion, almost three times less than America, the German institute said.

In late November, German MP Dr Johann Wadephul warned that the nation’s own military might end up at a loss if Berlin continues to funnel resources into Kiev’s needs. The lawmaker pointed to theunder-funded and under-equipped status of the German Armed Forces, stating that some “critical” units would last no longer than two days in battle, at a time when replacements purchased for the Bundeswehr often go to Ukraine instead.

On Thursday, The Greens’ Nouripour maintained that “Europeans will have to step up our support for Ukraine” if Washington reduces it or stops it completely. He also said that the fact that Republicans in the US seem to be“distancing themselves” from America’s international “obligations” is “bad for security in Europe.”(what obligations??? These people are sick and delusional!)


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086a84 No.116472

File: 6bf8a768be9b938⋯.mp4 (7.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146436 (290454ZDEC23) Notable: Looks like a tsunami. Wonder what is going on off the coast of CA?

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Looks like a tsunami.

Wonder what is going on off the coast of CA?


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086a84 No.116473

File: a997c737468cf04⋯.png (183.39 KB,1866x914,933:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146478 (290505ZDEC23) Notable: Wheat Futures Surge After Grain Ship Hits Mine

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Wheat Futures Surge After Grain Ship Hits Mine

Bloomberg December 28, 2023

By Tarso Veloso and Ilena Peng (Bloomberg) Wheat futures climbed after a vessel preparing to load grain from Ukraine hit a mine in the Black Sea, further raising fears of an escalation in the region.

Chicago prices rose as much as 2.13% after the incident. The explosion comes as attacks on ships transiting the Red Sea have snarled trade in the region, sending half of the container ship fleet that regularly uses the sea and the Suez Canal on much longer routes.

“Wheat is finding at least a bit of support again this morning on more action in the Black Sea,” Matt Zeller, senior market analyst at StoneX Financial Inc, said in a note.

Meanwhile, raw sugar jumped as much as 6.4% in New York, the biggest intraday jump since Aug. 10, 2021, showing signs of recovery after a steep slide. Futures have dropped more than 20% since an early November peak as dry weather in Brazil allowed cane harvesting and processing to continue later than usual.

But recent rainfall in Brazil’s center-south region soon could put an end to this season’s harvest, according to a Thursday ADM Investor Services note that said “the market is technically oversold and due for a correction.”


Earlier article names vessel, last position transmitted on the 27th

Bulk Carrier Hits Russian Mine in the Black Sea

Reuters December 28, 2023

Dec 28 (Reuters) – A Panama-flagged bulk carrier that was heading to the River Danube port to load grain hit a Russian mine in the Black Sea, injuring two crew members, Ukrainian officials said on Thursday.

The incident that took place on Wednesday was the latest instance of a civilian vessel hitting an explosive in the Black Sea. Kyiv has said increased Russian attacks on shipping and port infrastructure are to blame.

Russia’s defense ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A shipping source speaking on condition of anonymity told Reuters the Greek-operated VYSSOS was the vessel that had been hit. The vessel’s Athens-based manager, which was listed in databases as Nava Shipping, could not be immediately located for comment.

“A Panama-flagged civilian vessel was blown up on an enemy sea mine in the Black Sea … The vessel lost its course and control, and a fire broke out on the upper deck,” Ukraine’s southern military command said on Telegram.

A captain and a sailor, an Egyptian citizen, were injured, and the latter was taken to hospital in the city of Izmail, the head of the Odesa regional prosecutor’s office told a briefing.

He said the incident happened early on Wednesday at a river mouth. The vessel stopped updating its position, according to the ship tracking and maritime analytics provider MarineTraffic.

It was heading to Izmail, the British maritime security company Ambrey told Reuters. The mine hit its stern, and detonation caused equipment and machinery failure.

There were 18 crew members onboard, 13 Egyptians, three Ukrainians, and two Turkish citizens.

Ukraine says Moscow has increased attacks on Ukraine’s port infrastructure since mid-July, when it quit a U.N.-brokered deal that allowed safe passage of Ukrainian grain shipments via the Black Sea.

Kyiv since has established an alternative route, which hugs the western shores of the Black Sea. It said Russian forces have been repeatedly dropping explosive devices in its vicinity.


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086a84 No.116474

File: cda8dc1b57f76a4⋯.png (1.49 MB,896x901,896:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146487 (290508ZDEC23) Notable: Pro Surfers Have Traveled from All Over the World to Ride Massive & Powerful Waves at Northern California’s Legendary Mavericks

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Try harder.

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086a84 No.116475

File: b8b292b0e52899d⋯.png (941.46 KB,1919x1015,1919:1015,Clipboard.png)

File: 1157ddad8db652d⋯.png (538.03 KB,831x552,277:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 720aca9f72479b3⋯.png (463.93 KB,833x552,833:552,Clipboard.png)

File: 82e104b97cb04e2⋯.png (398.31 KB,1002x560,501:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b523b9c3578a95⋯.png (1.17 MB,1197x797,1197:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146524 (290521ZDEC23) Notable: PF: A little bit of everything.

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A little bit of everything.

USAF Beech King Air now using call sign GUTS64.


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086a84 No.116476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146527 (290522ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Interviews Stephen Miller About Workplace and Leftist Racism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson Interviews Stephen Miller About Workplace and Leftist Racism

December 28, 2023 | Sundance |

An interesting monologue and discussion by Tucker Carlson about modern racism and Diversity Inclusion Equity (DEI) dictates. The discussion with Stephen Miller is interesting because Miller hits on the reason for my emphasis of the next leader of the DOJ Civil Rights Division. WATCH:



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086a84 No.116477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146533 (290523ZDEC23) Notable: Massive waves flood California beach towns as evacuations ordered

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New York Post



Massive waves flood California beach towns as evacuations ordered trib.al/l6wAieu

Dec 29, 2023 · 4:46 AM UTC


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086a84 No.116478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146556 (290533ZDEC23) Notable: Pro Surfers Have Traveled from All Over the World to Ride Massive & Powerful Waves at Northern California’s Legendary Mavericks

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Pro surfers have traveled from all over the world to ride massive & powerful waves at Northern California’s legendary Mavericks 🏄‍♂️


Dec 29, 2023 · 4:23 AM UTC


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086a84 No.116479

File: 452335d8c9eb327⋯.jpg (71.72 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146696 (290647ZDEC23) Notable: Baker claim

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Claiming the bake

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086a84 No.116480

File: 6611c00cf1850fb⋯.png (103.41 KB,677x541,677:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146919 (290954ZDEC23) Notable: PF: There are currently zero military flights showing over the continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii.

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There are currently zero military flights showing over the continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii.

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086a84 No.116481

File: c1c9f59baeb9caf⋯.jpg (94.59 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20146927 (291012ZDEC23) Notable: Another “Old-time Chicago Pol” Convicted of Racketeering, Bribery, Extortion

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Another “Old-time Chicago Pol” Convicted of Racketeering, Bribery, Extortion

by Bob Adelmann December 28, 2023

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086a84 No.116482

File: a8e1caa190c136e⋯.png (18.95 KB,599x231,599:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147073 (291131ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino - THEY KNOW HE’S GOING TO WIN. AS 2024 APPROACHES, IT’S TIME TO BUCKLE UP…

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Let’s go, IOWA! Caucus for Trump—You will be the first to deliver a strong message, heard all around the WORLD! https://ia.donaldjtrump.com

7:18 PM · Dec 28, 2023




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086a84 No.116483

File: 46f00c53d0ce0d7⋯.jpg (69.47 KB,550x550,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147082 (291134ZDEC23) Notable: #24723

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...Bakering through the toddler tantrum.


#24723 >>116466

>>116479 Baker claim

>>116467 @mrddmia - Democrats are the fat kids at the all-you-can-eat buffet. They can’t stop themselves

>>116468 Ukrainian FM Dmitry Kuleba derides the EU for not making enough weapons to give Kiev

>>116469 Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start

>>116470 Maine SOS on MSNDC Discusses Decision to Remove Trump from Ballot

>>116471 Replacing US Aid to Kiev Impossible

>>116472 Looks like a tsunami. Wonder what is going on off the coast of CA?

>>116473 Wheat Futures Surge After Grain Ship Hits Mine

>>116475 PF: A little bit of everything.

>>116476 Tucker Carlson Interviews Stephen Miller About Workplace and Leftist Racism

>>116477 Massive waves flood California beach towns as evacuations ordered

>>116478, >>116474 Pro Surfers Have Traveled from All Over the World to Ride Massive & Powerful Waves at Northern California’s Legendary Mavericks

>>116480 PF: There are currently zero military flights showing over the continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii.

>>116481 Another “Old-time Chicago Pol” Convicted of Racketeering, Bribery, Extortion



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086a84 No.116484

File: 4e6b08f8a8e7b44⋯.jpg (83.62 KB,520x503,520:503,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147089 (291136ZDEC23) Notable: #24724

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086a84 No.116485

File: 4c6e43cc3bb7da5⋯.png (413.62 KB,601x454,601:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147363 (291322ZDEC23) Notable: SpaceX launches secretive US military spacecraft on research mission

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Insider Paper


NEW - SpaceX launches secretive US military spacecraft on research mission

9:08 PM · Dec 28, 2023




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086a84 No.116486

File: c369757f433e654⋯.png (503.92 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147516 (291355ZDEC23) Notable: Powder Keg South America: Maduro Mobilizes 5K Troops, Dozens of Military Vessels and Planes to Essequibo Region After British Warship Heads to Guyana

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Powder Keg South America: Maduro Mobilizes 5K Troops, Dozens of Military Vessels and Planes to Essequibo Region After British Warship Heads to Guyana


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086a84 No.116487

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147540 (291400ZDEC23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/29/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/29/2023



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086a84 No.116488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147732 (291439ZDEC23) Notable: @jensstoltenberg - Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland. #NATO stands in solidarity with our valued Ally, is monitoring the situation & we will remain in contact as the facts are established.

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Desperation lookin' to expand their war at any level.

Jens Stoltenberg


Spoke with President


about the missile incident in #Poland. #NATO stands in solidarity with our valued Ally, is monitoring the situation & we will remain in contact as the facts are established. NATO remains vigilant.


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086a84 No.116489

File: cf75b7d11bcfd97⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147752 (291444ZDEC23) Notable: Dozens more Hamas terrorists have been captured by IDF forces in Gaza.

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Oli London


Dozens more Hamas terrorists have been captured by IDF forces in Gaza.

After being captured they were made to remove their clothing to ensure they had no hidden explosives and weapons.


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086a84 No.116490

File: 67584956d3f9a4d⋯.png (867.27 KB,958x1203,958:1203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147932 (291527ZDEC23) Notable: @DHSgov - 2023 ⏪ In a historic first, @POTUS (ROTUS)'s June 2023 visit to the @AF_Academy in Colorado Springs was supported by an all-female @SecretService transportation team. #DHSYearinPhotos

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2023 ⏪

In a historic first, @POTUS's June 2023 visit to the @AF_Academy in Colorado Springs was supported by an all-female @SecretService transportation team.


9:06 AM · Dec 29, 2023


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086a84 No.116491

File: 5ed1e3a0341166a⋯.png (1.38 MB,983x1024,983:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147941 (291529ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 29, 2023 'Shakespeare in Space'

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 29, 2023

Shakespeare in Space

In 1986, Voyager 2 became the only spacecraft to explore ice giant planet Uranus close up. Still, this newly released image from the NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) on the James Webb Space Telescope offers a detailed look at the distant world. The tilted outer planet rotates on its axis once in about 17 hours. Its north pole is presently pointed near our line of sight, offering direct views of its northern hemisphere and a faint but extensive system of rings. Of the giant planet's 27 known moons, 14 are annotated in the image. Mixed with fuzzy background galaxies, the brighter moons show hints of Webb's characteristic diffraction spikes. And though these worlds of the outer Solar System were unknown in Shakespearean times, all but two of the 27 Uranian moons are named for characters in the English bard's plays.


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086a84 No.116492

File: 4bc359a6b906d07⋯.png (890.57 KB,1929x2000,1929:2000,Clipboard.png)

File: f1dac4357ea270a⋯.png (1.36 MB,1091x961,1091:961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20147987 (291539ZDEC23) Notable: NASA’s Juno to Get Close Look at Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io on Dec. 30

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NASA’s Juno to Get Close Look at Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io on Dec. 30

DEC 27, 2023

NASA’s Juno spacecraft will on Saturday, Dec. 30, make the closest flyby of Jupiter’s moon Io that any spacecraft has made in over 20 years. Coming within roughly 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) from the surface of the most volcanic world in our solar system, the pass is expected to allow Juno instruments to generate a firehose of data.

“By combining data from this flyby with our previous observations, the Juno science team is studying how Io’s volcanoes vary,” said Juno’s principal investigator, Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. “We are looking for how often they erupt, how bright and hot they are, how the shape of the lava flow changes, and how Io’s activity is connected to the flow of charged particles in Jupiter’s magnetosphere.”

A second ultra-close flyby of Io is scheduled for Feb. 3, 2024, in which Juno will again come within about 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) of the surface.

The spacecraft has been monitoring Io’s volcanic activity from distances ranging from about 6,830 miles (11,000 kilometers) to over 62,100 miles (100,000 kilometers), and has provided the first views of the moon’s north and south poles. The spacecraft has also performed close flybys of Jupiter’s icy moons Ganymede and Europa.

“With our pair of close flybys in December and February, Juno will investigate the source of Io’s massive volcanic activity, whether a magma ocean exists underneath its crust, and the importance of tidal forces from Jupiter, which are relentlessly squeezing this tortured moon,” said Bolton.

Now in the third year of its extended mission to investigate the origin of Jupiter, the solar-powered spacecraft will also explore the ring system where some of the gas giant’s inner moons reside.

Picture This

All three cameras aboard Juno will be active during the Io flyby. The Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM), which takes images in infrared, will be collecting the heat signatures emitted by volcanoes and calderas covering the moon’s surface. The mission’s Stellar Reference Unit (a navigational star camera that has also provided valuable science) will obtain the highest-resolution image of the surface to date. And the JunoCam imager will take visible-light color images.

JunoCam was included on the spacecraft for the public’s engagement and was designed to operate for up to eight flybys of Jupiter. The upcoming flyby of Io will be Juno’s 57th orbit around Jupiter, where the spacecraft and cameras have endured one of the solar system’s most punishing radiation environments.

“The cumulative effects of all that radiation has begun to show on JunoCam over the last few orbits,” said Ed Hirst, project manager of Juno at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “Pictures from the last flyby show a reduction in the imager’s dynamic range and the appearance of ‘striping’ noise. Our engineering team has been working on solutions to alleviate the radiation damage and to keep the imager going.”

More Io, Please

After several months of study and assessment, the Juno team adjusted the spacecraft’s planned future trajectory to add seven new distant Io flybys (for a total of 18) to the extended mission plan. After the close Io pass on Feb. 3, the spacecraft will fly by Io every other orbit, with each orbit growing progressively more distant: The first will be at an altitude of about 10,250 miles (16,500 kilometers) above Io, and the last will be at about 71,450 miles (115,000 kilometers).

The gravitational pull of Io on Juno during the Dec. 30 flyby will reduce the spacecraft’s orbit around Jupiter from 38 days to 35 days. Juno’s orbit will drop to 33 days after the Feb. 3 flyby.

After that, Juno’s new trajectory will result in Jupiter blocking the Sun from the spacecraft for about five minutes at the time when the orbiter is at its closest to the planet, a period called perijove. Although this will be the first time the solar-powered spacecraft has encountered darkness since its flyby of Earth in October 2013, the duration will be too short to affect its overall operation. With the exception of the Feb. 3 perijove, the spacecraft will encounter solar eclipses like this during every close flyby of Jupiter from now on through the remainder of its extended mission, which ends in late 2025.

Starting in April 2024, the spacecraft will carry out a series of occultation experiments that use Juno’s Gravity Science experiment to probe Jupiter’s upper atmospheric makeup, which provides key information on the planet’s shape and interior structure.


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086a84 No.116493

File: 1a159f1c9f34fc0⋯.png (212.05 KB,598x880,299:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148042 (291549ZDEC23) Notable: @MarsCuriosity Hey look – I’m a sundial!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Curiosity Rover


Hey look – I’m a sundial!

Ok, not exactly, but I did get a sol to enjoy my surroundings. During solar conjunction, I used my hazard cameras to study the Martian weather and dust.

As this Earth year comes to an end, I hope you’ll take the time to soak in what’s around you.

9:06 AM · Dec 28, 2023


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086a84 No.116494

File: d76061702b64720⋯.jpg (140.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148139 (291610ZDEC23) Notable: #24724

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...Bread coming up.


#24724 >>116484

>>116485 SpaceX launches secretive US military spacecraft on research mission

>>116486 Powder Keg South America: Maduro Mobilizes 5K Troops, Dozens of Military Vessels and Planes to Essequibo Region After British Warship Heads to Guyana

>>116487 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 12/29/2023

>>116488 @jensstoltenberg - Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda

about the missile incident in #Poland. #NATO stands in solidarity with our valued Ally, is monitoring the situation & we will remain in contact as the facts are established.

>>116489 Dozens more Hamas terrorists have been captured by IDF forces in Gaza.

>>116490 @DHSgov - 2023 ⏪ In a historic first, @POTUS (ROTUS)'s June 2023 visit to the @AF_Academy in Colorado Springs was supported by an all-female @SecretService transportation team. #DHSYearinPhotos

>>116491 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Dec 29, 2023 'Shakespeare in Space'

>>116492 NASA’s Juno to Get Close Look at Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io on Dec. 30

>>116493 @MarsCuriosity Hey look – I’m a sundial!


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086a84 No.116495

File: ff8a5cbaee18d27⋯.png (249.74 KB,452x560,113:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148214 (291625ZDEC23) Notable: Giving guns to illegals and taking gun citizens? ANONS DIG

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Giving guns to illegals and taking gun citizens.....

The ATF is now granting exemptions from background checks to illegals purchasing firearms?


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086a84 No.116496

File: 2bfd8a24d40e06b⋯.webp (165.7 KB,621x420,207:140,Clipboard.webp)

File: ff8a5cbaee18d27⋯.png (249.74 KB,452x560,113:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148260 (291634ZDEC23) Notable: Giving guns to illegals and taking gun citizens? ANONS DIG

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24 coming in HOT!

Be Ready

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086a84 No.116497

File: 735c0db22a4160d⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,640x624,40:39,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148266 (291635ZDEC23) Notable: Giving guns to illegals and taking gun citizens? ANONS DIG

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086a84 No.116498

File: c8e13da0e73c003⋯.jpeg (47.73 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148272 (291636ZDEC23) Notable: Russia confirms 'massive barrage' on targets in Ukraine (RT)

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Breaking News

29 Dec, 2023 11:01

Russia confirms ‘massive barrage’ on targets in Ukraine

An overnight operation added to 50 group strikes conducted throughout the week, the Defense Ministry reported

The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed that its forces launched a series of air attacks against multiple targets in Ukraine in the last week. A statement from the ministry on Friday detailed 50 “group” strikes and a single “massive” barrage using precision missiles and drones.

The ministry described the intended targets as“defense industry sites, military airfield infrastructure and depots for the storage of artillery munitions, naval drones, arms and fuel for military vehicles,” as well as troop positions.

All of them were successfully hit, the statement added.

Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, reported earlier in the day thatat least 158 separate launcheswere detected by Kiev’s troops on Thursday evening and Friday morning. He claimed that of the total, 27 drones and 87 cruise missiles were intercepted.

Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yury Ignat said in a televised statement that “we have never seen so many targets on our monitors simultaneously.”

Officials in various parts of the country claimed damage to several warehouses and a metro station in Kiev, among other locations.

(This is the ultimate, “Fuck Around and Find Out” moment. Russia is tired of the long and drawn out bullshit from Ukraine. The End is Near.)


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086a84 No.116499

File: a88c58dcd8c3ecb⋯.png (52.48 KB,983x315,983:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148323 (291647ZDEC23) Notable: France warns of "very high" terrorism threat on New Year's Eve, deploys 90,000 police forces and 5,000 soldiers — Telegraph

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JUST IN - France warns of "very high" terrorism threat on New Year’s Eve, deploys 90,000 police forces and 5,000 soldiers — Telegraph

11:15 AM · Dec 29, 2023


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086a84 No.116500

File: a55fbe87e5dffbb⋯.jpeg (66.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148331 (291648ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine requests emergency funding meeting - Bloomberg

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(Oh Hell NO)

29 Dec, 2023 13:17

Ukraine requests emergency funding meeting – Bloomberg

The prime minister has urged a group of Western donors to meet in January

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal has sent a letter toan international group coordinating funds, to request an emergency meeting with Western donors, as Kiev confronts “exceptionally high uncertainty” over its budget, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

According to the outlet, Shmygal sent a letter this month to theMulti-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine, urging Western sponsors help cover the budget shortfall.

“To uphold macroeconomic stability, it is imperative that we receive sufficient, prompt, and predictable external financing, beginning January 2024,” Shmygal wrote.

The Ukrainian economy relies almost entirely on financial support from the West, and Kiev has voiced concerns as to whether the flow will continue, as new aid packages were recently blocked both in the European Union and in the US.

The Finance Ministry said last week that Kiev's fiscal needs for2024 are estimated at $37.3 billion, after more than $42 billionin foreign aid received this year. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian budget may suffer a deficit in the first two months of the year, according to Finance Minister Sergey Marchenko.

“It is hardly possible to hold any discussion about recovery and rebuilding projects, when we are struggling to fulfil the 2024 survival priorities,” Shmygal reportedly said in the letter. He also requested holding a donors' meeting in January, ahead of a scheduled gathering in February.

US lawmakers in the House of Representatives have blocked a bill for the next major Ukraine aid package worth $60 billion, which President Joe Biden requested in October.

Another package from the EU worth €50 billion ($55.6 billion) was blocked by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban this month.

Earlier, Ukraine's former Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov comparedthe national economy to a “zombie” that only shows signs of life with Western financing, saying that it was “falling apart” with minimal GDP growth and a looming devaluation of the hryvnia.

(FUCK The Oligarchs and thieves, arrest them and seize their money and only give it honest brokers in Ukraine.Who are the International Committee making decisions?)


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086a84 No.116501

File: 28e865318fe44dc⋯.png (232.16 KB,598x620,299:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148352 (291652ZDEC23) Notable: Maine has now followed Colorado's lead re taking Trump off the ballot

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Maine has now followed Colorado's lead. We've uncovered hidden video of DNC Headquarters shortly after the news broke. This is a rapidly changing story, stay tuned for updates.



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086a84 No.116502

File: 09698ba75b92e0d⋯.jpeg (88.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148390 (291700ZDEC23) Notable: Biden slams Nikki Haley after Civil War slavery dodge

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29 Dec, 2023 13:10

Biden slams Nikki Haley after Civil War slavery dodge

The Republican presidential candidate has walked back her comments amid a barrage of criticism

US President Joe Biden has hit out at Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley after she avoided citing slavery as a central cause of the US Civil War at a New Hampshire town hall meeting this week.

Responding to a question from an audience member on Wednesday, Haley, the former US ambassador to the UN, said that the Civil War was fought over “how the government was going to run – the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

Haley turned the question back to the voter, who said that “it’s astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning slavery.”

Haley’s response also drew a fiery rebuke from both sides of the US political spectrum. Biden referenced her comments in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday, writing simply: “It was about slavery.”

Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor and one of Haley’s opponents in the Republican primary, told reporters in Iowa on Thursday that his GOP rival appeared to have “some problems with basic American history.” He claimed that her response was “incomprehensible word salad” and showed that the former South Carolina governor is “not a candidate that’s ready for primetime.”

Democratic National Committee chairman Jaime Harrison told CBS that it shouldn’t be “hard” to condemn slavery, and that doing so “is the baseline for anyone who wants to be president of the United States.”

A representative for Republican frontrunner Donald Trump declined to comment when contacted by Reuters.

Amid growing backlash, Haley sought to clarify her comments in a Thursday radio interview. “I mean, of course, the Civil War was about slavery,” she told Good Morning NH with Jack Heath.

“That’s the easy part of it,” Haley added. “What I was saying was, what does it mean to us today? What it means to us today is about freedom.”

There is a broad consensus among historians that the US Civil War of 1861-65 was fought over the concept of slavery. The Southern states, which had seceded from the Union, opposed attempts by states in the North to impose limits on slavery, especially in western territories.

Haley has previously defended aspects of the Confederacy, the term given to the seceded states. The state she governed, South Carolina, was the first to secede – with Haley saying in 2010 that it had a right to do so.

In 2015 she signed a bill into law to remove the Confederate flag from the state capitol following the murder of nine black people by white supremacist Dylann Roof. However, she was later criticized for describing the flag as a symbol of “heritage.”

Slavery was officially abolished by the US Congress on December 6, 1865.

(Is Birdbrain giving the Globalist message that they are ok with slavery, but the Military Industrial Complex will decide what wars they fight and they want a lot of endless wars; but it has to be about Democracy WW, not necessarily slavery, because what the West has done, is cause slavery in the countries they deposed the elected leaders. What a strange dodge, someone told her to stay away from the defeating the cause of slavery?)


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086a84 No.116503

File: 6a555a49c003cec⋯.jpeg (109.24 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148407 (291706ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine hit by large-scale air attack

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29 Dec, 2023 09:07

Ukraine hit by large-scale air attack – Kiev

A Ukrainian military spokesman said that an unprecedented number of weapons was used in the reported barrage

The Ukrainian Air Force has claimed that a massive Russian barrage hit cities across the country on Thursday night and Friday morning. Officials nationwide have reported damage at multiple sites.

The alleged air raid, which has yet to be confirmed by Moscow, reportedly involved dozens of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ignat told the media “we have never seen so many targets on our monitors simultaneously.”

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko said a metro station was damaged, as well as warehouses in two separate districts of the Ukrainian capital. His office added that a business center was also set on fire.

Sergey Lisak, who heads the Dnepropetrovsk Region, reported that a shopping mall was hit in the city of Dnepr, the region’s capital. Oleg Sinegub, his counterpart from Kharkov Region, said “civilian infrastructure” was damaged, including warehouses and a medical facility.

Prime Minister Denis Shmygal reported there had been issues with the power supply in the city of Kharkov – which city Mayor Igor Terekhov confirmed – and damage in Lviv, Sumy, Odessa, and Zaporozhye Regions. The minister claimed that “most of the air targets were intercepted” by Ukrainian forces.

Ignat claimed on national television that Russia used “everything” in its arsenal from kamikaze drones to hypersonic air-launched Kinzhal missiles.

Moscow previously stated thatKiev tends to exaggerate the numberof Kinzhal missiles used by Russia in the conflict in order to claim that it intercepted those projectiles.

The Ukrainian official estimated thatRussia used 18 Tu-95 strategic bombersto fire air-launched missiles overnight.

Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s top general, later said that the military had detected 158 separate launches and claimed that 27 drones and 87 cruise missiles were stopped. He put the number of Kinzhal launches at five.

Earlier in the week,Kiev celebratedwhat it hailed as a major success in the conflict: aRussian warship in the Crimean port city of Feodosia was damagedby air-launched cruise missiles.


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086a84 No.116504

File: 260c518cf6c4a54⋯.png (369.64 KB,654x502,327:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148431 (291712ZDEC23) Notable: Pfizer to lay off 285 amid declining Covid vaccine sales

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Pfizer to lay off 285 amid declining Covid vaccine sales

Pfizer plans to lay off 285 employees at its Pearl River lab campus in Rockland County beginning Feb. 12, about 28% of its total staff there, according to a notice the pharmaceutical company filed with the state Department of Labor Dec. 22.



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086a84 No.116505

File: b1fadbc2340bff9⋯.jpeg (67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148454 (291719ZDEC23) Notable: US allies waver on joining Red Sea task force

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29 Dec, 2023 12:43

US allies waver on joining Red Sea task force – Reuters

Several members of the US-led effort to protect ships from Houthi attacks have yet to confirm their participation, the agency says

Several US allies are withholding their supportfor a maritime coalition aimed at protecting shipping routes in the Red Sea from attacks by Houthi militants in Yemen, Reuters has reported.

When the Biden administration announced thetask force of 20 nationsearlier this month, it was seeking a firm international response to actions by the Houthis, butso far only 12 countrieshave confirmed their participation in the effort, the news agency said in an article on Thursday.

Two US allies in the EU – Spain and Italy, who were eventually named as contributors to ‘Operation Prosperity Guardian’ – have sincedistanced themselvesfrom the task force.

Madrid insisted that it would only take part in NATO-led missions or EU-coordinated operations.“We will not participate unilaterally in the Red Sea operation,”it said. Rome confirmed that it is sending a warship to the area, but stressed that this was at the request of Italian shipowners, not as part of ‘Operation Prosperity Guardian.’

“The reluctance of some US alliesto link themselves to the effort partly reflects the fissures created by the conflict in Gaza,”Reuters stated.

Washington continues to back the Israeli military operation in the Palestinian enclave, despite increasing international criticism the Israeli bombardment, through which more than 21,000 Palestinians have been killed according to Gaza’s health ministry.

The Houthis, who control a large part of Yemen’s territory, including the capital Sanaa, have said they will be targeting Israeli-linked vessels in response to Israel airstrikes and the ground invasion of Gaza. Since November 19,a dozen ships have been attacked or hijackedalong the busy shipping route.

The Red Sea is the entry point for ships using the Suez Canal, through which some 12% of worldwide trade passes, according to the US Naval Institute.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam said earlier that “the coalition formed by America is to protect Israel and militarize the sea without any justification,” adding that it would not be able to stop the group from targeting ships heading for Israel.

US Central Command announced late on Thursday that a US Navy guided-missile destroyer shot down a drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile that were fired by the Houthis. None of the 18 ships that were in the area were damaged in the incident, it added.

(Solution:remove all NATO US soldiers in all countries that refuseto support & protect our military in the Red Sea and in other areas. When Trump is back this betrayal will be used towithdraw from NATO permanently!This display only reinforces our “Allies” are not allies but leeches who use us for their needs only. They are finally saying the quiet part out loud.)


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086a84 No.116506

File: 58f85c937e36e2e⋯.png (49.44 KB,590x224,295:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148540 (291748ZDEC23) Notable: @jensstoltenberg: Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland...

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Jens Stoltenberg


Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland. #NATO stands in solidarity with our valued Ally, is monitoring the situation & we will remain in contact as the facts are established. NATO remains vigilant.

9:36 AM · Dec 29, 2023


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086a84 No.116507

File: 091d9ab2e854729⋯.png (711.38 KB,791x647,791:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148580 (291759ZDEC23) Notable: Ohio's GOP governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes in girls sports

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Ohio’s GOP governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming

care, transgender athletes in girls sports

News Nation, by Samantha Hendrickson

Posted By: Beardo, 12/29/2023 11:28:12 AM

Republican Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed a measure Friday that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors and transgender athletes’ participation in girls and women’s sports, in a break from members of his party who championed the legislation. GOP lawmakers hold enough seats to override DeWine’s veto, but if or when they would do so was not immediately clear. Both within and between chambers, Republican legislators have not been in lockstep this year. In a news conference Friday, DeWine said he had listened to people on both sides of the legislation who “truly believe their position best protects children.”

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086a84 No.116508

File: 4f14e2d33f73b85⋯.png (134.73 KB,602x794,301:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148588 (291801ZDEC23) Notable: @elonmusk - To give you a sense of the immense and growing size of illegal immigration!

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Elon Musk


To give you a sense of the immense and growing size of illegal immigration!






Since August, there are officially more arriving each month than there are children being born to American mothers.

And these are just the official encounters - we don't know how many avoided detection. twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…


6:00 AM · Dec 29, 2023




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086a84 No.116509

File: 28382817425db08⋯.png (162.29 KB,524x507,524:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148629 (291811ZDEC23) Notable: TechnoFog on Cohen's AI motions

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A few weeks back, a federal judge noticed attorneys for Michael Cohen were using fake cases - and demanded an explanation.

It turns out Cohen was using AI to help write his own motions - and was apparently misleading his lawyer about the source of those cases.


Is the AI an accomplice?

How to sanction?

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086a84 No.116510

File: 7ffce972e1356cd⋯.png (177.56 KB,364x472,91:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148693 (291826ZDEC23) Notable: Why Are Capitol Police Setting Up Satellite Headquarters In Major American Cities The Answer Could Be Dangerous - video

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Why Are Capitol Police Setting Up Satellite Headquarters In Major American Cities The Answer Could Be Dangerous [VIDEO]


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086a84 No.116511

File: f6b1d9e120eff7f⋯.png (197.81 KB,580x387,580:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148700 (291828ZDEC23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: DEROY MURDOCK: Boom Boom — Out Go The Lights!

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Donald J. Trump



DEROY MURDOCK: Boom Boom — Out Go The Lights!

Ruling like the dictator whom he says Donald J. Trump aspires to be, President Joe Biden has decreed restrictions, if not prohibitions, on gas stoves, gas furnaces, gasoline-powered cars and trucks, and…


Dec 29, 2023, 3:39 AM

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086a84 No.116512

File: fd1eac61ca4d5c1⋯.png (231.27 KB,600x558,100:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148756 (291839ZDEC23) Notable: TechnoFog on Cohen's AI motions

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Techno Fog


A few weeks back, a federal judge noticed attorneys for Michael Cohen were using fake cases - and demanded an explanation.

It turns out Cohen was using AI to help write his own motions - and was apparently misleading his lawyer about the source of those cases.




7:01 AM · Dec 29, 2023




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086a84 No.116513

File: d08258c27123405⋯.png (66.74 KB,369x526,369:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148800 (291849ZDEC23) Notable: "Epstein & Gates scientist, Melanie Walker, reported to Jim Kim at World Bank

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"Epstein & Gates scientist, Melanie Walker, reported to Jim Kim at World Bank

Jim Kim cofounded Partners in Health

Ira Magaziner signed a partnership between the Clinton Health Access Initiative & WHO…the signee at WHO?? JIM KIM!

Who appointed Jim Kim to World Bank? Obama

Gayle Smith became Biden’s Vaccine diplomat…but, before that, she was Obama’s USAID director, doling out money to Ecohealth

Dr. Melanie Walker is Rockefeller, WEF, WHO, World Bank, IHME, American Medical Association board member, Gates Foundation…"


➡️ t.me/RobinMG

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086a84 No.116514

File: 7e18f8def24a9fb⋯.png (57.1 KB,601x891,601:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148810 (291851ZDEC23) Notable: @JesseMatchey: Chelsea was involved with Ghislaine because of the Clinton Global Initiative

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See new posts


Jesse “Epstein+WEF+🇺🇳=Malthusianism💉” Matchey


Chelsea was involved with Ghislaine because of the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the people involved with it, you waste of space

Ira Magaziner

Doug Band

Eric Nonacs

Gayle Smith

Chelsea is on the board of Partners In Health

Epstein & Gates scientist, Melanie Walker, reported to Jim Kim at World Bank

Jim Kim cofounded Partners in Health

Ira Magaziner signed a partnership between the Clinton Health Access Initiative & WHO…the signee at WHO?? JIM KIM!

Who appointed Jim Kim to World Bank? Obama

Gayle Smith became Biden’s Vaccine diplomat…but, before that, she was Obama’s USAID director, doling out money to Ecohealth

Dr. Melanie Walker is Rockefeller, WEF, WHO, World Bank, IHME, American Medical Association board member, Gates Foundation…

Between constant garbage takes, like yours, and the Q misdirection campaign, we’re in a world of sh!t

Look at the names, above, and IN ADDITION TO BILL GATES, ask yourself why the aforementioned names are missing from this list

Epstein cofounded the Clinton Foundation…

The sad fking thing about this all? Some of you KNOW this stuff, and you play like you don’t.

This list is garbage. Fake. It’s Bolshevik “Operation Trust” 2.0

Nobody in Trump’s National Security knew what the Clintons were doing with Epstein? Fk off!

None of you knew the “Q” crap was sending countless people down endless dead ends? You didn’t think it was important to tell your followers?

You’re all either entirely inept, dishonest, or straight fking evil.

I said it. I can’t stand to see another sh!t take from people who are supposedly on team America.






Oct 28

People will really look at this picture and not believe Bill Clinton was on Ghislaine Maxwell’s client list

Why do you think she got an invite to the wedding?

Close friend of Chelsea’s?

Come on… twitter.com/iFightForKids/…

Show more

Last edited

7:17 PM · Dec 28, 2023




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086a84 No.116515

File: eb06f7ac3624976⋯.png (295.43 KB,609x500,609:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ce35ebd3f95618⋯.png (93.65 KB,743x627,743:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f48f950d557585⋯.png (632.46 KB,747x640,747:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148822 (291853ZDEC23) Notable: A Free And Open Internet Is An Existential Threat To The Establishment

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A Free And Open Internet Is An Existential Threat To The Establishment

Last week, a video clip of Francis Fukuyama went viral. In the clip, the political scientist called freedom of speech and a marketplace of ideas “18th century notions that really have been belied (or shown to be false) by a lot of what’s happened in recent decades.”

Fukuyama then reflects on how a censorship regime could be enacted in the United States.

But the question then becomes, how do you actually regulate content that you think is noxious, harmful, and the like—and do it in a way that’s consistent with the First Amendment? Now, I think you can push the boundaries a bit because the First Amendment does not allow you to say anything you want. But among liberal democracies, our First Amendment law is among the most expansive of any developed democracy.

And you could imagine a future world in which we kind of pull that back and we say no, we’re going to have a law closer to that of Germany where we can designate - the government can designate something as hate speech and then prevent the dissemination of that. But the question then is, politically, how are you going to get there?

Putting aside the fact that the censorship regime Fukuyama is talking about is already here, it’s important to consider the admission behind his words.

Francis Fukuyama is often associated with the neoconservative movement. And that’s for good reason. He was active in the neoconservative Project for a New American Century and helped lead the push for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. But he later turned against the war and renounced neoconservatism, so he can perhaps better be understood as an intellectual proxy for the Washington establishment.

Fukuyama is best known for his 1992 book The End of History and the Last Man. The book argues that liberal democracy represents the endpoint of humanity’s ideological evolution and the final form of government because of its defeat of fascism and socialism and its supposed lack of inner contradictions.

If there was ever a time when this idea would resonate, it was 1992. The Soviet Union was gone, and the US government, fresh off its sound defeat of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, was the most powerful single entity in history.


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086a84 No.116516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148831 (291857ZDEC23) Notable: Russia confirms 'massive barrage' on targets in Ukraine (RT)

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Russia confirms ‘massive barrage’ on targets in Ukraine

An overnight operation added to 50 group strikes conducted throughout the week, the Defense Ministry reported

The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed that its forces launched a series of air attacks against multiple targets in Ukraine in the last week. A statement from the ministry on Friday detailed 50 “group” strikes and a single “massive” barrage using precision missiles and drones.

The ministry described the intended targets as “defense industry sites, military airfield infrastructure and depots for the storage of artillery munitions, naval drones, arms and fuel for military vehicles,” as well as troop positions. All of them were successfully hit, the statement added.

Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, reported earlier in the day that at least 158 separate launches were detected by Kiev’s troops on Thursday evening and Friday morning. He claimed that of the total, 27 drones and 87 cruise missiles were intercepted.

Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yury Ignat said in a televised statement that “we have never seen so many targets on our monitors simultaneously.”

Officials in various parts of the country claimed damage to several warehouses and a metro station in Kiev, among other locations.


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086a84 No.116517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148847 (291900ZDEC23) Notable: Iran's IRGC Suffers Single Deadliest Day In Syria As Israel Strikes Damascus Airport

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Iran's IRGC Suffers Single Deadliest Day In Syria As Israel Strikes Damascus Airport

In the late night hours of Thursday, Israel launched a series of new airstrikes on the Syrian capital, especially with heavy strikes targeting Damascus International Airport, which had already been hit several times in the last few months.

"Around 11:05 p.m. Thursday, the Israeli enemy carried out an air attack from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points in the southern region," a source was cited in Syrian state media as saying. By Friday it emerged there had been a delegation of high-ranking Iranian officers set to arrive at the airport. Syria said it intercepted only some of the inbound projectiles.

Gulf news outlet Al-Arabiya is now reporting that the Thursday overnight attack "killed 11 members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)" according to its sources.

"The targeted IRGC members, responsible for overseeing Iran-backed forces in eastern Syria, were present at the airport to welcome a senior delegation, the sources said," the report added.

And Fox News, citing Israeli media, said that among the dead is Nur Rashid, who is eastern Syria's commander of the Revolutionary Guards. Syria has increasingly become ground zero for Israeli waging war against Iranian military and intelligence commanders, and it looks like this fast escalating.

Crucially, less than a week ago Israel took out a general described as Iran's top commander in Syria. Gen. Razi Mousavi was also a close associate of slain IRGC Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani. On Friday, Gen. Mousavi was laid to rest in the Iranian capital, as the Associated Press describes:

Iran held a funeral Thursday for a high-ranking general of the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard who was killed by an alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria.

Hundreds of mourners accompanied the flag-draped casket of Gen. Razi Mousavi from a central square of Tehran to a shrine in the north of the city where he was buried.

The airport attack constitutes one of the single deadliest days for the IRGC in Syria over the past decade of war there...


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086a84 No.116518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148859 (291902ZDEC23) Notable: Argentina opts out of BRICS

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Argentina opts out of BRICS – media

Newly elected President Javier Milei had previously expressed his reluctance to join the bloc

Argentina has formally rejected an invitation to become a member of the BRICS group of nations, several news media outlets reported on Friday, citing an official letter they have seen which has been sent to the leaders of Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. While President Javier Milei had previously voiced his opposition to joining the alliance before being elected, the move represents a complete U-turn from the policy of his predecessor, Alberto Fernandez.

Fernandez had accepted the invitation to join the five-nation group in August, holding that such a move would offer the Latin American nation a “new scenario” for its development. Milei, who won the presidency in November, said at that time that he would not “push for deals with communists because they don’t respect the basic parameters of free trade, freedom, and democracy.”

One of Buenos Aires’ letters was published by media on Friday and apparently addressed Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. It said that the policy of the new Argentinian government would “differ in many cases from that of the previous government” and that some of its decisions, including “active participation in BRICS,” would be “reviewed”. None of the BRICS nations so far has officially confirmed receiving the letter.

Argentina’s foreign minister Diana Mondino, who previously served as Milei’s senior economic adviser, also said that her government did not “see any advantage” in becoming a member of the group and would thus “not join BRICS.”

The letter stated at the same time that Milei’s government plans to “intensify” bilateral ties with BRICS members, particularly in the fields of trade and investments. Earlier, the president said that, although he was not going to “align with the communists,” his government would still not prevent the Argentinian private sector from doing business with “whoever it wants.”

The South American nation is currently struggling with its worst economic crisis in decades. Inflation has surged 160% over the past year alone. The severely devalued peso forced the country to refinance its $44-billion debt to the IMF. Milei’s government is also facing massive protests over its radical deregulation and austerity-based reform program.

In total, more than 40 countries have so far expressed interest in joining BRICS, according to current group chair South Africa. Starting January 1, the association will be joined by Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Russia will hold the presidency of BRICS in 2024. The nation’s priorities during its chairmanship would include further expansion of the “circle of BRICS friends” to include Latin America countries, as well as an increase in trade settlements using national currencies, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in October.


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086a84 No.116519

File: 15bf306d4f5e63e⋯.png (1.33 MB,1178x1453,1178:1453,Clipboard.png)

File: 01389fc1a958065⋯.png (93.35 KB,635x655,127:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148892 (291909ZDEC23) Notable: Zionists Launch 'Massive Coordinated Attack' on Christians in Jerusalem

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Zionists Launch ‘Massive Coordinated Attack’ on Christians in Jerusalem

Israelis even used 'nerve agents' in their attack against Christian faith leaders and community members.

Armed Zionist terrorists launched a “massive and coordinated physical attack” against Christian clergymen and other Christian community members in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter, where violent Zionists backed by Israeli law enforcement and members of the Israeli government have been attempting an ethnic cleansing to clear the way for Jewish “settlers” and business interests. Ironically, the Israeli attempts to expel or murder the Christians of Jerusalem come as the nation continues to claim it’s in the middle of fending off a holocaust at the hands of Hamas insurgents.


The release from the Armenian Patriarchate went on to say that numerous clergymen and others were seriously injured in the Zionist attack, which comes as Israeli “settlers,” as well as banking and business interests, attempt to take over Jerusalem’s historic Armenian Quarter, home to thousands of Orthodox Christians.

“Over 30 armed provocateurs in ski-masks and with lethal and less-than-lethal weaponry including powerful nerve-agents that have incapacitated dozens of our clergy broke into the grounds of the Cow’s Garden and began their vicious assault,” the release explained, recounting the latest anti-Christian, Zionist attack on the ethnic Armenian, Christian community of Jerusalem’s Old City.

“ARMENIAN CLERICS IN JERUSALEM ARE FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES AGAINST IMPUNE PROVOCATEURS,” the release went on, stressing the widespread support among Israeli authorities for the Jewish “settlers” who aim to seize lands from Christians – the same practice they’ve long employed against Muslims.

In the same urgent release, the Armenian Patriarchate explained that the December 28th attack on the Armenian Quarter came less than 24 hours after the Patriarchate filed a lawsuit in the District Court of Jerusalem for the Cow’s Garden, seeking to block the construction of a luxury hotel in the Armenian Quarter by an Australian-Israeli businessman named Danny Rothman, and his partner George Warwar.

“We are calling on authorities around the world and the International Media to help us save the Armenian Quarter from a violent demise that is being locally supported by unnamed entities,” the Armenian Patriarchate’s release went on, before calling on the Israeli government to put a stop to the attacks, “which seem to have no end in sight.”


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086a84 No.116520

File: 01faa515460da57⋯.png (173.49 KB,368x454,184:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148905 (291911ZDEC23) Notable: General Flynn: The American People Have Lost ALL Trust In The U.S. Government [VIDEO]

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General Flynn: The American People Have Lost ALL Trust In The U.S. Government [VIDEO]


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086a84 No.116521

File: bde38440bb715ac⋯.png (275.07 KB,551x461,551:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148937 (291919ZDEC23) Notable: #24726

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collecting PB notes

will post, then request handoff


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086a84 No.116522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148957 (291923ZDEC23) Notable: Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population

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Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population – that’s what going “carbon zero” actually means

The climate cult has set its sights on arable farmland and the food supply at large, which they claim is overheating the planet because there are simply too many people eating.

We know they hate earth-based "fossil" fuels like oil and natural gas, which is why they want to remove these fuels from the global economy. In their place, the "greenies" want so-called "renewable" energy technologies like wind and solar to fulfill the world's energy needs.

However, in order to generate a comparable amount of energy, there has to be a lot of windmills and solar panels installed pretty much everywhere. Wind and solar require a lot of land, in other words, which means a whole lot less land available for agriculture.

In his past work, Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) warned that one day the world's population would exceed humanity's ability to grow enough food to sustain everyone. What Malthus did not know is that the green energy revolution would make it happen a whole lot sooner than it otherwise would have.

"Wind generators or solar panels consume one-third of the farmland worldwide," writes Martin Armstrong for Armstrong Economic. "This is what has inspired this thinking that we MUST reduce the population. War is a great tool for that, which is one reason they are pushing World War."

"They insist that industrial agriculture, which is employed by the majority of the developed world, is creating climate change. The U.S. food system contributes nearly 20 percent of the nation's carbon dioxide emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that agricultural land use contributes 12 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Then, they add the embodied energy required for industrial agriculture, and they claim this gets worse."


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086a84 No.116523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148973 (291928ZDEC23) Notable: How Swiss Bankers Helped Dictators and Criminals Hide Their Money (18min documentary)

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How Swiss Bankers Helped Dictators and Criminals Hide Their Money (Documentary)

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086a84 No.116524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148974 (291928ZDEC23) Notable: Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack

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Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack

A source told Shin Bet that Hamas was planning 'a big move' that would take place shortly after Yom Kippur

Months before the October 7 attack on southern Israel, the Israeli security agency Shin Bet received a warning from one of its sources in Gaza that Hamas was planning to carry out a “big move” shortly after Yom Kippur, which took place on September 25 this year, Israel’s Channel 12 reported.

The report said Shin Bet dismissed the warning as insignificant, and the intelligence did not make it to senior officials in the agency or its chief, Ronen Bar. Shin Bet sources said the lack of corroborating intelligence and the fact that the source only recently started talking to the Israeli agency contributed to the tip not being taken seriously, although they later admitted the source was considered highly reliable.

The tip was just one of many pieces of intelligence that was ignored or not taken seriously by the Israeli security establishment, which led to Israel failing to prevent the October 7 Hamas attack.

The New York Times reported in November that Israel had obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the October 7 attack more than a year before it took place, but Israeli military and intelligence officials did not believe Hamas was capable of carrying it out.

The Times report said the document Israel obtained “did not set a date for the attack, but described a methodical assault designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza Strip, take over Israeli cities and storm key military bases, including a division headquarters” and added that Hamas followed the blueprint with “shocking precision.”

According to Haaretz, Israeli military officials also ignored warnings from women in the Israeli Defense Forces who worked as “spotters” on the Gaza border. The women spent their days watching surveillance footage and reported unusual Hamas activity for an entire year, but their warnings were not taken seriously.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under intense domestic pressure due to the intelligence failure and his previous strategy of helping prop up Hamas to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. Polls show the majority of Israelis want him to resign once the Gaza war is over, giving him incentive to keep the massacre going for as long as he can.


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086a84 No.116525

File: 69522625dbfd3d3⋯.png (152.6 KB,822x298,411:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 833c156c20471de⋯.png (166.6 KB,805x445,161:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148986 (291934ZDEC23) Notable: CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

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CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed an alarming spike in fatal cancers among Americans who have received Covid mRNA injections.

The data shows that cancer, the leading cause of death in the United States, has been soaring over the past two years.

However, the data shows a correlation between the rise in cancer and the public rollout of Covid mRNA shots.

The U.S. federal government’s own official data confirms that the risk of developing cancer following Covid vaccination increases by a staggering 143,233%.

The CDC hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The VAERS database contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in the United States.

According to VAERS data analyzed by The Exposé, the number of cancer cases spikes dramatically among those vaccinated with the shots.

In the report, the outlet performed a quick search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse reactions to the Covid injections since they were first rolled out in the United States.

This reveals that from December 2020 up to 5th August 2022, a total of 2,579 adverse events related to cancer were made in just 1 year and 8 months.


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086a84 No.116526

File: a59da833936baa4⋯.png (601.94 KB,1070x1338,535:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148997 (291937ZDEC23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed DC_Draino on geotracking hypocrisy

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed


Gotta love how so many of these J6 indictments cite cell phone geo tracking data to bolster evidence that these people committed the mortal sin of…checks notes…walking through the open doors of Capitol

But for some reason when 2000 Mules uses geotracking data to expose the biggest ballot harvesting election fraud operation in US history, regime media puppets say it’s “unreliable data” and “debunked”

And you wonder why people despise the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and media

Dec 28, 2023, 10:27 AM



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086a84 No.116527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149003 (291938ZDEC23) Notable: California keeps Trump on ballot after Colorado and Maine use 14th Amendment to say 'No'

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California keeps Trump on ballot after Colorado and Maine use 14th Amendment to say 'No'

California Secretary of State Shirley Weber included former President Donald Trump on the state’s primary ballot.


Dec 29, 2023 · 6:51 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149004 (291939ZDEC23) Notable: Israel embassy pulls inappropriate video imagining Hamas attack on Seoul

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Israel embassy pulls inappropriate video imagining Hamas attack on Seoul

The Israeli embassy in South Korea has deleted a video it produced showing an imaginary attack on Seoul by masked assailants it seemed to liken to Hamas, after concerns raised by the South Korean government.

The video, which was posted on the Israeli embassy’s social media channels on Tuesday, was deleted on Wednesday, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported.


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086a84 No.116529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149013 (291942ZDEC23) Notable: #24725

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PB notes

#24724 >>>/qresearch/20148151

>>116498, >>116516 Russia confirms ‘massive barrage’ on targets in Ukraine (RT)

>>116499 France warns of "very high" terrorism threat on New Year’s Eve, deploys 90,000 police forces and 5,000 soldiers — Telegraph

baker change

>>116500 Ukraine requests emergency funding meeting - Bloomberg

>>116501 Maine has now followed Colorado's lead re taking Trump off the ballot

>>116502 Biden slams Nikki Haley after Civil War slavery dodge

>>116503 Ukraine hit by large-scale air attack

>>116504 Pfizer to lay off 285 amid declining Covid vaccine sales

>>116505 US allies waver on joining Red Sea task force

>>116506 @jensstoltenberg: Spoke with President @AndrzejDuda about the missile incident in #Poland...

>>116507 Ohio’s GOP governor vetoes ban on gender-affirming care, transgender athletes in girls sports

>>116508 @elonmusk - To give you a sense of the immense and growing size of illegal immigration!

>>116509, >>116512 TechnoFog on Cohen's AI motions

>>116510 Why Are Capitol Police Setting Up Satellite Headquarters In Major American Cities The Answer Could Be Dangerous - video

>>116511 @realDonaldTrump: DEROY MURDOCK: Boom Boom — Out Go The Lights!

>>116495, >>116496, >>116497 Giving guns to illegals and taking gun citizens? ANONS DIG

>>116513 "Epstein & Gates scientist, Melanie Walker, reported to Jim Kim at World Bank

>>116514 @JesseMatchey: Chelsea was involved with Ghislaine because of the Clinton Global Initiative

>>116515 A Free And Open Internet Is An Existential Threat To The Establishment

>>116517 Iran's IRGC Suffers Single Deadliest Day In Syria As Israel Strikes Damascus Airport

>>116518 Argentina opts out of BRICS

>>116519 Zionists Launch ‘Massive Coordinated Attack’ on Christians in Jerusalem

>>116520 General Flynn: The American People Have Lost ALL Trust In The U.S. Government [VIDEO]

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086a84 No.116530

File: 7ad0ccc66e5fb09⋯.png (410.59 KB,693x545,693:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 8201713b03e7f30⋯.png (38.93 KB,724x334,362:167,Clipboard.png)

File: e679f6ce3837fc2⋯.png (574.29 KB,680x486,340:243,Clipboard.png)

File: 86e04091d37abbc⋯.png (482.97 KB,725x638,25:22,Clipboard.png)

File: e1c31b109235b1b⋯.png (761.75 KB,729x623,729:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149026 (291946ZDEC23) Notable: Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus: Ukraine Labs Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

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Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus: Ukraine Labs Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

Around $21 millions from Pentagon to Kiev in 2012 for Dangerous Experiments








His father broke his back as a miner in Sheridan in Wyoming (US), he, after this article, will become famous for opening a dozen suspected bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia with which the American Obama-Biden administration actually violated the agreement signed with Russia for the non-proliferation of biological weapons in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Leon Edward Panetta was born on June 28, 1938, in the United States of America, in Monterrey (California), thus crowning the dream of his father Carmelo “Frank” and his mother Carmelina Maria Prochilo, who emigrated from Italy to make their fortune beyond Ocean. After opening a small restaurant they sold it to buy a ranch with a peanut plantation and to have their only beloved son study.

From Siderno, a stronghold of the ‘Ndrangheta in Calabria, they did not bring with them any suspicions of the mafia, but only the dialect with which Leon spoke to his cousin Domenico Panetta, twice Mayor of Siderno, when he went to visit him at the White House. The latter did not hesitate to make a great media fuss when his relative first became Bill Clinton’s Chief Cabinet (1994-1997) and then director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2009-2011), the American counter-espionage, thanks to the will of Barack Obama.


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086a84 No.116531

File: adb8d4a049d8833⋯.png (158.77 KB,640x355,128:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 795e560f6b88879⋯.png (314.82 KB,548x645,548:645,Clipboard.png)

File: ed7d8e09d3cbf53⋯.png (68.07 KB,673x621,673:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 54afb462706be3f⋯.png (56.62 KB,680x566,340:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 98780e7ffe1b6cd⋯.png (656.13 KB,607x776,607:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149053 (291951ZDEC23) Notable: NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes Israeli Govt's Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on October 7

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NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes Israeli Govt's Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on October 7

Israel has had over two and half months to produce evidence that Hamas fighters (who filmed their invasion with GoPros) committed "mass rapes" on October 7 yet all they have to show for it is one "grainy video" of a possibly half-disrobed woman who was burnt to a crisp after most likely being killed by an Israeli Apache helicopter.

The Israeli government previously did not claim the woman was raped on their website "Hamas-Massacre.net" but only that she was killed on the side of the street by "terrorists."

From The New York Times:

'Screams Without Words': How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7

A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.

By Jeffrey Gettleman, Anat Schwartz and Adam Sella | Dec. 28, 2023

At first, she was known simply as "the woman in the black dress."

In a grainy video, you can see her, lying on her back, dress torn, legs spread, vagina exposed. Her face is burned beyond recognition and her right hand covers her eyes.

The video was shot in the early hours of Oct. 8 by a woman searching for a missing friend at the site of the rave in southern Israel where, the day before, Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of young Israelis.

The video went viral, with thousands of people responding, desperate to know if the woman in the black dress was their missing friend, sister or daughter.

One family knew exactly who she was — Gal Abdush, mother of two from a working-class town in central Israel, who disappeared from the rave that night with her husband.

As the terrorists closed in on her, trapped on a highway in a line of cars of people trying to flee the party, she sent one final WhatsApp message to her family: "You don't understand."

Based largely on the video evidence — which was verified by The New York Times — Israeli police officials said they believed that Ms. Abdush was raped, and she has become a symbol of the horrors visited upon Israeli women and girls during the Oct. 7 attacks.

The bulk of the article is pure hearsay from anonymous Israelis who refused to go on the record, in addition to unverified claims from discredited groups like ZAKA (which was founded by a serial rapist dubbed the "Haredi Jeffrey Epstein").


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086a84 No.116532

File: 9f4c54fac98f639⋯.png (371.71 KB,1072x1060,268:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149056 (291952ZDEC23) Notable: @DC_Draino: Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection

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Insurrection is a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code § 2383 punishable by up to 10yrs in prison

Trump has never been convicted of Insurrection in a court of law

And get this - Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection

So how is he getting removed for “insurrection”?!

Dec 29, 2023, 12:05 PM


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086a84 No.116533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149068 (291955ZDEC23) Notable: BBC to hand over secret Diana emails about handling of Martin Bashir scandal after judge ordered release of nearly 3,000 hidden documents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Daily Mail Online



BBC is set to hand over secret Diana emails about its handling of the Martin Bashir scandal after judge ordered broadcaster to release some of the nearly 3,000 hidden documents


Dec 29, 2023 · 4:43 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116534

File: 44a42aa687e1520⋯.png (526.31 KB,1081x1415,1081:1415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149090 (291959ZDEC23) Notable: @DC_Draino: Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Friendly reminder that Trump wasn’t trying to overthrow the government

He was trying to *stop* the overthrow of the government by a rigged and stolen election


>Insurrection is a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code § 2383 punishable by up to 10yrs in prison

>Trump has never been convicted of Insurrection in a court of law

>And get this - Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection

>So how is he getting removed for “insurrection”?!

Dec 29, 2023, 1:22 PM


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086a84 No.116535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149095 (292001ZDEC23) Notable: Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Mail Online



Former Dominican Republic Congressman Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the United States


Dec 29, 2023 · 4:37 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116536

File: 95af5b87d4e7e20⋯.png (170.55 KB,380x380,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149097 (292002ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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He'sguiltyof insurrection, because they said so... or at least that's how it works in their minds.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116537

File: fd0e60c8a625f3f⋯.jpg (334.88 KB,871x725,871:725,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf69eb8ca79fad1⋯.jpg (67.88 KB,612x471,204:157,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3b52e8645feaafe⋯.jpg (128.15 KB,413x516,413:516,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149104 (292003ZDEC23) Notable: Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

D Party Leaders - Big 5 - Q Post #3778

Who are under MOS and 'marching to the same beat'? - Q

* Q highlights Adam Schiff's son wearing a Mossad t-shirt in a strong hint that AS is connected to MOS ( #3666 )

* In another refference to MOS, Q asks us to find connections between MOS, the MSM and US politicians ( #1817 )

* Q points out the biggest 5 Dem leaders ( #3778 )

* Q asked us to find people under MOS who are 'marching to the same beat'

New Find

Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC.

All 5 are connected through JACPAC.

Sauce to follow.

Re pb notables

>>116202, >>116204, >>116206, >>116207, >>116209, >>116212, >>116216, >>116218 Adam Schiff backers dig - DMFI, JACPAC and JDCA

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086a84 No.116538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149121 (292006ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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>He's guilty of insurrection, because they said so… or at least that's how it works in their minds.

Rush Limbaugh

April 6, 2015 ·

"It's Not the Nature of the Evidence; It's the Seriousness of the Charge." That's the driving media mantra for stories where they can advance the Democrat agenda, and facts don't matter.


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086a84 No.116539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149124 (292007ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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Only the president can declare insurrection, by invoking the insurrection act, via specific verbiage, which Trump did.

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086a84 No.116540

File: cefdb204983e25e⋯.png (44.99 KB,893x367,893:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149134 (292010ZDEC23) Notable: Mike Davis: Dear House Republicans - Do not count electoral votes from any state that removes Trump from the ballot

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 Mike Davis 


Dear House Republicans:

Do not count electoral votes from any state that removes Trump from the ballot.





Dec 29, 2023, 12:54 PM


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086a84 No.116541

File: 87d13d7fd7d628e⋯.jpg (482.8 KB,1129x953,1129:953,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 60771cd150665e2⋯.jpg (282.16 KB,687x649,687:649,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 611272a3612fb43⋯.jpg (513.38 KB,1130x836,565:418,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6bf6cc53c2c5540⋯.jpg (455.16 KB,1129x862,1129:862,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149139 (292011ZDEC23) Notable: Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

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Dig -

What do the 'Big 5' who hold the Dem Party together ( #1817 ) have in common?

They are all candidates of JACPAC.

'JACPAC is The Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs

JACPAC values: To help elect members of the U.S. Congress who support a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive choice, and separation of religion and state.

JAPAC back political candidates who support their values.

JACPAC is cited as a backer of Adam Schiff (pb >>116204)


Current 2024 JAPAC Candidates:


Is JACPAC one of the missing blanks in #1871, working under MOS?

Co-ordinated under MOS and JACPAC?

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086a84 No.116542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149145 (292013ZDEC23) Notable: AZ Military Museum closes after Vietnam vet founder, 80, told tour: 'Eventually they will replace me with some gay, black, woman woke Jew'

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Daily Mail Online



Arizona Military Museum CLOSES after Vietnam vet founder, 80, told tour: 'Eventually they will replace me with some gay, black, woman woke Jew' and claimed mannequin with hand on its hip represented gay soldiers trib.al/k6NJGOC

Dec 29, 2023 · 1:41 PM UTC



>docilely accepting

Don´t project on me.

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086a84 No.116543

File: 3b44cc30fc569d8⋯.png (516.37 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149153 (292014ZDEC23) Notable: Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story Will Reveal Bombshell Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years – Will Reveal BOMBSHELL Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation

The well-known Ukrainian politician Andriy Derkach, who was the first to provide evidence of international corruption and influence peddling by Joe Biden in Ukraine, has given his first exclusive interview after a long media pause related to security issues. Despite the pause in communication with the media, Derkach used all this time to continue his investigative work and collect new evidence.

The full version of the interview will be available at 13:00 on January 10, 2024 on the X/Twitter of American journalist Simone Mangiante (https://twitter.com/SimonaMangiante), who managed to communicate with the “Ground Zero of Biden’s corruption in Ukraine” – Andriy Derkach. Subsequently, the full text and video of the interview will also be posted on the website of the investigative Internet publication “21st Century Wire”.


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086a84 No.116544

File: b38a58f6817d387⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149156 (292016ZDEC23) Notable: Multiple large explosions are taking place at a fuel company with reports of evacuations underway

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🚨#BREAKING: Multiple large explosions are taking place at a fuel company with reports of evacuations underway

📌#Bridgeport | #Connecticut

Currently, numerous law enforcement and other emergency agencies are on the scene in Bridgeport, Connecticut, after reports of multiple large explosions at the Standard Oil fuel company. So far, at least two people have been taken to a hospital following an explosion, with evacuations underway near the Fuel Company. Firefighters have issued a third alarm for the fire, as a large plume of black smoke is rising from the area, visible from miles away. Police are urging everyone to avoid the area at this time.

3:02 PM · Dec 29, 2023

from Bridgeport, CT·


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086a84 No.116545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149160 (292017ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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Sauce it, you can't.

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086a84 No.116546

File: 67c79d4be52f319⋯.jpg (27.91 KB,400x395,80:79,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1fbf17a405b4b3f⋯.png (969.81 KB,1066x1200,533:600,Clipboard.png)

File: 3860b638b1e9886⋯.jpg (136.88 KB,431x502,431:502,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a1fc6a7c5a0633f⋯.png (678.79 KB,898x500,449:250,Clipboard.png)

File: c765ff778987bad⋯.jpg (157.26 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149167 (292018ZDEC23) Notable: Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

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Ex 1.1



(Alt + US Media) (US Politicians)



Those who scream the loudest....

Find the connections.



Marching to the same beat?


Logical thinking.



[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]:

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – Speaker of the House

Rep. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA) – Chair Intel

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) – Chair Judiciary

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) – Senate Minority Leader

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – Ranking Mem Judiciary

Control over [CA] & [NY] vital to maintain [D] structural integrity?



Leverage (control) dictates how far you rise within the [D] party.


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086a84 No.116547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149181 (292021ZDEC23) Notable: baker change''''

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handoff confirmed

have a good bake.

notes @210

#24726 >>116521 Earlies

>>116522 Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population

>>116524 Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack

>>116525 CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

>>116526 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed DC_Draino on geotracking hypocrisy

>>116528 Israel embassy pulls inappropriate video imagining Hamas attack on Seoul

>>116530 Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus: Ukraine Labs Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

>>116531 NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes Israeli Govt's Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on October 7

>>116532, >>116534, >>116536, >>116538 DC_Draino - Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection, so how is he getting removed for it?

>>116535 Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the US

>>116540 Mike Davis - Dear House Republicans: Do not count electoral votes from any state that removes Trump from the ballot.



has PB notes

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086a84 No.116548

File: f27bfc6fd1d4421⋯.png (461.54 KB,958x2307,958:2307,Clipboard.png)

File: ee3877cc9511b24⋯.png (485.86 KB,953x2474,953:2474,Clipboard.png)

File: 47bfc0e3188a7a7⋯.png (428.1 KB,957x2495,957:2495,Clipboard.png)

File: ae9b38669f0b5ae⋯.png (470.06 KB,956x2296,239:574,Clipboard.png)

File: e61f24eb8b906d1⋯.png (364.56 KB,958x2205,958:2205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149182 (292021ZDEC23) Notable: Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]:

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – Speaker of the House

Rep. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA) – Chair Intel

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) – Chair Judiciary

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) – Senate Minority Leader

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – Ranking Mem Judiciary

The [‘Big 5’] are all part of JACPAC. Connect -

Rep. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA) – Chair Intel

JACPAC Candidate -



Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – Speaker of the House

JACPAC Candidate -



Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) – Chair Judiciary

JACPAC Candidate -



Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) – Senate Minority Leader

JACPAC Candidate -



Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – Ranking Mem Judiciary

JACPAC Candidate -



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086a84 No.116549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149186 (292022ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The Insurrection Act authorizes the president to deploy military forces inside the United States to suppress rebellion or domestic violence or to enforce the law in certain situations. The statute implements Congress’s authority under the Constitution to “provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.” It is the primary exception to the Posse Comitatus Act, under which federal military forces are generally barred from participating in civilian law enforcement activities.


The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law[1] that empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

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086a84 No.116550

File: 24ca26975f6c8d5⋯.png (1.89 MB,1320x1254,20:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149191 (292024ZDEC23) Notable: Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping Unconscious 15-Year-Old Girl

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Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping Unconscious 15-Year-Old Girl


Likely a beaner on beaner crime. But underage is still underage, and rape is still rape.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. THEY'RE RAPISTS. And some, I assume, are good people."

DJT was correct again.

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086a84 No.116551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149199 (292027ZDEC23) Notable: Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population - that’s what going “carbon zero” actually means

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086a84 No.116552

File: 87d13d7fd7d628e⋯.jpg (482.8 KB,1129x953,1129:953,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8460832cd36e8d0⋯.jpg (110.86 KB,460x427,460:427,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9cd4f549f0bae1a⋯.png (1.27 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149201 (292027ZDEC23) Notable: Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dig call for JACPAC

* Q's 'Big 5' are all, coincidentally, JACPAC Candidates

* Schiff is backed by JACPAC

* Q hinted that Schiff was MOS

* Q asked us to find the connections between MOS and US Politicians

* This is a yuge connection

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086a84 No.116553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149231 (292031ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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Does not have to be signed, merely invoked.

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086a84 No.116554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149251 (292035ZDEC23) Notable: Hijacked Galaxy Leader Owner Encouraged by Reports of Imminent Release of Crew

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hijacked Galaxy Leader Owner Encouraged by Reports of Imminent Release of Crew

Mike Schuler December 29, 2023

The owner of the Galaxy Leader car carrier that was hijacked by the Houthis as it transited the Red Sea in November says it is encouraged by reports of the imminent release of the ship’s crew.

Galaxy Maritime Ltd, the Isle of Man registered owner of the Galaxy Leader, issued its latest statement on Friday in response to reports from the Philippines that the release of the 17 Filipino seafarers being held is imminent.

The Galaxy Leader, a Bermuda-flagged car carrier chartered by Japanese shipping company NYK, was illegally boarded by armed assailants via helicopter on November 19 as it transited the Red Sea. The ship, which reportedly has ties to an Israeli businessman, has continued to be held in Yemen waters along with its 25 crew.

The ship owner and managers had been hoping to secure the release of the crew members in time for return to their families for Christmas.

“Despite all efforts and those of all the authorities represented by crew members from Bulgaria, Mexico, Romania, Ukraine and the Philippines, our valued seafarers remain in the hands of the Houthis,” Galaxy Maritime said.

Given the considerable costs in repatriation of the seafarers, the company said it is committed covering the costs associated with repatriation and support any operational issues involved.

The Galaxy Leader is the only ship that has been hijacked by Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen, who have launched a series of drone and missile attacks against shipping purportedly in support of Palestinians who are under siege by Israel in Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. According to the U.S., the group has carried out 22 attacks or attempted attacks against merchant ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since October.

Although the attacks appear to be indiscriminate, the Houthis have maintained that they are only targeting Israeli-linked ships or ships traveling to Israel.


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086a84 No.116555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149281 (292041ZDEC23) Notable: The Marine Corps has trained its final 8 scout snipers

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The Marine Corps has trained its final 8 scout snipers

Dec 28, 01:27 PM

The last eight Marines graduated from the course that trains scout snipers — an elite role the Marine Corps has scrapped as part of broader changes to the force.


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086a84 No.116556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149283 (292041ZDEC23) Notable: Multiple large explosions are taking place at a fuel company with reports of evacuations underway

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Locals saying not Standard Oil, next door

Three hurt in explosion and fire in Bridgeport, officials say

Peter Yankowski, Staff Writer Dec. 29, 2023

BRIDGEPORT — Crews have responded to an explosion and fire at an environmental services company on Cross Street Friday afternoon that injured three people.

Commanders at the scene confirmed the incident occurred at Tradebe Environmental Services at 50-57 Cross St., according to Scott Appleby, the city's director of emergency management.

Appleby said the fire department is trying to determine what caused the explosion and fire.

He said three people were injured, two of whom had smoke inhalation and a third who had been burned.

State police said the agency's Fire and Explosion Investigative Unit has been requested to assist the Bridgeport fire marshal's office.

Photos on social media showed a large column of smoke rising into the air over the city.

State police had previously said the fire was located at 299 Bishop Ave., which is the location for Standard Oil. An official for Standard Oil said the fire was not on their property and occurred at the nearby Tradebe Environmental Services.


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086a84 No.116557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149302 (292043ZDEC23) Notable: Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Former Dominican Republic Congressman Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the United States

Department of Defense 🇺🇸



Coast Guard heroes in action! 🚁 The MH-60 Jayhawk crew swiftly rescued six mariners whose vessel sank near Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Grateful for the teamwork with @CarnivalCruise and the Dominican Republic Navy. Bravo Zulu to the rescuers! 👏 @USCG #RescueMission

Dec 28, 2023 · 11:00 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149303 (292044ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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Who decides when the conditions for deployment have been met?

Nothing in the text of the Insurrection Act defines “insurrection,” “rebellion,” “domestic violence,” or any of the other key terms used in setting forth the prerequisites for deployment. Absent statutory guidance, the Supreme Court decided early on that this question is for the president alone to decide. In the 1827 case Martin v. Mott, the Court ruled that “the authority to decide whether [an exigency requiring the militia to be called out] has arisen belongs exclusively to the President, and . . . his decision is conclusive upon all other persons.”

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086a84 No.116559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149318 (292046ZDEC23) Notable: Shards from the 'Crown of Thorns' placed into new Phoenix statue set atop Notre Dame Cathedral

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shards from the 'Crown of Thorns' placed into new Phoenix statue set atop Notre Dame Cathedral

PARIS (AP) — Notre Dame Cathedral got its rooster back Saturday, in a pivotal moment for the Paris landmark’s restoration.

The installation by a crane of a new golden rooster, reimagined as a dramatic phoenix with licking, flamed feathers, goes beyond being just a weathervane atop the cathedral spire. It symbolizes resilience amid destruction after the devastating April 2019 fire — as restoration officials also revealed an anti-fire misting system is being kitted out under the cathedral’s roof.

Chief architect Philippe Villeneuve, who designed this new rooster, stated that the original rooster’s survival signified a ray of light in the catastrophe.

“That there was hope, that not everything was lost. The beauty of the (old) battered rooster... expressed the cry of the cathedral suffering in flames,” Villeneuve said. He described the new work of art, approximately half a meter long and gleaming in the December sun behind Notre Dame Cathedral, as his “phoenix.”

Villeneuve elaborated on the new rooster’s significance, saying: “Since (the fire) we have worked on this rooster (the) successor, which sees the flame carried to the top of the cathedral as it was before, more than 96 meters from the ground... It is a fire of resurrection.”

In lighthearted comments, the architect said that the process of design was so intense he might have to speak to his “therapist” about it.

Before ascending to its perch, the rooster a French emblem of vigilance and Christ’s resurrection was blessed by Paris Archbishop Laurent Ulrich in a square behind the monument. The rooster or “coq” in French is a emotive national emblem for the French because of the word’s semantics - the Latin gallus meaning Gaul and gallus simultaneously meaning rooster.

Ulrich placed sacred relics in a hole inside the rooster’s breast, including fragments of Christ’s Crown of Thorns and remains of St. Denis and St. Genevieve, infusing the sculpture with religious importance.

Crown of Thorns, regarded as Notre Dame’s most sacred relic, was among the treasures quickly removed after the fire broke out. Brought to Paris by King Louis IX in the 13th century, it is purported to have been pressed onto Christ’s head during the crucifixion. A sealed tube was also placed in the sculpture containing a list the names of nearly 2,000 individuals who contributed to the cathedral’s reconstruction, underscoring the collective effort behind the works.

Amid the rooster benediction ceremony, Notre Dame’s new restoration chief, Philippe Jost, also detailed pioneering measures taken to safeguard the iconic cathedral against future fires – in rare comments to the press.

“We have deployed a range of fire protection devices, some of which are very innovative in a cathedral, including a misting system in the attics, where the oak frame and in the spire are located,” Jost said. “And this is a first for a cathedral in France.”

French President Emmanuel Macron, who last week visited the site to mark a one-year countdown to its re-opening, announced that the original rooster will be displayed in a new museum at the Hôtel-Dieu. This move, along with plans to invite Pope Francis for the cathedral’s reopening next year, highlights Notre Dame’s significance in French history and culture.

The rooster’s installation, crowning a spire reconstructed from Eugène Viollet-le-Duc’s 19th-century design, is a poignant reminder of its medieval origins as a symbol of hope and faith.

Its longstanding association with the French nation since the Renaissance further adds to its historical and cultural significance, marking a new chapter of renewal and hope for Notre Dame and the French people.


vidrel... important

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086a84 No.116560

File: ae6ef355746ee09⋯.png (316.26 KB,368x797,368:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149336 (292048ZDEC23) Notable: Ironic: @shennabellows says America is experiencing an epidemic of election disinformation

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[ Album ]

.@shennabellows says America is experiencing an epidemic of election disinformation, citing a claim that ES&S voting machines are connected to the internet in Kentucky.

There's only one problem.

On January 10, 2020, NBC News reported that ES&S was utilizing 14,000 modems to establish internet connections for voting machines, including in the State of Kentucky.

In February 2018, The New York Times detailed ES&S's installation of remote access software on their election management systems.

Further damning evidence surfaced in March 2018 when ES&S admitted, in a letter to Senator Ron Wyden, that remote access software had indeed been installed on their election management systems.

All computerized voting equipment can be hacked because all such equipment must receive programming before each election from memory cards or USB drives prepared on election management systems, which are often old computers connected to the internet running out-of-date versions of Windows.

Suppose a county election management system is infected with malware.

In that case, the malware can spread from that system to the USB drives, transferring it to all the voting machines, optical scanners, and tabulators that collect, count, and determine election results for that county.

All of these problems are exacerbated by manufacturers having also installed remote-access software and cellular modems connecting voting machines directly to the internet.

This is the problem with the authoritarian left's goal of censoring dissidents and critics.

Shenna Bellows would censor American citizens from telling the truth about real election vulnerabilities while she perpetuates an epidemic of election disinformation.



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086a84 No.116561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149365 (292054ZDEC23) Notable: Donald Trump blasts David Bowie's Starman from his cart as he plays golf with Lindsey Graham after Maine boots him off the ballot

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Daily Mail Online



Donald Trump blasts David Bowie's Starman from his cart as he plays golf with Lindsey Graham after Maine boots him off the ballot


Dec 29, 2023 · 8:48 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149407 (292059ZDEC23) Notable: Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

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Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to intervene in Gaza conflict

South Africa has filed an appeal before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, alleging that Israeli actions in Gaza amount to “genocide” and asking for “provisional measures” to stop it, the top UN court announced on Friday.

The application claims “acts and omissions by Israel... are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent ... to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group,” the ICJ said in a statement.

Israel’s conduct towards the Palestinians in Gaza “is in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” the government in Pretoria said. They also accused Israel of having “failed to prevent genocide” and “failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide” since October 7.

Israel has engaged in, is engaging in and risks further engaging in genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

South Africa also asked the ICJ to “indicate provisional measures” in order to “protect against further, severe and irreparable harm” to Palestinians under the Genocide Convention. The ICJ also published the 84-page document that lists these measures in detail, first of which is for Israel to “immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.”

Pretoria also demands of West Jerusalem to stop any and all attacks on Palestinians, and to revoke any orders whose goal is “the expulsion and forced displacement from their homes” or deprivation of access to food, water, fuel, shelter, medical supplies and other humanitarian needs.

Anyone who engages in “direct and public incitement” to genocide or conspiracy to commit it must be brought to justice, the appeal insists. South Africa demanded Israel submit a report on complying with all these demands within one week.

Under the ICJ’s rules, South Africa’s application has priority over all other cases, because of the request for provisional measures.

South Africa has previously sought to charge Israel with war crimes before the International Criminal Court (ICC). West Jerusalem is not a signatory party to the ICC, but the court – also based in The Hague – has previously declared it had jurisdiction over Gaza and the West Bank.

On the other hand, both South Africa and Israel are signatories of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which was first adopted in 1948, in response to the Nazi mass murder of Jews during WWII.


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086a84 No.116563

File: 6c3a627d46b47dd⋯.jpg (253.54 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149429 (292103ZDEC23) Notable: Keystone Pipeline

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>>>/qresearch/20148524 PB

>keystone is last stone laid that holds up a roman arch (Foreshadowing of oil events?)

The Last Keystone Excuse

A Nebraska court decision means Obama is out of fig leaves.

Jan. 9, 2015 6:59 pm ET

For six years President Obama has used one pretext after another to avoid approving the Keystone XL pipeline. Now the Nebraska Supreme Court has blown up his last excuse, and the President owes it to the country to either say yes or to come clean about his anti-fossil fuel politics.

Nebraska’s top court on Friday upheld a state law giving the Governor authority to review and approve major pipeline projects. The ruling ended litigation brought by a trio of Nebraska landowners who claimed Governor Dave Heineman’s 2013 approval of the Keystone route through his state was unconstitutional. The litigation was the latest reason the Administration had concocted—raising it in April—for again delaying a Keystone decision. (Article behind paywall.)



Biden admin quietly admits canceling Keystone XL Pipeline cost thousands of jobs, billions of dollars

President Biden's decision to revoke pipeline's permits hurt 'working families,' Montana senator says

Thomas Catenacci By Thomas Catenacci Fox News

PublishedJanuary 5, 2023 2:39pm EST

(partial story- highlights listed below)

The report, which the Department of Energy (DOE) completed in late December without any public announcement, says the Keystone XL projectwould have created between 16,149 and 59,000 jobsandwould have had a positive economic impact of between $3.4-9.6 billion, citing various studies. A previous report from the federal government published in 2014 determined 3,900 direct jobs and 21,050 total jobs would be created duringconstruction which was expected to take two years.

But immediately after taking office in January 2021,Biden canceled the pipeline's permits, effectively shutting the project down.

Keystone XL had beenslated to be completed early this yearand transport an additional 830,000 barrels of crude oil from Canada to the U.S. through an existing pipeline network, according to its operator, TC Energy.

The project labor agreement that TC Energy signed in August 2020 with four labor unions promised the pipeline would create 42,000 American jobs and provide $2 billion in total wages.

TC Energy ultimately gave up on the project in June 2021 as a result of Biden's decision. Last year, a federal judge tossed a legal challenge from nearly two dozen states asking the court to reinstate the pipeline's permits.

"The Department of Energy finally admitted to the worst-kept secret about the Keystone Pipeline: President Biden’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline sacrificed thousands of American jobs," Risch said Thursday.

"To make matters worse, his decision moved the U.S. further away from energy independence and lower gas prices at a time when inflation and gas prices are drastically impacting Americans’ pocketbooks," he added.

"The president must turn to American-made energy and jobs rather than dictators and despots to fix the energy crisis he created on his first day in office."



What Keystone Pipeline Cancellation Means For Crude-by-rail

February 15, 2021 (

...But crude-by-rail "has been problematic because with the low price for oil, and the relatively higher price for rail transport, nothing looks very appealing.The problem is not oil supply, it is the reduced demand during the pandemic. Once we come out of this period, demand will return, and $100-per-barrel oil will, too," Prentice said.





Biden delays plans to restock nation’s emergency oil reserve


With Bidan using up the Strategic Reserves, a nation-wide return to work post-pandemc, and the 2023/2024 winter season upon us, will we see an upward sudden spike in crude oil and gasoline prices that will cripple the nation?

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086a84 No.116564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149457 (292110ZDEC23) Notable: Iran executed 4 Mossad agents for working against Iran's national security

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F for Adam Schiff

Iran Observer




Iran executed 4 Mossad agents for working against Iran's national security

They received direct payments from Israel to carry out sabotage operations

Dec 29, 2023 · 11:04 AM UTC


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086a84 No.116565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149461 (292110ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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The Consitution SPECIFICALLY forbids lawyers from running for elected positions. This was REMOVED from the Constitution.



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086a84 No.116566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149493 (292117ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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Missing 13th Amendment Found: “No Lawyers In Public Office”


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086a84 No.116567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149503 (292119ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss the Insurrection Act''''

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The Constitution is Absolute. Lawyers are the counter opposite of Absoluteness (mental gymnastics). Makes complete sense.

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086a84 No.116568

File: f5e6469e4785a62⋯.png (344.85 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149523 (292122ZDEC23) Notable: Iran executed 4 Mossad agents for working against Iran's national security

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Iran executes four accused of sabotage, links to Israel's Mossad

Dec 29 (Reuters) - Iran executed on Friday four people, including a woman, whom it accused of being "saboteurs" with links to Israel's Mossad intelligence service, the Mizan news agency affiliated to the judiciary said.

The executions took to five the number of people put to death this month in a decades-long shadow war that has seen Iran accuse Israel of attacks on its nuclear effort, charges the latter has never confirmed or denied.

"Four members of a sabotage team associated with the Zionist regime ... were executed this morning following legal procedures," the news agency said, accusing them of "extensive" actions, guided by Mossad officers, targeting Iran's security.



>sauce is thin

Rotters noos

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086a84 No.116569

File: c6e62f79ad17a83⋯.jpg (22.13 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149526 (292123ZDEC23) Notable: New England outages point to grid issues that are often blamed on ‘extreme weather’

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New England outages point to grid issues that are often blamed on ‘extreme weather’

Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that the average duration of annual electric power interruptions increased from between three and four hours between 2013 and 2016 to as much as eight hours from 2017 to 2021. But can climate change really be blamed?


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086a84 No.116570

File: 7498b3618f5f409⋯.jpg (616.01 KB,1080x1264,135:158,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149532 (292124ZDEC23) Notable: @AirMibilityCmd: #23in23

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086a84 No.116571

File: 1d493d31e0690d1⋯.jpg (331.04 KB,1834x2048,917:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f298bcaacbedf5d⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149536 (292126ZDEC23) Notable: Ironic: @shennabellows says America is experiencing an epidemic of election disinformation

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086a84 No.116572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149547 (292127ZDEC23) Notable: Iran executed 4 Mossad agents for working against Iran's national security

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Maybe Redundant but, Another anon posted this link at RT https://www.rt.com/news/589910-iran-execute-mossad-agents/ that's TWO sources..

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086a84 No.116573

File: 9256af29d2d1df0⋯.png (5.18 KB,245x255,49:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149583 (292134ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Shakespeare in Space

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>>116491 PB


NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dec 29, 2023

Shakespeare in Space

In 1986, Voyager 2 became the only spacecraft to explore ice giant planet Uranus close up. Still, this newly released image from the NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) on the James Webb Space Telescope offers a detailed look at the distant world. The tilted outer planet rotates on its axis once in about 17 hours. Its north pole is presently pointed near our line of sight, offering direct views of its northern hemisphere and a faint but extensive system of rings. Of the giant planet's 27 known moons, 14 are annotated in the image. Mixed with fuzzy background galaxies, the brighter moons show hints of Webb's characteristic diffraction spikes.And though these worlds of the outer Solar Systemwere unknown in Shakespearean times, all but two of the 27 Uranian moons are named for characters in the English bard's plays.


Interesting use of the word "worlds" here. Does NASA know something we don't?

world /wûrld/


1. The earth, especially together with the life it supports.

"a chemical found all over the world; an ecological disaster that could threaten the entire world."

2. The universe.

"how the ancients conceived the world."

3.Humankind considered as social beings; human society.

"turned her back on the world."

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086a84 No.116574

File: 8b62b9e9e384e67⋯.png (500.92 KB,1024x537,1024:537,Clipboard.png)

File: fbd82c8bbe4db7c⋯.png (1.33 MB,800x892,200:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149601 (292137ZDEC23) Notable: Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the US

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Former Dominican Republic Congressman Pleads Guilty After Trafficking More Than Five Tons of Cocaine Into the US

December 29, 2023

Miguel Gutiérrez, a former Congressman from the Dominican Republic, has pled guilty to crimes related related his involvement in a significant drug trafficking operation.

Arrested in May 2021 at Miami International Airport, Gutiérrez was part of a network that distributed at least five tons of cocaine from 2014 to 2020. This network operated in Colombia and the Dominican Republic, according to court records.

The plea deal, finalized in December 2022 in the Southern District of Florida, revealed that Gutiérrez also engaged in money laundering activities. For the drug trafficking charge, he faces a sentence ranging from 10 years to life in prison, and up to 20 years for money laundering. Additionally, he could be fined up to $10 million for the drug conspiracy count and $500,000 for the money laundering charge. Prosecutors have recommended a 16-year sentence for both charges.

Gutiérrez, elected as a Congressman in 2020, was responsible for receiving cocaine from suppliers in the Dominican Republic. He invested in shipments to the United States and oversaw the packaging of cocaine for shipment, including his co-defendant and brother, Miguel Emilio Gutiérrez, who faces similar charges. The cocaine was shipped to the United States, particularly to South Florida counties like Monroe, Broward, and Miami-Dade, using shipping containers and vessels.

From this operation, Gutiérrez earned over $7.5 million in drug sales and received commissions for introducing other traffickers to the network. He and his co-conspirators laundered more than $6 million, hiding it in bank accounts under his and his family’s names and diverting it to his businesses.

As part of his plea bargain, Gutiérrez agreed to forfeit property bought with drug proceeds from 2014 to 2020. This includes two Rolex watches, a 14 karat gold chain with a 4 karat gold crucifix, $446,000, 20 additional Rolex watches, and 11 vehicles held in the Dominican Republic at the time of his arrest. He owes the U.S. government $2,171,000 as part of the drug trafficking charge.

Gutiérrez, a married father of three young boys, did not resign from his congressional post until September 2023. The lower house did not remove him following his arrest, as he had not been convicted of any charges at that time.


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086a84 No.116575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149613 (292139ZDEC23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Shakespeare in Space

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Dec 20

Here's a thought... 💭

The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, but it also marks the exact 'moment' when the Earth’s axis points farthest from the Sun.

So in a way, we're all going through the darkness together (well, in the N Hemisphere anyway).

Dec 20, 2023 · 9:50 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116576

File: e57d430b3ece14c⋯.jpg (108 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4a07748e5c703e8⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149662 (292152ZDEC23) Notable: Tom Hanks tripping balls

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What is wrong with Tom Hanks?


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086a84 No.116577

File: f7311cb40a640da⋯.png (246.89 KB,558x649,558:649,Clipboard.png)

File: dc5c1fea9a4bac4⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149764 (292213ZDEC23) Notable: #TeamHaley is in Iowa

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Team Nikki Haley


#TeamHaley is in Iowa!

December 29:

📍Dubuque, IA

📍Cedar Falls, IA

December 30:

📍Iowa City, IA

📍Cedar Rapids, IA


Nikki Haley

4:06 PM · Dec 29, 2023


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086a84 No.116578

File: 6439233d770bb2f⋯.jpg (139.52 KB,720x1111,720:1111,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4eadd3ff30d28bb⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149783 (292215ZDEC23) Notable: Biden makes a promise that sounds more like a threat: "And we're not finished yet"

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Together, we've shown the world the power of American possibilities.

And we're not finished yet.

🚨WARNING🚨 this video came across Twatter and almost gave me a seizure kek , the very beginning is disorenting ,a bunch of quick clips flash together,the shit gave me a headache .


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086a84 No.116579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149816 (292222ZDEC23) Notable: Cohen: MISTAKENLY gave his atty FAKE CASE CITATIONS generated by AI (oops)

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Reuters Legal



Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former fixer and lawyer, said in court papers unsealed on Dec. 29 that he mistakenly gave his attorney fake case citations generated by an artificial intelligence program that made their way into an official court filing


Dec 29, 2023 · 7:32 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116580

File: aa773a31e7ed7c0⋯.pdf (10.6 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149835 (292227ZDEC23) Notable: Law of War manual: End of Occupation

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>>>/qresearch/20149555 LB


The status of belligerent occupation ends when the conditions for its application are no

longer met. Certain GC obligations with respect to occupied territory continue for the duration

of the occupation after the general close of military operations.

11.3.1 End of Occupation. Belligerent occupation ceases when the conditions for its

application are no longer met.81

In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory or when a

hostile relationship no longer exists between the State of the occupied territory and the

Occupying Power.

Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed

the occupied territory under its control.


For example, an uprising by the local population may

prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory.

Similarly, the Occupying Power’s expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would

also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control

sufficiently the occupied territory.

Belligerent occupation also may end when a hostile relationship no longer exists between

the Occupying Power and the State of the occupied territory (although, as discussed in the

following subsection, certain GC obligations may continue to apply).


For example, if a new,

independent government of the previously occupied territory assumes control of the territory and

consents to the presence of the previously occupying forces, then such a situation would no

longer be considered a belligerent occupation. Similarly, if a peace treaty legitimately transfers

the territory to the sovereignty of the Occupying Power, then the Occupying Power would no

longer be characterized as such. However, an Occupying Power is not permitted, under the law

of belligerent occupation, to annex occupied territory.85

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086a84 No.116581

File: c2fc14ef277c322⋯.png (274.33 KB,500x658,250:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149870 (292236ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Rejects "With Disgust" South Africa's Gaza-Related Genocide Case At World Court - ZH

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Israel Rejects "With Disgust" South Africa's Gaza-Related Genocide Case At World Court

Israel is seething with outrage after South Africa has formally asked the International Court of Justice (or "World Court") to open a case for alleged war crimes against Israel related to its Gaza military operation. Specifically, South Africa is accusing Israel of violating the UN’s Genocide Convention.

Pretoria asked the court to issue provisional measures demanding that Israel immediately halt its military campaign in Gaza, with a statement saying this is "necessary in this case to protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people."

The submission to the World Court alleges "acts and omissions by Israel" which are "genocidal in character" as they are committed with the intent "to destroy Palestinians in Gaza" - which in essence targets a national, racial and ethnic group.

Israel's Foreign Ministry issued a blistering rebuke in response, rejecting the filing "with disgust" and called Pretoria's accusations a "blood libel" - essentially saying the South African government's charge is being fueled by antisemitism.

Israel also blasted Pretoria for sympathizing with terrorists who massacred civilians:

“South Africa’s claim has no factual and judicial basis and is a despicable and cheap exploitation of the court,” the ministry says in a statement. “South Africa is collaborating with a terror group that calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.”

The ministry blames Hamas for the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by attempting “to carry out genocide” on October 7, when terrorists from the Strip killed some 1,200 people and took around 240 hostages after invading southern Israel.

"We call on the International Court of Justice and the international community to reject the baseless claims of South Africa out of hand," the response statement said further.

The irony in all this is that the 1948 Genocide Convention at issue here was drafted in the wake of the Holocaust, toward the end that targeting an entire people for destruction would 'never again' happen. South Africa, itself long under an apartheid government, has also at times accused Israel of setting up an apartheid system to discriminate against Arabs and Palestinians.

All of this is also part of the international pressure campaign - particularly from the Global South - which Tel Aviv and Washington have felt of late, pushing back on and denouncing the Gaza offensive which Palestinian sources say have taken over 21,000 mostly civilian lives.

Below is the South African submission to the International Court of Justice in full...


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086a84 No.116582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149880 (292239ZDEC23) Notable: #24726

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PB notables reposted to adjust this notable for archivist & qresear.ch:

>Anons discuss the Insurrection Act:

>>>116536, >>116538, >>116539, >>116545, >>116553, >>116558, >>116549, >>116565, >>116566, >>116567

#24726 >>116521

>>116522, >>116551 Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population

>>116524 Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack

>>116525 CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans

>>116526 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed DC_Draino on geotracking hypocrisy

>>116528 Israel embassy pulls inappropriate video imagining Hamas attack on Seoul

>>116530 Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus: Ukraine Labs Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

>>116531 NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes Israeli Govt's Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on October 7

>>116532, >>116534 @DC_Draino: Trump has never even been *charged* with Insurrection

>>116535, >>116557, >>116574 Miguel Gutierrez pleads guilty after trafficking more than FIVE TONS of cocaine into the US

>>116540 Mike Davis: Dear House Republicans - Do not count electoral votes from any state that removes Trump from the ballot

baker change >>116547

>>116523 How Swiss Bankers Helped Dictators and Criminals Hide Their Money (18min documentary)

>>116527 California keeps Trump on ballot after Colorado and Maine use 14th Amendment to say 'No'

>>116533 BBC to hand over secret Diana emails about handling of Martin Bashir scandal after judge ordered release of nearly 3,000 hidden documents

>>116542 AZ Military Museum closes after Vietnam vet founder, 80, told tour: 'Eventually they will replace me with some gay, black, woman woke Jew'

>>116543 Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story Will Reveal Bombshell Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation

>>116537, >>116541, >>116546, >>116548, >>116552 Every one of the '[D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]' are Candidates of JACPAC - DIG CALL

>>116544, >>116556 Multiple large explosions are taking place at a fuel company with reports of evacuations underway

>>116550 Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping Unconscious 15-Year-Old Girl

>>116554 Hijacked Galaxy Leader Owner Encouraged by Reports of Imminent Release of Crew

>>116555 The Marine Corps has trained its final 8 scout snipers

>>116559 Shards from the 'Crown of Thorns' placed into new Phoenix statue set atop Notre Dame Cathedral

>>116560, >>116571 Ironic: @shennabellows says America is experiencing an epidemic of election disinformation

>>116561 Donald Trump blasts David Bowie's Starman from his cart as he plays golf with Lindsey Graham after Maine boots him off the ballot

>>116562 Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

>>116563 Keystone Pipeline

>>116564, >>116568, >>116572 Iran executed 4 Mossad agents for working against Iran's national security

>>116569 New England outages point to grid issues that are often blamed on ‘extreme weather’

>>116570 @AirMibilityCmd: #23in23

>>116573, >>116575 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Shakespeare in Space

>>116576 Tom Hanks tripping balls

>>116536, >>116538, >>116539, >>116545, >>116553, >>116558, >>116549, >>116565, >>116566, >>116567 Anons discuss the Insurrection Act

>>>/qresearch/20149695 #24726

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086a84 No.116583

File: d40344d8b1cdf5c⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,320x560,4:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149886 (292240ZDEC23) Notable: Refresher. Jonna Hiestand Mendez signed the statement about Hunter's Laptop and a Russian information operation.

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Reed Cooley


By the time CIA Chief of Disguise Jonna Mendez retired in 1993, the agency was creating masks so realistic that they couldn’t be detected in face-to-face conversation.

On one occasion, Mendez met in disguise with President George H.W. Bush at the Oval Office, reportedly fooling him and others in the room until finally revealing her true identity.


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086a84 No.116584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149890 (292243ZDEC23) Notable: #24727

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pb notable reformatted for archiving purposes

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086a84 No.116585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149895 (292244ZDEC23) Notable: Tunisian President Keys: Victory is approaching, all of Palestine will be liberated

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S p r i n t e r



Tunisian President Keys said:

Victory is approaching, all of Palestine will be liberated, and the Palestinian people will create their own independent state with its capital in Holy Jerusalem.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations around the world and in Western capitals in particular indicate that the world is beginning to enter a new phase.

Dec 29, 2023 · 8:40 PM UTC



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086a84 No.116586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149908 (292248ZDEC23) Notable: Channel 12: Netanyahu prevented Shin Bet and Mossad chiefs from attending a sensitive security discussion this morning

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Godspeed Bibi.

S p r i n t e r



Channel 12: Netanyahu prevented Shin Bet and Mossad chiefs from attending a sensitive security discussion this morning with the defense minister.

Dec 29, 2023 · 9:05 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149943 (292257ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Rejects "With Disgust" South Africa's Gaza-Related Genocide Case At World Court - ZH

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Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to intervene in Gaza conflict

South Africa has filed an appeal before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, alleging that Israeli actions in Gaza amount to “genocide” and asking for “provisional measures” to stop it, the top UN court announced on Friday.

The application claims “acts and omissions by Israel... are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent ... to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group,” the ICJ said in a statement.

Israel’s conduct towards the Palestinians in Gaza “is in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” the government in Pretoria said. They also accused Israel of having “failed to prevent genocide” and “failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide” since October 7.

South Africa also asked the ICJ to “indicate provisional measures” in order to “protect against further, severe and irreparable harm” to Palestinians under the Genocide Convention. The ICJ also published the 84-page document that lists these measures in detail, first of which is for Israel to “immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.”

Pretoria also demands of West Jerusalem to stop any and all attacks on Palestinians, and to revoke any orders whose goal is “the expulsion and forced displacement from their homes” or deprivation of access to food, water, fuel, shelter, medical supplies and other humanitarian needs.

Anyone who engages in “direct and public incitement” to genocide or conspiracy to commit it must be brought to justice, the appeal insists. South Africa demanded Israel submit a report on complying with all these demands within one week.

Under the ICJ’s rules, South Africa’s application has priority over all other cases, because of the request for provisional measures.

South Africa has previously sought to charge Israel with war crimes before the International Criminal Court (ICC). West Jerusalem is not a signatory party to the ICC, but the court – also based in The Hague – has previously declared it had jurisdiction over Gaza and the West Bank.

On the other hand, both South Africa and Israel are signatories of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which was first adopted in 1948, in response to the Nazi mass murder of Jews during WWII.


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086a84 No.116588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149962 (292302ZDEC23) Notable: Fox News faced its lowest average audience since 2015 in 2023

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Shut up Tucker.

Leading Report



BREAKING: Fox News faced its lowest average audience since 2015 in 2023, most likely attributed to the firing of Tucker Carlson.

Dec 29, 2023 · 9:44 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116589

File: 477edeeac92fe1d⋯.png (636.37 KB,1439x1015,1439:1015,Clipboard.png)

File: 29670fe3529b357⋯.png (608.6 KB,970x632,485:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149980 (292306ZDEC23) Notable: PF report

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Looks like 76-3301 might be headed for Antarctica.



Last seen five hours ago.

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086a84 No.116590

File: 21f2cf972d16b3a⋯.jpeg (49.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149983 (292307ZDEC23) Notable: Kiev Aid justifies military call up: "“We will all die anyway"

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29 Dec, 2023 17:57

‘We will all die anyway’ – Ukrainian army adviser

The aide to Kiev’s top general has made a novel argument for mobilization

A death in battle is preferable to a car crash, Alla Martinyuk, an aide to the supreme commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, said in an interview on Friday.

Martinyuk, 37, is a former theater and TV actress who currently serves as an “external adviser” to Zaluzhny. In a broadcast shared on social media by the Kiev-based news agency UNIAN, she argued against the reaction of most Ukrainians to getting mobilized into the military.

“I now see when someone gets a summons, the mothers immediately write [that] they are already hysterical and almost immediately say goodbye to the lives of their sons,” Martinyuk said on air. “But I will tell you, this is not right. All this hysteria is not needed. You need to believe that your son is a hero and the flower of the nation.”

“We will all die anyway. Leaving this life with dignity is much better than walking down the street and [having] a brick fall on you or a car run you over,” she added.

Zaluzhny has distanced himself from Martinyuk’s words, saying on social media that “unpaid aides were not authorized to make public comments” on his behalf. He added he did not have any “unpaid aides and consultants” since Thursday.

President Vladimir Zelensky recently announced a plan to mobilize 500,000 additional troops to make up the battlefield losses, even as officials across the country admitted difficulties with meeting draft quotas.

Zelensky and Zaluzhny have tried to pass the blame for this situation onto each other as the Ukrainian parliament debated lowering the draft age to 25 and allowing the mobilization of women into combat roles. Some regional governors have proposed even more drasticmeasures.

Former PM Yulia Tymoshenko, who now leads a small opposition party in the Verkhovna Rada,has argued that Zelensky’s mobilization proposal was both ineffective and unconstitutional. She also said Ukraine would be better off deploying police and trained security personnel to the front lines instead.

(They have been filled with nihilistic thoughts and beliefs due to constant propaganda in Ukraine. The country needs to be deprogrammed, these people are really sick!)


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086a84 No.116591

File: 8a0c4672159f1c2⋯.png (565.87 KB,847x802,847:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150049 (292321ZDEC23) Notable: NASSOUR: DeSantis’ Baseless Attacks On Haley Reveal His Desperation

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NASSOUR: DeSantis’ Baseless Attacks On Haley Reveal His Desperation


(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)



December 29, 2023

2:33 PM ET


It’s a political cliché, but triteness doesn’t make it any less true: losing candidates do desperate, stupid things.

Ron DeSantis is losing. Over nine months, he and his allies have spent $100 million only to lose half his support in the polls. Now, a month away from the Iowa caucuses, he’s boxed himself into an Iowa-or-bust corner with his presidential ambitions hanging by a thread.

As a result, he is also desperate. DeSantis is throwing a wide variety of attacks at the wall in the hopes that something — anything — will stick. The problem is many of the attacks on Nikki Haley reek of hypocrisy because DeSantis had the exact same positions.

Bathroom Bills

Ron DeSantis will tell you that he signed a bill directing people to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender at birth. That’s true — he signed a bathroom bill on the cusp of launching his presidential campaign. Now rewind four years.

In 2018, as a gubernatorial candidate — before he refashioned himself into an anti-woke warrior — DeSantis was dismissive of government meddling in the bathroom issue. He told Frank Luntz, “I think getting into the bathroom wars — I don’t think that’s a good use of our time.” That hasn’t stopped DeSantis from attacking Nikki Haley from having the same stance in 2016.

The truth is that the bathroom issue wasn’t as widespread in 2016 and 2018. Both Haley and DeSantis were aligned with the times when they argued it wasn’t necessary for the government to get involved. But DeSantis has doubled down on this line of attack even as fact checkers point out this inconvenient truth.

Social Security

In a CNN town hall, Ron DeSantis attacked Haley for proposing an increase in the retirement age for workers in their 20s in order to deal with the Social Security’s looming insolvency. Has DeSantis forgotten that he called for raising the retirement age in 2012 as a congressional candidate because “the system was not originally designed for people to be on it for 30 years”? Has DeSantis forgotten that he voted for budget resolutions that would have raised the retirement age to 70 in 2013, 2014, and 2015?

I’m sure, his memory is just fine. More likely, his desperation is just getting worse by the day.

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086a84 No.116592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150054 (292322ZDEC23) Notable: NASSOUR: DeSantis’ Baseless Attacks On Haley Reveal His Desperation

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Haley has admitted that she recruited Chinese businesses to South Carolina 10 years ago and also acknowledged that America’s approach to China has rightly shifted since then. That hasn’t stopped Ron DeSantis from spending millions of dollars attacking Haley on China. Nor has it stopped him from denying his own ties to Chinese businesses as governor.

In the third presidential debate, DeSantis went after Haley, claiming that, “You gave [China] stuff, I didn’t give them anything.” This is demonstrably false. The DeSantis administration gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in state subsidies to Jinko Solar, a Chinese company that was raided by the Department of Homeland security six months ago.

DeSantis also accepts campaign contributions from a Chinese-backed company while denying China’s role in the company. And he recruited Chinese businesses for several years and boasted about his administration’s efforts in promotional reports.

George Floyd

Ron DeSantis criticizes Haley’s initial reaction to George Floyd’s death, in which she said that his death should be “painful and personal” for everyone. This empathetic response to a graphic case of police brutality is somehow supposed to prove that Haley is too woke or too liberal to be president. Never mind that Haley has been extremely outspoken in her criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement and the riots and violence that ensued. Never mind also that Ron DeSantis had an eerily similar response to the Floyd video.

“When I saw the video of that cop murdering George Floyd, I was just absolutely appalled by what I saw,” DeSantis told a group of reporters at the time. “But I immediately asked folks at [the Florida Department of Law Enforcement] and others, ‘How in the hell could you get away with even doing that tactic?’ And sure enough, [in the] State of Florida, you do not put knee on a neck like that. That is not good training … I think everyone agrees that’s totally intolerable what happened.”

The campaign trail is littered with the political corpses of candidates who failed to live up to their great expectations. Ron DeSantis will go down in the history books as a prime example. In his case, it wasn’t a lack of resources or institutional support that felled him. It was his inauthenticity.

At the presidential level, where candidates are forced to talk to voters face to face — not once, but over and over — voters can sniff out a phony. DeSantis’ disingenuous attacks on Nikki Haley are solid proof of this.

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086a84 No.116593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150063 (292324ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28

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Tucker Carlson 12/28/23 | Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28, 2023

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086a84 No.116594

File: e5832385ca78293⋯.png (1016.84 KB,1720x1710,172:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150195 (292354ZDEC23) Notable: Explosion In Bridgeport At Tradebe Environmental, Same Facility That Settled EPA Violations In 2018

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Explosion In Bridgeport At Tradebe Environmental, Same Facility That Settled EPA Violations In 2018

However, in 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a proposed settlement with Tradebe that resolved alleged violations Tradebe had committed against the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Clean Air Act (CAA) at the company’s hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities in Bridgeport, and also in Meriden, Connecticut.

According to the EPA, the alleged RCRA violations include failures to comply with certain standards and requirements for hazardous waste tanks, equipment leak inspections, and record-keeping. Additional RCRA violations involved site security, storage of hazardous waste at unauthorized locations, tank overflow equipment maintenance, hazardous waste release reporting, and others.

The alleged CAA violations involved National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), with respect to hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities that handle off-site wastes and that are major hazardous air pollutant sources.

The settlement required Tradebe to install equipment "to control the emissions of hazardous waste air pollutants and volatile organic compounds (VOC), which can pose a range of short- and long-term adverse health effects."

Tradebe was also required to purchase new emissions leak detection equipment.

The total estimated value of the injunctive relief and remedial actions required under the proposed settlement was estimated to be at least $920,000.

Additionally, Tradebe was ordered to pay a civil penalty of $525,000.

The EPA cautioned in 2018 that, "air emissions from hazardous waste storage tanks, pipes, valves and other equipment are known or are suspected to cause cancer, birth defects and seriously impact the environment."

The risks stemming from today's explosion are unclear at this time.


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086a84 No.116595

File: 46e5194b8a2511f⋯.jpg (155.55 KB,874x631,874:631,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150390 (300032ZDEC23) Notable: Refresher. Jonna Hiestand Mendez signed the statement about Hunter's Laptop and a Russian information operation.

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Jonna Hiestand Mendez signed the statement about Hunter's Laptop and a Russian information operation.


Politico - Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails - October 19, 2020


The Cipher Brief - Jonna Hiestand Mendez


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086a84 No.116596

File: 55e5500f3587c8f⋯.jpg (25.12 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150474 (300054ZDEC23) Notable: Federal judge blocks enforcement of Iowa law banning pornographic books and LGBTQ+ topics in classes

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Federal judge blocks enforcement of Iowa law banning pornographic books and LGBTQ+ topics in classes

The law bans books depicting sex acts from school libraries and classrooms and blocks teachers in Iowa classrooms from discussing gender identity and sexual orientation issues with students through the sixth grade.

A federal judge issued a ruling Friday that will temporarily block enforcement of an Iowa law that bans pornographic books from school libraries and prohibits teachers from raising LGBTQ+ issues.

The law, the Associated Press reports, was passed in early 2023 by the state’s Republican-led Legislature and Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds. It bans books depicting sex acts from school libraries and classrooms. It also blocks teachers in Iowa classrooms from discussing gender identity and sexual orientation issues with students through the sixth grade.

Judge Stephen Locher issued the preliminary injunction stopping enforcement of the law, which was set to take effect on Jan. 1. The ruling blocks both provisions of the law.


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086a84 No.116597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150481 (300056ZDEC23) Notable: #24727

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#24727 >>116584

>>116577 #TeamHaley is in Iowa

>>116578 Biden makes a promise that sounds more like a threat: "And we're not finished yet"

>>116579 Cohen: MISTAKENLY gave his atty FAKE CASE CITATIONS generated by AI (oops)

>>116580 Law of War manual: End of Occupation

>>116581, >>116587 Israel Rejects "With Disgust" South Africa's Gaza-Related Genocide Case At World Court - ZH

>>116583 By the time CIA Chief of Disguise Jonna Mendez retired in 1993, the agency was creating masks so realistic that they couldn’t be detected in face-to-face conversation.

>>116585 Tunisian President Keys: Victory is approaching, all of Palestine will be liberated

>>116586 Channel 12: Netanyahu prevented Shin Bet and Mossad chiefs from attending a sensitive security discussion this morning

>>116588 Fox News faced its lowest average audience since 2015 in 2023

>>116589 PF report

>>116590 Kiev Aid justifies military call up: "“We will all die anyway"

>>116591, >>116592 NASSOUR: DeSantis’ Baseless Attacks On Haley Reveal His Desperation

>>116593 Tucker Carlson Tonight December 28

>>116594 Explosion In Bridgeport At Tradebe Environmental, Same Facility That Settled EPA Violations In 2018

>>116595, >>116583 Refresher. Jonna Hiestand Mendez signed the statement about Hunter's Laptop and a Russian information operation.

>>116596 Federal judge blocks enforcement of Iowa law banning pornographic books and LGBTQ+ topics in classes


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086a84 No.116598

File: e04685ab6fdce4c⋯.png (1.13 MB,814x1024,407:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 6176ba12d603722⋯.jpg (74.87 KB,654x500,327:250,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d35c8d0395f5b62⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,441x366,147:122,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b963a682bdaeaf8⋯.jpg (226.04 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed3a6392a26f206⋯.jpg (38.49 KB,500x303,500:303,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150493 (300058ZDEC23) Notable: #24728

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Can continue or defer

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086a84 No.116599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150560 (300108ZDEC23) Notable: Baker change

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...Let's see what habbens. o7

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086a84 No.116600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150573 (300112ZDEC23) Notable: @JackPosobiec - BREAKING: Jonathan Turley reportedly swatted tonight

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸



BREAKING: Jonathan Turley reportedly swatted tonight

What is Governor Youngkin doing protect Virginians from swatters?

Dec 29, 2023 · 11:40 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150661 (300127ZDEC23) Notable: @thejimwatkins - Recently, YouTube has updated what they are allowing. This philosophy was shadow-banned for years. #accelerationism is a thing. No, really, it's a thing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim posted this on X, probably already shared here but...

I was about to share the vid with friends and family when I noticed the end of the link. This may mean nothing unless you have watched the video first, and I don't believe in coinkydinks.


This part of link: CQmoQEeNYrs

See Q, modus operandi, Q 5:5 New Years

#accelerationism Which is what Trump/Q have been doing.

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086a84 No.116602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150672 (300129ZDEC23) Notable: @NASAAmes - 🎵 Woahhhh, we’re halfway there! 🎵 Our VIPER Moon rover is already half-built, and the best is yet to come!

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🎵 Woahhhh, we’re halfway there! 🎵

Our VIPER Moon rover is already half-built, and the best is yet to come! Get the latest update from the mission manager as we gear up for the year of launch:


Dec 29, 2023 · 6:02 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150716 (300136ZDEC23) Notable: @thejimwatkins - Recently, YouTube has updated what they are allowing. This philosophy was shadow-banned for years. #accelerationism is a thing. No, really, it's a thing.

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I guess I did make a claim.


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086a84 No.116604

File: 3ee77b65d650f3a⋯.png (865.35 KB,964x526,482:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a5cf27a2e252f1⋯.png (206.77 KB,545x640,109:128,Clipboard.png)

File: 07892200af75d9b⋯.png (924.8 KB,964x518,482:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150795 (300155ZDEC23) Notable: Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years – Will Reveal BOMBSHELL Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation – COMING SOON!

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ANNOUNCING: Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years – Will Reveal BOMBSHELL Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation – COMING SOON!

Dec. 29, 2023 1:00 pm

The well-known Ukrainian politician Andriy Derkach, who was the first to provide evidence of international corruption and influence peddling by Joe Biden in Ukraine, has given his first exclusive interview after a long media pause related to security issues. Despite the pause in communication with the media, Derkach used all this time to continue his investigative work and collect new evidence.

The full version of the interview will be available at 13:00 on January 10, 2024 on the X/Twitter of American journalist Simone Mangiante (https://twitter.com/SimonaMangiante), who managed to communicate with the “Ground Zero of Biden’s corruption in Ukraine” – Andriy Derkach. Subsequently, the full text and video of the interview will also be posted on the website of the investigative Internet publication “21st Century Wire”.

Andriy Derkach became known to the world media after a number of high-profile corruption revelations concerning the “Ukrainian trail” in the activities of Joe Biden during his tenure as Vice President of the United States from 2014-2017.

Among the evidence presented by Derkach, which without the resistance of the democratic leadership of the United States could have led to the end of Joe Biden’s political career long ago, were shadowy earnings of the Biden family due to protection of the interests of the Ukrainian mining company Burisma; political cover-up of an international corruption scheme to use the developed structure of Ukrainian grant organizations that embezzled financial aid provided at the expense of American taxpayers; offshoring of billions of dollars due to Ukraine’s transfer to reverse natural gas supplies; accountability of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to the US Embassy in the investigation of high-profile criminal cases, direct blackmailing of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko for the sake of firing Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who came too close to the Bidens in the Burisma investigation.

It was also Derkach who first presented audio recordings of phone conversations between Biden and Poroshenko (known today as the “Derkach tapes”), and it was Derkach who proved the interference of the Democrat-created National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) in the 2016 presidential election on the side of Hillary Clinton.

Many American journalists, lawyers and congressmen at the time highly appreciated the evidence collected and publicized by Derkach, who proved the existence of an extensive structure of international corruption in Ukraine. Each public statement of Andriy Derkach was accompanied by indisputable documentary evidence in the form of official papers. A separate large area of Derkach’s work was the investigation of the so-called “Democorruption”, which attracted the attention of a reputable American investigator, prosecutor, lawyer and attorney – Rudy Giuliani, with whom Derkach planned to consolidate efforts on intergovernmental investigative activities.

However, after Derkach’s persecution by the U.S. and Ukrainian authorities, which included not only deprivation of citizenship and the status of people’s deputy, but also the opening of criminal cases and even an attempt to physically eliminate him by special services, the fate of Andriy Derkach remained unknown for a long time.

American journalists found out that Derkach had been forced to leave the territory of Ukraine, had not been active in public activities for almost two years and was focused on searching for and analyzing new evidence of international corruption activities, including those related to the Biden family’s activity in Ukraine.


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086a84 No.116605

File: 70aa9ce69874ee3⋯.jpg (198.68 KB,720x1062,40:59,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 11b5ea3b0558e69⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150949 (300228ZDEC23) Notable: A Massive Rescue operation is underway as more than 75 to 100 people are stranded on a large broken sheet of ice

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🚨#BREAKING: A Massive Rescue operation is underway as more than 75 to 100 people are stranded on a large broken sheet of ice

📌#UpperRedLake | #Minnesota

Currently, a massive rescue operation is underway at Upper Red Lake in Minnesota, with numerous emergency personnel and other agencies on the scene working to rescue over 75 to 100 people stranded after a large ice chunk broke off from the main ice on Upper Red Lake. Emergency responders are evacuating from the southeast part of the ice in Red Lake, and several areas are affected. Officials say there are no reports of anyone in the water yet, as this situation is still developing.


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086a84 No.116606

File: 483f0146100ea74⋯.mp4 (14.7 MB,1366x720,683:360,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6b17f287c5c2e51⋯.png (78.09 KB,1290x713,1290:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20151236 (300331ZDEC23) Notable: Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years – Will Reveal BOMBSHELL Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation – COMING SOON!

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086a84 No.116607

File: 1d07035bc416840⋯.jpg (34.92 KB,401x568,401:568,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20151271 (300339ZDEC23) Notable: #24728

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




#24728 >>116598

>>116599 Baker change

>>116601, >>116603 @thejimwatkins

Recently, YouTube has updated what they are allowing. This philosophy was shadow-banned for years. #accelerationism is a thing. No, really, it's a thing.

>>116600 @JackPosobiec - BREAKING: Jonathan Turley reportedly swatted tonight

>>116602 @NASAAmes - 🎵 Woahhhh, we’re halfway there! 🎵 Our VIPER Moon rover is already half-built, and the best is yet to come!

>>116604, >>116606 Ukrainian Politician Who Broke the Biden-Burisma Corruption Story – Sits for FIRST INTERVIEW in Two Years – Will Reveal BOMBSHELL Details from His Biden Crime Family Investigation – COMING SOON!

>>116605 A Massive Rescue operation is underway as more than 75 to 100 people are stranded on a large broken sheet of ice


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086a84 No.116608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20151282 (300341ZDEC23) Notable: #24729

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...Commence the reeeee-peat.

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086a84 No.116609

File: a5c5aa0db2ae9a1⋯.jpg (137.28 KB,720x795,48:53,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33041efdd19484d⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20151463 (300423ZDEC23) Notable: Trump and The King

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Trump and The King

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086a84 No.116610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20151564 (300445ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 58: Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market (VIDEO)

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Insider trading for me but not for thee

Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 58: Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market (VIDEO)


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086a84 No.116611

File: 9ac8e68bee4d113⋯.png (44.19 KB,590x315,118:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20151736 (300530ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truth - It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the “Crazed” Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

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It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the “Crazed” Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now. Republicans better wake up and do something, before it is too late. Are you listening Mitch McConnell?

Dec 30, 2023, 12:23 AM


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086a84 No.116612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152029 (300711ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Devil Comet’ the Size of Mt. Everest to Explode This Weekend

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here is one moar, (maybe comms)

‘Devil Comet’ the Size of Mt. Everest to Explode This Weekend

4 hours ago


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086a84 No.116613

File: 2ac4a1c8d5382a7⋯.png (3.55 MB,1011x1514,1011:1514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152040 (300713ZDEC23) Notable: #24729

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




#24729 >>116608

>>116609 Trump and The King

>>116610 Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 58: Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market (VIDEO)

>>116611 DJT Truth - It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the “Crazed” Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

>>116612 ‘Devil Comet’ the Size of Mt. Everest to Explode This Weekend


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086a84 No.116614

File: ce9fd65af2cf7fb⋯.png (775.42 KB,574x529,574:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152049 (300715ZDEC23) Notable: #24730

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086a84 No.116615

File: 2ed2e72d57f69a3⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,710x1262,355:631,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 06a95c43ee1f816⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152097 (300733ZDEC23) Notable: "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is happening in Gran Canaria, Spain. Watch as immigrants, after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their newly obtained cellphones. This is a well-coordinated plan done on purpose.

No , they aren't eating the plastic, they just need to get orders from central command ASAP

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086a84 No.116616

File: 7d8af9ad5b23b0a⋯.png (390.13 KB,1108x1020,277:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152099 (300734ZDEC23) Notable: How do I know Janet Ossebaard died on the 16th of November?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is one of you anons able to open these files, please? (don't have telegram)




it's one of the last posts of Janet Ossebaard from 5th of Nov 2023

"Hello, my darling friends. I'm back after a long silence with my new blog: Transition Period.

Recognise anything? Many of you will... I hope this helps..."


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086a84 No.116617

File: c839dd2c4baa731⋯.png (161.9 KB,862x688,431:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152135 (300804ZDEC23) Notable: How do I know Janet Ossebaard died on the 16th of November?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>116616 me

found this on the telegram channel of her film partner Cynthia Koether:

“...I will give answer to one question to satisfy your curiosity and for the ‘normal empathetic’ people to know what I have to deal with. How do I know Janet died on the 16th of November?

It’s very simple: She took off in the camper van on the 16th, parked at a private domain (that is the reason neither I nor others could find her) and took her pills. The next day the owner of the domain called the police to get the van removed. The police didn’t come (!). Two weeks later, the land owner calls again. Again the police didn’t come, despite a notification in their system about the missing of Janet and the numberplate of the car. Only after 5 weeks, when the family filed an official missing report AND the owner called again on the 22nd of December, the police connected the dots and came. They smashed the window and there she was. Laying dead for 5 weeks at a private property.

That’s it. That’s what I have to deal with. She could have been found the day after...“

December 27, 2023


sounds fishy af

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086a84 No.116618

File: 5340574f77c2c59⋯.jpeg (162.95 KB,934x1162,467:581,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152189 (300842ZDEC23) Notable: 2024 BINGO CARD

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086a84 No.116619

File: 28a69c47a8b79c2⋯.jpg (169.85 KB,982x1280,491:640,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 44b22351b5b56ce⋯.jpg (196.83 KB,983x1280,983:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152206 (300907ZDEC23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried donated $100 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sam Bankman-Fried donated $100 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

Yesterday, the US Government announced they're dropping six charges against SBF and will not prosecute him for a political campaign finance violation.

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086a84 No.116620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152208 (300917ZDEC23) Notable: "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WHO pays for the cellphones?

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086a84 No.116621

File: 8d9b2dfac3953b6⋯.png (3.08 MB,2374x1504,1187:752,Clipboard.png)

File: 19dc41e858f5692⋯.png (1.69 MB,1260x1118,630:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ef69170698c4c5⋯.png (2.22 MB,1336x1166,668:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152210 (300924ZDEC23) Notable: "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



(one of) the refugee camps (sponsored by EU– see pics) on Gran Canaria are located in an old military facility (calle 22 de mayo 1986 de Mayo, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), just next to (or actually in) the Port of Las Palmas - so they can be shipped directly to South America.. you know where the trip ends

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086a84 No.116622

File: ef41987558e2204⋯.mp4 (887.54 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152211 (300924ZDEC23) Notable: Moar on the Podesta vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Creepy John Podesta video put out by the White House recently. Saw it on Twatter, couldn’t find it online myself.


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086a84 No.116623

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152212 (300924ZDEC23) Notable: "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


be a shame if the cell towers went out.

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086a84 No.116624

File: 79cb0497dc11204⋯.png (59.47 KB,781x118,781:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152214 (300926ZDEC23) Notable: How the EPA is attempting to kill the Berkey water filter

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fuck! ahhhh!


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086a84 No.116625

File: f0da6aa8c319b6c⋯.jpg (108.58 KB,790x1087,790:1087,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152217 (300929ZDEC23) Notable: How the EPA is attempting to kill the Berkey water filter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The EPA >>116624

and FCC shouldn't exist under the tenth amendment. Anon is not goin to be friendly to these non tenth amendment agencies anymore. Respect? NO you fuckint tried to kill us! DEACTIVATE YOUR AGENCY AND DEFUND YOUR CRIMINAL ASSES


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086a84 No.116626

File: 7d392e279076a9b⋯.png (246.01 KB,842x1554,421:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cc924c561ed41c⋯.jpeg (48.9 KB,979x206,979:206,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3e9c1aff1bce58c⋯.jpeg (7.63 KB,92x73,92:73,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4e082f8b7b388e4⋯.png (285.38 KB,590x582,295:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152218 (300930ZDEC23) Notable: Moar on the Podesta vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Couldn’t help but think of the 11.3 confirmation from the cryptology post lb, and Q’s drop about Podesta being arrested.

Is he really the guy getting baked this Christmas as the clue says?

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086a84 No.116627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152230 (300942ZDEC23) Notable: "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





"The island of El Hierro, the smallest of the [seven] Canary Islands with a population of some 11,700 inhabitants, has received a total of 14,951 migrants in boats since May 2023, including 3,654 minors and 633 women, a figure that exceeds, for example, the number of people who reached Spain in 2023 via the Mediterranean route up to 15 December: 14,312."


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086a84 No.116628

File: 99269755112f30c⋯.png (876.03 KB,662x584,331:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152242 (300956ZDEC23) Notable: Ghost

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Bread is ghost

...Self confirm or whatever.

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086a84 No.116629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152263 (301015ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss Scavino post

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What does this Dan Scavino post mean? No one sleeps?

Posted Friday night at the White House. Lots of activity. . .


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086a84 No.116630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152271 (301024ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss Scavino post

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Pavarotti is singing the final line of Nessun Dorma in Dan's video, which is "All'alba vincerò" which translates to, "I'll win at dawn".

English Lyrics:

Nobody shall sleep!...

Nobody shall sleep!

Even you, oh Princess,

in your cold room,

watch the stars,

that tremble with love and with hope.

But my secret is hidden within me,

my name no one shall know...


On your mouth, I will tell it when the light shines.

And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!...

(No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)

Vanish, o night!

Set, stars! Set, stars!

At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!

Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma! (Lyric Video)


"Nessun dorma" (Italian: [nesˌsun ˈdɔrma]; English: "Let no one sleep")[1] is an aria from the final act of Giacomo Puccini's opera Turandot (text by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni) and one of the best-known tenor arias in all opera. It is sung by Calaf, il principe ignoto (the unknown prince), who falls in love at first sight with the beautiful but cold Princess Turandot. Any man who wishes to wed Turandot must first answer her three riddles; if he fails, he will be beheaded. In the aria, Calaf expresses his triumphant assurance that he will win the princess.

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086a84 No.116631

File: cf63a91434ae62b⋯.png (163.27 KB,456x809,456:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 64e6ee4061732f1⋯.png (52.52 KB,462x429,14:13,Clipboard.png)

File: d5dd6aa9926726a⋯.png (2.84 KB,488x31,488:31,Clipboard.png)

File: a8e3c936ee08af3⋯.png (3.18 MB,4505x3726,4505:3726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152273 (301025ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss Scavino post

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Name of SOng:

Nessun dorma: Let no one sleep


Past drops important to frame context.

These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

Those who know cannot sleep.


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086a84 No.116632

File: 0be76c339a5a89b⋯.jpg (97.49 KB,720x1086,120:181,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eda86a772fd5aba⋯.jpg (106.57 KB,654x1051,654:1051,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37c74183ca61cbd⋯.jpg (75.27 KB,633x984,211:328,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152284 (301043ZDEC23) Notable: Moar on the Podesta vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Creepy Podesta snake comms

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086a84 No.116633

File: 3a9e43c52a205e7⋯.png (648.96 KB,1225x674,1225:674,Clipboard.png)

File: b46be142a09e2ee⋯.png (140.73 KB,847x583,77:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 9edfa41e18e2b5c⋯.png (56.84 KB,809x267,809:267,Clipboard.png)

File: dc8715df1d227af⋯.png (529.04 KB,798x593,798:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152285 (301044ZDEC23) Notable: Moar on the Podesta vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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086a84 No.116634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152286 (301045ZDEC23) Notable: Anons discuss Scavino post

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








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086a84 No.116635

File: 6439233d770bb2f⋯.jpg (139.52 KB,720x1111,720:1111,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4eadd3ff30d28bb⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152292 (301054ZDEC23) Notable: Bizarro Potato vid

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Weird videos lately, warning the first few seconds of this video are seizure inducing , seems on purpose

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086a84 No.116636

File: 9f36b66aaa97350⋯.png (157.83 KB,598x644,13:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152307 (301107ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino from 12/29/23: We will be taking this to court and will fight to the Supreme Court if necessary.

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Maine GOP



Dec 28

Replying to @mainegop

We will be taking this to court and will fight to the Supreme Court if necessary.

And we reserve our right as a private organization to use another system — if that's what it takes to keep a Democrat Hack Secretary of State from infringing on the Rights of Maine voters.

4:41 PM · Dec 29, 2023




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086a84 No.116637

File: 8b0d0e04a818648⋯.png (205.74 KB,591x501,197:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152313 (301111ZDEC23) Notable: @EthicalSkeptic: Cancer is not only elevated 6.5%, but it has a new growth rate of 2.4% annually

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Ethical Skeptic ☀


Cancer is not only elevated 6.5%, but it has a new growth rate of 2.4% annually, up from 0.23%

It's ~700 people per week. If you are not good at this, you are going to miss it.

This excess does not just 'go away' by hiding your head in the sand and repeating 'it's not true...'


2:47 PM · Dec 29, 2023




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086a84 No.116638

File: 33a3d34c43467e9⋯.png (264.95 KB,592x485,592:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152317 (301114ZDEC23) Notable: @gatewaypundit: Xfinity-Comcast Security Breach Compromises 36 Million Customers’ Contact Info and SS Numbers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


JUST IN: Xfinity-Comcast Security Breach Compromises 36 Million Customers’ Contact Info, Passwords, Birthdates, Social Security Numbers via @gatewaypundit

4:24 PM · Dec 29, 2023




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086a84 No.116639

File: 84f57b0ebc605f9⋯.png (145.12 KB,597x862,597:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152320 (301116ZDEC23) Notable: Despite Numerous FOIA Requests, the NSA Is still Withholding Government Documents Related to Seth Rich

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Santa Surfing


FBI is supposed to release the Seth Rich documents to Congress (by late January 2024).

From the FBI Vault and it looks like Robert Mueller was (also) behind Seth Rich's murder!






Last edited

8:29 PM · Dec 28, 2023




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086a84 No.116640

File: 591f91ccd60c019⋯.png (740.26 KB,669x709,669:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152352 (301131ZDEC23) Notable: Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

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Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance

to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They

Can Get to California

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 12/30/2023 2:25:45 AM

Beginning January 1, 2024, illegal aliens residing in California will become eligible for taxpayer-funded health insurance — the first state in the nation to enact such a policy. In June of this year, Newsom touted the budget agreement that will make California the first state in the United States to offer health insurance, subsidized by taxpayers, to the state’s estimated 4.4 million illegal aliens so long as they are low-income.Starting in the new year, illegal aliens in California will qualify for Medi-Cal, which is California’s state-funded version of the federal government’s Medicaid program. Since 2015, only illegal alien children qualified for Medi-Cal thanks to then-Gov. Jerry Brown (D).

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086a84 No.116641

File: eea9daae9001b3e⋯.png (826.61 KB,1015x736,1015:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152375 (301142ZDEC23) Notable: Despite Numerous FOIA Requests, the NSA Is still Withholding Government Documents Related to Seth Rich

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Despite Numerous FOIA Requests for Relevant Information, the NSA Is Withholding Government Documents Related to the Life and Death of Seth Rich

by Joe Hoft Dec. 30, 2020 8:00 pm


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086a84 No.116642

File: 912a47771c37b70⋯.jpg (157.81 KB,720x1316,180:329,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 550a64c37e02f99⋯.jpg (245.55 KB,1290x1601,1290:1601,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 81dc3aff02e367c⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,640x974,320:487,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152405 (301158ZDEC23) Notable: @DC_Draino: Woman getting interviewed on camera claims to have been maced on J6 - using an onion on her eyes?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is a bizarre video

Woman getting interviewed on camera claims to have been maced on J6 saying “we’re storming the Capitol, it’s a revolution”

But if you look closer, it seems like she’s rubbing an onion in her own eyes

What am I missing here?

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086a84 No.116643

File: dfc78d08dde59d4⋯.jpg (41.15 KB,1004x846,502:423,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152406 (301159ZDEC23) Notable: @DC_Draino: Woman getting interviewed on camera claims to have been maced on J6 - using an onion on her eyes?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116644

File: 368ff7805699ffe⋯.png (64.81 KB,674x464,337:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152411 (301201ZDEC23) Notable: Republican lawmaker in Maine files to impeach secretary of state Shenna Bellows after her decision to disqualify Trump from the ballot

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Republican lawmaker in Maine files to

impeach secretary of state Shenna Bellows

after her decision to disqualify Trump

from the ballot - as Bellows reveals she's

been receiving DEATH threats since her ruling

Daily Mail (UK), by Harriet Alexander

Posted By: Imright, 12/30/2023 2:23:48 AM

A Maine Republican has filed notice of his intent to impeach their secretary of state, accusing her of overstepping her authority by removing Donald Trump from the state ballot and arguing that, by her rationale, Joe Biden should also be removed. John Andrews, was elected in 2018 to the Maine House of Representatives, said on Friday he filed a request with the Maine Revisor's Office, saying he wanted 'to file a Joint Order, or whichever is the proper parliamentary mechanism under Mason's Rules, to impeach Secretary of State Shenna Bellows.'

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086a84 No.116645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152412 (301202ZDEC23) Notable: #24730

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For Incoming Baker @ 305ish


#24730 >>116614

>>116628 Ghost

>>116615, >>116620, >>116621, >>116623, >>116627 "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

>>116616, >>116617 How do I know Janet Ossebaard died on the 16th of November?

>>116618 2024 BINGO CARD

>>116619 Sam Bankman-Fried donated $100 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

>>116624, >>116625 How the EPA is attempting to kill the Berkey water filter

>>116622, >>116626, >>116632, >>116633, >>116635 Moar on the Podesta vid

>>116629, >>116630, >>116631, >>116634 Anons discuss Scavino post

>>116635 Bizarro Potato vid

>>116636 @DanScavino from 12/29/23: We will be taking this to court and will fight to the Supreme Court if necessary.

>>116637 @EthicalSkeptic: Cancer is not only elevated 6.5%, but it has a new growth rate of 2.4% annually

>>116638 @gatewaypundit: Xfinity-Comcast Security Breach Compromises 36 Million Customers’ Contact Info and SS Numbers

>>116640 Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

>>116639, >>116641 Despite Numerous FOIA Requests, the NSA Is still Withholding Government Documents Related to Seth Rich

>>116642, >>116643 @DC_Draino: Woman getting interviewed on camera claims to have been maced on J6 - using an onion on her eyes?


Collector OUT

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086a84 No.116646

File: 727e8b66018ccaa⋯.png (22.88 KB,592x256,37:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152417 (301205ZDEC23) Notable: @KenPaxtonTX Bring it! We will defend Texas.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Attorney General Ken Paxton


Bring it! We will defend Texas.


John Rich🇺🇸




Friends, the whole border situation is on purpose plain and simple. What's the end game of the people allowing this to happen? I bet we all find out in 2024. Very concerning times ahead... twitter.com/nypost/status/…

Last edited

5:27 PM · Dec 29, 2023




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086a84 No.116647

File: 1bd048525be19ff⋯.png (241.73 KB,391x636,391:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152419 (301206ZDEC23) Notable: Market Forces Put the Brakes on “Gender-Affirming” Surgeries in Children

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Market Forces Put the Brakes on “Gender-Affirming” Surgeries in Children

Lawsuits against doctors for rushing children into irreversible body-altering surgeries have become a major concern for insurers.

This concern is leading insurers to either hike up insurance premiums or altogether avoid providing coverage for facilities that offer gender change surgeries for kids.

Watch Live: https://vigilantnews.com/post/anti-trump-secretary-of-state-faces-major-backlash-gateway-beyond-the-headlines/

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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086a84 No.116648

File: 5210b9d38941efe⋯.png (1.14 MB,1069x804,1069:804,Clipboard.png)

File: 523cfdd843e61d4⋯.png (613.85 KB,564x556,141:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152456 (301225ZDEC23) Notable: Blinken Gets Roasted on Twitter for Declaring Pride in ‘Global Peace and Security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden Secretary of State Blinken Gets Roasted on Twitter for Declaring Pride in ‘Global Peace and Security’

by Mike LaChance Dec. 29, 2023 9:00 pm

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086a84 No.116649

File: 6418281f86711b8⋯.png (243.23 KB,846x660,141:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152460 (301227ZDEC23) Notable: Ex-Democratic Party Chair Sentenced for Child Sex Abuse

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ex-Democratic Party Chair Sentenced for Child Sex Abuse

By Andrew Jose December 28, 2023 at 2:37pm

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086a84 No.116650

File: 8919fe67e720fdd⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152462 (301228ZDEC23) Notable: Vivek on 🔥 and dropping truth bombs!

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Vivek, Professioonal Placeholder, serving up the red pills::



Vivek on 🔥 and dropping truth bombs! I’m thinking he will have a seat in DJT’s cabinet!


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086a84 No.116651

File: 9c3476afd2a6006⋯.png (561.58 KB,778x717,778:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152464 (301231ZDEC23) Notable: Turley becomes latest ‘swatting’ victim after false report of shooting at his home

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Legal scholar Jonathan Turley becomes latest ‘swatting’ victim after false report of shooting at his home

By Social Links for Victor Nava

Published Dec. 29, 2023, 8:19 p.m. ET

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086a84 No.116652

File: 917a48a23cb7687⋯.mp4 (825.94 KB,642x360,107:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152466 (301231ZDEC23) Notable: MAGA Activist Accuses Michigan GOP Officials of Being Dem. Plant

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MAGA Activist Accuses Michigan GOP Officials of Being Dem. Plant

'We cannot sit in our safe bubbles, operate like a private social club, and expect to win elections...'

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Investigative journalist Laura Loomer accused Michigan GOP Chairwoman Kristina Karamo of being part of a non-profit named UnAthorized, allegedly aiding non-Republican candidates in securing elected offices.

Karamo, a conservative activist and staunch critic of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, refuted the allegations. She clarified that her involvement with UnAthorized was unpaid and part of a broader strategy to engage non-conservative spaces.



is the Chairwoman of the Michigan GOP



She is registered in Nevada as the President of a shell company called Unauthorized.

In this interview from 10/10/2023, Karamo’s own Executive Director Matt Meck said Karamo is the president of “Unauthorized”, and in his own words, he said “I am reaching out to get some grassroots Democrats on the Board, because we are non partisan.”

In this clip, Meck was speaking for “Unauthorized” and Karamo when he said “we will support you, I don’t care if you’re a Democrat, Republican or independent.”



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086a84 No.116653

File: ebdb59f32d7c26a⋯.png (68.49 KB,368x653,368:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152471 (301234ZDEC23) Notable: Social media platforms are now viewed as the main battlefields of this current information & cultural war being waged.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Social media platforms are now viewed as the main battlefields of this current information & cultural war being waged.

China, through extensive research and development of their own platforms, understands the power of social media to shape narratives and cognition over events and actions.

Like it or not, expect the intensity of their influence campaign to increase and expect components within our own government to support them.

This will continue until we are able to get new leadership back into the White House.

If you want help understanding how you can better understand what is happening and how you can fight back, I strongly recommend you purchase:

“The Citizens Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare, How to Fight Artificial Intelligence (AI)”


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086a84 No.116654

File: a73a505f082701b⋯.png (197.33 KB,2513x672,359:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152479 (301237ZDEC23) Notable: MAGA Activist Accuses Michigan GOP Officials of Being Dem. Plant

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


13 Stars

TAP - The America Project

(John Brennan was TAC - The Analysis Corporation)




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086a84 No.116655

File: 4a8d2e6a620e6fd⋯.png (449.33 KB,647x352,647:352,Clipboard.png)

File: bd36145f601ecd7⋯.png (248.05 KB,582x420,97:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152505 (301248ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino Flashback Friday

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅





Dec 29, 2023, 2:04 PM

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086a84 No.116656

File: 92cc789fc6821fe⋯.png (96.38 KB,366x406,183:203,Clipboard.png)


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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152531 (301258ZDEC23) Notable: Flooded tunnel near London disrupts Eurostar train services

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Moar water.

Flooded tunnel near London disrupts Eurostar train services

Dec 30th, 05:15:31

PARIS (PiQSuite.Com) - Flooding in a railway tunnel near London forced the cancellation of more than a dozen trains linking Britain with the European mainland early on Saturday, international rail operator Eurostar said.

"Eurostar services to and from London are being cancelled and there are severe delays to services due to infrastructure issues caused by flooding in one of the Thames tunnels located between St Pancras International and Ebbsfleet", the company said.

The cancellations, which so far concern at least 14 trips between London and Paris, Amsterdam or Brussels, are the second blow for Eurostar customers during this year's holiday season. On Dec. 21, a French surprise strike action thwarted Christmas travel plans for thousands.


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086a84 No.116658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152535 (301300ZDEC23) Notable: Swiss financial watchdog wants to examine clawing back bankers' bonuses

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N while we's dere..."decades" pops up as interdasting.....

Swiss financial watchdog wants to examine clawing back bankers' bonuses

Dec 30th, 06:55:13

ZURICH (PiQSuite.Com) - Switzerland's financial regulator wants to discuss the ability to claw back bonuses from bankers as part of stronger powers following the fall of Credit Suisse and sale to UBS.

"The question is on the table and must be discussed now," FINMA Chairwoman Marlene Amstad told newspaper Schweiz am Wochenende, when asked about the right to demand bonuses be repaid.

"The Credit Suisse case shows that for decades the bank has incurred losses and at the same time paid out high bonuses," she said in the interview on Saturday.


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086a84 No.116659

File: 8d04853cc63bf05⋯.png (52.86 KB,834x473,834:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152543 (301303ZDEC23) Notable: University Chancellor Fired After Making Adult Films

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University Chancellor Fired After Making Adult Films

By Elizabeth Weibel December 29, 2023 at 9:59am

A chancellor at a university in Wisconsin was fired after he made adult films with his wife and uploaded them online.

The University of Wisconsin System’s Board of Regents voted unanimously to fire University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow, 63, from his position, according to a statement from the university. Gow had served as the university’s chancellor since 2007.

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086a84 No.116660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152544 (301303ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuelan magnate Gustavo Cisneros dead at 78

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hmmmmm, Univision, tain't that now NBCUniversal? He be a Chavezista Oligarch? Much splained, if so...

Venezuelan magnate Gustavo Cisneros dead at 78

Dec 30th, 01:43:16

(PiQSuite.Com) - Cisneros on Friday announced the death of its chairman, Gustavo Cisneros Rendiles, who was aged 78. It did not provide further details.

The Venezuelan media mogul had expanded his family business into a global player, remaining chairman until his death.

"Gustavo Cisneros was renowned for crafting a sustainable legacy and particularly distinguished himself through the international expansion of the family business ventures, as well as spearheading the entertainment industry across Latin America and the US Hispanic market," the group said in a statement.

During his career, he signed deals across several sectors and expanded the Cisneros group. In 1992, Gustavo Cisneros co-founded Univision, the first Spanish-language media company in the United States.

In 1995, Cisneros also launched DIRECTV Latin America, the first all-digital direct-to-home satellite television service in Latin America.

(Reporting by Gursimran Kaur in Bengaluru; Editing by Frances Kerry)


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086a84 No.116661

File: c4e292d384cb168⋯.png (743.18 KB,663x714,13:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152600 (301321ZDEC23) Notable: Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to Private Homes

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Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded

Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to

Private Homes

Breitbart Immigration, by Warner Todd Huston

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/29/2023 10:08:53 PM

Joe Biden’s border crisis has sent so many illegal border crossers to Detroit that activists are calling on members of their community to step up to house them in their private homes. The African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs — an NGO that settles and cares for African migrants trying settle in the U.S. — is heading up the effort to find places for illegals to shelter in the Motor City. The group’s founder, Senegalese native Seydi Starr, told the Detroit News that Detroit has been working since last year to implement a support network for illegals. And this year the crisis is worse than ever. “We’ve been calling on administrators.

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086a84 No.116662

File: 66920f73e05f914⋯.png (656.86 KB,676x719,676:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152608 (301323ZDEC23) Notable: Biden’s DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Joe Biden’s DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens

Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards

in 2024

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 12/29/2023 8:20:27 PM

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that the agency is developing a program that will provide border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United States with photo ID cards. For more than a year, Breitbart News has chronicled how DHS is planning to roll out a pilot program that will give border crossers and illegal aliens photo ID cards, similar to a driver’s license, upon their release into the United States interior from the southern border. Now, DHS officials are seemingly confirming their plan to issue photo IDs to such border crossers and illegal aliens.

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086a84 No.116663

File: b4b21ce7c517f29⋯.png (57.88 KB,813x534,271:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152637 (301331ZDEC23) Notable: X22 Make No Mistake The [DS] Will Not Give Up Power,Setting The Stage,Playbook Known,Buckle Up - Ep. 3246

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Make No Mistake The [DS] Will Not Give Up Power,Setting The Stage,Playbook Known,Buckle Up – Ep. 3246

December 29, 2023

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086a84 No.116664

File: 1e527bd68fd0900⋯.png (92.89 KB,630x680,63:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152647 (301339ZDEC23) Notable: Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

American Thinker, by John Green

Posted By: Imright, 12/30/2023 7:00:55 AM

As every parent knows: you figure out which child broke mom’s favorite vase by how the kids behave, not what they say. Despite their protestations to the contrary, aren’t the Dems behaving as if they’re guilty? Don’t misunderstand - I don’t for one nanosecond believe that we will be hearing any cell doors slamming on our leftist army of miscreants. However, said miscreants are clearly acting as if their future is considerably less bright than it seemed in 2021. Hunter Biden has defied a congressional subpoena, because apparently committing a felony is easier than refusing to self-incriminate. Maybe his law degree didn’t cover the 5th Amendment.

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086a84 No.116665

File: e3ffadde71bed6a⋯.png (18.38 KB,108x240,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ed02570995cae9⋯.png (13.14 KB,108x240,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: a3e436eac8185d0⋯.png (22.34 KB,108x240,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c94a2abbad7aaf⋯.png (18.79 KB,108x240,9:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152663 (301343ZDEC23) Notable: This thread represents just the past two days of EMRS reports on the trains and buses bringing migrants to the suburbs

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If Dan only unnerstood just how many unrestricted FedBux that went directly to Pritzker's State coffers with each new, live body. I mean Gov. Abbott got his $5K per, why can't JB get his cut for the re-election pot?

Dan Proft


This thread represents just the past two days of EMRS reports on the trains and buses bringing migrants to the suburbs. By their counts it's hundreds just in the past 2 days. Long live the sanctuary state of Illinois, right, DuPage County? I can't hear you Glen Ellyn? Hinsdale?


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086a84 No.116666

File: 847f3aa530f4dbc⋯.png (57 KB,651x420,31:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152683 (301352ZDEC23) Notable: Migrant caravan 6,000-people strong splinters as it works its way through Mexico

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Migrant caravan 6,000-people strong splinters

as it works its way through Mexico: those

beginning to arrive at the US border are

bussed north to Democrat-run cities

Daily Mail (UK), by MaryAnn Martinez & Harriet Alexander

Posted By: Imright, 12/30/2023 6:56:07 AM

A migrant caravan 6,000-people strong was working its way up north through Mexico on Friday as an initial wave of 1,300 people began arriving at the Texan city of El Paso - with many of them being immediately bussed north to Democrat-run cities. Dramatic footage shared on social media showed migrants walking through the Mexican state of Chihuahua, bound for the border. Others were seen clinging to the top of 'La Bestia' - the freight train known as The Beast, which runs from Mexico City up to Ciudad Juarez, the border town with El Paso. The migrants have been heading towards the international boundary for the last few days.

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086a84 No.116667

File: 1bd993dd571050e⋯.png (347.99 KB,545x903,545:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152820 (301448ZDEC23) Notable: Flooded tunnel near London disrupts Eurostar train services

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Eurostar said on Saturday it had cancelled all its services for the rest of the day due to flooded tunnels in southeastern England. "Flooding in the tunnels between St Pancras International and Ebbsfleet has not improved and train services are unable to operate.


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086a84 No.116668

File: bfcccc15dcea1b9⋯.png (736.8 KB,2524x1235,2524:1235,Clipboard.png)

File: ba495656d8133b3⋯.png (422.64 KB,733x1099,733:1099,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152824 (301449ZDEC23) Notable: Bobby Kotick, Activision-Blizzard’s CEO, is no longer CEO as of tomorrow.

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Nick “ProReborn”


Bobby Kotick, Activision-Blizzard’s CEO, is no longer CEO as of tomorrow.

He will be leaving with a $200 million payout and a honorable mention in Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book”


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086a84 No.116669

File: c397834da3040ae⋯.mp4 (6.44 MB,640x368,40:23,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152833 (301452ZDEC23) Notable: Fuck Your Feelings - Leigh Hunt

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We NEED To Make This #1 on the Charts…


Fuck Your Feelings - Leigh Hunt

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086a84 No.116670

File: 321ceda84d68015⋯.png (517.67 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152876 (301504ZDEC23) Notable: #24731

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086a84 No.116671

File: 658d230fe21f2d5⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1668x1765,1668:1765,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152885 (301506ZDEC23) Notable: JAN 6 The QANON Committee 🐸 #DDK

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Great video…

JAN 6 The QANON Committee 🐸 #DDK



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086a84 No.116672

File: c52dbe09d0f1e26⋯.png (3.48 MB,2500x1658,1250:829,Clipboard.png)

File: a22d749cbdce358⋯.jpg (74.21 KB,667x500,667:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c27f8d7c70ae84e⋯.png (511.9 KB,1258x763,1258:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152896 (301511ZDEC23) Notable: There is something deeply mysterious about the Richat Structure

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Of ALL places on earth, it has a literal ‘X Marks the Spot’ over the Eye of Sahara where the Owl Eyes intersect. This circa 2000 patch out the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office is intentionally cryptic and symbolic

There is something deeply mysterious about the Richat Structure, and I think they know it 🌀🌍


The White Hats know what's up. Anon is glad this stuff is coming out about our distant past.

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086a84 No.116673

File: 5deb469ef6b014f⋯.jpeg (760.57 KB,1125x1516,1125:1516,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8f93e5b987b803f⋯.jpeg (350.07 KB,1125x876,375:292,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b0694b5421210a1⋯.jpeg (786.66 KB,1125x1485,25:33,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a91898e1d0446de⋯.jpeg (103.31 KB,1125x573,375:191,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152931 (301524ZDEC23) Notable: Covid checkpoints in Fla

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Repost from late (lb)

Affected way more people and their freedoms than a book signing. Have a nice little seat. @Christina



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086a84 No.116674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152947 (301528ZDEC23) Notable: The U.S. government is dropping six charges against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried including campaign finance violations

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Richard Grenell


Biden has politicized the courts to protect his loyalists.


Collin Rugg




JUST IN: The U.S. government is dropping six charges against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried including campaign finance violations


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086a84 No.116675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152966 (301533ZDEC23) Notable: #24730 posted in 31

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#24730 >>116614

>>116628 Ghost

>>116615, >>116620, >>116621, >>116623, >>116627 "Immigrants", after a long journey, bite not into food but into the plastic wrap of their new cellphones (Spain)

>>116616, >>116617 How do I know Janet Ossebaard died on the 16th of November?

>>116618 2024 BINGO CARD

>>116619 Sam Bankman-Fried donated $100 million in stolen customer funds to US politicians.

>>116624, >>116625 How the EPA is attempting to kill the Berkey water filter

>>116622, >>116626, >>116632, >>116633, >>116635 Moar on the Podesta vid

>>116629, >>116630, >>116631, >>116634 Anons discuss Scavino post

>>116635 Bizarro Potato vid

>>116636 @DanScavino from 12/29/23: We will be taking this to court and will fight to the Supreme Court if necessary.

>>116637 @EthicalSkeptic: Cancer is not only elevated 6.5%, but it has a new growth rate of 2.4% annually

>>116638 @gatewaypundit: Xfinity-Comcast Security Breach Compromises 36 Million Customers’ Contact Info and SS Numbers

>>116640 Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World’s Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

>>116639, >>116641 Despite Numerous FOIA Requests, the NSA Is still Withholding Government Documents Related to Seth Rich

>>116642, >>116643 @DC_Draino: Woman getting interviewed on camera claims to have been maced on J6 - using an onion on her eyes?

>>116644 Republican lawmaker in Maine files to impeach secretary of state Shenna Bellows after her decision to disqualify Trump from the ballot

>>116646 @KenPaxtonTX Bring it! We will defend Texas.

>>116647 Market Forces Put the Brakes on “Gender-Affirming” Surgeries in Children

>>116648 Blinken Gets Roasted on Twitter for Declaring Pride in ‘Global Peace and Security

>>116649 Ex-Democratic Party Chair Sentenced for Child Sex Abuse

>>116650 Vivek on 🔥 and dropping truth bombs!

>>116651 Turley becomes latest ‘swatting’ victim after false report of shooting at his home

>>116652, >>116654 MAGA Activist Accuses Michigan GOP Officials of Being Dem. Plant

>>116653 Social media platforms are now viewed as the main battlefields of this current information & cultural war being waged.

>>116655 @DanScavino Flashback Friday


>>116657, >>116667 Flooded tunnel near London disrupts Eurostar train services

>>116658 Swiss financial watchdog wants to examine clawing back bankers' bonuses

>>116659 University Chancellor Fired After Making Adult Films

>>116660 Venezuelan magnate Gustavo Cisneros dead at 78

>>116661 Biden’s Migrant Crisis Overflows Tax-Funded Shelters in Detroit, Sends Migrants to Private Homes

>>116662 Biden’s DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024

>>116663 X22 Make No Mistake The [DS] Will Not Give Up Power,Setting The Stage,Playbook Known,Buckle Up - Ep. 3246

>>116664 Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

>>116665 This thread represents just the past two days of EMRS reports on the trains and buses bringing migrants to the suburbs

>>116666 Migrant caravan 6,000-people strong splinters as it works its way through Mexico

>>116668 Bobby Kotick, Activision-Blizzard’s CEO, is no longer CEO as of tomorrow.

>>116669 Fuck Your Feelings - Leigh Hunt

>>116645 #24730

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086a84 No.116676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152969 (301534ZDEC23) Notable: There is something deeply mysterious about the Richat Structure

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>Jeremy (Army Vet) who is obsessed

You mean Jimmy Corsetti? I'm familiar with him. I read the Adam and Eve story and it's some pretty wild shit. Hope it isn't true how cyclical this sort of thing can be.

The other thing that piqued my interested was the classified study on the Richat:

The 22 pages of declassified CIA files on the Richat Structure:


Still pretty redacted.


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086a84 No.116677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20152997 (301541ZDEC23) Notable: GOP rep warns House has final say over election after states deem Trump ineligible for ballots

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GOP rep warns House has final say over election after states deem Trump ineligible for ballots


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086a84 No.116678

File: 75294d180608bb8⋯.mp4 (407.55 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153009 (301543ZDEC23) Notable: No wonder Bill Gates is lying about the origin of COVID: he’s actively funding EcoHealth Alliance

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Justin Goodman


No wonder Bill Gates is lying about the origin of COVID: he’s actively funding EcoHealth Alliance, the reckless bat virus-hunting org that shipped tax $ to the Wuhan lab for gain of function animal experiments that likely caused COVID




Bill Gates about the origins of Covid-19: The evidence is very clear that it's naturally caused, you know it's a bat virus and we're gonna have natural epidemics and sadly we may have some unnatural epidemics in the future

Source: ABC News (Australia)


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086a84 No.116679

File: 017b902be7ede42⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153014 (301544ZDEC23) Notable: Trump's outtakes from Jan. 7 speech shown by committee???

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086a84 No.116680

File: d0f5a16d2554490⋯.png (570.57 KB,961x792,961:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153065 (301557ZDEC23) Notable: Trump's outtakes from Jan. 7 speech shown by committee???

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Never seen before, top kek.

Trump's outtakes from Jan. 7 speech shown by committee

Washington Post

50K views 1 year ago


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086a84 No.116681

File: 4ac9410e085b844⋯.png (290.67 KB,371x676,371:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153089 (301605ZDEC23) Notable: Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

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[ Album ]

And the results say: “this was all planned.”

Operations have Origins and Orders.

If you don’t know those… you cannot know what’s going on.

Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

When you hear some shmuck saying “there’s always been Continuity of Government plans”

👉🏻 No 💩 Sherlock

But they are for catastrophic events and reasons.

Therefore meaning they must be invoked.

Too many folks trying to tote the news and don’t know how to print on the paper it’s on.


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086a84 No.116682

File: fa27e118284101b⋯.jpg (105.43 KB,677x900,677:900,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75899a2f3fd4c47⋯.png (733.43 KB,589x1105,589:1105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153113 (301611ZDEC23) Notable: UK: It starts with the terminally ill, then it's the mentally ill, then it's anyone who wants it because 'bodily autonomy' and 'freedom'.

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My parents received this leaflet in the mail this week (UK).

This is the most slippery of slippery slopes.

It starts with the terminally ill, then it's the mentally ill, then it's anyone who wants it because 'bodily autonomy' and 'freedom'.


10:23 AM · Dec 30, 2023



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086a84 No.116683

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153135 (301617ZDEC23) Notable: Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?!

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Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?!


The West and Russia are at stalemate in Ukraine, but time tilts strongly in favour of Russia as the West succumbs to Ukraine Fatigue. Why then would Putin risk re-energising NATO by deliberately flying missiles over Poland?

Because the provocation is the point. Putin is weighing the West’s resolve, so as to decide his most favourable terms at the negotiating table.

Will the West respond in kind and fly missiles over Russia, setting off an escalatory tit-for-tat — or will we pretend we didn’t see anything and concentrate on our domestic economies and 2024’s elections in the US, the EU and the UK?


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086a84 No.116684

File: 0f531f2862d93e9⋯.png (219.6 KB,607x587,607:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153144 (301620ZDEC23) Notable: President Javier Milei of Argentina is now following End Wokeness

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The Rabbit Hole and Wall Street Silver liked

End Wokeness


President Javier Milei of Argentina is now following End Wokeness 😎


5:11 AM · Dec 30, 2023




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086a84 No.116685

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153149 (301621ZDEC23) Notable: Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This Nation

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Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This NationShe never talks about taxing the wealthy, she just taxes the middle and lower classes with regressive taxes ie sales taxes, and cutting SS and Medicare



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086a84 No.116686

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153173 (301625ZDEC23) Notable: Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This Nation

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Boris Epshteyn Shreds Nikki Haley For Ukraine First Policies



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086a84 No.116687

File: 37f2e6e171964cc⋯.png (305.76 KB,574x561,574:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153279 (301645ZDEC23) Notable: Former CIA employee: Zelensky is expecting a military coup

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S p r i n t e r



Former CIA employee: Zelensky is expecting a military coup

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy expects a military coup in view of the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, former associate of the Central Intelligence Agency, Larry Johnson, told the "Judging Freedom" channel.

Johnson stated that the Russian army is successfully advancing along the entire front line, liberating towns such as Marinka, while the Ukrainian army must create provocations to distract the Western public from its failures on the battlefield.

Dec 30, 2023 · 3:29 PM UTC


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086a84 No.116688

File: cf7504bb1c784cc⋯.png (1.34 MB,1234x7892,617:3946,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153290 (301647ZDEC23) Notable: Anons, how does one "honor the legacy" of a piece of shit Communist bastard? By mis-spelling the bastard's name in the tribute.

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Anons, how does one "honor the legacy" of a piece of shit Communist bastard who is still rumored to have been a tyrannical bastard when he was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for the shithole state of Massachusetts?


By mis-spelling the bastard's name in the tribute.

Burn in Hell, Dead Ralph GantZ, you evil prick.

Link to the archived article - https://archive.ph/ySefD

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086a84 No.116689

File: 6c41c26a16c4648⋯.jpeg (64.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153344 (301658ZDEC23) Notable: Former CIA employee: Zelensky is expecting a military coup

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30 Dec, 2023 14:48

Zelensky should resign – ex-presidential aide

The Ukrainian leader is showing “absolute helplessness,” Oleg Soskin has said

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov should quit their posts due to the setbacks suffered by the country in the conflict with Russia, Oleg Soskin, who served as an aide to two Ukrainian heads of state, has said.

Ukraine needs new leadership that will be able to save the country, Soskin insisted in a clip published on his YouTube channel on Friday.

“Umerov should resign as minister of defense. These are his actions; it’s him who said that they would take Crimea and that sort of thing. Zelensky should also resign because he’s showing absolute helplessness. He turned out to be completely helpless,” he stated.

The former presidential aide pointed to the fact that the Ukrainian military said that it had shot down 27 drones and 87 cruise missiles out of the 158 projectiles fired by Russia during its large-scale air attack on Thursday and Friday. Kiev had previously claimed to have a much higher rate of interception of Russian projectiles.

The Defense Ministry in Moscow insisted that allintended targets, including defense industry sites, military airfields, arms depots, and positions of Ukrainian troops, were successfully hit.

“Since you can’t resist [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, since there’s no money, no weapons, no nothing, no people then you must negotiate, sign a ceasefire agreement[with Russia], but without recognizing the loss of the territories,” Soskin, who served as an aide to Ukrainian presidents Leonid Kravchuk in 1992 and 1993, and Leonid Kuchma between 1998 and 2000, said.

After that, an election should be held in order “to find those who will be more successful” in running the country, he said. “Ukraine will soon cease to exist” if the likes of Zelensky and his associates remain in power, the former aide warned.

Zelensky announced in late November that Kiev's forces would switch from attacking to building fortifications, acknowledging that the counteroffensive, which began in early June and aimed to cut Russia’s land bridge to Crimea, had ended without success. According to Russian estimates, Ukraine lost over 125,000 troops and 16,000 pieces of heavy equipment in its failed attempts to advance.

The flow of Western aid to Kiev has also subsided sharply in recent months. In the US, Republican lawmakers are resisting attempts by the administration of President Joe Biden to push through another $60 billion in assistance for Kiev, while Hungary has vetoed the EU’s planned four-year €50 billion ($55 billion) aid package for Ukraine.

(Now the leaders in Kiev are angry about this mess. I have a feeling that with the next attack from Russia, somehow it will find its way to wherever Zelensky is holed up, to blame Russia). He hasn’t been back to Ukraine for months, apparently realizing the leadership there will take him out. One way or another he will be gone, but Ukraine will laud him as a hero and not the ruthless corrupt dictator he is.)


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086a84 No.116690

File: 428b12e2ddcb235⋯.png (178.7 KB,522x678,87:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153863 (301859ZDEC23) Notable: #24732

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Old dough


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086a84 No.116691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153865 (301900ZDEC23) Notable: #24731 posted in #24732''''

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(LB collected)

#24731 >>116670

>>116671 JAN 6 The QANON Committee 🐸 #DDK

>>116672, >>116676 There is something deeply mysterious about the Richat Structure

>>116673 Covid checkpoints in Fla

>>116674 The U.S. government is dropping six charges against crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried including campaign finance violations

>>116677 GOP rep warns House has final say over election after states deem Trump ineligible for ballots

>>116678 No wonder Bill Gates is lying about the origin of COVID: he’s actively funding EcoHealth Alliance

>>116680, >>116679 Trump's outtakes from Jan. 7 speech shown by committee???

>>116681 Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations Plan.

>>116682 UK: It starts with the terminally ill, then it's the mentally ill, then it's anyone who wants it because 'bodily autonomy' and 'freedom'.

>>116683 Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?!

>>116684 President Javier Milei of Argentina is now following End Wokeness

>>116685, >>116686 Bannon: Nikki Haley Is The Representative Of The Neoliberal Neocon Oligarchs That Run This Nation

>>116687, >>116689 Former CIA employee: Zelensky is expecting a military coup

>>116688 Anons, how does one "honor the legacy" of a piece of shit Communist bastard? By mis-spelling the bastard's name in the tribute.

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086a84 No.116692

File: 4af9b5c376743df⋯.png (537.88 KB,548x406,274:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153875 (301902ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Dough

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Updated dough, with lb notes included.


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086a84 No.116693

File: 6649e9b44f8768b⋯.png (71.49 KB,505x551,505:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153879 (301902ZDEC23) Notable: China & Iraq Begin Construction Of New City Near Baghdad

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China & Iraq Begin Construction Of New City Near Baghdad

On Friday Iraq broke ground on 30,000 housing units near Baghdad, as part of a $2 billion project in partnership with Chinese firms to build five new cities across Iraq, Bloomberg has reported.

The government of Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani is seeking to build 250,000 to 300,000 housing units for poor and middle-class families. The new city on the outskirts of Baghdad will include universities, commercial centers, schools and health centers and should be completed in four to five years.

Contracts to build the housing units were awarded to East China Engineering Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and China National Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd along with their Iraqi partner Shams al-Binaa.

Contracts to build four more cities are expected to be awarded soon and another 10 will be announced next year, including in Karbala, Anbar, Nineveh and Babel governorates.

Chinese firms have increased their presence in Iraq in recent years, in part due to a deal between Baghdad and Beijing.

In 2019, Iraq signed a 20-year contract, agreeing to supply Chinese firms with 100,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil, with the revenue earmarked for funding various development projects in Iraq undertaken by Chinese firms.

Following the deal, Chinese firms built 1,000 schools, developed the Nasiriya city airport, erected power plants, and completed several other infrastructure projects.

China has accelerated its investment in Iraq and other West Asian nations as part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) announced in 2013.


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086a84 No.116694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153889 (301904ZDEC23) Notable: Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode

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Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode

Google has agreed to settle a $5 billion class-action privacy lawsuit that alleges the tech giant has been tracking people using the “incognito” mode in its Chrome browser.

The lawsuit was filed in 2020 and claimed that Google had misled the public into believing their activity would not be tracked while using the private browser.

WTOP reports that the plaintiffs claimed Google continued to “catalog details of users’ site visits and activities despite their use of supposedly ‘private’ browsing.”

This act gave Google an “unaccountable trove of information” from people who believed they were not being monitored.

“Google has made itself an unaccountable trove of information so detailed and expansive that George Orwell could never have dreamed it,” the lawsuit said.


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086a84 No.116695

File: 157cc96e0198276⋯.png (99.37 KB,785x522,785:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153897 (301905ZDEC23) Notable: Biden Admin Rolls Out Slew Of Regs Targeting Americans’ Appliances On Last Friday Of The Year

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Biden Admin Rolls Out Slew Of Regs Targeting Americans’ Appliances On Last Friday Of The Year

Biden Admin Rolls Out Slew Of Regs Targeting Americans’ Appliances On Last Friday Of The Year


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086a84 No.116696

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153921 (301911ZDEC23) Notable: Raheem Kassam On The Failures Of The DeSantis Campaign

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Raheem Kassam On The Failures Of The DeSantis Campaign

DeSantis was supposed to be “Trump without the drama” but he’s coming across like Ted Cruz without the Charisma (thats brutal considering Cruz doesn’t have great charisma)



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086a84 No.116697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153932 (301912ZDEC23) Notable: Ex-Albanian Prime Minister Placed Under House Arrest over Corruption Probe

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Ex-Albanian Prime Minister Placed Under House Arrest over Corruption Probe

An Albanian court on Saturday ordered house arrest for former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who leads the opposition Democratic Party and is being investigated for possible corruption.

Judge Irena Gjoka of the First Instance Special Court on Corruption and Organized Crime, which covers cases involving senior officials and politicians, accepted prosecutors´ request to put Berisha, 79, under house arrest after he violated the previous restrictive measures of reporting every two weeks. He was also barred from traveling abroad.

His lawyer, Genc Gjokutaj, said the court also barred Berisha from communicating with people other than his family who lives with him, and considered the order a violation of law. Depriving Berisha of communication may become a wider political issue because he’s the leader of the main opposition party.

Gjokutaj said he would appeal the court order.

It is not clear how police officers would monitor Berisha at his apartment in downtown Tirana.

Last week, parliament voted to strip Berisha of his legal immunity. Lawmakers loyal to Berisha tried to disrupt the session and boycotted the vote.

Berisha has criticized his investigation and arrest as political repression ordered by Prime Minister Edi Rama, and has warned of “powerful protests.”

In October, prosecutors publicly put Berisha under investigation for allegedly abusing his post to help his son-in-law, Jamarber Malltezi, privatize public land to build 17 apartment buildings. Prosecutors have yet to file formal charges in court and Berisha is still technically under investigation.

“Rama’s New Year postcard is the arrest and isolation of the opposition leader!” Berisha’s son Shkelzen posted on Facebook.

Prosecutors have said that if convicted, Berisha faces a prison sentence of up to 12 years.

Berisha served as Albania’s prime minister from 2005-2013, and as president from 1992-1997. He was reelected as a lawmaker for the Democratic Party in the 2021 parliamentary elections.

The United States government in May 2021 and the United Kingdom in July 2022 barred Berisha and close family members from entering their countries because of alleged involvement in corruption.

Just days before the investigation into Berisha’s role in the land deal was revealed in October, opposition lawmakers have regularly disrupted sessions of parliament to protest the ruling Socialists’ refusal to create commissions to investigate alleged cases of corruption involving Rama and other top government officials.

The Socialists say the plans are not in line with constitutional requirements.

The disruptions are an obstacle to much-needed reforms at a time when the European Union has agreed to start the process of harmonizing Albanian laws with those of the EU as part of the Balkan country’s path toward full membership in the bloc.


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086a84 No.116698

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154134 (301948ZDEC23) Notable: Ben Harnwell: Ron DeSantis Is a Weak Man — Which Makes Him Far Worse Than a Neocon

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Harnwell always has the most interesting and accurate takes on what is happening WW.

Ben Harnwell: Ron DeSantis Is a Weak Man — Which Makes Him Far Worse Than a Neocon


Here’s what I think. Ron DeSantis has been an outstanding governor. But he’s weak. Clearly, a wife’s steely ambition can only carry you so far.

I’ve been surprised at how easily he imploded. But that’s the great thing about the long, public scrutinising of presidential candidates — you really get to see the true character emerge.

If DeSantis had been able to convince that he could “Make America Greater Florida”, he could have been a serious contender.But you need to have titanium stones, like Trump, to make that happen — and Ron’s flip-flopping showed he was only capable of singing with the castrati. Kek


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086a84 No.116699

File: 4e2ce1909deff02⋯.jpeg (76.07 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154158 (301954ZDEC23) Notable: Russia calls emergency UN meeting over Ukrainian shelling (RT)

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30 Dec, 2023 19:21

Russia calls emergency UN meeting over Ukrainian shelling

The Czech Republic must explain why its weapons were used to kill civilians, Russia’s envoy said

Russia has requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss theUkrainian missile attack on the border city of Belgorod, which killed 14 civilians. Kiev’s Western backers will be forced to answer for supplying the weapons used in the attack, Russia’s deputy envoy to the UN said.

Ukrainian forces bombarded Belgorod with cluster warheads on Saturday morning, using Czech-made RM-70 Vampire multiple-launch rocket systems to deliver the banned munitions, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Thestrike claimed the lives of 14 people, including two children, and left 108 people, among them 15 children, injured, the Russian Emergency Ministry said.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Russia’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, said that Moscow has asked for an emergency meeting of the Security Council in New York later in the afternoon.

“We also insist on the presence of [the] Czech [permanent representative] to the UNto explain why this country’s ammunition is being used for killing civilians in Belgorod,”Polyanskiy added.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Moscow wouldpresent the Belgorod blitz to the UN as a “terrorist” act, adding that the Kremlin blames the UK and US for inciting the attack.

“With not a single chance to improve the Ukrainian army’s deplorable situation on the ground, the Anglo-Saxons have taken on the tactic of terror attacks on civilians,” she said.

The attack came less than a day after Russian forces unleashed a “massive” wave of missile and drone strikes on targets throughout Ukraine. However,Russia’s military "strikes only military facilities and infrastructure directly related to them,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

“We will continue to act in this way,”the ministry continued, adding that “this crime [the attack on Belgorod] will not go unpunished.”


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086a84 No.116700

File: 91abe57a00ccff9⋯.png (855.69 KB,944x401,944:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154285 (302019ZDEC23) Notable: Schumann Resonance

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It's a good day to bake.

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086a84 No.116701

File: c611343b10c9659⋯.png (37.68 KB,590x262,295:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154507 (302057ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truths - As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections.

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As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections. They are now scrambling to sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour Country, in order that they will be ready to VOTE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024.


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086a84 No.116702

File: 49e27a24313e197⋯.png (61.58 KB,427x451,427:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154521 (302059ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truths - As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections.

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As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections. They are now scrambling to sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour Country, in order that they will be ready to VOTE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024.

15:54 ET


The FBI Headquarters should not be moved to a far away location, but should stay right where it is, in a new and spectacular building, in the best location in our now crime ridden and filthy dirty, graffiti scarred, Capital. They should be involved in bringing back D.C., not running away from it, especially the violent crime. An important part of my platform for President is to bring back, restore, and rebuild Washington, D.C., into the “crown jewel” of our Nation. We will make it crime free and GREAT AGAIN. The FBI should not be fleeing for safer, yet much less convenient, environs. It should make where they are now the safest place on earth! DON’T MOVE THE FBI!

13:15 ET


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086a84 No.116703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154695 (302133ZDEC23) Notable: UN SECURITY COUNCIL - Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9524th meeting

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4:00 Pm


Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9524th meeting

Threats to international peace and security.



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086a84 No.116704

File: 8af0b4e19516449⋯.jpg (154.55 KB,736x979,736:979,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154819 (302159ZDEC23) Notable: #24732

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#24732 >>116690

>>116692 Updated Dough

>>116693 China & Iraq Begin Construction Of New City Near Baghdad

>>116694 Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode

>>116695 Biden Admin Rolls Out Slew Of Regs Targeting Americans’ Appliances On Last Friday Of The Year

>>116696 Raheem Kassam On The Failures Of The DeSantis Campaign

>>116697 Ex-Albanian Prime Minister Placed Under House Arrest over Corruption Probe

>>116698 Ben Harnwell: Ron DeSantis Is a Weak Man — Which Makes Him Far Worse Than a Neocon

>>116699 Russia calls emergency UN meeting over Ukrainian shelling (RT)

>>116700 Schumann Resonance

>>116701, >>116702 DJT Truths - As the New Year fast approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, Invasion, and Rigging Elections.

>>116703 UN SECURITY COUNCIL - Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9524th meeting


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086a84 No.116705

File: f8182996e3a220c⋯.png (48.2 KB,524x642,262:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154829 (302201ZDEC23) Notable: #24733

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086a84 No.116706

File: dd5545e80fda365⋯.jpg (275.47 KB,720x1142,360:571,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a2bbccbb55e42f⋯.jpg (437.27 KB,1256x1570,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154919 (302225ZDEC23) Notable: resident Biden - One more great year in the books. (Laundry list of bullshit)

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Laundry list of bullshit

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086a84 No.116707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154935 (302230ZDEC23) Notable: Security increased for the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square (fear pron or eyes on?)

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Security increased for the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square

Times Square in New York is ready to play host to one of the world's largest parties on New Year's Eve. But law enforcement warns of "heightened threat of violence." CBS News' Michael George has more on what's being done ahead of the celebrations.

10h ago


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086a84 No.116708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154950 (302233ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson - How The Babylon Bee Predicts the Future. Corporate media is dead, which is why The Babylon Bee is more trusted than CNN. CEO Seth Dillon joins Tucker Carlson to discuss.

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Tucker Carlson

How The Babylon Bee Predicts the Future. Corporate media is dead, which is why The Babylon Bee is more trusted than CNN. CEO Seth Dillon joins Tucker Carlson to discuss.

(Anons can find all the Tucker videos on this link also)


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086a84 No.116709

File: dfd4fd8d2500977⋯.png (531.49 KB,1115x547,1115:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154965 (302234ZDEC23) Notable: 122 Fishermen Rescued From Detached Ice Floe in Northern Minnesota (VIDEO)

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122 Fishermen Rescued From Detached Ice Floe in Northern Minnesota (VIDEO)


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086a84 No.116710

File: 92049a040fbbcb5⋯.jpg (98.41 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154982 (302236ZDEC23) Notable: This week, Bill and Hillary Clinton were spotted in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a surprise visit.

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Hillary Clinton Spotted in Punta Cana Wrapped in a Tent.

This week, Bill and Hillary Clinton were spotted in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a surprise visit.

According to local media reports, the Clintons will ring in the new year in Punta Cana.

“Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton are set to spend their year-end holidays in Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic. The couple arrived in the country on Thursday and plans to stay in the renowned tourist destination until the early days of 2024. According to sources confirmed to arecoa.com, the Clintons’ visit to the Dominican Republic is a testament to their preference for the region, especially for year-end celebrations.” – Dominican Today reported.

Bill Clinton is reportedly spending time with the highly influential Rainieri family.


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086a84 No.116711

File: 6a00c67064f192e⋯.jpg (32.11 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155160 (302309ZDEC23) Notable: Iranian national with ties to terrorism attempted to enter the U.S. illegally

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Iranian national with ties to terrorism attempted to enter the U.S. illegally

The Iranian national is a permanent resident of Canada and a national security priority who is wanted by Canadian authorities on assault charges.

An Iranian national with ties to terrorism who attempted to enter the U.S. illegally was turned over to Canadian authority, according to a statement from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The Iranian national is a permanent resident of Canada and a national security priority who is wanted by Canadian authorities on assault charges, ICE said in a statement, according to Fox News.

The fugitive attempted to enter the U.S. in October at the crossing at Niagara Falls, and immigration authorities denied him entry. He was returned to Canadian authorities.

Two days later, the U.S. Border Patrol arrested him trying to enter the U.S. illegally. He was served an expedited removal order in November, and turned over to Canadian law enforcement earlier this month.


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086a84 No.116712

File: aa068241c746485⋯.png (627.63 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155182 (302315ZDEC23) Notable: Russia launches 122 missiles, multiple drones in massive attack against Ukraine. The attack resulted in 22 civilians dying

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Russia launches 122 missiles, multiple drones in massive attack against Ukraine

The attack resulted in 22 civilians dying.

Russia carried out one of its largest aerial attacks against Ukraine targets, firing 122 missiles and multiple drones, officials said Friday. 

This attack resulted in 22 civilians dying, with one air force official calling it "the biggest aerial barrage of the war," CBS News reports.

The prior largest attack on Ukraine by Russia was on March 9 when 81 missiles were launched, according to records.

There are also an unknown number of people buried under the rubble, Ukrainian officials say. Apartment buildings, schools and a maternity hospital were among the buildings damaged.


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086a84 No.116713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155257 (302335ZDEC23) Notable: Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

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Nothing on the maritime sites yet, but it is the weekend

Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

Mike Schuler December 30, 2023

The U.S. Coast Guard is responding to a fire on a cargo ship carrying lithium-ion batteries near Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

The fire is contained but still ongoing, according to an update late Friday.

The 17th Coast Guard District Command Center in Juneau received a report Thursday morning of a cargo hold fire aboard the vessel Genius Star XI, which was initially located approximately 225 miles southwest of Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

The Coast Guard directed the Genius Star XI to continue towards Dutch Harbor while an HC-130 airplane from Air Station Kodiak and the Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley (WMEC-39) were dispatched to provide assistance.

As a precautionary measure, the Genius Star XI will remain offshore from Dutch Harbor while response crews prepare to assist. The Coast Guard will establish a safety zone around the vessel.

No injuries or release of oil/hazardous materials have been reported.

Images shared by the Coast Guard showed heat signatures from engine room and exhaust stack, but no indication of excess heat in the cargo hold(s) where the fire was reported.

“We applaud the crewmembers aboard Genius Star XI, whose swift actions kept the fire contained to this point,” said Captain Chris Culpepper, Commander of Coast Guard Sector Anchorage. “This will be an ongoing team effort as we work to safely extinguish the fire, provide any necessary medical care for the crew, and mitigate the dangers associated with a shipboard fire.”

The Genius Star XI is registered in Panama and is owned and managed by Wisdom Marine Lines SA of Taiwan, according to Equasis data. AIS shows it as traveling from Vietnam to Dutch Harbor.

At this time, the cause of the fire remains unknown. An investigation into the cause of the fire will take place once response efforts are complete.

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation said it is engaged as part of a Unified Command and is ready to respond if needed.

U.S. Senator from Alaska Lisa Murkowski said she has spoken with Rear Admiral Dean, USCG D17 Commander, to receive updates on the situation. Her office stands ready to assist as needed.


See that last line? Lisa gonna give her staffers CO2 bottles and toss them aboard?

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086a84 No.116714

File: 31427bdecc20fbd⋯.png (1.59 MB,1600x1066,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155264 (302338ZDEC23) Notable: Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

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>>116713 (me)

Last position report was on the 21st, but have a nice picture

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086a84 No.116715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155310 (302349ZDEC23) Notable: The DC Establishment Is Deeply Concerned That Trump May Have Copies Of His Declassified Binder

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The DC Establishment Is Deeply Concerned That Trump May Have Copies Of His Declassified Binder


But the problem for CNN is that there never was any Russian collusion. It was all a giant hoax. Nor was there any real Russian election interference. No more so than any other year. And no more than what the United States does in Russia


It was collusion on the part of DC’s entrenched bureaucracy.

That’s where the real scandal lies.

And the DC establishment is very worried that President Trump has proof of that collusion in his possession.

And that’s what this is all really about—information that President Trump has in his possession that proves the involvement of the FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and other establishment agencies in their effort to tarnish him with their construction of the Russian collusion lie.

Which is why CNN all but gave away the entire premise behind the DOJ’s directed FBI raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in their article

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086a84 No.116716

File: e27e880bfd4941a⋯.jpg (145.76 KB,1566x782,783:391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155311 (302349ZDEC23) Notable: Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

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Off Hokkaido, Japan. Circled.


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086a84 No.116717

File: 161ea0699bed178⋯.png (220.94 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: aa95cd01e80153a⋯.png (251.01 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155354 (310002ZDEC23) Notable: Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

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Dutch harbor is listed as Destination at present.

Looks like San Diego was originally intended port

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086a84 No.116718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155397 (310013ZDEC23) Notable: Maine secretary of state’s house 'swatted' day after Trump ballot disqualification decision

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Fox News Politics


Maine secretary of state’s house 'swatted' day after Trump ballot disqualification decision



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086a84 No.116719

File: eddedf1e4f027bc⋯.jpeg (80.42 KB,800x438,400:219,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155503 (310029ZDEC23) Notable: Hong Kong’s ‘Vaccine Ambassador’ Drops Dead at 57

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Hong Kong’s ‘Vaccine Ambassador’ Drops Dead at 57

Frank BergmanDecember 28, 2023 -

Hong Kong actress Kathy Chow, who served as the Chinese Communist Party-controlled region’s Covid “vaccine ambassador,” has been found dead at just 57 years old.

The circumstances surrounding Chow’s sudden death have been raising suspicions after her medical records were leaked online.

Chow, who was known for her roles in broadcaster TVB’s television dramas in the 1980s and 1990s, died on December 11.

Her studio shared news of Chow’s death on the Chinese social media platform Weibo on December 12. ==According to her studio, Chow died following the “unsuccessful treatment” of an “illness.”=•

“May there be no disease in heaven, and may we know each other again in the next life!” it said.

According to Hong Kong entertainment website Dim Sum Daily, Chinese screenwriter Tan Fei had initially dispelled the rumors, stating that Chow was alive and urged people to not spread false information.

A former TVB political reporter also reportedly said that Chow was still in hospital undergoing treatment. However, her death was later confirmed by her former partner, Hong Kong actor Ray Lui.

Lui, who is now married to Chinese businesswoman Yang Xiaojuan, mourned Chow’s death on Weibo late on December 12.

“I couldn’t calm down for a long time after hearing this news,” he wrote. “Thank you for bringing so much beauty to the world. “I hope you will continue to laugh heartily in the next world.”

Despite initial claims suggesting that Chow had died while being treated for an “illness,” her medical records were leaked online showing she was found dead after suffering from sudden heart failure.

A photo of Chow’s medical records began circulating on social media. The records show she was found “unresponsive” and had collapsed because her “heart stopped.” Chow was rushed to hospital where she was declared after her heart had been stopped for over an hour.

According to the leaked document, the patient was found lying on the floor by her colleagues at about 10 am on December 11. She had lost consciousness and her heartbeat had stopped for an hour when she was taken to the hospital, the medical record shows.

Chinese authorities have detained a hospital employee suspected of leaking her medical records.The Shunyi Branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau said on Weibo that a 36-year-old man had been detained for allegedly leaking private information.

“On Dec 11, a 36-year-old man with the surname Fu took advantage of his working position in a hospital in Shunyi District by taking a photo of a patient’s personal medical record and sending it to a WeChat group for the purpose of showing off, causing the information to spread,” the police station wrote.

Before her death, the popular celebrity served as the Chinese Communist Party’s “vaccine ambassador.”Chow was tasked with encouraging the public to get vaccinated for Covid.


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086a84 No.116720

File: 98bf92cbc990835⋯.jpg (88.14 KB,578x821,578:821,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155673 (310054ZDEC23) Notable: #24733

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~@700Last call

...Bake at 720


#24733 >>116705

>>116706 resident Biden - One more great year in the books. (Laundry list of bullshit)

>>116707 Security increased for the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square (fear pron or eyes on?)

>>116708 Tucker Carlson - How The Babylon Bee Predicts the Future. Corporate media is dead, which is why The Babylon Bee is more trusted than CNN. CEO Seth Dillon joins Tucker Carlson to discuss.

>>116709 122 Fishermen Rescued From Detached Ice Floe in Northern Minnesota (VIDEO)

>>116710 This week, Bill and Hillary Clinton were spotted in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for a surprise visit.

>>116711 Iranian national with ties to terrorism attempted to enter the U.S. illegally

>>116712 Russia launches 122 missiles, multiple drones in massive attack against Ukraine. The attack resulted in 22 civilians dying

>>116713, >>116714, >>116716, >>116717 Fire on Cargo Ship Carrying Lithium-Ion Batteries Near Dutch Harbor

>>116715 The DC Establishment Is Deeply Concerned That Trump May Have Copies Of His Declassified Binder

>>116718 Maine secretary of state’s house 'swatted' day after Trump ballot disqualification decision

>>116719 Hong Kong’s ‘Vaccine Ambassador’ Drops Dead at 57


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086a84 No.116721

File: 2a147f920a1dc98⋯.jpg (740.13 KB,500x707,500:707,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155723 (310104ZDEC23) Notable: #24734

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Dough it again


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086a84 No.116722

File: 9844ca54726ea49⋯.png (198.65 KB,612x680,9:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155790 (310114ZDEC23) Notable: Jack Smith has filed his reply brief with DC appellate court for Trump's appeal of Judge Chutkan's order

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6:26 PM · Dec 30, 2023

Julie Kelly

Jack Smith has filed his reply brief with DC appellate court to oppose Trump's appeal of Judge Chutkan's order denying presidential immunity in J6 case.

PS Jack: You are the threat.


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086a84 No.116723

File: 741205981dc103b⋯.png (212.09 KB,858x736,429:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155816 (310117ZDEC23) Notable: Trend: Year-End Poll Shows Trump Gaining, Biden Losing Support of Black Voters

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Trend: Year-End Poll Shows Trump Gaining, Biden Losing Support of Black Voters

A poll released Friday by Morning Consult shows Joe Biden losing support among Black voters while President Trump is gaining support. Over the past year Biden is down nine points, from 70 to 61 percent while Trump is up seven points, 15 to 22 percent:

“Trump now leads Biden, fueled by gains among key voter segments including Black, Hispanic and young Americans: The former president took his first monthly lead of the 2024 election cycle over President Joe Biden in November. He now leads Biden among 18- to 34-year-olds, and Biden continues to lose support among Black and Hispanic voters. Trump also maintains a narrow edge among independents.”

President Biden’s support among Black voters is at a tracking low, according to our latest data.

View the full report: https://t.co/dKMYxZqxaf pic.twitter.com/MzjSha4Yju

— Morning Consult (@MorningConsult) December 30, 2023

Morning Consult also posted Trump beating Biden in seven key swing states. The polling matches other recent polls on showing Trump leading in swing states and gaining support among Black voters.

Trump leads Biden in 7 key swing states, per our survey with @business:

AZ: Biden: 42% Trump: 46%

GA: Biden: 43% Trump: 49%

MI: Biden: 42% Trump: 46%

NV: Biden: 44% Trump: 47%

NC: Biden: 40% Trump: 49%

PA: Biden: 44% Trump: 46%

WI Biden: 41% Trump: 45%

Trump leads Biden in 7 key swing states, per our survey with @business:


Biden: 42%

Trump: 46%


Biden: 43%

Trump: 49%


Biden: 42%

Trump: 46%


Biden: 44%

Trump: 47%


Biden: 40%

Trump: 49%


Biden: 44%

Trump: 46%


Biden: 41%

Trump: 45%https://t.co/rnwTOvnUXp pic.twitter.com/H5ivhTCGjw

— Morning Consult (@MorningConsult) December 29, 2023

The Freeze Dried Beef Industry Is Exploding — Here’s Why

Trump is at a high of 65 percent among Republican primary voters:

Donald Trump’s monthly share of support among potential GOP primary voters nationwide is at 65%, a tracking high. He also has large leads in most early and Super Tuesday nominating states.

View our monthly 2024 Election Watch report: https://t.co/dKMYxZqxaf pic.twitter.com/Ut99Qzzq8U

— Morning Consult (@MorningConsult) December 28, 2023

A GenForward survey reported by Politico earlier this month had Biden at 63 percent support among Black voters with Trump at 17 percent (excerpt):

One of the best-respected polls of voters of color shows President Joe Biden is facing strong headwinds among his most loyal base of support: Black Americans.

In the GenForward survey released on Tuesday and shared first with POLITICO, nearly 1 in 5 Black Americans, 17 percent, said they would vote for former President Donald Trump. And 20 percent of Black respondents said they would vote for “someone else” other than Biden or Trump.

According to the survey, about three-quarters of Black respondents said they would vote if the presidential election were held today, a figure that trails the number of white voters who said they would vote today by 10 points.

…Black adults backed Biden more than any other racial group in the survey, but the president notched just 63 percent among this bloc.

It also represents a significant jump for Trump among Black voters overall. During the 2020 presidential election, AP VoteCast found Trump won 8 percent of Black voters, versus 91 percent voting for Biden.

…Concerns over inflation by far outpaced all other issues for respondents across all racial groups with gun control and immigration lagging far behind. Overall, the president’s approval rating in this survey was sitting at a paltry 38 percent. For Black respondents, half approve of Biden’s job performance, while 34 percent of Latinos, 37 percent of AAPI and 36 percent of white respondents viewed Biden positively.

An October New York Times/Siena College poll had Biden with 71 percent support among swing state Black voters and Trump with 22 percent support BET excerpt):

A New York Times and Siena College poll released Sunday (Nov. 5) suggests that Black voters in crucial swing states are drifting toward former President Donald Trump, sending an early warning sign to Democrats that they could lose the White House next year.

According to the poll, 22 percent of Black voters would back Trump, who won 8 percent of the Black vote in 2020, The New York Times reports. Biden would get 71 percent of the Black vote.

The poll survey registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

It would be a historic shift if the figures hold. Since the civil rights era, no Democrat running for president has won less than 80 percent of the Black vote, and no Republican running for the White House has received more than 12 percent in nearly 50 years.


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086a84 No.116724

File: dc3e7f5f34f513b⋯.jpeg (964.78 KB,1125x1685,225:337,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155835 (310120ZDEC23) Notable: Paula Abdul is accusing former 'American Idol' exec producer Nigel Lythgoe of "multiple sexual assaults"

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086a84 No.116725

File: 1aa0301f2102176⋯.jpg (197.2 KB,720x1221,240:407,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7e37f0b53fcdd57⋯.mp4 (7.85 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155943 (310139ZDEC23) Notable: State of Things: San Francisco

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There’s no way your going to be able to get enough homeless drug addicts,

to willingly go into treatment to make a difference here in #SanFrancisco we need the @SFPD fully staffed and @LondonBreed has spent her whole term trying to defund the police and replace it with scams

Trump HAS to bring back country wide asylums and the men in white coats NEED to be updated and upgraded to full efficiency to sweep these Looney's off the streets

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086a84 No.116726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155953 (310141ZDEC23) Notable: Lawmaker Kevin Hern has purchased up to $6,000,000 worth of energy and mining stocks in the past year

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Lawmaker Kevin Hern has purchased up to $6,000,000 worth of energy and mining stocks in the past year. Kevin Hern sits on the House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.


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086a84 No.116727

File: 1a626f7caafadbf⋯.png (1.46 MB,719x2611,719:2611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155968 (310144ZDEC23) Notable: Upcoming Commit to Caucus Rallies in Iowa

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𝙐𝙥𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝘾𝙖𝙪𝙘𝙪𝙨 𝙍𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙄𝙊𝙒𝘼 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥…

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086a84 No.116728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155975 (310146ZDEC23) Notable: IRS “Collection Notices” Going Out to Millions of Americans Starting Next Week

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IRS “Collection Notices” Going Out to Millions of Americans Starting Next Week


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086a84 No.116729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155981 (310147ZDEC23) Notable: Shenna Bellows was Director of the Maine Holocaust Center from 2018-2020

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Shenna Bellows, who blocked Trump from Maine’s primary ballot, used to run the state’s Holocaust center

(JTA) - When Shenna Bellows was appointed Maine’s secretary of state in 2020, she described how her previous job at a Holocaust education center made her especially suited to the role.

Bellows, the former executive director of the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine, tweeted that her work with Holocaust survivors “has taught me so much about how fragile and precious democracy is and about the importance of documenting and preserving our history to share with the future generations.”


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086a84 No.116730

File: 7dd85ca0bfa510b⋯.png (609.8 KB,768x417,256:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156038 (310157ZDEC23) Notable: (Not Babylon Bee) Former DefSec Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief

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Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief

These guys keep providing me super timely and apropos fuel for my arguments about the structure of the next Trump administration. Appearing on CNN, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper outlines his greatest concern that within our constitutionally provided ...


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086a84 No.116731

File: feb04b73c805f0d⋯.png (191.44 KB,890x780,89:78,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ac728514ce10dc⋯.png (130.02 KB,567x695,567:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156039 (310157ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

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Dan Scavino






Dec 30, 2023, 8:43 PM


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086a84 No.116732

File: 77bfbaabcb29461⋯.png (508.16 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 61d726047fcdd20⋯.png (818.96 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c884dd10832c4⋯.png (353.74 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b1add8539acb1d⋯.png (564.9 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d9b7852def0216⋯.png (339.22 KB,688x1492,172:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156052 (310159ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

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thanks, Dan 222  #TheMoreYouKnow 

Dec 30, 2023, 8:51 PM


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086a84 No.116733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156054 (310200ZDEC23) Notable: California Court attempts to ban carrying guns in most public places

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Court ruling clears way for California to ban carrying guns in most public places

Starting 1 January, gun owners in the state may not carry in ‘sensitive places’ such as hospitals, playgrounds and stadiums

A federal appeals court on Saturday cleared the way for a California law that bans the carrying of guns in most public places to take effect at the start of 2024, as the panel put on hold a judge’s ruling declaring the measure unconstitutional.

The ninth US circuit court of appeals suspended a 20 December injunction issued by a judge who had concluded the Democrat-led state’s law violated the right of citizens to keep and bear arms under the US constitution’s second amendment.

The three-judge panel issued an administrative stay that put the injunction on hold until a different ninth circuit panel can consider whether to issue an even longer pause while the litigation plays out.

The measure, which was set to take effect 1 January after being signed into law in September by the state’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, was enacted after a landmark ruling in June 2022 by the conservative-majority US supreme court that expanded gun rights nationwide.

The supreme court in that case struck down New York’s strict gun-permit regime and declared for the first time that the right to keep and bear arms under the second amendment protects a person’s right to carry a handgun in public for self-defense.

The ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen also set out a test to assess the constitutionality of gun laws by holding that they must be “consistent with the nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation”.

California, which has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the United States, was among a group of states with laws similar to those in New York and, following the US supreme court’s decision, moved to revamp its firearms regulations.

Under California’s new law, people could not carry concealed guns in 26 categories of “sensitive places” including hospitals, playgrounds, stadiums, zoos and places of worship, regardless of whether or not they had permits to carry concealed weapons.

The law, Senate Bill 2, also barred people from having concealed guns at privately owned commercial establishments that are open to the public, unless the business’s operator posts a sign allowing license holders to carry guns on their property.

A group of concealed-carry permit holders and gun rights groups, including the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and the California Rifle & Pistol Association, sued, arguing the law was unconstitutional.

The US district judge Cormac Carney, an appointee of the Republican former president George W Bush, on 20 December agreed and blocked the law pending the outcome of the case.

The law “turns nearly every public place in California into a ‘sensitive place’, effectively abolishing the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding and exceptionally qualified citizens to be armed and to defend themselves in public”, Carney wrote.

The California attorney general, Rob Bonta, quickly asked the ninth circuit to put that injunction on hold pending an appeal, saying that leaving the law blocked would mean that “tens of millions of Californians will face a heightened risk of gun violence”.

Similar laws adopted by other states have faced litigation as well. A federal appeals court on 8 December ruled that New York state could bar gun owners from carrying weapons in many “sensitive locations” including parks, zoos, bars and theaters.


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086a84 No.116734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156070 (310201ZDEC23) Notable: Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

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In Texas aka "no wall McCaul"....Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet 🚨 “This US politician makes an average of $24,000,000 every single month.


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086a84 No.116735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156084 (310203ZDEC23) Notable: Shenna Bellows was Director of the Maine Holocaust Center from 2018-2020

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Dems choose Shenna Bellows for secretary of state, paving the way for first woman to hold job


The former executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine, Bellows previously ran for U.S. Senate in 2014 and would be the first woman to serve as secretary of state. She has served two terms as a state senator from Manchester and previously co-chaired the Labor and Housing Committee and the Senate Ethics Committee. She has also served on the Legislature’s judiciary committee. Bellows is currently the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine’s executive director.

She has been involved in some of the key Maine voting issues in the last decade, leading the 2011 Protect Maine Votes Campaign to maintain same-day registration and resisting the federal mandate to comply with the federal Real ID program.

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086a84 No.116736

File: 10e70b3323582c7⋯.png (340.56 KB,1079x1181,1079:1181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156090 (310203ZDEC23) Notable: Money Laundering 101

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🎯 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙇𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 101 🎯

From the BBC:

"Prosecutors said the "strong public interest" in a resolution of their case against the former billionaire outweighed benefits of a second trial."

SBF donated to democrats, and anti-Trump Republicans. But mostly, to Joe Biden. We need a special counsel to investigate, and Joe Biden's regime needs to recuse themselves. Especially since charges of illegal campaign donations are being dropped by this corrupt regime. They must appoint an outsider, who hates Joe Biden.

'''We should expect nothing less, out of our elected majority. But, they won't do anything, as usual.

SBF is a retarded fall guy. He is not smart enough to actually be in on it. He should be locked up, but we need to also find the people who orchestrated this'''

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086a84 No.116737

File: b9f93c7f38c01b4⋯.png (569.68 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156098 (310205ZDEC23) Notable: Obama ally David Axelrod says he thinks it ‘would rip the country apart’ if Trump were prevented from running

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Obama ally David Axelrod says, "I do think it would rip the country apart if he (Trump) were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him". "I think if you're going to beat Donald Trump, you're going to have to do it at the polls", he continued.

Axelrod says he thinks it ‘would rip the country apart’ if Trump were prevented from running

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod warned Friday that a court decision removing former President Trump from the primary ballot “would rip the country apart” as legal questions mount over his candid…


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086a84 No.116738

File: 225e0bb1ade448f⋯.png (31.05 KB,140x140,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156129 (310209ZDEC23) Notable: Tayler Hansen: I have obtained documents from a whistleblower proving I was investigated illegitimately for reporting on J6

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𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂: 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙗𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙢 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙙𝙪𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙥


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086a84 No.116739

File: a2fe4a76d7478b3⋯.mp4 (7.24 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156183 (310220ZDEC23) Notable: Battle of the Bulge

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086a84 No.116740

File: 86f3ed81e9fb3f9⋯.png (777.04 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156188 (310220ZDEC23) Notable: Congress gives Harvard more time to respond to President Gay’s plagiarism scandal

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Congress gives Harvard more time to respond to President Gay’s plagiarism scandal

Harvard’s president plagiarized in multiple papers.


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086a84 No.116741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156197 (310222ZDEC23) Notable: Body Language Ghost: Maine Secretary of State

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Body Language Ghost: Maine Secretary of State

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086a84 No.116742

File: 062ec4ca147f42f⋯.png (539.8 KB,596x602,298:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156273 (310239ZDEC23) Notable: California trying to force masks in L.A. County healthcare facilities for employees, patients and visitors (do not comply)

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See new posts


Catturd ™


😂😂😂 Masks don't work. Imagine still wearing one because the government says so. Nope!


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸




🚨BREAKING: Masks are mandated again in L.A. County healthcare facilities for employees, patients and visitors.



9:57 AM · Dec 30, 2023




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086a84 No.116743

File: 964fdaab7c95189⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156373 (310301ZDEC23) Notable: Refresher: Trump vs Biden Presidential Honors Gun Salute

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086a84 No.116744

File: 2057c1489595ef7⋯.png (398.45 KB,816x964,204:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156381 (310304ZDEC23) Notable: Refresher: Trump vs Biden Presidential Honors Gun Salute

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According to Presidential Honors Army reg 600-25 PGA 3, Presidents incoming and outgoing get a 21-Gun Salute. So why didn't Biden?


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086a84 No.116745

File: 8a886dd86821066⋯.png (105.12 KB,675x548,675:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156448 (310326ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Only two military birds up over the US tonight - a Blackhawk, and an E6

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Only two military birds up over the US tonight.

Blackhawk, and an E6

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086a84 No.116746

File: f9b091cbfacdec5⋯.jpeg (366.84 KB,750x814,375:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156456 (310329ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

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086a84 No.116747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156457 (310329ZDEC23) Notable: I'm trying to figure out why or how DIA can operate on US Soil

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So there was some stuff on Twitter that potentially Epps was paid by DIA?

I'm trying to figure out why or how DIA can operate on US Soil. I don't think it's prohibited - unless you consider them part of the DOD.

Any anons here like to weigh in? I'm seriously curious on this train of thought on Twitter.

Defense Intelligence Agency

Defense Intelligence Agency SealThe Defense Intelligence Agency is a Department of Defense combat support agency. With more than 16,500 military and civilian employees worldwide, DIA is a major producer and manager of foreign military intelligence and provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planners, in the DOD and the Intelligence Community, in support of U.S. military planning and operations and weapon systems acquisition. The DIA director serves as principal adviser to the secretary of defense and to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on matters of military intelligence. The director also chairs the Military Intelligence Board, which coordinates activities of the defense intelligence community.

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086a84 No.116748

File: 578c6025dd32367⋯.png (401.67 KB,1080x512,135:64,Clipboard.png)

File: 292e6ff7a8c6a9c⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,258x196,129:98,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156461 (310331ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

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086a84 No.116749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156473 (310339ZDEC23) Notable: Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

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Another One

Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

Mike Schuler December 30, 2023

A Maersk containership has been hit by a missile in the Red Sea, the U.S. has reported.

The U.S. Central Command said the Singapore-flagged Maersk Hangzhou reported it was struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Red Sea at approximately 8:30 p.m. local time on Saturday.

The ship requested assistance and is said to be “seaworthy” with no reported injuries. The USS Gravely and USS Laboon responded to the incident, with the USS Gravely successfully shooting down two anti-ship ballistic missiles fired towards the vessels from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen.

USS GRAVELY shoots down two anti-ship ballistic missiles while responding to Houthi attack on merchant vessel.

Today at approximately 8:30 p.m. (Sanaa time), the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU reported that they were struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Sea. The… pic.twitter.com/nUgifhkdC8

— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) December 31, 2023

The incident comes has Maersk has been resuming transits through the Red Sea with the establishment of the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) naval coalition, while some other carriers have opted to continue to reroute ships around the Cape of Good Hope due to safety concerns as the Iran-backed Houthis have continued to carry out missile attacks against commercial shipping.

The Maersk Hangzhou is a 15,226-capacity containership owned and operated by Danish shipping company Maersk, the world’s second-largest ocean carrier.

Maersk suspended transits through the Red Sea back on December 15 a day after a near-miss missile attack on the Maersk Gibraltar near the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, connecting the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden. The announcement by Maersk led to other operators also suspending voyages and redirecting ships around the Cape of Good Hope. Since then about half of the containerships that typically travel through the region have been rerouted.

The Central Command said the incident the 23rd illegal attack by the Houthis on international shipping since the November 19 hijacking of the Galaxy Leader car carrier, which continues by be held in Yemeni waters.


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086a84 No.116750

File: ee8c726af646a10⋯.mp4 (14.09 MB,480x750,16:25,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156478 (310341ZDEC23) Notable: I'm trying to figure out why or how DIA can operate on US Soil

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video of Ray Epps on J6

local interview

admits there was ANTIFA in the crowd that were violent

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086a84 No.116751

File: 1b2997a1ff1c4f1⋯.png (198.24 KB,772x471,772:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156481 (310344ZDEC23) Notable: I'm trying to figure out why or how DIA can operate on US Soil

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Go to the source for that question perhaps.

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086a84 No.116752

File: dcc40ee159e720b⋯.png (16.73 KB,539x222,539:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156487 (310345ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

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086a84 No.116753

File: 11811105ed87dc8⋯.png (17.26 KB,541x226,541:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156496 (310349ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

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086a84 No.116754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156514 (310358ZDEC23) Notable: #24734

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#24734 >>116721

>>116722 Jack Smith has filed his reply brief with DC appellate court for Trump's appeal of Judge Chutkan's order

>>116723 Trend: Year-End Poll Shows Trump Gaining, Biden Losing Support of Black Voters

>>116724 Paula Abdul is accusing former 'American Idol' exec producer Nigel Lythgoe of "multiple sexual assaults"

>>116725 State of Things: San Francisco

>>116726 Lawmaker Kevin Hern has purchased up to $6,000,000 worth of energy and mining stocks in the past year

>>116727 Upcoming Commit to Caucus Rallies in Iowa

>>116728 IRS “Collection Notices” Going Out to Millions of Americans Starting Next Week

>>116729, >>116735 Shenna Bellows was Director of the Maine Holocaust Center from 2018-2020

>>116730 (Not Babylon Bee) Former DefSec Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief

>>116731, >>116732, >>116746, >>116748, >>116752, >>116753 @DanScavino

>>116733 California Court attempts to ban carrying guns in most public places

>>116734 Congressman Insider Trading $576 Million Dollars, Making $24 Million Per Month & Owns a $20 Million Dollar Private Jet

>>116736 Money Laundering 101

>>116737 Obama ally David Axelrod says he thinks it ‘would rip the country apart’ if Trump were prevented from running

>>116738 Tayler Hansen: I have obtained documents from a whistleblower proving I was investigated illegitimately for reporting on J6

>>116739 Battle of the Bulge

>>116740 Congress gives Harvard more time to respond to President Gay’s plagiarism scandal

>>116741 Body Language Ghost: Maine Secretary of State

>>116742 California trying to force masks in L.A. County healthcare facilities for employees, patients and visitors (do not comply)

>>116743, >>116744 Refresher: Trump vs Biden Presidential Honors Gun Salute

>>116745 PF: Only two military birds up over the US tonight - a Blackhawk, and an E6

>>116747, >>116750, >>116751 I'm trying to figure out why or how DIA can operate on US Soil

>>116749 Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea


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086a84 No.116755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156524 (310400ZDEC23) Notable: #24735

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baker is ghost

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086a84 No.116756

File: 9ab09fa83266e9a⋯.png (744.15 KB,903x978,301:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20156563 (310413ZDEC23) Notable: Fresh embarrassment for Nikki Haley as she confuses name of basketball star with CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins

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Fresh embarrassment for Nikki Haley as she confuses name of basketball star with CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins

Speaking at the Iowa Athletic Club in Coralville, Haley accidentally referred to Iowa Hawkeyes superstar Caitlin Clark as 'Kaitlan Collins', the name of the rising-star CNN anchor. 'We're excited to see the Lady Hawkeyes team. What a great coach they have. Kaitlan Collins is phenomenal,' said Haley, drawing confused looks from several members of the crowd. The actual Kaitlan Collins responded to the mix-up with good humor on X, where she wrote: 'I can assure you her free-throw percentage is much better than mine.'


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086a84 No.116757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157124 (310648ZDEC23) Notable: Elevating Naval Priorities: China Appoints Admiral as Defense Minister

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Elevating Naval Priorities: China Appoints Admiral as Defense Minister

Bloomberg December 30, 2023

(Bloomberg) China named navy veteran Dong Jun as its new defense minister, a move that will help resume top-level military talks with the US that are seen as crucial to steadying ties between the nuclear-armed powers.

Dong’s appointment was announced by the country’s top legislator on Friday, ending months of speculation over who would occupy the role Li Shangfu was ousted from in October, without explanation. China’s new defense minister is the first to come from a naval background.

That departure from precedent comes as China’s military has been rocked by a volley of unexplained personnel purges this year. Two top leaders were abruptly removed this summer from the secretive rocket force, from which some of the nation’s defense ministers have previously been picked.

For the first time, China has appointed a naval officer as Defense Minister. ADM Dong Jun is a former commander of the PLAN People's Liberation Army Navy. Move follows the appointment on 25 Dec of Hu Zhongming as the new PLAN chief https://t.co/PVaztYO7Qn

— Chris Cavas (@CavasShips) December 30, 2023

Three senior executives at Chinese defense suppliers that manufacture missiles were exiled from a top Communist Party advisory body this week, with no details provided. The purges continued Friday, as China ousted nine military deputies from the legislature, including former ex-Air Force Commander Ding Laihang — the first time that area of the military had been implicated in the shake-ups.

Dong’s promotion suggested purges were ongoing in the rocket force, as well as the military procurement department that Li used to run, and which is under investigation, according to Wen-Ti Sung, a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub.

It was also “a sign of China designating the South China Sea as a new priority area of geopolitical contestation between China and the US,” he added.

Dong’s appointment will help smooth the path for the resumption of top-level military talks between Beijing and Washington, which were suspended after then US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in 2022. A Pentagon spokesman on Friday said the US is communicating with China at the working level about “a sequence” of upcoming engagements, including a resumption of defence policy coordination talks in January and maritime consultations in early 2024.

Former defense minister Li had been unable to meet with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, because he was subject to US sanctions. President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Joe Biden pledged to resume high-level military talks during their meeting in California last month.

Unlike China’s recent top military diplomats, Dong doesn’t yet sit on the Central Military Commission, meaning Xi skipped members of the nation’s top military body to promote him. General Liu Zhenli, chief of the commission’s joint staff department, for example, was touted as a contender.

Dong does, however, have extensive experience in China’s navy, which has been projecting its force in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait this year. He has worked in both of those areas, which are two of the biggest flashpoints in Beijing’s fragile relationship with Washington.

He most recently served as head of the world’s largest navy by number of vessels, a role now occupied by General Hu Zhongming, state media revealed earlier this week.

Prior to that, Dong was a deputy commander of the Southern Military Command, which looks after the South China Sea, where China has territorial disputes with neighboring nations including the Philippines and Vietnam. The US conducts freedom of navigation operations in those waters, frustrating Beijing.

Dong was also a deputy commander of Eastern Military Command’s navy force. That fleet is in charge of the East China Sea, including waters around the self-ruled island of Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its own. The force conducted drills around the island after Pelosi’s visit last year.


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086a84 No.116758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157193 (310711ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Navy Divers Recover Wreckage From Downed Aircraft off Japan

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U.S. Navy Divers Recover Wreckage From Downed Aircraft off Japan

Published Dec 27, 2023 7:17 PM by The Maritime Executive

The U.S. Navy has recovered a substantial part of the wreckage of the V-22 Osprey that crashed off the coast of Yakushima Island, Japan according to Japanese media.

Multiple Japanese outlets obtained photos and videos of the salvage ship USNS Salvor returning to port with tarpaulin-covered debris on the back deck. Visible items include an apparent propeller and engine protruding from underneath the cover. According to Japanese paper Yomiuri Shinbun, the salvaged debris also includes a segment of the fuselage where the crew was seated.

Civilian-crewed USNS Salvor is equipped for hardhat diving and the recovery of heavy loads from the seabed, and has been deployed for aircraft salvage projects before. A team from Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit One deployed with Salvor to conduct the underwater search and rigging work.

On Nov. 29, a Japanese fisherman notified the Japan Coast Guard that an aircraft was in trouble off Yakushima. One of the engines appeared to be on fire, he reported. Five minutes later, the plane disappeared off tracking radar.

According to the U.S. Air Force, the aircraft was a CV-22 Osprey from a special-operations squadron at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, where the U.S. military maintains a large presence.

None of the eight crewmembers aboard are believed to have survived the crash, and seven bodies have been recovered to date.

The salvage operation is expected to continue, with a focus on search and recovery. "The primary combined Japan-U.S. effort is to locate and recover our eighth airman,” the U.S. Air Force said in a statement.

Multiple crashes involving the Osprey have occurred over the course of the aircraft's history, causing more than 60 fatalities (including deaths during testing). The aircraft has significant performance advantages over helicopter designs, but it is known to have problems with a complex clutch assembly, which can result in loss of control if it malfunctions. Statistically, it has a relatively low mishap rate for a military aircraft - about three problems per 100,000 flight hours - but its large passenger payload and unusual design have ensured that fatal Osprey crashes receive outsize attention.

Senators Edward J. Markey and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Congressman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) have asked the Pentagon to review the safety of the V-22 Osprey aircraft. The Department of Defense has initiated a stand-down for Osprey operations across all service branches pending the outcome of an investigation, with a limited exception for emergency Marine Corps operations in the Red Sea.


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086a84 No.116759

File: 9e3b628a2e1e10c⋯.jpg (124.81 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157340 (310750ZDEC23) Notable: Baker claim

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Claiming the bake

...Get a pen and prepare to fill out your complain forms.

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086a84 No.116760

File: f8de55d512495df⋯.jpg (48.57 KB,728x484,182:121,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157514 (310835ZDEC23) Notable: #24735

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...Rollin' the next number.


#24735 >>116755

>>116759 Baker claim

>>116756 Fresh embarrassment for Nikki Haley as she confuses name of basketball star with CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins

>>116757 Elevating Naval Priorities: China Appoints Admiral as Defense Minister

>>116758 U.S. Navy Divers Recover Wreckage From Downed Aircraft off Japan


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086a84 No.116761

File: e82d66241360e21⋯.png (405.8 KB,662x284,331:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157524 (310838ZDEC23) Notable: #24736

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086a84 No.116762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157657 (310920ZDEC23) Notable: DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets

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Canada #50 >>>/qresearch/20153448

DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets

Pro-Black Lives Matter corporate giants Google and Meta joined a growing list of virtue-signaling companies that slashed their “diversity” budgets in 2023 amid a rough year for the tech industry.

“Some companies have laid off DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] staffers and leaders of diverse employee resource groups, downsized learning and development programs and cut budgets for external DEI groups by as much as 90 percent in 2023,” CNBC reported Friday.

The DEI cuts are a laughable reversal of the virtue-signaling bluster some companies trumpeted in the wake of the BLM riots following the May 2020 death of George Floyd.

Many “woke” corporations bent the knee to race-hustling grifters by donating money to Black Lives Matter and investing millions to expand so-called “diversity” programs to hire more black workers.

“By mid-2023, DEI-related job postings had declined 44% from the same time a year prior, according to data provided by job site Indeed,” CNBC reported. “That’s a sharp contrast with the period from 2020 to 2021, when those postings expanded nearly 30%.”

This only makes total sense: When your company is not doing well because of a tough economic climate rocked by crippling inflation, hiring scores of people solely on the basis of their skin color — as opposed to actual qualifications — is a dumb move.

Devika Brij, the CEO of an eponymous consulting group, said some of her clients reduced their DEI budgets by as much as 90 percent this year.

“When George Floyd began to become the topic of conversations, companies and executives doubled down on their commitments,” she told CNBC. “And here we are only a couple years later, and folks are looking for opportunities to cut those teams.”

It’s not just corporations that are scaling back on affirmative action-style programs.

In September, Boston University’s farcically named “Center for Antiracist Research” laid off almost half its staff just three years after launching.

The implosion occurred shortly after left-wing billionaire Twitter founder Jack Dorsey donated $10 million to the race-grifting project.

Thanks @jack and #startsmall for supporting the @AntiracismCtr at @bu_tweets. Your $10M donation, with no strings attached, gives us the resources and flexibility to greatly expand our antiracist work. The endowment is vital, as we build our new Center. 1/https://t.co/BcVPgwCjuF

— Ibram X. Kendi (@ibramxk) August 20, 2020

Hopefully, the recent DEI cutbacks indicate a sea change is afoot and “woke” corporations are realizing that infusing “equity” into major business decisions will have catastrophic consequences. This is what happened in South Africa.

South African author Rian Malan — a white journalist who fought against apartheid — said the United States will crater into the same anarchy and poverty that afflict his homeland if it keeps caving to toxic wokeness.

In his 2021 New York Post commentary “How ‘Equity’ Ideology Plunged South Africa into Inequality and Chaos,” Malan recounted how white guilt destroyed his country.

He said the implosion began when South Africa replaced meritocracy with affirmative action and slavishly catered to its black population to make amends for apartheid.

“Tendering for government business became increasingly pointless, because contracts were invariably awarded to black-owned firms, even if their prices were double, triple or tenfold,” Malan wrote.

For years, South African companies obsessively hired and promoted black workers “whether or not they brought anything to the table besides black skin,” Malan wrote.



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086a84 No.116763

File: f110d21e4c303f0⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,480x670,48:67,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157660 (310921ZDEC23) Notable: DanScavino Twit/X - Video of fire?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157686 (310932ZDEC23) Notable: Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis

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Canada #50 >>>/qresearch/20142614

Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis

As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to purge its financial system, state media recently revealed that a number of bank executives have committed suicide or died suddenly.

According to the authorities of Yingshan County, Hubei Province, Wang Shengyong, the president of the Yangtze River Village Bank in the county, died of carbon monoxide poisoning on Dec. 5 at the age of 54 years old. It was reported that Wang committed suicide after using his position to defraud depositors of 40 million yuan (about $5.6 million) under the guise of capital raising.

According to official media reports, Du Haitao, deputy general manager of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Credit Suisse Asset, died of a heart attack while running on Dec. 13 at the age of 49. Born in 1974, Du was deputy general manager of ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., LTD. and chairman of ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management (International) Co., LTD.

On Dec. 10, Gong Danzhi, the president of Huaxia Bank’s Tianjin branch, fell to his death. The local police station confirmed the news.

Based on business information, Gong Danzhi was appointed as the president of Huaxia Bank’s Tianjin branch in November 2020. Previously, he was the vice president of the bank’s Beijing branch and the president of its Beijing urban sub-centre branch.

Founded in October 1992 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in September 2003, Huaxia Bank is China’s fifth nationally listed bank, with 44 first-tier branches across the country and more than 40,000 employees. Shougang Group, a large-scale state-owned enterprise, is Huaxia Bank’s first major shareholder, with a shareholding of 21.68 percent.

In The Banker’s Top 1000 World Banks 2019, Huaxia Bank was ranked 56th in terms of Tier 1 capital and 67th in terms of asset size. In the Forbes Global 2000 List (2019), Huaxia Bank was ranked 265th.

However, in 2023, Huaxia Bank was in a series of accidents and fined tens of millions of yuan.

On Dec. 20, the National Administration of Financial Regulation’s Taizhou Supervision Branch issued a fine of 300,000 yuan (about $42,000) for Huaxia Bank’s Taizhou branch.

On Sept. 26, Huaxia Bank’s Xiamen branch was fined 2.8 million yuan (about $391,700).

On Aug. 14, Huaxia Bank’s Nanchang branch was fined 1.985 million yuan (about $277,700).

On July 3, a number of Huaxia Bank’s branches and sub-branches were subject to regulatory penalties of 2 million yuan (about $279,800) for violations of laws and regulations.

On June 30, Huaxia Bank was fined a total of 1.45 million yuan (about $202,900) in five fines for a number of credit violations.

On June 2, Huaxia Bank’s Yingkou branch was fined 700,000 yuan (about $97,900).

On April 19, Huaxia Bank’s Shaoxing branch was fined 950,000 yuan (about $132,900).

Bank Presidents Die Due to Pressure

In 2023, at least 96 financial executives have fallen from grace, and 38 people have been investigated in the five major state-owned banks.

“The suicide of bank presidents show that the central [authority] doesn’t take responsibility anymore. Whoever lends out the money is responsible,” Wang Donglan (a pseudonym), former vice president of a bank in Shandong Province, told The Epoch Times on Dec. 20.

“In the past, enterprises were encouraged to operate in debt.

Some enterprises did not meet the conditions for loans, but through interpersonal connections, they got the loans anyway.

“No one asked about it for so many years. Now for the year-end check, someone must be held accountable, can the bank presidents not be anxious?

Which sum of money was loaned out without the presidents’ sign?

Choosing to commit suicide may be able to save their families or assets.”



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086a84 No.116765

File: 07c0136f3d4b90e⋯.png (98.01 KB,427x674,427:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157739 (310956ZDEC23) Notable: @CENTCOM - Iranian-backed Houthi small boats attack merchant vessel and U.S. Navy helicopters in Southern Red Sea

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Iranian-backed Houthi small boats attack merchant vessel and U.S. Navy helicopters in Southern Red Sea

On Dec. 31 at 6:30am (Sanaa time) the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU issued a second distress call in less than 24 hours reporting being under attack by four Iranian-backed Houthi small boats. The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew served and small arms weapons at the MAERSK HANGZHOU, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel. A contract embarked security team on the MAERSK HANZGHOU returned fire. U.S. helicopters from the USS EISENHOWER (CVN 69) and GRAVELY (DDG 107) responded to the distress call and in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats, the small boats fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew served weapons and small arms. The U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four small boats, and killing the crews. The fourth boat fled the area. There was no damage to U.S. personnel or equipment.


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086a84 No.116766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157804 (311014ZDEC23) Notable: Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

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CENTCOM changed their story?

General Research #24734 >>116749

Another One

Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

Mike Schuler December 30, 2023

A Maersk containership has been hit by a missile in the Red Sea, the U.S. has reported.

The U.S. Central Command said the Singapore-flagged Maersk Hangzhou reported it was struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Red Sea at approximately 8:30 p.m. local time on Saturday.

The ship requested assistance and is said to be “seaworthy” with no reported injuries. The USS Gravely and USS Laboon responded to the incident, with the USS Gravely successfully shooting down two anti-ship ballistic missiles fired towards the vessels from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen.

USS GRAVELY shoots down two anti-ship ballistic missiles while responding to Houthi attack on merchant vessel.

Today at approximately 8:30 p.m. (Sanaa time), the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU reported that they were struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Sea. The… pic.twitter.com/nUgifhkdC8

— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) December 31, 2023

The incident comes has Maersk has been resuming transits through the Red Sea with the establishment of the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) naval coalition, while some other carriers have opted to continue to reroute ships around the Cape of Good Hope due to safety concerns as the Iran-backed Houthis have continued to carry out missile attacks against commercial shipping.

The Maersk Hangzhou is a 15,226-capacity containership owned and operated by Danish shipping company Maersk, the world’s second-largest ocean carrier.

Maersk suspended transits through the Red Sea back on December 15 a day after a near-miss missile attack on the Maersk Gibraltar near the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, connecting the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden. The announcement by Maersk led to other operators also suspending voyages and redirecting ships around the Cape of Good Hope. Since then about half of the containerships that typically travel through the region have been rerouted.

The Central Command said the incident the 23rd illegal attack by the Houthis on international shipping since the November 19 hijacking of the Galaxy Leader car carrier, which continues by be held in Yemeni waters.


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086a84 No.116767

File: 3b451f164cba034⋯.png (237.17 KB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20157859 (311030ZDEC23) Notable: Moscow retaliates for Ukrainian ‘terrorist attack’ – MOD (RT)

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Moscow retaliates for Ukrainian ‘terrorist attack’ – MOD

31 Dec, 2023


Numerous defense officials who orchestrated Saturday’s missile barrage on Belgorod have been eliminated, the Defense Ministry has said

Russia’s military has conducted a string of high-precision missile strikes targeting Ukrainian military facilities and officials in response to the Ukrainian strike on Belgorod on Saturday that left more than 20 civilians dead, the Defense Ministry has said.

In a statement on Sunday, the ministry said that Moscow’s forces had struck decision-making centers and other military targets in the city of Kharkov, not far from the border between the two countries.

It noted that a high-precision missile strike on the building formerly housing the Kharkov Palace Hotel eliminated “representatives of the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were directly involved in the planning and execution of the terrorist attack in Belgorod.”

The building also housed up to 200 foreign mercenaries who were gearing up for “terrorist raids” into Russian territory, officials added.

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086a84 No.116768

File: 79daead8d32db7c⋯.png (941.18 KB,915x867,305:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158176 (311149ZDEC23) Notable: Laws banning semi-automatic weapons and library censorship will take effect in Illinois

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Laws banning semi-automatic weapons and library censorship will take effect in Illinois


Updated 6:03 PM GMT-11, December 30, 2023

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086a84 No.116769

File: 40e6bc2707a3db8⋯.png (838.05 KB,855x694,855:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158222 (311203ZDEC23) Notable: California Law Barring Guns From Most Public Spaces Set To Go Into Effect After Appeals Court Ruling

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California Law Barring Guns From Most Public Spaces Set To Go Into Effect After Appeals Court Ruling

December 30, 2023

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086a84 No.116770

File: 2a2e283cd7704ed⋯.png (92.93 KB,589x478,589:478,Clipboard.png)

File: c7d9f176baf4499⋯.png (98.51 KB,532x512,133:128,Clipboard.png)

File: e9c0933a6e4dd37⋯.png (34.55 KB,532x204,133:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158435 (311328ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truths

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Donald J. Trump


...In one video taken during her time in the administration, she describes her first time meeting Trump: ‘I was smiling so wide because I was just excited to see him’…she added, ‘I remember this every day as I walk on the campus — just to stop, say a quick prayer of thank you and gratitude’ every day ‘that I get to serve this particular president.’ She went on: ‘He’s a remarkable man. The more time you spend with him behind closed doors, the more you understand what makes him such a strong leader for our nation.’ At the same time, she attacked Miles Taylor — the erstwhile midlevel Trump official who penned the infamous anonymous New York Times op-ed about the ‘resistance’ within the White House — as ‘confirm[ing] that Never Trumpers are trying to thwart POTUS.’”

Dec 31, 2023, 8:15 AM



Donald J. Trump


Nate Hochman, The National Review: “In May 2020, she defended Trump for ‘rais[ing] concerns about across the board mail-in voting w/out reason because of its potential for fraud,’ and argued: ‘If you care about the integrity & security of our elections, you should care about protecting against potential voter fraud.’ In November 2020, on a radio segment discussing the Trump campaign’s legal challenges to the Pennsylvania vote count, she attacked state election officials for ‘putting their thumb on the scale’ to help Democrats. In a January 2021 Fox News appearance, she defended Trump’s leaked phone call with Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, arguing that ‘what he’s saying he wants to do is get to the bottom of irregularities, and it’s not just in Georgia, it’s in other states.’ In February 2021, she criticized Democrats for having ‘refused outright to have serious conversations about voter fraud in this country,’ adding, ‘This is something…

Dec 31, 2023, 8:16 AM



Donald J. Trump


Alyssa Farah in February 2021 when asked on CNN about January 6th: “I also think the country needs to move on from this moment. I don’t think we benefit from re-litigating, over and over, what happened that day. We need to be moving forward.”

Dec 31, 2023, 8:17 AM


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086a84 No.116771

File: e90dc52af269818⋯.png (312.72 KB,604x611,604:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158440 (311330ZDEC23) Notable: Truckers have joined the farmers in massive protest against planned fuel price and tax increases

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This is HUGE 🚜🇩🇪🚜🇩🇪

Truckers have joined the farmers in massive protest against planned fuel price and tax increases.

Mainstream media is not showing you this... 👇


Ignaz Bearth

2:24 AM · Dec 31, 2023




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086a84 No.116772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158441 (311331ZDEC23) Notable: Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

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Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A friend got a rental of a Tesla over the holidays. It’s undoubtedly the industry standard for EVs and a complete blast to drive. The problem: It’s not a practical car at all. He was driving in the cold, and the car was nearly drained after two hours. Searching for a charge was no easy task. The first one didn’t work. The second one stated that it would be charged in 10 hours, which he didn’t have. The third one charged in one hour but that was a full hour wasted.


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086a84 No.116773

File: 8f86d63b148fa87⋯.png (705.27 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

File: ff89547ac2fd90b⋯.png (2.51 MB,1920x1219,1920:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158453 (311336ZDEC23) Notable: PF: Coast Guard C-130 1716 looking for something off Cape Kennedy

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Coast Guard C-130 1716 looking for something off Cape Kennedy.


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086a84 No.116774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158458 (311338ZDEC23) Notable: New Evidence Suggests There Was Never Voting Machine Election Audit Performed in Georgia Following 2020 Election – Raffensperger Caught Again!

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The Gateway Pundit


Going Viral… New Evidence Suggests There Was Never Voting Machine Election Audit Performed in Georgia Following 2020 Election – Raffensperger Caught Again! via




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086a84 No.116775

File: 2d02c9ae6e00317⋯.png (88.99 KB,284x360,71:90,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158488 (311348ZDEC23) Notable: More from Jack Smith's brief filed yesterday arguing presidents can be criminally prosecuted. Hmmmm…does a dossier count?

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>> "arguing presidents can be criminally prosecuted."

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


More from Jack Smith's brief filed yesterday arguing presidents can be criminally prosecuted.

Hmmmm...does a dossier count?

Obama knew all about Russiagate and the dossier. His top advisors including Lisa Monaco met routinely in the Situation Room to hatch the plan, centered on Chris Steele's "reporting."

Obama met with Comey in August 2016 to discuss the operation. He even greenlighted Comey and Clapper notifying Trump about the nonexistent pee tape and DNC/Clinton funded dossier when they met with Trump in Jan 2017.

Legit seditious conspiracy


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086a84 No.116776

File: e49605099c6a8f2⋯.webp (191.5 KB,1280x854,640:427,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158507 (311358ZDEC23) Notable: NYPD ‘prepared’ for large pro-Palestine protests during New Year’s Eve bash at Times Square

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>eyes on


NYPD ‘prepared’ for large pro-Palestine protests during New Year’s Eve bash at Times Square

"Though there’s no known threats of violence on the horizon,=== pro-Palestine groups have for weeks called for mass protests in Times Square on New Year’s Eve against Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip, which local authorities say has killed more than 20,000 people, many of them children. Israel launched the military action after Hamas, which controls Gaza, killed some 1,200 Israelis and took hundreds hostage during a terror attack on Oct. 7."


pic - Pro-Palestinian protesters rally in front of the News Corporation building and near the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, and march on 42nd Street, 5th and Park avenues on Monday, December 25, 2023, in New York City. (Photo by Selcuk Acar/Anadolu via Getty Images)

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086a84 No.116777

File: d7937275b1994c3⋯.png (1.89 MB,1180x664,295:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158520 (311403ZDEC23) Notable: #24736

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#24736 >>116761

>>116762 DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets

>>116763 DanScavino Twit/X - Video of fire?

>>116764 Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis

>>116765 @CENTCOM - Iranian-backed Houthi small boats attack merchant vessel and U.S. Navy helicopters in Southern Red Sea

>>116766 Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

>>116767 Moscow retaliates for Ukrainian ‘terrorist attack’ – MOD (RT)

>>116768 Laws banning semi-automatic weapons and library censorship will take effect in Illinois

>>116769 California Law Barring Guns From Most Public Spaces Set To Go Into Effect After Appeals Court Ruling

>>116770 DJT Truths

>>116771 Truckers have joined the farmers in massive protest against planned fuel price and tax increases

>>116772 Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset

>>116773 PF: Coast Guard C-130 1716 looking for something off Cape Kennedy

>>116774 New Evidence Suggests There Was Never Voting Machine Election Audit Performed in Georgia Following 2020 Election – Raffensperger Caught Again!

>>116775 More from Jack Smith's brief filed yesterday arguing presidents can be criminally prosecuted. Hmmmm…does a dossier count?

>>116776 NYPD ‘prepared’ for large pro-Palestine protests during New Year’s Eve bash at Times Square


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086a84 No.116778

File: ab339900bfd80a3⋯.jpg (793.68 KB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158528 (311406ZDEC23) Notable: #24737

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...Looking for handoff and all that nice stuff.

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086a84 No.116779

File: ad347f3f5d5a552⋯.png (683.59 KB,579x741,193:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158578 (311428ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Re-Truth

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Donald J. Trump


Dec 31, 2023, 2:30 AM

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086a84 No.116780

File: d90e13c67dbdd63⋯.png (58.32 KB,240x160,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158590 (311433ZDEC23) Notable: US Navy obliterates Houthis

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Visegrád 24



US Navy obliterates Houthis.

Houthi rebels in 4 speedboats have attacked the Danish container ship MAERSK Hangzhou, shooting at it and trying to board it.

They also fired at a US Navy helicopter that came to its aid.

The Americans returned fire, sinking 3 speedboats


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086a84 No.116781

File: b09ca6c25becbfb⋯.png (663.28 KB,1170x800,117:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158604 (311439ZDEC23) Notable: Colorado and Maine are just the beginning. Litigation is heating up in 20 states seeking to block Donald Trump from primary election ballots.

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🚨𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 - Colorado and Maine are just the beginning. Litigation is heating up in 20 states seeking to block Donald Trump from primary election ballots.

Here are the states with active lawsuits and the names of the secretaries of state proceeding over them:

- Alaska, 𝗡𝗮𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝗗𝗮𝗵𝗹𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗺 (R)

- Arizona, 𝗔𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗙𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘀 (D)

- California, 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝗲𝗿 (D)

- Florida, 𝗖𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗕𝘆𝗿𝗱 (R)

- Louisiana, 𝗞𝘆𝗹𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝗱𝗼𝗶𝗻 (R)

- Nevada, 𝗖𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼 𝗔𝗴𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗿 (D)

- N Hampshire, 𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗱 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗹𝗮𝗻 (R)

- New Mexico, 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗲 𝗢𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿 (D)

- New York, 𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘁 𝗝. 𝗥𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘇(D)

- N Carolina, 𝗘𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹 (D)

- Oregon, 𝗟𝗮𝗩𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗲 (D)

- S Carolina, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗛𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗱(R)

- Texas, 𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗻 (R)

- Vermont, 𝗦𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗮𝘀 (D)

- Virginia, 𝗞𝗲𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗚𝗲𝗲 (R)

- West Virginia, 𝗠𝗮𝗰 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗿 (R)

- Wisconsin, 𝗦𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗵 𝗚𝗼𝗱𝗹𝗲𝘄𝘀𝗸𝗶 (D)

- Wyoming, 𝗖𝗵𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝘆 (R)


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086a84 No.116782

File: 72f13b368b17032⋯.png (34.88 KB,240x130,24:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158639 (311449ZDEC23) Notable: US Navy obliterates Houthis

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Is this a "BOOM"?

U.S. Central Command


Iranian-backed Houthi small boats attack merchant vessel and U.S. Navy helicopters in Southern Red Sea

On Dec. 31 at 6:30am (Sanaa time) the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU issued a second distress call in less than 24 hours reporting being under attack by four Iranian-backed Houthi small boats. The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew served and small arms weapons at the MAERSK HANGZHOU, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel. A contract embarked security team on the MAERSK HANZGHOU returned fire. U.S. helicopters from the USS EISENHOWER (CVN 69) and GRAVELY (DDG 107) responded to the distress call and in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats, the small boats fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew served weapons and small arms. The U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four small boats, and killing the crews. The fourth boat fled the area. There was no damage to U.S. personnel or equipment.


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086a84 No.116783

File: 385987ab25f2ecb⋯.jpg (25.21 KB,500x380,25:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158676 (311501ZDEC23) Notable: noted notes

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bread is ghost

...Have a new year, or something. Self confirm.


#24737 >>116778

>>116779 DJT Re-Truth

>>116780 US Navy obliterates Houthis

>>116781 Colorado and Maine are just the beginning. Litigation is heating up in 20 states seeking to block Donald Trump from primary election ballots.


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086a84 No.116784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158716 (311510ZDEC23) Notable: Major pornographic website blocks NC access days before new law takes effect

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Major pornographic website blocks NC access days before new law takes effect

A new law meant to protect children will require adult websites to verify users' ages, starting next week. What that looks like in practice remains to be seen, but one major site has already blocked access.


One of the world's largest pornography websites blocked access to at least some North Carolina users Thursday ahead of a new state law taking effect that will require adult websites to verify user ages.

Instead of complying or providing its usual content, Pornhub redirected North Carolina users to a message asking them to reach out to lawmakers and oppose the new law.

The website has blocked access in a number of states that passed similar laws, including Montana, where new law was also set to take effect Monday.

"Mandating age verification without proper enforcement gives platforms the opportunity to choose whether or not to comply," the site said in its message to North Carolina users. "As we’ve seen in other states, this just drives traffic to sites with far fewer safety measures in place."

North Carolina lawmakers passed the new law in September with an effective date of Jan. 1. The bill doesn’t spell out how websites should verify user ages, beyond saying they must use either a "commercially available database" for age and identify verification or "another commercially reasonable method.”

A 2023 survey found more than half of teenagers reported seeing online pornography by the time they were 13.

“It's a problem," said state Sen. Amy Galey, who pushed for the new law. "And it can’t just be up to the parent. We have to help the parents.”

Beyond Pornhub's decision, it remains to be seen what the law will look like in practice. Some age verification software asks users to hold their drivers license up to a web camera so it can be compared to a live image of their face.

“Everybody sort of makes their own choices," said Mike Stabile, spokesman for the Free Speech Coalition, a pornography industry trade group. "Some sites will block the state entirely. Most will probably ignore the regulations. And there may be some who engage in age verification, but that hasn’t been the case in most states.”

Law enforcement isn’t expected to police sites. Instead the bill set up a process for parents whose minor children are able to access pornography to sue providers.

Louisiana was the first to pass this sort of law, in 2022, and sites saw traffic drop between 80% and 95%, according to the Free Speech Coalition. People tend to simply look for a non-compliant site, visiting darker corners of the internet and sites that are hard to hold accountable because they’re based outside the United States, Stabile said.

North Carolina's law forbids website owners and their vendors from retaining customers' identifying information, but Stabile said users aren't willing to take a risk. Lawsuits have been filed over these laws in at least three other states, though as of Thursday North Carolina had not joined that list.

“We’re looking at, obviously as laws go into effect, what makes sense to challenge,” Stabile said. “The general idea is that all of these laws will be challenged.”

Pornhub said in its statement that it supports laws that require age verification on devices, as opposed at individual websites. Galey, R-Alamance, said she’s “willing to work with anybody to improve the law and to make it better target what we want to do, which is protect children.” She also said it’s “a little challenging to think that this industry is some kind of great player with clean hands.”

Seven other states have passed an age verification law, according to the National Decency Coalition. A similar bill has been introduced in nine other states, according to the Decency Coalition’s count.

North Carolina’s law was was tacked into an unrelated bill that added a computer science course to North Carolina’s graduation requirements. The full measure – House Bill 8 – passed with wide and bipartisan support.

The new law uses long-standing legal definitions of obscenity to identify prohibited material. Galey said the law wasn’t crafted to go after social media sites, where users often post pictures of themselves scantily clad.

“We’re not going after the risqué and the R rated,” Galey said. “But we need some kind of firewall for hard core pornography.”

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086a84 No.116785

File: 7e10d472ee71922⋯.png (93.26 KB,624x666,104:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158725 (311513ZDEC23) Notable: The Corruption of Everything

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The Corruption of Everything

American Thinker, by M. B. Mathews

Posted By: Msquared112, 12/31/2023 9:17:12 AM

The justice system has been corrupted by partisan politics to the point where Republicans and conservatives are persecuted and prosecuted at a level far higher than anyone else. We on the right can reliably depend on being prosecuted for “misgendering,” contributing to conservative causes, being a Christian or a Jew, speaking out against the barbaric transing of children, defending ourselves with a firearm, and not being a Democrat. We can depend upon getting arrested for protesting peacefully as the corrupt “Justice” Department singles us out for jail, bankruptcy, or keeping us off election ballots, while really destructive rioters go free.

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086a84 No.116786

File: cd68ddb16a056f8⋯.jpeg (131.32 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158789 (311534ZDEC23) Notable: NATO state too ‘scared’ to attend UN meeting – Russian diplomat

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31 Dec, 2023 02:36

NATO state too ‘scared’ to attend UN meeting – Russian diplomat

Dmitry Polyansky has accused the Czech foreign minister of cowardice

The Czech Republic does not have the courage to publicly respond to Moscow’s claim that missiles made in the country were used by Ukraine to kill civilians, Russia’s deputy envoy to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, said on Sunday.

Russia called an urgent meeting at the UN headquarters in New York on Saturday, requesting that theCzech delegation attend and “explain whythis country’s ammunition is being used for killing civilians in Belgorod,”Polyansky said.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian troops used Czech RM-70 Vampire multiple rocket launchers to fire at the border city of Belgorod earlier that day, killing at least 22 people and injuring more than 100.

Prague declined to take part in the UN meeting. “We refuse to be summoned anywhere by Russia,” Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky wrote on X (formerly Twitter), accusing Moscow of “propaganda.”

“When Russia wants to discuss the withdrawal of its occupying troops at the Security Council, we will be happy to come,” Lipavsky wrote.

Polyansky fired back on X. “Your cowardice and simple-mindedness have been noted,” the Russian diplomat wrote. “We assume that theCzech Republic will no longer participate in UN Security Council meetingson the issue of Ukraine.”

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also blasted Prague’s actions. “I didn’t think that the Czech Foreign Ministry would beso ignorant as to not know how the UN Security Council functions,” she wrote on Telegram.

Speaking at the Security Council, Russian envoy Vassily Nebenzia alleged thatUS and British “consultants” helped Kievplan the “premeditated act of terror” against civilians in Belgorod. He warned that those responsible would be “punished.”

Ukraine denied the allegations and accused Moscow of “terrorism” after the Russian Air Force carried out large-scale strikes in the neighboring country. According to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, 39 people were killed and nearly 160 were injured during the bombardment on Friday.

The Russian MOD stated that it was onlystriking ammunition depots and other military targets. Russian officials further claimed that civilian deaths were caused by the faulty work of Ukrainian air defense systems deployed in residential areas.

(A NATO members bombs used in a terrorist attack in civilians in Russia is a serious International violation of war. They really fucked up!)


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086a84 No.116787

File: 736d64b563e6f29⋯.png (378.55 KB,665x350,19:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158790 (311534ZDEC23) Notable: Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia to join BRICS as of Jan. 1: Report

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Happy New Year… Argentina Pulled Out, but won’t be using the US $ Either

Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia to join BRICS as of Jan. 1

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia will join BRICS as of Jan. 1, Bloomberg reported, citing South Africa’s envoy to the bloc.

The new members will send officials to a sherpa meeting in Moscow on Jan. 30, which clearly indicates that the new members were accepted to join the bloc, he noted.

BRICS officially agreed to invite Saudi Arabia, among other countries, to join the bloc, according to data available with Argaam.

BRICS was established in 2009 with the participation of China, Brazil, India, and Russia, with South Africa joining in 2010.


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086a84 No.116788

File: 5d9453b801f759f⋯.jpeg (63.36 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158815 (311546ZDEC23) Notable: US wary of completely ruining relations with Russia – Lavrov

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31 Dec, 2023 12:58

US wary of completely ruining relations with Russia – Lavrov

At the same time, Washington is not yet prepared to respect Moscow’s interests, the foreign minister has said

The US is wary of burning down relations with Russia “to the ground,” but it is not yet ready to respect Moscow’s interests, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RIA Novosti.

In an interview published on Sunday, the minister commented on Russian President VladimirPutin’s recent statement that Moscow is ready to restore “full-fledged relations” with the US if it starts respecting other countriesand seeking compromise instead of “addressing their problems using sanctions and military force.”

Russian-American relations have been strained to the breaking point because of Washington, whichhas “doctrinally formalized the task of inflicting a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia,” Lavrov said. He noted that while the White House is cautious not to completely ruin “what is left of relations” with Moscow, theUS is “clearly not ready” to conduct a dialogue“on the basis of mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests.”

Peaceful coexistence between Russia and the US can be achieved only if Washington recognizes Moscow’s “fundamental national interests,” but the US ruling elite “denies the realities of a multipolar world and still think in terms of their own superiority and exclusivity,”Lavrov said.

For Moscow, it does not matter who wins the 2024 US presidential election becausethe political establishment in Washington “sees Russia as an enemy and an existential threat,”regardless of party affiliation, he added.

Since Crimea voted in a referendum to become part of Russia in response to the Maidan coup in Kiev in 2014, the US has been the main enforcer of sanctions on Moscow, imposing more than 4,500 restrictions, according to Castellum.AI.

On Thursday, the Financial Times reported that the US had asked G7 members to “explore ways to seize $300 bn in frozen Russian assets” and channel them to Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said thatMoscow has a list of US, European, and other assets to seize in retaliation, and that these measures have been analyzed “in advance.”He stressed that Russia “will do everything” to ensure that they suit its own interests.


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086a84 No.116789

File: 64ec8941af301b5⋯.png (54.44 KB,240x150,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158928 (311622ZDEC23) Notable: US Navy obliterates Houthis

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An Joint-Statement is reportedly expected to be made in the coming hours by the United States, Britain, and an Unknown European Country, announcing that they are in Final Preparations for a Large-Scale Military Operation against the Houthi Terrorist Group in Yemen which will include the launch of Hundreds of Missiles and Airstrikes against Pre-Planned Targets in Western Yemen and the Red Sea.


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086a84 No.116790

File: ca84a0b7604644a⋯.png (39.1 KB,113x240,113:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b87d4032228487⋯.png (28.89 KB,113x240,113:240,Clipboard.png)

File: bdad0b30d037f22⋯.png (26.65 KB,113x240,113:240,Clipboard.png)

File: b75598746cda98d⋯.png (26.72 KB,113x240,113:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158956 (311629ZDEC23) Notable: re you ready for a Pfizer information dump?

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Melissa McAtee


📢 🚨 are you ready for a Pfizer information dump? 🚨 📢

When Pfizer mandated the vaccine in August 2021 to its employees, some colleagues of mine started a “Phyzer Vaxx council” there were hundreds of us in it, including high ranking employees.

Everyday we discussed the evils being done and the things we were supposed to just pretend was normal. I will also add to this post, internal emails from Pfizer, proof of my employment and just flat nonsense from the company.

🍿 enjoy, these have never been seen or posted anywhere else. Names have been blacked out to protect those still in the plant or those who didn’t give consent for their names to be shared. 🍿 it’s also where I first heard of project veritas/






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086a84 No.116791

File: 65f7da9b3a52822⋯.png (57.48 KB,1126x446,563:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158980 (311637ZDEC23) Notable: Drug Cartels Trafficking Migrants to CA for 'Modern Day Slavery' on Black Market Marijuana Farms

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Drug Cartels Trafficking Migrants to CA for 'Modern Day Slavery' on Black Market Marijuana Farms

Chuck Holton


Share This article

HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. - Drug cartels are trafficking migrants to northern California and then forcing them to work on illegal marijuana farms. And these black market farms are producing cannabis that's tainted with toxins, and also threatening California's water supply. These are just a few of the far-reaching repercussions of the crisis at our southern border.

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086a84 No.116792

File: 83d322717212e9b⋯.png (475.76 KB,595x474,595:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20158984 (311638ZDEC23) Notable: Biden-Appointed Federal Judge Blocks Iowa Law Banning Explicit Books and Gender Ideology from Elementary Schools via @gatewaypundit

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Biden-Appointed Federal Judge Blocks Iowa Law Banning Explicit Books and Gender Ideology from Elementary Schools via @gatewaypundit

5:24 AM · Dec 31, 2023




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086a84 No.116793

File: f1974311f64e80c⋯.jpeg (181.19 KB,966x2048,483:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: db4e240935eaabe⋯.jpeg (174.2 KB,966x2048,483:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 10cd66ebd76d415⋯.jpeg (194.2 KB,966x2048,483:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 30f4c739daf7d74⋯.jpeg (203.09 KB,966x2048,483:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159039 (311657ZDEC23) Notable: re you ready for a Pfizer information dump?

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086a84 No.116794

File: e393d7fee92e620⋯.png (5.99 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: eab6fe38527d54d⋯.png (1.22 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 863a51d046c9a89⋯.png (510.95 KB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159044 (311658ZDEC23) Notable: Active shooter situation unfolding at MGM Signature hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 - Active shooter situation unfolding at MGM Signature hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Suspect is reportedly located on the 25th or 26th floor, and it is reported he has fired between 30-40 shots.

Local authorities and SWAT teams have swiftly responded to the scene. Stay tuned for updates.



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086a84 No.116795

File: 3eedc55955bb70a⋯.png (276.96 KB,599x728,599:728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159074 (311712ZDEC23) Notable: WEF Klaus Schwab Calls For The End Of Elections - Talks With Google Founder Sergey Brin

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WEF Klaus Schwab Talks With Google Founder Sergey Brin

Schwab Calls For The End Of Elections. Says Their Technology Can “Predict The Results”

“So technology now is and, uh, digital technologies mainly have an analytical power. Now we go into a predictive power, and we have seen the first examples, and your company very much involved into it. But since the next step could be to go into pre-scripted mode, which means, um, uh, you you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already, uh, predict, uh, predict. And afterwards, you can say, why do we need elections? Because we know what the result will be.”


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086a84 No.116796

File: e79760ac9a1a7d5⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159083 (311717ZDEC23) Notable: WEF Klaus Schwab Calls For The End Of Elections - Talks With Google Founder Sergey Brin

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086a84 No.116797

File: bbf67e2c6224a43⋯.png (73.6 KB,862x703,862:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159090 (311721ZDEC23) Notable: Cartel Gunfight Erupts With Mexican Military Near Arizona Port Of Entry

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Watch: Cartel Gunfight Erupts With Mexican Military Near Arizona Port Of Entry

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Dec 31, 2023 - 06:15 AM

A byproduct of President Biden's radical open-border policies is the rapid deterioration of the southern border. Footage from Friday shows an intense firefight involving cartel members and the Mexican military, occurring down the street from the Lukeville, Arizona, Port of Entry.

"Reports are coming in about a large firefight south of the Lukeville POE in AZ between the cartel and the Mexican military. Gunfire can be heard, and a small explosion. Possible vehicles are on fire. It is unusual for this type of direct contact between the cartel and GOM in that area," former ICE field director John Fabbricatore wrote in an X post on Frida

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086a84 No.116798

File: 120193b1db096e9⋯.png (574.61 KB,834x794,417:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159143 (311736ZDEC23) Notable: Blue States Prepare To Enact Slew Of Left-Wing Laws In 2024

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Blue States Prepare To Enact Slew Of Left-Wing Laws In 2024

Jake Smith


December 31, 2023 11:18 AM ET

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086a84 No.116799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159144 (311737ZDEC23) Notable: 2am Emergency Sirens Test “Classified Military Alarm System”

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Wall Street Apes


2am Emergency Sirens Test “Classified Military Alarm System”

“We had security come up, we had the police come up — we are in northern Virginia, we’re right outside Washington DC these are high classified security buildings the police cannot do anything”

Security said “This is not normal”… What are they preparing for?

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086a84 No.116800

File: 1d957274c2d86b4⋯.png (83.53 KB,639x423,71:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 963206cfc9aabbf⋯.png (613.42 KB,636x828,53:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159172 (311743ZDEC23) Notable: Eleanor Hunton Hoppe - Virginia socialite mom snared in FBI pedophile sting - makes another bid for freedom, claiming inadequate medical care behind bars

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esptein vibes, she is ex-wife of federal judge...

The Virginia socialite mom snared in an FBI sting for allegedly planning a horrific assault on an eight-year-old girl – has made another bid for freedom, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

Eleanor Hunton Hoppe has again asked for pre-trial release from the Central Detention Facility in Washington DC where she has been held since her dramatic arrest at a hotel in March.

Weeks ago in November, DailyMail.com learned that the 45-year-old had been considering a plea deal by the government, but we can also reveal that the offer may now be off the table.

Hoppe – who is the ex-wife of a federal judge – filed a motion to be freed on December 9 saying she was 'not particularly dangerous' and wants to be allowed to live with an aunt while proceedings continue.

It is the second time the mom-of-two has attempted to be sprung from incarceration over the case in which she's accused of driving to meet a man she believed would bring his young daughter so they could abuse her together.


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086a84 No.116801

File: 3f0ec0ddbc1b7ca⋯.png (1.3 MB,1226x842,613:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f8b6cdd86eb06c⋯.png (228.81 KB,1220x1170,122:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159184 (311747ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Public Pensions Invest over $68 Billion in China

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U.S. Public Pensions Invest over $68 Billion in China


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086a84 No.116802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159201 (311752ZDEC23) Notable: Flashback - Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament (MAR 2023)

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Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament

On March 29, 2023, James Lindsay delivered a short address before a conference at the European Union Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. This speech has been widely recognized as making the nature of the Neo-Marxist Cultural Revolution engulfing the West extremely clear, with a sharp warning to Europe not to follow in the footsteps of the Anglophone countries. In the two months since, this speech has gone viral and received incredible praise and feedback for its clarity and ability to articulate the true nature of the so-called "culture war" or "Woke" phenomenon threatening the West. Join him to understand what's happening all around us and why we must take it seriously.


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086a84 No.116803

File: ddc63b5bedb5a5b⋯.png (67.9 KB,1014x463,1014:463,Clipboard.png)

File: b9c174dfa09c560⋯.png (130.19 KB,320x213,320:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159210 (311754ZDEC23) Notable: An unprecedented statement is expected to be released by the UK and the US in the coming hours which will warn the Houthis to stop attacking commercial vessels or face the military might of the West.

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ALERT - An unprecedented statement is expected to be released by the UK and the US in the coming hours which will warn the Houthis to stop attacking commercial vessels or face the military might of the West. - The Times

12:08 PM · Dec 31, 2023


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086a84 No.116804

File: eb85d6d548ba896⋯.png (1.14 MB,1412x1460,353:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159245 (311803ZDEC23) Notable: Portland Poop Crisis Triggers Bacteria Outbreak Normally Found In Third World

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Portland Poop Crisis Triggers Bacteria Outbreak Normally Found In Third World


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086a84 No.116805

File: a40d59290007840⋯.png (884.26 KB,834x717,278:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159260 (311808ZDEC23) Notable: Dying to Watch a Democratic Presidential Primary Debate?

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Dying to Watch a Democratic Presidential Primary Debate?

By Audrey Fahlberg

December 30, 2023 1:56 PM

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159264 (311809ZDEC23) Notable: #24737

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Food around the corner

#24737 >>116778

>>116779 DJT Re-Truth

>>116780, >>116782, >>116789 US Navy obliterates Houthis

>>116781 Colorado and Maine are just the beginning. Litigation is heating up in 20 states seeking to block Donald Trump from primary election ballots.

>>116783 noted notes

>>116784 Major pornographic website blocks NC access days before new law takes effect

>>116785 The Corruption of Everything

>>116786 NATO state too ‘scared’ to attend UN meeting – Russian diplomat

>>116787 Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia to join BRICS as of Jan. 1: Report

>>116788 US wary of completely ruining relations with Russia – Lavrov

>>116790, >>116793 re you ready for a Pfizer information dump?

>>116791 Drug Cartels Trafficking Migrants to CA for 'Modern Day Slavery' on Black Market Marijuana Farms

>>116792 Biden-Appointed Federal Judge Blocks Iowa Law Banning Explicit Books and Gender Ideology from Elementary Schools via @gatewaypundit

>>116794 Active shooter situation unfolding at MGM Signature hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

>>116795, >>116796 WEF Klaus Schwab Calls For The End Of Elections - Talks With Google Founder Sergey Brin

>>116797 Cartel Gunfight Erupts With Mexican Military Near Arizona Port Of Entry

>>116798 Blue States Prepare To Enact Slew Of Left-Wing Laws In 2024

>>116799 2am Emergency Sirens Test “Classified Military Alarm System”

>>116800 Eleanor Hunton Hoppe - Virginia socialite mom snared in FBI pedophile sting - makes another bid for freedom, claiming inadequate medical care behind bars

>>116801 U.S. Public Pensions Invest over $68 Billion in China

>>116802 Flashback - Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament (MAR 2023)

>>116803 An unprecedented statement is expected to be released by the UK and the US in the coming hours which will warn the Houthis to stop attacking commercial vessels or face the military might of the West.

>>116804 Portland Poop Crisis Triggers Bacteria Outbreak Normally Found In Third World

>>116805 Dying to Watch a Democratic Presidential Primary Debate?

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086a84 No.116807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159286 (311812ZDEC23) Notable: #24738

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old time dough

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086a84 No.116808

File: 7ca2acd040752ad⋯.png (578.26 KB,810x954,45:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159327 (311822ZDEC23) Notable: Mutiny Erupts in a Michigan G.O.P. Overtaken by Chaos

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A lot was expected but only chaos materialized.


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086a84 No.116809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159335 (311824ZDEC23) Notable: Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

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>>>/qresearch/20159274 lb

Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces shock abdication in live New Years broadcast


Denmark's Queen Margrethe II, who has reigned for 52 years, has announced an unexpected abdication live on TV in a new year address to her nation.

Queen Margrethe has been billed the world's only current queen regnant and the longest-serving current female head of state. But the 83-year-old has dropped a bombshell that she plans to pass on the responsibility as monarch

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086a84 No.116810

File: 8285be04ca3aeaf⋯.png (491.67 KB,611x705,13:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159343 (311826ZDEC23) Notable: Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac has been 'swatted' at his home in Delaware

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>>>/qresearch/20159295 lb

NEW: Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac has been "SWATTED" at his home in Delaware


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086a84 No.116811

File: b496c1b8c23e508⋯.png (307.66 KB,593x458,593:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159347 (311827ZDEC23) Notable: Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked To Higher Risk Of Infection: CDC Preprint

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>>>/qresearch/20159320 lb

Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked To Higher Risk Of Infection: CDC Preprint


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086a84 No.116812

File: 66ad5f1a05e6edf⋯.png (384.32 KB,571x629,571:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f4810c15dba56f⋯.png (336.15 KB,678x468,113:78,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cf3bd90d3d5166⋯.png (1.8 MB,1440x1012,360:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159353 (311828ZDEC23) Notable: Ex-House Speaker settles child sexual abuse payments suit

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Speaker of the House....


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086a84 No.116813

File: baae980f5ef7529⋯.png (37.57 KB,1030x334,515:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159355 (311829ZDEC23) Notable: Maine shows the danger of zealots in our legal system

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Destroying democracy to save it: Maine

shows the danger of zealots in our legal system

The Hill, by Jonathan Turley

Posted By: Moritz55, 12/31/2023 1:05:47 PM

“You had me at hello.” That line from the movie “Jerry Maguire” came to mind this week after yet another Democratic secretary of state moved to prevent citizens from voting for former president Donald Trump. Maine’s Shenna Bellows issued a “decision” that declared Trump an “insurrectionist” and ineligible to be president. She joined an ignoble list of Democratic officials in states such as Colorado who claim to safeguard democracy by denying its exercise to millions of Americans. Yet the most striking aspect of this poorly crafted decision was not its litany of conclusory findings, but rather Bellow’s implausible suggestion that she struggled over the decision.

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086a84 No.116814

File: bad8b68c7067195⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159360 (311831ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truthstorm

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POTUS dropped a LOT in the last hour...


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086a84 No.116815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159378 (311837ZDEC23) Notable: Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

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Denmark's Queen Margrethe II Announces Abdication in January 2024

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announced in her New Year's address on Sunday that she would abdicate the throne on January 14, 2024.

"I have decided that now is the right time. On 14 January 2024 – 52 years after I succeeded my beloved father – I will step down as Queen of Denmark," the queen was quoted as saying by The Independent newspaper.

The 83-year-old queen will leave the throne to her eldest son, Crown Prince Frederik.

Updated: 28 minutes ago


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086a84 No.116816

File: 758b68c88c91feb⋯.png (627.79 KB,1079x1135,1079:1135,Clipboard.png)

File: 21b1c66c9d3b8c5⋯.png (1018.95 KB,1080x1152,15:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159401 (311842ZDEC23) Notable: DJT Truthstorm

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"Trump or bust voters" kek

dat's me

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086a84 No.116817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159415 (311844ZDEC23) Notable: Maine Sec. of State Shenna Bellows who booted Trump from ballot met with Biden at WH twice in 2023

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Maine Sec. of State who booted Trump from ballot met with Biden at WH TWICE in 2023

Democrat Bellows called Electoral College ‘white supremacy’

The Maine Democrat who moved to boot former President Donald Trump from the state’s Republican primary ballot visited the White House twice in the past year — meeting President Joe Biden during one jaunt — and reportedly once referred to the Electoral College as a “relic of white supremacy.”

Secretary of State Shenna Bellows visited the White House in March and again in June, visitor logs show.

On March 22, she attended a Women’s History Month event and took a photo with a smiling Biden, putting his left hand and on her shoulder and clutching one of her hands with his right.

She posted it on Instagram a day later, saying “Birthday jaunt to DC for a Women’s History Month event at the White House yesterday and walking around today.”

She boasted it was an “honor” meeting Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and other “female leaders” at the gathering in press release put out by her office.

Bellows also visited the White House June 6, to meet with Justin Vail, a special assistant to Biden, Fox News reported .

In June 2021, Bellows, a former state Senator in Maine, wrote an op-ed piece for the lefty platform Democracy Docket claiming she decided to run for secretary of state because she “was truly frightened for our democracy” following the 2020 presidential election.

She also took a shot at the Electoral College that helped get Trump elected in 2016, claiming “voting rights for our neighbors matter as much as our own, especially when the relic of white supremacy that is the Electoral College remains in place.”

In her ruling to kick Trump off the state ballot, she cited an “insurrection” clause in the 14th Amendment and his actions leading up to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump’s advisors plan to legally challenge the Maine ruling and an earlier one in Colorado also kicking him off that state’s ballot, but the ex-president is concerned that some conservative judges on the Supreme Court may rule against him, the New York Times reported.

Meanwhile, Maine State Police are reportedly investigating a “swatting” call falsely claiming a man broke into Bellows’ home Friday night.

Bellows posted on Facebook Saturday and that she and her family are “safe,” but added her office staff have been dealing with “non-stop threatening communications” since her anti-Trump decision.


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086a84 No.116818

File: bd32138d87a918b⋯.jpeg (418.79 KB,828x841,828:841,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5c5febf2e0d262c⋯.png (1.13 MB,1178x516,589:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dfbf7ade27fbce⋯.png (79.94 KB,229x270,229:270,Clipboard.png)

File: 949fe26987e0fb8⋯.png (79.44 KB,1155x544,1155:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159421 (311845ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

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PB below

Logically AI dig.

>Wednesday last week

>>116069 Oregon Lawmakers Sue to Halt “Misinformation” Contracts Against Election-Related Speech

>>116112 found while digging on Oregons censorship RFP . Request for ProposalsElections Data Management System Development and SupportIssued​:September 14, 2020 Responses Due​: October 9, 2020

>>116116 Oregon signs contract with AI-Powered threat intelligence platform to “combat election misinformation,” spy on citizens. the platform is a company called“Logically Intelligence”

>>116120 >Oregon government hired a company who attacks what it calls "the far right. Same company involved with a grant from Department of Homeland Security to combat radicalization in video games.

>>116122 US division based in Arlington VA

>>116116, >>116139 HRC's campaign was working with a similarly named company in 2016. Tracking influencers in social media to see who to influence.

>>116139, >>116142 This particular company was founded after the 2016 election

>>116143 Looks like Logically meddled in the 2020 and 2022 elections. Brag about it even

>>116145 Logically became a member of the US Election Infrastructure Information Sharing & Analysis Center (EI-ISAC). Looks like a DHS CISA Fedboi Revolving Fucking Door. e.g. Brian Murphy

>>>/qresearch/20137602 Brian Murphy appeared behind closed doors on Capitol Hill Friday.

>>>/qresearch/20137594 Think Logically

>>>/qresearch/20137626 Senior DHS official and former FBI Executive Brian Murphy joins Logically

>>>/qresearch/20137727 Logically 2020 election use case Report behind a email wall

>>>/qresearch/20137746 proud to work with a number of prestigious research partners. including MIddlebury

>>116120 DHS Grant with archive link

>>>/qresearch/20138238 Bun. plus The AI-powered fact checker that investigates QAnon influencers shares its secret weapon. CEO Lyric Jain

>>>/qresearch/20138271 we had our very own 'Logically Situation Room'

>>>/qresearch/20138300 Logically Intelligencewas utilized in a U.S. battleground state during the 2020 electionto identity 40,000 threats to election integrity

>>>/qresearch/20138332 The example shot of these faggots deboonking in muh Qanon situation room includes the 'killed with a fire extinguisher media hoax'

>>>/qresearch/20138442 Logically "fact checks"

>>>/qresearch/20138468 Logically announces UK partnership with TikTok

>>>/qresearch/20138480, >>>/qresearch/20138484 A Year in Logically

>>>/qresearch/20138497 Partnered with Searce on Google Cloud

>>>/qresearch/20138714 Venture Funding announcement. Logically Announces $24m Funding Round

>couple of days later

>Middlebury Vermont Connection?

Family dead in Dover MA mansion

>>>/qresearch/20158689 Family of three including teen daughter found dead in $6.8M Massachusetts mansion

>>>/qresearch/20158705 someone's cleaning up loose ends

>>>/qresearch/20158727 found dead in their $5 million Dover, Massachusetts mansion on Thursday. Cops Suspect Domestic Violence. of course they do.

>>>/qresearch/20158752 Justice system in that county, from top to bottom from the looks of it, are seriously compromised. See Karen Read/Turtleboy

>>>/qresearch/20159099 teenage daughter, was enrolled in a neuroscience course in Middlebury College,

>>>/qresearch/20159125 the Middlebury in Monterey CA is the same outfit as the Middlebury in Vermont. Received the grant to study 'far right extremists' in gaming from DHS

>>>/qresearch/20159159, >>>/qresearch/20158727 the wife was a 'director of the American Red Cross of Massachusetts'

>>>/qresearch/20159122 Dover, MA QRD

>>>/qresearch/20159308 same or similar cops including the state police, the same prosecutors and the same judges. and they can't be trusted

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086a84 No.116819

File: dc368d26310ba79⋯.png (848.95 KB,912x1404,76:117,Clipboard.png)

File: afce26236272508⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159424 (311846ZDEC23) Notable: Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked To Higher Risk Of Infection: CDC Preprint

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086a84 No.116820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159457 (311851ZDEC23) Notable: Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

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Lizard queen is cleared from the board

Now the kings take their places


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086a84 No.116821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159476 (311854ZDEC23) Notable: Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

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and who the fuck is Frederik?

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086a84 No.116822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159488 (311856ZDEC23) Notable: Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

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Crown Prince Frederik is her eldest son and heir.

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086a84 No.116823

File: d8732b3dd5fb74e⋯.png (933.43 KB,588x925,588:925,Clipboard.png)

File: 307afb10bb2d1b1⋯.png (110.85 KB,463x498,463:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159501 (311859ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala kitchen fuckery

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Kamala Arrest by "Military" Date and Time? 14:36 MILITARY time on the clock. December 24th. Who sets their kitchen clock to MILITARY time?

Then there is also Q post 1436 "It's Happening"


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086a84 No.116824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159507 (311900ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala kitchen fuckery

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Who has iron bars on their kitchen window?

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086a84 No.116825

File: bf9caa014900c55⋯.png (1016.89 KB,657x749,657:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159518 (311901ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala kitchen fuckery

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Good catch... looks like iron bars over the window:

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086a84 No.116826

File: 4c41c7acc20f908⋯.jpg (61.46 KB,500x662,250:331,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159526 (311903ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala kitchen fuckery

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Old news we caught all the on Christmas.

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086a84 No.116827

File: 6d607d096208c91⋯.png (58.93 KB,542x920,271:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159544 (311907ZDEC23) Notable: Archive and save - will become extremely important

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086a84 No.116828

File: dba5825708e8568⋯.png (170.53 KB,334x727,334:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159552 (311908ZDEC23) Notable: Chicago's Mayor calls illegal immigration a federal crisis, lamenting that local governments are forced to bear the financial burden

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Chicago's Mayor calls illegal immigration a federal crisis, lamenting that local governments are forced to bear the financial burden.

"This is unsustainable. None of our local economies are positioned to carry on such a mission."

He then blames Texas's Governor for Joe Biden's policies that have encouraged 8 million illegal immigrants to enter the country since 2021.

On Biden's first day, he:

-Paused Deportations

-Suspended "Remain in Mexico"

-Stopped Border Wall Construction

Blue states are now complaining that migrants are bankrupting their economies.

Biden could stop the problems as effortlessly as he started them—by simply using his pen to reinstate Trump's policies.



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086a84 No.116829

File: 93c4349a211a630⋯.png (20.38 KB,598x209,598:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159569 (311911ZDEC23) Notable: Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week

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Leading Report


BREAKING: Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week, and several prominent names, including Britain's Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton, are expected to appear in the documents.

7:52 AM · Dec 31, 2023




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086a84 No.116830

File: 61c14af51cd127e⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159591 (311916ZDEC23) Notable: Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week

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Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents

Former president Bill Clinton will be named in the Jeffrey Epstein court documents set to be unsealed this coming week.

Bill Clinton was good friends with Epstein and traveled on his private jet dubbed ‘Lolita Express’ over two dozen times and according to pilot logs, underage teenagers were on the flights with Clinton.


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086a84 No.116831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159625 (311921ZDEC23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Accuses Biden Administration of Aiding and Abetting Cartels with Their Open Border Policies

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Accuses Biden Administration of Aiding and Abetting Cartels with Their Open Border Policies

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined Jason Chaffetz on Sunday Morning Futures on this final Sunday of the year.

Ken Paxton was asked about the Biden regime’s open border policies. Paxton was also questioned about the threats from the Biden administration to punish Texas if the state continues to protect its people and border from millions of illegal invaders.

Attorney General Ken Paxton: It’s pretty crazy to see what’s happened over the last three years of the Biden administration. Those numbers, as you’ve seen, get worse, not better. It’s not like they’re solving the problem. They’re actually helping aid and abet the cartels. And then Texas says, we’ve had enough, we’re going to do something about it. And then they threaten us from enforcing our own laws. It seems pretty crazy. And it’s hard to believe that we have a government that is working against its own citizens and helping the cartels move as many people across the border as possible.

Paxton also weighed in on the far-left sanctuary cities that are complaining about a few thousand illegals when Texas is being invaded with millions of these same illegal migrants.

Ken Paxton: Look, all of these cities during the Trump administration created sanctuary cities and discouraged the Trump administration from blocking the border and keeping these illegals from coming across. Now that the Biden administration is allowing them in and they’re getting a few hundred or a few thousand versus the literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that the border states are getting, they’re complaining. And it’s a little ironic that they’re blaming Texas when all we’re dealing with is a much more significant problem than they are.


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086a84 No.116832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159639 (311924ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala kitchen fuckery

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Maybe they're both on an enhanced sort of house arrest.

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086a84 No.116833

File: 8bc6d6fd70a14e1⋯.png (43 KB,501x636,167:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159647 (311926ZDEC23) Notable: Large Israeli Airstrikes On Southern Lebanon, US Warplanes Hit Iraq-Syria Border In Escalation

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Large Israeli Airstrikes On Southern Lebanon, US Warplanes Hit Iraq-Syria Border In Escalation

The situation on Israel's northern border has become increasingly volatile and the IDF has been ramping up airstrikes not only on Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, but in Syria as well.

This continued over the weekend into Sunday, after recent days of a series of attacks on Syria, which in one instance reportedly killed a group of high-ranking Iranian IRGC officers at Damascus international airport. Often Israeli warplanes use Lebanese airspace to attack near Damascus and in southern Syria.

The IDF announced it hit targets in the Lebanese village of Ramyeh on Sunday morning, which included military buildings, according to the statement.

Israel alleged that Hezbollah "operates from the area of ​​the village, which is used as a terror center for the group to observe and carry out terror acts."

The IDF said further the Iran-backed militant group launched missiles from Ramyeh, while "exploiting the civilian population in the village area and using it as a human shield."

On Saturday, The Wall Street Journal documented of the heightened tit-for-tat in Israel's north:

The Israeli military said it returned fire following a strike from Syria overnight and launched extensive strikes against the militant Hezbollah movement in Lebanon amid a rise in hostilities with Iranian-backed militia groups across the region.

An increase in tensions among Israel, Iran and its militant allies throughout the Middle East is raising concerns about the opening of a second front in the nearly three-month-old war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The conflict also threatens to expand even further east, given over the weekend there were reports of major aerial attacks on pro-Iran militant positions along the Iraq-Syria border.

The Sunday morning IDF airstrikes on Lebanon appeared very large in scale...


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086a84 No.116834

File: ad159b7629eb554⋯.png (300.92 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159662 (311928ZDEC23) Notable: Iconic journalist John Pilger dies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iconic journalist John Pilger dies

The renowned documentary maker was “one of the greatest journalists in all of history,” Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi has said

Investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger died at age 84 on Saturday at his home in London, his family announced on Sunday in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

Pilger was known for his hard-hitting exposés on the human cost of empire, from the wars in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Iraq, to Western democracies’ systematic repression of their own working classes. His documentaries include ‘Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia’, ‘Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror’, ‘The War on Democracy’, ‘Palestine is Still the Issue’, and ‘The Coming War with China’.

“Every journalist, even though they may not know it, owes a debt to John Pilger,” Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi told RT on Sunday, calling the award-winning filmmaker “one of the greatest journalists in all of history.”


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086a84 No.116835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159688 (311932ZDEC23) Notable: Kamala kitchen fuckery

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Maybe a safe house?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116836

File: df01193d64e211c⋯.png (131.43 KB,1247x493,43:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c641dbb59ef1a3⋯.png (119.25 KB,1276x513,1276:513,Clipboard.png)

File: 78c7bac103bef6c⋯.png (26.02 KB,595x168,85:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159695 (311932ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Family dead in Dover MA mansion

National Science Foundation Foia log


Kamal, RickEduNova20142014-1493/27/2014Completed#1248801, 1014425, 101359

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086a84 No.116837

File: ac77edc11b122b7⋯.png (364.15 KB,587x433,587:433,Clipboard.png)

File: ee04e86708c4201⋯.png (241.61 KB,1138x382,569:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159715 (311935ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅






Dec 31, 2023, 8:13 AM


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086a84 No.116838

File: b6e2b6b06e19e0a⋯.png (726.87 KB,593x708,593:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159748 (311940ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



8:36 AM · Dec 31, 2023




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086a84 No.116839

File: 1a86a8076051436⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,480x496,30:31,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159768 (311943ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116840

File: 2c22f8db8985e39⋯.jpg (154.6 KB,969x558,323:186,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159802 (311949ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116841

File: b8819974e33e138⋯.png (70.69 KB,859x349,859:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 935a76a8e1c56b7⋯.png (162.09 KB,1221x874,1221:874,Clipboard.png)

File: d4096a124833f86⋯.png (1.42 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: db45a83d79ec0ae⋯.png (1.37 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159804 (311949ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Kamal, Rick

Quick Facts

Rakesh lives at 142 Kings Grant Rd, Weston, MA. This is a business registration address for Sri Durga Temple, Inc.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116842

File: ac537ff3d03cd9d⋯.png (607.92 KB,759x748,69:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159811 (311950ZDEC23) Notable: Veteran traveler shares incredible photo album from a 1970s road trip through (pre-CIA Taliban) Syria, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'It was heaven nearly everywhere':

Veteran traveller shares his incredible photo album from a 1970s road trip in a Citroen 2CV through Syria, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan

before the Taliban

* Frank van den Berge drove all the way from Amsterdam to India in 1976

* He reveals how he encountered 'great local people everywhere' he visited


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086a84 No.116843

File: 8d42528cec1346d⋯.png (2.22 KB,280x50,28:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159819 (311951ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116844

File: 369f1c0255b8c7e⋯.png (94.14 KB,1070x1497,1070:1497,Clipboard.png)

File: aa14eb17bea733a⋯.png (34.38 KB,1047x468,349:156,Clipboard.png)

File: bdcf026439c51f4⋯.png (18.71 KB,999x386,999:386,Clipboard.png)

File: 02be39afdaa52c0⋯.png (88.21 KB,1016x1345,1016:1345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159836 (311954ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>or Sri Durga Temple, Inc.








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086a84 No.116845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159872 (312000ZDEC23) Notable: @DanScavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


D day zero:hour for the next 4 days in terms of no qposts until the 4th.

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086a84 No.116846

File: 61add459a965004⋯.png (29.93 KB,1354x559,1354:559,Clipboard.png)

File: a901fbee6e29718⋯.png (969.07 KB,1354x600,677:300,Clipboard.png)

File: b598f4d15611ef0⋯.png (168.12 KB,1354x600,677:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159873 (312000ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





This address is also associated with the names of Wasim H Chaudhuri, Indar R Kamal, and six other individuals.


Charles River Partners

Charles River Partners is venture capital firm , which is authorized and regulated by Progression Financial Services located at 110 Great Road, Suite #301, Bedford, MA 01730.

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086a84 No.116847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159906 (312005ZDEC23) Notable: ‘I gained so much more than I lost’ with Jan. 6 testimony: Cassidy Hutchinson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

**Treason doesn't pay well in the end.

‘I gained so much more than I lost’ with Jan. 6 testimony: Cassidy Hutchinson

ABC News’ Jonathan Karl interviews three former Trump White House staffers on “This Week.”

ABC News

2,400 views Dec 31, 2023 13:23


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086a84 No.116848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159951 (312012ZDEC23) Notable: Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A royal reunion: Prince Frederik flies into New Zealand


Arrested, and sent back,

Princess Mary sheds a tear as she leaves New Zealand


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086a84 No.116849

File: 688625e7028e7f9⋯.png (224.23 KB,1088x698,544:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159959 (312013ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Public Hearings: Request for Determination of Applicability 22 Robert Rd. - Rakesh Kamal

> https://www.marlborough-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif7576/f/agendas/city_council_agenda_packet_02-08-16.pdf

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116850

File: 5f3b1a8d0c0c659⋯.png (168.66 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 6adca457d110a86⋯.png (832.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 30470f5fee39783⋯.jpg (129.11 KB,1800x1030,180:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159962 (312014ZDEC23) Notable: Bravo Zulu

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


there are two bravo zulu between multiple military. at least 2.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116851

File: dcc1ec905897b8a⋯.png (853.31 KB,2944x3538,1472:1769,Clipboard.png)

File: e81ee203b4e59c1⋯.png (286.53 KB,2944x1478,1472:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159984 (312018ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Kamal, RickEduNova20142014-1493/27/2014Completed#1248801, 1014425, 101359

Zendigo Group dba Edunova.

Zendigo grant in 2014 for ~$150k.



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086a84 No.116852

File: 7cf006e03659dc6⋯.png (95.32 KB,1205x548,1205:548,Clipboard.png)

File: e99c1bb52ea75e2⋯.png (79.6 KB,786x413,786:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159985 (312018ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








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086a84 No.116853

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159990 (312019ZDEC23) Notable: The Year the Gloves Came Off

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I’d hit him in that fake nose, and they’d have that fake plastic nose all over the floor!

(Anons attention)



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086a84 No.116854

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160000 (312022ZDEC23) Notable: Blacks for Trump - The Hood is Waking Up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Blacks for Trump. The Hood is waking up.


My first vote ever, ever, is for Trump!


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086a84 No.116855

File: c2d4b617db77ff5⋯.png (102.72 KB,753x315,251:105,Clipboard.png)

File: bd890508ac3684a⋯.png (675.94 KB,834x1050,139:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160024 (312027ZDEC23) Notable: Logically AI dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


c/o Stephen Bisson

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086a84 No.116856

File: 56c264c037906cd⋯.png (2.52 MB,1765x1717,1765:1717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160048 (312033ZDEC23) Notable: @DeptofDefense decode

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

December 31, 2023 - All you needed was a spark!

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086a84 No.116857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160190 (312100ZDEC23) Notable: Nine top PLA generals dismissed from China’s Parliament

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


XI has also cleaned house.

"Nine top PLA generals dismissed from China’s Parliament"

For those who don't know, Li was the head of the triads.



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086a84 No.116858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160267 (312111ZDEC23) Notable: #24738

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24738 >>116807

>>116808 Mutiny Erupts in a Michigan G.O.P. Overtaken by Chaos

>>116809, >>116815, >>116820, >>116821, >>116822, >>116848 Denmark's Queen Margrethe announces abdication on live NY broadcast

>>116810 Hunter Biden laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac has been 'swatted' at his home in Delaware

>>116811, >>116819 Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked To Higher Risk Of Infection: CDC Preprint

>>116812 Ex-House Speaker settles child sexual abuse payments suit

>>116813 Maine shows the danger of zealots in our legal system

>>116814, >>116816 DJT Truthstorm

>>116817 Maine Sec. of State Shenna Bellows who booted Trump from ballot met with Biden at WH twice in 2023

>>116818, >>116836, >>116851, >>116841, >>116844, >>116846, >>116849, >>116852, >>116855 Logically AI dig

>>116823, >>116824, >>116825, >>116832, >>116835, >>116826 Kamala kitchen fuckery

>>116827 Archive and save - will become extremely important

>>116828 Chicago's Mayor calls illegal immigration a federal crisis, lamenting that local governments are forced to bear the financial burden

>>116829, >>116830 Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week

>>116831 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Accuses Biden Administration of Aiding and Abetting Cartels with Their Open Border Policies

>>116833 Large Israeli Airstrikes On Southern Lebanon, US Warplanes Hit Iraq-Syria Border In Escalation

>>116834 Iconic journalist John Pilger dies

>>116837, >>116838, >>116839, >>116840, >>116843, >>116845 @DanScavino

>>116842 Veteran traveler shares incredible photo album from a 1970s road trip through (pre-CIA Taliban) Syria, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan

>>116847 ‘I gained so much more than I lost’ with Jan. 6 testimony: Cassidy Hutchinson

>>116850 Bravo Zulu

>>116853 The Year the Gloves Came Off

>>116854 Blacks for Trump - The Hood is Waking Up

>>116856 @DeptofDefense decode

>>116857 Nine top PLA generals dismissed from China’s Parliament


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086a84 No.116859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160291 (312113ZDEC23) Notable: #24739

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



seeking offhand, can collect for ~1hr

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086a84 No.116860

File: 4c678175e63bb23⋯.png (427.31 KB,598x489,598:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160312 (312115ZDEC23) Notable: Blue cities and states attempting new covid power grab measures

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alex Jones


Breaking: Blue cities and states announce new covid power grab measures!

9:37 AM · Dec 31, 2023




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086a84 No.116861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160361 (312128ZDEC23) Notable: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the group behind lawsuit taking Trump off ballot in Colorado

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



gud thread on the funders for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)


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086a84 No.116862

File: a209a12593ee570⋯.png (288.71 KB,919x1194,919:1194,Clipboard.png)

File: ca7214d75cb6a2a⋯.png (295.1 KB,923x1212,923:1212,Clipboard.png)

File: ae247832f4ff676⋯.png (174.34 KB,734x764,367:382,Clipboard.png)

File: baf5b849fd393af⋯.png (245.49 KB,941x1142,941:1142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160385 (312133ZDEC23) Notable: Maybe some useful Infographics for someone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116863

File: 8b6dda342698669⋯.png (300.47 KB,530x599,530:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160398 (312135ZDEC23) Notable: J6: A True Timeline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Catherine and Gregg




PREMIERES 1/1/2024 on http://open.ink

Note: this film was produced by actual J6ers to ensure America knows the truth



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086a84 No.116864

File: f5299b6f14696a2⋯.png (699.01 KB,1747x929,1747:929,Clipboard.png)

File: ef747944e46e07b⋯.png (228.56 KB,800x1100,8:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ae5e168d924c90⋯.png (252.69 KB,965x782,965:782,Clipboard.png)

File: 29a08b98c9e8ece⋯.png (146.23 KB,1204x1071,172:153,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f44fd6417cbbd4⋯.png (987.43 KB,1175x651,1175:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160399 (312136ZDEC23) Notable: Maybe some useful Infographics for someone

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116865

File: 16452d3f9c32af7⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160403 (312137ZDEC23) Notable: J6: A True Timeline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116866

File: b213984d24437b5⋯.png (169.14 KB,320x214,160:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160445 (312145ZDEC23) Notable: DIG: Venezuela, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound at La Orchila.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>the clients who frequented his zorro ranch

Or La Orchila:

(CDAN) - '... found a very secluded island for their activities. This place and its many crimes have been documented many times (including by our pals at CDAN and in the mainstream press). But what is not as well known is this other foreign locale; nearly a country almost to themselves.”

“It was within a country ruled by a nearly-insane dictator, under the guise of Socialism. That dictator has now died, but his protégé has carried on. This nation was also ground zero for a constant flow of vulnerable victims from dirt-poor families that could be easily “erased” if the need be. Best of all for their plans — it was within close jet distance from their private island; and in the same hemisphere as the USA.”

And it wasn’t Little St. James, “Epstein Island,” but an island off the coast of Venezuela named La Orchila. “There is a military island in Venezuela called La Orchila, where Maxwell’s compound was located. Celebs like Kevin Spacey, Courtney Love, Naomi Campbell, Oliver Stone, Danny Glover, Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, had gotten cozy with Hugo Chavez years ago.”


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086a84 No.116867

File: 7bd169e0c94ffca⋯.png (727.01 KB,634x581,634:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cc10e85ea3a198⋯.png (977.09 KB,634x656,317:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160478 (312156ZDEC23) Notable: Denmark's Queen Margrethe II to resign on January 14 next year after 52 years on the throne

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Denmark's Queen Margrethe II announces shock abdication in New Year's Eve speech: Monarch who stripped relatives of royal titles in 2022 will stand aside for her scandal-hit son Crown Prince Frederik after 52 years on the throne


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116868

File: e95716c63278fac⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160512 (312209ZDEC23) Notable: Crazy Britney flipping someone off thru latest interpretive dance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Crazy Britney flipping someone off thru psycho dance

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

086a84 No.116869

File: 9ba778c07d00a47⋯.png (142.57 KB,450x269,450:269,Clipboard.png)

File: f6cf37806c0f165⋯.png (251.24 KB,500x340,25:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 0764b181fc0f59d⋯.png (961.01 KB,736x1024,23:32,Clipboard.png)

File: e2eed59e4057fe0⋯.png (282.01 KB,500x305,100:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 92a6f62f08284cd⋯.png (246.33 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160519 (312212ZDEC23) Notable: DIG: Venezuela, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound at La Orchila.

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There is a military island in Venezuela called La Orchila, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound.

Blind solved revealed:

MARIA: Ghislaine Maxwell.

MONSTER: Jeffrey Epstein.

MARIA’S DAD: Robert Maxwell.

COUNTRY: Venezuela.

DICTATOR: Hugo Chavez.

A-LIST ACTOR: Sean Penn.

RUSSIAN MOBSTER: Semion Mogilevich.

PRINCESS: Kerri Kennedy.


LAWYERS: Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt.

Why is this relevant to Chris and Chester’s untimely deaths? There is a military island in Venezuela called La Orchila, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound. Who else developed a friendship with Chavez during that period? Kevin Spacey, Courtney Love, Naomi Campbell, Oliver Stone, Danny Glover, Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp. James Franco, Oprah Winfrey, Jared Leto, Bono, Elton John, and Tom Hanks may have visited as well. We know for a fact, all of them visited Little St. James and Necker Island.


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086a84 No.116870

File: 9f6d18f2df996dc⋯.jpg (128.39 KB,720x950,72:95,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160520 (312212ZDEC23) Notable: new @DanScavino

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its the most wonderful time of the year

tik tok tik tok

123 123 is 6?

dec 30 + 8 days is jan 7th?

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086a84 No.116871

File: 61c14af51cd127e⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160536 (312216ZDEC23) Notable: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents.

According to ABC News, Bill Clinton is named as “Doe 36” in “more than fifty redacted filings.”

“Former President Clinton, who ABC News has learned is identified as “Doe 36,” is mentioned in more than fifty of the redacted filings, according to court records. Several of those sealed or redacted entries are focused on an effort by Giuffre’s lawyers in mid-2016, first reported by ABC News, to subpoena the two-term Democratic president for deposition testimony about his relationship with Epstein.” the outlet reported.


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086a84 No.116872

File: 1da003083bfe2e0⋯.png (722.21 KB,990x1134,55:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 2620b36a76bd5d5⋯.png (130.73 KB,328x351,328:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d28211cd9d0c2f⋯.png (111.41 KB,236x236,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160551 (312219ZDEC23) Notable: Iran's IRIS 'Alborz' warship has entered the Red Sea near Yemen as part of Iran's 94th Naval fleet.

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Iran's IRIS 'Alborz' warship has entered the Red Sea near Yemen as part of Iran's 94th Naval fleet.

Source: Middle East Spectator

3:58 PM · Dec 31, 2023




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086a84 No.116873

File: 8a067e69efed036⋯.png (590.89 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f78847fd6d472c⋯.png (43.81 KB,850x475,34:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160558 (312221ZDEC23) Notable: X5 Solar Flare

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X5 Solar Flare Underway - By Far Biggest This Cycle

Just got the alert and found this. Too early to evaluate anything with respect to CMEs, but eyes on.



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086a84 No.116874

File: 9813cfaac73a7b0⋯.png (116.32 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160568 (312224ZDEC23) Notable: X5 Solar Flare

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X5.01, but who's counting?

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086a84 No.116875

File: 30237199965d008⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x812,256:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160575 (312226ZDEC23) Notable: DIG: Venezuela, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound at La Orchila.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Venezuela, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound at La Orchila.

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086a84 No.116876

File: dc5921ee7c544c9⋯.png (43.5 KB,1186x534,593:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160578 (312227ZDEC23) Notable: X5 Solar Flare

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...Seems legit.

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086a84 No.116877

File: ffff0f1c3d63b5d⋯.png (102.29 KB,842x796,421:398,Clipboard.png)

File: df76187c487bb22⋯.png (2.61 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160599 (312234ZDEC23) Notable: HAPPY NEW YEAR AROUND THE WORLD FROM ANONS ON 8KUN

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Here you go anon, see if you can keep up by have a shot everytime hits midnight


Still have about 1 hr 25minutes in old blighty

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086a84 No.116878

File: 7b698ac6a280809⋯.png (200.59 KB,1014x470,507:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160618 (312238ZDEC23) Notable: British actor Tom Wilkinson has died “suddenly” at his home, he was 75.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Western Journal


A family statement said that British actor Tom Wilkinson has died “suddenly” at his home, he was 75.

‘Batman Begins,’ ‘The Fully Monty’ Actor Tom Wilkinson ‘Suddenly’ Dies

Given the 130 credits to his name, there's a good chance you've seen one of this actor's projects before - and liked it.

Dec 31, 2023, 5:14 PM



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086a84 No.116879

File: 997bc96a5f2d847⋯.jpg (103.63 KB,706x730,353:365,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f6d18f2df996dc⋯.jpg (128.39 KB,720x950,72:95,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160647 (312243ZDEC23) Notable: new @DanScavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


its the most wondetful time of the year...tik tok tik tok

dec 30 + 8 = jan 7th = 1/7

123 123

3+ 3 = 6

6 days from dec 31st is jan 7th


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086a84 No.116880

File: e67ace149cfe3f8⋯.png (362.04 KB,563x406,563:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160657 (312249ZDEC23) Notable: HAPPY NEW YEAR AROUND THE WORLD FROM ANONS ON 8KUN

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Thank you BVs/BO, Jim. o7

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086a84 No.116881

File: 6b39e7e0320c2cd⋯.png (49.76 KB,652x344,163:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 3126bfa18f35ae5⋯.png (33.61 KB,661x275,661:275,Clipboard.png)

File: 666f539d10d7ada⋯.png (24.58 KB,637x223,637:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 2480e647e84b351⋯.png (203.55 KB,768x439,768:439,Clipboard.png)

File: a60ad38c1783902⋯.png (226.71 KB,678x853,678:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160681 (312255ZDEC23) Notable: Legendary Australian journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has sadly died aged 84

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Australian, John Pilger, “Giant of Campaigning Journalism, has Died.

By Patricia Harrity on December 31, 2023

Legendary Australian journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has sadly died aged 84, his family have announced.

A statement posted to his account on X said: “It is with great sadness the family of John Pilger announce he died yesterday 30 December 2023 in London aged 84. “His journalism and documentaries were celebrated around the world, but to his family he was simply the most amazing and loved Dad, Grandad and partner. Rest In Peace.”

It is with great sadness the family of John Pilger announce he died yesterday 30 December 2023 in London aged 84. His journalism and documentaries were celebrated around the world, but to his family he was simply the most amazing and loved Dad, Grandad and partner. Rest In Peace. pic.twitter.com/j90QTAPgzC

— John Pilger (@johnpilger) December 31, 2023

John Richard Pilger was an Australian journalist, writer, scholar, and documentary filmmaker. He had mainly been based in Britain since 1962. He had also been a visiting professor at Cornell University in New York and was a strong critic of American, Australian, and British foreign policy, which he considered to be driven by an imperialist and colonialist agenda.

John Pilger was renowned for his truthful bravery, and had twice won British journalism’s highest award, that of Journalist of the Year, for his work all over the world, especially as a war correspondent.

He had also been celebrated for his documentary filmmaking and had won France’s Reporter sans Frontières, an American television Academy Award, an ‘Emmy’, and the Richard Dimbleby Award, given by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, for a lifetime’s factual broadcasting.

John Offered a Radical Approach to Current Affairs

Kevin Lygo, the managing director of media and entertainment at ITV, said: “John was a giant of campaigning journalism. He had a clear, distinctive editorial voice which he used to great effect throughout his distinguished filmmaking career. His documentaries were engaging, challenging and always very watchable.

“He eschewed comfortable consensus and instead offered a radical, alternative approach on current affairs and a platform for dissenting voices over 50 years. “John’s films gave viewers analysis and opinion often not seen elsewhere in the television mainstream. It was a contribution that greatly added to the rich plurality of British television. 

John Pilger an “Agent of the People.”


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086a84 No.116882

File: bfa4371b958e5c5⋯.png (805.25 KB,990x1244,495:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 961b5d644ed1957⋯.png (95.61 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 362c1d4e1fd546f⋯.png (1.03 MB,981x1194,327:398,Clipboard.png)

File: 49335598f86e83f⋯.png (14.48 KB,113x91,113:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 176c3b41e9c5fee⋯.png (906.86 KB,993x813,331:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160691 (312258ZDEC23) Notable: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



These documents stem from a 2015 lawsuit; the documents allege Ghislaine Maxwell facilitated sexual abuse.

Judge Loretta Preska ordered the unsealing of over 150 "John and Jane Does," including potential witness lists and search terms for electronic records.

Virginia Giuffre's allegations are central to the case; there's no evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton and others, but his ties to Epstein are noted, including flight logs.

4:28 PM · Dec 31, 2023





BREAKING: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Docs via


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086a84 No.116883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160698 (312301ZDEC23) Notable: #24739

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#24739 >>116859


>>116860 Blue cities and states attempting new covid power grab measures

>>116861 Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the group behind lawsuit taking Trump off ballot in Colorado

>>116862, >>116864 Maybe some useful Infographics for someone

>>116863, >>116865 J6: A True Timeline

>>116866, >>116869, >>116875 DIG: Venezuela, where Ghislaine Maxwell owned a compound at La Orchila.

>>116867 Denmark's Queen Margrethe II to resign on January 14 next year after 52 years on the throne

>>116868 Crazy Britney flipping someone off thru latest interpretive dance

>>116870, >>116879 new @DanScavino

>>116871, >>116882 Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents.

>>116872 Iran's IRIS 'Alborz' warship has entered the Red Sea near Yemen as part of Iran's 94th Naval fleet.

>>116873, >>116874, >>116876 X5 Solar Flare

>>116878 British actor Tom Wilkinson has died “suddenly” at his home, he was 75.

>>116881 Legendary Australian journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has sadly died aged 84


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086a84 No.116884

File: 48bd2a501a0e05f⋯.png (372.75 KB,1280x882,640:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160713 (312304ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and shame them and reveal the roles they have played.

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

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Bilderberg/2021 by Wikispooks


Index for Wikispooks’ page

It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.”[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators.

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the COVID-19 event.

Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.

The Bilderberg meetings have discussed several plans for a total change of the world system, here is one discussed in 2019, Date: June 2021, Perpetrators: Bilderberg/Steering committee, Description: The 2021 Bilderberg is an unknown quantity. This page highlights the involvement of over 140 Bilderbergers in the COVID-19 event.

Virus R & D

See Wikispoooks’ full article: COVID-19/Origins

A lot of evidence suggests that SARS-CoV2 did not occur naturally, but was genetically manipulated from a naturally occurring bat coronavirus and possibly parts of additional viruses [2]. Bilderberg members have done important work in developing the CRISPR gene editing technique:

Bernard Cazeneuve – 2018 – In 2017 attended the founding ceremony of the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, together with Yves Lévy, whose wife abruptly banned over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine in France in January 2020,[3] declaring it “poisonous” without explanation.[4][5]

Emmanuelle Charpentier – 2016 – Pioneered CRISPR as a tool for genome editing (for which she was co-recipient of a Nobel prize in 2020)

Sean Parker – 2010 – Billionaire who was the first to gain NIH approval for a trial of CRISPR [6]

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086a84 No.116885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160715 (312305ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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Pandemic Planning

See Wikispooks’ full article: Pandemic/Planning

Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks, held in February 2020 before the Munich Security Conference, attended by three veteran Bilderberger pandemic planners: Gro Harlem Brundtland, Sam Nunn and Avril Haines

Many Bilderbergers have worked repeatedly at Pandemic Planning; the group has been well represented at such exercises for at least 20 years.[7] Those with the most obvious ties:

Gro Harlem Brundtland – 1982, 1983, introduced A Spreading Plague (2019 Pandemic planning exercise), and attended Atlantic Storm, and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise

Avril Haines – 2017 – US Deep State actor who participated in Event 201 and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercises. Deputy Director of the CIA 2013-15, Director of National Intelligence since 2021

Sam Nunn – 1997, 1996 – Long experience in pandemic planning, Operation Dark Winter, A Spreading Plague, the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise

Judith Rodin – 2005 – As President of the Rockefeller Foundation took part in the Lock Step exercise which foresaw a pandemic as the means by which a techno totalitarian government might unfold.

Judith Rodin took part in the 2010 Lock Step exercise about using a pandemic to usher in high-tech totalitarianism

Task Forces

See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19 Task Force

In Spring 2020, many nation states formed COVID-19 Task Forces, many of which had, or acted as if they had, “state of emergency” powers to override standard operating procedure.

National Task Forces

Vittorio Colao – 2018 – Leader of a special task force to handle “Phase 2” of the Italian Covid Task Force

Christopher Liddell – 2017 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force

Matthew Pottinger – 2019 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force. His wife Yen Pottinger was explaining the importance of social distancing in mid-March 2020[8]

Kathleen Sebelius – 2008, 2007 – Member of Biden’s White House Coronavirus Task Force [9] and a board member of the Kaiser Family Foundation [10]

Jeffrey Zients – 2017 – Became White House coronavirus coordinator in 2021,[11] announced in August that year that “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID jabs are concerned.[12]


Mark Carney, Tri-national, quad-Bilderberger, Governor of the Bank of England until March 2020, when he became an “informal adviser” to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mark Carney – 2019, 2018, 2012, 2011 – “acting as an informal adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”[13]

Andrew Liveris – 2012 – Ex Dow CEO and Member of the Board of Citigroup, “Special Adviser” to the Australia/National COVID-19 Coordination Commission [14]


Other significant institutions have appointed Bilderbergers to their Covid or pandemic groups:

Jeffrey Sachs, who was made chair of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19 after Peter Daszak recused himself.

Oliver Bäte – 2017 – Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council member who made various alarmist statements about the virus, such as comparing it to a “worldwide meteor impact” or the explosion of a nuclear power station.[15]

Laurence Boone – 2015 – A Commissioner of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19[16] – As the Global Economic Forum’s chief economist, advising about the economic response to COVID-19[17][18]

Sylvia Burwell – 2018 – Co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness

Mitchell Daniels – 2012 – Member of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness”

Joe Kaeser – 2016,2015 – Appointed to Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council (as Siemens CEO) by Markus Söder

Paul Polman – 2012 – Member of The Lancet’s COVID-19 commission.[19]

Olli Rehn – 2007 – As Governor of Bank of Finland, in 2021 became chair of FIFA’s COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee.[20], published about “Monetary policy in the emerging post-pandemic context”[21]

Jeffrey Sachs – 1990 – Chaired the Lancet‘s COVID-19 commission.[22][23]

Tidjane Thiam – 2019, 2013 – One of the four African Union’s COVID-19 Special Envoys [24]

Philip Zelikow – 2007, 2006 – Drafter of the 9/11 Commission Report,[25] appointed to lead the University of Virginia’s COVID Commission Planning Group [26]

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086a84 No.116886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160716 (312305ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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Social change

The “response” to COVID-19 was a sweeping set of social changes enforced by fiat, having minimal scientific justification, if any. They directly contradicted best practices up to 2020.

Stefan Löfven – 2013 – As Swedish PM, managed the Swedish Covid measures.[27]

Mary Ann Sieghart – 2001 – Presented Fallout on BBC Radio 4, a series about the possible outcomes of the Coronavirus.[28][29]


See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Lockdown

A WEF tweet which was quickly deleted after it raised criticism.

Most nation states decreed what was termed a “lockdown”, i.e., a drastic restriction of freedom of movement. This was in opposition to the 2019 WHO best practice guide for pandemics, which specifically advised against this practice. As of Summer 2021, there is little scientific evidence that these measures had any measurable impact on the spread of COVID-19, but this claim remains part of the COVID-19 official narrative.

Alberto Alesina – 2018 – “Strongly agreed” in March 2020 with all 3 points of the Bilderberg consensus Lockdown policy, with a high degree of confidence.[30] Died in May 2020, aged 63.

Cathy Berx – 2018 – Governor of Antwerp who oversaw the introduction of lockdown and curfew measures in Antwerp in July 2020.[31]

Stefano Feltri – 2019 – Italian journalist who wrote supporting the official narrative, that lockdowns were “inevitable”[32]

Demis Hassabis – 2018, 2016, 2015 – Dialed into a meeting of SAGE which promoted the UK COVID Lockdown.

Sauli Niinistö – 1997 – As President of Finland uncritically wrote of “the need for strict, short-term restrictive measures…” and was similarly uncritical about the need for a fast rollout of “vaccines”[33]

Bill Morneau – 2017, 2016 – as Canadian Finance Minister in 2020 “approved the spending of nearly $200 billion in federal aid in a deliberate effort to shut down huge portions of Canadian society”[34]

Norbert Röttgen – 2014 – As chair of the CDU he was promoting the German Covid lockdowns [35]

Erna Solberg – 2011 – Norwegian PM who led the national lockdowns. Directed billions of dollars to international vaccine programs (GAVI etc)

Furlough Schemes

György Surányi – 1999, 1997, 1996 – Wrote a long essay in April 2020 suggesting the Hungarian government pay targeted subsidies to those who lose their jobs due to lockdowns.[36]


Carlo Ratti – 2014 – Architect who published about Reimagining the Office [37]

Frans Timmermans – 2008 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Vice-President of the European Commission, took many opportunities to opine on “Which world do we want after COVID-19?”[38]

Margrethe Vestager – 2014 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age


See Wikispooks’ full article: Mask

Bain & Company’s instructions on how workplaces should change due to COVID-19.

Dianne Feinstein – 1991 – In July 2020 proposed withholding COVID-19 relief from states without mask mandates.[39] Both she and her husband sold stock in Allogene Therapeutics in 2021 before the lockdowns.[40][41]

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086a84 No.116887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160719 (312305ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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Social distancing

See Wikispooks’ full article: Social distancing

Susan Athey – 2013 – With Dean Karlan, published How to practice social distancing while helping the economy in the Washington Post [42]

Orit Gadiesh – 1998, 1997 – Chair of Bain & Company, which was closely involved in directing government policy in various nations. In France, it was entrusted by the government to steer the country’s Covid testing strategy.[43] On 29 April 2020, it put out a guide describing how workplaces should change due to COVID-19.[44]

Track and Trace

See Wikispooks’ full article: Mass surveillance

Louise Arbour – 2019 – In 2020 made Honorary President of COVI Canada, which released the COVI application.[45][46]

Dido Harding – 2016 – Placed in charge of producing the NHSX app for Covid

Controlling the Narrative

George Soros, of The Good Club, is suspected to have been controlling the narrative through groups such as BLM

William Joseph Burns – 2016-2015 – Career diplomat CIA Director from March 2021, ensured that the U.S. intelligence community does not know the origins of COVID-19[47]

Regina Dugan – 2015 – DARPA, Facebook, Google, “The global pandemic is our generation’s Sputnik”, CEO of Wellcome Trust

Henry Kissinger – 2019-2010, 2008-1994, 1992-1980, 1978, 1977, 1971, 1964, 1957 October, 1957 February – Arch-Bilderberger deep politician, numerous influential public pronouncements on COVID-19

Ivan Krastev – 2019 – Published various articles about COVID-19’s social impact from March 2020[48] onwards [49] and wrote Is It Tomorrow Yet? Paradoxes of the Pandemic

Charles Michel – 2018, 2016, 2015 – As President of the European Council, in December 2020 he proposed an international treaty on pandemics.[50]

George Soros – 2002, 2000, 1996, 1994, 1990 – The Good Club, the influence of BLM to control the narrative in 2020[51]

Sidney Taurel – 2007 – Chair of Pearson which “implement[ed] new health and safety principles” and “launched an online community for our people to connect, share stories and support each other”,[52] chair emeritus of Eli Lilly which produced bamlanivimab.[53]

Fareed Zakaria – 2005, 2003 – Journalist who wrote Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World [54]


Senem Aydın-Düzgit – 2016 – Professor of International Relations, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Fuat Keyman

Fuat Keyman – 2012 – Professor of International Relations and Vice President at Sabancı University, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Senem Aydın-Düzgit

James Orbinksi – 2011 – Developed the COVID-19 Global Health Portal. [55] Also published various research about COVID-19 [56][57]

Ole Petter Ottersen – 2011 – Presented at the July 2020 International Symposium on Novel Ideas in Science and Ethics of Vaccines Against Covid-19 Pandemic,[58] published research on Addressing production gaps for vaccines in African countries

Arild Underdal – 2004 – Editing academic research about COVID-19[59][60][61]

James Vaupel – 2011 – Edited and co-authored academic research about COVID-19,[62] on topics such as the death toll in Sweden after their refusal to instigate widespread lockdowns.[63][64][65]

Big media

The non-reporting of Bilderberg by TV or newspapers reveals that the group has considerable control of big media, which was mobilised to support the official narrative.

Juan Luis Cebrián – 2018-2001, 1993, 1990-1987, 1985, 1983- Billionaire, media mogul, one of the ten most influential Spaniards in Spain and Latin America for 44 years (from 1976 to 2019).

Andrew Coyne – 2015 – Canadian columnist and aggressive pusher of the COVID official narrative. e.g., He dismissed the Great Reset as a “conspiracy theory”, and in December 2021 headlined an article Is the case for vaccine mandates like the case for seatbelt laws? No, it’s much, much stronger [66]

Mathias Döpfner – 2019-2014, 2007-2005 – Billionaire, Axel Springer Publishing House/CEO

Felix Gutzwiller – 2013 – On Swiss TV in March 2020 answering public questions about COVID-19 [67]

François Lenglet – 2017 – French editor who in March 2021 termed vaccine passports “the best recovery instrument available” [68]

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086a84 No.116888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160723 (312306ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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Promoting panic

See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Panic

In March 2020 Shiraz Maher wrote a first-hand account of his mild case of COVID-19.

Commercially-controlled media’s coverage of COVID-19 was a more-or-less monotone echo of the fear-driven official narrative, while calmer, more scientific voices “were never invited to the expert table”, as the editor of Bild admitted in August 2021.[69]

Shiraz Maher – 2015 – A “Terror expert” who reportedly had a case of COVID-19 which was “classified as “mild” by British health authorities”. Maher wrote a “horrifying account of his experience with COVID-19” which was picked up by the commercially-controlled media after it “went viral” on Twitter.[70]

John Micklethwait – 2019-2009, 2007 – Co-authored The Wake-Up Call with Adrian Wooldridge. A promotional article, How the West was lost, concluded “For all its awfulness, the Covid-19 pandemic is an alarm call… It’s not too late to wake up to the fact that the West is losing its pre-eminence. We still have time to repair the damage. But we don’t have that much time — and the Eastern world is forging ahead while we are still dithering. Whatever we do, we cannot afford to hit the snooze button.”[71]

Kenneth Rogoff – 2012 – Former IMF economist whose dire predictions in early 2020 were widely reported in commercially-controlled media.[72] Also predicted that COVID would speed the move away from cash [73]

Beppe Severgnini – 2017 – Italian editor/journalist who reported from north Italy in March 2020, stating in April 2020 that “a whole generation is being wiped out”.

Jacob Wallenberg – 2016-2000, 1998 – Issued dire warnings of social unrest in March 2020 reported by commercially-controlled media [76][77]

From “business expert” Jacob Wallenberg, a third-generation Bilderberger.

Adrian Wooldridge – 2012-2004, 2002-1998 – Co-authored The Wake-Up Call with John Micklethwait.

Opinion polling

Nicolas Berggruen – 2014 – Billionaire funder of various groups including the Berggruen Institute, which has been researching COVID-19 as a social change agent [78] and influencing attitudes and policies about it.[79]

Renate Köcher – 2018 – A German pollster who researched attitudes to COVID-19 and was interviewed about them by corporate media [80][81]


See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Censorship

“I urge world leaders to fully support the Global Vaccination Strategy I launched with the World Health Organisation last month. We need to get vaccines into the arms of 40 per cent of people in all countries by the end of this year [2021] — and 70 per cent by mid-2022.”

António Guterres – 2005, 1990 – In March 2020, as UN secretary general, asked for increased censorship by big tech of online “hate speech” in response to COVID-19. In October 2021, advocated swift vaccination of the whole world’s population.[82]

Big tech is notoriously opaque in its censorship, which reached record heights in 2020/21 on the topic of COVID-19[83], as predicted by Event 201. Involvement in censorship is difficult to prove, but it seems likely that censorship was carried out with the agreement of (or at the behest of) the following chief execs:

Jared Cohen – 2019, 2018 – Jigsaw CEO (formerly Google Ideas)

Reid Hoffman – 2019-2014, 2012, 2011, LinkedIn Executive Chairman

Robert Kimmitt – 1995 – Appointed Facebook’s “lead independent director” in March 2020[84]

Patrick Pichette – 2018 – Appointed Twitter’s CEO in June 2020.[85]

Eric Schmidt – 2019, 2017-2007 – US billionaire who works for Alphabet, with a track record of arranging YouTube censorship of dissent.[86]

Jens Stoltenberg – 2002-2015-2017-2018-2019 – NATO General-Secretary. Using censorship mechanisms established during Russiagate, NATO played a role in “combatting the spread of harmful, false and misleading narratives through disinformation.” [87]

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086a84 No.116889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160724 (312306ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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See Wikispooks’ full article: “COVID-19/Vaccine”

Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director General, “Every day, people are searching for a path out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, scientific international cooperation and vaccines have created hope that a brighter future is within reach…”[88]

The experimental gene therapies always referred to by commercially-controlled media as “COVID-19 vaccinations” received emergency use authorisations which could not have been given if alternative treatments were available. It was, therefore, necessary to side-line drug therapies.

R & D

The interviewer, John Snow covered his mouth after this remark, interrupted him, hesitated and did not ask any further questions.

John Bell – 2013 – Gates Foundation, GAVI researcher whose interests include DNA mutation, on the UK Vaccine Task Force, who stated in an interview that “These [COVID-19] vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilise a population. They’re very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage. Say, 60% or 70%.” [89]

Side-lining repurposed drugs

Jens Spahn was made German Health minister after attending the 2017 Bilderberg, rejected a donation of hydroxychloroquine in 2020[90] and stated that “vaccines are the way out of this pandemic”

Side-lining of drugs to treat the disease was a requirement for the granting of Emergency Use Authorisation of the experimental jabs. Many Bilderberg-controlled groups, such as Médecins Sans Frontières, termed repurposed drugs “disinformation”.[91][92]

Werner Baumann – 2017 – CEO of Bayer, who in early 2020 initially announced a plan to create a Chloroquine production facility in Europe,[93] which transitioned to a partnership with Curevac to create CVnCoV, a COVID-19 Vaccine candidate.[94]

Hans-Georg Betz – 2000 – “It boggles the mind that the very same people who are worried about the potential side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have absolutely no qualms playing Russian roulette with their health when it comes to ivermectin… COVID-19 denial in all its different forms is like a cult.”[95]

Trine Eilertsen – 2015 – Promoted to Editor in chief of Aftenposten in 2020, a paper as of June 2021 which was questioning the need for “experimental treatment” of COVID-19 cases with ivermectin.[96]

Jens Spahn – 2017 – German Health minister since March 2018, close to big pharma.[97] Was specifically requested to look into ivermectin as a tool to control the spread of the disease,[98] but moved towards mandating vaccines and stated that “vaccines are the way out of this pandemic”.[99]

Liability Evasion

Evan Greenberg – 2017, 2014 – Chairman and CEO of Chubb, “pleased to extend our collaboration with the World Health Organisation and its partners to support the critically important COVAX No-Fault Compensation Program.”[100]

Production & distribution

Clément Beaune announcing the vaccine strategy

José Manuel Barroso – 2019-2015, 2013, 2005, 2003, 1994, made GAVI CEO in 2021[101]

Clément Beaune – 2019 – Emmanuel Macron’s “Monsieur Europe”, as French European Affairs Minister, outlined France’s strategy for the deployment of vaccines [102]

Ian Bremmer – 2007 – Founded the Eurasia Group, whose 2020 study on access to COVID jabs “to assess the economic benefits to advanced economies of contributing to the work of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator” the WHO cited.[103]

François-Philippe Champagne – 2019, 2018 – In August 2021, as Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced Canada has established an MOU with Moderna to build a state-of-the-art “mRNA vaccine” production facility in Canada.[104]

Leif Johansson – 2000, 2001 – non-executive chairman of AstraZeneca [105]

Alex Karp – 2019-2012 – Co-founded Palantir, which has been active internationally [106] with COVID,[107][108] and provided the software for Operation Warp Speed.

Jared Kushner – 2019 – Charged with fast-tracking a Covid vaccine, announced Operation Warp Speed.[109]

Jacek Szwajcowski – 2005 – Co-owner of KIPF, a holding company for Pelion Pharma, which the EBRD granted PLN 110M “to actively manage working capital needs across business lines in light of increased sales volatility caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.”[110]

Peter Thiel, Co-founder and largest shareholder of Palantir, which is heavily involved in crunching COVID data.

Peter Thiel – 2019-2007 – Co-founder and largest shareholder of Palantir as of 2020

Jutta Urpilainen – 2013, 2012 – European Community Commissioner for International Partnerships, “Team Europe is working on preparedness of our partners. We are assisting partners with technical assistance and guidance to prepare national vaccination strategies, logistics, and information campaigns. National ownership and responsibility for preparing and deploying COVID-19 vaccines remains paramount.”[112]

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086a84 No.116890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160727 (312307ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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Uncritical promotion

Scores, perhaps hundreds of Bilderbergers have been actively promoting the jabs. This list contains only the most fervent advocates and those with key jobs allowing them to throw large institutional weight behind such opinions:

Audrey Azoulay – 2019, 2018 – UNESCO Director general. Vocal, uncritical promotion of the COVID official narrative

Carl Bildt – 2014-2013, 2011-2006, 2000-1999, 1997-1996, 1993-1992 – “An unprecedented threat demands an unprecedented response”[114] – appointed by Tedros Ghebreyesus in March 2021 as WHO Special Envoy for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator [115], which was Bill Gates’s “bid to organise the development and distribution of everything from therapeutics to testing.”[116]

Ana Botín – 2019-2015, 2010 – Head of Banco Santander, who declared at the virtual Davos Agenda summit of global leaders that vaccinations against coronavirus are “the most effective 2021 economic policy.” [117]

“People act like they have a choice. You don’t have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population [against COVID-19].”- Bill Gates (2020) [118]

Bill Gates – 2010 – Aggressive promotion of vaccines, ID2020 and vaccine passports. Predicted in March 2020 that “Eventually we will need some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested (for COVID-19) recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.”[119]

Melinda Gates – 2004 – Of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which sponsored ID2020 and is heavily invested in vaccine research, development and advocacy

Luis de Guindos – 2017, 2013 – As Vice-President of the European Central Bank, in late 2020/early 2021 was talking up the economic benefits of fast vaccine rollouts [120] and of banks in helping businesses affected by the lockdown measures.

Walter Isaacson – 2004 – Former editor of Time magazine, widely interviewed in commercially-controlled media, where his glowing account of being one of 44,000 people to participate in the Pfizer trial termed the COVID jabs “a miracle for genetic medicine”[121][122] In 2021 published The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race.

Rolf Soiron – 2011. Former Chairman (2005–2018) of the Board of Directors of Lonza Group, a company with insider access to the World Economic Forum and manufacturing billions of COVID-19 vaccines for Moderna.

Bill Richardson – 2000, 1999 – In November 2021 went to Myanmar to help the leadership “identify specific ways to speed the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines from the COVAX facility to Myanmar and to help mitigate a possible fourth wave of COVID-19”.[123]

Augosto Santos Silva – 2006 – As Portuguese foreign minister pledged to donate 5% of their vaccines to Portuguese ex-colonies,[124] “Supporting international vaccination is essential for the eradication of the COVID-19 pandemic. No country in the world will be safe until everyone is safe”[125]

Kevin Warsh – 2014-2011 – As ex-US Federal Reserve governor: “The biggest, most important stimulus… is this vaccine”[126]

Martin Wolf – 2019, 2017-2012, 2009,2006-2003, 2001-1999 – As economics correspondent for the Financial Times wrote that Coronavirus could be the worst economic crisis since [The] Great Depression [127] but was more fulsome in his jab advocacy:

Scapegoating of non-recipients

“Hunt for the non-vaccinated. There are 17 million more” on the front page of Maurizio Molinari’s Republicca

Maurizio Molinari – 2017 – Italian editor whose paper ran with “Hunt for the non-vaccinated” on its front page on 17 July 2021.

Michael O’Leary – 2019-2015 – “If you’re not vaccinated, you shouldn’t be allowed in the hospital, you shouldn’t be allowed to fly, you shouldn’t be allowed on the London Underground, and you shouldn’t be allowed in the local supermarket or your pharmacy either.”

Olaf Scholz – 2010 – As German vice chancellor stepped up pressure on refuseniks [129][130] whom in January 2022 he termed “a tiny minority of reckless extremists.”[131]

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086a84 No.116891

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160729 (312307ZDEC23) Notable: Dan THE MAN! twat - bill clinton no 36 plus q drops, qclocks and pain, multiple commms.

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Holy Shizzles Batman 🎉🥳🎉


• Bill Clinton has been identified as “Doe 36” in new Epstein Court Documents

• Dan Scavino drops a video today with a man dancing… and posts 123123

• 123123

1 x 2 x 3 x 1 x 2 x 3 = 36

What number is on the pants of the man who’s dancing? 36.

What does drop 123 say?

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.




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086a84 No.116892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160733 (312307ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Vaccine/Mandation

Bilderbergers have been both calling for and decreeing mandatory injections in response to COVID-19.

Mario Draghi – 2009, 2008, 2004-2000, 1995,1994 – As Prime Minister of Italy announced mandatory injection for healthcare workers in Italy,[132] later floated mandatory injection of all adults.

Harold Ford – 2008 – After joining FOX News in April 2021[133], took part in debates on mandatory jabs and related internet censorship.[134][135][136]

Christoph Franz – 2015 – As Hoffmann-La Roche President called for mandatory injections in Switzerland.[137] His vice-chair, André Hoffmann – 2019 was a WEF trustee

Lilli Gruber – 2019-2015, 2013, 2012 – Italian journalist: “Yes to mandatory vaccines”[138][139]

Jon Huntsman – 2012 – Had direct control of the Salt Lake Tribune in Jan 2022 when it called for the deployment of the US National Guard “to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”[140]

Bernard Kouchner – 2005 – three-time French Health Minister who started Médecins Sans Frontières, took part in Atlantic Storm. Aggressive promotion of mandatory injections.[141][142]

Ursula von der Leyen, a figure of great importance in the COVID-19 event.

Ursula von der Leyen – 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015 – President of the European Commission since December 2019, in 2021 announced a proposal to “revive the EU tourism industry and for cross-border friendships to rekindle – safely,” referring to permitting travel only for recipients of the COVID jabs[143] She claimed to have lost the text messages she exchanged with Albert Bourla (Pfizer’s CEO) during the EU’s COVID jab procurement talks.[144] In December 2021 was promoting EU-wide mandatory COVID jabs.[145]

Emmanuel Macron – 2014 – As French President, set up France’s COVID-19 Scientific Council in March 2020.[146] Declared mandatory jabs for access to common facilities in France in 2021.

Angela Merkel as German Chancellor stated that “the pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been vaccinated.”

Angela Merkel – 2005 – Stated in February 2021 that “the pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been vaccinated”[147], later that “We have all agreed that we need vaccine certificates.” [148] Advised by Kurt Lauk – 2015 – 2013 – 1996 – 1991

Pamela Rendi-Wagner – 2018 – Months after her Bilderberg, made head of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, which in 2021 voted for mandatory vaccination enforced by fines and prison sentences. “Although compulsory vaccination was never our goal, unfortunately, it has now become necessary.”[149]

Tom Tugendhat – 2019 – UK MP who in November 2020 floated the idea that COVID jabs could be mandated for UK workers or travellers.[150] In 2021, asked for an investigation of the claim of (fellow 2019 Bilderberger) Matthew Pottinger that the virus came from WIV.[151]

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086a84 No.116893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160734 (312308ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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“Vaccine Passports”

See Wikispooks’ full article: Vaccine/Passport

Mark Rutte, a six-time Bilderberg visitor, as Dutch PM fired his Economic Affairs Minister, Mona Keijzer, shortly after she publicly criticised the Dutch Vaccine passport.[152]

Dominique Anglade – 2018 – Made leader of the Quebec Liberal Party in 2020. Calling for “freedom passports” in August 2021.[153][154]

Tony Blair – 1993 – Aggressive promotion of “Vaccine passports”,[155] early suggester of locking down people who declined the jabs.[156]

Ana Brnabić – 2018 – As Serbian PM, stated in September 2021 that the government was “preparing for the introduction of the COVID passes.” [157]

Patrice Caine – 2019 – CEO of Thales Group, arms manufacturer with an established E-passport/digital identity technology business [158][159]

Gunilla Carlsson – 2012 – GAVI board member, shaping vaccine passport policy [160] “Were similar vaccine passports to become the norm for international travel, the Green Certificate could set a precedent…”[161]

Sharon Dijksma- 2016 – Mayor of Utrecht who ordered a restaurant closed after it refused to check vaccine passports [162]

Kyriakos Mitsotakis – 2018, 2016 – As Greek PM displayed Klaus Schwab’s The Great Reset on his desk. In early 2021 he was promoting the idea of “vaccine passports”, in November 2021 he was implementing them.[163]

George Osborne – 2018, 2017, 2015-2013, 2011, 2009-2006 – UK deep politician, promoter of vaccine passports, e.g., “Already some employers are demanding that their employees have vaccines. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real passports already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”

Valérie Pécresse – 2013 -In 2021, announced support for mandatory COVID-19 jabbing and confinement of the unjabbed.[164] In early January 2022, announced she would support a stricter French health pass that would require proof of having been “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19, rather than having recovered or testing negative.[165]

Mark Rutte – 2019-2018, 2016-2015, 2013-2012 – As Dutch PM, fired his Economic Affairs Minister, Mona Keijzer, shortly after she publicly criticised the Dutch Vaccine passport.[166]

Side-lining natural immunity

An especially obvious glitch in the official COVID narrative has been the refusal to admit the scientific truth that natural immunity is far more durable than anything provided by the COVID jabs.

William Lewis – 1997 – Non-executive Director of AP, which claimed that “Natural immunity is … not long-lasting” to promote the COVID official narrative [167]

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086a84 No.116894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160736 (312308ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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Great Reset

See Wikispooks’ Full article: Great Reset

Klaus Schwab, ex-Bilderberg Steering Committee.

The Great Reset is an SDS attempt to reframe economic inequality in a positive light: “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. COVID-19 has greatly increased economic inequality as small and medium enterprises have been forced under while unprecedented peacetime increases in the money supply and corporate welfare have been doled out to a few large organisations.

Magdalena Andersson – 2016 – As Swedish finance minister in April 2021 promoted a global economic restart. Emphasised “the need for strong international cooperation to accelerate vaccine production and support affordable and equitable distribution to all.”[168]

Olivier Blanchard – 2016 – French economist widely published on how COVID-19 could or should change the economic world order, especially with fellow Bilderberger, Jean Pisani-Ferry [169][170][171][172]

Børge Brende – 2016-2018, 2019 – President of the World Economic Forum since 2017. “The direction we need to head is toward greater dialogue, coordination and collective action”…” the principles call for greater public-private collaboration”[173]

Miguel Fernández Ordóñez Spanish central banker and promoter of central bank digital currencies.

He Liu – 2014 – As the Chinese vice-premier, stated that “We need to strengthen market mechanisms, form healthy competition, reduce institutional transaction costs, and establish a unified, open, competitive and orderly high-standard market system”[174]

Thomas de Maizière – 2016 – Suggesting the German constitution needed to be changed to account for the next great emergency after Covid… [175]

Mario Monti – 2015-2013, 2011-2003, 2001, 1999, 1996, 1994-1983 – Took over leadership of the European WHO commission in August 2020.[176]

Jean Pisani-Ferry – 2009 – French economist widely published on how COVID-19 could or should change the economic world order, especially with especially with fellow Bilderberger, Olivier Blanchard [177][178][179][180]

Klaus Schwab – 2016, 2007, 2003, 1997-1995, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, which has been central in the entire deep event

Johan Rockström – 2019 – Swedish professor who at the 2019 Bilderberg presented a Planetary Emergency Action Plan written for the Club of Rome.

Ignazio Visco – 2004 – Governor of the Bank of Italy, widely quoted about the financial consequences of “the necessary lockdown and social distancing measures”.[181][182][183]“The main instrument we have at the moment is neither monetary nor fiscal, it is vaccinations”[184]

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086a84 No.116895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160737 (312309ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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COVID handouts

As President of the European Central Bank, spent at least €1,850 billion on an asset purchase program during COVID-19.[185] “If we don’t vaccinate the whole world, it will come back to haunt us and hurt us in the form of new variants.”[186]

Gordon Brown – 1991 – In April 2021, promoted a $60 billion effort to increase vaccination in “poor countries”.[187] Appointed WHO ambassador for global health financing in September 2021.[188]

Elisa Ferreira- 2002 – Appointed European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms in December 2019 by Ursula von der Leyen, in charge of smaller EU handouts,[189] and on committees deciding about REACT-EU: “The additional European cohesion fund of €47 billion makes an important contribution towards rebuilding after the crisis. We need coherent and long-term strategies which rapidly trigger the green and digital transition and which are adapted to the local needs and potential.” [190]

Luis Garicano – 2016 – In March 2020, proposed a €500 billion “bazooka” to fight the virus, stabilise the European economy, and protect its jobs while the economy is in the “freezer”.[191]

Kristalina Georgieva – 2016 – As IMF managing director organised “emergency financing on a scale [and at a speed] never seen before” [192] – issuing dire economic forecasts [193]

Austan Goolsbee – 2012 – Obama advisor, published on the economics of COVID [194] Fan of heavy COVID-19 spending.[195] “The number one rule of virus economics is that you have to stop the virus before you can do anything about economics.”[196]

Christine Lagarde -2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2009 – As President of the European Central Bank she spent €1,850 billion on an asset purchase program during COVID-19.[197] In a joint interview with Klaus Schwab, she declared an intent to “vaccinate the whole world”.[198]

Stephen Poloz speaking in March 2020.[199]

Stephen Poloz – 2014 – Took over from Mark Carney as Governor of the Bank of Canada. In late March 2020, announced a minimum $5-billion-per-week of market purchases of Government of Canada bonds, “to address strains in the government of Canada debt market and to enhance the effectiveness of all other actions taken so far.” [200] “We have taken several actions to unclog key lending channels, adding over $200 billion of liquidity, or around 10% of Canadian GDP. As I said recently, no one has ever criticized a firefighter for using too much water. When the system demands more liquidity, the central bank must provide it.”[201]

Nout Wellink – 2010, 2009, 2006 – As ex-President of the Central Bank of the Netherlands, in March 2020, was promoting “Coronabonds”.[202]

Pierre Wunsch – 2017 – As Governor of the National Bank of Belgium signed off on measures involving a 50 billion euro “financial buffer” that he named a “financial bazooka”.[203]

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086a84 No.116896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160738 (312309ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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French Covid debt commission

France’s Prime Minister Jean Castex chose the French Covid debt commission to “steer the nation’s deliberations on the future of public finances in the aftermath of the pandemic.” He is not known to have attended the Bilderberg, but 3 of his 10 commissioners have:[204]

Beatrice Weder di Mauro – 2016, Laurence Parisot – 2007, Hélène Rey – 2013

Digital Identity

Sam Altman – 2016 – 2022 – Tech-millionaire interested in basic income and collection of biometric data such as retina prints.[205]

Unproven/Unclear role

Sigrid Kaag – 2019, 2018 – Dutch diplomat and politician who from 2018 sits on the WHO and World Bank Group’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

Johanna Rosén – 2017 – Expert on the electrical properties of thin films, including graphene

Peter Brabeck-Letmathe – 2011 – Chairman of Nestlé and on the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees


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086a84 No.116897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160753 (312313ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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>>116884, >>116885, >>116886, >>116887, >>116888, >>116889, >>116890, >>116892, >>116893, >>116894, >>116895, >>116896 The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response


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086a84 No.116898

File: f39e8766b27acbd⋯.jpg (74.59 KB,720x529,720:529,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160761 (312313ZDEC23) Notable: trump and 22 special force comms - need source

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2024 is going to be biblical.

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086a84 No.116899

File: deca04605ed2303⋯.pdf (2.26 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160801 (312322ZDEC23) Notable: The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response - the expose and pdf

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>The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response

here is the PDF – with the links and faces

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086a84 No.116900

File: 86816b80179fded⋯.png (546.72 KB,839x944,839:944,Clipboard.png)

File: 145b6ec3a62a31c⋯.png (280.79 KB,505x826,505:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160805 (312323ZDEC23) Notable: Dan THE MAN! twat - bill clinton no 36 plus q drops, qclocks and pain, multiple commms.

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


Dec 30, 2023, 10:11 PM

111 = 71


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086a84 No.116901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160818 (312326ZDEC23) Notable: Who would have thought that? - Tax returns reveal that China of all countries finances Western climate activism - legitim.ch

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Germany #106 >>>/qresearch/20137480 Translation via Yandex

Who would have thought that? - Tax returns reveal that China of all countries finances Western climate activism

by Legi-Team / Dec 25, 2023

A climate-focused non-profit organization with significant activities in Beijing has transferred millions of dollars to finance climate initiatives and environmental groups in the United States, according to tax documents.

Although the financial records of the Energy Foundation indicate that the group is headquartered in San Francisco, a review by Fox News Digital revealed that the majority of its activities are carried out in China, by employees who have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). (Cf. Fox News) The recently filed tax forms show that the group, which calls itself the "Energy Foundation China," has donated $3.8 million to initiatives in the U.S. such as phasing out coal and electrifying the transportation sector.

"The Energy Foundation's ties to China are both extremely disturbing and reprehensible," Tom Pyle, the president of the Institute for Energy Research, said in an interview with Fox News Digital. "These environmental organizations, the recipients of this money, are basically sacrificing our national security and strengthening China.“

"We are the most energy-rich nation in the world in terms of coal, oil and natural gas," he continued. "And yet the Biden administration and China-fueled environmentalists are promoting a policy that increases our dependence on China, which controls all the minerals and materials needed for batteries, wind and solar energy, and restricts our oil and gas production here in the country.“

According to the financial reports of the Energy Foundation, grant revenues in 2022 decreased by 30% year-on-year to $ 56.7 million, but grants to external groups and initiatives worldwide increased to $ 52.1 million, an increase of 27% year-on-year.

Among the more than a dozen grants the group made in the U.S. last year were $900,000 for the Rocky Mountain Institute, a Colorado-based think tank that studies climate policy at the White House and advocates for a gradual phasing out of dependence on fossil fuels and a net-zero strategy. (See Fox News) The group also funded a 2022 study highlighting the dangers of natural gas-powered stoves, which eventually led to calls for a ban on this device.

The Energy Foundation sent an additional $ 480,000 to the International Council on Clean Transportation, based in Washington, D.C., which is campaigning for a broad introduction of electric vehicles and for measures to decarbonize the transport sector. In addition, grants totaling $ 450,000 were awarded to the University of Maryland and the Jackson Hole Center for Global Affairs, which are intended for projects to phase out coal-fired power generation.



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086a84 No.116902

File: 1d4ff206ae64bf9⋯.png (405.78 KB,613x859,613:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160852 (312333ZDEC23) Notable: Why is @GregAbbott_TX shipping illegal Aliens to key states that also happen to give illegals drivers licenses - twat laura loomer

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Why is @GregAbbott_TX shipping illegal Aliens to key states that also happen to give illegals drivers licenses? Why is he doing this in an election year? It’s almost like @GregAbbott_TX is trying to help illegal aliens vote in an election year.

Laura Loomer


Why is @GregAbbott_TX shipping illegal Aliens to key states that also happen to give illegals drivers licenses? Why is he doing this in an election year? It’s almost like @GregAbbott_TX is trying to help illegal aliens vote in an election year. Illegals get drivers licenses…

Face The Nation


A plane carrying more migrants from Texas arrived in the Chicago area overnight, which @ChicagosMayor Brandon Johnson calls "a very dangerous task" by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and a matter of national security. "Governor Abbott is determined to continue to sow seeds of chaos."


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086a84 No.116903

File: 142a1025d988d79⋯.png (65.37 KB,619x643,619:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160905 (312343ZDEC23) Notable: Dan THE MAN! twat - bill clinton no 36 plus q drops, qclocks and pain, multiple commms.

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Nov 02, 2017 12:54:52 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No. 147581302

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

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086a84 No.116904

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160921 (312346ZDEC23) Notable: trump and 22 special force comms - need source

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22 blacked out and trump = 23 in image pain

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086a84 No.116905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160927 (312347ZDEC23) Notable: Dan THE MAN! twat - bill clinton no 36 plus q drops, qclocks and pain, multiple commms.

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Timestamp also. 12:36

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086a84 No.116906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160947 (312353ZDEC23) Notable: Dan THE MAN! twat - bill clinton no 36 plus q drops, qclocks and pain, multiple commms.

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36=CF=Clinton Foundation

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086a84 No.116907

File: 04f66df7d0fd344⋯.jpg (87.99 KB,564x720,47:60,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e1028c6068f8bad⋯.jpg (173.92 KB,500x750,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160971 (312357ZDEC23) Notable: new year prayers bringing 2024 (muh notables muh choice)

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Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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086a84 No.116908

File: 9e8068373f34c72⋯.png (839.69 KB,768x421,768:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160986 (010001ZJAN24) Notable: Lab grown meat is made from harvesting cell lines from animal cancers or fetuses, which are taken from the animals while they’re still alive - slaynews.com (bill gates)

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Lab grown meat is made from harvesting cell lines from animal cancers or fetuses, which are taken from the animals while they’re still alive.

Bill Gates' Lab-Grown Meat Exposed: 'Really Gruesome'

An international investigation has exposed the gruesome reality being the globalist push to flood the food supply with biotech products such as Bill Gates' lab-grown "meats."


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086a84 No.116909

File: 9360d1d3ee225da⋯.png (211.33 KB,391x545,391:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20161022 (010006ZJAN24) Notable: Pro-Palestinian protesters are marching towards Times Square where the New Years celebration is set to begin. - twat colin rugg

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Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Pro-Palestinian protesters are marching towards Times Square where the New Years celebration is set to begin.

This should be fun.

According to


, the protesters are marching on 6th Avenue towards Times Square.

New York City will reportedly be using robots, drones and bomb sniffing dogs to defend against potential pro-Palestinian threats during the New Years celebration.

Mayor Adams says he is "sure" there will be attempts to disrupt the event because "everyone looks for events like this if they want to do bad things."


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086a84 No.116910

File: c4399e2e1486c2c⋯.png (178.73 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.png)

File: dffabcb984d89a4⋯.png (34.5 KB,397x416,397:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20161039 (010010ZJAN24) Notable: new year prayers bringing 2024 (muh notables muh choice)

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may God protect all those on the side of light and truth..

Happy New year and welcome 2024 in the u.k

God Speed Ahead anons, no matter how long it takes.


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086a84 No.116911

File: d2fd7e635d67933⋯.png (603.67 KB,933x861,311:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20161078 (010017ZJAN24) Notable: Bill Clinton 'will be named as John Doe 36' when a list of Jeffrey Epstein - daily mail

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Bill Clinton 'will be named as John Doe 36' when a list of Jeffrey Epstein associates from court filings are made public next week

Clinton, 77, will allegedly be named among dozens of Epstein 's high profile associates in documents set to be released in the first days of 2024. The pedophile's powerful friends and acquaintances are set to be exposed as part of a vast unsealing that a judge ordered just before the New Year. Some 177 people will be identified across hundreds of files which will shed new light on the late financier's sex trafficking operation and his network of influence. According to ABC News , former President Clinton is 'Doe 36,' and is mentioned in more than fifty of the redacted filings.


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